Which American-born Sinclair won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1930?
[ "(Harry) Sinclair Lewis", "Harry Sinclair Lewis", "Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair", "Grace Hegger", "Sinclair Lewis" ]
[ { "docid": "612144", "text": "Sinclair Lewis Harry Sinclair Lewis (February 7, 1885 – January 10, 1951) was an American novelist, short-story writer, and playwright. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was awarded \"for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters.\" His works are known for their insightful and critical views of American capitalism and materialism between the wars. He is also respected for his strong characterizations of modern working women. H. L. Mencken wrote of him, \"[If] there", "title": "Sinclair Lewis" }, { "docid": "11128508", "text": "Sinclair Lewis Boyhood Home The Sinclair Lewis Boyhood Home is a historic house museum and National Historic Landmark in Sauk Centre, Minnesota, United States. From 1889 until 1902 it was the home of young Sinclair Lewis (1885–1951), who would become the most famous American novelist of the 1920s and the first American to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. His most famous book, \"Main Street\", was inspired by the town of Sauk Centre as Lewis perceived it from this home. The Sinclair Lewis Foundation acquired the house in 1956 and has restored to its appearance during Lewis's boyhood. They offer", "title": "Sinclair Lewis Boyhood Home" }, { "docid": "1437611", "text": "of an immense exuberance, organic in its form, kinetic, and drenched with the love of life... I rejoice over Mr. Wolfe.\" Both in his 1930 Nobel Prize for Literature acceptance speech and original press conference announcement, Sinclair Lewis, the first American to win the Nobel Prize for literature, said of Wolfe, \"He may have a chance to be the greatest American writer... In fact I don't see why he should not be one of the greatest world writers.\" Upon publication of his second novel, \"Of Time and the River\", most reviewers and the public remained supportive, though some critics found", "title": "Thomas Wolfe" } ]
[ { "docid": "13514258", "text": "analyze its importance on potential future Nobel Prize in Literature laureates. Only Alice Munro (2009) has been awarded with both. The Neustadt International Prize for Literature is regarded as one of the most prestigious international literary prizes, often referred to as the American equivalent to the Nobel Prize. Like the Nobel or the Man Booker International Prize, it is awarded not for any one work, but for an entire body of work. It is frequently seen as an indicator of who may be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Gabriel García Márquez (1972 Neustadt, 1982 Nobel), Czesław Miłosz (1978 Neustadt,", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514259", "text": "1980 Nobel), Octavio Paz (1982 Neustadt, 1990 Nobel), Tomas Tranströmer (1990 Neustadt, 2011 Nobel) were first awarded the Neustadt International Prize for Literature before being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Another award of note is the Spanish Princess of Asturias Award (formerly Prince of Asturias Award) in Letters. During the first years of its existence it was almost exclusively awarded to writers in the Spanish language, but in more recent times writers in other languages have been awarded as well. Writers who have won both the Asturias Award in Letters and the Nobel Prize in Literature include Camilo José", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514217", "text": "will receive the prize. The academy announces the name of the laureate in early October. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895. It will not be awarded in 2018, but two names will be awarded in 2019. Although the Nobel Prize in Literature has become the world's most prestigious literature prize, the Swedish Academy has attracted significant criticism for its handling of the award. Many authors who have won the prize have fallen into obscurity, while others rejected by the jury remain widely studied and read. The prize has \"become", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514260", "text": "Cela, Günter Grass, Doris Lessing and Mario Vargas Llosa. The America Award in Literature, which does not include a monetary prize, presents itself as an alternative to the Nobel Prize in Literature. To date, Harold Pinter and José Saramago are the only writers to have received both the America Award and the Nobel Prize in Literature. There are also prizes for honouring the lifetime achievement of writers in specific languages, like the Miguel de Cervantes Prize (for Spanish language, established in 1976) and the Camões Prize (for Portuguese language, established in 1989). Nobel laureates who were also awarded the Miguel", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514261", "text": "de Cervantes Prize include Octavio Paz (1981 Cervantes, 1990 Nobel); Mario Vargas Llosa (1994 Cervantes, 2010 Nobel); and Camilo José Cela (1995 Cervantes, 1989 Nobel). José Saramago is the only author to receive both the Camões Prize (1995) and the Nobel Prize (1998) to date. The Hans Christian Andersen Award is sometimes referred to as \"the Little Nobel\". The award has earned this appellation since, in a similar manner to the Nobel Prize in Literature, it recognizes the lifetime achievement of writers, though the Andersen Award focuses on a single category of literary works (children's literature). Nobel Prize in Literature", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514244", "text": "issue of their \"political stance\" was also raised in response to the awards of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Orhan Pamuk and Doris Lessing in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The 2016 choice of Bob Dylan was the first time a musician and song-writer won the Nobel for Literature. The award caused some controversy, particularly among writers arguing that the literary merits of Dylan's work are not equal to those of some of his peers. Lebanese novelist Rabih Alameddine tweeted that \"Bob Dylan winning a Nobel in Literature is like Mrs Fields being awarded 3 Michelin stars.\" The French Moroccan", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514229", "text": "sides of the Nobel Prize medals for Chemistry and Physics share the same design. The medal for the Nobel Prize in Literature was designed by Erik Lindberg. Nobel laureates receive a Diploma directly from the King of Sweden. Each Diploma is uniquely designed by the prize-awarding institutions for the laureate that receives it. The Diploma contains a picture and text that states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize. Potential recipients of the Nobel Prize in Literature are difficult to predict as nominations are kept secret for fifty years until they are", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514216", "text": "Nobel Prize in Literature The Nobel Prize in Literature () is a Swedish literature prize that is awarded annually, since 1901, to an author from any country who has, in the words of the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, produced \"in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction\" (original Swedish: \"den som inom litteraturen har producerat det mest framstående verket i en idealisk riktning\"). Though individual works are sometimes cited as being particularly noteworthy, the award is based on an author's body of work as a whole. The Swedish Academy decides who, if anyone,", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514228", "text": "registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse (front side of the medal). The Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death (1833–1896). Nobel's portrait also appears on the obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economics, but with a slightly different design. The image on the reverse of a medal varies according to the institution awarding the prize. The reverse", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514222", "text": "promulgated by King Oscar II. According to Nobel's will, the Royal Swedish Academy was to award the Prize in Literature. Each year, the Swedish Academy sends out requests for nominations of candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Members of the Academy, members of literature academies and societies, professors of literature and language, former Nobel literature laureates, and the presidents of writers' organizations are all allowed to nominate a candidate. It is not permitted to nominate oneself. Thousands of requests are sent out each year, and about 220 proposals are returned. These proposals must be received by the Academy by", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514230", "text": "publicly available at The Nomination Database for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Currently, only nominations submitted between 1901 and 1968 are available for public viewing. This secrecy has led to speculation about the next Nobel laureate. According to Göran Malmqvist of the Swedish Academy, Chinese writer Shen Congwen was to have been awarded the 1988 Nobel Prize in Literature, had he not suddenly died that year. From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Tolstoy, Ibsen, Zola, and", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514237", "text": "Olsson. In 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, but he wrote declining it, stating that \"It is not the same thing if I sign Jean-Paul Sartre or if I sign Jean-Paul Sartre, Nobel Prize laureate. A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution, even if it takes place in the most honorable form.\" Nevertheless he was awarded the prize. Soviet dissident writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the 1970 prize laureate, did not attend the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm for fear that the USSR would prevent his return afterwards (his works there were", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514239", "text": "the Swedish Academy at the time, and unknown outside their home country. Bellow received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976; neither Greene nor Nabokov was awarded it. Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges was nominated for the Prize several times but, as Edwin Williamson, Borges's biographer, states, the Academy did not award it to him, most likely because of his support of certain Argentine and Chilean right-wing military dictators, including Augusto Pinochet, which, according to Tóibín's review of Williamson's \"Borges: A Life\", had complex social and personal contexts. Borges' failure to receive the Nobel Prize for his support of these", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514256", "text": "not in any condition to credibly present the award. The New Academy Prize in Literature was created as an alternative award for the 2018 only. The scandal was widely seen as damaging to the credibility of the prize and its authority. \"With this scandal you cannot possibly say that this group of people has any kind of solid judgment,\" noted Swedish journalist Björn Wiman. As noted by Andrew Brown in \"The Guardian\" in a lengthy deconstruction of the scandal: The Nobel Prize in Literature is not the only literary prize for which all nationalities are eligible. Other notable international literary", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514233", "text": "of the gesture. He was a candidate for the Nobel Prize in 1904, to be shared with the Provençal writer Frédéric Mistral, in recognition of their contributions to literature in non-official languages. Political pressure from Spain's central government having made this prize impossible, it was eventually awarded to Mistral and to the Spanish language playwright José Echegaray. The choice of Selma Lagerlöf (Sweden 1858–1940) as Nobel Laureate in 1909 (for the 'lofty idealism, vivid imagination and spiritual perception that characterizes her writings') followed fierce debate because of her writing style and subject matter, which broke literary decorums of the time.", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514219", "text": "Some, such as Indian academic Sabaree Mitra, have noted that, though the Nobel Prize in Literature is significant and tends to overshadow other awards, it is \"not the only benchmark of literary excellence.\" Nobel's \"vague\" wording for the criteria for the prize has led to recurrent controversy. In the original Swedish, the word \"idealisk\" translates as \"ideal\". The Nobel Committee's interpretation has varied over the years. In recent years, this means a kind of idealism championing human rights on a broad scale. Alfred Nobel stipulated in his last will and testament that his money be used to create a series", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514250", "text": "Alice Munro. French writer Patrick Modiano's win in 2014 renewed questions of Eurocentrism; when asked by \"The Wall Street Journal\" \"So no American this year, yet again. Why is that?\", Englund reminded Americans of the Canadian origins of the previous year's recipient, the Academy's desire for literary quality and the impossibility of rewarding everyone who deserves the prize. In the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature, many literary achievements were overlooked. The literary historian Kjell Espmark admitted that \"as to the early prizes, the censure of bad choices and blatant omissions is often justified. Tolstoy, Ibsen, and Henry James", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514235", "text": "Scandinavian lecture tour suggesting that Hammarskjöld was, like Auden, homosexual. In 1962, John Steinbeck received the Nobel Prize for Literature. The selection was heavily criticized, and described as \"one of the Academy's biggest mistakes\" in one Swedish newspaper. \"The New York Times\" asked why the Nobel committee gave the award to an author whose \"limited talent is, in his best books, watered down by tenth-rate philosophising\", adding, \"we think it interesting that the laurel was not awarded to a writer ... whose significance, influence and sheer body of work had already made a more profound impression on the literature of", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514257", "text": "prizes include the Neustadt International Prize for Literature, the Franz Kafka Prize, the Man Booker International Prize, and in the 1960s the Formentor Prix International. In contrast to the other prizes mentioned, the Neustadt International Prize is awarded biennially. The journalist Hephzibah Anderson has noted that the Man Booker International Prize \"is fast becoming the more significant award, appearing an ever more competent alternative to the Nobel\". The Man Booker International Prize \"highlights one writer's overall contribution to fiction on the world stage\" and \"has literary excellence as its sole focus\". Established in 2005, it is not yet possible to", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "4147926", "text": "Neustadt International Prize for Literature The Neustadt International Prize for Literature is a biennial award for literature sponsored by the University of Oklahoma and its international literary publication, \"World Literature Today\". It is considered one of the more prestigious international literary prizes, often compared with the Nobel Prize in Literature. It is sometimes referred to as the \"American Nobel\". Since it was founded in 1970, some 30 of its laureates, candidates, or jurors have also been awarded Nobel Prizes. Like the Nobel, it is awarded to individuals for their entire body of work, not for a single one. The Neustadt", "title": "Neustadt International Prize for Literature" }, { "docid": "13514223", "text": "1 February, after which they are examined by the Nobel Committee. By April, the Academy narrows the field to around twenty candidates. By May, a short list of five names is approved by the Committee. The subsequent four months are then spent in reading and reviewing the works of the five candidates. In October, members of the Academy vote and the candidate who receives more than half of the votes is named the Nobel laureate in Literature. No one can get the prize without being on the list at least twice, thus many of the same authors reappear and are", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514234", "text": "According to Swedish Academy archives studied by the newspaper \"Le Monde\" on their opening in 2008, French novelist and intellectual André Malraux was seriously considered for the prize in the 1950s. Malraux was competing with Albert Camus but was rejected several times, especially in 1954 and 1955, \"so long as he does not come back to novel\". Thus, Camus was awarded the prize in 1957. Some attribute W. H. Auden's not being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to errors in his translation of 1961 Peace Prize laureate Dag Hammarskjöld's \"Vägmärken\" (Markings) and to statements that Auden made during a", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514249", "text": "previously little-known outside Germany but many times named favorite for the Nobel Prize, re-ignited the viewpoint that the Swedish Academy was biased and Eurocentric. The 2010 prize was awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa, a native of Peru in South America, a generally well-regarded decision. When the 2011 prize was awarded to the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy Peter Englund said the prize was not decided based on politics, describing such a notion as \"literature for dummies\". The Swedish Academy awarded the next two prizes to non-Europeans, Chinese author Mo Yan and Canadian short story writer", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514248", "text": "Nobel Prize and that goes for the United States and the Americas, as well\") and acknowledged the Eurocentric nature of the award, saying that, \"I think that is a problem. We tend to relate more easily to literature written in Europe and in the European tradition.\" American critics are known to object that those from their own country, like Philip Roth, Thomas Pynchon, and Cormac McCarthy, have been overlooked, as have Latin Americans such as Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, and Carlos Fuentes, while in their place Europeans lesser-known to that continent have triumphed. The 2009 award to Herta Müller,", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514232", "text": "never won; as biographer Gordon Bowker wrote, \"That prize was just out of Joyce's reach.\" The academy considered Czech writer Karel Čapek's \"War with the Newts\" too offensive to the German government. He also declined to suggest some noncontroversial publication that could be cited as an example of his work, stating \"Thank you for the good will, but I have already written my doctoral dissertation\". He was thus denied the prize. Spanish playwright Àngel Guimerà, who wrote in the Catalan language was nominated twenty-three times for the Nobel Prize, though he never won, due to controversy about the political significance", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "628725", "text": "receive a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount. Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "4623023", "text": "Prize for Art and Science was Hitler's alternative to the Nobel Prize. The Ig Nobel Prize is an American parody of the Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize controversies After his death in 1896, the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prizes. Nobel's will specified that annual prizes are to be awarded for service to humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Similarly, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is awarded along with the Nobel Prizes. Since the first award in 1901, the prizes have occasionally engendered", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "628713", "text": "Nobel Prize in Physics The Nobel Prize in Physics () is a yearly award given by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for those who have made the most outstanding contributions for mankind in the field of physics. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895 and awarded since 1901; the others being the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Nobel Prize in Literature, Nobel Peace Prize, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The first Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to physicist Wilhelm Röntgen in recognition of the extraordinary services he", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "13514221", "text": "The executors of his will were Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, who formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel's fortune and organize the prizes. The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. The prize-awarding organisations followed: the Karolinska Institutet on 7 June, the Swedish Academy on 9 June, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 11 June. The Nobel Foundation then reached an agreement on guidelines for how the Nobel Prize should be awarded. In 1900, the Nobel Foundation's newly created statutes were", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "284439", "text": "the \"Nobel Prize in Economics\". The prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards available in the fields of chemistry, literature, peace activism, physics, and physiology or medicine. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the Nobel Prize in Physics, and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel; the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine; the Swedish Academy grants the Nobel Prize in Literature; and the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Between 1901 and 2018, the", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "14528659", "text": "Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa is a pan-African writing prize awarded biennially to the best literary work produced by an African. It was established by the Lumina Foundation in 2005 in honour of Africa's first Nobel Laureate in literature, Wole Soyinka, who presents the prize, which is chosen by an international jury of literary figures. Administered by the Lumina Foundation, the prize has been described as \"the African equivalent of the Nobel Prize\". The winner receives $20,000 at the awards ceremony in Lagos or a selected city in Africa. Entries must", "title": "Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa" }, { "docid": "4622915", "text": "his works set in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi and the abridged versions of the Indian epics – \"The Ramayana\" and \"The Mahabharata\". Despite being nominated and shortlisted for the Nobel Prize in Literature multiple times, Narayan never won the honor. Graham Greene who took it upon himself to work as Narayan's agent for his works, in the 60s expressed confidence that Narayan would one day win the Nobel Prize. Agreeing with Greene's views, Lord Jeffrey Archer as much as recently, echoed that R. K. Narayan should have indeed won the Nobel Prize. One of the jokes in", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "14087660", "text": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry () is awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to scientists in the various fields of chemistry. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895, awarded for outstanding contributions in chemistry, physics, literature, peace, and physiology or medicine. This award is administered by the Nobel Foundation, and awarded by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on proposal of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry which consists of five members elected by Academy. The award is presented in Stockholm at an annual ceremony", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "13514236", "text": "our age\". Steinbeck himself, when asked if he deserved the Nobel on the day of the announcement, replied: \"Frankly, no.\" In 2012 (50 years later), the Nobel Prize opened its archives and it was revealed that Steinbeck was a \"compromise choice\" among a shortlist consisting of Steinbeck, British authors Robert Graves and Lawrence Durrell, French dramatist Jean Anouilh and Danish author Karen Blixen. The declassified documents showed that he was chosen as the best of a bad lot: \"There aren't any obvious candidates for the Nobel prize and the prize committee is in an unenviable situation,\" wrote committee member Henry", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "628721", "text": "a prize, as the discoverers die by the time the impact of their work is appreciated. A Physics Nobel Prize laureate earns a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation, and a sum of money. The Nobel Prize medals, minted by Myntverket in Sweden and the Mint of Norway since 1902, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal has an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse. The Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "13514225", "text": "member who has been inactive in the work of the academy for more than two years can be asked to resign. The award is usually announced in October. Sometimes, however, the award has been announced the year after the nominal year, the latest being the 2018 award. In the midst of controversy surrounding claims of sexual assault, conflict of interest, and resignations by officials, on 4 May 2018, the Swedish Academy announced that the 2018 laureate would be announced in 2019 along with the 2019 laureate. A Literature Nobel Prize laureate earns a gold medal, a diploma bearing a citation,", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514226", "text": "and a sum of money. The amount of money awarded depends on the income of the Nobel Foundation that year. If a prize is awarded to more than one laureate, the money is either split evenly among them or, for three laureates, it may be divided into a half and two quarters. If a prize is awarded jointly to two or more laureates, the money is split among them. The prize money of the Nobel Prize has been fluctuating since its inauguration but it stood at (about ), previously it was . This was not the first time the prize-amount", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "13514252", "text": "novelist Tim Parks ascribed the never-ending controversy surrounding the decisions of the Nobel Committee to the \"essential silliness of the prize and our own foolishness at taking it seriously\" and noted that \"eighteen (or sixteen) Swedish nationals will have a certain credibility when weighing up works of Swedish literature, but what group could ever really get its mind round the infinitely varied work of scores of different traditions. And why should we ask them to do that?\" Membership in the 18-member committee, who select the recipients, is technically for life. Members are not allowed to leave, although they might refuse", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "284438", "text": "Nobel Prize The Nobel Prize (, ; Swedish definite form, singular: \"Nobelpriset\"; ) is a set of annual international awards bestowed in several categories by Swedish and Norwegian institutions in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. The will of the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel established the five Nobel prizes in 1895. The prizes in Chemistry, Literature, Peace, Physics, and Physiology or Medicine were first awarded in 1901. In 1968, Sweden's central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, established the \"Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel\", which, although not being a Nobel Prize, has become informally known as", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "14087669", "text": "the Mint of Norway since 1902, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal feature an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse (front side of the medal). The Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death (1833–1896). Nobel's portrait also appears on the obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economics, but with a slightly different design. The image on the reverse of a medal varies according to", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "628722", "text": "death (1833–1896). Nobel's portrait also appears on the obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economics, but with a slightly different design. The image on the reverse of a medal varies according to the institution awarding the prize. The reverse sides of the Nobel Prize medals for Chemistry and Physics share the same design of Nature, as a Goddess, whose veil is held up by the Genius of Science. These medals and the ones for Physiology/Medicine and Literature were designed by Erik Lindberg in 1902. Nobel laureates receive a diploma directly from the", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "284469", "text": "five (Swedish) Nobel Prize medals to Svenska Medalj AB. Formerly, the Nobel Prize medals were minted by Myntverket (the Swedish Mint) from 1902 to 2010. Myntverket, Sweden's oldest company, ceased operations in 2011 after 1,017 years. In 2011, the Mint of Norway, located in Kongsberg, made the medals. The Nobel Prize medals are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse. The medals for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death.", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "4622906", "text": "possibility is that Nobel did not consider mathematics as a practical discipline. Both the Fields Medal and the Abel Prize have been described as the \"Nobel Prize of mathematics\". The most notorious controversies have been over prizes for Literature, Peace and Economics. Beyond disputes over which contributor's work was more worthy, critics most often discerned political bias and Eurocentrism in the result. The interpretation of Nobel's original words concerning the Literature prize has also undergone repeated revisions. The 2008 prize was awarded to Osamu Shimomura, Martin Chalfie and Roger Y. Tsien for their work on green fluorescent protein or GFP.", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "13514227", "text": "was decreased—beginning with a nominal value of in 1901 (worth 8,123,951 in 2011 SEK) the nominal value has been as low as (2,370,660 in 2011 SEK) in 1945—but it has been uphill or stable since then, peaking at an SEK-2011 value of 11,659,016 in 2001. The laureate is also invited to give a lecture during \"Nobel Week\" in Stockholm; the highlight is the prize-giving ceremony and banquet on 10 December. It is the richest literary prize in the world by a large margin. The Nobel Prize medals, minted by Myntverket in Sweden and the Mint of Norway since 1902, are", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "284497", "text": "Paul Samuelson and Kenneth Arrow were brothers-in-law. Frits Zernike, who was awarded the 1953 Physics Prize, is the great-uncle of 1999 Physics laureate Gerard 't Hooft. Being a symbol of scientific or literary achievement that is recognisable worldwide, the Nobel Prize is often depicted in fiction. This includes films like \"The Prize\" and \"Nobel Son\" about fictional Nobel laureates as well as fictionalised accounts of stories surrounding real prizes such as \"Nobel Chor\", a film based on the unsolved theft of Rabindranath Tagore's prize. Two laureates have voluntarily declined the Nobel Prize. In 1964, Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Literature", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "13514220", "text": "of prizes for those who confer the \"greatest benefit on mankind\" in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine, and literature. Though Nobel wrote several wills during his lifetime, the last was written a little over a year before he died, and signed at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris on 27 November 1895. Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets, 31 million Swedish \"kronor\" (US$198 million, €176 million in 2016), to establish and endow the five Nobel Prizes. Due to the level of scepticism surrounding the will, it was not until 26 April 1897 that the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) approved it.", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "14302522", "text": "and 23 organizations. Sixteen women have won the Nobel Peace Prize, more than any other Nobel Prize. Only two recipients have won multiple Prizes: the International Committee of the Red Cross has won three times (1917, 1944, and 1963) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has won twice (1954 and 1981). Lê Đức Thọ is the only person who refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize (Swedish, Norwegian: \")\" is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred", "title": "Nobel Peace Prize" }, { "docid": "7749210", "text": "who have won the most prestigious literary award in the world, the Nobel Prize for Literature, are: Gabriela Mistral (Chile, 1945), Miguel Ángel Asturias (Guatemala, 1967), Pablo Neruda (Chile, 1971), Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia, 1982), Octavio Paz (Mexico, 1990), and Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru, 2010). The Neustadt International Prize for Literature, perhaps the most important international literary award after the Nobel Prize, counts several Latin American authors among its recipients; they include: Claribel Alegría (Nicaragua), Álvaro Mutis (Colombia), João Cabral de Melo Neto (Brazil), Octavio Paz (Mexico), and Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia). Candidates for the prize include: Ricardo Piglia (Argentina),", "title": "Latin American literature" }, { "docid": "4622904", "text": "Nobel Prize controversies After his death in 1896, the will of Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prizes. Nobel's will specified that annual prizes are to be awarded for service to humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Similarly, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is awarded along with the Nobel Prizes. Since the first award in 1901, the prizes have occasionally engendered criticism and controversy. Nobel sought to reward \"those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind\". One prize, he", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "13514241", "text": "saw the award to Fo as controversial as he had previously been censured by the Roman Catholic Church. The Vatican newspaper \"L'Osservatore Romano\" expressed surprise at Fo's selection for the prize commenting that \"Giving the prize to someone who is also the author of questionable works is beyond all imagination.\" Salman Rushdie and Arthur Miller had been strongly favoured to receive the Prize, but the Nobel organisers were later quoted as saying that they would have been \"too predictable, too popular.\" Camilo José Cela willingly offered his services as an informer for Franco's regime and had moved voluntarily from Madrid", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "14528660", "text": "be written in English or French. Although originally all genres were considered for every award, since 2014 only one genre is eligible for each edition of the award, with drama being considered for 2014, poetry in 2016, and prose in 2018. Grand Prix of Literary Associations Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa is a pan-African writing prize awarded biennially to the best literary work produced by an African. It was established by the Lumina Foundation in 2005 in honour of Africa's first Nobel Laureate in literature, Wole Soyinka, who presents the prize,", "title": "Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa" }, { "docid": "8111043", "text": "the winner was an American student. In 2009, the prize went to Mor Tzaban, a high school student from Netivot, Israel. In 2012, the first prize winner was another Israeli teenager, Yuval Katzenelson of Kiryat Gat, who presented a paper entitled \"Kinetic energy of inert gas in a regenerative system of activated carbon.\" The Israeli delegation won 14 more prizes in the competition: 9 Israelis students won second prize, one won third prize and one won fourth prize. First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics The First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics is an annual international competition in research", "title": "First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "1621604", "text": "the 1920s, and John Dos Passos wrote too about the war. Ernest Hemingway became famous with \"The Sun Also Rises\" and \"A Farewell to Arms\"; in 1954, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. William Faulkner became one of the greatest American writers with novels like \"The Sound and the Fury\". American poetry reached a peak after World War I with such writers as Wallace Stevens, T. S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Ezra Pound, and E. E. Cummings. American drama attained international status at the time with the works of Eugene O'Neill, who won four Pulitzer Prizes and the Nobel Prize.", "title": "American literature" }, { "docid": "13559940", "text": "mid-October to determine the next laureate or laureates of the Prize in Economics. As with the Nobel Prizes, no more than three people can share the prize for a given year; they must still be living at the time of the Prize announcement in October; and information about Prize nominations cannot be disclosed publicly for 50 years. Like the Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, and literature, each laureate in Economics receives a diploma, gold medal, and monetary grant award document from the King of Sweden at the annual Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm, on the anniversary", "title": "Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences" }, { "docid": "18385292", "text": "it hard for a scientist to work on small problems after winning the prize. During a speech at a seminar, Hamming described a scene at the Nobel awards ceremony as follows: The Nobel Prize effect is also described as a consequence of public perception of the Nobel laureate, magnified by the worldwide exposure the winner experiences. One example is for the Nobel laureate to be treated with reverence due to perception that the laureate has authoritative knowledge about any subject outside the field in which he or she won the prize. Nobel Laureate Klaus von Klitzing describes the effect as", "title": "Nobel Prize effect" }, { "docid": "20864360", "text": "\"concentrate on writing, away from media attention.\" The New Academy Prize in Literature was awarded to Maryse Condé. New Academy Prize in Literature The New Academy Prize in Literature was established in 2018 in lieu of the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was not awarded in 2018. The winner was announced on 12 October 2018. The New Academy will be dissolved in December 2018. Following an open invitation to the world, calling for public votes for 47 candidates nominated by Swedish librarians, the New Academy announced that the four finalists for the prize were Maryse Condé, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami,", "title": "New Academy Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "4623015", "text": "in his novel, \"Doctor Zhivago\".\" Pasternak died without ever receiving the prize. He was eventually honored by the Nobel Foundation at a banquet in Stockholm on 9 December 1989, when they presented his medal to his son. The 2010 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Liu Xiaobo while he was serving a prison sentence for \"subversion of the state\", with the Chinese government not allowing him or his family members to attend the ceremony. Two laureates voluntarily declined the Nobel Prize. Jean-Paul Sartre declined the 1964 prize for Literature, stating, \"A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "13876968", "text": "global level and global peace make him the appropriate recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize,\" said Siamak Hirai, a spokesman for Karzai. Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the decision was ridiculous, saying, \"The Nobel prize for peace? Obama should have won the 'Nobel Prize for escalating violence and killing civilians.\" Indonesia's, Masdar Mas'udi, deputy head of the Islamic organisation Nahdlatul Ulama, praised Obama's policy towards his country as confirmation of his worthiness as a Nobel laureate. \"I think it's appropriate because he is the only American president who has reached out to us in peace,\" he said. \"On the issues", "title": "2009 Nobel Peace Prize" }, { "docid": "284452", "text": "Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-rays and Philipp Lenard's work on cathode rays. The Academy of Sciences selected Röntgen for the prize. In the last decades of the 19th century, many chemists had made significant contributions. Thus, with the Chemistry Prize, the Academy \"was chiefly faced with merely deciding the order in which these scientists should be awarded the prize\". The Academy received 20 nominations, eleven of them for Jacobus van 't Hoff. Van 't Hoff was awarded the prize for his contributions in chemical thermodynamics. The Swedish Academy chose the poet Sully Prudhomme for the first Nobel Prize in Literature.", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "13514243", "text": "had caused \"irreparable damage\" to the reputation of the award. The selection of Harold Pinter for the Prize in 2005 was delayed for a couple of days, apparently due to Ahnlund's resignation, and led to renewed speculations about there being a \"political element\" in the Swedish Academy's awarding of the Prize. Although Pinter was unable to give his controversial Nobel Lecture in person because of ill health, he delivered it from a television studio on video projected on screens to an audience at the Swedish Academy, in Stockholm. His comments have been the source of much commentary and debate. The", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "628734", "text": "award. The front side of the medal displays the same profile of Alfred Nobel depicted on the medals for Physics, Chemistry, and Literature. The reverse side is unique to this medal. The most recent Nobel prize was announced by Karolinska Institute on 1 October 2018, and has been awarded to American James P. Allison and Japanese Tasuku Honjo – for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation. As of 2015, 106 Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine have been awarded to 198 men and 12 women. The first one was awarded in 1901 to the German", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine" }, { "docid": "14302507", "text": "Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize (Swedish, Norwegian: \")\" is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Swedish industrialist, inventor, and armaments manufacturer Alfred Nobel, along with the prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature. Since March 1901, it has been awarded annually (with some exceptions) to those who have \"done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses\". As per Alfred Nobel's will, the recipient is selected by the Norwegian Nobel Committee, a", "title": "Nobel Peace Prize" }, { "docid": "13514238", "text": "circulated in \"samizdat\"—clandestine form). After the Swedish government refused to honor Solzhenitsyn with a public award ceremony and lecture at its Moscow embassy, Solzhenitsyn refused the award altogether, commenting that the conditions set by the Swedes (who preferred a private ceremony) were \"an insult to the Nobel Prize itself.\" Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. In 1974, Graham Greene, Vladimir Nabokov, and Saul Bellow were considered but rejected in favor of a joint award for Swedish authors Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson, both members of", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "14087661", "text": "on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. The first Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded in 1901 to Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, of the Netherlands, \"for his discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.\" From 1901 to 2018, the award has been bestowed on a total of 180 individuals. Alfred Nobel stipulated in his last will and testament that his money be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the \"greatest benefit on mankind\" in physics, chemistry, peace, physiology or medicine, and literature. Though Nobel wrote several wills during", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "20864359", "text": "New Academy Prize in Literature The New Academy Prize in Literature was established in 2018 in lieu of the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was not awarded in 2018. The winner was announced on 12 October 2018. The New Academy will be dissolved in December 2018. Following an open invitation to the world, calling for public votes for 47 candidates nominated by Swedish librarians, the New Academy announced that the four finalists for the prize were Maryse Condé, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, and Kim Thúy. On 17 September 2018 Murakami requested that his nomination be withdrawn, saying he wanted to", "title": "New Academy Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "14087672", "text": "the prize is more frequently awarded to non-chemists than to chemists. In the 30 years leading up to 2012, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded ten times for work classified as biochemistry or molecular biology, and once to a materials scientist. In the ten years leading up to 2012, only four prizes were for work that is strictly in chemistry. Commenting on the scope of the award, \"The Economist\" explained that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is bound by Nobel's bequest, which specifies awards only in physics, chemistry, literature, medicine, and peace. Biology was in its infancy in", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "628744", "text": "Prize medals, minted by Myntverket in Sweden, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. Each medal features an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse (front) side of the medal. The Nobel Prize medals for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature have identical obverses, showing the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death (1833–1896). Before 1980, the medals were made of 23K gold; since then the medals are of 18K green gold, plated with 23K gold. The medal awarded by the Karolinska Institute displays an image of \"the Genius of Medicine", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine" }, { "docid": "4623018", "text": "been given a Nobel Prize because he has made known his intention to refuse the reward is ridiculous\", further stating a recipient could only decline a Nobel Prize after he is announced a winner. Otto Heinrich Warburg, a German national who won the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, was rumored to have been selected for the 1944 prize but forbidden to accept it. According to the Nobel Foundation, this story is not true. Multiple primary fields of human intellectual endeavor—such as mathematics, philosophy and social studies—were not included among the Nobel Prizes, because they were not part of", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "284462", "text": "for his purported discovery of a parasite that caused cancer. To avoid repeating this embarrassment, the awards increasingly recognised scientific discoveries that had withstood the test of time. According to Ralf Pettersson, former chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physiology or Medicine, \"the criterion 'the previous year' is interpreted by the Nobel Assembly as the year when the full impact of the discovery has become evident.\" The interval between the award and the accomplishment it recognises varies from discipline to discipline. The Literature Prize is typically awarded to recognise a cumulative lifetime body of work rather than a single", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "284474", "text": "recipients. If there are three, the awarding committee has the option of dividing the grant equally, or awarding one-half to one recipient and one-quarter to each of the others. It is common for recipients to donate prize money to benefit scientific, cultural, or humanitarian causes. Among other criticisms, the Nobel Committees have been accused of having a political agenda, and of omitting more deserving candidates. They have also been accused of Eurocentrism, especially for the Literature Prize. Among the most criticised Nobel Peace Prizes was the one awarded to Henry Kissinger and Lê Đức Thọ. This led to the resignation", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "18608027", "text": "a corporate name. The Nobel committee spokesperson said that it was not possible for the citizens of an entire nation to be awarded the prize. Therefore, the application was rejected. Kristian Berg Harpviken, director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo was concerned that Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, was trying to reinterpret Article 9 and that this could be a precursor of armed confrontation. He nominated Kenzaburō Ōe, a former Nobel laureate in literature, and the , the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations for the Nobel Peace Prize list. In response, on January 15, 2015, the", "title": "The Nobel Peace Prize for Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution" }, { "docid": "14602933", "text": "can not cast a vote unless the secretary is also a member of the Committee. Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is the prize committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, and fills the same role as the Nobel Committees does for the Nobel Prizes. This means that the Committee is responsible for proposing laureates for the Prize. The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is appointed by", "title": "Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel" }, { "docid": "14602931", "text": "Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is the prize committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, and fills the same role as the Nobel Committees does for the Nobel Prizes. This means that the Committee is responsible for proposing laureates for the Prize. The Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel is appointed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It usually consists of Swedish professors of economics or", "title": "Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel" }, { "docid": "284455", "text": "was not awarded. No prize was awarded in any category from 1940 to 1942, due to the occupation of Norway by Germany. In the subsequent year, all prizes were awarded except those for literature and peace. During the occupation of Norway, three members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee fled into exile. The remaining members escaped persecution from the Germans when the Nobel Foundation stated that the Committee building in Oslo was Swedish property. Thus it was a safe haven from the German military, which was not at war with Sweden. These members kept the work of the Committee going, but", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "628714", "text": "rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays (or x-rays). This award is administered by the Nobel Foundation and widely regarded as the most prestigious award that a scientist can receive in physics. It is presented in Stockholm at an annual ceremony on 10 December, the anniversary of Nobel's death. Through 2018, a total of 209 individuals have been awarded the prize. Only three women (1.4% of laureates) have won the Nobel Prize in Physics: Marie Curie in 1903, Maria Goeppert Mayer in 1963, and Donna Strickland in 2018. Alfred Nobel, in his last will and testament, stated that his", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "284460", "text": "nomination and the decision of the prize committee were originally eligible to receive the prize. This has occurred twice: the 1931 Literature Prize awarded to Erik Axel Karlfeldt, and the 1961 Peace Prize awarded to UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. Since 1974, laureates must be thought alive at the time of the October announcement. There has been one laureate, William Vickrey, who in 1996 died after the prize (in Economics) was announced but before it could be presented. On 3 October 2011, the laureates for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine were announced; however, the committee was not aware", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "18385294", "text": "Munro, winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature, suddenly found herself with a Chinese audience with such strong demands for her works that they quickly sold out, and two publishers in China became embroiled in a dispute over publication rights. Perception among colleagues in the same discipline was thought to have a measurable effect on how often the Nobel laureate's works are cited before and after winning the prize. While a simple comparison of citation counts before and after the prize does suggest an impact, a study using matched synthetic control group in the analysis suggest that there is", "title": "Nobel Prize effect" }, { "docid": "14087664", "text": "and institution serving as the selection board for the prize typically announce the names of the laureates in October. The prize is then awarded at formal ceremonies held annually on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. \"The highlight of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm is when each Nobel Laureate steps forward to receive the prize from the hands of His Majesty the King of Sweden. The Nobel Laureate receives three things: a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount\" (\"What the Nobel Laureates Receive\"). Later the \"Nobel Banquet\" is held in Stockholm City", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "628717", "text": "be awarded. In 1900, the Nobel Foundation's newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II. According to Nobel's will, The Royal Swedish Academy of sciences were to award the Prize in Physics. A maximum of three Nobel laureates and two different works may be selected for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Compared with other Nobel Prizes, the nomination and selection process for the prize in Physics is long and rigorous. This is a key reason why it has grown in importance over the years to become the most important prize in Physics. The Nobel laureates are selected by the", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "284453", "text": "A group including 42 Swedish writers, artists, and literary critics protested against this decision, having expected Leo Tolstoy to be awarded. Some, including Burton Feldman, have criticised this prize because they consider Prudhomme a mediocre poet. Feldman's explanation is that most of the Academy members preferred Victorian literature and thus selected a Victorian poet. The first Physiology or Medicine Prize went to the German physiologist and microbiologist Emil von Behring. During the 1890s, von Behring developed an antitoxin to treat diphtheria, which until then was causing thousands of deaths each year. The first Nobel Peace Prize went to the Swiss", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "4802717", "text": "most important African-American writers of the 20th century. Her first novel, \"The Bluest Eye\", was published in 1970. Among her most famous novels is \"Beloved\", which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1988. This story describes a slave who found freedom but killed her infant daughter to save her from a life of slavery. Another important novel is \"Song of Solomon\", a tale about materialism, unrequited love, and brotherhood. Morrison is the first African American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. In the 1970s novelist and poet Alice Walker wrote a famous essay that brought Zora Neale Hurston", "title": "African-American literature" }, { "docid": "4622918", "text": "areas ... there are authors that really deserve and could get the Nobel Prize and that goes for the United States and the Americas, as well,\") and acknowledged the Eurocentric bias of the selections, saying that, \"I think that is a problem. We tend to relate more easily to literature written in Europe and in the European tradition.\" The 2010 prize awarded to Mario Vargas Llosa stirred controversy, mainly due to his right-wing political views. Vargas Llosa was even dubbed \"king of controversies\" for focusing more on politics than literature. The 2009 prize awarded to Herta Müller was criticized because", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "1621654", "text": "society in fragmented, haunted images. Like Pound's, Eliot's poetry could be highly allusive, and some editions of \"The Waste Land\" come with footnotes supplied by the poet. In 1948, Eliot won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Henry James, Stein, Pound, and Eliot demonstrate the growth of an international perspective in American literature. American writers had long looked to European models for inspiration, but whereas the literary breakthroughs of the mid-19th century came from finding distinctly American styles and themes, writers from this period were finding ways of contributing to a flourishing international literary scene, not as imitators but as equals.", "title": "American literature" }, { "docid": "14087673", "text": "Nobel's day, suggesting why no award was established. \"The Economist\" argued there is no Nobel Prize for mathematics either, another major discipline, and added that Nobel's stipulation of no more than three winners is not readily applicable to modern physics, where progress is typically made through huge collaborations rather than by individual scientists. Nobel Prize in Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry () is awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to scientists in the various fields of chemistry. It is one of the five Nobel Prizes established by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895, awarded for", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "14087663", "text": "the prizes. The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. The prize-awarding organisations followed: the Karolinska Institutet on June 7, the Swedish Academy on June 9, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on June 11. The Nobel Foundation then reached an agreement on guidelines for how the Nobel Prize should be awarded. In 1900, the Nobel Foundation's newly created statutes were promulgated by King Oscar II. According to Nobel's will, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences were to award the Prize in Chemistry. The committee", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "4622922", "text": "works there were available only in samizdat-published, clandestine form. After the Swedish government refused to hold a public award ceremony and lecture at its Moscow embassy, Solzhenitsyn refused the award altogether, commenting that the conditions set by the Swedes (who preferred a private ceremony) were \"an insult to the Nobel Prize itself.\" Solzhenitsyn later accepted the award on 10 December 1974, after the Soviet Union banished him. Critics suggest that Solzhenitsyn was awarded the prize because of his political stance, not his writing. Leo Tolstoy was nominated for the two first-ever Nobel Prizes in Literature. In the first year, the", "title": "Nobel Prize controversies" }, { "docid": "284499", "text": "the Soviet Union government might do if he travelled to Stockholm to accept his prize. In return, the Swedish Academy refused his refusal, saying \"this refusal, of course, in no way alters the validity of the award.\" The Academy announced with regret that the presentation of the Literature Prize could not take place that year, holding it back until 1989 when Pasternak's son accepted the prize on his behalf. Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991, but her children accepted the prize because she had been placed under house arrest in Burma; Suu Kyi delivered", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "13514231", "text": "Mark Twain were rejected in favor of authors little read today. During World War I and its immediate aftermath, the committee adopted a policy of neutrality, favouring writers from non-combatant countries. August Strindberg was repeatedly bypassed by the committee, but holds the singular distinction of being awarded an Anti-Nobel Prize, conferred by popular acclaim and national subscription and presented to him in 1912 by future prime minister Hjalmar Branting. James Joyce wrote the books that rank 1st and 3rd on the Modern Library 100 Best Novels – \"Ulysses\" and \"Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man\" – but Joyce", "title": "Nobel Prize in Literature" }, { "docid": "284491", "text": "relevant fields was greater), a greater delay in awarding Nobel Prizes for women's achievements making longevity a more important factor for women (Nobel Prizes are not awarded posthumously), and a tendency to omit women from jointly awarded Nobel Prizes. Four people have received two Nobel Prizes. Marie Curie received the Physics Prize in 1903 for her work on radioactivity and the Chemistry Prize in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium, making her the only person to be awarded a Nobel Prize in two different sciences. Linus Pauling was awarded the 1954 Chemistry Prize for his research into the chemical", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "14087670", "text": "the institution awarding the prize. The reverse sides of the Nobel Prize medals for Chemistry and Physics share the same design. Nobel laureates receive a diploma directly from the hands of the King of Sweden. Each diploma is uniquely designed by the prize-awarding institutions for the laureate that receives it. The diploma contains a picture and text which states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize. At the awards ceremony, the laureate is given a document indicating the award sum. The amount of the cash award may differ from year to year,", "title": "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" }, { "docid": "284472", "text": "holders. After the war, the gold was recovered from solution, and the medals re-cast. Nobel laureates receive a diploma directly from the hands of the King of Sweden, or in the case of the peace prize, the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. Each diploma is uniquely designed by the prize-awarding institutions for the laureates that receive them. The diploma contains a picture and text in Swedish which states the name of the laureate and normally a citation of why they received the prize. None of the Nobel Peace Prize laureates has ever had a citation on their diplomas. The", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "15976449", "text": "the European Union. The 1984, 1976 and 1980 laureates stated in an open letter to the Nobel Foundation, based in Sweden, that in their view the EU stood for \"... security based on military force and waging wars rather than insisting on the need for an alternative approach\" and that \"... the Norwegian Nobel Committee has redefined and reshaped the prize in a way that is not in accordance with the law\". The International Peace Bureau, which won the prize in 1910, and several peace activists, writers and lawyers also signed the letter. The signatories demanded that the Nobel Foundation", "title": "2012 Nobel Peace Prize" }, { "docid": "13559937", "text": "Prize in Economics is not one of the Nobel Prizes, which were endowed by Alfred Nobel in his will. However, the nomination process, selection criteria, and awards presentation of the Prize in Economic Sciences are performed in a manner similar to that of the Nobel Prizes. Laureates are announced with the Nobel Prize laureates, and receive the award at the same ceremony. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the prize \"in accordance with the rules governing the award of the Nobel Prizes instituted through his [Alfred Nobel's] will,\" which stipulate that the prize be awarded annually to \"those who", "title": "Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences" }, { "docid": "284441", "text": "₹73,800,000.) Medals made before 1980 were struck in 23 carat gold, and later in 18 carat green gold plated with a 24 carat gold coating. The prize is not awarded posthumously; however, if a person is awarded a prize and dies before receiving it, the prize may still be presented. A prize may not be shared among more than three individuals, although the Nobel Peace Prize can be awarded to organizations of more than three people. Alfred Nobel () was born on 21 October 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden, into a family of engineers. He was a chemist, engineer, and inventor.", "title": "Nobel Prize" }, { "docid": "628716", "text": "26, 1897 that it was approved by the Storting (Norwegian Parliament). The executors of his will were Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist, who formed the Nobel Foundation to take care of Nobel's fortune and organise the prizes. The members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee who were to award the Peace Prize were appointed shortly after the will was approved. The prize-awarding organisations followed: the Karolinska Institutet on June 7, the Swedish Academy on June 9, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on June 11. The Nobel Foundation then reached an agreement on guidelines for how the Nobel Prize should", "title": "Nobel Prize in Physics" }, { "docid": "1621659", "text": "the 1920s and 1930s, with the works of Eugene O'Neill, who won four Pulitzer Prizes and the Nobel Prize. In the middle of the 20th century, American drama was dominated by the work of playwrights Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller, as well as by the maturation of the American musical, which had found a way to integrate script, music and dance in such works as \"Oklahoma!\" and \"West Side Story\". Later American playwrights of importance include Edward Albee, Sam Shepard, David Mamet, August Wilson and Tony Kushner. Depression era literature was blunt and direct in its social criticism. John Steinbeck", "title": "American literature" }, { "docid": "14302511", "text": "at the time of Nobel's death. The Norwegian Nobel Committee speculates that Nobel may have considered Norway better suited to awarding the prize, as it did not have the same militaristic traditions as Sweden. It also notes that at the end of the 19th century, the Norwegian parliament had become closely involved in the Inter-Parliamentary Union's efforts to resolve conflicts through mediation and arbitration. The Norwegian Parliament appoints the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which selects the Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Each year, the Norwegian Nobel Committee specifically invites qualified people to submit nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The statutes of", "title": "Nobel Peace Prize" } ]
Where in England was Dame Judi Dench born?
[ "Park Grove (1895)", "York UA", "Yorkish", "UN/LOCODE:GBYRK", "York, UK", "Eoforwic", "Park Grove School", "York Ham", "The weather in York", "City of York", "York, England", "York, Yorkshire", "York ham", "County Borough of York", "YORK", "Eoferwic", "Park Grove Primary School", "York, North Yorkshire", "Yoisk", "York", "York (England)" ]
[ { "docid": "874656", "text": "regular contact with the theatre. Her father, a physician, was also the GP for the York theatre, and her mother was its wardrobe mistress. Actors often stayed in the Dench household. During these years, Judi Dench was involved on a non-professional basis in the first three productions of the modern revival of the York Mystery Plays in 1951, 1954 and 1957. In the third production she played the role of the Virgin Mary, performed on a fixed stage in the Museum Gardens. Though she initially trained as a set designer, she became interested in drama school as her brother Jeff", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "12420715", "text": "Jeffery Dench Jeffery Danny Dench (29 April 1928 – 27 March 2014) was an English actor, best known for his work with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He was the older brother of actress Judi Dench. Jeffery Dench was born in Tyldesley, Lancashire to Eleanora Olave (née Jones), a native of Dublin, and Reginald Arthur Dench, a physician who met his future wife while studying medicine at Trinity College, Dublin. Jeff lived in Tyldesley with his brother Peter; later the family moved to York where his sister, Judith, was born. Dench attended St Peter's, York, where he began acting with the", "title": "Jeffery Dench" }, { "docid": "19237212", "text": "Emma Dench Emma Dench is an English ancient historian, classicist, and academic. She has been McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History at Harvard University since 2014, and Dean of its Graduate School of Arts and Sciences since 2018. She was previously Professor of Ancient History at Birkbeck College, University of London, and then Professor of Classics and of History at Harvard. Dench was born in York, Yorkshire, England, and grew up near Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. Her father was Jeffery Dench, a Shakespearean actor, and her mother, Betty, was a speech therapist. Her paternal aunt is Judi Dench, an award-winning film", "title": "Emma Dench" }, { "docid": "874655", "text": "School, a Quaker independent secondary school in York, and became a Quaker. Her brothers, one of whom was actor Jeffery Dench, were born in Tyldesley, Lancashire. Her niece, Emma Dench, is a historian of ancient Rome and professor previously at Birkbeck, University of London, and currently at Harvard University. In Britain, Dench has developed a reputation as one of the greatest actresses of the post-war period, primarily through her work in theatre, which has been her forte throughout her career. She has more than once been named number one in polls for Britain's best actor. Through her parents, Dench had", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874670", "text": "Dench commented that the project launched her Hollywood career and joked that \"it was thanks to Harvey, whose name I have had tattooed on my bum\". Dench's other film of 1997 was Roger Spottiswoode's \"Tomorrow Never Dies\", her second film in the \"James Bond\" series. The same year, Dench reteamed with director John Madden to film \"Shakespeare in Love\" (1998), a romantic comedy-drama that depicts a love affair involving playwright William Shakespeare, played by Joseph Fiennes, while he was writing the play \"Romeo and Juliet\". On her performance as Queen Elizabeth I, \"The New York Times\" commented that \"Dench's shrewd,", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874708", "text": "Honour (CH) in the 2005 Birthday Honours. In June 2011, she became a fellow of the British Film Institute (BFI). In a biography by John Miller it was noted that in the late 1990s Dench was the patron of over 180 charities, many of which were related either to the theatre or to medical causes, for example York Against Cancer. Dench is a patron of the Leaveners, Friends School Saffron Walden, The Archway Theatre, Horley, Surrey and OnePlusOne Marriage and Partnership Research, London. She became president of Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London in 2006, taking over from Sir", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "9688998", "text": "starring Dame Judi Dench and Dame Maggie Smith. The music has become popular worldwide, and was performed in the film by violinist Joshua Bell with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. While Hess was House Composer for the Royal Shakespeare Company he contributed twenty scores for RSC productions, and highlights from his Shakespeare scores have been recorded and performed by the RPO in concert as \"The Food of Love\", hosted by Dame Judi Dench and Sir Patrick Stewart. His most recent RSC scores were for Christopher Luscombe's productions of \"Love's Labour's Lost\" and \"Love's Labour's Won\". Hess was awarded the New York", "title": "Nigel Hess" }, { "docid": "874684", "text": "the updated Walt Disney World Epcot attraction Spaceship Earth in February 2008. The same month, she was named as the first official patron of the York Youth Mysteries 2008, a project to allow young people to explore the York Mystery Plays through dance, film-making and circus. Her only film of 2008 was Marc Forster's \"Quantum of Solace\", the twenty-second Eon-produced James Bond film, in which she reprised her role as M along with Daniel Craig. A direct sequel to the 2006 film \"Casino Royale\", Forster felt Dench was underused in the previous films, and wanted to make her part bigger,", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874700", "text": "her role in \"The Winter's Tale\", breaking her own record with her eighth win as a performer. Next, she co-starred as Cecily Neville, Duchess of York to Benedict Cumberbatch's Richard III in the second series of the BBC Two historical series \"The Hollow Crown\". The same year, she was cast alongside Eva Green and Asa Butterfield in Tim Burton's dark fantasy film \"Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children\". Dench played Miss Esmeralda Avocet, a headmistress who can manipulate time and can transform into a bird. The film garnered mixed reviews from critics, who felt it was \"on stronger footing as", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "19237218", "text": "and a permanent resident of the United States. Dench is married to Jonathan Bowker, an artist. Together they have one child, a son called Jacob. Emma Dench Emma Dench is an English ancient historian, classicist, and academic. She has been McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History at Harvard University since 2014, and Dean of its Graduate School of Arts and Sciences since 2018. She was previously Professor of Ancient History at Birkbeck College, University of London, and then Professor of Classics and of History at Harvard. Dench was born in York, Yorkshire, England, and grew up near Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire.", "title": "Emma Dench" }, { "docid": "14371649", "text": "called \"Unseen Landscapes\", in 2002, he was in the important Painting on the Move exhibition in at the Kunsthalle Basel. In 2003, exhibited his work at Cheim & Read Gallery in New York City, where his portraits received critical attention of \"The New York Times\". In 2004, he was commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery in London to paint a portrait of English actress Dame Judi Dench. Imagining Dench as a \"wealthy housewife,\" he painted her in a way that \"thrilled and flattered\" her. Raho's work is collected by Damien Hirst, and has been shown in Tokyo, New York, and", "title": "Alessandro Raho" }, { "docid": "1354020", "text": "Another book was published in 2014 titled Red Rose White Rose by Joanna Hickson. In 2016, Neville was portrayed by Dame Judi Dench in the BBC television mini-series \"The Hollow Crown: The War of the Roses\", in the third episode; which is based on William Shakespeare's play, Richard III. <br> Cecily Neville, Duchess of York Cecily Neville, Duchess of York (3 May 1415 – 31 May 1495) was an English noblewoman, the wife of Richard Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York (1411–1460), and the mother of two kings of England, Edward IV and Richard III. Cecily Neville was known as \"the", "title": "Cecily Neville, Duchess of York" }, { "docid": "9587877", "text": "Stories\" album. Beyoncé's 2008 album \"I Am Sasha Fierce\" saw a further three Dench and Ghost collaborations: \"Disappear\", \"Ave Maria\", and \"Satellites\". Dench co-wrote \"Colours\" on the Prodigy's 2009 album, \"Invaders Must Die\", and \"Red\" a top 5 hit for Daniel Merriweather in the UK in May 2009. \"Gypsy\", another collaboration with Amanda Ghost, was the third single from the album, \"She Wolf\" by Shakira. From March 2009 until November 2010, Dench was Vice President of A&R at Epic Records in New York, where he A&R'd albums by Alice Smith and Augustana and signed the acts Progress in Color and", "title": "Ian Dench" }, { "docid": "17638143", "text": "Sadie Alexandru Sarah Jocelyn \"Sadie\" Alexandru (born December 2, 1977) is an American actress and model. Alexandru is best known for playing Scarlett, secretary for media buyer Harry Crane on AMC's drama series \"Mad Men\". Sadie Alexandru was born in New York City and had a passion for ballet from her younger days. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Acting from The Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. She also studied at the London Academy of Theater under Patron Dame Judi Dench, and at the William Esper Studio in New York City. Alexandru took", "title": "Sadie Alexandru" } ]
[ { "docid": "874714", "text": "to independence, published in August 2014, a few weeks before the Scottish referendum. In September 2018, Dench criticized the response to the sexual misconduct allegations made against actor Kevin Spacey, referring to him as a \"good friend\". Judi Dench Dame Judith Olivia Dench (born 9 December 1934) is an English actress. Dench made her professional debut in 1957 with the Old Vic Company. Over the following few years, she performed in several of Shakespeare's plays, in such roles as Ophelia in \"Hamlet\", Juliet in \"Romeo and Juliet\", and Lady Macbeth in \"Macbeth\". Although most of her work during this period", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874651", "text": "Judi Dench Dame Judith Olivia Dench (born 9 December 1934) is an English actress. Dench made her professional debut in 1957 with the Old Vic Company. Over the following few years, she performed in several of Shakespeare's plays, in such roles as Ophelia in \"Hamlet\", Juliet in \"Romeo and Juliet\", and Lady Macbeth in \"Macbeth\". Although most of her work during this period was in theatre, she also branched into film work and won a BAFTA Award as Most Promising Newcomer. She drew strong reviews for her leading role in the musical \"Cabaret\" in 1968. Over the next two decades,", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "17426401", "text": "Judi Dench filmography Dame Judi Dench is an English actress who has worked in theater, television, and film. Dench made her professional debut in 1957 with the Old Vic Company. Over the following few years she played in several of Shakespeare's plays in such roles as Ophelia in \"Hamlet\", Juliet in \"Romeo and Juliet\" and Lady Macbeth in \"Macbeth\". She branched into film work, and won a BAFTA Award as Most Promising Newcomer; however, most of her work during this period was in theatre. Over the next two decades, she established herself as one of the most significant British theatre", "title": "Judi Dench filmography" }, { "docid": "874667", "text": "Award. In 1989, Judi Dench starred in David Tucker's Behaving Badly for Channel 4, based on Catherine Heath's novel of the same name. After the long period between James Bond films \"Licence to Kill\" (1989) and \"GoldenEye\" (1995), the producers brought in Dench to take over as the role of M, James Bond's boss. The character was reportedly modeled on Dame Stella Rimington, the real-life head of MI5 between 1992 and 1996; Dench became the first woman to portray M, succeeding Robert Brown. The seventeenth spy film in the series and the first to star Pierce Brosnan as the fictional", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874709", "text": "John Mills, and is president of Questors Theatre, Ealing. In May 2006, she became an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). She was also patron of Ovingdean Hall School, a special day and boarding school for the deaf and hard of hearing in Brighton, which closed in 2010, and Vice President of The Little Foundation. Dame Judi is also a long-standing and active Vice President of the national disabled people's charity Revitalise. Dench is an Honorary Fellow of Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge. In 1996, she was awarded a DUniv degree from Surrey University and in 2000–2001, she", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874654", "text": "She has also received the BAFTA Fellowship in 2001, and the Special Olivier Award in 2004. In June 2011, she received a fellowship from the British Film Institute (BFI). Dench is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). Dench was born in Heworth, North Riding of Yorkshire. Her mother, Eleanora Olive (\"née\" Jones), was born in Dublin, Ireland. Her father, Reginald Arthur Dench, a doctor, was born in Dorset, England, and later moved to Dublin, where he was brought up. He met Dench's mother while he was studying medicine at Trinity College, Dublin. Dench attended the Mount", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874698", "text": "Goes By\". The Dame was sparkly and downright ravishing.\" As with most of the original cast, Dench reprised the role of Evelyn in John Madden's \"The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel\" (2015), the sequel to the 2011 sleeper hit. The comedy-drama was released to lukewarm reviews from critics, who found it \"as original as its title – but with a cast this talented and effortlessly charming, that hardly matters\". From April to May 2015, Dench played a mother, with her real-life daughter Finty Williams playing her character's daughter, in \"The Vote\" at the Donmar Warehouse. The final performance was broadcast", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874707", "text": "on you ... It drives me absolutely spare when people say, 'Are you going to retire? Isn't it time you put your feet up?' Or tell me [my] age.\" In 2013, she spoke about her personal religious faith. Dench, a Quaker, said, \"I think it informs everything I do ... I couldn't be without it.\" Dench was appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 1970 Birthday Honours and Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the 1988 New Year Honours. She was appointed Member of the Order of the Companions of", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874675", "text": "Newfoundland along with his daughter and his aunt, played by Dench, in hopes of starting his life anew in the small town where she grew up. The film earned mixed reviews from critics, and was financially unsuccessful, taking in just US$24 million worldwide with a budget of US$35 million. Dench received BAFTA and SAG Award nominations for her performance. In 2002, Dench was cast opposite Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, and Reese Witherspoon in Oliver Parker's \"The Importance of Being Earnest\", a comedy about mistaken identity set in English high society during the Victorian Era. Based on Oscar Wilde's classic comedy", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "12420719", "text": "the RSC what it is: he did not necessarily always play the leading roles, but proved by his presence that the company’s vitality lies in its strength in depth\". Jeffery Dench Jeffery Danny Dench (29 April 1928 – 27 March 2014) was an English actor, best known for his work with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He was the older brother of actress Judi Dench. Jeffery Dench was born in Tyldesley, Lancashire to Eleanora Olave (née Jones), a native of Dublin, and Reginald Arthur Dench, a physician who met his future wife while studying medicine at Trinity College, Dublin. Jeff lived", "title": "Jeffery Dench" }, { "docid": "874704", "text": "Dench which Dench had previously helped to promote. In 2019, Dench will star as Old Deuteronomy in the film adaptation of \"Cats\" alongside Jennifer Hudson, Ian McKellen, Taylor Swift, James Corden, and Idris Elba. Dench is a long-time resident of Outwood, Surrey. On 5 February 1971, Dench married British actor Michael Williams. They had their only child, Tara Cressida Frances Williams, an actress known professionally as Finty Williams, on 24 September 1972. Dench and her husband starred together in several stage productions and on the Bob Larbey British television sitcom, \"A Fine Romance\" (1981–84). Michael Williams died from lung cancer", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874712", "text": "on 15 January 2011, that Dench had become a patron of the trust, joining, among others, Joanna Lumley and David Shepherd. On 19 March 2012, it was announced that Dench was to become honorary patron of the charity Everton in the Community, the official charity of Everton F.C. and it was reported that Dench is an Everton supporter. Dench is an advisor to the American Shakespeare Center. She is a patron of the Shakespeare Schools Festival, a charity that enables school children across the UK to perform Shakespeare in professional theatres. She is also a patron of Shakespeare North, a", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874696", "text": "the main competition section at the 70th Venice International Film Festival, where it was very favorably received by critics. On Dench's performance, \"The Times\" commented that \"this is Dench's triumph. At 78, she has a golden career behind her, often as queens and other frosty matriarchs. So the warmth under pressure she radiates here is nearly a surprise [...] Dench gives a performance of grace, nuance, and cinematic heroism.\" She was subsequently nominated for many major acting awards, including a seventh Oscar nomination. In 2015, Dench appeared opposite Dustin Hoffman in Dearbhla Walsh's small screen adaptation of Roald Dahl's children's", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874657", "text": "attended the Central School of Speech and Drama. She applied and was accepted by the School, then based at the Royal Albert Hall, London, where she was a classmate of Vanessa Redgrave, graduating and being awarded four acting prizes, including the Gold Medal as Outstanding Student. In September 1957, she made her first professional stage appearance with the Old Vic Company, at the Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool, as Ophelia in \"Hamlet\". According to the reviewer for \"London Evening Standard\", Dench had \"talent which will be shown to better advantage when she acquires some technique to go with it.\" Dench then", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874705", "text": "in 2001, aged 65. They have one grandchild, Finty's son Sam Williams (born in 1997). Dench has been in a relationship with conservationist David Mills since 2010. During a 2014 interview with \"The Times\" magazine, she discussed how she never expected to find love again after her husband's death, \"I wasn't even prepared to be ready for it. It was very, very gradual and grown up ... It's just wonderful.\" In early 2012, Dench discussed her macular degeneration, with one eye \"dry\" and the other \"wet\", for which she has been treated with injections into the eye. She said that", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874683", "text": "worldwide, exceeding its £15 million budget. In his review for \"Chicago Sun-Times\", film critic Roger Ebert declared the main actresses \"perhaps the most impressive acting duo in any film of 2006. Dench and Blanchett are magnificent.\" The following year, Dench earned her sixth Academy nomination and went on to win a BIFA Award and an Evening Standard Award. Dench, as Miss Matty Jenkyns, co-starred with Eileen Atkins, Michael Gambon, Imelda Staunton, and Francesca Annis in the BBC One five-part series \"Cranford\". The first season of the series began transmission in November 2007. Dench became the voice for the narration for", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874679", "text": "Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" calling it \"perfectly sweet and civilized [and] a pleasure to watch Smith and Dench together; their acting is so natural it could be breathing\". Also in 2004, Dench provided her voice for several smaller projects. In Walt Disney's \"Home on the Range\", she, along with Roseanne Barr and Jennifer Tilly, voiced a mismatched trio of dairy cows who must capture an infamous cattle rustler, for his bounty, in order to save their idyllic farm from foreclosure. The film was mildly successful for Disney. A major hit for Dench came with Joe Wright's \"Pride &", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874711", "text": "people in the UK. Dench has worked with the non-governmental indigenous organisation, Survival International, campaigning in the defence of the tribal people - the San of Botswana and the Arhuaco of Colombia. She made a small supporting video saying the San are victims of tyranny, greed, and racism. Dench is also a patron of the Karuna Trust, a charity that supports work amongst some of India's poorest and most oppressed people, mainly, though not exclusively, Dalits. On 22 July 2010, Dench was awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters (DLitt) by Nottingham Trent University. The Dr. Hadwen Trust announced", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874697", "text": "novel \"Esio Trot\" (1990), in which a retired bachelor falls in love with his widowed neighbour, played by Dench, who keeps a tortoise as a companion after the death of her husband, First broadcast on BBC One on New Year's Day 2015, it became one of the most-watched programmes of the week, and earned Dench her first Best Actress nomination at the 2016 International Emmy Awards. On her performance, \"Telegraph\"s Michael Hogan commented: \"We've grown accustomed to seeing Dench in forbidding roles, but here, she recalled her footloose, flirtatious side, displayed in sitcoms as \"A Fine Romance\" and \"As Time", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874703", "text": "Poirot, who seeks to solve a murder on the famous European train in the 1930s. Dench portrayed Princess Dragomiroff opposite Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Penelope Cruz. The film has grossed $351 million worldwide and received mixed to positive reviews from critics, with praise for the cast's performances, but criticism for not adding anything new to previous adaptations. In September2017 the website LADBible posted a video of Dench rapping with UK Grime MC Lethal Bizzle. The collaboration came about because the slang term \"dench\", which is used as a compliment, features in Bizzle's lyrics and on his clothing brand Stay", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874680", "text": "Prejudice\", a 2005 adaptation of the novel by Jane Austen, starring Keira Knightley and Donald Sutherland. Wright persuaded Dench to join the cast as Lady Catherine de Bourgh by writing her a letter that read: \"I love it when you play a bitch. Please come and be a bitch for me.\" Dench had only one week available to shoot her scenes, forcing Wright to make them his first days of filming. With both a worldwide gross of over US$121 million and several Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations, the film became a critical and commercial success. Dench, in her role", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "223574", "text": "the surname. So, Elton John may be called \"Sir Elton\" or \"Sir Elton John\", but never \"Sir John\". Similarly, actress Judi Dench DBE may be addressed as \"Dame Judi\" or \"Dame Judi Dench\", but never \"Dame Dench\". Wives of knights, however, are entitled to the honorific pre-nominal \"Lady\" before their husband's surname. Thus Sir Paul McCartney's ex-wife was formally styled \"Lady McCartney\" (rather than \"Lady Paul McCartney\" or \"Lady Heather McCartney\"). The style \"Dame Heather McCartney\" could be used for the wife of a knight; however, this style is largely archaic and is only used in the most formal of", "title": "Knight" }, { "docid": "874664", "text": "The production transferred to London, opening at the Donmar Warehouse in September 1977, and was adapted for television, later released on VHS and DVD. Dench won the SWET Best Actress Award in 1977. Dench was nominated for a BAFTA for her role as Hazel Wiles in the 1979 BBC drama \"On Giant's Shoulders\". In 1989, she was cast as Pru Forrest, the long-time silent wife of Tom Forrest, in the BBC soap opera \"The Archers\" on its 10,000th edition. She had a romantic role in the BBC television film \"Langrishe, Go Down\" (1978), with Jeremy Irons and a screenplay by", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874710", "text": "received an honorary DLitt degree from Durham University. On 24 June 2008, she was honoured by the University of St Andrews, receiving an honorary DLitt degree at the university's graduation ceremony. On 26 June 2013, she was honoured by the University of Stirling, receiving an honorary doctorate at the university's graduation ceremony in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the Arts, particularly to film. In March 2013, Dench was listed as one of the fifty best-dressed over 50s by \"The Guardian\". One of the highest-profile actresses in British popular culture, Dench appeared on Debrett's 2017 list of the most influential", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874691", "text": "to play Anna Marie Hoover, Hoover's mother, Dench initially thought a friend was setting her up upon receiving Eastwood's phone call request. \"I didn't take it seriously to start with. And then I realised it was really him and that was a tricky conversation\", she stated. Released to mixed reception, both with critics and commercially, the film went on to gross US$79 million worldwide. The same year, Dench reunited with Rob Marshall and Johnny Depp for a cameo appearance in \"\", playing a noblewoman who is robbed by Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Depp. She made a second cameo that", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874687", "text": "Also starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Marion Cotillard, Penélope Cruz, and Sophia Loren, she played Lilli La Fleur, an eccentric but motherly French costume designer, who performs the song \"Folies Bergères\" in the film. Despite mixed to negative reviews, \"Nine\" was nominated for four Academy Awards, and awarded both the Satellite Award for Best Film and Best Cast. Also in 2009, Dench reprised the role of Matilda Jenkyns in \"Return to Cranford\", the two-part second season of a Simon Curtis television series. Critically acclaimed, Dench was nominated for a Golden Globe Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and a Satellite Award. In 2010,", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874685", "text": "having her interact with Bond more. The project gathered generally mixed reviews by critics, who mainly felt that \"Quantum of Solace\" was not as impressive as the predecessor \"Casino Royale\", but became another hit for the franchise with a worldwide gross of US$591 million. For her performance, Dench was nominated for a Saturn Award the following year. Dench returned to the West End in mid-2009, playing Madame de Montreuil in Yukio Mishima's play \"Madame de Sade\", directed by Michael Grandage as part of the Donmar season at Wyndham's Theatre. The same year, she appeared in Sally Potter's experimental film \"Rage\",", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874702", "text": "Also in 2017, Dench reprised the role of Queen Victoria when she headlined Stephen Frears's \"Victoria & Abdul\". The biographical comedy-drama depicts the real-life relationship between the monarch and her Indian Muslim servant Abdul Karim, played by opposite Ali Fazal. While the film was met with lukewarm reviews for its \"imbalanced narrative\", Dench earned specific praise for her performance, earning the actress her 12th Golden Globe nomination. Dench's last film that year was Kenneth Branagh's \"Murder on the Orient Express\", based on the 1934 novel of the same name by Agatha Christie. The mystery–drama ensemble film follows world-renowned detective Hercule", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874674", "text": "Winslet, both actresses portraying Murdoch at different phases of her life. Each of them was nominated for an Oscar the following year, earning Dench her fourth nomination within five years. In addition, she was awarded both an ALFS Award and the Best Leading Actress Award at the 55th British Academy Film Awards. Following \"Iris\", Dench immediately returned to Canada to finish \"The Shipping News\" alongside Kevin Spacey and Julianne Moore. Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by E. Annie Proulx, the drama revolves around a quiet and introspective typesetter (Spacey) who, after the death of his daughter's mother, moves to", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874713", "text": "playhouse project due to be completed in 2019 in the town of Prescot in Knowsley, near Liverpool. She is patron of East Park Riding for the Disabled, a riding school for disabled children at Newchapel, Surrey. Dench is also a Vice-President of national charity Revitalise, that provides accessible holidays for those with disabilities. In 2011, along with musician Sting and billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson, she publicly urged policy makers to adopt more progressive drug policies by decriminalizing drug use. Dench was one of 200 celebrities to sign an open letter to the people of Scotland asking them to vote No", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874693", "text": "following its international release, eventually grossing $US134 million worldwide, mostly from its domestic run. \"Best Exotic Marigold Hotel\" was ranked among the highest-grossing specialty releases of the year, and Dench, who Peter Travers from \"Rolling Stone\" called \"resilient marvel\", garnered a Best Actress nod at both the British Independent Film Awards and Golden Globe Awards. Also in 2012, \"Friend Request Pending\", an indie short film which Dench had filmed in 2011, received a wide release as part of the feature films \"Stars in Shorts\" and \"The Joy of Six\". In the 12-minute comedy, directed by \"My Week with Marilyn\" assistant", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874671", "text": "daunting Elizabeth is one of the film's utmost treats\". The following year, she was nominated for most of the high-profile awards, winning both the Academy Award and the BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. On her Oscar win, Dench joked on-stage, \"I feel for eight minutes on the screen, I should only get a little bit of him.\" Also in 1999, Dench won the Tony Award for her 1999 Broadway performance in the role of Esme Allen in Sir David Hare's \"Amy's View\". The same year, she co-starred along with Cher, Joan Plowright, Maggie Smith, and Lily", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874682", "text": "the role of Mistress Quickly in the RSC's new musical \"The Merry Wives\", a version of \"The Merry Wives of Windsor\". Dench appeared opposite Cate Blanchett as a London teacher with a dedicated fondness for vulnerable women in Richard Eyre's 2006 drama film \"Notes on a Scandal\", an adaption from the 2003 novel of the same name by Zoë Heller. A fan of Heller's book, Dench \"was thrilled to be asked to ... play that woman, to try to find a humanity in that dreadful person\". The specialty film opened to generally positive reviews and commercial success, grossing US$50 million", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874673", "text": "went to Nova Scotia, Canada, almost immediately after Williams's funeral to begin production on Lasse Hallström's drama film \"The Shipping News\", a therapy she later credited as her rescue: \"People, friends, kept saying, 'You are not facing up to it; you need to face up to it', and maybe they were right, but I felt I was – in the acting. Grief supplies you with an enormous amount of energy. I needed to use that up.\" In between, Dench finished work on Richard Eyre's film \"Iris\" (2001), in which she portrayed novelist Iris Murdoch. Dench shared her role with Kate", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874690", "text": "worldwide. In Simon Curtis' \"My Week with Marilyn\", which depicts the making of the 1957 film \"The Prince and the Showgirl\" starring Marilyn Monroe and Laurence Olivier, Dench played actress Sybil Thorndike. The film garnered largely positive reviews, and earned Dench a Best Actress in a Supporting Role nomination at the 65th BAFTA Awards. Dench's last film of 2011 was Clint Eastwood's \"J. Edgar\", a biographical drama film about the career of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, from the Palmer Raids onwards, including an examination of his private life as a closeted homosexual. Hand-picked by Eastwood", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874688", "text": "she renewed her collaboration with Peter Hall at the Rose Theatre in Kingston upon Thames in \"A Midsummer Night's Dream\", which opened in February 2010; she played Titania as Queen Elizabeth I in her later years – almost 50 years after she first played the role for the Royal Shakespeare Company. In July 2010, Dench performed \"Send in the Clowns\" at a special celebratory promenade concert from the Royal Albert Hall as part of the proms season, in honour of composer Stephen Sondheim's 80th birthday. In 2011, Dench starred in \"Jane Eyre\", \"My Week with Marilyn\" and \"J. Edgar\". In", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874666", "text": "in the West End including the role of Miss Trant in the 1974 musical version of \"The Good Companions\" at Her Majesty's Theatre. In 1981, Dench was due to play Grizabella in the original production of \"Cats\", but was forced to pull out due to a torn Achilles tendon, leaving Elaine Paige to play the role. She has acted with the National Theatre in London where she played an unforgettable Cleopatra in Antony and Cleopatra (1987). In September 1995, she played Desiree Armfeldt in a major revival of Stephen Sondheim's \"A Little Night Music\", for which she won an Olivier", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874689", "text": "Cary Joji Fukunaga's period drama \"Jane Eyre\", based on the 1847 novel of the same name by Charlotte Brontë, she played the role of Alice Fairfax, housekeeper to Rochester, the aloof and brooding master of Thornfield Hall, where main character Jane, played by Mia Wasikowska, gets employed as a governess. Dench reportedly signed to the project after she had received a humorous personal note from Fukunaga, in which he \"promised her that she'd be the sexiest woman on set if she did the film\". Acclaimed among critics, it was a mediocre arthouse success at the box office, grossing US$30.5 million", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "20959538", "text": "Nothing Like a Dame (film) Nothing Like a Dame (released in the United States as Tea With the Dames) is a 2018 documentary film directed by Roger Michell. The film documents conversations between actresses Eileen Atkins, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Maggie Smith interspersed with scenes from their career on film and stage. \"Nothing Like a Dame\" was released in the United Kingdom on May 2, 2018. The film was shown on television in the United Kingdom a few weeks after its initial theatrical release. Peter Bradshaw of \"The Guardian\" gave the film a five out of five star rating,", "title": "Nothing Like a Dame (film)" }, { "docid": "20959539", "text": "declaring it an \"outrageously funny film\". Guy Lodge of \"Variety\" called the film a \"richly enjoyable gabfest\" but that the film was \"hardly vital cinema\". Both Bradshaw and Lodge noted that they wish the film went through a more wide range of topics such as Time's Up and the Me Too movements. Nothing Like a Dame (film) Nothing Like a Dame (released in the United States as Tea With the Dames) is a 2018 documentary film directed by Roger Michell. The film documents conversations between actresses Eileen Atkins, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright and Maggie Smith interspersed with scenes from their", "title": "Nothing Like a Dame (film)" }, { "docid": "9587874", "text": "Ian Dench Ian Alec Harvey Dench (born 7 August 1964, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England) is an English songwriter and musician. Dench was the guitarist and principal songwriter for EMF, who scored a major international hit reaching number 1 in the United States with \"Unbelievable\" in 1991. It was voted one of BBC Radio 2's 'Greatest Guitar Riffs'. Dench began his music career playing in a Gloucester City punk band called Curse although his father, Harold Dench, taught Ian classical guitar. He formed the Gloucester based band Apple Mosaic who were signed to Virgin Records and released the single \"Honey If\". In", "title": "Ian Dench" }, { "docid": "874660", "text": "365 in 1966, as Terry in the four-part series Talking to a Stranger, for which she won a BAFTA Television for Best Actress. The 1966 BAFTA Award for Most Promising Newcomer to Leading Film Roles was made to Dench for her performance in \"Four in the Morning\" and this was followed in 1968 by a BAFTA Television Best Actress Award for her role in John Hopkins' 1966 BBC drama \"Talking to a Stranger\". In 1968, she was offered the role of Sally Bowles in the musical \"Cabaret\". As Sheridan Morley later reported: \"At first she thought they were joking. She", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874699", "text": "live on More4 at 8:25 pm; the time when the events in the play take place. The appearance marked her first performance at the theatre since 1976. On 20 September 2015, she was the guest on BBC Radio 4's \"Desert Island Discs\" for the third time, in which she revealed that her first acting performance was as a snail. She reprised her role as M in the 2015 James Bond film, \"Spectre\", in the form of a recording that was delivered to Bond. In 2016, Dench made Olivier Award history when she won Best Actress in a Supporting Role for", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874669", "text": "was eventually acquired by Miramax mogul Harvey Weinstein, who felt the drama film should receive a theatrical release after seeing it and took it from the BBC to US cinemas. Released to generally positive reviews and unexpected commercial success, going on to earn more than $13 million worldwide, the film was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival. For her performance, Dench garnered universal acclaim by critics and was awarded her fourth BAFTA and first Best Actress nomination at the 70th Academy Awards. In 2011, while accepting a British Film Institute Award in London,", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874663", "text": "her most notable achievements with the RSC was her performance as Lady Macbeth in 1976. Nunn's acclaimed production of \"Macbeth\" was first staged with a minimalist design at The Other Place theatre in Stratford. Its small round stage focused attention on the psychological dynamics of the characters, and both Ian McKellen in the title role, and Dench, received exceptionally favourable notices. \"If this is not great acting I don't know what is\", wrote Michael Billington in \"The Guardian\". \"It will astonish me if the performance is matched by any in this actress's generation\", commented J C Trewin in \"The Lady\".", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874677", "text": "franchise's last performance by Pierce Brosnan as Bond. \"Die Another Day\" received mixed reviews In 2004, Dench appeared as Aereon, an ambassador of the Elemental race who helps uncover the mysterious past of Richard B. Riddick, played by Vin Diesel, in David Twohy's science fiction sequel, \"The Chronicles of Riddick\". Selected by Diesel, who prompted writers to re-create the character to fit a female persona because he wanted to work with the actress, she called filming \"tremendous fun\", although she \"had absolutely no idea what was going on in the plot\". The film was a critical and box office failure.", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874686", "text": "a project that featured 14 actors playing fictional figures in and around the fashion world, giving monologues before a plain backdrop. Attracted to the fact that it was unlike anything she had done before, Dench welcomed the opportunity to work with Potter. \"I like to do something that's not expected, or predictable. I had to learn to smoke a joint, and I set my trousers alight\", she said about filming. Her next film was Rob Marshall's musical film \"Nine\", based on Arthur Kopit's book for the 1982 musical of the same name, itself suggested by Federico Fellini's semi-autobiographical film \"8½\".", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874665", "text": "Harold Pinter from the Aidan Higgins novel, directed by David Jones, in which she played one of three spinster sisters living in a fading Irish mansion in the Waterford countryside. Dench made her debut as a director in 1988 with the Renaissance Theatre Company's touring season, \"Renaissance Shakespeare on the Road\", co-produced with the Birmingham Rep, and ending with a three-month repertory programme at the Phoenix Theatre in London. Dench's contribution was a staging of \"Much Ado About Nothing\", set in the Napoleonic era, which starred Kenneth Branagh and Emma Thompson as Benedick and Beatrice. She has made numerous appearances", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874681", "text": "as \"M\", was the only cast member carried through from the Brosnan films to appear in \"Casino Royale\" (2006), Martin Campbell's reboot of the James Bond film series, starring Daniel Craig in his debut performance as the fictional MI6 agent. The thriller received largely positive critical response, with reviewers highlighting Craig's performance and the reinvention of the character of Bond. It earned over US$594 million worldwide, ranking it among the highest-grossing James Bond films ever released. In April 2006, Dench returned to the West End stage in \"Hay Fever\" alongside Peter Bowles and Belinda Lang. She finished off 2006 with", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874695", "text": "by Ralph Fiennes' character. Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the \"James Bond\" series, \"Skyfall\" was positively received by critics and at the box office, grossing over $1 billion worldwide, and became the highest-grossing film of all-time in the UK and the highest-grossing film in the \"James Bond\" series. Critics called Dench's Saturn Awards-nominated performance \"compellingly luminous\". In 2013, Dench starred as the title character in the Stephen Frears directed film, \"Philomena\", a film inspired by true events of a woman looking for the son which the Catholic Church took from her a half-century before. The film was screened in", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874694", "text": "director Chris Foggin on a budget of just £5,000, she portrays a pensioner grappling with a crush on her church choirmaster and the art of cyber-flirting via social networking. Dench made her seventh and final appearance as M in the twenty-third \"James Bond\" film, \"Skyfall\" (2012), directed by Sam Mendes. In the film, Bond investigates an attack on MI6; it transpires that it is part of an attack on M by former MI6 operative, Raoul Silva (played by Javier Bardem) to humiliate, discredit and kill M as revenge against her for betraying him. Dench's position as M was subsequently filled", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "16197700", "text": "Peter Dench Peter Dench (23 April 1972) is a photojournalist working primarily in advertising, editorial and portraiture photography. His work has been published in a number of his own books, exhibited and won awards. Dench was born and grew up in Weymouth, Dorset. He graduated from the University of Derby with a degree in Photographic Studies in 1995 and has been working as a photojournalist since 1998. He currently lives in Crouch End, London. Dench is best known for his decade of work documenting England. He breaks the subject down into manageable chunks with a specific theme (thereby also making", "title": "Peter Dench" }, { "docid": "13077769", "text": "enforced an eighteen-month break in his dancing career, he decided to undertake a training in acting to which he has often said he felt \"better suited than being a dancer\". This led to a BA (HONS) in Performing Arts at Cumbria Institute of the Arts and then a Post Graduate diploma from Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London, where he won the Dame Judi Dench scholarship to help with the cost of training. Rikki Chamberlain Rikki David James Chamberlain (; born July 1973 in Aldershot, Hampshire, England) is a British actor best known for playing Samson in CITV's Captain", "title": "Rikki Chamberlain" }, { "docid": "874659", "text": "for Measure\". She subsequently spent seasons in repertory both with the Playhouse in Nottingham from January 1963, (including a West African tour as Lady Macbeth for the British Council) and with the Playhouse Company in Oxford from April 1964. In 1964, Dench appeared on television as Valentine Wannop in Theatre 625's adaptation of Parade's End, shown in three episodes. That same year, she made her film debut in \"The Third Secret\", before featuring in a small role in the Sherlock Holmes thriller \"A Study in Terror\" (1965) with her Nottingham Playhouse colleague John Neville. She performed again on BBC's Theatre", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874652", "text": "Dench established herself as one of the most significant British theatre performers, working for the National Theatre Company and the Royal Shakespeare Company. She received critical praise in television during this period, in the series \"A Fine Romance\" from 1981 until 1984, and from 1992 to 2005 with a starring role in the romantic comedy series \"As Time Goes By\". Her film appearances were infrequent, and included supporting roles in major films, such as \"A Room with a View\" (1986), before she rose to international fame as M in \"GoldenEye\" (1995), a role she continued to play in James Bond", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874678", "text": "In his review of the film, James Berardinelli from \"ReelViews\" remarked that he felt that Dench's character served no more \"useful purpose than to give [her] an opportunity to appear in a science-fiction movie\". She followed \"Riddick\" with a more traditional role in Charles Dance's English drama \"Ladies in Lavender\", also starring friend Maggie Smith. In the film, Dench plays one half of a sister duo and takes it upon herself to nurse a washed up stranger to health, eventually finding herself falling for a man many decades younger than she. The specialty release garnered positive reviews from critics, with", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874653", "text": "films until \"Spectre\" (2015). A seven-time Oscar nominee, Dench won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Queen Elizabeth I in \"Shakespeare in Love\", and has received nominations for her roles in \"Mrs Brown\" (1997), \"Chocolat\" (2000), \"Iris\" (2001), \"Mrs Henderson Presents\" (2005), \"Notes on a Scandal\" (2006), and \"Philomena\" (2013). She has also received many other accolades for her acting in theatre, film, and television; her other competitive awards include six British Academy Film Awards, four BAFTA TV Awards, seven Olivier Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, and a Tony Award.", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874706", "text": "she needs someone to read scripts to her. She also underwent knee surgery in 2013, but stated that she recovered from the procedure well, and: \"It's not an issue for me.\" Dench has been an outspoken critic of prejudice in the movie industry against older actresses. She stated in 2014, \"I'm tired of being told I'm too old to try something. I should be able to decide for myself if I can't do things and not have someone tell me I'll forget my lines or I'll trip and fall on the set\"; and \"Age is a number. It's something imposed", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874692", "text": "year in Ray Cooney's \"Run for Your Wife\". In 2011, Dench reunited with director John Madden on the set of the comedy-drama \"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel\" (2012), starring an ensemble cast also consisting of Celia Imrie, Bill Nighy, Ronald Pickup, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, and Penelope Wilton, as a group of British pensioners moving to a retirement hotel in India, run by the young and eager Sonny (Dev Patel). Released to positive reviews by critics, who declared the film a \"sweet story about the senior set featuring a top-notch cast of veteran actors\", it became a surprise box-office hit", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874672", "text": "Tomlin in Franco Zeffirelli's semi-autobiographical period drama \"Tea with Mussolini\" which tells the story of young Italian boy Luca's upbringing by a circle of British and American women, before and during World War II. 1999 also saw the release of Pierce Brosnan's third Bond film, \"The World Is Not Enough\". This film portrayed M in a larger role with the main villain, Renard, coming back to haunt her when he engineers the murder of her old friend Sir Robert King and seemingly attempts to kill his daughter Electra. In January 2001, Dench's husband Michael Williams died from lung cancer. Dench", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "874668", "text": "MI6 officer, \"GoldenEye\" marked the first \"Bond\" film made after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, which provided the plot's back story. The film earned a worldwide gross of US$350.7 million, with critics viewing the film as a modernisation of the series. In 1997, Dench appeared in her first starring film role as Queen Victoria in John Madden's teleplay \"Mrs Brown\", which depicts Victoria's relationship with her personal servant and favourite John Brown, played by Billy Connolly. Filmed with the intention of being shown on BBC One and on WGBH's \"Masterpiece Theatre\", it", "title": "Judi Dench" }, { "docid": "9587879", "text": "Liar\" in the Best Selling British Song Category in 2008. In 2009, he was nominated for a Golden Globe as co-writer of \"Once in a Lifetime\", sung by Beyonce for the film, \"Cadillac Records\". He was nominated for two Grammy Awards in 2010, one as co-producer of two tracks on Beyoncé's album \"I Am... Sasha Fierce\", which was nominated as Album of the Year and the other for \"Once in a Lifetime\". Ian Dench Ian Alec Harvey Dench (born 7 August 1964, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England) is an English songwriter and musician. Dench was the guitarist and principal songwriter for EMF,", "title": "Ian Dench" }, { "docid": "17189285", "text": "Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw, breaks your heart open.\"\". However, there was some criticism of the play. Henry Hitchings in \"The Evening Standard\" wrote: \"\" this is a piece that uses lush language to compensate for its lack of real dynamism\"\". Despite this, the critics applauded the performance of Judi Dench and Ben Whishaw, with one critic saying \"\"Dame Judi and Mr Whishaw are good, she almost Queen Motherly these days, he so sensitive, so irredeemably moist, that he could do with sponging.\"\" Peter and Alice Peter and Alice is a play by American writer John Logan based on the", "title": "Peter and Alice" }, { "docid": "17426402", "text": "performers, working for the National Theatre Company and the Royal Shakespeare Company. In television, she achieved success during this period, in the series \"A Fine Romance\" from 1981 until 1984 and in 1992 began a continuing role in the television romantic comedy series \"As Time Goes By\". Her film appearances were infrequent until she was cast as M in \"GoldenEye\" (1995), a role she continued to play in James Bond in films through to \"Spectre\". She has starred in many acclaimed films since then, and won an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress in 1999 for \"Shakespeare in Love\". Judi", "title": "Judi Dench filmography" }, { "docid": "20205127", "text": "his usual fee. The $1.5 million Wahlberg received for reshoots was in addition to this. Wahlberg's contract allowed him to approve co-stars, reportedly refusing to approve Plummer as Spacey's replacement unless he was paid extra. In response to the backlash brought on by the difference in the actors' pay, Wahlberg announced he would donate the $1.5 million to the Time's Up movement in Williams' name. In September 2018, Dame Judi Dench criticised the decision to remove her \"good friend\" Kevin Spacey's performance from the film. Dench was reported to have said, \"I can't approve, in any way, of the fact", "title": "All the Money in the World" }, { "docid": "7430344", "text": "and an English mother, Theresa, who was a kindergarten teacher. Her father was born in France. Elmaloglou left school at the age of 15 and trained at the Keane Kids studios in Sydney, where she studied acting, singing and dancing. Dame Judi Dench is a cousin. When working on \"Home and Away\" (from 1990–93), she suffered frequently from panic attacks. She was later diagnosed with OCD and has been open about her condition. Elmaloglou's first child, Kai, with partner Kane Baker was born in 2008. She married Kane in 2009. Elmaloglou has appeared in numerous roles in various programmes and", "title": "Rebekah Elmaloglou" }, { "docid": "1460209", "text": "Michael Williams (actor) Michael Leonard Williams, (9 July 1935 – 11 January 2001) was an English actor who played both classical and comedy roles. Until his death, he was the husband of actress Dame Judi Dench. Born in Liverpool, Lancashire, he attended St. Edward's College and worked as an insurance assessor before going into the theatre. His first film appearance was in 1962, and he subsequently appeared frequently on television (notably in \"Elizabeth R\"), and in British films such as \"Educating Rita\" (1983) and (along with Dench) \"Henry V\" (1989). In the latter, in perhaps an irresistible casting decision, he", "title": "Michael Williams (actor)" }, { "docid": "6625753", "text": "is married to Harry Meacher. Judi Bowker Judi Bowker (born 6 April 1954) is an English film and television actress. Bowker was born in Shawford, Hampshire, England. On stage from childhood, she first attracted international attention as the star of \"The Adventures of Black Beauty\", a 1972 TV series which was a \"continuation\" of the book. She also starred as Clare of Assisi in Franco Zeffirelli's \"Brother Sun, Sister Moon\", also from 1972. Her other well-known film appearances are as Princess Andromeda in the 1981 Ray Harryhausen film, \"Clash of the Titans\" and as Lady Olivia Lilburn in Alan Bridges'", "title": "Judi Bowker" }, { "docid": "6625752", "text": "Judi Bowker Judi Bowker (born 6 April 1954) is an English film and television actress. Bowker was born in Shawford, Hampshire, England. On stage from childhood, she first attracted international attention as the star of \"The Adventures of Black Beauty\", a 1972 TV series which was a \"continuation\" of the book. She also starred as Clare of Assisi in Franco Zeffirelli's \"Brother Sun, Sister Moon\", also from 1972. Her other well-known film appearances are as Princess Andromeda in the 1981 Ray Harryhausen film, \"Clash of the Titans\" and as Lady Olivia Lilburn in Alan Bridges' \"The Shooting Party\" (1985). She", "title": "Judi Bowker" }, { "docid": "16197705", "text": "successfully used the Emphas.is visual journalism crowd funding website to raise funds for his first book \"England Uncensored\", For 6 months in 2013 Dench collaborated with Reportage by Getty Images on the \"Future of Britain\" project, commissioned by OMD UK. Dench photographed Britain to accompany OMD's research and statistics on the long-term economic downturn and changes to Britain's population and demographics, published on a blog throughout the period. In 2015 he founded The Curators with his co-founder Director Sharon Price, curating art exhibitions and events, touring photography exhibitions worldwide. Peter Dench Peter Dench (23 April 1972) is a photojournalist working", "title": "Peter Dench" }, { "docid": "9846012", "text": "of millions of dollars. David Dench David Dench (born ) is a former Australian rules footballer in the (then) Victorian Football League. He played his whole career with North Melbourne Football Club at one of its most successful periods. Dench played full-back. Dench won the North Melbourne club's best and fairest award, the Syd Barker Medal, on four occasions - 1971, 1976, 1977, 1981. David Dench was one of the youngest captains appointed in the club's history. He also captained the 1977 premiership team, due to Keith Greig's absence because of an injury. In the 1977 VFL Grand Final, Ron", "title": "David Dench" }, { "docid": "9846010", "text": "David Dench David Dench (born ) is a former Australian rules footballer in the (then) Victorian Football League. He played his whole career with North Melbourne Football Club at one of its most successful periods. Dench played full-back. Dench won the North Melbourne club's best and fairest award, the Syd Barker Medal, on four occasions - 1971, 1976, 1977, 1981. David Dench was one of the youngest captains appointed in the club's history. He also captained the 1977 premiership team, due to Keith Greig's absence because of an injury. In the 1977 VFL Grand Final, Ron Barassi moved him to", "title": "David Dench" }, { "docid": "16092829", "text": "Trevor Stubley Trevor Stubley RP RBA RSW RWS (27 March 1932 – 8 January 2010) was a Yorkshire portrait and landscape painter, and illustrator. Stubley was born in Leeds and received art training at Leeds College of Art, and in 1953 at Edinburgh College of Art. He was a lecturer at Huddersfield School of Art from 1958 to 1960, afterwards working as a freelance artist from his own studio at Upperthong. Stubley received 500 portrait commissions (including those for the HM the Queen, Alan Ayckbourn, Dame Judi Dench, J B Priestley and Dame Janet Baker), illustrated over 400 children's books,", "title": "Trevor Stubley" }, { "docid": "5698675", "text": "Judi McLeod Judi Ann T. McLeod (born 1944) is a Canadian journalist. Formerly a reporter for a series of newspapers in Ontario, she now operates the conservative website, \"Canada Free Press\" (CFP). McLeod was born in Prince Edward Island and raised in St. Joseph's Orphanage in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her first article was published in the \"Halifax Chronicle-Herald\" when she was 18. McLeod met her future husband, John, when she was a young reporter for the \"Oshawa Times\" where he was the managing editor. He had spent ten years with the \"Ottawa Journal\", and when he was hired by the", "title": "Judi McLeod" }, { "docid": "5698681", "text": "Press.\" The \"Free Press\" has been described as \"an online conservative tabloid.\" Judi McLeod Judi Ann T. McLeod (born 1944) is a Canadian journalist. Formerly a reporter for a series of newspapers in Ontario, she now operates the conservative website, \"Canada Free Press\" (CFP). McLeod was born in Prince Edward Island and raised in St. Joseph's Orphanage in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Her first article was published in the \"Halifax Chronicle-Herald\" when she was 18. McLeod met her future husband, John, when she was a young reporter for the \"Oshawa Times\" where he was the managing editor. He had spent ten", "title": "Judi McLeod" }, { "docid": "15150352", "text": "Mark Powlett Mark Powlett (born September 26, 1967) is an English clinical hypnotherapist, broadcaster, actor and writer. He is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Radio Presenter and Actor. He comments on news stories about Hypnosis and the mind for many me dia news outlets, including curing a reporters fear of flying and using lifts. He used to present the afternoon show on BBC Coventry and Warwickshire. He has hosted numerous live outside broadcasts notably from Stratford's Royal Shakespeare Theatre where his guests were Dame Judi Dench and Patrick Stewart. Mark Powlett studied theatre at Coventry University and returned to present a Coventry", "title": "Mark Powlett" }, { "docid": "12165110", "text": "Judi Spiers Judith Marilyn Spiers (born 15 March 1953) is a British radio and television presenter. Initially training to be an actress at the Rose Bruford College, Spiers began her broadcasting career at Westward Television in 1977, then the ITV station for south-west England. She impressed in the birthday slot with Gus Honeybun with cheeky humour. In short order, she moved to the \"What's Ahead\" entertainment guide. She hosted local beauty contests \"Mr TSW\" and \"Miss TSW\", reflecting the new south-west station TSW TSW produced a nationally networked daytime chat show \"Judi!\", which ran for six editions. Eventually, Spiers moved", "title": "Judi Spiers" }, { "docid": "10370957", "text": "Dame Judi Dench. A significant proportion of the £6.5m building cost was contributed by the National Lottery. The name Theatre by the Lake was decided by public consultation and the first performance in the new building was on 19 August 1999. The theatre has two auditoria: 400 seats in the Main House; and 100 seats in the Studio. Theatre by the Lake Theatre by the Lake in Keswick, Cumbria, England is situated on the shores of Derwentwater in the Lake District. It opened in 1999 (replacing the mobile Century Theatre) and was made possible by an Arts Council Lottery Fund", "title": "Theatre by the Lake" }, { "docid": "1979974", "text": "and to secure its future. The foundations of the Rose are covered in a few inches of water to keep the ground from developing major cracks. In 2007 part of The Rose was opened as a performance space with actors performing around the narrow perimeter of the site. A replica of The Rose Theatre was featured in the film \"Shakespeare in Love\" and after 10 years in storage was donated by Dame Judi Dench to the British Shakespeare Company, who were planning to rebuild it in the north of England, although the plans have not progressed any further since they", "title": "The Rose (theatre)" }, { "docid": "2835208", "text": "band member Daniel Tashian remembered from his childhood. The 2004 film \"Ladies in Lavender\", starring Dame Judi Dench, Dame Maggie Smith, Daniel Brühl, Natascha McElhone and Miriam Margolyes, includes a scene where stargazy pie is prepared and served. Stargazy pie Stargazy pie (sometimes called starrey gazey pie, stargazey pie and other variants) is a Cornish dish made of baked pilchards (or sardines), along with eggs and potatoes, covered with a pastry crust. Although there are a few variations with different fish being used, the unique feature of stargazy pie is fish heads (and sometimes tails) protruding through the crust, so", "title": "Stargazy pie" }, { "docid": "20903240", "text": "Geoff Dench Professor Geoff Dench (14 August 1940 - 24 June 2018) was a British social scientist whose work related particularly to the lives of working class men. He did extensive research using opinion surveys and arrived at conclusions relating to immigration, meritocracy and feminism that were out of keeping with prevailing attitudes in British academia in the later twentieth century. Geoff Dench was born in Brighton on 14 August 1940 to Herbert, a dental technician, and Edna, who had trained as an accountant. He did not see his father until he was five years old due to the Second", "title": "Geoff Dench" }, { "docid": "4131089", "text": "was held at the Hermitage, St Petersburg. Hambling is frequently described as a controversial figure. Hambling is a Patron of Paintings in Hospitals, a charity that provides art for health and social care in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In 1998 Hambling completed this outdoor sculpture in central London as a memorial to the dramatist Oscar Wilde, the first public monument to him outside his native Ireland. Fans of Wilde, notably Derek Jarman, first suggested a memorial in the 1980s. A committee, led by Sir Jeremy Isaacs and including the actors Dame Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellen and the", "title": "Maggi Hambling" }, { "docid": "16197703", "text": "them think, then to me that's a fine way to live. The Visa pour l'image photojournalism festival in Perpignan, France, has screened Dench's work five times (including \"Carry On England\" in 2009) and given it one full exhibition. Dench was described in 2011 as a contributing editor of \"Hungry Eye\" magazine and creative director of the White Cloth Gallery in Leeds, which he founded with co-creative director Sharon Price. He was a contributor to \"Professional Photographer\" magazine podcasts 1 to 13 in 2010/2011. His monthly 'Dench Diary' appeared in \"Professional Photographer\" in 2010/2011 and in \"Hungry Eye\" from 2011 to", "title": "Peter Dench" }, { "docid": "16197701", "text": "them easier to fund); which have included \"drinkUK\", \"ethnicUK\", \"rainUK\", \"loveUK\", \"royalUK\", \"summerUK\", \"fashionUK\", and \"Carry on England\". Dench was a member of the photo agency Independent Photographer's Group (IPG) from 2000 until the company's closure in 2005. In January 2012 he joined Reportage by Getty Images as one of their Represented Photographers (later known as Getty Verbatim). Around 2007 Dench spent 15 months photographing \"Football's Hidden Story\" in 20 countries on commission for FIFA, documenting \"the way in which the sport thrives in the most improbable circumstances and in which enthusiasm for the game is being harnessed for the", "title": "Peter Dench" }, { "docid": "7386079", "text": "in the 1980s, while ailing with leukaemia, Rodney Ackland rewrote aspects of this play, re-titling it \"Absolute Hell\". It was put on in its new form in 1988 to considerable success at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond-upon-Thames, directed by Sam Walters and John Gardyne, and starring Polly Hemingway and David Rintoul. In 1991 it was adapted and directed for BBC Television by Anthony Page, starring Dame Judi Dench, and the play was revived by Page at the Royal National Theatre in 1995, again with Dench in the leading role. See also Nick Smurthwaite's theatre profile of Ackland for The Stage,", "title": "Rodney Ackland" }, { "docid": "17644798", "text": "1989), and Barnaby William (born 1992). Michael Whitehall Michael John Whitehall (born 12 April 1940) is a British producer, talent agent, television personality and author. He is a former theatrical agent who went on to form two production companies, Havahall Pictures (with Nigel Havers) in 1988, and Whitehall Films in 1998. He has represented Colin Firth and Dame Judi Dench. He is the father of comedian Jack Whitehall. Whitehall was educated at Ampleforth College, a Catholic boarding school in Yorkshire, run by Benedictine monks. After his education, Whitehall worked as a film reporter for \"The Universe\", a Catholic newspaper. Whitehall", "title": "Michael Whitehall" } ]
From which country did Angola achieve independence in 1975?
[ "Portogało", "Republic of Portugal", "PORTUGAL", "Portekiz", "Portugallu", "O Papagaio", "ISO 3166-1:PT", "Portunga", "Phu-to-ga", "Potigal", "Portûnga", "Portugul", "An Phortaingéil", "Portugāle", "Portugale", "Portingale", "Potiti", "Portugali", "Portugall", "Portekîz", "Bo Dao Nha", "Portuguese Republic", "Portogallo", "Portugaul", "Portogalo", "Portyngal", "Yn Phortiugal", "Portugalio", "Portugál", "Portugual", "Portuga", "Portgual", "Portugalsko", "Portugaleje", "Phû-tô-gâ", "Portugalujo", "Portugalija", "Pertual", "Pòtigal", "Portugal", "Bồ Đào Nha", "Portugalska", "República Portuguesa", "Portiwgal", "Portugalėjė", "Portúgal", "Portegal", "An Phortaingeil", "Republica Portuguesa" ]
[ { "docid": "11469873", "text": "they really are. Angola's colonial era ended with the Angolan War of Independence against Portugal occurred between 1970 and 1975. Independence did not produce a unified Angola, however; the country plunged into years of civil war between the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the governing Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). 30 years of war would produce historical legacies that combine to allow for the persistence of a highly corrupt government system. The Angolan civil war was fought between the pro-western UNITA and the communist MPLA and had the characteristics typical of a", "title": "Corruption in Angola" }, { "docid": "11391664", "text": "peace agreement did not last, as Savimbi rejected the election results and fighting resumed across the country until 2002. People's Republic of Angola The People's Republic of Angola () was the self-declared socialist state which governed Angola from its independence in 1975 until 1992, during the Angolan Civil War. The regime was established in 1975, after Portuguese Angola, a colony, was granted independence from Portugal through the Alvor Agreement. The situation in Portugal's other former large African colony, the People's Republic of Mozambique, was similar. The newly-founded nation had friendly relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the People's Republic", "title": "People's Republic of Angola" }, { "docid": "11636776", "text": "Agriculture in Angola Agriculture in Angola has a tremendous potential. Angola is a potentially rich agricultural country, with fertile soils, a favourable climate, and about 57.4 million ha of agricultural land, including more than 5.0 million ha of arable land. Before independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola had a flourishing tradition of family-based farming and was self-sufficient in all major food crops except wheat. The country exported coffee and maize, as well as crops such as sisal, bananas, tobacco and cassava. By the 1990s Angola produced less than 1 percent the volume of coffee it had produced in the early", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "11391662", "text": "People's Republic of Angola The People's Republic of Angola () was the self-declared socialist state which governed Angola from its independence in 1975 until 1992, during the Angolan Civil War. The regime was established in 1975, after Portuguese Angola, a colony, was granted independence from Portugal through the Alvor Agreement. The situation in Portugal's other former large African colony, the People's Republic of Mozambique, was similar. The newly-founded nation had friendly relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the People's Republic of Mozambique. The country was governed by the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which was responsible", "title": "People's Republic of Angola" }, { "docid": "1851902", "text": "Angola Avante \"Angola Avante!\" (English: \"Onwards Angola\") is the national anthem of the Republic of Angola. composed the music, while the lyrics were authored by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro. It was adopted as the national anthem in November 1975, when the country gained its independence from Portugal. The lyrics make reference to several key events of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which has been in power since independence and was the only party in Angola until 1992. \"Angola Avante\" was composed by . The lyrics to the song were penned by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro (1941–),", "title": "Angola Avante" }, { "docid": "11636792", "text": "raised, but production fell from 36,500 tons slaughtered in 1973 to only 5,000 tons in the early 1980s. This tremendous decrease was the result of a combination of factors, including the departure of the commercial farmers, increasing disruption from the war and the deterioration of facilities and services, especially vaccinations, crucial for livestock production. Agriculture in Angola Agriculture in Angola has a tremendous potential. Angola is a potentially rich agricultural country, with fertile soils, a favourable climate, and about 57.4 million ha of agricultural land, including more than 5.0 million ha of arable land. Before independence from Portugal in 1975,", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "7144545", "text": "Operation Savannah (Angola) Operation Savannah was the South African Defence Force's 1975–1976 covert intervention in the Angolan War of Independence, and the subsequent Angolan Civil War. The so-called \"Carnation Revolution\" of the 25th April 1974 ended Portugal's colonial government, but Angola's three main independence forces, National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA), National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) began competing for dominance in the country. Fighting began in November 1974, starting in the capital city, Luanda, and spreading quickly across all of Angola, which was soon divided among", "title": "Operation Savannah (Angola)" }, { "docid": "10965082", "text": "inefficiency; infringements on citizens' privacy rights and forced evictions without compensation; restrictions on nongovernmental organizations; discrimination and violence against women; abuse of children; trafficking in persons; discrimination against persons with disabilities, indigenous people, and persons with HIV/AIDS; limits on workers' rights; and forced labor.\" A longtime Portuguese colony, Angola waged a war of independence that lasted from 1961 to 1975. Angola received its independence from Portugal in 1975, whereupon it immediately plunged into a brutal, bloody, and destructive civil war between the governing Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which was supported principally by the Soviet Union and", "title": "Human rights in Angola" }, { "docid": "11403177", "text": "within the first six months of 1961. The Portuguese Army and Air Force put down the uprising and blacked out the incident to the press. The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) said the Portuguese military killed ten thousand people in the massacre. Conservative estimates are around 400 casualties. These events are considered the beginning of the Portuguese Colonial War (1961-1974). After the April 1974 Carnation Revolution in Lisbon, Angola was offered independence from Portugal. After independence in 1975, during the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002), both the largest opposition group, National Union for the Total Independence of Angola", "title": "Slavery in Angola" }, { "docid": "10167093", "text": "in Portugal, but also in France, but mostly in lower leagues. The national football association of Angola is the Federação Angolana de Futebol (FAF). It was founded in 1979, after Angola's independence from Portugal in 1975. The FAF organizes the national football leagues Girabola (1st league) and Gira Angola (2nd league) and is also responsible for the Angolan national team of men and women. The country hosted the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations. At least since 1965, a national champion is played in Angola in a league operation. Record champion at the Portuguese time was founded in 1953 club Atlético", "title": "Football in Angola" }, { "docid": "11751079", "text": "school and teacher training students) had increased to 151,759. This made for combined primary and secondary school enrollment consisting of 49 percent of the school-age population. By 1986 the primary school enrollment had increased to 1,304,145. After the independence of Angola from Portugal in 1975, the Portuguese-built University of Luanda was refounded as the Universidade de Angola (University of Angola) in 1979 as a successor of the higher education institutions created during the Portuguese colonial administration. This included other institutions like the faculty of agricultural sciences based in the central Angolan town of Huambo which was known before independence by", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "18393976", "text": "companies such as Gurpo Gusi and Sukarne operate in Angola. Angola–Mexico relations Angola-Mexico relations refers to the diplomatic relations between Angola and Mexico. Angola gained its independence from Portugal in November 1975. In January 1976, Mexico recognized the independence and established diplomatic relations with Angola. Soon after gaining independence, Angola entered into a civil war which lasted until 2002. Towards the end of the war, in 1997, Angola opened an embassy in Mexico City. In 2009, Mexico opened an embassy in Luanda, however, due to the global economic crisis to which Mexico was not immune, the embassy in Angola closed", "title": "Angola–Mexico relations" }, { "docid": "18393974", "text": "Angola–Mexico relations Angola-Mexico relations refers to the diplomatic relations between Angola and Mexico. Angola gained its independence from Portugal in November 1975. In January 1976, Mexico recognized the independence and established diplomatic relations with Angola. Soon after gaining independence, Angola entered into a civil war which lasted until 2002. Towards the end of the war, in 1997, Angola opened an embassy in Mexico City. In 2009, Mexico opened an embassy in Luanda, however, due to the global economic crisis to which Mexico was not immune, the embassy in Angola closed only after a few months. In 2014, during a visit", "title": "Angola–Mexico relations" }, { "docid": "11111928", "text": "Constitution of Angola Since its independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola has had three constitutions. The first came into force in 1975 as an \"interim\" measure; the second was approved in a 1992 referendum, and the third one was instituted in 2010. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years, beginning the 15th century. Three principal parties, MPLA, National Front for the Liberation of Angola the FNLA and the National Union for Total Independence of Angola the UNITA, fought for independence. After many years of conflict that weakened all of the insurgent parties, Angola gained independence on", "title": "Constitution of Angola" }, { "docid": "1866", "text": "the skills and knowledge needed to run the country and maintain its well-developed infrastructure. The Angolan government created Sonangol, a state-run oil company, in 1976. Two years later Sonangol received the rights to oil exploration and production in all of Angola. After independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola was ravaged by a horrific civil war between 1975 and 2002. United Nations Angola Verification Mission III and MONUA spent USD1.5 billion overseeing implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, a 1994 peace accord that ultimately failed to end the civil war. The protocol prohibited UNITA from buying foreign arms, a provision the United", "title": "Economy of Angola" }, { "docid": "11358131", "text": "Africa gained its independence from South Africa. Cuban military engagement in Angola ended in 1991, while the Angolan civil war continued until 2002. The Carnation Revolution of 25 April 1974 in Portugal took the world by surprise and caught the independence movements in its last African colonies unprepared. After smooth negotiations, Mozambique's independence was granted on 25 June 1975, but Angolan control remained disputed between the three rival independence movements: MPLA, FNLA and UNITA in Angola-proper and Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) in Cabinda. Until independence, the independence movements' priority lay in fighting the colonial", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11111946", "text": "18 most corrupt countries, according to Transparency International. Constitution of Angola Since its independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola has had three constitutions. The first came into force in 1975 as an \"interim\" measure; the second was approved in a 1992 referendum, and the third one was instituted in 2010. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years, beginning the 15th century. Three principal parties, MPLA, National Front for the Liberation of Angola the FNLA and the National Union for Total Independence of Angola the UNITA, fought for independence. After many years of conflict that weakened all", "title": "Constitution of Angola" }, { "docid": "11358152", "text": "the requested financial assistance (100,000US$) it received from Yugoslavia. Portugal's sudden retreat from Angola and Mozambique in 1975 ended a history of South African military and intelligence cooperation with Portugal against the Angolan and Namibian independence movements dating back to the 1960s, later formalized in a secret alliance codenamed Alcora Exercise. It also ended economic cooperation with regard to the Cunene hydro-project at the Angolan-Namibian border, which South Africa had financed. South African involvement in Angola, subsumed under what it called the South African Border War, started in 1966 when the conflict with the Namibian independence movement, South West Africa", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11392042", "text": "Angola–Portugal relations Angola–Portugal relations have significantly improved since the Angolan government abandoned communism and nominally embraced democracy in 1991, embracing a pro-U.S. and to a lesser degree pro-Europe foreign policy. Portugal ruled Angola for 400 years, colonizing the territory from 1483 until independence in 1975. Angola's war for independence did not end in a military victory for either side, but was suspended as a result of a coup in Portugal, that replaced the Caetano regime with a National Salvation JuntaThe Portuguese government recognized the authority of the MPLA, under the command of President Agostinho Neto, on December 22, 1976 and", "title": "Angola–Portugal relations" }, { "docid": "11871042", "text": "independence from Portugal was a clause that Brazil would promise not to accept direct control over any Luso-African territories. When Angola gained its independence from Portugal in 1975, many of the Portuguese settlers and both black and mestizo residents of the former colony emigrated to Brazil and Portugal. As former Portuguese colonies, Angola and Brazil share many cultural ties, including language (Portuguese is the official language of each country) and religion (a majority of both countries are Roman Catholics). Both countries are members of CPLP, an association of Portuguese-speaking countries. Literature Pepetela's \"A gloriosa família\" (The glorious family, 1996) takes", "title": "Angola–Brazil relations" }, { "docid": "11358133", "text": "The disunity of the three main movements postponed the handing over of power. The Alvor Agreement, which the three and Portugal signed on 15 January, proved to be no solid foundation for the procedure. The transitional government the agreement provided for was equally composed of the three big independence movements and Portugal. It was sworn in on 31 January 1975; independence day was set for 11 November 1975, the same day of the ceasefire. FLEC was not part of the deal because it fought for the independence of Cabinda, which the Portuguese had administratively joined as an exclave to Angola.", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11383472", "text": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984 In the Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984, signed 19 March 1984 in Havana by president José Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola and Fidel Castro, premier of Cuba, the two countries agreed to the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola after the withdrawal of South African troops from Angola and Namibia, and after UN-Security Council resolution 435 on Namibian independence was strictly applied. Soon after getting independence from Portugal in 1975, civil war was fought among the three leading groups in Angola. Angola's three main guerrilla groups agreed to establish a transitional government in January 1975. Within two", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "11636848", "text": "Fishing in Angola Fishing in Angola is mainly performed by foreign fleets. Some of the foreign fishing fleets operating in Angolan waters were required by the government to land a portion of their catch at Angolan ports to increase the local supply of fish. Fishing agreements of this kind were reached with several countries, including with Spain, Japan, and Italy. Fishing in Angola was a major and growing industry before independence from Portugal in 1975. In the early 1970s, there were about 700 fishing boats, and the annual catch was more than 300,000 tons. Including the catch of foreign fishing", "title": "Fishing in Angola" }, { "docid": "11111931", "text": "to remain president until 2022. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years from the 15th century. Demands for independence picked up momentum during the early 1950s. The principal protagonists included the MPLA, founded in 1956, the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), which appeared in 1961, and the UNITA, founded in 1966. After many years of conflict that weakened all of the insurgent parties, Angola gained independence on 11 November 1975, after the Carnation Revolution in Portugal overthrew the Portuguese regime headed by Marcelo Caetano. A fight for dominance broke out immediately between the", "title": "Constitution of Angola" }, { "docid": "11751084", "text": "that many of those studying abroad had either failed to complete their courses of study or had not returned to Angola. After independence from Portugal in 1975, Angolan students continued to be admitted to Portuguese high schools, polytechnical institutes and universities, through bilateral agreements between the Portuguese and the Angolan governments, most of them belong to the Angolan elites. However, many of those studying in European countries like Portugal and Russia failed to complete their courses of study or had not returned to Angola. Release of UNICEF's 1999 annual report on \"The State of the World's Children\" predicted that illiteracy", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "11383475", "text": "which was called the Colonial War. The principal protagonists included the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), founded in 1956, the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), which appeared in 1961, and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), founded in 1966. After many years of conflict that weakened all of the insurgent parties, Angola gained its independence on 11 November 1975, after the 1974 coup d'état in Lisbon, Portugal, which overthrew the Portuguese régime headed by Marcelo Caetano. Portugal's new revolutionary leaders began in 1974 a process of political change at home", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "3878676", "text": "1963, by the merging of the Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (MLEC), the Action Committee of the Cabinda National Union (CAUNC) and the Mayombe National Alliance (ALLIAMA). On the contrary of the remaining three movements, FLEC did not fight for the independence of the whole Angola, but only for the independence of Cabinda, which it considered a separate country. Although its activities started still before the withdrawal of Portugal from Angola, the military actions of FLEC occurred mainly after, being aimed against the Angolan armed and security forces. FLEC is the only of the nationalist and", "title": "Angolan War of Independence" }, { "docid": "8010730", "text": "National Air Force of Angola The National Air Force of Angola or FANA (Portuguese: \"Força Aérea Nacional de Angola\") is the air branch of the Armed Forces of Angola. With an inventory of more than 300 aircraft, FANA is (on paper) one of the largest air forces of Africa. Angola became independent from Portugal on 11 November 1975. However, the foundations for the establishment of the air force were laid before independence when members of the then Flying Club of Angola (\"Aeroclube de Angola\") were assembled at Luanda in October 1975. These people and aircraft left behind by the Portuguese", "title": "National Air Force of Angola" }, { "docid": "12728468", "text": "the northern provinces of Angola (particularly the province of Zaire), the Baptist Convention of Angola has maintained a distinctive multi-ethnic character with an active ministry functioning in ten of the eighteen Angolan provinces since the time of Portuguese colonization. After the war for independence ended in 1975, the Convention had a period of natural stagnation owing to the civil war that dominated the next three decades. In part this stagnation was due to the forced abandonment of the country by the missionary forces from America, Portugal, Denmark and Brazil who, up to that point had led the evangelistic spread of", "title": "Baptist Convention of Angola" }, { "docid": "9246037", "text": "which at the time was an overseas province of Portugal. In 1926, the Portuguese established a separate issue bank for Angola, creating the Bank of Angola (). BNU transferred its branch in Stanleyville to this bank, which in 1934, transferred the branch to Boma, before closing it in 1947. When Angola gained its independence in 1975, the government nationalized the banking sector. \"Banco de Angola\" became \"Banco Nacional de Angola\" (BNA); \"Banco Comercial de Angola\" became \"Banco Popular de Angola\", and is now \"Banco de Poupança e Crédito\". The BNA continued to function as a central bank, bank of issue", "title": "National Bank of Angola" }, { "docid": "511538", "text": "in Angola. Attribution: History of Angola Angola is a country in southwestern Africa. The country's name derives from the Kimbundu word for king. It was first settled by San hunter-gatherer societies before the northern domains came under the rule of Bantu states such as Kongo and Ndongo. From the 15th century, Portuguese colonists began trading, and a settlement was established at Luanda during the 16th century. Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951. After the Angolan War of Independence, which ended", "title": "History of Angola" }, { "docid": "11383474", "text": "on 11 November 1975, with Agostinho Neto becoming the first president, though the civil war continued. José Eduardo Dos Santos became the first elected President of Angola from the MPLA-LT and continued to get the support of Cuba. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years from the 15th century. The demand for independence in Angola picked up momentum during the early 1950s. The Portuguese régime, refused to accede to the demands for independence, provoking an armed conflict that started in 1961 when freedom fighters attacked both white and black civilians in cross-border operations in northeastern Angola,", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "11378032", "text": "government, UNITA, and the UN with the governments of Portugal, the United States, and Russia observing, to oversee its implementation. Violations of the protocol's provisions would be discussed and reviewed by the commission. The protocol's provisions, integrating UNITA into the military, a ceasefire, and a coalition government, were similar to those of the Alvor Agreement which granted Angola independence from Portugal in 1975. Many of the same environmental problems, mutual distrust between UNITA and the MPLA, loose international oversight, the importation of foreign arms, and an overemphasis on maintaining the balance of power, led to the protocol's collapse. In January", "title": "1990s in Angola" }, { "docid": "13615942", "text": "is a name for Portuguese-speaking people. The competition is organised by the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees () (ACOLOP) which is an Olympic-related not-for-profit organisation. The Lusophony Games is contested by Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Macau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe and Sri Lanka as well as the Indian state of Goa. Angola was a Portuguese colony between 1575 and 1975 before gaining independence in the Angolan War of Independence. Portuguese is the national language of Angola. Alongside the Lusophony Games, Angola also competes at other multi-sport games such as the Olympics.", "title": "Angola at the Lusophony Games" }, { "docid": "511507", "text": "History of Angola Angola is a country in southwestern Africa. The country's name derives from the Kimbundu word for king. It was first settled by San hunter-gatherer societies before the northern domains came under the rule of Bantu states such as Kongo and Ndongo. From the 15th century, Portuguese colonists began trading, and a settlement was established at Luanda during the 16th century. Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951. After the Angolan War of Independence, which ended with an army", "title": "History of Angola" }, { "docid": "14305875", "text": "Portuguese protectorate by the 1885 Treaty of Simulambuco. Sometime during the 1920s, it became incorporated into the larger colony (later the overseas province) of Portuguese Angola. The two colonies had initially been contiguous, but later became geographically separated by a narrow corridor of land, which Portugal ceded to Belgium allowing Belgian Congo access to the Atlantic Ocean. Following the decolonisation of Portuguese Angola with the 1975 Alvor Agreement, the short-lived Republic of Cabinda unilaterally declared its independence. However, Cabinda was soon overpowered and re-annexed by the newly proclaimed People's Republic of Angola and never achieved international recognition. Portuguese explorers and", "title": "Portuguese Angola" }, { "docid": "11392048", "text": "recession, had made buying large corporations that they would not have been able to afford if Portugal had not been in a crisis an easy picking for the Angolan government. Portugal had also sold some real estate and port wine estates. Angola now had stakes in the Portuguese economy from banking to energy to media. Angola–Portugal relations Angola–Portugal relations have significantly improved since the Angolan government abandoned communism and nominally embraced democracy in 1991, embracing a pro-U.S. and to a lesser degree pro-Europe foreign policy. Portugal ruled Angola for 400 years, colonizing the territory from 1483 until independence in 1975.", "title": "Angola–Portugal relations" }, { "docid": "11359424", "text": "that Angola's large oil reserves would serve well to make it a rich and strong backer of a Marxist expansion, Cuba focused on primarily supporting Angolan Marxist rebel movements over the liberation movements of other Portuguese colonies, thus beginning the special relationship between Cuba and Angola. Portugal set Angola's independence date for 11 November 1975. Three prominent liberation movements contended for the role of leading the newly formed independent country, namely: UNITA, FNLA and the MPLA. Each of the three movements received foreign assistance, UNITA from western countries, FNLA from China (and later from the West) and MPLA from the", "title": "Angola–Cuba relations" }, { "docid": "6927734", "text": "the Southern Zone of the Africa Region. Although Scouting is growing, the country is plagued by years of civil war and political unrest, and this is hindering development, especially in rural areas. Angolan Scouting was widespread in the colonial years, working closely with Portugal's Catholic Corpo Nacional de Escutas. When Angola gained its independence in 1975 and came under Marxist rule, Scouting was banned by that government. Scouting was officially started again in February 1991. In 1994, the interreligious \"Associação Nacional de Escuteiros\" and the Catholic \"Associação de Escuteiros Católicos de Angola\" merged forming the AEA. Today, Scouting includes an", "title": "Associação de Escuteiros de Angola" }, { "docid": "2340215", "text": "President of Angola The President of the Republic of Angola (\"Presidente da República de Angola\" in Portuguese) is both head of state and head of government in Angola. According to the constitution adopted in 2010, the post of Prime Minister is abolished; executive authority belongs to the President who has also a degree of legislative powers, as he can govern by decree. The position of President dates from Angola's independence from Portugal. Agostinho Neto held the position when his People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) won control of the country from the Portuguese. When Neto died in 1979,", "title": "President of Angola" } ]
[ { "docid": "11358129", "text": "Cuban intervention in Angola In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention in support of the leftist People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) against United States-backed interventions by South Africa and Zaire in support of two right-wing independence movements competing for power in the country, the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). By the end of 1975 the Cuban military in Angola numbered more than 25,000 troops. Following the withdrawal of Zaire and South Africa, Cuban forces remained in Angola", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11358286", "text": "diamonds. The civil war ended in 2002 after Jonas Savimbi was killed in battle. Cuban intervention in Angola In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention in support of the leftist People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) against United States-backed interventions by South Africa and Zaire in support of two right-wing independence movements competing for power in the country, the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). By the end of 1975 the Cuban military in Angola numbered more than 25,000", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11871037", "text": "Angola–Brazil relations Angola–Brazil relations refers to the historical and current bilateral relationship between Angola and Brazil. Brazil was the first country to recognize the independence of Angola, in November 1975. Commercial and economic ties dominate the relations of each country. Both countries are former colonies under the Portuguese Empire; Brazil from the early 16th century until its independence in 1822, and Angola until its independence in 1975. Due to their status as former Portuguese colonies and the transatlantic slave trade, Brazil and Angola have a long and important history of economic ties. Period of the transatlantic slave trade In 1646,", "title": "Angola–Brazil relations" }, { "docid": "11352079", "text": "governments of Angola, Zambia, and Zaire signed a non-aggression pact. 1970s in Angola The 1970s in Angola, a time of political and military turbulence, saw the end of Angola's War of Independence (1961–1975) and the outbreak of civil war (1975–2002). Agostinho Neto, the leader of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), declared the independence of the People's Republic of Angola on November 11, 1975, in accordance with the Alvor Accords. UNITA and the FNLA also declared Angolan independence as the Social Democratic Republic of Angola based in Huambo and the Democratic Republic of Angola based in Ambriz.", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11352053", "text": "1970s in Angola The 1970s in Angola, a time of political and military turbulence, saw the end of Angola's War of Independence (1961–1975) and the outbreak of civil war (1975–2002). Agostinho Neto, the leader of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), declared the independence of the People's Republic of Angola on November 11, 1975, in accordance with the Alvor Accords. UNITA and the FNLA also declared Angolan independence as the Social Democratic Republic of Angola based in Huambo and the Democratic Republic of Angola based in Ambriz. FLEC, armed and backed by the French government, declared the", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11168980", "text": "1960s in Angola The 1960s in Angola were marked by the War of Independence (1961–1975). Portuguese police arrested Agostinho Neto of the MPLA and future President of Angola (1975–1979) in 1960 for the third time. Delegates discussed Cabinda's self-determination in relation to Angola at the 4th Commission of the United Nations on Decolonization in New York in 1962. Cabinda became a member of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) as the 39th colonized country in 1964. Angola's industries grew by an annual average rate of 17% in the 1960s as ethnic Europeans seized natives' lands and increased mineral production. Mineral", "title": "1960s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11358284", "text": "withdrawal of the last soldier from Angola on 25 May 1991, a total of 2,289 Cubans were killed. Other analysts have noted that of 36,000 Cuban troops committed to fighting in Angola from 1975 to 1979, combat deaths were close to 5,000 in number. Free elections in Namibia were held in November 1989 with SWAPO taking 57% of the vote in spite of Pretoria's attempts to swing the elections in favor of other parties. (see Martti Ahtisaari and History of Namibia). Namibia gained independence in March 1990. The situation in Angola was anything but settled and the country continued to", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "9221296", "text": "the Republican administration of President Ford attempted to counter them. This was thwarted by the Tunney/Clark amendment, passed by a Democratic congress forbidding any involvement. The United States opposed Angola's membership in the United Nations from its declaration of independence in 1975 to its acceptance in December 1976. Angola did not have formal relations with the United States until 1993. Fidel Castro regarded the attitude of the United States: Why were they vexed? Why had they planned everything to take possession of Angola before 11 November? Angola is a country rich in resources. In Cabinda there is lots of oil.", "title": "Angola–United States relations" }, { "docid": "11751075", "text": "carried on largely by Africans with very few qualifications. Most secondary school teachers were Portuguese. In 1962, the first university established in Angola was founded by the Portuguese authorities — Estudos Gerais Universitários de Angola. This first Angolan university awarded a range of degrees from engineering to medicine. In 1968, it was renamed \"Universidade de Luanda\" (“University of Luanda”). The conflict between the Portuguese military and the nationalist guerrillas, the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–1974), did not damage effectively this strong education growth started in the late 1950s. However, the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002) that ensued after independence left the education", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "10664828", "text": "1950s in Angola Angola in the 1950s transitioned from colonial to provincial status. Angola had the status of a Portuguese colony from 1655 until the Assembly of the Republic passed a law on June 11, 1951, giving all Portuguese colonies provincial status, effective on October 20, 1951. Separatist political organizations advocating Angolan independence formed in the 1950s despite strong resistance from the Portuguese government, leading to the Angolan War of Independence (1961–1975). Viriato da Cruz and others formed the Movement of Young Intellectuals, an organization that promoted Angolan culture, in 1948. Nationalists sent a letter to the United Nations calling", "title": "1950s in Angola" }, { "docid": "17128773", "text": "in significant growth and development in the church. In 1957, the work of the North American Congregational Churches was united and the Council of Evangelical Churches in Angola was founded. In 1975, after the country had gained independence, The Angolan Civil War broke out. The war devastated Angola's infrastructure and severely damaged the nation's public administration, economic enterprises and religious institutions. The war forced foreign missionaries to leave the country. The church was divided into two parts; rural and urban. During and after the war, the church remained divided into the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola and the Evangelical Reformed", "title": "Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola" }, { "docid": "11882413", "text": "for clandestine operations in which covert operations were authorized: “The first meeting involved only money, but the second included some arms package.\" Beginning in 1975, the CIA participated in the Angolan Civil War, hiring and training American, British, French and Portuguese private military contractors, as well as training National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) rebels under Jonas Savimbi, to fight against the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) led by Agostinho Neto. John Stockwell commanded the CIA's Angola effort in 1975 to 1976. In a meeting including President Richard Nixon and Chinese Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping,", "title": "CIA activities in Angola" }, { "docid": "10664830", "text": "of Northern Angola, which advocated the independence of the traditional Kingdom of Kongo, in 1954. Portuguese police arrested Agostinho Neto of the MPLA and future President of Angola (1975–1979), in 1952 and again in 1955 for his involvement in the Portuguese Communist Party. He returned to Angola in 1959 and police arrested him again in 1960. Portuguese authorities arrested over 100 MPLA members in 1959. The Portuguese discovered petroleum in Angola in 1955. Production began in the Cuanza basin in the 1950s, in the Congo basin in the 1960s, and in the exclave of Cabinda in 1968. The Belgian company", "title": "1950s in Angola" }, { "docid": "15129846", "text": "Angola Press News Agency The Angola Press News Agency or Angola Press Agency (ANGOP; ) is the official news agency of Angola, based in Luanda. Founded in 1975, it was a former close ally of the now-defunct Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union. It is part of the . ANGOP was founded in April 1975 under the name \"Agência Nacional Angola Press\" (ANAP) and later renamed \"Agência Angola Press\" when Angola gained independence, by order dated October 30, 1975, promulgated by then president Agostinho Neto and enjoyed autonomy and editorial independence under Presidential Decree No. 9/75 of 15 September 1975.", "title": "Angola Press News Agency" }, { "docid": "20722300", "text": "Santa Cruz, Angola Santa Cruz (also called Milunga ) is a city and a county in Angola . Santa Cruz was one of the first objectives of the independence movement UPA ( \"União das Populações do Norte de Angola\" , from 1962 FNLA ), which began in March 1961, the Portuguese colonial war in Angola. The popular resistance of the local population, which consisted largely of Portuguese settlers, was propagated by Portuguese propaganda as a feat against terrorist attacks by insurgents who were sinking abroad. After Angola's independence in 1975, Santa Cruz, like many other places, abandoned its Portuguese place", "title": "Santa Cruz, Angola" }, { "docid": "10252395", "text": "Trade unions in Angola Before 1975, while under Portuguese rule, Trade unions in Angola existed primarily as \"occupational syndicates\" - operating welfare services, but banned from collective bargaining and strike action. Independent African trade unions were illegal, however, some underground or exiled unions existed, and were involved in the struggle for Angolan independence. When the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) came to power in 1975 the National Union of Angolan Workers (UNTA) became the sole national trade union centre. There is now an independent trade union centre as well, the General Centre of Independent and Free Unions of", "title": "Trade unions in Angola" }, { "docid": "1857", "text": "Economy of Angola The Economy of Angola is one of the fastest-growing in the world, with reported annual average GDP growth of 11.1 percent from 2001 to 2010. It is still recovering from 27 years of the civil war that plagued the country from its independence in 1975 to 2002. Despite extensive oil and gas resources, diamonds, hydroelectric potential, and rich agricultural land, Angola remains poor, and a third of the population relies on subsistence agriculture. Since 2002, when the 27-year civil war ended, the nation has worked to repair and improve ravaged infrastructure and weakened political and social institutions.", "title": "Economy of Angola" }, { "docid": "1819", "text": "a population of 25.789.024 inhabitants. It is estimated that Angola was host to 12,100 refugees and 2,900 asylum seekers by the end of 2007. 11,400 of those refugees were originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who arrived in the 1970s. there were an estimated 400,000 Democratic Republic of the Congo migrant workers, at least 220,000 Portuguese, and about 259,000 Chinese living in Angola. Since 2003, more than 400,000 Congolese migrants have been expelled from Angola. Prior to independence in 1975, Angola had a community of approximately 350,000 Portuguese, but the vast majority left after independence and the ensuing civil", "title": "Angola" }, { "docid": "11358136", "text": "fighting was taken up throughout the whole country. The independence movements attempted to seize key strategic points, most importantly the capital on the day of independence. In a meeting of the United States National Security Council (NSC) on 27 June 1975, U.S. President Gerald Ford said that, in spite of planned elections, it was important to get \"his man\" in first, referring to then UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi being in control of Luanda before the elections. Arthur Schlesinger pointed out at the same meeting that the U.S. \"might wish to encourage the disintegration of Angola. Cabinda in the clutches of", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11383478", "text": "declaration of independence. In response, Cuba intervened in favor of the MPLA, which became a flash point for the Cold War. With Cuban support, the MPLA held Luanda and declared independence on 11 November 1975, with Agostinho Neto becoming the first president, though the civil war continued. At this time, most of the half-million Portuguese who lived in Angola – and who had accounted for the majority of the skilled workers in public administration, agriculture, industries and trade – fled the country, leaving its once prosperous and growing economy in a state of bankruptcy. Cuban intervention in Angola is believed", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "511521", "text": "nationalist's demands for independence, thereby provoking the armed conflict that started in 1961 when guerrillas attacked colonial assets in cross-border operations in northeastern Angola The war came to be known as the Colonial War. In this struggle, the principal protagonists were the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola), founded in 1956, the FNLA (National Front for the Liberation of Angola), which appeared in 1961, and UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), founded in 1966. After many years of conflict, the nation gained its independence on 11 November 1975, after the 1974 coup d'état in Lisbon,", "title": "History of Angola" }, { "docid": "10652438", "text": "recognition. Colonial history of Angola The colonial history of Angola is usually considered to run from the appearance of the Portuguese under Diogo Cão in 1482 (Congo) or 1484 (Angolan coast) until the independence of Angola in November 1975. Settlement did not begin until Novais's establishment of São Paulo de Loanda (Luanda) in 1575, however, and the Portuguese government only formally incorporated Angola as a colony in 1655 or on May 12, 1886. Luanda was founded in 1576 with a hundred families of settlers and 400 soldiers. Benguela was founded as a fort in 1587. Luanda was granted the status", "title": "Colonial history of Angola" }, { "docid": "10652419", "text": "Colonial history of Angola The colonial history of Angola is usually considered to run from the appearance of the Portuguese under Diogo Cão in 1482 (Congo) or 1484 (Angolan coast) until the independence of Angola in November 1975. Settlement did not begin until Novais's establishment of São Paulo de Loanda (Luanda) in 1575, however, and the Portuguese government only formally incorporated Angola as a colony in 1655 or on May 12, 1886. Luanda was founded in 1576 with a hundred families of settlers and 400 soldiers. Benguela was founded as a fort in 1587. Luanda was granted the status of", "title": "Colonial history of Angola" }, { "docid": "12384501", "text": "the treatment regimen. This is seen in Angola as well, as only 39% of all individuals placed on ART are known to have been still taking it 12 months after beginning treatment. The 27-year civil war in Angola, lasting from 1975 until 2002, kept the spread of HIV to a minimum due to large parts of the country being inaccessible to people infected with the virus. During the civil war, individuals from neighboring countries such as Zambia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe (all countries with high prevalence rates of HIV) were also not allowed to come into the country, which played a", "title": "HIV/AIDS in Angola" }, { "docid": "14328321", "text": "Museum of the Armed Forces (Angola) The Museum of the Armed Forces (Portuguese: Museu das Forças Armadas) is located in Fortaleza de São Miguel de Luanda, in Luanda, Angola. Founded in 1975, following the independence of Angola, the museum includes bi-motor airplanes, combat vehicles, and diverse arms and artifacts used during the Angolan War of Independence (1961–1974), the South African Border War (1966-1991), and the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002). The museum also contains statuary which ornamented the avenues and plazas of colonial Luanda, which were removed after independence. These include the statue of Diogo Cão, the first European to set", "title": "Museum of the Armed Forces (Angola)" }, { "docid": "10252396", "text": "Angola. Trade union membership in Angola is limited both by the small formal economy, and the high unemployment rate within the sector. The Government of Angola is the largest employer within the country, and wages within the government are set yearly, with consultation from unions, but without direct negotiations. Trade unions in Angola Before 1975, while under Portuguese rule, Trade unions in Angola existed primarily as \"occupational syndicates\" - operating welfare services, but banned from collective bargaining and strike action. Independent African trade unions were illegal, however, some underground or exiled unions existed, and were involved in the struggle for", "title": "Trade unions in Angola" }, { "docid": "11616583", "text": "banned Islam and mosques as contrary to the nation's culture. http://www.nation.co.ke/news/africa/Angola-denies-banning-Islam-/-/1066/2089492/-/513xwuz/-/index.html Religion in Angola Religion in Angola consists in about 1,000 religious communities in the country, most of which are Christian. Roman Catholics constitute about half of the population. Other Christian denominations include Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Reformed Churches and Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses − all these denominations making up about a quarter of the population. Since independence, numerous Pentecostal, Evangelical and other communities have sprung up, the most important being the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, of Brazilian origin. Two syncretic \"African Christian\" churches exist, the Kimbanguists", "title": "Religion in Angola" }, { "docid": "1754", "text": "colonisation. It began with, and was for centuries limited to, coastal settlements and trading posts established starting in the 16th century. In the 19th century, European settlers slowly and hesitantly began to establish themselves in the interior. The Portuguese colony that became Angola did not have its present borders until the early 20th century because of resistance by groups such as the Cuamato, the Kwanyama and the Mbunda. After a protracted anti-colonial struggle, independence was achieved in 1975 as the Marxist–Leninist People's Republic of Angola, a one-party state supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba. The civil war between the", "title": "Angola" }, { "docid": "11352056", "text": "the week before independence. While Cuban officers led the mission and provided the bulk of the troop force, 60 Soviet officers in the Congo joined the Cubans on November 12. The Soviet leadership expressly forbid the Cubans from intervening in Angola's civil war, focusing the mission on containing South Africa. In 1975 and 1976 most foreign forces, with the exception of Cuba, withdrew. The last elements of the Portuguese military withdrew in 1975 and the South African military withdrew in February 1976. On the other hand, Cuba's troop force in Angola increased from 5,500 in December 1975 to 11,000 in", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11168981", "text": "exports doubled between 1965 and 1970 to 170 million pounds. In the district of Huambo, between 1968 and 1970 white-owned land more than doubled from 249,039 hectares to 526,270 hectares. Native-owned land decreased by 36.5%. The average African farm's gross income declined between 1964 and 1970 from $98.00 to $35.00 Portuguese petroleum-production began in Congo basin in the 1960s, and in the exclave of Cabinda in 1968. Now the petroleum industry is the engine of the Angolan economy. 1960s in Angola The 1960s in Angola were marked by the War of Independence (1961–1975). Portuguese police arrested Agostinho Neto of the", "title": "1960s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11378016", "text": "1990s in Angola In the 1990s in Angola, the last decade of the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002), the Angolan government transitioned from a nominally communist state to a nominally democratic one, a move made possible by political changes abroad and military victories at home. Namibia's declaration of independence, internationally recognized on April 1, eliminated the southwestern front of combat as South African forces withdrew to the east. The MPLA abolished the one-party system in June and rejected Marxist-Leninism at the MPLA's third Congress in December, formally changing the party's name from the MPLA-PT to the MPLA. The National Assembly passed", "title": "1990s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11391789", "text": "Angola–Vietnam relations Angola–Vietnam relations were established in August 1971, four years before Angola gained its independence, when future President of Angola Agostinho Neto visited Vietnam. Angola and Vietnam have steadfast partners as both transitioned from Cold War-era foreign policies of international communism to pro-Western pragmatism following the fall of the Soviet Union. In February 1974, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLFSV) commended the 1961 attack on Cassanje, the first battle of Angola’s war of independence. In January 1975, Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, the leader of NLFSV, gave his \"warmest greetings\" to the leaders of the (People's Movement for the", "title": "Angola–Vietnam relations" }, { "docid": "11378044", "text": "President of FLEC-R, showed up, the Angolan army arrested him and his bodyguards. The Angolan army later forcibly freed the other hostages on July 7. By the end of the year the government had arrested the leadership of all three rebel organizations. 1990s in Angola In the 1990s in Angola, the last decade of the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002), the Angolan government transitioned from a nominally communist state to a nominally democratic one, a move made possible by political changes abroad and military victories at home. Namibia's declaration of independence, internationally recognized on April 1, eliminated the southwestern front of", "title": "1990s in Angola" }, { "docid": "12268376", "text": "Diocese of Angola The Diocese of Angola () is a diocese in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, encompassing the entire country of Angola. It is divided in four archdeaconries, Luanda, Lukunga Lozi (Songo), Nzadi a Lukiki and Uíge, with a total of 63 parishes. Anglicanism reached the Portuguese colony of Angola in 1923, due to the English missionary Archibald Patterson. The current diocese has been formed from the Igreja Evangélica Unida de Angola, which shared a common history with the Igreja Evangélica Reformada de Angola from 1922 to 1975. It was constituted as the Evangelical Reformed Church of Angola", "title": "Diocese of Angola" }, { "docid": "11616548", "text": "Religion in Angola Religion in Angola consists in about 1,000 religious communities in the country, most of which are Christian. Roman Catholics constitute about half of the population. Other Christian denominations include Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Reformed Churches and Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses − all these denominations making up about a quarter of the population. Since independence, numerous Pentecostal, Evangelical and other communities have sprung up, the most important being the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, of Brazilian origin. Two syncretic \"African Christian\" churches exist, the Kimbanguists who have their origin in what is the present-day Democratic Republic", "title": "Religion in Angola" }, { "docid": "11636781", "text": "volume of coffee it had produced in the early 1970s, while production of cotton, tobacco and sugar cane had ceased almost entirely. Poor global market prices and lack of investment severely limited the sector after independence. The Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) and the consequent deterioration of the rural economy and neglect of the farming sector dealt the final blow to the country’s agricultural productivity. The departure of Portuguese farmers and traders from rural Angola after independence undermined agricultural productivity. In response the government set up state farms on land formerly owned by the Portuguese and established the National Company for", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "6877360", "text": "(MPLA), the \"de facto\" government of Angola, with control of Luanda and most of the country since independence in 1975, and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). The mission's original mandate was established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 696 (1991), passed on May 30, 1991. The stated mandate was: to verify the arrangements agreed by the Angolan parties for the monitoring of the ceasefire and for the monitoring of the Angolan police during the ceasefire period. The subsequent resolution Resolution 747 (1992), passed March 24, 1992 altered the mandate to include electoral monitoring duties. During", "title": "United Nations Angola Verification Mission II" }, { "docid": "11413919", "text": "sent FARP soldiers to Angola where they served as the personal bodyguards of Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos. Angola–Cape Verde relations Angola–Cape Verde relations refers to the historical and current bilateral relationship between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cape Verde. Relations are based on their shared experiences as Portuguese colonies, both before, after and during the struggle for independence. Domingos Pereira Magalhães is the ambassador of Cape Verde to Angola. Cape Verde signed a friendship accord with Angola in December 1975, shortly after Angola gained its independence. Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau served as stop-over points for", "title": "Angola–Cape Verde relations" }, { "docid": "11413918", "text": "Angola–Cape Verde relations Angola–Cape Verde relations refers to the historical and current bilateral relationship between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cape Verde. Relations are based on their shared experiences as Portuguese colonies, both before, after and during the struggle for independence. Domingos Pereira Magalhães is the ambassador of Cape Verde to Angola. Cape Verde signed a friendship accord with Angola in December 1975, shortly after Angola gained its independence. Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau served as stop-over points for Cuban troops on their way to Angola to fight UNITA rebels and South African troops. Prime Minister Pedro Pires", "title": "Angola–Cape Verde relations" }, { "docid": "11368993", "text": "United States, the People's Republic of China and the Mobutu government in Zaïre. The United States, South Africa, and several other African nations also supported Jonas Savimbi's National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), whose ethnic and regional base lies in the Ovimbundu heartland of central Angola. The government of the Soviet Union, well aware of South African activity in southern Angola, flew Cuban soldiers into Luanda one week before November 11, 1975, the date on which Angolan nationalists had agreed to declare independence. While Cuban officers led the mission and provided the bulk of the troop force,", "title": "Angola–Soviet Union relations" }, { "docid": "2478493", "text": "Flag of Angola The national flag of Angola came into use at when Angola gained independence on November 11, 1975. It is split horizontally into an upper red half and a lower black half with an emblem resting at the center. It features a yellow half gear wheel crossed by a machete and crowned with a star. The Angolan flag is based on the flag of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which fought Portuguese colonial rule and emerged as the ruling party of Angola following the Angolan Civil War. The MPLA flag is similar to the", "title": "Flag of Angola" }, { "docid": "11636777", "text": "1970s, while production of cotton, tobacco and sugar cane had ceased almost entirely. Poor global market prices and lack of investment have severely limited the sector since independence. The Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) and the consequent deterioration of the rural economy and neglect of the farming sector dealt the final blow to the country’s agricultural productivity. During the civil war most small-scale farmers reverted to subsistence farming. Angola has been dependent on commercial imports since 1977 and was heavily dependent up to the end of the war. The agriculture of Angola is currently expanding due to the end of the", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "16395461", "text": "helicopter in the enemy rear, getting it trapped between the two forces. Dragoons of Angola The Dragoons of Angola (Portuguese: \"Dragões de Angola\") was a special horse unit of the Portuguese Army, that operated in the Angolan War of Independence against the independentist guerrillas. The unit started to be raised in 1966 and was disbanded in 1975 due to the events of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon, the end of the Portuguese Colonial War and the independence of Angola. In military history, it was probably one of the last units of real dragoons (mounted infantry) to be used in combat", "title": "Dragoons of Angola" }, { "docid": "16395457", "text": "Dragoons of Angola The Dragoons of Angola (Portuguese: \"Dragões de Angola\") was a special horse unit of the Portuguese Army, that operated in the Angolan War of Independence against the independentist guerrillas. The unit started to be raised in 1966 and was disbanded in 1975 due to the events of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon, the end of the Portuguese Colonial War and the independence of Angola. In military history, it was probably one of the last units of real dragoons (mounted infantry) to be used in combat operations, excluding the Rhodesian Grey's Scouts. A similar unit was being raised", "title": "Dragoons of Angola" }, { "docid": "13492749", "text": "Health in Angola Health in Angola is rated among the worst in the world. Only a fraction of the population receives even rudimentary medical attention. From 1975 to 1992, there were 300,000 civil war-related deaths. The overall death rate was estimated at 240 per 1,000 in 2002. The HIV/AIDS prevalence was 3.90 per 100 adults in 2003. As of 2004, there were approximately 240,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in the country. There were an estimated 521,000 deaths from AIDS in 2003. USAID has reported that the Angolan government has not had much success in developing an effective health care system", "title": "Health in Angola" }, { "docid": "11358139", "text": "first country to send troops to Angola in March 1975 and to engage in fighting against the MPLA by the summer of that year. In the summer of 1974 China was first to act after the Portuguese Revolution and posted 200 military instructors to Zaire where they trained FNLA troops and supplied military assistance. Chinese involvement was a measure against Soviet influence rather than that from western countries. On 27 October 1975, they were also the first to withdraw their military instructors. UNITA, which split away from FNLA in 1965/66 was initially Maoist and received some support from China. North", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "1856", "text": "WToO, WTrO Politics of Angola Since the adoption of a new constitution in 2010, the politics of Angola takes place in a framework of a presidential republic, whereby the President of Angola is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the President, the government and parliament. Angola changed from a one-party Marxist-Leninist system ruled by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), in place since independence in 1975, to a multiparty democracy based on a new constitution adopted in 1992.", "title": "Politics of Angola" }, { "docid": "1847", "text": "Politics of Angola Since the adoption of a new constitution in 2010, the politics of Angola takes place in a framework of a presidential republic, whereby the President of Angola is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the President, the government and parliament. Angola changed from a one-party Marxist-Leninist system ruled by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), in place since independence in 1975, to a multiparty democracy based on a new constitution adopted in 1992. That same", "title": "Politics of Angola" }, { "docid": "11352054", "text": "independence of the Republic of Cabinda from Paris. The National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) forged an alliance on November 23, proclaiming their own coalition government based in Huambo with Holden Roberto and Jonas Savimbi as co-presidents and José Ndelé and Johnny Pinnock Eduardo as co-Prime Ministers. The South African government told Savimbi and Roberto in early November that the South African Defence Force (SADF) would soon end operations in Angola despite the coalition's failure to capture Luanda and therefore secure international recognition at independence. Savimbi, desperate to avoid", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11026891", "text": "major role in country's struggle during the Angolan War of Independence. After the Independence, MPLA fought a civil war against the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) from 1975 to 2002. During the Angolan War of Independence many communist and African nations supported the rebels. The Cuban Military was heavily involved in the conflict aiding the MPLA. However, during the Angolan Civil War the Cuban Military would aid the MPLA while other nations such as the People's Republic of China and Zaire would support UNITA and the FNLA. The South", "title": "Military history of Angola" }, { "docid": "1851903", "text": "an author who studied in Huambo and is affiliated with both the country's Writer Union and Union of Artists and Composers. He is one of the best-selling writers in the capital city Luanda – according to an \"informal survey\" conducted in July 2003 – and writes about \"everyday life\" in the country using satire and irony. The song was officially designated as the country's national anthem in 1975, when the country gained independence on November 11 of that year. It is enshrined under Article 164 of the constitution of Angola. Its lyrics refer to several key events in the history", "title": "Angola Avante" }, { "docid": "11636780", "text": "traders in exchange for supplies. The commercial farmers dominated the marketing for these crops, however, and enjoyed substantial support from the colonial government in the form of technical assistance, irrigation facilities, and financial credit. They produced the great majority of the crops that were marketed in the cities or exported. Before 1975, Angola had a flourishing tradition of family-based farming and was self-sufficient in all major food crops except wheat. The country exported coffee and maize, as well as crops such as sisal, bananas, tobacco and cassava. By the 1990s Angola was producing less than 1 per cent of the", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "2488043", "text": "settled in Rotterdam, where he became closely associated with the Cape Verdean community. Bonga's \"Mona Ki Ngi Xica\" (1972) earned him an arrest warrant, and he began travelling between Germany, France and Belgium until Angola gained independence in 1975. After independence came civil war. Many popular musicians were killed, and some who were spared simply left the country. In the early 1980s, Angolan popular music was deeply influenced by Cuban music, especially in the work of André Mingas and brother Rui Mingas. Cuban Rumba was popular and influential across southern Africa, including Angola's neighbor Zaire (renamed the Democratic Republic of", "title": "Music of Angola" }, { "docid": "11358184", "text": "November the members had celebrated Angolan independence with wine and cheese in their offices. The U.S. had not commented on the South African intervention in Angola but denounced the Cuban intervention when it first acknowledged Cuban troops in Angola in an official statement on 24 November 1975. Kissinger said \"that US efforts at rapprochement with Cuba would end should 'Cuban armed intervention in the affairs of other nations struggling to decide their own fate' continue.\" On 28 February 1976, Ford called Castro \"an international outlaw\" and the Cuban intervention a \"flagrant act of aggression\". Due to the hostility between the", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "16037325", "text": "and joint cooperation continued through the Breakup of Yugoslavia, and Angola has expressed its strong support for Serbia on the issue of Kosovo. The Defence minister of Serbia, Dragan Šutanovac, stated in 2011 meeting in Luanda that Serbia is negotiating with the Angolan military authorities for the construction of a new military hospital in the Angola. Angola–Serbia relations Angola–Serbia relations are foreign relations between Angola and Serbia. Both countries maintain diplomatic relations established between Angola and Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1975, following Angola's independence. Angola has an embassy in Belgrade, with ambassador Toko Diakenga Serao, and Serbia has", "title": "Angola–Serbia relations" }, { "docid": "2488038", "text": "music for a wide variety of Angolan social gatherings. Its versatility is evident in its inevitable presence at funerals and, on the other hand, many Angolan parties. Semba is very much alive and popular in Angola today as it was long before that country's independence from the Portuguese colonial system on November 11, 1975. Various new Semba artists emerge each year in Angola, as they render homage to the veteran semba masters, many of whom are still performing. Other styles related to the Semba is Rebita, which is inspired by European line dances, as well as kazukuta and kabetula which", "title": "Music of Angola" }, { "docid": "11788425", "text": "the fighting in Namibia would eventually drive at least 43,000 Namibian refugees into exile in Angola, many of whom joined PLAN. Following Angolan independence in 1975, SWAPO established a formal alliance with Angola's new ruling party, the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). After being expelled from Zambia between 1976 and 1979, PLAN was permitted by the MPLA to establish its regional headquarters inside Angola. Access to bases inside Angola provided PLAN with opportunities to train its forces in secure sanctuaries and infiltrate insurgents and supplies across Namibia's northern border. The MPLA government also permitted shipments of arms", "title": "Angola–Namibia relations" }, { "docid": "13492758", "text": "vaccination against polio and vitamin A supplementation. Angola has a large HIV/AIDS infected population. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimated adult prevalence at the end of 2003 at 3.9% – over 420,000 infected people. Angola's 27-year civil war (1975–2002), deterred the spread of HIV by making large portions of the country inaccessible. Angola was thus cut off from most contact with neighboring countries that had higher HIV infection rates. With the end of the war, transportation routes and communication are reopening, therefore enabling a greater potential for the spread of HIV/AIDS. Current statistics indicate that the border", "title": "Health in Angola" }, { "docid": "1881", "text": "information on [Angola's] efforts to enforce child labor law\". Diamonds accounted for 1.48% of Angolan exports in 2014. Under Portuguese rule, Angola began mining iron in 1957, producing 1.2 million tons in 1967 and 6.2 million tons by 1971. In the early 1970s, 70% of Portuguese Angola's iron exports went to Western Europe and Japan. After independence in 1975, the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002) destroyed most of the territory's mining infrastructure. The redevelopment of the Angolan mining industry started in the late 2000s. Economy of Angola The Economy of Angola is one of the fastest-growing in the world, with reported", "title": "Economy of Angola" }, { "docid": "10939449", "text": "were also Protestants, even if their commitment may have diminished over time. Estimates of the number of Roman Catholics in Angola varied. One source claimed that about 55 percent of the population in 1985 was Roman Catholic; another put the proportion in 1987 at 68 percent. Most Roman Catholics lived in western Angola, not only because that part of the country was the most densely populated but also because Portuguese penetration into the far interior was comparatively recent and Roman Catholic missionaries tended to follow the flag. The most heavily Roman Catholic area before independence was Cabinda Province, where most", "title": "Christianity in Angola" } ]
Which city does David Soul come from?
[ "Chi-Beria", "Sayre language academy", "Chicago", "Chicago, Illinois", "Hog Butcher for the World", "Land of smelly onions", "Ariel Community Academy", "The weather in Chicago", "Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.", "Chicago, Illionis", "Near North Montessori", "Religion in Chicago", "Chicago Finance Committee", "The Paris of America", "The city of Chicago", "City of Chicago", "List of sister cities of Chicago", "UN/LOCODE:USCHI", "Chicago theatre scene", "Chicago, WI", "The City of Broad Shoulders", "City of Broad Shoulders", "Sister Cities of Chicago", "Chicago il", "Chicago, Illinois, USA", "Performing arts in Chicago", "Chicago Transportation Committee", "Chicago, Wisconsin", "City of chicago", "Chicago theater scene", "Chicago, Il", "Chicago, IL.", "Chicago, Ill.", "City of Chicago, Illinois", "Chi town", "Chicago, United States", "Chicago (Ill.)", "Transport in Chicago", "Chicago, Illinois, United States", "Chicago (IL)", "USCHI", "Chichago", "Chcago", "Chicago, Illinois, U.S.", "Sister Cities Chicago", "Chicago, USA", "Chi City", "Chicago, IL", "Chi-Town", "Chicago theatre", "Paris of America", "Chicago, Illinois, US", "Chicago Illinois", "The city of Chicago, Illinois", "Sister cities of Chicago" ]
[ { "docid": "2962261", "text": "his fifth wife, Helen Snell, in June 2010. They had been in a relationship since 2002, after meeting when Soul was working in the British stage production of \"Deathtrap.\" David Soul David Soul (born David Richard Solberg, August 28, 1943) is an American-British actor and singer. He is known for his role as Detective Kenneth \"Hutch\" Hutchinson in the ABC television series \"Starsky & Hutch\" from 1975 to 1979. He became a British citizen in 2004. Soul was born in Chicago, Illinois, on August 28, 1943, and is of Norwegian extraction. His mother, June Johnanne (Nelson), was a teacher, and", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "2962247", "text": "David Soul David Soul (born David Richard Solberg, August 28, 1943) is an American-British actor and singer. He is known for his role as Detective Kenneth \"Hutch\" Hutchinson in the ABC television series \"Starsky & Hutch\" from 1975 to 1979. He became a British citizen in 2004. Soul was born in Chicago, Illinois, on August 28, 1943, and is of Norwegian extraction. His mother, June Johnanne (Nelson), was a teacher, and his father, Dr. Richard W. Solberg, was a Lutheran minister, Professor of History and Political Science, and Director of Higher Education for the American Lutheran Church. Both of Soul's", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "2962248", "text": "grandfathers were evangelists. Dr. Solberg was also Senior Representative for Lutheran World Relief during the reconstruction of Germany after the Second World War from 1949 until 1956. Because of this, the family moved frequently during Soul's youth. Soul attended Augustana College, University of the Americas in Mexico City and the University of Minnesota. At 19, he turned down a professional baseball contract with the Chicago White Sox in order to study political science. While in Mexico, inspired by students who taught him to play the guitar, Soul changed his direction and decided to follow his passion for music. His first", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "2732096", "text": "Best Albums of the Decade. \"Come Away with Me\" received acclaim from music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album has an average score of 82 out of 100, which indicates \"universal acclaim\" based on 9 reviews. The album received 3.5 out of 4 stars from both the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" and the \"Los Angeles Times\" reviews. AllMusic's David R. Adler wrote that \"while the mood of this record stagnates after a few songs, it does give a strong indication of Jones' alluring talents.\" Robert Christgau of \"The Village Voice\"", "title": "Come Away with Me" }, { "docid": "2072031", "text": "Curtom, Mayfield ran the labels Windy C (Five Stairsteps, Holly Maxwell, June Conquest), and Mayfield (Fascinations, The Mayfield Singers) (which featured two future soul stars: Donny Hathaway and Leroy Hutson, and Holly Maxwell). In 1980, Mayfield closed the Curtom office and moved to Atlanta, and not long afterwards Brunswick closed its office, which had by then moved to Chicago, as well. With these closings, and with disco and funk replacing traditional soul in popular appeal, Chicago soul music had effectively come to an end. Another label active in Chicago in the mid-to-late 1970s was Chi-Sound Records, under the production aegis", "title": "Chicago soul" } ]
[ { "docid": "10321198", "text": "Soul City Records (British label) Soul City was a British soul independent record label run by Dave Godin, David Nathan and Robert Blackmore, from a record shop of the same name in London. It is not to be confused with the US record label of the same name, run by the singer Johnny Rivers. Its first release was Don Gardener & Dee Dee Ford's \"Don't You Worry\" in March 1969. The label released a further 18 singles, the biggest hit being Gene Chandler's \"Nothing Can Stop Me\" which reached Number 41 in the UK Singles Chart. Soul City records were", "title": "Soul City Records (British label)" }, { "docid": "12646518", "text": "issue his own recordings, hence making Soul City a private label. To date, the Soul City label has Rivers as its only recording artist. Soul City Records (American label) Soul City Records is an American record label founded by singer Johnny Rivers in 1966. The most notable acts on Soul City were The 5th Dimension, Al Wilson, and Rivers himself. The label was distributed by Liberty Records, which is now part of Capitol Records & Universal Music Group. With the help of David Geffen, Rivers sold the label (but not rights to the name) to Bell Records in 1970. Rivers'", "title": "Soul City Records (American label)" }, { "docid": "8819218", "text": "children, life with David is no longer tolerable and she sees no way out. David feels love for his children for the first time in his life. David pleads with George to allow his soul to return to his body so that he may stop his wife from killing herself and the children. This Georges does and David redeems himself to his wife in a tear filled reunion. Georges will serve another year as driver to the dead. David prays the New Year's prayer that he has learned from George, \"God, let my soul come to maturity before being harvested.\"", "title": "Thy Soul Shall Bear Witness!" }, { "docid": "12646517", "text": "Soul City Records (American label) Soul City Records is an American record label founded by singer Johnny Rivers in 1966. The most notable acts on Soul City were The 5th Dimension, Al Wilson, and Rivers himself. The label was distributed by Liberty Records, which is now part of Capitol Records & Universal Music Group. With the help of David Geffen, Rivers sold the label (but not rights to the name) to Bell Records in 1970. Rivers' 1977 hit \"Swayin to the Music (Slow Dancin')\" on Big Tree Records bore the Soul City logo. Rivers reactivated the label in 1988 to", "title": "Soul City Records (American label)" }, { "docid": "10321199", "text": "initially distributed by Island Records and then Philips Records. Soul City Records (British label) Soul City was a British soul independent record label run by Dave Godin, David Nathan and Robert Blackmore, from a record shop of the same name in London. It is not to be confused with the US record label of the same name, run by the singer Johnny Rivers. Its first release was Don Gardener & Dee Dee Ford's \"Don't You Worry\" in March 1969. The label released a further 18 singles, the biggest hit being Gene Chandler's \"Nothing Can Stop Me\" which reached Number 41", "title": "Soul City Records (British label)" }, { "docid": "16248832", "text": "attracts tourists to visit Dublin city. More than 20,000 people attended the events in 2011. The Dublin City Soul Festival gives a Soul Award each year to a member of the public who does soulful work in the community. In 2009 the award was presented to Joan Freeman, for founding the Pieta and for having outstanding Dublin Soul. The festival provides financial support to the Musical Youth Foundation, a charity that provides every child on the island of Ireland with a musical education. Most of the events at the Dublin City Soul Festival are free; the events that are ticketed", "title": "Dublin City Soul Festival" }, { "docid": "17303710", "text": "Derby Association Apprentice Program in July 2011, and in March 2013, it became a full member of the WFTDA. Since 2013, Soul City has hosted the annual Low Down Throw Down WFTDA-recognized tournament, drawing teams from across the southeastern United States. Soul City Sirens Soul City Sirens (SCS) is a women's flat track roller derby league based in Augusta, Georgia. Founded in 2008, the league consists of a single team, which competes against teams from other leagues. Soul City is a member of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). The league was founded in January 2008 by Jessica Thompson,", "title": "Soul City Sirens" }, { "docid": "17303709", "text": "Soul City Sirens Soul City Sirens (SCS) is a women's flat track roller derby league based in Augusta, Georgia. Founded in 2008, the league consists of a single team, which competes against teams from other leagues. Soul City is a member of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). The league was founded in January 2008 by Jessica Thompson, a local librarian, and played its first bout in January 2009. By 2013, it was averaging 350 fans at each bout, and had developed a particular rivalry with the Richland County Regulators. Soul City was accepted into the Women's Flat Track", "title": "Soul City Sirens" }, { "docid": "2962249", "text": "appearance upon returning from Mexico to the States was in a club in Minneapolis, The 10 O'Clock Scholar. Soul first gained attention as the \"Covered Man\" appearing on \"The Merv Griffin Show\" in 1966 and 1967, on which he sang while wearing a mask. He explained: \"My name is David Soul, and I want to be known for my music.\" The same year, he made his television debut in \"Flipper.\" In 1967, he signed a contract with Columbia Pictures and following a number of guest appearances, including the episode \"The Apple\" from the second season of \"Star Trek,\" he landed", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "380988", "text": "that, since the knower becomes what he knows, the soul is definitely not corporeal—if it is corporeal when it knows what some corporeal thing is, that thing would come to be within it. Therefore, the soul has an operation which does not rely on a body organ, and therefore the soul can exist without a body. Furthermore, since the rational soul of human beings is a subsistent form and not something made of matter and form, it cannot be destroyed in any natural process. The full argument for the immortality of the soul and Aquinas' elaboration of Aristotelian theory is", "title": "Soul" }, { "docid": "2607662", "text": "with a more contemporary sound. The phrase \"Northern soul\" emanated from the record shop Soul City in Covent Garden, London, which was run by journalist Dave Godin. It was first publicly used in Godin's weekly column in \"Blues & Soul\" magazine in June 1970. In a 2002 interview with Chris Hunt of \"Mojo\" magazine, Godin said he had first come up with the term in 1968, to help employees at Soul City differentiate the more modern funkier sounds from the smoother, Motown-influenced soul of a few years earlier. With contemporary black music evolving into what would eventually become known as", "title": "Northern soul" }, { "docid": "2962259", "text": "Carlson in 1968, after they had met on the set of the television series \"Here Come The Brides.\" The couple also had a child together, but they divorced in 1977. During the years he was filming \"Starsky & Hutch,\" Soul had an open relationship with actress Lynne Marta. Soul's third wife was Patti Carnel Sherman (the ex-wife of fellow \"Here Come the Brides\" co-star and teen pop idol Bobby Sherman), whom he married in 1980. They had a child together, but the marriage disintegrated due to Soul's alcohol abuse and violent temper. During his marriage to Sherman, Soul was court-ordered", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "6086909", "text": "Come from Heaven Come from Heaven is the debut studio album by Alpha. It was released on Massive Attack's record label, Melankolic, in 1997. It includes vocal contributions from Martin Barnard, Wendy Stubbs, and Helen White. \"Sometime Later\" peaked at number 91 on the UK Singles Chart. Ned Raggett of AllMusic gave the album 3 stars out of 5, describing it as \"a gently queasy blend of sounds and styles that manages to be tasteful and downright romantic without being airbrushed soul.\" He wrote: \"When the duo fully stretches its collage/sampling muscles, as on the title track, it can be", "title": "Come from Heaven" }, { "docid": "9508626", "text": "was recorded in, which is often referred to as 'The Music City' due to its rich musical heritage. The album was preceded by the single \"No Man's Land\" on 30 April 2007. Vinyl Edition Side A Side B Notes: All tracks (except track 4 and 12) Track 4 Track 12 The following songs were recorded in the run up to the release of \"Music City Soul\", but not included on the album: Music City Soul Music City Soul is the fifth studio album recorded by British singer-songwriter Beverley Knight, and was released on Parlophone Records on 7 May 2007 (see", "title": "Music City Soul" }, { "docid": "19389543", "text": "New Yorker must see this show\", referring to the musical as \"Broadway's biggest and best surprise of the season.\" Peter Marks of \"The Washington Post\" called the show \"an effervescent musical\" and \"an antidote for what ails the American soul.\" Michael Dale of \"Broadway World\" called the show an \"inspiring, funny and kick-ass beautiful new musical\" and went on to say that \"as long as 'Come From Away' is playing on Broadway, I will recommend it to everyone. Everyone.\" Steven Suskin, drama critic for \"The Huffington Post\", wrote that \"'Come From Away' is altogether different and altogether gripping, [...] brave", "title": "Come from Away" }, { "docid": "7208934", "text": "again in February 2004 at an event at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. It was released on DVD on 24 August 2004. The new release does not include any performances by Roberta Flack, who requested their removal. But it does include a soundtrack album on CD, which features tracks from all the U.S. performers excluding Santana and Flack, plus the Kumasi Drummers, the Damas Choir, and Kwa Mensah. It also includes a new song entitled \"Soul To Soul (2004)\" by Earl Thomas. Soul to Soul (film) Soul To Soul was a concert held in Accra, Ghana, on 6", "title": "Soul to Soul (film)" }, { "docid": "20257843", "text": "Hot City Bump Band Hot City Bump Band were an Australian soul, funk band which formed in late 1973 by Chuck McKinney (vocals), his wife, Margaret McKinney (vocals), John Adolphus (guitar), David McMaster (organ), Robert Ellis (congas), David Green (bass) and Mick Holden (drums; ex-the Mixtures). They released a studio album, \"Come Together\" (1975), that peaked at No. 11 on Melbourne album charts. They broke up in 1976. According to Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, they were \"one of the first soul/funk bands ever assembled in Australia, and local audiences (having been brought up on a steady diet of rock, boogie", "title": "Hot City Bump Band" }, { "docid": "16975070", "text": "Kansas City Soul. Kansas City Soul The Kansas City Soul is an American basketball team who plays in the American Basketball Association professional league. Based in suburban Kansas City the team began play in the 2011-12 ABA season. The Soul play their home games at Grandview Christian School in Grandview, Missouri. Established in 2010 as the Missouri Rhythm, the team made it to the ABA Playoffs its first season, losing to the Conway Cyclones 146-114 in the first round. The Rhythm played host to the ABA All-Star Game on 19 April 2014. The team announced in May 2016 it was", "title": "Kansas City Soul" }, { "docid": "2230994", "text": "Soul City, North Carolina Soul City, North Carolina was a planned community first proposed in 1969 by Floyd McKissick, a civil rights leader and director of the Congress of Racial Equality. Funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, (HUD) as one of thirteen model city projects under the Urban Growth and New Community Development Act, it was located on in Warren County near Manson-Axtell Road and Soul City Boulevard in Norlina, North Carolina, 27563. According to McKissick, \"Soul City was an idea before the movement. Soul City actually started after World War II, in my mind.", "title": "Soul City, North Carolina" }, { "docid": "20608792", "text": "treacherous commerce adviser from the play \"The Snow Queen\" (by Evgeny Schwartz) decides to use Slavin's ignorance of books in order to deceive him and with the help of other antagonists to subjugate readers worldwide. The protagonists come to help the boy, and together with friends Slava manages to defeat the adviser and his henchmen. When Slava returns to the real world, the first thing he does is to go to the library. Adventures in a City that does not Exist Adventures in a City that does not Exist () is a 1974 Soviet children's musical film, directorial debut of", "title": "Adventures in a City that does not Exist" }, { "docid": "2230996", "text": "migration. The city was planned to contain three villages housing 18,000 people by 1989. Soul City was projected to have 24,000 jobs and 44,000 inhabitants by 2004. It was intended to include industry and retail development for jobs, as well as residential housing and services. The plan was for residents to work, get schooling, shop, receive health care, and worship in town. Soul City was the first new town to be organized by African-American businesses. McKissick envisioned Soul City as a community where all races could live in harmony. In 1972, the city received a grant of $14 million from", "title": "Soul City, North Carolina" }, { "docid": "16248834", "text": "In 2011 Wyvern Lingo won the competition and won a spot at the soul picnic. Another winner of the rising stars competition was Mob Fandango whom also went on to play at the Soul Picnic. Among the 2011 Festival events were Eye Candy, Laugh Your Soul Off and the Grape Vine. In 2014 there will also be a Soul Jam, Gospel Brunches and a City Music Trail. The festival has partnered with Pump Audio, Dublin Tourism, Dublin people, Eircom and Balcony SponTV. Dublin City Soul Festival The Dublin City Soul Festival is an annual soul music festival held each spring", "title": "Dublin City Soul Festival" }, { "docid": "16248831", "text": "Dublin City Soul Festival The Dublin City Soul Festival is an annual soul music festival held each spring in Dublin, Ireland. The festival was founded in 2007 by Chris Maher with Paul Slattery and Redmond O Hanlon. The festival motto is “a celebration of peace, unity and love”. The festival takes place all around Dublin City Centre. Since 2007 the locations that have hosted the Dublin City Soul Festival include The Grand Social, Merrion Square park and Meeting House Square. In 2007 the Dublin City Soul Festival won the Irish Times Living Dublin Award for Culture and Tourism. The festival", "title": "Dublin City Soul Festival" }, { "docid": "18887474", "text": "and \"Welcome to the Blackout\" (2018). Soul Love (David Bowie song) \"Soul Love\" is a song written by David Bowie and recorded on 12 November 1971 that appeared as the second track on his album \"The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars\", released on 16th June 1972. Bowie played the song in the Ziggy Stardust Tour, but it was performed only on 2 dates (14 February 1973 and 15 February 1973). He revived the song for the Isolar II Tour and performed it occasionally on the Serious Moonlight Tour. Performances from the 1978 \"Heroes\" tour", "title": "Soul Love (David Bowie song)" }, { "docid": "18887473", "text": "Soul Love (David Bowie song) \"Soul Love\" is a song written by David Bowie and recorded on 12 November 1971 that appeared as the second track on his album \"The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars\", released on 16th June 1972. Bowie played the song in the Ziggy Stardust Tour, but it was performed only on 2 dates (14 February 1973 and 15 February 1973). He revived the song for the Isolar II Tour and performed it occasionally on the Serious Moonlight Tour. Performances from the 1978 \"Heroes\" tour have been released on \"Stage\" (1978)", "title": "Soul Love (David Bowie song)" }, { "docid": "2962250", "text": "the role of Joshua Bolt on the television program \"Here Come the Brides\" with co-stars Robert Brown, Bobby Sherman and Bridget Hanley. The series was telecast on the ABC network from September 25, 1968, to September 18, 1970. In 1972 he co-starred as Arthur Hill's law partner on \".\" Following numerous guest-starring roles on TV, including \"Streets of San Francisco,\" he was cast by Clint Eastwood in the film \"Magnum Force.\" His breakthrough came when he portrayed Detective Ken \"Hutch\" Hutchinson on \"Starsky & Hutch,\" a role he played from 1975 until 1979. Soul also directed three episodes of \"Starsky", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "9508624", "text": "Music City Soul Music City Soul is the fifth studio album recorded by British singer-songwriter Beverley Knight, and was released on Parlophone Records on 7 May 2007 (see 2007 in music). The album contains the singles \"No Man's Land\", \"After You\" and \"The Queen of Starting Over\", and features Ronnie Wood on a number of tracks. The album became Knight's second highest charting album in the UK, peaking at number eight. The majority of \"Music City Soul\" was recorded and Produced by Mark Nevers at The Beech House studio in Nashville, Tennessee in the United States in just five days", "title": "Music City Soul" }, { "docid": "16975069", "text": "Kansas City Soul The Kansas City Soul is an American basketball team who plays in the American Basketball Association professional league. Based in suburban Kansas City the team began play in the 2011-12 ABA season. The Soul play their home games at Grandview Christian School in Grandview, Missouri. Established in 2010 as the Missouri Rhythm, the team made it to the ABA Playoffs its first season, losing to the Conway Cyclones 146-114 in the first round. The Rhythm played host to the ABA All-Star Game on 19 April 2014. The team announced in May 2016 it was rebranding as the", "title": "Kansas City Soul" }, { "docid": "19389545", "text": "feature film adaptation of the musical, with Sankoff and Hein writing the script and Christopher Ashley as director. Come from Away Come from Away is a musical with book, music and lyrics by Irene Sankoff and David Hein. It is set in the week following the September 11 attacks and tells the true story of what transpired when 38 planes were ordered to land unexpectedly in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada as part of Operation Yellow Ribbon. The characters in the musical are based on (and in most cases share the names of) real Gander residents", "title": "Come from Away" }, { "docid": "19389522", "text": "Come from Away Come from Away is a musical with book, music and lyrics by Irene Sankoff and David Hein. It is set in the week following the September 11 attacks and tells the true story of what transpired when 38 planes were ordered to land unexpectedly in the small town of Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada as part of Operation Yellow Ribbon. The characters in the musical are based on (and in most cases share the names of) real Gander residents as well as some of the 7,000 stranded travelers they housed and fed. The musical has been received", "title": "Come from Away" }, { "docid": "7157722", "text": "released, but not obtained it until 1974\" Around the same period, Colin Curtis played The Anderson Brothers' \"I Can See Him Loving You\", and another key modern soul track emerged: Don Thomas' \"Come on Train\". The main protagonists of the two soul genres had a falling-out and went their separate ways, with soul clubs generally siding either with modern or northern. Modern soul became a major force, drawing more people towards the music and its venues. Liverpool, the only major northern city of the West-East swathe of England, had remained largely immune from the Northern soul scene in the 1960s", "title": "Modern soul" }, { "docid": "20257847", "text": "had replaced Adolphus on lead guitar. The group issued their final single, \"Ain't no Use\", in January 1976 but disbanded soon after. Green and the McKinneys briefly formed City Strutt, before continuing with other artists and as session musicians. Chuck McKinney died in September 1994. Hot City Bump Band Hot City Bump Band were an Australian soul, funk band which formed in late 1973 by Chuck McKinney (vocals), his wife, Margaret McKinney (vocals), John Adolphus (guitar), David McMaster (organ), Robert Ellis (congas), David Green (bass) and Mick Holden (drums; ex-the Mixtures). They released a studio album, \"Come Together\" (1975), that", "title": "Hot City Bump Band" }, { "docid": "9508625", "text": "in late October 2006. All the songs on the album were written beforehand the previous summer and then recorded back to back in the studio with an array of different musicians. The intention was to create an organic sound reminiscent of classic 1960s soul albums that epitomised releases by artists such as Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke and Al Green, who had influenced Knight as a child . The album was titled \"Music City Soul\" to reflect the fact that Knight has returned to her soul and gospel roots. It was also intended to pay homage to Nashville, the city it", "title": "Music City Soul" }, { "docid": "18147348", "text": "Operation Wandering Soul (novel) Operation Wandering Soul is a novel by American author Richard Powers. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. \"Operation Wandering Soul\" tells the story of a children's ward in \"Carver Hospital\" from the point of view of Richard Kraft, an overworked surgical resident, and therapist Linda Espera. It is set in \"Angel City\". The title comes from the Vietnam War psychological warfare operation of the same name, which Kraft's father was involved in. The novel includes extensive material based on his teenage years growing up in Bangkok. The novel does not have a plot", "title": "Operation Wandering Soul (novel)" }, { "docid": "12569437", "text": "spirited uptempo numbers or equally energized ballads. Murray's sweeping tenor sound remains a marvel, and few can match him in controlling drive, pitch and volume. Drummer Rashied Ali has not lost the rippling intensity from his days with John Coltrane; he and Murray conclude things in a dazzling duo performance on \"Cuttin' Corners\" deliberately intended to evoke memories of the Coltrane/Ali album Interstellar Space.\". Body and Soul (David Murray album) Body and Soul is an album by David Murray released on the Italian Black Saint label in 1993. It features performances by Murray, Sonelius Smith, Wilber Morris, Rashied Ali and", "title": "Body and Soul (David Murray album)" }, { "docid": "19699393", "text": "with Bell Records. \"Greatest Hits\" remained in print until replaced by Bell Records' 1972 compilation album, \"Greatest Hits on Earth\" which confirmed The 5th Dimension's enduring popularity by charting at #14 in the year of its release. \"Greatest Hits on Earth\" remained in print for decades. Of note: Side One Side Two Greatest Hits (Soul City) Greatest Hits is the first compilation album by American pop group The 5th Dimension, released in 1970 by Soul City. It includes all but two of their charting singles to date: \"Go Where You Wanna Go\", their first Top 20 record in the USA,", "title": "Greatest Hits (Soul City)" }, { "docid": "2230998", "text": "to the size originally planned. The former Soultech 1 building was purchased by the adjoining Warren County Correctional Institution for expansion. A number of new homes have been constructed. Representative Eva Clayton lived in and worked for Soul City Company before being appointed to a state position in community development, and later being elected to the United States Congress. Soul City, North Carolina Soul City, North Carolina was a planned community first proposed in 1969 by Floyd McKissick, a civil rights leader and director of the Congress of Racial Equality. Funded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban", "title": "Soul City, North Carolina" }, { "docid": "19699392", "text": "Greatest Hits (Soul City) Greatest Hits is the first compilation album by American pop group The 5th Dimension, released in 1970 by Soul City. It includes all but two of their charting singles to date: \"Go Where You Wanna Go\", their first Top 20 record in the USA, would appear on the follow-up compilation, \"The July 5th Album\", released later that year, while \"Another Day, Another Heartache\" was not included on either compilation. \"Greatest Hits\" and \"The July 5th Album\" were the final two album releases for Soul City Records' distribution deal with Liberty Records. The 5th Dimension subsequently signed", "title": "Greatest Hits (Soul City)" }, { "docid": "13273813", "text": "Where I Come From (album) Where I Come From is the fourteenth studio album by the American country rock band the New Riders of the Purple Sage. It was recorded in 2008, and released on the Woodstock Records label on June 2, 2009. Following \"\", \"Where I Come From\" was the second album recorded by the New Riders after they re-formed in 2005, with band co-founder David Nelson on guitar, long-time member Buddy Cage on pedal steel guitar, Hot Tuna alumnus Michael Falzarano on guitar, Ronnie Penque on bass, and Johnny Markowski on drums. It was the band's first studio", "title": "Where I Come From (album)" }, { "docid": "3417871", "text": "and move across Phaenon and the Universe beyond. Only by harnessing ancient, magical technology and by re-discovering several hidden tombs underneath Omikron's surface, can the Nomad Soul hope to discover how to destroy Astaroth, return to his own dimension, and prevent his soul from being captured by demons. The starting character of \"The Nomad Soul\" is Kay'l, a detective with amnesia. He later gets killed when leaving the first city. \"The Nomad Soul\" was conceived in 1994 by Quantic Dream founder David Cage. The concept and story of the game was written in Cage's spare time during his time as", "title": "The Nomad Soul" }, { "docid": "2230995", "text": "And it was first talked about when we saw the use of the Marshall Plan, and all like that. See, I've always been in real estate and I've always been a businessman.\" Soul City was intended to be a new town built from the ground up and open to all races, but placed emphasis on providing opportunities for minorities and the poor. It was also designed to as a means of reversing out-migration of minorities and the poor to urban areas; the opportunities Soul City provided, such as jobs, education, housing, training, and other social services would help lessen the", "title": "Soul City, North Carolina" }, { "docid": "2962254", "text": "which depicted the 1986 FBI Miami shootout and which was subsequently used as an FBI training film. Soul also directed the episode \"No Exit\" of the 1980s TV series \"Miami Vice.\" In 1987 Soul was cast as Major Oldham in the movie \"The Hanoi Hilton\". In the mid-1990s, Soul took up residence in London, United Kingdom, forging a new career on the West End stage, including the role of Chandler Tate in \"Comic Potential\". He also participated in the successful 1997 election campaign of his personal friend Martin Bell who ran as an MP for Tatton, as well as Bell's", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "8539220", "text": "as in 2000 and Soul In The City in 2004. The decision to found Soul Action was a natural response to the success of the works-based projects. Soul Survivor trustee David Westlake said: 'Mission had been integral to the ministry but exploded into the public arena with Manchester 2000. For the first time the festivals were cancelled so that we could participate in a city mission. 'In the last few years God has been talking more and more to us about the poor. Our understanding has grown, our theology of mission become clearer and our commitment firm. This came to", "title": "Soul Action" }, { "docid": "3111399", "text": "Survivor's worship team, as well as traditional and contemporary songs from other artists and ministries. \"Soul In The City London\" was a 2004 outreach mission in which 20,000 young people from around the world gathered in London to undertake practical projects and evangelistic events. The idea for Soul In The City started with Message 2000 and \"Festival: Manchester\" which were jointly held by Soul Survivor and The Message Trust Soul Survivor also organised \"Soul In The City Durban\" which took place in Summer 2009 in Durban, South Africa. Soul Survivor has spread across the globe and now holds festivals and", "title": "Soul Survivor (charity)" }, { "docid": "13093366", "text": "Come Back to Me (David Cook song) \"Come Back to Me\" is the second official single released from \"American Idol\" season 7 winner David Cook's major label debut studio album, \"David Cook\" (2008). It was released as a joint double-A single with \"Bar-ba-sol\". \"Come Back to Me\" was written by Espionage, the Norwegian songwriting and music production team consisting of Amund Bjørklund and Espen Lind, along with Zac Maloy. The song was produced by Grammy winning producer Rob Cavallo. Cook described the song as being about \"loving someone you can't be near.\" \"Come Back to Me\" was confirmed as a", "title": "Come Back to Me (David Cook song)" }, { "docid": "4142122", "text": "played both Spock's father and his maternal ancestor. Jane Wyatt who played Spock's mother in the original series, made a guest appearance in the show's second season. She did not have any scenes with Mark Lenard. Aside from Lenard, other \"Star Trek\" guest cast members were series regulars: Robert Brown (both of the Lazaruses in \"The Alternative Factor\"), David Soul (Makora in \"\"), and semi-regular Carole Shelyne (the visible representation of a Metron in \"\", whose voice Vic Perrin provided in that installment). Here Come the Brides Here Come the Brides is an American comedy Western series from Screen Gems", "title": "Here Come the Brides" }, { "docid": "20657862", "text": "game Minecraft. The Soul of the Soulless City The Soul of the Soulless City, originally titled New York – an Abstraction, is a 1920 painting by the English artist Christopher R. W. Nevinson. It depicts a fictional part of the elevated railway in Manhattan, painted in a style influenced by cubism and futurism. Nevinson visited New York City for the first time in 1919 and was immediately impressed by the city. He made many sketches of which some were turned into paintings. He painted \"New York – an Abstraction\" after his return to London and before his second visit to", "title": "The Soul of the Soulless City" }, { "docid": "20657860", "text": "The Soul of the Soulless City The Soul of the Soulless City, originally titled New York – an Abstraction, is a 1920 painting by the English artist Christopher R. W. Nevinson. It depicts a fictional part of the elevated railway in Manhattan, painted in a style influenced by cubism and futurism. Nevinson visited New York City for the first time in 1919 and was immediately impressed by the city. He made many sketches of which some were turned into paintings. He painted \"New York – an Abstraction\" after his return to London and before his second visit to New York", "title": "The Soul of the Soulless City" }, { "docid": "12569436", "text": "Body and Soul (David Murray album) Body and Soul is an album by David Murray released on the Italian Black Saint label in 1993. It features performances by Murray, Sonelius Smith, Wilber Morris, Rashied Ali and Taana Running. The Allmusic review by Ron Wynn awarded the album 4½ stars stating \"No matter how many albums Murray issues, he never coasts or goes through the motions. This is mainly a quartet date, although Murray shows on the title track his ability to back a singer as Taana Running gives a moving vocal, complete with her original lyrics. Otherwise, these are either", "title": "Body and Soul (David Murray album)" }, { "docid": "16248833", "text": "raise money for this Foundation. The festival hosts many events under the Dublin City Soul Festival name. One of the events is the “Soul Picnic”, which takes place on the last weekend in May each year in Merrion Square Park. The music played at this event consists of all music genres with a soulful feeling. The festival’s line up in the past has included Mirenda Rosenberg, Tony Allen and many other recognised national and international artists. Another festival event is “Rising Stars”. This is a competition that was launched in 2009 and searches each year for global best emerging artists.", "title": "Dublin City Soul Festival" }, { "docid": "2962257", "text": "Hutch,\" alongside original co-star Paul Michael Glaser. In August 2008, Soul appeared in the reality TV talent show-themed television series \"Maestro\" on BBC Two. He appeared with Fred Ward and Willem Dafoe in the film \"Farewell\" directed by Christian Carion which received its US release in 2010. In June 2012, Soul made a one-week appearance with Jerry Hall at the Gaiety Theatre, Dublin in a reprise of the Pulitzer Prize nominated play by A.R. Gurney, \"Love Letters\". On 29 July 2012, Soul appeared in an episode of the British television detective drama series \"Lewis\", playing a murder victim. He was", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "19389538", "text": "the rescue efforts. (\"Something's Missing\"). Ten years later, the crew and passengers (the \"come from away\") of the once stranded planes reunite in Gander, this time by choice, to celebrate the lifelong friendships and strong connections they formed in spite of the terrorist attacks (\"Finale\"). As Claude the mayor professes, \"Tonight we honour what was lost, but we also commemorate what we found.\" The music contains \"rock, folk and Gaelic-sounding strains, performed by an onstage band.\" Jay Irwin with \"Broadway World\" called the production \"emotionally transcendent\" and \"the best musical I've seen all year and possibly ever.\" David Gerson with", "title": "Come from Away" }, { "docid": "14305319", "text": "Soul Zodiac Soul Zodiac is the first collaborative studio album by the Nat Adderley Sextet and Rick Holmes, presented by Julian \"Cannonball\" Adderley. It was released in 1972 through Capitol Records. Recording sessions took place at Independent Recording Studios in Studio City, Los Angeles, California with production handled by David Axelrod and Cannonball Adderley. The album features narration from Rick Holmes on all tracks and contributions from the sextet: Nat Adderley on cornet, George Duke on Fender Rhodes electric piano, Walter Booker on string bass and guitar, Roy McCurdy on drums, Mike Deasy on guitar, and Ernie Watts on flute", "title": "Soul Zodiac" }, { "docid": "9398167", "text": "Soul Sessions\" (2003) and \"Mind Body & Soul\" (2004). Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Mind Body & Soul Sessions: Live in New York City\". Mind Body & Soul Sessions: Live in New York City Mind Body & Soul Sessions: Live in New York City is the first video album by English singer and songwriter Joss Stone, released on DVD on 13 December 2004 by S-Curve Records. It was filmed during Stone's sold-out concert at New York City's Irving Plaza on 9 September 2004, with additional live vocals from performances at La Zona Rosa in Austin, Texas, on 24", "title": "Mind Body & Soul Sessions: Live in New York City" }, { "docid": "13093373", "text": "a negative review, wrote that the \"power-chorded \"Bar-ba-Sol,\" ... is the only place Cook flexes any muscle\" \"Newsday\" magazine's Glenn Gamboa wrote that \"He stretches boundaries creatively with the metallic, grinding \"Bar-Ba-Sol\" - part Pearl Jam fist-pumper, part Alice in Chains slither.\" Come Back to Me (David Cook song) \"Come Back to Me\" is the second official single released from \"American Idol\" season 7 winner David Cook's major label debut studio album, \"David Cook\" (2008). It was released as a joint double-A single with \"Bar-ba-sol\". \"Come Back to Me\" was written by Espionage, the Norwegian songwriting and music production team", "title": "Come Back to Me (David Cook song)" }, { "docid": "380946", "text": "convenient terms that allow us to refer to an ever-changing entity. The \"anatta\" doctrine is not a kind of materialism. Buddhism does not deny the existence of \"immaterial\" entities, and it (at least traditionally) distinguishes bodily states from mental states. Thus, the conventional translation of \"anatta\" as \"no-soul\" can be confusing. If the word \"soul\" simply refers to an incorporeal component in living things that can continue after death, then Buddhism does not deny the existence of the soul. Instead, Buddhism denies the existence of a permanent entity that remains constant behind the changing corporeal and incorporeal components of a", "title": "Soul" }, { "docid": "2962260", "text": "to undergo anger management therapy after assaulting her while she was seven months pregnant. The couple divorced in 1986. Soul married again in 1987, to actress Julia Nickson. The couple had one child, China Soul, who is a singer/songwriter. Soul and Nickson divorced in 1993. Soul immigrated to the United Kingdom in the mid-1990s and settled in London with his girlfriend, American actress Alexa Hamilton, though the couple later broke up. In September 2004, Soul became a British citizen, while retaining his U.S. citizenship. He is an avid fan of English football and is an Arsenal F.C. supporter. Soul married", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "13535548", "text": "notably Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band, and Jimmy James and the Vagabonds, established strong reputations as live acts in Britain, largely playing cover versions of American soul records; Washington was an American expatriate, and James was from Jamaica. A handful of British artists continued to perform soul-inspired music in the 1970s. These included David Bowie, whose \"Plastic soul\" on his \"Young Americans\" album (1975), helped keep the sound in the British mainstream. Elton John experimented with the Philadelphia soul/disco sound while working with producer Thom Bell in 1977, sessions which eventually resulted in a UK #1 for John", "title": "British soul" }, { "docid": "7778584", "text": "options. Sandwiches come in regular (7-inch), large (10.5-inch), super (14-inch), spinach wraps, and lettucewiches sizes. v\\ Which wich does seasonal \"wiches\" that will be on the menu for around 3 months. If the \"limited\" sandwich proves popular then it could be incorperated into the main menu. In 2007, the chain ranked as the fastest-growing restaurant chain concept with 50 operating stores or fewer, opening nine locations during a four-month period at the beginning of the year. In 2009, the chain ranked as the sixth-fastest-growing concept in the industry, according to restaurantchains.net. In 2013, the chain opened locations in Mexico City,", "title": "Which Wich?" }, { "docid": "7018777", "text": "Soul Makossa \"Soul Makossa\" is a song released as a single in 1972 by Cameroon saxophonist and songwriter, Manu Dibango. It is often cited as one of the first disco records. In 1972, David Mancuso found a copy in a Brooklyn West Indian record store and often played it at his The Loft parties. The response was so positive that the few copies of \"Soul Makossa\" in New York City were quickly purchased. The song was subsequently played heavily by Frankie Crocker, who deejayed at WBLS, then New York's most popular black radio station. Since the original release was so", "title": "Soul Makossa" }, { "docid": "17530083", "text": "Soul Doctor Soul Doctor \"- Journey of a Rockstar Rabbi\" is a Broadway musical that details the life of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, with music and lyrics by Shlomo Carlebach and David Schechter, and book and direction by Daniel Wise. The Soul Doctor show debuted at Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre in New Orleans, and had subsequent runs at The Colony Theater in Miami, The Parker Playhouse in Ft Lauderdale, and The New York Theatre Workshop in New York City. The Broadway production started previews in July 2013 with its official opening night taking place August 15, 2013 at Broadway's", "title": "Soul Doctor" }, { "docid": "7731717", "text": "Soul Supreme Soul Supreme (real name David Åström), born 1983, is a hip hop producer from Sweden. He has worked with the likes of KRS-One, Pete Rock and Big Daddy Kane. In 2003 he released his debut and self-produced album “The Saturday Night Agenda” under the name Soul Supreme on the Boston-based label Grit Records. The album featured KRS-One, Big Daddy Kane, Pete Rock, O.C. and many more. Later the same year he produced the entire mixtape \"Soulmatic\", a remixed version of Nas classic album \"Stillmatic\", which was released through hiphopsite.com. In 2004 he continued with another remix mixtape; Soul", "title": "Soul Supreme" }, { "docid": "11517280", "text": "shout \"Soul Finger!\" and were paid with Coca-Cola. The idea for the title and the shouts came from the Stax songwriters Isaac Hayes and David Porter. \"Soul Finger\" was a hit in the United States, peaking at number 3 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" R&B singles chart and number 17 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The B-side of the single was \"Knucklehead\", written by Booker T. Jones and Steve Cropper, which reached number 28 on the R&B singles chart and number 76 on the Hot 100. \"Soul Finger\" and \"Knucklehead\" were the first two tracks of the Bar-Kays' first LP, \"Soul", "title": "Soul Finger" }, { "docid": "8328686", "text": "\"Blue-eyed soul\", however, merely refers to soul music performed and/or written by white artists, particularly when that artist incorporates white-specific cultural elements into their music that are not typical of classic soul. Paul McCartney referenced the phrase as the name of the Beatles 1965 album \"Rubber Soul\", which was inspired by the term \"plastic soul\". In a studio conversation recorded in June 1965 after recording the first take of \"I'm Down\", McCartney says \"Plastic soul, man. Plastic soul.\" David Bowie also described his own funky, soulful songs released in the early to mid-1970s as \"plastic soul\". These singles sold well,", "title": "Plastic soul" }, { "docid": "20877994", "text": "examples are the Temptations' 1972 recording of \"Papa Was a Rollin' Stone\", and their follow-up single, \"Masterpiece\". Isaac Hayes' \"Theme from Shaft\" was considered another good example of cinematic soul, and subsequently influenced David Bowie's \"Stay\", released several years later. Curtis Mayfield's \"Superfly\" was a top ten Billboard hit, and praised as an archetypical example of the genre. Artists continue to call their music cinematic soul into the 21st century. Barry Adamson's 2002 album \"The King of Nothing Hill\" opened with the track \"Cinematic Soul\", which was roughly based on \"Theme from Shaft\" and was conceived as a tribute to", "title": "Cinematic soul" }, { "docid": "13050204", "text": "Soul Underground Soul Underground was a UK-based music magazine covering \"underground\" black music and dance music, which launched in 1987 and ceased publication in January 1991. The magazine was conceived as a reaction to what co-founders Darren Reynolds and David Lubich saw as the failure of the mainstream music press to cover the growth of an underground dance music scene in the UK. This went beyond the music itself to the fashions, warehouse parties and subcultures that were finding their feet at the time. From the outset, Soul Underground sought to cover a wide range of music – from the", "title": "Soul Underground" }, { "docid": "9353468", "text": "stereo (album) releases of the song. Soul Man (song) \"Soul Man\" is a 1967 song written and composed by Isaac Hayes and David Porter, first successful as a number 2 hit single by Atlantic Records soul duo Sam & Dave, which consisted of Samuel \"Sam\" Moore and David \"Dave\" Prater. Co-author Isaac Hayes found the inspiration for \"Soul Man\" in the turmoil of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. In July 1967, watching a television newscast of the aftermath of the 12th Street riot in Detroit, Michigan, Hayes noted that black residents had marked buildings that had not been", "title": "Soul Man (song)" }, { "docid": "9353463", "text": "Soul Man (song) \"Soul Man\" is a 1967 song written and composed by Isaac Hayes and David Porter, first successful as a number 2 hit single by Atlantic Records soul duo Sam & Dave, which consisted of Samuel \"Sam\" Moore and David \"Dave\" Prater. Co-author Isaac Hayes found the inspiration for \"Soul Man\" in the turmoil of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. In July 1967, watching a television newscast of the aftermath of the 12th Street riot in Detroit, Michigan, Hayes noted that black residents had marked buildings that had not been destroyed during the riots – mostly", "title": "Soul Man (song)" }, { "docid": "11559385", "text": "have invited people to come receive sweets from them and have offered \"pray for the souls of their friends, relatives or even pets\" as they do so. Among Catholics and Lutherans, some parishioners have their soul cakes blessed by a priest before being distributed; in exchange, the children promise to pray for the souls of the deceased relatives of the giver during the month of November, which is a month dedicated especially to praying for the Holy Souls. Any leftover soul cakes are shared among the distributing family or given to the poor. The tradition of giving soul cakes was", "title": "Soul cake" }, { "docid": "4116843", "text": "double duties with Soul Embraced, and their labelmates Becoming Saints. Soul Embraced Soul Embraced is a Christian death metal band from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States. It was originally a side project for Rocky Gray and David Sroczynski. Originally a side project of drummer David Sroczynski and William \"Rocky\" Gray from Shredded Corpse formed in 1997, the band dissolved after creating one song for a metal compilation in 1998. Gray reformed the band with fellow Living Sacrifice member Lance Garvin (drums) and his brother in-law Chad Moore (vocals). When Gray and Garvin weren't busy with Living Sacrifice, they would hammer", "title": "Soul Embraced" }, { "docid": "380961", "text": "major point of difference with Buddhism, which does not believe that there is either soul or self. In Hinduism and Jainism, a \"jiva\" (, , alternative spelling \"jiwa\"; , , alternative spelling \"jeev\") is a living being, or any entity imbued with a life force. In Jainism, \"jiva\" is the immortal essence or soul of a living organism (human, animal, fish or plant etc.) which survives physical death. The concept of \"Ajiva\" in Jainism means \"not soul\", and represents matter (including body), time, space, non-motion and motion. In Jainism, a \"Jiva\" is either \"samsari\" (mundane, caught in cycle of rebirths)", "title": "Soul" }, { "docid": "18992438", "text": "as positive reviews by NPR, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Billboard, Dazed, Jamaican Observer, Complex, FACT, and more. \"Where We Come From\" received acclaim from music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalised rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received an average score of 81, which indicates \"universal acclaim\", based on 5 reviews. Where We Come From Where We Come From is the debut studio album by Jamaican dancehall artist Popcaan, released on 10 June 2014 by Mixpak Records. A prolific dancehall artist from Jamaica, Popcaan collaborated with several producers on the album: Dre Skull", "title": "Where We Come From" }, { "docid": "12606345", "text": "released.\" Rare & Unreleased Recordings from the Golden Reign of the Queen of Soul Rare & Unreleased Recordings from the Golden Reign of the Queen of Soul is a 2007 two-disc compilation album featuring unreleased and rare songs by Aretha Franklin recorded between 1966 and 1973 on Atlantic Records. The liner notes, nominated for a Grammy at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards, were co-written by Jerry Wexler, who was responsible for producing the sound which solidified Franklin as a legend, and David Ritz, who co-authored Franklin's 1999 autobiography. \"Disc One, tracks 10, 14 and 18, and Disc Two, track 1,", "title": "Rare & Unreleased Recordings from the Golden Reign of the Queen of Soul" }, { "docid": "12606344", "text": "Rare & Unreleased Recordings from the Golden Reign of the Queen of Soul Rare & Unreleased Recordings from the Golden Reign of the Queen of Soul is a 2007 two-disc compilation album featuring unreleased and rare songs by Aretha Franklin recorded between 1966 and 1973 on Atlantic Records. The liner notes, nominated for a Grammy at the 51st Annual Grammy Awards, were co-written by Jerry Wexler, who was responsible for producing the sound which solidified Franklin as a legend, and David Ritz, who co-authored Franklin's 1999 autobiography. \"Disc One, tracks 10, 14 and 18, and Disc Two, track 1, previously", "title": "Rare & Unreleased Recordings from the Golden Reign of the Queen of Soul" }, { "docid": "6371949", "text": "Soul Journey Soul Journey is the fourth studio album by Gillian Welch. As with all of her previous releases, it is a collaboration with David Rawlings. In their preceding work, \"Time (The Revelator)\", Welch and Rawlings had experimented with using only acoustic guitar and banjo as accompaniment. With \"Soul Journey\", they return to the more diverse and modern instrumentation of their early work, employing electric guitar, organ, and drums. As with Welch's other works, a strong American roots influence can be heard. This is perhaps most clear on the track, \"No One Knows My Name\", which borrows the melody from", "title": "Soul Journey" }, { "docid": "1916171", "text": "'soul'. We became, from an image point of view, soul jazz artists. They kept promoting us that way and I kept deliberately fighting it, to the extent that it became a game.\" While soul jazz was most popular during the mid-to-late 1960s, many soul jazz performers, and elements of the music, remain popular. The Jazz Crusaders, for example, evolved from soul jazz to soul music, becoming The Crusaders in the process. Carr places David Sanborn and Maceo Parker in a line of alto saxophonists that includes Earl Bostic and Tab Smith, with Adderley, followed by Lou Donaldson, as the strongest", "title": "Soul jazz" }, { "docid": "7189374", "text": "Soul Survivors (band) The Soul Survivors are an American, Philadelphia-based, Soul Music and R&B group, founded by New York natives Richie and Charlie Ingui along with Kenny Jeremiah. The Soul Survivors are known for their 1967 hit single \"Expressway to Your Heart\", which was the first hit by Philadelphia soul record producers and songwriters Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff. The Soul Survivors are still performing and recording new music and covers, most recently working with David Uosikkinen of The Hooters and his project \"In The Pocket\" which is paying tribute to the vast catalog of music created in Philadelphia. The", "title": "Soul Survivors (band)" }, { "docid": "5491262", "text": "Nuyorican soul Nuyorican soul is jazz and house music performed by Stateside Puerto Rican (Nuyorican) groups and artists that originated in the 1990s with themes derived from Nuyorican culture. Nuyorican soul, to a great extent, does not refer to any single style or approach. Some of these groups do not at all, or use many specific Latin instruments or sounds. The main unifying factor, whether or not any explicitly Nuyorican soul is heard, has a strong soul, jazz and house influence; a rather independent and relaxing approach to making music that comes from outside the music industry. Nuyorican soul is", "title": "Nuyorican soul" }, { "docid": "2962258", "text": "also featured in the hit album by Fosseytango, singing on the track \"Landlord\". In 2013, Soul appeared in a cameo role in the Scottish film \"Filth\" lip-syncing his own recording of \"Silver Lady\". In 2014, Soul appeared in a British television commercial for National Express singing \"Silver Lady\" while driving a coach. Soul has been married five times and has five sons (two of whom are stepsons) and a daughter. He first married the actress Mirriam \"Mim\" Solberg (née Russeth), in 1964. The couple had one child together, but the marriage only lasted a year. Soul then married actress Karen", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "13465936", "text": "songs were \"free of clichés\" and that Nail had \"so much soul in his voice that you believe every word.\" I'm About to Come Alive I'm About to Come Alive is the debut album of American country music singer David Nail. It was released on August 18, 2009 via MCA Nashville. The album, produced by Frank Liddell and Mike Wrucke, includes the singles \"I'm About to Come Alive,\" \"Red Light\" and \"Turning Home.\" Nail wrote or co-wrote four of the songs on the album. Prior to signing with MCA Nashville in 2009, Nail recorded a self-titled album in 2002 for", "title": "I'm About to Come Alive" }, { "docid": "2962252", "text": "a theatrical feature film in some countries. During the mid- to late 1970s, Soul returned to his singing roots. Produced by Tony Macaulay, he recorded hits including \"Don't Give Up on Us\" (1977) which reached No. 1 in the US and the UK, and \"Silver Lady\" (1977) which also topped the charts in the UK. From 1976 until 1978, he had five UK Top 20 singles and two Top 10 albums. From 1976 to 1982 he toured extensively in the US, Europe, Far East and South America. In the U.S., he continued to make guest appearances in various television series.", "title": "David Soul" }, { "docid": "3738352", "text": "Classics Collection features T-shirts and sweatshirts with Soul II Soul's Funky Dred logo. In the same year, Kelly departed from the group again and Wheeler rejoined the group. In 2014, Soul II Soul performed at the Lovebox Festival. In 2016, Soul II Soul released a single titled \"A New Day\" credited to Caron Wheeler, which features production from Jazzie B and Louie Vega. Soul II Soul released their live album \"Origins: The Roots Of Soul II Soul\" on December 9, 2016. In May 2017, Soul II Soul performed at Electric Brixton with Caron Wheeler and Charlotte Kelly as the lead", "title": "Soul II Soul" }, { "docid": "7189378", "text": "as the 1960s Denver-based rock and roll band, also known as the Soul Survivors. They included Bob Raymond, who was later with Sugarloaf. Soul Survivors (band) The Soul Survivors are an American, Philadelphia-based, Soul Music and R&B group, founded by New York natives Richie and Charlie Ingui along with Kenny Jeremiah. The Soul Survivors are known for their 1967 hit single \"Expressway to Your Heart\", which was the first hit by Philadelphia soul record producers and songwriters Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff. The Soul Survivors are still performing and recording new music and covers, most recently working with David Uosikkinen", "title": "Soul Survivors (band)" }, { "docid": "14941018", "text": "New Orleans soul New Orleans soul is a musical style derived from the soul music which has a large influence of the Gospel (music). New Orleans soul has ingredients of pop music and soul and is influenced by boogie-woogie style. The songs always are accompanied by a piano and a saxophone. Guitars are rare in this genre. It was popularized in the postwar era in the Crescent City. This genus stands out in its use of simple pop structures and Rock rhythms that have become very influenced by the \"second line\" and \"parade\" hits common to the city. The Caribbean", "title": "New Orleans soul" }, { "docid": "783019", "text": "City of David The City of David (, \"Ir David\"; literal translation to , \"Madina Dawud\", common Arabic name: , \"Wadi Hilweh\") is an Israeli settlement and the archaeological site which is speculated to compose the original urban core of ancient Jerusalem. First suggested in 1920, the name was used officially from the 1970s, following the capture of East Jerusalem by Israel, but today the name is questioned in the archaeological academic community. In 1997 management of the park was taken over by Ir David Foundation. Although it is located within the Jerusalem Municipality, it is considered a settlement, having", "title": "City of David" }, { "docid": "782993", "text": "City of David The City of David (, \"Ir David\"; literal translation to , \"Madina Dawud\", common Arabic name: , \"Wadi Hilweh\") is an Israeli settlement and the archaeological site which is speculated to compose the original urban core of ancient Jerusalem. First suggested in 1920, the name was used officially from the 1970s, following the capture of East Jerusalem by Israel, but today the name is questioned in the archaeological academic community. In 1997 management of the park was taken over by Ir David Foundation. Although it is located within the Jerusalem Municipality, it is considered a settlement, having", "title": "City of David" }, { "docid": "1135652", "text": "David City, Nebraska David City is a city in Butler County, Nebraska, United States. The population was 2,906 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Butler County. David City was founded in 1873 to serve as the county seat when county residents desired a more centrally located county seat than Savannah. The village was named after the maiden name of the wife of an early settler. David City is located at (41.254543, -97.126457). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of , of which, is land and is water. As of", "title": "David City, Nebraska" }, { "docid": "4730201", "text": "David Pytches George Edward David Pytches (born 9 January 1931) is a bishop of the Anglican Communion and the former Bishop of Chile, Bolivia & Peru. Pytches was also vicar of St Andrew's, in Chorleywood England. He is the author of many books, including \"Come Holy Spirit\" and his autobiography, \"Living at the Edge\". He is the founder of the New Wine conferences with his wife Mary, who is also an author in the field of Christian counselling. Pytches supported the Soul Survivor movement in England during its early days and throughout its history; for example, the Soul in the", "title": "David Pytches" }, { "docid": "3217518", "text": "Soul Crew The Cardiff City Soul Crew (Commonly known as the Soul Crew) are a football hooligan firm, associated with the Welsh football club Cardiff City. From its formation in 1983 until around 2010 the Soul Crew were one of the biggest and most active football firms in the United Kingdom. The Soul Crew name was adopted by hooligan followers of Cardiff City in the 1982/83 season, and was suggested by a fan by the name of Nicky Parsons, who was later made an outcast due to being a white supremacist / racist. It comes from the small number of", "title": "Soul Crew" }, { "docid": "13065844", "text": "Soon after, the final events of \"Half-Life 2\", as well as the chapters \"Undue Alarm\" and \"Direct Intervention\" of \"\", come to pass, and the Citadel's dark energy reactor begins to enter meltdown. However, Gordon Freeman's actions retard the reaction long enough to allow citizens and Resistance members alike to escape City 17. David and Julia decide to leave the city as well. After reaching the old canals and combating zombies, the first two Resistance members from \"Part One\", Derek and Ian, finally catch up with the duo. As they walk together, they talk about Freeman's actions within the Citadel.", "title": "Half-Life: Escape from City 17" }, { "docid": "14941021", "text": "kind of Soul, produced a slower version of gender, which caused much of the birth of Funk. The genus was about 24 national success. New Orleans soul New Orleans soul is a musical style derived from the soul music which has a large influence of the Gospel (music). New Orleans soul has ingredients of pop music and soul and is influenced by boogie-woogie style. The songs always are accompanied by a piano and a saxophone. Guitars are rare in this genre. It was popularized in the postwar era in the Crescent City. This genus stands out in its use of", "title": "New Orleans soul" }, { "docid": "5688286", "text": "Angel's dream in which he sees Spike making love to Buffy was \"so fake it's embarrassing they even tried it,\" an \"Angel\" guidebook complains; the obvious stunt double and use of overdubbing emphasizes rather than masks Sarah Michelle Gellar's absence from the show. Soul Purpose (Angel) \"Soul Purpose\" is episode 10 of season 5 in the television show \"Angel\". Written by Brent Fletcher and it was the directorial debut of David Boreanaz, who plays Angel, and was originally broadcast on January 21, 2004 on the WB network. In \"Soul Purpose\", guest star Christian Kane returns as Lindsey McDonald, taking on", "title": "Soul Purpose (Angel)" }, { "docid": "18790628", "text": "said; \"It's a good listen, and Walker's vocals are impressive as ever, but there's not a lot of improving on classics like these.\" Yates complimented \"A Change Is Gonna Come\", calling it the standout \"on which Walker is soulful, thoughtful and appropriately restrained, letting Sam Cooke's classic resonate on its own, without letting it override his vocal.\" The album becomes Walker's third top 10 album in Australia after his debut \"Introducing Stan Walker\" in 2009 and \"From the Inside Out\" in 2010. Truth & Soul Truth & Soul is the fifth studio album by Australian-New Zealand recording artist Stan Walker.", "title": "Truth & Soul" }, { "docid": "7731718", "text": "& Sense containing remixes on early Common material when Common still called himself Common Sense. This was in 2005 released on Nocturne as a CD entitled “Uncommonly Nasty: Remixed By Soul Supreme & Statik Selektah”. In 2006 he made URB Magazine’s list of the next 100 producers His production borrows heavily from, often pitched-up, soul samples; hence the name. He is signed to JuJu Publishing. Soul Supreme also makes more electro themed music (his own name of this style is rapclash) under the name Kocky. In 2007, Soul Supreme released an electro-house album called \"Kingdome Come\" under his alias Kocky.", "title": "Soul Supreme" }, { "docid": "4116839", "text": "Soul Embraced Soul Embraced is a Christian death metal band from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States. It was originally a side project for Rocky Gray and David Sroczynski. Originally a side project of drummer David Sroczynski and William \"Rocky\" Gray from Shredded Corpse formed in 1997, the band dissolved after creating one song for a metal compilation in 1998. Gray reformed the band with fellow Living Sacrifice member Lance Garvin (drums) and his brother in-law Chad Moore (vocals). When Gray and Garvin weren't busy with Living Sacrifice, they would hammer away with Charlie T. West at making material for their", "title": "Soul Embraced" } ]
Who won Super Bowl XX?
[ "Chicago Bears", "Chicago Staleys", "Decatur Staleys", "Chicago Bears football", "Chicago bears", "Save Da Planet", "Chicago Gators" ]
[ { "docid": "397189", "text": "game summary. Source: Super Bowl XX Super Bowl XX was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Chicago Bears and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1985 season. The Bears defeated the Patriots by the score of 46–10, capturing their first NFL championship (and Chicago's first overall sports victory) since 1963, three years prior to the birth of the Super Bowl. Super Bowl XX was played on January 26, 1986 at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. This was the fourth Super Bowl", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397144", "text": "Super Bowl XX Super Bowl XX was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Chicago Bears and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion New England Patriots to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1985 season. The Bears defeated the Patriots by the score of 46–10, capturing their first NFL championship (and Chicago's first overall sports victory) since 1963, three years prior to the birth of the Super Bowl. Super Bowl XX was played on January 26, 1986 at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. This was the fourth Super Bowl where both teams", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "376014", "text": "Ronnie Lott. Under their leadership, the 49ers won four Super Bowls in the decade (XVI, XIX, XXIII, and XXIV) and made nine playoff appearances between 1981 and 1990, including eight division championships, becoming the second dynasty of the post-merger NFL. The 1980s also produced the 1985 Chicago Bears, who posted an 18–1 record under head coach Mike Ditka; quarterback Jim McMahon; and Hall of Fame running back Walter Payton. Their team won Super Bowl XX in dominant fashion. The Washington Redskins and New York Giants were also top teams of this period; the Redskins won Super Bowls XVII, XXII, and", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "394220", "text": "man to play in a Super Bowl and then be a head coach in a Super Bowl. Gregg played in Super Bowls I and II as a member of the Green Bay Packers. Tom Flores was on the Kansas City Chiefs' roster in Super Bowl IV and coached in Super Bowl XV. However, Flores did not play in Super Bowl IV. This was the first Super Bowl to feature two first-time participants since Super Bowl III (there has been only one since, Super Bowl XX between the Chicago Bears and New England Patriots). This was also the only Super Bowl", "title": "Super Bowl XVI" }, { "docid": "394886", "text": "Bowl XII, the Oakland Raiders defeated the Philadelphia Eagles 27–10 in Super Bowl XV, the Chicago Bears beat the New England Patriots 46–10 in Super Bowl XX, and the San Francisco 49ers beat the Denver Broncos 55–10 in Super Bowl XXIV. The Packers also became the first dark-colored team to win a Super Bowl indoors. Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXXI, Super Bowl XXXI Play Finder GB, Super Bowl XXXI Play Finder NE Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following records were set in Super Bowl XXXI, according to the official NFL.com boxscore, the 2016 NFL Record & Fact", "title": "Super Bowl XXXI" }, { "docid": "18084526", "text": "recovery in the end zone. The Broncos' seven sacks tied a Super Bowl record set by the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XX. Manning was sacked five times by the Panthers, giving this game highest total (12) of combined sacks in Super Bowl history. Kony Ealy tied a Super Bowl record with three sacks, and is the only such player to do so and record an interception. Jordan Norwood's 61-yard punt return set a new record, surpassing the old record of 45 yards set by John Taylor in Super Bowl XXIII. Denver was just 1-of-14 on third down, while Carolina", "title": "Super Bowl 50" }, { "docid": "18084486", "text": "Bowl quarterbacks at 13 years and 48 days (Manning was 39, Newton was 26). In addition, this was the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their draft classes. Manning was the #1 selection of the 1998 NFL Draft, while Newton was picked first in 2011. The matchup also pits the top two picks of the 2011 draft against each other: Newton for Carolina and Von Miller for Denver. With Ron Rivera having been a linebacker with the Chicago Bears in Super Bowl XX, and Kubiak replacing Elway at the end", "title": "Super Bowl 50" }, { "docid": "5765360", "text": "The Super Bowl Shuffle \"The Super Bowl Shuffle\" is a rap song performed by players of the Chicago Bears football team in . It was released December 3, 1985 and recorded the day after their only loss of the season at the hands of the Miami Dolphins, two months prior to their win in Super Bowl XX. It peaked at No. 41 in February 1986 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart. The 1985 rap hit recorded by the players of the Chicago Bears known as the “Super Bowl Shuffle” instantly became a mainstream phenomenon. The single sold more than 500,000", "title": "The Super Bowl Shuffle" }, { "docid": "394865", "text": "was also in the Superdome and against an NFC Central team. In Super Bowl XX, the Patriots lost to the Chicago Bears, whose rivalry with the Packers is said to be the NFL's oldest. The game was the first Super Bowl to be televised in the United States by the Fox network. Play-by-play announcer Pat Summerall and color commentator John Madden, both previously of CBS, called the game. James Brown hosted all the events with help from his fellow \"Fox NFL Sunday\" cast members Terry Bradshaw, Howie Long, and Ronnie Lott. This was the first of three Super Bowls to", "title": "Super Bowl XXXI" }, { "docid": "14848992", "text": "win a Super Bowl, four years later with the Chicago Bears. Coincidentally, the Louisiana Superdome was also the site of Super Bowl XX, where Covert and the Bears won. 1982 Sugar Bowl The 1982 Sugar Bowl was played on January 1, 1982, at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. It featured the second-ranked Georgia Bulldogs of the Southeastern Conference, the defending national champions, and the eighth-ranked Pittsburgh Panthers. The Panthers won the game and moved up to fourth in the final polls, while the Bulldogs dropped to sixth It has often been called one of the greatest bowl games,", "title": "1982 Sugar Bowl" } ]
[ { "docid": "397188", "text": "to just 4 yards on 3 carries, and caught 2 passes for 19 yards. New England receiver Stephen Starring returned 7 kickoffs for 153 yards and caught 2 passes for 39 yards. The Patriots, as a team, only recorded 123 total offensive yards, the second-lowest total in Super Bowl history. Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XX, USA Today Super Bowl XX Play by Play, Super Bowl XX Play Finder Chi, Super Bowl XX Play Finder NE Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following records were set in Super Bowl XX, according to the official NFL.com boxscore and the Pro-Football-Reference.com", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397168", "text": "Nightly News\" anchor Tom Brokaw of United States President Ronald Reagan at the White House (this would not become a regular Super Bowl pregame feature until Super Bowl XLIII; when \"Today show\" host Matt Lauer interviewed U.S. President Barack Obama). \"The Last Precinct\" debuted on NBC after the game. Super Bowl XX was simulcast in Canada on CTV and also broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. Super Bowl XX is featured on \"NFL's Greatest Games\" under the title \"Super Bears\" with narration by Don LaFontaine. The national radio broadcast was aired by NBC Radio, which outbid CBS Radio", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397147", "text": "IX. Bears defensive end Richard Dent, who had 1.5 quarterback sacks, forced two fumbles, and blocked a pass, was named the game's Most Valuable Player (MVP). The telecast of the game on NBC was watched by an estimated 92.57 million viewers. To commemorate the 20th Super Bowl, all previous Super Bowl MVPs were honored during the pregame ceremonies. NFL owners awarded the hosting of Super Bowl XX to New Orleans, Louisiana on December 14, 1982, at an owners meeting held in Dallas. This was the sixth time that New Orleans hosted the Super Bowl. Tulane Stadium was the site of", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397148", "text": "Super Bowls IV, VI, and IX; while the Louisiana Superdome previously hosted XII and XV. As of 2016, Super Bowl XX remains the last Super Bowl to feature two teams both making their first appearance in the game. It was the fourth overall following Super Bowl I, Super Bowl III, and Super Bowl XVI. Any future Super Bowl that would have such a combination would have to have the Detroit Lions playing either the Cleveland Browns, Houston Texans, or Jacksonville Jaguars in the game. All 16 NFC teams have played in an NFL championship game (Detroit last made an NFL", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397165", "text": "of Super Bowl XX. The tradition began when two neighbors Alan Heath and Bill Holley broke onto the local golf course to ease their nerves before the game. The first outing lasted 14 holes in the snow with temperatures hovering around 9 degrees. In the aftermath of the Bear's Super Bowl victory the two made a pact that they would return to the golf course every year until the Bears repeated as Super Bowl Champions. With the dominance of the 1985 Bears squad the pair didn't think they would be starting a local tradition still going strong 30 years later.", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397185", "text": "scored a touchdown in Super Bowl XX, his only Super Bowl appearance during his Hall of Fame career. Many people including Mike Ditka have claimed that the reason for this was due to the fact that the Patriots' defensive scheme was centered on stopping Payton. Although Payton was ultimately the Bears' leading rusher during the game, the Patriots' defense held him to only 61 yards on 22 carries, with his longest run being only 7 yards. He was given several opportunities to score near the goal line, but New England stopped him every time before he reached the end zone", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397145", "text": "were making their Super Bowl debuts. The Bears entered the game after becoming the second team in NFL history to win 15 regular season games. With their then-revolutionary 46 defense, Chicago led the league in several defensive categories, outscored their opponents with a staggering margin of 456–198, and recorded two postseason shutouts. The Patriots were considered a Cinderella team during the 1985 season, and posted an 11–5 regular season record, but entered the playoffs as a wild card because of tiebreakers. But defying the odds, New England posted three road playoff wins to advance to Super Bowl XX. In their", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397170", "text": "kick-off. Lesslee Fitzmorris created and directed the show. To celebrate the 20th Super Bowl game, the Most Valuable Players of the previous Super Bowls were featured during the pregame festivities. The number one song of the year coupled with video plays from each Super Bowl accompanied the presentation of each player. Performers formed the score of each championship game. The show concluded with the question of who would be the next Super Bowl Champions. This would start a tradition occurring every ten years (in Super Bowls XXX, XL and 50) in which past Super Bowl MVPs would be honored before", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "2515128", "text": "seed to advance to the Super Bowl since the league expanded to a 12-team playoff format in 1990. In doing so, they were also the first division winner to advance to the league championship after playing \"three\" playoff games. All other instances up to this point where teams advanced to the Super Bowl after playing all three rounds of the playoffs were wild card teams in Super Bowls XV, XX, XXVII, XXXII, XXXIV, and XXXV. Prior to Super Bowl XVII, the Miami Dolphins and Washington Redskins both won three playoff games to reach the Super Bowl, but that came during", "title": "Super Bowl XXXVIII" }, { "docid": "5732107", "text": "to commemorate two anniversaries—the 25th anniversary of Super Bowl XX and 15th of Super Bowl XXX, which marked the Dallas Cowboys' most recent Super Bowl championship. In honor of those occasions, Super Bowl XX MVP Richard Dent and former Dallas Cowboys defensive back Deion Sanders, both of whom were inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2011, joined the ceremonies. They were joined by fellow Pro Football Hall of Fame inductees and past Super Bowl participants Marshall Faulk, Chris Hanburger and Shannon Sharpe. The Black Eyed Peas performed a medley of their greatest hits: \"I Gotta Feeling\", \"Boom", "title": "Super Bowl XLV" }, { "docid": "397171", "text": "the game. After trumpeter Wynton Marsalis performed the national anthem, Bart Starr, MVP of Super Bowl I and Super Bowl II, tossed the coin. The performance event group Up with People performed during the halftime show titled \"Beat of the Future\". Up with People dancers portrayed various scenes into the future. This was the last Super Bowl to feature Up with People as a halftime show, though they later performed in the Super Bowl XXV pregame show. The halftime show was dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (the first observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397146", "text": "victory over the Patriots, the Bears set or tied Super Bowl records for sacks (seven), fewest rushing yards allowed (seven), and margin of victory (36 points). At the time, New England broke the record for the quickest lead in Super Bowl history, with Tony Franklin's 36-yard field goal 1:19 into the first quarter after a Chicago fumble. But the Patriots were eventually held to negative yardage (−19) throughout the entire first half, and finished with just 123 total yards from scrimmage, the second lowest total yards in Super Bowl history, behind the Minnesota Vikings (119 total yards) in Super Bowl", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "3200141", "text": "(starting with Super Bowl XX and then repeated in Super Bowl XXX) in which past Super Bowl MVPs were honored before the game. A moment of silence was observed in memory of the two civil rights activists who had died during the months prior to the game: Coretta Scott King (six days earlier) and Rosa Parks (on October 24, 2005), the latter a long-time Detroit resident. The Steelers became the first AFC club, and only the third franchise overall, to wear white jerseys despite being the \"home\" team. The first two clubs, the Cowboys (Super Bowls XIII and XXVII) and", "title": "Super Bowl XL" }, { "docid": "397166", "text": "The outing has taken place every year in all types of weather and will continue every year until the Bears repeat as Champions. Depending on the weather, the attendance hovers between 2 & 20 people each year. The NBC telecast of the game, with play-by-play announcer Dick Enberg and color commentators Merlin Olsen and Bob Griese (who was not in the booth with Enberg and Olsen), garnered the third highest Nielsen rating of any Super Bowl to date, a 48.3 but it ended up being the first Super Bowl to garner over 90 million viewers the highest to date up", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397163", "text": "practice before the Super Bowl, McMahon mooned a helicopter that was hovering over the practice. Another anecdote involving McMahon during the Super Bowl anticipation involved WDSU sports anchor Buddy Diliberto reporting a quote attributed to McMahon, where he had allegedly referred to the women of New Orleans as \"sluts\" on a local morning sports talk show. This caused wide controversy among the women of New Orleans and McMahon began receiving calls from irate fans in his hotel. A groggy McMahon, who had not been able to sleep well because of all the calls he had gotten, was confronted by Mike", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "394810", "text": "anniversary of the Challenger disaster, the flyover was done in a Missing Man formation. To honor the 30th Super Bowl game, several past Super Bowl MVPs joined the coin toss ceremony (similar to 10 years earlier in Super Bowl XX, and then subsequently repeated every 10 years thereafter in Super Bowl XL and Super Bowl 50). Joe Montana, MVP of Super Bowls XVI, XIX, and XXIV, tossed the coin. Diana Ross performed during the halftime show, titled \"Take Me Higher: A Celebration of 30 years of the Super Bowl\". The show featured a number of her songs along with pyrotechnics,", "title": "Super Bowl XXX" }, { "docid": "397181", "text": "offense. Meanwhile, Chicago gained 236 yards and scored 23 points themselves. After the Patriots received the second-half kickoff, they managed to get one first down, but then had to punt after Grogan was sacked twice. Camarillo, who punted four times in the first half, managed to pin the Bears back at their own 4-yard line with a then-Super Bowl record 62-yard punt. But the Patriots' defense still had no ability to stop Chicago's offense. On their very first play, McMahon faked a handoff to Payton, then threw a 60-yard completion to Gault. Eight plays later, McMahon finished the Super Bowl-record", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397160", "text": "7 interceptions for 189 return yards. In the playoffs, the Patriots qualified as the AFC's second wild card. But the Patriots, under head coach Raymond Berry, defied the odds, beating the New York Jets 26–14, Los Angeles Raiders 27–20, and the Dolphins 31–14 – all on the road – to make it to the Super Bowl. The win against Miami had been especially surprising, not only because Miami was the only team to beat Chicago in the season, but also because New England had not won in the Orange Bowl (Miami's then-home field) since 1966, the Dolphins' first season (then", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "376032", "text": "of top-rated programs of all time, and three other Super Bowls, XII, XVII, and XX, made the top ten. Famous commercial campaigns include the Budweiser \"Bud Bowl\" campaign, the 1984 introduction of Apple's Macintosh computer, and the 1999 and 2000 dot-com ads. As the television ratings of the Super Bowl have steadily increased over the years, prices have also increased every year, with advertisers paying as much as $3.5 million for a thirty-second spot during Super Bowl XLVI in 2012. A segment of the audience tunes into the Super Bowl solely to view commercials. In 2010, Nielsen reported that 51", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "4185060", "text": "in the 1970 season during the team's tenure in Baltimore; they had moved to Indianapolis in 1984. Meanwhile, the Bears, who posted an NFC-best 13–3 regular season record, were making their first appearance since winning Super Bowl XX in the 1985 season. In addition, the Bears' Lovie Smith and the Colts' Tony Dungy both became the first African-American head coaches to coach in the Super Bowl, with Dungy the first to win. In the first Super Bowl played in rainy conditions, the Colts overcame a 14–6 first-quarter deficit to outscore the Bears 23–3 in the last three quarters. Chicago posted", "title": "Super Bowl XLI" }, { "docid": "394870", "text": "Super Bowl XII), Chuck Noll (Super Bowl IX), Tom Flores (Super Bowl XV), Mike Ditka (Super Bowl XX), and George Seifert (Super Bowl XXIV). Hank Stram was given the honor of doing the coin toss. The halftime show was titled \"Blues Brothers Bash\" and featured actors Dan Aykroyd, John Goodman, and Jim Belushi as the Blues Brothers. The show highlighted blues music and also had performances by the rock band ZZ Top and singer James Brown. While practicing for the show, stuntwoman Laura \"Dinky\" Patterson, one of a 16-member professional bungee jumping team, jumped from the 100-foot high uppermost terrace", "title": "Super Bowl XXXI" }, { "docid": "18084511", "text": "for the game. This ceremony continued a ten-year tradition (starting with Super Bowl XX and then repeated in Super Bowl XXX and Super Bowl XL) in which past Super Bowl MVPs were honored before the game. Lady Gaga (accompanied by Alex Smith on piano) sang the national anthem, while Marlee Matlin simultaneously performed an American Sign Language (ASL) version of it. Matlin also signed an a cappella version of \"America the Beautiful\", which was sung by a U.S. Armed Forces chorus. In late November 2015, reports surfaced stating that \"multiple acts\" would perform during the halftime show. On December 3,", "title": "Super Bowl 50" }, { "docid": "5732096", "text": "of 106.5 million viewers for Super Bowl XLIV. An estimated 162.9 million total viewers watched all or part of the game. The game drew a national household Nielsen rating of 46.0 and a 69 share. It drew a 59.7 local rating in both Milwaukee (WITI) and Pittsburgh (WPGH), the second-highest local rating for a Super Bowl after the 63.0 that Super Bowl XX drew in Chicago. In the host market of Dallas-Fort Worth (KDFW), the game drew a 53.7 rating. The Steelers also became the second team to appear on Super Bowls on all four major networks, after the Denver", "title": "Super Bowl XLV" }, { "docid": "397187", "text": "finished the game with 129 receiving yards on just 4 receptions, an average of 32.3 yards per catch. He also returned 4 kickoffs for 49 yards. Suhey had 11 carries for 52 yards and a touchdown, and caught a pass for 24 yards. Singletary tied a Super Bowl record with 2 fumble recoveries. Eason became the first Super Bowl starting quarterback to fail to complete a pass, going 0 for 6 attempts. Grogan completed 17 out of 30 passes for 177 yards and 1 touchdown, with 2 interceptions. Although fullback Tony Collins was the Patriots' leading rusher, he was limited", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397162", "text": "Rams 24–0. Much of the Super Bowl pregame hype centered on Bears quarterback Jim McMahon. First, he was fined by the NFL during the playoffs for a violation of the league's dress code, wearing a head band from Adidas. He then started to wear a head band where he hand-wrote \"Rozelle\", after then-league commissioner Pete Rozelle. McMahon suffered a strained glute as the result of a hit taken in the NFC Championship Game and flew his acupuncturist into New Orleans to get treatment. During practice four days before the Super Bowl, he wore a headband reading \"Acupuncture\". During a Bears", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397149", "text": "championship game in the pre-merger era); only the three AFC franchises that began play since 1995 (the technicalities of the Browns franchise contrasting to the revisionism means this version began in 1999) have yet to reach a league championship game. The nation's recognition of the Bears' accomplishment was overshadowed by STS 51-L two days later, an event which caused the cancellation of the Bears' post-Super Bowl White House visit. Jim McMahon drew controversy after Super Bowl XXXI by wearing a Bears jersey to the Green Bay Packers' visit following their championship, owing to his first official visit never having happened", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397172", "text": "had been held the previous Monday). The Patriots took the then-quickest lead in Super Bowl history after linebacker Larry McGrew recovered a fumble from Walter Payton at the Chicago 19-yard line on the second play of the game (the Bears themselves would break this record in Super Bowl XLI when Devin Hester ran back the opening kickoff for a touchdown). Bears quarterback Jim McMahon took responsibility for this fumble after the game, saying he had called the wrong play. This set up Tony Franklin's 36-yard field goal 1:19 into the first quarter after three incomplete passes by Tony Eason (the", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "376017", "text": "quarterback Steve Young, Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice, and Hall of Fame cornerback Deion Sanders; however, the Cowboys' victory in Super Bowl XXX the next year also gave them five titles overall and they did so with Sanders after he won the Super Bowl the previous year with the 49ers. The NFC's winning streak was continued by the Green Bay Packers who, under Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre, won Super Bowl XXXI, their first championship since Super Bowl II in the late 1960s. Super Bowl XXXII saw quarterback John Elway and running back Terrell Davis lead the", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "3200157", "text": "to win the Super Bowl despite not playing a single home game in the playoffs. The Green Bay Packers, who won Super Bowl I, and the Kansas City Chiefs, who won Super Bowl IV, also accomplished the feat. The Steelers, however, had to win four games to accomplish the feat, while the Chiefs won three and Packers won only two games. Roethlisberger finished the game having completed just 9 of 21 passes for 123 yards and having also thrown two interceptions; his 22.6 quarterback rating was the lowest ever by a Super Bowl winning quarterback. He also rushed for 25", "title": "Super Bowl XL" }, { "docid": "4243404", "text": "the Super Bowl without playing a single home game in the preceding playoffs. They joined the Green Bay Packers (who won Super Bowl I against the Kansas City Chiefs), the Kansas City Chiefs (who won Super Bowl IV against the Minnesota Vikings) and the Pittsburgh Steelers (who won Super Bowl XL against the Seattle Seahawks) in accomplishing this feat. However, Green Bay had to win two games, Kansas City three, and Pittsburgh and the Giants, four, in order to accomplish this. Since, the Green Bay Packers accomplished it in 2010 by winning three road playoff games en route to their", "title": "Super Bowl XLII" }, { "docid": "376016", "text": "made their mark reaching the Super Bowl for a record four consecutive years, only to lose all four. After Super Bowl championships by division rivals New York (1990) and Washington (1991), the Cowboys won three of the next four Super Bowls (XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX) led by quarterback Troy Aikman, running back Emmitt Smith, and wide receiver Michael Irvin. All three of these players went to the Hall of Fame. The Cowboys' streak was interrupted by the 49ers, who won their league-leading fifth title overall with Super Bowl XXIX in dominating fashion under Super Bowl MVP and Hall of Fame", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "4450419", "text": "John Randle, and Emmitt Smith – were named the day before. The Saints won the coin toss, marking the 13th straight Super Bowl the NFC won the toss (the Cardinals won the toss in Super Bowl XLIII but elected to defer to the second half, giving the Steelers the ball to open the game). The Who performed at the Super Bowl XLIV halftime show. The band played a medley of their hits, consisting of \"Pinball Wizard\", \"Baba O'Riley\", \"Who Are You\", \"See Me, Feel Me\", and \"Won't Get Fooled Again\". For the first time since the Super Bowl XXXIV halftime", "title": "Super Bowl XLIV" }, { "docid": "394929", "text": "XIII) and the Washington Redskins (won Super Bowl XVII, lost Super Bowl XVIII), and would be later joined by the Seattle Seahawks in 2015 (won Super Bowl XLVIII, lost Super Bowl XLIX) and the New England Patriots in 2018 (won Super Bowl LI, lost Super Bowl LII). Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXXII, Super Bowl XXXII Play Finder Den, Super Bowl XXXII Play Finder GB Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted One new record was set and several were tied in Super Bowl XXXII, according to the official NFL.com boxscore, the 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book and the ProFootball", "title": "Super Bowl XXXII" }, { "docid": "394316", "text": "by the Green Bay Packers in 1998 (won Super Bowl XXXI, lost Super Bowl XXXII), the Seattle Seahawks in 2015 (won Super Bowl XLVIII, lost Super Bowl XLIX), and the New England Patriots in 2018 (won Super Bowl LI, lost Super Bowl LII). Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XVIII, Super Bowl XVIII Play Finder LA, Super Bowl XVIII Play Finder Was Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following records were set in Super Bowl XVIII, according to the official NFL.com boxscore, the 2016 NFL Record & Fact Book and the ProFootball reference.com game summary. <br>Some records have to meet", "title": "Super Bowl XVIII" }, { "docid": "376006", "text": "of the Super Bowl, while the Jaguars (1995) and Texans (2002) are both recent NFL expansion teams. (Detroit, Houston, and Jacksonville, however, have hosted a Super Bowl, leaving the Browns the only team to date who has neither played in nor whose city has hosted the game.) The Minnesota Vikings won the last NFL Championship before the merger but lost to the AFL champion Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl IV. The Green Bay Packers won the first two Super Bowls (Known as the AFL-NFL World Championship Game for these first two contests), defeating the Kansas City Chiefs and Oakland", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "7167385", "text": "The last time a metropolitan area won the World Series and Super Bowl in the same season was when the Boston Red Sox won the 2004 World Series followed by the Patriots winning Super Bowl XXXIX (and the Patriots won Super Bowl XXXVIII earlier in 2004). As the 49ers – who were attempting to join the New York Giants and Green Bay Packers as the only teams to win a Super Bowl in three different decades – were the designated home team in the annual rotation between AFC and NFC teams, San Francisco elected to wear their red jerseys, which", "title": "Super Bowl XLVII" }, { "docid": "397164", "text": "Ditka later that morning and denied making the statement, saying he would not have even been awake to make the comment when he was said to have done so. He was supported in his claim by WLS reporter Les Grobstein, who was present when the alleged statements were made. WDSU would later retract the statement, have an on-air apology read by the station's general manager during the noon newscast on January 23; and suspended Diliberto for a time. The suburban Village of Frankfort has hosted an annual \"Super Bowl Sunday\" golf outing for over 30 years starting on the morning", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397155", "text": "who caught 33 passes for 704 yards, an average of 21.3 yards per catch, and returned 22 kickoffs for 557 yards and a touchdown. Tight end Emery Moorehead was another key contributor, catching 35 passes for 481 yards. Wide receiver Dennis McKinnon was another passing weapon, recording 31 receptions, 555 yards, and 7 touchdowns. On special teams, Kevin Butler set a rookie scoring record with 144 points, making 31 of 37 field goals (83%) and 51 of 51 extra points. Meanwhile, the players brought their characterizations to the national stage with \"The Super Bowl Shuffle\", a rap song the Bears", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "3200127", "text": "two interceptions. The Steelers became just the third team to win the Super Bowl despite not playing a single home game in the playoffs. The Green Bay Packers, who won Super Bowl I (against the Kansas City Chiefs), and the Kansas City Chiefs, who won Super Bowl IV (against the Minnesota Vikings), also accomplished the feat. The Steelers, however, had to win four games to accomplish the feat, while the Chiefs won three and Packers won only two games. Of a \"bridging the eras\" moment, Steelers cornerback Willie Williams was the last remaining player to have been on the Steelers", "title": "Super Bowl XL" }, { "docid": "394012", "text": "Valuable Player (MVP). Among the wide receivers who have won the Super Bowl MVP, Biletnikoff is the only one to not have gained 100 yards in his performance. The NFL awarded Super Bowl XI to Pasadena, California on March 19, 1975 at the owners' meetings held in Honolulu. This game marked the second Super Bowl appearance for the Oakland Raiders, who lost Super Bowl II. Two years after their Super Bowl loss, the Raiders hired John Madden as their head coach. Under Madden, the Raiders had posted in his 8 seasons an 83–22–7 record (counting ties, this was a .772", "title": "Super Bowl XI" }, { "docid": "397186", "text": "(such as his 2-yard loss from the New England 3-yard line a few plays before Butler's second field goal, and his 2-yard run from the 4-yard line right before McMahon's first rushing touchdown). Thus, Chicago head coach Mike Ditka opted to go for other plays to counter the Patriots' defense. Ditka has since stated that his biggest regret of his career was not creating a scoring opportunity for Payton during the game. McMahon, who completed 12 out of 20 passes for 256 yards, became the first quarterback in a Super Bowl to score 2 rushing touchdowns. Bears receiver Willie Gault", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "1491940", "text": "as the only NFL players at that time to earn 5 Super Bowl rings (Haley was also with the 49ers for Super Bowls XXIII and XXIV, and later earned rings when the Dallas Cowboys won Super Bowls XXVII, XXVIII, and XXX). The Raiders became the first team to appear in Super Bowls under four head coaches. John Rauch coached them in Super Bowl II, John Madden (who himself called Super Bowl XXXVII on ABC), coached them in Super Bowl XI and Tom Flores coached them in Super Bowl XV and XVIII. The teams combined for the most second half points", "title": "Super Bowl XXXVII" }, { "docid": "403943", "text": "Bowl XXXIX, thus winning three Super Bowls in four years. Then, they won their fourth and fifth Super Bowls (Super Bowl XLIX and Super Bowl LI) a decade after their third. Brady also won three more Super Bowl MVP awards in Super Bowl XXXVIII, Super Bowl XLIX, and Super Bowl LI, making him the only player to be named Super Bowl MVP four times. Super Bowl XXXVI later became part of the wider 2007 New England Patriots videotaping controversy, also known as \"Spygate\". In addition to other videotaping allegations, the \"Boston Herald\" reported, citing an unnamed source, that the Patriots", "title": "Super Bowl XXXVI" }, { "docid": "376001", "text": "other in the Super Bowl. The winning team receives the Vince Lombardi Trophy, named after the coach of the Green Bay Packers, who won the first two Super Bowl games and three of the five preceding NFL championships in 1961, 1962, and 1965. Following Lombardi's death in September 1970, the trophy was named the Vince Lombardi Trophy. The first trophy awarded under the new name was presented to the Baltimore Colts following their win in Super Bowl V in Miami. The Super Bowl is currently played on the first Sunday in February. This is due to the current NFL schedule", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "18195006", "text": "are shown on BBC Two across the whole country in a weekly highlights package on Sunday afternoons. Internationally, Super League is shown live or delayed on Showtime Sports (Middle East), Sky Sport (New Zealand), TV 2 Sport (Norway), Fox Soccer Plus (United States), Fox Sports (Australia) and Sportsnet World (Canada). BBC Coverage: Commercial Radio Coverage: All Super League commentaries on any station are available via the particular stations on-line streaming. Super League XX The 2015 Super League season, known as the First Utility Super League XX for sponsorship reasons, was the 20th rugby league season since the European Super League", "title": "Super League XX" }, { "docid": "18194998", "text": "Super League XX The 2015 Super League season, known as the First Utility Super League XX for sponsorship reasons, was the 20th rugby league season since the European Super League was introduced in 1996. Twelve teams competed over 23 rounds, including the Magic Weekend, after which the eight highest entered the play-offs for a place in the Grand Final. The four lowest teams entered the Super League Qualifying Play-off, along with the four highest Championship teams, to decide which will play in Super League XXI. The regular season started in February 2015 and culminated with the grand final on 10", "title": "Super League XX" }, { "docid": "11856838", "text": "Super Bowl appearances with a second Super Bowl appearance, or even advanced to a conference title game in the subsequent season (the 1994 Dallas Cowboys qualified for their conference title but did not qualify for the Super Bowl). Only seven teams have won back-to-back Super Bowl championships, and only one of these seven have made more than two consecutive winning appearances in the Super Bowl. The only franchise to reach more than three straight title games was the Buffalo Bills who lost four Super Bowls in a row from 1990–93. Since 2005, no incumbent holder has managed to successfully defend", "title": "Super Bowl curse" }, { "docid": "376055", "text": "white jerseys for Super Bowl LII. During the pairing of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady, New England has mostly worn their blue jerseys for home games, but have worn white for a home game in the , , and seasons. The New England Patriots were 3-0 in their white uniforms in Super Bowls prior to Super Bowl LII with Belichick and Brady, and they may have been going on recent trends of teams who wear white for the Super Bowl game. White-shirted teams have won 33 of 52 Super Bowls to date (63 percent). The only teams to win in", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "394623", "text": "this feat: the New York Giants (Phil Simms in Super Bowl XXI, Jeff Hostetler in Super Bowl XXV, and Eli Manning in Super Bowls XLII and XLVI) and the Green Bay Packers (Bart Starr in the first two Super Bowls, Brett Favre in Super Bowl XXXI, and Aaron Rodgers in Super Bowl XLV). This was the last major professional championship won by a D.C.-based team until the Capitals won the Stanley Cup in 2018. Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXVI, Super Bowl XXVI Play Finder Was, Super Bowl XXVI Play Finder Buf Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following", "title": "Super Bowl XXVI" }, { "docid": "397142", "text": "never gone back to the Super Bowl since the merger, only reaching as far as the AFC Championship Game in the 1982, 1998, 2009 and 2010 seasons. On the other hand, the Colts won Super Bowl V (1970), then after relocating to Indianapolis they won Super Bowl XLI (2006) and lost Super Bowl XLIV (2009). However, teams representing Baltimore and New York have contested one Super Bowl since the merger: Super Bowl XXXV between the Jets' crosstown rival (the Giants) and Baltimore's replacement team (the Ravens), with the latter contest being won by Baltimore. This was the first of three", "title": "Super Bowl III" }, { "docid": "394776", "text": "three straight Super Bowls, although as a member of two teams. Norton was a member of the Cowboys teams who won Super Bowls XXVII and XXVIII. Deion Sanders became the first player to play in both a Super Bowl and a World Series, playing in the 1992 World Series with the Atlanta Braves. Chargers quarterback Gale Gilbert became the first player to be a member of five straight Super Bowl teams. Gilbert was a member of the Bills who played in four straight Super Bowls (XXV–XXVIII). Gilbert was on the losing team in all five Super Bowl games. The 49ers'", "title": "Super Bowl XXIX" }, { "docid": "16858054", "text": "ranked second on the team with 83 tackles and notched one interception while earning his third career Pro Bowl selection. The team also had a defensive expert on special teams, Matthew Slater, who made the Pro Bowl for the sixth consecutive year. By advancing to play in Super Bowl LI, the Patriots earned their NFL-record ninth Super Bowl appearance, as well as their seventh in the past 16 years under Brady and head coach Bill Belichick. The Patriots have also participated in the only other Super Bowl to be held at NRG Stadium; they won Super Bowl XXXVIII over the", "title": "Super Bowl LI" }, { "docid": "394530", "text": "his three previous attempts had gone unsuccessfully, Elway led the Broncos to Super Bowl XXXII where they finally broke through and won the Super Bowl for the first time in franchise history over the Green Bay Packers. A year later, in what later proved to be the final game of his career, Elway led the Broncos to another victory in the Super Bowl as Denver won Super Bowl XXXIII 34-19 over the Atlanta Falcons. Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXIV, Super Bowl XXIV Play Finder SF, Super Bowl XXIV Play Finder Den Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times targeted The following", "title": "Super Bowl XXIV" }, { "docid": "18798743", "text": "event conflicts in 2020 and 2021, were then pitted against Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park in Inglewood, California for Super Bowl LIV and Super Bowl LV hosting rights. Miami eventually won the rights to host Super Bowl LIV, and Los Angeles won the rights to host Super Bowl LV. However, on May 23, 2017, NFL owners opted to award Super Bowl LV to Tampa and give Super Bowl LVI to Los Angeles after it was announced that Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park would open in 2020 due to construction delays. New Orleans would be awarded Super Bowl LVIII.", "title": "Super Bowl LIII" }, { "docid": "376009", "text": "a game which is notable as being the only Super Bowl to date in which a player from the losing team won the Super Bowl MVP (Cowboys' linebacker Chuck Howley). Beginning with this Super Bowl, all Super Bowls have served as the NFL's league championship game. The Cowboys, coming back from a loss the previous season, won Super Bowl VI over the Dolphins. However, this would be the Dolphins' final loss in over a year, as the next year, the Dolphins would go 14–0 in the regular season and eventually win all of their playoff games, capped off with a", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "376005", "text": "the Green Bay Packers and New York Giants have four Super Bowl championships. Fourteen other NFL franchises have won at least one Super Bowl. Eight teams have appeared in Super Bowl games without a win. The Minnesota Vikings were the first team to have appeared a record four times without a win. The Buffalo Bills played in a record four Super Bowls in a row and lost every one. Four teams (the Cleveland Browns, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans) have never appeared in a Super Bowl. The Browns and Lions both won NFL Championships prior to the creation", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "376053", "text": "since , have worn white jerseys at home. The Redskins wore white at home under coach Joe Gibbs starting in through , continued by Richie Petitbon and Norv Turner through , then again when Gibbs returned from through . Meanwhile, the Steelers, who have always worn their black jerseys at home since the AFL–NFL merger in , opted for the white jerseys after winning three consecutive playoff games on the road, wearing white. The Steelers' decision was compared with the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XX; the Patriots had worn white jerseys at home during the season, but after", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "7141065", "text": "playoffs, and 1–2 in the Super Bowl. Including Denver's loss, none of the eight highest-scoring teams in league history won a Super Bowl in the same season, and all four teams who entered the championship with the league's leading passer lost the game. Manning's 34 completions and Demaryius Thomas' 13 receptions were both Super Bowl records. With touchdowns scored on offense, defense, and special teams, the Seahawks became the first team since the Ravens in Super Bowl XXXV to do so. Teams with an interception return for a touchdown also stayed perfect, improving to 12–0 in Super Bowls. As a", "title": "Super Bowl XLVIII" }, { "docid": "376024", "text": "of the nine Super Bowl winners hailed from the NFC, the other four from the AFC. Following up the Saints' win in Super Bowl XLIV, the 2010 season brought the Green Bay Packers their fourth Super Bowl (XLV) victory and record thirteenth NFL championship overall with the defeat of the Pittsburgh Steelers in February 2011. In Super Bowl XLVI, the New York Giants won another title by defeating the New England Patriots. In Super Bowl XLVII the Baltimore Ravens snapped the NFC's three-game winning streak in a 34–31 victory over the San Francisco 49ers. Super Bowl XLVIII, played at New", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "5732071", "text": "2010s: 2011. The Green Bay Packers finished the season with a 10–6 record and became the first number 6-seeded team in the NFC to compete in the Super Bowl. They are only the second number 6 seeded team to reach the Super Bowl, with the only other number 6 seed to accomplish this feat being the Pittsburgh Steelers, who won Super Bowl XL following the 2005 season. Green Bay also joined the 2005 Steelers as the only teams ever to defeat the top three seeded teams on the road in the playoffs. In order to secure their fifth Super Bowl", "title": "Super Bowl XLV" }, { "docid": "4243387", "text": "game as 12-point favorites after becoming the first team to complete a perfect regular season since the 1972 Miami Dolphins, and the only one since the league expanded to a 16-game regular season schedule in 1978. The Giants, who finished the regular season with a 10–6 record, were seeking to become the first NFC wild card team to win a Super Bowl, and were also looking for their third Super Bowl victory and first since they won Super Bowl XXV seventeen years earlier. This Super Bowl was also a rematch of the final game of the regular season, in which", "title": "Super Bowl XLII" }, { "docid": "394974", "text": "time, his 414 passing yards and 45 pass attempts without an interception broke Super Bowl records. As of 2018, this was the most recent Super Bowl that featured two teams who never won a ring before. This game is often referred to as the \"Dot-com Super Bowl\" due to the large amount of advertisements purchased by dot-com companies. This game was later featured as one of \"NFL's Greatest Games\" as The Longest Yard. NFL owners awarded Super Bowl XXXIV to Atlanta during their October 31, 1996 meeting held in New Orleans. Other cities under consideration were Miami, Tampa, and Los", "title": "Super Bowl XXXIV" }, { "docid": "376041", "text": "franchise outside of the Super Bowl. No team has ever played the Super Bowl in its home stadium. The closest any team has come was the 2017 Minnesota Vikings, who were within one win of playing Super Bowl LII in U.S. Bank Stadium, but lost the NFC Championship game to the Philadelphia Eagles. Two teams have played the Super Bowl in their home market: the San Francisco 49ers, who played Super Bowl XIX in Stanford Stadium instead of Candlestick Park; and the Los Angeles Rams, who played Super Bowl XIV in the Rose Bowl instead of the Los Angeles Memorial", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "393968", "text": "Super Bowl X Super Bowl X was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Dallas Cowboys and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Pittsburgh Steelers to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1975 season. The Steelers defeated the Cowboys by the score of 21–17 to win their second consecutive Super Bowl. They were the third team to win back-to-back Super Bowls. (The Miami Dolphins won Super Bowls VII and VIII, and the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowls I and II.) It was also the first Super Bowl in which both participating teams", "title": "Super Bowl X" }, { "docid": "7167360", "text": "fellow Destiny's Child alumnae Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams. The game marked the first Super Bowl in which both of the teams had appeared in, but had not yet lost a previous Super Bowl; the 49ers came into the game having won all five of their previous Super Bowl appearances, while the Ravens had won in their lone previous Super Bowl appearance in Super Bowl XXXV against the New York Giants. Currently, this phenomenon can only be repeated if either the Ravens or the New York Jets play against either the Tampa Bay Buccaneers or the New Orleans Saints in", "title": "Super Bowl XLVII" }, { "docid": "375992", "text": "conference champions to determine the NFL's league champion. Currently, the National Football Conference leads the league with 27 wins to 25 wins for the American Football Conference. The Pittsburgh Steelers have the most Super Bowl championship titles, with six. The New England Patriots have the most Super Bowl appearances, with ten. Charles Haley and Tom Brady both have five Super Bowl rings, which is the record for the most rings won by a single player. The day on which the Super Bowl is played, now considered by some as an unofficial American national holiday, is called \"Super Bowl Sunday\". It", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "394928", "text": "Rice and Stallworth. Denver was the first team with a previous 0–2 Super Bowl record to win (their record had been 0–4). The Broncos' victory snapped the NFC's 13-game winning streak in the Super Bowl, becoming the first AFC team to win the NFL championship since the Los Angeles Raiders defeated the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl XVIII. Denver also became the first team to score on four 1-yard touchdown runs in a Super Bowl. The Packers became the third defending Super Bowl champion to lose the Super Bowl, joining the Dallas Cowboys (won Super Bowl XII, lost Super Bowl", "title": "Super Bowl XXXII" }, { "docid": "16858105", "text": "the Super Bowl (the previous record was ten points, set by the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl XXII and matched by the New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl XLIV and by the Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX); it is the third-largest comeback win in NFL playoff history, behind The Comeback (32-point deficit; Buffalo Bills trailed 35–3 and won 41–38) and between the Indianapolis Colts and the Kansas City Chiefs during the 2013–14 NFL playoffs (28-point deficit; Colts trailed 38–10 and won, 45–44). In addition to being the largest Super Bowl comeback, the game set the record for the largest fourth-quarter", "title": "Super Bowl LI" }, { "docid": "5732070", "text": "The secondary was led by pro bowl safety Troy Polamalu, who won the NFL Defensive Player of the Year Award, tying his career-best seven interceptions and returning them for 101 yards and a touchdown. Coach Mike Tomlin, already the youngest coach to ever win a Super Bowl, became the youngest coach ever to make it to the Super Bowl twice at age 38. The Pittsburgh Steelers had also accomplished going to the Super Bowl in five different decades; and, in every decade since the post AFL-NFL merger. 1970s: 1975, 1976, and 1979. 1980s: 1980. 1990s: 1996. 2000s: 2006 and 2009.", "title": "Super Bowl XLV" }, { "docid": "397183", "text": "Gentry moved the ball to the 1-yard line, setting up perhaps the most memorable moment of the game. William \"The Refrigerator\" Perry was brought on to score on offense, as he had done twice in the regular season. His touchdown (while running over Patriots linebacker Larry McGrew in the process) made the score 44–3. The Bears' 21 points in the third quarter is still a record for the most points scored in that period, and their 41-point lead remains the record for widest margin after three quarters in a Super Bowl. Perry's surprise touchdown cost Las Vegas sports books hundreds", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397167", "text": "to that point. While Dick Enberg, Merlin Olsen and Bob Griese called the game, Bob Costas and his \"NFL '85\" castmates, Ahmad Rashad and Pete Axthelm anchored the pregame, halftime and postgame coverage. Other contributors included Charlie Jones (recapping Super Bowl I), Larry King (interviewing Mike Ditka and Raymond Berry), and Bill Macatee (profiling Patriots owner Billy Sullivan and his family). Also, the pregame coverage included what became known as \"the silent minute\"; a 60-second countdown over a black screen (a concept devised by then-NBC Sports executive Michael Weisman); a skit featuring comedian Rodney Dangerfield and an interview by \"NBC", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397161", "text": "in the AFL). The Patriots had lost to Miami there 18 consecutive times, including a 30–27 loss in their 15th game of the season. But New England dominated the Dolphins in the AFC Championship Game, recording two interceptions from quarterback Dan Marino and recovering 4 fumbles. New England remains the only team to finish third in their division and qualify for the Super Bowl in the same season. Meanwhile, the Bears became the first and only team in NFL history to shut out both of their opponents in the playoffs, beating the New York Giants 21–0 and the Los Angeles", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "397151", "text": "league in interceptions (34) and ranked third in sacks (64). Pro Bowl quarterback Jim McMahon provided the team with a solid passing attack, throwing for 2,392 yards and 15 touchdowns, while also rushing for 252 yards and three touchdowns. Running back Walter Payton, who was then the NFL's all-time leading rusher with 14,860 yards, rushed for 1,551 yards. He also caught 49 passes for 500 yards, and scored 11 touchdowns. Linebacker Mike Singletary won the NFL Defensive Player of the Year Award by recording three sacks, three fumble recoveries, and one interception. But one of the most distinguishable players on", "title": "Super Bowl XX" }, { "docid": "7167364", "text": "two different stadiums. The 49ers won Super Bowls XXIII and XXIX in Miami at what is now known as Hard Rock Stadium. Super Bowl XLVII earned many nicknames, including the \"Bro Bowl\", \"Harbaugh Bowl\", \"HarBowl\", \"Super Baugh\", \"Brother Bowl\", and \"Superbro\", as this was the first Super Bowl featuring brothers as opposing head coaches: Baltimore's John Harbaugh and San Francisco's Jim Harbaugh, whose clubs previously met in a 2011 Thanksgiving Day game, which John Harbaugh's Ravens won 16–6, which was also the first time that two brothers had met as rival head coaches in the NFL. Due to a power", "title": "Super Bowl XLVII" }, { "docid": "1996289", "text": "recent Super Bowl MVP, from Super Bowl LII held on February 4, 2018, is Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Nick Foles, who passed for 373 yards and three touchdowns and scored a fourth touchdown as a receiver, becoming the first player to both throw and catch a touchdown pass in a Super Bowl. Tom Brady is the only player to have won four Super Bowl MVP awards; Joe Montana has won three and three others—Starr, Terry Bradshaw, and Eli Manning—have won the award twice. Starr and Bradshaw are the only ones to have won it in back-to-back years. The MVP has come", "title": "Super Bowl Most Valuable Player Award" }, { "docid": "7002539", "text": "X, Super Bowl XIII, and Super Bowl XXX and are the only teams to meet in the Super Bowl more than twice; the San Francisco 49ers and Cincinnati Bengals, who met in Super Bowl XVI and Super Bowl XXIII; and the Cowboys and Buffalo Bills, who met in Super Bowl XXVII and Super Bowl XXVIII and are the only teams to face each other in two consecutive Super Bowls; and later the Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles becoming the 6th set of teams to have a rematch in Super Bowl history and 7th overall, meeting in Super Bowl LII after", "title": "Super Bowl XLVI" }, { "docid": "6409678", "text": "Three Super Bowl rings belonging to former Raiders' punter Ray Guy brought over $96,000 at auction. In 2012, Lawrence Taylor's son sold his father's Super Bowl ring from 1990 for more than $250,000. As of 2017, ten players have won championships in both the NFL and Canada’s equivalent Canadian Football League (CFL). Super Bowl ring The Super Bowl ring is an award in the National Football League given to the winners of the league's annual championship game, the Super Bowl. Since only one Vince Lombardi Trophy is awarded to the team (ownership) itself, the Super Bowl ring offers a collectable", "title": "Super Bowl ring" }, { "docid": "1491943", "text": "won a playoff game since. Super Bowl XXXVII Super Bowl XXXVII was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Oakland Raiders and the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2002 season. The Buccaneers defeated the Raiders by the score of 48–21, tied with Super Bowl XXXV for the seventh largest Super Bowl margin of victory, and winning their first ever Super Bowl. The game, played on January 26, 2003 at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, California, was the sixth Super Bowl to be held", "title": "Super Bowl XXXVII" }, { "docid": "395057", "text": "the Indianapolis Colts, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the Patriots would have a Super Bowl appearance more than once, with New England and Pittsburgh winning more than once. The only other AFC team to make the Super Bowl in that stretch were the Oakland Raiders, in Super Bowl XXXVII. Had the Giants won, it would have marked the first year since 1989 that a Super Bowl and World Series champion came from the same metropolitan area. The New York Yankees won the World Series during the Giants' season. Including the New Jersey Devils' win in the Stanley Cup Finals and the", "title": "Super Bowl XXXV" }, { "docid": "394402", "text": "27 rushing yards and a touchdown on 6 carries. Denver's Vance Johnson was the top receiver of the game, with 5 receptions for 121 yards, an average of 24.2 yards per catch, and a touchdown. The Giants' victory in Super Bowl XXI marked the second time in four months that the New York metropolitan area had won a championship in a major professional sport; three months before, the New York Mets had won the 1986 World Series. Sources: NFL.com Super Bowl XXI, Super Bowl XXI Play Finder NYG, Super Bowl XXI Play Finder Den Completions/attempts Carries Long gain Receptions Times", "title": "Super Bowl XXI" }, { "docid": "394170", "text": "in 13 months. The Steelers had also won the previous year's Super Bowl, and the city's Major League Baseball team, the Pirates, had won the World Series three months before this Super Bowl game. Ten days after the Steelers' Super Bowl victory, the city's National Hockey League team, the Pittsburgh Penguins, changed its uniform colors to match the black and gold scheme of the Pirates and Steelers, as well as that of the Pittsburgh city flag. This was the third time in Super Bowl history that a team overcame a deficit entering the fourth quarter to win the game. The", "title": "Super Bowl XIV" }, { "docid": "394738", "text": "Championship Games, winning Super Bowls XXIII and XXIV. But after head coach George Seifert's team lost two consecutive NFC Championship games to the Dallas Cowboys in 1992 and 1993, San Francisco brought in several veteran free agents to strengthen their defense. Among the players signed were defensive linemen Richard Dent (the MVP of Super Bowl XX), Charles Mann, Rhett Hall, and Rickey Jackson; linebackers Ken Norton Jr. and Gary Plummer; and cornerback Deion Sanders. The free agents enabled the 49ers to jump from the 18th-ranked defense in the league to the 8th, and to jump from the league's 16th-best defense", "title": "Super Bowl XXIX" }, { "docid": "394495", "text": "IX; while the Louisiana Superdome previously hosted XII, XV, and XX. Originally, the selection was to be voted on during the May 23–25, 1984 meetings. However, after balloting for XXI took more than two hours, voting for XXIV was rescheduled. Twelve cities were part of the bidding process, which was scheduled to award two Super Bowls (XXIII and XXIV). The bidding cities included: Anaheim, Detroit, Houston, Jacksonville, Miami, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Tampa, and Tempe. New Orleans entered as the favorite. The 49ers entered the game seeking to win their second straight Super Bowl. Bill Walsh retired", "title": "Super Bowl XXIV" }, { "docid": "394010", "text": "regular season record before defeating the New England Patriots and the Pittsburgh Steelers in the playoffs. The Vikings were making their fourth Super Bowl appearance after posting an 11–2–1 regular season record and playoff victories over the Washington Redskins and the Los Angeles Rams. The Vikings became the first team to appear in four Super Bowls, a record they held until the Dallas Cowboys advanced to a Super Bowl for the fifth time in Super Bowl XIII. They had not won in their previous three attempts, losing Super Bowl IV to the Kansas City Chiefs in the final Super Bowl", "title": "Super Bowl XI" }, { "docid": "376025", "text": "Jersey's MetLife Stadium in February 2014, was the first Super Bowl held outdoors in a cold weather environment. The Seattle Seahawks won their first NFL title with a 43–8 defeat of the Denver Broncos, in a highly touted matchup that pitted Seattle's top-ranked defense against a Peyton Manning-led Denver offense that had broken the NFL's single-season scoring record. In Super Bowl XLIX, the Patriots beat the defending Super Bowl champions, the Seahawks, 28–24 as Malcolm Butler intercepted a Seattle pass in the end zone with the Seahawks poised to take the lead. In Super Bowl 50, the Broncos, led by", "title": "Super Bowl" }, { "docid": "394335", "text": "NFL program, \"Monday Night Football\", happened to be celebrating its 15th season in 1984. Two more ABC-aired Super Bowls would occur during major anniversary seasons for \"MNF\" – Super Bowl XXIX (also won by the 49ers) closed out the 25th anniversary season (1994), and Super Bowl XXXIV (won by the St. Louis Rams, division rivals of the 49ers) closed out the 30th anniversary season (1999). This Super Bowl also marked the first to have closed captioning in real time throughout the game courtesy of the National Captioning Institute (previous Super Bowls only had \"scoreboard information\" captioned); with the captioning sponsored", "title": "Super Bowl XIX" }, { "docid": "3200142", "text": "the Redskins (Super Bowl XVII), traditionally wore white at home. The Denver Broncos later became the second AFC team and fourth club overall to wear white jerseys in a Super Bowl despite being the home team in Super Bowl 50. Bill Cowher stated that the Steelers were playing in Detroit, not Pittsburgh, and therefore it was not a \"home\" game (although 10 years earlier Cowher's Steelers did wear their black home jerseys as the designated \"home\" team in Super Bowl XXX at Tempe, Arizona away from Pittsburgh, where they had won both their playoff games to reach that Super Bowl).", "title": "Super Bowl XL" }, { "docid": "12304579", "text": "of the Seahawks. This was only the fourth time this has occurred. The other three times were in Super Bowl III (Weeb Ewbank's New York Jets vs. Ewbank's former team, Don Shula's Baltimore Colts), Super Bowl XXXIII (Dan Reeves's Atlanta Falcons vs. Mike Shanahan's Denver Broncos), and Super Bowl XXXVII (Jon Gruden's Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Gruden's former team, Bill Callahan's Oakland Raiders). The only previous time that the old coach's former team had won was in Super Bowl XXXIII. The Patriots had also appeared in the only other Super Bowl to be held at University of Phoenix Stadium to", "title": "Super Bowl XLIX" }, { "docid": "16858081", "text": "a Super Bowl since Billy Joel at Super Bowl XLI. Immediately before Bryan sang the national anthem, Phillipa Soo, Renée Elise Goldsberry and Jasmine Cephas Jones, who originated the roles of the Schuyler sisters in the Broadway musical \"Hamilton\", performed \"America the Beautiful\". After the national anthem, former President George H. W. Bush performed the coin toss alongside his wife, Barbara. The Patriots called heads, but the Falcons won the coin toss with tails. The Falcons chose to defer to the second half. On September 29, 2016, Lady Gaga, who had performed the national anthem the previous year at Super", "title": "Super Bowl LI" }, { "docid": "393969", "text": "had previously won a Super Bowl, as the Steelers were the defending champions and the Cowboys had won Super Bowl VI. The game was played at the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida, on January 18, 1976, one of the first major national events of the United States Bicentennial year. Both the pre-game and halftime show celebrated the Bicentennial, while players on both teams wore special patches on their jerseys with the Bicentennial logo. Super Bowl X featured a contrast of playing styles between the Steelers and the Cowboys, which were, at the time, the two most popular teams in the", "title": "Super Bowl X" } ]
Which was the first European country to abolish capital punishment?
[ "Norvège", "Mainland Norway", "Norway", "Norvege", "Noregur", "NORWAY", "Norwegian state", "Etymology of Norway", "Noruega", "Norwegen", "ISO 3166-1:NO", "Noreg", "Republic of Norway", "Norwegian kingdom", "Kongeriket Noreg", "Name of Norway", "Kongeriket Norge", "Noorwegen", "Kingdom of Norway", "Sport in Norway", "Norwegia", "Royal Kingdom of Norway" ]
[ { "docid": "13094392", "text": "at Akershus Fortress. In 1988 Norway signed on to protocol 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights which bans the use of capital punishment in peacetime and ratified protocol 13 which bans all use of capital punishment whatsoever in 2005. Norway generally opposes capital punishment outside of the country as well. The government has banished Mullah Krekar from Norway, but has not sent him to Iraq due to the possibility of him being charged with capital crimes in his home county. In the Martine Vik Magnussen case, Norway has declined to cooperate with the Yemenese government unless a guarantee", "title": "Capital punishment in Norway" } ]
[ { "docid": "866403", "text": "has a moratorium and has not conducted an execution since 1999. The absolute ban on the death penalty is enshrined in both the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EU) and two widely adopted protocols of the European Convention on Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and is thus considered a central value. Of all modern European countries, San Marino, Portugal and the Netherlands were the first to abolish capital punishment, whereas only Belarus still practices capital punishment in some form or another. In 2012, Latvia became the last EU Member State to abolish capital punishment in", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "866413", "text": "Liberia) are not included. Non-independent territories are considered to be under the jurisdiction of their parent country – which leads to unexpectedly late abolition dates for the UK, New Zealand and the Netherlands, where Jersey (UK), the Cook Is (NZ), and the Netherlands Antilles, were the last territories of those states to abolish capital punishment, and all were rather later than the more well known abolitions on the respective mainlands. Defunct countries such as the GDR (East Germany), which abolished capital punishment in 1987 but was dissolved in 1990, are also not included. References are in the continental tables above", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "866410", "text": "completely free of executions. This century the following European countries have abolished capital punishment: Ukraine (2000), Malta (2000), Cyprus (2002), Turkey (2004), Greece (2004), Moldova (2005), Albania (2007), and Latvia (2012). Executions in Europe in 2017: Belarus (2) \"Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the icon.\" Of the 14 independent countries in Oceania that are UN member or observer states: Only Papua New Guinea and Tonga have not formally abolished capital punishment despite not using the practice since 1975 and 1982 respectively. The most recent countries to abolish capital punishment in Oceania are Samoa (2004), Fiji", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "14192531", "text": "Capital punishment in San Marino Capital punishment is no longer applied in San Marino: the last execution was carried out in 1468, by hanging. San Marino is one of only two countries in the world to have carried out no executions since prior to 1800 (the other is Liechtenstein, where the last execution took place in 1785). San Marino was the first country in the world to abolish the death penalty for ordinary crimes, in 1848. In 1865, it became the second country in the world (and the first in Europe) to abolish the death penalty for all crimes, following", "title": "Capital punishment in San Marino" }, { "docid": "7823397", "text": "Capital punishment in Europe The death penalty has been completely abolished in all European countries except for Belarus and Russia, the latter of which has a moratorium and has not conducted an execution since 1999. The absolute ban on the death penalty is enshrined in both the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EU) and two widely adopted protocols of the European Convention on Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and is thus considered a central value. Of all modern European countries, San Marino, Portugal and the Netherlands were the first to abolish capital punishment, whereas only", "title": "Capital punishment in Europe" }, { "docid": "11952444", "text": "Capital punishment in Portugal Portugal was a pioneer in the process of abolition of capital punishment. No executions have been carried out since 1846, with the formal abolishment of capital punishment for civil crimes occurring in 1867. The method of capital punishment used in Portugal was by hanging. Portugal was the first country in the world to begin the process to abolish the death penalty, abolishing it in stages – for political crimes in 1852, for all crimes except the military in 1867, and for all crimes in 1911. In 1916 Portugal entered in World War I and it was", "title": "Capital punishment in Portugal" }, { "docid": "8126429", "text": "20-year authoritarian rule, however, countless more people were summarily executed, tortured or simply disappeared for opposition to his rule. l After Marcos was deposed in 1986, the newly drafted 1987 Constitution prohibited the death penalty but allowed the Congress to reinstate it \"hereafter\" for \"heinous crimes\"; making the Philippines the first Asian country to abolish capital punishment. President Fidel V. Ramos promised during his campaign that he would support the re-introduction of the death penalty in response to increasing crime rates. The new law, drafted by Ramos, restored capital punishment. This law provided the use of the electric chair until", "title": "Capital punishment in the Philippines" }, { "docid": "14024059", "text": "and World War II. The movement in 1950s and 1960s shifted focus from legislation to the courts. Although public opinion remained in favor of execution (aside from during the mid-1960s when pro and anti opinions were roughly equal), judges and jurors executed fewer people than they did in the 1930s. The decline in executions gave strength to various new anti-capital punishment organizations. Among these groups were: a California-based Citizens Against Legalized Murder, the Ohio Committee to Abolish Capital Punishment, the New Jersey Council to Abolish Capital Punishment, California's People Against Capital Punishment, the New York Committee to Abolish Capital Punishment,", "title": "Capital punishment debate in the United States" }, { "docid": "10753817", "text": "first state to abolish the death penalty for all crimes. In 2006, an advisory referendum showed 56 % of the Wisconsin voters in favor of reinstating capital punishment. The state legislature did not adopt any statute to apply the popular vote. Capital punishment in Wisconsin Capital punishment in Wisconsin was abolished in 1853. Wisconsin was one of the earliest United States states to abolish the death penalty, and is the only state that has performed only one execution in its history. Since its admission to the Union in 1848, as the 30th State, the only execution carried out in Wisconsin", "title": "Capital punishment in Wisconsin" }, { "docid": "866409", "text": "United Arab Emirates (1), Vietnam (unknown number). \"Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the icon.\" Of the 49 independent states in Europe that are UN members or have UN Observer status: Abolition of death penalty is a pre-condition for entry into the European Union, which considers capital punishment a \"cruel and inhuman\" practice and \"not been shown in any way to act as a deterrent to crime\". Since 1999, Belarus has been the only recognized country in Europe to carry out executions. 2009 and 2015 were the first two years in recorded history when Europe was", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "866402", "text": "India executes criminals only in extreme cases. Only 26 executions have taken place in India since 1991, the last of the terrorist Yakub Memon in 2015. The European Union holds a strong position against the death penalty; its abolition is a key objective for the Union's human rights policy. Abolition is also a pre-condition for entry into the European Union. In Europe, only Belarus and the unrecognized Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic continue to actively use capital punishment. The capital punishment has been completely abolished in all European countries except for Belarus and Russia, the latter of which", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "866414", "text": "and not repeated here. Capital punishment by country The following is a summary of the use of capital punishment by country. Globally, 56 countries retain capital punishment, 106 countries have completely abolished it \"de jure\" for all crimes, 8 have abolished it for ordinary crimes (while maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes), and 28 are abolitionist in practice. Historically, capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world. Currently, the large majority of countries have either abolished or discontinued the practice. Japan has the highest inequality-adjusted HDI (Human Development Index, of the United Nations", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "866397", "text": "Capital punishment by country The following is a summary of the use of capital punishment by country. Globally, 56 countries retain capital punishment, 106 countries have completely abolished it \"de jure\" for all crimes, 8 have abolished it for ordinary crimes (while maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes), and 28 are abolitionist in practice. Historically, capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world. Currently, the large majority of countries have either abolished or discontinued the practice. Japan has the highest inequality-adjusted HDI (Human Development Index, of the United Nations Development Programme) of any", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "16787883", "text": "the capital punishment remained in force. Constitution of FR Yugoslavia (which consisted of Serbia and Montenegro), adopted on 25 April 1992, abolished capital punishment for federal crimes (including genocide, war crimes, political and military offences), but the federal units kept the right to prescribe capital punishment for crimes under their jurisdiction (murder and robbery). In the drafting of the Constitution, the proposal to abolish capital punishment came from the Montenegrin members of the Drafting Commission. On 19 June 2002, the Montenegrin Parliament amended the Penal Code by deleting from it all references to capital punishment. As was stressed in the", "title": "Capital punishment in Montenegro" }, { "docid": "7823398", "text": "Belarus still practices capital punishment in some form or another. In 2012, Latvia became the last EU Member State to abolish capital punishment in wartime. As of 2017, in Europe, the death penalty for peacetime crimes has been abolished in all countries except Belarus, while the death penalty for wartime crimes has been abolished in all countries except Belarus and Kazakhstan. (Kazakhstan is a country situated partly in Europe and partly in Asia). In Russia the death penalty has been indefinitely suspended (under moratorium), therefore is uncommon but not unheard of. Except for Belarus, which carried out two executions in", "title": "Capital punishment in Europe" }, { "docid": "10748366", "text": "Capital punishment in Michigan Capital punishment in Michigan was legal from statehood in 1837 until it was abolished in 1846 for murder. Michigan is one of the few U.S. states never to have executed anyone following admission into the Union (others include Alaska and Hawaii). Michigan's death penalty history is unusual, as Michigan was the first English-speaking government in the world to abolish the death penalty for ordinary crimes. The Michigan State Legislature voted to do so on May 18, 1846, which has remained in law ever since. Although the death penalty was formally retained as the punishment for treason", "title": "Capital punishment in Michigan" }, { "docid": "72903", "text": "as when countries shifted from authoritarianism to democracy, or when it became an entry condition for the European Union. The United States is a notable exception: some states have had bans on capital punishment for decades, the earliest being Michigan where it was abolished in 1846, while other states still actively use it today. The death penalty in the United States remains a contentious issue which is hotly debated. In retentionist countries, the debate is sometimes revived when a miscarriage of justice has occurred though this tends to cause legislative efforts to improve the judicial process rather than to abolish", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "72952", "text": "on Human Rights in February 2006. As a result, Europe is a continent free of the death penalty in practice, all states but Russia, which has entered a moratorium, having ratified the Sixth Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights, with the sole exception of Belarus, which is not a member of the Council of Europe. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has been lobbying for Council of Europe observer states who practise the death penalty, the U.S. and Japan, to abolish it or lose their observer status. In addition to banning capital punishment for EU member", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "72881", "text": "Council of Europe, which has 47 member states, has sought to abolish the use of the death penalty by its members absolutely, through Protocol 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights. However, this only affects those member states which have signed and ratified it, and they do not include Armenia, Russia, and Azerbaijan. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted, in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014, non-binding resolutions calling for a global moratorium on executions, with a view to eventual abolition. Although most nations have abolished capital punishment, over 60% of the world's population live in countries where", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "5958882", "text": "the 21st century. European Council members suggested in 2001 that Belarus abolish capital punishment before it can apply for membership in the Council. Belarus (as the Byelorussian SSR) signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in 1973. This convention, however, does not abolish the death penalty, but it imposes certain conditions on its implementation and use. Before execution all prisoners on death row are transferred to Minsk Detention Center No. 1 (СИЗО, or SIZO No. 1), in the country's capital Minsk. The method used to carry out the sentence is execution by shooting. The executioner is a member", "title": "Capital punishment in Belarus" }, { "docid": "9546910", "text": "Capital punishment in Italy The use of capital punishment in Italy has been banned since 1889, with the exception of the period 1926-1947, encompassing the rule of Fascism in Italy and the early restoration of democracy. Before the unification of Italy in 1860, capital punishment was performed in almost all pre-unitarian states, except for Tuscany, where it was historically abolished in 1786. It is currently out of use as a result of the adoption of the current constitution, and defunct as of 1 January 1948. In Italy, the first pre-unitarian state to abolish the death penalty was the Grand Duchy", "title": "Capital punishment in Italy" }, { "docid": "17523792", "text": "Capital punishment in Ukraine Capital punishment was abolished in Ukraine in 2000. In 1995 Ukraine had entered the Council of Europe and thus (at the time) it was obliged to undertake to abolish the death penalty. The Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) introduced amendments to the then acting Criminal Code in 2000, according to which “death penalty” was withdrawn from the list of official punishments of Ukraine. Ukraine carried out its last execution in 1997 according to Amnesty International. Capital punishment in Ukraine existed soon after fall of the Russian Empire in 1917. Among of known people who was executed by", "title": "Capital punishment in Ukraine" }, { "docid": "3169183", "text": "penalty has been abolished in law since 1990. It is furthermore a condition of the membership of any country of the European Union that it abolish capital punishment. Ireland is also party to a number of international agreements forbidding the death penalty. These include Protocol No. 13 to the European Convention on Human Rights which forbids capital punishment even during time of war. Article 15.5 to be renumbered as 15.5.1º and the insertion of a new subsection to Article 15.5: Addition of the highlighted text to the first sentence of Article 28.3.3º: Deletion of the highlighted text from Article 13.6:", "title": "Twenty-first Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" }, { "docid": "14024060", "text": "the Oregon Council to Abolish the Death Penalty, and the national Committee to Abolish the Federal Death Penalty. In addition to growing organizations, the movement also profited from growing European abolishment of the death penalty and from the controversial executions of Barbara Graham and Caryl Chessman. Success mounted in the late 1950s as Alaska, Hawaii, and Delaware abolished capital punishment. Oregon and Iowa followed their leads in the 1960s. Many other states added laws that restricted the use of the death penalty except in cases of extreme serious offenses. Abolitionists began to strongly challenge the constitutionality of the death penalty", "title": "Capital punishment debate in the United States" }, { "docid": "18483153", "text": "Capital punishment in Jordan Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Jordan. The country had a moratorium on capital punishment between 2006 and 2014. 11 executions were performed in 2015, and 15 executions were performed in 2017. The method of execution is hanging, previously shooting was the sole method. Between 2000 and the imposition of a moratorium in 2006 there had been 41 executions, either for murder, terrorism or sexual offences. In 2005 King Abdullah II of Jordan stated that: \"in coordination with the European Union, we would like to modify our Penal Code. Jordan could soon become the first", "title": "Capital punishment in Jordan" }, { "docid": "15872228", "text": "passed a bill introducing death penalty for terrorism. In Turkey, capital punishment was fully abolished in 2004 for all crimes. In Lebanon in 2008, then-Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar introduced a draft law to Parliament which would abolish the death penalty. While the law failed to pass, he continued to advocate for the abolition for the rest of his time in office. Farouk Ksentini, chairman of Algeria's National Advisory Commission for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights (CNCPPDH), stated in 2010 that he would advocate for the abolition of the death penalty. This aroused opposition from Islamist groups. Capital punishment", "title": "Capital punishment in the Middle East" }, { "docid": "10748372", "text": "overturned in 2013 by a panel of the Sixth Circuit, but was later reinstated 12–4 by the full court sitting en banc. Capital punishment in Michigan Capital punishment in Michigan was legal from statehood in 1837 until it was abolished in 1846 for murder. Michigan is one of the few U.S. states never to have executed anyone following admission into the Union (others include Alaska and Hawaii). Michigan's death penalty history is unusual, as Michigan was the first English-speaking government in the world to abolish the death penalty for ordinary crimes. The Michigan State Legislature voted to do so on", "title": "Capital punishment in Michigan" }, { "docid": "17523794", "text": "amendments to the then acting Criminal Code in April 2000 that (finally) withdrew capital punishment from the list of official punishments of Ukraine (in peace and wartime). Ukraine was the last Council of Europe member state that used to be part of the Eastern Bloc to abolish the death penalty. National Corps Ukrainian far-right political party supports bringing back the death penalty. The Donetsk People's Republic, an unrecognized state, introduced the death penalty in 2014 for cases of treason, espionage, and assassination of political leaders. There had already been accusations of extrajudicial execution occurring. Capital punishment in Ukraine Capital punishment", "title": "Capital punishment in Ukraine" }, { "docid": "9379090", "text": "to abolish it at a later date. Capital punishment in Malaysia Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Malaysia. It is a mandatory punishment for murder, drug trafficking, treason, and waging war against Yang di-Pertuan Agong (the King). Recently, the law was extended to include acts of terrorism. Any terrorists, and anyone who aids terrorists, financially or otherwise, is liable to face the death penalty. Since January 2003, the death penalty in Malaysia has been a mandatory punishment for rapists that cause death and child rapists. A 1961 law states that kidnapping carried a life sentence or a death sentence,", "title": "Capital punishment in Malaysia" }, { "docid": "866398", "text": "country to use the death penalty; Singapore has the highest unadjusted HDI. The use of capital punishment is usually divided into the four categories set out below. , of the 195 independent states that are UN members or have UN observer status: Of the countries/regions categorized as 'very high' on the Human Development Index, 10 countries perform capital punishment: the United States, Japan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Belarus, Oman, and Taiwan. In Malaysia, South Korea, and Russia, there is a moratorium. Qatar, the Bahamas, Barbados, and Brunei have a moratorium in practice. In Israel, Kazakhstan, and", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "13542789", "text": "the Convention on the Rights of the Child and a contemporary resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Tonga has ratified the CRC, which prohibits capital punishment for people aged under 18, regardless of the offence committed. Tonga's response during this cycle brought to light its determination to retain the death penalty. Despite being an abolitionist in practice, Tonga is essentially a retentionist state as it refuses to abolish capital punishment. Tonga joins 140 other countries which are abolitionist in law or practice. Of the Pacific Island countries, only Tonga and Papua New Guinea retain the death penalty.", "title": "Capital punishment in Tonga" }, { "docid": "14024063", "text": "process. During this era, the movement diversified its efforts beyond those of litigation and lawyers, to include a wide range of organizations that attacked the death penalty legislatively. Some of the most influential organizations who continue to work against capital punishment today include Amnesty International USA, the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. The works of these organizations have brought about various restrictions on the use of capital punishment at the state level, including several statewide moratoriums and bans on capital punishment. As a result, some", "title": "Capital punishment debate in the United States" }, { "docid": "13998341", "text": "Capital punishment in New Mexico Capital punishment was abolished in the U.S. State of New Mexico in 2009. The law replaced the death penalty for the most serious crimes with life imprisonment and life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. This makes New Mexico the fifteenth state in the U.S. to abolish capital punishment. Since the death penalty was reinstated by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1976 (in the case of \"Gregg v. Georgia\"), only one person has been executed in New Mexico. This was Terry Clark, who was put to death in 2001, by lethal injection, for the murder", "title": "Capital punishment in New Mexico" }, { "docid": "18388580", "text": "America gives assurance that the death penalty will not be passed upon criminals surrendered by Costa Rica to the United States of America for any one of the crimes enumerated in the said treaty\". Capital punishment in Costa Rica Capital punishment was abolished in Costa Rica in 1877. Costa Rica, one of many countries, banned capital punishment in 1882. Costa Rica was one of three countries to to abolish the death penalty for all crimes at the beginning of the 20th century. On November 7, 1969, Costa Rica attended the American Convention on Human Rights. Costa Rica and the United", "title": "Capital punishment in Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "18388579", "text": "Capital punishment in Costa Rica Capital punishment was abolished in Costa Rica in 1877. Costa Rica, one of many countries, banned capital punishment in 1882. Costa Rica was one of three countries to to abolish the death penalty for all crimes at the beginning of the 20th century. On November 7, 1969, Costa Rica attended the American Convention on Human Rights. Costa Rica and the United States signed an extradition treaty in November 10, 1922 concerning the death penalty. The Costa Rican Minister of Foreign Relations stated \" that it is understood that the government of the United States of", "title": "Capital punishment in Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "11790658", "text": "George Lecco and Valerie Friend, for the murder of a informant who was supplying federal law enforcement with information about the Leccos cocaine drug ring. Those verdicts and sentences were overturned in 2009 due to juror misconduct, and the retrials ended with life without parole and 35 years for Lecco and Friend respectively. Along with Iowa, West Virginia became the final pre-\"Furman\" state to abolish capital punishment in 1965. Capital punishment in West Virginia Capital punishment is abolished in the U.S. State of West Virginia since 1965. Prior to secession from the Confederacy and admission to the Union on June", "title": "Capital punishment in West Virginia" }, { "docid": "17592881", "text": "Capital punishment in Lithuania Capital punishment in Lithuania was ruled unconstitutional and abolished for all crimes in December 1998. Lithuania is a member of the European Union and the Council of Europe and has signed and ratified Protocol 13 of the European Convention on Human Rights on complete abolition of death penalty. From March 1990 to December 1998, Lithuania executed seven men. The last execution in the country occurred in July 1995, when Lithuanian mafia boss Boris Dekanidze was put to death. In the Lithuanian SSR, the criminal code provided for death penalty in 16 articles. After the declaration of", "title": "Capital punishment in Lithuania" }, { "docid": "3400645", "text": "more often than to the wealthy. He refuted the notion that state-sponsored killing acted as a deterrent to murder and cautioned against the possibility of mistake. In 1950, an attempt was made to abolish capital punishment. Ross Thatcher, at that time a Cooperative Commonwealth Federation Member of Parliament, moved Bill No. 2 in order to amend the Criminal Code to abolish the death penalty. Thatcher later withdrew it for fear of Bill No. 2 not generating positive discussion and further harming the chances of abolition. In 1956, the Joint Committee of the House and Senate recommended the retention of capital", "title": "Capital punishment in Canada" }, { "docid": "8126437", "text": "2017, where it did not appear to have enough votes to pass. In a 2017 poll, 67% of Filipinos supported the death penalty. The Philippines was the only country aside from the United States that used the electric chair, due to its being introduced during the US colonial period. Until its first abolition in 1987, the country reverted to using death by firing squad. After re-introduction of the death penalty in 1993, the country switched to lethal injection as its sole method of execution. Capital punishment in the Philippines Capital punishment in the Philippines has a varied history and is", "title": "Capital punishment in the Philippines" }, { "docid": "10753816", "text": "Capital punishment in Wisconsin Capital punishment in Wisconsin was abolished in 1853. Wisconsin was one of the earliest United States states to abolish the death penalty, and is the only state that has performed only one execution in its history. Since its admission to the Union in 1848, as the 30th State, the only execution carried out in Wisconsin was that of immigrant farmer John McCaffary, who was hanged on August 21, 1851 in Kenosha County for drowning his wife in a backyard cistern. Wisconsin abolished the death penalty in 1853, just two years after McCaffary's execution becoming just the", "title": "Capital punishment in Wisconsin" }, { "docid": "72880", "text": "Latin ' from ', \"head\") in this context alluded to execution by beheading. Fifty-six countries retain capital punishment, 106 countries have completely abolished it \"de jure\" for all crimes, eight have abolished it for ordinary crimes (while maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes), and 28 are abolitionist in practice. Capital punishment is a matter of active controversy in several countries and states, and positions can vary within a single political ideology or cultural region. In the European Union, Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits the use of capital punishment. The", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "72920", "text": "in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. The only retentionist country in Europe is Belarus. The death penalty was overwhelmingly practised in poor and authoritarian states, which often employed the death penalty as a tool of political oppression. During the 1980s, the democratisation of Latin America swelled the ranks of abolitionist countries. This was soon followed by the fall of Communism in Europe. Many of the countries which restored democracy aspired to enter the EU. The European Union and the Council of Europe both strictly require member states not to practise the death penalty (see Capital punishment in Europe). Public support", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "18989445", "text": "in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Mauritania. Capital punishment in Islam Capital punishment in Islam was traditionally regulated by Sharia, the religious law in Islam. Crimes which could result in capital punishment included murder. In the modern era most Muslim-majority countries adopted criminal legal codes based on European models. Legal forms of capital punishment vary among Islamic countries. The Quran states, However, there is no Quranic verse supporting the method of stoning in Islam. The roots of this method of execution are to be explored in pre-Islamic religions, especially in Judaism and Torah, in which stoning", "title": "Capital punishment in Islam" }, { "docid": "5958890", "text": "March 11, 2004, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus came to the conclusion that two articles of the Criminal Code were incompatible with the Constitution of Belarus. The Court stated that either the President or the National Assembly could make the decision to suspend or completely abolish the death penalty. Subsequently, in October 2005, the Parliament adopted an amendment to the Criminal Code declaring that the continued use of the death penalty was on a temporary basis only. Capital punishment in Belarus Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Belarus. It carried out at least four executions in", "title": "Capital punishment in Belarus" }, { "docid": "18483154", "text": "country in the Middle East without capital punishment.\" In 2006 the Jordanian cabinet launched a plan to limit the number of capital offences from sixteen to ten. In 2008 and 2010 Jordan abstained to vote on the United Nations moratorium on the death penalty. In November 2014 the Jordanian cabinet formed a committee to explore whether Jordan should reinstate the application of capital punishment. On 21 December 2014 eleven persons were hanged, all men which were convicted of murder in 2005 and 2006. These were the first executions since June 2006, 122 sentences of capital punishment had been handed out", "title": "Capital punishment in Jordan" }, { "docid": "18989441", "text": "Capital punishment in Islam Capital punishment in Islam was traditionally regulated by Sharia, the religious law in Islam. Crimes which could result in capital punishment included murder. In the modern era most Muslim-majority countries adopted criminal legal codes based on European models. Legal forms of capital punishment vary among Islamic countries. The Quran states, However, there is no Quranic verse supporting the method of stoning in Islam. The roots of this method of execution are to be explored in pre-Islamic religions, especially in Judaism and Torah, in which stoning is a frequent method of execution. <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoning#In_Judaism> <http://www.cjcj.org/uploads/cjcj/documents/comparative_study_0.pdf> That said, capital", "title": "Capital punishment in Islam" }, { "docid": "14024051", "text": "members of Quakers, Mennonites and other peace churches opposed the death penalty as well. Perhaps the most influential essay for the anti-death penalty movement was Cesare Beccaria's 1767 essay, \"On Crimes and Punishment\". Beccaria's strongly opposed the state's right to take lives and criticized the death penalty as having very little deterrent effect. After the American Revolution, influential and well-known Americans, such as Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Rush, and Benjamin Franklin made efforts to reform or abolish the death penalty in the United States. All three joined the Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, which opposed capital punishment.", "title": "Capital punishment debate in the United States" }, { "docid": "7823405", "text": "Marina Schuster. formula_1Only used once, at the very last execution in Sweden The only European country that executes criminals is Belarus, as that country is not party to the European Convention on Human Rights. Executions in Belarus are carried out by shooting. Capital punishment in Russia has been indefinitely suspended, although it still remains codified in its law. There exists both an implicit moratorium established by the President Yeltsin in 1996, and an explicit one, established by the Constitutional Court of Russia in 1999 and which was most recently reaffirmed in 2009. Russia has not executed anyone in peacetime since", "title": "Capital punishment in Europe" }, { "docid": "7891590", "text": "capital punishment became prohibited by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, which became part of the Czechoslovak constitutional law and since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia remains part of the Czech constitutional law. Capital punishment in the Czech Republic is simultaneously prohibited by international legal obligations arising from the Czech Republic's membership of both the Council of Europe and the European Union. Capital punishment in the Czech Republic Capital punishment (\"trest smrti\" in Czech) is forbidden by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic (part of the constitutional law of the Czech Republic) and is simultaneously", "title": "Capital punishment in the Czech Republic" }, { "docid": "7133640", "text": "Vatican had officially given support to a 2015 United Nations campaign against the death penalty. During a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting concerning the abolishment of capital punishment, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi declared that \"The Holy See Delegation fully supports the efforts to abolish the use of the death penalty.\" The Archbishop stated: On August 2, 2018, Pope Francis changed Catechism of the Catholic Church 2267 to the following: Various Orthodox churches have issued statements opposing capital punishment, including the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church in America, the Greek Orthodox Church, and the Georgian Orthodox Church.", "title": "Religion and capital punishment" }, { "docid": "5186284", "text": "St. Louis and Columbia, twenty-one affiliate groups, and individuals across the state who support abolition of the death penalty. The coalition organizes opposition to the death penalty, works with state legislators to pass a moratorium, educates state residents, monitors events pertaining capital punishment, advocates alternatives other than death as punishment for crimes; and supports death row prisoners, victims and their family members as well as others affected by the action of death penalty. Other Affiliate groups in the United States not listed above can be found at the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty website. With its \"Stop Killing", "title": "National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty" }, { "docid": "11652721", "text": "Law section 11-23-2. Many pieces of legislation have been introduced since then to reinstate the death penalty for specific crimes, but none have passed. Capital punishment in Rhode Island Rhode Island was one of the earliest states in the United States to abolish capital punishment, having abolished it for all crimes in 1852. The death penalty was reintroduced in 1872, but it was never carried out before being abolished again in 1984. Of all the states, Rhode Island has had the longest period with no executions, none having taken place since 1845. Rhode Island performed 52 executions from 1673 to", "title": "Capital punishment in Rhode Island" }, { "docid": "11652715", "text": "Capital punishment in Rhode Island Rhode Island was one of the earliest states in the United States to abolish capital punishment, having abolished it for all crimes in 1852. The death penalty was reintroduced in 1872, but it was never carried out before being abolished again in 1984. Of all the states, Rhode Island has had the longest period with no executions, none having taken place since 1845. Rhode Island performed 52 executions from 1673 to February 13, 1845, but only seven took place after statehood. Half of the executions occurred on July 19, 1723, when 26 sailors were hanged", "title": "Capital punishment in Rhode Island" }, { "docid": "11084786", "text": "Peadar Cowan; in 1956 by Thomas Finlay; in 1960 by Frank Sherwin; in 1962 by Stephen Coughlan. In each case the relevant minister dismissed the suggestion. Seán MacBride expressed personal support for abolition even while a minister in a government that oversaw the 1948 execution of William M. Gambon. In 1951–52, MacBride's Dáil motion that a Select Committee consider whether to abolish the death penalty was defeated by 63 votes to 23. In 1956, the Seanad passed a motion \"That in the opinion of Seanad Eireann the Government should consider the question of introducing legislation to abolish capital punishment or", "title": "Capital punishment in Ireland" }, { "docid": "866411", "text": "(2015), and Nauru (2016). \"Note: The tables can be sorted alphabetically or chronologically using the icon.\" The table below lists in chronological order the 105 independent states, that are either UN members or have UN observer status, that have completely abolished the death penalty. In the hundred years following the abolition of capital punishment by Venezuela in 1863 only 11 more countries followed, not counting temporary abolitions which were later reversed. From the 1960s onwards, abolition became far more popular. 4 countries abolished capital punishment in the 1960s (a record up to that time for any decade), 11 in the", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "16787873", "text": "Capital punishment in Montenegro Capital punishment in Montenegro was first prescribed by law in 1798. It was abolished on 19 June 2002. The last execution, by shooting, took place on 29 January 1981, and the two last death sentences were pronounced on 11 October 2001. Montenegro is bound by the following international conventions prohibiting capital punishment (dates of ratification are given in parentheses): Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (6 September 2001), as well as Protocols No. 6 and No. 13 to the European Convention on Human Rights (3 March 2004). According to Art.", "title": "Capital punishment in Montenegro" }, { "docid": "2456596", "text": "Capital punishment in the United States Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the United States, currently used by 30 states, the federal government, and the military. Its existence can be traced to the beginning of the American colonies. The United States is the only Western country currently applying the death penalty. It is one of 54 countries worldwide applying it, and was the first to develop lethal injection as a method of execution, which has since been adopted by five other countries. The Philippines has since abolished executions, and Guatemala has done so for civil offenses, leaving the USA", "title": "Capital punishment in the United States" }, { "docid": "2456676", "text": "a moratorium in place, as the state had not executed anyone since Gary M. Heidnik in 1999. Capital punishment in the United States Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the United States, currently used by 30 states, the federal government, and the military. Its existence can be traced to the beginning of the American colonies. The United States is the only Western country currently applying the death penalty. It is one of 54 countries worldwide applying it, and was the first to develop lethal injection as a method of execution, which has since been adopted by five other countries.", "title": "Capital punishment in the United States" }, { "docid": "866412", "text": "1970s, and a further 10 in the 1980s. After the end of the Cold War, many more countries followed. 35 countries abolished capital punishment in the 1990s, with 9 in 1990 alone, and a further 23 in the 2000s. 11 countries have abolished so far in the 2010s. Since 1985, there have been only 6 years when no country has abolished the death penalty: 1988, 2001, 2003, 2011, 2013 and 2014. Note: Where a country has abolished, re-instated, and abolished again (e.g. Philippines, Switzerland, Portugal) only the later abolition date is included. Countries who have abolished and since reinstated (e.g.", "title": "Capital punishment by country" }, { "docid": "7891582", "text": "Capital punishment in the Czech Republic Capital punishment (\"trest smrti\" in Czech) is forbidden by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Czech Republic (part of the constitutional law of the Czech Republic) and is simultaneously prohibited by international legal obligations arising from the Czech Republic's membership of both the Council of Europe and the European Union. Historically the capital punishment was legal, and was used, when the Czech Republic was part of Czechoslovak Federation, until the punishment was abolished by amendment of the federal criminal code in 1990. The last execution was carried out in 1989. Capital", "title": "Capital punishment in the Czech Republic" }, { "docid": "1952170", "text": "those territories where it had up until recently been legal. The last executions in an overseas territory, and indeed the last on British soil, took place in Bermuda in 1977, when two men, Larry Tacklyn and Erskine Burrows, were hanged for the 1973 murder of the territory's then Governor Sir Richard Sharples. In 1991, the British government extended an Order in Council to its Caribbean territories the effect of which was to abolish capital punishment for murder: Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands. The British government was unable to extend the", "title": "Capital punishment in the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "1952145", "text": "Capital punishment in the United Kingdom Capital punishment in the United Kingdom was used from ancient times until the second half of the 20th century. The last executions in the United Kingdom were by hanging, and took place in 1964, prior to :capital punishment being abolished for murder (in 1965 in Great Britain and in 1973 in Northern Ireland). Although unused, the death penalty remained a legally defined punishment for certain offences such as treason until it was completely abolished in 1998. In 2004 the 13th Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights became binding on the United Kingdom,", "title": "Capital punishment in the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "2459929", "text": "moratorium. All death penalty cases that come to Inslee will result in him issuing a reprieve, not a pardon or commutation. On January 16, 2017, Governor Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson introduced legislation to abolish the death penalty in Washington state. Though the legislation failed to pass, Governor Inslee stated a commitment to ending capital punishment in the future. On October 11, 2018, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled the current death penalty statute unconstitutional, on the ground that it resulted in racial bias, thus abolishing capital punishment in the state. It became the 20th state in the nation", "title": "Capital punishment in Washington (state)" }, { "docid": "17592831", "text": "Kazakhstan sentenced mass-murderer Ruslan Kulikbayev to death for terrorism after he was convicted of killing ten people (including 8 policemen) in a shooting attack against police officers in Almaty. Kulikbayev is currently the only person under a sentence of death in Kazakhstan. Capital punishment in Kazakhstan Capital punishment in Kazakhstan has been abolished for ordinary crimes, but is still permitted for crimes occurring in special circumstances (such as war crimes). Kazakhstan, Russia, and Belarus are the only European countries which have not abolished capital punishment for all crimes (Russia retains it in law, but has \"de-facto\" abolished it through a", "title": "Capital punishment in Kazakhstan" }, { "docid": "12061859", "text": "not be reinstated as long as the present constitution is in force. Romania is also subject to the European Convention on Human Rights (since May 1994) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (since January 2007), both abolitionist documents. Ahead of the 2000 presidential election, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, who finished in second place, made reintroduction of capital punishment a major plank of his campaign. Capital punishment in Romania Capital punishment in Romania was abolished in 1990, and has been prohibited by the Constitution of Romania since 1991. The death penalty has a long and varied history in", "title": "Capital punishment in Romania" }, { "docid": "6190120", "text": "sentenced to death and awaiting execution took place in 1959 when, after De Gaulle's inauguration, all sentences were commuted (amnesty is not an executive clemency, rather it is an Act of Parliament). The first official debate on the death penalty in France took place on 30 May 1791, with the presentation of a bill aimed at abolishing it. The advocate was Louis-Michel Lepeletier of Saint-Fargeau and the bill was supported by Maximilien de Robespierre. However, the National Constituent Assembly, on 6 October 1791, refused to abolish the death penalty. On 26 October 1795, the National Convention abolished capital punishment, but", "title": "Capital punishment in France" }, { "docid": "20022041", "text": "Capital punishment in the Maldives Capital punishment is a legal penalty in the Maldives, but the last execution (as of May 2018) was carried out in 1954, when the country was a British colony. The only legal method of execution is lethal injection, although hanging has been proposed. Crimes punishable by death include murder, adultery, apostasy, terrorism and treason - however the punishment is not mandatory for any crime. The death penalty is a legal punishment for defendants over seven years old. Currently, it is believed that there are about 17-20 individuals under a sentence of death in the Maldives,", "title": "Capital punishment in the Maldives" }, { "docid": "18738213", "text": "Capital punishment in Sudan Capital punishment in Sudan is legal under Article 27 of the Sudanese Criminal Act 1991. The Act is based on Sharia law which prescribes both the death penalty and corporal punishment, such as amputation. Sudan has moderate execution rates, ranking 8th overall in 2014 when compared to other countries that still continue the practice, after at least 29 executions were reported (although it is expected that over 100 occurred). Even though Sudan's legal systems have been drawn from various other jurisdictions, capital punishment has always existed in the country. During the last 100 years there have", "title": "Capital punishment in Sudan" }, { "docid": "10422029", "text": "Capital punishment in the Soviet Union Capital punishment was a legal penalty in the Soviet Union for most of the country's existence. The legal justification of capital punishment was found in Article 22 of the Fundamental Principles of Criminal Legislation, which stated that the death penalty was permitted \"as an exceptional measure of punishment, until its complete abolition\". According to Western estimates, in the early 1980s Soviet courts passed around 2,000 death sentences every year, of which two-thirds were commuted to prison terms. The death penalty was not applied to minors or pregnant women. The first person to be sentenced", "title": "Capital punishment in the Soviet Union" }, { "docid": "20177563", "text": "Capital punishment in Brunei Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Brunei, although no executions have occurred since the country gained independence in 1984. The last execution in Brunei occurred in 1957, when the country was still a protectorate of Great Britain. Capital crimes in Brunei include murder, terrorism, drug trafficking, abetting suicide, arson, kidnapping, treason, mutiny, and perjury. In April, 2014, Brunei introduced a new penal code which implemented elements of Sharia law and instituted the death penalty (by stoning) for adultery, sodomy, rape, apostasy, blasphemy, and insulting Islam. The legal methods of execution in Brunei are hanging and,", "title": "Capital punishment in Brunei" }, { "docid": "17592828", "text": "Capital punishment in Kazakhstan Capital punishment in Kazakhstan has been abolished for ordinary crimes, but is still permitted for crimes occurring in special circumstances (such as war crimes). Kazakhstan, Russia, and Belarus are the only European countries which have not abolished capital punishment for all crimes (Russia retains it in law, but has \"de-facto\" abolished it through a moratorium. In addition to war crimes, Belarus retains the death penalty for ordinary crimes too, and actively uses it). The legal method of execution in Kazakhstan is shooting, specifically a single shot to the back of the head. Kazakhstan is not a", "title": "Capital punishment in Kazakhstan" }, { "docid": "17071911", "text": "Capital punishment in Yemen Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Yemen. Yemen has one of the highest execution rates per capita in the world. Capital punishment is typically carried out by shooting, and occasionally in public. In addition to being the only individual in the country with the authority to grant clemency, the President of Yemen must ratify all executions passed down by any court before they are carried out. Like most countries, the Yemeni legal system exists within the framework of a three-tier structure. At the lowest level of jurisprudence are the courts of first instance, established to", "title": "Capital punishment in Yemen" }, { "docid": "2456614", "text": "2018, Washington state became the 20th state to abolish capital punishment when its state Supreme Court deemed the death penalty unconstitutional on the grounds of racial bias. Since \"Furman\", 11 states have organized popular votes dealing with the death penalty through the initiative and referendum process. All resulted in a vote for reinstating it, rejecting its abolition, expanding its application field, specifying in the state constitution that it is not unconstitutional, or expediting the appeal process in capital cases. 20 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have abolished the death penalty for all crimes. Below is a", "title": "Capital punishment in the United States" }, { "docid": "18738217", "text": "states that Sudan sees no reason to abolish the death sentence. Article (27)(1) of the 1991 Act states that: \"execution is either by hanging or stoning or in the same manner as the commitment of murder by the perpetrator, and may be as a hudud punishment or in retribution or approximation, and may be with crucifixion Generally, however, the punishment is executed by hanging. For a person charged with a capital crime in Sudan there are a number of procedural guarantees they should receive: These guarantees are only available at trial stage meaning that during the investigation period individuals may", "title": "Capital punishment in Sudan" }, { "docid": "8662377", "text": "Capital punishment in Russia Currently, Capital punishment in Russia is not allowed. There exists both an implicit moratorium established by President Boris Yeltsin in 1996, and an explicit one, established by the Constitutional Court of Russia in 1999 and most recently reaffirmed in 2009. Russia has not executed anyone since 1996. In medieval Russia capital punishment was extremely rare, and was even banned in many, if not most, principalities. The Law of Yaroslavl (c. 1017) put restrictions on what crimes warranted execution. Later, the law was amended in much of the country to completely ban capital punishment. The Russian Empire", "title": "Capital punishment in Russia" }, { "docid": "9379075", "text": "laws during the 2018 Malaysian general election. The Government's announcement to abolish capital punishment was welcomed by Kumi Naidoo, Amnesty International's Secretary General, who called on the Malaysian Parliament to consign the death penalty to the history books. The following is a list of the criminal offences that carry the death penalty: Only High Courts had jurisdiction in capital cases. Appeals to the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court are automatic. The last resort for the convicted is to plead pardon for clemency. Pardons or clemency were granted by the Ruler or Yang di-Pertua Negeri (Governor) of the state", "title": "Capital punishment in Malaysia" }, { "docid": "14188970", "text": "because under Article 1, paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Covenant, “No one within the jurisdiction of a State Party to the present Protocol shall be executed,” and “Each State Party shall take all necessary measures to abolish the death penalty within its jurisdiction.” Capital punishment was formally removed from statutes by a 2015 Act, which took effect on July 1, 2016. On October 16, 2017, the newly elected president Khaltmaagiin Battulga announced that he had created an expert group to reinstate the death penalty for premeditated murder committed with aggravating circumstances and rape with aggravating circumstances. In late November,", "title": "Capital punishment in Mongolia" }, { "docid": "5186282", "text": "organization formed in 1992 that advocates through education to abolish capital punishment. It has local chapters in Albany, Buffalo, Ithaca, Long Island, Mid-Hudson, Nassau County, New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, and Westchester. In 2007, the NYADP was successful in gaining abolition of the death penalty by the state legislature. Most of the bill's supporters wanted to establish a sentence of life without parole as the alternative. The NYADP has stated that they have revamped their mission statement to bring together victims, law enforcement, advocates for the mentally ill, restorative justice practitioners, and families of the incarcerated, around policies that address", "title": "National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty" }, { "docid": "72917", "text": "United States, 18 states and the District of Columbia ban capital punishment. Abolitionists believe capital punishment is the worst violation of human rights, because the right to life is the most important, and capital punishment violates it without necessity and inflicts to the condemned a psychological torture. Human rights activists oppose the death penalty, calling it \"cruel, inhuman, and degrading punishment\". Amnesty International considers it to be \"the ultimate, irreversible denial of Human Rights\". Most countries, including almost all First World nations, have abolished capital punishment either in law or in practice. Notable exceptions are the United States, China, India,", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "10767371", "text": "that would abolish the death penalty, although it would not retroactively apply to the eleven current Connecticut death row inmates or those convicted of capital crimes committed before the repeal went into effect. The bill was vetoed by Governor Jodi Rell. On April 11, 2012, the Connecticut House of Representatives voted to repeal capital punishment for future cases (leaving past death sentences in place). The Connecticut Senate had already voted for the bill, and on April 25 Governor Dannel Malloy signed the bill into law That made Connecticut the 17th state in the US without a death penalty, and the", "title": "Capital punishment in Connecticut" }, { "docid": "1952182", "text": "not expected to pass, the margin of its defeat (243 to 362) was much wider than expected. Later in the same Parliament, the Criminal Justice Bill provided an opportunity on 11 May 1982 for several new clauses to be proposed which would have reinstated capital punishment. The first, which simply declared that \"A person convicted of murder shall be liable to capital punishment\", was tabled by Edward Gardner, and rejected by 195 to 357. It was followed by an alternative under which capital punishment would be available \"as the penalty for an act of terrorism involving the loss of human", "title": "Capital punishment in the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "18483158", "text": "with the council’s view on it.\" Several categories of persons are excluded from being subjected to capital punishment. These are those under the age of 18, pregnant women, the mentally ill and mentally retarded. Capital punishment in Jordan Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Jordan. The country had a moratorium on capital punishment between 2006 and 2014. 11 executions were performed in 2015, and 15 executions were performed in 2017. The method of execution is hanging, previously shooting was the sole method. Between 2000 and the imposition of a moratorium in 2006 there had been 41 executions, either for", "title": "Capital punishment in Jordan" }, { "docid": "10595140", "text": "Capital punishment in Brazil Capital punishment is a long unused form of punishment in Brazil. Its last recorded use was in 1876. Although virtually abolished, it is still possible during wartime, according to the Article 5, XLVII, \"a\", of the Federal Constitution. Brazil is the most populous country in the world that does not retain the death penalty in practice (Mexico is the most populous to have abolished it entirely). Brazil's president-elect Jair Bolsonaro supports the revival of capital punishment for crimes such as murder and rape. The last execution carried out by Brazil was of the black slave Francisco,", "title": "Capital punishment in Brazil" }, { "docid": "7823409", "text": "committed under special circumstances (war-crimes). See also Capital punishment in Cyprus. The Donetsk People's Republic introduced the death penalty in 2014 for cases of treason, espionage, and assassination of political leaders. There had already been accusations of extrajudicial execution occurring. Capital punishment in Europe The death penalty has been completely abolished in all European countries except for Belarus and Russia, the latter of which has a moratorium and has not conducted an execution since 1999. The absolute ban on the death penalty is enshrined in both the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (EU) and two widely adopted", "title": "Capital punishment in Europe" }, { "docid": "4948158", "text": "Capital punishment in New Zealand Capital punishment in New Zealand first appeared in a codified form when it became a British territory in 1840, and was first employed in 1842. It was last used in 1957, abolished for murder in 1961, and abolished altogether, including for treason, in 1989. During the period that it was in effect, 85 people were executed. The method of execution was always by hanging. At first, there were many possible execution sites all around the country, but later, the only two cities where hangings were carried out were Wellington (the capital) and Auckland (now the", "title": "Capital punishment in New Zealand" }, { "docid": "5186279", "text": "Western and Eastern areas of the state. The NC Moratorium hosts a campaign that is non-partisan, housing members that are Democrats and Republicans. The mission of the campaign is to abolish the Death penalty and to eliminate \"the arbitrariness, racial disparities, hidden evidence and classist approach that has characterized NC's death penalty since its inception\" as quoted on the North Carolina Coalition for a Moratoriums' official website. The campaign states that it needs a moratorium in North Carolina to temporarily suspend executions while the legislature reconstructs the Capital Punishment process. , North Carolina has put a hold on executions as", "title": "National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty" }, { "docid": "11652716", "text": "for piracy. Rhode Island has never executed a female offender. Hanging was the most commonly used form of execution; five executions were carried out by an unknown method. Gas inhalation was authorized after 1973, but it was never used. Rhode Island is the only state to have adopted that method and not used it. In January 1838, a report entitled, “Report of the Committee On the Abolishment of Capital Punishments” was made by the General Assembly Committee to Revise the Penal Code. The recommendation was to abolish capital punishment. On December 31, 1843, Amasa Sprague, the brother of former Rhode", "title": "Capital punishment in Rhode Island" }, { "docid": "5958878", "text": "death penalty. Following a referendum on the issue, the Belarusian government took steps to change the way capital punishment is imposed and carried out. International organisations, such as the United Nations, have criticised the methods Belarus uses when carrying out capital punishment. The use of capital punishment is one factor keeping the country out of the Council of Europe. Article 24 of the Constitution of Belarus states that: As per the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, capital punishment can be imposed for the following acts: Most of the death penalty convictions were for murder committed under aggravating circumstances.", "title": "Capital punishment in Belarus" }, { "docid": "12094336", "text": "Capital punishment in Serbia Capital punishment was used from the creation of the modern Serbian state in 1804. On 26 February 2002, Serbian Parliament adopted amendments striking the death penalty from the Criminal Code. The last execution, by shooting, took place on 14 February 1992, and the last death sentences were pronounced in 2001. Serbia is bound by the following international conventions prohibiting capital punishment (dates of ratification are given in parentheses): Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (6 September 2001), Protocols No. 6 and No. 13 to the European Convention on Human Rights", "title": "Capital punishment in Serbia" }, { "docid": "14997067", "text": "to the 13th Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights providing for the total abolition of the death penalty. Both of these laws came into effect on 10 December 2006. Capital punishment in Jersey Jersey is a state in which capital punishment has been abolished. Until the 19th century, hangings were carried out on Westmount ( (gallows hill); \"Jèrriais\": Mont ès Pendus (hill of the hanged men)) in Saint Helier. The last such execution was carried out on 3 October 1829, when Philippe Jolin was hanged for murder. The following execution, that of François Bradley on 11 October 1866,", "title": "Capital punishment in Jersey" }, { "docid": "7823399", "text": "2018, the last executions by a European country occurred in Kazakhstan in 2003, and Ukraine in 1997. The Council of Europe has two main instruments against capital punishment: Protocol no.6 and Protocol no.13. The Protocol no.6 which prohibits the death penalty during peacetime has been ratified by all members of the Council of Europe, except Russia (which has signed, but not ratified). Protocol no.13 prohibits the death penalty in all circumstances (including for war crimes). All member states of the Council of Europe have ratified it, except Azerbaijan and Russia, which have not signed it, and Armenia, which has signed", "title": "Capital punishment in Europe" }, { "docid": "14380280", "text": "perceived as exclusively applying to judges. Capital punishment in Aruba Capital punishment in Aruba has been prohibited by Article I.4 of the Constitution of Aruba since January 1, 1986, the day Aruba became a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in its own right. The inclusion of a capital punishment prohibition in the constitution was following the example provided by the 1983 constitution of the Netherlands, but rather than putting it in the judiciary section like the example, it was put in the basic rights, following the related Article I.3 about the inviolability of the body, to ensure", "title": "Capital punishment in Aruba" }, { "docid": "13334151", "text": "\"torture\" which, in the name of correct procedure, tends to last many years, and which oftentimes leads to illness and insanity on death row.In 2017, Francis made comments that were interpreted by Ed Morrissey as implying that the death penalty a mortal sin. However, this has not been confirmed by the church. The Vatican had also officially given support to a 2015 United Nations campaign against the death penalty. During a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting concerning the abolishment of capital punishment, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi declared that \"The Holy See Delegation fully supports the efforts to abolish the use of", "title": "Catholic Church and capital punishment" }, { "docid": "20177564", "text": "since 2014, stoning. Currently, it is estimated that there are about 6 individuals on death row in Brunei. The last known death sentence was handed out in 2017, and one death sentence was commuted in 2009. Capital punishment in Brunei Capital punishment is a legal penalty in Brunei, although no executions have occurred since the country gained independence in 1984. The last execution in Brunei occurred in 1957, when the country was still a protectorate of Great Britain. Capital crimes in Brunei include murder, terrorism, drug trafficking, abetting suicide, arson, kidnapping, treason, mutiny, and perjury. In April, 2014, Brunei introduced", "title": "Capital punishment in Brunei" }, { "docid": "8640118", "text": "Zealand law at the time (New Zealand abolished capital punishment for treason in 1989). The Cook Islands announced the removal of its provisions for capital punishment in 2007, without ever having put them into use. The chosen method of execution in the Cook Islands was hanging. Capital punishment in the Cook Islands Capital punishment in the Cook Islands, a state in free association with New Zealand, was officially part of the legal system until 2007, although had never actually been put into practice. Under Cook Islands law, capital punishment only ever applied to the crime of treason, for which it", "title": "Capital punishment in the Cook Islands" }, { "docid": "14380279", "text": "Capital punishment in Aruba Capital punishment in Aruba has been prohibited by Article I.4 of the Constitution of Aruba since January 1, 1986, the day Aruba became a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in its own right. The inclusion of a capital punishment prohibition in the constitution was following the example provided by the 1983 constitution of the Netherlands, but rather than putting it in the judiciary section like the example, it was put in the basic rights, following the related Article I.3 about the inviolability of the body, to ensure that the prohibition would not be", "title": "Capital punishment in Aruba" }, { "docid": "72950", "text": "Belarus and Kazakhstan have now abolished the death penalty in all circumstances (\"de jure\", and Russia \"de facto\"). Poland is the most recent country to ratify the protocol, on 28 August 2013. The Protocol no.6 which prohibits the death penalty during peacetime has been ratified by all members of the European Council, except Russia (which has signed, but not ratified). There are also other international abolitionist instruments, such as the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which has 81 parties; and the Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights to Abolish the Death", "title": "Capital punishment" }, { "docid": "4948178", "text": "Green Party voters at 19%, but the strongest support came from New Zealand First voters at 84%. Capital punishment in New Zealand Capital punishment in New Zealand first appeared in a codified form when it became a British territory in 1840, and was first employed in 1842. It was last used in 1957, abolished for murder in 1961, and abolished altogether, including for treason, in 1989. During the period that it was in effect, 85 people were executed. The method of execution was always by hanging. At first, there were many possible execution sites all around the country, but later,", "title": "Capital punishment in New Zealand" }, { "docid": "15774789", "text": "contrary, there was also strong opposition for the re-introduction of capital punishment. Amnesty International pleaded that PNG addressed the deterioration of law and order in other ways and declared that Amnesty International \"opposed the death penalty in all cases on the grounds that it is a violation of the human right to life.\" In 2010, Manfred Nowak undertook a comprehensive review of PNG's use of \"torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment\" and subsequently recommended that PNG took immediate steps to abolish the death penalty. Following this, Nowak also suggested that PNG become party to the International", "title": "Capital punishment in Papua New Guinea" } ]
What is Bruce Willis' real first name?
[ "Walter (TV Series)", "Walter", "Walter (disambiguation)", "Walter (TV series)" ]
[ { "docid": "745074", "text": "him as the main character. Selected notable roles: Willis has won a variety of awards and has received various honors throughout his career in television and film. Bruce Willis Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is an American actor, producer, and singer. Born to a German mother and American father in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, he moved to the United States with his family in 1957. His career began on the Off-Broadway stage in the 1970s. He later achieved fame with his leading role on the hit television series \"Moonlighting\" (1985–89). He has since appeared in over 70 films and is", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745039", "text": "Bruce Willis Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is an American actor, producer, and singer. Born to a German mother and American father in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, he moved to the United States with his family in 1957. His career began on the Off-Broadway stage in the 1970s. He later achieved fame with his leading role on the hit television series \"Moonlighting\" (1985–89). He has since appeared in over 70 films and is widely regarded as an \"action hero\" due to his portrayal of John McClane in the \"Die Hard\" franchise (1988–2013), and other such roles. His credits also include", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745041", "text": "the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2006. Walter Bruce Willis was born on March 19, 1955, in the town of Idar-Oberstein, West Germany. His father, David Willis, was an American soldier. His mother, Marlene, was German, born in Kassel. Willis is the oldest of four children with a sister named Florence and two brothers, Robert (deceased) and David. After being discharged from the military in 1957, Willis's father took his family back to Carneys Point Township, New Jersey. Willis has described himself as having come from a \"long line of blue collar people\". His mother worked in a bank and", "title": "Bruce Willis" } ]
[ { "docid": "7130409", "text": "beefed it up so it could go into the theaters.'\" For the week of November 12, 2008, \"My Name is Bruce\" took in $18,777 from its showing at the Sunshine Theater in New York. Reviews on \"My Name is Bruce\" were mixed, earning a Rotten Tomatoes approval rating of 40%, the consensus being \"\"My Name Is Bruce\" succeeds or fails based entirely upon the viewer's opinion of Bruce Campbell, an unreasonable burden for even the most accomplished actor.\". One positive review came from Nick Rogers of Suite101.com, saying \"\"My Name is Bruce\" won't give you sugar, baby. Not on its", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "16921084", "text": "\"The Fifth Element\" (1997), \"Armageddon\" (1998), \"The Sixth Sense\" (1999), \"Unbreakable\" (2000), \"Sin City\" (2005), \"Red\" (2010), \"Moonrise Kingdom\" (2012), \"The Expendables 2\" (2012), and \"Looper\" (2012). Motion pictures featuring Willis have grossed US$2.64 billion to 3.05 billion at North American box offices, making him the ninth-highest-grossing actor in a leading role and twelfth-highest-grossing, including supporting roles. He is a two-time Emmy Award–winning, Golden Globe Award–winning, and four-time Saturn Award–nominated actor. Solo albums: Compilations/guest appearances: Bruce Willis filmography Bruce Willis is a German-born American actor, producer with Cheyenne Enterprises, and singer. The following is a filmography of his work. Willis's", "title": "Bruce Willis filmography" }, { "docid": "7130401", "text": "My Name Is Bruce My Name Is Bruce is a 2007 American comedy horror film directed, co-produced by and starring B movie cult actor Bruce Campbell. The film was written by Mark Verheiden. It had a theatrical release in October 2008, followed by DVD and Blu-ray releases on February 10, 2009. Although Sam Raimi, with whom Bruce frequently collaborates, is not involved with this production, much of the film is in the vein of the \"Evil Dead\" series. Ted Raimi (Sam's brother), also a frequent collaborator, appears in this film. Campbell has shown several minutes of the movie during some", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "7130411", "text": "Entertainment will distribute both films. The title for the second film has since been changed to \"Bruce vs. Frankenstein\". In a message sent in January, 2010 to Ain't It Cool News, Campbell officially announced the sequel, stating that \"principal photography begins this fall in Oregon.\" In April, Ted Raimi confirmed that he would be involved with the project. Campbell declared himself the director, saying, \"no one will volunteer, so it's me.\" My Name Is Bruce My Name Is Bruce is a 2007 American comedy horror film directed, co-produced by and starring B movie cult actor Bruce Campbell. The film was", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "745054", "text": "Truth\"). Willis also appeared in Japanese Subaru Legacy television commercials. Tying in with this, Subaru did a limited run of Legacys, badged \"Subaru Legacy Touring Bruce\", in honor of Willis. Willis has appeared in four films with Samuel L. Jackson (National Lampoon's \"Loaded Weapon 1\", \"Pulp Fiction\", \"Die Hard with a Vengeance\", and \"Unbreakable\") and both actors were slated to work together in \"Black Water Transit\", before dropping out. Willis also worked with his eldest daughter, Rumer, in the 2005 film \"Hostage\". In 2007, he appeared in the thriller \"Perfect Stranger\", opposite Halle Berry, the crime/drama film \"Alpha Dog\", opposite", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "16921083", "text": "Bruce Willis filmography Bruce Willis is a German-born American actor, producer with Cheyenne Enterprises, and singer. The following is a filmography of his work. Willis's career began in television in 1984, most notably as David Addison in \"Moonlighting\" (1984–1989), and has continued both in television and film since, including comedic, dramatic, and action roles. He is well known for the role of John McClane in the \"Die Hard\" series, which were mostly critical and uniformly financial successes. He has also appeared in over sixty films, including box office successes like \"Death Becomes Her\" (1992), \"Pulp Fiction\" (1994), \"12 Monkeys\" (1995),", "title": "Bruce Willis filmography" }, { "docid": "7130405", "text": "movie. Bruce then finds out that it's all real and flees Gold Lick, angering the townspeople, disappointing Kelly and upsetting Jeff. As part of a running gag, an Italian painter (also played by Ted Raimi) constantly repaints the population sign every time someone dies, including himself. Bruce returns to his caravan to find that everyone, including his own dog, hates him a lot. He has a restraining order placed upon him by his ex-wife, Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss), and finds that his \"surprise birthday present\" from Mills was just a singing prostitute named Kasey (Janelle Farber). Bruce is then called by", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "7130407", "text": "blown up. He emerges from the debris alive, and hangs the medallion back onto the mausoleum wall to ease the spirit. Guan Di then also comes back to life, and at the very last minute, it turns out the whole scenario \"was\" a movie. Bruce argues with Ted Raimi about the cliched ending and turns it into a happy ending, which involves Bruce and Kelly married, living in a nice house with their son, Jeff, who is accepted into Harvard University. After the movie ends, Bruce asks \"What could be a better ending than that?\", after which Guan Di appears", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "745055", "text": "Sharon Stone, and reprised his role as John McClane in \"Live Free or Die Hard\". Subsequently, he appeared in the films \"What Just Happened\" and \"Surrogates\", based on the comic book of the same name. Willis was slated to play U.S. Army general William R. Peers in director Oliver Stone's \"Pinkville\", a drama about the investigation of the 1968 My Lai massacre. However, due to the 2007 Writers Guild of America strike, the film was cancelled. Willis appeared on the 2008 Blues Traveler album \"North Hollywood Shootout\", giving a spoken word performance over an instrumental blues rock jam on the", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745060", "text": "to compete with myself, which is what I do in \"Die Hard\". I try to improve my work every time.\" On October 12, 2013, Willis hosted \"Saturday Night Live\" with Katy Perry as a musical guest. Willis will star in the movie adaptation of the video game \"\", named \"Kane & Lynch\". In 2015, Willis made his Broadway debut in William Goldman's adaptation of Stephen King's novel \"Misery\" opposite Laurie Metcalf at the Broadhurst Theatre. In 2018, it was announced that Willis would be the next to be roasted by Comedy Central. Films featuring Willis have grossed between US$2.64 billion", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745057", "text": "film \"The Expendables\". Willis played the role of generic bald man \"Mr. Church\". This was the first time these three notable action movie actors appeared on screen together. Although the scene featuring the three was short, it was one of the most highly anticipated scenes in the film. The trio filmed their scene in an empty church on October 24, 2009. Willis next starred in \"RED\", an adaptation of the comic book mini-series of the same name, in which he portrayed Frank Moses. The film was released on October 15, 2010. Willis starred alongside Bill Murray, Edward Norton, and Frances", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "7130410", "text": "budget. But Splenda works fine as a substitute for this Kool-Aid, which Campbell knows fans will happily drink. A little bit of purposefully lousy filmmaking winds up going a long way.\" One negative review came from Felix Vasquez Jr. of \"Cinema Crazed\", calling it \"Smug, silly, and forgettable, this vanity project wants to be the next cult hit but really is just another vehicle for Bruce Campbell.\" The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on February 10, 2009. Richardson said that a sequel, titled \"My Name is Still Bruce\", is in the works. Dark Horse Entertainment and Image", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "16575030", "text": "users may feel uncomfortable with the knowledge that their real names would be publicly displayed and choose, instead, to use a fake name that appears real to Facebook under its Name Policy. Unlike Facebook, the Twitter social networking site does not require users to enter real names when creating Twitter accounts, and the site is entirely void of the real-name system. According to Twitter's former CEO, Dick Costolo, the social networking site does not care what a user's real name is as long as the site connects users to the information that they care about. Whether the information comes from", "title": "Real-name system" }, { "docid": "745056", "text": "track \"Free Willis (Ruminations from Behind Uncle Bob's Machine Shop)\". In early 2009, he appeared in an advertising campaign to publicize the insurance company Norwich Union's change of name to Aviva. Willis starred with Tracy Morgan in the comedy \"Cop Out\", directed by Kevin Smith and about two police detectives investigating the theft of a baseball card. The film was released in February 2010. Willis appeared in the music video for the song \"Stylo\" by Gorillaz. Also in 2010, he appeared in a cameo with former Planet Hollywood co-owners and '80s action stars Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "8799746", "text": "Finally, there is a feature-length film starring Lee imitator Dragon Lee titled '\"Last Fist of Fury\". In 2004, \"The Real Bruce Lee 2\" was released. The Real Bruce Lee The Real Bruce Lee, also known as Last Fist of Fury, is a 1977 martial arts documentary. The version of the film that is commonly distributed in the West (USA) on public domain-type DVD and video labels runs 93 minutes in length. The British VHS-version released in 1979 runs 118 minutes. It begins with a brief biography of Bruce Lee, and shows scenes from four of his childhood films, \"Bad Boy\",", "title": "The Real Bruce Lee" }, { "docid": "7130404", "text": "save the town from Guan Di. Upon arrival, Bruce assumes it's his birthday surprise from Mills, and thinks it's all a movie, despite a lack of cameras and a script, and agrees to \"help\". He learns about Guan-Di in the town's hall and during a dinner party, Bruce gets on the good side of Jeff's mother, Kelly (Grace Thorsen), who had initially been irritated by Bruce's behavior. After gearing up at Gold Lick's gun shop, Bruce and many citizens of Gold Lick go out into the woods to take on Guan Di, which Bruce still thinks is part of a", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "7130406", "text": "Jeff, who informs him that he's going to take on Guan Di alone in spite of Bruce's retreat. Kasey takes Bruce back to Gold Lick, where he is treated with contempt and tries to reconcile with Kelly. To rescue Jeff, they both drive to the old cemetery, in which they set up dynamite at the mausoleum and try to lure Guan Di inside with one of Jeff's cardboard cut-outs of Bruce, which Guan Di doesn't fall for. After kissing Kelly, Bruce decides to sacrifice himself (with bean curd playing a significant role in luring Guan Di) and the dynamite is", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "7130403", "text": "of B movie actor Bruce Campbell, and his friend Clayton (Logan Martin) go out to a cemetery to meet two girls, Big Debbie (Ariel Badenhop) and Little Debbie (Ali Akay). Jeff removes a medallion off the mausoleum, unleashing the Chinese god of the dead, Guan Di (James Peck), who kills Clayton and the Debbies while Jeff flees. Meanwhile, Bruce Campbell is finishing filming for the fictional \"Cave Alien II\", and is promised a birthday surprise from his agent, Mills Toddner (Ted Raimi). Bruce meets Jeff, who kidnaps Campbell and takes him to Gold Lick in hopes that his hero can", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "745072", "text": "in which American soldiers will be depicted as brave fighters for freedom and democracy.\" The film would follow members of Deuce Four, the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry, who spent considerable time in Mosul and were decorated heavily for it. The film is to be based on the writings of blogger Michael Yon, a former United States Army Special Forces soldier who was embedded with Deuce Four and sent regular dispatches about their activities. Willis described the plot of the film as \"these guys who do what they are asked for very little money to defend and fight for what they", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "8799745", "text": "The Real Bruce Lee The Real Bruce Lee, also known as Last Fist of Fury, is a 1977 martial arts documentary. The version of the film that is commonly distributed in the West (USA) on public domain-type DVD and video labels runs 93 minutes in length. The British VHS-version released in 1979 runs 118 minutes. It begins with a brief biography of Bruce Lee, and shows scenes from four of his childhood films, \"Bad Boy\", \"Orphan Sam\", \"Kid Cheung\", and \"The Carnival\", each sepia-toned and dubbed to English. Next, there is a three-minute highlight reel of Lee imitator Bruce Li.", "title": "The Real Bruce Lee" }, { "docid": "4990179", "text": "Rumer Willis Rumer Glenn Willis (born August 16, 1988) is an American actress and singer. She is the oldest daughter of actors Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. Willis won season 20 of \"Dancing with the Stars.\" She went on to make her Broadway debut in \"Chicago\" as Roxie Hart on September 21, 2015. She has recently had a recurring role in season 3 and 4 of FOX musical-drama \"Empire\" and became a series regular in its fourth season. She was born at Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah, Kentucky, while her father, Bruce Willis, was filming \"In Country\". She was named", "title": "Rumer Willis" }, { "docid": "745045", "text": "Drama Series and a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor - Television Series Musical or Comedy. During the height of the show's success, beverage maker Seagram hired Willis as the pitchman for their Golden Wine Cooler products. The advertising campaign paid the rising star between $5–7 million over two years. In spite of that, Willis chose not to renew his contract with the company when he decided to stop drinking alcohol in 1988. Willis had his first lead role in a feature film in the 1987 Blake Edwards film \"Blind Date\", with Kim Basinger and John Larroquette. Edwards cast him", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "16575021", "text": "Real-name system A real-name system is a system in which when a user who wants to register an account on a blog, website or bulletin board system, is required to offer identification credentials including their legal name to the network service centre. One may use an on-line pseudonym, however, the person's real identity would be available if rules or laws are broken. South Korea is the first country to put the real-name system into practice. Since June 28, 2009, thirty-five Korean websites have implemented a name-registration system pursuant to the newly amended Information and Communications Network Act of Korea. It", "title": "Real-name system" }, { "docid": "18352026", "text": "the acronym is employed, Facebook automatically changes to lower-case all letters except the first. (Use of periods, e.g. D.L.G., will result in a message telling users that \"Profile names can't have too many periods.\") Therefore, someone commonly known in real life by a name such as Mary De Leon Guerrero Mafnas would have to resort to using what on Facebook would end up being \"Mary Dlg Mafnas\". The message is not accompanied by an option to challenge/appeal the restriction or to send Facebook documentation that the format is how one normally formats their name in real life. In January 2015,", "title": "Facebook real-name policy controversy" }, { "docid": "745067", "text": "care system as well as treatment of Native Americans. Willis also stated that he is a supporter of gun rights, stating, \"Everyone has a right to bear arms. If you take guns away from legal gun owners, then the only people who have guns are the bad guys.\" In February 2006, Willis appeared in Manhattan to talk about his film \"16 Blocks\" with reporters. One reporter attempted to ask Willis about his opinion on the current government, but was interrupted by Willis in mid-sentence: \"I'm sick of answering this fucking question. I'm a Republican only as far as I want", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745063", "text": "Robert De Niro, Steve McQueen and John Wayne. Willis is left handed. At the premiere for the film \"Stakeout\", Willis met actress Demi Moore. They married on November 21, 1987, and had three daughters: Rumer (born August 16, 1988), Scout (born July 20, 1991), and Tallulah (born February 3, 1994). Willis and Moore announced their separation on June 24, 1998. They filed for divorce on October 18, 2000 and on that same day, the divorce was finalized. Regarding the divorce, Willis stated, \"I felt I had failed as a father and a husband by not being able to make it", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "5722811", "text": "to tour to support the release on February 13, 2013 in New York City. The couple followed up the success of their first album together 14 months later with the release of \"Our Year Together\". In 2018, Willis released \"Back Being Blue\", her first solo album in more than a decade. The album was produced by her husband. Willis married high school boyfriend Mas Palermo in 1989, but they divorced in 1991. In 1992, Willis met Austin singer-songwriter Bruce Robison. After several years of dating, Willis and Robison married in 1996. After a decade focused on her music career, Willis", "title": "Kelly Willis" }, { "docid": "745069", "text": "career, Willis has depicted several military characters in films such as \"In Country\", \"The Siege\", \"Hart's War\", \"Tears of the Sun\", \"Grindhouse,\" and \"\". Growing up in a military family, Willis has publicly sold Girl Scout cookies for the United States armed forces. In 2002, Willis' then 8-year-old daughter, Tallulah, suggested that he purchase Girl Scout cookies to send to troops. Willis purchased 12,000 boxes of cookies, and they were distributed to sailors aboard USS \"John F. Kennedy\" and other troops stationed throughout the Middle East at the time. In 2003, Willis visited Iraq as part of the USO tour,", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745048", "text": "John McClane in \"Die Hard\", Willis reprised his role in the sequels \"Die Hard 2\" (1990) and \"Die Hard with a Vengeance\" (1995). These first three installments in the \"Die Hard\" series grossed over US$700 million internationally and propelled Willis to the first rank of Hollywood action stars. In the early 1990s, Willis's career suffered a moderate slump, as he starred in flops such as \"The Bonfire of the Vanities\" (1990). He gained more success with \"Striking Distance\" (1993) but flopped again with \"Color of Night\" (1994): another box office failure, it was savaged by critics but did well in", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "13215343", "text": "the tri-nations test against the Springboks at the Wellington Stadium as a replacement. Willis had an excellent season with Waikato in the 2002 NPC but then departed along with other Waikato stalwarts such as Bruce Reihana and Deon Muir for overseas. Willis managed 114 first class matches, of which 50 were for Waikato and 36 in the Super 12. Of his dozen tests eight were as a replacement or as a substitute. Royce is now working as a physiotherapist in Tauranga. Royce Willis Royce Kevin Willis (born 28 August 1975 in Tokoroa) was an international rugby union player who represented", "title": "Royce Willis" }, { "docid": "745073", "text": "consider to be freedom.\" In 1996, Roger Director, a writer and producer from \"Moonlighting\", wrote a roman à clef on Willis titled \"A Place to Fall\". Cybill Shepherd wrote in her 2000 autobiography, \"Cybill Disobedience\", that Willis became angry at Director when he read the book and discovered the character had been written as a \"neurotic, petulant actor.\" In 1998, Willis participated in \"Apocalypse\", a PlayStation video game. The game was originally announced to feature Willis as a sidekick, not as the main character. The company reworked the game using Willis's likeness and voice and changed the game to use", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745065", "text": "again in a civil ceremony in Beverly Hills, six days later. The couple has two daughters: Mabel Ray Willis (b. 2012) and Evelyn Penn Willis (b. 2014). Willis was a Lutheran at some point, but no longer practices. In a July 1998 interview with \"George\" magazine, he stated: In 1988, Willis and then-wife Demi Moore campaigned for Democratic Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis's Presidential bid. Four years later, he supported President George H. W. Bush for reelection and was an outspoken critic of Bill Clinton. However, in 1996, he declined to endorse Clinton's Republican opponent Bob Dole, because Dole had criticized", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "10892538", "text": "Wrapped (Bruce Robison song) \"Wrapped\" is a song written by Bruce Robison. First recorded on his 1998 album \"Wrapped\", then by Kelly Willis on her 1998 album \"What I Deserve\", it was later covered by American country-music artist George Strait on his 2006 album \"It Just Comes Natural\". It was released on March 19, 2007 as the album's third single; Strait's version of the song was a Top 5 country hit, reaching number 2 on the \"Billboard\" country charts. \"Wrapped\" is a mid-tempo where the narrator explains his inability to stop thinking about a lover who has left. This is", "title": "Wrapped (Bruce Robison song)" }, { "docid": "4990184", "text": "army veteran Noah Galloway who took second and third place, respectively. Willis joined partner Valentin Chmerkovskiy and other Dancing with the Stars professionals on the 40-city \"Dancing with the Stars: Perfect 10 Tour\" during the summer of 2015. Rumer Willis Rumer Glenn Willis (born August 16, 1988) is an American actress and singer. She is the oldest daughter of actors Bruce Willis and Demi Moore. Willis won season 20 of \"Dancing with the Stars.\" She went on to make her Broadway debut in \"Chicago\" as Roxie Hart on September 21, 2015. She has recently had a recurring role in season", "title": "Rumer Willis" }, { "docid": "745071", "text": "of the war: I went to Iraq because what I saw when I was over there was soldiers—young kids for the most part—helping people in Iraq; helping getting the power turned back on, helping get hospitals open, helping get the water turned back on and you don't hear any of that on the news. You hear, <nowiki>'</nowiki>X number of people were killed today,<nowiki>'</nowiki> which I think does a huge disservice. It's like spitting on these young men and women who are over there fighting to help this country. Willis stated in 2005 that he wanted to \"make a pro-war film", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745051", "text": "Sense\", which was both a commercial and critical success. In 2000, Willis won an Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series for his work on \"Friends\" (in which he played the father of Ross Geller's much-younger girlfriend). He was also nominated for a 2001 American Comedy Award (in the Funniest Male Guest Appearance in a TV Series category) for his work on \"Friends\". Also in 2000, Willis played Jimmy \"The Tulip\" Tudeski in \"The Whole Nine Yards\" alongside Matthew Perry. Willis was originally cast as Terry Benedict in \"Ocean's Eleven\" (2001) but dropped out to work on recording", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745047", "text": "Willis enjoyed moderate success as a recording artist, recording an album of pop-blues titled \"The Return of Bruno\", which included the hit single \"Respect Yourself\" featuring The Pointer Sisters. The LP was promoted by a Spinal Tap–like rockumentary parody featuring scenes of Willis performing at famous events including Woodstock. He released a version of the Drifters song \"Under the Boardwalk\" as a second single; it got to No. 2 in the UK Top 40 but was less successful in the U.S. Willis returned to the recording studio several times afterward. Having acquired major personal success and pop culture influence playing", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745043", "text": "would play in the television series \"Moonlighting\" and the 1991 film \"The Last Boy Scout\"), Willis turned to acting. He enrolled in the Drama Program at Montclair State University, where he was cast in the class production of \"Cat on a Hot Tin Roof\". Willis left school in his junior year in 1977 and moved to New York City, where in the early 1980s he supported himself as a bartender at the West 19th Street art bar Kamikaze. He performed as an extra in Paul Newman's closing summation scene in \"The Verdict\" in 1982. Willis left New York City and", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745042", "text": "his father was a welder, master mechanic, and factory worker. Willis attended Penns Grove High School in his hometown, where he encountered issues with a stutter. He was nicknamed \"Buck-Buck\" by his schoolmates. Willis joined the drama club in high school, and acting on stage reduced his stutter. He was eventually appointed student council president. After he graduated from high school in 1973, Willis took a job as a security guard at the Salem Nuclear Power Plant and transported work crews at the DuPont Chambers Works factory in Deepwater, New Jersey. After working as a private investigator (a role he", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745058", "text": "McDormand in \"Moonrise Kingdom\" (2012). Filming took place in Rhode Island under the direction of Wes Anderson, in 2011. Willis returned, in an expanded role, in \"The Expendables 2\" (2012). He appeared alongside Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the sci-fi action film, \"Looper\" (2012), as the older version of Gordon-Levitt's character, Joe. Willis teamed up with 50 Cent in a film directed by David Barrett called \"Fire with Fire\", starring opposite Josh Duhamel and Rosario Dawson, about a fireman who must save the love of his life. Willis also joined Vince Vaughn and Catherine Zeta-Jones in \"Lay the Favorite\", directed by Stephen", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "10013237", "text": "and \"Wrapped\" (recorded in 2006 by George Strait, reached No. 2 in 2007). Sister, Robyn Ludwick, and brother Charlie Robison are accomplished singer/songwriters in their own right. In 1992, he met singer-songwriter Kelly Willis and they married in 1996. Together they had a son, Deral Otis, in January 2001. Willis became pregnant again and gave birth to twins Abigail Esme and Benjamin James on March 24, 2003. On January 11, 2006, Kelly welcomed fourth child Joseph Willis Robison. Bruce Robison Bruce Ben Robison (born June 11, 1966) is an American, Austin-based Texas country music singer-songwriter. Bruce and his brother, fellow", "title": "Bruce Robison" }, { "docid": "5722810", "text": "/ spring 2008 scheduled dates continued as planned until the final show May 2, 2008. Willis has recently begun to tour outside of Texas again; first she headlined the Northern Rockies Folk Festival in Hailey, Idaho on August 7, 2010. Next up, she performed at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival at Speedway Meadow in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco on October 2, 2010. In 2011, Willis toured the United States with her husband Bruce Robison, performing new songs in preparation for an album with Robison. The album, \"Cheater's Game\", was released on February 12, 2013. Willis and Robison began", "title": "Kelly Willis" }, { "docid": "16342479", "text": "What Yo Name Iz? \"What Yo Name Iz?\" is the debut single by American rapper Kirko Bangz. The Sound M.O.B. produced song was featured on his mixtape \"Procrastination Kills 3\" (2011). It's also Kirko Bangz's first song to chart on the US \"Billboard\" charts. The official remix to \"What Yo Name Iz?\" features Wale, Big Sean, and Bun B. The remix was released on , before the original version. Maxrank also made a remix for this song. \"What Yo Name Iz?\" was the first song by Kirko Bangz to chart on the billboard charts. It debuted at number 97 on", "title": "What Yo Name Iz?" }, { "docid": "18352021", "text": "confusion with fictional characters. Facebook furthermore prohibits users from accurately representing names which according to the site have \"too many words\", and prohibits initializing first names, preventing users who do so in real life from formatting their own names as they see fit. The social networking website Facebook has maintained the real-name system policy for user profiles. According to Facebook, the real-name policy stems from the position \"that way, you always know who you're connecting with. This helps keep our community safe.\" Likewise per this policy, a \"real name\" is defined by \"your real name as it would be listed", "title": "Facebook real-name policy controversy" }, { "docid": "16575022", "text": "was enacted after the suicide of Choi Jin-sil which was said to be related to malicious comments about her on Internet bulletin boards. The new rule is aimed at minimizing the amount of negative information to make netizens responsible for their behavior on the Internet. South Koreans have been familiar with the real-name system. Since the mid-1990s, doing real property transactions and financial transactions must be performed under a real name following relevant laws. The real-name system in real property transactions and financial transactions is believed to contribute to the sound economic order of the nation. On August 23, 2012,", "title": "Real-name system" }, { "docid": "745066", "text": "Demi Moore for her role in the film \"Striptease\". Willis was an invited speaker at the 2000 Republican National Convention, and supported George W. Bush that year. He did not make any contributions or public endorsements in the 2008 presidential campaign. In several June 2007 interviews, he declared that he maintains some Republican ideologies. In 2006, he said that the United States should intervene more into Colombia, in order to end the drug trafficking. In several interviews Willis has said that he supports large salaries for teachers and police officers, and said he is disappointed in the United States foster", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745062", "text": "Valley, Idaho. In 2000, Willis, with his business partner Arnold Rifkin, started a motion picture production company called Cheyenne Enterprises. He left the company to be run solely by Rifkin in 2007 after \"Live Free or Die Hard\". He also owns several small businesses in Hailey, Idaho, including The Mint Bar and The Liberty Theater and is a co-founder of Planet Hollywood, with actors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. In 2009, Willis signed a contract to become the international face of Belvedere SA's Sobieski Vodka in exchange for 3.3% ownership in the company. Willis's acting role models are Gary Cooper,", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745059", "text": "Frears, about a Las Vegas cocktail waitress who becomes an elite professional gambler. The two films were distributed by Lionsgate Entertainment. Willis reprised his most famous role, John McClane, for a fifth time, starring in \"A Good Day to Die Hard\", which was released on February 14, 2013. In an interview, Willis said, \"I have a warm spot in my heart for \"Die Hard\"... it's just the sheer novelty of being able to play the same character over 25 years and still be asked back is fun. It's much more challenging to have to do a film again and try", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745040", "text": "\"Death Becomes Her\" (1992), \"Pulp Fiction\" (1994), \"12 Monkeys\" (1995), \"The Fifth Element\" (1997), \"Armageddon\" (1998), \"The Sixth Sense\" (1999), \"Unbreakable\" (2000), \"Sin City\" (2005), \"Red\" (2010), \"Moonrise Kingdom\", \"The Expendables 2\", and \"Looper\" (all 2012). He made his Broadway debut in the stage adaptation of \"Misery\" in 2015. As a musician, Willis released his debut album, \"The Return of Bruno\", in 1987. He has since released two more solo albums, in 1989 and 2001. Willis is the recipient of several accolades, including a Golden Globe, two Primetime Emmy Awards, and two People's Choice Awards. He received a star on", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "11945823", "text": "People in Residential Real Estate\" according to the Swanepoel Power 200. Co-founder Gary Keller announced an executive leadership transition on Feb. 9, 2015, with Chris Heller succeeding Mark Willis as CEO. Mark W. Willis Mark Willis is an American business executive and stock holder at Keller Williams Realty, an international real estate franchise with headquarters in Austin, Texas. Willis was President of Keller Williams Realty prior to 2005 when he took over the position as chief executive officer (CEO). In 2015, Chris Heller succeeded Mark Willis as CEO. Willis is known as a prodigious and respected leader in the world", "title": "Mark W. Willis" }, { "docid": "11945820", "text": "Mark W. Willis Mark Willis is an American business executive and stock holder at Keller Williams Realty, an international real estate franchise with headquarters in Austin, Texas. Willis was President of Keller Williams Realty prior to 2005 when he took over the position as chief executive officer (CEO). In 2015, Chris Heller succeeded Mark Willis as CEO. Willis is known as a prodigious and respected leader in the world of business. Willis began his executive career in real estate in the mid-1980s as a branch manager for Coldwell Banker. He was also the proprietor of Carriage House Realty prior to", "title": "Mark W. Willis" }, { "docid": "7130402", "text": "of his campus lectures, as well as a few public screenings including showings at the sixth annual Ashland Independent Film Festival, CineVegas and the eleventh annual East Lansing Film Festival. A trailer was released for the film as well and is available on various websites. A screening was held at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema. Tickets for the show sold out in less than two minutes, breaking the previous Alamo ticket sellout record, which was also set by a Bruce Campbell appearance at the theater in 1998. In the mining town of Gold Lick, Oregon, Jeff (Taylor Sharpe), a young fan", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "4517963", "text": "could never be him.\" Bruce Li Bruce Li () (born Ho Chung-tao June 5, 1950) is a Taiwanese actor, martial artist and Bruce Lee imitator who starred in martial arts films from the Bruceploitation movement. Li is perhaps best known for his role as Bruce Lee in the 1976 film \"\". He went to play a stuntman in Taiwan and Hong Kong under the name of James Ho. At the death of Bruce Lee, Ho Chung-tao's real career began. Hong Kong studios noticed that Ho resembled the kung fu star. They first employed him in \"Conspiracy\" before the producers of", "title": "Bruce Li" }, { "docid": "4517958", "text": "Bruce Li Bruce Li () (born Ho Chung-tao June 5, 1950) is a Taiwanese actor, martial artist and Bruce Lee imitator who starred in martial arts films from the Bruceploitation movement. Li is perhaps best known for his role as Bruce Lee in the 1976 film \"\". He went to play a stuntman in Taiwan and Hong Kong under the name of James Ho. At the death of Bruce Lee, Ho Chung-tao's real career began. Hong Kong studios noticed that Ho resembled the kung fu star. They first employed him in \"Conspiracy\" before the producers of \"Game of Death\" asked", "title": "Bruce Li" }, { "docid": "17649573", "text": "The Glorious First of June, the final instalment of his Hearts of Oak Trilogy. In 2010 he made a discovery in the British Library of previously unpublished naval dispatches from the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars which became the subject of his 2013 book, \"In The Hour of Victory\". Sam Willis Samuel Bruce Adlam Willis (born 24 April 1977) is a British historian, television presenter and writer. He lives in Devon. He studied History and Archaeology at Exeter University, graduating in 2000 and went on to earn a PhD in Naval History from Exeter, studying under Professor Nicholas Rodger. He", "title": "Sam Willis" }, { "docid": "16575032", "text": "identity fraud is not being committed on the social networking site. Vernor Vinge's novella \"True Names\" charts the idea of how serious knowing one's identity can be. As such it is also a part of cypherpunk culture. Real-name system A real-name system is a system in which when a user who wants to register an account on a blog, website or bulletin board system, is required to offer identification credentials including their legal name to the network service centre. One may use an on-line pseudonym, however, the person's real identity would be available if rules or laws are broken. South", "title": "Real-name system" }, { "docid": "16575026", "text": "them to track property ownership and inheritance, collect taxes, maintain court records, perform police work, conscript soldiers, and control epidemics. Though the Facebook social networking site does not directly employ the real-name system, the site's online Name Policy indicates the following: \"Facebook is a community where people use their real identities. We require everyone to provide their real names, so you always know who you're connecting with. This helps keep our community safe.\" This means that under Facebook's Name Policy, users are strongly encouraged to provide their real names when creating an account on Facebook. This, according to Facebook, ensures", "title": "Real-name system" }, { "docid": "4372609", "text": "in all of which Willis featured. Preceding them were three ODI fixtures, across which Willis took a total of five wickets at 15.80. The first Test took place on 16 June, at Lord's. Australia, batting second and looking to take a lead over England's 216 all out, were dismantled by Willis who returned a career-best 7/78. After a century from Woolmer, Australia fell to 114/6 with two more wickets to Willis before the match ended as a draw. Willis' \"hostile speed\" gained praise in giving \"Australia a real fright.\" Wills took four more wickets in the second Test to aid", "title": "Bob Willis" }, { "docid": "5722808", "text": "as Willis’s response to her history with MCA, and was uniformly praised by critics, becoming a hit for Willis. Willis was also a judge for the 2nd annual Independent Music Awards to support independent artists' careers. In 2003, Willis and Bruce Robison, her husband and fellow country musician, released the record \"Happy Holidays\", a cover album of Christmas songs. Starting in 2005, Willis and Robison appeared in television and radio commercials for the anti-allergy product Claritin. In Fall 2007, Willis released \"Translated From Love\". It was recorded at Robison's studio, Premium Recording Services, in Austin, TX. and produced by Chuck", "title": "Kelly Willis" }, { "docid": "10734163", "text": "met his daughter, Lady Mary Isabella. They married the following year, and settled with Willis's widowed mother and his sister at Hendon. Their son, Robert Bruce Willis, was born in 1826. In 1827, with his father-in-law's endorsement, Willis was appointed a puisne judge of the Court of King's bench in Upper Canada,with the expectation being that a Court of Chancery would be established shortly after at which he would be the judge. Willis and his family arrived in Canada on 17 September. Although at first he and his wife were welcomed into the social and legal life of the colony,", "title": "John Walpole Willis" }, { "docid": "745070", "text": "singing to the troops with his band, The Accelerators. Willis considered joining the military to help fight the second Iraq War, but was deterred by his age. It was believed he offered $1 million to any noncombatant who turns in terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, or Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; in the June 2007 issue of \"Vanity Fair\", however, he clarified that the statement was made hypothetically and not meant to be taken literally. Willis has also criticized the media for its coverage of the war, complaining that the press were more likely to focus on the negative aspects", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "745064", "text": "work.\" He credited actor Will Smith for helping him cope with the situation. Willis has maintained a close relationship with both Moore and her third husband, actor Ashton Kutcher, and attended their wedding. Willis was engaged to actress Brooke Burns until they broke up in 2004 after ten months together. He dated actress Tamara Feldman for a time, after they met during the filming of \"Perfect Stranger\". He married model Emma Heming in Turks and Caicos on March 21, 2009; guests included his three daughters, Demi Moore, and Ashton Kutcher. The ceremony was not legally binding, so the couple wed", "title": "Bruce Willis" }, { "docid": "17741118", "text": "Willis J. Hutnik Willis J. Hutnik was a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly. Hutnik was born on March 23, 1915 in Elk, Wisconsin. He attended Phillips High School in Phillips, Wisconsin, Price County Normal School, Central State Teachers College in Ohio, and the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Hutnik owned a school/office supply business in Tony, Wisconsin where he lived and was a teacher, principal, and real estate broker. He died in Mesa, Arizona on December 13, 1996. A bill proposing to name a portion of Wisconsin Highway 27 in Rusk County, Wisconsin and Sawyer County, Wisconsin the Willis J. Hutnik", "title": "Willis J. Hutnik" }, { "docid": "4161404", "text": "decades later, Jacobs would write in her pseudonymized autobiography \"Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl\", which she began composing while working for the Willis family, that she \"was convinced that ... Nathaniel Parker Willis was proslavery\". Willis is depicted as \"Mr. Bruce\", an unattractive Southern sympathizer in the book. One of Willis's tales, \"The Night Funeral of a Slave\", featured an abolitionist who visits the South and regrets his anti-slavery views; Frederick Douglass later used the work to criticize Northerners who were pro-slavery. Returning to New York City, Willis reorganized, along with George Pope Morris, the weekly \"New", "title": "Nathaniel Parker Willis" }, { "docid": "2673808", "text": "Victoria (she is not actually identified by name, but there is little doubt considering the dropped hints and given that the story is set in the year 1895, while she still reigned). A 1922 entry in the Stoll film series was an adaptation of \"The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans\" with Eille Norwood as Sherlock Holmes, Hubert Willis as Dr. Watson, and Lewis Gilbert as Mycroft Holmes. An adaptation of \"The Bruce-Partington Plans\" was used for an episode of the 1965 television series \"Sherlock Holmes\" starring Douglas Wilmer as Holmes and Nigel Stock as Watson. Only the first of two", "title": "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans" }, { "docid": "7130408", "text": "and attacks Bruce. There was over a year's gap between the film's earliest screenings and its wider release in October 2008. Dark Horse Comics' Mike Richardson commented on this: \"'Some people maybe thought the film fell out or that there was something wrong with it,' Richardson says, touching on Bruce's slow journey getting before wide audiences. It was roughly a year ago that it screened to CineVegas film fest attendees. 'We did our shoot, put it in the can and the studio that financed it liked it so much they gave us more money to do a second shoot. We", "title": "My Name Is Bruce" }, { "docid": "19708675", "text": "First Kill (2017 film) First Kill is an American action film directed by Steven C. Miller and written by Nick Gordon. The film stars Hayden Christensen and Bruce Willis. Wall Street broker Will Beeman (Hayden Christensen) has been struggling with being present for his wife Laura (Megan Leonard) and son Danny (Ty Shelton). Shortly after hearing of Danny being bullied at school, Will decides to take his family to his hometown, Granville, Ohio in order to bond with Danny. Upon entering Granville, Will is reacquainted with Police Chief Marvin Howell (Bruce Willis), a family friend who at one point dated", "title": "First Kill (2017 film)" }, { "docid": "16342480", "text": "the U.S. Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs on the week of October 23, 2010. It spent 27 weeks on the chart and peaked at number 41. What Yo Name Iz? \"What Yo Name Iz?\" is the debut single by American rapper Kirko Bangz. The Sound M.O.B. produced song was featured on his mixtape \"Procrastination Kills 3\" (2011). It's also Kirko Bangz's first song to chart on the US \"Billboard\" charts. The official remix to \"What Yo Name Iz?\" features Wale, Big Sean, and Bun B. The remix was released on , before the original version. Maxrank also made a remix for", "title": "What Yo Name Iz?" }, { "docid": "4372617", "text": "made 24 from 20 balls, with three fours and a six. With this cameo knock, he both surpassed his previous best Test score, and passed 1,500 first-class runs. In the sixth and final Test, England took a nine wicket victory to seal the series convincingly 5:1. Graham Yallop, the Australian captain, had opened the Australian bowling attack with an old ball and two spinners, Bruce Yardley and Jim Higgs, in an effort to disrupt the English openers. Willis took 1/48 and managed to hit 10 runs with the bat. Willis \"struck early and decisive blows\" through the tournament, although struggled", "title": "Bob Willis" }, { "docid": "2182699", "text": "hits, and no earned runs. On August 17, Willis held the Padres scoreless by shutting the Padres out in 9 innings, earning him his 16th win of the season, second most in baseball. \"He's as good as anybody,\" San Diego manager Bruce Bochy said. \"We aren't the first team he has shut out this year.\" The win put Florida one-and-a-half games behind Houston and Philadelphia in the wild card standings. Willis won his 19th game of the season against the Mets on September 2, breaking Carl Pavano's franchise record for most wins in a season. Pavano held the Marlins' mark", "title": "Dontrelle Willis" }, { "docid": "17154630", "text": "players, including former Dallas Cowboy Flozell Adams and Green Bay Packer Donald Driver. Willis & Woy Sports Group has negotiated over 2 billion dollars in contracts to date. Willis is an investor and partner in Stephan Pyles’ Concepts, which include San Salvaje, Stephan Pyles, Stampede 66, and Stephan Pyles Catering. Kingsford Housing is also owned and operated by Willis. A Dallas based private equity and real estate firm. In December 2013, Willis announced his partnership with software developer Michael Mauerer to launch Retail Cloud Technologies, LLC to produce totally mobile and cloud-based software solutions for retailers. Willis is in ownership", "title": "Chad Willis" }, { "docid": "12799775", "text": "was introduced with many different trim levels, and are collected as rare vehicles from 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 with an assortment of different names (i.e. Brighton, Lancaster, VZ to name a few). 1993 Subaru Legacy Touring Bruce, named for Bruce Willis, who lent himself to a Japanese market advertising campaign and sang in commercials, singing the song \"A House of Gold\" by Kenny Rankin. Willis also appeared in the Japanese market Subaru Legacy sales brochure for both the sedan and wagon, wearing a linen suit in both brochures. Singers Jennifer Lopez and Rod Stewart have both filmed TV commercials for", "title": "Subaru Legacy (first generation)" }, { "docid": "17154633", "text": "In 2014, the Chad Willis Foundation was created as a private charitable foundation established to further the philanthropic objectives of Chad Willis towards his support of organizations, charities, and individuals with the resources needed to achieve success and well-being. Willis spends his time between his residences in Dallas and Southern California. Chad Willis Phillip “Chad” Willis is the chairman and CEO of Texas Energy Holdings and its subsidiaries. Willis holds ownership in companies ranging from software, bomb detection, real estate, restaurants, and sports management. In aggregate, his holdings encompass direct ownership in more than 16 companies that oversee close to", "title": "Chad Willis" }, { "docid": "17154626", "text": "Chad Willis Phillip “Chad” Willis is the chairman and CEO of Texas Energy Holdings and its subsidiaries. Willis holds ownership in companies ranging from software, bomb detection, real estate, restaurants, and sports management. In aggregate, his holdings encompass direct ownership in more than 16 companies that oversee close to 500 employees. Willis was born in 1979 in Dallas Texas and raised in Mesquite, a suburb of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Willis, the oldest of two siblings, grew up in a working class environment, the son of a school district maintenance worker and a high school mathematics teacher. Willis got his", "title": "Chad Willis" }, { "docid": "17996481", "text": "Willis, Oklahoma Willis is an unincorporated community in Marshall County, Oklahoma, United States. Willis is located in the far southern portion of the county near Lake Texoma and is south-southwest of Madill. U.S. Route 377 passes near the community to the west. The community of Willis, Oklahoma was settled in 1843 when James Hamilton Willis and his wife, Amanda, a Chickasaw family, emigrated to Indian Territory. They built their house and a store east of what later became the site of Willis Bridge. The community that grew up around them became known as Willis. Their son, Raleigh \"Brit\" Willis, is", "title": "Willis, Oklahoma" }, { "docid": "15281065", "text": "August 2012. What If We Were Real What If We Were Real is the fourth studio album by CCM singer Mandisa. The album was released on April 5, 2011 on Sparrow Records. This album received a nomination at 54th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album. Mandisa began work on the album in July 2010. She also co-wrote three songs on the album. The album also features a guest appearance from tobyMac on the song \"Good Morning\". The first single off of the album was \"Stronger\". It peaked at number one on the Hot Christian Songs chart and as", "title": "What If We Were Real" }, { "docid": "15281063", "text": "What If We Were Real What If We Were Real is the fourth studio album by CCM singer Mandisa. The album was released on April 5, 2011 on Sparrow Records. This album received a nomination at 54th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album. Mandisa began work on the album in July 2010. She also co-wrote three songs on the album. The album also features a guest appearance from tobyMac on the song \"Good Morning\". The first single off of the album was \"Stronger\". It peaked at number one on the Hot Christian Songs chart and as of August", "title": "What If We Were Real" }, { "docid": "10111199", "text": "You Don't Know What Love Is \"You Don't Know What Love Is\" is a popular song of the Great American Songbook, written by Don Raye (lyrics) and Gene de Paul (music) for the Abbott and Costello picture \"Keep 'Em Flying\" (1941), in which it was sung by Carol Bruce. The number was deleted from the film prior to release. The song was later included in \"Behind the Eight Ball\" (1942), starring the Ritz Brothers. \"You Don't Know What Love Is\" was again sung by Carol Bruce; it was her third and final film until the 1980s. After Miles Davis recorded", "title": "You Don't Know What Love Is" }, { "docid": "7728604", "text": "\"Rolling Stone\" readers' poll, titled \"10 Greatest Solo Beatle Songs\", the song placed fourth, with the editor commenting: \"The track is deceptively simple, and more layers become apparent the more often you play it.\" \"What Is Life\" has featured in Bruce Pollock's book \"The 7,500 Most Important Songs of 1944–2000\", Treble website's \"The Top 200 Songs of the 1970s\" (ranked at number 101) and Dave Thompson's \"1000 Songs That Rock Your World\" (at number 247). \"What Is Life\" was included on the 1976 compilation \"The Best of George Harrison\" as well as 2009's \"\". The song has also been featured", "title": "What Is Life" }, { "docid": "15577060", "text": "believe passionately in what I do\". Willis chose to depart \"The Biggest Loser\" after the tenth season aired in 2015. In May 2018, Willis made his acting debut in television soap opera \"Home and Away\", with a guest appearance as an AFP trainer. Two months later, it was confirmed that Willis had joined the cast of \"\", which began airing in August. Willis became the 18th person eliminated from the show, and the 5th jury member. Willis has been in a relationship with fellow \"Biggest Loser\" trainer Michelle Bridges since 2013. Bridges gave birth to their first child, a son,", "title": "Steve Willis" }, { "docid": "7728610", "text": "performance of \"What Is Life\" that was \"greeted with a reception that matched anything the New York audience at the Bangla Desh concerts expressed\". English born Australian pop singer Olivia Newton-John recorded \"What Is Life\", along with a version of Harrison's \"All Things Must Pass\" track \"Behind That Locked Door\", for her 1972 album \"Olivia\". The song was arranged and produced by Bruce Welch of the Shadows and John Farrar, who was Newton-John's regular producer and collaborator during the 1970s. Released as a single in some countries, this version reached the UK top 20 in March 1972, peaking at number", "title": "What Is Life" }, { "docid": "3247799", "text": "the band Pressbox. Co-produced by Willis, Alison Rogers and Jamie Oldaker, guest musicians include Oldaker (drums, percussion); Sam Bush & Tim O'Brien (mandolin, vocals); Viktor Krauss, Roscoe Beck & Freebo (bass); Bruce Bouton (steel guitar); Mickey Raphael (harmonica); Walt Richmond (piano, organ); Joel Guzman (accordion); Marcia Ball, Tommy Malone, Abra Moore & Alison Rogers (vocals). Ramsey, Rogers, and Everett Moran are engineering. Willis Alan Ramsey Willis Alan Ramsey (born March 5, 1951) is an American singer/songwriter, a cult legend among fans of Americana and Texas country. He was born in Birmingham, Alabama and raised in Dallas, Texas. Ramsey graduated from", "title": "Willis Alan Ramsey" }, { "docid": "15490577", "text": "abdominal injury. Deric would return in week 6, but he picked up a red card, forcing Willis to come in as a sub and start the next game as Deric served his suspension. Willis would come in for Deric again on May 15 as Deric served a suspension for another red card. Willis picked up his first career assist in the game when he hit a long goal kick that Giles Barnes ran onto and converted to score the game winning goal over Real Salt Lake. Willis would fill in for Deric as he missed time with another abdominal injury", "title": "Joe Willis (soccer)" }, { "docid": "6412305", "text": "DeWayne Bruce DeWayne Bruce (born August 2, 1962) is an American former professional wrestler, best known by his ring name, Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker and his nickname Sarge. Bruce was a trainer at the WCW Power Plant wrestling school, and worked primarily for World Championship Wrestling. Bruce debuted in World Championship Wrestling in 1989, using his real name as a preliminary wrestler, then earned some undercard notoriety as Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker, competing in a tag-team with partner Lt. James Earl Wright, as The State Patrol. He later became a member of the Dungeon of Doom, under the short-lived identity", "title": "DeWayne Bruce" }, { "docid": "14150209", "text": "Willis was appointed to the New South Wales Legislative Council. He was Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Council from 1977 to 1978 and Leader from 1978 to 1981. In 1991 he was elected President of the Council, succeeding Johno Johnson who had been President since 1978. Willis was forced to resign as the President and from the house when, under the influence of alcohol, he was unable to control proceedings during voting on a motion to dismiss Supreme Court Justice Vince Bruce. He was replaced by Virginia Chadwick in 1998 and retired from politics in 1999. Max Willis", "title": "Max Willis" }, { "docid": "1238869", "text": "Willis, Texas Willis is a city in Montgomery County, Texas, United States, located eight miles north of Conroe in north central Montgomery County. The city began to develop in 1870 after what is now a Union Pacific Railroad was built through the area. As a part of the Piney Woods, The Willis economy has historically been driven by lumber, agriculture, and the manufacture of lumber and agriculture equipment. As of 2016, the population of Willis was estimated to be 6,370. In 2008, after Willis' population passed 5,000, the city established a home rule city charter. Willis is located at (30.422640,", "title": "Willis, Texas" }, { "docid": "4161417", "text": "were having an affair, including a waiter who claimed he had seen the couple \"lying on each other\". As the press reported, \"thousands and thousands of the anxious public\" awaited the court's verdict; ultimately, the court sided with Catherine Forrest and Willis's name was cleared. Willis arbitrarily refused to print the work of his sister Sara Willis (\"Fanny Fern\") after 1854, though she previously had contributed anonymous book reviews to the \"Home Journal\". She had recently been widowed, became destitute, and was publicly denounced by her abusive second husband. Criticizing what he perceived as her restlessness, Willis once made her", "title": "Nathaniel Parker Willis" }, { "docid": "15548254", "text": "arrival in the Bay Area, Allen studied under photographer Ansel Adams at what is now called the San Francisco Art Institute. In 1955, he produced, directed, filmed and edited the 16-millimeter film \"Have You Sold Your Dozen Roses?\" with San Francisco poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Willis was also an early collaborator with Melvin Van Peebles around this time. In 1963, Willis was hired by San Francisco public television station KQED, which according to the East Bay Media Center, made him the first African American in broadcast journalism in California. For the next 25 years, Willis would direct a number of award-winning", "title": "Allen Willis" }, { "docid": "17649568", "text": "Sam Willis Samuel Bruce Adlam Willis (born 24 April 1977) is a British historian, television presenter and writer. He lives in Devon. He studied History and Archaeology at Exeter University, graduating in 2000 and went on to earn a PhD in Naval History from Exeter, studying under Professor Nicholas Rodger. He went on to research for an MA in Maritime Archaeology from the University of Bristol where he studied under Professor Mark Horton. He is a visiting Fellow in Maritime and Naval History at the University of Plymouth, and a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He is the editor", "title": "Sam Willis" }, { "docid": "13645504", "text": "Winston E. Willis Winston Earl Willis (born October 21, 1939) is a former American real estate developer who established his business in Cleveland, Ohio during the early 1960s. He created University Circle Properties Development, Inc. (UCPD, Inc.), which owned real estate parcels in Cleveland and was the largest employer of black people in that part of the country. Under UCPD at East 105th and Euclid, upwards of 23 businesses operated simultaneously. In the 1970s and 80s Willis ran afoul of tax and other laws and lost his properties to seizure in 1983. His ongoing legal battles with the city of", "title": "Winston E. Willis" }, { "docid": "5139317", "text": "Bridge\" is the name of the 2015 album released by 80 REEF The Willis Avenue Bridge carries the bus route operated by MTA New York City Transit. The route's average weekday ridership is 19,951. Willis Avenue Bridge The Willis Avenue Bridge is a swing bridge that carries road traffic northbound (and bicycles and pedestrians both ways) over the Harlem River between the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx, United States. It connects First Avenue in Manhattan with Willis Avenue in the Bronx. The New York City Department of Transportation is responsible for maintaining and operating the bridge.", "title": "Willis Avenue Bridge" }, { "docid": "8716714", "text": "elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1946 and 1948. As of 1995, Phillip Willis and Doyle Willis were the only brothers to have served at the same time in the Texas House. Afterwards, he worked in real estate, building civil defense shelters, and became an automobile dealer. Willis moved to Dallas in 1960. Willis was married to Marilyn Willis, and the couple had two daughters, Linda and Rosemary. Willis was present in Dealey Plaza during the assassination of Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Standing near the curb at the corner of Houston and Elm Streets, he took a", "title": "Phillip Willis" }, { "docid": "16575031", "text": "an account with a real name or one using a pseudonym does not matter. Yet, Costolo also points out that Twitter is not necessarily in full support of the idea of users having pseudonyms; instead, Twitter is simply \"wedded to people being able to use the service as they see fit.\" Twitter emphasizes care in its services that it provides for users rather than requiring real names. This does not mean, however, that Twitter ignores the issue regarding real identities. Regarding this matter, Twitter is able to verify accounts of prominent Twitter users such as celebrities in order to ensure", "title": "Real-name system" }, { "docid": "5586655", "text": "is a Star)\". The album became a huge hit in the burgeoning disco market. After an offer from Dick Clark for the group to perform on \"American Bandstand\", Morali and Willis were pressed to develop a \"real\" group around Willis to perform live. They did so by placing an ad in music trade papers for \"macho\" singers who \"could also dance\" and \"must have a mustache\". Willis was soon writing songs produced by and co-written with Morali for the group and other artists which met with success. The Village People quickly rose to the top of the charts with Willis", "title": "Victor Willis" }, { "docid": "9417408", "text": "LP \"My Name Is Nicole Willis\", the second release for Persephone Records as September 29, 2017, distributed by Kudos Records. The album is a collaboration with \"UMO Jazz Orchestra\", composed of songs written by Ms Willis, guitarist Pete Toikkanen and Jimi Tenor as well as from her catalogue with The Soul Investigators. Ian Svenonius is featured on the prologue as well as epilogue tracks of the album. The album is produced by Ms Willis, mixes assisted by herself with Jimi Tenor, while Jimi Tenor and Ilari Larjosto engineered and recorded. \"My Name Is Nicole Willis\" received a 4 star review", "title": "Nicole Willis" }, { "docid": "10734173", "text": "died on 10 September 1877, survived by the son of his first marriage, and by a son John William Willis-Bund and two daughters by the second marriage. Amongst his descendants were Francis MacCarthy Willis Bund, an Anglican clergyman and Chaplain of Balliol College, Oxford, Frederick Smythe Willis, the sometime mayor of Willoughby, New South Wales and founder member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, and Leslie R. H. Willis, engineer and archaeologist. Despite his considerable ability, Willis was noted to have a naturally rather difficult temperament, which was not improved by his clashes with colleagues over what he perceived", "title": "John Walpole Willis" }, { "docid": "11214632", "text": "given to the Boy Scouts of America, in which Willis was a Scoutmaster and had received the Silver Beaver Award. According to onmilwaukee.com, Mayor Barrett designated April 22, 2012, as Cardell Willis Day. Cardis Cardell Willis Cardis Cardell Willis, better known as Cardell Willis, and often billed as C. Cardell Willis, was an influential Milwaukee comic. He was locally known mostly in the 1970s, 1980's, and 1990's. He went by the name Cardell socially and professionally, but used his formal name legally. Willis was born in 1937 either on April 20, or August 3. The discrepancy is due to the", "title": "Cardis Cardell Willis" } ]
Which William wrote the novel Lord Of The Flies?
[ "Golding", "Golding (surname)", "Golding (disambiguation)" ]
[ { "docid": "430343", "text": "to a fictional town that has appeared in a number of his novels. The book itself appears prominently in his novels \"Hearts in Atlantis\" (1999), \"Misery\" (1987), and \"Cujo\" (1981). Stephen King wrote an introduction for a new edition of \"Lord of the Flies\" (2011) to mark the centenary of William Golding's birth in 2011. The novel \"Garden Lakes\" by Jaime Clarke is an homage to \"Lord of the Flies\". The final song on U2's debut album \"Boy\" (1980) takes its title, \"Shadows and Tall Trees\", from Chapter 7 in the book. Iron Maiden wrote a song inspired by the", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "16438172", "text": "Lord of the Flies (album) \"For other instances of the same name see Lord of the Flies (disambiguation) Lord of the Flies is the fourth full-length studio album by English Gothic rock band Nosferatu.It was released in April 1998 by Cleopatra Records in the U.S.A and Canada and by Hades Records in the U.K., Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is the band's 5th best selling album with worldwide sales realising in excess of 5,000 copies. The title of the album repeats the name of the Nobel Prize-winning author William Golding's famous novel \"Lord of the Flies\" about a group of", "title": "Lord of the Flies (album)" }, { "docid": "430322", "text": "Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves. The novel has been generally well received. It was named in the Modern Library 100 Best Novels, reaching number 41 on the editor's list, and 25 on the reader's list. In 2003 it was listed at number 70 on the BBC's The Big Read poll, and in 2005 \"Time\" magazine named it as one of the 100 best English-language novels", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "430344", "text": "book, included in their 1995 album \"The X Factor\". Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding. The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves. The novel has been generally well received. It was named in the Modern Library 100 Best Novels, reaching number 41 on the editor's list, and 25 on the reader's list. In 2003 it was listed at number 70 on the BBC's The Big Read poll, and in 2005 \"Time\" magazine named", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "9108477", "text": "Lord of the Flies (1990 film) Lord of the Flies is a 1990 American survival drama film directed by Harry Hook and starring Balthazar Getty, Chris Furrh, Danuel Pipoly and James Badge Dale. It was produced by Lewis M. Allen and written by Jay Presson Allen under the pseudonym \"Sarah Schiff\", based on the 1954 book \"Lord of the Flies\", by William Golding. It is the second film adaptation of the book, after \"Lord of the Flies\" (1963). The film differs in many ways from both its predecessor film and the novel. \"Lord of the Flies\" centers on Ralph mainly,", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1990 film)" }, { "docid": "9108492", "text": "following in a 1990 review: Lord of the Flies (1990 film) Lord of the Flies is a 1990 American survival drama film directed by Harry Hook and starring Balthazar Getty, Chris Furrh, Danuel Pipoly and James Badge Dale. It was produced by Lewis M. Allen and written by Jay Presson Allen under the pseudonym \"Sarah Schiff\", based on the 1954 book \"Lord of the Flies\", by William Golding. It is the second film adaptation of the book, after \"Lord of the Flies\" (1963). The film differs in many ways from both its predecessor film and the novel. \"Lord of the", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1990 film)" }, { "docid": "9040128", "text": "of the year in 1963 by the National Board of Review. The Criterion Collection released it on DVD and Blu-ray Disc in America and Canada. Janus Films also released the DVD in the UK. Lord of the Flies (1963 film) Lord of the Flies is a 1963 British drama film, based on William Golding's novel of the same name about 30 schoolboys who are marooned on an island where the behaviour of the majority degenerates into savagery. It was written and directed by Peter Brook and produced by Lewis M. Allen. The film was in production for much of 1961,", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "9040112", "text": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film) Lord of the Flies is a 1963 British drama film, based on William Golding's novel of the same name about 30 schoolboys who are marooned on an island where the behaviour of the majority degenerates into savagery. It was written and directed by Peter Brook and produced by Lewis M. Allen. The film was in production for much of 1961, though the film did not premiere until 1963, and get released in the United Kingdom until 1964. Golding himself supported the film. When Kenneth Tynan was a script editor for Ealing Studios he commissioned", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "430339", "text": "toward the will to power. Themes include the tension between groupthink and individuality, between rational and emotional reactions, and between morality and immorality. How these play out, and how different people feel the influences of these form a major subtext of \"Lord of the Flies\". The name \"Lord of the Flies\" is a literal translation of Beelzebub, from . In February 1960, Floyd C. Gale of \"Galaxy Science Fiction\" rated \"Lord of the Flies\" five stars out of five, stating that \"Golding paints a truly terrifying picture of the decay of a minuscule society ... Well on its way to", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "430323", "text": "from 1923 to 2005. Published in 1954, \"Lord of the Flies\" was Golding's first novel. Although it did not have great success after being released—selling fewer than three thousand copies in the United States during 1955 before going out of print—it soon went on to become a best-seller. It has been adapted to film twice in English, in 1963 by Peter Brook and 1990 by Harry Hook, and once in Filipino by Lupita A. Concio (1975). The book takes place in the midst of an unspecified war. Some of the marooned characters are ordinary students, while others arrive as a", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "7978103", "text": "This is, according to Shippey, a very modern, 20th-century theme, since in earlier, medieval times, power was considered to \"reveal character\", not alter it. Shippey mentions Lord Acton's famous statement in 1887, that \"\"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men...\"\" He then goes on to point out authors that were dealing in the same themes of power and corruption at around the same time as Tolkien wrote his work. These authors include George Orwell with \"Animal Farm\" (1945), William Golding with \"Lord of the Flies\" (1954), and T. H. White with", "title": "Themes of The Lord of the Rings" }, { "docid": "7502200", "text": "Neanderthal, of whom they are simultaneously afraid and enamoured, hinting at the later hypothesis of inter-breeding between Neanderthals and modern humans. The book, particularly the last chapter, was the inspiration for the song \"A Trick of the Tail\" by British rock band Genesis. The Inheritors (Golding novel) The Inheritors is a work of prehistoric fiction and the second novel, published in 1955, by the British author William Golding, best known for \"Lord of the Flies\". It concerns the extinction of one of the last remaining tribes of Neanderthals at the hands of the more sophisticated \"Homo sapiens\". This novel is", "title": "The Inheritors (Golding novel)" }, { "docid": "7502195", "text": "The Inheritors (Golding novel) The Inheritors is a work of prehistoric fiction and the second novel, published in 1955, by the British author William Golding, best known for \"Lord of the Flies\". It concerns the extinction of one of the last remaining tribes of Neanderthals at the hands of the more sophisticated \"Homo sapiens\". This novel is an imaginative reconstruction of the life of a band of Neanderthals. It is written in such a way that the reader might assume the group to be modern \"Homo sapiens\" as they gesture and speak simply among themselves, and bury their dead with", "title": "The Inheritors (Golding novel)" }, { "docid": "430324", "text": "musical choir under an established leader. With the exception of Sam and Eric and the choirboys, they appear never to have encountered each other before. The book portrays their descent into savagery; left to themselves on a paradisiacal island, far from modern civilization, the well-educated children regress to a primitive state. Golding wrote his book as a counterpoint to R.M. Ballantyne's youth novel \"The Coral Island\" (1858), and included specific references to it, such as the rescuing naval officer's description of the children's initial attempts at civilised cooperation as \"a jolly good show, like the Coral Island\". Golding's three central", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "6987754", "text": "the civilising effect of Christianity, 19th-century British imperialism in the South Pacific, and the importance of hierarchy and leadership. It was the inspiration for William Golding's dystopian novel \"Lord of the Flies\" (1954), which inverted the morality of \"The Coral Island\"; in Ballantyne's story the children encounter evil, but in \"Lord of the Flies\" evil is within them. In the early 20th century, the novel was considered a classic for primary school children in the UK, and in the United States it was a staple of high-school suggested reading lists. Modern critics consider the book's worldview to be dated and", "title": "The Coral Island" }, { "docid": "9108491", "text": "Golding's island.\" PopMatters journalist J.C. Maçek III wrote \"The lessons and allusions of the novel and first adaptation feel heavy-handed and far too obvious in this remake. In short, while the 1963 film, in its black and white darkness, brings the viewer into the film with depth and shock, the 1990 movie is the experience of watching actors reciting lines and making a movie. Barrie Maxwell of DVD Verdict commented that the color of the island creates a more superficial atmosphere than the stark black and white of the previous version. Janet Maslin of the \"New York Times\" wrote the", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1990 film)" }, { "docid": "467005", "text": "teacher, and a mysterious angel-like figure who survives a fire in the Blitz, \"The Paper Men\" (1984) which is about the conflict between a writer and his biographer, and a sea trilogy \"To the Ends of the Earth\", which includes the \"Rites of Passage\" (1980), \"Close Quarters\" (1987), and \"Fire Down Below\" (1989), the first book of which (originally intended as a stand-alone novel) won the Booker Prize. William Golding Sir William Gerald Golding, (19 September 1911 – 19 June 1993) was a British novelist, playwright, and poet. Best known for his novel \"Lord of the Flies\", he won a", "title": "William Golding" }, { "docid": "6987783", "text": "by modern scholars and generally considered to be dated in many aspects, in 2006 it was voted one of the top twenty Scottish novels at the 15th International World Wide Web Conference. Robert Louis Stevenson's 1882 novel \"Treasure Island\" was in part inspired by \"The Coral Island\", which he admired for its \"better qualities\", as was J. M. Barrie's character Peter Pan; both Stevenson and Barrie had been \"fervent boy readers\" of the novel. Novelist G. A. Henty was also influenced by Ballantyne's audience-friendly method of didactism. William Golding's 1954 novel \"Lord of the Flies\" was written as a counterpoint", "title": "The Coral Island" }, { "docid": "466995", "text": "William Golding Sir William Gerald Golding, (19 September 1911 – 19 June 1993) was a British novelist, playwright, and poet. Best known for his novel \"Lord of the Flies\", he won a Nobel Prize in Literature and was awarded the Booker Prize for fiction in 1980 for his novel \"Rites of Passage\", the first book in what became his sea trilogy, \"To the Ends of the Earth\". Golding was knighted in 1988. He was a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. In 2008, \"The Times\" ranked Golding third on their list of \"The 50 greatest British writers since 1945\".", "title": "William Golding" } ]
[ { "docid": "430342", "text": "and Jack Caine as \"Simon\". Many writers have borrowed plot elements from \"Lord of the Flies\". By the early 1960s, it was required reading in many schools and colleges. Stephen King's fictional town of Castle Rock, inspired by the fictional mountain fort of the same name in \"Lord of the Flies\", in turn inspired the name of Rob Reiner's production company, Castle Rock Entertainment, which produced the film \"Lord of the Flies\" (1990). Stephen King got the name Castle Rock from the fictional mountain fort of the same name in \"Lord of the Flies\" and used the name to refer", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "16438173", "text": "children going wild on a deserted island and committing atrocities there. They eventually start worshipping a dead pig's head, calling it Lord of the Flies, which is a translation of the name of Beelzebub, a satanic being. Lord of the Flies (album) \"For other instances of the same name see Lord of the Flies (disambiguation) Lord of the Flies is the fourth full-length studio album by English Gothic rock band Nosferatu.It was released in April 1998 by Cleopatra Records in the U.S.A and Canada and by Hades Records in the U.K., Germany, Austria and Switzerland. It is the band's 5th", "title": "Lord of the Flies (album)" }, { "docid": "430334", "text": "conducts an imaginary dialogue with the head, which he dubs the \"Lord of the Flies\". The head mocks Simon's notion that the beast is a real entity, \"something you could hunt and kill\", and reveals the truth: they, the boys, are the beast; it is inside them all. The Lord of the Flies also warns Simon that he is in danger, because he represents the soul of man, and predicts that the others will kill him. Simon climbs the mountain alone and discovers that the \"beast\" is the dead parachutist. He rushes down to tell the other boys, who are", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "12223242", "text": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files) \"Lord of the Flies\" is the fifth episode of the ninth season of the science fiction television series \"The X-Files\", and the show's 187th episode overall. It first premiered on the Fox network in the United States on December 16, 2001, and was subsequently aired in the United Kingdom on BBC Two. The episode was written by Thomas Schnauz, and was directed by Kim Manners. The episode is a \"monster-of-the-week\" episode, a stand-alone plot which is unconnected to the mythology, or overarching fictional history, of \"The X-Files\". \"Lord of the Flies\" earned a Nielsen", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "8336972", "text": "\"Futureal\", and \"The Clansman\"), and the last Bayley-era song that has made Iron Maiden setlists to date. One such performance of this song is included on Iron Maiden's 2005 live album \"Death on the Road\". The guitar solo in \"Lord of the Flies\" is played by Janick Gers. Lord of the Flies (song) \"Lord of the Flies\" is an Iron Maiden single and second track on their 1995 album \"The X Factor\". The song is based on the book and film of the same name. The single was only released outside of the UK. Additional tracks on the single include", "title": "Lord of the Flies (song)" }, { "docid": "9040126", "text": "the water\". The song, heard throughout the film, of the boys singing is Kyrie Eleison which, translated from Greek, means \"Lord, have mercy\". It is an expression used in a prayer of the Christian liturgy. On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 91% based on 22 reviews, with an average rating of 8/10. \"PopMatters\" journalist J.C. Maçek III wrote \"The true surprise in \"Lord of the Flies\" is how little these child actors actually feel like 'child actors'. With few exceptions, the acting rarely seems to be forced or flat. This practiced, well-honed craft", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "12223252", "text": "departure in 1968. Two songs from Barrett's 1970 solo album \"The Madcap Laughs\", \"No Good Trying\" and \"Terrapin\", are featured in the episode. \"Lord of the Flies\" first premiered on the Fox network in the United States on December 16, 2001. \"Lord of the Flies\" earned a Nielsen household rating of 6.2, meaning that it was seen by 6.2% of the nation's estimated households and was viewed by 6.54 million households, and 9.9 million viewers. \"Lord of the Flies\" was the 51st most watched episode of television that aired during the week ending December 16. The episode eventually aired on", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "9040113", "text": "a script of \"Lord of the Flies\" from Nigel Kneale, but Ealing Studios closed in 1959 before it could be produced. The novel was adapted into a movie for a second time in 1990; the 1963 film is generally considered more faithful to the novel than the 1990 adaptation. A group of British schoolboys are evacuated from England following the outbreak of an unidentified war. Their airliner is shot down by briefly-glimpsed fighter planes and ditches near a remote island. The main character, Ralph, is seen walking through a tropical forest. He meets an intelligent and chubby boy, who reveals", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "9108489", "text": "film has a rating of 63% \"Fresh\" on the movie review site Rotten Tomatoes. Most heavily criticized was the way in which the filmmakers departed from the novel. Richard Alleva of \"Crisis Magazine\" criticized the portrayal of the first assembly on the island, a crucial moment in the book, as \"anti-climactic\" in the film. He lamented the fact that the conversation that Simon imagines taking place between himself and the pig, or the \"Lord of the Flies\", yet another of the book's most pivotal moments, was in the movie reduced to only a few moments of Simon staring at the", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1990 film)" }, { "docid": "12223255", "text": "love story quickly sink this disappointing outing.\" Lord of the Flies (The X-Files) \"Lord of the Flies\" is the fifth episode of the ninth season of the science fiction television series \"The X-Files\", and the show's 187th episode overall. It first premiered on the Fox network in the United States on December 16, 2001, and was subsequently aired in the United Kingdom on BBC Two. The episode was written by Thomas Schnauz, and was directed by Kim Manners. The episode is a \"monster-of-the-week\" episode, a stand-alone plot which is unconnected to the mythology, or overarching fictional history, of \"The X-Files\".", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "8336971", "text": "Lord of the Flies (song) \"Lord of the Flies\" is an Iron Maiden single and second track on their 1995 album \"The X Factor\". The song is based on the book and film of the same name. The single was only released outside of the UK. Additional tracks on the single include covers from UFO and The Who. Iron Maiden frequently performed this song live during their \"Dance of Death\" tour from 2003–2004, making it one of only 5 Bayley era songs to survive in concerts after his departure (the others being \"Man on the Edge\", \"Sign of the Cross\",", "title": "Lord of the Flies (song)" }, { "docid": "792135", "text": "as \"Heart of Darkness\" and \"Lord of the Flies\", and the anonymous memoirs of an escaped Australian prisoner. Although set in Thailand, Garland wrote the book while living in the Philippines and in particular was inspired by similar geography on the island of Palawan . Novelist Nick Hornby referred to \"The Beach\" as \"a \"Lord of the Flies\" for Generation X\", and the \"Sunday Oregonian\" called it \"Generation X's first great novel\". \"The Washington Post\" wrote that it is \"a furiously intelligent first novel\" and \"a book that moves with the kind of speed and grace many older writers can", "title": "The Beach (novel)" }, { "docid": "12223244", "text": "hidden in the victim's brain. \"Lord of the Flies\" marked a return of comedic episodes to the series. Due to this, Patrick had issues with his acting because, initially, he felt the entry was too foolish. The aggressiveness of flies in the episode was inspired by the actual habits of Australian blow flies. A group of teenagers, led by \"Sky Commander Winky\" (Aaron Paul), film one of their friends, nicknamed \"Cap'n Dare\" (played by Branden Williams), doing stunts for a cable TV show called \"Dumbass\". The last stunt involves a ramp-jump in a shopping cart. During the stunt, Dare veers", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "7911385", "text": "a barrow with great success. Both laugh at the situation, but realise Charlie is happy doing what he always loved best. Cathy notes he's come a long way since his youth at the barrow, but Becky says it was really only a few miles – As the Crow Flies. As the Crow Flies (novel) As the Crow Flies is a novel by Jeffrey Archer. The novel was originally published in hardback by HarperCollins in May 1991. HarperCollins and Random House both published paperback version of this book in 1992. The story tells the tale of the Trumper retail empire, through", "title": "As the Crow Flies (novel)" }, { "docid": "430341", "text": "2014 it was announced that the 2011 production of \"Lord of the Flies\" would return to conclude the 2015 season at the Regent's Park Open Air Theatre ahead of a major UK tour. The production was to be directed by the Artistic Director Timothy Sheader who won the 2014 Whatsonstage.com Awards Best Play Revival for \"To Kill A Mockingbird\". In June 2013, BBC Radio 4 Extra broadcast a dramatisation by Judith Adams in four 30-minute episodes directed by Sasha Yevtushenko. The cast included Ruth Wilson as \"The Narrator\", Finn Bennett as \"Ralph\", Richard Linnel as \"Jack\", Caspar Hilton-Hilley as \"Piggy\"", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "7911347", "text": "As the Crow Flies (novel) As the Crow Flies is a novel by Jeffrey Archer. The novel was originally published in hardback by HarperCollins in May 1991. HarperCollins and Random House both published paperback version of this book in 1992. The story tells the tale of the Trumper retail empire, through the (often overlapping) points of view of several of the main characters. The narrative characters are Charlie Trumper, Becky Salmon (later Trumper), Daphne, Colonel Hamilton, Mrs. Trentham, Daniel Trumper, and Cathy Ross. Guy Trentham is a non-narrative character who links most of these viewpoints together. The story begins with", "title": "As the Crow Flies (novel)" }, { "docid": "12659401", "text": "Elijah Wood. It was directed by Martin Duffy. The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (novel) The Bumblebee Flies Anyway is a young adult novel by Robert Cormier. It was published in 1983. This story stars teenaged Barney Snow, an American resident also part of \"the Complex,\" an experimental facility where drugs are tested on children and teens with terminal illnesses. He questions why he is there and what is being done to him but also uncovers a terrible secret about himself. Later, he starts to devise a plan that will take him and the people around him on one last glorious ride.", "title": "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (novel)" }, { "docid": "12659400", "text": "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (novel) The Bumblebee Flies Anyway is a young adult novel by Robert Cormier. It was published in 1983. This story stars teenaged Barney Snow, an American resident also part of \"the Complex,\" an experimental facility where drugs are tested on children and teens with terminal illnesses. He questions why he is there and what is being done to him but also uncovers a terrible secret about himself. Later, he starts to devise a plan that will take him and the people around him on one last glorious ride. In 1999, a film adaptation was made starring", "title": "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway (novel)" }, { "docid": "9108488", "text": "attribution to a pseudonym. Presson-Allen was also producer Lewis M. Allen's wife. The trick in adapting, Allen said in a 1972 interview with \"The New York Times\", \"is not to throw out the baby with the bath water. You can change all kinds of things, but don't muck around with the essence\". The film was released theatrically on March 16, 1990 in the United States by Columbia Pictures. It debuted at No.3 \"Lord of the Flies\" received mixed reviews from critics, providing mixed assessments of the performances of the various actors while praising its scenery. As of April 2016, the", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1990 film)" }, { "docid": "12223250", "text": "co-star Robert Patrick had a difficult time with the episode; he later explained, \"I couldn't deal with some of the material. As an actor, I found some of it to be a little silly.\" Accordingly, Manners helped Patrick traverse the script, helping him achieve the desired delivery for his lines. The aggressiveness of flies in the episode was inspired by the actual habits of Australian blow flies. A few of the flies on the dead body of \"Cap'n Dare\" were real, but the rest were created via CGI, according to special effects supervisors John Wash. Conversely, when filming the scene", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "11094538", "text": "wrote a novel entitled \"Castle Heather\". Lord William Lennox Lord William Pitt Lennox (20 September 1799 – 18 February 1881) was a British Army officer and writer. Lennox, fourth son of Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond, and the former Lady Charlotte Gordon, was born at Winestead Hall, Yorkshire, 20 September 1799, and was a godson of William Pitt and a cousin of Charles James Fox. He was educated at Westminster School from 1808 to 1814. On 13 May 1813, while still at school, he was gazetted to a cornetcy in the Royal Horse Guards, and on 8 August 1814", "title": "Lord William Lennox" }, { "docid": "12223251", "text": "where Dylan is covered in flies, Hank Harris wore a suit that was covered with 30,000 live flies. The opening for the episode was filmed at Cheviot Hills Park in Los Angeles. The site had previously been used for various shots in the sixth season episode \"The Unnatural\" and the eighth season episode \"Three Words\". Garfield High School in Sherman Oaks, California, stood in for Grant High School. The episode makes several references to British singer-songwriter Syd Barrett, with whom the character of Dylan strongly identifies. Barrett was the original lead singer for the rock band Pink Floyd before his", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "430333", "text": "to join Jack's tribe. Jack's tribe continues to lure recruits from the main group by promising feasts of cooked pig. The members begin to paint their faces and enact bizarre rites, including sacrifices to the beast. One night, Ralph and Piggy decide to go to one of Jack's feasts. Simon, who faints frequently and is probably an epileptic, has a secret hideaway where he goes to be alone. One day while he is there, Jack and his followers erect an offering to the beast nearby: a pig's head, mounted on a sharpened stick and soon swarming with scavenging flies. Simon", "title": "Lord of the Flies" }, { "docid": "9040120", "text": "the Department of Film at MoMA, wrote that the film is \"about anarchy and how that thin veneer we wear of what we refer to as “civilization” is threatened by the attractive clarion call of bestiality and its accompanying hatred\". The parents of those chosen are reported to have been provided copies of the novel, from which a commentary had been physically removed; those pages included describing the culmination of the hunt of a wild sow as an \"Œdipal wedding night\". Brook noted that \"time was short; we were lent the children by unexpectedly eager parents just for the duration", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "6956737", "text": "It contains themes central to many of Greeley's novels, including the importance of Irish Catholicism as a fundamental element of Irish culture, and the idea that family loyalty can be both loving and realistic at the same time. Also included (as in many of Greeley's books) are the familiar elements of love, sex, and mystery. Lord of the Dance (novel) Lord of the Dance (1984) is a novel by Father Andrew Greeley. It is the third in the Passover Trilogy. It is the story of a teenager, Noele Farrell, who Greeley has said represents a composite of Irish-American teenage women", "title": "Lord of the Dance (novel)" }, { "docid": "6956734", "text": "Lord of the Dance (novel) Lord of the Dance (1984) is a novel by Father Andrew Greeley. It is the third in the Passover Trilogy. It is the story of a teenager, Noele Farrell, who Greeley has said represents a composite of Irish-American teenage women he has met. Noele is the daughter of Roger, a college professor and candidate for public office with adulterous tendencies, and Irene, once a very promising bright young woman, and still beautiful, but clearly broken by years of a domestic life with a cheating husband. She is sometimes able to read the thoughts, and foresee", "title": "Lord of the Dance (novel)" }, { "docid": "17836340", "text": "problems that remained at the end of \"Scorpion\". Farmer began working on the novel in 2008 and the working title was \"God's Ashtray\". Farmer wrote 80 pages of the book before having to stop due to an illness. When her health was better, Farmer tried to resume writing, but was exhausted after moving from California to Arizona. She was at last revived by listening to music and was able to finish the novel. Critical reception of \"The Lord of Opium\" has been favorable, with starred reviews in \"Publishers' Weekly,\" which hailed it as a \"superb novel . . .well worth", "title": "The Lord of Opium" }, { "docid": "8926260", "text": "William the Hardy, Lord of Douglas Sir William Douglas \"\"le Hardi\"\" (\"the Bold\"), Lord of Douglas (1255 – January 24, 1298) was a Scottish nobleman and warlord. William Douglas was the son of William Longleg, Lord of Douglas and it is supposed by his possible second wife, Constance Battail of Fawdon. He first is recorded at an Assize at Newcastle-upon-Tyne in 1256, when his father made over a Carucate of land at Warndon, Northumberland to him. Douglas' father William Longleg was Lord of Fawdon, and had as his superior Gilbert de Umfraville, Earl of Angus, Longleg was acquitted of withholding", "title": "William the Hardy, Lord of Douglas" }, { "docid": "12564460", "text": "The Dragon Lord The Dragon Lord is a historical fantasy or sword and sorcery novel by American writer David Drake. First published in 1979 and revised in 1982, the novel is set in sixth century Arthurian Britain. \"The Dragon Lord\" was David Drake's first novel. He spent six months researching and drafting the plot for another author, Andrew J. Offutt, to expand into a novel. He drafted the novel for the Robert E. Howard character Cormac mac Art who lived in Arthur's time. When Offutt declined it Drake developed it himself. He wrote it in 1977—78 and after substantial edits", "title": "The Dragon Lord" }, { "docid": "9040117", "text": "sow's head impaled on a stick, left by Jack as an offering to the Beast. He becomes hypnotised by the head, which has flies swarming all around it. Simon goes to what he believes to be the nest of the Beast and finds a dead pilot under a hanging parachute. Simon runs to Jack's camp to tell them the truth, only to be killed in the darkness by the frenzied boys who mistake him for the Beast. Piggy defends the group's actions with a series of rationalisations and denials. The hunters raid the old group's camp and steal Piggy's glasses.", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "8814637", "text": "so it flies anyway. Torn between his hope for a cure and his desire to continue his budding relationship with Cassie, Barney is forced to choose whether to go through the amnesia procedure again or remain with the memories and knowledge he has thus far acquired. The Bumblebee Flies Anyway The Bumblebee Flies Anyway is a 1999 film starring Elijah Wood, directed by Martin Duffy. It was based on the novel of the same name by Robert Cormier. Barney Snow (Elijah Wood) wakes up in a hospital with no memory of why he is there. All he has is his", "title": "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway" }, { "docid": "13460671", "text": "their struggle Peter Matthiessen has created an electrifying moral thriller, a novel of Conradian richness that explores both the varieties of spiritual experience and the politics of cultural genocide.\" --Synopsis from Goodreads At Play in the Fields of the Lord (novel) At Play in the Fields of the Lord is a 1965 novel by Peter Matthiessen. A film adapted from the book was released in 1991. A 2009 audiobook version was read by actor Anthony Heald. \"In a malarial outpost in the South American rain forest, two misplaced gringos converge and clash. Martin Quarrier has come to convert the fearful", "title": "At Play in the Fields of the Lord (novel)" }, { "docid": "2022212", "text": "navigational methods were introduced, Crows were kept upon ships and released when land was sought. Crows instinctively fly towards land. As the crow flies As the crow flies, similar to \"in a beeline\", is an idiom for the most direct path between two points. This meaning is attested from the early 19th century, and appeared in Charles Dickens's novel \"Oliver Twist\": According to BBC Focus, \"'As the crow flies' is a pretty common saying but it isn't particularly accurate\". Crows do not swoop in the air like swallows or starlings, but they often circle above their nests. Crows do conspicuously", "title": "As the crow flies" }, { "docid": "2022211", "text": "As the crow flies As the crow flies, similar to \"in a beeline\", is an idiom for the most direct path between two points. This meaning is attested from the early 19th century, and appeared in Charles Dickens's novel \"Oliver Twist\": According to BBC Focus, \"'As the crow flies' is a pretty common saying but it isn't particularly accurate\". Crows do not swoop in the air like swallows or starlings, but they often circle above their nests. Crows do conspicuously fly alone across open country, but neither crows nor bees (as in “beeline”) fly in particularly straight lines. Before modern", "title": "As the crow flies" }, { "docid": "9603476", "text": "Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (novel) Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle is a novel by American writer Edgar Rice Burroughs, generally considered the eleventh in his series of books about the title character Tarzan (the previous book, \"Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins\", being omitted from the enumeration on the grounds that it was written for younger readers). It was first published as a serial in \"Blue Book Magazine\" from December 1927 through May 1928; it first appeared in book form in a hardcover edition from A. C. McClurg in September 1928. Tarzan finds an outpost of European knights and crusaders", "title": "Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (novel)" }, { "docid": "16270132", "text": "William Lord Wright William Lord Wright (November 14, 1879 Bellefontaine, Ohio – April 21, 1947 Hollywood, California) was an American screenwriter and film producer. Wright was a newspaper reporter in his hometown of Bellefontaine, Ohio, before going to Hollywood in 1917 where he wrote film scripts for Selig Studios for many years. He then went to work for Pathé Exchange as chief story editor. Later he went to work for Universal Studios as head of the scenario department. He wrote the book \"Photoplay Writing\" (1922), published by Falk Publishing Co., New York which was used by the New York Institute", "title": "William Lord Wright" }, { "docid": "402259", "text": "the Shadow\", \"The Treason of Isengard\", \"The War of the Ring\", and \"Sauron Defeated\". The novel has been translated, with various degrees of success, into at least 56 languages. Tolkien, an expert in philology, examined many of these translations, and made comments on each that reflect both the translation process and his work. As he was unhappy with some choices made by early translators, such as the Swedish translation by Åke Ohlmarks, Tolkien wrote a \"Guide to the Names in The Lord of the Rings\" (1967). Because \"The Lord of the Rings\" purports to be a translation of the fictitious", "title": "The Lord of the Rings" }, { "docid": "12564469", "text": "different fantasy adventure.\" A reviewer at swordandsorcery.org, Ryan Harvey, compared it to Robert E. Howard pastiche, and wrote \"some prolonged sequences...turn out as nothing more than cul-de-sacs, neither adding nor detracting to the narrative.\" However, he found the prose to flow easily and the background to be very well-researched. The Dragon Lord The Dragon Lord is a historical fantasy or sword and sorcery novel by American writer David Drake. First published in 1979 and revised in 1982, the novel is set in sixth century Arthurian Britain. \"The Dragon Lord\" was David Drake's first novel. He spent six months researching and", "title": "The Dragon Lord" }, { "docid": "17216250", "text": "did not escape, was the historical background for the novel \"One Corpse Too Many\" by Ellis Peters. Agents of FitzAlan are characters in a few of the later novels in \"The Cadfael Chronicles\". William FitzAlan, Lord of Oswestry William FitzAlan (1105–1160) was a nobleman of Breton ancestry. He was a major landowner, a Marcher lord with large holdings in Shropshire, where he was the Lord of Oswestry, as well as in Norfolk and Sussex. He took the side of Empress Matilda during the Anarchy and underwent considerable hardship in the Angevin cause before regaining his lands and former status. William's", "title": "William FitzAlan, Lord of Oswestry" }, { "docid": "12223245", "text": "off and falls out of the cart and is found dead after part of his skull collapses. The local coroner calls in John Doggett (Robert Patrick) and Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish) to investigate the death. During the autopsy, flies erupt from Dare's eye sockets. Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) examines the body and finds that the insects had fed on Dare's brain to such a degree that it simply collapsed. At a local high school, Winky and his brother film a memorial service for Dare, much to the annoyance of his girlfriend Natalie. The teens harass Dylan Lokensgard, the son of", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "12223243", "text": "household rating of 6.2, and was watched by 9.9 million viewers. The episode received mixed reviews from television critics, with many critical of the episode's reliance on humor. The show centers on FBI special agents who work on cases linked to the paranormal, called X-Files; this season focuses on the investigations of John Doggett (Robert Patrick), Monica Reyes (Annabeth Gish), and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson). In this episode, an amateur stunt performer is killed while performing a daring act for a local cable reality show. Scully, Doggett and Reyes discover that the culprit was apparently a swarm of killer flies", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "12223246", "text": "the principal and a social outcast. Doggett and Reyes arrive at the school to talk to Winky. During their interview, body lice mysteriously attack him and bite \"Dumbass\" into his flesh. While watching the \"Dumbass\" recordings, Doggett notices that Dylan was at each of the stunts and decides to question him. While the two agents talk to Dylan, his mother appears and tries to stop the questioning. During the proceedings, Dylan becomes covered in flies; subsequently, Reyes starts to believe that Dylan is behind the attack. The agents take a tissue soaked with Dylan's sweat back for Scully to analyze.", "title": "Lord of the Flies (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "13460670", "text": "At Play in the Fields of the Lord (novel) At Play in the Fields of the Lord is a 1965 novel by Peter Matthiessen. A film adapted from the book was released in 1991. A 2009 audiobook version was read by actor Anthony Heald. \"In a malarial outpost in the South American rain forest, two misplaced gringos converge and clash. Martin Quarrier has come to convert the fearful and elusive Niaruna Indians to his brand of Christianity. Lewis Moon, a stateless mercenary who is himself part Indian, has come to kill them on behalf of the local comandante. Out of", "title": "At Play in the Fields of the Lord (novel)" }, { "docid": "19422605", "text": "there is something mesmerising about Gordon's portrait.\" Lord of Misrule (novel) Lord of Misrule is a 2010 novel by Jaimy Gordon. The book is divided into four sections, each concerned with one of four horse races at a \"down on the luck\" racetrack. The novel drew a positive response, with many reviewers focusing on Gordon's skillful and complex prose style. It received the National Book Award for Fiction in 2010. This \"dark horse\" victory surprised its publishing house, McPherson & Company, which did not have enough copies ready to meet demand immediately after the win. Many reviewers of the novel", "title": "Lord of Misrule (novel)" }, { "docid": "19422601", "text": "Lord of Misrule (novel) Lord of Misrule is a 2010 novel by Jaimy Gordon. The book is divided into four sections, each concerned with one of four horse races at a \"down on the luck\" racetrack. The novel drew a positive response, with many reviewers focusing on Gordon's skillful and complex prose style. It received the National Book Award for Fiction in 2010. This \"dark horse\" victory surprised its publishing house, McPherson & Company, which did not have enough copies ready to meet demand immediately after the win. Many reviewers of the novel comment on Gordon's distinctive style and control", "title": "Lord of Misrule (novel)" }, { "docid": "8926278", "text": "with Douglas and another Scottish prisoner Thomas de Morham; both were later committed to the Tower of London on 12 October 1297 with Douglas meeting his end there in 1298 due to mistreatment. William the Hardy was twice married and had three sons. By Elizabeth, daughter of Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland: By Eleanor de Lovaine of Groby, daughter-in-law of William de Ferrers, 5th Earl of Derby and great-great-granddaughter of Godfrey III of Leuven: William the Hardy, Lord of Douglas Sir William Douglas \"\"le Hardi\"\" (\"the Bold\"), Lord of Douglas (1255 – January 24, 1298) was a Scottish", "title": "William the Hardy, Lord of Douglas" }, { "docid": "402218", "text": "The Lord of the Rings The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 fantasy novel \"The Hobbit\", but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, \"The Lord of the Rings\" is one of the best-selling novels ever written, with over 150 million copies sold. The title of the novel refers to the story's main antagonist, the Dark Lord Sauron, who had in an earlier age created the One Ring to rule", "title": "The Lord of the Rings" }, { "docid": "11445217", "text": "(as well as turn over Danny's share of the money) and ask for Danny's help in getting clean. Simmons, Danny (2004). \"Three Days as the Crow Flies\", Washington Square Press, Three Days as the Crow Flies Three Days as the Crow Flies is a novel by art impresario Danny Simmons. A \"slice-of-life\", all of the events of the book unfold within a three-day period. Published in 2004, \"Three Days as the Crow Flies\" gives the reader a glimpse of the 1980s art scene in downtown Manhattan. The book opens with Crow Shade, the protagonist, showering and getting dressed for the", "title": "Three Days as the Crow Flies" }, { "docid": "5303337", "text": "Also present was the novelist William Makepeace Thackeray, who subsequently wrote an anti-capital punishment essay, \"On Going to See a Man Hanged\". He wrote, \"I came away that morning with a disgust for murder, but it was for the murder I saw done … I feel myself shamed and degraded at the brutal curiosity that took me to that spot.\" Soon afterwards the murder scene was portrayed in a peep-show at a travelling fair. Notes Bibliography Lord William Russell Lord William Russell (20 August 1767 – 5 May 1840) was a member of the British aristocratic Russell family and longtime", "title": "Lord William Russell" }, { "docid": "8814634", "text": "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway The Bumblebee Flies Anyway is a 1999 film starring Elijah Wood, directed by Martin Duffy. It was based on the novel of the same name by Robert Cormier. Barney Snow (Elijah Wood) wakes up in a hospital with no memory of why he is there. All he has is his name and some vague recollections of a car crash. He assumes that he is in the hospital for his amnesia and settles in to try to recover. He quickly realizes that all of the other residents of the youth clinic are all suffering from terminal illnesses.", "title": "The Bumblebee Flies Anyway" }, { "docid": "402289", "text": "recorded under the pseudonym 'Shagrat the Vagrant', before forming a band called Shagrat in 1970. The Lord of the Rings The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by English author and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's 1937 fantasy novel \"The Hobbit\", but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, \"The Lord of the Rings\" is one of the best-selling novels ever written, with over 150 million copies sold. The title of the novel refers to the story's main antagonist, the", "title": "The Lord of the Rings" }, { "docid": "5137329", "text": "is not as well known as the dystopian writings of Evgeny Zamyatin, George Orwell, and Aldous Huxley, \"Lord of the World\" continues to have many admirers—especially among Conservative and Traditionalist Catholics. In a 2005 essay, Joseph Pearce wrote that, while Orwell and Huxley's novels are \"great literature\", they \"are clearly inferior works of prophecy.\" Pearce explains that while \"the political dictatorships\" that inspired Huxley and Orwell \"have had their day\", \"Benson's novel-nightmare... is coming true before our very eyes.\" Pearce elaborates, The world depicted in \"Lord of the World\" is one where creeping secularism and godless humanism have triumphed over", "title": "Lord of the World" }, { "docid": "9040124", "text": "\"Time Flies\". Brook was \"curious to know what the years had done to his cast, and what effect the isolated months of filming had had on their lives\". Although none seemed damaged by their time working on the film, Simon Surtees, one of a pair of twin brothers who played Sam and Eric, \"put his finger unerringly on the ethical dilemma. The problem is that most of us are not trained artists, so I now believe Peter runs the risk of abandoning us to our fate, just as he did in 1961, when he plucked us from our schools and", "title": "Lord of the Flies (1963 film)" }, { "docid": "9892584", "text": "Crichton Castle, adding to it and transforming it into an impressive courtyard castle. William, 1st Lord Crichton died before July 1454. Lord Crichton had, by his wife Agnes, three children: Crichton is portrayed as the villain of the story in \"Black Douglas\", a 1968 novel by Nigel Tranter. William Crichton, 1st Lord Crichton William Crichton, 1st Lord Crichton (died 1454) was an important political figure in the late medieval Kingdom of Scotland. The son of Sir John Crichton of Crichton, William Crichton is first attested to as one of the Scots noblemen and gentry who were given safe passage into", "title": "William Crichton, 1st Lord Crichton" }, { "docid": "12480272", "text": "Hall, reviewing \"Lies\" for \"The Sunday Telegraph\", also drew comparison with \"Lord of the Flies\" and \"Lost\", and wrote: \"While it's never going to make it on to the GCSE syllabus, it definitely has the addictive pull of a cult television series... I would sell my soul for the next installment.\" Toby Clements, reviewing \"Hunger\" for \"The Daily Telegraph\", wrote: \"Grant's world is hard-edged but thought-provoking, a Stephen King novel for youngsters in which the children are challenged with reshaping society while fighting off evil. \"Hunger\" ought to be required reading for any teenager who thinks adults suck.\" Stephen King", "title": "Gone (novel series)" }, { "docid": "7719186", "text": "brings Flashman to meet William H. Seward. Seward, considered by many at that time to be the next President of the United States, also wants Flashman to join with Brown, but to slow him down and prevent the raid into the South from ever happening, and therefore prevent civil war. Of course Flashman fails at this, and he becomes an eyewitness to the whole event. Flashman and the Angel of the Lord Flashman and the Angel of the Lord is a 1994 novel by George MacDonald Fraser. It is the tenth of the Flashman novels. Presented within the frame of", "title": "Flashman and the Angel of the Lord" }, { "docid": "15841896", "text": "exercise in which he himself delighted.\" If, as Erskine supposed, Redmond in \"Rokeby\" is meant for a portrait of himself, Lockhart must have exaggerated Erskine's effeminacy. Erskine wrote several Scottish songs. On 13 September 1800 Kinneder married Euphemia Robison (only daughter of Professor John Robison- Physicist), who died in September 1819. She was buried in the churchyard of Saline, Fife, where there is an epitaph on her tombstone written by Scott. William Erskine's children with Euphemia Robison were: William Erskine, Lord Kinneder William Erskine, Lord Kinneder (1768–1822), was a friend and confidant of Sir Walter Scott, and a scholar and", "title": "William Erskine, Lord Kinneder" }, { "docid": "2774967", "text": "The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series) In 1981 BBC Radio 4 produced a dramatisation of J. R. R. Tolkien's \"The Lord of the Rings\" in 26 half-hour stereo installments. The novel had previously been adapted as a 12-part BBC Radio adaptation in 1955 and 1956 (of which no recordings are known to have survived), and a 1979 production by The Mind's Eye for National Public Radio in the USA. Like the novel on which it is based, \"The Lord of the Rings\" is the story of an epic struggle between the Dark Lord Sauron of Mordor, the primary", "title": "The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series)" }, { "docid": "9603478", "text": "and Muviro, sub-chief of Tarzan's Waziri tribe, along with his warriors, most formerly major characters are dropped aside from an occasional token appearance. The novel also continues the trend, first seen in \"The Return of Tarzan\" and established definitively in \"Tarzan the Untamed\", of taking Tarzan to a new lost civilization or tribe in almost every book. The book has been adapted into comic form by Gold Key Comics in \"Tarzan\" nos. 176-177, dated August–September 1969, with a script by Gaylord DuBois. Part of the art was based on lay-outs by Russ Manning. Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (novel) Tarzan,", "title": "Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (novel)" }, { "docid": "9570229", "text": "song was covered by alternative rockers The Breeders in 1993. It was also covered by Whitfield Crane and the heavy metal band Mystik. Danzig covered the song on the 2015 album \"Skeletons\". The song was featured in \"Grand Theft Auto IV\", \"\" and \"\" on the radio station Liberty Rock Radio 97.8. The song is also likely a reference to the book Lord of the Flies, and its 1963 film adaptation. Lord of the Thighs \"Lord of the Thighs\" is a song performed by American rock band Aerosmith. It was written by frontman Steven Tyler, and released on the band's", "title": "Lord of the Thighs" }, { "docid": "9603477", "text": "from a \"forbidden valley\" hidden in the mountains. His lion ally Jad-bal-ja puts in an appearance late in the book. \"Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle\" marks an important transition in the plot-type presented in the Tarzan series, presaged by the earlier \"Tarzan the Untamed\". Previous novels dealt primarily with the ape-man's own affairs and family; beginning with this novel, he becomes an apparently rootless adventurer serving as a savior and enabler of a cast of secondary characters which changes in each book. While a few previously established and new characters continue to appear, notably the lion Jad-bal-Ja, the monkey Nkima,", "title": "Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (novel)" }, { "docid": "11445207", "text": "Three Days as the Crow Flies Three Days as the Crow Flies is a novel by art impresario Danny Simmons. A \"slice-of-life\", all of the events of the book unfold within a three-day period. Published in 2004, \"Three Days as the Crow Flies\" gives the reader a glimpse of the 1980s art scene in downtown Manhattan. The book opens with Crow Shade, the protagonist, showering and getting dressed for the day. Crow is an African-American who lives in an under-furnished room in a boarding house in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. He has an expensive cocaine habit. Withdrawing from the", "title": "Three Days as the Crow Flies" }, { "docid": "2400676", "text": "The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game (a.k.a. LOTR TCG) is an out-of-print collectible card game produced by Decipher, Inc. Released November 2001, it is based on Peter Jackson's \"The Lord of the Rings\" film trilogy and the J. R. R. Tolkien novel on which the films were based. Decipher also had the rights to \"The Hobbit\" novel but did not release any cards based on it. In addition to images taken from the films, in 2004 Weta Workshop produced artwork depicting characters and items from the novel absent from the", "title": "The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game" }, { "docid": "5249004", "text": "daughters: On the death of Janet, Countess of Hyndford in 1818, her nephew, Sir James Suttie, succeeded to the Preston-Grange estate (purchased by Grant in 1746), and assumed the additional surname of Grant. Grant was the chief prosecutor of \"James of the Glen\" Stewart for aiding and abetting \"The Appin Murder\" – the May 1752 ambush and murder of Colin \"The Red Fox\" Campbell. This incident is described in Robert Louis Stevenson's novel \"Catriona\" where he appears as Lord Prestongrange. William Grant, Lord Prestongrange William Grant, Lord Prestongrange (1701 – 23 May 1764), was a Scottish politician and judge. Grant", "title": "William Grant, Lord Prestongrange" }, { "docid": "20760470", "text": "in the neo-Latin verse of Gabriele Faerno’s fable collection (1563), which closes on the sentiment Aristotle’s version of the fable is also followed by Samuel Croxall in his prose collection of \"The Fables of Æsop\" (1722). The story in La Fontaine's Fables (1694) is more or less the same, except that the fox has been wounded in the chase. La Fontaine too mentions Aristotle and the political lesson that he draws, while the circumstances are repeated in Brooke Boothby’s very short poetic version. William Somervile adapted the fable more long-windedly into “The wounded man and the swarm of flies”, taking", "title": "The Fox, the Flies and the Hedgehog" }, { "docid": "12774556", "text": "beginning of the novel Dyer advises his assistant Walter to \"show how the Lines [of the church plans] necessarily beare upon one another, like the Web which the Spider spins in a Closet\", thus associating the churches with an insect. Dyer's pessimistic view of the world is stressed by his view of it as a \"dunghill\" attracting flies: \"I saw the Flies on this Dunghil Earth, and then considered who their Lord might be.\" Ironically the occultist Dyer compares the rationalistic members of the Royal Society with flies: \"The Company buzzed like Flies above Ordure\". Another animal often associated with", "title": "Hawksmoor (novel)" }, { "docid": "6726148", "text": "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt (2005) is a book by Anne Rice that depicts the life of Jesus Christ at the age of 7 to 8. Rice wrote the novel after returning to the Catholic Church in 1998. Beliefnet named \"Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt\" its 2005 Book of the Year on the basis of its \"creativity, its unique spin on one of the world's most important religious figures, and for its impact on Christians and other readers\". Janet Maslin of \"The New York Times\" said \"The restraint and prayerful beauty of", "title": "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" }, { "docid": "6726151", "text": "confirmed that she has no intentions of developing a third book due to the potential controversy it might generate. Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt (2005) is a book by Anne Rice that depicts the life of Jesus Christ at the age of 7 to 8. Rice wrote the novel after returning to the Catholic Church in 1998. Beliefnet named \"Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt\" its 2005 Book of the Year on the basis of its \"creativity, its unique spin on one of the world's most important religious figures, and for its impact", "title": "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt" }, { "docid": "17577343", "text": "might be accepted by readers with no vested interest in the issue, it would be \"vehemently rejected out of hand\" by the \"literary establishment\". Sadownick wrote that Lauritsen confirmed his view that \"Frankenstein\" is a gay work in the same sense as Walt Whitman's \"Leaves of Grass\" (1855) and Oscar Wilde's \"The Ballad of Reading Gaol\" (1897), and offered a commendable psychological analysis, and a sensitive line-by-line reading, of the work. Charles E. Robinson rejected Lauritsen's thesis in \"The Original Frankenstein\" (2008), arguing that the testimony of authors such as Lord Byron, William Godwin, Claire Clairmont, Charles Clairmont, and Leigh", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "19836996", "text": "Martha Peake: a Novel of the Revolution Martha Peake: a Novel of the Revolution is a 2000 novel by the British author Patrick McGrath. It tells the story of the grotesquely crippled Harry Peake and his daughter Martha, their involvement with the mysterious anatomist Lord Drogo, the tragic events that separate them, and the subsequent flight of Martha to America at the dawning of the Revolution. The work is narrated by Ambrose Tree as he asks his elderly Uncle William about the story of the \"Cripplegate Giant\" Harry Peake, his daughter Martha, and Lord Francis Drogo, a famous anatomist that", "title": "Martha Peake: a Novel of the Revolution" }, { "docid": "11752289", "text": "Sweet William (novel) Sweet William is a 1975 novel written by Beryl Bainbridge, it was made into a 1980 film of the same name (starring Jenny Agutter and Sam Waterston) for which Bainbridge wrote the screenplay. Ann lives in Hampstead and works for the BBC in Bush House in London. She is recently engaged but her academic fiance Gerald is leaving for America, intending her to follow. Shortly afterwards she meets William, a Scottish playwright who sweeps her off her feet and moves in. Within days she has \"encouraged adultery, committed a breach of promise, given up her job, abetted", "title": "Sweet William (novel)" }, { "docid": "9960049", "text": "had three sons, the second of which, Walter, went on to continue the Douglases of Grangemuir. In May 1837, some time after William Douglas's eldest brother succeeded to the Marquessate of Queensberry, he was granted a patent of precedence which gave him the rank and style of a Marquess's younger son (\"Lord\" William Douglas). Lord William is buried at Dunino, Fife, a village close to his family seat at Grangemuir, near Pittenweem. Lord William Douglas Lord William Robert Keith Douglas (1783 – 5 December 1859) was a British politician and landowner. He was the fourth son of Sir William Douglas,", "title": "Lord William Douglas" }, { "docid": "13653060", "text": "him hold his hand. In addition to the testimonies of the two \"scribes\" (Fetting and Draves), the book contains an additional testimony of four witnesses who saw the angel during his final visit to Fetting in 1933. This latter testimony is signed and notarized. In the preface to his first message, and in his 1940 personal testimony about the heavenly \"messenger\", William Draves wrote the following: Because the messenger could be seen and touched, some in Draves' church have expressed a belief that the messages in the \"Word of the Lord\" are not revelations, since for a revelation (according to", "title": "The Word of the Lord" }, { "docid": "18742522", "text": "bravado and cynicism with historical drama makes for a mostly satisfying mixture.\" \"Publishers Weekly\" called it a \"spellbinding fable\", and wrote that \"this is no myth-like \"Lord of the Flies\". Contemporary history is an ever-present element, as German troops advance, France falls apart, the government evacuates Paris and refugees flood the countryside. ... Raspail (\"Who Will Remember the People\") narrowly avoids sentimentality in this powerful depiction of an end to innocence and illusion.\" Blue Island (novel) Blue Island () is a 1988 novel by the French writer Jean Raspail. The narrative is set in Touraine during World War II, where", "title": "Blue Island (novel)" }, { "docid": "17157171", "text": "A Falcon Flies A Falcon Flies is a novel by Wilbur Smith. It was the first in a series of books known as The Ballantyne Novels. The Rhodesian Bush War of the 1970s inspired Smith to research and write a book set in historical Rhodesia. He originally planned it as one novel but it ended up as a trilogy. The book was the best selling novel published in England in 1981. A Falcon Flies is remarkable for its sense of the African wild, grimly informative about the slave trade, and alive with the obsessions and impossible love of its strongminded", "title": "A Falcon Flies" }, { "docid": "402223", "text": "inspired, and continues to inspire, artwork, music, films and television, video games, board games, and subsequent literature. Award-winning adaptations of \"The Lord of the Rings\" have been made for radio, theatre, and film. In 2003, it was named Britain's best novel of all time in the BBC's The Big Read. Thousands of years before the events of the novel, the Dark Lord Sauron had forged the One Ring to rule the other Rings of Power and corrupt those who wore them: the nine leaders of Men, the three of Elves and the seven of Dwarves. Sauron was defeated by an", "title": "The Lord of the Rings" }, { "docid": "15442751", "text": "hair of both substituting heroes is just one of the resemblances. \"The Mark of the Horse Lord\" won the inaugural, 1985 Phoenix Award from the Children's Literature Association as the best English-language children's book that did not win a major contemporary award when it was originally published twenty years earlier. It is named for the mythical bird phoenix, which is reborn from its ashes, to suggest the book's rise from obscurity. The Mark of the Horse Lord The Mark of the Horse Lord is a historical novel for children written by Rosemary Sutcliff and published in 1965. It won the", "title": "The Mark of the Horse Lord" }, { "docid": "20760471", "text": "sixteen lines to relate the story told of a “Lazar” (leper) and fifteen to draw the moral. The Fox, the Flies and the Hedgehog The fable of the fox, the flies and the hedgehog is ascribed to Aesop’s Fables. From its beginning it was applied satirically to political leaders and is numbered 427 in the Perry Index. An enfeebled fox is plagued by flies, ticks or mosquitoes, of which a hedgehog offers to rid her. The fox refuses such help on the grounds that the insects have already gorged themselves on her blood and hardly trouble her now, but they", "title": "The Fox, the Flies and the Hedgehog" }, { "docid": "20760468", "text": "The Fox, the Flies and the Hedgehog The fable of the fox, the flies and the hedgehog is ascribed to Aesop’s Fables. From its beginning it was applied satirically to political leaders and is numbered 427 in the Perry Index. An enfeebled fox is plagued by flies, ticks or mosquitoes, of which a hedgehog offers to rid her. The fox refuses such help on the grounds that the insects have already gorged themselves on her blood and hardly trouble her now, but they would inevitably be succeeded by new swarms if removed. The fable is mentioned by Aristotle in his", "title": "The Fox, the Flies and the Hedgehog" }, { "docid": "16270133", "text": "of Photography. Wright died in Hollywood, California on April 21, 1947. He was survived by Sarah Wright of 1741½ N. Van Ness Avenue, Hollywood, California. He was buried at Hollywood Park Cemetery on April 24, 1947. William Lord Wright William Lord Wright (November 14, 1879 Bellefontaine, Ohio – April 21, 1947 Hollywood, California) was an American screenwriter and film producer. Wright was a newspaper reporter in his hometown of Bellefontaine, Ohio, before going to Hollywood in 1917 where he wrote film scripts for Selig Studios for many years. He then went to work for Pathé Exchange as chief story editor.", "title": "William Lord Wright" }, { "docid": "11846329", "text": "Lundy is furious but there is nothing that he can do and Janet and William are married. Lord William Lord William, Sweet William or Lord Lundy (Child # 254, Roud # 106) is a traditional Scottish folk ballad telling how a pair of lovers, William and Janet, outwit her father, her bethrothed (by arrangement) and the priest in order to marry one other. Lord William has a love affair with Janet, the only daughter of Lord Lundy, a Scottish nobleman. While William is away on a voyage of discovery, her father finds out about the romance and declares that she", "title": "Lord William" } ]
Which innovation for the car was developed by Prince Henry of Prussia in 1911?
[ "Rear-window wiper", "Headlight washer", "Windshield wiper", "Windshield wipers", "Wipers (car)", "Headlamp wiper", "Windscreen wipers", "MAGIC VISION CONTROL", "Intermittent windshield wiper", "Windscreen washer", "Headlight wiper", "Headlamp washer", "Wiper blade", "Windshield washer", "Windscreen wiper" ]
[ { "docid": "4427719", "text": "became the club's patron. Henry was interested in motor cars as well and supposedly invented a windshield wiper and, according to other sources, the car horn. In his honor, the \"Prinz-Heinrich-Fahrt\" (Prince Heinrich Tour) was established in 1908, like the earlier Kaiserpreis a precursor to the German Grand Prix. Henry and his brother William gave patronage to the Kaiserlicher Automobilclub (Imperial Automobile Club). Henry also was an early proponent of introducing submarines and airplanes. He had merchant ships converted into seaplane tenders for operations in the Baltic Sea. Henry respected his brother, but this attitude was not returned in the", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929)" } ]
[ { "docid": "5302140", "text": "Prince Frederick of Prussia (1911–1966) Prince Frederick of Prussia (; 19 December 1911 – 20 April 1966), also known as \"Mr. Friedrich von Preussen\" in England, was the fourth son of Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany and Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. On 30 July 1945, he married Lady Brigid Guinness, daughter of Rupert Guinness, 2nd Earl of Iveagh, at Little Hadham, Hertfordshire. They have five children, fifteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren: He was studying at Cambridge, living incognito under the name of Count von Lingen, when war broke out in September 1939. He was arrested and interned in May 1940.", "title": "Prince Frederick of Prussia (1911–1966)" }, { "docid": "5302143", "text": "drowned in the Rhine, whether suicidally or accidentally could not be determined. Prince Frederick of Prussia (1911–1966) Prince Frederick of Prussia (; 19 December 1911 – 20 April 1966), also known as \"Mr. Friedrich von Preussen\" in England, was the fourth son of Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany and Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. On 30 July 1945, he married Lady Brigid Guinness, daughter of Rupert Guinness, 2nd Earl of Iveagh, at Little Hadham, Hertfordshire. They have five children, fifteen grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren: He was studying at Cambridge, living incognito under the name of Count von Lingen, when war broke", "title": "Prince Frederick of Prussia (1911–1966)" }, { "docid": "4427721", "text": "was a very successful participant in regattas. He popularized the \"\" (\"Prince Henry cap\"), which is still worn, especially by older sailors. In 1899, Henry received an honorary doctorate (Doctor of Engineering \"honoris causa\") from the Technical University of Berlin. Also in foreign countries he received numerous similar honors, including an honorary doctorate (LL.D.) from Harvard University in March 1902, during his visit to the United States. Prince Henry died of throat cancer, as his father had, in Hemmelmark on 20 April 1929. George Burroughs Torrey painted a portrait of him. Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929) Prince Henry of Prussia", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929)" }, { "docid": "14478954", "text": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1900–1904) Prince Heinrich of Prussia, (; 9 January 1900 – 26 February 1904), was the haemophiliac third son and youngest child of Prince Henry of Prussia and Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine, and thus a grandson of Frederick III, German Emperor on his father's side and a great-grandson of Queen Victoria through both his mother and father. He died aged four. Prince Heinrich was born on 9 January 1900, in Kiel. His father was pleased by the birth of yet another son, especially such a handsome one, as the Prince had blonde hair. The", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1900–1904)" }, { "docid": "5924011", "text": "Vauxhall Prince Henry The Vauxhall Prince Henry was a car manufactured by Vauxhall from 1911 to 1914. It had a length of around and a weight of depending on the model and the coachwork fitted. It is often thought of as the first sports car insofar as its high performance depends less on brute strength and more on overall excellence of design and sturdiness of construction. Known to Vauxhall as their C-10 three specially prepared cars were entered in the 1200 mile (1900 km) long 1910 Motor Trials named in honour of Prince Henry of Prussia. Replicas of the trial", "title": "Vauxhall Prince Henry" }, { "docid": "4427712", "text": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929) Prince Henry of Prussia (\"Albert Wilhelm Heinrich\", 14 August 1862 – 20 April 1929) was a younger brother of German Emperor William II and a Prince of Prussia. He was also a grandson of Queen Victoria. A career naval officer, he held various commands in the Imperial German Navy, eventually rose to the rank of Grand Admiral and Generalinspekteur der Marine. Born in Berlin, Prince Henry was the third child and second son of eight children born to Crown Prince Frederick (later Emperor Frederick III), and Victoria, Princess Royal of the United Kingdom (later Empress", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929)" }, { "docid": "18739760", "text": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1781–1846) Frederick Henry Charles of Prussia (\"Friedrich Heinrich Karl von Preußen\"; 30 December 1781, Berlin - 12 July 1846, Rome) was a Prussian prince and army officer. Henry was a son of Frederick William II of Prussia (1744-1797) by his second wife Frederika Louisa (1751-1805), daughter of Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. Henry entered the army on 5 September 1795 as a fähnrich in the Life Company of the 1st Guards Battalion. He also served as an oberst during the 1806-07 campaign against Napoleon - at Auerstadt he was loaned a horse by Gerhard von Scharnhorst", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1781–1846)" }, { "docid": "2727515", "text": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1726–1802) Frederick Henry Louis () (18 January 1726 – 3 August 1802), commonly known as Henry (\"), was a Prince of Prussia and the younger brother of Frederick the Great. He also served as a general and statesman, leading Prussian armies in the Silesian Wars and the Seven Years' War, having never lost a battle in the latter. In 1786, he was suggested as a candidate for a monarch for the United States. Born in Berlin, Henry was the 13th child of King Frederick William I of Prussia and Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover. Henry's conflicts", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1726–1802)" }, { "docid": "6534279", "text": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1747–1767) Frederick Henry Charles, Prince of Prussia (, 30 December 1747 – 26 May 1767) was the second son of Prince Augustus William, the brother of Frederick the Great. His older brother was Frederick William II of Prussia. In his early life, the prince received several military promotions and honours; on 16 January 1748 he became a member of the Order of the Black Eagle, and on 20 September 1764 he became captain and company commander of the 1st Battalion Guard of the Gardes du Corps. In September later that year he was raised to commander,", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1747–1767)" }, { "docid": "6534281", "text": "smallpox and died on the 26th, much to his uncle's grief. Prince Henry of Prussia (1747–1767) Frederick Henry Charles, Prince of Prussia (, 30 December 1747 – 26 May 1767) was the second son of Prince Augustus William, the brother of Frederick the Great. His older brother was Frederick William II of Prussia. In his early life, the prince received several military promotions and honours; on 16 January 1748 he became a member of the Order of the Black Eagle, and on 20 September 1764 he became captain and company commander of the 1st Battalion Guard of the Gardes du", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1747–1767)" }, { "docid": "14478957", "text": "would die. He was suffering from Brain haemorrhage. He lingered for a couple of hours, but died the following day, on 26 February. He was only four years-old. Prince Heinrich's premature death would later very much affect the Princess, who would withdraw into herself. One of his older brothers, Prince Waldemar, also had haemophilia. He lived up to the age of 56 and even married, but, due to his condition, never had any children. The middle sibling, Prince Sigismund, was unaffected by the disease. Prince Henry of Prussia (1900–1904) Prince Heinrich of Prussia, (; 9 January 1900 – 26 February", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1900–1904)" }, { "docid": "2727522", "text": "reply. After the death of Frederick in 1786, Henry hoped to become more influential in the Prussian government as the advisor of his nephew, the new King Frederick William II of Prussia. Although he was less influential than he hoped, Henry was more important during the last years of his life in advising King Frederick William III, who began his reign in 1797. Voltaire had seen in Frederick the embodiment of his \"Philosopher King\". Arguably, Henry was by deed the man Voltaire had hoped the \"Age of Reason\" would produce. Henry died at Rheinsberg Palace. Prince Henry of Prussia (1726–1802)", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1726–1802)" }, { "docid": "18739763", "text": "grandson of George III of the United Kingdom at his christening in Berlin. Later in 1819 Henry moved to Rome, only gaining permission to go from Frederick William III after Henry (always in poor health) fainted at a soirée. He spent his last twenty years bedridden, with major general Friedrich Wilhelm von Lepel (1774-1840) and from 1845 Helmuth von Moltke as his adjutant. He is buried in the Berliner Dom. The Heinrichplatz in Berlin-Kreuzberg is named after him. Prince Henry of Prussia (1781–1846) Frederick Henry Charles of Prussia (\"Friedrich Heinrich Karl von Preußen\"; 30 December 1781, Berlin - 12 July", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1781–1846)" }, { "docid": "14478955", "text": "newborn Prince immediately received the title Prince of Prussia with the style \"Royal Highness\", and was baptised \"Heinrich Viktor Ludwig Friedrich\". His older brothers were Prince Waldemar, a namesake of his uncle, and Prince Sigismund, a namesake of his other deceased uncle. Heinrich was named in honour of his father. The Prince was diagnosed with haemophilia as a young child, but, despite this, was a very cheerful and lively boy who liked to play a lot. As Henry grew older he became more aware of his condition. On 25 February, Princess Irene left Heinrich unsupervised for a few minutes while", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1900–1904)" }, { "docid": "18739761", "text": "after Henry's horse was killed under him. In 1807 he was made commander of the \"von Schöning\" Infantry Regiment. In the 1813 campaign he was on the headquarters staff of the Russian general Peter Wittgenstein. On 31 May 1815 he was promoted to General of Infantry. From 1800 until the dissolution of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg in 1811, Henry served as co-adjutor of Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia, the Bailiwick's last Lord Master. On its dissolution, Henry's brother Frederick William III of Prussia set up the Royal Prussian Order of Saint John with Augustus as its Grand Master. In 1813", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1781–1846)" }, { "docid": "7405192", "text": "Prince Albert of Prussia (1809–1872) Prince Albert of Prussia (Frederick Henry Albert; ; 4 October 1809, in Königsberg – 14 October 1872, in Berlin) was a Prussian colonel general. Albert was the fifth son and youngest child of King Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. His parents had fled to East Prussia after the occupation of Berlin by Napoleon. Two of Albert's elder brothers were Frederick William IV, King of Prussia from 1840 till 1861, and William I, King of Prussia from 1861 to 1888 and German Emperor from 1871 until 1888. In 1819 he joined the", "title": "Prince Albert of Prussia (1809–1872)" }, { "docid": "9445478", "text": "Prince Waldemar of Prussia (1889–1945) Prince Waldemar of Prussia (Waldemar Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich Viktor Heinrich) (20 March 1889 at Kiel – 2 May 1945 at Tutzing, Bavaria) was the eldest son of Prince Henry of Prussia and his wife, Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine. Waldemar married Princess Calixta of Lippe-Biesterfeld (14 October 1895 – 15 December 1982) on 14 August 1919 at Hemmelmark. They had no children, and resided in Bavaria. Waldemar, like his maternal first cousin, Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich of Russia; maternal uncle Prince Friedrich of Hesse and by Rhine; and youngest brother Heinrich, suffered from haemophilia.", "title": "Prince Waldemar of Prussia (1889–1945)" }, { "docid": "7405196", "text": "the building was heavily damaged by air raids and finally demolished in 1955. Since 1951 the street is named Niederkirchnerstraße, the area is now part of the Topography of Terror project. Prince Albert of Prussia (1809–1872) Prince Albert of Prussia (Frederick Henry Albert; ; 4 October 1809, in Königsberg – 14 October 1872, in Berlin) was a Prussian colonel general. Albert was the fifth son and youngest child of King Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. His parents had fled to East Prussia after the occupation of Berlin by Napoleon. Two of Albert's elder brothers were Frederick", "title": "Prince Albert of Prussia (1809–1872)" }, { "docid": "9985101", "text": "Prince Sigismund of Prussia (1896–1978) Prince Sigismund of Prussia (Wilhelm Viktor Karl August Heinrich Sigismund; 27 November 1896 at Kiel – 14 November 1978 at Puntarenas, Costa Rica), was the second son of Prince Henry of Prussia and his wife, Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine. He was a nephew of Kaiser Wilhelm II and Tsarina Alexandra of Russia. A great-grandson of Queen Victoria through both his parents, he was the only one of three brothers who did not have the hemophilia common among her descendants. On 11 July 1919 at Hemmelmark, he married Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Altenburg (4", "title": "Prince Sigismund of Prussia (1896–1978)" }, { "docid": "17974590", "text": "Prince Michael of Prussia Prince Michael of Prussia (22 March 1940 – 3 April 2014) was a member of the Hohenzollern dynasty which ruled Germany until the end of World War I. His great-grandfather William II was the German Emperor and King of Prussia until 1918. Although \"Kaiser Wilhelm\" died in exile and his family was stripped of much of its wealth and recognition of its rank and titles by the German Republic, he spent nearly all of his life in Germany. Prince Michael was the second son of Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia, and Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of", "title": "Prince Michael of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14275487", "text": "1987 Lima, Peru). They were married until Prince Karl's death and had two daughters; Prince Karl Franz of Prussia Prince Karl Franz of Prussia (15 December 1916 – 23 January 1975) was the only child of Prince Joachim of Prussia and his wife Princess Marie-Auguste of Anhalt. He was also the grandson of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, himself a grandson of Queen Victoria, which made Prince Karl a great-great-grandson of the British queen. Prince Karl Franz was born on 15 December 1916 in Potsdam. He was the only child born to Prince Joachim of Prussia by his wife Princess Marie-Auguste", "title": "Prince Karl Franz of Prussia" }, { "docid": "5924021", "text": "the Prince Henry radiator and bonnet were adopted. This was one of the first cases of a British car having its bonnet merging into the scuttle without an intermediate no-man's land of exposed dashboard. \"Of the three Vauxhalls which ran in the Prince Henry Tour, two got full marks for reliability, and all did about 65 miles an hour in the speed trial, which was really quite good for that engine with a four-seated body and a full complement of passengers. So many people desired cars of this special type that in 1911 it was made a regular product of", "title": "Vauxhall Prince Henry" }, { "docid": "17974594", "text": "had been placed in a trust for William II's heir, was discriminatory. Michael was the godfather of Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia. He died on 3 April 2014, aged 74. Two years later, his wife Brigitte also died, after committing suicide. Prince Michael of Prussia Prince Michael of Prussia (22 March 1940 – 3 April 2014) was a member of the Hohenzollern dynasty which ruled Germany until the end of World War I. His great-grandfather William II was the German Emperor and King of Prussia until 1918. Although \"Kaiser Wilhelm\" died in exile and his family was stripped of much", "title": "Prince Michael of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14275482", "text": "Prince Karl Franz of Prussia Prince Karl Franz of Prussia (15 December 1916 – 23 January 1975) was the only child of Prince Joachim of Prussia and his wife Princess Marie-Auguste of Anhalt. He was also the grandson of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, himself a grandson of Queen Victoria, which made Prince Karl a great-great-grandson of the British queen. Prince Karl Franz was born on 15 December 1916 in Potsdam. He was the only child born to Prince Joachim of Prussia by his wife Princess Marie-Auguste of Anhalt. Karl Franz was the Emperor's fourth grandchild to be born since World", "title": "Prince Karl Franz of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14594521", "text": "House of Hohenzollern. After his death his body was brought to the castle Rheinstein, which he had inherited in 1863 with his only brother Prince Alexander and for which he always cherished a predilection; on 9 May 1902 he was buried in the chapel of the castle. In 1906 the newly established state school as Düsseldorf Royal Prince Georg-Gymnasium was named in his honor. Under the pseudonyms George Conrad and Gunther von Freiberg, Prince George wrote and published many poems and plays: Prince George of Prussia Prince George of Prussia (Frederick William George Ernest; 12 February 1826, Düsseldorf – 2", "title": "Prince George of Prussia" }, { "docid": "1298821", "text": "were important to the growing popularity of fast motor cars in Britain. Like the 60 hp Mercedes the Prince Henry Austro-Daimler and Vauxhall were production fast touring cars. The Prince Henry Tours (which were similar to modern car rallies) were among the sporting events of the period, bringing renown to successful entrants. Porsche himself drove the Austro-Daimler to victory in the 1910 Prince Henry Tour. The Prince Henry Tours started the evolution of reasonably large and technically advanced production sports cars. Hispano-Suiza's Alfonso XIII is also considered one of the earliest sports cars, developed between 1911 and 1914 from the", "title": "Sports car" }, { "docid": "14201247", "text": "by himself. All of these concerts would have been done for various charitable organizations. After his arrival in the United States however, it soon emerged that he would do no performing while in the country. Prince Joachim Albert of Prussia Prince Joachim of Prussia (27 September 1876 – 24 October 1939) was a member of the House of Hohenzollern. He was the second eldest son of Prince Albert of Prussia and his wife Princess Marie of Saxe-Altenburg. He is notable for composing music, in particular military waltzes. Prince Joachim's paternal grandparents were Prince Albert of Prussia and Princess Marianne of", "title": "Prince Joachim Albert of Prussia" }, { "docid": "6885065", "text": "Prince Hubertus of Prussia Prince Hubertus of Prussia (Hubertus Karl Wilhelm; 30 September 1909 – 8 April 1950) was the third son of Crown Prince Wilhelm of Germany and Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. He joined the army in 1934 (infantry regiment 8 in Frankfurt/Oder) and participated in the Invasion of Poland in 1939. One year later he was dismissed from the army by Hitler's Prinzenerlaß, following the death of his elder brother Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, who was wounded in France on 23rd May 1940 and died in a Field hospital in Belgium three days later. On 29 December 1941,", "title": "Prince Hubertus of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14893555", "text": "Prince Augustus of Prussia Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich August of Prussia (19 September 1779 - 19 July 1843), known in English as Prince Augustus, was a Prussian general. Born on Friedrichsfelde Palace, he was the youngest son of Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia, the brother of King Frederick the Great, and Margravine Elisabeth Louise of Brandenburg-Schwedt. Augustus joined the Prussian army as a young man, earning the rank of captain by eighteen years old. In 1803, he became a major and was granted an infantry battalion of his own. Three years later, now a lieutenant colonel, he and his battalion", "title": "Prince Augustus of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14594511", "text": "Prince George of Prussia Prince George of Prussia (Frederick William George Ernest; 12 February 1826, Düsseldorf – 2 May 1902, Berlin) was a member of the House of Hohenzollern. A man of many talents, George was at various periods of his life a Prussian general, poet and writer, often going, according to Moeller, under the sobriquets Gunther von Freiberg and George Conrad. He wrote and published over 25 plays in his lifetime. Prince George was the youngest son of Prince Frederick of Prussia, who was a grandson of Frederick William II of Prussia. His mother was Princess Wilhelmine Luise of", "title": "Prince George of Prussia" }, { "docid": "8353938", "text": "brother of Emperor Wilhelm I. His death disrupted plans for the celebration of the silver wedding anniversary of his nephew, Crown Prince Frederick, as well as plans for a visit from the Prince and Princess of Wales to Berlin. Prince Charles of Prussia Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia (German: Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen) (29 June 1801 – 21 January 1883) was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian general for much of his adult life and became the first \"Herrenmeister\" (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John after its", "title": "Prince Charles of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14201241", "text": "Prince Joachim Albert of Prussia Prince Joachim of Prussia (27 September 1876 – 24 October 1939) was a member of the House of Hohenzollern. He was the second eldest son of Prince Albert of Prussia and his wife Princess Marie of Saxe-Altenburg. He is notable for composing music, in particular military waltzes. Prince Joachim's paternal grandparents were Prince Albert of Prussia and Princess Marianne of the Netherlands. His maternal grandparents were Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg and Agnes of Anhalt-Dessau. Joachim had two brothers: Friedrich Heinrich Albrecht (1874–1940) and Friedrich Wilhelm (1880–1925). In 1885, Joachim's father Prince Albert was chosen", "title": "Prince Joachim Albert of Prussia" }, { "docid": "10131582", "text": "Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia (born March 14, 1946) is one of the three paternal uncles of Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, head of the House of Hohenzollern since 1994, which reigned over Germany until 1918. He is the youngest of four sons born to Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia (1907-1994) and Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of Russia (1909-1967). He was the heir presumptive to the headship of the deposed House of Hohenzollern from the death of his father to 20 January 2013, when Georg Friedrich fathered twin sons, relegating Christian-Sigismund to a more remote place in", "title": "Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia" }, { "docid": "10131586", "text": "(born Kiel, 13 March 1954) whom he married on September 29, 1984, at Gut Damp an der Ostsee in Holstein, daughter of Count Carl Ludwig zu Reventlow, and his second wife Nina Pryadkin. Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia (born March 14, 1946) is one of the three paternal uncles of Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia, head of the House of Hohenzollern since 1994, which reigned over Germany until 1918. He is the youngest of four sons born to Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia (1907-1994) and Grand Duchess Kira Kirillovna of Russia (1909-1967). He was the heir presumptive", "title": "Prince Christian-Sigismund of Prussia" }, { "docid": "15083102", "text": "Prince Alexander Ferdinand of Prussia Prince Alexander of Prussia (Alexander Ferdinand Albrecht Achilles Wilhelm Joseph Viktor Karl Feodor; 26 December 1912 – 12 June 1985) was the only son of Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia and his wife Princess Alexandra Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Prince Alexander of Prussia was born on 26 December 1912 to Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia and his wife Princess Alexandra Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. August Wilhelm was a younger son of Kaiser Wilhelm II. His parents divorced in 1920 and his mother remarried less than two years later; custody of the young prince was awarded to Alexander's", "title": "Prince Alexander Ferdinand of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14989404", "text": "Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia (; 12 July 18809 March 1925) was a member of the House of Hohenzollern, great-grandson of Frederick William III of Prussia. Friedrich Wilhelm was born at Kamenz Palace in Kamenz, Kingdom of Prussia, (now Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, Poland) youngest child of Prince Albert of Prussia (1837–1906), (son of Prince Albert of Prussia and Princess Marianne of the Netherlands) and his wife, Princess Marie of Saxe-Altenburg (1854–1898), (daughter of Ernst I, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg and Princess Agnes of Anhalt-Dessau). He was great-grandson of King Frederick William III of Prussia and King William", "title": "Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia" }, { "docid": "5924014", "text": "at £580 with the chassis code C10 and known as the Prince Henry model. Both Austro-Daimler and Vauxhall offered for sale replicas of their Prince Henry models at the 1911 Olympia Motor Show In 1913 the engine capacity was increased to 3969 cc and the internal designation changed to C. Production continued until 1915. Cars produced in 1914 have flutes in the bonnet that fade out a short way behind the radiator. This 1914 car described below was very familiar to the writer who was a colleague and a close friend of its owner, Laurence Pomeroy junior, the designer's son.", "title": "Vauxhall Prince Henry" }, { "docid": "4427716", "text": "1917 Revolution, in putting Russia’s naval forces far on the defensive, and hindered them from making attacks on the German coast. After the end of hostilities with Russia, his mission was ended, and Prince Henry simply left active duty. With the war’s end and the dissolution of the monarchy in Germany, Prince Henry left the Navy. On 24 May 1888, Henry married Princess Irene of Hesse and by Rhine, his first cousin. The marriage produced three children: Their sons Waldemar and Heinrich were both hemophiliacs, a disease which they inherited through Irene from the maternal grandmother of both of their", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929)" }, { "docid": "5271377", "text": "took place at Schloß Bellevue near Berlin, Prussia. Initially the union was a morganatic marriage, but on 3 November 1919 was decreed to be dynastic in accordance with the house laws of the Royal House of Hohenzollern. Henceforth, from 21 June 1920, his wife was titled \"Princess of Prussia\" with the style \"Royal Highness\". The couple had four children: Prince Oskar, whose health declined during the final years of his life, died of stomach cancer in a clinic in Munich on 27 January 1958. Prince Oskar of Prussia Prince Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf of Prussia (\"Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz", "title": "Prince Oskar of Prussia" }, { "docid": "5271452", "text": "ships were named after Prince Eitel, the passenger ship \"Prince Eitel Friedrich\" (1901) and the Reich postal steamer \"Prince Eitel Friedrich\" (1904). Schench, G. \"Handbuch über den Königlich Preuβischen Hof und Staat fur das Jahr 1908\". Berlin, Prussia, 1907. <BR> Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia (Wilhelm Eitel Friedrich Christian Karl; 7 July 1883 – 8 December 1942) was the second son of Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany by his first wife, Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein. He was born and died in Potsdam, Germany. On 27 February 1906, Prince Eitel married Duchess Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg", "title": "Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14989408", "text": "Potsdam to Princess Agatha of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (1888–1960), daughter of Victor II, Duke of Ratibor, and his wife, Countess Maria Breunner-Enkevoirth. They had four daughters: Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia (; 12 July 18809 March 1925) was a member of the House of Hohenzollern, great-grandson of Frederick William III of Prussia. Friedrich Wilhelm was born at Kamenz Palace in Kamenz, Kingdom of Prussia, (now Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, Poland) youngest child of Prince Albert of Prussia (1837–1906), (son of Prince Albert of Prussia and Princess Marianne of the Netherlands) and his wife, Princess Marie of Saxe-Altenburg (1854–1898), (daughter", "title": "Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia" }, { "docid": "10928902", "text": "marriage. Prince Louis Charles of Prussia Prince Louis Charles of Prussia (; Potsdam, 5 November 1773 – Berlin, 28 December 1796) was the second son and third child of Frederick William II of Prussia and Frederika Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt. On 26 December 1793 in Berlin, Prussia, Prince Louis married HSH Duchess Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, youngest daughter of Charles II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and sister of Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of his brother Frederick. They had three children: Prince Louis Charles died aged 23 from diphtheria. His widow went on to marry twice more, becoming Queen of Hanover by her", "title": "Prince Louis Charles of Prussia" }, { "docid": "10928901", "text": "Prince Louis Charles of Prussia Prince Louis Charles of Prussia (; Potsdam, 5 November 1773 – Berlin, 28 December 1796) was the second son and third child of Frederick William II of Prussia and Frederika Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt. On 26 December 1793 in Berlin, Prussia, Prince Louis married HSH Duchess Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, youngest daughter of Charles II, Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and sister of Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of his brother Frederick. They had three children: Prince Louis Charles died aged 23 from diphtheria. His widow went on to marry twice more, becoming Queen of Hanover by her last", "title": "Prince Louis Charles of Prussia" }, { "docid": "10373080", "text": "Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia (\"Franz Wilhelm Victor Christoph Stephan\"; born 3 September 1943) is a German businessman and member of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling German imperial house and royal house of Prussia. From 1976 to 1986 he was known as Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich of Russia. As a descendant of Wilhelm II, he is also a great-great-great-grandson of Queen Victoria and a fourth cousin of Charles, Prince of Wales. Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia was born in Grünberg, Silesia, as the son of Prince Karl Franz of Prussia (1916–1975) and his", "title": "Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia" }, { "docid": "15083110", "text": "Prince Alexander of Prussia Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig \"Alexander\" of Prussia (21 June 1820 – 4 January 1896) was the eldest child of Prince Frederick of Prussia and his wife, Princess Luise of Anhalt-Bernburg. Alexander joined the army at a young age, and was attached to the headquarters of Crown Prince Frederick during the Austro-Prussian War. During the morning of the decisive battle of Königgrätz, a humorous account recounted that while on his horse, it ran away; Alexander was found later in the afternoon seated on the horse in a neighboring wood, stating that his horse had insisted on going", "title": "Prince Alexander of Prussia" }, { "docid": "5271439", "text": "Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia Prince August Wilhelm Heinrich Günther Viktor of Prussia (29 January 1887 – 25 March 1949), called \"Auwi\", was the fourth son of Emperor Wilhelm II, German Emperor by his first wife, Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein. He is largely remembered today for his support of Nazism and of Adolf Hitler. He was born in the Potsdamer Stadtschloss when his grandfather was still the Crown Prince of Prussia. He spent his youth with his siblings at the New Palace, also in Potsdam, and his school days at the Prinzenhaus in Plön. Later, he studied at the universities", "title": "Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia" }, { "docid": "15083114", "text": "substantial legacies, but the rest of his estate passed to his younger brother Prince George of Prussia, and after his death, to Alexander's godchild Prince Oskar of Prussia. Much was written about Alexander's supposedly promiscuous ways. In her 1915 work \"Memories of forty years\", Catherine Radziwill recalled that: \"[Prince Alexander], though none too intelligent, was extremely fond of society, feminine society in particular. I remember that one day, at my mother-in-law's house, he managed to decoy into an empty room a certain Madame von Wildenbruch, the wife of an illegitimate son of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, and began kissing", "title": "Prince Alexander of Prussia" }, { "docid": "7454563", "text": "Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia Prince August Ferdinand of Prussia (; 23 May 1730, Berlin – 2 May 1813, Berlin) was a Prussian prince and general, as well as \"Herrenmeister\" (\"Master of the Knights\") of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg of the Order of Saint John. He belonged to the House of Hohenzollern, and was the youngest son of Frederick William I of Prussia by his wife Queen Sophia Dorothea. He was the youngest child of King Frederick William I of Prussia and his wife Sophia Dorothea of Hanover. He was also a younger brother of King Frederick the Great (Frederick", "title": "Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia" }, { "docid": "15083106", "text": "Force, and was originally from Wiesbaden, where Alexander Ferdinand was stationed. As the marriage had not been dynastically approved, none of his relatives attended the ceremony, but fellow officers served as witnesses. They had one son: Prince Alexander Ferdinand died on 12 June 1985 at Wiesbaden. Prince Alexander Ferdinand of Prussia Prince Alexander of Prussia (Alexander Ferdinand Albrecht Achilles Wilhelm Joseph Viktor Karl Feodor; 26 December 1912 – 12 June 1985) was the only son of Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia and his wife Princess Alexandra Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Prince Alexander of Prussia was born on 26 December 1912 to", "title": "Prince Alexander Ferdinand of Prussia" }, { "docid": "7454566", "text": "Elisabeth Louise would die seven years later, on 10 February 1820. Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia Prince August Ferdinand of Prussia (; 23 May 1730, Berlin – 2 May 1813, Berlin) was a Prussian prince and general, as well as \"Herrenmeister\" (\"Master of the Knights\") of the Bailiwick of Brandenburg of the Order of Saint John. He belonged to the House of Hohenzollern, and was the youngest son of Frederick William I of Prussia by his wife Queen Sophia Dorothea. He was the youngest child of King Frederick William I of Prussia and his wife Sophia Dorothea of Hanover. He", "title": "Prince Augustus Ferdinand of Prussia" }, { "docid": "8353932", "text": "Prince Charles of Prussia Prince Frederick Charles Alexander of Prussia (German: Prinz Friedrich Carl Alexander von Preußen) (29 June 1801 – 21 January 1883) was a younger son of Frederick William III of Prussia. He served as a Prussian general for much of his adult life and became the first \"Herrenmeister\" (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John after its restoration as a chivalric order. Nevertheless, he is perhaps remembered more often for his patronage of art and for his sizable collections of art and armor. Charles was born in Charlottenburg Palace near Berlin, the third son of Frederick", "title": "Prince Charles of Prussia" }, { "docid": "10077249", "text": "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1893–1917) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (Tassilo Wilhelm Humbert Leopold Friedrich Karl; 6 April 1893 – 6 April 1917) was a German prince and competitive horse rider who competed in the 1912 Summer Olympics. Prince Friedrich Karl was born in Schloss Klein-Glienicke, Potsdam, Berlin. He was the son of Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia (1865–1931) and Princess Louise Sophie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (1866–1952) and a grandson of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. He was a member of the 1912 German Olympic equestrian team, which won a bronze medal in the team jumping event. His horse during", "title": "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1893–1917)" }, { "docid": "10077251", "text": "where he died from his injuries on 6 April 1917 at Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray. Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1893–1917) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (Tassilo Wilhelm Humbert Leopold Friedrich Karl; 6 April 1893 – 6 April 1917) was a German prince and competitive horse rider who competed in the 1912 Summer Olympics. Prince Friedrich Karl was born in Schloss Klein-Glienicke, Potsdam, Berlin. He was the son of Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia (1865–1931) and Princess Louise Sophie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (1866–1952) and a grandson of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. He was a member of the 1912 German Olympic equestrian team, which", "title": "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1893–1917)" }, { "docid": "14699128", "text": "Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia Prince Wilhelm Karl of Prussia (\"Wilhelm Karl Adalbert Erich Detloff\"; 30 January 1922, in Potsdam – 9 April 2007, in Holzminden) was the third son of Prince Oskar of Prussia, and the last surviving grandson of Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor. He was the thirty-sixth Master of Knights (\"Herrenmeister\") of the Protestant (and largely German) Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg), also known as \"Der Johanniterorden\". Wilhelm-Karl was the youngest of Prince Oskar of Prussia and Countess Ina Marie von Bassewitz's four children. Having been admitted to the Bailiwick of Brandenburg of the Order", "title": "Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia" }, { "docid": "15405267", "text": "Vincent Scully Prize, which honors exemplary practice, scholarship, or criticism in architecture, historic preservation, and urban design, and the Honor Award for individuals and organizations who have made important contributions to the U.S.'s building heritage. Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology The Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology is awarded annually by the National Building Museum to recognize outstanding leadership and innovation in the field of construction methods and processes, including engineering design and construction techniques and practices. Created in 2002 by an endowment established by the Turner Construction Company and named after the", "title": "Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology" }, { "docid": "15083115", "text": "her with fervour, to the extreme stupefaction and anger of the lady in question, who, it must be added, was at that time nearly seventy years of age\". Despite never marrying, another source said Alexander declared marriage to every woman he met, \"no matter if she be princess or laundress, octogenarian or young girl, married or single\". Prince Alexander of Prussia Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig \"Alexander\" of Prussia (21 June 1820 – 4 January 1896) was the eldest child of Prince Frederick of Prussia and his wife, Princess Luise of Anhalt-Bernburg. Alexander joined the army at a young age, and", "title": "Prince Alexander of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14112051", "text": "Princess Victoria Margaret, Prince Friedrich Karl, and Prince Friedrich Leopold. Like some other Hohenzollerns like Prince Heinrich of Prussia, Friedrich was greatly interested in aviation. In 1911, he began building an aeroplane at Glenicke Castle, with the hopes of trying it out the following spring. In 1917, he and his brother Friedrich Karl joined the German flying corps. Later that year, his brother died from war wounds. On April 27, 1916 he married at Jagdschloss Klein-Glienicke in Berlin Princess Marie Louise of Schaumburg-Lippe (a daughter of Prince Friedrich of Schaumburg-Lippe and Princess Louise of Denmark). They had two children: He", "title": "Prince Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia (1891–1927)" }, { "docid": "10373082", "text": "in a civil marriage at Dinard on 4 September 1976 and religiously on 22 September 1976 in Madrid. Before his marriage he converted to the Russian Orthodox faith and was created a Grand Duke of Russia with the name Mikhail Pavlovich by his father-in-law Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia. Prince Franz Wilhelm and Grand Duchess Maria had one son before divorcing in 1985, at which point he reverted to his previous title. Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia (\"Franz Wilhelm Victor Christoph Stephan\"; born 3 September 1943) is a German businessman and member of the House", "title": "Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia" }, { "docid": "6906412", "text": "massive variation cycle, \"L'art de varier\", was also written for Louis Ferdinand. In 1842, Franz Liszt wrote an \"Élégie sur des motifs du Prince Louis Ferdinand de Prusse\", S. 168, for piano solo. The following is a complete list of compositions by Prince Louis Ferdinand with opus numbers: Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (1772–1806) Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (Friedrich Ludwig Christian; 18 November 1772 – 10 October 1806), was a Prussian prince and a soldier in the Napoleonic Wars. Louis Ferdinand was born in Friedrichsfelde Palace near Berlin. He was a son of Prince August Ferdinand of Prussia and", "title": "Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (1772–1806)" }, { "docid": "5277934", "text": "Prince Wilhelm of Prussia (1783–1851) Prince Wilhelm of Prussia (Friedrich Wilhelm Karl von Preußen; 3 July 1783, Berlin – 28 September 1851, Berlin) was the son of Frederick William II of Prussia and Frederika Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt. Prince William was the fourth and youngest son of King Frederick William II of Prussia and Princess Frederika Louisa of Hesse-Darmstadt. He served in the Guards from 1799 and fought in 1806 at the head of a cavalry brigade at Battle of Jena and Auerstedt. In December 1807, he traveled to Paris, to try to reduce the war burdens imposed on Prussia by", "title": "Prince Wilhelm of Prussia (1783–1851)" }, { "docid": "4427713", "text": "Victoria and in widowhood Empress Frederick), eldest daughter of the British Queen Victoria. Henry was three years younger than his brother, the future Emperor William II (born 27 January 1859). He was born on the same day as King Frederick William I \"Soldier-King\" of Prussia. After attending the gymnasium in Kassel, which he left in the middle grades in 1877, the 15-year-old Henry entered the Imperial Navy cadet program. His naval education included a two-year voyage around the world (1878 to 1880), the naval officer examination (\"Seeoffizierhauptprüfung\") in October 1880, and attending the German naval academy (1884 to 1886). As", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929)" }, { "docid": "4131783", "text": "Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia (; born 10 June 1976) is the current head of the Prussian branch of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling dynasty of the German Empire and of the Kingdom of Prussia. He is the great-great-grandson and historic heir of Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, who was deposed and went into exile upon Germany's defeat in World War I in 1918. Georg Friedrich is the only son of Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (1944–1977) and Countess Donata of Castell-Rüdenhausen (1950–2015). Born into a mediatised", "title": "Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia" }, { "docid": "17012316", "text": "Prince Wilhelm Victor of Prussia Prince Wilhelm Victor of Prussia (\"Wilhelm Viktor Ernst Freund Friedrich Georg Adalbert\") (15 February 1919 in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, 7 February 1989 in Donaueschingen, Baden-Württemberg) was a German nobleman, soldier and diplomat. Prince Wilhelm Victor was a grandson of Emperor Wilhelm II and the youngest child of Prince Adalbert of Prussia (14 July 1884 – 22 September 1948) and Princess Adelheid \"Adi\" of Saxe-Meiningen (16 August 1891 – 25 April 1971). His father, Prince Adalbert carried also the title \"Graf Lingen\". He forfeited his rights of succession as a result of his unequal marriage. His sister,", "title": "Prince Wilhelm Victor of Prussia" }, { "docid": "6201678", "text": "Prince Augustus William of Prussia Augustus William of Prussia (German: \"August Wilhelm\"; 9 August 1722 – 12 June 1758) was Prince of Prussia and a younger brother and general of Frederick II. Augustus was the second surviving son of Frederick William I and Sophia Dorothea. His older siblings included Wilhelmina (later Margravine of Bayreuth), Frederick II (later King of Prussia), Friedrike Louise (later Margravine of Ansbach) and Louisa Ulrika (later Queen of Sweden). Augustus was favored by his father over Frederick and popular at the Prussian court. When his brother Frederick became king in 1740, Augustus became heir presumptive and", "title": "Prince Augustus William of Prussia" }, { "docid": "11370846", "text": "of all three lodges. During the November Revolution 1918, he hoisted a red flag on his hunting lodge Glienicke near Berlin. He also owned a large manor at Krojanke, after 1918 located in Posen-West Prussia. On 21 June 1924, possession was confirmed by the Reichsgericht. He died there in 1931. Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia Joachim Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Leopold Prinz von Preußen (14 November 1865 in Berlin – 13 September 1931 Krojanke manor, Landkreis Flatow, Posen-West Prussia) was a son of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia and Princess Maria Anna of Anhalt-Dessau, married in 1854. On 24 June 1889", "title": "Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia" }, { "docid": "4943833", "text": "Prince Joachim of Prussia Prince Joachim Franz Humbert of Prussia (17 December 1890 – 18 July 1920) was the youngest son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor, by his first wife, Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein. He committed suicide at age 29. During the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916, some republican leaders, including Patrick Pearse and Joseph Plunkett, contemplated giving the throne of an independent Ireland to Prince Joachim. While they were not in favour of a monarchy in itself, Pearse and Plunkett thought that if the rising were successful and Germany won the First World War, an independent Ireland would", "title": "Prince Joachim of Prussia" }, { "docid": "4943839", "text": "Schönaich-Carolath (25 November 1918 – 16 March 1972). They divorced on 5 September 1946. They were the parents of three children: After the divorce, Prince Karl married, morganatically, Luise Dora Hartmann (5 September 1909 – 23 April 1961) on 9 November 1946. The childless couple divorced in 1959. Prince Karl's last marriage was to Doña Eva Maria Herrera y Valdeavellano (10 June 1922 – 6 March 1987) on 20 July 1959 in Lima, Peru. They were married until Prince Karl's death and had two daughters; Prince Joachim of Prussia Prince Joachim Franz Humbert of Prussia (17 December 1890 – 18", "title": "Prince Joachim of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14896624", "text": "Prince Frederick of Prussia (1794–1863) Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig of Prussia (30 October 1794 – 27 July 1863), known in English as Frederick, was a Prussian prince, general of the royal cavalry, and division commander. Born in Berlin, Frederick was the son of Prince Louis Charles of Prussia and Duchess Frederica of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, later Queen of Hanover, nephew of King Frederick William III of Prussia and stepson of Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover. Princess Charlotte of Wales was interested in Frederick in 1814 and hoped to marry him. The pair met several times. However, the Prince suddenly got engaged to", "title": "Prince Frederick of Prussia (1794–1863)" }, { "docid": "19883734", "text": "since vacant) and of the Order of St John in Sweden (King Carl XVI Gustav), which constitute the Alliance of the Orders of Saint John of Jerusalem. Prince Oscar of Prussia (born 1959) Prince Oscar of Prussia (German: \"Oskar Prinz von Preussen\"; born 6 May 1959) is a member of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling house of Prussia, and a pretender in line to the German throne. He is the thirty-seventh \"Herrenmeister\" (\"Master of the Knights\" or Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg). He is the second son of Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia", "title": "Prince Oscar of Prussia (born 1959)" }, { "docid": "5924022", "text": "the Vauxhall works, and, during the last year or so a new style has sprung up. In this the engine dimensions are 95 by 140 mm., the old bore-stroke ratio having penalised the car under many hill-climbing formulae. All such formulae which do not involve the cubic capacity of the engine are by common acceptance considered advantageous to engines with small bore and long stroke. The chassis follows the lines of the original Prince Henry, but has rather a longer wheel base.\"<br>H. Massac Buist, March 1914. Vauxhall Prince Henry The Vauxhall Prince Henry was a car manufactured by Vauxhall from", "title": "Vauxhall Prince Henry" }, { "docid": "4783608", "text": "Friedrich, Prince of Prussia became the pretender to the thrones and head of the Hohenzollern family upon Louis Ferdinand's death in 1994. After the reunification of Germany, Louis Ferdinand arranged to have the remains of several Hohenzollern members reinterred at the imperial vault in Potsdam. Prince Ferdinand of Hohenzollern, a member of the senior Swabian branch of the Hohenzollern dynasty, Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, is his godson. Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia Louis Ferdinand Victor Edward Albert Michael Hubert, Prince of Prussia (German: \"Louis Ferdinand Viktor Eduard Albert Michael Hubertus Prinz von Preußen\"; 9 November 1907 – 26 September 1994) was a member", "title": "Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia" }, { "docid": "4131794", "text": "(mother's sister) and Prince Otto of Castell-Rüdenhausen (father's first cousin). On 17 November 2016, Sophie gave birth to the couple's fourth child, a third son. Prince Heinrich was baptized in the Chapel of St. Michael at Hohenzollern Castle on 13 May 2017. Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia Georg Friedrich Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia (; born 10 June 1976) is the current head of the Prussian branch of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling dynasty of the German Empire and of the Kingdom of Prussia. He is the great-great-grandson and historic heir of Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and", "title": "Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia" }, { "docid": "15405265", "text": "Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology The Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology is awarded annually by the National Building Museum to recognize outstanding leadership and innovation in the field of construction methods and processes, including engineering design and construction techniques and practices. Created in 2002 by an endowment established by the Turner Construction Company and named after the company's founder, the prize carries a cash award of $25,000. <br> Past honorees include individuals and organizations such as architect I. M. Pei, for encouraging construction and engineering innovation with his designs; Stanford University civil", "title": "Henry C. Turner Prize for Innovation in Construction Technology" }, { "docid": "12211231", "text": "Prince Welf Henry of Hanover Prince Welf Henry of Hanover (\"Welf Heinrich Ernst August Georg Christian Berthold Friedrich Wilhelm Louis Ferdinand Prinz von Hannover\"; 11 March 1923 – 12 July 1997) was the fourth son of Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and his wife Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia, the only daughter of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein. The prince was known to his family as \"Welfi.\" Welf Henry married Princess \"Alexandra\" Sophie of Ysenburg and Büdingen (born 23 October 1937 in Frankfurt am Main, Hesse, Germany, died 1 June 2015 in Frankfurt am Main), daughter", "title": "Prince Welf Henry of Hanover" }, { "docid": "12211234", "text": "the complete expanded family tree, see List of members of the House of Hanover. Prince Welf Henry of Hanover Prince Welf Henry of Hanover (\"Welf Heinrich Ernst August Georg Christian Berthold Friedrich Wilhelm Louis Ferdinand Prinz von Hannover\"; 11 March 1923 – 12 July 1997) was the fourth son of Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick and his wife Princess Victoria Louise of Prussia, the only daughter of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein. The prince was known to his family as \"Welfi.\" Welf Henry married Princess \"Alexandra\" Sophie of Ysenburg and Büdingen (born 23 October 1937 in", "title": "Prince Welf Henry of Hanover" }, { "docid": "5271449", "text": "Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia (Wilhelm Eitel Friedrich Christian Karl; 7 July 1883 – 8 December 1942) was the second son of Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany by his first wife, Augusta Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein. He was born and died in Potsdam, Germany. On 27 February 1906, Prince Eitel married Duchess Sophia Charlotte of Oldenburg (2 February 1879 Oldenburg – 29 March 1964 Westerstede) in Berlin. They were divorced on 20 October 1926 on the grounds of her adultery before the war. They had no children. Raised at the cadet corps of Plön Castle, Prince", "title": "Prince Eitel Friedrich of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14893558", "text": "from 1805 until 1817. Their union produced four children. She was ennobled as Baroness von Waldenburg. His second extramarital relationship was with Auguste Arend, later ennobled as Baroness von Prillwitz. It began in 1818, lasted until her death in 1834 and produced seven children. Shortly after Baroness Von Prillwitz's death he began a relationship with Emilie von Ostrowska who was a Polish noblewoman. They had a daughter Charlotte who was five when her father died and raised by her fathers Jewish tailor. Prince Augustus of Prussia Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich August of Prussia (19 September 1779 - 19 July 1843),", "title": "Prince Augustus of Prussia" }, { "docid": "14699130", "text": "of the Order pro merito Melitensi of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. In 1952, Wilhelm-Karl married Armgard von Veltheim (born 17 February 1926). The couple had two sons and a daughter: This page is a translation of the article in the German language Wikipedia. Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia Prince Wilhelm Karl of Prussia (\"Wilhelm Karl Adalbert Erich Detloff\"; 30 January 1922, in Potsdam – 9 April 2007, in Holzminden) was the third son of Prince Oskar of Prussia, and the last surviving grandson of Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor. He was the thirty-sixth Master of Knights (\"Herrenmeister\") of", "title": "Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia" }, { "docid": "1728859", "text": "fifth in the line of succession to the throne, behind his grandfather, father and two elder brothers. He was baptised at the private chapel of Windsor Castle on 17 May 1900, by Randall Thomas Davidson, Bishop of Winchester, and his godparents were: Queen Victoria (his great-grandmother); the German Emperor (his cousin, for whom Prince Albert of Prussia stood proxy); Princess Henry of Battenberg (his paternal great-aunt); the Duchess of Cumberland (his paternal great-aunt, whose sister, his grandmother the Princess of Wales represented her); Prince George of Greece (his cousin, for whom Prince Henry's paternal grandfather the Prince of Wales stood", "title": "Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester" }, { "docid": "6885066", "text": "he married Baroness Maria Anna von Humboldt-Dachroeden (9 July 1916 – 24 September 2003) in Oels, Schlesien. They divorced a little over a year later in early 1943 (the same year she would later give birth to Hubertus' cousin, Ernest Augustus', illegitimate son), and on 5 June of that year, he married again to Princess Magdalena Reuss of Köstritz (20 August 1920 – 10 October 2009). They had two daughters: Prince Hubertus died of appendicitis on 8 April 1950 at Windhoek, South West Africa. He was buried in Hohenzollern Castle. Prince Hubertus of Prussia Prince Hubertus of Prussia (Hubertus Karl", "title": "Prince Hubertus of Prussia" }, { "docid": "2871653", "text": "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1828–1885) Prince Friedrich Karl Nicolaus of Prussia (20 March 1828 – 15 June 1885) was the son of Prince Charles of Prussia (1801–1883) and his wife, Princess Marie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1808–1877). Prince Frederick Charles was a grandson of King Frederick William III of Prussia and a nephew of Frederick William IV and William I. He was born at Schloss Klein in Berlin. From 1842 to 1846, Frederick Charles was under the military tutelage of then major Albrecht von Roon, who accompanied the Prince to the University of Bonn in 1846. After his studies, the Prince", "title": "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1828–1885)" }, { "docid": "2868776", "text": "Prince Albert of Prussia (1837–1906) Prince Friedrich Wilhelm Nikolaus Albrecht of Prussia (8 May 1837 – 13 September 1906) was a Prussian general field marshal, \"Herrenmeister\" (Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John from 1883 until his death, and regent of the Duchy of Brunswick from 1885. He was born in Berlin, Brandenburg, the son of Prince Albert of Prussia (1809–1872) and his wife Princess Marianne (1810–1883), daughter of King William I of the Netherlands. His father was a brother of King Frederick William IV of Prussia and of William I, German Emperor. Albrecht entered the Prussian army in", "title": "Prince Albert of Prussia (1837–1906)" }, { "docid": "2727519", "text": "of Prague and fought heroically during the Prussians' subsequent defeat at Kolin. After the Prussian Army's initial success against one wing of the joint Russian and Austrian Armies in the Battle of Kunersdorf, Henry urged his brother Frederick to stop attacking. The king, who had already sent a message of victory to Berlin, pressed the attack. The day ended with a virtually destroyed Prussian army, a virtually defenseless Kingdom of Prussia, and a complete victory by the Russo-Austrian force. Afterwards, Henry reorganized the routed Prussian forces. Frederick came to rely on his brother as commander of the Prussian forces in", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1726–1802)" }, { "docid": "4427717", "text": "parents, Queen Victoria, who was a carrier. Henry had little in common with his brother, the German Emperor. He lacked, for example, William II's erratic nature and egotism. Contrary to popular belief, the kaiser and the prince were both truly popular in Germany, and on account of his humble and open manner, Henry was beloved by those under his command. On foreign travels, he was a good diplomat, who, unlike his brother, was able to strike the right tone. Thus, on his 1902 trip to the United States, Henry made a favorable impression with the critical American press and succeeded", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1862–1929)" }, { "docid": "5714488", "text": "Prince Sigismund of Prussia (1864–1866) Prince Sigismund of Prussia (Franz Friedrich Sigismund; 15 September 1864 – 18 June 1866) was the fourth child and third son of Crown Prince Frederick William of Prussia (later King of Prussia and German Emperor as Frederick III), and Victoria, Princess Royal, eldest daughter of the British Queen Victoria. He was born at the New Palace in Potsdam, Germany, in 1864. His mother found him much more intelligent than his three elder siblings and believed he would have great potential when he grew up. However, he died from meningitis at the New Palace on 18", "title": "Prince Sigismund of Prussia (1864–1866)" }, { "docid": "4783604", "text": "Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia Louis Ferdinand Victor Edward Albert Michael Hubert, Prince of Prussia (German: \"Louis Ferdinand Viktor Eduard Albert Michael Hubertus Prinz von Preußen\"; 9 November 1907 – 26 September 1994) was a member of the royal House of Hohenzollern and the pretender for a half-century to the abolished German throne. He was also noteworthy as a staunch opponent of the Nazi Party, a businessman, and a patron of the arts. Louis Ferdinand was born in Potsdam as the third in succession to the throne of the German Empire, after his father, German Crown Prince William and elder", "title": "Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia" }, { "docid": "2727516", "text": "with his older brother, King Frederick II of Prussia, are almost legendary. Although remarkably similar in appearance and personality (both were fond of the arts and French literature, and both were exceptional military commanders) Henry resented being in Frederick's shadow. Nonetheless, he loyally served as one of his brother's top generals throughout Frederick's reign. Henry tended to be less aggressive than the King in battle; although he never won a victory of the scale of Rossbach or Leuthen (two of Frederick's greatest victories), his caution served him well as he was never defeated on the battlefield. When he was only", "title": "Prince Henry of Prussia (1726–1802)" }, { "docid": "6201680", "text": "two brothers led to a correspondence, which was published in 1769. Augustus died suddenly in 1758 at Oranienburg, according to some of \"a broken heart\", in reference to his brother Frederick II's harsh treatment of him for his incompetent military leadership in the Battle of Kolin. In reality, he died from a brain tumor. Augustus married Luise of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Because his older brother had no children, Augustus's oldest son inherited the throne as Frederick William II of Prussia on Frederick's death. Prince Augustus William of Prussia Augustus William of Prussia (German: \"August Wilhelm\"; 9 August 1722 – 12 June 1758)", "title": "Prince Augustus William of Prussia" }, { "docid": "4167666", "text": "Prince Adalbert of Prussia (1811–1873) Prince Adalbert of Prussia (\"Heinrich Wilhelm Adalbert\") (29 October 1811 in Berlin – 6 June 1873 in Karlsbad) was a son of Prince Wilhelm of Prussia and Landgravine Marie Anna of Hesse-Homburg. He was a naval theorist and admiral. He was instrumental during the Revolutions of 1848 in founding the first unified German fleet, the Reichsflotte. During the 1850s he helped to establish the Prussian Navy. Adalbert was the son of Prince William, the youngest brother of King Frederick William III. As a young man, Adalbert entered the Prussian army and served in the artillery.", "title": "Prince Adalbert of Prussia (1811–1873)" }, { "docid": "4167672", "text": "in 1860 during an expedition on the Nile. Prince Adalbert of Prussia (1811–1873) Prince Adalbert of Prussia (\"Heinrich Wilhelm Adalbert\") (29 October 1811 in Berlin – 6 June 1873 in Karlsbad) was a son of Prince Wilhelm of Prussia and Landgravine Marie Anna of Hesse-Homburg. He was a naval theorist and admiral. He was instrumental during the Revolutions of 1848 in founding the first unified German fleet, the Reichsflotte. During the 1850s he helped to establish the Prussian Navy. Adalbert was the son of Prince William, the youngest brother of King Frederick William III. As a young man, Adalbert entered", "title": "Prince Adalbert of Prussia (1811–1873)" }, { "docid": "6906408", "text": "Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (1772–1806) Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (Friedrich Ludwig Christian; 18 November 1772 – 10 October 1806), was a Prussian prince and a soldier in the Napoleonic Wars. Louis Ferdinand was born in Friedrichsfelde Palace near Berlin. He was a son of Prince August Ferdinand of Prussia and Elisabeth Louise of Brandenburg-Schwedt, and was a nephew of King Frederick the Great. Ludwig von Wildenbruch was the elder of two illegitimate children of Louis Ferdinand by Henriette Fromme. The 1927 German film \"Prinz Louis Ferdinand\" was a biopic of his life. Louis Ferdinand participated in the French", "title": "Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (1772–1806)" }, { "docid": "14112050", "text": "Prince Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia (1891–1927) Prince Joachim Viktor Wilhelm Leopold Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia (17 December 1891 – 6 July 1927) was a German World War I fighter pilot and member of the House of Hohenzollern. He was the son of Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia and Princess Louise Sophie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg, married in 1916. At Glienicke Castle, Prince Joachim Viktor Wilhelm Leopold Friedrich Sigismund was born to Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia and his wife Princess Louise Sophie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg on 17 December 1891. He was their second child and eldest son; his siblings would come to include", "title": "Prince Friedrich Sigismund of Prussia (1891–1927)" }, { "docid": "5732397", "text": "buried in the royal mausoleum attached to the Friedenskirche at Potsdam, near the main altar and his elder brother Prince Sigismund of Prussia. His parents were later buried not far away in the centre of the mausoleum directly under the dome. Prince Waldemar of Prussia (1868–1879) Prince Waldemar of Prussia (Joachim Friedrich Ernst Waldemar; 10 February 1868 – 27 March 1879) was the sixth child and youngest son of Crown Prince Friedrich (later Emperor Friedrich III), and Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of the Queen Victoria. Waldemar was the favourite of both the Princess Royal and her husband. He", "title": "Prince Waldemar of Prussia (1868–1879)" }, { "docid": "19883732", "text": "Prince Oscar of Prussia (born 1959) Prince Oscar of Prussia (German: \"Oskar Prinz von Preussen\"; born 6 May 1959) is a member of the House of Hohenzollern, the former ruling house of Prussia, and a pretender in line to the German throne. He is the thirty-seventh \"Herrenmeister\" (\"Master of the Knights\" or Grand Master) of the Order of Saint John (Bailiwick of Brandenburg). He is the second son of Prince Wilhelm-Karl of Prussia and wife Armgard von Veltheim, and the great-grandson of Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia. He married Auguste Zimmermann von Siefart (born 1962)", "title": "Prince Oscar of Prussia (born 1959)" }, { "docid": "12938101", "text": "Michael Pavlovich of Russia. Princess Marie was godmother to her nephew Prince Arthur of Connaught, only son of her sister Princess Louise Margaret of Prussia. The christening occurred in the private chapel at Windsor Castle. Princess Marie of Prussia (1855–1888) Princess Marie of Prussia (\"Marie Elisabeth Louise Frederika of Prussia\"; 14 September 1855, Marmorpalais, Potsdam – 20 June 1888, Dresden), was a princess of the House of Hohenzollern. She was the daughter of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia and later became second wife of Prince Henry of the Netherlands then the first wife of Prince Albert of Saxe-Altenburg. She was", "title": "Princess Marie of Prussia (1855–1888)" }, { "docid": "5271371", "text": "Prince Oskar of Prussia Prince Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf of Prussia (\"Oskar Karl Gustav Adolf Prinz von Preußen\"; 27 July 1888 – 27 January 1958) was the fifth son of Wilhelm II, German Emperor and Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein. Prinz Oskar was educated as a cadet at Plön, in his mother’s ancestral Schleswig-Holstein, as his brothers had been before him. He made the news in 1902 when he fractured his collar bone after a fall from the horizontal bars. During the early months of the First World War, he commanded Grenadierregiment \"Konig Wilhelm I.\" (2. Westpreussisches) Nr. 7 in the", "title": "Prince Oskar of Prussia" }, { "docid": "2871657", "text": "Alexander II of Russia. He died at Jagdschloss Glienicke. On 29 November 1854 at Dessau he married Princess Maria Anna of Anhalt-Dessau (1837–1906), daughter of Leopold IV, Duke of Anhalt. They had five children: Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1828–1885) Prince Friedrich Karl Nicolaus of Prussia (20 March 1828 – 15 June 1885) was the son of Prince Charles of Prussia (1801–1883) and his wife, Princess Marie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach (1808–1877). Prince Frederick Charles was a grandson of King Frederick William III of Prussia and a nephew of Frederick William IV and William I. He was born at Schloss Klein in", "title": "Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia (1828–1885)" }, { "docid": "17012317", "text": "Princess Viktoria Marina married William Patterson. Prince Wilhelm Victor married at Donaueschingen 20 July 1944 Marie Antoinette, Countess of Hoyos (Hohenthurm, 27 June 1920 – Marbella 1 March 2004), and had the following issue: The Princess was born Countess Marie Antoinette, at Hohenthurm, 27 June 1920, daughter of Friedrich, Count Hoyos-Sprinzenstein, Baron zu Stichsenstein and Wilhelmine von Wuthenau of the Counts Hohenthurm. Prince Wilhelm Viktor died on 7 February 1989 at age 69. Prince Wilhelm Victor of Prussia Prince Wilhelm Victor of Prussia (\"Wilhelm Viktor Ernst Freund Friedrich Georg Adalbert\") (15 February 1919 in Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, 7 February 1989 in", "title": "Prince Wilhelm Victor of Prussia" }, { "docid": "11370844", "text": "Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia Joachim Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Leopold Prinz von Preußen (14 November 1865 in Berlin – 13 September 1931 Krojanke manor, Landkreis Flatow, Posen-West Prussia) was a son of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia and Princess Maria Anna of Anhalt-Dessau, married in 1854. On 24 June 1889 he married in Berlin Princess Louise Sophie of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (8 April 1866 in Kiel – 28 April 1952 in Bad Nauheim), a sister of Empress Auguste Viktoria, wife of Emperor Wilhelm II. At age 10 in 1875 Kadett, in 1885 Premierlieutnant (Oberleutnant), 1888 Rittmeister (Hauptmann), 1890 Major and 1893 Oberst.", "title": "Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia" } ]
How is Joan Molinsky better known?
[ "Queen of Comedy", "Heidi Abromowitz", "Joan Rivers (TV) Show", "Joan Alexandra Molinsky", "Diary of a Mad Diva", "Joan rivers", "Heidi abromowitz", "Joan River", "Joan Rivers Show", "Joan Rivers" ]
[ { "docid": "1923175", "text": "and David Letterman. She is considered by many critics and journalists a pioneer of women in comedy. All authored and read by Joan Rivers, except where noted. Joan Rivers Joan Alexandra Molinsky (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, writer, producer, and television host. She was noted for her often controversial comedic persona—heavily self-deprecating or sharply acerbic, especially toward celebrities and politicians. Rivers rose to prominence in 1965 as a guest on \"The Tonight Show\". Hosted by her mentor, Johnny Carson, the show established Rivers' comedic style. In 1986, with", "title": "Joan Rivers" }, { "docid": "1923112", "text": "Joan Rivers Joan Alexandra Molinsky (June 8, 1933 – September 4, 2014), known professionally as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, writer, producer, and television host. She was noted for her often controversial comedic persona—heavily self-deprecating or sharply acerbic, especially toward celebrities and politicians. Rivers rose to prominence in 1965 as a guest on \"The Tonight Show\". Hosted by her mentor, Johnny Carson, the show established Rivers' comedic style. In 1986, with her own rival program, \"The Late Show with Joan Rivers\", Rivers became the first woman to host a late night network television talk show. She subsequently hosted", "title": "Joan Rivers" }, { "docid": "1923115", "text": "television critic Jack Gould called Rivers \"quite possibly the most intuitively funny woman alive\". In 2017, \"Rolling Stone\" magazine ranked her sixth on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time, and in October the same year, she was inducted into the Television Academy Hall of Fame. Joan Alexandra Molinsky was born on June 8, 1933, in Brooklyn, New York, to Russian Jewish immigrants Beatrice (née Grushman) and Meyer C. Molinsky. She had an elder sister named Barbara Waxler. Rivers spent her early life in Prospect Heights and Crown Heights in Brooklyn, where she attended the progressive", "title": "Joan Rivers" }, { "docid": "1923133", "text": "1990 article, asserted: \"\"The Joan Rivers Show\" is a better showcase for her funny edginess than her doomed 1988 Fox nighttime program was. The best thing about her daytime talker is that Rivers' stream-of-consciousness chattiness is allowed to guide the show — you never know where the conversation is going to go\". In addition to winning the Emmy for \"The Joan Rivers Show\", Rivers starred in the made-for-television comedy \"How to Murder a Millionaire\", which premiered in May 1990 on CBS. In the film, co-starring Alex Rocco and Telma Hopkins, she took on the role of a Beverly Hills matron", "title": "Joan Rivers" }, { "docid": "640812", "text": "with Davy Jones of The Monkees. Singer Ray Charles, born Ray Robinson, changed his name to avoid confusion with boxer Sugar Ray Robinson. A performer may also have had their stage name chosen for them by their agent – such was the case with Barbara Eden, born Barbara Jean Huffman – or, in the heyday of the Hollywood studios, by a movie studio. Joan Rivers (born Joan Alexandra Molinsky) went one step further and named herself after a former agent, Tony Rivers, after he told her to change her name. In the non English-speaking world, an example is the Taiwanese", "title": "Stage name" } ]
[ { "docid": "19382074", "text": "Should Have Known Better \"Should Have Known Better\" is a song by American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sufjan Stevens. It is the second track and second single from his seventh studio album, \"Carrie & Lowell\", and was released digitally on March 11, 2015 on Asthmatic Kitty. A promotional CD was later released on Asthmatic Kitty but was not available for sale. \"\"Should Have Known Better\"\" received very positive reviews from contemporary music critics. The song was chosen upon release as Pitchfork Media's \"Best New Track\". Jeremy Gordon stated that, \" 'Should Have Known Better' takes us back to the beginning he", "title": "Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "6642181", "text": "U Should've Known Better \"U Should've Known Better\" is a song by American recording artist Monica. It was written in collaboration with Harold Lilly and Jermaine Dupri, and produced by the latter along with frequent co-producer Bryan Michael Cox for her original third studio album, \"All Eyez on Me\" (2002). When the album was shelved for release outside Japan, the song was one out of five original records that were transferred into its new version, \"After the Storm\" (2003). A contemporary R&B slow jam, \"U Should've Known Better\" contains elements of soul music and rock music. Built on an pulsating", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "19382076", "text": "shroud into a tender lyric about shoving aside his fear, discovering an oasis of perspective when he looks to his brother’s newborn daughter and sees his mother in her face. When he sings 'nothing can be changed,' he doesn’t sound resigned, but ready to look forward. It’s the dawn at the end of a long night, a prayer that past traumas might be healed by a beautiful present.\" Should Have Known Better \"Should Have Known Better\" is a song by American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Sufjan Stevens. It is the second track and second single from his seventh studio album, \"Carrie", "title": "Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "6642191", "text": "on BET's Access Granted. It charted well on several video-chart countdowns, including BET's \"106 & Park\" and MTV's \"TRL\". Credits for \"After the Storm\" adapted from the album's liner notes. U Should've Known Better \"U Should've Known Better\" is a song by American recording artist Monica. It was written in collaboration with Harold Lilly and Jermaine Dupri, and produced by the latter along with frequent co-producer Bryan Michael Cox for her original third studio album, \"All Eyez on Me\" (2002). When the album was shelved for release outside Japan, the song was one out of five original records that were", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "5580439", "text": "I Should Have Known Better \"I Should Have Known Better\" is a song by English rock band the Beatles composed by John Lennon (credited to Lennon–McCartney), and originally issued on \"A Hard Day's Night\", their soundtrack for the film of the same name released on 10 July 1964. \"I Should Have Known Better\" was also issued as the B-side of the US single \"A Hard Day's Night\" released on 13 July. An orchestrated version of the song conducted by George Martin appears on the North American version of the album, \"A Hard Day's Night Original Motion Picture Soundtrack\". In January", "title": "I Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "6642188", "text": "song entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, where it debuted at number 67 in the week of June 6, 2004, the second-highest debut of the week. \"U Should've Known Better\" remained twenty weeks on the chart, reaching its peak position of number 19 in its ninth week. It marked the second single from \"After the Storm\" to reach the top twenty on the Hot 100chart and, as the album's final single, would remain its second highest-charting offering behind leading single \"So Gone.\" Although never released on a CD single or CD maxi single format, \"U Should've Known Better\" was also", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "6642187", "text": "Me\" was shelved, the song was one out of five original records that were transferred into its new version, \"After the Storm\". Although a duet with DMX, \"Don't Gotta Go Home\", was expected be released as the album's fourth single at times, \"U Should've Known Better\" eventually replaced original plans. Released as the album's fourth and final single in March 2004, \"U Should've Known Better\" opened as the Hot Shot Debut of the week at number 72 on \"Billboard\"s Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks chart in the week of April 3, 2004. However, it took another three months until the", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "6642185", "text": "producers, which included Dallas Austin, production team Soulshock & Karlin, Bryan Michael Cox, and Rodney Jerkins and his Darkchild crew. Though she \"had never thought about writing much\" by then, her producers encouraged the singer to intensify her work on the \"All Eyez on Me\" album and to write and contribute own lyrics and ideas to the songs, one of which was the ballad \"U Should've Known Better.\" Monica penned the song along with Harold Lilly and longtime contributor Jermaine Dupri, while production on the track was helmed by Dupri and Bryan Michael Cox. \"U Should've Known Better\" was mixed", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "5580445", "text": "scene of \"A Hard Day's Night\". It was in fact filmed in a van, with crew members rocking the vehicle to fake the action of a train in motion. Paul McCartney is seen lip-syncing in the song in both the train scene and in the live performance at the end of the film, despite not singing in the actual recording. I Should Have Known Better \"I Should Have Known Better\" is a song by English rock band the Beatles composed by John Lennon (credited to Lennon–McCartney), and originally issued on \"A Hard Day's Night\", their soundtrack for the film of", "title": "I Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "20268744", "text": "and 52 in Austria and Switzerland, respectively. How It Is (Wap Bap …) \"How It Is (Wap Bap …)\" is a song by the German web video producer Bianca Heinicke, better known as \"Bibi\" from the YouTube channel \"BibisBeautyPalace\". The song is in English and was released on May 5, 2017 by the record label Warner Music. The corresponding music video is the most disliked video on any German YouTube channel. \"How It Is (Wap Bap …)\" was written by Dave Knight and Sam Sommer and composed by the latter. The production was undertaken by the film production company Chinzilla", "title": "How It Is (Wap Bap …)" }, { "docid": "20268736", "text": "How It Is (Wap Bap …) \"How It Is (Wap Bap …)\" is a song by the German web video producer Bianca Heinicke, better known as \"Bibi\" from the YouTube channel \"BibisBeautyPalace\". The song is in English and was released on May 5, 2017 by the record label Warner Music. The corresponding music video is the most disliked video on any German YouTube channel. \"How It Is (Wap Bap …)\" was written by Dave Knight and Sam Sommer and composed by the latter. The production was undertaken by the film production company Chinzilla Films. On December 10, 2016, Heinicke published", "title": "How It Is (Wap Bap …)" }, { "docid": "1734275", "text": "third will be improved to a point that is almost the right thing. In concrete terms, even though Lisp compilers in 1987 were about as good as C compilers, there are many more compiler experts who want to make C compilers better than want to make Lisp compilers better.\" Gabriel credits Jamie Zawinski for excerpting the worse-is-better sections of \"Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big\" and e-mailing them to his friends at Carnegie Mellon University, who sent them to their friends at Bell Labs, \"who sent them to their friends everywhere\". He apparently connected these ideas to", "title": "Worse is better" }, { "docid": "17756511", "text": "Joan Lui Joan Lui (also known as \"Joan Lui - Ma un giorno nel paese arrivo io di lunedì\") is a 1985 Italian musical-comedy film written, directed and starred by Adriano Celentano. It is the last of the four films written and directed by Celentano. Title character Joan Lui is a singer who has come from another world to condemn the hypocrisy and atrocities of the Western culture. When he arrives in Italy, he seeks to create a musical group composed of young beginners to better spread his message. After having exposed the deception of a major musical producer, Joan", "title": "Joan Lui" }, { "docid": "5580443", "text": "It was not released as a single at that time. In 1976, it was released as a B-side to \"Yesterday\". In the US, \"I Should Have Known Better\" was released on 13 July 1964 as the B-side to \"A Hard Day's Night\" and reached number 53 in the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and number 43 on the \"Cash Box\" chart. As part of the film contract, United Artists acquired album rights for the American market. The company released a soundtrack album on 26 June 1964 with eight Beatles songs and four instrumentals. \"I Should Have Known Better\" was performed in the", "title": "I Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "1734272", "text": "in comparison with \"The Right Thing\". However he also states that \"it has better survival characteristics than the-right-thing\" development style and is superior to the \"MIT Approach\" with which he contrasted it in the original essay. Gabriel was a Lisp programmer when he formulated the concept in 1989, presenting it in his essay \"Lisp: Good News, Bad News, How to Win Big\". A section of the article, titled \"The Rise of 'Worse is Better'\", was widely disseminated beginning in 1991, after Jamie Zawinski found it in Gabriel's files at Lucid Inc. and e-mailed it to friends and colleagues. In \"The", "title": "Worse is better" }, { "docid": "16405441", "text": "for two weeks and remained on the chart for 13 weeks. Elsewhere, the single reached number 50 in the United Kingdom. Should've Known Better (Richard Marx song) \"Should've Known Better\" is a hit song written, composed, and performed by American rock singer Richard Marx, who released in September 1987 as the second single from his self-titled debut album. The song peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 as well as #7 on the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in 1987 and #4 on the Radio & Records CHR/Pop Airplay chart. Marx became the first solo artist in", "title": "Should've Known Better (Richard Marx song)" }, { "docid": "16405439", "text": "Should've Known Better (Richard Marx song) \"Should've Known Better\" is a hit song written, composed, and performed by American rock singer Richard Marx, who released in September 1987 as the second single from his self-titled debut album. The song peaked at number three on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 as well as #7 on the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock Tracks chart in 1987 and #4 on the Radio & Records CHR/Pop Airplay chart. Marx became the first solo artist in recording history to reach the top three of the Billboard Hot 100 with four singles from a debut album. In the", "title": "Should've Known Better (Richard Marx song)" }, { "docid": "18478456", "text": "her admiration for Joan, her conviction as well as her commitment. She also confessed that the lyrics elaborated how the singer is still hurt by any negative words. The song received generally favorable reviews from music critics. Joey Lynch of \"Billboard\" compared the song's demo to the studio versions, claiming that \"The studio version of 'Joan of Arc' is a massive improvement on the illegally leaked demo that preceded news of the album itself. [...] Nowhere is this more apparent than on 'Joan of Arc,' a solid album track that sounds 10 times better than the leaked version.\" While reviewing", "title": "Joan of Arc (Madonna song)" }, { "docid": "17736108", "text": "single by Walt Disney Records. How to Build a Better Boy How to Build a Better Boy is a Disney Channel Original Movie directed by Paul Hoen and written by Jason Mayland. It stars China Anne McClain, Kelli Berglund and Marshall Williams. The first images were shown during a promo for Disney Channel's Summer 2014, while the first promo aired on June 27, 2014 during the premiere of the Disney Channel Original Movie \"Zapped\". The film premiered on August 15, 2014. The movie premiered on Disney Channel UK on September 19, 2014. Mae Hartley and Gabby Harrison are intelligent tenth", "title": "How to Build a Better Boy" }, { "docid": "17736098", "text": "How to Build a Better Boy How to Build a Better Boy is a Disney Channel Original Movie directed by Paul Hoen and written by Jason Mayland. It stars China Anne McClain, Kelli Berglund and Marshall Williams. The first images were shown during a promo for Disney Channel's Summer 2014, while the first promo aired on June 27, 2014 during the premiere of the Disney Channel Original Movie \"Zapped\". The film premiered on August 15, 2014. The movie premiered on Disney Channel UK on September 19, 2014. Mae Hartley and Gabby Harrison are intelligent tenth graders. Mae has a crush", "title": "How to Build a Better Boy" }, { "docid": "1734273", "text": "Rise of Worse is Better\", Gabriel claimed that \"Worse-is-Better\" is a model of software design and implementation which has the following characteristics (in approximately descending order of importance): Gabriel argued that early Unix and C, developed by Bell Labs, are examples of this design approach. Gabriel contrasted his philosophy with what he called the \"MIT/Stanford style of design\" or \"MIT approach\" (also known as \"the Right Thing\"), which he described as follows. Contrasts are in bold: Gabriel argued that \"Worse is better\" produced more \"successful\" software than the MIT approach: As long as the initial program is basically good, it", "title": "Worse is better" }, { "docid": "6642190", "text": "April 2004, and features rapper Young Buck appears in the video as her love interest. The video follows the single's topic of a misunderstandings in a relationship, showing Monica as the girlfriend, with the boyfriend held in a Mexico hold-prison. With Monica getting help from a guy friend, her boyfriend's best friend sees them and thinks otherwise. Monica drives through the desert of Mexico to get him out of prison. The video ends with Monica and her boyfriend hugging at the end and going home together. The \"U Should've Known Better\" video premiered worldwide in May 2004 at the end", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "6642182", "text": "backbeat, the song's instrumentation consists of screeching guitars and an understated harp pattern. Lyrically, Monica, as the protagonist, delivers a message of loyalty to her imprisoned love interest and sings about staying down for him despite his doubts. The song was generally well received by contemporary music critics who highlighted the heartfelt emotion and sadness. Released as the fourth and final single from \"After the Storm\" in May 2004, the single marked Monica's first balladic release in over five years. On the charts, \"U Should've Known Better\" peaked at number 19 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and number 6", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "16328700", "text": "Joan Franka Joan Franka (born 2 April 1990 in Rotterdam) is a Dutch singer with the birthname of Ayten Kalan. Her late father was Turkish, while her mother is Dutch. She represented the Netherlands at the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 with You and Me. She became well known in the Netherlands through her participation in the first series of \"The Voice of Holland\", a talent show. In September 2010, Joan Franka entered the talent show, \"The Voice of Holland\" in its inaugural 2010-2011 season where she auditioned with Nickelback's \"How You Remind Me\". Two of four judges hit their \"I", "title": "Joan Franka" }, { "docid": "6642189", "text": "successful on \"Billboard\"´s component charts. It reached number 6 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks—Monica's tenth non-consecutive top ten entry on that particular chart—as well as the top ten on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay and the top twenty on the Hot 100 Airplay chart. It also appeared on the Rhythmic Top 40 at number 20. The song was ranked 72nd on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles 2004 year-end chart. The music video for \"U Should've Known Better\" was shot by director Benny Boom, and produced by Joyce Washington for FM Rocks. It was filmed in various locations throughout Mexico, in", "title": "U Should've Known Better" }, { "docid": "5580444", "text": "film, and it appears on the soundtrack. Capitol Records released \"Something New\" a month later with songs from the UK version of \"A Hard Day's Night\" that were not used in the film. The songs were also later released by Capitol on the \"Hey Jude\" compilation album in 1970. \"I Should Have Known Better\" was released as a single in a number of continental European countries, including Norway, where it reached number 1, and West Germany, where it reached number 6. In Sweden, the song topped the Kvällstoppen Chart for four weeks. The song is performed in the train compartment", "title": "I Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "5580442", "text": "solo) and thus draws a line under a significant period of their early music. The song's middle sixteen section features George Harrison's brand new Rickenbacker 360/12 12-string guitar. The mono and stereo versions have slightly different harmonica introductions. In the stereo version, the harmonica drops out briefly. Also, a noticeably clumsy and audible tape edit is heard during the second chorus between \"You're gonna say you love me too, oh,\" and \"And when I ask you to be mine.\" In the UK, \"I Should Have Known Better\" appeared on \"A Hard Day's Night\" and was released on 10 July 1964.", "title": "I Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "8457666", "text": "I Should Have Known Better (Jim Diamond song) \"I Should Have Known Better\" was a UK number one single for one week in December 1984 for Jim Diamond. The song was displaced after one week by Frankie Goes to Hollywood's song \"The Power of Love\". Diamond publicly requested that people not buy his single, but instead buy \"Do They Know It's Christmas?\" \"I Should Have Known Better\" was re-recorded for Diamond's 1993 solo album \"Jim Diamond\". He recorded the song a third time for his 2005 single \"Blue Shoes\", which also featured a re-recording of \"I Won't Let You Down\"", "title": "I Should Have Known Better (Jim Diamond song)" }, { "docid": "17090368", "text": "Joan Trumpauer Mulholland Joan Trumpauer Mulholland (born September 14, 1941) is an American civil rights activist and a Freedom Rider from Arlington, Virginia. She is known for taking part in sit-ins, being the first white to integrate Tougaloo College in Jackson, Mississippi and to join Delta Sigma Theta sorority, joining Freedom Rides, and being held on death row in Parchman Penitentiary. She ultimately retired after teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) for 40 years and started the Joan Trumpauer Mulholland Foundation, dedicated to educating the youth about the Civil Rights Movement and how to become activists in their own", "title": "Joan Trumpauer Mulholland" }, { "docid": "2267509", "text": "cancer. He was 64 years old. His body was buried in a cemetery in Juliantla near his son Trigo. Sebastian recorded the following studio albums during his music career: Joan Sebastian José Manuel Figueroa Figueroa (April 8, 1951 – July 13, 2015), better known as Joan Sebastian (), was a Mexican singer-songwriter. He wrote more than 1,000 songs including compositions for Vicente Fernández, Lucero, Pepe Aguilar, and Rocío Dúrcal. His music is a mixture of Latin pop, ranchera and grupera music. Sebastian was awarded seven Latin Grammy Awards and five Grammy Awards, making him the most awarded Mexican performer in", "title": "Joan Sebastian" }, { "docid": "2267500", "text": "Joan Sebastian José Manuel Figueroa Figueroa (April 8, 1951 – July 13, 2015), better known as Joan Sebastian (), was a Mexican singer-songwriter. He wrote more than 1,000 songs including compositions for Vicente Fernández, Lucero, Pepe Aguilar, and Rocío Dúrcal. His music is a mixture of Latin pop, ranchera and grupera music. Sebastian was awarded seven Latin Grammy Awards and five Grammy Awards, making him the most awarded Mexican performer in Grammy history. Sebastian also worked sporadically as an actor. In 1996, he made his acting debut in the Mexican soap opera \"Tú y Yo\" (\"You and I\"), sharing credits", "title": "Joan Sebastian" }, { "docid": "5580440", "text": "1964, during a three-week engagement at the Olympia Theatre in Paris, the Beatles first became aware of American singer and songwriter Bob Dylan, and after acquiring a copy of his album \"The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan\", they began playing it continuously. American journalist Al Aronowitz introduced them to Dylan when the Beatles visited New York City in February 1964, and Dylan subsequently became a big influence on the group, especially Lennon, who even started wearing a copycat Huckleberry Finn cap. One consequence of this “infatuation” (as Ian MacDonald later described it) was the song \"I Should Have Known Better\". Paul McCartney", "title": "I Should Have Known Better" }, { "docid": "20017393", "text": "on the day when Ila knows the truth about how her father and mother sacrificed their lives for her she will come with better flowers to be placed on their grave. \"Adam Joan\" marks the directorial debut of Jinu V. Abraham. Prithviraj Sukumaran plays the lead character of Adam John Pothen, a rich planter. Bollywood actress Mishti is making her debut into the Malayalam film industry through this film, while Narain plays the role of Adam's friend named Syriac. The film will have two female protagonists, Bhavana plays one of the role. The film was mainly shot in Scotland and", "title": "Adam Joan" }, { "docid": "16405440", "text": "lyrics, the speaker is still in love with an ex-lover and tortured by it, to the point of regretting falling in love with them. The music video for the selection was directed by Dominic Sena. Released in September 1987 as the second single from his debut solo album, \"Should've Known Better\" entered the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on September 26, 1987 at number 64, the highest debut of the week. The single also peaked at number 20 on the U.S. Adult Contemporary chart. The song also reached #4 on the Radio & Records CHR/Pop Airplay chart on November 20, 1987", "title": "Should've Known Better (Richard Marx song)" }, { "docid": "12520905", "text": "also able to expedite her care. Joan is suspicious of Bob's motives for helping her, but her mother advises her that not every good deed is a front. In return, Joan quietly steps in to save Bob's job when he is about to be laid off. By \"The Better Half\", Joan has accepted Bob's friendship and is preparing to go to the beach with him and Kevin. Roger appears unannounced and is suspicious of Bob's presence. Roger attempts to be a part of Joan and Kevin's lives, but she tells him that she intends to let Kevin grow up thinking", "title": "Joan Holloway" }, { "docid": "6310229", "text": "How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You is the fifth studio album released by American singer and songwriter Marvin Gaye, released in 1965. The album features the successful title track, which at the time was his best-selling single. Other hits include \"Try It Baby\" (which features The Temptations) and \"Baby Don't You Do It\" (with backing vocals provided by The Andantes). The song \"How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)\" has been covered by many notable musicians, including James Taylor, Joan Osborne, Michael McDonald and Michael Bublé.", "title": "How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You" }, { "docid": "6310228", "text": "How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You is the fifth studio album released by American singer and songwriter Marvin Gaye, released in 1965. The album features the successful title track, which at the time was his best-selling single. Other hits include \"Try It Baby\" (which features The Temptations) and \"Baby Don't You Do It\" (with backing vocals provided by The Andantes). The song \"How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)\" has been covered by many notable musicians, including James Taylor, Joan Osborne, Michael McDonald and Michael Bublé.", "title": "How Sweet It Is to Be Loved by You" }, { "docid": "9212445", "text": "laureate, in 1966. They have one son, Jon. Her nomination for the Royal Society reads: Joan A. Steitz Joan Elaine Argetsinger Steitz (born January 26, 1941) is Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She is known for her discoveries involving RNA, including ground-breaking insights into how ribosomes interact with messenger RNA by complementary base pairing and that introns are spliced by small nuclear ribonucleic proteins (snRNPs), which occur in eukaryotes.. September, 2018, Steitz won the Lasker-Koshland Award for Special Achievement in Medical Science. The Lasker award is often", "title": "Joan A. Steitz" }, { "docid": "9212437", "text": "Joan A. Steitz Joan Elaine Argetsinger Steitz (born January 26, 1941) is Sterling Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She is known for her discoveries involving RNA, including ground-breaking insights into how ribosomes interact with messenger RNA by complementary base pairing and that introns are spliced by small nuclear ribonucleic proteins (snRNPs), which occur in eukaryotes.. September, 2018, Steitz won the Lasker-Koshland Award for Special Achievement in Medical Science. The Lasker award is often referred to as the 'American Nobel' because 87 of the former recipients have gone on", "title": "Joan A. Steitz" }, { "docid": "8457667", "text": "and covers of old soul songs such as \"My Girl\". The song was covered in French by Julie Pietri (\"À force de toi\"). It was also covered in Italian by Matteo Becucci (\"Lo avrei dovuto sapere\"), as part of a compilation that showcases the contestants of \"The X-Factor\" Italia's second season. The Spanish version of the song \"Te Veo Pasar\" was covered by Yolandita Monge in her album Luz de Luna. I Should Have Known Better (Jim Diamond song) \"I Should Have Known Better\" was a UK number one single for one week in December 1984 for Jim Diamond. The", "title": "I Should Have Known Better (Jim Diamond song)" }, { "docid": "4541428", "text": "Joan E. Strassmann Joan E. Strassmann is a North American evolutionary biologist and the Charles Rebstock Professor of Biology at the Washington University in St. Louis. She is known for her work on social evolution and particularly how cooperation prospers in the face of evolutionary conflicts. Her dissertation research explored theories of social behavior and evolution using individually marked social wasps in wild colonies. In 2011, Strassmann joined the Biology Department of Washington University in St. Louis. after leaving Rice University where she worked for the previous 31 years. Strassman earned a bachelors in zoology from the University of Michigan", "title": "Joan E. Strassmann" }, { "docid": "17950157", "text": "a wide range of metalsmithing and goldsmithing techniques. Her pieces tell stories and paint pictures of the peoples with whom she lived, of how we interact with our environment, and of places of transcendent beauty. These pieces are wearable miniature landscapes having both cultural themes and ecological messages. Joan M. Tenenbaum Joan M. Tenenbaum (born 1945) is an American linguist, anthropologist and artist specializing in metalsmithing and jewelry. She is equally well known for her documentation of the Dena’ina language as for her jewelry pieces which tell the stories of Alaska native peoples and landscape. Tenenbaum discovered jewelry making at", "title": "Joan M. Tenenbaum" }, { "docid": "20152087", "text": "in Australia. \"Rosie\" was included on Armatrading's first compilation album, 1983's \"Track Record\", as well as her 2004 live album \"\". All four tracks from this EP were placed at the start of the second CD of Armatrading's 2003 compilation album \"Love and Affection: Joan Armatrading Classics (1975–1983)\". All tracks composed by Joan Armatrading. How Cruel How Cruel is a 12-inch one-sided EP by British singer-songwriter Joan Armatrading, released in November 1979 on A&M. The title track had previously appeared on Armatrading's live album \"Steppin' Out\", which was not released in the US. The EP was released in the US", "title": "How Cruel" }, { "docid": "16937287", "text": "also talks about settling down and giving up one's dreams. The lyrics of \"Massachusetts\" refer to an abusive relationship and the problems one faces with it. The band nearly thought about not recording the song due to its similarity to another Silverstein song. As a compromise, the group \"changed it around slightly\" according to Told. The tracks \"This Is How\" and \"The Wind Shifts\" were written and recorded at the same time. Told notes that they are a summary of the album and that they \"symbolize how similar everyone is regardless of how different they seem externally.\" \"A Better Place\"", "title": "This Is How the Wind Shifts" }, { "docid": "1734271", "text": "Worse is better Worse is better, also called New Jersey style, was conceived by Richard P. Gabriel in an essay \"Worse is better\" to describe the dynamics of software acceptance, but it has broader application. It is the idea that quality does not necessarily increase with functionality—that there is a point where less functionality (\"worse\") is a preferable option (\"better\") in terms of practicality and usability. Software that is limited, but simple to use, may be more appealing to the user and market than the reverse. As to the oxymoronic title, Gabriel calls it a caricature, declaring the style bad", "title": "Worse is better" }, { "docid": "1734276", "text": "those of Richard Stallman and saw related ideas that are important in the design philosophy of Unix, and more generally in the open-source movement, both of which were central to the development of Linux. Gabriel later answered his earlier essay with one titled \"Worse Is Better Is Worse\" under the pseudonym \"Nickieben Bourbaki\" (an allusion to Nicolas Bourbaki). Worse is better Worse is better, also called New Jersey style, was conceived by Richard P. Gabriel in an essay \"Worse is better\" to describe the dynamics of software acceptance, but it has broader application. It is the idea that quality does", "title": "Worse is better" }, { "docid": "15282576", "text": "and origins, bore Amadeus II several children, although there is some uncertainty about how many: Joan of Geneva Joan of Geneva (born c. 1040, died 1095) was a Countess Consort of Savoy; married to Amadeus II, Count of Savoy. According to the much later \"Chronicles of Savoy\", Amadeus married Joan, daughter of \"Girard, Count of Burgundy\", which scholars have surmised to have been Count Gerold of Geneva. The \"Chronicon Altacumbae\" says only that \"the wife of Amadeus [was] from Burgundy\", which might refer to Amadeus I. If his wife were Genevan, it would explain how the house of Savoy came", "title": "Joan of Geneva" }, { "docid": "6129808", "text": "Angeles Times\". Her second book, \"Saying It Out Loud\", is about a Jewish girl coming to terms with her mother's death from brain cancer. Joan Abelove participates in a critique group with Gail Carson Levine, writer of \"Ella Enchanted\" and \"Writing Magic\", a guide for child authors who wish to make their stories better. She now lives in New York City with her husband and son. Joan Abelove Joan Abelove (born 1945) is an American writer of young adult novels. She attended Barnard College and has a PhD in cultural anthropology from the City University of New York. She spent", "title": "Joan Abelove" }, { "docid": "19221826", "text": "has dinner with Vera, who confronts Joan about the riot incident and how it led Vera to contract hepatitis C Joan turns Will and Franky against each other by sending Will the recording of Franky's confession on his wife's murder. Joan watches Will attack Franky but is enraged when he does nothing and Franky's parole is sealed. Joan then plants drugs in toys Nash Taylor came to bring Joshua in revenge for Doreen making fun of her and to further turn Bea's friends against her When Joan believes Vera tried using Jianna as an excuse to unsettle her, she violently", "title": "Joan Ferguson (Wentworth)" }, { "docid": "17736107", "text": "and preceding the movie. Disney Channel (Netherlands & Flanders) has an airdate of September 6, 2014. Disney Channel (UK & Ireland) has a release date of September 19, 2014. The film aired in Turkey on Moviemax Family on November 22, 2015. The film was released under the following titles in international markets: The August 15, 2014 premiere airing of \"How to Build a Better Boy\" on Disney Channel drew 4.6 million viewers. \"Something Real\" is a song by Americans actresses and singers, China Anne McClain and Kelli Berglund. It was released as a digital download on 2014, as a promotional", "title": "How to Build a Better Boy" }, { "docid": "9295748", "text": "... is colorfully articulated by guitar and percussion figures that burble along in a fatback echo, sounding like a sink backing up.\" Girlfriend Is Better \"Girlfriend Is Better\" is a 1984 song by new wave band Talking Heads, from their fifth studio album \"Speaking in Tongues\". The song's single version was a live version from the soundtrack of their 1984 concert film \"Stop Making Sense\". The film's title comes from a lyric in the song. \"Rolling Stone\"s David Fricke described the song: \"On the surface, 'Girlfriend Is Better' is a brassy, straightforward bump number sparked by Byrne's animated bragging ...", "title": "Girlfriend Is Better" }, { "docid": "15682008", "text": "the vocals for \"Music Is Better Than Words\" with the microphone that Sinatra used on many of his classic albums. In an interview with Joseph Llanes from AOL he said, \"That mic is over 60 years old and you can see it. But it has a really nice, dark sound to it. It really plays a significant part on how this stuff sounds. You don't want it to sound too crisp. We did a lot in the recording of this album to make sure it was not too perfect. We recorded to analog tape as opposed to recording digitally because", "title": "Music Is Better Than Words" }, { "docid": "9295747", "text": "Girlfriend Is Better \"Girlfriend Is Better\" is a 1984 song by new wave band Talking Heads, from their fifth studio album \"Speaking in Tongues\". The song's single version was a live version from the soundtrack of their 1984 concert film \"Stop Making Sense\". The film's title comes from a lyric in the song. \"Rolling Stone\"s David Fricke described the song: \"On the surface, 'Girlfriend Is Better' is a brassy, straightforward bump number sparked by Byrne's animated bragging ... and by the kind of rapid, zizagging synth squeals so common on rap and funk records. But the edgy paranoia smoldering underneath", "title": "Girlfriend Is Better" }, { "docid": "5876211", "text": "veil between the \"worlds\" simply did not exist. With her third husband, Denys Kelsey, she wrote \"Many Lifetimes\", in which she explained how she supposedly remembered her own and others' past lives. She also wrote several children's books which contain stories she claimed she was told in past lives. Some of her books were published under the names Joan M. Grant and Joan Marshall Grant. Her books have been translated and published in many languages. Joan Grant Joan Marshall Grant Kelsey (London, 12 April 1907 – 3 February 1989) was an English author of historical novels and a reincarnationist. Joan", "title": "Joan Grant" }, { "docid": "12061988", "text": "for Singers: A manual for English and foreign language diction\" (Pst. Incorporated, 1989); a text which is widely used as a university/music conservatory textbook in the United States. She has co-authored several books on singing, including \"Anyone Can Sing: How to become the singer you always wanted\" (Doubleday, 1978), \"Diction for Singers,Mastering the Fundamentals: Excellence in Singing: Multilevel Learning, Multilevel Teaching\" (Caldwell Publishing Company, 2001), and \"Managing Vocal Health: Teaching and learning vocal health\" (Caldwell Publishing, 2001). Joan Wall has performed many roles including: General references Inline citations Joan Wall Joan Boyd Wall (born in Baton Rouge) is a retired", "title": "Joan Wall" }, { "docid": "19852870", "text": "that have been said before in many other self-help books. Sims criticizes Burroughs for padding the book with one- or two-word paragraphs, pointing out ridiculously obvious facts such as 800-numbers being toll-free, and writing out a phone number in words rather than in numerals. Richard Marcus of \"BlogCritics.org\" said, \"No one book will instantly make your life better, and neither will This Is How. However, it will point you in the right direction so you can begin whatever journey you feel you need to take. Which makes it worth its weight in gold.\" In Andrew Cattanach's review on \"Booktopia\", he", "title": "This Is How (Burroughs)" }, { "docid": "10927709", "text": "How Is Your Fish Today? How Is Your Fish Today?, also known as Jin Tian De Yu Zen Me Yang?, is a 2007 Chinese film written by Xiaolu Guo and Hui Rao. It was directed by Xiaolu Guo. The film is a drama set in modern China, focusing on the intertwined stories of two main characters; a frustrated writer (Hui Rao) and the subject of his latest work, Lin Hao (Zijiang Yang). \"How Is Your Fish Today\" won 4 international awards and was well received by critics, but was not commercially successful. \"How Is Your Fish Today?\" was consistently given", "title": "How Is Your Fish Today?" }, { "docid": "12243877", "text": "My Love Is Better \"My Love Is Better\" is a song by Norwegian recording artist Annie from her second studio album, \"Don't Stop\" (2009). Released as the album's second single on 9 October 2009, the track originally had featured backing vocals by Girls Aloud. \"My Love Is Better\" was re-released on 15 March 2010 as a 12\" single. \"My Love Is Better\" initially featured backing vocals by British pop group Girls Aloud. Annie received tabloid attention when various publications wrote that Girls Aloud requested \"My Love Is Better\" be removed from the album. Producer Brian Higgins was reported to have", "title": "My Love Is Better" }, { "docid": "6068016", "text": "Joan Bocher Joan Bocher (died 2 May 1550 in Smithfield, London) was an English Anabaptist burned at the stake for heresy during the rule of King Edward VI. She has also been known as Joan Boucher or Butcher, or as Joan Knell or Joan of Kent. Bocher's origins are unclear, but it is known that families named Bocher and Knell lived in the area round Romney Marsh. She was associated with Anabaptists in Kent, some of them immigrants who had fled persecution in the low countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg). In the 1530s and 1540s she was \"much in", "title": "Joan Bocher" }, { "docid": "6518571", "text": "Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc in French) has inspired artistic and cultural works for nearly six centuries. The following lists cover various media to include items of historic interest, enduring works of high art, and recent representations in popular culture. The entries represent portrayals that a reader has a reasonable chance of encountering rather than a complete catalog. Lesser known works, particularly from early periods, are not included. In this article, many of the excluded items are derivative of better known representations. For instance, Schiller's play inspired at least 82 different dramatic works during", "title": "Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc" }, { "docid": "8356499", "text": "Sant Joan Sant Joan (official name; English: Saint John) is a municipality on Majorca, Spain, situated in the center of the island in the comarca of Pla de Mallorca. The town Sant Joan, formerly known as Sant Joan de Sineu, was founded in 1300. It is bordered by the municipalities of Petra, Villafranca de Bonany, Porreres, Montuïri, Lloret de Vistalegre, and Sineu. In the town there are two futsal clubs, Sant Joan C.E. and Just Just Sant Joan. Sant Joan C.E. was founded in 2007. Currently the team plays at 1ª Regional de la Federació de Futbol de les Illes", "title": "Sant Joan" }, { "docid": "9902764", "text": "Joan Hassall Joan Hassall (3 March 1906 – 6 March 1988) was a wood engraver and book illustrator. Her subject matter ranged from natural history through poetry to illustrations for English literary classics. In 1972 she was elected the first lady Master of the Art Workers Guild and in 1987 was awarded the OBE (Order of the British Empire). Born at 88 Kensington Park Road, Notting Hill, London, Joan Hassall was the daughter of the artist John Hassall, famous for his poster \"Skegness is so bracing\", and his second wife, Constance Brooke Webb. Her letters show how close she was", "title": "Joan Hassall" }, { "docid": "4787218", "text": "end of his 24-hour respite. The play ends with Joan ultimately despairing that mankind will never accept its saints: O God that madest this beautiful earth, when will it be ready to accept thy saints? How long, O Lord, how long? One historian at the time (1925) reacted to the play by arguing that it was highly inaccurate, especially in its depiction of medieval society. Shaw states that the characterization of Joan by most writers is \"romanticized\" to make her accusers come off as completely unscrupulous and villainous. More general interpretation of Joan's character is to describe her as a", "title": "Saint Joan (play)" }, { "docid": "19954149", "text": "for this specific task would have made her seem potentially less fit for the position she was ultimately offered. The article also discusses the biological clock point-of-view in McAlister's missing many \"firsts\" from first steps to first words while working on her dissertation and pursuing her scholarly goals. The article concludes by underlining the need to draw attention to how scholarly discourse is gendered and requires more discussion on what defines productivity. Joan Faber McAlister Joan Faber McAlister is an American rhetorician and associate professor, and contributes research to women's studies in communication. Her research primarily focuses on how images", "title": "Joan Faber McAlister" }, { "docid": "12243879", "text": "bit stupid but what can you say? It wasn't my choice. They were really nice, very sweet.\" My Love Is Better \"My Love Is Better\" is a song by Norwegian recording artist Annie from her second studio album, \"Don't Stop\" (2009). Released as the album's second single on 9 October 2009, the track originally had featured backing vocals by Girls Aloud. \"My Love Is Better\" was re-released on 15 March 2010 as a 12\" single. \"My Love Is Better\" initially featured backing vocals by British pop group Girls Aloud. Annie received tabloid attention when various publications wrote that Girls Aloud", "title": "My Love Is Better" }, { "docid": "8404990", "text": "settled in her favor shortly before her death. Joan Fischer Targ died of a cerebral hemorrhage in Portola Valley at the age of 60 in 1998. Joan Targ Joan Fischer Targ (July 8, 1937 – June 2, 1998) was an American educator who was an early proponent of computer literacy and initiated peer tutoring programs for students of all ages. As a child, she bought her younger brother, Bobby Fischer, his first chess set and taught him how to play the game. Joan Fischer was born in Moscow, Soviet Union in 1937 to Hans-Gerhardt Fischer, a German-born biophysicist, and his", "title": "Joan Targ" }, { "docid": "4588700", "text": "Joan Leslie Joan Leslie (born Joan Agnes Theresa Sadie Brodel; January 26, 1925 – October 12, 2015) was an American actress, dancer, and vaudevillian who, during the Hollywood Golden Age, appeared in such films as \"High Sierra\", \"Sergeant York\", and \"Yankee Doodle Dandy\". Joan Agnes Theresa Sadie Brodel was born on January 26, 1925, in Highland Park, Michigan, the youngest child of John and Agnes Brodel. John was a bank clerk and Agnes was a pianist. Joan's two older sisters, Betty and Mary Brodel, shared their mother's musical interest and started to learn how to play instruments, such as the", "title": "Joan Leslie" }, { "docid": "19028210", "text": "sport of ice hockey in Australia. Joan McKowen Joan Moreen McKowen (born Joan Moreen Scott, died 15 September 1992) was an Australian ice hockey figure, particularly known for her specialization in post-game rehabilitation. She is commemorated by the Joan McKowen Memorial Trophy, currently awarded in the Australian Women's Ice Hockey League. She was a qualified remedial masseuse, complementing her husband Max who specialized in sports medicine, and toured the world with Australian National ice hockey teams. Joan McKowen was born Joan Moreen Scott. She was married to Maxwell John McKowen. On 5 July 1948 their engagement was announced. Joan McKowen", "title": "Joan McKowen" }, { "docid": "19028207", "text": "Joan McKowen Joan Moreen McKowen (born Joan Moreen Scott, died 15 September 1992) was an Australian ice hockey figure, particularly known for her specialization in post-game rehabilitation. She is commemorated by the Joan McKowen Memorial Trophy, currently awarded in the Australian Women's Ice Hockey League. She was a qualified remedial masseuse, complementing her husband Max who specialized in sports medicine, and toured the world with Australian National ice hockey teams. Joan McKowen was born Joan Moreen Scott. She was married to Maxwell John McKowen. On 5 July 1948 their engagement was announced. Joan McKowen began her involvement in Australian ice", "title": "Joan McKowen" }, { "docid": "17686260", "text": "acted and better scripted, better lighted and better directed would have made a program\"\" The magazine reviewed the third episode more positively, saying that \"\"after two scannings, Super Suds' Station WABD's Here's How has eliminated most of the bugs that were in its first presentation\"\". Methods to record live television did not exist until late 1947, and as such \"Here's How\" is now lost. Billboard magazine indicates that some of the commercials were done on film, and it is not known if copies of these commercials still exist. A behind-the-scenes still photograph of the series in production can be seen", "title": "Here's How (TV series)" }, { "docid": "10927710", "text": "good ratings by reviewers, but still remains fairly unpopular. On its release, \"How Is Your Fish Today?\" was received well by critics, who applauded the film as an impressive debut from Guo. How Is Your Fish Today? How Is Your Fish Today?, also known as Jin Tian De Yu Zen Me Yang?, is a 2007 Chinese film written by Xiaolu Guo and Hui Rao. It was directed by Xiaolu Guo. The film is a drama set in modern China, focusing on the intertwined stories of two main characters; a frustrated writer (Hui Rao) and the subject of his latest work,", "title": "How Is Your Fish Today?" }, { "docid": "7481354", "text": "calling it \"a knuckleheaded, bottle-service party jam.\" Chris Bosman of \"Consequence of Sound\" criticized the \"'this goes out to the [blank]' coda\", claiming that \"it only hammers home how much better Kesha is at this stuff.\" Melinda Newman of HitFix gave the song a \"C−\" grade, claiming that \"It's hard not to raise your arm in the air and wave it back and forth in this old-school sounding track about partying, claiming that the song is \"unlike anything else Perry has recorded before\" and that it \"could be a sleeper hit.\" Evan Sawdey of PopMatters was mixed with the song,", "title": "This Is How We Do" }, { "docid": "8356500", "text": "Balears from Balearic Islands. It is the most honored team of the town, winning two Balearic Futsal Cups at 2009 (Senior Squad) and 2011 (Youth Squad). <BR> Sant Joan Sant Joan (official name; English: Saint John) is a municipality on Majorca, Spain, situated in the center of the island in the comarca of Pla de Mallorca. The town Sant Joan, formerly known as Sant Joan de Sineu, was founded in 1300. It is bordered by the municipalities of Petra, Villafranca de Bonany, Porreres, Montuïri, Lloret de Vistalegre, and Sineu. In the town there are two futsal clubs, Sant Joan C.E.", "title": "Sant Joan" }, { "docid": "12765089", "text": "released from jail in April 2003 and told CBS News in 2004 that she had completed substance-abuse counseling. Joan has been sober since 2004. She has not returned to work in broadcasting. She is now focusing on a career in writing. Jeff is survived by his wife Joan and their two children Samantha and Jonathan. Joan Lovett Joan M. Lovelace (born November 13, 1960), known professionally as Joan Lovett, is a former American television news anchor. A native of St. Louis, Missouri and Rockford, Illinois, Lovett earned a bachelor's degree in Radio/TV News and Print Journalism from Southern Illinois University", "title": "Joan Lovett" }, { "docid": "4027555", "text": "in the fall, Khabib responded with everything he had, setting the impression that he was the dominant fighter. Guzman could not go on due to the leg injury and the referee stopped the fight due to 'accidental foul', which led to the score cards deciding the winner. Two judges declared Khabib the better man on the ring. Talks of a rematch immediately ensued. Joan Guzmán Joan Guzmán (born May 1, 1976) is a Dominican former professional boxer who competed from 1997 to 2014. He is a two-weight world champion, having held the WBO junior featherweight title from 2002 to 2005,", "title": "Joan Guzmán" }, { "docid": "7654780", "text": "over how Joan is to be played. The conflict is resolved during the course of the play. Bergman won a Tony Award for this performance — one of the first such awards ever given. Other notable actors who appeared in this production were Joseph Wiseman and Sam Wanamaker. In 1948, an adaptation of \"Joan of Lorraine\" was filmed in Technicolor as \"Joan of Arc\". This film also starred Ingrid Bergman, but it did not use the play-within-a-play framework. Instead, it made the story a straightforward account of Joan's life, omitting the fictional acting company altogether. Anderson's dialogue for the story", "title": "Joan of Lorraine" }, { "docid": "9944625", "text": "later appeared on a French-issued compilation entitled \"Top 16\" and for many years was considered a rarity. It finally gained Europe-wide release in 2006 as part of the compilation \"The Hits Collection\". This also marked the first occasion the track appeared on the CD format. Bitter Is Better \"Bitter is Better\" is a song by British singer Kim Wilde, first recorded in 1981. In 1982, it was used in support of a Japanese commercial for the B&L Bitter Lemon brand, and was subsequently released in that country as a single. It was also an extra track on the Japanese release", "title": "Bitter Is Better" }, { "docid": "9944624", "text": "Bitter Is Better \"Bitter is Better\" is a song by British singer Kim Wilde, first recorded in 1981. In 1982, it was used in support of a Japanese commercial for the B&L Bitter Lemon brand, and was subsequently released in that country as a single. It was also an extra track on the Japanese release of Wilde's second album, \"Select\". The song remained unreleased in any other country until 1984 when it was released as a single in France in support of \"The Very Best of Kim Wilde\" compilation (even though the track itself was not on that album). It", "title": "Bitter Is Better" }, { "docid": "6786369", "text": "Joan, Lady of Wales Joan, Lady of Wales and Lady of Snowdon, also known by her Welsh name of Siwan, (c. 1191 – 2 February 1237) was the wife of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Wales and Gwynedd, effective ruler of most of Wales. Joan was an illegitimate daughter of King John of England. She should not be confused with her half-sister, Joan, Queen consort of Scotland. Little is known about her early life. Her mother's name is known only from Joan's obituary in the \"Tewkesbury Annals,\" where she is called \"Regina Clementina\" (Queen Clemence); there is no evidence that", "title": "Joan, Lady of Wales" }, { "docid": "16930197", "text": "disaster mitigation infrastructure projects under the New Building Canada Fund, of which Alberta will see $3.2 billion over the next 10 years. However, not one flood mitigation project during her tenure was built in Alberta. Crockatt also joined the Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of the Environment, in announcing a $135 million investment that will allow Environment Canada to make significant upgrades to the monitoring networks and to the weather warning and forecast systems, as to better predict events like the 2013 Alberta floods. - Calgary Centre Joan Crockatt Joan Crockatt (born December 5, 1955) is a Canadian politician, who was", "title": "Joan Crockatt" }, { "docid": "17090391", "text": "True Story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland\" (2013). The Joan Trumpauer Mulholland Foundation is dedicated to educating youth about the Civil Rights Movement and how to become activists in their own communities. Joan also travels several times a year to screen her documentary and later interact with students via a Q&A panel. In 2015 she had 45 planned events, which included Q&A's, college visits, and special appearances at libraries around the United States. For example, on May 13, she had a Q&A with the Naples, Florida community at Barron Collier High School, and her last events for 2015 included two showings", "title": "Joan Trumpauer Mulholland" }, { "docid": "16347826", "text": "Less-is-better effect The less-is-better effect is a type of preference reversal that occurs when the lesser or smaller alternative of a proposition is preferred when evaluated separately, but not evaluated together. The term was first proposed by Christopher Hsee. In a 1998 study, Hsee, a professor at the Graduate School of Business of The University of Chicago, discovered a less-is-better effect in three contexts: \"(1) a person giving a $45 scarf (from scarves ranging from $5-$50) as a gift was perceived to be more generous than one giving a $55 coat (from coats ranging from $50-$500); (2) an overfilled ice", "title": "Less-is-better effect" }, { "docid": "9955267", "text": "say was against the Christian faith the Lord established, I would not uphold it but would reject it.″ With this quote it is evident that Joan believes that everything she is doing is true and pure in terms of her faith. She explains more about how she interacts with the Saints. In nearly the last session, Joan answers questions about her Saintly voices as well as wearing men's clothes. Joan explains that Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret ″love what God loves and hate what God hates.″ According to the text, Joan believed that the English would be beaten as punishment", "title": "Trial of Joan of Arc" }, { "docid": "5431985", "text": "the world as mud (\"E fango è il mondo\") and therefore, a kind of purgatory, as well as Dante's image of souls gulping mud in the Stygian marsh of the \"Inferno\" (Canto VII, 109–126, in Palma's translation): Dante's Belacqua and his foetal position also are referenced in \"How It Is\" and the following quotation is an example of the work's unpunctuated, dense, and poetic style: The novel served as inspiration for Miroslaw Balka's 2009 work, \"How It Is\", in Tate Modern's Turbine Hall. How It Is How It Is is a novel by Samuel Beckett first published in French as", "title": "How It Is" }, { "docid": "15928932", "text": "Jonny Briggs?\", published in 1979 in the journal \"Books for Young Children\". Eadington has also written fiction for adults under the pen-name Joan Eadith; novels include \"Dasia\" and \"Ivy Violet\" (1994). Joan Eadington Joan Eadington (born 1926) is an author from the United Kingdom best known for her books for children. Eadington lived in Middlesbrough and several of her books are set there. Eadington has written a number of books for children from the 1970s onwards. She is best known, however, for a series of books centred on the character Jonny Briggs, later adapted into a BBC television series. The", "title": "Joan Eadington" }, { "docid": "12029964", "text": "Joan Shakespeare Joan Shakespeare (baptised 15 April 1569 – buried 4 November 1646) was the sister of William Shakespeare. She is the only member of the family whose known descendants continue down to the present day. Joan was Shakespeare's younger sister. She married a hatter named William Hart with whom she had four children, William (1600–1639), Mary (1603–1606), Thomas (1605–1661), and Michael (1608–1618). Little is known about Joan's husband, William, apart from the fact that he was sued for debt in 1600 and 1601. He died in April 1616, and was buried 17 April, a week before William Shakespeare died.", "title": "Joan Shakespeare" }, { "docid": "20942260", "text": "Joan Hendriks Joan Patricia Hendriks (born 1936), also known as Aunty Joan, is a Ngugi elder of one of the three groups of Quandamooka people in Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia. She is the first Indigenous person appointed to the National Catholic Education Commission, and has brought Indigenous issues to the forefront at the United Nations and International Interfaith Forums. Hendriks is an elder at the Cleveland Murri Court. She is also a Catholic theologian and has written extensively on the conjunction of Aboriginal spirituality and Christianity. Joan Hendriks was born in 1936 in Brisbane, Queensland, and raised in the suburb", "title": "Joan Hendriks" }, { "docid": "20942252", "text": "Joan Hendriks Joan Patricia Hendriks (born 1936), also known as Aunty Joan, is a Ngugi elder of one of the three groups of Quandamooka people in Moreton Island, Queensland, Australia. She is the first Indigenous person appointed to the National Catholic Education Commission, and has brought Indigenous issues to the forefront at the United Nations and International Interfaith Forums. Hendriks is an elder at the Cleveland Murri Court. She is also a Catholic theologian and has written extensively on the conjunction of Aboriginal spirituality and Christianity. Joan Hendriks was born in 1936 in Brisbane, Queensland, and raised in the suburb", "title": "Joan Hendriks" }, { "docid": "16347836", "text": "of top-quality candy than a box containing those 24 pieces plus 16 lower-quality pieces. If a manufacturer has developed two versions of a product and wishes to know which will be more popular with consumers and should therefore be put on the market, presenting them jointly to the public will enable consumers to evaluate differences between them, while presenting them separately will better predict the consumer's actual experience of the product when and if it is actually put on sale. Less-is-better effect The less-is-better effect is a type of preference reversal that occurs when the lesser or smaller alternative of", "title": "Less-is-better effect" }, { "docid": "7959458", "text": "£750,000. Around 1649 Joan Blaeu published a collection of Dutch city maps named \"Toonneel der Steeden\" (\"Views of Cities\"). In 1651 he was voted into the Amsterdam council. In 1654 Joan published the first atlas of Scotland, devised by Timothy Pont. In 1662 he reissued the \"Atlas Novus\", also known as \"Atlas Maior\", in 11 volumes, and one for oceans. A cosmology was planned as their next project, but a fire destroyed the studio completely in 1672. Joan Blaeu died in Amsterdam on 21 December 1673. He is buried in the Westerkerk there. Joan Blaeu Joan Blaeu (, 23 September", "title": "Joan Blaeu" }, { "docid": "13381792", "text": "Joan Carden Joan Carden AO OBE (born 9 October 1937) is an Australian operatic soprano. She has been described as \"a worthy successor to Dame Nellie Melba and Dame Joan Sutherland\" and was sometimes known as \"the other Joan\" (a reference to Sutherland and Dame Joan Hammond) or \"The People's Diva\". She was a Principal Soprano with Opera Australia for 32 years, and was particularly associated with the title roles of Giacomo Puccini's \"Tosca\" and \"Madama Butterfly\". However, she sang over 50 other roles, from the 18th century, including virtually all the Mozart heroines, through to works by contemporary composers.", "title": "Joan Carden" }, { "docid": "20427108", "text": "tells him that you can never quit and that you just have to appreciate that you have a job in the first place, because things change, and in a year, even she might be out of the theater and back in the lounge. Louie agrees with Joan but claims that he is sick of all of the bullshit. Joan refuses to accept this as well, exclaiming that she is a woman, and asking Louie to guess how many blowjobs he thinks she had to give to get where she is. After a long pause, Louie posits 40 as a guess.", "title": "Joan (Louie)" }, { "docid": "13043733", "text": "the fleet and died after being released in 1571. A blue plaque commemorating the site of Waste's execution was erected in Lime Avenue by Derby Civic Society in February 2017. Joan Waste Joan Waste or Wast (1534 – 1 August 1556) was a blind woman who was burned in Derby for refusing to renounce her Protestant faith. Waste was born blind in 1534, with her twin brother Roger, to a Derby barber, William Waste and his wife, Joan. By the age of twelve she had learned to knit as well as how to make ropes (her father was also a", "title": "Joan Waste" }, { "docid": "13043729", "text": "Joan Waste Joan Waste or Wast (1534 – 1 August 1556) was a blind woman who was burned in Derby for refusing to renounce her Protestant faith. Waste was born blind in 1534, with her twin brother Roger, to a Derby barber, William Waste and his wife, Joan. By the age of twelve she had learned to knit as well as how to make ropes (her father was also a ropemaker). In 1553, Queen Mary I came to the throne and in January 1555 it was made illegal by Parliament to hold Protestant views. At least 284 people were condemned", "title": "Joan Waste" }, { "docid": "13843260", "text": "are mentioned. They finally arrive at Chinon where they are able to find the French court. When Joan comes to speak with Charles, the Dauphin pretends to be a common member of the court while someone else pretends to be him. Joan is able to see through the ruse and immediately proclaims that she is sent to restore the French crown to him at Rheims. Charles has her examined by priests and scholars to determine that she is free of black magic. While questioned, Joan describes how God came to her with visions and describes her faith in a similar", "title": "Joan of Arc (poem)" } ]
In which branch of the arts is Patricia Neary famous?
[ "Ballet", "Ballet competitions", "Ballet schools", "Balet, India", "Balletti", "Ballet dancing", "1938 ballet premieres", "Balletto", "Balletomane", "2011 ballet premieres", "1940 ballet premieres", "Balletomanes", "1939 ballet premieres", "Ballet characters", "Ballet teachers", "Ballet dance", "Classical Dance", "Ballets", "Ballet lessons", "1915 ballet premieres", "1914 ballet premieres", "Classical dance", "UN/LOCODE:INBLT", "1916 ballet premieres", "Balet", "Ballett" ]
[ { "docid": "17887079", "text": "Patricia Neary Patricia Neary (born October 27, 1942) is an American ballerina, choreographer and ballet director, who has been particularly active in Switzerland. She has also been a highly successful ambassador for the Balanchine Trust, bringing George Balanchine's ballets to 60 cities around the globe. Born in Miami, Florida, she first studied there under George Milenoff and Thomas Armour until she attended the School of American Ballet in New York. At the age of 14, she joined the National Ballet of Canada as the youngest dancer in the company. In 1960, she became a member of the New York City", "title": "Patricia Neary" }, { "docid": "17887081", "text": "ballet at the Grand Théâtre de Genève (1973–78). From 1978 to 1985, she served as ballet director of the Zurich Ballet, then of La Scala in Milan (1986–87). As artistic director of Ballet British Columbia (1989–90), she choreographed \"Variations Concertantes\" with music by Alberto Ginastera. Since 1988, she has worked as an ambassador for the Balanchine Trust, bringing his works to some 60 cities in Europe, the Far East and across the United States. Patricia Neary Patricia Neary (born October 27, 1942) is an American ballerina, choreographer and ballet director, who has been particularly active in Switzerland. She has also", "title": "Patricia Neary" }, { "docid": "16181004", "text": "Patricia Grayburn Patricia Grayburn, MBE DL has a long involvement with the arts in Surrey after moving to become Arts Administrator at University of Surrey in 1983. She was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Surrey in 2002 and was awarded MBE in 2004 for services to the arts. She is responsible for the Lewis Elton Gallery and the breadth of public art across the University of Surrey campus and her roles include Chair of the Guildford Book Festival, Executive Director of the Guildford International Music Festival and Committee member of the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Trust, Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund and", "title": "Patricia Grayburn" } ]
[ { "docid": "8604365", "text": "Technical Oscar with Kirk Handley, Ray Meluch, Scott Robinson, and Wilson H. Allen, Neary won an Engineering Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the Design, Development and Implementation of the Dolby CP500 Cinema Processor. Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Emmy with Jeff Riedmiller, Stuart Murrie, Steve Love, Farhad Farahani, Patrick Lummis, Brett Crockett, Charles Robinson and Michael Smithers, Neary accepted an Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Development for the Dolby Laboratories DP600 Program Optimizer. John Neary Edward John Neary is American electronic engineer, specializing in audio processing", "title": "John Neary" }, { "docid": "12544228", "text": "Lynn Neary Lynn Neary is an American radio journalist. She is a correspondent on National Public Radio and on National Desk's Arts and Information Unit, covering books and publishing. Neary was born and raised in Crestwood, Westchester County, NY. She earned a B.A. in English from Fordham University. Neary began her career in public radio as a news anchor and reporter, covering education and county government at NPR member station WOSU in Columbus, Ohio. She later moved to WRMT in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. In 1982, she became a newscaster on Morning Edition, before taking over as weekend host of", "title": "Lynn Neary" }, { "docid": "12544230", "text": "a 1992 Corporation for Public Broadcasting Gold Award, an Ohio State Award, and an International Association of Women in Radio and Television Award. For her reporting on welfare reform, Neary shared NPR's 1994-95 Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Silver Baton Award. She also won a 1999 Gabriel Award for her report on a program for prisoners in New York's Sing Sing prison. Lynn Neary Lynn Neary is an American radio journalist. She is a correspondent on National Public Radio and on National Desk's Arts and Information Unit, covering books and publishing. Neary was born and raised in Crestwood, Westchester County, NY.", "title": "Lynn Neary" }, { "docid": "8604364", "text": "John Neary Edward John Neary is American electronic engineer, specializing in audio processing equipment for motion pictures and broadcasting, as well as an Academy Award and Emmy Award winner. Living in California's San Francisco bay area, Neary earned a bachelor of science degree in electronic engineering while at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Neary has contributed to many notable producers of quality audio equipment including Media Vision, Diamond Multimedia and Dolby Laboratories. Other past employers include the Thomas Engineering Company of Concord, California and Bio-Rad Laboratories of Hercules, California. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences", "title": "John Neary" }, { "docid": "13403958", "text": "Science and Technology/Engineering, and the English Language Arts Tests. The average test score for all of the students is generally higher than that of the entire state, and, for all tests in the past few years, is at least 12% higher than the state. The school has optional performing arts groups, including a band, an orchestra, and a chorus. Margaret Neary School Margaret A. Neary Elementary School is a public school in the town of Southborough, Massachusetts. As of the 2018-2019 academic year it serves 263 students in grades 4 and 5. It serves 4th and 5th graders in Southborough,", "title": "Margaret Neary School" }, { "docid": "9726946", "text": "of the car window with his tongue lolling – a version of Pollock's much discussed alcoholism and primitive urges. Krasner puts up a relentlessly optimistic front despite Greenberg's blatant misogyny and the art world's complete disinterest in her as anything other than Pollock's carer.' In September 2016, Neary performed at the Keep Corbyn rally in Brighton in support of Jeremy Corbyn's campaign in the Labour Party leadership election. Jo Neary Joanna Neary is a British comedian, writer and actress. Her solo, character-based stage shows include \"Youth Club\" and \"Joanna Neary Is Not Feeling Herself\", which received a Perrier Best Newcomer", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "20355596", "text": "had difficulty accessing hormones while in college. In 2016, Neary was signed by the fashion brand Coverstory, becoming the first openly trans plus-size model to land a major campaign. Coverstory founder Heidi Kan found Neary through the Transmodel agency after a lengthy search. In 2017, Neary came to the UK to model for the plus-size brand Yours Clothing. Neary has spoken out against transphobia and fat-shaming she has experienced in online dating communities. Shay Neary Shay Neary is an American fashion model. She is known as the first transgender plus-size model to be featured in a major fashion campaign. Neary", "title": "Shay Neary" }, { "docid": "20355595", "text": "Shay Neary Shay Neary is an American fashion model. She is known as the first transgender plus-size model to be featured in a major fashion campaign. Neary was born and raised in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania. During high school, she identified as a gay man, and performed in drag. A transgender friend of her mother suggested to Neary that she might also be trans. Neary attended Keystone College, and started her transition to female during her freshman year there. In 2012, she received the Outstanding Leadership Award from the Rainbow Alliance. Neary later moved to New York, as she", "title": "Shay Neary" }, { "docid": "13403957", "text": "Margaret Neary School Margaret A. Neary Elementary School is a public school in the town of Southborough, Massachusetts. As of the 2018-2019 academic year it serves 263 students in grades 4 and 5. It serves 4th and 5th graders in Southborough, and is in the Northborough-Southborough Regional School District. Generally, students who complete this school go to nearby Trottier Middle School. As it is an elementary school in Massachusetts, students of the school take the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS). The 4th graders take a Math, English Language Arts, and Open Writing Prompt, while the 5th graders take the Mathematics,", "title": "Margaret Neary School" }, { "docid": "9726927", "text": "Deansway, writing in the Guardian, described Neary as 'a character actress par excellence; not only are her characters well observed and immaculately performed, but they are well written and, most importantly, funny...A Joyce Grenfell of our age.' Joanna Neary grew up in Redruth in Cornwall. She told the West Briton, 'After leaving Pool School I did an art degree at Falmouth and became interested in performance art. I decided that people tying themselves together naked and walking across the Great Wall of China was the way to go.' She went on to study visual and performing arts at Brighton University,", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "20326492", "text": "Neary was signed to the Los Angeles Rams' practice squad. On September 16, 2018, Neary was arrested for misdemeanor DUI and hit and run by the Simi Valley Police Department. He was released on October 6, 2018. Aaron Neary Aaron Neary (born November 15, 1992) is an American football center for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Eastern Washington. Neary attended and played college football for Eastern Washington University. Neary was signed by the Denver Broncos as an undrafted free agent on May 2, 2016. He was waived on September 3,", "title": "Aaron Neary" }, { "docid": "12544229", "text": "All Things Considered in 1984, a post she held until 1992. Neary was a regular guest host on NPR newsmagazines and its weekday talk show, Talk of the Nation. Neary joined NPR's Cultural Desk in 1993. She developed NPR's first religious affairs newsbeat. Along with producer Dan Morris, Neary received a 1988 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for \"625 K Street\", a report on the Arthur Kapper Housing Project, dubbed \"the worst public housing in the District of Columbia\". The piece centred on drug-related murders. Neary reported for an American Public Radio documentary, \"A Primer on Breast Cancer\", which won", "title": "Lynn Neary" }, { "docid": "9726926", "text": "Jo Neary Joanna Neary is a British comedian, writer and actress. Her solo, character-based stage shows include \"Youth Club\" and \"Joanna Neary Is Not Feeling Herself\", which received a Perrier Best Newcomer award nomination in 2004. She has also appeared in the TV shows \"Time Trumpet\", \"Angelo's\", \"That Mitchell and Webb Look\", \"Skins\" series three, \"Dogface\", \"Man Down\" and, as the jumpy necrophiliac Judith, in \"Ideal\". Radio credits include acting as an ensemble member of the cast in the first series of the \"Count Arthur Strong Radio Show\", as well as appearing in numerous series of \"Out To Lunch\". Harry", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "15297876", "text": "be a boxer. Shea Neary James Patrick \"Shea\" Neary (born 18 May 1968) is a British former professional boxer who competed from 1992 to 2000. He held the WBU light-welterweight title from 1996 to 2000, and challenged once for the Commonwealth light-welterweight title in the latter year. Neary fought as an amateur from the age of 15, compiling a record of 21 fights and 3 losses. Neary made his professional debut on 3 September 1992, defeating fellow debutant Simon Ford by knockout in the first round. On 8 September 1995, Neary won his first regional championship—the vacant British Central Area", "title": "Shea Neary" }, { "docid": "12344192", "text": "time to Millwall for £6,000, which led him to 50 more league goals in 123 league appearances. Neary finished his career playing non-league football at Gravesend in May 1954. He died at St Raphael's Hospice in North Cheam on 17 November 2004, aged 83. Frank Neary Harold Frank Neary (born 6 March 1921) was an English footballer who played as a striker, mainly for Millwall, Leyton Orient and West Ham United. During the Second World War, Neary played as an amateur for West Ham, Finchley and then Fulham, before joining the Army. While stationed in Ireland he played for Glentoran.", "title": "Frank Neary" }, { "docid": "15297872", "text": "Shea Neary James Patrick \"Shea\" Neary (born 18 May 1968) is a British former professional boxer who competed from 1992 to 2000. He held the WBU light-welterweight title from 1996 to 2000, and challenged once for the Commonwealth light-welterweight title in the latter year. Neary fought as an amateur from the age of 15, compiling a record of 21 fights and 3 losses. Neary made his professional debut on 3 September 1992, defeating fellow debutant Simon Ford by knockout in the first round. On 8 September 1995, Neary won his first regional championship—the vacant British Central Area title—by knocking out", "title": "Shea Neary" }, { "docid": "20326490", "text": "Aaron Neary Aaron Neary (born November 15, 1992) is an American football center for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Eastern Washington. Neary attended and played college football for Eastern Washington University. Neary was signed by the Denver Broncos as an undrafted free agent on May 2, 2016. He was waived on September 3, 2016. On September 5, 2016, Neary was signed to the Philadelphia Eagles' practice squad. He signed a reserve/future contract with the Eagles on January 2, 2017. He was waived by the team on September 2, 2017. On", "title": "Aaron Neary" }, { "docid": "9852812", "text": "of the Abbey, to resolve the dispute. The Queen appointed Charles Jauncey, Baron Jauncey of Tullichettle to be her Commissioner. Lord Jauncey determined that the summary dismissal was justified. The report also stated that Neary’s well recognised musical abilities, and the hard work which he and his wife had done on behalf of the Abbey and the choir, were not in question. His daughter, Alice Neary, cellist, won the 1998 Pierre Fournier Award at the Wigmore Hall. Martin Neary Martin Gerard James Neary LVO (born 28 March 1940, London) is an English organist and choral conductor. He was Organist and", "title": "Martin Neary" }, { "docid": "16755971", "text": "club championship winners' medals. Paddy Neary Paddy Neary (born 1956) is an Irish retired hurler and referee who played as a left corner-back for the Kilkenny senior team. Neary joined the team during the 1975-76 National League and was a regular member of the team until his retirement from inter-county hurling almost a decade later. During that time he won one National Hurling League winners' medal. He also won two All-Ireland winners' medals as a non-playing substitute. At club level Neary is a two-time All-Ireland medalist with James Stephens. In addition to this he has also won two Leinster winners'", "title": "Paddy Neary" }, { "docid": "16755970", "text": "Paddy Neary Paddy Neary (born 1956) is an Irish retired hurler and referee who played as a left corner-back for the Kilkenny senior team. Neary joined the team during the 1975-76 National League and was a regular member of the team until his retirement from inter-county hurling almost a decade later. During that time he won one National Hurling League winners' medal. He also won two All-Ireland winners' medals as a non-playing substitute. At club level Neary is a two-time All-Ireland medalist with James Stephens. In addition to this he has also won two Leinster winners' medals and three county", "title": "Paddy Neary" }, { "docid": "9852809", "text": "Martin Neary Martin Gerard James Neary LVO (born 28 March 1940, London) is an English organist and choral conductor. He was Organist and Director of Music at Winchester Cathedral from 1972 to 1988, and Organist and Master of the Choristers at Westminster Abbey from 1988 to 1998. Neary read theology and music at Cambridge University. The years at Winchester were especially innovative. In addition to extending the traditional choral repertoire, Dr Neary commissioned new works from Jonathan Harvey and, in particular, John Tavener. Overseas tours were made with the Cathedral choir, and in addition to his own organ recitals at", "title": "Martin Neary" }, { "docid": "11188104", "text": "1972. Neary was jailed for theft in February 1998 after admitting stealing money from a trust fund of millionaire friend John Gorna. After his release, he commented on living in London since his release - recently said: \"I don't follow rugby any more, I'm just looking to get on with my life.\" Tony Neary Anthony Neary (born 25 November 1948) is a former England international rugby union player. He represented England at U18s basketball as well as rugby. He attended De La Salle College in Pendleton, Salford and Liverpool University before qualifying as a solicitor. Neary played club rugby for", "title": "Tony Neary" }, { "docid": "12474371", "text": "club medals. Neary was also presented with a number of personal awards during her career. In 1981 and 1986 she was honoured with the B&I Player of the Year Award. In 2004, she was named on the Camogie Team of the Century. Liz Neary was born in Kilkenny in 1951. She was educated locally and later attended the Presentation Secondary School, Kilkenny. It was here that her camogie skills were first developed. Neary captained the school to the All-Ireland Colleges’ title in 1970. Neary played most of her club camogie with the famed St Paul’s camogie club in Kilkenny and", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "12344190", "text": "Frank Neary Harold Frank Neary (born 6 March 1921) was an English footballer who played as a striker, mainly for Millwall, Leyton Orient and West Ham United. During the Second World War, Neary played as an amateur for West Ham, Finchley and then Fulham, before joining the Army. While stationed in Ireland he played for Glentoran. After the war he joined Queens Park Rangers (QPR) and featured in 30 regional wartime matches, scoring 23 goals. When regular football recommenced in 1946–47, Neary continued with QPR before moving to West Ham for £4,000 in January 1947. His time there was curtailed", "title": "Frank Neary" }, { "docid": "15297874", "text": "States by HBO on their \"World Championship Boxing\" series. In a high-paced, action-packed slugfest, Ward handed Neary his first loss by stopping him in the eighth round. The fight was dramatised in the 2010 film \"The Fighter\", with Anthony Molinari playing the part of Neary. Neary won one more fight on 25 July 2000, scoring a ten-round points decision over Alan Bosworth. However, Neary had struggled to make weight before the fight, and was quoted as having lacked motivation coming in. On 11 November 2000, in what would be Neary's final fight, he lost via points decision to then-reigning Commonwealth", "title": "Shea Neary" }, { "docid": "14152750", "text": "Aoife Neary Aoife Neary (born 1985) is a camogie player and works as a vascular physiologist in the south east. She lives in Co.kilkenny. Winner of All Star awards in 2008 and 2009. Neary played in the All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship 2009 and again in 2013. Aoife's father, Paddy, was a determined corner-back with Kilkenny in the early 1980s and went on to serve as an inter-county referee, while her aunt, Catherine, is the current camogie association president. She won a National League medal in 2008. Aoife was on the Junior All-Ireland winning side of 2002 and holds Leinster titles", "title": "Aoife Neary" }, { "docid": "12474379", "text": "corner-back position on a special team picked to celebrate the centenary of the Camogie Association of Ireland. Liz Neary Liz Neary (born 1951 in Kilkenny, Ireland) is a retired Irish sportsperson. She played camogie at various times with her local clubs St. Paul's and Austin Stacks and was a member of the Kilkenny senior inter-county team from 1970 until 1987. Neary is regarded as one of the greatest players of all-time. In a senior inter-county career that lasted for nineteen years she won seven All-Ireland medals, five National League medals and five Gael Linn Interprovincial medals. With her two clubs", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "12474370", "text": "Liz Neary Liz Neary (born 1951 in Kilkenny, Ireland) is a retired Irish sportsperson. She played camogie at various times with her local clubs St. Paul's and Austin Stacks and was a member of the Kilkenny senior inter-county team from 1970 until 1987. Neary is regarded as one of the greatest players of all-time. In a senior inter-county career that lasted for nineteen years she won seven All-Ireland medals, five National League medals and five Gael Linn Interprovincial medals. With her two clubs St. Paul’s and Austin Stack’s she collected a huge haul of twenty-one county titles and six All-Ireland", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "11590252", "text": "Steve Neary Stephen Aloysius Neary (1925–1996) is a former politician and cabinet minister in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Neary worked at the Argentia Naval Base until 1945 before moving to a job at the Dominion Steel Company on Bell Island. He helped unionize the office employees at the company and then served on the municipal council. He was active with the Newfoundland Federation of Labour serving as its secretary-treasurer and ran for office as a candidate for the Newfoundland Democratic Party in the 1959 provincial election In 1962, he was elected to the Newfoundland House of Assembly as a Liberal", "title": "Steve Neary" }, { "docid": "11188102", "text": "Tony Neary Anthony Neary (born 25 November 1948) is a former England international rugby union player. He represented England at U18s basketball as well as rugby. He attended De La Salle College in Pendleton, Salford and Liverpool University before qualifying as a solicitor. Neary played club rugby for Broughton Park. An open side forward whose international career ran from 1971 to 1980, his 43 appearances for the England team were a record (subsequently beaten) at the time of his retirement. He captained England in seven international matches between March 1975 and March 1976, played for the Barbarians, toured twice with", "title": "Tony Neary" }, { "docid": "14152751", "text": "in the Under-14 (two), Under-16 (three), Minor (three), Junior and Senior (three) grades. She has captured Gael Linn Cup Junior and Senior honours with Leinster, Under-16 (two), Junior and Minor titles with her club, and an All-Ireland Senior 'B' Colleges medal. Aoife Neary Aoife Neary (born 1985) is a camogie player and works as a vascular physiologist in the south east. She lives in Co.kilkenny. Winner of All Star awards in 2008 and 2009. Neary played in the All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship 2009 and again in 2013. Aoife's father, Paddy, was a determined corner-back with Kilkenny in the early 1980s", "title": "Aoife Neary" }, { "docid": "9726945", "text": "Should Be In Charge'. Neary gave a lecture as the sculptor, Dame Barbara Hepworth. Brimfield's 2012 exhibition, \"Between Genius and Desire\", at the Ceri Hand Gallery in Covent Garden, dealt with the myth of the suffering male artist. It included a film, 'Clement Greenberg – Lee Krasner = Jackson Pollock', in which Neary played the role of Lee Krasner. According to the Ceri Hand Gallery's website, 'Lee Krasner is re-imagined as a downtrodden, dowdy Home Counties frump and Pollock reduced to a helpless feral dog-like caricature – smashing things up, pissing on carpets, chasing balls and hanging his head out", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "13670116", "text": "J. Peter Neary J. Peter Neary FBA (born 11 February 1950 in Drogheda, Ireland) is an economist specialising in international trade. He is professor of economics at Oxford University, and a professorial fellow of Merton College, Oxford as well as associate member of Nuffield College, Oxford. He was previously professor of political economy at University College Dublin, from 1980 to 2006. He is also a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Neary was educated at University College Dublin and Oxford, where he completed his D.Phil. in 1978. He was an editor of the \"European Economic Review\" (1986–1990)", "title": "J. Peter Neary" }, { "docid": "13509040", "text": "all working in this area. It is very encouraging to see that their work has been recognised, affirmed and appreciated in the report.” Patron of the Catholic Grandparents Association. President of Action Tuam Michael Neary (bishop) Michael Neary (born 15 April 1946) is an Irish prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the current Archbishop of Tuam since 1995. Michael Neary was born in Castlebar, County Mayo, and received his early education at St. Patrick's Boys National School, Castlebar, and St. Jarlath's College, Tuam. He studied at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth and was ordained to the priesthood on 15", "title": "Michael Neary (bishop)" }, { "docid": "13670117", "text": "and has served on a number of other editorial boards. He was President of the Irish Economic Association (1990–92), and President of the European Economic Association in 2002. He was elected to the British Academy in 2008, as well as being a member of the Royal Irish Academy since 1997. He gained an entry in \"Who's Who\" in 2008. Neary, together with W. Max Corden, in 1982 developed the classic economic model describing Dutch disease. J. Peter Neary J. Peter Neary FBA (born 11 February 1950 in Drogheda, Ireland) is an economist specialising in international trade. He is professor of", "title": "J. Peter Neary" }, { "docid": "13509030", "text": "Michael Neary (bishop) Michael Neary (born 15 April 1946) is an Irish prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He is the current Archbishop of Tuam since 1995. Michael Neary was born in Castlebar, County Mayo, and received his early education at St. Patrick's Boys National School, Castlebar, and St. Jarlath's College, Tuam. He studied at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth and was ordained to the priesthood on 15 June 1971. Earning a doctorate in Divinity in 1975, he served as a curate in Belclare for one year before being appointed to the staff at the Presentation College, Headford. From 1978 to", "title": "Michael Neary (bishop)" }, { "docid": "20326491", "text": "September 3, 2017, Neary was claimed off waivers by the Los Angeles Rams. He was waived by the team on September 16, 2017 and re-signed to the practice squad. He was promoted to the active roster on December 27, 2017. He made his NFL debut in Week 17, earning the start at center as the Rams rested many of their starters, including starting center John Sullivan. On August 31, 2018, Neary was waived by the Rams. On September 2, 2018, Neary was claimed off waivers by the Cleveland Browns. He was waived on September 6, 2018. On September 11, 2018,", "title": "Aaron Neary" }, { "docid": "7578099", "text": "Michael Neary (surgeon) Michael Neary is a retired Irish consultant obstetrician/gynaecologist. He gained notoriety when it was discovered that he had performed what was considered an inordinate number of caesarian hysterectomies during his time at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda, County Louth. \"“The name of Michael Neary was temporarily removed from the Medical Register by the High Court on 5 February (1999) with effect from 17 February.”\" He was suspended by the Irish Medical Council in 1999 pending their investigations, and then struck off the Register of Medical Practitioners in 2003. As a result of the Medical Council's", "title": "Michael Neary (surgeon)" }, { "docid": "15297873", "text": "Nigel Bradley in two rounds. Three fights later, on 26 October 1996, Neary scored a twelve-round unanimous decision over Darryl Tyson to win the vacant WBU light-welterweight title. He made five successful defences of the title, all televised nationally on ITV's \"The Big Fight Live\". One of these defences included a sixth-round stoppage over former British light-welterweight champion Andy Holligan on 12 March 1998. On 11 March 2000, Neary fought Micky Ward as part of the undercard to Naseem Hamed vs. Vuyani Bungu. This brought Neary international exposure for the first time, as the event was televised in the United", "title": "Shea Neary" }, { "docid": "7578104", "text": "Neary's patients were, is too high a price to pay for a surgeon's phobias,” states the inquiry report. One anaesthetist appointed to Lourdes in the 90s told the Inquiry that while people who worked with Dr. Neary come out and criticise him now, they \"all thought he was wonderful\" in 1996. Dr. Neary was seen as a hard-working consultant and was much respected in the area. In February 2006, when the report was released, the Health Service Executive issued an apology to the women who suffered at the hands of Dr. Neary. The Inquiry found how a senior consultant colleague", "title": "Michael Neary (surgeon)" }, { "docid": "7578109", "text": "out of the inquiry, however, was the complaints made against three well respected Dublin obstetricians, named by The Irish Times, who in 1998 wrote two reports appearing to clear Dr. Neary of any wrongdoing and defending his treatment of nine women whose wombs he removed. On Sunday, 31 August 2008, RTÉ 1 aired part one of the two part series \"Whistleblower\" based on real events, it outlined one Midwife's concerns with Dr. Neary's practices and ultimately blowing the whistle on his unnecessary hysterectomy procedures. Michael Neary (surgeon) Michael Neary is a retired Irish consultant obstetrician/gynaecologist. He gained notoriety when it", "title": "Michael Neary (surgeon)" }, { "docid": "12474372", "text": "enjoyed much success. When the club disbanded in the early 1990s she had already collected twenty county titles. During this period Neary also won six All-Ireland club titles, the first of which came in 1970. She won the last of her six All-Ireland club medals nineteen years later in 1989. Downey later joined the Austin Stacks club in Dublin and enjoyed further success by winning yet another county medal. Neary was still in secondary school when she first played senior camogie with Kilkenny in 1968. By 1972 she was a key member of the team and she lined out in", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "10581316", "text": "Patricia Cardoso Patricia Cardoso is an award-winning Latina director, writer and producer. She has directed \"The Water Carrier\", \"Real Women Have Curves\", \"Lies in Plain Sight\", \"The Air Globes\", \"Meddling Mom\", \"Ro\", \"La Clave\", and \"El Paseo de Teresa\". Cardoso was the first Latina ever to win a Sundance Film Festival Dramatic Audience Award and to receive a Student Academy Award. She was invited to join the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences in the Directors branch in 2017. In 2018 Ava DuVernay tapped her to helm an episode of her acclaimed series Queen Sugar. Cardoso grew up in", "title": "Patricia Cardoso" }, { "docid": "6278041", "text": "concentrating on inking since then. He has inked Bryan Hitch's work on \"The Authority\" and is now regularly working with Hitch on \"The Ultimates\" for Marvel Comics. His comic work (both drawing and writing) include: Paul Neary Paul Neary (born 1958) is a British comic book artist, writer and editor. His first work was for Warren Publishing in the 1970s before working with Dez Skinn at Marvel UK as well as work for \"2000 AD\". He later became editor-in-chief of Marvel UK in the 1990s but is now best known for inking Bryan Hitch's work on \"The Ultimates\" for Marvel", "title": "Paul Neary" }, { "docid": "6278038", "text": "Paul Neary Paul Neary (born 1958) is a British comic book artist, writer and editor. His first work was for Warren Publishing in the 1970s before working with Dez Skinn at Marvel UK as well as work for \"2000 AD\". He later became editor-in-chief of Marvel UK in the 1990s but is now best known for inking Bryan Hitch's work on \"The Ultimates\" for Marvel Comics. His first published work was in Warren's anthology title, \"Eerie\", working on various stories and series including \"Hunter\" and its sequels, before drawing various \"Future Shocks\" for \"2000AD\" for various writers, including Alan Moore.", "title": "Paul Neary" }, { "docid": "7578105", "text": "of Dr. Neary's in the 70s and 80s, now deceased, told a Matron who was questioning the high number of hysterectomies that Dr. Neary was \"afraid of haemorrhage\". A junior consultant pathologist at the hospital in the early 80s asked his senior colleague why a perinatal uterus specimen he received seemed to have nothing wrong with it. The senior consultant replied \"that's Michael Neary for you\". Dr. Neary himself told the inquiry that he would have welcomed the opportunity to retrain and to observe other obstetricians at work. During the inquiry, he was asked about the frequent media claims that", "title": "Michael Neary (surgeon)" }, { "docid": "11590254", "text": "election and also served as interim party leader from 1983 to 1984. He retired from provincial politics in 1985. He attempted to win a seat in the House of Commons of Canada in a St. John's East federal by-election in 1987 but was defeated. After his retirement he wrote a book about the German U-boat attack on Bell Island in the second World War, called \"Enemy on our Doorstep\". He also devoted s great deal of time to Bell Island and was instrumental in raising monuments, and to creating a museum. Steve Neary Stephen Aloysius Neary (1925–1996) is a former", "title": "Steve Neary" }, { "docid": "9726928", "text": "where she wrote plays and performed her first character-based comedy shows. As well as writing her own material, she also acted in plays and sketches written by Brian Mitchell and Joseph Nixon. Many of the songs in her shows are written by Mitchell. Neary has said, 'I don't like comic songs particularly but I do love singing and dancing about.' In 1998-9, Neary played the female lead, a French \"femme fatale\", in \"The Ministry of Biscuits\", a dystopian comic musical by Brian Mitchell and Philip Reeve. 'Stop! Think before you eat that biscuit! Is it in any way fancy? If", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "7578101", "text": "Her report repeated many findings of the Medical Council's investigation (which she criticised for taking too long), but delved much deeper into Dr. Neary's actions, and those of his colleagues. The Inquiry found that Dr. Neary carried out 129 of 188 peripartum hysterectomies carried out in the hospital over a 25-year period, some on very young women of low parity. The average consultant obstetrician carries out 5 or 6 of these operations in their entire career. The judge also found that numerous patient files had disappeared from the hospital, obviously removed by people sympathetic to Michael Neary, she wrote. She", "title": "Michael Neary (surgeon)" }, { "docid": "6046460", "text": "Patricia Giles Patricia Jessie Giles (; 16 November 1928 – 9 August 2017) was a women's activist and Australian Senator. She was the President of the International Alliance of Women for three terms, the last ending in 2004. A qualified nurse, she founded the Women's Electoral Lobby branch in Perth in 1973. She also returned to study at the University of Western Australia, where she received her Bachelor of Arts in 1974. She later became an organizer for the Hospital Employees Union of Western Australia, and she was the first woman on the executive of the West Australian Trades and", "title": "Patricia Giles" }, { "docid": "13858556", "text": "Patricia, Alberta Patricia is a hamlet in southern Alberta, Canada within the County of Newell. It is located approximately north of Highway 1 and northeast of Brooks. Patricia is next to Dinosaur Provincial Park, which is a UNESCO world heritage site. It was named after Princess Patricia. It was briefly famous in the 1970s when somebody willed a lot in the hamlet to then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. It made the news when he did not pay the taxes on the lot. As a designated place in the 2016 Census of Population conducted by Statistics Canada, Patricia recorded a population", "title": "Patricia, Alberta" }, { "docid": "10080808", "text": "the monastery’s chapel. The monastery also preserves her blood. Her blood, like that of Januarius, the other, more famous patron saint of Naples, is also said to liquefy periodically. The associated legend states that after Patricia died, a zealous man pulled out one of her teeth, causing the body to hemorrhage. Patricia's followers collected the blood and exposed it. It then liquefied. Her blood is said to turn to liquid on her feast day of August 5th, and on every Tuesday morning. Patricia of Naples Saint Patricia of Naples (or Patricia of Constantinople) () (died ca. 665 AD) is an", "title": "Patricia of Naples" }, { "docid": "13509039", "text": "to gather evidence from victims and their families during the Church inquiry stage and such “thoroughness is to be commended”. The report added that “It is also a fair reflection to say that the archbishop has met resistance in asking a priest to step aside from public ministry. “It is to his credit that in spite of opposition, Archbishop Neary has maintained his authority and kept some men out of ministry where there is evidence to suggest that they should be viewed as dangerous and should not have access to young people. Neary said: “This is an enormous tribute to", "title": "Michael Neary (bishop)" }, { "docid": "7578106", "text": "he hated women, and he replied that this was untrue, that \"women were intuitive\" and knew when men did not like them. Judge Harding-Clarke wrote in the inquiry report that it \"was hard not to have some sympathy for Dr. Neary\". She said: “It was difficult not to have some sympathy for Dr. Neary...his health is no longer strong. He is pilloried in the media and referred to as a 'monster' and a 'mutilator of women'. The effect on his life is profound. He will never practice medicine again, and he will never be given the opportunity to see how", "title": "Michael Neary (surgeon)" }, { "docid": "13509038", "text": "A review that was published on 30 November 2011 into the handling of clerical child sex abuse allegations in the Diocese of Tuam has praised Archbishop Neary for his actions. The report said serious harm was done to children by a few priests of the archdiocese but Dr Neary met allegations “with a steadily serious approach, taking appropriate action under existing guidelines, and rapidly assimilating the lesson of the necessity for the removal of the priest, where there is a credible allegation, pending investigation.” The report said it is clear from the “excellent records” that a genuine effort was made", "title": "Michael Neary (bishop)" }, { "docid": "12344191", "text": "after reportedly hitting an opponent who had fouled him, out of sight of the referee. West Ham sold him at a £2,000 loss in November 1947 to Leyton Orient, where he became the club's record goalscorer at that time, with 25 goals during the 1948–49 season. He was noted for the power of his shooting, and once knocked out opposing goalkeeper Archie McFeat of Torquay United, who got in the way of a Neary drive. Refusing advances from Newcastle United, Neary moved back to QPR for £7,000 in October 1949, but it was a further move in August 1950, this", "title": "Frank Neary" }, { "docid": "9852811", "text": "Victorian Order (LVO) in the New Year Honours List in 1998. He has been particularly active in the promotion of the music of John Tavener, whose \"Song for Athene\" was performed by the choir of the Abbey as Diana's coffin was borne out by the pallbearers. On 22 April 1998, Wesley Carr, the Dean of Westminster Abbey, dismissed Neary from his position at Westminster Abbey on the grounds of gross misconduct regarding the finances of a company that he and his wife had set up to administer fees from concerts at the Abbey. Neary petitioned Queen Elizabeth II, as Visitor", "title": "Martin Neary" }, { "docid": "9726931", "text": "day.\" In 2003, Neary performed with David Mounfield and Brian Mitchell in the sketch show, \"Take This and Shove It\", at the Smirnoff Underbelly, Edinburgh. The sketches, including Tarzan and Jane and the Wombles, were written by Mitchell and Nixon. Neary also performed some of her own character pieces, including Peg Bird, a karaoke singer, and 'Celia' from Brief Encounter. The show ended with her singing 'Lullaby', a Mitchell song pastiche of Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse. In Neary's debut Edinburgh solo show, produced by Komedia Entertainment in 2004, she appeared as multiple characters, including Mr Timkins (a sly cat", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "15297875", "text": "light-welterweight champion Eamonn Magee. The result, judged by referee Roy Francis, was viewed as controversial. Neary's father moved from Ireland to Liverpool in the 1940s, and during his career Neary was embraced as both an Irishman and a Scouser. On 2 May 2011, Neary was arrested following a brawl at the Revolution bar in Albert Dock, Liverpool, but was later cleared of assault charges in December. Neary's son James Metcalf, nicknamed \"Kid Shamrock\", became a professional boxer in 2011 and competes as a light-middleweight. He has called his father \"a huge inspiration growing up\", and the reason he wanted to", "title": "Shea Neary" }, { "docid": "12474377", "text": "to a second consecutive All-Ireland final. For the second year in-a-row Dublin provided the opposition, however, once again the result was the same. Kilkenny were much too strong for ‘the Dubs’ and won the game by 2-12 to 2-3. It was Neary’s sixth All-Ireland title while she also joined a club of players that had captained their county to more than one All-Ireland victory. Neary was later named B&I Player of the Year. In 1987 Neary added a fourth National League medal to her collection after Kilkenny got the better of Dublin in yet another national final. Later that year", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "12474376", "text": "was slow in coming over the next few years; however, Neary won a second National League medal with Kilkenny in 1982. Three years later in 1985 she collected a third winners’ medal in that competition. Kilkenny later qualified for another All-Ireland final. Dublin provided the opposition on that occasion; however, they faced a Kilkenny team that was on the verge of dominating camogie for the bones of the next decade. The final ended with a 0-13 to 1-5 victory for ‘the Cats’, giving her a fifth All-Ireland medal. 1986 saw Neary being appointed captain again. That year she guided Kilkenny", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "12474375", "text": "collection in 1980. It was Kilkenny’s first title in that competition. This victory acted as a launch pad for further All-Ireland success. In 1981 Neary was appointed captain of the Kilkenny senior camogie team. That year Kilkenny squared up against Cork in the championship decider. After an exciting game both sides ended with 3-9 apiece. The replay was not as exciting, however, it was more conclusive, Kilkenny won that game by 1-9 to 0-7 with Neary collecting a fourth All-Ireland medal. She also lifted the O'Duffy Cup. She was later named as the B&I Player of the Years. All-Ireland success", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "12474374", "text": "close game followed with neither side taking a definite lead. At the full-time whistle Kilkenny were the winners by 0-6 to 1-2. It was Neary’s second All-Ireland medal. In 1977 Neary was a key player in Kilkenny’s quest for back-to-back All-Ireland titles. That year she lined out in the All-Ireland final once again. Wexford, the winners of the championship two years earlier, provided the opposition. Kilkenny won on a score line of 3-4 to 1-3. It was Neary’s third All-Ireland medal. Kilkenny went into decline for the next few years; however, Neary added a National Camogie League medal to her", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "6278040", "text": "working partnership still lasts to the present. Neary became editor-in-chief of Marvel UK from c. 1990–1993, helping launch a number of US-sized titles in addition to the company's ongoing UK range. This began with \"Death's Head II\" and was followed by titles such as \"Hell's Angel\" (changed to \"Dark Angel\" after a copyright battle with the Hells Angels),\" Warheads\", \"Digitek\" and \"Motormouth\" (later \"Motormouth and Killpower\"). Sales of the comics were initially high but over expansion soon brought an end to Marvel UK's US line, with Panini Comics buying the company's assets, including \"Doctor Who Magazine\". Neary has since been", "title": "Paul Neary" }, { "docid": "12474378", "text": "Kilkenny qualified for the All-Ireland final. It was an historic occasion as Downey’s side were hoping to capture a third All-Ireland title in-a-row, something that Kilkenny had never achieved. Cork stood in their way, however, Kilkenny gave a great performance in the final. The full-time score of 3-10 to 1-7 gave Kilkenny the victory and gave Neary a seventh All-Ireland medal. She retired from inter-county camogie following this victory. Neary also lined out with Leinster in the Gael Linn sponsored inter-provincial camogie championship. She won five inter-provincial camogie titles with her province. In 2004, she was named in the right", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "13509032", "text": "Bishop of Tuam and Titular Bishop of \"Quaestoriana\" by Pope John Paul II. He received his episcopal consecration on the following 13 September from Archbishop Joseph Cassidy, with Archbishops Emanuele Gerada and Joseph Cunnane serving as co-consecrators. Following Archbishop Cassidy's resignation, he was named Archbishop of Tuam on 17 January 1995. In May 2009, Neary described the Ryan Report as \"sad and disturbing\" and \"apologise[d] unreservedly, on behalf of the Church, for our failure to protect children.\" Within the Irish Bishops Conference, Neary is the Chairman of the Doctrine Commission; a member of the Department of Catholic Education and Formation,", "title": "Michael Neary (bishop)" }, { "docid": "12474373", "text": "her first championship decider. Cork provided the opposition again and it was ‘the Rebel’ ladies who captured a 2-5 to 1-4 victory. Two years later in 1974 Kilkenny were back in the All-Ireland final and, once again, Cork were the opponents. Both sides ended level with Kilkenny scoring 3-8 and Cork scoring 4-5. The replay took place a few weeks later. Kilkenny won by 3-3 to 1-5 and Neary captured her first All-Ireland medal. Kilkenny surrendered their All-Ireland crown in 1975, however, Neary lined out in a third All-Ireland final in 1976. On that occasion Kilkenny took on Dublin. A", "title": "Liz Neary" }, { "docid": "3356169", "text": "Patricia A. McKillip Patricia Anne McKillip (born February 29, 1948) is an American author of fantasy and science fiction novels, which have been winners of the World Fantasy Award, the Locus Award, and the Mythopoeic Award. In 2008, she was a recipient of the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement. She lives in Oregon and is married to David Lunde, a poet. According to Fantasy Book Review, Patricia McKillip grew up in Oregon, Britain, and Germany and received a bachelor of arts in English in 1971 and a master of arts in 1973 from San Jose State University. She has", "title": "Patricia A. McKillip" }, { "docid": "14595952", "text": "an opportunity to become Director of the Galway Arts Festival (proposed by Ollie Jennings in 1990) meant that she never returned to teaching. She left in 1995, subsequently working in \"Ros na Rún\", \"Aifric\" and RTÉ soap \"Fair City\". Forde's other work has included a creative programme for children at the festival, which developed into the Baboró International Arts Festival for Children. She is married with two children and lives in Moycullen. Patricia Forde Patricia Forde, former Director of the Galway Arts Festival and children's author, born c. 1960. Forde was raised in Market Street, Galway, a fluent Irish speaker.", "title": "Patricia Forde" }, { "docid": "19213829", "text": "Patricia Grimshaw Patricia Ann Grimshaw, (born 16 December 1938) is a retired Australian academic who specialised in women's and indigenous people's history. One of her most influential works is \"Women's Suffrage in New Zealand\", first published in 1972, which is considered the definitive work on the story of how New Zealand became the first country in the world to give women the vote. Grimshaw was born on 16 December 1938, to a working-class family in Auckland, New Zealand. She studied at the University of Auckland, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1960 and a Master of Arts (MA) in", "title": "Patricia Grimshaw" }, { "docid": "3959639", "text": "Patricia Tallman Patricia J. Tallman (born September 4, 1957) is an American actress, stunt performer, and studio executive best known for her starring roles in \"Night of the Living Dead\" and \"Babylon 5\". She is the former CEO and executive producer of Studio JMS. Patricia is the daughter of Jerry Tallman, a radio entertainer. She is a 1975 graduate of Glenbard West High School in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, and received a bachelor of fine arts degree from Carnegie Mellon University's Theater Arts Program. In television, Tallman worked on the soap opera, \"Generations\". Later, she had guest-starring roles on \"Tales from", "title": "Patricia Tallman" }, { "docid": "9726933", "text": "\"Scotsman\", Neary's 'Pan's People pastiche of 'I Can't Live if Living Is Without You' is worth the price of the ticket alone as she rhythmically mimes her way through every method of suicide available.' Brian Logan, in the Guardian, wrote, 'There's one strong comic character after another in Joanna Neary's solo Fringe debut, which can feel like a one-woman Fast Show...Neary's alter egos are the products of a highly individual imagination.' For the show, she was nominated for the Perrier Newcomer Award and won the Comedy Report Best Character Actress Award. For her next Edinburgh show, in 2005, Neary was", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "7397335", "text": "Patricia Petibon Patricia Petibon (born 27 February 1970) is a French soprano. Born in Montargis, Loiret, Petibon's parents were both teachers. She initially studied the visual arts, including painting and subsequently changed her academic focus and earned a bachelor's degree in musicology. She later studied music at the Paris Conservatoire, where her teachers included Rachel Yakar, and from which she graduated with a first prize in 1995. Petibon made her professional stage debut in Paris in 1996 in Rameau's \"Hippolyte et Aricie\". She became a member of Les Arts Florissants and worked regularly with William Christie. In various awards under", "title": "Patricia Petibon" }, { "docid": "9726930", "text": "Hard vs Craft Woman\", which they performed at Komedia Southside in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Each performed various characters for half an hour. Craft Woman is Peg Bird, Neary's Bohemian artist. Sean Hard is Graham Darg's deluded survivalist, his voice modelled on that of the actor Sean Bean. Neary has written on her blog that her Craft Woman character was \"inspired by The Bloomsbury Group. Actually, it's inspired by a very particular living lady who works closely with the Bloomsbury descendants at Charleston Farmhouse near Firle but I don't want to name her, she might go on the internet one", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "10776603", "text": "The Pit (mixed martial arts) The Pit is a professional mixed martial arts association and training camp operating in Arroyo Grande, California; with a branch in Henderson, Nevada, and affiliate schools throughout the United States. Founded in 1986 by John Hackleman, The Pit fighters have competed in various promotions such as the UFC, WEC and DREAM. The Pit became world famous when Pit black belt Chuck Liddell became the UFC light-heavyweight champion. In 1986, The Pit was founded in Woodland Hills, California as a training gym teaching the art of Kajukenbo, which is now known as Hawaiian Kempo. Founder, John", "title": "The Pit (mixed martial arts)" }, { "docid": "13847265", "text": "Patricia Rodas Patricia Rodas (n. 1960) is a Honduran politician. She was foreign minister in the government of Manuel Zelaya and was deposed in the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis in June, 2009. She openly promoted Manuel Zelaya's continuity in power and according to the Honduran constitution she ceased to be foreign minister in the very moment in which she activated the clause contained in the article 239 of the Honduran constitution, which states the following. \"ARTICULO 239.- The citizen who has carried out the titularity of the Executive Branch will not be able to be president or designate. Whoever breaks", "title": "Patricia Rodas" }, { "docid": "18635036", "text": "Patricia Martin Bates Patricia Martin Bates (born June 25, 1927) is a Canadian artist. Born in Saint John, New Brunswick, Bates began her formal art studies at the age of 12 with Stanley Royale, who taught at Mount Allison University. Bates subsequently studied at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium, at the Sorbonne in Paris, and at the Pratt Graphic Centre in New York. She is noted for her embossing technique, and in the 1960s, became well-known for her Plexiglas cube sculptures which incorporated print processes. Her work is often inspired by", "title": "Patricia Martin Bates" }, { "docid": "20369227", "text": "Ne Win, Kyaw Ye Aung, Yan Aung and actress Soe Myat Thuza, directed by Kyaw Zaw Lin, first released on 16 December 2016. Within seven years in the entertainment industry, Patricia had added several more movies to her filmography. Patricia was once reportedly in a relationship with Burmese famous actor Nay Toe, which ended after some years. In June 2017,she was in a relationship with a non-celebrity. On her 17th birthday, Patricia donated one million Myanmar Kyat in cash, as well as food and school supplies in support of orphans living at a monastery. Patricia (Burmese actress) Patricia Jayne (;", "title": "Patricia (Burmese actress)" }, { "docid": "7288864", "text": "is the belief that human health is more important than anything else, he is the embodiment of the Towards Zero vision.\" Patricia Piccinini Patricia Piccinini (born 1965) is an Australian artist who works in a variety of media, including painting, video, sound, installation, digital prints, and sculpture. She completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting at the Victorian College of the Arts in 1991. In 2014 she received the Artist Award from the Melbourne Art Foundation's Awards for the Visual Arts. Piccinini was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone. According to her 2002 National Gallery of Victoria biography: Piccinini has", "title": "Patricia Piccinini" }, { "docid": "13509035", "text": "Curia. Members not resident in Rome are invited to attend only the plenary meetings of the congregation, which in principle are held every year. The appointment is for five years and is renewable. In August 2010 Archbishop Neary said “\"the truth of past pain is certainly coming to the surface. But this is good news. We should embrace the truth even though this can be a painful task.\"” He continued “\"however, we should also be aware of the dangers contained in what some have called a ‘culture of blame’. We seek out the negligence of doctors, the health service, bankers,", "title": "Michael Neary (bishop)" }, { "docid": "7288859", "text": "Patricia Piccinini Patricia Piccinini (born 1965) is an Australian artist who works in a variety of media, including painting, video, sound, installation, digital prints, and sculpture. She completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting at the Victorian College of the Arts in 1991. In 2014 she received the Artist Award from the Melbourne Art Foundation's Awards for the Visual Arts. Piccinini was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone. According to her 2002 National Gallery of Victoria biography: Piccinini has an ambivalent attitude towards technology and she uses her artistic practice as a forum for discussion about how technology impacts upon", "title": "Patricia Piccinini" }, { "docid": "16934392", "text": "Susan Branch Susan Branch is an American author, watercolorist, and designer. Her works include the \"Heart of the Home\" series of cookbooks in which she was also the illustrator. Eldest of Patricia Louise (Smith) and John Patrick Stewart's eight children, Branch grew up in the San Fernando Valley outside of Los Angeles, California. This is chronicled in her 2015 memoir, \"The Fairy Tale Girl\". Her first commercial success manifested in 1978 at the Red Door Gallery in Beverly Hills, California. In 1982, Branch moved from California to the island of Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts, a story told", "title": "Susan Branch" }, { "docid": "18075832", "text": "Patricia M. McCarthy Patricia M. McCarthy (born 1962) is an Assistant Director in the Commercial Litigation Branch of the United States Department of Justice Civil Division and is a former nominee for Judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims. McCarthy received an Artium Baccalaureus degree, cum laude, in 1984 from Colby College. She received a Juris Doctorate in 1989 from Cornell Law School. From 1989 to 1994, she worked at the law firm of Bingham, Dana & Gould in Boston, Massachusetts. She joined the Commercial Litigation Branch of the United States Department of Justice Civil Division in 1994", "title": "Patricia M. McCarthy" }, { "docid": "19263606", "text": "\"Who Has Seen the Wind\") Patricia Watson Patricia Watson (March 12, 1930 – February 13, 2015) was an award-winning Canadian filmmaker. She wrote, directed and produced numerous films and documentaries such as \"The Invention of the Adolescence\" (1967) and \"The Legacy of Mary McEwan\" (1987) which were her most well known and significant films. Patricia Watson was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on March 12, 1930. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts in History and Modern Languages from the University of Toronto From 1970-1987 Watson was married to film director Allan King, during this time she worked alongside Allan King,", "title": "Patricia Watson" }, { "docid": "19263601", "text": "Patricia Watson Patricia Watson (March 12, 1930 – February 13, 2015) was an award-winning Canadian filmmaker. She wrote, directed and produced numerous films and documentaries such as \"The Invention of the Adolescence\" (1967) and \"The Legacy of Mary McEwan\" (1987) which were her most well known and significant films. Patricia Watson was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on March 12, 1930. She obtained a Bachelor of Arts in History and Modern Languages from the University of Toronto From 1970-1987 Watson was married to film director Allan King, during this time she worked alongside Allan King, directing, producing and writing films", "title": "Patricia Watson" }, { "docid": "6278039", "text": "In 1978 he started working on \"Hulk Weekly\" for Marvel UK which had just been drastically revamped by Dez Skinn. During this time he drew various strips for Marvel UK, including \"Hulk\" and Nick Fury, plus helping new artists such as Alan Davis. During the early 1980s he created \"Madman\" for Dez Skinn's \"Warrior\" before becoming a regular inker for Alan Davis's work for DC Comics. Their most notable work at this time being a run drawing Batman for \"Detective Comics\". Neary became closely associated with Davis, inking his work from titles such as \"Uncanny X-Men\" to \"Captain Britain\". Their", "title": "Paul Neary" }, { "docid": "17911338", "text": "the inaugural BBC Screenplay First Award. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts and in 2013 was awarded an MBE for services to Black British Theatre. Patricia Cumper Patricia Cumper, MBE, FRSA (born 1954), also known as Pat Cumper, is a British playwright, producer, director, theatre administrator, critic and commentator. Cumper grew up in Jamaica, with her English father and Jamaican mother. She followed her parents to study at Cambridge University, for which she won a scholarship from The Queen's School in Kingston, to study Archaeology and Anthropology at Girton College (1973–76). While there, Cumper was", "title": "Patricia Cumper" }, { "docid": "12652643", "text": "Patricia Hampl Patricia Hampl (born March 12, 1946) is an American memoirist, writer, lecturer, and educator. She teaches in the MFA program at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis and is one of the founding members of the Loft Literary Center. Hampl was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, to Stanley and Mary Hampl. She attended the University of Minnesota, where she earned her Bachelor of Arts in 1968. Hampl earned her Master of Fine Arts at the University of Iowa in 1970. Hampl worked as an editor of \"Minnesota Monthly\" from 1973 to 1975 and as a freelance writer and", "title": "Patricia Hampl" }, { "docid": "9811669", "text": "Patricia Gerard Patricia \"Pat\" Gerard is a Democratic politician and the first female mayor for the city of Largo, Florida. Gerard was born in Paterson, New Jersey. She is married and has one child. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of South Florida. Gerard was a mental health worker in a community-based rehabilitation program after graduating from USF. From 1984 to 1986 she worked as Victim's Advocate for the Largo Police Department. From 1986 to 1992 she worked as director of the Spouse Abuse Shelter of", "title": "Patricia Gerard" }, { "docid": "9811672", "text": "decision here about whether we're going to be an inclusive and compassionate community or are we going to be small-minded and bigoted.\" In October, 2013, Gerard announced she was running for the Pinellas County Commission District 2 seat. Patricia Gerard Patricia \"Pat\" Gerard is a Democratic politician and the first female mayor for the city of Largo, Florida. Gerard was born in Paterson, New Jersey. She is married and has one child. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of South Florida. Gerard was a mental health", "title": "Patricia Gerard" }, { "docid": "13176849", "text": "Patricia Demers Patricia A. Demers, is a Canadian humanist and academic. She was the first female president of the Royal Society of Canada serving from 2005 to 2007. Demers grew up in Hamilton, Ontario and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and French and a Master of Arts degree from McMaster University. She received a Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa. After receiving her Ph.D. she taught for three years as a sessional instructor at the University of Alberta. She then became an assistant professor and is now a professor of English and Film Studies. Her research includes", "title": "Patricia Demers" }, { "docid": "9726936", "text": "fiercely gifted actor and her short monologues are peppered with clever songs and silly dances. The real joy here is the character based on Celia Johnson in Brief Encounter, a pitch-perfect impersonation taken to its logical conclusion. This is a show that leaves you with a huge smile and a renewed sense of delight in daftness.' Neary's fourth Edinburgh show, in 2008, was reviewed by Brian Donaldson in the List: 'Whether Neary...is being a cat or a dolphin, impersonating celebrity chefs or transforming herself into bonkers old Björk singing about the credit crunch, each scene is infused with intricate details,", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "11855114", "text": "including Anastasia Klose, Van Thanh Rudd and Azlan McLennan. Previous Proud exhibitions included high profile arts industry judges such as Marcus Westbury and Patricia Piccinini. Victorian College of the Arts Student Union The Victorian College of the Arts Student Union (VCASU) was the student union of the former Victorian College of the Arts (VCA), now known as the Faculty of VCA and Music (VCAM) in Melbourne, Australia. It was a separately incorporated organisation which represented the VCA student body. It had a strong history of creative student activism and successful political campaigns. VCASU's student newspaper was called Spark. VCASU officially", "title": "Victorian College of the Arts Student Union" }, { "docid": "2264834", "text": "Famous People Players Famous People Players is a black light puppetry theatre company. It is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and tours worldwide. It is a non-profit organization which employs people with physical and intellectual disabilities. Those individuals share duties in dining room management, arts administration, and theatrical and visual arts performances. Since inception, the company has paid homage to the works of famous people within its own theatrical context, hence the name \"Famous People\" Players. The Famous People Players was founded on June 1, 1974, by Diane Dupuy of Hamilton, Ontario. At inception, the company consisted of Dupuy and", "title": "Famous People Players" }, { "docid": "16934394", "text": "sales (going into 3rd printing) and how an established author has taken risks by choosing a hybrid publishing route. Her latest book, \"Martha's Vineyard, Isle of Dreams,\" currently a New York Times Bestseller, was published by her own imprint, Spring Street Publishing. Her entry into self publishing is discussed in a recent article in \"Publisher's Weekly\". Susan Branch Susan Branch is an American author, watercolorist, and designer. Her works include the \"Heart of the Home\" series of cookbooks in which she was also the illustrator. Eldest of Patricia Louise (Smith) and John Patrick Stewart's eight children, Branch grew up in", "title": "Susan Branch" }, { "docid": "9726934", "text": "directed by David Sant of Peepolykus. She created a cast of new characters, including Les Miserables, the Aussie comic, Lee, an 11-year-old deer, who is looking forward to starting rutting even though he doesn't know quite what it entails, and Fiona, the gap-year student who likes bongos but is worried about global dimming. According to the Scotsman's review, 'Her range of accents is amazing – she convincingly does no less than nine different English accents, yet the obvious choices of Brummie or Geordie are nowhere to be heard.' Neary returned to Edinburgh, in 2007, with her third solo show. Alongside", "title": "Jo Neary" }, { "docid": "11148581", "text": "maintains a blog on Trinity's website through which she offers commentary on contemporary issues. Patricia McGuire Patricia McGuire, (born 1952) is the 14th president of Trinity Washington University in Washington D.C.; she was appointed president in 1989. A native of Philadelphia, McGuire graduated from Merion Mercy Academy, in Merion, Pennsylvania. She earned her bachelor of arts degree \"cum laude\" in political science from Trinity College, now Trinity Washington University, in 1974 and her law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1977. McGuire was the Assistant Dean for Development and External Affairs for Georgetown University Law Center, where she", "title": "Patricia McGuire" } ]
Which country is Europe's largest silk producer?
[ "Environment of Italy", "Italiën", "Subdivisions of Italy", "Republic of Italy", "ItalY", "ISO 3166-1:IT", "Etymology of Italy", "Itali", "Pollution in Italy", "Administrative divisions of Italy", "Austrian Empire (Italy)", "Italija", "Italie", "Italia", "Italian Republic", "Second Italian Republic", "Italy", "Italio", "Repubblica Italiana", "Itàlia", "The Italian republic" ]
[ { "docid": "10095141", "text": "and in part replaced natural silk. Following the crisis in Europe, the modernization of sericulture in Japan made it the world's foremost silk producer. By the early 20th century, rapidly industrializing Japan was producing as much as 60 percent of the world's raw silk, most exports shipping through the port of Yokohama. Italy managed to rebound from the crisis, but France was unable. Urbanization in Europe saw many French and Italian agricultural workers leave silk growing for more lucrative factory work. Raw silk was imported from Japan to fill the void. Asian countries, formerly exporters of raw materials (cocoons and", "title": "History of silk" }, { "docid": "620396", "text": "to be lawful for men to wear, but the dominant opinion of most Muslim scholars is that the wearing of silk by men is forbidden. Modern attire has raised a number of issues, including, for instance, the permissibility of wearing silk neckties, which are masculine articles of clothing. Despite injunctions against silk for men, silk has retained its popularity in the Islamic world because of its permissibility for women, and due to the presence of non-Muslim communities. The Muslim Moors brought silk with them to Spain during their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. Italy was the most important producer of", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "620397", "text": "silk during the Medieval age. The first center to introduce silk production to Italy was the city of Catanzaro during the 11th century in the region of Calabria. The silk of Catanzaro supplied almost all of Europe and was sold in a large market fair in the port of Reggio Calabria, to Spanish, Venetian, Genovese and Dutch merchants. Catanzaro became the lace capital of the world with a large silkworm breeding facility that produced all the laces and linens used in the Vatican. The city was world-famous for its fine fabrication of silks, velvets, damasks and brocades. Another notable center", "title": "Silk" } ]
[ { "docid": "14019571", "text": "less durable. It has a dull gold sheen. As most of the cocoons are collected from the forest, it is considered by many as a forest product. India is the second largest producer of tussar silk and the exclusive producer of Indian tussar (also known as tropical tussar), which is largely tended to by tribals. Much of it is produced in Bhagalpur (where it is called Bhagalpur silk), Bihar and Malda district of West Bengal. Tussar silk is also used for Orissa's pattachitras and West Bengal's kantha stitches. Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh also produce tussar silk. In recent years, the", "title": "Tussar silk" }, { "docid": "620387", "text": "2500–2000 BC, suggests, \"people of the Indus civilization either harvested silkworm cocoons or traded with people who did, and that they knew a considerable amount about silk.\" India is the second largest producer of silk in the world after China. About 97% of the raw mulberry silk comes from six Indian states, namely, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and West Bengal. North Bangalore, the upcoming site of a $20 million \"Silk City\" Ramanagara and Mysore, contribute to a majority of silk production in Karnataka. In Tamil Nadu, mulberry cultivation is concentrated in the Coimbatore, Erode, Bhagalpuri,", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "10095098", "text": "regained their earlier role in silk production, and China is now once again the world's largest producer of silk. The rise of new fabrics such as nylon reduced the prevalence of silk throughout the world, and silk is now once again a rare luxury good, much less important than in its heyday. The earliest evidence of silk was found at the sites of Yangshao culture in Xia County, Shanxi, where a silk cocoon was found cut in half by a sharp knife, dating back to between 4000 and 3000 BC. The species was identified as \"Bombyx mori\", the domesticated silkworm.", "title": "History of silk" }, { "docid": "10175100", "text": "Thai silk Thai silk is produced from the cocoons of Thai silkworms. Thailand's silkworm farmers cultivate both types of the domesticated silkworms that produce commercial silk: \"Samia ricini\", commonly known as the eri silkworm, which produces matte eri silk, and the \"Bombyx mori\", producer of the better known, glossy mulberry silk. The latter is by far the larger silk producer of the two. In Thailand, the Center for Excellence in Silk at Kasetsart University's Kamphaeng Saen campus plays a leading research role in sericulture research as well as providing silkworm eggs and know-how to Thai farmers. After silk originated in", "title": "Thai silk" }, { "docid": "16035900", "text": "1883. By 1900, there were twenty-three silk establishments in the Lehigh Valley, making it and Pennsylvania the world's second-largest producer of silk, second only to New Jersey. As many as 224 mills produced silk in the Lehigh Valley between 1881 and 1989. The silk industry peaked in the late 1920s. The industry was Allentown's largest employer during this time. In 1928, the peak production year, 106 mills operated simultaneously in the Lehigh Valley. The Silk industry was drawn to the Lehigh Valley for its access to water, power and labor. The spinning machines in the mills required constant tending, and", "title": "Lehigh Valley Silk Mills" }, { "docid": "12036655", "text": "Silk industry in China China is the world's largest silk producer. The vast majority of Chinese silk originates from the mulberry silkworms (\"Bombyx mori\"). During the larval stage of its life-cycle, the insects feeds on the leaves of mulberry trees. Non-mulberry silkworms cocoon production in China primarily focuses on wild silk from the Chinese Tussah moth (\"Antheraea\" spp.). This moth typically feeds on trees (e.g. oaks) and its larvae spin coarser, flatter, yellower filament than the mulberry silk moths. In 2005, China accounted for 74 percent of the global raw silk production and 90 percent of the world export market.", "title": "Silk industry in China" }, { "docid": "3822646", "text": "Silk Stockings Silk Stockings is a musical with a book by George S. Kaufman, Leueen MacGrath, and Abe Burrows and music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The musical is loosely based on the Melchior Lengyel story \"Ninotchka\" and the 1939 film adaptation it inspired. It ran on Broadway in 1955. This was the last musical that Porter wrote for the stage. During the \"severely troubled tryout\" George S. Kaufman and his wife Leueen MacGrath were replaced by Abe Burrows. (According to Cecil Michener Smith and Glenn Litton, Kaufman became angry and quit.) Burrows re-wrote most of the book. The producer", "title": "Silk Stockings" }, { "docid": "10095143", "text": "of synthetic fibres and loosening of the protectionist economy contributed to the decline of Japan's silk industry, and by 1975 it was no longer a net exporter of silk. With its recent economic reforms, the People's Republic of China has become the world's largest silk producer. In 1996 it produced 58,000 tonnes out of a world production of 81,000, followed by India at 13,000 tonnes. Japanese production is now marginal, at only 2500 tonnes. Between 1995 and 1997 Chinese silk production went down 40% in an effort to raise prices, reminiscent of earlier shortages. In December 2006 the General Assembly", "title": "History of silk" }, { "docid": "16035896", "text": "Lehigh Valley Silk Mills The Lehigh Valley Silk Mills refers to a collection of mills located in the Lehigh Valley. The industry began in 1881 and thrived throughout the Industrial Revolution. The Lehigh Valley Silk Mills also refers to a specific company that owned the Lipps & Sutton Silk Mill and Warren Mill. The first silk mill in the Lehigh Valley opened in 1881 followed by many others. By 1900, there were twenty-three silk establishments in the Lehigh Valley, making Pennsylvania the second largest producer of silk in the world. The silk industry in Pennsylvania peaked in the late 1920s", "title": "Lehigh Valley Silk Mills" }, { "docid": "3763209", "text": "the world's biggest silk producer and silk comforter manufacturer. Silk comes from the cocoons of the silkworm, which feeds off mulberry trees in subtropical climates. When the cocoon is boiled, the hard cocoon becomes a loose ball of strong, flexible filament measuring over 1,000 meters. Usually, this ball is uncoiled and wrapped on a spindle for use in the textile industry. Silk is used for making everything from clothing to rugs. During silk comforter production, however, the silk filament is not unraveled, but rather stretched into a flat tangled web and layered to form silk floss, which will fill the", "title": "Silk comforter" }, { "docid": "20878956", "text": "Silk industry in Azerbaijan The silk industry in Azerbaijan has existed since ancient times. Shirvan was the largest silk farming region there. The population in Shamakhi, Basgal, Ganja, Shaki and Shusha engaged in silk production. Patterned, ornamental silk female kerchiefs were produced in these regions. Silk production was one of the main activities continued into modern times. The silk produced in Shirvan was known in countries such as Russia and Western Europe by the 11th century. At that time, silk was exported to Russia, Iraq, Syria and other countries from Shamakhi. Shirvan maintained its dominance in silk production in the", "title": "Silk industry in Azerbaijan" }, { "docid": "8959446", "text": "research team at Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, India discovered the complete sequence and the protein structure of muga silk fibroin and published it in \"Nature\" Scientific Reports Karnataka produces 9,000 metric tons of mulberry silk of a total of 14,000 metric tons produced in the country, thus contributing to nearly 70% of the country's total mulberry silk. In Karnataka, silk is mainly grown in the Mysore district. In the second half of the 20th century, it revived and the Mysore State became the top multivoltine silk producer in India. Kanchipuram is located very close to Chennai, the", "title": "Silk in the Indian subcontinent" }, { "docid": "620392", "text": "and tassar. Bengali silk was a major item of international trade for centuries. It was known as Ganges silk in medieval Europe. Bengal was the leading exporter of silk between the 16th and 19th centuries. In the \"Odyssey\", 19.233, when Odysseus, while pretending to be someone else, is questioned by Penelope about her husband's clothing, he says that he wore a shirt \"gleaming like the skin of a dried onion\" (varies with translations, literal translation here) which could refer to the lustrous quality of silk fabric. Aristotle wrote of \"Coa vestis\", a wild silk textile from Kos. Sea silk from", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "5238476", "text": "Cities along the Silk Road This articles lists cities located along the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a network of ancient trade routes which connected Europe with the Far East, spanning from the Mediterranean Sea to the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Major cities, broadly from the eastern Mediterranean to South Asia, and arranged roughly west to east in each area by modern-day country \"Turkey\" \"Georgia\" \"Armenia\" \"Lebanon\" \"Syria\" \"Iraq\" \"Iran\" \"Turkmenistan\" \"Uzbekistan\" \"Tajikistan\" \"Kazakhstan\" \"Afghanistan\" \"Pakistan\" \"India\" \"Nepal\" \"Bangladesh\" \"Bhutan\" \"Korea\" \"Japan\" This following list is attributed to Ptolemy. All city names are Ptolemy's, throughout all his works. Most", "title": "Cities along the Silk Road" }, { "docid": "11130966", "text": "Art silk Artificial silk or art silk is any synthetic fiber which resembles silk, but typically costs less to produce. Frequently, \"artificial silk\" is just a synonym for rayon. When made out of bamboo viscose it is also sometimes called bamboo silk. The first successful artificial silks were developed in the 1890s of cellulose fiber and marketed as \"art silk\" or \"viscose\", a trade name for a specific manufacturer. In 1924, the name of the fiber was officially changed in the U.S. to rayon, although the term \"viscose\" continued to be used in Europe. The material is commonly referred to", "title": "Art silk" }, { "docid": "859946", "text": "is believed to be due to antiseptic properties of spider silk and because the silk is rich in vitamin K, which can be effective in clotting blood. Due to the difficulties in extracting and processing substantial amounts of spider silk, the largest known piece of cloth made of spider silk is an textile with a golden tint made in Madagascar in 2009. Eighty-two people worked for four years to collect over one million golden orb spiders and extract silk from them. The silk of \"Nephila clavipes\" was used in research concerning mammalian neuronal regeneration. Spider silk has been used as", "title": "Spider silk" }, { "docid": "14019572", "text": "state of Jharkhand has emerged as the biggest producer of tussar silk. The tussar silk weaving industry in Bhagalpur, more than a century old, has about 30,000 handloom weavers working on some 25,000 handlooms. The total value of annual trade is around Rs. 100 crores, about half of which comes from exports. The sari is the most important tussar silk product although it is also used as the base material for handicrafts, furnishing fabrics, and stitched apparel. With the introduction of chemical dyes, the range of available colours has increased significantly. There are fashion designers who use tussar silk in", "title": "Tussar silk" }, { "docid": "16035903", "text": "The Easton Industrial Corporation managed the company from roughly 1933 – 1985, periodically loaning the property. In 1991, Pfizer Pigments Inc. transferred the property to James and Helen Garofalo and Helen Beth Garofalo-Vilcek who subsequently transferred the property to the City of Easton in 2006. One of the most important men of the American Silk industry, Desiderius George Dery, also made his home in the valley. By 1920 he was the largest single producer of silk in the world, and 8 of his 15 mills were located in the Lehigh Valley. The demise of the silk industry in the Lehigh", "title": "Lehigh Valley Silk Mills" }, { "docid": "5238477", "text": "of the names are included in \"Geographia\". Some of the cities provided by Ptolemy either Nevertheless, Ptolemy has provided an important historical reference for researchers. Cities along the Silk Road This articles lists cities located along the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a network of ancient trade routes which connected Europe with the Far East, spanning from the Mediterranean Sea to the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Major cities, broadly from the eastern Mediterranean to South Asia, and arranged roughly west to east in each area by modern-day country \"Turkey\" \"Georgia\" \"Armenia\" \"Lebanon\" \"Syria\" \"Iraq\" \"Iran\" \"Turkmenistan\" \"Uzbekistan\" \"Tajikistan\" \"Kazakhstan\"", "title": "Cities along the Silk Road" }, { "docid": "11564736", "text": "K+S K+S AG (formerly\" Kali und Salz GmbH\") is a German chemical company headquartered in Kassel. The company is Europe’s largest supplier of potash for use in fertilizer and, after the acquisition of Morton Salt, the world's largest salt producer. The firm also produces and distributes other mineral fertilizers, such as those from magnesium and sulphur. K+S is mainly active in Europe, North and South America with more than 14,000 employees worldwide (2014). K+S was founded in 1889 as Aktiengesellschaft für Bergbau und Tiefbohrung, was renamed to Kaliwerke Salzdetfurth AG in 1899 an was again renamed to Salzdetfurth AG in", "title": "K+S" }, { "docid": "620384", "text": "dating to the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). Silk is described in a chapter on mulberry planting by Si Shengzhi of the Western Han (206 BC – 9 AD). There is a surviving calendar for silk production in an Eastern Han (25–220 AD) document. The two other known works on silk from the Han period are lost. The first evidence of the long distance silk trade is the finding of silk in the hair of an Egyptian mummy of the 21st dynasty, c.1070 BC. The silk trade reached as far as the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, Europe, and North", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "17116357", "text": "breeding. Wild silk moths are different (having not been selectively bred) from their domestic cousins; they are not commercially viable in the production of silk. In India, the major mulberry silk producing states are Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Jammu & Kashmir which together accounts for 92 % of country's total mulberry raw silk production. Karnataka produces 9,000 metric tons of mulberry silk of a total of 14,000 metric tons produced in the country, thus contributing to nearly 70% of the country's total mulberry silk. In Karnataka, silk is mainly grown in the Mysore district. The mulberry", "title": "Pat silk" }, { "docid": "5298709", "text": "After college, Hanson played professional hockey in Europe, before a knee injury ended his career. Dave Silk David Mark \"Silky\" Silk (born January 1, 1958) is a retired professional American ice hockey player. His professional career, which spanned 13 years, included 249 NHL regular season games with the Boston Bruins, Winnipeg Jets, Detroit Red Wings and New York Rangers. Silk is arguably most famous for being a member of the 1980 US Men's hockey team that won the gold medal at the Olympics in Lake Placid. He is the cousin of former NHL and Boston Bruins player Mike Milbury. Silk", "title": "Dave Silk" }, { "docid": "10095096", "text": "to obtain silkworm eggs and were able to begin silkworm cultivation. The Arabs also began to manufacture silk at the same time. As a result of the spread of sericulture, Chinese silk exports became less important, although they still maintained dominance over the luxury silk market. The Crusades brought silk production to Western Europe, in particular to many Italian states, which saw an economic boom exporting silk to the rest of Europe. Changes in manufacturing techniques also began to take place during the Middle Ages, with devices such as the spinning wheel first appearing. During the 16th century, France joined", "title": "History of silk" }, { "docid": "3697204", "text": "the most important awards it gives are the \"Local Hero awards\" which have been awarded since the stations inception. The annual Cheshire Show is one of the highlights in the Silk calendar, of which the station offers extensive coverage. In 2008, having been short-listed for the award in the previous year, Silk won Radio Station of the Year (under 300,000) at the Sony Radio Awards. It is again short-listed for the 2009 award. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, Silk was named Radio Academy North West Station of the Year. All of Silk 106.9's programming is produced and broadcast from its", "title": "Silk 106.9" }, { "docid": "620388", "text": "Tiruppur, Salem and Dharmapuri districts. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, and Gobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu, were the first locations to have automated silk reeling units in India. India is also the largest consumer of silk in the world. The tradition of wearing silk sarees for marriages and other auspicious ceremonies is a custom in Assam and southern parts of India. Silk is considered to be a symbol of royalty, and, historically, silk was used primarily by the upper classes. Silk garments and sarees produced in Kanchipuram, Pochampally, Dharmavaram, Mysore, Arani in the south, Banaras in the north, Bhagalpur and Murshidabad in the east", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "620403", "text": "from Williamsburg to the then-new city of Holyoke. Over the next 50 years he and his sons would maintain relations between the American silk industry and its counterparts in Japan, and expanded their business to the point that by 1911, the Skinner Mill complex contained the largest silk mill under one roof in the world, and the brand Skinner Fabrics had become the largest manufacturer of silk satins internationally. Other efforts later in the 19th century would also bring the new silk industry to Paterson, New Jersey, with several firms hiring European-born textile workers and granting it the nickname \"Silk", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "649687", "text": "first train to London. The network additionally connects to Madrid and Milan. In September 2013, during a visit to Kazakhstan, Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced a plan for a New Silk Road from China to Europe. The latest iterations of this plan, dubbed the \"Belt and Road Initiative\" (BRI), includes a land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, with primary points in Ürümqi, Dostyk, Astana, Gomel, the Belarussian city of Brest, and the Polish cities of Małaszewicze and Łódź—which would be hubs of logistics and transshipment to other countries of Europe. On 15 February 2016,", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "620389", "text": "are well recognized. In the northeastern state of Assam, three different types of silk are produced, collectively called Assam silk: Muga, Eri and Pat silk. Muga, the golden silk, and Eri are produced by silkworms that are native only to Assam. Silk is produced year-round in Thailand by two types of silkworms, the cultured Bombycidae and wild Saturniidae. Most production is after the rice harvest in the southern and northeastern parts of the country. Women traditionally weave silk on hand looms and pass the skill on to their daughters, as weaving is considered to be a sign of maturity and", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "11077576", "text": "Anna Silk Anna Silk is a Canadian actress best known for her role as Bo Dennis, the protagonist of the Showcase television series \"Lost Girl\" (2010–2015). Silk was born in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. The daughter of Peter, an academic, and Ilkay Silk, a prominent actress, director, producer, playwright, educator, and Director of Drama at St. Thomas University. Her father is British and her mother a \"Turkish-Cypriot-English expat\". Some of Anna's earliest memories were of going to play rehearsals and watching her mother work. Silk appeared in several commercials as a child. She graduated from St. Thomas University with a", "title": "Anna Silk" }, { "docid": "620393", "text": "certain large sea shells was also valued. The Roman Empire knew of and traded in silk, and Chinese silk was the most highly priced luxury good imported by them. During the reign of emperor Tiberius, sumptuary laws were passed that forbade men from wearing silk garments, but these proved ineffectual. The Historia Augusta mentions that the 3rd Century AD emperor Elagabalus was the first Roman to wear garments of pure silk, whereas it had been customary to wear fabrics of silk/cotton or silk/linen blends. Despite the popularity of silk, the secret of silk-making only reached Europe around AD 550, via", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "16035902", "text": "Pennsylvania. It was at this time that the R&H Simon Company constructed buildings along 13th Street, Easton. At the start, the company had a workforce of 250 people. The facility expanded in 1899 by increasing its workforce to 1,060. The mill eventually employed 1,200 workers and included 1,500 pieces of machinery. The R&H Simon Silk Company was the largest producer of black silk ribbon in the world and at one point in time employed up to 2,000 workers at its Easton plant. The deaths of Robert Simon and Herman Simon in 1901 marshalled in a trans-formative period for the company.", "title": "Lehigh Valley Silk Mills" }, { "docid": "9670503", "text": "Later during the rule of Ahom kings, silk was given royal patronage in the 17th century. Sualkuchi is a multi-caste town of Kamrup (rural) district of Assam, situated on the north bank of the mighty Brahmaputra at a distance of 30 km west of Guwahati. The town is linked with Guwahati by P.W.D roads and with Palashbari on the south bank by motor boat and country boat. As per 2001 Census, the total population of Sualkuchi was 21,252 with 4,023 households. The average household size is 5.28 with sex ratio 1045. The literacy rate is 64%. S/C, S/T population constitutes", "title": "Assam silk" }, { "docid": "5852698", "text": "In the second half of the 20th century, it revived and the Mysore State became the top multivoltine silk producer in India. Mysore silk is produced by Karnataka Silk Industries Corporation Limited (KSIC). The factory was founded in 1912 by Sri Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar, the Maharaja of Mysore. Initially, the silk fabrics were manufactured & supplied to meet the requirements of the royal family and ornamental fabrics to their armed forces. After India gained independence, the Mysore State Sericulture Dept. took control of the silk weaving factory. In 1980, the factory was handed over to KSIC, a government of Karnataka", "title": "Mysore silk" }, { "docid": "15186832", "text": "Byzantine silk Byzantine silk is silk woven in the Byzantine Empire (Byzantium) from about the fourth century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. The Byzantine capital of Constantinople was the first significant silk-weaving center in Europe. Silk was one of the most important commodities in the Byzantine economy, used by the state both as a means of payment and of diplomacy. Raw silk was bought from China and made up into fine fabrics that commanded high prices throughout the world. Later, silkworms were smuggled into the Empire and the overland silk trade gradually became less important. After the reign", "title": "Byzantine silk" }, { "docid": "5852699", "text": "industry. Today, products include silk sarees, shirts, kurta’s, silk dhoti, and neckties. Mysore silk Karnataka produces 9,000 metric tons of mulberry silk of a total of 20,000 metric tons of mulberry silk produced in the country, thus contributing to nearly 45% of the country's total mulberry silk. In Karnataka, silk is mainly grown in the Mysore district. It's a patent registered product under KSIC. KSIC is an owner of the all Mysore Silk brand. The growth of the silk industry in the Kingdom of Mysore was first initiated during the reign of Maharaja of Mysore nearly 1500-1600AC. Later it was", "title": "Mysore silk" }, { "docid": "10175103", "text": "Jim Thompson is trying to build a modest business.\" Throughout the 1950s Thais remained little interested in Thai silk, considering it generally suitable only for fancy dress. Rather, it was American tourists who sustained the local development of a silk industry in Thailand. In 1951, \"The King and I\" opened on Broadway, featuring a depiction of the Thai court in the mid-19th century in which the costumes were all made using Thai silk. Created by Irene Sharaff, the production served to promote the material to the American audience, and fuelled interest in the country. Throughout the 1950s, silk shops opened", "title": "Thai silk" }, { "docid": "620379", "text": "— compare Mandarin \"silk\", Manchurian , Mongolian . Several kinds of wild silk, which are produced by caterpillars other than the mulberry silkworm, have been known and used in China, South Asia, and Europe since ancient times. However, the scale of production was always far smaller than for cultivated silks. There are several reasons for this: first, they differ from the domesticated varieties in colour and texture and are therefore less uniform; second, cocoons gathered in the wild have usually had the pupa emerge from them before being discovered so the silk thread that makes up the cocoon has been", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "15186852", "text": "the forces of the Fourth Crusade (1202–1204) and the establishment of the Latin Empire (1204–1261) and other \"Latin\" states in the Byzantine territories, the Byzantine silk industry contracted, supplying only the domestic luxury market, and leadership in European silk-weaving and design passed to Sicily and the emerging Italian centres of Lucca and Venice. Byzantine silk Byzantine silk is silk woven in the Byzantine Empire (Byzantium) from about the fourth century until the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. The Byzantine capital of Constantinople was the first significant silk-weaving center in Europe. Silk was one of the most important commodities in the", "title": "Byzantine silk" }, { "docid": "5852697", "text": "Mysore silk Karnataka produces 9,000 metric tons of mulberry silk of a total of 20,000 metric tons of mulberry silk produced in the country, thus contributing to nearly 45% of the country's total mulberry silk. In Karnataka, silk is mainly grown in the Mysore district. It's a patent registered product under KSIC. KSIC is an owner of the all Mysore Silk brand. The growth of the silk industry in the Kingdom of Mysore was first initiated during the reign of Maharaja of Mysore nearly 1500-1600AC. Later it was hit by a global depression, and competition from imported silk and rayon.", "title": "Mysore silk" }, { "docid": "15089460", "text": "and the Japanese textile expansion it made Japan a world leader in silk, surpassing China in 1862. After World War Two however China ruled the silk industry once more. Japanese silk Japanese silk is silk harvested in the country of Japan. The silk industry there was predominant from the 1800s to 1950s, but is less common now. The practice of harvesting silk began in Japan in the 3rd century, when the technique was adapted from their East Asian neighbors, China and Korea. They refined the techniques to make it distinctly Japanese, and Japanese silk became widely known as being of", "title": "Japanese silk" }, { "docid": "20882728", "text": "the Jussieu Call for Open science and bibliodiversity and others to facilitate a full transition to immediate Open Access. On 5 December 2018 it emerged that the Ministry of Science and Technology (China) will support Plan S and the goal of immediate Open Access for publicly funded projects. In 2018 China has become the world's largest producer of scientific articles in terms of the sheer volume. Plan S Plan S is an initiative for open-access science publishing that was launched by Science Europe on 4 September 2018. It is an initiative of \"cOAlition S\", a consortium launched by the European", "title": "Plan S" }, { "docid": "16401945", "text": "largest collection in Europe. These were burnt when the department closed. Hand embroidery was a cottage craft, Augustus William Hewetson came to Macclesfield at fourteen, on the death of his father. He studied at the School of Art and at 21, he purchased four Swiss pantograph machines and set up business as a machine embroiderer in George Street in 1898, moving to Albion Mill in 1904. There were seven mills built in Cheshire to throw silk before 1780. Two were in Congleton on the River Dane. John Clayton and Nathaniel Pattison's silk mill, the Old Mill, was built in 1753", "title": "Silk industry of Cheshire" }, { "docid": "14438361", "text": "(feat. Julian Vaughn) reached Number 1 on the Smooth Jazz chart. Silk was nominated International Artist of the Year 2010 by the American Smooth Jazz Awards. Oli Silk Oli Silk is a British smooth jazz keyboardist, producer, and composer. In 2006, Silk made his debut at the Catalina Island JazzTrax Festival, and later that year he was named Debut Artist of the Year by \"Smooth Jazz News\" magazine and Art Good's Jazztrax.com Also in that year, his song \"Easy Does It\" hit No. 19 on the \"Billboard\" Smooth Jazz chart. In 2009 his song \"Chill or Be Chilled\" reached No.", "title": "Oli Silk" }, { "docid": "15089459", "text": "Japanese silk Japanese silk is silk harvested in the country of Japan. The silk industry there was predominant from the 1800s to 1950s, but is less common now. The practice of harvesting silk began in Japan in the 3rd century, when the technique was adapted from their East Asian neighbors, China and Korea. They refined the techniques to make it distinctly Japanese, and Japanese silk became widely known as being of very high quality. They also produced it in large quantities making it profitable and lucrative for the Tokugawa shogunate and the later Japanese Empire and with the Meiji Restoration", "title": "Japanese silk" }, { "docid": "8959454", "text": "is either silk on silk or silk with polyester. Silk in the Indian subcontinent Silk in the Indian subcontinent is a luxury good. In India, about 97% of the raw mulberry silk is produced in the five Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Jammu and Kashmir. Mysore and North Bangalore, the upcoming site of a US$20 million \"Silk City\", contribute to a majority of silk production. Another emerging silk producer is Tamil Nadu where mulberry cultivation is concentrated in Salem, Erode and Dharmapuri districts. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and Gobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu were the first locations", "title": "Silk in the Indian subcontinent" }, { "docid": "7749497", "text": "as having \"invented with an extraordinary imagination her own story of sea-silk and [spinning] it tirelessly and to the delight of all media on and on\". In 2013, Efisia Murroni, a 100 year old sea-silk master weaver nicknamed \"la signora del bisso\" (born in 1913) died and her work is now shown in the Museo Etnografico di Sant'Antioco, with other artefacts being already on display in various museums throughout Europe. Sea silk Sea silk is an extremely fine, rare, and valuable fabric that is made from the long silky filaments or byssus secreted by a gland in the foot of", "title": "Sea silk" }, { "docid": "10095120", "text": "dynasty). China continued to export high-quality fabric to Europe and the Near East along the silk road. After the start of the Crusades, techniques of silk production began to spread across Western Europe. In 1147 while Byzantine emperor Manuel I Komnenos was focusing all his efforts on the Second Crusade, the Norman king Roger II of Sicily attacked Corinth and Thebes, two important centres of Byzantine silk production. They took the crops and silk production infrastructure, and deported all the workers to Palermo, thereby causing the Norman silk industry to flourish. The sack of Constantinople by the Fourth Crusade in", "title": "History of silk" }, { "docid": "18191214", "text": "build a factory, and not enough weavers in the country to manufacture the raw silk produced; nor could capital be induced to invest in silk factories. California Silk Center Association The California Silk Center Association was a short-lived 19th century company in the U.S. state of California which encouraged silk culture. It founded what is now the city of Riverside, California. The association was established in November 1869 in Los Angeles, but after the death of its president and only expert in sericulture, Frenchman Louis Provost, in 1870, the silk-growing scheme was abandoned. By then the superintendent of the company", "title": "California Silk Center Association" }, { "docid": "649633", "text": "plague, also spread along the Silk Road. In addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for cultural trade among the civilizations along its network. In June 2014, UNESCO designated the Chang'an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Road as a World Heritage Site. The Indian portion is on the tentative site list. The Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative Asian silk, a major reason for the connection of trade routes into an extensive transcontinental network. The German terms ' and ' (\"the Silk Road(s)\") were coined by Ferdinand von Richthofen, who made seven expeditions to China from", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "20469807", "text": "Lyon in 2017. China National Silk Museum The China National Silk Museum () is a national-level museum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China. The China National Silk Museum (CNSM), near the West Lake in Hangzhou, is one of the first national-level museums in China and the largest silk museum in the world, covering an area of 50,000 square meters and a building area of 8,000 square meters. It opened in February 26, 1992, and was extensively refurbished in 2015-2016. As the largest specialized museum on textiles in China, the main goal of CNSM is to research and conserve Chinese textile relics.", "title": "China National Silk Museum" }, { "docid": "20469804", "text": "China National Silk Museum The China National Silk Museum () is a national-level museum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China. The China National Silk Museum (CNSM), near the West Lake in Hangzhou, is one of the first national-level museums in China and the largest silk museum in the world, covering an area of 50,000 square meters and a building area of 8,000 square meters. It opened in February 26, 1992, and was extensively refurbished in 2015-2016. As the largest specialized museum on textiles in China, the main goal of CNSM is to research and conserve Chinese textile relics. In 2010 it", "title": "China National Silk Museum" }, { "docid": "19846271", "text": "Silk Road numismatics Silk Road Numismatics is a special field within Silk Road studies and within numismatics. It is particularly important because it covers a part of the world where history is not always clear – either because the historical record is incomplete or is contested. For example numismatics has played a central role in determining the chronology of the Kushan kings. Silk Road numismatics includes all coinage traditions from East Asia to Europe, from earliest times. There is a great deal of merging of coinage traditions at locations on the Silk Road, and expertise in several coinage traditions is", "title": "Silk Road numismatics" }, { "docid": "17699145", "text": "New Silk Road Initiative The New Silk Road was an initiative of the United States for Central Asia and Afghanistan, which aimed to integrate the region and boost its potential as a transit area between Europe and East Asia. The initiative was announced by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011 in a speech in Chennai. The New Silk Road initiative would have linked Central and South Asia in four key areas: Regional Energy Markets, Trade and Transport, Customs and Border Operations, Businesses and People-to-People. However, the initiative never got off the ground. The term \"New Silk Road\" is", "title": "New Silk Road Initiative" }, { "docid": "18659562", "text": "A.H. Rice Silk Mill The A.H. Rice Silk Mill is a historic textile mill at 55 Spring Street in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Built in 1876 to house a woolen mill, this multi-section brick building was purchased in 1887 by William Bainbridge Rice, who established his silk-processing operation here. The premises were expanded in 1895 after Rice acquired a New Jersey silkworks and moved its equipment here. The Rice Company was one of Pittsfield's largest business at the turn of the 20th century. It produced a number of highly specialized materials, including silk cords for parachutes, which they later also made out", "title": "A.H. Rice Silk Mill" }, { "docid": "8959417", "text": "Silk in the Indian subcontinent Silk in the Indian subcontinent is a luxury good. In India, about 97% of the raw mulberry silk is produced in the five Indian states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Jammu and Kashmir. Mysore and North Bangalore, the upcoming site of a US$20 million \"Silk City\", contribute to a majority of silk production. Another emerging silk producer is Tamil Nadu where mulberry cultivation is concentrated in Salem, Erode and Dharmapuri districts. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh and Gobichettipalayam, Tamil Nadu were the first locations to have automated silk reeling units. Recent archaeological discoveries", "title": "Silk in the Indian subcontinent" }, { "docid": "620377", "text": "Silk Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles. The protein fiber of silk is composed mainly of fibroin and is produced by certain insect larvae to form cocoons. The best-known silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae of the mulberry silkworm \"Bombyx mori\" reared in captivity (sericulture). The shimmering appearance of silk is due to the triangular prism-like structure of the silk fibre, which allows silk cloth to refract incoming light at different angles, thus producing different colors. Silk is produced by several insects, like silk worms but generally only", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "649710", "text": "major east-west street named after the Silk Road (, \"Jibek Jolu\" in Bishkek, and , \"Jibek Joly\" in Almaty). Silk Road The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West. It was central to cultural interaction between the regions for many centuries. The Silk Road refers to both the terrestrial and the maritime routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with East Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe. The Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in silk carried out along its length, beginning in the Han dynasty (207 BCE–220 CE).", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "18147044", "text": "largest performing arts venue, is in Silk Street. The head office of Linklaters, the multinational law firm and member of the Magic Circle is at 1 Silk Street. Silk Street, London Silk Street is a street in the City of London. It runs north-south, and then west-east, from the junction with Beech Street (west), Chiswell Street (east) and Whitecross Street (north, continuing the street), to Moor Lane. The northern junction marks the boundary of the City with Islington: Whitecross and Chiswell (north and east) are in Islington, while Beech and Silk (west and south) are in the City. The east-west", "title": "Silk Street, London" }, { "docid": "20380871", "text": "Smooth as Silk Smooth as Silk is a 1946 American noir film directed by Charles Barton and starring Kent Taylor, Virginia Grey, and Milburn Stone. The film is also known as Notorious Gentleman as it is a version of 1935 film \"A Notorious Gentleman\". The film focuses on the murder of a theater producer (John Litel) committed by a lawyer (Kent Taylor), after the lawyer's bride, an actress (Virginia Gray), left him for the producer to win a role in his new musical. Despite the fascinating plot and tense intrigue, this film failed to attract much attention. Successful lawyer Mark", "title": "Smooth as Silk" }, { "docid": "649676", "text": "northeastern one toward the nearby Turkic tribes. The Silk Road gave rise to the clusters of military states of nomadic origins in North China, ushered the Nestorian, Manichaean, Buddhist, and later Islamic religions into Central Asia and China. By the Umayyad era, Damascus had overtaken Ctesiphon as a major trade center until the Abbasid dynasty built the city of Baghdad, which became the most important city along the silk road. At the end of its glory, the routes brought about the largest continental empire ever, the Mongol Empire, with its political centres strung along the Silk Road (Beijing in North", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "649688", "text": "with a change in routing, the first train dispatched under the scheme arrived from eastern Zhejiang Province to Tehran. Though this section does not complete the Silk Road–style overland connection between China and Europe, plans are underway to extend the route past Tehran, through Istanbul, into Europe. The actual route went through Almaty, Bishkek, Samarkand, and Dushanbe. The Silk Road consisted of several routes. As it extended westwards from the ancient commercial centres of China, the overland, intercontinental Silk Road divided into northern and bypassing the Taklamakan Desert and Lop Nur. Merchants along these routes where involved in \"relay trade\"", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "13112088", "text": "SILK SILK is an audio compression format and audio codec developed by Skype Limited. It was developed for use in Skype, as a replacement for the SVOPC codec. Since licensing out, it has also been used by others. It has been extended to the Internet standard Opus codec. Skype Limited announced that SILK can use a sampling frequency of 8, 12, 16 or 24 kHz and a bit rate from 6 to 40 kbit/s. It can also use a low algorithmic delay of 25 ms (20 ms frame size + 5 ms look-ahead). The reference implementation is written in the", "title": "SILK" }, { "docid": "14438360", "text": "Oli Silk Oli Silk is a British smooth jazz keyboardist, producer, and composer. In 2006, Silk made his debut at the Catalina Island JazzTrax Festival, and later that year he was named Debut Artist of the Year by \"Smooth Jazz News\" magazine and Art Good's Jazztrax.com Also in that year, his song \"Easy Does It\" hit No. 19 on the \"Billboard\" Smooth Jazz chart. In 2009 his song \"Chill or Be Chilled\" reached No. 3 on the \"Billboard\" Smooth Jazz chart, and No. 5 on the Top Smooth Jazz Songs 2009 chart. In January 2014 Silk's song \"At Your Service\"", "title": "Oli Silk" }, { "docid": "5741206", "text": "Silk Hope, North Carolina Silk Hope, in Chatham County, North Carolina, United States, is a farm community centered on a school, a volunteer fire department, several country churches, and many historical farmsteads. Some residents who work in Cary, Chapel Hill, and Research Triangle Park have established \"country\" homes here. According to oral history, the name came from an early 19th-century enterprise to develop a silk industry here. Entrepreneurs imported silk worms and planted mulberry trees, but were not successful. No signs remain of the silk ambitions. Farmers in the area also cultivated cotton in the antebellum years, and used a", "title": "Silk Hope, North Carolina" }, { "docid": "8037383", "text": "Between Silk and Cyanide Between Silk and Cyanide: A Codemaker's War 1941–1945 is a memoir of public interest by former Special Operations Executive (SOE) cryptographer Leo Marks, describing his work including memorable events, actions and omissions of his colleagues during the Second World War. It was first published in 1998. The book was written in the early 1980s. It was published on UK Government approval in 1998. The title is derived from an incident related in the book, when Marks was asked why agents in occupied Europe should have their cryptographic material printed on silk (which was in very short", "title": "Between Silk and Cyanide" }, { "docid": "649631", "text": "Silk Road The Silk Road was an ancient network of trade routes that connected the East and West. It was central to cultural interaction between the regions for many centuries. The Silk Road refers to both the terrestrial and the maritime routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with East Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe. The Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in silk carried out along its length, beginning in the Han dynasty (207 BCE–220 CE). The Han dynasty expanded the Central Asian section of the trade routes around 114 BCE through the missions and", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "620426", "text": "cotton and Ahimsa silk, a type of wild silk made from the cocoons of wild and semi-wild silk moths. Since silk cultivation kills silkworms, possibly painfully, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) urges people not to buy silk items. Silk Silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles. The protein fiber of silk is composed mainly of fibroin and is produced by certain insect larvae to form cocoons. The best-known silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae of the mulberry silkworm \"Bombyx mori\" reared in captivity (sericulture). The shimmering", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "649683", "text": "the Egyptian Mamluks. Some studies indicate that the Black Death, which devastated Europe starting in the late 1340s, may have reached Europe from Central Asia (or China) along the trade routes of the Mongol Empire. One theory holds that Genoese traders coming from the entrepot of Trebizond in northern Turkey carried the disease to Western Europe; like many other outbreaks of plague, there is strong evidence that it originated in marmots in Central Asia and was carried westwards to the Black Sea by Silk Road traders. The fragmentation of the Mongol Empire loosened the political, cultural, and economic unity of", "title": "Silk Road" }, { "docid": "5476247", "text": "while Vince Lawrence supplied new words. The final result officially became the first ever Chicago house record to reach the music charts. Ironically, Hurley's version topped the US Dance chart, and the producer later got his satisfaction by trumping Keith's success with \"Jack Your Body\". Steve \"Silk\" Hurley Steve W. \"Silk\" Hurley (born November 9, 1962) is an American club DJ, pioneering house-music producer, songwriter, and four time Grammy Award-nominee. Two times as Remixer of the Year, Non-Classical (in 1999 and 2000), respectively twice for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical (in 2002 and 2003). From 1985 to 1988, he scored four", "title": "Steve \"Silk\" Hurley" }, { "docid": "8022899", "text": "construction, of those 18 reactors with 19 016 MWe in China. Nuclear power by country Nuclear power plants currently operate in 31 countries. Most are in Europe, North America, East Asia and South Asia. The United States is the largest producer of nuclear power, while France has the largest share of electricity generated by nuclear power. In 2010, before the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, it was reported that an average of about 10 nuclear reactors were expected to become operational per year, although according to the World Nuclear Association, of the 17 civilian reactors planned to become operational between 2007", "title": "Nuclear power by country" }, { "docid": "8022895", "text": "Nuclear power by country Nuclear power plants currently operate in 31 countries. Most are in Europe, North America, East Asia and South Asia. The United States is the largest producer of nuclear power, while France has the largest share of electricity generated by nuclear power. In 2010, before the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, it was reported that an average of about 10 nuclear reactors were expected to become operational per year, although according to the World Nuclear Association, of the 17 civilian reactors planned to become operational between 2007 and 2009, only five actually came on stream. Global nuclear electricity", "title": "Nuclear power by country" }, { "docid": "620385", "text": "Africa. This trade was so extensive that the major set of trade routes between Europe and Asia came to be known as the Silk Road. The Emperors of China strove to keep knowledge of sericulture secret to maintain the Chinese monopoly. Nonetheless sericulture reached Korea with technological aid from China around 200 BC, the ancient Kingdom of Khotan by AD 50, and India by AD 140. In the ancient era, silk from China was the most lucrative and sought-after luxury item traded across the Eurasian continent, and many civilizations, such as the ancient Persians, benefited economically from trade. Silk has", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "15186833", "text": "of Justinian I, the manufacture and sale of silk became an imperial monopoly, only processed in imperial factories, and sold to authorized buyers. Byzantine silks are significant for their brilliant colours, use of gold thread, and intricate designs that approach the pictorial complexity of embroidery in loom-woven fabric. Byzantium dominated silk production in Europe throughout the Early Middle Ages, until the establishment of the Italian silk-weaving industry in the 12th century and the conquest and break-up of the Byzantine Empire in the Fourth Crusade (1204). In the time of the Roman Empire, silk textiles reached the West overland via the", "title": "Byzantine silk" }, { "docid": "3822650", "text": "Steven Canfield, she eventually comes to recognize the virtues of capitalist indulgence. Other characters include Peter Boroff, Russia's greatest composer, who is being wooed by Janice Dayton, America's swimming sweetheart, to write the score for her first non-aquatic picture, a musical adaptation of \"War and Peace\". A film \"Silk Stockings\" based on the stage musical was released in 1957. Silk Stockings Silk Stockings is a musical with a book by George S. Kaufman, Leueen MacGrath, and Abe Burrows and music and lyrics by Cole Porter. The musical is loosely based on the Melchior Lengyel story \"Ninotchka\" and the 1939 film", "title": "Silk Stockings" }, { "docid": "12758202", "text": "method, from which the silk when finished is neither so bright nor so good in colour as the discharged silk; but it is very clean and level, and for some purposes essential, as, for instance, in velvet manufacture. Silk waste Silk waste includes all kinds of raw silk which may be unwindable, and therefore unsuited to the throwing process. Before the introduction of machinery applicable to the spinning of silk waste, the refuse from cocoon reeling, and also from silk winding, which is now used in producing spun silk fabrics, was nearly all destroyed as being useless, with the exception", "title": "Silk waste" }, { "docid": "12229117", "text": "Interplay Europe Interplay Europe is one of the most important festivals for young playwrights in Europe. It is organized by Interplay; an international, not-for-profit arts organisation for the furtherance of young playwrights aged 18 to 26. It was founded in Sydney in 1985. Every two years Interplay organises the largest and most prestigious festival of its kind, World Interplay, in Australia. Every other year a European country hosts Interplay Europe. The first Interplay Europe was held in 1995 in Mainz organized by the playwrights Antje Rávic Strubel and Tobias Rausch and Interplay Europe e.V became official in 1998, which was", "title": "Interplay Europe" }, { "docid": "5476237", "text": "Steve \"Silk\" Hurley Steve W. \"Silk\" Hurley (born November 9, 1962) is an American club DJ, pioneering house-music producer, songwriter, and four time Grammy Award-nominee. Two times as Remixer of the Year, Non-Classical (in 1999 and 2000), respectively twice for Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical (in 2002 and 2003). From 1985 to 1988, he scored four top 10 singles on the US Dance chart, including the number one hit \"I Can't Turn Around\", all released in collaboration with Keith Nunnally as J.M. Silk. With \"Jack Your Body\" (number 25 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Dance Music/Club Play), he topped the UK", "title": "Steve \"Silk\" Hurley" }, { "docid": "20339562", "text": "network. The network also extend eastward to East China Sea and Yellow Sea to connect China with Korean Peninsula and Japanese archipelago. On May 2017, experts from various fields have held a meeting in London to discuss the proposal to nominate \"Maritime Silk Route\" as a new UNESCO World Heritage Site. Maritime Silk Road Maritime Silk Road or Maritime Silk Route refer to the maritime section of historic Silk Road that connects China to Southeast Asia, Indonesian archipelago, Indian subcontinent, Arabian peninsula, Somalia and all the way to Egypt and finally Europe, that flourished between 2nd-century BCE and 15th-century CE.", "title": "Maritime Silk Road" }, { "docid": "20107905", "text": "Silk Way West Airlines Silk Way West Airlines is an Azerbaijani private cargo airline with its head office and flight operations at Heydar Aliyev International Airport in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is a subsidiary of the Silk Way Group Silk Way West Airlines operates cargo flights to 19 destinations in Europe, Asia and North America and eleven new routes as of 2017 alone, including to Japan, Malaysia, Kuwait, Singapore, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia as well as the Hong King-Chicago route over the Pacific Ocean. In October 2018, the company announced it would launch a twice-weekly freighter service from its global hub in", "title": "Silk Way West Airlines" }, { "docid": "19625134", "text": "noticed. In comparison, Dragon silk's tensile strength is higher than the alloy steel(450-2000 MPa's). In a report it is said that the strength of Dragon silk is as high as 1.79 Gpa's which is 37% higher than the widely reported spider silk. Its tensile strength is higher than the \"Big Red silk,\" which had been reported as the strongest fiber ever made. \"Bid Red Silk\" was developed in the same Laboratories as Dragon Silk. Dragon silk is far more flexible than Kevlar(the material used by US Army to develop body armor). Its flexibility is 38% higher than normal Spider silk", "title": "Dragon silk" }, { "docid": "6331736", "text": "Mill concentrated on offering high-quality raw silk. But even though their silk enjoyed a good reputation overseas for its high quality, the business was always in the red. Even after reducing costs, they continued to suffer from chronic deficits. As a result, the government decided to privatize Tomioka Silk Mill and transferred its business to the Mitsui Finance Group in 1893. In 1902 it was transferred again, from the Mitsui Finance Group to the Hara Company. In 1939 (the 14th year of the Showa Era), Tomioka Silk Mill was transferred to Katakura Industries Co., Ltd, the largest silk reeling company", "title": "Tomioka Silk Mill" }, { "docid": "20891113", "text": "for decades. In 1855, Samuel L. Hill, the spiritual leader of the Northampton Association of Education and Industry, invented a machine that could spin silk smooth enough to be used in sewing machines. After the commune dissolved, Hill took over the factory and ran it as the Nonotuck Silk Company. Hill's home at 31-35 Maple Street in Florence served as a stop for the Underground Railway. The company changed its name again and as the Corticelli Silk Company grew to be one of the world's largest producers of silk thread. The thread was made with raw silk imported from Japan.", "title": "Nonotuck Silk Company" }, { "docid": "15281591", "text": "S-Cup Europe 2008 S-Cup Europe 2008 was a martial arts event co promoted by Shoot Boxing Europe and East Side Promotions. It was a preliminary qualifying tournament for the Shoot Boxing World Tournament 2008, involving ten fighters (two being reservists) with all bouts fought under Shoot Boxing rules (70 kg/154 lbs). All the tournament fighters were invitees selected on the basis of their achievements in kickboxing, Muay Thai and Savate (more information on the fighters is provided by the bulleted list below). As well as tournament matches there were also a number of opening fights and super fights (including a", "title": "S-Cup Europe 2008" }, { "docid": "20878961", "text": "2,5 times. In the same year, new production area – cotton spinning workshop with the 1740 tons of power launched its production. As a result of the activities, the number of employees in the company increased to 1500. Silk industry in Azerbaijan The silk industry in Azerbaijan has existed since ancient times. Shirvan was the largest silk farming region there. The population in Shamakhi, Basgal, Ganja, Shaki and Shusha engaged in silk production. Patterned, ornamental silk female kerchiefs were produced in these regions. Silk production was one of the main activities continued into modern times. The silk produced in Shirvan", "title": "Silk industry in Azerbaijan" }, { "docid": "17116358", "text": "silk produce in Karnataka is called Mysore silk and Pat silk is the mulberry silk produce in Assam. Sericulture in Assam is an ancient industry which was brought by the Tibeto-Burman Kachari tribes. Pat silk Pat silk or Mulberry silk of Assam (Assamese: ) is a variety of domestic silk in Assam, India. It is usually brilliant white or off-white in colour. Its cloth can dry in shadow. The larvae of the \"Pat Silkworm's\" preferred food is \"nuni\" (white Mulberry plant: \"Morus alba\") leaves. The silk has a natural white tint and is known for its durability and glossy texture.", "title": "Pat silk" }, { "docid": "620422", "text": "means used to achieve degradation of silk in vitro. Protease XIV from Streptomyces griseus and α-chymotrypsin from bovine pancreases are the two popular enzymes for silk degradation. In addition, gamma-radiation, as well as cell metabolism, can also regulate the degradation of silk. Compared with synthetic biomaterials such as polyglycolides and polylactides, silk is obviously advantageous in some aspects in biodegradation. The acidic degraded products of polyglycolides and polylactides will decrease the pH of the ambient environment and thus adversely influence the metabolism of cells, which is not an issue for silk. In addition, silk materials can retain strength over a", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "620409", "text": "silk over other fabrics is demonstrated by the recovery in 1840 of silk garments from a wreck of 1782: 'The most durable article found has been silk; for besides pieces of cloaks and lace, a pair of black satin breeches, and a large satin waistcoat with flaps, were got up, of which the silk was perfect, but the lining entirely gone ... from the thread giving way ... No articles of dress of woollen cloth have yet been found.' Silk is a poor conductor of electricity and thus susceptible to static cling. Silk has a high emissivity for infrared light,", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "620378", "text": "the silk of moth caterpillars has been used for textile manufacturing. There has been some research into other types of silk, which differ at the molecular level. Silk is mainly produced by the larvae of insects undergoing complete metamorphosis, but some insects such as webspinners and raspy crickets produce silk throughout their lives. Silk production also occurs in Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants), silverfish, mayflies, thrips, leafhoppers, beetles, lacewings, fleas, flies, and midges. Other types of arthropod produce silk, most notably various arachnids such as spiders. The word silk comes from , from , \"silken\", ultimately from an Asian source", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "12758199", "text": "Silk waste Silk waste includes all kinds of raw silk which may be unwindable, and therefore unsuited to the throwing process. Before the introduction of machinery applicable to the spinning of silk waste, the refuse from cocoon reeling, and also from silk winding, which is now used in producing spun silk fabrics, was nearly all destroyed as being useless, with the exception of that which could be hand-combed and spun by means of the distaff and spinning wheel, a method which is still practised by some of the peasantry in India and other countries in Asia. The supply of waste", "title": "Silk waste" }, { "docid": "17699146", "text": "now commonly used by journalists to refer to China's Belt and Road Initiative. New Silk Road Initiative The New Silk Road was an initiative of the United States for Central Asia and Afghanistan, which aimed to integrate the region and boost its potential as a transit area between Europe and East Asia. The initiative was announced by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011 in a speech in Chennai. The New Silk Road initiative would have linked Central and South Asia in four key areas: Regional Energy Markets, Trade and Transport, Customs and Border Operations, Businesses and People-to-People. However,", "title": "New Silk Road Initiative" }, { "docid": "16571691", "text": "Bellemonte Silk Mill Bellemonte Silk Mill, also known as Welwood Silk Mill and Sherman Underwear Mills, is a historic mill located at Hawley, Wayne County, Pennsylvania. It was built in 1880-1881, and rebuilt in 1894 after a fire. It is a three- to five-story, long and narrow bluestone building in a High Victorian Gothic style. It features a castellated roof parapet. It has a one-story, shed roofed engine house addition. The mill is locally considered to be the largest bluestone building in the world. The property also includes the contributing Cocoon House; a one-story, one room stone building. In 2011", "title": "Bellemonte Silk Mill" }, { "docid": "20667102", "text": "of Europe, in particular Sweden and Finland, has shown to be an area with an abundance and large potential for gold mining. According to the magazine Tekniikka ja Talous, Finland has overtaken Sweden to become one of the largest producer of gold in Europe, which is located in Kittilä and is owned by the Canadian company Agnico Eagle, will be expanded out and, as a result, its production will increase to 6,000 kilograms per year. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Bohemia was one of the main regions of gold production in Europe. The total production of coal in Europe", "title": "Mineral industry of Europe" }, { "docid": "61469", "text": "largest hops producer with 34.27% share in 2010, third producer of rye and barley, 5th rapeseed producer, sixth largest milk producer, and fifth largest potato producer. Poland is the world's largest triticale producer, second largest producer of raspberry, currant, third largest of rye, the fifth apple and buckwheat producer, and seventh largest producer of potatoes. The Czech Republic is world's fourth largest hops producer and 8th producer of triticale. Hungary is world's fifth hops and seventh largest triticale producer. Serbia is world's second largest producer of plums and second largest of raspberries. Slovenia is world's sixth hops producer. Central European", "title": "Central Europe" }, { "docid": "620404", "text": "City\" as another major center of production in the United States. World War II interrupted the silk trade from Asia, and silk prices increased dramatically. U.S. industry began to look for substitutes, which led to the use of synthetics such as nylon. Synthetic silks have also been made from lyocell, a type of cellulose fiber, and are often difficult to distinguish from real silk (see spider silk for more on synthetic silks). In Terengganu, which is now part of Malaysia, a second generation of silkworm was being imported as early as 1764 for the country's silk textile industry, especially songket.", "title": "Silk" }, { "docid": "10095122", "text": "of Chinese styles drastically declined. Gaining momentum, in order to satisfy the rich and powerful bourgeoisie's demands for luxury fabrics, the cities of Lucca, Genoa, Venice and Florence were soon exporting silk to all of Europe. In 1472 there were 84 workshops and at least 7000 craftsmen in Florence alone. Silk was made using various breeds of lepidopterans, both wild and domestic. While wild silks were produced in many countries, there is no doubt that the Chinese were the first to begin production on such a large scale, having the most effective species for silk production, the \"Bombyx mandarina\" and", "title": "History of silk" }, { "docid": "5516332", "text": "British steel producer, consisting of the assets of former private companies which had been nationalised on 28 July 1967 by the Labour Party government of Harold Wilson. On 5 December 1988 the company was privatised as a result of the British Steel Act 1988. \"Koninklijke Hoogovens\" was a Dutch steel producer founded in 1918, located in IJmuiden. In October 1999, British Steel merged with \"Koninklijke Hoogovens\" to form Corus Group. At formation the steel company was the largest in Europe and the third largest worldwide. The French steel company Sogerail, specialised in rail manufacture was acquired in 1999 shortly before", "title": "Tata Steel Europe" } ]
At which university did Joseph Goebbels become a doctor of philosophy?
[ "Heidelberg romantics", "UN/LOCODE:DEHEI", "Heidelberg, West Germany", "Wieblingen", "Heidelberg", "Heidelberg, Germany" ]
[ { "docid": "210634", "text": "Joseph Goebbels Paul Joseph Goebbels (; 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's close associates and most devoted followers, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deep, virulent antisemitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust. Goebbels, who aspired to be an author, obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Heidelberg in 1921. He joined", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210641", "text": "Goebbels felt he was writing his \"own story\". Antisemitic content and material about a charismatic leader may have been added by Goebbels shortly before the book was published in 1929 by Eher-Verlag, the publishing house of the Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party; NSDAP). By 1920, the relationship with Anka was over. The break-up filled Goebbels with thoughts of suicide. At the University of Heidelberg, Goebbels wrote his doctoral thesis on Wilhelm von Schütz, a minor 19th century romantic dramatist. He had hoped to write his thesis under the supervision of Friedrich Gundolf, who at that time was a", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" } ]
[ { "docid": "210639", "text": "correct it just prior to starting grammar school. Goebbels wore a metal brace and special shoe because of his shortened leg, and walked with a limp. He was rejected for military service in World War I due to his deformity. Goebbels was educated at a Christian \"Gymnasium\", where he completed his \"Abitur\" (university entrance examination) in 1917. He was the top student of his class and was given the traditional honour to speak at the awards ceremony. His parents initially hoped that he would become a Catholic priest, and Goebbels seriously considered it. He studied literature and history at the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210724", "text": "the couple stay together. Hitler arranged for publicity photos to be taken of himself with the reconciled couple in October. Magda too had affairs, including a relationship with Kurt Ludecke in 1933 and Karl Hanke in 1938. The Goebbels family included Harald Quandt (Magda's son from her first marriage; born 1921), plus Helga (1932), Hilde (1934), Helmuth (1935), Holde (1937), Hedda (1938), and Heide (1940). Harald was the only member of the family to survive the war. Informational notes Citations Bibliography Further reading Joseph Goebbels Paul Joseph Goebbels (; 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German Nazi", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210713", "text": "able to make it, especially with a leg like mine...' \" On the evening of 1 May, Goebbels arranged for an SS dentist, Helmut Kunz, to inject his six children with morphine so that when they were unconscious, an ampule of cyanide could be then crushed in each of their mouths. According to Kunz's later testimony, he gave the children morphine injections but it was Magda Goebbels and SS-\"Obersturmbannführer\" Ludwig Stumpfegger, Hitler's personal doctor, who administered the cyanide. At around 20:30, Goebbels and Magda left the bunker and walked up to the garden of the Chancellery, where they committed suicide.", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210640", "text": "universities of Bonn, Würzburg, Freiburg, and Munich, aided by a scholarship from the Albertus Magnus Society. By this time Goebbels had begun to distance himself from the church. Historians, including Richard J. Evans and Roger Manvell, speculate that Goebbels' lifelong pursuit of women may have been in compensation for his physical disabilities. At Freiburg, he met and fell in love with Anka Stalherm, who was three years his senior. She went on to Würzburg to continue school, as did Goebbels. In 1921 he wrote a semi-autobiographical novel, \"Michael\", a three-part work of which only Parts I and III have survived.", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210637", "text": "Goebbels children joined him in Berlin. They moved into the underground \"Vorbunker\", part of Hitler's underground bunker complex, on 22 April 1945. Hitler committed suicide on 30 April. In accordance with Hitler's will, Goebbels succeeded him as Chancellor of Germany; he served one day in this post. The following day, Goebbels and his wife committed suicide, after poisoning their six children with cyanide. Paul Joseph Goebbels was born on 29 October 1897 in Rheydt, an industrial town south of Mönchengladbach near Düsseldorf. Both of his parents were Roman Catholics with modest family backgrounds. His father Fritz was a factory clerk;", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210675", "text": "chosen based on experiential, educational, and racial criteria. The law required journalists to \"regulate their work in accordance with National Socialism as a philosophy of life and as a conception of government.\" At the end of June 1934, top officials of the SA and opponents of the regime, including Gregor Strasser, were arrested and killed in a purge later called the Night of Long Knives. Goebbels was present at the arrest of SA leader Ernst Röhm in Munich. On 2 August 1934, President von Hindenburg died. In a radio broadcast, Goebbels announced that the offices of president and chancellor had", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "17896266", "text": "Doctor of Literature and Philosophy The Doctor of Literature and Philosophy, or \"DLitt et Phil\", is a doctoral advanced research degree offered by a number of leading universities in South Africa, such as UJ, the University of Johannesburg; and UNISA, the University of South Africa. The degree is equivalent to a PhD and is generally offered in arts, human science (humanities), and social science subjects. At universities such as the University of Johannesburg and the University of South Africa, the degree of Doctor of Literature and Philosophy is assessed by a thesis examined by a minimum of one internal and", "title": "Doctor of Literature and Philosophy" }, { "docid": "210714", "text": "There are several different accounts of this event. One account was that they each bit on a cyanide ampule near where Hitler had been buried, and were given a coup de grâce immediately afterwards. Goebbels' SS adjutant Günther Schwägermann testified in 1948 that they walked ahead of him up the stairs and out into the Chancellery garden. He waited in the stairwell and heard the shots sound. Schwägermann then walked up the remaining stairs and, once outside, saw their lifeless bodies. Following Goebbels' prior order, Schwägermann had an SS soldier fire several shots into Goebbels' body, which did not move.", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210642", "text": "well known literary historian. It did not seem to bother Goebbels that Gundolf was Jewish. Gundolf was no longer teaching, so directed Goebbels to associate professor Max Freiherr von Waldberg. Waldberg, also Jewish, recommended Goebbels write his thesis on Wilhelm von Schütz. After submitting the thesis and passing his oral examination, Goebbels earned his PhD in 1921. By 1940 he had written 14 books. Goebbels then returned home and worked as a private tutor. He also found work as a journalist and was published in the local newspaper. His writing during that time reflected his growing antisemitism and dislike for", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210723", "text": "from all over Germany from women with questions about domestic matters or child custody issues. In 1936, Goebbels met the Czech actress Lída Baarová and by the winter of 1937 began an intense affair with her. Magda had a long conversation with Hitler about it on 15 August 1938. Unwilling to put up with a scandal involving one of his top ministers, Hitler demanded that Goebbels break off the relationship. Thereafter, Joseph and Magda seemed to reach a truce until the end of September. The couple had another falling out at that point, and once again Hitler became involved, insisting", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210715", "text": "The bodies were then doused with petrol, but they were only partially burned and not buried. A few days later, Voss was brought back to the bunker by the Soviets to identify the partly burned bodies of Joseph and Magda Goebbels and their children. The remains of the Goebbels' family, Hitler, Braun, General Krebs, and Hitler's dogs were repeatedly buried and exhumed. The last burial was at the SMERSH facility in Magdeburg on 21 February 1946. In 1970, KGB director Yuri Andropov authorised an operation to destroy the remains. On 4 April 1970, a Soviet KGB team used detailed burial", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210666", "text": "Germany\". Goebbels wrote in his diary that the Nazis must gain power and exterminate Marxism. He undertook numerous speaking tours during these election campaigns and had some of their speeches published on gramophone records and as pamphlets. Goebbels was also involved in the production of a small collection of silent films that could be shown at party meetings, though they did not yet have enough equipment to widely use this medium. Many of Goebbels' campaign posters used violent imagery such as a giant half-clad male destroying political opponents or other perceived enemies such as \"International High Finance\". His propaganda characterised", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "9379998", "text": "the full diaries become possible. A 29-volume edition, spanning the years 1923–1945, was edited by Elke Fröhlich and others. It is said to be 98% complete. Publication began in 1993, with the last volume appearing in 2008. \"Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels\" was published on behalf of the Institut für Zeitgeschichte and with the support of the National Archives Service of Russia by K. G. Saur Verlag in Munich. Full information follows: Goebbels Diaries The Goebbels Diaries are a collection of writings by Joseph Goebbels, a leading member of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and the Reich Minister", "title": "Goebbels Diaries" }, { "docid": "12898223", "text": "there were many exceptions to this. Most students left the university without becoming masters of arts, whereas regulars (members of monastic orders) could skip the arts faculty entirely. This situation changed in the early 19th century through the educational reforms in Germany, most strongly embodied in the model of the University of Berlin, founded and controlled by the Prussian government in 1810. The arts faculty, which in Germany was labelled the faculty of philosophy, started demanding contributions to research, attested by a dissertation, for the award of their final degree, which was labelled Doctor of Philosophy (abbreviated as Ph.D.)—originally this", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "12898213", "text": "Doctor of Philosophy A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin or \"Doctor philosophiae\") is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most countries. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. As an earned research degree, those studying for this qualification are usually not only required to demonstrate subject-matter expertise and mastery by examination, they are also often asked to make a new scholarly contribution to a particular area of knowledge through their own original research. The completion of a PhD is often a requirement for employment as a university professor, researcher, or", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "12472808", "text": "\"Uncle Joseph,\" wearing his Hitler Youth uniform. After his appointment as Minister, Goebbels demanded that Harald's father release Magda from her obligation under their divorce settlement, to send Harald to live with him in the event of her remarriage and by 1934, Harald moved completely to the Goebbels' household. He was therefore a half-brother to the six children of Joseph and Magda Goebbels. He would later serve as a lieutenant in the Luftwaffe. Harald was Magda's only child to survive the Second World War. He went on to become a leading West German industrialist during the 1950s and 1960s. Harald", "title": "Goebbels children" }, { "docid": "210705", "text": "Western Allies preparing to cross the Rhine River, he could no longer disguise the fact that defeat was inevitable. Berlin had little in the way of fortifications or artillery (or even \"Volkssturm\" units, 'civilian soldiers'), as almost everything had been sent to the front. Goebbels noted in his diary on 21 January that millions of Germans were fleeing westward. He tentatively discussed with Hitler the issue of making peace overtures to the western allies, but Hitler again refused. Privately, Goebbels was conflicted at pushing the case with Hitler since he did not want to lose the confidence of his Führer.", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12898288", "text": "2016, in Ukraine Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, ) is the highest education level and the first science degree. PhD is awarded in recognition of a substantial contribution to scientific knowledge, origination of new directions and visions in science. A PhD degree is a prerequisite for heading a university department in Ukraine. Upon completion of a PhD, a PhD holder can elect to continue his studies and get a post-doctoral degree called \"Doctor of Sciences\" (DSc. ), which is the second and the highest science degree in Ukraine. Universities admit applicants to Ph.D. programs on a case-by-case basis; depending on the", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "17896267", "text": "two external examiners, with the thesis falling between 60,000 and 90,000 words in length. The work must make an original contribution to academic knowledge. A Master's degree in a relevant subject with average marks of a minimum of 60% is required for admission. The UNISA also offers a Doctor of Literature and Philosophy in Health Studies and in Environmental Science. Doctor of Literature and Philosophy The Doctor of Literature and Philosophy, or \"DLitt et Phil\", is a doctoral advanced research degree offered by a number of leading universities in South Africa, such as UJ, the University of Johannesburg; and UNISA,", "title": "Doctor of Literature and Philosophy" }, { "docid": "7864548", "text": "Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven The Institute of Philosophy is the faculty of philosophy at the University of Leuven which was founded in 1889 by Cardinal Désiré-Joseph Mercier with the intent to be a beacon of Neo-Thomist philosophy. Its main buildings are located in the center of Leuven, Belgium at Kardinaal Mercier Square. The institute was founded in 1889, although Philosophy and Theology have been taught at the University since it was founded in 1425. The institute taught programs in both French and Dutch. After the language split, programs continued in Dutch with little and at times no content", "title": "Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven" }, { "docid": "3589094", "text": "in Kladow. In 1936, they bought a villa on Schwanenwerder island and later another at Bogensee near Wandlitz in Brandenburg. Joseph and Magda Goebbels had six children: Joseph Goebbels had many affairs during the marriage. In 1936, Goebbels met the Czech actress Lída Baarová and by the winter of 1937 began an intense affair with her. Magda had a long conversation with Hitler about the situation on 15 August 1938. Unwilling to put up with a scandal involving one of his top ministers, Hitler demanded that Goebbels break off the relationship. Thereafter, Goebbels and Magda seemed to reach a truce", "title": "Magda Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210650", "text": "opposition, Hitler arranged meetings in Munich with the three Greater Ruhr \"Gau\" leaders, including Goebbels. Goebbels was impressed when Hitler sent his own car to meet them at the railway station. That evening Hitler and Goebbels both gave speeches at a beer hall rally. The following day, Hitler offered his hand in reconciliation to the three men, encouraging them to put their differences behind them. Goebbels capitulated completely, offering Hitler his total loyalty. He wrote in his diary: \"I love him ... He has thought through everything,\" \"Such a sparkling mind can be my leader. I bow to the greater", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210689", "text": "used his propaganda ministry and the Reich chambers to control access to information domestically. To his chagrin, his rival Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, continually challenged Goebbels' jurisdiction over the dissemination of international propaganda. Hitler declined to make a firm ruling on the subject, so the two men remained rivals for the remainder of the Nazi era. Goebbels did not participate in the military decision making process, nor was he made privy to diplomatic negotiations until after the fact. The Propaganda Ministry took over the broadcasting facilities of conquered countries immediately after surrender, and began broadcasting prepared", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210649", "text": "\"I no longer fully believe in Hitler. That's the terrible thing: my inner support has been taken away.\" After reading Hitler's book \"Mein Kampf\", Goebbels found himself agreeing with Hitler's assertion of a \"Jewish doctrine of Marxism\". In February 1926 Goebbels gave a speech titled \"Lenin or Hitler?\" in which he asserted that communism or Marxism could not save the German people, but he believed it would cause a \"socialist nationalist state\" to arise in Russia. In 1926, Goebbels published a pamphlet titled \"\"Nazi-Sozi\"\" which attempted to explain how National Socialism differed from Marxism. In hopes of winning over the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "5971613", "text": "with the Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) degree, which is the standard (Ph.D.-level) doctorate in fields such as performance (including conducting) and musical composition. (However, at least one graduate program, at Indiana University, has been issuing the D.Mus. degree since 1953 for a curriculum that would otherwise lead to the D.M.A. degree.) The D.Mus. is also distinct from the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in music, which is awarded in areas such as music history, music theory, and musicology. The Doctor of Music degree has also been awarded honoris causa when presented to musicians and composers. Such as Joseph Haydn,", "title": "Doctor of Music" }, { "docid": "210652", "text": "time. He and Hitler arranged for the rally to be filmed. Receiving praise for doing well at these events led Goebbels to shape his political ideas to match Hitler's, and to admire and idolise him even more. Goebbels was first offered the position of party \"Gauleiter\" for the Berlin section in August 1926. He travelled to Berlin in mid-September and by the middle of October accepted the position. Thus Hitler's plan to divide and dissolve the northwestern \"Gauleiters\" group that Goebbels had served in under Strasser was successful. Hitler gave Goebbels great authority over the area, allowing him to determine", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210671", "text": "productions was staging the Day of Potsdam, a ceremonial passing of power from Hindenburg to Hitler, held in Potsdam on 21 March. He composed the text of Hitler's decree authorising the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses, held on 1 April. Later that month, Goebbels travelled back to Rheydt, where he was given a triumphal reception. The townsfolk lined the main street, which had been renamed in his honour. On the following day, Goebbels was declared a local hero. Goebbels converted the 1 May holiday from a celebration of workers' rights (observed as such especially by the communists) into a day", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210677", "text": "he likes nobody, is liked by nobody, and runs the most efficient Nazi department.\" John Gunther wrote in 1940 that Goebbels \"is the cleverest of all the Nazis\", but could not succeed Hitler because \"everybody hates him\". The Reich Film Chamber, which all members of the film industry were required to join, was created in June 1933. Goebbels promoted the development of films with a Nazi slant, and ones that contained subliminal or overt propaganda messages. Under the auspices of the \"Reichskulturkammer\" (Reich Chamber of Culture), created in September, Goebbels added additional sub-chambers for the fields of broadcasting, fine arts,", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210719", "text": "were killed, several hundred synagogues were damaged or destroyed, and thousands of Jewish shops were vandalised in an event called \"Kristallnacht\" (Night of Broken Glass). Around 30,000 Jewish men were sent to concentration camps. The destruction stopped after a conference held on 12 November, where Göring pointed out that the destruction of Jewish property was in effect the destruction of German property, since the intention was that it would all eventually be confiscated. Goebbels continued his intensive antisemitic propaganda campaign that culminated in Hitler's 30 January 1939 Reichstag speech, which Goebbels helped to write: While Goebbels had been pressing for", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210643", "text": "modern culture. In the summer of 1922, he met and began a love affair with Else Janke, a schoolteacher. After she revealed to him that she was half-Jewish, Goebbels stated the \"enchantment [was] ruined.\" Nevertheless, he continued to see her on and off until 1927. He continued for several years to try to become a published author. His diaries, which he began in 1923 and continued for the rest of his life, provided an outlet for his desire to write. The lack of income from his literary works (he wrote two plays in 1923, neither of which sold) forced him", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12898218", "text": "Film and Television Schools, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, and the Society for Artistic Research. In the context of the Doctor of Philosophy and other similarly titled degrees, the term \"philosophy\" does not refer to the field or academic discipline of philosophy, but is used in a broader sense in accordance with its original Greek meaning, which is \"love of wisdom\". In most of Europe, all fields (history, philosophy, social sciences, mathematics, and natural philosophy/sciences) other than theology, law, and medicine (the so-called professional, vocational, or technical curriculum) were traditionally known as philosophy,", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "210638", "text": "his mother Katharina (\"née\" Odenhausen) was ethnically Dutch. Goebbels had five siblings: Konrad (1893–1947), Hans (1895–1949), Maria (1896–1896), Elisabeth (1901–1915), and Maria (1910–1949), who married the German filmmaker Max W. Kimmich in 1938. In 1932, Goebbels published a pamphlet of his family tree to refute the rumours that his grandmother was of Jewish ancestry. During childhood, Goebbels suffered from ill health, which included a long bout of inflammation of the lungs. He had a deformed right foot that turned inwards, due to a congenital deformity. It was thicker and shorter than his left foot. He underwent a failed operation to", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12898289", "text": "university, admission is typically conditional on the prospective student having completed an undergraduate degree with at least upper second-class honours or a postgraduate master's degree but requirements can vary. In the case of the University of Oxford, for example, \"The one essential condition of being accepted … is evidence of previous academic excellence, and of future potential.\" Some UK universities (e.g. Oxford) abbreviate their Doctor of Philosophy degree as \"DPhil\", while most use the abbreviation \"PhD\"; these are in all other respects equivalent. Commonly, students are first accepted onto an MPhil or MRes programme and may transfer to Ph.D. regulations", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "210656", "text": "as a propaganda vehicle for the Berlin area, where few supported the party. It was a modern-style newspaper with an aggressive tone; 126 libel suits were pending against Goebbels at one point. To his disappointment, circulation was initially only 2,000. Material in the paper was highly anti-communist and antisemitic. Among the paper's favourite targets was the Jewish Deputy Chief of the Berlin Police Bernhard Weiß. Goebbels gave him the derogatory nickname \"Isidore\" and subjected him to a relentless campaign of Jew-baiting in the hope of provoking a crackdown he could then exploit. Goebbels continued to try to break into the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210722", "text": "Goebbels had frequent discussions with Hitler about the fate of the Jews, a subject they discussed almost every time they met. He was aware throughout that the Jews were being exterminated, and completely supported this decision. He was one of the few top Nazi officials to do so publicly. Hitler was very fond of Magda Goebbels and the children. He enjoyed staying at the Goebbels' Berlin apartment, where he could relax. Magda had a close relationship with Hitler, and became a member of his small coterie of female friends. She also became an unofficial representative of the regime, receiving letters", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210702", "text": "the war. Meanwhile, in the Normandy landings of 6 June 1944, the Allies successfully gained a foothold in France. Throughout July 1944, Goebbels and Speer continued to press Hitler to bring the economy to a total war footing. The 20 July plot, where Hitler was almost killed by a bomb at his field headquarters in East Prussia, played into the hands of those who had been pushing for change: Bormann, Goebbels, Himmler, and Speer. Over the objections of Göring, Goebbels was appointed on 23 July as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War, charged with maximising the manpower for the Wehrmacht and", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210698", "text": "Goebbels believed he had the support of the German people in his call for total war. His next speech, the Sportpalast speech of 18 February 1943, was a passionate demand for his audience to commit to total war, which he presented as the only way to stop the Bolshevik onslaught and save the German people from destruction. The speech also had a strong antisemitic element and hinted at the extermination of the Jewish people that was already underway. The speech was presented live on radio and was filmed as well. During the live version of the speech, Goebbels accidentally begins", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210707", "text": "regime, and had no desire to subject himself to the \"debacle\" of a trial. He burned his private papers on the night of 18 April. Goebbels knew how to play on Hitler's fantasies, encouraging him to see the hand of providence in the death of United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on 12 April. Whether Hitler really saw this event as a turning point as Goebbels proclaimed is not known. By this time, Goebbels had gained the position he had wanted so long – at the side of Hitler. Göring was utterly discredited, although he was not stripped of his", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210687", "text": "one of the most enthusiastic supporters of Hitler aggressively pursuing Germany's expansionist policies sooner rather than later. At the time of the Reoccupation of the Rhineland in 1936, Goebbels summed up his general attitude in his diary: \"[N]ow is the time for action. Fortune favors the brave! He who dares nothing wins nothing.\" In the lead-up to the Sudetenland crisis in 1938, Goebbels took the initiative time and again to use propaganda to whip up sympathy for the Sudeten Germans while campaigning against the Czech government. Still, Goebbels was well aware there was a growing \"war panic\" in Germany and", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210710", "text": "testament, Hitler named no successor as Führer or leader of the Nazi Party. Instead, he appointed Goebbels as Reich Chancellor; Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz, who was at Flensburg near the Danish border, as Reich President; and Bormann as Party Minister. Goebbels wrote a postscript to the will stating that he would disobey Hitler's order to leave Berlin: \"For reasons of humanity and personal loyalty\", he had to stay. Further, his wife and children would be staying, as well. They would end their lives \"side by side with the Führer\". In the mid-afternoon of 30 April, Hitler shot himself. Goebbels was", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12898249", "text": "\"Doctor\" (\"Doktor\"), and the subject area is distinguished by a Latin suffix (e.g., \"Dr. med.\" for ', Doctor of Medicine; \"Dr. rer. nat.\" for ', Doctor of the Natural Sciences; \"Dr. phil.\" for ', Doctor of Philosophy; \"Dr. iur.\" for ', Doctor of Laws). The UNESCO, in its International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), states that: \"Programmes to be classified at ISCED level 8 are referred to in many ways around the world such as PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar terms. However, it is important to note that programmes with a similar name to 'doctor' should only", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "210694", "text": "Second Battle of El Alamein (November 1942), and especially the catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad (February 1943) – were difficult matters to present to the German public, who were increasingly weary of the war and sceptical that it could be won. On 15 January 1943, Hitler appointed Goebbels as head of the newly created Air Raid Damage committee, which meant Goebbels was nominally in charge of nationwide civil air defences and shelters as well as the assessment and repair of damaged buildings. In actuality, the defence of areas other than Berlin remained in the hands of the local", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210670", "text": "Enlightenment and Propaganda on 14 March. The role of the new ministry, which set up its offices in the 18th-century Ordenspalais across from the Reich Chancellery, was to centralise Nazi control of all aspects of German cultural and intellectual life. Goebbels hoped to increase popular support of the party from the 37 per cent achieved at the last free election held in Germany on 25 March 1933 to 100 per cent support. An unstated goal was to present to other nations the impression that the NSDAP had the full and enthusiastic backing of the entire population. One of Goebbels' first", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210712", "text": "it under a white flag. Chuikov, as commander of the Soviet 8th Guards Army, commanded the Soviet forces in central Berlin. Goebbels' letter informed Chuikov of Hitler's death and requested a ceasefire. After this was rejected, Goebbels decided that further efforts were futile. Later on 1 May, Vice-Admiral Voss saw Goebbels for the last time: \"... While saying goodbye I asked Goebbels to join us. But he replied: 'The captain must not leave his sinking ship. I have thought about it all and decided to stay here. I have nowhere to go because with little children I will not be", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210691", "text": "the war progressed, so Goebbels increasingly became the voice of the Nazi regime for the German people. From May 1940 he wrote frequent editorials that were published in \"Das Reich\" which were later read aloud over the radio. He found films to be his most effective propaganda medium, after radio. At his insistence, initially half the films made in wartime Germany were propaganda films (particularly on antisemitism) and war propaganda films (recounting both historical wars and current exploits of the Wehrmacht). Goebbels became preoccupied with morale and the efforts of the people on the home front. He believed that the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210704", "text": "for military service – was formed on 18 October 1944. Goebbels recorded in his diary that 100,000 recruits were sworn in from his \"Gau\" alone. However, the men, mostly age 45 to 60, received only rudimentary training and many were not properly armed. Goebbels' notion that these men could effectively serve on the front lines against Soviet tanks and artillery was unrealistic at best. The programme was deeply unpopular. In the last months of the war, Goebbels' speeches and articles took on an increasingly apocalyptic tone. By the beginning of 1945, with the Soviets on the Oder River and the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210665", "text": "Reichstag, making it the second largest party in the country. In late 1930 Goebbels met Magda Quandt, a divorcée who had joined the party a few months earlier. She worked as a volunteer in the party offices in Berlin, helping Goebbels organise his private papers. Her flat on the \"Reichskanzlerplatz\" soon became a favourite meeting place for Hitler and other NSDAP officials. Goebbels and Quandt married on 19 December 1931. For two further elections held in 1932, Goebbels organised massive campaigns that included rallies, parades, speeches, and Hitler travelling around the country by aeroplane with the slogan \"the Führer over", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "16516422", "text": "In the spring of 2007, a town square in front of the cemetery was named after him. Matthias Goebbels Matthias Goebbels (born \"Joseph Matthias Hubertus Goebbels\"; 19 March 1836 - † 6 September 1911) was a German Catholic Priest and artist. Goebbels served as a Roman Catholic priest at the Church of Sankt Maria im Kapitol in Cologne, Germany and became a noted painter of church interiors. He was born in Baesweiler and his father was from Aldenhoven, Germany. Goebbels painted in the historicist style of the Nazarene movement and decorated the walls of more than 20 churches in the", "title": "Matthias Goebbels" }, { "docid": "16516420", "text": "Matthias Goebbels Matthias Goebbels (born \"Joseph Matthias Hubertus Goebbels\"; 19 March 1836 - † 6 September 1911) was a German Catholic Priest and artist. Goebbels served as a Roman Catholic priest at the Church of Sankt Maria im Kapitol in Cologne, Germany and became a noted painter of church interiors. He was born in Baesweiler and his father was from Aldenhoven, Germany. Goebbels painted in the historicist style of the Nazarene movement and decorated the walls of more than 20 churches in the Rhineland region. The interiors of Rolduc Abbey near Kerkrade, Netherlands are considered his masterpiece. Many of his", "title": "Matthias Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210662", "text": "own brand of Nazism, including nationalism, anti-capitalism, social reform, and anti-Westernism. Goebbels complained vehemently about the rival Strasser newspapers to Hitler, and admitted that their success was causing his own Berlin newspapers to be \"pushed to the wall\". In late April 1930, Hitler publicly and firmly announced his opposition to Gregor Strasser and appointed Goebbels to replace him as Reich leader of NSDAP propaganda. One of Goebbels' first acts was to ban the evening edition of the \"Nationaler Sozialist\". Goebbels was also given control of other Nazi papers across the country, including the party's national newspaper, the \"Völkischer Beobachter\" (\"People's", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12898314", "text": "for Supervision (Quality Assurance Agency, 1999; cited in Wilkinson, 2005). Doctor of Philosophy A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin or \"Doctor philosophiae\") is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most countries. PhDs are awarded for programs across the whole breadth of academic fields. As an earned research degree, those studying for this qualification are usually not only required to demonstrate subject-matter expertise and mastery by examination, they are also often asked to make a new scholarly contribution to a particular area of knowledge through their own original research. The completion of a PhD is often", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "210659", "text": "fines for libellous material he had placed in \"Der Angriff\" over the course of the previous year. In his newspaper \"Berliner Arbeiterzeitung\" (\"Berlin Workers Newspaper\"), Gregor Strasser was highly critical of Goebbels' failure to attract the urban vote. However, the party as a whole did much better in rural areas, attracting as much as 18 per cent of the vote in some regions. This was partly because Hitler had publicly stated just prior to the election that Point 17 of the party programme, which mandated the expropriation of land without compensation, would apply only to Jewish speculators and not private", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "20981445", "text": "Joseph A. Ball (mathematician) Joseph Anthony Ball (born 4 June 1947) is an American mathematician who is currently a professor emeritus at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, often referred to as Virginia Tech. He is a 2019 fellow of the American Mathematical Society for contributions to operator theory, analytic functions, and service to the profession . He was awarded Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University in 1969. He obtained his Master of Science in 1970 and Doctor of Philosophy in 1973 both from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. The title of his doctoral dissertation is \"Unitary Perturbations of", "title": "Joseph A. Ball (mathematician)" }, { "docid": "210651", "text": "one, the political genius.\" He later wrote: \"Adolf Hitler, I love you because you are both great and simple at the same time. What one calls a genius.\" As a result of the Bamberg and Munich meetings, Strasser's new draft of the party programme was discarded. The original National Socialist Program of 1920 was retained unchanged, and Hitler's position as party leader was greatly strengthened. At Hitler's invitation, Goebbels spoke at party meetings in Munich and at the annual Party Congress, held in Weimar in 1926. For the following year's event, Goebbels was involved in the planning for the first", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "3589106", "text": "in Magdeburg on 21 February 1946. In 1970, KGB director Yuri Andropov authorised an operation to destroy the remains. On 4 April 1970, a Soviet KGB team used detailed burial charts to exhume five wooden boxes at the Magdeburg facility. The remains from the boxes were burned, crushed, and scattered into the Biederitz river, a tributary of the nearby Elbe. Magda Goebbels has been portrayed by the following actresses in film and television productions. Magda Goebbels Johanna Maria Magdalena \"Magda\" Goebbels (née Ritschel; 11 November 1901 – 1 May 1945) was the wife of Nazi Germany's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels.", "title": "Magda Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210645", "text": "Bebel and Gustav Noske. According to German historian Peter Longerich, Goebbels' diary entries from late 1923 to early 1924 reflected the writings of a man who was isolated, preoccupied by \"religious-philosophical\" issues, and lacked a sense of direction. Diary entries of mid-December 1923 forward show Goebbels was moving towards the \"völkisch\" nationalist movement. Goebbels first took an interest in Adolf Hitler and Nazism in 1924. In February 1924, Hitler's trial for treason began in the wake of his failed attempt to seize power in the Beer Hall Putsch of November 8–9, 1923. The trial attracted widespread press coverage and gave", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210683", "text": "organised by Goebbels, which ran in Munich from July to November. The exhibition proved wildly popular, attracting over two million visitors. A degenerate music exhibition took place the following year. Meanwhile, Goebbels was disappointed by the lack of quality in the National Socialist artwork, films, and literature. In 1933, Hitler signed the \"Reichskonkordat\" (Reich Concordat), a treaty with the Vatican that required the regime to honour the independence of Catholic institutions and prohibited clergy from involvement in politics. However, the regime continued to target the Christian churches and to try to weaken their influence. Throughout 1935 and 1936, hundreds of", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210682", "text": "\"Triumph of the Will\", one of several Nazi propaganda films directed by Leni Riefenstahl. It won the Gold Medal at the 1935 Venice Film Festival. At the 1935 Nazi party congress rally at Nuremberg, Goebbels declared that \"Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself.\" Goebbels was involved in planning the staging of the 1936 Summer Olympics, held in Berlin. It was around this time that he met and started having an affair with the actress Lída Baarová, whom he continued to see until 1938. A major project in 1937 was the Degenerate Art Exhibition,", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210668", "text": "Minister of Aviation Hermann Göring. Goebbels was disappointed not to be given a post in Hitler's new cabinet. Bernhard Rust was appointed as Minister of Culture, the post Goebbels was expecting to receive. Like other NSDAP officials, Goebbels had to deal with Hitler's leadership style of giving contradictory orders to his subordinates, while placing them into positions where their duties and responsibilities overlapped. In this way, Hitler fostered distrust, competition, and infighting among his subordinates to consolidate and maximise his own power. The NSDAP took advantage of the Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933, with Hindenburg passing the Reichstag Fire", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210653", "text": "the course for organisation and leadership for the \"Gau\". Goebbels was given control over the local \"Sturmabteilung\" (SA) and \"Schutzstaffel\" (SS) and answered only to Hitler. The party membership numbered about 1,000 when Goebbels arrived, and he reduced it to a core of 600 of the most active and promising members. To raise money, he instituted membership fees and began charging admission to party meetings. Aware of the value of publicity (both positive and negative), he deliberately provoked beer-hall battles and street brawls, including violent attacks on the Communist Party of Germany. Goebbels adapted recent developments in commercial advertising to", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210718", "text": "the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath was killed in Paris by a young Jewish man. In response, Goebbels arranged for inflammatory antisemitic material to be released by the press, and the result was the start of a pogrom. Jews were attacked and synagogues destroyed all over Germany. The situation was further inflamed by a speech Goebbels gave at a party meeting on the night of 8 November, where he obliquely called for party members to incite further violence against Jews while making it appear to be a spontaneous series of acts by the German people. At least a hundred Jews", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210636", "text": "the start of the Second World War) attempting to shape morale. In 1943, Goebbels began to pressure Hitler to introduce measures that would produce \"total war\", including closing businesses not essential to the war effort, conscripting women into the labour force, and enlisting men in previously exempt occupations into the Wehrmacht. Hitler finally appointed him as Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War on 23 July 1944, whereby Goebbels undertook largely unsuccessful measures to increase the number of people available for armaments production and the Wehrmacht. As the war drew to a close and Nazi Germany faced defeat, Magda Goebbels and the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210711", "text": "depressed, and stated that he would walk around the Chancellery garden until he was killed by the Russian shelling. Voss later recounted Goebbels as saying: \"It is a great pity that such a man (Hitler) is not with us any longer. But there is nothing to be done. For us, everything is lost now and the only way out left for us is the one which Hitler chose. I shall follow his example.\" On 1 May, Goebbels completed his sole official act as Chancellor. He dictated a letter to General Vasily Chuikov and ordered German General Hans Krebs to deliver", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "2545762", "text": "Heiner Goebbels Heiner Goebbels (born 17 August 1952) is a German composer, director and professor at Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and artistic director of the International Festival of the Arts Ruhrtriennale 2012–14. Goebbels, who studied sociology and music in Frankfurt/Main, is a composer of ensemble works and compositions for large orchestra, he created several prize-winning radio plays, staged concerts, and since the early 90's music theatre works, which are invited to the most important theatre- and music festivals worldwide. Goebbels and Alfred Harth were musical partners in the Duo Goebbels/Harth (1975-1988) who co-founded the \"Sogenanntes Linksradikales Blasorchester\" (1976-1981) and the avant-rock", "title": "Heiner Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210679", "text": "of their chamber. A committee was established to censor books, and works could not be re-published unless they were on the list of approved works. Similar regulations applied to other fine arts and entertainment; even cabaret performances were censored. Many German artists and intellectuals left Germany in the pre-war years rather than work under these restrictions. Goebbels was particularly interested in controlling radio, which was then still a fairly new mass medium. Sometimes under protest from individual states (particularly Prussia, headed by Göring), Goebbels gained control of radio stations nationwide, and placed them under the \"Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft\" (German National Broadcasting Corporation)", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210692", "text": "more the people at home were involved in the war effort, the better their morale would be. For example, he initiated a programme for the collection of winter clothing and ski equipment for troops on the eastern front. At the same time, Goebbels implemented changes to have more \"entertaining material\" in radio and film produced for the public, decreeing in late 1942 that 20 per cent of the films should be propaganda and 80 per cent light entertainment. As \"Gauleiter\" of Berlin, Goebbels dealt with increasingly serious shortages of necessities such as food and clothing, as well as the need", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "11055937", "text": "February 1744. He was not in the post for much beyond two years before the Master of the College, James Allen died on the 28 October 1746. Joseph, by virtue of his position as Warden, immediately became Master. During his time as Master Joseph continued to pursue a medical career and obtained the degree of doctor of medicine from the University of St. Andrew's on 23 April 1754. He was admitted a Licentiate of the College of Physicians on 30 September 1765. In his capacity as Master of the College, he did little to further Edward Alleyn's (the founder) directions", "title": "Joseph Allen (Doctor of Medicine)" }, { "docid": "12898219", "text": "and in Germany and elsewhere in Europe the basic faculty of liberal arts was known as the \"faculty of philosophy\". The degree is abbreviated PhD (sometimes Ph.D. in North America), from the Latin \"Philosophiae Doctor\", pronounced as three separate letters (). The abbreviation DPhil, from the English 'Doctor of Philosophy', is used by a small number of British and Commonwealth universities, including Oxford and formerly York and Sussex, as the abbreviation for degrees from those institutions. In the universities of Medieval Europe, study was organized in four faculties: the basic faculty of arts, and the three higher faculties of theology,", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "20981446", "text": "Contractions\", supervised by Marvin Rosenblum. According to current Mathematics Genealogy Project database, Ball has 12 students and 18 descendants. Joseph A. Ball (mathematician) Joseph Anthony Ball (born 4 June 1947) is an American mathematician who is currently a professor emeritus at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, often referred to as Virginia Tech. He is a 2019 fellow of the American Mathematical Society for contributions to operator theory, analytic functions, and service to the profession . He was awarded Bachelor of Science from Georgetown University in 1969. He obtained his Master of Science in 1970 and Doctor of Philosophy", "title": "Joseph A. Ball (mathematician)" }, { "docid": "9379989", "text": "Goebbels Diaries The Goebbels Diaries are a collection of writings by Joseph Goebbels, a leading member of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and the Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in Adolf Hitler's government from 1933 to 1945. The diaries, which have only recently been published in full in German and are available only in part in English, are a major source for the inner history of the Nazi Party and of its twelve years in power in Germany. The British historian Ian Kershaw wrote in the preface to his biography of Hitler: \"For all the caution", "title": "Goebbels Diaries" }, { "docid": "210716", "text": "charts to exhume five wooden boxes at the Magdeburg SMERSH facility. Those were burned, crushed, and scattered into the Biederitz river, a tributary of the nearby Elbe. Like many Germans of that time, Goebbels was antisemitic from a young age. After joining the NSDAP and meeting Hitler, his antisemitism grew and became more radical. He began to see the Jews as a destructive force with a negative impact on German society. After the Nazis seized power, he repeatedly urged Hitler to take action against the Jews. Despite his extreme antisemitism, Goebbels spoke of the \"rubbish of race-materialism\" and of the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210688", "text": "so by July had the press conduct propaganda efforts at a lower level of intensity. After the western powers acceded to Hitler's demands concerning Czechoslovakia in 1938, Goebbels soon redirected his propaganda machine against Poland. From May onwards, he orchestrated a campaign against Poland, fabricating stories about atrocities against ethnic Germans in Danzig and other cities. Even so, he was unable to persuade the majority of Germans to welcome the prospect of war. He privately held doubts about the wisdom of risking a protracted war against Britain and France by attacking Poland. After the Invasion of Poland in 1939, Goebbels", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210655", "text": "able to improvise and adapt his presentation to make a good connection with his audience. He used loudspeakers, fire decorations, uniforms, and marches to attract attention to speeches. Goebbels' tactic of using provocation to bring attention to the NSDAP, along with violence at the public party meetings and demonstrations, led the Berlin police to ban the NSDAP from the city on 5 May 1927. Violent incidents continued, including young Nazis randomly attacking Jews in the streets. Goebbels was subjected to a public speaking ban until the end of October. During this period, he founded the newspaper \"Der Angriff\" (\"The Attack\")", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210676", "text": "been combined, and Hitler had been formally named as \"Führer und Reichskanzler\" (leader and chancellor). The propaganda ministry was organised into seven departments: administration and legal; mass rallies, public health, youth, and race; radio; national and foreign press; films and film censorship; art, music, and theatre; and protection against counter-propaganda, both foreign and domestic. Goebbels style of leadership was tempestuous and unpredictable. He would suddenly change direction and shift his support between senior associates; he was a difficult boss and liked to berate his staff in public. Goebbels was successful at his job, however; \"Life\" wrote in 1938 that \"[p]ersonally", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12472805", "text": "Goebbels children The Goebbels children were the five daughters and one son born to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels. The children, born between 1932 and 1940, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on 1 May 1945, the day both parents committed suicide. Magda Goebbels had an older son, Harald Quandt, from a previous marriage to Günther Quandt. Then aged 23, he was not present when his younger half-siblings were killed. Some writers have contended that their names all begin with \"H\" as a tribute to Adolf Hitler, but there is no evidence to support", "title": "Goebbels children" }, { "docid": "12472833", "text": "crimes, Misch argued that the children themselves were innocent, that to treat them as criminals like their parents was wrong and that they were murdered just as other victims during the war were murdered. Goebbels children The Goebbels children were the five daughters and one son born to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels. The children, born between 1932 and 1940, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on 1 May 1945, the day both parents committed suicide. Magda Goebbels had an older son, Harald Quandt, from a previous marriage to Günther Quandt. Then aged 23,", "title": "Goebbels children" }, { "docid": "12538437", "text": "the wide range of subjects in analytical philosophy but it also has particular strengths in the history of Western philosophy. It also benefits from the presence or activity nearby of other departments' faculty such as Souleymane Bachir Diagne from French and Romance Philology, Joseph Raz and R. Kent Greenawalt from Law School, or Jon Elster from Political Science. Many cross-registered courses allow students to enlarge their scopes in other departments. The philosophy departments of City University of New York, which is a few blocks away, and New York University have close relations with the faculty. Enrolled doctoral students are able", "title": "Columbia University Department of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "3589084", "text": "Magda Goebbels Johanna Maria Magdalena \"Magda\" Goebbels (née Ritschel; 11 November 1901 – 1 May 1945) was the wife of Nazi Germany's Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. A prominent member of the Nazi Party, she was a close ally, companion and political supporter of Adolf Hitler. Some historians refer to her as the unofficial \"First Lady\" of Nazi Germany, while others give that title to Emmy Göring. As Berlin was being overrun by the Red Army at the end of World War II in Europe, she and her husband fatally poisoned their six children before they committed suicide. Harald Quandt, her", "title": "Magda Goebbels" }, { "docid": "14651098", "text": "Goebbels und Geduldig Goebbels und Geduldig is a 2002 German war comedy telefilm about Joseph Goebbels and Nazi Germany, directed by Kai Wessel, written by Peter Steinbach, and starring Ulrich Mühe in the two titular roles. The premise is that of Harry Geduldig, a Jewish lookalike of Goebbels who has been held captive and a secret by Heinrich Himmler ever since the Nazi rise to power in 1933. In 1944, Goebbels finds out about this and intends to liquidate his double, but when the two meet, Geduldig manages to escape and is from now on considered the real Goebbels by", "title": "Goebbels und Geduldig" }, { "docid": "3589100", "text": "children would support the decision [to commit suicide] if they were old enough to speak for themselves. Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide on the afternoon of 30 April. On the following day of 1 May 1945, Magda and Joseph Goebbels arranged for an SS dentist, Helmut Kunz, to inject his six children with morphine so that when they were unconscious, an ampule of cyanide could be then crushed in each of their mouths. According to Kunz's later testimony, he gave the children morphine injections but it was Magda and SS-\"Obersturmbannführer\" Ludwig Stumpfegger, Hitler's personal doctor, who administered the cyanide.", "title": "Magda Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12898214", "text": "scientist in many fields. Individuals who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree may, in many jurisdictions, use the title \"Doctor\" (often abbreviated \"Dr\" or \"Dr.\") or, in non-English speaking countries, variants such as \"Dr. phil.\" with their name, although the proper etiquette associated with this usage may also be subject to the professional ethics of their own scholarly field, culture, or society. Those who teach at universities or work in academic, educational, or research fields are usually addressed by this title \"professionally and socially in a salutation or conversation.\" Additionally, holders of this degree may use post-nominal letters such", "title": "Doctor of Philosophy" }, { "docid": "3589105", "text": "their lifeless bodies. Following Goebbels' prior order, Schwägermann had an SS soldier fire several shots into Goebbels' body, which did not move. The bodies were then doused with petrol, but the remains were only partially burned and not buried. The charred corpses were found on the afternoon of 2 May 1945 by Russian troops. The children were found in the \"Vorbunker\" dressed in their nightclothes, with ribbons tied in the girls' hair. The remains of the Goebbels' family, Hitler, Eva Braun, General Hans Krebs, and Hitler's dogs were repeatedly buried and exhumed. The last burial was at the SMERSH facility", "title": "Magda Goebbels" }, { "docid": "7454129", "text": "sciences (in the sense of mores or social sciences) were introduced. Moral Sciences was interdisciplinary and included five subjects: moral philosophy, political economy, modern history, general jurisprudence and the laws of England. Moral Sciences was not popular as it did not lead to a degree, and in 1860 no candidates took the examinations. In 1861 following recommendations made by John Grote and Joseph Mayor, the Senate upgraded the status of Moral Sciences to become a three-year Undergraduate honours course in its own right. The Board of Moral Sciences Studies (a precursor to the Faculty) was also set up. Law became", "title": "Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge" }, { "docid": "210647", "text": "work for the regional party offices. He was also put to work as party speaker and representative for Rhineland-Westphalia. Members of Strasser's northern branch of the NSDAP, including Goebbels, had a more socialist outlook than the rival Hitler group in Munich. Strasser disagreed with Hitler on many parts of the party platform, and in November 1926 began working on a revision. Hitler viewed Strasser's actions as a threat to his authority, and summoned 60 \"Gauleiters\" and party leaders, including Goebbels, to a special conference in Bamberg, in Streicher's \"Gau\" of Franconia, where he gave a two-hour speech repudiating Strasser's new", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210699", "text": "to mention the \"extermination\" of the Jews; this is omitted in the published text of the speech. Goebbels' efforts had little impact for the time being, as while Hitler was in principle in favour of total war, he was not prepared to implement changes over the objections of his ministers. The discovery around this time of a mass grave of Polish officers that had been killed by the Red Army in the 1940 Katyn massacre was made use of by Goebbels in his propaganda in an attempt to drive a wedge between the Soviets and the other western allies. After", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210701", "text": "cities took the lives of thousands of people. Göring's Luftwaffe attempted to retaliate with air raids on London in early 1944, but they no longer had sufficient aircraft to make much of an impact. While Goebbels' propaganda in this period indicated that a huge retaliation was in the offing, the V-1 flying bombs, launched on British targets beginning in mid-June 1944, had little effect, with only around 20 per cent reaching their intended targets. To boost morale, Goebbels continued to publish propaganda to the effect that further improvements to these weapons would have a decisive impact on the outcome of", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210658", "text": "NSDAP was lifted before the Reichstag elections on 20 May 1928. The NSDAP lost nearly 100,000 voters and earned only 2.6 per cent of the vote nationwide. Results in Berlin were even worse, where they attained only 1.4 per cent of the vote. Goebbels was one of 12 NSDAP members to gain election to the Reichstag. This gave him immunity from prosecution for a long list of outstanding charges, including a three-week jail sentence he received in April for insulting the deputy police chief Weiß. The Reichstag changed the immunity regulations in February 1931, and Goebbels was forced to pay", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210709", "text": "that same day. He told Vice-Admiral Hans-Erich Voss that he would not entertain the idea of either surrender or escape. On 23 April, Goebbels made the following proclamation to the people of Berlin: After midnight on 29 April, with the Soviets advancing ever closer to the bunker complex, Hitler married Eva Braun in a small civil ceremony within the \"Führerbunker\". Afterwards, Hitler hosted a modest wedding breakfast with his new wife. Hitler then took secretary Traudl Junge to another room and dictated his last will and testament. Goebbels and Bormann were two of the witnesses. In his last will and", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210646", "text": "Hitler a platform for propaganda. Hitler was sentenced to five years prison, but was released on 20 December 1924, after serving just over a year. Goebbels was drawn to the NSDAP mostly because of Hitler's charisma and commitment to his beliefs. He joined the NSDAP around this time, becoming member number 8762. In late 1924, Goebbels offered his services to Karl Kaufmann, who was \"Gauleiter\" (NSDAP district leader) for the Rhine-Ruhr District. Kaufmann put him in touch with Gregor Strasser, a leading Nazi organiser in northern Germany, who hired him to work on their weekly newspaper and to do secretarial", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "12905445", "text": "achieving desegregation at Mercer University and contributed immensely to efforts that advanced racial justice in Macon and Middle Georgia. Joseph M. Hendricks Joseph Millard Hendricks was a Columbus Roberts Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University in Georgia, United States. He attended Mercer University as an undergraduate, obtained a Master of Divinity degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Law degree at Atlanta Law School and a Doctor of Philosophy degree at Emory University. An American Civil rights activist, humanitarian and philanthropist, Hendricks served as the University Marshal, Dean of Students and Professor Emeritus of Christianity at Mercer", "title": "Joseph M. Hendricks" }, { "docid": "12905444", "text": "Joseph M. Hendricks Joseph Millard Hendricks was a Columbus Roberts Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University in Georgia, United States. He attended Mercer University as an undergraduate, obtained a Master of Divinity degree at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Law degree at Atlanta Law School and a Doctor of Philosophy degree at Emory University. An American Civil rights activist, humanitarian and philanthropist, Hendricks served as the University Marshal, Dean of Students and Professor Emeritus of Christianity at Mercer University at its Macon campus in Georgia. Hendricks, or \"Papa Joe\" as he is affectionately known, was instrumental in", "title": "Joseph M. Hendricks" }, { "docid": "210720", "text": "expulsion of the Berlin Jews since 1935, there were still 62,000 living in the city in 1940. Part of the delay in their deportation was that they were needed as workers in the armaments industry. Deportations of German Jews began in October 1941, with the first transport from Berlin leaving on 18 October. Some Jews were shot immediately on arrival in destinations such as Riga and Kaunas. In preparation for the deportations, Goebbels ordered that all German Jews were required by law to wear an identifying yellow badge as of 5 September 1941. On 6 March 1942, Goebbels received a", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210663", "text": "Observer\"). He still had to wait until 3 July for Otto Strasser and his supporters to announce they were leaving the NSDAP. Upon receiving the news, Goebbels was relieved the \"crisis\" with the Strassers was finally over and glad that Otto Strasser had lost all power. The rapid deterioration of the economy led to the resignation on 27 March 1930 of the coalition government that had been elected in 1928. A new cabinet was formed, and Paul von Hindenburg used his power as president to govern via emergency decrees. He appointed Heinrich Brüning as chancellor. Goebbels took charge of the", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210654", "text": "the political sphere, including the use of catchy slogans and subliminal cues. His new ideas for poster design included using large type, red ink, and cryptic headers that encouraged the reader to examine the fine print to determine the meaning. Like Hitler, Goebbels practised his public speaking skills in front of a mirror. Meetings were preceded by ceremonial marches and singing, and the venues were decorated with party banners. His entrance (almost always late) was timed for maximum emotional impact. Goebbels usually meticulously planned his speeches ahead of time, using pre-planned and choreographed inflection and gestures, but he was also", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210660", "text": "landholders. After the election, the party refocused their efforts to try to attract still more votes in the agricultural sector. In May, shortly after the election, Hitler considered appointing Goebbels as party propaganda chief. But he hesitated, as he worried that the removal of Gregor Strasser from the post would lead to a split in the party. Goebbels considered himself well suited to the position, and began to formulate ideas about how propaganda could be used in schools and the media. By 1930 Berlin was the party's second-strongest base of support after Munich. That year the violence between the Nazis", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "210684", "text": "clergy and nuns were arrested, often on trumped up charges of currency smuggling or sexual offences. Goebbels widely publicised the trials in his propaganda campaigns, showing the cases in the worst possible light. Restrictions were placed on public meetings, and Catholic publications faced censorship. Catholic schools were required to reduce religious instruction and crucifixes were removed from state buildings. Hitler often vacillated on whether or not the \"Kirchenkampf\" (church struggle) should be a priority, but his frequent inflammatory comments on the issue were enough to convince Goebbels to intensify his work on the issue; in February 1937 he stated he", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" }, { "docid": "16038751", "text": "Joseph Camilleri Joseph Camilleri (born 1944) is an Australian citizen of Maltese descent. He is a social scientist and philosopher. In philosophy he mostly specialised and interested in international relations. Camilleri was born in 1944 into a Maltese family residing in Egypt. His family moved to Australia when he was still very young. He studied at Melbourne University, Australia, from where he acquired his Bachelor of Arts, at Monash University, also in Melbourne, from where he acquire his Masters' degree, and at London University, England, where he became Doctor of Philosophy. Between 1967 and 1968 Camilleri was Teaching Fellow at", "title": "Joseph Camilleri" }, { "docid": "210697", "text": "of Three, Goebbels pressured Hitler to introduce measures that would produce \"total war\", including closing businesses not essential to the war effort, conscripting women into the labour force, and enlisting men in previously exempt occupations into the Wehrmacht. Some of these measures were implemented in an edict of 13 January, but to Goebbels' dismay, Göring demanded that his favourite restaurants in Berlin should remain open, and Lammers successfully lobbied Hitler to have women with children exempted from conscription, even if they had child care available. After receiving an enthusiastic response to his speech of 30 January 1943 on the topic,", "title": "Joseph Goebbels" } ]
Which prince is Queen Elizabeth II's youngest son?
[ "Eadweard", "Edward" ]
[ { "docid": "11201342", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Charlottetown) The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) is a 243-bed acute care hospital located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, making it the largest hospital in the province. Operated by Health PEI, the hospital opened in 1982, resulting in the closure of the Charlottetown Hospital and the Prince Edward Island Hospital. It is named in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The QEH is located on a large forested campus originally known as Falconwood Farm in the northeast corner of the city adjoining the neighbourhoods of East Royalty and Sherwood, overlooking the Hillsborough River. The Hillsborough Hospital", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Charlottetown)" }, { "docid": "1149818", "text": "Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, (Edward Antony Richard Louis; born 10 March 1964) is the youngest of four children and the third son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was third in line of succession to the British throne; he is now tenth. The Earl is a full-time working member of the British royal family and supports the Queen in her official duties – often alongside his wife the Countess of Wessex - as well as undertaking public engagements for a large number of", "title": "Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex" }, { "docid": "11201344", "text": "also saw the end of abortion services in the province, which had been provided at the Prince Edward Island Hospital since the late 1960s. One of the conditions that the Roman Catholic Church placed on the provincial government of Premier James Lee for merging the Catholic-affiliated Charlottetown Hospital with the secular and publicly operated Prince Edward Island Hospital into the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital was that all abortion services in the province be discontinued. Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Charlottetown) The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) is a 243-bed acute care hospital located in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, making it the largest", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Charlottetown)" }, { "docid": "15576562", "text": "Wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones The wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones took place on 19 June 1999 in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle. Queen Elizabeth II's youngest child, Prince Edward, was created Earl of Wessex hours before the ceremony. Prince Edward, youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II, met Sophie Rhys-Jones at a tennis event in 1993. He announced his engagement to Sophie on 6 January 1999. Edward proposed to Sophie with a delicate engagement ring featuring a two-carat oval diamond flanked by two heart-shaped gemstones set in 18-karat white gold. This engagement ring was made", "title": "Wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones" }, { "docid": "7475328", "text": "Queen Elizabeth School, Hong Kong Queen Elizabeth School (), or QES and QE ( or ) for short, was the first English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) (Anglo-Chinese) co-education secondary school founded by the Government of Hong Kong. It is located on a mound at the boundary of Sai Yee Street and Prince Edward Road West in Mong Kok, Kowloon, adjacent to Grand Century Place, CCC Heep Woh Primary School () and HK Weaving Mills Association Primary School (). The school was conceived in 1953 when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned. Later it was run in September 1954 but", "title": "Queen Elizabeth School, Hong Kong" }, { "docid": "5357440", "text": "edge and, on the obverse, an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II, crowned with the George IV State Diadem and circumscribed by the words \"QUEEN OF CANADA • REINE DU CANADA\". The reverse features a stylised maple leaf with at the bottom and the years 1952 and 2002 on the left and right of the Royal cypher and crown. Although similar in appearance, it should not be confused with the Queen's Gallantry Medal. United Kingdom: The medal is of cupronickel with a gilt finish and shows the Queen wearing St. Edward's Crown, circumscribed by the inscription \"ELIZABETH • II • DEI", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "1149819", "text": "his own charities. In particular he has assumed many duties from his father, the Duke of Edinburgh, who has been reducing some commitments due to his age. Prince Edward succeeded Prince Philip as president of the Commonwealth Games Federation (vice-patron since 2006) and opened the 1990 Commonwealth Games in New Zealand and the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Malaysia. He has also taken over the Duke's role in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme. Prince Edward was born on 10 March 1964, at Buckingham Palace, London, as the third son, and the fourth and youngest child of Queen Elizabeth II and", "title": "Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex" }, { "docid": "12107173", "text": "and her sister Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon (1930–2002). As the only children of King George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (the Queen Mother, 1900–2002), Elizabeth and Margaret were thus great-granddaughters of Edward VII, great-great-granddaughters of Queen Victoria. Queen Victoria → King Edward VII → King George V → King George VI → Queen Elizabeth II Edward's and Alexandra's daughter Princess Maud of Wales became Queen of Norway when her husband, Prince Carl of Denmark, became King Haakon VII (1905–1957) upon the dissolution of Norway's union with Sweden in 1905. Their son, and Edward's grandson, became King Olav V (1957–1991); and", "title": "Grandchildren of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha" }, { "docid": "11309583", "text": "King Carl XVI Gustaf & Queen Silvia 6. United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh 7. Netherlands: King Willem-Alexander & Queen Máxima King Harald V of Norway, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and King Felipe VI of Spain are all descended from both Queen Victoria and King Christian IX. The first two monarchs are great-grandchildren of the aforementioned union between Alexandra of Denmark (daughter of King Christian IX) and Edward VII (son of Queen Victoria). Harald V of Norway is actually descended", "title": "Royal descendants of Queen Victoria and King Christian IX" }, { "docid": "19390601", "text": "MC, MD, MRCP 5 August 1952: Air Commodore Sir Edward Hedley Fielden, KCVO, CB, DFC, AFC 5 August 1952: The Most Noble Bernard Marmaduke Fitzalan-Howard, 16th Duke of Norfolk, KG, GCVO Household of Queen Elizabeth II The Royal Households of the United Kingdom consists of royal officials and the supporting staff of the British Royal Family, as well as the Royal Household which supports the Sovereign. Each member of the Royal Family who undertakes public duties has their own separate household. When Elizabeth II succeeded her father George VI as sovereign of the United Kingdom, she appointed a new household.", "title": "Household of Queen Elizabeth II" } ]
[ { "docid": "7498042", "text": "car and a bottle was thrown at the car in Royal Avenue by a woman onlooker. Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, Belfast The Queen Elizabeth ll Bridge is a bridge in Belfast, Northern Ireland, not to be confused with the adjacent Queen's Bridge. It is one of eight bridges over the Lagan in the city. It was built in the 1960s. In 1966 Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip opened the \"Queen Elizabeth II bridge\". Within Belfast City Council there had been disputes over the name of the new bridge, which they had originally wanted to be called \"Carson's Bridge\". During", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, Belfast" }, { "docid": "7498041", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, Belfast The Queen Elizabeth ll Bridge is a bridge in Belfast, Northern Ireland, not to be confused with the adjacent Queen's Bridge. It is one of eight bridges over the Lagan in the city. It was built in the 1960s. In 1966 Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip opened the \"Queen Elizabeth II bridge\". Within Belfast City Council there had been disputes over the name of the new bridge, which they had originally wanted to be called \"Carson's Bridge\". During the visit a brick was dropped from a high building onto the bonnet of the Royal", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, Belfast" }, { "docid": "9730001", "text": "to commemorate a visit to Hong Kong by Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip. It evolved to an international event in 1995, with Hong Kong horses competing against those from the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, France, Japan and Australia. Since becoming a Group One race in 2001, every winner of the Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup has been a descendant of Northern Dancer. The 2006 race saw Irridescence upset the great filly and European Horse of the Year, Ouija Board. The Queen Elizabeth II Cup has been sponsored by the Swiss haute horlogerie", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup" }, { "docid": "5356301", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden The Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden is located in Hanover Square in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York City. It commemorates the 67 British victims of the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center. It was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II on July 6, 2010. Originally planned as The British Memorial Garden, it was officially named The British Garden at Hanover Square by Prince Harry on May 29, 2009. On May 2, 2012, it was renamed as 'Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden' at a rededication ceremony led", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden" }, { "docid": "5356302", "text": "by the Dean of Westminster Abbey. This was to include victims of other Commonwealth countries who died in the September 11 attacks. Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden The Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden is located in Hanover Square in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York City. It commemorates the 67 British victims of the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center. It was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II on July 6, 2010. Originally planned as The British Memorial Garden, it was officially named The British Garden at Hanover Square by Prince Harry on", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II September 11th Garden" }, { "docid": "7488903", "text": "from the eastern suburbs will be rebuilt in Queen Elizabeth II Park adjacent to a new swimming complex. The facilities are situated in a large park called Queen Elizabeth II Park; the overall land area is . Queen Elizabeth II Park contained a running track, as well as a public swimming and diving pool. There is also a cricket ground, behind the main complex, called \"The Village Green\", which was the home of the district's first-class cricket team, the Canterbury Wizards. A golf course takes up with north-east corner of Queen Elizabeth II Park. The stadium hosted many local and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Park" }, { "docid": "6089640", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Centre The Queen Elizabeth II Centre is a conference facility located in the City of Westminster, London, close to the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The site now occupied by the Queen Elizabeth II Centre was previously occupied by several buildings. At the northern end of the site were the headquarters of the Stationery Office which had originally been the \"Parliamentary Mews\" built in 1825 by Decimus Burton and converted in 1853-5. The southern side was occupied by the Westminster Hospital built by W & H W Inwood in 1831-4 and expanded later that century and in", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Centre" }, { "docid": "17497332", "text": "the planetarium and grant it full heritage status. Queen Elizabeth Planetarium The Queen Elizabeth Planetarium or Queen Elizabeth II Planetarium is a former planetarium located in Coronation Park in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was the first planetarium in Canada, operating between 1960 and 1983. Designed by Walter Tefler and R. F. Duke, it was named to commemorate the visit of Elizabeth II in 1959. In 1958 a proposal was put before Edmonton City Council to build a permanent civic memorial to mark the visit of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in July 1959. Originally there were three", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Planetarium" }, { "docid": "17497320", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Planetarium The Queen Elizabeth Planetarium or Queen Elizabeth II Planetarium is a former planetarium located in Coronation Park in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was the first planetarium in Canada, operating between 1960 and 1983. Designed by Walter Tefler and R. F. Duke, it was named to commemorate the visit of Elizabeth II in 1959. In 1958 a proposal was put before Edmonton City Council to build a permanent civic memorial to mark the visit of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in July 1959. Originally there were three projects proposed a 30.8 metre (94 foot) trilon", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Planetarium" }, { "docid": "572337", "text": "1952. The King died in his sleep on 6 February 1952 while Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were in Kenya en route to the southern hemisphere, and they returned immediately to London, as queen and prince consort. Shortly after George VI's death, Elizabeth began to be styled as \"Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother\" because the normal style for the widow of a king, \"Queen Elizabeth\", would have been too similar to the style of her elder daughter, now Queen Elizabeth II. Popularly, she became the \"Queen Mother\" or the \"Queen Mum\". She was devastated by her", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "3275953", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Stakes The Queen Elizabeth II Stakes is a Group 1 flat horse race in Great Britain open to horses aged three years or older. It is run at Ascot over a distance of 1 mile (1,609 metres), and it is scheduled to take place as part of British Champions Day each year in October. The event was established in 1955, and it was originally held in September. It was created when a race called the Knights' Royal Stakes was renamed in honour of Queen Elizabeth II. The first three winners were all trained in France. The present", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Stakes" }, { "docid": "10788818", "text": "part of the site was subsequently developed by Bellway in 2017. The new facility continues to provide GP services, outpatient clinics, diagnostic (radiology, pathology and endoscopy), a breast unit and antenatal and postnatal care, as well as a 24/7 urgent care centre. Queen Elizabeth II Hospital The Queen Elizabeth II hospital – or the QEII as it is known locally, is located in Welwyn Garden City and managed by East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. The facility, which replaced the Welwyn Garden City Cottage Hospital in Church Road, was opened by the Queen in July 1963. All inpatient and emergency", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Hospital" }, { "docid": "10788817", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Hospital The Queen Elizabeth II hospital – or the QEII as it is known locally, is located in Welwyn Garden City and managed by East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust. The facility, which replaced the Welwyn Garden City Cottage Hospital in Church Road, was opened by the Queen in July 1963. All inpatient and emergency services were transferred to the Lister Hospital at Stevenage in October 2014. Following the construction of modern facilities built at a cost of £30 million, the Trust opened the \"New QEII Hospital\" in November 2015. The old hospital was demolished and that", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Hospital" }, { "docid": "6089643", "text": "events for between 40 and 1,300 delegates. It also has 2,000 square metres of exhibition space. The Centre is a very successful venue hosting over 400 meetings each year and returning an annual dividend to the Exchequer, thus not reliant on the taxpayer for financial support. Exhibition centres in London include: Queen Elizabeth II Centre The Queen Elizabeth II Centre is a conference facility located in the City of Westminster, London, close to the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The site now occupied by the Queen Elizabeth II Centre was previously occupied by several buildings. At the northern end of", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Centre" }, { "docid": "16672954", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Gate Queen Elizabeth Gate, also known as the Queen Mother's Gate, is an entrance consisting of two pairs and two single gates of forged stainless steel and bronze situated in Hyde Park, London, behind Apsley House at Hyde Park Corner. There is also a center feature made of painted cast iron. It was opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1993 to celebrate the 90th birthday of her mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. It cost £1.5 million to construct, raised by private individuals and public funding, under the patronage of Prince Michael of Kent. The stainless steel and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Gate" }, { "docid": "5352771", "text": "wide and apart. Ladies who were awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal, can wear it on their left shoulder with the ribbon tied in the form of a bow. The medals were issued unnamed, except for the 37 issued to the British Mount Everest Expedition. These were engraved \"MOUNT EVEREST EXPEDITION\" on the rim. Some orders of precedence are as follows: Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal is a commemorative medal instituted to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953. This medal was awarded as a personal souvenir from the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal" }, { "docid": "9730000", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup The Queen Elizabeth II Cup is a Group One Thoroughbred horse race at Sha Tin Racecourse in the New Territories, Hong Kong. Established in 1975 by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, it is run annually in April at a distance of 2,000 metres (ten furlongs) on turf. Prior to 1997 it was run at 2,200 metres (eleven furlongs). Sponsored by Swiss watchmaker Audemars Piguet since 1999, it currently offers a purse of HK$20 million (US$2.6 million)since 2014/15. The Queen Elizabeth II Cup was first run at the Happy Valley Racecourse in Happy Valley, Hong Kong", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup" }, { "docid": "4566591", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II National Trust The Queen Elizabeth II National Trust (National Trust) is a registered charity and statutory New Zealand organisation independent from Government and managed by a Board of Directors. It was established in 1977 by the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Act 1977 \"to encourage and promote, for the benefit of New Zealand, the provision, protection, preservation and enhancement of open space.\" The organisation enables landowners to protect special features on their land through its open space covenants. The National Trust also owns 27 properties, including Aroha Island, which collectively protect 1,582 hectares of significant habitat.", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II National Trust" }, { "docid": "6710163", "text": "a trophy on that date. Since inception, the race has been contested at various distances: The Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup was a Listed race in 1984 and 1985, a Grade III race in 1986 and 1987, and a Grade II race from 1988 through 1990, after which it became a Grade I event. Time record: (at current miles distance) Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes The Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup is an American Thoroughbred horse race for three-year-old fillies held annually since 1984 at Keeneland Race Course near Lexington, Kentucky. Run at a distance of one and one-eighth", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes" }, { "docid": "5352768", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal is a commemorative medal instituted to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on 2 June 1953. This medal was awarded as a personal souvenir from the Queen to members of the Royal Family and selected officers of state, members of the Royal Household, government officials, mayors, public servants, local government officials, members of the navy, army, air force and police in Britain, her colonies and Dominions. It was also awarded to members of the Mount Everest expedition, two of whom reached the summit four days before the coronation.", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal" }, { "docid": "7488907", "text": "the stadium and pool complex began in August 2012. In February 2015 the Minister of Education, Hekia Parata, announced that two single-sex high schools damaged in the earthquakes would be rebuilt at Queen Elizabeth II Park: Avonside Girls' and Shirley Boys'. Christchurch City Council sold of land to the Ministry of Education for NZ$4.6m for the two schools. A new Eastern Sport & Recreation Centre will be co-located adjacent to the schools and its concept design was unveiled in May 2016, with an expected opening date in 2018. Queen Elizabeth II Park Queen Elizabeth II Park was a multi-use stadium", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Park" }, { "docid": "8560839", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II High School Queen Elizabeth II High School (commonly referred to as simply QE2) is a mixed comprehensive school in Peel, Isle of Man. It teaches the years 7-11 as well as a sixth form for years 12-13. The school was opened on 5 July 1979 by Queen Elizabeth II, during her visit to the island to celebrate the millennium of Tynwald and since then has grown to about 850 students and about 50 staff. GCSE Manx is offered from the age of 12. One of the feeder schools is Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, a Manx language primary school in", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II High School" }, { "docid": "7841615", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Great Court The Queen Elizabeth II Great Court, commonly referred to simply as the Great Court, is the covered central quadrangle of the British Museum in London. It was redeveloped during the late 1990s to a design by Foster and Partners, from a 1970s design by Colin St John Wilson. The court was opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 2000. The court has a tessellated glass roof designed by Buro Happold and executed by Waagner-Biro, covering the entire court and surrounds the original circular British Museum Reading Room in the centre, now a museum. It is the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Great Court" }, { "docid": "14411340", "text": "recognised as the highest honour awarded by the Academy. The award was shared in 1963, 1966 and 2009, and in 2014 was awarded to a ballet company, rather than an individual. The full list of winners is: Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award The Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award is an honour presented annually by the Royal Academy of Dance, to people who have made a significant contribution to the ballet and dance industry. The award was instituted by Dame Adeline Genee in 1953, to mark the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and her appointment as Royal Patron of the Academy.", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award" }, { "docid": "14411339", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award The Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award is an honour presented annually by the Royal Academy of Dance, to people who have made a significant contribution to the ballet and dance industry. The award was instituted by Dame Adeline Genee in 1953, to mark the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and her appointment as Royal Patron of the Academy. The first winner of the award was Dame Ninette de Valois, founder of the Royal Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet and Royal Ballet School. The award has since been presented to a number of notable people, and is", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Award" }, { "docid": "9281464", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park The Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park is a provincial park in south-central Ontario, Canada, between Gravenhurst and Minden. The park, named for Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, is 33,505 hectares in size, making it the second largest park south of Algonquin Park (after Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park), but it has a fragmented shape as a result of many private lands within its boundary. It was originally known as Dalton Digby Wildlands Provincial Park, after the two townships it encompassed, before being renamed on October 9, 2002, to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park" }, { "docid": "5357586", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal () was a commemorative medal created in 1977 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of Elizabeth II's accession in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The medal was physically identical in all realms where it was awarded, save for Canada, where it contained unique elements. As an internationally distributed award, the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal holds a different place in each country's order of precedence for honours. The Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal was created by a Royal Warrant from the Queen. Until", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "20233812", "text": "Elizabeth Nantale Mulondo Nantale Elizabeth (born 31 January 1989) is a princess in the Kingdom of Buganda, a historic kingdom in modern-day Uganda. She is the granddaughter of Daudi Chwa II of Buganda. Nantale was born in Nairobi in 1989 to the late Prince Fredrick David Mulondo, son of Prince George William Mawanda chwa, a son to Daudi Chwa II. Prince George William represented Uganda at the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and the only Ugandan to be made an honorary member of the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) at Lords cricket ground, which prompted him to start and campaign for", "title": "Elizabeth Nantale Mulondo" }, { "docid": "10531077", "text": "or above. The other Grade 1 races for older female horses in Japan, the Victoria Mile, excludes three-year-olds. Most successful horse (2 wins): * Kawakami Princess finished first in 2006 but was demoted to 12th place following a Stewards' Inquiry. Queen Elizabeth II Cup (Japan) The Queen Elizabeth II Cup (\"Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup\" until 2012) is an International Grade 1 flat horse race in Japan for three-year-old and above thoroughbred fillies and mares run over a distance of 2,200 metres (approximately 1 mile 3 furlongs) on the turf at Kyoto Racecourse in November. The race was first run", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup (Japan)" }, { "docid": "13220128", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Quay Queen Elizabeth II Quay, also known as QE II Quay () and by residents as the Deep Water Quay, is a locality in Freetown, Sierra Leone. It is located on a promontory called Fourah Point (also known variously as \"Farran\" Point, \"Farren\" Point, and \"Foura\" Point) on the southern bank of the estuary of the Sierra Leone River between Destruction Bay and Cline Bay within the suburb of Cline Town directly to the east of central Freetown. It is the larger of two harbors within Freetown, the other harbor known as Government Wharf, Freetown Port, or", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Quay" }, { "docid": "10531075", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup (Japan) The Queen Elizabeth II Cup (\"Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup\" until 2012) is an International Grade 1 flat horse race in Japan for three-year-old and above thoroughbred fillies and mares run over a distance of 2,200 metres (approximately 1 mile 3 furlongs) on the turf at Kyoto Racecourse in November. The race was first run in 1976 over a distance of 2,400 metres (1 mile 4 furlongs). It was originally for three-year-old fillies only and was the third leg of the Japanese Fillies' Triple Crown. In 1996, it was opened to older female horses and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup (Japan)" }, { "docid": "5357588", "text": "of a diameter silver disc with, on the obverse, the words \"ELIZABETH II DEI GRA. REGINA FID. DEF.\" (Latin abbreviation for \"Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith\") surrounding an effigy of Queen Elizabeth II, symbolising her role as fount of honour. On the reverse is a crown atop a wreath that contains the words \"THE 25th YEAR OF THE REIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II 6 February 1977\" in six lines. The Canadian version was identical, except that the medal was slightly thicker, the crown on the Queen's effigy was more upright, and the reverse", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "9938925", "text": "pumping stations. The solar farm covers 1/10 of the reservoir's surface. Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir The Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir lies to the south of the River Thames and to the west of the Island Barn Reservoir. To the north are the reservoirs of Bessborough and Knight. The A3050 runs to the north of the reservoir and it is situated in Walton on Thames. It is managed by Thames Water. The reservoir was authorised by an Act of Parliament in 1935, but construction was halted on the outbreak of World War II. Work did not begin again until 1957 and,", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir" }, { "docid": "9938923", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir The Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir lies to the south of the River Thames and to the west of the Island Barn Reservoir. To the north are the reservoirs of Bessborough and Knight. The A3050 runs to the north of the reservoir and it is situated in Walton on Thames. It is managed by Thames Water. The reservoir was authorised by an Act of Parliament in 1935, but construction was halted on the outbreak of World War II. Work did not begin again until 1957 and, after the works were completed by W. & C. French, it", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir" }, { "docid": "13220134", "text": "of 2009 the ro-ro vessel \"MV Oriental Hero\", a Hong Kong-based cargo ship flying a Panamanian flag of convenience and carrying a cargo of trucks, trailers, and bagged cement collided with and damaged berth 1A and 2. Berth 2 remained operational but part of berth 1A had to be closed for repairs. The impact was strong enough to form cracks in the quay's administrative building. Queen Elizabeth II Quay Queen Elizabeth II Quay, also known as QE II Quay () and by residents as the Deep Water Quay, is a locality in Freetown, Sierra Leone. It is located on a", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Quay" }, { "docid": "8560840", "text": "St John's. During the time the school has been opened it has gone under extensive changes and has dramatically increased in size and with this, one new building was opened in 2000, the Forster building, which is home to the sixth form. Then in 2007 building started on the Deans building which was to become the new home for the English Department on the upper floor, and the Music and performance area on the ground floor, this extension also provided the school with a much needed second dining room. Queen Elizabeth II High School Queen Elizabeth II High School (commonly", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II High School" }, { "docid": "6993914", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II domestic rate stamp (Canada) The Queen Elizabeth II domestic rate stamp is a definitive stamp issued by Canada Post, and bearing the image of Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada. Seven versions of the stamp have been issued since 2003. Canada has depicted its sovereigns on stamps since 1851; that tradition continues into the present day. Since 1939, the image of Queen Elizabeth II has appeared on 59 stamps issued in Canada, most of them definitives. Canada Post spokesperson Cindy Daoust was quoted as stating that stamps bearing the image of the Queen now \"outsells other stamps, ten", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II domestic rate stamp (Canada)" }, { "docid": "5357439", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal () or the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal was a commemorative medal created in 2002 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Elizabeth II's accession. The Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal was awarded in Canada to nominees who contributed to public life. The Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal was awarded to active personnel in the British Armed Forces and Emergency Personnel who had completed 5 years of qualifying service. The Canadian and British medals were of different designs. Canada: The medal is gold-plated, bronze medal with a thin raised", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "4190347", "text": "Queen Elizabeth (band) Queen Elizabeth are a British band. It is a collaborative experimental project between Thighpaulsandra and Julian Cope. The general concept behind Queen Elizabeth was a \"sonic ritual\" in which sounds, melodies and other sonic properties would combine. Both releases, 1994's \"Queen Elizabeth\" and 1997's double-disc \"Queen Elizabeth 2: Elizabeth Vagina\", consist mostly of half-hour-long tracks which contrast experimental ambient music with short bursts of Krautrock. The three discs (and seven tracks) are the band's only studio output, yet \"Beneath the Frozen Lake of Stars\", which appeared on Thighpaulsandra's \"I, Thighpaulsandra\", was a revamped version of a track", "title": "Queen Elizabeth (band)" }, { "docid": "4566593", "text": "aesthetic, cultural, recreational, scenic, scientific, or social interest or value. The National Trust puts a high priority on securing covenants that support the objectives of the New Zealand Biodiversity Strategy. The QEII National Trust Act enables the National Trust to: Founder Gordon Stephenson died in December 2015. Queen Elizabeth II National Trust The Queen Elizabeth II National Trust (National Trust) is a registered charity and statutory New Zealand organisation independent from Government and managed by a Board of Directors. It was established in 1977 by the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Act 1977 \"to encourage and promote, for the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II National Trust" }, { "docid": "4001084", "text": "m, standing SE of Mount Lecointe. Discovered and named by the British Antarctic Expedition (1907–09). Charles Rabot was editor of \"La Geographie\", bulletin of the Societe Geographique, Paris, and was an outstanding glaciologist of that period. Prince Andrew Plateau () is an ice-covered plateau, about 40 nautical miles (70 km) long and 15 nautical miles (28 km) wide, lying south of Mount Rabot. Named by the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition (NZGSAE) (1961–62) for Prince Andrew, Duke of York, son of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. Sherwin Peak () is a peak, high, surmounting the east side", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Range (Antarctica)" }, { "docid": "7861604", "text": "installing an automatic toll booth, but it would have cost $400,000. Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, British Virgin Islands The Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, sometimes called the Beef Island Bridge, is a bridge, 70 meters (230 ft) long, that links Beef Island with Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The original bridge was opened in 1966, and was replaced by a new bridge in 2003. The first Queen Elizabeth II Bridge was opened in February 1966 by Queen Elizabeth II. The bridge was of steel and stone construction and had a single lane. The bridge proved its worth over the years,", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, British Virgin Islands" }, { "docid": "7861598", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, British Virgin Islands The Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, sometimes called the Beef Island Bridge, is a bridge, 70 meters (230 ft) long, that links Beef Island with Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. The original bridge was opened in 1966, and was replaced by a new bridge in 2003. The first Queen Elizabeth II Bridge was opened in February 1966 by Queen Elizabeth II. The bridge was of steel and stone construction and had a single lane. The bridge proved its worth over the years, but with the extension of Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, British Virgin Islands" }, { "docid": "4091210", "text": "that the largest tankers use the Tranmere Oil Terminal and at offshore berths at Anglesey in North Wales. As part of the emergency procedures for the Manchester Ship Canal, an emergency siren located at the dock is tested every morning around 0845 and is audible in many parts of South Liverpool and Ellesmere Port. Queen Elizabeth II Dock Queen Elizabeth II Dock is a dock situated on the River Mersey at Eastham, in the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Merseyside, England. Construction of the dock began in 1949, adjacent to the entrance of the Manchester Ship Canal at Eastham Locks and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Dock" }, { "docid": "3275955", "text": "of the British Champions Series. Most successful horse (2 wins): Leading jockey (8 wins): Leading trainer (5 wins): Leading owner (5 wins): Queen Elizabeth II Stakes The Queen Elizabeth II Stakes is a Group 1 flat horse race in Great Britain open to horses aged three years or older. It is run at Ascot over a distance of 1 mile (1,609 metres), and it is scheduled to take place as part of British Champions Day each year in October. The event was established in 1955, and it was originally held in September. It was created when a race called the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Stakes" }, { "docid": "9281467", "text": "including 6 major canoe routes, the Ganaraska Hiking Trail Wilderness Section, and remote fly-in fishing camps. As of 2013, the park is still in the planning stage, and a non-operating park without any visitor facilities or services. The following species have been identified in the park: Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park The Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park is a provincial park in south-central Ontario, Canada, between Gravenhurst and Minden. The park, named for Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, is 33,505 hectares in size, making it the second largest park south of Algonquin Park (after Kawartha Highlands Provincial Park),", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park" }, { "docid": "10841439", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, is a large teaching hospital affiliated with Dalhousie University. Administratively it is part of the Nova Scotia Health Authority. The Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre was formed by a provincial government order in council during a health care administration reorganization in 1994. The amalgamation was formalized by legislation in 1995-96. The current hospital is an amalgamation of four formerly independent hospitals and health care centres; the Victoria General Hospital, the Camp Hill Medical Centre, the Cancer Treatment Research Foundation, and the Nova", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre" }, { "docid": "16121654", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Court, Regina Queen Elizabeth II Court is the city block containing Regina City Hall, a 16-storey office tower in downtown Regina, Saskatchewan. The city hall is built in the International Style. Opened in 1976, \"[t]he construction manager was Poole Construction Limited and the architect, Joseph Pettick. It cost $10.1 million.\" It replaced two previous city halls—built in 1885-86 and 1908—and a temporary one in the old post office on 11th Avenue at Cornwall Street. By the time the cornerstone was laid in 1906 for the second, the \"gingerbread city hall,\" \"[t]he wooden building which had served as", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Court, Regina" }, { "docid": "14666771", "text": "Constance of Sicily, Queen of Cyprus Constance of Sicily (1304/1306 – after 19 June 1344) was Queen consort of Cyprus and Jerusalem by marriage to Henry II of Cyprus, and a Queen consort of Armenia by marriage to Leo IV of Armenia. Constance was one of the oldest of the eight children born to Frederick III of Sicily and Eleanor of Anjou. Her siblings included Elizabeth, Duchess of Bavaria, Peter II of Sicily, Manfred of Athens and William II of Athens. Constance was originally betrothed to Prince Robert, youngest son of Philip IV of France and Joan I of Navarre.", "title": "Constance of Sicily, Queen of Cyprus" }, { "docid": "20216151", "text": "new medical centre with a teaching hospital at its core. The site was originally known as the Perth Medical Centre, but changed names in 1977 to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II. A 1966 act of parliament created a separate trust to manage the land, with UWA receiving representation on the board. Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre The Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre (QEIIMC), commonly known as just QEII, is a medical campus in Perth, Western Australia, situated in the suburb of Nedlands directly adjacent to Kings Park. It contains Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, the Perth Children's Hospital, the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre" }, { "docid": "9730002", "text": "brand Audemars Piguet for around 17 years now, they continue to make special edition pieces (mostly based on the Royal Oak) to celebrate their sponsorship of the event. They join companies such as Omega SA, Rolex and Longines as one of the official sports event partners that provide both sponsorship and race timers. Queen Elizabeth II Cup The Queen Elizabeth II Cup is a Group One Thoroughbred horse race at Sha Tin Racecourse in the New Territories, Hong Kong. Established in 1975 by the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club, it is run annually in April at a distance of 2,000", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Cup" }, { "docid": "6710162", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes The Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup is an American Thoroughbred horse race for three-year-old fillies held annually since 1984 at Keeneland Race Course near Lexington, Kentucky. Run at a distance of one and one-eighth miles on the turf, the Grade I race currently offers a purse of $500,000. It is an important prep race to the Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf. The race was inaugurated on October 11, 1984, in honour of the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, who attended the Keeneland races, during her private visit to Central Kentucky, and who presented", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes" }, { "docid": "18712922", "text": "as the Margate General Hospital in 1948 and then became the Isle of Thanet District Hospital, Margate Wing in 1973 before becoming Thanet District General Hospital in 1986. A major new extension was opened by Prince of Wales on behalf of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1996 at which time the hospital was renamed the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital The Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital is a health facility in Margate, Kent, England. It is managed by the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. The hospital has its origins", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital" }, { "docid": "4190348", "text": "destined for a third Queen Elizabeth release. Cope has said that Thighpaulsandra's version went above and beyond the original recording they made together. In 2009, a recording of the band's only live performance in May 2000 was released as an mp3 download entitled \"Hall\" through Julian Cope's official website. Queen Elizabeth (band) Queen Elizabeth are a British band. It is a collaborative experimental project between Thighpaulsandra and Julian Cope. The general concept behind Queen Elizabeth was a \"sonic ritual\" in which sounds, melodies and other sonic properties would combine. Both releases, 1994's \"Queen Elizabeth\" and 1997's double-disc \"Queen Elizabeth 2:", "title": "Queen Elizabeth (band)" }, { "docid": "4091208", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Dock Queen Elizabeth II Dock is a dock situated on the River Mersey at Eastham, in the Metropolitan Borough of Wirral, Merseyside, England. Construction of the dock began in 1949, adjacent to the entrance of the Manchester Ship Canal at Eastham Locks and opening directly onto the river. The dock was built to provide berthing facilities for large tankers that could not be accommodated on the existing canal due to their size. Simultaneously, Eastham Oil Terminal was built nearby and pipelines were laid to link the dock and storage facility to the Stanlow Oil Refinery near Ellesmere", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Dock" }, { "docid": "15299972", "text": "and is circumscribed by the inscription \"ELIZABETH II DEI GRATIA REGINA FID DEF\" (Latin for \"Elizabeth II by the Grace of God, Queen, Defender of the Faith\"). The reverse shows a faceted hexagon with a crowned royal cipher, inscribed with the years 1952 and 2012. Eight Commonwealth realms in the Caribbean—Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines—have each issued a Diamond Jubilee medal. The obverse bears the same effigy of the Queen as does the British medal circumscribed by the words \"DIAMOND JUBILEE HM QUEEN ELIZABETH II\".", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "5647136", "text": "Queen Elizabeth cake Queen Elizabeth cake is a dessert cake prepared with typical cake ingredients and a shredded coconut icing. It is sometimes served with tea. Queen Elizabeth cake is named after Elizabeth II. It may have originated in 1953 for the coronation of Elizabeth II, and another account holds that it was invented for the 1937 coronation of King George VI and the Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth cake is a dessert cake prepared with sugar, flour, dates, eggs, and butter, and topped with a sugary icing infused with shredded coconut. The cake is named after Elizabeth II.", "title": "Queen Elizabeth cake" }, { "docid": "20568716", "text": "This will include the World Football Cup Final on 9 June 2018 The main element part of the stadium is the pavilion, completed in 1953. This is a Grade II listed building built in Art Deco style, and serves as the clubhouse, main stand and changing rooms. Opposite the main stand is a second, small seated stand, while behind each goal, inside the perimeter of the running track, are two covered terraces. The running track was reduced from eight lanes to six during the refurbishment from 2008-2010. Queen Elizabeth II Stadium, Enfield The Queen Elizabeth II Stadium is a multi-use", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Stadium, Enfield" }, { "docid": "7920570", "text": "make her fortune, but is precipitated into the plot by evil magic. Tales that feature youngest sons: Tales that feature youngest daughters: Youngest son The youngest son is a stock character in fairy tales, where he features as the hero. He is usually the third son, but sometimes there are more brothers, and sometimes he has only one; usually, they have no sisters. In a family of many daughters, the youngest daughter may be an equivalent figure. Prior to his adventures, he is often despised as weak and foolish by his brothers or father, or both — sometimes with reason,", "title": "Youngest son" }, { "docid": "5352770", "text": "II Coronation Medal is a silver disk, 1.25 inches in diameter. The obverse features a crowned effigy of Queen Elizabeth II, facing right, in a high-collared ermine cloak and wearing the collar of the Garter and Badge of the Bath. There is no raised rim and no legend. The reverse shows the Royal Cypher \"EIIR\", surmounted by a large crown. The legend around the edge reads \"QUEEN ELIZABETH II CROWNED 2nd JUNE 1953\". The medal was designed by Cecil Thomas. The dark red ribbon is wide, with wide white edges and two narrow dark blue stripes in the centre, each", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal" }, { "docid": "6993918", "text": "the centennials of Saskatchewan and Alberta. A \"P\" in the lower right-hand corner appears instead of a numerical value to indicate it is good for the basic domestic letter rate. The second version of this stamp was issued on December 27, 2007, featuring an image of the Queen during her 2005 visit to Saskatchewan and Alberta. Queen Elizabeth II domestic rate stamp (Canada) The Queen Elizabeth II domestic rate stamp is a definitive stamp issued by Canada Post, and bearing the image of Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada. Seven versions of the stamp have been issued since 2003. Canada has", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II domestic rate stamp (Canada)" }, { "docid": "5357444", "text": "British citizens who had received the medal in the UK and subsequently joined the New Zealand Defence Force. Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal () or the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal was a commemorative medal created in 2002 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Elizabeth II's accession. The Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal was awarded in Canada to nominees who contributed to public life. The Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal was awarded to active personnel in the British Armed Forces and Emergency Personnel who had completed 5 years of qualifying service. The Canadian", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "20568713", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Stadium, Enfield The Queen Elizabeth II Stadium is a multi-use sports venue in Enfield, London. Built initially as a venue for athletics, in 2011 a three-year refurbishment was completed to allow the stadium to be used for football. The Stadium is a Grade II Listed Building. In 1939, construction of a new sports venue for Enfield began. The centerpiece was an athletics stadium, with additional space on the site for ball sports and a swimming pool. Due to the Second World War, work on the site was suspended, with the stadium not being completed until 1953. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Stadium, Enfield" }, { "docid": "10841444", "text": "expanded to physically join with the hospital facilities, effectively dividing Tower Road into two sections north and south of the facility. Historically, \"the VG\", as it is called, was aligned with the Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine as the province's only teaching hospital. The Victoria General Hospital's emergency and outpatient services were closed and consolidated at the new Infirmary site in 1998. The QEII Health Sciences Centre is spread across 10 buildings, which now comprise two geographically separate campuses (formally termed \"sites\") on the Halifax Peninsula. Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, in Halifax,", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre" }, { "docid": "598085", "text": "numeric \"2\" – rather than a Roman \"II\" – to the decision by Cunard to use a more modern typeface to suit the style of the 1960s. The book also surmises that the naming of the liner after the reigning monarch, in the form Queen Elizabeth II, was potentially offensive to some Scots, as the title of Queen Elizabeth II (of the United Kingdom) relates to the lineage of the throne of England (the Tudor monarch Elizabeth I having reigned only in England). A later account by Ronald Warwick (son of William \"Bil\" Warwick, first master of \"QE2\"), who was", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "6798221", "text": "before, though the former Community Health Services administrative area was closed and as of February 2009 and an additional ward was opened to increase the elective surgical capacity of the facility. The clinical activities of the hospital centre around lower limb orthopaedic surgery including knee and hip replacements and arthroplasty, elective gynaecological surgery, urodynamics and urological surgery, aged care and rehabilitation as well as a range of general medical and surgical services. Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital (QE II) is a public hospital located in Coopers Plains, Brisbane, Australia. The hospital was officially opened", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital" }, { "docid": "6798218", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital (QE II) is a public hospital located in Coopers Plains, Brisbane, Australia. The hospital was officially opened on 26 September 1980. The hospital originally was developed to be a site for future expansion of the Mater Children's Hospital, a centre for servicing the needs of the Commonwealth Games held nearby and a range of other initiatives that never eventuated. At one point in its history it was almost closed but after vigorous protests by the local community it was reopened and continues as an elective surgical hospital and an", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital" }, { "docid": "7920559", "text": "Youngest son The youngest son is a stock character in fairy tales, where he features as the hero. He is usually the third son, but sometimes there are more brothers, and sometimes he has only one; usually, they have no sisters. In a family of many daughters, the youngest daughter may be an equivalent figure. Prior to his adventures, he is often despised as weak and foolish by his brothers or father, or both — sometimes with reason, some youngest sons actually being foolish, and others being lazy and prone to sitting about the ashes doing nothing. Sometimes, as in", "title": "Youngest son" }, { "docid": "7488902", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Park Queen Elizabeth II Park was a multi-use stadium in Christchurch, New Zealand, located in a large park of the same name. The stadium had a capacity of 25,000 people and was built in 1973 to host the 1974 British Commonwealth Games, with a temporary 10,000 seat western stand erected for that event to take the capacity to 35,000. The stadium suffered some damage in the September 2010 Canterbury earthquake but was able to reopen, only to be damaged beyond repair in February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. An adjacent swimming complex has also been demolished. Two high schools", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Park" }, { "docid": "15783828", "text": "Islands. The show is held annually in March. Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is a non-profit outdoor garden and wildlife facility located in the North Side District of Grand Cayman Island in the British West Indies. The park is owned jointly by the Cayman Islands Government and the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, a group dedicated to preserving natural environments and places of historic significance in the Cayman Islands. Opened in 1994 with only the Woodland Trail completed, the park now also contains the Floral Colour Garden, a Cayman Heritage Garden, a lake, an", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park" }, { "docid": "13220129", "text": "simply \"the harbor\" and is Freetown's more centrally located harbor. Queen Elizabeth II Quay has sometimes been the called the \"third largest natural harbor in the world\"— this is inaccurate in two respects: 1.) the QE II Quay is not itself a natural harbor but a man-made port or \"quay\", and 2.) the quay is a very small feature of the river estuary on which it was built— it is this estuary which has carved out what is the largest natural harbor on the African continent. This still puts this harbor behind Port Jackson in Sydney, Australia, and several natural", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Quay" }, { "docid": "15783817", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park is a non-profit outdoor garden and wildlife facility located in the North Side District of Grand Cayman Island in the British West Indies. The park is owned jointly by the Cayman Islands Government and the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, a group dedicated to preserving natural environments and places of historic significance in the Cayman Islands. Opened in 1994 with only the Woodland Trail completed, the park now also contains the Floral Colour Garden, a Cayman Heritage Garden, a lake, an orchid boardwalk exhibit, and a Blue Iguana Habitat.", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park" }, { "docid": "4223953", "text": "including Queen Elizabeth II (four times) and the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, Prince Charles, Fidel Castro, who was the first head of state to visit the hotel, Charles de Gaulle, and Princess Grace of Monaco, during Expo '67, Indira Gandhi, Jacques Chirac, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Sadiq Raji, Mikhail Gorbachev, Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Perry Como, Joan Crawford, John Travolta, Mikhail Baryshnikov, and George W. Bush. The hotel reached worldwide fame when John Lennon and Yoko Ono, who had been refused entry into the United States, conducted their Bed-In in Room 1742 at the hotel", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hotel" }, { "docid": "15299981", "text": "is also important to maintain the integrity and exclusivity of the medal, and it is simply not possible to include all these groups.\" The contract to produce the medal and ribbons was awarded to a consortium of small businesses holding royal warrants, led by Worcestershire Medal Service. Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal or The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal is a commemorative medal created in 2012 to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Elizabeth II's accession to the thrones of the Commonwealth realms. There are three versions of the medal: one issued by the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "572364", "text": "3rd quarters, Ermine, three bows stringed paleways proper (Bowes). The shield is surmounted by the imperial crown, and supported by the crowned lion of England and a lion rampant per fess Or and Gules. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) was the wife of King George VI and the mother of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. She was Queen consort of the United Kingdom and the Dominions from her husband's accession in 1936 until his death in 1952, after which she was known as Queen Elizabeth", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "19390594", "text": "Household of Queen Elizabeth II The Royal Households of the United Kingdom consists of royal officials and the supporting staff of the British Royal Family, as well as the Royal Household which supports the Sovereign. Each member of the Royal Family who undertakes public duties has their own separate household. When Elizabeth II succeeded her father George VI as sovereign of the United Kingdom, she appointed a new household. The information below is an incomplete list of the senior officers of the Royal Household. For all those appointed on 5 August 1952, the source is: \"London Gazette\", 1 August 1952", "title": "Household of Queen Elizabeth II" }, { "docid": "16121658", "text": "of Regina in 2002 undertook an energy efficiency audit and environmental upgrade to the building. Queen Elizabeth II Court, Regina Queen Elizabeth II Court is the city block containing Regina City Hall, a 16-storey office tower in downtown Regina, Saskatchewan. The city hall is built in the International Style. Opened in 1976, \"[t]he construction manager was Poole Construction Limited and the architect, Joseph Pettick. It cost $10.1 million.\" It replaced two previous city halls—built in 1885-86 and 1908—and a temporary one in the old post office on 11th Avenue at Cornwall Street. By the time the cornerstone was laid in", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Court, Regina" }, { "docid": "7841620", "text": "role. Upon the Great Court's opening to the public in 2000, twelve sculptures from the British Museum's collection were installed on the main floor of the concourse: There were initial plans for a new, thirteenth sculpture to be commissioned from Anish Kapoor, but these were scrapped. Queen Elizabeth II Great Court The Queen Elizabeth II Great Court, commonly referred to simply as the Great Court, is the covered central quadrangle of the British Museum in London. It was redeveloped during the late 1990s to a design by Foster and Partners, from a 1970s design by Colin St John Wilson. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Great Court" }, { "docid": "20216150", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre The Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre (QEIIMC), commonly known as just QEII, is a medical campus in Perth, Western Australia, situated in the suburb of Nedlands directly adjacent to Kings Park. It contains Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, the Perth Children's Hospital, the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, and various smaller facilities. The current QEII site was bought by the state government in 1910, and in 1922 a 999-year lease was granted to the University of Western Australia. The land remained largely undeveloped, so in 1953 the land was designated for the construction of a", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre" }, { "docid": "15299969", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal or The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal is a commemorative medal created in 2012 to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Elizabeth II's accession to the thrones of the Commonwealth realms. There are three versions of the medal: one issued by the United Kingdom, another by Canada, and the third for the Caribbean realms of Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The ribbons used with the Canadian and British versions of the medal are the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal" }, { "docid": "9724966", "text": "cargo cult. The people of the Yaohnanen area believe that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the consort to Queen Elizabeth II, is a divine being. They had seen the respect accorded to Queen Elizabeth II by the colonial officials and concluded that her husband, Prince Philip, must be the son referred to in their legends. It is unclear just when this belief came about, but it was probably some time in the 1950s or 1960s. It was strengthened by the royal couple's official visit to Vanuatu in 1974, when a few villagers had the opportunity to actually see Prince Philip", "title": "Prince Philip Movement" }, { "docid": "572310", "text": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) was the wife of King George VI and the mother of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. She was Queen consort of the United Kingdom and the Dominions from her husband's accession in 1936 until his death in 1952, after which she was known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, to avoid confusion with her daughter. She was the last Empress of India. Born into a family of British nobility, she came to prominence in 1923 when she married the Duke", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "7611383", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne The Queen Elizabeth II Bridge carries the Tyne and Wear Metro between Newcastle upon Tyne and Gateshead over the River Tyne in North East England. The line is in tunnels on either side of the river and only emerges into open air to cross the bridge. The bridge was developed as part of the Tyne and Wear Metro system, for which it was purpose-built. It was designed by W. A. Fairhurst & Partners, and constructed by Cementation Construction Ltd. and the Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company at a cost of £4.9 million. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Bridge, Newcastle upon Tyne" }, { "docid": "16681898", "text": "Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, Brisbane The Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, also referred to as the Brisbane Supreme and District Court, is a court building located at 415 George Street in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Completed in 2012 as a purpose-built building for the Supreme Court of Queensland and the District Court of Queensland, the building together with the adjacent Brisbane Magistrates Court building created a legal precinct in Brisbane, which occupies an entire city block between George Street, Roma Street and Turbot Street. Both buildings are located adjacent to the Roma Street railway station and King George", "title": "Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, Brisbane" }, { "docid": "9003000", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Theatre The Queen Elizabeth Theatre is a performing arts venue in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Along with the Orpheum, Vancouver Playhouse, and the Annex. It is one of four facilities operated by the Vancouver Civic Theatres Department (the Playhouse adjoins the QE Theatre in the same complex). It is named after the current Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Formerly the home of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, which is now based at the Orpheum, the Queen Elizabeth Theatre is the home of the Vancouver Opera and Ballet BC, in addition to hosting various other musical events year-round. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Theatre" }, { "docid": "19576644", "text": "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – An 80th Birthday Portrait Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – An 80th Birthday Portrait is a 2005 oil painting of Queen Elizabeth II by Rolf Harris, commissioned by the BBC for the Queen's 80th birthday. It was unveiled at the Queen's Gallery in Buckingham Palace and publicly displayed there from 2005 to 2006. A BBC television special about its creation, \"The Queen, by Rolf\", was broadcast on BBC One on 1 January 2006. The painting was voted the second-most-favoured portrait of the Queen by the British public, but critically derided. Rolf Harris was a", "title": "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II – An 80th Birthday Portrait" }, { "docid": "598080", "text": "Hotels, a division of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, which is owned by the Dubai government. The name of the liner as it appears on the bow and stern is \"Queen Elizabeth 2\", with upper and lower case lettering and an Arabic numeral 2 as opposed to the Roman numeral II. As such, it is commonly pronounced in speech as \"Queen Elizabeth Two\". Soon after launching, the name was shortened in common use as \"QE2\". In 1934, \"Queen Mary\" was named by and after Mary of Teck and in 1938 \"Queen Elizabeth\" was named by and after Elizabeth", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "12107176", "text": "of Edinburgh the current prince consort of the United Kingdom as the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. Princess Victoria was also the mother of Queen Louise of Sweden. Queen Victoria → Princess Alice → Princess Victoria of Hesse → Princess Alice of Battenberg → Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Alice and Louis's second daughter, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, married, in 1884, the Russian Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, the fifth son of Tsar Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna, and younger brother of the then reigning Tsar Alexander III. They had no children. Following Sergei's assassination in 1905,", "title": "Grandchildren of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha" }, { "docid": "18712921", "text": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital The Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital is a health facility in Margate, Kent, England. It is managed by the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. The hospital has its origins in the Margate Cottage Hospital which was established at Victoria Road in Margate in 1876. In the 1920s it was decided to relocate the hospital to its current site in St Peters Road. The new facility was opened by Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught as the Margate and District General Hospital in July 1930. The hospital joined the National Health Service", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital" }, { "docid": "1542327", "text": "Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, (Richard Alexander Walter George; born 26 August 1944) is the youngest grandchild of King George V and Queen Mary. He practised as an architect until the death of his elder brother placed him in direct line to inherit his father's dukedom of Gloucester, which he inherited, as the second duke, in 1974. He is a paternal cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, and currently 26th in the line of succession to the British throne as well as the first in line not descended from King George VI. He is also the", "title": "Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester" } ]
When did the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses say the world would end?
[ "one thousand, nine hundred and fourteen", "1914" ]
[ { "docid": "630727", "text": "developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship. Satan influenced Adam and Eve to disobey God, and humanity subsequently became participants in a challenge involving the competing claims of Jehovah and Satan to universal sovereignty. Other angels who sided with Satan became demons. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that Satan and his demons were cast down to earth from heaven after October 1, 1914, at which point the end times began. They believe that Satan is the ruler of the current world order, that human society is influenced and misled by Satan and his demons, and that they are a cause of human", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "7037559", "text": "on\" from then until Jesus began ruling in October 1914. Secular historians date the event of Jerusalem's destruction to within a year of 587 BC. The Witnesses' alternative chronology produces a 20-year gap between the reigns of Neo-Babylonian Kings Amel-Marduk (rule ended 560 BC) and Nabonidus (rule began 555 BC) in addition to the intervening reigns of Neriglissar and Labashi-Marduk, despite the availability of contiguous cuneiform records. They teach that after the war of Armageddon, Jesus will rule over earth as king for 1000 years after which he will hand all authority back to Jehovah. Jehovah's Witnesses teach that since", "title": "Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "630764", "text": "With these interpretations, Jehovah's Witnesses' publications have made various predictions about world events they believe were prophesied in the Bible. Failed predictions have led to the alteration or abandonment of some doctrines. Some failed predictions had been presented as \"beyond doubt\" or \"approved by God\". The Watch Tower Society rejects accusations that it is a false prophet, stating that its interpretations are not inspired or infallible, and that it has not claimed its predictions were \"the words of Jehovah.\" Chryssides has suggested that with the exception of statements about 1914, 1925 and 1975, the changing views and dates of the", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "7037437", "text": "book, \"Three Worlds and the Harvest of This World\", was published in early 1877. It articulated ideas that remained the teachings of Russell's associates for the next 40 years, many of which are still embraced by Jehovah's Witnesses: it identified a 2520-year-long era called \"the Gentile Times\", which would end in 1914, and broke from Adventist teachings by advancing Russell's concept of \"restitution\" — that all humankind since Adam would be resurrected to the earth and given the opportunity for eternal perfect human life. Russell claimed it was the first book to combine biblical end-time prophecies with the concept of", "title": "History of Jehovah's Witnesses" } ]
[ { "docid": "17351149", "text": "help people remember to tell someone in their life how much they are cared for by the composer and from the deity himself, and to inspire more such \"compositions\". The song topped the \"Billboard\"'s AC/Indicator Chart for 5 weeks in a row. The Words I Would Say \"The Words I Would Say\" is a song from \"These Simple Truths\", the first studio album from Sidewalk Prophets. According to lead vocalist Dave Frey, God would bring the notion of a companion or relative to his mind. Frey then felt the need to literally write that person a letter. Parts of the", "title": "The Words I Would Say" }, { "docid": "16194924", "text": "sovereignty on people, choosing to save only those who want to serve him, even though the course of mankind in general may lead them to harm. Witnesses teach that God must be distinguished by his personal name—\"Jehovah\". The name is a common modern Latinized form of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, or four-letter name, transliterated as \"YHWH\". The use of his personal name is regarded as vital for true worship, and Witnesses usually preface the term \"God\" with the name \"Jehovah\". The title, \"\" (Greek: \"Kyrios\"), is rarely used by Witnesses when speaking about God. Because no other religion uses the name", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" }, { "docid": "630724", "text": "confidence\" in the leadership, avoid skepticism about what is taught in the Watch Tower Society's literature, and \"not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding.\" The organization makes no provision for members to criticize or contribute to official teachings and all Witnesses must abide by its doctrines and organizational requirements. Jehovah's Witnesses emphasize the use of God's name, and they prefer the form \"Jehovah\"—a vocalization of God's name based on the Tetragrammaton. They believe that Jehovah is the only true God, the creator of all things, and the \"Universal Sovereign\". They", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "7492831", "text": "are used instead, generally indicating that the corresponding Hebrew is Yahweh or YHWH. Most scholars believe \"Jehovah\" (also transliterated as \"Yehowah\") to be a hybrid form derived by combining the Latin letters \"JHVH\" with the vowels of \"Adonai\". Some hold that there is evidence that a form of the Tetragrammaton similar to \"Jehovah\" may have been in use in Semitic and Greek phonetic texts and artifacts from Late Antiquity. Others say that it is the pronunciation \"Yahweh\" that is testified in both Christian and pagan texts of the early Christian era. Karaite Jews, as proponents of the rendering \"Jehovah\", state", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "6327162", "text": "by setting up ... the United Nations, ... This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact, the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God Jehovah, will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship.\" Jehovah's Witnesses teach that the United Nations is the", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses and the United Nations" }, { "docid": "7492859", "text": "for several centuries. Christian hymns feature the name. The form \"Jehovah\" also appears in reference books and novels, for example, appearing several times in the novel \"The Greatest Story Ever Told\" by Roman Catholic author Fulton Oursler. Some religious groups, notably Jehovah's Witnesses and proponents of the King-James-Only movement, make prominent use of the name. In Mormonism, \"Jehovah\" is thought to be the name by which Jesus was known prior to his birth; references to \"the \" in the KJV Old Testament are therefore understood to be references to the pre-mortal Jesus. God the Father, who is regarded as a", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "7492855", "text": "word, there can be little doubt that it is not \"Jehovah\"\". Despite this, he consistently uses the name \"Jehovah\" throughout his dictionary and when translating Hebrew names. Some examples include \"Isaiah\" [\"Jehovah's help or salvation\"], \"Jehoshua\" [\"Jehovah a helper\"], \"Jehu\" [\"Jehovah is He\"]. In the entry, \"Jehovah\", Smith writes: \"JEHOVAH (, usually with the vowel points of ; but when the two occur together, the former is pointed , that is with the vowels of , as in Obad. i. 1, Hab. iii. 19:\" This practice is also observed in many modern publications, such as the \"New Compact Bible Dictionary\"", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "7492843", "text": "has been used in the \"Revised Version\" of 1885, the \"American Standard Version\" in 1901, and the \"New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures\" of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1961. At , where the King James Version has \"Jehovah\", the \"Revised Standard Version\" (1952), the \"New American Standard Bible\" (1971), the \"New International Version\" (1978), the \"New King James Version\" (1982), the \"New Revised Standard Version\" (1989), the \"New Century Version\" (1991), and the \"Contemporary English Version\" (1995) give \"\" or \"Lord\" as their rendering of the Tetragrammaton, while the \"New Jerusalem Bible\" (1985), the \"Amplified Bible\" (1987), the \"New Living", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "8558492", "text": "Until the End of the World (soundtrack) Until the End of the World: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is a soundtrack album to the film of the same name, released in 1991 on Warner Bros. Records. One song on the album, U2's \"Until the End of the World\", had been previously released on that band's 1991 album \"Achtung Baby\", albeit in a different version. All of the other songs were original contributions, although some appeared on subsequent albums or greatest hits albums by the participating artists. Other music, used in the film, did not appear on the soundtrack album:", "title": "Until the End of the World (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "6327163", "text": "\"image of the wild beast\" referred to in and the fulfillment of the \"disgusting thing that causes desolation\" from . Jehovah's Witnesses believe that God will use the United Nations to destroy \"false religion\", wherein all institutionalized religions except Jehovah's Witnesses will be destroyed. They further believe that after all other religions are destroyed, \"a coalition of nations\" will then turn against Jehovah's Witnesses to destroy them, but Jehovah will intervene and destroy all political elements. They believe this act of divine intervention will be Armageddon, the final part of the Great Tribulation. In practice, Jehovah's Witnesses \"view the United", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses and the United Nations" }, { "docid": "18797771", "text": "Assemblies Jehovah Shammah is often considered part of the Brethren movement worldwide. It is categorized as such by the World Christian Encyclopedia. Indian Brethren theologian and historian Thottukadavil Eapen Koshy also regards them as such, as did the late Scottish Brethren missionary, Daniel Smith. In Pakistan, unlike India, the Assemblies Jehovah Shammah operate under the \"Brethren\" label and there is no line of demarcation between them and the older, missionary-founded, Brethren movement. Those who regard the Assemblies Jehovah Shammah as \"Brethren\" generally categorize them as Open Brethren, in view of their willingness to work and worship together with Christians of", "title": "Assemblies Jehovah Shammah" }, { "docid": "20692599", "text": "want to interact with their partner before the end of the world. About the origin of the work, Anthropy writes, \"If you only had ten seconds left with your partner, what would you do with them? What would you say? It’s a game about the transformative, transcendent power of queer love, and is dedicated to every queer I’ve loved, no matter how briefly, or for how long.\" At \"The Guardian\", Cara Ellison stated that \"Queers\" \"evokes an itinerant life better than any other game\". Queers in Love at the End of the World Queers in love at the End of", "title": "Queers in Love at the End of the World" }, { "docid": "781997", "text": "released online starting with the books of the New Testament, based on the 2013 revision with additional reference material.. In its review of Bible translations released from 1955 to 1985, \"The HarperCollins Bible Dictionary\" listed the \"New World Translation\" as one of the major modern translations. The \"New Catholic Encyclopedia\" says of the \"New World Translation\" reference edition: \"[Jehovah's Witnesses]' translation of the Bible [has] an impressive critical apparatus. The work is excellent except when scientific knowledge comes into conflict with the accepted doctrines of the movement.\" It criticizes the NWT's rendering of \"Kyrios\" as \"Jehovah\" in 237 instances in", "title": "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures" }, { "docid": "630708", "text": "Bible Student organizations independent of the Watch Tower Society, most of which still exist. By mid-1919, as many as one in seven of Russell-era Bible Students had ceased their association with the Society, and as many as three-quarters by the end of the 1920s. On July 26, 1931, at a convention in Columbus, Ohio, Rutherford introduced the new name – \"Jehovah's witnesses\" – based on Isaiah 43:10: \"'You are my witnesses,' declares Jehovah, 'Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One. Before me", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "5547887", "text": "Jehovah Wanyonyi Jehovah Wanyonyi (1924 – 18 July 2015) was a self-proclaimed god who lived in Chemororoch village in Uasin Gishu County, western Kenya. He claimed to be the Almighty God and deemed Jesus Christ to be his son. He considered Mount Elgon which is near his home to be Mount Zion. He died on July 18, 2015 at the age of 91. He also claimed to be able to cure AIDS, and had stated that he would punish Kenya if the country did not give him 3 billion Kenyan shillings ($34.6 million). He referred to his ministry as the", "title": "Jehovah Wanyonyi" }, { "docid": "11088100", "text": "improvement in conditions within Germany was unlikely. On February 9, 1934 the Watch Tower Society president sent a strongly worded letter to Hitler, asking the chancellor to allow the Witnesses to assemble and worship without hindrance, warning that if he failed to do so by March 24, the organization would publicise their \"unjust treatment\" throughout the world. He threatened that Jehovah God would also punish Hitler and destroy him at Armageddon. The society's German branch president Paul Balzereit directed members that they should continue to distribute \"The Watchtower\", but that meetings be kept to about three to five people in", "title": "Persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany" }, { "docid": "16194922", "text": "implication that the Old Testament is outdated or inferior. They believe that the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) contain prophecy that was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and that the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures (New Testament) are primarily directed to the 144,000 chosen by God for life in heaven. The Watch Tower Society's \"New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures\"—the main translation used by Jehovah's Witnesses—renders the name of God as \"Jehovah\", rather than ' or ' as found in English translations such as the King James Version. Jehovah's Witnesses believe God is the Creator and Supreme Being. Witnesses reject", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" }, { "docid": "7492847", "text": "consensus concerning this name\" and \"this is presented as fact in every introduction to Biblical Hebrew and every scholarly discussion of the name.\" Gordon, disputing this consensus, wrote, \"However, this consensus is not based on decisive proof. We have seen that the scholarly consensus concerning Yahweh is really just a wild guess,\" and went on to say that the vowel points of \"Adonai\" are not correct. He argued that \"the name is really pronounced Ye-ho-vah with the emphasis on 'vah'. Pronouncing the name Yehovah with the emphasis on 'ho' (as in English Jehovah) would quite simply be a mistake.\" 18th-century", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "1387265", "text": "reported that Witness publications teach that individuals' consciences are unreliable and need to be subordinated to scripture and to the Watch Tower Society. Beverley describes the belief that organizational loyalty is equal to divine loyalty as the \"central myth\" of Jehovah's Witnesses employed to ensure complete obedience. Andrew Holden has also observed that Witnesses see no distinction between loyalty to Jehovah and to the movement itself. According to him, Witnesses are \"under official surveillance\" within the congregation. He noted that members who cannot conscientiously agree with all the movement's teachings are expelled and shunned. He also said that Witnesses are", "title": "Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "5547888", "text": "Lost Israelites of Kenya. Wanyonyi had 70 wives and 95 children. He had several grandchildren. He refused to say if his children are also sons of God. Wanyonyi is said to have approximately 1,000 followers who consider him to be God. Jehovah Wanyonyi Jehovah Wanyonyi (1924 – 18 July 2015) was a self-proclaimed god who lived in Chemororoch village in Uasin Gishu County, western Kenya. He claimed to be the Almighty God and deemed Jesus Christ to be his son. He considered Mount Elgon which is near his home to be Mount Zion. He died on July 18, 2015 at", "title": "Jehovah Wanyonyi" }, { "docid": "4755558", "text": "to transmission. In the United States the Sci-Fi Channel did run the two episodes consecutively on 17 March 2006. The broadcast of \"The End of the World\" in the US was watched by 1.61 million viewers. Overnight figures showed that \"The End of the World\" was watched by 7.3 million viewers in the UK, down 2.6 million viewers from the premiere. When final ratings were calculated, figures rose to 7.97 million. Arnold T Blumburg of the magazine \"Now Playing\" gave \"The End of the World\" a grade of \"A-\", praising the spectacle as well as the performances of Eccleston and", "title": "The End of the World (Doctor Who)" }, { "docid": "4566600", "text": "refuse to perform military service (which is obligatory for all male citizens), salute the flag, or swear oaths of allegiance to the state. Singapore has banned all written materials (including Bibles) published by the International Bible Students Association and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, both publishing arms of the Jehovah's Witnesses. A person in possession of banned literature can be fined up to S$2,000 (US$1,460) and jailed up to 12 months for a first conviction. In France, a number of court cases have involved Jehovah Witnesses and their organizations, especially on the question of their refusing blood transfusions to", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses and governments" }, { "docid": "7037554", "text": "received. Watch Tower publications often cite Proverbs 4:18, \"The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established\" (NWT) to support their view that there would be an increase in knowledge during \"the time of the end\", as mentioned in Daniel 12:4. Jehovah's Witnesses state that this increase in knowledge needs adjustments. Watch Tower publications also say that unfulfilled expectations are partly due to eagerness for God's Kingdom and that they do not call their core beliefs into question. Jehovah's Witnesses teach the imminent end of the", "title": "Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "17351148", "text": "The Words I Would Say \"The Words I Would Say\" is a song from \"These Simple Truths\", the first studio album from Sidewalk Prophets. According to lead vocalist Dave Frey, God would bring the notion of a companion or relative to his mind. Frey then felt the need to literally write that person a letter. Parts of the chorus made their way into those letters, whose song could be about a parent writing to their son or daughter who has departed, an engaged person writing to their fiancée, or simply an individual addressing their friend. The song was designed to", "title": "The Words I Would Say" }, { "docid": "19261389", "text": "The End of the World (Mucc album) The End of the World is Mucc's twelfth full-length album, released on June 25th, 2014. It was released in two different versions, the Limited version including a bonus DVD with documentary footage. In 2013, Mucc began looking for two new members who would participate in recording, photo shoots and interviews. Applicants had to send in five stickers included with CDs, DVDs and other goods, released in commemoration of the band's 15th anniversary along with an application; it was noted that they did not need to know how to play an instrument. The winners", "title": "The End of the World (Mucc album)" }, { "docid": "1387289", "text": "that acceptance of blood fractions from donated blood is a matter of conscience. A 2006 issue of Jehovah's Witnesses' newsletter \"Our Kingdom Ministry\" stated, \"Although [Jehovah's Witnesses] do not donate or store their own blood \"for transfusion purposes\", some procedures or tests involving an individual’s blood are not so clearly in conflict with Bible principles. Therefore, each individual should make a conscientious decision\" [emphasis added]. Raymond Franz has challenged these policies because acceptable blood fractions can only be derived from stored blood provided by donors. Regardless of the medical considerations, Jehovah Witnesses advocate that physicians should uphold the right of", "title": "Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "7492830", "text": "Hebrew vowel points of \"Adonai\" were added to the Tetragrammaton by the Masoretes, and the resulting form was transliterated around the 12th century as \"Yehowah\". The derived forms \"Iehouah\" and \"Jehovah\" first appeared in the 16th century. \"Jehovah\" was popularized in the English-speaking world by William Tyndale and other pioneer English Protestant translations such as the Geneva Bible and the King James Version. It is still used in some translations, such as the New World Translation, the American Standard Version, and Young's Literal Translation, but it does not appear in most mainstream English translations, as the terms \"Lord\" or \"\"", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "19446423", "text": "part of the album's pre-release video series. The official music video was released on July 9, 2017. Also directed by Edwards, the video is composed of footage from Bentley's 2017 tour. What the Hell Did I Say \"What the Hell Did I Say\" is a song co-written and recorded by country music artist Dierks Bentley. It was released in June 2017 as the fourth single from his 2016 album \"Black\". This is the second collaboration by Bentley, Kear and Tompkins, following the highly successful No. 1 single \"Drunk on a Plane\". However, unlike \"Drunk\", this song underperformed and became the", "title": "What the Hell Did I Say" }, { "docid": "19446422", "text": "What the Hell Did I Say \"What the Hell Did I Say\" is a song co-written and recorded by country music artist Dierks Bentley. It was released in June 2017 as the fourth single from his 2016 album \"Black\". This is the second collaboration by Bentley, Kear and Tompkins, following the highly successful No. 1 single \"Drunk on a Plane\". However, unlike \"Drunk\", this song underperformed and became the lowest charting single of Bentley's career. The song is about getting intoxicated and giving a girl false promises. A promotional video directed by Wes Edwards premiered on April 29, 2016 as", "title": "What the Hell Did I Say" }, { "docid": "16194937", "text": "God's standards of conduct and morality, use of the divine name \"Jehovah\" in worship, membership of God's \"organization\", and active support of anointed Christians. Based on a literal interpretation of scriptures such as Revelation 14:1–4, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that exactly 144,000 faithful Christians go to heaven as spirit creatures to rule with Christ in the kingdom of God. They believe that most of those are already in heaven, and that the \"remnant\" at Revelation 12:17 (KJV) refers to those remaining alive on earth who will be immediately resurrected to heaven when they die. The Witnesses understand Jesus’ words at John", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" }, { "docid": "6830088", "text": "network of anointed ones.\" At the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Watch Tower Society, the \"faithful and discreet slave\" was redefined as referring to the Governing Body only and the terms are now synonymous. The following people are members of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses (year appointed in parentheses): Prior to 1971, various Watch Tower Society directors were informally identified as members of the \"governing body\". Jehovah's Witnesses publications began capitalizing \"Governing Body\" as a proper noun in 1971; \"The Watchtower\" that year announced \"The present Governing Body comprises eleven anointed witnesses of Jehovah.\" These eleven members are indicated", "title": "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "10693918", "text": "Happy End of the World Happy End of the World is the tenth studio album by Japanese pop band Pizzicato Five. The album was released on June 21, 1997 by Readymade Records and Matador Records. In the United States, it peaked at number 32 on \"Billboard\"s Heatseekers Albums chart. A companion remix album, \"Happy End of You\", was released in 1998. Matt Diehl of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote, \"Japan's favorite avant-lounge duo, Pizzicato Five, returns with a more club-oriented set, but their blend of '60s kitsch and savvy pop-culture references remains intact in \"Happy End of the World\", giving the Cardigans", "title": "Happy End of the World" }, { "docid": "6893444", "text": "sheet music published at Musicnotes.com, \"Until the End of the World\" is played at a tempo of 101 beats per minute in a 4/4 time signature. The basic key is E major. David Werther, a faculty associate in Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, compared \"Until the End of the World\" with U2's 1987 song \"Exit\" in an examination of the role music can play in catharsis. He noted that both were powerful songs, but that while \"Until the End of the World\" allowed the possibility of purification, which he described as the cleansing of the soul \"through pity and", "title": "Until the End of the World (song)" }, { "docid": "8558493", "text": "The Aka Pygmy and Indigenous Australian music used in the film are from field recordings from two collections: \"Centrafrique: Anthologie de la musique des Pygmées Aka\", 1978, and \"Les Aborigènes: Chants et danses de l'Australie du nord\", 1979, respectively. Album Until the End of the World (soundtrack) Until the End of the World: Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is a soundtrack album to the film of the same name, released in 1991 on Warner Bros. Records. One song on the album, U2's \"Until the End of the World\", had been previously released on that band's 1991 album \"Achtung Baby\",", "title": "Until the End of the World (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "7492858", "text": "that this name is \"traditionally\" transliterated as \"Jehovah\": A few translations use titles such as The \"Eternal\": Some translations use both \"Yahweh\" and \"\": Some translate the Tetragrammaton exclusively as \"Yahweh\": Following the Middle Ages, some churches and public buildings across Europe, both before and after the Protestant Reformation were decorated with the name Jehovah. For example, the Coat of Arms of Plymouth (UK) City Council bears the Latin inscription, \"Turris fortissima est nomen Jehova\" (English, \"The name of Jehovah is the strongest tower\"), derived from . Jehovah has been a popular English word for the personal name of God", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "12418464", "text": "in Burbank, California. Despite the album being initially planned for release in mid-September 2008, recording was not completed until September 18. In an interview with \"She Knows Entertainment\", Ritter commented \"I think \"When the World Comes Down\" has been a journey. I was twenty-three when I started writing this record. I'm twenty-four now... people say when you graduate college you figure out who you are. If I had graduated college, this would be that moment – now. I think I was most questioning life when I was getting off the road with \"Move Along\" and this record was therapy for", "title": "When the World Comes Down" }, { "docid": "11237001", "text": "what he calls the \"Western canon\". As he did later on with \"La Fiesta Del Chivo\" (\"The Feast of the Goat\"), Vargas Llosa tackles a huge number of characters and stories caught during a time of strife, interweaving these in way that gives us a picture of what it was to live in those times. The War of the End of the World The War of the End of the World () is a 1981 novel written by Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa. It is a novelization of the War of Canudos conflict in late 19th-century Brazil. In the midst", "title": "The War of the End of the World" }, { "docid": "10693920", "text": "stands out as a single, but it's an engaging record that suggests there may be more to the Pizzicato Five than kitsch.\" In 2007, \"Rolling Stone Japan\" placed it at number 64 on its list of the \"100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums of All Time\". Happy End of the World Happy End of the World is the tenth studio album by Japanese pop band Pizzicato Five. The album was released on June 21, 1997 by Readymade Records and Matador Records. In the United States, it peaked at number 32 on \"Billboard\"s Heatseekers Albums chart. A companion remix album, \"Happy End", "title": "Happy End of the World" }, { "docid": "7835751", "text": "through his holy spirit. A 1930 publication claimed God used \"invisible deputies\" and \"invisible angels\" to pass his \"messages\" to \"The Watchtower\", although \"The Watchtower\" told Witnesses it was not necessary for them to understand how this took place. A 1973 policy change to disfellowship tobacco users was explained as a decision that \"Jehovah has brought to the attention of his 'holy' people\". Watch Tower publications often cite Proverbs 4:18, \"The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established\" (\"NWT\") when explaining the need to change", "title": "Development of Jehovah's Witnesses doctrine" }, { "docid": "7492840", "text": "consonants (such as the \"Y\" in \"YHWH\"). The earliest available Latin text to use a vocalization similar to \"Jehovah\" dates from the 13th century. The \"Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon\" suggested that the pronunciation \"Jehovah\" was unknown until 1520 when it was introduced by Galatinus, who defended its use. In English it appeared in William Tyndale's translation of the Pentateuch (\"The Five Books of Moses\") published in 1530 in Germany, where Tyndale had studied since 1524, possibly in one or more of the universities at Wittenberg, Worms and Marburg, where Hebrew was taught. The spelling used by Tyndale was \"Iehouah\"; at that time,", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "19905809", "text": "he did not have a title for the song until he saw a sign reading \"Tavern at the End of the World\" in Boston. Harding presented the idea to David Lee Murphy at a songwriting session, and Murphy provided the opening lines. Bar at the End of the World \"Bar at the End of the World\" is a song written by J. T. Harding, Aimee Mayo, and David Lee Murphy and recorded by American country music artist Kenny Chesney. It was released in January 2017 as the third single from Chesney's 2016 album \"Cosmic Hallelujah\". The song is a mid-tempo", "title": "Bar at the End of the World" }, { "docid": "10451630", "text": "enthusiastic in their praise. A computer generated promotional music video was produced to accompany \"It's Not the End of the World?\"'s release as a single. Directed by Numero 6 the video won the special jury prize at the 2002 Imagina Festival. An alternative video, directed by Dylan Jones, was included on the DVD release of \"Rings Around the World\" featuring archive footage of nuclear explosions. \"It's Not the End of the World?\" is \"a romantic song about growing old\" according to singer Gruff Rhys. In an interview with British newspaper \"The Daily Telegraph\" Rhys discussed the song in the context", "title": "It's Not the End of the World?" }, { "docid": "20762723", "text": "Say When\" as a single. This was due to the belief that the softer sound of \"Just Say When\" was most likely out of the album to appeal outside of the band's core hard rock fanbase and into the alternative rock, indie rock, and pop music radio stations and markets, in an effort to maximize the band's exposure from the Grammy Nominations. While the band would ultimately released the hard rock \"Do You Really Want It?\" as the album's second single, the band later released \"Just Say When\" as the third single. The song, alongside an accompanying music video, was", "title": "Just Say When" }, { "docid": "16194925", "text": "\"Jehovah\" with the same prevalence, they believe that only Jehovah's Witnesses are making God's name known. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is God's \"only-begotten Son\", and that his life began in heaven. He is described as God's first creation and the \"exact representation of God\", but is believed to be a separate entity and not part of a Trinity. Jesus is said to have been used by God in the creation of all other things. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Archangel, Michael, \"the Word\" of John 1:1, and wisdom personified in Proverbs 8 refer to Jesus in his pre-human existence", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" }, { "docid": "16194912", "text": "Satan, will be ended by a direct intervention of Jehovah (God), who will use Jesus Christ to fully establish his heavenly government over earth, destroying existing human governments and non-Witnesses, and creating a cleansed society of true worshippers who can live forever. They see their mission as primarily evangelical (disseminating \"good news\"), to warn as many people as possible in the remaining time before Armageddon. All members of the denomination are expected to take an active part in preaching. Witnesses refer to all their beliefs collectively as \"the Truth\". Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses are established by their Governing Body, which", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" }, { "docid": "16194919", "text": "God and the apostles' loyalty to Christ to promote the view that Witnesses should be loyal to the Watch Tower Society. Sociologist Andrew Holden has observed that Witnesses see no distinction between loyalty to Jehovah and to the movement itself, and other researchers have claimed that challenging the views of those higher up the hierarchical ladder is regarded as tantamount to challenging God himself. Witnesses believe that after the death of the apostles, the Church embarked on a \"Great Apostasy\", diverging from the original teachings of Jesus on several major points. Influenced by Restorationism in the 19th century, Charles Taze", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs" }, { "docid": "7492841", "text": "\"I\" was not distinguished from J, and U was not distinguished from V. The original 1611 printing of the Authorized King James Version used \"Iehovah\". Tyndale wrote about the divine name: \"IEHOUAH [Jehovah], is God's name; neither is any creature so called; and it is as much to say as, One that is of himself, and dependeth of nothing. Moreover, as oft as thou seest in great letters (except there be any error in the printing), it is in Hebrew \"Iehouah\", Thou that art; or, He that is.\" The name is also found in a 1651 edition of Ramón Martí's", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "6672843", "text": "the band's most successful single since 1996's \"Mint Car\", peaking at number 25 on the UK Singles Chart, number 19 on the Billboard Hot Modern Rock Tracks chart in the United States and number 42 on the Irish Singles Chart. The End of the World (The Cure song) \"The End of the World\" is a song by English rock band The Cure. It was the first single to be taken from their 2004 album \"The Cure\". The music video was directed by Floria Sigismondi and shows Smith in a house which begins to destroy itself. As he leaves the house,", "title": "The End of the World (The Cure song)" }, { "docid": "20132520", "text": "on her terms. Later, Leslie admits to Ron (Nick Offerman) that she would want to spend her last night with Ben if the world was ending. Ron reminds Leslie that the world is not ending, so she must accept her decision to prioritize her political career over Ben. Meanwhile, April and Andy have completed Andy’s bucket list, only missing seeing the Grand Canyon. They steal April’s father’s car and begin driving to Arizona. The world does not end, as expected, and Entertainment 720's party is a huge success. Lucy congratulates Tom the next morning, and Leslie apologizes to Ben and", "title": "End of the World (Parks and Recreation)" }, { "docid": "18812422", "text": "Towing Jehovah Towing Jehovah is a 1994 fantasy novel by American writer James K. Morrow, published by Harcourt Brace. The book is about the death of God and the subsequent towing of his body across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1995 it received the World Fantasy Award for best novel, with two additional best novel awards. It was followed by two sequels in 1996 and 1999. God is dead, and now God's two-mile-long cadaver is floating in the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Africa. As a result, the archangel Raphael hires supertanker captain Anthony Van Horne to tow the", "title": "Towing Jehovah" }, { "docid": "6893439", "text": "on the cheek in the Garden of Gethsemane; and the final is about Judas' suicide after being overwhelmed with guilt and sadness. \"Until the End of the World\" enjoyed success on alternative and rock radio in the United States, where it was released as a promotional single; it peaked within the top 5 of \"Billboard\"s Modern Rock Tracks and Album Rock Tracks charts. It also peaked at number 69 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Top 100 singles chart. \"Until the End of the World\" originated from a guitar riff by vocalist Bono from a demo called \"Fat Boy\" that the band", "title": "Until the End of the World (song)" }, { "docid": "18812425", "text": "\"buoyant\" for the same reason that it is \"ultimately, a little disappointing\": namely, \"Morrow doesn't care as much [as Vonnegut]\". A sequel, \"Blameless in Abaddon\", was published in 1996, and a second sequel, \"The Eternal Footman\", was published in 1999. Towing Jehovah Towing Jehovah is a 1994 fantasy novel by American writer James K. Morrow, published by Harcourt Brace. The book is about the death of God and the subsequent towing of his body across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1995 it received the World Fantasy Award for best novel, with two additional best novel awards. It was followed by two", "title": "Towing Jehovah" }, { "docid": "19396494", "text": "narrowly missing out on becoming the band's first studio album to reach number one. Nonetheless, it was an unexpected chart return for the album and marked their highest charting album since 1999's \"Millionaires\". Girl at the End of the World Girl at the End of the World is the 14th studio album by British alternative rock band James, released in March 2016. It features twelve tracks and was released on CD, vinyl, cassette and as an MP3 download. The album came close to knocking Adele's album \"25\" (2015) off the top of the UK Albums Chart, reaching number one in", "title": "Girl at the End of the World" }, { "docid": "18812423", "text": "cadaver into the Arctic, with the intention of having it be preserved by the cold. \"Towing Jehovah\" won the 1995 World Fantasy Award for best novel, and was nominated for the 1995 Hugo Award for Best Novel and the 1995 Nebula Award for Best Novel, shortlisted for the 1995 Arthur C. Clarke Award, and ranked second for the 1995 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel. As well, the French translation, \"Remorquant Jehovah\", won the 1996 Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire for best foreign-language novel. Jo Walton has described it as \"brilliant but weird\", and \"terrific\", while Steven H Silver has called", "title": "Towing Jehovah" }, { "docid": "18797770", "text": "worship; until the last two decades, the great majority of Brethren assemblies around the world had a policy of reserving the \"vocal\" roles in worship to men only. Much (though not all) of the Indian Brethren movement remains very conservative and resistant to the changes that have occurred in some parts of the Brethren world in the last generation. This is one of the lines of demarcation between the Assemblies Jehovah Shammah and the older Indian Brethren movement. Although the Assemblies Jehovah Shammah developed independently of the Indian Brethren movement, the many similarities between the two movements mean that the", "title": "Assemblies Jehovah Shammah" }, { "docid": "1387244", "text": "but describes its record of telling the future as \"pathetic\". Beverley says the Watch Tower Society has passed judgment on others who have falsely predicted the end of the world (he cites a 1968 \"Awake!\" article that says other groups were \"guilty of false prophesying\" after having \"predicted an 'end to the world', even announcing a specific date\"). The Watch Tower Society rejects accusations that it is a false prophet. It admits its explanations of Bible prophecy are not infallible and that its predictions are not claimed explicitly as \"the words of Jehovah.\" It states that some of its expectations", "title": "Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "7492860", "text": "separate individual, is sometimes referred to by the proper name \"Elohim\". Transcriptions of similar to \"Jehovah\" occurred as early as the 12th century. Jehovah Jehovah ( ) is a Latinization of the Hebrew , one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible and one of the seven names of God in Judaism. The consensus among scholars is that the historical vocalization of the Tetragrammaton at the time of the redaction of the Torah (6th century BCE) is most likely Yahweh. The historical vocalization was lost because in Second Temple Judaism,", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "7492836", "text": "1611 \"King James Version\", \"Jehovah\" occurred seven times. In the 1885 \"English Revised Version\", the form \"Jehovah\" occurs twelve times. In the 1901 \"American Standard Version\" the form \"Je-ho’vah\" became the regular English rendering of the Hebrew , all throughout, in preference to the previously dominant \"the \", which is generally used in the King James Version. It is also used in Christian hymns such as the 1771 hymn, \"Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah\". The most widespread theory is that the Hebrew term has the vowel points of (\"adonai\"). Using the vowels of \"adonai\", the composite \"hataf patah\" under", "title": "Jehovah" }, { "docid": "8334566", "text": "What Did He Say? What Did He Say? is the second solo album released by bassist Victor Wooten. 1. \"Yo Victa\" – 0:07 2. \"What Did He Say?\" – 3:20 3. \"What You Won't Do for Love\" – 4:43 4. \"Cherokee\" – 1:49 5. \"Don't Wanna Cry\" – 5:07 6. \"The Lonliest Monk\" – 4:36 7. \"A Chance\" – 2:54 8. \"Radio W-OO-10\" – 1:06 9. \"Norwegian Wood\" – 4:52 10. \"Bro John\" – 4:18 11. \"Naima\" – 5:57 12. \"Sometimes I Laugh\" – 3:20 13. \"My Life\" – 4:45 14. \"The Sojourn of Arjuna\" – 6:29 15. \"Buzz Ntro\"", "title": "What Did He Say?" }, { "docid": "10207141", "text": "hid\"..\"If you loved me with all of your heart/You'd never take a million dollars to part\". He would use the instrumental of this song as both an instrumental track (with several Gaye ad-libs) and as the reprise of the album to end it. The song served as the template for Daryl Hall's song \"Stop Loving Me, Stop Loving You,\" from his 1993 solo album, \"Soul Alone.\" After being played the song by a friend and thinking it was an unreleased bootleg, Hall reworked the tune as a standard-structured R&B/pop song. When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop", "title": "When Did You Stop Loving Me, When Did I Stop Loving You" }, { "docid": "4903226", "text": "Jehovah-shammah Jehovah-shammah is a Christian transliteration of the Hebrew meaning \"Jehovah is there\", the name given to the city in Ezekiel's vision in . These are the final words of the Book of Ezekiel. The first word of the phrase is the tetragrammaton . Jehovah is a Christian anglicized vocalization of this name. Easton's Bible Dictionary identifies the city in Ezekiel's vision as Jerusalem, and as a type of the gospel Church. Commentaries such as that of Matthew Henry draw attention to the similarities of the vision of the holy city, the new Jerusalem, in the closing chapters of the", "title": "Jehovah-shammah" }, { "docid": "4903228", "text": "the saints. Jehovah-shammah Jehovah-shammah is a Christian transliteration of the Hebrew meaning \"Jehovah is there\", the name given to the city in Ezekiel's vision in . These are the final words of the Book of Ezekiel. The first word of the phrase is the tetragrammaton . Jehovah is a Christian anglicized vocalization of this name. Easton's Bible Dictionary identifies the city in Ezekiel's vision as Jerusalem, and as a type of the gospel Church. Commentaries such as that of Matthew Henry draw attention to the similarities of the vision of the holy city, the new Jerusalem, in the closing chapters", "title": "Jehovah-shammah" }, { "docid": "8334567", "text": "– 0:31 16. \"A Little Buzz\" – 2:46 17. \"Kids Didn't Change\" – 0:54 18. \"Heaven Is Where the Heart Is\" – 5:03 What Did He Say? What Did He Say? is the second solo album released by bassist Victor Wooten. 1. \"Yo Victa\" – 0:07 2. \"What Did He Say?\" – 3:20 3. \"What You Won't Do for Love\" – 4:43 4. \"Cherokee\" – 1:49 5. \"Don't Wanna Cry\" – 5:07 6. \"The Lonliest Monk\" – 4:36 7. \"A Chance\" – 2:54 8. \"Radio W-OO-10\" – 1:06 9. \"Norwegian Wood\" – 4:52 10. \"Bro John\" – 4:18 11. \"Naima\"", "title": "What Did He Say?" }, { "docid": "19261391", "text": "and could now leave to become a fan once more: On December 1, 2013, Mucc gave a free performance in Amerikamura's Triangle Park to an estimated 3,000 fans. On June 25, 2014, the band announced the release of \"The End of the World\" and toured for the album. The End of the World (Mucc album) The End of the World is Mucc's twelfth full-length album, released on June 25th, 2014. It was released in two different versions, the Limited version including a bonus DVD with documentary footage. In 2013, Mucc began looking for two new members who would participate in", "title": "The End of the World (Mucc album)" }, { "docid": "1387298", "text": "\"restored\" on a sound basis, stating that when New Testament writers quote earlier Old Testament scriptures containing the Tetragrammaton (יהוה), \"the translator has the right to render Kyrios (\"LORD\") as Jehovah.\" The NWT mentions twenty-seven other translations which have similarly rendered \"Kyrios\" as a form of the name \"Jehovah\", stating that there is only one verse where the NWT does so without agreement from other translations. The Society has claimed its translation \"courageously restores God’s name, Jehovah, to its proper place in the Biblical text, is free from the bias of religious traditionalism, and ... gives the literal meaning of", "title": "Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "9590945", "text": "singer Bell's mother's alcoholism. The album is available as two different editions: a standard 10-track CD album (CDSTUMM285) and a special 12-track deluxe limited edition CD album (LCDSTUMM285). As with its predecessor, 2005's \"Nightbird\", \"Light at the End of the World\" was not released on vinyl, although its singles were all given commercial seven-inch releases. All tracks written by Andy Bell and Vince Clarke. Subsequent to their acquisition of Erasure's back catalog, and in anticipation of the band's 30th anniversary, BMG commissioned reissues of all previously released UK editions of Erasure albums up to and including 2007's \"Light at the", "title": "Light at the End of the World" }, { "docid": "630719", "text": "with God's spirit-directed organization,\" though Witness publications say baptism symbolizes personal dedication to God and not \"to a man, work or organization.\" Their literature emphasizes the need for members to be obedient and loyal to Jehovah and to \"his organization,\" stating that individuals must remain part of it to receive God's favor and to survive Armageddon. The organization produces a significant amount of literature as part of its evangelism activities. The Watch Tower Society has produced over 220 million copies of the \"New World Translation\" in whole or in part in over 160 languages. \"The Watchtower\" and \"Awake!\" are the", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "16272896", "text": "in seven years for the song \"Death is New York\" on February 10, 2012. It used footage from a short film directed by Boštjan in 1954, titled \"Pravljica o ljubezni\" (\"Fable of Love\"). A second video, for the song \"Heart of Darkness\", was uploaded to YouTube on March 9, 2012, which also uses footage from a Boštjan Hladnik film, 1971's \"Maškarada\" ('Masquerade\"). Musical Accompaniment for the End of the World Musical Accompaniment for the End of the World (Songs for Two Pianos, Tactful Synths and Voice) is the fourth studio album by the Slovene duo Silence, scheduled to be released", "title": "Musical Accompaniment for the End of the World" }, { "docid": "18797774", "text": "a significant part of the Brethren movement in Pakistan, where Bakht Singh began preaching while it was still a part of British India. The movement has spread outside of the Indian subcontinent through Indian emigration. Some congregations may now be found in Australia. Assemblies Jehovah Shammah The Assemblies Jehovah Shammah are an Evangelical Christian network of churches that originated in India, which is still home to the great majority of them. The Evangelical publication Operation World estimates their numbers, as of 2010, at 310,000 adults and children in 910 assemblies, as their churches are generally known. Other sources estimate upwards", "title": "Assemblies Jehovah Shammah" }, { "docid": "20893818", "text": "...Say When ...Say When is the fifth studio album by American singer Nicolette Larson. It was produced by Emory Gordy Jr. and Tony Brown, and released by MCA Records in 1985. Having signed with MCA in 1983, \"...Say When\" was Larson's first of two country albums for the label. It peaked at No. 48 on the \"Billboard\" Top Country Albums and remained on the chart for twenty weeks. Three singles were released from the album. \"Only Love Will Make It Right\" was released in January 1985 and reached No. 42 on \"Billboard's\" Hot Country Songs. \"When You Get a Little", "title": "...Say When" }, { "docid": "18797767", "text": "Assemblies Jehovah Shammah The Assemblies Jehovah Shammah are an Evangelical Christian network of churches that originated in India, which is still home to the great majority of them. The Evangelical publication Operation World estimates their numbers, as of 2010, at 310,000 adults and children in 910 assemblies, as their churches are generally known. Other sources estimate upwards of two thousand congregations, with a large presence in the State of Andhra Pradesh. The movement was founded in 1942 by evangelist Bakht Singh, whose theology and ecclesiology were much influenced by the Open Brethren. Although historically distinct from the Indian Brethren movement,", "title": "Assemblies Jehovah Shammah" }, { "docid": "18566493", "text": "Founder Institute was to launch 1,000 companies per year. Graduates were given access to a \"shared liquidity pool,\" where all participants in the program share equity in the companies formed. The first class graduated in October 2009 in Silicon Valley and was composed of 66 entrepreneurs and 54 companies. By the middle of 2010, The Founder Institute had chapters in ten cities throughout the world, including New York City, San Diego, Berlin, and Singapore. In May 2010, the chapters in New York and D.C. graduated a total of 25 new startups. By the end of 2011, it had more than", "title": "The Founder Institute" }, { "docid": "1387261", "text": "not read criticism of the organization by \"apostates\" or material published by other religious organizations. Heather and Gary Botting stated, \"Jehovah's Witnesses will brook no criticism from within, as many concerned members who have attempted to voice alternative opinions regarding the basic doctrine or application of social pressure have discovered to their chagrin.\" Heather and Gary Botting argue that the power of the Watch Tower Society to control members is gained through the acceptance of the Society \"quite literally as the voice of Jehovah—God's 'mouthpiece'.\" Franz claims the concept of loyalty to God's organization has no scriptural support and serves", "title": "Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "18818775", "text": "admirable, and the film's contrasts to mirror Dolan's. \"Télérama\"s Louis Guichard wrote Dolan kept his style with his first all-French cast and a darker story. AlloCiné, a French cinema website, gave the film an average of 3.2/5, based on a survey of 44 French reviews. On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds a 44% approval rating based on 77 reviews, with an average score of 5.6/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"It's Only the End of the World\" is stocked with talent and boasts a story steeped in conflict, but the end result proves a disappointing misfire from writer-director", "title": "It's Only the End of the World" }, { "docid": "19007951", "text": "intends to carry on with solo work, having already returned following a 1992 'final' solo tour. Iommi confirmed no more world tours, but remains open to a new album or one-off show. Iommi had been diagnosed with lymphoma in 2012, and the toll of touring on his health was the main reason to end touring. Osbourne had intended to say something to the crowd but did not prepare a speech. He closed the show with a simple statement to the crowd \"\"Thank you, goodnight, thank you so much\".\" \"The End\" [Video intro] \"Zeitgeist\" [Audio outro] \"The End\" [Video intro] \"Zeitgeist\"", "title": "The End Tour" }, { "docid": "8167435", "text": "Jehovah-jireh In the Book of Genesis, Jehovah-jireh or Yahweh Yireh (Jehovah/Yahweh will provide) was a place in the land of Moriah. It was the location of the binding of Isaac, where God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham named the place after God provided a ram to sacrifice in place of Isaac. The phrase continues to be used among Christians. In Hebrew, the name is , \"YHWH yirʾe\" The first word of the phrase is the Tetragrammaton (), \"YHWH\", the most common name of God in the Hebrew Bible, which is usually given the", "title": "Jehovah-jireh" }, { "docid": "8167440", "text": "California, USA. Jehovah-jireh In the Book of Genesis, Jehovah-jireh or Yahweh Yireh (Jehovah/Yahweh will provide) was a place in the land of Moriah. It was the location of the binding of Isaac, where God told Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham named the place after God provided a ram to sacrifice in place of Isaac. The phrase continues to be used among Christians. In Hebrew, the name is , \"YHWH yirʾe\" The first word of the phrase is the Tetragrammaton (), \"YHWH\", the most common name of God in the Hebrew Bible, which is usually", "title": "Jehovah-jireh" }, { "docid": "9704394", "text": "which they enlisted, by which they were animated and kept together, and therefore which they erected in the day of their triumph.\" Jehovah-nissi According to the Book of Exodus in the Bible, Jehovah-Nissi (Hebrew: יְהוָה נִסִּי) is the name given by Moses to the altar which he built to celebrate the defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim. The first word of the phrase is the Tetragrammaton , the name of God. It is generally translated in English bibles as \"the \". Jehovah is a Christian anglicized vocalization of this name. The Septuagint translators believed \"nis·si′\" to be derived from \"nus\"", "title": "Jehovah-nissi" }, { "docid": "9704392", "text": "Jehovah-nissi According to the Book of Exodus in the Bible, Jehovah-Nissi (Hebrew: יְהוָה נִסִּי) is the name given by Moses to the altar which he built to celebrate the defeat of the Amalekites at Rephidim. The first word of the phrase is the Tetragrammaton , the name of God. It is generally translated in English bibles as \"the \". Jehovah is a Christian anglicized vocalization of this name. The Septuagint translators believed \"nis·si′\" to be derived from \"nus\" (flee for refuge) and rendered it \"the Lord My Refuge\", while in the Vulgate it was thought to be derived from \"na·sas′\"", "title": "Jehovah-nissi" }, { "docid": "8167438", "text": "site of the Temple built by Solomon. The Targumim do not regard \"Jehovah-jireh\" as a proper name. Considering the passive construction of Abraham's words in verse 14, \"In the mount of the it shall be seen\", Calvin comments that it teaches \"that God not only looks upon those who are his, but also makes his help manifest to them...\" John Wesley and Matthew Henry go further, suggesting that \"perhaps it may refer to God manifest in the flesh.\" \"Jehovah Jireh\" is the title of an 1867 book by William Plumer. \"Jehovah Jireh\" is the title of several modern songs, including", "title": "Jehovah-jireh" }, { "docid": "9704393", "text": "(hoist; lift up) and was rendered \"Jehovah Is My Exaltation\". In many modern Christian translations, such as the New International Version, the name is translated “the is my banner.\" Nes (nês), from which Nissi derived, means \"banner\" in Hebrew. The chapter recounts that Israel had the advantage over Amalek as long as Moses, watching the battle from a vantage point, held his staff aloft. Matthew Henry considered that \"Jehovah-nissi–The Lord is my banner\" \"probably refers to the lifting up of the rod of God as a banner in this action. The presence and power of Jehovah were the banner under", "title": "Jehovah-nissi" }, { "docid": "7037582", "text": "world in 1969, stated about that promised reign (which would begin at \"God's fixed time\"): In 1968, a \"Watchtower\" article asked: \"Why Are You Looking Forward to 1975?\": Young Witnesses were advised in 1969 to avoid careers requiring lengthy periods of schooling and a 1974 issue of the \"Kingdom Ministry\" newsletter commended Witnesses who had sold their homes and property to engage in full-time preaching, adding: \"Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end.\" In a lecture in early 1975, then vice president Fred Franz selected sundown on September 5, 1975", "title": "Eschatology of Jehovah's Witnesses" }, { "docid": "8167439", "text": "one by Don Moen included on his 1986 debut album \"Give Thanks\"; various others have covered it, including thrash metal band Deliverance on their 1989 self-titled debut album. Chandra Currelley performed by another song with the same title in the 2006 play \"What's Done in the Dark\". R&B singer Frank Ocean also uses the name \"Jehovah Jireh\" in his debut album/mixtape Nostalgia, Ultra in the song is titled 'We All Try\" . Organisations bearing the name include Jehovah Jireh Children's Homes in Kenya, founded by Manasses Kuria, and local churches such as Jehovah Jireh Samoan Assembly of God in Victorville,", "title": "Jehovah-jireh" }, { "docid": "20302257", "text": "the war was over, but did not surrender. If one were to add up all of these numbers (including the minimum number of crew members on the U-boats), the number of troops surrendered would be as follows (in order of number of troops and organized by ethnicity/nation); Timeline of the surrender of Axis forces at the end of World War II This is a timeline of the surrenders of the various armies of the Axis powers that marked the end of World War II. There are two lists: the first denotes surrenders in April–November 1945. The second one shows the", "title": "Timeline of the surrender of Axis forces at the end of World War II" }, { "docid": "20251403", "text": "Kamal analyzed the album did well in terms of songwriting and had a very ambitious concept but failed in terms of execution: \"As well done as some of the songs on \"Top Ten Hits of the End of the World\" are, they all share so much of Prince Rama’s own sensibility that it’s difficult to take them seriously as the supposed creations of fictional bands.\" Some reviewers disliked how \"Top 10 Hits of the End of the World\" didn't reflect the varied amount of genres marketed in its press release. An article in \"The Guardian\" stated the album was just", "title": "Top 10 Hits of the End of the World" }, { "docid": "5876013", "text": "turbulence and unrest of World War I. The film is also known as The Flaming Sword. It was restored by the Danish Film Institute and released on DVD in 2006. The End of the World (1916 film) The End of the World () is a 1916 Danish science fiction drama film directed by August Blom and written by Otto Rung, starring Olaf Fønss and Ebba Thomsen. The film depicts a worldwide catastrophe when an errant comet passes by Earth and causes natural disasters and social unrest. Blom and his crew created special effects for the comet disaster using showers of", "title": "The End of the World (1916 film)" }, { "docid": "6405943", "text": "It's Not the End of the World It's Not the End of the World is a young adult novel written by Judy Blume, published in 1972. Karen Newman feels like her world is coming undone and has soured on the idea of marriage. In her diary, she gives each day a letter grade; lately, her days have not been graded higher than a C-minus. She is overjoyed to learn that her sixth grade teacher will be Miss Pace, a nice and popular teacher, but when the first day of school comes, she is crushed to find that Miss Pace, after", "title": "It's Not the End of the World" }, { "docid": "7846891", "text": "of Jehovah. Salvation is described as a free gift from God, but is said to be unattainable without good works that are prompted by faith. The works prove faith is genuine. Preaching is said to be one of the works necessary for salvation, both of themselves and those to whom they preach. They believe that baptism as a member of Jehovah's Witnesses is \"a vital step toward gaining salvation\", and that people can be \"saved\" by identifying God's organization. They also believe that conforming to the moral requirements set out in the Bible is essential for salvation. The Witnesses reject", "title": "Jehovah's Witnesses and salvation" }, { "docid": "2889832", "text": "but with regard to my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.\" While opposers of the faith critique their use of the form “Jehovah”, Jehovah’s Witnesses still hold on to their belief that, despite having scholars prefer the “Yahweh” pronunciation, the name Jehovah adequately transmits the idea behind the meaning of God’s name in English. While they don’t discourage the use of the “Yahweh” pronunciation, they highly consider the long history of the name Jehovah in the English language and see that it sufficiently identifies God’s divine persona. Deus is the Latin word for \"god\". It was", "title": "Names of God" }, { "docid": "19081650", "text": "When everything is packed up, they look at their past music videos on a sofa before finally gathering together in an empty room to say goodbyes for a final time. At the same time it shows all the rooms empty and when it shows the living room they're in, we find the room empty, indicating they have left. Say Goodbye (S Club song) \"Say Goodbye\" is a song by S Club, released as a single from the compilation \"\". The final single released before the band's split, it was released on 26 May 2003 as a double A-side with \"Love", "title": "Say Goodbye (S Club song)" }, { "docid": "20091495", "text": "that had featured in the series. However, he went on to praise the ending of the episode and how it saved the episode itself, finding the similarities with the second part of the Tenth Doctor serial \"The End of Time\" and how the Doctor managed to save the world, but at a cost. Wilkins commenting on the unexpected ending, stating that it is \"probably what I'm going to remember from \"The Pyramid At The End Of The World,\" especially when thinking of it as the middle entry between the brilliant \"Extremis\" and the seriously intriguing-looking \"The Lie Of The Land.\"\"", "title": "The Pyramid at the End of the World" }, { "docid": "12709367", "text": "But the picture is also the story of one character in particular, Bobby, and when it comes to Bobby, \"A Home at the End of the World\" is sappy and bogus.\" He added, \"Farrell is not the first actor anyone would cast as an innocent, and he seems to know that and is keen on making good. His speech is tentative but true. His eyes are darting but soulful. The effort is there, but it's a performance you end up rooting for rather than enjoying, because there's no way to just relax and watch.\" Peter Travers of \"Rolling Stone\" awarded", "title": "A Home at the End of the World (film)" }, { "docid": "20218113", "text": "The End of the World (video) The End of the World (also known as End of Ze World) was a Flash animated viral video created by Jason Windsor of Albino Blacksheep in 2003. As of 2017, the official upload of the video on YouTube has over 11 million views. Around the time the video was created, the United States invaded Iraq, which ultimately led to the Iraq War. In an interview with \"Daily Dot\" in 2017, Windsor said “I don’t know that I really thought that the world was going to end...I guess that was kind of the first time", "title": "The End of the World (video)" }, { "docid": "18591469", "text": "The Wonderful End of the World The Wonderful End of the World is a 2008 video game made by Dejobaan Games. It involves a marionette that grabs as many objects as he can before the end of the world. It has been compared with \"Katamari Damacy\" due to their similar gameplay. In \"The Wonderful End of the World\", the player takes control of a puppet that is able to grab small objects. The object of the game is to grab as many small objects as they can, growing bigger with each object consumed. The level ends once the player has", "title": "The Wonderful End of the World" }, { "docid": "11236998", "text": "The War of the End of the World The War of the End of the World () is a 1981 novel written by Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa. It is a novelization of the War of Canudos conflict in late 19th-century Brazil. In the midst of the economic decline — following drought and the end of slavery — in the province of Bahia in Northeastern Brazil, the poor of the backlands are attracted by the charismatic figure and simple religious teachings of Antonio Conselheiro, called \"The Counselor\", who preaches that the end of the world is imminent and that the", "title": "The War of the End of the World" }, { "docid": "6830071", "text": "Society as the \"legal governing body\" of anointed Jehovah's Witnesses. A year later, in an article opposing the democratic election of congregation elders, the magazine said the appointment of such ones was the duty of \"a visible governing body under Jehovah God and his Christ.\" For several years, the role and specific identity of the governing body remained otherwise undefined. A 1955 organizational handbook stated that \"the visible governing body has been closely identified with the board of directors of this corporation.\" Referring to events related to their 1957 convention, a 1959 publication said \"the spiritual governing body of Jehovah’s", "title": "Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses" } ]
Who found the remains of the Titanic?
[ "Bob Ballard", "Robert Duane Ballard", "Robert Ballard", "Robert %22Bob%22 Ballard", "Robert d. ballard" ]
[ { "docid": "15885151", "text": "intact and undamaged dresser behind it. Robert Ballard has suggested that areas within the ship or buried under debris, where scavengers may not have been able to reach, may still contain human remains. According to Charles Pellegrino, who dived on \"Titanic\" in 2001, a finger bone encircled by the partial remains of a wedding ring was found concreted to the bottom of a soup tureen that was retrieved from the debris field. It was returned to the sea bed on the next dive. The longest-lasting inhabitants of \"Titanic\" are likely to be bacteria and archaea which have colonized the metal", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885175", "text": "counter to this objective. RMS Titanic Inc. has attracted considerable controversy for its approach to \"Titanic\". Two rival camps have formed following the wreck's discovery: the \"conservationists\", championed by RMS Titanic Inc.'s George Tulloch (who died in 2004), and the \"protectionists\", whose most prominent advocate is Robert Ballard. The first camp has argued that artefacts from around the wreck should be recovered and conserved, while the latter camp argues that the entire wreck site should have been left undisturbed as a mass grave. Both camps agree that the wreck itself should not be salvaged – though RMS Titanic Inc. did", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9013634", "text": "the \"Olympic\", whose B-Deck aft foyer was much smaller because of additional cabins and storage rooms. There was no reception area on the \"Olympic\" until the 1913 refit, which expanded the restaurant and added a reception area in emulation of \"Titanic\". On \"Titanic\" two additional en-suite staterooms were installed off of the A-Deck aft staircase, decreasing the size of the surrounding foyer in comparison to \"Olympic\". When Robert Ballard discovered the wreck of the \"Titanic\" in 1985, he found only a gaping well in the place that the Staircase had once occupied. The deck house that once formed the Boat", "title": "Grand Staircase of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927428", "text": "cultural phenomenon, commemorated by artists, film-makers, writers, composers, musicians and dancers from the time immediately after the sinking to the present day. On 1 September 1985, a joint US-French expedition led by Robert Ballard found the wreck of \"Titanic\", and the ship's rediscovery led to an explosion of interest in \"Titanic\"s story. Numerous expeditions have been launched to film the wreck and, controversially, to salvage objects from the debris field. The first major exhibition of recovered artefacts was held at London's National Maritime Museum in 1994–95. In 1997, James Cameron's eponymous film became the first movie ever to take $1", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885122", "text": "research. The stern section, which had previously received relatively little attention from explorers, was specifically targeted for analysis. The microbial colonies aboard \"Titanic\" were also a key focus of investigation. The second expedition, from 27 May – 12 June 2004, saw the return of Robert Ballard to \"Titanic\" nearly 20 years after he discovered it. The expedition spent 11 days on the wreck, carrying out high-resolution mapping using video and stereoscopic still images. 2005 saw two expeditions to the \"Titanic\". James Cameron returned for the third and last time to film \"Last Mysteries of the Titanic\". Another expedition searched for", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885186", "text": "included one by museums in England and Northern Ireland, with assistance from James Cameron and some financial support from National Geographic. Oceanographer Robert Ballard said he favored this bid since it would ensure that the memorabilia would be permanently displayed in Belfast and in Greenwich. A decision as to the outcome was to be made by a United States district court judge in the case titled \"RMS Titanic Inc., 16-02230, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Florida (Jacksonville)\". Journal and news articles Online publications Wreck of the RMS Titanic The wreck of the RMS \"Titanic\" lies at a depth of", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885096", "text": "of the film, made using a model of \"Titanic\", it would not have been physically possible. At the time of the book's writing, it was still believed that she sank in one piece. Robert Ballard of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution had long been interested in finding \"Titanic\". Despite early negotiations with possible backers being abandoned when it emerged that they wanted to turn the wreck into souvenir paperweights, more sympathetic backers joined Ballard to form a company named Seasonics International Ltd. as a vehicle for rediscovering and exploring \"Titanic\". In October 1977 he made his first attempt to find", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927332", "text": "the hull plates. This suggests that the iron rivets along the plate seams snapped off or popped open to create narrow gaps through which water flooded. An engineer from \"Titanic\"s builders, Harland and Wolff, suggested this scenario at the British Wreck Commissioner's inquiry following the disaster but his view was discounted. \"Titanic\"s discoverer Robert Ballard has commented that the assumption that the ship had suffered a major breach was \"a by-product of the mystique of the \"Titanic\". No one could believe that the great ship was sunk by a little sliver.\" Faults in the ship's hull may have been a", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885125", "text": "month, Robert Ballard, the wreck's discoverer, announced a plan to preserve the wreck of the \"Titanic\" by using deep-sea robots to paint the wreck with anti-fouling paint, to help keep the wreck in its current state for all time. The proposed plan that Ballard announced has been outlined in a documentary made to time with the Titanic's 100th sinking anniversary called \"Save the Titanic With Bob Ballard\" where Ballard himself talks about how this proposed paint job on the wreck will work. Ballard says that he proposed to robotically clean and repaint the \"Titanic\" with a colour scheme mimicking rusticles", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15098316", "text": "Secrets of the Titanic Secrets of the Titanic is a documentary, made and filmed over 1985, 1986, and 1987. Produced by the National Geographic Society, it was a \"National Geographic\" Video exclusive, narrated by Martin Sheen, written and produced by Nicolas Noxon consisting of historical photos and footage of the massive steamer being built and launched, the discovery and exploration by Dr. Robert Ballard, and a look inside the wreck, not only the ship itself, but the human story and sinking theories. At the time, young undersea explorer Bob Ballard develops the technology and the U.S. Navy sponsors an expedition.", "title": "Secrets of the Titanic" } ]
[ { "docid": "10475594", "text": "at sea. The following is a full list of known passengers who sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS \"Titanic\". Included in this list are the nine-member Guarantee Group and the eight members of the ship's band, listed as both passengers and crew. They are also included in the list of crew members on board RMS \"Titanic\". Passengers are colour-coded, indicating whether they were saved or perished.<br> Survivors are listed with the lifeboat from which they were known to be rescued. Victims whose remains were recovered after the sinking are listed with a superscript next to the body number,", "title": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "5300824", "text": "thereby resulting in a two row episode. Raise the Titanic! Raise the Titanic! is a 1976 adventure novel by Clive Cussler, published in the United States by the Viking Press. It tells the story of efforts to bring the remains of the ill-fated ocean liner RMS \"Titanic\" to the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in order to recover a stockpile of an exotic mineral that was being carried aboard. \"Raise the Titanic!\" was the third published book to feature the author's protagonist, Dirk Pitt. It was the first of Cussler's novels with a prologue set long before the main story,", "title": "Raise the Titanic!" }, { "docid": "5300815", "text": "Raise the Titanic! Raise the Titanic! is a 1976 adventure novel by Clive Cussler, published in the United States by the Viking Press. It tells the story of efforts to bring the remains of the ill-fated ocean liner RMS \"Titanic\" to the surface of the Atlantic Ocean in order to recover a stockpile of an exotic mineral that was being carried aboard. \"Raise the Titanic!\" was the third published book to feature the author's protagonist, Dirk Pitt. It was the first of Cussler's novels with a prologue set long before the main story, describing an incident with consequences resolved in", "title": "Raise the Titanic!" }, { "docid": "16002679", "text": "stop it from being sent. Ice and his gang of sharks decide to let an iceberg sink the \"Titanic\". They fool an octopus named Tentacles into heaving an iceberg to the surface of the ocean by concealing the plan in the form of a bet to see who can throw ice the farthest. Onboard the \"Titanic\", the Duke is forced to sign the whaling concession at gunpoint, after which Maltravers and his entourage flee the ship in a lifeboat. The crew of the \"Titanic\" then see the iceberg and attempt to avoid it, but the \"Titanic\" hits the berg despite", "title": "The Legend of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885182", "text": "Various other museums, including the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich and the SeaCity Museum in Southampton, have objects donated by survivors and relatives of victims, including some items that were retrieved from the bodies of victims. More donated \"Titanic\" artifacts are to be found in the Merseyside Maritime Museum in Liverpool and the Titanic Historical Society's museum in Indian Orchard, Springfield, Massachusetts. The latter's collection includes items such as the life jacket of Madeleine Astor, the wife of millionaire \"Titanic\" victim John Jacob Astor IV, a rivet which was removed from the hull before \"Titanic\" went to sea, an ice", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385820", "text": "many people into the sea. Wireless operator Harold Bride found himself trapped underneath the overturned hull. \"Titanic\"s increasing angle in the water and an opening expansion joint caused the stays supporting the forward funnel to snap and crash into the water, crushing swimmers in its path and pushing Collapsible B away from the sinking ship. As \"Titanic\" went under, the lifeboat was left in the midst of hundreds of people swimming in the water. Several dozen people climbed onto its hull, including Lightoller, who then took charge of it. Also aboard were Jack Thayer (whose mother was saved with her", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927355", "text": "one officer and four men who merely rowed around the dock for a few minutes before returning to the ship. The boats were supposed to be stocked with emergency supplies, but \"Titanic\"s passengers later found that they had only been partially provisioned despite the efforts of the ship's chief baker, Charles Joughin, and his staff to do so. No lifeboat or fire drills had been conducted since \"Titanic\" left Southampton. A lifeboat drill had been scheduled for the Sunday morning before the ship sank, but was cancelled for unknown reasons by Captain Smith. Lists had been posted on the ship", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885145", "text": "organisms that they found in and around \"Titanic\". A total of 28 species were observed, including sea anemones, crabs, shrimp, starfish, and rattail fish up to a yard (1 m) long. Much larger creatures have been glimpsed by explorers. Some of \"Titanic\"s fauna has never been seen anywhere else; James Cameron's 2001 expedition discovered a previously unknown type of sea cucumber, lavender with a glowing row of phosphorescent \"portholes\" along its side. A newly discovered species of rust-eating bacterium found on the ship has been named \"Halomonas titanicae\", which has been found to cause rapid decay of the wreck. Henrietta", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885104", "text": "day of the expedition, an object that looked like a propeller was found. Grimm announced on his return to Boston that \"Titanic\" had been found, but the scientists declined to endorse his identification. In July 1983, Grimm went back a third time with Ryan aboard the research vessel \"Robert D. Conrad\" to have another look at the \"propeller\". This time nothing was found and very bad weather brought an early end to the expedition. It later turned out that Sea MARC had actually passed over \"Titanic\" but had failed to detect it, while Deep Tow passed within of the wreck.", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385826", "text": "were taken to the White Star Line's Pier 59 in New York, where souvenir hunters soon stripped them of much of their equipment. The \"Titanic\" nameplates were removed by White Star Line workmen and the boats were inventoried by the C.M. Lane Lifeboat Co. of Brooklyn. They were assessed for salvage at a collective value of £930 ($4,972) as the only salvageable items recovered from \"Titanic\", they may have been taken back to England aboard \"Olympic\", which left New York on 23 May 1912, before either being destroyed or quietly redistributed to other vessels. Although nothing now remains of the", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16002673", "text": "The Legend of the Titanic The Legend of the Titanic (, ) is a 1999 Italian animated film directed by Orlando Corradi and Kim J. Ok. The film is a very loose adaptation of the RMS \"Titanic\" sinking and featured several fantasy elements such as anthropomorphic animals. \"The Legend of the Titanic\" was followed by a 2004 sequel titled \"Tentacolino\". In modern-day New York City an old mouse named Conners tells his grandchildren the supposedly \"true\" story of RMS \"Titanic\". In April 1912, Conners was a young sailor mouse on \"Titanic\"s maiden voyage from Southampton to New York. He is", "title": "The Legend of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885112", "text": "on \"Knorr\"s screens. One of them was identified as a boiler, identical to those shown in pictures from 1911. The following day, the main part of the wreck was found and \"Argo\" sent back the first pictures of \"Titanic\" since her sinking 73 years before. The discovery made headlines around the world. Following his discovery of the wreck site, Ballard returned to \"Titanic\" in July 1986 aboard the research vessel RV \"Atlantis II\". Now the deep-diving submersible DSV \"Alvin\" could take people back to \"Titanic\" for the first time since her sinking, and the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) \"Jason Jr.\"", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885093", "text": "The Titanic Salvage Company was established to manage the scheme and a group of businessmen from West Berlin set up an entity called Titanic-Tresor to support it financially. It fell apart when its proponents found they could not overcome the problem of how the balloons would be inflated in the first place. Calculations showed that it could take ten years to generate enough gas to overcome the water pressure. A variety of audacious but equally impractical schemes were put forward during the 1970s. One proposal called for 180,000 tons of molten wax (or alternatively, Vaseline) to be pumped into \"Titanic\",", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "20228879", "text": "Saving the Titanic Saving The Titanic, aired in Germany as Die Helden der Titanic, is 2012 Irish-German television docudrama directed by Maurice Sweeney, and written by Colin Herber-Percy and Lyall Watson. Unlike most films and series depicting the ship's passengers and senior crew, \"Saving the Titanic\" dramatizes the engineers and the boiler room crew who kept the furnaces and generators running as the \"Titanic\" sank, facilitating the survival of others. \"Based on eyewitness accounts, this is the remarkable story of nine men from the engineering crew who fought courageously to hold back the power of the sea and keep the", "title": "Saving the Titanic" }, { "docid": "16729070", "text": "the \"Olympic\" and the \"Titanic\". While there are many photos of the \"Olympic's\" café, only one photo of the \"Titanic's\" remains today. The room was in the stern and was torn apart by the severe implosions which occurred on the descent to the ocean floor; on the wreck the remnants of A-Deck have collapsed. A fragment of the decorative bronze grille from one of the Verandah and Palm Court windows was recovered in 1994 by RMS Titanic Inc. and has been displayed in the travelling exhibitions. The Café Parisien was a new feature on the \"Titanic\", designed to occupy a", "title": "First class facilities of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "10670608", "text": "this list are the nine-member Guarantee Group and the eight members of the ship's band, who were given passenger accommodations and treated as both passengers and crew. They are also included in the list of passengers on board RMS \"Titanic\". Crew members are colour-coded, indicating whether they were saved or perished.<br> Survivors are listed with the lifeboat from which they were known to be rescued by the RMS \"Carpathia\", on 15 April 1912. Victims whose remains were recovered after the sinking are listed with a superscript next to the body number, indicating the recovery vessel: Numbers 324 and 325 were", "title": "Crew of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885121", "text": "one of \"Titanic\"s surviving crew members, who became the first relative of a \"Titanic\" passenger or crew member to visit the wreck. Cameron himself also returned to \"Titanic\" in 2001 to carry out filming for Walt Disney Pictures' \"Ghosts of the Abyss\", filmed in 3D. In 2003 and 2004, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration carried out two expeditions to \"Titanic\". The first, carried out between 22 June and 2 July 2003, performed four dives in two days. Its key aims were to assess the current condition of the wreck site and carry out scientific observations to support ongoing", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16810695", "text": "The Sinking of the Titanic The Sinking of the Titanic is a work by British minimalist composer Gavin Bryars. Inspired by the story that the band on the RMS \"Titanic\" continued to perform as the ship sank in 1912, it recreates how the music performed by the band would reverberate through the water some time after they ceased performing. Composed between 1969 and 1972, the work is now considered one of the classics of British experimental music. Bryars' inspiration for the work came from a report that the wireless operator Harold Bride on the \"Titanic\" had witnessed the house band", "title": "The Sinking of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885179", "text": "Titanic Inc. has caused repeated controversy and many have argued that salvaging \"Titanic\" is an inherently disrespectful act. The wreck site has been called a \"tomb and a reliquary\", a \"gravestone for the 1,500 people who died\" and \"hallowed ground\". \"Titanic\" historians John Eaton and Charles Haas argue that the salvagers are little more than \"plunderers and armchair salvage experts\" and others have characterised them as \"grave robbers\". The \"Return to \"Titanic\"... Live!\" television show in 1987 was widely condemned as a \"circus\", though the 1987 expedition's scientific and financial leaders had no control over the show. In a particularly", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "10670607", "text": "Crew of the RMS Titanic The crew of the RMS \"Titanic\" were among the estimated 2,344 people who sailed on the maiden voyage of the second of the White Star Line's \"Olympic\" class ocean sea liners, from Southampton, England to New York City in the US. Halfway through the voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912, resulting in the deaths of over 1,500 people, including approximately 688 crew members. The following is a full list of known crew members who sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS \"Titanic\". Included in", "title": "Crew of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16729040", "text": "\"Titanic\" was centrally heated, all First-Class cabins contained electric heaters to provide additional warmth and passengers could get electric bed warmers on request to a steward. As was standard at the time, the bulk of First-Class bathroom facilities were shared. Communal lavatories with illuminated signage could be found along the passageways divided by sex. A passenger could take a bath by notifying a steward, who would draw the bath based on availability. Because of the need to conserve limited fresh water supplies, baths were supplied with sea water; only the attached showers of the private bathrooms utilised fresh water. \"Titanic\"", "title": "First class facilities of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15626324", "text": "the year before \"The Chambermaid on the Titanic\" made its US debut. In 1912, the protagonist, Horty, leads an uneventful life as a foundry worker in the Lorraine region of northern France with his wife, Zoe, \"the most beautiful woman in town.\" The owner of the foundry where Horty works, Simeon, lusts after Zoe. When Horty wins a company athletic contest, Simeon's prize is a ticket to Southampton to see the sailing of the \"RMS Titanic\". The night before the \"Titanic\" departs, Horty meets a beautiful young woman named Marie, who explains that she is a chambermaid aboard the \"Titanic\".", "title": "The Chambermaid on the Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927425", "text": "conclusions: the regulations on the number of lifeboats that ships had to carry were out of date and inadequate; Captain Smith had failed to take proper heed of ice warnings; the lifeboats had not been properly filled or crewed; and the collision was the direct result of steaming into a danger area at too high a speed. Both inquiries strongly criticised Captain Lord of \"Californian\" for failing to render assistance to \"Titanic\". Neither inquiry found negligence by the International Mercantile Marine Co. (the parent company) or the White Star Line (which owned \"Titanic\") to be a factor. The US inquiry", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885127", "text": ". The boilers found by \"Argo\", which mark the point at which the ship went down, are about east of the stern at . The two main parts of the wreck of \"Titanic\" present a striking contrast. Although fourteen survivors testified that the ship had broken apart as she sank, this testimony was discounted by the official inquiries, and it was supposed that the ship had sunk intact. It is now clear that the stresses on \"Titanic\" caused the ship to split apart between the second and third funnels at or just below the surface. The bow section, which measures", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385752", "text": "the ship. The boats were supposed to be stocked with emergency supplies, but \"Titanic\"s passengers later found that they had only been partially provisioned. No lifeboat or fire drills had been carried out since \"Titanic\" left Southampton. A lifeboat drill had been scheduled for the morning before the ship sank, but was cancelled, allegedly because the ship's captain, Edward Smith, wanted to deliver one last Sunday service before he went into full retirement. Lists had been posted on the ship allocating crew members to particular lifeboat stations, but few appeared to have read them or to have known what they", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "20228880", "text": "power systems running, even when they learned that all was lost. The engineering crew consisted of fireman and stokers, who shoveled coal into the ship’s 29 boilers that powered its two massive steam engines, and engineers who made sure the engines and other mechanical equipment functioned smoothly. A memorial to commemorate their bravery was erected in Liverpool, England and unveiled in 1916.\" Saving the Titanic Saving The Titanic, aired in Germany as Die Helden der Titanic, is 2012 Irish-German television docudrama directed by Maurice Sweeney, and written by Colin Herber-Percy and Lyall Watson. Unlike most films and series depicting the", "title": "Saving the Titanic" }, { "docid": "10475595", "text": "indicating the recovery vessel: Numbers 324 and 325 were unused, and the six bodies buried at sea by the \"Carpathia\" also went unnumbered. In addition to the above-listed passengers, the \"Titanic\" carried 29 cross-channel passengers who boarded at Southampton and disembarked at either Cherbourg, France or Queenstown, Ireland. Passengers of the RMS Titanic An estimated 2,400 people sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS \"Titanic\", the second of the White Star Line's \"Olympic\" class ocean liners, from Southampton, England to New York City, New York, US. Partway through the voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the", "title": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16810707", "text": "Italian ensemble Alter Ego to perform the piece at the 49th International Festival of Contemporary Music at the Venice Biennale, and it was performed there at the Teatro Malibran on 1 October 2005 by Bryars with the Alter Ego Ensemble and English turntablist Philip Jeck. The performance was released on Touch Records in November 2007; catalogue number Touch 34. The Sinking of the Titanic The Sinking of the Titanic is a work by British minimalist composer Gavin Bryars. Inspired by the story that the band on the RMS \"Titanic\" continued to perform as the ship sank in 1912, it recreates", "title": "The Sinking of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "10475580", "text": "did not have time to open all the gates, leaving many of the confused third class passengers stuck below decks. Numerous notable and prominent people of the era, who held tickets for the westbound passage or were guests of those who held tickets, did not sail. Others were waiting in New York to board for the passage back to Plymouth, England, on the second leg of \"Titanic\"s maiden voyage. Many unused tickets that survived, whether they were for the westbound passage or the return eastbound passage, have become quite valuable as \"Titanic\"-related artifacts. Among those who held tickets for a", "title": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385802", "text": "women, plus one male Third Class passenger, Anton Kink, who joined his wife and young daughter in the boat. Fourth Officer Boxhall was given charge of the boat. When \"Titanic\" sank at 2:20 a.m., Boxhall suggested to the occupants that they should go back to pick people up from the water. However, they refused outright. Boxhall found this puzzling, as only a short time before the women had pleaded with Smith for their husbands to be allowed to accompany them, yet now they did not want to go back to save them (although actually only one woman, Mrs. Walter Douglas,", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16552442", "text": "German, Spanish, Dutch and Japanese. \"Polar the Titanic Bear\" has won a number of awards for children's literature, including: Polar the Titanic Bear Polar the Titanic Bear is a children's book written by Margaretta \"Daisy\" Corning Spedden (née Stone) (19 November 1872 – 10 February 1950). Spedden was an American heiress who survived the sinking of the \"Titanic\", and her account of her family's trip and the eventual disaster, written as a tale to amuse her seven-year-old son, was published about 45 years after her death. The story is told from the point of view of a stuffed bear. Spedden", "title": "Polar the Titanic Bear" }, { "docid": "8380694", "text": "virtue of the terrible strain she had been under to graphically portray her part.\" Saved from the Titanic Saved from the Titanic is a 1912 American silent motion picture short starring Dorothy Gibson, an American film actress who survived the sinking of the RMS \"Titanic\" on April 15, 1912. Premiering in the United States just 29 days after the event, it is the earliest dramatization about the tragedy. Gibson had been one of 28 people aboard the first lifeboat to be launched from \"Titanic\" and was rescued about five and a half hours after leaving the ship. On returning to", "title": "Saved from the Titanic" }, { "docid": "8380678", "text": "Saved from the Titanic Saved from the Titanic is a 1912 American silent motion picture short starring Dorothy Gibson, an American film actress who survived the sinking of the RMS \"Titanic\" on April 15, 1912. Premiering in the United States just 29 days after the event, it is the earliest dramatization about the tragedy. Gibson had been one of 28 people aboard the first lifeboat to be launched from \"Titanic\" and was rescued about five and a half hours after leaving the ship. On returning to New York City, she co-wrote the script and played a fictionalized version of herself.", "title": "Saved from the Titanic" }, { "docid": "9150394", "text": "survivors has been anything but easy. Will the pain and sadness of that disastrous night be with them forever? Titanic: The Long Night Titanic: The Long Night is a 1998 romance novel by Diane Hoh. It is an entirely fictional story set aboard on the real ship, \"Titanic\". The plot centers around two main aspects. The first is the story of Elizabeth Farr, who is on the \"Titanic\" with her parents on the voyage to New York City, on her way to marry a man she doesn't want to marry, Alan Reed. While on the ship, she has frequent discussions", "title": "Titanic: The Long Night" }, { "docid": "9150388", "text": "Titanic: The Long Night Titanic: The Long Night is a 1998 romance novel by Diane Hoh. It is an entirely fictional story set aboard on the real ship, \"Titanic\". The plot centers around two main aspects. The first is the story of Elizabeth Farr, who is on the \"Titanic\" with her parents on the voyage to New York City, on her way to marry a man she doesn't want to marry, Alan Reed. While on the ship, she has frequent discussions with her parents about wanting to go to college and not wanting to marry Alan, but they refuse to", "title": "Titanic: The Long Night" }, { "docid": "6571374", "text": "The Titanic (song) \"The Titanic\" (also known as \"It Was Sad When That Great Ship Went Down\" and \"Titanic (Husbands and Wives)\") is a folk song and children's song. \"The Titanic\" is about the sinking of RMS \"Titanic\" which sank on April 15, 1912 after striking an iceberg. The first folk songs about the \"Titanic\" disaster appeared within weeks after the disaster. Recordings of various songs about the disaster date to as early as 1913. The canonical version of the song has the chorus: In most variants, although not the earliest, the chorus starts with a line \"it was sad,", "title": "The Titanic (song)" }, { "docid": "15098317", "text": "The date is September 1, 1985, the search has been going on for 56 days when \"Argo\"'s camera shows wreckage, then one of \"Titanic\"s massive boilers. Then it follows Ballard in his exploration the next year, along with Martin Bowen, the pilot of the undersea robot, ROV Jason Jr., which was mounted in a \"garage\" on the front of the DSV \"Alvin\". Secrets of the Titanic Secrets of the Titanic is a documentary, made and filmed over 1985, 1986, and 1987. Produced by the National Geographic Society, it was a \"National Geographic\" Video exclusive, narrated by Martin Sheen, written and", "title": "Secrets of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "16407193", "text": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic There were many animals aboard the RMS \"Titanic\" during her disastrous maiden voyage, which ended with the ship sinking on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg. They included dogs, cats, chickens, other birds and an unknown number of rats. Twelve dogs were on the Titanic but only three survived, and the rest of the animals perished in the disaster. The ship had her own official cat named Jenny, who was kept aboard \"Titanic\" as a mascot and also worked to keep down the ship's population of rats and mice. Transferred over from \"Titanic\"s", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15626323", "text": "The Chambermaid on the Titanic The Chambermaid on the Titanic (, , ) is a 1997 French-Italian-Spanish drama film directed by Bigas Luna, starring Oliver Martinez, Romane Bohringer and Aitana Sanchez-Gijon. It is based on the novel \"La Femme de chambre du Titanic\" by Didier Decoin. The film is known variously by its French title, \"La Femme de chambre du Titanic\", and also by the shortened English title \"The Chambermaid\", which was adopted in late August 1998 to avoid the impression that it was trying to cash in on the success of James Cameron's popular film, \"Titanic\", which was released", "title": "The Chambermaid on the Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385827", "text": "original lifeboats, some surviving fittings can still be seen, such as a bronze White Star Line burgee removed from the hull of one lifeboat by a souvenir hunter and now displayed in the museum of the \"Titanic\" Historical Society. A full-size replica lifeboat is on display in Belfast at the \"Titanic\" Belfast visitor attraction. Books Online sources Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic The lifeboats of the RMS \"Titanic\" played a crucial role in the disaster of 14–15 April 1912. One of the ship's legacies was that she had too few lifeboats to evacuate all those on board. The 20 lifeboats", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885147", "text": "of the University of Seville in Spain, has determined that the wreck of \"Titanic\" will not exist by 2037 and that preservation of \"Titanic\" is impossible. \"Unfortunately, because Titanic is 2.3 miles down, it is very difficult or impossible to preserve. It is film which will preserve it for history now,\" says Mann. \"It has already lasted for 100 years, but eventually there will be nothing left but a rust stain on the bottom of the Atlantic... I think Titanic has maybe 15 or 20 years left. I don't think it will have too much longer than that.\" Other scientists", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885173", "text": "conditions and restrictions. RMS Titanic Inc. can profit from the artefacts through exhibiting them. RMS Titanic Inc. has also attempted to secure exclusive physical access to the wreck site. In 1996, it obtained a court order finding that it had \"the exclusive right to take any and all types of photographic images of the \"Titanic\" wreck and wreck site.\" It obtained another order in 1998 against Deep Ocean Expeditions and Chris Haver, a British Virgin Islands corporation that aimed to run tourist trips to \"Titanic\" at a cost of $32,000 per person (it now charges $60,000). This was overturned in", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "5300821", "text": "sabotage the mission and steal the byzanium for themselves. Once the \"Titanic\" is secured for the trip to the United States, a massive hurricane strikes the salvage area, allowing the Soviets to covertly board the ship and take the crew hostage. Pitt, who was previously believed dead after being last seen on board a crashed helicopter, reemerges to expose the Soviet spies within the salvage crew. After the crew, with the help of Navy SEALs who boarded from a hidden U.S. Navy submarine, regain control of the \"Titanic\" the ship is eventually towed to New York Harbor and laid up", "title": "Raise the Titanic!" }, { "docid": "10670619", "text": "as second-class passengers. Until the night of the sinking, the orchestra performed as two separate entities: a quintet led by violinist and official bandleader Wallace Hartley, that played at teatime, after-dinner concerts, and Sunday services, among other occasions; and a violin, cello, and piano trio comprising Roger Bricoux, George Krins, and Theodore Brailey, that played at the À La Carte Restaurant and the Café Parisien. None of the orchestra members survived. Crew of the RMS Titanic The crew of the RMS \"Titanic\" were among the estimated 2,344 people who sailed on the maiden voyage of the second of the White", "title": "Crew of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927365", "text": "that distress signals could be sent. They remained at their posts until the very end, thus ensuring that \"Titanic\"s electrics functioned until the final minutes of the sinking. None of the ship's 35 engineers and electricians survived. Neither did any of the \"Titanic\"s five postal clerks, who were last seen struggling to save the mail bags they had rescued from the flooded mail room. They were caught by the rising water somewhere on D deck. Many of the third-class passengers were also confronted with the sight of water pouring into their quarters on E, F and G decks. Carl Jansson,", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927340", "text": "6 boiler room, a total of five compartments. \"Titanic\" was only designed to float with any two compartments flooded, but it could remain afloat with certain combinations of three or even four compartments (the first four) open to the ocean. With five compartments, the tops of the bulkheads would be submerged and the ship would continue to flood. Captain Smith felt the collision in his cabin and immediately came to the bridge. Informed of the situation, he summoned Thomas Andrews, \"Titanic\"s builder, who was among a party of engineers from Harland and Wolff observing the ship's first passenger voyage. The", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927382", "text": "the air to control the crowd without causing injuries. No. 16 was lowered five minutes later. Among those aboard was stewardess Violet Jessop, who would repeat the experience four years later when she survived the sinking of one of \"Titanic\"s sister ships, , in the First World War. Collapsible boat C was launched at 01:40 from a now largely deserted area of the deck, as most of those on deck had moved to the stern of the ship. It was aboard this boat that White Star chairman and managing director J. Bruce Ismay, \"Titanic\"s most controversial survivor, made his escape", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385784", "text": "Third Class. Among the occupants was stewardess Violet Jessop who survived the accidents that befell all of the \"Olympic\"-class liners: the collision of \"Olympic\" with HMS Hawke in 1911, the sinking of \"Titanic\" in 1912, and that of \"Britannic\" in 1916. About 58 people were aboard Boat 14, with Wilde, Lightoller and Lowe supervising its launch. By the time it was launched at about 1:30 a.m., \"Titanic\" was well down in the water and some passengers still aboard were beginning to panic. Lowe fired three shots from his revolver to warn off a crowd of passengers pressing up against the", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927387", "text": "to Thee\" as the ship sank, but this appears to be dubious. The claim surfaced among the earliest reports of the sinking, and the hymn became so closely associated with the \"Titanic\" disaster that its opening bars were carved on the grave monument of \"Titanic\"s bandmaster, Wallace Hartley, one of those who perished. Violet Jessop said in her 1934 account of the disaster that she had heard the hymn being played. In contrast, Archibald Gracie emphatically denied it in his own account, written soon after the sinking, and Radio Operator Harold Bride said that he had heard the band playing", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927400", "text": "sight the awful spectacle ... Then, with the deadened noise of the bursting of her last few gallant bulkheads, she slid quietly away from us into the sea.\" \"Titanic\"s surviving officers and some prominent survivors testified that the ship had sunk in one piece, a belief that was affirmed by the British and American inquiries into the disaster. Archibald Gracie, who was on the promenade deck with the band (by the second funnel), stated that \"\"Titanic\"s decks were intact at the time she sank, and when I sank with her, there was over seven-sixteenths of the ship already under water,", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385748", "text": "it more important to make a ship \"unsinkable\". Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, who served simultaneously as a high-ranking Royal Navy officer and Member of Parliament, told the House of Commons a month after the disaster: The White Star Line never envisaged that all of the crew and passengers would have to be evacuated at once, as \"Titanic\" was considered almost unsinkable. The lifeboats were instead intended to be used to transfer passengers off the ship and onto a nearby vessel providing assistance. While \"Titanic\" was under construction, an incident involving the White Star liner appeared to confirm this approach. \"Republic\"", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385749", "text": "was involved in a collision with the Lloyd Italiano liner in January 1909 and sank. Even though she did not have enough lifeboats for all passengers, they were all saved because the ship was able to stay afloat long enough for them to be ferried to ships coming to assist. This fact is what led to the harsh condemnation of Captain Stanley Lord of , who both American and British inquiries into the disaster felt could have saved many if not all of the passengers and crew had she heeded the \"Titanic\"s distress calls. In this scenario, \"Titanic\"s lifeboats would", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927310", "text": "accordance with existing practice, \"Titanic\"s lifeboat system was designed to ferry passengers to nearby rescue vessels, not to hold everyone on board simultaneously; therefore, with the ship sinking rapidly and help still hours away, there was no safe refuge for many of the passengers and crew. Compounding this, poor management of the evacuation meant many boats were launched before they were completely full. As a result, when \"Titanic\" sank, over a thousand passengers and crew were still on board. Almost all those who jumped or fell into the water either drowned or died within minutes due to the effects of", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16385751", "text": "all her passengers to safety. Both liners sank at a much slower rate, roughly half a day, in contrast to \"Titanic\", which sank slightly shy of three hours after her collision with the iceberg. While \"Titanic\"s supply of lifeboats was plainly inadequate, so too was the training that her crew had received in their use. Only one lifeboat drill had been carried out while the ship was docked. It was a cursory effort, consisting of two boats being lowered, each manned by one officer and four men who merely rowed around the dock for a few minutes before returning to", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927385", "text": "out a final tour of the deck, telling the radio operators and other crew members: \"Now it's every man for himself.\" As passengers and crew headed to the stern, where Father Thomas Byles was hearing confessions and giving absolutions, \"Titanic\"s band played outside the gymnasium. \"Titanic\" had two separate bands of musicians. One was a quintet led by Wallace Hartley that played after dinner and at religious services while the other was a trio who played in the reception area and outside the café and restaurant. The two bands had separate music libraries and arrangements and had not played together", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16002682", "text": "Elizabeth and Juan are married, as are Conners and Stella. It is revealed that Tentacles and Camembert have both survived and are well. Everyone is elated and celebrates at the Brooklyn Bridge, congratulating Tentacles for saving everyone in the disaster. The film ends with old Conners and Stella back in modern-day New York and Conners telling his grandchildren that whales are still hunted. Stella says: \"Your grandfather loves to tell stories, but like all sailors, you shouldn't take him too seriously.\" The Legend of the Titanic The Legend of the Titanic (, ) is a 1999 Italian animated film directed", "title": "The Legend of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "8924491", "text": "there were no black people aboard. Lead Belly's song portrays the black American boxing champion Jack Johnson attempting to board \"Titanic\" but being refused by Captain Smith, who tells him: \"I ain't hauling no coal.\" Johnson remains on shore, bitterly bidding \"Titanic\" farewell, and dances the Eagle Rock as the ship goes under. The legend of the \"Titanic\" merged with that of a character in black folklore known as \"Shine\", a sort of trickster figure who was probably named after shoeshine. He was converted into a mythical black stoker aboard \"Titanic\" whose exploits were commemorated in \"Toasts\", long narrative poems", "title": "RMS Titanic in popular culture" }, { "docid": "16810706", "text": "the tower and the audience listened on the ground floor. The empty top floors of the water tower acted as a giant reverberation chamber. Released on Les Disques du Crepuscule, catalogue number TWI 922-2. Subsequently released on POINT Music, catalogue number 446-061-2 in 1995. Issued in Japan in 1995, in a special edition with Aphex Twin: \"Raising the Titanic\". Reissued in 2009 on LTM/Boutique, catalogue number NL B001VG2MEY Performed by the Gavin Bryars Ensemble, Wenhaston Boys Choir, Ziella and Orlanda Bryars, Lucy and Camilla Thornton (additional strings) \"The Sinking of the Titanic\" (60'13) In 2005 Bryars was invited by the", "title": "The Sinking of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "16552439", "text": "Polar the Titanic Bear Polar the Titanic Bear is a children's book written by Margaretta \"Daisy\" Corning Spedden (née Stone) (19 November 1872 – 10 February 1950). Spedden was an American heiress who survived the sinking of the \"Titanic\", and her account of her family's trip and the eventual disaster, written as a tale to amuse her seven-year-old son, was published about 45 years after her death. The story is told from the point of view of a stuffed bear. Spedden was born in Morristown, New Jersey and lived with her husband Frederic and son Douglas in Tuxedo Park, New", "title": "Polar the Titanic Bear" }, { "docid": "16002674", "text": "in charge of taking account for the mice who are making the trip. A young mouse from Brazil named Ronny who enjoys playing soccer befriends Conners and Conners falls in love with Ronny's sister Stella. Meanwhile, a rich aristocratic woman named Elizabeth and her family board the \"Titanic\". Her father is a famous Duke and is very prominent in the whaling business. He and Elizabeth's stepmother have arranged for Elizabeth to marry Mr. Evarard Maltravers, a rich whaler. Unknown to the Duke, the marriage is actually a scheme concocted by his wife and Maltravers to gain worldwide whaling rights for", "title": "The Legend of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "16407202", "text": "valued by Anderson at $50. Only three out of twelve dogs survived the sinking. Animals aboard the RMS Titanic There were many animals aboard the RMS \"Titanic\" during her disastrous maiden voyage, which ended with the ship sinking on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg. They included dogs, cats, chickens, other birds and an unknown number of rats. Twelve dogs were on the Titanic but only three survived, and the rest of the animals perished in the disaster. The ship had her own official cat named Jenny, who was kept aboard \"Titanic\" as a mascot and also worked", "title": "Animals aboard the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15626330", "text": "lot more subtle and satisfying.\" Jeff Vice of the \"Deseret News\" was unimpressed with the film feeling that the ending was \"contrived\" and that many of the cast seem \"unsure of [their] motivations\". He also felt that \"the set pieces are bound to pale in comparison to those in [James Cameron's film] \"Titanic\".\" The Chambermaid on the Titanic The Chambermaid on the Titanic (, , ) is a 1997 French-Italian-Spanish drama film directed by Bigas Luna, starring Oliver Martinez, Romane Bohringer and Aitana Sanchez-Gijon. It is based on the novel \"La Femme de chambre du Titanic\" by Didier Decoin. The", "title": "The Chambermaid on the Titanic" }, { "docid": "10175559", "text": "Titanic: The Complete Story Titanic: The Complete Story is an American documentary chronicling the story of the ocean liner which sank on its maiden voyage in 1912. It is a compilation of a four-hour documentary special produced by A&E Television Networks in 1994. A&E Home Video originally sold the entire documentary in a 4-tape VHS set. It is considered by many critics and historians to be the definitive documentary regarding the \"Titanic\". The documentary is narrated by actor David McCallum (who played survivor Harold Bride in the film \"A Night to Remember\") and begins with a quote from first-class passenger", "title": "Titanic: The Complete Story" }, { "docid": "6571377", "text": "by Paul Newman and Brandon de Wilde's characters after a drunken night out, in the 1963 film \"Hud\". Traditionally, the University of California Marching Band performs the song during its march up to Memorial Stadium from Sproul Plaza on the Berkeley campus. The Romantic song is commonly sung at many Boy Scout and Girl Scout camps, and other children's camps with numerous verses added on. The Titanic (song) \"The Titanic\" (also known as \"It Was Sad When That Great Ship Went Down\" and \"Titanic (Husbands and Wives)\") is a folk song and children's song. \"The Titanic\" is about the sinking", "title": "The Titanic (song)" }, { "docid": "3803388", "text": "the prime number theorem. The first discovered titanic primes were the Mersenne primes 2−1 (with 1281 digits), and 2−1 (with 1332 digits). They were both found November 3, 1961, by Alexander Hurwitz. It is a matter of definition which one was discovered first, since the primality of 2−1 was computed first, but Hurwitz saw the computer output about 2−1 first. Samuel Yates called those who proved the primality of a titanic prime \"titans\". Titanic prime Titanic prime is a term coined by Samuel Yates in the 1980s, denoting a prime number of at least 1000 decimal digits. Few such primes", "title": "Titanic prime" }, { "docid": "16385740", "text": "lifeboat been filled accordingly, they could have only evacuated about 53% of those actually on board on the night of her sinking. The shortage of lifeboats was not due to the lack of space; \"Titanic\" had actually been designed to accommodate up to 64 boats – nor was it because of cost, as the price of an extra 32 lifeboats would only have been some $16,000, a tiny fraction of the $7.5 million that the company had spent on \"Titanic\". The reason lay in a combination of outdated safety regulations and complacency by the White Star Line, \"Titanic\"s operators. In", "title": "Lifeboats of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885170", "text": "\"explicitly the appropriateness of applying maritime salvage law to historic wrecks such as that of \"Titanic\"\" and denied the application of the Maritime Law of Finds. The court also ruled that the district court lacked jurisdiction over the \"1987 artifacts\", and therefore vacated that part of the court's 2 July 2004 order. In other words, according to this decision, RMS Titanic Inc. has ownership title to the objects awarded in the French decision (valued $16.5 million earlier) and continues to be salvor-in-possession of the \"Titanic\" wreck. The Court of Appeals remanded the case to the District Court to determine the", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "10475562", "text": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic An estimated 2,400 people sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS \"Titanic\", the second of the White Star Line's \"Olympic\" class ocean liners, from Southampton, England to New York City, New York, US. Partway through the voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912, resulting in the deaths of over 1,500 people, including approximately 815 of the passengers. The \"Titanic\"s passengers were divided into three separate classes, determined not only by the price of their ticket but by wealth and social class: those travelling in first", "title": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885124", "text": "over the wreck site, and the \"Remora\" ROV was caught in a piece of wreckage. This same year saw the discovery of the new bacteria living in the rusticles on the \"Titanic\", \"Halomonas titanicae\". Tourist and scientific visits to \"Titanic\" are still continuing; by April 2012, 100 years since the disaster and nearly 25 since the discovery of the wreck, around 140 people had visited. On 14 April 2012 (the 100th anniversary of the ship's sinking), the wreck of the \"Titanic\" became eligible for protection under the 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage. In the same", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927432", "text": "two. Proportionately, the heaviest losses were suffered by the second-class men, of whom 92 percent died. Of the pets brought aboard, three survived the sinking. Books Journal articles News reports Investigations Sinking of the RMS Titanic \"Titanic\" received six warnings of sea ice on 14 April but was travelling near her maximum speed when her lookouts sighted the iceberg. Unable to turn quickly enough, the ship suffered a glancing blow that buckled her starboard side and opened five of her sixteen compartments to the sea. \"Titanic\" had been designed to stay afloat with four of her forward compartments flooded but", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885166", "text": "expedition and Marex was issued with a temporary injunction preventing it from carrying out its plans. In October 1992 the injunction was made permanent and the salvage claims of Titanic Ventures were upheld. The decision was later reversed by an appeals court but Marex's claims were not renewed. Even so, Titanic Ventures' control of the artefacts recovered in 1987 remained in question until 1993 when a French administrator in the Office of Maritime Affairs of the Ministry of Equipment, Transportation, and Tourism awarded the company title to the artefacts. In May 1993 Titanic Ventures sold its interests in the salvage", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885172", "text": "Inc. fair market value for the artefacts but deferred ruling on their ownership and the conditions for their preservation, possible disposition and exhibition until a further decision could be reached. On 15 August 2011, Judge Smith granted title to thousands of artefacts from the \"Titanic\", that RMS Titanic Inc. did not already own under a French court decision concerning the first group of salvaged artefacts, to RMS Titanic Inc. subject to a detailed list of conditions concerning preservation and disposition of the items. The artefacts can be sold only to a company that would abide by the lengthy list of", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927309", "text": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic \"Titanic\" received six warnings of sea ice on 14 April but was travelling near her maximum speed when her lookouts sighted the iceberg. Unable to turn quickly enough, the ship suffered a glancing blow that buckled her starboard side and opened five of her sixteen compartments to the sea. \"Titanic\" had been designed to stay afloat with four of her forward compartments flooded but no more, and the crew soon realised that the ship would sink. They used distress flares and radio (wireless) messages to attract help as the passengers were put into lifeboats. In", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885159", "text": "which will follow ours.\" However, within only two weeks of the discovery, a British insurance company claimed that it owned the wreck, and several more schemes to raise it were announced. A Belgian entrepreneur offered trips to \"Titanic\" for $25,000 a head. Spurred by Ballard's appeals for the wreck to be left alone, North Carolina Congressman Walter B. Jones, Sr. introduced the RMS Titanic Maritime Memorial Act in the United States House of Representatives in 1986. It called for strict scientific guidelines to be introduced to govern the exploration and salvage of \"Titanic\" and urged the United States Secretary of", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16452511", "text": "the \"Titanic's\" band. Books written specifically about the \"Titanic\"'s musicians include: Musicians of the RMS Titanic The musicians of the RMS \"Titanic\" all perished when the ship sank in 1912. They played music, intending to calm the passengers, for as long as they possibly could, and all went down with the ship. All were recognized for their heroism. The ship's eight musicians - members of a three-piece ensemble and a five-piece ensemble - were booked through C.W. & F.N. Black, in Liverpool. They boarded at Southampton and traveled as second-class passengers. They were not on the White Star Line's payroll", "title": "Musicians of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885090", "text": "extreme pressure would have compressed the bodies into gelatinous lumps. (In fact, this was incorrect. Whale falls, a phenomenon not discovered until 1987 – coincidentally, by the same submersible used for the first manned expedition to \"Titanic\" the year before – demonstrate that water-filled corpses, in this case cetaceans, can sink to the bottom essentially intact. The high pressure and cold temperature of the water would have prevented significant quantities of gas forming during decomposition, preventing the bodies of \"Titanic\" victims from rising back to the surface.) In later years, numerous proposals were put forward to salvage \"Titanic\". However, all", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927328", "text": "reduced the rudder's effectiveness, therefore impairing the turning ability of the ship. Had Murdoch turned the ship while maintaining her forward speed, \"Titanic\" might have missed the iceberg with feet to spare. In 2010, Louise Patten asserted that her grandfather Charles Lightoller claimed that the helmsman Robert Hichens initially panicked and turned the rudder in the wrong direction and that subsequently Bruce Ismay ordered the boat to continue \"Slow Ahead\" in the belief that \"Titanic\" was unsinkable. This, allegedly, had never been revealed because of the insurance implications. In the event, \"Titanic\"s heading changed just in time to avoid a", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "15885171", "text": "salvage award ($225 million requested by RMS Titanic Inc.). On 24 March 2009, it was revealed that the fate of 5,900 artefacts retrieved from the wreck would rest with a U.S. District Judge's decision. The ruling was later issued in two decisions on 12 August 2010 and 15 August 2011. As announced in 2009, the judge ruled that RMS Titanic Inc. owned the artefacts and her decision dealt with the status of the wreck as well as establishing a monitoring system to check future activity upon the wreck site. On 12 August 2010, Judge Rebecca Beach Smith granted RMS Titanic,", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16836912", "text": "\"The Man Who Found Himself\" received mixed reviews ranging from a caustic comment in \"The New York Times\" – \"The only thing the industry could possibly do now ... is to administer anesthetic to the audience\" – to flattering mentions of the rising new star, Joan Fontaine. Kate Cameron's comment in the New York \"Daily News\" was that \"Miss Fontaine is as blonde as Miss [Olivia] de Havilland is dark, but she has the same charm and poise which makes her sister one of the most promising younger actresses in Hollywood.\" The Man Who Found Himself The Man Who Found", "title": "The Man Who Found Himself" }, { "docid": "15885183", "text": "warning which never reached the bridge, a restaurant menu and a sample square of carpet from a First Class stateroom. RMS Titanic Inc. organizes large-scale exhibitions around the world of artifacts retrieved from the wreck site. After minor exhibitions were held in Paris and Scandinavia, the first major exhibition of recovered artifacts was held at the National Maritime Museum in 1994–95. It was hugely popular, drawing an average of 21,000 visitors a week during the year-long exhibition. Since then, RMS Titanic Inc. has established a large-scale permanent exhibition of \"Titanic\" artifacts at the Luxor hotel and casino in Las Vegas,", "title": "Wreck of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "10670616", "text": "was on the \"Titanic\" for its maiden voyage. The restaurant was self-sufficient with its own cooks, waiters, cleanup crew, and other staff. Most of the employees were French or Italian nationals. Of the entire staff of 66 people, only one male clerk and two female cashiers survived. Several \"Titanic\" survivors indicated that the restaurant employees were locked in their quarters by the stewards to prevent them from rushing the lifeboats. It has never been confirmed whether this was true or not. The \"Titanic\"'s five postal clerks—two British, three American—were charged with the supervision and processing of all incoming and outgoing", "title": "Crew of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "10475583", "text": "Palestinian American journalist, watched the \"Titanic\" (1997) film and noticed some background characters saying \"yalla\", meaning \"hurry\" in Arabic. This prompted him to research the issue and he discovered that Arab passengers were on board. In 1998, he wrote a column about the Arabs on the RMS \"Titanic\", \"Titanic: We Share the Pain But Not the Glory.\" According to Hanania's analysis, there were 79 Arab passengers on board the ship, though the task to \"identify precisely\" which passengers were Arab is difficult. Hanania stated that many were Christians because church sponsorship made it easier for Christians to get passage as", "title": "Passengers of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "16810703", "text": "in 1973 to release experimental music, but this had come to naught. But in 1975, buoyed by the success of his solo career, he approached Island Records, who were receptive to the idea. That year Obscure Records was launched with four albums released simultaneously. The album with the catalogue number Obscure no.1 consists of Bryars' \"The Sinking Of The Titanic\" and \"Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet\". In common with most of the releases on Obscure, it was recorded at Basing Street Studios, engineered by Rhett Davies and produced by Eno himself. Eno said of Bryars' work that, \"It was", "title": "The Sinking of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "9927370", "text": "to respond was SS \"Mount Temple\", which set a course and headed for \"Titanic\"'s position but was stopped en-route by pack ice. Much nearer was , which had warned \"Titanic\" of ice a few hours earlier. Apprehensive at his ship being caught in a large field of drift ice, \"Californian\"s captain, Stanley Lord, had decided at about 22:00 to halt for the night and wait for daylight to find a way through the ice field. At 23:30, 10 minutes before \"Titanic\" hit the iceberg, \"Californian\"s sole radio operator, Cyril Evans, shut his set down for the night and went to", "title": "Sinking of the RMS Titanic" }, { "docid": "9621967", "text": "Titanic: The Board Game Titanic: The Board Game is a board-game designed by Sandra Gentry and Valen Brost and published by Universal Games in America and was available via license by Universal Games, in Great Britain and in France between 1998 and 1999. The game revolves around the sinking of RMS \"Titanic\". An updated version, \"Titanic: The Board Game Centennial Edition\", will be released by Universal Games, and marketed by Universal Toys, Inc., NV, and the John Hansen Co., in fall of 2012. The six players take the role of six fictitious passengers aboard the RMS \"Titanic\": Moving around the", "title": "Titanic: The Board Game" }, { "docid": "9150392", "text": "York, Elizabeth goes to Vassar college and marries Max, while Paddy becomes a writer and marries Katie. Like the 1997 film, \"Titanic: The Long Night\" made up some fictional passengers on the Titanic. Here is a list of them. \"Titanic: The Long Night\" was followed by a sequel, \"Remembering the Titanic\", which was published later that same year and was also written by Diane Hoh. The book deals with the lives of Elizabeth, Max, Katie, and Paddy after the sinking. It has been one year since that fateful night on the \"Titanic\". For the survivors, it is a constant struggle", "title": "Titanic: The Long Night" }, { "docid": "13444773", "text": "topic, \"SOS Titanic\" (released theatrically through EMI Films, of which Grade's brother, Lord Delfont, was then chairman). \"Raise the Titanic\", along with other contemporary flops, has been credited with prompting Grade's withdrawal from continued involvement with the film industry. Raise the Titanic (film) Raise the Titanic is a 1980 adventure film produced by Lew Grade's ITC Entertainment and directed by Jerry Jameson. The film, which was written by Eric Hughes (adaptation) and Adam Kennedy (screenplay), was based on the book of the same name by Clive Cussler. The story concerns a plan to recover the RMS \"Titanic\" due to the", "title": "Raise the Titanic (film)" }, { "docid": "9621969", "text": "but is used for Telegram Cards, that instruct Players on where to go, who to pay or who pays you money. Once in 1st Class, players are paid $200, and must pass through a route towards the lifeboats: After this, players may enter the lifeboats and the game is over. Titanic: The Board Game Titanic: The Board Game is a board-game designed by Sandra Gentry and Valen Brost and published by Universal Games in America and was available via license by Universal Games, in Great Britain and in France between 1998 and 1999. The game revolves around the sinking of", "title": "Titanic: The Board Game" }, { "docid": "14249326", "text": "Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the Titanic The Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the \"Titanic\" is a granite monument located on St. Nicholas Place, at the Pier Head, in Liverpool, England. The city of Liverpool is strongly associated with the ill-fated liner that sank on 15 April 1912, after striking an iceberg in the North Atlantic with the loss of some 1,517 lives. The RMS \"Titanic\" was owned by White Star Line which was founded in Liverpool in 1840. Liverpool was also the port of registry of the liner with the words 'Titanic, Liverpool' visible on", "title": "Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the Titanic" }, { "docid": "14249328", "text": "was broadened to include all maritime engine room fatalities incurred during the performance of duty in World War I. The monument is Grade II* listed. Shrapnel damage from bombs that fell during the Second World War can be clearly seen on the monument. There is also a memorial dedicated to the \"Titanic\"s engineers located in Southampton, England. There are numerous artefacts from the RMS \"Titanic\" in the Merseyside Maritime Museum located just up river within Albert Dock. Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the Titanic The Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the \"Titanic\" is a granite monument", "title": "Memorial to the Engine Room Heroes of the Titanic" } ]
Who was the only Spice Girl not to have a middle name?
[ "My Love Is For Real (Victoria Beckham song", "Romeo James Beckham", "Harper Seven Beckham", "Posh Spice", "Victoria addams", "Victoria Beckham", "Victoria Adams Beckham", "Harper Beckham", "Victoria Caroline Beckham", "I'd Give It All Away", "Come Together (Victoria Beckham album)", "Posh spice", "The Hustla", "My Love Is For Real (Victoria Beckham song)", "Victoria beckham" ]
[ { "docid": "6965124", "text": "entirely on a green set with a great deal of post-production, making it one of the most complex solo Spice Girl videos to date. These are the formats and track listings of major single releases of \"Not Such an Innocent Girl\". Not Such an Innocent Girl \"Not Such an Innocent Girl\" is a song by British singer-songwriter, Victoria Beckham. It was released on 17 September 2001 as the lead single from her self-titled debut solo album. It sold 36,000 copies in its first week of release in the United Kingdom, and about 80,263 copies altogether becoming the 163rd best seller", "title": "Not Such an Innocent Girl" }, { "docid": "387019", "text": "Spice Girls The Spice Girls are an English pop girl group formed in 1994. The group comprised Melanie Brown (\"Scary Spice\"), Melanie Chisholm (\"Sporty Spice\"), Emma Bunton (\"Baby Spice\"), Geri Halliwell (\"Ginger Spice\"), and Victoria Beckham, née Adams (\"Posh Spice\"). They were signed to Virgin Records and released their debut single \"Wannabe\" in 1996, which hit number one in 37 countries and established their global success. Their debut album \"Spice\" sold more than 31 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling album by a female group in history. Their follow-up album, \"Spiceworld\" sold over 20 million copies worldwide. The Spice Girls", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "387115", "text": "single, \"Wannabe\". Spice Girls The Spice Girls are an English pop girl group formed in 1994. The group comprised Melanie Brown (\"Scary Spice\"), Melanie Chisholm (\"Sporty Spice\"), Emma Bunton (\"Baby Spice\"), Geri Halliwell (\"Ginger Spice\"), and Victoria Beckham, née Adams (\"Posh Spice\"). They were signed to Virgin Records and released their debut single \"Wannabe\" in 1996, which hit number one in 37 countries and established their global success. Their debut album \"Spice\" sold more than 31 million copies worldwide, becoming the best-selling album by a female group in history. Their follow-up album, \"Spiceworld\" sold over 20 million copies worldwide. The", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "6699878", "text": "Spice Girls discography English girl group Spice Girls has released three studio albums, one compilation album, 11 singles and 18 music videos. Formed in 1994, the group was made up of singers Victoria Beckham (\"Posh Spice\"), Geri Halliwell (\"Ginger Spice\"), Emma Bunton (\"Baby Spice\"), Melanie Brown (\"Scary Spice\") and Melanie Chisholm (\"Sporty Spice\"). The Spice Girls' debut single, \"Wannabe\", was released by Virgin Records in the United Kingdom in July 1996. It went to number one in 31 countries worldwide and became the biggest-selling debut single of all time. In the UK it stayed at the top of the UK", "title": "Spice Girls discography" }, { "docid": "6699883", "text": "currently the seventh overall biggest group of all time, with 8 million singles sold in the UK. Spice Girls discography English girl group Spice Girls has released three studio albums, one compilation album, 11 singles and 18 music videos. Formed in 1994, the group was made up of singers Victoria Beckham (\"Posh Spice\"), Geri Halliwell (\"Ginger Spice\"), Emma Bunton (\"Baby Spice\"), Melanie Brown (\"Scary Spice\") and Melanie Chisholm (\"Sporty Spice\"). The Spice Girls' debut single, \"Wannabe\", was released by Virgin Records in the United Kingdom in July 1996. It went to number one in 31 countries worldwide and became the", "title": "Spice Girls discography" } ]
[ { "docid": "3124207", "text": "story for this technology, which incorporates sounds, lights and vibrations amongst other things in order involve the body more in the story. Another point of discussion in relation to The Girl Who Was Plugged In is the relationship with gender of the author and the messages that the story contains. Hicks explains that Tiptree herself can be seen as a metaphorical P. Burke. Tiptree uses the male pen name James Tiptree Jr. in order to take on a body better suited to be successful in the science fiction world. Hicks states that not only is Tiptree’s pen name male, the", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124225", "text": "could only fulfill the ideals of the science fiction community by assuming a male persona. By the numerous ways Tiptree touched on essential feminist topics in a single short story, it becomes clear why she was one of the most prominent feminist science fiction writers in her time. The Girl Who Was Plugged In \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is a science fiction novella by American writer James Tiptree, Jr., a pen name used by American writer Alice Sheldon. It won the Hugo Award for Best Novella in 1974. The story takes place in the future, where almost everything", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124209", "text": "situation, Tiptree is suggesting that by writing this story P. Burke cannot be successful in her female body as a science fiction writer. Melissa Stevenson sums up this point by stating that “The Girl Who Was Plugged In: is a tale of transformations and masks, the story of a girl who is not who she seems to be, written by an author who was not exactly who “he” seemed to be”. Tiptree is writing about a girl who is masking her appearance in order to be successful which is eerily similar to the way that masking her image is for", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "6006893", "text": "The Girl Who Was... Death The Girl Who Was ... Death is the debut album by Devil Doll. Its official release date was March 4, 1989, but there was a pre-release of cassette tapes in December 1988. This was the second album by Devil Doll, but their first to be released to the public (the group's first release, \"The Mark of the Beast\", had only one copy pressed, to be owned by the leading band member, Mr. Doctor). The album was entirely written by Mr. Doctor and is based on a television series by Patrick McGoohan called \"The Prisoner\". The", "title": "The Girl Who Was... Death" }, { "docid": "12183698", "text": "Spice Boys (footballers) The Spice Boys was a media pejorative used to described a group of high-profile Liverpool F.C. footballers in the mid-late 1990s, typically Jamie Redknapp, David James, Steve McManaman Robbie Fowler and Jason McAteer, but occasionally team-mates such as Stan Collymore and Paul Ince. The name was a play on the Spice Girls, who were extremely popular at the same time and famed for their 'Girl Power' persona. The term ‘Spice Boys’ was coined by the \"Daily Mail\" following (unfounded) tabloid rumours that Fowler was dating Spice Girl Baby Spice (Emma Bunton). The term soon became popular in", "title": "Spice Boys (footballers)" }, { "docid": "7271182", "text": "ego in the series \"Danger Man\", which reworked material from scripts not used in the previous series. The Girl Who Was Death \"The Girl Who Was Death\" is a comic episode of the English television series \"The Prisoner\" which originally aired in the UK on ITV 18 January 1968. According to several sources, including \"The Prisoner\" by Robert Fairclough, this episode was adapted from an unused, two-part script originally commissioned for \"Danger Man\". A cricket match ends in a player (Colonel Hawke-Englishe) being assassinated with a bomb disguised as a cricket ball. Number Six is on an operational assignment, but", "title": "The Girl Who Was Death" }, { "docid": "3124198", "text": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is a science fiction novella by American writer James Tiptree, Jr., a pen name used by American writer Alice Sheldon. It won the Hugo Award for Best Novella in 1974. The story takes place in the future, where almost everything is controlled by corporate interests. Despite advertising being illegal (\"ad\" is, in fact, a dirty word), corporations control consumers through the celebrities they set up, and product placement. The protagonist, seventeen-year-old Philadelphia Burke (known as P. Burke throughout the story), is enlisted to become one of these celebrities.", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124214", "text": "is the actor and Delphi is her role”. This performance was P. Burke’s way to a fairy-tale ending. Delphi can only be feminine if she were to be performed in a feminine way. Hollinger’s entire analysis can be seen in parallel with the analysis of Heather J. Hicks when she discusses how P. Burke uses Delphi to push herself up in the ranks of society. In order to have more opportunity in the society presented, P. Burke must perform femininity through Delphi. The depiction of the body in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\", written by Alice Sheldon under the", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "2303818", "text": "separate status. In practice, their status is similar to that of additional given names, and middle names are often omitted in everyday use, just like a person with 3 or 4 given names would only use one of them in most situations. The historical purpose of middle names is to honour some related family or person, a godparent, or even a completely unrelated person, such as a locally or nationally prominent figure. Until the 19th century, it was not unusual to have the last name of a godparent as one's middle name, even when the godparent was not a blood", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "3124217", "text": "Hollinger's view in her article “”Whatever It Is That She’s Since Become”: Writing Bodies of Text and Bodies of Women in James Tiptree, Jr.’s “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” and William Gibson’s “The Winter Market” by stating that P. Burke denies her unappealing, real body. Hollinger sees P. Burke as a representation of the body that is utterly insignificant in the eyes of society. She discusses \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" in terms of how gender can act as a form of imprisonment when society expects an unrealistic display of femininity). P. Burke's existence becomes meaningful only when", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "2303809", "text": "heritage. In many cases in the United States, however, a person's middle name has little or no lineage-related context, and is used instead to honor close family friends or notable public figures. In the United States, those who choose to be known primarily by their middle name may abbreviate their first name as an initial, e.g. J. Edgar Hoover (John Edgar Hoover). Others simply omit the first name, like Woodrow Wilson (Thomas Woodrow Wilson). A rare case of an individual being given only an initial as a middle name, with the initial not explicitly standing for anything, was Harry S.", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "387106", "text": "\"Who Needs Josh When You Have a Girl Group?\" of the musical comedy-drama series \"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend\" featured cast members Rachel Bloom, Gabrielle Ruiz, and Vella Lovell performing an original song titled \"Friendtopia\", a parody of the Spice Girls’ songs and \"girl power\" philosophy. Rapper Aminé's 2017 single \"Spice Girl\" is a reference to the group, and the song's music video includes an appearance by Mel B. In the late 1990s, Spice Girls parodies appeared in various American sketch comedy shows including \"Saturday Night Live\" (SNL), \"Mad TV\" and \"All That\". A January 1998 episode of SNL featured cast members, including", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "6006896", "text": "theme from the television series that it is based on, \"The Prisoner\". There are also some variations of this arrangement on other editions of the album, occurring during the 20 minute silence and outro. This album would begin the explosive cult following of Devil Doll by its fans. Devil Doll would continue to release several more albums in the styling of \"The Girl Who Was ... Death\" throughout the 1990s. The song ends at 38 minutes 46 seconds. After 25 minutes and 25 seconds of silence, a hidden track titled \"The Prisoner\" begins. The Girl Who Was... Death The Girl", "title": "The Girl Who Was... Death" }, { "docid": "2303817", "text": "convention of putting the given name after the family name. In Denmark and Norway, the term middle name refers to names that are originally surnames, but not part of the last name of the name bearer. The term middle name does not refer to additional given names, which are instead referred to as given names. A middle name could be e.g. one's mother's maiden name or the last name of another recent ancestor (for instance a grandparent). One can have several middle names, but it is unusual to have more than one or two. In law, middle names have a", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "387068", "text": "least 1987; most notably, it was the name of British pop duo Shampoo's 1996 single and album, later credited by Halliwell as the inspiration for the Spice Girls' mantra. However, it was not until the emergence of the Spice Girls in 1996 with \"Wannabe\", that the concept of \"girl power\" exploded onto the common consciousness. The phrase was regularly uttered by all five members—although most closely associated with Halliwell—and was often delivered with a peace sign. The slogan also featured on official Spice Girls merchandise and on some of the outfits the group members wore. The Spice Girls' version was", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "3124216", "text": "to conform to a constructed ideal of femininity in order to avoid being seen as a failure or to some extent incomplete. To Hollinger, \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is about ways women experience pressure from society to fulfill the set standards of femininity as seen in P. Burke's desperate desire to disembody by fully leaving her real body, and re-embody permanently as Delphi. In a society where the only way to happiness is by conforming completely to a constructed ideal, P. Burke has little choice but to live through the perfect girl body Delphi. Heather J. Hicks reinforces", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124219", "text": "describe the main character, i.e. the description of P. Burke: “That’s good, because now you can see she’s the ugly of the world. A tall monument to pituitary dystrophy. No surgeon would touch her.”. In the opinion of Scott Bukatman, of Stanford University, Tiptree forms the body into something unclean and decaying through phrases such as \"dead daddy\", \"rotten girl\" and \"zombie\". The crude use of words used for the main character only gets worse as the story progresses to emphasize an unappealing display of female disembodiment. According to Bukatman, the body in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "5226513", "text": "of how Morgan met Marie. Marie's character was extensively altered for the film. In May 1939, Hemingway sold book rights to Howard Hughes. Hughes sold the book rights to Hawks in October 1943, who then sold them to Warner Bros.. Because the rights to the novel bounced between sellers, Hawks made ten times more money selling the rights of the novel than Hemingway did. Hemingway reportedly refused to speak to Hawks for \"three months\" upon finding this out. The screenplay for \"To Have and Have Not\" bears little resemblance to Hemingway's novel of the same name. The only similarities include", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" }, { "docid": "7271175", "text": "The Girl Who Was Death \"The Girl Who Was Death\" is a comic episode of the English television series \"The Prisoner\" which originally aired in the UK on ITV 18 January 1968. According to several sources, including \"The Prisoner\" by Robert Fairclough, this episode was adapted from an unused, two-part script originally commissioned for \"Danger Man\". A cricket match ends in a player (Colonel Hawke-Englishe) being assassinated with a bomb disguised as a cricket ball. Number Six is on an operational assignment, but it is unclear whether this is \"real time\", pre-The Village, or possibly another induced hallucination. Secret messages", "title": "The Girl Who Was Death" }, { "docid": "6006895", "text": "material). Like all but two Devil Doll albums, \"The Girl Who Was ... Death\" contains only one track: the title track (another album has one musical track that is split into separate CD tracks). Being at an easily referenced length of 66 minutes and 6 seconds long, the song goes through many different themes and melodies, keeping strong to the band's progressive attributes. The album travels through several emotions with eerie tones and metaphorical lyrics. At 38:46 into the song, the music ceases and silence continues until the very end, where the album features the band's cover of the main", "title": "The Girl Who Was... Death" }, { "docid": "387036", "text": "Single for \"Wannabe\". The group performed \"Who Do You Think You Are\" to open the 1997 Brit Awards, with Geri Halliwell wearing a Union Jack mini-dress that became one of pop history's most famed outfits. In March 1997, a double A-side of \"Mama\"/\"Who Do You Think You Are\" was released in Europe, the last from \"Spice\", which once again saw them at number one, making the Spice Girls the first group in history since the Jackson 5 to have four consecutive number one hits. \"Girl Power!\", The Spice Girls' first book and manifesto was launched later that month at the", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "2303807", "text": "long existence in North America, the phrase \"middle name\" was not recorded until 1835, in the periodical \"Harvardiana\". The use of multiple middle names has been somewhat impeded recently by the increased use of computer databases that occasionally allow for only a single middle name or more commonly a middle initial in storing personal records, effectively preventing people with multiple middle names from being listed in such databases under their full name. This is worsened by longer compound names, like María del Pilar Pereyra or María de las Nieves García. The abbreviation \"N.M.N.\" (no middle name) or \"N.M.I.\" (no middle", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "2303826", "text": "the name of address. For the sake of completeness, Swedish forms often ask people to fill in all their given names and to indicate which one is their \"name of address\" (\"tilltalsnamn\"). Traditional middle names in Vietnamese are \"Văn\" for male names and \"Thị\" for female names. However, modern Vietnamese do not consider these to be attractive names, especially \"Thị\". Therefore, nowadays popular middle names also are popular first names. Middle names play an important role in Vietnamese full names; they could help creating beautiful names when combine with first names, distinguishing people who have the same first name (there", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "2303825", "text": "about middle names that shall not be hyphenated. Some of these double-barreled surnames are combined with a hyphen, while others are not, so a double surname without a hyphen can sometimes be indistinguishable from a middle name followed by a family name. In Scandinavia, there is no limit on how many given names one can have. Given names have never been referred to as middle names, apart from many in Sweden believing so, as mentioned above. The use of more than two or three given names is generally associated with the upper class. The first given name is not necessarily", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "3415473", "text": "event titled \"Spice Girls in Concert Wild!\", and was later included in the VHS and DVD release \"Girl Power! Live in Istanbul\". The Spice Girls have performed the song on their three tours, the Spiceworld Tour, the Christmas in Spiceworld Tour, and the Return of the Spice Girls. The performance at the Spiceworld Tour's final concert can be found on the video: \"Spice Girls Live at Wembley Stadium\", filmed in London, on 20 September 1998. It remained in the group's live set after Halliwell's departure. The first verse had originally been sung by Halliwell with Bunton. After Halliwell's departure, her", "title": "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song)" }, { "docid": "10485655", "text": "for local distribution. The following set list is representative of the show on 2 December 2007. It is not representative of all concerts for the duration of the tour. The Return of the Spice Girls Tour The Return of the Spice Girls Tour was the third concert tour by the British girl group the Spice Girls. This tour marked the group's first tour since Christmas in Spiceworld in 1999 and the first as the original five-piece since May 1998, during the Spiceworld Tour. The tour is estimated to have grossed over US$70 million and produced $107.2 million in ticket sales", "title": "The Return of the Spice Girls Tour" }, { "docid": "3124218", "text": "her mind controls the beautiful but \"empty\" body called Delphi, thus the female body in meeting with technology creates a separation between the body and the mind where P. Burke's only way of fulfilling the feminine beauty ideal is at the hands of technology. The futuristic world in which Tiptree Jr. stages her story has taught P. Burke to idolize the ideal that \"the Gods\" embody and so P. Burke willingly commits the act of \"performing femininity\". Another way disembodiment and oppression of the female body is seen in \"The Girl Who was Plugged In\" is the words used to", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "2303808", "text": "initial), with or without periods, is sometimes used in formal documents in the United States, where a middle initial or name is expected but the person does not have one. The middle name can also be a maiden name. Since 1905, \"middle name\" has also developed a figurative usage meaning a notable or outstanding attribute of a person, as in the phrase \"discretion is my middle name.\" In countries that primarily speak English—such as Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom—the forename of a relative is sometimes used as one's middle name to honor familial", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "3124210", "text": "the same reason. One notable characteristic on the way that The Girl Who Was Plugged In was written was how the author used a male narrator to tell the story to a predominantly male audience in order to play with readers’ expectations on how the story will pan out. Tiptree essentially tells this story by way of a male narrator to most likely a 1970s male science fiction consumer. Since this story is continuously told through a male narrator, this comes to highlight issues that male readers might have when reading this short story. According to Stevenson, Tiptree utilizes this", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "20313437", "text": "The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches (film) The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches () is a 2017 Canadian drama film directed by Simon Lavoie and starring Marine Johnson, Antoine L'Écuyer and Jean-François Casabonne. An adaptation of Gaétan Soucy's novel of the same name, the film centres on Alice Soissons (Marine Johnson), a girl raised to believe she is a boy, who lives in with her father and brother in oppressive and secluded conditions. When her father dies, she ventures into the village, where outsiders tell her she is female, and she fears the family", "title": "The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches (film)" }, { "docid": "20313451", "text": "Quebec films that lost in major categories. The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches (film) The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches () is a 2017 Canadian drama film directed by Simon Lavoie and starring Marine Johnson, Antoine L'Écuyer and Jean-François Casabonne. An adaptation of Gaétan Soucy's novel of the same name, the film centres on Alice Soissons (Marine Johnson), a girl raised to believe she is a boy, who lives in with her father and brother in oppressive and secluded conditions. When her father dies, she ventures into the village, where outsiders tell her she", "title": "The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches (film)" }, { "docid": "5195645", "text": "When you do a movie, I think you have to be really passionate about it. I was having a lot of offers, but this is something my heart was into.\" After finishing the script, the movie, which was later titled \"Crossroads\", had the working titles of \"What Are Friends For\" and \"Not a Girl\". \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\", written by Dido, Max Martin and Rami, was originally intended to be included on the movie's soundtrack, but after JIVE Records decided not to release a soundtrack, Spears later decided to use it on her third studio album,", "title": "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" }, { "docid": "4586707", "text": "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a novel by Jeanette Winterson published in 1985, which she subsequently adapted into a BBC television drama of the same name. It is a coming-of-age story about a lesbian girl who grows up in an English Pentecostal community. Key themes of the book include transition from youth to adulthood, complex family relationships, same sex relationships, and religion. In England and Wales, it has been included on both GCSE and A Level curricula, such as the OCR English Literature A Level, Literature Post 1900. The book is semi-autobiographical", "title": "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit" }, { "docid": "1571174", "text": "a disco king on what to do. The Spice Girls lent their voices to their characters in the game. The game received an average score of 40.00% at GameRankings, based on an aggregate of 4 reviews. Spice World (video game) Spice World is a music video game starring English pop girl group the Spice Girls as animated characters. It was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for the PlayStation. With tracks like \"Wannabe\", \"Who Do You Think You Are\", \"Move Over\", \"Spice Up Your Life\" and \"Say You'll Be There\", each animated Spice Girl will offer a few comments as", "title": "Spice World (video game)" }, { "docid": "3124206", "text": "in order to move up in society. Social status within this society is so dependent on what body one has in that people with “bad” bodies want to move into “better” bodies. Hicks says that this is precisely what gender disembodiment really means within the context of this short story. In relationship to human embodiment and this story, Scientists at MIT have created a device called sensory fiction that allows a reader to physically feel with his or her body what is happening in the story These scientists decided to use The Girl Who Was Plugged In as a prototype", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "19786574", "text": "of Music. In his letter Thommessen chastised Paus for his tonal music. A long monologue on why Paus has misunderstood everything about music ends with the words \"I do not want any more verbal contact with you.\" At the time the opera monologue premiered, the \"Teacher\" in the monologue remained anonymous. The monologue played an important role in an extensive debate on musical aesthetics in the music journal \"Ballade\" in 2015, during which the formerly anonymous \"Teacher\" was revealed by Paus to be Olav Anton Thommessen. The Teacher Who Was Not To Be The Teacher Who Was Not To Be", "title": "The Teacher Who Was Not To Be" }, { "docid": "7355161", "text": "dolls at the same time, but they were not popular due to many fans believing that they were ugly and did not resemble the Spice Girls. Spice Girls dolls The Spice Girls Dolls are celebrity dolls based on the popular girl group the Spice Girls. They were released by Galoob Toys from 1997 to 1999. With sales of over 11 million, they are the best-selling celebrity dolls of all time. In October 1997, it was announced that the Spice Girls were collaborating with Galoob Toys to create a range of Spice Girls dolls. The first dolls were originally due to", "title": "Spice Girls dolls" }, { "docid": "3124212", "text": "reader. Stevenson points out that after this, the reader is rebuked three different times for not focusing on P. Burke but each time this happens, the narration is moved to descriptions of the futuristic soundings, presumably in accord with what the male reader truly desires to read about. This goes back to what Heather J. Hicks states about the importance and success of the ideal feminine body compared to the non-ideal feminine body. P. Burke’s body is considered unimportant and the way the story is written and paced suggests just this point. Another theme of The Girl Who Was Plugged", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "20077401", "text": "Spice Girls filmography English pop girl group the Spice Girls have starred in one feature film, as well as several television specials, documentaries and commercials. They made their film debut in 1997, starring in their feature film \"Spice World\". The film was a commercial success, but was widely panned by critics, earning the group the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress. The Spice Girls have hosted various television specials. In November 1997, the Spice Girls became the first pop group to host ITV's \"An Audience with...\"; their show featured an all-female audience and was watched by 11.8 million viewers in", "title": "Spice Girls filmography" }, { "docid": "19786572", "text": "The Teacher Who Was Not To Be The Teacher Who Was Not To Be () is an opera monologue by Marcus Paus and with a libretto by Olav Anton Thommessen from 2013. It premiered at the concert \"Paus & Paus\" (with works by Marcus Paus and Ole Paus) in the Atrium of the University of Oslo in connection with the Oslo Opera Festival on 12 October 2013, with renowned opera singer Knut Stiklestad in the role of the eponymous \"Teacher.\" The monologue is based on a letter written by Olav Anton Thommessen to Marcus Paus in 2006, shortly after Paus", "title": "The Teacher Who Was Not To Be" }, { "docid": "5226542", "text": "in \"Casablanca\"), Dan Seymour (Abdul in \"Casablanca\") plays Captain Renard, whose name and position parallel Captain Renault in \"Casablanca\". As in \"Casablanca\", Bogart's initially reluctant character assists husband-and-wife Resistance members. \"To Have and Have Not\" was adapted as an hour-long radio play for \"Lux Radio Theater\", with Bogart and Bacall reprising their screen roles. It was broadcast on October 14, 1946. Warner Brothers adapted the novel a second time with the film \"The Breaking Point\" (1950) directed by Michael Curtiz, who was also so credited for \"Casablanca\". This screenplay stayed closer to the novel; it bore little resemblance to the", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" }, { "docid": "20077411", "text": "For a more complete list, see their filmographies on IMDB and BFI. Spice Girls filmography English pop girl group the Spice Girls have starred in one feature film, as well as several television specials, documentaries and commercials. They made their film debut in 1997, starring in their feature film \"Spice World\". The film was a commercial success, but was widely panned by critics, earning the group the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress. The Spice Girls have hosted various television specials. In November 1997, the Spice Girls became the first pop group to host ITV's \"An Audience with...\"; their show", "title": "Spice Girls filmography" }, { "docid": "2303823", "text": "a double name with a hyphen; and large portions of the Swedish population have not adapted to the official system to this day, i.e. for almost 50 years. People often use a hyphen between their middle name and last name themselves, and/or are spelled that way by other people and by mass media. Furthermore, when the term middle name was introduced in Swedish (\"mellannamn\") the word was assumed by many to mean the additional given names (apart from the \"name of address\" (\"tilltalsnamn\")), so since 1983 the word is being used more and more in this, officially, erratic meaning. Occasionally,", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "10531454", "text": "The Girl Who Returned The Girl Who Returned is a 1969 American comedy film, notable as the directorial debut of Lloyd Kaufman, future co-founder and president of Troma Entertainment. It was made during his sophomore year at Yale University. The story is set in an alternate reality in which the world is made up of just two countries: Luxembourg and Mongolia. Luxembourg is inhabited only by women and Mongolia only by men. Every four years, the two countries hold an Olympics competition to determine the supremacy of the world. The film was shot on a Bolex camera which did not", "title": "The Girl Who Returned" }, { "docid": "3487657", "text": "grrrl\". Some other musical artists who have used the slogan in their music are Welsh band Helen Love, with it appearing in the chorus of their 1992 song “Formula One Racing Girls”, and pop-punk duo Shampoo, who released an album and single titled \"Girl Power\" in 1995. British pop quintet Spice Girls popularized the slogan in the mid-1990s. In her 2002 book \"Girl Heroes: The New Force in Popular Culture\", Professor Susan Hopkins suggests a correlation between \"girl power\", Spice Girls, and female action heroes at the end of the 20th century. Geri Halliwell, a member of the Spice Girls,", "title": "Girl power" }, { "docid": "3124203", "text": "relation to The Girl Who Was Plugged In are generally about what it is trying to say about the female body and gender embodiment. Heather J. Hicks explains that in this story, Tiptree gives the reader a revolting look at female embodiment in the form of P. Burke. Tiptree describes P. Burke in very repulsive terms. Tiptree uses phrases like “pumped-out hulk”, “girl-brute” and “carcass” as terms to devalue the body of P. Burke. This devalued body of P. Burke is useless to society within the story. This version of female embodiment is shown in contrast to Delphi, the perfect", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "1571171", "text": "Spice World (video game) Spice World is a music video game starring English pop girl group the Spice Girls as animated characters. It was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe for the PlayStation. With tracks like \"Wannabe\", \"Who Do You Think You Are\", \"Move Over\", \"Spice Up Your Life\" and \"Say You'll Be There\", each animated Spice Girl will offer a few comments as the player tours the game's stages, experiencing a DJ and dance instructor that speak in stereotypical fashions. There are eleven dance moves, each one a different combination of four buttons. The game also contains a dozen", "title": "Spice World (video game)" }, { "docid": "5226536", "text": "this scene, the patrons at the bar represent different races and are racially integrated throughout the space, challenging the ideas of segregation and race during the time period. The next song, \"Limehouse Blues\" is reminiscent of Django Reinhardt's pre-war version. This represents French resistance spirit, as swing music became a symbol of resistance in France, because it was the only available example of American culture in France at the time. A common theme of war films such as \"To Have and Have Not\" is the conversion narrative. An individual who originally does not want to be involved in the war", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" }, { "docid": "3278417", "text": "as well as to cover its full-time employees during seasonal lulls in work. In some older copies of the book it was hinted that Nelson was writing sequels, however the author has published nothing further and Mr. Nelson currently lives in Minnesota. The Girl Who Owned a City The Girl Who Owned a City is the only published novel by O. T. Nelson, first published in 1975. This book, sometimes taught in schools, is considered to be best suited for those between the ages of 12 and 15. A graphic novel adaptation by Dan Jolley with art by Joëlle Jones", "title": "The Girl Who Owned a City" }, { "docid": "370763", "text": "substantial resources into bringing back spices to Spain in the 12th century. He was specifically looking for spices to put in wine, and was not alone among European monarchs at the time to have such a desire for spice. Spices were all imported from plantations in Asia and Africa, which made them expensive. From the 8th until the 15th century, the Republic of Venice had the monopoly on spice trade with the Middle East, and along with it the neighboring Italian maritime republics and city-states. The trade made the region rich. It has been estimated that around 1,000 tons of", "title": "Spice" }, { "docid": "4666334", "text": "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (TV serial) Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit was a 1990 BBC television drama, directed by Beeban Kidron. Jeanette Winterson wrote the screenplay, adapting her semi-autobiographical first novel of the same name (published 1985). The BBC produced and screened three episodes, running to a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes. The series was released on DVD in 2005. The series won the BAFTA award for Best Drama. Charlotte Coleman starred as Jess, a girl growing up in a Pentecostal evangelical household in Accrington, Hyndburn, Lancashire, England in the 1970s, who comes to understand", "title": "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (TV serial)" }, { "docid": "12997666", "text": "is only a small part of the book, but it sets the focus on family history. A \"buffer girl\" was a worker in the Sheffield cutlery industry who used the polishing machinery on steel tableware: a hot and dirty job that required protective clothing. Doherty was inspired by the William Rothenstein painting \"Sheffield Buffer Girls\", depicting two young women in their work clothes. In the first chapter the narrator is Jess, an 18-year-old girl who is about to leave home to study in France. Her extended family (her father Mike and mother Josie, her grandfathers Jack and Albert, her grandmother", "title": "Granny Was a Buffer Girl" }, { "docid": "3278410", "text": "The Girl Who Owned a City The Girl Who Owned a City is the only published novel by O. T. Nelson, first published in 1975. This book, sometimes taught in schools, is considered to be best suited for those between the ages of 12 and 15. A graphic novel adaptation by Dan Jolley with art by Joëlle Jones and Jenn Manley Lee was published in 2012. A deadly virus has swept the world, killing off everyone over the age of twelve in the span of a month or so. In the town of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, outside of Chicago, ten-year-old", "title": "The Girl Who Owned a City" }, { "docid": "3124201", "text": "are monitored and she can be censored or even punished if she doesn't follow orders. P. Burke loves being Delphi, and her starry-eyed personality makes Delphi a sensation. Paul Isham, the rich, rebel son of a network executive, notices Delphi and falls in love with her. P. Burke falls in love with him too, but of course can't tell him the truth about Delphi. Paul finds out that Delphi is being remotely controlled by electronic implants, and is shocked and incensed. But he misunderstands, believing that Delphi is a normal girl who is being enslaved by pain implants, not realizing", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "2303821", "text": "the early 19th century and then in Norway around 1900. A middle name is usually a recognised surname and not a patronymic. One reason middle names have become popular in the 20th century, particularly in Denmark, is that most Danish surnames originated as patronymics and are shared by a large number of people. The use of middle names in modern times serves to differentiate them from other people. For example, Danish politician Lars Løkke Rasmussen has some of the most common given and last names in Denmark (Lars and Rasmussen); his mother's maiden name is the slightly more unusual name", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "9841211", "text": "his musicals never produced in London. An original cast recording was released on the Columbia Records label. (Reissue: Sony Broadway SK 48210). \"Not Since Carrie: Forty Years of Broadway Musical Flops\" by Ken Mandelbaum, published by St. Martin's Press (1991), pages 120-23 () The Girl Who Came to Supper The Girl Who Came to Supper is a musical with a book by Harry Kurnitz and music and lyrics by Noël Coward, based on Terence Rattigan's 1953 play \"The Sleeping Prince\". The musical premiered on Broadway in 1963. The story is set in 1911 London at the time of George V's", "title": "The Girl Who Came to Supper" }, { "docid": "15438349", "text": "and warned Kate not to read the review because they were \"going to be mean and horrid\" to her. Then Kate goes to Sri Lanka and does the same with cinnamon. Oooh, can I have a go, let me try, oh I'm rubbish at it, and you're amazing, ha ha ha. \"The Independent\" were \"in love\" with Kate and found her to be enthusiastic and compared her to a head girl. One of the things that made The Spice Trail so watchable was the enthusiasm – the effusiveness – of all involved. No one looked like they'd been kowtowed into", "title": "The Spice Trail" }, { "docid": "5195642", "text": "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" is a song recorded by American singer Britney Spears for her third studio album, \"Britney\" (2001). It was written and produced by Max Martin and Rami, with additional writing from Dido. The song was released on February 18, 2002, by Jive Records. In the United States and Canada, the song was released as the second single from her third studio album \"Britney\"; internationally, it served as the third. \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" is a song that speaks about the angst", "title": "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" }, { "docid": "387064", "text": "guest appearance on \"The Jonathan Ross Show\". The Spice Girls broke onto the music scene at a time when alternative rock, hip-hop and R&B dominated global music charts. The modern pop phenomenon that the Spice Girls created by targeting early members of Generation Y was credited with changing the global music landscape, bringing about the global wave of late 1990s and early 2000s teen pop acts such as Hanson, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and NSYNC. The Spice Girls have also been credited with paving the way for the girl groups and female pop singers that have come after them. In", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "3631013", "text": "The narrative is told from multiple viewpoints, at different times, by different characters, and the characters' names are frequently supplied under the chapter headings to indicate who is narrating that chapter. \"To Have and Have Not\" began as a short story—published as \"One Trip Across\" in \"Cosmopolitan\" in 1934—introducing the character Harry Morgan. A second story was written and published in \"Esquire\" in 1936, at which point, Hemingway decided to write a novel about Harry Morgan. Unfortunately, the writing of the novel coincided with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. \"To Have and Have Not\" was published by Scribner's", "title": "To Have and Have Not" }, { "docid": "14895088", "text": "Lie (Part II)\", sitting on a stylized tree of lights above \"a field of sable-colored blades of grass.\" Rihanna then sang a solo version of \"What's My Name?\" and a short version of \"Only Girl (In the World)\". According to Mawuse Ziegbe of MTV News, the singer \"kicked up the island theme\" as drummers in tribal dress circled her. Rihanna performed a short version of \"Only Girl (In the World)\" at the 31st Brit Awards on February 15, 2011, as part of a medley with two other singles from \"Loud\": \"S&M\" and \"What's My Name?\". She had planned to perform", "title": "Only Girl (In the World)" }, { "docid": "11635568", "text": "Spice Boys (Congressmen) The Spice Boys were six thirtysomething neophyte and two-term congressmen of the House of Representatives of the Philippines openly critical of the administration during Joseph Estrada's term as President of the Philippines. The group's name is an allusion to the British girl-group, the Spice Girls. They also played a key role in Estrada's removal from office. The Estrada administration's equivalent of this opposition clique was a seven-member group of congressmen Estrada christened as the \"Bright Boys\". The 1998 Philippine general election ushered in a wave of neophyte congressmen into the House of Representatives, filling 140 seats of", "title": "Spice Boys (Congressmen)" }, { "docid": "5226502", "text": "To Have and Have Not (film) To Have and Have Not is a 1944 American romance-war-adventure film directed by Howard Hawks, loosely based on Ernest Hemingway's 1937 novel of the same name; however, the story was altered for the film. It stars Humphrey Bogart, Walter Brennan and Lauren Bacall in her film debut; it also features Dolores Moran, Hoagy Carmichael, Sheldon Leonard, Dan Seymour, and Marcel Dalio. The plot centers on the romance between a freelancing fisherman in Martinique and a beautiful American drifter which is complicated by the growing French resistance in Vichy France. Ernest Hemingway and Howard Hawks", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" }, { "docid": "10485642", "text": "The Return of the Spice Girls Tour The Return of the Spice Girls Tour was the third concert tour by the British girl group the Spice Girls. This tour marked the group's first tour since Christmas in Spiceworld in 1999 and the first as the original five-piece since May 1998, during the Spiceworld Tour. The tour is estimated to have grossed over US$70 million and produced $107.2 million in ticket sales and merchandising. The tour was the 8th highest-grossing concert tour of 2008. The 17-night sellout stand at London's The O2 Arena was the highest-grossing engagement of the year, taking", "title": "The Return of the Spice Girls Tour" }, { "docid": "2303812", "text": "\"Hong\" (弘). Traditionally, the list of generational names may be decided many generations in advance by the ancestors. In such naming systems, the de facto given name is the last character of a person's full name. Even if that was the case most of the time, sometimes the person's given name is the middle character and not the last. A three-character name is both patriarchal and hierarchical, as it would inform of a person's belonging and rank within a family. During the One-child Policy, there was no need for a generation name as there was only one child in each", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "15788078", "text": "to some reports, was never at any point titled \"The Green Anchor\". \"The Girl Who Waited\" is a title that has been used to refer to Amy after she waited 12 years for the Doctor to return in \"The Eleventh Hour\". Executive producer Beth Willis insisted that Amy's speech about how Rory was the most beautiful man she had ever met make it into the final version. \"The Girl Who Waited\" is designed as an episode in which the actor playing the Doctor is not required for much of the shooting — these have become known as \"Doctor Lite\" episodes.", "title": "The Girl Who Waited" }, { "docid": "3631011", "text": "ends meet in supporting his family. Harry begins to regularly ferry different types of illegal cargo between the two countries, including alcohol and Cuban revolutionaries. The Great Depression features prominently in the novel, forcing depravity and hunger on the poor residents of Key West (the \"Have Not's\") who are referred to locally as \"Conchs\". \"To Have and Have Not\" was Hemingway's second novel set in the United States, after \"The Torrents of Spring\". Written sporadically between 1935 and 1937, and revised as he traveled back and forth from Spain during the Spanish Civil War, \"To Have and Have Not\" portrays", "title": "To Have and Have Not" }, { "docid": "4190176", "text": "Forever (Spice Girls album) Forever is the third and final studio album by English girl group the Spice Girls. It was released on 1 November 2000 by Virgin Records. It is their only album without Geri Halliwell, who later rejoined the group for their \"Greatest Hits\" album in 2007. Despite failing to match the commercial success of the group's two previous albums, \"Forever\" peaked at number two on the UK Albums Chart and was certified Platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI). Worldwide, the album has sold four million copies. A double A-side single was released of \"Holler\" and \"Let", "title": "Forever (Spice Girls album)" }, { "docid": "2303819", "text": "relative. This practice, and the use of middle names in general, however, was mostly limited to the bourgeois class and the nobility, and was seldom seen among common people. In the 20th century, the use of middle names, especially one's mother's maiden name, was more widely adopted, although it is by no means mandatory. There are few set rules for how names are constructed today; people are required to have one given name and one family name, but can have as many additional given names and middle names as they like. In the example Carl Viggo Manthey Lange, the names", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "5226529", "text": "earlier 1939 Hawks film \"Only Angels Have Wings\" in which Jean Arthur says to Cary Grant, \"I'm hard to get, Geoff. All you have to do is ask me.\" Warner Bros. released \"To Have and Have Not\" in October 11, 1944. Aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reports 97% approval of \"To Have or Have Not\", with the critical consensus stated as, \"With Howard Hawks directing and Bogey and Bacall in front of the cameras, \"To Have and Have Not\" benefits from several levels of fine-tuned chemistry -- all of which ignite on screen.\" The critical reception of \"To Have and Have Not\"", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" }, { "docid": "18626038", "text": "A Girl Who Sees Smells A Girl Who Sees Smells () is a 2015 South Korean television series adapted from the KTOON webtoon of the same title by Seo Soo-kyung a/k/a Man Chwi. Starring Park Yoo-chun, Shin Se-kyung, Namgoong Min and Yoon Jin-seo, it aired on SBS on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes from April 1 to May 21, 2015. Its early working title was \"Sensory Couple\" (), before reverting to the name of the original webtoon. Despite low ratings, the drama managed to top the Contents Power Index (CPI) rankings for the most influential dramas. Choi", "title": "A Girl Who Sees Smells" }, { "docid": "370761", "text": "Africa. Arab merchants facilitated the routes through the Middle East and India. This resulted in the Egyptian port city of Alexandria being the main trading center for spices. The most important discovery prior to the European spice trade were the monsoon winds (40 CE). Sailing from Eastern spice cultivators to Western European consumers gradually replaced the land-locked spice routes once facilitated by the Middle East Arab caravans. In the story of Genesis, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers to spice merchants. In the biblical poem Song of Solomon, the male speaker compares his beloved to many forms of", "title": "Spice" }, { "docid": "2303829", "text": "\"given name-middle name-surname\" order (or \"Christian name-mother's surname-father's surname\") coincidentally follows the Portuguese naming system that uses two surnames, the first being maternal and the second being paternal. But, the maternal surname may not be the middle name at some cases. It may be a second given name, like what the term really means, as in \"Jose P. Laurel\", where \"P.\" (a middle initial) corresponds to \"Paciano\". In illegitimate children, the middle name is the maiden surname of the mother, and the middle name (maternal surname) of the mother as surname, but the surname become of the father's upon legal", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "2131836", "text": "Not a Pretty Girl Not a Pretty Girl is the sixth studio album released by singer-songwriter Ani DiFranco on her own record label, Righteous Babe Records. It was released July 18, 1995. The album extended the folk singer's early formula of acoustic guitar and drums. On subsequent records, DiFranco would add electric guitar, horns, band members and guest musicians, but on \"Not a Pretty Girl\" she was accompanied by Andy Stochansky's percussion alone. According to Allmusic, \"Light of Some Kind\" is a \"deeply felt portrait...in which the singer seems to be confessing to a man that she has been unfaithful", "title": "Not a Pretty Girl" }, { "docid": "11635571", "text": "House of Representatives. Andaya became chairman of the appropriations committee; Barbers headed the accounts committee, and Zubiri, the committee on legislative franchises. Defensor became head of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council, while Braganza took over as agrarian reform secretary. Spice Boys (Congressmen) The Spice Boys were six thirtysomething neophyte and two-term congressmen of the House of Representatives of the Philippines openly critical of the administration during Joseph Estrada's term as President of the Philippines. The group's name is an allusion to the British girl-group, the Spice Girls. They also played a key role in Estrada's removal from office.", "title": "Spice Boys (Congressmen)" }, { "docid": "2303824", "text": "Scandinavians choose to use their middle name as their surname in everyday life. So Per Gottfrid Svartholm Warg has Per and Gottfrid as his given names, where Gottfrid, not Per, is his name of address, Svartholm as his middle name and Warg as his last name, but in practice he uses Svartholm as a surname. This usage, however, is unofficial. Historically, a middle name could become part of a double-barreled surname (family name) and hence cease to be a middle name, especially if used for several generations. There are many family names of this kind, which contributes to the confusion", "title": "Middle name" }, { "docid": "3631010", "text": "To Have and Have Not To Have and Have Not is a novel by Ernest Hemingway (publ. 1937) about Harry Morgan, a fishing boat captain out of Key West, Florida. The novel depicts Harry as an essentially good man, who is forced by dire economic forces beyond his control into the black-market activity of running contraband between Cuba and Florida. A wealthy fishing charter customer (one of the \"Have's\") tricks Harry by slipping away without paying after a three-week fishing trip, leaving Harry destitute. Harry then makes a fateful decision to smuggle Chinese immigrants into Florida from Cuba to make", "title": "To Have and Have Not" }, { "docid": "3631017", "text": "the Iranian director Nasser Taghvai adapted the novel into a nationalized version called \"Captain Khorshid\" which took the events from Cuba to the shores of the Persian Gulf. To Have and Have Not To Have and Have Not is a novel by Ernest Hemingway (publ. 1937) about Harry Morgan, a fishing boat captain out of Key West, Florida. The novel depicts Harry as an essentially good man, who is forced by dire economic forces beyond his control into the black-market activity of running contraband between Cuba and Florida. A wealthy fishing charter customer (one of the \"Have's\") tricks Harry by", "title": "To Have and Have Not" }, { "docid": "4725805", "text": "Goodbye (Spice Girls song) \"Goodbye\" is a song recorded by British girl group Spice Girls. It was written by the Spice Girls, Richard Stannard and Matt Rowe, while it was produced by the latter two. The song became the group's first song without the vocals of Geri Halliwell. It was released by Virgin Records on 14 December 1998. It was later included on their third studio album \"Forever\" (2000). \"Goodbye\" was a commercial success, peaking at number one on the UK Singles Chart, and making the Spice Girls the first act to have three consecutive Christmas number-one singles since The", "title": "Goodbye (Spice Girls song)" }, { "docid": "5195653", "text": "2003 Japan Gold Disc Awards. \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" was performed on Spears's Dream Within a Dream Tour. After the performance of \"Boys\", Spears sat down next to a piano player and talked to the audience before moving into a performance of the song. Spears also performed the song in several television appearances, including on \"The Rosie O'Donnell Show\", the \"Late Show with David Letterman\", the American Music Awards of 2002, \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", and \"Saturday Night Live\". \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" was also performed on the show \"Wetten, dass..?\" in", "title": "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" }, { "docid": "5195643", "text": "and heartache of adolescence. Spears considered the song inspirational and one of her favorite songs to perform. \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" received positive reviews from music critics. The song was considered to be Spears' standout statement on \"Britney\", while comparing the song to the powerful ballads written by Diane Warren. However, it won the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Original Song. While the song did not perform well in the United States, \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" reached the top ten in Australia, Germany, Ireland, Sweden and United Kingdom. An accompanying music video", "title": "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" }, { "docid": "4275451", "text": "the pines. The book ends with her giving birth. A film adaptation by Simon Lavoie, \"The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches\", was released in 2017, and garnered seven nominations at the Canadian Screen Awards. The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches (orig French \"La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes\") is a novel by Canadian novelist Gaétan Soucy. \"La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes\" was one of the novels chosen for inclusion in the French version of \"Canada Reads\", broadcast on Radio-Canada in", "title": "The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches" }, { "docid": "18731245", "text": "an Ayurvedic approach, she unveils the secrets of how each featured spice not only flavors your food, but may also heal your body and mind. Nirmala's Spice World Nirmala's Spice World is a Cooking show from the United States. This show also aired in Indian on Zindagi under the segment \"Fursat Ke Pal\". Nirmala's Spice World is a culinary adventure that takes the viewer into a world of exotic spices from around the globe. The \"Queen of Spice,\" Nirmala Narine, opens her spice cabinet to reveal ancient secrets of spices that for generations have transformed plain dishes into unique and", "title": "Nirmala's Spice World" }, { "docid": "3124223", "text": "P. Burke merges with Delphi, is in feminist science fiction an act of defeat, as opposed to the romanticized approach of cyberpunk where it is seen as necessary and a source of power. Bukatman also points out that technological advances in science fiction are synonym with the furthering of a patriarchal power structure, as seen in the control of the female body in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\". Bukatman states; \"In this sense, Tiptree's title refers to the state of being plugged in to male definitions of the feminine image and being; plugged in to the power structures of", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "387085", "text": "dressing up, concluding that: \"I'm so flattered that we've got such a huge gay following, it's amazing.\" In 1999, a study conducted by the British Council found that the Spice Girls were the second-best-known Britons internationally—only behind then-Prime Minister Tony Blair—and the best-known Britons in Asia. In 2006, ten years after the release of their debut single, the Spice Girls were voted the biggest cultural icons of the 1990s with 80 percent of the votes in a UK poll of 1,000 people carried out for the board game \"Trivial Pursuit\", stating that \"Girl Power\" defined the decade. The Spice Girls", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "3124221", "text": "society, making her unable to form emotional connections or experience love until her disembodiment and re-embodiment as Delphi. Consequently, P. Burke feels more human in the beautiful vessel Delphi than in her own body, because society finally accepts and recognizes her existence. In other words, P. Burke is dependent on technology to be able to participate in society. While Hollinger reads \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" through the ideological lens of gender as a performance, Hicks believe Tiptree connects female disembodiment with women's relationship to technology. Delphi, made for the sole purpose of advertising, is the living example of", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "20655095", "text": "The Girl Who Drank the Moon The Girl Who Drank the Moon is a 2016 children's book by Kelly Barnhill. The book tells how Luna, after being raised by a witch, must figure out how to handle the magical powers she was accidentally given. The book won the 2017 Newbery Medal. The book was favorably reviewed. Common Sense Media gave it 5 stars and an A+ for educational value, cited its positive message and role models calling it, \"A great choice for middle-grade fantasy lovers.\" Diana Wagman writing for the New York Times also compliments the book for its ability", "title": "The Girl Who Drank the Moon" }, { "docid": "3124204", "text": "version of female embodiment. Delphi’s physical appearance is described in terms such as “flawless” and “beautiful baby” after she is first brought out to be seen. The juxtaposition of these two bodies allows for a discussion on the way these two types of bodies function within the context of the society presented. The Girl Who Was Plugged In presents two different types of bodies. Heather J. Hicks explains that Delphi is the body that matters within the society and it is the body that has value as opposed to the body of P. Burke. This idea can be seen in", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "9841207", "text": "The Girl Who Came to Supper The Girl Who Came to Supper is a musical with a book by Harry Kurnitz and music and lyrics by Noël Coward, based on Terence Rattigan's 1953 play \"The Sleeping Prince\". The musical premiered on Broadway in 1963. The story is set in 1911 London at the time of George V's coronation. American-born chorus girl Mary Morgan becomes involved with Balkan archduke Charles, the widowed Prince Regent of Carpathia, after he sees a performance of her West End musical \"The Coconut Girl\". She soon becomes involved with the actions of his teenaged son, King", "title": "The Girl Who Came to Supper" }, { "docid": "5195654", "text": "Germany, and on \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\". An MTV special titled \"Total Britney Live\" included an exclusive performance of the song, along with performances of \"I'm a Slave 4 U\" and \"Stronger\". Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Britney\". I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman \"I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman\" is a song recorded by American singer Britney Spears for her third studio album, \"Britney\" (2001). It was written and produced by Max Martin and Rami, with additional writing from Dido. The song was released on February 18, 2002, by Jive Records.", "title": "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" }, { "docid": "5226514", "text": "the title, the name and a few personality traits of the main character Harry Morgan, the name of Marie, the name of Eddie, and the name and character traits of Johnson. Johnson is the only character that remained the same in the novel, in every revised screenplay, and in the film. The film only bears resemblance to the first four chapters of the novel. Howard Hawks recruited Jules Furthman to work on the screenplay. Completed on October 12, 1943, the initial screenplay was 207 pages. It resembled the novel more than the final screenplay did. By the end of December,", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" }, { "docid": "3124205", "text": "the story through the fact that celebrities, which Delphi is, have to be used for advertisement. This gives Delphi an opportunity that P. Burke does not have. Only through the proxy of Delphi can P. Burke be valued in society and . P. Burke takes the opportunity to control Delphi with absolute glee. Hicks explains this when she states that “P. Burke welcomes the chance to shed the ignominious flesh and bone that have caused her so much suffering” in order to become more valued. This means that P. Burke is willing to get rid of her own physical body", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "5159269", "text": "Mama (Spice Girls song) \"Mama\" is a song by the British girl group the Spice Girls. It was written by the Spice Girls, Matt Rowe and Richard Stannard, and produced by Rowe and Stannard for the group's debut album \"Spice\", released in November 1996. \"Mama\" is a pop ballad that features instrumentation from keyboards, a rhythm guitar, a cello, and a violin, and its lyrics deal with the difficulties in relationships between mothers and daughters that appear during adolescence. It was released as a double A-side with \"Who Do You Think You Are\", and became the official single of the", "title": "Mama (Spice Girls song)" }, { "docid": "3124215", "text": "male pseudonym James Tiptree Jr., has been discussed by several feminist literary scholars, amongst them Scott Bukatman, Melissa Colleen Stevenson, Veronica Hollinger and Heather J. Hicks. The major themes in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" as seen in their articles referenced in this section are disembodiment and re-embodiment, performance of femininity, oppression of the female body by cultural power structures and the female body in a technological society. Veronica Hollinger, co-editor of the scholarly journal \"Science Fiction Studies\" of DePauw University, states in her article \"(Re)reading Queerly: Science Fiction, Feminism, and the Defamiliarization of Gender\" that women are forced", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "5226540", "text": "down through the story line and perishes in the end. In the film, however, Morgan ends up a winner. This was specifically altered by Hawks because he did not like stories about \"losers\". With some regarding \"To Have and Have Not\" as one of Hawks's best, the film represents the only time two Nobel Prize winners, Faulkner and Hemingway, worked on the same film story. Some of Bacall's lines became renowned as \"double entendre\"; for instance, \"You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and ... blow ...\" (said while looking at him provocatively).", "title": "To Have and Have Not (film)" } ]
How did Jock die in Dallas?
[ "Helicopter accident" ]
[ { "docid": "9074094", "text": "beside Miss Ellie's headstone and grave. In a storyline during the 1986–87 season of the show, a man named Wes Parmalee (portrayed by Steve Forrest) came to Dallas, where Clayton and Ray hired him as ranch foreman on Southfork. One day, Miss Ellie found Jock's belt buckle, knife, letters, and photo of a young Miss Ellie in Parmalee's room. Wes then claimed to be Jock Ewing, and that he had survived the helicopter accident, which necessitated plastic surgery and rehab in a South American hospital. After passing a series of tests set by J.R. and Bobby, including X-ray tests, a", "title": "Jock Ewing" } ]
[ { "docid": "9074086", "text": "put her in a mental hospital. The doctor told Jock that Amanda would never recover and advised Jock to divorce her, which he eventually did in 1930. In 1936, Jock and Miss Ellie married on the day that her family was to lose Southfork, and it was well known that Jock was the only man in Dallas with the money to save the ranch. Jock had a fragile and stormy relationship with Miss Ellie's father, Aaron Southworth, and with her brother Garrison; however, Barbara Southworth seemed to accept her new son-in-law, if only for Miss Ellie's sake. On his deathbed,", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "15285675", "text": "to produce the film as the state's law was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the 2006 case Gonzales v. Oregon. \"How to Die in Oregon\" was well received by critics, currently holding a 100% \"fresh\" rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 8 reviews. The film won the Grand Jury Prize for Documentaries at the 27th Sundance Film Festival. How to Die in Oregon How to Die in Oregon is a 2011 American documentary film produced and directed by Peter Richardson. It is set in the U.S. state of Oregon and covers the state's Death with", "title": "How to Die in Oregon" }, { "docid": "9074082", "text": "Jock Ewing John Ross \"Jock\" Ewing Sr. (1909–82) is a character in the popular American television series \"Dallas\", played by Jim Davis from 1978 to 1981; in the made-for-TV movie prequel to the series \"\" (1986), he was played by Dale Midkiff. Jock Ewing founded Ewing Oil in 1930 and was the patriarch of the Ewing family. Jock was born in 1909, the younger of two sons born to Leander Ewing and his wife. Through his older brother Jason, Jock got a job in an oil field in east Texas. While riding in a train boxcar he met Willard \"Digger\"", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074099", "text": "a different Jock Ewing portrait as a focal point of its \"Jock's Living Room\". Jock drove the same 1978 Lincoln Mark V with the license plate EWING 1 for all four seasons in which he appeared, which is still on the grounds of Southfork, parked in one of the gift shops. Jock Ewing John Ross \"Jock\" Ewing Sr. (1909–82) is a character in the popular American television series \"Dallas\", played by Jim Davis from 1978 to 1981; in the made-for-TV movie prequel to the series \"\" (1986), he was played by Dale Midkiff. Jock Ewing founded Ewing Oil in 1930", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074088", "text": "gave birth to Jock's illegitimate son, Ray Krebbs. After the war, Jock returned to Southfork and confessed to Miss Ellie about his affair with Margaret Hunter. She forgave him and they moved on. In 1948, Amos Krebbs left Margaret Hunter, leaving her to raise Ray as a single parent. In 1960, a 15-year-old Ray Krebbs showed up at Southfork with a note from his mother asking Jock to help Ray. Jock made Ray a hand on Southfork. Neither Jock, Miss Ellie nor Ray knew that Jock was Ray's father until 20 years later, when Amos Krebbs came to Dallas and", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074092", "text": "the grounds of conservationism. After Ellie refused his order to back down and stay out of the matter, he left Southfork. However, they quickly reconciled and went on a second honeymoon to Paris. Upon returning to the United States, Jock and Miss Ellie arrived in Washington. D.C., where they were met by the U.S. State Department with a request for Jock to lead the development of the oil industry in South America. Ellie returned to Southfork alone, while Jock had conferences in Washington. Jock briefly returned to Dallas for a few hours before leaving for South America. While flying back", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074083", "text": "Barnes, and the two became friends. Jock, Digger, and Jason all became wildcatters and began drilling their own fields. Digger had a unique ability to smell oil underground, and with Jock's business skills they began making a fortune. Jason and Digger didn't get on much, while Jock stood up for Digger in those days. Jason eventually left Texas to wildcat in Alaska, marrying a woman named Nancy Shaw, with whom he had a son Jack (played by Dack Rambo) and a daughter Jamie (played by Jenilee Harrison). Jock and Digger returned to Dallas and Southfork, where Jock met Digger's girlfriend,", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "15285674", "text": "How to Die in Oregon How to Die in Oregon is a 2011 American documentary film produced and directed by Peter Richardson. It is set in the U.S. state of Oregon and covers the state's Death with Dignity Act that allows terminally ill patients to self-administer barbiturates prescribed by their physician to end their own life, referred to as assisted suicide to opponents and medical aid in dying to proponents. The film was released in January 2011 at the 27th Sundance Film Festival and began airing on HBO later in the year. Peter Richardson, a native Oregonian, got the idea", "title": "How to Die in Oregon" }, { "docid": "9074098", "text": "predecessor. Producers finally yielded to viewers and ended the storyline, leaving Jock dead for good by the end of the tenth season. After Jim Davis' death, artist Ro Kim painted a portrait of the actor in his role as Jock Ewing. The portrait became a focal point of the \"Dallas\" set and was featured in a number of episodes. The painting hung in the home of Larry Hagman, who played antagonist J.R. Ewing for many years until he decided to sell the portrait at auction in spring 2011. The Southfork Ranch in Parker, Texas, where \"Dallas\" exteriors were shot, features", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074095", "text": "polygraph test and knowledge about the Ewing family, including Jock's first wife Amanda and Ray being Jock's son, Wes convinced many in Dallas, in addition to Miss Ellie, Ray, and several other members of the Ewing family, that he could be Jock. However, Clayton, Bobby and J.R. utterly refused to believe any suggestion that Wes was Jock. Bobby flew down and talked with the doctor who had treated Jock for a severe fever while he was in South America. Bobby returned to Southfork and revealed this information at a Ewing barbecue, where Jock's best friend Punk Anderson said that while", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "20695134", "text": "How Democracies Die How Democracies Die is a 2018 book by Harvard University political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt about how elected leaders can gradually subvert the democratic process to increase their power. The book was on \"The New York Times\" Bestseller list. The book warns against the breakdown of \"mutual toleration\" and respect for the political legitimacy of the opposition. This toleration involves accepting the results of a free and fair election where the opposition has won, in contrast with advocacy for overthrow or spurious complaints about the election mechanism. The authors also assert the importance of respecting", "title": "How Democracies Die" }, { "docid": "20695137", "text": "\"Fair Observer\" called it an original contribution valuable to researchers, policy makers, and citizens. The book was awarded with the German NDR Kultur Sachbuchpreis 2018. How Democracies Die How Democracies Die is a 2018 book by Harvard University political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt about how elected leaders can gradually subvert the democratic process to increase their power. The book was on \"The New York Times\" Bestseller list. The book warns against the breakdown of \"mutual toleration\" and respect for the political legitimacy of the opposition. This toleration involves accepting the results of a free and fair election where", "title": "How Democracies Die" }, { "docid": "5436659", "text": "Canadian Supreme Court's landmark decision \"R v Zundel\", when it declared that the law under which he had been charged, \"reporting false news\", was unconstitutional. \"Did Six Million Really Die?\" was banned in Germany and South Africa. In 2017 Amazon.com removed the book along with other holocaust-denying books from its US and UK sites. Did Six Million Really Die? Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last is a Holocaust denial pamphlet allegedly written by British National Front member Richard Verrall under the pseudonym \"Richard E. Harwood\" and published in 1974 by neo-Nazi propagandist Ernst Zündel, another Holocaust denier", "title": "Did Six Million Really Die?" }, { "docid": "17706710", "text": "The book consists three parts: How Civilizations Die How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam Is Dying Too) is a book written by the author and economist David P. Goldman, published on September 19, 2011 by Regnery Publishing. It discusses the declining in birthrates of both Europe and Islamic nations. In his view the decline in birthrates leads to the passive attitude of Europe, and the aggressive and violent attitude of the Islamic world, not from a stand of power, but from a point of desperate action. Most of the book is based on articles he published under the pseudonym \"Spengler\"", "title": "How Civilizations Die" }, { "docid": "17706709", "text": "How Civilizations Die How Civilizations Die (And Why Islam Is Dying Too) is a book written by the author and economist David P. Goldman, published on September 19, 2011 by Regnery Publishing. It discusses the declining in birthrates of both Europe and Islamic nations. In his view the decline in birthrates leads to the passive attitude of Europe, and the aggressive and violent attitude of the Islamic world, not from a stand of power, but from a point of desperate action. Most of the book is based on articles he published under the pseudonym \"Spengler\" on the \"Asia Times\" newspaper.", "title": "How Civilizations Die" }, { "docid": "17574311", "text": "idea can be stretched without breaking\". There are 31 stories contained within \"This Is How You Die\": This Is How You Die This Is How You Die: Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death is a 2013 collection of science fiction short stories, which is a follow up anthology to the \"Machine of Death\", edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, and David Malki. \"Kirkus Reviews\" called it \"(f)unny, frightening, (and) clever\", while \"Publishers Weekly\" found it to be \"fun, thoughtful, and sometimes dark\". \"The A.V. Club\" noted the many \"strikingly different perspectives\" of how society would be affected", "title": "This Is How You Die" }, { "docid": "8367799", "text": "Dallas: The Early Years Dallas: The Early Years is a 1986 made-for-television drama film and a prequel to the television series \"Dallas\". The three-hour film aired on CBS on March 23, 1986 between the 26th and 27th episodes of the 1985–1986 ninth season of \"Dallas\". Written by series creator David Jacobs, the movie chronicles the exploits of John Ross \"Jock\" Ewing (Dale Midkiff), Eleanor \"Miss Ellie\" Southworth Ewing (Molly Hagan), and Willard \"Digger\" Barnes (David Grant) from 1933 to 1951, and firmly established the background story of TV's \"Dallas\" with the long and ongoing feud between Jock and Digger started.", "title": "Dallas: The Early Years" }, { "docid": "16495832", "text": "operated corporation. The executive offices are on the top floor, where for decades the Ewings had Dallas at their feet. Jock Ewing founded Ewing Oil in 1930 and ran it until 1977, when he retired as President. Several years prior to the debut of \"Dallas\", J.R. Ewing had returned home to Southfork after serving in Vietnam and became Vice-President of Ewing Oil. When Jock retired, J.R. became president of Ewing Oil. Bobby Ewing returned to Dallas and joined the executive management team. J.R. resented his presence and wanted him out of the way. Things came to a head at the", "title": "Ewing family (Dallas)" }, { "docid": "13178130", "text": "How the Poor Die \"How the Poor Die\" is an essay first published in 1946 in \"Now\" by the English author George Orwell. Orwell gives an anecdotal account of his experiences in a French public hospital which triggers a contemplation of hospital literature in the context of 19th-century medicine. In 1928 Orwell went to Paris for 18 months. In March 1929 he was feeling unwell and spent two weeks in the Hôpital Cochin, rue Faubourg Saint-Jacques, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. Ill with the flu, he was treated at the hospital from 7 to 22 March 1929. While in", "title": "How the Poor Die" }, { "docid": "13178141", "text": "his lungs, and a few moments later he was dead, aged 46. Controversy surrounds Sonia's activities. Some say she was at a nightclub and inaccessible. Others claim that at the end of the evening having had dinner with her friends she called the hospital and came back distraught with the news of Orwell's death. How the Poor Die \"How the Poor Die\" is an essay first published in 1946 in \"Now\" by the English author George Orwell. Orwell gives an anecdotal account of his experiences in a French public hospital which triggers a contemplation of hospital literature in the context", "title": "How the Poor Die" }, { "docid": "17574310", "text": "This Is How You Die This Is How You Die: Stories of the Inscrutable, Infallible, Inescapable Machine of Death is a 2013 collection of science fiction short stories, which is a follow up anthology to the \"Machine of Death\", edited by Ryan North, Matthew Bennardo, and David Malki. \"Kirkus Reviews\" called it \"(f)unny, frightening, (and) clever\", while \"Publishers Weekly\" found it to be \"fun, thoughtful, and sometimes dark\". \"The A.V. Club\" noted the many \"strikingly different perspectives\" of how society would be affected by the Machine, and lauded the book as \"a celebration of creativity, exploring how impressively far one", "title": "This Is How You Die" }, { "docid": "10102505", "text": "Party of Great Britain (CPGB) during his speech at a Unity Campaign meeting 15 March 1937 in Liverpool: \"One day we shall tell our children about the defense of Madrid, this epic story that can never die in the pages of World History. I think of Jock Cunningham leading his men fearlessly and unafraid…dancing with death. A word of encouragement here...ceaselessly moving among his men until everyone has become influenced with the mighty unconquerable spirit of a worker blessed with a fiery hatred of Fascism…this is Jock Cunningham. Our Chapaev\". In \"The Spanish Civil War\", Hugh Thomas, explains the reference", "title": "Jock Cunningham" }, { "docid": "5436644", "text": "Did Six Million Really Die? Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last is a Holocaust denial pamphlet allegedly written by British National Front member Richard Verrall under the pseudonym \"Richard E. Harwood\" and published in 1974 by neo-Nazi propagandist Ernst Zündel, another Holocaust denier and pamphleteer. The NF denied that Verrall was the author in a 1978 edition of \"World in Action\". In 1983, Holocaust survivor Sabina Citron began a private prosecution under s.181 of the Canadian Criminal Code against Zündel, charging him with spreading false news. She was subsequently joined in her proceedings against Zündel by the", "title": "Did Six Million Really Die?" }, { "docid": "14288067", "text": "and commentator, and on the occasion of Haddington's 90th anniversary the Club received a letter from the Bill McLaren stating how much he owed Jock for early tutelage. Jock Wemyss Andrew \"Jock\" Wemyss (pronounced \"Weemz\") (22 May 1893, Galashiels – 21 January 1974, Edinburgh) was a Scottish rugby union player, who played at prop. Wemyss lost one of his eyes in World War I, but continued to play after the war (games were suspended during the conflict). Wemyss, together with George St Claire Murray, a rugby enthusiast from the Watsonians club, founded the Co-Optimists invitational rugby club in 1924. This", "title": "Jock Wemyss" }, { "docid": "10442471", "text": "The book's title comes from a lyric of Wilco's \"War on War\", which appears on their 2002 album \"Yankee Hotel Foxtrot\". It was published on June 15, 2004 by Broadway Books. The book received positive reviews from outlets such as \"The New York Times\". Wilco: Learning How to Die Wilco: Learning How to Die (2004, ) is a book by \"Chicago Tribune\" rock critic Greg Kot. The book was written with the cooperation of Wilco band members past and present. It covers the time period from when Wilco singer Jeff Tweedy was born, through the formation and breakup of Uncle", "title": "Wilco: Learning How to Die" }, { "docid": "10442470", "text": "Wilco: Learning How to Die Wilco: Learning How to Die (2004, ) is a book by \"Chicago Tribune\" rock critic Greg Kot. The book was written with the cooperation of Wilco band members past and present. It covers the time period from when Wilco singer Jeff Tweedy was born, through the formation and breakup of Uncle Tupelo, and the career of Wilco through their 2004 album \"A Ghost Is Born\". It is primarily written as an oral history, featuring interviews with Tweedy, John Stirratt, and other Wilco members, as well as manager Tony Margherita and Uncle Tupelo drummer Mike Heidorn.", "title": "Wilco: Learning How to Die" }, { "docid": "4504958", "text": "Jock McAvoy Joseph Patrick Bamford (20 November 1908 – 20 November 1971), better known by his ring name Jock McAvoy, was a British boxer who fought from 1927 to 1945. He held the British Empire Middleweight Championship from 1933-39, and took the British Empire Light Heavyweight Title in April, 1937, by knocking out Eddie Phillips. Bamford was born in Burnley, Lancashire, but was billed as being from Rochdale. Bamford adopted the name Jock McAvoy so that his mother did not realize he was boxing. Initially discovered, trained and managed by Joseph Tolley at Tolley's famous Rochdale Boxing Club, he was", "title": "Jock McAvoy" }, { "docid": "18181356", "text": "has hosted episodes of its own spin-off podcast \"How Did This Get Made? Origin Stories\" in which Blake Harris interviews people involved with the films covered by the main show. In December 2017, an episode was recorded for the Pee Cast Blast event, and released exclusively on Stitcher Premium. How Did This Get Made? How Did This Get Made? (HDTGM) is a podcast on the Earwolf network. It is hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas. Each show, which typically has a different guest, features the deconstruction and mockery of outlandish and bad films. The hosts and", "title": "How Did This Get Made?" }, { "docid": "13178134", "text": "poultice. In the ward he notes the indifference of the staff to their patients, in particular when they are used as case studies for medical training. The death of \"numero 57\" sets Orwell wondering how lucky it is to die a natural death, or rather, as he thinks at the time of writing, and as he thought then, if is it better to die violently and not too old. Orwell sees his experiences in the French hospital, and in a Spanish hospital, in stark contrast to the care he received in an English cottage hospital. Orwell gives a historical background", "title": "How the Poor Die" }, { "docid": "5436657", "text": "Six Million Really Die?\" does not fit with received views of reality because it is not part of reality. Although in the end he was not required to give evidence, the historian Hugh Trevor-Roper offered to give evidence, stating that \"behind a simulated objectivity of expression, it is in fact an irresponsible and tendentious publication which avoids material evidence and presents selected half-truths and distortions for the sole purpose of sowing anti-Semitic propaganda\". Anthony Hancock re-published \"Did Six Million Really Die?\" and made a significant amount of money from doing so, to the point where he was sued for royalties", "title": "Did Six Million Really Die?" }, { "docid": "6571120", "text": "Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Xhosa and Zulu, amongst others. Illustrations for the book were done by Edmund Caldwell, a brother of Mary Tourtel, creator of Rupert Bear. A widely available 'modernised' South African edition published by AD Donker Publishers, according to its editor Linda Rosenberg, has been cleansed of its 'prejudicial racial references', while 'the esoteric charm and innocent philosophical tone have been left scrupulously intact'. Jock permanently lost his hearing when a kudu antelope cow kicked him. This is attributed as one of the main reasons he die : When Fitzpatrick went to live in Barberton, he realised Jock was", "title": "Jock of the Bushveld" }, { "docid": "18181355", "text": "This is often referenced in \"How Did This Get Made\", often by Jason and June, annoyed at how they hadn't been invited to host this new podcast, instead being subjected to the bad films that HDTGM cover. The show is released every two weeks. During the show's off week, a \".5\" episode is uploaded featuring Scheer announcing the next week's movie as well as challenges for the fans. In addition to the shows and mini-shows, the \"How Did This Get Made?\" stream hosted the first three episodes of Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider's \"Bitch Sesh\" podcast in December 2015. It", "title": "How Did This Get Made?" }, { "docid": "15417661", "text": "the sexual abuse (but did not specifically mention Jock Stein) in a banner at the 2016 Scottish Cup semi-final against Celtic. The message \"Zombies are fictional, paedophiles are real\" also referred to the mocking term used by opposition fans who believed the club had 'died' as a result of the liquidation of their commercial entity in 2012. The Celtic fans chose this subject for their own abusive banner at the same event. Big Jock Knew \"Big Jock knew\" is a song sung by some supporters of Scottish football clubs, including Rangers and Heart of Midlothian. It is aimed mainly to", "title": "Big Jock Knew" }, { "docid": "15417657", "text": "Big Jock Knew \"Big Jock knew\" is a song sung by some supporters of Scottish football clubs, including Rangers and Heart of Midlothian. It is aimed mainly to antagonise supporters of Rangers' Glasgow rivals Celtic by alleging that former manager Jock Stein was aware of sexual abuse committed by former Celtic Boys Club manager Jim Torbett during the 1960s and 1970s, and did not notify the authorities. During Torbett's court trial in 1998, former Celtic Boys' Club chairman Hugh Birt claimed that Stein and the Celtic board were aware of and covered up allegations made against Torbett. Other witnesses testified", "title": "Big Jock Knew" }, { "docid": "8367801", "text": "Barbara. Warner Home Video released \"Dallas: The Early Years\" on DVD April 12, 2011 on Dallas: The Movie Collection 2-disc set. Dallas: The Early Years Dallas: The Early Years is a 1986 made-for-television drama film and a prequel to the television series \"Dallas\". The three-hour film aired on CBS on March 23, 1986 between the 26th and 27th episodes of the 1985–1986 ninth season of \"Dallas\". Written by series creator David Jacobs, the movie chronicles the exploits of John Ross \"Jock\" Ewing (Dale Midkiff), Eleanor \"Miss Ellie\" Southworth Ewing (Molly Hagan), and Willard \"Digger\" Barnes (David Grant) from 1933 to", "title": "Dallas: The Early Years" }, { "docid": "6040707", "text": "The song also features on the mini-album \"The End Of A Beautiful Career\". Why Did You Let My Kitten Die? \"Why Did You Let My Kitten Die?\" is a song by Angelica, released as the band's second single. It had a limited release of 1000 copies on Fantastic Plastic Records and was voted Alternative Record of the Year by BBC Radio 1's \"Evening Session\" audience. The title track is a reference to the 1961 film \"Whistle Down the Wind\", in which a group of children believe an escaped convict to be Jesus. The children give him a kitten to protect", "title": "Why Did You Let My Kitten Die?" }, { "docid": "6040706", "text": "Why Did You Let My Kitten Die? \"Why Did You Let My Kitten Die?\" is a song by Angelica, released as the band's second single. It had a limited release of 1000 copies on Fantastic Plastic Records and was voted Alternative Record of the Year by BBC Radio 1's \"Evening Session\" audience. The title track is a reference to the 1961 film \"Whistle Down the Wind\", in which a group of children believe an escaped convict to be Jesus. The children give him a kitten to protect but when the kitten dies they question whether he is who they believe.", "title": "Why Did You Let My Kitten Die?" }, { "docid": "16495829", "text": "Ewing family (Dallas) The Ewing family is the core family of the American prime time soap opera \"Dallas\" and its 2012 revival, as well as the foundation of the spin-off series \"Knots Landing\". In the original series of \"Dallas\", the Ewings owned and ran Southfork Ranch and the oil giant Ewing Oil; in the revival series, Ewing Oil is replaced by Ewing Global, formerly Ewing Energies. \"Knots Landing\" featured the large corporation of Gary Ewing Enterprises. Characters in bold have appeared on the revival series. Although the generations of the Ewing family beyond Jock and Jason have not been referred", "title": "Ewing family (Dallas)" }, { "docid": "18181353", "text": "How Did This Get Made? How Did This Get Made? (HDTGM) is a podcast on the Earwolf network. It is hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael and Jason Mantzoukas. Each show, which typically has a different guest, features the deconstruction and mockery of outlandish and bad films. The hosts and guest make jokes about the films as well as attempt to unscramble plots. After discussing the film, Scheer reads \"second opinions\" in the form of five-star reviews posted online by Amazon.com users. The hosts also often make recommendations on if the film is worth watching. The show is released", "title": "How Did This Get Made?" }, { "docid": "16495843", "text": "document which proved that Ewing Oil was in fact owned by Jock, Digger Barnes and Jason. Jamie married Cliff Barnes and they sided to take the Ewings to court for their shares in Ewing Oil. The case came to court and the Ewings had a fight on their hands to keep control. Jamie's brother, Jack, came to Dallas and went to J.R. to reveal that he had proof that Ewing Oil was owned outright by Jock Ewing. But there was a price for this information, Jack wanted 10% of Ewing Oil. The Ewing family agreed and Jack took Ray, Bobby", "title": "Ewing family (Dallas)" }, { "docid": "16495835", "text": "father's company, and in his distress Seth killed himself. Jock and Bobby believed that J.R. knew the wells were going to be nationalized, and that the Cartel had been double crossed, but J.R. denied that he knew anything prior to the nationalization. Bobby left Dallas after Jock supported J.R. shutting down a Ewing field to prevent Cliff Barnes from gaining any profit from the field. One night in the spring of 1980, J.R. was shot at the Ewing offices. Among the suspects were the Asian leasers investors, as well as J.R's wife, Sue Ellen, although it turned out to be", "title": "Ewing family (Dallas)" }, { "docid": "8362480", "text": "compilation album. How Did I Get Here? How Did I Get Here? is a 1999 compilation album by Badly Drawn Boy. The album was created for American and Japanese audiences who were yet to be exposed to the artist. The album contains many tracks from his fourth and fifth Eps and the entire CD version of his third EP, \"EP 3\". The album features the one of only two CD versions of Badly Drawn Boy's fourth single \"\"Whirlpool\"\", an instrumental featuring production by Andy Votel which was only released on vinyl with a limited pressing; the other being on a", "title": "How Did I Get Here?" }, { "docid": "8362479", "text": "How Did I Get Here? How Did I Get Here? is a 1999 compilation album by Badly Drawn Boy. The album was created for American and Japanese audiences who were yet to be exposed to the artist. The album contains many tracks from his fourth and fifth Eps and the entire CD version of his third EP, \"EP 3\". The album features the one of only two CD versions of Badly Drawn Boy's fourth single \"\"Whirlpool\"\", an instrumental featuring production by Andy Votel which was only released on vinyl with a limited pressing; the other being on a Twisted Nerve", "title": "How Did I Get Here?" }, { "docid": "16027272", "text": "Jock Phillips John Oliver Crompton (Jock) Phillips (born 1947) is a New Zealand historian, author and encyclopedist. He is the general editor of \"\", the official encyclopedia of New Zealand. Born and raised in Christchurch, Phillips did a BA at Victoria University of Wellington, followed by a MA and PhD at Harvard in 1978. Returning to Wellington was a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Reader in History at Victoria. He was founding director of the Stout Research Centre (established by the will of the grandson of Robert Stout). Moving to the Department of Internal Affairs in 1989, Phillips was Chief Historian", "title": "Jock Phillips" }, { "docid": "6571123", "text": "and only surviving child, Cecily Niven promoted her father’s legacy in the Lowveld by erecting bronze plaques and statues at places of significance to the story of Jock. The most famous statue of Jock was sculpted by the well-known South African artist, Ivan Mitford-Barberton. It was erected on a farm in the Lowveld, but was moved to the Barberton, Mpumalanga Town Hall in 1984, during the town’s centenary. The book was made into a movie in 1988, starring Jonathan Rands, Gordon Mulholland and Jocelyn Broderick with Mfubu as Jock. The movie did not prove popular with American audiences however, primarily", "title": "Jock of the Bushveld" }, { "docid": "16027273", "text": "(1989–1997 and 2000–2002) and General Manager, Heritage (Acting) (1997–2000). He was Conceptual Leader (history) for Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa 1994–1998, in the lead-up to its radical transformation, accompanying its move to new waterfront premises. He is general editor of \"\". Phillips was mentioned in cables released by WikiLeaks as an expert on New Zealanders' attitude to war: and Jock Phillips John Oliver Crompton (Jock) Phillips (born 1947) is a New Zealand historian, author and encyclopedist. He is the general editor of \"\", the official encyclopedia of New Zealand. Born and raised in Christchurch, Phillips did a BA", "title": "Jock Phillips" }, { "docid": "12504932", "text": "be a businessman, he just floated through life absorbing the cycling scene and reflecting it in his articles and books. I don't think Jock ever worked as such, he just put down in words what his thoughts were. Jock was a real gentleman but he did tend to wander off. We were sponsoring the Tour of the North and \"International Cycle Sport\" was one of the sponsors. He turned up on his bike, just pottering about. He seemed more interested in riding his bike than covering the race. Which was his downfall, really. An annual road race is held near", "title": "Jock Wadley" }, { "docid": "4451157", "text": "\"The Crown\". Jock Colville Sir John Rupert Colville, CB, CVO (28 January 1915 – 19 November 1987), known as Jock Colville, was a British civil servant. He is best known for his diaries, which provide an intimate view of number 10 Downing Street during the wartime Prime Ministership of Winston Churchill. Colville came from a politically active and well-connected family, although, as he stated in the introduction to his published diaries, he was the younger son of a younger son and so did not inherit family wealth. His father was the Hon. George Charles Colville, who was secretary of the", "title": "Jock Colville" }, { "docid": "4451146", "text": "Jock Colville Sir John Rupert Colville, CB, CVO (28 January 1915 – 19 November 1987), known as Jock Colville, was a British civil servant. He is best known for his diaries, which provide an intimate view of number 10 Downing Street during the wartime Prime Ministership of Winston Churchill. Colville came from a politically active and well-connected family, although, as he stated in the introduction to his published diaries, he was the younger son of a younger son and so did not inherit family wealth. His father was the Hon. George Charles Colville, who was secretary of the Institute of", "title": "Jock Colville" }, { "docid": "16972076", "text": "Jock Irvine John Taylor \"Jock\" Irvine (born 13 April 1944) is a former Australian cricketer. He played regularly at Sheffield Shield level for Western Australia, and after scoring 676 runs at an average of 52.00 during the 1968–69 season, was selected for Australia's 1969–70 tour of Ceylon, India, and South Africa. Irvine did not play in any of the Test matches on tour, and played only one further season at state level. From Perth, Irvine attended Hale School, and played grade cricket for West Perth. His younger brother, Tony Irvine, played schoolboy cricket for Australia, but never progressed to state", "title": "Jock Irvine" }, { "docid": "16972082", "text": "an average of 27.16, with two half-centuries. Irvine also played three limited-overs matches during the season, and top-scored on debut against Tasmania in the Vehicle and General Knockout Cup. Jock Irvine John Taylor \"Jock\" Irvine (born 13 April 1944) is a former Australian cricketer. He played regularly at Sheffield Shield level for Western Australia, and after scoring 676 runs at an average of 52.00 during the 1968–69 season, was selected for Australia's 1969–70 tour of Ceylon, India, and South Africa. Irvine did not play in any of the Test matches on tour, and played only one further season at state", "title": "Jock Irvine" }, { "docid": "963320", "text": "matriarch Miss Ellie and Western movie actor Jim Davis as Ewing patriarch Jock, his last role before his death in 1981. The series won four Emmy Awards, including a 1980 Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series win for Bel Geddes. With its 357 episodes, \"Dallas\" remains one of the longest lasting full-hour prime time dramas in American TV history, behind \"\" (400+ episodes), \"Bonanza\" (430 episodes), \"Law & Order\" (456 episodes), and \"Gunsmoke\" (635 episodes). In 2007, \"Dallas\" was included in \"TIME\" magazine's list of \"100 Best TV Shows of All-\"TIME\"\". \"Dallas\" also spawned the spin-off series \"Knots Landing\"", "title": "Dallas (1978 TV series)" }, { "docid": "963387", "text": "series, portraying their \"Dallas\" characters, and Shackelford and Van Ark continued to make occasional appearances in \"Dallas\". In addition to this, some storylines crossed over, such as the reading of Jock Ewing's will, with events having an impact on characters in both shows. The ongoing bond between the two series was eventually cut in 1986, as the 10th-season premiere of \"Dallas\" declared Bobby's death the previous year had been a dream. Bobby's death had had some influence on the \"Knots Landing\" storylines as well, with Gary grieving for his dead brother while Gary's wife Abby, who had lost her brother", "title": "Dallas (1978 TV series)" }, { "docid": "13178133", "text": "work revolved around the unemployed, tramps and beggars – reworked it between summer 1940 and spring 1941, – submitted it to \"Horizon\" – but it was rejected – possibly because readers would have been unwilling to read about 'how the poor die' at such a time – and finally, a section retyped and then published in \"Now\", a magazine established by George Woodcock, in November 1946. Orwell recounts a tale based on his experiences in a public funded hospital in Paris. The various reception procedures and treatments he receives for pneumonia include bureaucracy, a bath, cupping therapy and a mustard", "title": "How the Poor Die" }, { "docid": "18415182", "text": "Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at UCI. While still in college, Jock qualified to represent the United States at the 2011 World Championships in Athletics, where he ran in the men's 800 meters. A year later, Jock won the men's 800 meters at the 2012 NCAA DI T&F Championships. Jock qualified for the 2016 Rio Olympics in the 800 meters after a surprise 3rd-place finish in the event in the U.S. Olympic Trials. Jock ran in heat 4 of the men's 800 at the 2016 Summer Olympics, finishing in sixth place with a time of 1:47.06. Charles Jock Charles Jock (born", "title": "Charles Jock" }, { "docid": "4778873", "text": "samples were used in the making of this recording. In order of appearance: Jock Jam \"The Jock Jam\" (released as a single by the name \"ESPN Presents the Jock Jam\") is a mash-up song from the compilation album \"Jock Jams, Volume 3\". The single was released in late September 1997 on Tommy Boy Records. It consists of samples of songs and phrases from popular dance, eurodance and rap recordings, either \"sport-themed\" or not, that were released on previous volumes of the Jock Jams compilation series. It appeared on Jock Jams volume 3, even though most of the songs contained in", "title": "Jock Jam" }, { "docid": "4778871", "text": "Jock Jam \"The Jock Jam\" (released as a single by the name \"ESPN Presents the Jock Jam\") is a mash-up song from the compilation album \"Jock Jams, Volume 3\". The single was released in late September 1997 on Tommy Boy Records. It consists of samples of songs and phrases from popular dance, eurodance and rap recordings, either \"sport-themed\" or not, that were released on previous volumes of the Jock Jams compilation series. It appeared on Jock Jams volume 3, even though most of the songs contained in this mix were released on the two previous volumes. Those are mixed in", "title": "Jock Jam" }, { "docid": "13178135", "text": "of how hospital wards began as casual wards 'for lepers and the like to die in' and became places for medical students to learn using the bodies of the poor. In the 19th century, surgery was viewed as a form of sadism, and dissection was only possible with the aid of body-snatchers. Orwell dwells on the literature of medicine in the 19th century, when doctors were given names such as Slasher and Fillgrave, and he particularly recalls \"In the Children's Hospital: Emmie\" (1880), a work by Tennyson. All this accounts for the surviving dread of hospitals among the poor and", "title": "How the Poor Die" }, { "docid": "5436658", "text": "in the High Court in 1982. In 1975 South African authors Arthur Zusman and Denis Diamond published a book confronting the claims made by Verrall titled \"Six Million Did Die\" (Johannesburg). A second Edition of the book was published in 1978. The first half of the book seeks to disprove claims made by Verrall and the second to provide further evidence of the holocaust. In 1985 and 1988 Verrall's publisher Ernst Zündel was tried in Canada on charges of \"false news\". He was found guilty and sentenced to 15 months in prison. On appeal his conviction was overturned by the", "title": "Did Six Million Really Die?" }, { "docid": "5436645", "text": "government of Ontario. The Supreme Court concluded in the 1988 trial that \"The pamphlet \"Did Six Million Really Die?\" does not fit with received views of reality because it is not part of reality.\" In the work, Verrall doubts the Holocaust death toll, criticising the claim which says that \"no less than six million Jews exterminated\" in concentration camps. The booklet targets various war crime trials, the best known of these being the Nuremberg trials and the Adolf Eichmann trial, criticising their legal integrity and the standards of evidence presented, as well as the impartiality and objectivity of the judges.", "title": "Did Six Million Really Die?" }, { "docid": "963339", "text": "staff Dora Mae (Pat Colbert, seasons 7–14), Cassie (Anne C. Lucas, seasons 5–10) and Debbie (Deborah Marie Taylor, seasons 11–14). The most well known supporting actor (at the time) was Tina Louise, who played J.R.'s secretary, Julie Grey, during the 1978–79 seasons. Her character was eventually killed off. By the end of the series, only three of the series' original characters (J.R., Bobby, and Cliff) were left in Dallas, the others having either died or left town. Jock Ewing was the first main character to depart the series, as Jock died offscreen in a mysterious helicopter crash in South America,", "title": "Dallas (1978 TV series)" }, { "docid": "10115000", "text": "on its successor, Die! Die! Die! kept touring. What seemed to the band like a reduced schedule for 2009-10 was summarised as: \"We haven’t done much touring this year. Last year we only did about three tours or so. We did one two-month European tour and one month in Europe. We did a couple of New Zealand tours and I think we only went to Australia twice last year. I think we only played Brisbane once and that was with Wolfmother.\" - Andrew Wilson, April 2010 \"Form\" - called a \"dense sounding album\" by Wilson - was released on Flying", "title": "Die! Die! Die!" }, { "docid": "6547899", "text": "the novel states that a good deal of the story is autobiographical in nature. How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare, robbed a grave, made a new friend who might not have really been there at all, and while he was at it committed a terrible sin which everyone was doing even though he didn't know it () is a children's book written by Australian author Paul Jennings, and published by Puffin Books in May 2005. The story covers a short time in the life of young Hedley Hopkins, an English immigrant to Australia in", "title": "How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare" }, { "docid": "6547898", "text": "How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare, robbed a grave, made a new friend who might not have really been there at all, and while he was at it committed a terrible sin which everyone was doing even though he didn't know it () is a children's book written by Australian author Paul Jennings, and published by Puffin Books in May 2005. The story covers a short time in the life of young Hedley Hopkins, an English immigrant to Australia in the 1950s. The book was launched at St. Mary's Cathedral College. An afterword of", "title": "How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare" }, { "docid": "16495849", "text": "to Cliff Barnes, because he was planning to take over WestStar Oil. J.R.'s plot didn't succeed and he lost control of both Ewing Oil and WestStar on the same day. According to Dallas TNT site, Cliff Barnes sold Ewing Oil to Bobby and Sue Ellen in 1996. In the revival TNT series, John Ross III started an oil company under the name Ewing Oil, this was not the same company that his grandfather Jock Ewing had founded and that his father J.R. had inherited and worked in. Ewing Energies is a fictional company on the updated version of \"Dallas\". The", "title": "Ewing family (Dallas)" }, { "docid": "18415180", "text": "Charles Jock Charles Jock (born 23 November 1989) is an American middle-distance runner who specializes in the 800 meter discipline. He ran collegiately at UC Irvine. He is currently the NACAC U23 record holder for the 800 meter race. Jock represented the United States at the 2011 World Championships in Athletics. Jock was born in a refugee camp in Ethiopia after his parents, John and Mary, escaped the civil war in Sudan. He and his family would eventually reach asylum in the United States and move to San Diego, California. In 2005, his father died of liver cancer. Jock attended", "title": "Charles Jock" }, { "docid": "16946008", "text": "and women were allowed in the race, Jock was one of their staunchest supporters. He was very progressive.\" Semple later publicly reconciled with Switzer. In 1981, he published an autobiography, \"Just Call Me Jock\". He was inducted into the RRCA American Long Distance Running Hall of Fame in 1985. Semple died of cancer of the liver and pancreas. The Jock Semple Award given by the Boston Athletic Association is named in his honor. Jock Semple John Duncan \"Jock\" Semple (October 26, 1903 – March 10, 1988) was a Scottish-American runner, physical therapist, trainer, and sports official. In 1967, he attained", "title": "Jock Semple" }, { "docid": "9074087", "text": "Aaron accepted Jock as part of his family by giving him his favorite gun. Jock and Miss Ellie had three sons together, J.R., Gary and Bobby. Jock served in World War II, where he and an old army buddy, Tom Mallory, were shot down in a mission in Holland. They later returned to save the families who sheltered them. During his term in Britain, Jock had an affair with an Army nurse from Emporia, Kansas, named Margaret Hunter. Jock was shipped off to France, and Margaret returned to the United States. She married her fiancé, Amos Krebbs, and soon thereafter", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "14961600", "text": "Cropper to Mr. J.H. Murchinson for the sum of around £60, which was supposedly the dog's weight in silver. It was in Murchinson's possession that Jock died in 1871. Three male dogs are considered to be the founding sires of the modern lines of Fox Terriers: Old Jock, Old Trap and Tartar. Of those three, Jock was considered to be more of a terrier than the other two. Reverend John Russell, who kept his strain of terriers quite pure, once admitted that he had used Old Jock to breed certain qualities into his dogs. Jock was also used to breed", "title": "Old Jock" }, { "docid": "9074089", "text": "revealed that Jock was Ray's father, bringing proof to back up his claim. Jock then welcomed Ray into the Ewing family, and personally explained it all to his family. As the years passed from the 1930s onwards, Jock built Ewing Oil into one of the most powerful independent oil companies in Texas, much to the bitterness and jealousy of his former friend and business partner, Digger Barnes. Jock also became a successful rancher. Jock \"took over raising\" his eldest son J.R., showing him \"tough love\" and made him one of the most cunning and ruthless oil barons in the oil", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074096", "text": "he had the fever, Jock was telling the history of the Ewing family. This small piece of evidence against Wes Parmalee being Jock Ewing was seized on. By then, Ray had told Wes that his presence was causing a lot of trouble to the family, just before Wes went to see Miss Ellie. Miss Ellie told her family that Wes had told her that he wasn't Jock, that he had met Jock while working in South America and was on the helicopter with Jock, where he took Jock's things and learned about the Ewings. Wes wanted to have such a", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074090", "text": "business. Jock came to heavily rely on J.R. in the management of Ewing Oil giving J.R. \"the fever for big business\" but \"never taught him when to stop\". Jock, for the most part, ignored his second son Gary, whom Jock considered weak and lacking the Ewing character, as Gary ran away from responsibility, began drinking excessively to handle the pressures of being a teenage husband and father, and couldn't stand up to J.R.'s bullying. Jock generally spoiled his youngest son, Bobby, who Jock considered to be \"the best of the lot\". Bobby had the morals that J.R. lacked and embraced", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "20103702", "text": "while the songwriting and production were well-executed, the band had failed to progress creatively since their debut. How Did We Get So Dark? How Did We Get So Dark? is the second studio album by British rock duo Royal Blood. The album was released by Warner Bros. Records on 16 June 2017. The album is considered by most critics to be compositionally similar to the band's breakthrough debut album; both albums are stylistically very similar, with Kerr's bass serving as the music's focal point. The album received generally positive reviews from music critics, attaining a Metacritic aggregate score of 71.", "title": "How Did We Get So Dark?" }, { "docid": "20103701", "text": "How Did We Get So Dark? How Did We Get So Dark? is the second studio album by British rock duo Royal Blood. The album was released by Warner Bros. Records on 16 June 2017. The album is considered by most critics to be compositionally similar to the band's breakthrough debut album; both albums are stylistically very similar, with Kerr's bass serving as the music's focal point. The album received generally positive reviews from music critics, attaining a Metacritic aggregate score of 71. The album was generally not as well received as the band's first album with critics noting that,", "title": "How Did We Get So Dark?" }, { "docid": "6939722", "text": "(filmmaker), Ron Asheton of The Stooges, Madigan Shive of Bonfire Madigan, and Dave Brockie of Gwar, among others. The DVD was released (under the title \"D.I.Y. or Die: Burn This DVD\") with no region restrictions or copy protection. Director Michael W. Dean allowed and even encouraged people to make copies for non-commercial use. D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist is a low-budget documentary film released by Music Video Distributors in 2002. The film is a \"celebration of the underdog\" and deals with why artists do what", "title": "D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist" }, { "docid": "16024499", "text": "Jock Softball Challenge (1994) MTV's Fourth Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1994) MTV's Fifth Annual Rock n' Jock Softball Challenge (1994) MTV's Fifth Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1995) MTV's Sixth Annual Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge (1995) MTV's Seventh Annual Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge (1996) MTV's Sixth Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1996) MTV's Eighth Annual Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge (1997) MTV's Seventh Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1997) MTV's Rock N' Jock Super Bowl II (1998) MTV's Tenth Annual Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge (1999) MTV Rock N' Jock Bowling (2000) MTV", "title": "MTV Rock N' Jock" }, { "docid": "9074085", "text": "name only, to prevent Digger from gambling and drinking his half away. Digger was furious and he claimed that Jock had stolen the wells for himself, ending their friendship and business relationship. Ellie Southworth was desperate to save Southfork, which was hit hard by the Great Depression of the 1930s, but Jock was reluctant to marry, even after Miss Ellie chose him over Digger, because unbeknownst to Miss Ellie, Jock was previously married to a woman named Amanda Lewis and looked after her psychiatric needs. Amanda had suffered a mental breakdown shortly after she and Jock were married, and Jock", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "7316935", "text": "How Did It Ever Come to This? \"How Did it Ever Come to This?\" was the last single released by the British band Easyworld. It did not appear on their second and final album \"Kill the Last Romantic\", because it had not yet been written. The band's record label Jive decided the band should record a new track as it was felt none of the tracks on the album were suitable for release. The single charted at #50 in September 2004, missing the top 40 after \"Til the Day\" charted at #27 in February. Easyworld announced their split the following", "title": "How Did It Ever Come to This?" }, { "docid": "7316937", "text": "was bought out by Sony, and the ensuing disruption meant that this plan was shelved. After the band's split the three members negotiated a release from their contracts. How Did It Ever Come to This? \"How Did it Ever Come to This?\" was the last single released by the British band Easyworld. It did not appear on their second and final album \"Kill the Last Romantic\", because it had not yet been written. The band's record label Jive decided the band should record a new track as it was felt none of the tracks on the album were suitable for", "title": "How Did It Ever Come to This?" }, { "docid": "17825099", "text": "five-time defending champions Texas Tornado) of the North American Hockey League play at the NYTEX Sports Centre in North Richland Hills. The Major League Soccer team FC Dallas, formerly the Dallas Burn, used to play in the Cotton Bowl, but moved to Toyota Stadium (formerly Pizza Hut Park) in Frisco upon the stadium's opening in 2005. Previously, the Dallas Tornado played the North American Soccer League from 1968 to 1981, winning the 1971 championship. The Dallas Sidekicks, a former team of the Major Indoor Soccer League, used to play in Reunion Arena, as did the Mavericks and Stars before their", "title": "Sports in Dallas" }, { "docid": "16631819", "text": "aired the three-hour-long telefilm prequel \"\", the only \"Dallas\" movie made during the series' original run. Written by series creator David Jacobs, the film was introduced by Larry Hagman in the role of J.R., and starred David Marshall Grant, Dale Midkiff and Molly Hagan as the young Digger Barnes, Jock Ewing and Ellie Southworth Ewing, respectively. Taking place between 1933 and 1951, the film dealt with the creation of Ewing Oil and the origins of the Barnes – Ewing feud. <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> Dallas (1978 TV series) (season 9) The ninth season of the television series \"Dallas\" aired on CBS during the", "title": "Dallas (1978 TV series) (season 9)" }, { "docid": "13178138", "text": "people who manage to die in their own homes, as though certain diseases only attacked people at the lower income levels. But it is a fact that you would not in any English hospitals see some of the things I saw in the Hôpital X. This business of dying like animals, for instance, with nobody interested, the death not even noticed till the morning—this happened more than once. In summer 1946, Orwell decamped to Jura, an island to the west of Scotland. A boating accident did little for his health. In December 1947 he was in hospital in Glasgow. Tuberculosis", "title": "How the Poor Die" }, { "docid": "4561159", "text": "Jock River The Jock River, known locally as the Mighty Jock, is a river in Ottawa and Lanark County in Eastern Ontario, Canada. It is in the Saint Lawrence River drainage basin and is a left tributary of the Rideau River. The river is named after Jacques, a French man who drowned in it in the early 19th century, and it was once known as the Goodwood River. The River is supported by a community-volunteer organization known as the \"Friends of the Jock River\". The river begins in the municipality of Montague in Lanark County. It flows north under the", "title": "Jock River" }, { "docid": "9074091", "text": "Jock's favoritism. However, Bobby was often emotional, short-tempered and lacked the intelligence, drive, and focus to succeed in the oil business preferring football, women, ranching, and enjoying the social benefits of being a Ewing, which was earned by the hard work of Jock and J.R. In 1977, Jock retired as president of Ewing Oil. He made J.R. his successor and took a more active role in running Southfork with foreman Ray Krebbs. Jock and Ellie briefly separated in 1981 after Miss Ellie learned that Jock was the power behind Takapa, a land development deal that she was fighting against on", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "9074084", "text": "Ellie Southworth. In the long run, Digger's drinking and undependability made Miss Ellie see that Digger would never change, and that Digger was not the type of man to marry, and she left Digger for Jock. Digger started to wander across the country after Ellie left him, but Jock and Digger continued with their oil business ventures for a few more years. Even as late as 1939, Jock and Digger both signed a deal to share the profits of Ewing 23 between themselves and their heirs in perpetuity. However, when Ewing 6 came in, Jock put the field in his", "title": "Jock Ewing" }, { "docid": "6079030", "text": "Jock (stereotype) In the United States and Canada, a jock is a stereotype of an athlete, or someone who is primarily interested in sports and sports culture, and does not take much interest in intellectual culture. It is generally attributed mostly to high school and college athletics participants who form a distinct youth subculture. As a blanket term, \"jock\" can be considered synonymous with \"athlete\". Jocks are usually presented as practitioners of team sports such as football, basketball, baseball and hockey. Similar words that may mean the same as \"jock\" (in North America) include \"meathead,\" \"musclebrain,\" and \"musclehead.\" These terms", "title": "Jock (stereotype)" }, { "docid": "14961595", "text": "Jock was bred at some point during 1859 either by Captain Percy Williams in his Rufford Kennels, or by Jack Morgan who at the time was a huntsman with the Grove Kennels. He was bred from Jock and Grove Pepper, both huntman's terriers. Jock was owned by Captain Williams, while Grove Pepper was owned by Morgan. It was claimed in W.D. Drury's 1903 work \"British Dogs, Their Points, Selection, And Show Preparation\" that Old Jock was in fact bred from Quorn Kennels and that the listing in the Kennel Club studbook was incorrect. He was a mostly white terrier, weighing", "title": "Old Jock" }, { "docid": "10587934", "text": "Conference and the York Deviancy Conference. In 2012 he was awarded the Outstanding Achievement Award of the British Society of Criminology. In the months before his death he was working on a book entitled \"Merton's Dreams and Mills' Imagination\". In 2013 he completed a new introduction to the anniversary edition of \"The New Criminology\". Jock Young was born in Midlothian, Scotland, the son of a lorry driver. He died of anaplastic thyroid cancer on 16 November 2013. Jock Young Jock Young (4 March 1942 – 16 November 2013) was a sociologist and an influential criminologist. Jock Young was educated at", "title": "Jock Young" }, { "docid": "20059901", "text": "Jock Troup John (Jock) Troup (born 26 May 1896 Dallachy, Elgin) was a well-known Christian evangelist from Fochabers, Scotland. He was the son of Harry Troup and Harriet Ross. He spent his youth as a cooper, and was part of the Territorial Force service. Troup is best known for playing a large part in the Fisherman's Revival of 1921, known also as Jock Troup and the Fisherman's Revival. He preached all over Britain, looking to bring people to Christ, as described in Jackie Ritchie's book \"Floods Upon the Dry Ground\" (1983). In 2001 \"Revival Man, The Jock Troup Story\", a", "title": "Jock Troup" }, { "docid": "4939732", "text": "Jock (cartoonist) Mark Simpson, known by the pen name Jock, is a British cartoonist, best known for his work in \"2000 AD\", \"The Losers\", and more recently \"Batman\" and \"Wolverine\". Jock began his professional career at British comics magazine \"2000 AD\", on series including \"Judge Dredd\" and \"Lenny Zero\", the latter with writer Andy Diggle. It was with Diggle that he got his big break in the American comic book market at DC Comics and their Vertigo imprint, working on \"The Losers\" and \"\". Also at Vertigo and with Mike Carey, another former \"2000 AD\" writer, Jock worked on an", "title": "Jock (cartoonist)" }, { "docid": "20059902", "text": "book by George Mitchell, was released about the preacher, followed by a film, \"Jock Troup and The Fisherman's Revival\". Jock Troup John (Jock) Troup (born 26 May 1896 Dallachy, Elgin) was a well-known Christian evangelist from Fochabers, Scotland. He was the son of Harry Troup and Harriet Ross. He spent his youth as a cooper, and was part of the Territorial Force service. Troup is best known for playing a large part in the Fisherman's Revival of 1921, known also as Jock Troup and the Fisherman's Revival. He preached all over Britain, looking to bring people to Christ, as described", "title": "Jock Troup" }, { "docid": "10115012", "text": "finished the year with shows in China (including the Concrete and Grass festival), Europe, and the UK before returning to New Zealand for a 10-date summer tour. Another week's recording took place in Dunedin, and the final vocal and guitar parts were recorded at SpaceMonster in Whanganui the morning before a show in Wellington. \"Charm. Offensive.\" missed a May release date 2017, and was preceded by single \"How Soon Is Too Soon (It's Not Vintage, It's Used)\" in July. In September Die! Die! Die! played the China Hardcore Music Festival in Wuhan, then the album came out in October. A", "title": "Die! Die! Die!" }, { "docid": "13313407", "text": "sport culture and jocks. Since its 2002 publication, Wilson's article has been often cited with reference to the existence of the Anti-Jock Movement. Professor Brian Wilson, in his article \"The 'Anti-Jock' Movement: Reconsidering Youth Resistance, Masculinity and Sport Culture in the Age of the Internet\", detailed two basic types of websites which are common within the Anti-Jock cyber movement. First, webzines devoted to opposition of the jock culture. These sites often include suggestions for activism and action against the jock establishment. Professor Wilson, referred specifically to two such sites: \"Spoilsports\", and the now defunct \"High School Underground\". There are however,", "title": "Anti-jock movement" }, { "docid": "16024498", "text": "and MTV Sports host Dan Cortese initially participated as players and then as coaches in later years. The fourth annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam was nominated for the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Game Show in 1995, losing to \"Jeopardy!\". MTV's First Annual Rock N' Jock Diamond Derby (1990) MTV's First Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1991) MTV's Second Annual Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge (1991) MTV's Second Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1992) MTV's Third Annual Rock N' Jock Softball Challenge (1992) MTV's Third Annual Rock N' Jock B-Ball Jam (1993) MTV's Fourth Annual Rock N'", "title": "MTV Rock N' Jock" }, { "docid": "7460906", "text": "senator R.S. Kimbrough tried to get a bill run through the state legislature to remove East Dallas' charter so it could be annexed into Dallas. It is generally believed that the act was to make Dallas the largest city in Texas; and the efforts in fact did make Dallas the largest city in Texas by the 1890 census. On 31 December 1889, the day before East Dallas became part of Dallas, East Dallas' city council passed $45,000 in street improvements which the city of Dallas had to finance. Under the newly adopted charter, the city of Dallas took in all", "title": "Old East Dallas, Dallas" }, { "docid": "13313408", "text": "other such sites, such as the \"International I Hate Sports Club\", which have similar objectives and content. Second, there are personal websites, consisting of personal rants criticizing the jock establishment, \"personal interest\" websites which include personal concerns which include criticism about jock culture, and third, personal sites that devote themselves exclusively to anti-jock statements. A large part of the anti-jock movement began as a result of specific individuals who felt marginalized by stereotypical athletes and used the internet to voice their frustrations. In turn, other individuals who were experiencing the same frustrations found support within this cyber-movement. Anti-jock movement The", "title": "Anti-jock movement" }, { "docid": "6939721", "text": "D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist is a low-budget documentary film released by Music Video Distributors in 2002. The film is a \"celebration of the underdog\" and deals with why artists do what they do, regardless of the lack of a continuous paycheck. The film features some artists that define the DIY ethic and speaks to the overall DIY culture. It features interviews with Lydia Lunch, Ian MacKaye, J Mascis of Dinosaur Jr, Jim Rose, J. G. Thirlwell of Foetus, Mike Watt, Eric McFadden, Richard Kern", "title": "D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist" }, { "docid": "16605455", "text": "Jock Taylor (footballer, born 1909) John Swinley Taylor (17 September 1906 – 14 November 1967) was a Scottish footballer, who played as a left half & left back. He made 210 Football League appearances in the years after the First World War. Jock Taylor played in Scotland for St Johnstone, Cowdenbeath and Raith Rovers. Bob Hewison signed Taylor in October 1926 for Bristol City and he made his debut at left half in the FA Cup 0-2 defeat at Bournemouth on 15 December 1926. Taylor did not appear in the league side in 1926-27 when Bristol City won the Third", "title": "Jock Taylor (footballer, born 1909)" }, { "docid": "14354288", "text": "Tickle Em Jock Ch. Tickle Em Jock (1908–??), a Scottish Terrier, was the first of his breed to win best-in-show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1911, the fifth occasion it was awarded. He was originally sold for a sum of only £2 to Andrew Albright, Jr. Mr Albright would go on to later say he wouldn't sell the dog for $5,000. Jock was also noted in the media of the time for biting a judge's wrist just after winning best of breed at a dog show. Jock was originally sold at Leadenhall Meat Market in London in", "title": "Tickle Em Jock" } ]
Who wrote the novel Evening Class?
[ "Maeve Binchy" ]
[ { "docid": "10374798", "text": "Evening Class (novel) Evening Class is a novel by Maeve Binchy. It was adapted as the award-winning film \"Italian for Beginners\" (2000) by writer-director Lone Scherfig, who failed to formally acknowledge the source, although at the very end of the closing credits is the line 'with thanks to Maeve Binchy'. A story of many Irish men and women from various backgrounds and how a teacher, Nora O'Donoghue (known as \"Signora\"), and an Italian evening class changes their lives over the course of a year. Each chapter deals with the life story of one or more students in the class. In", "title": "Evening Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "10374800", "text": "an undisclosed sum, when her publisher contacted the producers of the movie, Lars von Trier's company Zentropa. Although the film's writer-director Lone Scherfig had told the press that the film was based on her idea, executive producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen later admitted that she had made him aware of the similarities but that he had simply decided not to pay the original author. Evening Class (novel) Evening Class is a novel by Maeve Binchy. It was adapted as the award-winning film \"Italian for Beginners\" (2000) by writer-director Lone Scherfig, who failed to formally acknowledge the source, although at the very", "title": "Evening Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "10374799", "text": "a Dickensian way, they bump into each other and are affected by the decisions of those around them. It is a story of love and deceit, family drama, wealth and poverty, of friendship and courage. Nora O'Donoghue and Aidan Dunne also appear in \"Quentins\", another novel by Maeve Binchy, and play a more significant role in \"Heart and Soul\". The novel heavily inspired the plot of the Danish feature film \"Italian for Beginners\" (2000), which won a Silver Berlin Bear and several other major international awards. Maeve Binchy was not paid, credited nor informed of this, but was later paid", "title": "Evening Class (novel)" } ]
[ { "docid": "17577344", "text": "Hunt, as well as the \"nature of the manuscript evidence\", showed that the work was \"conceived and mainly written by Mary Shelley\". The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein is a 2007 book written and published by John Lauritsen, in which the author argues that the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, not his wife Mary Shelley, is the real author of \"Frankenstein\" (1818), that the novel \"has consistently been underrated and misinterpreted\", and that its dominant theme is \"male love\". Lauritsen maintains that handwriting cannot be used to determine the actual author of \"Frankenstein\". His work received positive", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "17577334", "text": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein is a 2007 book written and published by John Lauritsen, in which the author argues that the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, not his wife Mary Shelley, is the real author of \"Frankenstein\" (1818), that the novel \"has consistently been underrated and misinterpreted\", and that its dominant theme is \"male love\". Lauritsen maintains that handwriting cannot be used to determine the actual author of \"Frankenstein\". His work received positive reviews in gay publications. However, some commentators in other publications rejected Lauritsen's views and supported the conventional view that \"Frankenstein\" was written", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "18763297", "text": "The Boat in the Evening The Boat in the Evening () is a 1968 novel by the Norwegian writer Tarjei Vesaas. It has a fragmentary and meditative narrative which centres on a child who observes a crane colony perform its breeding ritual. It was the author's final book. It was published in English in 1971, translated by Elizabeth Rokkan. \"Kirkus Reviews\" critic wrote: \"From the work of the late Norwegian writer (this is his last book), there always seems to emanate that curious fiery chill of snow defining the edge of dark fjords, and this 'novel,' really a series of", "title": "The Boat in the Evening" }, { "docid": "17577339", "text": "that while he argues that Mary Shelley was not well educated enough to have written \"Frankenstein\", his argument fails because \"it is not a good, let alone a great novel and hardly merits the attention it has been given.\" Lauritsen replied that \"Frankenstein\" \"is a radical and disturbing work, containing some of the most beautiful prose in the English language ... a profound and moving masterpiece, fully worthy of its author, Percy Bysshe Shelley.\" \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" received positive reviews from Jim Herrick in \"Gay Humanist Quarterly\", Hubert Kennedy in \"The Guide\", and Douglas Sadownick in \"The Gay", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "17577337", "text": "Shelley as shown by several letters. \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" includes a favorable review of \"Shelley's Fiction\" (1998) by Phyllis Zimmerman, a book in which Zimmerman argues for Percy Bysshe Shelley's authorship of \"Frankenstein\", and a short bibliography of books and articles about Percy Bysshe Shelley and \"Frankenstein\". Lauritsen praises poet Edmund Blunden's \"\" (1946), calling it the best short biography about Percy Bysshe Shelley. \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" was first published in 2007 by Pagan Press. \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" was praised by the critic Camille Paglia, who wrote in \"Salon\" that \"Lauritsen assembles an overwhelming", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "19370589", "text": "The Light of Evening The Light of the Evening is a 2006 novel by Irish novelist Edna O'Brien. The novel explores the relationship between one of O'Brien's archetypal defeated rural women, who on her deathbed is trying repair her relationship with her daughter, a writer. Reception of the novel was mixed. Anne Enright doesn't make a firm conclusion about the novel, but notes two major features when reviewing the novel for \"The Guardian:\" the novel continue's O'Brien's interest in down trodden, and calls the depiction of life \"remarkable [for its] honesty\". \"Publisher's Weekly\" was more positive about the novel noting", "title": "The Light of Evening" }, { "docid": "19370590", "text": "that it \"evokes the cruelty of estrangement while allowing her characters to remain sympathetic and giving them real voice.\" \"Slate\" reviewer Claire Dederer described the novel as challenging to start reading, but epitomizes O'Brien's focus on \"the poetic and the sensational\", while at times the \"lyricism\" and \"sentamentalism\" \"get away from her\". Dederer concludes that the novel does two things: it \"stands apart, refusing to give mere comfort.\" The Light of Evening The Light of the Evening is a 2006 novel by Irish novelist Edna O'Brien. The novel explores the relationship between one of O'Brien's archetypal defeated rural women, who", "title": "The Light of Evening" }, { "docid": "9740203", "text": "Elizabeth’s novel \"The World in the Evening\". Mariano Galdos is Elizabeth’s lover and a character in the novel named Gurian. Mary Scriven is another of Elizabeth's correspondents. A German doctor performs emergency surgery on Elizabeth in Greece. Lee, Dale, Ben, Jo, Joyce, Glen, and Pierre are friends of Jane's. Henri was Michael’s best friend, killed in the war . Shirley is a friend of Jane’s who introduces herself to Monk. Martin Gates is a friend of Jane's whom Monk suspects of being the real father of their child. The World in the Evening The World in the Evening by Christopher", "title": "The World in the Evening" }, { "docid": "7680282", "text": "between all the students, that is everyone who isn't with The Ruling Class, and Jeanette Sue's clique itself. The Ruling Class (novel) The Ruling Class is a teen novel by Francine Pascal, released in 2004. When a new girl moves to Highland Park High School, she encounters a difficult clique and dramatic situations. The book centers on a 16-year-old girl, Twyla Gay Stark. She soon transfers to a new town and a new school in a wealthy neighborhood, Highland Park High, where the rich and nasty strut around in designer labels. The worst happens when Twyla Gay runs afoul of", "title": "The Ruling Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "19540776", "text": "have led Jacques Maritain back to Mother Church will baffle most admirers of that subtle, first-class mind. \"Kirkus Reviews\" wrote that the novel does not \"move with swift and arresting action\", but has \"passages of great beauty and the character delineation [is] interesting\". The critic wrote that the book \"is saturated with Catholic thought and allusions, but is by nomeans just a pietistic tract in novel form, for Leon Bloy was an accomplished novelist.\" The Woman Who Was Poor The Woman Who Was Poor () is an 1897 novel by the French writer Léon Bloy. It follows a woman, Clotilde,", "title": "The Woman Who Was Poor" }, { "docid": "6485682", "text": "Peter Faerber, and Heinz Moog. Class Reunion (novel) Class Reunion (original title: Der Abituriententag) is a novel by Franz Werfel first published in German in 1928. The novel is about 43-year-old Dr. Ernst Sebastian, a lawyer who works as an \"Untersuchungsrichter\" (investigating judge) in the fictional town of Sankt Nikolaus during 1927. One Saturday afternoon a middle-aged man called Franz Adler, who has been arrested for the murder of a prostitute, is brought before him. During the interview—a preliminary hearing during which the two men are alone in Sebastian's office—Sebastian recognizes Adler as his old classmate, who attended the secondary", "title": "Class Reunion (novel)" }, { "docid": "6485674", "text": "Class Reunion (novel) Class Reunion (original title: Der Abituriententag) is a novel by Franz Werfel first published in German in 1928. The novel is about 43-year-old Dr. Ernst Sebastian, a lawyer who works as an \"Untersuchungsrichter\" (investigating judge) in the fictional town of Sankt Nikolaus during 1927. One Saturday afternoon a middle-aged man called Franz Adler, who has been arrested for the murder of a prostitute, is brought before him. During the interview—a preliminary hearing during which the two men are alone in Sebastian's office—Sebastian recognizes Adler as his old classmate, who attended the secondary school in Sankt Nikolaus, which", "title": "Class Reunion (novel)" }, { "docid": "4858998", "text": "The Evening Star The Evening Star is a 1996 American comedy-drama film and a sequel to Academy Award for Best Picture-winning \"Terms of Endearment\", starring Shirley MacLaine, who reprises the role of Aurora Greenway, for which she won an Oscar for playing in the original film. Based on the novel by Larry McMurtry. The screenplay is by Robert Harling, who also served as director. The story takes place about fifteen years after the original, following the characters from 1988 to 1993. It focuses on Aurora's relationship with her three grandchildren, her late daughter Emma's best friend Patsy and her longtime", "title": "The Evening Star" }, { "docid": "9740199", "text": "The World in the Evening The World in the Evening by Christopher Isherwood is a quasi-fictional account of love, loss, and regret. As in many Isherwood novels, the main character is caught in a contest between his personal egoism and the needs of friends and lovers. This novel has been praised for its narrator's definitions of high and low camp. The composer Nicholas Maw's 1988 orchestral composition \"The World in the Evening\" acknowledges Isherwood's novel as supplying the title for the piece, but there is no other narrative connection. The novel is narrated in the first person by the protagonist,", "title": "The World in the Evening" }, { "docid": "4859004", "text": "Star\" as \"a completely unconvincing sequel\", awarding it only one-and-a-half stars of a possible four. The Evening Star The Evening Star is a 1996 American comedy-drama film and a sequel to Academy Award for Best Picture-winning \"Terms of Endearment\", starring Shirley MacLaine, who reprises the role of Aurora Greenway, for which she won an Oscar for playing in the original film. Based on the novel by Larry McMurtry. The screenplay is by Robert Harling, who also served as director. The story takes place about fifteen years after the original, following the characters from 1988 to 1993. It focuses on Aurora's", "title": "The Evening Star" }, { "docid": "2703621", "text": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel) The Spy Who Loved Me is the ninth novel in Ian Fleming's James Bond series, first published by Jonathan Cape on 16 April 1962. It is the shortest and most sexually explicit of Fleming's novels, as well as a clear departure from previous Bond novels in that the story is told in the first person by a young Canadian woman, Vivienne Michel. Bond himself does not appear until two-thirds of the way through the book. Fleming wrote a prologue to the novel giving Michel credit as a co-author. Fleming was not happy with the", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "20093516", "text": "Lion Who Wrote History\" has also been reviewed by \"Kirkus Reviews\", \"Publishers Weekly\", \"The New York Times\", and Common Sense Media. Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History is a 2017 picture book biography by Walter Dean Myers about the life of Frederick Douglass. \"BookList\", in a starred review, wrote \"Focused, informative writing and strong, effective illustrations combine to make this the go-to Frederick Douglass biography for younger students.\" and the \"School Library Journal\" wrote \"Although this title is similar in scope to Doreen Rappaport's \"Frederick's Journey\", the two books complement each other.", "title": "Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History" }, { "docid": "10438001", "text": "Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star is a fantasy novel written by Brandon Mull. The book was released on May 31, 2007. It is the second book in the Fablehaven series. Its sequel is \"\". At the end of the school year Kendra finds a kobold has infiltrated her eighth grade class. She can see mystical creatures without drinking a magical milk that is usually needed to enable humans to see such beings. Kendra can see this unseen world and its inhabitants without the milk elixir because the year before some fairies kissed her", "title": "Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star" }, { "docid": "10438023", "text": "books. Many other authors have said it is the new Harry Potter. It holds on barnesandnoble.com, a popular bookstore's website, a 4.7 stars out of 5. That is as of Wednesday May 2 2018. Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star is a fantasy novel written by Brandon Mull. The book was released on May 31, 2007. It is the second book in the Fablehaven series. Its sequel is \"\". At the end of the school year Kendra finds a kobold has infiltrated her eighth grade class. She can see mystical creatures without drinking a", "title": "Fablehaven: Rise of the Evening Star" }, { "docid": "17577336", "text": "public, and for unknown reasons decided to attribute authorship to Mary Shelley, thus helping to begin a \"hoax\" that has persisted up to the present. Lauritsen maintains that revisions to \"Frankenstein\" made in 1823 and 1831 weakened the work, and that while it was ostensibly Mary Shelley who revised \"Frankenstein\" into its 1831 form, it may primarily have been revised by the political philosopher William Godwin. Lauritsen argues that handwriting alone cannot be used to determine the actual author of \"Frankenstein\". The drafts and manuscripts are incomplete and in the final stages. Moreover, portions of the novel were dictated by", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "19261598", "text": "moved on from his early works, where he merely described problems related to gaps between language and reality, to actively trying to heal the problems he identified. Karlsen wrote about \"Morning and Evening\": \"Fosse's repetitive writing style has perhaps an even more clear Biblical intention than in his last novel – and thus the text becomes charged with meaning. Yes, Fosse is rightly a poet, he can remind of Vesaas and is thus far on Vesaas' level.\" \"Publishers Weekly\" wrote: \"Indeed, the moments throughout the novel are simple, quotidian, yet Fosse's pared down, circuitous, and rhythmic prose skillfully guides readers", "title": "Morning and Evening" }, { "docid": "8593833", "text": "The Class (Erich Segal novel) The Class is Erich Segal's 6th novel, published in 1985. The class of the title is the Harvard Class of 1958, and particularly refers to five fictional members of this class: Andrew Eliot, Jason Gilbert, Theodore Lambros, Daniel Rossi and George Keller. \"The Class\" follows the diverse fates of five members of Harvard's Class of 1958, recording the way their lives intertwine, and coming to a dramatic conclusion at their class reunion, twenty-five years later. Andrew Eliot comes from the Boston Brahmin Eliot family. Due to his background, he always feels the pressure of high", "title": "The Class (Erich Segal novel)" }, { "docid": "8593842", "text": "that his money be sent back to his family in Hungary. The Class (Erich Segal novel) The Class is Erich Segal's 6th novel, published in 1985. The class of the title is the Harvard Class of 1958, and particularly refers to five fictional members of this class: Andrew Eliot, Jason Gilbert, Theodore Lambros, Daniel Rossi and George Keller. \"The Class\" follows the diverse fates of five members of Harvard's Class of 1958, recording the way their lives intertwine, and coming to a dramatic conclusion at their class reunion, twenty-five years later. Andrew Eliot comes from the Boston Brahmin Eliot family.", "title": "The Class (Erich Segal novel)" }, { "docid": "16784213", "text": "The Garden of Evening Mists The Garden of Evening Mists, published in January 2012, is the second novel by Malaysian novelist Tan Twan Eng. (The first was \"The Gift of Rain\" (2007).) The protagonist of \"The Garden\" is the judge Teoh Yun Ling, who was a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II and later served as an apprentice to a Japanese gardener. As the story begins, she is trying to make sense of her life and experiences. The novel takes place during three different time periods: the late 1980s, when the main character writes down her story; the", "title": "The Garden of Evening Mists" }, { "docid": "11221749", "text": "Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls? Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?: The Search For The Secret Of Qumran is a book by Norman Golb which intensifies the debate over the origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls, furthering the opinion that the scrolls were not the work of the Essenes, as other scholars claim, but written in Jerusalem and moved to Qumran in anticipation of the Roman siege in 70 AD. Writing in \"Church History\", Gregory T. Armstrong stated: \"This book is 'must reading' for every historian regardless of her or his period of specialization. It demonstrates how a particular", "title": "Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?" }, { "docid": "11221758", "text": "Hartmut Stegemann. \"Qumran und das Judentum zur Zeit Jesu\" 84 (1994): 175-94 as basing \"his support of the Essene hypothesis of factors of hierarch, initiation rites, community of goods, ritual baths, a common meal and views on marriage as well as calendar.\" They then refer to the alternative estimate of Golb, \"that the scrolls came from Jerusalem to a fortress in Qumran during the siege of Jerusalem around 70 CE Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls? Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?: The Search For The Secret Of Qumran is a book by Norman Golb which intensifies the debate over", "title": "Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?" }, { "docid": "20093515", "text": "Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History is a 2017 picture book biography by Walter Dean Myers about the life of Frederick Douglass. \"BookList\", in a starred review, wrote \"Focused, informative writing and strong, effective illustrations combine to make this the go-to Frederick Douglass biography for younger students.\" and the \"School Library Journal\" wrote \"Although this title is similar in scope to Doreen Rappaport's \"Frederick's Journey\", the two books complement each other. Recommended for collections looking to further explore Douglass's legacy.\" \"The Buffalo News\" called it an \"excellent illustrated biography\". \"Frederick Douglass: The", "title": "Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History" }, { "docid": "11463660", "text": "Branagh. The play proved a prolonged success and earned positive reviews. Michael Billington, reviewing for \"The Guardian\", wrote: \"The real joy of the evening, however, is that the gags come thick and fast, producing a kind of comic delirium. Matt Wolf, reviewing for \"Variety\", wrote \"...it’s the innocence of “The Play What I Wrote” (the grammatical inaccuracy of the title is part of its point) that represents the evening’s best calling card...the evening trades in old-fashioned verbal jokes...and visual ones.\" It won Foley and McColl a joint Best Actor nomination at the 2002 Laurence Olivier Awards and, although they did", "title": "The Play What I Wrote" }, { "docid": "6485680", "text": "wrote: In \"Class Reunion\", Dr. Carl Binger, the psychologist in the Hiss trials, undertook to discover the psychological clue to Chambers' \"mysterious motives\" in charging that Alger Hiss had once been a Communist. Chambers was the bad boy and Hiss was the good boy of \"Class Reunion\", and the novel, unread by me for some twenty years, had put the idea of ruining Hiss in my mind – why I never quite understood, since it always seemed to me that if I had been bent on ruining Alger Hiss from base motives, the idea might well have occurred to me", "title": "Class Reunion (novel)" }, { "docid": "4086014", "text": "BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star BR standard class 9F number 92220 \"Evening Star\" is a preserved British steam locomotive completed in 1960. It was the last steam locomotive to be built by British Railways. It was the only British main line steam locomotive earmarked for preservation from the date of construction. It was the 999th locomotive of the whole British Railways Standard range. \"Evening Star\" was built at Swindon railway works in 1960. Though the last to be built, it was not the last 9F numerically as Crewe Works had already completed engines with higher numbers. It was", "title": "BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star" }, { "docid": "4086021", "text": "3 September 2008. \"Evening Star\" remained on display for two years at the Swindon Steam Railway Museum to celebrate its 50th anniversary. It returned to York in 2010, whilst the GWR locomotive No. 4003 \"Lode Star\" took its place at Swindon. BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star BR standard class 9F number 92220 \"Evening Star\" is a preserved British steam locomotive completed in 1960. It was the last steam locomotive to be built by British Railways. It was the only British main line steam locomotive earmarked for preservation from the date of construction. It was the 999th locomotive of", "title": "BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star" }, { "docid": "10112110", "text": "and Amy, stealing, spying and murdering anyone who gets in their way. Brian and Amy try and work past their respective dark pasts in order to save each other, their dogs and other innocents caught in the mess. The Darkest Evening of the Year The Darkest Evening of the Year is a novel by the author Dean Koontz, released on November 27, 2007. The title is a possible allusion to Robert Frost's \"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening\". Amy Redwing's risk-taking on behalf of desperate dogs is legendary. With money she inherited from a source she will never discuss,", "title": "The Darkest Evening of the Year" }, { "docid": "18763298", "text": "overlapping sketches and meditations, again is concerned with essential paradoxes. ... Vesaas' prose has a dynamic variety of rhythms and visual progressions so that even when the atmosphere is pure philosophic ozone, the reader can still keep his footing. But this is decidedly special.\" The Boat in the Evening The Boat in the Evening () is a 1968 novel by the Norwegian writer Tarjei Vesaas. It has a fragmentary and meditative narrative which centres on a child who observes a crane colony perform its breeding ritual. It was the author's final book. It was published in English in 1971, translated", "title": "The Boat in the Evening" }, { "docid": "7491503", "text": "odds of 8-1 and at the age of 9, he took the 52nd running of The Stymie by two and a half length, making a move at the 8th pole. The Aqueduct track writer wrote, \"Evening Attire proved that age means little if you have class.\" Evening Attire finished third in the 2007 Stuyvesant Handicap after hesitating at the start, a trait his trainer said the 10-year-old gelding developed in 2007. Evening Attire was entered in the 2007 Queens County Handicap at Aqueduct (a race he won in 2001) and took it by a head under veteran jockey Edgar Prado.", "title": "Evening Attire (horse)" }, { "docid": "12400558", "text": "US Naval opposition. The novel is set in the United States, Russia, China, Taiwan and the Southern Ocean Kerguelen Islands. According to WorldCat, the book is held in 987 libraries Kilo Class (novel) Kilo Class is a 1998 novel by Patrick Robinson. It features characters found in his earlier novel, \"Nimitz Class\", including Admiral Arnold Morgan. The novel concerns an attempt by the People's Republic of China to obtain a fleet of s from Russia, and a series of covert operations carried out by the United States Navy using a and Navy SEALs in order to prevent the Chinese from", "title": "Kilo Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "17391191", "text": "her own dress shop. Director/Producer Andrew P. Jones co-wrote the screenplay with his father, Robert Page Jones, who drew upon his youth during the Great Depression. Reginald T. Dorsey also served as a producer on the movie and played Benny. \"Kings of the Evening\" has a MPAA rating: PG for thematic elements, language throughout, some violence and smoking. Running time is 1 hour, 40 minutes. Genre is period drama with a domestic total gross of $99,270. Kings of the Evening Kings of the Evening is a 2007 drama film directed and produced independently by Andrew P. Jones. The story follows", "title": "Kings of the Evening" }, { "docid": "7680279", "text": "The Ruling Class (novel) The Ruling Class is a teen novel by Francine Pascal, released in 2004. When a new girl moves to Highland Park High School, she encounters a difficult clique and dramatic situations. The book centers on a 16-year-old girl, Twyla Gay Stark. She soon transfers to a new town and a new school in a wealthy neighborhood, Highland Park High, where the rich and nasty strut around in designer labels. The worst happens when Twyla Gay runs afoul of the resident bitch clique, led by the beautiful, intimidating and rich Jeanette Sue and bringing in the rear", "title": "The Ruling Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "9474451", "text": "the name \"The Mission\" as they didn't like the original title. A graphic novel adaption of the novel will be published on 1 June 2017. An audiobook version of \"Class A\" was released, read by Julian Rhind-Tutt. It consisted of three CDs. Class A (novel) Class A, published as The Dealer in the United States, and as The Mission for 5000 prints, is the second book in the Robert Muchamore's novel series CHERUB. It continues the story of teenager James Adams and his fellow CHERUB agents as they try to bring down a drug gang led by Keith Moore. The", "title": "Class A (novel)" }, { "docid": "12400557", "text": "Kilo Class (novel) Kilo Class is a 1998 novel by Patrick Robinson. It features characters found in his earlier novel, \"Nimitz Class\", including Admiral Arnold Morgan. The novel concerns an attempt by the People's Republic of China to obtain a fleet of s from Russia, and a series of covert operations carried out by the United States Navy using a and Navy SEALs in order to prevent the Chinese from receiving the new boats. The submarines are wanted by China because their ability to operate silently at low speed would make it possible to dominate the Taiwanese Strait even against", "title": "Kilo Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "16784224", "text": "BAFTA-winning screenwriter, Richard Smith; alongside a cast line-up starring Lee Sin-je, Hiroshi Abe, Sylvia Chang, David Oakes and John Hannah as confirmed in May 2018. The Garden of Evening Mists The Garden of Evening Mists, published in January 2012, is the second novel by Malaysian novelist Tan Twan Eng. (The first was \"The Gift of Rain\" (2007).) The protagonist of \"The Garden\" is the judge Teoh Yun Ling, who was a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II and later served as an apprentice to a Japanese gardener. As the story begins, she is trying to make sense of", "title": "The Garden of Evening Mists" }, { "docid": "17813469", "text": "guitarist who, despite his youth, has worked with some of the luminaries of the Scandinavian scene\". On All About Jazz John Kelman wrote \"\"Evening Falls\" heralds the international arrival of an artist who, with a number of years behind him, has already developed a mature and personal approach. As a player, composer and bandleader he will clearly be someone to watch\" \"All compositions by Jacob Young except as indicated\" Evening Falls Evening Falls is an album by Norwegian guitarist and composer Jacob Young released on the ECM label in 2004. AllMusic awarded the album 4 stars and in its review", "title": "Evening Falls" }, { "docid": "20292046", "text": "quit. After missing a publishing opportunity with a \"lady's magazine\", Mailer conceived of an eight-novel series based on the dreams of \"a small frustrated man\". This series would include Sergius O'Shaugnessy, the roguish protagonist of \"The Deer Park\" and \"The Time of Her Time\", and other characters with shifting names travelling through time and \"through many worlds, through pleasure, business, communism, church, working class, crime, homosexuality and mysticism\". While Mailer deserted the overly-ambitious eight-novel idea, he wrote the first draft of \"The Deer Park\" and the 29-page abandoned prologue to it became \"The Man Who Studied Yoga\". Mailer credits his", "title": "The Man Who Studied Yoga" }, { "docid": "15770259", "text": "by Subotica Films. An Evening of Long Goodbyes An Evening of Long Goodbyes is a 2003 comic novel by Irish author Paul Murray. It was shortlisted for the 2003 Whitbread First Novel Award and for the 2003 Kerry Group Irish Fiction Award. \"An Evening of Long Goodbyes\" is about a 24-year-old wealthy layabout who prefers to watch Gene Tierney movies in his chaise longue, with a gimlet in hand, rather than go out and find a job. Charles Hythloday is a Trinity College dropout living with his sister, Christabel (\"Bel\"), in their parents' mansion, Amaurot (named after the capital city", "title": "An Evening of Long Goodbyes" }, { "docid": "15770253", "text": "An Evening of Long Goodbyes An Evening of Long Goodbyes is a 2003 comic novel by Irish author Paul Murray. It was shortlisted for the 2003 Whitbread First Novel Award and for the 2003 Kerry Group Irish Fiction Award. \"An Evening of Long Goodbyes\" is about a 24-year-old wealthy layabout who prefers to watch Gene Tierney movies in his chaise longue, with a gimlet in hand, rather than go out and find a job. Charles Hythloday is a Trinity College dropout living with his sister, Christabel (\"Bel\"), in their parents' mansion, Amaurot (named after the capital city of More's \"Utopia\").", "title": "An Evening of Long Goodbyes" }, { "docid": "20056696", "text": "Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace is a novel by David Adams Richards, published in 1990. It was the second volume in his Miramichi trilogy, which also included the novels \"Nights Below Station Street\" (1988) and \"For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down\" (1993). The novel centres primarily on Ivan and Cindi Bastarache, a couple whose troubled marriage begins to disintegrate when Cindi, who suffers from epilepsy, injures herself during a fight with Ivan over money, leading their family and friends to believe that Ivan has committed domestic violence against her. The novel won", "title": "Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace" }, { "docid": "11874559", "text": "optimism for the future, and an appreciation of the humor in life...\" \"PopMatters\" named the album as one of the Best Folk albums of 2006. In his review of \"The Evening Call\", Steve Horowitz wrote \"Brown’s songwriting has never been more creative. His voice never sounded more demonstrative. And as an added bonus, the backing instrumentation has never been more sensitive to the nuances of Brown’s many moods.\" All songs by Greg Brown. The Evening Call The Evening Call is an album by American folk singer/guitarist Greg Brown, released in 2006. It was his first album of all new material", "title": "The Evening Call" }, { "docid": "8793025", "text": "Starting Out in the Evening Starting Out in the Evening is a 2007 American drama film directed by Andrew Wagner. The screenplay by Wagner and Fred Parnes is based on the novel of the same name by Brian Morton. Now aging and ailing, the one-time celebrated author Leonard Schiller has been forgotten by his readers, literary colleagues, and critics during the decade he has struggled to complete what he knows will be his final novel. When the brash, ambitious Brown University graduate student Heather Wolfe approaches him with a request for access to his thoughts and recollections for the Master's", "title": "Starting Out in the Evening" }, { "docid": "13078351", "text": "said that the book would \"cause many readers great annoyance – and, what more can a writer ask, than that?\"; and by the writer Stephen Vizinczey, who said the story is \"in the manner of the best thrillers, the hero's life is always in danger, and there are women about who undress with passion, but might give him away. Still, there is more at stake than the hero's life or the reader's entertainment – this first-class thriller is also a genuine novel, which is not only exciting, but moving, as it unfolds the black man's dream, the white man's nightmare.\"", "title": "The Spook Who Sat by the Door (novel)" }, { "docid": "1464505", "text": "it to compete with NBC's Must See TV line up, and as a result the ratings plummeted. The show rated as the following: Deadline Hollywood reported in October 2013 that NBC was planning a reboot of the series, starring Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer as a \"hospital administrator and amateur sleuth who self-publishes her first mystery novel.\" Lansbury commented that she was not a fan of using the title, saying \"I think it's a mistake to call it 'Murder, She Wrote,' because 'Murder, She Wrote' will always be about Cabot Cove and this wonderful little group of people who told those", "title": "Murder, She Wrote" }, { "docid": "3565626", "text": "of Texas at Arlington, wrote that the novel was \"the latest in a long line of contenders for the status of Great American Novel\", and compared Cal to Huckleberry Finn, the narrator of \"Invisible Man\", and J. Sutter in \"John Henry Days\". Alexander Linklater of the \"Evening Standard\" commented that American publishers chose \"Middlesex\" as the next Great American Novel to generate progress for American fiction and that Eugenides is considered the \"next stepping stone along from Jonathan Franzen\". Dan Cryer of \"Newsday\" wrote that with the publication of \"Middlesex\", \"[f]inally, Detroit has its very own great American novel\". David", "title": "Middlesex (novel)" }, { "docid": "10112108", "text": "The Darkest Evening of the Year The Darkest Evening of the Year is a novel by the author Dean Koontz, released on November 27, 2007. The title is a possible allusion to Robert Frost's \"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening\". Amy Redwing's risk-taking on behalf of desperate dogs is legendary. With money she inherited from a source she will never discuss, she founded and runs a group that rescues abandoned or abused golden retrievers. She has a treasury of astonishing rescue stories—a friend tells her she'll be broke by the time she's 40 if she carries on funding the", "title": "The Darkest Evening of the Year" }, { "docid": "20807437", "text": "screenplay was written by playwright Huzir Sulaiman, who had been known for his work in Dain Iskandar Said's controversial film \"Dukun\". Taiwanese director Tom Lin was eventually chosen to helm the film while screenwriting positions had been taken over by Scottish BAFTA-winning screenwriter, Richard Smith; alongside a cast line-up starring Lee Sin-je, Hiroshi Abe, Sylvia Chang, David Oakes and John Hannah as confirmed in May 2018. Main production had kicked off as principal photography started by July 2018. The Garden of Evening Mists (film) The Garden of Evening Mists is an upcoming British-Malaysian historical drama film based on the novel", "title": "The Garden of Evening Mists (film)" }, { "docid": "9994056", "text": "an underwater transit through the Bosporus, and an underwater battle near the Falklands. Commander Ben Adnam is a slick commander who eludes capture. He skillfully evades Bill Baldrige and the U.S. Navy. Nimitz Class (novel) Nimitz Class is a naval thriller published in 1997 by Patrick Robinson. It is the first book in the series which features admiral Arnold Morgan and Ben Adnam. It is stylistically similar to Tom Clancy, particularly \"The Hunt for Red October\". According to WorldCat, the book is held in 1,197 libraries In May 2002, a nuclear torpedo attack occurs on the USS \"Thomas Jefferson\", destroying", "title": "Nimitz Class (novel)" }, { "docid": "2703636", "text": "be no reprints or paperback version of the book, and for the British market no paperback version appeared until after Fleming's death. Because of the heightened sexual writing in the novel, it was banned in a number of countries. In the US the story was also published in \"Stag\" magazine, with the title changed to \"Motel Nymph\". Broadly, the critics did not welcome Fleming's experiment with the Bond formula; academic Christoph Linder has pointed out that \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" received the worst reception of all the Bond books. \"The Daily Telegraph\", for example, wrote \"Oh Dear Oh Dear", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "20011200", "text": "Merton of the Movies (novel) Merton of the Movies is a comic novel by Harry Leon Wilson. It was adapted into a stage play and three films. Wilson, a writer and novelist, wrote the book after a brief stint in Hollywood. \"Merton of the Movies\" was published in the \"Saturday Evening Post\" in 1919 and published as a book in 1922. Thomas Hischak described \"Merton of the Movies\" as a \"light-hearted romp\" with characters \"cartoonish but endearing\". The novel sold millions of copies and has been adapted to other media several times. Small-town bumpkin Merton Gill fantasizes about joining the", "title": "Merton of the Movies (novel)" }, { "docid": "15653631", "text": "practitioners of the literary historical novel and that this is her best novel yet.\" Thomas Mallon of \"The Washington Post\", unlike other reviewers, gave a much more lukewarm assessment of the novel. He wrote, \"\"The Great Lover\" is conscientious and good-hearted, but for all its class-crossing improbability, still rather timid.\" For Mallon, the novel does not treat Brooke during his most interesting part of his life: during the first World War, when he becomes a public figure. The Great Lover (novel) The Great Lover is a 2009 biographical novel by Jill Dawson. The novel follows the fictional Nell Golightly as", "title": "The Great Lover (novel)" }, { "docid": "20468639", "text": "intended as a tribute to Sørensen's father-in-law Frederik Gislinge, an oboist for the Esbjerg Ensemble in Denmark, who fell ill during the composition process. \"I guess I hoped the solo would help him heal,\" Sørensen wrote. \"Unfortunately that did not happen and to our great sorrow he died before he could hear the solo and the whole work – \"Evening Land\". Thus \"Evening Land\" encountered another evening – the evening of life – a finality.\" The work is scored for an orchestra consisting of two flutes (both doubling piccolo), two oboes (2nd doubling English horn), two clarinets, two bassoons, contrabassoon,", "title": "Evening Land (composition)" }, { "docid": "2760219", "text": "The Saturday Evening Post The Saturday Evening Post is an American magazine, currently published six times a year. It was published weekly under this title from 1897 until 1963, then every two weeks until 1969. From the 1920s to the 1960s, it was one of the most widely circulated and influential magazines for the American middle class, with fiction, non-fiction, cartoons and features that reached millions of homes every week. The magazine declined in readership through the 1960s, and in 1969 \"The Saturday Evening Post\" folded for two years before being revived as a quarterly publication with an emphasis on", "title": "The Saturday Evening Post" }, { "docid": "20056697", "text": "the Canadian Authors Association award for fiction in 1991. Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace is a novel by David Adams Richards, published in 1990. It was the second volume in his Miramichi trilogy, which also included the novels \"Nights Below Station Street\" (1988) and \"For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down\" (1993). The novel centres primarily on Ivan and Cindi Bastarache, a couple whose troubled marriage begins to disintegrate when Cindi, who suffers from epilepsy, injures herself during a fight with Ivan over money, leading their family and friends to believe that Ivan", "title": "Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace" }, { "docid": "17577343", "text": "might be accepted by readers with no vested interest in the issue, it would be \"vehemently rejected out of hand\" by the \"literary establishment\". Sadownick wrote that Lauritsen confirmed his view that \"Frankenstein\" is a gay work in the same sense as Walt Whitman's \"Leaves of Grass\" (1855) and Oscar Wilde's \"The Ballad of Reading Gaol\" (1897), and offered a commendable psychological analysis, and a sensitive line-by-line reading, of the work. Charles E. Robinson rejected Lauritsen's thesis in \"The Original Frankenstein\" (2008), arguing that the testimony of authors such as Lord Byron, William Godwin, Claire Clairmont, Charles Clairmont, and Leigh", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "17577341", "text": "is in Mary Shelley's handwriting does not show that she composed the work. However, while he agreed with Lauritsen that Percy Bysshe Shelley had homoerotic feelings and deep friendships for men and that \"Frankenstein\" \"contains potential homosexual relationships\", he disagreed with Lauristen's view that \"Frankenstein\" was primarily written for gay men. Kennedy wrote that Lauritsen was \"unafraid to go against accepted opinion and the entrenched literary establishment\" and that his work was \"intriguing and very readable\", based on a careful review of the relevant evidence, and a welcome contribution to literature on the subject. He endorsed Lauritsen's argument that the", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "17141711", "text": "is both fascinated by and frustrated with the followers of the new religion; these people who \"worship fish\", as he puts it. He also reflects back on his visit to Rome several years earlier, where he met his hero Marcus Aurelius. A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening () is a historical novel by the Portuguese writer Mario de Carvalho, set in the Roman province of Lusitania during the reign of Roman Emperor Commodus. First published in Portugal in Portuguese in 1994 as \"Um Deus Passeando Pela Brisa da", "title": "A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening" }, { "docid": "16356555", "text": "Strike Me Lucky (novel) Strike Me Lucky is a 1959 novel written by Jon Cleary in collaboration with his wife Joy. The plot concerns an Australian family who discover gold and the effect this has on their small town. Cleary originally wrote it as a short story for the \"Saturday Evening Post\". Later while the Clearys were living in Spain, Joy was at a loose end and decided to adapt the story into a novel, which Jon then rewrote. It was published under her name and enjoyed minor success. Marlon Brando optioned the film rights for his production company Pennebaker,", "title": "Strike Me Lucky (novel)" }, { "docid": "9474447", "text": "Class A (novel) Class A, published as The Dealer in the United States, and as The Mission for 5000 prints, is the second book in the Robert Muchamore's novel series CHERUB. It continues the story of teenager James Adams and his fellow CHERUB agents as they try to bring down a drug gang led by Keith Moore. The book was originally to be called Drugs, Cars and Guns, but this was changed so as to sound more appropriate for children. It received generally good reviews although not as many awards as its predecessor, \"The Recruit\". It is followed by \"Maximum", "title": "Class A (novel)" }, { "docid": "13078339", "text": "Sat by the Door\" was required reading at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Having been much rejected by mainstream publishers, Greenlee's spy novel first was published by Allison & Busby in the UK in March 1969, after the author met Margaret Busby in London the previous year, and by the Richard W. Baron Publishing Company, in the US. It was subsequently translated into several languages, including French, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Swedish, and German. The cinematic adaptation, also called \"The Spook Who Sat by the Door\" (1973), was directed by Ivan Dixon, and the novel's author co-wrote the screenplay. \"The", "title": "The Spook Who Sat by the Door (novel)" }, { "docid": "4920059", "text": "centuries, evolved into the pannier to give dresses and skirts extra volume and the desired court silhouette. During this entire period, a ball or evening dress was synonymous with court dress, as balls took place at court or in the palaces and salons of the nobility who copied the latest fashions at the courts. Starting with the late 18th century, the term \"evening or ball gown\" emerged, as balls and formal dances were no longer the sole domain of royals and aristocrats. The French Revolution had caused social upheaval, and firmly cemented the place of upper-middle and upper class citizens", "title": "Evening gown" }, { "docid": "4086015", "text": "equipped with a BR1G-type tender and given BR Brunswick green livery, normally reserved for passenger locomotives, and was completed with a copper-capped double chimney. All other members of the class of heavy freight locomotives were painted unlined black. 92220 was the only Class 9F to be named (and liveried in lined passenger express brunswick green) when running with BR, although other 9Fs have subsequently been named in preservation. The name \"Evening Star\" was chosen following a competition run in 1959-60 by the BR Western Region Staff Magazine. There were three competition winners, Driver T.M. Phillips (Aberystwyth), Boilermaker J.S. Sathi (Old", "title": "BR Standard Class 9F 92220 Evening Star" }, { "docid": "168625", "text": "class in Mitchell's caste system. The field slaves from the Tara plantation and the foreman, Big Sam, are taken away by Confederate soldiers to dig ditches and never return to the plantation. Mitchell wrote that other field slaves were \"loyal\" and \"refused to avail themselves of the new freedom\", but the novel has no field slaves who stay on the plantation to work after they have been emancipated. American William Wells Brown escaped from slavery and published his memoir, or slave narrative, in 1847. He wrote of the disparity in conditions between the house servant and the field hand: During", "title": "Gone with the Wind (novel)" }, { "docid": "13171788", "text": "That Evening Sun (film) That Evening Sun is a 2009 film based on a 2002 short story \"I Hate to See That Evening Sun Go Down\" by William Gay. The movie, produced by Dogwood Entertainment, stars Hal Holbrook as Abner Meecham and is directed by Scott Teems who also wrote the screenplay. \"That Evening Sun\" premiered in March 2009 at South By Southwest, where it received the Audience Award for Narrative Feature and a special Jury Prize for Ensemble Cast. Joe Leydon of \"Variety\" hailed it as \"an exceptionally fine example of regional indie filmmaking,\" and praised Holbrook's performance as", "title": "That Evening Sun (film)" }, { "docid": "2703635", "text": "pages and costing $3.95. The reception to the novel was so bad that Fleming wrote to Michael Howard at Jonathan Cape, to explain why he wrote the book: \"I had become increasingly surprised to find my thrillers, which were designed for an adult audience, being read in schools, and that young people were making a hero out of James Bond ... So it crossed my mind to write a cautionary tale about Bond, to put the record straight in the minds particularly of younger readers ... the experiment has obviously gone very much awry\". Fleming subsequently requested that there should", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "17141709", "text": "A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening () is a historical novel by the Portuguese writer Mario de Carvalho, set in the Roman province of Lusitania during the reign of Roman Emperor Commodus. First published in Portugal in Portuguese in 1994 as \"Um Deus Passeando Pela Brisa da Tarde\", the novel won several awards, including the 1996 Pegasus Prize, and became a best-seller in Portugal. The book is told as a First-person narrative by Lucius Valerius Quintius, prefect of the fictional city Tarcisis during the reign of Commodus. He", "title": "A God Strolling in the Cool of the Evening" }, { "docid": "20807436", "text": "The Garden of Evening Mists (film) The Garden of Evening Mists is an upcoming British-Malaysian historical drama film based on the novel of the same name. In October 2014, it was announced that \"The Garden of Evening Mists\" would be adapted into a feature-length film by Malaysian film production company Astro Shaw in collaboration with HBO Asia and the National Film Development Corporation Malaysia. There were rumours that Michelle Yeoh had been tipped to play protagonist Teoh Yun Ling in its early stages due to her interest in the book, according to an interview with Yeoh in Vogue Italia. The", "title": "The Garden of Evening Mists (film)" }, { "docid": "13536601", "text": "For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down is a novel by David Adams Richards, published in 1993. It was the final volume in his Miramichi trilogy, which also included the novels \"Nights Below Station Street\" (1988) and \"Evening Snow Will Bring Such Peace\" (1990). The novel centres on Jerry Bines, a charismatic but violent ex-convict, and his family. The novel was a shortlisted finalist for the Governor General's Award for English-language fiction at the 1993 Governor General's Awards, and won the Thomas Head Raddall Award in 1994. The novel was later adapted by", "title": "For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down" }, { "docid": "8793032", "text": "Out in the Evening\" has the feeling of a film in which the actors, left to direct themselves, played into their own self-indulgent instincts, and the only one who resisted was the old pro who knew better.\" Peter Travers of \"Rolling Stone\" called the film \"remarkable\" and said \"Langella delivers a master class in acting [with a] deeply felt portrait of a lion in winter.\" Meghan Keane of \"The New York Sun\" stated, \"The glowing accolades that the filmmakers attempt to bestow on the novelist Brian Morton ultimately result in an undercooked product . . . [T]he film is unable", "title": "Starting Out in the Evening" }, { "docid": "1686148", "text": "promote women's rights. It certainly created an immediate popular sensation - Flora Thompson for instance describing how, in small-town Hampshire, \"copies were bought and handed round until practically everyone of mature age in the village had read and passed judgement on it\". However, the novel was also controversial right from the start, with conservative readers as well as feminists criticizing Allen for the heroine he had invented. For example, Victoria Crosse wrote her novel \"The Woman Who Didn't\" (1895) as a response to Allen's book and Mrs. Lovett Cameron wrote \"The Man Who Didn't\". Whereas Herminia Barton questions the institution", "title": "The Woman Who Did" }, { "docid": "16356556", "text": "intending to make it as a co-production in England, but no movie was made. However Jon Cleary did later adapt it into a play in 1969. Strike Me Lucky (novel) Strike Me Lucky is a 1959 novel written by Jon Cleary in collaboration with his wife Joy. The plot concerns an Australian family who discover gold and the effect this has on their small town. Cleary originally wrote it as a short story for the \"Saturday Evening Post\". Later while the Clearys were living in Spain, Joy was at a loose end and decided to adapt the story into a", "title": "Strike Me Lucky (novel)" }, { "docid": "11947837", "text": "Evening of Roses Evening of Roses () is a 2009 Chinese film by Hong Kong director Ng See-Yuen. It was adapted from a novel from Taiwanese writer Pi Zhi Cai. The film was given the official English title \"Night Rose\". \"Evening of Roses\" is set and was filmed in Beijing, China. It uses Digital cinematography. It is Ma Tian Yu's debut film. A man named Ke Zhi Hong (Wallace Chung) moves into a new apartment. His initially thorny landlord, whose Chinese name sounds similar to the words for \"Evening Rose\", Xia Mei Gui (Ruby Lin), lets him rent one room", "title": "Evening of Roses" }, { "docid": "6281452", "text": "\"Roboman\". Who? (novel) Who? (1958) is a science fiction novel by American writer Algis Budrys, set during the Cold War. It was adapted into a 1974 film starring Elliott Gould. An explosion resulting from an experiment gone awry rocks an Allied research facility near the border with the Soviet Bloc. A Soviet team abducts Dr. Lucas Martino, a leading Allied physicist in charge of a secret, high-priority project called K-88. Several months later, under American pressure, the Soviet officials finally hand over an individual, claiming that he is Dr. Martino. The man has undergone extensive surgery for his injuries. He", "title": "Who? (novel)" }, { "docid": "6281446", "text": "Who? (novel) Who? (1958) is a science fiction novel by American writer Algis Budrys, set during the Cold War. It was adapted into a 1974 film starring Elliott Gould. An explosion resulting from an experiment gone awry rocks an Allied research facility near the border with the Soviet Bloc. A Soviet team abducts Dr. Lucas Martino, a leading Allied physicist in charge of a secret, high-priority project called K-88. Several months later, under American pressure, the Soviet officials finally hand over an individual, claiming that he is Dr. Martino. The man has undergone extensive surgery for his injuries. He has", "title": "Who? (novel)" }, { "docid": "2703643", "text": "star Roger Moore as British Secret Service agent Commander James Bond. Although Fleming had insisted that no film should contain anything of the plot of the novel, the steel-toothed character of Horror was included, although under the name Jaws. The Spy Who Loved Me (novel) The Spy Who Loved Me is the ninth novel in Ian Fleming's James Bond series, first published by Jonathan Cape on 16 April 1962. It is the shortest and most sexually explicit of Fleming's novels, as well as a clear departure from previous Bond novels in that the story is told in the first person", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "9702853", "text": "the \"death of the novel\" were José Ortega y Gasset, who wrote his \"Decline of the Novel\" in 1925 and Walter Benjamin in his 1930 review \"Krisis des Romans\" (Crisis of the Novel). In the 1950s and 1960s, contributors to the discussion included Gore Vidal, Roland Barthes, and John Barth. Ronald Sukenick wrote the story \"The Death of the Novel\" in 1969. In 1954, Wolfgang Kayser argued that the death of the narrator would lead to the death of the novel - a view that has since been contested by many people. Meanwhile, Alain Robbe-Grillet argued that the novel would", "title": "Death of the novel" }, { "docid": "6308738", "text": "but she didn't know what to do about it. She was scared. Like many other kids in that class, she worried she could wind up the next victim of the bullying.\" Blume also explained that she wrote \"Blubber\" to encourage children who see bullying taking place, as well as the bullies' victims themselves, to tell someone they trust rather than keep it to themselves. Blubber (novel) Blubber is a young adult novel by Judy Blume first published in 1974. The narrator of the story is Jill Brenner, a Pennsylvania fifth-grader who joins her classmates in ostracizing and bullying Linda, an", "title": "Blubber (novel)" }, { "docid": "18030136", "text": "Who Has Seen the Wind (novel) Who Has Seen the Wind is a novel written by Canadian author W. O. Mitchell, who took the title from a famous poem by Christina Rossetti. It was first published in 1947 and has sold close to 1 million copies in Canada. \"Who Has Seen the Wind\" is considered to be Mitchell's best known work and is taught in a number of Canadian schools and universities. \"Quill & Quire\" listed \"Who Has Seen the Wind\" at number 7 on their list of the top 40 Canadian novels of the 20th century. \"Who Has Seen", "title": "Who Has Seen the Wind (novel)" }, { "docid": "17217397", "text": "The Evening News (Sydney) The Evening News was the first evening newspaper published in Sydney, New South Wales, in Australia. It was published from 29 July 1867 to 21 March 1931. The Sunday edition was published as the \"Sunday News\". \"The Evening News\" was founded in 1867 by Samuel Bennett and was regarded as a \"less serious read\" than other Sydney newspapers. In 1875 labour difficulties forced Bennett to merge \"The Evening News\" with another of his papers, \"The Empire\". \"The Evening News\" continued to be published until 1931 at which point it was closed by Associated Newspapers, who had", "title": "The Evening News (Sydney)" }, { "docid": "19490152", "text": "Meanwhile, Erica Wagner of the \"New Statesman\" concluded that while the novel could be seen as preachy, it makes good points about London under austerity measures. However, Robert Epstein of \"The Independent\" deplored that the novel was \"too obvious, both in its targets and in their subsequent takedown\". In \"The London Evening Standard\", Andrew Neather conceded that the novel was \"first-class entertainment\", but he lamented that it did not live up to a proper satire. Reviewing it for \"The Guardian\", Alex Clark called it \"a political novel\" as well as an \"interrogation of the purposes and efficacy of humour in", "title": "Number 11 (novel)" }, { "docid": "5692326", "text": "The Mount (novel) The Mount is a 2002 science fantasy novel by Carol Emshwiller. It won the Philip K. Dick Award in 2002, and was also nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 2003. The author was inspired to write \"The Mount\" after she took a class in the psychology of prey animals. After the class, Emshwiller wondered what it would be like if a smart prey animal rode a predator. The idea fascinated her enough to write a short story which became \" The Mount\". The first-person narrator, Charley, is a young man who, like all humans,", "title": "The Mount (novel)" }, { "docid": "1503550", "text": "truest representation of alcoholism ever written.\" The Man Who Fell to Earth (novel) The Man Who Fell to Earth is a 1963 science fiction novel by American author Walter Tevis, about an extraterrestrial who lands on Earth seeking a way to ferry his people to Earth from his home planet, which is suffering from a severe drought. The novel served as the basis for the 1976 film by Nicolas Roeg, \"The Man Who Fell to Earth\", as well as a 1987 television adaptation. Thomas Jerome Newton is a humanoid alien who comes to Earth seeking to construct a spaceship to", "title": "The Man Who Fell to Earth (novel)" }, { "docid": "1503544", "text": "The Man Who Fell to Earth (novel) The Man Who Fell to Earth is a 1963 science fiction novel by American author Walter Tevis, about an extraterrestrial who lands on Earth seeking a way to ferry his people to Earth from his home planet, which is suffering from a severe drought. The novel served as the basis for the 1976 film by Nicolas Roeg, \"The Man Who Fell to Earth\", as well as a 1987 television adaptation. Thomas Jerome Newton is a humanoid alien who comes to Earth seeking to construct a spaceship to ferry others from his home planet,", "title": "The Man Who Fell to Earth (novel)" }, { "docid": "6485676", "text": "self-satisfaction of his former classmates. That night, Sebastian does not go to sleep. Rather, upset by his chance meeting with Adler and the enervating talk at the class reunion, he sits down at his desk and writes down a confession in shorthand, which on the following morning turns out to be indecipherable to everyone including himself—except to the reader, who can read Sebastian's confession as the middle part of the novel). At the age of 16, Sebastian, on the command of his father, the highest-ranking judge in Austria-Hungary, has to leave the prestigious \"Schottengymnasium\" in Vienna due to poor grades", "title": "Class Reunion (novel)" }, { "docid": "6308737", "text": "— Jill's very strict fifth grade teacher. Irwin — Jill's classmate. Catches Linda during the \"Blubber Trial\" when Linda tried to escape. According to Judy Blume in a short essay published in a recent reprint of the novel, the plot of \"Blubber\" was inspired by a very similar real-life incident involving her daughter's 5th grade class, in which one girl was singled out for torment by the class leader, who led her classmates in bullying her. \"My daughter was the shy, quiet girl in the class, the observer, like Rochelle,\" Blume wrote. \"She was upset by what was going on,", "title": "Blubber (novel)" }, { "docid": "11221753", "text": "and Emanuel Tov, refers to this book as \"An important dissenting opinion: Golb refuses to accept the 'consensus view' that Qumran was the site of the Essenes sect, and that they owned and wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, but instead argues that Qumran was a fortress like others in the area and that the library of scrolls was from the Jerusalem Temple.\" (The book, however, at pp. 159–60, specifically rejects the idea that the scrolls came from the Jerusalem Temple, attributing this theory to Karl Rengstorf and asserting that Rengstorf had failed to \"conceive of other libraries in Jerusalem whose", "title": "Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?" }, { "docid": "11221755", "text": "and that they were deposited in the caves near the Dead Sea (among other locations) by Jews fleeing the Roman army during the First Revolt\" and that although the book is based in historical, archaeological, and paleographical evidence, \"he also lets readers in on his personal efforts to question and oppose the scholarly status quo, leaving the impression of being self-serving.\" Ilene Cooper from Booklist suggest that public libraries carry this book for \"its provocative assertions.\" Géza Vermes, wrote in his \"An Introduction to the Complete Dead Sea Scrolls\" (2000), that Golb is responsible for \"another forceful attack on the", "title": "Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?" }, { "docid": "4730255", "text": "\"Saturday\", stating \"...when I wrote it, I was reading Ian McEwan's novel \"Saturday\", which begins with a man on his balcony watching a plane go down, so the first lines borrow something from that image.\" Saturday (novel) Saturday (2005) is a novel by Ian McEwan set in Fitzrovia, London, on Saturday, 15 February 2003, as a large demonstration is taking place against the United States' 2003 invasion of Iraq. The protagonist, Henry Perowne, a 48-year-old neurosurgeon, has planned a series of chores and pleasures culminating in a family dinner in the evening. As he goes about his day, he ponders", "title": "Saturday (novel)" }, { "docid": "2545029", "text": "After the Latter Day Saints were expelled from Missouri in late 1833, printing of \"The Evening and the Morning Star\" temporarily resumed in Kirtland, Ohio, in a printing shop owned by Frederick G. Williams. The editor in Kirtland was Oliver Cowdery and the plan was to eventually replace the Missouri paper with one unique to Ohio. The last issue of the newspaper was September 1834, volume 2 number 24. In it Cowdery wrote, \"As \"The Evening and the Morning Star\" was designed to be published at Missouri, it was considered that another name would be more appropriate for a paper", "title": "The Evening and the Morning Star" }, { "docid": "8483554", "text": "The Wrong Box (novel) The Wrong Box is a black comedy novel co-written by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne, first published in 1889. The story is about two brothers who are the last two surviving members of a tontine. The book was the first of three novels that Stevenson co-wrote with Osbourne, who was his stepson. The others were \"The Wrecker\" (1892) and \"The Ebb-Tide\" (1894). Osbourne wrote the first draft of the novel late in 1887 (then called \"The Finsbury Tontine\"), Stevenson revised it in 1888 (then called \"A Game of Bluff\") and again in 1889 when it", "title": "The Wrong Box (novel)" }, { "docid": "16244700", "text": "\"PT\" (Peter Townend) and \"Tink\" bearing a resemblance to Wayne \"Rabbit\" Bartholomew. \"The Guardian\" wrote \"If Winton is an aria, Knox is early Rolling Stones\", \"\"The Life\" confirms what \"The Literary Review\" has known all along – 'Knox is, quite simply, a fabulous writer.'\" Christos Tsiolkas, author of the best selling novel \"The Slap\" wrote \"\"The Life\", is alternately evocative and lacerating, tender and unflinching, a gloriously honest, brutal and moving story of a man who was at the top of his game and then pissed it all away\". The Life (novel) The Life is a novel by the Australian", "title": "The Life (novel)" }, { "docid": "18030138", "text": "death. They are moments when an inquiring heart seeks finality, and the chain of darkness is broken.\" A movie adaptation of the book was released in 1977 and starred Brian Painchaud, Gordon Pinsent and Helen Shaver. The book was also translated into French in 1974. Additionally, in the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver a quote from this work was read by Donald Sutherland. Who Has Seen the Wind (novel) Who Has Seen the Wind is a novel written by Canadian author W. O. Mitchell, who took the title from a famous poem by Christina Rossetti. It", "title": "Who Has Seen the Wind (novel)" } ]
Which country does the airline Air Pacific come from?
[ "Fiji Islands", "Pacific/Fiji", "Fidji", "Matanitu Ko Viti", "Fijis", "Fijian Islands", "Feejee", "Ripablik ăph Phījī", "Cannibal Isles", "Sovereign Democratic Republic of Fiji", "ISO 3166-1:FJ", "Name of Fiji", "Etymology of Fiji", "Fiji Islander", "Holidays in fiji", "Fiji's", "Republic of the Fiji Islands", "Matanitu Tugalala o Viti", "Fiji Archipelago", "Fiji Island", "Fidji Islands", "Chikoba", "Holidays in Fiji", "Tourism in Fiji", "Fiji", "Republic of Fiji" ]
[ { "docid": "9846394", "text": "Pacific Island Air Pacific Island Air is an Air Charter company operating out of Nadi International Airport, Fiji. Pacific Island Seaplanes was established in 1999 by Larry 'Dusty' Simon. The air charter company initially operated two de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beavers and a Britten-Norman Islander aircraft. Pacific Island Seaplanes was acquired by the Christchurch, New Zealand based GCH Aviation in 2013. GCH merged their existing Helicopters (Fiji) operation with Pacific Island Seaplanes to form Pacific Island Air (PIA). The airline offers daily services to Mamanuca Island Resorts and most Yasawa Island Resorts utilizing seaplanes and helicopters as well as charter", "title": "Pacific Island Air" }, { "docid": "1428135", "text": "Freedom Air Freedom Air was Air New Zealand Group's low-cost airline which operated from December 1995 to March 2008. It ran scheduled passenger services from New Zealand to Australia and Fiji and charter services within New Zealand. Its main base was Auckland Airport. The airline was established in 1995 as a response to the commencement of discount services between Australia and New Zealand by Kiwi Airlines and started operations on 8 December 1995 with a single Boeing 757. It was formed as South Pacific Air Charters by Mount Cook Airline. By 2004 its fleet had expanded to five Boeing 737-300", "title": "Freedom Air" }, { "docid": "1428138", "text": "any international services. Flights to Nadi and Newcastle were withdrawn prior to 2008. Freedom Air Freedom Air was Air New Zealand Group's low-cost airline which operated from December 1995 to March 2008. It ran scheduled passenger services from New Zealand to Australia and Fiji and charter services within New Zealand. Its main base was Auckland Airport. The airline was established in 1995 as a response to the commencement of discount services between Australia and New Zealand by Kiwi Airlines and started operations on 8 December 1995 with a single Boeing 757. It was formed as South Pacific Air Charters by", "title": "Freedom Air" } ]
[ { "docid": "8515816", "text": "Pacific Air Lines Pacific Air Lines was a regional airline (then called a \"local service\" air carrier as defined by the federal Civil Aeronautics Board) on the West Coast of the United States which began scheduled passenger operations in the mid 1940s under the name Southwest Airways. The company was essentially a feeder airline, primarily linking smaller communities in California with larger cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. Flights were also operated to Portland, Oregon, and eventually reached Las Vegas and Reno in Nevada. Founded largely with money from investors from the Hollywood motion picture industry, the airline", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "1671321", "text": "surviving member of the Pacific Corporation, but currently it is owned by Taiwan Aerospace Corporation and is no longer related to the Central Intelligence Agency. Air America (airline) Air America was an American passenger and cargo airline covertly owned and operated by the US government from 1950 to 1976. It was used as a dummy corporation for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations in Indochina. The CIA did not have enough work to keep the asset afloat and the National Security Council farmed the airline out to various government entities that included the US Air Force, US Army, USAID, and for", "title": "Air America (airline)" }, { "docid": "9309043", "text": "the following aircraft: Pacific Air Express Pacific Air Express is an airline based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It operates cargo services to Honiara, Nauru, Noumea, Port Moresby and Port Vila; and charter flights in the South Pacific area. Its main bases are Brisbane Airport and Honiara International Airport. The airline was established in 1993 by Australian expatriate Gary Clifford (General Manager) and a business partner from the Solomon Islands. The airline was originally based in Honiara, but relocated due to civil unrest in 1999. It had 35 employees as of March 2007. As of October 2018 the Pacific Air Express", "title": "Pacific Air Express" }, { "docid": "9309042", "text": "Pacific Air Express Pacific Air Express is an airline based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It operates cargo services to Honiara, Nauru, Noumea, Port Moresby and Port Vila; and charter flights in the South Pacific area. Its main bases are Brisbane Airport and Honiara International Airport. The airline was established in 1993 by Australian expatriate Gary Clifford (General Manager) and a business partner from the Solomon Islands. The airline was originally based in Honiara, but relocated due to civil unrest in 1999. It had 35 employees as of March 2007. As of October 2018 the Pacific Air Express fleet consists of", "title": "Pacific Air Express" }, { "docid": "8515830", "text": "the airline, but net income for Pacific dropped from $700,337 in 1965 to $150,716, chiefly because the 727 was uneconomical to operate on Pacific's short-haul routes. Two were then leased to National Airlines. During 1966-1968, Pacific Air Lines served the following cities with the Boeing 727-100: The airline promoted the Boeing 727 with the following statement in a 1966 print ad: \"\"Pacific Air Lines jets to more\" \"California cities any other airline\".\" The ad stated that Pacific was serving Fresno, Bakersfield, Monterey, Lake Tahoe, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, and Santa Barbara with the 727. One early 727 route", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "8590709", "text": "He therefore sought the help of aviation entrepreneurs. Bill Boeing proved to be interested in the airline and his Boeing Air Transport acquired control of PAT on 1 January 1928. This immediately provided a market for new aircraft as six four-passenger Boeing 40Bs were supplied to the airline during 1928. On 17 December 1928, PAT merged into Boeing Air Transport, but continued to operate as a separate division, retaining its own identity. Pacific Air Transport Pacific Air Transport was an important early US airline. Pacific Air Transport (PAT) was formed in January 1926 by Vern C. Gorst, an Oregon bus", "title": "Pacific Air Transport" }, { "docid": "2189121", "text": "of the merged airline would be Canadian Airlines International. In 2000, Canadian Airlines was taken over by and merged into Air Canada. List is incomplete and uses data primarily from the Boeing Sales Database. There were 15 major incidents aboard Canadian Pacific Air Lines / CP Air aircraft. Canadian Pacific Air Lines Canadian Pacific Air Lines was a Canadian airline that operated from 1942 to 1987. It operated under the name CP Air from 1968 to 1986. Headquartered at Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia, it served domestic Canadian as well as international routes until it was purchased by", "title": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "4712178", "text": "Fresh Air (airline) Fresh Air was a cargo airline based in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. It operated cargo charter services mainly within West Africa. Its main base was Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos. The Nigerian government set a deadline of April 30, 2007 for all airlines operating in the country to re-capitalize or be grounded, in an effort to ensure better services and safety. Seven airlines failed to meet the deadline and as a result would not be allowed fly in Nigeria’s airspace with effect from April 30, 2007. These were: ADC Airlines, Fresh Air, Sosoliso Airlines, Albarka Air, Chrome Air", "title": "Fresh Air (airline)" }, { "docid": "8515825", "text": "said it reached 33 California locales (i.e. 24 airports) and timetables in the mid-1950s boasted that Southwest Airways \"serves more California cities than any other scheduled airline.\" The airline became Pacific Air Lines on March 6, 1958. The corporate logo was changed from an earth-toned Thunderbird reminiscent of a Navajo sandpainting to a simpler, modern design with bright colors. In a move possibly designed to prevent the flying public from confusing the newly named Pacific Air Lines for a brand-new airline, company timetables published in 1959 asserted that the company was in its \"17th year of scheduled service\". Like other", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "2189110", "text": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines Canadian Pacific Air Lines was a Canadian airline that operated from 1942 to 1987. It operated under the name CP Air from 1968 to 1986. Headquartered at Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia, it served domestic Canadian as well as international routes until it was purchased by Pacific Western Airlines and absorbed into Canadian Airlines which branded itself as Canadian Airlines International. In the early 1940s, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company purchased ten bush airlines in a short time span, finishing with the purchase of Canadian Airways in 1942, to form Canadian Pacific Air Lines.", "title": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "8515832", "text": "nonstop from Fresno and San Jose to Reno. The airline pioneered scheduled jet service to the Bakersfield, Eureka/Arcata, Fresno, Lake Tahoe, Monterey, San Jose and Santa Barbara in California with the 727. Pacific planned to order Boeing 737-200s which were more economical to operate than the 727s. However, events overtook the airline in the form of a merger to form Air West and the order was cancelled. After the merger with Bonanza Air Lines and West Coast Airlines, the new Air West soon removed Pacific's 727s from the fleet, although they were operated in scheduled service for a brief time", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "16490960", "text": "Air Safaris (New Zealand airline) Air Safaris is a New Zealand scenic flight and air charter company based at the Lake Tekapo Airport located 2.8 km west of the town of Lake Tekapo, off State Highway 8 in the Mackenzie District of New Zealand. The airline operates from 5 bases the Lake Tekapo, Franz Josef, Glentanner, Twizel and Mt Cook airports. The company logo is a stylised chamois; these are wild goat-like antelope which inhabits the region of the South Island High Country. Air Safaris was established in 1970 at Mesopotamia station to take hunters and hikers into the mountain", "title": "Air Safaris (New Zealand airline)" }, { "docid": "1671307", "text": "CAT purchased 40% of the assets of Civil Air Transport (CAT), an airline that had been started in China in 1946 by Gen Claire Lee Chennault (of Flying Tigers fame) and Whiting Willauer. Sixty percent remained with Chinese investors. CAT Inc. also formed Asiatic Aeronautical Company Ltd, a Republic of China company. In 1957 Airdale changed its name to Pacific Corporation. CAT, Inc. changed its name to Air America, Inc. in 1959 after settling objections from Air France. Asiatic Aeronautical Company, Ltd changed its name to Air Asia Company, Ltd the same year. Civil Air Transport remained in existence throughout", "title": "Air America (airline)" }, { "docid": "8515838", "text": "4-0-4s, and three Boeing 727-100s, one of which was still leased out, but returned to Air West in late 1968. The last of the increasingly obsolete Martins were not carried forward into the Air West fleet and were disposed of in August 1968. The two cofounders of Southwest Airways died within nine months of each other in 1971. John Connelly was 71, and Leland Hayward was 68. The April 28, 1968, timetable lists Pacific Air Lines flights to the following destinations just before its merger. CALIFORNIA: NEVADA: OREGON: Pacific Air Lines Pacific Air Lines was a regional airline (then called", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "11419353", "text": "Air Pacific (United States) Air Pacific was a commuter airline based in the United States that operated regional flights wholly within the state of California. Founded as Eureka Aero in 1970, it was renamed Air Pacific in 1979. Its de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter and DHC-7 Dash 7 turboprop aircraft were capable of STOL (short takeoff and landing) operations. Air Pacific merged with Gem State Airlines in 1981 to form Golden Gate Airlines, which merged again later in 1981, with Swift Aire Lines, but service was discontinued shortly thereafter. Air Pacific served the following destinations in California during its", "title": "Air Pacific (United States)" }, { "docid": "6939488", "text": "agreement with Reno Air: Mid Pacific Air Mid Pacific Air was a low-cost regional airline which began operations with passenger services in Hawaii. Founded in 1981, initial routes connected the islands of Kauai, O'ahu, Maui and Hawaii (the Big Island). Its primary competitors were established air carriers Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Airlines. When it operated in the Midwest, its headquarters were on the grounds of Indianapolis International Airport in Indianapolis, Indiana. Originally its headquarters were located at Honolulu International Airport. In contrast to Hawaiian and Aloha, Mid Pacific Air's fleet was made up primarily of NAMC YS-11 turboprop planes; Hawaiian", "title": "Mid Pacific Air" }, { "docid": "6939483", "text": "Mid Pacific Air Mid Pacific Air was a low-cost regional airline which began operations with passenger services in Hawaii. Founded in 1981, initial routes connected the islands of Kauai, O'ahu, Maui and Hawaii (the Big Island). Its primary competitors were established air carriers Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Airlines. When it operated in the Midwest, its headquarters were on the grounds of Indianapolis International Airport in Indianapolis, Indiana. Originally its headquarters were located at Honolulu International Airport. In contrast to Hawaiian and Aloha, Mid Pacific Air's fleet was made up primarily of NAMC YS-11 turboprop planes; Hawaiian and Aloha operated jet", "title": "Mid Pacific Air" }, { "docid": "11419354", "text": "existence with some of these destination being served at different times: Air Pacific (United States) Air Pacific was a commuter airline based in the United States that operated regional flights wholly within the state of California. Founded as Eureka Aero in 1970, it was renamed Air Pacific in 1979. Its de Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter and DHC-7 Dash 7 turboprop aircraft were capable of STOL (short takeoff and landing) operations. Air Pacific merged with Gem State Airlines in 1981 to form Golden Gate Airlines, which merged again later in 1981, with Swift Aire Lines, but service was discontinued shortly", "title": "Air Pacific (United States)" }, { "docid": "2189120", "text": "CP Air's future. Having been renamed CP Air in 1968 with a new orange livery, the airline in 1986 reverted to its original name, Canadian Pacific Air Lines, with a new navy blue colour scheme and logo. This occurred shortly after the airline had taken over operations of Eastern Provincial Airways. This new incarnation, however, was short-lived. Less than a year later, in 1987, Canadian Pacific Air Lines was sold, along with Quebec's Nordair, to Calgary-based Pacific Western Airlines (PWA) for $300 million. PWA assumed the airline's debt of $600 million. In April 1987, PWA announced that the new name", "title": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "8590706", "text": "Pacific Air Transport Pacific Air Transport was an important early US airline. Pacific Air Transport (PAT) was formed in January 1926 by Vern C. Gorst, an Oregon bus line operator. He saw the potential competition that would arise from the award by the United States Post Office Department of contracts to carry airmails. Airmail Route CAM 8 was planned by the USPO to carry the post from Seattle, Washington to Los Angeles, California via several intermediate cities. Gorst arranged for the route to be carefully surveyed by T. Claude Ryan in one of his new Ryan M-1 aircraft. This was", "title": "Pacific Air Transport" }, { "docid": "6939484", "text": "aircraft such as the McDonnell Douglas DC-9 (Hawaiian) and Boeing 737 (Aloha) on the same interisland routes. Mid Pacific added Fokker F28 Fellowship twin jets in 1985. In October 1982, the airline wet leased a Boeing 707 from Arrow Air and operated a short lived service from Honolulu to Pago Pago, American Samoa using the name Mid Pacific Arrow. In February 1985, the airline expanded to the southwestern United States, where it operated low-fare service between from Las Vegas, Nevada and the Grand Canyon to Burbank and Orange County, California, and also flew nonstop between Orange County and Fresno, California.", "title": "Mid Pacific Air" }, { "docid": "8515836", "text": "May 1 edition of \"The New York Times\", described the advertisements as \"rather shocking\". Objections to the unorthodox campaign were raised at a May 1967 stockholders meeting, and two Pacific Air Lines executives resigned in the wake of the controversy. When the Boeing 727 jet order was optimistically announced by the airline in 1965, it was unforeseen that a change in the business climate was on the horizon and that economic realities would dictate that some of the jets would not actually end up flying under the Pacific Air Lines banner. Stiff competition from rival air carriers such as Pacific", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "10139972", "text": "2GO (cargo airline) 2GO is a logistics and supply chain company based in Parañaque City, Manila, the Philippines. It operates bulk cargo and express parcel services throughout the Philippines. Its main base is Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila. 2GO is operated by the Aboitiz Air Transport Corporation the transport and logistics company owned by Aboitiz Equity Ventures. 2GO Group is a part of the Chinese government-controlled 2GO Group (through the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund) which includes 2GO Travel and 2GO Express. 2GO does not have any aircraft but uses the hold capacity of Cebu Pacific passenger aircraft. The airline was", "title": "2GO (cargo airline)" }, { "docid": "1671305", "text": "Air America (airline) Air America was an American passenger and cargo airline covertly owned and operated by the US government from 1950 to 1976. It was used as a dummy corporation for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operations in Indochina. The CIA did not have enough work to keep the asset afloat and the National Security Council farmed the airline out to various government entities that included the US Air Force, US Army, USAID, and for a brief time France. Essentially, Air America was used by the US government covertly to conduct military operations, posing as a civilian air carrier, in", "title": "Air America (airline)" }, { "docid": "19317571", "text": "brands that focus on comfort and convenience in standardized packages. Skift lists Singapore Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Korean Air, Finnair, TAP Air Portugal, Hainan Airlines, Virgin Australia, Cathay Pacific, Thai Airways, and SAS as boutique airlines. The airline La Compagnie describes itself as a boutique airline. Boutique airline A boutique airline is an airline that differentiates from the competition through unique customer experience and personalization. In the same way as boutique hotels, boutique airlines are equally appropriate for business and vacation travel. It is a category of its own, with a focus on lifestyle branding, and thus positions airline", "title": "Boutique airline" }, { "docid": "8515817", "text": "was noted for innovative safety practices and cost-saving procedures. The name Pacific Air Lines passed into history in 1968 in a merger with Bonanza Air Lines and West Coast Airlines, forming Air West, which then became Hughes Airwest following the acquisition of Air West by Howard Hughes. In early 1941, Air Service veteran John Howard \"Jack\" Connelly and noted Hollywood agent/producer Leland Hayward formed a business partnership that five years later evolved into a scheduled commercial airline. Neither man was a stranger to aviation; Connelly was also a former test pilot, airplane salesman, Civil Aeronautics Administration instructor pilot, and inspector", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "3123214", "text": "across the country. In 1987, PWA Corp, the parent corporation of Pacific Western Airlines, purchased Canadian Pacific Airlines (which formerly operated as CP Air but had changed its name back to Canadian Pacific) to form Canadian Airlines International. Wardair, another Canadian airline, was later purchased by PWA, resulting in only two major airlines in Canada: Canadian Airlines International and Air Canada. PWA and later Canadian Airlines were based in Calgary. In 2001, Air Canada took over Canadian Airlines. Pacific Western Airlines Flight 501 was a regularly scheduled flight that flew between Calgary, Alberta, and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Boeing 737-200", "title": "Pacific Western Airlines" }, { "docid": "8515831", "text": "was San Francisco-Monterey-Santa Barbara-Los Angeles which according to the January 1967 timetable was served with three daily roundtrips. According to Pacific Air Lines system timetables during the late 1960s, the carrier was operating nonstop 727 flights between Burbank and San Francisco, between Burbank and Las Vegas, between Los Angeles and San Jose, between San Francisco and Eureka/Arcata, between San Jose and Las Vegas, and also with round trip routings of Los Angeles-Bakersfield-Fresno-San Francisco. In 1968, the airline was flying 727s Los Angeles-Fresno-San Francisco-Eureka/Arcata, San Francisco-Monterey-Los Angeles, and Los Angeles-Fresno-Reno. Pacific also flew 727s nonstop from Fresno to Las Vegas, and", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "8515829", "text": "scenario was repeated many years later at another California-based airline, Pacific Southwest Airlines, when a former employee shot both pilots on board a British Aerospace BAe 146-200 Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 en route from Los Angeles to San Francisco, causing it to crash in the hills of San Luis Obispo County, California, with the loss of all on board. On September 13, 1965, Pacific Air Lines announced it would acquire six new Boeing 727-100 jets, leasing two immediately and placing orders for the remainder to be delivered in early 1968. The jets were ordered during a prosperous time for", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "4712179", "text": "Service, Dasab Airlines and Space World. The affected airlines would only fly when they satisfied the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)’s criteria in terms of re-capitalization and thus be re-registered for operation. As of March 2007 the Fresh Air fleet included: Fresh Air was the name of the fictional passenger airline in the 2005 Wes Craven film \"Red Eye\" starring Rachel McAdams. Fresh Air (airline) Fresh Air was a cargo airline based in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. It operated cargo charter services mainly within West Africa. Its main base was Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos. The Nigerian government set a deadline", "title": "Fresh Air (airline)" }, { "docid": "1671316", "text": "to Gen Vang Pao's headquarters at Long Tieng.\" Air America were alleged to have profited from transporting opium and heroin on behalf of Hmong leader Vang Pao, or of \"turning a blind eye\" to the Laotian military doing it. This allegation has been supported by former Laos CIA paramilitary Anthony Poshepny (aka Tony Poe), former Air America pilots, and other people involved in the war. It is portrayed in the movie \"Air America\". However, University of Georgia historian William M. Leary, writing on behalf of Air America, claims that the airline employees were not actively involved and that the airline", "title": "Air America (airline)" }, { "docid": "16315332", "text": "Cincinnati. Flamingo Air (Cincinnati airline) Flamingo Air is a small, charter airline that operates flights from Cincinnati, Ohio's Lunken Airport. The airline was set up in 1991 by a group of friends who dared each other to get at least one couple to pay for sex during flight. According to the United Kingdom's Daily Mail, a couple once conceived a baby during one of Flamingo Air's flights. The airline claims to operate an average of eight flights per day. The company also has a flight academy for future pilots. Flamingo Air's flights are one-hour flights that operate over the city", "title": "Flamingo Air (Cincinnati airline)" }, { "docid": "16315331", "text": "Flamingo Air (Cincinnati airline) Flamingo Air is a small, charter airline that operates flights from Cincinnati, Ohio's Lunken Airport. The airline was set up in 1991 by a group of friends who dared each other to get at least one couple to pay for sex during flight. According to the United Kingdom's Daily Mail, a couple once conceived a baby during one of Flamingo Air's flights. The airline claims to operate an average of eight flights per day. The company also has a flight academy for future pilots. Flamingo Air's flights are one-hour flights that operate over the city of", "title": "Flamingo Air (Cincinnati airline)" }, { "docid": "13109972", "text": "Global Air (Australian airline) Global Air was a charter airline based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It operated on-demand special passenger and cargo charters using Boeing 747 aircraft. It also operated for other airlines on a wet-lease or A.C.M.I. (Aircraft Crew Maintenance & Insurance included) basis often sub-leased to other operators. The airline was established and started operations in 1997. Global Air ceased all operations in January 2005. In May 2005, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission banned Luke Norman Butler, a director of the company, from managing corporations for a period of three years. The Commission found that Butler held", "title": "Global Air (Australian airline)" }, { "docid": "19658", "text": "from India as the designated flag carrier under the name Air India International. On July 31, 1946, a chartered Philippine Airlines (PAL) DC-4 ferried 40 American servicemen to Oakland, California, from Nielson Airport in Makati City with stops in Guam, Wake Island, Johnston Atoll and Honolulu, Hawaii, making PAL the first Asian airline to cross the Pacific Ocean. A regular service between Manila and San Francisco was started in December. It was during this year that the airline was designated as the flag carrier of Philippines. During the era of decolonization, newly born Asian countries started to embrace air transport.", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "2356016", "text": "Garuda Indonesia via Jakarta to Manila. On 16 May 2016, Cebu Pacific became a founding member of the world's largest low-cost carrier alliance, Value Alliance. It joined other pioneer members Singapore Airlines' Scoot, South Korea's Jeju Air, Thailand's Nok Air and NokScoot, Tigerair, Tigerair Australia, and Japan's Vanilla Air in the low-cost carrier network. Cebu Pacific is also currently the only Philippine carrier which is a member of an airline alliance. Cebu Pacific Cebu Air, Inc., operating as Cebu Pacific () and informally known as \"Cebu Pac\", is a Philippine low-cost airline based on the grounds of Ninoy Aquino International", "title": "Cebu Pacific" }, { "docid": "13109974", "text": "of conduct which happened in a Bankruptcy which was previously annulled (not discharged but annulled i.e. legally as if it never happened). Luke Butler is currently a director of several Australian and International companies. The Global Air fleet consisted of the following aircraft (in 2004): All aircraft have been disposed of as at December 2005. Global Air (Australian airline) Global Air was a charter airline based in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It operated on-demand special passenger and cargo charters using Boeing 747 aircraft. It also operated for other airlines on a wet-lease or A.C.M.I. (Aircraft Crew Maintenance & Insurance included) basis", "title": "Global Air (Australian airline)" }, { "docid": "2325856", "text": "Unlike its sister carriers, JPA does not operate medium-haul routes, and as such does not offer in-flight entertainment. Jetstar Pacific Jetstar Pacific Airlines Joint Stock Aviation Company (operating as Jetstar Pacific) is a low-cost airline headquartered in Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. With its hub at Tan Son Nhat International Airport, Ho Chi Minh City, operates scheduled domestic and international services along with charter flights. The airline, formerly known as Pacific Airlines, began operations in 1991, flying chartered cargo services. From 1996 to 2005, the airline, along with other local companies, operated under the government-owned Vietnam Airlines", "title": "Jetstar Pacific" }, { "docid": "1671315", "text": "Jars had been captured by Pathet Lao rebels in 1964 which resulted in the Laotian Air Force not being able to land their C-47 transport aircraft on the Plain of Jars for opium transport. The Laotian Air Force had almost no light planes that could land on the dirt runways near the mountaintop poppy fields. Having no way to transport their opium, the Hmong were faced with economic ruin. Air America was the only airline available in northern Laos. \"According to several unproven sources, Air America began flying opium from mountain villages north and east of the Plain of Jars", "title": "Air America (airline)" }, { "docid": "6939487", "text": "airline ceased operations in 1995. Hawaii According to its system route map dated January 15, 1986, Mid Pacific was serving the following destinations in Hawaii with Fokker F28 Fellowship twin jets and NAMC YS-11 turboprops: California & Nevada According to its system route map dated January 15, 1986, Mid Pacific was serving the following destinations in California and Nevada with NAMC YS-11 turboprops: According to its system route map dated January 3, 1995, Mid Pacific was serving the following destinations in California and Oregon with British Aerospace BAe Jetstream 31 propjets operating as Reno Air Express via a code sharing", "title": "Mid Pacific Air" }, { "docid": "13683290", "text": "parent company. Expected to begin operations by the end of 2009, the airline also expects to add flights on local routes from Ufa to Neftekamsk and Sibay, possibly utilising Let L-410 Turbolet-sized aircraft. According to Kommersant, industry experts and competitors do not give the airline a chance at success, due to intensive competition on trunk routes, and the lack of a regional air travel market in Bashkortostan. Andrei Martirosov, the general director of UTair Aviation, does not believe that there is available US$500 million in Russia with which to build a network airline and also stated that he is not", "title": "Arkaim (airline)" }, { "docid": "2325847", "text": "Airlines, VASCO and Pacific Airlines to investors. With the lifting of the US embargo, the country was looking for funds for aircraft procurements. Such plans did not materialise. However, in 1996, Pacific Airlines was consolidated with several air-service companies, including Vietnam Airlines, to establish Vietnam Airlines Corporation. During the same year, Pacific Airlines wet-leased a Boeing 737-300 from Swiss charter carrier TEA Basel. In addition to its jointly serviced cargo destinations, Pacific had by now opened services to Hanoi, Hong Kong and Taipei. In 2000, Pacific entered into an agreement with Greek charter airline Galaxy Airways whereby the Vietnamese carrier", "title": "Jetstar Pacific" }, { "docid": "9314884", "text": "March 2005. Midcorp, a Palau-based company controlled by local businessman and senator Alan Seid, then bought Palau Trans Pacific Airlines in October 2005, for the foreign air operator’s certificate it had retained Palau Trans Pacific Airlines Palau Trans Pacific (Palau Trans Pacific Airlines) was an airline based in Koror City, Palau. It was a regional airline linking Palau with key cities in East Asia, including Taipei, using wet-leased aircraft from Far Eastern Air Transport. It is not clear if the airline is still operational. The airline was established in 2002 and started operations in October 2002 using a Boeing 737-800", "title": "Palau Trans Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "19700", "text": "most consolidation takes place within a country. In the U.S., over 200 airlines have merged, been taken over, or gone out of business since deregulation in 1978. Many international airline managers are lobbying their governments to permit greater consolidation to achieve higher economy and efficiency. Airline An airline is a company that provides air transport services for traveling passengers and freight. Airlines utilize aircraft to supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for codeshare agreements. Generally, airline companies are recognized with an air operating certificate or license issued by a governmental aviation body. Airlines vary", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "10335654", "text": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402 On March 4, 1966, Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402 (CP402), struck the approach lights and a seawall during a night landing attempt in poor visibility at Tokyo International Airport in Japan. Of the 62 passengers and 10 crew, only 8 passengers survived. An American Broadcasting Company news vice-president who had been touring the network's Asian bureau was among the 64 fatalities. The aircraft involved was a McDonnell Douglas DC-8-43, registration c/n 45761/237, delivered to the airline on October 14, 1965. Flight 402 was a Hong Kong to Tokyo to Vancouver flight, which took", "title": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402" }, { "docid": "14569762", "text": "California Pacific Airlines California Pacific Airlines (CP Air) is an American regional airline that is headquartered on the grounds of McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, California. The airline was founded in 2009 by Ted Vallas. Vallas, a San Diego County businessperson from North County, had previously operated Air Resorts Airlines, wanted to create a San Diego County-based airline. He picked Palomar Airport as a hub, since it had moderate demand but infrequent scheduled service. Vallas invested about $14 million in seed money, with plans to raise up to $32 million more from private investment. From 2009 to 2017, the airline struggled", "title": "California Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "10353331", "text": "Pacific Pearl Airways Pacific Pearl Airways is an airline based in Subic Bay International Airport, Philippines. The airline flies from Manila, South Korea, Subic, Aklan, Cebu, Davao and Palawan. The Airline has also expressed their intentions to fly Scheduled Charter flights around the Philippine Islands. Pacific Pearl Airways has also inquired about space at Mactan-Cebu International Airport to commence service from Cebu to various Asian countries and Regional Philippine Destinations. As of April 2015 the airline is inactive and appears to be defunct. On July 6, 2007, Pacific Pearl's initial aircraft RP-C8777, a former Delta Air Lines 737-200, was ferried", "title": "Pacific Pearl Airways" }, { "docid": "5671950", "text": "Mount Cook Airline Mount Cook Airline, a subsidiary of Air New Zealand, is a regional airline based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Formerly part of the Mount Cook Group, it now operates scheduled services throughout the country under the Air New Zealand Link brand. The airline operates the ATR 72-500 and ATR 72-600 aircraft, and all its aircraft wear the Air New Zealand livery. Its main base is Christchurch International Airport. The airline was established and started operations in 1920 at Timaru by Rodolph Lysaght Wigley, who in 1906 had driven the first motor car to The Hermitage. Wigley bought five", "title": "Mount Cook Airline" }, { "docid": "6939485", "text": "In 1985, Mid Pacific also leased four of its YS-11's to operate for Fort Worth Airlines in Texas. In January 1986, the airline was sold to KOA Holdings, and shortly thereafter the F28 jets were removed from service. Although Mid Pacific was able to lure customers with low fares and promotions that compensated for the slower, noisier turboprop aircraft, the airline was unable to compete with Hawaiian and Aloha and ended passenger flights in Hawaii on January 19, 1988, and ended cargo flights there a month later. Following the termination of the Hawaii operation, Mid Pacific moved to the midwestern", "title": "Mid Pacific Air" }, { "docid": "11537986", "text": "Air transportation in the Philippines Air transportation in the Philippines goes back to the early days of aviation prior to World War II, during the American colonial period of the Philippines. Currently, the Philippines has several registered airline companies, but they are mostly chartered. There are two main domestic airline groups doing business as Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific, with AirAsia Philippines competing on some international routes. The domestic market is dominated by the Cebu Pacific group which has a 61% market share, followed by the Philippine Airlines group which has 29%, followed by AirAsia, having a 9% share. Prior", "title": "Air transportation in the Philippines" }, { "docid": "19649", "text": "air carriers, to rescheme an airlines assets into a profitable organization or liquidating an air carrier of their profitable and worthwhile routes and business operations. Thus the last 50 years of the airline industry have varied from reasonably profitable, to devastatingly depressed. As the first major market to deregulate the industry in 1978, U.S. airlines have experienced more turbulence than almost any other country or region. In fact, no U.S. legacy carrier survived bankruptcy-free. Among the outspoken critics of deregulation, former CEO of American Airlines, Robert Crandall has publicly stated: \"Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filing shows airline industry deregulation was", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "19116028", "text": "Intrastate airline Intrastate airlines in the U.S. are defined as air carriers operating inside of one individual state and thus not flying across state lines. Larger intrastate airlines in the U.S. that operated mainline turboprop and/or jet aircraft were created as a result of past federal airline regulations as passenger air carriers that only flew intrastate service were not regulated by the federal government but were instead primarily regulated by the respective state governments in their home states. For example, Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) and Air California were both regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) prior to the", "title": "Intrastate airline" }, { "docid": "2279999", "text": "aircraft livery for the company they are operating flights for. These airlines can be subsidiaries of the major airline or fly under a code sharing agreement or operating through capacity purchase agreements, with the mainline parent company financing the aircraft for the regional airline, and then placing the aircraft with the regional for very little cost. An example would be Envoy Air, which is fully owned by American Airlines Group and does business as American Eagle. For all practical purposes, regional airlines in the United States today, are nothing more than co-branded feeder airlines to U.S. airline alliance largest airports", "title": "Regional airline" }, { "docid": "3864512", "text": "on 1 March 1955, leaving FEAF with two Air Forces, the Fifth in Japan and the Thirteenth in the Philippines, although units were maintained on Guam and Okinawa. On 1 July 1954, Pacific Air Force was activated at Hickam Air Force Base, Territory of Hawaii, and assigned to Far East Air Forces (FEAF), which was headquartered in Japan. Pacific Air Force at Hickam functioned primarily as the Air Force staff component and planning element of U.S. Pacific Command. On 1 July 1956, Pacific Air Force was redesignated Pacific Air Force/FEAF (Rear). Headquarters FEAF began preparations to move from Japan to", "title": "Pacific Air Forces" }, { "docid": "5584976", "text": "the Jeju Island government on January 25, 2005, Jeju Air became Korea's first low-cost airline. In 2016, it helped found Value Alliance, the world’s first pan-regional low-cost carrier (LCC) alliance, comprising eight Asia Pacific LCCs. In 2017, Jeju Air carried over 60 million passengers, with revenue reported of $890mm US operating profits over $80mm US. As of November 2018, Jeju Air operates an all-Boeing fleet consisting of the following aircraft: Jeju Air Jeju Air (), is a South Korean low-cost airline, the first to be founded in the country. It offers scheduled domestic services between several cities in South Korea,", "title": "Jeju Air" }, { "docid": "5416760", "text": "crash of Flight 773, but had not yet become effective. Julie Clark, one of three daughters of the murdered captain, orphaned at the age of 15 by her father's death, grew up to become a commercial airline pilot for Northwest Airlines, and performs aerobatic displays at airshows. Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 Pacific Air Lines Flight 773 was a Fairchild F27A Friendship airliner that crashed at 6:49 a.m. on May 7, 1964, near Danville, California. The crash was most likely the first instance in the United States of an airliner's pilots being shot by a passenger as part of a", "title": "Pacific Air Lines Flight 773" }, { "docid": "1338957", "text": "4 January 2011, the cargo division of the airline, Cathay Pacific Cargo, became the first airline operating out of Hong Kong to fully switch to e-air waybill. This eliminates the need for all paper documents when issuing air waybills. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) selected nine countries and territories and airlines in which to run the e-AWB pilot program, including Hong Kong and Cathay Pacific. The first-class seats can be converted into fully lie-flat beds measuring . The seats include a massage function, a personal closet, an ottoman for stowage or guest seating, and adjustable , 16:9 personal televisions", "title": "Cathay Pacific" }, { "docid": "16020490", "text": "multiple swarms. Pacific Century International, Ltd. v. Does Pacific Century International, Ltd. v. Does 1-101 is a court case where Pacific Century International requested to subpoena the names and identities of 101 BitTorrent users (elsewhere noted as Does) whose IP Addresses were tied to downloading one of their copyrighted works. The resulting court decision permitted Pacific Century International to subpoena the identity of Doe 1, but dismissed claims against Does 2-101 for failure to demonstrate that the Does had operated as a single group while distributing the torrent, preventing each users' subpoena request from being enjoined into a single court", "title": "Pacific Century International, Ltd. v. Does" }, { "docid": "16020482", "text": "Pacific Century International, Ltd. v. Does Pacific Century International, Ltd. v. Does 1-101 is a court case where Pacific Century International requested to subpoena the names and identities of 101 BitTorrent users (elsewhere noted as Does) whose IP Addresses were tied to downloading one of their copyrighted works. The resulting court decision permitted Pacific Century International to subpoena the identity of Doe 1, but dismissed claims against Does 2-101 for failure to demonstrate that the Does had operated as a single group while distributing the torrent, preventing each users' subpoena request from being enjoined into a single court filing. This", "title": "Pacific Century International, Ltd. v. Does" }, { "docid": "1338904", "text": "In 2010, Cathay Pacific and Cathay Pacific Cargo, together with Dragonair (rebranded Cathay Dragon), carried nearly 27 million passengers and over 1.8 million tons of cargo and mail. The airline was founded on 24 September 1946 by Australian Sydney H. de Kantzow and American Roy C. Farrell. The airline made the world's first non-stop transpolar flight flying over the North Pole in July 1998, which was also the maiden flight to arrive at the then new Hong Kong International Airport. The airline celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2006; and , its major shareholders are Swire Pacific and Air China. It", "title": "Cathay Pacific" }, { "docid": "1671306", "text": "areas the US armed forces could not go due to treaty restraints contained in the 1954 and 1962 Geneva Accords. The Air America name was resurrected during the mid-1980s and used by a scheduled passenger airline based in Los Angeles which operated Lockheed L-1011 TriStar wide body jetliners with flights serving Baltimore (BWI), Detroit (DTW), Honolulu (HNL), London (LGW) and Los Angeles (LAX). This version of Air America formerly operated as Total Air. In August 1950, the CIA, at the direction of the National Security Council, formed a Delaware corporation named Airdale. Airdale formed a subsidiary corporation named CAT, Inc.", "title": "Air America (airline)" }, { "docid": "11264254", "text": "Pacific and VietJet Air. Vietnam Airlines would add more aircraft to Viet Air's fleet if the plans are materialized. In April, 2016, Vietnam Airlines announced the establishment of the new VNĐ300 billion (US$13.4 million) airline in the previous month, based on the restructuring of its subsidiary, VASCO, to a new brand: SkyViet. Vietnam Air Services Company Vietnam Air Services Company (VASCO) () is an airline in Vietnam headquartered in Tân Bình, Ho Chi Minh City. Operating scheduled flights from its base at Tan Son Nhat International Airport in the south of the country, VASCO is a fully owned subsidiary of", "title": "Vietnam Air Services Company" }, { "docid": "9314883", "text": "Palau Trans Pacific Airlines Palau Trans Pacific (Palau Trans Pacific Airlines) was an airline based in Koror City, Palau. It was a regional airline linking Palau with key cities in East Asia, including Taipei, using wet-leased aircraft from Far Eastern Air Transport. It is not clear if the airline is still operational. The airline was established in 2002 and started operations in October 2002 using a Boeing 737-800 on a two-year wet lease contract from Mandarin Airlines. Palau Trans Pacific passenger services between Palau and Taiwan were suspended in May 2003 due to concerns about SARS. Operations were suspended in", "title": "Palau Trans Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "8237433", "text": "Vildanden (airline) Vildanden AS (\"The Wild Duck\") was a virtual, regional airline based at Skien Airport, Geiteryggen in Norway, where it was the only airline. With operations starting in 2005, it flew to Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger using a Jetstream 32 and an ATR 42, which is wet leased from Danish Air Transport (DAT) and Helitrans. Previously, the airline has also served Stockholm and Molde, and has also operated Saab 340 aircraft, operated by Coast Air, Air Aurora and Avitrans. The airline had been in conflict with Coast Air about terminating the wet lease agreement. The company has had to", "title": "Vildanden (airline)" }, { "docid": "2068976", "text": "Air Canada called \"Air Canada Express Café\" offering snacks for purchase. On flights three hours and fifteen minutes or more in duration, sandwiches are added to the buy on board offering. Only major credit cards are accepted for payment on board. Jazz does not offer buy on board on Dash 8-100 or Dash 8-300 aircraft. Jazz (airline) Jazz Aviation LP, commonly shortened to Jazz, is a Canadian regional airline based at Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Enfield, Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chorus Aviation. Jazz Aviation provides regional and charter airline services in", "title": "Jazz (airline)" }, { "docid": "19116033", "text": "find niche markets in their home states and were not subject to CAB exemption to cross state lines. Following the federal Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, several intrastate airlines in the U.S. that were operating mainline jet aircraft then expanded with interstate service and in some cases international flights. One of the most successful former intrastate carriers which continues to exist is Southwest Airlines. Other airlines which started with intrastate services such as Air California (subsequently renamed AirCal), Air Florida, Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) and Muse Air (subsequently renamed TranStar Airlines) were subjected to post deregulation mergers, acquisitions, or bankruptcies", "title": "Intrastate airline" }, { "docid": "3346977", "text": "Pacific Wings Pacific Wings Airline was an American commuter airline headquartered in Mesa, Arizona, United States in Greater Phoenix. The airline operated flights under the brands New Mexico Airlines in New Mexico, GeorgiaSkies in Georgia, TennesseeSkies in Tennessee, and KentuckySkies in Kentucky, as well as under the Pacific Wings name in Hawaii. The airline was closed in 2014. The airline was established and started operations in July 1974 when it was incorporated as Air Nevada, an on-demand charter operator. Scheduled passenger services started in 1978 with the airline operating nonstop flights between Las Vegas and Grand Canyon National Park Airport", "title": "Pacific Wings" }, { "docid": "14569764", "text": "During 2018, the company renewed their EAS contract, gained permission from San Diego County to operate commercial services, and scheduled their first routes. The airline formally began its first commercial service in November 2018, with nonstop flights between Carlsbad and a select number of destinations in the southwestern United States. California Pacific Airlines California Pacific Airlines (CP Air) is an American regional airline that is headquartered on the grounds of McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, California. The airline was founded in 2009 by Ted Vallas. Vallas, a San Diego County businessperson from North County, had previously operated Air Resorts Airlines, wanted", "title": "California Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "14239287", "text": "(with front man Todd Snider) recorded the song in 2014 as a duet with Rosanne Cash. The song includes the lyrics: which \"The Yale Book of Quotations\" attributes as the source for similar aphorisms sometimes attributed to others (e.g. Annie's Mailbox attributes a version of the lyric to a combination of William Watson Purkey and Satchel Paige). In 2004 in response to an inquiry by a group of librarians Richard Leigh stated Come from the Heart \"Come from the Heart\" is a country music song written by Richard Leigh and Susanna Clark and published in 1987. It is most known", "title": "Come from the Heart" }, { "docid": "16056100", "text": "Pacific Royale Airways Pacific Royale Airways was an Indonesian commercial airline which received its government flight license in November 2011. It received a formal Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) in May 2012, and made its first flight on June 11, 2012. It was reported in November 2012 that the airline's license had been revoked. In November 2011, the airline received a full service flight licence from the Indonesian government. A final proving flight, the last requirement for AOC issuance, was conducted on April 21, 2012. Pacific Royale received its AOC on May 29, 2012, and began commercial operations in June 2012.", "title": "Pacific Royale Airways" }, { "docid": "4633194", "text": "its scheduled services, . The airline codeshares with Air Tahiti on flights between Rarotonga and Tahiti with Air Tahiti being the operator and with Air New Zealand for flights between Rarotonga and Aitutaki with Air Rarotonga being the operator. The airline also offers scenic flights over Rarotonga and air charter services to neighbouring Pacific Island countries including Tahiti, Niue, Tonga and Samoa. The airline also operates Air Ambulance evacuations from all island airports in the Cook Islands and on to Auckland when required. As of October 2018 the Air Rarotonga fleet includes the following aircraft: In February 2016, the airline", "title": "Air Rarotonga" }, { "docid": "14977523", "text": "other states as a United Express carrier. WestAir Commuter Airlines was also owned by the WestAir Holding corporation. Another commuter air carrier which used the North Pacific Airlines name operated in Alaska as NPA from the early to mid 1980s. According to the Official Airline Guide (OAG), North Pacific Airlines was operating United Express service with British Aerospace BAe Jetstream 31 and Embraer EMB-120 Brasilia propjets to the following destinations in late 1989: North Pacific Airlines North Pacific Airlines was a commuter air carrier formed in 1987 which operated scheduled passenger service on behalf United Airlines via a code sharing", "title": "North Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "14977522", "text": "North Pacific Airlines North Pacific Airlines was a commuter air carrier formed in 1987 which operated scheduled passenger service on behalf United Airlines via a code sharing agreement as an United Express carrier initially from the Seattle–Tacoma International Airport (SEA) to three destinations in Washington state and also to Portland, Oregon. By 1989, the airline had expanded its route network and was serving fifteen destinations located in Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington state (see destination list below). In 1991, the airline, which was owned by WestAir Holding, Inc., was merged with WestAir Commuter Airlines which operated flights in California and", "title": "North Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "14239286", "text": "Come from the Heart \"Come from the Heart\" is a country music song written by Richard Leigh and Susanna Clark and published in 1987. It is most known through the 1989 single by Kathy Mattea, released in conjunction with her album \"Willow in the Wind\", though the song was first recorded and released on the 1987 Don Williams album \"Traces\" and also released in 1988 by Clark's husband on his album \"Old Friends\". Mattea's single was her third number one on the country chart, spending 14 weeks on that chart including a single week at the top. Hard Working Americans", "title": "Come from the Heart" }, { "docid": "1338912", "text": "and became a successful businessman. Swire later acquired 52% of Cathay Pacific Airways. , the airline is still 45% owned by Swire Group through its subsidiary Swire Pacific Limited, as the largest shareholder. However, Swire Group also formed a shareholders' agreement with the second largest shareholder Air China (which was controlled by state-owned China National Aviation Holding), which Cathay Pacific and Air China had a cross ownership. In the late 1940s, the Hong Kong government divided the local aviation market between Cathay Pacific and its only local competitor, the Jardine Matheson-owned Hong Kong Airways: Cathay Pacific was allocated routes to", "title": "Cathay Pacific" }, { "docid": "10335659", "text": "and All Nippon Airways were forced to cut back some domestic service due to reduced demand. Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402 On March 4, 1966, Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402 (CP402), struck the approach lights and a seawall during a night landing attempt in poor visibility at Tokyo International Airport in Japan. Of the 62 passengers and 10 crew, only 8 passengers survived. An American Broadcasting Company news vice-president who had been touring the network's Asian bureau was among the 64 fatalities. The aircraft involved was a McDonnell Douglas DC-8-43, registration c/n 45761/237, delivered to the airline on", "title": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines Flight 402" }, { "docid": "4818173", "text": "Pacific declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy in February 1998. Frontier Airlines survived and currently operates a jet fleet that is approximately twice the size of the proposed combined Western Pacific-Frontier operation. The airline served the following destinations in the U.S. during its existence: Mountain Air Express (MAX) served the following destinations on behalf of Western Pacific via a codesharing agreement. MAX was a wholly owned subsidiary of Western Pacific and was created to provide passenger feed. This commuter airline operated Dornier 328 propjets. Codeshare partner Mountain Air Express operated Dornier 328 turboprop aircraft. Western Pacific Airlines Western Pacific Airlines, or \"WestPac\",", "title": "Western Pacific Airlines" }, { "docid": "2528691", "text": "Carnival Air Lines Carnival Air Lines was a charter and scheduled airline division of Carnival Cruise Lines started in 1988 after Carnival Cruise Lines purchased Pacific Interstate Airlines. It was headquartered in Dania Beach, Florida. The origins of Carnival Air Lines can be traced to 1984 when Pacific Interstate Airlines was founded in Las Vegas, Nevada. This airline flew charters between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. In 1985 the name was changed to Pacific Inter Air and then only two years later the name was changed to Bahamas Express. By this time the airline was flying out of airports in", "title": "Carnival Air Lines" }, { "docid": "19668", "text": "million jobs and $2.7 trillion of economic activity: 3.6% of the global GDP. In July 2016, the total weekly airline capacity was 181.1 billion Available Seat Kilometers (+6.9% compared to July 2015): 57.6bn in Asia-Pacific, 47.7bn in Europe, 46.2bn in North America, 12.2bn in Middle East, 12.0bn in Latin America and 5.4bn in Africa. Historically, air travel has survived largely through state support, whether in the form of equity or subsidies. The airline industry as a whole has made a cumulative loss during its 100-year history, once the costs include subsidies for aircraft development and airport construction. One argument is", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "11259048", "text": "the Vạn Phúc Diplomatic Corps in Ba Đình, Hanoi It was the first privately owned airline to be established in Vietnam, and as of its launch in December 2011, it became the second private airline (after Air Mekong) to offer domestic service in Vietnam, as well as the fifth airline overall not counting Indochina Airlines, which ceased operations in November 2009 to offer civil domestic flights, after Vietnam Airlines, Jetstar Pacific Airlines, Air Mekong and the Vietnam Air Service Company (VASCO). In its initial plan, the Hanoi-based airline stated its intention to offer flights to Ho Chi Minh City and", "title": "VietJet Air" }, { "docid": "5029389", "text": "Rally. The airline made several bids to win more routes. They applied in 2006 for both PSO contracts in Finnmark, but failed to match the bid from Widerøe. Following an inspection, the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway withdrew Kato Air Service's aircraft maintenance certificate on 28 August 2008. They citied several severe breaches of regulation and routines. Subsequently, the board decided on 1 September to liquidate the company. The following is a list of scheduled destinations served by Kato Airline. Kato Airline Kato Airline AS, trading as Kato Air, was an airline which operated in Northern Norway between 1995 and", "title": "Kato Airline" }, { "docid": "16056103", "text": "Bandung-Kuala Lumpur. Surabaya—Semarang—Pangkalanbun—Semarang—Bandung—Semarang—Surabaya Batam—Jambi—Kerinci—Padang—Batam—Pekanbaru—Batam Pacific Royale Airways Pacific Royale Airways was an Indonesian commercial airline which received its government flight license in November 2011. It received a formal Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) in May 2012, and made its first flight on June 11, 2012. It was reported in November 2012 that the airline's license had been revoked. In November 2011, the airline received a full service flight licence from the Indonesian government. A final proving flight, the last requirement for AOC issuance, was conducted on April 21, 2012. Pacific Royale received its AOC on May 29, 2012, and began commercial", "title": "Pacific Royale Airways" }, { "docid": "3346980", "text": "all used the same call sign of Tsunami, two letter IATA codes (LW), and ICAO 3 letter code - (NMI). As for FAA DOT regulating purposes they are all the same airline. For marketing purposes, the operations were segmented into various divisions. In January 2007, the airline applied for Essential Air Service subsidies to serve Clovis and Silver City, New Mexico from Albuquerque, competing with a bid from incumbent operator Great Lakes Aviation, and to serve Hobbs and Carlsbad, New Mexico, competing with a bid from incumbent operator Air Midwest. Pacific Wings has said the airline would serve the routes", "title": "Pacific Wings" }, { "docid": "11760655", "text": "ALROSA (airline) CJSC \"Air Company ALROSA\" (, \"ZAO «Aviakompanija ALROSA»\"; , \"Alrosa aviaxampannya\"), formerly Alrosa Mirny Air Enterprise (Alrosa Air Company Limited) is an airline from Mirny, Russia. Its bases are at Mirny Airport and Polyarny Airport, with a focus city at Lensk Airport. The airline operates scheduled and chartered domestic flights. Alrosa Mirny Air Enterprise was founded by the Russian mining company ALROSA (Almazy Rossii Sakha). A sister company Alrosa Avia, which was established in 1992 and operated passenger charter services in Russia and the CIS out of Moscow Vnukovo Airport. The company's fight certificate was annulled on 21", "title": "ALROSA (airline)" }, { "docid": "2189116", "text": "DC-8. Closer to home, non-stop Boeing 737-200 service from Vancouver to San Francisco was being flown by 1970 followed by non-stop Boeing 727-100 service from Vancouver to Los Angeles by the mid 1970s. Also during the mid 1970s, CP Air was operating stretched Douglas DC-8-63 jetliners (which the airline called the Super DC-8 \"Spacemaster\") on the Vancouver-Honolulu-Nandi-Sydney route twice a week. Service to New Zealand resumed in 1985 along with non-stop flights from Vancouver to Hong Kong, and in 1986 CP Air became the first North American airline with a non-stop flight between North America and Mainland China with a", "title": "Canadian Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "1022050", "text": "SpaceX Falcon 9 from Kennedy Space Center. Vandenberg AFB had scheduled passenger airline service during the 1960s operated by Pacific Air Lines and successor Air West which was subsequently renamed Hughes Airwest following the acquisition of Air West by aviation pioneer Howard Hughes. Pacific Air Lines operated Martin 4-0-4 propliner aircraft into the base which were then followed by Fairchild F-27 turboprop service with these F-27 flights being continued by Air West. Round trip routes operated by Pacific and Air West included San Francisco (SFO) - Paso Robles (PRB) - Santa Maria (SMX) - Vandenberg AFB (VBG) - Oxnard (OXR)", "title": "Vandenberg Air Force Base" }, { "docid": "11537989", "text": "local airlines in the Philippines which have a current air operator's certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Authority. Note: Destinations in bold indicate primary hubs, those in \"italic\" indicate secondary hubs, while those with regular font indicate focus cities. Air transportation in the Philippines Air transportation in the Philippines goes back to the early days of aviation prior to World War II, during the American colonial period of the Philippines. Currently, the Philippines has several registered airline companies, but they are mostly chartered. There are two main domestic airline groups doing business as Philippine Airlines and Cebu Pacific, with AirAsia", "title": "Air transportation in the Philippines" }, { "docid": "10139973", "text": "established under the name Aboitiz Air on 28 January 1988 as a joint venture by Aboitiz and Andres Soriano. The company signed a memorandum of understanding on marketing and sales activities for domestic cargo operations with Cebu Pacific in August 1997. Aboitiz Air as it was previously known, leased all cargo holds of Cebu Pacific's Douglas DC-9 aircraft. It was wholly owned by Aboitiz One. Following a rebranding, the cargo airline took the name 2GO. 2GO (cargo airline) 2GO is a logistics and supply chain company based in Parañaque City, Manila, the Philippines. It operates bulk cargo and express parcel", "title": "2GO (cargo airline)" }, { "docid": "16331973", "text": "Air Lines\". Ozark Air Lines had recently lost its operating certificate from the CAB and purchased the Parks airline only days into its new service to gain its certificate and routes. Ozark would eventually merge with Trans World Airlines in 1986, which in turn would merge with American Airlines in 2001. Mid-Continent would later become part of Braniff International Airways which ceased operations in 1982. The Parks College Airline fleet consisted of the following aircraft as of 1950: Parks College Airlines operated over 17 years without incident. Parks College Airline Parks College Airline was an defunct airline based in the", "title": "Parks College Airline" }, { "docid": "15141651", "text": "Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series) Come Fly with Me is an English mockumentary television comedy series created by and starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams. Narrated by Lindsay Duncan, the series launched on 25 December 2010 on BBC One and BBC One HD. A spoof of British documentaries \"Airport\" and \"Airline\", the series follows the activity at London Stansted Airport and three fictional airlines:FlyLo (a low cost British airline), Our Lady Air (an Irish low-cost airline) and Great British Air (a major international British airline). Lucas and Walliams portray many of the focal airline and airport staff, as", "title": "Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series)" }, { "docid": "2279994", "text": "equipment, brought the independent regional airlines into direct competition with the major airlines, forcing additional consolidation. To improve on their market penetration, larger airline holding companies rely on operators of smaller aircraft to provide service or added frequency service to some airports. Such airlines, often operating in code-share arrangements with mainline airlines, often completely repaint their aircraft fleet in the mainline airline's sub-brand livery. For example, United Express regional airline partner CommutAir branded its entire fleet as United Express. On the other hand, regional airline Gulfstream International Airlines does not brand their aircraft. When Colgan Air was still operating, they", "title": "Regional airline" }, { "docid": "15141658", "text": "the script and characters (translated to Dutch). It was broadcast on RTL 4 from August 2011. Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series) Come Fly with Me is an English mockumentary television comedy series created by and starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams. Narrated by Lindsay Duncan, the series launched on 25 December 2010 on BBC One and BBC One HD. A spoof of British documentaries \"Airport\" and \"Airline\", the series follows the activity at London Stansted Airport and three fictional airlines:FlyLo (a low cost British airline), Our Lady Air (an Irish low-cost airline) and Great British Air (a major", "title": "Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series)" }, { "docid": "8515821", "text": "except for Medford. In May 1968, Pacific flew to 29 airports. Connelly, president, and Hayward, board chairman, were the majority owners of the airline, and as such could hold sway concerning how the company would operate. Running on slim operating margins, Southwest Airways was a no-frills airline decades before low-cost carriers became common. The airline speeded ground operations to the point where a DC-3 could load and discharge passengers and begin taxiing for takeoff 90 seconds after coming to a stop (adding six minutes if fuel is needed). To save money, the airline had its own pilots do the refueling", "title": "Pacific Air Lines" }, { "docid": "18438523", "text": "Palau Pacific Airways Palau Pacific Airways (PPA) was a charter airline from Palau. The airline launched scheduled charter flights between Hong Kong and its base Koror on 7 November 2014. The start-up intended to operate five times weekly charter services to Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok Airport. The carrier wet-leased a Boeing 737-800 aircraft on an annual contract from Slovakian Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance (ACMI) operator: Air Explore. The airline was forced to stop its operations due to a lack of Chinese tourists after China had declared Palau an “illegal tour destination”, because Palau continues to maintain links with", "title": "Palau Pacific Airways" }, { "docid": "5501874", "text": "BH Air transported around 400,000 passengers to and from Bulgaria. In 2005, BH Air signed a two-year contract for a wet lease with Virgin Group. This led to the creation of a new airline in Nigeria - Virgin Nigeria. BH Air aircraft also operated for Air Arabia and Pacific Airlines. In 2006, the airline retired its Tu-154s. In 2007 after the work with Virgin Group and gaining experience, BH Air participated in the creation of a new airline in Sri Lanka - Mihin Lanka. The company also operated private business flights with one Gulfstream G550 and one Gulfstream G200. The", "title": "BH Air" }, { "docid": "9266687", "text": "library.\" \"1942\" was named the 71st best computer game ever by \"PC Gamer UK\" in 1997. 1942: The Pacific Air War 1942: The Pacific Air War is combat flight simulation developed and published by MicroProse for the PC DOS in 1994. It is based on the U.S. and Japanese Pacific War conflict from 1942 to 1945. The popularity of this game influenced the creation of European Air War, a sequel. Tommo purchased the rights to this game and digitally publishes it through its Retroism brand in 2015. This simulation features aerial combat, ground attack, and naval engagements in the Pacific", "title": "1942: The Pacific Air War" }, { "docid": "9266684", "text": "1942: The Pacific Air War 1942: The Pacific Air War is combat flight simulation developed and published by MicroProse for the PC DOS in 1994. It is based on the U.S. and Japanese Pacific War conflict from 1942 to 1945. The popularity of this game influenced the creation of European Air War, a sequel. Tommo purchased the rights to this game and digitally publishes it through its Retroism brand in 2015. This simulation features aerial combat, ground attack, and naval engagements in the Pacific Theater of Operations. The game can be played as a flight simulator or a wargame. A", "title": "1942: The Pacific Air War" } ]
In which branch of the arts does Allegra Kent work?
[ "Ballet", "Ballet competitions", "Ballet schools", "Balet, India", "Balletti", "Ballet dancing", "1938 ballet premieres", "Balletto", "Balletomane", "2011 ballet premieres", "1940 ballet premieres", "Balletomanes", "1939 ballet premieres", "Ballet characters", "Ballet teachers", "Ballet dance", "Classical Dance", "Ballets", "Ballet lessons", "1915 ballet premieres", "1914 ballet premieres", "Classical dance", "UN/LOCODE:INBLT", "1916 ballet premieres", "Balet", "Ballett" ]
[ { "docid": "8650668", "text": "McGowan and artistic director Barbara Zinn Krieger. The adaptation received positive reviews by \"The New York Times\", \"Time Out New York Kids\", and others. Due to its success, in December 2015, New York City Children's Theater produced a revival of \"Ballerina Swan.\" Kent currently teaches ballet at Barnard College. Notes Bibliography Allegra Kent Allegra Kent (born August 11, 1937) is an American ballet dancer, actress, children's book author and columnist. Iris Margo Cohen was born to Jewish parents, Harry Herschel and Shirley (née Weissman) Cohen, and later changed her name to Allegra Kent. Kent grew up in what she later", "title": "Allegra Kent" }, { "docid": "8650664", "text": "Allegra Kent Allegra Kent (born August 11, 1937) is an American ballet dancer, actress, children's book author and columnist. Iris Margo Cohen was born to Jewish parents, Harry Herschel and Shirley (née Weissman) Cohen, and later changed her name to Allegra Kent. Kent grew up in what she later described as a dysfunctional environment. In \"Once a Dancer: An Autobiography\", she describes her Texan father – \"who liked to substitute 'Cowboy' for Herschel\" – as having \"a gambler's soul and a restless nature\". She describes her Wisznice-born immigrant mother as feeling \"neither European nor American; she was ashamed of her", "title": "Allegra Kent" }, { "docid": "8650666", "text": "taking ballet. After graduating, she joined the New York City Ballet in 1953 at the age of 15, and was promoted to principal in 1957. Many roles in George Balanchine's ballets were created for her, including \"Seven Deadly Sins\", \"Ivesiana\" and \"Bugaku\". She danced the role of Dewdrop in the 1958 Playhouse 90 telecast of Balanchine's version of \"The Nutcracker\". She performed in such ballets as \"Serenade\", \"Agon\" and \"Dances at a Gathering\". She retired in 1981, becoming a ballet teacher, and in 1997 published an autobiography, \"Once a Dancer\". In 2012, Kent published her first book for children, \"Ballerina", "title": "Allegra Kent" }, { "docid": "8650665", "text": "[own] parents. She borrowed a neighbor's working papers and took a job at twelve. By fourteen, she was teaching ballroom dancing at night in someone's private home, mostly to Japanese men\". Born in Santa Monica, Kent studied with Bronislava Nijinska and Carmelita Maracci before joining the School of American Ballet. She discovered music and dance at the age of 7 and enjoyed both, but she was 11 before she took her first ballet lesson. She had completely flat feet as a little girl and consulted a doctor, who prescribed wedges in her shoes to give her arches. She then began", "title": "Allegra Kent" } ]
[ { "docid": "20616220", "text": "Indira Allegra Indira Allegra is an American artist and writer based in Oakland, California. Her work, which includes installation, sculpture, poetry, and performance art, explores tensions as they manifest internally and in response to political and emotional triggers. Indira Allegra was born in Detroit, Michigan and moved in the 1980s to Portland, Oregon. Allegra attended Portland Community College and studied Sign Language Interpretation, and later achieved a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the California College of Arts in 2015. She and her work have appeared at SOMArts, SFMOMA, De Young Museum, Center for Craft and Design, New York Queer Experimental", "title": "Indira Allegra" }, { "docid": "20616221", "text": "Film Festival, International Black Women’s Film Festival, BBC, and SFJAZZ Poetry Festival. She has also published written work in several journals and anthologies, including \"Foglifter Magazine\", \"Red Indian Road West: Native American Poetry from California\", \"Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices\", and \"Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two-Spirit Literature\". Indira Allegra Indira Allegra is an American artist and writer based in Oakland, California. Her work, which includes installation, sculpture, poetry, and performance art, explores tensions as they manifest internally and in response to political and emotional triggers. Indira Allegra was born in Detroit, Michigan and moved in", "title": "Indira Allegra" }, { "docid": "20463973", "text": "paternal half-sisters. After Christine Kaufmann's death in March 2017, Allegra Curtis announced in October 2017 that she would be continuing with her mother's cosmetics line. Allegra Curtis Allegra Curtis (born July 11, 1966) is an American-born actress who has worked in English and German movies. She is known for her work on movies namely \"Das Gold der Liebe\" (1983) and \"Flashback\" (2000) as well as her participation in the German TV series \"Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!\" (2004). Allegra Curtis was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of American actor Tony Curtis and", "title": "Allegra Curtis" }, { "docid": "20463972", "text": "Allegra Curtis Allegra Curtis (born July 11, 1966) is an American-born actress who has worked in English and German movies. She is known for her work on movies namely \"Das Gold der Liebe\" (1983) and \"Flashback\" (2000) as well as her participation in the German TV series \"Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus!\" (2004). Allegra Curtis was born in Los Angeles, California. She is the daughter of American actor Tony Curtis and German actress Christine Kaufmann. She is the younger sister of Alexandra Curtis who is also an actress. Actresses Kelly and Jamie Lee Curtis are her", "title": "Allegra Curtis" }, { "docid": "8875854", "text": "buried at the entrance of the church without a marker. In 1980, The Byron Society placed a memorial plaque for Allegra at Harrow, inscribed with words from a letter Byron wrote to Shelley after her death: \"I suppose that Time will do his usual work... – Death has done his.\" The memory of Allegra haunted Shelley; before his own death by drowning in July 1822, Shelley had a vision of the dead child in which she rose naked from the sea, laughed, clapped her hands, and beckoned to him. He also immortalised the toddler as Count Maddalo's child in his", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "6440425", "text": "composed a number of musical scores for films, among which \"Amori e veleni\" (1950) with Amedeo Nazzari and directed by Giorgio Simonelli. He died in Florence. Salvatore Allegra Salvatore Allegra (1898–1993) was an Italian composer. Allegra was born in Palermo. He composed a number of operettas in the 1920s, including \"Il gatto in cantina\" (1930), which is still performed sometimes, passing then to operas, such as the dark \"verista\" drama \"Ave Maria\", which was first staged at La Scala in 1934, which was followed by \"I Viandanti\" (1936), \"Il Medico suo malgrado\" (1938) and \"Romulus\" (1952). He completed and edited", "title": "Salvatore Allegra" }, { "docid": "6440424", "text": "Salvatore Allegra Salvatore Allegra (1898–1993) was an Italian composer. Allegra was born in Palermo. He composed a number of operettas in the 1920s, including \"Il gatto in cantina\" (1930), which is still performed sometimes, passing then to operas, such as the dark \"verista\" drama \"Ave Maria\", which was first staged at La Scala in 1934, which was followed by \"I Viandanti\" (1936), \"Il Medico suo malgrado\" (1938) and \"Romulus\" (1952). He completed and edited some last works of the late Ruggero Leoncavallo, including the one-act opera \"Edipo Re\" (1920) and the operetta \"Le maschere nude\" (1925). After the war he", "title": "Salvatore Allegra" }, { "docid": "9881381", "text": "Allegra Versace Allegra Versace Beck (; born 30 June 1986), commonly known as Allegra Versace, is an Italian heiress and socialite. Since 2011 Allegra has been a director of Gianni Versace S.p.A. and has worked in New York City as a theatrical dresser. Allegra Versace is the daughter of Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace and American ex-fashion model Paul Beck. She was raised outside Milan, Italy, with her younger brother Daniel. Sir Elton John gave her her first piano. Versace attended The British School of Milan, then known as \"The Sir James Henderson School\", and Brown University in Rhode Island.", "title": "Allegra Versace" }, { "docid": "9881383", "text": "of dollars, and now has an estimated net worth of . Allegra Versace Allegra Versace Beck (; born 30 June 1986), commonly known as Allegra Versace, is an Italian heiress and socialite. Since 2011 Allegra has been a director of Gianni Versace S.p.A. and has worked in New York City as a theatrical dresser. Allegra Versace is the daughter of Italian fashion designer Donatella Versace and American ex-fashion model Paul Beck. She was raised outside Milan, Italy, with her younger brother Daniel. Sir Elton John gave her her first piano. Versace attended The British School of Milan, then known as", "title": "Allegra Versace" }, { "docid": "11093345", "text": "Allegra's most notable statements concerning the Poem of the Man-God reveal his ardent devotion to this work: Allegra was an active member of the Marian Movement of Priests and completed the translation of the writings of Father Stefano Gobbi into Chinese, shortly before he died. Allegra wrote two books, one on the primacy of Christ, the other on the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Heart. He started writing his memoirs in 1975, but died while working on them in Hong Kong in 1976. The Church of San Biaggio in Acireale, where he had entered the Franciscan seminary, holds some of his relics", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "11093339", "text": "their internment in the Japanese internment camp at Weihsien in northern China, and managed to obtain the release of several prisoners. Allegra organized a team of Chinese Franciscan friars to work with him on the translation of the Bible and inaugurated the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Beijing in 1945, dedicating it to the Blessed John Duns Scotus. But as the Chinese Civil War ended, the Chinese Communist Party took over China and Allegra and his team had to leave for Kowloon, Hong Kong in 1948. In 1948 the first three volumes of the Old Testament were published by the Studium", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "13715670", "text": "1982. From 1982 to 1984, Judge Allegra was an associate at the Cleveland law firm of Squire, Sanders, and Dempsey, where he specialized in tax and bond work. In 1984, he joined the Appellate Section of the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. From 1984 through 1994, he was an appellate litigator, handling many of the Tax Division's most complex cases in Federal courts of appeals throughout the country. During this period, Judge Allegra steadily rose through the ranks of the Tax Division ranks, becoming first a Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General of the Tax Division", "title": "Francis Allegra" }, { "docid": "11093347", "text": "that year, was postponed. However, on the feast of the Assumption in 2012, the Roman Curia announced through the Sicilian Franciscan Holy Name Province, that Allegra would be beatified on September 29, 2012, at the Cathedral of Arcireale, Catania in Sicilia. He is, thus far, the only biblical scholar of the 20th century who has been beatified. In 2009 a web cast in English and Chinese was named after Allegra. Gabriele Allegra The Blessed Gabriele Allegra, O.F.M., (December 26, 1907 – January 26, 1976) was a Franciscan Friar and Biblical scholar. He is best known for accomplishing the first complete", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "8875848", "text": "married woman, if possible.\" Her mother could see Allegra, he added, only with the \"proper restrictions.\" Byron wrote to Hoppner in March 1821 that Allegra would receive better care in the convent than she would with him. His mistress, Teresa, Countess Guiccioli, had had a happy experience at the convent boarding school where she had lived from the age of five, and had persuaded Byron that a convent school would be the best place for Allegra. He also viewed the convent as the safest place for her with revolution brewing in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Allegra was doted", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "16277039", "text": "a pickup truck. Scenes also feature him singing the song in a dark room full of blue smoke. During the instrumental break, Brock puts his goggles on as he watches the lightning kick into the back of the truck, and driving his pickup truck again. He stands outside, and the video ends. Lightning Does the Work \"Lightning Does the Work\" is a song co-written and performed by American country music artist Chad Brock. It was released in March 1999 as the third and final single from his self-titled debut album. The song reached 19 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles", "title": "Lightning Does the Work" }, { "docid": "16277038", "text": "Lightning Does the Work \"Lightning Does the Work\" is a song co-written and performed by American country music artist Chad Brock. It was released in March 1999 as the third and final single from his self-titled debut album. The song reached 19 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was written by Brock, John Hadley and Kelly Garrett. The music video was directed by Steven T. Miller, and premiered in March, 1999. It features Brock wearing a ball cap, as he uses a tool to make the metal in his barn for the lightning, and driving", "title": "Lightning Does the Work" }, { "docid": "18638934", "text": "She goes on to state that \"This field of investigation has been the major focus of my life and work for the last thirty-plus years.\" Snyder also directed several documentaries on dance practices around the world Allegra Fuller Snyder Allegra Fuller Snyder is a dance ethnologist (ethnochoreologist), choreographer, professor and author specializing on dance and culture. Her research focuses on dances among Native American tribes particularly the Yaqui, and on dance among several ethnic groups in Africa and Asia. She is Professor Emerita of dance ethnology from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Snyder is the daughter of", "title": "Allegra Fuller Snyder" }, { "docid": "13715674", "text": "President of the Sons of Italy International Lodge #2522. He was a co-founder of the Friends of Charles Bonaparte. Francis Allegra Francis Marion Allegra (October 14, 1957 – August 27, 2015) was an American federal judge on the United States Court of Federal Claims. Judge Allegra grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated from St. Edward High School in Lakewood, Ohio. He graduated from Borromeo College of Ohio in 1978, with a degree in philosophy, and then, in 1981, received his Juris Doctor (magna cum laude) from the Cleveland-Marshall Law School at Cleveland State University. Following graduation, he served as", "title": "Francis Allegra" }, { "docid": "13715669", "text": "Francis Allegra Francis Marion Allegra (October 14, 1957 – August 27, 2015) was an American federal judge on the United States Court of Federal Claims. Judge Allegra grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated from St. Edward High School in Lakewood, Ohio. He graduated from Borromeo College of Ohio in 1978, with a degree in philosophy, and then, in 1981, received his Juris Doctor (magna cum laude) from the Cleveland-Marshall Law School at Cleveland State University. Following graduation, he served as a law clerk to Chief Trial Judge Philip R. Miller of the U.S. Court of Claims from 1981 to", "title": "Francis Allegra" }, { "docid": "11093335", "text": "Gabriele Allegra The Blessed Gabriele Allegra, O.F.M., (December 26, 1907 – January 26, 1976) was a Franciscan Friar and Biblical scholar. He is best known for accomplishing the first complete translation of the Catholic Bible into the Chinese language. His Studium Biblicum Translation is often considered the definitive Chinese Bible among Catholics. He awaits canonization. Giovanni Stefano Allegra was born the eldest of eight children, in San Giovanni la Punta in the province of Catania, Italy. He entered the Franciscan minor seminary at S. Biagio in Acireale in 1918, taking the name \"Gabriele Maria\", and the novitiate in Bronte in", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "20032334", "text": "Allegra Eggleston Allegra Eggleston (November 19, 1860 - 1933) was a 19th-century American artist from the U.S. state of Minnesota. She occupied herself as a woodcarver, portrait painter, and book illustrator. As an illustrator, she collaborated with her sister, Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye, and her father, Edward Eggleston, on a number of books including \"The story of Columbus\" (1892), \"The story of Washington\", and \"The Graysons\". Allegra Eggleston was born in Stillwater, Minnesota, November 19, 1860. She was the second daughter of Edward Eggleston, the author, who came of a well-known Virginia family, with strains of Irish and Scotch in his", "title": "Allegra Eggleston" }, { "docid": "9881382", "text": "In 2006, she enrolled at UCLA, where she studied French, art history, and theatre. Allegra Versace was eleven years old when her uncle Gianni Versace was fatally shot outside his Miami mansion in July 1997. Her mother immediately sought counseling for her. On her 18th birthday, she received 50% ownership of Gianni Versace S.p.A.. Allegra's uncle Santo Versace already owned 30% of the fashion empire, and her mother already owned 20%, but due to a long-standing disagreement between the two, the remaining 50% of the Versace empire was willed by Gianni to Allegra. Allegra instantly became worth hundreds of millions", "title": "Allegra Versace" }, { "docid": "11154731", "text": "award. In August 2006 she formed a civil partnership with Susi Smither. The couple dissolved their civil partnership in 2012. Allegra McEvedy has been a Patron of The Fairtrade Foundation since 2012. Allegra McEvedy Allegra Sarah Bazzett McEvedy MBE (born November 1970) is an English chef, broadcaster and writer. McEvedy was born and raised in Hammersmith. Her father Colin McEvedy was a consultant psychiatrist, historian and writer; her mother was a writer. She was privately educated at St Paul's Girls' School, attending the school at the same time as Daisy Garnett, later food columnist of \"The Observer\". McEvedy's mother died", "title": "Allegra McEvedy" }, { "docid": "13715671", "text": "and then Counselor to the Assistant Attorney General of the Tax Division. In 1994, Allegra was appointed Counselor to the Associate Attorney General (the third-highest-ranking official at the Justice Department). Shortly after that, he was appointed Deputy Associate Attorney General. In the latter role, Judge Allegra worked with the Tax and Antitrust Divisions, as well as with the National Economic and Domestic Policy Councils at the White House. On October 22, 1998, at the age of forty-one, Judge Allegra was appointed by President Bill Clinton to be a judge on the United States Court of Federal Claims. Over his judicial", "title": "Francis Allegra" }, { "docid": "12138971", "text": "November 2015, it was announced that Stratton was leaving the BBC to join ITV News as its National Editor. Stratton made her first appearance on ITV's \"News at Ten\" in January 2016. She co-presented\"Peston on Sunday\", ITV with Robert Peston until May 2018. Allegra Stratton is married to James Forsyth, political editor of \"The Spectator\" magazine. The couple live in Canonbury, north London. Allegra Stratton Allegra Stratton (born 25 November 1980) is a British journalist and writer. Since January 2016, she has been the National Editor of ITV News after four years as political editor on BBC Two's \"Newsnight\". She", "title": "Allegra Stratton" }, { "docid": "8875830", "text": "Allegra Byron Clara Allegra Byron (12 January 1817 – 20 April 1822) was the illegitimate daughter of the poet George Gordon, Lord Byron and Claire Clairmont. Born in Bath, England, she was initially named Alba, meaning \"dawn\", or \"white\", by her mother. At first she lived with her mother, her mother's stepsister, Mary Shelley, and Mary's husband Percy Bysshe Shelley. When she was fifteen months old, she was turned over to Byron, who changed her name to Allegra. Byron placed her with foster families and later in a Roman Catholic convent, where she died at age five of typhus or", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "12138969", "text": "Allegra Stratton Allegra Stratton (born 25 November 1980) is a British journalist and writer. Since January 2016, she has been the National Editor of ITV News after four years as political editor on BBC Two's \"Newsnight\". She has also co-presented \"Peston on Sunday\" with Robert Peston since May 2016. It was announced on Peston on Sunday on 27th May 2018 that Allegra would not be returning for the new series in September. Stratton attended Chiswick Community School and Latymer Upper School, an independent school in west London. She then attended Emmanuel College, Cambridge, where she read archaeology and anthropology. Stratton", "title": "Allegra Stratton" }, { "docid": "8875839", "text": "At age four, the naughty child terrorised Byron's servants with her temper tantrums and other misbehavior and told frequent lies. As she grew older, Allegra also demonstrated a talent for acting and singing. Byron's mistress Teresa, Contessa Guiccioli, whom Allegra called \"mammina\", remarked on Allegra's talent for mimicking the servants and for singing popular songs. Byron felt her talent for mimicry, another talent she shared with him, might amuse other people in the short term but would eventually be a cause of trouble for her. Shelley, who visited the toddler Allegra while she was being boarded with a family chosen", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "13715673", "text": "Center. Judge Allegra was also a frequent lecturer at Federal Judicial Center programs and other programs involving intellectual property, tax, government contracts and the use of technology in judging. He was considered an expert on issues involving electronic discovery. In the Fall of 2013, Judge Allegra co-authored (with Daniel B. Garrie), \"Plugged in: Guidebook to Software and the Law\". Judge Allegra was married in 1996 and had two children. He was an avid mineral collector, who wrote a column—Legal Nuggets—for the Mineralogical Record. He was also active in Italian-American affairs, particularly with the Sons of Italy. He was a former", "title": "Francis Allegra" }, { "docid": "8875834", "text": "we ... call Alba, or the Dawn.\" He asked Byron what his plans were for the child. Later, Shelley acknowledged the child's presence was becoming something of an embarrassment. Byron asked his half-sister Augusta Leigh to take Allegra into her household, but Leigh refused. Hostile to Clairmont and initially sceptical that he had fathered her daughter, Byron agreed to take custody of Allegra under the condition that her mother have only limited contact with her. Shelley warned Clairmont that this might not, after all, be the best plan for Allegra, but Clairmont hoped that her daughter would be more financially", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "11093346", "text": "From his early days, Allegra was viewed as a favorite son of the Catholic Church. Pope Pius XII said of him: The cause for Allegra's canonization was started in 1984 by Bishop John Wu in Hong Kong, 8 years after his death. He was declared Venerable by the Holy See in 1994, and the promulgation of a decree of one miracle attributed to Fr. Allegra, required to conclude the beatification process, was approved in 2002. His decree of beatification was promulgated by the Holy See on that same day, but the beatification ceremony, which was set for October 26 of", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "1826418", "text": "Allegra Coleman Allegra Coleman was a fictional celebrity invented by writer Martha Sherrill for the purposes of a hoax magazine article. Then model (later actress) Ali Larter portrayed the imaginary model in Sherrill's feature, which appeared in \"Esquire\" (November 1996). In a parody of celebrity profiles, the article described Coleman's role in an upcoming movie with Woody Allen, her tempestuous relationship with David Schwimmer (including a scandal involving nude photographs taken by paparazzi) and her friendship with Deepak Chopra. The hoax was revealed by \"Esquire\" editor Edward Kosner in a press release to the news wire services. Sherrill later wrote", "title": "Allegra Coleman" }, { "docid": "13715672", "text": "career, he has issued more than 250 published opinions, on topics including tax, government contracts, intellectual property, takings, and military and civilian employment. From 2003 through 2010, Judge Allegra was a member of the Information Technology Committee of the Judicial Conference of the United States. Judge Allegra was an adjunct professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, where he taught Litigation with the Federal Government and a seminar on sovereign immunity. In 2012, Georgetown awarded him the Charles Fahy Distinguished Adjunct Professor Award, which is given annually to an adjunct professor who has made an extraordinary contribution to the Law", "title": "Francis Allegra" }, { "docid": "11093342", "text": "for working too hard, often resulting in the deterioration of his health. He used to say, \"The most enviable fate for a Franciscan who doesn't obtain the grace of martyrdom, is to die while he is working\". In another letter Allegra wrote: \"The work upon the Bible is hard and intense, but I must work because if I stop, I will never get up again.\" Although the translation of the Bible was the main focus of Allegra's work, and he has usually been viewed as primarily a Scripture scholar, he took time to help the poor and the sick, particularly", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "7509614", "text": "Thailand and Indonesia. In 2010, the ship was relocated back to Europe, and her Asian itineraries were replaced by \"Costa Classica\" and \"Costa Romantica\". In an agreement with TMR of Marseilles, \"Costa Cruises\", who had owned the Paquet Cruises brand since 1996, used \"Costa Allegra\", marketed in France under the name \"Allegra\" and the Paquet Cruises brand, for four spring cruises and seven cruises in autumn of 2010. For these cruises, \"Costa Allegra\" featured a French master, cruise director, maitres ‘d, receptionists and two French chefs, one of whom, Jean Abauzit, served on board the renowned Mermoz, retired a decade", "title": "MS Costa Allegra" }, { "docid": "7509616", "text": "Allegra\"'s planned voyages from 18 March to 1 July. Following on 9 March 2012, it was announced that the \"Costa Allegra\" would not return to service with Costa and given to Themis Maritime Ltd ship company as Santa Cruise for scrapping at Aliaga, Turkey. Her story was a part of a feature on the scrapping operations of Aliaga in the January/February issue of \"Cruise Travel Magazine\". The eight decks on \"Costa Allegra\" were named after famous impressionist painters. A three deck high glass atrium was the centre of the ship. Works of art could be found throughout the ship. MS", "title": "MS Costa Allegra" }, { "docid": "8650667", "text": "Swan\", with Holiday House Books for Young People, illustrated by Caldecott Medalist Emily Arnold McCully. It has received good reviews from \"The New York Times\",\"Kirkus Reviews\", and \"School Library Journal\". She eventually had plastic surgery on her nose and chin at the insistence of her mother in an attempt to make her look \"less Jewish\". The operation was botched and Kent fell into a deep depression because of it. Balanchine dropped several roles for her because of it. In 2013, \"Ballerina Swan\" was adapted for the stage as a dance piece by New York City Children's Theater, featuring choreographer Michael", "title": "Allegra Kent" }, { "docid": "8031298", "text": "Allegra Goodman Allegra Goodman (born 1967) is an American author based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her most recent novel, \"The Chalk Artist\", was published in 2017. Goodman wrote and illustrated her first novel at the age of seven. Goodman was born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in Hawaii. The daughter of Lenn and Madeleine Goodman, she was brought up as a Conservative Jew. Her mother, who died in 1996, was a professor of genetics and women's studies, then assistant vice president at the University of Hawaii at Manoa for many years, before moving on to Vanderbilt University in the 1990s. Her", "title": "Allegra Goodman" }, { "docid": "13248713", "text": "the curriculum for screenwriters at the Huston School of Film and Digital Media at the National University of Ireland, Galway. (Will Collins, writer of \"Song of the Sea\" and \"My Brothers\", is a graduate of the workshop.) She has also taught at the University of Oklahoma and in March 2017 offered a workshop in creative nonfiction at the Taos Writers' Conference. She is the mother of one son, Rafael. Allegra Huston Allegra Huston (born 26 August 1964) is a writer and editor based in Taos, New Mexico. She is the author of \"Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and", "title": "Allegra Huston" }, { "docid": "13248709", "text": "Allegra Huston Allegra Huston (born 26 August 1964) is a writer and editor based in Taos, New Mexico. She is the author of \"Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and Found\", published in April 2009 by Simon & Schuster (US) and Bloomsbury (UK). Her first novel, \"Say My Name\", was published in July 2017 by HQ in the UK and in January 2018 by MIRA in the US. \"Love Child\" was praised by Simon Schama (author of \"Citizens\" and \"Landscape and Memory\") as \"so bravely written, so clear and intensely vivid, so unsentimentally honest, so deeply humane,\" and by", "title": "Allegra Huston" }, { "docid": "8875853", "text": "not live without her. Clairmont accused Byron of murdering Allegra and demanded that Byron send her a portrait of Allegra, a lock of the child's hair, and that she be placed in charge of the funeral arrangements. In the end, though, Clairmont could not bear to see Allegra's coffin or to hold a funeral service for her daughter. She blamed Byron for the rest of her life for Allegra's death. Scandalized by the child's illegitimacy, the rector of St. Mary's Parish Church in Harrow, Middlesex, England, refused to place a plaque on Allegra's grave and permitted her only to be", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8031300", "text": "Vita Nuova\" was selected for The Best American Short Stories 2011 and was broadcast on Public Radio International's Selected Shorts in February 2012. Goodman and Karger live in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Karger is a professor in computer science at MIT. They have four children, three boys and a girl. Allegra Goodman Allegra Goodman (born 1967) is an American author based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her most recent novel, \"The Chalk Artist\", was published in 2017. Goodman wrote and illustrated her first novel at the age of seven. Goodman was born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in Hawaii. The daughter of Lenn", "title": "Allegra Goodman" }, { "docid": "20032339", "text": "made her home during the rest of the year at Lake George, where she had a studio in her father's stone library. She lived unmarried in The Owl's Nest with her friend Mabel Cook. Known as Tante, Eggleston died in 1933. Allegra Eggleston Allegra Eggleston (November 19, 1860 - 1933) was a 19th-century American artist from the U.S. state of Minnesota. She occupied herself as a woodcarver, portrait painter, and book illustrator. As an illustrator, she collaborated with her sister, Elizabeth Eggleston Seelye, and her father, Edward Eggleston, on a number of books including \"The story of Columbus\" (1892), \"The", "title": "Allegra Eggleston" }, { "docid": "8875833", "text": "remarked that their toddler son William disliked Allegra, but was fond of his baby sister Clara. She saw her son's reaction to Allegra, who was no blood relation to him, as \"an argument in favor of those who advocate \"instinctive natural affection\".\" In addition, the Shelleys were constantly in debt and Mary Shelley wanted the baby to be sent to Byron and wanted her difficult and temperamental stepsister, who had too close a relationship with her husband, to leave her house. After the child's birth, Shelley wrote to Byron \"of the exquisite symmetry\" and beauty of \"a little being whom", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8875846", "text": "of society ... This step will procure to you an innumerable addition of enemies & of blame.\" In March 1822, she created a plan to kidnap her daughter from the convent and asked Shelley to forge a letter of permission from Byron. Shelley refused. Byron had arranged for Allegra to be educated in the convent precisely because he, unlike his former lover Clairmont, thought favourably of the manners and attitudes of Italian women who had received convent educations. He disapproved of what he called Clairmont's \"loose morals\" and \"Bedlam behavior\" and didn't want her to influence Allegra. He also believed", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8875841", "text": "let Clairmont see her daughter and they thought of ways to regain custody of her. Clairmont was alarmed by reports in 1820 that her daughter had suffered a malarial-type fever and that Byron had moved her to warm Ravenna at the height of the summer. Clairmont wrote that Allegra must be moved to a more healthy climate if she was to survive and pleaded with Byron to send their daughter to her in Bagni di Lucca, a town with a cool mountain climate. However, Byron didn't want to send Allegra back to be raised in the Shelley household, where he", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "1826420", "text": "Coleman satire was essentially indistinguishable from the normal run of the magazine's celebrity reporting. The article written about Coleman as the new \"It Girl\" prompted calls from studios and talent scouts eager to offer Coleman scripts. The incident jump-started Ali Larter's acting career, and she went on to appear in TV shows (including the Niki Sanders role in NBC's \"Heroes\") and movies (including \"Legally Blonde\" and \"Final Destination\"). Allegra Coleman Allegra Coleman was a fictional celebrity invented by writer Martha Sherrill for the purposes of a hoax magazine article. Then model (later actress) Ali Larter portrayed the imaginary model in", "title": "Allegra Coleman" }, { "docid": "8875855", "text": "1819 poem \"Julian and Maddalo: A Conversation\": In the next stanza he imagines her grown to a woman: \"A wonder of this earth ... Like one of Shakespeare's women.\" Allegra Byron Clara Allegra Byron (12 January 1817 – 20 April 1822) was the illegitimate daughter of the poet George Gordon, Lord Byron and Claire Clairmont. Born in Bath, England, she was initially named Alba, meaning \"dawn\", or \"white\", by her mother. At first she lived with her mother, her mother's stepsister, Mary Shelley, and Mary's husband Percy Bysshe Shelley. When she was fifteen months old, she was turned over to", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8875832", "text": "and wrote in her journal with delight about her close, physical connection with little Allegra, but she was also dealing with emotional and financial pressures from the Shelleys that made it difficult for her to keep the baby with her. The Shelleys were fond of Allegra, but Mary Shelley feared that neighbours would believe Percy Bysshe Shelley had fathered her as the truth about her relationship to Clairmont leaked out. William Godwin, Mary's father and Clairmont's stepfather, had immediately leaped to that conclusion when he learned of Allegra's birth. In an October 1817 letter to Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8875840", "text": "by Byron, objected to the child's living arrangements over the years, though he had initially approved of Clairmont's plan to relinquish her to her father. During the summer of 1819, Allegra stayed with four different families and was abandoned by her nursemaid. Byron sent her to stay for long periods with his friend British consul Richard Belgrave Hoppner, but Hoppner's wife didn't like Allegra and sent her to stay with three other families in as many months. Though he'd originally agreed to permit Clairmont to visit their daughter, Byron reneged on the agreement. Shelley often tried to persuade Byron to", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "11154725", "text": "Allegra McEvedy Allegra Sarah Bazzett McEvedy MBE (born November 1970) is an English chef, broadcaster and writer. McEvedy was born and raised in Hammersmith. Her father Colin McEvedy was a consultant psychiatrist, historian and writer; her mother was a writer. She was privately educated at St Paul's Girls' School, attending the school at the same time as Daisy Garnett, later food columnist of \"The Observer\". McEvedy's mother died when she was aged 17. As a consequence of this, and the stress arising from coming out as gay, she found adjusting to adult life difficult and was expelled from school—though she", "title": "Allegra McEvedy" }, { "docid": "8875850", "text": "Pisa and assuring him \"how much she is loved.\" On the back of this letter, Byron wrote: \"Sincere enough, but not very flattering – for she wants to see me because 'it is the fair' to get some paternal Gingerbread – I suppose.\" Byron never responded to Allegra's letter or visited the child during the thirteen months she was in the convent. Allegra developed a high fever on 13 April, 1822; the nuns called a doctor to see her, who determined that Allegra was suffering \"little slow fevers\". Her father was informed; Byron did not visit, but approved the use", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8875849", "text": "on by the nuns at the convent, who called her \"Allegrina,\" and was visited once by Teresa's relatives. Probably with considerable assistance from the nuns, four-year-old Allegra wrote her father a letter in Italian from the convent, dated 21 September 1821, asking him to visit her: My dear Papa. It being fair-time, I should like so much a visit from my Papa as I have many wishes to satisfy. Won't you come to please your Allegrina who loves you so? The abbess of the convent included her own note inviting Byron to come to see Allegra before he left for", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "8875836", "text": "afraid to mention the baby's name. The child was baptised with the name Clara Allegra before her mother relinquished her to Byron. Byron discussed spelling Allegra's surname as \"Biron\" instead of as \"Byron\" to further distinguish her from his legitimate daughter, Augusta Ada Byron. Byron offered to pay Shelley for the expense of Allegra's upkeep during her first months of life, but Shelley indignantly refused and said the cost was a trifle. Mary Shelley had called the baby Allegra \"the little Commodore\" because of her sturdy body and alert, intelligent look. Byron was also pleased with Allegra's resemblances to himself", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "9120522", "text": "and the Six on Liberty Island when S.H.I.E.L.D. planned to release the Legacy Virus which would kill all super-powered life. Valentina Allegra de Fontaine La Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine is a fictional espionage agent appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-artist Jim Steranko, she first appeared in the \"Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" feature in \"Strange Tales\" #159 (August 1967). The Contessa appeared prominently throughout creator Jim Steranko's run of the \"Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" feature that ran through \"Strange Tales\" #168 (May 1968) and in the same-name comic-book series that began", "title": "Valentina Allegra de Fontaine" }, { "docid": "11154729", "text": "Food Monthly\" Awards. In March 2009 McEvedy gave up her role at Leon to focus on writing and television work, but she remains a shareholder in the business. McEvedy published her first book, \"The Good Cook\" (Hodder) in 2000, and in October 2006 published her second, \"Allegra McEvedy's Colour Cookbook\" (Kyle Cathie). It won the International Association of Culinary Professionals 2007 Cookbook award in the Chefs and Restaurants category. In October 2008 her third book, \"Leon: Ingredients & Recipes\" (Conran Octopus); Giles Coren of \"The Times\" said it was \"Without doubt, the coolest food book I have ever seen.\" McEvedy", "title": "Allegra McEvedy" }, { "docid": "8031299", "text": "father, Lenn E. Goodman, is a professor of philosophy at Vanderbilt. Allegra Goodman graduated from Punahou School in 1985. She then went on to Harvard University, where she earned an A.B. degree and met her husband, David Karger. Both were regulars at Harvard Hillel, and prayed in Harvard Hillel Orthodox Minyan. They then went on to do graduate work at Stanford University, where Goodman earned a Ph.D. degree in English literature, in 1996. Goodman's younger sister, Paula Fraenkel, is an oncologist. Fraenkel's experience in research labs is one of the inspirations for Goodman's 2006 novel \"Intuition\". Her short story \"La", "title": "Allegra Goodman" }, { "docid": "11093338", "text": "the first time. He attempted to return to Hunan again, but the Second Sino-Japanese War had already started and he was forced to go further north to Beijing instead. This had an unfortunate side-effect in that during his trip through the Japanese-occupied territories, he lost more than half of the translated text during the war events. Because Allegra was an Italian citizen, and the chaplain to the Italian Embassy, the Japanese occupiers of China did not intern him for long, and he could continue his translation work. As of 1942, he became actively involved in assisting other missionaries to survive", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "6154550", "text": "Sister Mary Corita\" at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The Corita Art Center, a gallery and archive dedicated to preserving and promoting the work and spirit of Corita Kent, is located on the campus of Immaculate Heart High School in Los Feliz, Los Angeles. Corita Kent's papers are held at the Schlesinger Library, in Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University. Corita Kent received the American Institute of Graphic Arts Medal in 2016. Corita Kent's work is held by several art museums and private collectors including The Whitney, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in", "title": "Corita Kent" }, { "docid": "7509609", "text": "1990, the ship was acquired by Costa Cruises and rebuilt into a cruise ship at the T. Mariotti shipyard in Genoa, Italy. She entered service as \"Costa Allegra\" in 1992. \"Costa Allegra\" suffered a generator fire while off the coast of Africa approximately 200 miles southwest of the Seychelles on 27 February 2012 and was taken into tow toward the island of Mahé in the Seychelles Islands the following day, a journey of several days. She was later renamed \"Santa Cruise\" and sold for breaking in Aliaga, Turkey. Prior to beaching at the scrapyard, her yellow funnel, a trademark of", "title": "MS Costa Allegra" }, { "docid": "7509608", "text": "MS Costa Allegra Costa Allegra, formerly \"Annie Johnson\", was a cruise ship owned by the Italy-based Costa Cruises, one of many subsidiaries owned by Costa's parent company Carnival Corporation. She was built in 1969 by the Wärtsilä Turku Shipyard in Turku, Finland, as a container ship for the Johnson Line services of Sweden-based Rederi AB Nordstjernan. In 1986 she was sold to Regency Cruises with the intention of being converted into a cruise ship as \"Regent Moon\", but she was laid up instead. In 1988 she was sold to Compania Naviera Panalexandra and renamed \"Alexandra\" but continued laid up. In", "title": "MS Costa Allegra" }, { "docid": "15654325", "text": "Allegra \"Happy\" Haynes Allegra \"Happy\" Haynes (born March 4, 1953) is a Denver politician and consultant who formerly served on the Denver City Council and was an aide to two mayors. “Happy” Haynes was born in Denver, Colorado and graduated from Denver’s East High School in 1971. Haynes received a B.A. in political science at Barnard College in 1975 and a M.A. in public affairs at the University of Colorado Denver in 2002. In addition, Haynes is a graduate of Leadership Denver, the Denver Community Leadership Forum, the Rocky Mountain Program and the State and Local Program at Harvard’s Kennedy", "title": "Allegra \"Happy\" Haynes" }, { "docid": "18638933", "text": "Allegra Fuller Snyder Allegra Fuller Snyder is a dance ethnologist (ethnochoreologist), choreographer, professor and author specializing on dance and culture. Her research focuses on dances among Native American tribes particularly the Yaqui, and on dance among several ethnic groups in Africa and Asia. She is Professor Emerita of dance ethnology from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Snyder is the daughter of noted architect and inventor Buckminster Fuller and his wife Anne Hewlett. Snyder pioneered the field of Dance Ethnography, and defines a dance ethnologist as \"...one who is concerned with studying the process of dance in culture.\"", "title": "Allegra Fuller Snyder" }, { "docid": "15654328", "text": "debate. In 2009, Haynes recruited six high schools and awarded the students at the first tournament. Haynes became the Chief Community Engagement Officer for Denver Public Schools in 2009, assigned to “strengthen relationships with community organizations and business partners.” In 2011, she left the school district and accepted a position with CRL Associates, a political and public administration consultancy. When she resigned her school district position, she said she would be a candidate for the city school board. Allegra \"Happy\" Haynes Allegra \"Happy\" Haynes (born March 4, 1953) is a Denver politician and consultant who formerly served on the Denver", "title": "Allegra \"Happy\" Haynes" }, { "docid": "8558721", "text": "mess with tempos stretching out time and sending it into a void\", concluding \"\"The Work Which Transforms God\" is a compelling and knotty listen; it squeals, plods, cracks, screeches, whirs and wails in differing shades of black.\" The Work Which Transforms God The Work Which Transforms God is the fourth studio album by black metal band Blut Aus Nord. It showcases the band incorporating industrial and dark ambient elements into their music. It was first released on March 17, 2003 through Appease Me Records. It was reissued the following year on Candlelight Records with new artwork, and again in 2005", "title": "The Work Which Transforms God" }, { "docid": "7509612", "text": "being delivered in July 1990 as \"Costa Marina\". Following this Costa Crociere acquired \"Alexandra\" on 28 August 1990 for conversion into a cruise ship at the T. Mariotti shipyard in Genoa, Italy, the same shipyard that had rebuilt \"Costa Marina\". Work on \"Alexandra\" commenced on 4 September 1990. She received an entirely new superstructure in the same style as that of \"Costa Marina\", as well as new engines. However, unlike \"Costa Marina\", \"Alexandra\" was also lengthened by when rebuilt. Although originally planned to be renamed \"Costa Azzurra\", the ship was eventually named \"Costa Allegra\" and delivered to Costa Cruises on", "title": "MS Costa Allegra" }, { "docid": "10378266", "text": "which include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New Britain Museum of American Art, the Toledo Museum of Art, the Arkansas Arts Center, Joslyn Art Museum, and by many collectors including Glenn C. Jans, Jalane and Richard Davidson, Rita Rich, Richard D. Segal (Seavest Collection), and Howard Tullman. In September 2005, Kent Bellows was found in his studio/home, apparently having died in his sleep. He was 56 years of age. The cause of death was never determined. The Kent Bellows Foundation was established as a public, nonprofit charity and began the work of preserving Kent Bellows’ building and studio as", "title": "Kent Bellows" }, { "docid": "10685629", "text": "Kent District Library The Kent District Library is a public library system located in Kent County, Michigan. With nineteen branch locations and an annual circulation of more than 8.2 million items \"(2016 circulation data)\", the Kent District Library is one of the largest and busiest library systems in all of Michigan. The KDL Service Center, the library system headquarters, are in Plainfield Township, near the Comstock Park CDP. The beginnings of the library are in 1927 as a library extension work project of the Kent County Federation of Women's Clubs. The Kent County Library Association was established in 1936 and", "title": "Kent District Library" }, { "docid": "12807381", "text": "Grenville Kent Grenville J. R. Kent (born 1965) is an Australian academic, film producer, author, and Christian communicator. He is the producer of \"Big Questions\", a forthcoming documentary series examining faith, and the \"10 Questions for God\" series of booklets. He has earned a PhD from the University of Manchester, England, and a D.Min from the Australian College of Theology, and taught Cultural Apologetics (Arts/Theology) and Old Testament at the Wesley Institute (now Excelsia College) in Sydney. Grenville Kent is producer of \"Big Questions\". The pilot episode, \"Does God Exist? Part 1\" examines flight and compares design features of the", "title": "Grenville Kent" }, { "docid": "10228471", "text": "temporary government owned Train operating company, South Eastern Trains ran from November 2003 to March 2006 to be replaced by the current incumbent Southeastern. Southern also run some services to and . In addition to the \"mainline\" railways there are several light, heritage and industrial railways in Kent. There are three heritage, standard gauge railways; Spa Valley Railway near Tunbridge Wells on the old Tunbridge Wells West branch, East Kent Railway on the old East Kent coalfield area and the Kent and East Sussex Railway on the Weald around Tenterden. In addition there is the 15 inch gauge, tourist oriented", "title": "Transport in Kent" }, { "docid": "9120512", "text": "Valentina Allegra de Fontaine La Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine is a fictional espionage agent appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-artist Jim Steranko, she first appeared in the \"Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" feature in \"Strange Tales\" #159 (August 1967). The Contessa appeared prominently throughout creator Jim Steranko's run of the \"Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" feature that ran through \"Strange Tales\" #168 (May 1968) and in the same-name comic-book series that began the following month. An agent who literally threw S.H.I.E.L.D. chief Nick Fury for a loop upon their initial meeting, she", "title": "Valentina Allegra de Fontaine" }, { "docid": "8558719", "text": "The Work Which Transforms God The Work Which Transforms God is the fourth studio album by black metal band Blut Aus Nord. It showcases the band incorporating industrial and dark ambient elements into their music. It was first released on March 17, 2003 through Appease Me Records. It was reissued the following year on Candlelight Records with new artwork, and again in 2005 in a version that included the EP \"Thematic Emanation of Archetypal Multiplicity\" as a second disc. It was also reissued on CD and vinyl by Debemur Morti Productions on June 21, 2013 featuring new artwork by Valnoir", "title": "The Work Which Transforms God" }, { "docid": "14426746", "text": "Kent, on what was then the eastern edge of town. To honor his donation, the school was named for William S. Kent and not for the city of Kent, making it the only public university in Ohio to be named for an individual. In 1929 the school was renamed Kent State College after the establishment of a college of liberal arts and degrees in the arts and sciences and in 1935 was renamed Kent State University after it was authorized to grant advanced graduate degrees. The bill giving Kent State university status was signed into law by Ohio governor and", "title": "History of Kent, Ohio" }, { "docid": "126898", "text": "especially as Charibert seems to have had a preference for younger women, again according to Gregory's account. This would imply an earlier birth date for Bertha. On the other hand, Gregory refers to Æthelberht at the time of his marriage to Bertha simply as \"a man of Kent\", and in the 589 passage concerning Ingoberg's death, which was written in about 590 or 591, he refers to Æthelberht as \"the son of the king of Kent\". If this does not simply reflect Gregory's ignorance of Kentish affairs, which seems unlikely given the close ties between Kent and the Franks, then", "title": "Æthelberht of Kent" }, { "docid": "10338409", "text": "He who does not work, neither shall he eat He who does not work, neither shall he eat is a New Testament aphorism originally by Paul the Apostle, later cited by John Smith in Jamestown, Virginia, and by Lenin during the Russian Revolution. The aphorism is found in the Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle (with Silvanus and Timothy) to the Thessalonians, in which Paul writes: that is, The Greek phrase means \"is not willing to work\". Other English translations render this as \"would\" or \"will not work\", which may confuse readers unaccustomed to this use of the verb \"will\"", "title": "He who does not work, neither shall he eat" }, { "docid": "11093344", "text": "He was an expert on the philosophy of Blessed Duns Scotus and introduced Teilhard de Chardin to some aspects of it that shaped de Chardin's thoughts on the subject. His expertise on that topic was internationally respected and Oxford University invited him to give the 700th centenary lecture on Duns Scotus. With the publication of the Chinese Bible in 1968, Allegra found time to focus on his other interests, which included the detailed study and analysis of the book The Poem of the Man God by the Italian writer and mystic Maria Valtorta, on the life of Christ. Some of", "title": "Gabriele Allegra" }, { "docid": "17364011", "text": "Maryborough School of Arts building Located prominently on Kent St in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia, the Maryborough School of Arts building is a two storeyed masonry building opposite the City Hall. It was constructed in 1887-8 to the design of Melbourne and Adelaide architect, John Harry Grainger. It replaced the first Maryborough School of Arts which was a small brick building constructed in 1861 soon after the establishment of a local School of Arts committee in 1860. It is a smooth rendered brick building with a hipped roof. The principal, south western façade of the School of Arts, which addresses Kent", "title": "Maryborough School of Arts building" }, { "docid": "8875835", "text": "comfortable and would have a better chance at a good life if she lived with her father. \"I have sent you my child because I love her too well to keep her,\" she wrote to Byron. Byron requested that her name be changed from Alba, which also related to \"Albé,\" Clairmont's nickname for Byron, to Allegra, an Italian name meaning \"cheerful, brisk\" and relating to the musical term \"allegro.\" During the journey to turn the child over to Byron, Clairmont wrote in her journal that she had bathed her daughter in Dover, but then crossed the passage out, as if", "title": "Allegra Byron" }, { "docid": "13954370", "text": "at the edge of the city, the campus offers an intensive work atmosphere. In the exhibition hall of the Academy and in the Gallery of the Academy, young artists publicly present their work. In addition to the main location in Nuremberg’s Zerzabelshof district, the college has been using space in the historical imperial castle in Lauf since 1985 as a branch location in which to accommodate the art education and art pedagogy classes. Partnerships with art-universities in Western and Eastern Europe—Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts-Cracow, Palermo, Riga, Sassari, Urbino,", "title": "Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg" }, { "docid": "7435095", "text": "the Month Award, an Ohio Board of Regents Grant for research in the U.S.S.R., an Illinois Arts Council Poetry Prize, a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship, a PEN Translation Grant, a Finalist nomination for the PEN Award for Poetry in Translation, a travel grant from the University of Chile, and a Visiting Writer Grant from the U.S. Embassy in Uruguay. Kent Johnson Kent Johnson (born 1955) is an American poet, translator, critic, and anthologist. His work, much of it meta-fictional and/or satirical in approach, has provoked a notable measure of controversy and debate within English-language poetry circles. Since", "title": "Kent Johnson" }, { "docid": "5784142", "text": "graduated or have taught at the University for the Creative Arts or its former colleges. University for the Creative Arts The University for the Creative Arts is a specialist art and design university in the south of England. It was formed in 2005 as University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester when the Kent Institute of Art and Design was merged into the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, which already had degree-awarding status; both constituent schools had been formed by merging the local art schools, in Kent and Surrey respectively. It was granted", "title": "University for the Creative Arts" }, { "docid": "17759953", "text": "University of Alabama's graduate school, where she received her Master of Arts degree on a full scholarship. In 1992, Kent developed her interest in journalism and began work while still in high school; for two years, she was the announcer over the loud speaker, delivering the morning news for her school. During that time, she served as the editor-in-chief for her school newspaper, \"NPHS Beat\", an award-winning student newspaper, which provided a launchpad for her literary career. After NPHS, Kent was active on the student-run media team serving as a reporter in the journalism department at Northwest Mississippi Community College.", "title": "Germany Kent" }, { "docid": "6154549", "text": "twisted or reversed words, to comment on the political unrest of the period, many of which could have been found at any number of marches or demonstrations, some of which she attended herself. 1966- Named one of nine Women of the Year by the Los Angeles Times 1967- Featured on the cover of Newsweek 2016- Received the American Institute of Graphic Arts Medal Some recent solo exhibitions of Kent's work include: \"Someday is Now: The Art of Corita Kent\" at the Tang Museum at Skidmore College, \"There Will Be New Rules Next Week\" at Dundee Contemporary Arts, and \"R(ad)ical Love:", "title": "Corita Kent" }, { "docid": "16910784", "text": "Legislative branch of the government of Puerto Rico The legislative branch of the government of Puerto Rico is responsible for enacting, amending, and repealing the laws of Puerto Rico. Article III of the Constitution of Puerto Rico vests the legislative power on the Legislative Assembly—which together with other agencies form the legislative branch. Article IV vests the executive power on the Governor —whom by its nature forms the executive branch— while Article V vests the judicial power on the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico—which by its nature forms the judicial branch. Although the Constitution does not establish such law, the", "title": "Legislative branch of the government of Puerto Rico" }, { "docid": "10775897", "text": "Prince, Ha Jin, Marilynne Robinson, Denis Johnson, Mark Strand, and Bill Jensen. Readings and talks are scheduled year-round. Fine Arts Work Center The Fine Arts Work Center is a non-profit enterprise devoted to encouraging the growth and development of emerging visual artists and writers through residency programs, to the propagation of aesthetic values and experience, and to the restoration of the year-round vitality of the historic art colony of Provincetown, Massachusetts. The Work Center was founded in 1968 by a group of American artists and writers to support promising individuals in the early stages of their creative careers. The Work", "title": "Fine Arts Work Center" }, { "docid": "10775885", "text": "Fine Arts Work Center The Fine Arts Work Center is a non-profit enterprise devoted to encouraging the growth and development of emerging visual artists and writers through residency programs, to the propagation of aesthetic values and experience, and to the restoration of the year-round vitality of the historic art colony of Provincetown, Massachusetts. The Work Center was founded in 1968 by a group of American artists and writers to support promising individuals in the early stages of their creative careers. The Work Center, whose founders included Stanley Kunitz, Robert Motherwell, Myron Stout and Jack Tworkov, annually offers ten writers and", "title": "Fine Arts Work Center" }, { "docid": "10775891", "text": "Arts Work Center offers approximately eighty workshops focused on creative writing and the visual arts. Hundreds of students study with a faculty of master artists and writers; the workshops are week-long, extending over ten weeks from mid-June through late August. The Summer Workshop Program has been accredited by American University, Lesley University and Maine College of Art in Portland. Revenues from this program help support the Fellowships. The Fine Arts Work Center offers a Returning Residency Program that encourages former Fellows to return to Provincetown by offering apartments and studios at discount rates during a number of weeks in the", "title": "Fine Arts Work Center" }, { "docid": "20154067", "text": "the past two years. The work is expected to be exemplary of their current skill and potential in any chosen discipline. The school does not accept physical portfolios. Among leading arts and design schools in the United States, VCUarts has the lowest annual tuition. VCUarts offers bachelor's degrees in disciplines ranging from the fine arts to performance, design, and scholarly research. As a prerequisite, all students who wish to enter into any of the school's fine art and design programs must first pass a year of Art Foundation, or \"A.F.O.\" The 16 graduate programs at VCU School of the Arts,", "title": "VCU School of the Arts" }, { "docid": "4763599", "text": "‘world leading’ and 50% as ‘internationally excellent’. Norwich University of the Arts is a founding member of CREST, the Consortium for Research Excellence Support and Training, a group of higher education institutes that does interdisciplinary work related to research excellence and research focused staff and student training. The student's union represents all students and focuses on student experience, support, and activities. The union also has student offers and discount bus passes. It is affiliated with the National Union of Students (United Kingdom). Alumni include: Norwich University of the Arts Norwich University of the Arts (NUA) is a public university in", "title": "Norwich University of the Arts" }, { "docid": "16134385", "text": "and the Reverend Kent was appointed Principal of the Camden College in Newtown, New South Wales. Harry Kent was educated at Camden College and the University of Sydney where he graduated with a Master of Arts in 1875. Before his graduation Kent was articled to James Barnet, the New South Wales Colonial Architect, and in 1873 to John Horbury Hunt. Kent and his extended family were all active Congregationalists at a time when that Christian denomination was very influential in the upper middle classes of Sydney society and business. Much of his firm's work came from the church and members", "title": "Harry Kent (architect)" }, { "docid": "10775893", "text": "merit of their work by the collaborating organization. Apartments, studio space and stipends are sponsored by the collaborating organizations; the Work Center provides the space in which to work and, perhaps most importantly, a community of like-minded peers with whom to share and discuss ideas, the very essence of collaboration. The Ohio Arts Council, a collaborative residency partner since 1994, sends a writer and a visual artist for three months every summer. The Maryland Institute College of Art sends one visual artist each year for a two-month period. For the past several years Four Way Books has sponsored one month-long", "title": "Fine Arts Work Center" }, { "docid": "17619155", "text": "A. Kent Kingston Andrew Kent Kingston is editor of the Signs of the Times (Australian magazine), a former presenter and producer of the Record InFocus Christian news magazine TV program (2009–2015), and assistant editor of RECORD, the official news magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Kingston holds a Bachelor of Social Work, First Class Honours, from the University of South Australia, which he obtained in 1996. In 2009, Kingston earned a Graduate Diploma of Ministry from Avondale College where he focused on the practicalities of evangelism and church ministry. Also in 2009, Kingston completed a Bachelor of Arts (Communications) from", "title": "A. Kent Kingston" }, { "docid": "1652230", "text": "the Library facade underwent major renovation. This work was completed in 2017, with additional refurbishment work planned for 2018. The bilingual Franco-British double-degree programme combines subjects in one degree and is taught in two countries. The first year is spent at the Institut d'études politiques de Lille (IEP), the second and third years at the University of Kent, the fourth year at the IEP of Lille and the fifth is spent in Canterbury, Brussels or Lille. The students of the Franco-British double-degree programme receive, at the end of the fourth year, the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree from the University", "title": "University of Kent" }, { "docid": "5784136", "text": "University for the Creative Arts The University for the Creative Arts is a specialist art and design university in the south of England. It was formed in 2005 as University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester when the Kent Institute of Art and Design was merged into the Surrey Institute of Art & Design, which already had degree-awarding status; both constituent schools had been formed by merging the local art schools, in Kent and Surrey respectively. It was granted university status in 2008, and the name changed to the present one. In 2016 it", "title": "University for the Creative Arts" }, { "docid": "10775887", "text": "Ji, Sam Messer and Lisa Yuskavage. The Fine Arts Work Center was founded in 1968 by a now illustrious group of artists, writers and patrons, including Fritz Bultman, Salvatore and Josephine Del Deo, Alan Dugan, Stanley Kunitz, Philip Malicoat, Robert Motherwell, Myron Stout, Jack Tworkov, and Hudson D. Walker. The founders envisioned a place in Provincetown, the country's most enduring arts colony, where artists and writers could live and work together in the early phase of their careers. The founders believed that the freedom to pursue creative work within a community of peers is the best catalyst for artistic growth.", "title": "Fine Arts Work Center" }, { "docid": "16451267", "text": "Rolla Kent Beattie Rolla Kent Beattie (1875–1960) was an American botanist and plant pathologist. Beattie was born in Ashland, Ohio, in 1875. He attended Cotner University, where he received an Bachelor of Arts degree in 1895. He also attended the University of Nebraska, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in 1896 and a Master of Arts degree in 1898. Beattie was a teacher at high schools in Colorado and Wyoming until 1899, when he joined the Washington State College as an instructor of botany. Along with beginning his work on studying plant diseases at WSC, he studied plant", "title": "Rolla Kent Beattie" } ]
Who had a 70s No 1 hit with Billy, Don't Be A Hero?
[ "Bo donaldson and the heywoods", "Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods", "Bo Donaldson and The Heywoods", "The Heywoods", "Bo Donaldson & the Haywoods", "Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods", "Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods", "Bo Donaldson", "Rick Joswick", "Bo Donaldson and the Haywoods" ]
[ { "docid": "5968828", "text": "Billy Don't Be a Hero \"Billy Don't Be a Hero\" is a 1974 pop song that was first a UK hit for Paper Lace and then, some months later, a US hit for Bo Donaldson and The Heywoods. The song was written and composed by two British songwriters, Mitch Murray and Peter Callander. Because the song was released in 1974, it was associated by some listeners with the Vietnam War, though the war to which it actually refers is never identified in the lyrics. It has been suggested that the drum pattern, references to a marching band leading soldiers in", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "5968830", "text": "to ride out and seek reinforcements. (This suggests mounted infantry and a lack of modern two-way radio communications.) In the end, the heartbroken woman throws away the official letter notifying her of Billy's \"heroic\" death. Paper Lace's version of \"Billy Don't Be a Hero\" reached No. 1 in the UK Singles Chart on 16 March 1974, and did likewise in Australia, where it spent eight weeks at the top spot. Thereafter, Bo Donaldson's and the Heywoods's version reached No. 1 in the U.S. on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on 15 June 1974, but was dubbed into French for Canada. The", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "5968831", "text": "US version sold over three and a half million copies, and was awarded a gold disc by the R.I.A.A. in June 1974. Donaldson and the Heywoods's version was a massive hit in Latin America and Japan as well, but it remained largely unknown elsewhere as of late July 2017. \"Billboard\" ranked it as the No. 21 song for 1974. Despite the song's popularity, it was poorly received, and it was voted No. 8 on \"Rolling Stone\" magazine's readers' poll of \"10 Worst Songs of the 1970s.\" The song is mentioned as having played on K-Billy's \"Super Sounds of the '70s", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" } ]
[ { "docid": "5968835", "text": "performed a comedic cover of this song, featuring the altered line, \"Where did Billy's head go?\" in place of \"Billy, keep your head low.\" Dav Pilkey, creator of Captain Underpants, named the hero of \"The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby\" Billy solely to make possible a passing homage to \"Billy Don't Be a Hero.\" Since then, the \"Billy Don't Be a Hero\" homage has been applied to other characters whose names rhyme with \"Billy\" in several Captain Underpants spin-off comics. In the season 4 episode of \"Dinosaurs,\" the episode title was referenced, \"Earl, Don't Be A Hero.\" Billy Don't Be", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "5968833", "text": "lyrics \"take a walk, Billy, don't be a hero.\" In \",\" the song is briefly heard during a montage in a disco cover by Dewey Cox (John C. Reilly) performing on rollerblades during \"The Dewey Cox Show.\" A much longer cut of this scene can be seen in the director's cut, and the whole performance was included in the extras for the 2-Disc editions. In \"The Powerpuff Girls\", the leader of the Gang Green Gang, Ace, says to another member, Billy, \"Billy, don't be a hero!\" when he decides to save the Powerpuff Girls from a subway train. In \"The", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "5968834", "text": "Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack,\" the episode \"K'nuckles, Don't Be a Hero\" is named after the song. In \"The Justice Friends\" (Cartoon Network, 1996), Major Glory says \"Billy, don't be a hero!\" to William, Valhallen's pet goat, when it jumps to save Krunk from the attack of Valhallen's living clothes. In an episode of \"ALF,\" the title character, Gordon \"Alf\" Shumway(voice by Paul Fusco), uses the line \"Willie, don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life,\" referring to the head of the household, Wille Tanner(Max Wright), after Willie comes up with a bad idea. The Doug Anthony Allstars", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "5968832", "text": "Weekend\" in the film \"Reservoir Dogs.\" The song features in the 1993 film \"The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.\" The \"Mystery Science Theater 3000\" characters often use the line \"Billy, don't be a hero!\" when riffing on movies, one example being the episode \"The Creeping Terror.\" In the first episode of \"Friends,\" Ross (David Schwimmer) is sad because it has been so long since he last picked up a woman, saying, \"Do the words 'Billy, Don't Be a Hero' mean anything to you?\" Massive Attack's 1991 track \"Blue Lines\" (from the album of the same name) features the", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "15714128", "text": "To Be a Lover \"To Be a Lover\" is a song by Billy Idol from his 1986 album \"Whiplash Smile\". As the album's lead single, it became Idol's second top 10 hit in the US, peaking at No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and No. 22 on the UK Singles Chart. The song was co-written (with Booker T. Jones) and originally performed by William Bell as a soul ballad titled \"I Forgot to Be Your Lover\", released in late 1968 and hitting No. 45 on the Hot 100 and No. 10 on \"Billboard\"′s Hot Rhythm & Blues Singles chart", "title": "To Be a Lover" }, { "docid": "8026223", "text": "\"Billboard\" reported that the sales tally for Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was nearing one million units. Internationally, Black's version also reached No.1 in Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa. In The Netherlands the song reached the No.6 position and in Australia it peaked at No.34. In May 2010, research published by BBC Radio 2 revealed that \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" by Cilla Black was the biggest female UK chart hit of the 1960s. Despite the international success and recognition of Warwick's original version, the besting in Great Britain by Black's version has long been a sore point", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "7023992", "text": "channel. The channel features the unique \"Jukebox of Dynamite\" (formerly the \"Jukebox of Cheese\"), when an alleged listener selects a \"cheesy\" song for the segment such as \"Seasons In The Sun\", \"Theme from Billy Jack\", \"Run Joey Run\" or \"Billy Don't Be A Hero\". 70s on 7 also uses bumpers that parody TV shows and commercial jingles from the 70s, and also has its own parodies of movie scenes, known as \"director's cuts\". The '70s on 7 was once the most listened to channel on the XM lineup, but is now currently the fourth most listened to channel, with a", "title": "'70s on 7" }, { "docid": "15714131", "text": "the track and an 'interlude' with distorted female groans. It is this version that is featured on the remix compilation album \"Vital Idol\" 1987 US/1988 Japan editions. The UK 12\" was also released as a limited-edition picture disc. To Be a Lover \"To Be a Lover\" is a song by Billy Idol from his 1986 album \"Whiplash Smile\". As the album's lead single, it became Idol's second top 10 hit in the US, peaking at No. 6 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and No. 22 on the UK Singles Chart. The song was co-written (with Booker T. Jones) and originally", "title": "To Be a Lover" }, { "docid": "8026220", "text": "The track was also a hit in Canada, reaching No.11 on the hit parade for Toronto radio station CHUM, the country's most influential rock music broadcaster (national charts for Canada were not published during the chart run of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\"). A scout for English record producer George Martin discovered \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" when Warwick's version took off in the United States, suggesting to Martin that the song would be a strong UK single for Shirley Bassey. However, Martin saw the song as a vehicle for Cilla Black, the Liverpool vocalist whose star potential had yet", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "8026221", "text": "to be realized despite her association with The Beatles, her recording of the Lennon-McCartney original \"Love of the Loved\" having been only a modest hit (No.35). Martin produced the session for Black's recording of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" at Abbey Road Studios; the arrangement was by Johnny Pearson and the session personnel included guitarists Vic Flick and Big Jim Sullivan and The Breakaways vocal group. Black's single of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" debuted at No.28 on the UK Top 50 dated 8 February 1964. The Dionne Warwick original, issued by Scepter's UK licensee Pye Records, debuted on the", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "5968829", "text": "blue, and \"riding out\" (cavalry) refer to the American Civil War. However the drum beat and cavalry \"riding out\" is not specific to the American Civil War, and blue uniforms were common in the 19th century. That being said, Paper Lace themselves performed the song on \"Top of the Pops\" wearing Union-style uniforms, as can be seen on YouTube. A young woman is distraught that her fiancé chooses to enlist with Army recruiters passing through the town, causing her to implore him: The song goes on to describe how Billy is killed in action in a pitched battle after volunteering", "title": "Billy Don't Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "8026230", "text": "Black's versions of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" were released as singles: Warwick's version rose as high as No.11 while Black's peak was No.34. Warwick had the hit with \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in Belgium (Flemish Region), the Netherlands and South Africa, reaching No.4 in each territory. Petula Clark was on the roster of Pye Records, Warwick's UK label, and therefore in a position to almost immediately cover \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in several foreign language versions for the international market. Clark reached No.7 in France with \"Ceux Qui Ont Un Coeur\" in the spring of 1964 then", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "8026225", "text": "sung the standard lyric in live performance. Also, arranger Johnny Pearson utilized a bassoon solo for the instrumental break in Black's version as opposed to the saxophone utilized in the Warwick original. Cilla Black, interviewed for that \"Great Performances\" telecast, expressed her awareness of Warwick's disenchantment: \"It was a No.1; Dionne was dead choked and she's never forgiven me to this day.\" It was in fact Burt Bacharach himself who backed Cilla to record this song for a British release, after Dionne Warwick had a hit in America with it. \"At one point it looked as if Shirley Bassey would", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "8026222", "text": "chart for the following week at No.42; by then Black's version had reached No.10, ascending in the subsequent two weeks to No.2 and then No.1, while Warwick's version concurrently ended its chart run with two weeks at No.47. On the chart dated 29 February 1964, besides Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" at No.1 for the first of three weeks and Warwick's version in its final chart week at No.47, the UK Top 50 featured a third version of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" as the version by Mary May made its one-week appearance at No.49. On 25 April 1964,", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "10519234", "text": "models. Lee, he said, was his hero. As he had before, Lee said how touched he was by Matthew's words. Nell said that her best moment during the show was when Lee told her he was proud of her. She said that her father was her hero. She believed that a strong man was the center of a strong family and that with her father growing older she knew that he wouldn't be with her much longer, so she cherished every day she had with him. Lee then told Fat Momma that she was one of his heroes. As the", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "8026231", "text": "No.5 in Italy with \"Quelli che hanno un cuore\" that September; in October 1964 Clark reached No.1 in Spain - for a two-week period - with \"Tú no tienes corazón\". The success of Petula Clark's translated version of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" did not preclude the Dionne Warwick original reaching No.7 in Spain; Warwick's version also charted in France at No.57 and in Italy at No.30. In Germany, Clark's specialized cover, \"Alles ist nun vorbei\", was assigned a tandem chart ranking with both the Dionne Warwick and the Cilla Black versions of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" by with", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "10927926", "text": "other songs also gained popularity like \"Saaton Janam\", \"Maine Paidal\", \"Main Tujko Bahga Laya\", \"Mohobbat Ki Nahi\" and \"U. P. Wala\". Poornima earned herself a Zee Cine awards nomination for \"Sona Kitna Sona Hain\", but lost the Filmfare award to Lata Mangeshkar for \"Dil To Pagal Hai\". Hero No. 1 Hero No.1 is a 1997 Indian Hindi comedy-drama film directed by David Dhawan. It stars Govinda and Karishma Kapoor in lead roles. Most of the film's story is inspired by \"Bawarchi\", a comedy film directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. It was remade in Telugu as \"Goppinti Alludu.\" Rajesh Malhotra (Govinda) is", "title": "Hero No. 1" }, { "docid": "10927920", "text": "Hero No. 1 Hero No.1 is a 1997 Indian Hindi comedy-drama film directed by David Dhawan. It stars Govinda and Karishma Kapoor in lead roles. Most of the film's story is inspired by \"Bawarchi\", a comedy film directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee. It was remade in Telugu as \"Goppinti Alludu.\" Rajesh Malhotra (Govinda) is the son of a wealthy businessman Dhanraj Malhotra (Kader Khan). However, he is not happy at his home since his father does not let him live his life his way. He escapes from his home and reaches Europe. Meena (Karishma Kapoor) is the granddaughter of Dinanath (Paresh", "title": "Hero No. 1" }, { "docid": "9687396", "text": "the center following allegations of guards sexually assaulting and sexually harassing detainees, and retaliation against those who filed complaints about the abuse. Williamson County commissioners in Taylor voted 4-1 on June 25, 2018, in the wake of a crisis of immigrant detention of children separated from their mothers who had been taken into custody, to end its participation in an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with CoreCivic, in 2019. The facility was holding some of those imprisoned mothers. T. Don Hutto Residential Center The T. Don Hutto Residential Center (formerly known as T. Don Hutto Family Residential Facility, and the T. Don", "title": "T. Don Hutto Residential Center" }, { "docid": "8119256", "text": "regional hit on the Hall-Way label. The melody of the song is almost identical to Stephen Foster's \"Beautiful Dreamer.\" \"Bar with No Beer\" was recorded by Tom T. Hall in 1985 on the album \"Song in a Seashell\". Johnny Cash, who also performed the song, advised him to record it. Anne Kirkpatrick & Slim Dusty, Bobbejaan Schoepen (Benelux, Germany, Austria, 1959/60), Johnny Cash, Bluey Francis, Errol Gray, Foster & Allen, Gordon Parsons, the Irish Rovers, Johnny Greenwood, John Williamson (performed a parody version of the song called \"A Dog With No Hair\"), Nokturnl, Richard Clayderman, Rodney Vincent, the Singing Kettles,", "title": "A Pub with No Beer" }, { "docid": "8026216", "text": "around 950,000 copies. Petula Clark also recorded \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in several foreign language versions for the international market. Clark reached No.7 in France with \"Ceux Qui Ont Un Coeur\" in the spring of 1964, then No.5 in Italy with \"Quelli che hanno un cuore\" that September. In October 1964, Clark reached No.1 in Spain - for a two-week period - with \"Tú no tienes corazón\". \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was presented to Dionne Warwick in unfinished form while she, Burt Bacharach and Hal David were rehearsing in Bacharach's Manhattan apartment for an upcoming recording session. Bacharach", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "10088673", "text": "Don T. Griswold Ensign Don T. Griswold, Jr., (8 July 1917 – 6 June 1942) was a United States Naval Aviator, who was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions during the Battle of Midway. Born in Bryan, Texas, he attended Iowa State and after graduation joined the Naval Aviation Corps. During the Battle of Midway, 6 June 1942, his Douglas SBD-3 \"Dauntless\" scout-bomber scored a hit on a Japanese ship but was hit by antiaircraft fire and plunged into the sea. Griswold's radioman-gunner, Kenneth Cecil Bunch, also died. Ensign Griswold was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.", "title": "Don T. Griswold" }, { "docid": "12478132", "text": "I Don't Want to Be a Hero \"I Don't Want to be a Hero\" is a 1987 song by the British band Johnny Hates Jazz. It reached #11 in the UK top 40 in August 1987 spending 10 weeks on the chart. It is taken from their #1 album \"Turn Back the Clock\". The song was written by the band's lead singer and main songwriter, Clark Datchler. It has a strong anti-war sentiment and is written from the perspective of a soldier who is questioning their participation in what they consider an unjust war. The band's American record company were", "title": "I Don't Want to Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "10088674", "text": "The \"Evarts\"-class short-hull destroyer escort USS Griswold (DE-7) was named for him and launched in 1943. Don T. Griswold Ensign Don T. Griswold, Jr., (8 July 1917 – 6 June 1942) was a United States Naval Aviator, who was posthumously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions during the Battle of Midway. Born in Bryan, Texas, he attended Iowa State and after graduation joined the Naval Aviation Corps. During the Battle of Midway, 6 June 1942, his Douglas SBD-3 \"Dauntless\" scout-bomber scored a hit on a Japanese ship but was hit by antiaircraft fire and plunged into the sea.", "title": "Don T. Griswold" }, { "docid": "8026224", "text": "with Warwick. In a 1995 edition of \"Great Performances\" which saluted Burt Bacharach, Warwick stated that Black's version of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" replicated Warwick's to the point where had Warwick coughed while recording her vocal for the original track or had that track's organist hit a wrong note, those features would have been present on Black's cover. In fact - whether intentionally or not - Black's original recording features distinct lyrics on the chorus with Black singing \"who couldn't be another heart\" rather than the original and standard lyric \"you couldn't really have a heart\": Black has always", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "9687388", "text": "2006, Hutto became an immigrant-detention facility detaining immigrant families. The facility was turned into a women's detention center in 2009. In July 1997, the T. Don Hutto Correctional Facility by was opened by CCA as a medium security prison. By 2000, Tennessee-based CCA's stocks hit their lowest, as it suffered from \"poor management\", prison riots and escapes. It had failed in the 1990s in its \"bid to take over the entire prison system of Tennessee.\" It is named after T. Don Hutto, who along with Robert Crants and Tom Beasley, co-founded CCA on January 28, 1983 in Nashville, Tennessee. In", "title": "T. Don Hutto Residential Center" }, { "docid": "8026215", "text": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song) \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" is a song written by Burt Bacharach (music) and Hal David (lyrics) for Dionne Warwick in 1963. In January 1964, Warwick's original recording hit the Top Ten in the United States, Canada, Spain, Netherlands, South Africa, Belgium and Australia. In the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and New Zealand, Warwick's recording lost out to a cover version by Cilla Black. Black's version was a UK number-one hit for three weeks in February/March 1964 and was also the fourth best-selling single of 1964 in the UK, with sales of", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "10386387", "text": "towel worn by James in some of his most famous sketches. The winner is selected from five nominees performing during the New Zealand International Comedy Festival. Five judges select a winner based on their proven comedic ability, talent, dedication and potential. In 2003, Mike Loder was blacklisted from the 2004 festival after sending fake congratulatory letters to nominees Sully O’Sullivan and Penny Ashton. In 2005, Philip Patston, the 1999 winner who is gay and disabled, volunteered to give up his award in response to the rhetoric and policies of the National Party under Don Brash. Billy T Award The Billy", "title": "Billy T Award" }, { "docid": "10519210", "text": "asked each of them why they should not be eliminated. After each hero replied, Lee made another cut. Nitro G was sent home. The show opened with Stan Lee appearing on the television, announcing another challenge. Each hero was to write questions to ask each other anonymously, then send the questions via pneumatic tube to Lee. Lee soon announced a second challenge, focusing on valor and will. Following the challenge, Lee announced the remaining superheroes would be treated to new costumes. While most of the costume updates were uneventful, Ty'Veculus's caused a bit of controversy. His old helmet was replaced", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "19032704", "text": "year, there were 521 pupils, of whom 69% were Christian and 31% Jewish. In 1948, the new communist regime changed the institution's name to Secondary School No. 1; \"Laurian\" was restored in 1960. During the 1960s and '70s, the school saw the establishment of a periodical, a museum and annual reunions, as well as material improvements. In 1999, a decade after the Romanian Revolution, it was granted the title of national college. The school building is listed as a historic monument by Romania's Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs. A. T. Laurian National College A. T. Laurian National College ()", "title": "A. T. Laurian National College" }, { "docid": "14966712", "text": "I Wouldn't Be a Man \"I Wouldn't Be a Man\" is a song written by Mike Reid and Rory Michael Bourke. Originally recorded by Don Williams, it has also been released as a single by Billy Dean, and covered by Josh Turner. Williams's version of the song was a Top Ten country hit in late 1987–early 1988, while versions by Dean and Turner also charted. Williams' version of the song appears on his 1987 album \"Traces\" for Capitol Records. It was released as a single in October of that year and his version peaked at number nine on the Hot", "title": "I Wouldn't Be a Man" }, { "docid": "10519206", "text": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1) Who Wants to Be a Superhero? is a reality show hosted by Stan Lee. Contestants dress up as comic book superheroes of their own invention. Each week, Lee challenges the contestants to represent what \"superheroes are all about\". One or more of the superheroes deemed the least deserving is eliminated per episode. Season 1 premiered on July 27, 2006 on the Sci Fi Channel cable network. Key: The superheroes and their alter egos were introduced. Each character was profiled in true comic fashion and they had a party. Stan Lee then gave", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "8026219", "text": "the Land of Make Believe\" and included session drummer Gary Chester. According to published reports, Warwick nailed the tune in only one take – though an alternative remix of the take appears on a compilation album released in 1976 by Springboard International. Released on the Scepter label in November 1963, \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" broke in Detroit, where it reached No.1 that December. The track became Warwick's first Top Ten single in January 1964, peaking at No.8 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and the \"Cash Box\" Pop 100 that February, also reaching No.6 on the \"Cash Box\" R&B chart.", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "12478133", "text": "reluctant to release the single in the U.S. because of its anti-war stance. The song makes references to conscription and propaganda. The international music video for the song was directed by Andy Morahan. In 1988, Japanese singer Yōko Nagayama covered the song, \"反逆のヒーロー\". I Don't Want to Be a Hero \"I Don't Want to be a Hero\" is a 1987 song by the British band Johnny Hates Jazz. It reached #11 in the UK top 40 in August 1987 spending 10 weeks on the chart. It is taken from their #1 album \"Turn Back the Clock\". The song was written", "title": "I Don't Want to Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "8026237", "text": "hit \"All the Grey Haired Men\" (#109); it is the second track on the first side of their album \"Goin' Out of My Head\" (Capitol ST2865). Peter Rivera of Rare Earth sang lead on a 1975 remake of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" fronting HUB. In 2008, the Shelby Lynne recording from \"Just a Little Lovin\"' was issued as a digital single release. Wynonna Judd performed \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" on the TNT special \"One Amazing Night\" broadcast in 1998; her version is included on the soundtrack album. Judd also performed the song with Dionne Warwick on the latter's", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "9913510", "text": "animators credited (and uncredited) include: Willard Bowsky, Nick Tafuri, George Germantetti, Harold Walker, Bill Sturm and Orestes Calpini. The film was originally produced in Black & White but was colorized in the late 1980s. It was released produced in the United States of America. You Gotta Be a Football Hero \"You Gotta Be a Football Hero\" is a song written by Al Sherman, Buddy Fields and Al Lewis in 1933. It is one of the most widely recorded and performed American football anthems of all time. In 1935, \"You Gotta Be a Football Hero\" was the subject of a Popeye", "title": "You Gotta Be a Football Hero" }, { "docid": "9913509", "text": "You Gotta Be a Football Hero \"You Gotta Be a Football Hero\" is a song written by Al Sherman, Buddy Fields and Al Lewis in 1933. It is one of the most widely recorded and performed American football anthems of all time. In 1935, \"You Gotta Be a Football Hero\" was the subject of a Popeye the Sailor cartoon. The film was produced by the Fleischer Studios and distributed by Adolph Zukor. Popeye, Olive Oyl, Bluto and J. Wellington Wimpy were each featured in the cartoon. The short film was directed by Dave Fleischer and produced by Max Fleischer. The", "title": "You Gotta Be a Football Hero" }, { "docid": "8026235", "text": "a return to recording by the 1960s hitmaker, although that particular track would not be her comeback vehicle as despite its single release (credited to B.E.F. Presents Sandie Shaw) the track fell short of the UK Top 50; it was a lower chart item (#71) in Australia. Atomic Kitten reunited to remake \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" for the 2008 album \"Liverpool - The Number Ones Album\", to which the group member Natasha Hamilton (with Kush) contributed a remake of Cilla Black's subsequent single and #1 \"You're My World\". Issued as a digital single release, \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\"", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "2024186", "text": "sometimes assisted by \"allies\". As the hero faces the \"ordeal,\" he encounters the greatest challenge of the journey. Upon rising to the challenge, the hero will receive a reward, or \"boon\". Campbell's theory of the monomyth continues with the inclusion of a metaphorical \"death\" and \"resurrection\". The hero must then decide to return with this \"boon\" to the \"ordinary world\". The hero then faces more trials on \"the road back\". Upon the hero's return, the boon or gift may be used to improve the hero's ordinary world, in what Campbell calls, the \"application of the boon\". While many myths do", "title": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" }, { "docid": "8806414", "text": "jobs. He received his Combat Armor by accident during their house-warming party, when he ordered pizza from 'Sensational Cafeteria' or SECA and instead received the suit. After realizing the suit gave him incredible strength and that he is required to pay for the armor, Taro decides to become a hero for hire, performing various heroic tasks and odd-jobs for the townspeople of Corja. \"Rent A Hero\" was released for the Mega Drive on September 20, 1991, in Japan by Sega. It was later released on the Wii's Virtual Console download service on April 17, 2007. \"Rent A Hero No. 1\",", "title": "Rent a Hero" }, { "docid": "16831310", "text": "Half a Hero Half a Hero is a 1953 American comedy film starring Red Skelton and Jean Hagen. Directed by Don Weis, the film was written by Max Shulman and released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Freelance writer Ben Dobson (Skelton) lands his first full-time writing job at a national magazine, tasked with rewriting other authors' work. His wife Martha (Hagen) uses this as the perfect time to start their family, and four years later pressures Ben into moving from New York City to the suburbs, where he's swiftly living beyond his means. His boss then wants him to write a story on", "title": "Half a Hero" }, { "docid": "5032285", "text": "Black played the guitar, and Rich Tancredo also performing on the keyboards. Walter Afanasieff played the synth horns. Carey provided her own background vocals along with Billy T. Scott, Jamiliah Muhammed and The Billy T. Scott Ensemble. The song was released in the United Kingdom as the fifth and final single. \"There's Got to Be a Way\" is an R&B-pop music song with elements of gospel, lasting for a duration for four minutes and 52 seconds. The theme of social activism can be heard in the lyrics \"There’s got to be a way / to connect this world today.\" The", "title": "There's Got to Be a Way" }, { "docid": "10386386", "text": "Billy T Award The Billy T Award is a New Zealand comedy award recognizing up-and-coming New Zealand comedians with outstanding potential. It has been presented annually since its inception in 1997 when Cal Wilson and Ewen Gilmour shared the award. The Billy T was shared between two comedians until 2001 when it became a solo award. The awards are an initiative of the New Zealand Comedy Trust to ‘foster and encourage outstanding New Zealand talent.' The Billy T Awards were named in honour of New Zealand comedian Billy T. James. The winner receives ‘the yellow towel’ in tribute to the", "title": "Billy T Award" }, { "docid": "8200212", "text": "also received a trip for two to Universal Studios Florida to participate in the park's Parade of Superheroes. Season 1 premiered on July 27, 2006 on the Sci Fi Channel. Season 2 premiered on July 26, 2007. Lee and his creative partner Gil Champion refused to confirm or deny rumors of a third season and Champion, in a shared 2007 interview with iF Magazine, stated \"I guess it's a little early.\" A third sesson never materialized. Lee also co-created a British children's version of the series. The twelve-hero cast of the first season was: The ten-hero cast of the second", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero?" }, { "docid": "7697793", "text": "A Hit Is a Hit \"A Hit Is a Hit\" is the 10th episode of the HBO original series \"The Sopranos\". Written by Joe Bosso and Frank Renzulli, and directed by Matthew Penn, it originally aired on March 14, 1999. \"* = credit only\" Paulie, Chris, and Pussy kill a drug dealer as a warning to his organization to stay away from the ports in Newark, which is DiMeo family territory. They steal cash from the scene, a big score that Tony states should be used legitimately, such as an investment in an IPO. Tony gives Dr. Bruce Cusamano, his", "title": "A Hit Is a Hit" }, { "docid": "10094113", "text": "are not different takes or remixes. The album was digitally remastered and reissued on CD on November 29, 2011, by Collectables Records. Anyone Who Had a Heart (album) Anyone Who Had a Heart is the second album by American singer Dionne Warwick, released in 1964 on the Scepter label. It was produced by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. The album is notable for including the title track, which became Warick's first top ten hit on the Billboard Hot 100. Also featured are three tracks which appeared on her first album, \"Presenting Dionne Warwick\" issued the year before: \"Don't Make Me", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (album)" }, { "docid": "10094112", "text": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (album) Anyone Who Had a Heart is the second album by American singer Dionne Warwick, released in 1964 on the Scepter label. It was produced by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. The album is notable for including the title track, which became Warick's first top ten hit on the Billboard Hot 100. Also featured are three tracks which appeared on her first album, \"Presenting Dionne Warwick\" issued the year before: \"Don't Make Me Over\", '\"This Empty Place\", and \"I Cry Alone\". These three tracks are exactly identical to the versions on the previous album, and", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (album)" }, { "docid": "20000946", "text": "T. Don Hutto Terrell Don Hutto, \"T. Don Hutto\", was one of the three co-founders of Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), whose establishment marked the beginning of the private prison industry during the era of former President Ronald Reagan. In 1983, Hutto, Robert Crants and Tom Beasley formed CCA with the initial investments from Jack C. Massey, the founder of Hospital Corporation of America, Vanderbilt University, the Tennessee Valley Authority. The T. Don Hutto Residential Center, one of CCA's detention centers, was named after him. Hutto parents were Winnie Elvenia Cusler Hutto and Terrell Sanford Hutto, a farmer who died", "title": "T. Don Hutto" }, { "docid": "20663041", "text": "2017, it was announced that AARP had formed their own production company called AARP Studios. It was further reported that the company's first production would be a series starring comedian Don Rickles entitled \"Dinner with Don\". The first season was set to consist of ten episodes and feature guests including Billy Crystal, Robert De Niro, Jimmy Kimmel, Amy Poehler, Vince Vaughn, Paul Rudd, Marisa Tomei, and Martin Scorsese. The series was set to be executive produced by Robert Bauer, C. Scot Cru, Patrice Choghi, and Tony Oppedisano. Production companies involved with the series were to include Stamper Lumber Media Group,", "title": "Dinner with Don" }, { "docid": "8026234", "text": "Olympic Studios on 21 January 1964. The Breakaways – who sang on Cilla Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" - also sing on Springfield's recording. Shirley Bassey, the vocalist for whom \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was brought to the UK, recorded it only in 1978 for her \"The Magic Is You\" album with veteran producer Nick DeCaro. He had previously produced a version by Vikki Carr included on the 1968 album \"The Way of Today!\". The 1982 B.E.F. album \"Music of Quality and Distinction, Vol. 1\" featured a rendering of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" by Sandie Shaw, marking", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "17991194", "text": "at Roll7 and got much better at it whilst working on Not a Hero, but don't plan to return to it - I think that outside of a nostalgic choice there should be a good reason to use it\". The game was later picked up by Devolver Digital, who had published OlliOlli as well. BunnyLord was later given his own Twitter account to post his ideas and opinions about politics, as well as parodying it. On 21 April 2015, \"Not a Hero\" was announced to be hacked, although it later turned out to be official demo being released. For that,", "title": "Not a Hero" }, { "docid": "10519213", "text": "get by two attack dogs. Three were nominated for elimination: Cell Phone Girl, for giving up in only four seconds because she had a headache, Iron Enforcer, for getting 12 inches away from the door and crying \"Uncle\" and Creature, for laughing even though she did not complete the challenge. Cell Phone Girl was sent home. The episode started with Stan Lee interrupting the heroes' breakfast for a meeting. Lee said that often, a hero's villain defines the hero, and drew comparisons to Spider-Man's Green Goblin, Superman's Lex Luthor and Batman's Joker. As murmurs went up from the heroes, the", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "4389950", "text": "Phil Wright's Original 70s Paper Lace) the band initially questioned appearing. However, with the show having weekly viewing figures of 7 million, they concluded that going on the programme was a \"no brainer\", and the band won Opportunity Knocks for five consecutive weeks. Based on Opportunity Knocks' performances, songwriters (Mitch Murray and Peter Callander) offered the band \"Billy Don't Be a Hero\", with the possibility of more songs if it took off. Billy Don't Be a Hero would spend three weeks at Number 1 on the UK Singles Chart in March 1974, with a total of 14 weeks on the", "title": "Paper Lace" }, { "docid": "10519235", "text": "season ended, Feedback flew off-screen and was seen flying through space. Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1) Who Wants to Be a Superhero? is a reality show hosted by Stan Lee. Contestants dress up as comic book superheroes of their own invention. Each week, Lee challenges the contestants to represent what \"superheroes are all about\". One or more of the superheroes deemed the least deserving is eliminated per episode. Season 1 premiered on July 27, 2006 on the Sci Fi Channel cable network. Key: The superheroes and their alter egos were introduced. Each character was profiled in true", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "16831311", "text": "those suburbs, titled \"slums of tomorrow.\" Martha happily embraces her new environment and friendly neighbors, but Ben is cynical about their life there and decides they should return to the city. However, while showing their home to another prospective buyer, Ben realizes he would miss the home's personal touches, and they should stay. According to MGM records the film earned $661,000 in the US and Canada and $230,000 elsewhere, resulting in a profit of $68,000. Half a Hero Half a Hero is a 1953 American comedy film starring Red Skelton and Jean Hagen. Directed by Don Weis, the film was", "title": "Half a Hero" }, { "docid": "15106684", "text": "via Twitter that they had finished tracking the first batch of new songs. After nearly a year without performing live, A Hero A Fake announced a new 17 stop tour on November 9, 2011. This was the band's first tour west of Texas and they made their first appearances in California. On October 17, 2011 A Hero A Fake released a pre-album version of a new song \"The Constant\". The band announced a new album via their Facebook page on January 19, 2012 to be released during summer 2012 on Victory Records. On May 23, 2012 AHAF announced the name", "title": "A Hero A Fake" }, { "docid": "10519230", "text": "Scott Satin that she wanted to leave the show out of fear for Feedback, who she felt was taking the show so seriously that it would devastate him to be eliminated. Stan left the heroes to talk among themselves. Feedback assured her that if he were eliminated he would have no regrets. At the elimination, all three were nominated. Lee told Major Victory that while he was entertaining for the kids in the school room, he failed to explain the origin of his superhero or inspire them. He told Feedback that while he had a good story, it went over", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "11948425", "text": "with his inquiry. He starts the conversation by asking if his boss, Mr. Hawkins, had paid her for the work he had accomplished on the plantation. His mother responds that she has received the money but that it was to be saved in order to buy clothes for the winter. Dave presents to her his proposition and she responds by saying, “[g]it outta here! Don yuh talk t' me bout no gun! Yuh a fool!\" Dave persuades her by stating that the family needs a gun, and that if he bought it he would surrender it to his father. Despite", "title": "The Man Who Was Almost a Man" }, { "docid": "13591172", "text": "track is an unreleased Jackson song that has a melody and lyrics which resembles America's \"A Horse with No Name\", a single that became a number one hit upon its release in 1972 and helped the group's debut album \"America\" achieve multi-platinum status. The \"St. Louis Post-Dispatch\" stated that the two songs were \"just about identical\". Despite the similarities between \"A Horse with No Name\" and \"A Place with No Name\", it was revealed that Jackson had been given permission to record the latter composition. To date, it is not known when the track was recorded, although it has been", "title": "A Place with No Name" }, { "docid": "2415035", "text": "with both viruses. Allogenic bone marrow transplantation has been investigated in the treatment of HTLV-1 disease with varied results. One case report describes an HTLV-1 infected woman who developed chronic refractory eczema, corneal injury and adult T cell leukemia. She was subsequently treated with allogenic stem cell transplantation and had complete resolution of symptoms. One year post-transplant, she has had no recurrence of any symptoms, and furthermore has had a decrease in her proviral load. Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 or human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-I), also called the adult T-cell lymphoma virus type", "title": "Human T-lymphotropic virus 1" }, { "docid": "18009896", "text": "No. 1 (film series) No. 1 series is a Bollywood comedy film series starring Govinda in the lead role. \"Coolie No. 1\" (1995) was the first in a series of films which had Govinda in the title role and became a major box office success. It was followed by \"Hero No. 1\" (1997), \"Aunty No. 1\" (1998), \"Anari No.1\" (1999), \"Beti No.1\" (2000) and \"Jodi No.1\" (2001) all featuring Govinda in the lead role. \"Coolie No. 1\", \"Hero No. 1\" and \"Jodi No.1\" were directed by David Dhawan with whom Govinda has done 17 films as of 2014. Kader Khan", "title": "No. 1 (film series)" }, { "docid": "2024196", "text": "says that he started \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\" but refused to finish it: \"I think I got about half way through \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\" and found myself thinking if this is true—I don't want to know. I really would rather not know this stuff. I’d rather do it because it's true and because I accidentally wind up creating something that falls into this pattern than be told what the pattern is.\"Many scholars and reviewers have noted how closely J. K. Rowling's popular \"Harry Potter\" books hewed to the monomyth schema. Dan Harmon, the creator of", "title": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" }, { "docid": "2024183", "text": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces The Hero with a Thousand Faces (first published in 1949) is a work of comparative mythology by Joseph Campbell. In this book, Campbell discusses his theory of the mythological structure of the journey of the archetypal hero found in world myths. Since the publication of \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\", Campbell's theory has been consciously applied by a wide variety of modern writers and artists. Filmmaker George Lucas acknowledged Campbell's theory in mythology, and its influence on the \"Star Wars\" films. The Joseph Campbell Foundation and New World Library issued a new edition", "title": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" }, { "docid": "4708029", "text": "he had to leave high school in order to help on the farm while his father was ill. He was the older brother of infielder Bobby Klaus, who played for the Cincinnati Reds and New York Mets in 1964–65. After nine games played and seven at bats without a hit during brief trials for the 1952–53 Braves, Billy Klaus was included in one of the most important trades of the early 1950s, when Milwaukee sent him to the New York Giants on February 1, 1954, with pitchers Johnny Antonelli and Don Liddle and catcher Ebba St. Claire (plus $50,000) for", "title": "Billy Klaus" }, { "docid": "8738233", "text": "Thomas. The channel played the full spectrum of hit songs from 1970 to 1979, spanning pop, soul, rock, and disco. Some songs that went on to be considered decade kitsch were spotlighted in a bottom-of-the-hour feature called \"Jukebox from Hell\". Totally '70s Totally '70s was an all-1970s music channel on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 7 and Dish Network channel 6007. It was replaced by '70s on 7 after the Sirius-XM merger. \"The Totally 70's Satellite Survey\" was hosted by Dave Hoeffel. Actor Barry Williams, who starred as Greg Brady on the 1970s TV' series \"The Brady Bunch\", hosted \"The Real", "title": "Totally '70s" }, { "docid": "2024185", "text": "from the introduction to \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\", Campbell summarizes the monomyth: In laying out the monomyth, Campbell describes a number of stages or steps along this journey. \"The hero's journey\" begins in the \"ordinary world\". He must depart from the \"ordinary world\", when he receives a \"call to adventure\". With the help of a \"mentor\", the hero will cross a \"guarded threshold\", leading him to a supernatural world, where familiar laws and order do not apply. There, the hero will embark on a \"road of trial\"s, where he is tested along the way. The archetypal hero is", "title": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" }, { "docid": "3204551", "text": "2013, the album \"My Hope: Songs Inspired by the Message and Mission of Billy Graham\" was recorded by Amy Grant, Kari Jobe, Newsboys, Matthew West, tobyMac and other music artists with new songs to honor Graham during his \"My Hope America with Billy Graham\" outreach and the publication of his book \"The Reason for My Hope: Salvation\". Other songs written to honor Graham include \"Hero of the Faith\" written by Eddie Carswell of NewSong, which became a hit, \"Billy, You're My Hero\" by Greg Hitchcock, \"Billy Graham\" by The Swirling Eddies, \"Billy Graham's Bible\" by Joe Nichols, \"Billy Frank\" by", "title": "Billy Graham" }, { "docid": "2024197", "text": "the TV show \"Community\", has stated that he has used the monomyth as inspiration for his work. The sixth and final season of \"Lost\" recognizes Campbell's theories on the hero. During one of the bonus features, the makers of the series discuss the journey of the main characters and how each is a hero in their own way. Before each little segment of this particular feature, they quote Campbell and then expound on that particular quote by discussing the various characters. The Hero with a Thousand Faces The Hero with a Thousand Faces (first published in 1949) is a work", "title": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" }, { "docid": "18193809", "text": "is a Hero\" was the 15th-best selling animation BD in Japan of 2015's half yearly sales list, having earned 58,961 copies in total. The first film ranked No. 1 on the mini-theater rankings in Japan. The second film also ranked No. 1 on the mini-theater rankings when it was released, outselling the first film. Yuki Yuna is a Hero The story takes place on the Japanese island Shikoku in the fictional city of Sanshu, based on the real-life city of Kan'onji in Kagawa Prefecture, in the 300th year of the . Yūna, Mimori, Fū, and Itsuki are all members of", "title": "Yuki Yuna is a Hero" }, { "docid": "15113187", "text": "A World with No Skies A World With No Skies is a debut album by hip hop artist Slaine. The album was originally scheduled for release on October 26, 2010, and copies were actually pressed and ready for distribution when Slaine and Surburban Noize chose to hold back and substantially rework the album due to sample clearance issues. To make up for the delay, Slaine released his mixtape \"The Devil Never Dies\" at the same time the album had been expected to hit shelves. The original version of the album leaked after Nokia Digital accidentally released a digital version for", "title": "A World with No Skies" }, { "docid": "2211267", "text": "and was based upon interviews with more than fifty friends and colleagues of Billy as well as wife Lynn and sister Ngaire. In December 2010, funding was given for the production of a biographical film based on Billy T. James' life. In March 2011, it was revealed the film was to be titled \"Billy\" and would star Tainui Tukiwaho as Billy and Morgana O'Reilly as wife Lynn. The film premiered on 21 August 2011 on TV One. Liberties were taken for dramatic purposes including arguments with co-writer and television partner Peter Rowley and a minor heart-attack while filming, neither of", "title": "Billy T. James" }, { "docid": "13591173", "text": "reported that Jackson and America shared a manager—believed to be Jim Morey—in the late 1980s and late 1990s. Jackson's version of \"A Place with No Name\" is not the first song by a member of the musical Jackson family to sample the work of America. Janet Jackson's hit \"Someone to Call My Lover\" — from the 2001 album \"All for You\" — samples \"Ventura Highway\", a song from America's 1972 \"Homecoming\" album. According to Dr. Freeze, the version of \"A Place with No Name\" that leaked is the final version Michael heard and approved in 2008, which is credited as", "title": "A Place with No Name" }, { "docid": "7697797", "text": "beat Richie with his own guitar. Chris takes the demo to Hesh, who has a history in the music business and feels that the song has no potential. Massive claims to be impressed, but he seems more interested in Adriana than in the music. When Chris angrily notes this to Adriana, she accuses him of trying to hold her back and storms out. Later, during a sit-down with Hesh, Chris claims that Massive is a relative of a deceased artist with whom Hesh once worked and claims Hesh owes $400,000 in royalties to the artist's mother. When Hesh refuses to", "title": "A Hit Is a Hit" }, { "docid": "8183014", "text": "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll () is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe. The troll is, as commonly depicted, not very intelligent and has poor vision, while the boy is clever, outwitting the troll to win an eating contest. A farmer sent his sons to cut wood in a forest he owned, to pay off debts. A troll threatened them as they came, one by one; the two older ones allowed themselves to be chased off, but the youngest son (known in", "title": "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll" }, { "docid": "5723755", "text": "consequences of his power-play – goes into a drunken stupor. Finally, left with no other option, in front of the King, Rumata openly accuses Don Reba of kidnapping a famous physician whom he (Rumata) had invited to tend to King's maladies. The ensuing events prove that Don Reba has anticipated and prepared for this. After confessing that he, in fact, kidnapped Dr. Budah, fearing that the man is not to be trusted with King's life, don Reba apologizes. He then brings forward a physician, introducing him as Dr. Budah. The next night, Rumata, whose turn it is to guard the", "title": "Hard to Be a God" }, { "docid": "18897911", "text": "I Wish I Had a Nickel \"I Wish I Had a Nickel\" is a song composed written by W.S. Barnhart and Tommy Sutton. The song was a hit for country singer Jimmy Wakely but is mostly associated with Hank Williams, who performed it on KWKH in Shreveport, Louisiana as part of the Johnny Fair Syrup radio show along with Wakely's other hit, \"Someday You'll Call My Name.\" MGM obtained the right to these recordings and released \"I Wish I Had a Nickel\" as the B-side to \"There's No Room in My Heart for the Blues\" in 1956 as a posthumous", "title": "I Wish I Had a Nickel" }, { "docid": "11046232", "text": "A Desert Hero A Desert Hero is a 1919 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle. The film is considered to be lost. Arbuckle plays a miner who has struck gold. He comes into a frontier town called Carbolic Camp looking for a good time. The town is wild and woolly; anybody who takes the job of sheriff is killed within minutes. Looking to change his gold into cash, Arbuckle enters Hyena Hall, a dancehall run by an enormous bully named Bullneck Bradley. The locals scheme to steal his gold. The star dancing girl refuses to be", "title": "A Desert Hero" }, { "docid": "112211", "text": "Death of a Hero Death of a Hero is a World War I novel by Richard Aldington. It was his first novel, published by Chatto & Windus in 1929, and thought to be partly autobiographical. \"Death of a Hero\" is the story of a young English artist named George Winterbourne who enlists in the army at the beginning of World War I. The book is narrated by an unnamed first-person narrator who claims to have known and served with the main character. It is divided into three parts. The first part details George's family history. His father, a middle-class man", "title": "Death of a Hero" }, { "docid": "12730691", "text": "US top 20. Album track \"Give a Little Bit More\", which was co-written by Andy Hill, who was about to become famous as writer and producer for Bucks Fizz, was released in some countries as a single, as was \"In the Night\" - although this wasn't the same as the Barbara Dickson song which was released around the time (and was also produced by Tarney). \"Give a Little Bit More\" gave Richard a third hit from the album in the US, peaking at No.41. \"I'm No Hero\" was remastered and re-issued on compact disc in July 2001. Side One Side", "title": "I'm No Hero" }, { "docid": "112217", "text": "than for me to say what I don't believe. Death of a Hero Death of a Hero is a World War I novel by Richard Aldington. It was his first novel, published by Chatto & Windus in 1929, and thought to be partly autobiographical. \"Death of a Hero\" is the story of a young English artist named George Winterbourne who enlists in the army at the beginning of World War I. The book is narrated by an unnamed first-person narrator who claims to have known and served with the main character. It is divided into three parts. The first part", "title": "Death of a Hero" }, { "docid": "11046233", "text": "part of the scheme and is thrown out into the street. Arbuckle gets into a fight with the town bully; when he wins, he is elected sheriff. He falls in love with the dancing girl, who reforms and joins the Salvation Army. While the Salvation Army is holding a meeting in front of the dancehall, Arbuckle overhears the dancehall owner making disparaging remarks. They fight; Arbuckle wins and makes everyone present join the Salvation Army. A Desert Hero A Desert Hero is a 1919 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle. The film is considered to be", "title": "A Desert Hero" }, { "docid": "7697798", "text": "pay, Massive threatens to sue. Hesh then threatens a counter-suit over the unauthorized sampling by Massive's record label of a song that Hesh's label still controls, leaving them at loggerheads. As Massive fumes over the impasse, Tony and his crew comment on the irony of modern-day celebrities like Massive being idolized as \"gangsters.\" A Hit Is a Hit \"A Hit Is a Hit\" is the 10th episode of the HBO original series \"The Sopranos\". Written by Joe Bosso and Frank Renzulli, and directed by Matthew Penn, it originally aired on March 14, 1999. \"* = credit only\" Paulie, Chris, and", "title": "A Hit Is a Hit" }, { "docid": "10519217", "text": "Then he said he was going to do something different. He told the superheroes that he was going to let them appreciate how hard his job was by having each one tell who they thought should be eliminated and why. All of them nominated themselves, except two: Tyveculus, who nominated Lemuria, and Fat Momma, who nominated Feedback. He told the heroes that this had been a test of self-sacrifice and that while he could not know the true motives of those who had nominated themselves, they had given him the answer he wanted. Lee told Fat Momma that while she", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "7399125", "text": "remained in the goblin base of the original version. Many of the town buildings were planned to be enterable. Also, magic users were supposed to be able to get a familiar like Zara had, but it was cut due to programming difficulties. The game was originally released as \"Hero's Quest: So You Want to Be a Hero\" but was re-released in 1990 as \"Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero\" because of trademark issues involving the \"HeroQuest\" board game. The original game sported EGA graphics, while the remake had VGA graphics. According to Corey Cole, one of", "title": "Quest for Glory: So You Want to Be a Hero" }, { "docid": "6362942", "text": "Billy Graham (comics) William Henderson Graham (July 1, 1935 – April 4, 1997) was an African-American comics artist best known for his work on the Marvel Comics series \"Luke Cage, Hero for Hire\" and the \"Jungle Action\" feature \"Black Panther\". A graduate of New York City's Music & Art High School, Billy Graham drew artistic influences from the work of Al Williamson, Frank Frazetta, Burne Hogarth, and George Tuska. One of his earliest comics projects was illustrating writer Don Glut's \"Death Boat!\" in \"Vampirella\" #1 (Sept. 1969), one of Warren Publishing's influential black-and-white horror comics magazines. Graham would pencil and", "title": "Billy Graham (comics)" }, { "docid": "9687395", "text": "officials announced that T. Don Hutto would no longer house immigrant families. Instead, only female detainees will be housed there. ICE and Williamson County entered into a new contract, changing the facility to a non-criminal women’s only detention center. In September 2009, the last families left the facility and were moved to the much smaller Berks Family Residential Center in Pennsylvania. In 2010 a former supervisor at T. Don Hutto was arrested on charges related to alleged sexual assault at the Detention Facility he was convicted of 5 misdemeanor charges. In 2017 the FBI initiated a civil rights investigation against", "title": "T. Don Hutto Residential Center" }, { "docid": "8026232", "text": "a peak achieved of No.37 in May 1964, marking Warwick's sole German chart entry until 1982's \"Heartbreaker\" and Black's sole German charting ever. The orchestra on Petula Clark's versions of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was conducted by Tony Hatch. The instrumentation of Clark differs from that of the versions by Dionne Warwick and Cilla Black in utilizing an organ for the solo on the instrumental break rather than a saxophone as on the Warwick original or a bassoon as on Black's cover. Petula Clark has never recorded \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in English, feeling that both Dionne Warwick", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "15106678", "text": "which would be the last lineup change for the next three years. In December 2007, A Hero A Fake entered The Basement Recording studios with producer Jamie King to record their first full-length album. The band released the songs \"I Know I\", \"F-16\", and \"Superwoman\" on MySpace in April 2008. Three months later the band announced via their MySpace that they had signed a record deal with Chicago, Illinois based Victory Records. Their debut full-length \"Volatile\" was released on October 28, 2008 to mixed reviews noting the band's use of \"non-standard song structures\" and its \"fresh approach to technical metal.\"", "title": "A Hero A Fake" }, { "docid": "16707464", "text": "was twenty he joined the cotton firm Robinson and Hero, and later owned and operated the business under his own name. In 1889 Lehman, Stern and Company hired him to run its cotton futures department. When the company incorporated in 1896, he became its vice president. Hero retired from the cotton business in 1912. He owned a derelict plantation on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Canals dug there during the early 19th century in order to grow sugar and cotton had degraded after the Civil War, and the swampy land was almost worthless. Hero's neighbors showed no interest", "title": "George A. Hero" }, { "docid": "490852", "text": "Don Giovanni refuses to repent, has been a captivating philosophical and artistic topic for many writers including George Bernard Shaw, who in \"Man and Superman\" parodied the opera (with explicit mention of the Mozart score for the finale scene between the Commendatore and Don Giovanni). Gustave Flaubert called \"Don Giovanni\", along with \"Hamlet\" and the sea, \"the three finest things God ever made.\" E. T. A. Hoffmann also wrote a short story derived from the opera, \"Don Juan,\" in which the narrator meets Donna Anna and describes Don Juan as an aesthetic hero rebelling against God and society. In some", "title": "Don Giovanni" }, { "docid": "16240430", "text": "of its stations. Three stations were launched under the Smooth Radio brand; \"Smooth 60s\", \"Smooth 70s\" and \"Smooth Soul\". On 1 November 2011, GMG Radio launched a dedicated station playing nothing but Christmas music, under the brand \"Smooth Christmas\". The station, on the Digital One multiplex, had no news or advertisements but did promote Smooth Radio and broadcast until 27 December 2011. Smooth Christmas was subsequently replaced on a trial basis by \"Smooth 70s\", playing tracks from the 1970s. The station was received positively by listeners, and in January 2012 GMG Radio confirmed a deal with US syndication firm Premiere", "title": "Smooth 70s" }, { "docid": "15586357", "text": "to receive government grants. In 2011, the Wish Upon a Hero Foundation sponsored Iraq War veteran in the \"Hike for our Heroes\" as he hiked across the U.S. to raise money for military families in need. The Divine 9 golf fundraiser is an annual celebrity pro-am golf championship benefiting people and families with blood cancer. Since 2004, Divine 9 has raised more than $1 million toward leukemia and lymphoma research. At the 2010 event, Divine 9 granted a 'wedding' wish to a leukemia patient who posted her wish for a dream wedding on the Wish Upon A Hero website. Wish", "title": "Wish Upon A Hero" }, { "docid": "2211268", "text": "which occurred. Both Peter Rowley and James' daughter criticised the inaccuracies of the production in the press. A documentary entitled \"Billy T: Te Movie\" was released theatrically in August 2011. Directed by Ian Mune, it proved popular with both theatre-goers and reviewers, becoming the week's top box office performer on the week of release with $263,000 in sales. \"Te Movie\" is now available on DVD. In 2011, Peter Rowley wrote and starred in \"Billy T & Me\", a one-man show which combined Rowley's memories of working alongside Billy with archival video footage. The show toured New Zealand and was made", "title": "Billy T. James" }, { "docid": "12212226", "text": "secretly in love with Wood, becomes very jealous. Jade had just given birth to a pair of twins in China House when the Gold Ninja set fire to the building. During the chaos, Bigot, a traitor, kidnapped Sword's twin sister and disappeared. There have been no news of her since then. Jade died in Hero's arms shortly after due to excessive blood loss during childbirth. Shadow continues narrating the story. After Jade's death, Hero met a fortune teller, who told him he was born under the Star of Death and is destined to lead a life of loneliness because misfortune", "title": "A Man Called Hero" }, { "docid": "10519208", "text": "not greedy. Lee gave each superhero a secret communicator so he might interact with them privately. The 1st challenge was a \"Quick Change\". The contestants were to be summoned by Lee in public. They had to find an inconspicuous location where they would not be seen, change into their costume and then race to a destination \"in true superhero-like fashion\". However, a child actress in the role of a small girl who needed help finding her mother was placed en route as a surprise to see if the heroes would respond to someone in need. Lee explained that in the", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Superhero? (season 1)" }, { "docid": "6750961", "text": "sixth No. 1 in Canada. It ended as the No. 31 song of the year. In the '70s some of the Bee Gees' songs were deemed too uptempo for AC/Easy Listening Radio which led to \"You Should Be Dancing\" only reaching No. 25 on that chart. It also hit No. 4 in Ireland. In Australia, where the brothers spent a number of years in their youth, it managed only to nick the top 20. \"You Should Be Dancing\" is known today as the first chart-topper in which Barry Gibb uses his now-trademark falsetto in a lead vocal (he had previously", "title": "You Should Be Dancing" }, { "docid": "491528", "text": "Western media as the \"real-life \"Slumdog Millionaire\"\". Of all the international versions, the Japanese version has produced the most number (38) of top prize winners, including juniors. The most recent \"Millionaire\" winner is Hansani Kavindi in the Sri Lankan version, who won Rs. 2,000,000 on December 8, 2018. \"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?\" debuted in Britain on 4 September 1998, with episodes broadcast on the ITV network. When it began airing, the show was hosted by Chris Tarrant, and became an instant hit – at its peak in 1999, one edition of the show was watched by over 19", "title": "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" } ]
Banting and Best pioneered the use of what?
[ "Insulin antagonists", "Human Mixtard", "Insulin recombinant purified human", "INS (gene)", "Insulin Human", "C65R", "Insulin recombinant human", "C257H383N65O77S6", "Insulin purified pork", "Actraphane", "Insulin zinc susp recombinant human", "Insuline", "Insulin zinc susp prompt beef", "Insullin", "Insulin zinc susp semisynthetic purified human", "Insulin aspart recombinant", "B10H", "Insulin purified beef", "Insulin gene", "Insulin zinc susp extended recombinant human", "Aktrapid", "Oral insulin", "Insulin zinc susp purified pork", "Human mixtard", "Insulin zinc susp extended beef", "Insulin zinc susp extended purified beef", "Insulin release", "Insulin zinc susp purified beef", "Actrapid", "Insulin glargine recombinant", "Insulin zinc susp prompt purified pork", "Insulin pork", "Iletin i (beef-pork)", "Iletin II", "Insulin zinc susp beef", "Mixtard", "Insulin, porcine", "Insulin" ]
[ { "docid": "16803223", "text": "Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is an initiative of the University of Toronto which facilitates business mentorship and the development of commercially viable innovations. The goal of the Centre is to foster start-up companies by supporting new ideas as they are developed and then during the incubation phase on through commercialization. The centre was launched in September, 2012, in the Banting and Best buildings on College Street, Toronto. The 50,000 square foot Centre was named after Frederick Banting and Charles Best, co-discoverers of insulin, a treatment for diabetes", "title": "Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship" }, { "docid": "818475", "text": "Frederick Banting Sir Frederick Grant Banting (November 14, 1891 – February 21, 1941) was a Canadian medical scientist, physician, painter, and Nobel laureate noted as the co-discoverer of insulin and its therapeutic potential. In 1923 Banting and John James Rickard Macleod received the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Banting shared the award money with his colleague, Dr. Charles Best. , Banting, who received the Nobel Prize at age 32, remains the youngest Nobel laureate in the area of Physiology/Medicine. In 1923 the Government of Canada granted Banting a lifetime annuity to continue his work. In 1934 he was knighted by King", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818481", "text": "realized that this procedure would destroy the trypsin-secreting cells but not the insulin. Once the trypsin-secreting cells had died, insulin could be extracted from the islets of Langerhans. Banting discussed this approach with J. J. R. Macleod, Professor of Physiology at the University of Toronto. Macleod provided experimental facilities and the assistance of one of his students, Charles Best. Banting and Best, with the assistance of biochemist James Collip, began the production of insulin by this means. As the experiments proceeded, the required quantities could no longer be obtained by performing surgery on living dogs. In November 1921, Banting hit", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "13439814", "text": "that saved their lives or the lives of their loved ones. Banting lived at the house in London for ten months, beginning in June, 1920. He attempted a private medical practice and when it was unsuccessful, he began working at the University of Western Ontario; his research for a lecture there was what inspired his 25 word idea that provided the key to discovering insulin, and prevented the certain death of those affected by diabetes. Banting returned to the University of Toronto to begin his research on insulin in the spring of 1921. Banting House is dedicated to the story", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "818495", "text": "the biography by Michael Bliss, and on television. The National Film Board of Canada produced a short film in 1958, \"The Quest\", about his initial insulin experiments on dogs. The 1988 television movie \"Glory Enough for All\" depicted the search for insulin by Banting and Best, with R. H. Thomson starring as Banting. Banting is also portrayed by Jason Priestley boarding his fatal flight in the 2006 historical drama \"Above and Beyond\". Prior to the award of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 1923—which he shared with Macleod—he received the Reeve Prize of the University of Toronto (1922).", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "6150720", "text": "Banting Memorial High School Banting Memorial High School is a public secondary institution serving grades 9-12, located in Alliston, Ontario, Canada. It is part of the Simcoe County District School Board and currently has a student population of about 1550. The principal is Alberto Bernardi. The school is named in honour of Sir Frederick Grant Banting, a key member of the Canadian scientific team that discovered how to extract and use insulin for treating diabetes mellitus. Alliston, Ontario, Canada was the home town of Sir Frederick Banting, and is also the foundation of his homestead. Banting Memorial offers attending students", "title": "Banting Memorial High School" }, { "docid": "818501", "text": "Banting and contributed to the discovery of the pancreatic hormone insulin, which led to an effective treatment for diabetes. In the spring of 1921, Banting travelled to Toronto to visit J.J.R. Macleod, professor of physiology at the University of Toronto, and asked Macleod if he could use his laboratory to isolate pancreatic extracts from dogs. Macleod was initially sceptical, but eventually agreed before leaving on holiday for the summer. Before leaving for Scotland he supplied Banting with ten dogs for experiment and two medical students, Charles Best and Clark Noble, as lab assistants. Since Banting required only one assistant, Best", "title": "Charles Best (medical scientist)" }, { "docid": "13439817", "text": "was operational. Banting House features archival materials, artifacts, and other ephemera associated with Banting as co-discoverer of insulin, doctor, and artist, as well as his involvement in the first and second world wars. One gallery depicts the kind of office Banting might have had, and contains several of his belongings, including his original medicine cabinet, and a graduated cylinder Banting used during his time at the University of Western Ontario. The apothecary in the next room features a sink that Banting installed for his medical practice. Other galleries in the museum hold original belongings of Banting as well, most notably", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "818498", "text": "honour the 100th anniversary of Sir Frederick Banting's birth. It was buried by the International Diabetes Federation Youth Representatives and Governor General of Canada Ray Hnatyshyn. It will be exhumed if a cure for diabetes is found. Sir Frederick Banting received honorary degrees from several Universities: Frederick Banting Sir Frederick Grant Banting (November 14, 1891 – February 21, 1941) was a Canadian medical scientist, physician, painter, and Nobel laureate noted as the co-discoverer of insulin and its therapeutic potential. In 1923 Banting and John James Rickard Macleod received the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Banting shared the award money with his", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "2780529", "text": "with a discussion of Banting. Banting was a distant relative of Sir Frederick Banting, the co-discoverer of insulin. Banting's body is buried with those of his wife and daughter at Brompton Cemetery, London, England. William Banting William Banting (\"c.\" December 1796 – 16 March 1878) was a notable English undertaker. Formerly obese, he is also known for being the first to popularise a weight loss diet based on limiting the intake of carbohydrates, especially those of a starchy or sugary nature. He undertook his dietary changes at the suggestion of Soho Square physician Dr. William Harvey, who in turn had", "title": "William Banting" }, { "docid": "13439820", "text": "It represents Canada's gift to the world, and embraces Banting House's visitors from abroad, with the names of every country listed on it. Banting House Banting House is known as \"The Birthplace of Insulin.\" Located at 442 Adelaide Street North in London, Ontario, Canada, it is the house where Sir Frederick Banting woke up at two o'clock in the morning on October 31, 1920 with the idea that led to the discovery of insulin. Since 1984, the house has been a museum dedicated to Banting's discovery and his life. An addition at the back houses the London & District Branch", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "19818497", "text": "Banting Research Foundation The Banting Research Foundation is a registered charity whose object is to fund health and biomedical research in Canada. It was established to support the ongoing research of Frederick Banting and his associates. The Banting Research Foundation was created in 1925 to commemorate the discovery of insulin and to support further medical research by Banting and other scientists in Canada, in the hopes of finding additional medical discoveries of equal importance. A fundraising campaign in 1925, led by Sir William Mulock, Chancellor of the University of Toronto, raised $500,000 from individual and corporate donors to establish an", "title": "Banting Research Foundation" }, { "docid": "19818500", "text": "Rev Canon Henry J Cody, Charles Strange MacDonald, William Edward Gallie, John Gerald FitzGerald, Velyien Ewart Henderson, and John William Rogers. Banting Research Foundation The Banting Research Foundation is a registered charity whose object is to fund health and biomedical research in Canada. It was established to support the ongoing research of Frederick Banting and his associates. The Banting Research Foundation was created in 1925 to commemorate the discovery of insulin and to support further medical research by Banting and other scientists in Canada, in the hopes of finding additional medical discoveries of equal importance. A fundraising campaign in 1925,", "title": "Banting Research Foundation" }, { "docid": "13439813", "text": "Banting House Banting House is known as \"The Birthplace of Insulin.\" Located at 442 Adelaide Street North in London, Ontario, Canada, it is the house where Sir Frederick Banting woke up at two o'clock in the morning on October 31, 1920 with the idea that led to the discovery of insulin. Since 1984, the house has been a museum dedicated to Banting's discovery and his life. An addition at the back houses the London & District Branch of the Canadian Diabetes Association. For many that have been touched by diabetes, the house is an emotional reminder of Banting's scientific contribution", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "3670626", "text": "moon, when it is between quarter and full. These phases all provide just enough shadow to outline the details of the lunar surface without its being too dark, whereas the full moon is too bright, washing out all details. Banting (crater) Banting is a small, bowl-shaped lunar impact crater located near the middle of the Mare Serenitatis on the Earth's moon. Originally named Linné E, in 1973 the crater was renamed for Sir Frederick Banting in honour of his outstanding medical contributions – the most famous being his discovery of insulin. Linné itself, named after the 18th-century Swedish botanist Carl", "title": "Banting (crater)" }, { "docid": "818502", "text": "and Noble flipped a coin to see which would assist Banting first. Best won and took the first shift. Loss of the coin toss proved unfortunate for Noble, given that Banting decided to keep Best for the entire summer and eventually shared half of his Nobel Prize money and a part of the credit for the discovery of insulin. Had Noble won the toss, his career might have taken a different path. MacLeod was overseeing the work of Banting, who had no experience of physiology, and his assistant Best. In December, when Banting and Best were having difficulties in refining", "title": "Charles Best (medical scientist)" }, { "docid": "3670621", "text": "Banting (crater) Banting is a small, bowl-shaped lunar impact crater located near the middle of the Mare Serenitatis on the Earth's moon. Originally named Linné E, in 1973 the crater was renamed for Sir Frederick Banting in honour of his outstanding medical contributions – the most famous being his discovery of insulin. Linné itself, named after the 18th-century Swedish botanist Carl von Linné, lies to the west-northwest. Other nearby craters are Sarabahi in the east-southeast and Hornsby located more than 100 km to the southwest. About 70–80 km to the east is Bessel H, a satellite crater of Bessel. About", "title": "Banting (crater)" }, { "docid": "6512301", "text": "Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School is a high school located in London, Ontario, Canada. It was officially opened in 1969, and has history of excellence in the arts, in sports and in community service. Banting is recognized for having a strong French Immersion program and a music program. The school is named after Sir Frederick Banting, who won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin in 1923. The school participated in CBC's mini-series, \"The Greatest Canadian\", in which Sir Frederick Banting was nominated. Irene Mathyssen, the current Member of Parliament for London-Fanshawe, taught English", "title": "Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School" }, { "docid": "818503", "text": "the pancreatic extract and monitoring glucose levels, MacLeod assigned the biochemist James Collip to the team. In January 1922, while Collip was working on insulin purification, Best and Banting administered prematurely their pancreatic extracts to 14-year-old Leonard Thompson, who suffered a severe allergic reaction. Eventually, Collip succeeded in preparing insulin in a more pure, usable form. Banting, Best and Collip shared the patent for insulin, which they sold to the University of Toronto for one dollar. In 1923, the Nobel Prize Committee honoured Banting and J. J. R. Macleod with the Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of insulin,", "title": "Charles Best (medical scientist)" }, { "docid": "18767125", "text": "Charles H. Best was born. Best was educated at the University of Toronto, and in 1921 began a fruitful collaboration with Drs. Frederick Banting and J.J.R. Macleod. On January 11, 1922, Best administered the first dose of insulin to a human subject. Although he was did not formally share in the Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded in 1923 to Banting and Macleod, the latter shared his prize money with Best. Best continued his successful research career with the development of several enzyme-based therapies. He died in 1978. His birthplace was purchased in 1959 by the American Diabetes Association, and transferred", "title": "Charles Best House" }, { "docid": "13439815", "text": "behind the discovery of insulin, as well as Banting's life and career. Its galleries focus on everything from his time spent in London, to his contributions in both World Wars, to his efforts as an artist. Some notable artifacts include Banting's original art, desk, medicine cabinet, and bed frame, as well as his Military Cross, the KBE, and his official replica of the Nobel Prize. Banting House was designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1997. For decades, the public viewed the house as the \"Birthplace of Insulin,\" and many individuals expressed their desire to have it turned into", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "818479", "text": "An article he read about the pancreas piqued Banting's interest in diabetes. Banting had to give a talk on the pancreas to one of his classes at the University of Western Ontario on November 1, 1920, and he was therefore reading reports that other scientists had written. Research by Naunyn, Minkowski, Opie, Sharpey-Schafer, and others suggested that diabetes resulted from a lack of a protein hormone secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. Schafer had named this putative hormone \"insulin\". The hormone was thought to control the metabolism of sugar; its lack led to an increase of sugar", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818482", "text": "upon the idea of obtaining insulin from the fetal pancreas. He removed the pancreases from fetal calves at a William Davies slaughterhouse and found the extracts to be just as potent as those extracted from the dog pancreases. By December 1921, he had also succeeded in extracting insulin from the adult pancreas. Pork and beef would remain the primary commercial sources of insulin until they were replaced by genetically-engineered bacteria in the late 20th century. In spring of 1922, Banting established a private practice in Toronto and began to treat diabetic patients. His first American patient was Elizabeth Hughes Gossett,", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818480", "text": "in the blood which was then excreted in urine. Attempts to extract insulin from ground-up pancreas cells were unsuccessful, likely because of the destruction of the insulin by the proteolysis enzyme of the pancreas. The challenge was to find a way to extract insulin from the pancreas prior to its being destroyed. Moses Barron published an article in 1920 which described experimental closure of the pancreatic duct by ligature; this further influenced Banting's thinking. The procedure caused deterioration of the cells of the pancreas that secrete trypsin which breaks down insulin, but it left the islets of Langerhans intact. Banting", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "19818498", "text": "endowment. A large bequest in 1948 from the estate of Kate E Taylor of Toronto added to the endowment. From its inception, the intent was to create a fund for researchers with \"good ideas but no money\", as was the situation for Banting when he approached JJR Macleod in 1921 with a request for facilities and resources to pursue his ideas about insulin. The Foundation continues that tradition by making grant funds available only to investigators whose research funding is limited. The Foundation was the first and virtually the only organization funding medical research in Canada until 1938 when the", "title": "Banting Research Foundation" }, { "docid": "16213102", "text": "of 1923, 25,000 patients were being treated in Canada and the United States. For this, Banting and laboratory director John MacLeod received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1923; both shared their Prize money with others in the team who were not recognized, in particular Best and Collip. Banting and Best made the patent available without charge and did not attempt to control commercial production. Insulin production and therapy rapidly spread around the world, largely as a result of this decision. Banting is honored by World Diabetes Day which is held on his birthday, November 14. The distinction", "title": "History of diabetes" } ]
[ { "docid": "16803224", "text": "developed in 1921. The Centre, managed by the University of Toronto, set up facilities to foster collaborative work between students, faculty and private enterprise by providing office space, courses and equipment. The centre has also provided jobs for students and recent graduates of the university. Soon after its establishment, the centre began raising money from private investors to fund startup companies. During the first year about $23 million was raised. As of 2016, the centre operates nine business accelerators. Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship The Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship is an initiative of", "title": "Banting and Best Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship" }, { "docid": "818489", "text": "was created in 1925 and provides funding to support health and biomedical research in Canada. Banting's name is immortalised in the yearly Banting Lectures, given by an expert in diabetes, and by the creation of the Banting and Best Department of Medical Research of the University of Toronto; Sir Frederick G Banting Research Centre located on Sir Frederick Banting Driveway in the Tunney's Pasture complex, Ottawa, ON; Banting Memorial High School in Alliston, ON; Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School in London, ON; Sir Frederick Banting Alternative Program Site in Ottawa, ON; Frederick Banting Elementary School in Montréal-Nord QC and École", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818483", "text": "daughter of U.S. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes. Banting and Macleod were jointly awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Banting split his half of the Prize money with Best, and Macleod split the other half of the Prize money with James Collip. Banting was appointed Senior Demonstrator in Medicine at the University of Toronto in 1922. The following year he was elected to the new Banting and Best Chair of Medical Research, endowed by the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. He also served as Honorary Consulting Physician to the Toronto General, the Hospital for Sick", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "2780528", "text": "is still available on-line. The popularity of the pamphlet mentioned above was such that the questions \"Do you bant?\" or \"Are you banting?\", still occasionally in use today, refer to his method, and sometimes even to dieting in general. In Sweden \"banta\" is still the main verb for \"being on a diet\". Scientist Tim Noakes popularised Banting in South Africa when he named his high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet after Banting. Gary Taubes' study of carbohydrates, \"Good Calories, Bad Calories\", begins with a prologue entitled \"A brief history of Banting\" and discusses Banting at some length. Discussions of low-carbohydrate diets often begin", "title": "William Banting" }, { "docid": "4605670", "text": "Banting Banting is a town and the seat of Kuala Langat District, Selangor, Malaysia. Banting has a population of 93,497. The postal code for Banting is 42700. It is situated on the banks of Langat River (Sungai Langat in Malay). It is a Rest Town or \"Bandar Persinggahan\" of Federal route . The historical Jugra, a former royal town of Selangor is situated near Banting. Banting is located near the beaches of Morib, as well as hills, forest and farms. Banting is an agricultural hub. Its main agricultural resources include oil palm plantations, poultry farms, betel leaves and it has", "title": "Banting" }, { "docid": "818492", "text": "and Labrador is a museum named after him which focuses on the circumstances surrounding the 1941 plane crash which claimed his life. The crater Banting on the Moon is also named after him for his contributions to medicine. During the voting for \"Greatest Canadians\" in late 2003, controversy rose over the future use of the Banting family farm in New Tecumseth which had been left to the Ontario Historical Society by Banting's late nephew, Edward, in 1998. The dispute centred on the future use of the 40 ha (100 acre) property and its buildings. In a year-long negotiation, assisted by", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818488", "text": "Mackey, the sole survivor, Banting died from his injuries the next day. Banting was \"en route\" to England to conduct operational tests on the Franks flying suit developed by his colleague Wilbur Franks. Banting and his wife are buried at Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Toronto. In 1994 Banting was inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame. In 2004, he was nominated as one of the top 10 \"Greatest Canadians\" by viewers of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. When the final votes were counted, Banting finished fourth behind Tommy Douglas, Terry Fox and Pierre Trudeau. Banting's namesake, the Banting Research Foundation,", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "6516732", "text": "the site is to demolish the house and sell the site as a commercial lot. The market value would be $225,000 ($250,000 site value minus $25,000 demolition cost). However, if the demolition costs rose to $55,000, the highest and best use would be the existing residential use, because the value as a commercial lot (now $195,000) would not exceed the existing value as a residence. This would be the highest and best use of the property, even though it is contrary to what actually exists. Even if the house is not razed and the site sold as a commercial lot,", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "818484", "text": "Children, and the Toronto Western Hospital. At the Banting and Best Institute, he focused his research on silicosis, cancer, and the mechanisms of drowning. In 1938, Banting's interest in aviation medicine resulted in his participation with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) in research concerning the physiological problems encountered by pilots operating high-altitude combat aircraft. Banting headed the RCAF's Number 1 Clinical Investigation Unit (CIU), which was housed in a secret facility on the grounds of the former Eglinton Hunt Club in Toronto. During the Second World War he investigated the problems of aviators, such as \"blackout\" (syncope). He also", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "16240078", "text": "SMS Banting Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting (; abbreviated BASIS) is a boarding school in Banting, Selangor. It is one of the Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (SBP), or fully residential boarding schools, in Malaysia and is the only one in its district (Kuala Langat). The inauguration of the school was on 17 November 2011 and became fully operational on 22 January 2012 with the entry of form 2/2012 and new or second intake student registration of form 1/2012 on 4 January 2012. Tuan Haji Muhamad Kamaludin bin Taib is the first and current principal of Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting. At that time,", "title": "SMS Banting" }, { "docid": "818487", "text": "Territories), Georgian Bay, French River and the Sudbury District. Banting married twice. His first marriage was to Marion Robertson in 1924; they had one child, William (born 1929-, died 1998). They divorced in 1932 and Banting married Henrietta Ball in 1937. In February 1941, Banting died of wounds and exposure following the crash of a Lockheed L-14 Super Electra/Hudson in which he was a passenger, in Musgrave Harbour, Newfoundland. After departing from Gander, Newfoundland, both of the plane's engines failed. The navigator and co-pilot died instantly, but Banting and the pilot, Captain Joseph Mackey, survived the initial impact. According to", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "4605671", "text": "a number of industrial areas. It is also the home town of the famous Malaysian badminton player Rashid Sidek. Among the places, popular in Banting are: Jugra - former Selangor's Capital (ibu negeri)before Kuala Lumpur - Sultan Abdul Samad ibni Almarhum Tengku Abdullah Bandar Temasha - former Sultan of Selangor Royal Town - Sultan Alaeddin Sulaiman Syah ibni Almarhum Raja Muda Musa- the place of birth Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Hisamudin Alam Syah Among the schools, colleges and others institution in Banting are: International School: Fully Residential School: College: Fully Residential College: Polytechnic Other Institutions Banting", "title": "Banting" }, { "docid": "2780525", "text": "James’s Street, London, was among the most eminent companies of funeral directors in Britain. As funeral directors to the Royal Household itself, the Banting family conducted the funerals of King George III in 1820, King George IV in 1830, the Duke of Gloucester in 1834, the Duke of Wellington in 1852, Prince Albert in 1861, Prince Leopold in 1884, Queen Victoria in 1901, and King Edward VII in 1910. The royal undertaking warrant for the Banting family eventually ended in 1928 with the retirement of William Westport Banting. In 1863, Banting wrote a booklet called \"Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to", "title": "William Banting" }, { "docid": "818497", "text": "A \"Flame of Hope\" was lit by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother in 1989 as a tribute to Dr. Frederick Grant Banting and all the people that have lost their lives to diabetes. The flame will remain lit until there is a cure for diabetes. When a cure is found, the flame will be extinguished by the researchers who discover the cure. The flame is located at Sir Frederick Banting Square in London, Ontario, Canada beside the Banting House National Historic Site of Canada. A time capsule was buried in the Sir Frederick Banting Square in 1991 to", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818490", "text": "Banting Middle School in Coquitlam, BC. The \"Major Sir Frederick Banting, MC, RCAMC Award for Military Health Research\", sponsored by the True Patriot Love Foundation, is awarded annually by the Surgeon General to the researcher whose work presented at the annual Military and Veterans Health Research Forum is deemed to contribute most to military health. It was first awarded in 2011 in the presence of several Banting descendants. The \"Canadian Forces Major Sir Frederick Banting Term Chair in Military Trauma Research\" at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre was established in 2012. The first Chair holder is Colonel Homer Tien, Medical Director", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "20285192", "text": "Megan Banting Megan Banting (born 11 February 1996) is an Australian cricketer who plays as a batter and wicket-keeper for Western Fury and Perth Scorchers. Banting was raised in the Perth suburb of Tuart Hill. She made a memorable debut for Western Australia as a 14-year old in the Under 15s, in a match in which the WA team defeated New South Wales. At the 2012 Under 18 national titles, she scored 86 runs for WA, including 26 in the fifth-place final against South Australia. After making her Fury debut in 2014–15, Banting was selected in the Shooting Stars squad", "title": "Megan Banting" }, { "docid": "6481886", "text": "the number of universities that students can apply to, in 1991 the college introduced a new pre-university programme: the IB Diploma Programme. (The IB programme is recognised for admission into universities around the world.) To accommodate the growing programmes and students, a new 84-acre campus in Banting was constructed. On 1 July 1992, the new campus started operations under the name MRSM Banting with a 71 International Baccalaureate students from MRSM Cheras and 310 GCE A-Level students from MRSM Cheras and MRSM Seremban. In 1994, the name of the junior college was changed to Kolej MARA Banting (MARA College Banting)", "title": "Kolej MARA Banting" }, { "docid": "818491", "text": "of Sunnybrook's Tory Regional Trauma Centre and Senior Specialist and Trauma Adviser to the Surgeon General. The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is administered by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The fellowship provided up to two years of funding at $70,000 per year to researchers in health, natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities. Banting House, his former home located in London, Ontario, was declared a National Historic Site of Canada in 1997. The Banting Interpretation Centre in Musgrave Harbour, Newfoundland", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "13439819", "text": "headed during the Second World War, and an entire gallery filled with artwork done by Banting. Adjacent to the museum is Sir Frederick G. Banting Square, a garden with several information plaques, and three main attractions. Two of the attractions, a full-sized sculpture of Banting writing his life-altering idea down, and the Flame of Hope, were unveiled by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. The Flame of Hope, symbolizing the hope for a final cure for diabetes, was kindled by Her Majesty during her visit. The third attraction is the globe sculpture, which was added more recently in 2010.", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "16240083", "text": "into four houses. Their placement in the hostel is made according to their respective houses. It is a tradition for the students to acquire the spirits of their respective houses and support their houses in every aspect. The houses compete for the coveted House Of The Year award every year. URANIUM TITANIUM RADIUM PLUTONIUM SMS Banting Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting (; abbreviated BASIS) is a boarding school in Banting, Selangor. It is one of the Sekolah Berasrama Penuh (SBP), or fully residential boarding schools, in Malaysia and is the only one in its district (Kuala Langat). The inauguration of the", "title": "SMS Banting" }, { "docid": "2780524", "text": "William Banting William Banting (\"c.\" December 1796 – 16 March 1878) was a notable English undertaker. Formerly obese, he is also known for being the first to popularise a weight loss diet based on limiting the intake of carbohydrates, especially those of a starchy or sugary nature. He undertook his dietary changes at the suggestion of Soho Square physician Dr. William Harvey, who in turn had learned of this type of diet, but in the context of diabetes management, from attending lectures in Paris by Claude Bernard. In the early 19th century, the family business of William Banting of St.", "title": "William Banting" }, { "docid": "19673247", "text": "in the repechage and were eliminated. Sarah Banting Sarah Banting (born 9 November 1993) is an Australian rowing coxswain. She has won national championships and competed in the women's eight event at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Raised in Melbourne, Banting's senior rowing was from the Mercantile Rowing Club. Banting was first selected to represent Victoria in the women's youth eight in 2013 contesting the Bicentennial Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. In 2015 and 2016 she coxed successful Victorian senior women's eights who won the Queen's Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships.", "title": "Sarah Banting" }, { "docid": "19673244", "text": "Sarah Banting Sarah Banting (born 9 November 1993) is an Australian rowing coxswain. She has won national championships and competed in the women's eight event at the 2016 Summer Olympics. Raised in Melbourne, Banting's senior rowing was from the Mercantile Rowing Club. Banting was first selected to represent Victoria in the women's youth eight in 2013 contesting the Bicentennial Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. In 2015 and 2016 she coxed successful Victorian senior women's eights who won the Queen's Cup at the Interstate Regatta within the Australian Rowing Championships. Banting's national representative debut came in", "title": "Sarah Banting" }, { "docid": "20285194", "text": "the matches at the camp, she starred as a batter, with a score of 96 runs. During the 2016–17 season, Banting was once again the Fury wicketkeeper, and kept wickets for the Scorchers in December 2016. However, she was then replaced in the Scorchers team by Emily Smith, who had been the Hobart Hurricanes keeper during the WBBL|01 season. In November 2018, she was named in the Perth Scorchers' squad for the 2018–19 Women's Big Bash League season. Megan Banting Megan Banting (born 11 February 1996) is an Australian cricketer who plays as a batter and wicket-keeper for Western Fury", "title": "Megan Banting" }, { "docid": "6516719", "text": "for a property is arrived at. In any case where the market value of real property is sought, that value must be based on its highest and best use. Highest and best use is always that use that would produce the highest value for a property, regardless of its actual current use. The Appraisal Institute of Canada defines the term highest and best use as: The reasonably probable and legal use of property, that is physically possible, appropriately supported, and financially feasible, and that results in the highest value. The Appraisal Institute defines highest and best use as follows: The", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6512303", "text": "Alan Coulter played 13 years on the Canadian National Men's Volleyball Team and was captain part of those years. Banting is known for its athletics they offer a variety of sports and has a rich tradition of athletic excellence. Banting is a leader in the community and always has big turnouts for events, such as United Way programs and the annual S.C.R.O.O.G.E. campaign. They are also hosts of multiple leadership events, such as D.A.R.E. (Delegates Attaining Raw Experience), a two-day retreat at a camp, and Wildcard, an event that started in 1998 which allows grade eight students to see what", "title": "Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School" }, { "docid": "6516718", "text": "Highest and best use Highest and best use, or highest or best use (HBU), is a concept that originated with early economists such as Irving Fisher (1867-1947), who conceptualized the idea of maximum productivity. One of the earliest citations of the term is found in the Minutes of the Maine Legislature as early as 1831 in speaking about the assessment and valuation of real estate: \"...\"the land was classified preceding such change of use, had such real estate been assessed at its highest and best use\"...\" It is the concept in real estate appraisal that shows how the highest value", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516730", "text": "functional obsolescence. Further, there are three potential actions that can be undertaken regarding the existing improvements: Retention of the existing improvements, modification of the improvements or the development scheme of the site, or demolition and removal of the improvements. For example, house A in an area zoned for residential use may have a highest and best use as vacant and a highest and best use as improved that are both residential. A similar house B in a commercially zoned area may have a \"highest and best use as vacant\" as development to a commercial development, and the \"highest and best", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6150721", "text": "programs in Extended French courses and Specialist High Skills Major in Health & Wellness, Horticulture & Landscaping, Agriculture, and Transportation. The school participates in county sporting events under the name of the \"Marauders\".The school serves students residing in Alliston, Beeton, Tottenham, Hockley Valley and Adjala Township. As of 2018 the school board has recognized Banting Memorial as a priority school due to aging infrastructure, current recommendations are in place to renovate or rebuild the school building. The school's cheer is “deep in the heart of the Banting jungle you can hear Marauders rumble”. Banting Memorial High School Banting Memorial High", "title": "Banting Memorial High School" }, { "docid": "6512304", "text": "life at Banting is like with two full days of events and a sleepover. They also host events such as the annual Diabetes Walk, Relay for Life, and Inside Ride. The school also has a neighbouring adult ESL centre. Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School is a high school located in London, Ontario, Canada. It was officially opened in 1969, and has history of excellence in the arts, in sports and in community service. Banting is recognized for having a strong French Immersion program and a music program. The school is named after Sir Frederick Banting,", "title": "Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School" }, { "docid": "6516729", "text": "both \"as improved\" and \"as if vacant\". Vacant properties are generally only given the \"as vacant\" test. The Highest and Best Use as vacant may be the same or different as the Highest and Best use as improved. For improved properties, the first analysis applied is the use of the property based on the assumption that the parcel is vacant. Then, the analysis focuses on the use that should be made of the property as it is currently improved. The extent to which the existing improvements differ from the highest and best use as-if vacant, reveals the extent of any", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516721", "text": "net economics. An example might be an industrially-used site that can now be used legally for high-rise residential buildings, but would cost so much to clean up (remediate) that the value as currently used is higher. In that case, if it can be continued, the existing industrial use could be the highest and best use. In some cases appraisers are given specific instructions as to an assumed highest and best use. This use might not pass the tests discussed below as a legitimate highest and best use, and may very well produce a different value. One example of this might", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6481891", "text": "way with vendors (merchandises and food trucks) and, at the same time, get commissions from them. Students were guided by their teachers. Many activities and events were held during the Mega Fair. The college invited Heliza Helmi, PU Rahmat and Harith Othman to give a talk about business; the slot was called \"Sembang Santai\". Activities included a clown show, Kids Fashion Show, FootBall Match, Haunted House, Laser Tag, Zorbing and more. Kolej MARA Banting Kolej MARA Banting (; abbreviated KMB or MCB; formerly known as \"MRSM Banting\") is one of the four pre-university colleges operated by MARA. The school is", "title": "Kolej MARA Banting" }, { "docid": "6516733", "text": "the highest and best use is the commercial lot use. The market value of the property is driven by this hypothetical conversion, even if it never takes place, due to the utility that this potential conversion would bring to a purchaser. The economic concepts of utility and substitution drive the highest and best use analysis. The highest and best use of a property determines its utility to a potential purchaser. A purchaser will pay no more for a property than a competing property with the same utility would command, while a seller would accept no less than another seller of", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6481885", "text": "Kolej MARA Banting Kolej MARA Banting (; abbreviated KMB or MCB; formerly known as \"MRSM Banting\") is one of the four pre-university colleges operated by MARA. The school is state funded and headed by a director. It is a top-ranked IB world school, scoring above the international average in candidates with 45 IB points and candidates obtaining higher than 42 IB points. MCB is an International Baccalaureate World School since October 1990. Its history began in 1985 when the GCE A-Level programme was introduced in MARA Junior Science College Seremban (MRSM Seremban, now known as Kolej MARA Seremban). To diversify", "title": "Kolej MARA Banting" }, { "docid": "6516720", "text": "reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value. The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity. Alternatively, the probable use of land or improved property – specific with respect to the user and timing of the use – that is adequately supported and results in the highest present value.\". In some cases, a proposed use might be the highest and best use but for some cost that changes the", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6481887", "text": "to differentiate the college from the other MARA Junior Science Colleges and appropriately reflect the pre-university student body. The IB diploma depicts the name MARA College Banting in the transcript. The college has 94 lecturers with 41 support staff running day-to-day activities. Since May 2003, MARA College Banting has become a full-fledged 'IB World School'. Previously, MARA College Banting offered other pre-university programmes such as GCE A-Level and Matriculation but now only the IB programme. The college campus is in Bukit Changgang, Selangor, near Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Putrajaya. Students sit for their IB examination in May. Among the", "title": "Kolej MARA Banting" }, { "docid": "6516722", "text": "be a parkland valuation, where the appraiser has been instructed to ignore all other possible uses. Further, the highest and best use of a property can be a class of uses (such as retail or multi family), rather than a specific use (i.e. development of a fast food restaurant). In order to determine the maximum potential of a property Land Use developers often have to embark on a three-step analysis involving property analysis, entitlement and constraint analysis, and market analysis. In order to be considered as the highest and best use of a property however, any potential use must pass", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516731", "text": "use as improved\" may be for continued use as a single family residence. If the value of the commercial lot as vacant in \"House B\" exceeds the value of house as a residence as improved plus demolition costs, the overall highest and best use of this property would be the \"as vacant\" value of the commercial lot. For example, assume that \"House B\" has a value as a house of $200,000, and a site value as a commercial lot of $250,000 with a cost to demolish the house and prepare the site at $25,000. The highest and best use of", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516736", "text": "public such as clean water, pleasing scenery, erosion control, and recreation. Public Interest Value”\"”\" is potentially the most well known alternate valuation concept and has been discussed by many authors and specifically addressed in the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions (UASFLA)”\". In appraisals, an entity is assessed at its highest or best use to maximize value and increase revenue. However, the value of an entity at its highest or best use may not be greater than the value of an entity in its present use if remediation is required to convert the entity to a different use. Highest", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516723", "text": "a series of tests. The exact definition of highest and best use varies, but generally the use must be the following: Only those uses that are, or may be, legally permitted are potential highest and best uses. This may exclude uses that are not, and unlikely to become, permitted by zoning, land use planning, uses forbidden by government regulations, and uses prohibited by deed restrictions or covenants. Properties with a use that predates existing zoning or other property regulations may be \"legally nonconforming\". Such \"grandfathered uses\" are generally legal even though they do not meet current zoning or other regulations.", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "818496", "text": "In 1923, the Canadian Parliament granted him a Life Annuity of $7,500. In 1928 Banting gave the Cameron Lecture in Edinburgh. He was a member of numerous medical academies and societies in Canada and abroad, including the British and American Physiological Societies, and the American Pharmacological Society. In 1934 he was knighted as a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) and became an active Vice-President of the Diabetic Association (now Diabetes UK). In May, 1935 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. In 2004, Banting was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "16240080", "text": "to the 22nd place out of 68 SBP. In 2015, the batch Khattabians has put BASIS at the 13th place of 68 SBP thus becoming the 20th top schools for SPM 2014 in Malaysia. Sekolah Menengah Sains Banting is from the town of Banting. The school covers about of land in Jalan Sultan Suleiman Shah Jugra along with other institutions including Kuala Langat Community College, Selangor Matriculation College and Industrial Training Institute. BASiS has a multi-purpose hall, academic block, residential block (both student and teachers), a mosque, a dining hall and a canteen. The recreation and playground zones contain a", "title": "SMS Banting" }, { "docid": "13439818", "text": "his desk and his bed frame. The bed frame is kept in Banting's bedroom, and visitors are encouraged to take a moment or a picture with it, as it is not roped off like many other areas of the museum. Additionally, an official replica of the Nobel Prize medal co-awarded to Banting and Macleod is on display, as well as many of Banting's other medals. Other displays include the military gallery, which includes a representation of the type of operating room Banting would have worked in on the field during the First World War, some information on the projects he", "title": "Banting House" }, { "docid": "818476", "text": "George V. Frederick Banting was born on November 14, 1891, in a farm house near Alliston, Ontario. The youngest of five children of William Thompson Banting and Margaret Grant, he attended public high schools in Alliston. In 1910, he started at Victoria College, part of the University of Toronto, in the General Arts program. After failing his first year, he petitioned to join the medical program in 1912 and was accepted. He began medical school in September 1912. In 1914, he attempted to enter the army on August 16, and then again in October, but was refused due to poor", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "3670623", "text": "name the small craters around it with the same name followed by different letters of the alphabet. The new policy allowed deceased scientists who had contributed to biological knowledge, like Dr. Banting – as well as scientists from other fields and contributors to culture and knowledge, such as writers, composers, and artists – to have craters named after them. Previously, only the names of astronomers, others who had made important contributions to astronomy, and historical philosophers had been used. Banting is a \"simple\" impact crater. It is located in the Sea of Serenity, which is also known as Mare Serenitatis,", "title": "Banting (crater)" }, { "docid": "818485", "text": "helped Wilbur Franks with the invention of the G-suit to stop pilots from blacking out when they were subjected to g-forces while turning or diving. Another of Banting's projects during the Second World War involved using and treating mustard gas burns. Banting even tested the gas and antidotes on himself to see if they were effective. Banting developed an interest in painting beginning around 1921 while he was in London, Ontario. Some of his first pieces were done on the back of the cardboard in which his shirts were packed by the dry-cleaners. He became friends with The Group of", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "19673245", "text": "2013 when she steered the Australian eight at the 2013 U23 World Rowing Championships in Linz to a fourth placing in the final. The following year she was again in the stern of the Australian U23 eight when they achieved a fourth placing at the 2014 U23 World Rowing Championships in Varese. In 2015 Banting took the rudder of senior women's eight. She coxed that crew at two Rowing World Cups in Europe and then at the 2015 World Rowing Championships in Aiguebelette. They failed to make the A final and finished in overall eight place. Banting was the cox", "title": "Sarah Banting" }, { "docid": "818477", "text": "eyesight. Banting successfully joined the army in 1915 and spent the summer training before returning to school. His class was fast-tracked to get more doctors into the war and so he graduated in December 1916 and reported for military duty the next day. He was wounded at the Battle of Cambrai in 1918. Despite his injuries, he helped other wounded men for sixteen hours, until another doctor told him to stop. He was awarded the Military Cross in 1919, for heroism. Banting returned to Canada after the war and went to Toronto to complete his surgical training. He studied orthopedic", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "6516726", "text": "of the land as vacant exceeds the value of the property as improved less reversion/demolition costs, then redevelopment of the site becomes the maximally productive use of the property, and continued use of the existing improvements that do not represent the highest net value of the site is considered to be financially unfeasible. Finally, the use must generate the highest net return (profit) to the developer. A property that could hypothetically be developed with residential, commercial or industrial development might only have one of those uses as its highest and best use. These three hypothetical development scenarios follow to illustrate", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516725", "text": "would not fit on a site; therefore, that use would fail the physical possibility test. The highest and best use of a property must be financially feasible: the proposed use of a property must generate adequate revenue to justify the costs of construction plus a profit for the developer. In the case of an improved property, with obvious remaining economic life, the question of financial feasibility is somewhat irrelevant. In the case of an improved property with limited remaining economic life, the question of financial feasibility becomes a question of the maximally productive use of the site. If the value", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6512302", "text": "at the school until she was elected in the 2006 federal election. Banting shares an almost exact floor plan with its sister school, Montcalm Secondary School. Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School has produced the Canadian olympic athletes Jason Tunks, three-time Summer olympian discus-thrower, heptathlete Jessica Zelinka, and speed skater Christine Nesbitt, gold-medalist at the 2010 Winter Olympics in women's 1000 m and silver-medalist at the 2006 Winter Olympics in the women's team pursuit. Jude St. John, a Grey Cup-winning Canadian football player, also attended Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School as well as NHL players Mike Van Ryn & Steve Rucchin.", "title": "Sir Frederick Banting Secondary School" }, { "docid": "6516728", "text": "to the developer and this makes it the maximally productive use. In reality, short term constraints on availability of capital and labour, inevitable conflicts between the other key factors, as well as the predisposition and experience of the developers, often lead to developments that are not maximally productive, but are a compromise. They are productive enough and safe enough that the developer proceeds, but they are not maximally productive. James Graaskamp fully developed a model that reflects this reality more clearly, and termed it most probable use. The Test of Highest and Best Use is applied to an improved property", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "6516735", "text": "higher values for their non-timber amenities such as for recreation and conservation.” Organizations such as the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA), the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the Appraisal Institute have issued guidance to their members stating that the use of non-economic valuation concepts such as the above must not be used in connection with concepts such as Market Value and Highest and Best Use when engaging in typical appraisal assignments. However, proponents of alternate valuation metrics point out that valuing land through a purely economic perspective often fails to capture important benefits to the", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "11349185", "text": "What I Do the Best What I Do the Best is the fourth studio album by American country music artist John Michael Montgomery. The tracks \"Ain't Got Nothin' on Us\", \"Friends\", \"How Was I to Know\" and \"I Miss You a Little\" were all released as singles, peaking at #15, #2, #2 and #6, respectively on the Hot Country Songs charts, making this the first album of his career not to produce a #1 hit. The album was certified platinum by the RIAA for one million shipments in the US. \"Cloud 8\" was later recorded by Canadian country artist Gil", "title": "What I Do the Best" }, { "docid": "11349186", "text": "Grand on his 1998 debut album \"Famous First Words\". As listed in liner notes. What I Do the Best What I Do the Best is the fourth studio album by American country music artist John Michael Montgomery. The tracks \"Ain't Got Nothin' on Us\", \"Friends\", \"How Was I to Know\" and \"I Miss You a Little\" were all released as singles, peaking at #15, #2, #2 and #6, respectively on the Hot Country Songs charts, making this the first album of his career not to produce a #1 hit. The album was certified platinum by the RIAA for one million", "title": "What I Do the Best" }, { "docid": "10945153", "text": "What She Does Best What She Does Best is a studio album by country singer Lynn Anderson, released in 1988. It was her only album with Mercury records. Notable due to featuring her last charting single, \"What She Does Best\" did not chart and was commercially unsuccessful. It would be her last album for four years, as Anderson went into a brief retirement and officially retired from releasing singles. The singles from this disc were \"Under the Boardwalk\" (a cover version of The Drifters' hit), \"What He Does Best\", and \"How Many Hearts\". \"Under the Boardwalk\" reached No. 24; the", "title": "What She Does Best" }, { "docid": "10538627", "text": "of Gulong ng Palad which won most popular song from this album and awqarded by S Magazine as Song of the Year. Sabihin Mo Sa Akin was the theme song of Anne Curtis' Kampanerang Kuba, and finally, Dahil Nagmamahal became the theme song of ABS-CBN's show for Filipino workers abroad entitled Nagmamahal, Kapamilya hosted by Bernadette Sembrano.And. her carrier single, What I do Best won as Best Song Performed by a Female Artist given by iFM Pinoy Music Awards. What I Do Best What I Do Best is Sheryn Regis' second studio album under Star Records, released on July 2005", "title": "What I Do Best" }, { "docid": "10945154", "text": "other singles charted far outside the Top 40. \"How Many Hearts\" was the last single Anderson released, and it peaked at No. 69 on the country charts in 1989. The album's cover shows Anderson leaning on a fancy sports car, wearing a classic 1980s outfit. What She Does Best What She Does Best is a studio album by country singer Lynn Anderson, released in 1988. It was her only album with Mercury records. Notable due to featuring her last charting single, \"What She Does Best\" did not chart and was commercially unsuccessful. It would be her last album for four", "title": "What She Does Best" }, { "docid": "3670624", "text": "a large patch of lunar mare. Maria like Mare Serenitatis are dark, smooth areas created by lava pooling on the surface and then cooling, covering up any previously existing craters. They were originally called \"maria\" (\"seas\") because astronomers believed they were bodies of water. Banting is flanked by two U.S. lunar landing sites – those of Apollo 15 and 17 – which lie several hundred miles on either side of the crater. Mare Serenitatis is frequently perceived to be the eastern eye of the Man in the Moon. The Man in the Moon is on the near side of the", "title": "Banting (crater)" }, { "docid": "2780526", "text": "the Public\" which contained the particular plan for the diet he followed. It was written as an open letter in the form of a personal testimonial. Banting accounted all of his unsuccessful fasts, diets, spa and exercise regimens in his past. His previously unsuccessful attempts had been on the advice of various medical experts. He then described the dietary change which finally had worked for him, following the advice of another medical expert. \"My kind and valued medical adviser is not a doctor for obesity, but stands on the pinnacle of fame in the treatment of another malady, which, as", "title": "William Banting" }, { "docid": "3670622", "text": "50 km east is a wrinkle ridge known as Dorsum Azara. \"Banting\" was one of approximately fifty new names for lunar craters adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 1973. Choosing the names was the first step in the adoption of a new policy that involved broadening crater nomenclature. The policy was created because of photographs taken by the Apollo spacecraft, which provided an extremely detailed and crater-populated lunar map, essentially proving that a greater variety of names would be needed. The practice that had previously been used was to name one large crater after a selected individual and to", "title": "Banting (crater)" }, { "docid": "818478", "text": "medicine and, in 1919–1920, was Resident Surgeon at The Hospital for Sick Children. Banting was unable to gain a place on the hospital staff and so he decided to move to London, Ontario to set up a medical practice. From July 1920 to May 1921, he continued his general practice, while teaching orthopedics and anthropology part-time at the University of Western Ontario in London because his medical practice had not been particularly successful. From 1921 to 1922 he lectured in pharmacology at the University of Toronto. He received his M.D. degree in 1922, and was also awarded a gold medal.", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "818493", "text": "a provincially appointed facilitator, the Town of New Tecumseth offered $1 million to the Ontario Historical Society (OHS). The town intended to turn the property over to the Sir Frederick Banting Legacy Foundation for preservation of the property and buildings, and the Legacy Foundation planned to erect a Camp for Diabetic Youths. The day after the November 22, 2006, deadline for the OHS to sign the agreement, the OHS announced that it had sold the property for housing development to Solmar Development for more than $2 million. The Town of New Tecumseth announced it would designate the property under the", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "3670625", "text": "moon, which constantly faces Earth because of its tidally locked orbit. This makes Sir Frederick’s crater fairly central, since Mare Serenitatis is so easily viewed. Despite its location, Banting is a very small crater and can be difficult to see. A telescope must be used, and viewing during certain lunar phases is crucial to seeing such small craters, as well. It is recommended that, while it is waxing, the moon be viewed around the time of its first quarter; while it is waning, it should be viewed just before its last quarter. Craters may also be conspicuous during a gibbous", "title": "Banting (crater)" }, { "docid": "818486", "text": "Seven artists A. Y. Jackson and Lawren Harris, sharing their love of the rugged Canadian landscape. In 1927 he made a sketching trip with Jackson to the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. Later that year they traveled to RCMP outposts in the Arctic on the Canadian Government supply ship Beothic. The sketches, done both in oils on birch panels and in pen and ink, were named after the places he visited: Craig Harbour, Ellesmere Island; Pond Inlet, Baylot Island; Eskimo tents at Etach; others were untitled. Jackson and Banting also made painting expeditions to Great Slave Lake, Walsh Lake (Northwest", "title": "Frederick Banting" }, { "docid": "20285193", "text": "to tour to Dubai in March–April 2015. She then became the Fury's number one keeper, ahead of veteran Jenny Wallace, for its 2015–16 WNCL campaign, and also kept wickets for the Scorchers in four matches during its inaugural WBBL|01 season (2015–16). In February 2016, Banting was named in a Shooting Stars 13-player development squad to face Sri Lanka and England in a limited-overs tri-series in Sri Lanka beginning the following month. In August 2016, she was again selected for the Shooting Stars, this time to attend a talent camp at the National Cricket Centre in Brisbane. In the first of", "title": "Megan Banting" }, { "docid": "10538625", "text": "What I Do Best What I Do Best is Sheryn Regis' second studio album under Star Records, released on July 2005 in the Philippines.It was her 2nd best selling album up to date which it sold over 20,000 copies and certified as gold by Philippine Association of the Record Industry.The album produce chart topping singles. The album was made available on digital download thru iTunes, Amazon and Mymusicstore. The album's carrier single bears the same title as the album itself and is a cover of a Robin S. original. Other cover songs on the album include Lani Hall's \"I Don't", "title": "What I Do Best" }, { "docid": "6516724", "text": "Since their use predates these regulations, they are \"grandfathered in\". However, some such uses may not be reproduced if the legally nonconforming improvement is destroyed or damaged beyond a certain point. \"Legally permissible\" can be a tricky conceptual test, because even uses that are currently not permitted may be considered. This happens when there is a reasonable prospect (at least 50%) that the regulation, zoning, deed restriction, etc. can be changed to permit the proposed use. Any potential use must be physically possible given the size, shape, topography, and other characteristics of the site. For example, a single story warehouse", "title": "Highest and best use" }, { "docid": "818504", "text": "ignoring Best and Collip. Banting chose to share half of the prize money with Best. The key contribution by Collip was recognised in the Nobel speech of McLeod, who also gave one-half of his prize money to Collip. Best succeeded Macleod as professor of physiology at University of Toronto in 1929. During World War II he was influential in establishing a Canadian program for securing and using dried human blood serum. In his later years, he was an adviser to the Medical Research Committee of the United Nations World Health Organization. Best was elected a foreign member of the Royal", "title": "Charles Best (medical scientist)" }, { "docid": "14248178", "text": "The Pad and How to Use It The Pad and How to Use It is a 1966 comedy film directed by Brian G. Hutton. It was based on the one-act play \"The Private Ear\" by Peter Shaffer. A sensitive man named Bob Handman (Brian Bedford), who lives alone in his apartment, encounters what he believes to be his ideal woman, Doreen (Julie Sommars), at a classical music concert. They arrange to meet at a later date at his pad. Because he is so unwordly he asks his best friend Ted (James Farentino) along to the date as well for moral", "title": "The Pad and How to Use It" }, { "docid": "818500", "text": "Best, a Canadian politician and geneticist. He died on March 31, 1978 in Toronto, Ontario. Best is interred in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto (section 29) not far from Sir Frederick Banting. Best moved in 1915 to Toronto, Ontario, where he started studying towards a bachelor of arts degree at University College, University of Toronto. In 1918, he enlisted in the Canadian Army serving with the 2nd Canadian Tank Battalion. After the war, he completed his degree in physiology and biochemistry. As a 22-year-old medical student at the University of Toronto he worked as an assistant to the surgeon Dr. Frederick", "title": "Charles Best (medical scientist)" }, { "docid": "8980856", "text": "wasted its top-drawer cast.\" Returning star Eric Roberts claims to have made this film to compensate for the original. In Maltin's words, \"What a considerate guy!\" In 1996, the World Wrestling Federation introduced a character called \"Brakus\". The character was portrayed by German bodybuilder-turned-wrestler Achim Albrecht. Best of the Best II Best of the Best II is a 1993 martial arts film directed by Robert Radler, and starring Eric Roberts and Phillip Rhee. It is the first sequel to the 1989 film \"Best of the Best\". The plot follows four of the characters from the original film, and was released", "title": "Best of the Best II" }, { "docid": "13322334", "text": "Honky Tonkin's What I Do Best (song) \"Honky Tonkin's What I Do Best\" is a song written by Marty Stuart and recorded by American country music artists Stuart and Travis Tritt. It was released in April 1996 as the first single and title track from the album \"Honky Tonkin's What I Do Best\". The song reached number 23 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and peaked at number 8 on the \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart in Canada. It was nominated for the 1997 Grammy Award for Best Country Collaboration with Vocals, but lost to High Lonesome Sound", "title": "Honky Tonkin's What I Do Best (song)" } ]
Who directed the movie La Dolce Vita?
[ "Federico Fellini, Cavaliere di Gran Croce OMRI", "Felini", "Felliniesque", "Fellini", "Frederico Fellini", "Federico Fellini" ]
[ { "docid": "2879585", "text": "La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita (; Italian for \"the sweet life\" or \"the good life\") is a 1960 Italian drama film directed and co-written by Federico Fellini. The film follows Marcello Rubini (Marcello Mastroianni), a journalist writing for gossip magazines, over seven days and nights on his journey through the \"sweet life\" of Rome in a fruitless search for love and happiness. \"La Dolce Vita\" won the \"Palme d'Or\" (Golden Palm) at the 1960 Cannes Film Festival and the Oscar for Best Costumes. The film was a massive box office hit in Europe with 13,617,148 admissions in Italy and", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "9707089", "text": "won the lawsuit in April 2010 in a summary judgment by Judge John George Koeltl, who dismissed IMF's claims of copyright infringement. Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita is a gay pornographic remake of the Federico Fellini classic \"La Dolce Vita\", directed by Michael Lucas and Tony Dimarco and released by Lucas Entertainment in 2006. The film stars Michael Lucas, Jason Ridge, Chad Hunt, Cole Ryan, Pete Ross, Derrick Hanson, Ray Star, Brad Star, Jack Bond, Wilson Vasquez, Jonathan Vargas, Ben Andrews, and more. It features non-sexual cameos by Savanna Samson, Kevin Aviance, Amanda Lepore, Heather", "title": "Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "16897859", "text": "moralist and upright man to the point to remove the posters of the film \"La dolce vita\", is sent there to control the Barbicane's work. Totò, Peppino e... la dolce vita Totò, Peppino e...la dolce vita (a.k.a. Toto, Peppino and the Sweet Life) is a 1961 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Corbucci. It is a parody of Federico Fellini's \"La Dolce Vita\" and it was filmed in the same sets. Antonio Barbacane is sent by his wealthy grandfather to Rome for trying to corrupt politicians to shift the route of a motorway on their town so to increase the", "title": "Totò, Peppino e... la dolce vita" }, { "docid": "9707086", "text": "Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita is a gay pornographic remake of the Federico Fellini classic \"La Dolce Vita\", directed by Michael Lucas and Tony Dimarco and released by Lucas Entertainment in 2006. The film stars Michael Lucas, Jason Ridge, Chad Hunt, Cole Ryan, Pete Ross, Derrick Hanson, Ray Star, Brad Star, Jack Bond, Wilson Vasquez, Jonathan Vargas, Ben Andrews, and more. It features non-sexual cameos by Savanna Samson, Kevin Aviance, Amanda Lepore, Heather Fink and Johnny Hanson. Lucas contends that the film is the most expensive gay porn film ever made due to a budget", "title": "Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879619", "text": "earned the \"Palme d'Or\" (Golden Palm) at the 1960 Cannes Film Festival. \"Entertainment Weekly\" voted it the 6th Greatest film of all time. In 2010, the film was ranked #11 in \"Empire\" magazine's \"The 100 Best Films of World Cinema\". La Dolce Vita La Dolce Vita (; Italian for \"the sweet life\" or \"the good life\") is a 1960 Italian drama film directed and co-written by Federico Fellini. The film follows Marcello Rubini (Marcello Mastroianni), a journalist writing for gossip magazines, over seven days and nights on his journey through the \"sweet life\" of Rome in a fruitless search for", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "16897858", "text": "Totò, Peppino e... la dolce vita Totò, Peppino e...la dolce vita (a.k.a. Toto, Peppino and the Sweet Life) is a 1961 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Corbucci. It is a parody of Federico Fellini's \"La Dolce Vita\" and it was filmed in the same sets. Antonio Barbacane is sent by his wealthy grandfather to Rome for trying to corrupt politicians to shift the route of a motorway on their town so to increase the land values. He, instead of accomplishing his mission, indulges in the pleasures of the city. his cousin Peppino, the municipal secretary of the town, a", "title": "Totò, Peppino e... la dolce vita" }, { "docid": "9449011", "text": "released in 2003 on Scocco's own record label Diesel Music. The album is named after the 1960 Federico Fellini film \"La Dolce Vita\", which is Italian for \"The Sweet Life\". It also included the previously unreleased song \"La Dolce Vita\", that was also released as a single. La Dolce Vita – Det Bästa 1982–2003 La Dolce Vita – Det Bästa 1982–2003 (\"La Dolce Vita - The Best\") is the second compilation album by Swedish pop music artist Mauro Scocco. Unlike the previous greatest hits compilation, \"Hits\", this double CD spanned Scocco's entire career, including his early career as a member", "title": "La Dolce Vita – Det Bästa 1982–2003" }, { "docid": "9707088", "text": "Dolce Vita\". The suit seeks unspecified damages and to stop sales of \"Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita Parts 1 & 2\". In May 2007, a Manhattan federal judge rejected the request to enjoin the sales of Lucas' film, primarily on the grounds of \"inexcusable delay\" on the plaintiff's part. The judge noted that there were serious issues raised regarding trademark infringement or tarnishment, but also wrote that it \"seems extremely unlikely that a hapless purchaser seeking to buy Fellini’s film will inadvertently stumble across \"Michael Lucas’s La Dolce Vita\"”, which would be an important element in proving IMF's case. Lucas", "title": "Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879616", "text": "critic and co-founder of \"Cahiers du cinéma\", felt that \"The New York Times\" film critic Bosley Crowther praised Fellini’s Roger Ebert considered \"La Dolce Vita\" as Fellini’s best film, as well as his favorite film of all time and listed it consistently in his top ten films for the \"Sight & Sound\" Greatest Films poll every ten years. Ebert's first review for the film, written on October 4, 1961, was the first film review he wrote, before he started his career as a film critic in 1967. The film was also a touchstone for Ebert, in how his perspective of", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "9707087", "text": "of $250,000 and multiple celebrity cameos. In 2007 at the GayVN's in San Francisco, it won all 14 awards it was nominated for, including best picture, best director (Michael Lucas & Tony DiMarco), best threesome (Michael Lucas, Derrick Hanson, and Jason Ridge), best actor (Michael Lucas) and best non-sexual performance (Savanna Samson). Lucas Entertainment, Inc., its distribution wing and Michael Lucas were named as defendants in a lawsuit filed by International Media Films, Inc. in February 2007. The suit alleges willful trademark and copyright infringement against the \"La Dolce Vita\" mark. International Media Films owns the rights to Fellini's \"La", "title": "Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "9861806", "text": "has Ana stepping into Simonney's bar, and after a lengthy tale of lovers lost and passion dead, they recognize each other. The ending finds Simonney abandoning his camera and being forgiven by Ana. The movie pays homage to Federico Fellini to a great extent: several references are made to \"La Dolce Vita\" and \"8½\" throughout the film. The protagonist is a frustrated, veteran director with a style of his own that grows weary of fame and show business and seeks refuge in women (one of them in particular, Ana, perhaps a reference to Anita Ekberg from \"La Dolce Vita\"). Obsession", "title": "La peli" }, { "docid": "15712902", "text": "to work with Federico Fellini as artistic director on \"La Strada\" (1954) and \"Nights of Cabiria\" (1957). His most prized collaborations were on the film scripts of \"La Dolce Vita\" (1960), \"8½\" (1963), \"Juliet of the Spirits\" (1964), \"Orchestra Rehearsal\" (1978), and \"City of Women\" (1980), all co-written and directed by Fellini. On the writing of \"La Dolce Vita\", Rondi helped build up the character of Steiner, the intellectual who kills his wife and children. As a Fellini intimate, Rondi also played a crucial role in the early stages of \"8½\". In a letter dated October 1960, Fellini outlined his", "title": "Brunello Rondi" }, { "docid": "2879609", "text": "describe intrusive photographers. As to the origin of the character's name itself, Fellini scholar Peter Bondanella argues that although \"it is indeed an Italian family name, the word is probably a corruption of the word \"papataceo\", a large and bothersome mosquito. Ennio Flaiano, the film's co-screenwriter and creator of Paparazzo, reports that he took the name from a character in a novel by George Gissing.\" Gissing's character, Signor Paparazzo, is found in his travel book, \"By the Ionian Sea\" (1901). Marcello is a journalist in Rome during the late 1950s who covers tabloid news of movie stars, religious visions and", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "5669435", "text": "was the high point of Fellini's career and that, after this film, \"his work ran wild through the jungles of Freudian, Christian, sexual and autobiographical excess\". (Ebert, himself, disagrees, seeing \"La Strada\" as \"part of a process of discovery that led to the masterpieces \"La Dolce Vita\" (1960), \"8 1/2\" (1963) and \"Amarcord\" (1974)\".) The years since its initial release have solidified the high estimation of \"La Strada\". It holds a 97% rating on the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes from 31 reviewers who, on average, scored it 8.7 on a scale of 10. Its numerous appearances on lists of", "title": "La Strada" }, { "docid": "11874697", "text": "and Michael Musto. In 2006, the studio released \"Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita Parts 1 & 2\", a gay pornographic remake of the 1960 Fellini classic \"La Dolce Vita\". At a budget of $250,000, the studio contends it is the most expensive gay pornographic film ever made. The film won a record fourteen awards at the 2007 GayVN Awards, winning in every category in which it was nominated. In February 2007, International Media Films, Inc., which owns the rights to Fellini's \"La Dolce Vita\", filed suit against Lucas (as Andrei Treivas Bregman), Lucas Entertainment, Inc., and Lucas Distribution, Inc. for", "title": "Lucas Entertainment" }, { "docid": "12474622", "text": "company launched its \"Men of Israel\" website to promote the film, which announced its release for July 22. In 2006, the studio released \"Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita Parts 1 & 2\", a gay pornographic remake of the 1960 Fellini classic \"La Dolce Vita\". The film won a record fourteen awards at the 2007 GayVN Awards, winning in every category in which it was nominated. In February 2007, International Media Films, Inc., which owns the rights to Fellini's \"La Dolce Vita\", filed suit against Lucas (as Andrei Treivas Bregman), Lucas Entertainment, Inc., and Lucas Distribution, Inc. for trademark and copyright", "title": "Michael Lucas (director)" }, { "docid": "1362747", "text": "Against the Wall\", 1958). Besides the French cinema, Aimée's career include a number of films made in Spain, Great Britain, Italy and Germany. She achieved worldwide attention in Fellini's \"La Dolce Vita\" (the Good Life, 1960) and \"Lola\" (1961). She appeared again in Fellini's \"8½\", and would remain in Italy during the first half of the 1960s, making films for a number of Italian directors. Because of her role in \"La Dolce Vita\", biographer Dave Thompson describes Aimée as a \"rising star who exploded\" onto the film world. He adds that singer-songwriter Patti Smith, who in her teens saw the", "title": "Anouk Aimée" }, { "docid": "1406208", "text": "uncredited extra in \"Marionette\" (1939) when he was fourteen, and made intermittent minor film appearances until landing his first big role in \"Atto d'accusa\" (1951). Within a decade he became a major international celebrity, starring in \"Big Deal on Madonna Street\" (1958); and in Federico Fellini's \"La Dolce Vita\" opposite Anita Ekberg in 1960, where he played a disillusioned and self-loathing tabloid columnist who spends his days and nights exploring Rome's high society. Mastroianni followed \"La Dolce Vita\" with another signature role, that of a film director who, amidst self-doubt and troubled love affairs, finds himself in a creative block", "title": "Marcello Mastroianni" }, { "docid": "2879607", "text": "teenage \"Umbrian angel\") were shot on location at Passo Oscuro, a small resort town situated on the Italian coast 30 kilometers from Rome. Fellini scrapped a major sequence that would have involved the relationship of Marcello with Dolores, an older writer living in a tower, to be played by 1930s Academy Award-winning actress Luise Rainer. If the director’s dealings with Rainer \"who used to involve Fellini in futile discussion\" were problematic, biographer Kezich argues that while rewriting the screenplay, the Dolores character grew \"hyperbolic\" and Fellini decided to jettison \"the entire story line.\" The scene in the Trevi Fountain was", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "12180061", "text": "attention of Federico Fellini, who cast Galli in a small part in his 1960 film \"La dolce vita\". Galli has since appeared in over forty-five film roles. One of her significant roles was the part of Carolina in Luchino Visconti's 1963 film adaptation of the novel \"Il Gattopardo\" (\"The Leopard\"). She last appeared in 1990's \"Con i piedi per aria\", directed by Vincenzo Verdecchi. Although her early roles were usually billed by her real name, Galli mostly acted under the pseudonym Evelyn Stewart. However, her role in Mario Bava's 1963 film \"La frusta e il corpo\" was credited to the", "title": "Ida Galli" }, { "docid": "149227", "text": "the Palme d'Or for \"La Dolce Vita\", was nominated for twelve Academy Awards, and won four in the category of Best Foreign Language Film. At the 65th Annual Academy Awards in Los Angeles, he received an honorary award for Lifetime Achievement. Besides \"La Dolce Vita\" and \"8½\", his other well-known films include \"La Strada\", \"Nights of Cabiria\", \"Juliet of the Spirits\", \"Satyricon\", \"Amarcord\" and \"Fellini's Casanova\". Fellini was born on 20 January 1920, to middle-class parents in Rimini, then a small town on the Adriatic Sea. His father, Urbano Fellini (1894–1956), born to a family of Romagnol peasants and small", "title": "Federico Fellini" } ]
[ { "docid": "8299616", "text": "one which would not be bettered until 2006. The song is sung from the perspective of a person looking back at her life and coming to the conclusion that she has lived well and has no regrets. Saaristo also recorded the song in English under the same title; \"La Dolce Vita\". It was succeeded as Finnish representative at the 1990 Contest by Beat with \"Fri?\". La dolce vita (song) \"La dolce vita\" (\"The good life\") was the Finnish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1989, performed in Finnish (despite the Italian of the title) by Anneli Saaristo. The song was", "title": "La dolce vita (song)" }, { "docid": "8299615", "text": "La dolce vita (song) \"La dolce vita\" (\"The good life\") was the Finnish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1989, performed in Finnish (despite the Italian of the title) by Anneli Saaristo. The song was conducted by Ossi Runne, who retired after this Contest (conducting 22 Finnish entries). The song was performed 14th on the night, following Austria's Thomas Forstner with \"Nur ein Lied\" and preceding France's Nathalie Pâque with \"J'ai volé la vie\". At the close of voting, it had received 76 points, placing 7th in a field of 22, Finland's best result in the Contest since 1975, and", "title": "La dolce vita (song)" }, { "docid": "14225995", "text": "consists of the captain, tour guide/deck-hand, and chef. The crew is generally Italian with one crew-member who speaks English. La Dolce Vita (barge) The La Dolce Vita () was built in 1897 in Groningen, Netherlands. She originally served as a cargo barge in the Netherlands. She presently serves as a hotel barge, owned by Giampaolo Friso. The original barge was powered by sail. She was first motorized in the 1950s and in the 1960s was lengthened by 10m (with square chines). In 1975, she was purchased by Peter Mastenbroeks. She was shortened back to her original length of 23m (x5m)", "title": "La Dolce Vita (barge)" }, { "docid": "2879618", "text": "Church as a parody of the second coming of Jesus, the opening scene and the film were condemned by the Vatican newspaper \"L'Osservatore Romano\" in 1960. Subject to widespread censorship, the film was banned in Spain, until the death of Franco in 1975. Umberto Tupini, the Minister of Culture of the Tambroni government censored it and other \"shameful films\". \"The New York Times\" described \"La Dolce Vita\" as \"one of the most widely seen and acclaimed European movies of the 1960s\". It was nominated for four Academy Awards, and won one for Best Costume Design: Black-and-White. \"La Dolce Vita\" also", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879613", "text": "the angelic Paola; they are framed by a prologue (Jesus over Rome) and epilogue (the monster fish) giving the film its innovative and symmetrically symbolic structure. The evocations are: seven deadly sins, seven sacraments, seven virtues, seven days of creation. Other critics disagree, Peter Bondanella argues that \"any critic of \"La Dolce Vita\" not mesmerized by the magic number seven will find it almost impossible to organize the numerous sequences on a strictly numerological basis\". The critic Robert Richardson suggests that the originality of \"La Dolce Vita\" lies in a new form of film narrative that mines \"an aesthetic of", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879617", "text": "the movie and his life changes as time passes by, giving this summation in his 1997 \"Great Movie\" review Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes reports that from 58 reviews, 97% were positive; the consensus states: \"An epic, breathtakingly stylish cinematic landmark, \"La Dolce Vita\" remains riveting in spite of—or perhaps because of—its sprawling length\". On Metacritic, the film has a 93/100 rating based on 12 critics, indicating \"universal acclaim\". The film earned $6 million in North American rentals on original release. The film was re-released in North America in 1966 and earned $1.5 million in rentals. Perceived by the Catholic", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "18742782", "text": "album on several TV shows in Australia, such as \"The Morning Show\", where he performed the song \"I Will Love You\" and on TVSN, which sold signed copies of the albums via television. Viva la Dolce Vita Viva la Dolce Vita is an album by Italian baritone Patrizio Buanne, which was released on April 17, 2015 in Australia. It entered the Australian pop albums chart the next week at No. 44, later peaking at No. 33 and additionally peaking at No. 1 on the Australian ARIA Classical/Crossover Albums Chart. The album includes an Italian version of the Charlie Chaplin song", "title": "Viva la Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "18742781", "text": "Viva la Dolce Vita Viva la Dolce Vita is an album by Italian baritone Patrizio Buanne, which was released on April 17, 2015 in Australia. It entered the Australian pop albums chart the next week at No. 44, later peaking at No. 33 and additionally peaking at No. 1 on the Australian ARIA Classical/Crossover Albums Chart. The album includes an Italian version of the Charlie Chaplin song \"Smile\" as well as an English/Italian version of the Elvis Presley song \"Surrender\", original compositions such as \"I Will Love You\" and popular Italian songs such as \"Gli Occhi Miei\". Buanne promoted the", "title": "Viva la Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "14225993", "text": "La Dolce Vita (barge) The La Dolce Vita () was built in 1897 in Groningen, Netherlands. She originally served as a cargo barge in the Netherlands. She presently serves as a hotel barge, owned by Giampaolo Friso. The original barge was powered by sail. She was first motorized in the 1950s and in the 1960s was lengthened by 10m (with square chines). In 1975, she was purchased by Peter Mastenbroeks. She was shortened back to her original length of 23m (x5m) and her name was changed to Lobbes. In 1979, she was transformed into a sailing barge. She was sold", "title": "La Dolce Vita (barge)" }, { "docid": "9449010", "text": "La Dolce Vita – Det Bästa 1982–2003 La Dolce Vita – Det Bästa 1982–2003 (\"La Dolce Vita - The Best\") is the second compilation album by Swedish pop music artist Mauro Scocco. Unlike the previous greatest hits compilation, \"Hits\", this double CD spanned Scocco's entire career, including his early career as a member of the pop group Ratata. The selections were picked by Scocco himself. It also included a version of the Scocco-penned Lisa Nilsson hit \"Himlen runt hörnet\", featuring Scocco himself, Nilsson, and Swedish blues artist Driftwood. There was also various unreleased demos included on the album. It was", "title": "La Dolce Vita – Det Bästa 1982–2003" }, { "docid": "17675119", "text": "La dolce vita (After Dark song) \"La dolce vita\" is a song written by Larry Forsberg, Sven-Inge Sjöberg and Lennard Wastesson, and originally performed by After Dark (Christer Lindarw and Lasse Flinckman) at Melodifestivalen 2004, where the song competed in the semifinal in Malmö on 13 March 2004, before reaching the final inside the Stockholm Globe Arena, where it ended up 3rd. On stage both men wore pink dresses, the same style as Lena Philipsson wore when her song \"Det gör ont\" won the contest that year. On the Swedish singles chart, the single peaked at number 8. The song", "title": "La dolce vita (After Dark song)" }, { "docid": "17675120", "text": "also stayed at Svensktoppen for eleven weeks during the period of 4 April-13 June 2004., topping the chart three times before leaving it. La dolce vita (After Dark song) \"La dolce vita\" is a song written by Larry Forsberg, Sven-Inge Sjöberg and Lennard Wastesson, and originally performed by After Dark (Christer Lindarw and Lasse Flinckman) at Melodifestivalen 2004, where the song competed in the semifinal in Malmö on 13 March 2004, before reaching the final inside the Stockholm Globe Arena, where it ended up 3rd. On stage both men wore pink dresses, the same style as Lena Philipsson wore when", "title": "La dolce vita (After Dark song)" }, { "docid": "2879615", "text": "dawn. Also employed as an ordering device is the image of a downward spiral that Marcello sets in motion when descending the first of several staircases (including ladders) that open and close episodes. The upshot is that the film's aesthetic form, rather than its content, embodies the theme of Rome as a moral wasteland. Writing for \"L'Espresso\", the Italian novelist Alberto Moravia highlighted the film's variations in tone, In \"Filmcritica XI\", Italian poet and film director Pier Paolo Pasolini argued that \"\"La Dolce Vita\" was too important to be discussed as one would normally discuss a film. Jacques Doniol-Valcroze, film", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "14225994", "text": "in 1983 and continued to be operated as a sailing barge by a French couple. Around 1988, she was sold to a new owner in Venice and converted to a hotel barge in 1990. She continues her life as a hotel barge there today. She has worked in the Netherlands, throughout Scandinavia, France, and Italy. She has also sailed under the names of \"Hoop en Vertrouwen\" (), \"Gerris\", and \"Lobbes\". \"La Dolce Vita\" currently has 3 passenger cabins, allowing her to carry up to 6 passengers. She also has separate crew quarters which house the crew of three. The crew", "title": "La Dolce Vita (barge)" }, { "docid": "9259430", "text": "Dolce Vita (TV programme) Dolce Vita () is an English language information TV programme on Television Broadcasts Limited in Hong Kong. It has been hosted by Kelly Cheung, Rabeea Yeung, Lorea Solabarrieta, Aimee Chan, Vaneese Toses, Jason Chan, Winnie Young, Francis Chan, Vincent Wan (Vinny), Becky Lee, Mizuni Hung, Marcus Kwok, Desmond So, Linna Huynh, Rani Samtani, Nelson Siu and Hilda Chan through its run. With the launch of \"Dolce Vita\", the lifestyle programme features fine dining, fashion and other latest leisure goods/activities available in Hong Kong. It also interviews English speaking artists, celebrities or fashion designers who visit Hong", "title": "Dolce Vita (TV programme)" }, { "docid": "7850281", "text": "Records and Bounce Records. New version Dolce Vita (song) \"Dolce Vita\" is a song by Italian musician Ryan Paris, released as a single in 1983. The song was composed by Pierluigi Giombini, the same composer, producer, arranger and keyboard player of \"I Like Chopin\" and \"Masterpiece\". It reached the top 10 in many countries. The music video was filmed on-location in Paris. Interviewed for the book \"Europe's Stars of '80s Dance Pop Vol. 2\", composer Pierluigi Giombini explained the evolution of the song: It was Gazebo who suggested I should write a song inspired by the title of the famous", "title": "Dolce Vita (song)" }, { "docid": "7850276", "text": "Dolce Vita (song) \"Dolce Vita\" is a song by Italian musician Ryan Paris, released as a single in 1983. The song was composed by Pierluigi Giombini, the same composer, producer, arranger and keyboard player of \"I Like Chopin\" and \"Masterpiece\". It reached the top 10 in many countries. The music video was filmed on-location in Paris. Interviewed for the book \"Europe's Stars of '80s Dance Pop Vol. 2\", composer Pierluigi Giombini explained the evolution of the song: It was Gazebo who suggested I should write a song inspired by the title of the famous film. I am a fan of", "title": "Dolce Vita (song)" }, { "docid": "8924434", "text": "dishes. The whole concept behind the cooking aspect of the program is that good cooking does not have to be difficult. The dishes he makes are always elegant and impressive, but simple and quick. Some episodes deal with thematic recipes, such as \"The Hunt for Funghi\". Other episodes include \"The Party\", \"Boy's Night Out\", and \"Rocco and the City\". David Rocco's Dolce Vita David Rocco's Dolce Vita is a television show hosted by David Rocco airing since 2010. The show is shot on location in and around the cities and countrysides of Italy, following the cultural, social, and culinary escapades", "title": "David Rocco's Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "8924433", "text": "David Rocco's Dolce Vita David Rocco's Dolce Vita is a television show hosted by David Rocco airing since 2010. The show is shot on location in and around the cities and countrysides of Italy, following the cultural, social, and culinary escapades of Rocco and his friends. Besides cooking, the show explores the Italian ways of life and ways of food in this culture exposé. Rocco and his wife Nina traipse around Florence and Sicily, cooking dinner for friends, checking out local hot spots, and living the sweet life. The recipes that Rocco makes are generally easy to follow, classic Italian", "title": "David Rocco's Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "9259431", "text": "Kong. It is shown at 9:30pm every Thursday, 12:00am every Friday and 10:30am every Saturday on TVB Pearl. It is shown at 11:00am and 7:00pm every Saturday and 6:00am and 2:45am every Wednesday on TVB HD Jade. Dolce Vita (TV programme) Dolce Vita () is an English language information TV programme on Television Broadcasts Limited in Hong Kong. It has been hosted by Kelly Cheung, Rabeea Yeung, Lorea Solabarrieta, Aimee Chan, Vaneese Toses, Jason Chan, Winnie Young, Francis Chan, Vincent Wan (Vinny), Becky Lee, Mizuni Hung, Marcus Kwok, Desmond So, Linna Huynh, Rani Samtani, Nelson Siu and Hilda Chan through", "title": "Dolce Vita (TV programme)" }, { "docid": "16688994", "text": "then read the entire work. La Dolce Viva La Dolce Viva is a nonfiction novel written by Barbara L. Goldsmith, first published in 1968 in \"New York Magazine\", about a destroyed one-named actress, Viva, who is drugged out and couldn’t pay her phone bill. Barbara Goldsmith is an American author, journalist, and philanthropist. Her \"La Dolce Viva\" made known the sadder side of Andy Warhol’s entourage through Viva, a high on drugs “superstar.” \"La Dolce Viva\" is an interview story with \"superstar\" Viva, who is one of the many actresses in Andy Warhol's movies. Viva was headlined as 'The Last", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "16688985", "text": "La Dolce Viva La Dolce Viva is a nonfiction novel written by Barbara L. Goldsmith, first published in 1968 in \"New York Magazine\", about a destroyed one-named actress, Viva, who is drugged out and couldn’t pay her phone bill. Barbara Goldsmith is an American author, journalist, and philanthropist. Her \"La Dolce Viva\" made known the sadder side of Andy Warhol’s entourage through Viva, a high on drugs “superstar.” \"La Dolce Viva\" is an interview story with \"superstar\" Viva, who is one of the many actresses in Andy Warhol's movies. Viva was headlined as 'The Last of Andy Warhol's \"superstars\", as", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "14478168", "text": "Box Office Mojo reported that the film had made 3,805,514 dollars (3,075,807 Euro) at the Italian box office. Festival La nostra vita La nostra vita is a 2010 French-Italian film directed by Daniele Luchetti, starring Elio Germano. It competed for the Palme d'Or at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival, with Elio Germano sharing the prize for Best Actor with Javier Bardem for his role in the Mexican film \"Biutiful\" directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Claudio (Elio Germano) is a young construction worker who lives a happy life with his pregnant wife Elena (Isabella Ragonese) and their two children in Rome.", "title": "La nostra vita" }, { "docid": "14478163", "text": "La nostra vita La nostra vita is a 2010 French-Italian film directed by Daniele Luchetti, starring Elio Germano. It competed for the Palme d'Or at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival, with Elio Germano sharing the prize for Best Actor with Javier Bardem for his role in the Mexican film \"Biutiful\" directed by Alejandro González Iñárritu. Claudio (Elio Germano) is a young construction worker who lives a happy life with his pregnant wife Elena (Isabella Ragonese) and their two children in Rome. They manage together their daily difficulties with love and complicity. One day at the construction site, Claudio discoveres the", "title": "La nostra vita" }, { "docid": "7850278", "text": "and mix-down in another three days. The synths were basically the same - Minimoog, OB-8, ARP Odyssey and the DMX drum machine. We also used our real hands over the snare. Interviewed in 2007, Paris described the background to the recording of the song: Well, I was preparing songs in Italian to participate to the first Rock Italian Festival in 1982 and my keyboard player had to go for one year army service. So I was looking for a new keyboard player and I met Pierluigi Giombini, composer, player and artistic producer of Dolce Vita. The funny thing was that", "title": "Dolce Vita (song)" }, { "docid": "20951649", "text": "hired to direct it.\" The film was a shortlisted Genie Award finalist for Best Live Action Short Drama at the 8th Genie Awards. Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita is a Canadian experimental short film, directed by Jeremy Podeswa and released in 1986. Based on \"Commedia Bizarro\", a stage show by performance artist Ian Wallace in his Nion character, the film depicts Nion as an alien who lands on Earth and undergoes a series of magical journeys which teach him about the human condition. Writing for \"The Globe and Mail\", Salem Alaton", "title": "Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita" }, { "docid": "20951648", "text": "Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita is a Canadian experimental short film, directed by Jeremy Podeswa and released in 1986. Based on \"Commedia Bizarro\", a stage show by performance artist Ian Wallace in his Nion character, the film depicts Nion as an alien who lands on Earth and undergoes a series of magical journeys which teach him about the human condition. Writing for \"The Globe and Mail\", Salem Alaton opined that \"you can only wonder what Laurie Anderson's static, stagy \"Home of the Brave\" might have looked like had Jeremy Podeswa been", "title": "Nion in the Kabaret de La Vita" }, { "docid": "16437864", "text": "La vita non perde valore La vita non perde valore (\"Life does not lose its value\") is a 2012 documentary film about the reintegration into society of former child soldiers in Sierra Leone. It was written and directed by , a filmmaker and freelance journalist who was awarded of an Italian National Award on Human Rights, i.e. 2014 Maria Rita Saulle Award). The film focuses on the work of Father Giuseppe Berton, an Italian Missionary who lived in Sierra Leone for over forty years. Berton founded the \"Family Homes Movement\" (FHM) to provide parental care and education to child victims", "title": "La vita non perde valore" }, { "docid": "10757094", "text": "La vita cos'è? \"La vita cos'è?\" (\"What is life?\") was the Swiss entry for the Eurovision Song Contest in the year 2000. The ballad, which featured a climactic chorus, was performed by Jane Bogaert, who wore a sleeveless lilac gown for her performance. One of the black-clad backing singers who accompanied her was Al Bano, who previously had represented Italy in the 1976 and 1985 contests with Romina Power, singing \"We'll Live It All Again\" and \"Magic Oh Magic\" respectively. \"La vita cos'è?\" was written by Bernie Staub, with lyrics by Thomas Marin. The song was performed 16th on the", "title": "La vita cos'è?" }, { "docid": "16476072", "text": "a current which spread at the beginning of the Italian economic miracle, such as Paolo Volponi's \"Memoriale\" and Giovanni Arpino's \"Una nuvola d'ira\". He praised the all-encompassing language that succeeds masterfully in expressing and representing the industrial reality in a more complex way, even if he saw some weaknesses connected to the book's uncontainable autobiography that is limited, in his opinion, to a \"private anarchist protest\". The novel was also made into a 1964 film of the same name, directed by Carlo Lizzani and starring Ugo Tognazzi and Giovanna Ralli. La vita agra La vita agra, known in English-speaking countries", "title": "La vita agra" }, { "docid": "1701431", "text": "evil Sanctus, is entitled \"La Vita Nuova\". \"La Vita Nuova\" is believed to be the \"book of poems\" referred to in Bob Dylan's 1975 song \"Tangled Up in Blue\". , translated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1899. La Vita Nuova La Vita Nuova (; Italian for \"The New Life\") or Vita Nova (Latin title) is a text by Dante Alighieri published in 1295. It is an expression of the medieval genre of courtly love in a prosimetrum style, a combination of both prose and verse. Besides its content, it is notable for being written in Italian, rather than Latin; with Dante's", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "16688993", "text": "revealed the seedier side of Andy Warhol’s entourage through Viva. “I had never seen anything like it,” Tom Wolfe wrote of accompanying nude photos from Diane Arbus. According to contemporary \"New York Times\" review of the book, \"La Dolce Viva\" gave an insight to Warhol’s relationship to other people. But the articles appearance in the \"New York\" hurt the magazine (\"The Nude Photos that Nearly Destroyed New York\"), and \"New York\"s editor, Clay Felker, was aware of the commercial risk he ran in publishing the piece. Some reviewers of \"La Dolce Viva\" were generally hesitant to read this piece, but", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "17116056", "text": "to return it after a city council member called them tax evaders. In 2014, the La Fondazione NY, a charity aimed at supporting young Italian and American artists, honoured Gabbana, Dolce and Luhrmann at its third awards gala at the Museum of the Moving Image in New York City. \"We live with movies – our inspiration all the time is movies and we make our collection like a movie,\" Gabbana said during the event. Domenico Dolce Domenico Mario Assunto Dolce (; born 13 August 1958) is an Italian fashion designer and entrepreneur. Along with Stefano Gabbana, he is one half", "title": "Domenico Dolce" }, { "docid": "19485177", "text": "Belly as a 16-year-old girl named Kionna who is one of Tommy's girlfriends. In the same year she also appeared in the video of the song \"break ups 2 make ups\" by Method Man and D'Angelo, playing the formers' girlfriend. Raynor was signed as the first lady of Murder Inc. Records. She appeared as a guest vocalist on numerous songs including on \"Irv Gotti Presents The Inc\" on the songs \"Down 4 U\" and \"Here We Come\" and recorded her own album, \"La Dolce Vita\", however it was never released, with the first single \"Justify My Love\" not gaining attention.", "title": "Vita (rapper)" }, { "docid": "10757095", "text": "night of the contest, following Germany's Stefan Raab with \"Wadde hadde dudde da?\" and preceding Croatia's Goran Karan with \"Kad zaspu anđeli\". The song received 14 points, placing 20th in a field of 24. The song was succeeded as Swiss representative at the 2002, after being relegated from the 2001 contest, by Francine Jordi with the song \"Dans le jardin de mon âme\". La vita cos'è? \"La vita cos'è?\" (\"What is life?\") was the Swiss entry for the Eurovision Song Contest in the year 2000. The ballad, which featured a climactic chorus, was performed by Jane Bogaert, who wore a", "title": "La vita cos'è?" }, { "docid": "1701430", "text": "the film, and is based on the sonnet \"A ciascun'alma presa\", in chapter 3 of \"La Vita Nuova\". Several lines from \"La Vita Nuova \"are heard being read from a cassette player in a zoo by the head zoo keeper in the 1982 film \"Cat People\". The author Allegra Goodman wrote a short story entitled \"La Vita Nuova\", published in the May 3, 2010 issue of \"The New Yorker\", in which Dante's words (in English) are interspersed throughout the piece. The final mission in the 2008 game \"Devil May Cry 4\", where protagonist Nero rescues his love Kyrie from the", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "1701428", "text": "Beatrice at Ponte Santa Trinita\" (1883) is inspired by \"La Vita Nuova\", as was Dante Gabriel Rossetti's \"The Salutation of Beatrice\" (1859). Rossetti translated the work into English in 1848 and used the character name \"Mona Vanna\" from it as a title for his 1866 painting \"Monna Vanna\". \"La vita nuova\" is a 1902 cantata based on the text by Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari Vladimir Martynov's 2003 opera \"Vita Nuova\" premiered in the U.S. on February 28, 2009 at the Alice Tully Hall, performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Vladimir Jurowski. On p. 99 of D. M. Thomas's \"The White", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "1701419", "text": "La Vita Nuova La Vita Nuova (; Italian for \"The New Life\") or Vita Nova (Latin title) is a text by Dante Alighieri published in 1295. It is an expression of the medieval genre of courtly love in a prosimetrum style, a combination of both prose and verse. Besides its content, it is notable for being written in Italian, rather than Latin; with Dante's other works, it helped to establish the Tuscan dialect as the standard for the Italian language. The prose creates the illusion of narrative continuity between the poems; it is Dante's way of reconstructing himself and his", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "19735188", "text": "well throughout and brilliantly executed, with a very lo-fi production to La Bella Vita, IIndman was recognised by fairly known blog Mishka NYC stating that \"If you are a fan of instrumentals that drift you miles away, this was definitely up your alley, consisting of eighteen minutes of instrumental relaxation, creeping along and pleasant to the ears\" La Bella Vita EP La Bella Vita is the first studio EP by South African music producer IIndman, released on February 27, 2015 by MARS. The cover was designed by Cherie Cordier and named after the concept of a Beautiful Life with a", "title": "La Bella Vita EP" }, { "docid": "13208765", "text": "Songs of the 80's in Spanish. \"Toda La Vida\" is a staple in every live performance by Emmanuel, and he is often recognized as his signature song. Tutta la vita \"Tutta la Vita\" (\"All Life Long\") is a song written and first performed by Italian singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla. It was released in 1984 as the first single from his studio album \"Viaggi Organizzati\", produced by Mauro Malavasi. This song is about a man searching for freedom all his life, trying not to fall in love, only to have a good time. For the Spanish-language market, two cover versions were released,", "title": "Tutta la vita" }, { "docid": "16688991", "text": "dishes in the sink, food on the counter and stacks of old magazines and papers. Along with Andy Warhol's apartment and Viva's apartment, \"La Dolce Viva\" also takes place in Max's Kansas City, a restaurant where the models, actresses, and Warhol were treated like celebrities. Viva's character is introduced to readers as an actress in Andy Warhol's movies and later, readers find out that she is a model who influences the fashion industry. Goldsmith uses questions that lead to showing Viva's promiscuous side and her dependency on a male figure. Viva is quoted saying \"I slept with him for security", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "1701421", "text": "to the Absolute, inspiring the integration of desire aroused by beauty with the longing of the soul for divine splendor. Referred to by Dante as his \"libello\", or \"little book\", \"The New Life\" is the first of two collections of verse written by Dante in his life. \"La Vita Nuova\" is a \"prosimetrum\", a piece containing both verse and prose, in the vein of Boethius' \"Consolation of Philosophy\". Dante used each \"prosimetrum\" as a means for combining poems written over periods of roughly ten years - \"La Vita Nuova\" contains his works from before 1283 to roughly 1293. The first", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "13208761", "text": "Tutta la vita \"Tutta la Vita\" (\"All Life Long\") is a song written and first performed by Italian singer-songwriter Lucio Dalla. It was released in 1984 as the first single from his studio album \"Viaggi Organizzati\", produced by Mauro Malavasi. This song is about a man searching for freedom all his life, trying not to fall in love, only to have a good time. For the Spanish-language market, two cover versions were released, and both peaked at number-one in the \"Billboard\" Hot Latin Tracks chart, the first by Cuban singer Franco and another by Mexican performer Emmanuel, spending three weeks", "title": "Tutta la vita" }, { "docid": "16437868", "text": "on his activity with the former child soldiers of Sierra Leone. \"La vita non perde valore\" is the documentary that came out, it is a focus \"[not] on the human drama, but how it was dealt with and resolved.\" Premiered in 2012, the film was also released in an English-language version the same year. The documentary has been analyzed in different Universities, becoming subject of various degree thesis, La vita non perde valore La vita non perde valore (\"Life does not lose its value\") is a 2012 documentary film about the reintegration into society of former child soldiers in Sierra", "title": "La vita non perde valore" }, { "docid": "16476071", "text": "La vita agra La vita agra, known in English-speaking countries as It's a Hard Life, is a novel by Luciano Bianciardi published in 1962 by Rizzoli. It became a best-seller in Italy and it is considered one of the most important novels in contemporary Italian literature. In 1962, when the novel was released it was praised by the public and the critics. It became a best-seller and was translated into English, French, German and Spanish. Italo Calvino wrote a review in which he regarded the novel positively and compared it to other works of the so-called \"letteratura industriale\" (Industrial literature),", "title": "La vita agra" }, { "docid": "13831142", "text": "The capitalization of songs is different in Italian than in English. This Is My Life (La vita) This Is My Life (La vita) is a 1968 album by Shirley Bassey that was released in Italy on the United Artists label (UA 9035). Bassey had started living as a tax exile in 1968, and was not permitted to work in Britain for two years. In 1968 Bassey performed at the Sanremo Music Festival in Italy singing the song \"La vita.\" This song was originally written by Bruno Canfora, with (Italian) lyrics by Antonio Amurri. For the song Bassey sang at the", "title": "This Is My Life (La vita)" }, { "docid": "13831139", "text": "This Is My Life (La vita) This Is My Life (La vita) is a 1968 album by Shirley Bassey that was released in Italy on the United Artists label (UA 9035). Bassey had started living as a tax exile in 1968, and was not permitted to work in Britain for two years. In 1968 Bassey performed at the Sanremo Music Festival in Italy singing the song \"La vita.\" This song was originally written by Bruno Canfora, with (Italian) lyrics by Antonio Amurri. For the song Bassey sang at the festival, the lyrics were partially rewritten in English by Norman Newell.", "title": "This Is My Life (La vita)" }, { "docid": "2792431", "text": "Elle Style Awards. Dolce & Gabbana celebrated the 20th anniversary of their brand on 19 June 2010 at the Piazza della la Scala and Palazzo Marino in Milan. A public exhibition was also held the following day that included a room in which several dozen televisions were piled haphazardly upon each other, each showing a different collection from the design house's twenty-year history. Dolce & Gabbana had two central lines (D&G and Dolce&Gabbana) until 2012, when the lines merged under the label Dolce & Gabbana. Dolce&Gabbana (spelled without spaces, unlike the name of the company) specializes in luxury items inspired", "title": "Dolce & Gabbana" }, { "docid": "19735187", "text": "La Bella Vita EP La Bella Vita is the first studio EP by South African music producer IIndman, released on February 27, 2015 by MARS. The cover was designed by Cherie Cordier and named after the concept of a Beautiful Life with a synopsis by Madri Van Wyk. The EP's title and release date were announced on February 14, 2015 as form of a private listening session at The North-West University Gallery. Okayafrica stated that the EP is a crumbling tunnel of drum whips, muffled vocals, and scraped effects. Rated | MC = 3/5 by PXY Magazine, the EP is", "title": "La Bella Vita EP" }, { "docid": "1701426", "text": "chapter XXIV, \"I Felt My Heart Awaken\" \"(\"Io mi senti' svegliar dentro a lo core\"\", also translated as \"I Felt a Loving Spirit Suddenly\"), Dante recounts a meeting with Love, who asks the poet to do his best to honour her. Dante does not name himself in \"La Vita Nuova\". He refers to Guido Cavalcanti as \"the first of my friends\", to his own sister as \"a young and noble lady... who was related to me by the closest consanguinity\", to Beatrice's brother similarly as one who \"was so linked in consanguinity to the glorious lady that no-one was closer", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "16688992", "text": "reasons\" during the interview and Goldsmith included this quote because it showed Viva's constant need for a man. Her disorganization and unreliability contributed to the end of her modeling aspirations. Describing Viva's messy apartment and how the dust filled your nose as you walked in and you could hardly see through the filthy windows, helps readers see how Viva lived a cluttered and messy lifestyle. The way that Viva presented herself during the interview with an outfit that did not match and hair that looked unwashed for days showed just how little she cared about her appearance. \"La Dolce Viva\"", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "16688990", "text": "shocking to some, and nonchalant. Her lifestyle, especially her promiscuity, was not accepted in this period in time. Throughout Goldsmith's representation of tone and mood, it is somewhat negative as they scrimmage through her apartment junk, talk about her rough life, and the need for sex and drugs. \"La Dolce Viva\" takes place mostly in Warhol's new loft studio which has been named 'The Factory', which was full of his helpers and hangers-on. Some parts of the interview took place in Viva's East 83rd Street brownstone floor-through apartment which is scattered with the mixture of clean and dirty clothes, underwear,", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "16688989", "text": "leave her sister and move back into Warhol's inner circle. Her promiscuous ways and drug use led Viva to become very dependent upon men. Even though in the interview Viva tries to portray herself as an independent woman, she greatly depends on Andy Warhol to not only help pay her rent and electricity bill but to help her keep up with her lifestyle of drug use and fitting in with the crowd. Having to have Andy Warhol pay for everything Viva needed clearly shows just how dependent she was on someone else. In \"La Dolce Viva\" the tone is honest,", "title": "La Dolce Viva" }, { "docid": "2792445", "text": "closed until further notice. In the wake of this controversy Steffano has claimed that both his personal Instagram account and the official Dolce and Gabbana account were hacked and a video has been released of both Steffano and Domenico apologising for their own actions and any upset they caused. Originally inspired by eclectic, thrift shop bohemian style, Dolce & Gabbana's deeply colored, animal prints have been described as \"haute hippy dom\" taking inspiration in particular from Italy's prestigious film history. \"When we design it's like a movie (Domenico),\" says Domenico Dolce. \"We think of a story and we design the", "title": "Dolce & Gabbana" }, { "docid": "14499795", "text": "Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1989 Finland was represented by Anneli Saaristo, with the song '\"La dolce vita\", at the 1989 Eurovision Song Contest, which took place on 6 May in Lausanne, Switzerland. \"La dolce vita\" was chosen as the Finnish entry at the national final organised by broadcaster Yle and held on 4 February. The final was held at the Kultturitalo in Helsinki, hosted by Tarja Koskela. Ten songs took part with the winner chosen by an \"expert\" jury. Other participants included former Finnish representatives Kirka (1984) and Sonja Lumme (1985). On the night of the final Saaristo", "title": "Finland in the Eurovision Song Contest 1989" }, { "docid": "2792440", "text": "changing into a 1950s-style bathing suit behind a white sheet being held up by two other women. After she changes, she tosses her bra atop a prickly pear cactus and walks towards the ocean. Later she is seen lying atop a well-made bed, and the man who saw her is standing outside her window, holding her bra up to his nose. The film closes with the image of the Dolce & Gabbana fragrance bottles against a black backdrop. In 2003, the Dolce & Gabbana perfume Sicily was advertised in another commercial about a Sicilian funeral, which was also directed by", "title": "Dolce & Gabbana" }, { "docid": "19202071", "text": "Dolce Amore Dolce Amore (English: \"Sweet Love\") is a 2016 Philippine romantic drama television series directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, Cathy Garcia-Molina and Richard Arellano, starring Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil. The series aired on ABS-CBN's \"Primetime Bida\" evening block and worldwide on The Filipino Channel from February 15, 2016, to August 26, 2016, replacing \"Pangako Sa 'Yo\". Serena (Liza Soberano) is a young and beautiful Filipina woman who was adopted by a rich Italian father and mother when she was an infant. When she found herself stuck in an arranged marriage, she runs away to the Philippines, a country she", "title": "Dolce Amore" }, { "docid": "15189133", "text": "Magliocco Dolce originated near Lago Arvo on the La Sila plateau that straddles the borders of the provinces of Catanzaro, Cosenza and Crotone in Calabria. Magliocco Dolce is a late ripening grape variety that tends to produce wines with high tannin levels due to the thick skins of its berries. Like Sangiovese and Savagnin, the grape variety is very prone to mutation with several clonal varieties of the grape found throughout Calabria. Over the years, Magliocco Dolce has been confused with several other red Italian grape varieties including Gaglioppo, Magliocco Canino, Castiglione (particularly around Locride), Nerello Mascalese (in Sicily) and", "title": "Magliocco Dolce" }, { "docid": "2879598", "text": "Maddalena asks him to marry her; Marcello professes his love for her, avoiding answering her proposal. Another man kisses and embraces Maddalena, who loses interest in Marcello. He rejoins the group, and eventually spends the night with Jane, an American artist and heiress. \"5th Dawn Sequence\": Burnt out and bleary-eyed, the group returns at dawn to the main section of the castle, to be met by the matriarch of the castle, who is on her way to mass, accompanied by priests in a procession. \"7th Night Sequence\": Marcello and Emma are alone in his sports car on an isolated road.", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879604", "text": "because they rendered a woman very gorgeous who could, instead, be a skeleton of squalor and solitude inside.\" Credit for the creation of Steiner, the intellectual who commits suicide after shooting his two children, goes to co-screenwriter Tullio Pinelli. Having gone to school with Italian novelist Cesare Pavese, Pinelli had closely followed the writer's career and felt that his over-intellectualism had become emotionally sterile, leading to his suicide in a Turin hotel in 1950. This idea of a \"burnt-out existence\" is carried over to Steiner in the party episode where the sounds of nature are not to be experienced first-hand", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "1701427", "text": "to her\". The reader is invited into the very emotional turmoil and lyrical struggle of the unnamed author's own mind and all the surrounding people in his story are seen in their relations to that mind's quest of encountering Love. \"La Vita Nuova\" is helpful for understanding the context of his other works, principally \"La Commedia\". American poet Wallace Stevens called the text \"one of the great documents of Christianity,\" and noting that the text displays the influence of Christianity in promulgating \"the distinctly feminine virtues in place of the sterner ideals of antiquity.\" The Henry Holiday painting \"Dante meets", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "7026743", "text": "international tourism, timba became the mainstay of night entertainment and the sound-track of the new tourist dolce vita—Perna (2005) NG La Banda NG La Banda is a Cuban musical group founded by flutist José Luis \"El Tosco\" Cortés. NG stands for \"nueva generación\" ('next generation'). NG La Banda are the creators of \"timba\" (a term coined by Cortés), the most important popular dance and music genre of the past two decades. Prior to founding NG La Banda, Cortés played in the Afro-Cuban jazz-fusion supergroup Irakere, and the seminal songo band Los Van Van. Before leaving Irakere, El Tosco had begun", "title": "NG La Banda" }, { "docid": "13831140", "text": "Side one of the album included only Italian songs with the exception of \"La vita\" which is the version with a mix of Italian and English lyrics. Side two is an edited version of the \"This Is My Life\" album that was released in Britain and the USA, with the addition of \"To Give\" which was only included in this album and on a single. Of the six songs recorded in Italian on this album only \"La vita\" has had a CD release. It appeared on the 1994 boxset Bassey - The EMI/UA Years 1959 - 1979. While in exile", "title": "This Is My Life (La vita)" }, { "docid": "13831141", "text": "Bassey recorded several songs that were exclusively released in Italy and also performed frequently on Italian television. In the next step in the evolution of \"La vita,\" Newell wrote English lyrics for the remaining Italian parts and the result was \"This Is My Life.\" This English-only version became one of Bassey's signature songs, often the final encore that she performs in concert. This album was released in stereo and has identical front cover art to the 1968 UK \"This Is My Life\" but has \"La vita\" under \"This Is My Life,\" and the different songlist. Side One. Side Two. Note:", "title": "This Is My Life (La vita)" }, { "docid": "2879591", "text": "very moment Sylvia playfully \"anoints\" Marcello's head with fountain water. They drive back to Sylvia's hotel to find an enraged Robert waiting for her in his car. Robert slaps Sylvia, orders her to go to bed, and then assaults Marcello who takes it in stride. \"3rd Day Sequence\": Marcello meets Steiner, his distinguished intellectual friend, inside a church playing Bach on the organ. Steiner shows off his book of Sanskrit grammar. \"4th Day Sequence\": Late afternoon, Marcello, his photographer friend Paparazzo, and Emma drive to the outskirts of Rome to cover the story of the purported sighting of the Madonna", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879599", "text": "Emma starts an argument by professing her love, and tries to get out of the car; Marcello pleads with her not to get out. Emma says that Marcello will never find another woman who loves him the way she does. Marcello becomes enraged, telling her that he cannot live with her smothering, maternal love. He now wants her to get out of the car, but she refuses. With some violence (a bite from her and a slap from him), he throws her out of the car and drives off, leaving her alone on a deserted road at night. Hours later,", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879596", "text": "his father, who would spend weeks away from home. Fanny invites Marcello’s father back to her flat, and two other dancers invite the two younger men to go with them. Marcello leaves the others when they get to the dancers' neighborhood. Fanny comes out of her house, upset that Marcello's father has become ill. \"4th Dawn Sequence\": Marcello's father has suffered what seems to be a mild heart attack. Marcello wants him to stay with him in Rome so they can get to know each other, but his father, weakened, wants to go home and gets in a taxi to", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "2879593", "text": "mother to be healed, but trampled to death in the melee. \"4th Night Sequence\": One evening, Marcello and Emma attend a gathering at Steiner’s luxurious home where they are introduced to a group of intellectuals who recite poetry, strum the guitar, offer philosophical ideas, and listen to sounds of nature recorded on tape. An American woman, whose poetry Marcello has read and admired, recommends that Marcello avoid the \"prisons\" of commitment: \"Stay free, available, like me. Never get married. Never choose. Even in love, it's better to be chosen.\" Emma appears enchanted with Steiner's home and children, telling Marcello that", "title": "La Dolce Vita" }, { "docid": "8367551", "text": "you my name\"\". It was succeeded as French representative at the 1990 Contest by Joëlle Ursull with \"White and Black Blues\". J'ai volé la vie \"J'ai volé la vie\" (\"I stole life\") was the French entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1989, performed in French by Nathalie Pâque. At the age of 11, Pâque was the youngest performer France ever sent to Eurovision. The song was performed fifteenth on the night, following Finland's Anneli Saaristo with \"La dolce vita\" and preceding Spain's Nina with \"Nacida para amar\". At the close of voting, it had received 60 points, placing 8th in", "title": "J'ai volé la vie" }, { "docid": "8367550", "text": "J'ai volé la vie \"J'ai volé la vie\" (\"I stole life\") was the French entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1989, performed in French by Nathalie Pâque. At the age of 11, Pâque was the youngest performer France ever sent to Eurovision. The song was performed fifteenth on the night, following Finland's Anneli Saaristo with \"La dolce vita\" and preceding Spain's Nina with \"Nacida para amar\". At the close of voting, it had received 60 points, placing 8th in a field of 22. The lyrics are somewhat elliptical, with Pâque admitting that she \"\"stole life\"\" and that she \"\"couldn't tell", "title": "J'ai volé la vie" }, { "docid": "18931571", "text": "Mike Dolce Mike Dolce (born April 15, 1976) is an American trainer, strength and conditioning coach, weight-cut coach, author, nutrition and fitness expert, and motivational speaker. He is a former mixed martial artist. Dolce is best known for managing the weight cuts of UFC athletes such as Johny Hendricks, Ronda Rousey and Thiago Alves. He was voted as the 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 World MMA Trainer of the Year. Mike Dolce was born and raised in Belmar, New Jersey, the son of James Vincent Dolce (who worked with animals), and Joanne Cobb. At age 8 he had an obsession", "title": "Mike Dolce" }, { "docid": "544513", "text": "In 2002, a poll of film directors conducted by \"Sight and Sound\" magazine listed the film as the 14th greatest film of all time (tied with \"La Dolce Vita\"). In 2006, \"Premiere\" voted this film as one of \"The 50 Greatest Comedies Of All Time\". American Film Institute J. D. Sheldrake: \"But when you've been married to a woman for twelve years, you don't just sit down at the breakfast table and say 'Pass the sugar and I want a divorce.'\" The Apartment The Apartment is a 1960 American romantic comedy film, produced and directed by Billy Wilder from a", "title": "The Apartment" }, { "docid": "17464538", "text": "named Ralph in \"Doubt\", a 2008 movie, that depicts \"A Catholic school principal [who] questions a priest's ambiguous relationship with a troubled 12-year-old student. \"Sons of Tucson\" was aired on Fox in 2010. Dolce plays Gary Gunderson (age 11) who is the middle child of the Gunderson brothers and is the mastermind of hiring Ron as their fake father. Although he is very intellectual, he can get easily stressed by certain situations. In one episode his stress causes him to take blood pressure medication. His serious attitude always bothers people around him. \"Sons of Tucson\" was cancelled after only four", "title": "Frank Dolce" }, { "docid": "2792450", "text": "the \"La sede di via San Damiano\" atelier in September 1995. They opened a combined seven-floor boutique and corporate space \"Lo showroom di via Goldoni\" in 2002, moving from its prior main showroom at Piazza Umanitaria. In July 2006 Dolce & Gabbana then opened a 5,000 square foot show floor \"Lo showroom di via Broggi\" in Milan. The design house also bought the \"Il Metropol\" theatre in Milan, a historic cinema built in the 1940s. It was renovated and reopened in September 2005. In 2006 Dolce & Gabbana opened IL GOLD, an establishment with café, bar, bistro, and restaurant areas.", "title": "Dolce & Gabbana" }, { "docid": "1701429", "text": "Hotel\", the protagonist is reading \"The New Life\" on a train. This reference symbolizes Lisa's desire for enlightenment at the time of her journey. A modified version of the opening line of the work's Introduction was used on the television show \"\" in the episode \"Latent Image\" (1999). The is concerned with a moral situation and Captain Janeway reads this book and leaves the Doctor to discover the poem. In the film \"Hannibal\", Dr. Hannibal Lecter and Inspector Pazzi see an outdoor opera in Florence based on Dante's \"La Vita Nuova\", called \"Vide Cor Meum\". This was specially composed for", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "1701422", "text": "full translation into English was by Joseph Garrow and it was published in 1846. \"La Vita Nuova\" contains 42 brief chapters (31 for Guglielmo Gorni) with commentaries on 25 sonnets, one \"ballata\", and four canzoni; one canzone is left unfinished, interrupted by the death of Beatrice Portinari, Dante's lifelong love. Dante's two-part commentaries explain each poem, placing them within the context of his life. The chapters containing poems consist of three parts: the semi-autobiographical narrative, the lyric that resulted from those circumstances, and brief structural outline of the lyric. The poems present a frame story, recounting Dante's love of Beatrice", "title": "La Vita Nuova" }, { "docid": "17464537", "text": "Frank Dolce Frank Dolce (born May 24, 1996), is an American actor who has appeared on several shows including \"Sons of Tucson\". He has also appeared on Broadway when he played the role of Michael in \"Billy Elliot the Musical\", which was written by Elton John and Lee Hall. Dolce is a resident of Sparta Township, New Jersey and graduated from Sparta High School as of the 2013-2014 school year, where he was a part of the school's golf team. He went on to enroll in the Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. Dolce played a boy", "title": "Frank Dolce" }, { "docid": "17464539", "text": "episodes and the rest were burned off during the summer. On the ABC soap opera \"One Life to Live\", Dolce played Brad in 11 episodes, but was uncredited for four, from March to June 2011. Frank Dolce Frank Dolce (born May 24, 1996), is an American actor who has appeared on several shows including \"Sons of Tucson\". He has also appeared on Broadway when he played the role of Michael in \"Billy Elliot the Musical\", which was written by Elton John and Lee Hall. Dolce is a resident of Sparta Township, New Jersey and graduated from Sparta High School as", "title": "Frank Dolce" }, { "docid": "19202077", "text": "cute and boy-next-door for too much, too long in the show’s run. Much later in the series, Enrique did get a chance to show what else he could do, when his character was made to turn hard and rich and cold-hearted.\" The series was aired in Malaysia (dubbed into Malay language) on Astro Prima and Astro Maya HD, started from September until December 2017. Dolce Amore Dolce Amore (English: \"Sweet Love\") is a 2016 Philippine romantic drama television series directed by Mae Cruz-Alviar, Cathy Garcia-Molina and Richard Arellano, starring Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil. The series aired on ABS-CBN's \"Primetime", "title": "Dolce Amore" } ]
Which country does the airline LACSA come from?
[ "Countries: Costa Rica", "Costarrica", "Republic of Costa Rica", "Sport in Costa Rica", "Costarica", "The Republic of Costa Rica", "Costa rica", "Rich Coast", "Costa-Rica", "Climate of Costa Rica", "Costa Rica", "Costa Rican", "República de Costa Rica", "Climate of costa rica", "Cosat Rica", "Tiquicia", "Coasta rica", "List of Costa Ricans", "ISO 3166-1:CR", "America/Costa Rica", "Coast Rice" ]
[ { "docid": "2482692", "text": "Avianca Costa Rica Avianca Costa Rica, formerly known as LACSA (\"Spanish: Lineas Aéreas Costarricenses S.A.\"), minority owned by the Synergy Group, is the national airline of Costa Rica and is based in San José. It operates international scheduled services to over 35 destinations in Central, North and South America. The airline previously used the TACA/LACSA moniker when it was a subsidiary of Grupo TACA. Since May 2013, following Avianca's purchase of Grupo TACA, Avianca Costa Rica became one of seven nationally branded airlines (Avianca Ecuador, Avianca Honduras, etc.) operated by Avianca Holdings group of Latin American airlines. LACSA was established", "title": "Avianca Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "3159815", "text": "1965 timetable, connecting service to Miami via Grand Cayman was offered by LACSA, an airline based in Costa Rica, while additional connecting service to Miami as well as to New York City was offered by Pan Am via Montego Bay. In 1968, the government of the Cayman Islands purchased a controlling interest in Cayman Brac Airways from LACSA and then formed Cayman Airways which has served the airport since that time. The Cayman Islands Education Department operates two primary schools and one secondary school on the island. These include: Cayman Brac Cayman Brac is an island that is part of", "title": "Cayman Brac" }, { "docid": "2482698", "text": "the airport. None of the 122 passengers on board the aircraft sustained injuries, and stayed at a hotel until another aircraft could transport them to their destination, San José, Costa Rica. The cause of the incident was not determined. Avianca Costa Rica Avianca Costa Rica, formerly known as LACSA (\"Spanish: Lineas Aéreas Costarricenses S.A.\"), minority owned by the Synergy Group, is the national airline of Costa Rica and is based in San José. It operates international scheduled services to over 35 destinations in Central, North and South America. The airline previously used the TACA/LACSA moniker when it was a subsidiary", "title": "Avianca Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "2482695", "text": "new fleet of Embraer 190 airplanes registered in Costa Rica and operated under the LACSA code. In 2009, Aerovías del Continente Americano S.A. (Avianca) and TACA announced their merger plans to be completed in 2010. By 2013, the airlines began operating as a single commercial brand using the Avianca name. According to the May 31, 1973 LACSA system timetable, the airline was serving the following international destinations: This same timetable states that all international flights were being operated with British Aircraft Corporation BAC One-Eleven twin jets at this time with the exception of the San José-San Andres Island route which", "title": "Avianca Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "1931831", "text": "in August 1968 following the purchase of 51% of Cayman Brac Airways by the Cayman Islands Government from LACSA, an air carrier based in Costa Rica. The first aircraft type operated by Cayman Airways was a Douglas DC-3. International service was initially operated to Miami with a leased Douglas DC-6 propliner and the first jet operations were flown between the airport and Kingston, Jamaica with a British Aircraft Corporation BAC One-Eleven leased from LACSA. In 1972, the airline was operating its own stretched BAC One-Eleven series 500 jets on nonstop flights to Miami and Kingston as well as operating Douglas", "title": "Owen Roberts International Airport" }, { "docid": "7085636", "text": "round trip service flown with a Beech Model 18 twin prop aircraft on a routing of Grand Cayman - Little Cayman (flag stop only) - Cayman Brac - Montego Bay. According to the airline's May 1, 1965 timetable, connecting service to Miami via Grand Cayman was offered by LACSA, an airline based in Costa Rica, while additional CBA connecting service to Miami as well as to New York City was offered by Pan Am via Montego Bay. In 1968, the government of the Cayman Islands purchased a controlling interest in Cayman Brac Airways from LACSA and then formed Cayman Airways", "title": "Charles Kirkconnell International Airport" }, { "docid": "2421052", "text": "Cayman Airways Cayman Airways is the flag carrier airline of the British Overseas Territory of the Cayman Islands. With its head office in Grand Cayman, it operates mainly as an international and domestic scheduled passenger carrier, with cargo services available on most routes. Its operations are based at Owen Roberts International Airport in George Town, Grand Cayman. The airline was established and started operations on August 7, 1968. It was formed following the Cayman Islands Government's purchase of 51% of Cayman Brac Airways which was founded in 1955, from LACSA, the Costa Rican flag carrier, and became wholly government owned", "title": "Cayman Airways" }, { "docid": "4882992", "text": "Aero Costa Rica Aero Costa Rica was an airline based in San José, Costa Rica. In 1997 it ceased operations. Its US offices were in Miami Springs, Florida. Aero Costa Rica ACORI, S.A. started service on 11 May 1992 with two Boeing 727-200 Ex-Pan Am (N353PA and N354PA) from San José to Miami. This was the only international carrier that was able to break the airline monopoly in Costa Rica held by Lineas Aereas Costarricenses S.A. (LACSA) since 1945. In July 1992 Aero Costa Rica's flight ML-211 made an emergency landing at Owen Roberts International Airport, Grand Cayman when the", "title": "Aero Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "2482693", "text": "on 17 October 1945 by Pan American World Airways, the Costa Rican government and Costa Rican private interests. It started operations on 1 June 1946 and was designated the national carrier in 1949. Its domestic network was transferred to its wholly owned subsidiary Sansa in September 1959. LACSA operated the Douglas DC-6B four-engined piston airliner from 1960 until 1976 on their regular passenger, and eventually freight, scheduled flights to Miami International Airport. The airline introduced the first of their British Aircraft Corporation BAC One-Eleven twin-engined jet airliners onto their Caribbean passenger route network in April 1967. The airline also operated", "title": "Avianca Costa Rica" } ]
[ { "docid": "14239287", "text": "(with front man Todd Snider) recorded the song in 2014 as a duet with Rosanne Cash. The song includes the lyrics: which \"The Yale Book of Quotations\" attributes as the source for similar aphorisms sometimes attributed to others (e.g. Annie's Mailbox attributes a version of the lyric to a combination of William Watson Purkey and Satchel Paige). In 2004 in response to an inquiry by a group of librarians Richard Leigh stated Come from the Heart \"Come from the Heart\" is a country music song written by Richard Leigh and Susanna Clark and published in 1987. It is most known", "title": "Come from the Heart" }, { "docid": "14239286", "text": "Come from the Heart \"Come from the Heart\" is a country music song written by Richard Leigh and Susanna Clark and published in 1987. It is most known through the 1989 single by Kathy Mattea, released in conjunction with her album \"Willow in the Wind\", though the song was first recorded and released on the 1987 Don Williams album \"Traces\" and also released in 1988 by Clark's husband on his album \"Old Friends\". Mattea's single was her third number one on the country chart, spending 14 weeks on that chart including a single week at the top. Hard Working Americans", "title": "Come from the Heart" }, { "docid": "16269689", "text": "Back Where I Come From \"Back Where I Come From\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Mac McAnally. It was released in January 1990 as the first single from his album \"Simple Life\". The song reached number 14 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. Its B-side, \"Company Time\", was later a single for Linda Davis in 1994. The song is a mid-tempo in which the narrator expresses nostalgia towards his hometown in Mississippi. Regarding its content, McAnally told \"American Songwriter\", \"When I wrote 'Back Where I Come From' I thought that it", "title": "Back Where I Come From" }, { "docid": "5372706", "text": "Sky Airline Sky Airline is an airline based at Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport in Santiago, Chile. It is the second largest airline in the country behind rival LATAM Airlines and the first airline to operate under a low-cost model in the country. It serves international routes to Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay. It also operates charter flights in Chile and South America. Sky Airline was controlled by its founder, Jürgen Paulmann (1930–2014), a German-Chilean businessman, brother of retail billionaire Horst Paulmann. It started operations in December 2001 and made the first flights from Santiago to Northern Chile in", "title": "Sky Airline" }, { "docid": "13683290", "text": "parent company. Expected to begin operations by the end of 2009, the airline also expects to add flights on local routes from Ufa to Neftekamsk and Sibay, possibly utilising Let L-410 Turbolet-sized aircraft. According to Kommersant, industry experts and competitors do not give the airline a chance at success, due to intensive competition on trunk routes, and the lack of a regional air travel market in Bashkortostan. Andrei Martirosov, the general director of UTair Aviation, does not believe that there is available US$500 million in Russia with which to build a network airline and also stated that he is not", "title": "Arkaim (airline)" }, { "docid": "8399475", "text": "the original JB Hutto Airline beyond the first reissue, Eastwood Guitars released the \"Airline '59 Custom\" two and three pickup models in December 2008, which come with striped pickguards and rubber bound bodies, in the spirit of the originals. Airline (brand) Airline was a store brand of consumer electronics and musical instruments originally marketed and sold by American retailer Montgomery Ward via their catalog and brick and mortar stores. Products included radios, televisions, record players, guitars and amplifiers, similar to the way Sears branded their competing line of consumer electronics and instruments Silvertone. In the early 2000s, the Eastwood Guitar", "title": "Airline (brand)" }, { "docid": "5372709", "text": "A320 family planes in 2010 and were fully withdrawn in 2013. Sky Airline Sky Airline is an airline based at Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport in Santiago, Chile. It is the second largest airline in the country behind rival LATAM Airlines and the first airline to operate under a low-cost model in the country. It serves international routes to Argentina, Brazil, Peru and Uruguay. It also operates charter flights in Chile and South America. Sky Airline was controlled by its founder, Jürgen Paulmann (1930–2014), a German-Chilean businessman, brother of retail billionaire Horst Paulmann. It started operations in December 2001", "title": "Sky Airline" }, { "docid": "1275135", "text": "Skies. In May 2010, Emirates Airline executives refuted claims that the carrier does not pay taxes and receives substantial financial assistance from the Dubai government. They claimed that the airline received $80m in cash and kind in the 25 years since the airline was established and this was substantially lower than what other national carriers had received. Maurice Flanagan also claimed that Emirates incurred social costs of around $600m in 2009 and this included municipal taxes to the city of Dubai. The airline also paid a dividend of AED956m ($260m) in 2010, compared to AED2.9bn ($793m) in 2009 and each", "title": "Emirates (airline)" }, { "docid": "2279999", "text": "aircraft livery for the company they are operating flights for. These airlines can be subsidiaries of the major airline or fly under a code sharing agreement or operating through capacity purchase agreements, with the mainline parent company financing the aircraft for the regional airline, and then placing the aircraft with the regional for very little cost. An example would be Envoy Air, which is fully owned by American Airlines Group and does business as American Eagle. For all practical purposes, regional airlines in the United States today, are nothing more than co-branded feeder airlines to U.S. airline alliance largest airports", "title": "Regional airline" }, { "docid": "12637779", "text": "Where I Come From (Alan Jackson song) \"Where I Come From\" is a song written and performed by American country music singer Alan Jackson. It was released in July 2001 as the third single from his album \"When Somebody Loves You\". In November 2001, the song became Jackson's 18th #1 hit on the \"Billboard\" country charts, his only number one from the album. The song is a moderate up-tempo which finds the narrator, a truck driver, traveling across the United States and finding himself in various situations that make him think about how life in other places is different from", "title": "Where I Come From (Alan Jackson song)" }, { "docid": "18133155", "text": "Denmark, Sweden & Norway Anh traveled the country of Iceland. Anh traveled the country of Brazil. Anh traveled the country of Italy. Anh Does Anh Does... is a travel and lifestyle show presented by comedian Anh Do on the Seven Network. It premiered in 2012 with the two-part series \"Anh Does Vietnam\", in which he revisited the country of his birth, Vietnam. Anh's family fled from Vietnam to Australia as refugees in 1980. This series was followed by \"Anh Does Britain\" in 2013 where Anh visited Great Britain and Ireland and continued with other destinations. Anh traveled the country of", "title": "Anh Does" }, { "docid": "16053321", "text": "States started negotiating open skies agreements with the European Union (EU), which would allow any European airline to fly from any airport in their home country to any airport in the US, and similarly any US airline to fly from any US airport to any European airport. In the 1980s, SAS, Swissair, Austrian Airlines and Finnair had attempted to establish European Quality Alliance (EQA). In addition to codesharing and joint marketing, the alliance was largely based around technical issues and using the EQA brand as a \"seal of quality\". These had largely stranded because Finnair felt that SAS goal was", "title": "Alcazar (airline)" }, { "docid": "3204704", "text": "and The Pentagon had used PC-based flight simulators for training. Despite the initial concerns of the involvement of virtual airlines in these terrorist activities, largely little has come from these claims to date and no changes have been noted as occurring in their operation as a result. Virtual airline (hobby) A virtual airline (VA) is a dedicated hobby organization that uses flight simulation to model the operations of an airline. Virtual airlines generally have a presence on the Internet, similar to a real airline. Many hundreds of virtual airlines of significance are currently active, with tens of thousands of participants", "title": "Virtual airline (hobby)" }, { "docid": "5733486", "text": "meals were served by Handley Page Transport, an airline company founded in 1919, to serve the London–Paris route in October of that year. Passengers could choose from a selection of sandwiches and fruit. The type of food varies depending upon the airline company and class of travel. Meals may be served on one tray or in multiple courses with no tray and with a tablecloth, metal cutlery, and glassware (generally in first and business classes). Often the food is reflective of the culture of the country the airline is based in. The airline dinner typically includes meat (most commonly chicken", "title": "Airline meal" }, { "docid": "18133154", "text": "Anh Does Anh Does... is a travel and lifestyle show presented by comedian Anh Do on the Seven Network. It premiered in 2012 with the two-part series \"Anh Does Vietnam\", in which he revisited the country of his birth, Vietnam. Anh's family fled from Vietnam to Australia as refugees in 1980. This series was followed by \"Anh Does Britain\" in 2013 where Anh visited Great Britain and Ireland and continued with other destinations. Anh traveled the country of Vietnam. Anh traveled the country of Britain, including Great Britain & Ireland Anh traveled the country of Scandinavia, including the countries of", "title": "Anh Does" }, { "docid": "2482696", "text": "was being flown with a Convair 440 propliner. The airline was operating to such international destinations in 1984 as: These cities were flown to using Lacsa's Boeing 727 aircraft. As of August 2017 the LACSA fleet consisted of the following aircraft: LACSA services were previously flown exclusively by Airbus A320 family jetliners drawn from the pooled fleet of the former Grupo TACA. In 2008, a new fleet of Embraer 190 jets was introduced. On May 23, 1988, a leased Boeing 727-100, registered TI-LRC and operating the route San José-Managua-Miami, collided with a fence at the end of the runway in", "title": "Avianca Costa Rica" }, { "docid": "19700", "text": "most consolidation takes place within a country. In the U.S., over 200 airlines have merged, been taken over, or gone out of business since deregulation in 1978. Many international airline managers are lobbying their governments to permit greater consolidation to achieve higher economy and efficiency. Airline An airline is a company that provides air transport services for traveling passengers and freight. Airlines utilize aircraft to supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for codeshare agreements. Generally, airline companies are recognized with an air operating certificate or license issued by a governmental aviation body. Airlines vary", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "16525020", "text": "Regional Airline Association The Regional Airline Association (RAA) is a business association founded in 1975 that represents 21 North American regional airlines and 280 associate, non-airline members. This includes manufacturers of products and services supporting the regional airline industry. The RAA is the collective bargaining voice for its members' interests and lobbies on their behalf before the United States Congress, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration and other federal agencies. The RAA represents the financial and economic interests of regional airline employers and regional airline support industry employers. The Regional Airline Association does not represent financial or economic interest of", "title": "Regional Airline Association" }, { "docid": "13273813", "text": "Where I Come From (album) Where I Come From is the fourteenth studio album by the American country rock band the New Riders of the Purple Sage. It was recorded in 2008, and released on the Woodstock Records label on June 2, 2009. Following \"\", \"Where I Come From\" was the second album recorded by the New Riders after they re-formed in 2005, with band co-founder David Nelson on guitar, long-time member Buddy Cage on pedal steel guitar, Hot Tuna alumnus Michael Falzarano on guitar, Ronnie Penque on bass, and Johnny Markowski on drums. It was the band's first studio", "title": "Where I Come From (album)" }, { "docid": "12637782", "text": "fell to number 2 on October 27, with Brooks & Dunn's \"Only in America\" taking over at Number One. The next week, \"Where I Come From\" returned to number 1 for a third and final week at the top. Where I Come From (Alan Jackson song) \"Where I Come From\" is a song written and performed by American country music singer Alan Jackson. It was released in July 2001 as the third single from his album \"When Somebody Loves You\". In November 2001, the song became Jackson's 18th #1 hit on the \"Billboard\" country charts, his only number one from", "title": "Where I Come From (Alan Jackson song)" }, { "docid": "17802744", "text": "EcoJet (airline) Línea Aérea EcoJet S.A., stylized as ecojet, is a Bolivian domestic airline headquartered on the grounds of Jorge Wilstermann International Airport in the city of Cochabamba. It started scheduled passenger operations on November 24, 2013, with two 93-seat Avro RJ85 aircraft. The airline links its home city of Cochabamba, strategically located in the center of the country, with 9 major domestic destinations, reaching all the main centers of population. Along with Amaszonas, ecojet is a private airline that competes with state-owned airline Boliviana de Aviación in the Bolivian domestic market. Ecojet was established on November 24, 2013 and", "title": "EcoJet (airline)" }, { "docid": "13257891", "text": "week. I've Come to Expect It from You \"I've Come to Expect It from You\" is a song written by Buddy Cannon and Dean Dillon, and recorded by American country music artist George Strait. It was released in October 1990 as the third and final single from his album \"Livin' It Up\". It peaked at number 1 on both the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart. In the United States it stayed at number 1 for five weeks. In Canada, it reached number 1 in January 1991 and stayed there for", "title": "I've Come to Expect It from You" }, { "docid": "13257890", "text": "I've Come to Expect It from You \"I've Come to Expect It from You\" is a song written by Buddy Cannon and Dean Dillon, and recorded by American country music artist George Strait. It was released in October 1990 as the third and final single from his album \"Livin' It Up\". It peaked at number 1 on both the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart. In the United States it stayed at number 1 for five weeks. In Canada, it reached number 1 in January 1991 and stayed there for one", "title": "I've Come to Expect It from You" }, { "docid": "19649", "text": "air carriers, to rescheme an airlines assets into a profitable organization or liquidating an air carrier of their profitable and worthwhile routes and business operations. Thus the last 50 years of the airline industry have varied from reasonably profitable, to devastatingly depressed. As the first major market to deregulate the industry in 1978, U.S. airlines have experienced more turbulence than almost any other country or region. In fact, no U.S. legacy carrier survived bankruptcy-free. Among the outspoken critics of deregulation, former CEO of American Airlines, Robert Crandall has publicly stated: \"Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filing shows airline industry deregulation was", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "11568836", "text": "be titled \"Walkin' the Line\". I'm from the Country I'm from the Country is the fifth studio album by American country music artist Tracy Byrd. Released in mid-1998 as his final studio album for MCA Records, it produced only two singles: the title track and \"I Wanna Feel That Way Again\", both of which reached Top Ten on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts that year. Both songs were Top Ten hits, reaching #3 and #9, respectively. \"I'm from the Country\" was co-written by Richard Young, rhythm guitarist for the band The Kentucky Headhunters.", "title": "I'm from the Country" }, { "docid": "11568835", "text": "I'm from the Country I'm from the Country is the fifth studio album by American country music artist Tracy Byrd. Released in mid-1998 as his final studio album for MCA Records, it produced only two singles: the title track and \"I Wanna Feel That Way Again\", both of which reached Top Ten on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts that year. Both songs were Top Ten hits, reaching #3 and #9, respectively. \"I'm from the Country\" was co-written by Richard Young, rhythm guitarist for the band The Kentucky Headhunters. The album was originally to", "title": "I'm from the Country" }, { "docid": "12084801", "text": "Hormiguero\". In Australia, the song was used to promote the 2009 season of the Australian \"Dancing with the Stars\" and has since seen an Australian release, seeing regular radio play. On 20 November 2009, Dixon performed \"The Boy Does Nothing\" as the opener to Children in Need 2009, which she also co-hosted, alongside Terry Wogan and \"Strictly Come Dancing\" colleague Tess Daly. Nick Levine of Digital Spy gave the song stars: Pop Justice gave the song a positive review and rated the song : The video for \"The Boy Does Nothing\" is directed by the art director from the film", "title": "The Boy Does Nothing" }, { "docid": "16269691", "text": "said that \"As a publisher I knew I was devaluing the copyright by singing it myself instead of passing it onto better and bigger singers, but I did it anyway. One of many of my classically bad business choices, but thankfully Kenny Chesney was kind enough to bail me out and cut it again.\" From \"Simple Life\" liner notes. Back Where I Come From \"Back Where I Come From\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Mac McAnally. It was released in January 1990 as the first single from his album \"Simple Life\". The song reached", "title": "Back Where I Come From" }, { "docid": "17289775", "text": "appears. Here the preacher and the street cleaner come in the leading position. Then an old couple appears. These are the parents of Markitos, and a single person does the characters of both of them. And after them, other different characters. The last ones take Markitos down, and they put him in a cart. They drive this cart to a court wall and here the preacher judges Markitos. He says that he has to be killed, so people take the doll and they burn him. This character is typical from Uztaritz. The celebration lasts four days. The first three days,", "title": "Carnivals from the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "2279994", "text": "equipment, brought the independent regional airlines into direct competition with the major airlines, forcing additional consolidation. To improve on their market penetration, larger airline holding companies rely on operators of smaller aircraft to provide service or added frequency service to some airports. Such airlines, often operating in code-share arrangements with mainline airlines, often completely repaint their aircraft fleet in the mainline airline's sub-brand livery. For example, United Express regional airline partner CommutAir branded its entire fleet as United Express. On the other hand, regional airline Gulfstream International Airlines does not brand their aircraft. When Colgan Air was still operating, they", "title": "Regional airline" }, { "docid": "16920691", "text": "and CRJ200 aircraft. In January 2017, SAS reached an agreement with CityJet whereby CityJet bought Cimber and would continue to operate flights on behalf of SAS. Cimber does not operate any routes under its own brand. All flights are conducted on behalf of Scandinavian Airlines, within their regional and European route network. The Cimber fleet consists of the following aircraft (as of August 2017): The airline previously operated the following aircraft: Cimber (airline) Cimber A/S was a Danish airline headquartered in Sønderborg and based at Copenhagen Airport. It flies exclusively for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) on a wet lease (ACMI) contract.", "title": "Cimber (airline)" }, { "docid": "2068976", "text": "Air Canada called \"Air Canada Express Café\" offering snacks for purchase. On flights three hours and fifteen minutes or more in duration, sandwiches are added to the buy on board offering. Only major credit cards are accepted for payment on board. Jazz does not offer buy on board on Dash 8-100 or Dash 8-300 aircraft. Jazz (airline) Jazz Aviation LP, commonly shortened to Jazz, is a Canadian regional airline based at Halifax Stanfield International Airport in Enfield, Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Chorus Aviation. Jazz Aviation provides regional and charter airline services in", "title": "Jazz (airline)" }, { "docid": "16225581", "text": "September 2017. It would be the duo's final Top 10 hit. The music video was directed by Potsy Ponciroli and premiered in September 2011. Where I Come From (Montgomery Gentry song) \"Where I Come From\" is a song recorded by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It is the first single from their seventh studio album, \"Rebels on the Run\". The song was written by Rodney Clawson and Dallas Davidson. The song is a mid-tempo rock-influenced song in which the narrators express pride with their Southern heritage. Co-writer Dallas Davidson said that he did not like many of Montgomery Gentry's", "title": "Where I Come From (Montgomery Gentry song)" }, { "docid": "16225578", "text": "Where I Come From (Montgomery Gentry song) \"Where I Come From\" is a song recorded by American country music duo Montgomery Gentry. It is the first single from their seventh studio album, \"Rebels on the Run\". The song was written by Rodney Clawson and Dallas Davidson. The song is a mid-tempo rock-influenced song in which the narrators express pride with their Southern heritage. Co-writer Dallas Davidson said that he did not like many of Montgomery Gentry's previous singles, and that \"I feel like this song fits them, and I say that as a fan. I think that they can actually", "title": "Where I Come From (Montgomery Gentry song)" }, { "docid": "19438103", "text": "— “leans in,” and does it all — much better than the big Jack Rabbits.\" Author Francis Itani also remembers it as a childhood favorite in which the Country Bunny, \"goes on a quest to prove that she (as much as the male bunnies) can be wisest, swiftest and kindest.\" The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes is a 1939 children's picture book written by DuBose Heyward and illustrated by Marjorie Flack. The book, which has never been out of print, has come to be regarded as a feminist and anti-racist", "title": "The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes" }, { "docid": "5671950", "text": "Mount Cook Airline Mount Cook Airline, a subsidiary of Air New Zealand, is a regional airline based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Formerly part of the Mount Cook Group, it now operates scheduled services throughout the country under the Air New Zealand Link brand. The airline operates the ATR 72-500 and ATR 72-600 aircraft, and all its aircraft wear the Air New Zealand livery. Its main base is Christchurch International Airport. The airline was established and started operations in 1920 at Timaru by Rodolph Lysaght Wigley, who in 1906 had driven the first motor car to The Hermitage. Wigley bought five", "title": "Mount Cook Airline" }, { "docid": "10139972", "text": "2GO (cargo airline) 2GO is a logistics and supply chain company based in Parañaque City, Manila, the Philippines. It operates bulk cargo and express parcel services throughout the Philippines. Its main base is Ninoy Aquino International Airport, Manila. 2GO is operated by the Aboitiz Air Transport Corporation the transport and logistics company owned by Aboitiz Equity Ventures. 2GO Group is a part of the Chinese government-controlled 2GO Group (through the China-ASEAN Investment Cooperation Fund) which includes 2GO Travel and 2GO Express. 2GO does not have any aircraft but uses the hold capacity of Cebu Pacific passenger aircraft. The airline was", "title": "2GO (cargo airline)" }, { "docid": "18992438", "text": "as positive reviews by NPR, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Billboard, Dazed, Jamaican Observer, Complex, FACT, and more. \"Where We Come From\" received acclaim from music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalised rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received an average score of 81, which indicates \"universal acclaim\", based on 5 reviews. Where We Come From Where We Come From is the debut studio album by Jamaican dancehall artist Popcaan, released on 10 June 2014 by Mixpak Records. A prolific dancehall artist from Jamaica, Popcaan collaborated with several producers on the album: Dre Skull", "title": "Where We Come From" }, { "docid": "5289873", "text": "populist politics and her cultivated vocabulary, singling out the lyrics to \"Myths\": \"I don't know about The People, but just plain people say 'scattered upon the four winds,' not 'upon the four winds scattered.' Actually they don't say 'scattered upon the four winds' either\". AllMusic's William Ruhlmann later gave it three out of five stars. Come from the Shadows Come from the Shadows was a 1972 album by Joan Baez. After recording for the independent label Vanguard for more than a decade, Baez signed with A&M, and attempted to point her career in a slightly more \"commercial\" direction (though the", "title": "Come from the Shadows" }, { "docid": "5289871", "text": "Come from the Shadows Come from the Shadows was a 1972 album by Joan Baez. After recording for the independent label Vanguard for more than a decade, Baez signed with A&M, and attempted to point her career in a slightly more \"commercial\" direction (though the album still had overtly political overtones). In addition to her own compositions such as \"Prison Trilogy\",\"Love Song to a Stranger\", \"Myths\", and \"To Bobby\" (addressed to Bob Dylan), Baez included John Lennon's \"Imagine\", Anna Marly's \"Song of the Partisan\", and Mimi Fariña's \"In the Quiet Morning (for Janis Joplin)\". \"In the Quiet Morning\" and \"Love", "title": "Come from the Shadows" }, { "docid": "18669776", "text": "The Airline Cooperative The Airline Cooperative (ACO) is a membership organisation formed by a broad group of International Airlines, with the structure of a Cooperative Society. The pivotal aim of the Cooperative is to share non-competitive information, and work together to increase awareness of relevant safety and security concerns, improve efficiency, reduce costs, learn, and grow. As of March 2015, there were 147 airlines in the group. These airlines are located in 66 different countries worldwide, at 116 different airport base locations. The Airline Cooperative is differentiated from existing airline groups like IATA, AEA, ERA, and so on, in that", "title": "The Airline Cooperative" }, { "docid": "7296575", "text": "(as it can in single-player mode) for longer games. The original game was released in August 1998 in Germany. It was not released in any English-speaking country; however, there was an official English demo. The first Airline Tycoon title to be released in United States and the United Kingdom was \"Airline Tycoon First Class\". It was published in 2001 by Monte Cristo; however, the publisher decided to remove \"First Class\" subtitle from the game box and manuals, though it remained in-game. Features added in First Class include ten brand new missions, multiplayer mode with up to 4 players, new MIDI", "title": "Airline Tycoon" }, { "docid": "7795295", "text": "airline's old livery which featured a springbok), or possibly to avoid confusion with a call sign used by an established airline. Companies' assigned names may change as a result of mergers, acquisitions, or change in company name or status; British Airways uses BOAC's old callsign (\"Speedbird\"), as British Airways was formed by a merger of BOAC and British European Airways. Country names can also change over time and new call signs may be agreed in substitution for traditional ones. The country shown alongside an airline's call sign is that wherein most of its aircraft are believed to be registered, which", "title": "Airline codes" }, { "docid": "2068966", "text": "Limited (CCAL) had served a 30-day termination notice for Jazz's month-to-month lease of terminal space at Toronto City Centre Airport. The Toronto Port Authority itself does not control any significant terminal space at the airport, but it extended permission for Jazz to continue using the airport; however, since the airline could not find terminal space, they cancelled service to the airport at the end of February 2006. CCAL had been bought by REGCO Holdings, (now Porter Aviation Holdings), the owners of Porter Airlines, which launched service from the airport later that year. In August 2008, Jazz Air removed all life", "title": "Jazz (airline)" }, { "docid": "959000", "text": "in pension asset values and financial returns from these assets may increase the size of the pension deficit\". , the airline had over 18,000 employees. Iberia has a 9.49% stake in low-cost carrier Vueling which is based near Barcelona, with parent company IAG owning the remaining 90.51%. This was done to ensure that IAG does not have 100% of the shares in Vueling, but that the shares are split between its divisions. Iberia also has a 0.95% share in Royal Air Maroc. Iberia is allied with American Airlines, Qantas, Avianca, British Airways, and Grupo TACA, and on 1 September 1999,", "title": "Iberia (airline)" }, { "docid": "13273815", "text": "by a bonus disc called Where I Come From: Radio Mixes & Live Bonus. On Allmusic, William Ruhlmann wrote, \"But the heart of the album — seven songs out of 12 — is the work of the new songwriting team of Nelson and Robert Hunter... Hunter comes up with his typically aphoristic, imagistic, and vernacular words (particularly on the title song) and Nelson matches them with catchy, country-tinged melodies that the band plays in frisky country-rock roadhouse arrangements. This may be San Francisco music, but Bakersfield doesn't seem far away as the guitars go twangy and Cage plays down the", "title": "Where I Come From (album)" }, { "docid": "12874250", "text": "sea (if there is a sea in their town or city). The one other day that is important to the Basques is the 6th of January (the Day of the Three Kings). On that night the same happens. The children leave their shoes out and in the night the Three Kings come and leave presents, but much less than Olentzero does. Christmas in the Basque Country Christmas in the Basque Country starts with the of Santo Tomas on 21 December, a celebration in which most people go out onto the streets to dance and eat talo with txistorra (a type", "title": "Christmas in the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "4212205", "text": "DC-10 in early 2001. In June 1999, the management of Sun Country launched a transformation from a charter carrier into a scheduled airline. New service from Minneapolis and Milwaukee began to destinations including Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, Washington, D.C. and Phoenix. The airline also started a frequent flyer program, Smile Awards. In 2001, Sun Country began to replace its entire fleet with Boeing 737 aircraft. As Sun Country reinvented itself, heavy competition from local incumbent carrier Northwest Airlines and the September 11 attacks caused a sharp decrease of traffic and revenue. The airline was losing large amounts of money by", "title": "Sun Country Airlines" }, { "docid": "4901795", "text": "The country exited Gulf Air in 2006, and Oman followed in 2007. Emirates, Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways have since established large hubs at their respective home airports. The hubs, which benefit from their proximity to large population centres, have become popular stopover points on trips between Europe and Asia, for example. Their rapid growth has impacted the development of traditional hubs, such as London, Paris, and New York City. Before the US airline industry was deregulated in 1978, most airlines operated under the point-to-point system (with a notable exception being Pan Am). The Civil Aeronautics Board dictated which routes", "title": "Airline hub" }, { "docid": "19688", "text": "listed as indeed offering a Chicago–Düsseldorf flight. The passenger is advised however, that airline no. 1 operates the flight from say Chicago to Amsterdam, and airline no. 2 operates the continuing flight (on a different airplane, sometimes from another terminal) to Düsseldorf. Thus the primary rationale for code sharing is to expand one's service offerings in city-pair terms to increase sales. A more recent development is the airline alliance, which became prevalent in the late 1990s. These alliances can act as virtual mergers to get around government restrictions. Alliances of airlines such as Star Alliance, Oneworld, and SkyTeam coordinate their", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "1275096", "text": "million) in 2014. The government has received Dhs14.6 billion from Emirates since dividends started being paid in 1999 for having provided an initial start-up capital of US$10 million and an additional investment of about US$80 million at the time of the airline's inception. The Dubai government is the sole owner of the company. However, it does not put any new money into it, nor does it interfere with running the airline. Emirates has diversified into related industries and sectors, including airport services, engineering, catering, and tour operator operations. Emirates has seven subsidiaries and its parent company has more than 50.", "title": "Emirates (airline)" }, { "docid": "2068967", "text": "jackets from its aircraft to lower fuel costs. According to the airline, passengers are to use floating seat cushions in the event of an emergency over water. The airline also stated that the probability of a water landing on the regional airline routes was almost zero, as no operation over great bodies of water occurs except for the Great Lakes and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and that in all circumstances, the airline always remains within from land, as stipulated in the law, which removes the obligation from carrying any flotation devices. In April 2010, Jazz Aviation LP had reached", "title": "Jazz (airline)" }, { "docid": "14752903", "text": "was directed by Trey Fanjoy and premiered in mid-2010. Come Back Song \"Come Back Song\" is a song recorded by American country music artist Darius Rucker. The song, co-written by Rucker and Nashville songwriters Casey Beathard and Chris Stapleton, was released to country music radio in July 2010 as the lead single from Rucker's second album of country music \"Charleston, SC 1966\". \"Come Back Song\" is a mid-tempo which features a narrator singing to his ex via radio and asking her to \"come back.\" \"Come Back Song\" has received mixed reviews from critics. Matt Bjorke of \"Roughstock\" gave the song", "title": "Come Back Song" }, { "docid": "14752901", "text": "Come Back Song \"Come Back Song\" is a song recorded by American country music artist Darius Rucker. The song, co-written by Rucker and Nashville songwriters Casey Beathard and Chris Stapleton, was released to country music radio in July 2010 as the lead single from Rucker's second album of country music \"Charleston, SC 1966\". \"Come Back Song\" is a mid-tempo which features a narrator singing to his ex via radio and asking her to \"come back.\" \"Come Back Song\" has received mixed reviews from critics. Matt Bjorke of \"Roughstock\" gave the song 3.5 of 5 stars and called it \"a strong,", "title": "Come Back Song" }, { "docid": "1275092", "text": "Emirates (airline) Emirates ( DMG: \"Ṭayarān Al-Imārāt\") is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group, which is wholly owned by the government of Dubai's Investment Corporation of Dubai. It is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating over 3,600 flights per week from its hub at Dubai International Airport, to more than 140 cities in 81 countries across six continents. Cargo activities are undertaken by Emirates SkyCargo. Emirates is the world's fourth largest airline in scheduled revenue passenger-kilometers flown, the fourth-largest in terms of international passengers carried, and the", "title": "Emirates (airline)" }, { "docid": "5029379", "text": "Kato Airline Kato Airline AS, trading as Kato Air, was an airline which operated in Northern Norway between 1995 and 2008. Although also operating some smaller aircraft, the main portion of the airline's fleet were two Dornier Do 228. The airline was based at the grounds of Harstad/Narvik Airport, Evenes in Evenes. Commercial operations began in 1996. An early contract was fling newspapers out of Harstad. During 1999 the airline took delivery of two Do 228s and started a scheduled service from Harstad/Narvik to Bodø and Tromsø. The route was not viable and closed later that year. In the process", "title": "Kato Airline" }, { "docid": "8237433", "text": "Vildanden (airline) Vildanden AS (\"The Wild Duck\") was a virtual, regional airline based at Skien Airport, Geiteryggen in Norway, where it was the only airline. With operations starting in 2005, it flew to Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger using a Jetstream 32 and an ATR 42, which is wet leased from Danish Air Transport (DAT) and Helitrans. Previously, the airline has also served Stockholm and Molde, and has also operated Saab 340 aircraft, operated by Coast Air, Air Aurora and Avitrans. The airline had been in conflict with Coast Air about terminating the wet lease agreement. The company has had to", "title": "Vildanden (airline)" }, { "docid": "7296580", "text": "Airline Tycoon 2 received on Metacritic a mediocre score of 57/100 from four reviews. Airline Tycoon Airline Tycoon is a business simulation game by Thomas Holz and Robert Kleinert, in which the player must successfully manage an airline. The original was developed by Spellbound, and published by Infogrames, however, the succeeding versions were published by a variety of publishers. The original \"Airline Tycoon\" was created for Windows, however, the later \"Deluxe\" version was also ported to Linux, Mac OS X, MorphOS, ZETA, iOS and Android. In this game, like all Tycoon computer games, the objective is to become a tycoon,", "title": "Airline Tycoon" }, { "docid": "5029389", "text": "Rally. The airline made several bids to win more routes. They applied in 2006 for both PSO contracts in Finnmark, but failed to match the bid from Widerøe. Following an inspection, the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway withdrew Kato Air Service's aircraft maintenance certificate on 28 August 2008. They citied several severe breaches of regulation and routines. Subsequently, the board decided on 1 September to liquidate the company. The following is a list of scheduled destinations served by Kato Airline. Kato Airline Kato Airline AS, trading as Kato Air, was an airline which operated in Northern Norway between 1995 and", "title": "Kato Airline" }, { "docid": "10030847", "text": "be created which is used to manage the reservation and check in. It is possible to have multiple passengers in a single passenger name record. Having a reservation does not entitle the passenger to travel. Only when the airline receives the payment, a ticket is issued which is linked to the reservation which allows the passenger to travel. Traditionally, reservation and payment are separate steps, which the time between them are defined in the fare rules when the reservation is made. However, it is more common to require immediate payment on online booking systems. Each passenger must hold his/her own", "title": "Airline ticket" }, { "docid": "16277039", "text": "a pickup truck. Scenes also feature him singing the song in a dark room full of blue smoke. During the instrumental break, Brock puts his goggles on as he watches the lightning kick into the back of the truck, and driving his pickup truck again. He stands outside, and the video ends. Lightning Does the Work \"Lightning Does the Work\" is a song co-written and performed by American country music artist Chad Brock. It was released in March 1999 as the third and final single from his self-titled debut album. The song reached 19 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles", "title": "Lightning Does the Work" }, { "docid": "16277038", "text": "Lightning Does the Work \"Lightning Does the Work\" is a song co-written and performed by American country music artist Chad Brock. It was released in March 1999 as the third and final single from his self-titled debut album. The song reached 19 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The song was written by Brock, John Hadley and Kelly Garrett. The music video was directed by Steven T. Miller, and premiered in March, 1999. It features Brock wearing a ball cap, as he uses a tool to make the metal in his barn for the lightning, and driving", "title": "Lightning Does the Work" }, { "docid": "16490960", "text": "Air Safaris (New Zealand airline) Air Safaris is a New Zealand scenic flight and air charter company based at the Lake Tekapo Airport located 2.8 km west of the town of Lake Tekapo, off State Highway 8 in the Mackenzie District of New Zealand. The airline operates from 5 bases the Lake Tekapo, Franz Josef, Glentanner, Twizel and Mt Cook airports. The company logo is a stylised chamois; these are wild goat-like antelope which inhabits the region of the South Island High Country. Air Safaris was established in 1970 at Mesopotamia station to take hunters and hikers into the mountain", "title": "Air Safaris (New Zealand airline)" }, { "docid": "17074804", "text": "Like Jesus Does \"Like Jesus Does\" is a song written by Casey Beathard and Monty Criswell and recorded by American country music artist Eric Church. It was released in January 2013 as the fifth and final single from Church's 2011 album \"Chief\". It was also his eighth consecutive single to be certified gold by the RIAA. The song is a mid-tempo ballad in which the narrator says that his lover accepts his personality and \"loves [him] like Jesus does\". Giving it 3.5 stars out of 5, Billy Dukes of \"Taste of Country\" praised the lyrics and \"vulnerability\", but criticized the", "title": "Like Jesus Does" }, { "docid": "1275136", "text": "year the Government has received at least $100m in dividends. Emirates also faces competition from other UAE-based airlines, Etihad Airways of Abu Dhabi and the low-budget Air Arabia of Sharjah, as well as Qatar Airways of Qatar. Emirates profile on Dhow Net Emirates (airline) Emirates ( DMG: \"Ṭayarān Al-Imārāt\") is an airline based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The airline is a subsidiary of The Emirates Group, which is wholly owned by the government of Dubai's Investment Corporation of Dubai. It is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating over 3,600 flights per week from its hub at Dubai", "title": "Emirates (airline)" }, { "docid": "2421055", "text": "was formed, the airline flew its first international route to Kingston, Jamaica, operating five times a week using a BAC One-Eleven twin jet wet leased from LACSA. International services to Miami were operated eight times a week using a single leased Douglas DC-6 propliner. By the winter of 1973, Cayman Airways was operating stretched BAC One-Eleven series 500 aircraft on both of its jet routes with seventeen flights a week between Grand Cayman and Miami as well as five flights a week between Grand Cayman and Kingston. The airline was also offering direct connecting jet service between Miami and Kingston", "title": "Cayman Airways" }, { "docid": "9520496", "text": "which Dylan drew upon for aspects of the melody and lyrics of \"Girl from the North Country,\" including the line from the refrain \"Remember me to one who lives there, she once was a true love of mine\". Musically, this song is nearly identical to his composition \"Boots of Spanish Leather\", composed and recorded one year later for the album \"The Times They Are a-Changin'\". Girl from the North Country \"Girl from the North Country\" (occasionally known as \"Girl \"of\" the North Country\") is a song written by Bob Dylan. It was recorded at Columbia Recording Studios in New York", "title": "Girl from the North Country" }, { "docid": "18669778", "text": "140 member airlines and continues to grow. In March 2015, a published map showed there to be:<br> - 147 Airline members worldwide<br> - 66 countries with Airline Cooperative airline members<br> - 116 Airport bases with airlines taking part in the Cooperative<br> The Airline Cooperative The Airline Cooperative (ACO) is a membership organisation formed by a broad group of International Airlines, with the structure of a Cooperative Society. The pivotal aim of the Cooperative is to share non-competitive information, and work together to increase awareness of relevant safety and security concerns, improve efficiency, reduce costs, learn, and grow. As of March", "title": "The Airline Cooperative" }, { "docid": "16844746", "text": "song on their duets album of the same name. Come See Me and Come Lonely \"Come See Me and Come Lonely\" is a song written by Red Lane, and recorded by American country music artist Dottie West. It was released in May 1978 as the first single from the album \"Dottie\". The song peaked at number 17 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles chart. In addition, \"Reno\" peaked at number 28 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Country chart. Later in the year, the single was released onto West's 1978 album entitled \"Dottie\". It was the only single released from the album.", "title": "Come See Me and Come Lonely" }, { "docid": "16844745", "text": "Come See Me and Come Lonely \"Come See Me and Come Lonely\" is a song written by Red Lane, and recorded by American country music artist Dottie West. It was released in May 1978 as the first single from the album \"Dottie\". The song peaked at number 17 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles chart. In addition, \"Reno\" peaked at number 28 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Country chart. Later in the year, the single was released onto West's 1978 album entitled \"Dottie\". It was the only single released from the album. In 2017, Pam Tillis and Lorrie Morgan covered the", "title": "Come See Me and Come Lonely" }, { "docid": "19657", "text": "which began its operations without any support from the Government. With the outbreak of World War II, the airline presence in Asia came to a relative halt, with many new flag carriers donating their aircraft for military aid and other uses. Following the end of the war in 1945, regular commercial service was restored in India and Tata Airlines became a public limited company on July 29, 1946, under the name Air India. After the independence of India, 49% of the airline was acquired by the Government of India. In return, the airline was granted status to operate international services", "title": "Airline" }, { "docid": "16331973", "text": "Air Lines\". Ozark Air Lines had recently lost its operating certificate from the CAB and purchased the Parks airline only days into its new service to gain its certificate and routes. Ozark would eventually merge with Trans World Airlines in 1986, which in turn would merge with American Airlines in 2001. Mid-Continent would later become part of Braniff International Airways which ceased operations in 1982. The Parks College Airline fleet consisted of the following aircraft as of 1950: Parks College Airlines operated over 17 years without incident. Parks College Airline Parks College Airline was an defunct airline based in the", "title": "Parks College Airline" }, { "docid": "4698223", "text": "screens known as \"Tedevision\" which were used to play videos throughout the flight. First class seating was not available on Ted flights. Every seat had TedTunes, which had 12 music stations plus a station that played live feeds from Air Traffic Control (channel 9) at the pilot's discretion. Ted (airline) Ted was one of two airline divisional brands of United Airlines. It targeted vacation locations in the low cost airline market, in contrast to United's high end divisional \"sub-fleeted\" brand called United p.s.. \"Ted\" comes from the last three letters in the \"United\" brand name. United marketed Ted anthropomorphically and", "title": "Ted (airline)" }, { "docid": "8819073", "text": "to her younger daughter's choice, becomes determined to put an end to the relationships. Her hate for the director has come full-circle, and Choi now has the chance to do what he wasn't able to do for Hye-su. Which Star Are You From Which Star Are You From () is a South Korean television drama that aired on MBC in 2006. Kim Rae-won plays Choi Seung-hee, a young director who just made a successful international film debut. Following his success in Australia, he meets the girl of his dreams, Lee Hye-su (Jung Ryeo-won), an aspiring musician. After spending a lovestruck", "title": "Which Star Are You From" }, { "docid": "15141651", "text": "Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series) Come Fly with Me is an English mockumentary television comedy series created by and starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams. Narrated by Lindsay Duncan, the series launched on 25 December 2010 on BBC One and BBC One HD. A spoof of British documentaries \"Airport\" and \"Airline\", the series follows the activity at London Stansted Airport and three fictional airlines:FlyLo (a low cost British airline), Our Lady Air (an Irish low-cost airline) and Great British Air (a major international British airline). Lucas and Walliams portray many of the focal airline and airport staff, as", "title": "Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series)" }, { "docid": "5671966", "text": "Zealand link brand in the mid 1990s. At this stage the flower was relegated to a spot just below the tail, before vanishing totally in the early 2000s. However, it has made a return in 2012 appearing towards the front of Mount Cook's ATR 72-600 aircraft. The new logo is a much-simplified flower, featuring six separate petals rather than the former layered specimen. Mount Cook Airline Mount Cook Airline, a subsidiary of Air New Zealand, is a regional airline based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Formerly part of the Mount Cook Group, it now operates scheduled services throughout the country under", "title": "Mount Cook Airline" }, { "docid": "15141658", "text": "the script and characters (translated to Dutch). It was broadcast on RTL 4 from August 2011. Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series) Come Fly with Me is an English mockumentary television comedy series created by and starring Matt Lucas and David Walliams. Narrated by Lindsay Duncan, the series launched on 25 December 2010 on BBC One and BBC One HD. A spoof of British documentaries \"Airport\" and \"Airline\", the series follows the activity at London Stansted Airport and three fictional airlines:FlyLo (a low cost British airline), Our Lady Air (an Irish low-cost airline) and Great British Air (a major", "title": "Come Fly with Me (2010 TV series)" }, { "docid": "4212204", "text": "Sun Country also provided ad-hoc charter lift. In 1989 Sun Country became a member of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) and flew many charters to support the Desert Storm operation from 1990 to 1991. After earning profits of $9.7 million for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1991, the airline acquired additional Boeing 727 and DC-10 aircraft. In the mid 1990s, Mark Travel Group, led by Bill LaMacchia, Jr., acquired Sun Country and began changing the focus of the airline. As the DC-10 aircraft aged and required expensive maintenance, the airline gradually reduced the fleet, ultimately retiring the final", "title": "Sun Country Airlines" }, { "docid": "7795296", "text": "may not always be the same as the country in which the firm is officially incorporated or registered. There are many other airlines in business whose radio call signs are more obviously derived from the trading name. The callsign should ideally resemble the operator's name or function and not be confused with callsigns used by other operators. The callsign should be easily and phonetically pronounceable in at least English, the international language of aviation. For example, Air France's callsign is \"Airfrans\"; 'frans' is the phonetic spelling of 'France'. The airline accounting code, or prefix code, is a 3-digit number, referenced", "title": "Airline codes" }, { "docid": "4712178", "text": "Fresh Air (airline) Fresh Air was a cargo airline based in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. It operated cargo charter services mainly within West Africa. Its main base was Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos. The Nigerian government set a deadline of April 30, 2007 for all airlines operating in the country to re-capitalize or be grounded, in an effort to ensure better services and safety. Seven airlines failed to meet the deadline and as a result would not be allowed fly in Nigeria’s airspace with effect from April 30, 2007. These were: ADC Airlines, Fresh Air, Sosoliso Airlines, Albarka Air, Chrome Air", "title": "Fresh Air (airline)" }, { "docid": "11063384", "text": "find their maker, named Kenji and their questions are answered. Where the Toys Come From Where The Toys Come From is a Disney special directed by Theodore Thomas created in 1983 and then released in 1984 by Walt Disney Studio Showcase. It follows the journey of two toys, named Zoom and Peepers, as they try to find out where they were made. Their owner, named Robin assists them in their journey. Their search begins in a toy museum, where they find out they were made in Japan. Robin takes them to the toy store they were purchased from and they", "title": "Where the Toys Come From" }, { "docid": "11063383", "text": "Where the Toys Come From Where The Toys Come From is a Disney special directed by Theodore Thomas created in 1983 and then released in 1984 by Walt Disney Studio Showcase. It follows the journey of two toys, named Zoom and Peepers, as they try to find out where they were made. Their owner, named Robin assists them in their journey. Their search begins in a toy museum, where they find out they were made in Japan. Robin takes them to the toy store they were purchased from and they begin their trip to Japan. In Japan, Zoom and Peepers", "title": "Where the Toys Come From" }, { "docid": "12024751", "text": "Business class airline A business class airline was an airline concept which emerged during the mid-first decade of the 21st century involving a number of airlines that operated all-business class service. Currently, only one all business class airline, La Compagnie, which was founded in 2013, provides an all business class service between Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris and Newark Liberty International Airport. Service is currently provided using two Boeing 757-200 aircraft, to be supplemented with two Airbus A321neos from 2019. Additionally, a startup known as Odyssey Airlines is planning to launch all business class flight from London City Airport", "title": "Business class airline" }, { "docid": "7795286", "text": "Airline codes This is a list of airline codes. The table lists IATA's two-character airline designators, ICAO's three-character airline designators and the airline call signs (telephony designator). Historical assignments are also included. IATA airline designators, sometimes called IATA reservation codes, are two-character codes assigned by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to the world's airlines. The standard is described in IATA's \"Standard Schedules Information Manual\" and the codes themselves are described in IATA's \"Airline Coding Directory\". (Both are published twice-annually.) The IATA codes originally based on the ICAO designators which were issued in 1947 as two-letter airline identification codes (see", "title": "Airline codes" }, { "docid": "679184", "text": "it was initially reported that Cassani might seek to block the deal with EasyJet, that did not happen. She did not accept a position with the new entity and in November 2003, Barbara Cassani published \"Go, An Airline Adventure\", which chronicled the airline's existence. The Go Fleet consisted of the following aircraft before merging with easyJet: Go (airline) Go Fly (styled and trading as Go) was the name of a British low-cost airline, founded by British Airways (BA) in 1998. It operated flights between London Stansted Airport and destinations in Europe. The airline was purchased from BA in a management", "title": "Go (airline)" }, { "docid": "18805556", "text": "We Come from the Same Place We Come from the Same Place is the third studio album by indie band Allo Darlin'. It was released by Fortuna Pop! Records on 6 October 2014 in the UK and by Slumberland Records on 7 October 2014 in the US. It received mostly positive reviews, with critics noting the songwriting of Elizabeth Morris and the vocals and guitar work of Paul Rains. \"We Come from the Same Place\" is the third album by London-based Anglo-Australian indie band Allo Darlin'. It is the first recording from the band since singer Elizabeth Morris moved to", "title": "We Come from the Same Place" }, { "docid": "10828456", "text": "Airline complaints Airline complaints are any type of formal complaint filed by an airline customer either to the airline responsible for the grievance or the government office responsible for overseeing the airlines national industry. Airline complaints generally arise out of problems experienced during air travel that were left unresolved. According to the Airline Quality Rating 2007 report, airline hassles in the United States have increased since 2005. The rate of complaints, on the other hand, have remained roughly the same, with 0.88 complaints per 100,000, half of which were due to problems with flights or baggage. This may be due", "title": "Airline complaints" }, { "docid": "4716970", "text": "company. In early 2014, Etihad Regional leased four ATR 72-500s from Nordic Aviation Capital to expand routes from Geneva. From the end of March 2014, the airline withdrew its Ancona-Roma Fiumicino and Trapani-Roma Fiumicino routes, as a result of cabotage restrictions, which prevent Swiss aviation companies from operating domestic flights in the European Union. It was previously possible for Darwin Airline to fly these routes thanks to a derogation from the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, however, this was not renewed. In January 2014, Darwin Airline cancelled its Aosta-Roma Fiumicino route before it had commenced; a result of the same cabotage", "title": "Darwin Airline" }, { "docid": "20059153", "text": "Level (airline) Level, styled as LEVEL, is an airline brand of the International Airlines Group (IAG). While Level is expected to become an independent subsidiary airline of IAG with its own operator certificate, most likely based in Spain, long-haul flights for the brand are currently operated by Iberia from Barcelona and OpenSkies from Paris, while short-haul flights from Vienna are operated by Anisec Luftfahrt. Level was marketed initially as a low-cost, long-haul carrier, and began transatlantic services from Barcelona–El Prat Airport in June 2017. In July 2018, Level expanded with long-haul services from Paris Orly Airport which eventually took over", "title": "Level (airline)" }, { "docid": "8819067", "text": "Which Star Are You From Which Star Are You From () is a South Korean television drama that aired on MBC in 2006. Kim Rae-won plays Choi Seung-hee, a young director who just made a successful international film debut. Following his success in Australia, he meets the girl of his dreams, Lee Hye-su (Jung Ryeo-won), an aspiring musician. After spending a lovestruck romp on Australia, they planned to get married. Hye-su, however, discovers her mother does not approve of Choi. Driving to eat out one day, Seung-hee suddenly proposes to Hye-su, and while putting the ring on her finger, Seung-hee", "title": "Which Star Are You From" }, { "docid": "10576218", "text": "out of the Top 30 over the next three weeks, overall spending a total of six weeks in the chart. Come Back (Jessica Garlick song) \"Come Back\" is a single released by Welsh pop singer Jessica Garlick which was the UK entry for 2002 Eurovision Song Contest. The song was written by Martyn Baylay then an airline pilot from Birmingham who prior to \"Come Back\" had made seven unsuccessful attempts to place a composition in the aka \"A Song For Europe\". Baylay would recall: \"I had always tried to deliberately write a song for the Contest, I would try anything", "title": "Come Back (Jessica Garlick song)" } ]
Who directed 2001: A Space Odyssey?
[ "Stanley Q-Brick", "Stanley kubrick", "Stan Kubrick", "Stanley Kubrik", "Kubricks", "List of Stanley Kubrick films", "Stanley Kubrick", "Uncompleted Kubrick films", "Toba metz", "Stanley kubrik", "Kubrick", "Kubrik", "Kubrickian" ]
[ { "docid": "6992690", "text": "had been with Kubrick's film, although he did appear in a cameo role in the finished film, sitting on a park bench feeding birds outside the White House. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001: A Space Odyssey is the 1968 science fiction written by Arthur C. Clarke and the directed by Stanley Kubrick. It is a part of Clarke's \"Space Odyssey\" series. Both the novel and the film are partially based on Clarke's 1948 short story \"The Sentinel\", an entry in a BBC short story competition, and \"Encounter in the Dawn\", published in 1953 in the magazine \"Amazing Stories\". After deciding", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "6992682", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey 2001: A Space Odyssey is the 1968 science fiction written by Arthur C. Clarke and the directed by Stanley Kubrick. It is a part of Clarke's \"Space Odyssey\" series. Both the novel and the film are partially based on Clarke's 1948 short story \"The Sentinel\", an entry in a BBC short story competition, and \"Encounter in the Dawn\", published in 1953 in the magazine \"Amazing Stories\". After deciding on Clarke's 1948 short story \"The Sentinel\" as the starting point, and with the themes of man's relationship with the universe in mind, Clarke sold Kubrick five more", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676758", "text": "and Space Museum. The exhibit features a fully realized, full-scale reflection of the neo-classical hotel room from the film's penultimate scene. Director Christopher Nolan presented a mastered 70mm print of \"2001\" for the film's 50th anniversary at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival on May 12. The new 70mm print is a photochemical recreation made from the original camera negative, for the first time since the film's original theatrical run. 2001: A Space Odyssey (film) 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 epic science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay was written by Kubrick and Arthur C.", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "6992688", "text": "but Saturn. 2001: A Space Odyssey was the name of an oversized comic book adaptation of the 1968 film of the same name and a 10-issue monthly series \"expanding\" on the ideas presented in the film and the eponymous Arthur C. Clarke novel. Jack Kirby wrote and pencilled both the adaptation and the series, which were published by Marvel Comics beginning in 1976. The \"Space Odyssey\" series is a science fiction series of four novels, primarily written by the science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, and two films, released from 1968 to 1997. Stanley Kubrick directed the first film,\" \" (1968).", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676733", "text": "its initial release. \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" is now considered one of the major artistic works of the 20th century, with many critics and filmmakers considering it Kubrick's masterpiece. Director Martin Scorsese has listed it as one of his favourite films of all time. In the 1980s, critic David Denby compared Kubrick to the monolith from \"2001: A Space Odyssey\", calling him \"a force of supernatural intelligence, appearing at great intervals amid high-pitched shrieks, who gives the world a violent kick up the next rung of the evolutionary ladder\". Poet and critic Dan Schneider wrote that \"2001: A Space Odyssey\"", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676659", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film) 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 epic science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The screenplay was written by Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, and was inspired by Clarke's short story \"The Sentinel\". A , written concurrently with the screenplay, was published soon after the film was released. The film, which follows a voyage to Jupiter with the sentient computer HAL after the discovery of a mysterious black monolith affecting human evolution, deals with themes of existentialism, human evolution, technology, artificial intelligence, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The film is noted", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "8237117", "text": "exist outside the action, while uplifting it. With regard to the space docking sequence, Ebert stressed the peculiar combination of slowness and majesty resulting from the choice of Strauss's \"Blue Danube\" waltz, which brought \"seriousness and transcendence\" to the visuals. Speaking of the music generally, Ebert wrote: 2001: A Space Odyssey (score) The \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" score is an unused film score composed by Alex North for Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film, \".\" In the early stages of production, Kubrick had commissioned noted Hollywood composer Alex North, who had written the score for \"Spartacus\" and also worked on \"Dr. Strangelove\",", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (score)" }, { "docid": "6992689", "text": "He also co-authored the treatment and screenplay with Clarke, based on the seed idea in an earlier short story by Clarke (which bears little relation to the film other than the idea of an alien civilisation's having left something to alert them to mankind's attaining the ability to space travel). Clarke's novel \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" was published in 1968. Kubrick had no involvement in any of the later projects. Peter Hyams directed the second film, \"2010\" (1984). He also wrote the screenplay based on Clarke's novel, \"\" (1982). Clarke was not directly involved in Hyams' film's production as he", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "8237108", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey (score) The \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" score is an unused film score composed by Alex North for Stanley Kubrick's 1968 film, \".\" In the early stages of production, Kubrick had commissioned noted Hollywood composer Alex North, who had written the score for \"Spartacus\" and also worked on \"Dr. Strangelove\", to write the score of his upcoming film \"\". However, during post-production, Kubrick chose to abandon North's music in favor of the now-familiar classical music pieces he had earlier chosen as \"guide pieces\" for the soundtrack. North did not know of the abandonment of the score until", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (score)" }, { "docid": "15862344", "text": "March 1966, MGM became concerned about \"2001\"'s progress and Kubrick put together a show reel of footage to the ad hoc soundtrack of classical recordings. The studio bosses were delighted with the results and Kubrick decided to use these \"guide pieces\" as the final musical soundtrack, and he abandoned North's score. In an interview with Michel Ciment, Kubrick explained: 2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack) 2001: A Space Odyssey is a soundtrack album to the , released in 1968. The soundtrack is known for its use of many classical and orchestral pieces, and credited for giving many classical pieces resurgences in", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "15862325", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack) 2001: A Space Odyssey is a soundtrack album to the , released in 1968. The soundtrack is known for its use of many classical and orchestral pieces, and credited for giving many classical pieces resurgences in popularity, such as Johann Strauss II's 1866 Blue Danube Waltz, Richard Strauss' symphonic poem \"Also sprach Zarathustra\" (inspired by the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche), and György Ligeti's \"Atmosphères\". The soundtrack has been re-issued multiple times, including a 1996 version and a digitally remastered version in 2010. From very early in production, Kubrick decided that he wanted the film to", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "5819625", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey (comics) 2001: A Space Odyssey is the name of an oversized American comic book adaptation of the 1968 as well as a ten–issue monthly series which expanded upon the concepts presented in the Stanley Kubrick film and the novel by Arthur C. Clarke. Jack Kirby wrote and pencilled both the adaptation and the series, which were published by Marvel Comics beginning in 1976. The adaptation was part of the agreement of Kirby's return to Marvel. Marvel published the adaptation in its then-common treasury edition format featuring tabloid-sized pages of roughly twice the size of a standard", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (comics)" }, { "docid": "4811722", "text": "top sellers with 300,000 hardcover copies and 1.75 million first paperback editions printed. 2001: A Space Odyssey (novel) 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. It was developed concurrently with Stanley Kubrick's and published after the release of the film. Clarke and Kubrick worked on the book together, but eventually only Clarke ended up as the official author. The story is based in part on various short stories by Clarke, including \"The Sentinel\" (written in 1948 for a BBC competition, but first published in 1951 under the title \"Sentinel of Eternity\").", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "4811695", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel) 2001: A Space Odyssey is a 1968 science fiction novel by British writer Arthur C. Clarke. It was developed concurrently with Stanley Kubrick's and published after the release of the film. Clarke and Kubrick worked on the book together, but eventually only Clarke ended up as the official author. The story is based in part on various short stories by Clarke, including \"The Sentinel\" (written in 1948 for a BBC competition, but first published in 1951 under the title \"Sentinel of Eternity\"). By 1992, the novel had sold three million copies worldwide. An elaboration of", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "5819630", "text": "the hands of the Army. Allusions are made to the series in the \"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.\" season 3 episode \"4,722 Hours\". 2001: A Space Odyssey (comics) 2001: A Space Odyssey is the name of an oversized American comic book adaptation of the 1968 as well as a ten–issue monthly series which expanded upon the concepts presented in the Stanley Kubrick film and the novel by Arthur C. Clarke. Jack Kirby wrote and pencilled both the adaptation and the series, which were published by Marvel Comics beginning in 1976. The adaptation was part of the agreement of Kirby's return to Marvel.", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (comics)" }, { "docid": "13676661", "text": "company, and care was taken that the film would be sufficiently \"British\" to qualify for the Eady Levy, a UK tax on box-office receipts. The film received mixed reactions from critics and audiences upon its release, but garnered a cult following and became the highest-grossing North American film of 1968. It was nominated for four Academy Awards; Kubrick received one for his direction of visual effects. A sequel, \"\", directed by Peter Hyams, was released in 1984. \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most influential films ever made. In 1991, it was deemed", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "16858615", "text": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey The 1968 science fiction film \"\" featured numerous fictional future technologies, which have proven prescient in light of subsequent developments around the world. Before the film's production began, director Stanley Kubrick sought technical advice from over fifty organizations, and a number of them submitted their ideas to Kubrick of what kind of products might be seen in a movie set in the year 2001. The film is also praised for its accurate portrayal of spaceflight and vacuum. \"2001\" is, according to four NASA engineers who based their nuclear-propulsion spacecraft design in part on the", "title": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676673", "text": "Dawn\" inspired the film's \"Dawn Of Man\" sequence. Kubrick and Clarke privately referred to the project as \"How the Solar System Was Won\", a reference to MGM's 1962 Cinerama epic \"How the West Was Won\". On February 23, 1965, Kubrick issued a press release announcing the title as \"Journey Beyond The Stars\". Other titles considered include \"Universe\", \"Tunnel to the Stars\", and \"Planetfall\". In April 1965, eleven months after they began working on the project, Kubrick selected \"2001: A Space Odyssey\"; Clarke said the title was \"entirely\" Kubrick's idea. Intending to set the film apart from the \"monsters-and-sex\" type of", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676660", "text": "for its scientifically accurate depiction of spaceflight, pioneering special effects, and ambiguous imagery. Sound and dialogue are used sparingly and often in place of traditional cinematic and narrative techniques. The soundtrack incorporates a number of pieces of classical music, among them \"Also sprach Zarathustra\" by Richard Strauss, \"The Blue Danube\" by Johann Strauss II, and works by Aram Khachaturian and György Ligeti. \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" was financed and distributed by American studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, but filmed and edited almost entirely in England, where Kubrick lived, using the facilities of MGM-British Studios and Shepperton Studios. Production was subcontracted to Kubrick's production", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "20585475", "text": "of the film and novel, also created by Kirby. \"2001\" has been the frequent subject of both parody and homage, sometimes extensively and other times briefly, employing both its distinctive music and iconic imagery. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the film’s release, an exhibit called “The Barmecide Feast” opened on April 8 2018 in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum. The exhibit features a fully realized, full-scale reflection of the iconic, neo-classical hotel room from the penultimate scene in the film. 2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture In popular culture, Stanley Kubrick's 1968 science fiction", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture" }, { "docid": "16858631", "text": "station window is clockwise when Floyd is greeted by a receptionist, but counterclockwise when he phones his daughter. Over fifty organizations contributed technical advice to the production, and a number of them submitted their ideas to Kubrick of what kind of products might be seen in a movie set in the year 2001. Much was made by MGM's publicity department of the film's realism, claiming in a 1968 brochure that \"Everything in \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" can happen within the next three decades, and...most of the picture will happen by the beginning of the next millennium.\" Although the predictions central", "title": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "16858643", "text": "of an anti-monopoly lawsuit filed by the U.S. Justice Department). The Bell System logo seen in the film was modified in 1969 and dropped entirely in 1983. Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey The 1968 science fiction film \"\" featured numerous fictional future technologies, which have proven prescient in light of subsequent developments around the world. Before the film's production began, director Stanley Kubrick sought technical advice from over fifty organizations, and a number of them submitted their ideas to Kubrick of what kind of products might be seen in a movie set in the year 2001. The film is", "title": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "11514779", "text": "the documentary feelings about everything were necessary in order to undermine your built-in resistance to the poetical concept.\" When asked by Eric Nordern in Kubrick's interview with \"Playboy\" if \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" was a religious film, Kubrick elaborated: I will say that the God concept is at the heart of \"2001\" but not any traditional, anthropomorphic image of God. I don't believe in any of Earth's monotheistic religions, but I do believe that one can construct an intriguing scientific definition of God, once you accept the fact that there are approximately 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, that", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "20585465", "text": "2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture In popular culture, Stanley Kubrick's 1968 science fiction film \"\" has had a significant impact in such diverse cultural forms and media as film, literature, music and technology. The influence of \"2001\" on subsequent filmmakers is considerable. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and others, including many special effects technicians, discuss the impact the film has had on them in a featurette titled \"Standing on the Shoulders of Kubrick: The Legacy of 2001\", included in the 2007 DVD release of the film. Spielberg calls it his film generation's \"big bang\", while Lucas says it was", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture" }, { "docid": "11514770", "text": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey Since its premiere in 1968, the film \"\" has been analysed and interpreted by numerous people, ranging from professional movie critics to amateur writers and science fiction fans. The director of the film, Stanley Kubrick, and the writer, Arthur C. Clarke, wanted to leave the film open to philosophical and allegorical interpretation, purposely presenting the final sequences of the film without the underlying thread being apparent; a concept illustrated by the final shot of the film, which contains the image of the embryonic \"Starchild\". Nonetheless, in July 2018, Kubrick's interpretation of the ending scene", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "11514825", "text": "Kubrick, notoriously reluctant to provide any explanation of his work, never publicly stated the intended functions of the orbiting satellites, preferring instead to let the viewer surmise what their purpose might be. Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey Since its premiere in 1968, the film \"\" has been analysed and interpreted by numerous people, ranging from professional movie critics to amateur writers and science fiction fans. The director of the film, Stanley Kubrick, and the writer, Arthur C. Clarke, wanted to leave the film open to philosophical and allegorical interpretation, purposely presenting the final sequences of the film without the", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676674", "text": "science-fiction films of the time, Kubrick used Homers \"The Odyssey\" as inspiration for the title. Kubrick said, \"It occurred to us that for the Greeks the vast stretches of the sea must have had the same sort of mystery and remoteness that space has for our generation.\" Kubrick and Clarke planned to develop the first, free of the constraints of film, and then write the screenplay. They planned the writing credits to be \"Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke, based on a novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick\" to reflect their preeminence in their respective fields.", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676752", "text": "essay \"Odyssey of Stanley Kubrick\" wrote, \"Kubrick has conceived a film which in one stroke has made the whole science fiction cinema obsolete.\" Others credit \"2001\" with opening up a market for films such as \"Close Encounters of the Third Kind\", \"Alien\", \"Blade Runner\", \"Contact\", and \"Interstellar\", proving that big-budget \"serious\" science-fiction films can be commercially successful, and establishing the \"sci-fi blockbuster\" as a Hollywood staple. Science magazine \"Discover\"s blogger Stephen Cass, discussing the film's considerable impact on subsequent science fiction, writes that \"the balletic spacecraft scenes set to sweeping classical music, the tarantula-soft tones of HAL 9000, and the", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "20585467", "text": "\"2001\" was the unbeatable film that in a sense killed the science fiction genre. Similarly, film critic Michel Ciment in his essay \"Odyssey of Stanley Kubrick\" stated, \"Kubrick has conceived a film which in one stroke has made the whole science fiction cinema obsolete.\" However, others credit \"2001\" with opening up a market for films such as \"Close Encounters of the Third Kind\", \"Alien\", \"Blade Runner\" and \"Contact\"; proving that big-budget \"serious\" science-fiction films can be commercially successful, and establishing the \"sci-fi blockbuster\" as a Hollywood staple. Science magazine \"Discover\"s blogger Stephen Cass, discussing the considerable impact of the film", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture" }, { "docid": "5819626", "text": "American comic book. The story is a close adaptation of the events of the film, but differs in the fact that Kirby incorporated additional dialog from two other sources: the Clarke/Kubrick novel and a copy of an earlier draft script of the film that included the more colloquial-sounding version of HAL 9000, as originally voiced by actor Martin Balsam before Douglas Rain took over. In addition, the comic narrative captions describe the characters' thoughts and feelings, a significantly different approach from that taken by the film. The treasury edition also contained a 10-page article entitled \"2001: A Space Legacy\" written", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (comics)" }, { "docid": "2426667", "text": "File\") and also made a non-speaking cameo appearance in the film. Kubrick had no involvement in the \"2010\" novel or film, or any of the later projects. The \"Space Odyssey\" series combines several science-fiction narrative conventions with a metaphysical tone. Since the stories and settings in the books and films all diverge, Clarke suggested that the \"continuity\" of the series represents happenings in a set of parallel universes. One notable example is that in the \"2001\" novel, the voyage was to the planet Saturn. During production of the film, it was decided that the special effects for Saturn's rings would", "title": "Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "11514814", "text": "machines\". Kubrick was also confronted with the fact that, during the production of the film, the US and USSR had agreed not to put any nuclear weapons into outer space by signing the Outer Space Treaty. Alexander Walker in a book he wrote with Kubrick's assistance and authorisation, states that Kubrick eventually decided that as nuclear weapons the bombs had \"no place at all in the film's thematic development\", now being an \"orbiting red herring\" which would \"merely have raised irrelevant questions to suggest this as a reality of the twenty-first century\". In the Canadian TV documentary \"2001 and Beyond\",", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "15862328", "text": "Like North's score, Cordell's work was recorded at the now demolished Anvil, Denham studios. \"2001\" is particularly remembered for using pieces of Johann Strauss II's best-known waltz, \"The Blue Danube\", during the extended space-station docking and Lunar landing sequences. This is the result of the association that Kubrick made between the spinning motion of the satellites and the dancers of waltzes. It also makes use of the opening from the Richard Strauss tone poem \"Also sprach Zarathustra\" performed by the Vienna Philharmonic conducted by Herbert von Karajan. The use of Strauss's \"Zarathustra\" may be a reference to the theme of", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "13676688", "text": "and the 1964 New York World's Fair movie \"To the Moon and Beyond\", were very influential. According to biographer Vincent Lobrutto, \"Universe\" was a visual inspiration to Kubrick. The 29-minute film, which had also proved popular at NASA for its realistic portrayal of outer space, achieved \"the standard of dynamic visionary realism that he was looking for.\" Wally Gentleman, one of the special effects artists on \"Universe\", worked briefly on \"2001\". Kubrick also asked \"Universe\" co-director Colin Low about animation camerawork, with Low recommending British mathematician Brian Salt, with whom Low and Roman Kroitor had previously worked on the 1957", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676730", "text": "mini-reviews of the film in various issues in 1968, each one slightly more positive than the preceding one; in the final review dated December 27, 1968, the magazine called \"2001\" \"an epic film about the history and future of mankind, brilliantly directed by Stanley Kubrick. The special effects are mindblowing.\" Pauline Kael called it \"a monumentally unimaginative movie\", and Stanley Kauffmann of \"The New Republic\" called it \"a film that is so dull, it even dulls our interest in the technical ingenuity for the sake of which Kubrick has allowed it to become dull.\" Renata Adler of \"The New York", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "3586552", "text": "fused as one being \"Halman\" in the Monolith's computational matrix) were able to introduce a computer virus into TMA-2 which destroyed it before it could render the human race extinct. The Firstborn did not appear to have abandoned all interest in the evolutionary experiments overseen by the ancient Monoliths. Given that the Monoliths' communications are said to be limited by the speed of light, but Dave Bowman is sent on an interstellar journey at the end of \"2001: A Space Odyssey\", and Bowman is apparently transformed into the Star Child, not by the Monoliths, but by the Firstborn (both Kubrick", "title": "Monolith (Space Odyssey)" }, { "docid": "13676740", "text": "as a pessimistic account of human nature and humanity's future. The most extreme of these interpretations state that the fetus floating above the Earth will destroy it.\" Many of the cataclysmic interpretations of the film appeared inspired by Kubrick's direction of the Cold War film \"Dr. Strangelove\" just before \"2001\", which resulted in dark speculation about the use of nuclear weapons orbiting the Earth in \"2001\". These interpretations were challenged by Clarke, who said: \"Many readers have interpreted the last paragraph of the book to mean that he (the fetus) destroyed Earth, perhaps for the purpose of creating a new", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "11514783", "text": "the myriad mysteries of cosmic intelligence anathema. The film has been seen by many people not only as a literal story about evolution and space adventures, but as an allegorical representation of aspects of philosophical, religious or literary concepts. Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophical tract \"Thus Spoke Zarathustra\", about the potential of mankind, is directly referred to by the use of Richard Strauss's musical piece of the same name. Nietzsche writes that man is a bridge between the ape and the Übermensch. In an interview in the \"New York Times\", Kubrick gave credence to interpretations of 2001 based on \"Zarathustra\" when he", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676670", "text": "in science fiction films was sparked by Japanese tokusatsu films such as \"Warning from Space\" (1956). According to his biographer John Baxter, despite their \"clumsy model sequences, the films were often well-photographed in colour ... and their dismal dialogue was delivered in well-designed and well-lit sets.\" Searching for a collaborator in the science fiction community, Kubrick was advised by a mutual acquaintance, Columbia Pictures staffer Roger Caras, to talk to writer Arthur C. Clarke, who lived in Ceylon. Although convinced that Clarke was \"a recluse, a nut who lives in a tree\", Kubrick allowed Caras to cable the film proposal", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "11514792", "text": "onto it all manner of ideas relating to the film. The Monolith in the movie seems to represent and even trigger epic transitions in the history of human evolution, evolution of man from ape-like beings to civilised people, hence the odyssey of mankind. Vincent LoBrutto's biography of Kubrick notes that for many, Clarke's novel is the key to understanding the monolith. Similarly, Geduld observes that \"the monolith ...has a very simple explanation in Clarke's novel\", though she later asserts that even the novel does not fully explain the ending. \"Rolling Stone\" reviewer Bob McClay sees the film as a four-movement", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676687", "text": "what remains is notable for its banality (making the computer HAL seem to have more emotion than the humans) juxtaposed with epic space scenes. Kubrick's decision to avoid the fanciful portrayals of space in standard popular science fiction films of the time led him to seek more realistic and scientifically accurate depiction of space travel. Illustrators such as Chesley Bonestell, Roy Carnon, and Richard McKenna were hired to produce concept drawings, sketches and paintings of the space technology seen in the film. Two educational films that came out previously, the 1960 National Film Board of Canada animated short documentary \"Universe\"", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" } ]
[ { "docid": "6992685", "text": "its scientific realism, pioneering special effects, and provocatively ambiguous imagery and sound in place of traditional narrative techniques. Despite receiving mixed reviews upon release, \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" is today thought by some critics to be one of the greatest films ever made and is widely regarded as one of the best science fiction films of all time. It was nominated for four Academy Awards, and received one for visual effects. It also won the Kansas City Film Critics Circle Best Director and Best Film awards of 1968. In 1991, \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" was deemed culturally significant by the", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "4811707", "text": "physical form altogether. When \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" was written, mankind had not yet set foot on the moon. The space exploration programs in the United States and the Soviet Union were only in the early stages. Much room was left to imagine the future of the space program. \"Space Odyssey\" offers one such vision, offering a glimpse at what space exploration might one day become. Lengthy journeys, such as manned flights to Saturn, and advanced technologies, such as suspended animation, are described in the novel. The book raises questions about consciousness, sentience, and human interactions with machines. Hal's helpful", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "13676738", "text": "A Space Odyssey\" has been analyzed and interpreted by professional critics and theorists, amateur writers and science fiction fans. Peter Kramer in his monograph for BFI analyzing the film summarized the diverse interpretations as ranging from those who saw it as darkly apocalyptic in tone to those who saw it as an optimistic reappraisal of the hopes of mankind and humanity. Questions about \"2001\" range from uncertainty about its implications for humanity's origins and destiny in the universe to interpreting elements of the film's more enigmatic scenes, such as the meaning of the monolith, or the fate of astronaut David", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676749", "text": "level of being that represents the next stage of human evolution. The film also conveys what some viewers have described as a sense of the sublime and numinous. Ebert writes in his essay on \"2001\" in \"The Great Movies\": In a book on architecture, Gregory Caicco writes that \"Space Odyssey\" illustrates how our quest for space is motivated by two contradictory desires, a \"desire for the sublime\" characterized by a need to encounter something totally other than ourselves—\"something numinous\"—and the conflicting desire for a beauty that makes us feel no longer \"lost in space,\" but at home. Similarly, an article", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "11514794", "text": "\"The cyclical evolution from ape to man to spaceman to angel-starchild-superman is complete\". The monolith appears four times in \"2001: A Space Odyssey\": on the African savanna, on the moon, in space orbiting Jupiter, and near Bowman's bed before his transformation. After the first encounter with the monolith, we see the leader of the apes have a quick flashback to the monolith after which he picks up a bone and uses it to smash other bones. Its usage as a weapon enables his tribe to defeat the other tribe of apes occupying the water hole who have not learned how", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "5651347", "text": "2001: A Space Travesty 2001: A Space Travesty is a 2000 comedy film directed by Allan A. Goldstein and starring Leslie Nielsen. The film has a few sequences parodying elements of \"\", but is not focused on parodying \"Odyssey\". Marshal Richard \"Dick\" Dix, a special detective, saves a fast food chain restaurant from a terrorist hostage situation, much to the displeasure of the police chief. He drives away and back to the police station, where he meets his boss, who is with a police worker, Cassandra Menage. She retells her experience of the cloning of the President of the United", "title": "2001: A Space Travesty" }, { "docid": "4811704", "text": "becomes an immortal 'Star Child' that can live and travel in space. The Star Child then returns to Earth, where he detonates an orbiting nuclear warhead. This is not discussed again until the sequel to the book, \"\". \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" explores technological advancement: its promise and its danger. The HAL 9000 computer puts forward the troubles that can crop up when man builds machines, the inner workings of which he does not fully comprehend and therefore cannot fully control. The book explores the perils related to the atomic age. In this novel, the Cold War is apparently still", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "11514821", "text": "as \"orbiting satellites carrying nuclear weapons\" Actor Gary Lockwood (astronaut Frank Poole) in the audio DVD commentary says the first satellite is an armed weapon, making the famous match-cut from bone to satellite a \"weapon-to-weapon cut\". Several recent reviews of the film mostly of the DVD release refer to armed satellites, possibly influenced by Gary Lockwood's audio commentary. A few published works by scientists on the subject of space exploration or space weapons tangentially discuss \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" and assume at least some of the orbiting satellites are space weapons. Indeed, details worked out with input from space industry", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676662", "text": "\"culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant\" by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. \"Sight & Sound\" magazine ranked \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" sixth in the top ten films of all time in its 2002 and 2012 critics' polls editions; it also tied for second place in the magazine's 2012 directors' poll. In 2010, it was named the greatest film of all time by \"The Moving Arts Film Journal\". In an African desert millions of years ago, a tribe of hominids is driven away from its water hole by a rival tribe. They", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676721", "text": "in the 2.21:1 aspect ratio. The general release of the film in its 35mm anamorphic format took place in autumn 1968 and used either a four-track magnetic stereo soundtrack or an optical monaural soundtrack. The original 70-millimetre release, like many Super Panavision 70 films of the era such as \"Grand Prix\", was advertised as being in \"Cinerama\" in cinemas equipped with special projection optics and a deeply curved screen. In standard cinemas, the film was identified as a 70-millimetre production. The original release of \"2001: A Space Odyssey\" in 70-millimetre Cinerama with six-track sound played continually for more than a", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "9830324", "text": "Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey (originally titled as 2004: A Light Knight's Odyssey) is a 2010 animated educational sci-fi adventure film, written by Harry 'Doc' Kloor and directed by Kloor and Dan St. Pierre, as a science fiction film that takes the viewer on an atomic adventure in space. The voice cast originally included Christian Slater, John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael York, and James Earl Jones, but the cast changed in 2008, reflecting a new script that detailed a host of new discoveries made by the \"Cassini–Huygens\" mission to", "title": "Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "2426663", "text": "Space Odyssey The \"Space Odyssey\" series is a series of science fiction novels by the writer Arthur C. Clarke. Two of the novels have been made into feature films, released in 1968 and 1984 respectively. Two of Clarke's early short stories may also be considered part of the series. Short stories: Novels: Comic books: It was reported on Yahoo Entertainment in 2000 that M.G.M. and Tom Hanks were in discussions regarding turning both \"2061: Odyssey Three\" and \"3001: The Final Odyssey\" into movies (Hanks would reportedly play Frank Poole in the \"3001\" film). An update in 2001 stated that there", "title": "Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "6655589", "text": "Space Odyssey (TV series) Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets (released as Voyage to the Planets and Beyond in the United States) is a 2004 British fictional documentary about a manned voyage through the solar system. \"Space Odyssey\" premiered in 2004 and was made by the BBC. It was written and directed by Joe Ahearne and produced by Christopher Riley, who was presented with the 2005 Sir Arthur Clarke Award for Best TV & Radio Presentation. The story is set at an unspecified time in the future, though in the accompanying book, the mission's chief science officer recalls reading Arthur", "title": "Space Odyssey (TV series)" }, { "docid": "20585469", "text": "appearance on the cover of \"The Whole Earth Catalog\". Noting that images of the entire planet recur several times in \"A Space Odyssey\", Jacobs writes: In August 2011, in response to Apple Inc.'s patent infringement lawsuit against Samsung, the latter argued that Apple's iPad was effectively modeled on the visual tablets that appear aboard spaceship \"Discovery\" in the \"Space Odyssey\" film, which constitute prior art. \"Siri\", Apple's natural language voice control system for the iPhone 4S, features a reference to the film: it responds \"I'm sorry I can't do that\" when asked to \"open the pod bay doors\". When asked", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey in popular culture" }, { "docid": "11514822", "text": "experts, such as the structure on the first satellite that Pietrobon refers to as a \"conning tower\", match the original concept sketch drawn for the nuclear bomb platform. Modelers label them in diverse ways. On the one hand, the \"2001\" exhibit (given in that year) at the Tech Museum in San Jose and now online (for a subscription) referred merely to \"satellites\", while a special modelling exhibition at the exhibition hall at Porte de Versailles in Paris also held in 2001 (called \"2001 l'odyssée des maquettes (2001: A Modeler's Odyssey)\") overtly described their reconstructions of the first satellite as the", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "6078247", "text": "concerns.\" Source: \"New York Times\" Source: AllMusic A list of the songs on the Original Cast recording, with the songs they parody and the original composers listed. Alan Cumming in Cabaret (\"Wilkommen\", Kander - Ebb) Forbidden Broadway 2001: A Spoof Odyssey Forbidden Broadway 2001: A Spoof Odyssey is the 21st century's first incarnation of the Off-Broadway revue Forbidden Broadway. It was conceived, created and written by Gerard Alessandrini and satirizes Broadway's latest shows and stars. Phillip George co-directed with Alessandrini, with Catherine Stornetta the musical director and piano accompanist. George contributed some of the ideas and dialogue for the sketches.", "title": "Forbidden Broadway 2001: A Spoof Odyssey" }, { "docid": "6078245", "text": "Forbidden Broadway 2001: A Spoof Odyssey Forbidden Broadway 2001: A Spoof Odyssey is the 21st century's first incarnation of the Off-Broadway revue Forbidden Broadway. It was conceived, created and written by Gerard Alessandrini and satirizes Broadway's latest shows and stars. Phillip George co-directed with Alessandrini, with Catherine Stornetta the musical director and piano accompanist. George contributed some of the ideas and dialogue for the sketches. The show opened in December 2000 in the Stardust Theater (at Ellen's Stardust Diner). An album, the seventh in the series, accompanies the show, having been recorded and mixed in December 2000 by Cynthia Daniels", "title": "Forbidden Broadway 2001: A Spoof Odyssey" }, { "docid": "4811710", "text": "a Space Shuttle launch, the adhesive sauces used to keep food firmly in place on one's plate, and even the zero-gravity toilet. Over the course of the novel, several minor characters either appear very briefly or are named only in passing, including other man-apes, spaceflight staff, lunar station security, and \"Discovery\" crew members. Among the novel's minor characters, some of the more consequential are listed below (often having direct film equivalents, or else being recurring characters in the \"Odyssey\" novel series). A sequel to the book, entitled \"\", was published in 1982 and adapted as a motion picture in 1984.", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "4811706", "text": "human and otherwise. The story follows the growth of human civilization from primitive man-ape. Distinctively, \"Space Odyssey\" is concerned about not only the evolution that has led to the development of humanity, but also the evolution that humanity might undergo in the future. Hence, we follow Bowman as he is turned into a Star Child. The novel acknowledges that evolutionary theory entails that humanity is not the end, but only a step in the process. One way this process might continue, the book imagines, is that humans will learn to move to robot bodies and eventually rid themselves of a", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "13676729", "text": "\"Space Odyssey\" is important as the high-water mark of science-fiction movie making, or at least of the genre's futuristic branch.\" \"The Boston Globe's\" review called it \"the world's most extraordinary film. Nothing like it has ever been shown in Boston before or, for that matter, anywhere ... The film is as exciting as the discovery of a new dimension in life.\" Roger Ebert gave the film four stars in his original review, saying the film \"succeeds magnificently on a cosmic scale.\" He later put it on his Top 10 list for \"Sight & Sound\". \"Time\" provided at least seven different", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "2426668", "text": "be too expensive, so the voyage in the film is to Jupiter instead. The second book, \"2010\", retcons the storyline of the first book to make the destination Jupiter as seen in the film. Clarke stated that the \"Time Odyssey\" novels are an \"orthoquel\" (a neologism coined by Clarke for this purpose, combining the word \"sequel\" with \"ortho-\", the Greek prefix meaning \"straight\" or \"perpendicular\", and alluding to the fact that time is orthogonal to space in relativity theory) to the \"Space Odyssey\" series. Space Odyssey The \"Space Odyssey\" series is a series of science fiction novels by the writer", "title": "Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676690", "text": "covering the mechanics and physics of space travel and created storyboards for the space flight sequences in \"2001\". Trumbull became a special effects supervisor on \"2001\". Filming began December 29, 1965, in Stage H at Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, England. The studio was chosen because it could house the pit for the Tycho crater excavation scene, the first to be shot. The production moved in January 1966 to the smaller MGM-British Studios in Borehamwood, where the live action and special effects filming was done, starting with the scenes involving Floyd on the Orion spaceplane; it was described as a \"huge throbbing", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676703", "text": "\"Action Office\" series. First introduced in 1968, the Action Office-style \"cubicle\" would eventually occupy 70 percent of office space by the mid-2000s. Danish designer Arne Jacobsen designed the cutlery used by the \"Discovery\" astronauts in the film. Other examples of modern furniture in the film are the bright red Djinn chairs seen prominently throughout the space station and Eero Saarinen's 1956 pedestal tables. Olivier Mourgue, designer of the Djinn chair, has used the connection to \"2001\" in his advertising; a frame from the film's space station sequence and three production stills appear on the homepage of Mourgue's website. Shortly before", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "5819627", "text": "by David Anthony Kraft. Shortly after the publication of the treasury edition, Kirby continued to explore the concepts of \"2001\" in a monthly comic book series of the same name, the first issue of which was cover dated December 1976. In this issue, Kirby followed the pattern established in the film. Once again the reader encounters a prehistoric man (\"Beast-Killer\") who gains new insight upon encountering a Monolith as did Moon-Watcher in the film. The scene then shifts, where a descendant of Beast-Killer is part of a space mission to explore yet another Monolith. When he finds it, this Monolith", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (comics)" }, { "docid": "16858617", "text": "adviser for the film. \"2001\" accurately presents outer space as not allowing the propagation of sound, in sharp contrast to other films with space scenes in which explosions or sounds of passing spacecraft are heard. \"2001\" portrayal of weightlessness in spaceships and outer space is also more realistic. Tracking shots inside the rotating wheel providing artificial gravity contrast with the weightlessness outside the wheel during the repair and Hal disconnection scenes. (Scenes of the astronauts in the \"Discovery\" pod bay, along with earlier scenes involving shuttle flight attendants, depict walking in zero-gravity with the help of velcro-equipped shoes labeled \"Grip", "title": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "4811721", "text": "trying to tell us something?\" Clarke himself directly addressed the spelling issue in chapter 19 of \"The Lost Worlds of 2001\", explaining that he simply (and unconsciously) used the spelling he was familiar with from \"The Conquest of Space\" (1949) by Willy Ley and Chesley Bonestell, presuming that the \"J\" form is the German rendering of the Greek. The film \"2010\" was released in 1984 resulting in movie tie-in editions of both the \"2001\" and \"2010\" novels. At the time Signet Books reported that over 2.8 million copies of \"2001\" were in print and that \"2010\" was one of 1983's", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "8958557", "text": "Odyssey Space Research Odyssey Space Research, LLC is a small business based in Houston, Texas near NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center providing engineering research and analysis services. This start-up in the space industry founded in November 2003 has already won major contracts and is the only private company working on the 5 next human-rated spacecraft (ATV, HTV, CEV, and both COTS spacecraft with SpaceX and Orbital Sciences Corporation). June 9, 2011 Odyssey Space Research, L.L.C., announced a space-based, experimental app, dubbed SpaceLab for iOS, which will be used for space research aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The SpaceLab", "title": "Odyssey Space Research" }, { "docid": "3554108", "text": "Gamma Ray Spectrometer (2001 Mars Odyssey) The Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) is a gamma-ray spectrometer on the \"2001 Mars Odyssey\" spacecraft, a space probe orbiting the planet Mars since 2001. Part of NASA's Mars Surveyor 2001 program, it returns geological data about Mars's surface such as identifying elements and the location of water. It is maintained by the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona in the United States. This instrument has mapped the distribution surface hydrogen, thought to trace water in the surface layer of Martian soil. The Gamma Ray Spectrometer weighs and uses 32 watts of", "title": "Gamma Ray Spectrometer (2001 Mars Odyssey)" }, { "docid": "8958559", "text": "Lockheed Martin team supporting NASA's Orion project. The Odyssey role will include support of the vehicle guidance, navigation and control (GN&C), simulation development, and related analysis. August 18, 2006 NASA announced the results of the Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) demonstration competition. Odyssey Space Research is part of one of the two COTS winning teams: Space Exploration Technologies—or more commonly, SpaceX. Odyssey's role will include support of the Dragon vehicle guidance, navigation and control (GN&C) development, selected simulation and test-bed development, related analyses, systems engineering and operations. Odyssey Space Research Odyssey Space Research, LLC is a small business based in", "title": "Odyssey Space Research" }, { "docid": "9830338", "text": "provided by NASA into the music, and served as Post Audio Producer on the film. Excerpts were shown at the 2008 ComicCon in San Diego which featured voice cameos from actors William Shatner, Chris Pine, Brent Spiner, Doug Jones and Jason Alexander. The film was released in Asia in the fall (September/October) of 2010. It had IMAX screenings at the Kentucky Science Center in Louisville, Kentucky from January 23, 2011, through June 10, 2011. Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey (originally titled as 2004: A Light Knight's Odyssey) is a 2010 animated educational sci-fi", "title": "Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "13676732", "text": "artist.\") John Simon felt it was \"a regrettable failure, although not a total one. This film is fascinating when it concentrates on apes or machines ... and dreadful when it deals with the in-betweens: humans ... \"2001\", for all its lively visual and mechanical spectacle, is a kind of space-\"Spartacus\" and, more pretentious still, a shaggy God story.\" Eminent historian Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. deemed the film \"morally pretentious, intellectually obscure and inordinately long ... a film out of control\". In a 2001 review the BBC said that its slow pacing often alienates modern audiences more than it did upon", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "6655594", "text": "written by American composer Don Davis, who wrote the music for the \"Matrix\" trilogy. BBC Books published a book written by Christopher Riley with the same title as the UK version of \"Space Odyssey\". It was based on the fictional diary entries of the ground staff and crew on \"Pegasus\", with supplementary factual information on the planets they visited and the real robotic missions which have explored them through history. It is illustrated with specially commissioned digital still images and screenshots taken from the drama. Space Odyssey (TV series) Space Odyssey: Voyage to the Planets (released as Voyage to the", "title": "Space Odyssey (TV series)" }, { "docid": "13676750", "text": "in \"The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy\", titled \"Sense of Wonder,\" describes how \"2001\" creates a \"numinous sense of wonder\" by portraying a universe that inspires a sense of awe but that at the same time we feel we can understand. Christopher Palmer wrote that \"the sublime and the banal\" coexist in the film, as it implies that to get into space, people had to suspend the \"sense of wonder\" that motivated them to explore it. The influence of \"2001\" on subsequent filmmakers is considerable. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and others, including many special effects technicians, discuss the", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "3554109", "text": "power. Along with its cooler, it measures . The detector is a photodiode made of a germanium crystal, reverse biased to about 3 kilovolts, mounted at the end of a boom to minimize interferences from the gamma radiation produced by the spacecraft itself. Its spatial resolution is about . The neutron spectrometer is . The high-energy neutron detector measures . The instrument's central electronics box is . Gamma Ray Spectrometer (2001 Mars Odyssey) The Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS) is a gamma-ray spectrometer on the \"2001 Mars Odyssey\" spacecraft, a space probe orbiting the planet Mars since 2001. Part of NASA's", "title": "Gamma Ray Spectrometer (2001 Mars Odyssey)" }, { "docid": "5651353", "text": "it would have to be pretty special for me to like it. Even with that this is still not even that good of a spoof movie making it even harder to watch.\" Richard Scheib from \"Moria.co\" also gave the film a very poor review, nominating it the \"Worst Film of 2001\". \"2001: A Space Travesty\" currently holds only 16% audience approval on Rotten Tomatoes. 2001: A Space Travesty 2001: A Space Travesty is a 2000 comedy film directed by Allan A. Goldstein and starring Leslie Nielsen. The film has a few sequences parodying elements of \"\", but is not focused", "title": "2001: A Space Travesty" }, { "docid": "11514819", "text": "a consultant on \"2001\" to the Web site \"Starship Modeler\" regarding the film's props, observes small details on the satellites such as Air Force insignia and \"cannons\". In the film, US Air Force insignia, and flag insignia of China and Germany (including what appears to be an Iron Cross) can be seen on three of the satellites, which correspond to three of the bombs stated countries of origin in a widely circulated early draft of the script. Production staff who continue to refer to \"bombs\" (in addition to Clarke) include production designer Harry Lange (previously a space industry illustrator), who", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "251071", "text": "first few minutes on the Martian surface. \"Odyssey\" also acts as a relay for UHF radio signals from the (MSL) rover \"Curiosity\". Because \"Odyssey\" is in a Sun-synchronous orbit, it consistently passes over \"Curiosity\"s location at the same two times every day, allowing for convenient scheduling of contact with Earth. 2001 Mars Odyssey 2001 Mars Odyssey is a robotic spacecraft orbiting the planet Mars. The project was developed by NASA, and contracted out to Lockheed Martin, with an expected cost for the entire mission of US$297 million. Its mission is to use spectrometers and a thermal imager to detect evidence", "title": "2001 Mars Odyssey" }, { "docid": "251063", "text": "Greek god of war). Faced with criticism that this name was not very compelling, and too aggressive, the naming committee reconvened. The candidate name \"2001 Mars Odyssey\" had earlier been rejected because of copyright and trademark concerns. However, NASA e-mailed Arthur C. Clarke in Sri Lanka, who responded that he would be delighted to have the mission named after his books, and he had no objections. On September 20, NASA associate administrator Ed Weiler wrote to the associate administrator for public affairs recommending a name change from ARES to \"2001 Mars Odyssey\". Peggy Wilhide then approved the name change. The", "title": "2001 Mars Odyssey" }, { "docid": "251059", "text": "2001 Mars Odyssey 2001 Mars Odyssey is a robotic spacecraft orbiting the planet Mars. The project was developed by NASA, and contracted out to Lockheed Martin, with an expected cost for the entire mission of US$297 million. Its mission is to use spectrometers and a thermal imager to detect evidence of past or present water and ice, as well as study the planet's geology and radiation environment. It is hoped that the data \"Odyssey\" obtains will help answer the question of whether life existed on Mars and create a risk-assessment of the radiation that future astronauts on Mars might experience.", "title": "2001 Mars Odyssey" }, { "docid": "4811700", "text": "and Bowman are directed to disconnect Hal for analysis. These instructions are interrupted as the signal is broken, and Hal informs them that the AE-35 unit has malfunctioned. As Poole is removing the unit he is killed when his pod accelerates into him, crushing him. Bowman, uncertain of Hal's role therein, decides to wake the other three astronauts, and therefore quarrels with Hal, with Hal refusing to obey his orders. Bowman threatens to disconnect him if his orders are not obeyed, and Hal relents. As Bowman begins to awaken his colleagues, he hears Hal open both airlocks into space, releasing", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "11514816", "text": "in the film calls attention to the purpose of the satellites. James John Griffith, in a footnote in his book \"Adaptations As Imitations: Films from Novels\", wrote \"I would wonder, for instance, how several critics, commenting on the match-cut that links humanity's prehistory and future, can identify—without reference to Clarke's novel—the satellite as a nuclear weapon\". Arthur C. Clarke, in the TV documentary \"2001: The Making of a Myth\", described the bone-to-satellite sequence in the film, saying \"The bone goes up and turns into what is supposed to be an orbiting space bomb, a weapon in space. Well, that isn't", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "9830337", "text": "of international artists, while Dr. Kloor and his Jupiter 9 Productions assembled a stellar voice cast, produced all talent recordings and, in concert with the film’s composer Shawn Clement, put together the post sound and music package. The film will be distributed and marketed in Asia by Digimax, and by Jupiter 9 Productions in all other territories. The score to \"Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey\" was composed by Shawn K. Clement, who recorded his score with an 80-piece ensemble of the Skywalker Symphony Orchestra at the Skywalker Scoring Stage north of San Francisco. Clement integrated sounds and space noise", "title": "Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "4811717", "text": "HAL denies him reentry and kills the hibernating crew members by turning off their life-support. In the sequel \"2010: Odyssey Two,\" however, the recounting of the \"Discovery One\" mission is changed to the film version. The film is generally far more enigmatic about the reason for HAL's failure, while the novel spells out that HAL is caught up in an internal conflict because he is ordered to lie about the purpose of the mission. Because of what photographed well, the appearance of the monolith that guided Moon-watcher and the other 'man-apes' at the beginning of the story was changed from", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "251064", "text": "three primary instruments \"Odyssey\" uses are the: \"Mars Odyssey\" launched from Cape Canaveral on April 7, 2001, and arrived at Mars about 200 days later on October 24. The spacecraft's main engine fired in order to decelerate, which allowed it to be captured into orbit around Mars. \"Odyssey\" then spent about three months aerobraking, using friction from the upper reaches of the Martian atmosphere to gradually slow down and reduce and circularize its orbit. By using the atmosphere of Mars to slow the spacecraft in its orbit rather than firing its engine or thrusters, \"Odyssey\" was able to save more", "title": "2001 Mars Odyssey" }, { "docid": "3586532", "text": "Monolith (Space Odyssey) In Arthur C. Clarke's \"Space Odyssey\", Monoliths are machines built by an unseen extraterrestrial species. In the series of novels (and the films based on these), three Monoliths are discovered in the solar system by humans. The response of the characters to their discovery drives the plot of the series. It also influences the fictional history of the series, particularly by encouraging humankind to progress with technological development and space travel. The first Monolith appears at the beginning of the story, set in prehistoric times. It is discovered by a group of hominids and somehow triggers a", "title": "Monolith (Space Odyssey)" }, { "docid": "20174762", "text": "$314,159 in mid-June 2017. It is now also crowd-funding on Indiegogo. Space Odyssey: The Video Game Space Odyssey: The Video Game is an upcoming sandbox video game with 4X elements being developed by Space Media Ventures for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android systems, including virtual reality devices, anticipated for release in December 2018. The game is being co-developed by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and will have some educational aspects as the player designs and grows parts of a virtual galaxy. Players in \"Space Odyssey\" are tasked with creating solar systems and larger stellar bodies in a virtual galaxy.", "title": "Space Odyssey: The Video Game" }, { "docid": "20174757", "text": "Space Odyssey: The Video Game Space Odyssey: The Video Game is an upcoming sandbox video game with 4X elements being developed by Space Media Ventures for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android systems, including virtual reality devices, anticipated for release in December 2018. The game is being co-developed by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, and will have some educational aspects as the player designs and grows parts of a virtual galaxy. Players in \"Space Odyssey\" are tasked with creating solar systems and larger stellar bodies in a virtual galaxy. This not only includes defining the planetary bodies within the system,", "title": "Space Odyssey: The Video Game" }, { "docid": "15515466", "text": "numerous European thrillers. Star Odyssey Star Odyssey (Italian: Sette uomini d'oro nello spazio / Seven Gold Men in Space) is a 1979 Italian film directed by Alfonso Brescia. The film is also known as Space Odyssey, Metallica and Captive Planet in other video markets. This is the fourth and final film in Alfonso Brescia's sci-fi series, with the others being (1977, a.k.a. \"Year Zero War in Space\"), Battle of the Stars (1978, a.k.a. \"Battle in Interstellar Space\"), and War of the Robots (1978, a.k.a. \"Reactor\"). One of four low-budget Italian space opera movies produced in the wake of \"Star Wars\"", "title": "Star Odyssey" }, { "docid": "15515464", "text": "Star Odyssey Star Odyssey (Italian: Sette uomini d'oro nello spazio / Seven Gold Men in Space) is a 1979 Italian film directed by Alfonso Brescia. The film is also known as Space Odyssey, Metallica and Captive Planet in other video markets. This is the fourth and final film in Alfonso Brescia's sci-fi series, with the others being (1977, a.k.a. \"Year Zero War in Space\"), Battle of the Stars (1978, a.k.a. \"Battle in Interstellar Space\"), and War of the Robots (1978, a.k.a. \"Reactor\"). One of four low-budget Italian space opera movies produced in the wake of \"Star Wars\" by Italian director", "title": "Star Odyssey" }, { "docid": "7163870", "text": "Clarke's previous \"Space Odyssey\" novel series. In the introduction to the \"Time's Eye\", Clarke describes the premise as \"neither a prequel nor a sequel\" to \"Space Odyssey\", but an \"orthoquel\" (a neologism coined by Clarke for this purpose, combining the word \"sequel\" with \"ortho-\", the Greek prefix meaning \"straight\" or \"perpendicular\", and alluding to the fact that time is orthogonal to space in relativity theory). In \"Space Odyssey\", a race of benevolent godlike aliens with highly advanced technology decides to use machines called \"monoliths\" to travel across the galaxy with the intention to ensure the survival chances of intelligent life", "title": "A Time Odyssey" }, { "docid": "16858629", "text": "is 45 degrees south of the lunar equator. Also implausible is the sun reaching its zenith so soon after a lunar sunrise, and the appearance of a crescent Earth near the sun is in complete discontinuity with all previous appearances of Earth, whose position from any spot on the Moon varies only slightly due to libration. Geophysicist Dr. David Stephenson in the Canadian TV documentary \"2001 and Beyond\" notes that \"Every engineer that saw it [the space station] had a fit. You do not spin on a wheel that is not fully built. You have to finish it before you", "title": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "11514782", "text": "that much older life forms have taken? They may have progressed from biological species, which are fragile shells for the mind at best, into immortal machine entities—and then, over innumerable eons, they could emerge from the chrysalis of matter transformed into beings of pure energy and spirit. Their potentialities would be limitless and their intelligence ungraspable by humans. In the same interview, he also blames the poor critical reaction to \"2001\" as follows: Perhaps there is a certain element of the lumpen literati that is so dogmatically atheist and materialist and Earth-bound that it finds the grandeur of space and", "title": "Interpretations of 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "8958558", "text": "for iOS app will make its way to the ISS on an iPhone 4 aboard the orbiter Atlantis on the space shuttle fleet's historic final mission, STS-135, and will remain there for several months for the ISS crew to conduct a series of experiments. Odyssey also announced it is bringing the astronauts' on-orbit experimental tasks down to earth for “terrestrial” consumers to enjoy via the SpaceLab for iOS app available today from the App Store℠. August 31, 2006 NASA announced the results of the Orion crew exploration vehicle (CEV) development contract competition. Odyssey Space Research is part of the winning", "title": "Odyssey Space Research" }, { "docid": "16858640", "text": "in high-tech aircraft like the Boeing 777, but have also been employed in space shuttles, the first being \"Atlantis\" in 1985. Rudimentary voice-controlled computing began in the early 1980s with the SoftVoice Computer System and existed in more sophisticated form by the early 2000s, although not as sophisticated as depicted in the film. The first picture phone was demonstrated at the 1964 New York World's Fair; however, due to the bandwidth limitations of telephone lines, personal video communication did not succeed commercially and has only been practical over broadband internet connections. Personal (audio) wireless telephones were ubiquitous in 2001, and", "title": "Technologies in 2001: A Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "9830333", "text": "film to be based upon on-going missions, science, and discovery. The 3D, large format CGI-animated educational film interweaves actual space imagery captured from ongoing NASA missions with an adventure, set in an imaginary universe and intended to create a family-friendly film experience that entertains while educating viewers about our solar system. The film was tied into 7 on-going space missions and includes footage from the \"Cassini–Huygens\", SOHO, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, Venus Express, and Mercury Messenger space missions. \"Quantum Quest\" will be released in both IMAX format and regular theaters worldwide. The film is 45 minutes long and will integrate", "title": "Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey" }, { "docid": "4811709", "text": "as to give the reader an almost kinesthetic familiarity with the experience of space travel and the technologies encountered. Large sections of the novel are devoted to detailed descriptions of these. The novel discusses orbital mechanics and the manoeuvres associated with space travel with great scientific accuracy. The daily lives of Bowman and Poole on board the \"Discovery One\" are discussed in detail and give the impression of a busy yet mundane lifestyle with few surprises until the malfunction of Hal. Dr. Floyd's journey to Space Station One is depicted with awareness of fine points such as the experience of", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (novel)" }, { "docid": "13676723", "text": "of most films of the era released both as a \"roadshow\" (in Cinerama format in the case of \"2001\") and general release (in 70-millimetre in the case of \"2001\"), the entrance music, intermission music (and intermission altogether), and postcredit exit music were cut from most prints of the latter version, although these have been restored to most DVD releases. The following year, a United States Department of State committee chose \"2001\" as the American entry at the 6th Moscow International Film Festival. The film was rereleased in 1974, 1977, and again in 1980. In 2001, a restoration of the 70mm", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676731", "text": "Times\" wrote that it was \"somewhere between hypnotic and immensely boring.\" \"Variety\"'s 'Robe' believed the film was a \"[b]ig, beautiful, but plodding sci-fi epic ... A major achievement in cinematography and special effects, \"2001\" lacks dramatic appeal to a large degree and only conveys suspense after the halfway mark.\" Andrew Sarris called it \"one of the grimmest films I have ever seen in my life ... \"2001\" is a disaster because it is much too abstract to make its abstract points.\" (Sarris reversed his opinion upon a second viewing, and declared, \"\"2001\" is indeed a major work by a major", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" }, { "docid": "13676694", "text": "dye transfer process. The 70 mm prints were made by MGM Laboratories, Inc. on Metrocolor. The production was $4.5 million over the initial $6 million budget and 16 months behind schedule. For the opening sequence involving tribes of apes, professional mime Daniel Richter played the lead ape and choreographed the movements of the other man-apes, who were mostly portrayed by his standing mime troupe. \"2001\" contains a famous example of a match cut, a type of cut in which two shots are matched by action or subject matter. After an ape uses a bone to kill another ape at the", "title": "2001: A Space Odyssey (film)" } ]
Which is the largest of the Japanese Volcano Islands?
[ "Mount Surabachi", "Iō-tō", "Iwō Tō", "Iwo-Jima", "Io-jima", "Ivo jima", "Io To", "Iōtō", "Iwo To", "Iwo Jima Island", "Iwo Jima", "Ioto", "Iwoto", "Iwo jima", "Iwojima", "Io Jima", "Iō Tō", "Iwōtō" ]
[ { "docid": "2328878", "text": "or central mountain) on Iwo Jima; and two settlements on Kita Iwo Jima: Ishino-mura (\"Ishino village\"; Ishino is a surname) and Nishi-mura (\"West village\"). The municipal administration office was located in Higashi until 1940, when the municipality was integrated into the administration of Ogasawara, Tokyo. Iwo Jima was the site of the Battle of Iwo Jima in World War II, and the island group came under the United States administration. The Volcano Islands were returned to Japanese administration in 1968. Volcano Islands The or are a group of three Japanese islands south of the Bonin Islands that belong to the", "title": "Volcano Islands" }, { "docid": "2328876", "text": "Volcano Islands The or are a group of three Japanese islands south of the Bonin Islands that belong to the municipality of Ogasawara, Tokyo Metropolis, Japan. The islands are all active volcanoes lying atop an island arc that stretches south to the Marianas. They have an area of , and a population of 380. The Volcano Islands are: Farther north but in the same volcanic arc is: There is a Japan Self-Defense Forces air base on Iwo Jima with a staff of 380. It is located in the village of Minami (Iwo Jima village). Other than that, the islands are", "title": "Volcano Islands" }, { "docid": "9007249", "text": "Volcano and Ryukyu Islands campaign The Volcano and Ryūkyū Islands Campaign was a series of battles and engagements between Allied forces and Imperial Japanese forces in the Pacific Ocean campaign of World War II between January and June, 1945. The campaign took place in the Volcano and Ryukyu island groups. The two main land battles in the campaign were the Battle of Iwo Jima (February 16-March 26, 1945) and the Battle of Okinawa (April 1–June 21, 1945). One major naval battle occurred, called Operation Ten-Go (April 7, 1945) after the operational title given to it by the Japanese. The campaign", "title": "Volcano and Ryukyu Islands campaign" }, { "docid": "15199153", "text": "27 in preparation for operations against Japan itself. The USAAF bases in the Mariana Islands were within range of a number of Japanese air bases in the Pacific. These included Wake Island to the east, Truk and the Gilbert and Marshall Islands to the southeast, Woleai to the south and Yap to the southwest. To the north the Japanese had air bases in the Nampo Shoto chain of islands and Bonin Islands, which included three airstrips on Iwo Jima. Several of the minor islands in the Mariana chain also remained in Japanese hands, and there were airfields on Rota and", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "2328877", "text": "uninhabited. The first recorded sighting by Europeans was in October 1543 by Spanish navigator Bernardo de la Torre on board of carrack \"San Juan de Letrán\" when trying to return from Sarangani to New Spain. Iwo Jima was charted as Sufre, the old Spanish term for sulphur. The islands were uninhabited until 1889, when the two northern islands were settled by Japanese settlers from the Izu Islands. They were annexed by Japan in 1891. The population was about 1,100 in 1939, distributed among five settlements: Higashi, Minami, Nishi, Kita and Motoyama (meaning \"East\", \"South\", \"West\", \"North\" and \"Mountain of Origin\",", "title": "Volcano Islands" }, { "docid": "15199168", "text": "and anti-aircraft guns shot down about 37 Japanese aircraft during these raids. After the Marianas began to come under attack, the United States military stepped up its raids on the Japanese-held islands which could be used to launch raids on the B-29 bases. Particular attention was given to Iwo Jima, as it was correctly assumed that the Japanese aircraft which attacked the Marianas were flying from Japan and staging through the island en route to their targets. Following the first raid against Saipan in November, XXI Bomber Command B-29s were dispatched against Iwo Jima's airfields on November 5 and 8.", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "2328868", "text": "Pacific Plate is subducting under the Philippine Sea Plate, which creates an oceanic trench to the east of the islands: the Bonin Trench. The crust of the Ogasawara Islands was formed by volcanic activity when subduction began 45–50 million years ago, and is composed mostly of an andesitic volcanic rock called boninite, which is rich in magnesium oxide, chromium, and silicon dioxide. The Ogasawara Islands may represent the exposed parts of an ophiolite that has not yet been emplaced on oceanic crust. The rocks of the Volcano Islands are much younger; Iwo Jima is a dormant volcano characterized by rapid", "title": "Bonin Islands" } ]
[ { "docid": "16434828", "text": "McDonald Islands (volcano) The McDonald Islands () are the peaks of a volcano in the southern Indian Ocean in the vicinity of Heard Island (). The islands are Australian external territory. Prior to 1992, the volcano had not erupted in the previous 75,000 years. The McDonald Islands volcano comprises three islands: McDonald Island, Flat Island (which later merged with McDonald Island) and Meyer Rock. The islands are mostly composed of phonolitic low-silica pumice, dikes and lava domes, and sit atop a submarine plateau, the Kerguelen plateau. They are located about 75 km from Heard Island. McDonald Island is the largest", "title": "McDonald Islands (volcano)" }, { "docid": "9007254", "text": "mission, and the battleship was destroyed before it could engage the US navy. Control of the Volcano and Ryukyu Islands enabled the US Army Air Forces to conduct missions against targets on Honshu and Kyushu, with the first raid occurring on Tokyo, from March 9–10. Volcano and Ryukyu Islands campaign The Volcano and Ryūkyū Islands Campaign was a series of battles and engagements between Allied forces and Imperial Japanese forces in the Pacific Ocean campaign of World War II between January and June, 1945. The campaign took place in the Volcano and Ryukyu island groups. The two main land battles", "title": "Volcano and Ryukyu Islands campaign" }, { "docid": "13857623", "text": "across all 33 atolls in 1940. Within the same year, the mandated islands had a total Japanese population of 77,000. The largest towns in the Marshall Islands, Jaluit and Jabor, had a thousand Japanese each, while in the most isolated atolls, the Japanese populace amounted to no more than a few individuals. Korean labourers were also counted recognised as Japanese in official statistics, and accounted for another 1,200 individuals which were brought into the Marshall Islands during the war. There was a sizeable minority of people of mixed Japanese and Marshallese heritage, which was more common in settlements with a", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "16434833", "text": "of satellite imagery noted that an eruption took place on 12 July 2005 on the northwest shore of the island. The eruption may have added a small portion to the area of the island. In 2002 the Heard Island and McDonald Islands were declared a marine reserve; this was expanded in 2014. The islands are also recognised as a World Heritage Site. McDonald Islands (volcano) The McDonald Islands () are the peaks of a volcano in the southern Indian Ocean in the vicinity of Heard Island (). The islands are Australian external territory. Prior to 1992, the volcano had not", "title": "McDonald Islands (volcano)" }, { "docid": "13947903", "text": "Japanese expatriates in the Solomon Islands A small, resident expatriate community of Japanese nationals was present in Solomon Islands from the 1970s onwards. Japanese nationals in Solomon Islands are usually employees of fishing corporations that had established branch companies in the country. The majority of them are fishermen from the Miyako Islands in the Ryukyu Islands, as well as a few Japanese mainlanders. The Japanese Fisheries Corporation (\"Taiyo Gyogyo\") expressed interests in fishery activities in the South Pacific nations from the late 1960s onwards, which included the Solomon Islands archipelago which was still under British rule. The Taiyo Gyogyo carried", "title": "Japanese expatriates in the Solomon Islands" }, { "docid": "6410612", "text": "created a brief reign of terror on Car Nicobar as they rounded up forced labour amongst the Nicobarese. The occupation left a legacy of lasting bitterness towards the Japanese, and to some extent towards their collaborators in the \"Arzi-Hukumat-e Azad Hind\", amongst the generation which experienced it. Japanese Vice Admiral Hara Teizo, and Major-General Tamenori Sato surrendered the islands to Brigadier J A Salomons, commander of 116th Indian Infantry Brigade, and Chief Administrator Mr Noel K Patterson, Indian Civil Service, on 7 October 1945, in a ceremony performed on the Gymkhana Ground, Port Blair. Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "6410598", "text": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands The Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands occurred in 1942 during World War II. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands (8,293 km² on 139 islands), are a group of islands situated in the Bay of Bengal at about from Kolkata, from Chennai and from Cape Nargis in Burma. Until 1938 the British government used them as a penal colony for Indian and African political prisoners, who were mainly put in the notorious Cellular Jail in Port Blair, the biggest town (port) on the islands. Today they form a Union Territory of India. The only military", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "13857612", "text": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands was spurred on by Japanese trade in the Pacific region. The first Japanese explorers arrived in the Marshall Islands in the late 19th century, although permanent settlements were not established until the 1920s. As compared to other Micronesian islands in the South Pacific Mandate, there were fewer Japanese who settled in the islands. After the Japanese surrender in 1945, the Japanese populace were repatriated to Japan, although people of mixed Japanese–Marshallese heritage remained behind. They form a sizeable minority in the Marshall Islands' populace, and are well represented", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "20106953", "text": "Like the others, the island was formed by the Galápagos hotspot. The island is an active shield volcano whose last eruption started on September 4, 2017. The plume for that eruption reached of elevation. Volcanoes of the Galápagos Islands The Galápagos Islands are an isolated set of volcanoes, consisting of shield volcanoes and lava plateaus, located west of Ecuador. They are driven by the Galápagos hotspot, and are between 4.2 million and 700,000 years of age. The largest island, Isabela, consists of six coalesced shield volcanoes, each delineated by a large summit caldera. Española, the oldest island, and Fernandina, the", "title": "Volcanoes of the Galápagos Islands" }, { "docid": "13585063", "text": "Davidof Volcano Davidof Volcano is an inactive stratovolcano and caldera remnant in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, USA, from Anchorage. Located on the eponymous island, Davidof is part of the Rat Islands sub-chain. It is also part of the \"Aleutian Krakatau\", a group of four islands formed when a stratovolcano's caldera caved in during the late Cenozoic. Since the island is uninhabited, very little transportation is available. Transport can be found in Adak, albeit that the town is from the island. Because of the inclusion of Alaska, the United States has the largest number of active volcanoes in the world,", "title": "Davidof Volcano" }, { "docid": "6410609", "text": "the governor of the islands, and had limited involvement with the administration of the territory. During his interrogation after the war Loganathan admitted that he had only had full control over the islands' vestigial education department, as the Japanese had retained control over the police force, and in protest he had refused to accept responsibility for any other areas of Government. He was powerless to prevent the worst Japanese atrocity of the occupation, the Homfreyganj massacre of the 30th January 1944, where 44 Indian civilians were shot by the Japanese on suspicion of spying. Many of them were members of", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "6410602", "text": "for maintaining order. Japanese Army personnel in Andaman and Nicobar The events of the next three years are not easy to establish, as the Japanese destroyed all records when they left. The principal sources are an unpublished report by local resident Rama Krishna: \"The Andaman Islands under Japanese Occupation 1942–5\", another unpublished account by a British Officer, D. McCarthy: \"The Andaman Interlude\" (he was sent on a secret mission to the islands in 1944), together with the memories of the older inhabitants interviewed by historians. All these, and the published works that draw upon them, are in agreement that the", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "13857622", "text": "closer cultural and economic ties with Japan. Japanese firms that were based on the Marshall Islands since the 1960s actively sought joint ventures with local companies from the 1980s onwards, mainly in the fishery sector. Expatriates usually consisted of Okinawan fishermen based at Majuro, where Japanese companies have built smoking and canning facilities to facilitate the processing of tuna catches. The Marshall Islands remained sparsely populated by Japanese settlers, relative to the other mandated Micronesian islands. The first pre-war census of the Marshall Islands counted 490 Japanese among 10,000 Marshallese, and the number of Japanese settlers increased to 680 scattered", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "301941", "text": "Geography of the Northern Mariana Islands This article is about the geography of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Northern Mariana Islands, together with Guam to the south, compose the Mariana Islands. The southern islands are limestone, with level terraces and fringing coral reefs. The northern islands are volcanic, with active volcanoes on Anatahan, Pagan and Agrihan. The volcano on Agrihan has the highest elevation at . About one-fifth of the land is arable; another tenth is pasture. The primary natural resource is fish, some of which are endangered species, which leads to conflict. Also, development has created landfills which have", "title": "Geography of the Northern Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "6410601", "text": "Colonel Bucho, whilst a number of junior Indian officials in the administration were elevated to more responsible posts. The defence of the islands was assigned to the newly formed fighter squadron of the Kanoya Kōkūtai based at Tavoy in southern Burma. This fighter squadron was the former \"Yamada Unit\" under the control of the 22d Koku Sentai, then based at Penang. Six flying boats from the Toko Kōkūtai were dispatched on March 26, with twelve more arriving shortly thereafter. Within the islands a Japanese garrison of approximately 600 men, together with the police force, now under Japanese control, were responsible", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "16434829", "text": "of the islands, at around in area. It has been the main focus of activity in recent times. Prior to 1996, McDonald Island had been a flat green island whose pumice beaches provided a great nesting area for penguin breeding. The island now has two main peaks, Maxwell Hill and Samarang Hill – the highest is Maxwell Hill at . Prior to 1992, no eruptions had taken place at the McDonald Islands volcano for 75,000 years. A series of eruptions started in 1992. The first recorded eruption from the McDonalds was from a submarine vent (a small VEI-0 eruption) in", "title": "McDonald Islands (volcano)" }, { "docid": "13947910", "text": "some of whom were not very fluent in Japanese. Okinawan fishermen used a simplified form of Pijin when communicating with the Solomon Islander fishermen, often incorporating Okinawan loanwords. The modified Pijin that was used by Okinawan fishermen was often criticised by Solomon Islanders, and was occasionally called a \"beach language\" local, informal contexts. Japanese expatriates in the Solomon Islands A small, resident expatriate community of Japanese nationals was present in Solomon Islands from the 1970s onwards. Japanese nationals in Solomon Islands are usually employees of fishing corporations that had established branch companies in the country. The majority of them are", "title": "Japanese expatriates in the Solomon Islands" }, { "docid": "13857626", "text": "on a Burns Philp steamer noted that the most Marshallese women wore the kimono instead of the traditional loincloth (\"lavalava\" in Marshallese) in October 1918. Interethnic relations between the Japanese settlers and civil servants with the Marshallese were friendly, but racial segregation was enforced between Japanese and Micronesians in the workforce and educational sectors. As compared to Micronesians from other islands, Marshallese generally retained more aspects of their traditional lifestyles, relative to the small Japanese populace in the islands. Contrary to Japanese settlements in the other mandated islands, settlers consisted mainly of single men, and intermarriages with Marshallese women were", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "134746", "text": "the islands during the war. The purpose of the expecition was to assert Britain's claims on the continent, as well as gather scientific data. Operation Tabarin was later replaced by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS), which was later renamed the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). In 1942, in response to the Japanese entry into the war, additional forces were sent to the islands to strengthen their defence against invasion. The largest component of these additional forces was a battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment. In 1944, as a result of the reduced threat of invasion from Japan, the West Yorks", "title": "History of the Falkland Islands" }, { "docid": "20106949", "text": "\"line\" associated with most hotspots. They are not alone in this regard; the Cobb–Eickelberg Seamount chain in the North Pacific is another example of such a delineated chain. In addition, no clear pattern of age is seen between the volcanoes, suggesting a complicated, irregular pattern of creation. How exactly the islands were formed remains a geological mystery, although several theories have been posited. Wolf Volcano (also known as Mount Whiton), the highest peak in the Galápagos Islands, is situated on Isabela Island and reaches . It is a shield volcano with a characteristic upturned soup-bowl shape. Inactive for 33 years,", "title": "Volcanoes of the Galápagos Islands" }, { "docid": "13857627", "text": "much more frequent. Japanese songs such as \"Masaharu Gunto\" were written in the 1930s and reflected of romantic associations between Japanese men and Marshallese women. Ethnic suspicion and hatred by the Marshallese against the Japanese settlers developed during the Second World War, as the Japanese civilian government placed increased emphasis on militarism and forcibly conscripted many Marshallese to menial labour during the Second World War. Shortly before the end of the war, a few Marshallese led independent and isolated attacks against Japanese military personnel wherever possible. Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands was spurred", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "5336656", "text": "Banks Islands The Banks Islands (in Bislama \"Bankis\") are a group of islands in northern Vanuatu. Together with the Torres Islands to the northwest, they make up the northernmost province of Torba. The group lies about north of Maewo, and includes Gaua and Vanua Lava, two of the 13 largest islands in Vanuatu. In 2009, the islands supported a population of 8,533 on a land area of 780 km². The largest island is Gaua (formerly called Santa Maria), which has a rugged terrain, rising to Mount Gharat, an active volcano at the centre of the island, at . The freshwater", "title": "Banks Islands" }, { "docid": "13857619", "text": "Some Marshallese and Koreans reported of maltreatment by the Japanese authorities, and there was at least one case of revolt by both groups at Jelbon on Mili Atoll in which a hundred Japanese civilians and soldiers were killed. When American troops attacked the Marshall Islands between January and April 1944, Japanese troops evacuated many Japanese settlers and Korean labourers from the atolls. A few were reportedly killed in the ensuing air raids, while others who remained behind were captured as Prisoners of war after the Americans captured the atolls, together with some Japanese soldiers. After the Japanese surrender, the Japanese", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "13857613", "text": "in the corporate, public and political sectors in the country. The earliest Japanese contact with the Marshall Islands dates back to 1884, when a group of pearl divers were blown off course to Lae Atoll during their return voyage from Australia. The pearl divers were believed to be murdered, after the \"Ada\", a British trading ship sailed past the Marshall Islands and found the skeletal remains of the pearl divers. When news of the purported murder reached the Japanese government, two Japanese envoys–Goto Taketaro (a son of Goto Shojiro) and Suzuki Tsunenori were sent to the Marshall Islands. The envoys", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "12145633", "text": "Site that is the third largest volcano in the world from its base, El Teide. Teide is the most visited national park in Spain, with a total of 2.8 million visitors, according to the Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC), and it is one of the most visited National Parks in the world. Gran Canaria has the biggest city in the Canary Islands, Las Palmas. Gran Canaria receives approximately 4 million tourists every year. Maspalomas is one of the most famous tourist attractions. This island is considered to have the best weather in the Canary Islands and some of the best", "title": "Tourism in the Canary Islands" }, { "docid": "13857625", "text": "Marshallese language. At least one Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple was found in each settlement with a sizeable Japanese populace. In Jaluit, Wotje, Kwajalein, Enewetak and Maloelap, several Shinto shrines were built during the 1930s. When the Americans invaded the Marshall Islands in 1944, all the existing Shinto shrines were either destroyed in air raids, or were demolished. People of mixed Japanese–Marshallese heritage subsequently adopted Christianity in favour of Buddhism or Shinto after the Japanese surrender. As compared to other Micronesian islands, most Marshallese adopted Japanese customs within the first few years of the Japanese administration. An Australian journalist travelling", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "13857615", "text": "report published by a German explorer, Hambruch in 1915 mentioned that three Japanese fishermen in a junk were massacred by the Marshallese at Lae Atoll in 1910. A military administration was established when Japan annexed the Marshall Islands from Germany in 1914. The Japanese government subsequently dispatched a few administrators to the Marshall Islands. Between 1915 and 1918, a few Japanese businessmen from the South Seas Trading Company (\"Nanyo Boeki\") sailed to the Marshall Islands and established a few trading stations at Rongrong, Talab and Majuro village. A typhoon struck Majuro in 1918 and the businessmen relocated their trading posts", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "6410608", "text": "Japanese authorities. Various attempts were made to inform him of the sufferings of the people of the Andamans, and the fact that many local Indian Nationalists were at that time being tortured in the Cellular Jail. Bose does not seem to have been aware of this, and the judgment of some is that he \"failed his people\". After Bose's departure the Japanese remained in effective control of the Andamans, and the sovereignty of the \"Arzi Hukumat-e Hind\" was largely fictional. The islands themselves were renamed \"Shaheed\" and \"Swaraj\", meaning \"martyr\" and \"self-rule\" respectively. Bose appointed General A. D. Loganathan as", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "8274808", "text": "Smith Volcano Smith Volcano, also known as Mount Babuyan, is a cinder cone on Babuyan Island, the northernmost of the Babuyan group of islands on Luzon Strait, north of the main island of Luzon in the Philippines. The mountain is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines, which last erupted in 1924. The volcano is politically located in the Municipality of Calayan, Cagayan province, the town that has jurisdiction over the Babuyan Islands except Fuga Island. The sparsely-vegetated cinder cone is high with a base diameter of . Layers of basaltic lava flows are evident south of the volcano.", "title": "Smith Volcano" }, { "docid": "363562", "text": "groups, while the southernmost make up Southern Thule. The three largest islandsSaunders, Montagu, and Bristollie between the two. The Islands' highest point is Mount Belinda () on Montagu Island. The South Sandwich Islands are uninhabited, though a permanently manned Argentine research station was located on Thule Island from 1976 to 1982 (for details, see above). Automatic weather stations are on Thule Island and Zavodovski. To the northwest of Zavodovski Island is the Protector Shoal, a submarine volcano. The South Sandwich Islands from north to south are: A series of six passages separates each of the islands or island groups in", "title": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" }, { "docid": "15199181", "text": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands During World War II, a series of Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands took place between November 1944 and January 1945. These raids targeted United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) bases and sought to disrupt the bombing of Japan by B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers operating from the islands. The Japanese lost 37 aircraft during this operation, but destroyed 11 B-29s and damaged a further 43. Preparations were also made for commando raids on the bases in early and mid-1945 but these did not go ahead. While the attacks on the Mariana Islands", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "15199150", "text": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands During World War II, a series of Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands took place between November 1944 and January 1945. These raids targeted United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) bases and sought to disrupt the bombing of Japan by B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers operating from the islands. The Japanese lost 37 aircraft during this operation, but destroyed 11 B-29s and damaged a further 43. Preparations were also made for commando raids on the bases in early and mid-1945 but these did not go ahead. While the attacks on the Mariana Islands", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "13857614", "text": "reportedly explored some of the nearby atolls before paying a visit to Labon Kabua, one of the principal chief in the Marshall Islands. Before Goto and Suzuki returned for Japan, they induced Kabua to raise the Japanese flag over his house at Ailinglaplap. The Japanese government subsequently ordered the two envoys to return to the island to haul down the flag upon the envoys' return. During the German colonial era, there were occasional reports of Japanese fishermen making landfalls in the atoll, and there was at least one other incident which Japanese fishermen were also killed by the islanders. A", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "13623016", "text": "Volcano Block Building The Volcano Block Building is a historic structure in Hilo, Hawaii built in 1914. Completed in 1914, this two story commercial building of reinforced concrete in the Italian Renaissance style is representative of the major structures built in Hilo between 1910 and 1915 as the city grew to be the second largest commercial center in the Hawaiian Islands. Measuring approximately 60 feet by 90 feet and fronting on Waianuenue Avenue, the structure occupies the site of the former Volcano Stables. Three retail spaces on the ground floor each have separate store fronts. The entry stair to the", "title": "Volcano Block Building" }, { "docid": "7988444", "text": "Islands of Four Mountains Islands of Four Mountains is an island grouping of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, United States. The chain includes, from west to east, Amukta, Chagulak, Yunaska, Herbert, Carlisle, Chuginadak, Uliaga, and Kagamil islands. This island chain is located between Amukta Pass and the Andreanof Islands to the west, and Samalga Pass and the Fox Islands to the east. These islands have a total land area of 210.656 sq mi (545.596 km²) and have no permanent population. The two largest islands are Yunaska and Chuginadak. Chuginadak is mainly made up of the active volcano Mount Cleveland. The", "title": "Islands of Four Mountains" }, { "docid": "6410599", "text": "objective on the islands was the city of Port Blair. The garrison consisted of a 300-man Sikh militia with 23 British officers, augmented in January 1942 by a Gurkha detachment of 4/12th Frontier Force Regiment of the 16th Indian Infantry Brigade. Following the fall of Rangoon on March 8, however, the British recognized that Port Blair had become impossible to defend, and on March 10 the Gurkhas were withdrawn to the Arakan peninsula. The Japanese, seeking to secure their seaward flank, dispatched a force to seize the islands. The force was composed of the following units and ships: Distant Cover<br>", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "1467265", "text": "caldera on Fernandina experienced the largest basaltic volcano collapse in history, with the 1968 phreatomagmatic eruption. Fernandina has also been the most active volcano since 1790, with recent eruptions in 1991, 1995, 2005, and 2009, and the entire surface has been covered in numerous flows since 4.3 Ka. The western volcanoes have numerous tuff cones. The islands are located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, off the west coast of South America. The closest land mass is that of mainland Ecuador, the country to which they belong, to the east. The islands are found at the coordinates 1°40'N–1°36'S, 89°16'–92°01'W. Straddling the", "title": "Galápagos Islands" }, { "docid": "6410611", "text": "whilst the remainder either died of starvation or were killed by Burmese pirates. A rescue mission sent to the island after the end of the occupation found just twelve survivors, and over a hundred skeletons on the beach. In all, approximately 2,000 people in the Andamans are thought to have died as a result of the occupation, and at least 501 were tortured by the Japanese. The former figure represents 10% of the pre-war population of Port Blair. Casualties on the more sparsely-populated Nicobar islands were fewer, as the Japanese did not have a garrison there, although in 1943 they", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "6410610", "text": "the Indian Independence League. Notionally this government continued to administer the islands, which were almost the only territory it ever acquired, until the British retook them in 1945, but in practice little had changed. As food became scarcer in 1945, the Japanese resorted to ever more desperate measures. Between 250 and 700 people (estimates vary) from the Aberdeen area of South Andaman were deported to an uninhabited island to grow food. According to a survivor, a released convict called Saudagar Ali, at least half drowned or were eaten by sharks as they were pushed out of boats in the dark,", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "4049422", "text": "section of the CAVF. Masaya Volcano Masaya is a caldera located in Masaya, Nicaragua, 20 km south of the capital Managua. It is Nicaragua's first and largest national park, and one of 78 protected areas of Nicaragua. The complex volcano is composed of a nested set of calderas and craters, the largest of which is Las Sierras shield volcano and caldera. Within this caldera lies a sub-vent, which is Masaya Volcano \"sensu stricto\". The vent is a shield type composing of basaltic lavas and tephras and includes a summit crater. This hosts Masaya caldera, formed 2,500 years ago by an", "title": "Masaya Volcano" }, { "docid": "4049413", "text": "Masaya Volcano Masaya is a caldera located in Masaya, Nicaragua, 20 km south of the capital Managua. It is Nicaragua's first and largest national park, and one of 78 protected areas of Nicaragua. The complex volcano is composed of a nested set of calderas and craters, the largest of which is Las Sierras shield volcano and caldera. Within this caldera lies a sub-vent, which is Masaya Volcano \"sensu stricto\". The vent is a shield type composing of basaltic lavas and tephras and includes a summit crater. This hosts Masaya caldera, formed 2,500 years ago by an 8-km³ basaltic ignimbrite eruption.", "title": "Masaya Volcano" }, { "docid": "8903768", "text": "20th anniversary, in 2010. UTV featured a number of high-profile activists and entertainers in its 20 years of existence, including: Ward Churchill, Faith Nolan, Kinnie Starr, Paint, Kathleen Yearwood, Tegan & Sara, Naomi Klein and Lourdes Perez. Under the Volcano celebrated its last festival on August 8, 2010 Under the Volcano Festival Under The Volcano Festival Of Art & Social Change was an activist, grassroots gathering held at Whey-Ah-Wichen Cates Park on the traditional territory of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation in North Vancouver, BC in August. \"Under the Volcano\" was Canada's largest political arts festival and was 100% volunteer produced. The", "title": "Under the Volcano Festival" }, { "docid": "13782290", "text": "Lost Land of the Volcano Lost Land of the Volcano is a three-part nature documentary series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit which follows a scientific expedition to the island of New Guinea. The expedition team, which includes specialist zoologists, explorers and the BBC crew, travels to the extinct volcano of Mount Bosavi in central Papua New Guinea to document the biodiversity of this little-visited area and search for new species. At the time of filming, logging was taking place about south from the volcano, and one of expedition's aims was to find evidence to support the case to", "title": "Lost Land of the Volcano" }, { "docid": "15199154", "text": "Pagan. The Japanese were unable to use most of these bases, however, as they had been isolated and heavily damaged by United States air attacks, and the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force (IJAAF) and Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) had relatively few aircraft and pilots available. Despite the limited threat of attack, the United States military took steps to protect the B-29 bases in the Mariana Islands. The USAAF's Seventh Air Force played the most important role, and continuously attacked the Japanese-held islands until just before the end of the war. United States Navy (USN) and United States Marine Corps (USMC)", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "15199152", "text": "the Mariana and Palau Islands campaign. These islands were needed to provide bases for USAAF Twentieth Air Force B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers to attack the Japanese home islands. Construction of the large air bases needed to support B-29s began on Saipan in June 1944, before the end of the Battle of Saipan, and work on air fields on Tinian and Guam commenced in July and August respectively. The B-29s of the XXI Bomber Command began to arrive at Saipan starting on October 12, and the 73rd Bombardment Wing began flying warm-up missions against Japanese-held islands in the Pacific on October", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "14102946", "text": "hundred years. Segula Volcano Segula Volcano lies westward of Anchorage on the Segula Island in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. An inactive stratovolcano, it has not produced any historical eruptions, while barely eroded deposits on the flanks suggest that activity took place at the volcano as late as a couple of hundred years ago. Built on top of a shallow platform, the volcano grew steadily from eruptions, and is composed of strata of flow deposits and pyroclastic material. Part of the Rat Islands, Segula Volcano is located, along with the other Aleutians, in the Pacific Ocean. It is located in", "title": "Segula Volcano" }, { "docid": "14102943", "text": "Segula Volcano Segula Volcano lies westward of Anchorage on the Segula Island in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. An inactive stratovolcano, it has not produced any historical eruptions, while barely eroded deposits on the flanks suggest that activity took place at the volcano as late as a couple of hundred years ago. Built on top of a shallow platform, the volcano grew steadily from eruptions, and is composed of strata of flow deposits and pyroclastic material. Part of the Rat Islands, Segula Volcano is located, along with the other Aleutians, in the Pacific Ocean. It is located in a row", "title": "Segula Volcano" }, { "docid": "13585067", "text": "with variations of moss, lichen, and heath. Spread throughout the island are grass and sedges, which cover much of the lower surface. Fungi, liverworts, horsetails, and ferns, can be found on the island, along with flowering plants, such as the narcissus anemone, lupines, and orchids. Seaweed is also common on the island's beaches. Davidof Volcano Davidof Volcano is an inactive stratovolcano and caldera remnant in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, USA, from Anchorage. Located on the eponymous island, Davidof is part of the Rat Islands sub-chain. It is also part of the \"Aleutian Krakatau\", a group of four islands formed", "title": "Davidof Volcano" }, { "docid": "3931054", "text": "fire. There have been six historical eruptions recorded from the volcano since the 18th century. Didicas Volcano Didicas Volcano is an active volcanic island in the province of Cagayan in northern Philippines. The island, which was a submarine volcano and re-emerged from the sea in 1952, is NE of Camiguin Island, one of the Babuyan Islands in Luzon Strait. Before 1952, the volcano first breached the ocean surface in 1857. Didicas is topped with a lava dome with an elevation of and a base diameter of at sea level. It is at the southern end of the Luzon Volcanic Arc,", "title": "Didicas Volcano" }, { "docid": "3313612", "text": "Battle of the Komandorski Islands The Battle of the Komandorski Islands was a naval battle between American and Imperial Japanese forces which took place on 27 March 1943 in the North Pacific, south of the Soviet Komandorski Islands. The battle was a daylight surface engagement in which air support played a negligible role and in which the inferior American force escaped complete destruction mostly by luck. When the United States became aware of Japanese plans to send a supply convoy to their forces on the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, U.S. Navy ships commanded by Rear Admiral Charles McMorris were sent", "title": "Battle of the Komandorski Islands" }, { "docid": "7975164", "text": "Cerro Azul (Ecuador volcano) Cerro Azul (Spanish: \"Blue Hill\") is a shield volcano on the south western part of Isabela Island in the Galápagos Islands. At a height of it is the second highest peak in the Galapagos and due to its topographic prominence of over it is categorised as an ultra. The volcano is one of the most active in the Galapagos, with the last eruption between May and June 2008. The Galapagos Islands are believed to be formed from a mantle plume which creates a hotspot of volcanic activity away from plate boundaries where islands then form above", "title": "Cerro Azul (Ecuador volcano)" }, { "docid": "13857621", "text": "Marshallese experience of nuclear warfare shaped critical views held by Japanese–Marshallese politicians. From the 1990s onwards, Japanese–Marshallese politicians including James Matayoshi and Hiroshi Yamamura often led lobbies against the United States for monetary compensation of victims of radioactive fallout. When Marshall Islands became independent in 1986, second and third-generation Japanese–Marshallese offsprings formed the Japanese–Marshallese association (also known as \"Marshall Nikkeijin Kai\" in Japanese), and rendered assistance to families of Japanese soldiers who died during the Pacific War. Although the association had limited patronage from the younger generation of Japanese–Marshallese, it played an important role in lobbying the government to forge", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "301943", "text": "December to June, and the rainy season from July to November and can include typhoons. The Guinness Book of World Records has cited Saipan as having the most equable climate in the world. Geography of the Northern Mariana Islands This article is about the geography of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Northern Mariana Islands, together with Guam to the south, compose the Mariana Islands. The southern islands are limestone, with level terraces and fringing coral reefs. The northern islands are volcanic, with active volcanoes on Anatahan, Pagan and Agrihan. The volcano on Agrihan has the highest elevation at . About", "title": "Geography of the Northern Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "200778", "text": "etymology of Arran is no more clear—Haswell-Smith (2004) offers a Brythonic derivation and a meaning of \"high place\" although Watson (1926) suggests it may be pre-Celtic. Islands of the Clyde The Islands of the Firth of Clyde are the fifth largest of the major Scottish island groups after the Inner and Outer Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland. They are situated in the Firth of Clyde between Ayrshire and Argyll and Bute. There are about forty islands and skerries, of which only four are inhabited and only nine larger than . The largest and most populous are Arran and Bute, and Great", "title": "Islands of the Clyde" }, { "docid": "2734249", "text": "or, that the islands were named for their resemblance to Poor Knight's Pudding, a bread-based dish topped with egg and fried, popular at the time of discovery by Europeans. The chain consists of two large islands (Tawhiti Rahi, the larger at , and Aorangi () to the south), and several smaller islands. Aorangaia and Archway Island lie to the southwest of Aorangi Island, and there is also a group of smaller rocky islets between the two main islands, the largest of which is Motu Kapiti. The Poor Knights Islands are the eroded remnants of a 4-million-year-old rhyolitic volcano that is", "title": "Poor Knights Islands" }, { "docid": "15199178", "text": "the operation was not called off after this raid, it did not go ahead after the Japanese surrender on 15 August. The Japanese military also developed a plan to attack Saipan using Mitsubishi Ki-167 suicide aircraft during August, but nothing came of this. The Japanese attacks on the Mariana Islands during 1944 and 1945 did not seriously disrupt the USAAF's strategic air campaign against Japan. They did, however, force the United States to allocate forces to defend the islands in order to prevent further losses of expensive B-29s. Moreover, due to the high cost of the heavy bombers, the ratio", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "8903767", "text": "Under the Volcano Festival Under The Volcano Festival Of Art & Social Change was an activist, grassroots gathering held at Whey-Ah-Wichen Cates Park on the traditional territory of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation in North Vancouver, BC in August. \"Under the Volcano\" was Canada's largest political arts festival and was 100% volunteer produced. The festival took its name from the well-known book of the same name by Malcolm Lowry, who squatted in Cates Park in the 1940s. The festival was started in 1990 by Vancouver social activist and artist Irwin Oostindie, and was produced by a dedicated group of volunteers until its", "title": "Under the Volcano Festival" }, { "docid": "74847", "text": "The islands have a total land area of 2,236 square kilometers (including Mayotte), and claim territorial waters of 320 square kilometers. Mount Karthala (2316 m) on Grande Comore is an active volcano. From April 17 to 19, 2005, the volcano began spewing ash and gas, forcing as many as 10,000 people to flee. Comoros is located within the Somali plate. Geographic coordinates: Grande Comore is the largest island, sixty-seven kilometers long and twenty-seven kilometers wide, with a total area of 1,146 square kilometers. The most recently formed of the four islands in the archipelago, it is also of volcanic origin.", "title": "Geography of the Comoros" }, { "docid": "13857620", "text": "population on the islands was repatriated back to Japan. People of mixed Japanese–Marshallese heritage generally stayed behind, although a few were granted an option if they were above 16 years old. The Japanese–Marshallese quickly assimilated with the Marshallese in the years after the war. Many of them became politicians and businessmen, and in the 1970s people of mixed Japanese–Marshallese heritage controlled most of the private enterprises in the state. Japanese–Marshallese politicians generally held critical opinions on nuclear weapon tests carried out by the United States in Operation Crossroads. At least one ethnologist, Greg Dvorak suggested that the shared Japanese and", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "17834646", "text": "Opal, Obsidian, Rock crystal and Iceland spar. Volcano House offers guidance and information throughout the exhibit. The interior design of the exhibition is meant to look like it's from 1973 which is the year when the volcanic eruption in Heimaey in the Westman Islands occurred. The Volcano House cinema presents two documentaries covering two of the most powerful volcanic eruptions that have occurred in Iceland over the last 40 years - the 1973 eruption in Heimaey on the Westman Islands, and the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in South Iceland. The documentaries are exclusively made for Volcano House and can not", "title": "Volcano House, Iceland" }, { "docid": "3931053", "text": "Didicas Volcano Didicas Volcano is an active volcanic island in the province of Cagayan in northern Philippines. The island, which was a submarine volcano and re-emerged from the sea in 1952, is NE of Camiguin Island, one of the Babuyan Islands in Luzon Strait. Before 1952, the volcano first breached the ocean surface in 1857. Didicas is topped with a lava dome with an elevation of and a base diameter of at sea level. It is at the southern end of the Luzon Volcanic Arc, and like all the volcanoes in the Philippines, is part of the Pacific ring of", "title": "Didicas Volcano" }, { "docid": "13938103", "text": "The Volcano being one of the three having erupted in the last few hundred years. Tseax Cone, which last erupted in the 18th century, is the southernmost volcano in the province, while Prindle Volcano in easternmost-central Alaska, which erupted more than 10,000 years ago, is generally considered the northernmost. At least two phases of volcanic activity have been identified at The Volcano. Each event was followed by the eruption of lengthy basaltic lava flows that flowed down steep granitic flanks of the mountain ridge on which The Volcano lies. After this took place, they travelled through the Lava Fork valley", "title": "The Volcano (British Columbia)" }, { "docid": "15199167", "text": "too small to be effective. As it was not possible to allocate additional aircraft to bolster these missions, the GDC directed that the offensive cease and that the 6th Air Army be held in reserve to be used against any Allied forces which landed in the Japanese home islands. Overall, more than 80 Japanese aircraft were dispatched against Saipan and Tinian between November 1944 and the end of the offensive in February 1945. The Japanese destroyed 11 B-29s, caused major damage to eight and minor damage to another 35. American casualties were 45 dead and over 200 wounded. USAAF fighters", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "8274810", "text": "and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) Quick Response Team conducted an investigation on July 8, 1993 following reports of unusual volcanic activity at Babuyan Island. Results of the survey showed that Smith Volcano was quiet with no volcanic earthquakes recorded during the survey. Smith Volcano Smith Volcano, also known as Mount Babuyan, is a cinder cone on Babuyan Island, the northernmost of the Babuyan group of islands on Luzon Strait, north of the main island of Luzon in the Philippines. The mountain is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines, which last erupted in 1924. The volcano is politically located in the", "title": "Smith Volcano" }, { "docid": "2118732", "text": "contains at least 43 major volcanoes, and Meiji Seamount at its terminus near the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench is 85 million years old. The volcanoes follow a distinct evolutionary pattern of growth and death. The chain includes the second largest volcano on Earth, Mauna Loa, which stands above sea level and reaches a further below the waterline and into the crust, approximately of rock. Kīlauea, meanwhile, is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, with the current ongoing eruption having begun in January 1983. The Galápagos Islands are an isolated set of volcanoes, consisting of shield volcanoes and lava plateaus, located", "title": "Shield volcano" }, { "docid": "13254447", "text": "tephra, creates respiratory complexities and irritation of the eye. Pyroclastic flows from an eruption would destroy much wildlife about the volcano. Gareloi has historically produced several pyroclastic flows, which can travel extremely fast. Future flows at Gareloi Volcano could travel off the island into the Pacific Ocean and, if large enough, could fall into the ocean and generate tsunamis, though unlikely. Gareloi Volcano The Gareloi Volcano is a stratovolcano in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, United States, about from Anchorage. Gareloi is located on Gareloi Island, and comprises most of its land mass. The island also has two small glaciers", "title": "Gareloi Volcano" }, { "docid": "11332550", "text": "Tori-shima (Izu Islands) , literally meaning \"Bird Island\", is an uninhabited Japanese island in the Pacific Ocean. The volcanic island is part of the Izu Islands. Tori-shima is located in the Philippine Sea approximately south of Tokyo and north of Lot's Wife. The roughly circular-shaped island is listed as a Class A active volcano by the Japan Meteorological Agency. The island is the above-water portion of a submarine volcano, whose submerged caldera portion to the north of the island continues to erupt underwater. Volcanic activity on the island itself was last recorded in 2002, accompanied by earthquake swarms. The main", "title": "Tori-shima (Izu Islands)" }, { "docid": "13254438", "text": "Gareloi Volcano The Gareloi Volcano is a stratovolcano in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, United States, about from Anchorage. Gareloi is located on Gareloi Island, and comprises most of its land mass. The island also has two small glaciers which protrude to the northwest and southeast. The volcano is by at its base, possessing two summits. The southern crater is far greater in size, wide with fumaroles, which can be attributed to edifice failure in the southern wall, while Gareloi's northern crater is enclosed. Vitus Bering had been a prominent sailor in Russia. After successful expeditions in 1725, 1728, and", "title": "Gareloi Volcano" }, { "docid": "673648", "text": "islands in 1944, destroying or isolating the Japanese garrisons. In just one month in 1944, Americans captured Kwajalein Atoll, Majuro and Enewetak, and, in the next two months, the rest of the Marshall Islands, except for Wotje, Mili, Maloelap and Jaluit. The battle in the Marshall Islands caused irreparable damage, especially on Japanese bases. During the American bombing, the islands' population suffered from lack of food and various injuries. Of the 5100-man Japanese garrison (2600 Imperial Japanese Navy and 2500 Imperial Japanese Army) on the Mili Atoll only half survived to the end of the war. Following capture and occupation", "title": "History of the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "4715156", "text": "Reef Islands The Reef Islands are a loose collection of 16 islands in the northwestern part of the Solomon Islands province of Temotu. These islands have historically also been known by the names of Swallow Islands and Matema Islands. The islands lie about north of Nendo, the largest of the Santa Cruz Islands. The center of the group is at approximately 10°12'36\" S lat., 166°10'12\" E. long. The islands are raised some five metres on the east and tilted west. The islands are subject to tidal surges caused by cyclones and volcanic activity from nearby Tinakula volcano. The island soils", "title": "Reef Islands" }, { "docid": "6952252", "text": "houses and \"tapa\". Music of the Austral Islands The Austral Islands are part of the territory of French Polynesia. The music of the islands is similar to the music of other Polynesian islands. The largest of the Austral Islands is Tubuai, which is known for its ancient, atonal singing style, said to be the purest representation of pre-contact Polynesian music in French Polynesia. The Encyclopædia Britannica has reported a carving, found on Raivavae, which depicts dancers alternating with rows of crescents, sometimes said to represent the distinctive skirts of the dancers. This carving style is used on traditional drums, as", "title": "Music of the Austral Islands" }, { "docid": "6952251", "text": "Music of the Austral Islands The Austral Islands are part of the territory of French Polynesia. The music of the islands is similar to the music of other Polynesian islands. The largest of the Austral Islands is Tubuai, which is known for its ancient, atonal singing style, said to be the purest representation of pre-contact Polynesian music in French Polynesia. The Encyclopædia Britannica has reported a carving, found on Raivavae, which depicts dancers alternating with rows of crescents, sometimes said to represent the distinctive skirts of the dancers. This carving style is used on traditional drums, as well as on", "title": "Music of the Austral Islands" }, { "docid": "15199155", "text": "aircraft and XXI Bomber Command B-29s also occasionally participated in these attacks. The Seventh Air Force also provided air defence for the Mariana Islands; this task was assigned to the 318th Fighter Group, which was equipped with P-47 Thunderbolt fighters, and the 6th Night Fighter Squadron which flew Northrop P-61 Black Widows. The Thunderbolts were also responsible for suppressing the Japanese-held Mariana Islands, though it proved difficult to stop the 3,600-man garrison from repairing the airfield on Pagan. In addition, the US Army stationed elements of eight anti-aircraft gun battalions and two searchlight battalions on Saipan between July 1944 and", "title": "Japanese air attacks on the Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "200751", "text": "Islands of the Clyde The Islands of the Firth of Clyde are the fifth largest of the major Scottish island groups after the Inner and Outer Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland. They are situated in the Firth of Clyde between Ayrshire and Argyll and Bute. There are about forty islands and skerries, of which only four are inhabited and only nine larger than . The largest and most populous are Arran and Bute, and Great Cumbrae and Holy Isle are also served by dedicated ferry routes. Unlike the four larger Scottish archipelagos, none of the isles in this group are connected", "title": "Islands of the Clyde" }, { "docid": "6410607", "text": "Renusakai, and chief of police Mitsubashi, both of whom had served at Nanking. 600 people were arrested and tortured, including Dr. Diwan Singh, who died as a result of his injuries. At this stage the Japanese decided that Bakshi was no longer useful, and he was imprisoned. On December 29, 1943, political control of the islands was passed to the Azad Hind government of Subhas Chandra Bose. Bose visited Port Blair to raise the tricolour flag of the Indian National Army. During this, his only visit to the Andamans, he was kept carefully screened from the local population by the", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "13857616", "text": "to Jaluit. The civilian administration was established at Jabat Island and replaced the military administration in 1922. A small branch government office was established; and local Japanese settlers opened a small copra plantation on the island. In the early 1920s, a Japanese trader settled in Enewetak and made false claims that he had received permission from the government to develop coconut groves. The natives initially worked for the trader, but resisted after realising the trader's false claims. There was no permanent official at Enewetak and Ujelang, but a ship from Pohnpei would make occasional visits to the islands. Japanese traders", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "8274809", "text": "Smith Volcano is one of the probably five Pleistocene-to-Holocene volcanic centers on Babuyan Island (also known as Babuyan de Claro Island) with Smith, the youngest volcano on the island. The largest on the island is Babuyan Claro (also known as \"Mt. Pangasun\"), an active stratovolcano with two well-preserved summit craters in diameter, located in the center of the island. Babuyan Claro is about peak-to-peak southeast of Smith Volcano, which is the north-westernmost summit on the triangular-shaped island. Smith Volcano has erupted six times, the last of which was in 1924. A team of volcanologists from the Philippine Institute of Volcanology", "title": "Smith Volcano" }, { "docid": "6410600", "text": "Close Cover<br> Invasion Force<br> Minesweeper Division 1<br> Special Minesweeper Division 91<br> Air Unit<br> Port Blair was occupied on the 23 March 1942. The garrison offered no resistance to the landings, and were disarmed and interned; many of the Sikh militia later enlisted in the Indian National Army. The British militia officers were sent to Singapore as POWs, whilst Chief Commissioner Waterfall, Deputy Commissioner Major A.G. Bird and the other British administrative officers were imprisoned. The Japanese released the prisoners held in the jail, one of whom, Pushkar Bakshi, became their principal collaborator. The islands were put under the authority of", "title": "Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands" }, { "docid": "7271746", "text": "the operation, the New Zealand 8th Infantry Brigade Group, commanded by Brigadier Robert Row and part of the New Zealand 3rd Division, was assigned to the United States' III Amphibious Force, which assigned its Southern Force under Rear Admiral George H. Fort for the operation. Consisting of two islands, Mono and Stirling, the Treasuries are located north of Guadalcanal, and from Vella Lavella, and just from the Shortland Islands. At the time of the battle, the islands offered the Allies further opportunities to bypass large groups of Japanese forces as they advanced through the Solomons towards the main Japanese base", "title": "Battle of the Treasury Islands" }, { "docid": "5336658", "text": "Ureparapara, is Vet Tagde (Vot Tande or Vot Ganai), an extinct volcano that last erupted 3.5 million years ago. The Rowa Islands (or Reef Islands) are a few very small, low islands on a coral atoll. Mota Lava is the largest and highest (411 m) of this eastern chain of islands; off its southern coast, attached by high corals that one can wade through at low tide, is the tiny islet of Ra. Mota, Merig and Merelava complete the southeastern part of the archipelago. The population of the Banks Islands speak fifteen different languages. Several are endangered, being spoken by", "title": "Banks Islands" }, { "docid": "673645", "text": "Empire had primarily economic interests in Micronesia. The Japanese interests were in land. Despite the Marshalls' small area and few resources, the absorption of the territory by Japan would to some extent alleviate Japan's problem of an increasing population with a diminishing amount of available land to house it. During its years of colonial rule, Japan moved more than 1,000 Japanese to the Marshall Islands although they never outnumbered the indigenous peoples as they did in the Mariana Islands and Palau. The Japanese enlarged administration and appointed local leaders, which weakened the authority of local traditional leaders. Japan also tried", "title": "History of the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "4275895", "text": "Music of the Northern Mariana Islands The music of the Northern Mariana Islands is dominated by the folk music of the Chamorros, which remains an important part of the islands' culture, though elements of music left by American, German, Spanish and Japanese colonizers are also in evidence. There are both Carolinian and Chamorro traditional chant styles. A variant of the Spanish cha-cha-chá is popular, as is a Carolinian \"stick dance\" which combines improvised percussion and foot stomping. A well-known stick dance group is the Talabwog Men Stick Dancers. The national anthem of the Northern Mariana Islands is \"Gi Talo Gi", "title": "Music of the Northern Mariana Islands" }, { "docid": "10092832", "text": "School paintings is usually on display at the Honolulu Museum of Art. Although the American landscape painter Frederic Edwin Church produced similar paintings of Ecuador’s Cotopaxi Volcano during and after visits in 1853 and 1857, he is not considered a member of this group and he never visited the Hawaiian Islands. Volcano School The Volcano School refers to a group of non-native Hawaiian artists who painted dramatic nocturnal scenes of Hawaii's erupting volcanoes. Some of the artists also produced watercolors, which, by the nature of the medium, tended to be diurnal. At their best, these paintings exemplify a fusion of", "title": "Volcano School" }, { "docid": "12554682", "text": "Amirani (volcano) Amirani is an active volcano on Jupiter's moon Io, the inner-most of the Galilean Moons. It is located on Io's leading hemisphere at . The volcano is responsible for the largest active lava flow in the entire Solar System, with recent flows dwarfing those of even other volcanos on Io. The volcano was first observed in images acquired by the \"Voyager 1\" spacecraft in March 1979. Later that year, the International Astronomical Union named this feature after a Georgian fire god, Amirani. Amirani is about the same age as Jupiter, which is around 4.5 billion years old. It", "title": "Amirani (volcano)" }, { "docid": "6739549", "text": "Turrialba Volcano Turrialba Volcano is an active volcano in central Costa Rica that has been explosively eruptive in recent years including 2016 and in January, March and April 2017. Visitors used to be able to hike down into the main crater, but increased volcanic activity in 2014-17, resulting in large clouds of volcanic ash, has caused the surrounding Turrialba Volcano National Park to close. The stratovolcano is high and is about 45 minutes from the Atlantic slope town of Turrialba. The summit has three craters, the largest of which has a diameter of . Below the summit is a mountain", "title": "Turrialba Volcano" }, { "docid": "6690427", "text": "main islands of the group are, north to south, Sangir Besar (or Sangir Island), Siau (or Siao), Tahulandang, and Biaro. The largest island is Sangir Besar and contains an active volcano, Mount Awu (). Tahuna is the chief town and port, also hosting the islands' sole airport, Naha Airport. The area came under Dutch control in 1677, and became part of Indonesia when it declared independence from the Netherlands in 1945. The Sangir language is spoken in the islands; this Austronesian language is also spoken in some islands in the Philippines, and on the extreme northern tip of Sulawesi. The", "title": "Sangihe Islands" }, { "docid": "12755171", "text": "Unnamed volcano (Ibugos) Unnamed volcano (Ibugos), is a submarine volcano near the island Ibugos in the Philippines. The volcano is off Ibugos Island, at the southernmost end 0f the Batanes Islands, in the province of Batanes, in the Cagayan Valley Region, in the Philippines, within the Luzon Strait between Luzon and Taiwan. The volcano is a submarine volcano rising to within of the sea surface, due west of Dequey Volcano. It is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines. Submarine eruptions reported in 1773, 1850, and 1854 are likely to have originated from this volcano. There have been no", "title": "Unnamed volcano (Ibugos)" }, { "docid": "12687202", "text": "Reclus (volcano) Reclus (named after Élisée Reclus; sometimes confused with Cerro Mano del Diablo southwest of Reclus), also written as Reclús, is a volcano located in the Southern Patagonia Ice Field, Chile. Part of the Austral Volcanic Zone of the Andes, its summit rises above sea level and is capped by a crater about wide. Close to the volcano lies the Amalia Glacier, which is actively eroding Reclus. The volcano has been active during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. A large eruption – among the largest known in the Austral Volcanic Zone – occurred 15,260–14,373 years before present and released", "title": "Reclus (volcano)" }, { "docid": "37605", "text": "Islands was the second largest source of foreign direct investment in the world (behind Hong Kong) with over US$123,000,000,000. Almost all of these sums are directly attributable to investment through the Territory's offshore finance industry. The British Virgin Islands also promotes a number of regulated financial services products. The most important of these is the formation and regulation of offshore investment funds. The Territory is also the second largest domicile for formation of offshore investment funds (behind the Cayman Islands) with 2,422 licensed open-ended funds as at 30 June 2012 (there is no official statistics for closed-ended funds which are", "title": "Economy of the British Virgin Islands" }, { "docid": "2776004", "text": "Islands in the Solomon Islands. The landings on the islands were meant to deny their use by the Japanese as bases for threatening the supply routes between the U.S. and Australia, and to secure the islands as starting points for a campaign with the eventual goal of neutralizing the major Japanese base at Rabaul while also supporting the Allied New Guinea campaign. The landings initiated the six-month-long Guadalcanal campaign. After the Battle of the Eastern Solomons on 24–25 August, in which the aircraft carrier was heavily damaged and forced to travel to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for a month of major", "title": "Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands" }, { "docid": "3246412", "text": "the archipelago from Japan's colonies and other territories in the first half of the 20th century. The archipelago consists of 6,852 islands (here defined as land more than 100 m in circumference), of which 430 are inhabited. The four main islands, from north to south, are Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu; Honshu is the largest and referred to as the Japanese mainland. The current Japanese archipelago topography is: Japanese archipelago The is a group of 6,852 islands that form the country of Japan. It extends over from the Sea of Okhotsk northeast to the Philippine Sea south along the northeastern", "title": "Japanese archipelago" }, { "docid": "257878", "text": "famous World War II battle ground, is now used as a US missile test range; the island city of Ebeye is the second largest settlement in the Marshall Islands, after the capital of Majuro, and one of the most densely populated locations in the Pacific. This is a list of the extreme points of the Marshall Islands, the points that are farther north, south, east or west than any other location. Geography of the Marshall Islands The Marshalls consist of 29 atolls and five isolated islands, which form two parallel groups—the \"Ratak\" (sunrise) chain and the \"Ralik\" (sunset) chain. The", "title": "Geography of the Marshall Islands" }, { "docid": "13846872", "text": "and Palau. The German authorities chased out most of the businessmen in 1900, leaving only a few Japanese in the Micronesian islands. A few Japanese began settling in the islands in 1907 after the German authorities allowed the Japanese traders to establish their enterprises in Pohnpei and Chuuk. Early Japanese settlers consisted of single men, and official statistics showed a gender imbalance with five Japanese males to one female. Many Japanese men took on Micronesian wives and raised mixed Japanese–Micronesian families. Japanese arrivals to Micronesia remained modest until the 1920s, following which the islands experienced a quick increase in the", "title": "Japanese settlement in the Federated States of Micronesia" } ]
Who was the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic?
[ "Amelia airheart", "Amelia Airhardt", "Disappearance of Amelia Earhart", "Amelia Airhart", "Amelia Erhart", "Emelia Earhart", "Amelia Mary Earhart", "Amelia Aerhart", "Amelia Erhardt", "Amelia Earheart", "Amelia Earnhart", "Amelia Earhart Putnam", "Emelia Airheart", "Amelia earhart", "Amielia Earhart", "Amelia airhart", "Amelia Earhardt", "Amelia Earhart Life Summary", "Amelia Earhart", "Amelia Airheart" ]
[ { "docid": "2650431", "text": "would be reliable as a voter on local matters. Feminist organizations in Italy were ignored, as the editors purposely associated emancipation with Americanism and transformed the debate over women's rights into a defense of the Italian-American community to set its own boundaries and rules. In 1932, Hattie Caraway of Arkansas became the first woman elected to the Senate. Furthermore, in 1932 Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, taking her journey on the 5th anniversary of Lindbergh's solo Atlantic flight . She was awarded the National Geographic Society's gold medal from President Herbert Hoover, and", "title": "History of women in the United States" }, { "docid": "12109467", "text": "flight of Earhart was known as \"World Flight 1997.\" Finch's flight marked the 60th anniversary of Earhart's failed effort as well as centennial of her birth. History records that Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, the first woman to fly nonstop across the United States and first woman to fly from Hawaii to the west coast of California. The whole world was watching Amelia Earhart when she began her global attempt and of course then mourned her when the plane came up missing without a trace. Earhart was lost somewhere in the south Pacific", "title": "Linda Finch" } ]
[ { "docid": "8232615", "text": "his ear. A successful first solo flight is an indication that the student can fly without the instructor (\"instructor-less\" flight). Hence, there is no longer a need for the shirt tail, and it is cut off by the (often) proud instructor, and sometimes displayed as a trophy. First solo flight The first solo flight of a new pilot comprises that pilot completing a take off, and usually a short flight and safe landing, by him or herself. Flying such a flight is a milestone known as soloing. Being solo pilot of an aircraft is different from most other situations in", "title": "First solo flight" }, { "docid": "8232610", "text": "First solo flight The first solo flight of a new pilot comprises that pilot completing a take off, and usually a short flight and safe landing, by him or herself. Flying such a flight is a milestone known as soloing. Being solo pilot of an aircraft is different from most other situations in that the pilot has not only to be able to fly and navigate the machine in a competent manner but he/she also has to be able to cope with unpredictable developments like mechanical failure, bad weather etc. on his/her own and without advice from other sources (most", "title": "First solo flight" }, { "docid": "20412227", "text": "a high school. The Woman Who Was Forgotten “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” is a short story by Bess Streeter Aldrich first published in 1926. It is about a retired high school teacher who realizes that she will not be able to support herself at the same time that she discovers that the high school where she spent her career is slated to be torn down. On a last visit to the old high school, she is surprised by her former students who, unbeknownst to her, have raised money on her behalf. The movie, \"The Woman Who Was Forgotten\", based", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "20412222", "text": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” is a short story by Bess Streeter Aldrich first published in 1926. It is about a retired high school teacher who realizes that she will not be able to support herself at the same time that she discovers that the high school where she spent her career is slated to be torn down. On a last visit to the old high school, she is surprised by her former students who, unbeknownst to her, have raised money on her behalf. The movie, \"The Woman Who Was Forgotten\", based on the short", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "19540776", "text": "have led Jacques Maritain back to Mother Church will baffle most admirers of that subtle, first-class mind. \"Kirkus Reviews\" wrote that the novel does not \"move with swift and arresting action\", but has \"passages of great beauty and the character delineation [is] interesting\". The critic wrote that the book \"is saturated with Catholic thought and allusions, but is by nomeans just a pietistic tract in novel form, for Leon Bloy was an accomplished novelist.\" The Woman Who Was Poor The Woman Who Was Poor () is an 1897 novel by the French writer Léon Bloy. It follows a woman, Clotilde,", "title": "The Woman Who Was Poor" }, { "docid": "15201169", "text": "wanted to scoop other American newspapers by acquiring photos of the May 10, 1937 coronation of King George VI after the abdication of his brother, King Edward VIII. Merrill carried photos (not newsreels, as often claimed) of the Hindenburg disaster, which occurred shortly before the flight. Hearst papers on both sides of the Atlantic published the first pictures of each event, and Merrill earned the Harmon Trophy for 1937 for his achievement. Footage from this flight was used to make the \"Atlantic Flight\". Dramatic air race and crash scenes were also used. Milburn Stone who played aircraft mechanic Henry Wadsworth", "title": "Atlantic Flight" }, { "docid": "20412225", "text": "presents her with a check. Miss Miller’s former students make plans to have her over for dinner, but she stays until she can be alone in the building again, writing an inspirational quote on the chalkboard one last time before leaving. “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” was originally published in \"The American Magazine\" in 1926. Following its publication, the National Education Association reprinted it in the \"National Education Association Journal\". When the film rights to the story were sold, Aldrich donated a part of the proceeds to a Washington D.C. home for retired teachers. An early sound-era film adaptation, also", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "19818507", "text": "Rowing Across the Atlantic Rowing Across the Atlantic () is a 1978 French animated short film directed by Jean-François Laguionie. It tells the story of a couple who leave New York City in a rowing boat and spend their lives together in the Atlantic Ocean. The film was scripted by Laguionie and Jean-Paul Gaspari and features the voices of Charlotte Maury and Jean-Pierre Sentier. It premiered at the 1978 Cannes Film Festival and was released in French cinemas on 25 October 1978. The film won the Short Film Palme d'Or at the 1978 Cannes Film Festival, the Grand Prize at", "title": "Rowing Across the Atlantic" }, { "docid": "19818508", "text": "the 1978 Ottawa International Animation Festival and the César Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 4th César Awards. Rowing Across the Atlantic Rowing Across the Atlantic () is a 1978 French animated short film directed by Jean-François Laguionie. It tells the story of a couple who leave New York City in a rowing boat and spend their lives together in the Atlantic Ocean. The film was scripted by Laguionie and Jean-Paul Gaspari and features the voices of Charlotte Maury and Jean-Pierre Sentier. It premiered at the 1978 Cannes Film Festival and was released in French cinemas on 25", "title": "Rowing Across the Atlantic" }, { "docid": "8232613", "text": "to be safe flying solo in other than perfect (no wind) weather. In some cases, when the student is given permission to fly alone the instructor directs the student to fly three circuits of the traffic pattern each accompanied by a full stop landing. During the first circuit, the solo, the student's Flight instructor may supervise the student's performance from the ground, paying close attention to the approach and landing. Some instructors keep a radio handy, if there is one in the aircraft, in case the student pilot should need assistance or advice. Several traditions have developed in the United", "title": "First solo flight" }, { "docid": "11911158", "text": "over four sessions at Bradley's Barn in Mount Juliet, TN, beginning on April 2, 1969. Three additional sessions followed on April 9 (yielding six of the albums eleven songs), May 14 and May 28, 1969. \"Woman of the World (Leave My World Alone)\" was recorded during the November 18, 1968 session for 1969's \"Your Squaw Is on the Warpath\". Woman of the World/To Make a Man Woman of the World/To Make a Man is the thirteenth studio album by American country music singer-songwriter Loretta Lynn. It was released on July 7, 1969, by Decca Records. The album includes a cover", "title": "Woman of the World/To Make a Man" }, { "docid": "8037094", "text": "crossing within the hours of daylight, the flight established new records for time, distance, and average speed (128.37 mph) in transcontinental flights. Maughan's record was not eclipsed until August 20, 1928 when Hollywood stunt flier Arthur C. Goebel, in what was the first nonstop flight across the continent from west to east, flew from Los Angeles, California to Curtiss Field, New York in the Lockheed Vega \"Yankee Doodle\" (NX4789), in 18 hours and 58 minutes, averaging . Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States The \"Dawn to dusk\" transcontinental flight across the United States was a pioneering aviation record established", "title": "Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States" }, { "docid": "19540774", "text": "The Woman Who Was Poor The Woman Who Was Poor () is an 1897 novel by the French writer Léon Bloy. It follows a woman, Clotilde, who becomes involved with the Paris art and literary scene in the 1880s. It was Bloy's second novel. An English translation by I. J. Collins was published in 1939. Ernest Boyd of the \"Saturday Review\" wrote in 1939 about the English-language edition: The translator duly apologizes for his squeamishness, although none of our current exponents of the \"Anglo-Saxon\" monosyllables would have been deterred by Bloy, even if disgusted by his deliberate and unnecessary blasphemies.", "title": "The Woman Who Was Poor" }, { "docid": "6484942", "text": "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman \"(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman\" is a 1967 single released by American soul singer Aretha Franklin on the Atlantic label. The song was co-written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin, with input from Atlantic producer Jerry Wexler. Written for Franklin, the record was a big hit reaching number 8 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and became one of her signature songs. It made history in the UK singles chart a week after her death, finally becoming a hit almost 51 years after it was first released entering at #79.", "title": "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" }, { "docid": "11911155", "text": "Woman of the World/To Make a Man Woman of the World/To Make a Man is the thirteenth studio album by American country music singer-songwriter Loretta Lynn. It was released on July 7, 1969, by Decca Records. The album includes a cover of Tammy Wynette's \"Stand by Your Man\", Lynn's biggest rival at the time. Lynn also recorded other covers for the album, including Merle Haggard's \"Today I Started Loving You Again\" and Brenda Lee's \"Johnny One Time\". Lynn continued to write songs for this album, including co-writing songs with the Wilburn Brothers. \"Billboard\" published a review of the album in", "title": "Woman of the World/To Make a Man" }, { "docid": "8037083", "text": "Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States The \"Dawn to dusk\" transcontinental flight across the United States was a pioneering aviation record established June 23, 1924. It marked the first crossing of the North American continent within the hours of daylight. The record was set by 1st Lt. Russell L. Maughan, a U.S. Army Air Service test pilot at McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio, the site of the Air Service Engineering Division and its major flight-test center. The plan for the flight was conceived by the Air Service's Assistant Chief, Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell in 1923. The Air Service since 1919", "title": "Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States" }, { "docid": "20412226", "text": "called \"The Woman Who Was Forgotten\", was released in 1930 and featured the theme song “Give to the World the Best You Have.” The movie was later edited for television and broadcast as \"Give to the World\". Like much of Aldrich’s work, “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” “affirms life, and her characters find, usually, some reason for happiness, be it through love or belief in honor and duty.\" Aldrich developed a similar theme in her novel, \"Miss Bishop\", where students also gather to celebrate a former teacher, only in that text the action takes place at a college rather than", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "15910560", "text": "The Flight from Woman The Flight from Woman is a book by psychiatrist Karl Stern, first published in 1965 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. It is described as a study of the polarity of the sexes as reflected in the conflict between two modes of knowledge - scientific or rational, as contrasted with intuitive or poetic. In the course of exploring this theme Stern undertakes to provide psychological portraits of six representative figures whose thought and work have influenced modern man: Descartes, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Tolstoy, and Sartre. Reviews Man, Woman, and Person: Karl Stern, The Flight from Woman, Z.", "title": "The Flight from Woman" }, { "docid": "18403942", "text": "Clothes Make the Woman Clothes Make the Woman is a surviving 1928 American silent historical romantic drama film directed by Tom Terriss, and starring Eve Southern and Walter Pidgeon. The film is loosely based on the story of Anna Anderson, a Polish woman who claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, the daughter of the last czar of Russia Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra. Anastasia was killed along with her parents and siblings by communist Bolshevik revolutionaries on July 17, 1918. Southern stars as Anastasia, a young Russian princess who is saved from execution by Victor Trent", "title": "Clothes Make the Woman" }, { "docid": "10747476", "text": "(1987) The Flight Across the Ocean The Flight across the Ocean () is a \"Lehrstück\" by the German dramatist Bertolt Brecht, inspired by \"We\", Charles Lindbergh's 1927 account of his transatlantic flight. Written for the Baden-Baden Music Festival, it was originally entitled \"Lindbergh's Flight\" (\"Der Lindberghflug\") and premiered in 1929 with music by Kurt Weill and Paul Hindemith in a broadcast by the Frankfurter Rundfunk-Symphonie-Orchester under the direction of Hermann Scherchen and produced by Ernst Hardt. Shortly afterwards, Weill replaced the Hindemith sections with his own music and this new version (described as a 'cantata for soloists, chorus and orchestra')", "title": "The Flight Across the Ocean" }, { "docid": "10747474", "text": "The Flight Across the Ocean The Flight across the Ocean () is a \"Lehrstück\" by the German dramatist Bertolt Brecht, inspired by \"We\", Charles Lindbergh's 1927 account of his transatlantic flight. Written for the Baden-Baden Music Festival, it was originally entitled \"Lindbergh's Flight\" (\"Der Lindberghflug\") and premiered in 1929 with music by Kurt Weill and Paul Hindemith in a broadcast by the Frankfurter Rundfunk-Symphonie-Orchester under the direction of Hermann Scherchen and produced by Ernst Hardt. Shortly afterwards, Weill replaced the Hindemith sections with his own music and this new version (described as a 'cantata for soloists, chorus and orchestra') opened", "title": "The Flight Across the Ocean" }, { "docid": "6484949", "text": "Feel Like) A Natural Woman\" (performed by all the divas) was released as a radio single in selected countries. 1995 promotional CD single 1998 promotional CD single (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman \"(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman\" is a 1967 single released by American soul singer Aretha Franklin on the Atlantic label. The song was co-written by Carole King and Gerry Goffin, with input from Atlantic producer Jerry Wexler. Written for Franklin, the record was a big hit reaching number 8 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and became one of her signature songs. It", "title": "(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman" }, { "docid": "8232612", "text": "In the United States, for most aircraft, there is no FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) requirement for a minimum number of hours. Per FAR Part 61 SFAR 73 section 2, Robinson helicopters have a 20-hour requirement to solo. However the regulations do require that a student pilot show competency in several specific skills to include, for example, the ability to forward slip. In practice, competence is mostly a judgment call of the Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) responsible for the student. Typically, it takes from 10 to 30 hours of flight time before a pilot has the instinctive feel of an aircraft", "title": "First solo flight" }, { "docid": "20894840", "text": "decision made in order to make the show look more cinematic. The first teaser for the series was released during the final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup on 15 July 2018, almost exactly a year after the announcement of Whittaker as the Thirteenth Doctor. Whittaker, Gill, Cole, Chibnall and Strevens promoted the show with a panel at the San Diego Comic-Con on 19 July 2018, where the first trailer was released. As \"The Woman Who Fell to Earth\" was the premiere episode of the eleventh series, it was aired for an extended broadcast length, like previous series' premieres, for", "title": "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" }, { "docid": "8232614", "text": "States around \"soloing\", including drenching the student with water and cutting off and permanently displaying the back of his or her shirt. In American aviation lore, the traditional removal of a new pilot's shirt tail is a sign of the instructor's new confidence in his student after successful completion of the first solo flight. In the days of tandem trainers, the student sat in the front seat, with the instructor behind. As there were often no radios in these early days of aviation, the instructor would tug on the student pilot's shirttail to get his attention, and then yell in", "title": "First solo flight" }, { "docid": "20894845", "text": "reads \"Jodie Whittaker easily embodies the best of the titular time traveler in 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth' and proves that change can be a very, very good thing.\" \"The Woman Who Fell to Earth\" is set to be receive a standalone DVD release in Region 4. The Woman Who Fell to Earth \"The Woman Who Fell to Earth\" is the first episode of the eleventh series of the British science fiction television programme \"Doctor Who\". It was written by new head writer and executive producer Chris Chibnall, directed by Jamie Childs, and was first broadcast on BBC One", "title": "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" }, { "docid": "18403944", "text": "soon recovers. The film ends with the marriage of Anastasia and Victor. Clothes Make the Woman Clothes Make the Woman is a surviving 1928 American silent historical romantic drama film directed by Tom Terriss, and starring Eve Southern and Walter Pidgeon. The film is loosely based on the story of Anna Anderson, a Polish woman who claimed to be Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, the daughter of the last czar of Russia Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra. Anastasia was killed along with her parents and siblings by communist Bolshevik revolutionaries on July 17, 1918. Southern stars as Anastasia,", "title": "Clothes Make the Woman" }, { "docid": "20635012", "text": "want to give up her favorite work, continuing to sing and make her way to fame. When Anna reads a poem titled \"The Woman I Love\", she feels that it would make a good song. Later she meets the poem's author, Andrei, who advises her to change the lyrics to \"The Woman who Sings\". Even before this Anna's career begins establishing and she starts to sing in many performances. Her songs have already been accomplishments, but still nothing like \"The Woman who Sings\" which she performs at the end of the film. Anna finally achieves incredible popularity and is now", "title": "The Woman who Sings" }, { "docid": "15910561", "text": "John Levay, M. D. Modern Age Volume 11, Number 1, page 83 The Flight from Woman The Flight from Woman is a book by psychiatrist Karl Stern, first published in 1965 by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. It is described as a study of the polarity of the sexes as reflected in the conflict between two modes of knowledge - scientific or rational, as contrasted with intuitive or poetic. In the course of exploring this theme Stern undertakes to provide psychological portraits of six representative figures whose thought and work have influenced modern man: Descartes, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Tolstoy, and Sartre.", "title": "The Flight from Woman" }, { "docid": "20894828", "text": "The Woman Who Fell to Earth \"The Woman Who Fell to Earth\" is the first episode of the eleventh series of the British science fiction television programme \"Doctor Who\". It was written by new head writer and executive producer Chris Chibnall, directed by Jamie Childs, and was first broadcast on BBC One on 7 October 2018. It stars Jodie Whittaker in her first full appearance as the Thirteenth Doctor, and introduces the Doctor's new companions – Bradley Walsh as Graham O'Brien, Tosin Cole as Ryan Sinclair, and Mandip Gill as Yasmin Khan. The episode also guest stars Sharon D. Clarke,", "title": "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" }, { "docid": "8232611", "text": "air traffic controllers are not pilots and may not be contactable anyway). Depending on the country, there may be a requirement for some minimum number of training hours to have been completed by the student pilot before he or she is allowed to solo. In most countries, it is assumed that such students will be familiar with (and may have to pass an examination on) the relevant Air Laws or Regulations, and will have completed exercises in handling aircraft in normal conditions, and also what to do in the case of engine failure on takeoff, in flight, and before landing.", "title": "First solo flight" }, { "docid": "11911157", "text": "queen's many fine albums for this label.\" The website gave the album three out of five stars. The album peaked at No. 2 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Country LP's chart, and peaked at No. 148 on the US \"Billboard\" Top LP's chart. The lead single, \"Woman of the World (Leave My World Alone)\", peaked at No. 1 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles chart and became Lynn's chart topping single. The second single, \"To Make a Man (Feel Like a Man)\", was a Loretta Lynn composition and peaked at No. 3. Recording Sessions for the album took place", "title": "Woman of the World/To Make a Man" }, { "docid": "20635016", "text": "this song and so in Pugachev's repertoire appeared the song \"Dad Bought a Car\". Additionally, in the episode of the concert at the Railwaymen's Club, before the song \"Come\" sounded the first few measures of the song \"What was Once\", which was recorded by Pugacheva for the movie \"31 June\" but did not make it into the film. The text of the song \"The Woman Who Sings\" was originally written by the poet Qaysin Quli in Karachay-Balkar language, translated into Russian by Naum Grebnev and was called \"The Woman I Love\". Pugacheva removed two verses, changed the viewpoint from the", "title": "The Woman who Sings" }, { "docid": "18102467", "text": "Clément Ader's Éole of 1890 was a bat-winged tractor monoplane which achieved a brief, uncontrolled hop, becoming the first heavier-than-air machine in history to take off from level ground under its own power. However his hop is not regarded as true flight because it was neither sustained nor controlled. Ader would later make a false claim of a more extended flight. In 1896, Samuel Pierpont Langley, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, had successful flights with several unpiloted models, and his \"Number 6\" model flew more than . From these successes, in 1898 Langley received grants from the War Department", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "9503154", "text": "best Atari flight simulator published to date.\" \"COMPUTE!\" reviewer Arthur Leyenberger praised both the simulation and game aspects of \"Solo Flight\". Solo Flight (video game) Solo Flight is a flight simulator written by Sid Meier for the Atari 8-bit family and published by MicroProse in 1983. In the UK it was published by U.S. Gold.. It was ported to the Apple II, Commodore 64, and later the IBM PC. A version for Thomson computers was published in 1985 by FIL in France with the title Volo Solo. \"Solo Flight\" consists of two parts: a pure flying simulation and a game", "title": "Solo Flight (video game)" }, { "docid": "11911156", "text": "the issue dated July 19, 1969, Which said, \"Loretta Lynn has no peer shen it comes to convincing with a song; the unique substance of her voice tingles in your mind long after the last note. And when she sings her hit \"Woman of the World\", watch out—it's pure power. Her big single, \"To Make a Man\" is here too. And her versions of \"Johnny One Note\" and \"No One Will Ever Know\" are emotion-packed nerve jarrers.\" Allmusic gave the album an average rating, saying, \"a couple of misfire tracks keep this from being the best of this country singing", "title": "Woman of the World/To Make a Man" }, { "docid": "8037087", "text": "a recently established mail route. Maughan was chosen to make the flight because he was an experienced test pilot and a combat veteran accustomed to dealing with in-flight emergencies, and because he had already established speed records in 1922 and 1923 in the R-6. The first attempt to establish the record was flown on July 10, 1923. Maughan took off from Mitchel Field, Long Island, at 4:56 a.m. The Allegheny Mountains were obscured by a thick undercast, and unable to navigate by landmarks, Maughan flew by dead reckoning, arriving at McCook Field 90 minutes behind schedule, where a broken tail", "title": "Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States" }, { "docid": "15201171", "text": "the weekend after shooting wrapped. Merrill made two more transatlantic flights, the last of these, on May 14, 1937, set the new record at 24 hours, 25 seconds. Strictly a \"B\" feature, the \"Atlantic Flight\" is best considered a historical record, with a great deal of aviation footage of the period to commend it. Atlantic Flight Atlantic Flight is a 1937 film made by Monogram Pictures chiefs Trem Carr and W. Ray Johnston who had just reformed the studio after having had a troubled merger for two years with Herbert J. Yates and Republic Pictures. This film was conceived as", "title": "Atlantic Flight" }, { "docid": "15201166", "text": "Atlantic Flight Atlantic Flight is a 1937 film made by Monogram Pictures chiefs Trem Carr and W. Ray Johnston who had just reformed the studio after having had a troubled merger for two years with Herbert J. Yates and Republic Pictures. This film was conceived as a low-budget feature meant to capitalize on Dick Merrill's and Jack Lambie's historic \"Coronation Flight\", which made them world-famous. Recreating the flight that made him famous, Dick Merrill, along with co-pilot Jack Lambie reprise their real-life roles as pilots. When pilot Dick Bennett (Dick Merrill) undertakes a flight in stormy conditions to save a", "title": "Atlantic Flight" }, { "docid": "15044936", "text": "First aerial crossing of the South Atlantic The first aerial crossing of the South Atlantic was made by the Portuguese naval aviators Gago Coutinho and Sacadura Cabral in 1922, to mark the centennial of Brazil's independence. Coutinho and Cabral flew in stages from Lisbon, Portugal, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, using three different Fairey III biplanes, and covered a distance of between March 30 and June 17. Although the North Atlantic had already been traversed in a non-stop flight by John Alcock and Arthur Brown in 1919, Coutinho and Cabral's flight remains notable as a milestone in transatlantic aviation, and", "title": "First aerial crossing of the South Atlantic" }, { "docid": "10124618", "text": "Elsewhere in continental Europe, \"If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)\" was a hit in Switzerland and Germany, where it peaked at number 16 and 32 respectively. The song failed to significantly impact the UK charts, however, spending three weeks in the chart, peaking at number 78. Across the Atlantic, the song peaked at number 77 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and number 87 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Top Singles chart. In conjunction with the single release, Tyler recorded a music video for \"If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)\". Three versions of the", "title": "If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)" }, { "docid": "1686145", "text": "The Woman Who Did The Woman Who Did (1895) is a novel by Grant Allen about a young, self-assured middle-class woman who defies convention as a matter of principle and who is fully prepared to suffer the consequences of her actions. It was first published in London by John Lane in a series intended to promote the ideal of the \"New Woman\". It was adapted into a British silent film in 1915, \"The Woman Who Did\", which was directed by Walter West, and later into a 1925 German film, \"Die Frau mit dem schlechten Ruf\". Herminia Barton, the Cambridge-educated daughter", "title": "The Woman Who Did" }, { "docid": "9503152", "text": "Solo Flight (video game) Solo Flight is a flight simulator written by Sid Meier for the Atari 8-bit family and published by MicroProse in 1983. In the UK it was published by U.S. Gold.. It was ported to the Apple II, Commodore 64, and later the IBM PC. A version for Thomson computers was published in 1985 by FIL in France with the title Volo Solo. \"Solo Flight\" consists of two parts: a pure flying simulation and a game mode called Mail Pilot. The top half of the screen shows the plane being flown in third person, while the bottom", "title": "Solo Flight (video game)" }, { "docid": "12595613", "text": "Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian is a 1972 double album collecting many of the few recordings that captured performances by Charlie Christian. Most of the selections are from sessions with Benny Goodman's bands. Until the advent of CD, it was considered to be the definitive \"Charlie Christian\" collection On some tunes, the producers spliced various takes together to include more of Christian's solos, or to create a better overall tune. Track 1 Side 1 recorded in New York, 2 October 1939. Tracks 2 & 3 Side 1 recorded in New York", "title": "Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian" }, { "docid": "18102492", "text": "officially observed and verified by the Aéro-Club (later renamed the Aéro-Club de France). This won Santos-Dumont the Deutsch-Archdeacon Prize for the first officially-observed flight of more than 25 meters. This flight is also recognised as the first powered flight in Europe. Then on 12 November a flight of 22.2 seconds carried the 14-bis some 220 m (722 ft), earning the Aéro-Club prize of 1,500 francs for the first flight of more than 100 m. This flight was also observed by the newly formed Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) and became the first record in their log book. The lateral control system", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "18745175", "text": "the truth behind her son's death, she must go through a staggering process of healing and forgiveness. Make a Woman Cry Make a Woman Cry () is a 2015 South Korean television series starring Kim Jung-eun and Song Chang-eui. It airs on MBC on Saturdays and Sundays at 20:45 for 40 episodes beginning April 18, 2015. Jung Deok-in was once a homicide detective, but she quit her job after the death of her only son. To preserve his memory, she now runs a food stall in front of her son's school, where she also tries to protect the neighborhood children", "title": "Make a Woman Cry" }, { "docid": "12595617", "text": "partial takes, and sometimes warm-ups, onto acetate discs. These two performances were culled from one such disc. Personnel (\"Charlie Christian Jammers\"): Track 7, Side 4 recorded in New York, 13 Mar 1941. Personnel (Benny Goodman and His Sextet featuring Count Basie): Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian is a 1972 double album collecting many of the few recordings that captured performances by Charlie Christian. Most of the selections are from sessions with Benny Goodman's bands. Until the advent of CD, it was considered to be the definitive \"Charlie Christian\" collection On some", "title": "Solo Flight: The Genius of Charlie Christian" }, { "docid": "18745174", "text": "Make a Woman Cry Make a Woman Cry () is a 2015 South Korean television series starring Kim Jung-eun and Song Chang-eui. It airs on MBC on Saturdays and Sundays at 20:45 for 40 episodes beginning April 18, 2015. Jung Deok-in was once a homicide detective, but she quit her job after the death of her only son. To preserve his memory, she now runs a food stall in front of her son's school, where she also tries to protect the neighborhood children and her student customers from bullying and other dangers. As Deok-in goes on a journey to discover", "title": "Make a Woman Cry" }, { "docid": "19649564", "text": "The Woman Who Left The Woman Who Left () is a 2016 Philippine drama film written, produced, edited, and directed by Lav Diaz. Filmed entirely in black-and-white, it was selected to compete in the main competition section at the 73rd Venice International Film Festival where it won the Golden Lion. Although it has received a very limited release, the film has received nearly universal acclaim from critics. \"The Woman Who Left\" was the first film made by Charo Santos-Concio when she returned to acting after stepping down as President and CEO of ABS-CBN Corporation. Horacia Somorostro (Charo Santos-Concio) was released", "title": "The Woman Who Left" }, { "docid": "19649570", "text": "average rating of 7.3/10. On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 83 out of 100, based on 10 critics, indicating \"universal acclaim\". The Woman Who Left The Woman Who Left () is a 2016 Philippine drama film written, produced, edited, and directed by Lav Diaz. Filmed entirely in black-and-white, it was selected to compete in the main competition section at the 73rd Venice International Film Festival where it won the Golden Lion. Although it has received a very limited release, the film has received nearly universal acclaim from critics. \"The Woman Who Left\" was the first film", "title": "The Woman Who Left" }, { "docid": "6278773", "text": "west in a solo non-stop flight (a westbound flight requires more endurance, fuel, and time than the eastward journey, because the craft must travel against the prevailing Atlantic winds). When Markham decided to take on the Atlantic crossing, no pilot had yet flown non-stop from Europe to New York, and no woman had made the westward flight solo, though several had died trying. Markham hoped to claim both records. On 4 September 1936, she took off from Abingdon, England. After a 20-hour flight, her Vega Gull, \"The Messenger\", suffered fuel starvation due to icing of the fuel tank vents, and", "title": "West with the Night" }, { "docid": "8642818", "text": "The Woman Who Willed a Miracle The Woman Who Willed a Miracle (1983), is an \"ABC Afterschool Special\" starring Cloris Leachman, M. Emmet Walsh, Leif Green and Rosemary Murphy. Dick Clark was the executive producer under the auspices of his company, Dick Clark Productions. It was produced by Preston Fischer, Sharron Miller, and Joanne Curley-Kerner, and was directed by Sharron Miller and written by Arthur Heinemann. It tells the extraordinary true story of Leslie Lemke, a blind, cognitively impaired boy with cerebral palsy who was raised from infancy by a foster mother who stubbornly refused to let him die. Because", "title": "The Woman Who Willed a Miracle" }, { "docid": "20635017", "text": "third to the first person and amended the last line in the verses. The song \"If Long Suffering\" was recorded for the movie \"The Cook and the Singer\" (1978) and sounded there in full. According to the original idea, this song should not have been in the \"Woman Who Sings\". During the time of its release, the film had a mixed critical reception. The Woman who Sings The Woman who Sings () is a 1978 Soviet film by Aleksandr Orlov. It is a musical melodrama and fictionalized biography of Alla Pugacheva, where the heroine is represented by Anna Streltsova. The", "title": "The Woman who Sings" }, { "docid": "7370587", "text": "Hangin' On\". Space Cadet Solo Flight Space Cadet Solo Flight is the seventh studio album by the funk and disco group KC and the Sunshine Band. The album was produced by Harry Wayne Casey and Richard Finch and was released in 1981 on the TK label. \"Space Cadet Solo Flight\" was credited only to group lead vocalist KC. Featuring more of a pop sound than the previous albums, it was not successful as the album and none of the singles released charted in the US. The album is notable for including a cover of the Supremes' 1966 hit song \"You", "title": "Space Cadet Solo Flight" }, { "docid": "7370586", "text": "Space Cadet Solo Flight Space Cadet Solo Flight is the seventh studio album by the funk and disco group KC and the Sunshine Band. The album was produced by Harry Wayne Casey and Richard Finch and was released in 1981 on the TK label. \"Space Cadet Solo Flight\" was credited only to group lead vocalist KC. Featuring more of a pop sound than the previous albums, it was not successful as the album and none of the singles released charted in the US. The album is notable for including a cover of the Supremes' 1966 hit song \"You Keep Me", "title": "Space Cadet Solo Flight" }, { "docid": "18102489", "text": "trials for the French contract. On 4 July 1908 Glenn Curtiss gave the first widely publicised public demonstration of flight in the USA. As a result, the Wright brothers' prestige fell. Subsequent flights of both brothers that year went on to astonish the world and their early claims gained almost universal public recognition as legitimate. Subsequent criticisms of the Wrights have included accusations of secrecy before coming to Europe in 1908, the use of a catapult-assisted launch and such a lack of aerodynamic stability as to make the machine almost unflyable. Following the Curtiss experiments with the Langley Aerodrome in", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "4703266", "text": "Atlantic Bridge (flight route) The Atlantic Bridge is a flight route from Gander, Newfoundland, Canada to Scotland, with a refueling stop in Iceland. During the Second World War, new bombers flew this route. Today, it is seldom used for commercial aviation, since modern jet airliners can fly a direct route from Canada or the United States to Europe without the need for a fueling stop. However, smaller aircraft which do not have the necessary range to make a direct crossing of the ocean still routinely use this route, or may alternatively stop in Greenland, typically via Narsarsuaq and Kulusuk or", "title": "Atlantic Bridge (flight route)" }, { "docid": "8642819", "text": "of her love and dedication, he not only survived but was discovered to be a musical savant. The New York Times called it one of the most famous of all Afterschool specials. The Woman Who Willed a Miracle The Woman Who Willed a Miracle (1983), is an \"ABC Afterschool Special\" starring Cloris Leachman, M. Emmet Walsh, Leif Green and Rosemary Murphy. Dick Clark was the executive producer under the auspices of his company, Dick Clark Productions. It was produced by Preston Fischer, Sharron Miller, and Joanne Curley-Kerner, and was directed by Sharron Miller and written by Arthur Heinemann. It tells", "title": "The Woman Who Willed a Miracle" }, { "docid": "7302717", "text": "Devo's influence on the world and their philosophy. Members of Devo also make speeches during these interstitials. The Men Who Make the Music The Men Who Make the Music was the first home video released by the American new wave band Devo. Finished in 1979, the film was set to be the first Video LP under the title \"DevoVision\" (advertised in the inner sleeve of the \"Duty Now for the Future\" LP), but was shelved by Time Life due to concerns about its anti-music industry content. It was released in 1981. A DVD of this film was announced in 2000,", "title": "The Men Who Make the Music" }, { "docid": "20894842", "text": "series was held at Light Cinema in Sheffield on 24 September 2018, as part of a red carpet event for the episode and eleventh series. \"The Woman Who Fell to Earth\" was released in the Brazilian cinemas on 7 October 2018, in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakhstani and Azerbaijani cinemas on 7–8 October, in select Australian cinemas on 8 October, and in the United States on 10–11 October. The episode was watched by 8.20 million viewers overnight, accounting for an audience share of 40.1% during its first broadcast, and making it the highest overnight viewership since \"The Time of the Doctor\"", "title": "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" }, { "docid": "11053572", "text": "which is the very Essence of Truth. 'She lived under the hill, and if she is not gone she lives there still', Nobody will presume to contradict this.\" The 1810 edition of \"Gammer Gurton's Garland\" included a variant Edgar, in Shakespeare's \"King Lear\", appears to refer to this version when he says \"Pillycock sat on Pillycock hill,\" which indicates that the rhyme was known as early as the first decade of the seventeenth century. The final lines first appeared in print c. 1843. There Was an Old Woman Who Lived Under a Hill \"There was an old woman lived under", "title": "There Was an Old Woman Who Lived Under a Hill" }, { "docid": "1764325", "text": "from an aircraft carrier, the first woman to pilot a bomber across the North Atlantic (in 1941) and later to fly a jet aircraft on a transatlantic flight, the first pilot to make a blind (instrument) landing, the only woman ever to be president of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (1958–1961), the first woman to fly a fixed-wing, jet aircraft across the Atlantic, the first pilot to fly above 20,000 feet (6,096 meters) with an oxygen mask, and the first woman to enter the Bendix Transcontinental Race. She still holds more distance and speed records than any pilot living or dead,", "title": "Jacqueline Cochran" }, { "docid": "18102466", "text": "a steam-powered aeroplane which took off from a ramp with a sailor on board and remained airborne for a short distance. This has sometimes been claimed as the first powered flight in history but the claim is generally rejected because takeoff was gravity-assisted and flight was not sustained. It is however credited as the first powered take-off in history. Ten years later in 1884 the Russian Alexander Mozhaysky achieved similar success, launching his craft from a ramp and remaining airborne for 30 m (98 ft). The claim that this was a sustained flight has not been taken seriously outside Russia.", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "11053571", "text": "There Was an Old Woman Who Lived Under a Hill \"There was an old woman lived under a hill\" is a nursery rhyme which dates back to at least its first known printing in 1714. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 797. In 1714 these lines: appeared as part of a catch in \"The Academy of Complements\". In 1744 these lines appeared by themselves (in a slightly different form) in \"Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book\", the first extant collection of nursery rhymes. One eighteenth-century editor, possibly Oliver Goldsmith, added a note: \"This is a self evident Proposition", "title": "There Was an Old Woman Who Lived Under a Hill" }, { "docid": "18682514", "text": "The Woman Who Lived \"The Woman Who Lived\" is the sixth episode of the ninth series of the British sci-fi series \"Doctor Who\". It was first broadcast on BBC One on 24 October 2015. It was written by Catherine Tregenna and directed by Ed Bazalgette. The episode is set in England, 1651, featuring a highwayman revealed to be Ashildr (now going by the name of \"Me\" and under the alias of The Knightmare) and \"her fire breathing accomplice\", when \"The Doctor, on the trail of an alien artifact, is brought face to the face with the consequences of his own", "title": "The Woman Who Lived" }, { "docid": "17206529", "text": "The Woman Who Died a Lot The Woman Who Died A Lot is the seventh \"Thursday Next\" book, by the British author Jasper Fforde. It was published in July 2012; set in an alternative world where love of novels and plays is at the heart of modern society, it takes place in a fictional version of Swindon. Thursday Next is now in her early 50s, and is recovering in the Outland from injuries sustained at the end of \"One of Our Thursdays Is Missing\". The Global Standard Deity begins to threaten to smite Swindon, and the solution lies with Thursday's", "title": "The Woman Who Died a Lot" }, { "docid": "18682530", "text": "Ricefor students of English language reading in 26 July 2018. The Woman Who Lived \"The Woman Who Lived\" is the sixth episode of the ninth series of the British sci-fi series \"Doctor Who\". It was first broadcast on BBC One on 24 October 2015. It was written by Catherine Tregenna and directed by Ed Bazalgette. The episode is set in England, 1651, featuring a highwayman revealed to be Ashildr (now going by the name of \"Me\" and under the alias of The Knightmare) and \"her fire breathing accomplice\", when \"The Doctor, on the trail of an alien artifact, is brought", "title": "The Woman Who Lived" }, { "docid": "17206531", "text": "his next tale.\" \"DNA India\" also gave a favorable review but stated that the book would not be a \"breezy read, particularly if you are not familiar with Fforde’s version of the world.\" \"The Express\" was more mixed in their review, as they enjoyed the book but that some readers might not find the book as satisfying as earlier entries. The Woman Who Died a Lot The Woman Who Died A Lot is the seventh \"Thursday Next\" book, by the British author Jasper Fforde. It was published in July 2012; set in an alternative world where love of novels and", "title": "The Woman Who Died a Lot" }, { "docid": "18102471", "text": "of demonstrations with their by now much improved Flyers, Orville in America and Wilbur in Europe. The European demonstrations drew instant recognition of their technical achievements, although both the use of a launch trolley and lack of aerodynamic stability meant that acceptance of the first flight claim was not universal. Ader's claim was debunked in 1910, when the official report on his work was finally published. In America the Smithsonian Institution began to promulgate a claim for Langley, who had been its Secretary from 1887 until his death. In 1914 they loaned the Aerodrome to Glenn Curtiss who modified it", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "20412224", "text": "the school’s janitor, whose son she had as a student, if she can visit the school one last time. The night before the school is set to be razed, Miss Miller gets the key from the janitor and visits her old classroom, feeling nostalgic and sad and fearing for her own future. She is jarred out of her thoughts by the apparent sounds of Latin conjugation. Following the voices, she comes across a roomful of her former students, gathered to surprise her. Now-adult alumni offer testimonials as to the impact Miss Miller had on their lives, and each graduating class", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "7302714", "text": "The Men Who Make the Music The Men Who Make the Music was the first home video released by the American new wave band Devo. Finished in 1979, the film was set to be the first Video LP under the title \"DevoVision\" (advertised in the inner sleeve of the \"Duty Now for the Future\" LP), but was shelved by Time Life due to concerns about its anti-music industry content. It was released in 1981. A DVD of this film was announced in 2000, due to be released by Rhino Records, but this never came to pass. In January 2014, Michael", "title": "The Men Who Make the Music" }, { "docid": "18102494", "text": "many with the first powered flight. In 1894 Sir Hiram Maxim tested a flying machine running on a track and held down by safety rails because it lacked adequate flight control. The machine lifted off the track and met the safety rails and this is sometimes claimed as a flight. Maxim himself never made such a claim. John Hall, of Springfield, Massachusetts was credited, alongside Whitehead, with flights prior to the Wrights by Crane in his 1947 \"Air Affairs\" magazine article. Preston A. Watson was subject of a claim made in 1953 by his brother J.Y. Watson, that he had", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "20894829", "text": "Johnny Dixon and Samuel Oatley. The story focuses on a group of people who come across a new alien threat together within Sheffield, and find themselves banding together with the recently regenerated Doctor, who has been separated from her time machine the TARDIS since the events of \"Twice Upon a Time\". As the group seek to understand the threat, they find themselves in danger as well, and discover that the recently arrived aliens are planning a hunt upon a single human, leading the Doctor to co-ordinate an attempt to save everyone from danger. It is the first episode to be", "title": "The Woman Who Fell to Earth" }, { "docid": "18628957", "text": "first and third scenes of the semi-nude woman on the table and a flash repetition of it in the second scene, and, in Reel 4, a man pulling the gown off of a woman's shoulder and kissing her. The Woman Who Gave The Woman Who Gave is a lost 1918 American silent melodrama film directed by Kenean Buel and starring Evelyn Nesbit, a former Gibson girl, \"It girl\" model and showgirl involved in a 1906 \"trial of the century\" that involved a killing and an allegation of rape – whose films often exploited the fame of her life story. The", "title": "The Woman Who Gave" }, { "docid": "7759082", "text": "said, \"After one duet smash with Porter Wagoner, and another just beginning to make the climb, Dolly Parton makes her first RCA solo flight with this LP. Soaring to some pretty heady heights with a dozen well-chosen tracks, the lark spreads her wings like a veteran, especially on such tracks as \"Try Being Lonely\" and \"You're Gonna Be Sorry\", as well as the title track, and can count on some excellent response.\" The album peaked at No. 22 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Country Albums chart. The album's only single release, \"Just Because I'm a Woman\", peaked at No. 17", "title": "Just Because I'm a Woman (1968 album)" }, { "docid": "8037086", "text": "R-6 Racer, if Curtiss would help modify one of the prototypes for use in the project. The D-12 engine on the PW-8 produced and Mitchell's intended modifications were to enable it to make the flight at full throttle power setting. If the armament and unnecessary equipment were also removed from the XPW-8, additional fuel capacity could be installed to extend its range, and larger oil tanks for engine cooling. The flight plan calculated four stops of 30 minutes each for refueling. McCook Field, Ohio; Saint Joseph, Missouri; Cheyenne, Wyoming; and remote Salduro Siding, Utah, were selected as refueling points, following", "title": "Dawn-to-dusk transcontinental flight across the United States" }, { "docid": "13690653", "text": "Sopwith Atlantic The Sopwith Atlantic was an experimental British long-range aircraft of 1919. It was a single-engined biplane that was designed and built to be the first aeroplane to cross the Atlantic Ocean non-stop. It took off on an attempt to cross the Atlantic from Newfoundland on 18 May 1919, but ditched during the attempt owing to an overheating engine. In 1913, the British newspaper the \"Daily Mail\" offered a prize of £10,000 for the first flight across the Atlantic. Although plans were drawn up to attempt to win the prize, notably by Rodman Wanamaker, who ordered two Curtiss America", "title": "Sopwith Atlantic" }, { "docid": "20635010", "text": "The Woman who Sings The Woman who Sings () is a 1978 Soviet film by Aleksandr Orlov. It is a musical melodrama and fictionalized biography of Alla Pugacheva, where the heroine is represented by Anna Streltsova. The All-Union premiere of the film took place on March 2, 1979. According to the results of the Soviet film distribution in 1979, the film won first place, having collected 55 million spectators, and the performer of the leading role Alla Pugacheva according to the poll of the magazine Soviet Screen was named \"The Best Actress of the Year\".<ref name=\"http://akter.kulichki.com/se/10_1983\"></ref> At the same time", "title": "The Woman who Sings" }, { "docid": "18102470", "text": "a proposal from the Wrights on the basis that their machine's ability to fly had not been demonstrated. Thus, when Alberto Santos-Dumont made a brief flight that year in his 14-Bis aeroplane, there was no acknowledged antecedent and he was acclaimed in France and elsewhere as the first to fly. Ader responded by claiming that he had flown in his Avion III back in 1897. Santos-Dumont's 1906 claim to flight has never been seriously disputed, although few authorities credit his as the first, while some have questioned the effectiveness of his controls. In 1908 the Wrights embarked on a series", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "8093390", "text": "an engineer, an assistant engineer, two mastering people, and an artist. \"How to Grow a Woman from the Ground\" takes influence from different genres, “drawing equally from traditional bluegrass, progressive acoustic, and singer/songwriter traditions”, with one critic calling the majority of the album very “roots oriented”. The album has a bluegrass or progressive bluegrass core; bluegrass mandolinist Ronnie McCoury became the album’s official “bluegrass guru” to ensure that there was “someone who could make sure we didn’t do anything clichéd or trite”. In regard to the album’s style, Thile said that “All in all, \"How to Grow a Woman from", "title": "How to Grow a Woman from the Ground" }, { "docid": "6627166", "text": "to attend daily. The phrase \"gave them some broth without any bread\" may refer to George's parsimony in the wake of the South Sea Bubble of 1721, and his attempts to restore his own and the country's finances. Notes Citations Bibliography There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe \"There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme, with a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19132. Debates over its meaning and origin have largely centered on attempts to match the old woman with historical female figures who have had", "title": "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" }, { "docid": "18102464", "text": "Claims to the first powered flight Several aviators have been claimed as the first to fly a powered aeroplane. Much controversy has surrounded these claims. It is most widely held today that the Wright Brothers were the first to fly successfully. Brazil regards Santos-Dumont as the first successful aviator because the Wright Flyer took off from a rail and, after 1903, used a catapult. An editorial in the influential \"Jane's All the World's Aircraft\" 2013 edition supported the claim of Gustave Whitehead. Several aviators and/or their supporters have laid claim to the first manned flight in a powered aeroplane. Claims", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "6627162", "text": "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe \"There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe\" is a popular English language nursery rhyme, with a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19132. Debates over its meaning and origin have largely centered on attempts to match the old woman with historical female figures who have had large families, although King George II (1683–1760) has also been proposed as the rhyme's subject. The most common version of the rhyme is: The earliest printed version in Joseph Ritson's \"Gammer Gurton's Garland\" in 1794 has the coarser last line: Many", "title": "There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" }, { "docid": "18102486", "text": "mph gave the machine sufficient airspeed to become airborne; its speed over the ground was less than 10 mph. Photographs were taken of the machine in flight. The Wrights kept detailed logs and diaries about their work. Their correspondence with Octave Chanute provides a virtual history of their efforts to invent a flying machine. They also documented their work in photographs, although they did not make public any photos of their powered flights until 1908. Their written records also were not made available to the public at the time, though they were published in 1953 after the Wright estate donated", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "14526556", "text": "Moth\" after his airplane. Solo to Sydney Solo to Sydney is a book by Sir Francis Chichester about his solo flight in the 1920s from England to Australia in a de Havilland DH.60 Moth biplane. The book was first published in 1930 and subsequent editions have been published by Stein and Day. Chichester had relatively little flying experience when he undertook this epic voyage and the book recalls his experiences in dealing with bad weather, poor, or non-existent navigational aids and maps and his journey in general. Chichester was even more famous for his yachting achievements in a series of", "title": "Solo to Sydney" }, { "docid": "14526555", "text": "Solo to Sydney Solo to Sydney is a book by Sir Francis Chichester about his solo flight in the 1920s from England to Australia in a de Havilland DH.60 Moth biplane. The book was first published in 1930 and subsequent editions have been published by Stein and Day. Chichester had relatively little flying experience when he undertook this epic voyage and the book recalls his experiences in dealing with bad weather, poor, or non-existent navigational aids and maps and his journey in general. Chichester was even more famous for his yachting achievements in a series of boats he named \"Gypsy", "title": "Solo to Sydney" }, { "docid": "15201168", "text": "is critically injured. A doctor in England has life-saving serum that Bennett and Jack Carter (Jack Lambie) are determined to bring back to save their friend, by making a record-breaking round-trip to London. Coming back through a raging storm over the Atlantic, their aircraft is struck by lightning, disabling their radio. When contact is lost, Coast Guard ships are deployed, but the intrepid flyers make it in. As appearing in screen credits: In 1937 Merrill was hired by Hearst Publishing to repeat the \"Ping-Pong Flight\", co-piloted by 27-year-old Jack Lambie in a Lockheed Model 10E Electra dubbed \"Daily Express\". Hearst", "title": "Atlantic Flight" }, { "docid": "1686150", "text": "remembrance of Lady Morris, I shall perhaps be forgiven by the public for raising my feeble voice in answer to \"The Woman Who Did\"\". The campaigner Emma Brooke saw this novel and her own novel \"The Superfluous Woman\" as important in trying to resolve the \"Sex Question\" which she thought dominated intellectual debate in the 1880s. She was annoyed when H. G. Wells reinvented the question when he spoke to the Fabian Society in 1906. Thomas Hardy approved more of Allen's progressive aims in the novel, than of their artistic realisation. The Woman Who Did The Woman Who Did (1895)", "title": "The Woman Who Did" }, { "docid": "20608021", "text": "Soviet life as it was lived in a northern corner of the empire\", and wrote that it \"manages to treat its themes in a beautifully readable manner\". \"Publishers Weekly\" wrote that Makine \"transforms a very simple premise into a richly textured story of love and loss\". The book received the 2005 Prince Pierre Literary Prize. The Woman Who Waited The Woman Who Waited () is a 2004 novel by the French writer Andreï Makine. It is set in the 1970s and tells the story of a 26-year-old man who falls in love with a woman who still is faithful to", "title": "The Woman Who Waited" }, { "docid": "18356287", "text": "The film did not receive good reviews. According to Joanna Berry in the \"Radio Times\" (on line), \"More time seems to have been spent on Lucci's wardrobe and hairdo than on the plot\" and Hal Erickson at AllMovie wrote that the film was a \"melodramatic farrago\" for which \"the publicity people did their best to suggest that \"The Woman Who Sinned\" was reminiscent of \"Fatal Attraction\", simply because both films involved a clandestine love affair and a psycho killer\". The Woman Who Sinned The Woman Who Sinned is a 1991 American television film directed by Michael Switzer and starring Susan", "title": "The Woman Who Sinned" }, { "docid": "8633550", "text": "Across the River to Motor City Across the River to Motor City is a Canadian television drama series, that aired on Citytv stations. It debuted November 22, 2007. The series is about an insurance investigator named Ben Ford who works the border in both Detroit and Windsor. The story takes into account the shifting allegiances and ambitions that straddle the Detroit/Windsor boundary, an urban portion of the Canada/United States border. Benjamin Ford's 30th birthday happens to fall on a fateful day: November 22, 1963, the day of the Kennedy assassination. Coincidentally, it is also the day that his flight attendant", "title": "Across the River to Motor City" }, { "docid": "18628955", "text": "The Woman Who Gave The Woman Who Gave is a lost 1918 American silent melodrama film directed by Kenean Buel and starring Evelyn Nesbit, a former Gibson girl, \"It girl\" model and showgirl involved in a 1906 \"trial of the century\" that involved a killing and an allegation of rape – whose films often exploited the fame of her life story. The film was produced and distributed by the Fox Film Corporation. The film went into release the day before fighting in World War I ended. Like many American films of the time, \"The Woman Who Gave\" was subject to", "title": "The Woman Who Gave" }, { "docid": "18102496", "text": "1903. He claimed a hop of about high on August 18, 1903 and several more hops or short flights by November 1903 for distances up to at height. His aircraft made takeoffs from level ground. In Germany some enthusiasts credit him with making the first airplane flight. Sources differ whether his aircraft was controlled. Jacob Ellehammer made a powered hop of about 138 ft (42 m) on 12 September 1906. This has been claimed as a flight. Ellehammer's attempt was not officially observed, whereas Santos-Dumont's, only a few weeks later, was observed and has been given primacy. Claims to the", "title": "Claims to the first powered flight" }, { "docid": "20316845", "text": "How to Smuggle a Hernia Across the Border How to Smuggle the Hernia Across the Border is a short 1949 comedy film directed by Jerry Lewis and starring Jerry Lewis, Janet Leigh, and Tony Curtis. The film was not released commercially. The film is based on a funny story by Dean Martin's wartime personal problems with hernia. \"How to Smuggle the Hernia Across the Border\" was a minor production, directed and written by Jerry Lewis who just started his film career. In 1949, he made his first feature film for Paramount, \"My Friend Irma\", along with Dean Martin with whom", "title": "How to Smuggle a Hernia Across the Border" }, { "docid": "8126369", "text": "deeply by saying he'd rather marry a woman who knows how to act like a woman. Jonathan and Myles leave, and Alanna continues her training of Kourrem and Kara, who eventually pass the required tests and are made shamans for the tribe, Kourrem being the head shaman. Alanna and Coram travel to Port Caynn to visit George Cooper, who is putting down a Rogue rebellion there. While Coram woos George's cousin Rispah, Alanna begins a love affair with George, who has loved her for years, but when he wants her to return to Corus with him, she refuses to go", "title": "The Woman Who Rides Like a Man" }, { "docid": "1598488", "text": "spotting game animals from the air and signaling their locations to safaris on the ground. She also mingled with the notorious Happy Valley set. Markham is best known for her solo flight across the Atlantic, from east to west. When Markham decided to take on the Atlantic crossing, no female pilot had yet flown non-stop from Europe to New York, and no woman had made the westward flight solo, though several had died trying. Markham hoped to claim both records. On 4 September 1936, she took off from Abingdon, England. After a 20-hour flight, her Vega Gull, \"The Messenger\", suffered", "title": "Beryl Markham" }, { "docid": "14143322", "text": "The Boy Who Was The Boy Who Was is a children's historical fantasy novel by Grace Taber Hallock. It tells the story of a human boy blessed with eternal life who participates in the march of history as it moves across the Bay of Naples for 3,000 years. Nino witnesses the destruction of Pompeii, the sack of Rome, the Children's Crusade, and the coming of Garibaldi. The novel, illustrated by Harrie Wood, was first published in 1928 and was a Newbery Honor recipient in 1929. In the Prologue, an unnamed artist visiting the town of Sorrento, Italy, encounters a young", "title": "The Boy Who Was" }, { "docid": "11839186", "text": "and 40 minutes non-stop from Trepassey Harbor, Newfoundland. She became the first woman to fly non-stop across the Atlantic. A commemorative blue plaque now marks the site. As most of the flight was on instruments and Earhart because had no training for this type of flying, she did not pilot the aircraft. When interviewed after landing, she said, \"Stultz did all the flying—had to. I was just baggage, like a sack of potatoes.\" She added, \"... maybe someday I'll try it alone.\" In 1932 she completed her solo Transatlantic solo flight. Pwll Pwll is a small coastal village, located between", "title": "Pwll" } ]
Which port lies between Puget Sound and Lake Washington?
[ "Seattle, Washington.", "Seattle Weekly news", "Jet City", "Seattle, Washington, USA", "Seattle WA", "Seattle, United States of America", "舍路", "City of Seattle", "Seattle Washington", "Seattle, US-WA", "Seattle (WA)", "Seattle, Wa", "Seattle, WA", "Seattle, Washington", "St. Anne Seattle", "Seattle (Wash.)", "The weather in Seattle", "Seattle, Washington (State)", "Emerald City, Washington", "Seattleans", "Seattle's", "Seattle, Wash.", "Duwamps", "St. Anne School, Seattle, Washington", "Seattle, wa", "Seattleites", "Seattle, Washington Territory", "Seattle, United States", "Seatle", "Seattle, USA", "UN/LOCODE:USSEA", "St. Anne School (Seattle, Washington)", "Seattle", "Seattle, WA, USA" ]
[ { "docid": "13659886", "text": "and Seattle has remained as a major part of today's BNSF Railway, now forming the north end of the Seattle–Vancouver Seattle Subdivision, and carries Amtrak's \"Coast Starlight\" and \"Cascades\". On the other hand, the Woodinville Subdivision around the east side of Lake Washington has been mostly abandoned. Puget Sound Shore Railroad The Puget Sound Shore Railroad and successor Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore Railroad built a branch line of the Northern Pacific Railroad between Puyallup and Seattle, Washington, U.S., and partially constructed a line around the east side of Lake Washington to Woodinville. After Congress chartered the Northern Pacific", "title": "Puget Sound Shore Railroad" }, { "docid": "13659878", "text": "Puget Sound Shore Railroad The Puget Sound Shore Railroad and successor Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore Railroad built a branch line of the Northern Pacific Railroad between Puyallup and Seattle, Washington, U.S., and partially constructed a line around the east side of Lake Washington to Woodinville. After Congress chartered the Northern Pacific Railroad (NP) in 1864, the communities along Puget Sound competed to be its Pacific terminus. Tacoma, about south of Seattle, became the winner in July 1873, when the NP, then building north from Portland, selected it. Seattle businessmen immediately incorporated the Seattle and Walla Walla Railroad and", "title": "Puget Sound Shore Railroad" }, { "docid": "11066972", "text": "Puget Sound Regional Council The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is a metropolitan planning organization that develops policies and makes decisions about transportation planning, economic development, and growth management throughout the four-county Seattle metropolitan area surrounding Puget Sound. It is a forum for cities, towns, counties, transit agencies, port districts, Native American tribes, and state agencies to address regional issues. The Puget Sound Regional Council serves the central Puget Sound region of Washington state. The region is made up of King County, Kitsap County, Pierce County, and Snohomish County, which collectively encompass and comprise 73 cities and towns. The five", "title": "Puget Sound Regional Council" }, { "docid": "7814467", "text": "Puget Sound Convergence Zone The Puget Sound Convergence Zone (PSCZ) is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs over Puget Sound in the U.S. state of Washington. It is formed when the large-scale air flow splits around the Olympic Mountains and then converges over Puget Sound. This convergence zone generally occurs between north Seattle and Everett and can cause updrafts and convection, which leads to a narrow band of precipitation. A second, weaker convergence zone can occur between approximately Victoria, British Columbia, and Bellingham, Washington, over the San Juan Islands, as a result of southwesterly air blowing from the Strait of Juan", "title": "Puget Sound Convergence Zone" }, { "docid": "11508311", "text": "the floating bridge, the last ferry route was retired, and the boat was sold to the Washington State Ferries, which had taken over the Puget Sound Navigation Company in 1951. Lake Washington steamboats and ferries Lake Washington steamboats and ferries operated from about 1875 to 1951, transporting passengers, vehicles and freight across Lake Washington, a large lake to the east of Seattle, Washington. Before modern highways and bridges were built, the only means of crossing the lake, other than the traditional canoe, was by steamboat, and, later, by ferry. While there was no easily navigable connection to Puget Sound, the", "title": "Lake Washington steamboats and ferries" }, { "docid": "14636011", "text": "about 1100 years ago (AD 900—930) an earthquake of magnitude 7+ uplifted Restoration Point and Alki Point, dropped West Point (the three white triangles in the Seattle Basin on the map), caused rockslides in the Olympics, landslides into Lake Washington, and a tsunami on Puget Sound. It extends as far east as (and probably terminates at) the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone (RMFZ; the southern extension of the SWIF) near Fall City. This seems geologically reasonable, as both the SWIF and RMFZ appear to be the contact between Tertiary Crescent Formation basement of Puget Sound on the west and the older", "title": "Puget Sound faults" }, { "docid": "12606316", "text": "and settled the Puget Sound area. The first non-indigenous settlement was New Market (now known as Tumwater) in 1846. In 1853 Washington Territory was formed from part of Oregon Territory. In 1888 the Northern Pacific railroad line reached Puget Sound, linking the region to eastern states. For a long period Tacoma was noted for its large smelters where gold, silver, copper and lead ores were treated. Seattle was the primary port for trade with Alaska and the rest of the country and for a time possessed a large shipbuilding industry. The region around eastern Puget Sound developed heavy industry during", "title": "Puget Sound region" }, { "docid": "11508297", "text": "Lake Washington steamboats and ferries Lake Washington steamboats and ferries operated from about 1875 to 1951, transporting passengers, vehicles and freight across Lake Washington, a large lake to the east of Seattle, Washington. Before modern highways and bridges were built, the only means of crossing the lake, other than the traditional canoe, was by steamboat, and, later, by ferry. While there was no easily navigable connection to Puget Sound, the Lake Washington Ship Canal now connects Lake Washington to Lake Union, and from there Puget Sound is reached by way of the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks. In the 1870s the", "title": "Lake Washington steamboats and ferries" }, { "docid": "7814471", "text": "of the beginnings of the University District and the University of Washington community. Just north of Roosevelt High School, an inch of snow coated the ground, and due west of the school in the Green Lake neighborhood of Seattle, an inch of snow had also fallen. In line with the known \"abrupt edge\" of the Puget Sound Convergence Zone, areas to the south of this Green Lake-to-Roosevelt High line (marked by NE 68th Street), including the U-District, witnessed only a dusting of snow. Puget Sound Convergence Zone The Puget Sound Convergence Zone (PSCZ) is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs over", "title": "Puget Sound Convergence Zone" }, { "docid": "1724017", "text": "Lake Washington Ship Canal The Lake Washington Ship Canal, which runs through the city of Seattle, connects the fresh water body of Lake Washington with the salt water inland sea of Puget Sound. The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks accommodate the approximately difference in water level between Lake Washington and the sound. The canal runs east–west and connects Union Bay, the Montlake Cut, Portage Bay, Lake Union, the Fremont Cut, Salmon Bay, and Shilshole Bay, which is part of the sound. The ship canal project began in 1911 and was officially completed in 1934. Prior to construction of the Lake Washington", "title": "Lake Washington Ship Canal" }, { "docid": "1724019", "text": "begun in 1906, and work began in earnest five years later. The delays in canal planning and construction resulted in the U.S. Navy building the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington, which is located across the Sound from Seattle. For centuries, people had been dragging boats between the lakes, giving names like \"carry a canoe\" \"sxWátSadweehL\" to the crossing points. In 1854 Seattle pioneer Thomas Mercer proposed canals connecting Lake Union and Lake Washington to Puget Sound in a speech at the first Independence Day celebration of the Seattle area's first permanent white settlement, shortly after its founding. Mercer", "title": "Lake Washington Ship Canal" }, { "docid": "1724029", "text": "as a consulting engineer and as a Seattle port commissioner until his death in October 1917. The Canal's crossings, from east to west, are: The Lake Washington Ship Canal and the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Montlake Cut, along with the Montlake Bridge are City of Seattle Designated Landmarks (ID #107995). Lake Washington Ship Canal The Lake Washington Ship Canal, which runs through the city of Seattle, connects the fresh water body of Lake Washington with the salt water inland sea of Puget Sound. The Hiram M. Chittenden Locks accommodate the", "title": "Lake Washington Ship Canal" }, { "docid": "325986", "text": "only Puget Sound proper but also for waters to the north, such as Bellingham Bay and the San Juan Islands region. The term \"Puget Sound\" is used not just for the body of water but also the Puget Sound region centered on the sound. Major cities on the sound include Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, and Everett, Washington. Puget Sound is also the third largest estuary in the United States, after Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Virginia, and San Francisco Bay in northern California. In 1792 George Vancouver gave the name \"Puget's Sound\" to the waters south of the Tacoma Narrows, in", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "8984977", "text": "Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company was a major shipbuilding and construction company, located in Seattle, Washington. The firm was established in 1898 on Elliott Bay in Puget Sound. The company was engaged in construction projects around the United States and built ships for the U.S. Navy at its shipyard on Harbor Island on Puget Sound during and after World War II. In 1959 the firm was purchased by Lockheed and became the Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company. The shipyard was permanently closed in 1987. During its 61-year history as Puget Sound Bridge and", "title": "Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company" }, { "docid": "11368862", "text": "home to Book-It Repertory Theatre and Seattle Shakespeare Company. Theatre Puget Sound manages eight rehearsal spaces located at Seattle Center in the Center House building. These are available for hourly rental and range in size from 663 square feet to 1043 square feet. Throughout the year, Theatre Puget Sound and its partners offer workshops in various theatre-related subjects. In the past, these have included topics such as marketing, tax preparation and auditioning. Theatre Puget Sound Theatre Puget Sound (TPS) is a not-for-profit organization devoted to supporting the performing arts in the Puget Sound area of Washington. It was founded in", "title": "Theatre Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "8984978", "text": "Dredging Company, the firm completed many major construction projects. Among these were: Lockheed Shipbuilding, Seattle WA Denton Record Chronicle: October 4, 1924 - p. 4 Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company was a major shipbuilding and construction company, located in Seattle, Washington. The firm was established in 1898 on Elliott Bay in Puget Sound. The company was engaged in construction projects around the United States and built ships for the U.S. Navy at its shipyard on Harbor Island on Puget Sound during and after World War II. In 1959 the firm was purchased by", "title": "Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Company" }, { "docid": "12317899", "text": "Puget Sound Electric Railway The Puget Sound Electric Railway was an interurban railway that ran for 38 miles between Tacoma and Seattle, Washington in the first quarter of the 20th century. Portions of the right-of-way still exist as multi-use trail through Milton, Washington, as well as from Pacific to Tukwila, Washington. The PSE began operations on September 25, 1902 with a line that started in downtown Tacoma, ran along Pacific and Puyallup Avenues, followed the course of present day Pacific Highway through Fife and to Milton, turned southeast towards Puyallup and paralleled the path of today's SR 167 through Pacific,", "title": "Puget Sound Electric Railway" }, { "docid": "12317902", "text": "Edgewood's portion is currently in planning stages, with construction slated to begin in the Summer of 2011. Puget Sound Electric Railway The Puget Sound Electric Railway was an interurban railway that ran for 38 miles between Tacoma and Seattle, Washington in the first quarter of the 20th century. Portions of the right-of-way still exist as multi-use trail through Milton, Washington, as well as from Pacific to Tukwila, Washington. The PSE began operations on September 25, 1902 with a line that started in downtown Tacoma, ran along Pacific and Puyallup Avenues, followed the course of present day Pacific Highway through Fife", "title": "Puget Sound Electric Railway" }, { "docid": "11066973", "text": "major cities are Seattle, Bellevue in King County, Tacoma in Pierce County, Everett in Snohomish County, and Bremerton in Kitsap County. The region's population was estimated to be over 3.8 million as of April 2014. In 1956 the four counties of the Puget Sound region established the Puget Sound Regional Planning Conference, which changed its name to the Puget Sound Governmental Conference (PSGC) in 1958. It launched the Puget Sound Regional Transportation Study (PSRTS) in 1962 with support from the Washington State Highway Commission, the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads (predecessor of the Federal Highway Administration), and the U.S. Department", "title": "Puget Sound Regional Council" }, { "docid": "11368859", "text": "audition listing service. Members can also request to be emailed audition announcements automatically as they become available. Arts Crush is a monthlong festival throughout the Puget Sound region, featuring hundreds of events in theatre, dance, literature, music and visual arts. It is managed by Theatre Puget Sound in cooperation with a consortium of arts organizations from across Western Washington. Since 2004, Theatre Puget Sound has run a stage at Seattle's annual Bumbershoot festival, highlighting local companies and providing an outlet for them to showcase their productions before an audience of thousands. TPS holds yearly general auditions, which are attended by", "title": "Theatre Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "11368858", "text": "Theatre Puget Sound Theatre Puget Sound (TPS) is a not-for-profit organization devoted to supporting the performing arts in the Puget Sound area of Washington. It was founded in 1997. Both individuals and organizations can be members of Theatre Puget Sound. Currently, there are over 1500 individual members and over 140 organizations, including large regional theatres such as Seattle Repertory Theatre, Seattle Children's Theatre, Intiman Playhouse, 5th Avenue, and ACT Theatre, as well as small professional companies and community theatres throughout the region. TPS connects talent with organizations by providing theatre, film and video audition notices to members via an online", "title": "Theatre Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "10286761", "text": "city has over of parkland. Seattle is located between the saltwater Puget Sound (an arm of the Pacific Ocean) to the west and Lake Washington to the east. The city's chief harbor, Elliott Bay, is part of Puget Sound, which makes the city an oceanic port. To the west, beyond Puget Sound, are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; to the east, beyond Lake Washington and the Eastside suburbs, are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Lake Washington's waters flow to Puget Sound through the Lake Washington Ship Canal (consisting of two man-made canals, Lake Union,", "title": "Seattle" }, { "docid": "6539519", "text": "it access to ocean commerce, was founded as a company town by Josiah Keller, William Talbot, and Andrew Pope's Puget Mill Company in 1853. In 1856, the was sent from Seattle to Port Gamble, Washington Territory on Puget Sound, where indigenous raiding parties from British and Russian territories had been raiding and enslaving local Native Americans. When the warriors refused to hand over those among them who had attacked the Puget Sound Native American communities, \"Massachusetts\" landed a shore party and a battle ensued in which 26 natives and 1 sailor were killed. In the aftermath of this, Colonel Isaac", "title": "Port Gamble, Washington" }, { "docid": "6777647", "text": "the 1856 Battle of Seattle and to the wrongful execution of a central figure of the war, Nisqually Chief Leschi. The contemporaneous Yakima War may have been responsible for some events of the Puget Sound War, such as the Battle of Seattle, and it is not clear that the people of the time made a strong distinction between the two conflicts. The Puget Sound War began over land rights and ended in a cloud of controversy surrounding the hanging of Leschi. The catalyst of the war was the Treaty of Medicine Creek of 1854. Negotiated by Washington Territory Governor Isaac", "title": "Puget Sound War" }, { "docid": "11151505", "text": "Puget Sound Business Journal The Puget Sound Business Journal (PSBJ) is a weekly American City Business Journals publication containing articles about business people, issues, and events in the greater Seattle, Washington area. The publication also publishes a technology news website named TechFlash. In 2010, the newspaper was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize in Explanatory Reporting for a series of stories about the foreclosure crises and the federal shutdown of Seattle-based Washington Mutual, which remains the biggest bank failure in U.S. history. The stories were reported by staff writers Kirsten Grind and Jeanne Lang Jones, and edited by Managing Editor", "title": "Puget Sound Business Journal" }, { "docid": "11508298", "text": "sternwheeler \"Lena C. Gray\" was built in Seattle, and operated on Lake Washington most of the time, towing barges. In about 1886, Edward F. Lee established a shipyard on the west side Lake Washington. The Lee yard is believed to have built the following ships that worked Lake Washington and Puget Sound: the small steam scow \"Squak\", \"Laura Maud\", \"Elfin\", \"Hattie Hansen\" (also known as \"Sechelt\"), and \"Mist\". Other early steamboats on the lake were \"Kirkland\" and \"Mary Kraft\". G.V. Johnson also built a shipyard on the lake in 1888, and from it launched, among others, the steamers \"L.T. Haas\",", "title": "Lake Washington steamboats and ferries" } ]
[ { "docid": "325995", "text": "the ice sheets had retreated. Because the rate of rebound was not synchronous with the post-ice age rise in sea levels, the bed of what is Puget Sound, filled alternately with fresh and with sea water. The upper level of the lake-sediment Lawton Clay now lies about above sea level. The Puget Sound system consists of four deep basins connected by shallower sills. The four basins are Hood Canal, west of the Kitsap Peninsula, Whidbey Basin, east of Whidbey Island, South Sound, south of the Tacoma Narrows, and the Main Basin, which is further subdivided into Admiralty Inlet and the", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "325992", "text": "melting retreat of the Vashon Glaciation eroded the land, creating a drumlin field of hundreds of aligned drumlin hills. Lake Washington and Lake Sammamish (which are ribbon lakes), Hood Canal, and the main Puget Sound basin were altered by glacial forces. These glacial forces are not specifically \"carving\", as in cutting into the landscape via the mechanics of ice/glaciers, but rather eroding the landscape from melt water of the Vashon Glacier creating the drumlin field. As the ice retreated, vast amounts of glacial till were deposited throughout the Puget Sound region. The soils of the region, less than ten thousand", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "325985", "text": "Sound extends approximately from Deception Pass in the north to Olympia, Washington in the south. Its average depth is and its maximum depth, off Jefferson Point between Indianola and Kingston, is . The depth of the main basin, between the southern tip of Whidbey Island and Tacoma, Washington, is approximately . In 2009, the term Salish Sea was established by the United States Board on Geographic Names as the collective waters of Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Strait of Georgia. Sometimes the terms \"Puget Sound\" and \"Puget Sound and adjacent waters\" are used for not", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "5187238", "text": "spawn in the rivers running into the Puget Sound. Some Puget Sound rivers that salmon swim up are: Nooksack, Samish, Skagit, Baker, Cascade, Stillaguamish, Snohomish, Skykomish, Green, Puyallup, Carbon, Nisqually, Deschutes rivers. Salmon also go up Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, Kennedy Creek, and Minter Creek. The life cycle of salmon requires specific conditions within the chain of connected environments. Salmon typically live 3–6 years, which often changes depending on life conditions. While some salmon stay within the Puget Sound, others will migrate and live deeper in the Pacific Ocean. The salmon begin their journey as fertilized eggs in a stream", "title": "Puget Sound salmon recovery" }, { "docid": "14636063", "text": "deformation suggests possible unmapped faults near Federal Way, running between Sumner and Steilacoom, and south of Renton. Puget Sound faults The Puget Sound faults under the heavily populated Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland) of Washington state form a regional complex of interrelated seismogenic (earthquake-causing) geologic faults. These include (from north to south, see map) the: The Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland) of western Washington contains the bulk of the population and economic assets of the state, and carries seven percent of the international trade of the United States. All this is at risk of earthquakes from three sources: While the", "title": "Puget Sound faults" }, { "docid": "1245963", "text": "west side of Puget Sound. Based on per capita income, Port Ludlow ranks 16th of 522 ranked areas in the state of Washington, and the highest rank achieved in Jefferson County. Port Ludlow's location and marina facilities make it a convenient and popular port for leisure craft sailing between Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands. The United States Exploring Expedition, under Charles Wilkes, entered Puget Sound in 1841. Wilkes bestowed many patriotically American place names; at the time the sovereignty of the Oregon Country was yet to be resolved between Britain and the United States. Many of Wilkes's names", "title": "Port Ludlow, Washington" }, { "docid": "13305764", "text": "about the installation of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network in 1969. 1965 Puget Sound earthquake The 1965 Puget Sound earthquake occurred at 08:28 PDT (15:28 UTC) on April 29 within the Puget Sound region of Washington State. It had a magnitude of 6.7 on the moment magnitude scale and a maximum perceived intensity of VIII (\"Severe\") on the Mercalli intensity scale. It caused the deaths of seven people and about $12.5–28 million in damage. There were no recorded aftershocks. The western part of Washington State lies above the Cascadia subduction zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted", "title": "1965 Puget Sound earthquake" }, { "docid": "13305760", "text": "1965 Puget Sound earthquake The 1965 Puget Sound earthquake occurred at 08:28 PDT (15:28 UTC) on April 29 within the Puget Sound region of Washington State. It had a magnitude of 6.7 on the moment magnitude scale and a maximum perceived intensity of VIII (\"Severe\") on the Mercalli intensity scale. It caused the deaths of seven people and about $12.5–28 million in damage. There were no recorded aftershocks. The western part of Washington State lies above the Cascadia subduction zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted beneath the North American Plate. The seismicity of this region consists", "title": "1965 Puget Sound earthquake" }, { "docid": "9393770", "text": "Allyn-Grapeview. Evan planted several varieties of \"Vitis labrusca\" there. The Puget Sound AVA contains many wineries, most of which get their grapes from Eastern Washington. There are about 12 wineries that either grow their own grapes or buy grapes from growers in the Puget Sound AVA. Puget Sound AVA The Puget Sound AVA is an American Viticultural Area in western Washington state. It is the only AVA in the state of Washington that is located west of the Cascade Mountains. The AVA encompasses the entire Puget Sound area from the Canada–US border to just south of Olympia. Rainfall in the", "title": "Puget Sound AVA" }, { "docid": "325984", "text": "Puget Sound Puget Sound is a sound along the northwestern coast of the U.S. state of Washington, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, and part of the Salish Sea. It is a complex estuarine system of interconnected marine waterways and basins, with one major and two minor connections to the open Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca—Admiralty Inlet being the major connection and Deception Pass and Swinomish Channel being the minor. Water flow through Deception Pass is approximately equal to 2% of the total tidal exchange between Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Puget", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "9393768", "text": "Puget Sound AVA The Puget Sound AVA is an American Viticultural Area in western Washington state. It is the only AVA in the state of Washington that is located west of the Cascade Mountains. The AVA encompasses the entire Puget Sound area from the Canada–US border to just south of Olympia. Rainfall in the Puget Sound AVA ranges from to annually, which is similar to many European grape growing areas and the Willamette Valley AVA in Oregon. Most of that rainfall occurs in the winter time. Summers are mild, sunny and dry. Irrigation is a necessity in some of the", "title": "Puget Sound AVA" }, { "docid": "6777654", "text": "Leschi School on the Puyallup Indian Reservation bear his name. Puget Sound War The Puget Sound War was an armed conflict that took place in the Puget Sound area of the state of Washington in 1855–56, between the United States military, local militias and members of the Native American tribes of the Nisqually, Muckleshoot, Puyallup, and Klickitat. Another component of the war, however, were raiders from the Haida and Tlingit who came into conflict with the United States Navy during contemporaneous raids on the native peoples of Puget Sound. Although limited in its magnitude, territorial impact and losses in terms", "title": "Puget Sound War" }, { "docid": "6777646", "text": "Puget Sound War The Puget Sound War was an armed conflict that took place in the Puget Sound area of the state of Washington in 1855–56, between the United States military, local militias and members of the Native American tribes of the Nisqually, Muckleshoot, Puyallup, and Klickitat. Another component of the war, however, were raiders from the Haida and Tlingit who came into conflict with the United States Navy during contemporaneous raids on the native peoples of Puget Sound. Although limited in its magnitude, territorial impact and losses in terms of lives, the conflict is often remembered in connection to", "title": "Puget Sound War" }, { "docid": "14635958", "text": "Puget Sound faults The Puget Sound faults under the heavily populated Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland) of Washington state form a regional complex of interrelated seismogenic (earthquake-causing) geologic faults. These include (from north to south, see map) the: The Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland) of western Washington contains the bulk of the population and economic assets of the state, and carries seven percent of the international trade of the United States. All this is at risk of earthquakes from three sources: While the great subduction events release much energy (around magnitude 9), that energy is spread over a large area,", "title": "Puget Sound faults" }, { "docid": "9823268", "text": "Nov. 7, 2018) Also see http://www.kitsaptransit.com/service/category/fast-ferry# These join two other 'mosquito' routes, Bremerton to Port Orchard and Bremerton to Annapolis. See Kitsap Transit. Puget Sound mosquito fleet The Puget Sound mosquito fleet was a large number of private transportation companies running smaller passenger and freight boats on Puget Sound and nearby waterways and rivers. This large group of steamers and sternwheelers plied the waters of Puget Sound, stopping at every waterfront dock. The historical period defining the beginning and end of the mosquito fleet is ambiguous, but the peak of activity occurred between the First and Second World Wars. Puget", "title": "Puget Sound mosquito fleet" }, { "docid": "9823226", "text": "Puget Sound mosquito fleet The Puget Sound mosquito fleet was a large number of private transportation companies running smaller passenger and freight boats on Puget Sound and nearby waterways and rivers. This large group of steamers and sternwheelers plied the waters of Puget Sound, stopping at every waterfront dock. The historical period defining the beginning and end of the mosquito fleet is ambiguous, but the peak of activity occurred between the First and Second World Wars. Puget Sound and the many adjacent waterways, inlets, and bays form a natural transportation route for much of the western part of Washington. For", "title": "Puget Sound mosquito fleet" }, { "docid": "326005", "text": "sea urchins, and sand dollars. Dungeness crabs (\"Metacarcinus magister\") occur throughout Washington waters, including Puget Sound. Many bivalves occur in Puget Sound, such as Pacific oysters (\"Crassostrea gigas\") and geoduck clams (\"Panopea generosa\"). The Olympia oyster (\"Ostreola conchaphila\"), once common in Puget Sound, was depleted by human activities during the 20th century. There are ongoing efforts to restore Olympia oysters in Puget Sound. There are many seabird species of Puget Sound. Among these are grebes such as the western grebe (\"Aechmophorus occidentalis\"); loons such as the common loon (\"Gavia immer\"); auks such as the pigeon guillemot (\"Cepphus columba\"), rhinoceros auklet", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "325990", "text": "Arthur Kruckeberg, the term \"Puget Sound\" is sometimes used for waters north of Admiralty Inlet and Deception Pass, especially for areas along the north coast of Washington and the San Juan Islands, essentially equivalent to NOAA's \"Northern Puget Sound\" subdivision described above. Kruckeberg uses the term \"Puget Sound and adjacent waters\". Continental ice sheets have repeatedly advanced and retreated from the Puget Sound region. The most recent glacial period, called the Fraser Glaciation, had three phases, or stades. During the third, or Vashon Glaciation, a lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, called the Puget Lobe, spread south about 15,000 years", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "9297454", "text": "through on these unit trains to Grays Harbor, Washington for unloading. These run through trains are operated by PSAP crews. The PSAP hauled around 80,000 carloads in 2011. Elma Subdivision The Elma Subdivision is the primary mainline for the Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad and is approximately 70 miles in length. The Elma Sub starts in Centralia, Washington, Milepost 5, and ends in Hoquiam, Washington, Milepost 75. This subdivision handles traffic to and from the Port of Grays Harbor including grain, autos, soda ash, soybean, garbage, manifest, and local trains. Shelton Subdivision The Shelton Subdivision stretches from Elma, Washington to", "title": "Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad" }, { "docid": "9297456", "text": "and Bremerton, Washington. Bangor & Bremerton Subdivisions The Bangor Subdivision stretches from Shelton, Washington to Bangor Base, Washington and is approximately 48 miles in length. Primary commodities are the same as the Shelton Subdivision with the addition of military and other U.S. Government traffic from Naval Base Kitsap in Bremerton, Washington and Bangor Base, Washington. At Bremerton Junction, Milepost 32.1 on the Bangor Sub, the line splits and the Bangor Subdivision continues northwest to Silverdale, Washington and Bangor while the Bremerton Subdivision continues northeast to Bremerton, Washington. Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad The Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad operates over", "title": "Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad" }, { "docid": "326001", "text": "Bay, the Dungeness and Elwha into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The Chilliwack River flows north to the Fraser River in Canada. Tides in Puget Sound are of the mixed type with two high and two low tides each tidal day. These are called Higher High Water (HHW), Lower Low Water (LLW), Lower High Water (LHW), and Higher Low Water (HLW). The configuration of basins, sills, and interconnections cause the tidal range to increase within Puget Sound. The difference in height between the Higher High Water and the Lower Low Water averages about at Port Townsend on Admiralty Inlet,", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "9297451", "text": "Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad The Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad operates over 150 miles of track serving the U.S. State of Washington, and is headquartered in Centralia, Washington where interchanges with the BNSF Railway and Union Pacific Railroad are made. The company began operations on August 30, 1997, when the line was purchased from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) by the ParkSierra Railgroup, which also formed the Arizona and California Railroad and the California Northern Railroad. The ParkSierra Railgroup was purchased in January 2002 by RailAmerica. In 2012, RailAmerica was purchased by Genesee and Wyoming Inc with", "title": "Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad" }, { "docid": "16037145", "text": "Puget Sound Outcast Derby Puget Sound Outcast Derby (PSOD) is a men's roller derby league based in Tacoma, Washington. The league was founded in 2007 by Chuck“Hollywood Hendrick, and consists of a two teams, The Puget Sound Outcasts and the Puget Sound Castaways which plays teams from other leagues. For Puget Sound's first two years, they primarily exhibited their skills during the half-time break in bouts by local women's leagues. In 2008, they organised \"Throwdown in the Sound\", described by the \"Derby News Network\" as \"the first serious attempt at a men's flat-track tournament\". By 2009, they engaged with the", "title": "Puget Sound Outcast Derby" }, { "docid": "12606313", "text": "Puget Sound region The Puget Sound region is a coastal area of the Pacific Northwest in the U.S. state of Washington, including Puget Sound, the Puget Sound lowlands, and the surrounding region roughly west of the Cascade Range and east of the Olympic Mountains. It is characterized by a complex array of saltwater bays, islands, and peninsulas carved out by prehistoric glaciers. The Puget Sound region has been called \"Ish River country\", perhaps most famously by poet Robert Sund, owing to its numerous rivers with names ending in \"ish\", such as the Duwamish, Samish, Sammamish, Skokomish, Skykomish, Snohomish, and the", "title": "Puget Sound region" }, { "docid": "14636005", "text": "geologic province is the approximately 50 million year (Ma) old marine basalts of the Crescent Formation, part of the Siletzia terrane that underlies western Washington and Oregon. East of Puget Sound the basement of the Cascades province is various pre-Tertiary (older than 65 Ma) metamorphic rock. Somewhere between Puget Sound and Cascades foothills these two geological provinces come into contact. As the juxtaposition of various disparate tectonic structures in northwest Washington requires significant strike-slip movement, it is further expected that this contact will be a major fault. The northern end of the Crescent Formation (aka Metchosin Formation) has been identified", "title": "Puget Sound faults" }, { "docid": "338588", "text": "Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF) is a United States Navy shipyard covering 179 acres (0.7 km²) on Puget Sound at Bremerton, Washington in uninterrupted use since its establishment in 1891; it has also been known as Navy Yard Puget Sound, Bremerton Navy Yard, and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. It is bordered on the south by Sinclair Inlet, on the west by the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap, and on the north and east by the city of Bremerton, Washington. It is the Pacific Northwest's largest", "title": "Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility" }, { "docid": "12606320", "text": "Ferries, connects the larger islands to the Washington mainland, as well as both sides of the sound, allowing cars and people to move about the greater Puget Sound region. North Pacific Oak Woodland is one of the principal plant associations of the Puget Trough, where many of the soils are well drained mesic. Counties of the Puget Sound region: In addition, the San Juan Islands (all of San Juan County plus a few islands belonging to Whatcom County) are often considered part of the greater Puget Sound area. Prominent islands: Urban centers: Satellite cities: Other principal cities: Military bases: Puget", "title": "Puget Sound region" }, { "docid": "6614682", "text": "Port Washington Narrows The Port Washington Narrows is a tidal strait located in Bremerton, Washington, United States. The northwest entrance is marked on the west side by Rocky Point, and the southeast entrance is located at Point Turner on the west side and Point Herron on the east side. It is located between downtown Bremerton and the Manette Peninsula. It is through this channel that Dyes Inlet drains into Sinclair Inlet and into Puget Sound. Tidal currents attain velocities in excess of 4 knots at times. The Narrows divide the city of Bremerton into east and west portions, which are", "title": "Port Washington Narrows" }, { "docid": "20064816", "text": "South Puget Sound South Puget Sound is the southern reaches of Puget Sound in Southwest Washington, in the United States' Pacific Northwest. It is one of five major basins encompassing the entire Sound, and the shallowest basin, with a mean depth of . Exact definitions of the region vary: the state's Department of Fish and Wildlife counts all of Puget Sound south of the Tacoma Narrows for fishing regulatory purposes. The same agency counts Mason, Jefferson, Kitsap, Pierce and Thurston Counties for wildlife management. The state's Department of Ecology defines a similar area south of Colvos Passage. The term \"South", "title": "South Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "1724018", "text": "Ship Canal, otherwise known as the Salmon Bay Waterway, water used to exit Lake Washington via the Black River which flowed from the south end of Lake Washington into the Duwamish River. As early as 1854, there was discussion of building a navigable connection between Lake Washington and Puget Sound for the purpose of transporting logs, milled lumber, and fishing vessels. Thirteen years later, the United States Navy endorsed a canal project, which included a plan for building a naval shipyard on Lake Washington. In 1891 the US Army Corps of Engineers started planning the project. Some preliminary work was", "title": "Lake Washington Ship Canal" }, { "docid": "14636047", "text": "Lowland. In particular, to the southeast of Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier they reflect a regional pattern of NNW oriented faulting, including the Entiat Fault in the North Cascades and the Portland Hills and related faults around Portland (see QFFDB fault map). Yet the SHZ and WRZ may be integral to the regional geology of Puget Sound, possibly revealing some deep and significant facets, and may also present significant seismic hazard. The WRZ and SHZ are associated with the \"southern Washington Cascades conductor\" (SWCC), a formation of enhanced electrical conductivity lying roughly between Riffe Lake and Mounts St. Helens,", "title": "Puget Sound faults" }, { "docid": "326000", "text": "The maximum tidal currents, in the range of 9 to 10 knots, occurs at Deception Pass. The size of Puget Sound's watershed is . \"Northern Puget Sound\" is frequently considered part of the Puget Sound watershed, which enlarges its size to . The USGS uses the name \"Puget Sound\" for its hydrologic unit subregion 1711, which includes areas draining to Puget Sound proper as well as the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the Strait of Georgia, and the Fraser River. Significant rivers that drain to \"Northern Puget Sound\" include the Nooksack, Dungeness, and Elwha Rivers. The Nooksack empties into Bellingham", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "9277676", "text": "the site only for seasonal clamming. The Washington State Route 525, Mukilteo-Clinton passenger ferry run crosses the narrowest section of Possession Sound. Possession Sound Possession Sound is part of Puget Sound, located in the U.S. state of Washington between Whidbey Island and the coastline of Snohomish County approximately between the cities of Everett and Mukilteo. Possession Sound connects the main Puget Sound basin to the south with Saratoga Passage and Port Susan to the north. The Snohomish River flows into Possession Sound at Port Gardner Bay. Gedney Island, also called Hat Island, is located in Possession Sound. Possession Sound was", "title": "Possession Sound" }, { "docid": "5187263", "text": "must work on a holistic level to join forces within the legislature to save these cultural icons for many generations to come. Puget Sound salmon recovery Puget Sound salmon recovery is a collective effort of federal, state and local authorities and non-profit coalitions of universities, scientists, business and industry aimed at restoring Pacific salmon and anadromous forms of Pacific trout (\"Oncorhynchus\") within the Puget Sound region. The Puget Sound lies within the native range of the Pacific Salmon (\"Oncorhynchus\") and two sea-run forms of Pacific trout, the coastal rainbow trout (\"O. mykiss irideus\") or steelhead and coastal cutthroat trout (\"O.", "title": "Puget Sound salmon recovery" }, { "docid": "5187233", "text": "Puget Sound salmon recovery Puget Sound salmon recovery is a collective effort of federal, state and local authorities and non-profit coalitions of universities, scientists, business and industry aimed at restoring Pacific salmon and anadromous forms of Pacific trout (\"Oncorhynchus\") within the Puget Sound region. The Puget Sound lies within the native range of the Pacific Salmon (\"Oncorhynchus\") and two sea-run forms of Pacific trout, the coastal rainbow trout (\"O. mykiss irideus\") or steelhead and coastal cutthroat trout (\"O. clarki clarki\"). Populations of \"Oncorhynchus\" have seen significant declines since the middle of the 19th century due to over fishing, habitat loss,", "title": "Puget Sound salmon recovery" }, { "docid": "2359350", "text": "University of Puget Sound The University of Puget Sound (commonly referred to as UPS or simply Puget Sound) is a private liberal arts college in Tacoma, Washington. Puget Sound offers Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Education, Master of Occupational Therapy, and Doctor of Physical Therapy degrees. The college draws approximately 2,600 students from 44 states and 16 countries. It offers 1,200 courses each year in more than 50 traditional and interdisciplinary areas of study. Founded by what is now the United Methodist Church, Puget Sound is governed today by", "title": "University of Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "325987", "text": "honor of Peter Puget, a Huguenot lieutenant accompanying him on the Vancouver Expedition. This name later came to be used for the waters north of Tacoma Narrows as well. A different term for Puget Sound, used by a number of Native Americans and environmental groups, is \"Whulge\" (or \"Whulj\"), an anglicization of the Lushootseed name \"x̌ʷə́lč\", which means \"sea, salt water, ocean, or sound\". The USGS defines Puget Sound as all the waters south of three entrances from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The main entrance at Admiralty Inlet is defined as a line between Point Wilson on the", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "20064826", "text": "shelter whale calves. Southern resident killer whales (orcas) have been reported as far south as Eld Inlet. Smaller species include Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides Dalli), harbor seals (Phoca Vitulina) and the Pacific harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). A single sea otter was sighted in the South Sound in 2012. South Puget Sound South Puget Sound is the southern reaches of Puget Sound in Southwest Washington, in the United States' Pacific Northwest. It is one of five major basins encompassing the entire Sound, and the shallowest basin, with a mean depth of . Exact definitions of the region vary: the state's Department of", "title": "South Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "4259642", "text": "investors, merged with Puget Energy, PSE's parent company to form the current business structure. Puget Energy is a holding company incorporated in the State of Washington. All of its operations are conducted through its utility subsidiary, PSE, which is regulated by Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission. In 2018, Macquarie sold it's ownership stake in PSE. PSE's current owners are Alberta Investment Management Corporation, British Columbia Investment Management Corporation, OMERS, and PGGM. Puget Sound Energy rates show a typical residential electrical bill (at 1000 kwh per month) of $102.56 and typical a gas bill (at 68 therms per month) of $86.", "title": "Puget Sound Energy" }, { "docid": "7685045", "text": "USS Puget Sound (AD-38) USS \"Puget Sound\" (AD-38) was a , the second ship of the United States Navy to bear the name \"Puget Sound\". The building contract was awarded 29 December 1964 to Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington. The keel was laid 15 February 1965, and she was launched 16 September 1966. Commissioned 27 April 1968, she served almost 29 years until decommissioned on 27 January 1996. She was berthed at Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility (NISMF) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania until April 2008 at which time she was sold to ESCO Marine, Brownsville, Texas for recycling and transferred", "title": "USS Puget Sound (AD-38)" }, { "docid": "20382840", "text": "are among the lowest in the nation at an average 7.6 cents per kilowatt-hour in 2016. Historically this has been due to the large supply from public utility-owned sources. Three investor-owned electric utilities in Washington (Avista (formerly Washington Water Power), PacifiCorp (formerly Pacific Power and Light Company), and Puget Sound Energy (PSE)) are regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) which sets rates. Of the three only PSE operates in the Puget Sound area. Public utility districts are independent taxation and regulation authorities and are not regulated by WUTC. All Puget Sound counties except Pierce and King have", "title": "Electricity in the Puget Sound region" }, { "docid": "338594", "text": "units are a comprehensive representation of the historic features of the naval shipyard. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS & IMF) is a United States Navy shipyard covering 179 acres (0.7 km²) on Puget Sound at Bremerton, Washington in uninterrupted use since its establishment in 1891; it has also been known as Navy Yard Puget Sound, Bremerton Navy Yard, and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. It is bordered on the south by Sinclair Inlet, on the west by the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap, and on the north and", "title": "Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility" }, { "docid": "326007", "text": "be a delicacy in Asian countries. George Vancouver explored Puget Sound in 1792. Vancouver claimed it for Great Britain on 4 June 1792, naming it for one of his officers, Lieutenant Peter Puget. After 1818 Britain and the United States, which both claimed the Oregon Country, agreed to \"joint occupancy\", deferring resolution of the Oregon boundary dispute until the 1846 Oregon Treaty. Puget Sound was part of the disputed region until 1846, after which it became US territory. American maritime fur traders visited Puget Sound in the early 19th century. The first European settlement in the Puget Sound area was", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "19844168", "text": "began. Since 1961, Puget Sound has been engaged in the repair of both conventional and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, surface ships, and submarines. The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard contains five historic districts: These five units are a comprehensive representation of the historic features of the naval shipyard. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Historic District Puget Sound Naval Shipyard is a large military industrial complex located in Bremerton, Washington along the north shore of Sinclair Inlet, which opens to Puget Sound. This large shipyard is in length along the shore and over a half-mile in width at its greatest distance across. The shipyard", "title": "Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Historic District" }, { "docid": "10444760", "text": "Puget Sound king crab The Puget Sound King crab, Lopholithodes mandtii, is a species of king crab which inhabits the oceans of the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to central California. Adults are orange, red and purple in color, while juveniles are either mostly orange or have small blotches of red and purple. They can be recognized by their blunt bumps on their carapace. Puget Sound King crabs are larger than the similar brown box crab, with an average size of 6-10 inches. They are protected by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, so it is", "title": "Puget Sound king crab" }, { "docid": "10444761", "text": "not advised to harvest it. Puget Sound king crab The Puget Sound King crab, Lopholithodes mandtii, is a species of king crab which inhabits the oceans of the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to central California. Adults are orange, red and purple in color, while juveniles are either mostly orange or have small blotches of red and purple. They can be recognized by their blunt bumps on their carapace. Puget Sound King crabs are larger than the similar brown box crab, with an average size of 6-10 inches. They are protected by the Washington State Department of Fish", "title": "Puget Sound king crab" }, { "docid": "15646701", "text": "run that would exist without human impacts. Oyster Bay (Puget Sound) Oyster Bay is an inlet in southern Puget Sound which branches off from Totten Inlet. The bay spans Mason and Thurston counties, in the U.S. state of Washington. Kennedy Creek empties into the bay at the U.S. Highway 101 overpass. Oyster Bay was named for the oyster industry it supports. The bay is the site of one of only four oyster reserves in Puget Sound where the Olympia oyster grows. Oyster Bay is one of the most productive chum salmon runs in the state with over 40,000 spawners a", "title": "Oyster Bay (Puget Sound)" }, { "docid": "15646700", "text": "Oyster Bay (Puget Sound) Oyster Bay is an inlet in southern Puget Sound which branches off from Totten Inlet. The bay spans Mason and Thurston counties, in the U.S. state of Washington. Kennedy Creek empties into the bay at the U.S. Highway 101 overpass. Oyster Bay was named for the oyster industry it supports. The bay is the site of one of only four oyster reserves in Puget Sound where the Olympia oyster grows. Oyster Bay is one of the most productive chum salmon runs in the state with over 40,000 spawners a year, estimated to be two-thirds of the", "title": "Oyster Bay (Puget Sound)" }, { "docid": "14344509", "text": "in 52 years of operation. Puget Sound Navy Museum The Puget Sound Navy Museum is an official naval museum located in Bremerton, Washington, United States. The museum is one of the 10 Navy museums that are operated by the Naval History & Heritage Command. It is located near the Washington State Ferries terminal, the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap. According to the museum website, its mission is \"collecting, preserving, and interpreting the naval heritage of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of the U.S. Navy and general public.\" Explore the naval history of", "title": "Puget Sound Navy Museum" }, { "docid": "14344507", "text": "Puget Sound Navy Museum The Puget Sound Navy Museum is an official naval museum located in Bremerton, Washington, United States. The museum is one of the 10 Navy museums that are operated by the Naval History & Heritage Command. It is located near the Washington State Ferries terminal, the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and the Bremerton Annex of Naval Base Kitsap. According to the museum website, its mission is \"collecting, preserving, and interpreting the naval heritage of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of the U.S. Navy and general public.\" Explore the naval history of the region through exhibits about", "title": "Puget Sound Navy Museum" }, { "docid": "5132076", "text": "Environmental issues in Puget Sound Puget Sound is a deep inlet of the Pacific Ocean in Washington, extending south from the Strait of Juan de Fuca through Admiralty Inlet. It was explored and named by Captain George Vancouver for his aide, Peter Puget, in 1792. The ninth Puget Sound Update, from the Puget Sound Action Team reports that: The abundance of creatures and foliage allowed for the native peoples of the area to thrive and prosper by harvesting it. Many of the problems of the Puget Sound originated from explorers and trappers hunting and killing the indigenous species off of", "title": "Environmental issues in Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "325996", "text": "Central Basin. Puget Sound's sills, a kind of submarine terminal moraine, separate the basins from one another, and Puget Sound from the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Three sills are particularly significant—the one at Admiralty Inlet which checks the flow of water between the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound, the one at the entrance to Hood Canal (about below the surface), and the one at the Tacoma Narrows (about ). Other sills that present less of a barrier include the ones at Blake Island, Agate Pass, Rich Passage, and Hammersley Inlet. The depth of the basins is", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "326011", "text": "The causes of these environmental issues are toxic contamination, eutrophication (low oxygen due to excess nutrients), and near shore habitat changes. Puget Sound Puget Sound is a sound along the northwestern coast of the U.S. state of Washington, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, and part of the Salish Sea. It is a complex estuarine system of interconnected marine waterways and basins, with one major and two minor connections to the open Pacific Ocean via the Strait of Juan de Fuca—Admiralty Inlet being the major connection and Deception Pass and Swinomish Channel being the minor. Water flow through Deception Pass", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "9173251", "text": "the Puget Sound Navigation. It is unclear when the subsidiary was created. In 1936 R.J. Acheson purchased the subsidiary. In 1952, Acheson and his wife organized a new subsidiary of Black Ball Freight Service, naming it Black Ball Transport, Inc. By 2008 Black Ball Transport was renamed to its current name. Black Ball Freight Service ended in 2008. The Neah Bay Dock Company was a subsidiary of the Puget Sound Navigation Company. In 1929 the Neah Bay Dock company owned a wharf and a hotel in Neah Bay, Washington. Puget Sound Navigation Company The Puget Sound Navigation Company (PSNC) was", "title": "Puget Sound Navigation Company" }, { "docid": "5187248", "text": "This was the beginning of the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Project. In 2005, Shared Strategies presented a regional plan for the recovery of ESA listed Chinook salmon in the Puget Sound. After two years of clarifying, finalizing and expanding the proposal making sure it complied with all ESA requirements, NOAA finally adopted the final Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan. However, the cost of this recovery plan is enormous, according to the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office this recovery plan has an estimated cost of 1.42 billion dollars for the first ten years. What the Puget Sound Partnership is Doing", "title": "Puget Sound salmon recovery" }, { "docid": "4259643", "text": "PSE reports 2010 household emissions (per household at 1000 kWh per month) of 1500 pounds (680 kg) CO2. Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is a Washington state energy utility providing electrical power and natural gas primarily in the Puget Sound region of the northwest United States. The utility serves electricity to more than 1.1 million customers in Island, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Pierce, Skagit, Thurston, and Whatcom counties; and provides natural gas to 750,000 customers in King, Kittitas, Lewis, Pierce, Snohomish and Thurston counties. The company has a electric and natural gas service area. PSE's electric supplies include utility-owned", "title": "Puget Sound Energy" }, { "docid": "4259638", "text": "Puget Sound Energy Puget Sound Energy (PSE) is a Washington state energy utility providing electrical power and natural gas primarily in the Puget Sound region of the northwest United States. The utility serves electricity to more than 1.1 million customers in Island, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Pierce, Skagit, Thurston, and Whatcom counties; and provides natural gas to 750,000 customers in King, Kittitas, Lewis, Pierce, Snohomish and Thurston counties. The company has a electric and natural gas service area. PSE's electric supplies include utility-owned resources as well as those under long-term contract, for a total capacity of 5,044 megawatts (MW). While PSE-owned", "title": "Puget Sound Energy" }, { "docid": "18856562", "text": "Lake Kapowsin Lake Kapowsin is a lake in Pierce County, Washington, about halfway between Tacoma on Puget Sound, and Mount Rainier in the Cascade Mountains. The lake is long and wide, lying in a channel formed by meltwater from the Puget lobe of the Vashon glacier during the Pleistocene glaciation. A small unnamed island lies in the northern half of the lake. As indicated by a drowned forest in the lake and other evidence, the Puyallup River was inundated about 550 years ago by a lahar from Mount Rainier called the Electron Mudflow. The mudflow partially filled the channel (leading", "title": "Lake Kapowsin" }, { "docid": "1718378", "text": "is now the primary source of water for Lake Washington. In addition, there are numerous small creeks and rivers which feed the lake, including: Before construction of the Lake Washington Ship Canal in 1916, Lake Washington's outlet was the Black River, which joined the Duwamish River and emptied into Elliott Bay. When the canal was opened the level of the lake dropped nearly nine feet (2.7 m). The canal to the Puget Sound became the lake's sole outlet, causing the Black River to dry up and disappear. Concrete floating bridges are employed to span the lake because Lake Washington's depth", "title": "Lake Washington" }, { "docid": "338593", "text": "the future. Gorst Creek Ravine near Port Orchard, Washington was a hazardous waste dump for the Navy's shipyard waste between 1969 and 1970, when the site was not permitted by local authorities to take waste. After several collapses since 1997 the landfill could blow out Highway 3. The landfill is an \"ongoing source of pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and metals flowing downstream with the potential to affect groundwater wells, sport fisheries and the Suquamish Tribe's fish hatchery. In October 2014, the US EPA ordered the Navy to fix the problems. The Puget Sound Naval Shipyard contains five historic districts: These five", "title": "Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility" }, { "docid": "326002", "text": "but increases to about at Olympia, the southern end of Puget Sound. Puget Sound is generally accepted as the start of the Inside Passage. Important marine flora of Puget Sound include eelgrass (\"Zostera marina\") and kelp, especially bull kelp (\"Nereocystis luetkeana\"). Among the marine mammals species found in Puget Sound are harbor seals (\"Phoca vitulina\"). Orca (\"Orcinus orca\") are famous throughout the Sound, and are a large tourist attraction. Although orca are sometimes seen in Puget Sound proper they are far more prevalent around the San Juan Islands north of Puget Sound. Many fish species occur in Puget Sound. The", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "15112658", "text": "tie with the Washington Crossfire. On January 16, 2013, the club rebranded as Puget Sound Gunners FC after partnering with the Issaquah Soccer Club. On January 29, 2016, the Gunners PDL franchise rights were sold to the Victoria Highlanders so they could rejoin the PDL. Current \"Roster as of 2015: Attendance stats are calculated by averaging each team's self-reported home attendances from the historical match archive at https://web.archive.org/web/20131208011525/http://www.uslsoccer.com/history/index_E.html and http://www.kenn.com/the_blog/?p=6037 Puget Sound Gunners FC Puget Sound Gunners FC was an American soccer team based in Issaquah, Washington, United States. Founded in 2010, the team played in the Premier Development League", "title": "Puget Sound Gunners FC" }, { "docid": "8992324", "text": "as Skagit Rapids, and were based in the city of Mount Vernon, Washington, after which they became part of the larger Puget Sound Soccer Academy organisation. Puget Sound Soccer Academy Rapids Puget Sound Soccer Academy Rapids (more commonly known as PSSA Rapids) was an American soccer team, founded in 2001. The team was a member of the Pacific Coast Soccer League (PCSL), a recognized Division IV league in the American Soccer Pyramid which features teams from western Canada and the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of America, until 2009. The team played its home matches in the stadium", "title": "Puget Sound Soccer Academy Rapids" }, { "docid": "14636059", "text": "lie west of the crustal blocks that underlie the Puget Lowland, and again their possible impact on the Puget Sound region is unknown. One of these faults, the \"Sequim Fault Zone\" (striking east from the town of Sequim), crosses Discovery Bay (and various possible extensions of the Hood Canal Fault) and bounds the Port Ludlow Uplift (\"uplift of unknown origin\" on the map); it appears to extend to the Southern Whidbey Island Fault. An \"Everett Fault\", running east-northeast along the bluffs between Mukilteo and Everett – that is, east of the SWIF and at the southern edge of the Everett", "title": "Puget Sound faults" }, { "docid": "5132117", "text": "material from these areas is advised. It is also advised to avoid eating fish and shell fish from these areas. Environmental issues in Puget Sound Puget Sound is a deep inlet of the Pacific Ocean in Washington, extending south from the Strait of Juan de Fuca through Admiralty Inlet. It was explored and named by Captain George Vancouver for his aide, Peter Puget, in 1792. The ninth Puget Sound Update, from the Puget Sound Action Team reports that: The abundance of creatures and foliage allowed for the native peoples of the area to thrive and prosper by harvesting it. Many", "title": "Environmental issues in Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "9277674", "text": "Possession Sound Possession Sound is part of Puget Sound, located in the U.S. state of Washington between Whidbey Island and the coastline of Snohomish County approximately between the cities of Everett and Mukilteo. Possession Sound connects the main Puget Sound basin to the south with Saratoga Passage and Port Susan to the north. The Snohomish River flows into Possession Sound at Port Gardner Bay. Gedney Island, also called Hat Island, is located in Possession Sound. Possession Sound was named by George Vancouver. On June 3, 1792, Vancouver landed near the present site of Everett and celebrated the birthday of George", "title": "Possession Sound" }, { "docid": "4259641", "text": "actually is reduced by—state mandated I-937 energy efficiency programs, adding an average 25 additional \"Negawatts\" generation capacity per year. For its natural gas service to customers, PSE purchases a portfolio of natural gas supplies originating in western Canada and the U.S. Rocky Mountain states. PSE was formed in 1997 when two of its largest ancestral companies – Puget Sound Power & Light Company and Washington Energy Company – merged. In 2009 Puget Sound Energy was sold to foreign investors led by Macquarie Group, in a leveraged private equity buyout. Puget Holdings, the U.S. title of this group of long-term infrastructure", "title": "Puget Sound Energy" }, { "docid": "9173247", "text": "Puget Sound Navigation Company The Puget Sound Navigation Company (PSNC) was founded by Charles E. Peabody in 1898. It operated a fleet of steamboats and ferries on Puget Sound in Washington and the Georgia Strait in British Columbia. Known colloquially as the Black Ball Line, the PSNC achieved a \"virtual monopoly\" on cross-sound traffic in the 1930s and competed with the Canadian Pacific Railway's steamships on several routes. Before 1927, when the company was controlled by Joshua Green, the house flag consisted of a design by Mrs. Green, a red star on a white diamond on a blue background. After", "title": "Puget Sound Navigation Company" }, { "docid": "5132096", "text": "Puget Sound would have repercussions for the marine ecosystem as a whole. Eelgrass (\"Zostera marina\") is an underwater grass that thrives in marine and estuarine water bottoms and spreads through rhizomes, or roots. It has been estimated by the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that Puget Sound is occupied by approximately of eelgrass. Research has shown that eelgrass beds in Puget Sound can be found in two different habitats: flats, which can be described as either large, shallow bays or small \"pocket\" beaches, and fringe beds along steep shorelines. Beds of eelgrass provide a vital link in the nearshore", "title": "Environmental issues in Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "12606315", "text": "as 1853. In the 1880s logging railroads cut their way into Puget Sound. 1886 the St. Helens fire burned . Mount Rainier National Park started in 1899. The 1902 Yacolt Burn burned . Olympic National Park was established in 1938. George Vancouver explored Puget sound in 1792. Vancouver claimed it for Great Britain on 4 June 1792, naming it for one of his officers, Lieutenant Peter Puget. It became part of the Oregon Country, and became U.S. territory when the 1846 Oregon Treaty was signed. After arriving along the Oregon Trail, many settlers wandered north to what is now Washington", "title": "Puget Sound region" }, { "docid": "5132080", "text": "the storage and discharge of industry chemicals have improved, and Puget Sound remains vital to the industries that depend upon it, such as shipping ports. Ports in Washington are diverse. Governed as municipalities, the ports operate shipping terminals, marinas, docks, and associated infrastructure, such as roads, railroads and parks. The fastest-growing part of Washington ports is industrial development. The Puget Sound region has been growing rapidly. According to the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC), a board that plans for growth in the four central counties of the area (Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish and King counties), the combined population of these counties", "title": "Environmental issues in Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "8715389", "text": "Sound Community College competes in the Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC) as the Clippers, fielding a men's soccer team, a women's volleyball team and men's and women's teams for basketball. South Puget Sound Community College South Puget Sound Community College is a community college located in southwest Olympia, Washington, USA. It is located in a residential area just off the junction between US Route 101 and Interstate 5. The college contains and is serving about 6,800 full and part-time students as of the 2008 fall quarter student count. Average full-time tuition rates are $980–$2700 (this depends on the residential standing of", "title": "South Puget Sound Community College" }, { "docid": "326009", "text": "Washington Bush, was considered black and the Provisional Government of Oregon banned the residency of mulattoes but did not actively enforce the restriction north of the river. In 1853 Washington Territory was formed from part of Oregon Territory. In 1888 the Northern Pacific railroad line reached Puget Sound, linking the region to eastern states. A unique state-run ferry system, the Washington State Ferries, connects the larger islands to the Washington mainland, as well as both sides of the sound, with vessels capable of carrying passengers and automobile traffic. The system carries 24 million passengers annually and is the largest ferry", "title": "Puget Sound" }, { "docid": "2768959", "text": "USS Puget Sound (CVE-113) USS \"Puget Sound\" (CVE–113) was a of the United States Navy. She was laid down on 12 May 1944 at Todd-Pacific Shipyards, Inc., Tacoma, Washington; launched on 20 November 1944; sponsored by Mrs. Bert A. Teats of Sheridan, Oreg.; and commissioned on 18 June 1945 at Tacoma, Captain Charles F. Coe in command. After trials and fitting out in the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, \"Puget Sound\" steamed south on 6 July 1945 for shakedown out of San Diego, Calif., where she embarked Marine Air Group 6. She departed San Diego on 8 September for brief training", "title": "USS Puget Sound (CVE-113)" } ]
Who became US Vice President when Spiro Agnew resigned?
[ "President Gerald R. Ford", "Gerald R. Ford Jr.", "Assassination attempts on Gerald Ford", "Leslie Lynch King Jr.", "Leslie L King", "Leslie King, Jr.", "Ford administration", "Gerald R Ford", "Leslie Lynch King, Jr", "Birth and life of Gerald Ford", "Leslie Lynch King", "Presidency of Gerald Ford administration", "Gerald fod", "Vice President Ford", "Nixon pardon", "Ford Administration", "Presidency of Gerald R. Ford", "Jerry Ford", "U.S. President Gerald Ford", "Gerald Rudolph Ford", "Gerald R. Ford", "Presidency of Gerald Ford", "Gerald ford", "Gerald R. Ford, Jr", "Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr.", "Presidency of gerald ford", "Gerald Rudolph, Jr. Ford", "President Gerald Ford", "Gerald Ford, Jr.", "Gerald R. Ford, Jr.", "Gerry Ford", "Leslie Lynch King Jr", "Gerald Ford", "Leslie L. King", "Leslie Lynch King, Jr.", "38th President of the United States", "Leslie King, Jr", "President Ford", "Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr." ]
[ { "docid": "507548", "text": "10, 1973, after months of maintaining his innocence, Agnew pleaded no contest to a single felony charge of tax evasion and resigned from office. He was replaced by House Minority Leader Gerald Ford. Agnew spent the remainder of his life quietly, rarely making public appearances. He wrote a novel and a memoir that both defended his actions. Spiro Agnew's father was born Theophrastos Anagnostopoulos in about 1877, in the Greek town of Gargalianoi. The family may have been involved in olive growing and been impoverished during a crisis in the industry in the 1890s. Anagnostopoulos emigrated to the United States", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "12658569", "text": "the 25th Amendment. The first instance was in 1973, when Gerald Ford was nominated by President Richard Nixon to succeed Spiro Agnew, who had resigned. The second came in 1974, when Ford, who had succeeded to the presidency following Nixon's resignation, nominated Nelson Rockefeller to succeed him. During both vacancies, the nominee was called Vice President-designate, instead of Vice President-elect, as neither had been elected to the office. As a result of these events, the nation has had two more Vice Presidents than it has had Vice President-elects. While he is currently the 48th U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence was", "title": "President-elect of the United States" }, { "docid": "507632", "text": "division and uncertainty, and applauding Agnew for his patriotism and dedication to the welfare of the United States. House Minority Leader Gerald Ford, who would be Agnew's successor as vice president (and Nixon's as president) recalled that he heard the news while on the House floor and his first reaction was disbelief, his second sadness. Soon after his resignation, Agnew moved to his summer home at Ocean City. To cover urgent tax and legal bills, and living expenses, he borrowed $200,000 from his friend Frank Sinatra. He had hoped he could resume a career as a lawyer, but in 1974,", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "449712", "text": "the Twenty-fifth Amendment established a procedure for filling such a vacancy: This procedure has been implemented twice since the amendment came into force. The first instance occurred in 1973 following the October 10 resignation of Spiro Agnew, when Gerald Ford was nominated by President Richard Nixon and confirmed by Congress. The second occurred 10 months later following Ford's August 9, 1974 accession to the presidency upon Nixon's resignation, when Nelson Rockefeller was nominated by President Ford and confirmed by Congress. Had it not been for this new constitutional mechanism, the vice presidency would have remained vacant after Agnew's resignation and", "title": "Vice President of the United States" }, { "docid": "507634", "text": "in Texas. In 1976 he published a novel, \"The Canfield Decision\", about an American vice president's troubled relationship with his president. The book received mixed reviews, but was commercially successful, with Agnew receiving $100,000 for serialization rights alone. The book landed Agnew in controversy; his fictional counterpart, George Canfield, refers to \"Jewish cabals and Zionist lobbies\" and their hold over the American media, a charge which Agnew, while on a book tour, asserted was true in real life. This brought complaints from Seymour Graubard, of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, and a rebuke from President Ford, then campaigning for", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "19066857", "text": "Gerald Ford of Michigan, who was popular among the members of Congress and who was good friends with Nixon. Ford won the approval of both houses by huge margins, and was sworn in as the 40th Vice President of the United States on December 6, 1973. In 1974, Ford ascended to the presidency after the Watergate scandal led to the resignation of President Nixon. United States vice presidential selection, 1973 In 1973, Republican Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign following a controversy over his personal taxes. Under the terms of the 25th Amendment, a vice presidential vacancy is", "title": "United States vice presidential selection, 1973" }, { "docid": "512176", "text": "1976 United States presidential election The United States presidential election of 1976 was the 48th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 2, 1976. Democrat Jimmy Carter of Georgia defeated incumbent Republican President Gerald Ford from Michigan. Carter's win represented the lone Democratic victory in a presidential election held between 1968 and 1988. President Richard Nixon had won the 1972 election with Spiro Agnew as his running mate, but in 1973 Agnew resigned and Ford was appointed as Vice President via the 25th Amendment. When Nixon resigned in 1974 in the wake of the Watergate scandal, Ford ascended to the", "title": "1976 United States presidential election" }, { "docid": "1657920", "text": "prominent example of such an accession would be the elevation of Vice President Gerald Ford to the U.S. Presidency after Richard Nixon agreed to resign in the face of virtually certain impeachment and removal, a succession that took place notwithstanding the fact that Ford had only assumed the Vice Presidency after being appointed by Nixon to replace Spiro Agnew, who had also resigned due to scandal. In some cases, particularly when the would-be successor to a presidency is seen by legislators as no better (or even worse) than a president they wish to see removed, there may be a strong", "title": "Presidential system" }, { "docid": "12942104", "text": "Second inauguration of Richard Nixon The second inauguration of Richard Nixon as President of the United States was held on January 20, 1973 at the eastern portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.. The inauguration marked the commencement of the second term of Richard Nixon as President and the second term of Spiro Agnew as Vice President. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger administered the Oath of office to the President and the oath of office to the Vice President. Agnew resigned from office days into this term, and was succeeded by Gerald Ford (in accordance with Section 2", "title": "Second inauguration of Richard Nixon" }, { "docid": "565022", "text": "by the President \"pro tempore\" of the Senate and by the heads of federal executive departments. To date, the implementation of the Presidential Succession Act has never been necessary and no Speaker has ever acted as President. Implementation of the law almost became necessary in 1973 after the resignation of Vice President Spiro Agnew. At the time, many believed that President Richard Nixon would resign because of the Watergate scandal, allowing Speaker Carl Albert to succeed to the Presidency. However, before he resigned, Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as Vice President in accordance with the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Nevertheless, the United States", "title": "Speaker of the United States House of Representatives" }, { "docid": "2038207", "text": "and fellow Texan president. In May 1973, Connally joined the Republican Party. When Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned five months later because of scandal, Connally was one of Nixon's potential choices to fill the vacancy. Nixon tapped Gerald Ford, the House Minority Leader from Grand Rapids, Michigan, because he believed that the moderate Ford could be easily confirmed by both houses of Congress, as required by the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution. A Connally nomination presumably could have been blocked by liberal Democratic opposition. The weakened Nixon did not want a fight for the vice-presidential selection. Connally's party", "title": "John Connally" }, { "docid": "1488517", "text": "1973, at the height of Watergate, Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned. With Agnew's unexpected departure, and the state of Richard Nixon's presidency, Speaker of the House Carl Albert was suddenly first in line to become acting president. The vacancy continued until Gerald Ford was sworn in as vice president on December 6, 1973. Albert was also next in line from the time Ford assumed the presidency on August 9, 1974, following Nixon's resignation from office, until Ford's choice to succeed him as vice president, Nelson Rockefeller, was confirmed by Congress four months later. The vice presidency has been vacant on", "title": "United States presidential line of succession" } ]
[ { "docid": "507646", "text": "modern conservatism. Spiro Agnew Spiro Theodore Agnew (; November 9, 1918 – September 17, 1996) was the 39th Vice President of the United States from 1969 until his resignation in 1973. He is the second and more recent officeholder to resign the position, after John C. Calhoun in 1832. Agnew was born in Baltimore, to an American-born mother and a Greek immigrant father. He attended Johns Hopkins University, graduated from the University of Baltimore School of Law, and entered the United States Army in 1941. Agnew served as an officer during World War II, earning the Bronze Star, and was", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507544", "text": "Spiro Agnew Spiro Theodore Agnew (; November 9, 1918 – September 17, 1996) was the 39th Vice President of the United States from 1969 until his resignation in 1973. He is the second and more recent officeholder to resign the position, after John C. Calhoun in 1832. Agnew was born in Baltimore, to an American-born mother and a Greek immigrant father. He attended Johns Hopkins University, graduated from the University of Baltimore School of Law, and entered the United States Army in 1941. Agnew served as an officer during World War II, earning the Bronze Star, and was recalled for", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507593", "text": "Baltimore Colts; in January, he was the guest of team owner Carroll Rosenbloom at Super Bowl III, and watched Joe Namath and the New York Jets upset the Colts, 16–7. There was as yet no official residence for the vice president, and Spiro and Judy Agnew secured a suite at the Sheraton Hotel in Washington formerly occupied by Johnson while vice president. Only one of their children, Kim, the youngest daughter, moved there with them, the others remaining in Maryland. During the transition, Agnew hired a staff, choosing several aides who had worked with him as county executive and as", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507584", "text": "of other candidates was little more than a charade. On August 8, after a final meeting of advisers and party leaders, Nixon declared that Agnew was his choice, and shortly afterwards announced his decision to the press. Delegates formally nominated Agnew for the vice presidency later that day, before adjourning. In his acceptance speech, Agnew told the convention he had \"a deep sense of the improbability of this moment\". Agnew was not yet a national figure, and a widespread reaction to the nomination was \"Spiro who?\" In Atlanta, three pedestrians gave their reactions to the name when interviewed on television:", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507551", "text": "at 226 West Madison Street, near downtown Baltimore. In accordance with his mother's wishes, the infant Spiro was baptized as an Episcopalian, rather than into the Greek Orthodox Church of his father. Nevertheless, Agnew senior was the dominant figure within the family, and a strong influence on his son. When in 1969, after his Vice Presidential inauguration, Baltimore's Greek community endowed a scholarship in Theodore Agnew's name, Spiro Agnew told the gathering: \"I am proud to say that I grew up in the light of my father. My beliefs are his.\" During the early 1920s, the Agnews prospered. Theodore acquired", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507636", "text": "series of televised interviews with British TV host David Frost, Nixon claimed that he had had no direct role in the processes that had led to Agnew's resignation and implied that his vice president had been hounded by the liberal media: \"He made mistakes ... but I do not think for one minute that Spiro Agnew consciously felt that he was violating the law\". In 1980, Agnew published a memoir, \"Go Quietly ... or Else\". In it, he protested his total innocence of the charges that had brought his resignation, and claimed that he had been coerced by the White", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "4337034", "text": "disease. Dodds died in England from the disease in 2005. Agnew has written four books: Jonathan Agnew Jonathan Philip Agnew, (born 4 April 1960) is an English cricket broadcaster and a former professional cricketer. He was born in Macclesfield, Cheshire, and educated at Uppingham School. He is nicknamed \"Aggers\", and, less commonly, \"Spiro\" – the latter, according to \"Debrett's Cricketers' Who's Who\", after former US Vice President Spiro Agnew. Agnew had a successful first-class career as a fast bowler for Leicestershire from 1979 to 1990, returning briefly in 1992. In first-class cricket he took 666 wickets at an average of", "title": "Jonathan Agnew" }, { "docid": "4336984", "text": "Jonathan Agnew Jonathan Philip Agnew, (born 4 April 1960) is an English cricket broadcaster and a former professional cricketer. He was born in Macclesfield, Cheshire, and educated at Uppingham School. He is nicknamed \"Aggers\", and, less commonly, \"Spiro\" – the latter, according to \"Debrett's Cricketers' Who's Who\", after former US Vice President Spiro Agnew. Agnew had a successful first-class career as a fast bowler for Leicestershire from 1979 to 1990, returning briefly in 1992. In first-class cricket he took 666 wickets at an average of 29.25. Agnew won three Test caps for England, as well as playing three One Day", "title": "Jonathan Agnew" }, { "docid": "507595", "text": "Council and assigned him to work with state governors to bring down crime. It became clear that Agnew would not be in the inner circle of advisors. The new president preferred to deal directly with only a trusted handful, and was annoyed when Agnew tried to call him about matters Nixon deemed trivial. After Agnew shared his opinions on a foreign policy matter in a cabinet meeting, an angry Nixon sent Bob Haldeman to warn Agnew to keep his opinions to himself. Nixon complained that Agnew had no idea how the vice presidency worked, but did not meet with Agnew", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507640", "text": "of a bust of him, to be placed with those of other vice presidents. Agnew commented: \"I am not blind or deaf to the fact that some people feel that ... the Senate by commissioning this bust is giving me an honor I don't deserve. I would remind these people that ... this ceremony has less to do with Spiro Agnew than with the office I held\". Agnew remained fit and active into his seventies, playing golf and tennis regularly. On Tuesday, September 17, 1996, he was due to play tennis with a friend, but collapsed at his summer home", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507645", "text": "judgment was already upon him, the first Vice President of the United States to have resigned in disgrace. All that he achieved or sought to achieve in his public life ... had been buried in that tragic and irrefutable act\". Levy sums up the \"might-have-been\" of Agnew's career thus: It is not a far stretch to imagine that if Agnew had contested corruption charges half as hard as Nixon denied culpability for Watergate – as Goldwater and several other stalwart conservatives wanted him to – today we might be speaking of Agnew-Democrats and Agnewnomics, and deem Agnew the father of", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "8541302", "text": "use\" for hippies, although she admitted that she didn't know any. In 1973, Spiro Agnew resigned from his position as Vice President of the United States, pleading nolo contendere to charges of income tax evasion. Agnew was charged with having reported a joint income of $26,099 for both him and his wife in 1967, although their correct income had been $55,599. On the day of her husband's resignation, Agnew broke down at a luncheon and cried among her guests. Agnew died on June 20, 2012, in Rancho Mirage, California, aged 91. Judy Agnew Elinor Isabel \"Judy\" Judefind Agnew (April 23,", "title": "Judy Agnew" }, { "docid": "507605", "text": "made up in advance.\" Agnew continued, \"I am asking whether a form of censorship already exists when the news that forty million Americans receive each night is determined by a handful of men ... and filtered through a handful of commentators who admit their own set of biases\". Agnew thus put into words feelings that many Republicans and conservatives had long felt about the news media. Television network executives and commentators responded with outrage. Julian Goodman, president of NBC, stated that Agnew had made an \"appeal to prejudice ... it is regrettable that the Vice President of the United States", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507546", "text": "staff. Agnew's centrist reputation interested Nixon; the law and order stance he had taken in the wake of civil unrest that year appealed to aides such as Pat Buchanan. Agnew made a number of gaffes during the campaign, but his rhetoric pleased many Republicans, and he may have made the difference in several key states. Nixon and Agnew defeated the Democratic ticket of incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey and his running mate, Senator Edmund Muskie from Maine. As vice president, Agnew was often called upon to attack the administration's enemies. In the years of his vice presidency, Agnew moved to", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507591", "text": "Nixon gave Agnew an office in the West Wing of the White House, a first for a vice president. When they stood before the press after the meeting, Nixon pledged that Agnew would not have to undertake the ceremonial roles usually undertaken by the holders of the vice presidency, but would have \"new duties beyond what any vice president has previously assumed\". Nixon told the press that he planned to make full use of Agnew's experience as county executive and as governor in dealing with matters of federal-state relations and in urban affairs. Nixon established transition headquarters in New York,", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507550", "text": "a courtship which led to their marriage on December 12, 1917. Spiro Agnew was born 11 months later, on November 9, 1918. Margaret Pollard, born Margaret Marian Akers in Bristol, Virginia, in 1883, was the youngest in a family of 10 children. As a young adult she moved to Washington, D.C., and found employment in various government offices before marrying Pollard and moving to Baltimore. The Pollards had one son, Roy, who was 10 years old when Pollard died. After the marriage to Agnew in 1917 and Spiro's birth the following year, the new family settled in a small apartment", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507598", "text": "was present, he often presented the perspective of the governors. Agnew earned praise from the other members when he presided over a meeting of the White House Domestic Council in Nixon's absence but, like Nixon during Eisenhower's illnesses, did not sit in the president's chair. Nevertheless, many of the commission assignments Nixon gave Agnew were sinecures, with the vice president only formally the head. The public image of Agnew as an uncompromising critic of the violent protests that had marked 1968 persisted into his vice presidency, and at first, he tried to take a more conciliatory tone, in line with", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507565", "text": "neither Birmingham nor any Maryland Democrat could have introduced at that time without angering supporters. In the November election, despite an intervention by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson on Birmingham's behalf, Agnew beat his opponent by 78,487 votes to 60,993. When Symington lost to Democrat Clarence Long in his congressional race, Agnew became the highest-ranking Republican in Maryland. Agnew's four-year term as county executive saw a moderately progressive administration, which included the building of new schools, increases to teachers' salaries, reorganization of the police department, and improvements to the water and sewer systems. His anti-discrimination bill passed, and gave him", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507621", "text": "He viewed the break-in as foolish, and felt that both major parties routinely spied on each other. Nixon had instructed Agnew not to attack McGovern's initial running mate, Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton, and after Eagleton withdrew amid revelations concerning past mental health treatment, Nixon renewed those instructions for former ambassador Sargent Shriver, who had become the new candidate for Vice President. Nixon took the high road in the campaign, but still wanted McGovern attacked for his positions, and the task fell in part to Agnew. The vice president told the press he was anxious to discard the image he had", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507619", "text": "was unclear if Agnew would be his running mate, and it was not until July 21 that Nixon asked Agnew and the vice president accepted. A public announcement was made the following day. Nixon instructed Agnew to avoid personal attacks on the press and the Democratic presidential nominee, South Dakota Senator George McGovern, to stress the positives of the Nixon administration, and not to comment on what might happen in 1976. At the 1972 Republican National Convention in Miami Beach, Agnew was greeted as a hero by delegates who saw him as the party's future. After being nominated for a", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507597", "text": "a tie, but Agnew opened every session for the first two months of his term, and spent more time presiding, in his first year, than any vice president since Alben Barkley, who held that role under Harry S. Truman. The first postwar vice president not to have previously been a senator, he took lessons in Senate procedures from the parliamentarian and from a Republican committee staffer. He lunched with small groups of senators, and was initially successful in building good relations. Although silenced on foreign policy matters, he attended White House staff meetings and spoke on urban affairs; when Nixon", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "19069129", "text": "the ticket. Nixon also strongly considered conservative Minnesota Representative Walter Judd and moderate Kentucky Senator Thruston Morton. After a closed session with Republican Party leaders, Nixon announced his choice of Lodge. The Republican convention ratified Nixon's choice of Lodge. The Nixon-Lodge ticket lost the 1960 election to the Democratic ticket of John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. Ford would eventually be chosen as Vice President by President Nixon in 1973 to replace Spiro Agnew and Ford would succeed to the presidency when Nixon resigned in 1974. Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection, 1960 This article lists those who were", "title": "Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection, 1960" }, { "docid": "507552", "text": "a larger restaurant, the Piccadilly, and moved the family to a house in the Forest Park northwest section of the city, where Spiro attended Garrison Junior High School and later Forest Park High School. This period of affluence ended with the crash of 1929, and the restaurant closed. In 1931 the family's savings were wiped out when a local bank failed, forcing them to sell the house and move to a small apartment. Agnew later recalled how his father responded to these misfortunes: \"He just shrugged it off and went to work with his hands without complaint.\" Theodore Agnew sold", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507547", "text": "the right, appealing to conservatives who were suspicious of moderate stances taken by Nixon. In the presidential election of 1972, Nixon and Agnew were re-elected for a second term, defeating Senator George McGovern from South Dakota and former ambassador Sargent Shriver for the respective offices. Beginning in early 1973, Agnew was investigated by the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland on suspicion of conspiracy, bribery, extortion and tax fraud. Agnew had accepted kickbacks from contractors during his time as Baltimore County Executive and Governor of Maryland. The payments had continued into his time as vice president. On October", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507600", "text": "of his aides, thought it best to say nothing, and instead had Agnew give a press conference at the White House, calling upon the Moratorium protesters to disavow the support of the North Vietnamese. Agnew handled the task well, and Nixon tasked Agnew with attacking the Democrats generally, while remaining above the fray himself. This was analogous to the role Nixon had performed as vice president in the Eisenhower White House, thus Agnew was dubbed \"Nixon's Nixon\". Agnew had finally found a role in the Nixon administration, one he enjoyed very much. Nixon had Agnew deliver a series of speeches", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507626", "text": "had continued into his vice presidency. These later payments would not be barred by the statute of limitations; Agnew could be prosecuted. On July 3, Beall informed the new Attorney General, Elliot Richardson, and at the end of the month Nixon, through his chief of staff, Alexander Haig, was informed. Agnew had already met with both Nixon and Haig to assert his innocence. On August 1, Beall sent a letter to Agnew's attorney, formally advising that the vice president was under investigation for tax fraud and corruption. Matz was prepared to testify that he had met with Agnew at the", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507609", "text": "party's leading fundraiser. Agnew's involvement had Nixon's strong support. In his Chicago speech, the vice president attacked \"supercilious sophisticates\", while in Atlanta, he promised to continue speaking out lest he break faith with \"the Silent Majority, the everyday law-abiding American who believes his country needs a strong voice to articulate his dissatisfaction with those who seek to destroy our heritage of liberty and our system of justice\". Agnew continued to try to increase his influence with Nixon, against the opposition of Haldeman, who was consolidating his power as the second most powerful person in the administration. Agnew was successful in", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "8541297", "text": "Judy Agnew Elinor Isabel \"Judy\" Judefind Agnew (April 23, 1921 – June 20, 2012) was the Second Lady of the United States from 1969 to 1973. She was the wife of the 39th Vice President of the United States, Spiro Agnew, who previously served as Governor of Maryland and Baltimore County Executive. Born Elinor Isabel Judefind in Baltimore, Maryland, to parents of French-German descent, Agnew was daughter of William Lee Judefind, a chemist, and his wife, the former Ruth Elinor Schafer. Her paternal grandfather was a Methodist minister. Agnew confessed in an interview with \"Parade\" magazine that her father had", "title": "Judy Agnew" }, { "docid": "507596", "text": "to share his own experience of the office. Herb Klein, director of communications in the Nixon White House, later wrote that Agnew had allowed himself to be pushed around by senior aides such as Haldeman and John Mitchell, and that Nixon's \"inconsistent\" treatment of Agnew had left the vice president exposed. Agnew's pride had been stung by the negative news coverage of him during the campaign, and he sought to bolster his reputation by assiduous performance of his duties. It had become usual for the vice president to preside over the Senate only if he might be needed to break", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507590", "text": "bolstering Nixon's support in suburbs nationally. Had Nixon lost those five states, he would have had only the minimum number of electoral votes needed, 270, and any defection by an elector would have thrown the election to the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives. Immediately after the 1968 election, Agnew was still uncertain what Nixon would expect of him as vice president. He met with Nixon several days after the election in Key Biscayne, Florida. Nixon, vice president himself for eight years under Eisenhower, wanted to spare Agnew the boredom and lack of a role he had sometimes experienced in that office.", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507628", "text": "a press conference at which he called the stories \"damned lies\". Nixon, at a meeting on August 7, assured Agnew of his complete confidence, but Haig visited Agnew at his office and suggested that if the charges could be sustained, Agnew might want to take action prior to his indictment. By this time, the Watergate investigation that would lead to Nixon's resignation was well advanced, and for the next two months, fresh revelations in each scandal were almost daily fare in the newspapers. Under increasing pressure to resign, Agnew took the position that a sitting vice president could not be", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507639", "text": "business activities. When Nixon died in 1994, his daughters invited Agnew to attend the funeral at Yorba Linda, California. At first he refused, still bitter over how he had been treated by the White House in his final days as vice president; over the years he had rejected various overtures from the Nixon camp to mend fences. He was persuaded to accept the invitation, and received a warm welcome there from his former colleagues. \"I decided after twenty years of resentment to put it aside\", he said. A year later, Agnew appeared at the Capitol in Washington for the dedication", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507629", "text": "indicted and met with Speaker of the House Carl Albert on September 25, asking for an investigation. He cited as precedent an 1826 House investigation of Vice President John C. Calhoun, who was alleged to have taken improper payments while a cabinet member. Albert, second in line to the presidency under Agnew, responded that it would be improper for the House to act in a matter before the courts. Agnew also filed a motion to block any indictment on the grounds that he had been prejudiced by improper leaks from the Justice Department, and tried to rally public opinion, giving", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507553", "text": "fruit and vegetables from a roadside stall, while the youthful Spiro helped the family's budget with part-time jobs, delivering groceries and distributing leaflets. As he grew up, Spiro was increasingly influenced by his peers, and began to distance himself from his Greek background. He refused his father's offer to pay for Greek language lessons, and preferred to be known by a nickname, \"Ted\". In February 1937, Agnew entered The Johns Hopkins University at their new Homewood campus in north Baltimore as a chemistry major. After the first few months, he found the pressure of the academic work increasingly stressful, and", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "19066856", "text": "United States vice presidential selection, 1973 In 1973, Republican Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign following a controversy over his personal taxes. Under the terms of the 25th Amendment, a vice presidential vacancy is filled when the president nominates a candidate who is confirmed by both houses of Congress. Republican President Richard Nixon thus had the task of selecting a vice president who could receive the majority support of both houses of Congress. Nixon considered selecting former Texas Governor John Connally, New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, and California Governor Ronald Reagan. However, Nixon settled on House Minority Leader", "title": "United States vice presidential selection, 1973" }, { "docid": "507625", "text": "Agnew was governor. Investigative reporters and Democratic operatives had pursued rumors that Agnew had been corrupt during his years as a Maryland official, but they had not been able to substantiate them. In February 1973, Agnew heard of the investigation and had Attorney General Richard Kleindienst contact Beall. The vice president's personal attorney, George White, visited Beall, who stated that Agnew was not under investigation, and that prosecutors would do their best to protect Agnew's name. In June, Matz's attorney disclosed to Beall that his client could show that Agnew not only had been corrupt, but that payments to him", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507560", "text": "of the Korean War. He resigned from Schreibers in 1952, and resumed his legal practice, specializing in labor law. In 1955, Lester Barrett was appointed a judge in Towson, the county seat of Baltimore County. Agnew moved his office there; at the same time he moved his family from Lutherville to Loch Raven, also in Baltimore County. There, he led a typical suburban lifestyle, as president of the local school's PTA, joining the Kiwanis and participating in a range of social and community activities. Historian William Manchester sums up the Agnew of those days: \"His favorite musician was Lawrence Welk.", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507611", "text": "that he remained convinced was correct after his resignation. The continuing student protests against the war brought Agnew's scorn. In a speech on April 28 in Hollywood, Florida, Agnew stated that responsibility of the unrest lay with those who failed to guide them, and suggested that the alumni of Yale University fire its president, Kingman Brewster. The Cambodia incursion brought more demonstrations on campus, and on May 3, Agnew went on \"Face the Nation\" to defend the policy. Reminded that Nixon, in his inaugural address, had called for the lowering of voices in political discourse, Agnew commented, \"When a fire", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "12938452", "text": "presidency was established in 1789, it was the first to take place because the incumbent had resigned from office. Ford had become Vice President on December 6, 1973, after the resignation of Spiro Agnew. He was the first person appointed to the vice presidency under the terms of the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Thus, when he succeeded Nixon, Ford became the first (and to date only) person to have held both the office of Vice President and President without having been elected to either. In a televised Oval Office speech on August 8, 1974, President Richard Nixon, who was facing impeachment proceedings", "title": "Inauguration of Gerald Ford" }, { "docid": "507587", "text": "what one reporter called his \"offensive and sometimes dangerous banality\". He used the derogatory term \"Polack\" to describe Polish-Americans, referred to a Japanese-American reporter as \"the fat Jap\", and appeared to dismiss poor socio-economic conditions by stating that \"if you've seen one slum you've seen them all.\" He attacked Humphrey as soft on communism, an appeaser like Britain's prewar prime minister Neville Chamberlain. Agnew was mocked by his Democratic opponents; a Humphrey commercial displayed the message \"Agnew for Vice President?\" against a soundtrack of prolonged hysterical laughter that degenerated into a painful cough, before a final message: \"This would be", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507585", "text": "\"It's some kind of disease\"; \"It's some kind of egg\"; \"He's a Greek that owns that shipbuilding firm.\" In 1968, the Nixon-Agnew ticket faced two principal opponents. The Democrats, at a convention marred by violent demonstrations, had nominated Vice President Hubert Humphrey and Maine Senator Edmund Muskie as their standard-bearers. The segregationist former Governor of Alabama, George Wallace, ran as a third-party candidate, and was expected to do well in the Deep South. Nixon, mindful of the restrictions he had labored under as Eisenhower's running mate in 1952 and 1956, was determined to both give Agnew a much freer rein", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "19067919", "text": "1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection This article lists those who were potential candidates for the Republican nomination for Vice President of the United States in the 1968 election. After winning the Republican presidential nomination at the 1968 Republican National Convention, former Vice President Richard Nixon convened a series of meetings with close advisers and party leaders such as Strom Thurmond in order to choose his running mate. Nixon ultimately asked the convention to nominate Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew as his running mate. By a large margin, Agnew won the vice presidential nomination on the first ballot over Michigan", "title": "1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection" }, { "docid": "507580", "text": "wooed by supporters of the former vice president Richard Nixon, whose campaign for the Republican nomination was well under way. Agnew had no antagonism towards Nixon, and in the wake of Rockefeller's withdrawal had indicated that Nixon might be his \"second choice\". When the two met in New York on March 29 they found an easy rapport. Agnew's words and actions after the April disturbances in Baltimore delighted conservative members of the Nixon camp such as Pat Buchanan, and also impressed Nixon. When on April 30 Rockefeller re-entered the race, Agnew's reaction was cool. He commended the governor as potentially", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507579", "text": "Since 1964 he had supported the presidential ambitions of Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York, and early in 1968, with that year's elections looming, he became chairman of the \"Rockefeller for President\" citizens' committee. When in a televised speech on March 21, 1968, Rockefeller shocked his supporters with an apparently unequivocal withdrawal from the race, Agnew was dismayed and humiliated; despite his very public role in the Rockefeller campaign, he had received no advance warning of the decision. He took this as a personal insult and as a blow to his credibility. Within days of Rockefeller's announcement, Agnew was being", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "19067921", "text": "as a potential running mate for Nixon in 1968. 1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection This article lists those who were potential candidates for the Republican nomination for Vice President of the United States in the 1968 election. After winning the Republican presidential nomination at the 1968 Republican National Convention, former Vice President Richard Nixon convened a series of meetings with close advisers and party leaders such as Strom Thurmond in order to choose his running mate. Nixon ultimately asked the convention to nominate Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew as his running mate. By a large margin, Agnew won the", "title": "1968 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection" }, { "docid": "12819903", "text": "Democrat who represents Maryland's 5th Congressional District, was elected as House Majority Leader for the 110th Congress of the U.S. House of Representatives and 111th Congress, serving in that post since January 2007. While Maryland is a Democratic Party stronghold, its best known political figure is perhaps a Republican – former Governor Spiro Agnew, who served as Vice President under Richard M. Nixon. He was Vice President from 1969 to 1973, when he resigned in the aftermath of revelations that he had taken bribes while he was Governor of Maryland. In late 1973, a court found Agnew guilty of violating", "title": "2008 United States presidential election in Maryland" }, { "docid": "507607", "text": "unfit for the vice presidency two years later. The \"Post\" in particular had been hostile to Nixon since the Hiss case in the 1940s. Agnew accused the papers of sharing a narrow viewpoint alien to most Americans. Agnew alleged that the newspapers were trying to circumscribe his First Amendment right to speak of what he believed, while demanding unfettered freedom for themselves, and warned, \"the day when the network commentators and even the gentlemen of \"The New York Times\" enjoyed a form of diplomatic immunity from comment and criticism of what they said is over.\" After Montgomery, Nixon sought a", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507583", "text": "favorite son status, placing Nixon's name in nomination. Nixon narrowly secured the nomination on the first ballot. In the discussions that followed about a running mate, Nixon kept his counsel while various party factions thought they could influence his choice: Strom Thurmond, the senator from South Carolina, told a party meeting that he held a veto on the vice presidency. It was evident that Nixon wanted a centrist, though there was little enthusiasm when he first proposed Agnew, and other possibilities were discussed. Some party insiders thought that Nixon had privately settled on Agnew early on, and that the consideration", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507576", "text": "refused to negotiate with the students. When a student committee came to Annapolis and demanded a meeting, Agnew closed the college and ordered more than 200 arrests. Following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, there was widespread rioting and disorder across the US. The trouble reached Baltimore on April 6, and for the next three days and nights the city burned. Agnew declared a state of emergency and called out the National Guard. When order was restored there were six dead, more than 4,000 were under arrest, the fire department had responded to 1,200 fires,", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507575", "text": "they put him away and throw away the key.\" When the Kerner Commission, appointed by President Johnson to investigate the causes of the unrest, reported that the principal factor was institutional white racism, Agnew dismissed these findings, blaming the \"permissive climate and misguided compassion\" and adding: \"It is not the centuries of racism and deprivation that have built to an explosive crescendo, but ... that lawbreaking has become a socially acceptable and occasionally stylish form of dissent\". In March 1968, when faced with a student boycott at Bowie State College, a historically black institution, Agnew again blamed outside agitators and", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507643", "text": "themselves became their party's nominee for president. Some recent historians have seen Agnew as important in the development of the New Right, arguing that he should be honored alongside the acknowledged founding fathers of the movement such as Goldwater and Reagan; Victor Gold, Agnew's former press secretary, considered him the movement's \"John the Baptist\". Goldwater's crusade in 1964, at the height of Johnsonian liberalism, came too early, but by the time of Agnew's election, liberalism was on the wane, and as Agnew moved to the right after 1968, the country moved with him. Agnew's fall shocked and saddened conservatives, but", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507549", "text": "in 1897 (some accounts say 1902) and settled in Schenectady, New York, where he changed his name to Theodore Agnew and opened a diner. A passionate self-educator, Agnew maintained a lifelong interest in philosophy; one family member recalled that \"if he wasn't reading something to improve his mind, he wouldn't read.\" Around 1908, he moved to Baltimore, where he purchased a restaurant. Here he met William Pollard, who was the city's federal meat inspector. The two became friends; Pollard and his wife Margaret were regular customers of the restaurant. After Pollard died in April 1917, Agnew and Margaret Pollard began", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "17789342", "text": "In 1992, Rae appointed Agnew as secretary to the cabinet, a controversial move, to ensure the government's agenda was being implemented by the public service. In 1995, the Rae government was defeated by the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party led by Mike Harris. After a transition between the Rae and Harris governments that was directed by Agnew, he was seconded to the University of Toronto. He joined Massey College as a senior resident and was named deputy minister of the Public-Private Partnerships Project advising the new premier. In 1996 Agnew joined Credit Union Central of Ontario as executive vice-president and corporate", "title": "David Agnew (president)" }, { "docid": "10336331", "text": "Roanoke, and by 1969, at age 27, became the youngest person elected as the Commonwealth's Attorney. In 1971, he moved to Washington to be staff counsel to the House Judiciary Committee, and just 16 months later, he joined the staff of newly elected Vice President Spiro Agnew as legislative liaison. After Agnew resigned in 1973, Garrison began working on the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment staff, and eventually replaced the committee's chief minority counsel, Albert E. Jenner Jr., who called the impeachment case against Nixon persuasive. In an obituary \"The Washington Post\" wrote: Garrison, then 32, was the last-minute replacement chosen", "title": "Sam Garrison" }, { "docid": "507592", "text": "but Agnew was not invited to meet with him there until November 27, when the two met for an hour. When Agnew spoke to reporters afterwards, he stated that he felt \"exhilarated\" with his new responsibilities, but did not explain what those were. During the transition period, Agnew traveled extensively, enjoying his new status. He vacationed on St. Croix, where he played a round of golf with Humphrey and Muskie. He went to Memphis for the 1968 Liberty Bowl, and to New York to attend the wedding of Nixon's daughter Julie to David Eisenhower. Agnew was a fan of the", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507630", "text": "a speech before a friendly audience in Los Angeles asserting his innocence and attacking the prosecution. Nevertheless, Agnew entered into negotiations for a plea bargain, and wrote in his memoirs that he did so because he was worn out from the extended crisis, to protect his family, and because he feared he could not get a fair trial. He made his decision on October 5, and plea negotiations took place over the following days. On October 9, Agnew visited Nixon at the White House and informed the President of his impending resignation. On October 10, 1973, Agnew appeared before the", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507594", "text": "governor. He hired Charles Stanley Blair as chief of staff; Blair had been a member of the House of Delegates and served as Maryland Secretary of State under Agnew. Arthur Sohmer, Agnew's long-time campaign manager, became his political advisor, and Herb Thompson, a former journalist, became press secretary. Agnew was sworn in along with Nixon on January 20, 1969; as was customary, he sat down immediately after being sworn in, and did not make a speech. Soon after the inauguration, Nixon appointed Agnew as head of the Office of Intergovernmental Relations, to head government commissions such as the National Space", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507604", "text": "a nationwide address, a rarity for vice presidents. According to Witcover, \"Agnew made the most of it\". Historically, the press had enjoyed considerable prestige and respect to that point, though some Republicans complained of bias. But in his Des Moines speech, Agnew attacked the media, complaining that immediately after Nixon's speech, \"his words and policies were subjected to instant analysis and querulous criticism ... by a small band of network commentators and self-appointed analysts, the majority of whom expressed in one way or another their hostility to what he had to say ... It was obvious that their minds were", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507614", "text": "Springfield, Illinois, speaking on behalf of Republican Senator Ralph Smith, Agnew began his campaign, which would be noted for harsh rhetoric and memorable phrases. Agnew attacked the \"pusillanimous pussyfooting\" of the liberals, including those in Congress, who Agnew said cared nothing for the blue- and white-collar workers, the \"Forgotten Man of American politics\". Addressing the California Republican Convention in San Diego, Agnew targeted \"the nattering nabobs of negativism. They have formed their own 4-H Club—the 'Hopeless, Hysterical, Hypochondriacs of History'.\" He warned that candidates of any party who espoused radical views should be voted out, a reference to New York", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "17789339", "text": "David Agnew (president) David Agnew (born 1957) is the current president of Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His career has spanned the fields of journalism, politics, public service, the cooperative sector, strategy consulting, international development and dispute resolution. Agnew was born in Sherbrooke, Quebec, and was raised in Toronto. At 15, he became a sports reporter for the \"Toronto Sun\" and after finishing high school went to St. John's, Newfoundland to join the newsroom of the \"Evening Telegram\". A year later he enrolled as a full-time student at Memorial University of Newfoundland, graduating in", "title": "David Agnew (president)" }, { "docid": "507638", "text": "Washington University Law School found four residents of the state of Maryland willing to put their names on a case that sought to have Agnew repay the state $268,482, the amount it was said he had taken in bribes, including interest and penalties, as a public employee. After two appeals by Agnew, he finally paid the sum in 1983. In 1989, Agnew applied unsuccessfully for this sum to be treated as tax-deductible. Agnew also was briefly in the news in 1987, when as the plaintiff in Federal District Court in Brooklyn, he gave the public some insight into his recent", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "1922787", "text": "House Judiciary Committee for debate and study. Also in 1973 Albert appointed Felda Looper as the first female page in the House of Representatives. In 1973, during Albert's second term as Speaker and Nixon's second term as president, Vice President Spiro Agnew was investigated for tax evasion and money laundering for a series of bribes he took while he was Governor of Maryland. Agnew resigned as Vice President and eventually pleaded \"nolo contendere\" to the charges. This event put Albert next in line to assume the presidential powers and duties, should that office become vacant. Under the provisions of the", "title": "Carl Albert" }, { "docid": "507601", "text": "attacking their political opponents. In New Orleans on October 19, Agnew blamed liberal elites for condoning violence by demonstrators, \"a spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals\". The following day, in Jackson, Mississippi, Agnew told a Republican dinner, \"for too long the South has been the punching bag for those who characterize themselves as liberal intellectuals ... their course is a course that will ultimately weaken and erode the very fiber of America.\" Agnew, though he denied Republicans had a Southern Strategy, stressed that the administration and Southern whites", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507577", "text": "and there had been widespread looting. On April 11, Agnew summoned more than 100 moderate black leaders to the state capitol, where instead of the expected constructive dialogue he delivered a speech roundly castigating them for their failure to control more radical elements, and accused them of a cowardly retreat or even complicity. One of the delegates, the Rev. Sidney Daniels, rebuked the governor: \"Talk to us like we are ladies and gentlemen\", he said, before walking out. Others followed him; the remnant was treated to further accusations as Agnew rejected all socio-economic explanations for the disturbances. Many white suburbanites", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507618", "text": "Nixon sought a second term in 1972. Neither Nixon nor his aides were enamored of Agnew's independence and outspokenness, and were less than happy at Agnew's popularity among conservatives suspicious of Nixon. The President considered replacing him with Treasury Secretary John Connally, a Democrat and former Governor of Texas. For his part, Agnew was unhappy with many of Nixon's stances, especially in foreign policy, disliking Nixon's rapprochement with China (on which Agnew was not consulted) and believing that the Vietnam War could be won with sufficient force. Even after Nixon announced his re-election bid at the start of 1972, it", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507613", "text": "was controlled by Democrats and he hoped to take control of the Senate in the 1970 midterm elections. Worried that Agnew was too divisive a figure, Nixon and his aides initially planned to restrict Agnew's role to fundraising and the giving of a standard stump speech that would avoid personal attacks. The president believed that appealing to white, middle- and lower-class voters on social issues would lead to Republican victories in November. He planned not to do any active campaigning, but to remain above the fray and let Agnew campaign as spokesman for the Silent Majority. On September 10 in", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507617", "text": "support. Although it was by then deemed unlikely the Republicans could gain control of the Senate, both Nixon and Agnew went on the campaign trail for the final days before the election. The outcome was disappointing: Republicans gained only two seats in the Senate, and lost eleven governorships. For Agnew, one bright spot was Goodell's defeat by Buckley in New York, but he was disappointed when his former chief of staff, Charles Blair, failed to unseat Governor Marvin Mandel, Agnew's successor and a Democrat, in Maryland. Through 1971, it was uncertain if Agnew would be retained on the ticket as", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "341920", "text": "administration and that former Vice President Spiro Agnew should have been imprisoned. The Senate leadership met throughout August 7 to discuss Nixon's fate, the topic of immunity being mentioned in the office of Hugh Scott. Nixon announced his resignation the following day and resigned on August 9. The resignation led to Congress rearranging their intent from an impeachment to the confirmation of a new vice presidential nominee and the Senate scheduled a recess between August 23 to September 14, Byrd opining, \"What the country needs is for all of us to get out of Washington and let the country have", "title": "Robert Byrd" }, { "docid": "247642", "text": "six jurisdictions, most of which contain large, traditionally Democratic voting bloc(s): African Americans in Baltimore City and Prince George's, federal employees in Prince George's, Anne Arundel, and Montgomery, and postgraduates in Montgomery. The remainder of the state, particularly Western Maryland and the Eastern Shore, is more supportive of Republicans. One of Maryland's best known political figures is a Republican – former Governor Spiro Agnew, who served under President Richard Nixon as the U.S. Vice President from 1969 to 1973, when he resigned in the aftermath of findings that he had taken bribes while he was Governor of Maryland. Though claiming", "title": "Maryland" }, { "docid": "507616", "text": "defeat of a fellow Republican, and did not have Agnew go to New York until after Nixon left on a European trip, hoping Agnew would be perceived as acting on his own. After dueling long-distance with Goodell over the report of the Scranton Commission on campus violence (Agnew considered it too permissive), Agnew gave a speech in New York in which, without naming names, he made it clear he supported Buckley. That Nixon was behind the machinations did not remain secret long, as both Agnew and Nixon adviser Murray Chotiner disclosed it; Goodell stated he still believed he had Nixon's", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "16750771", "text": "the primary. Later that year he managed Spiro Agnew's successful campaign for Baltimore County Executive. Agnew was the first Republican to win that office, a feat not repeated until 1990. Sohmer was appointed by Agnew to the Baltimore County Tax Appeals Court in 1963 and became its chief judge in 1964. Sohmer then managed Agnew's successful campaign for Governor of Maryland in 1966. Sohmer then managed appointments in the Maryland governor's office. After Agnew was elected vice president in 1968 on a ticket with Richard M. Nixon, Sohmer became Chief of Staff to the Vice President of the United States.", "title": "Arthur Sohmer" }, { "docid": "507562", "text": "term to the county Zoning Board of Appeals, at a salary of $3,600 per year. This quasi-judicial post provided an important supplement to his legal practice, and Agnew welcomed the prestige connected with the appointment. In April 1958 he was reappointed to the Board for a full three-year term, and became its chairman. In the November 1960 elections Agnew decided to seek election to the county circuit court, against the local tradition that sitting judges seeking re-election were not opposed. He was unsuccessful, finishing last of five candidates. This failed attempt raised his profile, and he was regarded by his", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507557", "text": "France as a replacement officer. After briefly serving as a rifle platoon leader, Agnew commanded the battalion's service company. The battalion became part of 10th Armored Combat Command \"B\", which saw action in the Battle of the Bulge, including the siege of Bastogne – in all, \"thirty-nine days in the hole of the doughnut\", as one of Agnew's men put it. Thereafter, the 54th battalion fought its way into Germany, seeing action at Mannheim, Heidelberg and Crailsheim, before reaching Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Bavaria as the war concluded. Agnew returned home for discharge in November 1945, having been awarded the Combat Infantryman", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507555", "text": "Elinor Judefind, known as \"Judy\". She had grown up in the same part of the city as Agnew, but the two had not previously met. They began dating, became engaged, and were married in Baltimore on May 27, 1942. They had four children; Pamela Lee, James Rand, Susan Scott, and Elinor Kimberly. By the time of the marriage, Agnew had been drafted into the U.S. Army. Shortly after the Pearl Harbor attack in December 1941, he began basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina. There, he met people from a variety of backgrounds: \"I had led a very sheltered", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "12783914", "text": "Vice-President was briefly restored by Acting President Adly Mansour, who appointed Mohamed ElBaradei to the post of Acting Vice-President on 7 July 2013. He was sworn in on 14 July. On 14 August 2013, following a violent crackdown by security forces on supporters of deposed President Morsi, in which more than 800 people were killed, ElBaradei resigned as Acting Vice President. Much like the 2012 Constitution, the 2014 Constitution does not include the position of Vice-President. With the adoption of the 2014 Constitution, the office of Vice-President was abolished again. Mohamed ElBaradei was the last person to hold the office", "title": "Vice-President of Egypt" }, { "docid": "4768190", "text": "and convicted, became a highly divisive topic in the 1968 U.S. Presidential Election. Republican Vice Presidential candidate Spiro Agnew, then the governor of Maryland, often used the expression; Agnew and Nixon won and were reelected in 1972. Notorious crimes by released murders occurred in the 1980s and 1990s, are often credited with influencing politics along Law and Order lines . Most notably the release of the murderer Willie Horton who committed a rape and a rampage of severe violence when he was released, is generally credited with favoring the election of president George H. W. Bush over the man who", "title": "Law and order (politics)" }, { "docid": "507573", "text": "most part, Agnew remained somewhat aloof from the state legislature, preferring the company of businessmen. Some of these had been associates in his county executive days, such as Lester Matz and Walter Jones, who had been among the first to encourage him to seek the governorship. Agnew's close ties to the business community were noted by officials in the state capital of Annapolis: \"There always seemed to be people around him who were in business.\" Some suspected that, while not himself corrupt, he \"allowed himself to be used by the people around him.\" Agnew publicly supported civil rights, but deplored", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507627", "text": "White House and given him $10,000 in cash. Another witness, Jerome B. Wolff, head of Maryland's road commission, had extensive documentation that detailed, as Beall put it, \"every corrupt payment he participated in with then-Governor Agnew\". Richardson, whom Nixon had ordered to take personal responsibility for the investigation, met with Agnew and his attorneys on August 6 to outline the case, but Agnew denied culpability, saying the selection of Matz's firm had been routine, and the money campaign contributions. The story broke in \"The Wall Street Journal\" later that day. Agnew publicly proclaimed his innocence and on August 8 held", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507606", "text": "should deny to TV freedom of the press\". Frank Stanton, head of CBS, accused Agnew of trying to intimidate the news media, and his news anchor, Walter Cronkite, agreed. The speech was praised by conservatives from both parties, and gave Agnew a following among the right. Agnew deemed the Des Moines speech one of his finest moments. On November 20 in Montgomery, Alabama, Agnew reinforced his earlier speech with an attack on \"The New York Times\" and \"The Washington Post\", again originated by Buchanan. Both papers had enthusiastically endorsed Agnew's candidacy for governor in 1966 but had castigated him as", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507586", "text": "and to make it clear his running mate had his support. Agnew could also usefully play an \"attack dog\" role, as Nixon had in 1952. Initially, Agnew played the centrist, pointing to his civil rights record in Maryland. As the campaign developed, he quickly adopted a more belligerent approach, with strong law-and-order rhetoric, a style which alarmed the party's Northern liberals but played well in the South. John Mitchell, Nixon's campaign manager, was impressed, some other party leaders less so; Senator Thruston Morton described Agnew as an \"asshole\". Throughout September, Agnew was in the news, generally as a result of", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507558", "text": "Badge and the Bronze Star. On his return to civilian life, Agnew resumed his legal studies, and secured a job as a law clerk with the Baltimore firm of Smith and Barrett. Until now, Agnew had been largely apolitical; his nominal allegiance had been to the Democratic Party, following his father's beliefs. The firm's senior partner, Lester Barrett, advised Agnew that if he wanted a career in politics he should become a Republican. There were already many ambitious young Democrats in Baltimore and its suburbs, whereas competent, personable Republicans were scarcer. Agnew took Barrett's advice; on moving with his wife", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507561", "text": "His leisure interests were all : watching the Baltimore Colts on television, listening to Mantovani, and reading the sort of prose the \"Reader's Digest\" liked to condense. He was a lover of order and an almost compulsive conformist.\" Agnew made his first bid for political office in 1956, when he sought to be a Republican candidate for Baltimore County Council. He was turned down by local party leaders, but nevertheless campaigned vigorously for the Republican ticket. The election resulted in an unexpected Republican majority on the council, and in recognition for his party work, Agnew was appointed for a one-year", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "626657", "text": "clubs) one or multiple vice presidents are elected by the members of the organization. When multiple vice presidents are elected, the positions are usually numbered to prevent confusion as to who may preside or succeed to the office of president upon vacancy of that office (for example: 1st vice president, 2nd vice president, and so on). In some cases vice presidents are given titles due to their specific responsibilities, for example: Vice President of Operations, Finance, etc. In some associations the first vice president can be interchangeable with executive vice president and the remaining vice presidents are ranked in order", "title": "Vice president" }, { "docid": "507567", "text": "was sometimes criticized for being too close to rich and influential businessmen, and was accused of cronyism after bypassing the normal bidding procedures and designating three of his Republican friends as the county's insurance brokers of record, ensuring them large commissions. Agnew's standard reaction to such criticisms was to display moral indignation, denounce his opponents' \"outrageous distortions\", deny any wrongdoing and insist on his personal integrity; tactics which, Cohen and Witcover note, were to be seen again as he defended himself against the corruption allegations that ended his vice presidency. In the 1964 presidential election, Agnew was opposed to the", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "507556", "text": "life – I became unsheltered very quickly.\" He eventually was sent to the Officer Candidate School at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and on May 24, 1942 (three days before his wedding) he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. After a two-day honeymoon, Agnew returned to Fort Knox. He served there, or at nearby Fort Campbell, for nearly two years in a variety of administrative roles, before being sent to England in March 1944 as part of the pre-D-Day build-up. He remained on standby in Birmingham until late in the year, when he was posted to the 54th Armored Infantry Battalion in", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "753868", "text": "ceremony, NASA administrator Charles Bolden said, \"Those of us who have had the privilege to fly in space followed the trail they forged.\" The Apollo 11 crew were awarded the Collier Trophy in 1969. The National Aeronautic Association president awarded a duplicate trophy to Collins and Aldrin at a ceremony. The National Space Club named the crew the winners of the 1970 Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy, awarded annually for the greatest achievement in spaceflight. They received the international Harmon Trophy for aviators in 1970, conferred to them by Vice President Spiro Agnew in 1971. Agnew also presented them", "title": "Buzz Aldrin" }, { "docid": "507545", "text": "service during the Korean War in 1951. He worked as an aide to U.S. Representative James Devereux before he was appointed to the Baltimore County Board of Zoning Appeals in 1957. In 1960, he lost an election for the Baltimore County Circuit Court, but in 1962 was elected Baltimore County Executive. In 1966, Agnew was elected Governor of Maryland, defeating his Democratic opponent George P. Mahoney and independent candidate Hyman A. Pressman. At the 1968 Republican National Convention, Agnew, who had been asked to place Richard Nixon's name in nomination, was selected as running mate by Nixon and his campaign", "title": "Spiro Agnew" }, { "docid": "2910790", "text": "\"Tribune-Review\" reporter was fired for making the remark \"one down and one to go\" during the Watergate era when Vice President Spiro T. Agnew resigned over corruption charges dating back to his days as governor of Maryland. In the controversy that followed nearly half the paper's 24 person newsroom staff resigned. In 1992, the two main newspapers in Pittsburgh were embroiled in a lengthy labor dispute that ultimately led the larger paper, the \"Pittsburgh Press\", to cease operations, and for the remaining paper, the \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\", to suspend publication for nearly six months until the \"Post-Gazette\" acquired the \"Press\" late", "title": "Richard Mellon Scaife" } ]
In which decade of the 20th century was Billy Crystal born?
[ "The Forties", "1940–1949", "%6040s", "1940s", "Nineteen-forties", "1940s literature", "'40s", "1940-1949", "1940's", "1940s (decade)" ]
[ { "docid": "13413272", "text": "The Evangelical push of the 1940s and 1950s produced a movement that continues to have wide influence. In the southern United States, the Evangelicals, represented by leaders such as Billy Graham, have experienced a notable surge. Australia has seen renewal in different parts of her Anglican Church, as well as a growing presence of an Evangelical community. Although more \"traditional\" in its Anglican roots, the nation has seen growth in its religious sector. The Third Great Awakening had its roots in the Holiness movement which had developed in the late 19th century. The Pentecostal revival movement began out of a", "title": "Christianity in the 20th century" } ]
[ { "docid": "12417190", "text": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus is a compilation album released from Billy Ray Cyrus. The album was released on March 23, 2003, via Mercury Nashville Records. The album debuted and peaked at number 59 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Top Country Albums chart. The album was released as part of Universal Music Group's 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection series. The album was released without Cyrus' supervision, and no new material was recorded for this album. \"20th Century Masters", "title": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus" }, { "docid": "12417191", "text": "– The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus\" received four out of five stars from Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic. In his review, Erlewine praises the album as \"a far better bargain than the , and one that's not likely to be bettered anytime soon.\" \"20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus\" peaked at number 59 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Top Country Albums chart. 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus is a", "title": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Billy Ray Cyrus" }, { "docid": "51320", "text": "Billy Crystal William Edward Crystal (born March 14, 1948) is an American actor, writer, producer, director, comedian, and television host. He gained prominence in the 1970s for playing Jodie Dallas on the ABC sitcom \"Soap\" and became a Hollywood film star during the late 1980s and 1990s, appearing in the critical and box office successes \"When Harry Met Sally...\" (1989), \"City Slickers\" (1991), and \"Analyze This\" (1999) and providing the voice of Mike Wazowski in the \"Monsters, Inc.\" franchise. He has hosted the Academy Awards nine times, beginning in 1990 and most recently in 2012. Crystal was born at Doctors", "title": "Billy Crystal" }, { "docid": "51342", "text": "documentary \"Baseball\", telling personal stories about his life-long love of baseball, including meeting Casey Stengel as a child and Ted Williams as an adult. Crystal is also a longtime Los Angeles Clippers fan. Crystal and his wife Janice (née Goldfinger) married in June 1970, have two daughters, actress Jennifer and producer Lindsay, and are grandparents. They reside in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Pacific Palisades, California. Billy Crystal William Edward Crystal (born March 14, 1948) is an American actor, writer, producer, director, comedian, and television host. He gained prominence in the 1970s for playing Jodie Dallas on the ABC sitcom", "title": "Billy Crystal" }, { "docid": "51336", "text": "with the book and the play that also paid tribute to his uncle, Milt Gabler, Crystal produced two CD compilations: \"Billy Crystal Presents: The Milt Gabler Story\", which featured his uncle's most influential recordings from Billie Holiday's \"Strange Fruit\" to \"Rock Around the Clock\" by Bill Haley & His Comets; and \"Billy Remembers Billie\" featuring Crystal's favorite Holiday recordings. In the fall of 2013, he brought the show back to Broadway for a two-month run at the Imperial Theatre. HBO filmed the January 3–4, 2014 performances for a special, which debuted on their network on April 19, 2014. In 1986,", "title": "Billy Crystal" }, { "docid": "51327", "text": "series. He continued in the role during the series's entire 1977–1981 run. In 1982, Billy Crystal hosted his own variety show, \"The Billy Crystal Comedy Hour\" on NBC. When Crystal arrived to shoot the fifth episode, he learned it had been canceled after only the first two aired. After hosting \"Saturday Night Live\" twice, on March 17, 1984 and the show's ninth season finale on May 5, he joined the regular cast for the 1984-85 season. His most famous recurring sketch was his parody of Fernando Lamas, a smarmy talk-show host whose catchphrase, \"You look... mahvelous!,\" became a media sensation.", "title": "Billy Crystal" }, { "docid": "18944795", "text": "20th Century Women 20th Century Women is a 2016 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Mike Mills and starring Annette Bening, Elle Fanning, Greta Gerwig, Lucas Jade Zumann and Billy Crudup. The film is set in 1970s Southern California and based in part on Mills' childhood. The film had its world premiere at the New York Film Festival on October 8, 2016, and was theatrically released on December 28, 2016, by A24. The film was nominated for two Golden Globe Awards, Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and Best Actress for Bening, as well as for Best Original", "title": "20th Century Women" }, { "docid": "13413257", "text": "Christianity in the 20th century Christianity in the 20th century was characterized by an accelerating secularization of Western society, which had begun in the 19th century, and by the spread of Christianity to non-Western regions of the world. Christian ecumenism grew in importance, beginning at the Edinburgh Missionary Conference in 1910, and accelerated after the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church, The Liturgical Movement became significant in both Catholic and Protestant Christianity, especially in Anglicanism. At the same time, state-promoted atheism in communist Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union brought persecution to many Eastern Orthodox and other Christians. Many", "title": "Christianity in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "18944809", "text": "gave the film a positive review, writing: \"Mills uses some of the same devices as \"Beginners\" to illuminate his characters' cultural formation, notably historic montages of their birth years or backgrounds prior to coming together. And he also glances ahead to their future lives, after the arc of the movie. But the quilting is more seamless here because the eccentricities are so integral to the writing and performances.\" 20th Century Women 20th Century Women is a 2016 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Mike Mills and starring Annette Bening, Elle Fanning, Greta Gerwig, Lucas Jade Zumann and Billy Crudup.", "title": "20th Century Women" }, { "docid": "13413303", "text": "Upon greeting John Paul II, the Romanian Patriarch Teoctist stated: \"The second millennium of Christian history began with a painful wounding of the unity of the Church; the end of this millennium has seen a real commitment to restoring Christian unity.\" Pope John Paul II visited other heavily Orthodox areas such as Ukraine, despite lack of welcome at times, and he said that healing the divisions between Western and Eastern Christianity was one of his fondest wishes. Christianity in the 20th century Christianity in the 20th century was characterized by an accelerating secularization of Western society, which had begun in", "title": "Christianity in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "469577", "text": "the 20th century. A natural population increase occurs when birth rates are higher than death rates. Recently and most notably, the years immediately after World War II saw an explosion in fertility rates called the Baby Boom because the returning soldiers and displaced people started new families. Death rates were significantly lower during the baby boom and thus populations increased substantially. Today these baby boomers are approaching old age and driving up the average age of the overall population. The World Bank predicts a dramatic decrease in population size from the increase in death rates over the next decade or", "title": "Death rates in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "6915158", "text": "Team of the century In team sport, team of the century and team of the decade are hypothetical best teams over a given time period. For the century team, it can be either 100 years, or for a century (always the 20th). Similarly the team of the decade can be for 10 years or a decade (for example the 1980s). Teams of the decade and century are selected for both leagues and clubs and sometimes selected for other reasons, such as to honour the contribution of a particular ethnic group. Teams of the 20th century in particular have been controversial", "title": "Team of the century" }, { "docid": "18379221", "text": "Modern Times: Photography in the 20th Century Modern Times: Photography in the 20th Century was the first exhibition focussed on artists of the 20th century to be held by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The show, whose title is also \"Modern Times\" in Dutch and which ran from November 2014 to January 2015, was also the first exhibition to be held in the re-opened Philips Wing, a part of the museum that was remodeled to host temporary exhibitions. It was the museum's second photography exhibition after its successful \"A new art: Photography in the 19th century\", held in 1996.", "title": "Modern Times: Photography in the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "469573", "text": "Death rates in the 20th century Death Rates in the 20th century is the ratio of deaths compared to the population around the world throughout the 20th century. When giving these ratios, they are most commonly expressed by number of deaths per 1,000 people per year. Many factors contribute to death rates such as cause of death, increasing the death rate, an aging population, which could increase and decrease the death rates by birth rates, and improvements in public health, decreasing the death rate. According to the CIA World Factbook, , the global crude death rate is 7.99 deaths/1,000 population.", "title": "Death rates in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "12363885", "text": "Fame in the 20th Century Fame in the 20th Century is a 1993 BBC documentary television series and book by Clive James. The book and series examined the phenomenon of fame and how it expanded to international mass media proportions throughout the 20th century. The 8 episodes were divided in roughly 8 decades, from the 1900s to the 1980s. Each episode highlighted world-famous people during that part of the century. James delivered interesting and amusing comments about the portrayed celebrities and the various ways they became famous. In the United States, the series were broadcast on PBS, though some footage", "title": "Fame in the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "567799", "text": "Delaunay and scores of young artists in Paris made their first modern paintings venturing toward abstraction and other new ways of formulating figurative, still-life and landscape imagery. During the first decade of the 20th century modern art developed simultaneously in several different areas in Europe (France, England, Scandinavia, Russia, Germany, Italy), and in the United States. Artists began to formulate different directions of modern art, seemingly unrelated to one another. In printmaking, the linocut was invented by the artists of Die Brücke in Germany between 1905 and 1913. At first they described their prints as woodcuts, which sounded more respectable.", "title": "New materials in 20th-century art" }, { "docid": "469572", "text": "research and practice of science led to advancement in the fields of communication, engineering, travel, medicine, and war. 20th century The 20th (twentieth) century was a century that began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000. It was the tenth and final century of the 2nd millennium. It is distinct from the century known as the 1900s which began on January 1, 1900 and ended on December 31, 1999. The 20th century was dominated by a chain of events that heralded significant changes in world history as to redefine the era: flu pandemic, World War I and", "title": "20th century" }, { "docid": "13714517", "text": "It was eventually dissolved when Bejart moved to Switzerland to form Béjart Ballet in Lausanne in 1987. Ballet of the 20th Century Ballet of the 20th Century (), was a ballet and contemporary dance company in Brussels, Belgium in 1960, by the French/Swiss choreographer Maurice Béjart. For many years it was the official dance company of the Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie. The company was known for including South and East Asian elements in its performances. Bejart had previously founded a company in Paris, which he named first Les Ballets de l'Étoile, and later Ballet Théâtre de Maurice Bejart. When", "title": "Ballet of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "469545", "text": "20th century The 20th (twentieth) century was a century that began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000. It was the tenth and final century of the 2nd millennium. It is distinct from the century known as the 1900s which began on January 1, 1900 and ended on December 31, 1999. The 20th century was dominated by a chain of events that heralded significant changes in world history as to redefine the era: flu pandemic, World War I and World War II, nuclear power and space exploration, nationalism and decolonization, the Cold War and post-Cold War conflicts;", "title": "20th century" }, { "docid": "13714516", "text": "Ballet of the 20th Century Ballet of the 20th Century (), was a ballet and contemporary dance company in Brussels, Belgium in 1960, by the French/Swiss choreographer Maurice Béjart. For many years it was the official dance company of the Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie. The company was known for including South and East Asian elements in its performances. Bejart had previously founded a company in Paris, which he named first Les Ballets de l'Étoile, and later Ballet Théâtre de Maurice Bejart. When he moved to Brussels in 1960, he relocated the company and renamed it Ballet du XXme Siècle.", "title": "Ballet of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "13739008", "text": "and sign the Kyoto treaty, which set mandatory limits on carbon dioxide emissions. The celebration of the ending of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century was at New Year's Day, 2000. 20th-century events The 20th-century events include many notable events which occurred throughout the 20th century, which began on January 1, 1901, and ended on December 31, 2000, according to the Gregorian calendar. In Europe, the British Empire achieved the height of its power. Germany and Italy, which came into existence as unified nations in the second half of the 19th century, grew in power, challenging", "title": "20th-century events" }, { "docid": "9478648", "text": "Sounds of the 20th Century Sounds of the 20th Century is a BBC Radio 2 documentary series originally broadcast in the UK between April 2011 and April 2012. Each 60-minute programme is dedicated to one year from 1951 to 2000 and features a montage of audio relating to that year. Featuring nothing that wasn’t heard, seen or read at the time, other than brief introduction to each episode by Jeremy Vine, the series does not feature any explanations, reminiscenses or reflections upon the clips. Instead, the series' website provided a list and description of the audio items, which was also", "title": "Sounds of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "469581", "text": "to die while giving birth compared to white women. Towards the end of the 20th century, black women are three times as likely to die while giving birth. This disparity is often cited as a lack in stronger Health care in the United States. Death rates in the 20th century Death Rates in the 20th century is the ratio of deaths compared to the population around the world throughout the 20th century. When giving these ratios, they are most commonly expressed by number of deaths per 1,000 people per year. Many factors contribute to death rates such as cause of", "title": "Death rates in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "469575", "text": "In the middle of 20th century America, the leading cause of death was heart disease with an impressive 355.5 deaths per 100,000 followed by cancer at 139.8 deaths per 100,000. Although death rates dropped significantly in the latter part of the 20th century, the leading killers are still constant. The United States saw 192.9 people per 100,000 die from heart disease in 2010 followed by cancer with 185.9 people per 100,000. The world population in the 20th century experienced a large amount of death due to two major world wars. World War II was responsible for the most war related", "title": "Death rates in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "8477605", "text": "described by Méndez Ferrín) and the Galician Socialist Party (PSG, with X.M.Beiras and García Bodaño) was formed. Galicia in the 20th century The period of Solidaridad Gallega (\"Galician Solidarity\"), the beginning of the modern Galician nationalist movement, began in 1907 and ended around the First World War. Its unsuccessful aim was to create a unified electoral coalition to eliminate caciquism and obtain Galician representation in the Cortes Generales, the parliament of Spain. The first stage of 20th-century Galician history lasted until the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. In this stage the Galician nationalist Irmandades da Fala (\"Brothehoods of the Language\")", "title": "Galicia in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "7973681", "text": "Lost Animals of the 20th Century Lost Animals of the 20th Century is a 16-episode documentary series shown on the Discovery Channel in the 1990s. It features animals that have become extinct throughout the 20th century. Animals are adjudged as such when the last specimen of the species dies sometime from 1901 to 2000. However, since the show was produced in the 1990s (still part of the 20th century), most of the animals covered became extinct in the early part of the century. Greta Scacchi introduces each episode during the title sequence and narrates episodes 1 through 8. Lin Sagovsky", "title": "Lost Animals of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "20567843", "text": "his group achieved the first total synthesis of Taxol. In 1995, Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman produced the first Bose–Einstein condensate, a substance that displays quantum mechanical properties on the macroscopic scale. One of the prominent traits of the 20th century was the dramatic growth of technology. Organized research and practice of science led to advancement in the fields of communication, engineering, travel, medicine, and war. 20th century in science Science advanced dramatically during the 20th century. There were new and radical developments in the physical, life and human sciences, building on the progress made in the 19th century. In", "title": "20th century in science" }, { "docid": "8477601", "text": "Galicia in the 20th century The period of Solidaridad Gallega (\"Galician Solidarity\"), the beginning of the modern Galician nationalist movement, began in 1907 and ended around the First World War. Its unsuccessful aim was to create a unified electoral coalition to eliminate caciquism and obtain Galician representation in the Cortes Generales, the parliament of Spain. The first stage of 20th-century Galician history lasted until the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera. In this stage the Galician nationalist Irmandades da Fala (\"Brothehoods of the Language\") began to appear to promote the Galician language. When they began to expand, the political idea of", "title": "Galicia in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "12363888", "text": "became famous. In previous centuries people could only become famous by doing something that was remembered ages later. Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte conquered countries, Jesus Christ developed a religion, ... In the 20th century people could become world-famous in less than no time and without doing anything, thanks to the arrival of mass media. Movie stars like Charlie Chaplin, for instance, became global stars due to the nearly universal reach of film. James cites Chaplin as the first truly world-famous 20th century celebrity. The invention of the film close-up made people on film screens appear larger than life and", "title": "Fame in the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "18778280", "text": "excavation of fossil footprints in history. In the Lee Stokes reported unusual footprints he interpreted as the first known pterosaur tracks. This attribution would be controversial much of the rest of the century but has since been vindicated. The dinosaur footprints of Dinosaur Ridge in Colorado were also discovered and studied in the 20th century. The advent of the dinosaur renaissance and the publication by R. McNeil Alexander of a formula which could reconstruct their running speed based on data from fossil trackways brought renewed interest and prestige to ichnology during the late 20th century. This led to several symposia", "title": "20th century in ichnology" }, { "docid": "20371717", "text": "Handsome Boys of the 20th Century Handsome Boys of the 20th Century () is a South Korean variety-reality show which aired on the cable channel QTV (). It began airing on April 16, 2013 and ran for two seasons with a total of 29 episodes. The show features five members from four disbanded or inactive \"\" K-pop idol groups, which debuted during the 1990s: H.O.T. (1996–2001), Sechs Kies (1997–2000; 2016–Present), NRG (1997–2006; 2017–Present) and g.o.d (1999–Present). H.O.T. is acknowledged to be the first ever highly successful K-pop idol group and was largely rivaled by Sechs Kies. NRG was a pioneer", "title": "Handsome Boys of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "2903157", "text": "The 20th Century The Twentieth Century was a documentary television program sponsored by the Prudential Insurance Company that ran on the CBS network from 20 October 1957 until 4 January 1970. It was hosted by Walter Cronkite. The opening and closing theme music was written by composer George Antheil. The program presented filmed reports on news and cultural events that were important for the development of the 20th century. The show did not just present the events, but also interpreted them. Such subjects as World War I and major assassinations were presented in context. On 20 January 1967, the show,", "title": "The 20th Century" }, { "docid": "1458519", "text": "searchlights featured in the logo. —Includes theatrical reissue(s). The Academy Film Archive houses the 20th Century Fox Features Collection which contains features, trailers, and production elements mostly from the Fox, Twentieth Century, and Twentieth Century-Fox studios, from the late 1920s–1950s. 20th Century Fox Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (colloquial: Twentieth Century Fox; Fox; 20th Century Fox) is an American film studio currently owned by Fox Entertainment Group, itself owned by 21st Century Fox. One of the \"Big Six\" major American film studios, it was formed from the merger of the Fox Film Corporation and Twentieth Century Pictures in 1935, and", "title": "20th Century Fox" }, { "docid": "17087998", "text": "Allmusic review by Heather Phares notes that \"a Chicago-style brassiness dominates \"The 20th Century Fox Mambo\" and \"Let's Be Bad,\" both of which sound the most like genuine show tunes\". The 20th Century Fox Mambo \"The 20th Century Fox Mambo\" is an original song introduced in the second episode of the first season of the musical TV series \"Smash\", entitled \"The Callback\". It was written by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman, but in the show's universe, it was written by songwriting team Tom Levitt (Christian Borle) and Julia Houston (Debra Messing) for their Marilyn Monroe musical \"Bombshell\". In \"The Callback\"", "title": "The 20th Century Fox Mambo" }, { "docid": "8193991", "text": "Television Group, which will be overseen by Walden and Newman. 20th Century Fox Television Twentieth Century Fox Television (or 'TCF TV or TCFTV, stylized as 20th Century Fox Television) is the television production division of 20th Century Fox, and a production arm of the Fox Television Group (both are owned by Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox). 20th Television is the syndication and distribution arm of 20th Century Fox Television. On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced plans to purchase assets of 21st Century Fox, including 20th Century Fox Television, for $52.4 billion. 20th Century Fox Television was formed", "title": "20th Century Fox Television" }, { "docid": "13833077", "text": "has not been considered. Clubs' performance on the first edition of the FIFA Club World Cup, held in Brazil in January 2000, has been included in the ranking. CAF's classification of African clubs is made on the following basis: Top Ten Africa's clubs of the 20th Century: Based on this statistical study, Egypt's Al-Ahly was named as \"African club of the century\" by the continental governing body on 31 December 2000. CAF Clubs of the 20th Century On 31 December 2000 the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has published a ranking with the most successful clubs of the 20th century", "title": "CAF Clubs of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "9963470", "text": "Leaving the 20th Century Leaving the 20th Century is a recording of the Manic Millennium concert by the Welsh rock band Manic Street Preachers, released in 2000. The concert was announced on October 5th 1998 and which also celebrated the 10th anniversary of the band, was performed on the New Year's Eve night 1999-2000 at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff, in front of more than 57,000 fans. The event became international as the final song of the event was broadcast live all over the world through satellites, the entire concert was broadcast Live on London's 104.9 XFM, support came from", "title": "Leaving the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "12174248", "text": "Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century is a 1999 documentary film about Florida businessman James D. Newton and the relationships he enjoyed with five key historic figures: Thomas A. Edison, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone and Alexis Carrel. The film, which was directed by first-time filmmaker John Biffar and narrated by Walter Cronkite, included interviews with Newton (who was 94 years old at the time of production), archival footage and dramatic re-enactments. The film had a brief theatrical release, and reviews were mostly negative. Lawrence Van Gelder, writing in \"The New York Times\",", "title": "Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "9498558", "text": "World Team of the 20th Century The World Team of the 20th Century was chosen in 1998 to comprise the best association football players of the 20th century CE. The team comprises an eleven-member side, with one goalkeeper, four defenders, three midfielders, and three forwards. The team was announced on 10 June 1998, in conjunction with the opening ceremonies of the 1998 FIFA World Cup in France. The team was selected in plurality voting undertaken by a panel of 250 international football journalists from amongst the members of eleven-member sides styled as the \"South American\" and \"European Teams of the", "title": "World Team of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "13948274", "text": "Billy Bingham (footballer, born 1990) Billy Christopher Bingham (born 15 July 1990) is an English professional football midfielder, born in Welling, Kent. He made his first senior appearance playing for Dagenham & Redbridge. He currently plays for Gillingham in League One. Bingham started his career as a youth player at Crystal Palace: starting a two-year scholarship in the summer of 2006. Upon its completion in April 2009, he signed a six-month deal on a non-contractual basis. In January 2009 when his contract expired, Bingham joined Football League Two side Dagenham & Redbridge on trial. He was immediately loaned out to", "title": "Billy Bingham (footballer, born 1990)" }, { "docid": "12174250", "text": "film can be purchased from the Uncommon Friends Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by James D. Newton that provides educational scholarships to business students. Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century is a 1999 documentary film about Florida businessman James D. Newton and the relationships he enjoyed with five key historic figures: Thomas A. Edison, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone and Alexis Carrel. The film, which was directed by first-time filmmaker John Biffar and narrated by Walter Cronkite, included interviews with Newton (who was 94 years old at the time of production), archival footage", "title": "Uncommon Friends of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "7973683", "text": "such is unavailable, the live materials feature existing species that share the closest characteristics with the extinct animal. Although the show specifically deals with animals that have become extinct, there was one episode that featured the theme of animals which were thought to be extinct, but have been rediscovered. Such has also been the case of some previously featured animals in the show, as scientists have eventually rediscovered extant populations or are attempting to revive species through selective breeding/cloning. Among the animals featured are: Lost Animals of the 20th Century Lost Animals of the 20th Century is a 16-episode documentary", "title": "Lost Animals of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "10823602", "text": "Great Pianists of the 20th Century Great Pianists of the 20th Century was a 200-CD box set released by Philips Records in 1999 and sponsored by Steinway & Sons. The box set comprises 100 volumes featuring 72 pianists of the 20th century, each volume with two CDs and a booklet about the life and work of the featured pianist. The set contains a variety of composers from different eras, from Baroque to Contemporary classical. The material was the result of a collaborative association between Philips (who had access to the Polygram Records back catalogue) and a number of other labels,", "title": "Great Pianists of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "10027256", "text": "Pirates of the 20th Century Pirates of the 20th Century (, translit. \"Piraty XX veka\") is a 1980 Soviet action/adventure film about modern piracy. The film was directed by Boris Durov, the story was written by Boris Durov and Stanislav Govorukhin. The film was the leader of Soviet distribution in 1980 and had 87.6 million viewers. The film begins with a convoy of military vehicles rolling into a seaport located somewhere in Middle East in the bank of Indian or Pacific Ocean and stopping near the pier where the Soviet cargo ship \"Nezhin\" () is anchored. An agent of a", "title": "Pirates of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "10027261", "text": "ship, manage to escape and must fight the pirates for survival. Pirates of the 20th Century Pirates of the 20th Century (, translit. \"Piraty XX veka\") is a 1980 Soviet action/adventure film about modern piracy. The film was directed by Boris Durov, the story was written by Boris Durov and Stanislav Govorukhin. The film was the leader of Soviet distribution in 1980 and had 87.6 million viewers. The film begins with a convoy of military vehicles rolling into a seaport located somewhere in Middle East in the bank of Indian or Pacific Ocean and stopping near the pier where the", "title": "Pirates of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "18778277", "text": "20th century in ichnology The 20th century in ichnology refers to advances made between the years 1900 and 1999 in the scientific study of trace fossils, the preserved record of the behavior and physiological processes of ancient life forms, especially fossil footprints. Significant fossil trackway discoveries began almost immediately after the start of the 20th century with the 1900 discovery at Ipolytarnoc, Hungary of a wide variety of bird and mammal footprints left behind during the early Miocene. Not long after, fossil \"Iguanodon\" footprints were discovered in Sussex, England, a discovery that probably served as the inspiration for Sir Arthur", "title": "20th century in ichnology" }, { "docid": "9884803", "text": "20th century in literature Literature of the 20th century refers to world literature produced during the 20th century (1901 to 2000). In terms of the Euro-American tradition, the main periods are captured in the bipartite division, Modernist literature and Postmodern literature, flowering from roughly 1900 to 1940 and 1960 to 1990 respectively, divided, as a rule of thumb, by World War II. The somewhat malleable term of contemporary literature is usually applied with a post-1960 cutoff point. Although these terms (modern, contemporary and postmodern) are most applicable to Western literary history, the rise of the globalization has allowed European literary", "title": "20th century in literature" }, { "docid": "9884812", "text": "1982 \"Genre fiction 1983 \"Genre fiction 1984 \"Non-fiction 1985 \"Genre fiction 1986 \"Non-fiction 1987 \"Genre fiction 1988 \"Genre fiction 1989 1990 \"Genre fiction 1991 1996 1997 \"Genre fiction 20th century in literature Literature of the 20th century refers to world literature produced during the 20th century (1901 to 2000). In terms of the Euro-American tradition, the main periods are captured in the bipartite division, Modernist literature and Postmodern literature, flowering from roughly 1900 to 1940 and 1960 to 1990 respectively, divided, as a rule of thumb, by World War II. The somewhat malleable term of contemporary literature is usually applied", "title": "20th century in literature" }, { "docid": "469571", "text": "were developed in the 20th century. In the first part of the 20th century, measure theory, functional analysis, and topology were established, and significant developments were made in fields such as abstract algebra and probability. The development of set theory and formal logic led to Gödel's incompleteness theorems. Later in the 20th century, the development of computers led to the establishment of a theory of computation. Other computationally-intense results include the study of fractals and a proof of the four color theorem in 1976. One of the prominent traits of the 20th century was the dramatic growth of technology. Organized", "title": "20th century" }, { "docid": "13738911", "text": "20th-century events The 20th-century events include many notable events which occurred throughout the 20th century, which began on January 1, 1901, and ended on December 31, 2000, according to the Gregorian calendar. In Europe, the British Empire achieved the height of its power. Germany and Italy, which came into existence as unified nations in the second half of the 19th century, grew in power, challenging the traditional hegemony of Britain and France. With nationalism in full force at this time, the European powers competed with each other for land, military strength and economic power. On the very first day of", "title": "20th-century events" }, { "docid": "18379225", "text": "of the sources of inspiration for the show (\"To collect photography is to collect the world\"). The last works in the show are color portrait photos taken in Suriname by the youngest artist in the show, the Dutch photographer Viviane Sassen. The list of artists represented in the show is presented on the gallery wall as a timeline. In order of appearance (sorted by birth date), they are as follows: Modern Times: Photography in the 20th Century Modern Times: Photography in the 20th Century was the first exhibition focussed on artists of the 20th century to be held by the", "title": "Modern Times: Photography in the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "9884806", "text": "list has been published since 1942. The best-selling literary works of the 20th century are estimated to be \"The Lord of the Rings\" (1954/55, 150 million copies), \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\" (1997, 120 million copies) and \"And Then There Were None\" (1939, 115 million copies). \"The Lord of the Rings\" was also voted \"book of the century\" in various surveys. \"Perry Rhodan\" (1961 to present) proclaimed as the best-selling book series, with an estimated total of 1 billion copies sold. The \"Fin de siècle\" movement of the \"Belle Époque\" persisted into the 20th century, but was brutally cut", "title": "20th century in literature" }, { "docid": "567793", "text": "New materials in 20th-century art New materials in 20th-century art were introduced to art making from the very beginning of the century. The introduction of new materials (and techniques) and heretofore non-art materials helped drive change in art during the 20th century. Traditional materials and techniques were not necessarily displaced in the 20th century. Rather, they functioned alongside innovations that came with the 20th century. Such mainstays as oil-on-canvas painting, and sculpting in traditional materials continued right through the 20th century into the 21st century. Furthermore, even \"traditional\" materials were greatly expanded in the course of the 20th century. The", "title": "New materials in 20th-century art" }, { "docid": "1458479", "text": "was not much else to Fox, which had been reeling since the founder William Fox lost control of the company in 1930. The studio's biggest star, Will Rogers, died in a plane crash weeks after the merger. Its leading female star, Janet Gaynor, was fading in popularity and promising leading men James Dunn and Spencer Tracy had been dropped because of heavy drinking. At first, it was expected that the new company was originally to be called \"Fox-20th Century\", even though 20th Century was the senior partner in the merger. However, 20th Century brought more to the bargaining table besides", "title": "20th Century Fox" }, { "docid": "13887774", "text": "20th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States The 20th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States was characterized by a period of continuous growth for the Church in the United States, with Catholics progressively evolving from a small minority to a large minority. In 1900 the Catholic population was 10 million, under the control of 14 Archbishops, 77 bishops, and 12,000 priests . The community had built 10,000 churches, of which two-thirds had resident pastors. Catholic schools educated nearly 1,000,000 children and youth. Catholics were heavily concentrated in the industrial and mining centers of the", "title": "20th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States" }, { "docid": "13887801", "text": "greater frequency. 20th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States The 20th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States was characterized by a period of continuous growth for the Church in the United States, with Catholics progressively evolving from a small minority to a large minority. In 1900 the Catholic population was 10 million, under the control of 14 Archbishops, 77 bishops, and 12,000 priests . The community had built 10,000 churches, of which two-thirds had resident pastors. Catholic schools educated nearly 1,000,000 children and youth. Catholics were heavily concentrated in the industrial and mining centers", "title": "20th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States" }, { "docid": "9710244", "text": "to disguise themselves from the playing card people. Jack grows weary of the game, but soon he finds that it may not be a game at all. 20th Century Ghosts 20th Century Ghosts is American author Joe Hill's first published book-length work. A collection of short stories, it was first published in October 2005 in the United Kingdom and released in October 2007 in the United States. \"20th Century\" Ghosts is the first publication made by American author Joe Hill in October 2005 by PS Publishing which is based in the United Kingdom. The original release was available for pre-sale", "title": "20th Century Ghosts" }, { "docid": "469580", "text": "1 year old. In 1999, at the end of the century, the infant mortality rate in the United States declined more than 90% to 7.2 deaths per 1,000 live births. Similarly, maternal mortality rates declined almost 99% to less than 0.1 reported deaths per 1,000 live births. There are a variety of causes for this steep decline in death rates in the 20th century: Despite these tremendous decreases in infant mortality and maternal mortality, the 20th century experienced significant disparities between minority death rates compared to death rates for white mothers. In the 1900s, black women were twice as likely", "title": "Death rates in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "3733963", "text": "Century Fox no longer operates a record company, its music publishing unit Fox Music licenses music heard on Fox feature films or TV shows to other record companies. For example, the rights to the soundtrack of the film \"Titanic\" are licensed to Sony Music. Also, \"Glee\" cast albums are licensed to Sony Music's Columbia Records in a 50/50 venture with 20th Century Fox. These albums were issued using the 20th Century Fox TV Records imprint, which was launched in 2009 and distributed by Columbia Records. 20th Century Fox Records 20th Century Fox Records, also known as 20th Fox Records and", "title": "20th Century Fox Records" }, { "docid": "20371723", "text": "\"DSP Festival\" concert in December would also feature disbanded first-generation groups Sechs Kies and Click-B alongside current artists. Rumors also began circulating that HOTSechgodRG's respective idol groups would be reuniting; g.o.d came out of hiatus in May 2014 while Sechs Kies, pioneering girl group S.E.S. and NRG all reunited between 2016 and 2017. Handsome Boys of the 20th Century Handsome Boys of the 20th Century () is a South Korean variety-reality show which aired on the cable channel QTV (). It began airing on April 16, 2013 and ran for two seasons with a total of 29 episodes. The show", "title": "Handsome Boys of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "9710237", "text": "20th Century Ghosts 20th Century Ghosts is American author Joe Hill's first published book-length work. A collection of short stories, it was first published in October 2005 in the United Kingdom and released in October 2007 in the United States. \"20th Century\" Ghosts is the first publication made by American author Joe Hill in October 2005 by PS Publishing which is based in the United Kingdom. The original release was available for pre-sale only through the publishers website. The collection has won several awards including the Bram Stoker Award for Best Fiction Collection, as well as the British Fantasy Award", "title": "20th Century Ghosts" }, { "docid": "13868869", "text": "stated: \"The second millennium of Christian history began with a painful wounding of the unity of the Church; the end of this millennium has seen a real commitment to restoring Christian unity.\" Pope John Paul II visited other strongly Orthodox areas such as Ukraine, despite lack of welcome at times. He said that healing the divisions between Western and Eastern Christianity was one of his fondest wishes. Catholic Church in the 20th century The Roman Catholic Church in the 20th century had to respond to the challenge of increasing secularization of Western society and persecution resulting from great social unrest", "title": "Catholic Church in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "20567811", "text": "as polio. A massive amount of new technologies were developed in the 20th century. Technologies such as electricity, the incandescent light bulb, the automobile and the phonograph, first developed at the end of the 19th century, were perfected and universally deployed. The first airplane flight occurred in 1903, and by the end of the century large airplanes such as the Boeing 777 and Airbus A330 flew thousands of miles in a matter of hours. The development of the television and computers caused massive changes in the dissemination of information. The 20th century saw mathematics become a major profession. As in", "title": "20th century in science" }, { "docid": "9860521", "text": "My 20th Century My 20th Century () is a 1989 Hungarian comedy-drama film written and directed by Ildikó Enyedi. It premiered at the Toronto Festival of Festivals. Enyedi won the Golden Camera award at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival. The film was selected as the Hungarian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 62nd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. In Budapest in 1880, two twin daughters, Dóra and Lili, are born. After their mother dies, the twins support themselves by selling matches in the street. When they fall asleep one night, two men take", "title": "My 20th Century" }, { "docid": "18778282", "text": "1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1957 1958 1959 1960 1962 1963 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 20th century in ichnology The 20th century in ichnology refers to advances made between the years 1900 and 1999 in the scientific study of trace fossils, the preserved record of the behavior and physiological processes of ancient life forms, especially fossil footprints. Significant fossil trackway discoveries began almost immediately after the start of the 20th", "title": "20th century in ichnology" }, { "docid": "14677502", "text": "Destruction of country houses in 20th-century Britain The destruction of country houses in 20th-century Britain was a phenomenon brought about by a change in social conditions during which a large number of country houses of varying architectural merit were demolished by their owners. Collectively termed by several authors \"the lost houses\", the final chapter in the history of these often now-forgotten houses has been described as a cultural tragedy. The British nobility had been demolishing their country houses since the 15th century, when comfort replaced fortification as an essential need. For many, demolishing and rebuilding their country homes became a", "title": "Destruction of country houses in 20th-century Britain" }, { "docid": "11563908", "text": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Maureen McGovern 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Maureen McGovern is a 12-track collection of songs that Maureen McGovern recorded for 20th Century Records, which was the first label that she signed with. All seven of her singles for the label are featured on this CD, two of which make their first appearance on an album (\"Even Better Than I Know Myself\" and \"Love Songs Are Getting Harder to Sing\"). Inside the album cover are McGovern's discography for 20th Century and a biographical essay written by", "title": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Maureen McGovern" }, { "docid": "3806893", "text": "Union Station in Chicago. Otherwise it follows a route similar to the \"20th Century's\", except west of Whiting, Indiana (near Chicago), where it switches to the former Pennsylvania Railroad's Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway. Eastbound train #38—\"Advance 20th Century Limited\", on February 7, 1930; Sampled at Chicago, Illinois. Westbound train #25—\"20th Century Limited\", on March 17, 1938; Sampled at New York, New York Eastbound train #26—\"20th Century Limited\", on September 6, 1943; departing Chicago, Illinois. Westbound train #25—\"20th Century Limited\", on March 30, 1965, sampled at Cleveland, Ohio The \"20th Century Limited\" was the setting for a Broadway musical", "title": "20th Century Limited" }, { "docid": "17330478", "text": "1 times Team of Europe Best Czech Player of the 20th Century Czech Basketball Federation and Association of League Clubs pronounced the public inquiry about best Czech basketball men's players of the last century. Voting of fans, journalists and experts decided about winners of the public inquiry. Results of the men's public inquiry was announced by the festive occasion in Karlovy Vary on Saturday June 16th 2001. Best Czech Player of The Last Century: Jiří Zídek Sr. (1944) Results: Player (born) participation Olympic Games (OG), World Championship (WC), European Championship (EC) - medals, others 1 Jiří Zídek (1944) 2 WC,", "title": "Best Czech Player of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "17330473", "text": "Best Czech Player of the 20th Century Czech Basketball Federation and Association of League Clubs pronounced the public inquiry about best Czech basketball men's players of the last century. Voting of fans, journalists and experts decided about winners of the public inquiry. Results of the men's public inquiry was announced by the festive occasion in Karlovy Vary on Saturday June 16th 2001. Best Czech Player of The Last Century: Jiří Zídek Sr. (1944) Results: Player (born) participation Olympic Games (OG), World Championship (WC), European Championship (EC) - medals, others 1 Jiří Zídek (1944) 2 WC, 6 EC - 1 silver", "title": "Best Czech Player of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "20567810", "text": "20th century in science Science advanced dramatically during the 20th century. There were new and radical developments in the physical, life and human sciences, building on the progress made in the 19th century. In physics, the development of post-Newtonian theories such as special relativity, general relativity, and quantum mechanics led to the development of nuclear weapons. New models of the structure of the atom led to developments in theories of chemistry and the development of new materials such as nylon and plastics. Advances in biology led to large increases in food production, as well as the elimination of diseases such", "title": "20th century in science" }, { "docid": "14677574", "text": "is still subject to debate and re-evaluation. The English country house contents auctions still happen. Destruction of country houses in 20th-century Britain The destruction of country houses in 20th-century Britain was a phenomenon brought about by a change in social conditions during which a large number of country houses of varying architectural merit were demolished by their owners. Collectively termed by several authors \"the lost houses\", the final chapter in the history of these often now-forgotten houses has been described as a cultural tragedy. The British nobility had been demolishing their country houses since the 15th century, when comfort replaced", "title": "Destruction of country houses in 20th-century Britain" }, { "docid": "13833076", "text": "CAF Clubs of the 20th Century On 31 December 2000 the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has published a ranking with the most successful clubs of the 20th century in the African continent (CAF African Club of the Century). The ranking was calculated by the exclusively on the basis of performance by African teams throughout their participation in CAF club competitions (from the quarter-finals to final) from 1964 to 2000. Clubs' performance from the Group Stage of the Champions League, international competition run by CAF since 1997, have been included. Regional competitions organized by football associations members to the organization", "title": "CAF Clubs of the 20th Century" }, { "docid": "2903158", "text": "sponsored by Union Carbide (\"The Discovery Company\"), was renamed \"The 21st Century\". The show's focus changed to the future and to what humankind could look forward to. \"The 21st Century\" was cancelled after three seasons (its final broadcast was on 4 January 1970). The reason given was that the writers had run out of things to talk about. However, CBS may have wished to replace it with a more commercially successful program. The 20th Century The Twentieth Century was a documentary television program sponsored by the Prudential Insurance Company that ran on the CBS network from 20 October 1957 until", "title": "The 20th Century" }, { "docid": "1458509", "text": "what was then 20th Century Fox and remained as president into the 1960s. Under Freedman's leadership, DeLuxe added two more labs in Chicago and Toronto and processed film from studios other than Fox. 20th Century Fox is known for its searchlight structure logo. Its fanfare was originally composed in 1933 by Alfred Newman, who became the head of Twentieth Century-Fox's music department from 1940 until the 1960s. It was re-recorded in 1935 when 20th Century-Fox was officially established. The original Art Deco iteration of the 20th Century-Fox logo, designed by special effects animator and matte painting artist Emil Kosa Jr.,", "title": "20th Century Fox" }, { "docid": "13868820", "text": "Catholic Church in the 20th century The Roman Catholic Church in the 20th century had to respond to the challenge of increasing secularization of Western society and persecution resulting from great social unrest and revolutions in several countries. It instituted many reforms, particularly in the 1970s under the Vatican II Council, in order to modernize practices and positions. In this period, Catholic missionaries in the Far East worked to improve education and health care, while evangelizing peoples and attracting numerous followers in China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. The Industrial Revolution brought many concerns about the deteriorating working and living conditions", "title": "Catholic Church in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "17112983", "text": "Billy ThunderKloud & the Chieftones Billy ThunderKloud & the Chieftones was a Canadian country music band formed in Edmonton, Alberta. It was composed of First Nations musicians Billy ThunderKloud (born Vincent Clifford; May 7, 1948 - June 5, 2018), Hereditary Frog Clan Chief belonging to the Gitksan tribe in northern British Columbia, Jack Wolf, Barry Littlestar, and Richard Grayowl, from Edmonton. Formed in 1964, and originally billed as \"Canada's All-Indian Band\", the group released two singles on 20th Century Fox Records in 1975, reaching number 16 on Billboard Hot Country Songs, Number 32 on Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks and Number", "title": "Billy ThunderKloud & the Chieftones" }, { "docid": "19635678", "text": "and the curatorial idea for \"The Imaginary 20th Century\", evolved out of Bistis’ research for “Comic Art: The Paris Salon in Caricature,” a 2003 exhibition organized by the Getty Research Institute. Klein and Bistis started work on the project with support from California Institute of the Arts, though principal support came from ZKM/Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. The first iteration of \"The Imaginary 20th Century\" interface was built by Andreas Kratky, Klein’s collaborator on \"Bleeding Through\". It premiered in 2007, in \"YOU-ser: The Century of the Consumer,\" an", "title": "The Imaginary 20th Century" }, { "docid": "3218264", "text": "1960 to 1969, \"the 197th decade\" spans 1961 through 1970. A decade may also refer to an arbitrary span of ten years. For example, the statement \"during his last decade, Mozart explored chromatic harmony to a degree rare at the time\", merely refers to the last ten years of Mozart's life without regard to which calendar years are encompassed. Particularly for the 20th century, a nominal decade is often used to refer not just to a set of ten years but rather to a period roughly approximating those ten years - for example, the phrase \"the sixties\" often refers to", "title": "Decade" }, { "docid": "3733962", "text": "and contracts for then-current artists including Stephanie Mills, Dusty Springfield and Carl Carlton had folded into and became part of the Casablanca label, which PolyGram had purchased in 1977. Universal Music Group now owns the old 20th Century-Fox Records catalog with reissues handled by UMG sub-label Mercury Records. Soundtracks which 20th Century Fox owns are controlled by Fox Music. It was relaunched in 1992 as Fox Records in a joint venture with BMG Music. One of the artists of the label was Jamie Foxx. It folded again in 1995. Even though 20th Century Fox or its current parent company 21st", "title": "20th Century Fox Records" }, { "docid": "20308361", "text": "6 on three exhibitions on Italian artists born in the twenties (1981), ten years (1982) and First decade (1985) of the twentieth century. Since 1993, publisher Bora of Bologna has started publishing encyclopedia volumes. In 1999 Di Genova was among the founders of MAGI '900, the museum in Pieve di Cento, which aims to set up an anthological collection of 20th century Italian art, becoming the museum's equivalent to the encyclopedic contents of the \"History of Art.\" The work is divided into seven volumes. It features fivethousand artists, with over thirty-five thousand names listed in the analytical index. There are", "title": "History of Italian Art of the Twentieth Century" }, { "docid": "4049828", "text": "History of Jewish education in the United States before the 20th century The history of Jewish education in the United States before the 20th century is as old as the United States itself; it is a part of overall U.S. Jewish history. That history begins early in the history of the first Jewish congregation in New York. Attached to that congregation was a school in which secular as well as Hebrew branches were taught. It was one of the earliest general schools in America; poor children received tuition-free instruction. Religious instruction was established in connection with most of the early", "title": "History of Jewish education in the United States before the 20th century" }, { "docid": "3733946", "text": "20th Century Fox Records 20th Century Fox Records, also known as 20th Fox Records and 20th Century Records, was a wholly owned subsidiary of film studio 20th Century Fox. The history of the label actually covers three distinct 20th Century Fox-related operations in the analog era, ranging chronologically from about 1938 to 1981. 20th Century Fox Film Corporation was formed through the merger of Darryl F. Zanuck's Twentieth Century Pictures with the Fox Film Corporation on May 31, 1935. Before the merger, Fox Film Corporation tried out a couple of short-lived record labels in conjunction with its Movietone sound system.", "title": "20th Century Fox Records" }, { "docid": "469578", "text": "so. Fertility rates and consequently live birth rates declined over the century, while age-adjusted death rates fell more dramatically. Children in 1999 were 10 times less likely to die than children in 1900. For adults 24–65, death rates have been halved. The death rate for Americans aged 65 to 74 fell from nearly 7% per year to fewer than 2% per year. The introduction of vaccines for several diseases led to reduced mortality from them. Again developed countries felt the greatest benefit. In the 20th century, vaccines became available for many diseases which caused deaths: diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis, tetanus, yellow", "title": "Death rates in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "3419035", "text": "20th-century philosophy 20th-century philosophy saw the development of a number of new philosophical schools—including logical positivism, analytic philosophy, phenomenology, existentialism, and poststructuralism. In terms of the eras of philosophy, it is usually labelled as \"contemporary philosophy\" (succeeding modern philosophy, which runs roughly from the time of René Descartes until the late 19th to early 20th centuries). As with other academic disciplines, philosophy increasingly became professionalized in the twentieth century, and a split emerged between philosophers who considered themselves part of either the \"analytic\" or \"Continental\" traditions. However, there have been disputes regarding both the terminology and the reasons behind the", "title": "20th-century philosophy" }, { "docid": "5078547", "text": "asked about it being due to his request in 2012, Urasawa was surprised saying that he did not know about that and simply suggested Viz did not know which order to publish the two series. In 2017 Viz licensed the \"kanzenban\" editions of both \"20th Century Boys\" and \"21st Century Boys\". The first volume of \"20th Century Boys: The Perfect Edition\" was published on September 18, 2018. Viz's initial release was distributed in Australasia by Madman Entertainment. The series has also been licensed in Germany by Planet Manga, France by Génération Comics, Hong Kong by Jade Dynasty, the Netherlands by", "title": "20th Century Boys" }, { "docid": "8193987", "text": "20th Century Fox Television Twentieth Century Fox Television (or 'TCF TV or TCFTV, stylized as 20th Century Fox Television) is the television production division of 20th Century Fox, and a production arm of the Fox Television Group (both are owned by Rupert Murdoch's 21st Century Fox). 20th Television is the syndication and distribution arm of 20th Century Fox Television. On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced plans to purchase assets of 21st Century Fox, including 20th Century Fox Television, for $52.4 billion. 20th Century Fox Television was formed in 1949 as other studios were branching out into television", "title": "20th Century Fox Television" }, { "docid": "9155766", "text": "The 20th Century Fox Hour The 20th Century Fox Hour is an American drama anthology series televised in the United States on CBS from 1955 to 1957. Some of the shows in this series were restored, remastered and shown on the Fox Movie Channel in 2002 under the title Hour of Stars (its title when the series was originally syndicated after 1957). The season one episode \"Overnight Haul\", starring Richard Conte and Lizabeth Scott, was released in Australia as a feature film. Presenting both originals and remakes, \"The 20th Century Fox Hour\" was telecast on Wednesday nights at 10pm, alternating", "title": "The 20th Century Fox Hour" }, { "docid": "18033301", "text": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Sublime 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Sublime is a compilation album by the band Sublime. The album was released by MCA/Gasoline Alley in 2002. The compilation contains ten songs, most of which also appear on Sublime's 1999 \"Greatest Hits\" set. The latter's \"Pool Shark\" and \"40 Oz. to Freedom\" are replaced on this release with \"April 29, 1992 (Miami)\" and \"Greatest Hits\", a track from the band's 1998 live album \"Stand by Your Van\". \"20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Sublime\"", "title": "20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection: The Best of Sublime" }, { "docid": "5991990", "text": "20th Century Technology Museum The 20th Century Technology Museum is located in Wharton, Texas, United States, and displays examples of technology from the 20th century. The museum is a non-profit organization and opened its gallery in July 2005 on the first floor of the former Wharton County Jail, which was constructed in 1888. The museum's collection consists mostly of smaller items, such as radios, but also has a few experimental aircraft, including an ornithopter and a Rutan VariEze, which is displayed in front of the museum. Many items on display in the museum are in working condition and may either", "title": "20th Century Technology Museum" }, { "docid": "3818854", "text": "20th-century music During the 20th century there was a huge increase in the variety of music that people had access to. Prior to the invention of mass market gramophone records (developed in 1892) and radio broadcasting (first commercially done ca. 1919–20), people mainly listened to music at live Classical music concerts or musical theatre shows, which were too expensive for many lower-income people; on early phonograph players (a technology invented in 1877 which was not mass-marketed until the mid-1890s); or by individuals performing music or singing songs on an amateur basis at home, using sheet music, which required the ability", "title": "20th-century music" }, { "docid": "5078546", "text": "of the fictional manga creator duo Kaneko and Ujiki in \"20th Century Boys\". Both \"20th Century Boys\" and \"21st Century Boys\" were licensed for English-language release in North America by Viz Media in 2005, however it was delayed until after their translation of \"Monster\" had finished. The first volume of \"20th Century Boys\" was released on February 17, 2009, and the last of \"21st Century Boys\" on March 19, 2013. It had been reported that the reason for the delay was at the request of Urasawa, who felt there was a change in his art style over time. However, when", "title": "20th Century Boys" }, { "docid": "18417270", "text": "to big band music, while jazz dance was done to jazz music. The 20th century brought about a change in social dances. The \"old fashioned and out of step\" dances such as \"the waltz and polka\" needed to make way \"for something different and new\". In the past, only upper class dances had been recorded because lower class dances were \"not deemed worthy of record\". However, now in the 20th century, \"the Industrial Age was upon us, a new middle class was emerging and great social ... innovations were on the horizon\". The upper class even became more accepting of", "title": "American social dancing in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "13691095", "text": "\"Got no privacy\", and \"got no liberty\". The song finishes with a resounding protest against these \"20th century men\". \"20th Century Man\" is a slight departure from the rest of the songs on \"Muswell Hillbillies\", with a heavier rock sound and beat. It begins with a gentle strum on the acoustic guitar, but slowly rises and changes into a powerful rock song (see \"synopsis\" section). Whilst the rest of \"Muswell Hillbillies\" featured purposely dated recording techniques, to give it an antiquated feel, \"20th Century Man\" was recorded separately with then modern recording equipment. \"20th Century Man\" was released as a", "title": "20th Century Man" }, { "docid": "12161070", "text": "a theater watching the final product.\" \"Goodbye 20th Century!\" was released in the U.S. on VHS video, but to date there has been no DVD release. Goodbye, 20th Century! Goodbye, 20th Century! () is a 1998 Macedonian film directed by Darko Mitrevski and Aleksandar Popovski. \"Goodbye, 20th Century!\" consists of three stories of extreme violence and emotional despair. The first takes place in the year 2019, where the world has become an environment of apocalyptic wreckage and ruin. A man named Kuzman is sentenced to death by a nomadic tribe, but their attempts to fatally shoot the condemned man are", "title": "Goodbye, 20th Century!" }, { "docid": "9884804", "text": "ideas to spread into non-Western cultures fairly rapidly, so that Asian and African literatures can be included into these divisions with only minor qualifications. And in some ways, such as in Postcolonial literature, writers from non-Western cultures were on the forefront of literary development. Technological advances during the 20th century allowed cheaper production of books, resulting in a significant rise in production of popular literature and trivial literature, comparable to the similar developments in music. The division of \"popular literature\" and \"high literature\" in the 20th century is by no means absolute, and various genres such as detectives or science", "title": "20th century in literature" }, { "docid": "15213221", "text": "of theory only, but also define a mode (praxis) of life. History of Eastern Orthodox theology in the 20th century 20th century Eastern Orthodox theology has been dominated by neo-Palamism, the revival of St. Palamas and hesychasm. John Behr characterizes Orthodox theology as having been \"reborn in the twentieth century.\" Norman Russell describes Orthodox theology as having been dominated by an \"arid scholasticism\" for several centuries after the fall of Constantinople. Russell describes the postwar re-engagement of modern Greek theologians with the Greek Fathers with the help of diaspora theologians and Western patristic scholars. A significant component of this re-engagement", "title": "History of Eastern Orthodox theology in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "15213204", "text": "History of Eastern Orthodox theology in the 20th century 20th century Eastern Orthodox theology has been dominated by neo-Palamism, the revival of St. Palamas and hesychasm. John Behr characterizes Orthodox theology as having been \"reborn in the twentieth century.\" Norman Russell describes Orthodox theology as having been dominated by an \"arid scholasticism\" for several centuries after the fall of Constantinople. Russell describes the postwar re-engagement of modern Greek theologians with the Greek Fathers with the help of diaspora theologians and Western patristic scholars. A significant component of this re-engagement with the Greek Fathers has been a rediscovery of Palamas by", "title": "History of Eastern Orthodox theology in the 20th century" }, { "docid": "8922037", "text": "while \"This Is My Prayer for You\" is the \"most memorable\" of the non-standards. \"20th Century Masters – The Christmas Collection: The Best of Reba McEntire\" peaked at number 67 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Top Country Albums chart. 20th Century Masters – The Christmas Collection: The Best of Reba 20th Century Masters – The Christmas Collection: The Best of Reba McEntire is a compilation of songs from Reba McEntire's two Christmas albums (\"Merry Christmas to You\" and \"\") for release in 2003 on a \"20th Century Masters\" Christmas collection. No new material was recorded for the compilation. \"20th Century Masters", "title": "20th Century Masters – The Christmas Collection: The Best of Reba" } ]
Which George invented the Kodak roll-film camera?
[ "Eastman", "Eastman (disambiguation)" ]
[ { "docid": "1500419", "text": "Brownie (camera) The Brownie was a long-running popular series of simple and inexpensive cameras made by Eastman Kodak. Introduced in 1900, it introduced the snapshot to the masses. It was a basic cardboard box camera with a simple meniscus lens that took 2 1/4-inch square pictures on 117 roll film. It was conceived and marketed for sales of Kodak roll films. Because of its simple controls and initial price of $1 () along with the low price of Kodak roll film and processing, The Brownie camera surpassed its marketing goal. It was invented by Frank A. Brownell. The name comes", "title": "Brownie (camera)" }, { "docid": "1500258", "text": "of Peter's camera. David Henderson Houston (born June 14, 1841; died May 6, 1906), originally from Cambria, Wisconsin, patented the first holders for flexible roll film. Houston moved to Hunter in Dakota Territory in 1880. He was issued an 1881 patent for a roll film holder which he licensed to George Eastman (it was used in Eastman's Kodak 1888 box camera). Houston sold the patent (and an 1886 revision) outright to Eastman for $5000 in 1889. Houston continued developing the camera, creating 21 patents for cameras or camera parts between 1881 and 1902. In 1912 his estate transferred the remainder", "title": "Roll film" }, { "docid": "18564385", "text": "Kodak 35 The Kodak 35 was introduced in 1938 as the first US manufactured 35mm camera from Eastman Kodak Company. It was developed in Rochester, New York when it became likely that imports from the Kodak AG factory in Germany could be disrupted by war. While Kodak had invented the \"Kodak 135 daylight-loading film cassette\" in 1934, prior to 1938 they only offered the German made \"Kodak Retina' to work with this cartridge. US built 35mm cameras used the 828 paper backed 35mm roll-film (Bantam Series). The first Kodak 35 has no rangefinder. It slightly resembles cameras like the German", "title": "Kodak 35" }, { "docid": "681783", "text": "Kodak The Eastman Kodak Company (referred to simply as Kodak ) is an American technology company that produces camera-related products with its historic basis on photography. The company is headquartered in Rochester, New York, and is incorporated in New Jersey. Kodak provides packaging, functional printing, graphic communications and professional services for businesses around the world. Its main business segments are Print Systems, Enterprise Inkjet Systems, Micro 3D Printing and Packaging, Software and Solutions, and Consumer and Film. It is best known for photographic film products. Kodak was founded by George Eastman and Henry A. Strong on September 4, 1888. During", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "704148", "text": "was 15 years old. The young George left school early and started working to help support the family. As Eastman began to have success with his photography business, he vowed to repay his mother for the hardships she had endured in raising him. In 1884, Eastman patented the first film in roll form to prove practicable; he had been tinkering at home to develop it. In 1888, he perfected the Kodak Black camera, which was the first camera designed to use roll film. In 1889 he first offered film stock, and by 1896 became the leading supplier of film stock", "title": "George Eastman" }, { "docid": "6350278", "text": "shutter. The very first shutters were separate accessories, though built-in shutters were common by the end of the 19th century. The use of photographic film was pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in 1888-1889. His first camera, which he called the \"Kodak,\" was first offered for sale in 1888. It was a very simple box camera with a fixed-focus lens and single shutter speed, which along with its relatively low price appealed to the average consumer. The Kodak came pre-loaded with enough film for 100 exposures and needed to be sent", "title": "History of the camera" }, { "docid": "631894", "text": "sensitive photographic materials became available, cameras began to incorporate mechanical shutter mechanisms that allowed very short and accurately timed exposures to be made. The use of photographic film was pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing paper film in 1885 before switching to celluloid in 1889. His first camera, which he called the \"Kodak,\" was first offered for sale in 1888. It was a very simple box camera with a fixed-focus lens and single shutter speed, which along with its relatively low price appealed to the average consumer. The Kodak came pre-loaded with enough film for 100 exposures and needed", "title": "Camera" }, { "docid": "12811196", "text": "a landmark in the Rochester Skyline, and an icon in the world of film photography. The building has also been called the \"nerve center of photography\". The skyscraper is owned by the Eastman Kodak Company, and remains the headquarters of the company. In 2008, Kodak undertook work to repair and restore the exterior of the building. The Kodak Tower was constructed on the site of a former factory next to several seven story Camera Works buildings that clustered around the site. Construction began in 1912 and was completed in 1914 with Kodak founder George Eastman presiding over the project. Upon", "title": "Kodak Tower" }, { "docid": "1500423", "text": "viewfinder and a handle. The Brownie Number 2 was made of a choice of three materials: cardboard, costing US$2.00, aluminum, costing US$2.75, and a color model which cost US$2.50. It was a very popular and affordable camera, and many are still in use by film photographers. Brownie (camera) The Brownie was a long-running popular series of simple and inexpensive cameras made by Eastman Kodak. Introduced in 1900, it introduced the snapshot to the masses. It was a basic cardboard box camera with a simple meniscus lens that took 2 1/4-inch square pictures on 117 roll film. It was conceived and", "title": "Brownie (camera)" }, { "docid": "19011250", "text": "product introduced by George Eastman in 1884: a flexible, gelatin-coated paper, followed closely by a holder for a 24-frame roll. Soon after this, Eastman introduced Eastman American film, which featured a thin gelatin layer that was removed from the paper backing after development for additional clarity in making prints. In 1888, Eastman's company issued the first easy-to-use, lightweight Kodak camera. It was priced at $25, loaded with a hundred frames, and was almost instantly popular. When the user had used up all 100 exposures, he or she would simply mail the camera back to Kodak, where the used film was", "title": "Photography in the United States" }, { "docid": "681820", "text": "Archives, begun in 1909, contain the company's Camera Collection, historic photos, files, trade circulars, Kodak magazines, price lists, daily record books, equipment, and other ephemera. It includes the contents of the Kodak Heritage Collection Museum, a museum established in 1999 for Kodak Canada's centennial that Kodak closed in 2005 along with the company's entire 'Kodak Heights' manufacturing campus in Mount Dennis, Toronto. See also: George Eastman House. On March 26, 2007, the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) announced that Eastman Kodak was resigning its national membership in the wake of expulsion proceedings initiated by the CBBB board of directors.", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "18564390", "text": "as long as the film passes the sprocket wheel drum. The wind gears, which is visible inside the machined steel film chamber. All internal metal parts are either plated steel or brass. The film pressure-plate is chrome-plated polished steel, while the other parts are nickel-plated. A variety of lens and shutter combinations appeared during the production period: Main article After some two years, the Eastman Kodak Company presented an improved Kodak 35 camera, known as the Kodak 35 Rangefinder, with a new superstructure housing a viewfinder and a separate rangefinder, but without any addition to the identifying inscription on the", "title": "Kodak 35" }, { "docid": "12264663", "text": "Kodak, Tennessee Kodak is an unincorporated community in Sevier County, Tennessee, United States. It is located along State Highway 139 and State Highway 66, and just south of Interstate Highway 40 and Knoxville, Tennessee. The elevation of Kodak is about 896 feet (273 meters) above sea level. Kodak was named in 1892 when the local postmaster, Harvey N. Underwood, learned of the new \"Kodak\" brand of camera. Underwood decided that this was a name that was easy to remember and spell, hence he sought permission from the founder of Eastman Kodak, George Eastman, to use this name for his village", "title": "Kodak, Tennessee" }, { "docid": "4709324", "text": "Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n The Kodak Professional DCS Pro SLR/n is a 13.5 megapixel (4500x3000 pixels) full-frame 35mm digital SLR produced as a collaboration between Nikon Corporation and Eastman Kodak. It was an improved version of the Kodak Professional DCS Pro 14n series, and was based on a modified Nikon N80 film SLR and thus compatible with almost all Nikon F mount lenses. The camera was announced in early 2004 and became available to purchase mid-year. A monochrome variant named Kodak Professional DCS Pro SLR/n m of the camera existed as well. The camera has no anti-aliasing filter in front", "title": "Kodak DCS Pro SLR/n" }, { "docid": "681823", "text": "Apple nor Research in Motion had infringed upon Kodak's patents. The ITC remanded the matter for further proceedings before the ALJ. Kodak The Eastman Kodak Company (referred to simply as Kodak ) is an American technology company that produces camera-related products with its historic basis on photography. The company is headquartered in Rochester, New York, and is incorporated in New Jersey. Kodak provides packaging, functional printing, graphic communications and professional services for businesses around the world. Its main business segments are Print Systems, Enterprise Inkjet Systems, Micro 3D Printing and Packaging, Software and Solutions, and Consumer and Film. It is", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "10999477", "text": "Kodak DC3200 The Kodak DC3200 is a model of digital camera produced by the Eastman Kodak Company in 2000-2002. The camera was connected via a serial cable in order to download pictures. Kodak ceased supporting the model a couple of years later. A PDF file of the manual is available on their site. Although Kodak no longer offer a free download of the necessary software, this might be available elsewhere on the Internet. However the software is not really necessary, if the optional compact flash storage is used, which can easily be read in an appropriate modern PC card reader.", "title": "Kodak DC3200" }, { "docid": "1500422", "text": "expensive camera was unnecessary for quality photography, Picture Post photographer Bert Hardy used a Brownie camera to stage a carefully posed snapshot of two young women sitting on railings above a breezy Blackpool promenade. The last official Brownie cameras made was the Brownie II Camera, a 110 cartridge film model produced in Brazil for one year, 1986. The Kodak Brownie Number 2 is a box camera that was manufactured by the Eastman Kodak Company from 1901 to 1935. There were five models, A through F, and it was the first camera to use 120 film. It also came with a", "title": "Brownie (camera)" }, { "docid": "10999478", "text": "The camera has 2 MB of internal memory. Memory capacity can be expanded with a CompactFlash card. A common problem with the DC3200 was that the auto flash was too powerful. Pictures that were taken indoors would often be overexposed. Kodak DC3200 The Kodak DC3200 is a model of digital camera produced by the Eastman Kodak Company in 2000-2002. The camera was connected via a serial cable in order to download pictures. Kodak ceased supporting the model a couple of years later. A PDF file of the manual is available on their site. Although Kodak no longer offer a free", "title": "Kodak DC3200" }, { "docid": "704162", "text": "\"George Eastman: Some Scenes Form His Life\". The film, aired on television for a time into the 1960s, ends with his development of all-color negative film. A 1981 short film about Eastman was made titled \"The Lengthened Shadow of a Man\". George Eastman George Eastman (July 12, 1854 – March 14, 1932) was an American entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company and popularized the use of roll film, helping to bring photography to the mainstream. Roll film was also the basis for the invention of motion picture film stock in 1888 by the world's first film-makers Eadweard Muybridge and", "title": "George Eastman" }, { "docid": "12189108", "text": "Kodak DC215 The Kodak DC215 is a discontinued model of digital camera produced in Japan by the Eastman Kodak Company. This model does not have internal memory (only CompactFlash I cards), but a 4MB card is supplied with the camera. The camera has a 1-megapixel sensor, a fixed focus lens with 2x optical zoom (F/4 wide, F/4.8 telephoto) and macro-setting and a built-in flash. The viewfinder is optical, but it is possible to use the 1.8\" rear LCD monitor as viewfinder (\"Preview mode\"), though Kodak did not recommend that due to high battery consumption. There was also a small LCD", "title": "Kodak DC215" }, { "docid": "8080463", "text": "with 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB up to a maximum of 1 GB SD or MMC cards. It includes an AV/USB port for viewing photos on a RCA television with the included adapter or transferring images to a computer via usb. The camera includes a LCD screen. The camera kit includes a USB cable for uploading images to a computer. It is compatible with the Kodak camera docks and PictBridge printer docks, and card readers. Kodak EasyShare C330 The Kodak C330 is a model of digital camera produced by the Eastman Kodak Company. It was announced on May 4,", "title": "Kodak EasyShare C330" }, { "docid": "5907210", "text": "Kodak EasyShare Kodak EasyShare is a sub brand of Eastman Kodak Company products identifying a consumer photography system of digital cameras, snapshot thermal printers, snapshot thermal printer docks, all-in-one inkjet printers, accessories, camera docks, software, and online print services. The brand was introduced in 2001. The brand is no longer applied to all-in-one inkjet printers (now branded \"ESP\") or online printing services (now simply \"Kodak Gallery\"). Thermal snapshot printers and printer docks product lines have been discontinued. In 2012, Kodak stopped manufacturing and selling all digital cameras and photo frames. There are presently three EasyShare camera lines, \"series\", that separate", "title": "Kodak EasyShare" }, { "docid": "8080462", "text": "Kodak EasyShare C330 The Kodak C330 is a model of digital camera produced by the Eastman Kodak Company. It was announced on May 4, 2005 and is part of the company's EasyShare consumer line of cameras. The camera has a 3x optical zoom, and a 5x digital zoom beyond the optical zoom. The camera is able to record QVGA videos in 24 frame/s. It has auto, scene, portrait, sport, landscape, close-up, and video modes. Videos may be played on-camera, but with sound only. It has a viewfinder. The camera has 16 MB of internal memory. Memory capacity can be expanded", "title": "Kodak EasyShare C330" }, { "docid": "14119409", "text": "by \"0\". \"\"ET\"\" thus gives the number \"49\" for the year 1949. The Kodak 35 serial number is engraved on the front ring on the lens. Kodak 35 Rangefinder The Kodak 35 Rangefinder is an improved version of the \"Kodak 35\" that was launched by the Eastman Kodak Company in 1938 as their first 35mm camera manufactured in the USA. After some two years, the Company presented this improved \"Kodak 35\" camera, with a new superstructure housing containing a viewfinder and a separate rangefinder, but without any addition to the identifying inscription on the body. It is generally referred to", "title": "Kodak 35 Rangefinder" }, { "docid": "14119403", "text": "Kodak 35 Rangefinder The Kodak 35 Rangefinder is an improved version of the \"Kodak 35\" that was launched by the Eastman Kodak Company in 1938 as their first 35mm camera manufactured in the USA. After some two years, the Company presented this improved \"Kodak 35\" camera, with a new superstructure housing containing a viewfinder and a separate rangefinder, but without any addition to the identifying inscription on the body. It is generally referred to as the Kodak 35 Rangefinder model. The centrally positioned eyepiece is for the viewfinder. An external mechanism, hidden inside the protrusion at the left-hand side of", "title": "Kodak 35 Rangefinder" }, { "docid": "632711", "text": "information about the astronauts' position. As with Texas Instruments employee Willis Adcock's filmless camera (US patent 4,057,830) in 1972, the technology had yet to catch up with the concept. The Cromemco Cyclops was an all-digital camera introduced as a commercial product in 1975. Its design was published as a hobbyist construction project in the February 1975 issue of \"Popular Electronics\" magazine, and it used a 32×32 Metal Oxide Semiconductor sensor. Steven Sasson, an engineer at Eastman Kodak, invented and built the first self-contained electronic camera that used a charge-coupled device image sensor in 1975. Early uses were mainly military and", "title": "Digital camera" }, { "docid": "681811", "text": "left the instant camera business on January 9, 1986. The Kodak instant camera included models known as the Kodamatic and the Colorburst. Polaroid was awarded damages in the patent trial in the amount of $909,457,567, a record at the time. (Polaroid Corp. v. Eastman Kodak Co., U.S. District Court District of Massachusetts, decided October 12, 1990, case no. 76-1634-MA. Published in the U.S. Patent Quarterly as 16 USPQ2d 1481). See also the following cases: Polaroid Corp. v. Eastman Kodak Co., 641 F.Supp. 828 [228 USPQ 305] (D. Mass. 1985), stay denied, 833 F.2d 930 [5 USPQ2d 1080] (Fed. Cir.), aff'd,", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "7866460", "text": "company, Eastman Kodak Company, lost any communication for financial information from Kodak AG in late 1939 (this information which can be found in the 1939 Eastman Kodak Company Annual Report to the EKC stockholders). In late 1941, all camera production stopped at Kodak A.G. At war's end, Stuttgart was in the American sector of West Germany and the US Military Government took control of the Kodak AG plant in Stuttgart at the end of the war. This US Military Government control continued until late 1947 and early 1948. During this time, the vast majority of Retina cameras (Type 010(early) Retina", "title": "Kodak Retina" }, { "docid": "704144", "text": "George Eastman George Eastman (July 12, 1854 – March 14, 1932) was an American entrepreneur who founded the Eastman Kodak Company and popularized the use of roll film, helping to bring photography to the mainstream. Roll film was also the basis for the invention of motion picture film stock in 1888 by the world's first film-makers Eadweard Muybridge and Louis Le Prince, and a few years later by their followers Léon Bouly, William Kennedy Dickson, Thomas Edison, the Lumière Brothers, and Georges Méliès. He was a major philanthropist, establishing the Eastman School of Music, and schools of dentistry and medicine", "title": "George Eastman" }, { "docid": "12280523", "text": "October 1, 2012, Kodak announced the discontinuation of Kodak Professional T-MAX P3200 film due to the high expense of manufacturing it for only a limited user demand. On February 23, 2018, Kodak announced the return of the film for March 2018. Kodak T-MAX Kodak Professional T-MAX Film is a continuous tone, panchromatic, tabular-grain black and white negative film originally developed and manufactured by Eastman Kodak since 1986. It is now manufactured by Eastman Kodak but distributed and marketed by Kodak Alaris. It is sold in three speeds: ISO 100, ISO 400 and 3200 which is a multi-speed film. Eastman Kodak", "title": "Kodak T-MAX" }, { "docid": "681815", "text": "slots, and some of which included Wi-Fi capability to connect with the Kodak Gallery—that gallery functionality has now been compromised due to gallery policy changes (see below). In June 2001, Kodak purchased the photo-developing website Ofoto, later renamed Kodak Gallery. The website enables users to upload their photos into albums, publish them into prints, and create mousepads, calendars, etc. On March 1, 2012, Kodak announced that it sold Kodak Gallery to Shutterfly for $23.8 million. Kodak provides scanning technology. Historically this industry began when George Eastman partnered with banks to image checks in the 1920s. Through the development of microfilm", "title": "Kodak" } ]
[ { "docid": "13892279", "text": "and it seems unlikely that any film stereo will ever again bear the Kodak name. But Kodak's involvement with stereo imaging may not yet be over. Several companies have announced digital stereo cameras which will hit the market soon. If history repeats itself Kodak will wait till another company proves the ground before introducing its own offering. This time it may even catch on and stick around a while. It may well be that the \"Stereo Realist\" of the 21st century will be a Kodak camera. Kodak Stereo Camera The Kodak Stereo Camera was a 35mm film stereo camera produced", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "13892267", "text": "Kodak Stereo Camera The Kodak Stereo Camera was a 35mm film stereo camera produced between 1954 and 1959. Similar to the Stereo Realist, the camera employed two lenses to take twin shots of scenes, which could then be viewed in dedicated image viewers. The lenses supported adjustable apertures and variable shutter speeds. The camera had a reputation for being easy to use, and sold approximately 100,000 units during the time it was produced. The Kodak Stereo Camera was a Realist Format camera released late in 1954. It used 35mm slide film to produce stereo pair images in the standard 5P", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "12459642", "text": "Kodak DCS The Kodak Digital Camera System is a series of digital single-lens reflex cameras and digital camera backs that were released by Kodak in the 1990s and 2000s, and discontinued in 2005. They are all based on existing 35mm film SLRs from Nikon, Canon and Sigma. The range includes the original Kodak DCS, the very first commercially available digital SLR. In 1975 Kodak engineer Steven Sasson invented the first digital still camera, which uses a Fairchild 100 x 100 pixel CCD. By 1986 Kodak had developed a sensor with 1.4 million pixels. A number of other inventions were made", "title": "Kodak DCS" }, { "docid": "13892278", "text": "stereo viewers for several years after it stopped producing the Kodak stereo camera. Kodak stereo camera users could continue to use the Kodak mounting service into the late 1980s. Most third party support which Realist users enjoyed, including accessories and supplies, could be used with the Kodak stereo camera. It is nearly impossible to determine which camera was used to produce a mounted stereo slide after the fact, but at least some of the stereo slides now eagerly sought by collectors were snapped with a Kodak, including many taken after 1959. Kodak has not produced a stereo camera since 1959", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "13892277", "text": "Realists, which were produced until 1971. The Kodak Stereo camera didn't have as wide a range of accessories as were offered for the Realist. Aside from the Kodaslide viewers already mentioned, Kodak also produced two flash units. There was no deluxe model as with the Realist and the design of the camera remained essentially unchanged throughout its run. Home mounting kits seemed to be against the philosophy of the Kodak stereo camera and by then third party support for stereo slide mounting and storage was pretty well established. There was no Kodak Stereo projector either. Kodak continued producing its Kodaslide", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "1500257", "text": "spool of roll film is usually loaded on one side of the camera and pulled across to an identical take up spool on the other side of the shutter as exposures are made. When the roll is fully exposed, the take up spool is removed for processing and the empty spool on which the film was originally wound is moved to the other side, becoming the take up spool for the next roll of film. In 1881 a farmer in Cambria, Wisconsin, Peter Houston, invented the first roll film camera. His younger brother David, filed the patents for various components", "title": "Roll film" }, { "docid": "13892268", "text": "Realist format. This allowed Kodak Stereo Camera owners to use most accessories and services originally designed for the Stereo Realist. It was the second best selling stereo camera of the 1950s era, eclipsed only by the Stereo Realist. Though it lacked a rangefinder the Kodak stereo camera is often considered to be easiest of the 50s stereo cameras to use. Unlike the Realist, the Kodak had a self-cocking shutter. Like later model Realists it had built in double exposure prevention which could be overridden by the manual shutter cocking lever located on the bottom of the camera. Releasing the shutter", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "13892274", "text": "old style hot shoe (usually called an \"accessory clip\") it featured a bayonet type connector, which was an emerging standard in the later 50s. Unlike the hot shoe, it couldn't support a flash unit on its own. A separate L bracket was needed to physically hold the flash. Kodak had introduced its mounting service in 1953 and in the summer of 1954 began a huge advertising campaign for it. At about the same time they introduced their Kodaslide stereo viewers, but it wasn't until the end of 1954 that the Kodak stereo camera was introduced. When The Kodak stereo camera", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "13892270", "text": "photography. The film counter was the countdown type, which would be manually set when film was loaded according to how many pairs the roll could take. The number 20 was in red and there were red marks at 15 and 28, for use with standard 20 and 36 exposure rolls of film. A properly loaded 24 exposure roll of film will give 18 stereo pairs, but there is no special marking as 24 exposure rolls of film were not standard at the time the camera was produced. Opposite the counter was another manually set dial which indicated whether the cameras", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "13892272", "text": "positive clicks labeled 3.5, 4, (black dot), 5.6, (red dot), 8, 11, 16, 22. The red dot indicated f 6.3. These exposure suggestions are based on ASA 10 (not 100!) film which in 1954 was still the standard film for color slides just as it had been when the Realist was introduced. The recommended setting for bright sun was a shutter speed of 1/50th with an aperture of f 6.3. Focusing on the Kodak stereo camera is done by turning a dial located on the lens mount. The two dials are ganged so that they focus together and they can", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "7423539", "text": "cameras of the early 1930s. Kodak Pony The Kodak Pony camera was introduced with the 828 model in 1949 as the first in a series of six Kodak Pony cameras which was produced until 1959. While the initial version of this camera used paperbacked 828 film (as used in the Kodak Bantam cameras), the five later versions were adapted to use 35mm 135 film. The Pony had a four-speed 'Flash 200' shutter, an Anaston 51 mm f/4.5 triplet lens, and a fitted leather case. The body was made of bakelite, which was a very common camera body material at that", "title": "Kodak Pony" }, { "docid": "7423537", "text": "Kodak Pony The Kodak Pony camera was introduced with the 828 model in 1949 as the first in a series of six Kodak Pony cameras which was produced until 1959. While the initial version of this camera used paperbacked 828 film (as used in the Kodak Bantam cameras), the five later versions were adapted to use 35mm 135 film. The Pony had a four-speed 'Flash 200' shutter, an Anaston 51 mm f/4.5 triplet lens, and a fitted leather case. The body was made of bakelite, which was a very common camera body material at that time. Focus was achieved by", "title": "Kodak Pony" }, { "docid": "681794", "text": "Kodak held the No. 2 spot in U.S. digital camera sales (behind Sony) but it lost $60 on every camera sold, while there was also a dispute between employees from its digital and film divisions. The film business, where Kodak enjoyed high profit margins, fell 18% in 2005. The combination of these two factors resulted in disappointing profits overall. Its digital cameras soon became undercut by Asian competitors that could produce their offerings more cheaply. Kodak had a 27% market-leading share in 1999, that dwindled to 15% by 2003. In 2007 Kodak was No. 4 in U.S. digital camera sales", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "7101489", "text": "and a number of other stocks are also available. Many companies manufactured cameras and equipment for use with the format. Many well-known brands such as Kodak, Canon and Agfa made cameras, projectors and stock for use with the cameras. Note: Many companies (Such as Kmart's Focal range) used re-branded products, these have not been included into the list. Super 8 film camera A Super 8mm camera is a motion picture camera specifically manufactured to use the Super 8mm motion picture format. Super 8mm film cameras were first manufactured in 1965 by Kodak for their newly introduced amateur film format, which", "title": "Super 8 film camera" }, { "docid": "681793", "text": "Once Kodak got its product development machine started, it released a wide range of products which made it easy to share photos via PCs. One of their key innovations was a printer dock, where consumers could insert their cameras into this compact device, press a button, and watch their photos roll out. By 2005, Kodak ranked No. 1 in the U.S. in digital camera sales that surged 40% to $5.7 billion. Despite the high growth, Kodak failed to anticipate how fast digital cameras became commodities, with low profit margins, as more companies entered the market in the mid-2000s. In 2001", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "681813", "text": "digital cameras were designed and built by Chinon Industries, a Japanese camera manufacturer. In 2004, Kodak Japan acquired Chinon and many of its engineers and designers joined Kodak Japan. The Kodak DCS series of digital single-lens reflex cameras and digital camera backs were released by Kodak in the 1990s and 2000s, and discontinued in 2005. They were based on existing 35mm film SLRs from Nikon and Canon and the range included the original Kodak DCS, the first commercially available digital SLR. In July 2006, Kodak announced that Flextronics would manufacture and help design its digital cameras. Kodak first entered the", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "1327881", "text": "roll film with square 4×4 cm images, most famous the \"Baby\" Rolleiflex and the Yashica 44. The TLR design was also popular in the 1950s for inexpensive fixed focus cameras such as the Kodak Duaflex and Argus 75. Though most used medium format film, a few 35mm TLRs were made, the very expensive Contaflex TLR being the most elaborate, with interchangeable lenses and removable backs. The LOMO Lubitel 166+, a natively medium format camera, comes with an adapter for 35mm film. The only twin lens reflex camera that uses instant film is Instantflex TL70 manufactured by MiNT Camera which is", "title": "Twin-lens reflex camera" }, { "docid": "9115049", "text": "Kodak Photo Spot A Kodak Photo Spot (also called Kodak Picture Spot or Kodak Photo Point) is a location with a Kodak-sponsored sign indicating a recommended spot from which to take a photograph. They are found in areas popular with tourists, and are particularly common in Disney theme parks. This was until 2012, when the Kodak company filed for bankruptcy, and ended their sponsorship as the camera and film supplier for Disney Parks. In 2013, Nikon became the official sponsor of camera supplies in Disney Parks in the USA, and the Kodak Photo Spots were re-branded as Nikon Photo Spots.", "title": "Kodak Photo Spot" }, { "docid": "681787", "text": "selling inexpensive cameras and making large margins from consumables – film, chemicals and paper. As late as 1976, Kodak commanded 90% of film sales and 85% of camera sales in the U.S. Japanese competitor Fujifilm entered the U.S. market (via Fuji Photo Film U.S.A.) with lower-priced film and supplies, but Kodak did not believe that American consumers would ever desert its brand. Kodak passed on the opportunity to become the official film of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics; Fuji won these sponsorship rights, which gave it a permanent foothold in the marketplace. Fuji opened a film plant in the U.S.,", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "681810", "text": "online service, formerly known as Ofoto. On January 13, 2004, Kodak announced it would stop marketing traditional still film cameras (excluding disposable cameras) in the United States, Canada and Western Europe, but would continue to sell film cameras in India, Latin America, Eastern Europe and China. By the end of 2005, Kodak ceased manufacturing cameras that used the Advanced Photo System. Kodak licensed the manufacture of Kodak branded cameras to Vivitar in 2005 and 2006. After 2007 Kodak did not license the manufacture of any film camera with the Kodak name. After losing a patent battle with Polaroid Corporation, Kodak", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "7101486", "text": "Super 8 film camera A Super 8mm camera is a motion picture camera specifically manufactured to use the Super 8mm motion picture format. Super 8mm film cameras were first manufactured in 1965 by Kodak for their newly introduced amateur film format, which replaced the Standard 8 mm film format. Manufacture continued until the rise in popularity of video cameras in the mid 1970s. In 2014 the first new Super 8mm camera in 30 years was introduced by the Danish company Logmar Camera Solutions. All other cameras readily available are from the 1960s and 1980s. The first camera to be formatted", "title": "Super 8 film camera" }, { "docid": "13892275", "text": "was finally released at the end of 1954 it was an instant hit. The price tag, $84.50, about half the price of a Realist, certainly helped, but so did the ease of use, especially the self-cocking shutter, rewind crank, and controls easily set from the top. When this was combined with the trusted Kodak name, it is not surprising that it was sold so well. For a while the Kodak Stereo camera was outselling the Stereo Realist and might have eclipsed the Realist in all time sales, had it been introduced sooner. But by the end of 1954 the public's", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "13892276", "text": "fascination with stereo imaging was fading. Hollywood came out with only one 3D movie in 1955, and it was the last of the era. The stereo photography market was not hit as hard or as abruptly as some other stereoscopic industries, but the market slipped considerably after 1955, and the downward spiral continued over the next several years. The Kodak stereo camera was produced until 1959 and an estimated 100,000 were sold. Kodak continued its stereo slide processing service into the late 80s, but it may well be that over half the slides processed through it were taken with Stereo", "title": "Kodak Stereo Camera" }, { "docid": "7101487", "text": "for the new film was the Kodak M2. During the late 1960s, cameras were only formatted to film at 18 frames per second, but as technology improved, speeds such as 24 frame/s (the motion-picture standard) and faster speeds (for slow-motion filming) were incorporated into camera mechanics. Super 8mm film cameras do not need to use the Super 8mm film produced by Kodak, but other film stocks produced by companies such as Fujifilm and independents (in the form of re-packaged film) are compatible. The only difference to the films is the cartridge used to insert them into the camera. All lengths", "title": "Super 8 film camera" }, { "docid": "1950353", "text": "One settlement offered owners of Kodak instant cameras a credit towards a new Kodak camera. Many Kodak instant cameras still exist and can be found on auction sites. Kodak also lost the contract to manufacture Polaroid's negatives which subsequently took production in house. Recently photographers tried to use Instax mini and square film inside the Kodak EK4 being somewhat successful and only being able to load one picture at a time in a darkroom. In more recent years, Fujifilm introduced a line of instant cameras and film in Japanese and Asian markets. Fujifilm called their instant camera line Fotorama. Starting", "title": "Instant camera" }, { "docid": "681812", "text": "789 F.2d 1556 [229 USPQ 561] (Fed. Cir.), cert. denied, 479 U.S. 850 (1986). Kodak was the exclusive supplier of negatives for Polaroid cameras from 1963 until 1969, when Polaroid chose to manufacture its own instant film. As part of its move toward higher end products, Kodak announced on September 15, 2006 that the new Leica M8 camera incorporates Kodak's KAF-10500 image sensor. This was the second recent partnership between Kodak and the German optical manufacturer. In 2011, Kodak sold its Image Sensor Solutions business to Platinum Equity, which subsequently renamed it Truesense Imaging, Inc. Many of Kodak's early compact", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "681792", "text": "offering from companies such as Sony. In 2001 film sales dropped, which was attributed by Kodak to the financial shocks caused by the September 11 attacks. Executives hoped that Kodak might be able to slow the shift to digital through aggressive marketing. Under Daniel Carp, Fisher's successor as CEO, Kodak made its move in the digital camera market, with its EasyShare family of digital cameras. Kodak spent tremendous resources studying customer behavior, finding out that women in particular loved taking digital photos but were frustrated in moving them to their computers. This key unmet consumer need became a major opportunity.", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "1500260", "text": "AF. Roll film Rollfilm or roll film is any type of spool-wound photographic film protected from white light exposure by a paper backing, as opposed to film which is protected from exposure and wound forward in a cartridge. The term originated in contrast to sheet film. Confusingly, roll film was originally often referred to as \"cartridge\" film because of its resemblance to a shotgun cartridge. The opaque backing paper allows roll film to be loaded in daylight. It is typically printed with frame number markings which can be viewed through a small red window at the rear of the camera.", "title": "Roll film" }, { "docid": "1500256", "text": "Roll film Rollfilm or roll film is any type of spool-wound photographic film protected from white light exposure by a paper backing, as opposed to film which is protected from exposure and wound forward in a cartridge. The term originated in contrast to sheet film. Confusingly, roll film was originally often referred to as \"cartridge\" film because of its resemblance to a shotgun cartridge. The opaque backing paper allows roll film to be loaded in daylight. It is typically printed with frame number markings which can be viewed through a small red window at the rear of the camera. A", "title": "Roll film" }, { "docid": "1459415", "text": "of using glass photographic plates which were typical of earlier cameras. Before the introduction of the Kodak, photographers were responsible for making their own arrangements for the development and printing of their pictures. The first Kodak came pre-loaded with film and the customer returned the camera to Kodak for processing and to be reloaded with film for the customer. In 1900, a Yale plate box camera cost US $2 (about $ in dollars). and a Kodak rollfilm box sold for US $1 (about $ in dollars) Although many cameras of the mid nineteenth century were wooden and \"boxy\" in appearance", "title": "Box camera" }, { "docid": "12285578", "text": "Kodak Retina Reflex The Kodak Retina Reflex was a series of four single-lens reflex cameras made by Kodak, continuing the brand Kodak Retina. The Kodak Type 025 Retina Reflex is an SLR camera with so called convertible lenses (German: Wechselobjektiv), interchangeable lens components made by Kodak AG Stuttgart, Germany. It was made between Spring 1957 and October 1958. Like many SLR cameras of German heritage it works with a leaf shutter instead of a focal plane shutter. It was named Type 025 Retina Reflex since it inherited several features from the viewfinder camera Type 021 Retina IIIc: The film advance", "title": "Kodak Retina Reflex" }, { "docid": "1459414", "text": "in brightly lit day-lit scenes when the subject is within the hyperfocal distance for the lens and of subjects that move little during the exposure. Eventually, box cameras with photographic flash, shutter and aperture adjustment were introduced, allowing indoor photos. The KODAK camera introduced in 1889 was the first box camera to become widely adopted by the public and its design became the archetype for box camera designs introduced by many different manufacturers. The use of flexible roll film meant that the cameras were light and portable and could be used without the encumbrance of tripods and the attendant difficulty", "title": "Box camera" }, { "docid": "7866450", "text": "Dr. August Nagel - Fabrik fuer Feinmechanik Werk in Stuttgart-Wangen to Kodak AG in December 1931, the new firm was designated \"Kodak AG - Dr. Nagel Werk\". Nagel continued to innovate including developing the Retina folding cameras around the new Kodak 135 preloaded 35mm cartridge. Prior to this, most 35mm film was loaded by the user into proprietary cartridges in a darkroom or light-tight bag. In the early 1930s August Nagel was developing a 35mm camera and a preloaded disposable 35mm film cartridge, which would also fit in Leica and Contax cameras. Nagel was an expert in miniature cameras; his", "title": "Kodak Retina" }, { "docid": "6350304", "text": "owned. Digital camera sales continued to flourish, driven by technology advances. The digital market segmented into different categories, Compact Digital Still Cameras, Bridge Cameras, Mirrorless Compacts and Digital SLRs. One of the major technology advances was the development of CMOS sensors, which helped drive sensor costs low enough to enable the widespread adoption of camera phones. Since 2003, digital cameras have outsold film cameras and Kodak announced in January 2004 that they would no longer sell Kodak-branded film cameras in the developed world - and 2012 filed for bankruptcy after struggling to adapt to the changing industry. Smartphones now routinely", "title": "History of the camera" }, { "docid": "4110007", "text": "rapid development of digital photography. For their contribution to digital photography Boyle and Smith were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2009. In 1975 Kodak engineer Steven Sasson invented the first digital still camera, which used a Fairchild 100×100 pixel CCD. On August 25, 1981 Sony unveiled a prototype of the Sony Mavica. This camera was an analog electronic camera that featured interchangeable lenses and a SLR viewfinder. In 1986, the Kodak Microelectronics Technology Division developed a 1.3 MP CCD image sensor, the first with more than 1 million pixels. In 1987, this sensor was integrated with a Canon", "title": "Digital single-lens reflex camera" }, { "docid": "1608784", "text": "in the same fashion as film cameras. In general the one-time-use camera represents a return to the business model pioneered by Kodak for their KODAK camera, predecessor to the Brownie camera; it is particularly popular in situations where a reusable camera would be easily stolen or damaged, when one's regular camera is forgotten, or if one cannot afford a regular camera. A company called Photo-Pac produced a cardboard camera beginning in 1949 which shot eight exposures and which was mailed-in for processing. Cameras were expensive, and would often have been left safely at home when lovely scenes presented themselves. Frustrated", "title": "Disposable camera" }, { "docid": "14202022", "text": "Cine-Kodak the K100 arrived in 1956 with both turret and non-turret versions. 16mm Cine-Kodaks were well-made, long-lived cameras. Most have double claws and double sprockets and hence require double perf (2R) film in unmodified form. The exceptions are both the Specials and K100 models that were designed for the addition of sound tracks and accept single perf (1R) film. The Cine-Kodak brand was also applied to the double run 8mm cameras introduced by Kodak in 1932 beginning with the Eight Twenty model. Cine-Kodak The Cine-Kodak was the first 16mm camera, introduced in 1923. It was a leather covered rectangular cast", "title": "Cine-Kodak" }, { "docid": "12189109", "text": "black and white screen on the top of the camera to show camera settings only. The DC215 also came in a \"Millennium Edition\" version which had a gold rather than silver case and came with some additional accessories. The Kodak DC215 had a notorious problem with its battery compartment. This compartment, which takes in 4 AA batteries, was made of plastic and broke easily. Consumers often resorted to makeshift solutions like the use of rubber bands or duct tape to keep batteries in the camera. Kodak DC215 The Kodak DC215 is a discontinued model of digital camera produced in Japan", "title": "Kodak DC215" }, { "docid": "681806", "text": "plates. Kodak’s Global Technical Services (\"GTS\") for Commercial Imaging is focused on selling service contracts for Kodak products, including the following service categories: field services, customer support services, educational services, and professional services. Kodak's Entertainment Imaging and Commercial Film group (\"E&CF\") encompasses its motion picture film business, providing motion imaging products (camera negative, intermediate, print and archival film), services and technology for the professional motion picture and exhibition industries. E&CF also offers Aerial and Industrial Films including KODAK Printed Circuit Board film, and delivers external sales for the company’s component businesses: Polyester Film, Specialty Chemicals, Inks and Dispersions and Solvent", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "14990213", "text": "at a street price of around $12 a roll at US mail order outlets. Despite the discontinuance of HIE, other newer infrared sensitive emulsions from Efke, Rollei, and Ilford are still available, but have differing sensitivity and specifications from the long-established HIE. With the discontinuance of HIE, Efke's IR820 film has become the only IR film on the market with good sensitivity beyond 750 nm. Kodak High-Speed Infrared Kodak High-Speed Infrared film, also known as Kodak HIE, was a popular black-and-white infrared photographic film from Kodak. The film is sensitive to the visible light spectrum (with decreased green sensitivity), infrared", "title": "Kodak High-Speed Infrared" }, { "docid": "6350301", "text": "$1,000 (about $2000 in 2014). It later saw modest success when it was re-sold as the Logitech Fotoman in 1992. It used a CCD image sensor, stored pictures digitally, and connected directly to a computer for download. In 1991, Kodak brought to market the Kodak DCS (Kodak Digital Camera System), the beginning of a long line of professional Kodak DCS SLR cameras that were based in part on film bodies, often Nikons. It used a 1.3 megapixel sensor, had a bulky external digital storage system and was priced at $13,000. At the arrival of the Kodak DCS-200, the Kodak DCS", "title": "History of the camera" }, { "docid": "1496689", "text": "24 × 24 mm image format, but many used 18 × 24 mm (half-frame) and 24 × 36 mm (standard Leica format), and non-standard formats such as 6 × 24 mm (Recorder 6), 12 × 24 mm (Recorder 12) and 16 × 16 mm (Robot SC). Around 1930 Heinz Kilfitt, a trained watchmaker, designed a new 35 mm film compact camera using a 24×24 mm frame format (instead of the Leica 24×36 mm or cine 18×24 mm formats). The 24×24mm square frame provided many advantages, including allowing over 50 exposures per standard roll of Leica film instead of 36. Kodak", "title": "Robot (camera)" }, { "docid": "681790", "text": "$1.29 billion to just $5 million for the same period. Kodak's market share declined from 80.1% to 74.7% in the United States, a one-year drop of five percentage points that had observers suggesting that Kodak was slow to react to changes and underestimated its rivals. Although from the 1970s both Fuji and Kodak recognized the upcoming threat of digital photography, and although both sought diversification as a mitigation strategy, Fuji was more successful at diversification. Although Kodak developed a digital camera in 1975, the first of its kind, the product was dropped for fear it would threaten Kodak's photographic film", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "6780402", "text": "effects process plates, or for high-speed filming. In a few cases, the U.S.S.R. added spinning mirror-shutter reflex focusing and viewing, thereby deleting the Mitchell-designed rackover focusing mechanism and the Mitchell-designed side viewer. Though the Eastern Bloc standard for camera film is Kodak Standard perforations, that standard was rejected by the very Bloc which proposed it. U.S.S.R. professional cameras consequently require film stocks that are incompatible with Western Bloc camera film, which always uses Bell & Howell perforations. Eastern Bloc (KS) camera film \"will\" pass undamaged through a Western Bloc (BH) professional camera, but the images \"will not\" be registered accurately.", "title": "Mitchell Camera" }, { "docid": "6245179", "text": "Kodak DCS 100 The Kodak Professional Digital Camera System or DCS, later unofficially named DCS 100, was the first commercially available digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera. It was a customized camera back bearing the digital image sensor, mounted on a Nikon F3 body and released by Kodak in May 1991; the company had previously shown the camera at photokina in 1990. Aimed at the photo journalism market in order to improve the speed with which photographs could be transmitted back to the studio or newsroom, the DCS had a resolution of 1.3 megapixels. The DCS 100 was publicly presented for", "title": "Kodak DCS 100" }, { "docid": "12459648", "text": "high-end medium format digital backs for Leaf, among others. Kodak continued to design and manufacture digital imaging sensors, including the full-frame 18-megapixel KAF-18500, which is used in the Leica M9 digital rangefinder, until its digital sensor division was sold to Platinum Equity in 2012. This digital sensor company now operates under the name Trusense. All models based on Nikon body and use Nikon's F mount. All models use Canon's EF lens mount. Kodak DCS The Kodak Digital Camera System is a series of digital single-lens reflex cameras and digital camera backs that were released by Kodak in the 1990s and", "title": "Kodak DCS" }, { "docid": "6176686", "text": "cameras had different sized CCD imaging chips, both of which were smaller than either 135 film or APS-C film frames. The 315's imager had a crop factor of 2.6 relative to 135 film (\"35mm\"), while the 330's was larger with a factor of 1.9. The Kodak modification to the Pronea 6i involved removing the camera's film back and mounting instead a Kodak digital back. This not only covered the back of the camera, but also extended beneath it, approximately doubling the camera's height. This was required to accommodate the large PC cards used as storage media, the six AA batteries", "title": "Kodak DCS 300 series" }, { "docid": "1500421", "text": "In 1940, Kodak released the Six-20 Flash Brownie, Kodak's first internally synchronized flash camera, using General Electric bulbs. In 1957, Kodak produced the Brownie Starflash, Kodak's first camera with a built-in flash. The Brownie 127 was popular, selling in the millions between 1952 and 1967. It was a bakelite camera with a simple meniscus lens and a curved film plane to compensate for the deficiencies of the lens. Another model was the Brownie Cresta sold between 1955 and 1958. It used 120 film and had a fixed-focus lens. Having written an article in the 1940s for amateur photographers suggesting an", "title": "Brownie (camera)" }, { "docid": "12053890", "text": "used a significant amount of plastic except the Signet 35 which was machined from an aluminum casting, and shared style and durability with the Kodak Chevron camera (continuation of the Kodak Medalist series). The Signet 80 was Kodak's second attempt at offering a US made full camera system, the first being the ill-fated Ektra system. The Signet 80 including the accessory 35mm and 90mm lenses, cost about 75% of the cost of a comparable top-of-the-line Kodak Retina III system. The Signet line had quality control and design issues which limited appeal and durability. Despite limitations, the lenses are considered to", "title": "Kodak Signet" }, { "docid": "18243056", "text": "Kodak Pixpro S-1 The Kodak Pixpro S-1 is a rangefinder-styled digital mirrorless camera announced on January 7, 2014, and first shipped in August 2014. It is the first interchangeable lens camera made under the Kodak brand since JK Imaging bought the rights to \"manufacture and sell Kodak branded digital imaging products\", as described in promotional materials. Kodak is one of the original members of the Micro Four Thirds standard but had never before produced a camera for it. The camera is produced in partnership with Asia Optical. The entry level Kodak Pixpro S-1 is the competitor of Olympus PEN E-PL5", "title": "Kodak Pixpro S-1" }, { "docid": "14898046", "text": "for 35 mm single lens reflex film cameras. With physical dimensions of 31 x 102 x 61 mm, the Kodak DC20 was the first ultracompact digital camera. Its sleek compact size would remain unrivaled until the release of the Canon Digital Ixus and Casio Exilim. There were several add-on lenses released for the Kodak DC20. These included a macro adapter, a telephoto converter, and a wide-angle converter from Tiffen. These were clip-on lenses since the original lens had no thread. There was also an add-on photo flash unit made by Kodak. The Kodak DC25 was released about the same time", "title": "Kodak DC Series" }, { "docid": "1482757", "text": "popularity, as well as the entire company legacy, early Leica cameras are considered as highly collectible items these days. The original Leica prototype holds the record as being the world's most expensive camera, selling for €2.16 million in 2012. In the earliest days, the photographer had to load the film into reusable cassettes and, at least for some cameras, cut the film leader. In 1934, Kodak introduced a \"135\" daylight-loading single-use cassette. This cassette was engineered so that it could be used in both Leica and Zeiss Ikon Contax cameras along with the camera for which it was invented, namely", "title": "135 film" }, { "docid": "1950352", "text": "integral instant film, similar to but incompatible with Polaroid's SX-70 film. The film was chemically similar to Polaroid's with the exception that the negative was exposed from the rear and the dye/developers diffused to the front of the photogragh. This alleviated the need for a mirror to reverse the image before it struck the negative. Even so, Polaroid brought a patent-infringement lawsuit against Kodak, and eventually Kodak was forced to stop manufacture of both the camera and film. Kodak was also left to pay a settlement to customers who were left without a way to use their now defunct cameras.", "title": "Instant camera" }, { "docid": "7866448", "text": "Kodak Retina Retina was the brand-name of a long-running series of German-built Kodak 35mm cameras, produced from 1934 until 1969. Kodak Retina cameras were manufactured in Stuttgart-Wangen by the Kodak AG Dr. Nagel Werk which Kodak had acquired in December 1931. The Retina line included a variety of folding and non-folding models, including the Retina Reflex single lens reflex camera. Retina cameras were noted for their compact size, high quality, and low cost compared to competitors. These cameras retain a strong following today, of both photographers and collectors. Kodak AG also offered a companion line of less-expensive Retinette cameras, with", "title": "Kodak Retina" }, { "docid": "11274086", "text": "Western roll The Western roll is a high jump technique invented by George Horine of Stanford University. It is said that George Horine came to invent the Western roll because the high jump pit at Stanford could be approached from only one side. Another, perhaps more plausible, explanation is that the style was invented by the Stanford coach Edward Moulton. However, neither of these stories occurs in a detailed contemporary profile of Horine, which states that Horine arrived at the style himself after many months of experimentation. The style was controversial at first, partly because of rivalry between the US", "title": "Western roll" }, { "docid": "14898044", "text": "Kodak DC Series Kodak was a pioneer in the development of digital cameras. The DC series was Kodak's consumer-grade line of digital cameras as distinct from the more expensive professional Kodak DCS series. Cameras in the DC series were manufactured and sold during the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2000s. Some were branded as \"Digital Science\". Most of these early digital cameras supported RS-232 serial port connections because USB hardware was not widely available before 1998. The DC series was superseded by the Kodak Easy Share camera line. The Kodak DC20 was an early digital camera released by Kodak in 1996.", "title": "Kodak DC Series" }, { "docid": "14202019", "text": "Cine-Kodak The Cine-Kodak was the first 16mm camera, introduced in 1923. It was a leather covered rectangular cast aluminum box approximately 8.5\" by 5\" by 3\", and was cranked by hand at two turns per second to achieve the necessary 16 frames per second. Hand turning meant that a tripod was essential while allowing varying speeds and single frames to be taken. Accessories such as lenses and a motor attachment became available later. In 1925, Kodak followed up with a spring motor-driven Cine-Kodak Model B, at which time the original Cine-Kodak was re-designated as Model A. Production of Models A", "title": "Cine-Kodak" }, { "docid": "6245185", "text": "TWAIN-based plugin for Photoshop 3. There were many models of the DCS 100 with different buffers, monochrome, color, transmission versions with keyboard and modem. The system was marketed at a retail price of $20000. A total of 987 units were sold. Kodak DCS 100 The Kodak Professional Digital Camera System or DCS, later unofficially named DCS 100, was the first commercially available digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera. It was a customized camera back bearing the digital image sensor, mounted on a Nikon F3 body and released by Kodak in May 1991; the company had previously shown the camera at photokina", "title": "Kodak DCS 100" }, { "docid": "6350302", "text": "was dubbed Kodak DCS-100. The move to digital formats was helped by the formation of the first JPEG and MPEG standards in 1988, which allowed image and video files to be compressed for storage. The first consumer camera with a liquid crystal display on the back was the Casio QV-10 developed by a team led by Hiroyuki Suetaka in 1995. The first camera to use CompactFlash was the Kodak DC-25 in 1996.. The first camera that offered the ability to record video clips may have been the Ricoh RDC-1 in 1995. In 1995 Minolta introduced the RD-175, which was based", "title": "History of the camera" }, { "docid": "681791", "text": "business. In the 1990s, Kodak planned a decade-long journey to move to digital technology. CEO George M. C. Fisher reached out to Microsoft and other new consumer merchandisers. Apple's pioneering QuickTake consumer digital cameras, introduced in 1994, had the Apple label but were produced by Kodak. The DC-20 and DC-25 launched in 1996. Overall, though, there was little implementation of the new digital strategy. Kodak's core business faced no pressure from competing technologies, and as Kodak executives could not fathom a world without traditional film there was little incentive to deviate from that course. Consumers gradually switched to the digital", "title": "Kodak" }, { "docid": "4110008", "text": "F-1 film SLR body at the Kodak Federal Systems Division to create the first DSLR camera. The digital back monitored the camera body battery current to sync the image sensor exposure to the film body shutter. Digital images were stored on a tethered hard drive and processed for histogram feedback to the user. This first camera was created for the U.S. Government, and was followed by several other models intended for government use, and eventually the first commercial DSLR, launched by Kodak in 1991. In 1995, Nikon co-developed the Nikon E series with Fujifilm. The E series included the Nikon", "title": "Digital single-lens reflex camera" }, { "docid": "19835332", "text": "with an average rating of 6.3/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"\"The Man Who Invented Christmas\" adds holiday magic to the writing of \"A Christmas Carol\", putting a sweetly revisionist spin on the story behind a classic yuletide tale.\" On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film has a weighted average score 60 out of 100, based 32 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". The Man Who Invented Christmas (film) The Man Who Invented Christmas is a 2017 biographical drama film directed by Bharat Nalluri and written by Susan Coyne based on the book of the same", "title": "The Man Who Invented Christmas (film)" }, { "docid": "11274093", "text": "efficient than the straddle technique, a style that evolved from the Western roll when the rotation of the body was increased to the point where the bar was crossed face down. Western roll The Western roll is a high jump technique invented by George Horine of Stanford University. It is said that George Horine came to invent the Western roll because the high jump pit at Stanford could be approached from only one side. Another, perhaps more plausible, explanation is that the style was invented by the Stanford coach Edward Moulton. However, neither of these stories occurs in a detailed", "title": "Western roll" }, { "docid": "1482771", "text": "cameras. Most of these cameras use lenses intended for large format cameras for simplicity of construction. Cameras using 120 film will often combine the numbers of the frame size in the name e.g. Pentax 6×7 (6×7), Fuji 617 (6×17), and many \"645\"s (6×4.5). The number '6' in general, and the word 'six' are also commonly used in naming cameras e.g. Kiev 60 and Pentacon Six. The 105 format was introduced by Kodak in 1898 for their first folding camera and was the original 6×9 cm format roll film. The 117 format was introduced by Kodak in 1900 for their first", "title": "120 film" }, { "docid": "7054271", "text": "Original camera negative The original camera negative (OCN) is the film in a traditional film-based movie camera which captures the original image. This is the film from which all other copies will be made. It is known as raw stock prior to exposure. The size of a roll varies depending on the film gauge and whether or not a new roll, re-can, or short end was used. One hundred or 400 foot rolls are common in 16mm, while 400 or 1,000 foot (ft) rolls are used in 35mm work. While these are the most common sizes, other lengths such as", "title": "Original camera negative" }, { "docid": "7866451", "text": "Vollenda miniature folder, along with the Ranca and Pupille collapsible cameras were smaller than the Leica and Contax cameras, but could use 50mm f:3.5 Elmar and other similar Tessar formula lenses in Compur shutters to create a larger 30mm x 40mm image on 127 rollfilm. The advantage of 35mm would be the elimination of the paper-backer allowing more images per roll of film. All of the Kodak Retina cameras from the mid 1930s to the late 1950s were folding cameras with a short self-erecting bellows, lens board, and folding metal door/cover. These folding Kodak Retina cameras are listed below with", "title": "Kodak Retina" }, { "docid": "6154559", "text": "was a similar, but improved model. In particular, the new camera featured an improved image sensor and better power management, and it came with 512 MiB of buffer memory pre-installed. At around 1800 USD existing owners of the DCS 14n could order another camera upgrade from Kodak, comprising the new image sensor and memory upgrade. These upgraded cameras were officially referred to as Kodak Professional DCS Pro 14nx by Kodak. Except for the power management and name plate, they were basically the same as the DSC Pro SLR/n. Reviews are already available. Kodak DCS Pro 14n The Kodak Professional DCS", "title": "Kodak DCS Pro 14n" }, { "docid": "6350298", "text": "analog camera produced the same year was the Nikon QV-1000C, designed as a press camera and not offered for sale to general users, which sold only a few hundred units. It recorded images in greyscale, and the quality in newspaper print was equal to film cameras. In appearance it closely resembled a modern digital single-lens reflex camera. Images were stored on video floppy disks. Silicon Film, a proposed digital sensor cartridge for film cameras that would allow 35 mm cameras to take digital photographs without modification was announced in late 1998. Silicon Film was to work like a roll of", "title": "History of the camera" }, { "docid": "681799", "text": "to enable it to continue operations. Under the terms of its bankruptcy protection, Kodak had a deadline of February 15, 2013 to produce a reorganization plan. In April 2013, Kodak showed its first Micro Four Thirds camera, to be manufactured by JK Imaging. On September 3, 2013, Kodak announced that it emerged from bankruptcy as a technology company focused on imaging for business. Its main business segments are Digital Printing & Enterprise and Graphics, Entertainment & Commercial Films. On March 12, 2014, Kodak announced that Jeffrey J. Clarke had been named as chief executive officer and a member of its", "title": "Kodak" } ]
Which series had the characters Felix Unger and Oscar Madison?
[ "The Odd Couple", "The Female Odd Couple", "Oscar madison", "Murray Greshler", "Oscar Madison" ]
[ { "docid": "18043778", "text": "as the slovenly Oscar Madison and Thomas Lennon as the obsessively tidy Felix Unger. Perry and Lennon previously worked together on the film \"17 Again\". The show was announced in December 2013 and was picked up by CBS as a midseason offering for the 2014–15 season. On May 16, 2016, CBS renewed the show for a third season of 13 episodes, which premiered on October 17, 2016, and concluded on January 30, 2017. The series was formally canceled on May 15, 2017, after three seasons. Felix Unger and Oscar Madison meet at college in the late 1980s, and fate puts", "title": "The Odd Couple (2015 TV series)" }, { "docid": "8456576", "text": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series) The Odd Couple, formally titled onscreen Neil Simon's The Odd Couple, is an American television situation comedy broadcast from September 24, 1970, to March 7, 1975, on ABC. It stars Tony Randall as Felix Unger and Jack Klugman as Oscar Madison, and was the first of several sitcoms developed by Garry Marshall for Paramount Television. The show is based on the 1965 play of the same name, which was written by Neil Simon, as well as on the play's 1968 film adaptation. Felix and Oscar are both divorced. They share a Manhattan apartment, and", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "8456608", "text": "music publishers. On June 16, 2015, CBS DVD released \"The Odd Couple- The Complete Series\" on DVD in Region 1, albeit with the same edits and removal of scenes with music. The Odd Couple (1970 TV series) The Odd Couple, formally titled onscreen Neil Simon's The Odd Couple, is an American television situation comedy broadcast from September 24, 1970, to March 7, 1975, on ABC. It stars Tony Randall as Felix Unger and Jack Klugman as Oscar Madison, and was the first of several sitcoms developed by Garry Marshall for Paramount Television. The show is based on the 1965 play", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "8456594", "text": "the years 1971, 1972 and 1974. To date, these are the last Emmy nominations to a sitcom airing on a Friday night. \"\"On November 13, Felix Unger was asked to remove himself from his place of residence.\" (Unger's unseen wife slams door, only to reopen it and angrily hand Felix his saucepan) \"That request came from his wife. Deep down, he knew she was right, but he also knew that someday, he would return to her. With nowhere else to go, he appeared at the home of his childhood friend, Oscar Madison. Sometime earlier, Madison's wife had thrown \"him\" out,", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "2668165", "text": "him out after only a brief time together, though he quickly realizes that Felix has had a positive effect on him. The play and the film both spell Felix's name \"Ungar\", while the television series spells it \"Unger\". \"The Odd Couple\" premiered on Broadway at the Plymouth Theatre on March 10, 1965 and transferred to the Eugene O'Neill Theatre where it closed on July 2, 1967 after 964 performances and two previews. Directed by Mike Nichols, the cast starred Walter Matthau as Oscar Madison and Art Carney as Felix Ungar. The production gained Tony Awards for Walter Matthau, Best Actor", "title": "The Odd Couple (play)" }, { "docid": "2668159", "text": "The Odd Couple (play) The Odd Couple is a play by Neil Simon. Following its premiere on Broadway in 1965, the characters were revived in a successful 1968 film and 1970s television series, as well as several other derivative works and spin-offs. The plot concerns two mismatched roommates: the neat, uptight Felix Ungar and the slovenly, easygoing Oscar Madison. Simon adapted the play in 1985 to feature a pair of female roommates (Florence Ungar and Olive Madison) in The Female Odd Couple. An updated version of the 1965 show appeared in 2002 with the title Oscar and Felix: A New", "title": "The Odd Couple (play)" }, { "docid": "2362220", "text": "and the Kid\" (1993), and \"Hammerlock\" (2000). Wilson later starred as Raymond Ellis in the short-lived CBS comedy series \"Baby... I'm Back!\" and as Oscar Madison, opposite actor Ron Glass (who co-starred as Felix Unger) in the ABC sitcom \"The New Odd Couple\", a revamped black version of the original 1970–75 series on the same network which starred Jack Klugman and Tony Randall. Wilson lived in Conroe, Texas for many years until 1984, when he became an ordained minister, fulfilling his childhood vow. Later, in 1995, he founded Restoration House, a center that helps rehabilitate former prison inmates by providing", "title": "Demond Wilson" }, { "docid": "16215893", "text": "to Live\". He guest starred on a number of television series including \"\", \"30 Rock\", \"Damages\", \"\" and \"The Sopranos\". He earned credentials in theatrical productions such as Shakespeare plays and \"The Rise Of Dorothy Hale\". He played Oscar Madison in the 2013 revival production of \"The Odd Couple\", with co-star Jeff Talbott as Felix Unger. LaMura was married to Elizabeth Maclellan, an actress, and they had one daughter. He was the cousin of former \"Survivor\" castaway Terry Dietz. Mark LaMura Mark LaMura (October 18, 1948 – September 11, 2017) was an American actor. His name was occasionally spelled as", "title": "Mark LaMura" }, { "docid": "15272983", "text": "began its fall run on October 2, 1955, concluding new segments on April 1, 1956. In effect, the series ran for a full year without the summer rebroadcast period standard for most programs. Episodes centered upon wars in U.S. history as well as dramatizations from events from many places throughout the world, then and in the past. In the episode which aired on May 1, 1955, Polly Bergen, Dane Clark, and Hugh Reilly starred in \"Rendezvous in Paris.\" Tony Randall and Jack Klugman, fifteen years prior to their television roles as Felix Unger and Oscar Madison, respectively, in ABC's \"The", "title": "Appointment with Adventure" }, { "docid": "5420882", "text": "He is also the voice of Munk on \"Dawn of the Croods\" and the voice of Chief O'Hara in the Warner Brothers animated film: Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders. Since its premiere in October 2013, Lennon has appeared 17 times on the late-night internet-based improv panel game show, \"@midnight\" (which he also produces), winning a total of seven times. In 2014, Lennon was cast as Felix Unger in the television series reboot of \"The Odd Couple\" opposite Matthew Perry, who plays Oscar Madison. In 2016, he co-starred as a scientist in Paramount Animation's \"Monster Trucks\" and began a recurring", "title": "Thomas Lennon" }, { "docid": "2668172", "text": "Misa Noeru as Felix. In 2011, Cezary Żak and Artur Barciś (popular actors from the Polish hit TV series \"Ranczo\") performed as Oscar and Felix in \"Dziwna Para\", a Polish rendition of \"The Odd Couple.\" The play was performed in the U.S and in Toronto, Canada and received good reviews. In 2016, Australian comedians Shaun Micallef and Francis Greenslade starred as Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison in a version of the play directed by Peter Houghton. The play was performed at Southbank Theatre, Melbourne from November 5 to December 22, 2016, and received positive reviews. In 1985, Neil Simon revised", "title": "The Odd Couple (play)" }, { "docid": "9001367", "text": "returned to Broadway in \"Catch Me If You Can\" (1965). In the late 1960s, Dailey toured as Oscar Madison in a road production of \"The Odd Couple\", co-starring Elliott Reid as Felix Unger and also featuring Peter Boyle as Murray the cop. He did a stint on Broadway in \"Plaza Suite\". From 1969-71, Dailey was the Governor opposite Julie Sommars's J.J. in the sitcom \"The Governor & J.J.\" which revolved around the relationship between his character, the conservative governor of an unnamed state and his liberal daughter Jennifer Jo. His performance won him the Golden Globe for Best Actor in", "title": "Dan Dailey" }, { "docid": "1935740", "text": "shows such as \"The Bill Cosby Show\" and \"Here's Lucy\". In 1970, appeared as a Barney Fife-like police officer in the pilot of \"The New Andy Griffith Show\". In 1972, Knotts voiced an animated version of himself in two episodes of \"The New Scooby Doo Movies\": \"The Spooky Fog of Juneberry\", in which he played a lawman resembling Barney Fife, and \"Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner\". He also appeared as Felix Unger in a stage version of Neil Simon's \"The Odd Couple\", with Art Carney as Oscar Madison. Beginning in 1975, Knotts was teamed with Tim Conway in a", "title": "Don Knotts" }, { "docid": "1776413", "text": "In 2013, he reprised his role in the fourth season. In 2014, Perry made his British TV debut in the one-off comedy program \"The Dog Thrower\", which aired on May 1 as part of Sky Arts' \"Playhouse Presents\". Perry portrayed \"a charismatic man\" who enchanted onlookers by throwing his dog in the air. From 2015 to 2017, Perry starred in, co-wrote, and served as executive producer of a revival of the sitcom \"The Odd Couple\" on CBS. Perry played Oscar Madison opposite Thomas Lennon as Felix Unger. Perry played the lead role in a new production of his play \"The", "title": "Matthew Perry" }, { "docid": "10364155", "text": "mini-career in clubs in the early 1960s.\" Reid's Broadway credits include \"Julius Caesar\" (1937-1938), \"The Shoemaker's Holiday\" (1938), \"Macbeth\" (1948), \"Two Blind Mice\" (1949), \"The Live Wire\" (1950), \"Two on the Aisle\" (1951-1952), and \"From A to Z\" (1960). He co-starred as Felix Unger in a road production of \"The Odd Couple\" with Dan Dailey as Oscar Madison during the late 1960s. He also appeared as an art collector in the 1992 \"Seinfeld\" episode \"The Letter\". Reid died from heart failure on June 21, 2013, at the age of 93. He had resided in an assisted living facility in Studio", "title": "Elliott Reid" }, { "docid": "2668180", "text": "as Dani, Oscar's assistant, Dave Foley as Roy (a holdover from the original play), and Leslie Bibb and Lindsay Sloane as Casey and Emily (taking over for the Pigeon sisters). The Odd Couple (play) The Odd Couple is a play by Neil Simon. Following its premiere on Broadway in 1965, the characters were revived in a successful 1968 film and 1970s television series, as well as several other derivative works and spin-offs. The plot concerns two mismatched roommates: the neat, uptight Felix Ungar and the slovenly, easygoing Oscar Madison. Simon adapted the play in 1985 to feature a pair of", "title": "The Odd Couple (play)" }, { "docid": "8535068", "text": "West Side apartment of divorced sportswriter Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau) on a hot and sticky summer evening, Oscar and his buddies Speed (Larry Haines), Roy (David Sheiner), Vinnie (John Fiedler), and policeman Murray (Herb Edelman) are playing poker and discussing their friend, Felix Ungar, who is unusually late for the game. Murray's wife calls and tells him that Felix is missing. Oscar then calls Felix's wife Frances who says that she and Felix have split up. As they are discussing what to do, and worried that Felix might try to commit suicide, Felix arrives not knowing that his friends already", "title": "The Odd Couple (film)" }, { "docid": "5787145", "text": "Art Carney, who played Felix Unger. Eventually when Carney left the play Dooley got the part. He got an agent at William Morris Agency thanks to a referral from Walter Matthau, who played Oscar Madison in the play. Also having an interest in comedy, Dooley was a stand-up comedian for five years, eventually landing on \"The Tonight Show,\" and a member of the Compass Players and The Second City troupe in New York City. Fellow members of The Second City at that time were Alan Arkin and Alan Alda. Dooley also worked as a writer. He created and was one", "title": "Paul Dooley" }, { "docid": "962917", "text": "Morris (\"Saved by the Bell\"), Major Roger Healey to Major Anthony \"Tony\" Nelson (\"I Dream of Jeannie\"), or even a group of people such as the Sweathogs to Mr. Kotter (\"Welcome Back, Kotter\"). Duos of equal importance on TV such as Kate McArdle and Allie Lowell (\"Kate & Allie\"), Oscar Madison and Felix Unger (\"The Odd Couple\"), Bret Maverick and Bart Maverick (\"Maverick\"), or Laverne De Fazio and Shirley Feeney (\"Laverne & Shirley\"), are sometimes both called sidekicks to each other, although the usual sense of the term denotes inequality. Many television talk shows make use of a sidekick as", "title": "Sidekick" }, { "docid": "19426634", "text": "Fabray. They were wed in 1947 and divorced in 1951. Tebet was said to be the inspiration for Felix Unger, the fastidious divorcé in Neil Simon’s \"The Odd Couple\". Slovenly, Oscar Madison was reportedly based on Tebet’s onetime roommate, songwriter Sammy Cahn. Tebet was also writer Paddy Chayefsky’s model for Max Schumacher, the level-headed television executive played by William Holden in the movie \"Network\". For his contributions to television, Tebet was granted the medallion for distinguished service by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. He was also a lifetime member of the Board of Governors of the New", "title": "David Tebet" }, { "docid": "17499446", "text": "\"Collard Greens\", number 28 on their list of the 50 best songs of 2013. Dave Bry elaborated saying, \"It's like the \"Odd Couple\". Kendrick is the neatnik Felix Unger to ScHoolboy's slovenly Oscar Madison. The studio is like the apartment they shared on the show—can't you just see Kendrick following a stumbling ScHoolboy around, trying to hold an ashtray under his blunt. Anyway, they both handle the throbbing, bouncy beat that producers THC and Gwen Bun made for them with aplomb, proving why the TDE formula works so well.\" On August 7, 2013, Schoolboy Q appeared on BET's \"106 &", "title": "Collard Greens (song)" }, { "docid": "8456603", "text": "\"Pink Panther\" cartoons: David DePatie and Friz Freleng were executive producers, Gerry Chiniquy, and Robert McKimson among others, directed several episodes. The characters' professions in this version were reversed from the original series, with the fastidious Spiffy working as a reporter and the rumpled Fleabag a photographer, often working together. The show was canceled in 1977. In 1982, as a hedge against the 1981 Writers Guild of America strike, ABC aired a new version of \"The Odd Couple\", this time with two African-Americans, Ron Glass as Felix and Demond Wilson as Oscar. It was called \"The New Odd Couple\", and", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "5596736", "text": "neither actor played a leading role, both in 2000. It has been 17 years since Oscar Madison and Felix Ungar have seen one another. Oscar is still hosting a regular poker game and is still an untidy slob, now living in Sarasota, Florida, but still a sportswriter. One day, he is called by his son Brucey with an invitation to California for his wedding the following Sunday. A second shock for Oscar—the woman his son is marrying is Felix's daughter, Hannah. On the flight from New York to Los Angeles, it becomes clear that Felix has not changed his ways—he", "title": "The Odd Couple II" }, { "docid": "2668164", "text": "(a photographer in the television series), is thrown out by his wife, and moves in with his friend Oscar Madison, a slovenly sportswriter. Despite Oscar's problems – careless spending, excessive gambling, a poorly kept house filled with spoiled food – he seems to enjoy life. Felix, however, seems utterly incapable of enjoying anything and only finds purpose in pointing out his own and other people's mistakes and foibles. Even when he tries to do so in a gentle and constructive way, his corrections and suggestions prove extremely annoying to those around him. Oscar, his closest friend, feels compelled to throw", "title": "The Odd Couple (play)" } ]
[ { "docid": "2883242", "text": "Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Latvia, Slovenia and Serbia; a regular member of the German Leopoldina, Slovakia and the New York Academy of Sciences; and the world and the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. Honorary professor: Honorary doctorates: Felix Unger Felix Unger (born 2 March 1946 in Klagenfurt, Austria) is a heart specialist and a president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and Alma Mater Europaea. In 1986 he performed the first artificial heart transplantation in Europe. Unger studied medicine at University of Vienna, graduating in 1971. After graduation, he practiced at University Clinic for Cardiology in", "title": "Felix Unger" }, { "docid": "2883240", "text": "Felix Unger Felix Unger (born 2 March 1946 in Klagenfurt, Austria) is a heart specialist and a president of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and Alma Mater Europaea. In 1986 he performed the first artificial heart transplantation in Europe. Unger studied medicine at University of Vienna, graduating in 1971. After graduation, he practiced at University Clinic for Cardiology in Vienna (1971, 1972) and at the local University Surgical Clinic (1972–1977) and in 1975 as a researcher in the field of Cardiovascular medicine in Houston, Cleveland and Salt Lake City in USA. In the year of 1978, he received", "title": "Felix Unger" }, { "docid": "8456583", "text": "\"Felix Remarries\", Felix finally wins Gloria back and they remarry as Oscar regains the freedom of living alone again. The final scene unfolds in this way, as the two say their goodbyes: The 114 episodes went on to syndication and home video. There were some minor changes made in the development of the series. In both TV series and play, Felix's last name was spelled Unger but in the film it is spelled Ungar. In the stage play, Felix is a news writer for CBS (in the film he writes the news for \"television\"), while in the TV series he", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "8456590", "text": "a pet-shop owner, a florist, a psychiatrist, and a non-denominational monk, never playing the same role twice. Actor Herbie Faye appeared five times on the series in different roles. Oscar's mother appeared in two different episodes, played once by Elvia Allman, and once by Jane Dulo, both veteran actresses. The show often had celebrity guest stars, who reflected the cultural leanings either of Oscar or Felix, often playing themselves or occasionally fictional characters. For Oscar, country guitar legend Roy Clark played an old practical joke-playing friend, who nonetheless, has enormous musical talent, as even Felix acknowledges. Sportscaster Howard Cosell (2", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "5020352", "text": "Warhammer Army books during the fourth edition of the game as well as an old version of the magic rulebook for Warhammer Fantasy Battles: Several characters introduced in the Gotrek and Felix series are featured in their own novels: Black Library Gotrek and Felix Gotrek and Felix are a pair of characters in the \"Warhammer Fantasy\" setting who appear in a series of novels mainly by William King and also by Nathan Long. The novels chronicle the adventures of a Dwarven Slayer named Gotrek Gurnisson and his poet/insurrectionist companion, Felix Jaeger. As a Slayer, Gotrek seeks a glorious death in", "title": "Gotrek and Felix" }, { "docid": "2883241", "text": "his Ph.D, became Associate Professor (and later Full Surgical Professor). In Salt Lake City, he invented Ellipsoidherz, later used by Unger for his 1986 artificial heart transplant procedure. In 1990 he founded the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, together with Kardinal König and Professor Lobkowitz. From 1985 to2011 he was the leader of the University Clinic for cardiac surgery in Salzburg. From 2001, he has been the president of the European Institute of Health. Prof. Unger is a member of a number of academies of science: a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the German", "title": "Felix Unger" }, { "docid": "17899680", "text": "Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya, billed as \"Collision Course\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 5, 2004 for the WBO middleweight championship. Following a controversial loss to Shane Mosley that cost him the WBA and WBC light-middleweight titles in September 2003, Oscar De La Hoya announced his intentions to move up to the middleweight division to challenge undefeated WBO champion Felix Sturm, followed by a unification bout with Undisputed Middleweight Champion Bernard Hopkins should he defeat Sturm. As a precursor to their planned fight, Hopkins and De La Hoya", "title": "Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya" }, { "docid": "17899686", "text": "for the count in the ninth round. Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya, billed as \"Collision Course\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 5, 2004 for the WBO middleweight championship. Following a controversial loss to Shane Mosley that cost him the WBA and WBC light-middleweight titles in September 2003, Oscar De La Hoya announced his intentions to move up to the middleweight division to challenge undefeated WBO champion Felix Sturm, followed by a unification bout with Undisputed Middleweight Champion Bernard Hopkins should he defeat Sturm. As a precursor to their", "title": "Felix Sturm vs. Oscar De La Hoya" }, { "docid": "13730227", "text": "journalist Felix Zimmermann wrote an honorary article on Unger in the \"Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten\" of August 25, 1932. Meanwhile, his health deteriorated. What later turned out to be a kidney disease was treated too late and Hans Unger died in his home in Loschwitz, a suburb of Dresden, on 9 August 1936. He was buried in Loschwitz Cemetery, where his grave still exists. History had certainly caught up with him. Adolf Hitler was already in power for more than three years, the economy was in the worst state of the entire 20th century and the days of Art Nouveau and", "title": "Hans Unger" }, { "docid": "12295219", "text": "Felix the Cat (TV series) Felix the Cat is a television series featuring the cartoon character Felix the Cat. In 1954, Otto Messmer retired from the Felix daily newspaper strips, and his assistant Joe Oriolo (the co-creator of Casper the Friendly Ghost) took over. Oriolo struck a deal with Felix's new owner to begin a new series of Felix cartoons for television. Oriolo starred Felix in 260 television cartoons produced by Famous Studios which was renamed to Paramount Cartoon Studios, and distributed by Trans-Lux. Like the Van Beuren studio before, Oriolo gave Felix a more domesticated and pedestrian personality, geared", "title": "Felix the Cat (TV series)" }, { "docid": "1615924", "text": "new series of Felix cartoons on television. Oriolo went on to star Felix in 260 television cartoons produced by Famous Studios which was renamed to Paramount Cartoon Studios, and distributed by Trans-Lux beginning in 1958. Like the Van Beuren studio before, Oriolo gave Felix a more domesticated and pedestrian personality geared more toward children and introduced now-familiar elements such as Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks, a satchel that could assume the shape and characteristics of anything Felix wanted. The show did away with Felix's previous supporting cast and introduced many new characters, all of which were performed by voice actor", "title": "Felix the Cat" }, { "docid": "12295220", "text": "more toward children, and introduced now-familiar elements such as Felix's \"Magic Bag of Tricks\", a satchel that could assume the shape and characteristics of anything Felix wanted. Those cartoons were divided into two parts, because when Felix was in distress, or in a jam, the announcer would intone before the concluding episode: \"What will happen to Felix, in the next exciting episode, in the \"Adventures of Felix the Cat\"?\" The show did away with Felix's previous supporting cast and introduced many new characters. These characters were performed by voice actor Jack Mercer. Oriolo's plots revolve around the unsuccessful attempts of", "title": "Felix the Cat (TV series)" }, { "docid": "5020327", "text": "Gotrek and Felix Gotrek and Felix are a pair of characters in the \"Warhammer Fantasy\" setting who appear in a series of novels mainly by William King and also by Nathan Long. The novels chronicle the adventures of a Dwarven Slayer named Gotrek Gurnisson and his poet/insurrectionist companion, Felix Jaeger. As a Slayer, Gotrek seeks a glorious death in battle to atone for his unknown sins. Felix, bound to him by a Dwarven blood-oath sworn after a drinking binge, is tasked with writing and recording his heroic exploits and ultimately his death. Felix, however, has long since come to adopt", "title": "Gotrek and Felix" }, { "docid": "14784828", "text": "David Unger (journalist) David C. Unger (born March 5, 1947 in Brooklyn, NY, USA) is a journalist, former foreign affairs editorial writer for \"The New York Times\" (1977–2013) and author of the book \"The Emergency State\". He is currently an Adjunct Professor of American Foreign Policy at Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies Europe, at Bologna and Contributing Editor at \"Survival\". Unger received an A.B. in History and Comparative Literature from Cornell University, a Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin and has done additional graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the Institute for Historical", "title": "David Unger (journalist)" }, { "docid": "8456598", "text": "W58th and 5th Ave in front of the Grand Army Plaza Monuments, Pulitzer Fountain, where Oscar throws his lunch wrapper on the ground and Felix beckons him to pick it up. In later seasons, another clip was incorporated into the credits (a re-taping of a scene from an actual episode) in which Oscar washes his hands in the kitchen sink and begins to dry them on the curtains; Felix protests this, and so Oscar instead dries his hands on Felix' shirt. For the final season, the credits were shown against a blue background. Klugman and Randall did a series of", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "12295222", "text": "later, Felix would be the star of his own anime series. No matter what the situation, he almost always ends up laughing. A few of the episodes end with Felix on the losing end without the laughter, or his other signature line, \"Righty-o!\" The program is also remembered for its distinctive theme song. It was written by Winston Sharples and performed by 1950s big band singer Ann Bennett. Felix the Cat (TV series) Felix the Cat is a television series featuring the cartoon character Felix the Cat. In 1954, Otto Messmer retired from the Felix daily newspaper strips, and his", "title": "Felix the Cat (TV series)" }, { "docid": "20197588", "text": "Wilhelm Unger Wilhelm Unger (4 June 1904 - 9 December 1985) was a German author, journalist and theatre critic. He was also younger brother to the writer and dramaturge . Wilhelm Unger was born in Hohensalza (today called Inowrocław), at that time a small industrial town in the Prussian Province of Posen which since 1945 has been in the centre of Poland. His father, Dr. Samuel Unger, was a Jewish physician originally from Cologne. His mother, Flora Unger, had been born in Russia. In 1907, when he was just 3, the family moved back to Cologne which is where Unger", "title": "Wilhelm Unger" }, { "docid": "8301661", "text": "and 1970, staged by Oscar Fritz Schuh and conducted by Wolfgang Sawallisch; 1974 staged by Strehler and conducted by Karajan, and Valzacchi in Richard Strauss' \"Der Rosenkavalier\" (1969, staged by Rudolf Hartmann, designed by Teo Otto, and conducted by Karl Böhm). He occasionally played Mime, for example in La Scala's 1975 production staged by Luca Ronconi, designed by Pier Luigi Pizzi, and conducted by Sawallisch. His other commercial recordings include the Otto Klemperer recording of \"The Magic Flute\" (1963), as Monastatos, and the Georg Solti Decca recording of \"Elektra\". Gerhard Unger Gerhard Unger (November 26, 1916 – July 4, 2011)", "title": "Gerhard Unger" }, { "docid": "10597310", "text": "Seth Unger Seth Unger is a co-founder of NYC TV now called NYC Media, the network he and Arick Wierson launched in 2003 while working for Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Among Unger's most notable accomplishments at the network is the creation of \"Blueprint | NYC\", a documentary series that highlights local architectural and historical interests in New York City. In 2004, the series won five local New York Emmy Awards. Previous to joining NYC TV, Unger was an executive at Messenger Records, later leaving to work as a campaign aide to Michael Bloomberg in 2001. Unger retired from NYC TV in", "title": "Seth Unger" }, { "docid": "8456599", "text": "commercials for different products as Felix and Oscar. In 1972, they appeared in TV commercials for Yoplait yogurt. (Klugman also did commercials without Randall for the product in the early 1980s.) In 1974 they appeared in ads for the game \"Challenge Yahtzee\"; for a while, their likenesses also appeared on the game's packaging, with the slogan \"You play your way—I'll play mine!\" In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Klugman and Randall reprised their characters in a series of commercials for Eagle Snacks, although they called each other by their real names. They also reprised their roles as Felix and", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "7928520", "text": "has written a book review for \"The Washington Post\". He is a commentator on the internet talk show \"The Young Turks\", which streams on YouTube; it is one of the most watched news programs produced solely for the web. The show was briefly broadcast on the Current TV television network from 2011 to 2013. Unger was even the narrator for the PBS American version of Nature's \"Spy in the Wild\". Unger hosted a documentary special on The History Channel titled \"How the States Got Their Shapes\". In 2011, the network expanded the special into a weekly series, which Unger hosts.", "title": "Brian Unger" }, { "docid": "13858977", "text": "and \"Scrubs\". He also made an appearance on \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\". Unger has appeared in the films \"\", \"You Again\", \"Monster Mutt\", \"Opposite Day\", \"Jack and the Beanstalk\", and \"Rock Slyde\". Beginning in 2012 he began starring as Chase, the youngest of the super-human bionic teens, in the Disney XD series \"Lab Rats\". In 2016, he continued to play Chase on the \"Lab Rats\" spinoff series \"\", now credited as William Brent. Billy Unger William Brent Unger (born October 15, 1995) is an American actor. He is known for playing Chase on the Disney XD series \"Lab", "title": "Billy Unger" }, { "docid": "13858976", "text": "Billy Unger William Brent Unger (born October 15, 1995) is an American actor. He is known for playing Chase on the Disney XD series \"Lab Rats\" and \"\". Credited as Billy Unger before 2016, starting with \"Lab Rats: Elite Force\" he is credited as William Brent. Unger was born in Palm Beach County, Florida. He moved to Hollywood with his family in 2006. Since moving to LA, Unger has guest starred on Disney XD's \"Kickin' It\", Disney Channel's \"Sonny with a Chance\" and \"A.N.T. Farm\", and on \"No Ordinary Family\", \"Ghost Whisperer\", \"Hawthorne\", \"\", \"Mental\", \"Medium\", \"Desperate Housewives\", \"Cold Case\",", "title": "Billy Unger" }, { "docid": "4106272", "text": "with surreal settings and offbeat character depictions. Felix is also more like his original mischievous adult form, rather than the young and innocent depiction from the 1930s, 1950s and the 1988 film \"\". It does, however, contain some elements from the 1950s series such as Felix's Magic Bag of Tricks and the characters Poindexter, the Master Cylinder, the Professor and Rock Bottom (though the latter two are actually parodies of the original characters, with their names being the Mad Doctor and Lead Fanny, respectively). The series used Fleischer Studios' style. The series starred Thom Adcox-Hernandez as the voice of Felix", "title": "The Twisted Tales of Felix the Cat" }, { "docid": "7928518", "text": "Unger Report\") for the NPR show \"Day to Day\" from its launch in 2003 until its cancellation, making his final \"Unger Report\" on March 16, 2009. He currently provides regular commentary to NPR's \"All Things Considered\". He has hosted on MSNBC's \"Countdown with Keith Olbermann\" and Discovery Channel show \"Some Assembly Required\" (with University of Virginia Professor of Physics Lou Bloomfield; and then solo in its final season). Unger was one of the co-hosts for the pilot of a new PBS series, \"Wired Science\", which aired in January 2007 and was subsequently picked up to debut later in the year,", "title": "Brian Unger" }, { "docid": "20197596", "text": ". He died in Cologne on 20 December 1985. Wilhelm Unger Wilhelm Unger (4 June 1904 - 9 December 1985) was a German author, journalist and theatre critic. He was also younger brother to the writer and dramaturge . Wilhelm Unger was born in Hohensalza (today called Inowrocław), at that time a small industrial town in the Prussian Province of Posen which since 1945 has been in the centre of Poland. His father, Dr. Samuel Unger, was a Jewish physician originally from Cologne. His mother, Flora Unger, had been born in Russia. In 1907, when he was just 3, the", "title": "Wilhelm Unger" }, { "docid": "6395562", "text": "House\" (1989), he did a voice in the 1990 hit science fiction \"Total Recall\". Unger has made many guest appearances on TV shows, some of those appearances range from \"The A-Team\", \"Alice\", \"Airwolf\", \"Cagney & Lacey\", \"The Pretender\", and \"Carnivàle\". Unger provided the voice of \"Joe the Vampire Hunter\" on the Adult Swim series \"Mary Shelley's Frankenhole\". Joe Unger Joseph Unger (born May 25, 1949) is an American actor who has starred in many films and on television. He is best known for his role in Wes Craven's 1984 horror hit film \"A Nightmare on Elm Street\" as Sgt. Garcia,", "title": "Joe Unger" }, { "docid": "20197590", "text": "street violence increased, many Jews fled abroad. The Unger family, initially, stayed in Germany. However, on 15 March 1939, as news services reported the German military invasion of Czechoslovakia, Wilhelm Unger fled to England, where his brother had been living since 1937. Their two sisters, Ella and Grete, would be murdered in concentration camps. The brothers discovered only in 1945 that their parents had outlived the Nazi regime, held in the Theresienstadt concentration camp. War across Europe broke out more generally during September 1939 and at the end of June 1940 the German air force launched a series of large", "title": "Wilhelm Unger" }, { "docid": "7928516", "text": "Brian Unger Brian D. Unger (born November 30, 1965) is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and commentator. Born in Dayton, Ohio to Richard (\"Rich\") Unger and Eleanor (\"Ellie\") Oprea, Unger grew up in Granville. He graduated Granville High School and then from Ohio University in 1987, where he majored in communication. He had worked on a television show called \"Fridays Live\", an OU student-produced comedy show airing on WOUB-TV, the local PBS affiliate. Unger returned to make a cameo on the show's Season 17 finale. Unger has Romanian ethnic heritage. Unger was an original correspondent and producer on \"The", "title": "Brian Unger" }, { "docid": "7928521", "text": "As of 2014, Unger co-hosts \"Showdown of the Unbeatables\". As of September 8, 2013, Brian Unger hosted an NFL.com segment titled \"Game Day Satisfaction: Week 1\". Brian Unger Brian D. Unger (born November 30, 1965) is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and commentator. Born in Dayton, Ohio to Richard (\"Rich\") Unger and Eleanor (\"Ellie\") Oprea, Unger grew up in Granville. He graduated Granville High School and then from Ohio University in 1987, where he majored in communication. He had worked on a television show called \"Fridays Live\", an OU student-produced comedy show airing on WOUB-TV, the local PBS affiliate.", "title": "Brian Unger" }, { "docid": "9169522", "text": "Oscar Martinez (The Office) Oscar Martinez is a fictional character from the US mockumentary-style television series \"The Office\" played by Cuban-American actor Oscar Nunez. Martinez was one of the few openly gay characters in broadcast television at the time that the series aired. Nunez, who is straight, did not know his character might be gay when he first signed on. For the 2006–2007 season, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) reported he was the only LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) person of color character on a regular series. For the 2007–2008 season he was the \"only remaining gay character", "title": "Oscar Martinez (The Office)" }, { "docid": "1615893", "text": "Felix the Cat Felix the Cat is a funny-animal cartoon character created in the silent film era. The anthropomorphic black cat with his black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which his cartoons place him, combine to make Felix one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history. Felix was the first character from animation to attain a level of popularity sufficient to draw movie audiences. Felix's origins remain disputed. Australian cartoonist/film entrepreneur Pat Sullivan, owner of the Felix character, claimed during his lifetime to be its creator. American animator Otto", "title": "Felix the Cat" }, { "docid": "6814786", "text": "not expect to return to full-time cartooning but planned to add new material. Unger signed a long-term contract to bring ten years of classic \"Herman\" back to newspapers. He returned to Canada in his last years, settling in Saanich, British Columbia. Unger was a co-founder of Intraca with David Waisglass, creator of \"Farcus\". Intraca uses the humour of popular cartoons and motivational quotes to inform and boost employees with \"positive daily business messages\" on their computers. \"Herman\" characters are also found on workplace posters promoting safety and improved production. In 1990, \"Herman\" became the first newspaper cartoon syndicated in East", "title": "Jim Unger" }, { "docid": "5467563", "text": "Deborah Kara Unger Deborah Kara Unger (born 12 May 1966) is a Canadian actress. She is known for her roles in the films \"\" (1994), \"Crash\" (1996), \"The Game\" (1997), \"Payback\" (1999), \"The Hurricane\" (1999), \"White Noise\" (2005), \"Silent Hill\" (2006), \"88 Minutes\" (2008) and \"The Way\" (2010). Deborah Kara Unger was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada to a nuclear disposal specialist mother and a gynaecologist father. She was the first Canadian to be accepted into Australia's National Institute of Dramatic Art. Upon graduation Unger found steady work in Australian films and television series, including \"Bangkok Hilton\" with Nicole", "title": "Deborah Kara Unger" }, { "docid": "20263992", "text": "lifted and in 1911 Frieda Unger also joined the SPD. At a meeting of striking workers she discovered her natural talent for public speaking and political agitation. In 1915 Frieda and Karl Unger relocated to Lahr, a small town on what in 1919 would become the German side of the Rhine, between Freiburg and Strasbourg. Meanwhile the party leadership's implementation of what amounted to a parliamentary truce in respect of funding the war which had broken out in July 1914 triggered widespread dismay among the party membership. From the outset Frieda Unger, now increasingly involved politically, opposed the war: as", "title": "Frieda Unger" }, { "docid": "13730229", "text": "in 1899. She was to become his muse, his model and the main subject of his works. She is said to have been quite beautiful and the centre of attention of the many friends in the artistic circles in Dresden, especially musicians and writers, which Unger invited to his house. In 1902, Unger designed his own villa in Loschwitz. His prominence as a daring young artist and his popularity among the Dresden upper class as a portraitist had made him a wealthy man. Unger also designed the entire interior decoration himself. This however was removed during a renovation in the", "title": "Hans Unger" }, { "docid": "15929831", "text": "to the first half of the third millennium BC or even earlier, possibly the oldest known measuring device, it supposedly defines the Sumerian cubit at about 518.6 millimetres. The many published works of Eckhard Unger include among others: Eckhard Unger Eckhard Unger (Landsberg an der Warthe, 11 April 1884 – 24 July 1966) was a German assyriologist. Unger who was the curator of the Istanbul museum described the remains of Balawat Gates that are still in the Istanbul Museum. Unger was fully aware that the major parts of the gates were in London and Paris as he had visited both", "title": "Eckhard Unger" }, { "docid": "20948337", "text": "Flora Unger-Weisfelt is celebrated by an unusual memorial. An \"upright sans italic\" font was named after her in 1984. Her second book, \"Jewellery Matters\", was written jointly with the Rijksmuseum curator Suzanne van Leeuwen and was published in 2017. In 2017 Unger handed over another 200 pieces, described by sources as \"the rest of her collection\", to the Rijksmuseum. She told an interviewer that this had always been her intention, but the discovery of her incurable metastatic bone cancer had hastened the action. Marjan Unger Marianne de Boer, later known as Marjan Unger (11 February 1946 – 27 June 2018),", "title": "Marjan Unger" }, { "docid": "1615927", "text": "Cat Saves Christmas\". Oriolo has also brought about a new wave of Felix merchandising, including Wendy's Kids Meal toys and a video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. According to Don Oriolo's Felix the Cat blog, as of September 2008 there were plans in development for a new television series. Oriolo's biography page also mentions a 52-episode cartoon series then in the works titled \"The Felix the Cat Show\", which was slated to use computer graphics. DVD releases include \"Presenting Felix the Cat\" from Bosko Video; \"Felix!\" from Lumivision; \"Felix the Cat: The Collector's Edition\" from Delta Entertainment; and \"Before", "title": "Felix the Cat" }, { "docid": "18043780", "text": "Gaby has left him because he was a thoughtless slob. Felix and Oscar attempt to date Casey and Emily, two sisters who are roommates in the same building, and who both have recently exited their own unhealthy relationships. Felix is pretty insecure as he still has feelings for Ashley, which contrasts with Oscar who claims to be better off away from his ex. However, Oscar later confesses to Felix that he is not over Gaby. Oscar holds poker games regularly, with two of the players being Teddy, his agent, and Roy, one of his best friends. Matthew Perry is a", "title": "The Odd Couple (2015 TV series)" }, { "docid": "9854764", "text": "from the command line in the extracted directory type the following: codice_1 After bundles are installed and running, typing a command like help from the console will display all available commands, which are: Felix Framework Distribution The projects listed below highlight the adoption of Apache Felix: Apache Felix Apache Felix is an open source implementation of the OSGi Core Release 6 framework specification. The initial codebase was donated from the Oscar project at ObjectWeb. The developers worked on Felix for a full year and have made various improvements while retaining the original footprint and performance. On June 21, 2007, the", "title": "Apache Felix" }, { "docid": "7440862", "text": "prestigious \"Bologna Media Prize\") and \"Mission Music\" (1998), the characters of Tommy and Oscar have been very successful worldwide, especially in Europe, Latin America and Asia. Tommy e Oscar Tommy and Oscar () is an Italian animated television series created by Max Alessandrini and Iginio Straffi, and produced by the Italian company Rainbow S.r.l. and by RAI Fiction. Tommy, a 10-year-old boy with his alien friend Oscar and his friends Yukari and Peter along with his uncle, Professor Leonard, join forces to stop the evil desires of Caesar. The main town in the series Rainbow City, which takes its name", "title": "Tommy e Oscar" }, { "docid": "10477027", "text": "writing. Unger was inducted into the Nevada Writers Hall of Fame in 2007. Douglas Unger Douglas Arthur Unger (born June 27, 1952) is an American novelist. Unger was born in Moscow, Idaho. He received a BA from the University of Chicago in 1973 and a MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa in 1977. Unger has written four novels, including his 1984 debut, \"Leaving the Land\", which was a finalist for the 1985 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, and received the Society of Midland Authors Award for Fiction and a", "title": "Douglas Unger" }, { "docid": "6814788", "text": "living in Canada, and brother Steve who was living in the UK. Jim Unger Jim Unger (21 January 1937 – 26 May 2012) was a British Canadian cartoonist, best known for his syndicated comic strip \"Herman\" which ran for 18 years in 600 newspapers in 25 countries. Unger was born in London, England, to Lillian Maud and James Unger. Unger served in the British Army, was enrolled as a London bobby, and worked as an insurance clerk and a repo man before emigrating to Canada in 1968 at the suggestion of one of his sisters. In Mississauga, Ontario he began", "title": "Jim Unger" }, { "docid": "6814784", "text": "Jim Unger Jim Unger (21 January 1937 – 26 May 2012) was a British Canadian cartoonist, best known for his syndicated comic strip \"Herman\" which ran for 18 years in 600 newspapers in 25 countries. Unger was born in London, England, to Lillian Maud and James Unger. Unger served in the British Army, was enrolled as a London bobby, and worked as an insurance clerk and a repo man before emigrating to Canada in 1968 at the suggestion of one of his sisters. In Mississauga, Ontario he began his career as a cartoonist at the \"Mississauga Times\" newspaper. In 1974,", "title": "Jim Unger" }, { "docid": "16186516", "text": "Hotel in Budapest, until it was requisitioned by the communist regime in 1948. In 1949 de Unger, following a series of arrests in Hungary, moved permanently to England, working first as a manservant. After further training, he entered the legal profession as a barrister. He later worked as Crown Counsel in Ghana for the Colonial Office. The period in West Africa permitted visits to Egypt, where he developed an interest in Coptic and Islamic art. On returning to England, de Unger became a property developer, which provided him with the means to build up his post-war art collection, which he", "title": "Edmund de Unger" }, { "docid": "8456584", "text": "is a commercial photographer. (His slogan, which he is quick to vocalize, is \"Portraits a specialty.\") His wife is named Frances in the play and in the film, but is Gloria in the TV series. Oscar has at least two children, including a son \"Brucey\", who are referred to but not seen in the play and the film. In the series, Oscar is childless. In the film and the play, Felix has a son and a younger daughter. In the series, the children's ages are reversed and they are named Leonard and Edna, after Tony Randall's real first name and", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "15165910", "text": "Madison is producing the film Humpty Dumpty with Suzanne de Passe and two time Oscar winner Harvey Lowry. Most recently Madison and Suzanne de Passe have closed a deal with Fox to executive produce a half-hour family comedy series called “Becoming K.K. Jones”. Madison Jones (producer) Madison Jones is an American film and television executive and producer. He is also the Co-Chairman of the Los Angeles-based de Passe Jones Entertainment (dJE) with Suzanne de Passe. Madison Jones entered the entertainment industry at an early age working for HBO in the areas of programming; Family, Sports, Variety, Comedy, Specials, Film Acquisition,", "title": "Madison Jones (producer)" }, { "docid": "8456578", "text": "Rooney and Martin Balsam were also considered for the part of Oscar and Dean Martin and Art Carney for Felix (Carney had originated the role on Broadway). Eventually Tony Randall (as Felix) and Jack Klugman (as Oscar) were hired. Both had starred in different productions of the play. Randall, who was hired first, had still wanted Mickey Rooney to play Oscar. The show's co-executive producer, Garry Marshall, had to lobby hard to get Klugman successfully hired. Once the casting was in place, the show's writers (Marshall, Jerry Belson, Jerry Paris, Bob Brunner, Mark Rothman and Lowell Ganz, among others) came", "title": "The Odd Couple (1970 TV series)" }, { "docid": "15929830", "text": "Eckhard Unger Eckhard Unger (Landsberg an der Warthe, 11 April 1884 – 24 July 1966) was a German assyriologist. Unger who was the curator of the Istanbul museum described the remains of Balawat Gates that are still in the Istanbul Museum. Unger was fully aware that the major parts of the gates were in London and Paris as he had visited both locations and discussed them with the respective curators. In 1916, as curator of the Archeological Museum of Istanbul, he identified and described a copper-alloy object in the museum collection as an ell or measuring rod from Nippur. Dating", "title": "Eckhard Unger" }, { "docid": "12681484", "text": "the United States Department of Commerce. On December 15, 1982, Reagan nominated Unger to a newly created seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. While the nomination died at the end of the 97th Congress, Reagan renominated Unger to the same Federal Circuit seat on April 21, 1983. Upon both times Unger was nominated to the Federal Circuit, the American Bar Association gave him a unanimous rating of \"not qualified.\" The ABA's committee members who had investigated Unger, including former Secretary of Transportation William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr. and committee chair and future Commodity Futures Trading", "title": "Sherman Unger" }, { "docid": "18830001", "text": "Carl Richard Unger Carl Richard Unger (2 July 1817 – 30 November 1897) was a Norwegian historian and philologist. Unger was professor of Germanic and Romance philology at the University of Christiania from 1862 and was a prolific editor of Old Norse texts. Unger was born in Christiania, now Oslo, to Johan Carl Jonassen Unger and Annemarie Wetlesen. Between 1830 and 1832 he lived in Telemark with the poet and priest Simon Olaus Wolff. He graduated from school in 1835. Unger studied philology after school but did not receive a degree as mathematics, a subject with which he struggled, was", "title": "Carl Richard Unger" }, { "docid": "5020351", "text": "in particular his bodyguard, the ferocious Rat-Ogre he calls \"Boneripper\". There have been thirteen \"Boneripper\"s, nearly all of which have been killed by Gotrek and Felix. Thanquol has his own book series (which would appear to chronicle his schemes in the period between his last appearance in \"Beastslayer\" and his return in \"Elfslayer\") which started with the novel Grey Seer and is continued in Temple of the Serpent and Thanquol's Doom. The fate of Thanquol's Rat ogre bodyguards: Some other enemies Felix and Gotrek have faced (and defeated) in their adventures include: Gotrek and Felix make (small) appearances in many", "title": "Gotrek and Felix" }, { "docid": "5467566", "text": "Unger appeared in \"White Noise\", \"Things That Hang from Trees\", \"The Alibi\", \"Silent Hill\", \"88 Minutes\", \"Walled In\", \"Messages Deleted\" and \"The Way\". She also appeared in the music video for \"Jesus of Suburbia\" by American rock band Green Day. In 2011 she took a starring role in the television series \"Combat Hospital\", and in 2012 reprised her role as Dahlia Gillespie in the horror film sequel \"\". Deborah Kara Unger Deborah Kara Unger (born 12 May 1966) is a Canadian actress. She is known for her roles in the films \"\" (1994), \"Crash\" (1996), \"The Game\" (1997), \"Payback\" (1999),", "title": "Deborah Kara Unger" }, { "docid": "1615896", "text": "of Tricks\" that could assume an infinite variety of shapes at Felix's behest. The cat has since starred in other television programs and in two feature films. As of the 2010s, Felix is featured on a variety of merchandise from clothing to toys. Joe's son Don later assumed creative control of Felix. In 2002, \"TV Guide\" ranked Felix the Cat number 28 on its \"50 Greatest Cartoon Characters of All Time\" list. In 2014, the rights to the character belonged to Joe Oriolo's son Don Oriolo. They were later acquired by DreamWorks Animation, which is now part of Comcast's NBCUniversal", "title": "Felix the Cat" }, { "docid": "1615895", "text": "Felix's success was fading. The new Disney shorts of Mickey Mouse made the silent offerings of Sullivan and Messmer, who were then unwilling to move to sound production, seem outdated. In 1929, Sullivan decided to make the transition and began distributing Felix sound cartoons through Copley Pictures. The sound Felix shorts proved to be a failure and the operation ended in 1932. Felix saw a brief three-cartoon resurrection in 1936 by the Van Beuren Studios. Felix cartoons began airing on American TV in 1953. Joe Oriolo introduced a redesigned, \"long-legged\" Felix, added new characters, and gave Felix a \"Magic Bag", "title": "Felix the Cat" }, { "docid": "10477025", "text": "Douglas Unger Douglas Arthur Unger (born June 27, 1952) is an American novelist. Unger was born in Moscow, Idaho. He received a BA from the University of Chicago in 1973 and a MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa in 1977. Unger has written four novels, including his 1984 debut, \"Leaving the Land\", which was a finalist for the 1985 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, and received the Society of Midland Authors Award for Fiction and a Hemingway Foundation/PEN Special Citation. His short stories are collected in \"Looking for War\"", "title": "Douglas Unger" }, { "docid": "8535075", "text": "Felix was portrayed by Jack Lemmon, who had never played the character before. At one point, Frank Sinatra (as Felix) and Jackie Gleason (as Oscar) were reportedly considered for the film version. Dick Van Dyke and Tony Randall were also among those considered for the role of Felix (the latter portrayed him in the TV series). Similarly, Jack Klugman (who aside from the TV series had replaced Matthau on Broadway) and Mickey Rooney were also to play Oscar. Most of the script from the play has been retained, although the setting is expanded: instead of taking place entirely in Oscar's", "title": "The Odd Couple (film)" }, { "docid": "18058312", "text": "Glenn Unger Glenn Richard Unger (born July 27, 1951), also known as Dr. Sam Kennedy, is a former child star and convicted tax defrauder associated with the antigovernment Redemption movement. As a child, Unger appeared as Winthrop Paroo in \"The Music Man\" on Broadway, and starred alongside his sister, Ronnie, in a Broadway tribute to Fred Astaire, for which he was complimented by Astaire for his performance. He later became an orthodontist. According to \"The Christian Science Monitor\", a Unger became a key figure in the Redemption movement using the name Sam Kennedy. He hosted a program titled “Take No", "title": "Glenn Unger" }, { "docid": "8301659", "text": "Gerhard Unger Gerhard Unger (November 26, 1916 – July 4, 2011) was a German lyric tenor. Born in Bad Salzungen, he studied in Berlin and began singing concerts and oratorios in 1945, once the war was over. Unger made his debut as an opera singer in 1947 in Weimar. From 1949 to 1961, he sang with the Berlin State Opera. When the Berlin Wall was erected, he left for Stuttgart. After 1951 Unger sang regularly at the Bayreuth Festival. One of his signature roles was David from \"Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg\", which is documented on several recordings, including with Herbert", "title": "Gerhard Unger" }, { "docid": "20948336", "text": "doctoral dissertation Marjan Unger and her husband made a substantial donation of 492 pieces of jewelry from her collection to the Dutch National Museum (\"\"Rijksmuseum\"\") in Amsterdam. The pieces donated included items she had commissioned from known designers but also many pieces produced by unknown artists from outside the jewelry mainstream. Alongside the jewelry collection, items donated also included a large collection of ABBA button-badges and some coin-based jewelry. Personal tragedy struck in 2012 when the Ungers' only child was killed by cancer. Gerard Unger had by now established himself internationally as a typeface designer as a result of which", "title": "Marjan Unger" }, { "docid": "13052714", "text": "her profession, her community, and her charitable causes. Kay Unger Kay Unger is an American fashion designer. Until July 2012 she was the creative head and public face of Phoebe Company LLC and its brands; Kay Unger New York, Phoebe Couture, Unger by Kay Unger and Kay J’s by Kay Unger. Unger was born in Chicago, IL and first studied painting in the Fine Arts Program at Washington University (Missouri) before switching to design at Parsons The New School for Design in New York City. Upon graduation from Parsons in the late 1960s, she worked as one of three apprentices", "title": "Kay Unger" }, { "docid": "13052708", "text": "Kay Unger Kay Unger is an American fashion designer. Until July 2012 she was the creative head and public face of Phoebe Company LLC and its brands; Kay Unger New York, Phoebe Couture, Unger by Kay Unger and Kay J’s by Kay Unger. Unger was born in Chicago, IL and first studied painting in the Fine Arts Program at Washington University (Missouri) before switching to design at Parsons The New School for Design in New York City. Upon graduation from Parsons in the late 1960s, she worked as one of three apprentices for Geoffrey Beene. After a year, she decided", "title": "Kay Unger" }, { "docid": "20483528", "text": "Edna H. Nelson, and they had a daughter, Kirsten, and son, Llyod. Felix was an ardent fan of the New York and later San Francisco Giants. He died, emeritus professor of political science at the University of Georgia, in Athens, Georgia, on September 5, 2007. He was 93 years old. Felix A. Nigro Felix A. Nigro (1914–2007) was a pioneering scholar in Public administration. He was included in the \"International Who's Who\" and his election to the National Academy of Public Administration. Felix Nigro did his undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin at Madison (1935), where he graduated Phi", "title": "Felix A. Nigro" }, { "docid": "16259619", "text": "a graduate of Boston University and has lectured at Harvard Business School. He is fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, and French. Unger comes from a long line of successful entertainment industry executives. His father, Anthony Unger, produced numerous motion pictures including the highly acclaimed Don't Look Now, starring Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie which he executive-produced. His grandfather, Oliver A. Unger, was an award-winning film producer, distributor and exhibitor. And his uncle, Stephen A. Unger, is a leading executive recruiter for the entertainment and media industries. Unger is known for representing international talent, often successfully transforming local language stars into", "title": "David A. Unger" }, { "docid": "15414618", "text": "Scorpion and Felix Scorpion and Felix, A Humoristic Novel () is the only comedic fictional story to have been written by Karl Marx. Written in 1837 when he was 19 years old, it has remained unpublished. It was likely written under the influence of \"The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman\" by Laurence Sterne. The novel is told by a first-person narrator in the present tense. The plot revolves around three main characters, Felix, Scorpion, and Merten, and their quest to uncover their origins. The novel seems to take an ironic polemic with philosophy. It has also been described", "title": "Scorpion and Felix" }, { "docid": "14113783", "text": "Chiefs in which he played in two games but did not score. Unger retired from professional hockey in February 2008 and has since started a career in the financial services industry. James Glenwright Unger James Glenwright Unger (born January 18, 1985) in Garfield Heights, Ohio is a retired American hockey player. He most recently played with the Johnstown Chiefs of the ECHL during the 2007-08 ECHL season. Unger was first noticed as a standout forward for the Topeka ScareCrows during the 2001-2003 seasons in the USHL. During his time in Topeka, Unger compiled 52 points in 100 games played, scoring", "title": "James Glenwright Unger" }, { "docid": "9854763", "text": "Apache Felix Apache Felix is an open source implementation of the OSGi Core Release 6 framework specification. The initial codebase was donated from the Oscar project at ObjectWeb. The developers worked on Felix for a full year and have made various improvements while retaining the original footprint and performance. On June 21, 2007, the project graduated from incubation as a top level project and is considered the smallest size software at Apache Software Foundation. To run Apache Felix OSGi, you need to download the felix-framework-4.x.x.tar.gz or felix-framework-4.x.x.zip compressed file from the site. Once you have extracted the Felix framework distribution,", "title": "Apache Felix" }, { "docid": "4598513", "text": "struggle come to set the terms of social interaction and transaction, which is then institutionalized through law. This emergent order Unger calls formative context. Under a particular formative context, routines are established and people come to believe and act as if their social words were coherent wholes that are perfectly intelligible and defensible. They come to see the existing arrangements as necessary. Unger calls this false necessity. In reality, these arrangements are arbitrary and hold together rather tenuously, which leaves them open to resistance and change. This opposition Unger calls negative capability. This leads Unger to the conclusion that change", "title": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger" }, { "docid": "13244971", "text": "and Actor awards collectively. The Landau-Unger Company also distributed the \"Eleanor Roosevelt Story\", which won the 1965 Academy Award for Best Documentary. Unger produced several films in Southern Africa with Harry Alan Towers in the 1960s. The Landau-Unger Company was sold to Commonwealth United Corporation in 1967, at which time Unger was named Vice Chairman of Commonwealth United Company. In 1969 he added the titles of Vice Chairman of Commonwealth United Corporation and Chief Executive Officer of Commonwealth’s Entertainment Division. Films financed, produced and distributed by Commonwealth United under Unger's tutelage include \"The Madwoman of Chaillot\", \"The Magic Christian\", \"Julius", "title": "Oliver A. Unger" }, { "docid": "8380405", "text": "lives at Dryaw Airfield. He was built in 1949 and appears in 1956. \"Sir Topham Hatt\", The Fat Controller, is the head of the main rail company on Sodor. He is a firm but fair leader for whom the engines have the greatest respect. The minor characters are described in their own article, Minor characters in The Railway Series, or in the articles about the railways on which they operate: Characters in The Railway Series Many characters have appeared in the books of \"The Railway Series\" by the Rev. Wilbert Awdry and Christopher Awdry, and in the spin-off television series,", "title": "Characters in The Railway Series" }, { "docid": "15239123", "text": "Britain and Canada. From newspaper journalism, he went into a career that combined radio work with academics, becoming an on-air commentator in New York for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and an adjunct associate professor of English and journalism at two New York-area colleges. Unger is a former Distinguished Visiting Fellow in American History at Mount Vernon (2008), and as of 2015 he had written twenty-five books, including ten biographies of America's founding fathers as well as a biography of statesman Henry Clay. Unger formerly resided in France. He now resides in New York City. Harlow Giles Unger Harlow Giles Unger", "title": "Harlow Giles Unger" }, { "docid": "4598561", "text": "Unger also helped organize the presidential bids of former finance minister and governor of Ceará, Ciro Gomes, in 1998 and 2002. In 1998, Gomes came in third place with 11% of the vote, and in 2002 he came in fourth place with 12% of the vote. Unger had written \"The Next Step: An Alternative to Neoliberalism\" with Gomes in 1996. At the national level in 2002, again in the second round of the election, Unger supported Lula who went on to defeat José Serra to win the Presidency. With the experience of supporting others who imploded politically, Unger discovered that,", "title": "Roberto Mangabeira Unger" }, { "docid": "13052712", "text": "products. . As the CEO, Unger is a popular lecturer on design and entrepreneurship. Under the Kay Unger Design rubric, Unger has sold high-fashion sketches via art sales around the world. Unger has also made philanthropy a cornerstone of her life. Unger os the founder of the Kay Unger Family Foundation, a group that has raised funds for cancer research and arts education. She has been a longtime member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, where she was the first woman board member. She is a founding member and board member of The Committee of 200, an organization", "title": "Kay Unger" }, { "docid": "7109705", "text": "been surpassed by Doug Jarvis, who played 964 consecutive games. Unger finished with 1105 career NHL games, scoring 413 goals and 391 assists for 804 points, and he also registered 1075 career penalty minutes. Unger was also the MVP of the 1974 NHL All-Star game. Garry was the oldest of four children of Jakob and Olive (Wheeler) Unger. Unger's younger sister used a wheelchair; she proved to be an inspiration to Unger during his playing career. After being traded to Atlanta in 1979, Unger encountered a group of Christian players, including Paul Henderson, who Unger credits with helping him discover", "title": "Garry Unger" }, { "docid": "4792981", "text": "at about the same location to honor the city's war dead. Thomas Hastings designed a triple arch which cost $80,000 and was modeled after the Arch of Constantine in Rome. Once again, a bid to make the arch permanent failed. The park was the site of an unusual public protest in 1901. Oscar Spate, a displaced Londoner, convinced the Parks Commissioner, George Clausen, to allow him to pay the city $500 a year to put 200 cushioned rocking chairs in Madison Square Park, Union Square, and Central Park and charge the public 5 cents for their use. Free benches were", "title": "Madison Square and Madison Square Park" } ]
Who along with Philips developed the CD in the late 70s?
[ "Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo", "DCR-DVD405E", "DSC-P93", "ソニー株式会社", "DSC-T10", "Sony Corporation", "DCR-TRV38", "DCR-SR35E", "List of Sony shareholders and subsidiaries", "Sony Style", "Sony Corp.", "MODEL-NAME", "Sony Entertainment", "S0ny", "Sony corporation", "The Sony Corporation", "List of Sony products", "DSC-WX100 v1.00", "Sony Electronics", "Sony Europe", "List of assets owned by Sony Corporation", "Sony", "Sony Broadcast & Professional Research Laboratories", "Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering", "Sony EMCS", "Sony (Sony Corporation, Japan)", "Sony Company", "ソニー", "Sony CISC", "Sony Store", "HDR-SR12", "SONY", "DSC-WX100", "Sonī Kabushiki Gaisha", "Sony.com", "Sony Electronics Inc.", "SonyStyle", "Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation", "Sony Corp", "MMCD", "Sony Group", "Sony City" ]
[ { "docid": "335453", "text": "were released: \"\", \"\" and \"Zelda's Adventure\". Nintendo and Philips had established an agreement to co-develop a CD-ROM enhancement for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System due to licensing disagreements with Nintendo's previous partner Sony (an agreement that produced a prototype console called the SNES-CD). While Philips and Nintendo never released such a CD-ROM add-on, Philips was still contractually allowed to continue using Nintendo characters. Applications were developed using authoring software produced by OptImage. This included OptImage's Balboa Runtime Libraries and MediaMogul. The second company that produced authoring software was Script Systems; they produced ABCD-I. Philips also released several versions of", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335458", "text": "the FW380i, an integrated mini-stereo and CD-i player; the 21TCDi30, a television with a built-in CD-i device; and the CD-i 180/181/182 modular system, the first CD-i system produced in collaboration with Kyocera in 1988, before the actual debut of CD-i. In addition to Philips, several manufacturers produced CD-i players, including Philips subsidiary Magnavox, GoldStar / LG Electronics, Digital Video Systems, Memorex, Grundig, Saab Electric, Sony (Intelligent Discman, a hybrid home/portable CD-i player), Kyocera, NBS, Highscreen, and Bang & Olufsen, who produced a television with a built-in CD-i device (Beocenter AV5). Recognizing the growing need among marketers for networked multimedia, Philips", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335449", "text": "console, also known as Green Book, which was co-developed by Philips and Sony. In addition to games, educational and multimedia reference titles were produced, such as interactive encyclopedias and museum tours, which were popular before public Internet access was widespread. The CD-i was also one of the earliest game systems to implement Internet features, including subscriptions, web browsing, downloading, e-mail, and online play. This was facilitated by the use of an additional hardware modem and \"CD-Online\" disc (renamed Web-i in the US), which Philips initially released in Britain in 1995 for $150 US. Development of the CD-i format began in", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335450", "text": "1984 and it was first publicly announced in 1986. The first Philips CD-i player, released in 1991 and initially priced around US$1,000, was capable of playing interactive CD-i discs, Audio CDs, CD+G (CD+Graphics), Karaoke CDs, Photo CDs and Video CDs (VCDs), though the latter required an optional \"Digital Video Card\" to provide MPEG-1 decoding. Philips also licensed the CD-i format to other manufacturers for use, and there were also CD-i players by Sony under the \"Intelligent Discman\" brand. Philips marketed the CD-i as a \"home entertainment system\" in Europe, but more as a games and educational machine in the U.S.", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "317484", "text": "globally, the scale advantages of the Japanese proved insurmountable and Philips withdrew the V2000 system and joined the VHS Coalition. Philips had developed a LaserDisc early on for selling movies, but delayed its commercial launch for fear of cannibalizing its video recorder sales. Later Philips joined with MCA to launch the first commercial LaserDisc standard and players. In 1982, Philips teamed with Sony to launch the Compact Disc; this format evolved into the CD-R, CD-RW, DVD and later Blu-ray, which Philips launched with Sony in 1997 and 2006 respectively. In 1984, the Dutch Philips Group bought out nearly a one-third", "title": "Philips" }, { "docid": "8829340", "text": "1998 onwards. Blu-ray Disc, yet again primarily developed by Philips and Sony, utilizes blue-violet coloured diodes to create an even shorter wavelength beam than CD or DVD. Because of this, the capacity is much more than that of CD or DVD, being 25 GB single-layered or 50 GB dual-layered. Philips Consumer Lifestyle Philips Consumer Lifestyle, (stylized as PHILIPS) is a division of the Dutch multinational electronics company Philips which produces consumer electronics and small appliances. It is the only Philips division headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Americas division is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. Philips Consumer Lifestyle was formed in", "title": "Philips Consumer Lifestyle" }, { "docid": "1583470", "text": "in 1970. Following litigation, Sony and Philips licensed Russell's patents (then held by a Canadian company, Optical Recording Corp.) in the 1980s. The Compact Disc is an evolution of LaserDisc technology, where a focused laser beam is used that enables the high information density required for high-quality digital audio signals. Prototypes were developed by Philips and Sony independently in the late 1970s. In 1979, Sony and Philips set up a joint task force of engineers to design a new digital audio disc. After a year of experimentation and discussion, the \"Red Book\" CD-DA standard was published in 1980. After their", "title": "CD player" }, { "docid": "16028174", "text": "Technology. High-Quality Video CD (HQ-VCD), developed by the Video CD Consortium (consisting of Philips, Sony, Matsushita and JVC — creators of the original Video CD specification) was a relatively late entry. The Chinese Ministry of Information and the Video CD Consortium agreed to join forces, incorporating the features of HQ-VCD under a unified SVCD format. But by the time the SVCD specification was ready in July 1998, CVD had already been adopted by major manufacturers and had quickly established a significant installed base of about 600,000 players. This prompted the Chinese government to force a compromise between the competing standards", "title": "Super Video CD" }, { "docid": "7810328", "text": "Blue Book (CD standard) The Blue Book is a compact disc standard developed in 1995 by Philips and Sony. It defines the Enhanced Music CD format (E-CD, also known as CD-Extra, CD-Plus and CD+), which combines audio tracks and data tracks on the same disc. The format was created as a way to solve the problem of mixed mode CDs, which were not properly supported by many CD players. The standard is not freely available and must be licensed from Philips. E-CDs are created through the \"stamped multisession\" technology, which creates two sessions on a disc. The first session of", "title": "Blue Book (CD standard)" }, { "docid": "317469", "text": "into two main divisions: Philips Consumer health and well-being (formerly Philips Consumer Electronics and Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care) and Philips Professional Healthcare (formerly Philips Medical Systems). The lighting division was spun off as a separate company, Signify N.V. (formerly Philips Lighting prior to 2018). The company started making electric shavers in 1939 under the Philishave brand, and post-war they developed the Compact Cassette format and co-developed the Compact Disc format with Sony, as well as numerous other technologies. As of 2012, Philips was the largest manufacturer of lighting in the world as measured by applicable revenues. Philips has", "title": "Philips" }, { "docid": "8829338", "text": "created for Laserdisc would later be used again for the Compact Disc. Although Philips' and MCA's Laserdisc project never reached the VHS mass market level, Philips still thought the format should be able to succeed, and, in collaboration with Sony, launched the smaller CD in 1982. The DVD (Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc), the eventual successor of the CD (Compact Disc), met a long road of setbacks. Philips wanted to continue with the CD in a new format called \"MultiMedia Compact Disc\" (MMCD), while another group (led by Toshiba) was developing a competing format, then named \"Super Density\"", "title": "Philips Consumer Lifestyle" }, { "docid": "1583480", "text": "also developed by both Sony and Philips. Recordable CDs were a new alternative to tape for recording music and copying music albums without defects introduced in compression used in other digital recording methods. Other newer video formats such as DVD and Blu-ray use the same physical geometry as CD, and most DVD and Blu-ray players are backward compatible with audio CD. By the early 2000s, the CD player had largely replaced the audio cassette player as standard equipment in new automobiles, with 2010 being the final model year for any car in the US to have a factory-equipped cassette player.", "title": "CD player" }, { "docid": "12369157", "text": "developed by Japanese company Denon in 1982. It was an extension of Compact Disc Digital Audio, and adapted the format to hold any form of digital data, with a storage capacity of 553 MiB. CD-ROM was then introduced by Denon and Sony at a Japanese computer show in 1984. The \"Yellow Book\" is the technical standard that defines the format of CD-ROMs. One of a set of color-bound books that contain the technical specifications for all CD formats, the \"Yellow Book\", standardized by Sony and Philips in 1983, specifies a format for discs with a maximum capacity of 650 MiB.", "title": "CD-ROM" }, { "docid": "7810330", "text": "file system may also be included for compatibility with Mac OS computers. The mandatory files and directories include an autorun.inf file compatible with the Windows 95 AutoRun feature; a CDPLUS and a PICTURES directories; and an optional DATA directory. The term \"enhanced CD\" is also an umbrella term and a certification mark used to refer to different CD formats that support audio and data content, including mixed mode CDs, CD-i and CD-i Ready. Blue Book (CD standard) The Blue Book is a compact disc standard developed in 1995 by Philips and Sony. It defines the Enhanced Music CD format (E-CD,", "title": "Blue Book (CD standard)" }, { "docid": "14893145", "text": "Diepeveen built an error-correcting coder-decoder that was delivered in the summer of 1978. The decoder was included in the CD prototype player that was presented to the international press. To commemorate this breakthrough, Philips received an IEEE Milestone Award on March 6, 2009. This breakthrough was also appreciated by Sony and they started a cooperation with Philips that resulted in June 1980 in a common CD system standard. Philips as a whole took a turn for the worse and by the end of the 1980s bankruptcy seemed a very real possibility. Under research director Kees Bulthuis the position of long-term", "title": "Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium" }, { "docid": "811070", "text": "Super Audio CD Super Audio CD (SACD) is a read-only optical disc for audio storage, introduced in 1999. It was developed jointly by Sony and Philips Electronics, and intended to be the successor to their Compact Disc (CD) format. While the SACD format can offer more channels (e.g. surround sound), and a longer playing time than CD, research published in 2007 found no significant difference in audio quality between SACD and standard CD at ordinary volume levels. Having made little impact in the consumer audio market, by 2007, SACD was deemed to be a failure by the press. A small", "title": "Super Audio CD" }, { "docid": "811089", "text": "player foobar2000 for Windows using an open source plug-in extension called SACDDecoder. Mac OS X music software Audirvana also supports playback of SACD disc images. Super Audio CD Super Audio CD (SACD) is a read-only optical disc for audio storage, introduced in 1999. It was developed jointly by Sony and Philips Electronics, and intended to be the successor to their Compact Disc (CD) format. While the SACD format can offer more channels (e.g. surround sound), and a longer playing time than CD, research published in 2007 found no significant difference in audio quality between SACD and standard CD at ordinary", "title": "Super Audio CD" }, { "docid": "7708274", "text": "Green Book (CD standard) The \"Green Book\", formally known as the \"CD-i Full Functional Specification\", is a CD standard announced in 1986 by Philips and Sony that defines the format for interactive, multimedia compact discs designed for CD-i players. The standard was originally not freely available and had to be licensed from Philips. However, the 1994 version of the standard was eventually made available free by Philips. CD-i discs conform to the \"Red Book\" specification of audio CDs (CD-DA). Tracks on a CD-i's program area can be CD-DA tracks or CD-i tracks, but the first track must always be a", "title": "Green Book (CD standard)" }, { "docid": "8800983", "text": "Nintendo broke the agreement and instead signed with Philips to make the add-on, which caused Sony to spin off their add-on into its own console called the PlayStation (with \"PlayStation\" as one word due to a copyright issue with the trademark \"Play-Station\" owned by Nintendo). Witnessing the poor reception of the Sega Mega-CD, Nintendo scrapped the idea of making an add-on entirely. As part of dissolving the agreement with Philips, Nintendo gave them the license to use five of their characters, including Link, Princess Zelda, and Ganon, for games on Philips's console called the CD-i, after the partnership's dissolution. Contracting", "title": "CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series" }, { "docid": "535445", "text": "a few years later) on each side. The Laserdisc provided picture quality nearly double that of VHS tape and analog audio quality far superior to VHS. Philips later teamed up with Sony to develop a new type of disc, the compact disc or CD. Introduced in 1982 in Japan (1983 in the U.S. and Europe), the CD is about in diameter, and is single-sided. The format was initially designed to store digitized sound and proved to be a success in the music industry. A few years later, Philips decided to give CDs the ability to produce video, just like its", "title": "Video CD" }, { "docid": "397754", "text": "a partnership with Sony to develop its own CD-ROM peripheral for the Super NES. Commodore International released their CD-based CDTV multimedia system centered in early 1991, while long-in-waiting CD-i from Philips finally arrived towards the end of that year. Shortly after the release of the Genesis, Sega's Consumer Products Research and Development Labs led by manager Tomio Takami were tasked with creating a CD-ROM add-on for the system, which became the Sega CD. The Sega CD was originally intended to equal the capabilities of the TurboGrafx-CD, but with twice as much random-access memory (RAM), and sell for about JP¥20,000 (or", "title": "Sega CD" }, { "docid": "2694779", "text": "CD+G CD+G (also known as CD-G, CD+Graphics and TV-Graphics) is an extension of the compact disc standard that can present low-resolution graphics alongside the audio data on the disc when played on a compatible device. CD+G discs are often used for karaoke machines, which use this functionality to present on-screen lyrics for the song contained on the disc. The CD+G specifications were published by Philips and Sony in an updated revision of the Red Book specifications. The first CD to be released with CD+G graphics was \"Eat or Be Eaten\" by Firesign Theatre in 1985. The CD+EG is a similar", "title": "CD+G" }, { "docid": "12369172", "text": "normally expressed with binary prefixes, subtracting the space used for error correction data. A standard 120 mm, \"700 MB\" CD-ROM can actually hold about 737 MB (703 MiB) of data with error correction (or 847 MB total). In comparison, a single-layer DVD-ROM can hold 4.7 GB of error-protected data, more than 6 CD-ROMs. CD-ROM discs are read using CD-ROM drives. A CD-ROM drive may be connected to the computer via an IDE (ATA), SCSI, SATA, FireWire, or USB interface or a proprietary interface, such as the Panasonic CD interface, LMSI/Philips, Sony and Mitsumi standards. Virtually all modern CD-ROM drives can", "title": "CD-ROM" }, { "docid": "84796", "text": "CD-R CD-R (Compact Disc-Recordable) is a digital optical disc storage format. A CD-R disc is a compact disc that can be written once and read arbitrarily many times. CD-R discs (CD-Rs) are readable by most plain CD readers, i.e., CD readers manufactured prior to the introduction of CD-R. This is an advantage over CD-RW, which can be re-written but cannot be played on many plain CD readers. Originally named CD Write-Once (WO), the CD-R specification was first published in 1988 by Philips and Sony in the 'Orange Book'. The Orange Book consists of several parts, furnishing details of the CD-WO,", "title": "CD-R" }, { "docid": "397763", "text": "CD-based add-on, Nintendo eventually canceled the development process of its own competing peripheral after having partnered with Sony and then with Philips to develop one. Sega would go on to release the add-on's second model, the Sega CD 2 (Mega-CD 2), on April 23, 1993 in Japan at a price of JP¥29,800, It was released in North America several months later at the reduced retail price of US$229, with one of the system's best-selling games, \"Sewer Shark\", as a pack-in. Designed to bring down the manufacturing costs of the Sega CD, the newer model is smaller and does not contain", "title": "Sega CD" }, { "docid": "16288887", "text": "the following connectors: two Super NES controller ports, a cartridge slot, a dual-speed CD-ROM drive, RCA composite jacks, S-Video, RFU DC OUT (similar to the PlayStation SCPH-1001), a proprietary multi-out AV output port (the same one featured on the Super NES, Nintendo 64, and GameCube), headphone jack on the front, a serial port labelled \"NEXT\" (probably for debugging), and one expansion port under the unit. After the original contract with Sony failed, Nintendo continued its partnership with Philips. This contract provisioned Philips with the right to feature Nintendo's characters in a few games for its CD-i multimedia device, but never", "title": "Super NES CD-ROM" } ]
[ { "docid": "335448", "text": "Philips CD-i The Philips CD-i (an abbreviation of Compact Disc Interactive) is an interactive multimedia CD player developed and marketed by Dutch company Philips, who supported it from December 1991 to late 1998. It was created to provide more functionality than an audio CD player or game console, but at a lower price than a personal computer with a CD-ROM drive. The cost savings were due to the lack of a floppy drive, keyboard, mouse, and monitor (a standard television is used), and less operating system software. \"CD-i\" also refers to the multimedia Compact Disc standard used by the CD-i", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335462", "text": "probably better for those who could wait a few months. An early 1995 review of the system in \"GamePro\" stated that \"inconsistent game quality puts the CD-i at a disadvantage against other high-powered game producers.\" A late 1995 review in \"Next Generation\" criticized both Philips's approach to marketing the CD-i and the hardware itself (\"The unit excels at practically nothing except FMV, and then only with the addition of a $200 digital video cartridge\"). The magazine noted that while Philips had not yet officially discontinued the CD-i, it was dead for all intents and purposes, citing as evidence the fact", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335457", "text": "best software required the MPEG upgrade card. By mid-1996 the U.S. market for CD-i software had dried up and Philips had given up on releasing titles there, but continued to publish CD-i games in Europe, where the console still held some popularity. With the home market exhausted, Philips tried with some success to position the technology as a solution for kiosk applications and industrial multimedia. In addition to consumer models, professional and development players were sold by Philips Interactive Media Systems and their VARs. Philips marketed several CD-i player models. There also exist a number of hard-to-categorize models, such as", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335465", "text": "Console lineup. Games that were most heavily criticized include \"Hotel Mario\", \"\", \"\", and \"Zelda's Adventure\". EGM's Seanbaby rated \"The Wand of Gamelon\" as one of the worst video games of all time. However, \"\" was positively received by critics, and has often been held up as the standout title for the CD-i. In October 1994 Philips claimed an installed base of 1 million units for the CD-i. In 1996, the Wall Street Journal reported that total US sales amounted to 400,000 units. Philips CD-i The Philips CD-i (an abbreviation of Compact Disc Interactive) is an interactive multimedia CD player", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335455", "text": "completely arrange the whole album in their own personal way with over 15,000 points of customization. CD-i has a series of learning games (\"edutainment\") targeted at children from infancy to adolescence. Those intended for a younger audience included \"Busytown\", \"The Berenstain Bears\" and various others which usually had vivid cartoon-like settings accompanied by music and logic puzzles. Although extensively marketed by Philips, notably via infomercial, consumer interest in CD-i titles remained low. By 1994, sales of CD-i systems had begun to slow, and in 1998 the product line was dropped. Philips had by then already sold its gaming subsidiary, Philips", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335459", "text": "partnered in 1992 with Amsterdam-based CDMATICS to develop TeleCD-i (also TeleCD). In this concept, the CD-i player is connected to a network such as PSTN or Internet, enabling data-communication and rich media presentation. Dutch grocery chain Albert Heijn and mail-order company were early adopters and introduced award-winning TeleCD-i applications for their home-shopping and home-delivery services. CDMATICS also developed the special Philips TeleCD-i Assistant and a set of software tools to help the worldwide multimedia industry to develop and implement TeleCD-i. TeleCD-i is the world's first networked multimedia application at the time of its introduction. In 1996, Philips acquired source code", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "20528771", "text": "had and has moderate success selling peripherals such as mice, keyboards and optical devices. Philips also sold and sells computer media such as diskettes and optical media (CD)s. Philips also developed the CD-i standard but it flopped. Another experimental product was the , based on Intel's 80186. It also flopped. Philips PCs were mostly equipped with motherboards designed by Philips Home Electronics in Montreal, Canada. In the late 1990s Philips Pentium PCs were sold based on generic components and cases. These were not proprietarily designed and produced. Philips had a subsidiary that sold the PCs under the Vendex brand: HeadStart.", "title": "Philips Computers" }, { "docid": "335461", "text": "in August 1996. Although Philips had aggressively promoted CD-i, by August 1993 \"Computer Gaming World\" reported that \"skepticism persists about its long-term prospects\" compared to other platforms like IBM PC compatibles, Apple Macintosh, and Sega Genesis. The magazine stated in January 1994 that despite Philips' new emphasis on games \"CD-i is still not the answer for hardcore gamers\", but the console \"may yet surprise us all in the future\". It recommended the CD-i with video cartridge for those needing to buy a new console as \"The price is right and there is more software to support it\", but 3DO was", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335451", "text": "The CD-i was abandoned by 1996 and was a commercial failure, estimated to have lost Philips as much as one US billion dollars in the American market. Philips at first marketed CD-i as a family entertainment product, and avoided mentioning video games to not compete against game consoles. Early software releases focused heavily on educational, music, and self-improvement titles, with only a few games, many of them adaptations of board games such as \"Connect Four\". However, the system was handily beaten in the market for multimedia devices by cheap low-end PCs, and the games were the best-selling software. By 1993", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335460", "text": "rights from CDMATICS. In 1995 Philips introduced CD-Online, a service which provided the CD-i with full internet access (with a 14.4k modem), including online shopping, email, and support for networked multiplayer gaming on select CD-i games. The service required a CD-i player with DV cartridge, and an \"Internet Starter Kit\" which initially retailed for £99.99. Andy Stout, a writer for the official CD-i magazine, explained CD-Online: The CD-Online service went live in the UK on October 25, 1995 and in March 1996 in the Netherlands (for 399 guilders). The system was reportedly scheduled to launch in the US as \"Web-i\"", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335452", "text": "Philips encouraged MS-DOS and console developers to create games, introduced a $250 peripheral with more memory and support for full-motion video, and added to new consoles a second controller port for multiplayer games. The attempts to develop a foothold in the games market were unsuccessful, as the system was designed strictly as a multimedia player and thus was under-powered compared to other gaming platforms on the market in most respects. Earlier CD-i games included entries in popular Nintendo franchises, although those games were not developed by Nintendo. Specifically, a \"Mario\" game (titled \"Hotel Mario\"), and three \"Legend of Zelda\" games", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "335463", "text": "that though Philips had a large booth at the 1995 Electronic Entertainment Expo, there was no CD-i hardware or software on display. \"Next Generation\" scored the console one out of five stars. After its discontinuation, retrospectively, the CD-i was overwhelmingly panned by critics who blasted its graphics, games, and controls. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates admitted that initially he \"was worried\" about the CD-i due to Philips's heavy support for the device and its two-pronged attack on both the games console and PC markets, but that in retrospect \"It was a device that kind of basically got caught in the middle.", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "317486", "text": "was formed in the US with the name Philips Electronics North America Corp. In 1991-1992, Philips along with their subsidiary Magnavox, released the Philips CD-i, a combined CD player and home video game console. It sold one million units and was discontinued in 1998 after being heavily criticized amongst the gaming community. In 1997, the company officers decided to move the headquarters from Eindhoven to Amsterdam along with the corporate name change to Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., the latter of which was finalized on 16 March 1998. The move of the headquarters to Amsterdam was completed in 2001. Initially, the", "title": "Philips" }, { "docid": "8800979", "text": "CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series Link: The Faces of Evil, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda's Adventure are action-adventure games produced by Philips for the CD-i as part of Nintendo's \"The Legend of Zelda\" video game series. Not designed for Nintendo platforms, the games owe their existence to negotiations related to Nintendo's decision not to have Philips create a CD add-on to the Super NES. During these negotiations, Philips secured the rights to use Nintendo characters in CD-i third-party developer games. \"The Faces of Evil\" and \"The Wand of Gamelon\" were developed by Animation Magic and", "title": "CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series" }, { "docid": "335464", "text": "It was a terrible game machine, and it was a terrible PC.\" The CD-i's various controllers were ranked the fifth worst video game controller by IGN editor Craig Harris. \"PC World\" ranked it as fourth on their list of \"The 10 Worst Video Game Systems of All Time\". Gamepro.com listed it as number four on their list of \"The 10 Worst-Selling Consoles of All Time.\" In 2008, CNET listed the system on its list of the worst game console(s) ever. In 2007, GameTrailers ranked the Philips CD-i as the fourth worst console of all time in its Top 10 Worst", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "13984919", "text": "period are the three duet albums recorded with Four Tops; these were issued in full in 2009 on the 2-CD compilation \"Magnificent - The Complete Studio Duets,\" which included 13 previously unreleased recordings. A follow-up box set, entitled \"\" was released in May 2011. It features Scherrie Payne (who replaced Jean Terrell) alongside Mary Wilson, Cindy Birdsong, and Susaye Greene (who replaced Birdsong on the group's final two albums.) CD 1 CD 2 CD 3 This Is the Story: The '70s Albums, Vol. 1 – 1970–1973: The Jean Terrell Years This Is The Story is a box set, released in", "title": "This Is the Story: The '70s Albums, Vol. 1 – 1970–1973: The Jean Terrell Years" }, { "docid": "1583495", "text": "1983 Philips, at the US and European launch of the CD format, showcased the first top loading CD tray designs with their CD100 CD player. (Philips audio products were sold as Magnavox in the US at the time.) The design had a clamp on the lid which meant the user had to close this over the CD when it was placed inside the machine. Later, Meridian introduced their MCD \"high end\" CD player, with Meridian electronics in the Philips CD100 chassis. Top-loading was adopted on various equipment designs such as mini systems and portable CD players, but among stereo component", "title": "CD player" }, { "docid": "84800", "text": "the cost of typical recorders was down to $10,000–12,000, and in September 1995, Hewlett-Packard introduced its model 4020i manufactured by Philips, which, at $995, was the first recorder to cost less than $1000. The dye materials developed by Taiyo Yuden made it possible for CD-R discs to be compatible with Audio CD and CD-ROM discs. Initially, in the United States, there was a market separation between \"music\" CD-Rs and \"data\" CD-Rs, the former being several times more expensive than the latter due to industry copyright arrangements with the RIAA. Physically, there is no difference between the discs save for the", "title": "CD-R" }, { "docid": "8693003", "text": "Down in the Dumps Down in the Dumps is a 1996 computer adventure game developed for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, by the French Haiku Studios and published by Philips Media. The release for Macintosh was published in 1997. Versions for the PlayStation, Sega Saturn and Philips CD-i were slated for 1996, but never released. The game's storyline is about the Blubs, an extraterrestrial family (father and mother Blub, their son and daughter, the grandparents and their pet Stinkie), who crash with their spaceship on a landfill on Earth after being pursued by the villainous Khan and his criminal associates. After", "title": "Down in the Dumps" }, { "docid": "10884234", "text": "Stephen Philips Stephen Philips is an ambient drone musician who has releases on such major ambient labels as Hypnos, Blue Water Records, Gears of Sand, and his own record label, Dark Duck Records. Philips has been producing and releasing music since 1988 on his own label as well as other indie ambient labels, and also collaborating with many other ambient artists such as Austere, Rigel Orionis, IXOHOXI, Numina, Ben Fleury-Steiner, Isomorph, Palancar, and others. He is also the major contributor to his own Drone Download Project series of online releases which are then put together as CD compilations at the", "title": "Stephen Philips" }, { "docid": "9534251", "text": "Late in the Day \"Late in the Day\" was the fourth and final single from Britpop band Supergrass' album \"In It for the Money\". It was released in October 1997, and reached #18 in the UK charts. The two CD releases of the single have the same photo as their cover but the colours of one have been reversed on the second one. \"We Still Need More (Than Anyone Can Give)\" features as a B-side to this single, it was later released as a separate single as part of the \"Dead Man On Campus\" soundtrack, along with two other songs", "title": "Late in the Day" }, { "docid": "2694780", "text": "format that allows for better graphics, but has very rarely been implemented in releases. Along with dedicated Karaoke machines, other consumer devices that play CD+G format CDs include the NEC TurboGrafx-CD (a CD-ROM peripheral for the TurboGrafx-16) and Turbo Duo, the Philips CD-i, the Sega CD, Sega Saturn, the JVC X'Eye, the 3DO Interactive Multiplayer, the Amiga CD32 and Commodore CDTV, and the Atari Jaguar CD (an attachment for the Atari Jaguar). Some CD-ROM drives can also read this data. Pioneer's LaserActive player can also play CD+G discs, as long as either the PAC-S1/S-10 or PAC-N1/N10 game modules are installed.", "title": "CD+G" }, { "docid": "317477", "text": "the set was disappearing. Approximately 150 of these sets were eventually produced. In parallel with the generator set Philips developed experimental Stirling engines for a wide variety of applications and continued to work in the field until the late 1970s, though the only commercial success was the 'reversed Stirling engine' cryocooler. However, they filed a large number of patents and amassed a wealth of information, which they later licensed to other companies. The first Philips shaver was introduced in the 1930s, and was simply called Philishave. In the US, it was called Norelco. The Philishave has remained part of the", "title": "Philips" }, { "docid": "4328684", "text": "Symphony Orchestra conducted by Kiril Kondrashin; two albums of symphonic \"bon-bons\" by the London Symphony Orchestra and Charles Mackerras released as \"Kaleidoscope\"; \"Russian Song Recital\" by Galina Vishnevskaya and Mstislav Rostropovich; and Beethoven sonata op. 69 for cello and piano by Richter and Rostropovich. The Richter Liszt album was recorded on 3-track 35mm magnetic film and was reissued on CD from a remaster made from the film by original producer Wilma Cozart Fine, (wife of the late recording pioneer Bob) as part of the Philips Solo series. Classical groups that Philips heavily recorded included the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the Beaux", "title": "Philips Records" }, { "docid": "17006432", "text": "Herbert Philips Herbert Philips of Sutton Oaks, Macclesfield, Cheshire was a philanthropist and justice of the peace. Herbert Philips was the great grandson of Nathaniel Philips, who co founded, with his elder brother John, a tape manufacturing business in the mid-eighteenth century that became J. and N. Philips and Co. This company became one of Manchester’s leading commercial enterprises, specialising in the weaving of narrow tape. By the mid-nineteenth century the extended Philips family held properties and businesses throughout Lancashire, Cheshire and Staffordshire along with the family seats in Heybridge and Heath House, Staffordshire. Herbert was the third son and", "title": "Herbert Philips" }, { "docid": "11921496", "text": "projects, with assessment based on their behaviour and learning within those projects. Rotterdam University One of those schools is Rotterdam University. They have a minor Gamedesign and Development for example where students have to create several games within a short amount of time. First they learn to create a 2D android game within 6 weeks. Then they learn to create a 3D game within 13 weeks total. The Philips CD-i (\"Compact Disc Interactive\"), first released in 1991, is an interactive multimedia CD player developed and marketed by the Dutch electronics manufacturer Royal Philips Electronics N.V. This category of device was", "title": "Video gaming in the Netherlands" }, { "docid": "11503219", "text": "(Japan) Billboard Japan Chart \"60s 70s 80s\" has been certified platinum for shipments of over 250,000 by the Recording Industry Association of Japan. 60s 70s 80s 60s 70s 80s is a triple A-side single, Namie Amuro's 33rd solo single under the Avex Trax label. It was released in CD and CD&DVD formats on March 12, 2008, 11 months since her previous single \"Funky Town\", and nearly nine months after her successful album \"Play\". This single continues her successful comeback, as it had her highest first week sales since 2000's \"Never End\" even at a time when CD single sales are", "title": "60s 70s 80s" }, { "docid": "18932811", "text": "was the addressee of many of her cousin Karl Marx's letters (e.g.) and later, a member of the Dutch section of the International. Lion's son Frederik Philips was a merchant banker who financed the setting up of the Philips lighting company which was run by his son Gerard Philips. After a few years Gerard was joined by his younger brother Anton Philips who revolutionised the fortunes of the company. Anton was succeeded by his son-in-law Frans Otten who was married to Anton's eldest daughter. During the war Anton fled to England in a company armoured payroll van along with Princess", "title": "Philips (family)" }, { "docid": "11503214", "text": "60s 70s 80s 60s 70s 80s is a triple A-side single, Namie Amuro's 33rd solo single under the Avex Trax label. It was released in CD and CD&DVD formats on March 12, 2008, 11 months since her previous single \"Funky Town\", and nearly nine months after her successful album \"Play\". This single continues her successful comeback, as it had her highest first week sales since 2000's \"Never End\" even at a time when CD single sales are dramatically decreasing. It became her first #1 since 1998's \"I Have Never Seen\", and her highest selling single since \"Never End\". \"60s 70s", "title": "60s 70s 80s" }, { "docid": "20528772", "text": "These systems were actively marketed in certain markets through Vendex. These systems were on display in the now defunct warehouse chain Vroom & Dreesmann in the Netherlands. Headstart PCs were manufactured in South Korea by Samsung and monitors by Daewoo. In the 2000s Philips briefly introduced a handheld PC: the Velo. NMS series PCD series (with CD-ROM) PCL series (notebook computers Magnavox Philips Internal Reference (not sold) Third Parties Vendex Headstart Monitors - Magnavox / Philips These monitors were sold / shipped with Magnavox / Philips PCs: Monitors - Vendex These monitors were sold / shipped with Vendex PCs: Peripherals", "title": "Philips Computers" }, { "docid": "4328692", "text": "its classical artists, although classical recordings have also been issued on the regular Philips label. In the US, Philips eventually handled distribution and sales for Philips, Mercury, British Decca (sold under the London label in the US) and Deutsche Grammophon. In 1983, Philips became the first record label to issue compact discs, using digital recordings that had been recorded since 1978. Philips and its subsidiaries eventually re-issued many of its pre-digital stereo and mono recordings on compact disc. Philips and DuPont partnered in four CD manufacturing plants in Hanover, Germany; Blackburn in the UK (formerly the Philips Laservision Disc factory);", "title": "Philips Records" }, { "docid": "5685862", "text": "the most commonly used test cards, with only the SMPTE bars, the BBC Test Card F and the Snell & Wilcox Zone Plate coming close to its usage. The Philips Pattern was later incorporated into other test pattern generators from Philips themselves, as well as test pattern generators from various other manufacturers. The BBC occasionally used a slightly modified version called Test Card G from 1971 until the late-1990s in conjunction with Test Card F, and although it was also used by the IBA in the 1970s it eventually abandoned the Test Card G and developed its own test card", "title": "Philips PM5544" }, { "docid": "5999349", "text": "The '70s Anthology The '70s Anthology is a 2002 two compact disc set of many of the songs recorded by the 1970s groupings of The Supremes. The set features 42 tracks, of which 10 had never been released, and 6 were appearing in extended or unedited forms. The set features a 24-page booklet with liner notes written by Mary Wilson, who was the only member in every version of The Supremes through 1977. Probably the most notable of the new material are the songs \"Oh My Poor Baby\", \"Make It With You\", \"I'll Let Him Know That I Love Him\",", "title": "The '70s Anthology" }, { "docid": "8829334", "text": "Philips Consumer Lifestyle Philips Consumer Lifestyle, (stylized as PHILIPS) is a division of the Dutch multinational electronics company Philips which produces consumer electronics and small appliances. It is the only Philips division headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Americas division is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut. Philips Consumer Lifestyle was formed in 2008 from the merger of Philips Consumer Electronics and Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care. Philips receives royalties from the sale of every CD, DVD and Blu-ray. While Philips' first product was manufactured in 1891, the first product that would fit in the Consumer Electronics division was a television,", "title": "Philips Consumer Lifestyle" }, { "docid": "4328694", "text": "the Philips Recording Center in Baarn, Netherlands, and formed Polyhymnia International (a recording and mastering company) and Pentatone Records (which specializes in SACD releases). Many of the Philips classical recordings have been reissued on the Eloquence label. Universal also released a \"Philips 50\" series marking the 50th anniversary of Philips Records in the early 2000s; some of those CDs are still in print. Pentatone has released Philips Quadraphonic sound recordings from the early and mid-1970s in 4-channel SACD format, as their RQR Series. Philips' classical catalog was issued on CD under the headings \"Digital Classics\", \"Legendary Classics\" and \"Silver Line", "title": "Philips Records" }, { "docid": "4192382", "text": "Philips 68070 The SCC68070 is a Philips Semiconductors-branded, Motorola 68000-based 16/32-bit processor produced under license. While marketed externally as a high-performance microcontroller, it has been almost exclusively used combined with the Philips SCC66470 VSC (Video- and Systems Controller) in the Philips CD-i interactive entertainment product line. Additions to the Motorola 68000 core include: Differences from the Motorola 68000 core include these: While the SCC68070 is mostly binary compatible with the Motorola 68000, there is no equivalent chip in the Motorola 680x0 series. In particular, the SCC68070 is not a follow-on to the Motorola 68060. Even though the SCC68070 is a", "title": "Philips 68070" }, { "docid": "4192383", "text": "32-bit processor internally, it has a 24-bit address bus, giving it a theoretical 16MB maximum RAM. However, this is not possible, as all of the on-board peripherals are mapped internally. Philips 68070 The SCC68070 is a Philips Semiconductors-branded, Motorola 68000-based 16/32-bit processor produced under license. While marketed externally as a high-performance microcontroller, it has been almost exclusively used combined with the Philips SCC66470 VSC (Video- and Systems Controller) in the Philips CD-i interactive entertainment product line. Additions to the Motorola 68000 core include: Differences from the Motorola 68000 core include these: While the SCC68070 is mostly binary compatible with the", "title": "Philips 68070" }, { "docid": "8800984", "text": "out to independent studios, Philips subsequently used the characters to create three games for the CD-i, with Nintendo taking no part in their development except to give input on the look of the characters based on the artwork from Nintendo's original two titles and that of their respective instruction booklets. Philips insisted that the development studios utilize all aspects of the CD-i's capabilities including FMV, high-resolution graphics, and CD-quality music. Because the system had not been designed as a dedicated video game console, there were several technical limitations, such as laggy controls (especially for the standard infrared controller), and numerous", "title": "CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series" }, { "docid": "20987780", "text": "to do so. \"Varuna's Forces\" was being created by the same company who previously developed titles for the Philips CD-i based on both \"The Joker's Wild\" and \"Jeopardy!\" TV game shows. It also stars Michael Clarke Duncan in one of his first video game roles along with \"Panic in the Park\", among other actors that were involved in the production of the project prior to its cancellation. Though the Jaguar CD version was slated to be published in late , it was never released along with the 3DO version due to discontinuation of both platforms. The Saturn version was slated", "title": "Varuna's Forces" }, { "docid": "11484700", "text": "1990 by SST Records on cassette only, it was re-released in 2001 by Negativland's own label, Seeland Records, as a CD. The CD version contains material not included on the original release, and also omits and rearranges some material from the original. DISC ONE DISC TWO Over the Edge Vol. 4: Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music of the '70s Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music Of The '70s is a collection of recordings edited from a wealth of material broadcast on KPFA's \"Over the Edge\" radio show, hosted by Don Joyce weekly and featuring members of Negativland, as well as material recorded at", "title": "Over the Edge Vol. 4: Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music of the '70s" }, { "docid": "4328697", "text": "Parent Universal Music merged the label into Decca Records. The name Philips Classics still exists but appears on no new recordings, and the Philips Classics Internet presence is within Decca's website. Philips Classics Records Philips Classics Records was started in the 1980s as the new classics record label for Philips Records. It was successful with artists including Alfred Brendel, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Mitsuko Uchida, Julian Lloyd Webber, Sir Colin Davis and André Rieu. A notable product released under the label is the 180-CD \"The Complete Mozart Edition\",", "title": "Philips Classics Records" }, { "docid": "7708276", "text": "on CD-i tracks, as well as certain specific files that are required to be present in a CD-i compatible disc. The CD-i Ready format is a type of bridge format, also designed by Philips, that defines discs compatible with CD Digital audio players and CD-i players. This format puts CD-i software and data into the pregap of Track 1. The CD-i Bridge format, defined in Philips' White Book, is a transitional format allowing bridge discs to be played both on CD-ROM drives and on CD-i players. Green Book (CD standard) The \"Green Book\", formally known as the \"CD-i Full Functional", "title": "Green Book (CD standard)" }, { "docid": "4328687", "text": "late 1950s till late 1970s. In the UK, Philips developed a strong popular music roster, signing acts like Marty Wilde, Roy Castle, Anne Shelton, the Four Pennies, Dusty Springfield, and the Walker Brothers. The American pop label was launched in 1962 starting with the R&B single \"Gee Baby\" by Ben & Bea and showed a comfortability with folk-country, releasing \"Makes You Wanna Sigh\" by Ross Legacy in 1969. It signed the Four Seasons in 1964. It also played a major part in promoting the garage rock genre and the psychedelic rock genre in the mid to late 60s, their most", "title": "Philips Records" }, { "docid": "9461920", "text": "Gay Sex in the 70s Gay Sex in the 70s is a 2005 American documentary film about gay sexual culture in New York City in the 1970s. The film was directed by Joseph Lovett and encompasses the twelve years of sexual freedom bookended by the Stonewall riots of 1969 and the recognition of AIDS in 1981, and features interviews with Larry Kramer, Tom Bianchi, Barton Lidice Beneš, Rodger McFarlane, and many others. The film uses archival footage and interviews to describe the world of gay anonymous and casual sex in the settings of discotheques, bathhouses, bars and dark rooms, Fire", "title": "Gay Sex in the 70s" }, { "docid": "11967159", "text": "his experiences Philips has developed alternative and highly effective methods of travel in the polar regions and has embraced the use of specialized plastics in the construction of polar-specific equipment. He is the inventor of the Flexi ski binding, used extensively by polar adventurers. Philips is the author of \"Icetrek. The Bitter Journey to the South Pole\". Philips lives in Hobart, Australia with his wife, Susy, daughter, Mardi and son, Kip, where he runs his own guiding business. Eric Philips Eric Philips OAM (born April 1962) is an Australian polar explorer, adventurer and polar guide. Philips has completed ski expeditions", "title": "Eric Philips" }, { "docid": "535453", "text": "audio frequency range is limited to those sounds most clearly heard by the human ear. The VCD standard also features the option of DVD-quality still images/slide shows with audio, at resolutions of 704×480 (NTSC) or 704×576 (PAL/SECAM). Version 2.0 also adds the playback control (PBC), featuring a simple menu like DVD-Video. Shortly before the advent of White Book VCD, Philips started releasing movies in the Green Book CD-i format, calling the subformat CD-i Digital Video (CD-i DV). While these used a similar format (MPEG-1), due to minor differences between the standards these discs are not compatible with VCD players. Philips'", "title": "Video CD" }, { "docid": "335454", "text": "popular TV game shows for the CD-i, including versions of \"Jeopardy!\" (hosted by Alex Trebek), \"Name That Tune\" (hosted by Bob Goen), and two versions of \"The Joker's Wild\" (one for adults hosted by Wink Martindale and one for kids hosted by Marc Summers). All CD-i games in North America (with the exception of \"Name That Tune\") had Charlie O'Donnell as announcer. The Netherlands also released its version of \"Lingo\" on the CD-i in 1994. In 1993, American musician Todd Rundgren created the first music-only fully interactive CD, \"No World Order\", for the CD-i. This application allows the user to", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "7917262", "text": "on channel 20. The station, previously WARP-CA, began broadcasting a digital-only signal in late 2009. WARP-CA's call sign suffix (CA for Class A Low Power) was changed to WARP-CD (Class A Digital) automatically upon grant of WARP-CA's digital license in late 2009. WARP-CD currently broadcasts four channels of standard definition digital TV: 20.1, 20.2, 20.3 and 20.4. Longtime owner Randolph Weigner (who controls Sunshine Broadcasting Company) sold WARP, along with sister station WPHA-CD in Philadelphia, to LocusPoint Networks in November 2012. The deal made WARP a sister station to WSVT-LD, which LocusPoint acquired a month later. WARP-CD WARP-CD is a", "title": "WARP-CD" }, { "docid": "11484699", "text": "1 - 6 of Disc Two are taken from the \"Moribund Music Of The '70s\" show, in which Dick Vaughn begins the first-ever \"'70s Nostalgia\" broadcast, complete with authentic 1970s radio gimmicks, commercials, and the usual Negativland sense of humor. Tracks 7 - 10 of Disc two are all taken from different shows, and feature commentary on the \"Moribund\" show, another classic Dick Vaughn prank, and a 15 Minute excerpt from the \"Dick Is Dead\" show. Finally, Tracks 11 & 12 are taken from a live Negativland performance, and includes the complete tape that opens the CD. Originally released in", "title": "Over the Edge Vol. 4: Dick Vaughn's Moribund Music of the '70s" }, { "docid": "5473599", "text": "MTV's The 70s House MTV's The 70s House is an American reality television show created by Aaron Matthew Lee. The show premiered on MTV on July 5 and ended September 6, 2005. The show featured twelve contestants (six male, six female) who thought they were participating in a \"The Real World\"-type reality show, but instead were thrust into a 24/7 simulation of the 1970s. They were required to part with all modern technology including cell phones, laptops, and MP3 players, as well as all modern clothing and lingo, only to adopt their cultural equivalents of the 1970s. It was billed", "title": "MTV's The 70s House" }, { "docid": "2698207", "text": "1985 New Music Award for best comedy album. It was later re-released along with his \"Live at the Hasty Pudding Theatre\" album on a single CD. He also released an album called \"Emo\" in 2001. A joke of his was voted funniest religious joke ever in a 2005 online poll. In 2006, he appeared at the Newbury Comedy Festival. He was included in the top 50 of \"E4\"s 100 Greatest Comedians, and also appeared number 54 on Channel 4's top 100 greatest standups. Aside from Philips' long career as a standup comic, he has been featured in acting roles on", "title": "Emo Philips" }, { "docid": "8693006", "text": "by using a point and click interface. Large portions of the plot are told by pre-rendered cinematics, often triggered at the beginning or the end of a \"toon\". Down in the Dumps Down in the Dumps is a 1996 computer adventure game developed for MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows, by the French Haiku Studios and published by Philips Media. The release for Macintosh was published in 1997. Versions for the PlayStation, Sega Saturn and Philips CD-i were slated for 1996, but never released. The game's storyline is about the Blubs, an extraterrestrial family (father and mother Blub, their son and daughter,", "title": "Down in the Dumps" }, { "docid": "4461803", "text": "a miniature CBS airship that floated along over the backdrop depicting Los Angeles. In the week of March 17, 2008, \"The Late Late Show\" debuted a new set featuring a desk interview area on a raised platform; the backdrop was also changed to a detailed representation of Los Angeles. When the 2007–08 Writers Guild of America strike began, the show went into reruns. It resumed production on January 2, 2008 after Worldwide Pants and the WGA came to an agreement. In 2008, Worldwide Pants Incorporated signed a product placement deal with Ford to promote the Ford Flex during \"The Late", "title": "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" }, { "docid": "5214608", "text": "that can play CD-V discs is the Pioneer CLD-1010 from 1987. Though it is a CD-based format, CD Video was never given a rainbow book designation; the idea of encoding analogue video, which is incompatible between different regions, was poorly received by CD stakeholders other than Philips, who had not consulted them prior to demonstrating the format to the music industry. CD Video discs have a distinctive gold color, to differentiate them from regular silver-colored audio CDs. This is a characteristic that would later be replicated in HVD, a more advanced disc format. A similar version of CD Video called", "title": "CD Video" }, { "docid": "9461929", "text": "in New York during the 1970s, what the legacy of that time of sexual freedom is and how it continues to affect young people today. The following people are interviewed for the documentary. The film was awarded the GayVN Award for Best Alternative Release of 2006. Gay Sex in the 70s Gay Sex in the 70s is a 2005 American documentary film about gay sexual culture in New York City in the 1970s. The film was directed by Joseph Lovett and encompasses the twelve years of sexual freedom bookended by the Stonewall riots of 1969 and the recognition of AIDS", "title": "Gay Sex in the 70s" }, { "docid": "19065401", "text": "New York in the '70s New York in the '70s is a concept album by British alternative rock artist Luke Haines. The music style is influenced by new wave and protopunk bands from the New York scene mostly by Suicide (band). Into his song \"Cerne Abbas Man\", he refers Rock and Roll Animals in the sentence \"The birds were in my last LP\". The concept is less of a narrative story and more of a descriptive album. As the title tells, Haines describes some scenes from New York City in 1970s art world. Talking about social context, drug use, sexual", "title": "New York in the '70s" }, { "docid": "19065403", "text": "to iconic places such as Chelsea Hotel, CBGB, The Kitchen#History etc. All tracks written and composed by Luke Haines except for track 9 by John Moore. New York in the '70s New York in the '70s is a concept album by British alternative rock artist Luke Haines. The music style is influenced by new wave and protopunk bands from the New York scene mostly by Suicide (band). Into his song \"Cerne Abbas Man\", he refers Rock and Roll Animals in the sentence \"The birds were in my last LP\". The concept is less of a narrative story and more of", "title": "New York in the '70s" }, { "docid": "4328696", "text": "Philips Classics Records Philips Classics Records was started in the 1980s as the new classics record label for Philips Records. It was successful with artists including Alfred Brendel, Sir John Eliot Gardiner, Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Mitsuko Uchida, Julian Lloyd Webber, Sir Colin Davis and André Rieu. A notable product released under the label is the 180-CD \"The Complete Mozart Edition\", featuring all works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart known at the set's publication in 1990–91 for the bicentenary of the composer's death. It has been re-released as the \"Complete Compact Mozart Edition\".", "title": "Philips Classics Records" }, { "docid": "16227806", "text": "Philips himself became involved in the textile industry. For a time he was in business with his brother Francis, who outlived him, dying in 1850. As a young man Philips frequented the \"Roscoe Circle\" in Liverpool—the intellectual group around William Roscoe—meeting there William Paulet Carey, James Currie and Daniel Daulby. In late 1803 Philips was granted command of the First Regiment of the Manchester and Salford Corps, a volunteer militia which served as part of Britain's Home Guard during the French Revolutionary Wars. His brother Francis was appointed to a subordinate role in the same Corps alongside three of his", "title": "John Leigh Philips" }, { "docid": "335456", "text": "Media BV, to French publisher Infogrames in 1997. Dutch eurodance duo 2 Unlimited released a CD-i compilation album in 1994 called \"Beyond Limits\" which contains standard CD tracks as well as CD-i-exclusive media on the disc. A large number of full motion video titles such as \"Dragon's Lair\" and \"Mad Dog McCree\" appeared on the system. One of these, \"\", is considered one of the stronger CD-i titles and was later ported to PC. The February 1994 issue of \"Electronic Gaming Monthly\" remarked that the CD-i's full motion video capabilities were its strongest point, and that nearly all of its", "title": "Philips CD-i" }, { "docid": "8800980", "text": "were both released in North America on October 10, 1993, and \"Zelda's Adventure\" was developed by Viridis and was released in North America on June 5, 1994. The games were given little funding or development time, and Nintendo provided only cursory input. None of the games are canonical to the \"Zelda\" franchise. The Philips CD-i did not sell well and the games saw relatively small sales figures. Though the games initially received largely positive reviews, they have been universally criticized since the mid-2000s. This is attributed to the reaction of many gamers to the obscure games' full motion video cutscenes", "title": "CD-i games from The Legend of Zelda series" }, { "docid": "5999350", "text": "\"Never Can Say Goodbye\", \"Walk With Me, Talk With Me Darling\", which are all from the shelved \"Promises Kept\" album (recorded in mid-1971, to be released after the album \"Touch\"). Instead the \"Floy Joy\" sessions, supervised by Smokey Robinson were recorded and released in 1972. The 1970s Supremes featured several different lineups. One asterisk (*) designates a previously unreleased recording. Two asterisks (**) designate a previously released recording in a previously unreleased (or, in many cases, new) mix The '70s Anthology The '70s Anthology is a 2002 two compact disc set of many of the songs recorded by the 1970s", "title": "The '70s Anthology" }, { "docid": "16920233", "text": "The Vision Factory The Vision Factory (also known under the names SPC Vision, SPC Codim and SPC Group) was a Dutch developer of video games for the Philips CD-i. The Vision Factory was originally a developer of business software named SPCC (allegedly an acronym for Sergeant Pepper's Computer Company). They impressed Philips with CD-i games with colorful sprites, like the shooter \"Alien Gate\". \"The Vision Factory\" was the label under which the SPC games were released. Their most famous game is probably the puzzle game \"Dimo's Quest\", that was originally developed by Boeder Games / Infernal Byte Systems for the", "title": "The Vision Factory" }, { "docid": "2062365", "text": "a decade. On 19 March 1896 Philips married Johanna van der Willigen (30 September 1862 – 1942). They had no children. Gerard's father was a first cousin of Karl Marx (his paternal aunt was Marx's mother). Gerard was an uncle of Frits Philips, whom he and his brother brought into the business. Later they brought in his brother's son-in-law, Frans Otten. Gerard and his brother Anton supported education and social programs in Eindhoven, including the Philips Sport Vereniging (Philips Sports Association), which they founded. From it the professional football (soccer) department developed into the independent Philips Sport Vereniging N.V. Gerard", "title": "Gerard Philips" }, { "docid": "317508", "text": "known in medical systems for diagnosis and therapy, lighting technologies, shavers, and consumer electronics. The Canadian headquarters are located in Markham, Ontario. For several years, Philips manufactured lighting products in two Canadian factories. The London, Ontario, plant opened in 1971. It produced A19 lamps (including the \"Royale\" long life bulbs), PAR38 lamps and T19 lamps (originally a Westinghouse lamp shape). Philips closed the factory in May 2003. The Trois-Rivières, Quebec plant was a Westinghouse facility which Philips continued to run it after buying Westinghouse's lamp division in 1983. Philips closed this factory a few years later, in the late 1980s.", "title": "Philips" }, { "docid": "4635396", "text": "Obbe Philips Obbe Philips (ca. 1500–1568) (also spelled \"Philipsz\" and \"Filips\") was one of the early founders of Dutch Anabaptism. He was the illegitimate son of a Roman Catholic priest from Leeuwarden. Philips studied medicine, and became a barber and a surgeon. He married in 1530 and set up his business in Leeuwarden. Obbe Philips became interested in the Reformation, and converted to Anabaptism late in 1533. He was probably baptized by Bartholomeus Boekbinder or Willem de Kuyper, emissaries of Jan Matthys. Menno Simons was ordained around 1537 by Obbe Philips, and was probably baptized earlier by Philips also. Obbe", "title": "Obbe Philips" }, { "docid": "405744", "text": "was developed and released for the Philips CD-i in the early 1990s as a product of a compromise between Philips and Nintendo, after the companies failed to develop a CD-ROM peripheral for the Super NES. Created independently with no observation by or influence from Nintendo, the games are , together with \"Zelda's Adventure\". Nintendo never acknowledged them in the \"Zelda\" timeline, and they are considered to be in a separate, self-contained canon. These games are widely acknowledged to be the worst installments in the series. Three \"Zelda\"-themed LCD games were created between 1989 and 1992. The \"Zelda\" version of Nintendo's", "title": "The Legend of Zelda" }, { "docid": "11077641", "text": "I Love the '70s (U.S. TV series) I Love the '70s is a decade nostalgia television mini-series produced by VH1. The series is based on a BBC series of the same name. It examines the pop culture of the 1970s, using footage from the era, along with \"Where Are They Now?\" interviews with celebrities from the decade. Additionally, the show features comedians poking fun at the kitschiness of what was popular. The first episode of the series, \"I Love 1970\", premiered on August 18, 2003, through the final episode of the series, \"I Love 1979\", premiered on August 22, 2003.", "title": "I Love the '70s (U.S. TV series)" }, { "docid": "11272619", "text": "album was later released on CD having been remastered and expanded in 1998. The sleeve notes were written by Brian Mulligan, the then press officer for Philips Records, with photography by Terence Donovan. In the USA the album was released on Smash Records as Introducing the Walker Brothers. This alternate version shifted the running order around and replaced \"Lonely Winds\", \"Girl I Lost in the Rain\", \"First Love Never Dies\", and \"Tell the Truth\" with the singles \"Love Her\", \"My Ship Is Coming In\" and \"Pretty Girls Everywhere\", along with the latter's B-side \"Doin' the Jerk\". The group can be", "title": "Take It Easy with the Walker Brothers" }, { "docid": "17554329", "text": "Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon are two action-adventure video games developed by Animation Magic and published by Philips Interactive Media for the CD-i. The two games were released on the same day, were developed simultaneously, and look and play similarly because they use the same graphic engine. A third \"Zelda\" game released for the CD-i, \"Zelda's Adventure\", featured a different developer and perspective than its predecessors. \"Link: The Faces of Evil\" puts the player in control of Link, who goes on a quest", "title": "Link: The Faces of Evil and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon" }, { "docid": "8829335", "text": "experimentally manufactured in 1925. In 1927, Philips began producing radios. Only five years later, Philips had sold one million of them. One other major product release came in 1963, when the Compact Cassette was introduced. After Philips Consumer Electronics acquired companies as Magnavox and Sylvania in the late 1970s, Philips managed to sell their 100-millionth TV-set in 1984. Philips still is the European television market leader, as well as the third in the world. Because of the enormous growth, Philips decided to split up their company divisions during the 1990s. While Philips CE contains most of the Consumer Electronics, other", "title": "Philips Consumer Lifestyle" }, { "docid": "5602638", "text": "their film negatives and transparencies. The Kodak Pro Photo CD Master Disc contains 25 images with maximum resolution of 6144 x 4096 pixels (six resolutions per file, Base/16 to 64 Base). This type is appropriate for 120 film, 4x5, but also for small picture film, if highest resolution is required. Separate from the Photo CD format is Kodak's proprietary \"Portfolio CD\" format, which combines Red Book CD audio and Beige Book PCD with interactive menus and hotspots on PCD images. Some standalone Philips Photo/Audio CD players could play Portfolio CDs, and Windows player application was freely available. The Kodak Portfolio", "title": "Photo CD" }, { "docid": "8063464", "text": "I Love the '70s: Volume 2 I Love the '70s: Volume 2 is a television mini-series in the \"I Love the...\" series presented by VH1. The sequel to \"I Love the '70s\", it premiered on VH1 from July 10–14, 2006, airing at 8pm and 9pm ET each night. The Guitar Gods of 1970 were Duane Allman of The Allman Brothers Band, Terry Kath of Chicago, and Jimi Hendrix. The \"Guess This Joe\" was Joe Torre. The Guitar Gods of 1971 were Pete Townshend of The Who, Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin The \"Guess", "title": "I Love the '70s: Volume 2" }, { "docid": "4461804", "text": "Late Show\". Eight episodes (\"with one repeat\") of the show included custom-written skits in which Ferguson played the leader of a Scottish rap band called The Highlanderz (consisting of Angus \"Big Ginger\" Ferguson, Philip \"The Howler\" McGrade, and Shannon \"Bubbles\" McGee), riding in a Flex as they traveled from Los Angeles International Airport to the CBS Studio. The skits were shown on successive Thursdays starting on September 4. On August 31, 2009, the show began broadcasting in high definition, featuring a refitted studio and production facilities, along with a new show logo, new lights, an opening title sequence that \"features", "title": "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson" } ]
Where is the multinational Nestle based?
[ "ISO 3166-1:CH", "Svissland", "Etymology of Switzerland", "Confederation Helvetia", "Swizerland", "Confederatio Helvetica", "Environmental Integrity Group", "Confoederatio Helvetica", "Svizra", "SWITZERLAND", "Confédération suisse", "SwissEnergy", "Schweitz", "Švýcarsko", "Die Schweiz", "Schwitzerland", "Confederation suisse", "Der Schweiz", "Swiss Confederated States", "Suiza", "Switz", "Switzeland", "Schweiz", "Confederation Helvetica", "Switserland", "Suisse", "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft", "Switzerland information", "Confederaziun Svizra", "Switzer land", "Switzerland", "Land of the Switzers", "Swiss confederation", "Confœderatio Helvetica", "Swiss", "Confederation Suisse", "Confederation of Helvatia", "Land of the Swiss", "Confederaziun svizra", "Svizzera", "Swissland", "Swizterland", "Confédération Suisse", "Confederazione Svizzera", "Swiss Confederation" ]
[ { "docid": "7046695", "text": "Her name is pronounced like the English verb \"nestle\", not like the name of the Swiss food conglomerate, to whom she is unrelated. In 2011, \"Forbes\" magazine listed Nestle as number 2 of \"The world's 7 most powerful foodies.\" Marion Nestle Marion Nestle (born 1936) is an American academic. She is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University. She is also a professor of Sociology at NYU and a visiting professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. Nestle received her BA from UC Berkeley, Phi Beta Kappa, after attending school there from", "title": "Marion Nestle" }, { "docid": "20897295", "text": "Nestle Nigeria Plc Nestle Nigeria Plc is a publicly listed food and beverage specialty company headquartered in Lagos. It is majority owned by Nestle S.A. of Switzerland. The company was founded in 1961 and conducted trading under the name of Nestle Products Nigeria Limited. It has its main factory in Agbara Industrial Estate, Ogun State. The firm manufactures breakfast cereal, baby food products, food seasoning and hydrolyzed plant protein mix. The firm was listed as one of the largest 100 companies in Africa by Africa Business magazine. The company began business under the trade name of Nestle Products Nigeria, in", "title": "Nestle Nigeria Plc" }, { "docid": "20897298", "text": "factories in Ogun State and a distribution center at Ota. Brands of Nestle such as Cerelac, Milo, Maggi cube have gained household name status. Nestle Nigeria Plc Nestle Nigeria Plc is a publicly listed food and beverage specialty company headquartered in Lagos. It is majority owned by Nestle S.A. of Switzerland. The company was founded in 1961 and conducted trading under the name of Nestle Products Nigeria Limited. It has its main factory in Agbara Industrial Estate, Ogun State. The firm manufactures breakfast cereal, baby food products, food seasoning and hydrolyzed plant protein mix. The firm was listed as one", "title": "Nestle Nigeria Plc" } ]
[ { "docid": "12111676", "text": "Eberhard Nestle Eberhard Nestle (May 1, 1851, Stuttgart – March 9, 1913, Stuttgart) was a German biblical scholar, textual critic, orientalist, editor of Novum Testamentum Graece, and the father of Erwin Nestle. Nestle was a son of the upper tribunal procurator (\"Obertribunalprokurator\") Christian Gottlieb Nestle and his wife Sophie Beate Kleinmann. His half-brother from his father's second marriage was classical philologist Wilhelm Nestle. Nestle studied at the University of Tübingen—the Tübinger Stift—from 1869 to 1874. His studies culminated in his doctoral thesis on the Hebrew and Greek text forms of the Book of Ezekiel. Afterwards he worked in the area", "title": "Eberhard Nestle" }, { "docid": "12111679", "text": "and Foreign Bible Society, replacing the Textus Receptus. After a few years this edition received worldwide recognition as the best edition of the Greek New Testament. This edition took the place which formerly belonged to the Textus Receptus and became a \"New Textus Receptus\". After the death of Eberhard Nestle his son Erwin Nestle (1883–1972) took over the publication and contributed substantially to a constant improvement of the editions. Since 1952 the edition occurred with the cooperation of Kurt Aland (21st edition). The theological standard work \"Nestle-Aland\" appeared from 1993 in the 27th edition. Eberhard Nestle Eberhard Nestle (May 1,", "title": "Eberhard Nestle" }, { "docid": "7046690", "text": "Marion Nestle Marion Nestle (born 1936) is an American academic. She is the Paulette Goddard Professor of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University. She is also a professor of Sociology at NYU and a visiting professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University. Nestle received her BA from UC Berkeley, Phi Beta Kappa, after attending school there from 1954-1959. Her degrees include a Ph.D in molecular biology and an M.P.H. in public health nutrition, both from the University of California, Berkeley. She undertook postdoctoral work in biochemistry and developmental biology at Brandeis University and later joining the", "title": "Marion Nestle" }, { "docid": "10524020", "text": "she appears in the 1994 documentary about lesbian history \"Not Just Passing Through\". Nestle is a longtime patron of the Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives. Joan Nestle Joan Nestle (born May 12, 1940) is a Lambda Award winning writer and editor and a founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, which holds, among other things, everything she has ever written. She is openly lesbian and sees her work of archiving history as critical to her identity as \"a woman, as a lesbian, and as a Jew\". Nestle's father died before she was born, and she was raised by her widowed mother", "title": "Joan Nestle" }, { "docid": "10524013", "text": "Joan Nestle Joan Nestle (born May 12, 1940) is a Lambda Award winning writer and editor and a founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, which holds, among other things, everything she has ever written. She is openly lesbian and sees her work of archiving history as critical to her identity as \"a woman, as a lesbian, and as a Jew\". Nestle's father died before she was born, and she was raised by her widowed mother Regina Nestle, a bookkeeper in New York City's garment district, whom she credits with inspiring her \"belief in a woman's undeniable right to enjoy sex\".", "title": "Joan Nestle" }, { "docid": "14020901", "text": "wrappers (although of trivial economic value and ultimately thrown away by Nestle) were part of the consideration; Section 8 of the Copyright Act 1956 was intended to apply where a money sum was the entire consideration for the sale and since this sale was outside of s. 8 copyright had been breached. Lord Somervell said the following. Viscount Simonds and Lord Keith of Avonholm delivered dissenting judgments. Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1959] UKHL 1 is an important English contract law case, where the House of Lords confirmed the", "title": "Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd" }, { "docid": "12111677", "text": "of orientalism and wrote, among other things, a Syriac grammar. During his later years, his focus changed to textual criticism of the New Testament. Between 1898 and 1912 he worked as professor at the Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren. In 1880, he married Klara Kommerell (1852–87) in Tübingen; they had one son, Erwin Nestle. In 1887 his wife died after a short illness, and three years later, in 1890, Nestle married Elisabeth Aichele (1867–1944). In this second marriage, five daughters and one son were born. In 1898 Nestle published a handbook of textual criticism, and in 1898 published the", "title": "Eberhard Nestle" }, { "docid": "14020899", "text": "Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd [1959] UKHL 1 is an important English contract law case, where the House of Lords confirmed the traditional doctrine that consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate. Chappell & Co. owned the copyright to \"Rockin’ shoes\" (by The King Brothers). Nestle was giving away records of it to people who sent in three wrappers from 6d chocolate bars, as well as 1s 6d. The Copyright Act 1956 s 8 said a 6.25% royalty needed to be paid on the ‘ordinary retail selling", "title": "Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestle Co Ltd" }, { "docid": "20897296", "text": "1969, the name was changed to Food Specialties Limited. It began trading on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 1979 following an indeginization promotion decree. In 1991, the company's name was changed to Nestle Foods Nigeria and ten years later it became Nestle Nigeria PLC. At inception, the firm's operation was in distribution and sales of Nestle products which had previously been imported into the country by merchants. In 1971, improved demand for its Maggi seasoning product led to the establishment of a packaging plant in Lagos. The firm leased land at the newly created Agbara Estate in 1978 and three", "title": "Nestle Nigeria Plc" }, { "docid": "20618260", "text": "Miss Multinational Miss Multinational is the international beauty pageant for girls across the world. It is owned by Glamanand Entertainment from India. Miss Multinational pageant was bought by Nikhil Anand, the chairman of Glamanand Entertainment even before the first edition. The intent is to become competitive as one of the top 6 pageants in the world. The pageant has a tagline of Discovering Starlets. Based on the success of the Miss Multinational pageant, Anand intends to create a version of the same beauty pageant for men. The pageant had its inaugural edition in Gurugram, India with 35 contestants across the", "title": "Miss Multinational" }, { "docid": "4095695", "text": "Multinational state A multinational state is a sovereign state that comprises two or more nations. This is in contrast to a nation state, where a single nation accounts for the bulk of the population. Depending on the definition of \"nation\" (which touches on ethnicity, language, and political identity), a multinational state might also be multicultural or multilingual. Present-day examples of multinational states are Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Madagascar, Montenegro, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname,Turkey, and the United Kingdom. Examples of historical multinational states that have since split into multiple", "title": "Multinational state" }, { "docid": "1694964", "text": "critics of multinational corporations have charged that some present day multinational corporations follow the pattern of exploitation and differential wealth distribution established by the now defunct colonial charter corporations, particularly with regards to corporations based in the developed world that operate resource extraction enterprises in the developing world, such as Royal Dutch Shell, and Barrick Gold. Some of these critics argue that the operations of multinational corporations in the developing world take place within the broader context of neocolonialism. However, multinational corporations from emerging markets are playing an ever-greater role, increasingly impacting the global economy. Anti-corporate advocates criticize multinational corporations", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "8148247", "text": "corporate sponsorship, the arc of his projects also argues for the possibility of reorienting oneself with others to keep one step ahead of incorporation – even, ironically, while actively sponsored. This sense of possibility is essential in contemporary society as even not-for-profit public institutions – including universities and philanthropic organizations – seek out sponsorship from multinational corporations.\" On November 2015, Harding launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the making of a new video. Backers were allowed to vote on places where they would like him to go to for his new videos and he raised $146,075 out of a $125,000", "title": "Where the Hell is Matt?" }, { "docid": "18516909", "text": "2015. Nigerian Major-General Lamidi Adeosun, was appointed MNJTF Commander in January 2016. Adeosun was in turn replaced as commander by Major-General Lucky Irabor in May 2017. The Force is structured in four national sectors: Sector 1 (Cameroon) headquartered at Mora; Sector 2 (Chad) headquartered at Baga-Sola; Sector 3 (Nigeria) based in Baga; and Sector 4 (Niger), based in the town of Diffa. There is still considerable skepticism in the international community that the new force can deliver results, and its success or otherwise as a multinational endeavour will be closely monitored. Multinational Joint Task Force The Multinational Joint Task Force", "title": "Multinational Joint Task Force" }, { "docid": "18439201", "text": "Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd [1983] Ch 258 is a leading United Kingdom company law case relating to directors' liability. The case is the principal authority for the proposition that a company will not be able to make any claim against a director for breach of duty where the acts of the director have been ratified by the members of the company. The plaintiff company (Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co) was a joint venture company formed between three shareholders to engage", "title": "Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd" }, { "docid": "4095740", "text": "largely equal to other members of the federation after 1974). Starting in 1991, the SFRY disintegrated in the Yugoslav Wars, which followed the secession of most of the country's constituent entities. The next Yugoslavia, known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, existed until 2003, when it was renamed Serbia and Montenegro. In 2006, this last vestige separated into Serbia and Montenegro, but only to go further in 2008 after Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence. Multinational state A multinational state is a sovereign state that comprises two or more nations. This is in contrast to a nation state, where a single", "title": "Multinational state" }, { "docid": "1694957", "text": "through international arbitration. The actions of multinational corporations are strongly supported by economic liberalism and free market system in a globalized international society. According to the economic realist view, individuals act in rational ways to maximize their self-interest and therefore, when individuals act rationally, markets are created and they function best in free market system where there is little government interference. As a result, international wealth is maximized with free exchange of goods and services. To many economic liberals, multinational corporations are the vanguard of the liberal order. They are the embodiment par excellence of the liberal ideal of an", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "20618261", "text": "world. Sophia Señoron from the Philippines became the first winner of Miss Multinational. She is the current Miss Multinational. Señoron is notable for her diminutive stature in the field of tall beauty queens, standing but . With the first pageant under their belt, national contestants for the second pageant, 2018 are being selected. Miss Multinational Miss Multinational is the international beauty pageant for girls across the world. It is owned by Glamanand Entertainment from India. Miss Multinational pageant was bought by Nikhil Anand, the chairman of Glamanand Entertainment even before the first edition. The intent is to become competitive as", "title": "Miss Multinational" }, { "docid": "14448936", "text": "Nestle v National Westminster Bank plc Nestle v National Westminster Bank plc [1992] EWCA Civ 12 is an English trusts law case concerning the duty of care when a trustee is making an investment. A testator died in 1922 and named his widow, two sons and wives and one grandchild as the beneficiaries. The wife got the family home as a life interest and a tax free annuity. The two sons got annuities between age 21 and 25 and life interests in half the trust with a power to appoint income to their wives and Georgina, the grandchild, got the", "title": "Nestle v National Westminster Bank plc" }, { "docid": "7046693", "text": "and food education. She is the author of numerous articles in professional publications and is the author or co-author of nine books. Her latest book, \"Soda Politics: Taking on Big Soda (and Winning)\", was published in October 2015. Nestle wrote the \"Food Matters\" column for the \"San Francisco Chronicle\" from 2003–2010. She blogs at foodpolitics.com, and tweets from @marionnestle. She has appeared in the documentary films \"Super Size Me\" (2004), \"Food, Inc.\" (2008), \"\" (2008), \"Killer at Large\" (2008), \"In Organic We Trust\" (2012), \"A Place at the Table\" (2012), \"Fed Up\" (2014), and \"In Defense of Food\" (2015) She", "title": "Marion Nestle" }, { "docid": "1694951", "text": "Multinational corporation Most of the largest and most influential companies of the modern age are publicly traded multinational corporations, including \"Forbes Global 2000\" companies. Multinational corporations are subject to criticisms for lacking ethical standards, and that this shows up in how they evade ethical laws and leverage their own business agenda with capital, and even the military backing of their own wealthy host nation-states. They have also become associated with multinational tax havens and base erosion and profit shifting tax avoidance activities. A multinational corporation (MNC) is usually a large corporation incorporated in one country which produces or sells goods", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "5352172", "text": "Where the Action Is Where the Action Is is a music-based television variety show that aired in the United States from 1965 to 1967. It was carried by the ABC network and aired each weekday afternoon. Created by Dick Clark as a spin-off of \"American Bandstand\", \"Where the Action Is\" premiered on June 27, 1965. The show was another step in the then-current trend of entertainment programs that targeted the teenage audience by focusing on pop music, following in the footsteps set by \"Shindig!\" (premiered in the fall of 1964, also on ABC) and \"Hullabaloo\" (premiered January 1965 on NBC).", "title": "Where the Action Is" }, { "docid": "1694966", "text": "include increased inequality, unemployment, and wage stagnation. The aggressive use of tax avoidance schemes, and multinational tax havens, allows multinational corporations to gain competitive advantages over small and medium-sized enterprises. Organizations such as the Tax Justice Network criticize governments for allowing multinational organizations to escape tax, particularly by using base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) tax tools, since less money can be spent for public services. Multinational corporation Most of the largest and most influential companies of the modern age are publicly traded multinational corporations, including \"Forbes Global 2000\" companies. Multinational corporations are subject to criticisms for lacking ethical standards,", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "14491088", "text": "US-based multinational corporation) - sanctioning a state's right to tax the worldwide profits of a multinational corporation via unitary worldwide combined reporting and formulary apportionment. The original group included Nestle, Sony, Unilever and four other non-US-based corporations. Its current President and CEO is Nancy McLernon, formerly with Citizens for a Sound Economy (later renamed Freedom Works) and Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation (later renamed Americans for Prosperity) established by David and Charles Koch, of Koch Industries. As an aggressive advocate for fair, non-discriminatory treatment, OFII serves its member companies by monitoring and reporting new regulatory developments and by lobbying", "title": "Organization for International Investment" }, { "docid": "5352177", "text": "program was cancelled on March 31, 1967, with the network giving its local affiliates the time slot. However, members of the program's mainstay band Paul Revere and the Raiders (with lead vocalist Mark Lindsay) hosted very similar follow-up shows; both Revere and Lindsay hosted \"Happening '68\", a Saturday afternoon follow-up to \"American Bandstand\", and a weekday version of the same show, \"It's Happening\", from 1968 to 1969. Both shows were produced by Dick Clark's production company for ABC. </div> Where the Action Is Where the Action Is is a music-based television variety show that aired in the United States from", "title": "Where the Action Is" }, { "docid": "20963917", "text": "Nestle Wyeth Nutrition On 23 April 2012, Nestlé agreed to acquire Pfizer Inc.'s infant-nutrition, formerly Wyeth Nutrition, unit for , topping a joint bid from Danone and Mead Johnson.Nestle Wyeth Nutrition provides food products to meet the needs of infants, young children and adults. Through scientific research,they claim to help nourish children when breastfeeding is not an option. Wyeth Nutrition started in 1915 when Henry Grestberger manufactured the first formula patterned after breast milk called SMA ( synthetic milk adaptive). \"Wyeth Pharmaceuticals\", formerly Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, is the original company founded by the Wyeth brothers, originally known as John Wyeth and", "title": "Nestle Wyeth Nutrition" }, { "docid": "10524019", "text": "that was eventually identified as colorectal cancer. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. She now lives in Australia with her partner, Dianne Otto the Francine V McNiff Professor in Human Rights Law at the University of Melbourne, and teaches at the University of Melbourne. In 1992, Nestle delivered the first Kessler Lecture for the CUNY Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies titled \"\"I Lift My Eyes to the Hill\": the Life of Mabel Hampton as Told by a White Woman\". Her life was the subject of a 2002 documentary by Joyce Warshow entitled \"Hand on the Pulse,\" and", "title": "Joan Nestle" }, { "docid": "10524014", "text": "She attended Martin Van Buren High School in Queens and received her B.A. from Queens College, City University of New York in 1963. During the mid-1960s she became involved in the Civil Rights Movement, traveling to the Southern United States to join the Selma to Montgomery march and to participate in voter registration drives. She earned a master's degree in English from New York University in 1968 and worked toward a doctorate for two years before returning to Queens College to teach. Nestle had been part of the working-class, butch and femme bar culture of New York City since the", "title": "Joan Nestle" }, { "docid": "7046694", "text": "received the John Dewey Award for Distinguished Public Service from Bard College in 2010 and in 2011, was named Public Health Hero by the University of California School of Public Health at Berkeley. She received an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Transylvania University in Kentucky in 2012. In 2013, she received the James Beard Leadership Award and Healthful Food Council's Innovator of the Year Award and the Public Health Association of New York City's Media Award in 2014. In a 2013 interview, Nestle listed Wendell Berry, Frances Moore Lappé, Joan Gussow, and Michael Jacobson as people who inspired her.", "title": "Marion Nestle" }, { "docid": "10524018", "text": "writings, Nestle, a self-identified femme, argued that contemporary feminism, in rejecting butch and femme identities, was asking her to repress an important part of herself. She said she \"wanted people, especially lesbians, to see that the butch-femme relationship isn't just some negative heterosexual aping\". Her writings on the subject were highly influential; Lillian Faderman describes her as the \"midwife\" to a revised view of butch and femme, and her 1992 anthology \"The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader\" became the standard work in its field. She retired from Queens College, City University of New York in 1995 due to an illness", "title": "Joan Nestle" }, { "docid": "10524017", "text": "in 1974 in the pantry of the apartment she shared with her then-partner Deborah Edel, and later with her family friend Mabel Hampton, and moved to a brownstone in Park Slope, Brooklyn in 1992. Today its holdings include more than 20,000 books, 12,000 photographs, and 1,600 periodical titles. Nestle began writing fiction in 1978, when a prolonged illness prevented her from teaching for a year. Her erotica focusing on butch and femme relationships made her a controversial figure during the feminist sex wars of the 1980s; members of Women Against Pornography called for censorship of her stories. In her political", "title": "Joan Nestle" }, { "docid": "7046691", "text": "faculty in biology in 1975. Through this professorship, she was assigned a nutrition course to teach and she realized that there was no standardized nutritional requirements and kicked off her interest in nutrition. From 1976 to 1986, Nestle was associate dean for human biology and taught nutrition at the UCSF School of Medicine. From 1986 to 1988, she was senior nutrition policy advisor in the Department of Health and Human Services and editor of the Surgeon General’s \"Report on Nutrition and Health\". In 1988, she was appointed Chair of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, she", "title": "Marion Nestle" }, { "docid": "20093350", "text": "assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream publications, it received an average score of 67, based on 5 reviews. The album received two nominations for the 2018 Grammy Awards, for Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical and for Best Rock Song (\"Blood in the Cut\"). Credits taken from Qobuz. Every Where Is Some Where Every Where Is Some Where is the second and major label debut studio album by American alternative hip hop recording artist K.Flay. The album was released on April 4, 2017 by Interscope Records and Dan Reynolds' imprint Night Street Records, being the first artist", "title": "Every Where Is Some Where" }, { "docid": "10749604", "text": "improving their skills. The third deployment with the participation of more than 120 soldiers from the Corps and partnering formations started in January 2014 and ended in January 2015. As soon as the ISAF mandate expired, the Resolute Support mission commenced in January 2015, based on the successes and commitments of the international community in Afghanistan. Mission: ISAF, Afghanistan Danish Division (HQ Haderslev) The organisation from 1997-2005 Mechanised Division 12th Infantry Division (Poland) (HQ Szczecin) Multinational Corps Northeast Multinational Corps Northeast was formed on 18 September 1999 at Szczecin, Poland, which became its headquarters. It evolved from what was for", "title": "Multinational Corps Northeast" }, { "docid": "1694960", "text": "tries to make decisions from a global perspective rather than from one centralized headquarters. Another example is Royal Dutch Shell, whose headquarters are in The Hague, Netherlands, but whose registered office and main executive body are headquartered in London, United Kingdom. \"Multinational enterprise\" (MNE) is the term used by international economist and similarly defined with the multinational corporation (MNC) as an enterprise that controls and manages production establishments, known as plants located in at least two countries. The multinational enterprise (MNE) will engage in foreign direct investment (FDI) as the firm makes direct investments in host country plants for equity", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "19265776", "text": "on April 6, 2018. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 81% based on 47 reviews and an average rating of 6.4/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"\"Where Is Kyra?\" rests on Michelle Pfeiffer's magnetically raw performance — and lives up to it with a trenchant, hard-hitting story.\" On Metacritic, the film has an average score of 72 out of 100, based on 20 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\". Where Is Kyra? Where Is Kyra? is a 2017 American drama film directed by Andrew Dosunmu with a screenplay by Darci Picoult and a story by Dosunmu and", "title": "Where Is Kyra?" }, { "docid": "1694961", "text": "ownership and managerial control to avoid some transaction costs. The history of multinational corporations is closely intertwined with the history of colonialism, the first multinational corporations being founded to undertake colonial expeditions at the behest of their European monarchical patrons. Prior to the era of New Imperialism, a majority European colonies not held by the Spanish and Portuguese crowns were administered by chartered multinational corporations. Examples of such corporations include the British East India Company, the Swedish Africa Company, and the Hudson's Bay Company. These early corporations facilitated colonialism by engaging in international trade and exploration, and creating colonial trading", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "1694959", "text": "national and local responses. This has a history of self-conscious cultural management going back at least to the 1960s. For example: A transnational corporation differs from a traditional multinational corporation in that it does not identify itself with one national home. While traditional multinational corporations are national companies with foreign subsidiaries, transnational corporations spread out their operations in many countries to sustain high levels of local responsiveness.<ref name=\"Case study: The Relationship between the Structure/Strategy of Multinational Corporations and Patterns of Knowledge Sharing within them\"></ref> An example of a transnational corporation is Nestlé, who employ senior executives from many countries and", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "11459433", "text": "and the University of Kansas (Bryant C. Freeman). It was adapted made-for-TV movie, \"Winter Thaw\" (2016) for BYUTV, starring John Rhys-Davies, and filmed in Lithuania. The film was produced by Utah-based Kaleidoscope Pictures. The film was directed by Adam Thomas Anderegg and Produced by Russ Kendall. It was screened on BYU TV and can be viewed on demand. It received an Emmy Award in 2017. Where Love Is, God Is \"Where Love Is, God Is\" (sometimes also translated as \"Where Love Is, There God Is Also\" or \"Martin the Cobbler\") is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy. The", "title": "Where Love Is, God Is" }, { "docid": "2082252", "text": "Multinational Character Set The Multinational Character Set (DMCS or MCS) is a character encoding created in 1983 by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) for use in the popular VT220 terminal. It was an 8-bit extension of ASCII that added accented characters, currency symbols, and other character glyphs missing from 7-bit ASCII. It is only one of the code pages implemented for the VT220 National Replacement Character Set (NRCS). MCS is registered as IBM code page 1100 (Multinational Emulation) since 1992. Depending on associated sorting Oracle calls it WE8DEC, N8DEC, DK8DEC, S8DEC, or SF8DEC. Such \"extended ASCII\" sets were common (the National", "title": "Multinational Character Set" }, { "docid": "20963918", "text": "Brother. They focused on the research, development, and marketing of prescription drugs. The pharmaceuticals division was further subdivided into five subdivisions: Wyeth Research, Prescription Products, Biotech, Vaccines, and Nutritionals. Wyeth's research and development director Robert Ruffolo was quoted in \"The New York Times\" about the firm's efforts to develop new drugs. Nestle Wyeth Nutrition On 23 April 2012, Nestlé agreed to acquire Pfizer Inc.'s infant-nutrition, formerly Wyeth Nutrition, unit for , topping a joint bid from Danone and Mead Johnson.Nestle Wyeth Nutrition provides food products to meet the needs of infants, young children and adults. Through scientific research,they claim to", "title": "Nestle Wyeth Nutrition" }, { "docid": "20897297", "text": "years later began manufacturing Maggi and Milo products. In 1982, Cerelac was produced in Nigeria from Agbara. Between 1984 and 1986, the company introduced baby weaning products with higher local content, this include Cerelac Maize and Nutrend, with a mixture of soy and maize. It later introduced Chocomilo, a confectionery item. In 2011, the firm expanded production of its marquee with the opening of a Maggi factory in Flowergate, Ogun State. Nestle Nigeria has sponsored the Maggi national cooking competition and previously sponsored a Maggi cooking show. It also sponsored sports competition through it Milo brand. The firm has two", "title": "Nestle Nigeria Plc" }, { "docid": "1694965", "text": "for being without a basis in a national ethos, being ultimately without a specific nationhood, and that this lack of an ethos appears in their ways of operating as they enter into contracts with countries that have low human rights or environmental standards. In the world economy facilitated by multinational corporations, capital will increasingly be able to play workers, communities, and nations off against one another as they demand tax, regulation and wage concessions while threatening to move. In other words, increased mobility of multinational corporations benefit capital while workers and communities lose. Some negative outcomes generated by multinational corporations", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "10136708", "text": "of \"Oliver!\", \"Where is Love?\" was performed onscreen by Mark Lester, whose singing voice was reportedly dubbed by Kathe Green (the daughter of the film's conductor and musical arranger, Johnny Green), though Lester was actually given credit on the soundtrack album. Where Is Love? \"Where is Love?\" is a song from the Tony Award-winning British musical \"Oliver!\" and the 1968 film \"Oliver!\" based on the novel \"Oliver Twist\" by Charles Dickens. The musical was written by Lionel Bart and was first staged in London's West End in 1960. Oliver Twist, the leading character, sings the song after being thrown into", "title": "Where Is Love?" }, { "docid": "10749600", "text": "the end of 2008. Due to its geographical location, the only NATO HQ East of the former \"Iron Curtain\", Multinational Corps North East has a key function in the integration of new NATO member states. This is reflected in the structure of its personnel. Officers and NCO's from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia are serving at Multinational Corps North East. Since April 2004, the flags of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have been fluttering at the Headquarters. In January 2005, Slovakia joined Multinational Corps Northeast, whereas the Czech Republic - in October 2005. The US flag was hoisted", "title": "Multinational Corps Northeast" }, { "docid": "21001764", "text": "Miss Multinational 2018 The first edition of the Miss Multinational pageant was held on February 24, 2018 in Gurugram, India (a suburb of New Delhi). 35 contestants participated. The winner was American born Sophia Señoron representing the Philippines, crowned the first Miss Multinational. Señoron is notable for her diminutive stature in the field of tall beauty queens, standing but . Previously Señoron had been denied entry to some domestic pageants because she did not meet the height requirements. The first runner up was Saskia Kuban representing Germany, second runner up was Shefali Sharma representing the home country of India. Previous", "title": "Miss Multinational 2018" }, { "docid": "21001765", "text": "Philippine beauty queens Laura Lehmann, Ariella Arida, Maggie Wilson and Winwyn Marquez congratulated Señoron on her win. Miss Multinational 2018 The first edition of the Miss Multinational pageant was held on February 24, 2018 in Gurugram, India (a suburb of New Delhi). 35 contestants participated. The winner was American born Sophia Señoron representing the Philippines, crowned the first Miss Multinational. Señoron is notable for her diminutive stature in the field of tall beauty queens, standing but . Previously Señoron had been denied entry to some domestic pageants because she did not meet the height requirements. The first runner up was", "title": "Miss Multinational 2018" }, { "docid": "1694956", "text": "tax evasion. Multinational corporations may be subject to the laws and regulations of both their domicile and the additional jurisdictions where they are engaged in business. In some cases, the jurisdiction can help to avoid burdensome laws, but regulatory statutes often target the \"enterprise\" with statutory language around \"control\". For small corporations, registering a foreign subsidiary can be expensive and complex, involving fees, signatures, and forms; a professional employer organization (PEO) is sometimes advertised as a cheaper and simpler alternative, but not all jurisdictions have laws accepting these types of arrangements. Disputes between corporations in different nations is often handled", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "4095696", "text": "sovereign states include Austria-Hungary, British India, Czechoslovakia, the Empire of Japan, the Soviet Union, and Yugoslavia. Some analysts have described the European Union as a multinational state or a potential one. Many attempts have been made to define what a multinational state is. One complicating factor is that it is possible for members of a group that could be considered a nation to identify with two different nationalities simultaneously. As Ilan Peleg wrote in \"Democratizing the Hegemonic State\": A state may also be a society, and a multiethnic society has people belonging to more than one ethnic group, in contrast", "title": "Multinational state" }, { "docid": "11513500", "text": "up the phone, I tell the colonel in charge of the Spanish Brigade what to do. He picks up his phone, calls Madrid, and says, 'I've been told to do this. Is it okay?'\" Miller understood that this meant the Multinational Division had little or no fighting capability. Multinational Division Central-South Multinational Division Central-South (MND-CS), created in September 2003, and supported by NATO, was a part of the Multinational Force Iraq. Headquartered in Camp Echo, it was under Polish command until October 2008, when the last of Poland's troops were withdrawn. Polish contingent was its largest. Other participants included Armenia,", "title": "Multinational Division Central-South" }, { "docid": "16265142", "text": "Decision-Making in the Mountains, Small Unit Tactics in the Mountains, Surviving in the Mountains, Military Alpine Climbing, Military Mountain Rescue and Military Mountain Guiding. Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare (MN COEMW; ) is one of NATO Centres of Excellence, located in Bohinjska Bela, Slovenia. It is \"responsible for training individuals and units for operation in the mountains and other terrains difficult to pass\". Currently Centre is not fully accredited; full accreditation is planned for 2015. MN COEMW is based on the Slovenian Military Mountain School, which was formed in 1996. In", "title": "Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare" }, { "docid": "16265140", "text": "Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare (MN COEMW; ) is one of NATO Centres of Excellence, located in Bohinjska Bela, Slovenia. It is \"responsible for training individuals and units for operation in the mountains and other terrains difficult to pass\". Currently Centre is not fully accredited; full accreditation is planned for 2015. MN COEMW is based on the Slovenian Military Mountain School, which was formed in 1996. In 2004 school was chosen as site of future COE. On 15 November 2011 Slovenia (as a Framework nation) signed cooperation agreement with Austria, Hungary", "title": "Multinational Centre of Excellence for Mountain Warfare" }, { "docid": "1694958", "text": "interdependent world economy. They have taken the integration of national economies beyond trade and money to the internationalization of production. For the first time in history, production, marketing, and investment are being organized on a global scale rather than in terms of isolated national economies. International business is also a specialist field of academic research. Economic theories of the multinational corporation include internalization theory and the eclectic paradigm. The latter is also known as the OLI framework. The other theoretical dimension of the role of multinational corporations concerns the relationship between the globalization of economic engagement and the culture of", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "4402154", "text": "of the Multinational Force and Observers presented the award for a specific act or special case. The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is authorized for wear as a United States military award under the category of \"Non-U.S. service award\" and is worn after all U.S. decorations and before foreign awards of individual countries. Multiple presentations are denoted by award numerals. Similar international military decorations include the NATO Service Medals and the United Nations Service Medals. Some orders of precedence are as follows: Multinational Force and Observers Medal The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is an international military decoration which was", "title": "Multinational Force and Observers Medal" }, { "docid": "1694954", "text": "analysis and transportation research. This intersection is known as logistics management, and it describes the importance of rapidly increasing global mobility of resources. In a long history of analysis of multinational corporations we are some quarter century into an era of stateless corporations - corporations which meet the realities of the needs of source materials on a worldwide basis and to produce and customize products for individual countries. One of the first multinational business organizations, the East India Company, was established in 1600. After the East India Company, came the Dutch East India Company, founded March 20, 1602, which would", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "10136707", "text": "Where Is Love? \"Where is Love?\" is a song from the Tony Award-winning British musical \"Oliver!\" and the 1968 film \"Oliver!\" based on the novel \"Oliver Twist\" by Charles Dickens. The musical was written by Lionel Bart and was first staged in London's West End in 1960. Oliver Twist, the leading character, sings the song after being thrown into the cellar of a funeral parlour for getting into a fight with Noah Claypole, another servant of the undertaker. Later in the show a reprise is sung by Mr Brownlow's housekeeper, Mrs Bedwin. In the 1968 Columbia Pictures musical film version", "title": "Where Is Love?" }, { "docid": "20677460", "text": "multinational manned unit is placed in the Rhein-Kaserne Koblenz, Germany. The first director is Brigadier General (MD) Bruno Most. Multinational Medical Coordination Centre The Multinational Medical Coordination Centre (MMCC) is a medical coordinating centre in support of the European medical services. As part of the further development of the Framework Nations Concept (FNC), the Surgeon General of eight medical services of European NATO countries signed on 2 May 2017 at the fortress Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz a foundation document for a reinforced and sustainable cooperation. By signing their Declaration of Intent (DoI), the senior officers laid the foundations for a common", "title": "Multinational Medical Coordination Centre" }, { "docid": "18516905", "text": "Multinational Joint Task Force The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) is a combined multinational formation, comprising units, mostly military, from Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria. It is headquartered in N'Djamena and is mandated to bring an end to the Boko Haram insurgency. The task force was first organised as a solely Nigerian force in 1994, during the administration of Sani Abacha, to \"checkmate banditry activities and to facilitate free movement\" along its northern border. In 1998 it was expanded to include units from neighbouring Chad and Niger with the purpose of dealing with common cross-border security issues in the", "title": "Multinational Joint Task Force" }, { "docid": "4402150", "text": "Multinational Force and Observers Medal The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is an international military decoration which was first created on March 24, 1982. The medal was established under the authority of the Director-General of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) which were established to monitor a neutral ceasefire zone, between Egypt and Israel, as the result of the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Silver numerals, beginning with numeral '2', worn on the medal ribbon are awarded for additional periods of service with the same mission. The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is authorized to be worn as a foreign", "title": "Multinational Force and Observers Medal" }, { "docid": "548463", "text": "Where the Heart Is (2000 film) Where the Heart Is is a 2000 American romantic drama film directed by Matt Williams in his film directing debut. The film stars Natalie Portman, Stockard Channing, Ashley Judd, and Joan Cusack with supporting roles performed by James Frain, Dylan Bruno, Keith David, and Sally Field. The screenplay, written by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel, is based on the best-selling 1995 novel of the same name by Billie Letts. The film follows five years in the life of Novalee Nation, a pregnant 17-year-old, who is abandoned by her boyfriend at a Walmart in a", "title": "Where the Heart Is (2000 film)" }, { "docid": "17928708", "text": "Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa (, , , ) is an engineering unit intended to quickly respond to flooding and other natural disasters in the Carpathian Region. Initial idea for creation of such unit was voiced by Ukraine in December 1998. Battalion was created on November 15, 2002 after Heads of General Staff of Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak and Ukrainian Armed Forces signed the Technical Arrangement on Implementation of Intergovernmental Agreement on Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa in Budapest. The name comes from river Tisza. Annual exercise is held by participating nations, who take turns hosting the exercise. Exercise", "title": "Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa" }, { "docid": "548473", "text": "A music video was made for the song, which is included as a bonus extra on the DVD release, and features a number of scenes from the film. The film received mostly negative reviews. Metacritic gives it a score of 30% based on reviews from 28 critics. Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 35% approval rating, based on reviews from 97 critics, with the sites consensus stating that the film's \"poor script and messy plot undermines the decent cast.\" The film opened in theaters in the United States on April 28, 2000. \"Where the Heart Is\" accumulated (USD)$8,292,939 in its opening", "title": "Where the Heart Is (2000 film)" }, { "docid": "548474", "text": "weekend, opening at number 4. The film went on to make $33,772,838 at the North American box office, and an additional $7,090,880 internationally for a worldwide total of $40,863,718. Where the Heart Is (2000 film) Where the Heart Is is a 2000 American romantic drama film directed by Matt Williams in his film directing debut. The film stars Natalie Portman, Stockard Channing, Ashley Judd, and Joan Cusack with supporting roles performed by James Frain, Dylan Bruno, Keith David, and Sally Field. The screenplay, written by Lowell Ganz and Babaloo Mandel, is based on the best-selling 1995 novel of the same", "title": "Where the Heart Is (2000 film)" }, { "docid": "18439209", "text": "was not sufficient that the members of the company would have ratified the director's improper acts - it was also necessary that they must have done so. Shortly after the case was decided, the Insolvency Act 1986 was brought into force. Had that statute been in force at the relevant time the \"company law point\" would likely not have arisen, as the liquidator would have been able to bring proceedings against the directors in his own name for wrongful trading. Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas", "title": "Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Co v Multinational Gas and Petrochemical Services Ltd" }, { "docid": "20677459", "text": "Multinational Medical Coordination Centre The Multinational Medical Coordination Centre (MMCC) is a medical coordinating centre in support of the European medical services. As part of the further development of the Framework Nations Concept (FNC), the Surgeon General of eight medical services of European NATO countries signed on 2 May 2017 at the fortress Ehrenbreitstein in Koblenz a foundation document for a reinforced and sustainable cooperation. By signing their Declaration of Intent (DoI), the senior officers laid the foundations for a common coordinating element of European medical services, the future Multinational Medical Coordination Centre. Since the beginning of April 2018 the", "title": "Multinational Medical Coordination Centre" }, { "docid": "10749596", "text": "Multinational Corps Northeast Multinational Corps Northeast was formed on 18 September 1999 at Szczecin, Poland, which became its headquarters. It evolved from what was for many years the only multinational corps in NATO, Allied Land Forces Schleswig-Holstein and Jutland (LANDJUT) (in its turn, a part of Allied Forces Northern Europe). From 1962 LANDJUT had been responsible for the defence of the Baltic Approaches from a headquarters at Rendsburg, Germany. It comprised the 6th Panzergrenadier Division and the Danish Jutland Division. A tri-national working group was established following the July 1997 decision that Poland was to be admitted to NATO with", "title": "Multinational Corps Northeast" }, { "docid": "17507917", "text": "Home Is Where the Music Is Home Is Where the Music Is is a 1972 jazz and Afrobeat double LP by Hugh Masekela issued by the joint American label Chisa/Blue Thumb Records. The album was included in the book \"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". Thom Jurek of Allmusic stated \"Home Is Where the Music Is, is a stone spiritual soul-jazz classic, that melds the sound of numerous emerging jazz schools in its pursuit of musical excellence; it succeeds on all counts and is one of the greatest recordings in Hugh Masekela's long career. In a year full", "title": "Home Is Where the Music Is" }, { "docid": "16899283", "text": "Where in Europe Is Carmen Sandiego? Where in Europe Is Carmen Sandiego? is a 1988 European geography-based educational video game in the detective mystery franchise \"Carmen Sandiego\". It was originally published by Broderbund in 1988 for Apple I , Commodore 64 and MS-DOS , and ported to the Apple IIGS , Amiga and Macintosh in 1989. It is the third \"Carmen Sandiego\" title, after world-based \"Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?\" (1985) and US-based \"Where in the USA Is Carmen Sandiego?\" (1986). Under the guidance of The Acme Agency's chief, the player completes cases to catch Carmen's henchmen; they", "title": "Where in Europe Is Carmen Sandiego?" }, { "docid": "4738805", "text": "Economist. The memo advocated transferring toxic waste and pollution from developed countries to least developed countries. (Summers later stated the memo was meant to be satire.) Multinational Monitor The Multinational Monitor was a bimonthly magazine founded by Ralph Nader in 1980. It was published by Essential Information. The magazine was formerly published on a monthly basis. Although its primary focus was on analysis of corporations, it also published articles on labor issues and occupational safety and health, the environment, globalization, privatization, the global economy, and developing nations. The headquarters of the magazine was in Washington DC. It was a non-profit", "title": "Multinational Monitor" }, { "docid": "1694955", "text": "become the largest company in the world for nearly 200 years. The main characteristics of multinational companies are: Multinational corporations can select from a variety of jurisdictions for various subsidiaries, but the ultimate parent company can select a single legal domicile; as of 2014, the Netherlands has been a popular choice, as it has fewer requirements for meetings, compensation, and audit committees. As of 2014, Great Britain had advantages due to laws on withholding dividends and a double-taxation treaty with the United States. Corporations can legally engage in tax avoidance through their jurisdiction, but must be careful to avoid illegal", "title": "Multinational corporation" }, { "docid": "18894809", "text": "Multinational Land Force The Multinational Land Force (MLF), also known as the Italian–Hungarian–Slovenian Battlegroup is an EU Battlegroup led by Italy, in which Hungary and Slovenia also participate. The MLF originated in the late 1990s, when Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi took the initiative to form a Trilateral Brigade with Slovenia and Hungary. The Italian Alpine Brigade Julia formed the core of the new battlegroup, and also provided its headquarters in Udine; the Slovenian 10th Motorized Battalion and the Hungarian 1st Light Infantry Battalion moved in with them on 5 September 2001. On 10 January 2002, the MLF was formally", "title": "Multinational Land Force" }, { "docid": "18894810", "text": "established, after which training exercises began. Multinational Land Force The Multinational Land Force (MLF), also known as the Italian–Hungarian–Slovenian Battlegroup is an EU Battlegroup led by Italy, in which Hungary and Slovenia also participate. The MLF originated in the late 1990s, when Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi took the initiative to form a Trilateral Brigade with Slovenia and Hungary. The Italian Alpine Brigade Julia formed the core of the new battlegroup, and also provided its headquarters in Udine; the Slovenian 10th Motorized Battalion and the Hungarian 1st Light Infantry Battalion moved in with them on 5 September 2001. On 10", "title": "Multinational Land Force" }, { "docid": "4738803", "text": "Multinational Monitor The Multinational Monitor was a bimonthly magazine founded by Ralph Nader in 1980. It was published by Essential Information. The magazine was formerly published on a monthly basis. Although its primary focus was on analysis of corporations, it also published articles on labor issues and occupational safety and health, the environment, globalization, privatization, the global economy, and developing nations. The headquarters of the magazine was in Washington DC. It was a non-profit and advertising-free publication. The last issue (according to the magazine's web-site) had a coverdate of May/June 2009; this magazine may now be permanently defunct, though the", "title": "Multinational Monitor" }, { "docid": "14448938", "text": "of the fund, let alone matching the average increase in price of ordinary shares’. The company had not acted ‘conscientiously, fairly and carefully’ and there was ‘not much for the bank to be proud of in its administration of the… trust’. He emphasised that ‘trustees’ performance must not be judged with hindsight: 'after the event even a fool is wise, as a poet said nearly 3,000 years ago…' and accepted evidence that equities were regarded as risky before 1959. ‘It was only in 1959 that [they became more popular].’ Dillon LJ and Leggatt LJ concurred. Nestle v National Westminster Bank", "title": "Nestle v National Westminster Bank plc" }, { "docid": "15119641", "text": "Home Is Where the Hart Is Home Is Where the Hart Is is a 1987 Canadian film, written and directed by Rex Bromfield. It stars Leslie Nielsen, Eric Christmas, and Martin Mull. A cunning nurse and con artist Belle Haimes (Valri Bromfield) lives with her simpleton of a husband Rex Haimes (Stephen E. Miller) in the Hart Mansion in British Columbia. There she takes care of the invalid, 103-year-old Slim Hart, called \"Pappy\", (Joe Austin) and his wife, Minnie (Enid Saunders) who has been in a coma for some time. Waking up one day, nurse Belle doesn't feel very prone", "title": "Home Is Where the Hart Is" }, { "docid": "11893662", "text": "Where Is the Love? \"Where Is the Love?\" is a song by American hip hop group The Black Eyed Peas. It was released in June 2003 as the lead single from their third album, \"Elephunk\". The song was written by will.i.am, apl.de.ap, Taboo, Justin Timberlake, Printz Board, Michael Fratantuno and George Pajon. The track features vocals from Timberlake, although he is not officially credited on the single release. It was the group's first song to feature singer Fergie as an official member. \"Where Is the Love?\" saw success on radio airplay charts, peaked at number eight on the US \"Billboard\"", "title": "Where Is the Love?" }, { "docid": "2082253", "text": "Replacement Character Set provided sets for more than a dozen European languages), but MCS has the distinction of being the ancestor of ECMA-94 in 1985 and ISO 8859-1 in 1987. The code chart of MCS with ECMA-94, ISO 8859-1 and the first 256 code points of Unicode have many more similarities than differences. In addition to unused code points, differences from ISO 8859-1 are: In the following table, code points that differ from ISO/IEC 8859-1 are shown boxed. Multinational Character Set The Multinational Character Set (DMCS or MCS) is a character encoding created in 1983 by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)", "title": "Multinational Character Set" }, { "docid": "8417729", "text": "Home Is Where the Van Is Home Is Where the Van Is, an album by The Battlefield Band, was released in 1980 on the Temple Records label. The album, the band's U.S. debut, \"continued the Scottish group's affinity for blending modern instrumentation into the country's folk tradition.\" Several songs from the album notably featured band member Ged Foley on the Northumbrian smallpipes. Also appearing on some songs are : The band played the album in its entirety at the 2009 Celtic Connections, as part of the festival's Classic Albums series. The performance featured the line-up who recorded the album in", "title": "Home Is Where the Van Is" }, { "docid": "8417730", "text": "1980 (Alan Reid, Brian McNeill, Duncan MacGillivray & Ged Foley), playing together with the line-up of 2009 (Alan Reid, Mike Katz, Alasdair White & Sean O'Donnell). Home Is Where the Van Is Home Is Where the Van Is, an album by The Battlefield Band, was released in 1980 on the Temple Records label. The album, the band's U.S. debut, \"continued the Scottish group's affinity for blending modern instrumentation into the country's folk tradition.\" Several songs from the album notably featured band member Ged Foley on the Northumbrian smallpipes. Also appearing on some songs are : The band played the album", "title": "Home Is Where the Van Is" }, { "docid": "15119642", "text": "to go back to her dead end job nursing the old couple. She accidentally overhears the night nurse working at the same mansion (Leslie Jones) reading a postcard from the old couple's two twin boys, Martin Hart (Eric Christmas) and Art Hart (Ted Stidder). The postcard tells that the boys will be returning home to their Pappy soon. With that information in mind, Belle starts planning the demise of the old comatosed Mrs. Hart and the kidnapping of Old Pappy but things don't go quite according to plan. Home Is Where the Hart Is Home Is Where the Hart Is", "title": "Home Is Where the Hart Is" }, { "docid": "17507918", "text": "of amazing titles, this is still a standout.\" Miles Keylock of Channel 24 wrote \"Recorded at London's Island Studios a matter of months before his own departure to Guinea these 10 tracks (originally a double LP) find Masekela digging deep into his African jazz heritage. Gone are the patented pop jazz covers, replaced by inquisitive Afro-American conversations that range from rhythm 'n bluesy soaked soul jazz extrapolations on fellow exiled composer Caiphus Semenya's \"The Big Apple\" to freewheeling Cape to Cuba township bop original groovers like \"Maseru\"and the lilting ballad \"Nomali\". Home Is Where the Music Is Home Is Where", "title": "Home Is Where the Music Is" }, { "docid": "15903463", "text": "Where the Power Is Where the Power Is is the fifth and most recent album by the English psychedelic rock band Poisoned Electrick Head, and their first following major line-up changes and an eight-year hiatus spanning the late 1990s and early 2000s. According to the band, the 13-track album is the first in a planned CD quadrology \"bringing to light the rise & transformation of The Jedder, a multi-faceted conundrum of a man who finds the reason and purpose of his own existence hard to swallow,yet cant run from himself any longer.\" \"Where the Power Is\" features guest appearance from", "title": "Where the Power Is" }, { "docid": "11893667", "text": "release, the song re-entered the official UK singles charts at 40, eventually peaking at 35. The music video for \"Where Is the Love?\" was shot in East Los Angeles and features The Black Eyed Peas and various other people, including various young children, asking the world where the love really is. In the video, will.i.am and Taboo act as a soul music road duo who use music to tell people what is wrong with the world, Fergie appears as a peacemaker who places stickers with question marks on them all over the place to ask people where the love is", "title": "Where Is the Love?" }, { "docid": "5621680", "text": "Where Is the Feeling? \"Where Is the Feeling?\" is a song by Australian recording artist and songwriter Kylie Minogue, taken from her fifth studio album \"Kylie Minogue\" (1994). The song was written by Wilf Smarties and Jayn Hanna, while production was handled by Brothers in Rhythm. It was released on 10 July 1995 as the third and final single from her self-titled album \"Kylie Minogue\". Commercially, the song did fairly well, peaking at number 31 in Australia, and becoming a Top 20 hit in the United Kingdom. The song has only been performed on the KylieFever2002 Tour, where it was", "title": "Where Is the Feeling?" }, { "docid": "8686088", "text": "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are an annex to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. They are recommendations providing principles and standards for responsible business conduct for multinational corporations operating in or from countries adhering to the Declaration. The Guidelines are legally nonbinding, but the OECD Investment Committee and its Working Party on Responsible Business Conduct encourage implementation among adherents. Originally, the Declaration and the Guidelines were adopted by the OECD in 1976. The Guidelines were subsequently revised in 1979, 1982, 1984, 1991, 2000 and 2011. The Guidelines cover business ethics", "title": "OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises" }, { "docid": "6569187", "text": "Multinational Force in Lebanon The Multinational Force in Lebanon (MNF) was an international peacekeeping force created in August 1982 following the 1981 U.S.-brokered ceasefire between the PLO and Israel to end their involvement in the conflict between Lebanon's pro-government and pro-Syrian factions. The ceasefire held until June 3, 1982 when the Abu Nidal Organization attempted to assassinate Shlomo Argov, Israel's ambassador to London. Israel blamed the PLO and three days later invaded Lebanon. West Beirut was besieged for seven weeks before the PLO acceded to a new agreement for their withdrawal. The agreement provided for the deployment of a Multinational", "title": "Multinational Force in Lebanon" }, { "docid": "11513495", "text": "Multinational Division Central-South Multinational Division Central-South (MND-CS), created in September 2003, and supported by NATO, was a part of the Multinational Force Iraq. Headquartered in Camp Echo, it was under Polish command until October 2008, when the last of Poland's troops were withdrawn. Polish contingent was its largest. Other participants included Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Romania, El Salvador, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine and the United States of America. As of December 2008, Armenian, Bosnian, Danish, Latvian, Kazakh, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Spanish and Slovakian forces have been fully withdrawn. The South Central zone (formerly the Upper", "title": "Multinational Division Central-South" }, { "docid": "20445730", "text": "and DinDin. It will be on broadcast every Thursday at 20:10 (KST) from 1st March 2018. \"Where Is Mr.Kim\" is South Korea's first ever infiltration mystery variety show where unknown actors/actresses showcase themselves with their acting skills. In each episode, the instigator, which is usually an experienced, more known actor/actress, will bring in a few unknown actors/actresses that are juniors to the instigator. The instigator will set up a situated theme and these unknown actors/actresses will blend in to it with other people who are genuinely based on it. The cast of star investigators will together experience the theme with", "title": "Where Is Mr. Kim" }, { "docid": "4402152", "text": "the \"International Mission Medals\" category (located after NATO Awards and before Commemorative Awards) for the Canadian Forces (CF). Its order of precedence within the International Missions Medals category is based on date of award (1982–present) and may be worn directly after the International Commission of Control and Supervision Medal (1973) and before the European Community Monitor Mission Medal for Yugoslavia (1991). The Multinational Force and Observers Medal is considered an authorized medal for the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) within the \"Foreign Medals\" category, the last category in the New Zealand order of precedence. The MFO Medal is worn directly", "title": "Multinational Force and Observers Medal" }, { "docid": "17928709", "text": "is held under the name \"Light Avalanche\". First exercise was held in Ukraine in 2002 as \"Tysa-2002\". Each participating country provides up to 200 soldiers. In January 2012 total size was 703. Ukrainian part is from the 128th Mechanized Brigade. Hungary provides soldiers from 5th Infantry Brigade and the 37th Engineering Regiment Romania provides 52nd Engineering Battalion \"TISA\". Slovakia provides a company from Engineer Battalion in Sereď. 60 units including 6 PTS-2 Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa (, , , ) is an engineering unit intended to quickly respond to flooding and other natural disasters in the", "title": "Multinational Engineer Battalion Tisa" }, { "docid": "7779362", "text": "Where the Money Is Where the Money Is is a 2000 comedy-drama crime film directed by Marek Kanievska, written by E. Max Frye, and starring Paul Newman, Linda Fiorentino and Dermot Mulroney. This was the next-to-last screen appearance by Newman in his long career in feature films, followed by \"Road to Perdition\". Professional thief Henry Manning is in an Oregon nursing home's care. Having suffered a massive stroke, he is immobile and mute. Henry is in the care of Carol Ann McKay, a high school prom queen who married her boyfriend Wayne, the star of her school's football team, and", "title": "Where the Money Is" }, { "docid": "20498887", "text": "Where is the Nophelet? Where is the Nophelet? () is a Soviet 1988 romantic comedy directed by Gerald Bezhanov. Talented engineer Pavel Fedorovich Golikov who works at a research institute in a team comprised purely of females, is surprisingly timid and inexperienced in his relationships with women considering that he is more than forty years old. He is still single and lives with his parents who have long dreamed of having grandchildren. They unsuccessfully introduce him to unmarried daughters of friends in the hope that Pavel will finally marry. But suddenly cheerful and reckless Gena comes to Moscow for furniture", "title": "Where is the Nophelet?" }, { "docid": "7779364", "text": "and talk again. Soon he is dancing and drinking with Carol Ann and Wayne at a local bar, then coaxing them to be his accomplices in his last and greatest score, an armored transport heist. Carol Ann is bored and goes along with the heist, which doesn't go as smoothly as she had hoped. Where the Money Is Where the Money Is is a 2000 comedy-drama crime film directed by Marek Kanievska, written by E. Max Frye, and starring Paul Newman, Linda Fiorentino and Dermot Mulroney. This was the next-to-last screen appearance by Newman in his long career in feature", "title": "Where the Money Is" }, { "docid": "5576599", "text": "if other people will detect the humour, but I think they're both really funny songs. There's something impressive and ridiculous about them\". \"Where Is the Line\" is a dark song in which Björk attacks her younger brother for being greedy and unreliable. In its lyrics, the singer displays some irritation: \"I'm elastic for you, but enough is enough\". \"Today\" website was positive towards \"Where Is the Line\", and said that it was no coincidence\" that one of \"the most exciting tracks\" on the album contained more percussion and instrumentation than the others. Theon Weber from \"Spin\" magazine said the song", "title": "Where Is the Line" }, { "docid": "15903464", "text": "the band's former keyboard player/occasional vocalist Brian Carney and by Arthur Brown, the latter of whom plays the role of narrator of the album's events and who \"unfolds the tale as an objective observer but very soon gets to understand the plight of The Jedder and so begins to feel pity for and realises the need to assist The Jedder with his dilemma.\" with Where the Power Is Where the Power Is is the fifth and most recent album by the English psychedelic rock band Poisoned Electrick Head, and their first following major line-up changes and an eight-year hiatus spanning", "title": "Where the Power Is" }, { "docid": "20498889", "text": "commanding woman, and as Pavel's parents look at her they even begin to doubt the need to marry off their son. Subsequently Pavel sorts out his timidity and decides to speak with the stranger from the bus. The screenwriter Anatoly Eiramdzhan initially wrote the part of Gena for Andrei Mironov. But the actor did not like the idea of getting typecasted as a womanizer, and thus he was to play Pavel in the film instead, but in 1987 Mironov passed away. Roles for female actresses were decided at random. Where is the Nophelet? Where is the Nophelet? () is a", "title": "Where is the Nophelet?" }, { "docid": "5621685", "text": "interlude of the song featured on the following concert tour: Minogue performed the song on: Where Is the Feeling? \"Where Is the Feeling?\" is a song by Australian recording artist and songwriter Kylie Minogue, taken from her fifth studio album \"Kylie Minogue\" (1994). The song was written by Wilf Smarties and Jayn Hanna, while production was handled by Brothers in Rhythm. It was released on 10 July 1995 as the third and final single from her self-titled album \"Kylie Minogue\". Commercially, the song did fairly well, peaking at number 31 in Australia, and becoming a Top 20 hit in the", "title": "Where Is the Feeling?" } ]
Do You Know Where You're Going To? was the theme from which film?
[ "Mahoganies", "Mahoganier", "Mahogony", "Mahagany", "Mahogany", "Mahoganish", "Mogany", "Mahoganyish" ]
[ { "docid": "5002407", "text": "Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To) \"Theme from \"Mahogany\" (Do You Know Where You're Going To)\" is a song written by Michael Masser and Gerry Goffin, and initially recorded by American singer Thelma Houston in 1973, and then most notably by Diana Ross as the theme to the 1975 Motown/Paramount film \"Mahogany\". Produced by Masser, the song is a ballad that portrays its protagonist (Ross) as a black woman who becomes a successful Rome fashion designer. Recorded with a full orchestral accompaniment, \"Theme from \"Mahogany\"\" became one of the most recognizable elements of the film, receiving", "title": "Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To)" }, { "docid": "5002408", "text": "praise from many critics. Later released as a single, \"Theme from \"Mahogany\"\" became a number-one hit on both the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and the Easy Listening charts. The song was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Song. Ross performed the song live at the Academy Awards ceremony via satellite from the Netherlands. Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To) \"Theme from \"Mahogany\" (Do You Know Where You're Going To)\" is a song written by Michael Masser and Gerry Goffin, and initially recorded by American singer Thelma Houston in 1973, and then most notably by Diana", "title": "Theme from Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To)" } ]
[ { "docid": "14746909", "text": "Do You Know What I'm Going to Do Next Saturday? Do You Know What I'm Going To Do Next Saturday? is a 1963 children's book published by Beginner Books and written by Helen Palmer Geisel, the first wife of Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss). Unlike most of the Beginner Books, \"Do You Know What I'm Going To Do Next Saturday?\" did not follow the format of text with inline drawings, being illustrated with black-and-white photographs by Lynn Fayman, featuring a boy named Rawli Davis. It is sometimes misattributed to Dr. Seuss himself. The book's cover features a photograph of a", "title": "Do You Know What I'm Going to Do Next Saturday?" }, { "docid": "11515380", "text": "Do you know where your children are? \"Do you know where your children are?\" is a question used as a public service announcement (PSA) for parents on American television especially from the late 1960s through the late 1980s. One of the first adopters of the phrase was Mel Epstein, the Director of On-Air Promotions at New York's WNEW-TV, who began using the phrase in 1967 in response to rising crime in the city. Another hypothesis has the phrase originating at \"a small ABC affiliate in western New York\", referring to WKBW-TV in Buffalo. The question \"Do you know where your", "title": "Do you know where your children are?" }, { "docid": "14746910", "text": "young boy sitting at a breakfast table with a huge pile of pancakes. Activities mentioned in the book include bowling, water skiing, marching, boxing, and shooting guns with the United States Marines, and eating more spaghetti \"than anyone else has eaten before. Helen Palmer's photograph-based children's books did not prove to be as popular as the more traditional text-and-illustrations format; however, \"Do You Know What I'm Going To Do Next Saturday\" received positive reviews and was listed by \"The New York Times\" as one of the best children's books of 1963. The book is now out of print. Do You", "title": "Do You Know What I'm Going to Do Next Saturday?" }, { "docid": "17007283", "text": "Canadian broadcast premiere took place on November 13, 2012 on Knowledge Network. The film had its Eastern Canadian broadcast premiere on February 6, 2013 on TVOntario. At the 2012 Yorkton Film Festival, \"Do You Really Want To Know?\" received two Golden Sheaf Awards: Best Documentary (Science/Medicine/Technology), and Best Director (Non-Fiction). The film received a Chris Award at the 2012 Columbus International Film & Video Festival for Best Documentary in the Science + Technology division. It won the award for Best Documentary the 2012 Okanagan International Film Festival. Do You Really Want to Know? Do You Really Want To Know? is", "title": "Do You Really Want to Know?" }, { "docid": "11515381", "text": "children are?\", preceded by an announcement of the current time, is typically asked around 10:00 PM or 11:00 PM, depending on the market and the time of the local youth curfew, usually immediately preceding the station's late-evening newscast. The PSA was featured on Time magazine's \"Top 10 Public-Service Announcements\" list. The PSA was often parodied. The line appeared in \"The Simpsons\" episode \"Bart After Dark\", upon which Homer Simpson responded to the television, \"I told you last night — no!\" And as the tagline for the 1999 movie 200 Cigarettes. Do you know where your children are? \"Do you know", "title": "Do you know where your children are?" }, { "docid": "5343097", "text": "A video and audio recording of one such performance of \"Do You Know\", recorded in Atlanta was included on the \"\" 2006 DVD release, which has since been re-issued on Blu-ray. \"Do You Know\" was also promoted with the filming and release of a music video for the song. Like its predecessor, \"Do You Know\" achieved its greatest commercial success on \"Billboard's\" component charts. Almost topping the Gospel Albums chart, the album peaked at number two, where it had its longest chart run, staying on the chart for 20 weeks, resulting in its placement at number twenty-five on \"Billboards Year-End", "title": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)" }, { "docid": "14429278", "text": "How Do You Know How Do You Know is a 2010 American romantic comedy-drama film directed, written, and produced by James L. Brooks and starring Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, and Jack Nicholson. It was the third film to feature Witherspoon and Rudd following 1998’s \"Overnight Delivery\" and 2009’s \"Monsters vs. Aliens\". The film was shot in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.. \"How Do You Know\" was released theatrically on December 17, 2010, and was a box office bomb, grossing $49 million against a $100 million net budget. Softball player Lisa Jorgenson is devastated when she is left off the", "title": "How Do You Know" }, { "docid": "17007276", "text": "Do You Really Want to Know? Do You Really Want To Know? is a 2012 documentary film directed by John Zaritsky and produced by Kevin Eastwood. Using interviews and dramatic recreations, the film recounts the stories of three families who carry the gene for Huntington's disease, a neurodegenerative illness which is the result of a genetic abnormality, whose symptoms typically appear in mid-life. Members of each featured family have undergone predictive testing to learn whether or not they have inherited the gene that causes the disease, and they each describe the impact that testing has had upon their lives. \"Do", "title": "Do You Really Want to Know?" }, { "docid": "9678808", "text": "Do You Know Squarepusher (song) \"Do You Know Squarepusher\" is a track by Squarepusher from the 2002 album \"Do You Know Squarepusher\". The track was originally released as an untitled single in 2001. The only writing that appears on the release is \"Squarepusher\"; however, the only song which appears on the release is the track later renamed \"Do You Know Squarepusher\". The single is a 12\" vinyl and is a single-sided pressing. The single was selected as \"NME\"s \"Single of the Week\" in its week of release. It also received a very positive review at Drowned in Sound, where it", "title": "Do You Know Squarepusher (song)" }, { "docid": "2767397", "text": "What Do You Know, Deutschland? What Do You Know, Deutschland? is the second album by KMFDM, released in 1986. The album was recorded in Hamburg, Germany. \"What Do You Know, Deutschland?\" was recorded from 1983–86, with some tracks recorded before En Esch had started working with KMFDM founders Sascha Konietzko and Raymond Watts, some even before the band officially formed in 1984. Originally released by Z Records in Germany in 1986 with different artwork, the album was re-released, including songs from the \"Kickin' Ass\" single, in 1987 by SkySaw Records in the United Kingdom. In 1991, Wax Trax! Records released", "title": "What Do You Know, Deutschland?" }, { "docid": "2767399", "text": "version was released by Wax Trax! in 1991 (without the track \"Zip\"), and remastered by Metropolis in 2006 (with \"Zip\" reinstated). What Do You Know, Deutschland? What Do You Know, Deutschland? is the second album by KMFDM, released in 1986. The album was recorded in Hamburg, Germany. \"What Do You Know, Deutschland?\" was recorded from 1983–86, with some tracks recorded before En Esch had started working with KMFDM founders Sascha Konietzko and Raymond Watts, some even before the band officially formed in 1984. Originally released by Z Records in Germany in 1986 with different artwork, the album was re-released, including", "title": "What Do You Know, Deutschland?" }, { "docid": "14429287", "text": "from writer/director James L. Brooks.\" Metacritic reports a score of 46 out of 100 based on 38 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"C-\" on an A+ to F scale. How Do You Know How Do You Know is a 2010 American romantic comedy-drama film directed, written, and produced by James L. Brooks and starring Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson, and Jack Nicholson. It was the third film to feature Witherspoon and Rudd following 1998’s \"Overnight Delivery\" and 2009’s \"Monsters vs. Aliens\". The film was shot in Philadelphia", "title": "How Do You Know" }, { "docid": "19937219", "text": "was released on a single as a flip side to \"Return to Sender\" in October 1962. \"Where Do You Come From\" peaked at number 99 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, while \"Return to Sender\" peaked at number 2. The title \"Return to Sender\" was certified Gold in the United States for selling a million copies. \"Billboard\" in 1962 called the song a \"croon ballad\". According to the book \"Elvis Films FAQ\", it is a \"slow, aching ballad\" that \"starts a bit like \"As Long As I Have You\"\" Where Do You Come From \"Where Do You Come From\" is a", "title": "Where Do You Come From" }, { "docid": "8257996", "text": "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? \"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?\" is a frequently anthologized short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. The story first appeared in the Fall 1966 edition of \"Epoch\" magazine. It was inspired by three Tucson, Arizona murders committed by Charles Schmid, which were profiled in \"Life\" magazine in an article written by Don Moser on March 4, 1966. Oates said that she dedicated the story to Bob Dylan because she was inspired to write it after listening to his song \"It's All Over Now, Baby Blue\". The story was originally", "title": "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" }, { "docid": "8258001", "text": "song \"The Salesman, Denver Max\". Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? \"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?\" is a frequently anthologized short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. The story first appeared in the Fall 1966 edition of \"Epoch\" magazine. It was inspired by three Tucson, Arizona murders committed by Charles Schmid, which were profiled in \"Life\" magazine in an article written by Don Moser on March 4, 1966. Oates said that she dedicated the story to Bob Dylan because she was inspired to write it after listening to his song \"It's All Over Now, Baby", "title": "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" }, { "docid": "14128763", "text": "and spent a total of eleven weeks on the country chart. Do You Know You Are My Sunshine \"Do You Know You Are My Sunshine\" is a song written by Don Reid and Harold Reid, and recorded by American country music group The Statler Brothers. It was released in March 1978 as the first single from the album \"Entertainers On and Off the Record\". \"Do You Know You Are My Sunshine\" was The Statler Brothers twenty-seventh country hit and the first of four number ones on the country chart, as well as the group's only number one with original tenor", "title": "Do You Know You Are My Sunshine" }, { "docid": "14128762", "text": "Do You Know You Are My Sunshine \"Do You Know You Are My Sunshine\" is a song written by Don Reid and Harold Reid, and recorded by American country music group The Statler Brothers. It was released in March 1978 as the first single from the album \"Entertainers On and Off the Record\". \"Do You Know You Are My Sunshine\" was The Statler Brothers twenty-seventh country hit and the first of four number ones on the country chart, as well as the group's only number one with original tenor Lew DeWitt. The single stayed at number one for two weeks", "title": "Do You Know You Are My Sunshine" }, { "docid": "15056951", "text": "Eileen. \"We're Going to Eat You\" contains anti-communist themes. This is shown through the village chief's attitudes toward the distribution of meat amongst the villagers and soldiers and his uniform. Tsui suggested that this theme possibly came from his own student film work. Large portions of the music from \"We're Going to Eat You\" is lifted from the Italian horror film \"Suspiria\". Tsui said the use of this existing music at the time was that there was no budget for an original soundtrack. \"We're Going to Eat You\" debuted on 2 April 1980. It took in HK$1,054,985.50 in the Hong", "title": "We're Going to Eat You" }, { "docid": "9678809", "text": "received a 10/10 rating. Side A Side B Do You Know Squarepusher (song) \"Do You Know Squarepusher\" is a track by Squarepusher from the 2002 album \"Do You Know Squarepusher\". The track was originally released as an untitled single in 2001. The only writing that appears on the release is \"Squarepusher\"; however, the only song which appears on the release is the track later renamed \"Do You Know Squarepusher\". The single is a 12\" vinyl and is a single-sided pressing. The single was selected as \"NME\"s \"Single of the Week\" in its week of release. It also received a very", "title": "Do You Know Squarepusher (song)" }, { "docid": "6187569", "text": "To Get You into My Life\", \"And Your Bird Can Sing\" and \"Mother Nature's Son\". You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that", "title": "You Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "18019380", "text": "third week with sales of 7,326 units. Carey and Wale performed \"You Don't Know What to Do\" on the \"Today\" show on May 16, 2014. The performance also included renditions of Carey's previous singles \"Always Be My Baby\" (1996) and \"Touch My Body\" (2008). Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse\". You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The", "title": "You Don't Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "19937218", "text": "Where Do You Come From \"Where Do You Come From\" is a song first recorded by Elvis Presley as part of the soundtrack for his 1962 motion picture \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\". Later it was rejected from the motion picture and wasn't used in it, but appeared on its soundtrack album \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\". The song was written by Ruth Bachelor and Bob Roberts. Elvis Presley recorded \"Where Do You Come From\" on March 27, 1962 — during his March 26-28 soundtrack recordings for the Paramount motion picture \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\" at the Radio Recorders studio in Hollywood, California. The song", "title": "Where Do You Come From" }, { "docid": "18351725", "text": "the target of the bullies attacks, to ask Yoon for additional training. When it appears that Yoon's protege was able to single-handedly defeat all three bullies at the same time, Yoon's reputation as a teacher rises and he finds his class full of those wanting to learn from him, saving the team from being disbanded. Do You Know Taekwondo? Do You Know Taekwondo? ( also ) is a South Korean television film starring Im Ji-kyu, Niel, and Han Yeo-reum. It aired on October 7, 2012 as part of \"Drama Special\", a weekly program on KBS2 showing short dramas (usually single", "title": "Do You Know Taekwondo?" }, { "docid": "18019371", "text": "revealed to be called \"You Don't Know What to Do\", live during a mini-concert for \"Today\" held by Carey. Following the performance, Carey premiered the studio version on May 19 on \"The Russ Parr Morning Show\" radio show. A solo version which omits Wale's rap verses was later released in June 2014. The song was serviced to urban contemporary radio on June 30, 2014 and rhythmic contemporary radio on July 1, 2014, as the fourth single to be released from the album. When Carey released \"You Don't Know What to Do\" as the fourth single from the album, fans noticed", "title": "You Don't Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "13817011", "text": "Do You Wanna Know a Secret? Do You Wanna Know A Secret is a 2001 slasher film starring Joey Lawrence, Chad Allen and Dorie Barton. The film begins with six friends are on a retreat and are about to graduate college. One by one, the friends are being stalked and murdered by a killer wearing a black cloak and a rubber mask. The friends realize that someone is watching them. A male college student receives a note under his dorm door that says \"do you wanna know a secret?\" He assumes it is from his girlfriend Beth (Dorie Barton). He", "title": "Do You Wanna Know a Secret?" }, { "docid": "14032697", "text": "performed \"I See You\" and \"Bleeding Love\" at China's 2013 New Year Gala. Credits adapted from \"The Guardian\". In Ireland, \"I See You\" debuted at number 47 for the week of 15 January 2010. Two weeks later on 28 January 2010, the song re-entered the chart at number 48. In the United States, the song peaked at number 24 on the US Adult Contemporary chart. I See You (Theme from Avatar) \"I See You (Theme from \"Avatar\")\" (also referred to as \"I See You\") is the official theme song recorded by British singer Leona Lewis for the 2009 film \"Avatar\",", "title": "I See You (Theme from Avatar)" }, { "docid": "10163308", "text": "Do You Know Who You Are? Do You Know Who You Are? is the first and only studio album by American emo/post-hardcore band Texas Is the Reason, released on April 30, 1996 by Revelation Records. The title of the record comes from what are alleged to be the last words John Lennon ever heard. The album garnered attention from major labels upon release, with the band coming close to signing a contract with Capitol Records; however, the deal fell through following the band's breakup in 1997. It has retrospectively been considered to be one of the greatest emo albums of", "title": "Do You Know Who You Are?" }, { "docid": "14429286", "text": "17, 2010, it debuted at #5 behind \"\", \"Yogi Bear\", \"The Fighter\" and \"\". By December 22, it was #11 in the box office. \"How Do You Know\" grossed a total of $48,668,907 worldwide. In 2014, the \"Los Angeles Times\" listed the film as one of the biggest box office flops of all time. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 32% based on 147 reviews and an average rating of 4.9/10. The site's critical consensus reads, \"\"How Do You Know\" boasts a quartet of likeable leads – and they deserve better than this glib, overlong misfire", "title": "How Do You Know" }, { "docid": "5580758", "text": "Do You Want to Know a Secret \"Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" is a song by English rock group the Beatles from the 1963 album \"Please Please Me\", sung by George Harrison. In the United States, it was the first top ten song to feature Harrison as a lead singer, reaching No. 2 on the Billboard chart in 1964 as a single released by Vee-Jay, VJ 587. \"Do You Want to Know a Secret?\", written in autumn 1962, was primarily composed by John Lennon but credited to Lennon–McCartney. The 1963 version by Billy J. Kramer and the Dakotas", "title": "Do You Want to Know a Secret" }, { "docid": "10163309", "text": "all-time. \"NME\" listed the album as one of \"20 Emo Albums That Have Resolutely Stood The Test Of Time\". \"Rolling Stone\" ranked the album at number 12 on their \"40 Greatest Emo Albums of All Time\" list. All tracks by Texas Is the Reason. Do You Know Who You Are? Do You Know Who You Are? is the first and only studio album by American emo/post-hardcore band Texas Is the Reason, released on April 30, 1996 by Revelation Records. The title of the record comes from what are alleged to be the last words John Lennon ever heard. The album", "title": "Do You Know Who You Are?" }, { "docid": "13817018", "text": "as the Price Is Right showgirls, at the very least the flick could fall back on is its scares and bloody gore...Unfortunately there isn't any. Yes, yet another modern slasher that doesn't deliver on the goods -- the only reason the people are watching this junk in the first place (besides the actor's relatives)\". The film was criticized for being a copycat of the 1997 horror film, \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\". Do You Wanna Know a Secret? Do You Wanna Know A Secret is a 2001 slasher film starring Joey Lawrence, Chad Allen and Dorie Barton. The", "title": "Do You Wanna Know a Secret?" }, { "docid": "6187565", "text": "You Know What to Do \"You Know What to Do\" was one of the first songs written and recorded by George Harrison with the Beatles. It was recorded on 3 June 1964 but remained unreleased until its inclusion on the band's 1995 outtakes compilation \"Anthology 1\". During a photographic assignment on the morning of 3 June 1964, Ringo Starr was taken ill with tonsillitis and pharyngitis, 24 hours before the Beatles were due to leave for a six-country tour. The recording session booked for that day was originally intended to produce a fourteenth song for the band's \"A Hard Day's", "title": "You Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "19355998", "text": "song was written for both piano and voice. The song is a call to action. It encourages listeners to buy liberty bonds, especially if they are staying home while soldiers fight overseas. The voice states that it doesn't matter one's age, where he is from, or who he is. Uncle Sam expects everyone to help in the war effort. The chorus is as follows: The sheet music can be found at Pritzker Military Museum & Library. What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys? \"What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?\" is a World War", "title": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?" }, { "docid": "6187567", "text": "Paul McCartney did \"It's for You\", a song which was written specifically for Cilla Black to sing. The tape of the session was subsequently misfiled, but was rediscovered in 1993. Harrison's first contribution to the Beatles' output was \"Don't Bother Me\", recorded in September 1963. His next contribution was not until \"I Need You\", recorded in February 1965. Asked about this gap in 1964, and referring obliquely to \"You Know What to Do\", George Martin explained that Harrison \"got discouraged some time ago when none of us liked something that he had written\". The song is in the key of", "title": "You Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "20174417", "text": "Irish. According to Irish in a MTV interview \"You Don't Know,\" Basically, it's just saying, 'You don't know what you do [to me]. I'm going crazy over you, boy.' You know,'Just please don't go,' Irish explained. \"It's just one of those kinda songs [which says] 'I think I'm going crazy. I like you too much.\" The official music video for \"You Don't know\" was directed by Bille Woodruff and it features the ladies in a futuristic setting throughout the video. The video starts with the girls dressed as robots, while they are moving in a robotic fashion various clips from", "title": "You Don't Know (702 song)" }, { "docid": "18351722", "text": "Do You Know Taekwondo? Do You Know Taekwondo? ( also ) is a South Korean television film starring Im Ji-kyu, Niel, and Han Yeo-reum. It aired on October 7, 2012 as part of \"Drama Special\", a weekly program on KBS2 showing short dramas (usually single episodes), with each episode having a different story, cast, director, and writer. Yoon Do-hyeon dreams of becoming an action star but like his father before him can only get roles as a stunt actor. Out of the blue he is called up by the sports director of his old school, the school Taekwondo team has", "title": "Do You Know Taekwondo?" }, { "docid": "8684316", "text": "\"Best of Both Worlds\", \"Who Said\" and \"This is the Life\". David Cornelius of DVDTalk.com felt that \"Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" was awkward and that it overused musical interludes, due to it being the pilot episode. An ultimatedisney.com review felt that the pilot was \"coincidence-riddled.\" \"Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" had the highest-rated series premiere on a kids network in seven years, scoring 5.4 million viewers. It was also the highest ratings ever for a Disney Channel series. Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret? \"Lilly, Do You Want to Know a", "title": "Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?" }, { "docid": "5343098", "text": "Gospel Albums chart. Meanwhile, the album peaked at number three on \"Billboards Christian Albums chart, remaining on the chart for six weeks and peaked at number twenty-eight on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart, where it spent a total of five weeks. However, \"Do You Know\" only managed to hold one week on the main US albums chart – the \"Billboard\" 200 – where it peaked at number one-hundred-and-twenty. According to Billboard.com, as of 2008, the album has sold 78,000 copies. Credits are taken from the album's liner notes. Do You Know (Michelle Williams album) Do You Know is the second", "title": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)" }, { "docid": "15458386", "text": "Where Do I Go from You \"Where Do I Go from You\" is a song written by Don Cook, Clint Daniels, and Ryan Tyndell and recorded by American country music singer Clay Walker. It was released in August 2010 as the second single to his album \"She Won't Be Lonely Long\". It peaked at #26 on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks charts, becoming his 28th top 40 hit on the chart. Prior to \"Where Do I Go from You\" being released as a single, Walker expressed that he thought \"Summer Song\" would be a better choice. He explained", "title": "Where Do I Go from You" }, { "docid": "3709965", "text": "with \"Please Please Me\" when it re-released the single on 30 January 1964, shortly after film of the Beatles had appeared on \"The Jack Paar Program\", the NBC television prime-time version of Paar's previous \"\"Tonight Show\"\" . Had Vee-Jay known how all-encompassing Beatlemania would become, it likely would have saved \"From Me to You\" for use as an A-side, the way it did with \"Twist and Shout\" and \"Do You Want to Know a Secret\". But even as a B-side, \"From Me to You\" entered the \"Billboard\" charts on 7 March and peaked at number 41. The double-sided hit sold", "title": "From Me to You" }, { "docid": "15458390", "text": "his new single. I predict he has his next Top 5 on the line and maybe a #1?\" The website \"Urban Country Blog\" gave the song a positive review writing \"With radio making a slight shift to more traditional material again, a grown-up break-up song such as this should do well.\" \"Where Do I Go from You\" debuted at number 60 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart dated August 14, 2010, and reached a peak of number 26 in March 2011. Where Do I Go from You \"Where Do I Go from You\" is a song written by", "title": "Where Do I Go from You" }, { "docid": "18019366", "text": "You Don't Know What to Do \"You Don't Know What to Do\" is a song by American singer and songwriter Mariah Carey included on her fourteenth studio album, \"Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse \" (2014), and features rapper Wale. The track was released on June 30, 2014, as the fourth single from the album. It was written by Wale, Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox, with production helmed by the latter three. The song contains an interpolation of \"I'm Caught Up in a One Night Affair\" written by Patrick Adams and Terri Gonzalez, both of whom received songwriting", "title": "You Don't Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "14032687", "text": "I See You (Theme from Avatar) \"I See You (Theme from \"Avatar\")\" (also referred to as \"I See You\") is the official theme song recorded by British singer Leona Lewis for the 2009 film \"Avatar\", directed by James Cameron, and (2009). It was written by James Horner and Kuk Harrell, with production done by Simon Franglen. A pop inspired ballad, the lyrics, which reflect the story line of the film, are about love, emotion and power. The song received multiple comparisons to Celine Dion's \"My Heart Will Go On\", which is the official theme song written by Horner for another", "title": "I See You (Theme from Avatar)" }, { "docid": "7190568", "text": "You Know How We Do It \"You Know How We Do It\" is the second single from Ice Cube's fourth studio album, \"Lethal Injection.\" It was released as a 12\" single on February 2, 1994. A G-funk hit which has the same kind of mood and feeling from \"The Predator\", it samples \"The Show Is Over\" by Evelyn \"Champagne\" King and uses an interpretation of \"Summer Madness\" by Kool & the Gang. Eventually Mariah Carey sampled \"You Know How We Do It\" in her song \"Irresistible (West Side Connection)\" from her 2002 album \"Charmbracelet\". At the time of the album's", "title": "You Know How We Do It" }, { "docid": "8043353", "text": "\"Dionne Warwick in Valley of the Dolls\". \"Do You Know the Way to San Jose\" was issued as the follow-up single to the double-sided hit \"(Theme from) Valley of the Dolls\"/ \"I Say a Little Prayer\" in April 1968. It became Warwick's third consecutive Top Ten song in the closing months of 1967 and into 1968, punctuating the most successful period of Warwick's recording career. The song peaked at #8 in the UK, Ireland, and Canada. It also charted highly in France, Italy, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, Israel, Lebanon, Japan,and many other countries throughout the world. The single", "title": "Do You Know the Way to San Jose" }, { "docid": "5972276", "text": "Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do) \"Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)\" is a song performed and co-written by American singer-songwriter Christopher Cross, which was the main theme for the 1981 film \"Arthur\" starring Dudley Moore and Liza Minnelli. The song won the Oscar for Best Original Song in 1982. In the US, it reached number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100<nowiki> and on the Hot Adult Contemporary charts during October 1981, remaining at the top on the Hot 100 for three consecutive weeks. Overseas, it also went to number one on the </nowiki>VG-lista chart in Norway, and", "title": "Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)" }, { "docid": "12504437", "text": "Do I Know You? \"Do I Know You?\" is the first episode in the fourth season of the television series \"How I Met Your Mother\" and 65th overall. It originally aired on September 22, 2008. Future Ted tells his children that the longest pause in anyone's life is right after they propose to someone; Present Ted, during this pause, imagines all of Stella's possible responses (\"No\", \"Oh, God no\", \"I already agreed to marry the quarterback from your high school\", etc.), after which Stella gave her actual answer of \"Yes\". Ted and Stella spend the summer happily engaged; Barney goes", "title": "Do I Know You?" }, { "docid": "18019368", "text": "that have yet to enter the main Ultratop 50 chart, and number 2 on the South Korea download chart. \"You Don't Know What to Do\" garnered critical acclaim amongst music critics: many complimented the disco revival and throwback style, calling it the best track on the album, and compared it to the works of Jocelyn Brown, Daft Punk, Chic and post-revivalist songs produced Pharrell Williams. Carey and Wale performed the song for the first and only time on the \"Today\" show in the United States. \"You Don't Know What to Do\" was written by Carey, Jermaine Dupri and Bryan-Michael Cox,", "title": "You Don't Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "17765505", "text": "- Shlomo Bensoussan, whose wife Freha and daughter Rachel moved to Israel - from leaving the town... Where Are You Going Moshé? Where Are You Going Moshe ? (French title : \"Où vas-tu Moshé?\", Arabic title : فين ماشي \"ياموشي - Fin Mashi Ya Moshe ?\") is a Moroccan-Canadian film directed by Hassan Benjelloun. Set-up in the small town of Boujad, the movie depicts the turmoil created in a small town after the exodus of the Jews of Morocco, specially between the last Jew in town, Shlomo, and the owner of the only bar of the city, Mustapha. Mustapha is", "title": "Where Are You Going Moshé?" }, { "docid": "10038379", "text": "We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do) \"We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)\" is a single released in 2004 by the UK hip hop/R&B group Big Brovaz. The single was the first new material since their debut album, \"Nu-Flow\", and was the theme song for the film \"\". \"We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)\" features a sample from Sly & the Family Stone's \"Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)\" \"We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)\" became Big Brovaz' sixth UK hit but, with a number seventeen chart peak, was their lowest ranked", "title": "We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)" }, { "docid": "15458388", "text": "right now because it's musically just one of those songs you can groove to right away. It's not one that you have to think about. So I like the fact that my record label picked it as the follow-up.\" \"Where Do I Go from You\" is about a man who is not sure what to do anymore after his girlfriend has left him. He tries to forget about her but her memory keeps coming back to him and he remains lost about where to go from her. Karlie Justus of \"Engine 145\" gave the song a thumbs up rating. She", "title": "Where Do I Go from You" }, { "docid": "8684309", "text": "Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret? \"Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" is the pilot episode of the Disney Channel sitcom series \"Hannah Montana\". It was written by Gary Dontzig, Steven Peterman, and Michael Poryes. It originally aired on March 24, 2006. The episode title is a reference to The Beatles song \"Do You Want to Know a Secret?\". The episode starts with Hannah Montana — who is actually Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) — and Robby Ray Stewart (Billy Ray Cyrus) singing the song \"This Is The Life\" for a sold out concert in Los Angeles", "title": "Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?" }, { "docid": "12045731", "text": "You Think You Really Know Me You Think You Really Know Me is the debut album by American experimental music icon Gary Wilson. It was reissued by Motel Records in 2002. \"You Think You Really Know Me\" did not gain substantial attention upon its initial 1977 release. Though re-released again in 1979, to little fanfare, the album eventually gained a cult following. In the late 1990s, Beck namechecked Wilson in one of his most popular songs, \"Where It's At.\" Feeding Tube Records described the album as \"the sound of a 23 year old oddball from upstate New York, wrestling with", "title": "You Think You Really Know Me" }, { "docid": "8043352", "text": "Do You Know the Way to San Jose \"Do You Know the Way to San Jose\" is a 1968 popular song written and composed for singer Dionne Warwick by Burt Bacharach. Hal David wrote the lyrics. The song was Warwick's biggest international hit to that point, selling several million copies worldwide and winning Warwick her first Grammy Award. David's lyrics tell the story of a native of San Jose, California who, having failed to break into the entertainment field in Los Angeles, is set to return to her hometown. The song was released on the 1968 RIAA Certified Gold album", "title": "Do You Know the Way to San Jose" }, { "docid": "8684313", "text": "song; \"Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" is a play on the title of The Beatles song \"Do You Want to Know a Secret?\". Jackson's line of \"When you got it, flaunt it\" references a song from the musical, \"The Producers\". Cyrus received the script for the pilot, before then auditioning for Hannah Montana for 6–7 months, totally changing her father's plans to cut an album, do a tour, and retire. Creators Poryes, Rich Correll and Barry O'Brien looked in Los Angeles and New York for someone to play Hannah, but couldn't find anyone. Cyrus sent in an", "title": "Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret?" }, { "docid": "5580763", "text": "BBC's \"Pick of the Pops\" chart, which were more widely recognised at the time. It appeared on his album, \"Little Children\". It reached number eight in the Irish Singles Chart. Alvin and the Chipmunks covered the song for their 1964 album \"The Chipmunks Sing the Beatles Hits\". The song reached the No. 1 position on Billboard in 1981 and No. 2 in the United Kingdom in a cover version by Stars on 45 as part of a medley. Do You Want to Know a Secret \"Do You Want to Know a Secret?\" is a song by English rock group the", "title": "Do You Want to Know a Secret" }, { "docid": "8043356", "text": "Though she still does not like it, the song remains one of Warwick's most popular chart selections, and she still includes it in almost every concert she performs. Warwick won her first Grammy, the 1969 Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance, for \"Do You Know the Way to San Jose.\" She told \"Jet\" in May 2002 that winning this award was the overall highlight of her career. \"Do You Know the Way to San Jose\" has also been recorded by Connie Francis, Rita Reys, The George Shearing Quintet, The Avalanches, The Baja Marimba Band, The Temptations and The", "title": "Do You Know the Way to San Jose" }, { "docid": "13868165", "text": "Have to Hold Out\", \"Another Sleepless Night\" and \"It's All I Can Do\" were also released as follow-up singles. In the UK the first single was 'Where Do You Go When You Dream\" (CL 16192). Where Do You Go When You Dream Where Do You Go When You Dream is the 16th studio album by Canadian country music vocalist Anne Murray, released in 1981 on Capitol Records. It reached #4 on the U.S. country album charts, and #55 on the pop album charts. In her native Canada, it reached #7 on the album chart. It was quickly certified Gold by", "title": "Where Do You Go When You Dream" }, { "docid": "10594116", "text": "Do You Know (What It Takes) \"Do You Know (What It Takes)\" is a 1996 song by Swedish singer and songwriter Robyn from her debut studio album, \"Robyn Is Here\". It was released as the third Swedish and as the second single in the United Kingdom in 1997. The song was released as her debut single in the United States in 1997. It was written by Robyn, Herbie Crichlow, Denniz Pop, and Max Martin, and it was produced by Pop and Martin. In her native Sweden, \"Do You Know (What It Takes)\" was Robyn's second top ten hit, peaking at", "title": "Do You Know (What It Takes)" }, { "docid": "5343091", "text": "as they get acquainted with the songs, what are you hoping to bring to their lives?\", Williams responded \"That everybody live in peace and not settle for anything less than what the Lord wants to bring your way. I know what I went through, I know God is taking me to another level. I had people around me that were not going where I was going – I had to release them from my life.\" Critical reviews of the album were generally favorable. Kwaku of \"Cross Rhythms\" wrote that \"Michelle seems happy to produce music which straddles between contemporary gospel", "title": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)" }, { "docid": "8043358", "text": "Dionne.\" The song has been recorded on various Burt Bacharach tribute albums, including by Medeski Martin & Wood on \"Great Jewish Music: Burt Bacharach\" (1997), by both Yazz and Dionne Warwick (separately) on \"Tribute to Burt Bacharach & Hal David\" (2002), by Trijntje Oosterhuis on \"The Look of Love\" (2006), and by Kahimi Karie on \"All Kinds of People ~Love Burt Bacharach~\" (2010). In 1977, Maureen McCormick, Geri Reischl & Susan Olsen performed the song during a medley on an episode of \"The Brady Bunch Variety Hour\". Do You Know the Way to San Jose \"Do You Know the Way", "title": "Do You Know the Way to San Jose" }, { "docid": "17765503", "text": "Where Are You Going Moshé? Where Are You Going Moshe ? (French title : \"Où vas-tu Moshé?\", Arabic title : فين ماشي \"ياموشي - Fin Mashi Ya Moshe ?\") is a Moroccan-Canadian film directed by Hassan Benjelloun. Set-up in the small town of Boujad, the movie depicts the turmoil created in a small town after the exodus of the Jews of Morocco, specially between the last Jew in town, Shlomo, and the owner of the only bar of the city, Mustapha. Mustapha is the manager of the only bar in the small town of Boujad, in Morocco. The Islamic authorities", "title": "Where Are You Going Moshé?" }, { "docid": "17713659", "text": "Where Are You Going on Holiday? Where Are You Going on Holiday, also known as \"Dove vai in vacanza?\", is a 1978 Italian anthology comedy film directed by Mauro Bolognini, Luciano Salce and Alberto Sordi. The film is divided into three episodes. Enrico intends to recover the loving relationship with his ex-girlfriend Giuliana. She agrees and the two go in the house of her, but all of a sudden Enrico realizes he is not alone. In fact the young friends of Giuliana have reached the villa in the evening and plan many evening parties: typical of the flower children of", "title": "Where Are You Going on Holiday?" }, { "docid": "17713664", "text": "also accept this deprivation. (segment directed by Mauro Bolognini) (segment directed by Luciano Salce) (segment directed by Alberto Sordi) Where Are You Going on Holiday? Where Are You Going on Holiday, also known as \"Dove vai in vacanza?\", is a 1978 Italian anthology comedy film directed by Mauro Bolognini, Luciano Salce and Alberto Sordi. The film is divided into three episodes. Enrico intends to recover the loving relationship with his ex-girlfriend Giuliana. She agrees and the two go in the house of her, but all of a sudden Enrico realizes he is not alone. In fact the young friends of", "title": "Where Are You Going on Holiday?" }, { "docid": "19355997", "text": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys? \"What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?\" is a World War I era song released in 1918. Gus Kahn wrote the lyrics. Egbert Van Alstyne composed the music. It was published by Jerome H. Remick & Co. of Detroit, Michigan. Artist E.E. Walton designed the sheet music cover. It features Uncle Sam inside a red, white, and blue question mark. He is holding his beard and looking down at liberty bonds. To the left of this image it reads, \"Buy a Liberty Bond!\" on some editions. The", "title": "What Are You Going to Do to Help the Boys?" }, { "docid": "13817013", "text": "his computer: \"do you wanna know a secret?\" The following night, a drunken Tina kisses Hank. Beth refuses to talk to him until the next night when he saves her from getting roofied at a nightclub. Beth goes outside the club for air, where she witnesses the boy who tried to drug her being murdered by someone in a mask. When the police arrive, they find \"do you wanna know a secret?\" is carved in the boy's back. An FBI agent (Jeff Conaway) tells the group not to leave the house, as they are all suspects for both murders. The", "title": "Do You Wanna Know a Secret?" }, { "docid": "15056952", "text": "Kong box office. At the end of the year, it placed at number 113 of the top-grossing Hong Kong films for 1980. This was very low in comparison to \"Dangerous Encounter of the First Kind\", which was the 33rd top-grossing film at the Hong Kong box office in 1980. \"We're Going to Eat You\" has been released under several titles, including Hell Has No Gates, Kung Fu Cannibals, No Door to Hell, We Are Going to Eat You and We're Going to Eat You!. Tsui has panned the film itself, saying that \"it didn't turn out good\". We're Going to", "title": "We're Going to Eat You" }, { "docid": "7050633", "text": "not) find her. In addition to the series' theme song, \"We Used to Be Friends\", by The Dandy Warhols, the following music is heard in the episode: Series regular Duncan Kane (Teddy Dunn) is absent from the episode. In addition, \"You Think You Know Somebody\" features recurring character Troy Vandegraff's departure from the show (except for a brief guest appearance in a second season episode. This episode's title refers to Veronica's betrayal by two characters—Troy and her mother. In its original broadcast, \"You Think You Know Somebody\" was watched by 2.73 million viewers, a significant drop from the previous episode.", "title": "You Think You Know Somebody" }, { "docid": "11684763", "text": "To Know You Is to Love You \"To Know You Is to Love You\" is a song written by Syreeta Wright and Stevie Wonder in the early 1970s. The duet was first released on Syreeta Wright's debut album (Syreeta, MW 113) by MoWest Records (a Motown company) in 1972. It is also a single and an album by B. B. King, released by ABC Records in 1973, with the title song co-interpreted with Stevie Wonder (track B1 on the album \"To Know You Is to Love You\"). A song with the same title is actually renamed from Phil Spector's \"To", "title": "To Know You Is to Love You" }, { "docid": "7126107", "text": "the 2000 EP, \"Avalanche\", which was only available to buy over the internet. All tracks written by Ian McCulloch and Will Sergeant. with: What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? What Are You Going to Do with Your Life? is the eighth studio album by the English rock band Echo & the Bunnymen. The album saw the departure of bassist Les Pattinson from the group, partly due to disagreements with vocalist Ian McCulloch; McCulloch and the remaining band member, guitarist Will Sergeant, subsequently recorded the record with session musicians. The London Metropolitan Orchestra provided backing music and the", "title": "What Are You Going to Do with Your Life?" }, { "docid": "13758072", "text": "him to let her sing in his band, the Kings of Rhythm. In 1993, Tina would record a song for the \"What's Love Got to Do with It\" soundtrack and subsequent film, which is lipped by Angela Bassett, who plays Tina in the film, however the song Turner performs is a very different song than the one Tina sung in front of Ike Turner in 1956. You Know I Love You (B.B. King song) \"You Know I Love You\" is a 1952 song by B.B. King and his orchestra. The single was B.B. King's second release to reach the U.S.", "title": "You Know I Love You (B.B. King song)" }, { "docid": "6357169", "text": "I'm Going to Tell You a Secret I'm Going to Tell You a Secret is a 2005 American documentary film that follows singer Madonna on her 2004 Re-Invention World Tour. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund, the film premiered on MTV on October 21, 2005, and was released on DVD on June 20, 2006, by Warner Bros. Records. The documentary was originally called \"The Re-Invented Process\", referencing the tour and the Steven Klein exhibition titled \"X-STaTIC Pro=CeSS\". It starts with imagery from the exhibition and Madonna auditioning dancers for the tour, continues with her entourage travelling through different cities and performing, the", "title": "I'm Going to Tell You a Secret" }, { "docid": "20313998", "text": "We Know Where You Fucking Live \"We Know Where You Fucking Live\" (stylized in all caps) is a song by American rock band Marilyn Manson, released on September 11, 2017 as the lead single from their tenth studio album, \"Heaven Upside Down\" (2017). \"We Know Where You Fucking Live\" is an industrial rock song, and was the first song recorded by Marilyn Manson and Tyler Bates for \"Heaven Upside Down\". Bates later said: \"When Manson and I began to speak again about making a new album, I told him 'If we're doing this again, we're gonna make a completely different", "title": "We Know Where You Fucking Live" }, { "docid": "12045732", "text": "his demons and actually winning. There’s nothing quite like it. And it offers a story of hope to every weirdo who hears it.\" Credits adapted from \"You Think You Really Know Me\" liner notes. You Think You Really Know Me You Think You Really Know Me is the debut album by American experimental music icon Gary Wilson. It was reissued by Motel Records in 2002. \"You Think You Really Know Me\" did not gain substantial attention upon its initial 1977 release. Though re-released again in 1979, to little fanfare, the album eventually gained a cult following. In the late 1990s,", "title": "You Think You Really Know Me" }, { "docid": "17275529", "text": "You Know You Like It \"You Know You Like It\" is a song by English electronic music duo AlunaGeorge from their debut studio album, \"Body Music\" (2013). The track was released in the United Kingdom on 20 April 2012 as the album's lead single. The song peaked at number 39 on the UK Singles Chart in April 2013 after being used in a Tesco advert. Timed with the release of the album, \"You Know You Like It\" was re-released on 28 July 2013, as a double A-side with \"Bad Idea\". It subsequently reached a new peak position of number 39", "title": "You Know You Like It" }, { "docid": "8794870", "text": "You Know My Name \"You Know My Name\", performed by Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell, is the theme song to the 2006 James Bond film, \"Casino Royale.\" Cornell wrote it jointly with David Arnold, the soundtrack's composer. The film producers chose Cornell because they wanted a strong male singer. Cornell and Arnold tried to make the song a replacement theme for the character instead of the \"James Bond theme\" reflecting the agent's inexperience in \"Casino Royale\", as well as an introduction to Daniel Craig's grittier and more emotional portrayal of Bond. The single sold 148,000 copies in 2006 in the UK,", "title": "You Know My Name" }, { "docid": "7190570", "text": "both on \"\". The music video directed by Marcus Raboy was filmed in Las Vegas, Nevada and featured Ice Cube driving in a convertible Jaguar XJS and standing on top of casinos. The single was 100 sales away in the UK from getting into the top 40. In the US sales, the song peaked at number 30. You Know How We Do It \"You Know How We Do It\" is the second single from Ice Cube's fourth studio album, \"Lethal Injection.\" It was released as a 12\" single on February 2, 1994. A G-funk hit which has the same kind", "title": "You Know How We Do It" }, { "docid": "7226498", "text": "for the BBC \"Oxford Road Show\". A CD replica of the single was also part of a collectors' box-set released in July 2000, which contained Marillion's first twelve singles and was re-issued as a 3-CD set in 2009 (see \"The Singles '82-'88\"). He Knows You Know \"He Knows You Know\" is a song by the British neo-progressive rock band Marillion. It was their second single, with \"Charting the Single\" as the B-side. It was released from their first album, \"Script for a Jester's Tear\", and peaked at number 35 on the UK Singles Chart. The song's theme is drug abuse,", "title": "He Knows You Know" }, { "docid": "11684764", "text": "Know Him Is to Love Him\", whose covers occasionally change the lyrics and the title to \"To Know You Is To Love You\" (Bobby Vinton, Peter and Gordon, Gary Glitter) or to \"To Know Her Is To Love Her\" (The Beatles 1962 Decca audition recording, released 1994; John Lennon 1973 recording, released 1986). To Know You Is to Love You \"To Know You Is to Love You\" is a song written by Syreeta Wright and Stevie Wonder in the early 1970s. The duet was first released on Syreeta Wright's debut album (Syreeta, MW 113) by MoWest Records (a Motown company)", "title": "To Know You Is to Love You" }, { "docid": "10667936", "text": "You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do as You're Told) \"You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do as You're Told)\" is a song written and recorded by the American alternative rock band The White Stripes. The song was first played live on June 29, 2007 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and is the second track from their sixth studio album \"Icky Thump\". The track was released as a CD single on September 18, 2007, with the 7\" vinyl version of the single following on September 25. The music video for \"You Don't Know What Love Is (You", "title": "You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do as You're Told)" }, { "docid": "5343085", "text": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album) Do You Know is the second studio album by American singer and songwriter Michelle Williams. It was released by the Sanctuary Records Group and Columbia Records on January 26, 2004 in the United States. \"Do You Know\" \"straddles between contemporary gospel and inspirational R&B\" and is described as portraying \"a more intimate side of Michelle\". It contains a greater percentage of mid and up-tempo songs, along with a much heavier and grander use of live instrumentation. Williams contributed lyrically to the album as she did with her debut album, co-writing a total of six", "title": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)" }, { "docid": "2767398", "text": "\"What Do You Know, Deutschland?\" in the United States without \"Zip\". \"Zip\" was later released on the compilation album Agogo. A remastered reissue of \"What Do You Know, Deutschland?\" was released September 12, 2006, featuring new liner notes and photos of the band. Vincent Jeffries of Allmusic said many of the songs lack the \"guitar fury\" of later releases, but that the album as a whole \"has enough industrial grit to keep KMFDM fans interested in, if not awed by its dark intentions\". \"Me I Funk\" is a partial cover of T. Rex's \"Ballrooms of Mars\" from The Slider. This", "title": "What Do You Know, Deutschland?" }, { "docid": "12504444", "text": "mediocre, labelling Stella as the opposite of Dr. Elliot Reid, Sarah Chalke's other TV doctor character in \"Scrubs\". He saw the Barney-Robin story in the episode as \"emotionally-satisfying\" as Barney struggles with his feelings for Robin and his playboy lifestyle. Do I Know You? \"Do I Know You?\" is the first episode in the fourth season of the television series \"How I Met Your Mother\" and 65th overall. It originally aired on September 22, 2008. Future Ted tells his children that the longest pause in anyone's life is right after they propose to someone; Present Ted, during this pause, imagines", "title": "Do I Know You?" }, { "docid": "5829177", "text": "throughout their 2012 Wrecking Ball Tour. \"The Way You Do the Things You Do\" was covered in 1989 by the band UB40. It was the sixth single from their 1989 album \"Labour of Love II\". The song was released in 1989 in the majority of European countries (in July 1990 in France), and was featured in the Ridley Scott–Michael Douglas film \"Black Rain\". The Way You Do the Things You Do \"The Way You Do the Things You Do\" is a 1964 hit single by the Temptations for the Gordy (Motown) label. Written by Miracles members Smokey Robinson and Bobby", "title": "The Way You Do the Things You Do" }, { "docid": "10213741", "text": "unreleased remix videos using the \"Ralphi Rosario & Craig J's Vocal Mix\" and the \"DJ Dan & Dave Audè Club Mix\" Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song) \"Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song)\" is a song by Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias. It was released on 15 May 2007 as the first single from his eighth studio album, \"Insomniac\" and takes the latter part of its English name from the sample of a ping pong ball bouncing that is employed as a percussion track throughout the song. The song's Spanish version is entitled \"Dímelo\" and was released to Latin", "title": "Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song)" }, { "docid": "10213731", "text": "Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song) \"Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song)\" is a song by Spanish singer Enrique Iglesias. It was released on 15 May 2007 as the first single from his eighth studio album, \"Insomniac\" and takes the latter part of its English name from the sample of a ping pong ball bouncing that is employed as a percussion track throughout the song. The song's Spanish version is entitled \"Dímelo\" and was released to Latin radio, becoming Iglesias' 17th number one song on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Latin Songs. In 2007 the song sold 3.1 million", "title": "Do You Know? (The Ping Pong Song)" }, { "docid": "3987797", "text": "were working on a further sequel, \"Farewell Marie-Claire,\" in which the story was brought to a conclusion. The song was to feature the same waltz feel as the original. But Sarstedt's retirement from the music industry meant that the track was abandoned. Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)? \"Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?\" is a song by the British singer–songwriter Peter Sarstedt. Its recording was produced by Ray Singer, engineered by John Mackswith at Lansdowne Recording Studios and released in 1969. It was a number-one 1 hit in the UK Singles Chart for four weeks in 1969,", "title": "Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)?" }, { "docid": "8258978", "text": "Their version made it to the top 5 in Switzerland and became a big hit throughout Europe. But it was their next single, \"Where Do You Go\", which was released in May 1996, that became a international success. It peaked at number 1 in Denmark, Ireland and Scotland, and within the top 5 in Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US. \"Where Do You Go\" (Ocean Drive Mix) was featured in the 1998 American comedy film \"A Night at the Roxbury\". \"Where Do You Go\" is a dance track with a 4/4 rhythm structure,", "title": "Where Do You Go (La Bouche song)" }, { "docid": "10038380", "text": "single until \"Hangin' Around\" in 2006. The single was their final single release in Australia but failed to make the top fifty, peaking at number fifty-six. The single was the final single with group member Flawless. UK CD 1 UK CD 2 We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do) \"We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)\" is a single released in 2004 by the UK hip hop/R&B group Big Brovaz. The single was the first new material since their debut album, \"Nu-Flow\", and was the theme song for the film \"\". \"We Wanna Thank You (The Things You", "title": "We Wanna Thank You (The Things You Do)" }, { "docid": "6187566", "text": "Night\" album, but this activity was cancelled so that a replacement drummer, Jimmie Nicol, could be brought in and rehearse with the group. After running through six songs in a one-hour rehearsal in EMI's Studio Two, everyone felt satisfied with Nicol's drumming, so he left to pack his suitcase. That evening, in a four-hour session in Studio Two, each of the three present Beatles recorded a demo of a newly written song. Harrison recorded \"You Know What to Do\"; John Lennon did \"No Reply\", which eventually ended up as the opening track of their next album, \"Beatles for Sale\"; and", "title": "You Know What to Do" }, { "docid": "17305196", "text": "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do? \"Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?\" is a song recorded by Steve Winwood for his album, \"Roll with It\", released on Virgin Records in 1988. Released as a single, it peaked at number six on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart and spent two weeks at number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Prior to the 1988 release of the \"Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?\" single, the song was used in a national TV commercial for Michelob. Though some critics at the time condemned", "title": "Don't You Know What the Night Can Do?" }, { "docid": "5580759", "text": "(a UK no. 2) credited the composition to \"McCartney-Lennon\". The song was inspired by \"I'm Wishing\", a tune from Walt Disney’s 1937 animated film \"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs\" which Lennon's mother, Julia Lennon, would sing to him as a child. The first two lines of the song in Disney's movie (\"Want to know a secret? Promise not to tell?\") come right after the opening lyrics (\"You'll never know how much I really love you... You'll never know how much I really care...\"). McCartney has said it was a \"50–50 collaboration written to order\", i.e., for Harrison to sing,", "title": "Do You Want to Know a Secret" }, { "docid": "16310177", "text": "acting down and depressed, like he relates to the lyrics of the song. \"You Don't Know Her Like I Do\" debuted at number 52 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart for the week of December 17, 2011. It became his second consecutive number one single in July 2012. The song has sold 999,000 copies in the U.S. as of April 2014. You Don't Know Her Like I Do \"You Don't Know Her Like I Do\" is a song recorded by American country rock singer Brantley Gilbert. It was released in December 2011 as the second single from the", "title": "You Don't Know Her Like I Do" }, { "docid": "17843599", "text": "Where Do You Start Where Do You Start is an album by the Brad Mehldau Trio released on the Nonesuch label in 2012. The album received generally favourable reviews with Metacritic giving it a score of 80% from 7 reviews. AllMusic awarded the album 3½ stars and in its review by Matt Collar, states \"Ultimately, \"Where Do You Start\" is an intimate, impressionistic, and probing release that should certainly appeal to longtime fans of Mehldau's nuanced jazz style\". The Guardian's John Fordham observed \"the dynamics and empathy of this ensemble remain pretty irresistible\". On All About Jazz, John Kelman noted", "title": "Where Do You Start" }, { "docid": "8794886", "text": "a Kill'\", praising the minimal production; on its review of \"Carry On\", the magazine considered \"You Know My Name\" to be the best track of the album, describing it as \"some of Cornell's most uncomplicated and accessible music to date\"; the BBC's unnamed reviewer considered that Cornell's voice \"weighs down\" the song; 1 2 You Know My Name \"You Know My Name\", performed by Soundgarden singer Chris Cornell, is the theme song to the 2006 James Bond film, \"Casino Royale.\" Cornell wrote it jointly with David Arnold, the soundtrack's composer. The film producers chose Cornell because they wanted a strong", "title": "You Know My Name" }, { "docid": "17843600", "text": "\"\"Where Do You Start\" isn't so much an alternative as it is further evidence—as if any were needed—of this tremendous trio's ability to take any material—old, new, borrowed or original—and make it firmly its own\". BBC Music reviewer, Martin Longley commented \"\"Where Do You Start\" revives the old Mehldau approach of covering songs from across the decades... Yet Mehldau’s method is so dominant that everything gravitates towards the trio’s signature sound, lending cohesion to a variegated crop... It all points to Mehldau entering a new prime phase in his career, both onstage and in the recording studio\". Where Do You", "title": "Where Do You Start" }, { "docid": "3685437", "text": "the film by Allan Gray. The film was one of the first five movies from the Rank Organisation to receive a release in the US under a new arrangement. The others were \"Caesar and Cleopatra\", \"The Rake's Progress\", \"Brief Encounter\" and \"The Wicked Lady\". The film has received accolades from many critics: I Know Where I'm Going! (film) I Know Where I'm Going is a 1945 romance film by the British-based filmmakers Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. It stars Wendy Hiller and Roger Livesey, and features Pamela Brown, Finlay Currie and Petula Clark in her fourth film appearance. Joan Webster", "title": "I Know Where I'm Going! (film)" }, { "docid": "8819073", "text": "to her younger daughter's choice, becomes determined to put an end to the relationships. Her hate for the director has come full-circle, and Choi now has the chance to do what he wasn't able to do for Hye-su. Which Star Are You From Which Star Are You From () is a South Korean television drama that aired on MBC in 2006. Kim Rae-won plays Choi Seung-hee, a young director who just made a successful international film debut. Following his success in Australia, he meets the girl of his dreams, Lee Hye-su (Jung Ryeo-won), an aspiring musician. After spending a lovestruck", "title": "Which Star Are You From" } ]
19969 was the Chinese year of which creature?
[ "🐀", "Species of rat", "Ratus (genus)", "Rats", "Rattus rattus domesticus", "True rat", "Rat subspecies", "Rat IQ", "Rat", "Subspecies of rat", "Rattus", "Rat feces", "Stenomys", "Ringie", "List of rat species", "Rat species" ]
[ { "docid": "12555547", "text": "10-year cycle of heavenly stems. Each of the ten heavenly stems is associated with one of the five elements of Chinese astrology, namely: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. The elements are rotated every two years while a yin and yang association alternates every year. The elements are thus distinguished: Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, etc. These produce a combined cycle that repeats every 60 years. For example, the year of the Yang Fire Rat occurred in 1936 and in 1996, 60 years apart. Many people inaccurately calculate their Chinese birth-year by converting it from their Gregorian", "title": "Chinese New Year" } ]
[ { "docid": "12555617", "text": "were called \"hard substance\" (Cantonese: 硬嘢). Instead, they wanted \"soft substance\" (Cantonese: 軟嘢), which was either a ten dollar or a twenty dollar note. Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is a Chinese festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The festival is usually referred to as the Spring Festival in modern China, and is one of several Lunar New Years in Asia. Observances traditionally take place from the evening preceding the first day of the year to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555599", "text": "the Philippines, which is only the New Year's Day itself. In Indonesia, the Chinese New Year is officially named as \"Hari Tahun Baru Imlek,\" or \"Sin Cia\" in Hokkien. It was celebrated as one of the official national religious holiday by Chinese-Indonesians since 18 June 1946 to 1 January 1953 through government regulation signed by President Sukarno on 18 June 1946. It was unofficially celebrated by ethnic Chinese from 1953 to 1967 based on government regulation signed by Vice President Muhammad Hatta in 5 February 1953 which annul the previous regulation, among others, the Chinese New Year as a national", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "6952844", "text": "Creature Walks Among Us\". A bonus behind-the-scenes documentary was added for the set. The film was re-released on Blu Ray, along with both other films in the \"Creature\" trilogy. Notes Bibliography Revenge of the Creature Revenge of the Creature ( Return of the Creature and Return of the Creature from the Black Lagoon) is the first of two Universal-International sequels to \"Creature from the Black Lagoon\". It was the only 3D film released in 1955 and the only 3D sequel to a 3D film released during \"the golden age of 3D\". Produced by William Alland, directed by Jack Arnold, the", "title": "Revenge of the Creature" }, { "docid": "6952841", "text": "the Creature from the Black Lagoon\", filming took place at Marineland of Florida which played the part of the film's Ocean Harbor Oceanarium. The St. Johns River stood in for the Amazon in the film. The Lobster House restaurant where the Creature kidnaps Lori Nelson was located in Jacksonville, Florida. It was destroyed by fire in 1962. The Diamondhead Restaurant (now the River City Brewing Co.) was built adjacent to the site where the old Lobster House once stood. Friendship Park was built on the vacant land near where the Lobster House stood. \"Revenge of the Creature\" marks the screen", "title": "Revenge of the Creature" }, { "docid": "6952838", "text": "Revenge of the Creature Revenge of the Creature ( Return of the Creature and Return of the Creature from the Black Lagoon) is the first of two Universal-International sequels to \"Creature from the Black Lagoon\". It was the only 3D film released in 1955 and the only 3D sequel to a 3D film released during \"the golden age of 3D\". Produced by William Alland, directed by Jack Arnold, the film stars John Agar and Lori Nelson. It marked Clint Eastwood's film debut. \"Revenge of the Creature\" premiered in Denver on March 23, 1955 and a \"flat\", non-3D sequel, \"The Creature", "title": "Revenge of the Creature" }, { "docid": "12555612", "text": "Pakistan, the Chinese New Year is also celebrated among the sizable Chinese expatriate community that lives in the country. During the festival, the Chinese embassy in Islamabad arranges various cultural events in which Pakistani arts and cultural organizations and members of the civil society also participate. The Chinese New Year is often accompanied by loud, enthusiastic greetings, often referred to as 吉祥話 (\"jíxiánghuà\") in Mandarin or 吉利說話 (Kat Lei Seut Wa) in Cantonese, loosely translated as \"auspicious words or phrases\". New Year couplets printed in gold letters on bright red paper, referred to as \"chunlian\" (春聯) or \"fai chun\" (揮春),", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555602", "text": "In Indonesia, the first day of the Chinese New Year is recognized as a part of the celebration of the Chinese religion and tradition of Chinese community. There are no other official or unofficial of the Chinese New Year as a public holiday. The remaining 14 days are celebrated only by ethnic Chinese families. In Indonesia, the Chinese Year is named as a year of \"Kǒngzǐ\" (孔子) or \"Kongzili\" in Bahasa Indonesia. Every year, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (\"Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia\") set the specific date of religious holiday based on input from religious leaders. The Chinese New Year", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555541", "text": "Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is a Chinese festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar. The festival is usually referred to as the Spring Festival in modern China, and is one of several Lunar New Years in Asia. Observances traditionally take place from the evening preceding the first day of the year to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between January 21 and February 20. In 2018, the first day of the Lunar", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "6952843", "text": "dismissive of the production. Although \"Revenge of the Creature\" has been broadcast on television in red-and-blue-glasses anaglyph form (e.g., in 1982 in the San Francisco Bay area), it was originally shown in theaters by the polarized light method and viewed through glasses with gray polarizing filters. A \"flat\" version without 3D was also released. In 1997, \"Revenge of the Creature\" was mocked on the comedy television series \"Mystery Science Theater 3000\", marking its first episode on the Sci-Fi Channel. Universal released \"Revenge of the Creature\" on DVD in a boxed set, along with \"Creature from the Black Lagoon\" and \"The", "title": "Revenge of the Creature" }, { "docid": "13289981", "text": "Creature of the Night (novel) Creature of the Night is a young adult novel by Kate Thompson. It was first published by Bodley Head on June 5, 2008. It was shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal and the 2008 Booktrust Teenage Prize. Bobby, the fourteen-year-old narrator, is a thief and a hooligan. When his mother moves him and his young brother to a cottage near Ennis in County Clare his only thought is how to get back to a life of crime in Dublin. Eventually he steals a Skoda car and goes back, only to find things have changed and he", "title": "Creature of the Night (novel)" }, { "docid": "13289983", "text": "extraordinarily well not only Dublin's mean streets but country rhythms, and how city trends are infecting every town in Ireland\". \"The Guardian\" comments that in the novel, \"all events are true to the characters involved and help to reveal something about them\". \"Bookheads\" describe Thompson's storytelling as \"poetically insightful\". Creature of the Night (novel) Creature of the Night is a young adult novel by Kate Thompson. It was first published by Bodley Head on June 5, 2008. It was shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal and the 2008 Booktrust Teenage Prize. Bobby, the fourteen-year-old narrator, is a thief and a hooligan.", "title": "Creature of the Night (novel)" }, { "docid": "12555606", "text": "coverage, reaching millions of viewers in Asia. The festival in Sydney is organized in partnership with a different Chinese province each year. Apart from Sydney, other state capital cities in Australia also celebrate Chinese New Year due to large number of Chinese residents. The cities include: Brisbane, Adelaide, Melbourne Box Hill and Perth. The common activities are lion dance, dragon dance, New Year market, and food festival. In the Melbourne suburb of Footscray, Victoria a Lunar New Year celebration initially focusing on the Vietnamese New Year has expanded into a celebration of the Chinese New Year as well as the", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555556", "text": "to the family's ancestors and the household deities. Every member of the family was then served a bowl, with leftovers distributed to relatives and friends. It's still served as a special breakfast on this day in some Chinese homes. The concept of the \"La month\" is similar to Advent in Christianity. Many families eat vegetarian on Chinese New Year eve, the garlic and preserved meat are eaten on Chinese New Year day. On the days immediately before the New Year celebration, Chinese families give their homes a thorough cleaning. There is a Cantonese saying \"Wash away the dirt on \"nin", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555555", "text": "ancient festival, called \"La\", that occurred shortly after the winter solstice. Pickles such as Laba garlic, which turns green from vinegar, are also made on this day. For those that believe in Buddhism, the Laba holiday is also considered Bodhi Day. \"Layue\" () is a term often associated with Chinese New Year as it refers to the sacrifices held in honor of the gods in the twelfth lunar month, hence the cured meats of Chinese New Year are known as \"larou\" (). The porridge was prepared by the women of the household at first light, with the first bowl offered", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12028731", "text": "Creature (band) Creature is a Canadian pop rock band formed in 2004 in Montreal. The band formed in 2004 and names themselves \"Pawel Czuraj\" and released a debut album \"No Sleep At All\" on March 3, 2008. The following year, No Sleep At All became a nominee in the \"Pop Album of The Year\" category at the Juno Awards of 2009. The band's sound incorporates elements of hip hop, dance-punk and new wave music. All the band's members contribute vocals to the music, which adds to the constant boy-girl dialogue in the songs. In 2005, Creature opened for Our Lady", "title": "Creature (band)" }, { "docid": "12555592", "text": "a new beginning in the year, and enough things to use and wear in the this time. In some places, the taking of a family portrait is an important ceremony after the relatives are gathered. The photo is taken at the hall of the house or taken in front of the house. The most senior male head of the family sits in the center. As with all cultures, Chinese New Year traditions incorporate elements that are symbolic of deeper meaning. One common example of Chinese New Year symbolism is the red diamond-shaped \"fu characters\" (), which are displayed on the", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555552", "text": "Nian retreated to a nearby mountain. The name of the mountain has long been lost over the years. The neon was a blue beast who was a can canble too. There was also a beast that they worshiped named the oragon beast of the night. Chinese New Year is observed as a public holiday in a number of countries and territories where there is a sizable Chinese population. Since Chinese New Year falls on different dates on the Gregorian calendar every year on different days of the week, some of these governments opt to shift working days in order to", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555607", "text": "April New Year celebrations of the Thais, Cambodians, Laotians and other Asian Australian communities who celebrate the New Year in either January/February or April. The city of Wellington hosts a two-day weekend festival for Chinese New Year, and a one-day festival is held in Dunedin, centred on the city's Chinese gardens. Many cities in North America sponsor official parades for Chinese New Year. Among the cities with such parades are San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Boston, Chicago, Mexico City, Toronto, and Vancouver. However, even smaller cities that are historically connected to Chinese immigration, such as Butte, Montana, have", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555548", "text": "birth-year. As the Chinese New Year starts in late January to mid-February, the previous Chinese year dates through 1 January until that day in the new Gregorian year, remaining unchanged from the previous Gregorian year. For example, the 1989 year of the Snake began on 6 February 1989. The year 1989 is generally aligned with the year of the Snake. However, the 1988 year of the Dragon officially ended on 5 February 1989. This means that anyone born from 1 January to 5 February 1989 was actually born in the year of the Dragon rather than the year of the", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555598", "text": "Festive Street Bazaar, nightly staged shows at Kreta Ayer Square and a lion dance competition. The Chingay Parade also features prominently in the celebrations. It is an annual street parade in Singapore, well known for its colorful floats and wide variety of cultural performances. The highlights of the Parade for 2011 include a Fire Party, multi-ethnic performances and an unprecedented travelling dance competition. In Philippines, Chinese New Year is considered to be the most important festival for Filipino-Chinese, and its celebration has also extended to the non-Chinese majority Filipinos. In 2012, Chinese New Year was included in public holidays in", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "16810377", "text": "Creature animation Creature animation is a specialised part of the animation process which involves bringing realistic animals and creatures to life. It is often distinguished from character animation, which involves breathing life into animated characters and creating the illusion of thought, feeling and emotion. Creature animators create highly realistic motion in animals or creatures; examples include the dinosaurs animated in the 1993 Steven Spielberg film \"Jurassic Park\". Since dinosaurs cannot be filmed or observed in motion, the animators studied other living creatures such as birds and lizards in order to re-create how a dinosaur might move and behave. Fours year", "title": "Creature animation" }, { "docid": "7510584", "text": "languages and elven magic. The player begins the adventure as the \"creature of havoc\" of the title, an unidentified, violent beast with no concept of who or where they are. The creature gradually recovers the ability to reason and communicate, and must learn what has happened and why. Because the creature cannot make its own decisions, it is governed by instinct. Once it finds the Vapour of Reason, it is able to make choices. The creature proceeds through the dungeon, killing a number of adventurers before finding the Vapour of Languages, which allows the creature to understand what others are", "title": "Creature of Havoc" }, { "docid": "4700936", "text": "a large Komodo dragon-like monitor lizard, and there are fossils of such a creature to be found in the Indian subcontinent. Heuvelmans notes similar reported creatures from Western India under the name of \"jhoors\" where they seem to merge into the Iranian traditional dragon or ahi (Azi Dahaka), which in Iranian art is basically a local stylistic adaptation of the Chinese dragon. George Eberhart notes rumors of a similar creature in the Tigris marshes of Iraq, called the afa, possibly the same thing as ahi. Heuvelmans also notes in his checklist of unknown animals that similar reports to the buru", "title": "Buru (legendary creature)" }, { "docid": "12555593", "text": "entrances of Chinese homes. This sign is usually seen hanging upside down, since the Chinese word \"dao\" (), is homophonous or nearly homophonous with () in all varieties of Chinese. Therefore, it symbolizes the arrival of luck, happiness, and prosperity. For the Cantonese-speaking people, if the \"fu\" sign is hung upside down, the implied \"dao\" (upside down) sounds like the Cantonese word for \"pour\", producing \"pour the luck [away]\", which would usually symbolize bad luck; this is why the \"fu\" character is not usually hung upside-down in Cantonese communities. Red is the predominant color used in New Year celebrations. Red", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555545", "text": "day or even one moon cycle due to using a meridian based on a different capital city in a different time zone or different placements of intercalary months. Chinese calendar defines the lunar month with winter solstice as the 11th month, which means that Chinese New Year usually falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice (rarely the third if an intercalary month intervenes). In more than 96% of the years, the Chinese New Year's Day is the closest new moon to lichun () on 4 or 5 February, and the first new moon after Dahan (). In", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555597", "text": "London, and San Francisco claim to host the largest New Year celebration outside of Asia and South America. In some countries of Southeast Asia, Chinese New Year is a national public holiday and considered to be one of the most important holidays of the year. Chinese New Year's Eve is typically a half-day holiday for Malaysia and Singapore. The biggest celebrations take place in Malaysia (notably in Kuala Lumpur, George Town and Klang) and Singapore. In Singapore, Chinese New Year is accompanied by various festive activities. One of the main highlights is the Chinatown celebrations. In 2010, this included a", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555542", "text": "New Year was on Friday, 16 February, initiating the year of the Dog. Chinese New Year is one of the world's most prominent and celebrated festivals, and is the cause of the largest annual mass human migration in the world. It is a major holiday in Greater China and has strongly influenced the lunar new year celebrations of China's neighbouring cultures, including the Korean New Year (seol), the Tết of Vietnam, and the Losar of Tibet. It is also celebrated worldwide in countries with significant Overseas Chinese populations, these including Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines and Mauritius, as", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "8067004", "text": "in quarantine until an anthropologist can determine the question of the creature’s humanity. It is during this delay at the airport's customs station that the snow creature manages to escape the ice box (which was apparently meant to confine him temporarily only). The snow creature roams the city, terrorizing a woman and finding refuge in the cool temperature of the city’s sewers as well as meat-lockers (where it can also feed). The police, aided by Parrish, manage to track the Yeti through the sewer system to where the creature is caught in a net and grabbed by 5 men. As", "title": "The Snow Creature" }, { "docid": "12555543", "text": "well as many countries in North America and Europe. Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs. The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely, and the evening preceding Chinese New Year's Day is frequently regarded as an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean their house, in order to sweep away any ill-fortune and to make way for incoming good luck. Another custom", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555549", "text": "Snake. Many online Chinese Sign calculators do not account for the non-alignment of the two calendars, using Gregorian-calendar years rather than official Chinese New Year dates. One scheme of continuously numbered Chinese-calendar years assigns 4709 to the year beginning, 2011, but this is not universally accepted; the calendar is traditionally cyclical, not continuously numbered. Although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are sometimes numbered from the purported reign of the mythical Yellow Emperor in the 3rd millennium BCE. But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars,", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555594", "text": "is the emblem of joy, and this color also symbolizes virtue, truth and sincerity. On the Chinese opera stage, a painted red face usually denotes a sacred or loyal personage and sometimes a great emperor. Candies, cakes, decorations and many things associated with the New Year and its ceremonies are colored red. The sound of the Chinese word for \"red\" () is in Mandarin homophonous with the word for \"prosperous.\" Therefore, red is an auspicious color and has an auspicious sound. Nianhua can be a form of Chinese colored woodblock printing, for decoration during Chinese New Year. The following are", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555546", "text": "the Gregorian calendar, the Lunar New Year begins at the new moon that falls between 21 January and 20 February. The Gregorian Calendar dates for Chinese New Year from 1912 to 2101 are below, along with the year's presiding animal zodiac and its Stem-branch. The traditional Chinese calendar follows a Metonic cycle, a system used by the modern Jewish Calendar, and returns to the same date in Gregorian calendar roughly. The names of the Earthly Branches have no English counterparts and are \"not\" the Chinese translations of the animals. Alongside the 12-year cycle of the animal zodiac there is a", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "91982", "text": "them may not term them as creatures of statute. Australia also uses the term \"creature of statute\" to describe some governmental bodies. The importance of a corporate body, regardless of its exact function, when such a body is a creature of statute is that its active functions can only be within the scope detailed by the statute which created that corporation. Thereby, the creature of statute is the tangible manifestation of the functions or work described by a given statute. The jurisdiction of a body that is a creature of statute is also therefore limited to the functional scope written", "title": "Creature of statute" }, { "docid": "12555550", "text": "making the year beginning CE 2015 the \"Chinese year\" 4712, 4713, or 4652. According to tales and legends, the beginning of the Chinese New Year started with a mythical beast called the Nian. Nian would eat villagers, especially children. One year, all the villagers decided to go hide from the beast. An old man appeared before the villagers went into hiding and said that he's going to stay the night, and decided to get revenge on the Nian. All the villagers thought he was insane. The old man put red papers up and set off firecrackers. The day after, the", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "15908443", "text": "Creature of the Walking Dead Creature of the Walking Dead is a 1965 horror film adapted by Jerry Warren from a 1961 Mexican horror film \"La Marca del Muerto\", which translates as \"Mark of the Dead Man\". The original Mexican film was directed by Fernando Cortés, written by Alfredo Varela Jr., and released in Mexico on October 12, 1961. The special effects was handled by Nicholas Reye. The film is about a mad scientist who discovers he can keep a subject eternally young by injecting the blood of young women into their veins. The doctor is captured by the police", "title": "Creature of the Walking Dead" }, { "docid": "7510586", "text": "elf, the original thief of the Vapours, who the creature can extort for information on how to access the \"Galleykeep\", Marr's flying vessel. Aboard the \"Galleykeep\" Marr reveals the creature's identity and demands that he surrender Grog's box, which contains the Vapour of Elven Magic. If the creature is able to defeat Marr by destroying his portal, the necromancer is banished from the world of the living and the creature reverts into their previous human self, returning to his position as commander of the \"Galleykeep\". If the creature fails, Marr takes the vapour by force and it is implied that", "title": "Creature of Havoc" }, { "docid": "12555613", "text": "is another way of expressing auspicious new year wishes. They probably predate the Ming dynasty (1368–1644), but did not become widespread until then. Today, they are ubiquitous with Chinese New Year. Some of the most common greetings include: Numerous other greetings exist, some of which may be exclaimed out loud to no one in particular in specific situations. For example, as breaking objects during the new year is considered inauspicious, one may then say 歲歲平安 (\"Suìsuì-píng'ān\") immediately, which means \"everlasting peace year after year\". \"Suì\" (歲), meaning \"age\" is homophonous with 碎 (suì) (meaning \"shatter\"), in the demonstration of the", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "17597176", "text": "man behind the tubs, lends a bit of his own personality to each and every breakdown that give it that extra little bit of badassery. Creature was ranked 53rd by Metal Injection readers in the blog's end-of-year \"Best Albums of 2009\" poll. Within the Ruins Production Creature (Within the Ruins album) Creature is the debut studio album by American metalcore band Within the Ruins. It was released via Victory Records on February 17, 2009. It is their only studio album to feature Jon Grande on vocals. Additionally, it is their only studio album to feature Kyle Marcoux on guitar, and", "title": "Creature (Within the Ruins album)" }, { "docid": "12555600", "text": "religious holiday. Effectively from 6 December 1967, until 1998, the spiritual practice to celebrate the Chinese New Year by Chinese families was restricted specifically only inside of the Chinese house. This restriction is made by Indonesian government through a Presidential Instruction, \"Instruksi Presiden No.14 Tahun 1967\", signed by President Suharto. This restriction is ended when the regime has changed and the President Suharto was overthrown. The celebration is conducted unofficially by Chinese community from 1999 to 2000. On 17 January 2000, the President Abdurrahman Wahid issued a Presidential Decree through \"Keputusan Presiden RI No 6 Tahun 2000\" to annul \"Instruksi", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "15908447", "text": "tension. Fred Olen Ray said \"Whenever the original Spanish cast members are called upon to speak, we are treated to a constant stream of voice-over narration, supplied by the grandson, who conveniently explains what they are saying...Bruno Ve Sota, receiving one of cinema's longest arm massages, rattles on incessantly...It is maddening.\" Creature of the Walking Dead Creature of the Walking Dead is a 1965 horror film adapted by Jerry Warren from a 1961 Mexican horror film \"La Marca del Muerto\", which translates as \"Mark of the Dead Man\". The original Mexican film was directed by Fernando Cortés, written by Alfredo", "title": "Creature of the Walking Dead" }, { "docid": "16810378", "text": "earlier, in 1989, the pioneering digital animation studio Industrial Light & Magic created a water creature for the James Cameron film \"The Abyss\". Again, not knowing how a water creature might move, considerable effort was required by the animators to imagine how such a creature might perform and behave. Creature animation Creature animation is a specialised part of the animation process which involves bringing realistic animals and creatures to life. It is often distinguished from character animation, which involves breathing life into animated characters and creating the illusion of thought, feeling and emotion. Creature animators create highly realistic motion in", "title": "Creature animation" }, { "docid": "12555553", "text": "accommodate a longer public holiday. In some countries, a statutory holiday is added on the following work day when the New Year falls on a weekend, as in the case of 2013, where the New Year's Eve (9 February) falls on Saturday and the New Year's Day (10 February) on Sunday. Depending on the country, the holiday may be termed differently; common names are \"Chinese New Year\", \"Lunar New Year\", \"New Year Festival\", and \"Spring Festival\". For New Year celebrations that are lunar but not based on the Chinese New Year (such as Korea's \"Seollal\" and Vietnam's \"Tết\"), see the", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "798827", "text": "of the Creature\" wherein the Gill-man killed a guard in this fashion). \"Creature from the Black Lagoon\" spawned two sequels: \"Revenge of the Creature\" (1955), which was also filmed and released in 3D in hopes of reviving the format, and \"The Creature Walks Among Us\" (1956), filmed in 2D. A comedic appearance with Abbott and Costello on an episode of \"The Colgate Comedy Hour\" aired prior to the film's release. The appearance is commonly known as \"Abbott and Costello Meet the Creature from the Black Lagoon\". In 1982, John Landis wanted Jack Arnold to direct a remake of the film,", "title": "Creature from the Black Lagoon" }, { "docid": "798813", "text": "Colgate Comedy Hour\" aired prior to the film's release. The appearance is commonly known as \"Abbott and Costello Meet the Creature from the Black Lagoon\". Ben Chapman reprised his role as the Gill-Man for the program. \"Creature from the Black Lagoon\" generated two sequels: \"Revenge of the Creature\" (1955), which was also filmed and released in 3D in hopes of reviving the format, and \"The Creature Walks Among Us\" (1956), filmed in 2D. The creature, also known as the Gill-man, is usually counted among the classic Universal Monsters. A geology expedition in the Amazon uncovers fossilized evidence (a skeletal hand", "title": "Creature from the Black Lagoon" }, { "docid": "12555590", "text": "popping noise and, as they are usually strung together by the hundreds, the firecrackers are known for their deafening explosions that are thought to scare away evil spirits. The burning of firecrackers also signifies a joyful time of year and has become an integral aspect of Chinese New Year celebrations. Although the use of firecrackers are considered a traditional part of Chinese New Year festivities safety issue are present. In response to these issues, many governments and authorities eventually enacted laws completely banning the use of firecrackers. \"\"Happy New Year!\"\" () is a popular children's song for the New Year", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "14421888", "text": "say that it’s any good, just a comment that you can probably sit all the way through it from beginning to end without falling asleep or wanting to gouge your eyes out with your own fingers.\" A \"Curse of the Swamp Creature\" mask was one of the last items produced by the famed Don Post Studios before it went out of business in 2012. Curse of the Swamp Creature Curse of the Swamp Creature is a 1966 American film directed by Larry Buchanan. Although Buchanan was producing low budget 16mm color remakes of American International Pictures sci-fi movies for television", "title": "Curse of the Swamp Creature" }, { "docid": "12555582", "text": "Chinese New Year celebrations were banned in China. The State Council of the People's Republic of China announced that the public should \"Change Customs\", have a \"revolutionized and fighting Spring Festival\", and since people needed to work on Chinese New Year Eve, they didn't have holidays during Spring Festival day. The public celebrations were reinstated by the time of the Chinese economic reform. On New Year's Eve, family members will gather together and have dinner. The Spring Festival Gala would be shown on CCTV1 at dinner time and people usually watch it during dinner. The Gala includes a lot of", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555591", "text": "holiday. The melody is similar to the American folk song, \"Oh My Darling, Clementine\". Lunar New Year Film is also a Chinese cultural identity, during the New Year holidays, the stage boss gathers the most popular actors whom from various troupes let them perform repertories from Qing dynasty. Nowadays people prefer celebrating new year with their family by watching movie together. The color red is commonly worn throughout Chinese New Year; traditional beliefs held that red could scare away evil spirits and bad fortune. The wearing of new clothes is another clothing custom during the festival, the new clothes symbolize", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "7510585", "text": "saying. The creature escapes from the dungeon, killing Darramouss, one of Marr's allies, in the process. The creature then elects to help a group of witches by collecting a particular root. Whilst doing this, it he saves the life of a Half-Orc named Grog, who eventually returns the favour by saving the creature, at the expense of his own life. The creature picks up the bag that Grog was carrying and finds a box similar to that the Vapours of Reason and Language were encased in. As a reward for retrieving the root, the witches lead the creature to an", "title": "Creature of Havoc" }, { "docid": "14421887", "text": "\"Creature of Destruction\" and \"'It's Alive!'\". The movie was filmed in Uncertain, Texas where the Fly-N-Fish Lodge and Airport seen in early scenes still exists. The film re-uses Ronald Stein's previous music from both \"It Conquered the World\" and \"Invasion of the Saucer Men.\" \"Curse of the Swamp Creature\" received predominantly negative reviews upon its release. TV Guide gave the film 1/5 stars, calling it \"[a] typically silly effort\". Jon Condit from Dread Central awarded the film 1.5 out of 5, writing, \"\"Curse of the Swamp Creature\" is actually one of Z-grade schlockmeister Larry Buchanan’s better movies. That’s not to", "title": "Curse of the Swamp Creature" }, { "docid": "8067005", "text": "the creature resists it starts to choke one of the men through the mesh. One of the men shoots the creature once who then stops choking the man. There's a pause after the choked man had been released and then the man with the gun decides to shoot the rare creature with three more slugs just for good measure. Thus, one of the greatest finds of all time is dead. \"The Snow Creature\" was the first of several Yeti/Abominable Snowman-themed movies. It also bore some resemblance to \"King Kong\" in terms of plot, with act one in an exotic setting,", "title": "The Snow Creature" }, { "docid": "12555581", "text": "good luck and honorability. Several foods are consumed to usher in wealth, happiness, and good fortune. Several of the Chinese food names are homophones for words that also mean good things. Like many other New Year dishes, certain ingredients also take special precedence over others as these ingredients also have similar-sounding names with prosperity, good luck, or even counting money. In 1928, the ruling Kuomintang party in China decreed that Chinese New Year will fall on 1 Jan of the Gregorian Calendar, but this was abandoned due to overwhelming opposition from the populace. In 1967 during the Cultural Revolution, official", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555601", "text": "Presiden No.14 Tahun 1967.\" On 19 January 2001, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (\"Kementerian Agama Republik Indonesia\") issued a Decree through \"Keputusan Menteri Agama RI No 13 Tahun 2001 tentang Imlek sebagai Hari Libur Nasional\" to set of \"Hari Tahun Baru Imlek\" as a Facultative Holiday for Chinese Community\".\" Through the Presidential Decree it was officially declared as a 1 (one) day public religious holiday as of 9 April 2002 by President Megawati. The Indonesian government authorize only the first day of the Chinese New Year as a public religious holiday and it is specifically designated only for Chinese people.", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "7510582", "text": "to the rules given the story circumstances: damage to the creature (the player) is reduced by 1 STAMINA point due to its tough hide, while rolling a double on the dice when determining the player's attack strength will instantly kill an enemy. The player begins the adventure as the \"creature of havoc\" of the title, an unidentified, violent beast with no concept of who or where they are. Because the creature cannot make its own decisions, it is governed by instinct, and die rolls are initially used to determine which pages to turn to, rather than the player's own choice.", "title": "Creature of Havoc" }, { "docid": "11456841", "text": "one cliche after another\". Dennis Schwartz from \"Ozus' World Movie Reviews\" awarded the film a grade of C, calling it \"Amusing hokum\". In 1967, American International commissioned Larry Buchanan to remake the film in color for television, retitled as \"Creature of Destruction\". The original film was later featured in an episode of \"Cinema Insomnia\", as well as in the movie-mocking television show \"Mystery Science Theater 3000\". The She-Creature The She Creature (a.k.a. The She-Creature) is a 1956 American black-and-white science fiction horror film, released by American International Pictures from a script by Lou Rusoff (brother-in-law of AIP executive Samuel Z.", "title": "The She-Creature" }, { "docid": "12555557", "text": "ya baat\"\" (), but the practice is not restricted to \"nin ya baat\" (the 28th day of month 12). It is believed the cleaning sweeps away the bad luck of the preceding year and makes their homes ready for good luck. Brooms and dust pans are put away on the first day so that the newly arrived good luck cannot be swept away. Some people give their homes, doors and window-frames a new coat of red paint; decorators and paper-hangers do a year-end rush of business prior to Chinese New Year. Homes are often decorated with paper cutouts of Chinese", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555603", "text": "is the only national religious holiday in Indonesia that was enacted specifically with the Presidential Decree, in this case with the \"Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia (Keppres RI) No 19 Tahun 2002\" dated on 9 April 2002. The celebration of the Chinese New Year as a religious holiday is specifically intended only for Chinese People in Indonesia (\"tradisi masyarakat Cina yang dirayakan secara turun temurun di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia,\" \"dan umat Agama Tionghoa\") and it is not intended to be celebrated by Indonesian Indigenous Peoples or \"Masyarakat Pribumi Indonesia\". Big Chinese population cities and towns like Jakarta, Medan, Singkawang, Pangkal", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "14299287", "text": "Creature worship In contrast with worship of a Creator deity, the theological term creature worship refers unflatteringly to veneration of that which is created. In the biblical worldview, creature worship is seen as analogous to a reversal of the relationship between God and creature or the reversal of mindedness, which places power in the handiwork. Creature worship may include: Animal worship, Animism,Cult of personality,Household deity, Idolatry, Nature worship, and/or Pantheism. In some Christian denominations and even in the early development of the Christian church, the veneration of saints is considered creature worship. It is based on the view that Christians", "title": "Creature worship" }, { "docid": "12555608", "text": "recently hosted parades. Multiple groups in New York City cooperate to sponsor a week-long Lunar New Year celebration. The festivities include cultural festival, music concert, fireworks on the Hudson River near the Chinese Consulate, and special exhibits. In June 2015, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio declared that the Lunar New Year would be made a public school holiday. The San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade is the oldest and largest event of its kind outside of Asia, and the largest Asian cultural event in North America. The festival incorporates Grant and Kearny Streets into its street", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555554", "text": "article on Lunar New Year. For other countries where Chinese New Year is celebrated but not an official holiday, see the section below on Festivities outside China. During the festival, people around China will prepare different gourmet for families and guests. Influenced by the flourished cultures, foods from different places look and taste totally different. Among them, the most well-known ones are dumplings from northern China and Tangyuan from southern China. On the eighth day of the lunar month prior to Chinese New Year, the \"Laba\" holiday (), a traditional porridge, Laba porridge (), is served in remembrance of an", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555595", "text": "popular floral decorations for the New Year and are available at new year markets. Traditionally, families gather together during the Chinese New Year. In modern China, migrant workers in China travel home to have reunion dinners with their families on Chinese New Year's Eve. Owing to a large number of interprovincial travelers, special arrangements were made by railways, buses and airlines starting from 15 days before the New Year's Day. This 40-day period is called chunyun, and is known as the world's largest annual migration. More interurban trips are taken in mainland China in this period than the total population", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555605", "text": "rice, fruits or sugar to the poor around. With one of the largest Chinese populations outside of Asia, Sydney also claims to have the largest Chinese New Year Celebrations outside of Asia with over 600,000 people attending the celebrations in Chinatown annually. The events there span over three weeks including the launch celebration, outdoor markets, evening street food stalls, Chinese top opera performances, dragon boat races, a film festival and multiple parades that incorporate Chinese, Japanese, Korean people and Vietnamese performers. More than 100,000 people attend notably the main parade with over 3,500 performers. The festival also attracts international media", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "8067001", "text": "begins to change Parrish’s opinion regarding the creature’s existence (such as the tell-tale “giant footprints”). Finally, the team makes contact with the snow creature, who hurls stones at them from atop his mountain refuge. The expedition tracks the creature to his cave, where they encounter the creature, along with two other Yeti’s - a female and young one. The team also discover Subra’s wife, who is guarded jealously by the snow creature. Parrish forcibly prevents the enraged Subra from shooting the Yeti, reasoning that the creature is more valuable for science alive. This delays the capture long enough to enable", "title": "The Snow Creature" }, { "docid": "12555575", "text": "more important than the first day of the Chinese New Year. Come midnight of the eighth day of the new year, Hokkiens will offer thanks to the Emperor of Heaven. A prominent requisite offering is sugarcane. Legend holds that the Hokkien were spared from a massacre by Japanese pirates by hiding in a sugarcane plantation during the eighth and ninth days of the Chinese New Year, coinciding with the Jade Emperor's birthday. Since \"sugarcane\" (Hokkien: \"甘蔗 kam-chià\") is a near homonym to \"thank you\" (Hokkien: \"感謝 kám-siā\") in the Hokkien dialect, Hokkiens offer sugarcane on the eve of his birthday,", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555615", "text": "even when tossing the shredded ingredients of yusheng particularly popular in Malaysia and Singapore. Children and their parents can also pray in the temple, in hopes of getting good blessings for the new year to come. Children and teenagers sometimes jokingly use the phrase 恭喜發財,紅包拿來 (in Traditional Chinese; Simplified Chinese: 恭喜发财,红包拿来; Pinyin: gōngxǐfācái, hóngbāo nálái; Cantonese: 恭喜發財,利是逗來; Jyutping: gung1 hei2 faat3 coi4, lei6 si6 dau6 loi4), roughly translated as \"Congratulations and be prosperous, now give me a red envelope!\". In Hakka the saying is more commonly said as 'Gung hee fatt choi, hung bao diu loi' which would be written", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "8198076", "text": "Creature Commandos The Creature Commandos are a fictional DC Comics team of military superhumans originally set in World War II. The original team was introduced in \"Weird War Tales\" #93 (November 1980). The modern team first appeared in their own mini-series \"Creature Commandos\" #1 May 2000; this version was written by Tim Truman and drawn by Scot Eaton. Asked how the Creature Commandos came about, writer J. M. DeMatteis recalled, Project M is a secret government organization which began during World War II and specializes in experimental biotechnology and necromancy. Known creations of the Project beside the Creature Commandos include", "title": "Creature Commandos" }, { "docid": "91980", "text": "Creature of statute A creature of statute (also known as creature of the state) is a legal entity, such as a corporation, created by statute. Creatures of statute may include municipalities and other artificial legal entities or relationships. Thus, when a statute in some fashion requires the formation of a corporate body—often for governmental purposes—such bodies when formed are known as \"creatures of statute.\" The same concept is also expressed with the phrase \"creature of the state.\" The term \"creature of statute\" is most common to the United States. In the United Kingdom, these bodies are simply called statutory corporations", "title": "Creature of statute" }, { "docid": "14299289", "text": "goal to achieve \"nirvana\", the soul experiences rebirth in the form of different creatures. It is, thus, accepted to worship nature in all of its elements because it signifies respect for the environment as well as the worship for one's ancestors. Creature worship In contrast with worship of a Creator deity, the theological term creature worship refers unflatteringly to veneration of that which is created. In the biblical worldview, creature worship is seen as analogous to a reversal of the relationship between God and creature or the reversal of mindedness, which places power in the handiwork. Creature worship may include:", "title": "Creature worship" }, { "docid": "17630873", "text": "Aquilae) are separated from their mother Zhi Nü (the Weaver-Girl) (, lit. \"Weaving Girl\", Vega) who is on the far side of the river, the Milky Way. However, one day per year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, magpies make a bridge so that Niu Lang and Zhi Nü can be together again for a brief encounter. This is the explanatory myth behind one of the major Chinese holiday festivals, sometimes known as \"Chinese Valentines Day\". The \"Chinese zodiac\" consists of a twelve-year cycle, each year being associated with a certain creature. The second in the cycle", "title": "Ox in Chinese mythology" }, { "docid": "12555572", "text": "Year. The seventh day, traditionally known as \"Renri\" (the common person's birthday), is the day when everyone grows one year older. In some overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia and Singapore, it is also the day when tossed raw fish salad, yusheng, is eaten for continued wealth and prosperity. For many Chinese Buddhists, this is another day to avoid meat, the seventh day commemorating the birth of Sakra, lord of the devas in Buddhist cosmology who is analogous to the Jade Emperor. Another family dinner is held to celebrate the eve of the birth of the Jade", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12377009", "text": "everyone sings about the Creature. To the dismay of the cast, the Creature climbs onto the boat and joins the song. The Creature kidnaps Kay and takes her back to his lair, which bears a resemblance to an underwater grotto bachelor pad. This is where the Creature and Kay bond during their duet, \"Strange New Hunger\". Mark and David, Kay's fellow scientists, rush in to save Kay. The Creature tells her his name...Gill! He gets shot with a tainted speargun, with results that soon become clear. Back aboard the Rita, the scientists hear massive footsteps. It turns out the spear", "title": "Creature from the Black Lagoon: The Musical" }, { "docid": "12555596", "text": "of China. In Taiwan, spring travel is also a major event. The majority of transportation in western Taiwan is in a north-south direction: long distance travel between urbanized north and hometowns in the rural south. Transportation in eastern Taiwan and that between Taiwan and its islands is less convenient. Cross-strait flights between Taiwan and mainland China began in 2003 as part of Three Links, mostly for \"Taiwanese businessmen\" to return to Taiwan for the new year. Chinese New Year is also celebrated annually in many countries with significant Chinese populations. These include countries throughout Asia, Oceania, and North America. Sydney,", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555570", "text": "one's future told. In those communities that celebrate Chinese New Year for 15 days, the fourth day is when corporate \"spring dinners\" kick off and business returns to normal. Other areas that have a longer Chinese New Year holiday will celebrate and welcome the gods that were previously sent on this day. This day is the god of Wealth's birthday. In northern China, people eat jiaozi, or dumplings, on the morning of \"powu\" (). In Taiwan, businesses traditionally re-open on the next day (the sixth day), accompanied by firecrackers. It is also common in China that on the 5th day", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "6158774", "text": "Be the Creature Be the Creature is a creation of the Kratt Brothers (Chris and Martin). A wildlife series designed to immerse both the brothers and the viewers in the world of animals, unlike the brothers' previous works, \"Kratts' Creatures\" and \"Zoboomafoo\", \"Be the Creature\" is oriented towards a teen or adult audience. The brothers place themselves in the thick of the animal world, sometimes in high-intensity or dangerous situations. The series also features some graphic footage in an effort to portray life in the wild truthfully. A second season entitled, \"Be the Creature 2\", began in 2005. The show", "title": "Be the Creature" }, { "docid": "6158775", "text": "is airing on National Geographic Wild. A third season entitled, \" Be The Creature 3\", began in 2007. Be the Creature Be the Creature is a creation of the Kratt Brothers (Chris and Martin). A wildlife series designed to immerse both the brothers and the viewers in the world of animals, unlike the brothers' previous works, \"Kratts' Creatures\" and \"Zoboomafoo\", \"Be the Creature\" is oriented towards a teen or adult audience. The brothers place themselves in the thick of the animal world, sometimes in high-intensity or dangerous situations. The series also features some graphic footage in an effort to portray", "title": "Be the Creature" }, { "docid": "756096", "text": "dragons which are the first 3-dimensional representations of Chinese dragons. One such early form was the pig dragon. It is a coiled, elongated creature with a head resembling a boar. The character for \"dragon\" in the earliest Chinese writing has a similar coiled form, as do later jade dragon amulets from the Shang dynasty. Chinese literature and myths refer to many dragons besides the famous \"long\". The linguist Michael Carr analyzed over 100 ancient dragon names attested in Chinese classic texts. Many such Chinese names derive from the suffix -\"long\": Fewer Chinese dragon names derive from the prefix \"long\"-: Some", "title": "Chinese dragon" }, { "docid": "8067003", "text": "transported to Bombay and thence to California. In an odd geographic twist, the return flight heads \"west\" from India to California (via TWA) – beginning the second act. Upon reaching Los Angeles, Parrish is greeted by reporters who have been made aware of the creature’s existence. A U.S. Customs official informs Parrish that the admission of this creature to the U.S. has been made difficult by a newspaper article published by Peter Wells that refers to the creature using the term “man”. The issue is raised whether the snow-creature is actually human and the officials decide to keep the creature", "title": "The Snow Creature" }, { "docid": "20751132", "text": "the balls to do just that.\" Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Creature Songs\". Creature Songs Creature Songs is the second extended play (EP) by English alternative rock band Wolf Alice. It was released on 26 May 2014 through Dirty Hit. The EP was produced by Catherine Marks. The EP was preceded by the release of \"Moaning Lisa Smile\", which was uploaded to the band's SoundCloud page. Barnabas Abraham of \"The 405\" said \"\"Creature Songs\" features a more aggressive edge that marks itself on the EP's opening two tracks, and overall the EP is another refreshing sample of a", "title": "Creature Songs" }, { "docid": "11456837", "text": "The She-Creature The She Creature (a.k.a. The She-Creature) is a 1956 American black-and-white science fiction horror film, released by American International Pictures from a script by Lou Rusoff (brother-in-law of AIP executive Samuel Z. Arkoff). It was produced by Alex Gordon, directed by Edward L. Cahn, and stars Chester Morris, Marla English, and Tom Conway. The monster costume was created by master make-up artist Paul Blaisdell and is considered one of his best. The film was released by AIP as a double feature with \"It Conquered the World\". Dr. Carlo Lombardi (Chester Morris), a carnival hypnotist, conducts experiments in hypnotic", "title": "The She-Creature" }, { "docid": "12555587", "text": "that symbolizes good luck and fortune. In Taiwan in the 2000s, some employers also gave red packets as a bonus to maids, nurses or domestic workers from Southeast Asian countries, although whether this is appropriate is controversial. The Japanese have a similar tradition of giving money during the New Year, called Otoshidama. In addition to red envelopes, which are usually given from older people to younger people, small gifts (usually food or sweets) are also exchanged between friends or relatives (of different households) during Chinese New Year. Gifts are usually brought when visiting friends or relatives at their homes. Common", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "9484481", "text": "likely to stay home on those nights. These are the major metropolitan areas of the United States in which \"Creature Features\" was seen: North Carolina channel 6 every Friday night at midnight \"Creature Features\" can be said to be one of the most popular horror shows in the United States. In all \"Creature Features\" was televised in almost 100 cities nationwide, throughout the 1960s to the 1990s, with more than 6,000 broadcasts aired, and more than 4,500 movies shown. This makes the program the most prolific horror show in U.S. television history. \"Creature Features\" was broadcast in the New York", "title": "Creature Features" }, { "docid": "12555614", "text": "Chinese love for wordplay in auspicious phrases. Similarly, 年年有餘 (\"niánnián yǒu yú\"), a wish for surpluses and bountiful harvests every year, plays on the word \"yú\" that can also refer to 魚 (yú meaning fish), making it a catch phrase for fish-based Chinese new year dishes and for paintings or graphics of fish that are hung on walls or presented as gifts. The most common auspicious greetings and sayings consist of four characters, such as the following: These greetings or phrases may also be used just before children receive their red packets, when gifts are exchanged, when visiting temples, or", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "6952840", "text": "hampers Clete's efforts to communicate with him. Ultimately, the Gill-man escapes from his tank, killing Joe in the process, and flees to the open ocean. Unable to stop thinking about Helen, the Gill-man soon begins to stalk her and Clete, ultimately abducting her from a seaside restaurant where the two are at a party. Clete tries to give chase, but the Gill-man escapes to the water with his captive. Clete and police arrive just in time and when the creature surfaces, police shoot him as Clete saves Helen. Using the working titles of \"Return of the Creature\" and \"Return of", "title": "Revenge of the Creature" }, { "docid": "6052067", "text": "of the player characters, originally printed in the Master Set, is reproduced in the introduction. Each creature is listed with appropriate \"D&D\" statistics and a short description of the creature, its abilities and tactics. A variety of authors and artists combined to the listings including Zeb Cook and Gary Gygax. AC9 \"Creature Catalogue\" was compiled by Graeme Morris, Phil Gallagher, and Jim Bambra, and was published by TSR in 1986. The \"Creature Catalogue\" is in the format of a 96-page perfect-bound book, which TSR had been adopting more frequently at the time. Cover art is by Keith Parkinson. An updated", "title": "Creature Catalogue" }, { "docid": "6052070", "text": "\"D&D\" game, no matter what level your characters are ... if you've ever felt constrained by the limited range of \"D&D\" monsters, then this book is for you.\" Creature Catalogue Creature Catalogue is a supplement for Basic \"Dungeons & Dragons\" first released in 1986, and updated in 1993. The \"Creature Catalogue\" is a supplement which describes over 200 monsters, most of which had been collected from \"D&D\" rules and modules, as well as 80 new monsters which had never been printed before; each monster is illustrated and indexed by habitat. In \"Creature Catalogue\" is collected all the creatures first presented", "title": "Creature Catalogue" }, { "docid": "6052065", "text": "Creature Catalogue Creature Catalogue is a supplement for Basic \"Dungeons & Dragons\" first released in 1986, and updated in 1993. The \"Creature Catalogue\" is a supplement which describes over 200 monsters, most of which had been collected from \"D&D\" rules and modules, as well as 80 new monsters which had never been printed before; each monster is illustrated and indexed by habitat. In \"Creature Catalogue\" is collected all the creatures first presented in the official \"D&D\" adventure modules to that time, plus many new creatures and some converted from \"AD&D\". Also included is a comprehensive index of all \"D&D\" monsters", "title": "Creature Catalogue" }, { "docid": "12181347", "text": "Creature with the Atom Brain Creature with the Atom Brain is a Belgian alternative rock band consisting of Millionaire keyboardist Aldo Struyf (Guitar/Keys/Vocals), Dave Schroyen (Drums), Jan Wygers (Bass) and Michiel Van Cleuvenbergen (Guitar). The band have been said to make \"fuzzy stripped-back rock'n'roll noise with a generous helping of weird.\" The band's name is taken from the Roky Erickson & The Aliens song (Which in turn was taken from the 1955 film of the same name), with Struyf citing Erickson's former band The 13th Floor Elevators and the man himself as influencing Creature with the Atom Brain's sound. After", "title": "Creature with the Atom Brain" }, { "docid": "6981780", "text": "director, which partly affected Universal's decision to allow him to direct the film. \"The Creature Walks Among Us\" starred Jeff Morrow, Rex Reason, and Leigh Snowden, and, like the original \"Creature from the Black Lagoon\", had music composed by Henry Mancini, who at the time was under contract with Universal. Following the Gill-man's escape from Ocean Harbor Oceanarium in Florida, a team of scientists led by the deranged and cold-hearted Dr. William Barton (Jeff Morrow) board the \"Vagabondia III\" to capture the creature in the Everglades. Barton is mentally unstable and apparently an abusive husband to his wife Marcia (Leigh", "title": "The Creature Walks Among Us" }, { "docid": "12555564", "text": "encapsulated by \"nian\" of which the term \"Guo Nian\" was derived. Many Buddhists abstain from meat consumption on the first day because it is believed to ensure longevity for them. Some consider lighting fires and using knives to be bad luck on New Year's Day, so all food to be consumed is cooked the days before. On this day, it is considered bad luck to use the broom, as good fortune is not to be \"swept away\" symbolically. Most importantly, the first day of Chinese New Year is a time to honor one's elders and families visit the oldest and", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "91983", "text": "into the laws that created that body. Unlike most (private) corporate bodies, creatures of statute cannot expand their business interests into other diverse areas. Creature of statute A creature of statute (also known as creature of the state) is a legal entity, such as a corporation, created by statute. Creatures of statute may include municipalities and other artificial legal entities or relationships. Thus, when a statute in some fashion requires the formation of a corporate body—often for governmental purposes—such bodies when formed are known as \"creatures of statute.\" The same concept is also expressed with the phrase \"creature of the", "title": "Creature of statute" }, { "docid": "14421884", "text": "Curse of the Swamp Creature Curse of the Swamp Creature is a 1966 American film directed by Larry Buchanan. Although Buchanan was producing low budget 16mm color remakes of American International Pictures sci-fi movies for television distribution around this time, he claimed this was an original even though it bears more than a few striking similarities to the 1957 AIP film \"Voodoo Woman\". Buchanan later said \"never make a swamp picture. Your film comes back and it's all... strange.\" Deep in the rural swamps of Texas the reclusive and ruthless wife-abusing mad scientist Dr. Simond Trent is conducting experiments in", "title": "Curse of the Swamp Creature" }, { "docid": "12555580", "text": "special occasions during the remainder of the year. In most areas, fish () is included, but not eaten completely (and the remainder is stored overnight), as the Chinese phrase \"may there be \"surpluses\" every year\" () sounds the same as \"let there be fish every year.\" Eight individual dishes are served to reflect the belief of good fortune associated with the number. If in the previous year a death was experienced in the family, seven dishes are served. Red packets for the immediate family are sometimes distributed during the reunion dinner. These packets contain money in an amount that reflects", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "12555571", "text": "people will shoot off firecrackers to get Guan Yu's attention, thus ensuring his favor and good fortune for the new year. The sixth day is Horse's Day, on which people drive away the Ghost of Poverty by throwing out the garbage stored up during the festival. The ways vary but basically have the same meaning - to drive away the Ghost of Poverty, which reflects the general desire of the Chinese people to ring out the old and ring in the new, to send away the previous poverty and hardship and to usher in the good life of the New", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "7905932", "text": "Creature Comforts (album) Creature Comforts is the second album by American experimental noise band Black Dice. It was released in June 2004 by DFA Records (USA) and Fat Cat Records (UK). The album was preceded by the \"Miles of Smiles\" EP in March of the same year. Most tracks were recorded at the Water Music, Rare Book Room and DFA's Plantain studios in New York City. \"Live Loop\" is a live-recording from the 2001 Summer Tour 2001. Both James Murphy and Tim Goldsworthy assisted with the recording while Steve Revitte mixed the album. \"Creature Comforts\" is Black Dice's last album", "title": "Creature Comforts (album)" }, { "docid": "12555578", "text": "Malaysia, and Singapore, this day is celebrated by individuals seeking a romantic partner, akin to Valentine's Day. Nowadays, single women write their contact number on mandarin oranges and throw them in a river or a lake after which single men collect the oranges and eat them. The taste is an indication of their possible love: sweet represents a good fate while sour represents a bad fate. This day often marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities. A reunion dinner, named as \"Nian Ye Fan\", is held on New Year's Eve during which family members gather for a celebration.", "title": "Chinese New Year" }, { "docid": "14421815", "text": "Creature of Destruction Creature of Destruction is a 1967 American made-for-television film produced and directed by Larry Buchanan. It is an uncredited color remake of the 1956 movie \"The She Creature\" directed by Edward L. Cahn. Suave, silver-haired stage hypnotist and self-proclaimed clairvoyant and expert on reincarnation Dr. Basso's experiments in hypnotic regression take his beloved beautiful blonde assistant/unwilling test subject Doreena back to a prehistoric past life as an amphibious humanoid 'Gill Monster'. Using the entranced Doreena to summon the physical manifestation of the hideous fish-faced creature out of the depths of a nearby lake, the tuxedo and top", "title": "Creature of Destruction" }, { "docid": "5368873", "text": "The Creature from the Pit The Creature from the Pit is the third serial of the 17th season of the British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\", which was first broadcast in four weekly parts on BBC1 from 27 October to 17 November 1979. It is the first serial made to feature David Brierley as the voice of K9. The serial is set on the planet Chloris. In the serial, Lady Adrasta (Myra Frances) imprisons the Tythonian ambassador Erato in a pit for fifteen years in order to maintain her control over the planet's limited metal supply. The alien time", "title": "The Creature from the Pit" }, { "docid": "5368885", "text": "A novelisation of this serial, written by David Fisher, was published by Target Books in January 1981. Fisher amuses himself with lengthy discourses on life on Tythonus complete with a glossary. An audiobook was released by the BBC on 7 April 2008 read by Tom Baker as part of the \"Doctor Who: Classic Novels\" range. The audio book was broadcast on BBC Radio 7 in April and May 2010. \"The Creature from the Pit\" was released on VHS in July 2002. It was released on DVD in May 2010. The Creature from the Pit The Creature from the Pit is", "title": "The Creature from the Pit" }, { "docid": "17874384", "text": "Monkeys in Chinese culture Monkeys, particularly macaques and monkey-like gibbons, have played significant roles in Chinese culture for over two thousand years. Some examples familiar to English speakers include the zodiacal Year of the Monkey, the Monkey King Sun Wukong in the novel \"Journey to the West\", and Monkey Kung Fu. The Chinese language has numerous words meaning \"simian; monkey; ape\". Some diachronically changed meanings in reference to different simians. For instance, Chinese \"xingxing\" 猩猩 originally named \"a mythical creature with a human face and pig body\", and became the modern name for the \"orangutan\". Within the classification of Chinese", "title": "Monkeys in Chinese culture" } ]
In the 90s how many points have been awarded for finishing second in a Grand Prix?
[ "six", "6" ]
[ { "docid": "4002644", "text": "Lotus 93T, but switched to the team's spare car, a Cosworth DFV-powered Lotus 92, when the Renault unit failed on the warm-up lap. This was deemed illegal and so he was disqualified. Rosberg was disqualified for a push start in the pits, after his car momentarily caught fire during refueling. It was the second consecutive Brazilian Grand Prix in which Rosberg was disqualified from second place. Curiously, the drivers finishing behind him were not promoted, so the six points for second place were officially not awarded. 1983 Brazilian Grand Prix The 1983 Brazilian Grand Prix was a Formula One motor", "title": "1983 Brazilian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4006773", "text": "over Ferrari to six points with Williams passing Benetton for fourth position, 43 points behind Ferrari. 1999 French Grand Prix The 1999 French Grand Prix (formally the LXXXV Mobil 1 Grand Prix de France) was a Formula One motor race held on 27 June 1999 at the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours near Magny-Cours, France. It was the seventh race of the 1999 Formula One season. The 72-lap race was won by Heinz-Harald Frentzen driving a Jordan car after starting from fifth position. Mika Häkkinen finished second driving for McLaren, with Rubens Barrichello finishing third for the Stewart team. The remaining", "title": "1999 French Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "8698757", "text": "Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final The Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final (formerly Champions Series Final), often shortened to \"Grand Prix Final\" and abbreviated as \"GPF\", is a senior-level international figure skating competition. Medals are awarded in men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, and ice dancing. The event is the culmination of the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating series; skaters earn points for their placements and the top six from each discipline qualify to the Final. Although not an ISU Championship, the Grand Prix Final has been considered by the International Skating Union to be the second most", "title": "Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final" }, { "docid": "2468747", "text": "and no action was taken. Had the protest been upheld, Hawthorn would have lost seven points – six for finishing second and an extra one for recording the fastest lap. In the event, Moss's intervention allowed Hawthorn to win the Drivers' Championship title by one point – from Moss. This race was followed in 1959 by a Grand Prix at Monsanto, which was won again by Moss, this time in a mid-engined Cooper. Australian Jack Brabham hit a telegraph pole after swerving to hit the twice lapped local driver Mario Cabral; Brabham was thrown out of the car and landed", "title": "Portuguese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4004519", "text": "entire field except for second-placed Masten Gregory and third-placed Dan Gurney. Phil Hill and Graham Hill crashed into each other on lap 6, whilst Brabham had an enormous somersaulting crash from which he emerged unscathed. Gurney was the only Ferrari in the top eight with Maurice Trintignant and Harry Schell rounding off the top five. With Brabham failing to finish and Brooks finishing a distant five laps down in ninth, Moss closed the gap to just 9½ points behind Brabham and 5½ points behind Brooks in the championship race. 1959 Portuguese Grand Prix The 1959 Portuguese Grand Prix was a", "title": "1959 Portuguese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "7142596", "text": "Prix event sharing the same venue. With the exception of some Grands Prix that have multiple main events, most Grand Prixes are two day tournaments, taking place on weekends. They are run using a modified Swiss system. On First day (usually Saturday) eight rounds of Swiss are played, however the exact amount formerly depended on the number of participants. Competitors may be awarded up to three byes for earned , having a certain rating (later replaced by Planeswalker points), and winning special tournaments, called Grand Prix Trials. For events in 2018, All players achieving a 6-2 or better are qualified", "title": "Grand Prix (Magic: The Gathering)" }, { "docid": "6229939", "text": "to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 2005 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 2005 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 57th F.I.M. Road racing World Championship season. The 2005 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season began on 10 April at Jerez and closing on 6 November at Valencia. There were seventeen Grands Prix for the", "title": "2005 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "7554632", "text": "championship. In a fitting end to a successful career, Roberts won his last-ever Grand Prix race, however Spencer was able to secure second place to claim the world championship. The two riders dominated the season with each claiming six victories and six pole positions in the 12 race series. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1983: Points are awarded to the top ten finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1983 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1983 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 35th F.I.M. Road racing World Championship season.", "title": "1983 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "15019860", "text": "were divided into six groups. Group TC consisted of the Triple Crown—the French Open, the Wimbledon Championships and the US Open—while the other tournaments were given star ratings ranging from five stars to one star, based on prize money and draw size. Points were allocated based on these ratings and the finishing position of a player in a tournament. No points were awarded to first-round losers, and ties were settled by the number of tournaments played. The points allocation, with doubles points listed in brackets, is as follows: The 1976 Grand Prix tournaments were divided in six separate point categories,", "title": "1976 Grand Prix (tennis)" }, { "docid": "8563445", "text": "1950 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1950 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the second F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix season. The season consisted of six Grand Prix races in five classes: 500cc, 350cc, 250cc, 125cc and Sidecars 600cc. It began on 10 June, with Isle of Man TT and ended with Nations Grand Prix on 10 September. Points were awarded to the top six finishers in each race. All rounds counted towards the championship in the 125cc and Sidecars, the best three races counted in the 250cc, while in the 350cc and 500cc championships, only the", "title": "1950 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "8563446", "text": "best four results counted. 1950 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1950 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the second F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix season. The season consisted of six Grand Prix races in five classes: 500cc, 350cc, 250cc, 125cc and Sidecars 600cc. It began on 10 June, with Isle of Man TT and ended with Nations Grand Prix on 10 September. Points were awarded to the top six finishers in each race. All rounds counted towards the championship in the 125cc and Sidecars, the best three races counted in the 250cc, while in the 350cc and", "title": "1950 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "4005893", "text": "had lapped third-place runner Hill and the gap was down to 5 seconds, but then Senna lost control of his Williams and retired. After Senna's retirement Schumacher won comfortably, a lap ahead of Hill in second place and Alesi finishing third. Rubens Barrichello, Katayama and Wendlinger completed the top six, Katayama scoring his first points. 1994 Brazilian Grand Prix The 1994 Brazilian Grand Prix (formally the XXIII Grande Prêmio do Brasil) was a Formula One motor race held on 27 March 1994 at the Autódromo José Carlos Pace, São Paulo. It was the first race of the 1994 Formula One", "title": "1994 Brazilian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9309568", "text": "6, 4, 3, 2, 1. The 1997 season had 17 permanent riders and one wild card at each event. The permanent riders are highlighted in the results table below. 1997 Speedway Grand Prix The 1997 Speedway Grand Prix season was the third season in the Speedway Grand Prix era and was used to determine the Speedway World Champion. During 1997 the initial SGP scoring system was used for the final time. Each rider raced every other in the meeting with the top 4 qualifying for a final - the points for all other riders determined their finishing position in the", "title": "1997 Speedway Grand Prix" } ]
[ { "docid": "6529459", "text": "were called \"chicken points\" and the tournaments at which these points were awarded was called the \"Chicken circuit\". As years passed, the sponsorship has changed. For several years the sponsor was Novag, a maker of chess computers. Currently, the sponsor is ChessCafe. The late Grandmaster Igor V. Ivanov won the Grand Prix of chess nine times. In more recent years, the usual winner had been the late Grandmaster Aleksander Wojtkiewicz. Also, recently, a Grand Prix for younger chess players has been started, through the online chess site World Chess Live, with online tournaments where players earn points based on how", "title": "USCF Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "6529460", "text": "they do. USCF Grand Prix The USCF Grand Prix is a set of chess tournaments for prize money rated by the United States Chess Federation. In general, a tournament must have at least $300 in guaranteed prizes to award \"Grand Prix\" points. At the end of the year, prizes are awarded to players with the most points. The first prize is usually $10,000. These prizes provide incentives to grandmasters to play in small regional tournaments which they would otherwise avoid. The Grand Prix of chess was started in the 1980s by Church's Chicken. As a result, the points awarded at", "title": "USCF Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "6529458", "text": "USCF Grand Prix The USCF Grand Prix is a set of chess tournaments for prize money rated by the United States Chess Federation. In general, a tournament must have at least $300 in guaranteed prizes to award \"Grand Prix\" points. At the end of the year, prizes are awarded to players with the most points. The first prize is usually $10,000. These prizes provide incentives to grandmasters to play in small regional tournaments which they would otherwise avoid. The Grand Prix of chess was started in the 1980s by Church's Chicken. As a result, the points awarded at these tournaments", "title": "USCF Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9309671", "text": "1996 Speedway Grand Prix The 1996 Speedway Grand Prix season was the second season in the Speedway Grand Prix era and was used to determine the Speedway World Champion. Grand Prix series was won by Billy Hamill; it was his first and only World Champion title. During 1996 the initial SGP scoring system used in 1995 remained in place. Each rider raced every other in the meeting with the top 4 qualifying for a final - the points for all other riders determined their finishing position in the meeting and therefore their championship Grand Prix points. The 4 finalists scored", "title": "1996 Speedway Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "460024", "text": "Prix, Mansell having won it in 1987. Three consecutive victories became four when Mansell won again in Germany, with Patrese about 10 seconds behind him in second place. Senna ended Williams's run of victories by winning in Hungary, finishing five seconds ahead of Mansell. Mansell later won the Italian Grand Prix and the Spanish Grand Prix, while Patrese won the Portuguese Grand Prix after Mansell's race was ruined by a botched pitstop in which only three wheel nuts were fitted. Williams finished second in the Constructors' Championship, scoring 125 points in total, 14 points behind McLaren. Mansell finished second in", "title": "Williams Grand Prix Engineering" }, { "docid": "4244706", "text": "Hunt, driving a McLaren-Ford. In wet conditions, Hunt held off a late charge from Mario Andretti in the Lotus-Ford to take his second consecutive Watkins Glen victory. Jody Scheckter was third in the Wolf-Ford, while Niki Lauda clinched his second Drivers' Championship by finishing fourth in his Ferrari. For the first time, the American race was being held before the Canadian Grand Prix, which would follow a week later. Lauda led the championship with 69 points, while Jody Scheckter was second with 42 points. With nine points being awarded for a win, Lauda needed only to score one point in", "title": "1977 United States Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "3074856", "text": "2004 Australian Grand Prix The 2004 Australian Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held on 7 March 2004 at the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit. Michael Schumacher won the race for Ferrari from pole position in very dominant fashion, with his teammate Rubens Barrichello finishing behind him in second. This one-two finish gave Ferrari a strong 9 point lead in the constructors' standings after just one race. Williams, Renault and BAR each had both cars finish in the points, while McLaren, a team that had enjoyed success in years preceding this, only managed one point, with David Coulthard finishing", "title": "2004 Australian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "18775624", "text": "entrant points standings from the previous race; the Grand Prix of St. Petersburg. Points include 1 point for leading at least 1 lap during a race, an additional 2 points for leading the most race laps, and 1 point for Pole Position. 2015 Indy Grand Prix of Louisiana The 2015 Indy Grand Prix of Louisiana was the second round of the 2015 IndyCar Series season, and the race took place on April 12 in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the NOLA Motorsports Park. The race was won by James Hinchcliffe for Schmidt Peterson Motorsports. Hélio Castroneves finishing second for Team Penske.", "title": "2015 Indy Grand Prix of Louisiana" }, { "docid": "9907934", "text": "contention to clinch the drivers' title in the remaining two rounds. His Ferrari teammate, Felipe Massa, dropped out of championship contention after finishing the race in sixth position. Massa was now ten points behind Räikkönen. As far as the World Constructors' Championship was concerned, Ferrari were leading the standings on 170 points. McLaren would have been leading the table on 202 points had they not been given a penalty in the Hungarian Grand Prix and their eventual disqualification from the championship due to the espionage controversy that year. BMW Sauber remained second in the standings, 78 points behind Ferrari, after", "title": "2007 Japanese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "13117126", "text": "the race did not reach the required 75% distance (42 laps) for full points to be awarded, half-points were given instead, for only the fifth time in Formula One history and the first since the 1991 Australian Grand Prix. The race distance of was the fifth-shortest ever covered in a World Championship Grand Prix. Brawn GP became only the second constructor to win their first two World Championship Grands Prix since Alfa Romeo won the first two ever, in . After the Australian Grand Prix, Jenson Button led the Drivers' Championship by two points from Rubens Barrichello and by four", "title": "2009 Malaysian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "8695611", "text": "being the Great Final), and all 16 received a constant amount of points for a given place in a tournament (irrespective of how many points they had earned). For the 2005 season, there were 15 permanent riders, joined at each Grand Prix by one wild card. They were, in rider number order: Result: Europe • Sweden • Slovenia • Great Britain • Copenhagen • Denmark • Scandinavia • Poland • Italy 2005 Speedway Grand Prix The 2005 Speedway Grand Prix season is the 11th season in the Speedway Grand Prix era and is used to determine the Speedway World Champion.", "title": "2005 Speedway Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "7568021", "text": "then won his first-ever 500 cc Grand Prix with a win at the Austrian Grand Prix, quickly followed by two more victories in France and Italy to take the championship points lead. Hennen's promising career was cut short when he suffered head injuries while competing in the Isle of Man TT during a break in the Grand Prix season schedule. Cecotto won the Dutch TT with Roberts finishing ahead of a resurgent Sheene in third place. Hartog would claim the Belgian Grand Prix for Suzuki with Roberts and Sheene once again finishing in second and third places respectively. At the", "title": "1978 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "4005871", "text": "1993 Japanese Grand Prix The 1993 Japanese Grand Prix (formally the XIX Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix) was a Formula One motor race held at Suzuka on 24 October 1993. It was the fifteenth and penultimate round of the 1993 Formula One season. The 53-lap race was won by McLaren driver Ayrton Senna after he started from second position. Alain Prost finished second for the Williams team and Senna's teammate Mika Häkkinen came in third. Eddie Irvine made his debut for Jordan, finishing 6th (thereby scoring his first points) and then being punched by Ayrton Senna for unlapping himself during", "title": "1993 Japanese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4007356", "text": "passed Jordan for fifth place on 18 points, with one race of the season remaining. 2000 Japanese Grand Prix The 2000 Japanese Grand Prix (formally the XXVI Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix) was a Formula One motor race held on 8 October 2000 at the Suzuka Circuit in Suzuka, Japan. It was the 16th and penultimate round of the 2000 Formula One season, as well as, the 26th Japanese Grand Prix. The 53-lap race was won by Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher after starting from pole position. Mika Häkkinen finished second in a McLaren with teammate David Coulthard finishing third. Schumacher's", "title": "2000 Japanese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9139586", "text": "developed in the 1950s, to aluminium frames featuring large, twin beams as first pioneered by Spanish constructor, Antonio Cobas. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1981: Points are awarded to the top ten finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1981 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1981 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 33rd F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. Suzuki riders Marco Lucchinelli and Randy Mamola battled it out to the final race of the season with the Italian rider claiming the crown and Mamola finishing runner-up for the", "title": "1981 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "9309792", "text": "1995 Speedway Grand Prix The 1995 Speedway Grand Prix season was the first season in the Speedway Grand Prix era and was used to determine the Speedway World Champion. Grand Prix series was won by Hans Nielsen; it was his fourth World Champion title. For the new Speedway Grand Prix series it remained the case at each meeting that each rider raced every other once with the top 4 qualifying for a final - the points for all other riders determined their finishing position in the meeting and therefore their championship Grand Prix points. The 4 finalists scored 20, 18,", "title": "1995 Speedway Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9309567", "text": "1997 Speedway Grand Prix The 1997 Speedway Grand Prix season was the third season in the Speedway Grand Prix era and was used to determine the Speedway World Champion. During 1997 the initial SGP scoring system was used for the final time. Each rider raced every other in the meeting with the top 4 qualifying for a final - the points for all other riders determined their finishing position in the meeting and therefore their championship Grand Prix points. The 4 finalists scored 25, 20, 18 and 16 points, with the reminder scoring 14, 13, 12, 11, 9, 8, 7,", "title": "1997 Speedway Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4007145", "text": "Häkkinen and eight ahead of Barrichello. Despite not finishing, Fisichella maintained fifth place with 18 points. In the Constructors' Championship, Ferrari maintained their lead with 92 points, McLaren's 10-point penalty meant that they remained second on 88 points. Williams jumped to third on 19 points, pushing Benetton into fourth on 18 points and BAR with 12 points moved ahead of Jordan into fifth, with seven rounds of the season remaining. 2000 Austrian Grand Prix The 2000 Austrian Grand Prix (formally the XXIV Großer A1 Preis von Österreich) was a Formula One motor race held on 16 July 2000 at the", "title": "2000 Austrian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9153963", "text": "time ranked him second only to Giacomo Agostini. For 125cc and 80cc, an additional post-season event on the Hockenheimring (located in the German state of Baden-Württemberg) was designated as the Baden-Württemberg Grand Prix and counted towards the championships in these classes. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1986: Points are awarded to the top ten finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1986 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1986 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 38th F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. A second world championship for the consistent Eddie", "title": "1986 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "4007319", "text": "2000 Japanese Grand Prix The 2000 Japanese Grand Prix (formally the XXVI Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix) was a Formula One motor race held on 8 October 2000 at the Suzuka Circuit in Suzuka, Japan. It was the 16th and penultimate round of the 2000 Formula One season, as well as, the 26th Japanese Grand Prix. The 53-lap race was won by Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher after starting from pole position. Mika Häkkinen finished second in a McLaren with teammate David Coulthard finishing third. Schumacher's win confirmed him as 2000 Drivers' Champion, as Häkkinen could not surpass Schumacher's points total", "title": "2000 Japanese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4004810", "text": "Surtees (Ferrari) with 34, and Jim Clark (Lotus 33-Climax) with 30. In order to win the title, Clark had to win the race, with Surtees finishing not higher than third and Hill not higher than fourth. Surtees could only win the title by finishing first, in each case, or second, unless Hill finished as high as third. The race began with Clark leading from pole position with Dan Gurney running second in the Brabham-Climax (Gurney had only ten points going into this race having won the French Grand Prix and scored a sixth place at the Belgian Grand Prix). Hill", "title": "1964 Mexican Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "460059", "text": "the year. Ferrari dominated for a third consecutive season, winning 15 of the 18 races. Williams picked-up a win at the final race in Brazil, with Juan Pablo Montoya finishing one second ahead of Kimi Räikkönen's McLaren; this remained Williams's last F1 win until the 2012 Spanish Grand Prix. Another low part of the season was when both Williams and Toyota were disqualified from the Canadian Grand Prix after it was discovered that both cars had brake irregularities, the brake ducts seemingly not conforming to regulations. Williams finished the season in fourth, scoring 88 points and finishing on the podium", "title": "Williams Grand Prix Engineering" }, { "docid": "13841610", "text": "thought the event should have been stopped before visibility became poor. Nevertheless, the Grand Prix was awarded the Race Promoters Trophy at the FIA Gala Awards held in Monte Carlo in December 2010. As a consequence of the race, Alonso moved back into the lead of the Drivers' Championship on 231 points. Webber's failure to score meant he fell to second, eleven points behind Alonso. Hamilton's second-place finish resulted in him moving ahead of Vettel, with Button remaining in fifth. Red Bull still led the Constructors' Championship despite not getting both cars to the finish. McLaren remained in second with", "title": "2010 Korean Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4002645", "text": "1983 French Grand Prix The 1983 French Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held at Paul Ricard on April 17, 1983. French driver Alain Prost won the race for the Renault team, and this was the French marque's 3rd French Grand Prix win in a row and the 4th in 5 seasons. Second was the Brabham-BMW of World Champion Nelson Piquet, with Prost's Renault teammate Eddie Cheever finishing third. Rounding out the points finishers were Patrick Tambay in his Ferrari, and the non-turbo Williamses of Keke Rosberg and Jacques Laffite. This was the final time that both Renault", "title": "1983 French Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9669206", "text": "Räikkönen and Hamilton were equal on points. The last time the top three were level on points was in 1950 after the Indianapolis 500. By finishing second, Hamilton became the first driver in Formula One history to finish on the podium in each of his first three World Championship Grands Prix; the previous record was two consecutive podium finishes, achieved by Peter Arundell in the 1964 season. 2007 Bahrain Grand Prix The 2007 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race and was the third round of the 2007 Formula One season. It was held on 15", "title": "2007 Bahrain Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "460023", "text": "Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal, Williams locked out the front row only for Patrese to drop back with gearbox problems and Mansell to retire from the lead on the final lap with an electrical fault. At the following race, in Mexico, Williams achieved a 1–2, Patrese finishing ahead of Mansell to score 16 points for the Williams team. Williams then ran a streak of victories, with Mansell winning the French Grand Prix, five seconds ahead of Alain Prost's Ferrari. Mansell then won again at the British Grand Prix; it had been four years since a Briton had won the Grand", "title": "Williams Grand Prix Engineering" }, { "docid": "14875511", "text": "Mark Webber finished the race in second and third respectively. The race was notable for having the fewest retirements and the most finishers ever in a Formula One Grand Prix. As a consequence of the race, Vettel extended his lead in the Drivers' Championship standings to 77 points over Jenson Button and Webber. By finishing first and third, Red Bull extended their Constructors' Championship standings lead to 89 points over nearest rivals McLaren. In the week leading up to the , FIA race director Charlie Whiting announced that the Canadian Grand Prix would see the introduction of a secondary drag", "title": "2011 European Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "12869086", "text": "be moved from 25 April to 3 October, due to the disruption to air travel after the second eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. Rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. Rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. Rider has to finish the race to earn points. 2010 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 2010 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 62nd F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. It was", "title": "2010 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "4002436", "text": "races of the season. Pironi won by 47 seconds over Australian driver and eventual 1980 champion, Alan Jones driving a Williams FW07B. Third was Jones' Williams teammate Argentinian driver, Carlos Reutemann. It was the first of three wins in Pironi's accident-shortened Formula One career. Jones' second place allowed him to close to within two points of series leader René Arnoux who had collected three points for finishing fourth in his Renault RE20. Piquet was one point behind Jones with Pironi just one point further behind. 1980 Belgian Grand Prix The 1980 Belgian Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race", "title": "1980 Belgian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4006756", "text": "1999 French Grand Prix The 1999 French Grand Prix (formally the LXXXV Mobil 1 Grand Prix de France) was a Formula One motor race held on 27 June 1999 at the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours near Magny-Cours, France. It was the seventh race of the 1999 Formula One season. The 72-lap race was won by Heinz-Harald Frentzen driving a Jordan car after starting from fifth position. Mika Häkkinen finished second driving for McLaren, with Rubens Barrichello finishing third for the Stewart team. The remaining points-scoring positions were filled by Ralf Schumacher (Williams), Michael Schumacher (Ferrari), Eddie Irvine (Ferrari). As a", "title": "1999 French Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "18775621", "text": "2015 Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg The 2015 Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg was the first round of the 2015 IndyCar Series, the race took place on March 29 in St. Petersburg, Florida, on the city's temporary street course. The race was won by Juan Pablo Montoya with Will Power finishing second, both racing for Team Penske. Tony Kanaan finished third ahead of Hélio Castroneves, and Simon Pagenaud. The top finishing rookie in the race was Gabby Chaves, in 17th position. Points include 1 point for leading at least 1 lap during a race, an additional 2 points", "title": "2015 Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg" }, { "docid": "8714641", "text": "by finishing 161 with treble 20, treble 17, and bullseye. Three nine-darters have been thrown at the World Grand Prix. The first one was in 2011. An average over 100 in a match in the World Grand Prix has been achieved 16 times, of which Phil Taylor is responsible for 9. The World Pairs event which preceded the introduction of this event was held between 1995 and 1998. The World Grand Prix has been broadcast in the UK by Sky Sports since the first tournament. World Grand Prix (darts) The World Grand Prix is a PDC darts tournament held in", "title": "World Grand Prix (darts)" }, { "docid": "17205217", "text": "prix points for first place, 130 for second place, 110 for third place, and then 90 down to 10 points by steps of 10. In case of a tie in points the grand prix points are shared evenly by the tied players. Players only counted their best three tournament results. The player with the most grand prix points is the winner. Players invited bases on qualifying criteria were: The prize money has been increased from €40,000 to €60,000 per single Grand Prix and from €60,000 to €90,000 for the overall Grand Prix finishes. With the objective of determining a clear,", "title": "FIDE Women's Grand Prix 2013–14" }, { "docid": "7978579", "text": "1957 Moroccan Grand Prix The 1957 Moroccan Grand Prix (officially named the \"VI Grand Prix de Maroc\") was a non-championship Formula One motor race held in 1957, with no points going towards the World Championship. It was held over 55 laps of the 7.651 km Ain-Diab Circuit on 27 October 1957. This race was won by French driver Jean Behra in a Maserati 250F winning by 30.1 seconds, from British driver Stuart Lewis-Evans in a Vanwall VW5 in second place, and another French driver Maurice Trintignant finishing third in a BRM P25. The race coincided with an outbreak of Asian", "title": "1957 Moroccan Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "15010760", "text": "in 1979: 1979 Grand Prix (tennis) The 1979 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix was a professional tennis circuit held that year. It consisted of four Grand Slam tournaments, the Grand Prix tournaments and the Nations Cup, a team event. The table below shows the 1979 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix schedule (a precursor of the ATP Tour). The tournaments listed above were divided into twelve point categories. The highest points were allocated to the Grand Slam tournaments; French Open, the Wimbledon Championships, the US Open and the Australian Open. Points were allocated based on these categories and the finishing position of a player in", "title": "1979 Grand Prix (tennis)" }, { "docid": "15019851", "text": "went to third–ranked Eddie Dibbs. The table below shows the 1978 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix schedule (a forerunner to the ATP Tour). The tournaments of the 1978 Grand Prix circuit were divided into nine point categories. The highest points were allocated to the Grand Slam tournaments; French Open, the Wimbledon Championships, the US Open and the Australian Open. The eight WCT events were part of the $175,000-plus \"Super Grand Prix\" category. Points were allocated based on these categories and the finishing position of a player in a tournament. The points table is based on a 32 player draw. No points were", "title": "1978 Grand Prix (tennis)" }, { "docid": "15010758", "text": "1979 Grand Prix (tennis) The 1979 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix was a professional tennis circuit held that year. It consisted of four Grand Slam tournaments, the Grand Prix tournaments and the Nations Cup, a team event. The table below shows the 1979 Colgate-Palmolive Grand Prix schedule (a precursor of the ATP Tour). The tournaments listed above were divided into twelve point categories. The highest points were allocated to the Grand Slam tournaments; French Open, the Wimbledon Championships, the US Open and the Australian Open. Points were allocated based on these categories and the finishing position of a player in a tournament.", "title": "1979 Grand Prix (tennis)" }, { "docid": "8846377", "text": "7, 7, etc. Places after 8th place were awarded according to the time a rider was knocked out and, secondly, according to position in the last heat he rode in. The 2004 season had 22 permanent riders and two wild cards at each event. The permanent riders are highlighted in the results table below. Calendar 2004 Speedway Grand Prix The 2004 Speedway Grand Prix season is the tenth season in the Speedway Grand Prix era and is used to determine the Speedway World Champion. After finishing second in 2001, 2002 and 2003, Jason Crump broke through to become Australia's first", "title": "2004 Speedway Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9713235", "text": "its raw speed, and they finished the constructor's championship in second place, ahead of Yamaha and behind Honda. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 2003: There were no calendar changes for the 2003 season. 250 cc participants Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 2003 Grand Prix motorcycle racing", "title": "2003 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "9529121", "text": "outstanding prior to the Spanish Grand Prix had been paid off before the next scheduled event in the championship, the French Grand Prix, which resulted in the drivers' having their racing licences returned and the event proceeding with a full entry of teams and drivers. Despite not being awarded points for his victory in the Spanish Grand Prix, Jones would go on to win the 1980 World Championship of Drivers. Speaking after the conclusion of the season, Jones said of the race \"Whatever Balestre or anyone else says, that was a Grand Prix as far as I'm concerned, and I", "title": "1980 Spanish Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "19631703", "text": "who beat world champion Tai Woffinden, Bartosz Zmarzlik and Greg Hancock in the final. Piotr Pawlicki Jr. had initially top scored during the 20 qualifying heats, but was eliminated in the semi-finals. By finishing second, and scoring 15 points, Woffinden closed the gap on Hancock at the top of the world championship standings to just three points. 2016 Speedway Grand Prix of Great Britain The 2016 Adrian Flux British FIM Speedway Grand Prix was the fifth race of the 2016 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on 9 July at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. For the fifth", "title": "2016 Speedway Grand Prix of Great Britain" }, { "docid": "4002904", "text": "had the error not been made. The final points were taken by Derek Warwick in the second Renault and Marc Surer in the second Brabham. In the Drivers' Championship, Prost moved to within two points of Alboreto, while in the Constructors' Championship McLaren moved up to second, 18 points behind Ferrari. 1985 British Grand Prix The 1985 British Grand Prix (formally the XXXVIII Marlboro British Grand Prix) was a Formula One motor race held at Silverstone on 21 July 1985. It was the eighth round of the 1985 FIA Formula One World Championship. The 65-lap race was won by McLaren", "title": "1985 British Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "19247046", "text": "Constructors' Championship, Mercedes held a lead of 208 points. Red Bull Racing was placed second and Ferrari third. Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel was the defending race winner. Rosberg started the race from pole position and led throughout, holding off a late challenge by Daniel Ricciardo to win by less than half a second in his 200th race in Formula One. Sebastian Vettel was awarded the Driver of the Day award after moving 17 spots to claim 5th position. Notes: 2016 Singapore Grand Prix The 2016 Singapore Grand Prix (formally known as the 2016 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix)", "title": "2016 Singapore Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "13746313", "text": "their rival McLaren in second. Mercedes were in third place with 18 points with Red Bull a further two points adrift in fourth. Force India were in fifth on two points. Alonso had won the previous race in Bahrain with his team-mate Massa finishing second. Hamilton secured third place. The reigning Drivers' Champion Jenson Button who had won the 2009 Australian Grand Prix was pleased to be returning to Albert Park and set himself the target of finishing on the podium. After losing victory in Bahrain because of a faulty spark plug, Vettel was certain that Red Bull could challenge", "title": "2010 Australian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "2006921", "text": "in . It and the Italian Grand Prix are the only two Formula One World Championship Grands Prix that have been staged during every season that the championship has been held. It was designated the European Grand Prix five times between 1950 and 1977, when this title was an honorary designation given each year to one Grand Prix race in Europe. All British Grands Prix dating back to 1926 have been held in England; where the British motor racing industry is primarily located. Since 1948, it has been customary that the winner of the race is awarded the British Grand", "title": "British Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "20827824", "text": "2018 Speedway Grand Prix of Great Britain The 2018 Adrian Flux British FIM Speedway Grand Prix was the fifth race of the 2018 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on July 21st at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. The Speedway Grand Prix Commission nominated Robert Lambert as the wild card, and Daniel Bewley and Jason Garrity both as Track Reserves. The Grand Prix was won by Bartosz Zmarzlik, who beat Tai Woffinden, Maciej Janowski and Greg Hancock in the final. As a result of finishing second, Woffinden extended his overall lead in the championship to 20 points. Fredrik", "title": "2018 Speedway Grand Prix of Great Britain" }, { "docid": "9192742", "text": "11 races for a commanding win on an Aprilia. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1997: †† = Saturday race †† = Saturday race Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. 1997 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1997 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 49th F.I.M. Road", "title": "1997 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "9078849", "text": "125 title for Aprilia after a tight battle with Tomomi Manako and Marco Melandri. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1998: †† = Saturday race †† = Saturday race Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. 1998 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1998 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season", "title": "1998 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "9682249", "text": "the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 2002 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 2002 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 54th Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) Road Racing World Championship season. The season consist of 16 races, which started with the Japanese Grand Prix on 7 April and ended with the Valencian Community Grand Prix", "title": "2002 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "16763362", "text": "finishing third for Schmidt Hamilton Motorsports. It was Hunter-Reay's fourth win for the year. With just one race left in the season, Hunter-Reay's victory, coupled with Will Power finishing in sixth position closed the gap between the two championship rivals to just 17 points. Points include 1 point for pole position and 2 points for most laps led. 2012 Grand Prix of Baltimore The Grand Prix of Baltimore presented by SRT was an open-wheel IndyCar motor race and held as the fourteenth and penultimate round of the 2012 IndyCar Series season. It took place on Sunday, September 2, 2012. The", "title": "2012 Grand Prix of Baltimore" }, { "docid": "9159815", "text": "the inaugural Grand Prix in his home country. Another Australian made his Grand Prix debut for the Rothmans Honda team with Mick Doohan scoring a third-place finish at the Hockenheimring. The FIM awarded half points for the rain-drenched Belgian Grand Prix after organisers restarted the race three times contrary to FIM race regulations. The Nations Grand Prix at Misano was boycotted by most of the top riders for safety reasons. Sito Pons won a second consecutive 250 championship for Honda while Spanish teenager, Àlex Crivillé won the 125 crown on a JJ Cobas. Derbi rider Manuel Herreros had the honor", "title": "1989 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "20357291", "text": "in the final. It was Zagar's second successive Grand Prix win after finishing first in Germany the round before. Doyle, who equalled the record number of final appearances in one season with nine, initially top scored in the qualifying heats, however third place saw him move 22 points clear of Patryk Dudek, who failed to make the semi-finals. 2017 Speedway Grand Prix of Scandinavia The 2017 Stockholm FIM Speedway Grand Prix was the tenth race of the 2017 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on September 22 at the Friends Arena in Stockholm, Sweden. First reserve Peter Kildemand replaced", "title": "2017 Speedway Grand Prix of Scandinavia" }, { "docid": "19038859", "text": "only dropped one point in the entire meeting, finishing to Jason Doyle in heat 18. Overall, Woffinden extended his lead in the world title race to 25 points, with Hancock leapfrogging Pedersen into second place. 2015 Speedway Grand Prix of Slovenia The 2015 Mitas Slovenian FIM Speedway Grand Prix was the ninth race of the 2015 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on September 12 at the Matija Gubec Stadium in Krško, Slovenia. First reserve Peter Kildemand replaced Jarosław Hampel, who had injured himself during the 2015 Speedway World Cup. The Speedway Grand Prix Commission also nominated Aleksander Čonda", "title": "2015 Speedway Grand Prix of Slovenia" }, { "docid": "4005240", "text": "rear wing. Brabham held on to second place, scoring what would turn out to be his final points in Formula One, with New Zealander Denny Hulme finishing third for McLaren. This was the first Formula One race for Brazilian future World Champion Emerson Fittipaldi, who qualified 21st and finished eighth in an older Lotus 49. It was also the final F1 race for American Dan Gurney. 1970 British Grand Prix The 1970 British Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held at Brands Hatch on 18 July 1970. It was race 7 of 13 in both the 1970 World", "title": "1970 British Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "11167597", "text": "the Drivers' Championship, falling four points behind Kubica. Massa tied on points with Hamilton, while Räikkönen was three points further behind. Heidfeld remained fifth. Before the race, Ferrari had been 16 points ahead of McLaren in the Constructors' Championship; after the race, BMW moved up into second position and reduced Ferrari's lead to 3 points. McLaren fell down to third place, 17 points behind BMW. 2008 Canadian Grand Prix The 2008 Canadian Grand Prix (formally the XLV Grand Prix du Canada) was a Formula One motor race held on 8 June 2008 at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.", "title": "2008 Canadian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "6219946", "text": "the FIA GT World Cup for Manufacturers is presented to the manufacturer supplying the cars with a manufacturer entry with the highest number of points after addition of the points of its two best cars awarded according to the result of the Main Race. Macau Grand Prix The Macau Grand Prix (; ) is a motorsport road race for automobiles and motorcycles held annually in Macau. It is the only street circuit racing event in which both cars and motorcycles participate. The first Macau Grand Prix event was held in 1954, as a sports car event. In 1961, the title", "title": "Macau Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "8960552", "text": "the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. Rider has to finish the race to earn points. 2007 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 2007 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 59th F.I.M Road Racing World Championship season. The 2007 season was significant as it introduced a new regulation which specifies that competitors in the MotoGP class can use up to 800 cc motorcycles; between 2002 and 2006, competitors had been allowed to use 990 cc motorcycles. While the 800cc motorcycles have less power than their 990cc counterparts, their ability to brake later and", "title": "2007 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "4003149", "text": "one usable car which went to Brundle. With Piquet finishing third ahead of both Mansell and Senna, Piquet expanded his championship points lead to 18 points over Senna and 24 over Mansell. Numbers in brackets refer to positions of normally aspirated entrants competing for the Jim Clark Trophy. 1987 Portuguese Grand Prix The 1987 Portuguese Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held at Estoril on 20 September 1987. It was the twelfth round of the 1987 Formula One season. It was the 16th Portuguese Grand Prix and the fourth to be held at Estoril. The race was held", "title": "1987 Portuguese Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4004556", "text": "a suspension failure while leading, and took over Maurice Trintignant's Cooper, but was not awarded points for third place as a result of the shared drive, a rule that had been in place since 1958. Venezuelan driver Ettore Chimeri participated in his only grand prix. He was killed two weeks later driving a Ferrari 250 TR in Havana. He was the first driver from his country in Formula One, and the last until Johnny Cecotto in 1983. It was the only grand prix appearances for Antonio Creus, Alberto Rodriguez Larreta and Roberto Bonomi. It was also the last grand prix", "title": "1960 Argentine Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "9174443", "text": "1991: Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1991 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1991 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 43rd F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. The beginning of the 1990s marked a golden age for Grand Prix motorcycle racing. The rivalry between Wayne Rainey and Kevin Schwantz was in full flow while Mick Doohan started to come into his own. Eddie Lawson had switched to Cagiva", "title": "1991 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "11453581", "text": "points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. Rider has to finish the race to earn points. † Half-points awarded in Qatar, as the riders did not complete the sufficient distance for full points. † Following Loris Capirossi's engine change, Suzuki was given a ten-point penalty in the constructors' championship at the Australian Grand Prix because of the new for 2009 MotoGP engine change limit rule which restricts each rider to five engines for the final seven rounds. † Half-points awarded in Qatar, as the riders did not complete the sufficient distance for full points. 2009 Grand Prix motorcycle", "title": "2009 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "18936324", "text": "top scored with 13 points during the qualifying rides, however Pedersen outgated his rivals in the final and stayed ahead to claim the top spot on the podium. Despite finishing second, Woffinden maintained his nine-point lead over Pedersen in the race for the world title. 2015 Speedway Grand Prix of Sweden The 2015 Swedish FIM Speedway Grand Prix was the sixth race of the 2015 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on July 25 at the G&B Arena in Målilla, Sweden. First reserve Peter Kildemand replaced Jarosław Hampel, who had injured himself during the 2015 Speedway World Cup. The", "title": "2015 Speedway Grand Prix of Sweden" }, { "docid": "9909279", "text": "stated he was \"much happier with the car\", as he became the first Finn to win the race. Kubica was a lonely fourth, with Fisichella, Heidfeld, Alonso and Button rounding out the points. Despite it being Button's first points of 2007, he said that he was \"not getting too excited about it\". Despite finishing seventh, Alonso was still confident about his title chances, saying that he hoped the \"two points are important at the end of the season\". 2007 French Grand Prix The 2007 French Grand Prix (formally the XCIII Grand Prix de France) was a Formula One motor race", "title": "2007 French Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "10924165", "text": "driver John Smith finished second, with French Formula One driver Jacques Laffite finishing third. As of the 2016 Australian Grand Prix, Smith's second placing was the last time an Australian driver has finished on the podium of the Australian Grand Prix. The best finish since by an Australian was Alfie Costanzo's fourth place in 1984 and Mark Webber finishing fourth in 2012. Daniel Ricciardo finished second on the road in the 2014 Australian Grand Prix but was disqualified post race for breaching the maximum fuel limit and using an unauthorised method of measuring fuel consumption. Results as follows: 1983 Australian", "title": "1983 Australian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "18775622", "text": "for leading the most race laps, and 1 point for Pole Position. 2015 Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg The 2015 Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg was the first round of the 2015 IndyCar Series, the race took place on March 29 in St. Petersburg, Florida, on the city's temporary street course. The race was won by Juan Pablo Montoya with Will Power finishing second, both racing for Team Penske. Tony Kanaan finished third ahead of Hélio Castroneves, and Simon Pagenaud. The top finishing rookie in the race was Gabby Chaves, in 17th position. Points include 1 point for", "title": "2015 Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg" }, { "docid": "9192086", "text": "Jacque in the 250 class and Valentino Rossi in the 125 class. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1996: †† = Saturday race †† = Saturday race Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1996 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1996 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the", "title": "1996 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "3834519", "text": "the A1 Grand Prix World Cup of Motorsport since the 2005–06 season. The World Cup of Motorsport was awarded to the A1 Grand Prix team which accumulated the most points over the course of a season. The A1GP formula provided a single \"spec\" car for each team. Each car was mechanically identical, built with many technical restrictions designed to limit performance, reduce running costs, and prevent any one or number of teams gaining an advantage through better equipment. This regulation provided a level playing field in which driver skill and team effort should become the primary factor for success. Specifically,", "title": "A1 Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "19636595", "text": "back of the field, finished fourth. Despite fading in the last laps of the race, Conor Daly still placed a respectable sixth, making him the highest finishing rookie in the race. Points include 1 point for leading at least 1 lap during a race, an additional 2 points for leading the most race laps, and 1 point for Pole Position. 2016 Grand Prix of Indianapolis The 2016 Grand Prix of Indianapolis, officially known as the 2016 Angie's List Grand Prix of Indianapolis for sponsorship reasons, was the fifth round of the 2016 IndyCar Series season. The race took place over", "title": "2016 Grand Prix of Indianapolis" }, { "docid": "9676794", "text": "Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 2001: †† = Saturday race †† = Saturday race Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. Points were awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider had to finish the race to earn points. 2001 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 2001 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 53rd F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. 2001 was the end of the 500", "title": "2001 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "9137139", "text": "and Stefan Dörflinger traded wins, each rider winning three races, but Dörflinger took the title because of his three second-place finishes. The following Grands Prix were scheduled to take place in 1982: Points are awarded to the top ten finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1982 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1982 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 34th F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. Italian Franco Uncini on the Roberto Gallina backed Suzuki took a well-earned championship for Roberto Gallina's Italian Suzuki team in the 500cc class. Yamaha introduced a new motorcycle", "title": "1982 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "9186293", "text": "rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. 1994 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season The 1994 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season was the 46th F.I.M. Road Racing World Championship season. 1994 was the year in which Honda's Mick Doohan began to stamp his authority on the Grand Prix world. Honda's Longtime sponsor Rothmans left Honda to join Williams Renault in Formula One. Doohan", "title": "1994 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "18603449", "text": "lost the rear and spun\". He did however voice satisfaction with his result, finishing eighth and taking four championship points. 2015 Canadian Grand Prix The 2015 Canadian Grand Prix, formally known as the Formula 1 Grand Prix du Canada 2015, was a Formula One motor race held on 7 June 2015 at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The race was the seventh round of the 2015 season, and marked the 52nd running of the Canadian Grand Prix. Daniel Ricciardo was the defending race winner, having won his first ever grand prix the year before. Lewis Hamilton of", "title": "2015 Canadian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "10924164", "text": "1983 Australian Grand Prix The 1983 Australian Grand Prix was a race for Australian Formula 1 cars held at Calder Park Raceway on 13 November 1983. It was the forty eighth Australian Grand Prix and the fourth to be held at Calder. The race was also the sixth and final round of the 1983 Australian Drivers' Championship. The title had already been secured by Alfredo Costanzo as he had been twenty points ahead of Andrew Miedecke after winning the previous event at Winton Raceway. Brazilian driver Roberto Moreno won his second Australian Grand Prix in three years. Local Ralt RT4", "title": "1983 Australian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "14879101", "text": "points and Mercedes were a further one-hundred and fifty two points adrift in fifth. The championship had so far been tumultuous, with seven different drivers winning the first seven races of the season. Räikkonen, his Lotus teammate Romain Grosjean, along with Sergio Pérez and Felipe Massa had finished in second and both Michael Schumacher and Kamui Kobayashi had finished in third. After finishing in second place behind Vettel in the Indian Grand Prix Alonso stated it was crucial that he stayed within reach of the Red Bull team and hoped his Ferrari team would finish strongly and not become inflicted", "title": "2012 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "18956830", "text": "Maciej Janowski had initially top scored with 12 points during the qualifying rides, however he was eliminated in the semi-finals. After finishing fourth, Woffinden extended his overall lead over Nicki Pedersen to 13 points in the race for the world title. 2015 Speedway Grand Prix of Denmark The 2015 Kjærgaard Danish FIM Speedway Grand Prix was the seventh race of the 2015 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on August 8 at the CASA Arena in Horsens, Denmark. First reserve Peter Kildemand replaced Jarosław Hampel, who had injured himself during the 2015 Speedway World Cup. The Speedway Grand Prix", "title": "2015 Speedway Grand Prix of Denmark" }, { "docid": "20716656", "text": "on the all-time list. Lindgren had initially top scored with 12 points during the qualifying heats, and despite finishing third in the final, he topped the overall standings with 16 points, one ahead of Woffinden. 2018 Speedway Grand Prix of Poland The 2018 BOLL Warsaw FIM Speedway Grand Prix of Poland was the first race of the 2018 Speedway Grand Prix season. It took place on May 12th at the Stadion Narodowy in Warsaw, Poland. The Speedway Grand Prix Commission nominated Krzysztof Kasprzak as the wild card, and Maksym Drabik and Bartosz Smektała both as Track Reserves. The Grand Prix", "title": "2018 Speedway Grand Prix of Poland" }, { "docid": "16789219", "text": "win, ½ point for a draw and 0 for a loss. Grand Prix points were then allocated according to each player's standing in the tournament: 170 Grand Prix points for first place, 140 for second place, 110 for third place, and then 90 down to 10 points by steps of 10. In case of a tie in points the Grand Prix points are shared evenly by the tied players. Only the three best tournament results of each player are counted. The player with the most Grand Prix points is the winner. The three highest ranked players on the FIDE rating", "title": "FIDE Grand Prix 2012–13" }, { "docid": "15020172", "text": "the players contracted by the WCT could play in the Grand Prix events as of September 1972. The deal was ratified at the annual ILTF meeting in July. Tournaments combined with a women's Grand Prix tour event. \"No points were awarded for first round losers\" Cliff Richey, Roscoe Tanner, Alex Metreveli, Tom Okker and Arthur Ashe played too few Grand Prix tournaments to qualify for prize money. The list of winners and number of singles titles won, alphabetically by last name: The following players won their first Grand Prix title in 1972: 1972 Grand Prix (tennis) The 1972 Commercial Union", "title": "1972 Grand Prix (tennis)" }, { "docid": "4244360", "text": "just his fourth points finish and announced his emergence as a championship contender. Piquet won by 49 seconds over Italian driver Riccardo Patrese driving an Arrows A3. It was the best result for both Arrows and Patrese in two years after Patrese finished second at the 1978 Swedish Grand Prix. Third was Brazilian driver, twice-World Champion Emerson Fittipaldi driving a Fittipaldi F7. It was Fittipaldi's best result since finishing second at the 1978 Brazilian Grand Prix. Nelson Piquet took pole, fastest lap and his first career race win to dominate the weekend in his gleaming blue and white Brabham. The", "title": "1980 United States Grand Prix West" }, { "docid": "18231992", "text": "tournaments. Each tournament is a 12-player, single round-robin tournament. In each round players scored 1 point for a win, ½ point for a draw and 0 for a loss. Grand Prix points were then allocated according to each player's standing in the tournament: 170 Grand Prix points for first place, 140 for second place, 110 for third place, and then 90 down to 10 points by steps of 10. In case of a tie in points the Grand Prix points are shared evenly by the tied players. The Grand Prix consists of 16 players. FIDE announced 11 qualifiers as per", "title": "FIDE Grand Prix 2014–15" }, { "docid": "9682233", "text": "at the Rio de Janeiro Grand Prix, with four races left in the season. The 250cc title was won by Marco Melandri who won nine races and scored 298 points. He clinched the title at the Australian Grand Prix and became the youngest ever champion in the 250cc class. Arnaud Vincent won the 125cc title by 19 points difference over defending champion Manuel Poggiali. The title was decided in the last race of the season at Valencia with Vincent finishing in second place to secure the title. The season marked the start of a new era in the premier class", "title": "2002 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "4002288", "text": "the 1970 South African Grand Prix). Jones' win had no effect the championship points race. Lauda's second place, coupled with retirements to Scheckter, Andretti and Hunt significantly strengthened Lauda's grip on the championship, expanding his lead to 16 points. 1977 Austrian Grand Prix The 1977 Austrian Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held at the Österreichring on 14 August 1977. It was the twelfth race of the 1977 World Championship of F1 Drivers and the 1977 International Cup for F1 Constructors. Since the previous year's race, the Hella-Licht corner had been converted to a fast chicane, thus increasing", "title": "1977 Austrian Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "15890570", "text": "at Estoril since 2000. The United States hosted three races, the other two being the United States Grand Prix at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca and the Indianapolis Grand Prix at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to finish the race to earn points. Points are awarded to the top fifteen finishers. A rider has to", "title": "2013 Grand Prix motorcycle racing season" }, { "docid": "11167514", "text": "66 points, whilst BMW Sauber were second with 44 points. McLaren were third with 42 points, Williams fourth with 13 points, and Red Bull were fifth, on ten. 2008 Turkish Grand Prix The 2008 Turkish Grand Prix (formally the IV Petrol Ofisi Turkish Grand Prix) was a Formula One motor race held on 11 May 2008 at the Istanbul Racing Circuit, Istanbul, Turkey. It was the fifth race of the 2008 Formula One season. The 58-lap race was won by Felipe Massa for the Ferrari team after starting from pole position. Lewis Hamilton finished second in a McLaren, with Kimi", "title": "2008 Turkish Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "17167647", "text": "2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix The 2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix (formally known as the 2014 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix) is a Formula One motor race that was held at the Yas Marina Circuit on 23 November 2014. The race was the nineteenth and final round of the 2014 season, the 916th World Championship race, and marked the sixth running of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Double points were awarded for the first time at this race. This change to the points system was not well received in the months leading up to the race, and", "title": "2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "18536543", "text": "awarded after 20 heats. The first Grand Prix was awarded after 12 heats because the riders deemed the track to be unsafe to race. The win went to Matej Žagar, with second place going to Chris Harris and third to Jarosław Hampel. The fifth Grand Prix was awarded after 20 heats due to a waterlogged track. The win went to Maciej Jankowski, with second place going to Nicki Pedersen and third to Troy Batchelor. In the twelfth Grand Prix, Australian Jason Doyle was injured in the final and was unable to partake in the rerun. 2015 Speedway Grand Prix The", "title": "2015 Speedway Grand Prix" }, { "docid": "4005242", "text": "in the history of the German Grand Prix as this track already had been fitted with Armco. F1 returned to an updated Nürburgring in 1971. Last win, podium, points and race finish: Jochen Rindt 1970 German Grand Prix The 1970 German Grand Prix was a Formula One motor race held at Hockenheimring on 2 August 1970. It was race 8 of 13 in both the 1970 World Championship of Drivers and the 1970 International Cup for Formula One Manufacturers. The 50-lap race was won by Lotus driver Jochen Rindt after he started from second position. Jacky Ickx finished second for", "title": "1970 German Grand Prix" } ]
Stapleton international airport is in which US state?
[ "Colorado (State)", "Colorful Colorado", "Special districts of Colorado", "Insignia of the State of Colorado", "List of military facilities in Colorado", "Coloradan", "Cuisines of Colorado", "Colorado (U.S. state)", "List of professional sports teams in Colorado", "Religion in Colorado", "Professional sport teams of Colorado", "Rocky Mountain Empire", "Thirty-eighth State", "38th State", "Coloradans", "Colorado, United States", "The Centennial State", "Colo.", "List of professional sports teams of Colorado", "Protected areas of Colorado", "Education in Colorado", "State of Colorado", "Columbine State", "Thirty-Eighth State", "Colorado (state)", "List of former professional sports teams of Colorado", "US-CO", "Colorado protected areas", "Mother of Rivers", "List of Colorado state insignia", "Fine arts in Colorado", "Climate of Colorado", "Professional sports in Colorado", "Colorado state nickname", "Emblems of the State of Colorado", "Colorado", "Colorado military facilities", "Demographics of Colorado", "Colorada", "Kolorado", "Culture of Colorado", "Colarado", "Centennial State", "CO (state)", "Buffalo Plains State", "Military facilities in Colorado" ]
[ { "docid": "1930756", "text": "Stapleton International Airport Stapleton International Airport was the primary airport serving Denver, Colorado, United States from 1929 to 1995. At different times it served as a hub for Continental Airlines, the original Frontier Airlines, People Express, Trans World Airlines (TWA), United Airlines and Western Airlines. Other airlines with smaller hub operations at Stapleton included Aspen Airways, the current version of Frontier Airlines and Rocky Mountain Airways, with all three of these air carriers being based in Denver at the time. In 1995, Stapleton was replaced by Denver International Airport. It has since been decommissioned and the property redeveloped as a", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930769", "text": "to the west, 40th Ave to the North, Havana St. to the East, and 37th Ave to the south, with the exception of the Coca-Cola and FedEx warehouses. The City's Department Of Aviation has continuously owned this site even after Stapleton was closed & decommissioned. At the time of its decommissioning, the airport covered 4,700 acres (19 km.) and had the following runways: The terminal had five concourses: Several major air crashes occurred at Stapleton: Stapleton International Airport Stapleton International Airport was the primary airport serving Denver, Colorado, United States from 1929 to 1995. At different times it served as", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930757", "text": "retail and residential neighborhood. Stapleton opened on October 17, 1929 as Denver Municipal Airport. The development of the airport was spearheaded by Denver mayor Benjamin F. Stapleton and Improvements and Parks Department manager Charles Vail. Prior to the new airport's opening, Denver had been served by a number of smaller facilities, including an airstrip along Smith Road in Aurora (first used in 1911), an airfield at 26th Avenue and Oneida Street, Lowry Field near 38th Avenue and Dahlia Street, and Denver Union Airport at 46th Avenue east of Colorado Boulevard. In the late 1930s the airport facilities consisted of two", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930763", "text": "Plaza (Denver's tallest at 714′). Due to Stapleton's location east of downtown, the Federal Aviation Administration imposed a building height restriction of 700'-715' (depending on where the building was). This allowed an unimpeded glide slope for runways (8L/26R) and (8R/26L). The height restriction was lifted in 1995, well after the city's skyscrapers had been erected. By the 1980s, plans were under way to replace Stapleton with a new airport. Stapleton was plagued with a number of problems, including: The Colorado General Assembly brokered a deal in 1985 to annex a plot of land in Adams County into the city of", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "13468298", "text": "Stapleton, Denver Stapleton is a neighborhood in Denver, Colorado. Located northeast of downtown Denver, the development is on the site of the decommissioned Stapleton International Airport, which closed in 1995. Now referred to as the \"Stapleton Community,\" it contains nine neighborhoods, nine schools public/private, 50 parks, several shopping and business districts, and a visitor center. Since April 2016, Stapleton has been connected to the Denver metro area by RTD's A line, a recently opened commuter rail service. While Denver International Airport was being constructed, planners considered how the Stapleton site would be redeveloped. A private group of Denver civic leaders,", "title": "Stapleton, Denver" }, { "docid": "13468302", "text": "Lake Nature Center, one of the nation's largest urban wildlife refuges. As of 2018, Stapleton has a population of around 75,000 residents living amongst 23,500 households. The Northfield section of the development (north of Interstate 70) still has significant residential and commercial development occurring today. The University of Colorado A-Line directly connecting Denver Union Station downtown to Denver International Airport started operating in 2016 and has one stop in Stapleton; the Central Park Station. Stapleton is served by the Central Park commuter rail and bus station, with direct connections to Union Station in downtown and the Denver International Airport via", "title": "Stapleton, Denver" }, { "docid": "8929797", "text": "United States Green Building Council (USGBC) and recently named the first main street retail center in the U.S. to receive LEED-CS Silver certification. Northfield Stapleton Northfield Stapleton is an open-air, retail town center located at the Stapleton International Airport redevelopment in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is owned and operated by QIC. Northfield Stapleton is anchored by Macy's, Super Target, J. C. Penney, Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World, GameWorks and an 18-screen Harkins Theaters. Northfield also includes approximately 50 specialty shops, restaurants and retailers. Northfield Stapleton was named a Bronze Achiever in the Environmental Leadership Program by Colorado's Department of", "title": "Northfield Stapleton" }, { "docid": "8929796", "text": "Northfield Stapleton Northfield Stapleton is an open-air, retail town center located at the Stapleton International Airport redevelopment in Denver, Colorado, United States. It is owned and operated by QIC. Northfield Stapleton is anchored by Macy's, Super Target, J. C. Penney, Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World, GameWorks and an 18-screen Harkins Theaters. Northfield also includes approximately 50 specialty shops, restaurants and retailers. Northfield Stapleton was named a Bronze Achiever in the Environmental Leadership Program by Colorado's Department of Public Health and Environment. It was registered as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Core and Shell Pilot Project with the", "title": "Northfield Stapleton" }, { "docid": "10708610", "text": "and about 5,000 passengers were affected by the failure. The day of the failure is now referred to as \"Black Sunday\" by airport personnel. Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System The Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System is a people mover system operating at Denver International Airport in Denver, Colorado. The system opened along with the airport itself in 1995, and was conceived as a means to connect all of the midfield concourses with the south terminal and quickly transport passengers between them because of the longer distances between each building, especially when compared to Stapleton International Airport,", "title": "Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System" }, { "docid": "10708596", "text": "Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System The Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System is a people mover system operating at Denver International Airport in Denver, Colorado. The system opened along with the airport itself in 1995, and was conceived as a means to connect all of the midfield concourses with the south terminal and quickly transport passengers between them because of the longer distances between each building, especially when compared to Stapleton International Airport, Denver's former airport. Located within the secure areas of the airport, the AGTS utilizes two mile-long tunnels traveling underneath the aircraft taxiways and passing", "title": "Denver International Airport Automated Guideway Transit System" }, { "docid": "13468303", "text": "the A Line. The original airport was named for Benjamin Franklin Stapleton (November 12, 1869 – May 23, 1950) who was the Mayor of Denver for two periods (comprising five terms), the first from 1923 to 1931 and the second from 1935 to 1947. He also served as a high-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan and the Democratic Colorado State Auditor from 1933 to 1935. Today, the Stapleton neighborhood continues to bear his name despite increasing political pressure to rename it due to Benjamin Stapleton's adherence to white supremacy and membership in the Ku Klux Klan. Stapleton, Denver Stapleton", "title": "Stapleton, Denver" }, { "docid": "1841448", "text": "now the airport's second largest carrier. In May 2001 construction of an over fifth runway (10–28) began. It was completed at a cost of $1.28 billion and opened on May 27, 2006. It bridges Interstate 285 (the Perimeter) on the airport's south side, making Hartsfield–Jackson the nation's only civil airport to have a runway above an interstate (although Runway 17R/35L at Stapleton International Airport in Denver, Colorado crossed Interstate 70 until that airport closed in 1995). The massive project, which involved putting fill dirt eleven stories high in some places, destroyed some surrounding neighborhoods and dramatically changed the scenery of", "title": "Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport" }, { "docid": "15350012", "text": "traded companies, until assuming office in 2011. Stapleton was a 2014 Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow. Walker Stapleton Walker Stapleton (born April 15, 1974) is an American politician who is serving his second term as Colorado's State Treasurer. He was elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. Stapleton was the Republican nominee for the 2018 Colorado gubernatorial election, which he lost to Democrat Jared Polis. Stapleton's family has been active in Colorado since the early 1900s. Walker was born in Washington, D.C., and grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, attending the private Brunswick School. He graduated from Williams College in Massachusetts, and", "title": "Walker Stapleton" } ]
[ { "docid": "1930765", "text": "to Concourse E. Continental closed its Stapleton pilot and flight attendant bases in October 1994, reducing operations and making United the airport's largest carrier. Delta Flight 569 from Dallas/Ft.Worth was the last commercial flight to land at Stapleton. On February 27, 1995, air traffic controller George Hosford, cleared the last plane – Continental Flight 34, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 bound for London′s Gatwick Airport – to depart from Stapleton. The airport was then shut down. A convoy of ground service equipment and other vehicles (rental cars, baggage carts, fuel trucks, etc.) traveled to the new Denver International Airport (DEN), which", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930766", "text": "officially opened for all operations the following morning. When it closed in 1995, Stapleton had six runways (2 sets of 3 parallel runways) and five terminal concourses. The runways at Stapleton were then marked with large yellow \"X\"s, which indicated it was no longer legal or safe for any aircraft to land there. The IATA and ICAO airport codes of DEN and KDEN were then transferred to the new DIA, to coincide with the same changes in airline and ATC computers, to ensure that flights to Denver would land at the new DIA. While Denver International was being constructed, planners", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930762", "text": "operated nonstop service between Denver and London from 1981 to 1982, but thereafter shifted resources to Salt Lake City and Los Angeles; Denver ceased to be a Western hub by the time Delta acquired Western in 1987. Southwest Airlines and People Express tried low-cost service to Denver in the mid-1980s, but Southwest withdrew and People Express was acquired by Continental. In September 1982 the first revenue flight of the Boeing 767 arrived at Stapleton, a United flight from O'Hare International Airport in Chicago. During the energy boom of the early 1980s, several skyscrapers were built in downtown Denver, including Republic", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930759", "text": "Stapleton Airfield in 1944, in honor of Mayor Stapleton. Stapleton's modern horseshoe-shaped terminal design was first announced in 1946 and promptly shelved by incoming mayor James Newton. The original administration building was extended with new wings in the early 1950s, and replaced entirely in 1954. By the early 1950s, the airport was served by five major airlines. United connected Denver to both coasts, with multi-stop routes extending to Boston, New York and Washington in the east, to major cities on the West Coast, and to Honolulu. Braniff operated routes from Denver to Texas, with connections to South America. Continental connected", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930760", "text": "Denver to El Paso, St. Louis and Tulsa. Frontier operated northbound and southbound from Denver to the other mountain states. Western connected Denver to Minneapolis and Edmonton. The April 1957 OAG shows 38 United, 12 Continental, seven Braniff, seven Frontier, seven Western, five TWA and one Central. The jet age arrived in May 1959 when Continental began operating Boeing 707 jetliners into Stapleton, initially under weight restrictions due to Stapleton's runway capacity. Runway 17/35 and a new terminal building opened in 1964. Although Stapleton officially adopted the \"International\" name in 1964, its first nonstop international service came in 1968, when", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930768", "text": "tower has been retained as part of the new Punch Bowl Social, a restaurant and social gathering spot. The office building attached to the tower houses the kitchens and social areas; the tower is closed to public access but is available for private tours. All of Stapleton's airport infrastructure has been removed, except for the former control tower. The final parking structure was torn down to make room for the \"Central Park West\" section of the housing development in May 2011. D.I.A. still owns some land at the former Stapleton site, an open field area bordered by Central Park Blvd", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "5257067", "text": "in the 1931 mayoral election to George D. Begole. The airport was later renamed Stapleton International Airport on August 25, 1944 in his honor. Today, the airport no longer exists, replaced by a neighborhood, also named Stapleton, and Stapleton Street, both of which continue to bear his name despite increasing political pressure to rename them due to Stapleton's adherence to white supremacy and controversial membership in the Ku Klux Klan. In 1935, Stapleton appointed George Cranmer, a wealthy former stockbroker, as manager of Improvements and Parks. Cranmer had luckily pulled his assets out of the stock market a year before", "title": "Benjamin F. Stapleton" }, { "docid": "1914676", "text": "Stapleton International Airport, and there was also a significant Southwest Airlines operation. At times, Stapleton was a hub for three or four airlines. The main reasons that justified the construction of the new DIA included the fact that gate space was severely limited at Stapleton, and the Stapleton runways were unable to deal efficiently with Denver's weather and wind patterns, causing nationwide travel disruption. From 1980 to 1983, the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) investigated six areas for a new metro area airport that were north and east of Denver. In September 1989, under the leadership of Denver Mayor", "title": "Denver International Airport" }, { "docid": "1930767", "text": "began to consider how the Stapleton site would be redeveloped. A private group of Denver civic leaders, the Stapleton Development Foundation, convened in 1990 and produced a master plan for the site in 1995, emphasizing a pedestrian-oriented design rather than the automobile-oriented designs found in many other planned developments. Originally Denver sought tenants for Stapleton's terminal and concourses, but these buildings proved ill-suited for alternative uses. A July 1997 hailstorm punched roughly 4,000 holes in the roofs of the old terminal and concourses, causing severe water damage, which compelled the city to tear them down. However, the airport's 12-story control", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "7006283", "text": "Avey Field State Airport Avey Field State Airport is a public use airport located on the Canada–US border at Laurier, in Ferry County, Washington, United States. It is privately owned and operated. Also known as Avey Field State/Laurier Airport, it is one of six airports that straddle the Canada–US border. The others are Whetstone International Airport, Coutts/Ross International Airport, International Peace Garden Airport, Piney Pinecreek Border Airport, and Coronach/Scobey Border Station Airport. The airport is shared by the State of Washington and the Province of British Columbia. Both the United States Customs Service and Canada Border Services Agency have offices", "title": "Avey Field State Airport" }, { "docid": "1914684", "text": "away than Stapleton International Airport, the airport it replaced. The distant location was chosen to avoid aircraft noise affecting developed areas, to accommodate a generous runway layout that would not be compromised by blizzards, and to allow for future expansion. The 52.4 square miles (136 km) of land occupied by the airport is more than one and a half times the size of Manhattan (33.6 sq mi or 87 km2). At 33,531 acres (136 km), DIA is by far the largest land area commercial airport in the United States. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is a distant second at 70 km", "title": "Denver International Airport" }, { "docid": "7006286", "text": "animals) is recommended. The field is usually open from June 1 to October 1. For the 12-month period ending December 31, 2006, the airport had 800 general aviation aircraft operations, an average of 66 per month. Avey Field State Airport Avey Field State Airport is a public use airport located on the Canada–US border at Laurier, in Ferry County, Washington, United States. It is privately owned and operated. Also known as Avey Field State/Laurier Airport, it is one of six airports that straddle the Canada–US border. The others are Whetstone International Airport, Coutts/Ross International Airport, International Peace Garden Airport, Piney", "title": "Avey Field State Airport" }, { "docid": "1930761", "text": "Western began flights to Calgary. The Boeing 747 was introduced to Stapleton on Continental's Los Angeles route in 1970. In the early 1970s, Frontier occupied Concourse A, United occupied most of Concourse B, and Western and Continental occupied most of Concourse C. United and TWA served both coasts nonstop during this era, while Continental and Western's nonstop flights only extended to the western half of the country. Concourse D was built in 1972. After deregulation, Denver's four major incumbent airlines developed hubs at Stapleton. United occupied Concourse B, Continental and Western occupied Concourse C and Frontier occupied Concourse D. Western", "title": "Stapleton International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838118", "text": "Whetstone International Airport Whetstone International Airport or Del Bonita/Whetstone International Airport is a public use airport at the Canada–US border, in Port of Del Bonita, Glacier County, Montana, south of Del Bonita, Cardston County, Alberta. The airport is owned by the U.S. state of Montana and is operated by the Montana Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division. It is located northwest of the city of Cut Bank, Montana. The airport has a runway located on the border, with aircraft tie down areas in Canada and in the United States. It is classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and", "title": "Whetstone International Airport" }, { "docid": "20642062", "text": "airport development was expected to be followed by the construction of a new State House, parliament building, ministry buildings, court houses and other support facilities. The developments were intended to improve Sierra Leone's competitiveness as the country prepares to become a middle income country by 2035. Other related development projects are the planned bridging of \"Tagrin Bay\", which separates Freetown from the peninsula on which Lungi International Airport is located, and the ongoing expansion of the port of Freetown. China Railway International Group had been contracted to build the airport at a cost of US$318 million, borrowed from the Exim", "title": "Mamamah International Airport" }, { "docid": "1914679", "text": "in and out of the new airport, and to wander around on foot looking at the ground-side facilities—including the baggage system, which was still under testing. FAA controllers also took advantage of the event to test procedures, and to check for holes in radio coverage as planes taxied around and among the buildings. DIA finally replaced Stapleton on February 28, 1995, 16 months behind schedule and at a cost of $4.8 billion, nearly $2 billion over budget. The construction employed 11,000 workers. United Airlines Flight 1062 to Kansas City International Airport was the first to depart and United Flight 1474", "title": "Denver International Airport" }, { "docid": "1914751", "text": "Diego International Airport entered the blogosphere with the launch of the first employee blog–the Ambassablog–for a major US airport. Written by front-line employees, the blog features regular posts on airport activities, events, and initiatives; reader comments; and several multimedia and interactive features. It has been presented as a case study in employee blogging to several public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. In February 2008, San Diego International Airport was one of the first major airports in the US to adopt a formal sustainability policy, which expresses the airport's commitment to a four-layer approach to sustainability known as", "title": "San Diego International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838114", "text": "Coutts/Ross International Airport Coutts/Ross International Airport is located west of Coutts, Alberta, Canada and west of Sweet Grass, Montana, United States. Ross International Airport is owned by the U.S. state of Montana and is operated by the Montana Aeronautics Division. Its runway is located on the Canada–US border. The airport is classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and is staffed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). CBSA officers at this airport can handle general aviation aircraft only, with no more than 15 passengers. The airport covers an area of at an elevation of above mean sea", "title": "Coutts/Ross International Airport" }, { "docid": "8801369", "text": "Pohnpei International Airport Pohnpei International Airport is an airport located on Pohnpei Island (formerly Ponape), the main island of Pohnpei State. It is close to the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. The extension of the Pohnpei International Airport began in 2009, and it was anticipated that it would be completed in 2011. The Japanese Government has agreed to provide about US $29 million for the entire project. The project includes extending the runway by 228m and improving the terminal facilities and apron. Enhancements will help prevent problems such as when a Boeing 727 cargo jet overran the runway", "title": "Pohnpei International Airport" }, { "docid": "8801367", "text": "Pohnpei International Airport Pohnpei International Airport is an airport located on Pohnpei Island (formerly Ponape), the main island of Pohnpei State. It is close to the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. The extension of the Pohnpei International Airport began in 2009, and it was anticipated that it would be completed in 2011. The Japanese Government has agreed to provide about US $29 million for the entire project. The project includes extending the runway by 228m and improving the terminal facilities and apron. Enhancements will help prevent problems such as when a Boeing 727 cargo jet overran the runway", "title": "Pohnpei International Airport" }, { "docid": "10166701", "text": "flights to the airport, as it was constructed to accommodate a US Customs Service-regulation facility for potential international passengers. Griffiss International Airport Griffiss International Airport is a public airport located one mile (2 km) east of the central business district of Rome, a city in Oneida County, New York, United States. This airport is publicly owned by County of Oneida. It is located on the former site of Griffiss Air Force Base, which closed in 1995. Operations from the Oneida County Airport in Oriskany, New York were transferred here in 2006, after which the county closed that airport in January", "title": "Griffiss International Airport" }, { "docid": "5462399", "text": "measuring . In recent years, it has become one of the fastest growing airports in the country thanks to new seasonal flights from Canada and the US: in 2016, it handled 662,780 passengers and in 2017 it handled 776,632 passengers, a yearly increase of over 17%. Bahías de Huatulco International Airport Bahías de Huatulco International Airport () is an international airport located at Huatulco, in the state of Oaxaca on Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the southern and southeastern Pacific coast of Oaxaca state. It is one of nine airports in southeast Mexico operated by", "title": "Bahías de Huatulco International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838115", "text": "level. It has one runway designated 7/25 with a turf surface measuring . For the 12-month period ending August 23, 2008, the airport had 25 general aviation aircraft operations, an average of 2 per month. Coutts/Ross International Airport Coutts/Ross International Airport is located west of Coutts, Alberta, Canada and west of Sweet Grass, Montana, United States. Ross International Airport is owned by the U.S. state of Montana and is operated by the Montana Aeronautics Division. Its runway is located on the Canada–US border. The airport is classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and is staffed by the", "title": "Coutts/Ross International Airport" }, { "docid": "1910545", "text": "Pittsburgh International Airport Pittsburgh International Airport , formerly Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, is a civil–military international airport in the eastern United States, in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is located in Findlay and Moon townships of Allegheny County, about west of downtown Pittsburgh, at an approximate elevation of above sea level. It was built to replace Allegheny County Airport, which was closer to Pittsburgh but too small to handle the growing passenger traffic. The new airport construction began in 1946 and opened in 1952. Over the decades, passenger traffic increased for the airport, especially as US Airways developed it", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "1372752", "text": "Queen Beatrix International Airport Queen Beatrix International Airport (Dutch: \"Internationale luchthaven Koningin Beatrix\"; Papiamento: \"Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix\"), is an international airport located in Oranjestad, Aruba. It has flight services to the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, most countries in the Caribbean, the northern coastal countries of South America, Canada, and some parts of Europe, notably the Netherlands. It is named after Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, the now-retired Queen and former head of state of Aruba. The airport offers US Border Pre-clearance facilities. A terminal for private aircraft opened in 2007. This airport used to serve as the hub", "title": "Queen Beatrix International Airport" }, { "docid": "20266787", "text": "of India's holiest shrines, is 48 km from proposed Airport. Once commissioned, Sabari International Airport would be the fifth international airport in the State after Trivandrum International Airport, Calicut International Airport, Cochin International Airport and Kannur International Airport. The Sabarigiri International Airport is the 5th International Airport to be proposed in Kerala. The government approved the project on 19 June 2017. The airport construction will begin immediately if court verdicts in favor of Government of Kerala.The ownership dispute regarding the Cheruvally estate is pending before the High Court. As per the settlement register, which is the basic revenue record, it", "title": "Sabarigiri International Airport" }, { "docid": "13975312", "text": "designed by Singaporean-US design consulting firm CPG-PAE. After four years work the airport operated its inaugural flight on 15 December 2012. Phu Quoc International Airport Phu Quoc International Airport (Vietnamese: \"Sân bay quốc tế Phú Quốc\" or \"Cảng hàng không quốc tế Phú Quốc\") is an international airport which was completed in 2012 on Phú Quốc Island, in southern Vietnam. The airport covers nearly 900ha in Duong To village, Phú Quốc island-district, Kiên Giang Province having been built at a cost of around VND 16.2 trillion (US$810 million) and is planned to be built in phases. The airport is 10", "title": "Phu Quoc International Airport" }, { "docid": "5788438", "text": "Wilmington International Airport Wilmington International Airport is a public airport located just north of Wilmington, North Carolina, in unincorporated Wrightsboro, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County. ILM covers 1,800 acres (728 ha). During the calendar year 2017, there were 420,571 enplanements and 416,018 deplanements at ILM; totaling 836,589 passengers. The airport has two runways and a single terminal which has eight gates. The airport is also home to a fixed-base operation (FBO). There is a 24-hour US Customs and Border Protection ramp for international flights wishing to stop at the airport. The separate terminal was built to serve the international", "title": "Wilmington International Airport" }, { "docid": "20287859", "text": "Thiruvambady International Airport Thiruvambady International Airport is a proposed airport project near Thiruvambady, about 35 km (22 mi) from Kozhikode City in the state of Kerala in India. The State Government of Kerala has directed the district collectors of Kozhikode and Malappuram districts to conduct and submit a viability report of the project. The Calicut International Airport at Karipur, which currently serves the region cannot be expanded because it is located on a table top. Hence, the Airport Authority of India (AAI), which operates the airport has declined to resume wide-body aircraft operations leading to a reduction in revenues from", "title": "Thiruvambady International Airport" }, { "docid": "733222", "text": "of the new passenger terminal opened in May 2015. The airport is located northwest of the state capital city of São Paulo and southwest of downtown Campinas, adjacent to the Bandeirantes-Anhanguera highway complex, which connects the capital city to the interior of São Paulo state. Viracopos International Airport Viracopos/Campinas International Airport (sometimes referred to as São Paulo/Campinas) is an international airport serving Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. On 6 January 1987, the airport name was officially normalized to its present form. It is named after the neighborhood where it is located. It is operated by Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos. The IATA", "title": "Viracopos International Airport" }, { "docid": "7489662", "text": "Bamako–Sénou International Airport Bamako's Modibo Keita International Airport (formerly Bamako–Sénou International Airport) is Mali's main airport located approximately south of downtown Bamako, the capital of Mali in West Africa. It is country's only international airport. It is managed by Aéroports du Mali (ADM). Its operations are overseen by the Malian Ministry of Equipment and Transport. Bamako-Sénou Airport was opened to traffic in 1974. The airport was upgraded between 2007 and 2012 in a US$181 million project funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a United States foreign aid agency. Bamako–Sénou International Airport is adjacent to Air Base 101, which is used", "title": "Bamako–Sénou International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838119", "text": "is staffed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). CBSA officers at this airport can handle general aviation aircraft only, with no more than 15 passengers. The airport covers an area of at an elevation of above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 7/25 with a turf surface which is or long and wide. For the 12-month period ending April 27, 2016, the airport had 110 aircraft operations: 73% general aviation and 27% military. Whetstone International Airport Whetstone International Airport or Del Bonita/Whetstone International Airport is a public use airport at the Canada–US border, in Port of Del", "title": "Whetstone International Airport" }, { "docid": "4685602", "text": "International Airport and later as Zia International Airport, before being named in honour of Shah Jalal, who is one of the most respected Sufi saints of Bangladesh. The IATA code of the airport \"DAC\" is derived from \"Dacca\", which is the previously used spelling for \"Dhaka\". Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport is the primary hub of the national flag carrier Biman Bangladesh Airlines. In addition, it is also the main hub of most of the private airlines in Bangladesh including Regent Airways, Novoair and US-Bangla Airlines. The annual passenger handling capacity of the airport is 18.5 million passengers and this passenger", "title": "Shahjalal International Airport" }, { "docid": "4470413", "text": "passengers to be processed by 2020, according to NAD. The airport contains US Border preclearance facilities allowing all US flights to operate as domestic flights upon arrival at their destination. In February 2015, the US Border Preclarence Facility installed 20 Automated Passenger Control (APC) self serve kiosks to improve the efficiency of passenger processing for US bound travelers. Lynden Pindling International Airport Lynden Pindling International Airport , formerly known as Nassau International Airport (1957-2006), is the largest airport in the Bahamas and the largest international gateway into the country. It is a major hub for Bahamasair, Western Air and SkyBahamas", "title": "Lynden Pindling International Airport" }, { "docid": "5296308", "text": "Morelia International Airport General Francisco Mujica International Airport, or simply Morelia International Airport, is an international airport in Álvaro Obregón, Michoacán, Mexico, near Morelia. The airport handles national and international air traffic of the city of Morelia. Named after former governor of Michoacán Francisco José Múgica. General Francisco J. Mujica International Airport it is the largest in the state of Michoacan. The longest route from Morelia is to Chicago, which is served by Volaris, while the shortest route is Mexico City, served by Aeromar and Aeromexico Connect. It handled 535,900 passengers in 2016, and 618,800 passengers in 2017. The airport", "title": "Morelia International Airport" }, { "docid": "13975310", "text": "Phu Quoc International Airport Phu Quoc International Airport (Vietnamese: \"Sân bay quốc tế Phú Quốc\" or \"Cảng hàng không quốc tế Phú Quốc\") is an international airport which was completed in 2012 on Phú Quốc Island, in southern Vietnam. The airport covers nearly 900ha in Duong To village, Phú Quốc island-district, Kiên Giang Province having been built at a cost of around VND 16.2 trillion (US$810 million) and is planned to be built in phases. The airport is 10 km from the previous Phu Quoc Airport, which it replaced. The airport was initially able to handle about 2.5 million passengers", "title": "Phu Quoc International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841886", "text": "Newark Liberty International Airport Newark Liberty International Airport , originally Newark Metropolitan Airport and later Newark International Airport, is the primary airport serving the U.S. state of New Jersey, and the secondary international airport serving New York City. The airport straddles the boundary between the cities of Newark and Elizabeth, the former of which is the most populous city in the state. The airport is owned jointly by the cities of Elizabeth and Newark and leased to and operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Newark Airport is located northeast of Philadelphia, west of New York", "title": "Newark Liberty International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841921", "text": "the Marriott is not serviced by the monorail and there is no official walking route to the terminals, despite the Marriott's immediate proximity to the main parking lot between the terminals. Newark Liberty International Airport Newark Liberty International Airport , originally Newark Metropolitan Airport and later Newark International Airport, is the primary airport serving the U.S. state of New Jersey, and the secondary international airport serving New York City. The airport straddles the boundary between the cities of Newark and Elizabeth, the former of which is the most populous city in the state. The airport is owned jointly by the", "title": "Newark Liberty International Airport" }, { "docid": "15080310", "text": "the country's 8th airport overall. It will complement Kigali International Airport, which is now operating at maximum capacity. The airport will initially have a single paved runway. During the second phase of construction, a second runway will be added. The estimated cost for Phase I is US$418 million, while Phase II is budgeted to cost US$382 million, for a total of US$800 million. It was anticipated that Phase I will be completed in 2018. The British engineering firm, TPS Consult Plc., was commissioned to carry out a feasibility study and design the new airport. According to the TPS report, the", "title": "Bugesera International Airport" }, { "docid": "1914655", "text": "Its first commercial flight was Eastern Air Lines Flight 624. International cargo operations at the airport also began that year. Bradley eventually replaced the older, smaller Hartford–Brainard Airport as Hartford's primary airport. In 1948, the federal government deeded the Airport to the State of Connecticut for public and commercial use. In 1950, Bradley International Airport exceeded the 100,000-passenger mark, handling 108,348 passengers. In 1952, the Murphy Terminal opened. Later dubbed Terminal B, the terminal was the oldest passenger terminal in the US when it closed in 2010. The April 1957 OAG shows 39 weekday departures: 14 American, 14 Eastern, 9", "title": "Bradley International Airport" }, { "docid": "7703757", "text": "Osmani International Airport Osmani Airport (, \"\") is third largest airport in Bangladesh after Dhaka and Chittagong. The airport is operated by the Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB) and is served by Biman Bangladesh Airlines, the national airline, which at one point earned most of its revenue from this airport. Private airlines Novoair and US-Bangla Airlines operate domestic flights to Dhaka. The vast majority of passengers using the airport are expatriate Bangladeshis and their descendants from the Sylhet Division living in the United Kingdom. Osmani International Airport was built during British rule of the Indian Subcontinent, partly to check Japanese", "title": "Osmani International Airport" }, { "docid": "2402400", "text": "Trivandrum International Airport Trivandrum International Airport is an international airport which primarily serves the city of Thiruvananthapuram and adjacent towns. It is the first airport in the state of Kerala, India. It was the fifth international airport of India declared by then Prime Minister of India, V. P. Singh in 1991. It is the second busiest airport in Kerala after Kochi and the fourteenth busiest in India. In fiscal year 2017-18, the airport handled close to 4.4 million passengers, registering a fourteen percent growth from previous year. Spread over an area of , the airport is approximately due west from", "title": "Trivandrum International Airport" }, { "docid": "1910548", "text": "British Airways, and Wow Air. After United Airlines shifted flights from Newark Liberty International Airport to Washington–Dulles at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, Pittsburgh became the last airport in Pennsylvania to have non-stop flights into EWR. Pittsburgh International Airport is the busiest airport in western Pennsylvania and the second-busiest airport in the state, after Philadelphia International Airport. In 2017 it served 8,988,016 passengers. The airport is encircled by I-376 and Business Loop 376, which is the main access for Airport Cargo and Servicing as well as other flight industries. It is owned by the county and operated by the Allegheny County", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "2402420", "text": "aggregators Uber and Ola is with in service area. Trivandrum International Airport Trivandrum International Airport is an international airport which primarily serves the city of Thiruvananthapuram and adjacent towns. It is the first airport in the state of Kerala, India. It was the fifth international airport of India declared by then Prime Minister of India, V. P. Singh in 1991. It is the second busiest airport in Kerala after Kochi and the fourteenth busiest in India. In fiscal year 2017-18, the airport handled close to 4.4 million passengers, registering a fourteen percent growth from previous year. Spread over an area", "title": "Trivandrum International Airport" }, { "docid": "7985320", "text": "International Peace Garden Airport International Peace Garden Airport is a public use airport in Rolette County, North Dakota, United States on the Canada–US border. The airport is owned by the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission and located 11 nautical miles (20 km) north of the central business district of Dunseith, North Dakota. It is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a \"general aviation\" facility. The airport is located just east of the International Peace Garden on the North Dakota/Manitoba border. It is an airport of entry to Canada and the United States", "title": "International Peace Garden Airport" }, { "docid": "5442896", "text": "Fuaʻamotu International Airport Fuaamotu International Airport is an international airport in Tonga. It is on the south side of the main island, Tongatapu, 20 km from the capital of Tonga, Nukualofa. Although named after the nearby village of Fuaamotu, which is on Tungī's (the king's) estate, in reality the airfield is located on the Tui Pelehake's estate, closer to the village of Pelehake (which did not yet exist as a village during the early aviation days). Fuaamotu was originally built in 1942 by a civilian contractor for the US Army. It was intended as a World War II heavy bomber", "title": "Fuaʻamotu International Airport" }, { "docid": "1996117", "text": "Nashville International Airport Nashville International Airport is a joint public and military use airport in the southeastern section of Nashville in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a \"primary commercial service\" airport (more than 10,000 daily arriving and departing flights per year). Established in 1937, its original name was Berry Field, from which its ICAO and IATA identifiers are derived. The current terminal was constructed in 1987, and the airport took its current name in 1988. Nashville International Airport has four runways, the longest", "title": "Nashville International Airport" }, { "docid": "8550078", "text": "Malacca International Airport Malacca International Airport (formerly known as Batu Berendam Airport is an airport located in Batu Berendam, Malacca, Malaysia. The airport serves the state of Malacca, as well as northern Johor. The terminal complex is equipped with international-standard amenities that can handle 1.5 million passengers annually. The airport's 2135m runway allow Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 operations. The airport, which occupies of land, was built in 1952. The airport and particularly its control tower bears historical significance as it was the same tower which guided the plane of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, to", "title": "Malacca International Airport" }, { "docid": "7433528", "text": "Bonriki International Airport Bonriki International Airport is an international airport in Kiribati, serving as the main gateway to the country. It is located in its capital, South Tarawa, which is a group of islets in the atoll of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. Fiji's national carrier, Fiji Airways, and Kiribati's state-owned airline, Air Kiribati, both connect Kiribati with Nadi, which is Fiji Airways' hub and Fiji's main international gateway. Nauru Airlines flies to Nauru International Airport, continuing to Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands, and further to Brisbane, Australia. This service was suspended from July 2008 to November 2009. The", "title": "Bonriki International Airport" }, { "docid": "18306796", "text": "Abuja were via Airpeace prior to Azman Air, which is currently the major airline operating from SABIA. Kebbi International Airport Sir Ahmadu Bello International Airport (SABIA) is an airport serving Birnin Kebbi in the Kebbi State of Nigeria. It is east of Birnin Kebbi, along the Birnin Kebbi-Argungu road. The runway was extended from its original to and had a new ramp and terminal built in 2013. The Birnin Kebbi VOR-DME (Ident: BIK) is located on the field. The airport started full operations in 2014, and since then Muslim pilgrims from Kebbi state were flown from SABIA to Jedda International", "title": "Kebbi International Airport" }, { "docid": "2678081", "text": "shipped between 2015 and 2016 alone. Companies such as Amazon.com and FedEx Ground are increasingly using the airport for these purposes which is a major factor in its growth. The airport is about from Philadelphia International Airport, from Newark Liberty International Airport, and from Trenton-Mercer Airport. The airport is a popular diversion airport for flights going to the New York metropolitan area. The shortest schedule commercial jet service in the contiguous US operates between ABE and PHL. Piedmont Airlines (American Eagle) regularly operates an ERJ-145 on the route which has a flight distance of 55 miles. Average time in the", "title": "Lehigh Valley International Airport" }, { "docid": "3160569", "text": "Cochin International Airport Cochin International Airport, Cochin is an international airport serving the city of Kochi, in the state of Kerala, India. Located at Nedumbassery, about 25 km (16 mi) northeast of the city. Cochin International Airport is the first airport in India developed under a public-private partnership (PPP) model and was funded by nearly 10,000 non-resident Indians from 30 countries. It is the busiest and largest airport in the state of Kerala. As of 2017, the Cochin International Airport caters to 63.86% of the total air passenger movement in Kerala. It is also the fourth busiest airport in India", "title": "Cochin International Airport" }, { "docid": "17493702", "text": "The airport will be located in the Uwanja wa Ndege ward of Mugumu town in Serengeti District, Mara Region in northern Tanzania. It will cost about US$ 350 million and is expected to boost the number of visitors from the present 0.8 to 1.6 million whilst also doubling the revenue to US$ 2.8 billion. The length of the single runway is expected to be between 3,800 and 4,200 metres. Serengeti Watch, a nonprofit organization insists that its construction would negatively impact the future of the park. Serengeti International Airport Serengeti International Airport (SIA) () is a proposed international airport in", "title": "Serengeti International Airport" }, { "docid": "1323609", "text": "at doubling its capacity from the current 600,000 passengers to 1.2 million annually. The renovation work is being done by BAM International, at a cost of US$39.7 million. Renovations are expected to last until May 2017. BAM International is a subsidiary of the Royal BAM Group in the Netherlands. Kilimanjaro Airport opened on 2 December 1971 and cost US$13 million to build. The construction was financed by a long term loan from the Italian government. In 1998, it became the first international airport in Africa to be privatised and is operated by the Kilimanjaro Airport Development Company. The airport facilitates", "title": "Kilimanjaro International Airport" }, { "docid": "5462398", "text": "Bahías de Huatulco International Airport Bahías de Huatulco International Airport () is an international airport located at Huatulco, in the state of Oaxaca on Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the southern and southeastern Pacific coast of Oaxaca state. It is one of nine airports in southeast Mexico operated by Aeropuertos del Sureste (ASUR), which lists the airport's name as Huatulco International Airport. An airport lounge at this airport is operated by Global Lounge Network. The airport resides at an elevation of above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 07/25 with an asphalt surface", "title": "Bahías de Huatulco International Airport" }, { "docid": "4078298", "text": "to the new international airport when it was ready while domestic operations moved to the Ikeja Airport, which became the domestic airport. The domestic operations were relocated to the old Lagos domestic terminal in 2000 after a fire. A new domestic privately funded terminal known as MMA2 has been constructed and was commissioned on 7 April 2007. During the late 1980s and 1990s, the international terminal had a reputation of being a dangerous airport. From 1992 through 2000, the US Federal Aviation Administration posted warning signs in all US international airports advising travelers that security conditions at Lagos Airport did", "title": "Murtala Muhammed International Airport" }, { "docid": "19784273", "text": "three of which will have jet bridges. It will be able to handle 350,000 passengers annually. Williston Basin International Airport is located about northwest of Williston. A road will be built to connect the airport to the U.S. Route 85 truck bypass. Williston Basin International Airport Williston Basin International Airport is an airport under construction near Williston, a city in the U.S. state of North Dakota. It is located roughly northwest of the city. Williston Basin Airport will have two runways and a terminal building. It is being built to replace Sloulin Field International Airport, which currently serves Williston and", "title": "Williston Basin International Airport" }, { "docid": "6098788", "text": "any visible damage. This imagery confirmation helps validate the reporting which suggests the airfield had been taken over early on by opposition protesters as NATO and US air forces would want to avoid collateral damage to the opposition movement. Mitiga International Airport Mitiga International Airport (مطار معيتيقة الدولي) is an airport in Libya, located about east of Tripoli's city center. The airport has a diverse international history and has been known by a variety of names. It was originally built in 1923 as an Italian air force base called aeroporto militare di Mellaha. It became a German air base during", "title": "Mitiga International Airport" }, { "docid": "4752575", "text": "which will be used to rehabilitate the pavement of Taxiway C, construct asphalt shoulders and install runway guard lights at each access point to the runway. On July 30, 2018, the FAA gave the airport a $4,012,542 grant for taxiway construction, rehabilitation and lighting. Bishop International Airport covers 1,550 acres (6 km²) and has two runways: Bishop International Airport is accessible from I-69, I-75/US-23 and I-475 at Bristol Road. The airport is also served by a bus line operated by the Flint MTA, local taxi services, and Uber which operates in the Flint area. Several car rental agencies are available", "title": "Bishop International Airport" }, { "docid": "1347034", "text": "Portland International Airport Portland International Airport is a joint civil-military airport and the largest airport in the U.S. state of Oregon that accounts for 90% of passenger travel and more than 95% of air cargo of the state. It is within Portland's city limits just south of the Columbia River in Multnomah County, by air and by highway northeast of downtown Portland. Portland International Airport is often referred to by its IATA airport code, PDX. The airport covers 3,000 acres (1,214 ha) of land. Portland International Airport has direct flights and connections to most major airports throughout the United States,", "title": "Portland International Airport" }, { "docid": "7956890", "text": "Northeast Kingdom International Airport Northeast Kingdom International Airport, until 2015 the Newport State Airport , is a public airport located three miles (5 km) southwest of the central business district of Newport, a city in Orleans County, Vermont, United States. It is owned by the State of Vermont. Northeast Kingdom International Airport covers an area of which contains two asphalt paved runways (5/23) measuring 4,000 x 100 ft (1,219 x 30 m). (18/36) measuring 5,300 x 100 ft (1,615 x 30 m). For the 12-month period ending December 31, 2015, the airport had 9,452 aircraft operations, an average of 19", "title": "Northeast Kingdom International Airport" }, { "docid": "5463439", "text": "the airport has regular international flights to Los Angeles and seasonal service to Calgary. In 2016, the airport handled 72,412 passengers, and in 2017 it handled 85,375 passengers. Loreto International Airport Loreto International Airport is an international airport located in the city of Loreto, in Loreto Municipality of Baja California Sur state, northwestern Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the city of Loreto and northern Baja California Sur state. It is operated by Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares, a federal government-owned corporation. It is capable of handling aircraft the size of Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s. Mainly", "title": "Loreto International Airport" }, { "docid": "20266788", "text": "is government land. It is proposed on a of land at Erumely, Kottayam District The airport facilitates the travel of Sabarimala pilgrims and people of the adjacent districts. Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation is conducting the study of the airport. US infrastructure consulting firm with strong presence in Americas has been directed to submit report to ministry of environment and civil aviation regarding environmental effect as well as traffic potential including international traffic from Sri Lanka, Malaysia etc and get clearance within maximum June 2018. The site for the proposed airport is Cheruvally Estate, formerly the site of a rubber", "title": "Sabarigiri International Airport" }, { "docid": "5470891", "text": "2001, was given in concession to Operadora Estatal de Aeropuertos (OEA) for operation and development. OEA is a company founded specifically to manage and carry out investments to extend airport facilities. The following entities take part in OEA's establishment: In 2003, the US Trade and Development Agency (TDA) provided a grant for US $550,000 to OEA to enable the completion of a project feasibility study regarding the upgrade of the Puebla International Airport. OEA subsequently retained the services of The Louis Berger Group Inc. from the US to complete the study, which concludes that in the long term the airport", "title": "Puebla International Airport" }, { "docid": "6521137", "text": "La Chinita International Airport La Chinita International Airport is an airport serving Maracaibo, in the Zulia state of Venezuela. La Chinita is Venezuela's second most important airport in terms of passenger and aircraft movements, after Simón Bolívar International Airport near Caracas. The airport opened on 16 November 1969, during the administration of President of Venezuela Rafael Caldera, to open a gateway to the western part of the country and to alleviate congestion from Simón Bolívar International Airport, which manages about half of the international flights in Venezuela. The earlier airport was Grano de Oro (1960 diagram) Runway 03L/21R length does", "title": "La Chinita International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841842", "text": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is the primary international airport serving the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex area in the U.S. state of Texas. It is the largest hub for American Airlines, which is headquartered near the airport. 2017 was a record year for DFW, as the airport served 67,092,194 passengers. It is the fourth busiest airport in the world by aircraft movements and the twelfth busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic in 2017. It is the busiest airport in the state of Texas by both passenger enplanements and by aircraft movements (takeoffs and landings). It is", "title": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport" }, { "docid": "1365374", "text": "Bauerfield International Airport Bauerfield International Airport is an airport located in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The airport is relatively small in size, but its runway has the capability and length to accept jets up to the Airbus A330. It serves as the hub for Vanuatu's flag carrier airline, Air Vanuatu. With Japanese forces establishing bases on Guadalcanal which threatened the sea route between the U.S. and Australia, Admiral King distributed the joint basic plan for the occupation and defense of Efate (the island containing Port Vila) on 20 March 1942. Under its terms the US Army was to defend Efate and", "title": "Bauerfield International Airport" }, { "docid": "5890860", "text": "Ogdensburg International Airport Ogdensburg International Airport is a public airport two miles southeast of Ogdensburg, in St. Lawrence County, New York. It is owned by the Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority, which also owns and operates Ogdensburg–Prescott International Bridge, the Port of Ogdensburg-Marine Terminal Facility, Commerce Park, the Port of Waddington, a medium-heavy industrial park and two short line railroads. The Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority is a New York State public-benefit corporation. The international airport is just outside the city limits on NY 812. It is used for general aviation and commercial service. It is served by two airlines,", "title": "Ogdensburg International Airport" }, { "docid": "5448160", "text": "Del Bajío International Airport Del Bajío International Airport, officially known as Aeropuerto Internacional de Guanajuato (Guanajuato International Airport) is an international airport located in Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico. It handles national and international air traffic of the area that includes the city of León and the state capital, Guanajuato. Guanajuato International Airport is an important connecting point for some flights from Mexico City to the United States. The general interior director announced plans to build a cargo terminal and for the construction of a second runway. The facility replaced the San Carlos Airport which is now part of the urban center", "title": "Del Bajío International Airport" }, { "docid": "4014012", "text": "Abbotsford International Airport Abbotsford International Airport is located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, southwest of the city centre. It is the second largest airport in the Lower Mainland, after Vancouver International Airport (YVR), and is in close proximity to British Columbia Highway 1, and the US border. It is located about from Surrey city centre and from downtown Vancouver. YXX offers daily domestic scheduled services and seasonal international scheduled services. The airport is equipped with a CAT 1 Instrument Landing System, on-site aircraft rescue and firefighting, and a fully serviced Air Terminal Building with customs and passenger screening. It is", "title": "Abbotsford International Airport" }, { "docid": "4991184", "text": "for the quiet and reserved Stapleton. Stapleton was committed to international football insisting that an \"international release clause\" be inserted to all of his contracts so that he could be released to play in international games for Ireland. Stapleton played a significant role in Ireland's attempt to qualify for the World Cup in Spain in 1982. Goals against Cyprus, the Netherlands and France for Stapleton in the qualifying matches were not enough as Ireland were denied a place at the World Cup by a superior French goal difference. Stapleton was made captain of the national team for the qualifying campaign", "title": "Frank Stapleton" }, { "docid": "1914601", "text": "one of the largest commercial airports in the US. In addition, the airport is home to a maintenance base for United Airlines. The airport code MCO stands for the airport's former name, McCoy Air Force Base, a Strategic Air Command (SAC) installation, that was closed in 1975 as part of a general military drawdown following the end of the Vietnam War. In terms of commercial airline service, the Greater Orlando area is also served by Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB), and more indirectly by Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB), Orlando Melbourne International Airport (MLB), Tampa International Airport (TPA), and St.", "title": "Orlando International Airport" }, { "docid": "19784270", "text": "Williston Basin International Airport Williston Basin International Airport is an airport under construction near Williston, a city in the U.S. state of North Dakota. It is located roughly northwest of the city. Williston Basin Airport will have two runways and a terminal building. It is being built to replace Sloulin Field International Airport, which currently serves Williston and has experienced difficulty dealing with the increase in air traffic to Williston amid the North Dakota oil boom. The project is expected to be completed by late 2019. The airport currently serving Williston, North Dakota, is Sloulin Field International Airport. Sloulin Field", "title": "Williston Basin International Airport" }, { "docid": "2115137", "text": "carousel, rental car desks, and US customs. The airport's security checkpoint and four gates, all with jetways, are located on the second floor. Free Wi-Fi internet access is available throughout the terminal. Gates 3 and 4 allow direct access to US customs. LRD sometimes receives a share of diverted flights when severe weather threatens Dallas or Houston. Laredo International Airport Laredo International Airport is a city-owned public-use airport located three nautical miles (6 km) northeast of the central business district of Laredo, a city in Webb County, Texas, United States. It is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport", "title": "Laredo International Airport" }, { "docid": "3344673", "text": "Hilo International Airport Hilo International Airport , formerly General Lyman Field, is owned and operated by the Hawaii state Department of Transportation. Located in Hilo, Hawaii County, the airport encompasses and is one of two major airports on Hawaii Island and one of five major airports in the state. Hilo International Airport serves most of East Hawaii, including the districts of Hilo and Puna, as well as portions of the districts of Hāmākua and Kaū. Most flights to the airport are from Honolulu International Airport. These flights are predominantly operated by Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Air Cargo. It is included", "title": "Hilo International Airport" }, { "docid": "1984422", "text": "Orlando Melbourne International Airport Orlando Melbourne International Airport is a public airport northwest of downtown Melbourne, in Brevard County, Florida, United States. On central Florida's Space Coast, the airport is reached by NASA Boulevard (State Road 508). It is governed by a seven-member board which is appointed by the Melbourne City Council and the private sector. The airport budget is part of the Melbourne municipal budget; the airport receives no local tax dollars. The projected expenses for 2010 is $14.1 million. The executive director of the airport is Greg Donovan, A.A.E. Melbourne International Airport began in 1928 when a Pitcairn", "title": "Orlando Melbourne International Airport" }, { "docid": "6788972", "text": "also connected to Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Sorrento, Salerno and Serre. U.S. military forces have been present on this site, primarily US Navy personnel, since 1951. Among two other facilities in Naples, Naval Support Activity Naples is a tenant of several buildings in the Northwestern area of the airport. The United States Navy handles military and civilian aircraft on this airport for logistics. Naples International Airport Naples International Airport () is the international airport serving Naples, Italy. It is located north-northeast of the city in the Capodichino district of Naples. The airport has one terminal building: Terminal 1 is used for", "title": "Naples International Airport" }, { "docid": "8720297", "text": "KSRTC (Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation) (Route No 47) offers bus service between the airport (from the bottom of the hill) and Central Railway Station. Taxis ply between the airport and the city of Mangaluru. Prepaid taxi service is available around the clock at the airport counter in the arrival hall. Mangalore International Airport Mangalore International Airport , is an international airport serving the coastal city of Mangaluru (Mangalore), India. It is one of the only two international airports in Karnataka, the other being Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore. Mangalore International Airport is the second busiest airport in Karnataka. In addition", "title": "Mangalore International Airport" }, { "docid": "1910567", "text": "from the rest of the airport. While US Airways made immense cuts in service during the early 21st century, other carriers began to play a more dominant role at PIT. The airport's operator, the Allegheny County Airport Authority, has attempted to attract new service to the airport, particularly low-cost and international carriers. AirTran Airways, which had trouble competing in Pittsburgh after beginning service in 2000, was able to expand Pittsburgh offerings after the US Airways cuts. In 2003, USA3000 Airlines began service to Florida and subsequently expanded to include international destinations in the Caribbean. Southwest Airlines began service to Pittsburgh", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "1931843", "text": "Boeing 727-200 and had also introduced Boeing 757-200 jetliners on the Grand Cayman-Miami route while USAir (which was subsequently renamed US Airways and has now been merged into American Airlines) was operating nonstop flights to Charlotte, North Carolina three days a week as well as nonstop service to Tampa flown four days a week with both routes being operated with Boeing 727-200 jets. Owen Roberts International Airport Owen Roberts International Airport is an airport serving Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. It is the main international airport for the Cayman Islands as well as the main base for Cayman Airways. The airport", "title": "Owen Roberts International Airport" }, { "docid": "14749073", "text": "Corey Stapleton Corey Stapleton (born September 17, 1967) is an American politician and the Secretary of State of Montana. A Republican, he is also a former Montana State Senator from 2001 to 2009. Stapleton was born in Seattle, Washington. He was adopted as an infant and lived in Idaho Falls, Idaho until age 2 and then moved to Great Falls, Montana in 1969. His parents are Toby and Avis Stapleton. His father is a retired architect and colonel in the Army reserve from Lewistown, Montana. Mother was a teacher of home economics, from Livingston, Montana. Stapleton enlisted in the United", "title": "Corey Stapleton" }, { "docid": "2012079", "text": "an Air Canada Connector air carrier. Also in 1999, Horizon Air began nonstop Fokker F28 Fellowship jet service to Seattle flying on behalf of Alaska Airlines on a code sharing basis. Martinair Holland also operated flights between Edmonton International Airport and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport prior to the termination of this airline's passenger service. Edmonton International Airport offers United States border preclearance facilities. Passengers from domestic flights connecting in Edmonton to a US destination use Quick Connect, which enables passengers to clear security and US Customs and Border Protection without having to claim and recheck baggage during the connection. The four-star", "title": "Edmonton International Airport" }, { "docid": "5788442", "text": "using YS-11, FH-227 and Boeing 737 aircraft. Piedmont was acquired by USAir in 1989; USAir was renamed US Airways in 2005, and merged with American Airlines in 2015. In addition to flights to its main regional hub at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, US Airways introduced three daily flights between Wilmington and La Guardia Airport in New York City during the 2000s following lobbying from the Wilmington community. US Airways also introduced nonstop service to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in March 2011. American Eagle began service between Wilmington and Chicago O'Hare International Airport in July 2011 after the airport authority", "title": "Wilmington International Airport" }, { "docid": "1502721", "text": "and International terminals are connected and, combined, are often referred to as the Main Terminal. Free Wi-Fi is available in all sections of the airport. The South Terminal, along with the adjacent floatplane docks, is referred to by airport management as \"Airport South.\" The Main Terminal is divided in two sections: the Domestic Terminal and the International Terminal. The majority of flights operate at the Main Terminal. The two sections are connected both pre-security and post-security; however, the US border preclearance area is separated off using movable glass partitions which can be adjusted based on the arrangement of swing gates", "title": "Vancouver International Airport" }, { "docid": "7134229", "text": "Kempegowda International Airport Kempegowda International Airport is an international airport serving Bengaluru, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Spread over , it is located about north of the city near the village of Devanahalli. It is owned and operated by Bengaluru International Airport Limited (BIAL), a public–private consortium. The airport opened in May 2008 as an alternative to increased congestion at HAL Airport, the original primary commercial airport serving the city. It is named after Kempe Gowda I, the founder of Bengaluru. Kempegowda International Airport became Karnataka's first fully solar powered airport developed by CleanMax Solar. Kempegowda Airport", "title": "Kempegowda International Airport" }, { "docid": "9400934", "text": "Tiruchirappalli International Airport Tiruchirappalli International Airport is an international airport serving Tiruchirappalli in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is located on National Highway 336, about south of the city center. The airport is ISO 9001:2008 quality certified and was declared an international airport on 4 October 2012. It is the third-largest airport in Tamil Nadu in terms of total passenger traffic next to Chennai and Coimbatore. The airport is served by three Indian and four foreign carriers providing direct connectivity to 3 domestic and 5 international destinations.The airport covers an area of 702 acres. This airport was established", "title": "Tiruchirappalli International Airport" }, { "docid": "5470966", "text": "Toluca International Airport Toluca International Airport, officially Licenciado Adolfo López Mateos International Airport is an international airport in Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico. It is part of the Mexico City Metropolitan Airport Group, and it is being improved and promoted to handle some traffic for the city of Toluca, but it also serves as a low-cost carrier airport for Mexico City, serving Interjet and VivaAerobus, but in the past at different times also by Volaris and Aeromexico. The airport is named after President Adolfo López Mateos. It is considered as the main alternate airport for Mexico City International Airport since", "title": "Toluca International Airport" } ]
What was Kevin Kline's first movie?
[ "Sophie's Choice", "Sophie's Choice (disambiguation)", "Sophies Choice", "Sophie's choice" ]
[ { "docid": "1726421", "text": "Ado About Nothing\" (1988), \"Henry V\" (1984), and two productions of \"Hamlet\", in 1986 and 1990 (which he also directed). A videotape of the 1990 production has aired on PBS. He also appeared in a Lincoln Center production that combined the two parts of \"Henry IV\" on Broadway at the Vivian Beaumont Theatre in 2003 as Falstaff. Kline was nominated for the 2004 Tony Award, Actor in a Play. Dubbed \"the American Olivier\" by \"New York Times\" theater critic Frank Rich for his stage acting, Kline finally ventured into film in 1982 in \"Sophie's Choice\". He won the coveted role", "title": "Kevin Kline" } ]
[ { "docid": "1726427", "text": "with juvenile diabetes, Kline became active with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. In November 2004, he was presented with the JDRF's Humanitarian of the Year award by Meryl Streep for his volunteer efforts on behalf of the organization. The Kevin Kline Awards honor theatre professionals in St. Louis in an array of categories, which include best actor and actress, set design, choreography, and new play or musical. Kevin Kline Kevin Delaney Kline (born October 24, 1947) is an American film and stage actor and singer. He has won an Academy Award and three Tony Awards and is a 2003 American", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "10264390", "text": "performance about the creation of the Kevin Kline Theater Ticket Fund, which will provide free tickets to area high school students. The Kevin Kline Awards were suspended in June 2012 due to financial concerns. Kevin Kline Awards The Kevin Kline Awards were started in 2006, to recognize outstanding achievement in professional theatre in the Greater St. Louis area. The awards are sponsored by PTAC, the Professional Theatre Awards Council, and were named in honor of Kevin Kline, a St. Louis native who has been the recipient of both Tony and Academy Awards. In order for a play to be considered", "title": "Kevin Kline Awards" }, { "docid": "10264388", "text": "Kevin Kline Awards The Kevin Kline Awards were started in 2006, to recognize outstanding achievement in professional theatre in the Greater St. Louis area. The awards are sponsored by PTAC, the Professional Theatre Awards Council, and were named in honor of Kevin Kline, a St. Louis native who has been the recipient of both Tony and Academy Awards. In order for a play to be considered for a Kevin Kline Award, it must: Each nominee is reviewed by seven judges, who are drawn randomly from a pool of 49. Judges then give each production a numerical rating on each of", "title": "Kevin Kline Awards" }, { "docid": "1726413", "text": "Kevin Kline Kevin Delaney Kline (born October 24, 1947) is an American film and stage actor and singer. He has won an Academy Award and three Tony Awards and is a 2003 American Theatre Hall of Fame inductee. Kline began his career on stage in 1972 with The Acting Company. He has gone on to win three Tony Awards for his work on Broadway, winning Best Featured Actor in a Musical for the 1978 original production of \"On the Twentieth Century\", Best Actor in a Musical for the 1981 revival of \"The Pirates of Penzance\", and Tony Award for Best", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "10264389", "text": "the available categories (acting, directing, lighting, etc.) and submit their ballot within 24 hours of seeing the production. At the end of each year, the five productions with the highest score in each category are listed as the nominees, and the award goes to the one with the best score: The first award ceremony was held on March 20, 2006, in the Roberts Orpheum Theatre, and hosted by St. Louis-native Broadway actor Jason Danieley. Presenters included Kline, and St. Louis-born Broadway actor Ken Page. Kline received the first-ever Kevin Kline Award to be created, and was also told at the", "title": "Kevin Kline Awards" }, { "docid": "1726417", "text": "In 1997, the school named its new auditorium as the Kevin Kline Theater in his honor. Kline performed selections from Shakespeare as a benefit at the dedication. He attended Indiana University, Bloomington, where he was a classmate of actor Jonathan Banks. He began studying composing and conducting music, but switched to a theater and speech major for his last two years, graduating in 1970. Kline remembers: \"When I switched to the Theater Department, all I did was theater...I could barely make it to class because this was my passion.\" While an undergraduate, he was a co-founder of the Vest Pocket", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "8302325", "text": "or Draw\" a decade earlier. This was Kline and Friends' most recent game show to date. Richard S. Kline Richard S. Kline is an American television producer and director whose most notable work was in game shows. He directed and produced programs for Barry & Enright Productions until 1984, after which he formed his own production company, Kline & Friends. One of Richard S. Kline's early shows where he worked as a director was on Jack Barry's \"The Joker's Wild\" on CBS, starting in 1972. He also served as an associate producer, and did both jobs until the series ended", "title": "Richard S. Kline" }, { "docid": "8302318", "text": "Richard S. Kline Richard S. Kline is an American television producer and director whose most notable work was in game shows. He directed and produced programs for Barry & Enright Productions until 1984, after which he formed his own production company, Kline & Friends. One of Richard S. Kline's early shows where he worked as a director was on Jack Barry's \"The Joker's Wild\" on CBS, starting in 1972. He also served as an associate producer, and did both jobs until the series ended in 1975. After Jack Barry and Dan Enright revived their partnership, Kline was assigned to direct", "title": "Richard S. Kline" }, { "docid": "13294431", "text": "deal, authoring nearly 500 scientific publications, magazine and newspaper articles for the general public, and a book, \"From Sad to Glad\". He made frequent appearances as a guest on radio and television shows in his attempt to educate the public about mental illness and research. Upon his death in 1983, the Rockland Research Institute was renamed the Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, part of the New York State Office of Mental Health. Nathan S. Kline Nathan Schellenberg Kline, M.D. (22 March 1916 – 11 February 1983) was an American scientist, researcher in the field of psychology and psychiatrist best", "title": "Nathan S. Kline" }, { "docid": "13294426", "text": "Nathan S. Kline Nathan Schellenberg Kline, M.D. (22 March 1916 – 11 February 1983) was an American scientist, researcher in the field of psychology and psychiatrist best known for his work with psychopharmacologic drugs. A graduate of the New York University School of Medicine, he and Robert Edward Gross are the only two-time winners of the Albert Lasker Award for Clinical Medical Research, an award sometimes referred to as \"America's Nobel Prize\". Kline was best known for his pioneering work with psychopharmacologic drugs. In 1952, he started a research unit at Rockland State Hospital, NY (later the Rockland Psychiatric Center).", "title": "Nathan S. Kline" }, { "docid": "1726424", "text": "He has a star on the St. Louis Walk of Fame. Film reviewers have praised Kline. \"Newsday\" critic Lynn Darling wrote on July 13, 1988, that Kline \"has proved himself to be one of the most talented and versatile American actors of his generation.\" Kline played the title role in \"King Lear\" at the Public Theater and took the lead role in a Broadway production of \"Cyrano de Bergerac\" opposite Jennifer Garner. That production was forced to close temporarily after only 11 performances as a result of the Broadway stagehands' strike, but subsequently reopened. \"Cyrano\" was filmed in 2008 and", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "1726415", "text": "\"Dave\" (1993), \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\" (1996), \"The Ice Storm\" (1997), \"In & Out\" (1997), \"Wild Wild West\" (1999), \"The Road to El Dorado\" (2000), \"De-Lovely\" (2004), \"The Conspirator\" (2010), \"My Old Lady\" (2014), and \"Beauty and the Beast\" (2017). Since 2011, Kline has had a recurring role on the animated comedy series \"Bob's Burgers\". Kline was born in St. Louis, Missouri, to Margaret Agnes Kirk and Robert Joseph Kline (1909-1996). His father was a classical music lover and an amateur opera singer who owned and operated The Record Bar, a record store in St. Louis that opened in", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "1726426", "text": "Kline returned to Broadway in a revival of the play \"Present Laughter\", for which he received his third Tony Award. In December 2004, Kline became the 2,272nd recipient of a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame, for his contributions to the motion picture industry, located at 7000 Hollywood Boulevard. Kline met actress Phoebe Cates in 1983. They began dating in 1985 and married in 1989. The couple live on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York. They have two children, Owen (born 1991) and Greta (1994), who fronts the band Frankie Cosmos. After his son, Owen, was diagnosed", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "1726422", "text": "of the tormented and mercurial Nathan opposite Meryl Streep. Streep won an Academy Award for her performance in the film. Kline was nominated for a 1983 Golden Globe award (New Star of the Year) and BAFTA Award for Most Outstanding Newcomer To Film. During the 1980s and early 1990s, Kline made several films with director Lawrence Kasdan, including \"The Big Chill\", \"Silverado\", \"Grand Canyon\", \"I Love You to Death\", and \"French Kiss\". He played Donald Woods in Richard Attenborough's \"Cry Freedom\" opposite Denzel Washington about the friendship between Activist Stephen Biko and editor Donald Woods. In 1989, Kline won an", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "5387358", "text": "December 1988. His game show celebrity appearances included both \"The $25,000 and $100,000 Pyramid\", \"Super Password\", \"All New All-Star Beat the Clock\", and \"Body Language\". Kline also won $10,000 on \"The $10,000 Pyramid\" as a civilian contestant in 1974. Kline told SitcomsOnline.com he would like to compete on \"Jeopardy!\". In February 2010, he was cast as the Wizard in the first national tour of \"Wicked\". Kline was seen next in October 2011 in \"It Shoulda Been You\", directed by David Hyde Pierce and starring Tyne Daly. Kline will appear in a movie directed by and starring Mike Birbiglia called \"Don't", "title": "Richard Kline" }, { "docid": "8302321", "text": "Douglas C. Barry, as well as composer Hal Hidey and set designer John C. Mula, left the company and formed \"Kline and Friends\"; producer Gary Cox also joined Kline briefly, but soon left to work for Reg Grundy Productions, while Ron Greenberg became an independent producer once again. With Kline running his own company, \"Break the Bank\" (completely unrelated to the earlier game) premiered in the fall of 1985, with Gene Rayburn as host. By year's end, Rayburn was let go due to conflict with Kline over the show's format and replaced by Joe Farago. After that, Kline tried again", "title": "Richard S. Kline" }, { "docid": "1726425", "text": "aired as part of PBS's \"Great Performances\" series in January 2009. In January 2008, Kline won a Screen Actors Guild award for his portrayal of Jaques in Kenneth Branagh's film \"As You Like It\", adapted from Shakespeare's play. The film premiered theatrically in 2006 in Europe. It bypassed theatres and was sent straight to HBO in the U.S. Kline's film \"The Conspirator\" premiered during the Toronto International Film Festival in 2010 and was described as an \"old-fashioned historical thriller\". It was well received by most critics. Kline also starred in the 2012 comedy \"Darling Companion\" alongside Diane Keaton. In 2017,", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "1726416", "text": "the early 1940s, and sold toys during the 1960s and 1970s; his father's family also owned Kline's Inc., a department store chain. Kline has described his mother as the \"dramatic theatrical character in our family\". Kline's father was Jewish, from a family that had emigrated from Germany, and had become an agnostic. Kline's mother was a Roman Catholic of Irish descent, the daughter of an emigrant from County Louth. Kline was raised in his mother's Catholic faith. He has an older sister, Kate, and two younger brothers, Alexander and Christopher. He graduated from the Saint Louis Priory School in 1965.", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "3438404", "text": "He says, \"I find objectionable: first, vague generalizations, entirely undocumented, concerning views held by ‘modernists’, and second, the inferences drawn from what has not been said by the ‘modernists’.\" By 1966 Kline proposed an eight-page high school plan. The rebuttal for this article was by James H. Zant; it asserted that Kline had \"a general lack of knowledge of what was going on in schools with reference to textbooks, teaching, and curriculum.\" Zant criticized Kline’s writing for \"vagueness, distortion of facts, undocumented statements and overgeneralization.\" In 1966 and 1970 Kline issued two further criticisms. In 1973 St. Martin’s Press contributed", "title": "Morris Kline" }, { "docid": "1726418", "text": "Players, an off-campus theatrical troupe. In 1970, Kline was awarded a scholarship to the newly formed Drama Division at the Juilliard School in New York. In 1972, he joined with fellow Juilliard graduates, including Patti LuPone and David Ogden Stiers, and formed the City Center Acting Company (now The Acting Company), under the aegis of John Houseman. The Company traveled across the U.S. performing Shakespeare's plays, other classical works, and the musical \"The Robber Bridegroom\", founding one of the most widely praised groups in American repertory theatre. At Juilliard, he studied singing with Beverley Peck Johnson. In 1976, Kline left", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "13294427", "text": "At that time, the national inpatient population in public hospitals was approaching the half-million mark. Traditional therapies seemed inadequate to treat the growing number of mentally ill patients. Kline and his colleagues took the unusual step of investigating reserpine, a derivative of Rauwolfia serpentina. Rauwolfia was commonly used in India to treat many physical complaints, and reserpine was being used in the US to treat high blood pressure. For two years, trials with hospitalized patients found that approximately 70% of those suffering from schizophrenia were markedly relieved from their symptoms. This work earned Kline, along with his colleagues, his first", "title": "Nathan S. Kline" }, { "docid": "1726420", "text": "1981, Kline appeared with rock diva Linda Ronstadt and singer Rex Smith in the New York Shakespeare Festival's Central Park production of Gilbert and Sullivan's \"The Pirates of Penzance\", winning another Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical, for his comically dashing portrayal of the Pirate King. In 1983, he played the role in a film version of the musical, also with Ronstadt, Smith and Angela Lansbury, which had a limited theatrical release. In the ensuing years, Kline appeared many times in New York Shakespeare Festival productions of Shakespeare plays, including starring roles in \"Richard III\" (1983), \"Much", "title": "Kevin Kline" }, { "docid": "18541894", "text": "Olive Kline Olive Kline (sometimes given as Olive Kline Hulihan or the pseudonym Alice Green) (July 7, 1887 – July 29, 1976) was an American soprano who is chiefly remembered for her recordings for Victor Records from 1912 to 1935. She recorded a wide range of music from operas and Broadways musicals to sacred music, popular music, and songs from the classical concert repertoire. Kline was born on July 7, 1887 in Amsterdam, New York to Martha D. and Oliver S. Kline. Her family moved to Schenectady, New York around 1897, when her father went to work at General Electric.", "title": "Olive Kline" }, { "docid": "8302324", "text": "to the format which weren't successful. The same year, Kline and Friends also produced \"The Marsha Warfield Show\" for NBC, their only non-game show production. In 1994, shortly after Enright's death, Kline produced and directed the children's game show, \"Masters of the Maze\", hosted by J. D. Roth, then Mario Lopez, for The Family Channel. The show used innovative technology for the time to create the titular maze, including chroma-key and CGI animation. 1997 saw Kline produce a television version of the board game \"Pictionary\", hosted by Alan Thicke, which used a nearly identical format to that of \"Win, Lose", "title": "Richard S. Kline" }, { "docid": "11532907", "text": "the converse is true: If a nondegenerate locally connected metric continuum is separated by any simple closed curve but by no pair of points, then it is a two-dimensional sphere. Kline sphere characterization In mathematics, a Kline sphere characterization, named after John Robert Kline, is a topological characterization of a two-dimensional sphere in terms of what sort of subset separates it. Its proof was one of the first notable accomplishments of R. H. Bing; Bing gave an alternate proof using brick partitioning in his paper \"Complementary domains of continuous curves\" A simple closed curve in a two-dimensional sphere (for instance,", "title": "Kline sphere characterization" }, { "docid": "11532906", "text": "Kline sphere characterization In mathematics, a Kline sphere characterization, named after John Robert Kline, is a topological characterization of a two-dimensional sphere in terms of what sort of subset separates it. Its proof was one of the first notable accomplishments of R. H. Bing; Bing gave an alternate proof using brick partitioning in his paper \"Complementary domains of continuous curves\" A simple closed curve in a two-dimensional sphere (for instance, its equator) separates the sphere into two pieces upon removal. If one removes a pair of points from a sphere, however, the remainder is connected. Kline's sphere characterization states that", "title": "Kline sphere characterization" }, { "docid": "13294429", "text": "1960s the Rockland Research Institute grew to more than 300 staff. Kline's reputation drew biomedical researchers from around the world. Many laboratory techniques were developed to determine the therapeutic doses of frequently used medications, doses which are safe yet effective, at the Rockland Research Institute. Kline was founder and director of the International Committee Against Mental Illness. As an advisor to several international health agencies such as the World Health Organization and CARE-Medco, Kline was aware of the lack of medical treatment for mental illnesses in developing countries. He traveled widely and devoted much time to establishing and visiting mental", "title": "Nathan S. Kline" }, { "docid": "8302323", "text": "both NBC and in syndication, with Vicki Lawrence hosting the network version and Convy hosting the syndicated series. \"Win, Lose or Draw\" ended its run in 1989 on NBC and in 1990 in syndication. Convy left the syndicated series at the beginning of its final season to preside over another co-production with Kline, \"3rd Degree\", and Robb Weller took over for him at \"Win, Lose or Draw\". In 1990, Kline put together another revival of \"The Joker's Wild\", which was hosted by Pat Finn; this version lasted a single season due to an overcrowded market, as well as several changes", "title": "Richard S. Kline" }, { "docid": "19494163", "text": "John Kline (elder) Church of the Brethren historian Donald F. Durnbaugh has described John Kline as \"arguably the most beloved personality in Brethren History.\" Kline was born in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania on 17 June 1797, the son of John Kline (1763–1844) and Mary Hershey Kline (1770–1850). While he was still a boy, the family moved to Rockingham County, Virginia. On 18 March 1818, before he was twenty-one, he married Anna Wampler (1796–1885), the daughter of John Wampler and Magdalene Garber Wampler. He bought a farm on Linville Creek in what is now the town of Broadway, about five miles north", "title": "John Kline (elder)" }, { "docid": "8735999", "text": "he notched 14 tackles. He was a First-team All-CIF, All-Ocean League and All-Los Angeles Times West Side selection. Kline was a pre-season All-American candidate. Also competed in track and field as a shot putter and on the Varsity basketball team. Kline was a 1999 All-Mountain West Conference selection and manned the right guard position on what was considered by many one of the finest offensive lines in San Diego State history. During his senior season, he graded out at 88.6% and made 38 knockdowns and registered 33 other big blocks the most among the team’s offensive lineman, and a school", "title": "Andrew Kline" }, { "docid": "13294430", "text": "health clinics and programs in other parts of the world. In 1960, Kline and Manfred Clynes coined the term cyborg, using it in an article in Astronautics Magazine about the advantages of self-regulating human-machine systems in outer space. Along a similar vein, Kline believed that computers could be used in large scale epidemiological studies and streamline the administration of complex health facilities. In 1968 he oversaw the installation of a major computer center at Rockland, funded by the Federal government. He led the development of many computerized medical systems, which led to improvements in patient care. He wrote a great", "title": "Nathan S. Kline" }, { "docid": "13294428", "text": "Lasker Award. Encouraged by his success with this tranquilizer, Kline investigated the properties of antidepressants. Within a year, patients in psychiatric centers throughout the US were receiving antidepressant medication. In 1964, Kline earned his second Lasker Award for the study of the introduction and use of iproniazid, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, in the treatment of severe depression. This successful use of drugs for two major categories of psychiatric illness led to the release of thousands who were able to rejoin society. Kline's work has been acknowledged as a major factor in opening a new era in psychiatry: psychopharmacology. During the", "title": "Nathan S. Kline" }, { "docid": "18771430", "text": "of U. S. Poet Laureate Josephine Jacobsen, Kline recorded selections in 1975 of his poetry at the Library of Congress (http://lccn.loc.gov/95770418) from \"I, Dodo\"(1968), \"Crazy Love\"(1970), and \"Birthsongs\"(1972),three of his four books of poems. During the 1960s, as a young writer, Kline corresponded with Conrad Aiken, Norman Mailer, Peter Matthiessen, and Norman O. Brown. From 2000, Kline and his wife Jann lived at 7th Heaven Ranch near Santa Fe, a 20-acre forested nature preserve at an altitude of 7,000 feet, where they established the Kline Art Research Library, open to students and scholars. Jann (Arbogust Sasser) Kline, art historian and", "title": "Fred R. Kline" }, { "docid": "8302320", "text": "\"Hot Potato\", which ran 23 weeks on NBC. Jack Barry died in May 1984, not too long after completing production of the 1983-84 season of \"Joker\". Upon his death, Dan Enright immediately succeeded his longtime producing partner; he promptly started making many changes other staffers, including Kline, opposed, including the choice of Bill Cullen (of \"Hot Potato\") as the successor to Barry on \"Joker\", as opposed to fill-in host Jim Peck, who Barry had intended to succeed him permanently for the 1984-85 season. Not long after, Kline and some B&E staff members, including Jack Barry's two sons Jon C. and", "title": "Richard S. Kline" }, { "docid": "13175253", "text": "James Kline said of his beloved Kline Kar, \"I would rather see my children dead than prostituted to cheapness and inferior workmanship.\" Kline Kar The Kline Kar was an American automobile built first in York, Pennsylvania, (1910–1912), and then in Richmond, Virginia, (1912–1923). The car was often just referred to as a Kline. James A. Kline moved to York to work on a car that at the time was known as the York, but soon became the Pullman. After leaving that company, he partnered with another former employee, Samuel E. Baily, and also with Joseph C. Carrell to form B.C.K.", "title": "Kline Kar" }, { "docid": "19706218", "text": "service on July 13, 2018 and is executive-produced by Peter Hastings. Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie is a 2017 American computer-animated superhero comedy film based on Dav Pilkey's children's novel series of the same name, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by David Soren from a screenplay by Nicholas Stoller, and stars the voices of Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Nick Kroll, Thomas Middleditch, Jordan Peele and Kristen Schaal. The plot follows two imaginative elementary school pranksters named George Beard and Harold Hutchins (voiced by Kevin Hart", "title": "Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie" }, { "docid": "19706194", "text": "Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie is a 2017 American computer-animated superhero comedy film based on Dav Pilkey's children's novel series of the same name, produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by 20th Century Fox. It was directed by David Soren from a screenplay by Nicholas Stoller, and stars the voices of Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Nick Kroll, Thomas Middleditch, Jordan Peele and Kristen Schaal. The plot follows two imaginative elementary school pranksters named George Beard and Harold Hutchins (voiced by Kevin Hart and Thomas Middleditch) who hypnotize their mean-spirited principal, Mr. Krupp (voiced", "title": "Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie" }, { "docid": "17320065", "text": "The team won its first-round game against the Kansas City Chiefs before losing to Kline's former team and eventual AFC Champion New England Patriots. The offensive line was rated fifth-best in the NFL according to Pro Football Focus, with Kline scoring a 75.8 rating, number 22 among NFL guards. On March 14, 2018, Kline signed a four-year contract extension with the Tennessee Titans. Kline married his wife, Natalie, on April 9, 2016 in Saint Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Kline’s daughter Kroy Kline was born September 20, 2018. His Twitter handled is @JoshKline64. Josh Kline Josh Kline (born December 29, 1989)", "title": "Josh Kline" }, { "docid": "12704593", "text": "from the upper level balcony of their Malibu, California home in the early morning of January 22, 2009. The first Lisa Kline store opened on August 5, 1995. On April 17, 1999, she opened Lisa Kline Men, which provided clothing for men and was decorated with a 1970s TV, a bar, playboys, and many other \"masculine\" accommodations. Kline has been reported saying that the men's store is her favorite. She began on-line sales in 2002, and launched a children's clothing line, Lisa Kline Kids, in 2003. She also owns Lisa Kline stores in Beverly Hills and Malibu. Lisa Kline Lisa", "title": "Lisa Kline" }, { "docid": "13175249", "text": "Kline Kar The Kline Kar was an American automobile built first in York, Pennsylvania, (1910–1912), and then in Richmond, Virginia, (1912–1923). The car was often just referred to as a Kline. James A. Kline moved to York to work on a car that at the time was known as the York, but soon became the Pullman. After leaving that company, he partnered with another former employee, Samuel E. Baily, and also with Joseph C. Carrell to form B.C.K. Motor Company. This new firm produced the Kline Kar starting in 1910, in the building owned by Baily for his carriage company.", "title": "Kline Kar" }, { "docid": "18883940", "text": "Kevin Hart: What Now? Kevin Hart: What Now? is a 2016 American stand-up comedy concert film starring comedian Kevin Hart, based on his 2015 stand-up tour of the same name. It is the third theatrical release of a Hart stand-up show, following \"\" (2011) and \"\" (2013). The film was released in the United States on October 14, 2016. It received generally positive reviews and grossed $23 million. In the film's spy sub-plot, set before the events of the performance, Kevin is secret agent for MI6 (Agent 0054) and attends a poker game event with his date Money Berry (Halle", "title": "Kevin Hart: What Now?" }, { "docid": "17320063", "text": "a two-year contract extension through the 2017 season. In the 2015 regular season, Kline played in 14 games, starting 13. He missed two games due to a shoulder injury. Kline played in 816 snaps, or 77.6 percent of the team's offensive plays as the Patriots won their division and the #2 seed in the AFC Playoffs. Kline underwent shoulder surgery after the completion of the 2015 season. On September 7, 2016, Kline was released by the Patriots. On September 8, 2016, Kline was claimed off waivers by the Tennessee Titans. After being inactive for the team's first two games, on", "title": "Josh Kline" }, { "docid": "19115804", "text": "Kevin S Giles Kevin S. Giles (born 1952) is an American journalist and author whose books are set in his native western Montana. Two of his books take place in his hometown of Deer Lodge: a novel, \"Summer of the Black Chevy\" (2015) and the nonfiction work, \"Jerry's Riot: The True Story of Montana's 1959 Prison Disturbance.\" (2005) In October 2016, Giles published \"One Woman Against War: The Jeannette Rankin Story,\" a biography of the first woman elected to the United States Congress. It is an expanded edition of his 1980 Rankin biography, \"Flight of the Dove.\" Rankin was elected", "title": "Kevin S Giles" }, { "docid": "17320061", "text": "year), and finishing with 12 regular season games played in 2014. Kline made his first postseason start January 18, 2015 in the AFC Championship Game against the Indianapolis Colts following an injury to rookie center Bryan Stork, which resulted in guard Ryan Wendell moving to center and Kline at right guard. Kline earned praise for his performance as the Patriots dominated the Colts 45-7 to advance to Super Bowl XLIX. Kline then earned a Super Bowl ring as the Patriots defeated the Seattle Seahawks 28-24 in Super Bowl XLIX on February 1, 2015. Kline was one of two Patriots (the", "title": "Josh Kline" }, { "docid": "10340971", "text": "MacKinzie Kline MacKinzie Kline (born March 30, 1992 in La Jolla, California) is an American female golfer who suffers from a heart defect known as heterotaxy syndrome as a result of being born with only one ventricle. The condition causes the blood in one's body to have little oxygen. Kline participated in her first LPGA event in 2007 at the Ginn Tribute, and became the first player in LPGA history to ride a cart during competition. Kline, who was just 15 at the time, scored an 89 and thus will be ineligible to appear in another LPGA event until 2008.", "title": "MacKinzie Kline" }, { "docid": "10340970", "text": "MacKinzie Kline MacKinzie Kline (born March 30, 1992 in La Jolla, California) is an American female golfer who suffers from a heart defect known as heterotaxy syndrome as a result of being born with only one ventricle. The condition causes the blood in one's body to have little oxygen. Kline participated in her first LPGA event in 2007 at the Ginn Tribute, and became the first player in LPGA history to ride a cart during competition. Kline, who was just 15 at the time, scored an 89 and thus will be ineligible to appear in another LPGA event until 2008.", "title": "MacKinzie Kline" }, { "docid": "13743145", "text": "on 14 February 1945 for Leyte in the Philippine Islands. Intensive pre-invasion exercises were completed in the Philippines before \"Kline\" arrived off Okinawa on 26 March 1945. \"Kline\"s underwater demolition team cleared the approaches to the island. After the main invasion force landed on Okinawa on 1 April 1945, \"Kline\" remained in the area in support of the Okinawa campaign as radar and antisubmarine warfare picket. Her guns also assisted in shooting down a Japanese aircraft on 1 April 1945 and helped down another on 6 April 1945. \"Kline\" departed the Okinawa area on 16 April 1945 and for the", "title": "USS Kline (APD-120)" }, { "docid": "11145698", "text": "the university's first Professor of Psychometrics. Among colleagues, Kline had a reputation as an opinionated controversialist who remained a genial and supportive colleague; he was revered by students for the wit and clarity of his lectures. Paul Kline Paul Kline (1937 – 25 September 1999) was a psychologist at the University of Exeter. Kline was interested in depth psychology, especially theories of Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. He was also an expert in psychometrics and carried out extensive research in the statistical analysis of personality and intelligence. In his 1972 book \"Fact and Fantasy in Freudian Theory\", widely translated,", "title": "Paul Kline" }, { "docid": "19115806", "text": "from 1988 to 1997. Giles currently is an editor, photographer and staff writer at the \"Star Tribune\" in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Kevin S Giles Kevin S. Giles (born 1952) is an American journalist and author whose books are set in his native western Montana. Two of his books take place in his hometown of Deer Lodge: a novel, \"Summer of the Black Chevy\" (2015) and the nonfiction work, \"Jerry's Riot: The True Story of Montana's 1959 Prison Disturbance.\" (2005) In October 2016, Giles published \"One Woman Against War: The Jeannette Rankin Story,\" a biography of the first woman elected to the", "title": "Kevin S Giles" }, { "docid": "5425079", "text": "first chapter of Genesis. Theologian John Frame has called Kline \"the most impressive biblical theologian of my lifetime,\" adding that Kline's work \"is orthodox, yet often original, and it always provides [a] rich analysis of Scripture.\" In 2000, a festschrift was published in Kline's honor: \"Creator Redeemer Consummator: A Festschrift for Meredith G. Kline\", ed. H. Griffith and J. R. Muether (Greenville, SC: Reformed Academic Press), featuring scholars (and former students) such as Tremper Longman and Charles Lee Irons. Some of Kline's many publications include: Meredith Kline Meredith George Kline (December 15, 1922 – April 14, 2007) was an American", "title": "Meredith Kline" }, { "docid": "19279434", "text": "Consolata Kline Sister Consolata M. Kline (October 8, 1916 – November 7, 2016) was a religious sister of the Catholic Church and the Executive Director of the St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center. Consolata Kline was born in Cleveland, Ohio on October 8, 1916, where she graduated from Lincoln High School in 1935. She entered the Sisters of Humility of Mary in 1943 after working through the Great Depression. She made her first profession of vows in July 1945 and her perpetual vows in 1948. Kline attended St. Louis University where she received her bachelor of science in commerce and her", "title": "Consolata Kline" }, { "docid": "13964054", "text": "became involved with organizations that embraced social and human rights of individuals. His opposition to the Vietnam War moved he and his family to Canada. In Vancouver, Kline became known as Canada's first Children's Aid Society psychiatrist. Kline became a member of the Canadian Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Certified in Psychiatry. He was a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UBC, and upon retirement he was appointed Clinical Professor Emeritus. Kline published works on child psychiatry, adolescent psychiatry, and dyslexia appearing in more than 60 professional journals worldwide. In 1991 Kline and his wife Carolyn were", "title": "Carl Kline" }, { "docid": "11971089", "text": "Suzy Kline Suzy Kline (born 1943 in Berkeley, California) is the author of the \"Horrible Harry\" book series as well as the \"Herbie Jones\" books. Kline was born in Berkeley, California, to Harry, a realtor, and Martha Weaver, a substitute teacher. Kline was first inspired to write when she wrote a series of letters to her grandfather. She attended classes at Columbia University during a one-year stay in New York City, and then transferred to the University of California, Berkeley, graduating in 1966 with a BA in history. In 1967 she earned a teaching credential at California State University at", "title": "Suzy Kline" }, { "docid": "6948037", "text": "Richard H. Kline Richard Howard Kline, A.S.C. (November 15, 1926 – August 7, 2018) was an American cinematographer. After Kline graduated from high school in 1943 at the age of 16, his father got him a job as a slate boy working for Columbia Pictures the same year, and one of the films he worked on as a slate boy was Cover Girl. A year later, in 1944, Kline joined the U.S. Navy, serving from 1944 to 1946. By the time he had joined the Navy, he was already a first assistant cameraman. Kline was shipped out to the Pacific", "title": "Richard H. Kline" }, { "docid": "12437617", "text": "Paul Kline (photographer) Paul Kline (born 1964) is an American photographer known for his editorial, advertising and documentary work. Kline was born in Long Beach, California. He graduated in 1991 from Cornell University with a Bachelor's degree and later he studied at the New York Institute of Photography. He moved to Washington DC. where he met his wife Mercedes. Kline's father Abbott was also a professional photographer, he gave his son his first camera. Kline has done commercial work for many corporations and ad agencies. His images have appeared in many publications, both new and old media. Kline also produced", "title": "Paul Kline (photographer)" }, { "docid": "18579936", "text": "Boštjan Kline Boštjan Kline (born 9 March 1991) is a Slovenian World Cup alpine ski racer, and specializes in the speed events of downhill and super-G. He has competed in three World Championships. Kline made his World Cup debut in December 2009 in the Super Combined at Val d'Isere, France. He competed for Slovenia at the 2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships. He failed to finish the super-G, finished 33rd in the Downhill and was disqualified during the slalom run of the super combined. In January 2016, Kline attained his first podium, a second-place finish in downhill at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,", "title": "Boštjan Kline" }, { "docid": "18041214", "text": "known. Kline first met Brodsky in Leningrad in August, 1967, and formed a close association as translator and friend. Between 1965 and 1989 Kline published translations of poems by Brodsky on more than thirty separate occasions in a variety of publishing venues, and played a leading role in the publication of both Ostanovka v pustyne (New York: izd. Chekhova, 1970) and Joseph Brodsky: Selected Poems, Trans. George L. Kline (New York: Harper & Row, 1973). Ostanovka v pustyne was the first Russian-language edition of his poetry for which Brodsky was able to make the main editorial choices, thanks to Kline’s", "title": "George Kline" }, { "docid": "16919454", "text": "Ellenton, FL in 1991, Kline painted his first \"Lines of Language\" painting, signing his name over and over. Titled \"3795 Signatures\", the abstract was chosen for the 1994 Florida National, Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts, Tallahassee, Florida. It was also in 1994 that Kline designed the Florida State of the Arts license plate. In 1999, Kline created his first realistic drawing using his new Lines of Language technique to create an image of Santa out of the words \"Season's Greetings\". He had his drawing printed as a lithograph, added additional words with gold and silver applied pen-and-ink to", "title": "Stephen Kline" }, { "docid": "7117062", "text": "reason that I liked Kevin—we picked Kevin to do the movie, Bernie and I did, because what he knew the movie needed was heart. And he was more concerned about the heart than the comedy\". The movie focuses on a young white man (played by Ashton Kutcher) attempting to marry the African American woman, while trying to seek the approval of her overprotective father (played by Bernie Mac). Working with Sullivan did have its impact upon the film, as Kutcher explains, \"Well, working for Kevin Sullivan was a very different experience for me. Kevin didn't just let us go. At", "title": "Kevin Rodney Sullivan" }, { "docid": "19279436", "text": "Sister Kline died November 7, 2016 in Cleveland, Ohio at age 100. She was preceded in death by her sister Betty Ondus and her brothers Thomas Kline, Rev. John J. Kline, and Rev. Robert W. Kline Consolata Kline Sister Consolata M. Kline (October 8, 1916 – November 7, 2016) was a religious sister of the Catholic Church and the Executive Director of the St. Elizabeth Hospital Medical Center. Consolata Kline was born in Cleveland, Ohio on October 8, 1916, where she graduated from Lincoln High School in 1935. She entered the Sisters of Humility of Mary in 1943 after working", "title": "Consolata Kline" }, { "docid": "18883944", "text": "enough of the comedian's infectious energy to more than compensate for the lulls in a stand-up set that doesn't quite rank with his best.\" On Metacritic, the film has a score 60 out of 100, based on 22 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of \"A–\" on an A+ to F scale. Kevin Hart: What Now? Kevin Hart: What Now? is a 2016 American stand-up comedy concert film starring comedian Kevin Hart, based on his 2015 stand-up tour of the same name. It is the third theatrical release of a", "title": "Kevin Hart: What Now?" }, { "docid": "3438407", "text": "in mathematics education, he became a critic of some trends. Skilled expositor that he was, editors frequently felt his expressions were best tempered with rebuttal. In considering what motivated Morris Kline to protest, consider Professor Meder’s opinion: I am wondering whether in point of fact, Professor Kline really likes mathematics [...] I think that he is at heart a physicist, or perhaps a ‘natural philosopher’, not a mathematician, and that the reason he does not like the proposals for orienting the secondary school college preparatory mathematics curriculum to the diverse needs of the twentieth century by making use of some", "title": "Morris Kline" }, { "docid": "14082987", "text": "If... \" was screened at the Christian Writer's Guild conference in Denver, Colorado. The audience, which included Jerry B. Jenkins and his wife, gave the film a standing ovation. Kevin Sorbo won the Grace Award for Movies for his work in What If... at the 2011 Movieguide Awards. http://goodnewsfl.org/dallas_jenkins_to_release_film_what_if/ What If... (2010 film) What If... is a 2010 drama film directed by Dallas Jenkins. It stars Kevin Sorbo, John Ratzenberger, Kristy Swanson and Debby Ryan. The film was released in theaters on August 20, 2010. It is the first film in a two-movie partnership between Jenkins Entertainment and Pure Flix", "title": "What If... (2010 film)" }, { "docid": "4003404", "text": "Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research The Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (NKI) is a New York State-funded research Institute, located in Orangeburg, New York. NKI is dedicated to research designed to better understand the causes of mental illnesses, and to improving the lives of people with mental illness. The Institute is named after psychiatrist Nathan S. Kline, MD who died in 1982. NKI is a facility of the New York State Office of Mental Health that has earned a national and international reputation for its pioneering contributions in psychiatric research, especially in the areas of psychopharmacological treatments", "title": "Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research" }, { "docid": "16584666", "text": "2014. Kline helped start the BU in L.A. industry exchange program. He received the Boston University College of Communication Distinguished Alumnae Award in 2003. In early 2009, Kline taught as an Adjunct Professor at BU's College of Communications. Jeff Kline Jeff Kline is an American film and television writer-producer and former television executive. He has been involved in more than 40 animated and live-action series and pilots, has received multiple Emmy nominations and wins. Jeff Kline was born in Boston, Massachusetts. Kline graduated from Boston University's College of Communication in 1987. After graduating from Boston University, Kline interned at Roger", "title": "Jeff Kline" }, { "docid": "16919455", "text": "individualize each piece, and sent them out to family, friends, business associates and patrons. The next year, when he noticed how many recipients had framed the art, he decided to use his Lines of Language technique to create his first dog lithograph. Throughout the next several years, Kline has drawn over 125 breeds. Stephen Kline Stephen Kline (born 1943 in Des Moines, Iowa) is an American contemporary artist who works primarily in acrylics and ink. Born in Des Moines, Iowa, Stephen Kline spent his early years growing up with his parents and older sister Martha in a small house on", "title": "Stephen Kline" }, { "docid": "4404994", "text": "According to the report, the security system only saves 90 days worth of data and purged much of the electronic records in question. The KCTV report, based on the incomplete records, also suggested that Kline spent an inadequate amount of time in the Johnson Country District Attorney's Office, averaging only 29 hours per week. KCTV5 devoted an entire 10pm newscast to deal with criticisms leveled at KCTV5's handling of the investigation the following day. In January, 2009, Kline left Kansas to become a visiting professor at the Liberty University School of Law, in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is now an associate", "title": "Phill Kline" }, { "docid": "11971090", "text": "Hayward. Kline began teaching at Shannon Elementary School in Richmond, California. She remained there for three years. Over the course of 21 years, Kline wrote and published the entire \"Herbie Jones\" series. Kline is also the author of the \"Horrible Harry\" series. Kline married Rufus O. Kline, a college professor and writer, on October 12, 1968. Kline had two daughters, Jennifer and Emily, respectively. Kline and her family moved to Connecticut in 1976 and has lived there since. Suzy Kline Suzy Kline (born 1943 in Berkeley, California) is the author of the \"Horrible Harry\" book series as well as the", "title": "Suzy Kline" }, { "docid": "4101410", "text": "Otis Adelbert Kline Otis Adelbert Kline (July 1, 1891 – October 24, 1946) born in Chicago, Illinois, USA, was a songwriter, an adventure novelist and literary agent during the pulp era. Much of his work first appeared in the magazine \"Weird Tales\". Kline was an amateur orientalist and a student of Arabic, like his friend and sometime collaborator, E. Hoffmann Price. Kline is best known for an apocryphal literary feud with fellow author Edgar Rice Burroughs, in which he supposedly raised the latter's ire by producing close imitations (\"The Planet of Peril\" (1929) and two sequels) of Burroughs's Martian novels,", "title": "Otis Adelbert Kline" }, { "docid": "12437618", "text": "photo documentaries such as The Silent Children Project which portrays at-risk children from around the world. Paul Kline (photographer) Paul Kline (born 1964) is an American photographer known for his editorial, advertising and documentary work. Kline was born in Long Beach, California. He graduated in 1991 from Cornell University with a Bachelor's degree and later he studied at the New York Institute of Photography. He moved to Washington DC. where he met his wife Mercedes. Kline's father Abbott was also a professional photographer, he gave his son his first camera. Kline has done commercial work for many corporations and ad", "title": "Paul Kline (photographer)" }, { "docid": "20331352", "text": "Zach Kline Zach Kline is a Canadian football quarterback for the Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football League (CFL). He played at the University of California, Berkeley, Butte College, Indiana State University, returned to the University of California, Berkeley, and as a graduate transfer at Fresno State. Kline was the nationally ranked no 2 ranked pro-style quarterback in the 2012 high school class. Kline committed to play for Jeff Tedford at the University of California, Berkeley, where he enrolled early at the start of 2012. Kline redshirted during the 2012 season, after which Jeff Tedford was fired. Kline lost the", "title": "Zach Kline" }, { "docid": "11975538", "text": "post as the Usher in 2013. MacLeod retired from his post as Canadian Secretary to the Queen, and from the public service, on February 10, 2017. Kevin S. MacLeod is entitled to the following medals. <br> Kevin S. MacLeod Kevin Stewart MacLeod (born 1951) is a former Canadian Secretary to the Queen of Canada, former Usher of the Black Rod for the Canadian Senate, and the author of the historical fiction novel, \"A Stone on Their Cairn/Clach air An Càrn\". Born in North Sydney, Nova Scotia, MacLeod studied at Boston University and Carleton University, where he received both his bachelor's", "title": "Kevin S. MacLeod" }, { "docid": "18883941", "text": "Berry), only for it to go horribly wrong. In the performance portion, which takes up most of the film, Hart performs at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, providing a humorous insight into parenting, people on the edge, and hardships in everyday life. On July 16, 2015, Universal Pictures announced that \"Kevin Hart: What Now?\", a stand-up comedy film featuring a performance of Kevin Hart's What Now? Tour, would be theatrically released in the United States on October 14, 2016. The show was filmed live on August 30, 2015 in front of 53,000 people, at Philadelphia's Lincoln Financial Field, with a", "title": "Kevin Hart: What Now?" }, { "docid": "17320053", "text": "honors as the Comets' center his senior year. As a wrestler, in his senior year, Kline was the Ohio Division I (big-school) champion in the 285-pound weight class. His record for the year was 45-1 with 32 pins. In the state meet, he pinned his first two opponents and in the semifinal he was taken to overtime, prevailing 6-4. He then won the championship match by pin. Although he grew up just outside Cincinnati, Kline was a Cleveland Browns fan due to his father Rick's roots in northeast Ohio. Kline was recruited by Mid-American Conference schools and chose to attend", "title": "Josh Kline" }, { "docid": "3160126", "text": "accuracy of this phase become clear to others. Because of Kline's impact and his concrete style, Kline was dubbed the \"black and white artist\", a label which stuck with the artist, and which he would occasionally feel restricted by. Kline's first one-man show was a pivotal event in Kline's career as it marked the virtually simultaneous beginning and end of Kline's major invention as an abstract artist. At the age of forty, Kline had secured a personal style which he had already mastered. There were no real ways for Kline to further his investigation; he only had the potential to", "title": "Franz Kline" }, { "docid": "16919452", "text": "Magazine in their art department. In 1964, Kline moved to Omaha, NE, where his fine art was first accepted in a museum show: the Tenth Midwest Biennial at the Joslyn Museum, Omaha, Nebraska. Commercially, he moved quickly from the Omaha World Herald art department through a succession of advertising agencies, landing a job with Bozell & Jacobs Advertising. In 1973, he and his writer wife Kris Limberg Kline began Kline Photography Studios, which produced both fine arts and commercial photography. During this period, Stephen was one of the leading pioneers of panoramic photography in multimedia. Meanwhile, he used every spare", "title": "Stephen Kline" }, { "docid": "14312732", "text": "decisive Game 5 during what turned out to be the AAGPBL final season. Some baseball researches considers Kline one of the five best pitchers in All-American Girls Professional Baseball League history, along with Jean Faut, Helen Nicol, Dottie Wiltse and Connie Wisniewski. Once the league folded, Kline joined several other players selected by former Daisies manager Bill Allington to play for the national touring team known as the All-Americans. The squad played 100 games from 1955 to 1957, each booked in a different town, against male teams, while traveling over 10,000 miles in the manager's station wagon and a Ford", "title": "Maxine Kline" }, { "docid": "14312727", "text": "and again led all pitchers with 18 wins in 1954, during what turned out to be the AAGPBL's final season. She ranks third in the All-Time list with a .678 winning percentage and fifth with 116 wins. In three seasons her earned run average dropped below 2.00, for a cumulative 2.05 ERA in 1,518 innings of work. A native of North Adams, Michigan, Kline grew up in the close-knit of Addison. The daughter of German farmers, she had seven sisters and two brothers. Kline played softball while growing up and later attended North Adams High School, where she led the", "title": "Maxine Kline" }, { "docid": "18353631", "text": "in the sixth round, with the 198th overall selection, of the 2009 MLB draft. He opted not to sign, as he had already committed to attend the University of Virginia on a college baseball scholarship. With the Virginia Cavaliers baseball team, Kline was used as a relief pitcher in his freshman and sophomore years. In his sophomore year, Kline recorded 18 saves, the third most in college baseball, and tying the Cavaliers' record and setting an Atlantic Coast Conference record. That year, he was also named a first-team All-American. As a junior, Kline had a 7-3 win–loss record, a 3.56", "title": "Branden Kline" }, { "docid": "14433974", "text": "conditions lower than 0.8 m/s. It is seen a potential solution for self-starting in the Darrieus wind turbine. Kline–Fogleman airfoil The Kline–Fogleman airfoil or KF airfoil is a simple airfoil design with single or multiple steps along the length of the wing. It was originally devised around 50 years ago for paper airplanes. In the 21st century the KF airfoil has found renewed interest among hobbyist builders of radio-controlled aircraft, due to its simplicity of construction. But it has not been adopted for full-size aircraft capable of carrying a pilot, passengers, or other substantial payloads. The KF airfoil was designed", "title": "Kline–Fogleman airfoil" }, { "docid": "4651260", "text": "season, pitching in 68 games, and worked 46 innings with a 4.70 ERA and a 1-2 record. However, Kline struggled in 2007 compared to his earlier success, as lefties hit .318 off him. On May 13, 2007, while the Giants were routing the Colorado Rockies 15-1, in the 8th inning, Kline gave up a single to Yorvit Torrealba. Torrealba stole second, meaningless to the Giants, and scored on a base hit for the Rockies' second run. Kline told the newspapers he was angry at Torrealba for stealing a base in a 15-1 game, saying \"You know what? I'm a dumb", "title": "Steve Kline (left-handed pitcher)" }, { "docid": "19494165", "text": "build the Linville Creek German Baptist Brethren Church. He frequently traveled to southwest Virginia and to what is now West Virginia, preaching and baptizing and visiting Brethren families. Sometimes he was able to establish new congregations. \"The Brethren Encyclopedia\" says that \"according to [Kline's] records, he may have covered as much as during his lifetime, mostly on horseback.\" Kline also studied and practiced the medical procedures of one Dr. Samuel Thompson of Vermont so that he could treat the sick as well as minister to people spiritually. At the 1861 Annual Meeting of the church, Kline was elected moderator, the", "title": "John Kline (elder)" }, { "docid": "16606599", "text": "his second wife, Amy, have one child, Asher, and at the time of Huffman’s resignation were expecting a second. Kevin S. Huffman Kevin S. Huffman (born September 22, 1970) is an American lawyer and education administrator who was the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Education. He was appointed to the position by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and served from April 2011 to January 2015. Prior to his work at the Tennessee Department of Education, Huffman held a senior management position in Teach for America and had worked as an attorney specializing in education. Huffman resigned as Tennessee Commissioner of", "title": "Kevin S. Huffman" }, { "docid": "16606590", "text": "Kevin S. Huffman Kevin S. Huffman (born September 22, 1970) is an American lawyer and education administrator who was the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Education. He was appointed to the position by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and served from April 2011 to January 2015. Prior to his work at the Tennessee Department of Education, Huffman held a senior management position in Teach for America and had worked as an attorney specializing in education. Huffman resigned as Tennessee Commissioner of Education on November 13, 2014, noting that he has plans to work as a private consultant and plans to", "title": "Kevin S. Huffman" }, { "docid": "14082985", "text": "What If... (2010 film) What If... is a 2010 drama film directed by Dallas Jenkins. It stars Kevin Sorbo, John Ratzenberger, Kristy Swanson and Debby Ryan. The film was released in theaters on August 20, 2010. It is the first film in a two-movie partnership between Jenkins Entertainment and Pure Flix Entertainment. When Ben Walker (Kevin Sorbo) was young, he left his girlfriend Wendy (Kristy Swanson) and his hometown calling for a business opportunity. 15 years later, with a high-paying career and a trophy fiancé, he is visited by Mike (John Ratzenberger), an angel, who gives him a glimpse into", "title": "What If... (2010 film)" }, { "docid": "17320052", "text": "Josh Kline Josh Kline (born December 29, 1989) is an American football offensive guard for the Tennessee Titans of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Kent State. Kline was born in Hoffman Estates, Illinois to Rick and Julie Kline. Josh and his family lived in Hartville, Ohio (near Cleveland) until they moved to Mason, Ohio just north of Cincinnati, when Josh was in second grade. Kline grew up in Mason, Ohio and graduated from William Mason High School in 2008. He was an offensive lineman in football, playing tackle and center, earning second-team All-Greater Miami Conference", "title": "Josh Kline" }, { "docid": "13620725", "text": "Mahlon Kline Mahlon Nunnemacher Kline (6 February 1846 – 27 November 1909) was an American pharmacist, who was President and General Manager of Smith Kline & Co.. Born in Windsor Township in Pennsylvania, Mahlon Kline was educated at a local school in Upper Bern. He qualified as a teacher and briefly taught at a school at Hyde Park. He then went to the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie. In 1865 he joined Smith & Shoemaker: Mr Shoemaker resigned in 1869 and in 1875 the business became Smith Kline & Co. Under Mahlon Kline's leadership it became the third largest pharmaceutical", "title": "Mahlon Kline" }, { "docid": "14000546", "text": "family, travel, and various intellectual pursuits. Kline married Jeanelle Batley April 26, 1958, and they had two children: Robin Jeanelle (b. 1962) Raymond Ashley (b. 1969). Raymond Adam Kline Raymond Adam Kline (Ray Kline) (September 14, 1926 – April 14, 2010) was a leading public administration practitioner. Kline was the former President of the National Academy of Public Administration; former Deputy and Acting Administrator, General Services Administration (GSA); and former Associate Administrator, Management Operations, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Kline was born in the town of New Ringgold, Pennsylvania to Rev. Raymond Adam Kline and Marie (Herb). He, and", "title": "Raymond Adam Kline" }, { "docid": "18141245", "text": "of evidence. Kline was sentenced to 20 months in jail and a $10,000 fine. Kline operated land holding partnerships across Maryland. Some included the Prince Georges Land Development and Investment Company, Rte. 108 Property Partnership in Howard County, and the Victory Farm in Gaithersburg. Lawyers and trustees Eugene M Feinnblatt and Lawrence D. Coppel spent 19 years pursuing assets of Kline in bankruptcy court after the judge declared there were no assets to return to creditors. In June 1992, Kline was indicted for tax fraud in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. In 1977, Kline and three other World Trade Center architects, Irving", "title": "Joel Kline" }, { "docid": "13964055", "text": "recipients of the Samuel T. Orton Award Carl Kline Carl L. Kline (1915–2005) was an American born Canadian psychiatrist and researcher. Kline was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1967 with his family. He studied at Northwestern Medical School, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Duke University Medical School. Kline served as a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy Medical Corps from 1940 to 1945. Kline's direct exposure to the psychological trauma due to how war inflicted on soldiers led him to become fascinated with psychiatry. In the 1960s, Kline worked as psychiatrist in", "title": "Carl Kline" }, { "docid": "13964053", "text": "Carl Kline Carl L. Kline (1915–2005) was an American born Canadian psychiatrist and researcher. Kline was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA and moved to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1967 with his family. He studied at Northwestern Medical School, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Duke University Medical School. Kline served as a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy Medical Corps from 1940 to 1945. Kline's direct exposure to the psychological trauma due to how war inflicted on soldiers led him to become fascinated with psychiatry. In the 1960s, Kline worked as psychiatrist in his private practice in Wisconsin. There he", "title": "Carl Kline" }, { "docid": "11641430", "text": "30-28 record with 87 strikeouts and a 5.05 earned run average in 148 appearances, including 37 starts, eight complete games, one shutout, seven saves, and 441⅔ innings of work. Following his playing career, Kline managed the 1947 Johnson City Cardinals. He died in Westerville, Ohio, at age 77. Bob Kline Robert George Kline [Junior] (December 9, 1909 – March 16, 1987) was a pitcher in Major League Baseball who played for three teams between the 1930 and 1934 seasons. Listed at 6' 3\", 200 lb., Kline batted and threw right-handed. He was born in Enterprise, Ohio. A fastball thrower, Kline", "title": "Bob Kline" }, { "docid": "5816272", "text": "of the opportunities Emerson’s expanded presence in Los Angeles provides. Bright also directed a documentary in 2007 with Linda Feferman called \"Who Ordered Tax?\" about his father, Jackie, who was an actor and vaudevillian performer. In 2016 Bright served as the executive producer of the documentary \"Best and Most Beautiful Things\" about Michelle Smith, a woman from Bangor, Maine who is both legally blind and autistic. Kevin S. Bright Kevin S. Bright (born November 15, 1954) is an American television executive producer and director whose credits include \"Dream On\", \"Friends\", and \"Joey\". Born to a Jewish-American family in New York", "title": "Kevin S. Bright" }, { "docid": "19494168", "text": "further information on Kline and on his Rockingham County homestead. For \"Entries of Genealogical Interest, Extracted From \"Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary, Collated from his Diary\" by Benjamin Funk click here. John Kline (elder) Church of the Brethren historian Donald F. Durnbaugh has described John Kline as \"arguably the most beloved personality in Brethren History.\" Kline was born in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania on 17 June 1797, the son of John Kline (1763–1844) and Mary Hershey Kline (1770–1850). While he was still a boy, the family moved to Rockingham County, Virginia. On 18 March 1818, before", "title": "John Kline (elder)" }, { "docid": "7716622", "text": "SB 5475 (2005) bills as written by the Brady Campaign and the San Francisco-based Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Kline practiced law 32 years before retiring in 2004 to work for the Laborers Union. He was a cooperating attorney with the ACLU and is active with NARAL and Washington Conservation Voters. In 1972, Kline married Desire Plumb, with whom he had one child, Genevieve Amanda Kline. He and Desire parted in 1979, and, in 1989, he married Laura Gene (Genie) Middaugh, who serves as a judge on the King County Superior Court. Adam Kline Adam Daniel Kline (born October", "title": "Adam Kline" }, { "docid": "5387359", "text": "Think Twice\" (2016). Kline reunited with \"Three's Company\" cast members Joyce DeWitt, Jenilee Harrison and Priscilla Barnes in September 2016 at \"The Hollywood Show\" in Chicago, an autograph and memorabilia event, meeting fans and signing autographs. Kline recently played Kid Twist in the Paper Mill Playhouse world premiere production of \"The Sting\" starring Harry Connick Jr. which closed April 8, 2018. Richard Kline Richard Kline (born April 29, 1944) is an American actor and television director. He is best known for his role of Larry Dallas on the ABC sitcom \"Three's Company\". Richard Kline was born Richard Klein in New", "title": "Richard Kline" }, { "docid": "4404980", "text": "The Klines have one daughter, Hillary, born in 1992. They are members of the Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, Kansas. After leaving Blackwell Sanders, Kline hosted two radio programs: \"The Phill and Mary Show\" on Kansas City AM station KMBZ, and \"Face Off With Phill Kline\" on Topeka AM station WIBW. He also served as the finance director of the Johnson County Republican Committee. While still a law student, Kline ran for U.S. Congress in 1986. Kline won the Republican primary election but was defeated in the general election by the incumbent, Democrat Jim Slattery. In 1992, Kline", "title": "Phill Kline" }, { "docid": "15945837", "text": "Jerry Kline Jerry Kline (born 1951 in Los Angeles) is founder and former chairman of Innovative Interfaces, and SkyRiver Technology Solutions, both based in Emeryville, CA. Jerry Kline was born in 1951 in Los Angeles, California. He received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 1974. Kline began his career designing and developing software at the UC Berkeley Library, where he worked from 1973 to 1978. Kline co-founded Innovative Interfaces, Inc., a provider of integrated library system software, in 1978 and began building the company in the spare bedroom of his", "title": "Jerry Kline" }, { "docid": "15539040", "text": "Brittani Kline Brittani Kline (born May 19, 1991) is an American fashion model best known as the winner of cycle 16 of \"America's Next Top Model\". Kline was born on May 19, 1991, in Beech Creek, Pennsylvania, and is currently living in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. In 2011, Kline appeared in cycle 16 of the CW Network reality television show \"America's Next Top Model\", in which she competed against thirteen other aspiring models. Kline eventually went on to become the winner of that cycle, winning a US$ contract with CoverGirl Cosmetics, a contract with IMG Models, the cover of \"Beauty In", "title": "Brittani Kline" } ]
Which country became the first in the world to issue the dreaded parking ticket?
[ "La Republique francaise", "Franciaország", "La Republique française", "Belle France", "FRANCE", "Republique française", "France", "Ranska", "Franciaorszag", "French Republic", "République francaise", "République française", "ISO 3166-1:FR", "Frankreich", "France (country)", "Etymology of France", "FrancE", "La République française", "People of France", "Republic of France", "Fracne", "Le France", "The French Republic", "Republique francaise", "The Republic of France", "La République francaise", "La France", "Rain in France", "Republic of france", "FRance", "Frakkland", "Climate of France", "Franse" ]
[ { "docid": "11341345", "text": "which can make a one-hour parking zone as short as thirty minutes, possibly resulting in an unjustified parking ticket. On March 31, 1979 the conference of ministers of transportation in the European Union decided that a European standard should only use designs with a single clock face. The standardized clock disc was introduced as federal law in Germany in November 1981, and similar designs were adopted in other European countries. From 1998 the old parking disc designs began to be abolished. France set the last date to 2007, while in Switzerland (not an EU member) the EU parking disc design", "title": "Disc parking" }, { "docid": "19480341", "text": "Belgian refugees in the Netherlands during the First World War During the First World War between 1914 and 1918, approximately one million Belgians fled across the border to the Netherlands. These refugees were both civilians who were afraid of the war and the alleged atrocities of the Germans, and soldiers who either deserted or were cut off from their army unit. Officially Belgium, like the Netherlands, was a neutral country during the war. By 1904 the news had already leaked out that the Germans had a plan to march through Belgium to reach France. Precautionary measures were taken against this,", "title": "Belgian refugees in the Netherlands during the First World War" }, { "docid": "18675983", "text": "World War II in the Basque Country World War II in the Basque Country refers to the period extending from 1940 to 1944. It affected the French Basque Country, but also bordering areas across the Pyrenees on account of the instability following the end of the Spanish Civil War, and the friendship ties held by Germany, Vichy France, and the triumphant Spanish military dictatorship. In June 1937, the Northern Front of the Spanish Civil War collapsed for the Republicans. Approximately half a million Republicans and civilians fled for their lives in Spain, but possibly up to 150,000 of them were", "title": "World War II in the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "18675990", "text": "in the Pointe de Grave battle with their Gernika Battalion (Gironde). De Gaulle commented, \"France will never forget the sacrifice of the Basques for the liberation of our land.\" World War II in the Basque Country World War II in the Basque Country refers to the period extending from 1940 to 1944. It affected the French Basque Country, but also bordering areas across the Pyrenees on account of the instability following the end of the Spanish Civil War, and the friendship ties held by Germany, Vichy France, and the triumphant Spanish military dictatorship. In June 1937, the Northern Front of", "title": "World War II in the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "18675987", "text": "Spain, Donostia became a tranquil retreat for German army officers. During wartime, many in France supported the Nazi regime and its persecution of Jews, communists, and foreigners. Others resisted, but were deeply divided. In the French Basque Country, the bulk of the Basques showed an allegiance to the Vichy regime. Petain showed a sympathy towards traditional and regional features, which provided fertile grounds to re-launch a Regionalist movement represented by the \"Eskualerristes\" and the journal \"Aitzina\" ('forward') magazine, some of whose members defended an overt separatist approach. Jean Ybarnegaray became Minister in a cabinet of Marshall Petain up to 1940.", "title": "World War II in the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "20713802", "text": "been absorbed into the RDC during the war, the National Reserve was not revived. The RDC continued to guard German prisoners of war into 1919, and was gradually disbanded as the prison camps were closed. It was reconstituted in 1922 as the National Defence Corps, which became Home Defence Battalions on the outbreak of the Second World War, with the same role of guarding vulnerable points as its First World War predecessor. For the VF, drills became optional within a week of the cessation of hostilities in France, and by the end of 1918 most VF battalions had abandoned them.", "title": "British home army in the First World War" } ]
[ { "docid": "17526891", "text": "Ticket to the World Ticket to the World is the fourth studio album by Nigerian-German singer–songwriter Ayọ. It was released on 7 October 2013. The album was produced by Jay Newland, who was also the producer of her first two albums, with musicians like Larry Campbell, Ira Coleman, Charles Haynes, Youssoupha and Clarence Greenwood (Citizen Cope), George Brenner (composer) and Glenn Patscha and Sherrod Barnes (ensemble). The first single from the album, \"Fire\", was released on 10 June 2013. A second version of the single featuring the Congolese-French rapper Youssoupha was released in August 2013. The album was also released", "title": "Ticket to the World" }, { "docid": "17526892", "text": "as a digisleeve CD, on vinyl and as a Fnac special edition collector box containing the \"Fire\" single on 45 T vinyl, two photo prints and a digisleeve CD. Ticket to the World Ticket to the World is the fourth studio album by Nigerian-German singer–songwriter Ayọ. It was released on 7 October 2013. The album was produced by Jay Newland, who was also the producer of her first two albums, with musicians like Larry Campbell, Ira Coleman, Charles Haynes, Youssoupha and Clarence Greenwood (Citizen Cope), George Brenner (composer) and Glenn Patscha and Sherrod Barnes (ensemble). The first single from the", "title": "Ticket to the World" }, { "docid": "5615769", "text": "tickets issued by contacts in other countries, and often use pre-arranged contractual agreements with various airlines. Low-cost carriers often only have tickets which do not include other airlines. It is important to have long waiting time between such flights, preferably a hotel night, which gives the chance to see one more city. Otherwise a flight cancellation might destroy the entire itinerary. Round-the-world ticket A round-the-world ticket (also known as round-the-world fare or RTW ticket in short) is a product that enables travellers to fly around the world for a relatively low price. RTW tickets have existed for some time and", "title": "Round-the-world ticket" }, { "docid": "5615765", "text": "Round-the-world ticket A round-the-world ticket (also known as round-the-world fare or RTW ticket in short) is a product that enables travellers to fly around the world for a relatively low price. RTW tickets have existed for some time and in the past were generally offered through marketing agreements between airlines on several continents. Now, they are almost universally offered by airline alliances such as SkyTeam, Star Alliance and Oneworld, or else by specialist travel agencies that will spend time helping customize a trip to the consumer's needs. Prices vary but are generally in the range of 2,500–6,000 USD for an", "title": "Round-the-world ticket" }, { "docid": "5615766", "text": "economy class ticket and 5,000–14,000 USD for business class. Sometimes, depending on airline and stops, it can be as low as 1171 GBP (~ 1829.57 USD). An alternative for a round-the-world ticket is a continent pass. Round-the-world tickets are priced according to travel class, origin of travel, number of continents, mileage (usually between 30,000 and 60,000 km), and sometimes season of travel. The traveller benefits from the large and optimized network of the airline alliance and can often participate in the alliance's frequent flyer programs, although round-the-world tickets are usually subject to restrictions. The start and end of the journey", "title": "Round-the-world ticket" }, { "docid": "3977123", "text": "The \"E\" Ticket The \"E\" Ticket was a fanzine devoted to the history of Disneyland and its attractions, especially the park as it existed during the lifetime of Walt Disney, publishing forty six issues between 1986 and 2009. It was edited and published by Disneyland fans Leon Janzen and Jack Janzen until Leon's sudden death on September 9, 2003. The last issue published by the brothers was the Fall 2003 Issue, #40, on Adventure Thru Inner Space. Jack continued the magazine without his brother, beginning with #41 in October 2004. In the final issue, #46 (Summer 2009), Jack noted that", "title": "The \"E\" Ticket" }, { "docid": "2762488", "text": "ticket machine by vehicle, presses the ticket request push button, takes a ticket - which raises the barrier - and enters the parking lot. To exit the lot, the customer presents the ticket to a cashier in a booth at the exit and tenders payment, after which the cashier opens the boom gate. In 1954, the first automated parking lots were built where, for a monthly fee, a driver with a magnetic key card could enter and exit the parking lot by raising and lowering the boom. A more modern system uses automatic pay stations, where the driver presents the", "title": "Parking lot" }, { "docid": "11168067", "text": "for its Cashless Casino experiment. In the group were Bally Gaming, IGT, Sigma Games, Universal and several others. They were all presented with the MGM UIB Protocol documents and were aided in the realization of the protocol on their gaming platforms. The first trial of the system was actually at the Desert Inn property. MGM Had situated several trailers in the parking lot where the manufacturers could bring their gaming devices for test before being installed on the Field Trial at the Desert Inn. Like any system, TITO has its share of advantages and disadvantages. Ticket-in, ticket-out Ticket-in, ticket-out (TITO)", "title": "Ticket-in, ticket-out" }, { "docid": "18085316", "text": "Centre, as well as being the primary agent for River Street Events and Haymarket. The Ticket Factory is member of the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR). Notably, The Ticket Factory became exclusive ticket agent for the Society of London Theatre’s (SOLT) ‘Get Into London Theatre’ 2014 campaign. In 2012, Barclaycard partnered with The Ticket Factory to become their official payment partner, which evolved into the Barclaycard Unwind brand and Fee Free Friday. In 2014, The Ticket Factory’s parent company, The National Exhibition Centre Ltd. announced a partnership with Virgin Trains. The Ticket Factory is the official box office", "title": "The Ticket Factory" }, { "docid": "10489402", "text": "The Dreaded Batter Pudding Hurler (of Bexhill-on-Sea) The Dreaded Batter-Pudding Hurler of Bexhill-on-Sea is an episode from series five of the 1950s BBC radio comedy, The Goon Show, first broadcast on 12 October 1954. It was written by Spike Milligan, who chose Bexhill-on-Sea as the location because he had been stationed there in World War II. The episode is a noted example of the use of a belief world in drama, and has been described as humour that demands \"visualisation where visualisation is patently unprofitable\". One device used for comic effect is to disorientate the listener by mismatching sound effects", "title": "The Dreaded Batter Pudding Hurler (of Bexhill-on-Sea)" }, { "docid": "5362789", "text": "ideology of the Holylanders. However, the Council's decision to interfere with its citizens' reproduction, without their consent or knowledge, is shown as a serious ethical issue -- a \"damned\" choice as described by one of the leaders. The Gate to Women's Country The Gate to Women's Country is a post-apocalyptic novel by American writer Sheri S. Tepper, published in 1988. It describes a world set three hundred years into the future after a catastrophic war which has fractured the United States into several nations. The story is set in \"Women's Country\", apparently in the former Pacific Northwest. They have evolved", "title": "The Gate to Women's Country" }, { "docid": "10086977", "text": "Bach<br> 30. In the Vanguard Vault, Part 2 (new track)<br> 31. The \"Sanka\" Cantata (P.D.Q. Bach) (new track)<br> 32. In the Vanguard Vault, Part 3 (new track) The Dreaded P.D.Q. Bach Collection The Dreaded P. D. Q. Bach Collection The Dreaded P. D. Q. Bach Collection is a collection of works by Peter Schickele under the pseudonym of P. D. Q. Bach originally recorded on the Vanguard Records label by the composer. It includes the complete contents of the first five P. D. Q. Bach albums, plus the never-before-released \"\"Sanka\" Cantata\". 1. In the Vanguard Vault, Part 1 (new track)<br>", "title": "The Dreaded P. D. Q. Bach Collection" }, { "docid": "18085318", "text": "Genting Arena and the LG Arena, host to large music concerts, is part of the National Exhibition Centre complex. The 16,000 capacity Resorts World Arena was the largest multi-purpose arena in the UK when opening in 1980 as The NEC Arena and is still a major popular venue for many large, international touring acts. The Ticket Factory is the official box office for the Resorts World Arena. The Ticket Factory The Ticket Factory, previously known as the NEC Box Office, is a primary ticket sales and distribution company based in the United Kingdom. The Ticket Factory was launched in 2007", "title": "The Ticket Factory" }, { "docid": "16432990", "text": "ticket which was put into the guitar by Mickey earlier. The Winning Ticket The Winning Ticket is a 1935 American comedy film directed by Charles Reisner. Released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the film stars Leo Carrillo, Louise Fazenda, and Ted Healy. Poor Italian-American barber Joe Thomasello (Leo Carrillo) purchases a sweepstakes ticket at the urging of his brother-in-law Eddie Dugan (Ted Healy). Joe's wife Nora (Louise Fazenda) is against gambling. The ticket turns out to be a $150,000 first prize winner. Joe remembers that he gave the ticket to his lawyer Tony (Luis Alberni) to hold. The three men realize that Joe's", "title": "The Winning Ticket" }, { "docid": "2776247", "text": "of change when passengers use a higher ratio of $2 and 50c coins, depleting the ticket machine of smaller coin denominations (10c, 20c). Passengers do not need to buy tickets on trams when ticket machines run out of change. Ticket machines are often used in car parking, as well as those that issue free tickets — for example, those for virtual queueing. Mechanical ticket machines were used by bus drivers and conductors since the late 1920s. Their functions may include printing tickets, recording of sales and payments. Some manufacturers are TIM, Almex, Setright, AEG, CAMP (Compagnie d'Ateliers Mecaniques de Precision),", "title": "Ticket machine" }, { "docid": "8517551", "text": "The Country of the Kind \"The Country of the Kind\" is a science fiction short story by American writer Damon Knight. It was first published in the February 1956 issue of \"The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction\" and has been reprinted several times, including in \"In Deep\" (1963), \"The Science Fiction Hall of Fame (vol. 1)\" (1976), and \"The Golden Age of Science Fiction\" (1981). The story is set in a future world in which violence and crime have been almost entirely eradicated. The main character is a man who is capable of antisocial behavior and who considers himself", "title": "The Country of the Kind" }, { "docid": "8517547", "text": "The Country of the Kind \"The Country of the Kind\" is a science fiction short story by American writer Damon Knight. It was first published in the February 1956 issue of \"The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction\" and has been reprinted several times, including in \"In Deep\" (1963), \"The Science Fiction Hall of Fame (vol. 1)\" (1976), and \"The Golden Age of Science Fiction\" (1981). The story is set in a future world in which violence and crime have been almost entirely eradicated. The main character is a man who is capable of antisocial behavior and who considers himself", "title": "The Country of the Kind" }, { "docid": "6636249", "text": "Ryan Murphy and Jason Blum was released on October 16, 2014, in select theaters and then on Video on Demand the following day. The director, Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, directed a script by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa. Addison Timlin plays the lead role and is supported by Gary Cole, Ed Lauter, and Veronica Cartwright. The Town That Dreaded Sundown The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a 1976 American horror film by producer and director Charles B. Pierce, who also co-stars as a bumbling police officer named A.C. Benson, also known as \"Sparkplug\". Pierce's fifth film is narrated by Vern Stierman, who had previously narrated", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "4832179", "text": "restriction against reselling tickets in the UK, although individual organisations (like Wimbledon) may prohibit it. In July 2016, several prominent music managers in the UK including Ian McAndrew, Harry Magee, Brian Message and Adam Tudhope came together to fund a new initiative called the FanFair Alliance, to work towards tackling the issue of 'industrial-scale online ticket touting'. In the United States, ticket resale is a $5 billion industry. Ticket resale on the premises of the event (including adjacent parking lots that are officially part of the facility) may be prohibited by law. These laws vary from state to state, and", "title": "Ticket resale" }, { "docid": "6636215", "text": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a 1976 American horror film by producer and director Charles B. Pierce, who also co-stars as a bumbling police officer named A.C. Benson, also known as \"Sparkplug\". Pierce's fifth film is narrated by Vern Stierman, who had previously narrated Pierce's 1972 film \"The Legend of Boggy Creek\". Ben Johnson stars as Captain J.D. Morales, the fictionalized version of real-life Texas Ranger Captain M. T. \"Lone Wolf\" Gonzaullas. Dawn Wells (Mary Ann of \"Gilligan's Island\") appears as one of the victims. Cindy Butler (Pierce's girlfriend at the time) plays Peggy", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "7769831", "text": "\"unusual for a situation comedy\", writes that Matthew Bond concludes, \"In the \"Seinfeld\" world, others are unwelcome; parents are oppressive; friends married or with children are buffoons; children are monsters. Why \"should\" Jerry and Our Gang grow up?\" The Parking Garage \"The Parking Garage\" is the 23rd episode of the situation comedy \"Seinfeld\". The episode was the sixth episode of the show's third season. It aired on October 30, 1991 on National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The episode was written by Larry David and was directed by Tom Cherones, and takes place entirely in a parking garage. The episode \"The Parking", "title": "The Parking Garage" }, { "docid": "12287282", "text": "Transportation and Ticket Center The Transportation and Ticket Center (TTC) is an intermodal monorail, ferry, and bus transportation hub on the Walt Disney World Resort. The station serves both the Magic Kingdom and Epcot spurs of the Walt Disney World Monorail System as well as conventional bus and taxis in the Greater Orlando Region. Magic Kingdom lies more than a mile away from its parking lot, on the opposite side of the man-made Seven Seas Lagoon. Upon arrival, guests are taken by the parking lot trams to the TTC, which sells tickets to the parks and provides transportation connections throughout", "title": "Transportation and Ticket Center" }, { "docid": "8620761", "text": "12\" picture disc showing the ELO spaceship. The same image was later used as the sleeve design for the UK follow up single \"The Way Life's Meant to Be\". The name was used for a compilation album in 2007, \"\". Ticket to the Moon \"Ticket to the Moon\" is a popular song written by Jeff Lynne and performed by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO). It was track four on the album \"Time\" (1981) and was released as a Double A along with \"Here Is the News\" in January 1982, reaching number 24 in the UK charts. The song is somewhat reminiscent", "title": "Ticket to the Moon" }, { "docid": "3758465", "text": "Traffic ticket A traffic ticket is a notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, indicating that the user has violated traffic laws. Traffic tickets generally come in two forms, citing a moving violation, such as exceeding the speed limit, or a non-moving violation, such as a parking violation, with the ticket also being referred to as a parking citation, notice of illegal parking or parking ticket. In some jurisdictions, a traffic ticket constitutes a notice that a penalty, such as a fine or deduction of points, has been or will be assessed against", "title": "Traffic ticket" }, { "docid": "8620760", "text": "Ticket to the Moon \"Ticket to the Moon\" is a popular song written by Jeff Lynne and performed by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO). It was track four on the album \"Time\" (1981) and was released as a Double A along with \"Here Is the News\" in January 1982, reaching number 24 in the UK charts. The song is somewhat reminiscent of their earlier output, featuring grand piano and more strings than their past few singles. Rainer Pietsch conducted the strings on the song. The promo video featured Mik Kaminski on violin. The single was also released as a limited edition", "title": "Ticket to the Moon" }, { "docid": "14662846", "text": "children's chorus. No children’s chorus was used in the World Premiere production. Chorus of Gargoyles, Townsfolk, Oompa Loompas, Squirrels The World Premiere Production Team and Cast: A co-production between Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, American Lyric Theater, and Wexford Festival Opera. The world premiere production is a co-production between Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, American Lyric Theater and Wexford Festival Opera. Wexford has scheduled the European premiere for October 2010. American Lyric Theater is expected to announce additional production plans in late 2010. The Atlanta Opera's production of The Golden Ticket was performed in March 2012. The Golden Ticket The", "title": "The Golden Ticket" }, { "docid": "14836925", "text": "who the registered keeper is of vehicles they wish to issue a ticket to so that they can send out demands for payment. Without this data, they have no way of trying to chase payment where the driver has not identified themselves (e.g. via an appeal). Further to this, the DVLA has confirmed that CPS will not be able to retrospectively gather this data after the suspension ends or via another parking company. Furthermore, shortly before CPS was suspended, the British Parking Association had only just recently appointed a Combined Parking Solutions representative to the Board of its Approved Operator", "title": "British Parking Association" }, { "docid": "10086976", "text": "The Dreaded P. D. Q. Bach Collection The Dreaded P. D. Q. Bach Collection is a collection of works by Peter Schickele under the pseudonym of P. D. Q. Bach originally recorded on the Vanguard Records label by the composer. It includes the complete contents of the first five P. D. Q. Bach albums, plus the never-before-released \"\"Sanka\" Cantata\". 1. In the Vanguard Vault, Part 1 (new track)<br> 2-19. Peter Schickele Presents an Evening with P. D. Q. Bach (1807-1742?)<br> 20-31. 1-9. continued<br> 10-33. 1-20. P. D. Q. Bach's Half-Act Opera, \"The Stoned Guest\" 1-29. The Intimate P. D. Q.", "title": "The Dreaded P. D. Q. Bach Collection" }, { "docid": "13034482", "text": "is attending an \"Obama fashion show\", a reference to U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Dwight Schrute makes knock knock jokes involving the KGB, the secret police and intelligence agency for the Soviet Union. Michael also makes a knock knock joke involving Buddha, with the punch-line that Pam \"buttah\" (butter, pronounced like Buddha) a slice of bread. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher in the South Asian country Nepal who founded the religion Buddhism. During an office meeting in which Michael asks his employees to come up with other Golden Ticket-like ideas, Andy suggests the breakfast cereal", "title": "Golden Ticket (The Office)" }, { "docid": "16432987", "text": "The Winning Ticket The Winning Ticket is a 1935 American comedy film directed by Charles Reisner. Released by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, the film stars Leo Carrillo, Louise Fazenda, and Ted Healy. Poor Italian-American barber Joe Thomasello (Leo Carrillo) purchases a sweepstakes ticket at the urging of his brother-in-law Eddie Dugan (Ted Healy). Joe's wife Nora (Louise Fazenda) is against gambling. The ticket turns out to be a $150,000 first prize winner. Joe remembers that he gave the ticket to his lawyer Tony (Luis Alberni) to hold. The three men realize that Joe's baby, Mickey (Roland Fitzpatrick) was the last one seen with", "title": "The Winning Ticket" }, { "docid": "6636248", "text": "is shown to the public at Spring Lake Park near Halloween. It is the last film shown for \"Movies in the Park\", which plays a film on each Thursday during May and October. The showing of the film, which has been a tradition since 2003, is a free event sponsored by the Texarkana, Texas Department of Parks & Recreation. \"The Town That Dreaded Sundown\" is mentioned by a character in the 1996 film \"Scream\". In \"Seven Psychopaths\" (2012), a short scene shows a couple who kill the \"Texarkana Moonlight Murderer\" like the one in this film. A follow-up metasequel by", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "14759321", "text": "and regional office in the Lilongwe. The Malawian street paper belongs to the International Network of Street Papers (INSP) and it is affiliated to \"The Big Issue\" of London. Malawi has become the sixth country in Africa to introduce the magazine. The Big Issue Malawi The Big Issue Malawi is a street paper in Malawi. It is a bimonthly magazine sold only by homeless individuals. The project's facilitator is a local charity known as the \"Culture Awakening Society\" \"The Big Issue\" Malawi project started on 24 January 2009 with the first issue of the magazine coming out in January 2009.", "title": "The Big Issue Malawi" }, { "docid": "8637172", "text": "from other jurisdictions for marked disabled parking spaces, all of which are in off-street lots. Disabled drivers from outside New York City who possess state-issued disability parking permits have claimed illegal discrimination and civil rights violations on the part of New York City. In 1991 a disabled elderly man from New Jersey was issued a ticket while parking in Brooklyn while displaying his New Jersey-issued disability parking placard. In 1997 a woman with multiple sclerosis using a wheelchair was similarly issued a ticket while parking in New York City for displaying a non-NYC issued disability parking placard. Both drivers maintain", "title": "Disabled parking permit" }, { "docid": "20487676", "text": "The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills, published on May 15, 2017, is the third collection of children’s short stories written by Lorin Morgan-Richards. The book begins with Tina Teatree, a child that along with her cat are neglected by her parents due to their obsession with gadgets, who learns to become independent but forms a habit of weeding that ultimately leaves her stuck in a mystical area of cacti to cope with her family dilemma. The stories move through other unusual experiences from the title story of a friendship between an introvert", "title": "The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills" }, { "docid": "14058775", "text": "edition included the following: The 2012 issue featured the following athletes: The 2013 issue featured the following athletes: The 2014 issue featured the following athletes : The 2015 issue featured the following athletes : Source: Source The Body Issue The Body Issue is an edition of \"ESPN The Magazine\" that features dozens of athletes in nude and semi-nude photographs, which is intended to rival the annual Swimsuit Issue from \"Sports Illustrated\". The first issue debuted on October 19, 2009. The issue was a response to the decline in advertising spending resulting from the financial crisis of 2007–2010 and late-2000s recession", "title": "The Body Issue" }, { "docid": "20487677", "text": "and a manatee to the delightfully silly misadventures of the Breakfast Hunter who is trying to retrieve a morning coffee. \"Hidden in these bizarre and odd stories are glimmers of heart and soul, and lessons learned. Morgan-Richards' accompanying illustrations fit the quirky feel of his stories perfectly.\" An audiobook was released in 2018 casting Jason Shepherd as narrator with a special music introduction by Jay Hwang (ButterFly Music) and Jie TS. The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills, published on May 15, 2017, is the third collection of children’s short stories written by", "title": "The Dreaded Summons and Other Misplaced Bills" }, { "docid": "14058772", "text": "The Body Issue The Body Issue is an edition of \"ESPN The Magazine\" that features dozens of athletes in nude and semi-nude photographs, which is intended to rival the annual Swimsuit Issue from \"Sports Illustrated\". The first issue debuted on October 19, 2009. The issue was a response to the decline in advertising spending resulting from the financial crisis of 2007–2010 and late-2000s recession that saw a 24 percent decline in ad revenues for the first six months of 2009 compared to the same six-month period in 2008. The 2009 edition had six alternative covers featuring Serena Williams (tennis), Carl", "title": "The Body Issue" }, { "docid": "4153112", "text": "the 1 February 1986 issue of \"NME\" magazine. Johnny Black paired this version with the Carpenters' hit recording as examples of how the Lennon–McCartney song continues to endure. Echo & the Bunnymen recorded \"Ticket to Ride\" in 2001, creating a version that Vulture.com later included among its ten best Beatles covers. That same year, Beatallica parodied the song on their \"A Garage Dayz Nite\" track \"Everybody's Got a Ticket to Ride Except for Me and My Lightning\". Kids Incorporated covered \"Ticket to Ride\" in 1993 in the Season 9 episode \"Face Your Fears\". According to Ian MacDonald, the line-up on", "title": "Ticket to Ride" }, { "docid": "17343129", "text": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film) The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a 2014 American slasher film, a meta-sequel to the 1976 film of the same name. Directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon in his feature-length directorial debut, the film was written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and produced by Jason Blum and Ryan Murphy. The film stars Addison Timlin, Travis Tope, Spencer Treat Clark, Veronica Cartwright and Gary Cole and was one of the last films of Ed Lauter and Edward Herrmann before their deaths in October 2013 and December 2014, respectively. The film was released on October 16, 2014 by Orion", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film)" }, { "docid": "17343142", "text": "film three stars and called it \"a southern-fried \"Scream\"\" and said it \"proves that a brazen lack of originality doesn’t preclude inventiveness and brio.\" However, Benjamin Lee also writing for \"The Guardian\" gave it two stars and called it \"cookie cutter carnage.\" The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film) The Town That Dreaded Sundown is a 2014 American slasher film, a meta-sequel to the 1976 film of the same name. Directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon in his feature-length directorial debut, the film was written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and produced by Jason Blum and Ryan Murphy. The film stars Addison Timlin, Travis", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film)" }, { "docid": "17343139", "text": "June 20. The crew then finished filming in Shreveport. \"The Town That Dreaded Sundown\" had its first screening at the 10th Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas on September 18–25, 2014, which director Gomez-Rejon attended, and then later at Beyond Fest in Los Angeles, California on October 4, 2014. Its international debut was at the BFI London Film Festival on October 14, 2014. Both \"Deadline Hollywood\" and Bloody Disgusting indicated that the film would be released by Orion Pictures, a long-dormant subsidiary of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, in select theaters on October 16, 2014. The film was then released digitally on Video on Demand", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film)" }, { "docid": "19678700", "text": "The Ticket (film) The Ticket is a 2016 American drama film directed by Ido Fluk and written by Ido Fluk and Sharon Mashihi. The film stars Malin Åkerman, Dan Stevens, Kerry Bishé, Oliver Platt, Liza J. Bennett, and Skylar Gaertner. The film had its world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 16, 2016, and was released on April 7, 2017, by Shout! Factory. James, who has been blind from youth, lives a contented life with his wife Sam and son Jonah. One day he regains his vision and discovers that an inoperable pituitary tumor that had been pressing", "title": "The Ticket (film)" }, { "docid": "7611066", "text": "Fred Feldman, when asked about a possible re-issue of Split the Country, Split the Street, he responded with \"\"We’re going to do the other Kevin Devine record [Split the Country, Split the Street] as well\"\". The re-issue was released on November 20, 2012 on CD and LP with two bonus tracks, new artwork and new liner notes by Kevin and Matt Pinfield. Split the Country, Split the Street Split the Country, Split the Street is Kevin Devine's third studio album. It was released in 2005, being the second of two albums released on Triple Crown Records. It is the first", "title": "Split the Country, Split the Street" }, { "docid": "2762493", "text": "a timer, so users can get back to a parking meter before it expires, and a filter that lets users choose between on-street and off-street parking spaces; it also connects to the phone's camera so a user can take a photograph of their car. Other lots operate on a pay and display system, where a ticket is purchased from a ticket machine and then placed on the dashboard of the car. Parking enforcement officers patrol the lot to ensure compliance with the requirement. Similar to this is the system where the parking is paid by the mobile phone by sending", "title": "Parking lot" }, { "docid": "20387001", "text": "leads to inaccurate rates. He then goes on to argue that the methods used to determine these rates amount to \"pseudoscience\" because he says the methods used to determine them appear scientific, but he argues they are often arbitrary. The book goes on to discuss about the cost of constructing and maintaining parking and the differences between public and private parking from a planning perspective. Shoup then delves into a number of case studies from cities around the world. He then discusses the costs of people spending time searching for parking which he terms \"cruising\". Shoup then recommends some methods", "title": "The High Cost of Free Parking" }, { "docid": "2762489", "text": "ticket and pays the fee required before returning to their car, then drives to the exit terminal and presents the ticket. If the ticket has not been paid for, the boom barrier will not raise, which will force the customer to either press the intercom and speak to a staff member, or reverse out to pay at the pay station or cashier booth. At the parking lots of some major airports in the United States, a driver can choose to swipe a credit card at the entry ticket dispenser instead of taking a ticket. When the driver swipes the same", "title": "Parking lot" }, { "docid": "3758498", "text": "40 km/h zone. The uncommonly large fine was due to Finnish speeding tickets (when excess speed is considerable) being relative to the offender's last known income. Salonoja's speeding ticket was not the first ticket given in Finland reaching six figures. Traffic ticket A traffic ticket is a notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, indicating that the user has violated traffic laws. Traffic tickets generally come in two forms, citing a moving violation, such as exceeding the speed limit, or a non-moving violation, such as a parking violation, with the ticket also being", "title": "Traffic ticket" }, { "docid": "667355", "text": "First day of issue A first day of issue cover or first day cover (FDC) is a postage stamp on a cover, postal card or stamped envelope franked on the first day the issue is authorized for use within the country or territory of the stamp-issuing authority. Sometimes the issue is made from a temporary or permanent foreign or overseas office. Covers that are postmarked at sea or their next port of call will carry a Paquebot postmark. There will usually be a first day of issue postmark, frequently a pictorial cancellation, indicating the city and date where the item", "title": "First day of issue" }, { "docid": "18085315", "text": "The Ticket Factory The Ticket Factory, previously known as the NEC Box Office, is a primary ticket sales and distribution company based in the United Kingdom. The Ticket Factory was launched in 2007 and is a trading division of The National Exhibition Centre Ltd. The Ticket Factory head office and contact centre is based at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. The Ticket Factory sells and distributes tickets across the UK for music concerts, sporting events, festivals, comedy shows, theatre and exhibitions. The Ticket Factory is the box office for Birmingham-based venues; LG Arena, the National Indoor Arena and National Exhibition", "title": "The Ticket Factory" }, { "docid": "10813930", "text": "Seraphim Rose to the magazine \"Maximum RocknRoll\". They later decided to try to place an ad for their monastery, but were only rudely rejected, being told that the magazine \"only [ran] ads for music and zines\". This inspired them to begin a zine. The first issue was printed in the December of ’94 featuring a monk holding a skull on cover. The hand-drawn bold letters across the top read “DEATH TO THE WORLD, The Last True Rebellion” and the back cover held the caption: “they hated me without a cause.” ... The first issue, decorated with ancient icons and lives", "title": "Death to the World" }, { "docid": "6636221", "text": "chewed.\" At the police station, Barker suggests to Police Chief Sullivan to warn teens and college students from parking on lonely roads. On March 24, while investigating a lovers' lane in heavy rain, Ramsey hears gunshots and finds Howard W. Turner dead in a ditch and the corpse of his girlfriend, Emma Lou Cook, tied to a tree. Ramsey spots the hooded man escaping in a car. Panicked, the town sells out of guns and other home safety equipment. Sheriff Barker calls in help and tells Ramsey they are getting the most famous criminal investigator in the country, the \"Lone", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "7025580", "text": "The Delicate Art of Parking The Delicate Art of Parking is an 87-minute Canadian comedy/mockumentary film released on May 14, 2003 directed by Trent Carlson, and produced by Blake Corbet, Andrew Currie and Kevin Eastwood. It has received numerous awards including the Golden Zenith Award for Best Feature at the Montreal World Film Festival and Most Popular Canadian Film at the Vancouver International Film Festival. Fred Ewanuick and Nancy Robertson both star in this film. The next year, they would work together on \"Corner Gas\", a sitcom that ran for 6 seasons, was acclaimed by critics and for which both", "title": "The Delicate Art of Parking" }, { "docid": "9086898", "text": "Just the Ticket Just the Ticket is a 1999 film directed by Richard Wenk. It stars Andy García and Andie MacDowell. Garcia was also the producer. The film was originally titled The Ticket Scalper. Gary Starke (Garcia) is a New York City ticket scalper who, in the old traditional style of scalping \"works the street\", known as \"the walk\", as opposed to the plethora of modern-day ticket brokers who ply the Internet for sales. Yet when his girlfriend Linda (MacDowell) gets enough of his lifestyle and leaves him, he decides to mend his ways and make one last big score,", "title": "Just the Ticket" }, { "docid": "18376925", "text": "added the third show for Melbourne after 2 first shows were sold out and became the first female artist to play 3 shows at AAMI Park. In January 2015, \"Forbes\" reported that The 1989 World Tour was one of the most expensive concert tours of 2015 on secondary market, just behind Fleetwood Mac's On with the Show and Maroon 5's Maroon V Tour. In the US, the average ticket price was $380 according to TiqIQ, and the cheapest date was the show at the Fargodome on October 12, where the average ticket price was $182.95 with a get-in of $79.", "title": "The 1989 World Tour" }, { "docid": "4928902", "text": "The Country of the Blind \"The Country of the Blind\" is a short story written by H. G. Wells. It was first published in the April 1904 issue of \"The Strand Magazine\" and included in a 1911 collection of Wells's short stories, \"The Country of the Blind and Other Stories\". It is one of Wells's best known short stories, and features prominently in literature dealing with blindness. Wells later revised the story, with the expanded version first published by an English private printer, Golden Cockerel Press, in 1939. While attempting to climb the unconquered crest of Parascotopetl (a fictitious mountain", "title": "The Country of the Blind" }, { "docid": "19921462", "text": "real issue is that Austria has lied for decades about its own involvement in the atrocities Mr. Waldheim was involved in: deportations, reprisal murders, and others too painful to think about\". The Waldheim affair captivated the country, an unprecedented discussion about the military past developed in the press. In the very beginning of it the conservatives, who absolutely dominated in Austrian media, formulated the new \"victim theory\" that was the first in the history to apply to patriotism of Austrians. From the right-wing's point of view Austria and Waldheim personally became victims of the campaign of defamation by the world", "title": "Austria – the Nazis' first victim" }, { "docid": "6636247", "text": "claim in 1979. Mr. Moore filed again in 1980 to the Texas Supreme Court. The Sixth Court of Civil Appeals in Texarkana agreed again that the film's producers did not invade his privacy and that he was not entitled to any money. On March 15, 1978, Gerald Gedrimas, a teenager, shot and killed his high school friend James Grunstra. In court, Gedrimas stated that he thought of his plan to be an \"outlaw\" like Jesse James (the infamous legendary outlaw of the Wild West) while watching \"The Town That Dreaded Sundown\". In Texarkana (where the story is based), this film", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "6636229", "text": "role, Katie Starks, but Katie refused. \"The Town That Dreaded Sundown\" was Wells' fourth film and her second time working with Pierce. During her stay, she did not read the script; she relied on the director, instead. She said that was the way she wanted it. Wells explained, \"Acting-wise, it's an extremely emotional role. I didn't want to pattern my interpretation after anything. I wanted to go on my own feelings.\" Being shot was a new experience for the actress. \"They planted a charge in the receiver, so I was standing there holding the phone, shaking, expecting the receiver to", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "1416703", "text": "European Union (except many private car parks in the UK and possibly elsewhere), holders of a Disabled parking permit are exempt from parking meter fees. In some other states handicapped parking meters exist, which not only must be paid at the same rate as regular meters, but one will also be subject to receiving a violation ticket if a valid handicap license plate or placard is not displayed on the vehicle. Some cities have gone to a device called a Parkulator, in which the users purchase a display device, usually for $5 or $10, then load it with as much", "title": "Parking meter" }, { "docid": "6636227", "text": "the woods. The Phantom escapes by jumping past a moving train, but is shot in the leg. While the officers are waiting for the train to pass, the Phantom escapes. They continue their search, but never find him. Years later during the Christmas season of 1976, the film \"The Town That Dreaded Sundown\" premieres in Texarkana and the shoes of the Phantom are seen on someone standing in line. Principal photography began on Monday, June 21, in the very hot summer of 1976 for about four weeks. Locations included Scott, Arkansas, Shreveport, Louisiana, Garland City, Arkansas, and Texarkana, Texas. The", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" }, { "docid": "11481353", "text": "Parking Wars Parking Wars is a reality television series which aired on the A&E television network. The program followed traffic enforcement employees as they ticket, \"boot,\", tow, and release cars back to their owners, as part of their parking enforcement duties. The show began airing on January 8, 2008. The 7th and final season premiered on October 6, 2012. The final episode was aired on December 22, 2012. The series' original focus was on the employees of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) and their daily work: ticketing, booting (via wheel clamp), and towing cars, and dealing with the issues that", "title": "Parking Wars" }, { "docid": "12333327", "text": "Onward ticket An onward ticket is a proof of a booked train, bus or airline ticket originating from the country about to be entered. An onward ticket reflects any of these: An onward ticket can be required, based on the countries' entry requirements (which may or may not include the onward ticket). Many countries insist a flight ticket be held out from their country, which must be presented upon arrival at immigration. They set this requirement, so that if travellers run out of money, the country is certain that the traveller can depart. In the past, travellers would remain in", "title": "Onward ticket" }, { "docid": "11312009", "text": "\"If Merle Would Sing My Song\", which was a solo rendition on the original album, was partially re-recorded with Merle Haggard appearing as a featured artist in the track that appeared on new album. \"How Do You Get That Lonely\" was issued as the second single from the \"Off to Join the World\" album. This song became the highest-charting song of Larsen's career, reaching number 18 on the country charts and number 91 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Finally, in mid-2005, \"The Best Man\" was released as the third single, peaking at number 36 on the country charts. Off to", "title": "Off to Join the World" }, { "docid": "7769822", "text": "The Parking Garage \"The Parking Garage\" is the 23rd episode of the situation comedy \"Seinfeld\". The episode was the sixth episode of the show's third season. It aired on October 30, 1991 on National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The episode was written by Larry David and was directed by Tom Cherones, and takes place entirely in a parking garage. The episode \"The Parking Garage\" has received overwhelmingly positive reviews with many critics calling it better than the previous episode \"about nothing\", \"The Chinese Restaurant\". It was ranked #33 on TV Guide's 1997 list of the 100 Greatest TV episodes of All", "title": "The Parking Garage" }, { "docid": "19458671", "text": "The Price of the Ticket (album) The Price of the Ticket is the third solo album by former Transvision Vamp lead singer Wendy James. Released in February 2016, it was written and produced by James, except for the final two tracks, which were cover versions of songs by Fred \"Sonic\" Smith and Bob Dylan. The album was recorded mainly in New York City, with the final two tracks being recorded in Berkeley, California to accommodate James Williamson. The album cover features a photograph of James topless, of which she stated \"I don’t actually find it a particularly sexual shot in", "title": "The Price of the Ticket (album)" }, { "docid": "3618646", "text": "park. According to French standard “Norme NF P 91-100”, minimum width of parking spaces range from (See ). Narrow parking spaces such as in Vevey, Switzerland might make opening the door difficult in a larger vehicle. Larger cars are an issue when the size of the parking spot is fixed. Automobile associations warn of this issue. A Swiss Association regulating parking space wants to consider this issue for 2016. In the United Kingdom the recommended standard Parking bay size is wide by long. Recently there has been some controversy about most UK parking spaces being too small to fit modern", "title": "Parking space" }, { "docid": "9086899", "text": "something that will help him win Linda back and straighten out his life. He finds his chance in an epiphanic moment; an opportunity to scalp a large stack of tickets to see the hottest show in town --- the Pope at Yankee Stadium. Just the Ticket Just the Ticket is a 1999 film directed by Richard Wenk. It stars Andy García and Andie MacDowell. Garcia was also the producer. The film was originally titled The Ticket Scalper. Gary Starke (Garcia) is a New York City ticket scalper who, in the old traditional style of scalping \"works the street\", known as", "title": "Just the Ticket" }, { "docid": "2994476", "text": "homeless or almost homeless, vulnerably housed or marginalised in some way. \"The Big Issue\" recognises, however, that for many people, being housed is only the first stage in getting off the streets; therefore, The Big Issue Foundation exists to support vendors in gaining control of their lives by tackling the various issues which lead to homelessness. There are five localised editions of the magazine sold throughout the United Kingdom and vendors buy \"The Big Issue\" for £1.25 and sell it for £2.50. The magazine is also produced and sold in Australia, Ireland, South Korea, South Africa, Japan, Namibia, Kenya, Malawi", "title": "The Big Issue" }, { "docid": "2762486", "text": "S.I. 1988/1036 as: \"Road\", in relation to England and Wales, means any highway and any other road to which the public has access, and includes bridges over which a road passes. There is also a House of Lords judgment on this matter. Civil enforcement officers enforce parking restrictions on public, council-run car parks. These include failure to purchase a ticket as payment (if available)/not parking in a marked bay/other offences. In the United States, each state's Department of Transportation sets the proper ratio for disabled spaces for private business and public parking lots. Certain circumstances may demand more designated spaces.", "title": "Parking lot" }, { "docid": "20387002", "text": "by which governments can collect revenue from parking and how it can design parking meters and systems to respond to price signals. Shoup concludes the book by recommending three main reforms which can be made to improve parking policy. He suggests charging fair market prices for curb parking, returning parking revenue to neighborhoods for community investment, and removing the requirements for off-street parking for new development. \"The High Cost of Free Parking\" received generally positive reception. Reviewers generally found the book very comprehensive and practical for planners but also overly long and lacking in political solutions to parking's planning problems.", "title": "The High Cost of Free Parking" }, { "docid": "7025582", "text": "a positive review, stating \"The Delicate Art of Parking is held together because of its strong characters. They're funny, they're quirky, and, most of all, they're realistic.\" Fred Ewanuick was praised by most critics for his acting and his chemistry with the rest of the cast. He won the Peniscola Comedy Film Festival Award for Best Actor. The movie was nominated for a total of 14 awards, winning 5 of them. It won the Montreal World Film Festival Award for Best Film. The Delicate Art of Parking The Delicate Art of Parking is an 87-minute Canadian comedy/mockumentary film released on", "title": "The Delicate Art of Parking" }, { "docid": "13674123", "text": "be confused with Johnny Cash's 1955 hit of the same name) became a major hit on \"Billboard Magazine\"'s Hot Country Songs chart, reaching #20, becoming Smith's first single to peak outside of the country Top 10. Connie in the Country Connie in the Country is the seventh studio album recorded by American country artist, Connie Smith. The recording was released in February 1967 as a budget album on RCA Camden Records and was produced by Bob Ferguson. \"Connie in the Country\" contained ten tracks. The album was a showcase of unreleased material Smith has recorded in the RCA studios between", "title": "Connie in the Country" }, { "docid": "7769903", "text": "The Parking Space \"The Parking Space\" is the 39th episode of the sitcom \"Seinfeld\". The episode was the 22nd episode of the third season. It aired on April 22, 1992. The story of the parking confrontation was inspired by a similar incident that happened to writer Greg Daniels' father. Kramer tells Jerry about his friend Mike calling Jerry a \"phony\". George and Elaine borrow Jerry's car to go to a flea market (much to Kramer's dismay as he wasn't invited). After getting into a minor accident, they notice that the car is starting to make a strange clanking noise. In", "title": "The Parking Space" }, { "docid": "7769907", "text": "in support of him, and by now, it's nighttime. With George and Mike still arguing, Jerry runs back to his apartment, just in time to see the last few seconds of the count for knockout. The Parking Space \"The Parking Space\" is the 39th episode of the sitcom \"Seinfeld\". The episode was the 22nd episode of the third season. It aired on April 22, 1992. The story of the parking confrontation was inspired by a similar incident that happened to writer Greg Daniels' father. Kramer tells Jerry about his friend Mike calling Jerry a \"phony\". George and Elaine borrow Jerry's", "title": "The Parking Space" }, { "docid": "7777323", "text": "Parking violation A parking violation is the act of parking a motor vehicle in a restricted place or for parking in an unauthorized manner. It is against the law virtually everywhere to park a vehicle in the middle of a highway or road; parking on one or both sides of a road, however, is commonly permitted. However, restrictions apply to such parking, and may result in an offense being committed. Such offenses are usually cited by a police officer or other government official in the form of a traffic ticket. Parking violations include, but are not limited to: Fines or", "title": "Parking violation" }, { "docid": "12644583", "text": "Here in the Real World (song) \"Here in the Real World\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released in January 1990 as the second single and title track from his debut album \"Here in the Real World\", and in early 1990 it became his first Top 40 country hit. The song reached a peak of number 3 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks charts, and number 1 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Top Country Tracks charts. Jackson wrote the song with Mark Irwin. The song is a mid-tempo piece,", "title": "Here in the Real World (song)" }, { "docid": "14662843", "text": "The Golden Ticket The Golden Ticket is an opera based on Roald Dahl’s classic book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by the contemporary American composer Peter Ash, with a libretto by Donald Sturrock. \"The Golden Ticket\" was commissioned by American Lyric Theater, Lawrence Edelson, Producing Artistic Director; and Felicity Dahl. It premiered at Opera Theatre of Saint Louis on June 13, 2010 in a co-production between OTSL, Ireland’s Wexford Festival Opera, and American Lyric Theater. \"The Golden Ticket\" was originally conceived as a project for London’s Royal National Theatre, but early workshops initiated by the composer and librettist revealed the", "title": "The Golden Ticket" }, { "docid": "2762490", "text": "credit card at the exit terminal upon leaving the lot, the applicable parking fee is automatically calculated and charged to the credit card used. In some parking lots, drivers present their tickets to and pay the cashiers at a separate cashier's office or counter (which are often located elsewhere from the entrances and exits of carparks). Such cashier's offices are called shroff offices or simply shroff in some parking lots in Hong Kong and other parts of East Asia influenced by the Hong Kong usage. If a ticket has not been paid, the barrier will not raise. In recent years,", "title": "Parking lot" }, { "docid": "8999911", "text": "knowledge as a whole. In 1994 \"The Worst Journey in the World\" was published as the first numerical entry in the Picador Travel Classics. The July/August 2001 issue of \"National Geographic Adventure\" listed \"The 100 Best Adventure Books of All Time\", with \"The Worst Journey in the World\" named first. A drama documentary, also entitled \"The Worst Journey In The World\", written by and starring Mark Gatiss, was broadcast on BBC Four in April 2007. The book was also adapted by Stef Penney for the BBC as a two-part radio drama in the Classic Serial strand – it was first", "title": "The Worst Journey in the World" }, { "docid": "19458673", "text": "how difficult it must be for any woman to give birth to a child and then give it away. Even if they are doing it for all the right reasons.\" All songs by Wendy James, except where noted. The Price of the Ticket (album) The Price of the Ticket is the third solo album by former Transvision Vamp lead singer Wendy James. Released in February 2016, it was written and produced by James, except for the final two tracks, which were cover versions of songs by Fred \"Sonic\" Smith and Bob Dylan. The album was recorded mainly in New York", "title": "The Price of the Ticket (album)" }, { "docid": "15287701", "text": "The Parking Lot Movie The Parking Lot Movie is an American documentary film directed by Meghan Eckman. It was filmed from 2007 to 2010 and premiered at the South By Southwest film festival in Austin, Texas, in 2010. It was purchased by PBS and aired nationwide on \"Independent Lens\" October 19, 2010, opening the series' 2010 season. \"The Parking Lot Movie\" follows a group of parking lot attendants who work at The Corner Parking Lot in Charlottesville, Virginia. They have to deal with drunken, rude, and cheap patrons, as well as vandals. The film centers on the experience of the", "title": "The Parking Lot Movie" }, { "docid": "10489407", "text": "ours\", Neddie and Bloodnok are left adrift in a lifeboat. They eventually discover the hurler hiding in an oven on board the raft, but having no evidence other than a batter pudding, Seagoon will not let Bloodnok or himself eat it to avoid starvation. Greenslade then ends the show after introducing a coda \"for those of you cretins who would like a happy ending\": Seagoon, over a background of romantic music, proposes marriage. Bloodnok accepts. At times during the episode the plot is abandoned in favour of Milligan's associational comedy. The Dreaded Batter Pudding Hurler (of Bexhill-on-Sea) The Dreaded Batter-Pudding", "title": "The Dreaded Batter Pudding Hurler (of Bexhill-on-Sea)" }, { "docid": "5362779", "text": "The Gate to Women's Country The Gate to Women's Country is a post-apocalyptic novel by American writer Sheri S. Tepper, published in 1988. It describes a world set three hundred years into the future after a catastrophic war which has fractured the United States into several nations. The story is set in \"Women's Country\", apparently in the former Pacific Northwest. They have evolved in the direction of Ecotopia, reverting to a sustainable economy based on small cities and low-tech local agriculture. They have also developed a matriarchy where the women and children live within town walls with a small number", "title": "The Gate to Women's Country" }, { "docid": "17343141", "text": "\"Bloody Disgusting\" praised the film's visuals but said \"It’s unfortunate that the script can’t reach the same bar – particularly when it comes to the tired twist ending, which seems to exist simply because the filmmakers assumed audiences would expect it.\" \"Empire Online\" gave the film three stars and called it \"Smart, fun, mid-list horror with Scream overtones.\" \"Fangoria\" gave the film three out of four skulls and said \"the plot somewhat falls apart in the third act...But despite this disappointing final blow, TOWN THAT DREADED SUNDOWN is still well worth a visit.\" Jonathan Romney of \"The Guardian\" gave the", "title": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film)" }, { "docid": "4477245", "text": "2011, and supports play with up to five people using the Game Center or Days of Wonder's own servers. Its offline mode originally only supported a single player with up to four computer players; however pass and play was added later. This version was released with three additional extensions available for purchase and download: \"Ticket to Ride: Europe\"; \"Ticket to Ride: Switzerland\"; and \"Ticket to Ride: USA 1910\", which itself includes three separate game modes. In August 2012, \"Ticket to Ride: Legendary Asia\" was added, and in April 2016, \"Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries\" became available. The iPad version of", "title": "Ticket to Ride (board game)" }, { "docid": "5869585", "text": "Associated Country Women of the World The Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) is the largest international organization for both rural and urban women, with a membership of nine million in over 70 countries. ACWW holds a triennial conference and publishes a magazine, \"The Countrywoman\", four times a year. Late 19th Century – rural women's groups were set up independently. Communication between groups enabled more country women to come together in friendship and work towards similar goals. London April 1929 – first International Conference of Rural Women – 46 women from 24 countries attended four-day conference. Vienna 1930 –", "title": "Associated Country Women of the World" }, { "docid": "11557793", "text": "would not support their participation in the program. These obstacles to EN and beneficiary participation in the original Ticket program brought about the need for change and by 2005, Social Security began the process of revising the regulations to make the program work better for ENs and beneficiaries alike. The Ticket to Work program underwent a major overhaul in 2008 with the publication of new regulations in the Federal Register on May 20, 2008. These regulations, which became effective on July 21, 2008, amended regulations originally issued on December 28, 2001. The new regulations dramatically revised the payment structure available", "title": "Ticket to Work" }, { "docid": "16432988", "text": "the ticket. When they ask the baby where the ticket is, the baby points to a loose board on the floor. The three men tear up the floor and dig a hole looking for the lost ticket to no avail. Tony, who has huge debts decides that the best thing to do is go to Ireland by boat and try to convince the sweepstakes officials that Joe was the actual sweepstakes winner. Eddie has a fear of ships and is tricked by the other men into making the voyage. All the men are eventually kicked off the ship when Eddie", "title": "The Winning Ticket" }, { "docid": "15361863", "text": "plate has replaced the road-side parking meter and the pay and display machines. The advantage to the city could be: increased revenue, increased compliance, less disputed tickets, increased parking space utilization and/or reduction in staff [see Results section]. The advantage to the driver is that the vehicle could be moved to another parking spot and still have a paid status compared to other systems. Previously with parking meters and pay by space, the payment did not follow the driver which resulted in a parking ticket if they decided to move spaces. In addition to this advantage, the driver could also", "title": "Pay-by-plate parking" }, { "docid": "5862520", "text": "leisure on a computer or mobile device. Other examples of venues that often offer season passes include amusement parks, recreational sports venues (ski areas), and paid-admission parks (state and national parks). Some passes may also grant additional perks, such as free or prepaid parking, or coupons exclusive to pass-holders. Season ticket A season ticket, or season pass, is a ticket that grants privileges over a defined period of time. The \"Oxford English Dictionary\" has illustrative quotations which show the term used in the United States in 1820 for theatre tickets; and in the United Kingdom in 1836 for boat travel", "title": "Season ticket" }, { "docid": "19678703", "text": "cinema buff's attention to bodies, and there are lovely moments throughout\" and praised Stevens' portrayal of the lead character but commented that \"once you see where the movie's going it's a bit of a slog\". Nigel M. Smith of \"The Guardian\" gave the film three stars out of five: \"Admirably cynical until it loses its way in the final stretch, The Ticket nevertheless maintains a provocative allure, bolstered by a fiercely committed performance from Dan Stevens.\" The Ticket (film) The Ticket is a 2016 American drama film directed by Ido Fluk and written by Ido Fluk and Sharon Mashihi. The", "title": "The Ticket (film)" }, { "docid": "13327178", "text": "cliffhanger. The Fall Issue \"The Fall Issue\" is the 24th episode in the third season, the 65th episode overall and the third season finale of the American dramedy series \"Ugly Betty\", which aired on May 21, 2009. This episode doubles as the second part of a two-hour episode, a first in the series' history. Betty starts imagining things while she was eating a hot dog, including a fantasy of Antonio Sabàto, Jr. who is interrupted by an image of Matt. Betty tells Hilda that sooner or later she is going to have to tell Matt about her kiss with Henry.", "title": "The Fall Issue" }, { "docid": "13327168", "text": "The Fall Issue \"The Fall Issue\" is the 24th episode in the third season, the 65th episode overall and the third season finale of the American dramedy series \"Ugly Betty\", which aired on May 21, 2009. This episode doubles as the second part of a two-hour episode, a first in the series' history. Betty starts imagining things while she was eating a hot dog, including a fantasy of Antonio Sabàto, Jr. who is interrupted by an image of Matt. Betty tells Hilda that sooner or later she is going to have to tell Matt about her kiss with Henry. Mode's", "title": "The Fall Issue" }, { "docid": "18085317", "text": "for two Birmingham based venues; Genting Arena and Arena Birmingham, both are a trading division of The National Exhibition Centre Ltd. The Arena Birmingham, formerly known Barclaycard Arena and the National Indoor Arena (NIA) is one of the busiest, large scale indoor sporting and entertainment venues in Europe. Since opening in 1991, it has welcomed visitors to over 30 sports and an extensive variety of entertainment and music. The Ticket Factory has ticketed events from Oasis, Coldplay, Sir Cliff Richard and Kings of Leon, to Disney on Ice and Cirque du Soleil. The Resorts World Arena, previously known as the", "title": "The Ticket Factory" } ]
What day of the week was the Wall Street Crash?
[ "Thor's Day", "Guruvaar", "Thor's day", "Thursdays", "Thursday", "Thurs.", "Thorsday", "Jupiter's day" ]
[ { "docid": "1378931", "text": "Wall Street Crash of 1929 The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as the Stock Market Crash of 1929 or the Great Crash, is the stock market crash that occurred in late October, 1929. It started on October 24 (\"Black Thursday\") and continued until October 29, 1929 (\"Black Tuesday\"), when share prices on the New York Stock Exchange collapsed. It was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its after effects. The crash, which followed the London Stock Exchange's crash of September, signalled", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "2564342", "text": "*104804 + 4, \"n\" = 104804 and \"k\" = 4 which implies that August 13, 2009 is the fourth day into the 104805th week since 01/01/0001. 13 August 2009 is Thursday; therefore, the first day of the week must be Monday, and it is concluded that the first day 01/01/0001 of the calendar is \"Monday\". Based on this, the remainder of the ratio \"Base/7\", defined above as \"k\", decides what day of the week it is. If \"k\" = 0, it's Monday, \"k\" = 1, it's Tuesday, etc. Determination of the day of the week The determination of the day", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "2564325", "text": "row C) to find the dominical letter that is E. The letter for September 18 is B, so the day of the week is Thursday. Use 16 (in the Julian century row, column E) and 76 (in row D) to find the dominical letter that is A. February 23 is a \"D\" day, so the day of the week is Wednesday. In a handwritten note in a collection of astronomical tables, Carl Friedrich Gauss described a method for calculating the day of the week for 1 January in any given year. He never published it. It was finally included in", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" } ]
[ { "docid": "909508", "text": "purchased on television stations in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington. The first episode featured special guest \"bond king\" Jeffrey Gundlach of DoubleLine Capital and panelists Liz Ann Sonders (who was a frequent panelist on the original \"Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser\") of Charles Schwab and Jonathan Beinner of Goldman Sachs Asset Management. Gundlach's commentary on the show, where he called for a potential crash in the junk bond market, made news across Wall Street following the premiere. The show was picked up by Fox Business Network with its first episode airing there on March 18, 2016. Scaramucci", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "1378962", "text": "Kondratiev and Charles E. Mitchell, the crash was merely a historical event in the continuing process known as economic cycles. The impact of the crash was merely to increase the speed at which the cycle proceeded to its next level. Milton Friedman's \"A Monetary History of the United States\", co-written with Anna Schwartz, advances the argument that what made the \"great contraction\" so severe was not the downturn in the business cycle, protectionism, or the 1929 stock market crash in themselves, but the collapse of the banking system during three waves of panics over the 1930–33 period. Wall Street Crash", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "909490", "text": "7, 1972 and was officially titled Wall $treet Week with Louis Rukeyser (W$W) during the 32 years he hosted from 1970 to 2002 (the \"S\" in \"Street\" was in the shape of a dollar sign). In June 2002, the show was modified, dropping Rukeyser and changing the name to Wall Street Week with Fortune. Rukeyser went on to host \"Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street\" on CNBC (cancelled on December 31, 2004 at Rukeyser's request due to continuing ill health), which was also distributed to PBS stations. Wall Street Week with Fortune, which was hosted by Geoff Colvin and former Fox News", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909510", "text": "has never been solely about investments. We've talked about anything that affected people and their money,\" with both Scaramucci and Kaminsky featured in the opening. Sometime in January 2018, the show's title was changed to \"Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street.\" The name change was implemented with little notice or fanfare by Fox Business, and no reason was announced for the change. Wall Street Week Wall Street Week with Maria Bartiromo (WSW), retitled in early 2018 as Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street, is an investment news and information TV program airing Friday nights on the Fox Business Network. The original weekly show hosted", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909507", "text": "and was terminated in early 2005. In May 2014, SkyBridge Capital acquired licensing rights to \"Wall Street Week\", creating a new entity, SkyBridge Media, for the purpose of re-launching the show. The new \"Wall Street Week\" originally featured SkyBridge founder and managing partner Anthony Scaramucci and Morgan Stanley senior advisor Gary Kaminsky as hosts, and the format has been refreshed to maintain the spirit of the original show while modernizing certain aspects of the presentation. The first episode of the new \"Wall Street Week\" aired April 19, 2015 and was streamed from its website, WallStreetWeek.com. Airtime for the show was", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909489", "text": "Wall Street Week Wall Street Week with Maria Bartiromo (WSW), retitled in early 2018 as Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street, is an investment news and information TV program airing Friday nights on the Fox Business Network. The original weekly show hosted by Louis Rukeyser aired each Friday evening on PBS in the United States from 1970 to 2002. The program features a host (or hosts) and guest experts participating in discussions related to the financial markets. The original show, which was created by Anne Truax Darlington and produced by Maryland Public Television (MPT), debuted on the entire PBS network on January", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "1378953", "text": "U.S. and world economy, and it has been the source of intense academic debate—historical, economic, and political—from its aftermath until the present day. Some people believed that abuses by utility holding companies contributed to the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the Depression that followed. Many people blamed the crash on commercial banks that were too eager to put deposits at risk on the stock market. In 1930, 1,352 banks held more than $853 million in deposits; in 1931, one year later, 2,294 banks went down with nearly $1.7 billion in deposits. Many businesses failed (28,285 failures and a daily", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "1378961", "text": "be long or would necessarily produce a general industrial depression. But \"The Economist\" also cautioned that some bank failures were also to be expected and some banks may not have had any reserves left for financing commercial and industrial enterprises. They concluded that the position of the banks was the key to the situation, but what was going to happen could not have been foreseen. Some academics view the Wall Street Crash of 1929 as part of a historical process that was a part of the new theories of boom and bust. According to economists such as Joseph Schumpeter, Nikolai", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "909491", "text": "business correspondent Karen Gibbs, ended its PBS run on June 24, 2005. Wall Street Week was resurrected in April 2015 by SkyBridge Media LLC, an affiliated entity of global investment firm SkyBridge Capital, which was founded by financier and entrepreneur Anthony Scaramucci. The new \"Wall Street Week\" featured Anthony Scaramucci and Morgan Stanley senior advisor Gary Kaminsky as co-hosts. In March 2016, the show's licensing rights were picked up by Fox Broadcasting Company and it now airs Friday nights at 8 PM ET on the Fox Business Network. In April 2017, the show's name was changed to reflect Fox Business", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "16568760", "text": "original cast of Mamma Mia! and also Louis Hoover, who later played Frank Sinatra in the stage production \"Frank, Sammy and Dean - The Rat Pack\". Wall Street Crash (group) Wall Street Crash were an English 6-piece (originally 8-piece) vocal group, formed in March 1980 by Keith Strachan. They performed in three \"Royal Variety Shows\", and appeared on many TV programmes in the 1980s, including The Morecambe and Wise Show and 3-2-1. Their version of the song You Don't Have to Say You Love Me reached number 8 in Italy in 1983. The group has been through a few changes", "title": "Wall Street Crash (group)" }, { "docid": "16568759", "text": "Wall Street Crash (group) Wall Street Crash were an English 6-piece (originally 8-piece) vocal group, formed in March 1980 by Keith Strachan. They performed in three \"Royal Variety Shows\", and appeared on many TV programmes in the 1980s, including The Morecambe and Wise Show and 3-2-1. Their version of the song You Don't Have to Say You Love Me reached number 8 in Italy in 1983. The group has been through a few changes in line-up, but some were still performing as late as 2005. Former members include Siobhan McCarthy who went on to play Evita and star in the", "title": "Wall Street Crash (group)" }, { "docid": "1378956", "text": "macroeconomic difficulties, including contraction of credit, business closures, firing of workers, bank failures, decline of the money supply, and other economically depressing events. The resultant rise of mass unemployment is seen as a result of the crash, although the crash is by no means the sole event that contributed to the depression. The Wall Street Crash is usually seen as having the greatest impact on the events that followed and therefore is widely regarded as signaling the downward economic slide that initiated the Great Depression. True or not, the consequences were dire for almost everybody. Most academic experts agree on", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "1378952", "text": "accounted for only 5 percent of the annual U.S. investment in industrial capital in 1940; by 1943, the government accounted for 67 percent of U.S. capital investment. Together, the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression formed the largest financial crisis of the 20th century. The panic of October 1929 has come to serve as a symbol of the economic contraction that gripped the world during the next decade. The falls in share prices on October 24 and 29, 1929 were practically instantaneous in all financial markets, except Japan. The Wall Street Crash had a major impact on the", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "909499", "text": "sell signals than the old Wall Street Week Index, but was not as highly regarded. In 1998, one magazine even suggested the Elves Index was more useful as a contrarian tool, citing three examples where buy signals were followed by periods of market drift or contraction. Later, Rukeyser added an Elves Index for the NASDAQ. This index had one of the worst predictive records of any public index. The indexes were \"retired\" by Rukeyser after the September 11, 2001 attacks. At that point, the indexes were signalling a very strong sell signal. However, as was usually the case, it was", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909498", "text": "since he believed his ten indicators were still the best way to judge the technical aspects of the market. This ended Nurock's association with the show and the Index was replaced. Used From 1989 to the end of the Rukeyser era, the Elves Index was also a reading of ten indicators scored in the same manner as the Wall Street Week Index. Instead of reflecting technical factors, the indicators now represented the personal sentiment of ten market analysts about the direction of the market over the next three months. The Elves Index had more volatility and gave more buy and", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909496", "text": "Don Swartz and Don Barto. Without Louis Rukeyser as host, this new version suffered from lower ratings, neither capturing a new more youthful market as PBS had intended, nor retaining the original viewers. It was canceled after three seasons. During its run, the show used two different indexes to predict future market trends: From 1970 to 1989, the show used the Wall Street Week Index (later known as the WSW Technical Market Index), a technical analysis developed by Robert Nurock. The analysis consisted of ten separate technical indicators, each of which was assigned a value of either +1 (indicating a", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909500", "text": "an excellent time to do the opposite as the market rallied significantly after the initial selloff. The premiere of \"WSW\" on November 20, 1970 was carried on eleven stations of the Eastern Educational Television Network. The show rapidly grew in coverage and viewers until it became one of the most popular programs on the newly created PBS member stations. At its peak in the 1980s, the program aired on over 300 stations, and claimed a viewership of 4,100,000 households, which meant more people watched \"WSW\" every week than read the \"Wall Street Journal\". The program became a major source of", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909502", "text": "on Wall Street Week not only tended to rise in price and trading volume in the days \"preceding\" the Friday evening broadcast, peaking on the Monday afterward, but thereafter those stocks tended to drop in price and under-perform the market for up to a year following the recommendation. Rukeyser strongly disputed this claim, but ten years later Professors Jess Beltz and Robert Jennings published another academic article in the \"Review of Financial Economics\" reporting results consistent with Pari's original findings, and that there was \"little correlation between the 6-month performance of a recommendation and the abnormal volume at the date", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "909505", "text": "years old (about the same age as Rukeyser). MPT began to discuss the possibility of updating the format in an effort to reverse these trends. On March 21, 2002, MPT announced that beginning in June the program would be renamed \"Wall Street Week with Fortune\", would be a collaboration between MPT and Fortune magazine, and would feature two new cohosts. Rukeyser was invited to remain with the program in a reduced role as a senior correspondent, but he turned down the offer. The following evening, Rukeyser opened the telecast by announcing \"A funny thing happened to me on the way", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "1480182", "text": "The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal is a U.S. business-focused, English-language international daily newspaper based in New York City. The \"Journal\", along with its Asian and European editions, is published six days a week by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corp. The newspaper is published in the broadsheet format and online. The \"Journal\" has been printed continuously since its inception on July 8, 1889, by Charles Dow, Edward Jones, and Charles Bergstresser. \"The Wall Street Journal\" is one of the largest newspapers in the United States by circulation. According to News Corp, in its June", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "7922486", "text": "The Black Wall Street Records The Black Wall Street Records was a record label founded by Jayceon \"Game\" Taylor and his half-brother George \"Big Fase 100\" Taylor III. The name \"The Black Wall Street\" is adopted from what was the racially segregated Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma. During the oil boom of 1920's, Greenwood was home to several successful and prominent African-American entrepreneurs. Before The Documentary, Game dropped a series of mixtapes on his own label, The Black Wall Street. After leaving G-Unit Records, Game hoped to push The Black Wall Street to the mainstream to compete with his former", "title": "The Black Wall Street Records" }, { "docid": "478640", "text": "at disparate spots to buy and sell shares and bonds, and over time divided themselves into two classes—auctioneers and dealers. Wall Street was also the marketplace where owners could hire out their slaves by the day or week. The rampart was removed in 1699 and a new City Hall built at Wall and Nassau in 1700. Slavery was introduced to Manhattan in 1626, but it was not until December 13, 1711, that the New York City Common Council made Wall Street the city's first official slave market for the sale and rental of enslaved Africans and Indians. The slave market", "title": "Wall Street" }, { "docid": "2949228", "text": "the height of his project and then publicly claimed the title of the world's tallest building. (This distinction excluded structures that were not fully habitable, such as the Eiffel Tower.) Construction of 40 Wall Street began in May 1929 at a frantic pace, and it was completed twelve months later. In response, the Chrysler's architect William Van Alen obtained permission for a long spire and had it secretly constructed inside the frame of the building. The spire was delivered to the site in four different sections. On October 23, 1929, the day before the catastrophic Wall Street Crash of 1929", "title": "40 Wall Street" }, { "docid": "1378935", "text": "Shortly before the crash, economist Irving Fisher famously proclaimed, \"Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.\" The optimism and financial gains of the great bull market were shaken after a well publicized early September prediction from financial expert Roger Babson that \"a crash was coming\". The initial September decline was thus called the \"Babson Break\" in the press. This was the start of the Great Crash, although until the severe phase of the crash in October, many investors regarded the September \"Babson Break\" as a \"healthy correction\" and buying opportunity. On September 20, the London Stock", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "7922487", "text": "label and labelmates. Big Fase 100 eventually left the label officially after internal problems with Game. Though the company hasn't released an official retail album, it has released several mixtapes including the \"Black Wall Street Journal\" and \"BWS Radio\" series. Former artists who have been on the label include: Eastwood, Techniec, Cyssero, Vita, Ya Boy, and Charli Baltimore. As confirmed by wearebws.com. The Black Wall Street Records The Black Wall Street Records was a record label founded by Jayceon \"Game\" Taylor and his half-brother George \"Big Fase 100\" Taylor III. The name \"The Black Wall Street\" is adopted from what", "title": "The Black Wall Street Records" }, { "docid": "1378960", "text": "among economists and historians as to what role the crash played in subsequent economic, social, and political events. \"The Economist\" argued in a 1998 article that the Depression did not start with the stock market crash, nor was it clear at the time of the crash that a depression was starting. They asked, \"Can a very serious Stock Exchange collapse produce a serious setback to industry when industrial production is for the most part in a healthy and balanced condition?\" They argued that there must be some setback, but there was not yet sufficient evidence to prove that it would", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "1378937", "text": "brokerage offices around the nation was hours late, so investors had no idea what most stocks were actually trading for at that moment, increasing panic. Several leading Wall Street bankers met to find a solution to the panic and chaos on the trading floor. The meeting included Thomas W. Lamont, acting head of Morgan Bank; Albert Wiggin, head of the Chase National Bank; and Charles E. Mitchell, president of the National City Bank of New York. They chose Richard Whitney, vice president of the Exchange, to act on their behalf. With the bankers' financial resources behind him, Whitney placed a", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "478652", "text": "\"money was safe\" on Wall Street. A few days later, on October 24, stock values plummeted. The stock market crash of 1929 ushered in the Great Depression in which a quarter of working people were unemployed, with soup kitchens, mass foreclosures of farms, and falling prices. During this era, development of the financial district stagnated, and Wall Street \"paid a heavy price\" and \"became something of a backwater in American life\". During the New Deal years as well as the 1940s, there was much less focus on Wall Street and finance. The government clamped down on the practice of buying", "title": "Wall Street" }, { "docid": "1480224", "text": "and Holmes' credibility. On June 15, 2018, the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of California announced the indictment of Holmes on wire fraud and conspiracy charges in relation to her role as CEO of Theranos. The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal is a U.S. business-focused, English-language international daily newspaper based in New York City. The \"Journal\", along with its Asian and European editions, is published six days a week by Dow Jones & Company, a division of News Corp. The newspaper is published in the broadsheet format and online. The \"Journal\" has been printed continuously since its", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "1378950", "text": "took the place of buying.\" In 1932, the Pecora Commission was established by the U.S. Senate to study the causes of the crash. The following year, the U.S. Congress passed the Glass–Steagall Act mandating a separation between commercial banks, which take deposits and extend loans, and investment banks, which underwrite, issue, and distribute stocks, bonds, and other securities. After the experience of the 1929 crash, stock markets around the world instituted measures to suspend trading in the event of rapid declines, claiming that the measures would prevent such panic sales. However, the one-day crash of Black Monday, October 19, 1987,", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "478666", "text": "officers managing risk and compliance functions earned as much as $324,000 annually in New York City in 2013. On October 29, 2012,—ironically, the 83rd anniversary of \"Black Tuesday,\" the culmination of the disastrous Wall Street Crash of 1929—Wall Street was disrupted when New York and New Jersey, an area not normally known as a hotbed of hurricane activity the way that areas much further south are, were blasted by Hurricane Sandy. Its 14-foot-high storm surge, a local record, caused massive street flooding in many parts of Lower Manhattan. Power to the area was knocked out by a transformer explosion at", "title": "Wall Street" }, { "docid": "14482576", "text": "Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, was signed by President of the United States Barack Obama on July 22, 2010, following a global financial crisis. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 placed a \"wall of separation\" between banks and brokerages, which was largely repealed by the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999. The bill was enacted during the Great Depression, which began with the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999 repealed the \"wall of separation,\" allowing companies to simultaneously act as commercial banks, investment banks, and insurance companies. Though some commentators regard the restoration of the", "title": "Wall Street reform" }, { "docid": "1378957", "text": "one aspect of the crash: It wiped out billions of dollars of wealth in one day, and this immediately depressed consumer buying. The failure set off a worldwide run on US gold deposits (i.e. the dollar), and forced the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates into the slump. Some 4,000 banks and other lenders ultimately failed. Also, the uptick rule, which allowed short selling only when the last tick in a stock's price was positive, was implemented after the 1929 market crash to prevent short sellers from driving the price of a stock down in a bear raid. The stock", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "2564309", "text": "Determination of the day of the week The determination of the day of the week for any date may be performed with a variety of algorithms. In addition, perpetual calendars require no calculation by the user, and are essentially lookup tables. A typical application is to calculate the day of the week on which someone was born or a specific event occurred. In numerical calculation, the days of the week are represented as weekday numbers. If Monday is the first day of the week, the days may be coded 1 to 7, for Monday through Sunday, as is practiced in", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "2949233", "text": "ground for the pilot at the building's 58th story level. Parts of the aircraft and pieces of brick and mortar from the building fell into the street below, but there were no reported injuries to any of the estimated 2,000 workers in the building, nor anyone on the street. This crash at 40 Wall Street was the second of its kind in New York City's history, the first being when an Army B-25 bomber struck the 78th floor of the Empire State Building in July 1945. The cause of that crash was also fog and poor visibility. The 1946 accident", "title": "40 Wall Street" }, { "docid": "7710485", "text": "that they were not successful. Wolves of Wall Street Wolves of Wall Street is a 2002 film directed by David DeCoteau. It came 73 years after the original \"The Wolf of Wall Street\" directed by Rowland V. Lee and premièring in 1929. On the advice of a bartender familiar with the Wall Street crowd, Jeff Allen (William Gregory Lee) applies to the Wolfe Brothers brokerage firm in New York City for his dream job as a stock broker. What he does not know is that the brokers are werewolves, and he is bitten, thus he \"joins the pack\". He is", "title": "Wolves of Wall Street" }, { "docid": "7710482", "text": "Wolves of Wall Street Wolves of Wall Street is a 2002 film directed by David DeCoteau. It came 73 years after the original \"The Wolf of Wall Street\" directed by Rowland V. Lee and premièring in 1929. On the advice of a bartender familiar with the Wall Street crowd, Jeff Allen (William Gregory Lee) applies to the Wolfe Brothers brokerage firm in New York City for his dream job as a stock broker. What he does not know is that the brokers are werewolves, and he is bitten, thus he \"joins the pack\". He is forced to abandon his love", "title": "Wolves of Wall Street" }, { "docid": "19454640", "text": "badly\". \"Variety\" was noted for the slangy, breezy style of prose in its headlines and body text. Another famous headline in the paper was \"Sticks Nix Hick Pix\". According to author Ken Bloom, \"Variety\" publisher Sime Silverman wrote the headline. However, Robert John Landry, who worked at \"Variety\" for 50 years, including as managing editor, says it was written by \"Variety\" city editor Claude Binyon. The phrase is sometimes still used to invoke the Great Crash. For example, the sub-chapter describing the Crash in the 1973 book \"A Random Walk Down Wall Street\" is titled \"Wall Street Lays An Egg\",", "title": "Wall Street Lays An Egg" }, { "docid": "4275296", "text": "and its former editor, international, was Daniel Hertzberg. The first editor and publisher of the \"Asian Journal\" was Peter R. Kann, the former chairman and chief executive officer of Dow Jones & Company. \"The Wall Street Journal Asia\" can also be found at The Wall Street Journal Online at WSJ.com, the largest paid subscription news site on the Web. \"The Wall Street Journal Asia \"is also published online in Chinese at Chinese.wsj.com. The final print edition of the newspaper was published on 9 October 2017. The Wall Street Journal Asia The Wall Street Journal Asia, a version of \"The Wall", "title": "The Wall Street Journal Asia" }, { "docid": "1378951", "text": "when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 22.6%, was worse in percentage terms than any single day of the 1929 crash (although the combined 25% decline of October 28–29, 1929 was larger than October 19, 1987, and remains the worst two-day decline ever). The American mobilization for World War II at the end of 1941 moved approximately ten million people out of the civilian labor force and into the war. World War II had a dramatic effect on many parts of the economy, and may have hastened the end of the Great Depression in the United States. Government-financed capital spending", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "2564311", "text": "day of the week begins by starting from an ‘anchor date’: a known pair (such as January 1, 1800 as a Wednesday), determining the number of days between the known day and the day that you are trying to determine, and using arithmetic modulo 7 to find a new numerical day of the week. One standard approach is to look up (or calculate, using a known rule) the value of the first day of the week of a given century, look up (or calculate, using a method of congruence) an adjustment for the month, calculate the number of leap years", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "2835329", "text": "last year and a half of his life, where he was guarded 24 hours a day. The bombing has inspired several books, notably \"The Day Wall Street Exploded\", by Beverly Gage, \"The Death Instinct\", by Jed Rubenfeld and \"Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb (2007)\" by Mike Davis. The bombing is the subject of PBS series \"American Experience\" which broadcast an episode, \"The Bombing of Wall Street\", in February 2018. Wall Street bombing The Wall Street bombing occurred at 12:01 pm on September 16, 1920, in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. The blast killed", "title": "Wall Street bombing" }, { "docid": "19454639", "text": "Wall Street Lays An Egg Wall Street Lays An Egg describes a headline printed in \"Variety\", a newspaper covering Hollywood and the entertainment industry, on October 30, 1929, over an article describing Black Tuesday, the height of the panic known as the Wall Street Crash of 1929 (the actual headline text was WALL ST. LAYS AN EGG). It is one of the most famous headlines ever to appear in an American publication and continues to be noted in history books into the 21st century. \"Laying an egg\" is an American idiom, current particularly in 20th century show business, meaning \"failing", "title": "Wall Street Lays An Egg" }, { "docid": "18596260", "text": "The Wolf of Wall Street (book) The Wolf of Wall Street is a memoir by former stockbroker and trader Jordan Belfort, first published in September 2007 by Bantam Books, then adapted into a 2013 film of the same name (directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Belfort). Belfort's autobiographical account was continued by \"Catching the Wolf of Wall Street\", published in 2009. Belfort tells his real-life story of creating Stratton Oakmont, a brokerage house engaged in pump and dump schemes with penny stocks. The firm was shut down by regulators in the late 1990s, and Belfort was jailed", "title": "The Wolf of Wall Street (book)" }, { "docid": "13832453", "text": "analysts from leading investment banks around the world and publishing these interviews verbatim. \"The Wall Street Transcript\" does not endorse the views of those interviewed, nor does it make stock recommendations. The \"Wall Street Transcript\" highlights micro-cap and small-cap stocks that may go overlooked by many investors, while its CEO interviews often offer commentary to investors in larger-cap stocks as well. Large investment houses such as Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Sachs contribute their opinions on various market topics regularly to \"The Wall Street Transcript\". \"The Wall Street Transcript\" has been awarded various awards and accolades, as well as", "title": "The Wall Street Transcript" }, { "docid": "909492", "text": "naming Maria Bartiromo as the new presenter. It was further changed in early 2018 to \"Maria Bartiromo's Wall Street.\" Over the years, the list of guests included such notables as Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, Ross Perot, John Kenneth Galbraith, Malcolm Forbes, and Paul Samuelson. After being introduced, guests for the interview segment were escorted from backstage by a woman in formal dress dubbed by production staff and listed in the credits as \"Ms. Smythe\" (\"Miss Smythe\" until the late 1980s), always followed by her real name. Various women over the years performed this task, the most famous being Natalie Seltz.", "title": "Wall Street Week" }, { "docid": "1480188", "text": "1971 to 1997 brought about a series of launches, acquisitions, and joint ventures, including \"Factiva\", \"The Wall Street Journal Asia\", \"The Wall Street Journal Europe\", the WSJ.com website, Dow Jones Indexes, MarketWatch, and \"WSJ Weekend Edition\". In 2007, News Corp. acquired Dow Jones. \"WSJ.\", a luxury lifestyle magazine, was launched in 2008. A complement to the print newspaper, \"The Wall Street Journal Online\", was launched in 1996 and has allowed access only by subscription from the beginning. In 2003, Dow Jones began to integrate reporting of the \"Journal\" print and online subscribers together in Audit Bureau of Circulations statements. In", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "4274548", "text": "Tracy Corrigan Publisher: Kelly Leach The Wall Street Journal Europe The Wall Street Journal Europe is a daily English-language newspaper that covers global and regional business news for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Published by Dow Jones & Company (a News Corp company), it forms part of the business publication franchise which includes \"The Wall Street Journal\", \"The Wall Street Journal Asia\", and The Wall Street Journal Online (WSJ.com). Together, these publications have a total circulation of 3.8 million. Founded in 1983, \"The Wall Street Journal Europe\" is printed in nine locations throughout the region – Belgium, Germany,", "title": "The Wall Street Journal Europe" }, { "docid": "4274543", "text": "The Wall Street Journal Europe The Wall Street Journal Europe is a daily English-language newspaper that covers global and regional business news for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Published by Dow Jones & Company (a News Corp company), it forms part of the business publication franchise which includes \"The Wall Street Journal\", \"The Wall Street Journal Asia\", and The Wall Street Journal Online (WSJ.com). Together, these publications have a total circulation of 3.8 million. Founded in 1983, \"The Wall Street Journal Europe\" is printed in nine locations throughout the region – Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey,", "title": "The Wall Street Journal Europe" }, { "docid": "7193233", "text": "crash described by Galbraith and the crash occurring in the Late 2000s recession. Revised editions of the book, each time with updated research and a more timely version of the introduction, were published in 1961, 1972, 1988, 1997 and 2009. Galbraith, J.K, \"The Great Crash\" 1929, Pelican, 1961 The Great Crash, 1929 The Great Crash, 1929 is a book written by John Kenneth Galbraith and published in 1955; it is an economic history of the lead-up to the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The book argues that the 1929 stock market crash was precipitated by rampant speculation in the stock", "title": "The Great Crash, 1929" }, { "docid": "18596261", "text": "for securities fraud. Multiple portions of the book are disputed by law agencies as either fictitious, exaggerated, or untrue to real events. The Wolf of Wall Street (book) The Wolf of Wall Street is a memoir by former stockbroker and trader Jordan Belfort, first published in September 2007 by Bantam Books, then adapted into a 2013 film of the same name (directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Belfort). Belfort's autobiographical account was continued by \"Catching the Wolf of Wall Street\", published in 2009. Belfort tells his real-life story of creating Stratton Oakmont, a brokerage house engaged in", "title": "The Wolf of Wall Street (book)" }, { "docid": "12039864", "text": "The Wall Street Shuffle \"The Wall Street Shuffle\" is a single by the British pop/rock band 10cc released in 1974. The song originally appears on the band's 1974 album \"Sheet Music\". It was the most successful single to be released from the album, reaching No. 10 on the UK chart. The song features a classic rock riff and lyrics that deal with Wall Street and the economy. It features several topical cultural references and specifically mentions Getty, Rothschild and Howard Hughes. The song remains popular with fans and is often performed live in concert. A live performance was included on", "title": "The Wall Street Shuffle" }, { "docid": "12039865", "text": "the 2007 promotional live compilation \"The Best of 10cc Live\". The Wall Street Shuffle \"The Wall Street Shuffle\" is a single by the British pop/rock band 10cc released in 1974. The song originally appears on the band's 1974 album \"Sheet Music\". It was the most successful single to be released from the album, reaching No. 10 on the UK chart. The song features a classic rock riff and lyrics that deal with Wall Street and the economy. It features several topical cultural references and specifically mentions Getty, Rothschild and Howard Hughes. The song remains popular with fans and is often", "title": "The Wall Street Shuffle" }, { "docid": "1480201", "text": "scheduled sections are: In addition, several columnists contribute regular features to the \"Journal\" opinion page and OpinionJournal.com: In addition to these regular opinion pieces, on Fridays the Journal publishes a religion-themed op-ed, titled \"Houses of Worship\", written by a different author each week. Authors range from the Dalai Lama to cardinals. \"WSJ.\" is \"The Wall Street Journal\"s luxury lifestyle magazine. Its coverage spans art, fashion, entertainment, design, food, architecture, travel and more. Kristina O'Neill is Editor in Chief and Anthony Cenname is Publisher. Launched as a quarterly in 2008, the magazine grew to 12 issues a year for 2014. The", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "7163785", "text": "using an umbrella. The CPU-controlled Oklahoma High School is now playable via a cheat code. \"Crash and the Boys\" is the name of a band in the comic book series \"Scott Pilgrim\". The band also appears in the 2010 film adaptation of the novels, \"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World\", as well as in the subsequent . Corbie Dillard of Nintendo Life gave Crash n the Boys Street Challenge 5 out of 10 stars, commending the developers for 'doing something different' and for what the game could have been. However, Dillard also wrote that the game, while not horrible in itself", "title": "Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge" }, { "docid": "4275295", "text": "The Wall Street Journal Asia The Wall Street Journal Asia, a version of \"The Wall Street Journal\", provides news and analysis of global business developments for an Asian audience. Formerly known as \"The Asian Wall Street Journal\", it was founded in 1976 and is printed in nine Asian cities: Bangkok, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Taipei, and Tokyo. Average circulation for 2011 was 83,421. Its largest markets in order of importance are: Hong Kong, Singapore, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, India, and Vietnam. The paper's main regional office is in Hong Kong,", "title": "The Wall Street Journal Asia" }, { "docid": "2564338", "text": "the intended design objective. The tabular forerunner to Tøndering's algorithm is embodied in the following K&R C function. With minor changes, it was adapted for other high level programming languages such as APL2. Posted by Tomohiko Sakamoto on the comp.lang.c Usenet newsgroup in 1992, it is accurate for any Gregorian date. IBM's Rata Die method requires that one knows the \"key day\" of the proleptic Gregorian calendar i.e. the day of the week of January 1, AD 1 (its first date). This has to be done to establish the remainder number based on which the day of the week is", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "2564321", "text": "of the week of 27 January 8315? 8315-6300=2015, 2015-100=1915, 1915/100=19 remainder 15, 19x7=133, 133/9=14 remainder 7. 2015 is 700 years ahead of 1315, so 1315 is used. From table: for hundreds (13): 6. For remaining digits (15): 4. For month (January): 0. For date (27): 27. 6+4+0+27+50-14=73. 73/7=10 remainder 3. Day of week = Tuesday. To find the Dominical Letter, calculate the day of the week for either 1 January or 1 October. If it is Sunday, the Sunday Letter is A, if Saturday B, and similarly backwards through the week and forwards through the alphabet to Monday, which is", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "17327084", "text": "Clancy in Wall Street Clancy in Wall Street is a 1930 American Pre-Code comedy film. it stars Charles Murray, who had made a number of films for Edward Small. It was also known as \"Clancy Caught Short\" and was described as the first comedy about the stock market crash. It was the last film for director Ted Wilde, who had died in December of the previous year. Plumber Michael Clancy, fixing up some pipe on the stock exchange, accidentally buys some stock and makes a quick $200 on a 20 percent margin. He wants to continue but his partner, Andy", "title": "Clancy in Wall Street" }, { "docid": "17327085", "text": "MacIntosh, refuses to get involved. Clancy makes a fortune, leaves his business, and crashes high society, ignoring his old friend, and urging his daughter, Katie, to reject MacIntosh's son in favor of Freddie Saunders. Then the stock market crashes. Clancy in Wall Street Clancy in Wall Street is a 1930 American Pre-Code comedy film. it stars Charles Murray, who had made a number of films for Edward Small. It was also known as \"Clancy Caught Short\" and was described as the first comedy about the stock market crash. It was the last film for director Ted Wilde, who had died", "title": "Clancy in Wall Street" }, { "docid": "8522525", "text": "by reaching Gold (25,000 copies) in one week. By April 2008, \"The Ideal Crash\" had sold about 250,000 copies. Charts references:www.chartstats.com The Ideal Crash The Ideal Crash is the third studio album by Belgian rock band dEUS, released in March 1999. The album was recorded in Spain and it includes the single \"Instant Street\", which became an underground hit in Europe. The album cover art is the first dEUS CD cover that does not feature a painting by ex-guitar player Rudy Trouvé. \"The Ideal Crash\" was the first dEUS album to be directly released through a major label (Island Records)", "title": "The Ideal Crash" }, { "docid": "478703", "text": "and deceitful gains. However, this is not what Wall Street investors are bothered by. Instead, it is the public's words and opinions which they feel mold their image. Sjöberg notes that in the American culture, money making is of utmost importance and knowing how to make money is considered to be respectable. Therefore, Wall Street investors prioritize their work as well as strive to climb the corporate ladder. They also feel obligated to maintain the image the public creates, because it strengthens their position as a Wall Street employee. They value seeing themselves as experts in their field, especially since", "title": "Wall Street" }, { "docid": "478660", "text": "office space\" had been lost. The physical destruction was immense: Still, the NYSE was determined to re-open on September 17, almost a week after the attack. During this time Rockefeller Group Business Center opened additional offices at 48 Wall Street. The attack hastened a trend towards financial firms moving to midtown and contributed to the loss of business on Wall Street, due to temporary-to-permanent relocation to New Jersey and further decentralization with establishments transferred to cities like Chicago, Denver, and Boston. After September 11, the financial services industry went through a downturn with a sizable drop in year-end bonuses of", "title": "Wall Street" }, { "docid": "13832457", "text": "Philippines. The Wall Street Transcript The Wall Street Transcript is a paid subscription publication and Web site that publishes bi-weekly industry reports that feature equity analyst, money manager and CEO interviews. Reports typically cover two to three industries and express money managers' and analysts' views on each of the various industry sectors, as well as interviews with CEOs whose companies operate within the covered industries. In publication since 1963, \"The Wall Street Transcript\" is a publication in the finance community, which has interviewed the CEOs and senior executives of public companies, money managers handling billions of dollars of assets, and", "title": "The Wall Street Transcript" }, { "docid": "13832452", "text": "The Wall Street Transcript The Wall Street Transcript is a paid subscription publication and Web site that publishes bi-weekly industry reports that feature equity analyst, money manager and CEO interviews. Reports typically cover two to three industries and express money managers' and analysts' views on each of the various industry sectors, as well as interviews with CEOs whose companies operate within the covered industries. In publication since 1963, \"The Wall Street Transcript\" is a publication in the finance community, which has interviewed the CEOs and senior executives of public companies, money managers handling billions of dollars of assets, and equity", "title": "The Wall Street Transcript" }, { "docid": "1378948", "text": "relief package for the farmers, hoping to stabilize wheat prices. By October though, the price had fallen to $1.31 per bushel. Other important economic barometers were also slowing or even falling by mid-1929, including car sales, house sales, and steel production. The falling commodity and industrial production may have dented even American self-confidence, and the stock market peaked on September 3 at 381.17 just after Labor Day, then started to falter after Roger Babson issued his prescient \"market crash\" forecast. By the end of September, the market was down 10% from the peak (the \"Babson Break\"). Selling intensified in early", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "7193217", "text": "The Great Crash, 1929 The Great Crash, 1929 is a book written by John Kenneth Galbraith and published in 1955; it is an economic history of the lead-up to the Wall Street Crash of 1929. The book argues that the 1929 stock market crash was precipitated by rampant speculation in the stock market, that the common denominator of all speculative episodes is the belief of participants that they can become rich without work and that the tendency towards recurrent speculative orgy serves no useful purpose, but rather is deeply damaging to an economy. It was Galbraith's belief that a good", "title": "The Great Crash, 1929" }, { "docid": "14332902", "text": "almost five times the annual operating costs of the SEC. U.S. Representative Peter Anthony DeFazio proposed a new financial transaction tax for within the United States in 2009. He first raised the idea earlier in 2009, and then officially introduced it as a bill on December 3, 2009. The day he introduced the bill, DeFazio said, \"The American taxpayers bailed out Wall Street during a crisis brought on by reckless speculation in the financial markets. . ... This legislation will force Wall Street to do their part and put people displaced by that crisis back to work.\" The \"bailout\" he", "title": "Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill" }, { "docid": "890502", "text": "programme he announced: \"That \"was\" \"That Was The Week That Was\"...that was.\" For the edition on Saturday, 23 November 1963, the day after the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy, \"TW3\" produced a shortened 20-minute programme with no satire, reflecting on the loss, including a contribution from Dame Sybil Thorndike and the tribute song \"In the Summer of His Years\" sung by Martin with lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. This edition was screened on NBC in the US the following day, and the soundtrack was released by Decca Records. A clip, featuring Roy Kinnear, was shown in the David", "title": "That Was the Week That Was" }, { "docid": "2564323", "text": "the day of the week without any calculations. Examples: December is in row F and 26 is in column E, so the letter for the date is C located in row F and column E. 93 (year mod 100) is in row D (year row) and the letter C in the year row is located in column G. 18 ([year/100] in the Gregorian century column) is in row C (century row) and the letter in the century row and column G is B, so the day of the week is Tuesday. October 13 is a F day. The letter F", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "1480184", "text": "products of Dow Jones & Company, the publisher of the \"Journal\", were brief news bulletins, nick-named \"flimsies\", hand-delivered throughout the day to traders at the stock exchange in the early 1880s. They were later aggregated in a printed daily summary called the \"Customers' Afternoon Letter\". Reporters Charles Dow, Edward Jones, and Charles Bergstresser converted this into \"The Wall Street Journal\", which was published for the first time on July 8, 1889, and began delivery of the Dow Jones News Service via telegraph. In 1896, The \"Dow Jones Industrial Average\" was officially launched. It was the first of several indices of", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "17453041", "text": "The Wolf of Wall Street (1929 film) The Wolf of Wall Street is a 1929 American Pre-Code drama film directed by Rowland V. Lee and starring George Bancroft, Paul Lukas, Olga Baclanova, and Nancy Carroll. The story and screenplay were written by Doris Anderson. Originally made as a silent film, \"The Wolf of Wall Street\" was completely re-filmed with sound, becoming Bancroft's first talkie. The plot concerns a ruthless trader (Bancroft) who corners the market in copper and then sells short, making a fortune but ultimately ruining the finances of himself and his friends. Reception for the film was mixed.", "title": "The Wolf of Wall Street (1929 film)" }, { "docid": "6213923", "text": "train late. We return to the memorial service, while on screen captions tell us what happened to some of the people involved in the crash and the investigation. \"The Day of the Roses\" was released on DVD by Umbrella Entertainment in July 2010. The Day of the Roses The Day of the Roses is a two-part Australian television mini-series, a docu-drama directed by Peter Fisk, based on the events of the 1977 Granville railway disaster. The film was made in 1998 and runs over 3.5 hours. The film starts at an anniversary commemoration of the crash, where roses are dropped", "title": "The Day of the Roses" }, { "docid": "1378947", "text": "wheat production. From 97¢ per bushel in May, the price of wheat rose to $1.49 in July. When it was seen that at this figure American farmers would get rather more for their smaller crop than for that of 1928, stocks went up again. In August, the wheat price fell when France and Italy were bragging of a magnificent harvest, and the situation in Australia improved. This sent a shiver through Wall Street and stock prices quickly dropped, but word of cheap stocks brought a fresh rush of \"stags\", amateur speculators and investors. Congress voted for a 100 million dollar", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "1378946", "text": "for harvest in the Mississippi Valley. This oversupply caused a drop in wheat prices so heavy that the net incomes of the farming population from wheat were threatened with extinction. Stock markets are always sensitive to the future state of commodity markets, and the slump in Wall Street predicted for May by Sir George Paish arrived on time. In June 1929, the position was saved by a severe drought in the Dakotas and the Canadian West, plus unfavorable seed times in Argentina and eastern Australia. The oversupply would now be wanted to fill the big gaps in the 1929 world", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "13333708", "text": "placed below the graffiti memorial reading \"In Memory Of:\" following the victims of the Danny Rolling murders. The day after musician and Gainesville native Tom Petty died on October 3, 2017, a large memorial panel appeared beside that of the Rollings victims. Petty's memorial reads \"Gainesville's No. 1 Son\" and \"Thanks, Tommy\" along with the logo of his band, the Heartbreakers. 34th Street Wall The 34th Street Wall is a 1,120-foot-long retaining wall along SW 34th Street in Gainesville, Florida. The wall, which dates back to 1979, was originally built to prevent erosion of a hill on the nearby University", "title": "34th Street Wall" }, { "docid": "16600322", "text": "– Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. The soundtrack to \"The Wolf of Wall Street\" features both original as well as existing music tracks, and was released on December 17, 2013 for digital download. More than sixty songs were used in the film, but only sixteen were included on the official soundtrack. Notably, among the exceptions are original compositions by Theodore Shapiro. The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Terence Winter, based on the memoir of the same name by", "title": "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)" }, { "docid": "16600290", "text": "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film) The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Terence Winter, based on the memoir of the same name by Jordan Belfort. It recounts Belfort's perspective on his career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm Stratton Oakmont engaged in rampant corruption and fraud on Wall Street that ultimately led to his downfall. Leonardo DiCaprio (who was also a producer) stars as Belfort, with Jonah Hill as his business partner and friend Donnie Azoff, Margot Robbie as", "title": "The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)" }, { "docid": "14332908", "text": "return on investment for individuals, the higher spreads and volatility in the market, and possible increased banking fees, which will need to be increased in order for banks to cover the higher risk associated with holding stocks, all of which will have detrimental effects on the \"main street\". Another bill, which remains a proposal, was tabled by DeFazio on February 13, 2010. It is called \"H.R.1068 - Let Wall Street Pay for Wall Street's Bailout Act of 2009.\" Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill The proposed bill Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of", "title": "Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill" }, { "docid": "1378954", "text": "rate of 133 in 1931). The 1929 crash brought the Roaring Twenties to a halt. As tentatively expressed by economic historian Charles P. Kindleberger, in 1929, there was no lender of last resort effectively present, which, if it had existed and been properly exercised, would have been key in shortening the business slowdown that normally follows financial crises. The crash marked the beginning of widespread and long-lasting consequences for the United States. Historians still debate the question: did the 1929 Crash spark The Great Depression, or did it merely coincide with the bursting of a loose credit-inspired economic bubble? Only", "title": "Wall Street Crash of 1929" }, { "docid": "7163786", "text": "was inferior to other similar games. Lucas Thomas of IGN says that if you enjoy River City Ransom and Super Dodgeball you'll also love Crash n the Boys Steet Challenge. Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge, released in Japan as is a sports game for the NES by Technos Japan Corp. A Game Boy version of the game was also released in Japan only. The game featured Olympic style contests without rules or regulations, between five teams. The games included 400 metres hurdles, Hammer throw, Swimming, Roof Top Jumping, and Fighting Scene. It was", "title": "Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge" }, { "docid": "15501407", "text": "New York Times saying that the book was a \"definitive, indeed cinematic, account.\" War at the Wall Street Journal War at the Wall Street Journal is the first book released by author and journalist Sarah Ellison, published on May 12, 2010. The book is an account of Rupert Murdoch's purchase of the \"Wall Street Journal\" from the Bancroft family in 2007. Ellison, a former \"Journal\" reporter, was at the paper during the takeover. \"War at the Wall Street Journal\" was met with mostly positive reviews. It was profiled in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Financial Times, Publisher's Weekly,", "title": "War at the Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "15501406", "text": "War at the Wall Street Journal War at the Wall Street Journal is the first book released by author and journalist Sarah Ellison, published on May 12, 2010. The book is an account of Rupert Murdoch's purchase of the \"Wall Street Journal\" from the Bancroft family in 2007. Ellison, a former \"Journal\" reporter, was at the paper during the takeover. \"War at the Wall Street Journal\" was met with mostly positive reviews. It was profiled in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Financial Times, Publisher's Weekly, Booklist, and others. Ellison was particularly praised for her storytelling style, with The", "title": "War at the Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "2564319", "text": "not a Gregorian leap year, (but 19 in the Julian column indicates that it \"is\" a Julian leap year, as are all Julian \"x\"00 years). 20 indicates that 2000 is a leap year. Use Jan and Feb only in leap years. For determination of the day of the week (1 January 2000, Saturday) For determination of the dominical letter (2000, BA) For determination of the doomsday (2000, Tuesday) Note that the date (and hence the day of the week) in the Revised Julian and Gregorian calendars is the same from 14 October 1923 to 28 February AD 2800 inclusive and", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "20999453", "text": "of Berlin. Each sculpture weighs approximately seven tons and measures 30 feet long by 18 feet wide by 12 feet high. The Day the Wall Came Down The Day the Wall Came Down are two sculptures by Veryl Goodnight honoring the spontaneous end of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. It depicts five horses leaping over actual pieces of the broken wall. There are two copies of the sculpture. One, sculpted in 1997, is exhibited on the grounds of the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The second, finished in 1998, was given as a", "title": "The Day the Wall Came Down" }, { "docid": "13832456", "text": "From the late 1960s through late 1970s, Holman was involved in a series of court cases with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.), focused around whether the \"Wall Street Transcript\" published investment news or investment advice. The case ultimately ended in 1978 with \"S.E.C. v. Wall Street Transcript\", in which the publication was determined to be a legitimate news organization and not an investment adviser. Holman was born in New York City, son of former New York state assemblyman Abraham Goodman. He graduated from Cornell University and served in the Army during World War II in Japan and the", "title": "The Wall Street Transcript" }, { "docid": "2564322", "text": "G. Leap years have two Sunday Letters, so for January and February calculate the day of the week for 1 January and for March to December calculate the day of the week for 1 October. Leap years are all years which divide exactly by four with the following exceptions: In the Gregorian calendar – all years which divide exactly by 100 (other than those which divide exactly by 400). In the Revised Julian calendar – all years which divide exactly by 100 (other than those which give remainder 200 or 600 when divided by 900). Use this table for finding", "title": "Determination of the day of the week" }, { "docid": "20999452", "text": "The Day the Wall Came Down The Day the Wall Came Down are two sculptures by Veryl Goodnight honoring the spontaneous end of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989. It depicts five horses leaping over actual pieces of the broken wall. There are two copies of the sculpture. One, sculpted in 1997, is exhibited on the grounds of the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The second, finished in 1998, was given as a gift from the United States to Germany, and is located at Clayallee near the Allied Museum in the former American sector", "title": "The Day the Wall Came Down" }, { "docid": "1480189", "text": "2007, it was commonly believed to be the largest paid-subscription news site on the Web, with 980,000 paid subscribers. Since then, online subscribership has fallen, due in part to rising subscription costs, and was reported at 400,000 in March 2010. In May 2008, an annual subscription to the online edition of \"The Wall Street Journal\" cost $119 for those who do not have subscriptions to the print edition. By June 2013, the monthly cost for a subscription to the online edition was $22.99, or $275.88 annually, excluding introductory offers. On November 30, 2004, Oasys Mobile and \"The Wall Street Journal\"", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "15923583", "text": "contributed to the actions that eventually sparked the financial crisis. Many Occupy Wall Street protests have included anti-zionist and anti-Semitic slogans and signage such as \"Jews control Wall Street\" or \"Zionist Jews who are running the big banks and the Federal Reserve\". As a result, the Occupy Wall Street Movement has been confronted with accusations of anti-Semitism by major US media. Occupy Wall Street mounted an ambitious call for a citywide general strike and day of action on May 1, 2012. Recalls journalist Nathan Schneider, \"The idea of a general strike had been circulating in the movement since who-knows-when. There", "title": "Occupy Wall Street" }, { "docid": "890513", "text": "to 1968 on the Seven Network. It grew out of the recent local theatrical tradition of topical satirical revue—most notably the popular revues staged at Sydney's Phillip Street Theatre in the 1950s and 1960s—but it was also strongly influenced by the British satire boom and especially \"TW3\" and \"Not Only... But Also\". The New Zealand show \"A Week Of It\" ran from 1977 to 1979, hosted by Ken Ellis, and featuring comedians David McPhail, Peter Rowley and Chris McVeigh and comedian/musicians Jon Gadsby and Annie Whittle. The series lampooned news and politics and featured songs, usually by McPhail and Gadsby,", "title": "That Was the Week That Was" }, { "docid": "14332900", "text": "Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill The proposed bill Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill is officially contained in the United States House of Representatives bill entitled H.R. 4191: Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Act of 2009. It is a proposed piece of legislation that was introduced into the United States House of Representatives on December 3, 2009 to assess a tax on US financial market securities transactions. Its official purpose is \"to fund job creation and deficit reduction.\" Projected annual revenue is $150 billion", "title": "Let Wall Street Pay for the Restoration of Main Street Bill" }, { "docid": "18557524", "text": "Every Day of the Week \"Every Day of the Week\" is a song performed by American contemporary R&B group Jade, issued as the second and final single from the group's second studio album \"Mind, Body & Song\". The song is the group's last appearance to date on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, peaking at #20 in 1994. The official music video for the song was directed by Marcus Nispel. The video features Joi, Di, and Tonya walking along city streets and hanging out near graffiti-strung buildings in jeans and sweaters. These sections of the video are shot in blue-hued tones. Interspersed", "title": "Every Day of the Week" }, { "docid": "1480198", "text": "then enabled the \"Journal\" to charge similarly inflated advertising rates, as the advertisers would think that they reached more readers than they actually did. In addition, the \"Journal\" agreed to run \"articles\" featuring Executive Learning Partnership, presented as news, but effectively advertising. The case came to light after a Belgian \"Wall Street Journal\" employee, Gert Van Mol, informed Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton about the questionable practice. As a result, the then \"Wall Street Journal Europe\" CEO and Publisher Andrew Langhoff was fired after it was found out he personally pressured journalists into covering one of the newspaper's business partners", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" }, { "docid": "13832455", "text": "Estee Lauder Companies' board of directors, MGM Mirage Chairman and CEO James J. Murren and John Wareham, CEO of Beckman Coulter. Analysts and money managers from investment firms such as Goldman Sachs & Co., UBS, Credit Suisse and RBC Capital Markets have also appeared in interviews with \"The Wall Street Transcript\". Richard Holman (1923–2000) was the founder, owner and CEO of the \"Wall Street Transcript\" from 1963 to 1998. After a brief career in investment banking, Holman founded the \"Transcript\", believing that investment professionals and casual investors would be willing to pay for information that would help them pick stocks.", "title": "The Wall Street Transcript" }, { "docid": "7163783", "text": "final image for \"Street Challenge\" showed Momozono, the manager/cheerleader for Team Nekketsu on a swing set in the sunset, with the message \"The End\" written in hiragana characters). A promotional poster packaged with the SNES game \"The Combatribes\" featured the cover artwork of the game. However, \"Ice Challenge\" was never officially released outside Japan. Other \"Crash 'n' the Boys\" games announced by American Technos include \"Soccer Challenge\" (\"Nekketsu Soccer League\"), \"Diamond Challenge\" (\"Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari\") for the SNES, and the Game Boy version of \"Street Challenge\"; all went unreleased. \"Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge\" was released on the", "title": "Crash 'n' the Boys: Street Challenge" }, { "docid": "1480190", "text": "released an app that would allow users to access content from the \"Wall Street Journal Online\" via their mobile phones. Many of \"The Wall Street Journal\" news stories are available through free online newspapers that subscribe to the Dow Jones syndicate. Pulitzer Prize–winning stories from 1995 are available free on the Pulitzer web site. In September 2005, the \"Journal\" launched a weekend edition, delivered to all subscribers, which marked a return to Saturday publication after a lapse of some 50 years. The move was designed in part to attract more consumer advertising. In 2005, the \"Journal\" reported a readership profile", "title": "The Wall Street Journal" } ]
Man In The Mirror first featured on which Michel Jackson album?
[ "Bad (disambiguation)", "Bad (song)", "Bad", "BAD", "BAD (disambiguation)", "Badness" ]
[ { "docid": "5842286", "text": "was also the top single in iTunes downloads in the US and the UK. It has sold 567,280 copies in the UK as of January 2016. Man in the Mirror \"Man in the Mirror\" is a song recorded by Michael Jackson, written by Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett and produced by Jackson and Quincy Jones. It peaked at number 1 in the United States when released in January 1988 as the fourth single from his seventh solo album, \"Bad\" (1987). It was nominated for Record of the Year at the Grammy Awards. The song topped the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 for", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842276", "text": "Man in the Mirror \"Man in the Mirror\" is a song recorded by Michael Jackson, written by Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett and produced by Jackson and Quincy Jones. It peaked at number 1 in the United States when released in January 1988 as the fourth single from his seventh solo album, \"Bad\" (1987). It was nominated for Record of the Year at the Grammy Awards. The song topped the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 for two weeks. The song peaked at number 21 in the UK Singles Charts in 1988, but in 2009, following the news of Jackson's death, the song", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842281", "text": "in a large crowd). Instead, it featured a montage of footage of various major news events and famous people. The \"Man in the Mirror\" music video was directed, produced and edited by Don Wilson. Don and Michael Jackson developed the idea for the video. Larry Stessel who was Video Commissioner at Epic Records at the time was the Executive Producer. PCM Stereo music video version of this song was included on \"Number Ones\", \"Michael Jackson's Vision\", the Target version DVD of \"Bad 25\", and the song's video that released on VHS in 1989. An alternate live video was used as", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842282", "text": "the opening song in Jackson's film \"Moonwalker\" with live audio and footage from several live performances of the song during the Bad World Tour. The first segment of \"Moonwalker\" is a live performance of \"Man in the Mirror\" during his Bad Tour in Europe. Clips from Wembley Stadium among others can be seen. It also features a montage of clips of children in Africa, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, kids in Graduation, and other historical figures. Jackson performed a live, extended version of the song at the 1988 Grammy Awards. He also performed the song", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842283", "text": "as the ending of the concert during the Bad World Tour's second leg, and regularly during the Dangerous World Tour. Live versions of the song are available on the DVDs \"Live at Wembley July 16, 1988\" and \"\". On July 16, 1996, Jackson also performed \"Man in the Mirror\" at the Royal Concert Brunei for the last time prior to the benefit concert. The instrumental introduction to the song was played at the end of Jackson's memorial service, while his casket was being carried out; followed by the appearance of a spotlight shining on a microphone on an empty stage.", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842284", "text": "After a closing prayer that incorporated themes from the song, the spotlight remained shining on the lone microphone. The song is also featured as the final number in \"Michael Jackson's This Is It\". Running time: 5 minutes 30 seconds \"Man in the Mirror\" was the 4th consecutive number-one single for Jackson's \"Bad\" in the United States. The single debuted on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 at number 48 on February 6, 1988, and reached number 1 by its 8th week on the chart, on March 26, 1988, where it remained for 2 weeks. The song originally peaked at number 21 in", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "11375030", "text": "Feel\", \"Man in the Mirror\", and \"Dirty Diana\") reached number one on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, a record for the most number-one Hot 100 singles from a single album, including \"Thriller.\" By 2012, \"Bad\" had sold between 30 and 45 million copies worldwide. Bruce Swedien and Humberto Gatica won one Grammy in 1988 for Best Engineered Recording – Non Classical and Michael Jackson won one Grammy for Best Music Video, Short Form for \"Leave Me Alone\" in 1989. In the same year, Jackson won an Award of Achievement at the American Music Awards after \"Bad\" became the first album to", "title": "Michael Jackson" }, { "docid": "2957098", "text": "by Frank DiLeo among others, also included Jackson producing another mini-movie around the time of the Bad World Tour. That film, \"Moonwalker\", included performances of songs from \"Bad\", including \"Speed Demon\", \"Leave Me Alone\", \"Man in the Mirror\" and \"Smooth Criminal\", the latter two released as sole videos at the end of the film. Jackson's tour for \"Bad\" was a major financial success, grossing $125 million. \"Bad\" was the first album to have five consecutive singles — \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\", \"Bad\", \"The Way You Make Me Feel\", \"Man in the Mirror\" and \"Dirty Diana\" — peak at", "title": "Bad (album)" }, { "docid": "5658455", "text": "cyberpunk science fiction, wrote the lyrics for many songs of the album. The song \"Out of the Darkness\" was originally featured in the 1992 film \"Bad Channels\", which Blue Öyster Cult recorded the soundtrack for, although the song was not included in the soundtrack album for the movie. \"Showtime\" was originally written and recorded for \"Cultösaurus Erectus\" but did not make the final cut. Curse of the Hidden Mirror Curse of the Hidden Mirror is the fourteenth studio album by American hard rock band Blue Öyster Cult, released in 2001. The only single from the record was the poorly received", "title": "Curse of the Hidden Mirror" } ]
[ { "docid": "8495783", "text": "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story is a 2004 Canadian-American biographical telefilm produced for VH1. The biopic stars Flex Alexander as Michael Jackson, and follows his rise to fame and subsequent events. The film takes its title from one of Jackson's songs, \"Man in the Mirror\". The film was primarily shot in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The film originally aired on August 6, 2004, receiving a TV rating of TV-PG for language. It is available on DVD, where it is distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment and is rated PG-13 for some", "title": "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" }, { "docid": "8495786", "text": "his failed marriages with both Lisa Marie Presley (daughter of music icon Elvis) and Debbie Rowe, whom he later had two children with, a strained relationship with his father Joe, child molestation allegations, to the , dealing with 9/11, and a criminal trial for child molestation allegations of which he was found Not Guilty, the telefilm has Jackson struggling to regain his image as a music icon and a world-renowned entertainer. Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story is a 2004 Canadian-American biographical telefilm produced for VH1. The biopic stars Flex", "title": "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" }, { "docid": "8495784", "text": "brief language and thematic elements by the MPAA. The film is a sort of spiritual sequel to \"\", which discussed the Jackson family as children. The telefilm went on to receive generally negative reviews from both fans and critics alike as the film presented Jackson in a very unflattering manner and did not represent most of the true story. Unlike the former, none of Jackson's songs are heard, only mentioned in the telefilm. \"Man in the Mirror\" begins with a flashback, albeit with a voice-over narration by Michael Jackson (Flex Alexander), who reminisces on his younger self (played by Brennan", "title": "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" }, { "docid": "5842279", "text": "to the Japanese public and to Jackson himself, who was touring Japan at the time and subsequently dedicated concerts in Osaka and Yokohama to the boy's memory. When Ed Hogan reviewed the song, he called it \"gentle.\" Jon Pareles of The New York Times noted that this song has \"gospelly lift.\" Rolling Stone's Davitt Sigerson thought that \"Man in the Mirror\" stands among the half dozen best things Jackson has done, and he continued: \"On \"Man in the Mirror,\" a song he did not write, Jackson goes a step further and offers a straightforward homily of personal commitment: \"I'm starting", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5266692", "text": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album) Mirror Man is the fifth studio album by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band. It contains material which was recorded in 1967 for Buddah Records, and which was originally intended for release as part of an abandoned project entitled \"It Comes to You in a Plain Brown Wrapper\". Much of the material from this project was subsequently re-recorded and released through a different label as \"Strictly Personal\" (1968). The tapes from the original sessions, however, remained under the care of Buddah, who took four of the unissued tunes and released them as \"Mirror Man\" in", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "8092965", "text": "roughly, though not exactly, corresponding to the major transition points within the work. Version 1: (as appears on the album) Disastodrome, Queen Elizabeth Hall April 3, 1998 Version 3.5: Disastodrome, UCLA - February 24, 2003 Mirror Man (David Thomas album) Mirror Man is the title of a \"rogue opera\" conceived and orchestrated by David Thomas, as well as an album recording of the first act of that piece. The piece draws many lyrical and imagistic threads from Thomas' entire recorded legacy, as well as relying to a large degree on improvisation and the personalities of its participants. The cast is", "title": "Mirror Man (David Thomas album)" }, { "docid": "5266703", "text": "sessions, and thus yield a track listing which is somewhat closer to the original concept. Other tracks from these sessions are included as bonus material on Buddha's 1999 issue of \"Safe as Milk\". Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album) Mirror Man is the fifth studio album by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band. It contains material which was recorded in 1967 for Buddah Records, and which was originally intended for release as part of an abandoned project entitled \"It Comes to You in a Plain Brown Wrapper\". Much of the material from this project was subsequently re-recorded and released through a", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "8092961", "text": "Mirror Man (David Thomas album) Mirror Man is the title of a \"rogue opera\" conceived and orchestrated by David Thomas, as well as an album recording of the first act of that piece. The piece draws many lyrical and imagistic threads from Thomas' entire recorded legacy, as well as relying to a large degree on improvisation and the personalities of its participants. The cast is typically large and diverse, featuring actors, poets and singers supported by a core musical group (based around Thomas' regular collaborators the Two Pale Boys). Set in an abstract highway landscape among anonymous all-night coffee shops,", "title": "Mirror Man (David Thomas album)" }, { "docid": "5266699", "text": "a wide-open shutter.\" Around the time the song was recorded the band had been wearing black Quaker coats on stage, and even began to play their live shows as The 25th Century Quakers. The album closes with its fifteen-minute title track; an AllMusic review of the album cites \"Mirror Man\" as \"one of the key tracks of Beefheart's entire career\", adding, \"Probably the catchiest tune Beefheart ever wrote, 'Mirror Man' has an almost funky, hip-swaying groove.\" Drummer John French notes, \"This is the session in which I was told afterwards I had been given LSD in my tea by someone.", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "5842277", "text": "peaked at number 2, having re-entered the chart at 11 the previous week as his top song on the singles chart. It also became the number 1 single in iTunes downloads in the US and the UK, having sold over 3 million digital copies in the former alone. The song was remixed for the soundtrack of Jackson's tribute tour \"Immortal\". \"Man in the Mirror\" was composed by Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett. Jackson added background vocals from Garrett, The Winans and the Andraé Crouch Choir, which gave the song its distinctive sound. The song is said to have been one", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842280", "text": "with the man in the mirror/I'm asking him to change his ways/And no message could have been any clearer/If you wanna make the world a better place/Take a look at yourself and then make a change.\"\" In 2017, ShortList's Dave Fawbert listed the song as containing \"one of the greatest key changes in music history\". One of the videos is a notable departure from Jackson's other videos mainly because Jackson himself does not appear in the video (aside from a brief clip toward the end of the video in which he can be seen donning a red jacket and standing", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "10751535", "text": "Mirror Man (The Human League song) \"Mirror Man\" is a 1982 song by the British synthpop group The Human League. It was released as a single in the UK on 8 November 1982 and peaked at number two in the UK Singles Chart. It was written jointly by lead singer Philip Oakey with keyboard players Jo Callis and Ian Burden, and produced by Martin Rushent. \"Mirror Man\" was the first track written and recorded by the Human League after they returned from their World Tour, conducted in the wake of the enormous international success of their album \"Dare\". \"Mirror Man\"", "title": "Mirror Man (The Human League song)" }, { "docid": "5842285", "text": "the United Kingdom in 1988. However, following Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, \"Man in the Mirror\" re-entered the UK Singles Chart at number 11, and the following week the song peaked at number 2, held off by Cascada's \"Evacuate the Dancefloor\". The chart had also contained over 12 Michael Jackson songs in the Top 40. This song had been at top 100 for 15 consecutive weeks in this chart. In Australia the song originally charted at number 39. After the singer's death, the song re-entered the chart and peaked at number 8, much higher than its original release. It", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "5842278", "text": "of Jackson's favorite songs. Arranged with a gospel choir, Jackson would use a gospel choir again several years later on his hit \"Will You Be There\". Siedah Garrett also sang Jackson's duet \"I Just Can't Stop Loving You\" in mid-1987. The song is played in the keys of G major and A major at a tempo of 100bpm. The vocal range is Ab3-C6. The single sleeve for \"Man in the Mirror\" contained a dedication to Yoshiaki Ogiwara, a five-year-old boy from Takasaki, Gunma, Japan who was kidnapped for ransom and subsequently murdered in September 1987. The killing was highly traumatic", "title": "Man in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "6165837", "text": "(Yann Tambour) covered \"My Name Is Carnival\" on his album \"Luxe\" (2016) The popular American TV series \"This Is Us\" features \"Blues Run the Game\" in episode three, which first aired on October 11, 2016. Alt-country band Son Volt covered \"Yellow Walls\" in 2017. A previously lost song from his 1968 period called \"Golden Mirror\" was uploaded to YouTube in late 2017. \"Blues Run the Game\" is featured in the movie, trailer, and soundtrack for the 2018 film \"The Old Man & the Gun\". Colin Meloy performed \"Blues Run The Game\" in the 2013 musical/documentary Jackson C. Frank Jackson Carey", "title": "Jackson C. Frank" }, { "docid": "5266693", "text": "1971. The record sleeve features an erroneous claim that it had been \"recorded one night in Los Angeles in 1965\". The album is dominated by three long, blues-rooted jams featuring uncharacteristically sparse lyrical accompaniment from Beefheart. A fourth tune, the eight-minute \"Kandy Korn\", is an earlier version of a track that appears on \"Strictly Personal\". In 1999, Buddha Records issued an expanded version of the album entitled \"The Mirror Man Sessions\", which features five additional tracks taken from the abandoned tapes. When the band went into the studio in late 1967 to record the follow-up to their debut album \"Safe", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "5266702", "text": "The album reached a peak UK chart position of number 49, although, like all other Magic Band releases, it failed to break into the top 100 in the United States. All tracks written by Don Van Vliet and published by Flamingo Music. In 1999, Buddha Records (which had renamed itself to correct the earlier misspelling, 'Buddah') reissued the album under the title \"The Mirror Man Sessions\", which was released with a newly expanded track list and a 12-page booklet explaining the history of the recordings. The additional tracks included on this release are also taken from the abandoned \"Brown Wrapper\"", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "8787458", "text": "Mirror Mirror (10cc album) Mirror Mirror is the 11th and last album by British rock band 10cc. It was released in 1995 and did not chart in the UK or US. The album was their first not to be released on a major label, as Stewart and Gouldman found themselves without one following the failure of their previous album, the \"reunion\" project \"...Meanwhile.\" Again featuring just two of 10cc's core band members, Graham Gouldman and Eric Stewart, the album included performances by Paul McCartney on two tracks, Andrew Gold on two tracks and Rick Fenn on one track. \"Mirror Mirror\"", "title": "Mirror Mirror (10cc album)" }, { "docid": "8495785", "text": "Gademans in a non-speaking role), wanting a normal childhood in addition to becoming a superstar at a young age. It later flashes forward to 1983, whereas Jackson (Alexander) is now a global superstar and pop icon, due in part to his success of his critically acclaimed and universally successful sixth studio album \"Thriller\", which has sold over 100 million copies worldwide, and making Jackson a global superstar beyond his wildest dreams. The telefilm later jumps from Jackson's universal fame post-\"Thriller\", into his personal life and relationships within the public eye. From events chronicling a troubled time during the \"Dangerous\" era,", "title": "Man in the Mirror: The Michael Jackson Story" }, { "docid": "18522898", "text": "fire, sand, and smoke, amongst other elements. Mirror Man (Ella Henderson song) \"Mirror Man\" is a song recorded by English singer and songwriter Ella Henderson for her debut studio album, \"Chapter One\" (2014). It was released in the UK on 8 March 2015 via Syco Music as the fourth single off the album. The song was written by Henderson, Al Shuckburgh, and Laura Pergolizzi, and was produced by Shuckburgh under his production moniker Al Shux. \"Mirror Man\" entered the UK Singles Chart at number 96. \"Mirror Man\" is a mid-tempo blues and funk song whose lyrics discuss a selfish lover", "title": "Mirror Man (Ella Henderson song)" }, { "docid": "18522896", "text": "Mirror Man (Ella Henderson song) \"Mirror Man\" is a song recorded by English singer and songwriter Ella Henderson for her debut studio album, \"Chapter One\" (2014). It was released in the UK on 8 March 2015 via Syco Music as the fourth single off the album. The song was written by Henderson, Al Shuckburgh, and Laura Pergolizzi, and was produced by Shuckburgh under his production moniker Al Shux. \"Mirror Man\" entered the UK Singles Chart at number 96. \"Mirror Man\" is a mid-tempo blues and funk song whose lyrics discuss a selfish lover who puts him or herself before anyone", "title": "Mirror Man (Ella Henderson song)" }, { "docid": "5266694", "text": "as Milk\", which had been released earlier that year, it was with the intention of producing a double album, provisionally entitled \"It Comes to You in a Plain Brown Wrapper\". Three of the tracks they recorded—\"Tarotplane\", \"25th Century Quaker\", and \"Mirror Man\"—were long, psychedelic blues jams performed 'live in the studio' (in one take with no overdubs). These were intended to fill one of the set's two LPs. The band were also working on a number of other tracks, many of which would eventually be included on \"Strictly Personal\" (1968). These songs were characterized by their polyrhythmic structures and psychedelic", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "8787465", "text": "version of \"I'm Not in Love\". Mirror Mirror (10cc album) Mirror Mirror is the 11th and last album by British rock band 10cc. It was released in 1995 and did not chart in the UK or US. The album was their first not to be released on a major label, as Stewart and Gouldman found themselves without one following the failure of their previous album, the \"reunion\" project \"...Meanwhile.\" Again featuring just two of 10cc's core band members, Graham Gouldman and Eric Stewart, the album included performances by Paul McCartney on two tracks, Andrew Gold on two tracks and Rick", "title": "Mirror Mirror (10cc album)" }, { "docid": "5266696", "text": "along with a number of other unreleased songs, remained the property of Buddah, who released \"Mirror Man\" in May 1971, compiling the track list from the three 'live' jams and a finished version of \"Kandy Korn\" (which was one of the tracks re-recorded for \"Strictly Personal\", where it appears in shortened form). The album's original pressing was put together somewhat carelessly, with the cover art featured a shot of the band's 1970 line-up. Later pressings replaced this photo with a more striking image of Van Vliet (Beefheart) wearing a top hat. The opening track, \"Tarotplane\", takes its title after the", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "16468595", "text": "Man in the Mirror (The Avengers) Man in the Mirror is the twenty-second episode of the second series of the 1960s cult British spy-fi television series \"The Avengers\", starring Patrick Macnee and Julie Stevens. It originally aired on ABC on 24 February 1963. The episode was directed by Kim Mills and written by Geoffrey Orme and Anthony Terpiloff. A cipher expert commits suicide at an amusement park, however Venus Smith discovers that she has taken a photograph of the man several days later, apparently very much alive. Steed investigates the mystery. Julie Stevens sings \"There's Nothin' Like Love\" from the", "title": "Man in the Mirror (The Avengers)" }, { "docid": "16468596", "text": "film \"My Sister Eileen\" and \"I Know Where I'm Going from I Know Where I'm Going! Man in the Mirror (The Avengers) Man in the Mirror is the twenty-second episode of the second series of the 1960s cult British spy-fi television series \"The Avengers\", starring Patrick Macnee and Julie Stevens. It originally aired on ABC on 24 February 1963. The episode was directed by Kim Mills and written by Geoffrey Orme and Anthony Terpiloff. A cipher expert commits suicide at an amusement park, however Venus Smith discovers that she has taken a photograph of the man several days later, apparently", "title": "Man in the Mirror (The Avengers)" }, { "docid": "13204620", "text": "of the album, \"Je t'attendrai\" does not feature, being replaced by its anglophone homologue. Mirror Mirror (Ghinzu album) Mirror Mirror is the third album by Belgian rock band Ghinzu. It has been released in March 30, 2009 in Belgium (via PIAS), France (via Universal) and Switzerland. The first single from the record was \"Cold Love\" for Belgium, while \"Take It Easy\" was chosen for France. \"Mirror Mirror\" was later released internationally, during the summer 2010. It received a CD release in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Continental Europe and a digital release elsewhere. The record has a wider and more", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Ghinzu album)" }, { "docid": "5266700", "text": "Actually, it must have been a rather small amount, because I didn't find myself too far from reality.\" Like \"Kandy Korn\", it was re-recorded for \"Strictly Personal\", where it appears as \"Son of Mirror Man – Mere Man\". Reviews of the album have made much of the length of its four compositions. A contemporary review written for \"Rolling Stone\" magazine by Lester Bangs, who opens by citing Beefheart as \"one of the four or five unqualified geniuses to rise from the hothouses of American music in the Sixties\", states: \"None of them really build in intensity or end up anyplace", "title": "Mirror Man (Captain Beefheart album)" }, { "docid": "7307394", "text": "with 100% analog mastering. All songs written and arranged by Joe Jackson, except where noted. Produced by David Kershenbaum. Album I'm the Man (album) I'm the Man is Joe Jackson's second album, released in October 1979. Taken from the album, \"It's Different for Girls\", was his biggest UK chart single, peaking at number five in the UK Singles Chart. \"I'm the Man\" was re-released in 2001 with one bonus track, a live version of \"Come On\". \"Come On\" was originally released as the b-side to Jackson's single \"I'm the Man\", also issued in October 1979. On the album cover, Jackson", "title": "I'm the Man (album)" }, { "docid": "13204617", "text": "Mirror Mirror (Ghinzu album) Mirror Mirror is the third album by Belgian rock band Ghinzu. It has been released in March 30, 2009 in Belgium (via PIAS), France (via Universal) and Switzerland. The first single from the record was \"Cold Love\" for Belgium, while \"Take It Easy\" was chosen for France. \"Mirror Mirror\" was later released internationally, during the summer 2010. It received a CD release in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Continental Europe and a digital release elsewhere. The record has a wider and more electronic sound than \"Blow\". Some songs gathered together form a musical movement (for instance", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Ghinzu album)" }, { "docid": "2441318", "text": "\"Take a Look in the Mirror\" marks Korn's attempt to return to a more aggressive sound as featured on their earlier albums, with guitarists Brian \"Head\" Welch and James \"Munky\" Shaffer mostly utilizing thick, heavy distortion and the occasional clean tones for contrast. The album features strong elements of nu metal and has the aggressive sounds featured on their early work, as well as a reworked and re-recorded version of the track \"Alive\", which had previously only been released on the band's first demo, \"Neidermayer's Mind\". Also of note is the song \"Play Me\" which features rapper Nas, making \"Take", "title": "Take a Look in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "11986931", "text": "the making of the album. Some have likened the main guitar riff to the track \"Mirror Mirror\" to Scott Walker's \"Cossacks Are\". \"Rip it Up\" magazine proclaimed \"Mirror Mirror\" as \"the finest Australian album of 2007 bar none\". The single Footsteps was subsequently released via iTunes and received heavy rotation on Triple J and Sydney based FBi Radio making it the second most added track to alternative radio in Australia behind Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Melbourne’s Inpress magazine made \"Mirror Mirror\" their #6 Album of the year (surpassing Radiohead) with only 2 Australian albums ranked in the top 10. An extensive", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Dardanelles album)" }, { "docid": "14250082", "text": "In the Mirror In the Mirror is a compilation album by Keyboardist Yanni, released on the Private Music label in 1997. The album peaked at #1 on Billboard's \"Top New Age Albums\" chart and at #17 on the \"\"Billboard\" 200\" chart in the same year. This is often billed as a \"Compilation of Yanni favorites\", including \"In the Mirror\" which is a solo piano piece and faster pace tracks such as \"Forbidden Dreams\" and \"Chasing Shadows\". \"Aria\" is specially presented in this album as performed in concert on the album \"Live at the Acropolis\". In a review by Jonathan Widran", "title": "In the Mirror" }, { "docid": "9556526", "text": "Addressing the leak of tracks from his original version of \"The Mirror\", Ja Rule announced in a 2009 interview with \"HipHopDX\" that he would record an entirely new album. Gotti explained to MTV News that the delay of the album was for \"trying to craft a classic LP.\" \"Hollywood\" dropped in late April; Micaela Hood of the \"Miami Herald\" called it \"an ode to some of his favorite peeps like Oprah and President Obama\". On July 31, 2009, the original version of \"The Mirror\" was released online as a mixtape. The Mirror (Ja Rule album) The Mirror is the first", "title": "The Mirror (Ja Rule album)" }, { "docid": "10034802", "text": "he proves on Volume 4 that he still is the man.\" AllMusic rated it 3.5/5, stating that \"Volume 4 isn't as lively or vital as his first five albums, but it's also more satisfying as a pop record than anything he's done since Body & Soul, which is more than enough to make it a worthy comeback.\" The album was followed by a lengthy tour. All songs written, arranged and produced by Joe Jackson. Volume 4 (Joe Jackson album) Volume 4 was an album released in 2003 by British musician Joe Jackson. It was the first album to feature the", "title": "Volume 4 (Joe Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "10758496", "text": "Millie Jackson (album) Millie Jackson is the self-titled debut album by singer-songwriter, Millie Jackson. This album is different from all her other album to follow in that this album features some Motown style songs. It includes the R&B hits \"A Child of God (It's Hard to Believe)\", \"My Man, A Sweet Man\" and \"Ask Me What You Want.\" The album was arranged by Tony Camillo and Bert de Coteaux. In 2006, Ace Records in the UK digitally remastered this album (along with four other best-selling Millie Jackson albums) and released it on CD with bonus tracks and extensive liner notes.", "title": "Millie Jackson (album)" }, { "docid": "8092963", "text": "was at a second \"Disastodrome!\" Festival in Los Angeles, in February 2003. Act 1 is entitled \"Jack and the General\", referring respectively to Jack Kerouac, and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and supposes a poetic correlation of the two men via their relationship to the US Interstate Highway System. Act 2 is \"Surf's Up in Bay City\". Bay City is \"\"where the journey ends, where the unstoppable Great Westward Urge meets the immovable Pacific Object and loses.\"\" \"Mirror Man\" is performed in two acts. The album was recorded primarily live at the debut performance (with some fixes and alternate performances patched", "title": "Mirror Man (David Thomas album)" }, { "docid": "18872262", "text": "Mirror, Mirror (Stevie Nicks album) Mirror, Mirror is an unreleased studio album by American singer-songwriter and Fleetwood Mac vocalist Stevie Nicks. Recorded in 1984, Nicks was set to release the album but it was pulled because Nicks was unhappy with the way it was recorded. Most of the songs were scrapped and the rest became Nicks' \"Rock a Little\" album released in 1985. Most of the tracks were stolen from Nicks and released as bootlegs. A number of these songs remain unreleased officially, however some songs have been released on other albums, such as Nicks' 2014 album \"\". Many of", "title": "Mirror, Mirror (Stevie Nicks album)" }, { "docid": "13204618", "text": "with \"Mother Allegra\", \"Mirror Mirror\", \"The Dream Maker\" or the three pieces ending the album). \"Mirror Mirror\" obtained immediate success in Belgium, reaching number 2 in the Walloon charts and in France where it reached the top 20. Though not as popular in Flanders, Ghinzu received some radio airplay for titles like \"Cold Love\", \"Take it Easy\" and \"This War Is Silent\", which allowed them to play major festival Rock Werchter in July 2009. By the end of 2009, Ghinzu was voted best band of the year by the readers of Belgian newspaper Le Soir and \"Mirror Mirror\" had sold", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Ghinzu album)" }, { "docid": "9556522", "text": "The Mirror (Ja Rule album) The Mirror is the first mixtape by rapper Ja Rule, originally planned to be released in 2007. Two singles, \"Uh-Ohhh!\" and \"Body,\" were released in 2007 to poor chart performance. After tracks from the unreleased album were leaked online, Ja Rule decided to re-record the album, but later decided to release it as a mixtape on July 31, 2009 along with two bonus tracks, \"Free\" and \"Style On 'Em.\" Prior to the start of recording for this album, Ja Rule's last original studio album was \"R.U.L.E.\" in 2004; The Inc. released a greatest hits compilation,", "title": "The Mirror (Ja Rule album)" }, { "docid": "18872263", "text": "the songs appear in an incomplete, demo form and as a result Nicks is playing instruments on many of the songs. Mirror, Mirror (Stevie Nicks album) Mirror, Mirror is an unreleased studio album by American singer-songwriter and Fleetwood Mac vocalist Stevie Nicks. Recorded in 1984, Nicks was set to release the album but it was pulled because Nicks was unhappy with the way it was recorded. Most of the songs were scrapped and the rest became Nicks' \"Rock a Little\" album released in 1985. Most of the tracks were stolen from Nicks and released as bootlegs. A number of these", "title": "Mirror, Mirror (Stevie Nicks album)" }, { "docid": "10006600", "text": "(\"Desert\", a B-side from the \"Squall\" single) and the music videos of \"Squall\" and \"Trickster\". The music in Mirror has a notably more variable sound than the previous \"\" album. It retains some of the gothic influence, while introducing an experimental pop music sound. Most of the album has a very fast tempo, only slowing for \"Screen\" and \"Squall\", however the band has called this unintentional. Mirror (D'espairsRay album) Mirror is the second album released by D'espairsRay on April 11, 2007 in Japan and on June 22 of the same year in Europe. The first press limited edition release from", "title": "Mirror (D'espairsRay album)" }, { "docid": "12747311", "text": "Solo Live (Michel Petrucciani album) Solo Live is a solo piano album by Michel Petrucciani, recorded in 1997 at the Alte Oper in Frankfurt, Germany, and released on the Dreyfus label in 1998. A double-CD version of the concert was released in 2007, under the title \"Piano Solo: The Complete Concert in Germany\", and featured 20 tracks instead of the original release's 11. Most of the tracks are Petrucciani originals. \"Looking Up\" is \"overtly optimistic and inherently hopeful\"; \"Home\" is a \"statement of warmth and comfort\"; \"Brazilian Like\" is \"orchestral and melodic to the point at which the tune remains", "title": "Solo Live (Michel Petrucciani album)" }, { "docid": "10758497", "text": "All tracks composed by Raeford Gerald, except where indicated Millie Jackson (album) Millie Jackson is the self-titled debut album by singer-songwriter, Millie Jackson. This album is different from all her other album to follow in that this album features some Motown style songs. It includes the R&B hits \"A Child of God (It's Hard to Believe)\", \"My Man, A Sweet Man\" and \"Ask Me What You Want.\" The album was arranged by Tony Camillo and Bert de Coteaux. In 2006, Ace Records in the UK digitally remastered this album (along with four other best-selling Millie Jackson albums) and released it", "title": "Millie Jackson (album)" }, { "docid": "13162602", "text": "combined into a seamless rock delivery on The Mirror, giving the record a depth that is rare in the Spooky Tooth catalog.\" In 2000, the album was re-released by Dressed to Kill Records with a completely different cover and imagery, plus a different sequencing of songs, as \"Comic Violence\". The title track \"The Mirror\" was sampled in Atmosphere's seminal track \"Trying to Find a Balance\" of their 2003 album \"Seven's Travels\". Side one Side two The Mirror (Spooky Tooth album) The Mirror is an album by the British rock band Spooky Tooth. It was the only Spooky Tooth album to", "title": "The Mirror (Spooky Tooth album)" }, { "docid": "7454308", "text": "The Image in the Mirror \"The Image in the Mirror\" is short story by Dorothy L. Sayers, featuring Lord Peter Wimsey and published as the first story in \"Hangman's Holiday\" in 1933. This story is notable for its inaccurate depiction of right/left mirror image twins, and more generally for its use of popular science to explore the subject of inversion. A man, who states that his body is a mirror image of the normal body plan, confesses to Lord Peter Wimsey that he is worried he is going mad, due to blackouts in which he (or somebody identical to him)", "title": "The Image in the Mirror" }, { "docid": "17452228", "text": "No. 11 on \"Billboard\" 200, No. 1 on Bluegrass Albums, and No. 3 on Top Country Albums, selling 22,000 copies in its first week. It also finished at No. 2 on the Year End Bluegrass Albums chart for 2014. It has sold 148,000 copies in the United States as of June 2015. The Bluegrass Album (Alan Jackson album) The Bluegrass Album is the nineteenth studio album and the first bluegrass album by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released on September 24, 2013 via Alan's Country Records and EMI Nashville. Jackson wrote eight songs for the album. It", "title": "The Bluegrass Album (Alan Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "7869738", "text": "was ultimately shelved. The song \"Cry Wolf\" was originally recorded by Laura Branigan for her 1987 album \"Touch\". Modern Records also released a special long-form interview video on the making-of the album entitled, \"Reflections From The Other Side of the Mirror,\" which contained newly filmed material shot by Herbert Worthington III. However, it was limited to a worldwide release of 10,000 albums and only 500 VHS releases. The Other Side of the Mirror (album) The Other Side of the Mirror is the fourth studio album by American singer-songwriter and Fleetwood Mac vocalist Stevie Nicks. Released in May 1989, it was", "title": "The Other Side of the Mirror (album)" }, { "docid": "11986933", "text": "reminiscent of Pink Floyd's video work. Mirror Mirror (Dardanelles album) Mirror Mirror is the debut album by Melbourne-based Indie rock band Dardanelles released in September 2007. Taking their fans by surprise, Dardanelles' debut album proved to be a departure from their guitar infused debut EP, filled with dark haunting vocals and complex electronic soundscapes. It was recorded over a 30-day period at 001 Studio in Collingwood with producer Woody Annison, who had previously worked with fellow Australian bands Red Riders and Children Collide. The mysterious atmosphere can be attributed in part to the band listening to Vangelis, particularly the Blade", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Dardanelles album)" }, { "docid": "11986930", "text": "Mirror Mirror (Dardanelles album) Mirror Mirror is the debut album by Melbourne-based Indie rock band Dardanelles released in September 2007. Taking their fans by surprise, Dardanelles' debut album proved to be a departure from their guitar infused debut EP, filled with dark haunting vocals and complex electronic soundscapes. It was recorded over a 30-day period at 001 Studio in Collingwood with producer Woody Annison, who had previously worked with fellow Australian bands Red Riders and Children Collide. The mysterious atmosphere can be attributed in part to the band listening to Vangelis, particularly the Blade Runner soundtrack a great deal throughout", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Dardanelles album)" }, { "docid": "7307392", "text": "I'm the Man (album) I'm the Man is Joe Jackson's second album, released in October 1979. Taken from the album, \"It's Different for Girls\", was his biggest UK chart single, peaking at number five in the UK Singles Chart. \"I'm the Man\" was re-released in 2001 with one bonus track, a live version of \"Come On\". \"Come On\" was originally released as the b-side to Jackson's single \"I'm the Man\", also issued in October 1979. On the album cover, Jackson appears in the guise of a particular type of petty criminal known in the United Kingdom as a spiv, a", "title": "I'm the Man (album)" }, { "docid": "4591691", "text": "I Want You Back! Unreleased Masters\" released in 2009. ABC (The Jackson 5 album) ABC is the second studio album by the Jackson 5 and was issued on May 8, 1970, by Motown Records. It featured the No. 1 singles, \"ABC\" and \"The Love You Save\". Also present on the LP are several notable album tracks including a cover of Funkadelic's \"I'll Bet You\", \"I Found That Girl\" (the only lead song from brother Jermaine), and \"The Young Folks\" originally recorded by the Diana Ross-led version of the Supremes. The album peaked at No. 4 on the \"Billboard\" Pop Albums", "title": "ABC (The Jackson 5 album)" }, { "docid": "4591689", "text": "ABC (The Jackson 5 album) ABC is the second studio album by the Jackson 5 and was issued on May 8, 1970, by Motown Records. It featured the No. 1 singles, \"ABC\" and \"The Love You Save\". Also present on the LP are several notable album tracks including a cover of Funkadelic's \"I'll Bet You\", \"I Found That Girl\" (the only lead song from brother Jermaine), and \"The Young Folks\" originally recorded by the Diana Ross-led version of the Supremes. The album peaked at No. 4 on the \"Billboard\" Pop Albums Chart and at No. 1 on the \"Billboard\" Black", "title": "ABC (The Jackson 5 album)" }, { "docid": "9630208", "text": "guitar. This song was the fourth track on Aretha's 1986 album titled \"Aretha\". Jackson can be seen in the song's video. In the late 1980s, Jackson was still doing sessions. He was notably on the first solo album by famed session guitarist Steve Lukather. Jackson was a featured bass guitarist on five songs on Maze's 1989 \"Silky Soul\" album. He also performed on several of Kenny G's albums. Jackson was the bass guitarist on the 1991 self-titled Divinyls album (which features the song \"I Touch Myself\") as well as featured bassist on several tracks of Tracy Chapman's 1992 release, \"Matters", "title": "Randy Jackson" }, { "docid": "17452226", "text": "The Bluegrass Album (Alan Jackson album) The Bluegrass Album is the nineteenth studio album and the first bluegrass album by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released on September 24, 2013 via Alan's Country Records and EMI Nashville. Jackson wrote eight songs for the album. It also includes covers of The Dillards' \"There Is a Time\", John Anderson's \"Wild and Blue\" and Bill Monroe's \"Blue Moon of Kentucky\". Also included is a re-recording of \"Let's Get Back to Me and You\" from his 1994 album \"Who I Am\", marking the second time Jackson has included two versions of", "title": "The Bluegrass Album (Alan Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "13162601", "text": "The Mirror (Spooky Tooth album) The Mirror is an album by the British rock band Spooky Tooth. It was the only Spooky Tooth album to be released without contributions from Mike Harrison. It also was their last album for nearly twenty-five years, until \"Cross Purpose\" in 1999. \"The Mirror\" was released in October 1974, one month after group members had permanently disbanded. Members went on to form such bands as Foreigner and The Only Ones. In his review for AllMusic, Jason Anderson rates the album four stars out of five, and writes that \"Elements of pop and gospel/R&B are all", "title": "The Mirror (Spooky Tooth album)" }, { "docid": "10006599", "text": "Mirror (D'espairsRay album) Mirror is the second album released by D'espairsRay on April 11, 2007 in Japan and on June 22 of the same year in Europe. The first press limited edition release from Japan came housed in a paper case along with one of five picture cards that feature one of the band members. The album was released in America on March 18, 2008. The album is composed of new songs, previously released singles, and \"Closer to Ideal\", a track originally published on the bonus CD of the \"Liquidize\" photo book. The European edition comes with an additional track", "title": "Mirror (D'espairsRay album)" }, { "docid": "10751536", "text": "was conceived and written as a celebration of Oakey and Wright's love of Motown records. It has been described as electronic northern soul, with Oakey's main verses delivered in deliberate sentences with emphasis on the last word of each sentence. Vocalists Susan Ann Sulley and Joanne Catherall feature prominently throughout the song but have no lyrics, providing backing vocals of \"oohs\" and \"ahhs\". Recording and production was overseen by Martin Rushent, who had produced the band's album \"Dare\". Speculation about who was the titular 'Mirror Man' was ended in 1988 when, during interviews to promote the band's Greatest Hits album,", "title": "Mirror Man (The Human League song)" }, { "docid": "12681576", "text": "Little Man (Alan Jackson song) \"Little Man\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released in May 1999 as the fourth and final single from his album \"High Mileage\". The song topped at number three on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles charts, and four on the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart. It was also Jackson's first single to reach the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at #39. \"Little Man\" samples One Way Ticket (Because I Can) by LeAnn Rimes. The song is about small businesses that struggled to", "title": "Little Man (Alan Jackson song)" }, { "docid": "14085269", "text": "Mirror of Souls Mirror of Souls is the second album by Christian progressive/power metal band Theocracy. It was released by Ulterium Records on November 21, 2008 in Europe, November 26 in Japan, and December 9 in North America. It is Theocracy's first album as a full band, as their self-titled debut album was a one-man project by current lead vocalist Matt Smith. In Finland it was \"album of the week\" at Imperiumi.net website which called the album \"clearly one of the best melodic power metal albums of the year\". In 2010, \"HM Magazine\" ranked it #16 on the Top 100", "title": "Mirror of Souls" }, { "docid": "18228722", "text": "Man on the Run (album) Man on the Run is the sixth studio album by the British band Bush, released on 21 October 2014, through Zuma Rock Records. It marks the band's second studio album to be recorded under its current incarnation (Gavin Rossdale, Robin Goodridge, Chris Traynor, Corey Britz), which reformed in 2010 after an eight-year hiatus and released \"The Sea of Memories\" in 2011. The album release in 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the band's debut album, \"Sixteen Stone\". The band spent two years touring in support of their previous album, The Sea of Memories, before returning", "title": "Man on the Run (album)" }, { "docid": "10751539", "text": "directed by Duffy and was filmed on location at a deserted theatre in London. The basic premise is that Oakey is a ghost of a performer who has died and now inhabits the theatre where he reveals himself to the band who have come to rehearse. The main scenes are of Oakey in a dressing room singing to a mirror, spliced in with footage of the crash and death of John Cobb (whilst attempting to break the world water speed record on Loch Ness on 29 September 1952). Mirror Man (The Human League song) \"Mirror Man\" is a 1982 song", "title": "Mirror Man (The Human League song)" }, { "docid": "10177052", "text": "No. 9 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" 200, and peaked at No. 2 on the Top Country Albums. In December 1999, Under the Influence was certified platinum by the RIAA. Under the Influence (Alan Jackson album) Under the Influence is the eighth studio album by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released on October 26, 1999, and features covers of other country artists' material. Three singles were released from \"Under the Influence\"; \"Pop a Top\", \"The Blues Man\", and \"It Must Be Love\", which respectively reached No. 6, No. 37, and No. 1 on the Hot Country Songs charts.", "title": "Under the Influence (Alan Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "18228731", "text": "Gavin Rossdale. Credits adapted from AllMusic Bush Additional musicians Technical personnel Man on the Run (album) Man on the Run is the sixth studio album by the British band Bush, released on 21 October 2014, through Zuma Rock Records. It marks the band's second studio album to be recorded under its current incarnation (Gavin Rossdale, Robin Goodridge, Chris Traynor, Corey Britz), which reformed in 2010 after an eight-year hiatus and released \"The Sea of Memories\" in 2011. The album release in 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the band's debut album, \"Sixteen Stone\". The band spent two years touring in", "title": "Man on the Run (album)" }, { "docid": "7869735", "text": "of 100,000 units, and is Nicks' highest charting album to date in various European countries including Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Following the huge success of Fleetwood Mac's \"Tango in the Night\" in the UK, \"The Other Side of the Mirror\" became Nicks' highest charting solo album there, reaching number three and spawning her first UK top 40 hit with \"Rooms on Fire,\" (also No.16) which Nicks performed on the BBC show \"Top of the Pops\". The album was certified Gold in the UK for sales in excess of 100,000 copies. Her first, and so far only,", "title": "The Other Side of the Mirror (album)" }, { "docid": "8787459", "text": "was more a combination of two solo albums than a conventional 10cc production. Gouldman and Stewart played together on only one track – an acoustic reworking of their 1975 hit, \"I'm Not in Love\", one of only three songs on the album that bore a Stewart-Gouldman joint songwriting credit. Songs written by Stewart, including one co-written with McCartney, were recorded in France, while Gouldman's songs, one of which was co-written with musical theatre lyricist Tim Rice and another with Gold, were recorded in London. Following the tour to support \"Mirror Mirror,\" Stewart announced his departure from 10cc, adding that as", "title": "Mirror Mirror (10cc album)" }, { "docid": "10177051", "text": "Under the Influence (Alan Jackson album) Under the Influence is the eighth studio album by American country music artist Alan Jackson. It was released on October 26, 1999, and features covers of other country artists' material. Three singles were released from \"Under the Influence\"; \"Pop a Top\", \"The Blues Man\", and \"It Must Be Love\", which respectively reached No. 6, No. 37, and No. 1 on the Hot Country Songs charts. \"My Own Kind of Hat\", \"Margaritaville\" and \"She Just Started Liking Cheatin' Songs\" also entered the lower regions of the charts from unsolicited airplay. Under the Influence peaked at", "title": "Under the Influence (Alan Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "3963397", "text": "I'm Your Man (Leonard Cohen album) I'm Your Man is the eighth studio album by Leonard Cohen, released in 1988. The album marked Cohen's further move to a more modern sound, with many songs having a synth-oriented production. \"I'm Your Man\" was recorded in Los Angeles and Montreal and employed four producers: Roscoe Beck, Jean-Michel Reusser, Michel Robidoux, and Cohen himself. The LP would give Cohen an updated, contemporary 80s sound, featuring songs composed primarily on keyboards and delivered in Cohen's increasingly gravelly rasp. Cohen's sound had started to evolve on his last album \"Various Positions\" but it is more", "title": "I'm Your Man (Leonard Cohen album)" }, { "docid": "12775295", "text": "Man Up (album) Man Up is the third album by the Danish blues-rock group The Blue Van. It was released on October 27, 2008 in Danish music stores and on iTunes under Iceberg Records. The song \"Silly Boy\" was featured in the Samsung Behold advertisement. It was also featured in the Showtime show Shameless, also in the movie The First Time during the beginning credits. The song \"Man Up\" has been featured in the TV series \"90210\" and a commercial for the new season of \"Scrubs\". It also appeared in the soundtrack for the video game, \"\". \"Be Home Soon\"", "title": "Man Up (album)" }, { "docid": "7980044", "text": "on CD for the first time, using the original master tapes as their source. The disc was released in February 2012 and featured four bonus tracks. \"The Baltimore Afro-American\" described the album's production as \"pop-oriented\", \"well recorded and mixed\". The \"new waveish\" \"Baby Sister\" was complimented as \"ear candy\". \"Allmusic\" singled out \"How Do I Tell Them\" as having an \"instantly memorable chorus and gripping rhythmic structure\" but dismissed the rest of the album as \"disposable\". Imagination (La Toya Jackson album) Imagination is the fourth studio album by American singer La Toya Jackson. The album was released on by Private-I", "title": "Imagination (La Toya Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "9556759", "text": "Memory Man (album) Memory Man is the third studio album by Aqualung. The album was released on March 13, 2007 in the U.S.. The first single from the album was \"Pressure Suit\". The album debuted at #88 on the \"Billboard\" 200 chart in its first week. \"Memory Man\" has received positive reviews. On the review aggregate site Metacritic, the album has a score of 70 out of 100, indicating \"generally favorable reviews.\" The song \"Garden of Love\" features guest vocals by Paul Buchanan of the Scottish band The Blue Nile. The song \"Something To Believe In\" was featured in 's", "title": "Memory Man (album)" }, { "docid": "2761294", "text": "with Anthony Jackson on the bass and Dave Weckl on the drums. In 1988, Camilo debuted on a major record label, Sony, with the release of \"Michel Camilo\", which became a bestseller and held the top jazz album spot for ten consecutive weeks. Special guests joined in with Camilo, such as percussionist Sammy Figueroa and tap dancer Raul. Other bestselling albums followed and so did the accolades, including a Grammy and an Emmy. Camilo's collaborative 2000 album with flamenco guitarist Tomatito \"Spain\" won Best Latin Jazz Album in the first Latin Grammy Awards. As well as being an outstanding performer,", "title": "Michel Camilo" }, { "docid": "14680071", "text": "Askey, H.B. Barnum and Greg Poree Feel the Fire (Jermaine Jackson album) Feel the Fire is the fourth solo album by Jermaine Jackson, and his second post-Jackson 5 solo album. It was dedicated: \"to Jai, born January 27, 1977\". This is the first album for which Jackson did some producing and writing for himself. The album includes Tower of Power's horn section, and Stevie Wonder's ex-wife Syreeta. Its only single release was the Earth, Wind & Fire-inspired \"You Need To Be Loved\", which has a saxophone solo by Lenny Pickett. Executive producer: Berry Gordy Arrangers: Greg Adams, Greg Wright, Clay", "title": "Feel the Fire (Jermaine Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "14680070", "text": "Feel the Fire (Jermaine Jackson album) Feel the Fire is the fourth solo album by Jermaine Jackson, and his second post-Jackson 5 solo album. It was dedicated: \"to Jai, born January 27, 1977\". This is the first album for which Jackson did some producing and writing for himself. The album includes Tower of Power's horn section, and Stevie Wonder's ex-wife Syreeta. Its only single release was the Earth, Wind & Fire-inspired \"You Need To Be Loved\", which has a saxophone solo by Lenny Pickett. Executive producer: Berry Gordy Arrangers: Greg Adams, Greg Wright, Clay Drayton, Don Peake, Benjamin Wright, Gil", "title": "Feel the Fire (Jermaine Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "5394079", "text": "1968 single, \"Shoo-Be-Doo-Be-Doo-Da-Day\". \"My Girl\" has a funk rhythm and the song's score includes some call-and-response interaction, which is similar to what Jackson and his brothers displayed in their Jackson 5 material. \"You Can Cry on My Shoulder\" is a mid-tempo song. \"We've Got a Good Thing Going\" was previously issued as the B-side to \"Got to Be There\"s \"I Wanna Be Where You Are\" and \"In Our Small Way\" was also featured on Jackson's previous album \"Got to Be There\". The album was released by Motown Records, his second studio album for the label as a solo artist, in", "title": "Ben (Michael Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "10751538", "text": "short, at number two. The single did however reach number one in Ireland earlier that month and also reached the Top 10 in Canada the following February. Its release in the U.S. was delayed until May 1983 where it was incorporated into the stop gap EP \"Fascination!\". A&M Records, the band's record company in the US, had refused to release it as a single \"unless there was to be an album hot on its heels\". The track peaked at number 30 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the fall of 1983. The promotional video for \"Mirror Man\" was conceived and", "title": "Mirror Man (The Human League song)" }, { "docid": "9556760", "text": "season 5 finale and in a Season 4 episode of The CW \"One Tree Hill\". It has also been featured in The CW and ABC's \"Gossip Girl\" and \"Eli Stone\" commercials. The song \"The Lake\" was used in an episode in the third season of the TV show \"Grey's Anatomy\". Memory Man (album) Memory Man is the third studio album by Aqualung. The album was released on March 13, 2007 in the U.S.. The first single from the album was \"Pressure Suit\". The album debuted at #88 on the \"Billboard\" 200 chart in its first week. \"Memory Man\" has received", "title": "Memory Man (album)" }, { "docid": "16848642", "text": "Mirror Mirror (Dollar song) \"Mirror Mirror\" (also titled as \"Mirror Mirror (Mon Amour)\") is a 1981 single by British pop duo Dollar from their third album, \"The Dollar Album\". The song was co-written by Trevor Horn and Bruce Woolley, and produced by Horn. The song was the follow-up single to \"Hand Held in Black and White\", which had revived the duo's career in the Summer of 1981 when it became their first top 20 hit for a year and a half. \"Mirror Mirror\" charted over the Christmas period in 1981 and was the biggest hit of Dollar's career. It reached", "title": "Mirror Mirror (Dollar song)" }, { "docid": "12775296", "text": "was used at the end of the episode pilot of USA Network's new series \"Royal Pains\". \"There Goes My Love\" has been featured in the iPad commercial that aired during the Oscars on March 7, 2010. Man Up (album) Man Up is the third album by the Danish blues-rock group The Blue Van. It was released on October 27, 2008 in Danish music stores and on iTunes under Iceberg Records. The song \"Silly Boy\" was featured in the Samsung Behold advertisement. It was also featured in the Showtime show Shameless, also in the movie The First Time during the beginning", "title": "Man Up (album)" }, { "docid": "12388915", "text": "swing music, a genre which producer Riley is credited for creating. It was also the first album in which Jackson began rapping. The inclusion of the rap group Wreckx-n-Effect, Jackson's embrace of hip-hop rhythms and new jack swing were designed to give Jackson a new younger urban audience. In other recordings, with Bottrell, Jackson's sounds were more diverse as it had been in other albums with \"Black or White\" recorded under the pop rock genre while the Slash-featured \"Give In to Me\" was recorded as a hard rock ballad. The rap in \"Black or White\" was written and performed by", "title": "Dangerous (Michael Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "12628783", "text": "Jackson Square (album) Jackson Square is the first full-length album by Arkells. It is their first non-digital release with Dine Alone Records. The album contains updated versions of the 5 songs found on the \"Deadlines\" EP along with 7 additional songs. The album is named after Lloyd D. Jackson Square, a shopping mall in the band's hometown of Hamilton, Ontario. The first single, \"Oh, the Boss Is Coming!\" was released on October 21, 2008. Lead singer Max Kerman describes Jackson Square as \"Road-tested, energetic and soulful.\" On February 24, 2009, the band set up a webpage for fans to vote", "title": "Jackson Square (album)" }, { "docid": "19358406", "text": "the \"Billboard\" 200, and No. 1 on the Top Jazz Albums chart, selling around 5,000 copies in its first week of release. The album has sold 13,000 copies in the United States as of September 2015. All songs arranged and produced by Joe Jackson. The Duke (Joe Jackson album) The Duke is the seventeenth studio album by English musician Joe Jackson. The album was released on 26 June 2012 by Razor & Tie Recordings. The album is a tribute to Duke Ellington, the American composer, pianist, and bandleader of a jazz orchestra. Upon its release, \"The Duke\" received generally positive", "title": "The Duke (Joe Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "19667633", "text": "Rich Man (album) Rich Man is the fourth solo studio album by guitarist Doyle Bramhall II, his first since 2001 and his first since the breakup of his backing band Smokestack It was released worldwide on September 30, 2016 on Concord Records. Bramhall wrote many of the album's songs as a tribute to his late father who died in 2011. Produced by Doyle Bramhall II<br> Co-produced by Woody Jackson, Andy Taub, Adam Minkoff, and Michael Harris<br> Engineered by Michael Harris at Vox Recording Studios, Los Angeles, CA<br> and Andy Taub at Brooklyn Recording Studios, Brooklyn, NY Mixed by Cian Riordan", "title": "Rich Man (album)" }, { "docid": "16670485", "text": "The Sacred Mirror of Kofun The Sacred Mirror of Kofun is a 1996 puzzle video game/multimedia encyclopedia co-produced by Jean-Michel Cousteau with the cooperation of the National Center of Cinematography and the moving image and the French Ministry of Economy, Finances and Industry. It features full motion video sequences and actual underwater footage, the first game to do so. The game is set in 1999 (three years into the future) on the \"Antares\", a futuristic nautical research lab which sails off from Honolulu. The player character is Chris Young, a former racecar driver and Gulf War pilot, who was hired", "title": "The Sacred Mirror of Kofun" }, { "docid": "8597986", "text": "'proper' album, is certainly their most complete work to date, and arguably the first to be presented as one complete, cohesive whole. … this ranks as Thievery Corporation's finest yet.\" Allmusic's John Bush said that the album \"doesn't have the hooks or the production finesse to compete with \"The Mirror Conspiracy\"\" but that \"a few tracks on the backside do plow new ground, thanks in part to new guests...\" Among fans the album is popular, peaking at number 9 on \"Billboard\"'s Independent Albums list on October 19, 2002 and number 2 on the Dance/Electronic Albums list on October 26, 2002.", "title": "The Richest Man in Babylon (album)" }, { "docid": "13554128", "text": "album, and featured Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson and Jackie Jackson on background vocals. But when Jermaine's brothers left for Epic Records, this original version was shelved. Four years later, Stevie dug it out and remixed/overdubbed the track for \"Let's Get Serious\" and removed Michael and Jackie's vocals. Let's Get Serious (Jermaine Jackson album) Let's Get Serious is the sixth studio album by Jermaine Jackson, released in 1980. It reached #6 on the \"Billboard\" album chart and logged five weeks at #1 on the Top R&B chart. It achieved sales of 900,000 copies in the United States. The title track was", "title": "Let's Get Serious (Jermaine Jackson album)" }, { "docid": "12633044", "text": "We're the Brotherhood of Man We're the Brotherhood of Man is the second album by British pop group The Brotherhood of Man in their early incarnation on Deram Records. It was released in April 1972 and featured the US hit \"Reach Out Your Hand\". The album was released in April 1972, nearly two years after their first album. The back cover of the album featured a write-up by DJ Terry Wogan which stated that \"[The Brotherhood of Man] are one of the rare 'white' groups that make a valid 'black' sound\". \"We're the Brotherhood of Man\" featured two single releases:", "title": "We're the Brotherhood of Man" }, { "docid": "19667634", "text": "at Barefoot Recording, Hollywood, CA \"Saharan Crossing\" engineered by Cian Riordan Additional co-production on \"My People\" by Paul Stacey at Paul Stacey Studios, London, UK<br> Additional engineering: Woody Jackson, Cian Riordan, Paul Stacey, Justin Stanley, Alex Killpartrick, Adam Tilzer, Ted Pecchio, Aurélien Jubault, and Dan Brantigan All string and horn arrangements by Adam Minkoff except \"Mama Can't Help You\" string arrangement by Paul Stacey Mastered by Brian Lucey at Magic Garden Mastering, Los Angeles, CA Rich Man (album) Rich Man is the fourth solo studio album by guitarist Doyle Bramhall II, his first since 2001 and his first since the", "title": "Rich Man (album)" }, { "docid": "20725021", "text": "Live in London (Michel Camilo album) Live in London is a solo piano album by Michel Camilo. It was recorded in concert in 2015 and released by Redondo Music. The album of solo piano performances was recorded in concert at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, on June 13, 2015. Camilo's \"Island Beat\" is based on the Cuban montuno. \"Sandra's Serenade\" was written for his wife. \"Live in London\" was released by Redondo Music in 2017. It was Camilo's third solo piano album release, after \"Solo\" and \"What's Up?\" \"DownBeat\" wrote: \"Throughout the concert, Camilo's layering of texture and color is", "title": "Live in London (Michel Camilo album)" }, { "docid": "17666344", "text": "Without a Voice, an organization whose mission is to fight bullying and crimes against children. A percentage of the sales revenue from the work was donated to the organization. The music video for \"The Mirror Never Lies\" was filmed in Lancaster, California. In 2012, the album version of song \"The Mirror Never Lies\" was featured on the band's sophomore studio album \"Falling From Zero\". \"The Mirror Never Lies: Mega-Single\" was included with the purchase of the CD version of \"Falling From Zero\". Jon Ondrashek of Target Audience Magazine stated that the piano version of the song \"illuminates Kennison’s raw vocal", "title": "The Mirror Never Lies (song)" }, { "docid": "13680788", "text": "vinyl LP, which ranks among the more obscure releases in the Jackson family catalogue. The album features background vocals from the Jackson 5 on \"Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time)\" and the B-side opener \"Do I Owe\". \"Is It Him or Me\" was sampled by Nas for his song \"War\" on his \"Street's Disciple\" album. Jackie Jackson (album) Jackie Jackson is the self-titled debut album from Jackie Jackson, the eldest member of The Jackson 5, released on Motown Records. It was arranged by Eddy Manson, Gene Page and The Corporation. Released on October 14, 1973, the album suffered from", "title": "Jackie Jackson (album)" } ]
Where was the first battle with US involvement in the Korean War?
[ "水原", "Suwon, Puwan", "Suwŏn", "Suwon Airfield", "Suwon", "Suweon", "수원", "Suwon City", "Sannam Elementary School" ]
[ { "docid": "15860900", "text": "Battle of Suwon Airfield The Battle of Suwon Airfield was the first aerial battle of the Korean War occurring on June 27, 1950 over Kimpo Airfield and Suwon Airfield. The battle, between aircraft of the United States and North Korea, ended in a victory for the US Air Force after nine of its aircraft successfully shot down seven North Korean People's Air Force aircraft. It was the first direct engagement of the Air Battle of South Korea. With the outbreak of the war two days earlier, the US forces were attempting to evacuate US civilians and diplomats from the city", "title": "Battle of Suwon Airfield" } ]
[ { "docid": "17281510", "text": "late July 1950 Task Force Smith was overrun in the city of Taejon. Troops from the Army's 25th Infantry Division were deployed to Taejon to establish a new line and pullout the decimated 24th I.D. This addition of combat troops did not stop the North Korean advance and both American and South Korean troops were pushed further south. The first battle the Americans entered in the Korean War was the Battle of Osan, where about four hundred U.S. soldiers landed in Pusan airport on the first of July. The American troops were sent off to Taejon the next morning where", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "9895277", "text": "New Zealand in the Korean War The involvement of New Zealand in the Korean War began in 1950 as a response to the United Nations Security Council's call for combat assistance in the erupting Korean War. New Zealand was one of the first (of a total of sixteen) nations to respond with support. On 29 June 1950, just four days after 135,000 North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel in Korea, the New Zealand government ordered two \"Loch\" class frigates of the Royal New Zealand Navy – and – to prepare to make for Korean waters, and for the whole", "title": "New Zealand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13330295", "text": "the editor of \"The Official History of Australia's Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948–1975\", states that the first volume in the series has been of most importance to Australian historiography due to its \"detailed and authoritative\" coverage of the ANZUS treaty. There was little public interest in the books after they were released, however, and sales of both volumes were slow. Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 is the official history of Australia's involvement in the Korean War. The series consists of two volumes covering Australia's strategy and diplomacy in the war and the", "title": "Australia in the Korean War 1950–53" }, { "docid": "9895284", "text": "was killed in February 1953 when his Hawker Sea Fury was shot down by ground fire. Five New Zealanders took part in Royal Australian Navy missions over Korea from the Australian carrier HMAS \"Sydney\". Some of these pilots were former RNZAF members, others joining directly the British and Australian forces. New Zealand in the Korean War The involvement of New Zealand in the Korean War began in 1950 as a response to the United Nations Security Council's call for combat assistance in the erupting Korean War. New Zealand was one of the first (of a total of sixteen) nations to", "title": "New Zealand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281512", "text": "were destroyed. The US had lost the battle, revealing that the mere sight of US troops would not reverse the military balance in Korea. By early August, the North Korean troops had pushed back the US and South Korean troops all the way to Naktong River, which is located about thirty miles from Pusan. The two weeks of fighting following this resulted in the most casualties of US troops than any other equivalent period of this war. However, during this time the US pushed supplies and personnel to Korea and by the end of July South Koreans and US troops", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585958", "text": "battle the Australians fought in 1951 was Operation Commando. Operation Commando was the last major UN offensive thrust of the Korean War. It was an attack on a Chinese salient in a bend of the Imjin River, designed to prevent the Communist forces from interdicting the UN supply lines near Seoul. By July 1951, 3RAR had come under the control of the 1st Commonwealth Division. Objectives of the 1st Commonwealth Division during Operation Commando, including the Australians, were Hill 355 and Hill 317. The attack began on 3 October 1951 with the US I Corps (including four US Divisions, the", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16625419", "text": "Thailand in the Korean War Thailand was one of the 21 countries who responded to the United Nations request to send troops to aid South Korea during the Korean War 1950-53. As well as being one of the first countries to openly express its support for South Korea's cause, whilst also being one of the UN's larger contributors to the war. Thai support was important to battles determining the outcome of the war, including Pork Chop Hill and the Third Battle of Seoul. Thailand was the first country in Asia to send aid to South Korea. Realising that a communist", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17184704", "text": "tensions with the Soviet Union, the Korean War further increased it. The Korean War cost the US$30 billion in 1953, which is equivalent to US$341 billion in 2011. During the last year of the war, annual war expenditure comprised about 14.1 percent of GDP. Approximately 34,000 Americans were killed in battle and about another 2,800 died from disease or injury, with total US casualties, which includes dead, wounded, and missing in action, adding up to 139,860. The \"Korean War GI Bill\" was implemented in 1952, eventually covering veterans between June 27, 1950 and February 1, 1955. It offered the same", "title": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States" }, { "docid": "17215052", "text": "One RCN aviator flew with the U.S. Navy. In 1950, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) was heavily involved with the transportation of personnel and supplies in support of the Korean War. No. 426 Transport Squadron was attached to the Military Air Transport Service. During Canada's involvement in the Korean War, 600 trans-Pacific flights were flown carrying 3000 tons of cargo and 13,000 passengers. The RCAF suffered no losses. The RCAF was not involved with a combat role since no jet fighter squadrons capable of the type of combat required in Korea were yet in service, and capable fighter squadrons", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543596", "text": "the precarious relations between both sides, while also offering possible advantages. As American and UN soldiers were already deployed in the war on the South Korean side, it was virtually assured that Soviet forces could not engage in open and direct hostilities against the South without provoking conflicts with other UN countries. Instead, the Soviet Union was compelled to conceal its participation in the conflict (at least to the extent where Soviet involvement could still be plausibly denied by the Soviet government) so as to minimize the risk of escalating the \"Cold War\" into a \"Hot War\" with NATO and", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20768410", "text": "Student soldiers in the Korean War Student soldiers were individuals in Korea who volunteered or were forced to cease their studies and fight as soldiers during the Korean War. The soldiers were typically high school students. In its narrowest sense, it often refers only to students who were forced to join them during the Japanese occupation period and Korean War. Generally, those studying found themselves exempt from the draft but in emergency situations, students were drafted into the army and engaged in the battle. It was the first time that the student soldier was organized because they had gathered in", "title": "Student soldiers in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585967", "text": "No. 77 Squadron operated in the ground attack role from December 1951 until the end of the war; it remained in South Korea on garrison duties until returning to Australia in November 1954. The Battle of Sunchon was an air battle fought near the city of Sunchon on 1 December 1951, 12 Gloster Meteor jets of the RAAF's No. 77 Squadron were attacked by 40–50 Chinese MiG-15s. Despite their Meteors having inferior manoeuvrability to the Soviet-built MiGs, the Australian pilots managed to score their first victories of the Korean War, for the loss of three aircraft. Accounts vary, with the", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13330291", "text": "Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 is the official history of Australia's involvement in the Korean War. The series consists of two volumes covering Australia's strategy and diplomacy in the war and the Australian military's combat operations respectively. Both volumes were written by Robert O'Neill, and they were published in 1981 and 1985. In 1970 Robert O'Neill was selected by the Australian Government as the official historian of the Korean War. O'Neill had served as the 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment's intelligence officer during the Vietnam War, and had later become an academic. At", "title": "Australia in the Korean War 1950–53" }, { "docid": "10570157", "text": "monument was created in Seoul in the memory of the Turkish soldiers who fought in Korea. Yet Turkey's involvement in the Korean War was a controversial topic in Turkey at the time, and continues to be so today. First, while sending troops to Korea earned Turkey the respect of the West, it was also the beginning of more overt clashes with the Eastern Bloc. Second, the Prime Minister of Turkey was criticized for sending troops without asking the parliament first. Last, while Turkey's performance in the Korean War is considered by many citizens as one of the most noble episodes", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281511", "text": "Major General John H. Church the head of U.S. field headquarters was confident in the US troop's strengths to push back the North Koreans. On July fifth the troops were finally put to the test when North Korean tanks crept towards Osan. The four hundred infantryman of the U.S. also called Task Force Smith opened fire on the North Koreans at 8:16 am. Only four of the North Korean tanks were destroyed and twenty-nine kept moving forward breaking the US line. At the end of the battle only two more North Korean Tanks and two regiments of North Korean infantry", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543606", "text": "asylum were offered as a reward, and North Korean pilot Lieutenant No Kum-Sok eventually defected in September 1953 (claiming to be unaware of the reward), finally providing the US with an example for testing. Though the Soviet Union never acknowledged its participation in the conflict, it is clear that many suspected it. Soviet pilots, though forbidden from communicating in any language other than basic Korean across their radios, often resorted to Russian when stressed or when swearing. This was picked up by American pilots. Reports of Soviet involvement in the conflict quickly made their way up the United Nations chain", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742134", "text": "these, about 10 percent of Korea’s pre-war population, were civilians. This rate of civilian casualties was higher than in World War II and the Vietnam War. Nearly 10,000 North and South Korean soldiers were also killed in battle before the war even began. North Korean casualties amount at around 600,000 civilians and 406,000 soldiers. Unlike World War II and Vietnam, the Korean War did not get much media attention in the United States. The most famous representation of the war in popular culture is the television series \"M*A*S*H\", which was set in a field hospital in South Korea. The series", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215033", "text": "with military force. The North hoped that they would be able to unify the peninsula via insurgency, but the success of South Korea (Republic of Korea: ROK) in suppressing insurgency brought about the realization for the North that they would require military force. North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea: DPRK) had expanded their army and Korean volunteers fighting in Manchuria in the Chinese Civil War had given their troops battle experience. The North expected to win with the war in a matter of days. Troops from Kim Il Sung's North Korean Army (KPA) crossed the 38th parallel on 25", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13908122", "text": "Order of battle of Australian forces during the Korean War The order of battle of Australian forces during the Korean War consisted of one, and later two infantry battalions, naval forces of one aircraft carrier, two destroyers, and one frigate, as well as air forces consisting of one fighter squadron and one transport squadron. The first forces were committed in July 1950 from units based in Japan as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force, with Australia being the first UN member nation after the United States to commit elements from all three services. A total of 17,808 Australians served", "title": "Order of battle of Australian forces during the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215038", "text": "take part in the Korean War. Special Force Second Battalions of the Royal Canadian Regiment and Royal 22nd Regiment were formed and sent to Korea in 1951. By spring 1951, 8500 Canadians troops were supporting the United Nations, alongside 12,500 British, 5000 Filipino troops and 5000 Turkish troops. From the summer of 1951 to the end of the war, most of the Canadian involvement centered on a small area north of Seoul \"between the 38th parallel on the south and the town of Chorwon on the north, and from the Sami-Chon River east to Chail-li\". The Canadian war front was", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215039", "text": "about 30 miles across and was a section of the United Nations front occupied by British Commonwealth forces. Most of the Canadians' combat missions took place on the 30 mile zone. The Canadians' two main adversaries during the war were the North Korean army and the Chinese in the Battle of Kapyong. Canada's military objective was to give military support towards the resolution of the war on the central front, which was central Korea. Operation Killer was a counter-offensive by the United Nations forces to push Communist Chinese and North Korean Armies back behind the Han River and recover the", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16717798", "text": "Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War refers to political, military and operational support to parties involved in the ongoing conflict in Syria that began in March 2011, as well as active foreign involvement. Most parties involved in the war in Syria receive various types of support from foreign countries and entities based outside Syria. The ongoing conflict in Syria is widely described as a series of overlapping proxy wars between the regional and world powers, primarily between the US and Russia as well as between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Syrian Ba'athist", "title": "Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "11585936", "text": "one of three units to receive the Presidential Unit Citation (US) after the Battle of Kapyong. In addition to combat personnel, the Australian military provided the majority of supply and support personnel to BCOF, which was superseded in 1952 by British Commonwealth Forces Korea (BCFK). Australian, British, Canadian, Indian and New Zealand units were part of BCFK. By the time 3 RAR arrived in Pusan on 28 September, the North Korean army was in retreat. As a part of the invasion force under the UN Supreme Commander, General Douglas MacArthur, 3 RAR moved north and was involved in its first", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543599", "text": "China. By April 1950, the Soviet Union had provided 63 of the North Korean Air Force's 178 aircraft, which until September 1950 proved highly effective against minimal South Korean air defenses (which was more heavily backed by US and UN air forces instead) An important area in which Soviet intervention was key in the Korean War was in the air-war. Soviet innovation in aircraft design, as well as the experience of many of its pilots following the Second World War meant that the 'new' states of China and North Korea were dependent on Soviet help in this area. Both the", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "15072289", "text": "Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War Allegations that the United States military used biological weapons in the Korean War (1950–53) were raised by the governments of People's Republic of China, the Soviet Union and North Korea. The claims were first raised in 1951. The story was covered by the worldwide press and led to a highly publicized international investigation in 1952. US Secretary of State Dean Acheson and other US and allied government officials denounced the allegations as a hoax. Subsequent scholars are split about the truth of the claims. Until the end of World War II, Japan", "title": "Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585959", "text": "1st Commonwealth Division and the 1st South Korean Division) seized the Jamestown Line destroying elements of the 42nd Army, 47th Army, 64th Army and 65th Army, and after five days of intense combat, eventually forcing the Chinese into retreat. The operation was a success, and ended on 15 October, with a few hills south of the line still in Communist hands, requiring a follow-up operation (Operation Polecharge). The official historian for the Korean War, Robert O'Neill, wrote of this battle: \"In this action 3RAR had won one of the most impressive victories achieved by any Australian battalion. In five days", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13908123", "text": "during the Korean War, including 1,193 members of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), 5,771 from the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), and 10,844 from the Australian Army, with casualties including 341 killed and 1,216 wounded. Australian forces remained following the end of hostilities, with the last units finally departing in 1956. Order of battle of Australian forces during the Korean War The order of battle of Australian forces during the Korean War consisted of one, and later two infantry battalions, naval forces of one aircraft carrier, two destroyers, and one frigate, as well as air forces consisting of one fighter", "title": "Order of battle of Australian forces during the Korean War" }, { "docid": "15072312", "text": "the Chinese allegation was a false alarm, and that he had been forced to fabricate evidence. According to Australian author and judge, Michael Pembroke, the documents associated with Beria were mostly created during the time of the power struggle after Stalin's death and are therefore questionable. He concludes that, \"It seems likely that the full story of the United States' involvement in biological warfare in Korea has not yet been told.\" Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War Allegations that the United States military used biological weapons in the Korean War (1950–53) were raised by the governments of People's", "title": "Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16622026", "text": "personnel and 2,400 Korean personnel were treated by Swedish doctors. Because of Sweden's reputation for neutrality during the major 20th century conflicts (First World, Second World and Korean Wars), Sweden was included as one of the four founding members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission and several Swedish military personnel served in Korea enforcing the Panmunjom armistice. Sweden was the first Western European country to establish diplomatic relations and an embassy in North Korea. Sweden in the Korean War Sweden took part in the Korean War by providing the Swedish Red Cross Field Hospital and participating in the Neutral Nations", "title": "Sweden in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "14415023", "text": "Battle of the Notch The Battle of the Notch was an engagement between United States and North Korean forces early in the Korean War on August 2, 1950 in southern South Korea. The fight ended in a victory for the United States after North Korean forces attempting to assault the US position were blocked and repelled repeatedly, suffering heavy casualties. Reeling from the Hadong Ambush and being driven from the city of Chinju, the US Army's 19th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division scrambled to protect the pass into Masan, the final South Korean city before the Naktong River, where the", "title": "Battle of the Notch" }, { "docid": "14422199", "text": "First Battle of Naktong Bulge The First Battle of Naktong Bulge was an engagement between United States and North Korean forces early in the Korean War from August 5–19, 1950 in the vicinity of Yongsan (Yeongsan, Changnyeong county) and the Naktong River in South Korea. It was a part of the Battle of Pusan Perimeter, and was one of several large engagements fought simultaneously. The battle ended in a victory for the United States after large numbers of US reinforcements destroyed an attacking North Korean division. On August 5, 4th Infantry Division, North Korean People's Army (NKPA), crossed the Naktong", "title": "First Battle of Naktong Bulge" }, { "docid": "15758483", "text": "an article titled \"U.S. Drone Involved in Final Qaddafi Strike, as Obama Heralds Regime's 'End'\", noting that a U.S. Predator drone was involved in the airstrike on Gaddafi's convoy in the moments before his death. An anonymous US official subsequently described their policy in hindsight as \"lead[ing] from behind\". American involvement in the 2011 Libyan Civil War American involvement in the Libyan Civil War initially consisted of diplomatic initiatives and sanctions. This was followed by the implementation of the UN-mandated no-fly zone, the development of diplomatic relations with the rebels as well as humanitarian aid, bombing missions to destroy Gaddafi's", "title": "American involvement in the 2011 Libyan Civil War" }, { "docid": "9700707", "text": "The Italians provided the \"Corps of Volunteer Troops\" (\"Corpo Truppe Volontarie\"). The use of these troops supported political goals of the German and Italian fascist leaderships, tested new tactics and provided blooding so they would be ready for battle in any future war. The Italian contribution amounted to over 60,000 troops at the height of the war. The involvement helped to increase Mussolini's popularity. Italian military help to Nationalists against the anti-clerical and anti-Catholic atrocities committed by the Republican side worked well in Italian propaganda targeting Catholics. On July 27, 1936 the first squadron of Italian airplanes sent by Benito", "title": "Foreign involvement in the Spanish Civil War" }, { "docid": "11785047", "text": "generally required to create a persona and remain \"in character\" throughout the event. The first such event documented was held in North Vernon, Indiana, by members of the 20th Century Tactical Studies Group portraying Canadian and North Korean troops on March 15, 1997. Korean War reenactment Similar to a World War II reenactment, Korean War reenactments can be divided into two categories, \"living history\" or a public-oriented display (generally part of a larger venue) or as a \"tactical event\", a closed event where participants re-create a battle or event of the war. In this type of event, participants set up", "title": "Korean War reenactment" }, { "docid": "15010831", "text": "Federal involvement in US education Education, once solely a state and local issue, now sees significant amounts of oversight and funding on the elementary and secondary levels from the federal government. This trend started slowly in the Civil War era, but increased precipitously during and following World War II, and has continued to the present day. The first piece of federal education legislation passed by Congress was the Morrill Land-Grant Colleges Act. This bill was passed as a means for the Federal government to provide land proportional to the number of Congressmen and Senators a state had for states to", "title": "Federal involvement in US education" }, { "docid": "16622023", "text": "Sweden in the Korean War Sweden took part in the Korean War by providing the Swedish Red Cross Field Hospital and participating in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. The Swedish Red Cross Field Hospital was the name given to the Swedish mission sent to Korea to deal with the humanitarian situation created by the Korean War, 1950-3. Following the temporary resolution of the war in 1953, Sweden was heavily involved in maintaining the armistice through its position in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. Following the North Korean invasion of the South, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution asking all", "title": "Sweden in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215037", "text": "component of the Canadian Army Special Force in response to the North Korean invasion of South Korea. The new battalion trained in Calgary and at CFB Wainwright, before boarding the USS \"Private Joe P. Martinez\" on 25 November 1950, to Pusan in South Korea. The battalion landed in Korea in December and trained in the mountains for eight weeks before finally taking part in the war on 6 February, becoming a component of the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade of the IX Corps in the 8th US Army. The 2nd Battalion of the PPCLI was the first Canadian infantry unit to", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543602", "text": "hide this direct Soviet intervention, precautions were taken to disguise their involvement, open knowledge of which would have been a major diplomatic embarrassment for the USSR. Soviet pilots wore Chinese uniforms when flying, whilst rules were prescribed to stop Soviet pilots flying near the coast or front lines (where they might be captured if shot down) and from speaking Russian on the aircraft radio. All aircraft flown carried Chinese or North Korean markings. When not flying, for reasons of ethnicity, on the ground Soviet pilots 'played' the roles of Soviet commercial travellers rather than Chinese or North Korean soldiers. Soviet", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "14125408", "text": "end of the battle. The other US unit that had reported significant losses was the US 25th Infantry Division with 1,313 casualties. The Turkish Brigade had also reported 936 casualties with 90 percent equipment, 90 percent vehicle and 50 percent artillery losses, and the brigade was rendered combat ineffective. The South Korean casualties could not be estimated due to the complete absence of South Korean records during the first half of the Korean War, but according to Paik, the ROK II Corps' headquarters was forced to disband in the aftermath of the battle. As for Chinese losses, Peng estimated 45,000", "title": "Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River" }, { "docid": "10570147", "text": "380,000 total wounded in action; 21,000 died of wounds; 13,000 died of sickness; and 21,400 POW. Korea played an important role in sustaining the ROC's economic stability. Until the war in Korea, the U.S. had largely abandoned the Nationalist government of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, whose forces had retreated to Taiwan after their defeat at the hands of Mao Zedong's Communists in the Chinese Civil War. Indeed, the U.S. had little involvement in that conflict, beyond supplying surplus material to the Nationalists. However, the PRC's involvement in the Korean War rendered any U.S. policy that would have allowed Taiwan to fall", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585935", "text": "where they became the first UN air unit to enter the war, primarily in ground support, combat air patrol, and escort missions. 3 RAR was rapidly committed as Australia's main land force contribution to the United Nations forces in the Korean War. After a period of intensive training and reinforcement in Japan, the battalion arrived in South Korea in late September 1950. The battalion formed part of the 27th Commonwealth Brigade and took part in the United Nations offensive into North Korea and the subsequent retreat into South Korea following the Chinese offensive in the winter of 1950–51. It was", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19113388", "text": "Qatari involvement in the Syrian Civil War The Qatari involvement in the Syrian Civil War began in April 2012, with deliveries of arms to rebels in Syria from Qatar and has continued to the present day expanding itself to include military intervention against ISIL. The \"Financial Times\" reported that Qatar had funded the Syrian rebellion by at least $1 billion and \"as much as $3 billion\" over the first two years of the civil war. It reported that Qatar was offering refugee packages of about $50,000 a year to defectors and family. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimated that", "title": "Qatari involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "17215050", "text": "Canadian Army Medical Corps rotated in and out of the war. Three Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) destroyers were dispatched as Canada's initial response to the United Nations' call for assistance during the Korean War, and were sent to Korean waters to join other UN naval forces. The eight Canadian ships' duties included \"exciting but dangerous\" shore bombardments and the destruction of North Korean trains and railway lines. Initially dispatched in 1950, Canadian destroyers maintained a presence off the Korean peninsula until 1955. The ships were first under fire during the bombardment of Inchon in the middle of January 1951. The", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585930", "text": "Australia in the Korean War The military history of Australia during the Korean War was very eventful. Japan's defeat in World War II heralded the end to 35 years of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces on 2 September 1945 led to the peninsula being subsequently divided into North and South Koreas, with the North being occupied by troops from the Soviet Union, and the South, below the 38th parallel, being occupied by troops from the United States. The Soviet forces entered the Korean peninsula on 10 August 1945, followed a few", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16586502", "text": "Partisans in the Korean War Partisans were active before, during and after the Korean War in the South Korean peninsula. They are considered as the remnants of the Korean People's Army of North Korea, some local civilians who are in favor of North Korea, some voluntary participants out of curiosity or in the reason of vengeance, and some local civilians in the region of the partisan occupying areas. They could be considered as belligerent forces behind the 38th parallel before the Korean War, behind the front lines during the Korean War, and behind the demilitarized zone after the Korean War.", "title": "Partisans in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "12884261", "text": "continuing the World War II legacy. President Harry Truman, on 24 October 1952, issued a directive that set the stage for the National Security Agency, whose scope went beyond the pure military. NSA was created on 4 November 1952. Air Force SIGINT, by the Air Force Security Service, supported numerous Korean War operations. They often gave early warning of bombing attacks or ambushes for fighter aircraft. Since the North Koreans operated under Soviet doctrine, with strict ground control, the ground-controlled interception communications were especially vulnerable. North Korean orders to bombing units might well be intercepted and processed in the US", "title": "US signals intelligence in the Cold War" }, { "docid": "16717817", "text": "Shia and Sunni leaders in Baalbek-Hermel, also called on Hezbollah not to \"interfere\" in Syria. They said \"Opening a front against the Syrian people and dragging Lebanon to war with the Syrian people is very dangerous and will have a negative impact on the relations between the two\". Walid Jumblatt, leader of the Progressive Socialist Party, also called on Hezbollah to end its involvement and claimed that \"Hezbollah is fighting inside Syria with orders from Iran\". News organizations reported that Israel allegedly attacked Syria on the night between 2 and 3 May 2013. US officials said that the Israeli war", "title": "Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "16625422", "text": "it five times, the first two to probe the defences and last three to take the hill. All were defeated by the Thais between 11 November 1952 to 28 February 1953, still attached to the 9th US Infantry Regiment. In last spring of the war (March to June 1953), the Thais spent most of their time in training and as 9th US Corps reserve They then relocated to Kyo-dong, west of Uncheon, on 4 May. Battle followed in the vicinity of the \"Boomerang\" from 14 to 27 July 1953 northwest of Kumhwa, after a Belgian victory over an earlier Chinese", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229208", "text": "Korean Peninsula. According to the data from the U.S. Department of Defense, the United States suffered 33,686 battle deaths, along with 2,830 non-battle deaths, during the Korean War. U.S. battle deaths were 8,516 up to their first engagement with the Chinese on 1 November 1950. South Korea reported some 373,599 civilian and 137,899 military deaths. Western sources estimate the PVA suffered about 400,000 killed and 486,000 wounded, while the KPA suffered 215,000 killed and 303,000 wounded. Data from official Chinese sources, on the other hand, reported that the Chinese PVA had suffered 114,000 battle deaths, 34,000 non-battle deaths, 340,000 wounded,", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585970", "text": "of the ANZUS Treaty with the United States and New Zealand. After two years and 17 days of fighting the UN and North Korea had finally negotiated an agreement to suspend hostilities on 27 July 1953. Out of 17,000 Australians who served in Korea, casualties numbered more than 1,500, of whom 339 were killed. Australia in the Korean War The military history of Australia during the Korean War was very eventful. Japan's defeat in World War II heralded the end to 35 years of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces on 2", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229174", "text": "Army advancing in northwest Korea, while the US X Corps attacked along the Korean east coast. But the PVA were waiting in ambush with their Second Phase Offensive, which they executed at two sectors: in the East at the Chosin Reservoir and in the Western sector at Ch'ongch'on River. After consulting with Stalin, on 13 November, Mao appointed Zhou Enlai the overall commander and coordinator of the war effort, with Peng as field commander. On 25 November at the Korean western front, the PVA 13th Army Group attacked and overran the ROK II Corps at the Battle of the Ch'ongch'on", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585931", "text": "weeks later by the American forces who entered through Incheon. US Army Lieutenant General John R. Hodge formally accepted the surrender of Japanese forces south of the 38th Parallel on 9 September 1945 at the Government House in Seoul. Although both rival factions tried initially to diplomatically reunite the divided nation, it was the Northern faction that eventually decided to try and do so with military force. Troops from the Soviet backed North Korean Army crossed the 38th parallel on 25 June 1950 beginning a civil war. The invasion of South Korea came as a surprise to the United Nations.", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585946", "text": "in early October 1950. The US X Corps made amphibious landings at Wonsan and Riwon, which had already been captured by South Korean forces advancing by land. The rest of the US Army, along with the South Koreans, and supported by the Commonwealth forces including 3RAR, drove up the western side of Korea and captured Pyongyang on 19 October 1950. By the end of October, the North Korean Army was rapidly disintegrating, and the UN had taken 135,000 prisoners. The UN offensive greatly concerned the Chinese, who worried that the UN forces would not stop at the Yalu River, the", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742135", "text": "ran from 1972 until 1983, and its final episode was the most watched in television history. North Korea in the Korean War The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea, and ended on July 27, 1953 with the armistice creating the well-known Korean Demilitarized Zone. In August 1945, two young aides at the State Department divided the Korean peninsula in half along the 38th parallel. The Russians occupied the area north of the line and the United States occupied the area to its south. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16717814", "text": "by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) near Al-Qusayr. According to the US, the Assad loyalist militia known as Jaysh al-Sha'bi was created and is maintained by Hezbollah and Iran's Revolutionary Guard, both of whom provide it with money, weapons, training and advice. Also, according to Israeli intelligence sources, Hezbollah is working to forge loyalist government militias into a 100,000-strong irregular army to fight alongside the government's conventional forces. In the early period of the war, Hezbollah was involved in the Siege of Homs (2011–14), the Battle of Zabadani (2012), the Battle of al-Qusayr (2012) and the Battle of Aleppo (2011–16).", "title": "Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "18555383", "text": "Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War, or Israel's role in the Syrian Civil War refers to the political stance, military incidents and humanitarian help of Israel on the course of the Syrian Civil War. While the Israeli official position is neutrality in the conflict, Israel is opposed to Iran's involvement in the war. Israel's military role in the war has been limited to missile strikes, which until 2017 were not officially acknowledged. Israel has provided humanitarian aid to Syrian war victims, an effort that was drastically geared up since June 2016 when", "title": "Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "16471250", "text": "Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War Russia has supported the internationally recognised government of Syria since the beginning of the Syrian conflict in 2011: politically, with military aid, and since 30 September 2015 also through direct military involvement. The latter marked the first time since the end of the Cold War that Russia entered an armed conflict outside the borders of the former Soviet Union. Since October 2011, Russia, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, repeatedly vetoed Western-sponsored draft resolutions in the UN Security Council that demanded the resignation of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and opened", "title": "Russian involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "11585968", "text": "Australians claiming at least 10 MiGs shot down, but Chinese and North Korean sources stated it was only one. On 29 November 1952, US President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower fulfilled a campaign promise by going to Korea to find out what could be done to end the conflict. With the UN's acceptance of India's proposal for a Korean armistice, a cease-fire was established on 27 July 1953, by which time the front line was back around the proximity of the 38th parallel, and so a demilitarised zone (DMZ) was established around it, presently defended by North Korean troops on one side", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "1911222", "text": "USAF units and aircraft of the Korean War The Korean War (June 25, 1950 – July 27, 1953) was significant in the fact that it was the first war in which the newly independent United States Air Force was involved. It was the first time U.S. jet aircraft entered into battle. Air Force F-86 Sabre jets took control of the skies, as American fighter pilots bested Soviet-built MiG-15 fighters in combat against aircraft, Soviet tactics, and, on some occasions, Soviet pilots of the Soviet 64th Fighter Aviation Corps. World War II-era prop-driven P-51D Mustangs were pressed into the ground-air support", "title": "USAF units and aircraft of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742126", "text": "North Korea in the Korean War The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea, and ended on July 27, 1953 with the armistice creating the well-known Korean Demilitarized Zone. In August 1945, two young aides at the State Department divided the Korean peninsula in half along the 38th parallel. The Russians occupied the area north of the line and the United States occupied the area to its south. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "14540611", "text": "Korean War in popular culture A large number of films, books, and other media have depicted the Korean War in popular culture. The TV series \"M*A*S*H\" is one well known example. The 1959 novel \"The Manchurian Candidate\" has twice been made into films. The 1982 film \"Inchon\" about the historic battle that occurred there in September 1950 was a financial and critical failure. Many films about the war have been produced in Asian countries as well. Compared to World War II, there are relatively few feature films depicting the Korean War. In North Korea the Korean War has always been", "title": "Korean War in popular culture" }, { "docid": "11808349", "text": "Soviet involvement in the Iran–Iraq War The policy of the Soviet Union towards the Iran–Iraq War of 1980 to 1988 varied, beginning with a stance of \"strict neutrality\" and moving towards massive military support for Iraq in the final phase of the war. The war was inconvenient for the USSR, which had aimed to ally itself with both Iran and Iraq. In the first period of the war, the Soviets declared a policy of \"strict neutrality\" towards the two countries, at the same time urging a negotiated peace. Iraq had been an ally for decades and the Soviets now tried", "title": "Soviet involvement in the Iran–Iraq War" }, { "docid": "11585951", "text": "to as the Fifth Phase Offensive, with the intention of recapturing Seoul. The Chinese launched a major assault between 22 and 25 April that resulted in a victory in the Battle of the Imjin River. At the same time, the UN repelled Chinese forces at Kapyong. Chinese forces of the 118th Division attacked the Kapyong Valley in force, and pushed South Korean and New Zealand troops into retreat. Under heavy pressure, the Korean 6th Division broke, and the line collapsed. American and South Korean men poured through a gap under protective covering fire from Australians who were holding their section", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "10570131", "text": "Aftermath of the Korean War The aftermath of the Korean War set the tone for Cold War tension between all the superpowers. The Korean War was important in the development of the Cold War, as it showed that the two superpowers, United States and Soviet Union, could fight a \"limited war\" in a third country. The \"limited war\" or \"proxy war\" strategy was a feature of conflicts such as the Vietnam War and the Soviet War in Afghanistan, as well as Angola, Greece, and wars in the Middle East. The Korean War was the first war in which the United", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "10570161", "text": "by the Defense Department into 33,686 battle deaths, 2,830 non-battle deaths, and 17,730 deaths of Defense Department personnel outside the Korean theatre. There were also 8,142 U.S. personnel listed as Missing In Action (MIA) during the war. U.S. casualties in the war are fewer than in the Vietnam War, but they occurred over three years as opposed to 15 years (1960 to 1975) in Vietnam. However, advances in medical services such as the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital and the use of rapid transport of the wounded to them such as with helicopters led to a lower death rate for U.N.", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16586503", "text": "They are usually called by the name of: The KongBi has now become a general term for any armed North Korean infiltrators. Against this decision, turmoil in the south begins, and USMGIK tried to calm down civil violence in the south by banning strikes on December 8 and outlawing the revolutionary government and the people's committees on December 12, 1945. Partisans in the Korean War Partisans were active before, during and after the Korean War in the South Korean peninsula. They are considered as the remnants of the Korean People's Army of North Korea, some local civilians who are in", "title": "Partisans in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "5077497", "text": "involvement in the Vietnam War had many effects, which led to the eventual end of the involvement of the United States. This refusal letter soon led to an overflow of refusals ultimately leading to the event provided by Zinn stating, \"In May 1969 the Oakland induction center, where draftees reported from all of Northern California, reported that of 4,400 men ordered to report for induction, 2,400 did not show up. In the first quarter of 1970 the Selective Service System, for the first time, could not meet its quota.\" The fewer numbers of soldiers as an effect of the opposition", "title": "Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "11585932", "text": "The same day the war had officially begun (25 June), the United Nations immediately drafted UNSC Resolution 82, which called for: The Liberal government of Australia, led by Prime Minister Robert Menzies, immediately responded to the UN resolution by offering military assistance. 17,000 Australians served in the Korean War between 1950 and 1953, and they suffered 339 dead, and 1200 wounded. With the commitment of Australian forces to the Korean War, the Australian government called for 1000 men who had prior military experience in World War II to enlist in the army for three years, with one year of overseas", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11785045", "text": "Korean War reenactment Similar to a World War II reenactment, Korean War reenactments can be divided into two categories, \"living history\" or a public-oriented display (generally part of a larger venue) or as a \"tactical event\", a closed event where participants re-create a battle or event of the war. In this type of event, participants set up a display attempting to show the public a small part of what soldiers, marines, sailors or airmen experienced during the war. Such displays normally focus on the \"material culture\" of the military during the war, with tents, vehicles, weapons, and other everyday items", "title": "Korean War reenactment" }, { "docid": "17215031", "text": "Canada in the Korean War The Canadian Forces were involved in the 1950–1953 Korean War and its aftermath. 26,000 Canadians participated on the side of the United Nations, and Canada sent eight destroyers. Canadian aircraft provided transport, supply and logistics. 516 Canadians died, 312 of which were from combat. After the war, Canadian troops remained for three years as military observers. Japan's defeat in World War II brought an end to 35 years of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces on 2 September 1945 led to the peninsula being divided into North", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "14422228", "text": "third them killed. In memory of the battle at Naktong Bulge, as well as other conflicts along the Pusan Perimeter and the Battle of Taegu, the South Korean government set up the Nakdong River Battle Museum along the river in the vicinity of the conflict in 1979, which includes a number of artifacts from the Korean War as well as a memorial to those killed during the war. First Battle of Naktong Bulge The First Battle of Naktong Bulge was an engagement between United States and North Korean forces early in the Korean War from August 5–19, 1950 in the", "title": "First Battle of Naktong Bulge" }, { "docid": "15624129", "text": "German involvement in the Spanish Civil War German involvement in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 commenced with the outbreak of war in July 1936, with Adolf Hitler immediately sending in powerful air and armored units to assist General Francisco Franco and his Nationalist forces. The Soviet Union sent in smaller forces to assist the Republican government, while Britain and France and two dozen other countries set up an embargo on any munitions or soldiers into Spain. Germany also signed the embargo but simply ignored it. The war provided combat experience with the latest technology for the German military. However,", "title": "German involvement in the Spanish Civil War" }, { "docid": "1911223", "text": "role, and large formations of B-29 Superfortresses flew for the last time on strategic bombardment missions. The Korean War also saw the first large-scale use of rotary-wing helicopters. The USAF suffered 1,841 battle casualties, of which 1,180 were killed in action. It lost 4,053 aircraft to all tipe of causes. Shaped in World War II by an increasing concentration on the strategic role of attacking an enemy's homeland, the Air Force now faced a conflict almost entirely tactical in character and limited as to how and where airpower could be applied. The Far East Air Forces Fifth Air Force was", "title": "USAF units and aircraft of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543610", "text": "certainly influenced by the Korean War shaped relations between the two countries until 1989. Soviet Union in the Korean War Though not officially belligerent during the Korean War (1950–1953), the Soviet Union played a significant, covert role in the conflict. It provided material and medical services, as well as Soviet pilots and aircraft, most notably MiG 15 fighter jets, to aid the North Korean-Chinese forces against the United Nations Forces. The Soviet 25th Army took part in the Soviet advance into northern Korea immediately after World War II had ended, and was headquartered at Pyongyang for a period. Like the", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543595", "text": "the war to rebuild the country. Soviet soldiers were instrumental in the creation and early development of the North Korean People's Army and Korean People's Air Force, as well as for stabilizing the early years of the Northern regime. The Shineuiju Air Force Academy was founded under Soviet leadership on 25 October 1945 in order to train new pilots. Because at the time the war broke out in 1950, the Communist Soviet Union, China and their allies were already locked into a \"Cold War\" with capitalist countries, both sides felt that the Korean Conflict carried the potential to further destabilize", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "14415042", "text": "Korean defeat and retreat around the Masan region allowed both sides several critical days of reprieve from battle. This would end when the North Korean force began its final offensive on the UN forces in its coordinated assault on the Pusan Perimeter. Battle of the Notch The Battle of the Notch was an engagement between United States and North Korean forces early in the Korean War on August 2, 1950 in southern South Korea. The fight ended in a victory for the United States after North Korean forces attempting to assault the US position were blocked and repelled repeatedly, suffering", "title": "Battle of the Notch" }, { "docid": "13691404", "text": "withdrawal in the face of the Chinese First Phase Offensive. Footnotes Citations Battle of Yongju The Battle of Yongju, also known as the Battle of the Apple Orchard, took place from 21 to 22 October 1950 as part of the United Nations (UN) offensive towards the Yalu River, against the North Korean forces which had invaded South Korea during the Korean War. The battle was fought between the 27th British Commonwealth Brigade and the North Korean 239th Regiment which was encircled east of Yongju, where it was attacking the US 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team (US 187 RCT). On 20", "title": "Battle of Yongju" }, { "docid": "16717892", "text": "War has been substantial since the beginning of armed insurgency phase of the Syrian Civil War, and turned into active support and troop deployment from 2012 onwards. By 2014, Hezbollah involvement begun to turn steady in support of Syrian Ba'athist Government forces across Syria. Hezbollah deployed several thousand fighters in Syria and by 2015 lost up to 1500 fighters in combat. Hezbollah has also been very active to prevent rebel penetration from Syria to Lebanon, being one of the most active forces in the Syrian Civil War spillover in Lebanon. Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War Foreign involvement in", "title": "Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "18601433", "text": "Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War has been substantial since the beginning of armed insurgency phase of the Syrian Civil War, and turned into active support and troop deployment from 2012 onwards. By 2014, Hezbollah involvement begun to turn steady in support of Syrian Ba'athist Government forces across Syria. Hezbollah deployed several thousand fighters in Syria and by 2015 lost up to 1,500 fighters in combat. Hezbollah has also been very active to prevent rebel penetration from Syria to Lebanon, being one of the most active forces in the Syrian Civil War", "title": "Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "12884266", "text": "combat assistance from the US. Only the heading of that an NSA emergency force was being considered survived redaction. Nevertheless, while some of the Joint Chiefs did recommend a US relief expedition, President Dwight Eisenhower, as well as Gen. Matthew Ridgway, having just come from the Korean command, rejected the idea of another land war in Asia. Under the code names HOLYSTONE, PINNACLE, BOLLARD, and BARNACLE, began in 1959, US submarines infiltrated Soviet harbors to tap communications cables and gather SIGINT. They also had a MASINT mission against Soviet submarines and missiles. The program, which went through several generations, ended", "title": "US signals intelligence in the Cold War" }, { "docid": "15624180", "text": "1939 the personalist style heavily predominated, with ritualistic invocations of \"Franco, Franco, Franco.\" The Falangists' hymn, \"Cara al Sol\", became the semi-national anthem of Franco's not-yet-established regime. German involvement in the Spanish Civil War German involvement in the Spanish Civil War of 1936 commenced with the outbreak of war in July 1936, with Adolf Hitler immediately sending in powerful air and armored units to assist General Francisco Franco and his Nationalist forces. The Soviet Union sent in smaller forces to assist the Republican government, while Britain and France and two dozen other countries set up an embargo on any munitions", "title": "German involvement in the Spanish Civil War" }, { "docid": "16625425", "text": "to Korea. It is recorded that 136 Thai soldiers had lost their lives in the war. In 1974, the Government of the Republic of Korea built a monument, and a Thai pavilion in Pocheon City, to honour the Thai soldiers who took part in the Korean War. On 4 November 2008, the Thai Embassy in Seoul, with the cooperation from the Office of Defense Attache, hosted the opening ceremony of the Thai memorial at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) to commemorate the sacrifices made by Thai soldiers during the Korean War. Nowadays, the Thai Government has maintained", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20558118", "text": "Memorial of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea The Memorial of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (), also translated as the Korean War Museum, is a museum in Dandong, Liaoning. It is the only official museum in China that memorializes the Korean War (called the \"War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea\" in China). First established in 1958, it was rebuilt at its current location in October 1990. The new museum was opened on 27 July 1993, the 40th anniversary of the Panmunjom armistice. Since 2014 it has been closed for refurbishment.", "title": "Memorial of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" }, { "docid": "18601453", "text": "Syrian Civil War in favour of the Government. After the organization role in Qusayr, Homs and Aleppo the armed wing of the Lebanese Party gained political and military experience fighting in urban environments, and enlarged his alliance with Syria and Iran. Hezbollah role have become critical in defeating Syrian rebels in behalf of the Syrian government and have grown as a stronger in the region. Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War has been substantial since the beginning of armed insurgency phase of the Syrian Civil War, and turned into active support and", "title": "Hezbollah involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "9700711", "text": "Condor Legion as a land and air force, with German efforts to fly the Army of Africa to mainland Spain proving successful in the early stages of the war. Operations gradually expanded to include strike targets, and there was a German contribution to many of the battles of the Spanish Civil War. The bombing of Guernica on 26 April 1937 would be the most controversial event of German involvement, with perhaps 200 to 300 civilians killed. German involvement also included Operation Ursula, a U-boat undertaking, and contributions from the Kriegsmarine. The Condor Legion spearheaded many Nationalist victories, particularly in the", "title": "Foreign involvement in the Spanish Civil War" }, { "docid": "20768419", "text": "Province during the Korean War. In the exhibition room, there are about 200 artifacts such as diaries, photographs, and weapons used by the municipal police officers at the time, worn clothes. In addition, war-related documentaries are shown in the audiovisual room. This tower is located at Seoul National Cemetery. In this tower, the remains of 48 unknown warriors who were killed in Pohang district during the Korean War were buried in a hemispherical grave. As the war broke out in the wake of the Korean War, the country's fate was at risk, and about 50,000 students were dressed in school", "title": "Student soldiers in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "12086569", "text": "Victoria Cross. It was not re-gained, and remained in Chinese hands until the end of the war. Footnotes Citations First Battle of Maryang-san The First Battle of Maryang San (3–8 October 1951), also known as the Defensive Battle of Maliangshan (), was fought during the Korean War between United Nations (UN) forces—primarily Australian and British—and the Chinese communist People's Volunteer Army. The fighting occurred during a limited UN offensive by US I Corps, codenamed Operation Commando. This offensive ultimately pushed the Chinese back from the Imjin River to the Jamestown Line and destroyed elements of four Chinese armies following heavy", "title": "First Battle of Maryang-san" }, { "docid": "5077440", "text": "criticizing US foreign policy as the 1960s began. By the middle of the decade, open condemnation of the war became more common, with figures like Malcolm X and Robert Parris Moses speaking out. Champion boxer Muhammad Ali risked his career and a prison sentence to resist the draft in 1966. Soon Martin Luther King, Jr., Coretta Scott King and James Bevel of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) became prominent opponents of the Vietnam War, and the Black Panther Party vehemently opposed U.S. involvement in Vietnam. In the beginning of the war, some African Americans did not want to join", "title": "Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "8361779", "text": "(NSA) was providing signals intelligence to the IDF allowing them details on whether Iran and Syria were supplying new military aid to Hezbollah. Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War refers to the supply of military aid to combatants during the course of the 2006 Lebanon War, which has been an important aspect of both the hostilities and the diplomatic wrangling surrounding them, including figuring prominently into UN Security Council resolutions on the topic. Iran's help to Hezbollah in preparation for the war was invaluable. According to Israeli journalist Ze'ev Schiff, Iran supplied", "title": "Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War" }, { "docid": "10570162", "text": "forces than in previous wars. For service during the Korean War, the U.S. military issued the Korean Service Medal. However, many still-living Korean War veterans claim that their country tends to neglect the remembrance of this war. With more overt displays made for World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq war, the Korean War has come to be dubbed by some as the \"Forgotten war\" or the \"Unknown War.\" As a partial remedy, the Korean War Veterans Memorial was built in Washington, D.C. and dedicated to veterans", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20768418", "text": "of Pohang Girls' High School in Haksan-dong, Buk-gu, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do where 71 students were ambushed wearing their uniforms at 4 am on 11 August 1950. They fought for an extended period of time with the North Korean Army, backed up by five armoured vehicles. In all 58 died. In order to honour their noble sacrifice, Pohang City built the memorial in 1977 and held a memorial service. On 16, September 16, 2002, a hall was opened in Yongheung Park, No. 103, Yongheung, Buk-gu, Pohang, GyeongSangBuk-do, in honour of the students who participated in the battle of Pohang District in GyeongsangBuk-do", "title": "Student soldiers in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "18555418", "text": "back and slaughter you all'. In 2017, an Israeli documentary film, dubbed \"The wounded Syrian\", was released. The film's director, Racheli Schwartz, claimed in an interview that \"few hate-filled people who, even after saving their lives, curse and act violently until the nurses need the protection of security personnel\". Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War, or Israel's role in the Syrian Civil War refers to the political stance, military incidents and humanitarian help of Israel on the course of the Syrian Civil War. While the Israeli official position is neutrality in the", "title": "Israeli involvement in the Syrian Civil War" }, { "docid": "8361772", "text": "Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War refers to the supply of military aid to combatants during the course of the 2006 Lebanon War, which has been an important aspect of both the hostilities and the diplomatic wrangling surrounding them, including figuring prominently into UN Security Council resolutions on the topic. Iran's help to Hezbollah in preparation for the war was invaluable. According to Israeli journalist Ze'ev Schiff, Iran supplied most of Hezbollah's arms, \"including modern antitank weapons and its thousands of rockets.\" Iranian advisors spent years helping Hezbollah train and build fortified", "title": "Foreign involvement in the 2006 Lebanon War" }, { "docid": "229218", "text": "largely as infantry support and mobile artillery pieces. Because neither Korea had a significant navy, the Korean War featured few naval battles. A skirmish between North Korea and the UN Command occurred on 2 July 1950; the U.S. Navy cruiser , the Royal Navy cruiser , and the Royal Navy frigate fought four North Korean torpedo boats and two mortar gunboats, and sank them. USS \"Juneau\" later sank several ammunition ships that had been present. The last sea battle of the Korean War occurred at Inchon, days before the Battle of Inchon; the ROK ship \"PC-703\" sank a North Korean", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "15072290", "text": "operated a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit called Unit 731 in Harbin. The unit's activities, including human experimentation, were documented by the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials conducted by the Soviet Union in December 1949. However, at that time, the US government described the Khabarovsk trials as \"vicious and unfounded propaganda\". It was later revealed that the accusations made against the Japanese military were correct. The US government had taken over the research at the end of the war and had then covered up the program. On 30 June 1950, soon after the outbreak of the Korean", "title": "Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281508", "text": "Union. The United States was still war weary from the disruptive World War II campaign and refused South Korea's request for weapons and troops. North Korea convinced the Soviet Union to supply them with the weapons and support they requested. This decision coincided with the United States withdrawing the last remaining combat troops from South Korea. North Korea saw its opportunity and attacked South Korean forces at the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950 and thus initiating the Korean War. In response to North Korea's invasion into South Korea the United Nations convened to formulate a response. The U.N. demanded", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215056", "text": "before hostilities broke out but is currently a special city of the North. North Korea and the United States signed the , which Syngman Rhee refused to sign. After the war ended, Canadians remained in Korea for three years as military observers. Between 1950 and 1956, over 25,000 Canadians served in Korea, and 516 died. The United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Busan, South Korea has the remains of 378 Canadians who died during the war. Canada in the Korean War The Canadian Forces were involved in the 1950–1953 Korean War and its aftermath. 26,000 Canadians participated on the side of", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543594", "text": "Soviet Union in the Korean War Though not officially belligerent during the Korean War (1950–1953), the Soviet Union played a significant, covert role in the conflict. It provided material and medical services, as well as Soviet pilots and aircraft, most notably MiG 15 fighter jets, to aid the North Korean-Chinese forces against the United Nations Forces. The Soviet 25th Army took part in the Soviet advance into northern Korea immediately after World War II had ended, and was headquartered at Pyongyang for a period. Like the American forces in the south, Soviet troops remained in Korea after the end of", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229200", "text": "agreement, signed on 27 July 1953, a Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission, under the chairman Indian General K. S. Thimayya, was set up to handle the matter. In 1952, the United States elected a new president, and on 29 November 1952, the president-elect, Dwight D. Eisenhower, went to Korea to learn what might end the Korean War. With the United Nations' acceptance of India's proposed Korean War armistice, the KPA, the PVA, and the UN Command ceased fire with the battle line approximately at the 38th parallel. Upon agreeing to the armistice, the belligerents established the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which", "title": "Korean War" } ]
In which decade was Arnold Schwarzenegger born?
[ "The Fifties", "1950s", "1950-1959", "50's", "1950’s", "1950–1959", "Nineteen-fifties", "1950s (decade)", "1950ies", "1950's", "'50s", "195%3F", "Fifties" ]
[ { "docid": "17731", "text": "1977, he made guest appearances in single episodes of the ABC sitcom \"The San Pedro Beach Bums\" and the ABC police procedural \"The Streets of San Francisco\". Schwarzenegger auditioned for the title role of \"The Incredible Hulk\", but did not win the role because of his height. Later, Lou Ferrigno got the part of Dr. David Banner's alter ego. Schwarzenegger appeared with Kirk Douglas and Ann-Margret in the 1979 comedy \"The Villain\". In 1980, he starred in a biographical film of the 1950s actress Jayne Mansfield as Mansfield's husband, Mickey Hargitay. Schwarzenegger's breakthrough film was the sword-and-sorcery epic \"Conan the", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" } ]
[ { "docid": "17800", "text": "serious challenges we face\". Schwarzenegger serves as chairman of the Institute. At a 2015 security conference, Arnold Schwarzenegger called climate change the issue of our time. For the 2016 Republican Party presidential primaries, Schwarzenegger endorsed fellow Republican John Kasich. However, he announced in October that he would not vote for the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in that year's United States presidential election, with this being the first time he did not vote for the Republican candidate since becoming a citizen in 1983. Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (; ; born July 30, 1947) is an Austrian-American actor, filmmaker, businessman,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17700", "text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (; ; born July 30, 1947) is an Austrian-American actor, filmmaker, businessman, investor, author, philanthropist, activist, politician, and former professional bodybuilder and powerlifter. He served two terms as the 38th Governor of California from 2003 to 2011. Schwarzenegger began lifting weights at the age of 15. He won the Mr. Universe title at age 20 and went on to win the Mr. Olympia contest seven times, remaining a prominent presence in bodybuilding and writing many books and articles on the sport. The Arnold Sports Festival, considered one of the best professional bodybuilding competitions in recent", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17782", "text": "to have a relationship with both Moray and Shriver until August 1978, when Moray (who knew of his relationship with Shriver) issued an ultimatum. On April 26, 1986, Schwarzenegger married Shriver in Hyannis, Massachusetts. The Rev. John Baptist Riordan performed the ceremony at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. They have four children: Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger (born December 13, 1989), Christina Maria Aurelia Schwarzenegger (born July 23, 1991), Patrick Arnold Shriver Schwarzenegger (born September 18, 1993), and Christopher Sargent Shriver Schwarzenegger (born September 27, 1997). All of their children were born in Los Angeles. The family lived in a home in", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17770", "text": "invited to open the 2009 SAE World Congress in Detroit, on April 20, 2009. In 2011, Schwarzenegger founded the R20 Regions of Climate Action to develop a sustainable, low carbon economy. The Equal Opportunity to Govern Amendment in 2003 was widely accredited as the \"Amend for Arnold\" bill, which would have added an amendment to the U.S. Constitution allowing his run, as he was not a natural born citizen. In 2004, the \"Amend for Arnold\" campaign was launched, featuring a website and TV advertising promotion. In June 2007, Schwarzenegger was featured on the cover of \"TIME\" magazine with Michael Bloomberg,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17703", "text": "in his bodybuilding days, \"Arnie\" during his acting career, and \"The Governator\" (a portmanteau of \"Governor\" and \"Terminator\") during his political career. Schwarzenegger married Maria Shriver, a niece of the 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy and daughter of the 1972 Democratic vice presidential candidate and former Ambassador to France Sargent Shriver, in 1986. They separated in 2011 after he admitted to having fathered a child with another woman in 1997. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born on July 30, 1947, in Thal, Styria, to Aurelia (\"née\" Jadrny) and Gustav Schwarzenegger. His father was the local chief of police and had", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17738", "text": "he denied his involvement, but he ultimately did appear briefly via his image being inserted into the movie from stock footage of the first \"Terminator\" movie. Schwarzenegger appeared in Sylvester Stallone's \"The Expendables\", where he made a cameo appearance. In January 2011, just weeks after leaving office in California, Schwarzenegger announced that he was reading several new scripts for future films, one of them being the World War II action drama \"With Wings as Eagles\", written by Randall Wallace, based on a true story. On March 6, 2011, at the Arnold Seminar of the Arnold Classic, Schwarzenegger revealed that he", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "9081166", "text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography Austrian–American actor, film producer, politician and former professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger has appeared in over 35 films, and has also ventured into directing and producing. He began his acting career primarily with small roles in film and television starting in 1969. For his first film role, he was credited as \"Arnold Strong\", but was credited with his birth name thereafter. He has appeared mainly in action and comedy films. In addition to films and television, he has appeared in music videos for AC/DC, Bon Jovi, and Guns N' Roses. In the 1980s, Schwarzenegger became his primary character", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography" }, { "docid": "17747", "text": "late 1999, Schwarzenegger was asked if he thought of running for office. He replied, \"I think about it many times. The possibility is there because I feel it inside.\" \"The Hollywood Reporter\" claimed shortly after that Schwarzenegger sought to end speculation that he might run for governor of California. Following his initial comments, Schwarzenegger said, \"I'm in show business – I am in the middle of my career. Why would I go away from that and jump into something else?\" Arnold Schwarzenegger is a moderate Republican. He says he is fiscally conservative and socially liberal. On the issue of abortion,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "9081169", "text": "total grossed around $4.5 billion worldwide. Denotes lead role Denotes lead role Denotes lead role General Specific Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography Austrian–American actor, film producer, politician and former professional bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger has appeared in over 35 films, and has also ventured into directing and producing. He began his acting career primarily with small roles in film and television starting in 1969. For his first film role, he was credited as \"Arnold Strong\", but was credited with his birth name thereafter. He has appeared mainly in action and comedy films. In addition to films and television, he has appeared in music", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography" }, { "docid": "20596054", "text": "Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights Arnold Schwarzenegger is a well known supporter of LGBT rights, including during his Governorship of California. In February 2004 when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom ordered a change in the certificate application documents to allow for same-sex marriages, Governor Schwarzenegger opposed the move as being beyond the powers of the mayor but also said that he supports gay rights and has expressed support for a law to grant civil unions to gay couples. On March 31, 2004, Governor Schwarzenegger issued Executive Order S-6-04, which states that \"All state agencies, departments, boards, and commissions shall recruit,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights" }, { "docid": "9097371", "text": "between the two houses. Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger is an actor and former bodybuilder who served as Governor of California from November 2003 to January 2011. He was first elected in the 2003 recall election and won re-election in 2006. He previously held non-elected appointments by President George H.W. Bush to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, in which he served from 1990 to 1993 and was Chairman of California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under Governor Pete Wilson. Schwarzenegger is a registered Republican. He describes himself as fiscally conservative and socially moderate", "title": "Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "9097322", "text": "Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger is an actor and former bodybuilder who served as Governor of California from November 2003 to January 2011. He was first elected in the 2003 recall election and won re-election in 2006. He previously held non-elected appointments by President George H.W. Bush to the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, in which he served from 1990 to 1993 and was Chairman of California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under Governor Pete Wilson. Schwarzenegger is a registered Republican. He describes himself as fiscally conservative and socially moderate (e.g., he is pro-choice,", "title": "Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17783", "text": "the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, with vacation homes in Sun Valley, Idaho, and Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. They attended St. Monica's Catholic Church. On May 9, 2011, Shriver and Schwarzenegger ended their relationship after 25 years of marriage, with Shriver moving out of the couple's Brentwood mansion. On May 16, 2011, the \"Los Angeles Times\" revealed that Schwarzenegger had fathered a son more than 14 years earlier with an employee in their household, Mildred Patricia \"Patty\" Baena. \"After leaving the governor's office I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago,\" Schwarzenegger said in a statement", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "15596976", "text": "Patrick Schwarzenegger Patrick Arnold Shriver Schwarzenegger (born September 18, 1993) is an American actor and model. He is the son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. Through his mother, Schwarzenegger is related to the Kennedy family, and is a grand-nephew of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, as well as the senators Robert F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy. Schwarzenegger was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He is the elder son of Maria Shriver, a journalist and author who is a member of the Kennedy family, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, an Austrian-born bodybuilder, actor, and former", "title": "Patrick Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17750", "text": "vote to choose a successor to Davis. Schwarzenegger defeated Democrat Cruz Bustamante, fellow Republican Tom McClintock, and others. His nearest rival, Bustamante, received 31% of the vote. In total, Schwarzenegger won the election by about 1.3 million votes. Under the regulations of the California Constitution, no runoff election was required. Schwarzenegger was the second foreign-born governor of California after Irish-born Governor John G. Downey in 1862. Schwarzenegger was entrenched in what he considered to be his mandate in cleaning up gridlock. Building on a catchphrase from the sketch \"Hans and Franz\" from \"Saturday Night Live\" (which partly parodied his bodybuilding", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17781", "text": "brother. He just had this huge determination to prove himself, and that was very attractive ... I'll go to my grave knowing Arnold loved me.\" Schwarzenegger met his next lover, Beverly Hills hairdresser's assistant Sue Moray, on Venice Beach in July 1977. According to Moray, the couple led an open relationship: \"We were faithful when we were both in LA... but when he was out of town, we were free to do whatever we wanted.\" Schwarzenegger met television journalist Maria Shriver, niece of President John F. Kennedy, at the Robert F. Kennedy Tennis Tournament in August 1977. He went on", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "14920162", "text": "Katherine Schwarzenegger Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger (born December 13, 1989) is an American author and the elder daughter of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger and broadcast journalist Maria Shriver. A relative of the Kennedy family, Schwarzenegger is a grandniece of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Katherine was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. She is the eldest child of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger (Austrian-born), and journalist and author Maria Shriver (of Irish and German descent), whose mother Eunice is a younger sister of former President John F. Kennedy, and father Sargent Shriver was a", "title": "Katherine Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17719", "text": "total of seven times. The immigration law firm Siskind & Susser has stated that Schwarzenegger may have been an illegal immigrant at some point in the late 1960s or early 1970s because of violations in the terms of his visa. \"LA Weekly\" would later say in 2002 that Schwarzenegger is the most famous immigrant in America, who \"overcame a thick Austrian accent and transcended the unlikely background of bodybuilding to become the biggest movie star in the world in the 1990s\". In 1977, Schwarzenegger's autobiography/weight-training guide \"Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder\" became a huge success. In 1977 he posed", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17779", "text": "claims that towards the end of the relationship he became \"insufferable—classically conceited—the world revolved around him\". Baker published her memoir in 2006, entitled \"Arnold and Me: In the Shadow of the Austrian Oak\". Although Baker painted an unflattering portrait of her former lover at times, Schwarzenegger actually contributed to the tell-all book with a foreword, and also met with Baker for three hours. Baker claims that she only learned of his being unfaithful after they split, and talks of a turbulent and passionate love life. Schwarzenegger has made it clear that their respective recollection of events can differ. The couple", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "20596090", "text": "to the tenets of his or her faith. The bill would state that any refusal to solemnize a marriage under that provision shall not affect the tax exempt status of any entity. Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights Arnold Schwarzenegger is a well known supporter of LGBT rights, including during his Governorship of California. In February 2004 when San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom ordered a change in the certificate application documents to allow for same-sex marriages, Governor Schwarzenegger opposed the move as being beyond the powers of the mayor but also said that he supports gay rights and has expressed support", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights" }, { "docid": "17729", "text": "to move from bodybuilding into acting, finally achieving it when he was chosen to play the role of Hercules in 1969's \"Hercules in New York\". Credited under the stage name \"Arnold Strong\", his accent in the film was so thick that his lines were dubbed after production. His second film appearance was as a deaf-mute mob hitman in \"The Long Goodbye\" (1973), which was followed by a much more significant part in the film \"Stay Hungry\" (1976), for which he won the Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year – Actor. Schwarzenegger has discussed his early struggles in", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "16002936", "text": "Patrick M. Knapp Schwarzenegger Patrick M. Knapp Schwarzenegger (born February 2, 1968) also known under his mother’s maiden name as Patrick Knapp, is an Austrian-American attorney based in Los Angeles, California. He is the son of Meinhard Schwarzenegger and Erika Knapp, and nephew of bodybuilder, actor and former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger was born in Munich, Germany. He is the only child of Erika Knapp (died in 1999) and Meinhard Schwarzenegger, elder brother and only sibling of former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. On May 20, 1971, Patrick’s father Meinhard Schwarzenegger, died in a tragic car accident", "title": "Patrick M. Knapp Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17723", "text": "won was the Junior Mr. Europe contest in 1965. He won Mr. Europe the following year, at age 19. He would go on to compete in, and win, many bodybuilding contests. His bodybuilding victories included five Mr. Universe (4 – NABBA [England], 1 – IFBB [USA]) wins, and seven Mr. Olympia wins, a record which would stand until Lee Haney won his eighth consecutive Mr. Olympia title in 1991. Schwarzenegger continues to work out. When asked about his personal training during the 2011 Arnold Classic he said that he was still working out a half an hour with weights every", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "2233192", "text": "election. Gustav Schwarzenegger Gustav Schwarzenegger (17 August 1907 – 13 December 1972) was an Austrian police chief (\"Gendarmeriekommandant\"), postal inspector and a military police officer. He was the father of Hollywood star and former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Gustav Schwarzenegger was born in Austria-Hungary, the son of Cecelia (née Hinterleitner, 1878-1968) and Karl Schwarzenegger. He was a sportsman and loved music. According to documents obtained in 2003 from the Austrian State Archives by the \"Los Angeles Times\", which was after the expiration of a 30-year seal of his records under Austrian privacy law, Gustav Schwarzenegger voluntarily applied to join", "title": "Gustav Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "2233185", "text": "Gustav Schwarzenegger Gustav Schwarzenegger (17 August 1907 – 13 December 1972) was an Austrian police chief (\"Gendarmeriekommandant\"), postal inspector and a military police officer. He was the father of Hollywood star and former Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Gustav Schwarzenegger was born in Austria-Hungary, the son of Cecelia (née Hinterleitner, 1878-1968) and Karl Schwarzenegger. He was a sportsman and loved music. According to documents obtained in 2003 from the Austrian State Archives by the \"Los Angeles Times\", which was after the expiration of a 30-year seal of his records under Austrian privacy law, Gustav Schwarzenegger voluntarily applied to join the", "title": "Gustav Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "9097355", "text": "an organization called \"Join Arnold,\" tens of millions of dollars were funneled into the state, mostly from corporate interests, to fund the campaign. Schwarzenegger even reportedly spent 7,000,000 (USD) of his own money. Schwarzenegger characterized the four propositions as being key to his reform agenda. The campaign tenor was highly divisive, with Schwarzenegger calling his opponents \"stooges\" and at one point Warren Beatty leading a bus full of public employees to follow the governor and shout down his events. State unions and other groups opposed to the measures spent large sums of money opposing Schwarzenegger. Total spending by both sides", "title": "Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "15596979", "text": "he hopes to raise awareness of his clothing company by taking on high-profile modeling jobs. Schwarzenegger had supporting roles in 2012's \"Stuck in Love\", 2013's \"Grown Ups 2\" and 2015's \"Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse\". His first leading role was opposite Bella Thorne in 2018's \"Midnight Sun\", a romantic drama about a teenage girl with a rare medical condition. Patrick Schwarzenegger Patrick Arnold Shriver Schwarzenegger (born September 18, 1993) is an American actor and model. He is the son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. Through his mother, Schwarzenegger is related to the Kennedy family, and is a grand-nephew", "title": "Patrick Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17788", "text": "Schwarzenegger replied, \"I'm least proud of the mistakes I made that caused my family pain and split us up.\" , Schwarzenegger was dating physical therapist Heather Milligan, 27 years his junior. Schwarzenegger was born with a bicuspid aortic valve, an aortic valve with only two leaflets (a normal aortic valve has three leaflets). He opted in 1997 for a replacement heart valve made of his own transplanted tissue; medical experts predicted he would require heart valve replacement surgery in the following two to eight years as his valve would progressively degrade. Schwarzenegger apparently opted against a mechanical valve, the only", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "9097336", "text": "no runoff election was required. Schwarzenegger was sworn into office on November 17, 2003. Schwarzenegger's inauguration was opened by Vanessa L. Williams, his co-star from \"Eraser\", singing the National Anthem. Hollywood attendees included Danny DeVito, Rhea Perlman, Dennis Miller, Tom Arnold, his wife Shelby, and Rob Lowe (only Miller was a Republican). The Schwarzenegger children joined others in reciting the [Pledge of Allegiance (United States)|Pledge of Allegiance]], then Maria Shriver spoke and held the Bible while Schwarzenegger was sworn into the office of governor. He spoke briefly: \"Today is a new day in California. I did not seek this office", "title": "Political career of Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17784", "text": "issued to \"The Times\". In the statement, Schwarzenegger did not mention that he had confessed to his wife only after she had confronted him with the information, which she had done after confirming with the housekeeper what she had suspected about the child. Baena is of Guatemalan origin. She was employed by the family for 20 years and retired in January 2011. The pregnant Baena was working in the home while Shriver was pregnant with the youngest of the couple's four children. Baena's son with Schwarzenegger, Joseph, was born on October 2, 1997, and Shriver gave birth to Christopher a", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17705", "text": "elder son, Meinhard, over Schwarzenegger. His favoritism was \"strong and blatant,\" which stemmed from unfounded suspicion that Schwarzenegger was not his biological child. Schwarzenegger has said his father had \"no patience for listening or understanding your problems.\" He had a good relationship with his mother and kept in touch with her until her death. In later life, Schwarzenegger commissioned the Simon Wiesenthal Center to research his father's wartime record, which came up with no evidence of Gustav being involved in atrocities, despite his membership in the Nazi Party and SA. Gustav's background received wide press attention during the 2003 California", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "14920165", "text": "fail\" (when a foster home turns into a \"furever\" home), the book touts the benefits of pet adoption and rescue. As of July 2018, she is in a relationship with actor Chris Pratt. Schwarzenegger is an ASPCA Ambassador and supports the Best Friends Animal Society. Katherine Schwarzenegger Katherine Eunice Schwarzenegger (born December 13, 1989) is an American author and the elder daughter of actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger and broadcast journalist Maria Shriver. A relative of the Kennedy family, Schwarzenegger is a grandniece of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Katherine was born and raised in", "title": "Katherine Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17721", "text": "and see everything as one big problem.\" Schwarzenegger is considered among the most important figures in the history of bodybuilding, and his legacy is commemorated in the Arnold Classic annual bodybuilding competition. He has remained a prominent face in bodybuilding long after his retirement, in part because of his ownership of gyms and fitness magazines. He has presided over numerous contests and awards shows. For many years, he wrote a monthly column for the bodybuilding magazines \"Muscle & Fitness\" and \"Flex\". Shortly after being elected governor, he was appointed the executive editor of both magazines, in a largely symbolic capacity.", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17724", "text": "day. During Schwarzenegger's early years in bodybuilding, he also competed in several Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting contests. Schwarzenegger won two weightlifting contests in 1964 and 1965, as well as two powerlifting contests in 1966 and 1968. In 1967, Schwarzenegger won the Munich stone-lifting contest, in which a stone weighing 508 German pounds (254 kg/560 lbs.) is lifted between the legs while standing on two footrests. Schwarzenegger's goal was to become the greatest bodybuilder in the world, which meant becoming Mr. Olympia. His first attempt was in 1969, when he lost to three-time champion Sergio Oliva. However, Schwarzenegger came back in", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17799", "text": "among other similar events. Schwarzenegger supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Schwarzenegger also expressed support for the 2011 military intervention in Libya. In 2012, Schwarzenegger helped to found the Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy, which is a part of the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. The Institute's mission is to \"[advance] post-partisanship, where leaders put people over political parties and work together to find the best ideas and solutions to benefit the people they serve\" and to \"seek to influence public policy and public debate in finding solutions to the", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17728", "text": "a contest. I did not use them for muscle growth, but rather for muscle maintenance when cutting up.\" He has called the drugs \"tissue building\". In 1999, Schwarzenegger sued Dr. Willi Heepe, a German doctor who publicly predicted his early death on the basis of a link between his steroid use and his later heart problems. As the doctor had never examined him personally, Schwarzenegger collected a US$10,000 libel judgment against him in a German court. In 1999, Schwarzenegger also sued and settled with \"Globe\", a U.S. tabloid which had made similar predictions about the bodybuilder's future health. Schwarzenegger wanted", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17732", "text": "Barbarian\" in 1982, which was a box-office hit. This was followed by a sequel, \"Conan the Destroyer\", in 1984, although it was not as successful as its predecessor. In 1983, Schwarzenegger starred in the promotional video, \"Carnival in Rio\". In 1984, he made his first appearance as the eponymous character, and what some would say was his acting career's signature role, in James Cameron's science fiction thriller film \"The Terminator\". Following this, Schwarzenegger made \"Red Sonja\" in 1985. During the 1980s, audiences had an appetite for action films, with both Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone becoming international stars. Schwarzenegger's roles reflected", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17714", "text": "Steirerhof Hotel (where he placed second). He was voted best-built man of Europe, which made him famous. \"The Mr. Universe title was my ticket to America—the land of opportunity, where I could become a star and get rich.\" Schwarzenegger made his first plane trip in 1966, attending the NABBA Mr. Universe competition in London. He would come in second in the Mr. Universe competition, not having the muscle definition of American winner Chester Yorton. Charles \"Wag\" Bennett, one of the judges at the 1966 competition, was impressed with Schwarzenegger and he offered to coach him. As Schwarzenegger had little money,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17798", "text": "2010, Schwarzenegger took part in the Vancouver Olympic Torch relay. He handed off the flame to the next runner, Sebastian Coe. Schwarzenegger had a collection of Marxist busts, which he requested from Russian friends at the end of the Soviet Union as they were being destroyed. In 2011, he revealed that his wife had requested they be removed, but he kept the one of Vladimir Lenin present, since \"he was the first\". In 2015, he said he kept the Lenin bust to \"show losers\". Schwarzenegger is a lifelong supporter and \"friend of Israel\", and has participated in L.A.'s Pro-Israel rally", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17722", "text": "The magazines agreed to donate $250,000 a year to the Governor's various physical fitness initiatives. When the deal, including the contract that gave Schwarzenegger at least $1 million a year, was made public in 2005, many criticized it as being a conflict of interest since the governor's office made decisions concerning regulation of dietary supplements in California. Consequently, Schwarzenegger relinquished the executive editor role in 2005. American Media Inc., which owns \"Muscle & Fitness\" and \"Flex\", announced in March 2013 that Schwarzenegger had accepted their renewed offer to be executive editor of the magazines. One of the first competitions he", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17756", "text": "cannot run for president as he is not a natural-born citizen of the United States. Schwarzenegger is a dual Austrian/United States citizen. He has held Austrian citizenship since birth and U.S. citizenship since becoming naturalized in 1983. Being Austrian and thus European, he was able to win the 2007 European Voice campaigner of the year award for taking action against climate change with the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 and plans to introduce an emissions trading scheme with other US states and possibly with the EU. Because of his personal wealth from his acting career, Schwarzenegger did not", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17755", "text": "saw leaders use 100% of their potential – I was always fascinated by people in control of other people.\" Schwarzenegger has said that it was never his intention to enter politics, but he says, \"I married into a political family. You get together with them and you hear about policy, about reaching out to help people. I was exposed to the idea of being a public servant and Eunice and Sargent Shriver became my heroes.\" Eunice Kennedy Shriver was the sister of John F. Kennedy, and mother-in-law to Schwarzenegger; Sargent Shriver is husband to Eunice and father-in-law to Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17763", "text": "her bathing suit in a hotel elevator, and the last said he pulled her onto his lap and asked her about a sex act. Schwarzenegger admitted that he has \"behaved badly sometimes\" and apologized, but also stated that \"a lot of [what] you see in the stories is not true\". This came after an interview in adult magazine \"Oui\" from 1977 surfaced, in which Schwarzenegger discussed attending sexual orgies and using substances such as marijuana. Schwarzenegger is shown smoking a marijuana joint after winning Mr. Olympia in the 1975 documentary film \"Pumping Iron.\" In an interview with \"GQ\" magazine in", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17742", "text": "2018, Amazon Studios announced they were working with Schwarzenegger to develop a new series entitled \"Outrider\" in which he will star and executive produce. The western-drama set in the Oklahoma Indian Territory in the late 1800s will follow a deputy (portrayed by Schwarzenegger) who is tasked with apprehending a legendary outlaw in the wilderness but is forced to partner with a ruthless Federal Marshal to make sure justice is properly served. The series will also mark as Schwarzenegger's first major scripted TV role. Schwarzenegger will return in a Terminator movie on July 26, 2019. The series co-creator James Cameron will", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17744", "text": "choppa,\" which are quotes from some of his famous roles (\"The Terminator\" and \"Predator\", respectively), when firing the contestants. In March 2017, following repeated criticisms from Trump, Schwarzenegger announced that he would not return for another season on the show. Schwarzenegger reacted to Trump's latest remarks in January 2017: \"Hey, Donald, I have a great idea. Why don't we switch jobs?\" he asked in an Instagram clip. \"You take over TV because you're such an expert in ratings, and I take over your job, and then people can finally sleep comfortably again.\" Selected notable roles: Schwarzenegger has been a registered", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17725", "text": "1970 and won the competition, making him the youngest ever Mr. Olympia at the age of 23, a record he still holds to this day. He continued his winning streak in the 1971–74 competitions. In 1975, Schwarzenegger was once again in top form, and won the title for the sixth consecutive time, beating Franco Columbu. After the 1975 Mr. Olympia contest, Schwarzenegger announced his retirement from professional bodybuilding. Months before the 1975 Mr. Olympia contest, filmmakers George Butler and Robert Fiore persuaded Schwarzenegger to compete, in order to film his training in the bodybuilding documentary called \"Pumping Iron.\" Schwarzenegger had", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17727", "text": "that a training accident would prevent his entry and cause him to lose face. Schwarzenegger had been hired to provide color commentary for network television when he announced at the eleventh hour that, while he was there, \"Why not compete?\" Schwarzenegger ended up winning the event with only seven weeks of preparation. Having being declared Mr. Olympia for a seventh time, Schwarzenegger then officially retired from competition. Schwarzenegger has admitted to using performance-enhancing anabolic steroids while they were legal, writing in 1977 that \"steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17710", "text": "theaters and seeing some newsreels. The first real movie I saw, that I distinctly remember, was a John Wayne movie.\" Schwarzenegger's brother, Meinhard, died in a car crash on May 20, 1971. He was driving drunk and died instantly. Schwarzenegger did not attend his funeral. Meinhard was engaged to Erika Knapp, and they had a three-year-old son named Patrick. Schwarzenegger paid for Patrick's education and helped him to move to the U.S. Gustav died on December 13, 1972, from a stroke. In \"Pumping Iron\", Schwarzenegger claimed that he did not attend his father's funeral because he was training for a", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17706", "text": "recall campaign. At school, Schwarzenegger was reportedly academically average, but stood out for his \"cheerful, good-humored, and exuberant\" character. Money was a problem in their household; Schwarzenegger recalled that one of the highlights of his youth was when the family bought a refrigerator. As a boy, Schwarzenegger played several sports, heavily influenced by his father. He picked up his first barbell in 1960, when his soccer coach took his team to a local gym. At the age of 14, he chose bodybuilding over soccer as a career. He later said, \"I actually started weight training when I was 15, but", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17794", "text": "in October 2012. He devotes one chapter called \"The Secret\" to his extramarital affair. The majority of his book is about his successes in the three major chapters in his life: bodybuilder, actor, and Governor of California. Schwarzenegger was the first civilian to purchase a Humvee. He was so enamored by the vehicle that he lobbied the Humvee's manufacturer, AM General, to produce a street-legal, civilian version, which they did in 1992; the first two Hummer H1s they sold were also purchased by Schwarzenegger. In 2010, he had one regular and three running on non-fossil power sources; one for hydrogen,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17739", "text": "was being considered for several films, including sequels to \"The Terminator\" and remakes of \"Predator\" and \"The Running Man\", and that he was \"packaging\" a comic book character. The character was later revealed to be the Governator, star of the comic book and animated series of the same name. Schwarzenegger inspired the character and co-developed it with Stan Lee, who would have produced the series. Schwarzenegger would have voiced the Governator. On May 20, 2011, Schwarzenegger's entertainment counsel announced that all movie projects currently in development were being halted: \"Schwarzenegger is focusing on personal matters and is not willing to", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17790", "text": "crash in Los Angeles. Schwarzenegger saved a drowning man's life in 2004 while on vacation in Hawaii by swimming out and bringing him back to shore. On January 8, 2006, while Schwarzenegger was riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle in Los Angeles, with his son Patrick in the sidecar, another driver backed into the street he was riding on, causing him and his son to collide with the car at a low speed. While his son and the other driver were unharmed, Schwarzenegger sustained a minor injury to his lip, requiring 15 stitches. \"No citations were issued,\" said Officer Jason Lee,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17786", "text": "in 2008. Rogelio says that the child's birth certificate was falsified and that he plans to sue Schwarzenegger for engaging in conspiracy to falsify a public document, a serious crime in California. Pursuant to the divorce judgment, Schwarzenegger kept the Brentwood home, while Shriver purchased a new home nearby so that the children could travel between their parents' homes. They shared custody of the two youngest children. Schwarzenegger came under fire after the initial petition did not include spousal support and a reimbursement of attorney's fees. However, he claims this was not intentional and that he signed the initial documents", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17778", "text": "as happy when I had $48 million.\" He appears in a series of commercials for the Machine Zone game \"Mobile Strike\" as a military commander and spokesman. In 1969, Schwarzenegger met Barbara Outland (later Barbara Outland Baker), an English teacher with whom he lived until 1974. Schwarzenegger said of Baker in his 1977 memoir, \"Basically it came down to this: she was a well-balanced woman who wanted an ordinary, solid life, and I was not a well-balanced man, and hated the very idea of ordinary life.\" Baker has described Schwarzenegger as a \"joyful personality, totally charismatic, adventurous, and athletic\" but", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17764", "text": "October 2007, Schwarzenegger said, \"[Marijuana] is not a drug. It's a leaf. My drug was pumping iron, trust me.\" His spokesperson later said the comment was meant to be a joke. British television personality Anna Richardson settled a libel lawsuit in August 2006 against Schwarzenegger, his top aide, Sean Walsh, and his publicist, Sheryl Main. A joint statement read: \"The parties are content to put this matter behind them and are pleased that this legal dispute has now been settled.\" Richardson claimed they tried to tarnish her reputation by dismissing her allegations that Schwarzenegger touched her breast during a press", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17795", "text": "one for vegetable oil, and one for biodiesel. Schwarzenegger was in the news in 2014 for buying a rare Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse. He was spotted and filmed in 2015 in his car, painted silver with bright aluminium forged wheels. His Bugatti has its interior adorned in dark brown leather. In 2017, Schwarzenegger acquired a Mercedes G-Class modified for all-electric drive. The Hummers that Schwarzenegger bought in 1992 are so large—each weighs and is wide—that they are classified as large trucks, and U.S. fuel economy regulations do not apply to them. During the gubernatorial recall campaign, he announced that", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17720", "text": "for the gay magazine \"After Dark\". After taking English classes at Santa Monica College in California, he earned a bachelor's degree by correspondence from the University of Wisconsin–Superior, in international marketing of fitness and business administration in 1979. He got his American citizenship in 1983. Schwarzenegger said that during this time he encountered a friend who told him he was teaching Transcendental Meditation (TM), which prompted Schwarzenegger to reveal he had been struggling with anxiety for the first time in his life: \"Even today, I still benefit from [the year of TM] because I don't merge and bring things together", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17787", "text": "without having properly read them. He filed amended divorce papers remedying this. Schwarzenegger and Shriver finalized their divorce in 2017, six years after separating. After the scandal, Danish-Italian actress Brigitte Nielsen came forward and stated that she too had an affair with Schwarzenegger while he was in a relationship with Shriver, saying, \"Maybe I wouldn't have got into it if he said 'I'm going to marry Maria' and this is deadly serious, but he didn't, and our affair carried on.\" When asked in January 2014, \"Of all the things you are famous for ... which are you least proud of?\"", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17751", "text": "career), Schwarzenegger called the Democratic State politicians \"girlie men\". Schwarzenegger's early victories included repealing an unpopular increase in the vehicle registration fee as well as preventing driver's licenses being given out to illegal immigrants, but later he began to feel the backlash when powerful state unions began to oppose his various initiatives. Key among his reckoning with political realities was a special election he called in November 2005, in which four ballot measures he sponsored were defeated. Schwarzenegger accepted personal responsibility for the defeats and vowed to continue to seek consensus for the people of California. He would later comment", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17791", "text": "a Los Angeles Police Department spokesman. Schwarzenegger did not obtain his motorcycle license until July 3, 2006. Schwarzenegger tripped over his ski pole and broke his right femur while skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho, with his family on December 23, 2006. On December 26, he underwent a 90-minute operation in which cables and screws were used to wire the broken bone back together. He was released from the St. John's Health Center on December 30, 2006. Schwarzenegger's private jet made an emergency landing at Van Nuys Airport on June 19, 2009, after the pilot reported smoke coming from the cockpit,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17774", "text": "number of real estate holding companies. Schwarzenegger was a founding celebrity investor in the Planet Hollywood chain of international theme restaurants (modeled after the Hard Rock Cafe) along with Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone and Demi Moore. Schwarzenegger severed his financial ties with the business in early 2000. Schwarzenegger said the company had not had the success he had hoped for, claiming he wanted to focus his attention on \"new US global business ventures\" and his movie career. He also invested in a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio. He has talked about some of those who have helped him over the", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17749", "text": "him the \"Governator\" (referring to \"The Terminator\" movies, see above) and \"The Running Man\" (the name of another one of his films), and calling the recall election \"Total Recall\" (yet another movie starring Schwarzenegger). Schwarzenegger declined to participate in several debates with other recall replacement candidates, and appeared in only one debate on September 24, 2003. On October 7, 2003, the recall election resulted in Governor Gray Davis being removed from office with 55.4% of the \"Yes\" vote in favor of a recall. Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California under the second question on the ballot with 48.6% of the", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17726", "text": "only three months to prepare for the competition, after losing significant weight to appear in the film \"Stay Hungry\" with Jeff Bridges. Lou Ferrigno proved not to be a threat, and a lighter-than-usual Schwarzenegger convincingly won the 1975 Mr. Olympia. Schwarzenegger came out of retirement, however, to compete in the 1980 Mr. Olympia. Schwarzenegger was training for his role in \"Conan\", and he got into such good shape because of the running, horseback riding and sword training, that he decided he wanted to win the Mr. Olympia contest one last time. He kept this plan a secret in the event", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17772", "text": "\"The law is very clear, but it's not 100 percent clear that the courts would enforce that law rather than leave it to the political process.\" Schwarzenegger has had a highly successful business career. Following his move to the United States, Schwarzenegger became a \"prolific goal setter\" and would write his objectives at the start of the year on index cards, like starting a mail order business or buying a new car – and succeed in doing so. By the age of 30, Schwarzenegger was a millionaire, well before his career in Hollywood. His financial independence came from his success", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17767", "text": "on Human Rights) had damaged Austria's reputation. Schwarzenegger explained his actions by pointing out that his only duty as Governor of California with respect to the death penalty was to correct an error by the justice system by pardon or clemency if such an error had occurred. On September 27, 2006, Schwarzenegger signed the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, creating the nation's first cap on greenhouse gas emissions. The law set new regulations on the amount of emissions utilities, refineries, and manufacturing plants are allowed to release into the atmosphere. Schwarzenegger also signed a second global warming bill that", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17753", "text": "Treasurer, in the 2006 elections, held on November 7, 2006. Despite a poor year nationally for the Republican party, Schwarzenegger won re-election with 56.0% of the vote compared with 38.9% for Angelides, a margin of well over 1 million votes. In recent years, many commentators have seen Schwarzenegger as moving away from the right and towards the center of the political spectrum. After hearing a speech by Schwarzenegger at the 2006 Martin Luther King Jr. breakfast, San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom said that \"[H]e's becoming a Democrat [... H]e's running back, not even to the center. I would say center-left\".", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17760", "text": "the death of Louis Santos. Núñez is the son of Fabian Núñez, then California Assembly Speaker of the House and a close friend and staunch political ally of then governor Schwarzenegger. As a personal favor to \"a friend\", just hours before he left office, and as one of his last official acts, Schwarzenegger commuted Núñez's sentence by more than half, to seven years. Against protocol, Schwarzenegger did not inform Santos' family or the San Diego County prosecutors about the commutation. They learned about it in a call from a reporter. The Santos family, along with the San Diego district attorney,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17754", "text": "Some speculated that Schwarzenegger might run for the United States Senate in 2010, as his governorship would be term-limited by that time. Such rumors turned out to be false. Wendy Leigh, who wrote an unofficial biography on Schwarzenegger, claims he plotted his political rise from an early age using the movie business and bodybuilding as the means to escape a depressing home. Leigh portrays Schwarzenegger as obsessed with power and quotes him as saying, \"I wanted to be part of the small percentage of people who were leaders, not the large mass of followers. I think it is because I", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17773", "text": "as a budding entrepreneur with a series of lucrative business ventures and investments. In 1968, Schwarzenegger and fellow bodybuilder Franco Columbu started a bricklaying business. The business flourished thanks to the pair's marketing savvy and an increased demand following the 1971 San Fernando earthquake. Schwarzenegger and Columbu used profits from their bricklaying venture to start a mail-order business, selling bodybuilding and fitness-related equipment and instructional tapes. Schwarzenegger transferred profits from the mail-order business and his bodybuilding-competition winnings into his first real estate investment venture: an apartment building he purchased for $10,000. He would later go on to invest in a", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17702", "text": "in a number of other successful films, such as \"Commando\" (1985), \"The Running Man\" (1987), \"Predator\" (1987), \"Twins\" (1988), \"Total Recall\" (1990), \"Kindergarten Cop\" (1990), and \"True Lies\" (1994). As a Republican, Schwarzenegger was first elected on October 7, 2003, in a special recall election to replace then-Governor Gray Davis. He was sworn in on November 17, to serve the remainder of Davis' term. He was then re-elected in the 2006 California gubernatorial election, to serve a full term as governor. In 2011, he completed his second term as governor and returned to acting. Schwarzenegger was nicknamed \"the Austrian Oak\"", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17709", "text": "In 1961, Schwarzenegger met former Mr. Austria Kurt Marnul, who invited him to train at the gym in Graz. He was so dedicated as a youngster that he broke into the local gym on weekends, so that he could train even when it was closed. \"It would make me sick to miss a workout... I knew I couldn't look at myself in the mirror the next morning if I didn't do it.\" When Schwarzenegger was asked about his first movie experience as a boy, he replied: \"I was very young, but I remember my father taking me to the Austrian", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17792", "text": "according to a statement released by his press secretary. No one was harmed in the incident. Schwarzenegger's official height of 6'2\" (1.88 m) has been brought into question by several articles. In his bodybuilding days in the late 1960s, he was measured to be 6'1.5\" (1.87 m), a height confirmed by his fellow bodybuilders. However, in 1988 both the \"Daily Mail\" and \"Time Out\" magazine mentioned that Schwarzenegger appeared noticeably shorter. Prior to running for governor, Schwarzenegger's height was once again questioned in an article by the \"Chicago Reader\". As governor, Schwarzenegger engaged in a light-hearted exchange with Assemblyman Herb", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17793", "text": "Wesson over their heights. At one point, Wesson made an unsuccessful attempt to, in his own words, \"settle this once and for all and find out how tall he is\" by using a tailor's tape measure on the Governor. Schwarzenegger retaliated by placing a pillow stitched with the words \"Need a lift?\" on the five-foot-five inch (165 cm) Wesson's chair before a negotiating session in his office. Bob Mulholland also claimed Schwarzenegger was 5'10\" (1.78 m) and that he wore risers in his boots. In 1999, \"Men's Health\" magazine stated his height was 5'10\". Schwarzenegger's autobiography, \"Total Recall\", was released", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17757", "text": "accept his governor's salary of $175,000 per year. Schwarzenegger's endorsement in the Republican primary of the 2008 U.S. presidential election was highly sought; despite being good friends with candidates Rudy Giuliani and Senator John McCain, Schwarzenegger remained neutral throughout 2007 and early 2008. Giuliani dropped out of the presidential race on January 30, 2008, largely because of a poor showing in Florida, and endorsed McCain. Later that night, Schwarzenegger was in the audience at a Republican debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California. The following day, he endorsed McCain, joking, \"It's Rudy's fault!\" (in reference to his friendships", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17745", "text": "Republican for many years. When he was an actor, his political views were always well known as they contrasted with those of many other prominent Hollywood stars, who are generally considered to be a liberal and Democratic-leaning community. At the 2004 Republican National Convention, Schwarzenegger gave a speech and explained he was a Republican because the Democrats of the 1960s sounded too much like Austrian socialists. In 1985, Schwarzenegger appeared in \"Stop the Madness\", an anti-drug music video sponsored by the Reagan administration. He first came to wide public notice as a Republican during the 1988 presidential election, accompanying then-Vice", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17708", "text": "a police officer like he was. My mother wanted me to go to trade school.\" Schwarzenegger took to visiting a gym in Graz, where he also frequented the local movie theaters to see bodybuilding idols such as Reg Park, Steve Reeves, and Johnny Weissmuller on the big screen. When Reeves died in 2000, Schwarzenegger fondly remembered him: \"As a teenager, I grew up with Steve Reeves. His remarkable accomplishments allowed me a sense of what was possible when others around me didn't always understand my dreams. Steve Reeves has been part of everything I've ever been fortunate enough to achieve.\"", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17796", "text": "he would convert one of his Hummers to burn hydrogen. The conversion was reported to have cost about $21,000. After the election, he signed an executive order to jump-start the building of hydrogen refueling plants called the California Hydrogen Highway Network, and gained a U.S. Department of Energy grant to help pay for its projected US$91,000,000 cost. California took delivery of the first H2H (Hydrogen Hummer) in October 2004. Schwarzenegger has been involved with the Special Olympics for many years after they were founded by his ex-mother-in-law, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. In 2007, Schwarzenegger was the official spokesperson for the Special", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17777", "text": "returns he filed in 2006. Over the years as an investor, he invested his bodybuilding and movie earnings in an array of stocks, bonds, privately controlled companies, and real estate holdings worldwide, making his net worth as an accurate estimation difficult to calculate, particularly in light of declining real estate values owing to economic recessions in the U.S. and Europe since the late 2000s. In June 1997, Schwarzenegger spent $38 million of his own money on a private Gulfstream jet. Schwarzenegger once said of his fortune, \"Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17758", "text": "with both candidates and that he could not make up his mind). Schwarzenegger's endorsement was thought to be a boost for Senator McCain's campaign; both spoke about their concerns for the environment and economy. In its April 2010 report, Progressive ethics watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Schwarzenegger one of 11 \"worst governors\" in the United States because of various ethics issues throughout Schwarzenegger's term as governor. Governor Schwarzenegger played a significant role in opposing Proposition 66, a proposed amendment of the Californian Three Strikes Law, in November 2004. This amendment would have required the third", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17769", "text": "power plant in participating states. Any power plants that exceed emissions for the number of carbon credits will have to purchase more credits to cover the difference. The plan took effect in 2009. In addition to using his political power to fight global warming, the governor has taken steps at his home to reduce his personal carbon footprint. Schwarzenegger has adapted one of his Hummers to run on hydrogen and another to run on biofuels. He has also installed solar panels to heat his home. In respect of his contribution to the direction of the US motor industry, Schwarzenegger was", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17715", "text": "Bennett invited him to stay in his crowded family home above one of his two gyms in Forest Gate, London. Yorton's leg definition had been judged superior, and Schwarzenegger, under a training program devised by Bennett, concentrated on improving the muscle definition and power in his legs. Staying in the East End of London helped Schwarzenegger improve his rudimentary grasp of the English language. Living with the Bennetts also changed him as a person: \"Being with them made me so much more sophisticated. When you're the age I was then, you're always looking for approval, for love, for attention and", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "9081168", "text": "films. In \"Stay Hungry\", one of his early roles, he won a Golden Globe Award for Best Acting Debut in a Motion Picture. He has also been nominated for various awards for his roles in \"\", \"Junior\", and \"True Lies\". According to Box Office Mojo, a box office revenue tracking website, films in which Schwarzenegger has acted have grossed a total of more than $1.7 billion within the United States, with an average of $67 million per film and total $4.0 billion worldwide. According to The Numbers, another box office revenue tracking website, films in which Schwarzenegger has acted have", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger filmography" }, { "docid": "17785", "text": "few days before on September 27, 1997. Schwarzenegger says it took seven or eight years before he found out that he had fathered a child with his housekeeper. It was not until the boy \"started looking like [him] ... that [he] put things together\". Schwarzenegger has taken financial responsibility for the child \"from the start and continued to provide support\". KNX 1070 radio reported that in 2010 he bought a new four-bedroom house with a pool for Baena and their son in Bakersfield, California. Baena separated from her husband, Rogelio, a few months after Joseph's birth. She filed for divorce", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17733", "text": "his sense of humor, separating him from more serious action hero films. He made a number of successful action films in the 1980s, such as \"Commando\" (1985), \"Raw Deal\" (1986), \"The Running Man\" (1987), \"Predator\" (1987), and \"Red Heat\" (1988). \"Twins\" (1988), a comedy with Danny DeVito, also proved successful. \"Total Recall\" (1990) netted Schwarzenegger $10 million and 15% of the film's gross. A science fiction script, the film was based on the Philip K. Dick short story \"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale\". \"Kindergarten Cop\" (1990) reunited him with director Ivan Reitman, who directed him in \"Twins\". Schwarzenegger", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17762", "text": "notice for any commutations. Núñez was released from prison after serving less than six years. During his initial campaign for governor, allegations of sexual and personal misconduct were raised against Schwarzenegger, dubbed \"Gropegate\". Within the last five days before the election, news reports appeared in the \"Los Angeles Times\" recounting allegations of sexual misconduct from several individual women, six of whom eventually came forward with their personal stories. Three of the women claimed he had grabbed their breasts, a fourth said he placed his hand under her skirt on her buttock. A fifth woman claimed Schwarzenegger tried to take off", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17771", "text": "and subsequently, the two joked about a Presidential ticket together. In October 2013, the \"New York Post\" reported that Schwarzenegger was exploring a future run for president. The former California governor would face a constitutional hurdle; Article II, Section I, Clause V nominally prevents individuals who are not natural-born citizens of the United States from assuming the office. He has reportedly been lobbying legislators about a possible constitutional change, or filing a legal challenge to the provision. Columbia University law professor Michael Dorf observed that Schwarzenegger's possible lawsuit could ultimately win him the right to run for the office, noting,", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "12471808", "text": "one of the many offshoots of the Arnold festival. The Arnold Sports Festival, founded in 1989 as the Arnold Classic and named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, was originally a bodybuilding contest. It featured a competition for men (Arnold Classic) and for women (Ms. International). The bodybuilding contests have since expanded to include a Fitness International and Figure International competition for women. However, the event had also expanded to include other sports and events, one of which was a strongman, introduced in late 2002. This Strongman event was created by a powerlifter named Dr. Terry Todd at the request of Arnold Schwarzenegger.", "title": "Arnold Strongman Classic" }, { "docid": "17717", "text": "at the age of 20. He would go on to win the title a further three times. Schwarzenegger then flew back to Munich, where he attended a business school and worked in a health club (Rolf Putziger's gym, where he worked and trained from 1966 to 1968), returning in 1968 to London to win his next Mr. Universe title. He frequently told Roger C. Field, his English coach and friend in Munich at that time, \"I'm going to become the greatest actor!\" Schwarzenegger, who dreamed of moving to the U.S. since the age of 10, and saw bodybuilding as the", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17716", "text": "also for guidance. At the time, I wasn't really aware of that. But now, looking back, I see that the Bennett family fulfilled all those needs. Especially my need to be the best in the world. To be recognized and to feel unique and special. They saw that I needed that care and attention and love.\" Also in 1966, while at Bennett's home, Schwarzenegger had the opportunity to meet childhood idol Reg Park, who became his friend and mentor. The training paid off and, in 1967, Schwarzenegger won the title for the first time, becoming the youngest ever Mr. Universe", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17768", "text": "prohibits large utilities and corporations in California from making long-term contracts with suppliers who do not meet the state's greenhouse gas emission standards. The two bills are part of a plan to reduce California's emissions by 25 percent to 1990s levels by 2020. In 2005, Schwarzenegger issued an executive order calling to reduce greenhouse gases to 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Schwarzenegger signed another executive order on October 17, 2006, allowing California to work with the Northeast's Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. They plan to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by issuing a limited amount of carbon credits to each", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17748", "text": "he describes himself as pro-choice, but supports a ban on partial-birth abortion and parental notification for minors. He supported gay rights, such as domestic partnerships, and he performed a same-sex marriage as Governor. Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy in the 2003 California recall election for Governor of California on the August 6, 2003, episode of \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\". Schwarzenegger had the most name recognition in a crowded field of candidates, but he had never held public office and his political views were unknown to most Californians. His candidacy immediately became national and international news, with media outlets dubbing", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17752", "text": "that \"no one could win if the opposition raised 160 million dollars to defeat you\". The U.S. Supreme Court later found the public employee unions' use of compulsory fundraising during the campaign had been illegal in \"Knox v. Service Employees International Union, Local 1000\". Schwarzenegger, against the advice of fellow Republican strategists, appointed a Democrat, Susan Kennedy, as his Chief of Staff. He gradually moved towards a more politically moderate position, determined to build a winning legacy with only a short time to go until the next gubernatorial election. Schwarzenegger ran for re-election against Democrat Phil Angelides, the California State", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "20596086", "text": "September 22, 2010, Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 1451, which would have established the Local Government Identification Act, authorizing counties to issue local identification cards (local ID cards) to persons providing proof of identity and proof of residency within the county. On September 23, 2010, Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 633, which would have required the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) to consider sexual orientation and gender identity when classifying inmates in order to prevent sexual violence. On September 25, 2010, Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 2340, which would have provided employees in California the right to take three days of", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights" }, { "docid": "14346264", "text": "in the UK. She had no comparable connection with any other jurisdiction. Thus, damage was presumed to that reputation in the UK and the UK was the proper venue. Richardson v Schwarzenegger Richardson v Schwarzenegger was an internet defamation case heard in the United Kingdom High Court of Justice (Queen’s Bench Division), on 29 October 2004. Claimant Anna Richardson, a prominent British television presenter, claimed to have been libeled in the 2 October 2003 issue of the \"Los Angeles Times\", which was available in print and online in the UK, as a result of statements made by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s then", "title": "Richardson v Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "2233190", "text": "son Meinhard died on 20 May 1971 in a car accident due to drunk driving. Schwarzenegger died of a stroke in Weiz, Steiermark, Austria on 13 December 1972 at the age of 65, where he had been transferred as a policeman. He is buried in Weiz Cemetery, Weiz, Steiermark, Austria. Aurelia Jadrny Schwarzenegger died of a heart attack at the age of 76 while visiting Weiz Cemetery in August 1998 and is buried next to her husband. His son, Arnold Schwarzenegger, stated in the film \"Pumping Iron\" that he did not attend his father's funeral, but later retracted this, explaining", "title": "Gustav Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17730", "text": "developing his acting career: \"It was very difficult for me in the beginning – I was told by agents and casting people that my body was 'too weird', that I had a funny accent, and that my name was too long. You name it, and they told me I had to change it. Basically, everywhere I turned, I was told that I had no chance.\" Schwarzenegger drew attention and boosted his profile in the bodybuilding film \"Pumping Iron\" (1977), elements of which were dramatized; in 1991, he purchased the rights to the film, its outtakes, and associated still photography. In", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "14346258", "text": "Richardson v Schwarzenegger Richardson v Schwarzenegger was an internet defamation case heard in the United Kingdom High Court of Justice (Queen’s Bench Division), on 29 October 2004. Claimant Anna Richardson, a prominent British television presenter, claimed to have been libeled in the 2 October 2003 issue of the \"Los Angeles Times\", which was available in print and online in the UK, as a result of statements made by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s then gubernatorial campaign manager. One key issue in this case was to determine the appropriate venue: Can a suit be brought before a United Kingdom jurisdiction for statements made by", "title": "Richardson v Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17735", "text": "next film, the comedy drama \"True Lies\" (1994), was a popular spy film and saw Schwarzenegger reunited with James Cameron. That same year, the comedy \"Junior\" was released, the last of Schwarzenegger's three collaborations with Ivan Reitman and again co-starring Danny DeVito. This film brought him his second Golden Globe nomination, this time for Best Actor – Motion Picture Musical or Comedy. It was followed by the action thriller \"Eraser\" (1996), the Christmas comedy \"Jingle All The Way\" (1996), and the comic book-based \"Batman & Robin\" (1997), in which he played the villain Mr. Freeze. This was his final film", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" }, { "docid": "17746", "text": "President George H. W. Bush at a campaign rally. Schwarzenegger's first political appointment was as chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, on which he served from 1990 to 1993. He was nominated by George H. W. Bush, who dubbed him \"Conan the Republican\". He later served as chairman for the California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports under Governor Pete Wilson. Between 1993 and 1994, Schwarzenegger was a Red Cross ambassador (a ceremonial role fulfilled by celebrities), recording several television and radio public service announcements to donate blood. In an interview with \"Talk\" magazine in", "title": "Arnold Schwarzenegger" } ]
Which musical featured the song Thank Heaven for Little Girls?
[ "Gigi", "GiGi" ]
[ { "docid": "11471389", "text": "French accent, Peter Sellers. In the \"Happy Days\" Season 5 episode \"Be My Valentine\" (February 14, 1978), a then-18-year-old Scott Baio sang it as part of a series of musical numbers commemorating Valentine's Day. In the 1997 film \"Wag the Dog\", the song performed by Chevalier is used as backdrop for an election campaign ad. Thank Heaven for Little Girls \"Thank Heaven for Little Girls\" is a 1957 song written by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe and associated with its original performer, Maurice Chevalier. It opened and closed the 1958 film \"Gigi\". Alfred Drake performed the song in the", "title": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" }, { "docid": "11471387", "text": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls \"Thank Heaven for Little Girls\" is a 1957 song written by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe and associated with its original performer, Maurice Chevalier. It opened and closed the 1958 film \"Gigi\". Alfred Drake performed the song in the 1973 Broadway stage production of \"Gigi\", though in the 2015 revival, it was sung as a duet between Victoria Clark and Dee Hoty. The Chevalier version is often regarded as the definitive version of the song; he recorded it in 1958. In 2004, it finished at #56 on AFI's 100 Years...100 Songs survey of top", "title": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" }, { "docid": "694727", "text": "Fair Lady\" and \"Camelot\". \"Gigi\" was a box-office and critical success which won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture. From it came several hit songs, including \"Thank Heaven For Little Girls\", \"I Remember It Well\", the \"Waltz at Maxim's\", and the Oscar-winning title song. The film was the last MGM musical to win a Best Picture Oscar, an honor that had previously gone to \"The Broadway Melody\" (1929), \"The Great Ziegfeld\" (1936), and \"An American in Paris\" (1951). The very last musical film produced by the \"Freed Unit\" was an adaptation of the Broadway musical \"Bells Are Ringing\" (1960) with", "title": "Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer" } ]
[ { "docid": "12693981", "text": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls (album) Thank Heaven for Little Girls is an album by Dwarves released via Sub Pop in 1991. Lyricism of \"Thank Heaven for Little Girls\" ranges from the macabre deaths of young ladies of the night in \"Blag the Ripper\" (inspired by the historical Jack the Ripper), to befriending Satan in \"Satan,\" and to general selfishness in \"Anybody But Me.\" The song title of \"Dairy Queen\" is inspired by being stranded at a local Dairy Queen restaurant in Missouri. David Sprague of \"Trouser Press\" described the album as a \"water-treading\" release, and noted the band's shift", "title": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls (album)" }, { "docid": "12693982", "text": "to a metal-punk sound. Mark Prindle commented on the increased influence of 1960s garage rock. Matt Carlson of Allmusic stated that the album \"reins in the disgust of Blood Guts & Pussy, as the Dwarves kick back for a celebration of pure evil\". Thank Heaven for Little Girls (album) Thank Heaven for Little Girls is an album by Dwarves released via Sub Pop in 1991. Lyricism of \"Thank Heaven for Little Girls\" ranges from the macabre deaths of young ladies of the night in \"Blag the Ripper\" (inspired by the historical Jack the Ripper), to befriending Satan in \"Satan,\" and", "title": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls (album)" }, { "docid": "19121624", "text": "Thank God for Girls (song) \"Thank God for Girls\" is a song by American rock band Weezer. The song was released on October 26, 2015. The release of the song was accompanied by a lyric video which prominently features the cannoli mentioned in the song's first verse. After two days of radio airplay, \"Thank God for Girls\" was ranked as the most-added song of the week on alternative radio stations in the United States. It impacted more than twice as many stations as the next most-added song, The 1975's \"Love Me.\" The official music video was released on November 16,", "title": "Thank God for Girls (song)" }, { "docid": "19121625", "text": "2015. Prior to this, a lyric video for the song was posted to Weezer's VEVO channel on October 25, 2015, a day prior to the song's official release. It was directed by Scantron Films, a production company whose credits also include the music video for Fall Out Boy's \"Uma Thurman.\" Thank God for Girls (song) \"Thank God for Girls\" is a song by American rock band Weezer. The song was released on October 26, 2015. The release of the song was accompanied by a lyric video which prominently features the cannoli mentioned in the song's first verse. After two days", "title": "Thank God for Girls (song)" }, { "docid": "14848659", "text": "The Little Girls The Little Girls was a novelty band by the sisters Caron Maso (guitar, vocals) and Michele Maso (vocals) from San Fernando Valley in the early 1980s. They had two hits, \"The Earthquake Song\" and \"How to Pick Up Girls\". Both of these songs were hits on KROQ, a new wave radio station based in Los Angeles. They opened for many well-known acts such as The Call, The Plimsouls, The Boomtown Rats, Billy Idol, Janis Ian, and The Pretenders. Their LP \"Thank Heaven\" was released in 1983. The music video for \"How to Pick Up Girls\" was one", "title": "The Little Girls" }, { "docid": "7967122", "text": "tour. It was the opening track in the four-song musical, which also included \"I Wonder (Departure)\", \"I'm a Marionette\" and \"Get on the Carousel\". The first three songs from the musical were featured on \"ABBA: The Album\"; the latter remains unreleased. \"Thank You for the Music\" is better known in its own right today. \"Gracias por la Música\" is the Spanish-language recording of \"Thank You for the Music\", with lyrics by Buddy and Mary McCluskey. The B-side was the Spanish-language version of \"Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)\" entitled \"¡Dame! ¡Dame! ¡Dame!\". The song was released in 1980 to", "title": "Thank You for the Music" }, { "docid": "6161911", "text": "Thank You for Being a Friend \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" is a song written by Andrew Gold, who recorded it for his third album, \"All This and Heaven Too\". The song reached number 25 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in 1978. On the \"Cash Box\" chart, \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" spent two weeks at #11. The song was later re-recorded by Cynthia Fee (also known for her work with Kenny Rogers) to serve as the theme song for the NBC sitcom \"The Golden Girls\", and recorded again for the series' CBS spin-off \"The Golden Palace\".", "title": "Thank You for Being a Friend" }, { "docid": "16595867", "text": "Jerry Shirley. \"Thank God for Girls\" was originally released on vinyl in America and France only. Prior to the album's release, a limited edition four-track 12\" vinyl sampler was released, featuring the tracks \"All for a Reason\", \"Thank God for Girls\", \"I Started a Joke\" and \"Timeless\". The release was advertised as a \"Pre-Release Limited Edition Collector's EP\" and was pressed on yellow colored vinyl. The album remained out-of-print for many years. Later, Warrior Records issued the album for the first time on CD. Thank God for Girls (album) Thank God for Girls is the 1978 debut studio album from", "title": "Thank God for Girls (album)" }, { "docid": "7967121", "text": "at Glen Studio after a complete alternate version (known as \"Thank You for the Music\" (Doris Day version)) was recorded on 2 June 1977 at Marcus Music Studio. The Doris Day version was first released on a box set of the same name on October 31, 1994. Agnetha Fältskog performed the lead vocals, with Anni-Frid Lyngstad joining in on the chorus. \"Thank You for the Music\" was intended to form part of a \"mini-musical\" called \"The Girl with the Golden Hair\" (a phrase which is featured in the song) that songwriters Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson included in ABBA's 1977", "title": "Thank You for the Music" }, { "docid": "6789243", "text": "ends with Abe walking on a beach (probably heaven) that is identical to the beach featured in the insurance company's commercial shown earlier in the film, as the credits roll. A Little Trip to Heaven A Little Trip to Heaven is a 2005 Icelandic-American noir-inspired thriller film directed by Baltasar Kormákur. It is set in 1985 United States, but almost entirely shot in Iceland. Icelandic musician Mugison composed and performed the soundtrack, except for the song \"A Little Trip to Heaven,\" which is originally by Tom Waits. Mugison performs the Waits song on the soundtrack. The very beginning of the", "title": "A Little Trip to Heaven" }, { "docid": "16595865", "text": "Thank God for Girls (album) Thank God for Girls is the 1978 debut studio album from American singer Benny Mardones. In 1977, Mardones met Richie Havens at Woodstock, who was impressed with the singer and offered him the slot of opening act on his upcoming tour. During the tour, Mardones caught the attention of producer Andrew Loog Oldham and the President of Private Stock Records, Larry Utall. A record contract was offered and Mardones ended up signing with Private Stock Records. Produced by Oldham, Mardones recorded his debut \"Thank God for Girls\" for the label. It was released in 1978,", "title": "Thank God for Girls (album)" }, { "docid": "11471388", "text": "tunes in American cinema. In the mid-1990s, a contemporary take on the song was recorded by the Seattle-based alternative band Ruby for a Mountain Dew commercial in the United States. This recording was later repurposed by PepsiCo for their Pepsi Max brand in the UK. Bing Crosby recorded the song for his radio show in 1960 and it was subsequently released on the CD \"Songs I Wish I Had Sung the First Time Around...\" (2014). It has also been performed by Rosemary Clooney, Perry Como, Gérard Depardieu, Merle Haggard, Hugh Hefner, The King Brothers, Ed McMahon, and in his faux", "title": "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" }, { "docid": "7967119", "text": "Thank You for the Music \"Thank You for the Music\" is a song by the Swedish pop group ABBA. It was originally featured on the group's fifth studio album \"\" (1977), and was released as a single on 6 November 1983, to promote the Epic Records compilation album of the same name (similar compilations were released in other countries). The song \"Our Last Summer\", which was originally featured on the group's seventh studio album \"Super Trouper\" (1980), was the B-side. The song was simultaneously released in Ireland (as Epic were the licensees for both UK and Ireland), and later released", "title": "Thank You for the Music" }, { "docid": "13027146", "text": "an unofficial sequel to 1939's \"The Under-Pup\", featuring several cast members from that film, but as different characters. The group of girls in \"The Under-Pup\" was called \"The Penguins\", and Gloria Jean sings the group's song early in this film. A Little Bit of Heaven (1940 film) A Little Bit of Heaven is a 1940 musical film starring teenage soprano singer Gloria Jean. The story casts Gloria as a young member of a large Irish working-class family who becomes a singing sensation on a local radio station. The family's new-found wealth causes some discord until the family realizes that their", "title": "A Little Bit of Heaven (1940 film)" }, { "docid": "9440750", "text": "song \"P-P-P-Please\" that featured in the Leeds run was cut from the West End Production. Bad Girls: The Musical was released on Region 4 DVD in Australia on 12 January 2009. It was later released in the United Kingdom on Region 2 DVD on 9 February 2009. The DVD is now available to view on demand through Vimeo.com and also through Amazon (in the US, Germany, Japan and the UK). Bad Girls: The Musical Bad Girls: The Musical is a musical with a book by Maureen Chadwick and Ann McManus and music and lyrics by Kath Gotts. It is based", "title": "Bad Girls: The Musical" }, { "docid": "19258412", "text": "An English language concept recording was released on Global Vision Records, featuring Linda Eder, Rob Evan and Christiane Noll. The musical premiered in South Korea in 2011 at the National Theater in Seoul. Directed by Gabriel Barre, the cast featured Junsu and Brad Little. Tears of Heaven (musical) Tears from Heaven is a musical with a book by Phoebe Hwang, lyrics by Robin Lerner, and music by Frank Wildhorn. It is set during the Vietnam War. Vietnam, 1968: A love triangle between a beautiful Vietnamese singer, a Korean private, and an American Colonel set against the backdrop of the days", "title": "Tears of Heaven (musical)" }, { "docid": "15920966", "text": "Three Little Girls in Blue Three Little Girls in Blue is a 1946 Technicolor musical film directed by H. Bruce Humberstone and starring June Haver along with George Montgomery, Vivian Blaine, Celeste Holm, and Vera-Ellen. The 20th Century-Fox film was adapted from Guy Bolton's 1938 play \"Three Blind Mice\" and featured songs with music by Josef Myrow and lyrics by Mack Gordon. The score is notable for the first appearance of the classic song \"You Make Me Feel So Young\" later popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1956. In 1902 Red Bank, New Jersey, sisters of modest means Pam (June Haver),", "title": "Three Little Girls in Blue" }, { "docid": "6161916", "text": "to write.\" The chorus of the song is sampled in Rachel Platten's song of the same name on of \"\". Thank You for Being a Friend \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" is a song written by Andrew Gold, who recorded it for his third album, \"All This and Heaven Too\". The song reached number 25 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart in 1978. On the \"Cash Box\" chart, \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" spent two weeks at #11. The song was later re-recorded by Cynthia Fee (also known for her work with Kenny Rogers) to serve as the", "title": "Thank You for Being a Friend" }, { "docid": "6131841", "text": "Thank You for the Venom \"Thank You for the Venom\" is the second single and ninth track from My Chemical Romance's second studio album, \"Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge\". It was released as an airplay single in Europe. It is also My Chemical Romance's fourth single. The song peaked at number 71 in the UK. The song was released in limited edition red vinyl and has long been out of print. It was featured in \"\" for PSP. The opening line \"\"Sister I'm not much a poet/but a criminal\"\" is a reference to the Morrissey song Sister I'm A Poet.", "title": "Thank You for the Venom" }, { "docid": "15357798", "text": "Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere) \"Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)\" is a song written by Jim Steinman. It was first performed by Pandora's Box on their album \"Original Sin\" (1989). Group member Holly Sherwood performed lead vocals. Like many Jim Steinman song titles, this song's title appears to be derived from a popular expression or figure of speech. \"Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere\" made its way into popular culture through entertainer Mae West and also Helen Gurley Brown, author of the popular book \"Sex and the Single", "title": "Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)" }, { "docid": "19917601", "text": "featured in the musical, was released on digital music platforms. A music video for the holiday song was also released. Marilyn Stasio, in her review for \"Variety\" wrote: \"Fey has front-loaded the show with great gags...Nell Benjamin’s lyrics aren’t half as clever as Fey’s off-the-cuff wisecracks, but they get the job done and are quirky enough to make you listen hard for the good stuff, providing enough payoff lyrics to reward your attention... Fans of the original movie should be reassured that nothing important has been purged from the story.\" Mean Girls (musical) Mean Girls is a musical with music", "title": "Mean Girls (musical)" }, { "docid": "5149056", "text": "titled \"Thank You, Little Girl\", the song was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney as a tribute to the band's many female fans. McCartney said, \"We knew that if we wrote a song called, 'Thank You Girl', that a lot of the girls who wrote us fan letters would take it as a genuine 'thank you'. So a lot of our songs were directly addressed to the fans.\" Written “eyeball to eyeball\", a phrase Lennon and McCartney would later use to describe their early formulaic writing sessions, \"Thank You Girl\" demonstrates how they were able to produce a song", "title": "Thank You Girl" }, { "docid": "17315556", "text": "Little Bit of Heaven \"Little Bit of Heaven\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1993 album, \"So Natural\". It was released as the second proper single in the United Kingdom on 29 November 1993 and in other European countries in March 1994. The song was written by Stansfield and her husband Ian Devaney, and produced by Devaney. An accompanying music video, directed by Marcus Raboy, was also released. The CD single included \"Gonna Try It Anyway,\" which was available on the Japanese edition of \"So Natural\" only, and remixes of \"Little Bit of Heaven\" created", "title": "Little Bit of Heaven" }, { "docid": "15357800", "text": "doesn't appear in this video. Instead, a female dancer lip-syncs to her vocals. The song was recorded by Meat Loaf for \"\", which was also produced by Steinman. The album contained two tracks from the album \"Original Sin\", the other being \"It Just Won't Quit\". The main guitar melody of this version was reused in the instrumental track on Bat II, \"Back into Hell\". It was also the main melody of \"Carpe Noctem\" from the Steinman musical \"Tanz Der Vampire\" (which Meat also recorded as \"Seize the Night\" on \"\", leaving the melody intact). Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad", "title": "Good Girls Go to Heaven (Bad Girls Go Everywhere)" }, { "docid": "16579183", "text": "All This and Heaven Too (album) All This and Heaven Too is the third album by singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist Andrew Gold, released in 1978 on Asylum Records. It includes the hit singles \"Never Let Her Slip Away\" (a no. 5 entry on the UK Singles Chart) and \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" (a no. 25 entry on the \"Billboard\" singles chart). \"All This and Heaven Too\" reached the British Top Five in the albums chart in 1978. \"Thank You for Being a Friend\" later gained popularity as the theme song for \"The Golden Girls,\" though it was performed by Cynthia \"Cindy\"", "title": "All This and Heaven Too (album)" }, { "docid": "6131842", "text": "The vinyl version contains a live cover of Jack The Ripper, also originally by Morrissey. Thank You for the Venom \"Thank You for the Venom\" is the second single and ninth track from My Chemical Romance's second studio album, \"Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge\". It was released as an airplay single in Europe. It is also My Chemical Romance's fourth single. The song peaked at number 71 in the UK. The song was released in limited edition red vinyl and has long been out of print. It was featured in \"\" for PSP. The opening line \"\"Sister I'm not much", "title": "Thank You for the Venom" }, { "docid": "14682383", "text": "the video. \"Thank God for Believers\" debuted at number 69 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the chart week of August 2, 1997. Thank God for Believers (song) \"Thank God for Believers\" is a song co-written by Mark Alan Springer, Roger Springer and Tim Johnson and was recorded by the American country music singer Mark Chesnutt. It was released in July 1997 as the title track and first single from his album \"Thank God for Believers\". It peaked at number 2 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and number 7 on the", "title": "Thank God for Believers (song)" }, { "docid": "6789234", "text": "A Little Trip to Heaven A Little Trip to Heaven is a 2005 Icelandic-American noir-inspired thriller film directed by Baltasar Kormákur. It is set in 1985 United States, but almost entirely shot in Iceland. Icelandic musician Mugison composed and performed the soundtrack, except for the song \"A Little Trip to Heaven,\" which is originally by Tom Waits. Mugison performs the Waits song on the soundtrack. The very beginning of the film, before the opening credits, shows a new widow sitting in a life insurance office. Expecting to be compensated for her husband's death, the widow is informed that she is", "title": "A Little Trip to Heaven" }, { "docid": "13027145", "text": "A Little Bit of Heaven (1940 film) A Little Bit of Heaven is a 1940 musical film starring teenage soprano singer Gloria Jean. The story casts Gloria as a young member of a large Irish working-class family who becomes a singing sensation on a local radio station. The family's new-found wealth causes some discord until the family realizes that their closeness is what they value the most. The film's title comes from a traditional Irish song that Gloria Jean sings at a family gathering. Her 2005 biography is similarly titled: \"Gloria Jean: A Little Bit of Heaven\". The film is", "title": "A Little Bit of Heaven (1940 film)" }, { "docid": "20637161", "text": "by Bryan Perri, sound design by Jonathan Deans and orchestration by Tom Kitt. In addition to music from the show's namesake album, there are other selections from Morissette's catalog featured in the show, such as the Grammy-winning singles \"Uninvited\" and \"Thank U\", and the lesser-known \"That I Would Be Good\" and \"No\". Morissette also wrote two new songs for the musical, \"Smiling\" and \"Predator\". (Despite it sharing the title and music with the album, it has no other connections to the album.) Inspired by the themes and emotions from Morissette's album, the musical \"Jagged Little Pill\" deals with pain, healing,", "title": "Jagged Little Pill (musical)" }, { "docid": "895909", "text": "Strange Little Girls Strange Little Girls is a concept album released by singer-songwriter Tori Amos in 2001. The album's 12 tracks are covers of songs written and originally performed by men, reinterpreted by Amos from a female's point of view. Amos created female personae for each track (one song featured twins) and was photographed as each, with makeup done by Kevyn Aucoin. In the United States the album was issued with four alternative covers depicting Amos as the characters singing \"Happiness Is a Warm Gun\", \"Strange Little Girl\", \"Time,\" and \"Raining Blood\". A fifth cover of the \"I Don't Like", "title": "Strange Little Girls" }, { "docid": "17315558", "text": "the entire heaven be like, is the question that arises on hearing this danceable soul song. May it turn the world into paradise for the four minutes that it takes.\" European 7\" single / Japanese CD single European CD single European 12\" single Little Bit of Heaven \"Little Bit of Heaven\" is a song recorded by British singer Lisa Stansfield for her 1993 album, \"So Natural\". It was released as the second proper single in the United Kingdom on 29 November 1993 and in other European countries in March 1994. The song was written by Stansfield and her husband Ian", "title": "Little Bit of Heaven" }, { "docid": "7960202", "text": "2007. Among the highlights of the album is \"Family First,\" the first-ever recording by the Houston Family -- Whitney Houston, Dionne Warwick, and Cissy Houston. The song \"Can't Let You Go\" by Anthony Hamilton is not on the soundtrack. Also, the song \"Beautiful\" by Meshell Ndegeocello is featured in the movie. Daddy's Little Girls Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls is a 2007 American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Tyler Perry and produced by Perry and Reuben Cannon. It stars Gabrielle Union and Idris Elba. The film was released on February 14, 2007 by Lions Gate Entertainment. This is", "title": "Daddy's Little Girls" }, { "docid": "14682381", "text": "Thank God for Believers (song) \"Thank God for Believers\" is a song co-written by Mark Alan Springer, Roger Springer and Tim Johnson and was recorded by the American country music singer Mark Chesnutt. It was released in July 1997 as the title track and first single from his album \"Thank God for Believers\". It peaked at number 2 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart and number 7 on the Canadian \"RPM\" Country Tracks chart. The narrator describes his lover, who is a very spiritual woman. He tells the audience about her strong faith and how she", "title": "Thank God for Believers (song)" }, { "docid": "9440749", "text": "Girls\" feature in the West End musical, with Helen Fraser as Sylvia \"Bodybag\" Hollamby and Maria Charles as Noreen Biggs reprising their original roles from the television series. Nicole Faraday, who plays Shell Dockley in the musical, played Snowball Merriman in Series 4 and 5 of \"Bad Girls\" and Laura Rogers, who plays the part of Wing Governor Helen Stewart played the role of drug addict inmate, Sheena Williams in Series 7. This is the final song list for the production at the Garrick Theatre which differs slightly to the try out at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. For example, the", "title": "Bad Girls: The Musical" }, { "docid": "7967123", "text": "promote the band's Spanish-language album/compilation \"Gracias Por La Música\". It was the group's seventh best-selling Spanish single, and also peaked at number 4 in Argentina. \"Thank You for the Music\" also formed part of \"\" which featured studio recordings of selected songs from the then newly released album \"\". The song is included in the final scenes as the hapless journalist finally gets to broadcast his ABBA radio special, including an interview, on Australian radio. The song is accompanied by footage of a studio recording session, a live stage performance and a mimed studio performance by the four members of", "title": "Thank You for the Music" }, { "docid": "20959111", "text": "Lux Davis listened to a demo for \"Thank U, Next\", in which she praised the song. Because of this, both Davis and Grande started coming up with concepts for the video, bringing up their love for films such as \"Mean Girls\" and \"Bring It On\". Production began immediately from the release of the \"Breathin\" video. Grande began teasing the music video on her Instagram account on November 20, with images of her and her friends alongside quotes from the film \"Mean Girls\". Later that day, she shared more images with references to the movie \"Legally Blonde\", including a photo with", "title": "Thank U, Next (song)" }, { "docid": "6370755", "text": "Springfield in which West End Girls will duet with Magnus Carlson from Weeping Willows) and \"Little Black Dress\" (a Pet Shop Boys written song that was due to be included in their 2001 musical Closer to Heaven but was not used and has not been released) . \"Little Black Dress\" was eventually released in February 2009 . \"What Have I Done to Deserve This?\" has been remixed by producer Nathan Heinze as an electro club mix . West End Girls debut album is called \"Goes Petshopping\" and it was released on June 7, 2006. In Japan, the album is called", "title": "West End Girls (Swedish band)" }, { "docid": "19937114", "text": "and Mike Stoller, originally directly for The Coasters. The band recorded it in the same recording session as \"Little Egypt\". The song didn't do much for the band's popularity, it reached number 96 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. Presley recorded it on Tuesday, March 27, 1962 during his March 26–28 soundtrack recordings for the Paramount movie \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\" at the Radio Recorders studio in Hollywood, California. In 1965 the song was covered by English band The Fourmost. 7\" single (Atco 6024, August 1961) 7\" EP (RCA Victor 3-20698, Spain, 1963) Girls! Girls! Girls! (song) \"Girls, Girls, Girls\", or \"Girls!", "title": "Girls! Girls! Girls! (song)" }, { "docid": "19937113", "text": "Girls! Girls! Girls! (song) \"Girls, Girls, Girls\", or \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\", is a song written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller. It was originally recorded by The Coasters, who released it as a single in August 1961. The Coasters were also the original performers of another Elvis Presley recording, \"Little Egypt\". Elvis Presley recorded his version as part of the soundtrack for his 1962 motion picture \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\". Its first LP release was on the eponymous soundtrack album in November 1962. In selected countries, it was also released on an eponymous EP. The song was written by Jerry Leiber", "title": "Girls! Girls! Girls! (song)" }, { "docid": "7967125", "text": "inclusion on \"ABBA: The Album\" and \"Greatest Hits Vol.2\" (both of which topped the UK charts), as well as being performed by the band during their world tours, it can be said that \"Thank You for the Music\" had been heard by fans and the like many times up to this point. The title itself is often also taken to signal the end of ABBA, leading it to be considered a farewell song. In the Netherlands, the song peaked at number 38, but in France it could only manage number 58. ABBA Thank You for the Music \"Thank You for", "title": "Thank You for the Music" }, { "docid": "17315557", "text": "by David Morales, Pete Heller, Terry Farley, Roach Motel, Paul Waller and Seamus Haji. The song reached number thirty-two in the United Kingdom. In 1994, Arista Records released in Japan a special CD maxi single \"Marvellous & Mine Natural Selection\" which included remixes form the \"So Natural\" era. In 2003, \"Little Bit of Heaven\" was included on \"\". In 2014, the remixes of \"Little Bit of Heaven\" were included on the deluxe 2CD + DVD re-release of \"So Natural\" (also on \"The Collection 1989–2003\"). It received positive reviews from music critics. \"Music & Media\" wrote about the song: \"What would", "title": "Little Bit of Heaven" }, { "docid": "7135817", "text": "single theater, which was 10.4% of its total gross. It cost approximately $1 million to make, funded by HBO. 4 Little Girls 4 Little Girls is a 1997 American historical documentary film about the 15 September 1963 murder of four African-American girls (Addie May Collins, Carol Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Rosamond Robertson) in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. It was directed by Spike Lee and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary. The events inspired the 1964 song \"Birmingham Sunday\" by Richard and Mimi Fariña. The song was used in the opening sequence of", "title": "4 Little Girls" }, { "docid": "15920976", "text": "The industry paper \"Film Daily\" also discounted the story but praised the score and the production; this review, too, took note of the performances of Holm and Vera-Ellen. Three Little Girls in Blue Three Little Girls in Blue is a 1946 Technicolor musical film directed by H. Bruce Humberstone and starring June Haver along with George Montgomery, Vivian Blaine, Celeste Holm, and Vera-Ellen. The 20th Century-Fox film was adapted from Guy Bolton's 1938 play \"Three Blind Mice\" and featured songs with music by Josef Myrow and lyrics by Mack Gordon. The score is notable for the first appearance of the", "title": "Three Little Girls in Blue" }, { "docid": "12202005", "text": "The Number One Song in Heaven \"The Number One Song in Heaven\" is a disco song by the American rock duo Sparks. Released as a single in 1979, the song was produced and co-written by electro-disco producer Giorgio Moroder. It became a top 20 hit in the UK, where it peaked at number 14. In addition to the standard black vinyl, both the 7\" and 12\" versions of the single were issued in a variety of coloured vinyl releases (red, blue, and green). Sparks rerecorded the song in 1997, one version of which featured vocals by Jimmy Somerville and orchestrations", "title": "The Number One Song in Heaven" }, { "docid": "7135806", "text": "4 Little Girls 4 Little Girls is a 1997 American historical documentary film about the 15 September 1963 murder of four African-American girls (Addie May Collins, Carol Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Rosamond Robertson) in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. It was directed by Spike Lee and nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary. The events inspired the 1964 song \"Birmingham Sunday\" by Richard and Mimi Fariña. The song was used in the opening sequence of the film, as sung by Joan Baez, Mimi's sister. \"4 Little Girls\" premiered Wednesday, June 25, 1997 at the", "title": "4 Little Girls" }, { "docid": "17732141", "text": "for you / No heaven couldn't wait for you / So go on, go home\" is continuously repeated. BET'a Latifah Muhammad described Beyoncé's vocal rendition as \"heartbreaking yet optimistic\". \"Heaven\" closes with a spoken 20-second snippet outro of the Lord's Prayer () recited in Spanish by Melissa Vargas, the singer's brand manager. Many critics noted how the song may have been inspired by the singer's miscarriage. Clare Lobenfeld from \"Complex\" magazine concluded that the song featured Beyoncé's coping mechanisms for the loss of her child, which included using humor to hide pain. According to \"Spin\" writer Anupa Mistry, it is", "title": "Heaven (Beyoncé song)" }, { "docid": "9853501", "text": "Too Many Girls (musical) Too Many Girls is a Broadway musical comedy which was adapted for a 1940 film version starring Lucille Ball. The original Broadway production is noteworthy advancing the career of musician Desi Arnaz. The music was composed by Richard Rodgers, the lyrics by Lorenz Hart, and the book was by George Marion, Jr. \"Too Many Girls\" opened on Broadway on October 18, 1939, at the Imperial Theatre, running to April 21, 1940, and transferred to the Broadway Theatre on April 22, 1940, closing on May 18, 1940. The cast featured Desi Arnaz, Diosa Costello, Marcy Westcott, Eddie", "title": "Too Many Girls (musical)" }, { "docid": "6610387", "text": "40 Greatest Led Zeppelin Songs of All Time\". In November 2017, \"Thank You\" was ranked number 28 on Fuse's list of \"35 Thank You Songs\". Thank You (Led Zeppelin song) \"Thank You\" is a song by the English rock band Led Zeppelin from their second studio album \"Led Zeppelin II\" (1969). It was written by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, and produced by Page. \"Thank You\" signaled a deeper involvement in songwriting by singer Robert Plant: it was the first Led Zeppelin song for which he wrote all the lyrics. According to various Led Zeppelin biographies, this is also the", "title": "Thank You (Led Zeppelin song)" }, { "docid": "8600075", "text": "Kiely Williams and Raven-Symoné also have some solo verses and lead the chorus with Bailon. Symoné and Williams also sing some ad-libs When live, Bailon, Bryan and Williams took Symoné's parts. All 3 girls sings the chorus. The Cheetah Girls did not shoot a video for the single because the song was from their new movie The Cheetah Girls 2 and was used to promote the movie. Because of that, the video for the song features clips from the movie and the girls dancing, singing and running through the streets of Barcelona which is also a clip from the movie/musical.", "title": "Strut (The Cheetah Girls song)" }, { "docid": "6610383", "text": "Thank You (Led Zeppelin song) \"Thank You\" is a song by the English rock band Led Zeppelin from their second studio album \"Led Zeppelin II\" (1969). It was written by Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, and produced by Page. \"Thank You\" signaled a deeper involvement in songwriting by singer Robert Plant: it was the first Led Zeppelin song for which he wrote all the lyrics. According to various Led Zeppelin biographies, this is also the song that made Jimmy Page realise that Plant could now handle writing the majority of the lyrics for the band's songs. Plant wrote the song", "title": "Thank You (Led Zeppelin song)" }, { "docid": "9532649", "text": "and Dante's \"Inferno\". The most remarkable element is probably the 67-foot tall rotating globe on top of which the singer stands in the last part of the video clip. The outfit that Mercury wears in this music video is quite similar to the outfit worn in the music video for Queen song \"Radio Ga Ga\". Made in Heaven (song) \"Made in Heaven\" is the third single recorded by Freddie Mercury, and his fourth release as a solo artist. Originally featured in Mercury's debut album, the song was slightly edited and published as a 45rpm paired with \"She Blows Hot and", "title": "Made in Heaven (song)" }, { "docid": "20959086", "text": "joked about their broken engagement on \"Saturday Night Live\". The following day, Grande tweeted more lyrics revealed that they indeed belong to a track named \"Thank U, Next\", which she described was lyrically and conceptually the opposite of her \"Dangerous Woman\" track \"Knew Better\". The singer also revealed \"Thank U, Next\" would serve as her fifth album's name, which she had been teasing for months on Twitter. The song was released on November 3, 2018, without any prior official announcement or promotion. \"Thank U, Next\" is a self-empowerment R&B and pop song that mentions many of Grande's past relationships. It", "title": "Thank U, Next (song)" }, { "docid": "15630674", "text": "Two Little Girls in Blue Two Little Girls in Blue is a musical theatre work composed by Paul Lannin and Vincent Youmans, with lyrics by Ira Gershwin (under the pseudonym \"Arthur Francis\") and a libretto by Fred Jackson. The musical premiered at the George M. Cohan's Theatre on Broadway on May 3, 1921. The first \"conference\" for the show was held at the Garden City Hotel, where Lannin worked as a chef. According to Gershwin, \"His father wanted him to learn every phase of the hotel business, which didn't include composing.\" A.L. Erlanger was brought in as producer, though Youmans", "title": "Two Little Girls in Blue" }, { "docid": "9532647", "text": "Made in Heaven (song) \"Made in Heaven\" is the third single recorded by Freddie Mercury, and his fourth release as a solo artist. Originally featured in Mercury's debut album, the song was slightly edited and published as a 45rpm paired with \"She Blows Hot and Cold\", described on the record sleeve as 'A Brand New Track'. The single reached #57 on the UK Singles Chart. After Mercury's death, the song's title gave the name to Queen's 1995 posthumous album \"Made in Heaven\". The song was also chosen, along with \"I Was Born to Love You\", to be re-recorded for the", "title": "Made in Heaven (song)" }, { "docid": "12644805", "text": "Sales in 1994, and #21 in the Hot Rap Singles in 1995. In 2006, German singer Joy Denalane recorded a completely reworked version of the song, under the title \"Heaven or Hell\", featuring Raekwon, for her album \"Born & Raised\". The song also featured on the soundtrack to the 1994 film \"Fresh\" by Boaz Yakin. Heaven & Hell (Raekwon song) \"Heaven & Hell\" is the solo debut single by Wu-Tang Clan rapper Raekwon, released as the lead single from his solo debut album \"Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...\". It features fellow Wu-Tang Clan member Ghostface Killah and backing vocals from", "title": "Heaven & Hell (Raekwon song)" }, { "docid": "12202006", "text": "by Tony Visconti. This version peaked at number 70 in the UK, but was slightly more successful on the U.S. Billboard Dance Chart where it became a top 30 hit. The song was featured in the closing credits of the 2013 film \"\". Original release (1979) 1997 rerecording The Number One Song in Heaven \"The Number One Song in Heaven\" is a disco song by the American rock duo Sparks. Released as a single in 1979, the song was produced and co-written by electro-disco producer Giorgio Moroder. It became a top 20 hit in the UK, where it peaked at", "title": "The Number One Song in Heaven" }, { "docid": "14848660", "text": "of the first to air on MTV. In 2004 the band reunited for a one-time-only show in Santa Monica, CA. The lyrics of The Earthquake Song appears in bestselling novel \"Less Than Zero\" by Bret Easton Ellis, and the song itself has been covered by Happy Accident in 2003 and The Excessories in 2001. It was also the introduction song for ABC's 1994 documentary World of Discovery (Earthquakes: The Terrifying Truth) hosted by Martin Sheen. Although not as popular in their own time as now, their two hits are now included in compilations of 80s songs. The Little Girls The", "title": "The Little Girls" }, { "docid": "7325760", "text": "Thank You (Dido song) \"Thank You\" is a song written and performed by English singer-songwriter Dido. The song made its first appearance in 1998, on the soundtrack of the movie \"Sliding Doors.\" It was later included on Dido's 1999 debut album \"No Angel,\" becoming the album's biggest hit. Entering the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 at number 80 in January 2001, \"Thank You\" peaked at number 3 in April 2001. It held that spot for 3 weeks, Since becoming her biggest hit in multiple countries, the song has often been recognised as Dido's signature song. Dido wrote the song about her boyfriend,", "title": "Thank You (Dido song)" }, { "docid": "8543598", "text": "Girls, Girls, Girls (Jay-Z song) \"Girls, Girls, Girls\" is the second single from rapper Jay-Z's album \"The Blueprint\". It is a playful description of the artist's promiscuous lifestyle. The song contains a sample of \"There's Nothing In This World That Can Stop Me From Loving You\" by Tom Brock. The chorus features a lyrical interpolation of \"High Power Rap\" by Crash Crew. The song has additional vocals sung by Q-Tip, Slick Rick and Biz Markie, but they are not credited as featured guests on the back artwork; they are, however, credited in the album's liner notes. A remix of the", "title": "Girls, Girls, Girls (Jay-Z song)" }, { "docid": "14861875", "text": "in the cultural imagination and liberates it as a respectful yet radical reinterpetation\", summarizing that \"as slight, whispy and utterly restrained as this set is, it offers an entirely different aural presentation of Hegarty\". \"Fact\" call the E.P. \"minimal in every respect\", calling \"My Lord My Love\" the standout track with its \"beautiful expressions of religious experience\" but is mostly critical of the other tracks. \"Rolling Stone\" magazine called the Lennon cover \"an unlikely, gorgeous reinvention\" in a featured review of just that song. All songs written by Antony Hegarty unless noted otherwise. Thank You for Your Love Thank You", "title": "Thank You for Your Love" }, { "docid": "17160625", "text": "Kelley experienced in their careers.\" \"Entertainment Tonight\" described \"Thank You\" as a \"catchy debut single\". Thank You (MKTO song) \"Thank You\" is a song by American pop duo MKTO, composed of Malcolm David Kelley and Tony Oller. Written by Kelley, Oller, Evan \"Kidd\" Bogart, Emanuel Kiriakou, and Andrew Goldstein, \"Thank You\" was released through Columbia Records as their debut single on November 12, 2012 and the lead single from their self-titled debut album (2014). \"Thank You\" is a hip hop and teen pop song about a younger generation's sarcastic gratitude towards their previous generation after suffering the effects of their", "title": "Thank You (MKTO song)" }, { "docid": "11527847", "text": "Three Steps to Heaven (song) \"Three Steps to Heaven\" is a song co-written and recorded by Eddie Cochran, released in 1960. The record became a posthumous UK number-one hit for Cochran following his death in a car accident in April 1960. In the US it did not reach the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. \"Three Steps To Heaven\" was recorded in January 1960 and featured Buddy Holly's Crickets on instruments. The song was written by Eddie Cochran and his brother Bob Cochran. David Bowie used the guitar chord riff in his 1971 song \"Queen Bitch\" on his album \"Hunky Dory\". He later", "title": "Three Steps to Heaven (song)" }, { "docid": "7325762", "text": "per minute in common time. It follows a chord progression of GmEFBF/A, and Dido's vocals span from F to B in the song. \"Thank You\" received critical acclaim from music critics, who thought the ballad was very \"touching and soft\" and an instant standout to the album. Jeff Burger from AllMusic had highlighted \"Thank You\" as an album standout. Christian Ward from \"NME\" had said \"'Thank You,' which, far from conjuring up images of lunatic fan-worship, is more reminiscent of The Corrs. Now that really is sick.\" Dido recorded a music video for \"Thank You.\" In the video, Dido has", "title": "Thank You (Dido song)" }, { "docid": "10996058", "text": "the video takes place in the church. The people sitting in the pews at the church are saying \"thank you lord\" and \"halleujah\", exemplifying the meaning of the song. Yearwood then walks and she starts off singing the beginning of \"Heaven, Heartache, and the Power of Love\", standing in the very front of the church, preaching to the people. The second scene starts about a minute into the song, where Yearwood if performing with a full band in the gallery. People dance to the song in the gallery. The video regularly shifts between the two scenes throughout the course of", "title": "Heaven, Heartache and the Power of Love (song)" }, { "docid": "14475432", "text": "...But the Little Girls Understand ...But the Little Girls Understand is an album by power pop/new wave group The Knack released by Capitol Records in February 1980. The album reached the number 15 spot on the \"Billboard\" 200 album chart in 1980. The singles \"Baby Talks Dirty\" and \"Can't Put a Price on Love\" both charted on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 at #38 and #62, respectively. The song \"Mr. Handleman\" was released as a single in some countries, such as New Zealand. Guitarist Berton Averre has stated that \"Mr. Handleman\" was the first song he and lead singer Doug Fieger", "title": "...But the Little Girls Understand" }, { "docid": "16167677", "text": "Heaven Sent (Esthero song) \"Heaven Sent\" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Esthero. It was released as first official (second overall) single from her debut album \"Breath from Another\" and peaking at number four on the Billboard Hot Dance Breakout Singles Sales chart. The song was featured on the VH1 show \"Breaking Bonaduce\". Esthero and Doc McKinney wrote the song in a single night in August 1996. The music video for the single was filmed in June 1998 and released the next month. It was heavily influenced by Luis Buñuel avant-garde silent movie Un Chien Andalou starring Salvador Dalí. It", "title": "Heaven Sent (Esthero song)" }, { "docid": "11705975", "text": "to thank mama for the cookin' Daddy for the whoopin' The Devil for the trouble that I get into I've got to give credit where credit is due I thank the bank for the money thank God for you\"\" The music video was directed by Michael Salomon and premiered in July 1993. \"Thank God for You\" debuted at number 63 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of July 3, 1993. Thank God for You \"Thank God For You\" is a song written by Mac McAnally and Mark Miller, and recorded by American country music", "title": "Thank God for You" }, { "docid": "17989639", "text": "Goes\" by Janet Jackson at the 36th Grammy Awards in March 1994. UK CD Single Heaven Knows (Luther Vandross song) \"Heaven Knows\" is a song by American R&B recording artist Luther Vandross. Released in 1993, the single is from his album \"Never Let Me Go\". \"Heaven Knows\" peaked in the top 30 on both \"Billboard's\" Hot R&B Singles and the Hot Dance Club Play, also at thirty-three on the Hot Adult Contemporary Singles chart. \"NewsRadio\" actress Khandi Alexander appears in the music video as one of the backup dancers. The song was nominated for Best R&B Song alongside \"Little Miracles", "title": "Heaven Knows (Luther Vandross song)" }, { "docid": "17989638", "text": "Heaven Knows (Luther Vandross song) \"Heaven Knows\" is a song by American R&B recording artist Luther Vandross. Released in 1993, the single is from his album \"Never Let Me Go\". \"Heaven Knows\" peaked in the top 30 on both \"Billboard's\" Hot R&B Singles and the Hot Dance Club Play, also at thirty-three on the Hot Adult Contemporary Singles chart. \"NewsRadio\" actress Khandi Alexander appears in the music video as one of the backup dancers. The song was nominated for Best R&B Song alongside \"Little Miracles (Happen Every Day)\" (also from \"Never Let Me Go\") losing to \"That's the Way Love", "title": "Heaven Knows (Luther Vandross song)" }, { "docid": "8452469", "text": "Thank God for Mental Illness Thank God for Mental Illness is the fifth studio album by American psychedelic rock band The Brian Jonestown Massacre. After releasing \"Take It from the Man!\" and \"Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request\" in mid-1996, both of which display influences from 1960s psychedelic music, departing from the band's earlier shoegaze sound, the band recorded \"Thank God for Mental Illness\" through \"tangible custom lo-fi stereo\" in their San Francisco home studio on July 11, 1996 with the budget of $17.36. The album shows another musical palette for the group, taking influence from country blues and psychedelic folk", "title": "Thank God for Mental Illness" }, { "docid": "15809446", "text": "Heaven (Emeli Sandé song) \"Heaven\" is the debut single from Scottish recording artist Emeli Sandé. It was released by Virgin Records after she signed a record deal with the label after the success of single \"Never Be Your Woman\" which Sandé was featured as a guest artist. It was also the first release from Sandé's debut album, \"Our Version of Events\", on 14 August 2011. The single was added to BBC Radio 1's playlist in June 2011. The song was also crowned record of the week by the station’s daytime DJ, Fearne Cotton. The single is written by Sandé, Naughty", "title": "Heaven (Emeli Sandé song)" }, { "docid": "14764706", "text": "the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart. Sedaka's \"Stairway to Heaven\" predates by 11 years Led Zeppelin's song of the same name, which was released in 1971 and written by Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Stairway to Heaven (Neil Sedaka song) \"Stairway to Heaven\" is a song written by Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield. It was released as a 45 rpm single and appeared on Sedaka's 1960 album \"Neil Sedaka Sings Little Devil and His Other Hits\". The personnel includes King Curtis on saxophone, Don Arnone, Art Ryerson and Everett Barksdale on guitar, Milt Hinton on bass, Irving Faberman on timpani", "title": "Stairway to Heaven (Neil Sedaka song)" }, { "docid": "17160618", "text": "Thank You (MKTO song) \"Thank You\" is a song by American pop duo MKTO, composed of Malcolm David Kelley and Tony Oller. Written by Kelley, Oller, Evan \"Kidd\" Bogart, Emanuel Kiriakou, and Andrew Goldstein, \"Thank You\" was released through Columbia Records as their debut single on November 12, 2012 and the lead single from their self-titled debut album (2014). \"Thank You\" is a hip hop and teen pop song about a younger generation's sarcastic gratitude towards their previous generation after suffering the effects of their previous wrongdoings, yet it brings hope and encouragement to people saying that they should stand", "title": "Thank You (MKTO song)" }, { "docid": "12742522", "text": "activists wanting to save the theatre building from demolition. Dobson played the girl who falls in love with him, and Elphick played Sinden's inept bodyguard. According to a contemporary interview, Sinden only accepted the role on the condition that he did not have to sing a solo; however, Davies wrote the reggae-style song \"Everybody's Slagging Off England\" specifically for him and gave it to him with two days to go before the show's first night. Sinden sang it and later recorded it with Davies. Chorus Girls (musical) Chorus Girls was a 1981 musical written by The Kinks lead singer and", "title": "Chorus Girls (musical)" }, { "docid": "15809458", "text": "Cross resembling heaven and God; there are also shots of Sandé standing and singing outside a cathedral. Sandé is one of dozens of acts playing the two-day Belladrum festival, a sold out show with a capacity of 12,000. She also performed the song on Jools Holland. The song was also featured during the London 2012 opening ceremony at the end of the Digital Age section after the recognition of Tim Berners-Lee. !scope=\"col\" colspan=\"3\"| Streaming Heaven (Emeli Sandé song) \"Heaven\" is the debut single from Scottish recording artist Emeli Sandé. It was released by Virgin Records after she signed a record", "title": "Heaven (Emeli Sandé song)" }, { "docid": "8105267", "text": "the four elements. She commented that when thinking of ideas for the music video she wanted to focus on the positive side of the song, not the negative. UK CD 1 UK CD 2 French CD single Thank You (Jamelia song) \"Thank You\" was the third single from British R&B star Jamelia's second album \"Thank You\". The song, released in the UK on 24 February 2004, became Jamelia's highest charting single in the UK to date, peaking at #2, and spending 14 weeks within the whole UK Singles Chart, and kept off the top spot by a re-release of Peter", "title": "Thank You (Jamelia song)" }, { "docid": "7325765", "text": "Elton John sang the Dido sample as he played keyboard during the performance. The house duo Deep Dish remixed the song. It won a Grammy Award for Best Remixed Recording in 2002. In an interview on BBC Radio 3 in 2005 Katharine Worsley, Duchess of Kent, who, after relinquishing royal duties, worked as a classical music teacher, chose \"Thank You\" as one of her favourite pieces. In April 2007, it was also voted #57 in the BBC's list of Most Annoying Pop Songs We Hate to Love. Thank You (Dido song) \"Thank You\" is a song written and performed by", "title": "Thank You (Dido song)" }, { "docid": "16217031", "text": "I thank you/Said I thank you/Yes I thank you/For making me a woman.\" Margaret Wappler from Los Angeles Times wrote that the song \"showcases Estelle’s ability to sound pushed to her limits but never broken.\" Jon Dolan from Rolling Stone describes the song as \"resilient post-breakup neo-soul.\" Mark Edward Nero from About.com praised the track, while reviewing the album, writing that \"One of the few tunes where Estelle really shines without any other vocalists is 'Thank You', a sweetly bitter track about how a woman is angry and sad about losing her man to someone else, but also grateful because", "title": "Thank You (Estelle song)" }, { "docid": "11783207", "text": "win the Tony Award <br> §- indicates the performance also \"won\" the Tony Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical ≠- indicates the performance was \"nominated\" but did not win the Tony Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical <br> Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical The Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical is an annual award presented by Drama Desk in recognition of achievements in the theatre among Broadway, Off Broadway and Off-Off Broadway productions. The awards were established in 1955, with acting awards being given without making distinctions", "title": "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Musical" }, { "docid": "7542803", "text": "Girls (The Prodigy song) \"Girls\" was the fourteenth single released by the British electronic band The Prodigy on 30 August 2004. It was the first single from the album \"Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned\". \"Girls\" peaked at number 19 on the UK Singles Chart. The single's music video was directed by Mat Cook and Julian House, who also designed the artwork for the album and single. It featured experimental computer graphics with various psychedelic themes. The sample used in the hook is re-made but taken from the Broken Glass single \"Style of the Street\" and also the song samples D. Train", "title": "Girls (The Prodigy song)" }, { "docid": "15072935", "text": "Heaven Knows (Robert Plant song) \"Heaven Knows\" is a rock song performed by English rock singer Robert Plant. It was the first single to be released from his 1988 album \"Now and Zen\". It reached number 33 on the UK singles chart and number 1 on the \"Billboard\" Album Rock Tracks chart. It was Plant's third number-one rock song, following 1983's \"Other Arms\" and 1985's \"Little by Little.\" The song was written by keyboardists Phil Johnstone (who also co-produced \"Now and Zen\") and David Barratt. Plant's former Led Zeppelin bandmate Jimmy Page played the guitar solo on the song and", "title": "Heaven Knows (Robert Plant song)" }, { "docid": "16269900", "text": "shows during London Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week the same month. \"Bad Girls\" is featured in episodes of several television series: The song is also heard in the trailers for \"The Heat\", \"Spring Breakers\", \"For a Good Time, Call...\", \"Bad Girls Club\" and \"Vampire Academy\". In addition, the song was used in the films \"Identity Thief\", \"The Bling Ring\" and \"Vampire Academy\". In 2014, \"Bad Girls\" was featured on the soundtrack of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC versions of \"Grand Theft Auto V\". This song was featured at the end of Ken Block's Gymkhana Eight: Ultimate Exotic", "title": "Bad Girls (M.I.A. song)" }, { "docid": "8387525", "text": "Tour which concentrated on lesser-known songs from the band's catalogue. During the tour, singer Mick Jagger changed the controversial lines, switching \"white girls\" and \"black girls\": \"Black girls can be pretty funny, and sometimes they drive me mad; some of you white girls just want to get fucked all night but I just don't have that much jam.\" Musically, the song is demonstrative of the unconventional uses of steel guitars heard throughout the \"Some Girls\" album, including a droning, phased two-chord groove. The original cut of the song ran some 23 minutes and featured verses Jagger came up with as", "title": "Some Girls (The Rolling Stones song)" }, { "docid": "20704582", "text": "Have Faith in You\" and \"Don't Shut Me Down\". ABBA: Thank You for the Music, An All-Star Tribute ABBA: Thank You for the Music, An All-Star Tribute is an upcoming American-British television special tribute to the Swedish band ABBA set to air in 2019 on NBC and BBC. It will feature appearances by Agnetha Faltskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Anderson, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad and a performance of their new song \"I Still Have Faith in You” by their digital avatars. It will also include appearances by a variety of musical artists performing ABBA songs such as \"Dancing Queen,\" \"Mamma Mia,\" \"The", "title": "ABBA: Thank You for the Music, An All-Star Tribute" }, { "docid": "20704580", "text": "ABBA: Thank You for the Music, An All-Star Tribute ABBA: Thank You for the Music, An All-Star Tribute is an upcoming American-British television special tribute to the Swedish band ABBA set to air in 2019 on NBC and BBC. It will feature appearances by Agnetha Faltskog, Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Anderson, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad and a performance of their new song \"I Still Have Faith in You” by their digital avatars. It will also include appearances by a variety of musical artists performing ABBA songs such as \"Dancing Queen,\" \"Mamma Mia,\" \"The Winner Takes It All,\" and \"Take a Chance on", "title": "ABBA: Thank You for the Music, An All-Star Tribute" }, { "docid": "6557215", "text": "on UK Columbia's label with the catalog number Db 4985. Paul McCartney has identified this song as a favorite of his and John Lennon's when they were growing up together in Liverpool. The Hi-Lo's included a version on their 2006 album \"A Musical Thrill\". Little White Lies (1930 song) \"Little White Lies\" is a popular song. It was written by Walter Donaldson. The song was published in 1930. It was recorded on July 25, 1930 by Fred Waring's Pennsylvanians (on the Victor label) with vocal by Clare Hanlon and The Waring Girls. Several other artists also recorded the song in", "title": "Little White Lies (1930 song)" }, { "docid": "15072936", "text": "also appeared in its accompanying music video. Heaven Knows (Robert Plant song) \"Heaven Knows\" is a rock song performed by English rock singer Robert Plant. It was the first single to be released from his 1988 album \"Now and Zen\". It reached number 33 on the UK singles chart and number 1 on the \"Billboard\" Album Rock Tracks chart. It was Plant's third number-one rock song, following 1983's \"Other Arms\" and 1985's \"Little by Little.\" The song was written by keyboardists Phil Johnstone (who also co-produced \"Now and Zen\") and David Barratt. Plant's former Led Zeppelin bandmate Jimmy Page played", "title": "Heaven Knows (Robert Plant song)" }, { "docid": "19222455", "text": "Detroit duo finally unleashes this slammin' deep houser domestically. Paris Grey is in fine voice, rising above a textured arrangement that's lightly shaded with techno nuances. A major hit in the offing.\" The music video featured people from all walks of life being invited by the duo for what will be a final meal, which at the end of the video resembled a portrait of \"The Last Supper\". Pennies from Heaven (Inner City song) \"Pennies from Heaven\" is a 1992 song by Inner City, which was released as a single from their album \"Praise\". Despite the song's title, it is", "title": "Pennies from Heaven (Inner City song)" }, { "docid": "5790270", "text": "Thank U \"Thank U\" is a song by Canadian recording artist and songwriter Alanis Morissette, for her fourth studio album \"Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie\" (1998). The song was written by Alanis Morissette and Glen Ballard, who produced her previous album, \"Jagged Little Pill\" (1995). Morissette wrote the song after she came back from India. The song received generally positive reviews from music critics and also performed well in the record charts, becoming Morissette's fifth number-one single in Canada, reaching the top three in Iceland, New Zealand, and Norway, and peaking within the top ten in several other countries, including the", "title": "Thank U" }, { "docid": "9853502", "text": "Bracken, Richard Kollmar, Van Johnson, and Hal Le Roy. Directed by George Abbott, the Musical Staging was by Robert Alton, scenery by Jo Mielziner, and costumes by Raoul Pène Du Bois. The musical takes place in Skowhegan, Maine and Pottawatomie College in Stop Gap, New Mexico. Arnaz and Bracken repeated their roles in the 1940 RKO Radio Pictures film version. The film cast also featured Lucille Ball, Richard Carlson, Ann Miller, and Van Johnson A studio recording was released in 1989, produced by Ben Bagley and featurung Estelle Parsons and Anthony Perkins. Too Many Girls (musical) Too Many Girls is", "title": "Too Many Girls (musical)" }, { "docid": "7212633", "text": "The Show (Girls Aloud song) \"The Show\" is a song recorded by British girl group Girls Aloud for their second studio album, \"What Will the Neighbours Say?\" (2004). It was released by Polydor Records on 28 June 2004, as the lead single from the album. The song was written by Miranda Cooper, Brian Higgins, Lisa Cowling, Jon Shave, and Tim Powell. The synth rhythm, composed by Shave, represents a change in musical direction from the band's previous releases. \"The Show\" is an uptempo dance-pop and electropop song with elements of the 1990 rave records. ”The Show” garnered a positive response", "title": "The Show (Girls Aloud song)" }, { "docid": "13056731", "text": "Keep On Walking (Scouting for Girls song) \"Keep on Walking\" is a song by British band Scouting for Girls. It was released on a self-titled EP on 9 March 2009. The EP was released as the band's debut in Australia, while the single charted at number 198 on the UK Singles Chart. It was the seventh single to be released from their album in the UK. The song was released in early 2009. It was featured on BBC Radio 1's C-List. The music video consists of various clips of the band on tour and in various places including a casino.", "title": "Keep On Walking (Scouting for Girls song)" }, { "docid": "17686097", "text": "Thank You (Busta Rhymes song) \"Thank You\" is a song by American rapper Busta Rhymes. It was released on November 7, 2013 by Cash Money Records and Republic Records, as the second single from his tenth studio album \"E.L.E.2 (Extinction Level Event 2)\" (2015). The song features additional vocals from fellow rappers Q-Tip, Lil Wayne and Kanye West. The song's production was handled by Busta Rhymes himself. It also samples Alicia Myers' 1981 song, \"I Wanna Thank You.\" \"Thank You\" has since peaked at number 13 on the UK Singles Chart. In late August 2013, the second single from \"E.L.E.2", "title": "Thank You (Busta Rhymes song)" }, { "docid": "16161666", "text": "albums from \"Greatest Hits\" in 1976 to \"\" in 1982. However, it was certified gold for sales of over 100,000. The song \"Thank You for the Music\" was released as a single in the UK in November 1983 with the \"Super Trouper\" album track \"Our Last Summer\" (also on this compilation) as the B-side. The single was a minor hit, peaking at #33. The album has never been released on CD. Side A Side B Thank You for the Music (album) Thank You for the Music (subtitled \"A Collection of Love Songs\") is a compilation album by the Swedish pop", "title": "Thank You for the Music (album)" }, { "docid": "14654144", "text": "Heaven Can Wait (Charlotte Gainsbourg song) \"Heaven Can Wait\" is the first single by Charlotte Gainsbourg from her album IRM. The song prominently features Beck, who wrote the song and produced \"IRM\", on backing vocals. It was chosen as the iTunes Pick of the Week on March 2, 2010. The music video for \"Heaven Can Wait\" was directed by Keith Schofield. Various scenes are featured as Charlotte Gainsbourg and Beck sing: a dinosaur in a wig (in a bathtub), a giant rat getting held up at knife point, a man in a SpongeBob costume getting tackled by the police, an", "title": "Heaven Can Wait (Charlotte Gainsbourg song)" }, { "docid": "7602976", "text": "Beautiful Girls (Van Halen song) \"Beautiful Girls\" is the last song from Van Halen's second album, \"Van Halen II\", from 1979. The song was a concert staple during their tour for this album. The song was originally titled \"Bring on the Girls\" when it was recorded for the 25-song Warner Brothers demo, but the title and lyrics were changed accordingly. In 1991, the song was used in a \"Saturday Night Live\" commercial parody called \"Schmitt's Gay.\" The commercial, which spoofed beer company advertisers who targeted specific demographics, featured Chris Farley & Adam Sandler as two gay men who are housesitting", "title": "Beautiful Girls (Van Halen song)" } ]
The Queen Elizabeth liner was destroyed by fire in the 70s in which harbour?
[ "Kong Hong", "Hong Kong, city", "Hong kong as a financial center", "Hongkong,China", "Hsian kang", "Hongkong", "Hong-kong", "Hon Kon", "Hong Kong S. A. R.", "Hong Kong/China", "Hong Kong City", "HK", "Name of Hong Kong", "Hong Kong,China", "Heung Gong", "Hsiankang", "Hong Kong/Infobox", "Hog Kog", "Xiang Gang", "Heung-Gong", "Hong Kong Special Administrative Republic", "Honk Kong", "香港特別行政區", "Xiānggǎng", "H.K.S.A.R.", "香港", "Hsiang-kang", "HKSAR", "Hong-Kong", "Hon kon", "Hong Kong SAR China", "Hk", "HongKong", "Hong Kong/infobox", "Hong Kong China", "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China", "HKSAROPRC", "香港特區", "Hong Kong", "Heung-gong", "Hong Kong SAR", "SAR Hongkong", "香港特区", "Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghéguó xiānggǎng tèbié xíngzhèngqū", "Hong Kong S.A.R.", "Hong Kong (China)", "CN-91", "中華人民共和國香港特別行政區", "中华人民共和国香港特别行政区", "Sianggang", "Hsangkang", "Hongkong, China", "HONG KONG", "Xiāng Gǎng", "Hyanghang", "Hong Kong Special Administration Region", "Hong cong", "Hksar", "China/Hong Kong", "Hong Kong, Hong Kong", "H K", "Hong kong", "Hong Kong, China", "SAR HongKong", "ISO 3166-1:HK", "Hong Kong as a Financial Center", "Hèunggóng", "H.K.", "Heunggong", "Shang gang", "Xianggang", "Hong Kong SAR, China", "香港特别行政区", "Hong Kong, SAR", "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region", "Xianggang Tebie Xingzhengqu", "Hong Kong cityscape", "Hoong Kong", "Xiang gang", "Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China", "UN/LOCODE:HKHKG", "Hoeng1 gong2" ]
[ { "docid": "1430542", "text": "was sold to the city of Long Beach, California. \"Queen Elizabeth\" was sold to a succession of buyers, most of whom had unsuccessful plans for her. Finally \"Queen Elizabeth\" was sold to Hong Kong businessman Tung Chao Yung, who intended to convert her into a floating university cruise ship called Seawise University. In 1972, while undergoing refurbishment in Hong Kong harbour, fire broke out aboard under unexplained circumstances and the ship was capsized by the water used to fight the fire. In 1973, the wreck was deemed an obstruction to shipping in the area, and so was partially scrapped where", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "1430562", "text": "Queen Elizabeth to safely rest on the bed of the Intracoastal Waterway in Ft. Lauderdale harbour (Port Everglades) and remain open, but instead the vessel was towed out of the harbour to Asia to become a floating university. Losing money and forced to close after being declared a fire hazard, this was due to the ship being sold at auction in 1970 to Hong Kong tycoon Tung Chao Yung. Tung, the head of the Orient Overseas Line, intended to convert the vessel into a university for the World Campus Afloat program (later reformed and renamed as Semester at Sea). Following", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" } ]
[ { "docid": "572359", "text": "Reid soundalike. She was portrayed by Juliet Aubrey in \"Bertie and Elizabeth\", Sylvia Syms in \"The Queen\", Natalie Dormer in \"W.E.\", Olivia Colman in \"Hyde Park on Hudson\", Victoria Hamilton in \"The Crown\", and in \"The King's Speech\" by Helena Bonham Carter, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and won a BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for her portrayal. The Cunard White Star Line's RMS \"Queen Elizabeth\" was named after her. She launched the ship on 27 September 1938 in Clydebank, Scotland. Supposedly, the liner started to slide into the water", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "1430540", "text": "RMS Queen Elizabeth The RMS \"Queen Elizabeth\" was an ocean liner operated by Cunard Line. With \"\" she provided weekly luxury liner service between Southampton in the United Kingdom and New York City in the United States, via Cherbourg in France. While being constructed in the mid-1930s by John Brown and Company at Clydebank, Scotland, the build was known as \"Hull 552\". Launched on 27 September 1938, she was named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, then Queen Consort to King George VI, who became the Queen Mother in 1952. With a design that improved upon that of \"\", \"Queen Elizabeth\"", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "598050", "text": "a lifeboat. The crew members involved were dismissed from service. On 5 November 2004, \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" became Cunard's longest serving express liner, surpassing the RMS \"Aquitania\"s 35 years, while on 4 September 2005, during a call to the port of Sydney, Nova Scotia, \"QE2\" became the longest serving Cunarder, surpassing the s record. On 20 February 2007 \"Queen Elizabeth 2\", while on her annual world cruise, met her running mate and successor flagship \"QM2\" (herself on her maiden world cruise) in Sydney Harbour, Australia. This was the first time two Cunard \"Queens\" had been together in Sydney since the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "598091", "text": "father, and a British mother, they've got married aboard the \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" in 1986, and finally 11 years later, they both married again. Queen Elizabeth 2 Queen Elizabeth 2, often referred to simply as QE2, is a floating hotel and retired ocean liner built for the Cunard Line which was operated by Cunard as both a transatlantic liner and a cruise ship from 1969 to 2008. Since 18 April 2018 she has been operating as a floating hotel in Dubai. QE2 was designed for the transatlantic service from her home port of Southampton, UK, to New York, and was", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "597996", "text": "Queen Elizabeth 2 Queen Elizabeth 2, often referred to simply as QE2, is a floating hotel and retired ocean liner built for the Cunard Line which was operated by Cunard as both a transatlantic liner and a cruise ship from 1969 to 2008. Since 18 April 2018 she has been operating as a floating hotel in Dubai. QE2 was designed for the transatlantic service from her home port of Southampton, UK, to New York, and was named after the earlier Cunard liner . She served as the flagship of the line from 1969 until succeeded by in 2004. Designed in", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "1430570", "text": "Gun\", as a covert headquarters for MI6. Q's labs also are in the wreckage of this ship. RMS Queen Elizabeth The RMS \"Queen Elizabeth\" was an ocean liner operated by Cunard Line. With \"\" she provided weekly luxury liner service between Southampton in the United Kingdom and New York City in the United States, via Cherbourg in France. While being constructed in the mid-1930s by John Brown and Company at Clydebank, Scotland, the build was known as \"Hull 552\". Launched on 27 September 1938, she was named in honour of Queen Elizabeth, then Queen Consort to King George VI, who", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "598080", "text": "Hotels, a division of the Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation, which is owned by the Dubai government. The name of the liner as it appears on the bow and stern is \"Queen Elizabeth 2\", with upper and lower case lettering and an Arabic numeral 2 as opposed to the Roman numeral II. As such, it is commonly pronounced in speech as \"Queen Elizabeth Two\". Soon after launching, the name was shortened in common use as \"QE2\". In 1934, \"Queen Mary\" was named by and after Mary of Teck and in 1938 \"Queen Elizabeth\" was named by and after Elizabeth", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "572364", "text": "3rd quarters, Ermine, three bows stringed paleways proper (Bowes). The shield is surmounted by the imperial crown, and supported by the crowned lion of England and a lion rampant per fess Or and Gules. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) was the wife of King George VI and the mother of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. She was Queen consort of the United Kingdom and the Dominions from her husband's accession in 1936 until his death in 1952, after which she was known as Queen Elizabeth", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "598086", "text": "also Master of both \"QE2\" and later the first captain of \"QM2\", supports the account that the Queen initiated the surprise move of naming the liner after herself rather than simply Queen Elizabeth as had originally been planned (the name having been made vacant by the retirement of the current liner before the new one was commissioned). The name had been given to the Queen in a sealed envelope which she didn't open. The book, referencing his autobiography, states that the Cunard chairman Sir Basil was delighted with this development, it being in keeping with the previous Queen liners, and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "18712922", "text": "as the Margate General Hospital in 1948 and then became the Isle of Thanet District Hospital, Margate Wing in 1973 before becoming Thanet District General Hospital in 1986. A major new extension was opened by Prince of Wales on behalf of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother in 1996 at which time the hospital was renamed the Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital. Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital The Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital is a health facility in Margate, Kent, England. It is managed by the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. The hospital has its origins", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital" }, { "docid": "572310", "text": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon (4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002) was the wife of King George VI and the mother of Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. She was Queen consort of the United Kingdom and the Dominions from her husband's accession in 1936 until his death in 1952, after which she was known as Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, to avoid confusion with her daughter. She was the last Empress of India. Born into a family of British nobility, she came to prominence in 1923 when she married the Duke", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "598051", "text": "original \"Queen Mary\" and \"Queen Elizabeth\" served as troop ships in 1941. On 18 June 2007, it was announced by Cunard that \"QE2\" had been purchased by the Dubai investment company Istithmar for $100 million. Her retirement, in part, was forced by the oncoming June 2010 implementation of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) regulations, which would have forced large and expensive structural changes to the ship. In a ceremonial display before her retirement, \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" met the and \"Queen Mary 2\" near the Statue of Liberty in New York City harbour on 13", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "572337", "text": "1952. The King died in his sleep on 6 February 1952 while Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were in Kenya en route to the southern hemisphere, and they returned immediately to London, as queen and prince consort. Shortly after George VI's death, Elizabeth began to be styled as \"Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother\" because the normal style for the widow of a king, \"Queen Elizabeth\", would have been too similar to the style of her elder daughter, now Queen Elizabeth II. Popularly, she became the \"Queen Mother\" or the \"Queen Mum\". She was devastated by her", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "1430554", "text": "After 1942, the two \"Queen\"s were relocated to the North Atlantic for the transportation of American troops to Europe. \"Queen Elizabeth\" and \"Queen Mary\" were both used as troop transports during the war. Their high speeds allowed them to outrun hazards, principally German U-boats, usually allowing them to travel outside a convoy. During her war service as a troopship \"Queen Elizabeth\" carried more than 750,000 troops, and she also sailed some . Following the end of the Second World War, \"Queen Elizabeth\" was refitted and furnished as an ocean liner while her running mate \"Queen Mary\" remained in her wartime", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "11017527", "text": "and 1948, when Cunard's original \"Queen Elizabeth\" was in service at the same time as the Royal Navy battleship . The Royal Navy's aircraft carrier went to sea the summer of 2017, six and a half years after the cruise ship entered service. \"Queen Elizabeth\" is almost identical in design to \"Queen Victoria\", although because of the steeper stern, her introduction into service the passenger capacity was slightly higher with up to 2,058 compared to \"Queen Victoria's\" 2,014. Also unlike many previous Cunard Queens, \"Queen Elizabeth\" is not a true ocean liner as she does not have the heavy plating", "title": "MS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "598083", "text": "ship with the words \"I name this ship \"Queen Elizabeth the Second\",\" the normal short form of address of the monarch, Elizabeth II herself. The following day, the \"New York Times\" and \"British Times\" printed the name as \"Queen Elizabeth II\", the short form of written style of the monarch. However, when the liner left the shipyard in 1968 she bore the name \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" on her bow, and has continued to do so ever since. In an authorised history of \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" published in 1969, various explanations of events occur. These state that, as at the launch", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "3075016", "text": "prior to the ship returning to sea. During the stopover at Invergordon, \"Queen Elizabeth\" encountered the cruise liner of the same name, which was on a cruise around the British Isles. On 8 August 2017, \"Queen Elizabeth\" diverted from her sea trials to rendezvous with the ships engaged in Exercise 'Saxon Warrior'; this allowed for a photo exercise in company with the American and her battle group, comprising , , , and HNoMS \"Helge Ingstad\". \"Queen Elizabeth\" was scheduled to return to Rosyth at the end of July for rectification work based on the results of the ship's first sea", "title": "HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08)" }, { "docid": "572360", "text": "before Elizabeth could officially launch her, and acting sharply, she managed to smash a bottle of Australian red over the liner's bow just before it slid out of reach. In 1954, Queen Elizabeth sailed to New York on her namesake. A statue of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother by sculptor Philip Jackson was unveiled in front of the George VI Memorial, off The Mall, London, on 24 February 2009, creating the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Memorial. In March 2011, her eclectic musical taste was revealed when details of her small record collection kept at the Castle of Mey", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "9461920", "text": "Gay Sex in the 70s Gay Sex in the 70s is a 2005 American documentary film about gay sexual culture in New York City in the 1970s. The film was directed by Joseph Lovett and encompasses the twelve years of sexual freedom bookended by the Stonewall riots of 1969 and the recognition of AIDS in 1981, and features interviews with Larry Kramer, Tom Bianchi, Barton Lidice Beneš, Rodger McFarlane, and many others. The film uses archival footage and interviews to describe the world of gay anonymous and casual sex in the settings of discotheques, bathhouses, bars and dark rooms, Fire", "title": "Gay Sex in the 70s" }, { "docid": "598085", "text": "numeric \"2\" – rather than a Roman \"II\" – to the decision by Cunard to use a more modern typeface to suit the style of the 1960s. The book also surmises that the naming of the liner after the reigning monarch, in the form Queen Elizabeth II, was potentially offensive to some Scots, as the title of Queen Elizabeth II (of the United Kingdom) relates to the lineage of the throne of England (the Tudor monarch Elizabeth I having reigned only in England). A later account by Ronald Warwick (son of William \"Bil\" Warwick, first master of \"QE2\"), who was", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "17492899", "text": "Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen Elizabeth R is a 1992 television documentary film about Queen Elizabeth II. It was produced by the BBC and directed by Edward Mirzoeff. It was the second officially approved documentary about the British royal family since 1969's \"Royal Family\". \"Elizabeth R\" was followed by the BBC-RDF documentary \"\" in 2007. The film was produced by BBC to mark the 40th anniversary of the Queen's accession. The director and producer was Edward Mirzoeff. The writers of the screenplay were Mirzoeff and Antony Jay, who also wrote the script of the 1969", "title": "Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen" }, { "docid": "1430541", "text": "was a slightly larger ship, the largest passenger liner ever built at that time and for 56 years thereafter. She also has the distinction of being the largest-ever riveted ship by gross tonnage. She first entered service in February 1940 as a troopship in World War II, and it was not until October 1946 that she served in her intended role as an ocean liner. With the decline in the popularity of the transatlantic route, both ships were replaced by the smaller, more economical \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" in 1969. \"Queen Mary\" was retired from service on 9 December 1967, and", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "17492903", "text": "through this documentary. However, Jeff Silverman of \"Variety\" said that the film did not refer to any familial troubles and added \"God save the queen; the BBC couldn't.\" Its video version became one of the fastest selling video in the United Kingdom the same year. Amazon customers rated its video 4.5 out of 5. In February 2016 its IMDb rate is 8.5 out of 10 based on 20 reviews. Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen Elizabeth R is a 1992 television documentary film about Queen Elizabeth II. It was produced by the BBC and directed by", "title": "Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen" }, { "docid": "18712921", "text": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital The Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital is a health facility in Margate, Kent, England. It is managed by the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust. The hospital has its origins in the Margate Cottage Hospital which was established at Victoria Road in Margate in 1876. In the 1920s it was decided to relocate the hospital to its current site in St Peters Road. The new facility was opened by Prince and Princess Arthur of Connaught as the Margate and District General Hospital in July 1930. The hospital joined the National Health Service", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital" }, { "docid": "5999349", "text": "The '70s Anthology The '70s Anthology is a 2002 two compact disc set of many of the songs recorded by the 1970s groupings of The Supremes. The set features 42 tracks, of which 10 had never been released, and 6 were appearing in extended or unedited forms. The set features a 24-page booklet with liner notes written by Mary Wilson, who was the only member in every version of The Supremes through 1977. Probably the most notable of the new material are the songs \"Oh My Poor Baby\", \"Make It With You\", \"I'll Let Him Know That I Love Him\",", "title": "The '70s Anthology" }, { "docid": "572330", "text": "extremely enthusiastic, and largely dissipated any residual feeling that George and Elizabeth were a lesser substitute for Edward. Elizabeth told Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, \"that tour made us\", and she returned to Canada frequently both on official tours and privately. During the Second World War, the King and Queen became symbols of the fight against fascism. Shortly after the declaration of war, \"The Queen's Book of the Red Cross\" was conceived. Fifty authors and artists contributed to the book, which was fronted by Cecil Beaton's portrait of the Queen and was sold in aid of the Red", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "598052", "text": "January 2008, with a celebratory fireworks display; \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" and \"Queen Victoria\" had made a tandem crossing of the Atlantic for the meet. This marked the first time three \"Cunard Queens\" had been present in the same location. (Cunard stated this would be the last time these three particular ships would meet, due to the impending retirement of \"Queen Elizabeth 2\". However, due to a change in \"Queen Elizabeth 2\"s schedule, the three ships met again in Southampton on 22 April 2008.) \"QE2\" shared the harbour at Zeebrugge with \"Queen Victoria\" on 19 July 2008, where the two Cunarders", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "17537712", "text": "1968 TV movie, \"Elizabeth the Queen\" directed by George Schaefer and starring Judith Anderson and Charlton Heston. The play revolves around the love affair but also jealousy between the aging Queen Elizabeth I of England and her much younger suitor Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex. Multiple roles as Courtiers, Guards, Men-at-arms: Elizabeth the Queen (play) Elizabeth the Queen was a 1930 Broadway three-act play written in blank verse by Maxwell Anderson, produced by the Theatre Guild, directed by Philip Moeller and with scenic and costume design by Lee Simonson. It ran for 147 performances from November 3, 1930, to", "title": "Elizabeth the Queen (play)" }, { "docid": "572321", "text": "they visited Aden, Kenya, Uganda, and Sudan, but Egypt was avoided because of political tensions. Albert had a stammer, which affected his ability to deliver speeches, and after October 1925, Elizabeth assisted in helping him through the therapy devised by Lionel Logue, an episode portrayed in the 2010 film \"The King's Speech\". In 1926, the couple had their first child, Princess Elizabeth—\"Lilibet\" to the family—who would later become Queen Elizabeth II. Another daughter, Princess Margaret Rose, was born four years later. Albert and Elizabeth, without their child, travelled to Australia to open Parliament House in Canberra in 1927. She was,", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "3075020", "text": "\"Queen Elizabeth\" was also scheduled to undergo a first replenishment at sea from ; although this had to be abandoned due to bad weather, this allowed both ships the opportunity to simulate the scenario in detail. \"Queen Elizabeth\" returned to Portsmouth on 27 February 2018, berthing at Princess Royal Jetty. On 2 March 2018 in Portsmouth Harbour, \"Queen Elizabeth\" successfully tested her port side Marine Evacuation System (MES), a series of bright orange inflatable escape chutes and rafts. \"Queen Elizabeth\" departed Portsmouth for a third time on 10 June 2018, heading to the coasts of Cornwall for a second phase", "title": "HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08)" }, { "docid": "5124335", "text": "Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother The Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, also known as The Queen Mother's Crown, is the crown made for Queen Elizabeth, the wife of King George VI, to wear at their coronation in 1937 and State Openings of Parliament during her husband's reign. The crown was made by Garrard & Co., the Crown Jeweller at the time, and is modelled partly on the design of Queen Mary's Crown, though it differs by having four half-arches instead of eight. As with Queen Mary's Crown, its arches are detachable at the crosses pattée, allowing", "title": "Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "5124338", "text": "on public display along with the other Crown Jewels in the Jewel House at the Tower of London. Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother The Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, also known as The Queen Mother's Crown, is the crown made for Queen Elizabeth, the wife of King George VI, to wear at their coronation in 1937 and State Openings of Parliament during her husband's reign. The crown was made by Garrard & Co., the Crown Jeweller at the time, and is modelled partly on the design of Queen Mary's Crown, though it differs by having four", "title": "Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "9742970", "text": "Nutana is currently represented by Cathy Sproule of the Saskatchewan New Democratic Party since 2011. In Saskatoon's non-partisan municipal politics, Queen Elizabeth lies within ward 7. It is currently represented by Councillor Mairin Loewen, who was elected to city council in a 2011 by-election. The Queen Elizabeth Community Association serves residents by offering recreational, social, and educational programs for adults, children/youth, and preschoolers. The association serves the west half of the Haultain neighbourhood as well. Queen Elizabeth is a part of the east division of the Saskatoon Police Service's patrol system. Saskatoon Fire & Protective Services' east division covers the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth, Saskatoon" }, { "docid": "17537711", "text": "Elizabeth the Queen (play) Elizabeth the Queen was a 1930 Broadway three-act play written in blank verse by Maxwell Anderson, produced by the Theatre Guild, directed by Philip Moeller and with scenic and costume design by Lee Simonson. It ran for 147 performances from November 3, 1930, to March 1931 at the Guild Theatre. The starring roles were played by Lynn Fontanne as Elizabeth and Alfred Lunt as Lord Essex. It was adapted into a 1939 film \"The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex\" directed by Michael Curtiz and starring Bette Davis, Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland and a", "title": "Elizabeth the Queen (play)" }, { "docid": "1430569", "text": "Mouse That Roared\", starring Peter Sellers and Jean Seberg. While a troupe of invading men from \"Grand Fenwick\", a fictional European micro-nation, cross the Atlantic to 'war' with the United States, they meet and pass the far larger \"Queen Elizabeth\", and learn that New York City is closed due to an air raid drill. Ian Fleming set the climax to his 1956 \"James Bond\" novel \"Diamonds Are Forever\" on \"Queen Elizabeth\". The 1971 film version starring Connery used the P&O liner for the sequence. The charred wreck was featured in the 1974 \"James Bond\" film \"The Man with the Golden", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "20995777", "text": "Elizabeth the Queen (1968 film) Elizabeth the Queen is a 1968 TV movie. It is an adaptation of the play \"Elizabeth the Queen\". In 1964 George Schaefer said he had decided not to do a production of this or another Maxwell Anderson play, \"Mary Queen of Scot\", because they depended on pageantry, which was hard to do on television. Schaefer changed his mind and Judith Anderson signed to star in a production in May 1967. It was her third production for the \"Hallmark Hall of Fame\" following \"Macbeth\" and \"The Cradle Song\". She had performed in the play the year", "title": "Elizabeth the Queen (1968 film)" }, { "docid": "20995778", "text": "before in New York and received poor reviews but insisted the production was faulty rather than the play itself. Charlton Heston agreed to co star. Elizabeth the Queen (1968 film) Elizabeth the Queen is a 1968 TV movie. It is an adaptation of the play \"Elizabeth the Queen\". In 1964 George Schaefer said he had decided not to do a production of this or another Maxwell Anderson play, \"Mary Queen of Scot\", because they depended on pageantry, which was hard to do on television. Schaefer changed his mind and Judith Anderson signed to star in a production in May 1967.", "title": "Elizabeth the Queen (1968 film)" }, { "docid": "9742971", "text": "neighbourhood. Fire Station #3 was previously located at 1906 York Avenue, before relocating to 2611 Clarence Avenue South in 2018. Transit services to Queen Elizabeth are provided by Saskatoon Transit on routes No. 6 (Clarence - Broadway) and 13 (Lawson - Exhibition). The only commercial developments in Queen Elizabeth are businesses located at the intersection of Broadway Avenue and Taylor Street. In addition, there are 27 home-based businesses in the neighbourhood. Queen Elizabeth is located within the Nutana Suburban Development Area. It is bounded by Taylor Street to the north, Ruth Street to the south, Melrose Avenue to the west,", "title": "Queen Elizabeth, Saskatoon" }, { "docid": "17425222", "text": "Funeral of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother The public funeral of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother occurred on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 in Westminster Abbey in London, following her death on 30 March 2002 at the age of 101. The Queen Mother had been suffering from a persistent cold which she caught during Christmas 2001. She was bedridden at Sandringham after her final public engagement on 22 November 2001, when she attended the recommissioning of . However, despite missing many other scheduled events—such as the 100th birthday celebrations of Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, on 12 December 2001; the annual", "title": "Funeral of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "17425235", "text": "minutes later. The Queen arrived at the Palace five minutes later, and there was a lunch for dignitaries at 1:00 pm. Queen Elizabeth was interred in the George VI Memorial Chapel next to her husband, King George VI, who had died 50 years previously. At the same time, the ashes of their daughter, Princess Margaret, who had died on 9 February 2002, were also interred in a private family service. Funeral of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother The public funeral of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother occurred on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 in Westminster Abbey in London, following her death", "title": "Funeral of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "17492902", "text": "also depicted with her mother, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, on Derby Day at Epsom in the film. The film mostly received positive reviews, including those from the Queen herself. The Queen organized a party for the crew at Buckingham Palace after watching the film before its public broadcast. It gained the largest audience for a documentary in the history of British television and was watched by more than half of the British population in 1992. The film won an award. Robert Hardman of \"the Spectator\" argued that Antony Jay, the script writer, redefined the function of the British Monarch", "title": "Elizabeth R: A Year in the Life of the Queen" }, { "docid": "572362", "text": "bulk of her estate, estimated to be worth between £50 and £70 million, including paintings, Fabergé eggs, jewellery, and horses, to her surviving daughter, Queen Elizabeth II. Under an agreement reached in 1993, property passing from monarch to monarch is exempt from inheritance tax, as is property passing from the consort of a former monarch to the current monarch, so a tax liability estimated at £28 million (40 percent of the value of the estate) was not incurred. The most important pieces of art were transferred to the Royal Collection by Elizabeth II. Following her death, the Queen successfully applied", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "3225920", "text": "Harbour on Devon Island and Craig Harbour on Ellesmere Island. Until 1999, the Queen Elizabeth Islands were part of the Baffin Region of the Northwest Territories. With the creation of Nunavut in 1999 all islands and fractions of islands of the archipelago east of the 110th meridian west became part of Qikiqtaaluk Region of the new territory, which was the major portion of the archipelago. The rest remained with the now-reduced Northwest Territories. Borden Island, Mackenzie King Island and Melville Island were divided between the two territories. Prince Patrick Island, Eglinton Island and Emerald Island are the only notable islands", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Islands" }, { "docid": "572349", "text": "her in a wheelchair could be taken—she insisted that she be shielded from the press—she travelled to the service in a people carrier with blacked–out windows, which had been previously used by Margaret. On 5 March 2002, Queen Elizabeth was present at the luncheon of the annual lawn party of the Eton Beagles, and watched the Cheltenham Races on television; however, her health began to deteriorate precipitately during her last weeks after retreating to Royal Lodge for the final time. On 30 March 2002, at 15:15 (GMT), the Queen Mother died in her sleep at the Royal Lodge, Windsor Great", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "8780549", "text": "twentieth century, ths scenic coastal road stretched all the way from the city to Keppel Harbour. The instructions, \"\"jalan tepi laut\"\" in Malay, meaning \"go by the seaside\", were understood by all and sundry. In 1922, there was further reclamation off the coast along Connaught Drive and the new land became the Esplanade Park. In 1953, Elizabeth II was crowned and Singapore commemorated the event by sprucing up Connaught Drive and renaming the Esplanade Park as Queen Elizabeth Walk. It was officially declared open by Lady McNeice on 30 May 1953. With newly planted shady trees and neatly trimmed shrubs,", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Walk" }, { "docid": "572342", "text": "Her bouts with cancer were never made public during her lifetime. In 1982, Queen Elizabeth was rushed to hospital when a fish bone became stuck in her throat, and had an operation to remove it. Being a keen angler, she calmly joked afterwards, \"The salmon have got their own back.\" Similar incidents occurred at Balmoral in August 1986, when she was hospitalised at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary overnight but no operation was needed, and May 1993, when she was admitted to the Infirmary for surgery under general anaesthetic. In 1975, Queen Elizabeth visited Iran at the invitation of Shah Mohammad Reza", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "5124337", "text": "part of the Crown Jewels when it was left to the Crown upon Victoria's death in 1901. It had been successively mounted in the crowns of Queen Alexandra and Queen Mary before it was transferred to The Queen Mother's Crown. After the death of the king, Queen Elizabeth, known thereafter as the Queen Mother, did not wear the full crown, but wore it minus the arches as a circlet at the coronation of her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953. It was placed on top of the Queen Mother's coffin for her lying-in-state and funeral in 2002. The crown is", "title": "Crown of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "572312", "text": "After the war, her husband's health deteriorated and she was widowed at the age of 51. Her elder daughter, aged 25, became the new queen. From the death of Queen Mary in 1953, Elizabeth was viewed as the matriarch of the British royal family. In her later years, she was a consistently popular member of the family, even when other members were suffering from low levels of public approval. She continued an active public life until just a few months before her death at the age of 101, seven weeks after the death of her younger daughter, Princess Margaret. Elizabeth", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "4731248", "text": "museum is open by appointment and during regimental events. The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own) The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own) is a Primary Reserve infantry regiment of the Canadian Army. It is part of 4th Canadian Division's 32 Canadian Brigade Group. The 75th (Mississauga) Battalion, the predecessor to The Toronto Scottish Regiment was raised on July 1, 1915 by Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Beckett. Within three weeks more than 1,500 personnel had been recruited. By March 1916 the battalion was fully trained and sailed for Liverpool. Over 5,500 soldiers served in the battalion", "title": "The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own)" }, { "docid": "4731240", "text": "The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own) The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own) is a Primary Reserve infantry regiment of the Canadian Army. It is part of 4th Canadian Division's 32 Canadian Brigade Group. The 75th (Mississauga) Battalion, the predecessor to The Toronto Scottish Regiment was raised on July 1, 1915 by Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel Beckett. Within three weeks more than 1,500 personnel had been recruited. By March 1916 the battalion was fully trained and sailed for Liverpool. Over 5,500 soldiers served in the battalion during the First World War, of whom 1,049 were", "title": "The Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own)" }, { "docid": "15364019", "text": "the third time as \"Tonight Is Ours\" in 1933. The Queen Was in the Parlour The Queen Was in the Parlour: a romance in three acts is a play by the English writer Noël Coward. Belonging to the Ruritanian romance genre, its title is drawn from a line in the nursery rhyme \"Sing a Song of Sixpence\". Although written in 1922, it was not produced until 24 August 1926, when it was premiered at the St Martin's Theatre. It has been adapted for film three times - the first two times under its original title (in 1927 as a silent", "title": "The Queen Was in the Parlour" }, { "docid": "15364018", "text": "The Queen Was in the Parlour The Queen Was in the Parlour: a romance in three acts is a play by the English writer Noël Coward. Belonging to the Ruritanian romance genre, its title is drawn from a line in the nursery rhyme \"Sing a Song of Sixpence\". Although written in 1922, it was not produced until 24 August 1926, when it was premiered at the St Martin's Theatre. It has been adapted for film three times - the first two times under its original title (in 1927 as a silent movie and in 1928 as a talking picture) and", "title": "The Queen Was in the Parlour" }, { "docid": "597997", "text": "Cunard's then headquarters and regional offices in Liverpool and Southampton respectively, and built in Clydebank, Scotland, \"QE2\" was considered the last of the great transatlantic ocean liners until \"Queen Mary 2\" entered service. The QE2 was also the last oil-fired passenger steamship to cross the Atlantic in scheduled liner service until she was refitted with a modern diesel powerplant in 1986/1987. During almost forty years of service, \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" undertook regular world cruises and later operated predominantly as a cruise ship, sailing out of Southampton, England. \"QE2\" had no running mate and never ran a year-round weekly transatlantic express", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "1430545", "text": "ship to be launched in September 1938, with fitting out intended to be complete for the ship to enter service in the spring of 1940. The Queen herself performed the launching ceremony on 27 September 1938. Supposedly, the liner started to slide into the water before Elizabeth could officially launch her, and acting sharply, she managed to smash a bottle of Australian red over the liner's bow just before it slid out of reach. The ship was then sent for fitting out. It was announced that on 23 August 1939 the King and Queen were to visit the ship and", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "2634349", "text": "glider bombs, while \"Queen Elizabeth\" and \"Valiant\" were repaired and returned to service after being badly damaged by limpet mines placed by Italian frogmen during a raid at Alexandria Harbour in 1941. took part in the Dardanelles Campaign of 1915 bombarding forts, but missed Jutland in 1916. She became Admiral Beatty's flagship in 1917 after he assumed command of the Grand Fleet. In the Second World War she was mined by Italian frogmen and badly damaged, but did not ground in the shallow water of Alexandria Harbour in 1941. She was subsequently repaired, and served in the Far East until", "title": "Queen Elizabeth-class battleship" }, { "docid": "572326", "text": "a fat Scots cook. Claims that Elizabeth remained embittered towards the Duchess were denied by her close friends; the Duke of Grafton wrote that she \"never said anything nasty about the Duchess of Windsor, except to say she really hadn't got a clue what she was dealing with.\" In summer 1938, a state visit to France by the King and Queen was postponed for three weeks because of the death of the Queen's mother, Lady Strathmore. In two weeks, Norman Hartnell created an all-white trousseau for the Queen, who could not wear colours as she was still in mourning. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "10024566", "text": "The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) is an acute care teaching hospital in the western suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. It provides a range of health services, including inpatient, outpatient, surgical, emergency and mental health services. The hospital opened in 1954 as a maternity hospital and expanded its services in 1959. At the request of the Government of South Australia, the hospital was named after Queen Elizabeth II, who had recently acceded to the Australian throne. A large portrait of the Queen, together with a letter authorising TQEH name and granting Arms to the Hospital, decorates", "title": "The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide" }, { "docid": "572325", "text": "Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions, and Emperor and Empress of India in Westminster Abbey on 12 May 1937, the date previously scheduled for Edward VIII. Elizabeth's crown was made of platinum and was set with the Koh-i-Noor diamond. Edward and Simpson married and became the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, but while Edward was a Royal Highness, George VI withheld the style from the Duchess, a decision that Elizabeth supported. Elizabeth was later quoted as referring to the Duchess as \"that woman\", and the Duchess referred to Elizabeth as \"Cookie\", because of her supposed resemblance to", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "4190347", "text": "Queen Elizabeth (band) Queen Elizabeth are a British band. It is a collaborative experimental project between Thighpaulsandra and Julian Cope. The general concept behind Queen Elizabeth was a \"sonic ritual\" in which sounds, melodies and other sonic properties would combine. Both releases, 1994's \"Queen Elizabeth\" and 1997's double-disc \"Queen Elizabeth 2: Elizabeth Vagina\", consist mostly of half-hour-long tracks which contrast experimental ambient music with short bursts of Krautrock. The three discs (and seven tracks) are the band's only studio output, yet \"Beneath the Frozen Lake of Stars\", which appeared on Thighpaulsandra's \"I, Thighpaulsandra\", was a revamped version of a track", "title": "Queen Elizabeth (band)" }, { "docid": "572329", "text": "Eleanor Roosevelt said that Elizabeth was \"perfect as a Queen, gracious, informed, saying the right thing & kind but a little self-consciously regal\". The tour was designed to bolster trans-Atlantic support in the event of war, and to affirm Canada's status as an independent kingdom sharing with Britain the same person as monarch. According to an often-told story, during one of the earliest of the royal couple's repeated encounters with the crowds, a Boer War veteran asked Elizabeth, \"Are you Scots or are you English?\" She replied, \"I am a Canadian!\" Their reception by the Canadian and U.S. public was", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "2696024", "text": "Crete in June 1941. She, along with , was mined and seriously damaged by Italian frogmen (Antonio Marceglia and Spartaco Schergat), operating human torpedo craft in a attack on 19 December 1941 in shallow water in the harbour at Alexandria, Egypt, with the loss of nine men of her complement. Although badly damaged, with her draught increased to 41.8 feet (12.5m), \"Queen Elizabeth\" was not grounded on the harbour bottom, her decks were clear and the Italian crews were captured. For this reason, the British maintained the illusion of full operational status, to conceal the weak British position in the", "title": "HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913)" }, { "docid": "10024571", "text": "to 48,621 individuals which was the second largest number for services in the central northern health region. A new Short Stay Mental Health Unit with 8 beds, was completed in late 2017. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (TQEH) is an acute care teaching hospital in the western suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia. It provides a range of health services, including inpatient, outpatient, surgical, emergency and mental health services. The hospital opened in 1954 as a maternity hospital and expanded its services in 1959. At the request of the Government of South Australia, the hospital was named", "title": "The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide" }, { "docid": "4190348", "text": "destined for a third Queen Elizabeth release. Cope has said that Thighpaulsandra's version went above and beyond the original recording they made together. In 2009, a recording of the band's only live performance in May 2000 was released as an mp3 download entitled \"Hall\" through Julian Cope's official website. Queen Elizabeth (band) Queen Elizabeth are a British band. It is a collaborative experimental project between Thighpaulsandra and Julian Cope. The general concept behind Queen Elizabeth was a \"sonic ritual\" in which sounds, melodies and other sonic properties would combine. Both releases, 1994's \"Queen Elizabeth\" and 1997's double-disc \"Queen Elizabeth 2:", "title": "Queen Elizabeth (band)" }, { "docid": "8780550", "text": "the promenade quickly became a favourite place for an evening stroll. From there, strollers could catch the sea breeze, admire hundreds of ships in the harbour with their colourful fluttering flags and eat freshly barbecued satay at the Satay Club, which consisted of a collection of seafront hawker stalls. Today, the Queen Elizabeth Walk refers to the stretch of promenade by Marina Bay within the Esplanade Park. The Satay Club has moved to Clarke Quay and become a tourist attraction. The sea view at the walk, however, is now obscured by both the Esplanade Theatres on the Bay and the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Walk" }, { "docid": "1430558", "text": "stabilisers to smooth the ride in rough seas. Two fins were fitted on each side of the hull. The fins were retractable into the hull to save fuel in smooth seas and for docking. On 29 July 1959, she was in a collision with the American freighter \"American Hunter\" in foggy conditions in New York Harbour and was holed above the waterline. Together with \"Queen Mary\" and in competition with the American liners and , \"Queen Elizabeth\" dominated the transatlantic passenger trade until their fortunes began to decline with the advent of the faster and more economical jet airliner in", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "6293629", "text": "as part of Mason College, which later became the University of Birmingham. The original Queen Elizabeth Hospital was an NHS hospital in the Edgbaston area of Birmingham situated very close to the University of Birmingham. The building ultimately cost £1,029,057, which was £129,406 less than the money raised by donations. The new hospital has been built adjacent to the old Queen Elizabeth Hospital site. It was built to replace the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Selly Oak Hospital, although it has incorporated some of the newer parts of the current Queen Elizabeth Hospital. It has been named the Queen Elizabeth Hospital", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham" }, { "docid": "11017528", "text": "throughout the hull. However the bow was constructed with heavier plating to cope with the Transatlantic run, and the ship has a high freeboard. Although having an almost identical interior arrangement to \"Queen Victoria\", the decor is very different. The ship is a tribute to the two previous Queen Elizabeth-named ships: the original \"Queen Elizabeth\" and \"\"Queen Elizabeth 2\"\". She also evokes the era of the 1930s, in which Cunard's first \"Queen Elizabeth\" was launched, with many art deco interior touches. The ship also features a \"Britannia\" Club section of the main restaurant, which is a feature popular on \"Queen", "title": "MS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "572346", "text": "appeared on a special commemorative £20 note issued by the Royal Bank of Scotland; and she attended a lunch at the Guildhall, London, at which George Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, accidentally attempted to drink her glass of wine. Her quick admonition of \"That's mine!\" caused widespread amusement. In November 2000, she broke her collarbone in a fall that kept her recuperating at home over Christmas and the New Year. On 1 August 2001, Queen Elizabeth had a blood transfusion for anaemia after suffering from mild heat exhaustion, though she was well enough to make her traditional appearance outside Clarence", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "9461929", "text": "in New York during the 1970s, what the legacy of that time of sexual freedom is and how it continues to affect young people today. The following people are interviewed for the documentary. The film was awarded the GayVN Award for Best Alternative Release of 2006. Gay Sex in the 70s Gay Sex in the 70s is a 2005 American documentary film about gay sexual culture in New York City in the 1970s. The film was directed by Joseph Lovett and encompasses the twelve years of sexual freedom bookended by the Stonewall riots of 1969 and the recognition of AIDS", "title": "Gay Sex in the 70s" }, { "docid": "572343", "text": "Pahlavi. The British ambassador and his wife, Anthony and Sheila Parsons, noted how the Iranians were bemused by her habit of speaking to everyone regardless of status or importance, and hoped the Shah's entourage would learn from the visit to pay more attention to ordinary people. Between 1976 and 1984, she made annual summer visits to France, which were among 22 private trips to continental Europe between 1963 and 1992. In 1987, Queen Elizabeth was criticised when it emerged that two of her nieces, Katherine and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon, had both been committed to a psychiatric hospital because they were severely", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "8322071", "text": "Queen Elizabeth High School, Carmarthen Queen Elizabeth High School is a comprehensive school for Carmarthen town and its surrounding areas. The school is a mixed, bilingual, inclusive community comprehensive school of around 1400 pupils, catering for all abilities between the ages of 11 and 19. It was formed in September 2005 by the joining together of Queen Elizabeth Cambria and Queen Elizabeth Maridunum Schools which were located within 300m of each other. Prior to becoming Queen Elizabeth Maridunum School and Queen Elizabeth Cambria School, they were Ystrad Tywi school, (a Secondary Modern School which had merged with Queen Elizabeth Grammar", "title": "Queen Elizabeth High School, Carmarthen" }, { "docid": "1430561", "text": "called The Queen Corporation (which was 85% owned by Cunard and 15% by them). The new company intended to operate the ship as a hotel and tourist attraction in Port Everglades, Florida, similar to the planned use of \"Queen Mary\" in Long Beach, California. \"Elizabeth\", as she was now called, actually opened to tourists before \"Queen Mary\" (which opened in 1971) but it was not to last. The climate of southern Florida was much harder on \"Queen Elizabeth\" than the climate of southern California was on \"Queen Mary\". There was some talk of permanently flooding the bilge and allowing the", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "1430560", "text": "and an outdoor swimming pool. With these improvements, Cunard intended to keep the ship in operation until at least the middle 1970s. However, the strategy did not prove successful due to the high fuel costs plus the ship's deep draught, which prevented her from entering various island ports, and the ship's width which preventing her from using the Panama Canal. Cunard retired \"Queen Mary\" in 1967 and \"Queen Elizabeth\" by 1969 and replaced them with a single, smaller ship, the more economical \"Queen Elizabeth 2\". In 1968, \"Queen Elizabeth\" was sold to a group of American businessmen from a company", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "11558528", "text": "Fire Queen Fire Queen is an early steam locomotive built by A. Horlock and Co. in 1848 for the Padarn Railway. It is the only surviving locomotive from that railway, and it is preserved at the Penrhyn Castle Railway Museum. Fire Queen was one of two identical locomotives built for the Padarn Railway, which connected the Dinorwic Quarry near Llanberis in north Wales with the port at Y Felinheli. The railway was opened in 1840 using horses to pull the slate trains. It replaced the even earlier Dinorwic Railway which opened in 1824. The two locomotives, \"Fire Queen\" and \"Jenny", "title": "Fire Queen" }, { "docid": "5647138", "text": "it was prepared for the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953. During this time, food rationing still existed in Great Britain, and a cake with few ingredients was in order. Another account is that the cake was invented for the 1937 coronation of King George VI and the Queen Mother Queen Elizabeth. A recipe for Queen Elizabeth cake was published by the \"Coronation Cook Book\" in 1953 in celebration of Elizabeth II's coronation. Queen Elizabeth cake Queen Elizabeth cake is a dessert cake prepared with typical cake ingredients and a shredded coconut icing. It is sometimes served with tea. Queen", "title": "Queen Elizabeth cake" }, { "docid": "8780551", "text": "vehicular Esplanade Bridge. Despite this, Queen Elizabeth Walk is still a pleasant stretch, which holds several monuments linked to the historical Anderson Bridge, including the Tan Kim Seng Fountain, the Lim Bo Seng Memorial, the Indian National Army Plaque and the Cenotaph. Queen Elizabeth Walk The Queen Elizabeth Walk is a promenade located at the Esplanade Park within the Downtown Core district of the Central Area of Singapore. Once a seafront promenade, Queen Elizabeth Walk was part of the Esplanade, a long open stretch of field by the sea, although it was not until 1953 that it got its name.", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Walk" }, { "docid": "572350", "text": "Park, with her surviving daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, at her bedside. She had been suffering from a cold for the previous four months. At 101 years and 238 days old she was the longest-lived member of the royal family in British history. Her last surviving sister-in-law Princess Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, exceeded that, dying aged 102 on 29 October 2004. Elizabeth grew camellias in every one of her gardens, and before her flag-draped coffin was taken from Windsor to lie in state at Westminster Hall, an arrangement of camellias from her own gardens was placed on top. An estimated 200,000", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "14140228", "text": "RMS Queen Mary 2 RMS \"Queen Mary 2 (also referred to as the QM2\") is a transatlantic ocean liner. She is the largest passenger ship built for the Cunard Line since \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" in 1969, the vessel she succeeded as flagship of the line. As of 2018, \"Queen Mary 2\" is the only passenger ship operating as an ocean liner. The new ship was named \"Queen Mary 2\" by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004 after the first of 1936. \"Queen Mary\" was in turn named after Mary of Teck, consort of King George V. With the retirement of \"Queen", "title": "RMS Queen Mary 2" }, { "docid": "19065403", "text": "to iconic places such as Chelsea Hotel, CBGB, The Kitchen#History etc. All tracks written and composed by Luke Haines except for track 9 by John Moore. New York in the '70s New York in the '70s is a concept album by British alternative rock artist Luke Haines. The music style is influenced by new wave and protopunk bands from the New York scene mostly by Suicide (band). Into his song \"Cerne Abbas Man\", he refers Rock and Roll Animals in the sentence \"The birds were in my last LP\". The concept is less of a narrative story and more of", "title": "New York in the '70s" }, { "docid": "20289169", "text": "to the opening of the causeway in 1968, the harbour continued into the confluence of the West River of Pictou and Middle River of Pictou, both of which were navigable. The body of water immediately outside the harbour is known as the Pictou Road. The entrance to the harbour is protected by two sandbars and is about 400m wide. A lighthouse was installed on this bar in 1834 and lost to fire in 1903. Its replacement, a 55-foot octagonal tower was also destroyed by fire on July 5, 2004. The first settlers arrived in Pictou Harbour in 1767 on the", "title": "Pictou Harbour" }, { "docid": "14140284", "text": "the installation of \"scrubbers\" and exhaust gas filters to reduce emissions. RMS Queen Mary 2 RMS \"Queen Mary 2 (also referred to as the QM2\") is a transatlantic ocean liner. She is the largest passenger ship built for the Cunard Line since \"Queen Elizabeth 2\" in 1969, the vessel she succeeded as flagship of the line. As of 2018, \"Queen Mary 2\" is the only passenger ship operating as an ocean liner. The new ship was named \"Queen Mary 2\" by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004 after the first of 1936. \"Queen Mary\" was in turn named after Mary of", "title": "RMS Queen Mary 2" }, { "docid": "19065401", "text": "New York in the '70s New York in the '70s is a concept album by British alternative rock artist Luke Haines. The music style is influenced by new wave and protopunk bands from the New York scene mostly by Suicide (band). Into his song \"Cerne Abbas Man\", he refers Rock and Roll Animals in the sentence \"The birds were in my last LP\". The concept is less of a narrative story and more of a descriptive album. As the title tells, Haines describes some scenes from New York City in 1970s art world. Talking about social context, drug use, sexual", "title": "New York in the '70s" }, { "docid": "572324", "text": "Simpson. Although legally Edward could have married Simpson, as King he was also head of the Church of England, which at that time did not allow divorced people to remarry. Edward's ministers believed that the people would never accept Simpson as Queen and advised against the marriage. As a constitutional monarch, Edward was obliged to follow ministerial advice. Rather than abandon his plans to marry Simpson, he chose to abdicate in favour of Albert, who reluctantly became King in his place on 11 December 1936 under the regnal name of George VI. George VI and Elizabeth were crowned King and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "572338", "text": "husband's death and retired to Scotland. However, after a meeting with the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, she broke her retirement and resumed her public duties. Eventually she became just as busy as queen mother as she had been as queen consort. In July 1953, she undertook her first overseas visit since the funeral when she visited the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland with Princess Margaret. She laid the foundation stone of the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland – the current University of Zimbabwe. Upon her return to the region in 1957, Elizabeth was inaugurated as the College's President, and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "1430551", "text": "she sailed to her secret destination. Captain Townley discovered that he was to take the ship directly to New York in the then neutral United States without stopping, or even slowing to drop off the Southampton harbour pilot who had embarked on at Clydebank, and to maintain strict radio silence. Later that day, at the time when she was due to arrive at Southampton, the city was bombed by the Luftwaffe. \"Queen Elizabeth\" zigzagged across the Atlantic to elude German u-boats and took six days to reach New York at an average speed of 26 knots. In New York she", "title": "RMS Queen Elizabeth" }, { "docid": "9003000", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Theatre The Queen Elizabeth Theatre is a performing arts venue in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Along with the Orpheum, Vancouver Playhouse, and the Annex. It is one of four facilities operated by the Vancouver Civic Theatres Department (the Playhouse adjoins the QE Theatre in the same complex). It is named after the current Canadian monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Formerly the home of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, which is now based at the Orpheum, the Queen Elizabeth Theatre is the home of the Vancouver Opera and Ballet BC, in addition to hosting various other musical events year-round. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Theatre" }, { "docid": "6493691", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King's Lynn, Norfolk, England. It is located on the outskirts of King's Lynn, to the eastern edge of the town. The catchment area of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital covers the West Norfolk area, South Lincolnshire and North East Cambridgeshire, an area of approximately 1500 km² and 250,000 people. It is managed by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust. The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is named after Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, rather than the present Queen. The hospital, which is a two-storey building, and the Fermoy Unit, which provides", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn" }, { "docid": "4223950", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Hotel The Queen Elizabeth Hotel (; official English name Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth) is a grand hotel in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. From June 17, 2016 to June 10, 2017, the hotel was closed for a series of year-long, $140M CAD renovations. Completed in 1958, the hotel was built by the Canadian National Railway and managed for many years by Hilton Hotels. CN Hotels were later sold to Canadian Pacific Hotels, which is now known as Fairmont Hotels and Resorts. With 1039 rooms and 21 floors it is the largest hotel in the province of Quebec, and the second", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hotel" }, { "docid": "4223955", "text": "hotel closed its doors for renovations and reopened on July 10, 2017. Queen Elizabeth Hotel The Queen Elizabeth Hotel (; official English name Fairmont The Queen Elizabeth) is a grand hotel in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. From June 17, 2016 to June 10, 2017, the hotel was closed for a series of year-long, $140M CAD renovations. Completed in 1958, the hotel was built by the Canadian National Railway and managed for many years by Hilton Hotels. CN Hotels were later sold to Canadian Pacific Hotels, which is now known as Fairmont Hotels and Resorts. With 1039 rooms and 21 floors it", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Hotel" }, { "docid": "11491587", "text": "Mary's Harbour Mary's Harbour is a town in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. The town had a population of 474 in the Canada 2006 Census. It is serviced by Mary's Harbour Airport. Mary's Harbour surrounds the St. Mary's River. St. Mary's River was the site of a salmon fishery as early as the 1780s. However Mary's Harbour was not a permanent settlement until after a fire at Battle Harbour in 1930. The International Grenfell Association decided to relocate its hospital and boarding school, destroyed by the fire, from Battle Harbour to Mary's Harbour. Mary's Harbour has always depended", "title": "Mary's Harbour" }, { "docid": "16976303", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Land Queen Elizabeth Land is portion of mainland Antarctica named by the government of the United Kingdom and claimed as part of the British Antarctic Territory, which is the largest of the 14 British Overseas Territories. Situated south of Weddell Sea and between longitudes 20°W and 80°W, stretching from Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf to the South Pole. That territory was unnamed until 2012, though most of it was unofficially known as Edith Ronne Land in 1947–68 and includes areas claimed by the United Kingdom, Chile and Argentina. On the occasion of a visit by Queen Elizabeth II to the", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Land" }, { "docid": "598089", "text": "modern accounts continue to publish that the \"QE2\" was named after the reigning monarch, in 2001 and 2008. Cunard continued the two-suffix naming practice introduced with \"QE2\" with the launch of the new ocean liner in 2003, named after the previous \"Queen Mary\"; however, the suffix '2' was required because of the continued existence of the TS \"Queen Mary\". The TS \"Queen Mary\" too had for a period been known as the TS \"Queen Mary II\" in a deal with Cunard that allowed Cunard to use 'Queen Mary' without suffix for their ocean liner. However, when Cunard announced that its", "title": "Queen Elizabeth 2" }, { "docid": "16672957", "text": "be extremely durable thanks to the initial intensifying of the chromium content on the surface by the use of electro-polishing Queen Elizabeth Gate Queen Elizabeth Gate, also known as the Queen Mother's Gate, is an entrance consisting of two pairs and two single gates of forged stainless steel and bronze situated in Hyde Park, London, behind Apsley House at Hyde Park Corner. There is also a center feature made of painted cast iron. It was opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1993 to celebrate the 90th birthday of her mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. It cost £1.5 million to", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Gate" }, { "docid": "16672954", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Gate Queen Elizabeth Gate, also known as the Queen Mother's Gate, is an entrance consisting of two pairs and two single gates of forged stainless steel and bronze situated in Hyde Park, London, behind Apsley House at Hyde Park Corner. There is also a center feature made of painted cast iron. It was opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 1993 to celebrate the 90th birthday of her mother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother. It cost £1.5 million to construct, raised by private individuals and public funding, under the patronage of Prince Michael of Kent. The stainless steel and", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Gate" }, { "docid": "6941218", "text": "main college. QEC re-merged with King's College London in 1985, and the Kensington campus became associated with biomedical sciences. However, the campus was closed and sold in 2000 with the contents being decanted to the Franklin-Wilkins Building. Part of the campus has subsequently been converted into Academy Gardens, apartments which retain some QEC branding. \"Envoy\" is the annual newsletter of Queen Elizabeth College. The Queen Elizabeth College alumni/old student association organises a reunion every year. Queen Elizabeth College Queen Elizabeth College (QEC) had its origins in the Ladies' (later Women's) Department of King's College, London, England, opened in 1885. The", "title": "Queen Elizabeth College" }, { "docid": "572316", "text": "officer in the Black Watch Regiment, was killed in action at the Battle of Loos in 1915. Another brother, Michael, was reported missing in action on 28 April 1917. Three weeks later, the family discovered he had been captured after being wounded. He remained in a prisoner of war camp for the rest of the war. Glamis was turned into a convalescent home for wounded soldiers, which Elizabeth helped to run. She was particularly instrumental in organising the rescue of the castle's contents during a serious fire on 16 September 1916. One of the soldiers she treated wrote in her", "title": "Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother" }, { "docid": "17497332", "text": "the planetarium and grant it full heritage status. Queen Elizabeth Planetarium The Queen Elizabeth Planetarium or Queen Elizabeth II Planetarium is a former planetarium located in Coronation Park in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was the first planetarium in Canada, operating between 1960 and 1983. Designed by Walter Tefler and R. F. Duke, it was named to commemorate the visit of Elizabeth II in 1959. In 1958 a proposal was put before Edmonton City Council to build a permanent civic memorial to mark the visit of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in July 1959. Originally there were three", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Planetarium" }, { "docid": "17497320", "text": "Queen Elizabeth Planetarium The Queen Elizabeth Planetarium or Queen Elizabeth II Planetarium is a former planetarium located in Coronation Park in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was the first planetarium in Canada, operating between 1960 and 1983. Designed by Walter Tefler and R. F. Duke, it was named to commemorate the visit of Elizabeth II in 1959. In 1958 a proposal was put before Edmonton City Council to build a permanent civic memorial to mark the visit of Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in July 1959. Originally there were three projects proposed a 30.8 metre (94 foot) trilon", "title": "Queen Elizabeth Planetarium" } ]
What breed of dog did Columbo own?
[ "Basset Hound", "Bassett hound", "Basset hounds", "Basset hound", "Basid hound" ]
[ { "docid": "19514679", "text": "he is visiting them. \"Étude in Black\" (1972) marked the first appearance of the lieutenant's basset hound, named \"Dog\". \"Dog\" came to be an occasional regular character in the films. Columbo considered names like \"Fido\", \"Munch\" and \"Beethoven\" but ultimately settled on \"Dog\". In \"Sex and the Married Detective\", Columbo is put on the spot when he is asked to play the tuba. Reluctantly he agrees, only to demonstrate great proficiency. He subsequently claimed that at school, the tuba was the only instrument left. In several episodes, Columbo is seen eating a breakfast of a boiled egg, usually while investigating", "title": "Columbo (character)" } ]
[ { "docid": "11964909", "text": "line\" This terminology is incorrect. The word \"type\" in reference to a dog refers specifically to the description of what defines that breed and what makes that breed of dog different from every other breed, as can be found in that breed's written Standard. When comparing dogs of the same breed, you look at \"type\" first and foremost, and then you look for different \"styles\" of dogs within that breed. The term \"style\" refers to characteristics that are different in each dog that already has \"breed type\". There can be a vast variety of \"styles\" existing in each breed of", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "11964910", "text": "dog. These characteristics develop from a breeder's desire to create a distinct 'look' (or \"style\") within their line. Breeders create their own \"style\" within their line, being careful not to stray from \"breed type\". Health problems of dog breeds and objections to dog showing have been covered extensively in the following articles: Purebred dogs | Genetic disease | Criticism of dog showing | Dog | Dog breeding | List of dog diseases | Canine reproduction | Inbreeding | Founder effect. Also see articles about individual breeds for more on health issues of individual breeds. Breed type (dog) Breed type in", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "11964903", "text": "Breed type (dog) Breed type in the parlance of dog fanciers refers to the qualities that define a dog breed and separate it from all other dog breeds. \"Breed type\" is outlined in the written standard for each breed, and \"breed type\" is the basis of judging in conformation dog shows. \"Breed type\" encompasses appearance, character, condition, bone structure, temperament, and movement; \"breed type is all these things.\" \"Breed type\" also includes a character specific to each breed, a combination of behaviour, temperament and carriage that demonstrate an essence of the breed. \"He exuded breed type,\" writes Anne Marie Rasmussen", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "13050446", "text": "Breed club (dog) A dog breed club is an association or club of fanciers of a single, specific breed of dog. \"Breed clubs\" define the breed with which the club is associated in a document called a breed standard, although there may be multiple \"breed clubs\" for the same breed, each defining the breed in a somewhat different manner. \"Breed clubs\" are \"not\" scientific organisations, nor are breed standards meant to be scientific descriptions of a breed. \"Any\" fancier or group of fanciers may start a \"breed club\" and write definitions to suit themselves. Dog breed clubs exist to \"support", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "841151", "text": "of the same breed and have an interest in dog breeding can form national Kennel clubs. Kennel Clubs maintain breed standards, record pedigrees in a breed registry (or studbook), and issue the rules for conformation dog shows and trials and accreditation of judges. They often serve as registries, which are lists of adult purebred dogs and lists of litters of puppies born to purebred parents. A dog breed is represented by a sufficient number of individuals to stably transfer its specific characteristics over generations. Dogs of same breed have similar characteristics of appearance and behavior, primarily because they come from", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "841141", "text": "domestic dog was present at what is now Zhokhov Island, arctic north-eastern Siberia, which was connected to the mainland at that time. The dogs were selectively bred as either sled dogs or as hunting dogs, which implies that a sled dog standard and a hunting dog standard existed at that time. The optimal maximum size for a sled dog is based on thermo-regulation, and the ancient sled dogs were between . The same standard has been found in the remains of sled dogs from this region 2,000 ago and in the modern Siberian Husky breed standard. Other dogs were more", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "13050448", "text": "and a list of breeders is usually available to help people find a reputable breeder. Breed clubs also sponsor dog shows for their breed, hunting trials for their breed, and other events related to their particular breed. Breed clubs promote the benefits and well-being of their particular breed and often offer events to discuss showing, training, breeding, and hereditary health issues. Clubs might also provide judging seminars to train dog event judges, and show clubs might maintain judging lists. Most breed clubs also schedule dog shows or competitions in various dog sports specifically for the breed, and raise funds for", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "13050464", "text": "In the United States, AMBOR is a very active club which organises activities for mixed-breed dogs only. Breed club (dog) A dog breed club is an association or club of fanciers of a single, specific breed of dog. \"Breed clubs\" define the breed with which the club is associated in a document called a breed standard, although there may be multiple \"breed clubs\" for the same breed, each defining the breed in a somewhat different manner. \"Breed clubs\" are \"not\" scientific organisations, nor are breed standards meant to be scientific descriptions of a breed. \"Any\" fancier or group of fanciers", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "841156", "text": "breed of dog is distinct, giving a detailed \"word picture\" of the appearance and behaviour of an \"idealized\" dog of that breed. Included in the breed standard description are externally observable aspects of appearance and behaviour that are considered by the breed club to be the most important for the breed, and externally observable details of appearance or temperament that are considered by the breed club to be unacceptable (called \"faults\"). In addition, most breed standards include a historical section, describing the place of origin and the original work done by the breed or its ancestor types. Dogs with a", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "5284924", "text": "Hypoallergenic dog breed The term hypoallergenic dog breed is commonly used to refer to a dog breed (or crossbreed) that is more compatible with allergic people than other breeds. However, prominent allergen researchers have claimed that there is no basis to the claims that certain breeds are hypoallergenic and, while allergen levels vary among individual dogs, the breed is not a significant factor. Though some studies suggest the possible existence of hypoallergenic dog breeds, there is too much variability to conclude that such a breed exists. According to researchers, claims about the existence of hypoallergenic dog breeds may have been", "title": "Hypoallergenic dog breed" }, { "docid": "11964907", "text": "English Mastiff standard cautions, \"Judges should also beware of putting a premium on showiness.\" \"Breed type\" usually takes into account the work the original dog type from which the breed was developed was bred to do. In order to counterbalance the overuse of appearance in awarding championships, some major registries and breed clubs have instituted performance events as part of the awards at conformation shows. Dog type, \"breed type\", dog breed, and purebred dog breed are at times all used interchangeably, but they all have distinct meanings. \"Types of dogs\" are varieties developed for a specific work; they may be", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "841159", "text": "included humans but with little or no selective breeding by humans. Dog types are broad categories of dogs based on form, function or style of work, lineage, or appearance. In contrast, modern dog breeds are particular breed standards, sharing a common set of heritable characteristics, determined by the kennel club that recognizes the breed. Examples include the huntaway and other livestock dogs of New Zealand, the feist dogs of the southern United States, and the Patagonian sheepdogs of Argentina, which are collies mixed with other working dogs. Dog breed Dog breeds are dogs that have relatively uniform physical characteristics developed", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "5284932", "text": "dog allergic individual. While \"allergy shots\" can reduce many individuals' dog-allergic reactions, the most common approach remains avoidance. There have been recent studies suggesting early introduction of pets to home may reduce the likelihood of developing sensitization. There are reports of individuals who will become less sensitive with continued exposure to a pet in the environment. But allergists warn that pet owners cannot rely on a breed being non-allergenic just because a particular allergic pet owner can tolerate a specific dog of that breed. Hypoallergenic dog breed The term hypoallergenic dog breed is commonly used to refer to a dog", "title": "Hypoallergenic dog breed" }, { "docid": "11861337", "text": "Rare breed (dog) Rare breed (dog) is any breed of dog that is small in number and is used to refer to both old established breeds such as the Stabyhoun and Glen of Imaal Terrier or newer creations. Since dogs have greater genetic variability than other domesticated animals the number of possible breeds is vast with new crosses constantly occurring, from these both selected and random crosses may come new breeds should offspring reliably breed true to type. New breeds from the wild such as the Carolina Dog are quite rare compared to attempts at breed creation from man as", "title": "Rare breed (dog)" }, { "docid": "3608462", "text": "title, all of its sanctioned events take place under its regional clubs. Previously, these regional clubs were the Mixed Breed Dog Club of California, Mixed Breed Dog Club of Oregon, Washington Mixed Breed Dog Club, and the Mixed Breed Dog Club of St. Louis. After the American Kennel Club began allowing Mixed Breeds to compete in agility, obedience, and rally through its Canine Partners program, all of the Mixed Breed Dog Club chapters closed except for the St. Louis Chapter. All other members of the club, outside of the St. Louis area, are designated as national club members. Mixed Breed", "title": "Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America" }, { "docid": "841154", "text": "while the American Kennel Club does not recognize any feist breed. A dog is said to be purebred if their parents were purebred and if the dog meets the standards of the breed. Purebred dog breeders of today \"have inherited a breeding paradigm that is, at the very least, a bit anachronistic in light of modern genetic knowledge, and that first arose out of a pretty blatant misinterpretation of Darwin and an enthusiasm for social theories that have long been discredited as scientifically insupportable and morally questionable.\" Morally questionable policies regarding purity of breed include obligatory surgical procedures to spay", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "11964908", "text": "very ancient or modern in origin. \"Modern breeds of dogs\" are refinements of older dog types, bred so that all closely resemble each other, and documented in a stud book kept by a breed club or major dog registry. A \"purebred dog\" is a dog of a documented modern dog breed that has been selectively bred to emphasize \"breed type\" for the sport of competitive conformation dog showing. The word \"type\" may be incorrectly used instead of \"style\" to refer to an identifiable 'style of appearance' or 'working style characteristic' of a particular kennel or \"dogs of a well established", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "841158", "text": "studies have reported lifespans that are shorter by between one and almost two years. Notably, dog breeds with flat faces and short noses have breathing difficulties, eye trouble and other health issues. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes over 300 dog breeds. A dog crossbreed is the result of mating two different breeds. A mongrel, mixed-breed dog or mutt is a dog that does not belong to one officially recognized breed and is not the result of intentional breeding. Natural breeds rose through time in response to a particular environment and in isolation from other populations of the species. This environment", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "841152", "text": "a select set of ancestors who had the same characteristics. Dogs of a specific breed breed true, producing young that are very similar to their parents. An individual dog is identified as a member of a breed through proof of ancestry, using genetic analysis or written records of ancestry. Without such proof, identification of a specific breed is not reliable. Such records, called stud books, may be maintained by individuals, clubs, or other organizations. Kennel clubs provide the recognition of distinct dog breeds, but there are many independent clubs with differing, and sometimes inconsistent standards and they need not apply", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "1883043", "text": "the television series. \"Mrs. Columbo\", a spin-off TV series starring Kate Mulgrew, aired in 1979 and was canceled after only thirteen episodes. Lt. Columbo was never seen on \"Mrs. Columbo\"; each episode featured the resourceful Mrs. Columbo solving a murder mystery she encountered in her work as a newspaper reporter. Connections with the original \"Columbo\" series were made obvious: the glaring presence of Columbo's car in the driveway, Dog, and Mrs. Columbo emptying ashtrays containing the famous green cigar butts—all featured in the show's opening sequence. References were also made to Kate's husband being a police lieutenant. Columbo Columbo ()", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "11861341", "text": "rare when brought to other parts of the world for pets or (rarely) to do the work for which they originally developed. An example is the Kuchi dog, a livestock guardian dog type which originated with the nomadic Kuchi people of Central Asia, and is now marketed in Europe and the United States as several differently named purebred rare breeds. Rare breed (dog) Rare breed (dog) is any breed of dog that is small in number and is used to refer to both old established breeds such as the Stabyhoun and Glen of Imaal Terrier or newer creations. Since dogs", "title": "Rare breed (dog)" }, { "docid": "841139", "text": "Dog breed Dog breeds are dogs that have relatively uniform physical characteristics developed under controlled conditions by humans, with breeding animals selected for phenotypic traits such as size, coat color, structure, and behavior. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes 337 pure dog breeds. Other uses of the term breed when referring to dogs may include pure breeds, cross-breeds, mixed breeds and natural breeds. The domestic dog is the first species, and the only large carnivore, to have been domesticated. Over the past 200 years, dogs have undergone rapid phenotypic change and were formed into today's modern breeds due to artificial selection", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "13050459", "text": "not all dog breeders belong to breed clubs, and breed clubs cannot enforce their code on non members, even when the non-members are raising the breed club's breed of dog.) The Scottish Terrier Club of America's code of ethics directs breeders to \"breed only Scottish Terriers of characteristic type, sound structure and temperament... producing dogs in conformity to the AKC Standard.\" There is no work or hunting requirement or inbreeding prohibitions in this breed, which is primarily kept as a pet and showdog. The emphasis on breeding only for appearance in many pet breeds, combined with competitive pressure to breed", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "13050456", "text": "trains judges and organizes multiple breed dog shows and other activities. When a breed club writes or changes the standard for its breed, a club which is a member of a national kennel club will submit the standard to the national kennel club for the breed club's country. When the kennel club accepts the standard it is said to be a standard of that national kennel club, but it is originally written by the breed club. Working and hunting dog breeds have breed clubs that define the appearance of the breed, but emphasize working or hunting ability in the selection", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "11861338", "text": "found in the American Hairless Terrier which sought to exploit a mutation. Modern dog breeds have documented descent from known foundation stock, and new breeds are often derived from older, established modern breeds. New documentation of a long established dog type, sometimes with a variation on an older name, also creates a new modern breed. The newly documented breed is then referred to as a \"rare breed\" as long as the number of dogs of the breed remain small. Breeds go through a recognition process by breed clubs, kennel clubs and other agencies, so that dogs can be guaranteed through", "title": "Rare breed (dog)" }, { "docid": "3608458", "text": "Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America The Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America (MBDCA) is a registry for spayed or neutered mixed-breed dogs to enable them to compete in obedience trials and conformation shows. It also provides rules for competition in tracking, lure coursing, and retriever instinct. In addition, state affiliates such as the Mixed Breed Dog Club of California provide various local activities. MBDCA was founded in 1978 in the state of Washington to provide a competitive venue for dogs not recognized by purebred registries such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). They defined rules under which dogs could", "title": "Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America" }, { "docid": "11861339", "text": "written documentation to be a member of a specific breed. For example, the Canadian department of agriculture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, has strict requirements for the registering of new breeds, which are referred to as \"emerging breeds.\" In the past, this process was limited to each country's national governing body for dog breeds (two in the case of the United States), and gaining recognition for a new breed was a closely checked, long process. With the advent of the internet a vast number of minor registries has proliferated, allowing clubs, breeders, and internet entrepreneurs to create their own registries for", "title": "Rare breed (dog)" }, { "docid": "3823522", "text": "was entered at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1877. Three Pointers have won \"Best in Show\" there, the first being Ch. Governor Moscow in 1925, second being Ch. Nancolleth Markable, and the most recent being Ch. Marjetta's National Acclaim in 1986. Pointer (dog breed) The Pointer, often called the English Pointer, is a medium to large-sized breed of dog (a Mastiff), developed in England as a gun dog. It is one of several pointing breeds. The coat of a Pointer is short, dense, smooth with a sheen. They are generally white with either liver, lemon, orange or black", "title": "Pointer (dog breed)" }, { "docid": "841143", "text": "in 1873 in imitation of other stud book registries for cattle and horses. Ancient breed of dogs was a term once used for a group of dog breeds by the American Kennel Club, but no longer. These breeds were referred to as \"ancient breeds\", as opposed to modern breeds because historically it was believed that they had origins dating back over 500 years. In 2004, a study looked at the microsatellites of 414 purebred dogs representing 85 breeds. The study found that dog breeds were so genetically distinct that 99% of individual dogs could be correctly assigned to their breed", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "1883042", "text": "her that he couldn't sleep at night if he had doubts, because he frequently watched \"Columbo\" as a child. In Harry Turtledove's sf/alternate history novel Homeward Bound a non-human detective, Inspector Garanpo, is a recognizable tribute to Columbo. A statue of Lieutenant Columbo and his dog was unveiled in 2014 on Miksa Falk Street in Budapest, Hungary. According to Antal Rogán, then-district mayor of the city, Peter Falk may have been related to Hungarian writer and politician Miksa Falk, although there is no evidence yet to prove it. A podcast about \"Columbo\" was launched in 2014, primarily considering episodes of", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "13050463", "text": "to enforce its regulations and code of ethics on non-members of the club. Other dog clubs encompass multiple breeds of the same type, such as the Hunting Retriever Club for retrievers. Such a club is not usually referred to as a breed club. Crossbred portemanteu-named designer dogs may have affinity groups and clubs that might be called breed clubs, although the dogs are not actually a breed of dog, but are a crossbreed of two breeds. The UK based, Cockapoo Club of GB, has raised standards of ethical breeding by ensuring that Approved Breeders adhere to a Code of Ethics.", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "11964906", "text": "all-breed judges may not be knowledgeable about all of the details of each breed's \"breed type\". The director of the Bedlington Terrier Club of America writes of the Bedlington Terrier's standard for gait that \"all too often, judges either ignore [the standard's] description or completely lack knowledge of it.\" Even judging that adheres strictly to the standard tends to reward the most outgoing and energetic (showy) dog. In order to win, showing \"must be fun for the dog.\" But for some breeds, excessive showiness is in opposition to the \"breed type\" and should not be rewarded. The American Kennel Club", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "3823520", "text": "The Pointer has dominated the pointing breed field trials since then. (Fergus, 2002). One of the earliest dogs to exert influence on the breed in the US was a dog imported from England in 1876 – \"Sensation\". He is well known as the dog on the emblem of the Westminster Kennel Club. One modern American kennel, established in 1936, and known for breeding large quantities of Pointers, Elhew Kennels produced a popular and successful line of gun dogs. Elhew pointers were well-known competitors at field trials for several decades. In the southern United States, where the dog is so dominant", "title": "Pointer (dog breed)" }, { "docid": "3823514", "text": "Pointer (dog breed) The Pointer, often called the English Pointer, is a medium to large-sized breed of dog (a Mastiff), developed in England as a gun dog. It is one of several pointing breeds. The coat of a Pointer is short, dense, smooth with a sheen. They are generally white with either liver, lemon, orange or black markings. Although pointers may have solid coloring in any of these hues, most Pointers are primarily white with some body markings. Lemon and white dogs have flesh-colored noses, while Pointers with orange, liver or black markings have dark (black or very dark brown)", "title": "Pointer (dog breed)" }, { "docid": "11964904", "text": "of a particular King Charles Spaniel. An Akbash Dog \"with correct breed type [is] confident, protective, intelligent, brave, affectionate yet reserved, and always loyal.\" The exact definition of \"breed type\" for any given breed can be very subjective and elusive. For the most part, the ideal \"breed type\" is defined in the breed standard, a written list of attributes that defines the breed and separates the breed from other breeds based on the same ancestral type. The standard leaves room for interpretation; breeders may choose to select for emphasis some aspects of \"breed type\" over others, and, if conformation judges", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "11964905", "text": "agree with that selection, the breed will change over time. Each element of the standard is considered both independently and part of the whole of \"breed type\". In writing about the Borzoi, Jon Titus Steel says, \"The neck is a key element of breed type\", affecting a dog's outline, balance, movement, and function. In conformation judging, judges compare the dog to the ideal \"breed type\" represented in the standard. Since breed standards leave room for interpretation, conformation show judging is highly subjective, and individual judges will place more or less emphasis on the various elements of \"breed type\". In addition,", "title": "Breed type (dog)" }, { "docid": "841157", "text": "breed standard may be accepted into one or more of the major registries (kennel clubs) of dog breeds include the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (covering 84 countries), The Kennel Club (UK), the Canadian Kennel Club, the American Kennel Club, the United Kennel Clubs International, the Australian National Kennel Council the New Zealand Kennel Club, and other national registries. The registry places the breed into the appropriate category, called a group. Some Groups may be further subdivided by some registries. Pure breed dogs have more health problems than mongrel dogs, and require more veterinary visits, and tend to have lower longevity. Indeed,", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "13050449", "text": "research on breed-specific health issues. Breed clubs for agricultural stock breeds became popular social clubs in England in the late 18th century and early 19th century. The first breed club for chickens, for example, was formed in 1815 as an elite and expensive activity. By the mid-19th century, dog shows were becoming a pastime in Victorian England, and the bulldog was a popular pet. In order to make the bulldog breed smaller and more gentle, crossbreeding with pugs and other types of dogs was being done, leading to the formation of the first breed club, the Bulldog Club, in 1864,", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "9046418", "text": "Laika (dog breed) Laika () refers to a type of hunting dog of Northern Russia and Russian Siberia, and is a generic name for several breeds. Fédération Cynologique Internationale uses the word \"Laika\" in the names of three standard breeds: Russian European Laika (FCI standard No. 304), West Siberian Laika (FCI 306), and East Siberian Laika (FCI 305), which had been bred from the aboriginal dogs of northern Russia and Siberia. The Karelo-Finnish Laika, not listed in the FCI nomenclature, is also a Russian breed, with the first standard published in Leningrad in 1936. It is a close relative of", "title": "Laika (dog breed)" }, { "docid": "841153", "text": "scientific standards. Four varieties of the Belgian Shepherd Dog are recognised as four distinct breeds by the New Zealand Kennel Club. Further, some groups of dogs which clearly share a persistent set of characteristics and documented descent from a known foundation stock may still not be recognized by some clubs as breeds. For instance, the feist is a hunting dog raised in the Southern United States for hunting small game. Feists have a consistent set of characteristics that reliably differentiate them from other dog types and breeds. However, the United Kennel Club recognizes one breed of feist, the Treeing Feist,", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "13050458", "text": "may be registered with breed clubs that have competition in dog shows and the breeding of showdogs and pets as their primary purposes. Most of the clubs have a closed stud book. Many dogs that are bred for show and pets are inbred, in order to make them as uniform in appearance as possible. Close inbreeding, called linebreeding, has only recently been recognised as problematic; generations of breeder manuals have recommended close inbreeding to produce a dog that is highly standardised in appearance. Today, testing for genetic defects before breeding is required by most breed clubs' code of ethics (but", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "10272259", "text": "dogs, often living only 6 to 10 years. The following breeds are generally described as giant breeds: Giant dog breed A giant dog breed has no universal height or weight classification, although some groups define \"giant breeds\" as those heavier than . Giant breeds grow rapidly, but take longer to mature into their full adult sizes than smaller dogs. Many giant breeds are mature, soft and relaxed dogs as adults and require less exercise than most smaller dogs, so they can make better pets for small living arrangements, such as apartments. Because they are larger animals, they are less likely", "title": "Giant dog breed" }, { "docid": "10272256", "text": "Giant dog breed A giant dog breed has no universal height or weight classification, although some groups define \"giant breeds\" as those heavier than . Giant breeds grow rapidly, but take longer to mature into their full adult sizes than smaller dogs. Many giant breeds are mature, soft and relaxed dogs as adults and require less exercise than most smaller dogs, so they can make better pets for small living arrangements, such as apartments. Because they are larger animals, they are less likely to be intimidated by other people and thus are much more adaptable to meeting friends, family members,", "title": "Giant dog breed" }, { "docid": "3823519", "text": "England. Through both history and anatomical evaluation, at least four breeds appear to have been instrumental in Pointer crosses: Greyhounds, Foxhounds, Bloodhounds, and Bull Terriers. Each of these were established breeds with unique qualities the Pointer could use to do its job. Pointers were brought to the United States, where the breed flourished in the abundant open hunting land. At that time (late 1800s), the Setter was considered to be the bird-hunting dog and pointers were not even permitted to compete in field trials with setters. Around 1910, however, the Pointer began to beat the Setter at its own game.", "title": "Pointer (dog breed)" }, { "docid": "5284929", "text": "for most breeds, when not regularly bathed, even a dog who sheds very little or has little dander can trigger a reaction in a sensitive person. Size may be a factor in determining hypoallergenicity. It is possible that the total body surface area of the dog is more indicative of reduced production of allergens than its breed. Smaller dogs will also leave fewer environmental pollutants containing dog dander and dog allergens (reduced fecal matter, urine and saliva). Small hairless dogs may be less likely to cause allergic reactions \"because it's so easy to bathe them and the dander falls off", "title": "Hypoallergenic dog breed" }, { "docid": "3823521", "text": "it is often simply referred to as the \"bird dog,\" Pointers are found in abundance. The bobwhite quail is the primary game bird there, and is considered classic English Pointer game, as the bobwhite will hold well for a pointing dog. Pointers also work game birds such as the pheasant, grouse, and woodcock with success. While the dog is often called the \"English Pointer\" colloquially, the official breed name according to the British Kennel Club is simply \"Pointer\". The same is true of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale, the American Kennel Club, and the Field Dog Stud Book. The first Pointer", "title": "Pointer (dog breed)" }, { "docid": "13050457", "text": "of breeding stock (although the dogs must not vary too much in appearance from the breed standard, or they will not be registerable.). The emphasis is placed on hunting ability in the selection of breeding stock. In addition, inbreeding may be regulated. The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America code of ethics specifies that \"a terrier will be rejected for registration if the inbreeding coefficient is more than 16 percent\" in an effort to lessen hereditary disease in the breed. Independent working and hunting breed clubs sometimes maintain an open stud book. Dog breeds that are primarily kept as pets", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "8242057", "text": "specific health concerns for that breed, an offbeat or humorous segment featuring the unique traits of the breed, and a summary guide for what prospective owners should know about the breed. Occasionally segments within episodes would feature one or more celebrities who own the featured dog breed, including their testimonials about life with their dogs. Some of the celebrities featured on \"Breed All About It\" include Susan Ford and her Golden Retrievers, Greg Louganis and his Great Danes, Lorrie Morgan and her Japanese Chins, and Andrew Weil and his Rhodesian Ridgebacks. It is unknown if \"Breed All About It\" will", "title": "Breed All About It" }, { "docid": "11331488", "text": "now in the public domain. The Bull Dog Breed \"The Bulldog Breed\" is a Sailor Steve Costigan short story by Robert E. Howard. It was originally published in the February 1930 issue of \"Fight Stories\". A Sailor Steve Costigan story. Steve Costigan is not too popular with the Old Man of the Sea Boy, so he goes ashore and takes his also in trouble bulldog Mike with him. When a Frenchman sinks a boot into Mike, well, a man who doesn’t stick up for his dog is the lowest of the low. Steve and Francois have to settle this in", "title": "The Bull Dog Breed" }, { "docid": "11331487", "text": "The Bull Dog Breed \"The Bulldog Breed\" is a Sailor Steve Costigan short story by Robert E. Howard. It was originally published in the February 1930 issue of \"Fight Stories\". A Sailor Steve Costigan story. Steve Costigan is not too popular with the Old Man of the Sea Boy, so he goes ashore and takes his also in trouble bulldog Mike with him. When a Frenchman sinks a boot into Mike, well, a man who doesn’t stick up for his dog is the lowest of the low. Steve and Francois have to settle this in the ring. The story is", "title": "The Bull Dog Breed" }, { "docid": "13050447", "text": "the preservation and protection\" of the club's breed. Each club defines for itself what exactly the club will do for the breed, depending on the use of the particular breed that is advocated by the breed club. Breed clubs write the standard for their breed, and independent breed clubs maintain their breed's stud book (other breed clubs are affiliated with a national kennel club, which maintains the stud books of a great many breeds in a central location.) Breed clubs provide information to the public about their breed. Club members agree to a code of ethics overseen by the club", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "13050450", "text": "to write a breed standard to prevent what the members felt were undesirable changes to the breed. The club only lasted three years. More breed clubs were formed in England after the founding of the Kennel Club in 1873, starting with a new bulldog breed club in 1875 in London. Membership in a breed club is usually done through an application, in which the prospective member explains his or her interest in the breed, and supplies recommendations from other members. Most individuals join breed clubs in order to participate in the club-sponsored activities. Hobby breeders join breed clubs for access", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "3281297", "text": "in question had been repealed by passage of a subsequent \"pit bull\" ordinance in June 1987; however, the court specifically observed (but did not rule) that the 1987 ordinance relied on the \"common understanding and usage\" of the names of the breeds in question, and warned that the Lynn Pit Bull ban ordinance depends for enforcement on the subjective understanding of dog officers of the appearance of an ill-defined \"breed,\" leaves dog owners to guess at what conduct or dog \"look\" is prohibited, and requires \"proof\" of a dog's \"type\" which, unless the dog is registered, may be impossible to", "title": "Breed-specific legislation" }, { "docid": "19512813", "text": "a first name in the original \"Columbo\" series but was named Kate in this series. After poor ratings and reception from both audiences and the original producers of \"Columbo\", both the series and the eponymous character herself were renamed in an attempt to change direction, but this did not help ratings and the series was ultimately canceled in March 1980 after 13 episodes had aired. Neither Peter Falk nor the character of Lieutenant Columbo ever appeared on or endorsed the show. Kate Columbo (later renamed Kate Callahan after an off-screen divorce) is the wife of Lieutenant Columbo, the title character", "title": "Mrs. Columbo" }, { "docid": "5284925", "text": "fueled by unsubstantiated articles on the internet. In a recent interview, Christine Cole Johnson, Senior Staff Scientist at the Henry Ford Hospital & Health System, referring to the findings of her article in the July 2011 issue of the \"American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy\", explained that it was unclear where the name hypoallergenic dog breed came from, and asserted that the existence of such a breed was just a myth. The significant allergens are proteins found in the dog's saliva and dander. Some studies have suggested that the production of the allergen, and therefore human allergenic reaction, varies by", "title": "Hypoallergenic dog breed" }, { "docid": "5284928", "text": "University of Virginia, explained that there are cases in which a specific dog (not breed) might be better tolerated by a specific person, for unknown reasons. \"We think there really are differences in protein production between dogs that may help one patient and not another,\" Dr. Platts-Mills said. All dogs shed, and all dogs produce dander and saliva in some degree. As noted above, the amount of the allergenic protein present on the dander and in saliva varies by breed. Also, the amount of the allergen can be reduced or eliminated in individual dogs by treatments such as bathing. But", "title": "Hypoallergenic dog breed" }, { "docid": "13050460", "text": "show-winning dogs, has led in some breeds to extremes in appearance and a loss of working or hunting instincts. For this reason, many working and hunting dog owners will not join breed clubs associated with national kennel clubs, preferring to maintain their breeds and stud books independently. A disadvantage to this approach is the loss of access to the many events and activities that the national clubs can afford to sponsor. Unless the independent breed club is very large, it can suffer from a lack of funding and lobby support that the national kennel clubs can provide, especially with the", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "841155", "text": "or neuter animals in numerous contexts. The American Kennel Club, for instance, allows mixed-breed dogs to be shown but requires these animals to be altered. It doesn't make such requirements for purebred dogs. California Assembly Act AB 1634 was a bill introduced in 2007 that would require all non-working dogs of mixed breed over the age of 6 months to be neutered or spayed. The bill was morally controversial, leading the American Kennel Club to fight the bill. The Canadian department of agriculture has strict standards for the documenting of what it calls \"evolving breeds\". The breed standard for each", "title": "Dog breed" }, { "docid": "3608459", "text": "compete to earn obedience titles in the same way that most purebred dogs could compete in their purebred clubs. They also defined rules for conformation competitions for mixed-breed dogs. The MBDCA obedience rules generally follow the rules established by the AKC. The MBDCA is the only dog organization in America that requires a dog to complete an obedience title before it can complete its conformation championship. This ensures that the dog is not merely attractive but has also learned basic obedience. MBDCA allows not only mixed breeds to compete at its events, but also purebred dogs who cannot be registered", "title": "Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America" }, { "docid": "1883023", "text": "cigar, but he otherwise had few of the other now-familiar Columbo mannerisms. However, the character is still recognizably Columbo, and uses some of the same methods of misdirecting and distracting his suspects. During the course of the show, the increasingly frightened murderer brings pressure from the district attorney's office to have Columbo taken off the case, but the detective fights back with his own contacts. Although Freed received third billing, he wound up with almost as much screen time as the killer and appeared immediately after the first commercial. This delayed entry of the character into the narrative of the", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "19514694", "text": "church, volunteering at the hospital, watching her sister's children and walking the dog five times a day. He mentions that she has a sister named Ruth and later while talking with his wife on the phone he refers also to her having another sister, Rita. This episode teases the audience as to whether or not Mrs. Columbo has actually been murdered and by featuring prominently displayed photographs of Mrs. Columbo, apparently finally disclosing her appearance to viewers. However, the photos are revealed to be of one of his wife's sisters, as he informs the killer at the end of the", "title": "Columbo (character)" }, { "docid": "1883022", "text": "Inspector Fichet from the French suspense-thriller film \"Les Diaboliques\" (1955). The character first appeared in a 1960 episode of the television-anthology series \"The Chevy Mystery Show\", titled \"Enough Rope\". This was adapted by Levinson and Link from their short story \"May I Come In\", which had been published as \"Dear Corpus Delicti\" in an issue of \"Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine\". The short story did not include Columbo as a character. The first actor to portray Columbo, character actor Bert Freed, was a stocky character actor with a thatch of grey hair. Freed's Columbo wore a rumpled suit and smoked a", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "18470649", "text": "Dalbo dog The Dalbo dog (or Dalbohund) is an extinct dog breed of the molosser type, originally from Sweden. The Dalbo dog is an extinct dog breed that was largely used to protect free roaming cows, sheep, horses and goats from wolves, brown bears and cattle thieves. It was also used to herd cattle, and as a protection/guard dog. It became extinct in around 1870. No dogs of this breed was found when an inventory was done in 1913. This dog breed was never common in Sweden, but it did occur in the following Swedish counties: Västergötland, Bohuslän, Dalsland, Värmland", "title": "Dalbo dog" }, { "docid": "3410581", "text": "Federation Cynologique Internationale regulates breed standards for dogs internationally, but the largest dog registry, the American Kennel Club, does not belong to the international body and uses its own breed standard format. Breed standard A breed standard (also called bench standard or standard of points) in animal fancy and animal husbandry is a set of guidelines which is used to ensure that the animals produced by a breeder or breeding facility conform to the specifics of the standardized breed. Breed standards are devised by breed associations or breed clubs, not by individuals, and are written to reflect the use or", "title": "Breed standard" }, { "docid": "12665427", "text": "breed standard, and are instead developed as breeder guidelines by breed clubs, kennel clubs, or even by national agricultural department rules. \"Conformation\" refers solely to the externally visible details of a dog's structure and appearance, along with the dog's expected temperament, which varies for each breed or type of dog. For details about contents of a breed's \"breed standard\" and what is considered \"good conformation\" for a particular breed, see the article about that specific breed of dog. Conformation (dog) Conformation in dogs refers solely to the externally visible details of a dog's structure and appearance, as defined in detail", "title": "Conformation (dog)" }, { "docid": "3790185", "text": "his best to break the relationship up with a series of publicity-created \"ruse romances\" involving Columbo and actresses such as Greta Garbo and Pola Negri; it succeeded. (Dorothy Dell died in an auto accident in June 1934—just months before Columbo's own fatal accident.) The type of singing that was popularized by the likes of Columbo, Rudy Vallee, and Bing Crosby is called crooning. Columbo disliked the label, but it caught on with the general public. It gained popular credence, despite its initial use as a term of derision for the singers employing their low, soothing voices in romantic songs. Similarly,", "title": "Russ Columbo" }, { "docid": "3790181", "text": "Russ Columbo Ruggiero Eugenio di Rodolfo Colombo (January 14, 1908 – September 2, 1934), known as Russ Columbo, was an American baritone, songwriter, violinist and actor. He is famous for romantic ballads such as his signature tune \"You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love\" and his own compositions \"Prisoner of Love\" and \"Too Beautiful For Words.\" Columbo was born in Camden, New Jersey, the twelfth child of Italian immigrant parents, Nicola and Giulia (Julia) Colombo. He attended Everett Grammar School and started playing the violin at a very young age and debuted professionally at the age of 13.", "title": "Russ Columbo" }, { "docid": "19514698", "text": "Columbo\", the detective's wife is given the first name of Kate (presumably short for Katherine or some variant thereof) and portrayed by Kate Mulgrew. On duty, Columbo drives his own car, a French 1959 Peugeot 403 convertible equipped with a police radio. In early episodes the car used was clearly royal blue, though faded; later it seems to be \"primer\"-colored. Columbo says he parks his car in the shade because the sun ruins the paint. The California license plate, clearly seen in the first episode to be \"044 APD\", is damaged and crooked in later episodes. Peter Falk selected the", "title": "Columbo (character)" }, { "docid": "11861340", "text": "their own purposes. As a result, the number of dogs being marketed as or referred to as registered members of a \"rare breed\" has increased. note 1. See the Biewer for an example of a new modern \"rare breed\" derived from an established modern breed, in this case, the Yorkshire Terrier. note 2. Many landrace dogs (also called ancient-breeds), adapted to a particular environment and developed not through modern breeding techniques but in isolation over time, are being documented, registered, and marketed as modern purebred breeds. Although such landraces may not be rare in their home environment, they are considered", "title": "Rare breed (dog)" }, { "docid": "13050462", "text": "fanciers and breeders for each of these breeds, and then those new clubs applied for membership with the AKC and were accepted. The original breed clubs have continued to maintain their own stud books despite the existence of the new breed clubs which have joined the national kennel club. This has created two separate stud books for these breeds, and has divided the breeds. The kennel club recognition has been compared to a hostile takeover in a Mergers and Acquisitions deal, as national clubs are eager to register popular new breeds. However, there is no way for a breed club", "title": "Breed club (dog)" }, { "docid": "18470654", "text": "dog closely resembled the living Portuguese breed of Cao da Serra da estrela. Others claim it was more like the modern day Leonberger, or the English Mastiff. There are a few pictures of what some think is a Dalbo dog, and the most recent of these are from 1905. The Dalbo dog was noted for its courage and bold nature. Even though the original Dalbo dog is extinct, there are Swedish attempts to reconstruct the breed using related breeds of dogs. The results of this are promising, but have yet to be given a breed standard. Dalbo dog The Dalbo", "title": "Dalbo dog" }, { "docid": "1883034", "text": "the whole of 38 episodes, from 1971 to 1977. Unlike the other elements of the \"Mystery Movie\" wheel, \"Columbo\" never had an official theme as such, although some composers, such as Dick DeBenedictis and Gil Mellé, did write their own signature pieces. Several composers created original music for the series, which was often used along with \"The Mystery Movie Theme\": Series Music department included: Patrick Williams received two Emmy nominations for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series in 1978 (for \"Try and Catch Me\") and 1989 (for \"Murder, Smoke and Shadows\"). Billy Goldenberg was nominated in the same category in", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "4203270", "text": "of most reputable breed clubs. They may provide volume discounts for registrations by commercial dog breeders such as puppy mills. An unscrupulous registry for dogs or horses is often spotted by a policy to not require any proof of pedigree at all. In the dog world, such registries may not sponsor competitions, and thus cannot award championship points to identify the best individuals registered within a particular breed or species. In the less-organized world of horse shows, where many different sanctioning organizations exist, some groups sponsor their own competitions, though wins at such events seldom carry much prestige in mainstream", "title": "Breed registry" }, { "docid": "3406006", "text": "work towards eliminating in the breed. Those undesirable aspects of appearance and temperament are called \"faults\". What constitutes a fault may differ from breed to breed. For example, an aloof and somewhat aggressive temperament might be suitable for a livestock guardian dog, but would be a completely unacceptable fault in a lap dog. Faults may be serious enough to require disqualification in a conformation show, eliminating the dog from winning a championship in conformation, or they may be minor, to be measured by the judge against the dog's good qualities. Some breed standards are punctilious in the extreme, spelling out", "title": "Fault (dog)" }, { "docid": "7578094", "text": "Cousin Helen: Papa's niece; she cannot walk because of an accident years ago. Despite her suffering she is amusing, cheerful, and kind; just what Katy wants to be. After Katy's accident, Cousin Helen helps her adjust to her illness. Susan Coolidge shared her publisher, Roberts Brothers, with Louisa May Alcott, and \"What Katy Did\" helped satisfy the demand for naturalistic novels about girlhood that followed the 1868 success of \"Little Women\". Like Alcott, Coolidge heightened the realism of her novel by drawing on her own childhood memories. \"What Katy Did\" also illustrates social shifts. First the novel depicts the treatment", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "3406002", "text": "do with the individual dog's ability to work or suitability as a pet. Faults are formally defined in reference to the breed standard of the specific dog breed, and, due to the extreme variability of the dog (\"Phenotypic variation among dog breeds, whether it be in size, shape, or behavior, is greater than for any other animal\"), a single set of faults cannot be generically described for all dog breeds. Wikipedia articles for individual breeds should describe what are considered faults in that particular breed. \"Faults\" are evaluated as part of the judging process in conformation shows. As the purpose", "title": "Fault (dog)" }, { "docid": "12665425", "text": "the dog type from which the breed developed, along with many details that have been added to the breed standard for purposes of differentiation from other breeds, for working reasons, or for enhancing the beauty of the animals from the viewpoint of the fanciers who wrote the breed standards. The breed standard for each breed of dog details desirable and undesirable attributes of \"appearance\" and \"temperament\" for an individual breed. Due to the great variability in dogs, there is no one standard of good conformation. What is good conformation for a lapdog will not be good conformation for a guard", "title": "Conformation (dog)" }, { "docid": "10105329", "text": "grey-Wolf present under 15%. Variable low content varies from 3-15%, alongside genetic markers for the Samoyed dog. The breed was cast in 2017 to play the character of Rollo (A Wolfdog won by the character Ian Murray played by John Bell) in Starz smash hit show \"Outlander\", which is filmed in Scotland, to be aired November 2018. Northern Inuit Dog The Northern Inuit Dog is a crossbred dog that originated in the late 1980s, in an attempt to create a domestic dog breed more closely resembling the wolf. It is currently only recognized by its own independent breed club, but", "title": "Northern Inuit Dog" }, { "docid": "10105322", "text": "Northern Inuit Dog The Northern Inuit Dog is a crossbred dog that originated in the late 1980s, in an attempt to create a domestic dog breed more closely resembling the wolf. It is currently only recognized by its own independent breed club, but by no other major kennel clubs. The dog originates from crosses among German Shepherd Dogs, Siberian Huskies, Samoyeds, Alaskan Malamute and a variety of Inuit breeds. Although the original stock is Canadian in origin, the breed was developed in the UK. Embark DNA in USA have reported in 2017 that the breeds prominent are German Shepherd, Alaskan", "title": "Northern Inuit Dog" }, { "docid": "19514660", "text": "Columbo (character) Columbo or Lieutenant Columbo is the eponymous main character in the successful detective crime drama series \"Columbo\". The character is a shrewd but inelegant blue-collar homicide detective whose trademarks include his shambling manner, rumpled beige raincoat and off-putting, relentless investigative approach. Columbo is portrayed primarily by Peter Falk, who appeared in the role from 1968 through 2003. Columbo's first name has never officially been identified, although the name \"Frank Columbo\" has been visible on pieces of identification throughout the show's history. The character of Columbo was created by William Link, who said that Columbo was partially inspired by", "title": "Columbo (character)" }, { "docid": "1883039", "text": "episodes up to Murder, a Self-Portrait were released on DVD in Japan. The Columbo character first appeared on stage in 1962 in \"Prescription: Murder\" with Thomas Mitchell in the role of Columbo. In 2010, \"Prescription: Murder\", was revived for a tour of the United Kingdom with Dirk Benedict and later John Guerrasio as Columbo. Falk appeared as Columbo in an \"Alias\" sketch produced for a 2003 TV special celebrating the 50th anniversary of ABC. Falk appeared in character as Columbo in 1977 at \"The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast\" of Frank Sinatra. The insurance investigator, John Frazier (played by James Corden)", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "7578085", "text": "up: \"What Katy Did at School\" and \"What Katy Did Next\". Two further sequels relating the adventures of Katy's younger siblings were also published—\"Clover\" and \"In the High Valley\". The books were frequently reprinted and all are available online. Coolidge modeled Katy on her own childhood self, and the other 'Little Carrs' on her brothers and sisters. The title is a play on the katydid, a family of insects – which explains the insects on the first edition book cover. 12-year-old Katy Carr lives with her widowed father and her two brothers and three sisters in Burnet, a small midwestern", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "3790191", "text": "an album in tribute to Columbo, titled \"Prisoner of Love (A Tribute to Russ Columbo)\", which he recorded with the group Clang. Columbo is one of the historical figures named in the Neil Diamond composition \"Done Too Soon\". Columbo is one of the three famous crooners named in the 1932 Looney Tunes cartoon \"Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee\". Russ Columbo Ruggiero Eugenio di Rodolfo Colombo (January 14, 1908 – September 2, 1934), known as Russ Columbo, was an American baritone, songwriter, violinist and actor. He is famous for romantic ballads such as his signature tune \"You Call It Madness, But I", "title": "Russ Columbo" }, { "docid": "19512817", "text": "\"Columbo\". The episode \"Caviar with Everything\" was included in the fifth season of \"Columbo\". Mrs. Columbo Mrs. Columbo, later known as Kate Columbo, followed by Kate the Detective and then ultimately Kate Loves a Mystery is an American crime drama television series initially based on the wife of Lieutenant Columbo, the title character from the television series \"Columbo\". It was created and produced by Richard Alan Simmons and Universal Television for NBC, and stars Kate Mulgrew as a news reporter helping to solve crimes while raising her daughter. The series debuted in February 1979 as a spin-off to the successful", "title": "Mrs. Columbo" }, { "docid": "12399433", "text": "clubs, dog sport clubs, minor kennel clubs and internet-based dog businesses. In this Group, the Alaskan Klee Kai (a new breed developed from a mixed breed dog in the 1970s in Alaska, USA) can be still be registered with the American Rare Breed Association as well as with the United Kennel Club. A breed that is not recognised by a kennel club means that it has not been sufficiently vetted according to that particular kennel club's rules. Northern breed group Northern Breed Group is the name of a breed group of dogs, used by kennel clubs to classify a defined", "title": "Northern breed group" }, { "docid": "11778731", "text": "Salish Wool Dog The Salish Wool Dog or Comox dog is an extinct breed of white, long-haired, Spitz-type dog that was developed and bred by the native peoples of what is now Washington and British Columbia. The Salish Wool Dog (or Woolly Dog) likely is the only known prehistoric North American dog developed by true animal husbandry. The small, long-haired wool dog and the coyote-like village dog were deliberately maintained as separate populations. The dogs were kept in packs of about 12 to 20 animals, and fed primarily raw and cooked salmon. To keep the breed true to type and", "title": "Salish Wool Dog" }, { "docid": "19512816", "text": "1980, after 13 episodes. Peter Falk expressed his disapproval of the spin-off, calling it a \"bad idea\" and \"disgraceful\". When \"Columbo\" returned to the air in 1989 on ABC, it was further established that Lt. Columbo and his wife Mrs. Columbo were still happily married and the existence of the series \"Mrs. Columbo\" was effectively ignored. The \"Mrs. Columbo\" episode \"A Riddle for Puppets\" was included as a bonus feature in the Region 1 DVD release of the fourth season of \"Columbo\", released in August 2005. The episode \"Murder Is a Parlor Game\" was included in the third season of", "title": "Mrs. Columbo" }, { "docid": "2992344", "text": "Tervuren dog The Tervuren (, sometimes spelled Tervueren), is named after a village in Belgium. Its classification varies, being classified under some breed standards as a breed in its own right, and in others as one of several acceptable variations of the Belgian Shepherd Dog. It is usually listed within breed standards under one or other, or a combination, of these names. In the United States, since 1959, the AKC recognizes it under the name Belgian Tervuren. Prior to 1959, the Belgium Tervuren was shown as Belgium Sheepdog. In that year, the AKC granted the breed separate status. In Canada,", "title": "Tervuren dog" }, { "docid": "19512814", "text": "from the television series \"Columbo\". Kate is a news reporter who solves crimes while raising her daughter. Shortly after the \"Columbo\" series ended its original run on NBC in 1978, despite objections from \"Columbo\" producers Richard Levinson and William Link, NBC executive Fred Silverman went forward in producing \"Mrs. Columbo\" as a spin-off to the original series. The information NBC released about the show was unambiguous about the fact that Mrs. Columbo in the new series was in fact the previously unseen wife frequently mentioned on \"Columbo\". The show received poor ratings, however, and as part of efforts to revamp", "title": "Mrs. Columbo" }, { "docid": "19512812", "text": "Mrs. Columbo Mrs. Columbo, later known as Kate Columbo, followed by Kate the Detective and then ultimately Kate Loves a Mystery is an American crime drama television series initially based on the wife of Lieutenant Columbo, the title character from the television series \"Columbo\". It was created and produced by Richard Alan Simmons and Universal Television for NBC, and stars Kate Mulgrew as a news reporter helping to solve crimes while raising her daughter. The series debuted in February 1979 as a spin-off to the successful mystery crime drama series \"Columbo\", focusing on Lieutenant Columbo's wife, who is never given", "title": "Mrs. Columbo" }, { "docid": "7389592", "text": "Guardian dogs behavior and specifics can be found at Livestock Guardian Dog Association. The CAO is a versatile, universal breed, and fits under different descriptions at a time, what is a reason for different Kennel Clubs to classify Central Asians under different dog breed groups. RKF, FCI recognized Russian Kennel Club, classified Central Asians as a working dog breed, reflecting tremendous results in obedience, protection and military-related training. Modern breeding requirements by leading Kennel Club in Russia include mandatory temperament test and training title, besides show rating. UKC fit them together with other Flock Guardians of similar breeds, matching breed’", "title": "Central Asian Shepherd Dog" }, { "docid": "1883040", "text": "in the film Ocean's Eight is referred to appearing like a Columbo look alike. A \"Columbo\" series of books was published by MCA Publishing, written by authors Alfred Lawrence, Henry Clements and Lee Hays. This series of books, with the first title published in 1972, were mostly adapted from the TV series. Columbo was also used as the protagonist for a series of novels published between 1994 and 1999 by Forge Books, an imprint of Tor Books. All of these books were written by William Harrington. William Link, the co-creator of the series, has written a collection of Columbo short", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "1883041", "text": "stories, titled \"The Columbo Collection\", which was published in May 2010 by Crippen & Landru, the specialty mystery publisher. The Columbo character is highlighted in volume 7 of the \"Detective Conan\" manga edition of \"Gosho Aoyama's Mystery Library\". Columbo was briefly mentioned in the anime adaptation in the episode \"The Forgotten Cellphone Part 2\" when Conan said one of Columbo's lines: \"You know, my wife says...\". \"Columbo\" was briefly mentioned in a 1990 chapter of the long-running manga, \"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure\", where the main character Jotaro Kujo begins to suspect the actions of a suspicious old woman. He mentions to", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "12399431", "text": "Northern breed group Northern Breed Group is the name of a breed group of dogs, used by kennel clubs to classify a defined collection of dog breeds. Dogs listed in the \"Northern Breed Group\" may not all be of the same type of dog. Spitz-type dogs are the primary dog type of the Arctic and northern parts of the world, and the Shiba Inu, Chow Chow, Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky and Samoyed are being shown by genetic research to be descendents of the oldest dog types known. The Spitz or Northern-type dogs of today developed from antiquity along with humans,", "title": "Northern breed group" }, { "docid": "1883036", "text": "show's composers, Patrick Williams. \"Columbo\" received numerous awards and nominations from 1971 to 2005, including 13 Emmys, two Golden Globe Awards, two Edgar Awards and a TV Land Award nomination in 2005 for Peter Falk. As of January 10, 2012, Universal Studios Home Entertainment had released all 69 episodes of \"Columbo\" on DVD. The episodes are released in the same chronological order as they were originally broadcast. On October 16, 2012, Universal released \"Columbo — The Complete Series\" on DVD in Region 1. Because the \"Columbo\" episodes from 1989 to 2003 were aired very infrequently, different DVD sets have been", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "3608460", "text": "for whatever reason with the American Kennel Club, the UKC, or the Canadian Kennel Club. The MBDCA, like virtually all dog clubs that accept mixed breeds, requires that its member dogs be spayed or neutered, discourages the crossbreeding of dogs, and does not accept wolf hybrids as members. In conformation, which evaluates a dog's appearance and physical characteristics, its rules are necessarily different from the AKC's. For purebred dogs in the AKC, each breed has a clearly defined appearance standard, including such points as the length, thickness, and color of the coat; the dog's height and weight; the length of", "title": "Mixed Breed Dog Clubs of America" }, { "docid": "1883014", "text": "Columbo Columbo () is an American television series starring Peter Falk as Columbo, a homicide detective with the Los Angeles Police Department. The character and show, created by Richard Levinson and William Link, popularized the inverted detective story format, which begins by showing the commission of the crime and its perpetrator; the plot therefore usually has no \"whodunit\" element, and instead revolves around how a perpetrator known to the audience will finally be caught and exposed (sometimes referred to as a \"howcatchem\"). Columbo is a shrewd but inelegant blue-collar homicide detective whose trademarks include his rumpled beige raincoat, unassuming demeanor,", "title": "Columbo" }, { "docid": "3790182", "text": "His family moved to Los Angeles when he was 16, and he attended Belmont High School there, left high school at age 17 to study violin under Calmon Luvovski and travel with various bands around the country. He sang and played violin in numerous nightclubs. By 1928, at the age of 20, Columbo began to participate in motion pictures, including a Vitaphone short in which Columbo appeared as a member of Gus Arnheim and His Orchestra. Eventually, he did obtain some feature work in front of the camera, but he slowed down his activities in cinema to pursue other interests.", "title": "Russ Columbo" }, { "docid": "3790184", "text": "Al Rinker and Harry Barris as \"The Rhythm Boys\"). Columbo ran a nightclub for a while, The Club Pyramid, but gave it up when his manager told him he had star potential. In 1931, he traveled to New York City with his manager, songwriter Con Conrad. Conrad secured a late-night radio slot with NBC. This led to numerous engagements, a recording contract with RCA Victor records, and tremendous popularity with legions of mostly female fans. Not long after arriving in New York, Columbo met actress Dorothy Dell at an audition for the Ziegfeld Follies and began seeing her. Conrad did", "title": "Russ Columbo" } ]
Which Oscar-winning actress was born on exactly the same day as actress Lindsay Wagner?
[ "Meryl streep", "Meryl Streep", "Mary Streep", "Streep", "Mary Louise Streep", "Merril Streep", "Meril streep" ]
[ { "docid": "6416725", "text": "made numerous TV appearances on programs including Charlie Rose, The Today Show, CBS Sunday Morning, Live with Regis and Kelly, and \"Sesame Street\" as Mr. Noodle's Other Sister, Ms. Noodle on Elmo's World. Sarah Jones (stage actress) Sarah Jones (born November 29, 1973) is an American playwright, actress, and poet. Called \"a master of the genre\" by \"The New York Times\", Jones has written and performed four multi-character solo shows, including \"Bridge & Tunnel,\" which was produced Off-Broadway in 2004 by Oscar-winner Meryl Streep, and then on to Broadway in 2006 where it received a Special Tony Award. Jones was", "title": "Sarah Jones (stage actress)" }, { "docid": "6416719", "text": "Sarah Jones (stage actress) Sarah Jones (born November 29, 1973) is an American playwright, actress, and poet. Called \"a master of the genre\" by \"The New York Times\", Jones has written and performed four multi-character solo shows, including \"Bridge & Tunnel,\" which was produced Off-Broadway in 2004 by Oscar-winner Meryl Streep, and then on to Broadway in 2006 where it received a Special Tony Award. Jones was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to an African American father and mother of mixed Euro-American and Caribbean descent. Her multicultural background and upbringing in Boston, Washington, D.C., and Queens, New York, influenced her development", "title": "Sarah Jones (stage actress)" } ]
[ { "docid": "3713281", "text": "Lindsay Wagner Lindsay Jean Wagner (born June 22, 1949) is an American film and television actress, model, author, singer, acting coach, and adjunct professor. Wagner is best known for her leading role in the American science-fiction television series \"The Bionic Woman\" (1976–1978), in which she portrayed action character Jaime Sommers. She first played this role on the hit series \"The Six Million Dollar Man\". The character became a popular-culture icon of the 1970s. For this role, Wagner won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Dramatic Role in 1977. Wagner began acting professionally in 1971, and has maintained", "title": "Lindsay Wagner" }, { "docid": "19529117", "text": "Iris Elise Jones was born on May 24, 2017. At RTX 2018, Jones announced that she was expecting a second child due in February 2019. Lindsay Jones (actress) Lindsay Elise Jones (née Tuggey, born September 6, 1989) is an American actress, voice actress, and director. She is best known for her work at Rooster Teeth, with roles such as Ruby Rose in \"RWBY\", and in \"Red vs. Blue\". She was also a director, writer, and voice actress on \"X-Ray and Vav\", a cartoon series by Rooster Teeth. Additionally, Jones was the primary manager of Rooster Teeth's video gaming website Achievement", "title": "Lindsay Jones (actress)" }, { "docid": "19529115", "text": "Lindsay Jones (actress) Lindsay Elise Jones (née Tuggey, born September 6, 1989) is an American actress, voice actress, and director. She is best known for her work at Rooster Teeth, with roles such as Ruby Rose in \"RWBY\", and in \"Red vs. Blue\". She was also a director, writer, and voice actress on \"X-Ray and Vav\", a cartoon series by Rooster Teeth. Additionally, Jones was the primary manager of Rooster Teeth's video gaming website Achievement Hunter, and has appeared in many other Rooster Teeth productions such as \"Ten Little Roosters\" and \"On the Spot\". In April 2012, she was added", "title": "Lindsay Jones (actress)" }, { "docid": "3713293", "text": "stuntman Henry Kingi, whom she met on the set of \"The Bionic Woman.\" Wagner had two sons with Kingi, Dorian (b. 1982) and Alex (b. 1986), but the couple divorced in 1984. Wagner then married TV producer Lawrence Mortorff in 1990, but they, too, divorced a few years later. Lindsay Wagner Lindsay Jean Wagner (born June 22, 1949) is an American film and television actress, model, author, singer, acting coach, and adjunct professor. Wagner is best known for her leading role in the American science-fiction television series \"The Bionic Woman\" (1976–1978), in which she portrayed action character Jaime Sommers. She", "title": "Lindsay Wagner" }, { "docid": "14269315", "text": "Lindsay Thomas (actress) Lindsay Thomas (April 3, 1978 – February 3, 2010) was a Canadian stage actress of Stratford, Ontario and Toronto theatre productions. Thomas was a graduate of Sheridan College's musical theatre program. She was a member of the Stratford Festival company from 2005 to 2008. Her performances included playing Ado Annie in \"Oklahoma!\" in 2007. She was also a member of the original Canadian company of \"Hairspray\". Her performances struck audiences, and her leadership abilities as a dance captain were outstanding. This especially shown through when she worked with and as a part of the cast of Oliver!", "title": "Lindsay Thomas (actress)" }, { "docid": "14269317", "text": "is survived by her partner, actor Gareth Potter, as well as her parents, her father being Welsh rugby player Derek Thomas and mother Marilyn Thomas, and her brother, also called Gareth. Lindsay Thomas (actress) Lindsay Thomas (April 3, 1978 – February 3, 2010) was a Canadian stage actress of Stratford, Ontario and Toronto theatre productions. Thomas was a graduate of Sheridan College's musical theatre program. She was a member of the Stratford Festival company from 2005 to 2008. Her performances included playing Ado Annie in \"Oklahoma!\" in 2007. She was also a member of the original Canadian company of \"Hairspray\".", "title": "Lindsay Thomas (actress)" }, { "docid": "9494034", "text": "The Actress The Actress is a 1953 American comedy-drama film based on Ruth Gordon's autobiographical play \"Years Ago\". Gordon herself wrote the screenplay. The film was directed by George Cukor and stars Jean Simmons, Spencer Tracy, Teresa Wright, and Anthony Perkins in his film debut. The film is basically a series of vignettes involving Ruth, her parents, her best friends, and the college boy romantically pursuing her. Although Gordon did in fact become an accomplished Academy Award-winning actress and a successful writer, the film ends without the audience seeing Gordon achieve her goals. The film was nominated for an Oscar", "title": "The Actress" }, { "docid": "16679493", "text": "Tracy Lee (actress) Tracy Lee (, born Lee Mei Leng on 19 June 1985) is a Mediacorp actress and television host based in Singapore. She was prominently a full-time Mediacorp artiste from 2008 to 2016 but continues to film on an ad-hoc basis. She is of Cantonese descent and speaks the dialect. (Not to be confused with Singaporean actress Margaret Lee who has exactly the same Chinese name.) Lee was a contestant in Star Search 2007, which her future co-star Andie Chen won. Although she was eliminated in the semifinals her performance earned her a contract with MediaCorp. She was", "title": "Tracy Lee (actress)" }, { "docid": "13814078", "text": "Mary Anderson (actress, born 1897) Mary Anderson (June 28, 1897 – June 22, 1986) was an American actress, who appeared in 77 silent films between 1914 and 1923. Anderson was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was educated at Erasmus Hall High School in the same city. Anderson also attended Holy Cross School and made her first appearance in public as a Grecian dancer at charity functions. Anderson had been seen in many productions since the day she first made her bow on the silver screen for Vitagraph Studios. A popular player, she probably did her best work in Irvin", "title": "Mary Anderson (actress, born 1897)" }, { "docid": "16849773", "text": "Petronella Barker (actress, born 1942) Petronella Barker (born 12 October 1942 in Sittingbourne, Kent) is an English actress. The daughter of the late comedy actor Eric Barker and the actress Pearl Hackney, she grew up in the village of Stalisfield, Kent, and was educated at Ashford School. Barker trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama from 1960 to 1963, in her final year winning the Carlton Hobbs Bursary, which gave her a six-month contract with the BBC's Radio Drama Company. In 1964 she joined the English Stage Company at the Royal Court Theatre, Sloane Square, for three plays:", "title": "Petronella Barker (actress, born 1942)" }, { "docid": "6203367", "text": "Ivy Lee (actress) Ivy Lee (; born 16 July 1973) is a former Mediacorp actress and host. She was prominently a full-time Mediacorp artiste from 1993 to 2007. Lee graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a Diploma in Biomedical in 1993. The same year, she joined TCS (predecessor of MediaCorp) after winning the biannual Star Search and clinching the \"Miss Photogenic\" title at the same contest. At the Star Awards 2006, Lee was awarded the Best Actress award for her role as a lawyer in the drama serial \"Family Matters\". Before that, she was also named the \"Best Actress\" another two", "title": "Ivy Lee (actress)" }, { "docid": "6099284", "text": "Every Day Is Exactly the Same \"Every Day Is Exactly the Same\" is the third single by American industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails from their album \"With Teeth\". It is the twenty-first official Nine Inch Nails release. The commercial single was released on April 4, 2006 as an EP. It was also billed as the companion remix disc to \"With Teeth\", much to the chagrin of Trent Reznor. The song went for adds on R&R's alternative rock chart in November 2005. The radio single reached #1 on the Billboard Modern Rock singles chart in the Modern Rock Tracks category", "title": "Every Day Is Exactly the Same" }, { "docid": "6099288", "text": "Five-0\", in the beginning of the 15th episode of the third season, entitled \"Hookman\". This song is played in the show \"Criminal Minds\" (first season, second episode, 1 minute 27 seconds in). The episode is titled \"Compulsion\". All songs by Trent Reznor. Every Day Is Exactly the Same \"Every Day Is Exactly the Same\" is the third single by American industrial rock band Nine Inch Nails from their album \"With Teeth\". It is the twenty-first official Nine Inch Nails release. The commercial single was released on April 4, 2006 as an EP. It was also billed as the companion remix", "title": "Every Day Is Exactly the Same" }, { "docid": "16992755", "text": "\"The Sullivans\" and \"Prisoner\". Patricia Kennedy (actress) Patricia Carmel Stewart \"Pat\" Kennedy OBE (17 March 191610 December 2012) was an Australian actress with a long career in theatre, radio, film and television. Kennedy was born in Queenscliff, Victoria on St Patrick's Day, 1916. (Many sources give her year of birth as 1917.) She was raised, and remained, a practising Catholic. She trained as a school teacher before winning the Colac Amateur Festival around 1938, which sparked a passion for acting. In 1972-73 she worked as a consultant to the Australia Council for the Arts. Patricia Kennedy was appointed an Officer", "title": "Patricia Kennedy (actress)" }, { "docid": "16992750", "text": "Patricia Kennedy (actress) Patricia Carmel Stewart \"Pat\" Kennedy OBE (17 March 191610 December 2012) was an Australian actress with a long career in theatre, radio, film and television. Kennedy was born in Queenscliff, Victoria on St Patrick's Day, 1916. (Many sources give her year of birth as 1917.) She was raised, and remained, a practising Catholic. She trained as a school teacher before winning the Colac Amateur Festival around 1938, which sparked a passion for acting. In 1972-73 she worked as a consultant to the Australia Council for the Arts. Patricia Kennedy was appointed an Officer of the Order of", "title": "Patricia Kennedy (actress)" }, { "docid": "6099285", "text": "and #12 in the Mainstream Rock Tracks category. The song also reached number one on the Canadian Singles Chart, and received a nomination for \"Best Hard Rock Performance\" at the 49th annual Grammy Awards. Though a planned music video was scrapped in the post-production stage, \"Every Day Is Exactly the Same\" still topped Billboard's 2006 year-end Hot Dance Singles Sales chart, it has so far spent 94 weeks on the chart. According to The Spiral, the music video for \"Every Day Is Exactly the Same\", directed by Francis Lawrence, was canceled in post-production. An image of a clapperboard and in", "title": "Every Day Is Exactly the Same" }, { "docid": "3856904", "text": "Artist\" (2012). Five actresses have received nominations for both the César Award for Best Actress and the Academy Award for Best Actress: Cotillard is the only woman to have won a Best Actress César and Oscar for the same performance. The other actress to have won both awards is Simone Signoret, but she did it with two different films. Bérénice Bejo is the only actress to have been nominated for the César Award for Best Actress and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, in 2012 for The Artist; she won the César but lost the Oscar. Juliette Binoche is", "title": "César Award for Best Actress" }, { "docid": "9061530", "text": "Margaret Lee (Singaporean actress) Margaret Lee Mui Lin (; born 24 May 1970) is a Singaporean actress. (Not to be confused with Malaysian actress Tracy Lee who has exactly the same Chinese name.) Lee entered the entertainment industry after placing second to Chew Chor Meng in the Star Search Competition held in year 1990. Lee first appeared in an episode of the Singapore comedy serial \"Modern Romance\" as a vampish model. In 1992, she played a kind and caring nurse in \"Breaking Point\", alongside critically acclaimed stars Li Nanxing and Huang Biren. Lee then left the entertainment industry for a", "title": "Margaret Lee (Singaporean actress)" }, { "docid": "20204126", "text": "the telenovela \"La otra mitad del sol\". In 2014 she appeared in the cast telenovela \"Amor sin reserva\" and in 2015 played in the film \"Refugio\". Álvarez married Héctor Bonilla in 1985 and in the same same year gave birth to her only son Fernando. Sofía Álvarez (actress, born 1958) Sofía Álvarez (born Sofía Calzadilla Bichara on April 29, 1958 in Mexico) is a Mexican actress and writer. She is known better for \"Contando con Sofía\" (1978), \"Sofiando\" (1984) and \"Ladies Night\" (2003). Álvarez was born in April 29, 1958 in Mexico. Her debut career started in 1963 at 5", "title": "Sofía Álvarez (actress, born 1958)" }, { "docid": "8479025", "text": "Geetha (actress) Geetha (Kannada: ಗೀತಾ; born 14 July 1962) is an Indian actress who has performed in Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi films. She debuted in the Tamil language film \"Bairavi\" (as Rajinikanth's sister) directed by the veteran Director M Baskar of Oscar Movies. Since then she has acted in over 200 films in all major South Indian languages, and in a few Hindi films. She won two Filmfare Awards and Karnataka and Kerala State Film awards. Geetha made her cinematic debut with the 1978 Tamil film \"Bairavi\" as the title character in which she played Rajinikanth's sister. She", "title": "Geetha (actress)" }, { "docid": "14039625", "text": "actress to win the Silver Bear for Best Actress at the Berlin International Film Festival for her performance in the film \"On the Beach at Night Alone\". In June 2016, Kim was reported to be having an affair with Hong Sang-soo, the director of the film \"Right Now, Wrong Then\", in which she starred as the lead actress in 2015. At the Seoul premiere of \"On the Beach at Night Alone\" in March 2017, Kim and Hong openly admitted their affair. Kim Min-hee (actress, born 1982) Kim Min-hee (born March 1, 1982) is a South Korean actress and model. Kim", "title": "Kim Min-hee (actress, born 1982)" }, { "docid": "7112785", "text": "Roja (actress) Roja Selvamani is a South Indian actress and politician. She is the only actress, who acted in 100 films within 10 years in the 1990s. She won three Nandi awards for Best Actress and Tamil Nadu State Award for best actress. In 1999 she entered into politics and currently aligns with the YSR Congress party winning as MLA from Nagari in the 2014 general elections. Now she is working as YSRCP state Women President. In 2018 she won the \"Evergreen Heroine\" Award in ZEE Telugu Apsara Awards Roja was born as Sree Latha in 1972 to Nagaraja Reddy", "title": "Roja (actress)" }, { "docid": "9061532", "text": "St Joseph's Convent. In 1992, she continued a long distance relationship with a boyfriend she met at Yishun Junior College whilst he studied a business course in Indiana, USA. '8 days' Singapore TV magazine No72 Fe 22–29 February 1992 Margaret Lee (Singaporean actress) Margaret Lee Mui Lin (; born 24 May 1970) is a Singaporean actress. (Not to be confused with Malaysian actress Tracy Lee who has exactly the same Chinese name.) Lee entered the entertainment industry after placing second to Chew Chor Meng in the Star Search Competition held in year 1990. Lee first appeared in an episode of", "title": "Margaret Lee (Singaporean actress)" }, { "docid": "8193999", "text": "the female lead role of Cara Coburn on The CW series \"The Tomorrow People\". The series was cancelled after single season. The following year, she had the recurring roles in the CW series \"The Flash\", and ABC short-lived prime time soap opera \"Blood & Oil\". In 2016, she was cast as lead character in the CW science fiction police drama \"Frequency\". In October 2017, she was cast as Ivy Pepper in the Fox drama series \"Gotham\", taking over the role from previous portrayers Maggie Geha and Clare Foley. List shares exactly the same name with a fellow actress, Peyton List", "title": "Peyton List (actress, born 1986)" }, { "docid": "4965989", "text": "Trisha (actress) Trisha Krishnan (born 4 May 1983), known mononymously as Trisha, is an Indian film actress and model, who primarily works in South Indian films, where she has established herself as a leading actress. She was noticed after winning several beauty pageants like the Miss Madras contest (1999), which marked her entry into filmdom. After appearing in a supporting role in the 1999 Tamil film \"Jodi\", she had her first lead role in the 2002 film \"Mounam Pesiyadhe\". She later rose to fame starring in the successful films, \"Saamy\" (2003) and \"Ghilli\" (2004) in Tamil cinema and \"Varsham\" (2004)", "title": "Trisha (actress)" }, { "docid": "13375625", "text": "Megan Duffy (actress) Megan Duffy (born August 22, 1979 in Springfield, Massachusetts) is an American actress and producer based in Los Angeles, California. Megan Duffy was born in Springfield, Massachusetts and was raised in Enfield, Connecticut. She spent her youth and teen years studying dance, winning a scholarship to Broadway Dance Center at age 14. When an injury kept her from further pursuing dance, she relocated to Los Angeles, where she now works as a print model, actress, producer and director. As an actress, Duffy has appeared in several national commercials and on TV shows including \"\", \"Mad Men\", \"Criminal", "title": "Megan Duffy (actress)" }, { "docid": "18131889", "text": "two countries bilateral relations in 2013. Tisha (actress) Nusrat Imrose Tisha (known mononymously as Tisha) is a National Award winning Bangladeshi actress and model. She has acted mostly in television and films. Her films \", Television, Third Person Singular Number\" gained critical acclaim worldwide. Tisha was born to Enamul Hoque and Shaheen Mahfuja Hoque. She started learning music at the age of five. In 1993, she took second place in Bangladesh Television's \"Noturn Kuri\" talent hunt program. In the same contest two years later, she won the gold cup award. Tisha started her acting career through the drama \"Shat Prohorer", "title": "Tisha (actress)" }, { "docid": "18131887", "text": "Tisha (actress) Nusrat Imrose Tisha (known mononymously as Tisha) is a National Award winning Bangladeshi actress and model. She has acted mostly in television and films. Her films \", Television, Third Person Singular Number\" gained critical acclaim worldwide. Tisha was born to Enamul Hoque and Shaheen Mahfuja Hoque. She started learning music at the age of five. In 1993, she took second place in Bangladesh Television's \"Noturn Kuri\" talent hunt program. In the same contest two years later, she won the gold cup award. Tisha started her acting career through the drama \"Shat Prohorer Kabbo\" directed by Ahsan Habib and", "title": "Tisha (actress)" }, { "docid": "3524261", "text": "on July 1, 1947, and died the next day. She and her second husband later became foster parents. They remained together until his death on June 14, 1986, at age 71. She has resided in a two-story home in Sherman Oaks, California, since 1946. Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1917) Marsha Hunt (born Marcia Virginia Hunt; October 17, 1917) is a retired American actress, model, and activist, with a career spanning over 70 years. She was blacklisted by Hollywood film studio executives in the 1950s during McCarthyism. During her career spanning 73 years, she appeared in many popular films including: \"Born", "title": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1917)" }, { "docid": "9040076", "text": "Lakshmi (actress) Lakshmi (born Yaragudipati Venkatalakshmi on 13 December 1952) is an Indian actress known for her work in the Indian film industry. She made her film debut as an actress with the Malayalam film Bhoomiyile Malakha in 1965 and in the same year, she starred in the Kannada film \"Goadalli CID 999\", starring Dr. Rajkumar. Her debut in Tamil film was with \"Jeevanaamsam\" (1968) and in Telugu film was with \"Bandhavyalu\" (1968). In 1974, Her second Malayalam film, \"Chattakari\", which went on to become a blockbuster throughout India. She then went on to appear in a number of commercially", "title": "Lakshmi (actress)" }, { "docid": "15941632", "text": "Lisa Gaye (actress, born 1960) Lisa Gaye is an American actress more known for her role in The Toxic Avenger saga. Lisa Gaye was born in Baltimore, Maryland on October 5, 1960 and moved to New York City when she was eighteen years old and she still resides there. Lisa Gaye starred in many Troma Entertainment motion pictures. Shortly after Gaye’s arrival in NYC, she was accepted into renowned acting coach Lee Strasberg’s Master Class. She studied with him for a few years, being in the last class he taught the day he died. After that, Lisa Gaye went to", "title": "Lisa Gaye (actress, born 1960)" }, { "docid": "16083986", "text": "in the creation of the script for science fiction romance drama \"Hi, I'm Saori\", which she stars in. Among Zheng's upcoming works are romance melodrama \"Cry Me a Sad River\" alongside Ma Tianyu, spy drama \"Masked\" co-starring Tong Dawei, and youth drama \"Fighting Youth\" directed by Zhao Baogang. Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991) Zheng Shuang (, born 22 August 1991) is a Chinese actress. She rose to fame with her role as Chu Yuxun in \"Meteor Shower\" (2009–2010), becoming the youngest actress to be nominated for Best Actress at the China TV Golden Eagle Award. In 2011, she graduated from", "title": "Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991)" }, { "docid": "6446519", "text": "Guadalupe Loaeza, which was adapted by Alejandro Pelayo for his 1992 Mexican film called \"Miroslava\", starring Arielle Dombasle. Miroslava (actress) Miroslava Šternová (February 26, 1925 – March 9, 1955), better known as Miroslava, was a Czechoslovakian-born Mexican film actress who appeared in thirty two films. Born Miroslava Šternová in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic), Miroslava moved to Mexico as a child with her mother and adoptive Jewish father in 1941, seeking to escape war in their native country. After winning a national beauty contest, Miroslava began to study acting. She appeared in a few Hollywood and Mexican films. She", "title": "Miroslava (actress)" }, { "docid": "9970508", "text": "Sharada (actress) Sharada (born Saraswati Devi 25 June 1945) is a three-time National Award winning Indian actress and politician from Andhra Pradesh. She has achieved success through Malayalam cinema, and Telugu cinema. She is also known as Urvasi Sharada because earlier the National Film Award for Best Actress was officially designated the \"Urvasi Award\". She won two Filmfare Awards. Sharada has garnered the NTR National Award by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for her contributions to Indian cinema. Sharada was born Saraswati Devi in Tenali, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India. Her parents Venkateswar Rao and Satyavathi Devi belonged to a family", "title": "Sharada (actress)" }, { "docid": "4966010", "text": "remarks, \"She has been the pillar of my strength and has stood by me like a rock through thick and thin.[...] Everyone in the industry and my friends know how close I'm to my mom.\" On 23 January 2015 Trisha became engaged to Varun Manian, a Chennai-based businessman. In May 2015, she confirmed that the couple had ended their engagement. Trisha (actress) Trisha Krishnan (born 4 May 1983), known mononymously as Trisha, is an Indian film actress and model, who primarily works in South Indian films, where she has established herself as a leading actress. She was noticed after winning", "title": "Trisha (actress)" }, { "docid": "7320969", "text": "Sue Hamilton (actress) Sue Williams (May 13, 1945 - September 2, 1969), also known as Sue Hamilton, is an American actress and \"Playboy\" magazine's Playmate of the Month for April 1965. Her centerfold was photographed by Ed DeLong and William V. Figge. Williams was born in Glendale, California and attended Glendale High School between 1957 and 1959. In 1964 Williams modelled for photographers Bill and Melba Figge, whom she met through her sister who worked as an artist at Figge Studio, then located in Glendale. According to Melba Figge, quoted in an interview with Lindsay Sandham in 2005, \"We sent", "title": "Sue Hamilton (actress)" }, { "docid": "13519274", "text": "a fiery and seductive member of a mysterious troupe of traveling circus performers, she was prominently featured amidst the supporting cast and left the small screen on a high note. Following a two-year pause, her one remaining credit, \"Don't Make Waves\", a comedic satire on southern California beach lifestyle, which starred Tony Curtis, Claudia Cardinale and Sharon Tate, spotlighted her in a brief bit as a beach beauty. In 1977 Payne was in the news as a result of her marriage to Academy Award-winning screenwriter Robert Towne. Their daughter, Katharine Towne (born 1978), began a career as an actress in", "title": "Julie Payne (actress, born 1940)" }, { "docid": "12016577", "text": "Catherine Jacob (actress) Catherine Jacob (born 16 December 1956) is a César Award-winning French film and theatrical actress. She won the César Award for Most Promising Actress for her role in \"Life Is a Long Quiet River\" (1988), and was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in \"Tatie Danielle\" (1990), \"Merci la vie\" (1991) and \"Neuf mois\" (1994). She has won one César Award on four nominations. She has been two-time president of the Lumières Award. She is known for her voice and her charisma. Born in Paris on 16 December 1956, Catherine Jacob spent part of her childhood and adolescence", "title": "Catherine Jacob (actress)" }, { "docid": "10714499", "text": "Caroline O'Connor (actress) Caroline Ann O'Connor (born 2 September 1962) is a Helpmann Award-winning, Olivier Award-nominated Anglo-Australian singer, dancer and actress (theatre, film, TV). For her theatre work she has won three Helpmann Awards: Best Female Actor in a Play for Edith Piaf in \"Piaf\" in 2001 and the same category for Judy Garland in \"End of the Rainbow\" in 2006, and Best Female Actor in a Musical for Reno Sweeney in \"Anything Goes\" in 2015. O'Connor was born in Oldham, Lancashire, England, to Irish parents. After her family migrated to Australia she was brought up and educated in Sydney.", "title": "Caroline O'Connor (actress)" }, { "docid": "6674593", "text": "2006. The couple have two daughters named Madison Sierra Johnson (born November 17, 2007) and Marlee Johnson (born December 12, 2011). Sicily (actress) Sicily Sewell (born October 1, 1985) is an American actress. She is sometimes credited in film or television as simply with a mononym Sicily. She made her television appearance on an Emmy Award-winning episode of \"Sesame Street\" when she was eight years old. She played \"Young Aisha\" in a two-part episode of Season 2 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers called \"\"Rangers Back In Time\"\", as well as in the 10 part mini series Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers.", "title": "Sicily (actress)" }, { "docid": "5843938", "text": "Natasha Gregson Wagner Natasha Gregson Wagner (born September 29, 1970 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actress, the daughter of film producer Richard Gregson and actress Natalie Wood. Gregson Wagner is the daughter of American actress Natalie Wood (1938–1981) and British producer Richard Gregson (born 1930). Her godmother was actress Ruth Gordon. Her parents separated when she was ten months old, and later divorced. Her mother remarried actor Robert Wagner in 1972, and together they had a daughter, Courtney Wagner (born 1974). Her aunt is Lana Wood. On November 29, 1981, Natalie Wood drowned near Santa Catalina Island. After", "title": "Natasha Gregson Wagner" }, { "docid": "9494040", "text": "$320,000 elsewhere, resulting in a loss to the studio of $965,000. It recorded admissions in France of 15,493. The Actress The Actress is a 1953 American comedy-drama film based on Ruth Gordon's autobiographical play \"Years Ago\". Gordon herself wrote the screenplay. The film was directed by George Cukor and stars Jean Simmons, Spencer Tracy, Teresa Wright, and Anthony Perkins in his film debut. The film is basically a series of vignettes involving Ruth, her parents, her best friends, and the college boy romantically pursuing her. Although Gordon did in fact become an accomplished Academy Award-winning actress and a successful writer,", "title": "The Actress" }, { "docid": "13325945", "text": "Gloria Romero (actress) Gloria Romero (born Gloria Galla; December 16, 1933) is a Filipino actress appearing in film and television. Her career spans 60 years and includes award winning performances in the films \"Tanging Yaman\" (FAMAS Best Actress 2001), \"Nagbabagang Luha\" (FAMAS Best Supporting Actress 1989) and 1955's \"Dalagang Ilocana\". She is the first recipient of the lifetime achievement award from the MTRCB (Movies and Television Review and Classification Board). Born as Gloria Galla to a Filipino father, Pedro Galla, and an American mother, Mary Borrego, she attended school in Mabini, Pangasinan. Her brother was also an actor, Tito Galla.", "title": "Gloria Romero (actress)" }, { "docid": "7064126", "text": "Petronella Barker (actress, born 1965) Petronella Barker (born 29 October 1965) is a British-born Norwegian actress. She was born in Colchester, England, but grew up in Fredrikstad, Norway. While still studying at the Theatre Academy in Oslo (1985–1988), she had her debut in the Soviet-Norwegian co-production \"Dragens fange\" (\"Trees Grow on the Stones Too\", 1985). Her breakthrough as a movie actress came with the dystopic \"Sweetwater\" (1988), followed by \"Havet stiger\" (The Ocean Rises, 1990). In 1990 she made her stage debut as Perdita in Shakespeare's \"The Winter's Tale\" at Centralteatret. Since then she has acted in several plays, also", "title": "Petronella Barker (actress, born 1965)" }, { "docid": "16849775", "text": "Laurence Olivier, directed by Peter Wood. On 2 September 1966 Barker married the actor Anthony Hopkins at St Mary's, Stalisfield, and they have one daughter, the actress and singer-songwriter Abigail Hopkins, born in 1969. They were divorced in the High Court, London, in 1972. Petronella Barker (actress, born 1942) Petronella Barker (born 12 October 1942 in Sittingbourne, Kent) is an English actress. The daughter of the late comedy actor Eric Barker and the actress Pearl Hackney, she grew up in the village of Stalisfield, Kent, and was educated at Ashford School. Barker trained at the Central School of Speech and", "title": "Petronella Barker (actress, born 1942)" }, { "docid": "16965999", "text": "Nanjing, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Shenzhen, and Chongqing, receiving overwhelming support everywhere that they canceled their holiday travel plans for more performances. At each city they performed some jokes in the local dialect. Their daughter was born on December 30, 2008 in Beijing. Tao Hong (actress, born 1972) Tao Hong (born January 15, 1972) is a Chinese actress and former synchronised swimmer. A National Games of China champion, Tao was part of the Chinese national team at several synchronised swimming competitions from 1987 to 1991, including the 1991 World Aquatics Championships. As an actress, Tao has received wide acclaim for films like", "title": "Tao Hong (actress, born 1972)" }, { "docid": "14984649", "text": "Lisa Davis (actress) Lisa Davis (born 20 April 1936), also known as Lisa Davis Waltz, is an English and American former child and adult actress who appeared in her first role at the age of 13 in the film \"The Man from Yesterday\" (1949). Her elder sister was big band singer Beryl Davis. Born in into a show business family, her father is Harry Davis, the leader of the Oscar Rabin Orchestra, and her older sister is feature singer Beryl Davis. Lisa appeared in a total of 26 film and television projects from 1949 to 1962, appearing in guest spots", "title": "Lisa Davis (actress)" }, { "docid": "12813356", "text": "poison after killing Bhargavi as there was foam in Bujji's mouth. Bhargavi (actress) Bhargavi (1983 - 2008) was born in Gorantla (Guntur district). Her first film was YVS Chowdary's \"Devadasu\", through which she first achieved recognition. She also appeared in \"Ashta Chamma\", based on Oscar Wilde's play \"The Importance of Being Earnest\", as Varalakshmi (the equivalent of Cecily Cardew in \"Earnest\"). Before acting in \"Ashta Chamma\", she worked in several TV serials. She rose to fame with the TV show \"Ammamma.com\", produced under the banner Just Yellow. On 16 December 2008, Bhargavi was found murdered in her Banjara Hills house", "title": "Bhargavi (actress)" }, { "docid": "9040084", "text": "she and actor-director M. Sivachandran fell in love and got married in 1987. The couple adopted a girl named Samyuktha in 2001. Humor club international triplicane chapter lifetime achievement award along with blessings from neranja auditorium In order of languages in which she acted in the most to least number of films. Lakshmi (actress) Lakshmi (born Yaragudipati Venkatalakshmi on 13 December 1952) is an Indian actress known for her work in the Indian film industry. She made her film debut as an actress with the Malayalam film Bhoomiyile Malakha in 1965 and in the same year, she starred in the", "title": "Lakshmi (actress)" }, { "docid": "7064127", "text": "for Oslo Nye Teater and The National Theatre. Meanwhile she has continued doing roles both for TV and film, most prominently the movie \"Thranes metode\" (Thrane's Method, 1998), and the TV police series \"Fox Grønland\" (2001). Petronella Barker (actress, born 1965) Petronella Barker (born 29 October 1965) is a British-born Norwegian actress. She was born in Colchester, England, but grew up in Fredrikstad, Norway. While still studying at the Theatre Academy in Oslo (1985–1988), she had her debut in the Soviet-Norwegian co-production \"Dragens fange\" (\"Trees Grow on the Stones Too\", 1985). Her breakthrough as a movie actress came with the", "title": "Petronella Barker (actress, born 1965)" }, { "docid": "17025862", "text": "Rajashree (actress) Rajashree (born 29 April 1977) is an Indian film actress who made her debut in Bharathiraja's 1994 film \"Karuththamma\" playing the lead character. Since then she has appeared in over 60 films in both Tamil and Telugu. She also is a popular serial artist and has acted in over 30 serials, establishing herself as a leading serial artist. Actress Rajashree made her debut in Tamil Cinema with Bharathiraja's 'Karuthamma'. Winning laurels for her prodigious performance, she continued getting on with fantastic shows in Sethu, Nandha, Run, Manasellam, Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu. Rajashree has spelled prominent roles around 57 films in", "title": "Rajashree (actress)" }, { "docid": "11219390", "text": "2011 when she was five months pregnant. They have two children, a son named Deng Han Zhi (born in November 2011) and a daughter named Deng Han Yi (born in May 2014). Sun expressed her stand against animal cruelty by appearing in PETA Asia’s anti-fur ad in 2010. Sun Li (actress) Sun Li (, born 26 September 1982), also known as Susan Sun, is a Chinese actress. She is hailed by critics and netizens as China's \"Queen of Television\". In 2018, she became the youngest Chinese actress to win the \"Grand Slam\", after winning the three biggest awards, the Flying", "title": "Sun Li (actress)" }, { "docid": "16083981", "text": "Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991) Zheng Shuang (, born 22 August 1991) is a Chinese actress. She rose to fame with her role as Chu Yuxun in \"Meteor Shower\" (2009–2010), becoming the youngest actress to be nominated for Best Actress at the China TV Golden Eagle Award. In 2011, she graduated from the Beijing Film Academy. She was also chosen by \"Southern Metropolis Daily\" as one of the \"Four Dan actresses of the post-90s Generation\" (Chinese: 90后四小花旦), along with Zhou Dongyu, Guan Xiaotong and Yang Zi. Zheng Shuang made her debut in \"Meteor Shower\", Hunan TV's remake of the hit", "title": "Zheng Shuang (actress, born 1991)" }, { "docid": "12813353", "text": "Bhargavi (actress) Bhargavi (1983 - 2008) was born in Gorantla (Guntur district). Her first film was YVS Chowdary's \"Devadasu\", through which she first achieved recognition. She also appeared in \"Ashta Chamma\", based on Oscar Wilde's play \"The Importance of Being Earnest\", as Varalakshmi (the equivalent of Cecily Cardew in \"Earnest\"). Before acting in \"Ashta Chamma\", she worked in several TV serials. She rose to fame with the TV show \"Ammamma.com\", produced under the banner Just Yellow. On 16 December 2008, Bhargavi was found murdered in her Banjara Hills house along with an orchestra troupe operator, Praveen Kumar, triggering speculation about", "title": "Bhargavi (actress)" }, { "docid": "3523813", "text": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946) Marsha Hunt (born April 15, 1946) is an American actress, novelist, singer and former model, who has lived mostly in Britain and Ireland. She achieved national fame when she appeared in London as Dionne in the long-running rock musical \"Hair\". She enjoyed close relationships with Marc Bolan and Mick Jagger, who is the father of her only child Karis. According to Hunt, The Rolling Stones' controversial hit song \"Brown Sugar\" was based on her. She has written three novels, as well as three volumes of autobiography, which include a frank account of life as a", "title": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946)" }, { "docid": "11395502", "text": "an American actress and model.\" As of March 2011, List lived with her family in New York. The family had moved to Los Angeles by the time List was 16. Peyton List (actress, born 1998) Peyton Roi List (born April 6, 1998) is an American actress and model. She is known for playing Emma Ross on the Disney Channel comedy series \"Jessie\" and its spinoff \"Bunk'd\", and for playing Holly Hills in the \"Diary of a Wimpy Kid\" film series. List appeared in various films and television episodes as a young child and modeled for tween magazines and companies. In", "title": "Peyton List (actress, born 1998)" }, { "docid": "15484162", "text": "Song Jia (actress, born 1980) Song Jia (, born 13 November 1980), also known as Xiao Song Jia (小宋佳, literally: \"young Song Jia\", to distinguish her from another older actress also called Song Jia), is a Chinese actress and singer. Song Jia studied at the secondary school affiliated with the Shenyang Conservatory of Music (SYCM), and at Shanghai Theater Academy where she majored in acting. Song rose to fame for her performance in ''Curiosity Kills the Cat'' (2007) as a manicure girl with a clear-cut stand on what to love and what to hate. She was nominated for a Golden", "title": "Song Jia (actress, born 1980)" }, { "docid": "20040186", "text": "Dixon Place) and Betsy/Lindsay in \"Clybourne Park\" (2013, Chautauqua Theater Company). Wiseman has performed in productions and workshops of new plays in Playwrights’ theatres like PS 122, The Public, Soho Rep, and New York Theatre Workshop. Wiseman appeared in the TV series \"Longmire\" as Meg Joyce, a nurse and love interest for the character Archie \"The Ferg\" Ferguson. Mary Wiseman (actress) Mary Wiseman (born July 30, 1985) is an American actress who plays Cadet Sylvia Tilly in \"\". Wiseman grew up in Gaithersburg, Maryland, attended the DC Shakespeare Theatre’s high school outreach program, earned her BFA in Theatre Arts at", "title": "Mary Wiseman (actress)" }, { "docid": "5385467", "text": "Barbara Harris (actress) Barbara Densmoor Harris (July 25, 1935 – August 21, 2018) was an American actress. She appeared in such movies as \"A Thousand Clowns\", \"Plaza Suite\", \"Nashville\", \"Family Plot\", \"Freaky Friday\", \"Peggy Sue Got Married\", and \"Grosse Pointe Blank\". Harris won a Tony Award and was nominated for an Academy Award. She also received four Golden Globe Award nominations. Harris was born in Evanston, Illinois, the daughter of Natalie (née Densmoor), a pianist, and Oscar Graham Harris, an arborist who later became a businessman. In her youth, Harris attended Wilbur Wright College. She began her stage career as", "title": "Barbara Harris (actress)" }, { "docid": "5784965", "text": "Joan Evans (actress) Joan Evans (born Joan Eunson, July 18, 1934) is an American film actress. Evans's parents were Hollywood writers Dale Eunson and Katherine Albert. Her father wrote the book \"The Day They Gave Babies Away,\" which was made into the movie \"All Mine to Give\" (1957). She was named after actress Joan Crawford, her godmother. Evans appeared in three movies with actor Farley Granger. Her first film with him was as the title role in \"Roseanna McCoy\" (1949), based on the real-life romance between two members of the Hatfield-McCoy feud. She gained the role after producer Samuel Goldwyn", "title": "Joan Evans (actress)" }, { "docid": "5784969", "text": "The Weatherlys had a daughter on August 16, 1955. In 1984, Joan Evans and her husband signed a tribute to Crawford in \"Daily Variety\". Joan Evans (actress) Joan Evans (born Joan Eunson, July 18, 1934) is an American film actress. Evans's parents were Hollywood writers Dale Eunson and Katherine Albert. Her father wrote the book \"The Day They Gave Babies Away,\" which was made into the movie \"All Mine to Give\" (1957). She was named after actress Joan Crawford, her godmother. Evans appeared in three movies with actor Farley Granger. Her first film with him was as the title role", "title": "Joan Evans (actress)" }, { "docid": "11367639", "text": "Shirley Palmer (actress) Shirley Palmer (December 25, 1908 – March 29, 2000) was an American film actress of the 1920s and 1930s, with most of her career being in the silent film era. Born on Christmas Day in Chicago, Illinois, Palmer started her career as a film actress in 1926, starring opposite Oliver Hardy in \"A Bankrupt Honeymoon\". She starred in four films in 1926, and opened 1927 starring in \"Burning Gold\" opposite Herbert Rawlinson. She starred in five films in 1927, the best known of which was \"The Magic Flame\", starring Ronald Colman. 1928 was by far be her", "title": "Shirley Palmer (actress)" }, { "docid": "8194001", "text": "\"Peyton List is an American actress and model.\" Peyton List (actress, born 1986) Peyton List (born August 8, 1986) is an American film and television actress and professional model, known for roles on \"Mad Men\", \"FlashForward\", \"The Tomorrow People\" and \"Frequency\". She began her career on daytime television, playing Lucy Montgomery on the CBS soap opera \"As the World Turns\" from 2001 to 2005, before she went to primetime with regular roles on the short-lived dramas \"Windfall\" (2006) and \"Big Shots\" (2007). From 2008 to 2013, List had a recurring role as Jane Siegel in the AMC period drama \"Mad", "title": "Peyton List (actress, born 1986)" }, { "docid": "6099286", "text": "the background what appeared to be water tank with a 3-lead ECG appeared on the official Nine Inch Nails website, but was later taken down. There is also a studio cut video for the song. The video seems to be set in the area where the video for \"The Hand That Feeds\" was filmed. It can be seen on \"Beside You In Time\". Allmusic gave a generally favorable review of the EP, describing its various remixes as \"actually better than the original versions\". Allmusic described the \"Sam Fog vs. Carlos D Mix\" of \"Every Day Is Exactly the Same\" as", "title": "Every Day Is Exactly the Same" }, { "docid": "6949432", "text": "Elizabeth Morgan (actress) Elizabeth, Lady Child as Elizabeth Morgan is a British actress and writer. She has acted primarily in supporting roles, in films, television, and onstage. She was often credited as \"Liz Morgan\". She was born as Elizabeth Morgan in Llanelli, Wales. She appeared in the 1979 Emmy Award-winning BBC drama \"On Giant's Shoulders\", which told the story of thalidomide victim Terry Wiles. She was perhaps most known for providing the voices of Destiny and Rhapsody Angels in \"Captain Scarlet and The Mysterons\". She has been a long-time member of the BBC Drama Repertory Company London. In 1993 she", "title": "Elizabeth Morgan (actress)" }, { "docid": "6949433", "text": "played the female lead in Ian Sachs' promotional film Lenny Goes to the Country for the Royal Mail. Morgan has written a large number of radio plays, and has also published novels and collections of short stories. Elizabeth Morgan (actress) Elizabeth, Lady Child as Elizabeth Morgan is a British actress and writer. She has acted primarily in supporting roles, in films, television, and onstage. She was often credited as \"Liz Morgan\". She was born as Elizabeth Morgan in Llanelli, Wales. She appeared in the 1979 Emmy Award-winning BBC drama \"On Giant's Shoulders\", which told the story of thalidomide victim Terry", "title": "Elizabeth Morgan (actress)" }, { "docid": "14539368", "text": "actress Holliday Grainger. Lindsay Pulsipher Lindsay Pulsipher (born May 6, 1982) is an American actress. She has had several roles in film and television, and is known for her series regular role as Rose Lawrence on A&E Network's \"The Beast\" (2009). She joined the third season of HBO's \"True Blood\" (2010), playing were-panther Crystal Norris and love interest to Jason Stackhouse. Lindsay Pulsipher was born and grew up in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, with five siblings, and was inspired to be an actor by her mother, a theater actress. As she puts it: She was influenced by", "title": "Lindsay Pulsipher" }, { "docid": "14039617", "text": "Kim Min-hee (actress, born 1982) Kim Min-hee (born March 1, 1982) is a South Korean actress and model. Kim Min-hee began modeling when she was in middle school, and soon appeared as a cover girl in teen magazines. In 1999 she was cast in the campus drama \"School 2\" as a rebellious high school girl, which launched her to stardom. She became a popular young star at barely 20 years old, appearing in TV dramas and movies. However, a string of poor acting performances brought her negative criticism. Critics and viewers disparagingly called her an \"attractive but blank actress,\" more", "title": "Kim Min-hee (actress, born 1982)" }, { "docid": "5843942", "text": "Evans, son of Ali MacGraw and Robert Evans. She was married to screenwriter D.V. DeVincentis from October 2003 to January 2008. On May 30, 2012, Gregson Wagner and actor Barry Watson had a daughter, Clover Clementyne Watson. The couple have since married. Natasha Gregson Wagner Natasha Gregson Wagner (born September 29, 1970 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actress, the daughter of film producer Richard Gregson and actress Natalie Wood. Gregson Wagner is the daughter of American actress Natalie Wood (1938–1981) and British producer Richard Gregson (born 1930). Her godmother was actress Ruth Gordon. Her parents separated when she", "title": "Natasha Gregson Wagner" }, { "docid": "11412885", "text": "Olivia Grant (actress, born 1983) Olivia Grant (born 20 September 1983) is an English actress. Her first film role was in \"Stardust\" (2007), in which she was cast within weeks of graduating from Oxford University. She is perhaps best known for portraying Lady Adelaide Midwinter in BBC's \"Lark Rise to Candleford\", Grace Darling in BBC3's \"Personal Affairs\", Hermione Roddice in \"Women in Love\", Henrietta Armistead in \"Garrow's Law\", Ava Knox in the HBO/Cinemax co-production \"Strike Back\" and Madeleine Mathers in \"Indian Summers\" for PBS and Channel 4. Grant was born on 20 September 1983 in southwest London, to Irene Whilton,", "title": "Olivia Grant (actress, born 1983)" }, { "docid": "3713287", "text": "Wagner an Emmy Award for \"Best Actress in a Dramatic Role\" in 1977. Following the cancellation of \"The Bionic Woman\" in 1978, Wagner continued to act, predominantly in television miniseries and television films. These included the highly rated 1980 miniseries \"Scruples\", as well as three made-for-TV \"Bionic\" reunion movies with Lee Majors between 1987 and 1994. Also in the 1980s, Wagner co-starred as Sylvester Stallone's ex-wife in his 1981 movie \"Nighthawks\" and starred in two more weekly television series, \"Jessie\" (1984) and \"A Peaceable Kingdom\" (1989), though both of these were short-lived. In 1983, she also appeared in an episode", "title": "Lindsay Wagner" }, { "docid": "6217700", "text": "Kuhn and Olivia de Havilland, who played the roles of Beau Wilkes and Melanie Hamilton, respectively. She is often confused with the stage actress Mary Anderson (1859–1940) or the silent film actress Mary Anderson (1897–1986). Mary Anderson (actress, born 1918) Mary Bebe Anderson (April 3, 1918 – April 6, 2014) was an American actress, who appeared in 31 films and 22 television productions between 1939 and 1965. She was best known for her small supporting role in the film \"Gone With the Wind\" as well as one of the main characters in Alfred Hitchcock's 1943 film \"Lifeboat\". Mary B. \"Bebe\"", "title": "Mary Anderson (actress, born 1918)" }, { "docid": "16251609", "text": "of \"Our Miss Brooks\", for which she was best-known. Morgan retired after the nine-year run of \"Our Miss Brooks\" on radio, television, and film came to an end in 1957. She died in North Hollywood, California on New Years Day 1972, after a lengthy battle with heart disease. The actress was survived by her daughter, a granddaughter and two great grandchildren. Morgan was buried at sea in compliance with her last wishes. Jane Morgan (actress) Jane Morgan (December 6, 1880 – January 1, 1972) was a British-born American actress and singer whose career encompassed concert halls, vaudeville, the legitimate stage,", "title": "Jane Morgan (actress)" }, { "docid": "6446516", "text": "Miroslava (actress) Miroslava Šternová (February 26, 1925 – March 9, 1955), better known as Miroslava, was a Czechoslovakian-born Mexican film actress who appeared in thirty two films. Born Miroslava Šternová in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic), Miroslava moved to Mexico as a child with her mother and adoptive Jewish father in 1941, seeking to escape war in their native country. After winning a national beauty contest, Miroslava began to study acting. She appeared in a few Hollywood and Mexican films. She was offered a role in \"Ensayo de un crimen\" (\"Rehearsal for a Crime\") in 1955, directed by Luis", "title": "Miroslava (actress)" }, { "docid": "16303633", "text": "Susan Peters (Nigerian actress) Susan Peters (born 30 May 1980) is a multiple award-winning Nigerian actress with over 50 credits in Nollywood (Nigerian) films. She is a star on Nigerian TV, a successful model, interior designer and beauty salon owner. Recently, she won the 2011 Afro Hollywood Best Actress (English) Award for her role in \"Bursting Out\", NAFCA Awards (Nollywood and African Film Critics Awards) North Carolina Nigerian Oscars: Best Actress in Supporting Role 2011 the BON (Best Of Nollywood) Best Supporting Actress Award 2011, and the Actress of the Year 2010 and Most Stylish Actress 2012 Awards from \"City", "title": "Susan Peters (Nigerian actress)" }, { "docid": "6674591", "text": "Sicily (actress) Sicily Sewell (born October 1, 1985) is an American actress. She is sometimes credited in film or television as simply with a mononym Sicily. She made her television appearance on an Emmy Award-winning episode of \"Sesame Street\" when she was eight years old. She played \"Young Aisha\" in a two-part episode of Season 2 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers called \"\"Rangers Back In Time\"\", as well as in the 10 part mini series Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. She starred as young Diana in the hit miniseries, \"Mama Flora's Family\" in 1998, and as Angela Bassett's niece in the", "title": "Sicily (actress)" }, { "docid": "20063362", "text": "2016. Kwon So-hyun (actress) Kwon So-Hyun (born January 29, 1987) is a South Korean actress. Kwon So-Hyun started her acting career as a musical stage actress in Beautiful Game (2007). In 2010, she won Best New Actress at the Daegu International Musical Festival. In 2015, she landed her first leading role in Shin Su-Won's third feature Madonna because she was the \"fat\" actress Shin had a hard time looking for. Her performance won her recognition, earning her numerous nominations, including winning Best New Actress at the 35th Korean Association of Film Critics Awards in 2015 and 3rd Wildflower Film Awards", "title": "Kwon So-hyun (actress)" }, { "docid": "20063361", "text": "Kwon So-hyun (actress) Kwon So-Hyun (born January 29, 1987) is a South Korean actress. Kwon So-Hyun started her acting career as a musical stage actress in Beautiful Game (2007). In 2010, she won Best New Actress at the Daegu International Musical Festival. In 2015, she landed her first leading role in Shin Su-Won's third feature Madonna because she was the \"fat\" actress Shin had a hard time looking for. Her performance won her recognition, earning her numerous nominations, including winning Best New Actress at the 35th Korean Association of Film Critics Awards in 2015 and 3rd Wildflower Film Awards in", "title": "Kwon So-hyun (actress)" }, { "docid": "14987051", "text": "Sofía Álvarez (actress, born 1913) Sofía Álvarez Caicedo (23 May 1913 – 30 April 1985) was a Colombian-Mexican actress and singer. She is best remembered for her work in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. Born and raised in Colombia, she moved with her family to Mexico in 1928. Her film debut was a small part, in the role of a prostitute in \"Santa\" (1930), the first talkie of Mexican cinema. Popularly known as \"the lady of the long braids\", she enjoyed popularity during the 1930s and 1940s as an actress and singer. Subsequently she performed with Mario Moreno Cantinflas", "title": "Sofía Álvarez (actress, born 1913)" }, { "docid": "9970513", "text": "to win the award 2 more times, for \"Swayamvaram\" (1972, Malayalam) and \"Nimajjanam\" (1978, Telugu). She also won the Kerala State Film Awards for Best Actress one time. After 1993, she became choosy and accepted only a few films. Her major films of late were \"Mazhathullikkilukkam\" (2002, Malayalam), \"Rappakal\" (2005, Malayalam), \"Nayika\" (2011, Malayalam) and \"Stalin\" (2006, Telugu). Sharada (actress) Sharada (born Saraswati Devi 25 June 1945) is a three-time National Award winning Indian actress and politician from Andhra Pradesh. She has achieved success through Malayalam cinema, and Telugu cinema. She is also known as Urvasi Sharada because earlier the", "title": "Sharada (actress)" }, { "docid": "2690976", "text": "won it twice. Portman is also the only actress to win both the Saturn Award and the Academy Award for Best Actress for the same film, while Weaver holds the record for most nominations for playing the same character (Ellen Ripley) with four. Legend: \"†\" indicates an Academy Award-winning performance in the same category. \"‡\" indicates an Academy Award-nominated performance in the same category. \"§\" indicates an Academy Award-nominated performance for Best Supporting Actress Saturn Award for Best Actress The Saturn Award for Best Actress is one of the annual Saturn Awards given by the American professional organization, the Academy", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Actress" }, { "docid": "20124597", "text": "Sun Yi (actress) Sun Yi (, born 4 June 1993) is a Chinese actress. In 2014, Sun was picked from 1000 candidates to star in the art-house film \"Pleasure. Love.\". The film premiered at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival in the World Dramatic competition. Sun won the Best Actress at the Asian New Talent Awards. She also won Best New Actress at the 11th Chinese Young Generation Film Forum. In 2015, she starred in romantic comedy film \"My Original Dream\" which was screened in competition at the 28th Tokyo International Film Festival. The same year, she featured in the historical", "title": "Sun Yi (actress)" }, { "docid": "13519276", "text": "15 June 2016, and was mentioned in the ending credits of R. Scott's . Julie Payne (actress, born 1940) Julie Anne Payne (born July 10, 1940) is an American actress in television and films from 1959 to 1967. A native of Los Angeles, Julie Anne Payne was the daughter of John Payne, film and television leading man of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, and Anne Shirley, who started as a child actress in the late silent-early talkie period and became an ingenue and, later, leading lady of the late 1930s and early 1940s. They were married from 1937 to 1943;", "title": "Julie Payne (actress, born 1940)" }, { "docid": "13519271", "text": "Julie Payne (actress, born 1940) Julie Anne Payne (born July 10, 1940) is an American actress in television and films from 1959 to 1967. A native of Los Angeles, Julie Anne Payne was the daughter of John Payne, film and television leading man of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, and Anne Shirley, who started as a child actress in the late silent-early talkie period and became an ingenue and, later, leading lady of the late 1930s and early 1940s. They were married from 1937 to 1943; Julie was the only child from that union. Starting an eight-year television and film", "title": "Julie Payne (actress, born 1940)" }, { "docid": "16303637", "text": "a selection of awards received by Susan Peters: Susan Peters (Nigerian actress) Susan Peters (born 30 May 1980) is a multiple award-winning Nigerian actress with over 50 credits in Nollywood (Nigerian) films. She is a star on Nigerian TV, a successful model, interior designer and beauty salon owner. Recently, she won the 2011 Afro Hollywood Best Actress (English) Award for her role in \"Bursting Out\", NAFCA Awards (Nollywood and African Film Critics Awards) North Carolina Nigerian Oscars: Best Actress in Supporting Role 2011 the BON (Best Of Nollywood) Best Supporting Actress Award 2011, and the Actress of the Year 2010", "title": "Susan Peters (Nigerian actress)" }, { "docid": "15935977", "text": "Zhang Meng (actress) \"Not to be confused with Alina Zhang, an actress with the same Chinese name.\" Zhang Meng (, born 28 December 1988) is a Chinese actress. She graduated from the Beijing Film Academy. Zhang first gained attention for her role as Biyao in the music video of the online video game \"Jade Dynasty\" in 2007. In 2009, she portrayed Zhu'er in \"The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber\", based on Louis Cha's novel of the same name. Producer Zhang Jizhong praised her for being dedicated, and said she had great potential. In 2010, Zhang was invited by Yu Zheng", "title": "Zhang Meng (actress)" }, { "docid": "6633236", "text": "Allison Smith (actress) Allison Smith (born December 9, 1969) is an American actress, singer, writer and director, best known for her work on television as Mallory O'Brien in Aaron Sorkin's Emmy Award-winning NBC drama \"The West Wing\" and for starring on Broadway in the title role \"Annie\". She also played the role of Jennie Lowell on the 1980s Emmy Award winning sitcom \"Kate & Allie\". In addition to starring in \"Annie\", Smith has also appeared on stage in a host of other roles, including a part in the original Broadway production of \"Evita\" (alongside Patti Lupone and Mandy Patinkin), a", "title": "Allison Smith (actress)" }, { "docid": "20942950", "text": "of its location on the busiest street. The NRHP nomination was prepared by a member of the Independence Heights Neighborhood Council. Oscar Lindsay House The Oscar Lindsay House, at 7415 N. Main St. in Houston, Texas, was built around 1920. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. It is a one-story bungalow house located in the middle of the Independence Heights neighborhood. It was deemed significant as \"one of the most intact properties associated with an important businessman and city official of Independence Heights.\" Oscar Lindsay served as city plumber. He also operated a cleaning", "title": "Oscar Lindsay House" }, { "docid": "16965994", "text": "Tao Hong (actress, born 1972) Tao Hong (born January 15, 1972) is a Chinese actress and former synchronised swimmer. A National Games of China champion, Tao was part of the Chinese national team at several synchronised swimming competitions from 1987 to 1991, including the 1991 World Aquatics Championships. As an actress, Tao has received wide acclaim for films like \"Colors of the Blind\" (1997) and \"Forgetting to Know You\" (2013), though she is better known for hit TV dramas like \"Sunny Piggy\" (2000), \"Nothing in the Mirror\" (2002), \"Chuncao\" (2007) and \"The Red\" (2014). Internationally, Tao is probably best known", "title": "Tao Hong (actress, born 1972)" }, { "docid": "7380007", "text": "Rambha (actress) Vijayalakshmi (born 5 June 1976) is an Indian film actress best known by her stage name Rambha. Throughout her career, Rambha acted in over 100 Indian films and worked across seven regional languages, while appearing alongside most of India's leading actors. Rambha was born as Vijayalakshmi in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh on 5 June 1976 into a Telugu-speaking family. She did her schooling at Atkinsons Senior Secondary School, Vijayawada. While she was studying in her 7th standard, she acted as Amman for a song for her school's Annual Day competition. The event had been attended by director Hariharan who", "title": "Rambha (actress)" }, { "docid": "19699676", "text": "Laura Gómez (actress) Laura Gómez (born 1979) is a Dominican actress, speaker, writer, and director. She belongs to SAG-AFTRA and lives in New York City. Gómez is best known for her portrayal of the character Blanca Flores, an astute and disheveled prison inmate in the award-winning Netflix series \"Orange Is The New Black\". In the fall of 2012 she won the NYU Technisphere Award for her short film \"To Kill a Roach\". Born in the Dominican Republic, she grew up in Santo Domingo working as an actress and reporter. She moved to New York at the age of 21 to", "title": "Laura Gómez (actress)" }, { "docid": "16974709", "text": "Miya (actress) Gimi George, better known by her stage name Miya, is an Indian actress and model who predominantly works in Malayalam Cinema. She started her career as an actress by playing supporting roles in television shows. She made her film debut by playing short roles in the films \"Doctor Love\" and \"Ee Adutha Kaalathu\". She was selected the Kerala Miss Fitness in 2012 and played her first lead role the same year in the Malayalam film \"Chettayees\". Miya was born in 1992 as the second daughter of George and Mini in a Malayali Christian family at Dombivili in Mumbai,", "title": "Miya (actress)" }, { "docid": "12016614", "text": "Mathieu Lamboley, Philippe Kelly and Alex Jaffray, members of the jury. The festival will run from Tuesday 6th to Sunday 11th November.. She's also announced in the comedy \"La guerre des grands-mères\" with Chantal Ladesou for the cinema. Movies starring Catherine Jacob with more than a million tickets sold in France. Catherine Jacob (actress) Catherine Jacob (born 16 December 1956) is a César Award-winning French film and theatrical actress. She won the César Award for Most Promising Actress for her role in \"Life Is a Long Quiet River\" (1988), and was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in \"Tatie Danielle\" (1990),", "title": "Catherine Jacob (actress)" }, { "docid": "3523850", "text": "I'd get my butt kicked faster than you. In a way, I'm the betrayer.\" Hunt is featured in the National Museum of African American History and Culture, in Washington D.C., which was opened by President Barack Obama. Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946) Marsha Hunt (born April 15, 1946) is an American actress, novelist, singer and former model, who has lived mostly in Britain and Ireland. She achieved national fame when she appeared in London as Dionne in the long-running rock musical \"Hair\". She enjoyed close relationships with Marc Bolan and Mick Jagger, who is the father of her only child", "title": "Marsha Hunt (actress, born 1946)" }, { "docid": "8834627", "text": "Lucy Griffiths (actress, born 1986) Lucy Ursula Griffiths (born 10 October 1986) is an English actress best known for her roles as Lady Marian in the BBC drama series \"Robin Hood\" (2006–09), as Nora Gainesborough, Eric Northman's vampire \"sister\", in the HBO horror series \"True Blood\" (2012–13) and as Emily Woodrow in the AMC supernatural drama series \"Preacher\" (2016–present). Born in Brighton, Griffiths was educated at Roedean School, Windlesham House School, Dorothy Stringer High School and Varndean College. She is a former member of the National Youth Music Theatre and Youth Music Theatre UK. She first appeared on television in", "title": "Lucy Griffiths (actress, born 1986)" }, { "docid": "20928104", "text": "of Fuyao\", a fantasy adventure television series based on the novel \"Empress Fuyao\". The same year, she also starred in the historical drama \"The Rise of Phoenixes\". In 2009 Hu first met actor Sha Yi () at \"Hu Ke Xing Ganjue\", in which he was a guest. They held their wedding ceremony in Beijing on February 20, 2011. They have two sons, Sha Junbo (), born on 16 July 2011, and Sha Junliang (), born on 19 August 2014. Hu Ke (actress) Hu Ke (; born 1 December 1975) is a Chinese host and actress best known for her role", "title": "Hu Ke (actress)" }, { "docid": "11834573", "text": "nearly two decades and remained active in the industry well into her eighties. Mona Lisa (actress) Gloria Lerma Yatco, better known by her screen name Mona Lisa (born June 22, 1922), is a FAMAS Award-winning Filipino film actress. Known by the screen name Fleur de Lis before and during World War II, she was one of the most popular Filipino actresses of the late 1930s and 1940s. She was paired with Ely Ramos in LVN Pictures' \"Giliw Ko\", directed by Carlos Vander Tolosa, where she made history as the first actress to appear in a Filipino film wearing a bathing", "title": "Mona Lisa (actress)" }, { "docid": "11834572", "text": "Mona Lisa (actress) Gloria Lerma Yatco, better known by her screen name Mona Lisa (born June 22, 1922), is a FAMAS Award-winning Filipino film actress. Known by the screen name Fleur de Lis before and during World War II, she was one of the most popular Filipino actresses of the late 1930s and 1940s. She was paired with Ely Ramos in LVN Pictures' \"Giliw Ko\", directed by Carlos Vander Tolosa, where she made history as the first actress to appear in a Filipino film wearing a bathing suit. She resumed her film career in the 1970 after an absence of", "title": "Mona Lisa (actress)" } ]
Which Amendment to the Constitution brought in prohibition in 1920?
[ "18", "18th", "eighteen" ]
[ { "docid": "13258805", "text": "December 18, 1918. Upon being approved by a 36th state on January 16, 1919, the amendment was ratified as a part of the Constitution. By the terms of the amendment, the country went dry one year later, on January 17, 1920. On October 28, 1919, Congress passed the Volstead Act, the popular name for the National Prohibition Act, over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. The act established the legal definition of intoxicating liquors as well as penalties for producing them. Although the Volstead Act prohibited the sale of alcohol, the federal government lacked resources to enforce it. Prohibition was successful in", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "6218757", "text": "Association Against the Prohibition Amendment The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment was established in 1918 and became a leading organization working for the repeal of prohibition in the United States. It was the first group created to fight Prohibition, also known as the 18th Amendment. The group was officially incorporated on December 31, 1920. Its activities consisted of meetings, protests, and distribution of informational pamphlets and it operated solely upon voluntary financial contribution. Due to low amount of financial contributions, the Association was largely stagnant until prominent members joined in the mid-1920s. Although the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment (AAPA)", "title": "Association Against the Prohibition Amendment" }, { "docid": "6218760", "text": "Twenty-first Amendment by three states officially ended Prohibition. The Association's final operation was a celebration on the evening of December 5th of 170 members at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. Association Against the Prohibition Amendment The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment was established in 1918 and became a leading organization working for the repeal of prohibition in the United States. It was the first group created to fight Prohibition, also known as the 18th Amendment. The group was officially incorporated on December 31, 1920. Its activities consisted of meetings, protests, and distribution of informational pamphlets and it", "title": "Association Against the Prohibition Amendment" }, { "docid": "428920", "text": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eighteenth Amendment (Amendment XVIII) of the United States Constitution established the prohibition of \"intoxicating liquors\" in the United States. The amendment was proposed by Congress on December 18, 1917, and was ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919. The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment on December 5, 1933. The Eighteenth Amendment was the product of decades of efforts by the temperance movement, which held that a ban on the sale of alcohol would ameliorate poverty and other societal issues. The Eighteenth Amendment declared the production,", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428948", "text": "1933. Bootlegging was also found to be a gateway crime for many gangs, who would then expand operations into crimes such as prostitution, gambling rackets, narcotics, loan-sharking, extortion and labor rackets, thus causing problems to persist long after the amendment was repealed. Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eighteenth Amendment (Amendment XVIII) of the United States Constitution established the prohibition of \"intoxicating liquors\" in the United States. The amendment was proposed by Congress on December 18, 1917, and was ratified by the requisite number of states on January 16, 1919. The Eighteenth Amendment was repealed by the Twenty-first", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428899", "text": "Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Nineteenth Amendment (Amendment XIX) to the United States Constitution prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex. It was adopted on August 18, 1920. The amendment was the culmination of the women's suffrage movement in the United States, which fought at both state and national levels to achieve the vote. It effectively overruled \"Minor v. Happersett\" (1875), in which a unanimous Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment did not give women the right to vote.", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428913", "text": "came from Southern Democrats, a trend which remained consistent with Tennessee as the last state to pass the amendment, during a special session right before the ratification period was to expire. On August 18, 1920, Tennessee narrowly approved the Nineteenth Amendment, with 50 of 99 members of the Tennessee House of Representatives voting yes. This provided the final ratification necessary to add the amendment to the Constitution. The Congress proposed the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919, and the following states ratified the amendment. Ratification was completed on August 18, 1920, and the following states subsequently ratified the amendment: The", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "3935587", "text": "Bureau of Prohibition The Bureau of Prohibition (or Prohibition Unit) was the federal law enforcement agency formed to enforce the National Prohibition Act of 1919, commonly known as the Volstead Act, which elaborated upon the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution regarding the prohibition of the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. When it was first established in 1920, it was a unit of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. On April 1, 1927, it became an independent entity within the Department of the Treasury, changing its name from the Prohibition Unit to the Bureau of Prohibition. In 1930,", "title": "Bureau of Prohibition" }, { "docid": "428930", "text": "the Senate voted similarly the next day. The Volstead Act set the starting date for nationwide prohibition for January 17, 1920, which was the earliest date allowed by the 18th amendment. The act was conceived and introduced by Wayne Wheeler who was a leader of the Anti-Saloon League, a group which found alcohol responsible for almost all of society's problems, and were also responsible for many campaigns against the sale of alcohol. The law was also heavily supported by Judiciary Chairman at the time, Andrew Volstead from Minnesota and was named in his honor. The act in its written form", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428938", "text": "late 1920s, the Great Depression only hastened its demise, as some argued that the ban on alcohol denied jobs to the unemployed and much-needed revenue to the government. The efforts of the nonpartisan group Americans Against Prohibition Association (AAPA) added to public disillusionment. In 1932, the platform of Democratic presidential candidate Franklin D. Roosevelt included a plank for repealing the 18th Amendment, and his victory that November marked a certain end to Prohibition. In February 1933, Congress adopted a resolution proposing the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the 18th Amendment and modified the Volstead Act to permit the sale of beer.", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "335108", "text": "uses. Alcohol consumption was never illegal under federal law. Nationwide Prohibition did not begin in the United States until January 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The 18th amendment was ratified in 1919, and was repealed in December 1933 with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment. Concern over excessive alcohol consumption began during the American colonial era, when fines were imposed for drunken behavior and for selling liquor without a license. In the eighteenth century, when drinking was a part of everyday American life, Protestant religious groups, especially the Methodists, and health reformers, including", "title": "Prohibition" }, { "docid": "9900217", "text": "Third Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Third Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں تیسری ترمیم) is an amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan went effective on 18 February 1975, under the of elected Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto an amendment to the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan The amendment extend the period of preventive detention, of those who are accused of committing serious cases of treason and espionage against the state of Pakistan, are also under trial by the government of Pakistan. The \"III Amendment\" protect against the abuse of government authority in legal procedure,", "title": "Third Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "6218759", "text": "distilleries. There were over 500,000 members in 28 states. In order to promote its cause, the Association distributed over 1,250,000 research pamphlets, often focusing on the negative effects that Prohibition had upon the economy and how it proliferated the amount of illegal distilleries. The Association claimed in the 18 different research pamphlets it distributed that the cessation of Prohibition would help the economy, and later on stated that repealing the 18th Amendment would ultimately help the United States recover from the Great Depression. The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment officially disbanded on December 5th, 1933 after the ratification of the", "title": "Association Against the Prohibition Amendment" }, { "docid": "9900218", "text": "and extended the investigation period from one month to three month. Third Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Third Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں تیسری ترمیم) is an amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan went effective on 18 February 1975, under the of elected Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto an amendment to the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan The amendment extend the period of preventive detention, of those who are accused of committing serious cases of treason and espionage against the state of Pakistan, are also under trial by the government of Pakistan. The \"III", "title": "Third Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "13258804", "text": "to other issues, such as Mormon polygamy and the temperance movement. On November 18, 1918, prior to ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment, the U.S. Congress passed the temporary Wartime Prohibition Act, which banned the sale of alcoholic beverages having an alcohol content of greater than 1.28%. (This act, which had been intended to save grain for the war effort, was passed after the armistice ending World War I was signed on November 11, 1918.) The Wartime Prohibition Act took effect June 30, 1919, with July 1, 1919 becoming known as the \"Thirsty-First\". The U.S. Senate proposed the Eighteenth Amendment on", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "8839839", "text": "Amendment to the Constitution of Iraq The government of Iraq has established a committee to consider a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Iraq. The current Constitution of Iraq was drafted by a committee of the Iraqi Transitional Government. The agreed text was put to a referendum in October 2005. It was approved by 79% of voters and 15 out of 18 governorates. In an agreement prior to the referendum, the largest Sunni Arab majority party, the Iraqi Islamic Party agreed to support a \"Yes\" vote as long as the first parliament elected under the constitution agreed to consider amendments.", "title": "Amendment to the Constitution of Iraq" } ]
[ { "docid": "13258824", "text": "larger process of Americanization taking place during the same time period. Two other amendments to the Constitution were championed by dry crusaders to help their cause. One was granted in the Sixteenth Amendment (1913), which replaced alcohol taxes that funded the federal government with a federal income tax. The other was women's suffrage, which was granted after the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920; since women tended to support prohibition, temperance organizations tended to support women's suffrage. In the presidential election of 1916, the Democratic incumbent, Woodrow Wilson, and the Republican candidate, Charles Evans Hughes, ignored the prohibition issue,", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "785592", "text": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution The Twenty-first Amendment (Amendment XXI) to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol. The Twenty-first Amendment was proposed by Congress on February 20, 1933, and was ratified by the requisite number of states on December 5, 1933. It is unique among the 27 amendments of the U.S. Constitution for being the only one to repeal a prior amendment, as well as being the only amendment to have been ratified by state ratifying conventions. The Eighteenth Amendment was ratified on January", "title": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428921", "text": "transport, and sale of intoxicating liquors illegal, though it did not outlaw the actual consumption of alcohol. Shortly after the amendment was ratified, Congress passed the Volstead Act to provide for the federal enforcement of Prohibition. The Volstead Act declared that liquor, wine, and beer all qualified as intoxicating liquors and were therefore prohibited. Under the terms of the Eighteenth Amendment, Prohibition began on January 17, 1920, one year after the amendment was ratified. Although the Eighteenth Amendment led to a decline in alcohol consumption in the United States, nationwide enforcement of Prohibition proved difficult, particularly in cities. Organized crime", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428526", "text": "Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eighth Amendment (Amendment VIII) of the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines, or cruel and unusual punishments. This amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the United States Bill of Rights. The phrases in this amendment originated in the English Bill of Rights of 1689. The prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments has led courts to hold that the Constitution totally prohibits certain kinds of punishment, such as drawing and quartering. Under the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause, the Supreme", "title": "Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "785593", "text": "16, 1919, the result of years of advocacy by the temperance movement. The subsequent passage of the Volstead Act established federal enforcement of the nationwide prohibition on alcohol. As many Americans continued to drink despite the amendment, Prohibition gave rise to a profitable black market for alcohol, fueling the rise of organized crime. Throughout the 1920's, Americans increasingly came to see Prohibition as unenforceable, and a movement to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment grew until the Twenty-first Amendment was ratified in 1933. Section 1 of the Twenty-first Amendment expressly repeals the Eighteenth Amendment. Section 2 bans the importation of alcohol into", "title": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "13258827", "text": "Volstead Act, to enforce the Eighteenth Amendment when it went into effect in 1920. Prohibition began on January 16, 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment went into effect. A total of 1,520 Federal Prohibition agents (police) were tasked with enforcement. Supporters of the Amendment soon became confident that it would not be repealed. One of its creators, Senator Morris Sheppard, joked that \"there is as much chance of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment as there is for a humming-bird to fly to the planet Mars with the Washington Monument tied to its tail.\" At the same time, songs emerged decrying the act.", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "428914", "text": "amendment's validity was unanimously upheld in \"Leser v. Garnett\", . Oscar Leser sued to stop two women registered to vote in Baltimore, Maryland, because he believed that the Maryland Constitution limited the suffrage to men and the Maryland legislature had refused to vote to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment. Two months before, the federal government had proclaimed the amendment incorporated into the Constitution on August 26, 1920. First, Leser said the amendment \"destroyed State autonomy\" because it increased Maryland's electorate without the state's consent. The Court answered that the Nineteenth Amendment was worded like the Fifteenth Amendment, which had expanded state", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "15894760", "text": "Twenty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland The Twenty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution Act 2011 (previously bill no. 44 of 2011) is an amendment to the Constitution of Ireland which relaxes the previous prohibition on the reduction of the salaries of Irish judges. It was approved by a referendum on 27 October 2011 signed into law on 17 November 2011. It was held on the same day as a referendum on Oireachtas Inquiries, which was rejected, and the presidential election at which Michael D. Higgins was elected. The Constitution of Ireland, since its enactment in 1937, had contained a prohibition", "title": "Twenty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" }, { "docid": "10752025", "text": "Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986 The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986 (bill no. 15 of 1986) was a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Ireland to remove the prohibition on divorce. The proposal was rejected in a referendum on 26 June 1986. It was the first of two referendums held in Ireland on the question of divorce; the Fifteenth Amendment in 1995 allowed for divorce under specified conditions. The Constitution of Ireland adopted in 1937 included a constitutional ban on divorce. The prohibition reflected the religious values of the document's Catholic drafters, but was also supported", "title": "Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986" }, { "docid": "428922", "text": "and other groups engaged in large-scale bootlegging, and speakeasies became popular in many areas. Public sentiment began to turn against Prohibition during the 1920s, and 1932 Democratic presidential nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt called for the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment in his platform. The Twenty-first Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment in 1933, making the Eighteenth Amendment the first and only amendment to the U.S. constitution that has ever been repealed. The Eighteenth Amendment was the result of decades of effort by the temperance movement in the United States and at the time was generally considered a progressive amendment. Starting in", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "6174738", "text": "used his expertise as the Attorney General who first enforced Prohibition to promote a plan to expedite its repeal through state conventions rather than the state legislatures. The Cullen–Harrison Act, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 22, 1933, authorized the sale of 3.2 percent beer (thought to be too low an alcohol concentration to be intoxicating) and wine, which allowed the first legal beer sales since the beginning of Prohibition on January 16, 1920. In 1933 state conventions ratified the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed Prohibition. The Amendment was fully ratified on December 5, 1933. Federal laws enforcing Prohibition", "title": "Repeal of Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "6174725", "text": "Repeal of Prohibition in the United States The repeal of Prohibition in the United States was accomplished with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution on December 5, 1933. In 1919, the requisite number of state legislatures ratified the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, enabling national prohibition one year later. Many women, notably members of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, were pivotal in bringing about national Prohibition in the United States, believing it would protect families, women, and children from the effects of alcohol abuse. Around 1820, \"the typical adult white American male consumed", "title": "Repeal of Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "13258801", "text": "the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920. Enabling legislation, known as the Volstead Act, set down the rules for enforcing the federal ban and defined the types of alcoholic beverages that were prohibited. For example, religious use of wine was allowed. Private ownership and consumption of alcohol were not made illegal under federal law, but local laws were stricter in many areas, with some states banning possession outright. Criminal gangs were able to gain control of the beer and liquor supply for many cities. By the late-1920s a new opposition mobilized nationwide. Wets attacked prohibition as causing", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "4795958", "text": "Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution Act 1995 (previously bill no. 15 of 1995) is an amendment of the Constitution of Ireland which removed the constitutional prohibition on divorce, and allowed for the dissolution of a marriage provided specified conditions were satisfied. It was approved by referendum on 24 November 1995 and signed into law on 17 June 1996. The Constitution of Ireland adopted in 1937 included a constitutional ban on divorce. A previous bill to amend this provision proposed by the Fine Gael–Labour Party government of Garret FitzGerald, the Tenth Amendment of", "title": "Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" }, { "docid": "428549", "text": "could be cruel but not unusual, and therefore not prohibited by the Constitution. Additionally, in \"Harmelin\", Justice Scalia, joined by Chief Justice Rehnquist, said \"the Eighth Amendment contains no proportionality guarantee,\" and that \"what was 'cruel and unusual' under the Eighth Amendment was to be determined without reference to the particular offense.\" Scalia wrote \"If 'cruel and unusual punishments' included disproportionate punishments, the separate prohibition of disproportionate fines (which are certainly punishments) would have been entirely superfluous.\" Moreover, \"There is little doubt that those who framed, proposed, and ratified the Bill of Rights were aware of such provisions [outlawing disproportional", "title": "Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "13258844", "text": "Prohibition. Naval Captain William H. Stayton was a prominent figure in the anti-prohibition fight, founding the Association Against the Prohibition Amendment in 1918. The AAPA was the largest of the nearly forty organizations that fought to end Prohibition. Economic urgency played a large part in accelerating the advocacy for repeal. The number of conservatives who pushed for prohibition in the beginning decreased. Many farmers who fought for prohibition now fought for repeal because of the negative effects it had on the agriculture business. Prior to the 1920 implementation of the Volstead Act, approximately 14% of federal, state, and local tax", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "785597", "text": "proposed amendment was adopted on December 5, 1933. It is the only amendment to have been ratified by state ratifying conventions, specially selected for the purpose. All other amendments have been ratified by state legislatures. It is also the only amendment that was approved for the explicit purpose of repealing a previously existing amendment to the Constitution. The Twenty-first Amendment ending national prohibition became officially effective on December 15, though people started drinking openly before that date. The various responses of the 48 states is as follows: The following states ratified the amendment: Ratification was completed on December 5, 1933.", "title": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "4795965", "text": "Law (Divorce) Act, 1996, specified its own commencement date as 27 February 1997, the first divorce was granted on 17 January 1997, based solely on the constitutional amendment, to a dying man who wanted urgently to marry his new partner. Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland The Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution Act 1995 (previously bill no. 15 of 1995) is an amendment of the Constitution of Ireland which removed the constitutional prohibition on divorce, and allowed for the dissolution of a marriage provided specified conditions were satisfied. It was approved by referendum on 24 November 1995 and signed", "title": "Fifteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" }, { "docid": "6174739", "text": "were then repealed. Following repeal some states continued prohibition within their own jurisdictions. Almost two-thirds of the states adopted some form of local option which enabled residents in political subdivisions to vote for or against local prohibition. For a time, 38 percent of Americans lived in areas with Prohibition. By 1966, however, all states had repealed their statewide prohibition laws, with Mississippi the last state to do so. Repeal of Prohibition in the United States The repeal of Prohibition in the United States was accomplished with the passage of the Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution on December 5,", "title": "Repeal of Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "785595", "text": "the Constitution had ushered in a period known as Prohibition, during which the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages was illegal. Passage of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 was the crowning achievement of the temperance movement, but it soon proved highly unpopular. Crime rates soared under Prohibition as gangsters, such as Chicago's Al Capone, became rich from a profitable, often violent black market for alcohol. The federal government was incapable of stemming the tide: enforcement of the Volstead Act proved to be a nearly impossible task and corruption was rife among law enforcement agencies. In 1932, wealthy industrialist John", "title": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "10752029", "text": "proposed by Mervyn Taylor, now as Minister for Equality and Law Reform, which again proposed to allow for divorce in certain circumstances. It was narrowly passed by referendum on 24 November 1995 with 50.3% of the vote. Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986 The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986 (bill no. 15 of 1986) was a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Ireland to remove the prohibition on divorce. The proposal was rejected in a referendum on 26 June 1986. It was the first of two referendums held in Ireland on the question of divorce; the Fifteenth", "title": "Tenth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1986" }, { "docid": "13258832", "text": "Amendment went into effect in January 1920, many of the upper classes stockpiled alcohol for legal home consumption after Prohibition began. They bought the inventories of liquor retailers and wholesalers, emptying out their warehouses, saloons, and club storerooms. President Woodrow Wilson moved his own supply of alcoholic beverages to his Washington residence after his term of office ended. His successor, Warren G. Harding, relocated his own large supply into the White House after inauguration. After the Eighteenth Amendment became law the United States embraced bootlegging. In just the first six months of 1920 alone, the federal government opened 7,291 cases", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "785630", "text": "would be unconstitutional. Most likely, the constitutional question raised will remain unanswered unless the situation actually occurs. Over the years, several presidents have voiced their antipathy toward the amendment. After leaving office, Harry Truman variously described it as: \"bad\", \"stupid\", and \"one of the worst that has been put into the Constitution, except for the Prohibition Amendment\". In January 1989, during an interview with Tom Brokaw a few days prior to leaving office, Ronald Reagan stated his intention to push for a repeal of the 22nd Amendment, calling it \"an infringement on the democratic rights of the people.\" In a", "title": "Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428933", "text": "its ratification. That clause of the amendment was challenged, with the case reaching the US Supreme Court. It upheld the constitutionality of such a deadline in \"Dillon v. Gloss\" (1921). The Supreme Court also upheld the ratification by the Ohio legislature in \"Hawke v. Smith\" (1920), despite a petition requiring that the matter go to ballot. This was not the only controversy around the amendment. The phrase \"intoxicating liquor\" would not logically have included beer and wine (as they are not distilled), and their inclusion in the prohibition came as a surprise to the general public, as well as wine", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "14880082", "text": "Constitution (Amendment No. 17) Act 1931 The Constitution (Amendment No. 17) Act, 1931 (No. 37/1931) popularly called the Public Safety Act 1931, was an amendment to the Constitution of the Irish Free State which inserted Article 2A, empowering the Executive Council to declare a state of emergency during which most provisions of the constitution could be suspended and extra security measures taken. These measures included the use of a military tribunal (the Constitution (Special Powers) Tribunal) to try civilians for political crimes, granting extra powers of search and arrest to the Garda Síochána (police), and the prohibition of organisations deemed", "title": "Constitution (Amendment No. 17) Act 1931" }, { "docid": "428417", "text": "officer of the customs\" and barring all other writs. The governor overturned the legislation, finding it contrary to English law and parliamentary sovereignty. Seeing the danger general warrants presented, the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776) explicitly forbade the use of general warrants. This prohibition became a precedent for the Fourth Amendment: Article XIV of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights, written by John Adams and enacted in 1780 as part of the Massachusetts Constitution, added the requirement that all searches must be \"reasonable,\" and served as another basis for the language of the Fourth Amendment: By 1784, eight state constitutions contained", "title": "Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "10771292", "text": "Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001 The Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001 (bill no. 19 of 2001) was a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Ireland to allow the state to ratify the Treaty of Nice of the European Union. The proposal was rejected in a referendum held on June 2001, sometimes referred to as the first Nice referendum. The referendum was held on the same day as referendums on the prohibition of the death penalty and on the ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, both of which were approved. The Nice Treaty", "title": "Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001" }, { "docid": "428604", "text": "hear cases in law and equity brought by private citizens against states and that states did not enjoy sovereign immunity from suits made by citizens of other states in federal court. Thus, the amendment clarified Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution, which gives diversity jurisdiction to the judiciary to hear cases \"between a state and citizens of another state\". The Eleventh Amendment was proposed by the 3rd Congress on March 4, 1794, when it was approved by the House of Representatives by vote of 81–9, having been previously passed by the Senate, 23–2, on January 14, 1794. The amendment", "title": "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "9897915", "text": "and the First Schedule of the Constitution of Pakistan were amended. First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں پہلی ترمیم) is a part of the Constitution of Pakistan which came on effect on May 4 of 1974. The official document of the First Amendment is called the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1974. The First Amendment redefined the international and provisional boundaries, federal treaties of Pakistan, and naval treaties of Pakistan. The amendment eliminates and removed the references of East-Pakistan after the recognition of Bangladesh. Articles 1, 8, 17,", "title": "First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "3169224", "text": "Twenty-third Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland The Twenty-third Amendment of the Constitution Act 2001 of the Constitution of Ireland permitted the state to become a party to the International Criminal Court (ICC). It was approved by referendum on 7 June 2001 and signed into law on the 27 March 2002. The referendum was held on the same day as referendums on the prohibition of the death penalty, which was also approved, and on the ratification of the Nice Treaty, which was rejected. The Statute of the International Criminal Court established the International Criminal Court. As its ratification would affect", "title": "Twenty-third Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" }, { "docid": "428866", "text": "Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Seventeenth Amendment (Amendment XVII) to the United States Constitution established the popular election of United States Senators by the people of the states. The amendment supersedes , Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which senators were elected by state legislatures. It also alters the procedure for filling vacancies in the Senate, allowing for state legislatures to permit their governors to make temporary appointments until a special election can be held. The amendment was proposed by the 62nd Congress in 1912 and became part of the Constitution on April 8, 1913", "title": "Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "9897914", "text": "First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں پہلی ترمیم) is a part of the Constitution of Pakistan which came on effect on May 4 of 1974. The official document of the First Amendment is called the Constitution (First Amendment) Act, 1974. The First Amendment redefined the international and provisional boundaries, federal treaties of Pakistan, and naval treaties of Pakistan. The amendment eliminates and removed the references of East-Pakistan after the recognition of Bangladesh. Articles 1, 8, 17, 61, 101, 193, 199, 200, 209, 212, 250, 260 and 272,", "title": "First Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "428579", "text": "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. It expresses the principle of federalism and states' rights, which strictly supports the entire plan of the original Constitution for the United States of America, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people. The amendment was proposed by the 1st United States Congress in 1789 during its first", "title": "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "6174731", "text": "Against the Prohibition Amendment (AAPA) and Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform (WONPR), an estimated $861 million was lost in federal tax revenue from untaxed liquor; $40 million was spent annually on Prohibition enforcement. The AAPA also released a pamphlet claiming that $11 billion was lost in federal liquor-tax revenue and $310 million was spent on Prohibition enforcement from 1920 to 1931. This lack of potential funding during a period of economic strife became a crucial part of the campaign for repeal. During this period, support for Prohibition diminished among voters and politicians. John D. Rockefeller Jr., a lifelong nondrinker", "title": "Repeal of Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "10771296", "text": "Twenty-sixth Amendment. Because of concerns that the Treaty would affect Irish neutrality, a further subsection was included on that occasion to address these fears. Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001 The Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001 (bill no. 19 of 2001) was a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Ireland to allow the state to ratify the Treaty of Nice of the European Union. The proposal was rejected in a referendum held on June 2001, sometimes referred to as the first Nice referendum. The referendum was held on the same day as referendums on the prohibition of", "title": "Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2001" }, { "docid": "13258802", "text": "crime, lowering local revenues, and imposing \"rural\" Protestant religious values on \"urban\" United States. Prohibition ended with the ratification of the Twenty-first Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment on December 5, 1933. Some states continued statewide prohibition, marking one of the last stages of the Progressive Era. Research shows that prohibition reduced overall alcohol consumption by half during the 1920s, and consumption remained below pre-Prohibition levels until the 1940s, suggesting that Prohibition did socialize a significant proportion of the population in temperate habits, at least temporarily. Rates of liver cirrhosis \"fell by 50% early in Prohibition and recovered promptly after", "title": "Prohibition in the United States" }, { "docid": "428943", "text": "24%, including increases in assault and battery, theft, and burglary. Anti-prohibition groups arose and worked to have the amendment repealed, once it became apparent that Prohibition was an unprecedented catastrophe. It is alleged that the Eighteenth Amendment failed because of its sudden, strict enforcement. It didn't allow the people to have a say or let them gradually ease into the complete ban of alcoholic beverages. Instead, the people rebelled and the introduction of speakeasies and \"flappers\" came about. The Twenty-first Amendment repealed the Eighteenth Amendment on December 5, 1933. Following ratification in 1919 the effects of the amendment were long", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428289", "text": "Third Amendment to the United States Constitution The Third Amendment (Amendment III) to the United States Constitution places restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent, forbidding the practice in peacetime. The amendment is a response to Quartering Acts passed by the British parliament during the buildup to the American Revolutionary War, which had allowed the British Army to lodge soldiers in private residences. The Third Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison as a part of the United States Bill of Rights, in response to Anti-Federalist objections to the new Constitution.", "title": "Third Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "335117", "text": "first state to ratify the amendment; the thirty-sixth state to do so, Nebraska, ratified it on January 16, 1919, assuring its passage into law. On October 28, 1919, Congress passed the National Prohibition Act, also known as the Volstead Act, which provided enabling legislation to implement the Eighteenth Amendment. When the National Prohibition Act was passed on October 28, 1919, thirty-three of the forty-eight states were already dry. Congress ratified the Eighteenth Amendment on January 16, 1920; nationwide prohibition began the next day. During the first years of Prohibition, the new law was enforced in regions such as the rural", "title": "Prohibition" }, { "docid": "17314097", "text": "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka (13A) is amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka which created Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka. This amendment also made Sinhala and Tamil as the official languages of the country and English as the link language. On 29 July 1987, Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was signed between Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan President J.R. Jayewardene which stated the devolution of powers to the provinces. Hence on 14 November 1987 the Sri Lankan Parliament passed the 13th Amendment to the 1978 Constitution", "title": "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka" }, { "docid": "428564", "text": "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Ninth Amendment (Amendment IX) to the United States Constitution addresses rights, retained by the people, that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. It is part of the Bill of Rights. The Ninth Amendment has generally been regarded by the courts as negating any expansion of governmental power on account of the enumeration of rights in the Constitution, but the Amendment has not been regarded as further limiting governmental power. The amendment as proposed by Congress in 1789 and later ratified as the Ninth Amendment reads as follows: When the U.S. Constitution", "title": "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "10987945", "text": "a variant of civil forfeiture called \"administrative forfeiture\" which is essentially a civil forfeiture which does not require involvement by the judiciary, which derives its powers from the Tariff Act of 1930, and empowers police to seize banned imported merchandise, as well as things used to import or transport or store a controlled substance, money, or other property which is less than $500,000 value. Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution addresses criminal procedure and other aspects of the Constitution. It was ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill", "title": "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "17314099", "text": "amendment. Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka (13A) is amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka which created Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka. This amendment also made Sinhala and Tamil as the official languages of the country and English as the link language. On 29 July 1987, Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was signed between Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan President J.R. Jayewardene which stated the devolution of powers to the provinces. Hence on 14 November 1987 the Sri Lankan Parliament passed the 13th Amendment to the 1978", "title": "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka" }, { "docid": "3097037", "text": "and to rampant corruption among leading politicians. The Fourteenth Amendment increased this perception, and contributed to the overwhelming popular support for General Pervez Musharraf's coup in 1999. The Supreme Court subsequently validated the coup on the grounds that the Thirteenth and Fourteenth amendments created a situation for which there was no constitutional remedy. Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں چودہویں ترمیم) was an amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan passed in 1997, during the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League party.", "title": "Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "428610", "text": "Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States Constitution provides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President. It replaced the procedure provided in , by which the Electoral College originally functioned. The amendment was proposed by the Congress on December 9, 1803, and was ratified by the requisite three-fourths of state legislatures on June 15, 1804. The new rules took effect for the 1804 presidential election and have governed all subsequent presidential elections. Under the original rules of the Constitution, each member of the Electoral College cast two electoral votes,", "title": "Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428511", "text": "portions of the Constitution, such as the federal judiciary and direct taxation, intact. On November 20, 1789, New Jersey ratified eleven of the twelve amendments, rejecting an amendment to regulate congressional pay raises. On December 19 and 22, respectively, Maryland and North Carolina ratified all twelve amendments. On January 19, 25, and 28, 1790, respectively, South Carolina, New Hampshire, and Delaware ratified the Bill, though New Hampshire rejected the amendment on Congressional pay raises, and Delaware rejected the Congressional Apportionment Amendment. This brought the total of ratifying states to six of the required ten, but the process stalled in other", "title": "Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428724", "text": "Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments. Arguably one of the most consequential amendments to this day, the amendment addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws and was proposed in response to issues related to former slaves following the American Civil War. The amendment was bitterly contested, particularly by the states of the defeated Confederacy, which were forced to ratify it in order to regain representation in Congress. The amendment, particularly its first section, is one", "title": "Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428477", "text": "Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Sixth Amendment (Amendment VI) to the United States Constitution sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions. It was ratified in 1791 as part of the United States Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court has applied most of the protections of this amendment to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Sixth Amendment grants criminal defendants the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed. Under the", "title": "Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428601", "text": "to join the federal program by conditioning the continued provision of Medicaid funds on states agreeing to materially alter Medicaid eligibility to include all individuals who fell below 133% of the poverty line. Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791. It expresses the principle of federalism and states' rights, which strictly supports the entire plan of the original Constitution for the United States of America, by stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated", "title": "Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "18549625", "text": "Thirty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland The Thirty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution (Marriage Equality) Act 2015 (previously bill no. 5 of 2015) amended the Constitution of Ireland to permit marriage to be contracted by two persons without distinction as to their sex. Prior to the enactment, the Constitution was assumed to contain an implicit prohibition on same-sex marriage in the Republic of Ireland. It was approved at a referendum on 22 May 2015 by 62% of voters on a turnout of 61%. This was the first time that a state legalised same-sex marriage through a popular vote. Two legal", "title": "Thirty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" }, { "docid": "10987877", "text": "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Fifth Amendment (Amendment V) to the United States Constitution addresses criminal procedure and other aspects of the Constitution. It was ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights. The Fifth Amendment originally applied only to the federal government, but the Supreme Court has applied most of the protections of this amendment to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. One provision of the Fifth Amendment requires that felonies be tried only upon indictment by a grand jury. Another provision, the Double Jeopardy Clause, provides the right", "title": "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428360", "text": "\"[a] very small proportion of the people[.]\" In contrast, Rawle characterizes the second clause of the Second Amendment, which he calls the corollary clause, as a general prohibition against such capricious abuse of government power, declaring bluntly: Speaking of the Second Amendment generally, Rawle said: Rawle, long before the concept of incorporation was formally recognized by the courts, or Congress drafted the Fourteenth Amendment, contended that citizens could appeal to the Second Amendment should either the state or federal government attempt to disarm them. He did warn, however, that \"this right [to bear arms] ought not...be abused to the disturbance", "title": "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "2056602", "text": "at an effective and immediate course. In general discourse, the Eighth Amendment has become synonymous with Article 58 2(b), which in turn is considered to be the provision that introduced the presidential power to dissolve the National Assembly. However, the Eighth Amendment was in fact a compromise between the Parliament elected in the non-party elections of 1985 and then President Gen. Zia-ul-Haq. Prior to the 1985 election, over a period of six years, Gen. Zia-ul-Haq had already made numerous amendments to the Constitution of 1973 through various Constitution Amendment Orders, the most significant being the Revival of Constitution of 1973", "title": "Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "10715371", "text": "Third Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1958 The Third Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1958 was a proposal to amend the Constitution of Ireland to alter the electoral system from proportional representation under the single transferable vote (PR-STV) to first-past-the-post (FPTP). The proposal was rejected in a referendum held on 17 June 1959. This was the same date as the presidential election in which Taoiseach Éamon de Valera was elected as president. The subject matter of the referendum was described as follows: Proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote had been used in Irish elections since the 1920", "title": "Third Amendment of the Constitution Bill 1958" }, { "docid": "428503", "text": "Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The Seventh Amendment (Amendment VII) to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights. This amendment codifies the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases and inhibits courts from overturning a jury's findings of fact. An early version of the Seventh Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison, along with the other amendments, in response to Anti-Federalist objections to the new Constitution. Congress proposed a revised version of the Seventh Amendment to the states on September 28, 1789, and by December 15, 1791, the necessary", "title": "Seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428898", "text": "Durbin became co-sponsors, as did Representative John Conyers. The Tea Party movement has been arguing for repealing the Seventeenth Amendment entirely, claiming that it would protect states' rights and reduce the power of the federal government. On March 2, 2016, the Utah legislature approved Senate Joint Resolution No. 2 asking Congress to offer an amendment to the United States Constitution that would repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Seventeenth Amendment (Amendment XVII) to the United States Constitution established the popular election of United States Senators by the people of the states. The amendment supersedes", "title": "Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "9900242", "text": "Governor or the Chief minister of those who are not from the provinces in which they have fought the elections for the respected offices. \"V Amendment\" also set the maximum age of the Chief Justice as well as the term of serving the respected office. Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں پانچویں ترمیم) was adopted in September 5 of 1976, by the elected Parliament of Pakistan under the democratic government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The \"V Amendment\" widen the scope of restriction on the Pakistan High Courts", "title": "Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "3097073", "text": "Benazir Bhutto was one of the first leaders to congratulate General Pervez Musharraf for removing Nawaz Sharif. The Supreme Court later validated the removal on the grounds that the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments resulted in a situation for which there was no constitutional remedy. In October 2002, elections were held in Pakistan. In December 2003, Parliament passed the Seventeenth Amendment, which partially restored the President's reserve power to dissolve Parliament and thus remove the Prime Minister from office, but made it subject to Supreme Court approval. Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of", "title": "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "18746827", "text": "need a referendum before presenting it to parliament. Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka The 19th Amendment (19A) to the Constitution of Sri Lanka was passed by the 225-member Sri Lankan Parliament with 215 voting in favor, one against, one abstained and seven were absent, on 28 April 2015. The amendment envisages the dilution of many powers of Executive Presidency, which had been in force since 1978. It is the most revolutionary reform ever applied to the Constitution of Sri Lanka since JR Jayawardhane became the first Executive President of Sri Lanka in 1978. The amendment was a", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka" }, { "docid": "18746812", "text": "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka The 19th Amendment (19A) to the Constitution of Sri Lanka was passed by the 225-member Sri Lankan Parliament with 215 voting in favor, one against, one abstained and seven were absent, on 28 April 2015. The amendment envisages the dilution of many powers of Executive Presidency, which had been in force since 1978. It is the most revolutionary reform ever applied to the Constitution of Sri Lanka since JR Jayawardhane became the first Executive President of Sri Lanka in 1978. The amendment was a result of promise made by President Maithripala Sirisena", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka" }, { "docid": "428304", "text": "because it was \"the incubator and hatchery of swarms of bureaucrats to be quartered as storm troopers upon the people in violation of Amendment III of the United States Constitution.\" The court declined his request. Later, in \"Jones v. United States Secretary of Defense\" (1972), Army reservists unsuccessfully cited the Third Amendment as justification for refusing to march in a parade. Similar arguments in a variety of contexts have been denied in other cases. Third Amendment to the United States Constitution The Third Amendment (Amendment III) to the United States Constitution places restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private", "title": "Third Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428578", "text": "according to this viewpoint, the Second Amendment only enumerates a pre-existing right to keep and bear arms. The Ninth Amendment explicitly bars denial of unenumerated rights if the denial is based on the \"enumeration of certain rights\" in the Constitution, but this amendment does not explicitly bar denial of unenumerated rights if the denial is based on the \"enumeration of certain powers\" in the Constitution. It is to that enumeration of powers that the courts have pointed, in order to determine the extent of the unenumerated rights mentioned in the Ninth Amendment. Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution The", "title": "Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428196", "text": "First Amendment to the United States Constitution The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws which respect an establishment of religion, prohibit the free exercise of religion, or abridge the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was originally proposed to assuage Anti-Federalist opposition to Constitutional ratification. Initially, the First Amendment applied", "title": "First Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "9900241", "text": "Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں پانچویں ترمیم) was adopted in September 5 of 1976, by the elected Parliament of Pakistan under the democratic government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The \"V Amendment\" widen the scope of restriction on the Pakistan High Courts to strip powers of the High Courts to enforce the grants of natural fundamental rights explained in Chapter I, Part II of the Constitution. This amendment also imposed the import and sales tax on the consumer product. \"V Amendment\" also restricted the eligibility of the", "title": "Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "10987898", "text": "Petition of Many Thousands\" to Parliament in 1647 with 13 demands, the third of which was the right against self-incrimination in criminal cases. These protections were brought to America by Puritans, and were later incorporated into the United States Constitution through the Bill of Rights. Protection against compelled self-incrimination is implicit in the Miranda rights statement, which protects the \"right to remain silent.\" This amendment is also similar to Section 13 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. In other Commonwealth of Nations countries like Australia and New Zealand, the right to silence of the accused both during questioning", "title": "Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "9900223", "text": "Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں چوتھی ترمیم) is an amendment that became part of the Constitution of Pakistan on November 21, 1975, under the Government of Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The \"IV Amendment\" decreed the seats for minorities and non-Muslims representation to the government of Pakistan and the Parliament of Pakistan, to protect the minority rights in the country. The \"IV Amendment\" also deprived courts of the power to grant bail to any accused or innocent [person] until proven guilty under any preventive detention. The", "title": "Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "9900224", "text": "\"IV Amendment\" protect the rights of Minorities in the country, and also protect the rights of accused [person] until proven guilty from the police brutality during the subsequent investigations. Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں چوتھی ترمیم) is an amendment that became part of the Constitution of Pakistan on November 21, 1975, under the Government of Prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The \"IV Amendment\" decreed the seats for minorities and non-Muslims representation to the government of Pakistan and the Parliament of Pakistan, to protect the minority rights", "title": "Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "3097069", "text": "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں تیرہویں ترمیم) was a short-time amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan, adopted by the elected Parliament of Pakistan in 1997 by the government of people elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. It stripped the President of Pakistan of his reserve power to dissolve the National Assembly, and thereby triggering new elections and dismissing the Prime Minister. The Constitutional Amendment was supported by both the government and the opposition, and was thus passed unanimously. With the enforcing of this amendment, Pakistan's system of", "title": "Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "17739161", "text": "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں انیسویں ترمیم) is a 2011 amendment reforming the judicial appointments procedure as well as expanding the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The proposed amendment was presented on 21 December 2010 by the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms' Chairman Raza Rabbani in the National Assembly The Amendment was Passed by the National Assembly on December 22, 2010, by the Senate on December 30, 2010 and assented to by the President on January 1, 2011. 26 amendments to the present 6 articles constitution", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "17872118", "text": "Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fifteenth Amendment bill to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں پندرھویں ترمیم) was Passed by National Assembly of Pakistan on 28 August 1998. It was then moved to the Senate where it was never passed. The proposed amendments included addition of a new article 2B in the constitution and amendment in Article 239 of the Constitution of Pakistan. It also sought to impose Sharia Law as supreme law in Pakistan in light of the Objective Resolution of Pakistan in addition to the Quran and Sunnah as is in the Constitution", "title": "Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "2056596", "text": "Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں آٹھویں ترمیم) allowed the President to unilaterally dissolve the National Assembly and elected governments. The Majlis-e-Shoora amended the Constitution of Pakistan in 1985 and the law stayed on the books until its repeal in 1997. The bill was passed in the absence of the elected Parliament. The eighth amendment was drafted and later enforced by the technocratic-military government of General Zia-ul-Haq. The eighth amendment changed Pakistan's system of government from a parliamentary democracy to a semi-presidential system. The eighth amendment strengthened", "title": "Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "428345", "text": "therefore, suppress it without the interposition of Congress ... Congress, and Congress only [under the Constitution without a Second Amendment], can call forth the militia.\" Legal historian Paul Finkelman disputes Hartmann's claim that the Second Amendment was adopted to protect slave patrols, arguing that Hartmann's claim is \"factually incorrect and misleading\" and that there is no historical evidence for this assertion. James Madison's initial proposal for a bill of rights was brought to the floor of the House of Representatives on June 8, 1789, during the first session of Congress. The initial proposed passage relating to arms was: On July", "title": "Second Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "17701986", "text": "of the First Schedule by resolutions to that effect passed by those Legislatures before the Bill making provision for such amendment is presented to the President for assent, as required by the said article. State Legislatures that ratified the amendment are listed below: Did not ratify: Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of India The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of India, officially known as The Constitution (Sixth Amendment) Act, 1956, brought taxes on inter-State sales and purchases of goods other than newspapers within the exclusive legislative and executive power of the Union, and levied taxes on inter-State sales and purchase", "title": "Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of India" }, { "docid": "18512459", "text": "duration of these courts is two years. The decision to amend the constitution came after the 2014 Peshawar school massacre. Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں اکیسویں ترمیم) was passed by both the National Assembly of Pakistan and Senate of Pakistan on January 6, 2015, and received the assent of the President on January 7, 2015. The Bill amended the Article 175 and the First Schedule of the Constitution. It also has a self-contained sunset clause, which causes the amendments to expire on January 7, 2017. The amendment", "title": "Twenty-first Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "428937", "text": "the individual. In his important study both of the Eighteenth Amendment and its repeal, Daniel Okrent identifies the powerful political coalition that worked successfully in the two decades leading to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment: Five distinct, if occasionally overlapping, components made up this unspoken coalition: racists, progressives, suffragists, populists (whose ranks included a small socialist auxiliary), and nativists. Adherents of each group may have been opposed to alcohol for its own sake, but used the Prohibition impulse to advance ideologies and causes that had little to do with it. If public sentiment had turned against Prohibition by the", "title": "Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "8839844", "text": "Front has asked that the de-Baathification provisions be reworded to \"\"be fair to those that have suffered under this article\"\". The Iraq Study Group of senior American politicians recommended that the constitution be amended as follows: The Kurdistani Alliance submitted a working paper in April 2007 with the following proposed changes: The Iraqi Accord Front was reported in July 2007 of seeking the following changes: Amendment to the Constitution of Iraq The government of Iraq has established a committee to consider a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Iraq. The current Constitution of Iraq was drafted by a committee of", "title": "Amendment to the Constitution of Iraq" }, { "docid": "428609", "text": "United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has ruled that Puerto Rico enjoys Eleventh Amendment immunity. The territories of American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands and the Virgin Islands do not enjoy Eleventh Amendment immunity. Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eleventh Amendment (Amendment XI) to the United States Constitution was passed by Congress on March 4, 1794, and ratified by the states on February 7, 1795. The Eleventh Amendment restricts the ability of individuals to bring suit against states in federal court. The Eleventh Amendment was adopted to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in", "title": "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "3097035", "text": "Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں چودہویں ترمیم) was an amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan passed in 1997, during the government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League party. It subjected Members of Parliament to very strict party discipline. Party leaders received unlimited power to dismiss any of their legislators from Parliament if they spoke or voted against their party. Since Nawaz' party had an overwhelming majority in Parliament, the Fourteenth Amendment effectively prevented the Prime Minister from being dismissed by a", "title": "Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "17872119", "text": "of Pakistan till today. Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Fifteenth Amendment bill to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں پندرھویں ترمیم) was Passed by National Assembly of Pakistan on 28 August 1998. It was then moved to the Senate where it was never passed. The proposed amendments included addition of a new article 2B in the constitution and amendment in Article 239 of the Constitution of Pakistan. It also sought to impose Sharia Law as supreme law in Pakistan in light of the Objective Resolution of Pakistan in addition to the Quran and Sunnah as", "title": "Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "428295", "text": "bills of rights and English sources such as the Bill of Rights 1689; one of these was a prohibition against quartering troops in private homes. Several revisions to the future Third Amendment were proposed in Congress, which chiefly differed in the way in which peace and war were distinguished (including the possibility of a situation, such as unrest, which was neither peace nor war), and whether the executive or the legislature would have the authority to authorize quartering. However, the amendment ultimately passed Congress almost unchanged and by unanimous vote. Congress reduced Madison's proposed twenty amendments to twelve, and these", "title": "Third Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "14015859", "text": "from DPSPs by bringing a constitutional amendment to remove ambiguity in policy making / direction. Judiciary can repeal any policy/law devised by the government which is diametrically opposite to any DPSP. An existing policy in line with DPSP can not be reversed, however it can be expanded further in line with DPSP. The policy changes applicable under DPSP shall not be reversible unless the applicable DPSP is deleted by constitutional amendment. Many states imposed prohibition of alcohol and later prohibition lifted to collect more revenue/taxes by the states. Lifting / relaxing prohibition of alcohol is unconstitutional which is reversing the", "title": "Alcohol prohibition in India" }, { "docid": "428602", "text": "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution The Eleventh Amendment (Amendment XI) to the United States Constitution was passed by Congress on March 4, 1794, and ratified by the states on February 7, 1795. The Eleventh Amendment restricts the ability of individuals to bring suit against states in federal court. The Eleventh Amendment was adopted to overrule the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in \"Chisholm v. Georgia\" (1793). In that case, the Supreme Court had held that states did not enjoy sovereign immunity from suits made by citizens of other states in federal court. Thus, the Eleventh Amendment established that federal", "title": "Eleventh Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "428865", "text": "personal injury award she received was \"within the reach of the Congressional power to tax under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution\" – even if the award was \"not income within the meaning of the Sixteenth Amendment\". See also the \"Penn Mutual\" case cited above. On April 21, 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the decision by the Court of Appeals. Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution allows Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states on the basis of population. It", "title": "Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution" }, { "docid": "17739164", "text": "In the 19th Amendment bill, the constitutional reforms committee has also proposed amendments composition of judicial commission for the appointment of judges of the high court. Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan The Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: آئین پاکستان میں انیسویں ترمیم) is a 2011 amendment reforming the judicial appointments procedure as well as expanding the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). The proposed amendment was presented on 21 December 2010 by the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Reforms' Chairman Raza Rabbani in the National Assembly The Amendment was Passed by the National Assembly on December 22,", "title": "Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan" } ]
Which oil scandal hit the US in 1924?
[ "Teapot dome affair", "Teapot dome scandal", "Tea Pot Dome scandal", "Tea Pot Dome", "Teapot Dome Scandal", "Teapot Dome", "Elk Hills oil field", "Teapot Dome scandal", "Teapot scandal", "Tea Pot Dome Scandal", "Tea Pot Dome Scandel" ]
[ { "docid": "1387963", "text": "Teapot Dome scandal The Teapot Dome scandal was a bribery scandal involving the administration of United States President Warren G. Harding from 19211923. Secretary of the Interior Albert Bacon Fall had leased Navy petroleum reserves at Teapot Dome in Wyoming, and two locations in California, to private oil companies at low rates without competitive bidding. The leases were the subject of a sensational investigation by Senator Thomas J. Walsh. Convicted of accepting bribes from the oil companies, Fall became the first presidential cabinet member to go to prison; no one was convicted of paying the bribes. Before the Watergate scandal,", "title": "Teapot Dome scandal" }, { "docid": "19940041", "text": "1924 United States presidential election in Utah The 1924 United States presidential election in Utah took place on November 4, 1924. All contemporary forty-eight states took part, and Utah voters selected four voters to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president. Rapid recovery of the economy from a sharp recession following World War I transformed the 1920s into a strongly Republican decade. Even the problematic issue of a farm depression had eased by the time of the election as prices recovered. It was also widely thought that the Teapot Dome scandal could do nothing to revive the", "title": "1924 United States presidential election in Utah" }, { "docid": "6398737", "text": "oil museums in Kern County, California and the libraries and museums in the area around Silver City, New Mexico, as well as the period photography, which played a large part in shaping his screenplay and the film. Oil! Oil! is a novel by Upton Sinclair, first published in 1926–27 and told as a third-person narrative, with only the opening pages written in the first person. The book was written in the context of the Harding administration's Teapot Dome Scandal and takes place in Southern California. It is a social and political satire skewering the human foibles of all its characters.", "title": "Oil!" }, { "docid": "19938047", "text": "1924 United States presidential election in Washington (state) The 1924 United States presidential election in Washington took place on November 4, 1924. All contemporary forty-eight states took part, and Washington State's voters selected seven voters to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president. Rapid recovery of the economy from a sharp recession following World War I transformed the 1920s into a strongly Republican decade. Even the problematic issue of a farm depression had eased by the time of the election as prices recovered. It was also widely thought that the Teapot Dome scandal could do nothing to", "title": "1924 United States presidential election in Washington (state)" }, { "docid": "1387964", "text": "Teapot Dome was regarded as the \"greatest and most sensational scandal in the history of American politics\". It damaged the reputation of the Harding administration, which was already severely diminished by its controversial handling of the Great Railroad Strike of 1922 and Harding's veto of the Bonus Bill in 1922. In the early 20th century, the U.S. Navy largely converted from coal to fuel oil. To ensure that the Navy would always have enough fuel available, several oil-producing areas were designated as naval oil reserves by President Taft. In 1921, President Harding issued an executive order that transferred control of", "title": "Teapot Dome scandal" }, { "docid": "5420138", "text": "prices were high. The Mexican Petroleum Company was the largest in Mexico, and Mexico was the largest oil producer in the world. In 1922 Albert B. Fall, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, leased the oil field at Elk Hills, California, to the Pan American Petroleum & Transport Company. Around the same time, the Teapot Dome Field in Wyoming was leased to Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation. Both oilfields were part of the US Navy's petroleum reserves. Neither lease was subject to competitive bidding. In 1924 rumors about corruption in the deals escalated into the Teapot Dome scandal. Doheny's reputation was somewhat", "title": "Edward L. Doheny" }, { "docid": "12145640", "text": "the Teapot Dome Scandal of the Warren G. Harding administration; adjacent to the southwest is the Belgian Anticline Oil Field, along Route 58; and to the southeast is the huge Midway-Sunset Oil Field, the third largest oil field in the United States. The total productive area of the field is . The field is about long on the southeast to northwest axis, and about across. The predominant geologic feature, and the one that makes the McKittrick field distinctive, is the presence of a huge block of Monterey shale – more than long, approximately wide, and up to thick – which", "title": "McKittrick Oil Field" } ]
[ { "docid": "13364242", "text": "2009 Triton Oil Scandal The 2009 Triton Oil scandal involved the unauthorized release of oil by Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) without informing financiers. The scandal became public in January 2009. The release of the oil occurred in 2008 when Triton Oil Company was allowed by KPC to withdraw oil amounting to Kshs 7.6 billion or (US$98.7 million). The company collapsed shortly afterward, withdrawing the oil and selling it to the market. Triton Oil was owned by Yagnesh Devani. Kenya has issued a warrant to arrest him, but as of January 2010 he was at large and believed to be in", "title": "2009 Triton Oil Scandal" }, { "docid": "13364243", "text": "hiding abroad. 2009 Triton Oil Scandal The 2009 Triton Oil scandal involved the unauthorized release of oil by Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) without informing financiers. The scandal became public in January 2009. The release of the oil occurred in 2008 when Triton Oil Company was allowed by KPC to withdraw oil amounting to Kshs 7.6 billion or (US$98.7 million). The company collapsed shortly afterward, withdrawing the oil and selling it to the market. Triton Oil was owned by Yagnesh Devani. Kenya has issued a warrant to arrest him, but as of January 2010 he was at large and believed to", "title": "2009 Triton Oil Scandal" }, { "docid": "10723657", "text": "fell drastically as a result, causing the investors to attempt to cash in – American Express was one of the biggest casualties. Its stock dropped more than 50% as a result of the scandal, which cost the company nearly $58 million. De Angelis was convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges in connection with the scandal and served seven years in prison, gaining his release in 1972. Notes Salad Oil scandal The Salad Oil scandal, also referred to as the \"Soybean Scandal\", was a major corporate scandal in 1963 that ultimately caused over $150 million – approximately $1.45 billion in 2017", "title": "Salad Oil scandal" }, { "docid": "10723654", "text": "Salad Oil scandal The Salad Oil scandal, also referred to as the \"Soybean Scandal\", was a major corporate scandal in 1963 that ultimately caused over $150 million – approximately $1.45 billion in 2017 dollars – in losses to corporations including American Express, Bank of America and Bank Leumi, as well as many international trading companies. The scandal's ability to push otherwise cautious and conservative lenders into increasingly risky practices has prompted some comparisons to recent financial crises including the 2007–2008 subprime mortgage financial crisis. The scandal involved the company Allied Crude Vegetable Oil in New Jersey, led by Anthony \"Tino\"", "title": "Salad Oil scandal" }, { "docid": "14590585", "text": "AWB oil-for-wheat scandal The AWB oil-for-wheat scandal (also known just as the AWB scandal) refers to the payment of kickbacks to the regime of Saddam Hussein in contravention of the United Nations Oil-for-Food Humanitarian Program. AWB Limited is a major grain marketing organisation based in Australia. For much of the 20th and early 21st century, it was an Australian Government entity operating a single desk regime over Australian wheat, meaning it alone could export Australian wheat, which it paid a single price for. In the mid-2000s, it was found to have been, through middlemen, paying kickbacks to the regime of", "title": "AWB oil-for-wheat scandal" }, { "docid": "14590610", "text": "the company was acquired by Agrium Inc. in December 2010 and delisted from the Australian Securities Exchange. Two books have so far been published on the scandal. The first was by Stephen Bartos, entitled \"Against the grain : the AWB scandal and why it happened\". The second was \"Kickback: Inside the Australian Wheat Board Scandal\" by \"The Australian\" journalist Caroline Overington. Reference links are dead links and need to be fixed. Looks like a cover up by the Australian Federal Government AWB oil-for-wheat scandal The AWB oil-for-wheat scandal (also known just as the AWB scandal) refers to the payment of", "title": "AWB oil-for-wheat scandal" }, { "docid": "10723656", "text": "mostly filled with water, with only a few feet of salad oil on top. Since the oil floated on top of the water, it appeared to inspectors that these ships were loaded with oil. The company even transferred oil between different tanks while entertaining the inspectors at lunch. In all, Allied claimed to have 1.8 billion pounds of soybean oil, when it actually only had 110 million pounds. The claimed inventory was the basis for the company raising $180 million from investors. Once the scandal was exposed – because the Russian soybean market did not open up, and soybean prices", "title": "Salad Oil scandal" }, { "docid": "19890713", "text": "Oil Pollution Act of 1924 Oil Pollution Act of 1924 is a United States federal statute establishing regulations for coastal navigable waters with regards to intentional fossil fuel discharges from seagoing vessels. The Act of Congress grants the Secretary of War authority to evaluate the oil volume discharge from a vessel while assessing if coastal navigable waters have a potential toxicity posing a deleterious condition for human health and seafood contamination. The 1924 United States statute provides judicial penalties encompassing civil and criminal punishment for violations of the prescribed regulations as stated in the Act. The legislation was passed by", "title": "Oil Pollution Act of 1924" }, { "docid": "19890715", "text": "the United States Armed Forces. The federal statute was passed by the United States 89th Congressional session and enacted into law by the 36th President of the United States Lyndon Johnson on November 3, 1966. The Oil Pollution Act of 1924 was repealed by the United States 91st Congressional session enactment of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1970. The United States statute was confirmed as a federal law by the 37th President of the United States Richard Nixon on April 3, 1970. Oil Pollution Act of 1924 Oil Pollution Act of 1924 is a United States federal", "title": "Oil Pollution Act of 1924" }, { "docid": "12568253", "text": "director Jostein Kjerstad and six other defendants in the case. Meanwhile, Peru's statutes of limitations exonerated Alberto Quimper when he turned 75 years old. 2008 Peru oil scandal The 2008 Peru oil scandal started after a Peruvian TV station broadcast an audio tape of an alleged conversation between a government official and a lobbyist agreeing to help a firm win contracts. The speakers were allegedly Alberto Quimper, an executive in Petroperú, the state company in charge of promoting foreign investment in the petroleum sector, and a prominent lobbyist and politician member of the Apra party Rómulo León Alegría discussing payments", "title": "2008 Peru oil scandal" }, { "docid": "12568250", "text": "2008 Peru oil scandal The 2008 Peru oil scandal started after a Peruvian TV station broadcast an audio tape of an alleged conversation between a government official and a lobbyist agreeing to help a firm win contracts. The speakers were allegedly Alberto Quimper, an executive in Petroperú, the state company in charge of promoting foreign investment in the petroleum sector, and a prominent lobbyist and politician member of the Apra party Rómulo León Alegría discussing payments to help the Norwegian company Discover Petroleum win contracts. This was followed by street protests led by workers, teachers, builders and doctors for the", "title": "2008 Peru oil scandal" }, { "docid": "4752136", "text": "Scandal (American band) Scandal is an American rock band from the 1980s fronted by Patty Smyth. The band scored a hit in the United States with the song \"The Warrior\", which peaked at No. 7 in 1984. Other hits were \"Goodbye to You\" (1982 - No. 65 US), \"Love's Got a Line on You\" (1983 - No. 59 US), \"Hands Tied\" (1984 - No. 41 US), and \"Beat of a Heart\" (1985 - No. 41 US). Scandal was formed in New York City in 1981 by guitarist Zack Smith, who also wrote most of the band's hits. The other initial", "title": "Scandal (American band)" }, { "docid": "12422030", "text": "1970. A second, but lower peak of 9,627 barrels per day was achieved in April 2015. The reserves-to-production ratio (R/P) equaled 11.26 years in 2007. The ratio was 11.08 years in 1970. It hit a trough of 8.49 years in 1986 as oil pumped through the Alaska pipeline began to peak. The US consumption of petroleum products peaked in 2005; by 2012, consumption had declined 11% from the peak. Net imports of oil and products account for nearly half of the US trade deficit. Because of declining production and increasing demand, net US imports of oil and petroleum products increased", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "4752141", "text": "in 2005 after undergoing surgery. Original keyboardist Benjy King died on September 20, 2012, from injuries sustained in an accident. Scandal has music videos for the following songs: Scandal (American band) Scandal is an American rock band from the 1980s fronted by Patty Smyth. The band scored a hit in the United States with the song \"The Warrior\", which peaked at No. 7 in 1984. Other hits were \"Goodbye to You\" (1982 - No. 65 US), \"Love's Got a Line on You\" (1983 - No. 59 US), \"Hands Tied\" (1984 - No. 41 US), and \"Beat of a Heart\" (1985", "title": "Scandal (American band)" }, { "docid": "19890714", "text": "the 68th United States Congressional session and confirmed as a federal law by the 29th President of the United States Warren G. Harding on June 7, 1924. The 1924 environmental law provided seven codified sections defining territorial jurisdiction for the United States inland navigable waters. The Clean Water Restoration Act of 1966 amended the 1924 public law requiring vessel ownerships to recover oil discharges in relationship to the adjoining shorelines and navigable waters of the United States. The 1966 amendment designated the authority of the Act to the U.S. Department of the Interior with a provision allowing enforcement activities by", "title": "Oil Pollution Act of 1924" }, { "docid": "14590587", "text": "Since the payments were discovered, AWB Limited has undergone a major restructuring, losing its monopoly supply of Australia wheat exports, and appointing an entirely new management. However, its profitability continues to suffer. Although AWB and by extension the Australian Government were not the only entities to be implicated in the Oil-for-Food scandal, the event earned a place in Australian political consciousness. The Australian Wheat Board was a statutory authority established in 1939. AWB Limited was the company that resulted from its privatisation in 1999. The kick-backs scandal engulfed both bodies. The Australian Wheat Board and AWB Limited enjoyed a monopoly", "title": "AWB oil-for-wheat scandal" }, { "docid": "15663305", "text": "2011 Taiwan food scandal The 2011 Taiwan food scandal was a food safety scandal in Taiwan over the use of the plasticizer DEHP to replace palm oil in food and drinks as a clouding agent. The chemical agent has been linked to developmental problems with children as it affects hormones. The food affected includes beverages, fruit juices, bread, sports drinks, tea, and jam. After two years of investigations, the Taiwanese government levied NT$1.2 million (approx. US$40,000) in fines against 37 companies, or slightly more than US$1000 per company. In mid May 2011, Taiwanese authorities reported that two Taiwanese companies Yu", "title": "2011 Taiwan food scandal" }, { "docid": "11303636", "text": "the most recent International Energy Agency and US Energy Information Administration production data show record and rising production in Canada and China. While conventional oil production from Canada is listed as peaking in 1973, oil sands production are expected to permit increasing production until at least 2020 - see also the graph \"Canadian Oil Production\". An ABC television program in 2006 predicted that Russia would hit peak in 2010, it has continued to rise through 2016. Predicting the timing of peak oil Peak oil is the point at which oil production, sometimes including unconventional oil sources, hits its maximum. Predicting", "title": "Predicting the timing of peak oil" }, { "docid": "17184165", "text": "in the American economy and political arena. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge created the Federal Oil Conservation Board in an effort to control oil production and stabilize the oil market. However, The American Petroleum Institute (API), representing over 500 oil companies, opposed the program because it feared many of its affiliated oil corporations would go out of business. Ultimately, through API’s resistance, Coolidge’s program never gained sufficient power. In 1929, however, the sense of crisis in the oil market grew as vast amounts of oil supplies were going unused in Southern California and throughout the US. The API reversed its", "title": "History of oil in California through 1930" }, { "docid": "13039547", "text": "Barmat scandal The Barmat Scandal in 1924 and 1925 in Weimar Republic implicated the Social Democratic Party of Germany in Germany in charges of corruption, war profiteering, fraud, bribery, and financial misdeeds. The scandal provided right-wing political forces within Germany (including the young Nazi Party) with a basis with which to attack the Social Democrats and the republic itself. Antisemitism in connection with the scandal also featured prominently in Nazi propaganda, since the Barmat brothers were Jewish. The scandal was used by the German right to foster the belief that wealthy Jewish families, in quasi-criminal operations found fertile ground in", "title": "Barmat scandal" }, { "docid": "10776804", "text": "Suitcase scandal The maletinazo, valijagate, or \"suitcase scandal\" was a 2007 scandal involving Venezuela and Argentina, souring friendship between the countries. The scandal began when , a Venezuelan-US entrepreneur, arrived in Argentina on a private flight, hired by Argentine and Venezuelan state officials, carrying US$800,000 in cash which he failed to declare. Venezuela had enacted strict foreign currency controls in 2003. CADIVI, the commission established by the Venezuelan government to regulate currency, prohibits taking more than US$10,000 in cash out of the country without declaring the money. Individual Venezuelans could only take US$500 or €400 cash out of the country", "title": "Suitcase scandal" }, { "docid": "12422039", "text": "volumes of heavy oil in the oil sands of northeast Utah. There has yet to be any significant production from these deposits. Oil reserves in the United States Proven oil reserves in the United States were of crude oil as of the end of 2014, excluding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The 2014 reserves represent the largest US proven reserves since 1972, and a 90% increase in proved reserves since 2008. The Energy Information Administration estimates US undiscovered, technically recoverable oil resources to be an additional 198 billion barrels. US proven oil reserves were as of 2011. The 2011 data represent", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "12422027", "text": "Oil reserves in the United States Proven oil reserves in the United States were of crude oil as of the end of 2014, excluding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The 2014 reserves represent the largest US proven reserves since 1972, and a 90% increase in proved reserves since 2008. The Energy Information Administration estimates US undiscovered, technically recoverable oil resources to be an additional 198 billion barrels. US proven oil reserves were as of 2011. The 2011 data represent a 39% increase in proved reserves since 2008, but is 32% lower than the of proven reserves in 1970, when the supergiant", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "3382879", "text": "The Great Salad Oil Swindle The Great Salad Oil Swindle is a book by \"Wall Street Journal\" reporter Norman C. Miller about Tino De Angelis, a New Jersey-based wholesaler and commodities trader who bought and sold vegetable oil futures contracts. The book was published in 1965 by Coward McCann. In 1963, De Angelis was responsible for a major financial scam, attempting to corner the market for soybean oil, which can be used in salad dressing. In the aftermath of the Salad Oil Scandal, investors in 51 banks learned that he had swindled them out of about $175 million in total", "title": "The Great Salad Oil Swindle" }, { "docid": "1638391", "text": "all requests for its audits. Warren Hoge alleged that the American government was aware of the scandal and chose to not prevent the smuggling because their allies Turkey and Jordan benefited from the majority of the smuggled oil. US Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan) is quoted in an interview for the \"New York Times\" as saying, \"There is no question that the bulk of the illicit oil revenues came from the open sale of Iraqi oil to Jordan and to Turkey, and that that was a way of going around the Oil-for-Food Programme [and that] we were fully aware of the", "title": "Oil-for-Food Programme" }, { "docid": "13039568", "text": "without four months of media barrage aimed at discrediting the Republic. In early 1928 Julius and Henri Barmat were sentenced to 11 months and 6 months imprisonment for bribery, respectively. After serving his sentence, Julius Barmat left Germany for the Low Countries. He was caught once again in another corruption scandal in which he was accused of bribery in order to obtain loans which ended up defrauding the Belgian National Bank of 34 million gold francs. He committed suicide in 1937. Barmat scandal The Barmat Scandal in 1924 and 1925 in Weimar Republic implicated the Social Democratic Party of Germany", "title": "Barmat scandal" }, { "docid": "5649945", "text": "Great Oil Sniffer Hoax The Great Oil Sniffer Hoax was a 1979 scandal involving French oil company Elf Aquitaine. The company spent millions of dollars to develop a new gravity wave-based oil detection system, which was later revealed to be a scam. Elf lost over $150 million to the hoax. In France, the scandal is known as the \"Avions Renifleurs\" (\"Sniffer Aircraft\"). Aldo Bonassoli, a telephone-company electrician in Ventimiglia in Italy, invented a new type of desalination system. In 1965, Belgian Count Alain de Villegas became interested in the idea and later said that \"We can live without oil, but", "title": "Great Oil Sniffer Hoax" }, { "docid": "14337235", "text": "MV British Motorist (1924) MV \"British Motorist\" was a 6,891 ton tanker, built by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Newcastle upon Tyne in 1924 for the British Tanker Company. While under charter to the merchant navy, she was in port in Darwin, Australia when on 19 February 1942, she was hit by two bombs during the Japanese air raid on Darwin and was sunk, resting in of water. She had been carrying oil, aviation fuel and petrol and was refuelling when the raid commenced. Two of her crew were killed out of 61 in the initial attack: the master Gilbert", "title": "MV British Motorist (1924)" }, { "docid": "12422029", "text": "800,000 barrels, the highest ever recorded increase in one year since oil drilling began 1859. The US had recently increased its oil drilling location as they have passed Saudi Arabia and also and Russia Oil-bearing shales in North Dakota and Montana are producing increasing amounts of oil. As of April 2013, US crude production was at a more than 20-year high, since the shale gas and tight oil boom; production was near 7.2 million barrels per day. Experts think that the USA could pass Saudi Arabia as the largest oil producer. Peak production was 10,044 barrels per day in November", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "18258903", "text": "2014 Taiwan food scandal The 2014 Taiwan food scandal refers to a series of food safety incidents in Taiwan that came to light in 2014. Adulteration of cooking oil with recycled waste oil and animal feed oil was discovered in September 2014. Despite coming to light only in 2014, mass food adulteration by Taiwanese food conglomerates, however, has been suppressed for decades, and the food safety crisis has been among the reasons for the electoral defeat of the Kuomintang in late 2014. At least 1,256 businesses were affected in the gutter oil scandal. In November 2014, it was found that", "title": "2014 Taiwan food scandal" }, { "docid": "12422032", "text": "four sites on the Gulf of Mexico, with a total capacity of of crude oil. The maximum total withdrawal capability from the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve is per day. This is roughly 32% of US oil imports, or 75% of imports from OPEC. Services under the U.S. Department of the Interior estimate the total volume of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in the United States to be roughly . Over 1 million exploratory and developmental crude oil wells have already been drilled in the US since 1949. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimates undiscovered technically recoverable crude oil onshore", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "16928459", "text": "in 1910 and ceased in 1935, producing a total of . In 1924, the Australian Shale Oil Corporation was established for construction of a Bronder retort and oil treatment plant at Latrobe, but the operation was not a success and the company was liquidated in 1931. Other Tasmanian oil shale operations were carried out by the Railton-Latrobe Oil Shale Company, the Southern Cross Motor Fuels Company, and the Tasmanian Cement Company. After the 1973 oil crisis, several companies explored the oil shale resources of Eastern Queensland; however, these activities diminished by 1986 after a drop in oil prices. Starting in", "title": "Oil shale in Australia" }, { "docid": "18535283", "text": "of its value, falling from US$3.50 at the start of 1921, to US$1.25 at year-end. Imported oil peaked at 127 million barrels in 1923, then dropped by more than half, to 62 million in 1925. The drop in oil price, and the increased production from new fields, put a damper on speculation that the US was about to run out of oil. Oil shale could not economically compete with petroleum priced below US$2 per barrel, especially given that the productive shale areas were far from major petroleum markets. Cheap petroleum prices had driven oil shale out of business. Some companies", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "12112556", "text": "investigated by the committee, and its executive David Chalmers was convicted of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. It has also been alleged that the American government was aware of the scandal and chose to not prevent the smuggling because their allies Turkey and Jordan benefited from the majority of the smuggled oil. US Senator Carl Levin (D-Michigan) is quoted in an interview for the \"New York Times\" as saying, \"There is no question that the bulk of the illicit oil revenues came from the open sale of Iraqi oil to Jordan and to Turkey, and that that was a way", "title": "Oil-for-Food Program Hearings" }, { "docid": "12610901", "text": "annually about 350,000 tonnes of shale oil. In addition, the company has constructed the Alberta Taciuk processor to treat small size oil shale (particulate oil shale) which can't be processed in Fushun retort. The 250 tonnes per hour ATP processor was engineered and provided by Canadian company UMATAC Industrial Processes, a subsidiary of UMA Engineering Ltd. The processor is in the cold testing phase. The cost of shale oil production in Fushun is US$18.46 per barrel (1,500 yuan per tonne), of which the mining costs 0.184, transportation 4.25, and retorting 13.84. Fushun shale oil is sold as fuel oil, while", "title": "Oil shale in China" }, { "docid": "18332163", "text": "week. The album has sold 51,300 copies in the US as of May 2015. PrizeFighter: Hit After Hit PrizeFighter: Hit After Hit is an album by Trisha Yearwood, and was released by Gwendolyn Records and RCA Nashville on November 17, 2014. The album includes ten of Yearwood's hit singles and six newly recorded songs. The first single, \"PrizeFighter,\" was released to country radio on September 15, 2014. Garth Fundis produced all tracks except 1, 3, and 5, which were produced by Mark Miller, and track 6, produced by Allen Reynolds. The album debuted on Billboard 200 at No. 33 and", "title": "PrizeFighter: Hit After Hit" }, { "docid": "12610986", "text": "oil that were suitable gasoline equivalents. The mining and oil industry employed 6,150 persons. The oil shale-fired electrical power industry started in 1924 when the Tallinn Power Station switched to oil shale. In 1933, it reached a capacity of 22 megawatts (MW). Other oil shale-fired power stations were built in Püssi (3.7 MW), Kohtla (3.7 MW), Kunda (2.3 MW), and Kiviõli (0.8 MW). At the beginning of World War II, the total capacity of oil shale-fired power stations was 32.5 MW. Only the Tallinn and Püssi power stations were connected to the grid. On 9 May 1922 the first international", "title": "Oil shale in Estonia" }, { "docid": "10723655", "text": "De Angelis, a former commodities broker who had been in trouble previously for providing the federal school lunch program with poorly prepared meat. Despite this, he was able to obtain a contract with Food for Peace, a federal program which sold excess food stocks to poor countries. De Angelis discovered that he could obtain loans based upon the company's supposed inventory of salad oil. Ships apparently full of salad oil would arrive at the docks, and inspectors would confirm that the ships were indeed full of oil, allowing the company to obtain millions in loans. In reality, the ships were", "title": "Salad Oil scandal" }, { "docid": "18535306", "text": "Act of 1985 which among other things abolished the United States' Synthetic Liquid Fuels Program. Union finally bowed to continued low oil prices and closed the project in 1991, rather than complete the US$2 billion project. Over several decades, some of the world's largest oil companies (Amoco, Arco, Chevron, Exxon, Gulf, Phillips, Shell, Sohio, Sunoco, Texaco, Union Oil) had spent billions of dollars to start an oil shale industry in the Green River Formation, the world's largest oil shale resource. But in the end, cheap petroleum prices drove oil shale out of business. Even after the oil shale bust, some", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "17638094", "text": "2013 Taiwan food scandal The 2013 Taiwan food scandal refers to food safety incidents in the Republic of China (Taiwan) that began in October 2013. Affected products included cooking oil, health pills, alcoholic beverages, milk and rice. Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory Co. () was found to have used copper chlorophyllin, an illegal coloring agent for cooking oil, in its olive oil and have adulterated its higher-end cooking oil with cheaper cottonseed oil. The company was fined NT$ 28.6 million in accordance to the Act Governing Food Sanitation after authorities have found that their products had been adulterated. In December 2013", "title": "2013 Taiwan food scandal" }, { "docid": "17638103", "text": "removed all Taiwanese foods tainted by the chemicals and other questionable products off the shelves. 2013 Taiwan food scandal The 2013 Taiwan food scandal refers to food safety incidents in the Republic of China (Taiwan) that began in October 2013. Affected products included cooking oil, health pills, alcoholic beverages, milk and rice. Chang Chi Foodstuff Factory Co. () was found to have used copper chlorophyllin, an illegal coloring agent for cooking oil, in its olive oil and have adulterated its higher-end cooking oil with cheaper cottonseed oil. The company was fined NT$ 28.6 million in accordance to the Act Governing", "title": "2013 Taiwan food scandal" }, { "docid": "12610983", "text": "Kiviter processing technology. Along with the shale oil extraction plant, an oil shale research laboratory was founded in 1921. Following the experimental retorts, the first commercial shale oil plant was put into operation on 24 December 1924. The German-owned company Eesti Kiviõli (, , predecessor of Kiviõli Keemiatööstus), affiliated with G. Scheel & Co. and Mendelssohn & Co., was established in 1922. By the end of the 1930s, it had become the largest shale oil producer in Estonia. Around the company's mine and oil plant, the Kiviõli settlement (now town) was formed in the same way as the Küttejõu settlement", "title": "Oil shale in Estonia" }, { "docid": "18535277", "text": "the boom in 1915, oil and oil shale were still locateable minerals under the General Mining Act of 1872. Any US citizen could stake a placer claim to reserve the mineral rights over 160 acres of oil-shale land. Congress changed the situation when it passed the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, which declared that oil and oil shale were no longer locateable minerals, but instead the rights to mine them had to be leased from the federal government. In September 1920, of the many oil shale companies being promoted, none were yet in commercial-scale operation, although five were said to", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "13008285", "text": "of the 1969 spill, which is entirely within the federal zone. See \"Offshore oil and gas in the US Gulf of Mexico\" The western and central Gulf of Mexico, which includes offshore Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, is one of the major petroleum-producing areas of the United States. In 2007, federal leases in the western and central Gulf of Mexico produced 25% of the nation's oil and 14% of the nation's natural gas. In 2008, federal leases in the Gulf of Mexico produced of oil, down from in 2002; however, due to new deep-water discoveries, the MMS projects that oil", "title": "Offshore oil and gas in the United States" }, { "docid": "18535269", "text": "the norm. But in the late 1850s, those positions were reversed. By 1859, when some venture capitalists hired Edwin Drake to drill for oil in western Pennsylvania, the oil shale industry was well established, and it was the idea of drilling for crude oil that was unproven. Petroleum distillation had been going on in the US at a small scale since 1851, when Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania salt manufacturer Samuel Kier began taking the petroleum which was fouling his salt wells, and distilling it in a five-gallon still into lamp oil which he sold to coal miners. Kier never patented his distillation", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "12422040", "text": "Oil reserves in Mexico As of 2007, the proven oil reserves in Mexico were . The US Energy Information Administration estimated Mexican proved reserves to be as of 2013. Mexico was the seventh-largest oil producer in the world as of 2006, producing of petroleum products, of which was crude oil. Mexican oil production has started to decline rapidly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration had estimated that Mexican production of petroleum products would decline to in 2007 and in 2008. Mexican crude oil production fell in 2007, and was below by the start of 2008. In mid-2008, Pemex said that it", "title": "Oil reserves in Mexico" }, { "docid": "12422048", "text": "the formation could yield about 425 million barrels. Oil reserves in Mexico As of 2007, the proven oil reserves in Mexico were . The US Energy Information Administration estimated Mexican proved reserves to be as of 2013. Mexico was the seventh-largest oil producer in the world as of 2006, producing of petroleum products, of which was crude oil. Mexican oil production has started to decline rapidly. The U.S. Energy Information Administration had estimated that Mexican production of petroleum products would decline to in 2007 and in 2008. Mexican crude oil production fell in 2007, and was below by the start", "title": "Oil reserves in Mexico" }, { "docid": "16540323", "text": "was reported in 2000, when a street vendor was found to be selling oil obtained from restaurant garbage disposals. In September 2012, an ongoing investigation into the suspected use of gutter oil as a raw material in the Chinese pharmaceutical industry was revealed. A scandal involving 240 tons of gutter oil in Taiwan affecting hundreds of companies and thousands of eateries, some of which may have been exported overseas, broke in September 2014. The collected waste oil is sold to local workshops or small factories for cleaning and packaging. When sold to workshops it is often transported on the back", "title": "Gutter oil" }, { "docid": "12483922", "text": "use hydraulic fracturing in the United States, combined with the US$12 million upfront well drilling and construction costs, provide incentives to oil producers to continue to flood the already glutted market with under-priced oil in spite of crude oil storage limitations. Many less efficient and less productive older wells were shut down but these shale oil wells continue to increase production while making a profit in a market where crude oil is priced as low as US$50 a barrel. In 16 April the price of WTI hit a high of $56.52 for 2015 following the publication of the monthly review", "title": "World oil market chronology from 2003" }, { "docid": "3927292", "text": "Ontario Bond Scandal The Ontario Bond Scandal was a scandal that hit the government of Ontario in the early 1920s. Ontario had been governed by the United Farmers of Ontario of Ernest C. Drury since 1919. In 1922 newspapers revealed that Peter Smith, the Ontario Treasurer, had given a close friend of his, Andrew Pepall, lucrative payments to travel to London to secure better financing for Ontario's debt. The original outrage was that Pepall had been paid the then large sum of eighty dollars per day for the trip, in which he did little actual work. The scandal escalated when", "title": "Ontario Bond Scandal" }, { "docid": "12422023", "text": "oil and no longer sends 43% of its exports to the United States due to the recent shale boom of the US. Nigeria's foreign exchange is heavily dependent on the oil sector, which accounts for majority of its export revenues. Nigeria and São Tomé have an agreement in which the Joint Development Authority was created to explore and produce oil in the waters between Sao Tome and Nigeria. Nigeria and Sao Tome share this area, called the Joint Development Zone, or JDZ. This area could contain up to, or over, 14 billion barrels of oil. In 2006, Chevron drilled an", "title": "Oil reserves in Nigeria" }, { "docid": "12682235", "text": "Commonwealth Oil Refineries Commonwealth Oil Refineries (COR) was an Australian oil company that operated between 1920 and 1952 as a joint venture of the Australian government and the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. The partnership was established in 1920 on the initiative of prime minister Billy Hughes. In 1924 it opened Australia's first oil refinery near Laverton, Victoria, north of the Melbourne - Geelong railway, adjacent to Kororoit Creek Road. The refinery received its first shipment of crude oil on 12 March 1924, with product coming \"on-stream\" on 17 May 1924. The refinery had an annual processing capacity of 100,000 tons of", "title": "Commonwealth Oil Refineries" }, { "docid": "10325979", "text": "Oil and gas law in the United States Oil and gas law in the United States is the branch of law that pertains to the acquisition and ownership rights in oil and gas both under the soil before discovery and after its capture, and adjudication regarding those rights. The law regulating oil and gas ownership in the US generally differs significantly from laws in Europe because oil and gas are often owned privately in the US as opposed to being owned by the national government in many other countries. In the U.S., extraction of oil and gas is generally regulated", "title": "Oil and gas law in the United States" }, { "docid": "12610962", "text": "in 1924. Shortly thereafter, systematic research into oil shale and its products began, and in 1938 a department of mining was established at Tallinn Technical University. After World War II, Estonian oil shale gas was used in Saint Petersburg (then called Leningrad) and in northern cities in Estonia as a substitute for natural gas. Increased need for electricity in the north-west of the Soviet Union led to the construction of large oil shale-fired power stations. Oil shale extraction peaked in 1980. Subsequently, the launch of nuclear reactors in Russia, particularly the Leningrad Nuclear Power Station, reduced demand for electricity produced", "title": "Oil shale in Estonia" }, { "docid": "10375145", "text": "Mongstad scandal The Mongstad scandal was a crisis in the Norwegian oil company Statoil in 1987-88. The company exceeded the NOK 8 billion budget by NOK 6 billion in upgrading the oil refinery at Mongstad. Retrospectively the reasons for the overexpenditure were attributed to bad planning, technical miscalculations and bad project management. The executives in Statoil were also accused of inability to act and for withholding information from the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. At the time the incident aroused considerable media attention. The first warnings of a budget overspend came on 25 September 1987, when the over-expenditure was", "title": "Mongstad scandal" }, { "docid": "12422028", "text": "Prudhoe Bay field was found in Alaska. United States crude oil production declined since reaching a smaller secondary production peak in 1988 (caused by Alaskan production), but increased again from 2009 to 2015. Total production of crude oil from 1970 through 2006 was , or roughly five and a half times the decline in proved reserves. Since the oil price peaked about US$147.50 in summer 2008 many projects have been brought online, and domestic production increased from 2009 to 2015. It takes a few years to develop an oil field. In 2012 the oil production of the USA increased by", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "18535273", "text": "but lagged farther behind consumption, and net imports of crude oil to the US rose sharply, from 18 million barrels in 1915 to 106 million barrels in 1920. The nation's largest oil shale resource, Green River Formation, was accidentally discovered in 1874. That beds of the Green River Formation could yield oil upon heating had been known for years, but the publication in 1914 of US Geological Survey Bulletin 581, \"Oil-Shale in Northwestern Colorado and Northeastern Utah\" brought the enormous size of the resource to public attention. Concerned that a coming oil famine could strand the American fleet, in 1912", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "16621896", "text": "next month's show. No one has ever succeeded in answering all 30 questions because of the legendary difficulty of the final one: the show's accumulated pot is currently US$10 million. They all hurriedly brush up their general knowledge to apply to take part in the show, and by the night in question the pot has climbed to US$13.5 million. What they don't realize, as the show goes to air live, is that the organizers are running their own private scam, and Lee Do-yeob has decided to \"fix\" things his own way. The Quiz Show Scandal The Quiz Show Scandal (;", "title": "The Quiz Show Scandal" }, { "docid": "18535256", "text": "west of the Mississippi River. These include some, such as the Woodford Shale of Oklahoma, which are near-stratigraphic equivalents to the Devonian/Mississippian shales of the eastern US. The largest oil-shale resource in the world is contained in the Eocene Green River Formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming in three basins: the Piceance Basin, Green River Basin, and Uinta Basin. The Green River oil shales have been the focus of most efforts of the past hundred years to establish an American oil shale industry. The Green River oil “shale” is actually a marl, and some beds yield up to 70 gallons", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "18535296", "text": "companies, among them Chevron and Texaco. The company based its plans on its proprietary Paraho process retorting technology, which achieved oil recoveries of greater than 90 percent. Besides the Anvil Points lease, Paraho leased some oil shale acreage in Utah, but did no work on the Utah properties. The company produced more than 100,000 barrels of shale oil at Anvil Points in the late 1970s. Sunoco and Phillips Petroleum jointly submitted the US$76 million winning bid on the 5,120-acre Federal Tract U-a in Utah, and formed the White River Shale Oil Corporation to run the project. SOHIO bought into the", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "14867654", "text": "1924 in jazz, ensembles in the Kansas City area began play a style with a four even beat ground beat as opposed to a New Orleans two beat ground beat behind a 4/4 melody, European jazz included a fox trot by the Swiss composer Frank Martin for the Marionette Theatre in Paris. Charlie Parker grew up in Kansas City listening to this style of jazz. In 1924, Django Reinhardt became a guitarist and began playing the clubs of Paris. Noted Classic Blues singer Bessie Smith began to achieve major fame. Both Europe and the US had critics of jazz in", "title": "1924 in jazz" }, { "docid": "2034447", "text": "for fuel. Prior to 2013, when China surpassed it, the United States was the largest oil importer in the world. Unlike Canada, the US has hundreds of oil refineries, many of which have been modified to process heavy oil as US production of light and medium oil declined. The main market for Canadian bitumen as well as Venezuelan extra-heavy oil was assumed to be the US. The United States has historically been Canada’s largest customer for crude oil and products, particularly in recent years. American imports of oil and products from Canada grew from in 1981 to in 2013 as", "title": "Oil sands" }, { "docid": "17753527", "text": "2013 corruption scandal in Turkey The 2013 corruption scandal in Turkey refers to a criminal investigation that involves several key people in the Turkish government. All of the 52 people detained on 17 December were connected in various ways with the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). Prosecutors accused 14 people including Suleyman Aslan, the director of state-owned Halkbank, Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab, and several family members of cabinet ministers of bribery, corruption, fraud, money laundering and gold smuggling. At the heart of the scandal was an alleged \"gas for gold\" scheme with Iran involving Aslan, who had US$4.5 million", "title": "2013 corruption scandal in Turkey" }, { "docid": "16880802", "text": "first woman to drill a producing oil well on her own property, and the first female oil operator in Oklahoma was Lulu M. Hefner. Oil in Oklahoma Oil in Oklahoma was first discovered, by accident, in 1859, near Salina, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, in a well that had been drilled for salt. In 1907, before Oklahoma became a state, it produced the most oil of any state or territory in the United States. From 1907 to 1930, Oklahoma and California traded the title of number one US oil producer back and forth. Oklahoma oil production peaked in 1927,", "title": "Oil in Oklahoma" }, { "docid": "11495049", "text": "Hit the Saddle Hit the Saddle is a 1937 \"Three Mesquiteers\" Western B-movie starring Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, and Rita Hayworth, before she became famous. The film was directed by Mack V. Wright. Cattle rancher Rance McGowan intends to capture a herd of wild horses but they are protected US government. He trains and disguises his own horse, Volcano, to lead them in stampedes across other ranches which will lead to the government removing its protection. In the process, however, the local Sheriff is killed by Volcano and the Sheriff's friends, The Three Mesquiteers, become involved. Meanwhile, Stony", "title": "Hit the Saddle" }, { "docid": "11495050", "text": "Brooke wants to marry saloon singer Rita but the other Mesquiteers do not trust her. Hit the Saddle Hit the Saddle is a 1937 \"Three Mesquiteers\" Western B-movie starring Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, and Rita Hayworth, before she became famous. The film was directed by Mack V. Wright. Cattle rancher Rance McGowan intends to capture a herd of wild horses but they are protected US government. He trains and disguises his own horse, Volcano, to lead them in stampedes across other ranches which will lead to the government removing its protection. In the process, however, the local Sheriff", "title": "Hit the Saddle" }, { "docid": "13039559", "text": "the Barmat scandal (particularly a result of the right-wing vilification against the Prussian government). Julius and Henry Barmat met with Dr. Anton Hofle, the Minister of Posts, in June 1924 and paid him bribes of some 120,000 Reichmarks over several months (In January 1924 hyperinflation had begun to be tackled with the “Rentenmark” so that by June 1924 120,000 Marks was worth something). They then borrowed 14.5 million Marks from the national Postal Department in September 1924. The loan was not secured and the Republic's money was lost when Barmat's investment speculations turned sour. Hofle resigned his Reichstag seat on", "title": "Barmat scandal" }, { "docid": "20928645", "text": "Danske Bank money laundering scandal The Danske Bank money laundering scandal refers to the ongoing investigations and media attention on the Copenhagen-based Danske Bank's involvement in suspicious transactions by non-resident accounts between 2007–2015. It has been claimed to possibly be the largest money laundering scandal in the world. The total amount of suspicious funds has been quoted by sources as having been either $30 billion US dollars, $130 billion US dollars or up to $230 billion US dollars. The investigation is currently ongoing. Danske Bank is the largest bank in Denmark. The bank's local branch in Estonia, which was under", "title": "Danske Bank money laundering scandal" }, { "docid": "18258918", "text": "signing a memorandum on cooperation with Taiwan on strengthening food safety checks. The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore conducted tests on suspicious food items imported from Taiwan. The incident also prompted some retailers in the country to seek clarification from their Taiwanese suppliers. Travel agencies also prevented Singaporeans from buying suspected tainted products in Taiwan. 2014 Taiwan food scandal The 2014 Taiwan food scandal refers to a series of food safety incidents in Taiwan that came to light in 2014. Adulteration of cooking oil with recycled waste oil and animal feed oil was discovered in September 2014. Despite coming", "title": "2014 Taiwan food scandal" }, { "docid": "17481602", "text": "SS Tuxpam (Mexican oil tanker) The SS \"Tuxpam\" was an oil tanker, in the service of Petroleos Mexicanos, that was sunk on 27 June 1942 by U-129. She was completed in November 1903 as SS \"Prometheus\" for Deutsch-Amerikanische Petroleum GmbH, Hamburg. In 1914 she was laid up at New York City and, in December of that year, sold and renamed SS \"Cushing\" for Standard Oil of New Jersey, Bayonne. In September 1918, she was requisitioned by the US Navy as \"USS Chinampa (SP-1952)\" for the Naval Overseas Transportation Service and returned to her owners in May 1919. In 1924 she", "title": "SS Tuxpam (Mexican oil tanker)" }, { "docid": "12610984", "text": "(now district of Kiviõli) formed around the mine owned by Eesti Küttejõud. In 1924, the British investor-owned Estonian Oil Development Syndicate Ltd. (later Vanamõisa Oilfields Ltd.) purchased an open-pit mine in Vanamõisa and opened a shale oil extraction plant that was abandoned in 1931 due to technical problems. The Swedish–Norwegian consortium Eestimaa Õlikonsortsium (, ), controlled by Marcus Wallenberg, was founded in Sillamäe in 1926. New Consolidated Gold Fields Ltd. of the United Kingdom built a shale oil extraction plant at Kohtla-Nõmme in 1931. This facility continued to operate until 1961. In 1934, Eesti Kiviõli and New Consolidated Gold Fields", "title": "Oil shale in Estonia" }, { "docid": "12610981", "text": "Eesti Põlevkivitööstus (), was the predecessor of Viru Keemia Grupp, one of the current shale oil producers in Estonia. It took over the existing Pavandu open-pit mine, and opened new mines at Vanamõisa (1919), Kukruse (1920), and Käva (1924). Also, several private investors, including investors from abroad, initiated oil shale industries in Estonia by opening mines at Kiviõli (1922), Küttejõu (1925), Ubja (1926), Viivikonna (1936), and Kohtla (1937). Pavandu mine was closed in 1927 and Vanamõisa mine was closed in 1931. While in 1918 only 16 tonnes and in 1919 only 9,631 tonnes of oil shale were mined, in 1937", "title": "Oil shale in Estonia" }, { "docid": "14787506", "text": "Oil in My Lamp \"Oil in My Lamp\", also known as \"Give Me Oil in My Lamp\" and \"Sing Hosanna\", is a traditional Christian hymn based on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The song has been recorded many times and was a hit in Jamaica in 1964 for Eric \"Monty\" Morris, as well as appearing on The Byrds' 1969 album \"Ballad of Easy Rider\". Verse: Give me oil in my lamp, Keep me burning, Give me oil in my lamp, I pray,! Give me oil in my lamp, Keep me burning, Keep me burning Till the break of day.", "title": "Oil in My Lamp" }, { "docid": "13008282", "text": "the Arctic Ocean is partly inside and partly outside the US EEZ. Historically, offshore drilling began by extending known coastal oil- and gas-producing trends out into the ocean. For this reason, most US offshore drilling has taken place offshore Louisiana, Texas, California, and Alaska, areas with coastal onshore oil and gas fields. The first federal lease sale offshore Alaska was held in 1976. Alaska produces oil and gas from offshore areas in the Cook Inlet and the Arctic Ocean. Endicott Island is an artificial island built to produce oil from beneath the Beaufort Sea. There are currently four artificial islands", "title": "Offshore oil and gas in the United States" }, { "docid": "1387971", "text": "Fountains rode home from a meeting at Fall's ranch. Another significant outcome was the Supreme Court's ruling in \"McGrain v. Daugherty\" (1927) which, for the first time, explicitly established that Congress had the power to compel testimony. The field was then idled for 49 years, but went back into production in 1976. After earning over $569 million in revenue having extracted of oil over the previous 39 years, in February 2015, the Department of Energy sold the oil field for $45 million to Stranded Oil Resources Corp. Although this scandal has been infamously used as a basis of comparison most", "title": "Teapot Dome scandal" }, { "docid": "11309601", "text": "Sam Moore of Sam & Dave. The company folded in 1969 due to competition from record companies such as K-Tel which issued various artists compilation albums featuring the actual hit recordings licensed from the various record companies. Many Hit Records are very collectable and some of the performers on these recordings have developed their own fan base. Hit Records Hit Records was a record company based in Nashville, Tennessee, which specialized in sound-alike cover versions of hit records. Founded in 1962 by Bill Beasley, Hit Records were sold in dime stores for 39¢ (US), less than half the price of", "title": "Hit Records" }, { "docid": "11303610", "text": "between 2005 and 2011. Models which show a continued increase in oil production may be including both conventional and non-conventional oil. A set of models published in a 2014 Ph.D. thesis predicted that a 2012 peak would be followed by a drop in oil prices, which in some scenarios could turn into a rapid rise in prices thereafter. Phibro statistics show that major oil companies hit peak production in 2005. Fatih Birol, chief economist at the International Energy Agency, stated in 2011 that \"crude oil production for the world has already peaked in 2006.\" The idea that human use of", "title": "Predicting the timing of peak oil" }, { "docid": "12422031", "text": "from in 1970 to in 2007, before declining. Its largest net suppliers of petroleum products in 2007 were Canada and Mexico, which supplied , respectively. As of 2011, the US consumed 18.8 million barrels of petroleum products per day, and imported a net 8.4 million barrels per day; the EIA reported the United States \"Dependence on Net Petroleum Imports\" in 2011 as 45%. During 2008-2009 the USA became a net exporter of refined oil products; before the US bought gasoline, diesel and kerosene in Europe, and smaller amounts from other countries. The United States maintains a Strategic Petroleum Reserve at", "title": "Oil reserves in the United States" }, { "docid": "18535298", "text": "bidding, with a winning bid of US$210.3 million. Tract C-a covered 5,100 acres, about eight square miles. Rio Blanco had planned to mine oil shale from an open pit, but wanted the BLM to make additional land available for off-site disposal of the overburden, which the BLM declined. The company turned to in \"situ mining\". Underground combustion was started in 1980. Two more burns were started in 1981, and the company recovered about 25,000 barrels of oil until a water pump failed, and groundwater prematurely extinguished all three underground burns in 1984. in 1976, a consortium of TOSCO, Shell Oil,", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "10046013", "text": "for 2006 gave the state PGK24 million (US$8 million) as its dividend. The company also operates areas in Yemen, Egypt, Libya, and the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In May 2014, Exxon Mobil Corporation shipped the first cargo of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the US$19 billion PNG LNG Project, in which Oil Search owns a 29% interest. Oil Search was listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Australia for the first time in 2013. According to the Company's 2013 Sustainability Report, the company invested US$8.2 million in community development. Oil Search Oil Search Limited () is the largest oil and", "title": "Oil Search" }, { "docid": "997639", "text": "Harken Energy scandal The Harken Energy scandal refers to a series of transactions entered into during 1990 involving Harken Energy. These transactions are alleged to involve either issues relating to insider trading, or influence peddling. No wrongdoings were found by any investigating authorities although the matter generated political controversy. George W. Bush ran an energy company called Spectrum 7 during the 1980s. In the mid-1980s the oil market was in a slump, with prices dropping daily. The firm was in serious financial trouble until another company, a distressed oil properties specialist, Harken Energy, purchased Spectrum 7 in 1986. Part of", "title": "Harken Energy scandal" }, { "docid": "11175350", "text": "BALCO scandal The BALCO scandal was a scandal involving the use of banned, performance-enhancing substances by professional athletes. The Bay Area Laboratory Co-operative (BALCO) was a San Francisco Bay Area business which supplied anabolic steroids to professional athletes. The incident surrounds a 2002 US Federal government investigation of the laboratory. Founded in 1984 by Victor Conte and his first wife Aubry, BALCO began as Millbrae Holistic, a vitamin shop in Millbrae, California. Initially a business venture to keep food on the table, only one year after opening, Victor Conte closed Millbrae Holistic and started BALCO as a sport supplement company", "title": "BALCO scandal" }, { "docid": "16880800", "text": "Oil in Oklahoma Oil in Oklahoma was first discovered, by accident, in 1859, near Salina, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma, in a well that had been drilled for salt. In 1907, before Oklahoma became a state, it produced the most oil of any state or territory in the United States. From 1907 to 1930, Oklahoma and California traded the title of number one US oil producer back and forth. Oklahoma oil production peaked in 1927, at 762,000 barrels/day, and by 2005 had declined to 168,000 barrels/day, but then started rising, and by 2014 had more than doubled to 350,000", "title": "Oil in Oklahoma" }, { "docid": "11629694", "text": "to produce per day, from which 135 megawatts of power could be generated and fed into the national and regional grid. GNPC also signed a contract in 1992 with Angola's state oil company, Sonangol Group, that provides for drilling and, ultimately, production at two of Sonangol's offshore oilfields. GNPC was paid with a share of the crude oil. The Tema Oil Refinery in Ghana underwent the first phase of a major rehabilitation in 1989. The second phase began in April 1990 at an estimated cost of CN¥220.8 million or GH₵77.8 million (US$36 million). Once rehabilitation was completed, distribution of liquified", "title": "Oil reserves in Ghana" }, { "docid": "11629699", "text": "with Vetro Energy and PetroSeraya of Singapore have declared interests to provide assistance in construction of offshore platforms and drilling rigs for Ghana's state-owned oil company, Ghana National Petroleum Company on rapidly developing Ghana's oil and gas infrastructure and industry as Ghana aims to further increase output of oil to 2 million barrels per day and gas to 1.2 billion cubic feet per day with an expected annual generating revenue of GH₵140.7 billion (US$65 billion) in 2014. Ghana is believed to have up to to of petroleum in reserves, which is the sixth largest in Africa and the 25th largest", "title": "Oil reserves in Ghana" }, { "docid": "18535285", "text": "oil-shale studies by the US Bureau of Mines. The Bureau of Mines built a test facility at Anvil Points on Naval Oil Shale Reserve 1, to test methods of mining, crushing, and retorting the Green River oil shales. It started to develop the gas combustion retort process. In 1943 Mobil Oil built a pilot shale oil extraction plant and in 1944 Union built an experimental oil shale retort. In 1945 Texaco started shale oil refining study. In 1951, the United States Department of Defense became interested in oil shale as an alternative resource for producing a jet fuel. The United", "title": "History of the oil shale industry in the United States" }, { "docid": "11225042", "text": "Goodbye to You (Scandal song) \"Goodbye to You\" is a single by American rock band Scandal. The song was written by band member Zack Smith. It appeared on Scandal's 1982 \"Scandal\" EP. It hit #5 on \"Billboard\"'s Album Rock play list. The song was also released as a single, and reached #65 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The video shows Patty Smyth in a bright red dress singing the lyrics to various members of the band as they perform the song. Scandal keyboardist Benjy King is shown playing a rare Digital Keyboards Synergy synthesizer, which provided the main 8th note", "title": "Goodbye to You (Scandal song)" }, { "docid": "16664273", "text": "also to perform plans sent down from central government. In order to find the expertise necessary to reach these goals foreign experts from West Germany, Romania, the US, and the Soviet Union were brought in. The Soviet experts were the most influential and they drew up detailed plans for further oil exploration which were to form part of the second five-year plan. India thus adopted the Soviet model of economic development and the state continues to implement five-year plans as part of its drive towards modernity. The increased focus on exploration resulted in the discovery of several new oil fields", "title": "History of the oil industry in India" }, { "docid": "11586375", "text": "(To the Love I Got)\" (#27), \"Give a Little, Take a Little\" (#24), and the title track (#7). This album brought Mandrell's first pair of solo Top 10 hits on the Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart. The album consisted of 11 tracks, some of which were cover versions, including Tanya Tucker's \"Jamestown Ferry\", Martha Carson's \"Satisfied\" and the George Jones and Tammy Wynette hit, \"We're Gonna Hold On\". The album peaked at #8 on the Top Country Albums chart in 1974. Album – \"Billboard\" (North America) Singles – \"Billboard\" (North America) The Midnight Oil The Midnight Oil is the", "title": "The Midnight Oil" }, { "docid": "13008292", "text": "estimated that of recoverable petroleum liquids and of recoverable natural gas underlie the US portion of the Great Lakes. Petroleum potential was given to all of the lakes except Lake Superior. The majority of the natural gas (3.0 TCF) is thought to underlie Lake Erie. See \"US offshore drilling debate\" A number of states, including California and Florida, have banned leasing of state waters for oil and gas drilling. In 2009 a bill that would have partially rescinded a ban on oil and gas leasing of Florida state waters failed in the Florida statehouse (see \"Offshore oil and gas in", "title": "Offshore oil and gas in the United States" }, { "docid": "19160173", "text": "to produce oil from those oil fields it controls. Estimates of the income ISIL derived from its oil operations vary. In 2014, Dubai-based energy analysts put the combined oil revenue from ISIL's Iraqi-Syrian production as high as US$3 million per day. An estimate from October 2015 indicated the production to be about 34,000-40,000 bpd that was sold at US$20–45 at the wellhead generating an income of US$1.5 million per day. Another 2015 estimate sets the monthly income as high as US$40 million. Various other reports indicated in 2015 that ISIS obtained 1.1 to 1.5 million dollars a day from selling", "title": "Oil production and smuggling in ISIL" }, { "docid": "19046793", "text": "in October 2015 indicated that two-thirds of Germans believe the scandal to be exaggerated and continue to regard VW as a builder of \"excellent cars\". A survey by Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management, Brand Imperatives and Survata said that nearly 50% of US consumers had either a positive or very positive impression of Volkswagen, while 7.5% had a \"very negative\" impression. Another US survey by market researcher AutoPacific found that 64% of vehicle owners do not trust Volkswagen and only 25% of them have a positive view of Volkswagen following the scandal. Volkswagen emissions scandal The Volkswagen emissions scandal", "title": "Volkswagen emissions scandal" }, { "docid": "19250556", "text": "Inglewood Oil Field The Inglewood Oil Field in Los Angeles County, California, is the 18th-largest oil field in the state and the second-most productive in the Los Angeles Basin. Discovered in 1924 and in continuous production ever since, in 2012 it produced almost over 2.8 million barrels of oil from some five hundred wells. Since 1924 it has produced almost 400 million barrels, and the California Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) has estimated that there are about 30 million barrels remaining in the field's one thousand acres, recoverable with present technology. The field is operated by Freeport", "title": "Inglewood Oil Field" } ]
Phil Collins appeared in which Spielberg film with Robin Williams?
[ "Hook", "HOOK" ]
[ { "docid": "371466", "text": "for the romantic comedy-drama \"Always\", about a daredevil pilot who extinguishes forest fires. Spielberg's first romantic film, \"Always\" was only a moderate success and had mixed reviews. In 1991, Spielberg directed \"Hook\", about a middle-aged Peter Pan, played by Robin Williams, who returns to Neverland. Despite innumerable rewrites and creative changes coupled with mixed reviews, the film proved popular with audiences, making over $300 million worldwide (from a $70 million budget). In 1993, Spielberg returned to the adventure genre with the film version of Michael Crichton's novel \"Jurassic Park\", about a theme park with genetically engineered dinosaurs. With revolutionary special", "title": "Steven Spielberg" }, { "docid": "639861", "text": "portray the deep-driven man. From Dustin Hoffman, with whom he co-starred in \"Hook\", he learned to take on totally different character types, and to transform his characters by extreme preparation. Mike Medavoy, producer of \"Hook\", told its director, Steven Spielberg, that he intentionally teamed up Hoffman and Williams for the film because he knew they wanted to work together, and that Williams welcomed the opportunity of working with Spielberg. Williams benefited from working with Woody Allen, who directed him and Billy Crystal in \"Deconstructing Harry\" (1997), as Allen had knowledge of the fact that Crystal and Williams had often performed", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "2562449", "text": "Robin Williams signed on, but he and Hoffman had creative differences with Castle. Medavoy saw the film as a vehicle for Spielberg and Castle was dismissed, but paid a $500,000 settlement. Dodi Fayed, who owned certain rights to make a \"Peter Pan\" film, sold his interest to TriStar in exchange for an executive producer credit. Spielberg briefly worked together with Hart to rewrite the script before hiring Malia Scotch Marmo to rewrite Captain Hook's dialog and Carrie Fisher for Tinker Bell's. The Writers Guild of America gave Hart and Marmo screenplay credit, while Hart and Castle were credited with the", "title": "Hook (film)" } ]
[ { "docid": "14684726", "text": "Robin Spielberg Robin Spielberg (born November 20, 1962) is a Billboard charts American pianist, composer and author. Raised in the suburban town of Maplewood, New Jersey, she attended Michigan State University and later Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, graduating from NYU with honors and a BFA in Undergraduate Drama. She has released eighteen albums of piano music. She currently lives in New Freedom, Pennsylvania. Robin Spielberg's paternal grandfather, Rubin Spielberg, was a flutist with the NBC Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Arturo Toscanini. Although they never met, in her memoir she credits him with providing", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "14684735", "text": "Careers in the Music Business and International Music Business. Robin Spielberg Robin Spielberg (born November 20, 1962) is a Billboard charts American pianist, composer and author. Raised in the suburban town of Maplewood, New Jersey, she attended Michigan State University and later Tisch School of the Arts at New York University, graduating from NYU with honors and a BFA in Undergraduate Drama. She has released eighteen albums of piano music. She currently lives in New Freedom, Pennsylvania. Robin Spielberg's paternal grandfather, Rubin Spielberg, was a flutist with the NBC Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Arturo Toscanini. Although they never", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "1355450", "text": "solo career. His sixth solo album, \"Dance into the Light\", was released in October 1996. The album was received negatively by the music press and sold less than his previous albums. \"Entertainment Weekly\" reviewed by saying that \"even Phil Collins must know that we all grew weary of Phil Collins\". Singles from the album included the title track, which reached No. 9 in the UK, and the Beatles-inspired \"It's in Your Eyes\". The album achieved Gold certification in the US. On 15 September 1997, Collins appeared at the Music for Montserrat concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London, performing", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355474", "text": "in an episode of the series \"Miami Vice\", entitled \"Phil the Shill\", in which he plays a cheating con-man. In the 1980s he appeared in several comedy sketches with \"The Two Ronnies\" on BBC One. In 2001, Collins was one of several celebrities who were tricked into appearing in a controversial British comedy series, \"Brass Eye\", shown on public service broadcaster Channel 4. In the episode, Collins endorsed a hoax anti-paedophile campaign wearing a T-shirt with the words \"Nonce Sense\" and warned children against speaking to suspicious people. Collins was reported by the BBC to have consulted lawyers regarding the", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355478", "text": "losing to Collins, as they felt their other competitors were more worthy. The episode \"Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000\" involves a sled race down the landmark known as Phil Collins Hill, which has an impression of Phil Collins' face in the side. The Phil Collins character returns once more and gets killed off in the episode \"200\". Collins appears briefly in the Finnish animated sitcom \"Pasila\" in the episode \"Phil Collins Hangover\". The music of this episode is a pastiche of Collins's \"Another Day in Paradise\". Collins was mentioned in the \"Psych\" episode \"\" as resembling Shawn Spencer's father, Henry,", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355503", "text": "Phil appeared at his brother's investiture ceremony at Buckingham Palace in 2012 when he was awarded an MBE for services to art, with Phil stating, “I shared a bedroom with him when we were boys and he was always drawing. He used to do Christmas cards and birthdays cards for the family.\" Collins was estimated to have a fortune of £115 million in the \"Sunday Times Rich List\" of 2011, making him one of the 20 wealthiest people in the British music industry. In 2012 Collins was estimated to be the second wealthiest drummer in the world, beaten to first", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "7813204", "text": "they switched labels, recording \"Deeper Waters\" as their first release on Red House Records. The Williamses appeared in the film \"A Prairie Home Companion\". They appeared on the \"WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour\", hosted by Michael Johnathon. Robin and Linda Williams Robin and Linda Williams are a husband-and-wife singer-songwriter folk music duo from Virginia. They met in South Carolina in 1971, and began performing in 1973. The Williamses appeared on Garrison Keillor's \"A Prairie Home Companion\" radio show from 1975. The duo were members of the Hopeful Gospel Quartet with Keillor and Kate MacKenzie. After touring with Mary Chapin Carpenter in", "title": "Robin and Linda Williams" }, { "docid": "1355517", "text": "Alamo has also led him to write the book \"The Alamo and Beyond: A Collector's Journey\", published in 2012. A short film was released in 2013 called \"Phil Collins and the Wild Frontier\" which captures Collins on a book tour in June 2012. On 26 June 2014, a press conference was held from the Alamo, where Collins spoke, announcing that he was donating his entire collection to the Alamo via the State of Texas. On 11 March 2015, in honour of his donation, Collins was named an honorary Texan by the state legislature. Like Rod Stewart and Eric Clapton, Collins", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "6596162", "text": "Hits (Phil Collins album) Hits (stylized as ...Hits), released in 1998 and again in 2008, following the success of \"In the Air Tonight\" on the Cadbury ad campaign, is the first greatest hits album by English drummer and singer-songwriter Phil Collins. The collection included fourteen Top 40 hits, including seven American number 1 songs, spanning from the albums \"Face Value\" (1981) through \"Dance into the Light\" (1996). One new Collins recording, a cover of Cyndi Lauper's \"True Colors\", also appeared on the collection and was a popular song on adult contemporary stations. \"Hits\" was also the first Phil Collins album", "title": "Hits (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "8531633", "text": "Hurry Love\" featuring Collins as all four members in a band (named \"The Four Pound Notes\") and a cameo appearance by British DJ Tony Blackburn. The other featured him in a wrestling match against the Ultimate Warrior, which was featured on the Jim Yukich-directed, Paul Flattery-produced \"Seriously.. Phil Collins\" CBS TV special (aired 8 September 1990). The special can be found on the 2004 \"First Final Farewell Tour\" DVD. Two Hearts (Phil Collins song) \"Two Hearts\" is a song by Phil Collins from the soundtrack to the film \"Buster\" (1988). The song reached number one in the United States and", "title": "Two Hearts (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "14684728", "text": "the Space Pandas\". In 1992, Spielberg and Barry Shulak co-wrote a musical for young audiences entitled \"Balloonland\". Originally produced in Vermont by the Atlantic Theater Company, \"Balloonland\" later debuted off-Broadway on ATC's New York City stage in 1993. As of 2018, Spielberg had recorded eighteen albums and appeared on over fifty compilations. Her debut album of original piano solos entitled \"Heal of the Hand\" was recorded independently in 1993. The album was picked up by the indie label North Star Music in 1994, and became their best-selling CD of the decade. According to North Star president Richard Waterman, Spielberg sold", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "1355488", "text": "South collaborators Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott included the lyric \"everyone around us agrees that Phil Collins must die\", which \"musicOMH\" critic David Meller remarked in his review \"is delivered with willing, almost pleasurable conviction by Abbott\". Oasis songwriter Noel Gallagher criticised Collins on multiple occasions, including the comment: \"Just because you sell lots of records, it doesn't mean to say you're any good. Look at Phil Collins.\" Collins said he has \"at times, been very down\" about Noel Gallagher's comments. Gallagher's brother, Oasis singer Liam, also recalled the \"boring\" Collins's chart dominance in the 1980s and stated that, by", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "639853", "text": "Angeles Times\". This photo was installed in the National Portrait Gallery in the Smithsonian Institution shortly after his death to allow visitors to pay their respects. Williams also appeared on the cover of the August 23, 1979, issue of \"Rolling Stone\", photographed by Richard Avedon. Starting in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, Williams began to reach a wider audience with his stand-up comedy, including three HBO comedy specials, \"Off The Wall\" (1978), \"An Evening with Robin Williams\" (1983) and \"Robin Williams: Live at the Met\" (1986). Also in 1986, Williams co-hosted the 58th Academy Awards. Williams was also", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "8531631", "text": "Two Hearts (Phil Collins song) \"Two Hearts\" is a song by Phil Collins from the soundtrack to the film \"Buster\" (1988). The song reached number one in the United States and Canada in February 1989. It was composed by Lamont Dozier (of Motown's Holland-Dozier-Holland), with lyrics by Collins, both of whom also produced this song for the crime comedy film \"Buster\" (1988). Both promo-singles for the film, \"Two Hearts\" and \"A Groovy Kind Of Love\", topped the US charts. It won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and the Grammy Award for Best Song Written Specifically for a", "title": "Two Hearts (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "639844", "text": "TV appearance. That year, Williams also performed a show at the LA Improv for Home Box Office. While the \"Laugh-In\" revival failed, it led Williams into a television career; he continued performing stand-up at comedy clubs such as the Roxy to help keep his improvisational skills sharp. Williams won a Grammy Award for the recording of his 1979 live show at the Copacabana in New York, \"Reality...What a Concept\". Some of his later tours, after he became a TV and film star, include \"An Evening With Robin Williams\" (1982–83), \"Robin Williams: At The Met\" (1986) and \"Robin Williams: Live on", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "14684734", "text": "centers while on tour. She has also performed fundraisers for medical and other charities. In 2014 Spielberg was invited to give a TEDx talk on \"The Healing Power of Music\" in Lancaster, Pennsylvania's inaugural TEDx event. Spielberg is author of the memoir \"Naked on the Bench\" (2013), which Kirkus called a \"well-paced musical memoir about the value of perseverance\" which avoids sentimentality and balances happy moments with darker content such as being stalked. Spielberg also writes about music therapy in her memoir. In 2016 Spielberg began teaching at Millersville University as an instructor in the music business technology department, teaching", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "639867", "text": "and appeared on an episode of \"\" that aired on January 30, 2006. At the time of his death in 2014, Williams had appeared in four movies not yet released: \"\", \"A Merry Friggin' Christmas\", \"Boulevard\" and \"Absolutely Anything\". Williams appeared opposite Steve Martin at Lincoln Center in an off-Broadway production of \"Waiting for Godot\" in 1988. He made his Broadway acting debut in Rajiv Joseph's \"Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo\", which opened at the Richard Rodgers Theatre on March 31, 2011. He headlined his own one-man show, \"Robin Williams: Live on Broadway\", that played at the Broadway theatre", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "6596165", "text": "albums, the collection's primary sources of songs. Hits (Phil Collins album) Hits (stylized as ...Hits), released in 1998 and again in 2008, following the success of \"In the Air Tonight\" on the Cadbury ad campaign, is the first greatest hits album by English drummer and singer-songwriter Phil Collins. The collection included fourteen Top 40 hits, including seven American number 1 songs, spanning from the albums \"Face Value\" (1981) through \"Dance into the Light\" (1996). One new Collins recording, a cover of Cyndi Lauper's \"True Colors\", also appeared on the collection and was a popular song on adult contemporary stations. \"Hits\"", "title": "Hits (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "1355471", "text": "and he uses his signature Promark sticks. Past kits he used were made by Pearl and Premier. Other instruments associated with Collins's sound (particularly in his post-1978 Genesis and solo career) include the Roland TR-808, Roland TR-909, the Simmons SDS-V electronic drum set, and the Linn LM-1 and LinnDrum drum machines. Collins also used a Roland CR-78, Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 synthesizer, Fender Rhodes electric piano, and a vocoder for his voice. Other Korg instruments include the Wavestation, the Karma and the Trinity. In 1985 he appeared on Miami Vice; season two / episode eleven in, Phil The Shill. Collins had", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "6594877", "text": "The Phil Collins Big Band The Phil Collins Big Band was a side project of English rock drummer, singer and musician Phil Collins, which performed in 1996 and 1998. Although best known for his work in pop as a solo artist and progressive rock with Genesis, one of Collins' earliest influences had been the American big band drummer Buddy Rich. The group presented big band renditions of Collins and Genesis songs, including hits such as \"Sussudio\" and \"Invisible Touch\". The group was primarily an instrumental act, with Collins remaining behind the drums, like the early days of Genesis and rarely", "title": "The Phil Collins Big Band" }, { "docid": "13297934", "text": "ballad\" and reminiscent of older Phil Collins songs such as \"I Wish It Would Rain Down\" due to its \"speed, harmonies and female backing vocals\". Allmusic deemed it \"forgettable \". Some critics were not fond of its use in the final film, as it drowned out the dialogue in what was supposed to be the movie's emotional highpoint. No Way Out (Phil Collins song) \"No Way Out\" is a song by the English drummer Phil Collins from the \"Brother Bear\" film soundtrack. Two different versions of the song are placed onto the Brother Bear soundtrack. One is 4:18 minutes long", "title": "No Way Out (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "639893", "text": "was rejected by Chris Columbus due to the \"British-only edict\". Won: Robin Williams Robin McLaurin Williams (July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014) was an American actor and comedian. Born in Chicago, Williams began performing stand-up comedy in San Francisco and Los Angeles in the mid-1970s, and is credited with leading San Francisco's comedy renaissance. After rising to fame playing the alien Mork in the sitcom \"Mork & Mindy\", Williams established a career in both stand-up comedy and feature film acting. He was known for his improvisation skills and the wide variety of memorable character voices he created. Williams has", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "639832", "text": "Robin Williams Robin McLaurin Williams (July 21, 1951 – August 11, 2014) was an American actor and comedian. Born in Chicago, Williams began performing stand-up comedy in San Francisco and Los Angeles in the mid-1970s, and is credited with leading San Francisco's comedy renaissance. After rising to fame playing the alien Mork in the sitcom \"Mork & Mindy\", Williams established a career in both stand-up comedy and feature film acting. He was known for his improvisation skills and the wide variety of memorable character voices he created. Williams has been called the funniest person of all time. After his first", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "639886", "text": "video reenactments of the 1989 film \"Dead Poets Society\"s \"O Captain! My Captain!\" scene. The 2017 film \"\" features a tribute to Williams by mentioning his character Alan Parrish and using the piece that Williams used in the first \"Jumanji\" film. On the film's Blu-ray release, there is also a bonus feature in which the cast and crew pay homage to both Williams and the 1995 installment. In 2018, HBO produced a documentary about his life and career. Directed by Marina Zenovich, the film, \"\", was also screened at the Sundance Film Festival. That same year, a mural of Robin", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "7826355", "text": "Phil Collins (artist) Phil Collins was born in Runcorn, England and now lives in Berlin. He studied drama and English at the University of Manchester, graduating in 1994. During his time there he worked as a cloak-room boy and barman at the Haçienda nightclub on Whitworth Street. After a stint teaching performance and film theory at Royal Holloway, University of London, he joined London-based performance group Max Factory whose live art projects were held all over the UK. In 1998 he moved to Belfast to do a Master of Fine Arts at the College of Art and Design, part of", "title": "Phil Collins (artist)" }, { "docid": "7172268", "text": "Robin Collins Robin Collins is an American philosopher. He currently serves as Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and chair of the Department of Philosophy at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania. His main interests include philosophical issues related to the relationship between religion and science and philosophical theology. Collins obtained his undergraduate degree from Washington State University in 1984 with a triple major in Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy, graduating summa cum laude. Collins spent two years in a Ph.D. program in Physics at the University of Texas at Austin before transferring to the University of Notre Dame where he received a Ph.D.", "title": "Robin Collins" }, { "docid": "20372102", "text": "of 71 out of 100 based 14 critics, indicating \"generally favorable reviews\". Spielberg (film) Spielberg is a 2017 American documentary film directed by Susan Lacy, and is centered around the career of director Steven Spielberg. It premiered on HBO on October 7, 2017. The documentary chronicles Spielberg's career, including interviews with collaborators, family and friends. Interviews with Karen Allen, Benedict Cumberbatch, Anthony Hopkins and Jude Law were also conducted but not included in the final film. † = Person interviewed passed away prior to the documentary's airing. The documentary was announced in July 2017 by HBO, with it set to", "title": "Spielberg (film)" }, { "docid": "20372100", "text": "Spielberg (film) Spielberg is a 2017 American documentary film directed by Susan Lacy, and is centered around the career of director Steven Spielberg. It premiered on HBO on October 7, 2017. The documentary chronicles Spielberg's career, including interviews with collaborators, family and friends. Interviews with Karen Allen, Benedict Cumberbatch, Anthony Hopkins and Jude Law were also conducted but not included in the final film. † = Person interviewed passed away prior to the documentary's airing. The documentary was announced in July 2017 by HBO, with it set to air on October 7 later that year. A trailer for the documentary", "title": "Spielberg (film)" }, { "docid": "7826362", "text": "is driven by an emotional relationship with the subjects, rather than the rational or sensational standards of journalism, which also inhabit these territories.\" He is represented by Tanya Bonakdar Gallery in New York. Since 2011 Collins is Professor of Video Art and Performance at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Phil Collins (artist) Phil Collins was born in Runcorn, England and now lives in Berlin. He studied drama and English at the University of Manchester, graduating in 1994. During his time there he worked as a cloak-room boy and barman at the Haçienda nightclub on Whitworth Street. After a stint", "title": "Phil Collins (artist)" }, { "docid": "1355443", "text": "with Lamont Dozier; the two artists won a Golden Globe for Best Original Song and receive an Oscar nomination in the same category. \"Big Noise\" and \"Loco in Acapulco\" were also by Collins and Dozier, the vocals for the latter were performed by the Four Tops. Film critic Roger Ebert said the role of Buster was \"played with surprising effectiveness\" by Collins, although the film's soundtrack proved more successful than the film. In 1989, Collins worked on his fourth studio album \"...But Seriously\", and appeared on The Who Tour 1989, performing the role of young Tommy's wicked Uncle Ernie in", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "6594878", "text": "singing at performances. The group split up in 1999, when Phil Collins started to work on the music for the then upcoming movie, \"Tarzan\". The group released one album, \"A Hot Night in Paris\", recorded in 1998 and released in 1999. The footage of Montreux Jazz Festival 1996 was featured as a bonus feature on the 2010 DVD \"Phil Collins Live At Montreux\". Collins' work with the Phil Collins Big Band received acclaim and \"Modern Drummer\" readers voted him Big Band drummer of the year in 2000. The Phil Collins Big Band The Phil Collins Big Band was a side", "title": "The Phil Collins Big Band" }, { "docid": "6576959", "text": "covers of Motown and other soul songs. It was released on 13 September 2010. However, Phil has since announced that he is out of retirement and has been working on another album. Testify (Phil Collins album) Testify is the seventh solo studio album by English drummer and singer-songwriter Phil Collins. The album debuted at No. 30 on the American \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart, which was also the album's peak position. It was also the second Phil Collins studio album where no track peaked within the American top 40 singles chart. It was also his lowest charting album in the UK,", "title": "Testify (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "1355505", "text": "in London ruled that the two musicians would receive no more royalty money from Phil Collins. The amount that Collins was seeking was halved, and Satterfield and Davis (who originally brought the suit forward in California) would not have to repay any of it. The judge agreed with Collins' argument that Satterfield and Davis should have been paid for only the five tracks on which they performed, including the hit \"Sussudio\". Collins had reportedly lost hearing in his left ear in 2000 due to a viral infection; the condition was resolved after the infection was cured. In September 2009, it", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355495", "text": "been characterised by favourable critics as a \"rock god\", and an artist who has remained \"down to earth\". In \"The New Rolling Stone Album Guide\", published in 2004, J. D. Considine wrote: \"For a time, Phil Collins was nearly inescapable on the radio, and enormously popular with the listening public — something that made him an obvious target for critics. Despite his \"lumpen\"-pop appeal, however, Collins is an incisive songwriter and resourceful musician.\" Creation Records founder Alan McGee wrote in 2009 that there was a \"non-ironic revival of Phil Collins\" happening. According to McGee: \"The kids don't care about 'indie", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355487", "text": "criticised Collins's \"ubiquitous nature\", including his involvement in the Who's 1989 reunion tour. David Bowie dismissed some of his own 1980s output as his \"Phil Collins years/albums\". In addition to the song's negative press from music journalists, singer-songwriter and political activist Billy Bragg criticised Collins for writing \"Another Day in Paradise\", stating: \"Phil Collins might write a song about the homeless, but if he doesn't have the action to go with it he's just exploiting that for a subject.\" On the closing track of their 2014 album \"What Have We Become?\", titled \"When I Get Back to Blighty\", former Beautiful", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "20792247", "text": "the film as being \"sharp-edged, humane, and deeply researched enough to take you closer to the manic engine of Williams' brilliance and pain\". Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind is a 2018 American documentary film directed by Marina Zenovich, celebrating the life and career of comedian Robin Williams, who died in 2014. An HBO production, it features interviews with Whoopi Goldberg, David Letterman, Billy Crystal, among others. It also includes outtakes and little known clips from Williams' stand-up routines. The film played six sell-out screenings at the Sundance Film Festival in 2018. It was", "title": "Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind" }, { "docid": "7172276", "text": "petitionary prayer,the relation of the mind to the body, and the metaphysics of the natural world. Collins has also done several interviews. Among others, he was interviewed by Robert Kuhn for the PBS series \"Closer to Truth\" and also by Lee Strobel, a journalist and Christian apologist, in \"The Case for a Creator\". The series of PBS interviews can be found at . Strobel's book, published in 2004, presents a number of interviews with ID proponents, who attempt to refute naturalistic accounts of the origin of universe and the development of life. Robin Collins Robin Collins is an American philosopher.", "title": "Robin Collins" }, { "docid": "20792245", "text": "Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind is a 2018 American documentary film directed by Marina Zenovich, celebrating the life and career of comedian Robin Williams, who died in 2014. An HBO production, it features interviews with Whoopi Goldberg, David Letterman, Billy Crystal, among others. It also includes outtakes and little known clips from Williams' stand-up routines. The film played six sell-out screenings at the Sundance Film Festival in 2018. It was also screened at the Nantucket Film Festival and had a first HBO broadcast on July 16, 2018. That same summer, the documentary was", "title": "Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind" }, { "docid": "9292194", "text": "Badalamenti on David Lynch's \"\" and with Terence Blanchard for the Spike Lee film \"Clockers\". Williams made several television appearances as well, performing five of his own compositions with Branford Marsalis' \"The Tonight Show\" band, and backing Erroll Garner during an earlier \"Tonight Show\" appearance. He appeared on \"The Andy Williams Show\" with Nancy Wilson, with Bill Cosby on \"The Joan Rivers Show\", and with Joe Williams on \"Sesame Street\". Williams appeared as himself in the 2004 Steven Spielberg film The Terminal, playing in Benny Golson's quartet with Mike LeDonne and Carl Allen. Williams was married in 1965 to Veronica,", "title": "Buster Williams" }, { "docid": "6576950", "text": "Testify (Phil Collins album) Testify is the seventh solo studio album by English drummer and singer-songwriter Phil Collins. The album debuted at No. 30 on the American \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart, which was also the album's peak position. It was also the second Phil Collins studio album where no track peaked within the American top 40 singles chart. It was also his lowest charting album in the UK, becoming his only solo effort not to reach the Top 5. However, the album achieved success in some countries of Continental Europe. It is his second album not to be co-produced by", "title": "Testify (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "10761586", "text": "Neil and Stephen. His nephews Aidan and Chris were also riders but have both retired from the sport. Phil also has three daughters: Grace, Abby and Lilly Collins. Phil Collins (speedway rider) Philip David 'Phil' Collins (born 2 June 1960 in Manchester, England) is a former Speedway rider. He once finished runner-up with England in the World Team Cup final in 1984 and third in 1985. He was British Under-21 Champion in 1978. His transfer from Ellesmere Port to Cradley Heath in 1978 for £15,000 was a record transfer fee at the time. Phil has four brothers all of whom", "title": "Phil Collins (speedway rider)" }, { "docid": "1355470", "text": "and Craig Blundell of Steven Wilson and Frost*. According to Jason Bonham, his father \"respected Phil Collins’ drumming very much\" and one of his favorite songs was Genesis' \"Turn It On Again\", which he used to love playing with him. \"Modern Drummer\" readers voted for Collins every year between 1987 and 1991 as Pop/Mainstream Rock drummer of the year. In 2000, he was voted as Big Band drummer of the year. In 2012, he was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Collins is a left-handed drummer, and uses Gretsch drums, Noble & Cooley solid snare drums, Remo heads, Sabian cymbals", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "14307605", "text": "Sasha Spielberg Sasha Rebecca Spielberg (born May 14, 1990) is an American actress and musician. Spielberg was born in Los Angeles, the daughter of film director Steven Spielberg and actress Kate Capshaw. Her father is from an Orthodox Jewish family, whereas her mother is a Jewish convert. She is their first child together, although each have children from previous relationships. She has three sisters: Mikaela Spielberg, Destry Spielberg, and half-sister, actress Jessica Capshaw, as well as three brothers: Sawyer Spielberg, Theo Spielberg, and half-brother Max Spielberg. She has appeared in several of her father's movies, including \"Indiana Jones and the", "title": "Sasha Spielberg" }, { "docid": "639856", "text": "CBS started a new series, \"The Crazy Ones\", starring Williams, but the show was canceled after one season. The first film role credited to Robin Williams is a small part in the 1977 low-budget comedy \"Can I Do It... 'Til I Need Glasses?\". His first major performance is as the title character in \"Popeye\" (1980). There, Williams showcased the acting skills previously demonstrated in his television work; and the film's commercial disappointment was not blamed upon his role. He stars as the leading character in \"The World According to Garp\" (1982), which Williams considered \"may have lacked a certain madness", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "6596164", "text": "US as of July 2012. There are other greatest hits compilations of Phil Collins songs. Most recently, a collection of Collins more romantic songs were released on a two-disc compilation titled \"\". A live collection, \"Serious Hits... Live!\", was released in 1990. 1999's \"\", 2005's \"Platinum Collection\" and 2014's \"R-Kive\" were greatest hits collections by Collins' original group, Genesis. Finally, Collins recorded many of his most popular songs as big band recordings on the album \"A Hot Night in Paris\" with The Phil Collins Big Band. The compilation's cover features stylized versions of the cover art for Collins' first six", "title": "Hits (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "6907235", "text": "4-year retirement, before returning to the music industry in October 2015. By 2016, Collins remastered and reiussed all his studio albums and released his third compilation album, \"The Singles\". Phil Collins discography British drummer Phil Collins has released 8 studio albums, 1 live album, 3 compilation albums, 45 singles, 16 video albums, 38 music videos, 2 soundtrack albums, 2 box sets, and 1 remix album. A Grammy and Academy Award-winning solo artist, Collins has sold more than 34 million albums in the United States, and 150 million records worldwide. Collins' first solo album, \"Face Value\", was released in the United", "title": "Phil Collins discography" }, { "docid": "1355458", "text": "\"Phil Collins: One Night Only\", aired on ITV1 on 18 September 2010. Collins also promoted \"Going Back\" with his first and only appearance on the BBC's music series \"Later... with Jools Holland\", broadcast on 17 September 2010. In March 2010, Collins was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of Genesis at a ceremony in New York City. As of January 2011, Collins has spent 1,730 weeks in the German music charts—766 weeks of them with Genesis albums and singles and 964 weeks with solo releases. On 4 March 2011, citing health problems and other", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "371461", "text": "attempting to return home. \"E.T.\" went on to become the top-grossing film of all time. It was also nominated for nine Academy Awards including Best Picture and Best Director and it won 4 out of them. Between 1982 and 1985, Spielberg produced three high-grossing films: \"Poltergeist\" (for which he also co-wrote the screenplay), a big-screen adaptation of \"\" (for which he directed the segment \"Kick The Can\"), and \"The Goonies\" (Spielberg, executive producer, also wrote the story on which the screenplay was based). Spielberg appeared in a cameo on Cyndi Lauper's music video for the movie's theme song, \"The Goonies", "title": "Steven Spielberg" }, { "docid": "14684732", "text": "CD was ranked number 7 on the Zone Music Reporter radio charts for the months of June and July 2018. http://www.zonemusicreporter.com/charts/top100.asp In addition to her recording career, Spielberg served as an inaugural member of the 'Independent Music Awards' judging panel. Spielberg was added to the Steinway Artist roster in 1996. Spielberg tours both nationally and overseas. Performance highlights within the United States include three sold-out performances at the Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall (New York City). Overseas, she has toured South Korea three times appearing at KBS Hall, Seoul Arts Center and the LG Arts Center (2010). Spielberg is", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "7259832", "text": "The Platinum Collection (Phil Collins album) The Platinum Collection is a three-disc box set by English drummer and singer Phil Collins. It was released in May 2004. A separate version was released in Europe, which consisted of \"Face Value\", \"Both Sides\", and \"Testify\". The set consists of all three of Collins' #1 albums in the UK: \"Face Value\", \"No Jacket Required\" and \"...But Seriously\". The last two also reached #1 in the United States. \"This Platinum Collection\" is a full-length collection or records, which has Phil Collins best moments of his solo career starting the 80's. The individual albums featured", "title": "The Platinum Collection (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "1355407", "text": "Phil Collins Philip David Charles Collins (born 30 January 1951) is an English drummer, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and actor. He was the drummer and singer of the rock band Genesis and is also a solo artist. Between 1982 and 1989, Collins scored three UK and seven US number-one singles in his solo career. When his work with Genesis, his work with other artists, as well as his solo career is totalled, Collins had more US Top 40 singles than any other artist during the 1980s. His most successful singles from the period include \"In the Air Tonight\", \"Against", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1360434", "text": "\"Bridge of Spies\" that year, which would have been his 27th collaboration with director Steven Spielberg. However, in March 2015, it was announced that Thomas Newman would replace Williams for the film, as Williams's schedule was interrupted by a minor health issue and he became unavailable to score the film. This is the first Spielberg film since \"The Color Purple\" (1985) not scored by Williams. In 2016, Williams composed the score for Spielberg's \"The BFG\", which opened in July 2016. In March 2017, Williams scored the animated short film \"Dear Basketball\" directed by Glen Keane and based on a poem", "title": "John Williams" }, { "docid": "19826804", "text": "West Was Fun\" (1994). She appeared in a six-episode arc of \"Lonesome Dove: The Series\" between 1994 and 1995. In 2005, she appeared in a guest role on the Steven Spielberg-produced series \"Into the West\". In addition to her work in film and television, Collins has been an active member of the Calgary theater community for multiple decades. She served as the artistic director of the Pleiades Theatre from 1976 until 1990. Now the Vertigo Mystery Theatre, it is the only professional theatre company in Canada that produces a full season of mystery plays. In 2003, Collins was honored by", "title": "Georgie Collins" }, { "docid": "6907229", "text": "Phil Collins discography British drummer Phil Collins has released 8 studio albums, 1 live album, 3 compilation albums, 45 singles, 16 video albums, 38 music videos, 2 soundtrack albums, 2 box sets, and 1 remix album. A Grammy and Academy Award-winning solo artist, Collins has sold more than 34 million albums in the United States, and 150 million records worldwide. Collins' first solo album, \"Face Value\", was released in the United Kingdom in February 1981 and reached number one in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Sweden. It was also certified 5-times Platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI). The album's", "title": "Phil Collins discography" }, { "docid": "13057829", "text": "Wake Up Call (Phil Collins song) \"Wake Up Call\" is a double A-side 2003 single release by English drummer Phil Collins from his seventh solo album \"Testify\", released in 2002. The song was released in a double A-side format alongside \"The Least You Can Do\". The music video made for \"Wake Up Call\", showed Collins waking early and going around Switzerland giving a wake-up call to local residents. Before long, a crowd gathers to follow him and starts to pester him with questions, of which the last question enquires about a possible Genesis reunion, to which Collins shakes his head", "title": "Wake Up Call (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "12459813", "text": "Everyday (Phil Collins song) \"Everyday\" is a ballad pop song by Phil Collins released as the second single of his fifth studio album, \"Both Sides\". It was also released as the seventh track on the 2004 compilation album, \"\". The single achieved success mostly in North America in the spring of 1994. Due to the disappointing US performance of the first single of the album, \"Both Sides of the Story\", which only peaked at number 25 on \"Billboard\" Hot 100, Collins' record label urged the release of the second single. The decision proved right as the single peaked one place", "title": "Everyday (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "1355520", "text": "visited Miami Beach, Florida, to promote the expansion of his foundation. Collins supports the South African charity \"Topsy Foundation\", which provides relief services to some of South Africa's most under-resourced rural communities through a multi-faceted approach to the consequences of HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty. He donates all the royalties earned from his music sales in South Africa to the organisation. Phil Collins Philip David Charles Collins (born 30 January 1951) is an English drummer, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and actor. He was the drummer and singer of the rock band Genesis and is also a solo artist. Between 1982", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355509", "text": "his official Facebook page, \"Phil suffers from ‘drop foot’ as a result of a back operation which makes it difficult to walk. He rose in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and slipped in his hotel room, hitting his head in the fall on a chair. He was taken to hospital where he had stitches for a severe gash on his head close to his eye.\" In 2018, reports indicated that Collins walked with the assistance of a cane and had performed recent concerts while sitting in a chair. Collins has received several honorary degrees in", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "6902916", "text": "Chronicle\" thought that \"Take Me Home\" was one of the few songs that \"[rose] above the crowd [on the album]\". \"Take Me Home\" appeared on the opening episode of the second season of popular Miami-based crime show \"Miami Vice\", much like Collins' own \"In the Air Tonight\" appeared in the series premiere a year earlier. The song was included on the \"Miami Vice II\" soundtrack album. The song was also the closing theme song for the World Wrestling Federation's television show, \"Saturday Night's Main Event\" for several years in the late 1980s. \"Take Me Home\" appeared on the Phil Collins", "title": "Take Me Home (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "1355512", "text": "\"Vote Labour. If you don't and the Tories get in, Phil Collins is threatening to come back and live here. And let's face it, none of us want that.\" However, Collins has since stated that although he did once claim many years earlier that he might leave Britain if most of his income was taken in tax, which was Labour Party policy at that time for top earners, he has never been a Conservative Party supporter and he left Britain for Switzerland in 1994 purely because he started a relationship with a woman who lived there. He said of Gallagher:", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355483", "text": "Aid, playing first at Wembley, then flying over to Philadelphia via Concorde, just to make sure no one in the U.S. got off lightly. By the early 1990s, Phil phatigue had really set in.\" Appraising Collins's legacy in a 2013 review of the \"American Psycho\" musical (adapted from a 2000 film incorporating his music), \"The Guardian\" critic Tom Service described Collins as \"un-stomachable\" and his music as \"perfectly vacuous\". He also compared him unfavourably with pop contemporaries such as the Pet Shop Boys and the Human League, whose music he said had endured far more successfully. Service described Collins's most", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "7987387", "text": "seventy award-winning and best-selling books\", published by Peachpit Press, Berkeley, CA. <br> Titles by Williams, Robin (writing alone under that name, except as noted). <br> Titles by Williams, Robin, writing with Tollett, John (and, as noted, others). <br> With Cohen, Sandee. Available for electronic download by Williams, Robin. publisher: Peachpit Press, Berkeley Robin Williams (writer) Robin Patricia Williams (born October 9, 1953) is an American educator who has authored many popular computer-related books, as well as the book \"Sweet Swan of Avon: Did a Woman Write Shakespeare?\". Among her computer books are manuals of style \"The Mac is Not a", "title": "Robin Williams (writer)" }, { "docid": "6907414", "text": "Phil in the studio except for Bryant, Lawson, Mahon, White and Odom Jr. Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins The following are the musicians who have performed with pop singer Phil Collins during Collins's solo career. This does not necessarily include any of the musicians who performed with Collins alongside Genesis. This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in 2017/2018 during the Not Dead Yet Tour. This is a list of performers who performed with Collins during the 2016 concerts: This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in support of his 2002 album,", "title": "Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355449", "text": "performed all the vocal and instrumental parts at his home studio, using rough vocal takes for the final product. The album was not as well received by radio. Its two biggest hits were \"Both Sides of the Story\" and \"Everyday\". In 1995, Collins turned down the chance to contribute to \"Tower of Song\", an album of covers of Leonard Cohen songs, due to his touring commitments. Collins left Genesis in March 1996 to focus on his solo career. He formed the Phil Collins Big Band with himself on drums. The band performed jazz renditions of songs from Genesis and his", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355412", "text": "Collins, who would later become a noted cartoonist. He was given a toy drum kit for Christmas when he was five. Later, his uncle made him a makeshift set that he used regularly. As Collins grew older, these were followed by more complete sets bought by his parents. He practiced by playing with music on the television and radio. According to Barbara Speake, founder of the eponymous stage school Collins later attended, \"Phil was always special; aged five he entered a Butlins talent contest singing Davy Crockett, but he stopped the orchestra halfway through to tell them they were in", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "7813203", "text": "Robin and Linda Williams Robin and Linda Williams are a husband-and-wife singer-songwriter folk music duo from Virginia. They met in South Carolina in 1971, and began performing in 1973. The Williamses appeared on Garrison Keillor's \"A Prairie Home Companion\" radio show from 1975. The duo were members of the Hopeful Gospel Quartet with Keillor and Kate MacKenzie. After touring with Mary Chapin Carpenter in 1993, the pair later sang on her Grammy Award-winning album \"Stones in the Road\". \"Sugar for Sugar\" spent 11 weeks in the top 20 of the Americana Chart in the \"Gavin Report\" in 1996. In 2004,", "title": "Robin and Linda Williams" }, { "docid": "639855", "text": "one-man show (and subsequent DVD) \"Robin Williams: Live on Broadway\" (2002). He was voted 13th on Comedy Central's list \"100 Greatest Stand-ups of All Time\" in 2004. Williams and Billy Crystal were in an unscripted cameo at the beginning of an episode of the third season of \"Friends\". His many TV appearances included an episode of \"Whose Line Is It Anyway?\", and he starred in an episode of \"\". In 2010, he appeared in a sketch with Robert De Niro on \"Saturday Night Live\", and in 2012, guest-starred as himself in two FX series, \"Louie\" and \"Wilfred\". In May 2013,", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "14684730", "text": "the Arms of the Wind\" (1997). Additional titles subsequently released by North Star include \"Mother\" (1999) and \"Spa Piano\" (2007). The former is a collaboration with singers Cathie Ryan and Susan McKeown featuring songs celebrating motherhood. When North Star folded in 2011, Spielberg bought back the masters for her albums released under that label. Beginning in 2000, Spielberg started releasing albums under her own playMountain Music label. Titles released under playMountain Music are \"Beautiful Dreamer\" (2000), \"Dreaming of Summer\" (2000), \"The Christmas Collection\" (2002), \"American Chanukah\" (2002), \"With a Song in My Heart\" (2004), \"Memories of Utopia\" (2005), \"A New", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "10761585", "text": "Phil Collins (speedway rider) Philip David 'Phil' Collins (born 2 June 1960 in Manchester, England) is a former Speedway rider. He once finished runner-up with England in the World Team Cup final in 1984 and third in 1985. He was British Under-21 Champion in 1978. His transfer from Ellesmere Port to Cradley Heath in 1978 for £15,000 was a record transfer fee at the time. Phil has four brothers all of whom were speedway riders, 1976 World Champion Peter, Les who finished second behind defending champion and home town hero Bruce Penhall at the 1982 World Final in Los Angeles,", "title": "Phil Collins (speedway rider)" }, { "docid": "6902918", "text": "of Phil Collins’ 'Take Me Home,' all militant stomp buried under ambient noise,\" said Sam Lansky of \"Time\" magazine. \"Her voice soars and crashes over the glitchy, stuttering beat.\" In 2016, the song was prominently used in a scene from the season 2 premiere episode of USA's television series \"Mr. Robot\", in which an executive of the show's villainous corporation is blackmailed into publicly burning $5.9 million of his own company's money. All songs were written by Phil Collins, except where noted. Take Me Home (Phil Collins song) \"Take Me Home\" is a song written and performed by English drummer", "title": "Take Me Home (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "1355485", "text": "disdain for Collins in an article titled, \"Is It Time We All Stopped Hating Phil Collins?\" He described Collins as \"the go-to guy for ironic appreciation and guilty pleasures\" and stated he was responsible for \"some moments of true genius (often accompanied, it must be said, by some real stinkers)\". He also argued that \"Genesis turned shit at the precise point he jumped off the drum stool\" to replace the departing Peter Gabriel as frontman, and said of the unrelenting derision he has suffered, \"a lot of it he brings on himself.\" He said that Collins was \"responsible for some", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "13057830", "text": "and makes a funny face. However, he did re-unite with the band in 2007 for . The song failed to make a huge impact on the charts, suffering from the poor reception \"Testify\" received upon release. All instruments played by Phil Collins except: Wake Up Call (Phil Collins song) \"Wake Up Call\" is a double A-side 2003 single release by English drummer Phil Collins from his seventh solo album \"Testify\", released in 2002. The song was released in a double A-side format alongside \"The Least You Can Do\". The music video made for \"Wake Up Call\", showed Collins waking early", "title": "Wake Up Call (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "1355498", "text": "substantial and his hits so profuse that it feels myopic to dismiss him merely as a haughty purveyor of tortured, romantic ballads for the middle income world.\" \"Rolling Stone\" journalist Erik Hedegaard expressed disapproval of the widespread criticism which Collins has received, suggesting that he has been \"unfairly and inexplicably vilified\". Martin C. Strong stated in 2011 that \"the enigmatic and amiable Phil Collins has had his fair share of mockers and critics over the years, although one thing is sure, and that is his dexterity and undeniable talent\". In a piece the following year, titled \"10 Much-Mocked Artists It's", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "371525", "text": "Steven Spielberg has greatly influenced the public, think about how many will think for a second before going into the water this summer.\" Spielberg usually supports U.S. Democratic Party candidates. He has donated over $800,000 to the Democratic party and its nominees. He has been a close friend of former President Bill Clinton and worked with the President for the USA Millennium celebrations. He directed an 18-minute film for the project, scored by John Williams and entitled \"The American Journey\". It was shown at America's Millennium Gala on December 31, 1999, in the National Mall at the Reflecting Pool at", "title": "Steven Spielberg" }, { "docid": "14684733", "text": "signed with Sony/ATV Music Publishing in Asia and her piece \"An Improvisation on the Canon in D\" is used in the soundtrack of the South Korean television drama series \"Winter Sonata\" In January 2015 Spielberg began opening for the renowned songwriter Jimmy Webb at the Sharp Theater, Mahwah, New Jersey, both are represented by Kosson Talent. The importance of music therapy is a recurring theme throughout Spielberg's career. She is a national celebrity artist spokesperson for the American Music Therapy Association. As spokesperson, Spielberg often conducts seminars and workshops on the transformative power of music in hospitals, schools and community", "title": "Robin Spielberg" }, { "docid": "20372101", "text": "was released in September, with a list of those interviewed released as well. Prior to its October 7 airing on the HBO channel, the documentary was screened at the 2017 New York Film Festival. On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 91% based on 35 reviews and an average rating of 7.6/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"\"Spielberg\" takes a behind-the-scenes look at one of modern cinema's most spellbinding talents, with absorbing — albeit somewhat uncritical — results.\" On Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating to reviews, the film has a weighted average score", "title": "Spielberg (film)" }, { "docid": "13297933", "text": "No Way Out (Phil Collins song) \"No Way Out\" is a song by the English drummer Phil Collins from the \"Brother Bear\" film soundtrack. Two different versions of the song are placed onto the Brother Bear soundtrack. One is 4:18 minutes long and rock-driven, while the other is 2:37 minutes long and a more mellow keyboard-driven version. The scene where the song is heard sees Kenai being forced to tell Koda that he killed his mother when he was a human. He is remorseful but Koda looks horrified and runs away in fear. GenesisNews said the song is a \"compact...strong", "title": "No Way Out (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "7259833", "text": "several of Collins' most successful singles, including \"In the Air Tonight\", \"One More Night\" and \"Another Day in Paradise\". The collection sold approximately 200,000 copies. The Platinum Collection (Phil Collins album) The Platinum Collection is a three-disc box set by English drummer and singer Phil Collins. It was released in May 2004. A separate version was released in Europe, which consisted of \"Face Value\", \"Both Sides\", and \"Testify\". The set consists of all three of Collins' #1 albums in the UK: \"Face Value\", \"No Jacket Required\" and \"...But Seriously\". The last two also reached #1 in the United States. \"This", "title": "The Platinum Collection (Phil Collins album)" }, { "docid": "1355499", "text": "Time We Forgave\", \"New Musical Express\" critic Anna Conrad said Collins had been portrayed as a \"villain\", and wrote: \"Was the bile really justified? ... come on, admit it. You've air drummed to 'In the Air Tonight', and loved it.\" \"Guardian\" journalist Dave Simpson wrote a complimentary article in 2013; while acknowledging \"few pop figures have become as successful and yet reviled as Phil Collins\", he argued \"it's about time we recognised Collins's vast influence as one of the godfathers of popular culture\". Collins was married to Andrea Bertorelli from 1975 to 1980. They met as 11-year-old students in a", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355481", "text": "right-wing political leanings. Caroline Sullivan, a music critic of \"The Guardian\", referred to his cumulative negative publicity in her 2007 article \"I wish I'd never heard of Phil Collins\", writing that it was difficult for her to hear his work \"without being riven by distaste for the man himself\". According to Jeff Shannon in \"The Seattle Times\", Collins is the \"target of much \"South Park\" derision\". A \"New Musical Express\" writer also observed the series' \"endless lampooning\" of Collins. Several critics have commented on Collins's omnipresence, especially in the 1980s and early 1990s. Journalist Frank DiGiacomo wrote a 1999 piece", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "8056553", "text": "the filming of \"\". The film is dedicated to him, Rita MacNeil, Brian Huggins, and Bill Parsons. Richard Collins (actor) Richard Collins (1947 – April 15, 2013) was a Canadian actor. He was best known for playing Philadelphia \"Phil\" Collins in the comedy series \"Trailer Park Boys\". In 2011, he also appeared as Big Ron in \"The Drunk and On Drugs Happy Fun Time Hour\". He also appeared in the episode 'Loveliner' of the series Lexx. Collins was born in St. John's, Newfoundland (now Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada), and lived in Halifax, Nova Scotia for most of his life. He", "title": "Richard Collins (actor)" }, { "docid": "639892", "text": "and out of the film industry. Director Chris Columbus, who directed Williams in \"Mrs. Doubtfire\", says that watching him work \"was a magical and special privilege. His performances were unlike anything any of us had ever seen, they came from some spiritual and otherworldly place.\" Looking over most of his filmography, Alyssa Rosenberg at \"The Washington Post\" was \"struck by the breadth\" and radical diversity of most of his roles, writing that \"Williams helped us grow up.\" Janet Hirshenson later revealed in an interview that Robin Williams had expressed interest in portraying Rubeus Hagrid in the \"Harry Potter\" films, but", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "6907413", "text": "Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins The following are the musicians who have performed with pop singer Phil Collins during Collins's solo career. This does not necessarily include any of the musicians who performed with Collins alongside Genesis. This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in 2017/2018 during the Not Dead Yet Tour. This is a list of performers who performed with Collins during the 2016 concerts: This is a list of performers who toured with Collins in support of his 2002 album, \"Testify,\" during the First Final Farewell Tour. All past touring members worked with", "title": "Touring and studio musicians of Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "371483", "text": "for a performance directed by Spielberg. It was announced on May 2, 2013, that Spielberg would direct the film about the story of U.S. sniper Chris Kyle, titled \"American Sniper\". However, on August 5, 2013, it was announced that Spielberg had decided not to direct the film, which was instead directed by Clint Eastwood. Spielberg directed 2015's \"Bridge of Spies\", a Cold War thriller based on the 1960 U-2 incident, and focusing on James B. Donovan's negotiations with the Soviets for the release of pilot Gary Powers after his aircraft was shot down over Soviet territory. The film starred Tom", "title": "Steven Spielberg" }, { "docid": "1355466", "text": "defined progressive rock drumming, American drummer Rich Lackowski wrote: \"Phil Collins's grooves in early Genesis recordings paved the way for many talented drummers to come. His ability to make the drums bark with musicality and to communicate so convincingly in odd time signatures left many a drummer tossing on the headphones and playing along to Phil's lead.\" In 2014, readers of \"Rhythm\" voted Collins the fourth most influential progressive rock drummer for his work on the 1974 Genesis album \"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway\". In 2015, MusicRadar named Collins one of the six pioneers of progressive rock drumming. In", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "1355424", "text": "Top 10 and U.S. Top 40 single, \"Follow You Follow Me\". In 1975, Collins sang and played drums, vibraphone and percussion on Hackett's first solo album, \"Voyage of the Acolyte\"; performed on Eno's albums \"Another Green World\", \"Before and After Science\", and \"Music for Films\"; and replaced drummer Phil Spinelli of the jazz fusion group Brand X before recording their 1976 debut album, \"Unorthodox Behaviour\". His time with Brand X gave Collins his first opportunity to use a drum machine and a home 8-track tape machine. He sang on Anthony Phillips' solo album \"The Geese & the Ghost\", and the", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "371534", "text": "Summer Gala of the Chicago International Film Festival, and also was awarded a Kennedy Center honour on December 3. The tribute to Spielberg featured a short, filmed biography narrated by Liam Neeson and included thank-yous from World War II veterans for \"Saving Private Ryan\", as well as a performance of the finale to Leonard Bernstein's \"Candide\", conducted by John Williams (Spielberg's frequent composer). The Science Fiction Hall of Fame inducted Spielberg in 2005, the first year it considered non-literary contributors. In November 2007, he was chosen for a Lifetime Achievement Award to be presented at the sixth annual Visual Effects", "title": "Steven Spielberg" }, { "docid": "19845297", "text": "which, however, do not comply with the same principles of religiosity, for example. Robin Murphy Williams Robin Murphy Williams (October 11, 1914 – June 3, 2006) was an American sociologist who is primarily known for defining 12 core values commonly shared among people of the United States. Williams was born on October 11, 1914, in the city of Hillsborough, North Carolina. He graduated from North Carolina State College in 1933 at the age of 19 before going on earn an M.A. at Harvard University in 1939 and his PhD from the same establishment in 1943. Following the work and studies", "title": "Robin Murphy Williams" }, { "docid": "639890", "text": "valued the way he worked highly personal issues into his comedy routines, especially his honesty about drug and alcohol addiction, along with depression. According to media scholar Derek A. Burrill, because of the openness with which Williams spoke about his own life, \"probably the most important contribution he made to pop culture, across so many different media, was as Robin Williams the person.\" Williams created a signature free-form persona in comedy, in a style that was so widely and uniquely identified with him, that new comedians imitated Williams personally. Jim Carrey impersonated his Mork character early in his own career.", "title": "Robin Williams" }, { "docid": "13317805", "text": "Phil Williams (boxer) Phil Williams, alias \"The Drill\", (born July 12, 1977) is an American cruiserweight southpaw professional boxer. Williams was born in Queens, New York City. He moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota as a child, and still lives in Minneapolis where he works as a barber. Williams claims to have compiled an amateur record of 31-4. Williams made his professional debut in April 2006 with a first-round TKO defeat of Jason Medina. Williams won his first eight bouts, all by knockout or TKO, losing for the first time to 14-0-1 Marcus Oliveira in August 2008. In that fight Williams knocked", "title": "Phil Williams (boxer)" }, { "docid": "6902911", "text": "Take Me Home (Phil Collins song) \"Take Me Home\" is a song written and performed by English drummer singer-songwriter Phil Collins. It is the tenth and final track on Collins' third solo album, \"No Jacket Required\". Collins co-produced the song with Hugh Padgham and released it as a single in the UK in July 1985 and the U.S. in March 1986. It did moderately well in the UK, peaking at No. 19. While it was not as successful as other singles from the album, such as \"Sussudio\" or \"One More Night\" in the US, it still reached the top 10,", "title": "Take Me Home (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "13317806", "text": "Oliveira down in the third and sixth rounds, but ran out of gas and was knocked out in the seventh round of an eight-round bout. To date Williams has compiled a professional record of 15-8-2 with 14 knockouts. On February 27, 2016, Williams, age 38, boxing at cruiserweight, was knocked out by rising prospect Michael Hunter in the first round. Williums just lost in Hinckley Mn. Williams knocks out Marcus Upshaw (two videos): Phil Williams (boxer) Phil Williams, alias \"The Drill\", (born July 12, 1977) is an American cruiserweight southpaw professional boxer. Williams was born in Queens, New York City.", "title": "Phil Williams (boxer)" }, { "docid": "11198073", "text": "every Sunday. Phil Williams supports Aston Villa F.C.. Phil Williams (presenter) Phil Williams (born 2 August 1974) is a British radio news reporter and presenter. He has presented the late evening show (MondayWednesday, 10:30pm1am) on 5 Live since 13 May 2013. A graduate of the BBC trainee reporters scheme, Williams soon joined the corporation's Greater Manchester Radio (GMR) station as a newsreader and presenter. His time at the station included reporting in the immediate aftermath of a Provisional Irish Republican Army bombing in the city. Three years in a similar role at Radio 1 followed before Williams transferred to Radio", "title": "Phil Williams (presenter)" }, { "docid": "8033252", "text": "Joely Collins Joely Collins (born August 8, 1972) is a Canadian-English actress and producer. She is the daughter of Andrea Bertorelli and English musician Phil Collins. Born and raised largely in Vancouver, British Columbia, Collins studied at the Vancouver Youth Theatre, and later at London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. She was named Canada's \"Best Leading Actress\" at the age of 22 for her work on the television series \"Madison\". She appeared on the long-running drama \"Cold Squad\". In 2009, she co-founded StoryLab Productions and produced the award-winning feature film \"Becoming Redwood\". Collins won the award for Best Actress in", "title": "Joely Collins" }, { "docid": "1355473", "text": "Patrick Bateman (played by Christian Bale) portrayed as an obsessive fan who reads deep meaning into his work, especially with Genesis, while describing his solo music as \"...more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way.\" Bateman delivers a monologue praising Collins and Genesis during a sequence in which he engages the services of two prostitutes while playing \"In Too Deep\" and \"Sussudio\". Collins twice hosted the Billboard Music Awards on television, which were produced and directed by his longtime music video and TV special collaborators, Paul Flattery and Jim Yukich of FYI (Flattery Yukich Inc). He also appeared", "title": "Phil Collins" }, { "docid": "6897705", "text": "One More Night (Phil Collins song) \"One More Night\" is the first single in the United States and second in the United Kingdom from Phil Collins' third album, the Diamond-certified \"No Jacket Required\". \"One More Night\" was Phil Collins' second U.S. No. 1 single, following \"Against All Odds\", and was his fourth single to reach the top ten in the UK, peaking at No. 4 on the singles chart. In the U.S., the single entered the Billboard Hot 100 at number 50 on the chart dated February 9, 1985. It hit number one seven weeks later and remained on top", "title": "One More Night (Phil Collins song)" }, { "docid": "1355475", "text": "programme, which was originally pulled from broadcast but eventually rescheduled. Collins said he had taken part in the programme \"in good faith for the public benefit\", believing it to be \"a public service programme that would be going around schools and colleges in a bid to stem child abduction and abuse\". Collins also accused the makers of the programme of \"some serious taste problems\" and warned it would prevent celebrities from supporting \"public spirited causes\" in the future. Collins appeared as himself in the 2006 PSP and PS2 video game \"\". Set in 1984, he appears in three missions in", "title": "Phil Collins" } ]
Theodore Francis international airport is in which US state?
[ "RhodeIsland", "Villages of rhode island", "Rogue's Island", "Rhode Island Treasurer", "Rhode Island (U.S. state)", "Education in Rhode Island", "Rhode Island General Treasurer", "Rhode island agriculture", "Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations", "Demographics of Rhode Island", "Rhode island and providence plantations", "Rhode Island (state)", "State of Rhode Island", "R.I.", "Little Rhody", "Rhode Island Governor's Mansion", "The Ocean State", "Rhode Islanders", "Rhode Islander", "Symbols of Rhode Island", "Transport in Rhode Island", "Villages of Rhode Island", "Rhode Island and Providence Plantations", "R I", "R.i.", "Rhode Island", "Geography of Rhode Island", "Rhode Island Villages", "Religion in Rhode Island", "13th State", "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations", "Ocean State", "Culture of Rhode Island", "State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations", "Rode Island", "Rhode Island, United States", "Sports in Rhode Island", "Economy of Rhode Island", "Rhode island", "Transportation in Rhode Island", "Climate of Rhode Island", "Thirteenth State", "US-RI", "Rhode Island cuisine", "RI", "Road Island" ]
[ { "docid": "1932209", "text": "T. F. Green Airport T. F. Green International Airport (officially Theodore Francis Green Memorial State Airport) is a public international airport in Warwick, Rhode Island, six miles (10 km) south of the state's capital and largest city of Providence. Opened in 1931, the airport was named for former Rhode Island governor and longtime senator Theodore Francis Green. Rebuilt in 1996, the renovated main terminal was named for former Rhode Island governor Bruce Sundlun. It was the first state-owned airport in the United States. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2017–2021 categorized it as a", "title": "T. F. Green Airport" }, { "docid": "1932239", "text": "departed the left side of runway 5 after a hard landing by an unstabilized approach. Although the aircraft sustained substantial damage, none of the 31 passengers and crew aboard were injured. T. F. Green Airport T. F. Green International Airport (officially Theodore Francis Green Memorial State Airport) is a public international airport in Warwick, Rhode Island, six miles (10 km) south of the state's capital and largest city of Providence. Opened in 1931, the airport was named for former Rhode Island governor and longtime senator Theodore Francis Green. Rebuilt in 1996, the renovated main terminal was named for former Rhode", "title": "T. F. Green Airport" } ]
[ { "docid": "7006283", "text": "Avey Field State Airport Avey Field State Airport is a public use airport located on the Canada–US border at Laurier, in Ferry County, Washington, United States. It is privately owned and operated. Also known as Avey Field State/Laurier Airport, it is one of six airports that straddle the Canada–US border. The others are Whetstone International Airport, Coutts/Ross International Airport, International Peace Garden Airport, Piney Pinecreek Border Airport, and Coronach/Scobey Border Station Airport. The airport is shared by the State of Washington and the Province of British Columbia. Both the United States Customs Service and Canada Border Services Agency have offices", "title": "Avey Field State Airport" }, { "docid": "7006286", "text": "animals) is recommended. The field is usually open from June 1 to October 1. For the 12-month period ending December 31, 2006, the airport had 800 general aviation aircraft operations, an average of 66 per month. Avey Field State Airport Avey Field State Airport is a public use airport located on the Canada–US border at Laurier, in Ferry County, Washington, United States. It is privately owned and operated. Also known as Avey Field State/Laurier Airport, it is one of six airports that straddle the Canada–US border. The others are Whetstone International Airport, Coutts/Ross International Airport, International Peace Garden Airport, Piney", "title": "Avey Field State Airport" }, { "docid": "6838118", "text": "Whetstone International Airport Whetstone International Airport or Del Bonita/Whetstone International Airport is a public use airport at the Canada–US border, in Port of Del Bonita, Glacier County, Montana, south of Del Bonita, Cardston County, Alberta. The airport is owned by the U.S. state of Montana and is operated by the Montana Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division. It is located northwest of the city of Cut Bank, Montana. The airport has a runway located on the border, with aircraft tie down areas in Canada and in the United States. It is classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and", "title": "Whetstone International Airport" }, { "docid": "20642062", "text": "airport development was expected to be followed by the construction of a new State House, parliament building, ministry buildings, court houses and other support facilities. The developments were intended to improve Sierra Leone's competitiveness as the country prepares to become a middle income country by 2035. Other related development projects are the planned bridging of \"Tagrin Bay\", which separates Freetown from the peninsula on which Lungi International Airport is located, and the ongoing expansion of the port of Freetown. China Railway International Group had been contracted to build the airport at a cost of US$318 million, borrowed from the Exim", "title": "Mamamah International Airport" }, { "docid": "3277237", "text": "Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport , formerly known as Dickinson Municipal Airport, is a public use airport located five nautical miles (6 mi, 9 km) south of the central business district of Dickinson, in Stark County, North Dakota, United States. It is owned by the Dickinson Airport Authority. The airport serves western North Dakota, eastern Montana and northwest South Dakota, home to Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The airport is served by one airline, United Express, flying an Embraer Regional-Jet (ERJ) to Denver. Delta Connection flew to Minneapolis-St. Paul but ended service on November 30, 2015,", "title": "Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport" }, { "docid": "1914751", "text": "Diego International Airport entered the blogosphere with the launch of the first employee blog–the Ambassablog–for a major US airport. Written by front-line employees, the blog features regular posts on airport activities, events, and initiatives; reader comments; and several multimedia and interactive features. It has been presented as a case study in employee blogging to several public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. In February 2008, San Diego International Airport was one of the first major airports in the US to adopt a formal sustainability policy, which expresses the airport's commitment to a four-layer approach to sustainability known as", "title": "San Diego International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838114", "text": "Coutts/Ross International Airport Coutts/Ross International Airport is located west of Coutts, Alberta, Canada and west of Sweet Grass, Montana, United States. Ross International Airport is owned by the U.S. state of Montana and is operated by the Montana Aeronautics Division. Its runway is located on the Canada–US border. The airport is classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and is staffed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). CBSA officers at this airport can handle general aviation aircraft only, with no more than 15 passengers. The airport covers an area of at an elevation of above mean sea", "title": "Coutts/Ross International Airport" }, { "docid": "8801369", "text": "Pohnpei International Airport Pohnpei International Airport is an airport located on Pohnpei Island (formerly Ponape), the main island of Pohnpei State. It is close to the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. The extension of the Pohnpei International Airport began in 2009, and it was anticipated that it would be completed in 2011. The Japanese Government has agreed to provide about US $29 million for the entire project. The project includes extending the runway by 228m and improving the terminal facilities and apron. Enhancements will help prevent problems such as when a Boeing 727 cargo jet overran the runway", "title": "Pohnpei International Airport" }, { "docid": "8801367", "text": "Pohnpei International Airport Pohnpei International Airport is an airport located on Pohnpei Island (formerly Ponape), the main island of Pohnpei State. It is close to the capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. The extension of the Pohnpei International Airport began in 2009, and it was anticipated that it would be completed in 2011. The Japanese Government has agreed to provide about US $29 million for the entire project. The project includes extending the runway by 228m and improving the terminal facilities and apron. Enhancements will help prevent problems such as when a Boeing 727 cargo jet overran the runway", "title": "Pohnpei International Airport" }, { "docid": "10166701", "text": "flights to the airport, as it was constructed to accommodate a US Customs Service-regulation facility for potential international passengers. Griffiss International Airport Griffiss International Airport is a public airport located one mile (2 km) east of the central business district of Rome, a city in Oneida County, New York, United States. This airport is publicly owned by County of Oneida. It is located on the former site of Griffiss Air Force Base, which closed in 1995. Operations from the Oneida County Airport in Oriskany, New York were transferred here in 2006, after which the county closed that airport in January", "title": "Griffiss International Airport" }, { "docid": "5462399", "text": "measuring . In recent years, it has become one of the fastest growing airports in the country thanks to new seasonal flights from Canada and the US: in 2016, it handled 662,780 passengers and in 2017 it handled 776,632 passengers, a yearly increase of over 17%. Bahías de Huatulco International Airport Bahías de Huatulco International Airport () is an international airport located at Huatulco, in the state of Oaxaca on Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the southern and southeastern Pacific coast of Oaxaca state. It is one of nine airports in southeast Mexico operated by", "title": "Bahías de Huatulco International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838115", "text": "level. It has one runway designated 7/25 with a turf surface measuring . For the 12-month period ending August 23, 2008, the airport had 25 general aviation aircraft operations, an average of 2 per month. Coutts/Ross International Airport Coutts/Ross International Airport is located west of Coutts, Alberta, Canada and west of Sweet Grass, Montana, United States. Ross International Airport is owned by the U.S. state of Montana and is operated by the Montana Aeronautics Division. Its runway is located on the Canada–US border. The airport is classified as an airport of entry by Nav Canada and is staffed by the", "title": "Coutts/Ross International Airport" }, { "docid": "1910545", "text": "Pittsburgh International Airport Pittsburgh International Airport , formerly Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, is a civil–military international airport in the eastern United States, in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is located in Findlay and Moon townships of Allegheny County, about west of downtown Pittsburgh, at an approximate elevation of above sea level. It was built to replace Allegheny County Airport, which was closer to Pittsburgh but too small to handle the growing passenger traffic. The new airport construction began in 1946 and opened in 1952. Over the decades, passenger traffic increased for the airport, especially as US Airways developed it", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "1372752", "text": "Queen Beatrix International Airport Queen Beatrix International Airport (Dutch: \"Internationale luchthaven Koningin Beatrix\"; Papiamento: \"Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix\"), is an international airport located in Oranjestad, Aruba. It has flight services to the United States, Trinidad and Tobago, most countries in the Caribbean, the northern coastal countries of South America, Canada, and some parts of Europe, notably the Netherlands. It is named after Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, the now-retired Queen and former head of state of Aruba. The airport offers US Border Pre-clearance facilities. A terminal for private aircraft opened in 2007. This airport used to serve as the hub", "title": "Queen Beatrix International Airport" }, { "docid": "1932222", "text": "on July 21, 2011) has two concourses, North and South. The South Concourse has eight gates and the North Concourse has 14. Gates seven and eight are designed for international arrivals and are directly connected to customs, which is on the lower level of the concourse. The terminal contains a number of stores and restaurants, and a central food court. Theodore Francis Green State Airport covers at an elevation of 55 feet (17 m). It has two asphalt runways: 5/23 is 8,700 by 150 feet (2,652 x 46 m) and 16/34 is 6,081 by 150 feet (1,853 x 46 m).", "title": "T. F. Green Airport" }, { "docid": "20266787", "text": "of India's holiest shrines, is 48 km from proposed Airport. Once commissioned, Sabari International Airport would be the fifth international airport in the State after Trivandrum International Airport, Calicut International Airport, Cochin International Airport and Kannur International Airport. The Sabarigiri International Airport is the 5th International Airport to be proposed in Kerala. The government approved the project on 19 June 2017. The airport construction will begin immediately if court verdicts in favor of Government of Kerala.The ownership dispute regarding the Cheruvally estate is pending before the High Court. As per the settlement register, which is the basic revenue record, it", "title": "Sabarigiri International Airport" }, { "docid": "13975312", "text": "designed by Singaporean-US design consulting firm CPG-PAE. After four years work the airport operated its inaugural flight on 15 December 2012. Phu Quoc International Airport Phu Quoc International Airport (Vietnamese: \"Sân bay quốc tế Phú Quốc\" or \"Cảng hàng không quốc tế Phú Quốc\") is an international airport which was completed in 2012 on Phú Quốc Island, in southern Vietnam. The airport covers nearly 900ha in Duong To village, Phú Quốc island-district, Kiên Giang Province having been built at a cost of around VND 16.2 trillion (US$810 million) and is planned to be built in phases. The airport is 10", "title": "Phu Quoc International Airport" }, { "docid": "5788438", "text": "Wilmington International Airport Wilmington International Airport is a public airport located just north of Wilmington, North Carolina, in unincorporated Wrightsboro, Cape Fear Township, New Hanover County. ILM covers 1,800 acres (728 ha). During the calendar year 2017, there were 420,571 enplanements and 416,018 deplanements at ILM; totaling 836,589 passengers. The airport has two runways and a single terminal which has eight gates. The airport is also home to a fixed-base operation (FBO). There is a 24-hour US Customs and Border Protection ramp for international flights wishing to stop at the airport. The separate terminal was built to serve the international", "title": "Wilmington International Airport" }, { "docid": "20287859", "text": "Thiruvambady International Airport Thiruvambady International Airport is a proposed airport project near Thiruvambady, about 35 km (22 mi) from Kozhikode City in the state of Kerala in India. The State Government of Kerala has directed the district collectors of Kozhikode and Malappuram districts to conduct and submit a viability report of the project. The Calicut International Airport at Karipur, which currently serves the region cannot be expanded because it is located on a table top. Hence, the Airport Authority of India (AAI), which operates the airport has declined to resume wide-body aircraft operations leading to a reduction in revenues from", "title": "Thiruvambady International Airport" }, { "docid": "733222", "text": "of the new passenger terminal opened in May 2015. The airport is located northwest of the state capital city of São Paulo and southwest of downtown Campinas, adjacent to the Bandeirantes-Anhanguera highway complex, which connects the capital city to the interior of São Paulo state. Viracopos International Airport Viracopos/Campinas International Airport (sometimes referred to as São Paulo/Campinas) is an international airport serving Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil. On 6 January 1987, the airport name was officially normalized to its present form. It is named after the neighborhood where it is located. It is operated by Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos. The IATA", "title": "Viracopos International Airport" }, { "docid": "7489662", "text": "Bamako–Sénou International Airport Bamako's Modibo Keita International Airport (formerly Bamako–Sénou International Airport) is Mali's main airport located approximately south of downtown Bamako, the capital of Mali in West Africa. It is country's only international airport. It is managed by Aéroports du Mali (ADM). Its operations are overseen by the Malian Ministry of Equipment and Transport. Bamako-Sénou Airport was opened to traffic in 1974. The airport was upgraded between 2007 and 2012 in a US$181 million project funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation, a United States foreign aid agency. Bamako–Sénou International Airport is adjacent to Air Base 101, which is used", "title": "Bamako–Sénou International Airport" }, { "docid": "3501352", "text": "By the end of the year the airport will begin with platform expansion and the construction of rapid exit taxiway with scheduled completion by mid of the next year. 2017 should be the year in which airport will enter into the reconstruction of the runway and the maneuvering areas. Expansion of the airport at the current level is financed by Sarajevo Airport own funds. On 6 June 2015 Pope Francis visited Sarajevo arriving on an Alitalia Airbus A320-200 from Rome Fiumicino Airport. Welcome ceremony was held at Sarajevo International Airport. The airport served as the home base for the country's", "title": "Sarajevo International Airport" }, { "docid": "6838119", "text": "is staffed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). CBSA officers at this airport can handle general aviation aircraft only, with no more than 15 passengers. The airport covers an area of at an elevation of above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 7/25 with a turf surface which is or long and wide. For the 12-month period ending April 27, 2016, the airport had 110 aircraft operations: 73% general aviation and 27% military. Whetstone International Airport Whetstone International Airport or Del Bonita/Whetstone International Airport is a public use airport at the Canada–US border, in Port of Del", "title": "Whetstone International Airport" }, { "docid": "4685602", "text": "International Airport and later as Zia International Airport, before being named in honour of Shah Jalal, who is one of the most respected Sufi saints of Bangladesh. The IATA code of the airport \"DAC\" is derived from \"Dacca\", which is the previously used spelling for \"Dhaka\". Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport is the primary hub of the national flag carrier Biman Bangladesh Airlines. In addition, it is also the main hub of most of the private airlines in Bangladesh including Regent Airways, Novoair and US-Bangla Airlines. The annual passenger handling capacity of the airport is 18.5 million passengers and this passenger", "title": "Shahjalal International Airport" }, { "docid": "4470413", "text": "passengers to be processed by 2020, according to NAD. The airport contains US Border preclearance facilities allowing all US flights to operate as domestic flights upon arrival at their destination. In February 2015, the US Border Preclarence Facility installed 20 Automated Passenger Control (APC) self serve kiosks to improve the efficiency of passenger processing for US bound travelers. Lynden Pindling International Airport Lynden Pindling International Airport , formerly known as Nassau International Airport (1957-2006), is the largest airport in the Bahamas and the largest international gateway into the country. It is a major hub for Bahamasair, Western Air and SkyBahamas", "title": "Lynden Pindling International Airport" }, { "docid": "5296308", "text": "Morelia International Airport General Francisco Mujica International Airport, or simply Morelia International Airport, is an international airport in Álvaro Obregón, Michoacán, Mexico, near Morelia. The airport handles national and international air traffic of the city of Morelia. Named after former governor of Michoacán Francisco José Múgica. General Francisco J. Mujica International Airport it is the largest in the state of Michoacan. The longest route from Morelia is to Chicago, which is served by Volaris, while the shortest route is Mexico City, served by Aeromar and Aeromexico Connect. It handled 535,900 passengers in 2016, and 618,800 passengers in 2017. The airport", "title": "Morelia International Airport" }, { "docid": "3277239", "text": "(1,950 x 30 m) and 7/25 is 4,700 by 75 feet (1,433 x 23 m). For the 12-month period ending August 19, 2016, the airport had 16,336 aircraft operations, an average of 44 per day: 71% general aviation, 22% scheduled commercial, 6% air taxi, and 1% military. In September 2017, there were 34 aircraft based at this airport: 28 single-engine, 4 multi-engine, 1 jet and 1 helicopter. Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport , formerly known as Dickinson Municipal Airport, is a public use airport located five nautical miles (6 mi, 9 km) south of the", "title": "Dickinson Theodore Roosevelt Regional Airport" }, { "docid": "13975310", "text": "Phu Quoc International Airport Phu Quoc International Airport (Vietnamese: \"Sân bay quốc tế Phú Quốc\" or \"Cảng hàng không quốc tế Phú Quốc\") is an international airport which was completed in 2012 on Phú Quốc Island, in southern Vietnam. The airport covers nearly 900ha in Duong To village, Phú Quốc island-district, Kiên Giang Province having been built at a cost of around VND 16.2 trillion (US$810 million) and is planned to be built in phases. The airport is 10 km from the previous Phu Quoc Airport, which it replaced. The airport was initially able to handle about 2.5 million passengers", "title": "Phu Quoc International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841886", "text": "Newark Liberty International Airport Newark Liberty International Airport , originally Newark Metropolitan Airport and later Newark International Airport, is the primary airport serving the U.S. state of New Jersey, and the secondary international airport serving New York City. The airport straddles the boundary between the cities of Newark and Elizabeth, the former of which is the most populous city in the state. The airport is owned jointly by the cities of Elizabeth and Newark and leased to and operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Newark Airport is located northeast of Philadelphia, west of New York", "title": "Newark Liberty International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841921", "text": "the Marriott is not serviced by the monorail and there is no official walking route to the terminals, despite the Marriott's immediate proximity to the main parking lot between the terminals. Newark Liberty International Airport Newark Liberty International Airport , originally Newark Metropolitan Airport and later Newark International Airport, is the primary airport serving the U.S. state of New Jersey, and the secondary international airport serving New York City. The airport straddles the boundary between the cities of Newark and Elizabeth, the former of which is the most populous city in the state. The airport is owned jointly by the", "title": "Newark Liberty International Airport" }, { "docid": "15080310", "text": "the country's 8th airport overall. It will complement Kigali International Airport, which is now operating at maximum capacity. The airport will initially have a single paved runway. During the second phase of construction, a second runway will be added. The estimated cost for Phase I is US$418 million, while Phase II is budgeted to cost US$382 million, for a total of US$800 million. It was anticipated that Phase I will be completed in 2018. The British engineering firm, TPS Consult Plc., was commissioned to carry out a feasibility study and design the new airport. According to the TPS report, the", "title": "Bugesera International Airport" }, { "docid": "1914655", "text": "Its first commercial flight was Eastern Air Lines Flight 624. International cargo operations at the airport also began that year. Bradley eventually replaced the older, smaller Hartford–Brainard Airport as Hartford's primary airport. In 1948, the federal government deeded the Airport to the State of Connecticut for public and commercial use. In 1950, Bradley International Airport exceeded the 100,000-passenger mark, handling 108,348 passengers. In 1952, the Murphy Terminal opened. Later dubbed Terminal B, the terminal was the oldest passenger terminal in the US when it closed in 2010. The April 1957 OAG shows 39 weekday departures: 14 American, 14 Eastern, 9", "title": "Bradley International Airport" }, { "docid": "7703757", "text": "Osmani International Airport Osmani Airport (, \"\") is third largest airport in Bangladesh after Dhaka and Chittagong. The airport is operated by the Civil Aviation Authority, Bangladesh (CAAB) and is served by Biman Bangladesh Airlines, the national airline, which at one point earned most of its revenue from this airport. Private airlines Novoair and US-Bangla Airlines operate domestic flights to Dhaka. The vast majority of passengers using the airport are expatriate Bangladeshis and their descendants from the Sylhet Division living in the United Kingdom. Osmani International Airport was built during British rule of the Indian Subcontinent, partly to check Japanese", "title": "Osmani International Airport" }, { "docid": "2402400", "text": "Trivandrum International Airport Trivandrum International Airport is an international airport which primarily serves the city of Thiruvananthapuram and adjacent towns. It is the first airport in the state of Kerala, India. It was the fifth international airport of India declared by then Prime Minister of India, V. P. Singh in 1991. It is the second busiest airport in Kerala after Kochi and the fourteenth busiest in India. In fiscal year 2017-18, the airport handled close to 4.4 million passengers, registering a fourteen percent growth from previous year. Spread over an area of , the airport is approximately due west from", "title": "Trivandrum International Airport" }, { "docid": "8995645", "text": "to the House of Commons of Canada in the 1896 federal election in the Ontario riding of Leeds North and Grenville North. A Liberal, he was defeated in the 1900 federal election. In 1903, he was appointed Director of Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company of Canada, and was also appointed to the Senate of Canada to represent the senatorial division of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario. He died in office in 1916. Francis Theodore Frost Francis Theodore Frost (December 21, 1843 – August 25, 1916) was a Canadian manufacturer and politician. Born in Smiths Falls, Canada West, the son of", "title": "Francis Theodore Frost" }, { "docid": "8995644", "text": "Francis Theodore Frost Francis Theodore Frost (December 21, 1843 – August 25, 1916) was a Canadian manufacturer and politician. Born in Smiths Falls, Canada West, the son of Ebenezer Frost and Caroline Harwood, he was educated in Smiths Falls, Coventry, Vermont and Potsdam, New York. Frost manufactured farm implements in Smith Falls. He was reeve of Smiths Falls from 1876 to 1883 and became the town's first mayor in 1883. Frost also served as warden for Lanark County. In 1868, he married Maria E. Powell. Frost was defeated three times (in the 1878, 1882, and 1891 elections) before being elected", "title": "Francis Theodore Frost" }, { "docid": "1910548", "text": "British Airways, and Wow Air. After United Airlines shifted flights from Newark Liberty International Airport to Washington–Dulles at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport, Pittsburgh became the last airport in Pennsylvania to have non-stop flights into EWR. Pittsburgh International Airport is the busiest airport in western Pennsylvania and the second-busiest airport in the state, after Philadelphia International Airport. In 2017 it served 8,988,016 passengers. The airport is encircled by I-376 and Business Loop 376, which is the main access for Airport Cargo and Servicing as well as other flight industries. It is owned by the county and operated by the Allegheny County", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "2402420", "text": "aggregators Uber and Ola is with in service area. Trivandrum International Airport Trivandrum International Airport is an international airport which primarily serves the city of Thiruvananthapuram and adjacent towns. It is the first airport in the state of Kerala, India. It was the fifth international airport of India declared by then Prime Minister of India, V. P. Singh in 1991. It is the second busiest airport in Kerala after Kochi and the fourteenth busiest in India. In fiscal year 2017-18, the airport handled close to 4.4 million passengers, registering a fourteen percent growth from previous year. Spread over an area", "title": "Trivandrum International Airport" }, { "docid": "7985320", "text": "International Peace Garden Airport International Peace Garden Airport is a public use airport in Rolette County, North Dakota, United States on the Canada–US border. The airport is owned by the North Dakota Aeronautics Commission and located 11 nautical miles (20 km) north of the central business district of Dunseith, North Dakota. It is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a \"general aviation\" facility. The airport is located just east of the International Peace Garden on the North Dakota/Manitoba border. It is an airport of entry to Canada and the United States", "title": "International Peace Garden Airport" }, { "docid": "5442896", "text": "Fuaʻamotu International Airport Fuaamotu International Airport is an international airport in Tonga. It is on the south side of the main island, Tongatapu, 20 km from the capital of Tonga, Nukualofa. Although named after the nearby village of Fuaamotu, which is on Tungī's (the king's) estate, in reality the airfield is located on the Tui Pelehake's estate, closer to the village of Pelehake (which did not yet exist as a village during the early aviation days). Fuaamotu was originally built in 1942 by a civilian contractor for the US Army. It was intended as a World War II heavy bomber", "title": "Fuaʻamotu International Airport" }, { "docid": "1996117", "text": "Nashville International Airport Nashville International Airport is a joint public and military use airport in the southeastern section of Nashville in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a \"primary commercial service\" airport (more than 10,000 daily arriving and departing flights per year). Established in 1937, its original name was Berry Field, from which its ICAO and IATA identifiers are derived. The current terminal was constructed in 1987, and the airport took its current name in 1988. Nashville International Airport has four runways, the longest", "title": "Nashville International Airport" }, { "docid": "8550078", "text": "Malacca International Airport Malacca International Airport (formerly known as Batu Berendam Airport is an airport located in Batu Berendam, Malacca, Malaysia. The airport serves the state of Malacca, as well as northern Johor. The terminal complex is equipped with international-standard amenities that can handle 1.5 million passengers annually. The airport's 2135m runway allow Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 operations. The airport, which occupies of land, was built in 1952. The airport and particularly its control tower bears historical significance as it was the same tower which guided the plane of Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia, to", "title": "Malacca International Airport" }, { "docid": "7433528", "text": "Bonriki International Airport Bonriki International Airport is an international airport in Kiribati, serving as the main gateway to the country. It is located in its capital, South Tarawa, which is a group of islets in the atoll of Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. Fiji's national carrier, Fiji Airways, and Kiribati's state-owned airline, Air Kiribati, both connect Kiribati with Nadi, which is Fiji Airways' hub and Fiji's main international gateway. Nauru Airlines flies to Nauru International Airport, continuing to Honiara, the capital of Solomon Islands, and further to Brisbane, Australia. This service was suspended from July 2008 to November 2009. The", "title": "Bonriki International Airport" }, { "docid": "18306796", "text": "Abuja were via Airpeace prior to Azman Air, which is currently the major airline operating from SABIA. Kebbi International Airport Sir Ahmadu Bello International Airport (SABIA) is an airport serving Birnin Kebbi in the Kebbi State of Nigeria. It is east of Birnin Kebbi, along the Birnin Kebbi-Argungu road. The runway was extended from its original to and had a new ramp and terminal built in 2013. The Birnin Kebbi VOR-DME (Ident: BIK) is located on the field. The airport started full operations in 2014, and since then Muslim pilgrims from Kebbi state were flown from SABIA to Jedda International", "title": "Kebbi International Airport" }, { "docid": "2678081", "text": "shipped between 2015 and 2016 alone. Companies such as Amazon.com and FedEx Ground are increasingly using the airport for these purposes which is a major factor in its growth. The airport is about from Philadelphia International Airport, from Newark Liberty International Airport, and from Trenton-Mercer Airport. The airport is a popular diversion airport for flights going to the New York metropolitan area. The shortest schedule commercial jet service in the contiguous US operates between ABE and PHL. Piedmont Airlines (American Eagle) regularly operates an ERJ-145 on the route which has a flight distance of 55 miles. Average time in the", "title": "Lehigh Valley International Airport" }, { "docid": "3160569", "text": "Cochin International Airport Cochin International Airport, Cochin is an international airport serving the city of Kochi, in the state of Kerala, India. Located at Nedumbassery, about 25 km (16 mi) northeast of the city. Cochin International Airport is the first airport in India developed under a public-private partnership (PPP) model and was funded by nearly 10,000 non-resident Indians from 30 countries. It is the busiest and largest airport in the state of Kerala. As of 2017, the Cochin International Airport caters to 63.86% of the total air passenger movement in Kerala. It is also the fourth busiest airport in India", "title": "Cochin International Airport" }, { "docid": "17493702", "text": "The airport will be located in the Uwanja wa Ndege ward of Mugumu town in Serengeti District, Mara Region in northern Tanzania. It will cost about US$ 350 million and is expected to boost the number of visitors from the present 0.8 to 1.6 million whilst also doubling the revenue to US$ 2.8 billion. The length of the single runway is expected to be between 3,800 and 4,200 metres. Serengeti Watch, a nonprofit organization insists that its construction would negatively impact the future of the park. Serengeti International Airport Serengeti International Airport (SIA) () is a proposed international airport in", "title": "Serengeti International Airport" }, { "docid": "1323609", "text": "at doubling its capacity from the current 600,000 passengers to 1.2 million annually. The renovation work is being done by BAM International, at a cost of US$39.7 million. Renovations are expected to last until May 2017. BAM International is a subsidiary of the Royal BAM Group in the Netherlands. Kilimanjaro Airport opened on 2 December 1971 and cost US$13 million to build. The construction was financed by a long term loan from the Italian government. In 1998, it became the first international airport in Africa to be privatised and is operated by the Kilimanjaro Airport Development Company. The airport facilitates", "title": "Kilimanjaro International Airport" }, { "docid": "5462398", "text": "Bahías de Huatulco International Airport Bahías de Huatulco International Airport () is an international airport located at Huatulco, in the state of Oaxaca on Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the southern and southeastern Pacific coast of Oaxaca state. It is one of nine airports in southeast Mexico operated by Aeropuertos del Sureste (ASUR), which lists the airport's name as Huatulco International Airport. An airport lounge at this airport is operated by Global Lounge Network. The airport resides at an elevation of above mean sea level. It has one runway designated 07/25 with an asphalt surface", "title": "Bahías de Huatulco International Airport" }, { "docid": "4078298", "text": "to the new international airport when it was ready while domestic operations moved to the Ikeja Airport, which became the domestic airport. The domestic operations were relocated to the old Lagos domestic terminal in 2000 after a fire. A new domestic privately funded terminal known as MMA2 has been constructed and was commissioned on 7 April 2007. During the late 1980s and 1990s, the international terminal had a reputation of being a dangerous airport. From 1992 through 2000, the US Federal Aviation Administration posted warning signs in all US international airports advising travelers that security conditions at Lagos Airport did", "title": "Murtala Muhammed International Airport" }, { "docid": "19784273", "text": "three of which will have jet bridges. It will be able to handle 350,000 passengers annually. Williston Basin International Airport is located about northwest of Williston. A road will be built to connect the airport to the U.S. Route 85 truck bypass. Williston Basin International Airport Williston Basin International Airport is an airport under construction near Williston, a city in the U.S. state of North Dakota. It is located roughly northwest of the city. Williston Basin Airport will have two runways and a terminal building. It is being built to replace Sloulin Field International Airport, which currently serves Williston and", "title": "Williston Basin International Airport" }, { "docid": "6098788", "text": "any visible damage. This imagery confirmation helps validate the reporting which suggests the airfield had been taken over early on by opposition protesters as NATO and US air forces would want to avoid collateral damage to the opposition movement. Mitiga International Airport Mitiga International Airport (مطار معيتيقة الدولي) is an airport in Libya, located about east of Tripoli's city center. The airport has a diverse international history and has been known by a variety of names. It was originally built in 1923 as an Italian air force base called aeroporto militare di Mellaha. It became a German air base during", "title": "Mitiga International Airport" }, { "docid": "4752575", "text": "which will be used to rehabilitate the pavement of Taxiway C, construct asphalt shoulders and install runway guard lights at each access point to the runway. On July 30, 2018, the FAA gave the airport a $4,012,542 grant for taxiway construction, rehabilitation and lighting. Bishop International Airport covers 1,550 acres (6 km²) and has two runways: Bishop International Airport is accessible from I-69, I-75/US-23 and I-475 at Bristol Road. The airport is also served by a bus line operated by the Flint MTA, local taxi services, and Uber which operates in the Flint area. Several car rental agencies are available", "title": "Bishop International Airport" }, { "docid": "1347034", "text": "Portland International Airport Portland International Airport is a joint civil-military airport and the largest airport in the U.S. state of Oregon that accounts for 90% of passenger travel and more than 95% of air cargo of the state. It is within Portland's city limits just south of the Columbia River in Multnomah County, by air and by highway northeast of downtown Portland. Portland International Airport is often referred to by its IATA airport code, PDX. The airport covers 3,000 acres (1,214 ha) of land. Portland International Airport has direct flights and connections to most major airports throughout the United States,", "title": "Portland International Airport" }, { "docid": "7956890", "text": "Northeast Kingdom International Airport Northeast Kingdom International Airport, until 2015 the Newport State Airport , is a public airport located three miles (5 km) southwest of the central business district of Newport, a city in Orleans County, Vermont, United States. It is owned by the State of Vermont. Northeast Kingdom International Airport covers an area of which contains two asphalt paved runways (5/23) measuring 4,000 x 100 ft (1,219 x 30 m). (18/36) measuring 5,300 x 100 ft (1,615 x 30 m). For the 12-month period ending December 31, 2015, the airport had 9,452 aircraft operations, an average of 19", "title": "Northeast Kingdom International Airport" }, { "docid": "5463439", "text": "the airport has regular international flights to Los Angeles and seasonal service to Calgary. In 2016, the airport handled 72,412 passengers, and in 2017 it handled 85,375 passengers. Loreto International Airport Loreto International Airport is an international airport located in the city of Loreto, in Loreto Municipality of Baja California Sur state, northwestern Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the city of Loreto and northern Baja California Sur state. It is operated by Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares, a federal government-owned corporation. It is capable of handling aircraft the size of Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s. Mainly", "title": "Loreto International Airport" }, { "docid": "20266788", "text": "is government land. It is proposed on a of land at Erumely, Kottayam District The airport facilitates the travel of Sabarimala pilgrims and people of the adjacent districts. Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation is conducting the study of the airport. US infrastructure consulting firm with strong presence in Americas has been directed to submit report to ministry of environment and civil aviation regarding environmental effect as well as traffic potential including international traffic from Sri Lanka, Malaysia etc and get clearance within maximum June 2018. The site for the proposed airport is Cheruvally Estate, formerly the site of a rubber", "title": "Sabarigiri International Airport" }, { "docid": "5470891", "text": "2001, was given in concession to Operadora Estatal de Aeropuertos (OEA) for operation and development. OEA is a company founded specifically to manage and carry out investments to extend airport facilities. The following entities take part in OEA's establishment: In 2003, the US Trade and Development Agency (TDA) provided a grant for US $550,000 to OEA to enable the completion of a project feasibility study regarding the upgrade of the Puebla International Airport. OEA subsequently retained the services of The Louis Berger Group Inc. from the US to complete the study, which concludes that in the long term the airport", "title": "Puebla International Airport" }, { "docid": "6521137", "text": "La Chinita International Airport La Chinita International Airport is an airport serving Maracaibo, in the Zulia state of Venezuela. La Chinita is Venezuela's second most important airport in terms of passenger and aircraft movements, after Simón Bolívar International Airport near Caracas. The airport opened on 16 November 1969, during the administration of President of Venezuela Rafael Caldera, to open a gateway to the western part of the country and to alleviate congestion from Simón Bolívar International Airport, which manages about half of the international flights in Venezuela. The earlier airport was Grano de Oro (1960 diagram) Runway 03L/21R length does", "title": "La Chinita International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841842", "text": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is the primary international airport serving the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex area in the U.S. state of Texas. It is the largest hub for American Airlines, which is headquartered near the airport. 2017 was a record year for DFW, as the airport served 67,092,194 passengers. It is the fourth busiest airport in the world by aircraft movements and the twelfth busiest airport in the world by passenger traffic in 2017. It is the busiest airport in the state of Texas by both passenger enplanements and by aircraft movements (takeoffs and landings). It is", "title": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport" }, { "docid": "1365374", "text": "Bauerfield International Airport Bauerfield International Airport is an airport located in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The airport is relatively small in size, but its runway has the capability and length to accept jets up to the Airbus A330. It serves as the hub for Vanuatu's flag carrier airline, Air Vanuatu. With Japanese forces establishing bases on Guadalcanal which threatened the sea route between the U.S. and Australia, Admiral King distributed the joint basic plan for the occupation and defense of Efate (the island containing Port Vila) on 20 March 1942. Under its terms the US Army was to defend Efate and", "title": "Bauerfield International Airport" }, { "docid": "5890860", "text": "Ogdensburg International Airport Ogdensburg International Airport is a public airport two miles southeast of Ogdensburg, in St. Lawrence County, New York. It is owned by the Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority, which also owns and operates Ogdensburg–Prescott International Bridge, the Port of Ogdensburg-Marine Terminal Facility, Commerce Park, the Port of Waddington, a medium-heavy industrial park and two short line railroads. The Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority is a New York State public-benefit corporation. The international airport is just outside the city limits on NY 812. It is used for general aviation and commercial service. It is served by two airlines,", "title": "Ogdensburg International Airport" }, { "docid": "5448160", "text": "Del Bajío International Airport Del Bajío International Airport, officially known as Aeropuerto Internacional de Guanajuato (Guanajuato International Airport) is an international airport located in Silao, Guanajuato, Mexico. It handles national and international air traffic of the area that includes the city of León and the state capital, Guanajuato. Guanajuato International Airport is an important connecting point for some flights from Mexico City to the United States. The general interior director announced plans to build a cargo terminal and for the construction of a second runway. The facility replaced the San Carlos Airport which is now part of the urban center", "title": "Del Bajío International Airport" }, { "docid": "4014012", "text": "Abbotsford International Airport Abbotsford International Airport is located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, southwest of the city centre. It is the second largest airport in the Lower Mainland, after Vancouver International Airport (YVR), and is in close proximity to British Columbia Highway 1, and the US border. It is located about from Surrey city centre and from downtown Vancouver. YXX offers daily domestic scheduled services and seasonal international scheduled services. The airport is equipped with a CAT 1 Instrument Landing System, on-site aircraft rescue and firefighting, and a fully serviced Air Terminal Building with customs and passenger screening. It is", "title": "Abbotsford International Airport" }, { "docid": "1914601", "text": "one of the largest commercial airports in the US. In addition, the airport is home to a maintenance base for United Airlines. The airport code MCO stands for the airport's former name, McCoy Air Force Base, a Strategic Air Command (SAC) installation, that was closed in 1975 as part of a general military drawdown following the end of the Vietnam War. In terms of commercial airline service, the Greater Orlando area is also served by Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB), and more indirectly by Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB), Orlando Melbourne International Airport (MLB), Tampa International Airport (TPA), and St.", "title": "Orlando International Airport" }, { "docid": "19784270", "text": "Williston Basin International Airport Williston Basin International Airport is an airport under construction near Williston, a city in the U.S. state of North Dakota. It is located roughly northwest of the city. Williston Basin Airport will have two runways and a terminal building. It is being built to replace Sloulin Field International Airport, which currently serves Williston and has experienced difficulty dealing with the increase in air traffic to Williston amid the North Dakota oil boom. The project is expected to be completed by late 2019. The airport currently serving Williston, North Dakota, is Sloulin Field International Airport. Sloulin Field", "title": "Williston Basin International Airport" }, { "docid": "2115137", "text": "carousel, rental car desks, and US customs. The airport's security checkpoint and four gates, all with jetways, are located on the second floor. Free Wi-Fi internet access is available throughout the terminal. Gates 3 and 4 allow direct access to US customs. LRD sometimes receives a share of diverted flights when severe weather threatens Dallas or Houston. Laredo International Airport Laredo International Airport is a city-owned public-use airport located three nautical miles (6 km) northeast of the central business district of Laredo, a city in Webb County, Texas, United States. It is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport", "title": "Laredo International Airport" }, { "docid": "3344673", "text": "Hilo International Airport Hilo International Airport , formerly General Lyman Field, is owned and operated by the Hawaii state Department of Transportation. Located in Hilo, Hawaii County, the airport encompasses and is one of two major airports on Hawaii Island and one of five major airports in the state. Hilo International Airport serves most of East Hawaii, including the districts of Hilo and Puna, as well as portions of the districts of Hāmākua and Kaū. Most flights to the airport are from Honolulu International Airport. These flights are predominantly operated by Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Air Cargo. It is included", "title": "Hilo International Airport" }, { "docid": "1984422", "text": "Orlando Melbourne International Airport Orlando Melbourne International Airport is a public airport northwest of downtown Melbourne, in Brevard County, Florida, United States. On central Florida's Space Coast, the airport is reached by NASA Boulevard (State Road 508). It is governed by a seven-member board which is appointed by the Melbourne City Council and the private sector. The airport budget is part of the Melbourne municipal budget; the airport receives no local tax dollars. The projected expenses for 2010 is $14.1 million. The executive director of the airport is Greg Donovan, A.A.E. Melbourne International Airport began in 1928 when a Pitcairn", "title": "Orlando Melbourne International Airport" }, { "docid": "6788972", "text": "also connected to Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Sorrento, Salerno and Serre. U.S. military forces have been present on this site, primarily US Navy personnel, since 1951. Among two other facilities in Naples, Naval Support Activity Naples is a tenant of several buildings in the Northwestern area of the airport. The United States Navy handles military and civilian aircraft on this airport for logistics. Naples International Airport Naples International Airport () is the international airport serving Naples, Italy. It is located north-northeast of the city in the Capodichino district of Naples. The airport has one terminal building: Terminal 1 is used for", "title": "Naples International Airport" }, { "docid": "8720297", "text": "KSRTC (Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation) (Route No 47) offers bus service between the airport (from the bottom of the hill) and Central Railway Station. Taxis ply between the airport and the city of Mangaluru. Prepaid taxi service is available around the clock at the airport counter in the arrival hall. Mangalore International Airport Mangalore International Airport , is an international airport serving the coastal city of Mangaluru (Mangalore), India. It is one of the only two international airports in Karnataka, the other being Kempegowda International Airport, Bangalore. Mangalore International Airport is the second busiest airport in Karnataka. In addition", "title": "Mangalore International Airport" }, { "docid": "1910567", "text": "from the rest of the airport. While US Airways made immense cuts in service during the early 21st century, other carriers began to play a more dominant role at PIT. The airport's operator, the Allegheny County Airport Authority, has attempted to attract new service to the airport, particularly low-cost and international carriers. AirTran Airways, which had trouble competing in Pittsburgh after beginning service in 2000, was able to expand Pittsburgh offerings after the US Airways cuts. In 2003, USA3000 Airlines began service to Florida and subsequently expanded to include international destinations in the Caribbean. Southwest Airlines began service to Pittsburgh", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "1931843", "text": "Boeing 727-200 and had also introduced Boeing 757-200 jetliners on the Grand Cayman-Miami route while USAir (which was subsequently renamed US Airways and has now been merged into American Airlines) was operating nonstop flights to Charlotte, North Carolina three days a week as well as nonstop service to Tampa flown four days a week with both routes being operated with Boeing 727-200 jets. Owen Roberts International Airport Owen Roberts International Airport is an airport serving Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. It is the main international airport for the Cayman Islands as well as the main base for Cayman Airways. The airport", "title": "Owen Roberts International Airport" }, { "docid": "2012079", "text": "an Air Canada Connector air carrier. Also in 1999, Horizon Air began nonstop Fokker F28 Fellowship jet service to Seattle flying on behalf of Alaska Airlines on a code sharing basis. Martinair Holland also operated flights between Edmonton International Airport and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport prior to the termination of this airline's passenger service. Edmonton International Airport offers United States border preclearance facilities. Passengers from domestic flights connecting in Edmonton to a US destination use Quick Connect, which enables passengers to clear security and US Customs and Border Protection without having to claim and recheck baggage during the connection. The four-star", "title": "Edmonton International Airport" }, { "docid": "5788442", "text": "using YS-11, FH-227 and Boeing 737 aircraft. Piedmont was acquired by USAir in 1989; USAir was renamed US Airways in 2005, and merged with American Airlines in 2015. In addition to flights to its main regional hub at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, US Airways introduced three daily flights between Wilmington and La Guardia Airport in New York City during the 2000s following lobbying from the Wilmington community. US Airways also introduced nonstop service to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in March 2011. American Eagle began service between Wilmington and Chicago O'Hare International Airport in July 2011 after the airport authority", "title": "Wilmington International Airport" }, { "docid": "1502721", "text": "and International terminals are connected and, combined, are often referred to as the Main Terminal. Free Wi-Fi is available in all sections of the airport. The South Terminal, along with the adjacent floatplane docks, is referred to by airport management as \"Airport South.\" The Main Terminal is divided in two sections: the Domestic Terminal and the International Terminal. The majority of flights operate at the Main Terminal. The two sections are connected both pre-security and post-security; however, the US border preclearance area is separated off using movable glass partitions which can be adjusted based on the arrangement of swing gates", "title": "Vancouver International Airport" }, { "docid": "7134229", "text": "Kempegowda International Airport Kempegowda International Airport is an international airport serving Bengaluru, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Spread over , it is located about north of the city near the village of Devanahalli. It is owned and operated by Bengaluru International Airport Limited (BIAL), a public–private consortium. The airport opened in May 2008 as an alternative to increased congestion at HAL Airport, the original primary commercial airport serving the city. It is named after Kempe Gowda I, the founder of Bengaluru. Kempegowda International Airport became Karnataka's first fully solar powered airport developed by CleanMax Solar. Kempegowda Airport", "title": "Kempegowda International Airport" }, { "docid": "9400934", "text": "Tiruchirappalli International Airport Tiruchirappalli International Airport is an international airport serving Tiruchirappalli in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. It is located on National Highway 336, about south of the city center. The airport is ISO 9001:2008 quality certified and was declared an international airport on 4 October 2012. It is the third-largest airport in Tamil Nadu in terms of total passenger traffic next to Chennai and Coimbatore. The airport is served by three Indian and four foreign carriers providing direct connectivity to 3 domestic and 5 international destinations.The airport covers an area of 702 acres. This airport was established", "title": "Tiruchirappalli International Airport" }, { "docid": "5470966", "text": "Toluca International Airport Toluca International Airport, officially Licenciado Adolfo López Mateos International Airport is an international airport in Toluca, State of Mexico, Mexico. It is part of the Mexico City Metropolitan Airport Group, and it is being improved and promoted to handle some traffic for the city of Toluca, but it also serves as a low-cost carrier airport for Mexico City, serving Interjet and VivaAerobus, but in the past at different times also by Volaris and Aeromexico. The airport is named after President Adolfo López Mateos. It is considered as the main alternate airport for Mexico City International Airport since", "title": "Toluca International Airport" }, { "docid": "9647566", "text": "Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport , formerly called Tirirical Airport, is the airport serving São Luís, Brazil. Since 17 October 1985 the airport is named after Marechal Cunha Machado. It is operated by Infraero. In 1942, a grass track measuring one thousand meters (runway 09/27), which served the airbase of the Brazilian Army, was the only way that São Luís had to receive flights. Runway 06/24 was built as part of the US base which began operating in 1943. In 1974, the Air Ministry transferred to Infraero technical jurisdiction, administrative and operational airport. The current", "title": "Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport" }, { "docid": "7134249", "text": "2 has also been awarded to Larsen & Toubro which will be constructed in two phases. In the first phase, the terminal will cater to 25 million passengers annually. Terminal 2 is estimated to cost . A third runway, north of the current runway is being planned to cate to the growth of air traffic in the airport. This runway will be situated 1500 meters north of the current runway. Kempegowda International Airport Kempegowda International Airport is an international airport serving Bengaluru, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Spread over , it is located about north of the", "title": "Kempegowda International Airport" }, { "docid": "17459503", "text": "12 billion (US$ 7 million). As of August 2013, funding has not yet been secured thus delaying the project by 4–5 years. Kajunguti International Airport Kajunguti International Airport () is a proposed international airport in north-western Tanzania intended to serve the African Great Lakes region. Initial plans for the airport were first mentioned in the 2010 election manifesto of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi, Tanzania's ruling party as the present Bukoba Airport cannot accommodate larger aircraft. The airport will be located at Kajunguti Village in Misenyi District. It will occupy an area of at least 15,000 hectares and its design is", "title": "Kajunguti International Airport" }, { "docid": "7130983", "text": "Jaipur International Airport Jaipur International Airport is the primary airport serving Jaipur, the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Jaipur International Airport has been declared as the World's Best Airport in the category of 2 to 5 million passengers per annum for 2015 & 2016 according to Airports Council International. Jaipur Airport is the 11th busiest airport in India in daily scheduled flight operations. It is located in the southern suburb of Sanganer, from Jaipur. The airport was granted the status of international airport on 29 December 2005. The civil apron can accommodate 14 aircraft and the new terminal", "title": "Jaipur International Airport" }, { "docid": "4014020", "text": "that this service will be useful to airline passengers; just one bus from Aldergrove to Abbotsford stops at 07:37 at the Airport Approach Drive, and in the reverse direction two buses stop there at 14:39 and 15:39. These times are weekdays only. Abbotsford International Airport Abbotsford International Airport is located in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, southwest of the city centre. It is the second largest airport in the Lower Mainland, after Vancouver International Airport (YVR), and is in close proximity to British Columbia Highway 1, and the US border. It is located about from Surrey city centre and from downtown", "title": "Abbotsford International Airport" }, { "docid": "18306795", "text": "Kebbi International Airport Sir Ahmadu Bello International Airport (SABIA) is an airport serving Birnin Kebbi in the Kebbi State of Nigeria. It is east of Birnin Kebbi, along the Birnin Kebbi-Argungu road. The runway was extended from its original to and had a new ramp and terminal built in 2013. The Birnin Kebbi VOR-DME (Ident: BIK) is located on the field. The airport started full operations in 2014, and since then Muslim pilgrims from Kebbi state were flown from SABIA to Jedda International Airport in Saudi Arabia. The airport also has scheduled and unscheduled domestic flights. The scheduled flights to", "title": "Kebbi International Airport" }, { "docid": "5517584", "text": "King Fahd International Airport King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) () is an airport in Dammam, Saudi Arabia northwest of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The airport's basic infrastructure was complete by the end of 1990, which allowed the Allied forces engaged in the first Gulf War in early 1991 to use the field for the storage of military aircraft. KFIA was the base used by all USAF A-10s (144), as well as the US Army's 101st Airborne's AH-64, CH-47, UH-60, and OH-58 helicopters during the Gulf War. It was much more than a storage area. The US Army had many units there", "title": "King Fahd International Airport" }, { "docid": "5463438", "text": "Loreto International Airport Loreto International Airport is an international airport located in the city of Loreto, in Loreto Municipality of Baja California Sur state, northwestern Mexico. The airport handles national and international air traffic for the city of Loreto and northern Baja California Sur state. It is operated by Aeropuertos y Servicios Auxiliares, a federal government-owned corporation. It is capable of handling aircraft the size of Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s. Mainly it receives Embraer ERJ 145s, Bombardier CRJs and Boeing 737s. Aeromexico flew to several domestic and international destinations in past years, but service was cancelled in 2014. Currently,", "title": "Loreto International Airport" }, { "docid": "4251636", "text": "Port Harcourt International Airport Port Harcourt International Airport is an international airport located in Omagwa, a suburb of Port Harcourt, the capital city of the Rivers State in Nigeria. The airport has two terminals for both international and domestic flights. The new International terminal which was commissioned by His Excellency the Executive President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari on October 25 2018. In 2009, the airport served 1,081,587 passengers, making it the third-busiest airport in Nigeria. The Port Harcourt non-directional beacon (Ident: PR) and VOR-DME (Ident: POT) are located on the field. On 18 August 2006,", "title": "Port Harcourt International Airport" }, { "docid": "7956893", "text": "a new passenger terminal, commercial flights and the aircraft assembly plant, but were abandoned in April 2016 when the developers were charged with fraud for misappropriating the funds. On October 12th 2017, the FAA officially recognized the State of Vermont's Airport name change from Newport State Airport to Northeast Kingdom International Airport. Northeast Kingdom International Airport Northeast Kingdom International Airport, until 2015 the Newport State Airport , is a public airport located three miles (5 km) southwest of the central business district of Newport, a city in Orleans County, Vermont, United States. It is owned by the State of Vermont.", "title": "Northeast Kingdom International Airport" }, { "docid": "1986745", "text": "Tallahassee International Airport Tallahassee International Airport is a city-owned airport five miles southwest of downtown Tallahassee, in Leon County, Florida. It serves the state capital of Florida, and its surrounding areas; it is one of the major airports in north Florida, the others being Pensacola International Airport, Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport, and Jacksonville International Airport. Despite its name, it does not yet service any international destinations. The airport began as Tallahassee Municipal Airport with a ceremony on April 23, 1961. The flag of the United States was presented to the City of Tallahassee by Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, World War", "title": "Tallahassee International Airport" }, { "docid": "17405364", "text": "Culiacán International Airport Bachigualato Federal International Airport (, ), commonly named Culiacán International Airport (), is an international airport located at Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. It handles the national and international air traffic of the city of Culiacán. The airport, being the most important domestic gateway in the state of Sinaloa, and the second on international operations after Mazatlán International Airport, second before Los Mochis International Airport has undergone major construction consisting of a new terminal layout and a new boarding system. It has two jetways. In 2016, Culiacán airport handled 1,726,654 passengers, and in 2017 it handled 1,909,651 passengers. It", "title": "Culiacán International Airport" }, { "docid": "4840802", "text": "daily connection flights to Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport and Boston Logan International Airport. In 2006, the airline added direct flights to Atlanta Hartsfield–Jackson International Airport aboard McDonnell Douglas MD-88 jets. When Delta merged with Northwest Airlines, it dropped service from Bangor to these destinations and replaced them with daily connection flights to New York–LaGuardia Airport and Detroit Wayne County Metropolitan Airport . In November 2007, Allegiant Air began offering a few flights to and from Orlando–Sanford International Airport and Saint Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport, a secondary airport near Tampa. In April 2008, the airport received a US$2.9 million grant from the", "title": "Bangor International Airport" }, { "docid": "5850536", "text": "Bahama International Airport is one of two Bahamian airports that has US border preclearance facilities (the other being Lynden Pindling). Some other features that are available at the Grand Bahama International Airport are: Grand Bahama International Airport Grand Bahama International Airport (GBIA) is a privately owned international airport in Freeport, Bahamas. The airport is a joint venture between Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) and The Port Group (or the Grand Bahama Port Authority). The facility also includes of land that adjoins it to the Freeport Harbour Company Limited as they operate as one entity, known as the Sea Air Business Centre", "title": "Grand Bahama International Airport" }, { "docid": "17405367", "text": "of an image of modernity in its façade and inside it. The General Aviation Terminal (also known as the Private Aviation Terminal) is located next to the Main Terminal. The Terminal is used for private planes, and helicopters. Culiacán International Airport Bachigualato Federal International Airport (, ), commonly named Culiacán International Airport (), is an international airport located at Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. It handles the national and international air traffic of the city of Culiacán. The airport, being the most important domestic gateway in the state of Sinaloa, and the second on international operations after Mazatlán International Airport, second before", "title": "Culiacán International Airport" }, { "docid": "5788439", "text": "flights that land each year (private or charter). The airport's location on the coast, halfway between NYC and Miami, makes it a desirable and less busy entry point to the United States, with the recent addition of a 24-hour US Customs ramp, which was completed in 2008. Wilmington International Airport is owned by New Hanover County, North Carolina. The airport is leased to the Wilmington Airport Authority for $1 per year and expires in 2019. The current Airport Director is Julie WIlsey, AAE. The New Hanover County Airport Authority has seven board members, appointed by the New Hanover County Commissioners.", "title": "Wilmington International Airport" }, { "docid": "1910555", "text": "the US had entered the war. In 1944 Allegheny County officials proposed to expand the military airport with the addition of a commercial passenger terminal to relieve the Allegheny County Airport, which was built in 1926 and was becoming too small. Ground was broken on the new passenger terminal on July 18, 1946. The new terminal would eventually cost $33 million ($ present day dollars) and was built entirely by Pittsburgh-area companies. The new airport, christened as Greater Pittsburgh Airport (renamed Greater Pittsburgh International Airport in 1972 upon the opening of the International Arrivals Building) opened on May 31, 1952.", "title": "Pittsburgh International Airport" }, { "docid": "1935895", "text": "service became Allegiant's fourth year-round and fifth total destination from the airport. About six months after the legal closing of the American Airlines-US Airways merger, Fort Wayne International Airport and American Airlines Group announced twice-daily service to Philadelphia International Airport and daily flights to Charlotte Douglas International Airport, both legacy US Airways hubs. The new flights began on October 2, 2014. These three flights boosted the merged airline's departures from Fort Wayne by a third over the previous schedule, provided the airport's first route to the northeastern US since deregulation, and offered an additional gateway to the southeastern US and", "title": "Fort Wayne International Airport" }, { "docid": "1841857", "text": "was one of two US Army \"Personnel Assistance Points\" which received US troops returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for rest and recuperation. This ended on March 14, 2012, leaving Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport as the sole Personnel Assistance Point. Airports Council International (ACI) named DFW Airport the best large airport with more than 40 million passengers in North America for passenger satisfaction in 2016. In June 2018, DFW Airport opened a fully functioning emergency room on airport grounds, located in Southgate Plaze near the Airport Headquarters and Rental Car Center. With this opening, the facility became the first", "title": "Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport" } ]
In which soap did Demi Moore find fame?
[ "Everyday Heroes", "Genaral Hospital", "General Hospital", "General Hospital (US TV series)", "General Hospital (US TV Series)", "General Hospital (U.S. TV series)", "General Hospital (1963-1977)" ]
[ { "docid": "1561584", "text": "Demi Moore Demi Gene Guynes (born November 11, 1962), professionally known as Demi Moore ( ), is an American actress, former songwriter, and model. Moore dropped out of high school at age 16 to pursue an acting career and appeared in the men's pornographic magazine \"Oui\" in 1981. After making her film debut later that year, she appeared on the soap opera \"General Hospital\" and subsequently gained recognition as a member of the Brat Pack with roles in \"Blame It on Rio\" (1984), \"St. Elmo's Fire\" (1985), and \"About Last Night...\" (1986). Following a few roles, she subsequently came over", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561592", "text": "she told another interviewer, \"I was 17 years old. I was underage. It was just the cover.\" Moore made her film debut with a brief role in the 1981 teen drama \"Choices\", directed by Silvio Narizzano. Her second film feature was the 3-D sci-fi horror film \"Parasite\" (1982), for which director Charles Band had instructed casting director Johanna Ray to \"find me the next Karen Allen.\" Moore then joined the cast of the ABC soap opera \"General Hospital\", playing the role of an investigative reporter until 1983. During her tenure on the series, she made an uncredited cameo appearance in", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "6124233", "text": "once Demi Moore became a well-known figure after her appearances on \"General Hospital\" starting in 1982. The Nu Kats dissolved in 1981. Moore briefly moved to the Upper West Side of Manhattan and joined local NYC band The Dates, who never recorded. After an illness in the family brought him back to Los Angeles, Moore remained in LA and formed a new pop-influenced band called Boy. Boy released an EP on Radioactive Records and Freddy received a Screen Actors Guild/AFTRA card while portraying the small role of 'Arn' in the 1982 film \"Parasite\", a 3-D movie which starred his wife", "title": "Freddy Moore" } ]
[ { "docid": "1561617", "text": "Men Don't Buy Girls.\" In November 2012, the foundation said it was announcing \"a new name and refined mission\" as Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children, which aimed \"to disrupt and deflate the predatory behavior of those who abuse and traffic children, solicit sex with children or create and share child pornography\". The following is a list of accolades Moore has received throughout her career: Demi Moore Demi Gene Guynes (born November 11, 1962), professionally known as Demi Moore ( ), is an American actress, former songwriter, and model. Moore dropped out of high school at age 16 to pursue an", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "11531806", "text": "More Demi Moore More Demi Moore or the August 1991 \"Vanity Fair\" cover was a controversial handbra nude photograph of the then seven-months pregnant Demi Moore taken by Annie Leibovitz for the August 1991 cover of \"Vanity Fair\" to accompany a cover story about Moore. The cover has had a lasting societal impact. Since the cover was released, several celebrities have posed for photographs in advanced stages of pregnancy, although not necessarily as naked as Moore. This trend has made pregnancy photos fashionable and created a booming business. The photograph is one of the most highly regarded magazine covers of", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561616", "text": "than any of [her] friends that did.\" According to \"The New York Times\", Moore is \"the world's most high-profile doll collector\", and among her favorites is the Gene Marshall fashion doll. At one point, Moore kept a separate residence to house her 2,000 dolls. While she landed on PETA's Worst-Dressed List in 2009 for wearing fur, two years later she supported the group's efforts to ban circus workers' use of bullhooks on elephants. In 2009, Moore and Kutcher launched The Demi and Ashton Foundation (DNA), a nonprofit, non-governmental organization directed towards fighting child sexual slavery. Its first campaign was \"Real", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "11531823", "text": "feel that the rush of celebrities taking pregnant photos has made taking such photos glamorous for pregnant mothers. As the photos have become more common on magazine covers the business of documenting pregnancies photographically has boomed. Furthermore, the photo is critically acclaimed. Almost fifteen years after its publication the American Society of Magazine Editors listed it as the second best magazine cover of the last forty years. More Demi Moore More Demi Moore or the August 1991 \"Vanity Fair\" cover was a controversial handbra nude photograph of the then seven-months pregnant Demi Moore taken by Annie Leibovitz for the August", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561605", "text": "Rio\" co-star Michael Caine for the British crime drama \"Flawless\" (2008), which saw her portray an American executive helping to steal a handful of diamonds from the London Diamond Corporation during the 1960s. While the film found a limited release in theaters, Moore received positive reviews from critics; \"Miami Herard\" wrote: \"The inspired pairing of Demi Moore and Michael Caine as a pair of thieves in the diamond-heist semi-caper movie \"Flawless\" goes a long way toward overcoming the film's slack, leisurely pacing\". After \"Mr. Brooks,\" Moore has since acted mainly in independent films. In 2010, Moore took on the role", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561610", "text": "a take-charge nurse with a mysterious past. The comedy \"Rough Night\" (2017), in which she acted alongside Scarlett Johansson, Kate McKinnon, Jillian Bell, Zoë Kravitz and Ty Burrell, featured Moore as one half of a nymphomaniac couple seducing a member of a bachelorette party gone wrong. Her first widely released film since \"Mr. Brooks\" (2007), \"Rough Night\" was a moderate commercial success. In August 1991, Moore appeared nude on the cover of \"Vanity Fair\" under the title \"More Demi Moore.\" Annie Leibovitz shot the picture while Moore was seven months pregnant with the second of her three daughters, Scout LaRue", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561590", "text": "Guynes posed nude for the magazine \"High Society\" in 1993, where she spoofed Moore's \"Vanity Fair\" pregnancy and bodypaint covers and parodied her love scene from the film \"Ghost\". Moore and Guynes briefly reconciled shortly before Guynes died of cancer in July 1998 at age 54. Demi Moore co-wrote three songs with Freddy Moore and appeared in the music video for their selection \"It's Not a Rumor,\" performed by his band, The Nu Kats. She continues to receive royalty checks from her brief songwriting work (1980–81). Moore was not known, as of late October 2018, to have expressed any desire", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561613", "text": "of 17, she married singer Freddy Moore, 12 years her senior and recently divorced from his first wife, Lucy. During their marriage, Demi began using Freddy's surname as her stage name. She filed for divorce in September 1984; it was finalized on August 7, 1985. Moore was then engaged to actor Emilio Estevez, with whom she co-starred in \"Wisdom,\" a crime drama he also wrote and directed. The pair planned to marry in December 1986, but called off the engagement. On November 21, 1987, Moore married her second husband, actor Bruce Willis. She and Willis have three daughters together: Rumer", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561602", "text": "\"I had a project about a year and a half ago, and we made an inquiry about her—a real good commercial picture. She wasn't interested.\" Another three years passed before Moore acted again. She returned to the screen, playing a villain in the 2003 film \"\", opposite Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu. A commercial success, the film made US$259.1 million worldwide, and \"Rolling Stone\", on Moore's role, remarked: \"It's a relief when Demi Moore shows up as fallen angel [...] Moore, 40, looks great in a bikini and doesn’t even try to act. Her unsmiling sexiness cuts through", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "11531808", "text": "which propelled Joanne Gair to prominence as a trompe-l'œil body painter. In 1991, Demi Moore was a budding A-list film star who had been married to Bruce Willis since 1987. The couple had had their first child Rumer Willis in 1988, and they had hired three photographers for an audience of six friends for the delivery. In 1990, she had starred in that year's highest-grossing film, \"Ghost\", for which she was paid $750,000, and she had earned $2.5 million for 1991 roles in \"The Butcher's Wife\" and \"Mortal Thoughts\". Following the photo, she would earn $3 million for her 1992", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "11531822", "text": "in American \"Vogue\", she held in esteem as a model of maternity fashion by Anna Wintour. A commemoration of the photo was a self-portrait by Leibovitz in which she appeared in profile and pregnant for her \"A Photographer's Life\" exhibition. Myleene Klass posed for a similar nude pregnant photo for \"Glamour\" magazine in 2007. Serena Williams appeared pregnant in very nearly the same pose on the cover of the August 2017 issue of Vanity Fair, 26 years after the August 1991 cover featuring pregnant Demi Moore. The photo has had long cultural and social impact in the U.S. Many women", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561586", "text": "famously shaved her head won her a second Razzie Award for Worst Actress and was followed by a lengthy break and downturn in Moore's career. Her later film roles include \"\" (2003), \"Bobby\" (2006), \"Mr. Brooks\" (2007), and \"Margin Call\" (2011). Besides acting, her personal life has been the subject of significant media coverage, particularly her marriages to actors Bruce Willis and Ashton Kutcher. Was born Demi Gene Harmon on November 11, 1962, in Roswell, New Mexico. Her biological father, Air Force airman Charles Harmon, Sr., left her mother, Virginia (née King), after a two-month marriage before Moore was born.", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561591", "text": "to pursue a singing career, though she did sing in the films \"One Crazy Summer\" and \"Bobby.\" Moore also appeared on the cover of the January 1981 issue of the adult magazine \"Oui,\" taken from a photo session in which she had posed nude. In a 1988 interview, Moore claimed she \"only posed for the cover of \"Oui\"—I was 16; I told them I was 18\". Interviewer Alan Carter said, \"However, some peekaboo shots did appear inside. And later, nude shots of her turned up in \"Celebrity Sleuth\"—photos that she once said 'were for a European fashion magazine'.\" In 1990,", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561585", "text": "the Brat Pack curse with her starring role in \"Ghost\" (1990), the highest-grossing film of that year, for which she received a Golden Globe nomination. She continued to find box-office success in the early 1990s, with the films \"A Few Good Men\" (1992), \"Indecent Proposal\" (1993), and \"Disclosure\" (1994). In 1996, Moore became the highest-paid actress in film history when she received a then-unprecedented US$12.5 million to star in \"Striptease\", a film although a commercial success was a major critical disappointment winning her the Golden Raspberry Award for Worst Actress. Her next major role, \"G.I. Jane\" (1997), for which she", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "11531814", "text": "1990-2005\" at the Brooklyn Museum and it is contrasted with another of her female pregnancy photographs (of Melania Trump). A year later, Moore still did not understand the controversy that caused photos of a naked, pregnant woman to be viewed as morally objectionable. Moore stated that, \"I did feel glamorous, beautiful and more free about my body. I don't know how much more family oriented I could possibly have gotten.\" She considered the cover to be a healthy \"feminist statement.\" In 2007, Moore stated that the picture was not originally intended for publication. She had posed in a personal photo", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "6121815", "text": "Demi Miller Demi Miller is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", played by Shana Swash. She made her first appearance on 6 September 2004 and made her last on 7 July 2006 when she was axed by \"EastEnders\" executive producer Kate Harwood. Demi arrives in Walford at the age of 13, and immediately becomes the focus of local gossip due to her pregnancy. Feisty and troublesome, she likes to cause trouble with her twin brother Darren (Charlie G. Hawkins). Nearly two months after her arrival, Demi collapses in agony in the playground after her waters break. Scared", "title": "Demi Miller" }, { "docid": "6121824", "text": "most extreme of situations and face life or death decisions whilst away from the family home\". Demi Miller Demi Miller is a fictional character from the BBC soap opera \"EastEnders\", played by Shana Swash. She made her first appearance on 6 September 2004 and made her last on 7 July 2006 when she was axed by \"EastEnders\" executive producer Kate Harwood. Demi arrives in Walford at the age of 13, and immediately becomes the focus of local gossip due to her pregnancy. Feisty and troublesome, she likes to cause trouble with her twin brother Darren (Charlie G. Hawkins). Nearly two", "title": "Demi Miller" }, { "docid": "1561599", "text": "abortion alongside Sissy Spacek and Cher. Its screenwriter, Nancy Savoca, directed two segments, including one in which Moore played a widowed nurse in the early 1950s seeking a back-alley abortion. For that role, Moore received a second Golden Globe nomination as Best Actress. Also in 1996, she provided the speaking voice of the beautiful Esmeralda in Disney's animated adaptation of \"The Hunchback of Notre Dame\", and starred in Mike Judge's comedy \"Beavis and Butt-head Do America\", alongside her then husband Bruce Willis. Moore famously shaved her head to play the first woman to undergo training in the Navy SEAL in", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561600", "text": "Ridley Scott's \"G.I. Jane\" (1997). Budgeted at US$50 million, the film was a moderate commercial success, with a worldwide gross of US$97.1 million. During the film's production, it was reported that Moore had ordered studio chiefs to charter two planes for her entourage and her, which reinforced her negative reputation for being a diva—she had previously turned down the Sandra Bullock role in \"While You Were Sleeping\" because the studio refused to meet her salary demands, and was dubbed \"Gimme Moore\" by the media. Moore took on the role of an ultrapious psychiatrist in Woody Allen's \"Deconstructing Harry\", also in", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "6124232", "text": "Moore, and she continues to use that name. Meanwhile, Moore's music career continued. Shortly after Infinity Records went under, lead guitarist Pete McRae departed The Kats, and the four remaining band members renamed themselves \"The Nu-Kats\". They also promptly fired their management, and signed with Rhino Records. In 1980, the Nu-Kats recorded the EP \"Plastic Facts\", featuring the track \"It's Not A Rumour\", which was written by Freddy and Demi Moore. Demi Moore—not yet a star—also had a prominent role in the song's video. \"It's Not A Rumour\" never charted, but the video would receive occasional play on MTV, especially", "title": "Freddy Moore" }, { "docid": "6124234", "text": "Demi. The music of Boy can be heard on the soundtrack. Boy disbanded in 1983. Moore and his brother Bobby continued writing, arranging and recording new material for approximately another year. They played a few industry showcases under the name BFM (Bobbyzio and Freddy Moore). Demi Moore filed for divorce from Moore in September, 1984; the divorce became final in 1985. Of her, Freddy would later state, \"I've never met a woman with a more obsessive need to be liked and loved\".. Freddy Moore quit the music business at around this time, although after a long layoff from performing, in", "title": "Freddy Moore" }, { "docid": "1561594", "text": "Rob Lowe, which marked a positive turning point in her career, as Moore noted that, following its release, she began seeing better scripts. Film critic Roger Ebert gave the film four out of four stars and praised her performance, writing, \"There isn't a romantic note she isn't required to play in this movie, and she plays them all flawlessly.\" The success of \"About Last Night...\" was unrivaled by Moore's other two 1986 releases, \"One Crazy Summer\" and \"Wisdom\", the last youth-oriented films in which she would star. Moore made her professional stage debut in an off-Broadway production of \"The Early", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561589", "text": "months before her 17th birthday, Moore met musician Freddy Moore who was married and at the time leader of the band Boy, at the Los Angeles nightclub The Troubadour. They lived in an apartment in West Hollywood. Dan Guynes committed suicide in October 1980 at age 37, two years after he separated from Moore's mother. Demi's mother (Virginia Guynes, née King) had a long record of arrests for crimes, including drunk driving and arson. Moore broke off contact with her in 1990, when Guynes walked away from a rehab stay Moore had paid for at the Hazelden Foundation in Minnesota.", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561609", "text": "killer in the Western drama \"Forsaken\" (2015), with Donald Sutherland and Kiefer Sutherland, was followed by the role of the daughter of a retired high school teacher in the road comedy \"Wild Oats,\" with Shirley MacLaine and Jessica Lange, which premiered on Lifetime in August 2016, and in a limited release the following month. In her next film, the drama \"Blind\" (2016), Moore starred opposite Alec Baldwin, portraying the neglected wife of an indicted businessman having an affair with a novelist blinded in a car crash. In February 2017, Moore joined the cast of \"Empire,\" in the recurring role of", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561587", "text": "When Moore was three months old, her mother married Dan Guynes, a newspaper advertising salesman who frequently changed jobs. As a result, the family moved many times. Moore said in 1991, \"My dad was Dan Guynes. He raised me. There is a man who would be considered my biological father who I don't really have a relationship with.\" Moore suffered from strabismus as a child. This was ultimately corrected by two operations. She also suffered from kidney dysfunction. Moore learned of her biological father, Harmon, at age 13, when she found her mother and stepfather's marriage certificate and inquired about", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561593", "text": "the 1982 spoof film \"Young Doctors in Love\". Moore's film career took off in 1984 following her appearance in the sex comedy \"Blame It on Rio\". Her other 1984 film was the comedy \"No Small Affair\". Her commercial breakthrough came in Joel Schumacher's yuppie drama \"St. Elmo's Fire\" (1985), which received negative reviews, but was a box office success and brought Moore to international recognition. Because of her association with that film, Moore was often listed as part of the Brat Pack, a label she felt was \"demeaning\". She progressed to more serious material with \"About Last Night...\" (1986), co-starring", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561597", "text": "were not widely seen, but Moore sustained her A-list status with her starring roles in Rob Reiner's \"A Few Good Men\" (1992), Adrian Lyne's \"Indecent Proposal\" (1993), and Barry Levinson's \"Disclosure\" (1994)—all of which opened at #1 at the box office and were blockbuster hits. By 1995, Moore was the highest-paid actress in Hollywood. However, critical acclaim subsequently began to wane with her subsequent film releases; her portrayal of Hester Prynne in \"The Scarlet Letter\" (1995), a \"freely adapted\" version of the historical romance novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, was met with harsh criticism. While the coming-of-age drama \"Now and Then\"", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "6121820", "text": "as Trisha and Demi's parents, Keith Miller (David Spinx) and Rosie Miller (Gerry Cowper) find them. Leo dies later in hospital in August 2005. Demi is reunited with her family and goes back into school. In October 2005, she celebrates Aleesha's first birthday and she is also joined by her older half sister, Dawn Swann (Kara Tointon). Rosie plans to move away to the Cotswolds with Darren, Demi and Aleesha to take on a new job as housekeeper and start a new life without Keith. Darren decides to stay in Walford, but Demi wants to raise Aleesha somewhere different from", "title": "Demi Miller" }, { "docid": "1405436", "text": "the role of the runaway slave Jim in Michael Curtiz's film adaptation of Mark Twain's \"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\", opposite Eddie Hodges as Huck. Moore garnered positive reviews for his sympathetic portrayal of Jim, which some viewers still consider the best interpretation of this much-filmed role. Moore did not choose to pursue a full-time career as an actor, but he did appear in 1960s films such as \"The Carpetbaggers\" (1964), \"The Hanged Man\" (1964) and \"The Fortune Cookie\" (1966), and on television in episodes of \"Family Affair\", \"Perry Mason\", \"Wagon Train\", \"The Reporter\", \"Batman\" (episode 35) and the soap", "title": "Archie Moore" }, { "docid": "1561614", "text": "(born August 16, 1988), Scout (born July 20, 1991), and Tallulah (born February 3, 1994). They announced their separation on June 24, 1998, and filed for divorce on October 18, 2000. Moore had a three-year relationship with martial arts instructor Oliver Whitcomb, whom she dated from 1999 to 2002. In 2003, Moore began dating actor Ashton Kutcher, who is 15 years younger. They married on September 24, 2005. The wedding was attended by about 150 close friends and family of the couple, including Willis. In November 2011, after months of media speculation about the state of the couple's marriage, Moore", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "20779262", "text": "is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce. In October 2010, he was appointed a member of the Board of Directors of Telebrás. In April 2014, he was honored with his inclusion in the Internet Hall of Fame of the Internet Society in the Global connectors category, later serving on the Hall of Fame's Advisory Board in 2017. In April 2016, he received a special tribute in the 1st Digital Professional Award of ABRADi-SP, for his years of contributions to the Brazilian Internet. Demi Getschko Demi Getschko (born 15 April 1954, Trieste, Free", "title": "Demi Getschko" }, { "docid": "1561596", "text": "her murdered lover. The love scene between Moore and Patrick Swayze that starts in front of a potter's wheel to the sound of \"Unchained Melody\" has become an iconic moment in cinema history. \"Ghost\" was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture, and Moore's performance earned her a Golden Globe Award nomination. In 1991, Moore starred in the horror comedy \"Nothing but Trouble\", co-produced and appeared in the mystery thriller \"Mortal Thoughts\", and played a blonde for the first time in the romantic comedy \"The Butcher's Wife\", with Roger Ebert's review describing her as \"warm and cuddly\". Those films", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561606", "text": "of a daughter helping her father deal with age-related health problems in the dramedy \"Happy Tears,\" opposite Parker Posey and Rip Torn, and starred as the matriarch of a family moving into a suburban neighborhood in the comedy \"The Joneses,\" with David Duchovny. The latter film was largely highlighted upon its theatrical release, with critics concluding that it \"benefits from its timely satire of consumer culture — as well as a pair of strong performances\" from Duchovny and Moore. In \"Bunraku\" (2010), a film Moore described as a \"big action adventure,\" she played a courtesan and a femme fatale with", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561603", "text": "the gigglefest as the angels fight, kick, dance and motocross like Indiana Jones clones on estrogen\". The film was followed by yet another three-year absence. In the interim, Moore signed on as the face of the Versace fashion brand and the Helena Rubinstein brand of cosmetics. Moore portrayed an alcoholic singer whose career is on the downswing, as part of an ensemble cast, in Emilio Estevez's drama \"Bobby\" (2006), about the hours leading up to the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. As a member of the cast, she was nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Cast in a", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561615", "text": "announced her decision to end her marriage to Kutcher. After over a year of separation, Kutcher filed for divorce from Moore on December 21, 2012, in Los Angeles Superior Court, citing irreconcilable differences. Moore filed her response papers in March 2013, requesting spousal support and payment of legal fees from Kutcher. On November 27, 2013, their divorce was finalized. She is a follower of Philip Berg's Kabbalah Centre religion, and initiated Kutcher into the faith, having said that she \"didn't grow up Jewish, but [...] would say that [she has] been more exposed to the deeper meanings of particular rituals", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561607", "text": "a secret past. Moore portrayed a chief risk management officer at a large Wall Street investment bank during the initial stages of the financial crisis of 2007–08 in the critically acclaimed corporate drama \"Margin Call\" (2011), where she was part of an ensemble cast that included Kevin Spacey, Simon Baker, and Paul Bettany. The cast garnered nominations for the \"Best Ensemble\" award from the Gotham Awards, the Phoenix Film Critics Society and the Central Ohio Film Critics Association. Also in 2011, Moore received a Directors Guild of America Award nomination for Outstanding Directing – Miniseries or TV Film for her", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561588", "text": "the circumstances since she \"saw my parents were married in February 1963. I was born in '62.\" At age 15, Moore moved to West Hollywood, California, where her mother worked for a magazine distribution company. Moore attended Fairfax High School there, and recalled, \"I moved out of my family's house when I was 16 and left high school in my junior year.\" She signed with the Elite Modeling Agency and went to Europe to work as a pin-up girl, then enrolled in drama classes after being inspired by her next-door neighbor, 17-year-old German actress Nastassja Kinski. In August 1979, three", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561598", "text": "(1995) found moderate box office success, the thriller \"The Juror\" (1996) was heavily panned by critics. Moore was paid a record-breaking salary of US$12.5 million in 1996 to star in \"Striptease\". Much hype was made about Moore's willingness to dance topless for the part, though this was the sixth time she had shown her breasts on film. Although the film was actually a financial success—grossing over US$113 million worldwide—it failed to reach expectations and was widely considered a flop. Moore produced and starred in a controversial miniseries for HBO called \"If These Walls Could Talk\" (1996), a three-part anthology about", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561601", "text": "1997. After \"G.I. Jane\", Moore retreated from the spotlight and moved to Hailey, Idaho, on a full-time basis to devote herself to raising her three daughters. She was off screen for three years before re-emerging in the arthouse psychological drama \"Passion of Mind\" (2000), the first English-language film from Belgian director Alain Berliner. Her performance as a woman with multiple personality disorder was well received, but the film itself garnered mixed reviews and was deemed \"naggingly slow\" by some critics. Moore then resumed her self-imposed career hiatus and continued to turn down film offers. Producer Irwin Winkler said in 2001,", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561595", "text": "Girl\", which ran at the Circle Repertory Company in fall 1986. In 1988, Moore starred as a prophecy-bearing mother in the apocalyptic drama \"The Seventh Sign\"—her first outing as a solo film star— and in 1989, she played the quick-witted local laundress and prostitute in Neil Jordan's Depression-era allegory \"We're No Angels\", opposite Robert De Niro. Her most successful film to date is the supernatural romantic melodrama \"Ghost\" (1990), which grossed over US$505 million at the box office and was the highest-grossing film of the year. She played a young woman in jeopardy to be protected by the ghost of", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "1561608", "text": "work as a director in a segment of the 2011 Lifetime anthology film \"Five,\" and starred opposite Ellen Barkin, Ellen Burstyn and George Kennedy in Sam Levinson's black comedy \"Another Happy Day,\" which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Moore appeared as the mother of a troubled teen in \"LOL\" (2012), with Miley Cyrus. The film had a limited release, and was critically and commercially unsuccessful. She played a similar mother role in her next film, the likewise coming-of-age dramedy \"Very Good Girls\" (2013), which co-starred Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen. Her part as an old flame of a quick-draw", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "6124231", "text": "an album with Tom Petty's production team. However, just as final mixes were being completed Infinity Records was dissolved by its parent company MCA Records. The album was never released, and the master tapes remain locked in the Shelter Studios vault. Also in 1979, Moore (then 29) met the 16-year-old Demetria \"Demi\" Guynes at a nightclub. Almost immediately, despite Moore's existing marriage, the two became a couple. The two moved in together while Guynes was still 16, and married a few months later in February, after Moore's divorce from Lucy was finalized and Guynes was 17. Demi Guynes became Demi", "title": "Freddy Moore" }, { "docid": "11531810", "text": "several taken by Leibovitz of seven-months pregnant 28-year-old Moore, then carrying the couple's second daughter, Scout LaRue. The photographs ranged from Moore in lacy underwear and spiked high heels, to a revealing peignoir. The final selection had Moore wearing only a diamond ring. Joanne Gair worked on make-up for the shoot. Samuel Irving Newhouse, Jr., chairman of Conde Nast Publications, was very supportive of the chosen cover despite the potential for lost sales. Tina Brown, \"Vanity Fair\" editor, quickly realized that there would be harsh backlash for regular distribution of the magazine; the issue had to be wrapped in a", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "8383969", "text": "camera. The text advertised that Woodbury Soap was now enriched with \"filter sunshine\". Several celebrities also appeared in advertisements for Woodbury Soap. In 1938, debutante Brenda Frazier appeared in and for the company's soap which included a testimonial from the gossip columnist who was largely responsible for her fame, Cholly Knickerbocker). Future actress Oona O'Neill, who was then known as \"New York's No. 1 \"Deb\", appeared in ads for the company's soap in 1943. In the 1940s and 1950s, actresses Lucille Ball, Virginia Bruce, Leslie Caron, Linda Darnell, Gloria De Haven, Ava Gardner, Judy Garland, Veronica Lake, Myrna Loy, Marie", "title": "Woodbury Soap Company" }, { "docid": "6124228", "text": "Freddy Moore Frederick George \"Freddy\" Moore (born July 19, 1950) is an American rock musician and the first husband of actress Demi Moore, with whom he wrote songs. Moore was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and aside from his family's brief move to San Francisco, California in 1964/65, grew up in the Twin Cities area. \"I didn't have any friends and really didn't want any. I just sat in my room and played Beatle songs and wrote my own,\" he claims. At this point, he was known as Rick Moore. He graduated from Richfield, Minnesota High School in 1968. Fearful that", "title": "Freddy Moore" }, { "docid": "5529719", "text": "single broadside was enough to cripple the enemy vessel. Demi-cannon The demi-cannon was a medium-sized cannon, similar to but slightly larger than a culverin and smaller than a regular 42 lb (19 kg) cannon, developed in the early seventeenth century. A full cannon fired a 42-pound shot, but these were discontinued in the eighteenth century as they were seen as too unwieldy. The lower tiers of seventeenth century English warships were usually equipped with demi-cannons. Ships featuring demi-cannons included HMS \"Sovereign of the Seas\", HMS \"Resolution\" and HMS \"James\", which fought in the Anglo-Dutch naval wars. The barrels of demi-cannon", "title": "Demi-cannon" }, { "docid": "5529717", "text": "Demi-cannon The demi-cannon was a medium-sized cannon, similar to but slightly larger than a culverin and smaller than a regular 42 lb (19 kg) cannon, developed in the early seventeenth century. A full cannon fired a 42-pound shot, but these were discontinued in the eighteenth century as they were seen as too unwieldy. The lower tiers of seventeenth century English warships were usually equipped with demi-cannons. Ships featuring demi-cannons included HMS \"Sovereign of the Seas\", HMS \"Resolution\" and HMS \"James\", which fought in the Anglo-Dutch naval wars. The barrels of demi-cannon were typically 11 ft (3.4m) long, had a calibre", "title": "Demi-cannon" }, { "docid": "3356165", "text": "Demi-glace Demi-glace (English: \"half glaze\") is a rich brown sauce in French cuisine used by itself or as a base for other sauces. The term comes from the French word \"glace\", which, used in reference to a sauce, means \"icing\" or \"glaze\". It is traditionally made by combining one part Espagnole sauce and one part brown stock. The sauce is then reduced by half, strained of any left over impurities and finished with a sherry wine. Common variants of demi-glace use a 1:1 mixture of beef or chicken stock to sauce espagnole; these are referred to as \"beef demi-glace\" (\"demi-glace", "title": "Demi-glace" }, { "docid": "6124235", "text": "1997 he and several ex-bandmates began recording and self-releasing CDs of new material under the name The Kat Club. Freddy Moore Frederick George \"Freddy\" Moore (born July 19, 1950) is an American rock musician and the first husband of actress Demi Moore, with whom he wrote songs. Moore was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and aside from his family's brief move to San Francisco, California in 1964/65, grew up in the Twin Cities area. \"I didn't have any friends and really didn't want any. I just sat in my room and played Beatle songs and wrote my own,\" he claims. At", "title": "Freddy Moore" }, { "docid": "10270586", "text": "Alfie Moore Alfred Ernest Moore (December 1, 1904 – June 29, 1979) was a professional ice hockey goaltender. Moore played 16 seasons of professional ice hockey, including 21 games in the National Hockey League with the Chicago Black Hawks, New York Americans and Detroit Red Wings. His chief claim to fame was when he replaced Mike Karakas in the Chicago Black Hawks net in game one of the 1938 Stanley Cup Finals when replacement goaltender Paul Goodman did not arrive in Toronto on time. Moore held the Toronto Maple Leafs to one goal as Chicago won 3–1. After this game,", "title": "Alfie Moore" }, { "docid": "3784633", "text": "In this regard, he was much like another cowboy star, William Boyd, who portrayed the Hopalong Cassidy character. Moore was so identified with the masked man that he is the only person on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, , to have his character's name along with his on the star, which reads, \"Clayton Moore — The Lone Ranger\". He was inducted into the Stuntman's Hall of Fame in 1982 and in 1990 was inducted into the Western Performers Hall of Fame at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Moore also was awarded a place on", "title": "Clayton Moore" }, { "docid": "9836042", "text": "Napoleonic period. Perhaps the most famous unit to be termed a \"Demi-Brigade\" is the 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade, the only permanent demi-brigade in the modern French Army. In the Second Polish Republic, demi-brigades () were organized in the ranks of Border Protection Corps (in 1927) and National Defence units (from 1937). Demi-brigade A demi-brigade () is a military formation used by the French Army since the French Revolutionary Wars. The \"Demi-brigade\" amalgamated the various infantry organizations of the French Revolutionary infantry into a single unit. Each one was headed by a chef de brigade. The term \"\"Demi-brigade\"\" was chosen to", "title": "Demi-brigade" }, { "docid": "11531815", "text": "session, not a cover shoot. Leibovitz has had personal photo sessions of Moore and all of her daughters. One journalist's professional account of the cover story describes it as \"relentlessly long\", and a second journalist's description is that it is a \"very long profile\". The article discussed the then three-year-old Rumer Willis and husband Bruce Willis. Willis and Moore discuss each other in the article. The article also spends three pages recounting her life. The article spent little time on her next film, \"The Butcher's Wife\" or the baby inside her, Scout LaRue Willis . The photograph was parodied on", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "3356167", "text": "warm. At this point, the espagnole is prepared, and when it is finished, the brown stock is added in equal portions to the espagnole. Demi-glace keeps very well, about six months refrigerated or almost indefinitely frozen. Due to the considerable effort involved in making the traditional demi-glace, chefs commonly substitute a simple \"jus lié\" of veal stock or to create a simulated version, which the American cookbook author Julia Child referred to as a \"semi-demi-glace\"(i.e. sans espagnole sauce). However, even today, many chefs who prepare French \"haute cuisine\" use a demi-glace prepared in their own kitchen. Concentrates and mixes, mostly", "title": "Demi-glace" }, { "docid": "11531819", "text": "issue of \"Vanity Fair\", Moore was shown on the cover in the body painting photo by Joanne Gair. The painting is a memorable example of modern body painting artwork. It made Gair an immediate pop culture star as the most prominent body paint artist, which prompted consideration for an Absolut Vodka Absolut Gair ad campaign. The 1992 cover, which required a thirteen-hour sitting for Gair and her team of make-up artists, was a commemoration of the August 1991 photo. Leibovitz could not decide where to shoot, and reserved two mobile homes, four hotel rooms and five houses. In December 1993,", "title": "More Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "17195264", "text": "RIAA. The album has been certified gold by RIAA. Lovato supported the album in two concert tours: The Neon Lights Tour in early 2014 and the Demi World Tour between late 2014 and 2015. In April 2012, Lovato began writing the songs from her fourth studio album, after the commercial success of her third studio album \"Unbroken\" (2011). The album was recorded during Lovato's appearance as a mentor during the second season of \"The X Factor\". Lovato chose the title of the album \"Demi\", because it was her first album intended for a more mainstream audience, and those who did", "title": "Demi (album)" }, { "docid": "16068979", "text": "the 1982 NBA draft, however he did not play in the National Basketball Association. He took a job as a stockbroker in North Platte, Nebraska. On March 3, 1984, Moore died in a private plane crash returning to Nebraska from watching Muncie Central play a sectional game. Moore was posthumously inducted into both the Nebraska and Indiana Basketball Halls of Fame. For the 1984–85 season, the Nebraska athletic department established the Jack Moore Award, presented to the most valuable player for the Huskers each year. The first recipient was center Dave Hoppen. Jack Moore (basketball) Jack Moore (December 26, 1959", "title": "Jack Moore (basketball)" }, { "docid": "12200875", "text": "Bantamweight Championship in their career. In 2010, Pal Moore was selected to join the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Memphis Pal Moore Memphis Pal Moore, born Thomas Wilson Moore, was an American boxer from Memphis, who claimed the World Bantamweight Championship in 1918 defeating championship claimant Johnny Ertle in Baltimore. He was rated as the seventeenth best bantamweight of all time by boxing.com, and was elected to the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2010. Managed by Tommy Walsh, Moore fought over 200 fights. He fought over thirty bouts with fifteen world champions, of which he impressively won nineteen. Moore", "title": "Memphis Pal Moore" }, { "docid": "9836036", "text": "Demi-brigade A demi-brigade () is a military formation used by the French Army since the French Revolutionary Wars. The \"Demi-brigade\" amalgamated the various infantry organizations of the French Revolutionary infantry into a single unit. Each one was headed by a chef de brigade. The term \"\"Demi-brigade\"\" was chosen to avoid the feudal \"ancien régime\" connotations of the term \"\"Régiment\"\". Napoleon Bonaparte ordered the term to be abandoned in 1803, and the \"demi-brigades\" were renamed \"\"régiments\"\". The term was reused by certain later units in the French Army, such as the 13th Foreign Legion Demi-Brigade, the only permanent demi-brigade in the", "title": "Demi-brigade" }, { "docid": "1423198", "text": "recognized by the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. In 2000, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Scotty Moore Winfield Scott \"Scotty\" Moore III (December 27, 1931 – June 28, 2016) was an American guitarist and recording engineer. He is best known for his backing of Elvis Presley in the first part of his career, between 1954 and the beginning of Elvis's Hollywood years. Rock critic Dave Marsh credits Moore with the invention of power chording, on the 1957 Presley song \"Jailhouse Rock\", the intro of which Moore and drummer D.J. Fontana, according to the latter, \"copped", "title": "Scotty Moore" }, { "docid": "9836040", "text": "four six-pounder cannons. The \"levée en masse\" had swelled the ranks of the French army, so by August 1794 over a million men (1,075,000) were under arms. The Demi-brigade created a streamlined and simple method of organizing the infantry. Due to the current war situation, \"Demi-brigades\" were not formed until early 1794. Separate Demi-brigades were organised as line infantry (\"Demi-brigade de Bataille\", 1792–96 and \"Demi-brigade d'Infanterie de Ligne\", 1796–1803 ) and light infantry (\"Demi-brigade d'Infanterie Légère\"); all lacked uniformity in either weapons or equipment. As the French Revolutionary Wars progressed, demi-brigades were issued with specific coloured uniform jackets. By late", "title": "Demi-brigade" }, { "docid": "12256951", "text": "free alkaline content of the soap (the alkaline which did not react with the oil during saponification) breaks down upon slow reaction with air. The moisture content of the soap is also reduced, making the soap hard and long lasting. And lastly, the color of the outside of the soap turns a pale gold, while the inside remains green. Modern Aleppo soaps are manufactured using a \"cold process\" and contain olive and laurel oils, and may contain a variety of herbs and/or essential oils. Traditional Aleppo soap is made with olive oil, laurel berry oil, water and lye, while the", "title": "Aleppo soap" }, { "docid": "12601711", "text": "Albania. In May 1944, the Greek People's Liberation Army formed and named a mixed unit of both Greeks and Cham Albanians in his honor, the IV \"Ali Demi\" battalion of 15th regiment. Ali Demi Street and Ali Demi (neighborhood) in Tirana, are named after him. Ali Demi Ali Demi (1918 - 1943) was an Albanian hero of World War II and a communist, born in Filiates, Greece in 1918. He died in battle fighting German forces in Vlora, Albania in 1943. He was born in Filiates, Greece. Later Ali Demi studied at the \"Lyceum\", in Tirana, Albania and in 1939", "title": "Ali Demi" }, { "docid": "14488702", "text": "Musa Demi Musa Demi (1878-1971) was an Albanian revolutionary and writer. He was one of the main proponents of the Albanian National Awakening in the region of Filiates, Paramythia and Igoumenitsa (Çamëria). Musa Demi was born in Filiates, then a town of the Ottoman Empire in 1878. His father Hamit Demi was a local landowner of the region from the Demi family of Filiates. Musa Demi's grandfather had been Çafa Demi. He graduated from the local Ottoman rüşdiye (secular state school) and then continued his studies in Ioannina. In the early 1900s he became one of the founders of the", "title": "Musa Demi" }, { "docid": "4390630", "text": "Chanté Moore Chanté Torrane Moore (born February 17, 1967) is an American singer, songwriter, actress, television personality, and author. Rising to fame in the late 1990s, Moore established herself as an R&B vocalist. Her debut studio album \"Precious\" was released in 1992. The album was certified certified gold by the RIAA on November 14, 1994, in the United States, spawning such R&B hits as \"Love's Taken Over\" and \"It's Alright\". Released in 1994, her second album, \"A Love Supreme\", did not achieve the same success as her debut album. In 1999, her third album, \"This Moment Is Mine\", was released.", "title": "Chanté Moore" }, { "docid": "10270589", "text": "to Springfield in 1940 and he played out his career for several teams in the AHL, retiring after the 1941–42 season. Alfie Moore Alfred Ernest Moore (December 1, 1904 – June 29, 1979) was a professional ice hockey goaltender. Moore played 16 seasons of professional ice hockey, including 21 games in the National Hockey League with the Chicago Black Hawks, New York Americans and Detroit Red Wings. His chief claim to fame was when he replaced Mike Karakas in the Chicago Black Hawks net in game one of the 1938 Stanley Cup Finals when replacement goaltender Paul Goodman did not", "title": "Alfie Moore" }, { "docid": "10971637", "text": "Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures Corp. Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures Corp. is an influential 1998 Second Circuit fair use case. Annie Leibovitz is a professional portrait photographer who had published a photograph of celebrity Demi Moore while Moore was seven months pregnant. The photograph, published on the front cover of \"Vanity Fair\" in August, 1991 with the title \"More Demi Moore\", had achieved significant fame and notoriety on publication, and Paramount Pictures chose to parody it in 1993 as part of a promotional campaign for its new film \"\". Paramount's commissioned photograph featured Leslie Nielsen's face superimposed over the body of", "title": "Leibovitz v. Paramount Pictures Corp." }, { "docid": "6355609", "text": "Which Lie Did I Tell? Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade is a work of non-fiction first published in 2000 by novelist and screenwriter William Goldman. It is the follow-up to his 1982 book \"Adventures in the Screen Trade\". Originally to be called \"The Big Campfire\", the inspiration for the title came when Goldman was in the office of a Hollywood producer who was talking on the phone to one of his associates. Suddenly he cupped his hands over the receiver, snapped his fingers and said “Bill, Bill! Which lie did I tell?” The book", "title": "Which Lie Did I Tell?" }, { "docid": "360035", "text": "respectively aired their own soap operas, \"The Catlins\" (a primetime soap that utilized the daily episode format of its daytime counterparts) and \"Another Life\" (a soap that combined standard serial drama with religious overtones), during the 1980s. Fox, the fourth \"major network,\" carried a short lived daytime soap \"Tribes\" in 1990. Yet other than this and a couple of pilot attempts, Fox mainly stayed away from daytime soaps, and has not attempted them since their ascension to major-network status in 1994 (it did later attempt a series of daily prime time soaps, which aired on newly created sister network MyNetworkTV,", "title": "Soap opera" }, { "docid": "1561612", "text": "model's body was attached to what is described as \"the guilty and smirking face\" of Nielsen. The teaser said \"Due this March.\" The case was dismissed in 1996 because the parody relied \"for its comic effect on the contrast between the original.\" In November 2009, the Moroccan magazine \"Femmes du Maroc\" emulated the infamous pose with Moroccan news reporter Nadia Larguet, causing controversy in the majority-Muslim nation. In August 1992, Moore again appeared nude on the cover of \"Vanity Fair,\" this time modeling for body painting artist Joanne Gair in \"Demi's Birthday Suit.\" On February 8, 1980, at the age", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "16498496", "text": "in the long line of North-countrymen to move to Southend in an effort to find fame and fortune with United. He made 164 league appearances with Southend, and had a successful loan spell at Essex rivals Colchester. He later moved on to Chester, where he scored in the Football League Cup semi-final against Aston Villa, and then Swansea before retiring through injury. Gary Moore (footballer, born 1945) Gary Moore (born 4 November 1945) is an English former footballer who played in The Football League Moore, born in Sedgefield, County Durham, gained school representative honours with Sunderland Boys and Durham County", "title": "Gary Moore (footballer, born 1945)" }, { "docid": "1561604", "text": "Motion Picture but won the Hollywood Film Festival Award for Best Ensemble Cast. She played a grieving and tormented novelist in the mystery thriller \"Half Light\" (also 2006). Moore took on the role of a driven police officer investigating a serial killer in 2007's \"Mr. Brooks\", with Kevin Costner. \"The New York Times\" found her performance to be \"the most wooden\" of her career, writing: \"Looking exhausted and tense, the actress is as expressive as a wax museum effigy\". \"Mr. Brooks\" made US$48.1 million worldwide, and was Moore's last widely released film until 2017. She reunited with \"Blame It on", "title": "Demi Moore" }, { "docid": "360043", "text": "in a Left-Handed Boy Statue, and helped a Princess find her Aztec Treasure in Mexico. Other soap operas attempted similar adventure storylines, often featuring footage shot on location – frequently in exotic locales. During the 1990s, the mob, action and adventure stories fell out of favor with producers, due to generally declining ratings for daytime soap operas at the time, and the resultant budget cuts. In addition, soap operas were no longer able to go on expensive location shoots overseas as they were able to do in the 1980s. During that decade, soap operas increasingly focused on younger characters and", "title": "Soap opera" }, { "docid": "360126", "text": "Grundy Ufa wanted to produce another soap for RTL. Like \"GZSZ\", the format was based on an Australian soap opera from Reg Watson. But RTL did not like the plot idea about separated twins who meet each other for the first time after 20 years and fall in love without knowing that they are related. The project was then taken to Das Erste, which commissioned the program, titled \"Verbotene Liebe\", which premiered on January 2, 1995. With the premiere of \"Verbotene Liebe\", the network turned \"Marienhof\" into a daily soap as well. In the meanwhile, RTL debuted the Grundy Ufa-produced", "title": "Soap opera" }, { "docid": "12575944", "text": "a great deal of carbolic soap might find that their skin becomes irritated as a result of prolonged contact. This is one of the reasons carbolic soap has been displaced in hospitals by more gentle disinfectant skin cleansers. By killing bacteria, it also acts as a mild deodorant when used as a body soap. It is still distributed to disaster victims for routine hygiene by the Red Cross and other relief organizations. Remembered by generations of people from the 1920s through the 1970s as the household soap of their childhood, it is still sought after by some for its nostalgic", "title": "Carbolic soap" }, { "docid": "17103148", "text": "and her performance in the latter as a linguistics professor with early-onset Alzheimer's disease earned her the Best Actress Oscar. Moore also appeared in \"\" which earned over $755 million to emerge as her highest-grossing release. In 2017 Moore played a villainous entrepreneur in the highly successful spy film \"\". Julianne Moore filmography Julianne Moore is an American actress who made her acting debut on television in 1984 in the mystery series \"The Edge of Night\". The following year she made her first appearance in the soap opera \"As the World Turns\", which earned her a Daytime Emmy Award for", "title": "Julianne Moore filmography" }, { "docid": "683895", "text": "fat. Zosimos of Panopolis, \"circa\" 300 AD, describes soap and soapmaking. Galen describes soap-making using lye and prescribes washing to carry away impurities from the body and clothes. The use of soap for personal cleanliness became increasingly common in the 2nd century A.D. According to Galen, the best soaps were Germanic, and soaps from Gaul were second best. A detergent similar to soap was manufactured in ancient China from the seeds of Gleditsia sinensis. Another traditional detergent is a mixture of pig pancreas and plant ash called \"Zhu yi zi\". True soap, made of animal fat, did not appear in", "title": "Soap" }, { "docid": "14875326", "text": "Tahir Demi Tahir Demi (1919–1961) was an Albanian politician. He was high-ranking member of the Party of Labour of Albania and representative of Albania at Comecon. In 1960 he was arrested and sentenced to death in 1961 for being a member of a pro-Soviet group, led by Rear Admiral Teme Sejko, that had been planning a coup d'état against Enver Hoxha. Tahir Demi, a member of the Demi family, was born in Filiates, modern northwestern Greece (Chameria) in 1919. In the 1930s he studied at the faculty of law of the University of Tirana. He was married to Sadete Demi", "title": "Tahir Demi" }, { "docid": "3356168", "text": "available to professional kitchens, are another way of avoiding the labor involved in preparing the sauce. Demi-glace was humorously featured in popular TV show \"Northern Exposure\", season four, episode \"The Big Feast\". The recipe for the sauce was exaggerated to the point of boiling down the bones of 40 cattle to produce the super-luxurious glace. Demi-glace Demi-glace (English: \"half glaze\") is a rich brown sauce in French cuisine used by itself or as a base for other sauces. The term comes from the French word \"glace\", which, used in reference to a sauce, means \"icing\" or \"glaze\". It is traditionally", "title": "Demi-glace" }, { "docid": "6121819", "text": "meet her at the church Aleesha was christened at, where she hands over her daughter in a tearful farewell. Leo begs Demi to let him sell drugs to make some money. Reluctantly, Demi agrees, and soon turns to heroin herself to numb the pain. Leo finds a poster of him and Demi, and realises their families are looking for them. Leo races back to the squat to tell Demi, and finds her unconscious with the heroin by her side. Believing she'd killed herself, he overdoses on the remaining heroin just as Demi wakes up. Leo collapses in her arms just", "title": "Demi Miller" }, { "docid": "6121818", "text": "away, and begs Demi to come with him. Demi agrees, but Leo abandons her when she insists on taking Aleesha. Demi returns to Walford, but is delighted when she meets Leo near the swings. Leo promises her he will secretly continue to see her. When Leo's parents plan to take him to live in Scotland, Demi and Leo take Aleesha and run away. The young family then live in a squat, struggling to afford to survive. Demi realises that the only way to secure her daughter's safety is to send her back home. She phones Pauline, and tells her to", "title": "Demi Miller" }, { "docid": "16442413", "text": "Demi (author) Demi (born Charlotte Dumaresq Hunt; September 2, 1942) is a children’s book author and illustrator. During her career she has published over 300 titles. Demi was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is the great-grand daughter of the American painter William Morris Hunt, and the great-grand niece of architect Richard Morris Hunt. Demi earned her nickname as a young child when her father started calling her \"demi\" because she was half the size of her sister. She studied art at Instituto Allende, Mexico, and with Sister Corita at the Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles. She was a Fulbright", "title": "Demi (author)" }, { "docid": "16965187", "text": "2010, where 81% of the tickets were sold, and Chile followed on April 12, 2010. However, in Chile, tickets were almost completely sold out as only two tickets were available in the end (100%). Demi Lovato: Live in Concert Demi Lovato: Live in Concert (also known as the Summer Tour 2009) was the first headlining concert tour by American singer Demi Lovato, in support of her first two studio albums \"Don't Forget\" (2008) and \"Here We Go Again\" (2009). The national tour began as the Summer Tour, on June 21, 2009, and ended August 21, 2009, covering a total of", "title": "Demi Lovato: Live in Concert" }, { "docid": "16965184", "text": "Demi Lovato: Live in Concert Demi Lovato: Live in Concert (also known as the Summer Tour 2009) was the first headlining concert tour by American singer Demi Lovato, in support of her first two studio albums \"Don't Forget\" (2008) and \"Here We Go Again\" (2009). The national tour began as the Summer Tour, on June 21, 2009, and ended August 21, 2009, covering a total of 40 cities. David Archuleta served as the special guest for the entire tour except for some tour dates at state fairs when David had concerts outside of this tour. David also scheduled solo shows", "title": "Demi Lovato: Live in Concert" }, { "docid": "6981517", "text": "Sam Moore Samuel David Moore (born October 12, 1935) is an American vocalist who was a member of the soul and R&B group Sam & Dave from 1961 to 1981. He is a member of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, the Grammy Hall of Fame (for \"Soul Man\"), and the Vocal Group Hall of Fame. Moore is best known for his work as Sam of the soul music duo Sam & Dave, where he was the higher tenor voice. Moore has performed in concerts, ranging from the Atlantic Records 40th anniversary party in 1988, to the New Orleans", "title": "Sam Moore" }, { "docid": "3356166", "text": "au boeuf\") or \"chicken demi-glace\" (\"demi-glace au poulet\"). The term \"demi-glace\" by itself implies that it is made with the traditional veal stock. The basic recipe for demi-glace is provided by the French chef Auguste Escoffier, who is often considered to have established the method of French cooking, as well as codified many standard French recipes. Although many recipes for demi-glace give the preparation for the espagnole first, and then the recipe for the brown stock, preparation should actually proceed in the reverse. A basic brown stock should be prepared, and when completed, left on the heat to remain very", "title": "Demi-glace" }, { "docid": "6804185", "text": "FIFA World Cup squad in Mexico in 1986, but did not play in the finals. Moore played 118 regular season games in the NASL and 16 in the play offs from 1980 to 1984 for three teams. He was a member of the Tulsa Roughnecks team that won the 1983 Soccer Bowl in Vancouver over Toronto Blizzard. With the NASL defunct, Moore returned to Northern Ireland to play and live. At the time of the 1986 World Cup, he was playing for Glentoran. In 2005, he was inducted into the Canadian Soccer Hall of Fame. Terry Moore (soccer) Terence \"Terry\"", "title": "Terry Moore (soccer)" }, { "docid": "10756484", "text": "Why Did I Get Married? (play) Why Did I Get Married? is an American play written by Tyler Perry. The version recorded and released on DVD starred Cheryl Pepsii Riley as Sheila, LaVan Davis as Poppy, Donna Stewart as Diana, Tony Grant as Troy and Cordell Moore as Mike. The stage play was adapted into a motion picture by Lionsgate Home Entertainment which opened in theaters on October 12, 2007. The scenes unfolds with Poppy speaking to his late wife about the state of the cabin in which we find him, and after a premature cessation of cleaning due to", "title": "Why Did I Get Married? (play)" }, { "docid": "2230601", "text": "despite requests for such information, the FDA did not receive sufficient data for manufacturers on the long-term health effects of these chemicals. This ban does not apply to hand sanitizer. Antibacterial soap Antibacterial soap is a soap which contains chemical ingredients that purportedly assist in killing bacteria. The majority of antibacterial soaps contain triclosan, though other chemical additives are also common. The effectiveness of products branded as being antibacterial has been disputed by some academics as well as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In September 2016, the FDA banned the use of nineteen chemicals frequently used in such", "title": "Antibacterial soap" }, { "docid": "9480005", "text": "Sinn Sage as Vampirooni, and Audrey Elson as Lyssa the Witch. Demi the Demoness Demi the Demoness is a fictional, humorous, erotic comics character whose fantasy adventures have been published since 1992. Demi was created by SS Crompton. Demi has appeared in numerous comics crossovers with other characters, including \"Shaundra\", \"Captain Fortune\", \"Mauvette\", \"Vampirooni\", \"Cassiopeia the Witch\", \"Djustine\", \"Crimson Gash\", and adult film stars Tracey Adams, Tabitha Stevens, Deja Sin, and Bonnie Michaels. Over 35 different \"Demi the Demoness\" comics have been published. Numerous artists and authors have worked on Demi comics over the years, including Frank Brunner, Tim Vigil,", "title": "Demi the Demoness" }, { "docid": "9480001", "text": "Demi the Demoness Demi the Demoness is a fictional, humorous, erotic comics character whose fantasy adventures have been published since 1992. Demi was created by SS Crompton. Demi has appeared in numerous comics crossovers with other characters, including \"Shaundra\", \"Captain Fortune\", \"Mauvette\", \"Vampirooni\", \"Cassiopeia the Witch\", \"Djustine\", \"Crimson Gash\", and adult film stars Tracey Adams, Tabitha Stevens, Deja Sin, and Bonnie Michaels. Over 35 different \"Demi the Demoness\" comics have been published. Numerous artists and authors have worked on Demi comics over the years, including Frank Brunner, Tim Vigil, Seppo Makinen, Philo, Ryan Vella, Gus Norman, Enrico Teodorani, Silvano, Diego", "title": "Demi the Demoness" }, { "docid": "360036", "text": "but the experiment was largely a failure). Due to the masses of episodes produced for a series, release of soap operas to DVD (a popular venue for distribution of current and vintage television series) is considered impractical. With the exception of occasional specials, daytime soap operas are notable by their absence from DVD release schedules (an exception being the supernatural soap opera, \"Dark Shadows\", which did receive an essentially complete release on both VHS and DVD; the single lost episode #1219 is reconstructed by means of an off-the-air audio recording, still images, and recap material from adjacent episodes). Due to", "title": "Soap opera" }, { "docid": "6355616", "text": "how stories are written and films are made. Sprinkled throughout is his advice for future screenwriters. In the second section, he analyzes classic film sequences, setting each scene, quoting excerpts from the screenplays, and then explaining what made them great. Finally, the author offers story ideas and examines their potential for the big screen.\" Which Lie Did I Tell? Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade is a work of non-fiction first published in 2000 by novelist and screenwriter William Goldman. It is the follow-up to his 1982 book \"Adventures in the Screen Trade\". Originally to", "title": "Which Lie Did I Tell?" }, { "docid": "12102646", "text": "was included on the deluxe edition of Lovato's debut album \"Don't Forget\". The song includes the part of \"Gotta Find You\", but Joe Jonas does not sing. The music video features Lovato playing the piano and singing. In the video, appear scenes of \"Camp Rock\". The music video was released to Disney Channel in Spain, Portugal and some states of South America. The video was directed by Edgar Romero. This Is Me (Demi Lovato song) \"This Is Me\" is a song by Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas from the Disney Channel television film \"Camp Rock\" and was featured on the", "title": "This Is Me (Demi Lovato song)" }, { "docid": "19786739", "text": "into the FMU Athletic Hall of Fame in 1992 and the Women's Hall of Fame in 2011. Michael Hawkins, who nominated Moore for the latter honor, called her one of college basketball's most prolific scorers and the best player Francis Marion ever produced. Moore currently hosts her own girls' basketball camp. Pearl Moore Pearl Moore (born March 16, 1957) is a retired American professional basketball player who played for the Women's Professional Basketball League. During her collegiate career at Francis Marion University, Moore established herself as one of the most prolific scorers in college history, male or female, and is", "title": "Pearl Moore" }, { "docid": "3085633", "text": "motion picture industry. His final appearance was in the uncredited role as Charlie Bates in the horror/thriller \"I Bury the Living\" (1958), which starred Richard Boone and Theodore Bikel. Matt Moore died at age 72 in Hollywood. He has a star for his work in motions pictures on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6301 Hollywood Boulevard. He was very fond of his two cats, having them appear in several of his movies, and both have a star in the animal section of the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Matt Moore (actor) Matthew Moore (January 8, 1888 – January 21, 1960)", "title": "Matt Moore (actor)" }, { "docid": "14875329", "text": "a Party conference in Tirana in 1956. Tahir Demi Tahir Demi (1919–1961) was an Albanian politician. He was high-ranking member of the Party of Labour of Albania and representative of Albania at Comecon. In 1960 he was arrested and sentenced to death in 1961 for being a member of a pro-Soviet group, led by Rear Admiral Teme Sejko, that had been planning a coup d'état against Enver Hoxha. Tahir Demi, a member of the Demi family, was born in Filiates, modern northwestern Greece (Chameria) in 1919. In the 1930s he studied at the faculty of law of the University of", "title": "Tahir Demi" } ]
To the nearest million, what is the population of London, England?
[ "seven million", "7million", "7 million" ]
[ { "docid": "4209702", "text": "about one million people. The Maya population is today estimated at six million, which is about the same as at the end of the 15th century, according to some estimates. In what is now Brazil, the indigenous population declined from a pre-Columbian high of an estimated four million to some 300,000. While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus, estimates range from a low of 2.1 million to 7 million people to a high of 18 million. The aboriginal population of Canada during the late 15th century is estimated to have been", "title": "Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas" } ]
[ { "docid": "17820644", "text": "parliament. Seeley noted that it was possible for the Dominions to become independent of Britain: \"Such a separation would leave England on the same level as the states nearest to us on the Continent, populous, but less so than Germany and scarcely equal to France. But two states, Russia and the United States, would be on an altogether higher scale of magnitude, Russia having at once, and the United States perhaps before very long, twice our population\". However, he also stated that; \"The other alternative is that England may prove able to do what the United States does so easily,", "title": "The Expansion of England" }, { "docid": "8591708", "text": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England) The City of London was a Parliamentary constituency of the Parliament of England until 1707. This borough constituency consisted of the City of London, which was the historic core of the modern Greater London. In the twenty-first century, the City forms part of the London Region of England. The southern boundary of the City is the north bank of the River Thames. The City of Westminster is situated to the west. The districts of Holborn and Finsbury are to the north, Shoreditch to the north-east and Whitechapel to the east. Before", "title": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England)" }, { "docid": "8591717", "text": "Protectorate Parliaments, before reverting to four for the Third Protectorate Parliament. \"Key to parties: T Tory; W Whig.\" \"Dates of general and by-elections from 1660 (excluding some general elections at which no new MP was returned).\" City of London (elections to the Parliament of England) The City of London was a Parliamentary constituency of the Parliament of England until 1707. This borough constituency consisted of the City of London, which was the historic core of the modern Greater London. In the twenty-first century, the City forms part of the London Region of England. The southern boundary of the City is", "title": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England)" }, { "docid": "4209701", "text": "the Mayan States, 11 million in what is now Brazil, and 12 million in the Inca Empire), the lowest estimates give a death toll due from disease of 90% by the end of the 17th century (nine million people in 1650). Latin America would match its 15th-century population early in the 19th century; it numbered 17 million in 1800, 30 million in 1850, 61 million in 1900, 105 million in 1930, 218 million in 1960, 361 million in 1980, and 563 million in 2005. In the last three decades of the 16th century, the population of present-day Mexico dropped to", "title": "Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas" }, { "docid": "19959625", "text": "by Alan Galbraith, and was the one that became the hit. This single followed his previous release, the Bernie Allen arranged \"Helena\", which even though a gold disc entry, wasn't a hit. The September 7, 1974 issue of \"Billboard\" recorded the song at #10, just behind George McCrae's \"Rock Your Baby\" at #9 and with Paper Lace's \"The Night Chicago Died\" at #1. That was the highest position it got to. The song stayed in the charts for 9 weeks. Walters didn't have any more chart hits after that. The Nearest Thing to Heaven The Nearest Thing To Heaven was", "title": "The Nearest Thing to Heaven" }, { "docid": "3252683", "text": "have a distinct identity from the rest of England, however without universal agreement on what cultural, political, and economic characteristics of the South are. For statistical purposes, Southern England is divided into four regions: South West England, South East England, London, and the East of England. Combined, these have a total area of , and a population of 28 million. People often apply the terms \"southern\" and \"south\" loosely, without deeper consideration of the geographical identities of Southern England. This can cause confusion over the depth of affiliation between its areas. As in much of the rest of England, people", "title": "Southern England" }, { "docid": "19959624", "text": "The Nearest Thing to Heaven The Nearest Thing To Heaven was a sizable hit for Bunny Walters in 1974. It reached #10 in the New Zealand charts. It was also his last hit. The song was composed by Tony Macaulay, Gary Sulsh, and Stuart Leathwood. The song was originally recorded by Ben Thomas, released in the UK on Bell Records BELL 1272 in 1972. The version recorded by Bunny Walters was released in 1974 on Impact IR 1084. The B side contained \"Songs We Sang Together\" which was also composed by Tony Macaulay. This version that Walters recorded was produced", "title": "The Nearest Thing to Heaven" }, { "docid": "8591709", "text": "1298, the area was represented as part of the county constituency of Middlesex. The City formed part of the geographic county, even though from early times it was not administered as part of Middlesex. London is first known to have been enfranchised and represented in Parliament in 1298. It was the most important city in England and was administered as a county of itself from before boroughs were first represented in Parliament. It received four seats in Parliament instead of the normal two for an English constituency. The extra two seats (whose holders were known as Knights, like the representatives", "title": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England)" }, { "docid": "9406939", "text": "What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when the Arab militia, referred to as \"murahaleen\" (which is Arabic for the deported), wipes out his Dinka village, Marial Bai. During the assault, he loses sight", "title": "What Is the What" }, { "docid": "9406947", "text": "That Happens Will Happen Today\". Tom Tykwer plans to adapt the novel into a film. In 2009, the novel received the Prix Médicis étranger in France. What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when", "title": "What Is the What" }, { "docid": "18963055", "text": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick Douglass delivered on July 5, 1852, in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, addressing the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. The speech is perhaps the most widely known of all of Frederick Douglass' writings save his autobiographies. Many copies of one section of it, beginning in para. 32, have been circulated online. Due to this and the variant titles given to it in various places, and the fact that it is called a July", "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" }, { "docid": "18963066", "text": "under the sea, as well as on the earth. In the United States, the speech is widely taught in history and English classes in high school and college. American studies professor Andrew S. Bibby argues that because many of the editions produced for educational use are abridged, they often misrepresent Douglass's original through omission or editorial focus. The speech has been notably performed or read by important figures, including the following actors: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick", "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" }, { "docid": "3567877", "text": "million investment was completed and the company re-launched with a new brand; subsequently the business was awarded the Best Marketing Campaign at the Exhibition News Awards 2014. Olympia, London Olympia is an exhibition centre, event space and conference centre in West Kensington, London, England. The venue is home to a range of international trade and consumer exhibitions, conferences and events. The nearest railway station is Kensington (Olympia) which is a London Overground station, a London Underground station and a mainline rail station. The direct District Line spur to the station only runs on weekends. In 2012, Olympia celebrated 125 years", "title": "Olympia, London" }, { "docid": "14263409", "text": "to displace, according to Section 29(3), include the patient having no discernible 'nearest relative' or the 'nearest relative' being 'incapable' due to mental disorder or other illness, 'unreasonably' objecting to detention, exercising their power to discharge without due regard for the patient's 'welfare' or being 'otherwise unsuitable' for the role. The 'nearest relative' can relinquish their role by putting it in writing that they wish to delegate to another person, with their agreement, who has not been disqualified from acting as such. Nearest relative The nearest relative is a designated relationship defined in the legislation of England and Wales through", "title": "Nearest relative" }, { "docid": "7526862", "text": "at the \"Land Of Oz\", the chill-out room of the London nightclub Heaven, where Paterson regularly DJed alongside The KLF co-founder Jimmy Cauty. The track was recorded on 31 July 1989, one week after a single release of further \"What Time Is Love?\" remixes. The date also marked the release of The KLF's pop single \"Kylie Said to Jason\". The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story is a compilation album by British electronic music duo The KLF, comprising six versions of their techno track \"What Time Is Love?\". By 1989 (see 1989 in music), the", "title": "The \"What Time Is Love?\" Story" }, { "docid": "3430634", "text": "260,000) of these in England, which contains the second largest Jewish population in Europe (behind France) and the fifth largest Jewish community worldwide. The majority of the Jews in England live in and around London, with almost 160,000 Jews in London alone, and a further 20,800 just in Hertfordshire, mostly in Southwestern Hertfordshire. The next most significant population is in Greater Manchester, a community of slightly more than 25,000, primarily in Bury (10,360), Salford (7,920), Manchester proper (2,725) and Trafford (2,490). There are also significant communities in Leeds (6,760), Gateshead (3,000), Brighton (2,730), Liverpool (2,330), Birmingham (2,150) and Southend (2,080)", "title": "History of the Jews in England" }, { "docid": "2966094", "text": "in Tolstoy and his problems: essays. London: Grant Richards. pp. 66–101. Maude, Aylmer (1901b). “\"What is Art?\" - Tolstoy’s Theory of Art”, in Tolstoy and his problems: essays. London: Grant Richards. pp. 102–127. Noyes, George (1918). Tolstoy. London: Duffield. Pevear, Richard (1995). \"Preface\" in Tolstoy, Leo (1995 [1897]). \"What is Art?\" (Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky). London: Penguin. Simmons, Ernest (1973). \"What is Art?\", in Tolstoy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. pp. 175–189. What Is Art? What is Art? ( \"Chto takoye iskusstvo?\") is a book by Leo Tolstoy. It was completed in Russian in 1897 but first", "title": "What Is Art?" }, { "docid": "9406942", "text": "writes: \"Over the course of many years, Dave and I have collaborated to tell my story... I told [him] what I knew and what I could remember, and from that material he created this work of art.\" The book is typical of Eggers' style: blending non-fictional and fictional elements into a non-fiction novel or memoir. By classifying the book a novel, Eggers says, he freed himself to re-create conversations, streamline complex relationships, add relevant detail and manipulate time and space in helpful ways—all while maintaining the essential truthfulness of the storytelling. However, not all critics were impressed. Lee Siegel sees", "title": "What Is the What" }, { "docid": "4170887", "text": "all the music we made in that band. It came to an end. The actual process of that end wasn’t very fun. I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now if I hadn’t done Million Dead before. I’m glad it happened. Once the end of Million Dead rolled around, I just didn’t want to be in a band anymore. The last year of Million Dead was just murderous. Four people who want to kill each other, sat in a van driving around Europe...it’s no fun.\" Million Dead Million Dead were a post-hardcore band from London, England, active between 2000 and", "title": "Million Dead" }, { "docid": "14263402", "text": "Nearest relative The nearest relative is a designated relationship defined in the legislation of England and Wales through the Mental Health Act 1983, as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007. It is the duty of the Approved mental health professional to determine who is the \"nearest relative\" of the patient and consult them in the process of assessment, treatment or guardianship. In Section 26 of the Act, there is a specific hierarchy of kinship relations with the patient or in the context of the type and length of joint residency, as well as caring relationships which is used to", "title": "Nearest relative" }, { "docid": "307950", "text": "5.5 billion in 1993. The population of countries such as Nigeria, is not even known to the nearest million, so there is a considerable margin of error in such estimates. Researcher Carl Haub calculated that a total of over 100 billion people have probably been born in the last 2000 years. Population growth increased significantly as the Industrial Revolution gathered pace from 1700 onwards. The last 50 years have seen a yet more rapid increase in the rate of population growth due to medical advances and substantial increases in agricultural productivity, particularly beginning in the 1960s, made by the Green", "title": "Population" }, { "docid": "15450605", "text": "Nearest referent The nearest referent is a grammatical term sometimes used when two or more possible referents of a pronoun, or other part of speech, cause ambiguity in a text. However \"nearness\", proximity, may not be the most meaningful criterion for a decision, particularly where word order, inflection and other aspects of syntax are more relevant. The concept of nearest referent is found in analysis of various languages including classical languages Greek, Latin and Arabic, and may create, or resolve, variant views in interpretation of a text. There are other models than nearest referent for deciding what a pronoun, or", "title": "Nearest referent" }, { "docid": "9156439", "text": "a general tendency of growth (estimated at roughly a factor 4 to 5 over the 2,000 year period), but not strictly monotonic: A noticeable dip in world population is assumed due to the Black Death in the mid-14th century. For times after World War II, demographic data of some accuracy becomes available for a significant number of countries, and population estimates are often given as grand totals of numbers (typically given by country) of widely diverging accuracies. Some sources give these numbers rounded to the nearest million or the nearest thousand, while others give them without any rounding. Taking these", "title": "World population estimates" }, { "docid": "11329642", "text": "Clergy of the Church of England database The Clergy of the Church of England database (CCEd) is an online database of clergy of the Church of England between 1540 and 1835. The database project began in 1999 with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and is ongoing as a collaboration between King's College London, the University of Kent and Durham University. As of September 2014, the database contained nearly 1.5 million evidential records about the careers of Church of England clergy, and the public version of the database had information on over 155,000 individuals. The CCEd has had", "title": "Clergy of the Church of England database" }, { "docid": "11329643", "text": "three joint-directors since 1999: Clergy of the Church of England database The Clergy of the Church of England database (CCEd) is an online database of clergy of the Church of England between 1540 and 1835. The database project began in 1999 with funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and is ongoing as a collaboration between King's College London, the University of Kent and Durham University. As of September 2014, the database contained nearly 1.5 million evidential records about the careers of Church of England clergy, and the public version of the database had information on over 155,000 individuals.", "title": "Clergy of the Church of England database" }, { "docid": "6784969", "text": "of the population in the Kingdom of Great Britain and contributed to the passing of the Census Act 1800. This Act enabled the holding of a national census in England, Wales and Scotland, starting in 1801 and continuing every ten years to the present. The book's 6th edition (1826) was independently cited as a key influence by both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in developing the theory of natural selection. A key portion of the book was dedicated to what is now known as Malthus' Iron Law of Population. This name itself is retrospective, based on the iron law", "title": "An Essay on the Principle of Population" }, { "docid": "8254102", "text": "as a catch-up for new listeners, as well as being the nearest thing to a greatest-hits album the group's homeland had seen up to this point. The band's first UK compilation album, \"A Collection of Beatles Oldies\", would be released in December 1966. \"The Beatles' Million Sellers\" is the tenth EP released by the Beatles. The EP includes four songs, all released in 1963 and 1964. As of 2007, the combined worldwide sales of all four singles stood at over 27 million copies. These songs all rank in the top 30 UK Million-Selling Singles. The EP itself was number 1", "title": "The Beatles' Million Sellers" }, { "docid": "12946759", "text": "House building could not keep pace and overcrowding was rife. It was not until the interwar period that there was a decline caused by migration to new London suburbs like the Becontree estate, built by the London County Council between 1921 and 1932, and to areas outside London. This depopulation accelerated after the Second World War and has only recently begun to reverse. These population figures reflect the area that now forms the London Borough of Tower Hamlets only: By comparison, in 1801 the population of England and Wales was 9 million; by 1851 it had more than doubled to", "title": "East End of London" }, { "docid": "3188174", "text": "sector through foreign investment. Tourism accounted for £96 billion of GDP (8.6% of the economy) in 2009. It employs over 2 million people – around 4% of the working population. The largest centre for tourism is London, which attracted close to 20 million tourists in 2016 alone. The British Museum (featuring over 8 million objects in its vast collection) has served as a major tourist attraction with over 5,906,716 visitors in 2017 alone. Tourists are drawn to England due to a diverse range of reasons such as the existence of one of the world's few surviving monarchies that features the", "title": "Economy of England" }, { "docid": "3054211", "text": "total population of 35,151,728, an increase of around 5.0 percent over the 2011 figure. Between 1990 and 2008, the population increased by 5.6 million, equivalent to 20.4 percent overall growth. Scholars vary on the estimated size of the indigenous population in what is now Canada prior to colonization and on the effects of European contact. During the late 15th century is estimated to have been between 200,000 and two million, with a figure of 500,000 currently accepted by Canada's Royal Commission on Aboriginal Health. Although not without conflict, European Canadians' early interactions with First Nations and Inuit populations were relatively", "title": "Population of Canada" }, { "docid": "181051", "text": "2011, the population grew over 8 million people for the first time in decades. White British formed less than half of the population for the first time. In the public there was ambivalence leading-up to the Olympics, though public sentiment changed strongly in their favour following a successful opening ceremony and when the anticipated organisational and transport problems never occurred. History of London The history of London, the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, extends over 2000 years. In that time, it has become one of the world's most significant financial and cultural capital cities. It has withstood", "title": "History of London" }, { "docid": "5318897", "text": "is roughly 70% White British, 10% Asian and 10% Black (2011). The nearest tube station is Dagenham East tube station and the nearest railway station is Romford railway station. Rush Green, London Rush Green is a suburban area of East London, England. It straddles the boundary of the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and the London Borough of Havering, and is located east-northeast of Charing Cross. Rush Green is divided between the Eastbrook Ward in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and the Brooklands Ward in the London Borough of Havering, electing three councillors to Barking and Dagenham", "title": "Rush Green, London" }, { "docid": "18963061", "text": "that slavery could be eliminated with the support of the church, and also with the reexamination of what the Bible was actually saying. You profess to believe, \"that, of one blood, God made all nations of men to dwell on the face of all the earth,\" and hath commanded all men everywhere to love one another; yet you notoriously hate (and glory in your hatred) all men whose skins are not colored like your own. Douglass wants his audience to realize that they are not living up to their proclaimed beliefs. He talks about how they, being Americans, are proud", "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" }, { "docid": "931875", "text": "Thomas Hardy, and the Wollstonecraft circle. Immediately to the north of the churchyard is St Pancras Hospital, originally the parish workhouse and latterly the London Hospital for Tropical Diseases. St Pancras is one of the best-known railway stations in England. It has been extended and is now the terminus for the Eurostar services through the Channel Tunnel. The nearest London Underground stations are King's Cross St Pancras and Russell Square. The nearest National Rail stations are London King's Cross and St Pancras. St Pancras, London St Pancras () is an area of Central and North West London. For many centuries", "title": "St Pancras, London" }, { "docid": "14887027", "text": "and 13th centuries were a period of huge economic growth in England. The population of England rose from around 1.5 million in 1086 to around 4 or 5 million in 1300, stimulating increased agricultural outputs and the export of raw materials to Europe. In contrast to the previous two centuries, England was relatively secure from invasion. Except for the years of the Anarchy, most military conflicts either had only localised economic impact or proved only temporarily disruptive. English economic thinking remained conservative, seeing the economy as consisting of three groups: the \"ordines\", those who fought, or the nobility; \"laboratores\", those", "title": "Economy of England in the Middle Ages" }, { "docid": "8591710", "text": "of a county) were supposed to represent the county like status of London. No such extra seats were awarded to other cities or boroughs which received the status of being counties of themselves in later times. By the sixteenth century it was the practice for the Court of Aldermen to summon a meeting at the Guildhall. The Aldermen met and selected two candidates to sit as the City's Knights in Parliament. One was normally an Alderman (probably a former Lord Mayor of the City of London). The other was normally the Recorder of London, whose legal expertise was essential to", "title": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England)" }, { "docid": "12715771", "text": "The World Is What It Is The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul is a biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author V. S. Naipaul by Patrick French. It was published in 2008 (by Picador in the UK and Knopf in the USA). The title is a quotation from Naipaul's book \"A Bend in the River\". \"The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.\" French deals with Naipaul's family background and his life from his birth in 1932 until his second marriage", "title": "The World Is What It Is" }, { "docid": "119368", "text": "parliamentary system of government has been widely adopted by other nations. The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the world's first industrialised nation. England's terrain is chiefly low hills and plains, especially in central and southern England. However, there is upland and mountainous terrain in the north (for example, the Lake District and Pennines) and in the west (for example, Dartmoor and the Shropshire Hills). The capital is London, which has the largest metropolitan area in both the United Kingdom and the European Union. England's population of over 55 million comprises 84% of the population of", "title": "England" }, { "docid": "5964212", "text": "London England Temple The London England Temple (formerly the London Temple) is the 12th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It is located in Newchapel, Surrey, England. The temple serves church members in south Wales, the Channel Islands, southern parts of England, the Limerick District of Ireland, and Jordan. Building of the temple began on 27 August 1955, and the temple was dedicated on 7 September 1958. Over 76,000 people toured the building during the public open house before it was dedicated. It was the first LDS temple to be built in the", "title": "London England Temple" }, { "docid": "3233583", "text": "acquired by Weston Homes. In 2012 it was bought by the Reuben Brothers, who also own Oxford Airport, for £35 million. In 2016, the heliport's official name became the NetJets London Heliport, after the private jet company signed a branding deal with the owners. In the same year the heliport's 500,000th movement occurred. The nearest main line railway station is and the nearest London Underground station is . On 16 January 2013 a helicopter diverting to London Heliport in adverse weather collided with a construction crane and then crashed into the street, killing the pilot and one person on the", "title": "London Heliport" }, { "docid": "20964809", "text": "What The Fuck France? What The Fuck France (aka What's Up France) is a Franglais YouTube channel created by Paul Taylor, in which he comments on French culture and language. Paul Taylor has Anglo-Irish ancestry, and spends his time between England, France, Quebec and Spain. Prior to creating the series, Taylor worked at Apple. In 2016, Taylor started a standup called Franglais, where he spoke about his experiences as an expatriate in France. Then, he wrote a YouTube skit called La Bise, about the French kiss, which racked up 3 million hits. Subsequently, he was contacted by Canal+ who together", "title": "What The Fuck France?" }, { "docid": "9441777", "text": "peak of 12.2 million in 2007,\" then dropped sharply during the Great Recession before stabilizing in 2009. Pew estimated the total population to be 11.1 million in 2014, or approximately 3 percent of the U.S. population. This \"is in the same ballpark\" as figures from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which estimated that 11.4 million illegal immigrants lived in the United States in January 2012. The estimate and trends are also consistent with figures reported by the Center for Migration Studies, which reported that the U.S. illegal immigrant population fell to 10.9 million by January 2016, the", "title": "Illegal immigrant population of the United States" }, { "docid": "5964214", "text": "House and the visitors center, adding new mission offices to the temple site and renovating the accommodation center for temple patrons. The temple has a total of , four ordinance rooms, and seven sealing rooms. It is faced with white Portland limestone with a green copper spire. Like other LDS temples, a temple recommend is required for church members to enter. London England Temple The London England Temple (formerly the London Temple) is the 12th operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). It is located in Newchapel, Surrey, England. The temple serves church members", "title": "London England Temple" }, { "docid": "8966221", "text": "He then flew over to London and presented them to Richard Branson as the finished new PiL album for Virgin Records: \"Commercial Zone\". For his part, John Lydon decided to completely abandon the tapes and re-record the whole album from scratch with session musicians. This new version of \"Commercial Zone\" became \"This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get\" in 1984. \"The Order of Death\" is a reference to the film \"Copkiller\", also known as \"The Order of Death\". The line \"This is what you want... This is what you get\", which gives title to the album, appears", "title": "This Is What You Want... This Is What You Get" }, { "docid": "7710870", "text": "population of 18 million. Eurostat has developed a harmonising standard for comparing metropolitan areas in the European Union and the population of the London Larger Urban Zone is 11,917,000; it occupies an area of . Another definition gives the population of the metropolitan area as 13,709,000. Demography of London The demography of London is analysed by the Office for National Statistics and data is produced for each of the Greater London wards, the City of London and the 32 London boroughs, the Inner London and Outer London statistical sub-regions, each of the Parliamentary constituencies in London, and for all of", "title": "Demography of London" }, { "docid": "9406944", "text": "\"we really hadn’t decided whether I was just helping Valentino write his own book, or if I was writing a book about him.\" Valentino points out that, \"I thought I might want to write my own book, but I learned that I was not ready to do this. I was still taking classes in basic writing at Georgia Perimeter College.\" Dave Eggers discusses the difficulties in writing a book of this nature: \"For a long while there, we continued doing interviews, and I gathered the material. But all along, I really didn’t know exactly what form it would finally take—whether", "title": "What Is the What" }, { "docid": "236633", "text": "some 37 per cent of the $5.1 trillion average daily volume, according to the BIS. Over 85 per cent (3.2 million) of the employed population of greater London works in the services industries. Because of its prominent global role, London's economy had been affected by the financial crisis of 2007–2008. However, by 2010 the City has recovered; put in place new regulatory powers, proceeded to regain lost ground and re-established London's economic dominance. Along with professional services headquarters, the City of London is home to the Bank of England, London Stock Exchange, and Lloyd's of London insurance market. Over half", "title": "London" }, { "docid": "9978977", "text": "History of the England cricket team to 1939 The History of the England Cricket Team can be said to date back to at least 1739, when sides styled \"Kent\" and \"All England\" played a match at Bromley Common. Over 300 matches involving \"England\" or \"All England\" prior to 1877 are known. However these teams were usually put together on an ad hoc basis and were rarely fully representative. The history of the current England side can be traced to 1877 when England played in what was subsequently recognised as the very first Test match. Since then, up to 20 August", "title": "History of the England cricket team to 1939" }, { "docid": "432861", "text": "Demography of the United Kingdom According to the 2011 census, the total population of the United Kingdom was around 63,182,000. It is the 21st-most populated country in the world. Its overall population density is 259 people per square kilometre (671 people per sq mi), with England having a significantly higher population density than Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Almost one-third of the population lives in England's southeast, which is predominantly urban and suburban, with about 9 million in the capital city of London, the population density of which is just over 5,200 per square kilometre (13,468 per sq mi). The", "title": "Demography of the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "2549939", "text": "of London is also referred to as the \"London Mayor\", a form which helps to avoid confusion with the Lord Mayor of the City of London, the ancient and now mainly ceremonial role in the City of London. The Mayor of London is mayor of Greater London, which has a population of over 7.5 million while the City of London is only a small part of the modern city centre and has a population of less than 10,000. There is also a London political party, One London, which was represented in the assembly from 2005-8, and is eurosceptic, with roots", "title": "Politics of England" }, { "docid": "9441776", "text": "Illegal immigrant population of the United States The actual size and the origin of the illegal immigrant population in the United States is uncertain and is difficult to ascertain because of difficulty in accurately counting individuals in this population. Figures from national surveys, administrative data and other sources of information vary widely. The number of illegal immigrants peaked at about 12 million in 2007 and since that time has declined. According to the nonpartisan Pew Research Center, the estimated population of illegal immigrants in the U.S. rose rapidly in the 1990s, \"from an estimated 3.5 million in 1990 to a", "title": "Illegal immigrant population of the United States" }, { "docid": "8083238", "text": "ministries of Eastern Catholic Churches (of Eritrean, Chaldean, Syriac, Syro-Malabar, Syro-Malankara, and Melkite communities. For information about the Syro-Malabar chaplaincy within the Diocese of Westminster in London, see Syro-Malabar Catholic Church of London. At the 2001 United Kingdom census, there were 4.2 million Catholics in England and Wales, some eight per cent of the population. One hundred years earlier, in 1901, they represented only 4.8 per cent of the population. In 1981, 8.7 per cent of the population of England and Wales were Catholic. In 2009, an Ipsos Mori poll found that 9.6 per cent, or 5.2 million persons of", "title": "Catholic Church in England and Wales" }, { "docid": "157476", "text": "in Great Britain. The last recorded death from plague came in 1679, and it was removed as a specific category in the Bills of Mortality after 1703. It spread to other towns in East Anglia and the southeast of England but fewer than ten percent of parishes outside London had a higher than average death rate during those years. Urban areas were more affected than rural ones; Norwich, Ipswich, Colchester, Southampton and Winchester were badly affected, while the West of England and areas of the Midlands escaped altogether. The population of England in 1650 was approximately 5.25 million, which declined", "title": "Great Plague of London" }, { "docid": "19590615", "text": "London independence London independence, sometimes shortened to Londependence, refers to a belief favouring full-fledged independence for London as a city-state separate from the United Kingdom. London's status within the United Kingdom has been debated for several years, with some calls for increased autonomy, Supporters have frequently cited Greater London's population of over 8 million people, its economic size, its global role, its diverse population and its unique challenges compared to the rest of England as reasons for greater autonomy. The idea of London becoming a city-state was discussed from the 1990s, and resurfaced during the Scottish independence referendum of 2014.", "title": "London independence" }, { "docid": "14428238", "text": "this was due to Arundell Esdaile, a bibliographer, who, in his \"List of English Tales and Prose Romances\" (1912), attributed The London Jilt to Oldy, confusing this novel with Oldys' \"The Female Gallant, or The Female Cuckold\" (1692), Hinnant, the book's most recent editor, concludes that \"The London Jilt\" must have been quite popular considering the widespread usage of the name in the title, which was incorporated, for instance, in the biography of a criminal woman. In the United States, \"The London Jilt\" was part of what Jules Paul Seigel in \"The New England Quarterly\" called \"Puritan light reading,\" that", "title": "The London Jilt" }, { "docid": "5749368", "text": "On the initial day of publication, a thousand copies of the novel were distributed free of charge to members of the Air Raid Precautions team to inform them of what they might expect. The novel does not say which nation is bombing Southampton and many other towns in England. France and the United States are neutral, but the Dominions except possibly Ireland declare war on Britain's side. Early in chapter 1 there is a mention of a newspaper cartoon which \"represented the Prime Minister, very jocular, dangling a carrot before two donkeys separated from him by a wire fence. One", "title": "What Happened to the Corbetts" }, { "docid": "8591712", "text": "London election thus took place in a single day. If the Recorder resigned during a Parliament or a Citizen was elected an Alderman, he was disqualified and the new Recorder or another Citizen (as the case might require) was elected. At some point after 1603 the City adopted a more normal system for nominations and elections. The two London Sheriffs appointed a day for candidates nominations to be submitted, at a meeting in the Guildhall. If there were more than four candidates a poll was held at a later date which usually extended for several weeks. Although it was no", "title": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England)" }, { "docid": "2266503", "text": "London into 28 metropolitan boroughs. These replaced the ancient parish vestries and district boards as the second tier of local government. County of London boroughs numbered in the information box on the right side: † Not a metropolitan borough. Population fell after World War I and as recorded at each census until its 1965 demise. In 1901 the population was 4.5 million and by 1961 it had fallen to 3.2 million. Following the 1931 census more of the population of \"Greater London\" (defined at the time as the Metropolitan Police District and City of London) lived outside the county than", "title": "County of London" }, { "docid": "9441778", "text": "lowest number since 2003. A 2018 PLOSOne study estimated that the illegal immigrant population was in the range of 16 million to 29 million. The \"residual method\" is widely used to estimate the illegal immigrant population of the US. With this method, the known number of legally documented immigrants to the United States is subtracted from the reported U.S. Census number of self-proclaimed foreign-born people (based on immigration records and adjusted by projections of deaths and out-migration) to obtain the total, illegal immigrant (residual) population. This methodology is used by the US Department of Homeland Security, the Pew Hispanic Center,", "title": "Illegal immigrant population of the United States" }, { "docid": "7638803", "text": "run her ailing father's pub, the Brown Cow. In a 1973 interview with Baker and Jewel (available on the seventh-series DVD of \"Nearest & Dearest\"), Baker stated that the forthcoming \"Not on Your Nellie\" series was actually a spinoff from \"Nearest and Dearest\" and would follow Nellie's exploits in London after Eli practically deserts her. This would appear to follow on from the final episode of \"Nearest and Dearest\" in which Stan informed Nellie and Eli that there was an explosion at the pickling shed, implying that Pledge's Purer Pickles was now defunct. However, possibly due to an issue over", "title": "Nearest and Dearest" }, { "docid": "936740", "text": "meet at Sutton Arena near to St Hellier's Hospital to the North of Sutton. Sutton has a temperate climate in common with most areas of Great Britain, it is similar to that of Greenwich in Inner London: its Köppen climate classification is \"Cfb\". Its mean annual temperature of 9.6 °C is similar to that experienced throughout the Weald, and slightly cooler than nearby areas such as the Sussex coast and central London. Rainfall is considerably below England's average (1971–2000) level of 838 mm, and every month is drier overall than the England average. The nearest weather station is at Gatwick", "title": "London Borough of Sutton" }, { "docid": "12715772", "text": "in 1996. The biography has been extensively reviewed: the reviewers include Paul Theroux, who wrote an earlier book about Naipaul. The biography was selected by the editors of the \"New York Times Book Review\" as one of the \"Times\"' \"10 Best Books of 2008\". It won the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award in Biography, and the British literary award the Hawthornden Prize. The World Is What It Is The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul is a biography of the Nobel Prize-winning author V. S. Naipaul by Patrick French. It was published in", "title": "The World Is What It Is" }, { "docid": "929265", "text": "Chingford (via Clapton). It is proposed that Crossrail 2 will provide Hackney with its first underground station at Dalston with the potential of the future ‘eastern branch’ with stops at Hackney Central and Hackney Wick. North London Line Travelling west to east — nearest London Overground stations are \"Dalston Kingsland\", \"Hackney Central\", \"Homerton\" and \"Hackney Wick\" East London Line Travelling north to south — nearest London Overground stations are 'Dalston Junction\", \"Haggerston\", \"Hoxton' and 'Shoreditch High Street' Lea Valley Lines Travelling south to north - nearest London Overground stations are \"London Fields, Hackney Downs, Rectory Road, Stoke Newington and Stamford", "title": "London Borough of Hackney" }, { "docid": "19438150", "text": "modern Domesday Book and that the compilers had travelled half-a-million miles in order to complete their task. In 1970, the London volume was split into three. Bomb damage during the Second World War, the subsequent post-war reconstruction and alterations to local government boundaries in 1965 all made it difficult to properly treat London in one volume. The new volumes, which brought the total to 42, were: In 1989, The King's England Press was established to reprint the series, \"recognising the need for them, both as excellent guidebooks and now with the added dimension as historical documents in their own right.\"", "title": "The King's England" }, { "docid": "4209703", "text": "between 200,000 and two million, with a figure of 500,000 currently accepted by Canada's Royal Commission on Aboriginal Health. Repeated outbreaks of Old World infectious diseases such as influenza, measles and smallpox (to which they had no natural immunity), were the main cause of depopulation. This combined with other factors such as dispossession from European/Canadian settlements and numerous violent conflicts resulted in a forty- to eighty-percent aboriginal population decrease after contact. For example, during the late 1630s, smallpox killed over half of the Wyandot (Huron), who controlled most of the early North American fur trade in what became Canada. They", "title": "Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas" }, { "docid": "8591715", "text": "between some of the Parliaments in this period, each members career is sub-divided by Parliament in the tables, even if he served in successive Parliaments.\" \"The elected date is for the City constituency. When an exact general election date is unavailable, the year or years between the dates of the Parliament being summoned and assembling, are used.\" Notes:- Note:- Notes:- The Long Parliament or the selection of members from it known as the Rump Parliament functioned \"de facto\" during part of the Commonwealth of England period. It existed (in a sense) \"de jure\" 1640-1660, as under a pre-English Civil War", "title": "City of London (elections to the Parliament of England)" }, { "docid": "10157826", "text": "What What (In the Butt) \"What What (In the Butt)\" is a viral video created by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldo for the song of the same name by Samwell. It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex. The lyrics of the song, a production of Mike Stasny, mostly revolve around the title. The video was made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and uploaded on Valentine's Day 2007 to YouTube. As of March 2016, the video had over 60 million views. On 5 March 2007, with regard to the Christian imagery in the video, Samwell said, in", "title": "What What (In the Butt)" }, { "docid": "7821724", "text": "The Million Pound Note The Million Pound Note (released as Man with a Million and as Big Money in the U.S.) is a 1954 British comedy, directed by Ronald Neame and starring Gregory Peck. It is based on the Mark Twain short story \"The Million Pound Bank Note\". In 1903, American seaman Henry Adams (Gregory Peck) is stranded penniless in Britain and gets caught up in an unusual wager between two wealthy, eccentric brothers, Oliver (Ronald Squire) and Roderick Montpelier (Wilfrid Hyde-White). They persuade the Bank of England to issue a one million pound banknote, which they present to Adams", "title": "The Million Pound Note" }, { "docid": "14887012", "text": "and 5 million in 1300. England remained a primarily agricultural economy, with the rights of major landowners and the duties of serfs increasingly enshrined in English law. More land, much of it at the expense of the royal forests, was brought into production to feed the growing population or to produce wool for export to Europe. Many hundreds of new towns, some of them planned, sprung up across England, supporting the creation of guilds, charter fairs and other important medieval institutions. The descendants of the Jewish financiers who had first come to England with William the Conqueror played a significant", "title": "Economy of England in the Middle Ages" }, { "docid": "7638797", "text": "Nearest and Dearest Nearest and Dearest is a British television sitcom that ran from 1968 to 1973. A total of 46 episodes were made, 18 in monochrome (black & white) and 28 in colour. The series, produced by Granada Television for the ITV network, starred Hylda Baker and Jimmy Jewel as squabbling middle-aged siblings Nellie and Eli Pledge who ran a family pickle business in Colne, Lancashire, in the North West of England. The first episode set up the premise: in his will, Joshua Pledge bequeathed a large sum of money to his middle-aged son and daughter... but only if", "title": "Nearest and Dearest" }, { "docid": "3430669", "text": "State. The Jewish population increased from 46,000 in 1880 to about 250,000 in 1919. They lived primarily in the large industrial cities, especially London, Manchester and Leeds. In London, many Jews lived in Spitalfields and Whitechapel, close to the docks, and hence the East End became known as a Jewish neighbourhood. Manchester, and neighbouring Salford, were also areas of Jewish settlement, particularly the Strangeways, Cheetham and Broughton districts. Unlike much of the Jewish community in Poland, the Jewish community in England generally embraced assimilation into wider English culture. They started Yiddish and Hebrew newspapers and youth movements such as the", "title": "History of the Jews in England" }, { "docid": "11270289", "text": "1790 population reflected the loss of approximately 46,000 Loyalists, or \"Tories\", who immigrated to Canada at the end of the American Revolution, 10,000 who went to England and 6,000 to the Caribbean. The USA of 1790 recorded 3.9 million inhabitant (not counting American Indians). Of the total white population of just under 3.2 million in 1790, 85% was of British ancestry - 60% were English or 1.9 million. 4.3% Welsh, 5.4% Scots, Irish (South) 5.8%, Scots-Irish 10.5%), Germans were 9%, Dutch 3.4%, French 2.1% and Swedish 0.25%; blacks made up 19.3% or 762,000) (The American Revolution, Colin Bonwick, 1991, p.", "title": "History of immigration to the United States" }, { "docid": "4209698", "text": "Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas The population figure of indigenous peoples of the Americas before the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus have proven difficult to establish. Scholars rely on archaeological data and written records from settlers from Europe. Most scholars writing at the end of the 19th century estimated that the pre-Columbian population was as low as 10 million; by the end of the 20th century most scholars gravitated to a middle estimate of around 50 million, with some historians arguing for an estimate of 100 million or more. Contact with the Europeans led to the European", "title": "Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas" }, { "docid": "634137", "text": "South East England South East England is the most populous of the nine official regions of England at the first level of NUTS for statistical purposes. It consists of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Kent, Oxfordshire, Surrey and West Sussex. As with the other regions of England, apart from Greater London, the south east has no elected government. It is the third largest region of England, with an area of 19,096 km (7,373 sq mi), and is also the most populous with a total population of over eight and a half million (2011). The headquarters of", "title": "South East England" }, { "docid": "631199", "text": "all the factors affecting the human trajectory.\" Early editions of \"The Population Bomb\" began with the statement: Much of the book is spent describing the state of the environment and the food security situation, which is described as increasingly dire. Ehrlich argues that as the existing population was not being fed adequately, and as it was growing rapidly it was unreasonable to expect sufficient improvements in food production to feed everyone. He further argued that the growing population placed escalating strains on all aspects of the natural world. \"What needs to be done?\" he wrote, \"We must rapidly bring the", "title": "The Population Bomb" }, { "docid": "2351459", "text": "gilt-bronze urn suggested by Robert Hooke that was chosen. The total cost of the monument was £13,450 11\"s\" 9\"d.\", of which £11,300 was paid to the mason-contractor Joshua Marshall. (Joshua Marshall was Master of the Worshipful Company of Masons in 1670.) The Edinburgh-born writer James Boswell visited the Monument in 1763 to climb the 311 steps to what was then the highest viewpoint in London. Halfway up, he suffered a panic attack, but persevered and made it to the top, where he found it \"horrid to be so monstrous a way up in the air, so far above London and", "title": "Monument to the Great Fire of London" }, { "docid": "7710869", "text": "the 2011 census are shown below. The following table shows the religion of respondents in the 2001 and 2011 censuses in Greater London. In the Eurostat Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS), London is a level-1 NUTS region, coded \"UKI\", which is subdivided as follows: At the 2001 census, the population of the Greater London Urban Area was 8,278,251. This area does not include some outliers within Greater London, but does extend into the adjacent South East England and East of England regions. In 2004 the London Plan of the Mayor of London defined a metropolitan region with a", "title": "Demography of London" }, { "docid": "9979006", "text": "what was then the fastest century in Test cricket in 70 minutes, setting up an improbable England win by one wicket. The last wicket pair of Wilfred Rhodes and George Hirst nervelessly acquired the final fifteen runs needed for victory. England toured Australia in 1903–1904, the first time that the MCC had been responsible for an England tour overseas. England regained The Ashes with a 3–2 series win under the captaincy of Plum Warner. In the first Test R.E.Foster made his Test debut and scored 287 in his first ever innings – the then highest ever Test score and a", "title": "History of the England cricket team to 1939" }, { "docid": "14393572", "text": "been controlled by the London Borough of Merton, was incorporated as an independent higher education institution. Wimbledon School of Art became part of University of the Arts London in 2006 and was renamed Wimbledon College of Arts. The University is a higher education corporation established under Section 121 of the Education Reform Act 1988, and is an exempt charity under charity legislation. In the financial year to 31 July 2017, the university had a total income (including share of joint ventures) of £281.4 million and total expenditure of £264.0 million. Sources of income included £214,624 million from tuition fees and", "title": "University of the Arts London" }, { "docid": "936692", "text": "London Borough of Sutton The London Borough of Sutton () is a London borough in South West London, England and forms part of Outer London. It covers an area of and is the 80th largest local authority in England by population. It is one of the southernmost boroughs of London. It is south of the London Borough of Merton, west of the London Borough of Croydon and east of the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames. The local authority is Sutton London Borough Council. Its principal town is the eponymous Sutton. The Borough has some of the schools with the", "title": "London Borough of Sutton" }, { "docid": "3723385", "text": "extensive forests that were exploited for their natural resources and protected by royal laws. The next two centuries saw huge growth in the English economy, driven in part by the increase in the population from around 1.5 million in 1086 to between 4 and 5 million in 1300. More land, much of it at the expense of the royal forests, was brought into production to feed the growing population and to produce wool for export to Europe. Many hundreds of new towns, some of them planned communities, were built across England, supporting the creation of guilds, charter fairs and other", "title": "England in the Middle Ages" }, { "docid": "5648181", "text": "highest in London. Generally the Northern and Western areas of England are the poorest, with the Southern and Eastern areas being the richest. The following table shows the GDP (2004) per capita of England as a whole and each of the nine regions. Two of the are in England. Inner London is number 1 with a €71 338 GDP per capita (303% above EU average);Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire is number 7 with a €40 937 GDP per capita (174% above EU average). England, formerly a kingdom and independent country, united with Scotland to form what would eventually become the UK", "title": "Geography of England" }, { "docid": "631214", "text": "\"The Population Bomb.\" Ehrlich writes: \"I don't see how India could possibly feed two hundred million more people by 1980.\" This view was widely held at the time, as another statement of his, later in the book: \"I have yet to meet anyone familiar with the situation who thinks that India will be self-sufficient in food by 1971.\" In the book's 1971 edition, the latter prediction was removed, as the food situation in India suddenly improved. As of 2010, India had almost 1.2 billion people, having nearly tripled its population from around 400 million in 1960. India's Total Fertility Rate", "title": "The Population Bomb" }, { "docid": "411640", "text": "from the Eye's construction loan from British Airways, which stood at more than £150 million by mid-2005 and had been increasing at 25% per annum. Sir Richard Rogers, winner of the 2007 Pritzker Architecture Prize, wrote of the London Eye in a book about the project: The nearest London Underground station is Waterloo, although Charing Cross, Embankment, and Westminster are also within easy walking distance. Connection with National Rail services is made at London Waterloo station and London Waterloo East station. London River Services operated by Thames Clippers and City Cruises stop at the London Eye Pier. London Eye The", "title": "London Eye" }, { "docid": "7291001", "text": "follow – \"We're not The Monkees, I don't even \"like\" The Monkees!\" – before it gets interrupted by an original a cappella vocal line that later became The KLF's \"Justified and Ancient\" – \"We're justified/And we're ancient ... We don't want to upset the apple cart/And we don't wanna cause any harm\". The track is followed by a long sample of a London Underground train arriving at and leaving a tube station, with its recorded warning to passengers, \"Mind the gap...\". \"Don't Take Five (Take What You Want)\" follows, featuring The JAMs' associates Chike (rapper) and DJ Cesare (scratches). Built", "title": "1987 (What the Fuck Is Going On?)" }, { "docid": "9545692", "text": "What Is Mathematics? What Is Mathematics? is a mathematics book written by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins, published in England by Oxford University Press. It is an introduction to mathematics, intended both for the mathematics student and for the general public. First published in 1941, it discusses number theory, geometry, topology and calculus. A second edition was published in 1996 with an additional chapter on recent progress in mathematics, written by Ian Stewart. The book was based on Courant's course material. Although Robbins assisted in writing a large part of the book, he had to fight for authorship. Nevertheless, Courant", "title": "What Is Mathematics?" }, { "docid": "11015054", "text": "Economy of the London Borough of Croydon Croydon, located in Greater London, England, has a diverse economy with the service and retail sectors now dominating over the town's historical market status. It is today served well by its extensive rail network centering on East and West Croydon stations, from where London Overground, First Capital Connect and Southern operate to most parts of Greater London, Surrey, Sussex, Hampshire and the East of England. With the A23, M23 and M25 orbital motorway intersecting Croydon to the South East, it is the principal gateway of the motorway network from the East Sussex area", "title": "Economy of the London Borough of Croydon" }, { "docid": "2267473", "text": "Idea\". The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest is a 2002 film based on a novel by technology-culture writer Po Bronson. The film stars Adam Garcia. Garcia stars as Andy Kasper, a man who gives up his cushy marketing job to do something more fulfilling. He gets himself hired at LaHonda Research Institute where Francis Benoit (Enrico Colantoni) assigns him to design the PC99, a PC to sell for $99. He moves into a run-down apartment building where he meets his lovely artist next-door neighbor Alisa (Rosario Dawson), and puts together", "title": "The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest" }, { "docid": "2267466", "text": "The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest is a 2002 film based on a novel by technology-culture writer Po Bronson. The film stars Adam Garcia. Garcia stars as Andy Kasper, a man who gives up his cushy marketing job to do something more fulfilling. He gets himself hired at LaHonda Research Institute where Francis Benoit (Enrico Colantoni) assigns him to design the PC99, a PC to sell for $99. He moves into a run-down apartment building where he meets his lovely artist next-door neighbor Alisa (Rosario Dawson), and puts together a", "title": "The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest" }, { "docid": "3567876", "text": "Olympia, London Olympia is an exhibition centre, event space and conference centre in West Kensington, London, England. The venue is home to a range of international trade and consumer exhibitions, conferences and events. The nearest railway station is Kensington (Olympia) which is a London Overground station, a London Underground station and a mainline rail station. The direct District Line spur to the station only runs on weekends. In 2012, Olympia celebrated 125 years of events by commissioning British artists Peter Blake, Rob Ryan, Sanna Annukka and Paul Hicks to create their interpretations of the venues. In January 2013, a £40", "title": "Olympia, London" }, { "docid": "5982652", "text": "for each census since 1951 are given in the table below. A 2010 estimate for the whole of the UK shows that 4.76 million people (7.7 percent) were born outside the EU and 2.24 million (3.6 percent) were born in another EU member state. The Office for National Statistics produces annual estimates of the size of the UK population by country of birth, based on the Annual Population Survey. The estimates for 2017 show that 9.382 million people (14 percent of the usual resident population) were born abroad. The table below lists the places of birth of UK residents according", "title": "Foreign-born population of the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "9545694", "text": "Expectations\" by Charles Dickens. According to Constance Reid, Courant finalized the title after a conversation with Thomas Mann. What Is Mathematics? What Is Mathematics? is a mathematics book written by Richard Courant and Herbert Robbins, published in England by Oxford University Press. It is an introduction to mathematics, intended both for the mathematics student and for the general public. First published in 1941, it discusses number theory, geometry, topology and calculus. A second edition was published in 1996 with an additional chapter on recent progress in mathematics, written by Ian Stewart. The book was based on Courant's course material. Although", "title": "What Is Mathematics?" }, { "docid": "14962369", "text": "What You See Is What You Get (book) What You See Is What You Get is the autobiography of British businessman and TV personality Lord Alan Sugar. The 640-page book, which was published in May 2011, tells the story of Alan Sugar's birth and childhood in a deprived part of London, how he founded the company Amstrad aged just 21 years old, and how he eventually became a successful multi-millionaire tycoon, received a knighthood, and was appointed to the House of Lords. Sir Alan also reveals his main method of business and entrepreneurial activity: (a) observing what market leaders are", "title": "What You See Is What You Get (book)" }, { "docid": "13582300", "text": "and Elias of London - are known, together with Jacob ben Judah of London, author of a work on the ritual, \"Etz Chaim\", and Meïr of Norwich, a liturgical poet. Literature of England The literature of England is literature written in what is now England, or by English writers. It consists mainly of English literature - i.e. literature written in the English language - but there are important examples of literature from England written in other languages. This consists of a number of principally ecclesiastical and historical works, spanning a period of over a thousand years. Bede's \"Historia ecclesiastica gentis", "title": "Literature of England" }, { "docid": "17513535", "text": "What Is to Be Done? What Is To Be Done? Burning Questions of Our Movement () is a political pamphlet written by the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin (credited as N. Lenin) in 1901 and published in 1902. Lenin said that the article represented \"a skeleton plan to be developed in greater detail in a pamphlet now in preparation for print\". Its title is inspired by the novel of the same name by the 19th century Russian revolutionary Nikolai Chernyshevsky. In \"What Is to Be Done?\", Lenin argues that the working class will not spontaneously become political simply by fighting economic", "title": "What Is to Be Done?" }, { "docid": "12043967", "text": "Benito Mussolini on the site of the cottage (the cottage was pulled down in the 1930s). Loughton South Woodford The nearest London Underground stations are Woodford, South Woodford and Roding Valley on the Central line. Woodford, London Woodford is a district in the London Borough of Waltham Forest, in outer North East London, England. It is divided into the neighbourhoods of Woodford Green, Woodford Bridge, Woodford Wells and South Woodford. The town is situated northeast of Charing Cross. The area is served by two stations on the Central line of the London Underground: Woodford and South Woodford. In the Middle", "title": "Woodford, London" }, { "docid": "8244226", "text": "Priest–penitent privilege in England from the Reformation to the nineteenth century The doctrine of priest–penitent privilege does not apply in the UK. Before the Reformation, England was a Roman Catholic country and the Seal of the Confessional had great authority in the English courts. However, the Reformation was followed by a period of, often fierce, persecution of Catholics. In the \"Codex Juris Ecclesiastici Anglicani\" (London, 1761) by Edmund Gibson, chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury and afterwards Bishop of London, is found a compilation of the various canons and constitutions which had been made for the Church in England at", "title": "Priest–penitent privilege in England from the Reformation to the nineteenth century" }, { "docid": "14887089", "text": "created in 1496 in Newbridge in the Weald. The percentage of England's population living in towns continued to grow but in absolute terms English towns shrunk significantly as a consequence of the Black Death, especially in the formerly prosperous east. The importance of England's Eastern ports declined over the period, as trade from London and the South-West increased in relative significance. Increasingly elaborate road networks were built across England, some involving the construction of up to thirty bridges to cross rivers and other obstacles. Nonetheless, it remained cheaper to move goods by water, and consequently timber was brought to London", "title": "Economy of England in the Middle Ages" }, { "docid": "13261263", "text": "is the only town in London to have all four of the points of the compass as stations. Acton Green, London Acton Green is a small neighbourhood in the London Borough of Ealing, in west London, England. It is named for Acton Green common, a park at the bordering Chiswick district. Several stations exist in the area. Chiswick Park, on the District line South Acton is the nearest National Rail station and is on the North London Line while Chiswick railway station is the closest for services into London Waterloo. Acton has seven railway stations, namely North, East, South, West,", "title": "Acton Green, London" } ]
What did Clarice Cliff create?
[ "Pots", "Pottery and porcelain", "Pottery maker", "Art ware", "Pottery-makers", "Pottery-maker", "Vase painting", "Fine art pot", "Clay pottery", "Ceramics", "Pottery", "Ceramicware", "Art pottery", "Painted vase", "Ceramic pot", "Ceramic ware", "Ceramics art", "Pot throwing", "Pottery-making", "Pottery making", "Ceramic paint", "Pottery makers", "Potterymaker", "Ceramicist", "Potterymaking", "Clay pot", "Pot", "Pottery manufacture", "Coil pot", "History of pottery", "Ceramic wares", "Potterymakers", "Making a pot" ]
[ { "docid": "2333853", "text": "Antiques Roadshow programme in December 2009. In September 2009 the Victoria and Albert Museum in London opened its 'New Ceramics Galleries' and Cliff's work was chosen to be included; 'There will be two rooms displaying 20th-century collections. One will show ceramics made in a factory context and will include objects by designers such as Susie Cooper and Clarice Cliff' . Clarice Cliff Clarice Cliff (20 January 1899 – 23 October 1972) was an English ceramic artist active from 1922 to 1963. She began as an apprentice potter. By reason of her talent and ability, she became a ceramic artist, becoming", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333850", "text": "Stanley Kubrick when they wrote their book; Kay was Kubrick's personal assistant, and as set designer Peter had been able to decorate a room in \"A Clockwork Orange\" with a frieze he has designed based on original landscapes by Cliff. The collecting market for Clarice Cliff pottery is complex; it is still possible to find examples of \"Crocus\", Cliff's longest produced pattern (1928–1964) for as little as £30–50. But rare combinations of shape and pattern attract very high prices at auction. The world record price for a piece of Clarice Cliff is held by Christie's, South Kensington, London, who sold", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333841", "text": "including Martin Battersby, an early devotee of 20s and 30s design, the first author on that period to publish major works, and a devotee of Cliff's ceramics. Then, on 23 October 1972, Cliff died suddenly at Chetwynd House. The exhibition and the first book published privately in 1976 'Clarice Cliff' by Peter Wentworth- and Kay Johnson (L'Odeon publishing) marked the start of a major revival of interest in Cliff's work, which has continued to be sought after by Art Deco ceramic collectors ever since. In 1982 the ORIGINAL \"Clarice Cliff Collectors Club\" was formed and promoted her and her work", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333852", "text": "sample in the 1930s) for a staggering £3000. In May 2009 an eighteen-inch charger in the \"May Avenue\" pattern sold for £20,500 at Fielding's auctioneers. On 2 August 2009 Will Farmer of the BBC \"Antiques Roadshow\" and members of the original Clarice Cliff Collectors Club unveiled three plaques commemorating Clarice Cliff's life and work in the Potteries. These were on her birthplace, Meir Street, Tunstall, her second home on Edwards Street, Tunstall and the site of Newport Pottery by the canal in Burslem where her Bizarre ware was decorated. These were filmed by BBC television for showing on a special", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333817", "text": "to decorate some of the old defective 'glost' (white) ware in her own freehand patterns. For these she used on-glaze enamel colours, which enabled a brighter palette than underglaze colours. She covered the imperfections in simple patterns of triangles, in a style that she called 'Bizarre'. The earliest examples had just a hand-painted mark, usually in a rust coloured paint, 'Bizarre by Clarice Cliff', sometimes with 'Newport Pottery' underneath. To the surprise of the company's senior salesman Ewart Oakes, when he took a car load to a major stockist, it was immediately popular. Clarice was joined by young painter Gladys", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333840", "text": "thus she was never to return to creative work. The post-war ware has little value at auction. A.J.Wilkinson and their Newport Pottery continued to sell ware under Cliff's name until 1964. The death of Colley Shorter in 1963 led Cliff to sell the factory to Midwinter in 1964 and she retired, becoming somewhat of a recluse. However, from December 1971 to January 1972, the first exhibition of Clarice Cliff pottery took place at Brighton, East Sussex. Cliff reluctantly provided comments for the catalogue, though she refused an invitation to go to the opening. The exhibition was prompted by enthusiastic collectors,", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333818", "text": "Scarlett, who helped her with the ware, and soon a more professional 'backstamp' was made, which carried Cliff's facsimile signature, and proclaimed \"Hand painted Bizarre by Clarice Cliff, Newport Pottery England\". This backstamp was in fact to lead to \"Bizarre\" being used as an umbrella name for her entire pattern range, so that the factory then had to refer to the first pieces in the simple triangles as \"Original Bizarre\". In March 1927 Colley Shorter (who acted very independently of his brother, Guy), sent Cliff to the Royal College of Art in Kensington, London for two brief periods of study", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333843", "text": "Reviews\" from 1982 to 2004. The club also held meetings and exhibitions in Britain, North America, Australia and New Zealand. The Stoke-on-Trent meetings visited the old painting shop of Bizarre ware by the canal at Newport, Burslem from 1987 to 1997, ironically the only building left standing on the site. Sadly it was demolished by Wedgwood in 1997, and the land sold for housing. in 1985 a series of pieces were produced under the title The Bizarre Collection, with the mark for the \"Royal Staffordshire Pottery by Clarice Cliff\", and marketed by the Midwinter pottery. These pieces were all hand", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333835", "text": "into context when he pointed out that in the same period, Susie Cooper, another Staffordshire ceramicist and designer, had \" 'fewer than 20 reviews, all bar one in the trade press' \". Despite all the publicity she received, Cliff was actually quite camera shy, and in most cases the images of her pottery were what dominated the women's magazine of the day. One picture which shows Cliff informally was taken when a South African stockist of her ware, from Werner Brothers, visited the factory on a buying trip. Cliff is seen with the 3-year-old daughter and wife of the stockist.", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333832", "text": "made entirely of Bizarre ware which had been made to promote the ware in Britain. It was in this article, that Cliff made what has become her most famous quote: \"Having a little fun at my work does not make me any less of an artist, and people who appreciate truly beautiful and original creations in pottery are not frightened by innocent tomfoolery\" Between 1932 and 1934 Cliff was the art director for a major project involving nearly 30 artists of the day (prompted by the Prince of Wales) to promote good design on tableware. The 'Artists in Industry' earthenware", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333820", "text": "cubist patterns appeared on these shapes, such as the 1929 \"Ravel\" (seen on Cliff's Conical shape ware) which was an abstract leaf and flower pattern named after the composer. The image shows a Conical coffee pot, and sugar bowl and cream with four triangular feet, another of Cliff's rather Bizarre shape ideas which proved popular with 1930s customers. \"Ravel\" was to be produced between 1929 and at least as late as 1935. In 1928 Clarice produced a simple, hand painted pattern of \"Crocus\" flowers in orange, blue and purple, each flower being constructed with confident upward strokes. Then green leaves", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333813", "text": "(née Machin) took in washing to supplement the family income, and they had seven children. Cliff was sent to a different school from her siblings, and this perhaps prompted her more independent approach to her career, and her non-standard life style by Stoke-on-Trent standards. After school Cliff would visit an aunt who was a hand painters at a local pottery company, and she also made models from papier-mâché at school. At the age of 13, Cliff started working in the pottery industry. Her first work was as a gilder, adding gold lines on ware of traditional design. Once she had", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333842", "text": "throughout the world. The club founder had appealed in the Staffordshire Evening Sentinel for anyone who worked with Cliff to contact him and was delighted when he found 28 former workers. Still calling themselves the 'Bizarre girls' even in their mid 70s and early 80s Cliff's former painters were delighted in the interest in the pottery they had hand painted 50 years earlier. They attended the annual meetings of the club, and were to be involved in many television and radio programmes about Cliff, and a mass of books that appeared. Many of their memories were recorded in the \"CCCC", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333816", "text": "lover and she journeyed to the Royal College of Art and to Paris. Cliff was given a second apprenticeship at A. J. Wilkinson's in 1924 (when she was already 25 years old) primarily as a 'modeller' but she also worked with the factory designers John Butler and Fred Ridgway. They produced conservative, Victorian style ware – Butler had been the designer for over 20 years by this time. Eventually, Cliff's wide range of skills were recognised and in 1927 she was given her own studio at the adjoining Newport Pottery which Shorter had bought in 1920. Here Cliff was allowed", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333838", "text": "into his home at Chetwynd House on Northwood Lane in Clayton, Staffordshire. This Arts and Crafts home had been designed in 1899 and was one of the earliest commissions of the British architects Parker and Unwin (Richard Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin) who were later heavily involved in the Welwyn Garden city project. During World War II only plain white pottery (utility ware) was permitted under wartime regulations, so Cliff assisted with management of the pottery but was not able to continue design work. Instead she concentrated her creative talents on gardening and the massive garden at Chetwynd House became", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333826", "text": "\"Autumn\" pattern issued near the end of 1930 which was to prove the most adaptable and popular. Originally created in red (coral) green and black in 1930, from 1931 many colourway variations appeared. The rarest remains the red colourway, shown on a wall plaque, but the best selling version at the time was one with the trees in blue green and yellow. All these variations have proven particularly collectible. In 1930, Cliff was appointed Art Director to Newport Pottery and A. J. Wilkinson, the two adjoining factories that produced her wares. Her work involved spending more time with the Colley", "title": "Clarice Cliff" } ]
[ { "docid": "2333812", "text": "Clarice Cliff Clarice Cliff (20 January 1899 – 23 October 1972) was an English ceramic artist active from 1922 to 1963. She began as an apprentice potter. By reason of her talent and ability, she became a ceramic artist, becoming the head of the factory artistic department. The Cliff family moved to Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, from the Eccleshall area in about 1725. Cliff was born in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, England. When Clarice was born their home was on Meir Street on a terrace of modest houses. Cliff's father Harry Thomas Cliff worked at the local iron foundry in Tunstall, her mother Ann", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333848", "text": ". The work of the CCCC culminated with the centenary exhibition\" 'Clarice Cliff, the Art of Bizarre' \"at the Wedgwood Museum, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent. Nowadays, with 26 years of experience the club is based online (see below). It should not be confused with an organisation who used the same name from 2001 after registering it in 1997. The CCCC was then the consultant for the BBC Radio 4 drama 'The Bizarre Girl', written by Lizzie Slater which was described as \" 'an uplifting drama exploring the dramatic rise of Clarice Cliff from the shop floor to Company Art Director ~ illustrating", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333849", "text": "how a working-class Staffordshire girl brought modern art to the people'.\" The drama was broadcast in December 2000. In 2002 Peter Wentworth- and Kay Johnson, the authors of the original 'Clarice Cliff' book from 1976 returned to Britain to lecture at a CCCC event at Christie's, South Kensington. They spoke about the early days of collecting when their first purchase had been,\" 'a Summerhouse Athens jug for 7 shillings and 6 pence, 35 pence'. \" Peter had actually spoken to Cliff on the phone, but she had declined to be interviewed. They revealed that they had both been working for", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333847", "text": "patterns were made in larger quantities by Wedgwood during and after this time. These reproductions should not be confused with forgeries (of which a number are found), the Wedgwood ones are clearly marked as 'Wedgwood Clarice Cliff'. An original Cliff painter Alice Andrews, then in her 80s, was employed to appear at launches of the ware in stores throughout Britain. In the mid 90s Cliff's position as a major artist of her era was confirmed when she was included in major international reference works; the massive \"Dictionary of Art\" by Macmillan Publishers, and \"Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon\" by K. G. Saur Verlag", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333845", "text": "sifters, again hand painted, with the exception of the aforementioned Crocus which was lithographed. Whilst the purists still scoff at these pieces some 30 years later they are actually a very accurate representation of the originals they were copied from and in themselves are now becoming sought after not least because they allow collectors to acquire excellent pieces and a more affordable price. A chain of mergers finally led to Wedgwood owning the Clarice Cliff name, and from 1992 to 2002 they too produced a range of reproductions of the highly sought 1930s pieces. These were made to a high", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333839", "text": "her shared passion with Shorter. After the war, although Cliff was occasionally nostalgic for the 'Bizarre' years, as witnessed in personal letters to friends, she seemed to be realistic and accepted the commercial taste was for conservative ware. Clarice seemed to enjoy playing a lesser role at the factory, knowing that she could not recapture those crazy days of the thirties. Much of the post-war production went to Australia, New Zealand or North America, where the taste was for formal ware in traditional English designs such as \"Tonquin\" rather than the striking patterns and shapes that had established Cliff's reputation;", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333834", "text": "colourway variation on this by simply changing the trees to shades of blue and pink, and this was then called \"Rudyard\" after a local Staffordshire beauty spot. Clarice Cliff's fame and success in the 1930s are hard to fully appreciate now, but at that time there was no such thing as 'career women'. The publicity she received in the national press was unprecedented. Research by a PhD student into the contemporary press between 1928 and 1936 found \" '360 articles about Cliff and her work were published in the trade press, women's magazines, national and local newspapers'.\" This was put", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333823", "text": "also four boys – who hand painted the ware under her direction. Many of these workers were traced in the 1980s and 1990s and they totalled over 100. Their names and work for Clarice Cliff were recorded in the centenary book. The factory produced a series of small colour printed leaflets (quite unusual for this time) which could be obtained by post, or picked up from stockists. This promotional device was clearly successful, as one young girl was employed whose only job was to put the leaflets in stamped addressed envelopes sent into the factory. At this time, many women", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333822", "text": "1930s. \"Crocus\" was unusual in that it was produced on both tableware, tea and coffeeware, and 'fancies', novelty items made primarily as gift ware. The pattern had many colour variations, including \"Purple Crocus\" (1932) \"Blue Crocus\" (1935), \"Sungleam Crocus\" (1935) \"Spring Crocus\". It was even produced after the war, the final pieces with \"Clarice Cliff\" marks being made in 1963, though Midwinter (who bought the factory) continued to paint it to order until as late as 1968. By 1929, Cliff's team of decorators had grown to a team of around 70 young painters, mainly women (called her 'Bizarre girls') but", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "7284292", "text": "Clarice Taylor Clarice Taylor (September 20, 1917 – May 30, 2011) was an American stage, film and television actress. Born in Buckingham County, Virginia but raised in Harlem, New York, Taylor was best known for her recurring role on television on \"The Cosby Show\" as Dr. Heathcliff \"Cliff\" Huxtable's (Bill Cosby) mother, Anna Huxtable. She was nominated for an Emmy Award in 1986 for the role. She was also a regular on \"Nurse\", played Harriet on \"Sesame Street\", and appeared as Grady's cousin Emma on \"Sanford and Son\". Taylor started working in the theatre—with the American Negro Theatre—at a time", "title": "Clarice Taylor" }, { "docid": "2333819", "text": "in March and May. These dates are recorded in the Royal College of Art archive and were also remembered by Gladys Scarlett (in 1982 ) as she was briefly left alone at Newport to paint the new 'Bizarre' ware. From 1927 Cliff was actually credited for shapes she designed, such as her \"Viking Boat\" flower holder, though her modelling for the factory is recorded in trade journal as far back as 1923–24. The shapes from 1929 onwards took on a more 'Moderne' influence, often angular and geometric, and some are what was to be later termed Art Deco. Abstract and", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333821", "text": "were added by holding the piece upside down and painting thin lines amongst the flowers. Being made from the individual brushstrokes, the \"Crocus\" pattern was clearly completely hand-painted, and the vibrant colours instantly attracted large sales. Initially, Clarice had just one young decorator produce \"Crocus\", Ethel Barrow. But as orders flooded in by 1930 a separate decorating 'shop' was established underneath the top floor of the building which housed the 'Bizarre' shop, and Ethel became responsible for training young painters how to do the pattern. Twenty young women painted nothing but \"Crocus\" 5½ days a week, for much of the", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333815", "text": "modelling figurines and vases, gilding, keeping pattern books and hand painting ware: outlining, enamelling (filling in colours within the outline) and banding (the radial bands on plates or vessels). In the early 1920s the decorating manager Jack Walker brought Cliff to the attention of one of the two factory owners, Arthur Colley Austin Shorter, who managed it with his brother Guy. Colley Shorter was 17 years older than Cliff, and as well as playing a major role in nurturing her skills and ideas, he was married but was later to be her husband. Cliff was given special attention by her", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "7321336", "text": "What Is... Cliff Clavin? \"What Is... Cliff Clavin?\" is an eighth season episode of the American television series \"Cheers\". It was directed by Andy Ackerman rather than James Burrowswho directed 243 out of 273 episodes of the showand originally aired January 18, 1990 on NBC. In this episode, Cliff Clavin (John Ratzenberger) appears on the game show \"Jeopardy!\" and game show host Alex Trebek guest stars as himself. Cliff racks up an insurmountable lead during the game, only to lose it all in the final round. The episode received praise from critics for its concept and its guest star. Cliff", "title": "What Is... Cliff Clavin?" }, { "docid": "2333830", "text": "London stores sold it, including Harrods. Some of the other London stockists have long since closed, but the list is impressive: \" 'Maple & Co., Lawley's, Bon Marche, John Lewis Peter Robinson, Selfridges, John Barker & Co., Warring & Gillow and Gorringe's'. \" However, the extant order books of the period confirm that Bizarre ware was never sold at Woolworths as some have erroneously stated. Further outrageous patterns, vividly coloured, such as \"Melon\" and \"Circle Tree\" appeared in 1930. Cliff devised many ways of marketing these; in-store painting demonstrations, for which Cliff chose just the prettiest of her painters and", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333814", "text": "mastered this she changed jobs to learn freehand painting at another potbank, at the same time studying art and sculpture at the Burslem School of Art in the evenings. In 1916,Cliff made the rather unusual decision to move to the factory of A.J. Wilkinson at Newport, Burslem, to improve her career opportunities. This necessitated a lengthy journey to work. This was an unusual start to an unusual career; most young women in the Staffordshire Potteries were on 'apprentice wages', and having mastered a particular task, stayed with that to maximise their income. However, Cliff was ambitious and acquired skills in", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "7321342", "text": "book \"Brainiac\", noted that \"Jeopardy!\"-related sitcom episodes had become common at the time. On the first episode of \"Jeopardy!\" season 31, which aired on September 15, 2014, \"Jeopardy!\" champion Elizabeth Williams echoed Cliff Clavin's answer in her response to the Final Jeopardy clue. Williams's $600 wager combined with her opponents' incorrect responses allowed Williams to triumph that day, nonetheless. The episode inspired the term \"Clavin's Rule\" in reference to maximizing all the winnings at the final round and losing them all. What Is... Cliff Clavin? \"What Is... Cliff Clavin?\" is an eighth season episode of the American television series \"Cheers\".", "title": "What Is... Cliff Clavin?" }, { "docid": "7321338", "text": "show's host, Alex Trebek, later arrives at Cheers, tells Cliff that his response should have been accepted earlier, and announces his resignation as the host of \"Jeopardy!\". However, Cliff convinces Trebek to remain as host by telling him how much the show and Trebek mean to him. After Cliff shares the news with others, Norm Peterson (George Wendt) praises Trebek for doing this just to make Cliff feel better. However, Trebek says that he did not realize that Cliff was at the bar and that meeting him had been a coincidence. Trebek says that Cliff scares him and that the", "title": "What Is... Cliff Clavin?" }, { "docid": "12987068", "text": "Clarice Bean series The Clarice Bean series is a series of children's books written and illustrated by the English author Lauren Child from 1999. The main character and narrator is Clarice Bean and the stories feature her challenges navigating the complex ethical and social questions children deal with at school and at home. A spin-off series called Ruby Redfort, which the US publisher called a \"six-book middlegrade fiction series\" in advance, was inaugurated in 2011. Both \"That's Me\" and \"What Planet?\" were bronze runners-up for the Smarties Prize in ages category 6–8 years and the latter won the Kids Club", "title": "Clarice Bean series" }, { "docid": "13675535", "text": "of the fan base. One deranged fanboy in particular, Jerome T. Kornacker, is so outraged that his favorite superheroine is being \"perverted,\" that he takes radical steps to stop the change. \"What They Did to Princess Paragon\" is a tongue-in-cheek look at the comic book industry, the artists who create comics, the corporations that publish and sell them, and the fans who support and consume the books. The story is also an exploration of 1990s lesbian feminist thought. What They Did to Princess Paragon What They Did to Princess Paragon is a humor novel by Robert Rodi, which tells the", "title": "What They Did to Princess Paragon" }, { "docid": "2333837", "text": "ware. It was produced in more muted colours, right until the start of the war in 1939. Other modelled shapes included the 1937 'Raffia' based on traditional basketware by Native Americans, decorated in a similar style to them with small blocks of colour. More popular was the heavily modelled \"Harvest\" ware, jugs and bowls modelled with corn and fruit. After the war this range was heavily marketed in North America (very patriotically) as \"England\". This later modelled ware attracts relatively low prices at auction. In 1940, after the death of Ann Shorter, Colley's wife, he married Cliff and she moved", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333836", "text": "After the visit Cliff sent the daughter a present of a miniature child's tea set painted in her \"Honolulu\" pattern. In the mid 30s tastes changed and heavily modelled ware came into vogue. The \"My Garden\" series issued from 1934 onwards led the way, with small flowers modelled as a handle or base on more rounded shapes. These were fully painted in bright colours – the body of the ware was covered in thin colour washes – 'Verdant' was green, 'Sunrise' yellow and so on. The range included vases, bowls, jugs, a biscuit barrel, and proved very popular as gift", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333833", "text": "examples were produced under her direction, and the artists included such notable names as Duncan Grant, Paul Nash, Barbara Hepworth, Vanessa Bell, and Dame Laura Knight. The project 'Modern Art for the Table' was launched at Harrods London in October 1934 but received a mixed response from both the public and the press, though at the same time Cliff's own patterns and shapes were selling in large quantities around the world. Cliff's patterns are highly stylised and interpreted in strong colours, such as the 1933 \"Honolulu\" pattern. The trees are enamelled in red (coral) orange and yellow. Cliff produced a", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333828", "text": "floral embossed \"Davenport\" ware of 1925. But in 1929 at the same time as she started the colourful cubist and landscape designs, Cliff's modelling took on a new style. This was influenced by European originals by Désny, Tétard Freres, Josef Hoffmann and others, that she had seen in design journals including 'Mobilier e Décoration'. Between 1929 and 1935 Cliff issued a mass of shape ranges, including \"Conical, Bon Jour/Biarritz, Stamford, Eton, Daffodil\", and \"Trieste\". In each of these there were tea and coffee ware shapes, but the first two were so popular that biscuit barrels, sugar sifters, bowls and vases", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333827", "text": "Shorter, and this gradually developed into an affair, conducted in secrecy. The couple worked closely together on creating awareness of 'Bizarre ware' to catch the attention of buyers in the middle of a major financial depression, and with a skilful eye and great foresight, Colley Shorter registered Clarice's name and even some of her shapes. It was her ability to design both patterns and also the shapes they were to go on that distinguished Cliff above any other designers in the Staffordshire Potteries at this time. Her first modelling in the mid 20s was of stylised figures, people, ducks, the", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "2333825", "text": "two. The \"Appliqué Lugano\" pattern is shown left on a wall plaque, with (inset) the printed \"Bizarre\" mark, and a \"hand painted\" range name as often seen on this ware. \"Appliqué\", with its more intense colouring, proved long term to be one of the most sought after Cliff ranges. The \"Fantasque\" range evolved between 1928 and 1934 and mainly featured abstracts or landscapes of cottages and trees, and some Art Deco inspired patterns. The first \"Fantasque\" landscape pattern was \"Trees and House\" and this sold well from 1930 until at least 1934. However, it was the slightly later, more sophisticated", "title": "Clarice Cliff" }, { "docid": "20078466", "text": "the permanent collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Clarice Smith Clarice Smith (born 1933) is an American painter and portraitist whose paintings have been exhibited in a number of exhibitions in the United States and Europe. With her late spouse, Robert H. Smith, Clarice Smith has engaged in philanthropy, especially at the University of Maryland, where the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center is named for her. Clarice Smith studied art at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design and the University of Maryland. She received her MFA from George Washington University, where she later taught as a member", "title": "Clarice Smith" }, { "docid": "20078464", "text": "Clarice Smith Clarice Smith (born 1933) is an American painter and portraitist whose paintings have been exhibited in a number of exhibitions in the United States and Europe. With her late spouse, Robert H. Smith, Clarice Smith has engaged in philanthropy, especially at the University of Maryland, where the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center is named for her. Clarice Smith studied art at the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design and the University of Maryland. She received her MFA from George Washington University, where she later taught as a member of faculty. Smith, who describes herself as a \"lifelong", "title": "Clarice Smith" }, { "docid": "12987072", "text": "books, he throws his chair across the room. Grace is mainly Clarice Bean's worst enemy. She can be very mean to Clarice Bean for no particular reason, especially about her spelling. She is good at just about everything and people say she is Mrs. Wilberton's 'Teacher's dreamy girl'. Mrs. Wilberton never believes Clarice Bean but she always believes Grace. Grace is the teacher's pet. Mrs. Wilberton is Clarice Bean's Teacher. She does not seem to be particularly nice and is always telling Clarice Bean off about her spelling. Clarice Bean describes Mrs. Wilberton as having a \"honking goose voice\" and", "title": "Clarice Bean series" }, { "docid": "6878047", "text": "Kimberly Clarice Aiken Kimberly Clarice Aiken Cockerham (born October 11, 1974) was Miss America 1994. She won Miss Columbia and Miss South Carolina 1993 en route to her 1994 Miss America crown. She was the first African American woman to be crowned Miss South Carolina. Although she did not win any preliminary awards , she was still selected as a top 10 finalist and excelled during the live pageant with a stirring vocal rendition of \"Summertime\" for her talent, and impressive showings in the swimsuit, evening gown, and interview competitions. Aiken was 18 years old when she won the coveted", "title": "Kimberly Clarice Aiken" }, { "docid": "11876714", "text": "left when Clarice was around 8, off to Paris seeking success on virgin but savvy turf, and putting on indefinite hiatus those cherished sessions together. Infrequent visits couldn’t reattach the torn ligatures, and Clarice abandoned music completely. “For so long,” she remembers, “I didn’t even touch the piano, or make any music at all because I connected it with him.” After a time, though, she began to play again. “I realized I was doing it for myself,” Clarice explains. The urge to continue her development was too great, the Assad legacy in her DNA. Clarice was born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome,", "title": "Clarice Assad" }, { "docid": "7347822", "text": "'Dad?' Hurley comments that he did not expect Rose's husband to be white, before Jack quickly changes the subject. The producers felt it was important to address that they are an interracial couple, and that Hurley was saying what the audience would be thinking. Caldwell agreed with them and thought it would be odd if the issue was not addressed. Anderson also was glad that Hurley brought up the issue, and liked that Jack did not pay any attention. The episode gained 21.54 million American viewers in its first airing. What Kate Did \"What Kate Did\" is the 34th episode", "title": "What Kate Did" }, { "docid": "20550636", "text": "Critics Circle Award Biography finalist Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector is a book by Benjamin Moser published by Oxford University Press in 2009. Benjamin Moser details the majority of Clarice Lispector's and then discusses the connections between her life and her work. Moser discusses how Clarice Lispector's work reflects her life. He does this by citing her own texts, letters, other scholarly work and what few interviews there are of her. Moser goes into great detail on the connections that can be made between Lispector's writing and her life.", "title": "Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector" }, { "docid": "20550634", "text": "Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector is a book by Benjamin Moser published by Oxford University Press in 2009. Benjamin Moser details the majority of Clarice Lispector's and then discusses the connections between her life and her work. Moser discusses how Clarice Lispector's work reflects her life. He does this by citing her own texts, letters, other scholarly work and what few interviews there are of her. Moser goes into great detail on the connections that can be made between Lispector's writing and her life. Moser uses letter written to", "title": "Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector" }, { "docid": "12987074", "text": "of fictional books in which Clarice Bean and Betty Moody frequently find inspiration. They are about a young, American girl, who is an undercover secret agent. In \"Clarice Bean Spells Trouble\", Clarice Bean and Betty Moody also watch the \"Ruby Redfort\" television series, which was adapted from the books. In \"Utterly Me, Clarice Bean\", it is revealed that Hollywood are adapting it into a film. There are nine books in the series: The fictional author is Patricia F Maplin Stacey, whom Betty once meets in Russia (she gets a Ruby Redfort book signed). In another book, Clarice gets to be", "title": "Clarice Bean series" }, { "docid": "7578097", "text": "as Dorry, Bryn McAuley as Joanna, and Dean Stockwell as \"Tramp\". A 1972 UK movie adaptation, \"Katy\", starred Clare Walker, and the 1962 eight-part TV series made in the UK, also called \"Katy\", featured rising star Susan Hampshire in the title role. In 2015, author Jacqueline Wilson wrote her novel \"Katy\", which is a modern retelling of \"What Katy Did\". The August 2016 edition of Storytime featured a new illustrated adaptation with illustrations by Italian artist Marco Guadalupi. \"What Katy Did\" was followed by four sequels: \"What Katy Did at School\" in which Katy and Clover attend the fictional Hillsover", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "18937073", "text": "quietest albums in Michael Gira’s catalog.\" What We Did What We Did is a collaborative studio album by Swans frontman Michael Gira and Windsor for the Derby member Dan Matz. It was released on November 13, 2001 through Gira's Young God Records label. \"What We Did\" has a considerably more pop-oriented and accessible sound, compared to Gira's other solo works. The majority of the lyrics on the album was written by Matz. Allmusic critic Thom Jurek described the album as \"a finely wrought album of relayed styles and layered textures enfolding one another into a music that could have only", "title": "What We Did" }, { "docid": "18937071", "text": "What We Did What We Did is a collaborative studio album by Swans frontman Michael Gira and Windsor for the Derby member Dan Matz. It was released on November 13, 2001 through Gira's Young God Records label. \"What We Did\" has a considerably more pop-oriented and accessible sound, compared to Gira's other solo works. The majority of the lyrics on the album was written by Matz. Allmusic critic Thom Jurek described the album as \"a finely wrought album of relayed styles and layered textures enfolding one another into a music that could have only been made by these two men,", "title": "What We Did" }, { "docid": "7578098", "text": "School (set in Hanover, New Hampshire); \"What Katy Did Next\", in which a new friend of Katy's takes her on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe; \"Clover\", in which Katy is married and Clover accompanies her brother Phil to Colorado after he falls ill; and \"In the High Valley\", which shows the lives of a handful of young people living in the High Valley in Colorado, including Clover, Elsie and their husbands. What Katy Did What Katy Did is an 1872 children's book written by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey under her pen name Susan Coolidge. It follows the adventures of a twelve-year-old", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "13579047", "text": "Mrs. Ashe's brother, Ned, they fell in love. When Katy got home, she received a letter from Ned and blushed and ran to her room, leaving Clover and the reader thinking that Katy and Ned may get married in the future. What Katy Did Next What Katy Did Next (1886) is a children's book by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, working under the pen name Susan Coolidge. It follows the stories \"What Katy Did\" (1872) and \"What Katy Did At School\" (1873) and tells the adventures of Katy Carr as she travels to Europe. The book opens by reintroducing the Carr family", "title": "What Katy Did Next" }, { "docid": "13579043", "text": "What Katy Did Next What Katy Did Next (1886) is a children's book by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey, working under the pen name Susan Coolidge. It follows the stories \"What Katy Did\" (1872) and \"What Katy Did At School\" (1873) and tells the adventures of Katy Carr as she travels to Europe. The book opens by reintroducing the Carr family and introducing the widow Mrs. Ashe. Mrs. Ashe has her nephew, Walter, over for a visit and it is discovered that he has scarlet fever. Anxious that her only daughter Amy should not contract the disease, Amy is sent to live", "title": "What Katy Did Next" }, { "docid": "12987073", "text": "\"a big derriere.\" She also possesses a gait which Clarice Bean and Karl describe as \"walking on trotters\" which Karl often impersonates. Clem is a new girl at Clarice Bean's school. She is from Sweden and has a pet rabbit called Kahneen, which is Swedish for rabbit. Clarice describes Clem as Sadie Blanch, a fictional character from the Ruby Redfort series. Czarina is Clarice Bean's drama teacher. She is from Pakistan. Quincy is Betty's new friend. She talks a lot and has an older brother whose name is unknown. An important plot device is the \"Ruby Redfort collection\", a series", "title": "Clarice Bean series" }, { "docid": "7578094", "text": "Cousin Helen: Papa's niece; she cannot walk because of an accident years ago. Despite her suffering she is amusing, cheerful, and kind; just what Katy wants to be. After Katy's accident, Cousin Helen helps her adjust to her illness. Susan Coolidge shared her publisher, Roberts Brothers, with Louisa May Alcott, and \"What Katy Did\" helped satisfy the demand for naturalistic novels about girlhood that followed the 1868 success of \"Little Women\". Like Alcott, Coolidge heightened the realism of her novel by drawing on her own childhood memories. \"What Katy Did\" also illustrates social shifts. First the novel depicts the treatment", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "8979161", "text": "recognised by her being chosen as the Secretary of the Scottish Parliamentary Group. Having fulfilled her major ambition to become an MP, Clarice was then struck down by a serious illness shortly afterwards which stopped her ever attending the House of Commons. She continued to deal with her parliamentary correspondence faithfully until she was forced to resign her seat in September 1946. Ben and Clarice Shaw are remembered as one of the most successful and popular partnerships in the Scottish Labour Party. While Ben was shy and introverted, Clarice was a very gifted speaker and orator with the ability to", "title": "Clarice Shaw" }, { "docid": "8979154", "text": "Clarice Shaw Clarice Marion Shaw (née McNab; 22 October 1883 – 27 October 1946) was a Labour Party politician and Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom. She was born at 10 Morton Street, Leith, near Edinburgh, Scotland, on 22 October 1883, the eldest daughter of Thomas Charles McNab, a wire-cloth weaver, and his wife, Mary Deas Fraser. Her father was a high-profile figure in local politics, including being a director of Leith's co-operative association, and played a large part in moulding Clarice's radical and political beliefs in Labour politics. Clarice combined an interest in education and socialism from an", "title": "Clarice Shaw" }, { "docid": "8804506", "text": "Clarice Mayne Clarice Mayne (6 February 1886 – 16 January 1966) was a music hall and variety theatre singer and performer. Mayne was born in London in 1886. She is best known for the song \"A Broken Doll\" written by her husband, the composer James W. Tate, and lyricist Frank Clifford Harris. Early in her career, Mayne often played the \"principal girl\" in pantomimes for Francis Laidler, among others. She also became a noted music hall performer. Later, she played the \"principal boy\" roles. Mayne sang in the variety theatre act called \"Clarice Mayne and That\". Mayne was \"This\", and", "title": "Clarice Mayne" }, { "docid": "8213901", "text": "Clarice Beckett Clarice Majoribanks Beckett (21 March 1887 – 7 July 1935) was an Australian tonalist painter whose works are featured in the collections of the National Gallery of Australia, National Gallery of Victoria and the Art Gallery of South Australia. Beckett was born in Casterton, Victoria, the daughter of Joseph Clifden Beckett (c1852-1936), a bank manager, and his wife Elizabeth Kate, née Brown (c1855-1934). Her grandfather was John Brown, a Scottish master builder who had designed and built Como House and its gardens in South Yarra, Victoria. Clarice was a boarder at Queen's College, Ballarat until 1903, before spending", "title": "Clarice Beckett" }, { "docid": "7284295", "text": "Landy. Her most recent performance was in a touring production of her one-woman show, \"Moms\", for which she won an Obie Award in 1987 for best performance by an actress. Her most recent film appearance was a small role in Wayne Wang's film \"Smoke\". Clarice Taylor died in Englewood, New Jersey from congestive heart failure, aged 93. She is survived by her two adopted sons, William and James Thomas, and extended family. Clarice Taylor Clarice Taylor (September 20, 1917 – May 30, 2011) was an American stage, film and television actress. Born in Buckingham County, Virginia but raised in Harlem,", "title": "Clarice Taylor" }, { "docid": "3364843", "text": "to cover the events of \"The Silence of the Lambs\", and the sixth to cover the events of \"Hannibal\", with the seventh to be an original storyline resolving \"Hannibal\"s ending. Since the series' cancellation, Fuller has stated that should the series continue, whether for a fourth season or feature film, and should they obtain rights to adapt \"The Silence of the Lambs\", Ellen Page would be his ideal casting for Clarice Starling. Clarice Starling Clarice M. Starling is a fictional character who appears in the novels \"The Silence of the Lambs\" and \"Hannibal\" by Thomas Harris. In the film adaptation", "title": "Clarice Starling" }, { "docid": "3364842", "text": "with Anthony Hopkins himself recommending her for the role after his previous experience working with her in the film \"Surviving Picasso\". In May 2012, Lifetime announced that they were developing a television series centered on Clarice Starling after her graduation from the FBI academy, titled \"Clarice\", which was to be produced by MGM. Bryan Fuller, the creator of the TV series \"Hannibal\", stated prior to the show's cancellation his desire to include Clarice Starling as a character in the fifth season, provided that he could get the rights from MGM. He said that he planned for the show's fifth season", "title": "Clarice Starling" }, { "docid": "3364829", "text": "Clarice Starling Clarice M. Starling is a fictional character who appears in the novels \"The Silence of the Lambs\" and \"Hannibal\" by Thomas Harris. In the film adaptation of \"The Silence of the Lambs\", she was played by Jodie Foster, while in the film adaptation of \"Hannibal\", she was played by Julianne Moore. Clarice Starling, as portrayed by Foster, was ranked the sixth greatest protagonist in film history on AFI's \"100 Years...100 Heroes and Villains\", making her the highest-ranking heroine. In 1991, for her portrayal of Starling she also received the Academy Award for Best Actress. In \"The Silence of", "title": "Clarice Starling" }, { "docid": "3117154", "text": "Francisco, listing her profession as 'dramatic coach' and residing at 1045 Bush Street. From 1944 to 1951, the comedian lived in a rooming house at 1535 Pine Street in San Francisco. From 1951 until her death in 1961 she was a patient at Napa State Mental Hospital in Napa, California. She died there, aged 91, knowing only her name and that she was \"an actress\". Clarice Vance Clarice Vance \"née\" Clara Etta Black (March 14, 1870 – August 24, 1961), \"The Southern Singer\" was an American vaudeville personality from the late 19th century to about 1917. Clarice Vance was born", "title": "Clarice Vance" }, { "docid": "3117149", "text": "Clarice Vance Clarice Vance \"née\" Clara Etta Black (March 14, 1870 – August 24, 1961), \"The Southern Singer\" was an American vaudeville personality from the late 19th century to about 1917. Clarice Vance was born in Ohio in 1870. She began her career in farce comedy in the early 1890s and was such a hit singing the songs interpolated into plot that she quickly won fame, singing ragtime and dialect songs as a single. When she performed with the James and Bonnie Thornton troop, he coined her, \"The Southern Singer\". She married \"Mose\" Gumble, head of Remick Music Publishing in", "title": "Clarice Vance" }, { "docid": "19554434", "text": "in New York. Her term lasted only a short time, and she was unable to secure long-term appointments in following years. Despite this, she kept up her legal work, eventually becoming a formal member of the law firm Markewich, Rosenhaus, Beck, and Garfinkle. Clarice Baright Clarice Baright (1881-1961) was an American attorney and social worker. Baright was the second female and first Jewish woman to be sworn in as magistrate of New York City. Clarice Baright, born Sadie Margoles, was born in 1881 in Vienna, Austria to Elizabeth and Shussman Margoles. The family immigrated to the United States three years", "title": "Clarice Baright" }, { "docid": "19554432", "text": "Clarice Baright Clarice Baright (1881-1961) was an American attorney and social worker. Baright was the second female and first Jewish woman to be sworn in as magistrate of New York City. Clarice Baright, born Sadie Margoles, was born in 1881 in Vienna, Austria to Elizabeth and Shussman Margoles. The family immigrated to the United States three years later. She married George Frances Baright, an insurance salesman, who had two children from a previous marriage. Baright attended law classes at New York University while working full-time as a clerk. She was teased for being one of a few women attending these", "title": "Clarice Baright" }, { "docid": "18651056", "text": "Clarice Reid Clarice D. Reid (born 1931) is an American pediatrician born in Birmingham, Alabama, who led the National Sickle Cell Disease Program at the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) at the National Institutes of Health. She went on to become the Director of Division of Blood Diseases and Resources at NHLBI. Reid was a member of the 1985-1986 Taskforce on Black and Minority Health. She has also served as President Emeritus on the American Bridge Association's Education and Charitable Foundation, and has scored a rare perfect bridge score. Clarice Reid was born in Birmingham, Alabama in", "title": "Clarice Reid" }, { "docid": "17899856", "text": "year, ended their marriage. Clarice Falcão Clarice Franco de Abreu Falcão is a Brazilian actress, singer-songwriter, screenwriter and comedian. Falcão was born in Recife, Pernambuco on 23 October 1989. She moved to São Paulo at age 4 and at age 6, she moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she has lived ever since. She was nominated for the Latin Grammy Awards of 2013 in the category of Best New Artist. She is the daughter of the writers João Falcão and Adriana Falcão, and she has two sisters Tatiana and Isabel. Clarice is also a member of a comedy group called", "title": "Clarice Falcão" }, { "docid": "17899855", "text": "Pernambuco and at Circo Voador, Rio de Janeiro, when she presented a new song called \"Robespierre\". This album represents a new “phase” of Clarice, with songs that have a different style from her first album. Clarice states that her first CD was much simpler and that was her goal when she organized it, but she knew that for a second CD, it would be important for it to be different. According to her interview to Estadão, each song in the CD \"Problema Meu\", tells a different story. Clarice and Gregório Duvivier married in January 2014, however, by November that same", "title": "Clarice Falcão" }, { "docid": "17899850", "text": "Clarice Falcão Clarice Franco de Abreu Falcão is a Brazilian actress, singer-songwriter, screenwriter and comedian. Falcão was born in Recife, Pernambuco on 23 October 1989. She moved to São Paulo at age 4 and at age 6, she moved to Rio de Janeiro, where she has lived ever since. She was nominated for the Latin Grammy Awards of 2013 in the category of Best New Artist. She is the daughter of the writers João Falcão and Adriana Falcão, and she has two sisters Tatiana and Isabel. Clarice is also a member of a comedy group called Porta dos Fundos and", "title": "Clarice Falcão" }, { "docid": "11876716", "text": "1993, Clarice and her younger brother Rodrigo Assad moved to France to live with their father, in a home he shared with his second wife and their child Julia. Clarice studied piano and improvisation privately with Natalie Fortin, a professor from Le Conservatoire national Supérieur de Paris, and benefited also from her father's mentorship, composing and arranging numerous pieces. This was a prolific period, though short lived amidst a turbulent time. Mr. Assad's wife, who had been battling cancer, died a year later at 38. Clarice returned to Brazil with her brother. In Rio de Janeiro, between 1995-1997, Assad acted", "title": "Clarice Assad" }, { "docid": "10654909", "text": "10 children: Their children were taught by Angelo Poliziano for a time. In 1478, he wanted to teach the children humanism, Latin, and Greek, but Clarice insisted on their lessons being more religious, and being delivered in Italian. She had also removed the family and their teacher from Florence after the scare of the Pazzi conspiracy, and he chafed under the exile. In May 1479, she tried to dismiss the tutor over another change in the curriculum, though Lorenzo continued to pay him. Clarice Orsini Clarice Orsini (1450–1488) was the daughter of Jacopo Orsini, and his wife and cousin Maddalena", "title": "Clarice Orsini" }, { "docid": "10654905", "text": "Clarice Orsini Clarice Orsini (1450–1488) was the daughter of Jacopo Orsini, and his wife and cousin Maddalena Orsini. She was the wife of Lorenzo de' Medici and mother of Pope Leo X. Clarice and Lorenzo married 4 June 1469, with a four-day celebration. The marriage was arranged by Lorenzo's mother Lucrezia Tornabuoni, who wanted her eldest son to marry a woman from a noble family to enhance the social status of the Medicis. Their marriage was unusual for Florence at the time in that they were nearly the same age. Clarice's dowry was 6,000 florins. The political nature of her", "title": "Clarice Orsini" }, { "docid": "5753826", "text": "album, \"Definitive Collection\", which reached number 1 in the UK Albums Chart in 2005. Paper Lace included this song on their 1974 album, \"Paper Lace\". I Did What I Did for Maria \"I Did What I Did for Maria\" is a song recorded by English singer Tony Christie. It was written and produced by Mitch Murray and Peter Callander, who were also responsible for Christie's \"Las Vegas\" and \"Avenues and Alleyways\". The song is about a widower who, on the eve of his execution, recalls how he remorselessly avenged his dead wife, hence the title. It was a number 2", "title": "I Did What I Did for Maria" }, { "docid": "5753825", "text": "I Did What I Did for Maria \"I Did What I Did for Maria\" is a song recorded by English singer Tony Christie. It was written and produced by Mitch Murray and Peter Callander, who were also responsible for Christie's \"Las Vegas\" and \"Avenues and Alleyways\". The song is about a widower who, on the eve of his execution, recalls how he remorselessly avenged his dead wife, hence the title. It was a number 2 UK hit in June 1971, and was also a hit in Ireland, where it also reached number 2. The track later appeared on Christie's compilation", "title": "I Did What I Did for Maria" }, { "docid": "8334567", "text": "– 0:31 16. \"A Little Buzz\" – 2:46 17. \"Kids Didn't Change\" – 0:54 18. \"Heaven Is Where the Heart Is\" – 5:03 What Did He Say? What Did He Say? is the second solo album released by bassist Victor Wooten. 1. \"Yo Victa\" – 0:07 2. \"What Did He Say?\" – 3:20 3. \"What You Won't Do for Love\" – 4:43 4. \"Cherokee\" – 1:49 5. \"Don't Wanna Cry\" – 5:07 6. \"The Lonliest Monk\" – 4:36 7. \"A Chance\" – 2:54 8. \"Radio W-OO-10\" – 1:06 9. \"Norwegian Wood\" – 4:52 10. \"Bro John\" – 4:18 11. \"Naima\"", "title": "What Did He Say?" }, { "docid": "8334566", "text": "What Did He Say? What Did He Say? is the second solo album released by bassist Victor Wooten. 1. \"Yo Victa\" – 0:07 2. \"What Did He Say?\" – 3:20 3. \"What You Won't Do for Love\" – 4:43 4. \"Cherokee\" – 1:49 5. \"Don't Wanna Cry\" – 5:07 6. \"The Lonliest Monk\" – 4:36 7. \"A Chance\" – 2:54 8. \"Radio W-OO-10\" – 1:06 9. \"Norwegian Wood\" – 4:52 10. \"Bro John\" – 4:18 11. \"Naima\" – 5:57 12. \"Sometimes I Laugh\" – 3:20 13. \"My Life\" – 4:45 14. \"The Sojourn of Arjuna\" – 6:29 15. \"Buzz Ntro\"", "title": "What Did He Say?" }, { "docid": "3994152", "text": "I Were You I Wouldn't<nowiki>\"</nowiki> in January 2016 on their YouTube account, followed by \"Fireball\" in June 2016, their first songs released since 'Zanzibar III : Analog Prison'. The band was named after friend's child said the phrase 'Mommy, look what I did', about a drawing to her mother when Barry was talking to her over the phone discussing what the band's name should be. Look What I Did Look What I Did is an American post-hardcore band, formed in 2001 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The music combines elements of jazz/fusion, hardcore, metal, and progressive pop punk. The band is", "title": "Look What I Did" }, { "docid": "9053570", "text": "wife, Rebecca, to dinner and expresses an interest in investing in Christopher's energy project. Christopher declines, as he thinks that Cliff just wants to antagonize the Ewings again; however, Cliff warns him not to let the Ewings destroy him like they did his adoptive mother, Pamela. When J.R. arrives at Sue Ellen's office to give her Miss Ellie's pearls, a good luck charm for her Texas gubernatorial campaign, Cliff arrives to take Sue Ellen to lunch to discuss politics. When questioned about trying to buy Southfork, Cliff announces, \"\"I will never stop fighting for what is rightfully mine\".\" In addition,", "title": "Cliff Barnes" }, { "docid": "7578085", "text": "up: \"What Katy Did at School\" and \"What Katy Did Next\". Two further sequels relating the adventures of Katy's younger siblings were also published—\"Clover\" and \"In the High Valley\". The books were frequently reprinted and all are available online. Coolidge modeled Katy on her own childhood self, and the other 'Little Carrs' on her brothers and sisters. The title is a play on the katydid, a family of insects – which explains the insects on the first edition book cover. 12-year-old Katy Carr lives with her widowed father and her two brothers and three sisters in Burnet, a small midwestern", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "7578084", "text": "What Katy Did What Katy Did is an 1872 children's book written by Sarah Chauncey Woolsey under her pen name Susan Coolidge. It follows the adventures of a twelve-year-old American girl, Katy Carr, and her family who live in the fictional lakeside Ohio town of Burnet in the 1860s. Katy is a tall untidy tomboy, forever getting into scrapes but wishing to be beautiful and beloved. When a terrible accident makes her an invalid, her illness and four-year recovery gradually teach her to be as good and kind as she has always wanted. Two sequels follow Katy as she grows", "title": "What Katy Did" }, { "docid": "7347814", "text": "What Kate Did \"What Kate Did\" is the 34th episode of \"Lost\". It is the ninth episode of the second season. The episode was directed by Paul Edwards, and written by Steven Maeda and Craig Wright. It first aired on November 30, 2005, on ABC. The character of Kate Austen is featured in the episode's flashbacks. Kate Austen kills her alcoholic stepfather, Wayne Jansen, by blowing up his house. Kate confronts her mother, Diane Austen. Kate reveals that she took out an insurance policy under Diane's name. Later, Kate attempts to buy a ticket to Tallahassee, when she is arrested", "title": "What Kate Did" }, { "docid": "16918902", "text": "Festival in Turkey. The film was released on DVD in Ireland on 8 February 2013. What Richard Did What Richard Did is a 2012 Irish film directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Malcolm Campbell. The film is loosely based on Kevin Power's \"Bad Day in Blackrock\", a fictionalised novel inspired by the real-life death of Brian Murphy in 2000. It won the best Irish film of the year award at the 10th Irish Film & Television Awards and was the most commercially successful Irish film of 2012. It has screened at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and the", "title": "What Richard Did" }, { "docid": "16918894", "text": "What Richard Did What Richard Did is a 2012 Irish film directed by Lenny Abrahamson and written by Malcolm Campbell. The film is loosely based on Kevin Power's \"Bad Day in Blackrock\", a fictionalised novel inspired by the real-life death of Brian Murphy in 2000. It won the best Irish film of the year award at the 10th Irish Film & Television Awards and was the most commercially successful Irish film of 2012. It has screened at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and the BFI London Film Festival and was selected to screen at the Tribeca Film Festival in", "title": "What Richard Did" }, { "docid": "11856928", "text": "early 20s. The story was adapted by Ellen Dryden for BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour Drama in 2004. What Hetty Did What Hetty Did is the seventh novel by J.L. Carr, published in 1988 when he was 76 years old. The novel describes the experiences of an 18-year-old girl. Hetty Birtwisle has been brought up by adoptive parents in the Fens; after a beating by her father, discovering that she was adopted, she flees to Birmingham where she has learnt she was born and alters her surname to Beauchamp. Hetty Beauchamp comes across several characters from Carr's other novels in", "title": "What Hetty Did" }, { "docid": "11856925", "text": "What Hetty Did What Hetty Did is the seventh novel by J.L. Carr, published in 1988 when he was 76 years old. The novel describes the experiences of an 18-year-old girl. Hetty Birtwisle has been brought up by adoptive parents in the Fens; after a beating by her father, discovering that she was adopted, she flees to Birmingham where she has learnt she was born and alters her surname to Beauchamp. Hetty Beauchamp comes across several characters from Carr's other novels in the boarding house in which she lives, including Emma Foxberrow, a teacher in \"The Harpole Report\" and Edward", "title": "What Hetty Did" }, { "docid": "3994147", "text": "Look What I Did Look What I Did is an American post-hardcore band, formed in 2001 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The music combines elements of jazz/fusion, hardcore, metal, and progressive pop punk. The band is known for its intense live show, described by Cincinnati CityBeat as a \"live act capable of unleashing a scary, uncontrolled intensity bordering on dangerous,\" and oft-satirical eccentric lyrics. Look What I Did was formed in 2001 in Nashville, Tennessee by singer Barry Donegan and guitarist Colby Shea. Miles McPherson (drums, currently drumming for Kelly Clarkson) and Chris Bradley (bass) were added before the band's first", "title": "Look What I Did" }, { "docid": "18787754", "text": "daughter. All three examples are connected by a chorus stating \"\"I'll take this one day and figure out what I did right / And I'll do it the same way for the rest of my life.\"\" Deborah Evans Price of \"Billboard\" reviewed the song favorably, saying that \"Like 'I Hope You Dance'…the song will touch a universal chord with everyone who has experienced a moment so perfect they wish they could capture it and live it over again.\" What I Did Right \"What I Did Right\" is a song recorded by American country music group Sons of the Desert. It", "title": "What I Did Right" }, { "docid": "17247248", "text": "Thomas has also appeared advising on corsets on ABC's Nightline in 2012 and in the same year was nominated for Cosmopolitan's Businesswoman of the Year. The brand recreates designs from the 1950s including the bullet bra, which has been worn by celebrities such as Madonna and Rihanna. What Katie Did are also known for their steel boned corsets. Models for the company include Bernie Dexter, Missy Malone, Jami Deadly and Miss Polly Rae. What Katie Did (company) What Katie Did is a British lingerie design house founded in 1999 by Katie Thomas. In 1999, being unable to afford fully fashioned", "title": "What Katie Did (company)" }, { "docid": "12987070", "text": "Kurt Tuesday (her older brother, age 16), her dad, her mother, her granddad, and her grandmother. Kurt is the oldest child followed by Marcie, Clarice, and then Minal is the youngest. Betty Moody is Clarice Bean's best friend, and they do most things together. As well as Clarice herself Betty loves the Ruby Redfort series. Betty also loves dogs and in the 1st book she got a dog from Clarice's grandad's best friend. She appears in the series wearing glasses. She and her parents traveled a lot, along with call-me-Mol and call-me-Cecil. In the last book, she moved to San", "title": "Clarice Bean series" }, { "docid": "17247247", "text": "What Katie Did (company) What Katie Did is a British lingerie design house founded in 1999 by Katie Thomas. In 1999, being unable to afford fully fashioned stockings, Thomas decided to invest in nylons to sell at The London Fetish Fair. This led to Thomas creating her own website. In 2002, What Katie Did's first reproduction of the Bullet bra was launched, the first to be produced in the country. The next year, the company opened a boutique in London Portobello. In 2010, Thomas was asked to advise on an bra of Marilyn Monroe that was put up for auction.", "title": "What Katie Did (company)" }, { "docid": "2281396", "text": "by New Directions Publishing and Penguin Modern Classics, the first Brazilian to enter that prestigious series. Moser, who is also the editor of her anthology \"The Complete Stories\" (2015), describes Lispector as the most important Jewish writer in the world since Kafka. Clarice Lispector was born Chaya Lispector in Chechelnyk, Podolia, a shtetl in what is today Ukraine. She was the youngest of three daughters of Pinkhas Lispector and Mania Krimgold Lispector. Her family suffered terribly in the pogroms during the Russian Civil War that followed the dissolution of the Russian Empire, circumstances later dramatized in her older sister Elisa", "title": "Clarice Lispector" }, { "docid": "13767566", "text": "turns out to be his long, lost love, Clarice. As they reunite, the video flashes back to the younger Clarice and Nathan sharing a kiss. This version has been played on CMT, TNN and GAC, as well as CMT's sister channel, Pure Country. \"What Might Have Been\" debuted at number 72 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks for the week of May 29, 1993. What Might Have Been \"What Might Have Been\" is a song recorded by American country music group Little Texas. It was released in May 1993 as the lead-off single from their second (and", "title": "What Might Have Been" }, { "docid": "8979157", "text": "personal interest in medical and child welfare issues. In 1916 she was appointed as the Women's Labour League representative to attend meetings of the Scottish Executive Committee of the Labour Party. There she met, worked with, and eventually married in Edinburgh in July 1918, Benjamin Howard Shaw, first Secretary of the Scottish Labour Party. The couple complemented each other in terms of political ideas and tastes, teetotalism, and temperance reform. Both she and Ben Shaw were also closely associated with the Glasgow Socialist Sunday School, of which Clarice was the national president for twenty-five years. The marriage did not produce", "title": "Clarice Shaw" }, { "docid": "10654908", "text": "Colle Val d'Elsa, Passignano sul Trasimeno, and other places in the 1480s. During these visits, she was treated as a representative of her husband, an unusual role for a woman in that time and place. On 30 July 1488 she died in Florence, and was buried two days later. Her husband was not with her when she died, nor did he attend the funeral, because he himself was very ill and was in Bad Filetta near Sienna to get cured. In a letter to Pope Innocence VIII he wrote that he dearly missed his late wife. Clarice and Lorenzo had", "title": "Clarice Orsini" } ]
Which James Bond film features a song by Louis Armstrong?
[ "Ohmss", "OHMSS", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", "On Her Majestys Secret Service", "On Her Majesty's Secret Service (disambiguation)" ]
[ { "docid": "15940295", "text": "title sequence for \"Spectre\". A contemporary artist usually sings during the title sequence and an instrumental version of the main track may also be featured as a leitmotif during the film, which repeats in various moods. Writing for \"Rolling Stone\", Andy Greene says that \"James Bond title songs, as a rule, have the name of the movie in the chorus,\" though he notes that this is not always the case. \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\" has an entirely instrumental credit sequence, though the film features an alternate theme, \"We Have All the Time in the World\", sung by Louis Armstrong.", "title": "Motifs in the James Bond film series" }, { "docid": "4283814", "text": "Sebastian Faulks was the first James Bond novel to receive its own theme song. Also called \"Devil May Care\", the song was written and recorded by Cardiff band SAL and was available on the UK audiobook release of the novel. James Bond music The \"James Bond\" film series from Eon Productions features numerous musical compositions since its inception in 1962, many of which are now considered classic pieces of British film music. The best known of these pieces is the ubiquitous \"James Bond Theme\". Other instrumentals, such as the \"007 Theme\" or \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\", and various songs,", "title": "James Bond music" }, { "docid": "4283797", "text": "James Bond music The \"James Bond\" film series from Eon Productions features numerous musical compositions since its inception in 1962, many of which are now considered classic pieces of British film music. The best known of these pieces is the ubiquitous \"James Bond Theme\". Other instrumentals, such as the \"007 Theme\" or \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\", and various songs, such as Shirley Bassey's \"Goldfinger\", Paul McCartney's \"Live and Let Die\", Carly Simon's \"Nobody Does It Better\", Sheena Easton's \"For Your Eyes Only\" and Duran Duran's \"A View to a Kill\" have also become identified with the series. Two Bond", "title": "James Bond music" }, { "docid": "242994", "text": "including \"Stardust\", \"What a Wonderful World\", \"When The Saints Go Marching In\", \"Dream a Little Dream of Me\", \"Ain't Misbehavin'\", \"You Rascal You\", and \"Stompin' at the Savoy\". \"We Have All the Time in the World\" was featured on the soundtrack of the James Bond film \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\", and enjoyed renewed popularity in the UK in 1994 when it featured on a Guinness advert. It reached number 3 in the charts on being re-released. In 1964, Armstrong knocked The Beatles off the top of the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart with \"Hello, Dolly!\", which gave the 63-year-old performer", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "6302182", "text": "it was the finest piece of music he had written for a Bond movie; also because of the pleasure of working with Louis Armstrong. We Have All the Time in the World \"We Have All the Time in the World\" is a James Bond theme and popular song sung by Louis Armstrong. Its music was composed by John Barry and the lyrics by Hal David. It is a secondary musical theme in the 1969 Bond film \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\", the title theme being the instrumental \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service,\" also composed by Barry. The song title is", "title": "We Have All the Time in the World" }, { "docid": "6302179", "text": "We Have All the Time in the World \"We Have All the Time in the World\" is a James Bond theme and popular song sung by Louis Armstrong. Its music was composed by John Barry and the lyrics by Hal David. It is a secondary musical theme in the 1969 Bond film \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\", the title theme being the instrumental \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service,\" also composed by Barry. The song title is taken from Bond's final words in both the novel and the film, spoken after his wife's death. Armstrong was too ill to play his", "title": "We Have All the Time in the World" }, { "docid": "4283798", "text": "songs have won the Academy Award for Best Original Song: \"Skyfall\" by Adele and \"Writing's on the Wall\" by Sam Smith. The briefest of \"James Bond themes\", this composition started off the \"Opening Titles\" music of \"From Russia with Love\". It was heard in the \"On Her Majesty's Secret Service\" film trailer. WLS (AM) used the theme in the mid-1960s for their secret agent radio serial \"The Wild Adventures of Peter Fugitive\" that appeared on \"The Art Roberts Show\". \"007 Theme\", not to be confused with the \"James Bond Theme\", is an adventure theme composed by John Barry in 1963", "title": "James Bond music" } ]
[ { "docid": "17874942", "text": "I'm on My Way!\", a song sung by Ella Fitzgerald the previous year (1957) on the \"Porgy and Bess\" album by Fitzgerald and Armstrong. That song begins: \"Porgy and all, I'm on my way to a heav'nly lan. On My Way (Louis Armstrong song) \"On My Way\" is a Louis Armstrong song that appeared on the album \"Louis and the Good Book\" in 1958 and was issued with \"I'll String Along with You\" as a single in 1959. It features a solo section with Louis and Trummy Young. A variant of I'm on My Way (traditional song), Armstrong's version starts", "title": "On My Way (Louis Armstrong song)" }, { "docid": "18858568", "text": "James Bond (2015 film) James Bond (Tag line: \"Nenu Kadhu Naa Pellam\") is a 2015 Telugu action comedy film written and directed by Sai Kishore Macha and produced by Anil Sunkara under the banner A.K.Entertainments. It features Allari Naresh and Sakshi Chaudhary in the lead roles while Ashish Vidyarthi, Raghu Babu and Krishna Bhagavan appear in supporting roles. Allari Naresh has crooned his voice for a song in the movie. The film was released on 24 July 2015. The movie is loosely based on the Korean movie \"My Wife Is a Gangster\". Nani (Allari Naresh) is a simple down to", "title": "James Bond (2015 film)" }, { "docid": "17874941", "text": "On My Way (Louis Armstrong song) \"On My Way\" is a Louis Armstrong song that appeared on the album \"Louis and the Good Book\" in 1958 and was issued with \"I'll String Along with You\" as a single in 1959. It features a solo section with Louis and Trummy Young. A variant of I'm on My Way (traditional song), Armstrong's version starts with \"On My Way\" or \"I'm on My Way\" (or similar phrases in various versions) and then goes into a chorus \"On my way now, got on my traveling shoes...\". The song is no relation to \"Oh, Lawd,", "title": "On My Way (Louis Armstrong song)" }, { "docid": "4288470", "text": "the time, Moby's highest-peaking single on the chart. The song features two samples of dialogue from the Bond films: Pierce Brosnan saying \"Bond, James Bond\" as heard in \"GoldenEye\", and the conversation between Bond and Auric Goldfinger in \"Goldfinger\": \"Do you expect me to talk?\" / \"No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.\" James Bond Theme The \"James Bond Theme\" is the main signature theme of the James Bond films and has featured in every Eon Productions Bond film since \"Dr. No\", released in 1962. The piece has been used as an accompanying fanfare to the gun barrel sequence", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "15940284", "text": "Motifs in the James Bond film series The \"James Bond\" series of films contain a number of repeating, distinctive motifs which date from the series' inception with \"Dr. No\" in 1962. The series consists of twenty four films produced by Eon Productions featuring the James Bond character, a fictional British Secret Service agent. The most recent instalment is the 2015 film \"Spectre\", which was released in UK cinemas on 26 October 2015. There have also been two independently made features, the satirical \"Casino Royale\", released in 1967, and the 1983 film \"Never Say Never Again\". Whilst each element has not", "title": "Motifs in the James Bond film series" }, { "docid": "4288452", "text": "in a filmed interview and sang its lyrics. In 2005, Norman released an album called \"Completing the Circle\" that features \"Good Sign Bad Sign\", the \"James Bond Theme,\" and a similar-sounding song titled \"Dum Di-Di Dum Dum.\" For these songs Norman added lyrics that explain the origin and history of the \"James Bond Theme\". Though the \"James Bond Theme\" is identified with John Barry's jazz arrangement, parts of it are heard throughout Monty Norman's score for \"Dr. No\" in non-jazzy guises. Barry's arrangement is repeated (\"tracked\") in various scenes of the first Bond film. This is consistent with the account", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "4283811", "text": "World\" by Louis Armstrong, have gone on to become as well known as the main themes, while other songs remain exclusively linked to the film in which they appear. Some songs have been dubbed for the foreign versions of the films. A number of songs were written as potential Bond themes but went unused. These include: Bond music has inspired a number of cover albums in a variety of genres, including the 2007 album \"Mister Bond – A Jazzy Cocktail of Ice Cold Themes\" (lounge), \"\" featuring David Arnold collaborating with several contemporary artists. The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra", "title": "James Bond music" }, { "docid": "9748544", "text": "Bond and the Queen were played respectively by BASE jumpers and stuntmen Mark Sutton and Gary Connery. After the film was shown, the Queen entered the stadium via conventional means and formally opened the Games. James Bond in film The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, \"007\", who originally appeared in a series of books by Ian Fleming. It is one of the longest continually-running film series in history, having been in on-going production from 1962 to the present (with a six-year hiatus between 1989", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "242999", "text": "Dolly!\" as the bandleader Louis. He sang the title song with actress Barbra Streisand. His solo recording of \"Hello, Dolly!\" is one of his most recognizable performances. Argentine writer Julio Cortázar, a self-described Armstrong admirer, asserted that a 1952 Louis Armstrong concert at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris played a significant role in inspiring him to create the fictional creatures called Cronopios that are the subject of a number of Cortázar's short stories. Cortázar once called Armstrong himself \"Grandísimo Cronopio\" (The Great Cronopio). There is a pivotal scene in \"Stardust Memories\" (1980) in which Woody Allen is overwhelmed by", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "713445", "text": "first Q who is younger than James Bond. Featured in In the 1967 version of \"Casino Royale\", Q is portrayed by Geoffrey Bayldon, but instead of outfitting James Bond, he provides gadgets for Evelyn Tremble (who is portrayed by Peter Sellers). In the film, Q is assisted by Fordyce (John Wells). The sequence parodies the regular series' outfitting, and features Q presenting Tremble with an elaborate bullet-proof vest, laden with preposterous features (\"a Beretta in the buttonhole, and a cute little mini-gun in the gusset\"). Featured in In the 1983 film \"Never Say Never Again\", Q Branch is headed by", "title": "Q (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "9748541", "text": "in the Academy Award-winning song \"The Windmills of Your Mind\"—and was performed by Lani Hall. Fleming's estate, financially backed by Eon Productions and MGM, made a final attempt to block the film in the High Courts in London in the spring of 1983, but this was thrown out by the court and \"Never Say Never Again\" was permitted to proceed. When \"Never Say Never Again\" was released, it grossed $9.72 million ($ million in dollars) on its first weekend, which was reported to be \"the best opening record of any \"James Bond\" film\" up to that point and surpassing \"Octopussy\"s", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "9748428", "text": "James Bond in film The James Bond film series is a British series of spy films based on the fictional character of MI6 agent James Bond, \"007\", who originally appeared in a series of books by Ian Fleming. It is one of the longest continually-running film series in history, having been in on-going production from 1962 to the present (with a six-year hiatus between 1989 and 1995). In that time Eon Productions has produced 24 films, most of them at Pinewood Studios. With a combined gross of over $7 billion to date, the films produced by Eon constitute the fourth-highest-grossing", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "3576403", "text": "that will temporarily hold him in place, allowing time for Bond to attack him. Jaws was spoofed in Mel Brooks' 1977 film \"High Anxiety\", featuring a hired killer named Braces (played by Rudy De Luca) who is wearing large metal braces on his teeth. An unrelated character named Braces from the video games \"TimeSplitters 2\" and \"\" is also referencing Jaws. The film 2008 \"Get Smart\", which is both a parody of and an homage to the \"James Bond\" film series, features a character named Dalip (played by The Great Khali), who looks like Jaws and does his \"Moonraker\" stunt", "title": "Jaws (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "13708852", "text": "Struttin' (Louis Armstrong album) Struttin' is an album by Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall's All Stars, recorded at Carnegie Hall in 1947. The music on the album was recorded during a concert at Carnegie Hall on February 8, 1947. The music features trumpeter Louis Armstrong playing with a small group – clarinettist Edmond Hall, trumpeter \"Mousie\" Randolph, trombonist Henderson Chambers, pianist Ellis Larkins, bassist Johnny Williams, and drummer Jimmy Crawford – thus making it Armstrong's \"first major appearance in front of a small group in close to two decades\". \"Clearly, it was inspirational for Armstrong at the time: by the", "title": "Struttin' (Louis Armstrong album)" }, { "docid": "208196", "text": "have also been two independent productions of Bond films: \"Casino Royale\" (a 1967 spoof) and \"Never Say Never Again\" (a 1983 remake of an earlier Eon-produced film, \"Thunderball\"). In 2015 the series was estimated to be worth $19.9 billion, making \"James Bond\" one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time. The Bond films are renowned for a number of features, including the musical accompaniment, with the theme songs having received Academy Award nominations on several occasions, and two wins. Other important elements which run through most of the films include Bond's cars, his guns, and the gadgets with which", "title": "James Bond" }, { "docid": "3576405", "text": "attendance. Kiel also played Reace, a very similar character to Jaws (complete with metal teeth), in the 1976 film \"Silver Streak\". In \"Aces Go Places 3\", the third movie in a James Bond spoof series, Kiel plays a villain named \"Big G\", which resembles Jaws, though he has no metal teeth. The film also features an actor who resembles the character Oddjob, another James Bond bad guy. \"MythBusters\" tested the plausibility of Jaws biting through the steel cable car wire. The model based on the dentures used in the movie had little impact on the steel cable, even with a", "title": "Jaws (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "9748438", "text": "February 1962; five days later filming began at Pinewood Studios in England with sets designed by Ken Adam, who had previously worked with Broccoli on the 1960 film \"The Trials of Oscar Wilde\". Maurice Binder created the title sequence and introduced the gun barrel motif that appears in all the Eon Bond films. Monty Norman wrote the accompanying soundtrack, which included the \"James Bond Theme\", heard in the gun barrel sequence and in a calypso medley over the title credits; the theme was described by another Bond film composer, David Arnold, as \"bebop-swing vibe coupled with that vicious, dark, distorted", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "18858570", "text": "was present as a chief guest. Aditya Music bagged the audio rights of the film. The audio was well received by the audience. But, due to the success of film Bahubali, they announced the release date as 24 July 2015. The movie was scheduled for a worldwide release on 26 June 2015. But, the release was postponed further. Later makers announced the release date as 24 July 2015. James Bond (2015 film) James Bond (Tag line: \"Nenu Kadhu Naa Pellam\") is a 2015 Telugu action comedy film written and directed by Sai Kishore Macha and produced by Anil Sunkara under", "title": "James Bond (2015 film)" }, { "docid": "8209338", "text": "Lombardo. In Hollywood, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald recorded their version of the song in the summer of 1957. In 1963, Fitzgerald included a solo rendition on her Verve Records album, \"Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Jerome Kern Songbook\", produced by Norman Granz. In a version sung by Judi Dench it also became the theme song of \"A Fine Romance\", a British television series starring Dench and her husband Michael Williams. In the film \"Till the Clouds Roll By\" (1946), the song is performed by Virginia O'Brien. A recording by Lena Horne features in the film \"The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen", "title": "A Fine Romance (song)" }, { "docid": "9748482", "text": "of the funding for the Bond films, fell into financial difficulties following the box office failure of \"Heaven's Gate\" (1980), bringing uncertainty to the future of the funding. The situation was resolved in May 1981, when Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer acquired United Artists. Following \"For Your Eyes Only\", Roger Moore had expressed a desire to stop playing James Bond. His original contract had been for three films, a requirement fulfilled with \"The Spy Who Loved Me\". Subsequent films had been negotiated on a film-by-film basis. The producers engaged in a semi-public quest for the next actor to play Bond, which would be for", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "15940337", "text": "instruction was honoured by the AFI as the 90th most-memorable cinema quotation. In order to distance his version of Bond from Sean Connery's, Roger Moore did not order a martini. The martini was present in the first Ian Fleming novel, \"Casino Royale\", where Bond eventually named it \"The Vesper\", after Vesper Lynd. The same recipe was then used for the 2006 film of the novel, with the martini ordered by Daniel Craig's Bond. Motifs in the James Bond film series The \"James Bond\" series of films contain a number of repeating, distinctive motifs which date from the series' inception with", "title": "Motifs in the James Bond film series" }, { "docid": "4288465", "text": "played throughout the film as a substitute for the \"James Bond Theme\". A new recording of the classic theme, titled \"The Name's Bond…James Bond\", only plays during the end credits to signal the beginning of the character's new arc as the 21st century version of James Bond. Although that is the first time the theme is played in its entirety, the first bars of the song (the chord progression) appeared as a slow background music in seven moments throughout the movie: after Bond's conversation with M (during his flight), after winning the Aston Martin, when he makes his first appearance", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "13708853", "text": "end of 1947, he dissolved his big band and formed his own combo, also called the All-Stars, and adapted most of these songs into their repertoire.\" The AllMusic reviewer wrote that, \"While the sound quality of this disc is unfortunately primitive, the historical import of the performances overshadows the technical problems.\" Struttin' (Louis Armstrong album) Struttin' is an album by Louis Armstrong with Edmond Hall's All Stars, recorded at Carnegie Hall in 1947. The music on the album was recorded during a concert at Carnegie Hall on February 8, 1947. The music features trumpeter Louis Armstrong playing with a small", "title": "Struttin' (Louis Armstrong album)" }, { "docid": "4288464", "text": "concluding bars. An electronic rhythm was added to the gunbarrel of \"The World Is Not Enough\". The typical Bond guitar line can be heard during some action scenes. The \"Die Another Day\" gunbarrel recalls the version of \"From Russia with Love\" but with a more techno-influenced rhythm. It also contains the guitar riff of the \"James Bond Theme\". Craig's first James Bond film, \"Casino Royale\", does not feature the \"James Bond Theme\" in its entirety until the very end of the movie during a climactic scene. In \"Casino Royale\", the main notes of the song \"You Know My Name\" are", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "4288458", "text": "listening devices. In \"Goldfinger\", the \"James Bond Theme\" can be heard on the soundtrack in \"Bond Back in Action Again\" (gunbarrel and pre-title sequence). The \"James Bond Theme\" for this movie is heavily influenced by the brassy, jazzy theme song sung by Shirley Bassey. \"Thunderball\" featured a full orchestral version of the theme in the track \"Chateau Flight\". Another full orchestral version was intended for the end titles of the film. \"You Only Live Twice\" featured a funereal orchestration with Bond's \"burial\" at sea sequence in Hong Kong harbour. A full orchestral version of the theme was used in the", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "9748434", "text": "Broccoli at Warwick Films expressed interest in adapting the Bond novels, but his colleague Irving Allen was unenthusiastic. In June 1961 Fleming sold a six-month option on the film rights to his published and future James Bond novels and short stories to Harry Saltzman, with the exception of \"Casino Royale\", which he had previously sold. Towards the end of Saltzman's option period, screenwriter Wolf Mankowitz introduced him to Broccoli, and Saltzman and Broccoli formed Eon Productions with the intention of making the first Bond film. A number of Hollywood studios did not want to fund the films, finding them \"too", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "4288468", "text": "end credits is David Arnold's \"Casino Royale\" track \"The Name's Bond…James Bond\". Despite this, the film's score was composed by Thomas Newman, who also incorporated the \"James Bond Theme\" throughout the entire film. In \"Spectre\", the theme appears at the beginning of the film as part of the opening gunbarrel sequence, indicating a return to the franchise's classic roots of 1962–2002. Over 70 cover versions of the \"James Bond Theme\" have been recorded by artists such as: American electronica musician Moby produced a remixed version of the theme entitled \"James Bond Theme (Moby's Re-Version)\" for the Bond film \"Tomorrow Never", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "9748519", "text": "his fourth soundtrack for the Bond film series. Producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli announced on 26 July 2006 that Chris Cornell would perform the title song, entitled \"You Know My Name\", which he co-wrote with Arnold. In July 2006, as \"Casino Royale\" entered post-production, Eon Productions announced that the next film would be based on an original idea by producer Michael G. Wilson. In June 2007 Marc Forster was confirmed as director. He was surprised that he was approached for the job, stating he was not a big Bond film fan through the years, and that he would", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "4519171", "text": "James Bond 007: From Russia with Love James Bond 007: From Russia with Love is a third-person shooter video game developed by EA Redwood Shores and published by Electronic Arts featuring Ian Fleming's secret agent, James Bond, whose likeness and voice is that of Sean Connery. The game is based on the 1957 novel and the film of the same name. The game follows the storyline of the book and film, with adding in new scenes to make the game more action-oriented, as well as changing the affiliation of the main villains. Additionally, it features many elements of later Bond", "title": "James Bond 007: From Russia with Love" }, { "docid": "242998", "text": "Billie Holiday, which chronicled the demise of the Storyville district and the ensuing exodus of musicians from New Orleans to Chicago. In the 1959 film \"The Five Pennies\" he played himself, sang, and playing several classic numbers. With Danny Kaye he performed a duet of \"When the Saints Go Marching In\" during which Kaye impersonated Armstrong. He had a part in the film alongside James Stewart in \"The Glenn Miller Story\". Armstrong was the first African American to host a nationally broadcast radio show in the 1930s. In 1969, he had a cameo role in the film version of \"Hello,", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "15940334", "text": "next film to be produced was also usually named, in the format \"James Bond will return...\" or \"James Bond will be back\", although these were sometimes incorrect: \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" promised James Bond would return in \"For Your Eyes Only\", but after the success of \"Star Wars\", the producers decided to make \"Moonraker\" instead and \"For Your Eyes Only\" followed in 1981. The first Bond film, \"Dr. No\", included the introduction of the character of James Bond. Bond was introduced in an exchange near the beginning of the film in a \"now-famous nightclub sequence featuring Sylvia Trench\", to", "title": "Motifs in the James Bond film series" }, { "docid": "15030235", "text": "In 2001, Armstrong's song \"Pennies and Picks\" from \"Got It Goin' On\", earned him a W.C. Handy Award nomination for 'Song of the Year'. Armstrong himself was nominated for 'Contemporary Male Blues Guitarist of the Year'. \"2 Sides,\" another song from \"Got It Goin' On\" was included in the film soundtrack for \"Speechless\". Armstrong has worked with Albert Collins, Keb' Mo', Coco Montoya, Roy Brown, Chaka Khan, Ricky Lee Jones, Jan and Dean, Mitch Mitchell and Tommy Castro. Armstrong's 2011 release on Catfood Records, \"Blues At The Border\", was his first recording in 11 years. James released \"Guitar Angels\" on", "title": "James Armstrong (musician)" }, { "docid": "9976358", "text": "Bond Girls Are Forever Bond Girls Are Forever is a 2002 James Bond documentary film hosted by actress Maryam d'Abo, who had played the role of Kara Milovy in the 15th James Bond film \"The Living Daylights\". It was accompanied by a 2003 book written by John Cork and d'Abo. The book is subtitled The Women of James Bond. Both the film and the book is a tribute to the elite club of women who have played the role of a Bond girl. The TV film, which was released in November 2002 alongside \"Die Another Day\" features interviews with a", "title": "Bond Girls Are Forever" }, { "docid": "11734775", "text": "part of academics, and concludes that they are not. James Bond fandom James Bond fandom is an international and informal community drawn together by Ian Fleming's \"James Bond\" series. The fandom works through the use of many different forms of media, including fan clubs, web sites and fanzines. Various Bond film shooting locations have become fan tourism locations. The first James Bond Fan Club was founded in 1972 by Richard Schenkman and Bob Forlini, two high school students from Yonkers, NY. In 1974 they began publishing a magazine called BONDAGE, which was at first mimeographed and stapled together. MI6-HQ.com was", "title": "James Bond fandom" }, { "docid": "11734762", "text": "James Bond fandom James Bond fandom is an international and informal community drawn together by Ian Fleming's \"James Bond\" series. The fandom works through the use of many different forms of media, including fan clubs, web sites and fanzines. Various Bond film shooting locations have become fan tourism locations. The first James Bond Fan Club was founded in 1972 by Richard Schenkman and Bob Forlini, two high school students from Yonkers, NY. In 1974 they began publishing a magazine called BONDAGE, which was at first mimeographed and stapled together. MI6-HQ.com was founded in 1998. Press organisations and websites that mention", "title": "James Bond fandom" }, { "docid": "2836292", "text": "Ciro's Club Coon Orchestra, a group of black American artists appearing in Britain, had already recorded a version including the lyrics in September 1917. The film \"St. Louis Blues\", from 1929, featured Bessie Smith singing the song. Saint Louis Blues (song) \"Saint Louis Blues\" is a popular American song composed by W. C. Handy in the blues style and published in September 1914. It was one of the first blues songs to succeed as a pop song and remains a fundamental part of jazz musicians' repertoire. Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Bessie Smith, Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Guy Lombardo, and the", "title": "Saint Louis Blues (song)" }, { "docid": "208238", "text": "greatest film hero. He was also placed at number 11 on a similar list by \"Empire\" and as the fifth greatest movie character of all time by \"Premiere\". The 23 James Bond films produced by Eon Productions, which have grossed $4,910 million in box office returns alone, have made the series one of the highest-grossing ever. It is estimated that since \"Dr. No\", a quarter of the world's population have seen at least one Bond film. The UK Film Distributors' Association have stated that the importance of the Bond series of films to the British film industry cannot be overstated,", "title": "James Bond" }, { "docid": "17806301", "text": "and collect more than 5.5 Crore in first 2 days of the release. \"Jatt James Bond\" won eight awards at the PTC Punjabi Film Awards in 2015. Jatt James Bond Jatt James Bond or JJB is a 2014 Indian Punjabi film directed by Rohit Jugraj, and starring Gippy Grewal and Zareen Khan as leads, along with Gurpreet Ghuggi, Yashpal Sharma. The music of the film is given by Jatinder Shah. The film marks the Punjabi cinema debut of Bollywood actress Zareen Khan in her first Punjabi film. It was released on 25 April 2014. Shinda (Gippy Grewal) was mistreated by", "title": "Jatt James Bond" }, { "docid": "242966", "text": "under their arms.\" In June 1950, Suzy Delair performed rehearsals of the song \"C'est si bon\" with Aimé Barelli and his Orchestra at the Monte Carlo casino where Louis Armstrong was finishing the evening. Armstrong enjoyed the song and he recorded the American version in New York City on June 26, 1950. In the 1960s, he toured Ghana and Nigeria. After finishing his contract with Decca Records, he became a freelance artist and recorded for other labels. He continued an intense international touring schedule, but in 1959 he suffered a heart attack in Italy and had to rest. In 1964,", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "7124405", "text": "Bond girl,\" but in another article UGO praised her as \"Bond's super-hot guardian angel\". Den of Geek included her in their 2008 list of ten \"James Bond\" characters who deserve their own spin-off. Aki (James Bond) Aki is a fictional character created for the 1967 \"James Bond\" film \"You Only Live Twice\". In the film, Aki, played by Akiko Wakabayashi, is a female ninja agent with the fictional Japanese Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). She is a love interest and ally of James Bond's, however she is killed before the mission reaches its climax and is replaced by her fellow agent", "title": "Aki (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "3286413", "text": "after, as well as their voice talents. In addition to Pierce Brosnan, Judi Dench and John Cleese reprised their roles from previous Bond films; the game features actors Willem Dafoe, Shannon Elizabeth, Heidi Klum and Vladimir Cuk as well as actor Richard Kiel, who played Jaws in the classic 007 films. \"Everything or Nothing\" is the second James Bond game to have its own original theme. It was performed by R&B artist Mýa, who also has a part as a Bond girl in the game. The game features a title song performed by Mýa, who also plays a character of", "title": "James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing" }, { "docid": "1878923", "text": "Bond out of retirement, he orders the military to fire mortars at Bond's mansion when the retired spy refuses to return to duty. The first quarter of the film features Bond's subsequent visit to McTarry Castle in Scotland, on a quest to return the only piece of M's remains recovered after the attack—his bright red toupée. Subsequently, Bond—played by David Niven—becomes the new M and proceeds to order that all MI6 agents, male and female, be renamed \"James Bond 007\" in order to confuse the enemy. In 1983's \"Never Say Never Again\", Edward Fox played M as a bureaucrat, contemptuous", "title": "M (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "9748503", "text": "and The Edge, and was performed by Tina Turner. As Serra did not collaborate with Bono or The Edge, orchestral versions of the song did not appear throughout \"GoldenEye\", as had been the case in previous James Bond films. Before \"GoldenEye\" had been released in November 1995, MGM/UA started their preparations for Bond 18, intending for a release in early December 1997, leaving Eon Productions little time for pre-production. The producers were unable to convince Martin Campbell to return; his agent said that \"Martin just didn't want to do two Bond films in a row\". Instead, Roger Spottiswoode was chosen", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "208237", "text": "\"Bond ... James Bond\", became a catch phrase that entered the lexicon of Western popular culture: writers Cork and Scivally said of the introduction in \"Dr. No\" that the \"signature introduction would become the most famous and loved film line ever\". In 2001, it was voted as the \"best-loved one-liner in cinema\" by British cinema goers, and in 2005, it was honoured as the 22nd greatest quotation in cinema history by the American Film Institute as part of their 100 Years Series. The 2005 American Film Institute's '100 Years' series recognised the character of James Bond himself as the third", "title": "James Bond" }, { "docid": "2232258", "text": "2002 Bond film \"Die Another Day\", the fictional Bond, played by Pierce Brosnan, can be seen examining \"Birds of the West Indies\" in an early scene that takes place in Havana, Cuba. The author's name (James Bond) on the front cover is obscured. In the same film, when Bond first meets Jinx (Halle Berry), he introduces himself as an ornithologist. In the 2015 Bond film \"Spectre\", the same book was seen in a promotional on-set photo, which is supposed to be appearing in an alternate take of a scene taking place in Bond's Chelsea apartment. However, it is nowhere to", "title": "James Bond (ornithologist)" }, { "docid": "2836285", "text": "Saint Louis Blues (song) \"Saint Louis Blues\" is a popular American song composed by W. C. Handy in the blues style and published in September 1914. It was one of the first blues songs to succeed as a pop song and remains a fundamental part of jazz musicians' repertoire. Louis Armstrong, Bing Crosby, Bessie Smith, Count Basie, Glenn Miller, Guy Lombardo, and the Boston Pops Orchestra are among the artists who have recorded it. The song has been called \"the jazzman's \"Hamlet\".\" The 1925 version sung by Bessie Smith, with Louis Armstrong on cornet, was inducted into the Grammy Hall", "title": "Saint Louis Blues (song)" }, { "docid": "4288449", "text": "James Bond Theme The \"James Bond Theme\" is the main signature theme of the James Bond films and has featured in every Eon Productions Bond film since \"Dr. No\", released in 1962. The piece has been used as an accompanying fanfare to the gun barrel sequence in almost every James Bond film. The \"James Bond Theme\" has accompanied the opening titles twice, as part of the medley that opens \"Dr. No\" and then again in the opening credits of \"From Russia with Love\" (1963). It has been used as music over the end credits for \"Dr. No\", \"Thunderball\" (1965), \"On", "title": "James Bond Theme" }, { "docid": "10912124", "text": "Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy Louis Armstrong Plays W. C. Handy is a 1954 studio release by Louis Armstrong and His All Stars, described by Allmusic as \"Louis Armstrong's finest record of the 1950s\" and \"essential music for all serious jazz collections\". Columbia CD released the album on CD in 1986 in a much altered form, with alternative versions in place of many of the original songs, but restored the original with its 1997 re-issue, which also included additional tracks: a brief interview by the producer, George Avakian, with W. C. Handy; a joke told by Louis Armstrong; and several", "title": "Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy" }, { "docid": "4011181", "text": "James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire is a first-person shooter video game based on the James Bond franchise. Developed and published by Electronic Arts, it was released for PlayStation 2, GameCube and Xbox game consoles. It is the fourth Bond game which is not based on a film or book in the James Bond series, following \"\", \"James Bond 007\" and EA's own \"007 Racing\". The game's story arc continues in the following sequel, \"Nightfire\", released a year later. Unlike previous Bond games which featured the likeness of then current Bond actor Pierce Brosnan,", "title": "James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire" }, { "docid": "11179990", "text": "the preface and the writer–executor correspondence, Snelling stresses his preference for the literary 007, because he felt the film series’ interpretation, especially Roger Moore’s entries, abandoned the \"adult\" secret agent character Ian Fleming created; ultimately, O. F. Snelling lost interest in all things Bond. Double O Seven, James Bond, A Report Double O Seven, James Bond, A Report (1964), by O. F. (Oswald Frederick) Snelling, is the first book-length, critical analysis of the James Bond novels, and the only such study Ian Fleming approved. It was published in August 1964, the month when Fleming died, a coincidence that earned the", "title": "Double O Seven, James Bond, A Report" }, { "docid": "19814573", "text": "comic was \"flawed but intriguing,\" but also indicated his belief that the comic would improve. Fandom Post's Chris Beveridge, who reviewed all six issues, gave the series a \"B+\" grade. James Bond: Felix Leiter James Bond: Felix Leiter is a 2017 American comic book miniseries published by Dynamite Entertainment. The series features the eponymous character, who primarily appears in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels and their movie adaptations. Written by James Robinson and illustrated by Aaron Campbell, the comic book is a spin-off from the \"James Bond\" series also published by Dynamite. The series ran from January to June 2017,", "title": "James Bond: Felix Leiter" }, { "docid": "19814571", "text": "James Bond: Felix Leiter James Bond: Felix Leiter is a 2017 American comic book miniseries published by Dynamite Entertainment. The series features the eponymous character, who primarily appears in Ian Fleming's James Bond novels and their movie adaptations. Written by James Robinson and illustrated by Aaron Campbell, the comic book is a spin-off from the \"James Bond\" series also published by Dynamite. The series ran from January to June 2017, and marks the first time that Leiter received a solo adventure in any format. The miniseries was first announced in October 2016. During an interview with entertainment media news site", "title": "James Bond: Felix Leiter" }, { "docid": "7124396", "text": "Aki (James Bond) Aki is a fictional character created for the 1967 \"James Bond\" film \"You Only Live Twice\". In the film, Aki, played by Akiko Wakabayashi, is a female ninja agent with the fictional Japanese Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). She is a love interest and ally of James Bond's, however she is killed before the mission reaches its climax and is replaced by her fellow agent Kissy Suzuki. Aki does not appear in Ian Fleming's 1964 novel. She was originally named Suki in Roald Dahl's screenplay. According to \"The James Bond Films\", the character was \"Dahl's tribute to the", "title": "Aki (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "2740384", "text": "\"Basin Street Blues\", \"Tight Like This\", \"Saint James Infirmary\", and \"Weather Bird\". In the last named, only Armstrong and Hines are present, turning an old rag number into a tour-de-force duet. Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five The Hot Five was Louis Armstrong's first jazz recording band led under his own name. It was a typical New Orleans jazz band in instrumentation, consisting of trumpet, clarinet, and trombone backed by a rhythm section. The original New Orleans jazz style leaned heavily on collective improvisation, in which the three horns together played the lead: the trumpet played the main melody, and", "title": "Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five" }, { "docid": "4602905", "text": "Corporation. The game features a story including characters from multiple James Bond films, such as Oddjob and Jaws. It also incorporates gambling minigames, such as Baccarat and Blackjack. The next Bond game, 1999's \"Tomorrow Never Dies\", based on the film \"Tomorrow Never Dies\", was the first released by Electronic Arts. Developed by Black Ops, it is a third-person shooter, released for PlayStation. The game was a financial success and received mixed reviews. The next titles, \"The World Is Not Enough\" (N64) and \"The World Is Not Enough\" (PS), are first-person shooters. However, publisher Electronic Arts, which owned the rights to", "title": "James Bond in video games" }, { "docid": "9748445", "text": "be adapted for the cinema, and he approached producer Sir Alexander Korda to make a film adaptation of either \"Live and Let Die\" or \"Moonraker\". Although Korda was initially interested, he later withdrew. On 1 October 1959, it was announced that Fleming would write an original film script featuring Bond for producer Kevin McClory. Jack Whittingham also worked on the script, culminating in a screenplay entitled \"James Bond, Secret Agent\". However, Alfred Hitchcock and Richard Burton turned down roles as director and star, respectively. McClory was unable to secure the financing for the film, and the deal fell through. Fleming", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "19364433", "text": "Away from Me\" as well as James Warburg with Kay Swift's \"Can't We Be Friends?\". \"Ella and Louis Again\", which features nineteen songs, primarily consists as a collection of vocal duets like its predecessor. However, seven selections do involve either Armstrong or Fitzgerald singing without the other. Examples of the popular music standards done in the album include the Irving Berlin compositions \"I'm Putting All My Eggs in One Basket\" and \"I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm\" as well as the Vernon Duke piece \"Autumn in New York\". The backing group remained the same except for Buddy Rich's", "title": "Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong collaborations" }, { "docid": "19157043", "text": "Bond comforts Nebula, telling her that he settled the score with the man who did her wrong, as they embrace each other with passionate sense of romance. James Bond 007: The Quasimodo Gambit James Bond 007: The Quasimodo Gambit is a 1995 spy thriller comic book published by Dark Horse Comics that features Ian Fleming's secret agent, James Bond in the lead. Serialized in three issues, the story is written by Don McGregor and illustrated by Gary Caldwell, which also is the last Bond comic book to be published by the same company, before Topps Comics took over the publishing", "title": "James Bond 007: The Quasimodo Gambit" }, { "docid": "5813187", "text": "in December 1962 - an adaptation of the first Bond film \"Dr. No\". Originally published by \"Classics Illustrated\" in the United Kingdom, it was later reprinted in the United States by DC Comics as part of its \"Showcase\" anthology series in January 1963. The next James Bond comic book did not appear for nearly 20 years, when Marvel Comics published a two-issue adaptation of the 1981 film \"For Your Eyes Only\" (which was also published in a single-issue magazine edition and a paperback release). Marvel later adapted the 1983 film \"Octopussy\" in magazine format. In 1989 comic books featuring Bond", "title": "James Bond (comics)" }, { "docid": "6244081", "text": "and Dave Worrall say of Necros, \"Necros is the most intriguing of the film's trio of main villains. He is a silent, humourless, but extremely handsome assassin who tends to use a Walkman as a strangulation device. The role is well played by Andreas Wisniewski, who provides the film with a much-needed sense of menace.\" Necros (James Bond) Necros is a fictional character and henchman in the 1987 James Bond film \"The Living Daylights\". He was played by Andreas Wisniewski. Tall, muscular, blond, blue-eyed and steel-jawed Necros is of the Red Grant model, common in the earlier James Bond films.", "title": "Necros (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "10860313", "text": "garden was assembled and the garage was constructed by the Armstrongs. In addition the interior of the house was renovated to their taste. Ornate bathrooms, and the kitchen was not originally part of the house. Paintings and souvenirs were given to Louis Armstrong on tour from Asia, Europe to Africa. These gifts have found a home of their own on dressers, night stands, shelves and walls. Louis Armstrong House The Louis Armstrong House was the home of Louis Armstrong and his wife Lucille Wilson from 1943 until his death in 1971. Lucille gave ownership of it to the city of", "title": "Louis Armstrong House" }, { "docid": "243006", "text": "the United States National Recording Registry, a registry of recordings selected yearly by the National Recording Preservation Board for preservation in the National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress. The US Open tennis tournament's former main stadium was named Louis Armstrong Stadium in honor of Armstrong who had lived a few blocks from the site. \"Congo Square\" was a common gathering place for African-Americans in New Orleans for dancing and performing music. The park where Congo Square is located was later renamed Louis Armstrong Park. Dedicated in April 1980, the park includes a 12-foot statue of Armstrong, trumpet in", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "15940323", "text": "for the film: \"you put in three girls ... Girl number one is pro-Bond. She stays around roughly through the first reel of the picture. Then she is bumped off by the enemy, preferably in Bond's arms.\" The next girl is anti-Bond and normally captures him, but Bond will save himself by using his charm and sexual potency: she is normally killed midway through the film. Girl number three will survive and end the film in Bond's embrace. Academic Kimberly A. Neuendorf notes that James Bond promotes stereotypical, sex-typed male attitudes, especially when interacting with women and in doing so", "title": "Motifs in the James Bond film series" }, { "docid": "208235", "text": "On Spying\", which shows the villain Dr. Crow being overcome by agents who included James Bind (Charles Hawtry) and Daphne Honeybutt (Barbara Windsor). One of the films that reacted against the portrayal of Bond was the Harry Palmer series, whose first film, \"The Ipcress File\" was released in 1965. The eponymous hero of the series was what academic Jeremy Packer called an \"anti-Bond\", or what Christoph Lindner calls \"the thinking man's Bond\". The Palmer series were produced by Harry Saltzman, who also used key crew members from the Bond series, including designer Ken Adam, editor Peter R. Hunt and composer", "title": "James Bond" }, { "docid": "4397899", "text": "James Bond and Moonraker James Bond and Moonraker is a novelization by Christopher Wood of the James Bond film \"Moonraker\". Its name was changed to avoid confusion with Fleming's novel. It was released in 1979. British Secret Service agent James Bond, codename 007, must prevent Sir Hugo Drax's plan to murder the entire human race and then restart humanity from outer space. The screenplay of \"Moonraker\" differed so much from Ian Fleming's novel that Eon Productions authorised the film's screenwriter, Christopher Wood to write a novelization based upon the film, as he had done for \"The Spy Who Loved Me\".", "title": "James Bond and Moonraker" }, { "docid": "713446", "text": "a man (played by Alec McCowen) referred to by Bond as Algernon and Algy, though his opening line is \"Nice to know old Q can still surprise you 00s\". In the closing credits, he is named as \"Q Algy\". Q Branch itself is depicted as underfunded and ramshackle compared to the high-tech surroundings of the Eon films. Featured in Q (James Bond) Q is a fictional character in the James Bond films and film novelisations. Q (standing for Quartermaster as well as a reference to the deceptive Q-ships) is a job title, unlike M, which is a cypher for the", "title": "Q (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "19157031", "text": "James Bond 007: The Quasimodo Gambit James Bond 007: The Quasimodo Gambit is a 1995 spy thriller comic book published by Dark Horse Comics that features Ian Fleming's secret agent, James Bond in the lead. Serialized in three issues, the story is written by Don McGregor and illustrated by Gary Caldwell, which also is the last Bond comic book to be published by the same company, before Topps Comics took over the publishing rights to adapt \"GoldenEye\" in 1996 with McGregor as the writer. A recent panic from a group of mercenaries cites an arms dealer known as Rifle as", "title": "James Bond 007: The Quasimodo Gambit" }, { "docid": "6252557", "text": "James Bond 007 (1998 video game) James Bond 007 is an action-adventure game featuring James Bond. The game was developed by Saffire Corporation and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy. Released on February 9, 1998, the game features a story that includes characters from multiple James Bond films, such as Oddjob and Jaws. The gameplay of \"James Bond 007\" is presented from a top-down perspective. As James Bond, the player controls an arsenal of weapons and items. Bond must use items at the appropriate place and time to either sneak past impossible odds or to solve a mission. The", "title": "James Bond 007 (1998 video game)" }, { "docid": "242991", "text": "famously Ella Fitzgerald. His influence upon Crosby is particularly important with regard to the subsequent development of popular music: Crosby admired and copied Armstrong, as is evident on many of his early recordings, notably \"Just One More Chance\" (1931). The \"New Grove Dictionary of Jazz\" describes Crosby's debt to Armstrong in precise detail, although it does not acknowledge Armstrong by name: Armstrong recorded two albums with Ella Fitzgerald: \"Ella and Louis\", and \"Ella and Louis Again\" for Verve Records, with the sessions featuring the backing musicianship of the Oscar Peterson Trio and drummers Buddy Rich (on the first album), and", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "243008", "text": "new visitors center is planned. According to literary critic Harold Bloom, \"The two great American contributions to the world's art, in the end, are Walt Whitman and, after him, Armstrong and jazz ... If I had to choose between the two, ultimately, I wouldn't. I would say that the genius of this nation at its best is indeed Walt Whitman and Louis Armstrong.\" Louis Armstrong Louis Daniel Armstrong (August 4, 1901 – July 6, 1971), nicknamed Satchmo, Satch, and Pops, was an American trumpeter, composer, vocalist and occasional actor who was one of the most influential figures in jazz. His", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "5885337", "text": "third largest stadium at the US Open, with a seating capacity of about 6,000. In 1997, the stadium was replaced as the Open's primary venue by Arthur Ashe Stadium. Armstrong Stadium was renovated again, with the top tiers of seating being removed. The stadium held close to 18,000 at its peak, but this was reduced to around 10,200 with the renovation, which also added a brick facade to match that of Ashe Stadium. The stadium was demolished in October 2016. A new 14,000-seat Louis Armstrong Stadium opened for the 2018 US Open. This new stadium features a retractable roof, the", "title": "Louis Armstrong Stadium (1978-2016)" }, { "docid": "4397903", "text": "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me is the official novelization of the 1977 Eon \"James Bond\" film \"The Spy Who Loved Me\", which was itself inspired to the homonimous 1962 novel by Ian Fleming. When Ian Fleming sold the film rights to the James Bond novels to Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli, he only gave permission for the title \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" to be used. Since the screenplay for the film had nothing to do with Fleming's original novel, Eon Productions, for the first time, authorised that a novelization", "title": "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me" }, { "docid": "4519173", "text": "by MGM Interactive and the last James Bond video game until the release of \"\" in 2008. \"From Russia with Love\" features a third-person multiplayer deathmatch mode. One of the changes to the plot of the video game is the absence of the villainous organisation SPECTRE, who played a vital role in the film. Due to legal issues that have plagued the James Bond film series since 1963, the organization was renamed \"OCTOPUS\" and appears to lack a central leader in the same vein as Ernst Stavro Blofeld. The SPECTRE name was tied up in a long-running dispute over the", "title": "James Bond 007: From Russia with Love" }, { "docid": "6244077", "text": "Necros (James Bond) Necros is a fictional character and henchman in the 1987 James Bond film \"The Living Daylights\". He was played by Andreas Wisniewski. Tall, muscular, blond, blue-eyed and steel-jawed Necros is of the Red Grant model, common in the earlier James Bond films. Over the course of the film, Necros impersonates an American jogger, a Cockney milkman, an upper-class-sounding MI6 Agent, an Austrian balloon salesman, and a doctor in Morocco. Necros, meaning 'dead' in Greek, was General Koskov's highly trained and disciplined Soviet assassin with KGB affiliations, but ultimately loyal to Koskov. His only vice seems to be", "title": "Necros (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "10912125", "text": "rehearsal versions of the songs. Production Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy Louis Armstrong Plays W. C. Handy is a 1954 studio release by Louis Armstrong and His All Stars, described by Allmusic as \"Louis Armstrong's finest record of the 1950s\" and \"essential music for all serious jazz collections\". Columbia CD released the album on CD in 1986 in a much altered form, with alternative versions in place of many of the original songs, but restored the original with its 1997 re-issue, which also included additional tracks: a brief interview by the producer, George Avakian, with W. C. Handy; a joke", "title": "Louis Armstrong Plays W.C. Handy" }, { "docid": "713429", "text": "Q (James Bond) Q is a fictional character in the James Bond films and film novelisations. Q (standing for Quartermaster as well as a reference to the deceptive Q-ships) is a job title, unlike M, which is a cypher for the character's name. He is the head of Q Branch (or later Q Division), the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service. Q has appeared in 21 of the 24 Eon Productions James Bond films, the exceptions being \"Live and Let Die\", the 2006 \"Casino Royale\" and \"Quantum of Solace\". The character was also featured in both", "title": "Q (James Bond)" }, { "docid": "9748502", "text": "in Puerto Rico, while in the UK, Epsom Downs Racecourse and the Nene Valley Railway were both used. For the scenes of the fictional Russian location of Severnaya, and other effects, Derek Meddings built a number of miniature sets at Leavesden. Meddings had worked on the Bond films since \"Live and Let Die\" and died before the film's release; \"GoldenEye\" was dedicated to his memory. The soundtrack to \"GoldenEye\" was composed and performed by Éric Serra. Prolific Bond composer John Barry turned down an offer by Barbara Broccoli to score the film. The theme song, \"GoldenEye\", was written by Bono", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "208220", "text": "the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe), and the single most successful adjusted for inflation. In 1967 \"Casino Royale\" was adapted into a parody Bond film starring David Niven as Sir James Bond and Ursula Andress as Vesper Lynd. Niven had been Fleming's preference for the role of Bond. The result of a court case in the High Court in London in 1963 allowed Kevin McClory to produce a remake of \"Thunderball\" titled \"Never Say Never Again\" in 1983. The film, produced by Jack Schwartzman's Taliafilm production company and starring Sean Connery as Bond, was not part of the Eon", "title": "James Bond" }, { "docid": "17806299", "text": "Jatt James Bond Jatt James Bond or JJB is a 2014 Indian Punjabi film directed by Rohit Jugraj, and starring Gippy Grewal and Zareen Khan as leads, along with Gurpreet Ghuggi, Yashpal Sharma. The music of the film is given by Jatinder Shah. The film marks the Punjabi cinema debut of Bollywood actress Zareen Khan in her first Punjabi film. It was released on 25 April 2014. Shinda (Gippy Grewal) was mistreated by his relatives, so he finds other ways to have his love Laali (Zarine Khan). Shinda and his two other friends come up with a plan to solve", "title": "Jatt James Bond" }, { "docid": "242995", "text": "a U.S. record as the oldest artist to have a number one song. His 1964 song \"Bout Time\" was later featured in the film \"Bewitched\". Armstrong performed in Italy at the 1968 Sanremo Music Festival where he sang \"Mi Va di Cantare\" alongside his friend, the Eritrean-born Italian singer Lara Saint Paul. In February 1968, he also appeared with Lara Saint Paul on the Italian RAI television channel where he performed \"Grassa e Bella\", a track he sang in Italian for the Italian market and C.D.I. label. In 1968, Armstrong scored one last popular hit in the United Kingdom with", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "9748510", "text": "Is Not Enough\"—the second Bond soundtrack he composed; Garbage sang the title song. For his work on the film, Arnold won an Ivor Novello Award. Lee Tamahori was hired to direct \"Die Another Day\"; Barbara Broccoli admired his film \"Once Were Warriors\", calling it \"a phenomenal piece of filmmaking\". Broccoli noted that she and Wilson \"sensed his genuine enthusiasm for Bond. It was simply great chemistry. Lee was the right guy and we were very, very lucky to get him\". Screenwriters Neal Purvis and Robert Wade returned and began work in the summer of 2000 with the producers. They used", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "9748432", "text": "the Eon series, there have been three additional productions with the character of James Bond: an American television adaptation, \"Casino Royale\" (1954), produced by CBS; a spoof, \"Casino Royale\" (1967), produced by Charles K. Feldman; and a remake of \"Thunderball\" entitled \"Never Say Never Again\" (1983), produced by Jack Schwartzman, who had obtained the rights to the film from McClory. In 1954 the American CBS television network paid Ian Fleming $1,000 ($ in dollars) for the rights to turn his first novel, \"Casino Royale\", into a one-hour television adventure as part of the dramatic anthology series \"Climax Mystery Theater\", which", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "4602903", "text": "James Bond in video games The \"James Bond\" video game franchise is a series of predominantly shooter games and games of other genres (including role-playing and adventure games). Several games are based upon the James Bond film series and developed and published by a variety of companies, centering on Ian Fleming's fictional British MI6 agent, James Bond. The intellectual property is owned by Danjaq, LLC. In 1983, Parker Brothers released first James Bond video game, \"James Bond 007\", for multiple consoles. Since 1983, there have been numerous video games based on the films, Ian Fleming's novels, and original scripts created", "title": "James Bond in video games" }, { "docid": "243005", "text": "praised Armstrong through strong testimonials. Duke Ellington, DownBeat magazine in 1971, said, \"If anybody was a master, it was Louis Armstrong. He was and will continue to be the embodiment of jazz.\" In 1950, Bing Crosby, the most successful vocalist of the first half of the 20th century, said, \"He is the beginning and the end of music in America.\" In the summer of 2001, in commemoration of the centennial of Armstrong's birth, New Orleans's main airport was renamed Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. In 2002, the Louis Armstrong's Hot Five and Hot Seven recordings (1925–1928) were preserved in", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "14951621", "text": "Louis Armstrong award The Louis Armstrong Award, or sometimes the King Bee Award, is the \"top senior jazz award\" or highest level interscholastic award given to a musician. It is given out by high schools nationwide in the United States in recognition of \"\"outstanding musical achievement and an incredible dedication to the program\"\". Typically there is only one recipient per high school. Louis Armstrong was an American jazz musician and singer. Armstrong's influence extends well beyond jazz music, and by the end of his career in the 1960s, he was widely regarded as a profound influence on popular music in", "title": "Louis Armstrong award" }, { "docid": "14951623", "text": "recipient over the years may be added. Louis Armstrong award The Louis Armstrong Award, or sometimes the King Bee Award, is the \"top senior jazz award\" or highest level interscholastic award given to a musician. It is given out by high schools nationwide in the United States in recognition of \"\"outstanding musical achievement and an incredible dedication to the program\"\". Typically there is only one recipient per high school. Louis Armstrong was an American jazz musician and singer. Armstrong's influence extends well beyond jazz music, and by the end of his career in the 1960s, he was widely regarded as", "title": "Louis Armstrong award" }, { "docid": "242932", "text": "Louis Armstrong Louis Daniel Armstrong (August 4, 1901 – July 6, 1971), nicknamed Satchmo, Satch, and Pops, was an American trumpeter, composer, vocalist and occasional actor who was one of the most influential figures in jazz. His career spanned five decades, from the 1920s to the 1960s, and different eras in the history of jazz. In 2017, he was inducted into the Rhythm & Blues Hall of Fame. Armstrong was born and raised in New Orleans. Coming to prominence in the 1920s as an \"inventive\" trumpet and cornet player, Armstrong was a foundational influence in jazz, shifting the focus of", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "242997", "text": "and Roll Hall of Fame as an \"early influence\". Some of his solos from the 1950s, such as the hard rocking version of \"St. Louis Blues\" from the \"WC Handy\" album, show that the influence went in both directions. Armstrong appeared in more than a dozen Hollywood films, usually playing a bandleader or musician. His most familiar role was as the bandleader \"cum\" narrator in the 1956 musical \"High Society\" in which he sang the title song and performed a duet with Bing Crosby on \"Now You Has Jazz\". In 1947, he played himself in the movie \"New Orleans\" opposite", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "9748543", "text": "pursue. As part of the settlement, MGM paid $10 million for the rights to \"Casino Royale\", which had come into Sony's possession. Daniel Craig played Bond in a short film, \"Happy and Glorious\", produced by Lisa Osborne for the BBC and directed by Danny Boyle as part of the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. In the film Bond is summoned to Buckingham Palace by Queen Elizabeth II—played by herself—and escorts her by helicopter to the Olympic Stadium. Bond and Her Majesty jump from the helicopter into the stadium with Union Flag parachutes. For the parachute jump,", "title": "James Bond in film" }, { "docid": "242953", "text": "Joe Glaser in the Carroll Dickerson Orchestra, with Earl Hines on piano, which was renamed Louis Armstrong and his Stompers, though Hines was the music director and Glaser managed the orchestra. Hines and Armstrong became fast friends and successful collaborators. In the first half of 1927, Armstrong assembled his Hot Seven group, which added drummer Al \"Baby\" Dodds and tuba player, Pete Briggs, while preserving most of his original Hot Five lineup. John Thomas replaced Kid Ory on trombone. Later that year he organized a series of new Hot Five sessions which resulted in nine more records. In the last", "title": "Louis Armstrong" }, { "docid": "1547233", "text": "12-issue comic book series by Marvel Comics published in 1992, and video games for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super NES. While revolving around the nephew of James Bond, no surviving relatives are mentioned in Fleming's novels, although he unknowingly conceives a child with the former Japanese film actress Kissy Suzuki in \"You Only Live Twice\". The animated series, produced by Murakami-Wolf-Swenson and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Animation, debuted on 30 September 1991, with a total of 65 half-hour episodes produced. James Bond Jr. was voiced by Corey Burton. While attending prep school at Warfield Academy, James Bond Jr., with the help of", "title": "James Bond Jr." }, { "docid": "5129433", "text": "also performed the song (together with Barbra Streisand) in the popular 1969 film \"Hello, Dolly!\". \"Hello, Dolly!\" is a pop standard, and has been covered by many artists, including: Frank Sinatra's rendition of the song, recorded with the Count Basie Orchestra, features new lyrics, improvised by Sinatra, which pay tribute to Louis Armstrong. Lyndon B. Johnson used the tune, rechristened \"Hello, Lyndon!\", as a campaign song for his run in the 1964 U.S. presidential election. This version of the song was performed by Carol Channing at that year's Democratic National Convention, and a recording was made by Ed Ames for", "title": "Hello, Dolly! (song)" }, { "docid": "9748453", "text": "process. Connery, however, was somewhat resigned to the project, lacking the enthusiasm he sported for \"Thunderball\". A press conference on his arrival had been tense, \"soured by aggressive questioning of Connery's crumpled, jet-lagged appearance\". Primary and secondary photography finished in December; the special effects filming for the space scenes were undertaken between January and March 1967, prior to the film's release on 12 June. The cinema posters for the film stated \"Sean Connery IS James Bond\", to distance the Eon-produced picture from the independent \"Casino Royale\", which had been released two months earlier. However, during the production, Connery announced that", "title": "James Bond in film" } ]
In what year were US ground troops first dispatched to Vietnam?
[ "one thousand, nine hundred and sixty-five", "1965" ]
[ { "docid": "11884334", "text": "planning an immediate takeover, but are concentrating on psychological operations to increase unrest in the south and among American forces. Special National Intelligence Estimate 10-9-65, was done to assess the reactions, in various parts of the world, to an escalation of US attacks on North Vietnam. This estimate is especially significant in the conflict between the White House and the military & intelligence community. By summer of 1965 there were more than 125000 US ground troops in Vietnam and there did not seem to be an end in sight for their continuous arrival. In August 1965, after Prime Minister Quat", "title": "CIA activities in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "16346361", "text": "unstable as no government could keep power for long. There were more coups, often more than one every year. The Communist-run Viet Cong expanded their operation and scored some significant military victories during this period. In 1965, US President Lyndon Johnson sent troops to South Vietnam to secure the country and started to bomb North Vietnam, assuming that if South Vietnam fell to the Communists, other countries in the Southeast Asia would follow, in accordance with the domino theory. Other US allies, such as Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, and Taiwan also sent troops to South Vietnam.", "title": "History of Vietnam since 1945" }, { "docid": "447300", "text": "remained in the field for four days. Tellingly, South Vietnamese forces were again defeated in June 1965 at the Battle of Đồng Xoài. On 8 March 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines were unilaterally dispatched to South Vietnam. This marked the beginning of the American ground war. U.S. public opinion overwhelmingly supported the deployment. The Marines' initial assignment was defensive. The first deployment of 3,500 in March 1965 was increased to nearly 200,000 by December. The U.S. military had long been schooled in offensive warfare. Regardless of political policies, U.S. commanders were institutionally and psychologically unsuited to a defensive mission. General William", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "11884321", "text": "the next 14 years, the focus of their paramilitary operations changed over time. Until 1964, the Hmong fighters in Laos focused on trying to fight back North Vietnamese fighters and on preventing further encroachment. They were highly important, because the US hadn't begun putting troops on the ground in any great numbers, yet. After that, in 1965, the report describes the Hmong activities in Laos as \"flitt[ing] over mountain trails or mov[ing] by air to occupy key high ground and to harass Hanoi's tanks and artillery,\" meaning that US troops took on a frontline role and asked the paramilitary forces", "title": "CIA activities in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "9332426", "text": "the presidency unopposed. With the installation of the Thieu and Ky government (the Second Republic), the U.S. had a pliable, stable, and semi-legitimate government in Saigon with which to deal. With the advent of \"Rolling Thunder\", American airbases and facilities needed to be constructed and manned for the aerial effort. On March 8, 1965, 3,500 United States Marines came ashore at Da Nang as the first wave of U.S. combat troops into South Vietnam, adding to the 25,000 U.S. military advisers already in place. The US Government deployment of ground forces to Da Nang had not been consulted with the", "title": "Role of the United States in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "1637697", "text": "ground combat operations in 1965, and at their peak they numbered more than 500,000. The US also engaged in a sustained aerial bombing campaign. Meanwhile, China and the Soviet Union provided North Vietnam with significant material aid and 15,000 combat advisers. Communist forces supplying the Việt Cộng carried supplies along the Hồ Chí Minh trail, which passed through the Kingdom of Laos. The communists attacked South Vietnamese targets during the 1968 Tết Offensive. Although the campaign failed militarily, it shocked the American establishment, and turned US public opinion against the war. During the offensive, communist troops massacred over 3,000 civilians", "title": "Vietnam" }, { "docid": "8164920", "text": "combat operations against the communists. Whitlam recognised North Vietnam, which welcomed his electoral success. However, Australian troops remained in Saigon guarding the Australian embassy until 1 July 1973. The withdrawal from Vietnam meant that 1973 was the first time since the beginning of World War II in 1939 that Australia's armed forces were not involved in a conflict somewhere in the world. In total approximately 60,000 Australians—ground troops, air-force and naval personnel—served in Vietnam between 1962 and 1972. 521 died as a result of the war and over 3,000 were wounded. 15,381 conscripted national servicemen served from 1965 to 1972,", "title": "Military history of Australia during the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14299686", "text": "the election of Richard Nixon, and the change of U.S. policy to Vietnamization, or giving the main combat role back to the South Vietnamese military. The North Vietnamese term for the large-scale introduction of U.S. ground forces, in 1965, is the \"Local War\", according to Gen. Trần Văn Trà, the [North Vietnamese] \" Party concluded, the \"United States was forced to introduce its own troops because it was losing the war. It had lost the political game in Vietnam...the situation allows us to shift our revolution to a new stage, that of decisive victory.\" The Party issued a resolution to", "title": "Joint warfare in South Vietnam, 1963–1969" }, { "docid": "7154168", "text": "Westmoreland requested further reinforcement and US and allied forces increased to 44 battalions which would be used to directly bolster the ARVN. Australia's growing involvement in Vietnam reflected the American build up. In 1963, the Australian government had committed a small advisory team, known as the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), to help train the South Vietnamese forces. However, in June 1965 the decision to commit ground troops was made, and the 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment—originally commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Ivan 'Lou' Brumfield—was dispatched. Supporting 1 RAR was 1 Troop, A Squadron, 4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse", "title": "Operation Crimp" }, { "docid": "5077504", "text": "on. As public support decreased, opposition grew. The Gallup News Service began asking the American public whether it was a \"mistake to send troops to Vietnam\" in August 1965. At the time less than a quarter of Americans polled, 24%, believed it was a mistake to send troops to Vietnam while 60% of Americans polled believed the opposite. Three years later, in September 1968, 54% of Americans polled believed it was a mistake to send troops to Vietnam while 37% believed it was not a mistake. A 1965 Gallup Poll asked the question, \"Have you ever felt the urge to", "title": "Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War" } ]
[ { "docid": "447380", "text": "Task Force in Phước Tuy Province. Australia, with decades of experience from both the Malayan Emergency and its AATTV role in 1962, recognised the necessity of a true counter-insurgency, which relied on providing village-level security, establishing civilian trust and economic incentives and improving ARVN capabilities. This brought Australian commanders into conflict with Westmoreland's conventional attrition warfare approach, since Australian ground forces were required to follow US doctrine. Nevertheless, Australian forces were generally the most capable at counter-insurgency, and they helped to train Regional Forces despite being under significant doctrinal constraints. Some 10,450 Filipino troops were dispatched to South Vietnam and", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "4930589", "text": "Dispatched Dispatched were a Swedish melodic death metal band from Södertälje (originally from the Gnesta Municipality) formed in 1992. Dispatched was formed just before New Year's Eve, 1991 by Daniel Lundberg and Krister Andersson. Jonas Kimbrell and Emanuel Astrom joined the band later that same year. They then recorded their first demo, \"Dispatched into External\", at Stone Studio]. In early 1993, they recorded two more demo tapes that helped the band gain more positive attention from labels. One year later, Dispatched returned to the Unisound studio to record a whole eleven-song album, which was supposed to be released in full", "title": "Dispatched" }, { "docid": "14427997", "text": "Vietnam and the introduction of U.S. combat troops into South Vietnam. By year's end, the 23,000 U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam were still technically \"advisers\" (although they participated in many air and ground operations with the ARVN), but Johnson was contemplating U.S. ground troops. At the time, most of the reports and conversations mentioned below were secret; they were not made public for many years. U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. reported to Washington that the new President of South Vietnam Dương Văn Minh told him that he opposed American soldiers going into villages and districts", "title": "1964 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14360792", "text": "Adams' iconic image of South Vietnamese General Nguyễn Ngọc Loan's execution of a Viet Cong operative was taken in 1968. The year also saw Walter Cronkite's call to honourably exit Vietnam because he thought the war was lost. This negative impression forced the US into the Paris peace talks with North Vietnam. US troop numbers peaked in 1968 with President Johnson approving an increased maximum number of US troops in Vietnam at 549,500. The year was the most expensive in the Vietnam War with the American spending US$ (US$ in 2019) on the war. The year also became the deadliest", "title": "1968 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "447373", "text": "South Korea (a.k.a. the Republic of Korea, ROK) had the second-largest contingent of foreign troops in South Vietnam after the United States. In November 1961, President Park Chung-hee proposed South Korean participation in the war to John F. Kennedy, but Kennedy disagreed as they were not SEATO treaty members. On 1 May 1964, Lyndon Johnson agreed to permit South Korean participation under the Many-Flags Program in return for monetary compensation. The first South Korean troops began arriving in 1964 and large combat formations began arriving a year later. The ROK Marine Corps dispatched their 2nd Marine Brigade, while the ROK", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "18083062", "text": "At this time, labor dispatching was popularized in America, Japan and all over Europe. The most important and common labor dispatching in America was founded in 1946 to 1951. For example, the biggest dispatched work agency at present, Manpower, was founded in 1948. According to statistics from NAPEO, the growth of labor dispatching in the US keeps to roughly 20% per year. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, Belgium, France, UK, the Netherlands, Norway and America already had the service of labor dispatching, and most well-established dispatched work agencies were founded at during this period. In Japan, labor dispatching", "title": "Dispatched labor" }, { "docid": "20493358", "text": "in areas controlled by the Hòa Hảo sect, for fear of driving them to join the National Liberation Front. In the 1960s, the United States government became concerned with cannabis use by US troops in the Vietnam War. Though alcohol was the drug most commonly used by American troops in the Vietnam War, cannabis was the second-most common. Initially rates of usage among deployed soldiers were comparable to those of their stateside peers, with 29% of troops departing Vietnam in 1967 reporting having ever used marijuana in their lives. A 1976 study however showed that from 1967–1971, the proportion of", "title": "Cannabis in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "1637698", "text": "at Huế. Facing an increasing casualty count, rising domestic opposition to the war, and growing international condemnation, the US began withdrawing from ground combat roles in the early 1970s. This process also entailed an unsuccessful effort to strengthen and stabilise South Vietnam. Following the Paris Peace Accords of 27 January 1973, all American combat troops were withdrawn by 29 March 1973. In December 1974, North Vietnam captured the province of Phước Long and started a full-scale offensive, culminating in the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. South Vietnam was briefly ruled by a provisional government for almost eight years", "title": "Vietnam" }, { "docid": "15296683", "text": "the song with Stan Walker during the Australian leg of Chris Brown's F.A.M.E. Tour in April 2011. Mauboy and Walker later performed \"What Happened to Us\" on \"Dancing with the Stars Australia\" on 29 May 2011. From November 2013 to February 2014, \"What Happened to Us\" was part of the set list of the To the End of the Earth Tour, Mauboy's second headlining tour of Australia, with Nathaniel Willemse singing Sean's part. Source: What Happened to Us \"What Happened to Us\" is a song by Australian recording artist Jessica Mauboy, featuring English recording artist Jay Sean. It was written", "title": "What Happened to Us" }, { "docid": "15296676", "text": "What Happened to Us \"What Happened to Us\" is a song by Australian recording artist Jessica Mauboy, featuring English recording artist Jay Sean. It was written by Sean, Josh Alexander, Billy Steinberg, Jeremy Skaller, Rob Larow, Khaled Rohaim and Israel Cruz. \"What Happened to Us\" was leaked online in October 2010, and was released on 10 March 2011, as the third single from Mauboy's second studio album, \"Get 'Em Girls\" (2010). The song received positive reviews from critics. A remix of \"What Happened to Us\" made by production team OFM, was released on 11 April 2011. A different version of", "title": "What Happened to Us" }, { "docid": "15296682", "text": "wondrous interior décor\". He also commended Mauboy for choosing Australian talent to direct the video instead of American directors, which she had used for her previous two music videos. Since its release, the video has received over two million views on Vevo. Mauboy performed \"What Happened to Us\" live for the first time during her YouTube Live Sessions program on 4 December 2010. She also appeared on \"Adam Hills in Gordon Street Tonight\" on 23 February 2011 for an interview and later performed the song. On 15 March 2011, Mauboy performed \"What Happened to Us\" on \"Sunrise\". She also performed", "title": "What Happened to Us" }, { "docid": "18109690", "text": "What Will Happen to Us What Will Happen to Us () is a 2004 Italian romantic comedy film directed by Giovanni Veronesi. In Rome three friends end to give the exams in last year of grammar high school, and grant a lovely summer holiday in Greece, on the island of Santorini. Matteo is a young problematic and indifferent, which is hoping for a ransom of his controversial personality through love. Manuel is a gruff guy who hates his father, and hopes for a better future for himself, because he does not want to work at the pet store with her", "title": "What Will Happen to Us" }, { "docid": "18109691", "text": "mother. Paolo is the more shy of the group, who is in search of himself and of love. In Greece the three know beautiful girls, however also suffer betrayals of love. At the end of the story, only Manuel discovers himself, becoming more loving and positive towards life. What Will Happen to Us What Will Happen to Us () is a 2004 Italian romantic comedy film directed by Giovanni Veronesi. In Rome three friends end to give the exams in last year of grammar high school, and grant a lovely summer holiday in Greece, on the island of Santorini. Matteo", "title": "What Will Happen to Us" }, { "docid": "14428050", "text": "will be won from the air, and it seems to me that what is much more needed and would be more effective is a larger and stronger use of Rangers and Special Forces and Marines, or other appropriate military strength on the ground.\" Johnson said, \"I myself am ready to substantially increase the number of Americans fighting in Vietnam.\" Two hundred and sixteen American soldiers were killed in the Vietnam War in 1964. 23,310 U.S. military personnel were in South Vietnam at the end of the year. The South Vietnamese armed forces suffered 7,457 killed in action, about 30 percent", "title": "1964 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14425347", "text": "this weekend.\" Anti-war demonstrators protested the bombing of North Vietnam throughout the United States. Hundreds of protesters were arrested. Several North Vietnamese MiG-17F fighter-bombers attacked United States Navy warships in the Battle of Đồng Hới. This was the first air attack on U.S. warships of the Vietnam War. One US destroyer was damaged. The U.S. navy sunk several motor torpedo boats and shot down several North Vietnamese war planes and also engaged shore batteries in North Vietnam. President Nixon announced that American troops would be reduced in numbers in South Vietnam from 69,000 on this date to 49,000 by 1", "title": "1972 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "9955994", "text": "of Foreign Affairs and Trade, they numbered roughly eighty thousand people, making them the second-largest Korean diaspora community in Southeast Asia, after the Korean community in the Philippines, and the tenth-largest in the world. A more recent estimate from Vietnam Television says their population might be as large as 130,000. Both North and South Korea lent material and manpower support to their respective ideological allies during the Vietnam War, though the number of South Korean troops on the ground was larger. Then-South Korean president Syngman Rhee had offered to send troops to Vietnam as early as 1954, but his proposal", "title": "Koreans in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "11884314", "text": "the military and diplomats, and Lansdale was no longer involved with Vietnam. On May 11, 1961, President Kennedy gave the authorization to begin \"a program for covert actions to be carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency which would precede and remain in force after any commitment of US forces to South Vietnam.\" Kennedy was giving the CIA the job of preparing for the eventual landing of US troops. Later that year, in October 1961 the Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles approved a massive counterinsurgency program with the goal of launching a \"village defense program in the lightly populated", "title": "CIA activities in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "15296677", "text": "the song which features Stan Walker, was released on 29 May 2011. \"What Happened to Us\" charted on the ARIA Singles Chart at number 14 and was certified platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA). An accompanying music video was directed by Mark Alston, and reminisces on a former relationship between Mauboy and Sean. \"What Happened to Us\" was written by Josh Alexander, Billy Steinberg, Jeremy Skaller, Rob Larow, Khaled Rohaim, Israel Cruz and Jay Sean. It was produced by Skaller, Cruz, Rohaim and Bobby Bass. The song uses C, D, and B minor chords in the chorus. \"What", "title": "What Happened to Us" }, { "docid": "14427205", "text": "were destroyed. Presidential adviser and future Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford in a letter to President Johnson said, \"I believe our ground forces in South Vietnam should be kept to a minimum, consistent with the protection of our installations and property in that country ... This could be a quagmire. It could turn into an open end commitment on our part that would take more and more ground troops, without a realistic hope of ultimate victory.\" \"Quagmire\" would later become a common word use to describe U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Eight hundred soldiers of the Australian Defence Force", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427209", "text": "commitment to combat of U.S. ground troops.\" The Pentagon endorsed Westmoreland's request for additional soldiers which would bring the total of American military personnel in Vietnam up to 117,000, plus 20,000 third-country troops, by November 1. General Nguyễn Văn Thiệu was appointed by the military junta as President of South Vietnam. Senator J. William Fulbright, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations said on national television that the U.S. should negotiate directly with North Vietnam and make \"major concessions\" to end the Vietnam War. Fulbright's statement was criticized by prominent Republicans; former Vice President Richard Nixon said that negotiations", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427525", "text": "government throughout the Vietnam War, but had only a limited influence on the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. The report of a high-level study group headed by Undersecretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric said that \"South Vietnam is nearing the decisive phase of its battle for survival\" and that the situation is \"critical but not hopeless.\" It recommended that the United States show \"our friends, the Vietnamese, and our foes, the Viet Cong, that come what may, the US intends to win this battle.\" A cease fire was declared in Laos between communist rebels (the Pathet Lao) and government troops. President Kennedy", "title": "1961 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "15379369", "text": "and commercialization of air transportation. The aviation sector expanded greatly during its formative years, expanding from a few aircraft in what was then North Vietnam to eventually include a fleet of over 50 aircraft (including both Soviet- and US-made) in a unified Vietnam after 1976. Infrastructure was improved during this time, as airports country-wide were equipped with better facilities and materials for flight management and operations. CAAV grew to serve around 250,000 passengers a year, both domestically and on international routes to China, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. On 9 December 2004, United Airlines made history when its Boeing 747-400 landed", "title": "Air transport in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "15296679", "text": "a \"mid-tempo duet ballad\" which signifies Mauboy's strength as a global player. On 21 March 2011, \"What Happened to Us\" debuted at number 30 on the ARIA Singles Chart, and peaked at number 14 the following week. The song was certified platinum by the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA), for selling 70,000 copies. \"What Happened to Us\" spent a total of ten weeks in the ARIA top fifty. The music video for the song was shot in the Elizabeth Bay House in Sydney on 26 November 2010. The video was shot during Sean's visit to Australia for the Summerbeatz tour.", "title": "What Happened to Us" }, { "docid": "5809090", "text": "America in Vietnam America in Vietnam is a book by Guenter Lewy about America's role in the Vietnam War. The book is highly influential, although it has remained controversial even decades after its publication. Lewy contends that the United States' actions in Vietnam were neither illegal nor immoral, and that tales of American atrocities were greatly exaggerated in what he understands as a \"veritable industry\" of war crimes allegations. The text returned to the limelight during the 2004 US Presidential Election, when it was cited by several groups supporting the reelection of George W. Bush, in contending that Democratic presidential", "title": "America in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "14360790", "text": "1968 in the Vietnam War The year 1968 saw major developments in the Vietnam War. The military operations started with an attack on a US base by the Vietnam People's Army (NVA) and the Viet Cong on January 1, ending a truce declared by the Pope and agreed upon by all sides. At the end of January, the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong launched the Tet Offensive. Hanoi erred monumentally in its certainty that the offensive would trigger a supportive uprising of the population. NVA and Viet Cong troops throughout the South, from Hue to the Mekong Delta, attacked", "title": "1968 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427197", "text": "of a full division of American troops. Ambassador Taylor had not been present at the meeting and he protested that \"Recent actions relating to the introduction of U.S. ground forces have tended to create an eagerness in some quarters to deploy forces into SVN (South Vietnam) which I find difficult to understand.\" Taylor opposed the introduction of American ground troops for offensive operations, believing they should be restricted to coastal \"enclaves.\" General Westmoreland disagreed, believing that enclaves were \"an inglorious, static use of U.S. forces...that would leave the decision of when and where to strike to the enemy.\" In Washington,", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "4928406", "text": "later. Serong would later be seconded, and in one capacity or another would remain in Vietnam until the fall of Saigon in 1975, serving as a senior advisor to both the US and South Vietnamese governments. On arrival, the unit joined a large group of US advisors and were dispersed across South Vietnam in small groups. Three groups were dispatched to South Vietnam's northern provinces, training members of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) at the National Training Centre at Dong Da and South Vietnamese Regional Forces (RF) at Hiep Khanh, while a fourth was based at the", "title": "Australian Army Training Team Vietnam" }, { "docid": "14427555", "text": "implementation of the expanded military aid to South Vietnam. He listed three tenets: (1) We have great authority from the President; (2) Money is no object; and (3) The one restriction is that combat troops will not be introduced. In closing the meeting McNamara said the job of the U.S. military \"was to win in South Viet Nam and if we weren't winning to tell him what was needed to win.\" Cryptologist Corporal James T. Davis became the first American member of the United States Army Security Agency to be killed in Vietnam. He and 8 South Vietnamese soldiers were", "title": "1961 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "17631871", "text": "second half. Corruption did occur in which US-issued weapons were re-directed and sold to Korean ships for re-sale to the Korean government and supplementing the arsenal of Korean forces stationed in Korea, whom were still given M1 Garand rifles instead of the newer-issue M16 rifle given out to ARVN and ROK forces in South Vietnam The withdrawal process had negatively impacted Korean-US relations, despite economic benefits gained, with Nixon and Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird considering simultaneous withdrawal from both Korea and Vietnam. Due to Vietnamization US troops begun withdrawing since 1970, which had caused disagreement with the South Korean", "title": "South Korea in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427680", "text": "25 percent more than the total killed in the previous year. North Vietnam had infiltrated about 40,000 cadres and fighters into South Vietnam over a period of several years. They made up about 50 percent of the Viet Cong army and 80 percent of political operatives and technical personnel. They consisted mostly of southerners who had migrated north in 1954–1955 to reside in a communist state rather than remain in South Vietnam. Units of the North Vietnamese army had not yet been dispatched to South Vietnam. 1963 in the Vietnam War The defeat of the South Vietnamese Army (ARVN) in", "title": "1963 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14360802", "text": "President Lyndon Johnson addresses the nation, announcing steps to limit the war in Vietnam and reporting his decision not to seek reelection. The speech announces the first in a series of limitations on US bombing, promising to halt these activities above the 20th parallel. United States Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford gets the President to authorize 24,500 more troops on an emergency basis, raising authorized strength to the Vietnam War's peak of 549,500, a figure never reached. Operation Toan Thang I was a US and ARVN operation conducted between 8 April 1968 and 31 May 1968. Toan Thang, or \"Complete", "title": "1968 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "447410", "text": "gun of the US army at the time and many of them were put on helicopters, to provide suppressive fire. The MAC-10 machine pistol was supplied to many special forces troops in the midpoint of the war. Two aircraft that were prominent in the war were the AC-130 \"Spectre\" Gunship and the UH-1 \"Huey\" gunship. The AC-130 was a heavily armed ground-attack aircraft variant of the C-130 Hercules transport plane. The Huey is a military helicopter powered by a single, turboshaft engine, and approximately 7,000 UH-1 aircraft saw service in Vietnam. The U.S. heavily armored, 90 mm M48A3 Patton tank", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "20886014", "text": "the revolution deeper into Southeast Asia via the Indochinese internationalist model. Then relations changes in the late 1960s, as the Cultural Revolution and Maoist visions of permanent revolutionary struggle ran up against important and extremely complex geostrategic differences in Vietnam in the war against the US. Nonetheless, the Chinese continued to supply massive amounts of military and economic aid, as well as sending over 300,000 military support troops into northern Vietnam. Internationalism did suffer a serious blow, plus the Sino-Soviet split, which brought damage to the relations between China, the Soviet Union and of course, Vietnam. Vietnam War: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_War First", "title": "China in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "5809106", "text": "context of the 2004 US Presidential Election. Presidential hopeful John Kerry had been involved with the Winter Soldier Investigation; in the context of the campaign, Lewy's suggestion that the Winter Soldier Investigation was dishonest and politically motivated was frequently cited to impugn John Kerry's reputation. Vietnam Veterans Against the War, the group of which Kerry had been a part, alleged that American troops had committed atrocities in Vietnam. Lewy suggests that the group used \"fake witnesses\" in the Winter Soldier hearing in Detroit, and that its allegations were formally investigated: The results of the investigation, carried out by the Naval", "title": "America in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "18083065", "text": "out of 10 laborers were hired by dispatched work agencies. In addition, according to the statistics of America Staffing Association, 90% of American enterprises used the services provided from labor dispatching industry. This illustrated how ingrained the concept of labor dispatching had become in American society. In Japan, since making the law of labor dispatching in 1985, labor dispatching developed rapidly, leading to the development of 615 general dispatched work agencies, 3,266 specific dispatched work agencies, and 1.4 billion dispatched laborers. As of 1998, there were 3026 general dispatched work agencies, 6985 specific dispatched work agencies, and 9 billion dispatched", "title": "Dispatched labor" }, { "docid": "14427513", "text": "of the U.S. Army to respond to Kennedy's emphasis on developing a greater capability in counterinsurgency, although the U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group began providing counterinsurgency training to the South Vietnamese army (ARVN) and other security forces. The Kennedy Administration debated internally about introducing U.S. combat troops into South Vietnam, but Kennedy decided against ground soldiers. The CIA began assisting Montagnard irregular forces, American pilots began flying combat missions to support South Vietnamese ground forces, and Kennedy authorized the use of herbicides (Agent Orange) to kill vegetation near roads threatened by the Viet Cong. By the end of the year,", "title": "1961 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "3648172", "text": "Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT, pronounced ) is a combat helmet and ballistic vest that was used by the United States military from the early 1980s until the mid-2000s, when the helmet and vest were succeeded by the Lightweight Helmet (LWH), Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH), and Interceptor Body Armor (IBA) respectively. Designed in the mid-1970s as a replacement for the M1 helmet and previous fragmentation vests, prototypes of the PASGT were tested in the late 1970s before being fielded in the early 1980s. In the early 2000s, the PASGT vest was", "title": "Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops" }, { "docid": "443109", "text": "the U.S. Army completely. Our intentions were to fight a long time and cause heavy casualties to the United States, so the United States would see that the war was unwinnable and would leave. During the Vietnamese Lunar New Year Tết holiday starting on 30 January 1968, the PAVN launched a general offensive in more than 60 cities and towns throughout south of Vietnam against the US Army and Army of the Republic of Vietnam-(ARVN), beginning with operations in the border region to try and draw US forces and ARVN troops out of the major cities. In sequential coordinated attacks,", "title": "People's Army of Vietnam" }, { "docid": "4930594", "text": "members of Dispatched decided to break up. Despite their break-up, many of Dispatched's fans requested a release of the band's last unreleased album, \"\", and a deal was made in 2003 to release this recording under Medusa Productions]. The band apparently got back together in 2004, and is currently on hold as they have no place to rehearse since Daniel Lundberg has moved far from the other band members. Dispatched Dispatched were a Swedish melodic death metal band from Södertälje (originally from the Gnesta Municipality) formed in 1992. Dispatched was formed just before New Year's Eve, 1991 by Daniel Lundberg", "title": "Dispatched" }, { "docid": "17631872", "text": "government.The US had also withdrew the 7th Division from the Korean peninsula while placing the 2nd Division in the rear which soured relations between Korea and the US. In 1969 the South Korean army accounted for 9% of the foreign troops stationed in South Vietnam (US Army 475,200, ROK Army 49,755), by the end of 1972, the South Korean army accounted for 60.5% of foreign troops (US Army 24,200, ROK Army 37,438). US Marine Aviation assets that supported the Blue Dragon troops withdrew completely in May 1971 while the combat role of Korean troops continued. Around the time of the", "title": "South Korea in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14423050", "text": "Exchanges in South Vietnam. President Nixon ordered the initiation of Operation Proud Deep Alpha, an intensive five-day bombing campaign against military targets in North Vietnam just north of they border above the 17th parallel of latitude. The number of U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam totaled 156,800, down from more than 500,000 three years earlier. 1971 in the Vietnam War U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam totaled 334,600 on 31 December 1970. The United States Congress adopted the revised Cooper-Church Amendment which prohibited the introduction of U.S. ground troops or advisers into Cambodia and declared that U.S. aid to Cambodia", "title": "1971 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "8164880", "text": "the Many Flags program, hoping to counter the communist propaganda that South Vietnam was merely a US puppet state and to involve as many nations as possible. Thus Australia, as an ally of the United States with obligations under the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) and ANZUS Pacts, and in the hope of shoring up its alliance with the US, became involved in the Vietnam War. Between 1962 and 1972 it would send almost 60,000 personnel to Vietnam, including ground troops, naval forces and air assets, and would contribute large amounts of material to the war effort. While assisting the", "title": "Military history of Australia during the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14423035", "text": "1971 in the Vietnam War U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam totaled 334,600 on 31 December 1970. The United States Congress adopted the revised Cooper-Church Amendment which prohibited the introduction of U.S. ground troops or advisers into Cambodia and declared that U.S. aid to Cambodia should not be considered a commitment to the defense of Cambodia. United States Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird said that the \"Vietnamization\" of the war was running ahead of schedule and that the combat mission of the U.S. troops would end in summer 1971. The last herbicide spraying by the United States to defoliate forests", "title": "1971 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427201", "text": "United States and its allies, which, will, in conjunction with current actions, lead in due time to successful accomplishment of US aims and objectives.\" What came to be called \"A Program for the Pacification and Long-Term Development of South Vietnam\" (PROVN) would be completed on 1 March 1966. President Johnson requested an additional appropriation of $700 million for the Vietnam War during the remainder of the fiscal year. The request was approved by Congress 2 days later. Johnson indicated that he might have to request additional funds. Soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade arrived in Vietnam. The brigade would be", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "15793509", "text": "to Vietnam. During World War II, on September 22, 1940, Japan invaded Vietnam and began constructing military bases to strike against the Allies in Southeast Asia. Japanese troops remained in Vietnam until their surrender to the Allies in 1945. Some Japanese troops from the IJA stayed in Vietnam and were recruited into the ranks of the Viet Minh as NCO's and Officers were needed to train the Viet Minh in modern tactics. Some also simply assimilated and adopted Vietnamese names, as they had Vietnamese wives and girlfriends. In recent years, many natives of Japan have migrated to Vietnam, mostly to", "title": "Japanese people in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "14428008", "text": "and Vietnam's central highlands. Former President John F. Kennedy's brother, Robert Kennedy, said in an oral interview for the Kennedy Library that President Kennedy had \"a strong, overwhelming reason for being in Vietnam and that we should win the war in Vietnam.\" Kennedy denied that any consideration had been given by the President to withdrawing from Vietnam. He equivocated on the introduction of U.S. ground troops into Vietnam, saying that \"we'd face that when we came to it.\" Viet Cong commandos eluded detection and placed an explosive on the USS Card, an escort aircraft carrier of World War II vintage.", "title": "1964 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "15589584", "text": "went through numerous cuts and script alterations over a three-year period and, when finally released, managed to offend almost everyone. Critical reviews were unfavorable. USIA Director Frank Shakespeare left the decision on whether to order a copy of the film up to individual US Embassies abroad, and only a few did. Vietnam! Vietnam! Vietnam, Vietnam was a United States Information Agency (USIA) film about the Vietnam War. The film, narrated by Charlton Heston, was shot on location in Vietnam in October–December 1968 but not released until 1971. Though John Ford, the executive producer, went to Vietnam, he did not participate", "title": "Vietnam! Vietnam!" }, { "docid": "4930592", "text": "release. Between the August 3 and 7, 1998 Dispatched visited The Abyss, with Tommy Tägtgren to record the MCD \"Promised Land\". Dispatched signed a one-MCD deal with Kshatryas Productions of Germany, and released \"Promised Land\" in late 1998. In 1999, the band began rehearsing for a full-length album. In October, they entered Studio Abyss again with Tägtgren as producer. Two weeks were booked, but Dispatched was well-prepared and used only twelve days for the recording of ten new songs. The band had already received offers from several record companies before the session, but they refused to sign anything. Now with", "title": "Dispatched" }, { "docid": "14425465", "text": "Nixon promised continued economic aid to South Vietnam, dependent upon U.S. congressional approval, and Thieu pledged to never ask the United States to reintroduce American troops into South Vietnam. The US and North Vietnam issued a joint communique calling on all parties to observe the 28 January ceasefire agreement with effect from 15 June. The Case–Church Amendment approved by the U.S. Congress and signed into law prohibited further U.S. military activity in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia after 15 August 1973. This ended direct U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War, although the U.S. continued to provide military equipment and economic", "title": "1973 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427172", "text": "Vietnam was a matter of much debate. One U.S. government estimate was that the Viet Cong army consisted of 40,000 full-time fighters and 80,000 to 100,000 part-time guerrillas. The Department of Defense's fact book estimated that the Viet Cong numbered less than 200,000 plus 39,175 political cadre. These numbers presumably included thousands of fighters and cadre infiltrated from North Vietnam during the previous five years. The first North Vietnamese army units dispatched to South Vietnam, consisting of three regiments (about 5,000 men), had arrived in South Vietnam in late 1964. A junior-level CIA analyst, Samuel A. Adams, had just begun", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "11884309", "text": "Vietnam to treat refugees and to train Vietnamese medical personnel. The second pacification operation was launched late April 1955 in the southern Dinh Dinh and northern Phu Yen portion of Central Vietnam. Northern Vietnamese troops needed a way to link themselves with their allies in Southern Vietnam. The Viet Cong and Northern Vietnamese soldiers were able to supply troops and military operations through secret tunnels and the Ho Chi Minh trail. The Ho Chi Minh trail was an interlocking trail system that was created through the borders of Laos and Cambodia that reach from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. During", "title": "CIA activities in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "18083068", "text": "between dispatched workers and dispatched work agencies. As long as the relationship between dispatched workers and dispatched work agencies exists, whether dispatched workers engage in dispatched jobs or not, dispatched work agencies still have to pay wages to dispatched workers. Registered: There is no irregular labor relationship between dispatched work agencies and dispatched workers. Dispatched workers merely go to dispatched work agencies to register. Only when client enterprises ask dispatched work agencies for human resources and the demand meets dispatched workers' conditions, do dispatched work agencies sign labor contracts with dispatched workers. The period of a labor contract is usually", "title": "Dispatched labor" }, { "docid": "14299737", "text": "Vietnam, and the 173rd Airborne Brigade for the Bien Hoa/Vũng Tàu area near Saigon. Early, CINCPAC had objected to the use of the 173rd, since it was the primary strategic reserve for Pacific Command. Westmoreland, in early June, saw the situation as close to collapse without a major commitment of ground troops, in addition to the ARVN. This triggered several weeks of intense debate among the President's close civilian advisers, with McNamara controlling all direct military input to the process. There were two drivers among the inner circle. First, some, but not all, were fervent believers in the containment doctrine,", "title": "Joint warfare in South Vietnam, 1963–1969" }, { "docid": "447336", "text": "ended direct U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, created a ceasefire between North Vietnam/PRG and South Vietnam, guaranteed the territorial integrity of Vietnam under the Geneva Conference of 1954, called for elections or a political settlement between the PRG and South Vietnam, allowed 200,000 communist troops to remain in the south, and agreed to a POW exchange. There was a sixty-day period for the total withdrawal of U.S. forces. \"This article\", noted Peter Church, \"proved… to be the only one of the Paris Agreements which was fully carried out.\" All US forces personnel were completely withdrawn by March 1973. In", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14360795", "text": "Khe Sanh began with an assault by the PAVN on a hill held by U.S. Marines. Khe Sanh is in northwestern Quảng Trị Province, near the Demilitarized Zone. The combatants were elements of the U.S. III Marine Amphibious Force (III MAF) and Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) against two to three PAVN division-size elements. NVA General Võ Nguyên Giáp later explained that his objective was to create a diversion to draw U.S. forces away from the populated areas of South Vietnam. Khe Sanh diverted 30,000 US troops away from the cities that would be the main targets of", "title": "1968 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "6246867", "text": "First Chinese domination of Vietnam The first Chinese domination is a period in Vietnamese history during which Vietnam was under Chinese rule from the north. It is the first of four periods of Chinese domination of Vietnam, the first three of which are almost continuous and referred to as (\"Northern domination\"). In 111 BC, the powerful Chinese Han dynasty conquered the Nam Việt (which in Chinese translates to \"land of the southern barbarians\") kingdom during its expansion southward and incorporated what is now northern Vietnam, together with much of modern Guangdong and Guangxi, into the expanding Han empire. Vietnamese resistance", "title": "First Chinese domination of Vietnam" }, { "docid": "11884370", "text": "A series of accusations in the early 1970s that the CIA was complicit in drug trafficking in Laos was a contributing factor in the public's opposition to US activities in Southeast Asia. Neither the CIA nor any of its officers were accused of direct activity in the narcotics operations, and it is likely that the agency did not focus much energy on the trafficking by indigenous allies until a heroin epidemic broke out among US troops in South Vietnam. There was nothing preventing the hill tribes in northern Laos from producing and selling opium until 1971, as the trade was", "title": "CIA activities in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "16873813", "text": "spot on the UK Singles Chart. This became the band's first ever number-one single in the United Kingdom. For every one copy that Timberlake's \"Mirrors\" sold, The Saturdays sold two more copies of \"What About Us\". \"What About Us\" sold 114,000 copies in the first week of release, making it, at the time, the fastest selling single of 2013. The track sold 40,000 copies more than Timberlake, who was pushed back to number-two on the UK Singles Charts. The band said they were thrilled to be the UK's number-one with \"What About Us\". They went on to thanking their fans", "title": "What About Us (The Saturdays song)" }, { "docid": "14427215", "text": "strikes, the U.S. 173rd Airborne began another sweep through Zone D with 2,500 men and ARVN and Australian participation. The allies claimed to have inflicted 100 Viet Cong casualties. Maxwell Taylor resigned as U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam. Taylor had earlier been opposed to the introduction of U.S. ground troops into South Vietnam, proposing instead an intensified air campaign against North Vietnam. Taylor would be replaced by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., who returned to Saigon for his second stint as ambassador. The New York Times reported that the 173rd Airborne suffered 10 killed and 42 wounded on its sweep through", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "443094", "text": "People's Army of Vietnam The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN; ), also known as the Vietnamese People's Army (VPA), is the military force of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The PAVN is a part of the Vietnam People's Armed Forces and includes: Ground Force (including Strategic Rear Forces), Navy, Air Force, Border Defence Force, and Coast Guard. However, Vietnam does not have a separate Ground Force or Army branch. All ground troops, army corps, military districts and specialised arms belong to the Ministry of Defence, directly under the command of the Central Military Commission, the Minister of Defence, and the", "title": "People's Army of Vietnam" }, { "docid": "16349076", "text": "Poverty in Vietnam As in many other developing countries, hunger and poverty in Vietnam has existed for a significant amount of time. Until the 1980s, most of the Vietnamese population still lived under the poverty line. However, thanks to the political and economic reform in 1986 and the government's commitment, the status of poverty and hunger in Vietnam has been significantly improved. From one of the poorest countries in the World with per capita income below US$100 per year, Vietnam is now a lower-middle income country with per capita income of US$1,910 by the end of 2013. Thereby, the poverty", "title": "Poverty in Vietnam" }, { "docid": "447411", "text": "saw extensive action during the Vietnam War, and over 600 were deployed with US Forces. Ground forces also had access to B-52 and F-4 Phantom II and others to launch napalm, white phosphorus, tear gas and chemical weapons, precision-guided munition and cluster bombs. The Vietnam War was the first conflict where U.S. forces had secure voice communication equipment available at the tactical level. The National Security Agency ran a crash program to provide U.S. forces with a family of security equipment, code named NESTOR, fielding 17,000 units initially; eventually 30,000 units were produced. However, limitations of the units, including poor", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14299722", "text": "the Politburo. Unknown to the U.S., their greatest fear was a major ground operation to cut the trail, which, indeed, would have meant entering Laos and Cambodia. Dong Sy Nguyen, the North Vietnamese general running trail operations, was less concerned with bombing than What worries me most is that they will send in troops or use choppers to send some commandos or drop paratroopers, who would then occupy a chunk of the trail. This would throw the entire complicated system out of whack. North Vietnam received foreign military aid shipments through its ports and rail system. This materiel (and PAVN", "title": "Joint warfare in South Vietnam, 1963–1969" }, { "docid": "11312905", "text": "What Remains of Us What Remains of Us () is a 2004 Canadian documentary film exploring the survival of the nonviolent resistance movement in Tibet. The documentary was shot over eight years without the knowledge of the Chinese authorities. A young Tibetan from Québec, Canada, enters her homeland for the first time — carrying a clandestine video message from the Dalai Lama to Tibetans inside Tibet. Released in 2004, the film raised controversy for showing the faces of 103 Tibetans speaking about human rights. Tibetans were informed of the purpose of the filming. The ones who appear made the choice", "title": "What Remains of Us" }, { "docid": "447432", "text": "were 543,000 American military personnel in Vietnam, but only 80,000 were considered combat troops.\" Conscription in the United States had been controlled by the president since World War II, but ended in 1973. As of 2013, the U.S. government is paying Vietnam veterans and their families or survivors more than $22 billion a year in war-related claims. By war's end, 58,220 American soldiers had been killed, more than 150,000 had been wounded, and at least 21,000 had been permanently disabled. The average age of the U.S. troops killed in Vietnam was 23.11 years. According to Dale Kueter, \"Of those killed", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "19348487", "text": "If he were among us If he were among us () is a Saudi Arabian television series for youth presented by Ahmad Al Shugairi. Each program has multiple segments; the main segment is an interview with a young person. The interviewer asks questions such as: \"If the prophet Muhammad were with us today, what would he say about ___________?\" The second part of the show features a hidden camera focused on people in real-life situations. The objective is to discuss what the prophet Muhammad would do in the same situation as the camera's subjects. The third part of the show", "title": "If he were among us" }, { "docid": "9332427", "text": "South Vietnamese government. Instead the initial deployment and gradual build-up was a unilateral decision by the US government. On May 5 the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade became the first U.S. Army ground unit committed to the conflict in South Vietnam. On August 18, Operation Starlite began as the first major U.S. ground operation, destroying an NLF stronghold in Quảng Ngãi Province. The North Vietnamese had already sent units of their regular army into southern Vietnam beginning in late 1964. Some officials in Hanoi had favored an immediate invasion of the South, and a plan was developed to use PAVN units", "title": "Role of the United States in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "5077418", "text": "the Vietnam War was partly attributed to greater access to uncensored information through extensive television coverage on the ground in Vietnam. Beyond opposition to the draft, anti-war protesters also made moral arguments against U.S. involvement in Vietnam. That moral imperative argument against the war was especially popular among American college students, who were more likely than the general public to accuse the United States of having imperialistic goals in Vietnam and to criticize the war as \"immoral.\" Civilian deaths, which were downplayed or omitted entirely by the Western media, became a subject of protest when photographic evidence of casualties emerged.", "title": "Opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "20543741", "text": "Brunswick Troops in the American Revolutionary War Brunswick Troops in the American Revolutionary War served as auxiliaries to the British Army during the American Revolutionary War, in accordance with the treaty of 1776 between Great Britain and the Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel. Four regiments of foot, one regiment of dragoons, one grenadier battalion, and one light battalion with a Jäger company were dispatched to British America. Most of the Brunswick troops fought at the Battles of Saratoga, where they were forced to surrender as part of British General John Burgoyne's army. A total of 5,723 soldiers were sent overseas, and 2,708", "title": "Brunswick Troops in the American Revolutionary War" }, { "docid": "8164882", "text": "dispatched as the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), also known as \"the Team\". The Australian military assistance was to be in jungle warfare training, and the Team comprised highly qualified and experienced officers and NCOs, led by Colonel Ted Serong, many with previous experience from the Malayan Emergency. Their arrival in South Vietnam during July and August 1962 was the beginning of Australia's involvement in the war in Vietnam. Relationships between the AATTV and US advisors were generally very cordial, but there were sometimes significant differences of opinion on the training and tactics that should be employed. For example,", "title": "Military history of Australia during the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "9332474", "text": "Tet, but it was very evident that it was totally dependent on U.S. airpower for its survival. Meanwhile, the withdrawal of American troops, who numbered less than 100,000 at the beginning of the year, was continued as scheduled. By June only six infantry battalions remained. On August 12, the last American ground combat division left the country. However, the U.S. continued to operate the base At Long Binh. Combat patrols continued there until November 11 when the U.S. handed over the base to the South Vietnamese. After this, only 24,000 American troops remained in Vietnam and President Nixon announced that", "title": "Role of the United States in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14427229", "text": "The siege led up to the Battle of Ia Drang. A CIA intelligence estimate said that \"Hanoi continues to asset its determination to press on with the war in South Vietnam despite the continuing attrition of the air war and the increase of US troops in the South.\" To protest the Vietnam War, a Quaker named Norman Morrison doused himself in kerosene and set himself on fire in front of The Pentagon. Morrison died. In a memorandum to President Johnson, Secretary McNamara estimated total communist forces in South Vietnam as having increased to 230,000, including 71,000 Viet Cong main force,", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "18928609", "text": "This World Did To Us\" adapted from AllMusic. Managerial Visuals and imagery Performance credits Technical and production Look What This World Did to Us Look What This World Did To Us is a studio album by Red Pill. Released on April 7, 2015 by Mello Music Group, it was largely well received by critics. The Canadian music publication \"Exclaim!\" wrote that the lyrics \"range from deeply intimate, to unflinchingly grim, to hilariously self-deprecating, often in the same bar.\" According to Red Pill, at the time of writing the album he'd been reading Charles Bukowski, which somewhat influenced the album's focus", "title": "Look What This World Did to Us" }, { "docid": "14547380", "text": "War in Vietnam (1945–46) The War in Vietnam, codenamed Operation Masterdom by the British, and also known as Nam Bộ kháng chiến () by the Vietnamese, was a post–World War II armed conflict involving a largely British-Indian and French task force and Japanese troops from the Southern Expeditionary Army Group, versus the Vietnamese communist movement, the Viet Minh, for control of the country, after the unconditional Japanese surrender. The Indochina Wars are generally numbered as three: the first being France's unsuccessful eight-year conflict with the Vietminh nationalist forces (1946–1954); the second being the war for control of South Vietnam, featuring", "title": "War in Vietnam (1945–46)" }, { "docid": "4930593", "text": "a whole album, entitled \"Motherwar\", they sent out a few copies to various record companies again to see the reaction. The reviews were extremely positive and Dispatched was offered many deals from different labels. Dispatched eventually signed on Music for Nations in March 2000 to release \"Motherwar\". Following the release of \"Motherwar\", Larsson was replaced by Mattias Hellman on bass, and the band went to Studio Fredman in 2001 to record the band's second album. However, due to some problems, this record was never released. The band continued to write songs and do some live shows, but in late 2002,", "title": "Dispatched" }, { "docid": "16247845", "text": "What They Always Tell Us What They Always Tell Us is the first novel by Martin Wilson, focusing on the relationship between two high school age brothers as one begins to embrace his homosexuality. The book was a finalist in the Children's/Young Adult category at the 2009 Lambda Literary Awards, but lost to \"Out of the Pocket\" by Bill Konigsberg. \"What They Always Tell Us\" was also chosen for the ALA's 2009 Rainbow List. \"What They Always Tell Us\" is told from the perspective of two brothers, Alex and James. Alex is a high school junior who struggles with depression;", "title": "What They Always Tell Us" }, { "docid": "9695736", "text": "The 25 Year War The 25 Year War: America's Military Role in Vietnam () is a book by General Bruce Palmer Jr. about the Vietnam War, and was published in 1984. The book is split into two parts, the first which follows chronologically the events leading to the fall of Saigon in 1975 and mentions Palmer's position in those events. The second part is called 'Assessment' and more broadly calls out what was done right and wrong and also offers an alternate role the US could have played in the conflict: Palmer is critical of covert operations: War involves fighting", "title": "The 25 Year War" }, { "docid": "19170359", "text": "communist activity was coordinated worldwide. Thus, the attack on South Korea caused the U.S. to become more concerned about the Việt Minh insurgency in Vietnam. Việt Minh forces were estimated to have grown to 250,000 personnel, including 120,000 in regular units organized into divisions. The remaining troops were regional and popular and primarily concerned with defense and security. An estimated 15,000 Chinese, in both Vietnam and China, assisted the Việt Minh with training, technicians, and advisers. The French had about 150,000 soldiers in Vietnam. The pro-French Vietnamese army numbered about 16,000 The first U.S. military advisers to Vietnam arrived in", "title": "1947–50 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14547404", "text": "last two British/Indian battalions in Vietnam. Only a single company of the 2/8 Punjab remained to guard the Allied Control Mission in Saigon, and on May 15 it left, the mission having been disbanded a day earlier as the French became responsible for getting the remaining Japanese home. The last British troops to die in Vietnam were six soldiers killed in an ambush in June 1946. For Britain's involvement in the First Vietnam War, the officially stated casualty list was 40 British and Indian soldiers killed and French and Japanese casualties a little higher. An estimated 2,700 Viet Minh were", "title": "War in Vietnam (1945–46)" }, { "docid": "705543", "text": "in 1971. In accordance with the Paris Peace Accords signed with North Vietnam on 27 January 1973, US military forces withdrew from South Vietnam. North Vietnam was allowed to continue supplying communist troops in the South, but only to the extent of replacing materials that were consumed. The communist leaders had expected that the ceasefire terms would favour their side. But as Saigon began to roll back the Viet Cong, they found it necessary to adopt a new strategy, hammered out at a series of meetings in Hanoi in March 1973, according to the memoirs of Trần Văn Trà. As", "title": "South Vietnam" }, { "docid": "14427186", "text": "revealed that Thao was a communist agent. General William Westmoreland, commander of MACV, requested that two battalions of United States Marines be assigned to protect the airbase at Da Nang from the increasing threat of attacks by the Viet Cong. General Khánh departed South Vietnam. He was persuaded to leave by his fellow generals and by Colonel Wilson of MACV. Air Marshall Nguyễn Cao Kỳ became the de facto leader of South Vietnam. The first South Korean troops arrived in South Vietnam. The number of South Korean troops in South Vietnam would total 49,755 by 1969. The U.S. paid most", "title": "1965 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "18083067", "text": "employment agencies were not confined to placement services and job placement anymore but the employer could provide laborers to third parties. Second, urged the international society members to attach importance on the flexibility of labor market. Because of the legislation of ILO Convention 181, it spurred big progress in the development of labor dispatching. Regularly Employed:Dispatched work agencies send their regular employed workers to client enterprises to provide labor. The labor contracts between dispatched workers and dispatched work agencies are irregular labor contracts, thus, whether the period of dispatched contracts expire or not, it will not influence the labor relation", "title": "Dispatched labor" }, { "docid": "14427550", "text": "The NSAM also called for South Vietnam to improve its military establishment and mobilize its resources to prosecute the war. Thus, Kennedy stopped short of what many of his advisers, including General Taylor, had advised: the introduction of U.S. combat soldiers into South Vietnam. Kennedy's decision not to introduce combat troops surprised the Defense Department which had been assembling forces to be assigned to Vietnam, including Farm Gate aircraft. However, Kennedy's decision was a visible and undeniable violation of the Geneva Accords of 1954, still technically in force. President Kennedy approved the use of herbicides in Viet Nam to kill", "title": "1961 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "12246069", "text": "the 1798 rebellion, and a handsome cover illustration. It has a substantial bibliography for those seeking further enlightenment, and it makes a useful complement to the more orthodox histories thereby listed. In fact, it tells us what orthodox histories do not tell us; what those who suffered made of the events of 1798.' 1798 – The First Year of Liberty 1798 – The First Year of Liberty is an album of traditional Irish songs relating to the 1798 rebellion by the United Irishmen. All songs are sung by Frank Harte and some are accompanied on bouzouki, guitar and occasional bodhrán", "title": "1798 – The First Year of Liberty" }, { "docid": "3064322", "text": "brought about because of the Vietnam War and with feelings of doubt over the morality of America's intentions and actions during the war. Reagan, however, argued that America had fought for \"a noble cause\" and blamed the war in Vietnam exclusively on North Vietnam's aggression: Vietnam Syndrome Vietnam Syndrome, in U.S. politics, is a term used to refer to public aversion to American overseas military involvements, following the domestic controversy over the Vietnam War, which ended in 1975. Since the early 1980s, the combination of a public opinion apparently biased against war, a relative reluctance to deploy ground troops and", "title": "Vietnam Syndrome" }, { "docid": "447244", "text": "artillery, and airstrikes. The U.S. conducted a large-scale strategic bombing campaign against North Vietnam. Following the Tết Offensive, U.S. forces began withdrawal under the Vietnamization phase; the Army of the Republic of Vietnam unconventional and conventional capabilities increased following a period of neglect and became modeled on heavy fire-power focused doctrines like US forces. Operations crossed international borders: bordering areas of Laos and Cambodia were used by North Vietnam as supply routes and were heavily bombed by U.S. forces. Gradual withdrawal of U.S. ground forces began as part of \"Vietnamization\", which aimed to end American involvement in the war while", "title": "Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "18083069", "text": "the same as with dispatched contracts, so when the dispatched contracts expire, the labor contracts do, too. Dispatched workers will go back to the status of registered. (1) Non-profit labor dispatched: Employees works for their employers, but at some special situations, employers lend them to the third one. Employers need employees to work for them for a long term, and they don't use employers to get profit, so they only dispatch workers to other enterprises temporarily; therefore, this kind dispatched workers' wages are better than who are in dispatched work agencies. As a result, there is no any specific law", "title": "Dispatched labor" }, { "docid": "20466565", "text": "km, of short range – up to 30 km, of medium range – up to 100 km, of long range – of more than 100 km. Further development of the Air Defence Troops of the GF is carried out by improving mobility, survivability, covertness of operation, automation’s degree, fire efficiency, expanding parameters of the affected area, reducing the response time and the mass-dimensional characteristics of the guided missile (rocket-artillery) systems. Air Defence Troops of the Russian Ground Forces The Air Defence Troops are an Arm of the Russian Ground Forces, intended to cover troops and facilities from means of air", "title": "Air Defence Troops of the Russian Ground Forces" }, { "docid": "14430314", "text": "States Army historian said, \"Bolstered by some $190 million a year in American military and economic aid, Diệm enforced at least a degree of governmental authority throughout South Vietnam. His regime resettled the refugees, achieved a measure of economic prosperity, and promulgated what was, on paper, a progressive land reform policy. By means of a series of harsh and indiscriminate but effective anti-Communist 'denunciation' campaigns, Diệm made progress in destroying the remaining Viet Minh organization in the countryside. His troops kept the surviving sect and Communist guerrillas on the run, and his government attempted to establish mass organizations of its", "title": "1959 in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "14423047", "text": "Chenla II was a major military operation conducted by the Cambodian military (then known as FANK) during the Cambodian Civil War. The Cambodian military failed to dislodge the communist North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong from territory and suffered heavy casualties. Operation Jefferson Glenn was the last major ground operation in which U.S. troops participated in the Vietnam War. Three battalions of the 101st Airborne patrolled the area west of the city of Huế, called the \"rocket belt,\" to try to prevent communist rocket attacks. The Americans were gradually replaced by soldiers of the South Vietnamese army. The Americans and", "title": "1971 in the Vietnam War" } ]
In 1999 Anna Kournikova signed a lucrative contract to model what?
[ "Bras", "Bras (disambiguation)" ]
[ { "docid": "10150", "text": "subsequently separated. The couple have invested in a $20 million home to be built on a private island in Miami. They had twins, Nicholas and Lucy, on Saturday, 16 December 2017, at South Miami Hospital. Most of Kournikova's fame has come from the publicity surrounding her looks and her personal life. During her debut at the 1996 US Open at the age of 15, the western world noticed her beauty, and soon pictures of her appeared in numerous magazines worldwide. In 2000, Kournikova became the new face for Berlei's shock absorber sports bras, and appeared in the \"only the ball", "title": "Anna Kournikova" } ]
[ { "docid": "10136", "text": "also reached the final in Stanford. On 22 November 1999 she reached the world No. 1 ranking in doubles, and ended the season at this ranking. Anna Kournikova and Martina Hingis were presented with the WTA Award for Doubles Team of the Year. Kournikova opened her 2000 season winning the Gold Coast Open doubles tournament partnering with Julie Halard. She then reached the singles semifinals at the Medibank International Sydney, losing to Lindsay Davenport. At the Australian Open, she reached the fourth round in singles and the semi-finals in doubles. That season, Kournikova reached eight semifinals (Sydney, Scottsdale, Stanford, San", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10153", "text": "back up to third place among athletes in terms of search popularity in 2010. In October 2010, Kournikova headed to NBC's \"The Biggest Loser\" where she led the contestants in a tennis-workout challenge. In May 2011, it was announced that Kournikova would join \"The Biggest Loser\" as a regular celebrity trainer in season 12. She did not return for season 13. In November 2010, she became an American citizen. In 2011, \"Men's Health\" named her one of the \"100 Hottest Women of All-Time\", ranking her at No. 29. Anna Kournikova Anna Sergeyevna Kournikova (; born 7 June 1981) is a", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10120", "text": "Anna Kournikova Anna Sergeyevna Kournikova (; born 7 June 1981) is a Russian former professional tennis player. Her appearance and celebrity status made her one of the best known tennis stars worldwide. At the peak of her fame, fans looking for images of Kournikova made her name one of the most common search strings on Google Search. Despite never winning a singles title, she reached No. 8 in the world in 2000. She achieved greater success playing doubles, where she was at times the world No. 1 player. With Martina Hingis as her partner, she won Grand Slam titles in", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "13455539", "text": "Anna Kournikova (computer virus) Anna Kournikova (named by its author as \"Vbs.OnTheFly Created By OnTheFly\") was a computer worm written by a 20-year-old Dutch student named Jan de Wit --who called himself 'OnTheFly'-- on February 11, 2001. It was designed to trick email users into opening a mail message purportedly containing a picture of the tennis player Anna Kournikova, while actually hiding a malicious program. The worm arrives in an email with the subject line \"Here you have, ;0)\" and an attached file called AnnaKournikova.jpg.vbs. When launched under Microsoft Windows the file does not display a picture of Anna Kournikova", "title": "Anna Kournikova (computer virus)" }, { "docid": "10145", "text": "for the 2008 Nautica Malibu Triathlon held at Zuma Beach in Malibu, California. The Race raised funds for children's Hospital Los Angeles. She won that race for women's K-Swiss team. On 27 September 2008, Kournikova played exhibition mixed doubles matches in Charlotte, North Carolina, partnering with Tim Wilkison and Karel Nováček. Kournikova and Wilkison defeated Jimmy Arias and Chanda Rubin, and then Kournikova and Novacek defeated Rubin and Wilkison. On 12 October 2008, Anna Kournikova played one exhibition match for the annual charity event, hosted by Billie Jean King and Elton John, and raised more than $400,000 for the Elton", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10148", "text": "doubles specialists as Pam Shriver and Peter Fleming. Kournikova was in a relationship with fellow Russian Pavel Bure, an NHL ice hockey player. The two met in 1999 when Kournikova was still linked to Bure's former Russian teammate Sergei Fedorov. Bure and Kournikova were reported to have been engaged in 2000 after a reporter took a photo of them together in a Florida restaurant where Bure supposedly asked Kournikova to marry him. As the story made headlines in Russia, where they were both heavily followed in the media as celebrities, Bure and Kournikova both denied any engagement. Kournikova, 10 years", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10139", "text": "with Martina Hingis. Hingis and Kournikova also won the Kremlin Cup. At the end of the 2001 season, she was ranked No. 74 in singles and No. 26 in doubles. Kournikova was quite successful in 2002. She reached the semifinals of Auckland, Tokyo, Acapulco and San Diego, and the final of the China Open, losing to Anna Smashnova. This was Kournikova's last singles final. With Martina Hingis, she lost in the final at Sydney, but they won their second Grand Slam title together, the Australian Open. They also lost in the quarterfinals of the US Open. With Chanda Rubin, Kournikova", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "13455545", "text": "ZDNet Latin America in an interview. In the \"Friends\" episode \"The One in Barbados, Part One\", Ross Geller's laptop was infected by the Kournikova worm when Chandler Bing checked his email on it. The version of the worm in the episode was more malicious than the real thing, as it deleted Ross' entire hard drive, including his speech on paleontology, when it was opened. Moreover, the computer was a PowerBook G4, with which Windows-targeting malware would not be compatible. Anna Kournikova (computer virus) Anna Kournikova (named by its author as \"Vbs.OnTheFly Created By OnTheFly\") was a computer worm written by", "title": "Anna Kournikova (computer virus)" }, { "docid": "10121", "text": "Australia in 1999 and 2002, and the WTA Championships in 1999 and 2000. They referred to themselves as the \"Spice Girls of Tennis\". Kournikova retired at the age of 21 due to serious back and spinal problems, including a herniated disk. She lives in Miami Beach, Florida, and plays in occasional exhibitions and in doubles for the St. Louis Aces of World Team Tennis. She was a new trainer for season 12 of the television show \"The Biggest Loser\", replacing Jillian Michaels, but did not return for season 13. In addition to her tennis and television work, Kournikova serves as", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "13455540", "text": "but launches a viral Visual Basic Script that forwards itself to everybody in the Microsoft Outlook address book of the victim. OnTheFly created Anna Kournikova using a simple and online available Visual Basic Worm Generator program by an Argentinian programmer called [K]Alamar. While similar to the ILOVEYOU worm that struck a year earlier in 2000, the Anna Kournikova worm did not corrupt data on the infected computer. Still, it affected millions of people and caused problems in email servers around the world. Apparently, the author created the worm in a matter of hours. \"The young man had downloaded a program", "title": "Anna Kournikova (computer virus)" }, { "docid": "10124", "text": "I went to a professional academy. I would go to school, and then my parents would take me to the club, and I'd spend the rest of the day there just having fun with the kids.\" In 1986, Kournikova became a member of the Spartak Tennis Club, coached by Larissa Preobrazhenskaya. In 1989, at the age of eight, Kournikova began appearing in junior tournaments, and by the following year, was attracting attention from tennis scouts across the world. She signed a management deal at age ten and went to Bradenton, Florida, to train at Nick Bollettieri's celebrated tennis academy. Following", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10133", "text": "fourth round before losing to Arantxa Sánchez Vicario. Her strong year qualified her for the year-end 1998 WTA Tour Championships, but she lost to Monica Seles in the first round. However, with Seles, she won her first WTA doubles title, in Tokyo, beating Mary Joe Fernández and Arantxa Sánchez Vicario in the final. At the end of the season, she was ranked No. 10 in doubles. At the start of the 1999 season, Kournikova advanced to the fourth round in singles before losing to Mary Pierce. However, Kournikova won her first doubles Grand Slam title, partnering Martina Hingis. The two", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "13455542", "text": "himself in to the police in his hometown Sneek on February 14, 2001, after he posted a letter of confession on a website and a newsgroup of player Anna Kournikova (alt.binaries.anna-kournikova) dated February 13. In it, he admitted creating the virus using a toolkit and explained his motivations as to see whether the IT community had learned their lesson to better secure systems in the aftermath of previous virus infections. But besides admission and regret he also attributed external blame for the rate of spreading on the beauty of the tennis player (he had pinups of her on his website)", "title": "Anna Kournikova (computer virus)" }, { "docid": "10134", "text": "defeated Lindsay Davenport and Natasha Zvereva in the final. At the Tier I Family Circle Cup, Kournikova reached her second WTA Tour final, but lost to Martina Hingis. She then defeated Jennifer Capriati, Lindsay Davenport and Patty Schnyder on her route to the Bausch & Lomb Championships semi-finals, losing to Ruxandra Dragomir. At The French Open, Kournikova reached the fourth round before losing to eventual champion Steffi Graf. Once the grass-court season commenced in England, Kournikova lost to Nathalie Tauziat in the semi-finals in Eastbourne. At Wimbledon, Kournikova lost to Venus Williams in the fourth round. She also reached the", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10146", "text": "John AIDS Foundation and Atlanta AIDS Partnership Fund. She played doubles with Andy Roddick (they were coached by David Chang) versus Martina Navratilova and Jesse Levine (coached by Billie Jean King); Kournikova and Roddick won. Kournikova competed alongside John McEnroe, Tracy Austin and Jim Courier at the \"Legendary Night\", which was held on 2 May 2009, at the Turning Stone Event Center in Verona, New York. The exhibition included a mixed doubles match of McEnroe and Austin against Courier and Kournikova. In 2008, she was named a spokesperson for K-Swiss. In 2005, Kournikova stated that if she were 100% fit,", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10131", "text": "partnering with Larisa Savchenko-Neiland. They lost to Sabine Appelmans and Miriam Oremans. Kournikova and Savchenko-Neiland reached their second consecutive final at the Linz Open, losing to Alexandra Fusai and Nathalie Tauziat. At the Miami Open, Kournikova reached her first WTA Tour singles final, before losing to Venus Williams in the final. Kournikova then reached two consecutive quarterfinals, at Amelia Island and the Italian Open, losing respectively to Lindsay Davenport and Martina Hingis. At the German Open, she reached the semi-finals in both singles and doubles, partnering with Larisa Savchenko-Neiland. At the French Open Kournikova had her best result at this", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10123", "text": "has said, \"We were young and we liked the clean, physical life, so Anna was in a good environment for sport from the beginning\". Kournikova received her first tennis racquet as a New Year gift in 1986 at age five. Describing her early regimen, she said, \"I played two times a week from age six. It was a children's program. And it was just for fun; my parents didn't know I was going to play professionally, they just wanted me to do something because I had lots of energy. It was only when I started playing well at seven that", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10140", "text": "played the semi-finals of Wimbledon, but they lost to Serena and Venus Williams. Partnering Janet Lee, she won the Shanghai title. At the end of 2002 season, she was ranked No. 35 in singles and No. 11 in doubles. In 2003, Anna Kournikova collected her first Grand Slam match victory in two years at the Australian Open. She defeated Henrieta Nagyová in the 1st round, and then lost to Justine Henin-Hardenne in the 2nd round. She withdrew from Tokyo due to a sprained back suffered at the Australian Open and did not return to Tour until Miami. On 9 April,", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10135", "text": "final in mixed doubles, partnering with Jonas Björkman, but they lost to Leander Paes and Lisa Raymond. Kournikova again qualified for year-end WTA Tour Championships, but lost to Mary Pierce in the first round, and ended the season as World No. 12. While Kournikova had a successful singles season, she was even more successful in doubles. After their victory at the Australian Open, she and Martina Hingis won tournaments in Indian Wells, Rome, Eastbourne and the WTA Tour Championshiops, and reached the final of The French Open where they lost to Serena and Venus Williams. Partnering with Elena Likhovtseva, Kournikova", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10142", "text": "was ranked No. 305 in singles and No. 176 in doubles. Kournikova's two Grand Slam doubles titles came in 1999 and 2002, both at the Australian Open in the Women's Doubles event with partner Martina Hingis. Kournikova proved a successful doubles player on the professional circuit, winning 16 tournament doubles titles, including two Australian Opens and being a finalist in mixed doubles at the US Open and at Wimbledon, and reaching the No. 1 ranking in doubles in the WTA Tour rankings. Her pro career doubles record was 200–71. However, her singles career plateaued after 1999. For the most part,", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10128", "text": "No. 67, where she lost in the first round to world No. 12, Amanda Coetzer. At the Italian Open, Kournikova lost to Amanda Coetzer in the second round. However, she reached the semifinals in the doubles partnering with Elena Likhovtseva, before losing to the sixth seeds Mary Joe Fernández and Patricia Tarabini. At the French Open, Kournikova made it to the third round before losing to world No. 1, Martina Hingis. She also reached the third round in doubles with Likhovtseva. At the Wimbledon Championships, Kournikova became only the second woman in the open era to reach the semifinals in", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10130", "text": "ranked No. 32 in singles and No. 41 in doubles at the end of the season. In 1998, Kournikova broke into the WTA's top 20 rankings for the first time, when she was ranked No. 16. At the Australian Open, Kournikova lost in the third round to world No. 1 player, Martina Hingis. She also partnered with Larisa Savchenko-Neiland in women's doubles, and they lost to eventual champions Hingis and Mirjana Lučić in the second round. Although she lost in the second round of the Paris Open to Anke Huber in singles, Kournikova reached her second doubles WTA Tour final,", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10149", "text": "younger than Bure, was 18 years old at the time. Fedorov claimed he and Kournikova were married in 2001, and divorced in 2003. Kournikova's representatives deny any marriage to Fedorov; however, Fedorov's agent Pat Brisson claims that although he does not know when they got married, he knew \"Fedorov was married\". Kournikova started dating pop star Enrique Iglesias in late 2001 (she appeared in his video, \"Escape\"). She has consistently refused to directly confirm or deny the status of her personal relationships. In June 2008, Iglesias was quoted by the \"Daily Star\" as having married Kournikova the previous year and", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10132", "text": "tournament, making it to the fourth round before losing to Jana Novotná. She also reached her first Grand Slam doubles semifinals, losing with Savchenko-Neiland to Lindsay Davenport and Natasha Zvereva. During her quarterfinals match at the grass-court Eastbourne Open versus Steffi Graf, Kournikova injured her thumb, which would eventually force her to withdraw from the 1998 Wimbledon Championships. However, she won that match, but then withdrew from her semifinals match against Arantxa Sánchez Vicario. Kournikova returned for the Du Maurier Open and made it to the third round, before losing to Conchita Martínez. At the US Open Kournikova reached the", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "18119907", "text": "Kournikova gained third consecutive titles in both the European and World championships, winning the division for 8 year olds. Kournikova won the May 27–29, 2014 Age 9 European Championship by 22 strokes. He won the 2015 European World Championship 10-year-old division by 4 strokes. He won the 2015 US Kids World Championship 10-year-old age group by 9 strokes. Allan Kournikova Allan Kournikova (born 21 September 2004) is a youth golfer who is the half-brother of Anna Kournikova and son of Alla Kournikova. He has won the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 U. S. Kids Golf European Championships and 2011,", "title": "Allan Kournikova" }, { "docid": "18119904", "text": "Allan Kournikova Allan Kournikova (born 21 September 2004) is a youth golfer who is the half-brother of Anna Kournikova and son of Alla Kournikova. He has won the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 U. S. Kids Golf European Championships and 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015 U.S. Kids Golf World Championships. He was also featured in the 2013 documentary film \"The Short Game\". In January 2010 Alla Kournikova was the subject of a third-degree felony child neglect case when she left five-year-old Allan at home without supervision while she ran errands. He jumped from a second floor balcony and was", "title": "Allan Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10141", "text": "in what would be the final WTA match of her career, Kournikova retired in the 1st round of the Family Circle Cup in Charleston, due to a left adductor strain. Her singles world ranking was 67. She reached the semifinals at the ITF tournament in Sea Island, before withdrawing from a match versus Maria Sharapova due to the adductor injury. She lost in the 1st round of the ITF tournament in Charlottesville. She did not compete for the rest of the season due to a continuing back injury. At the end of the 2003 season and her professional career, she", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10147", "text": "she would like to come back and compete again. In June 2010, Kournikova reunited with her doubles partner Martina Hingis to participate in competitive tennis for the first time in seven years in the Invitational Ladies Doubles event at Wimbledon. On 29 June 2010 they defeated the British pair Samantha Smith and Anne Hobbs. Kournikova plays right-handed with a two-handed backhand. She is a great player at the net. She can hit forceful groundstrokes and also drop shots. Her playing style fits the profile for a doubles player, and is complemented by her height. She has been compared to such", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10143", "text": "she managed to retain her ranking between 10 and 15 (her career high singles ranking was No.8), but her expected finals breakthrough failed to occur; she only reached four finals out of 130 singles tournaments, never in a Grand Slam event, and never won one. Her singles record is 209–129. Her final playing years were marred by a string of injuries, especially back injuries, which caused her ranking to erode gradually. As a personality Kournikova was among the most common search strings for both articles and images in her prime. Kournikova has not played on the WTA Tour since 2003,", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10152", "text": "in the World\" in US and UK editions. By contrast, ESPN – citing the degree of hype as compared to actual accomplishments as a singles player – ranked Kournikova 18th in its \"25 Biggest Sports Flops of the Past 25 Years\". Kournikova was also ranked No. 1 in the ESPN Classic series \"Who's number 1?\" when the series featured sport's most overrated athletes. She continued to be the most searched athlete on the Internet through 2008 even though she had retired from the professional tennis circuit years earlier. After slipping from first to sixth among athletes in 2009, she moved", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10127", "text": "would produce terrific results. At 15, she made her Grand Slam debut, when she reached the fourth round of the 1996 US Open, only to be stopped by then-top ranked player Steffi Graf, the eventual champion. After this tournament, Kournikova's ranking jumped from No. 144 to debut in the Top 100 at No. 69. Kournikova was a member of the Russian delegation to the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1996, she was named WTA Newcomer of the Year, and she was ranked No. 57 in the end of the season. Kournikova entered the 1997 Australian Open as world", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10126", "text": "the main draw to third-seeded Sabine Appelmans. There at the 1995 Moscow Ladies Open Kournikova already reached her first WTA Tour doubles final. Partnering with 1995 Wimbledon girls' champion in both singles and doubles Aleksandra Olsza, she lost the title match to Meredith McGrath and Larisa Savchenko-Neiland. In February–March 1996, Kournikova won two ITF titles, in Midland, Michigan and Rockford, Illinois. Still 14, in April 1996 she debuted at the Fed Cup for Russia, the youngest player ever to participate and win a match. In 1996, she started playing under a new coach, Ed Nagel. Her six-year tenure with Ed", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10144", "text": "but still plays exhibition matches for charitable causes. In late 2004, she participated in three events organized by Elton John and by fellow tennis players Serena Williams and Andy Roddick. In January 2005, she played in a doubles charity event for the Indian Ocean tsunami with John McEnroe, Andy Roddick, and Chris Evert. In November 2005, she teamed up with Martina Hingis, playing against Lisa Raymond and Samantha Stosur in the WTT finals for charity. Kournikova is also a member of the St. Louis Aces in the World Team Tennis (WTT), playing doubles only. In September 2008, Kournikova showed up", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "14436451", "text": "first set 4–6. 1999 Direct Line International Championships – Doubles The 1999 Direct Line International Championships – Doubles was the doubles event of the twenty-fifth edition of the Eastbourne International, a WTA Tier II tennis tournament held in Eastbourne, England and part of the European grass court season. Mariaan de Swardt and Jana Novotná were the defending doubles champions but each competed with different partners in 1999. De Swardt partnered Elena Tatarkova and reached the semifinals where they lost to Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova. Novotná teamed with Natalia Zvereva and they retired in the final to Hingis and Kournikova", "title": "1999 Direct Line International Championships – Doubles" }, { "docid": "14436450", "text": "1999 Direct Line International Championships – Doubles The 1999 Direct Line International Championships – Doubles was the doubles event of the twenty-fifth edition of the Eastbourne International, a WTA Tier II tennis tournament held in Eastbourne, England and part of the European grass court season. Mariaan de Swardt and Jana Novotná were the defending doubles champions but each competed with different partners in 1999. De Swardt partnered Elena Tatarkova and reached the semifinals where they lost to Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova. Novotná teamed with Natalia Zvereva and they retired in the final to Hingis and Kournikova after losing the", "title": "1999 Direct Line International Championships – Doubles" }, { "docid": "10138", "text": "Filderstadt, Zürich, Philadelphia and the Tour Championships (with Martina Hingis). Her 2001 season was dominated by injury, including a left foot stress fracture which forced her withdrawal from twelve tournaments, including the French Open and Wimbledon. She underwent surgery in April. She reached her second career grand slam quarterfinals, at the Australian Open. Kournikova then withdrew from several events due to continuing problems with her left foot and did not return until Leipzig. With Barbara Schett, she won the doubles title in Sydney. She then lost in the finals in Tokyo, partnering with Iroda Tulyaganova, and at San Diego, partnering", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10129", "text": "her Wimbledon debut, the first being Chris Evert in 1972. There she lost to eventual champion Martina Hingis. At the US Open, she lost in the second round to the eleventh seed Irina Spîrlea. Partnering with Likhovtseva, she reached the third round of the women's doubles event. Kournikova played her last WTA Tour event of 1997 at Porsche Tennis Grand Prix in Filderstadt, losing to Amanda Coetzer in the second round of singles, and in the first round of doubles to Lindsay Davenport and Jana Novotná partnering with Likhovtseva. She broke into the top 50 on 19 May, and was", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10137", "text": "Diego, Luxembourg, Leipzig and Tour Championships), seven quarterfinals (Gold Coast, Tokyo, Amelia Island, Hamburg, Eastbourne, Zürich and Philadelphia) and one final. On 20 November 2000 she broke into top 10 for the first time, reaching No. 8. She was also ranked No. 4 in doubles at the end of the season. Kournikova was once again, more successful in doubles. She reached the final of the US Open in mixed doubles, partnering with Max Mirnyi, but they lost to Jared Palmer and Arantxa Sánchez Vicario. She also won six doubles titles – Gold Coast (with Julie Halard), Hamburg (with Natasha Zvereva),", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10125", "text": "her arrival in the United States, she became prominent on the tennis scene. At 14, she won the European Championships and the Italian Open Junior tournament. In December 1995, she became the youngest player to win the 18-and-under division of the Junior Orange Bowl tennis tournament. By the end of the year, Kournikova was crowned the ITF Junior World Champion U-18 and Junior European Champion U-18. Earlier, in September 1995, she received a wildcard into the WTA tournament in Moscow, the Moscow Ladies Open, qualifications and played her way through the qualifying rounds before losing in the second round of", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10151", "text": "should bounce\" billboard campaign. Following that, she was cast by the Farrelly brothers for a minor role in the 2000 film \"Me, Myself & Irene\" starring Jim Carrey and Renée Zellweger. Photographs of her have appeared on covers of various publications, including men's magazines, such as one in the much-publicized 2004 \"Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue\", where she posed in bikinis and swimsuits, as well as in \"FHM\" and \"Maxim\". Kournikova was named one of \"People's\" 50 Most Beautiful People in 1998 and was voted \"hottest female athlete\" on ESPN.com. In 2002 she also placed first in \"FHM's 100 Sexiest Women", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "15994202", "text": "second round. 1999 Italian Open – Women's Doubles The 1999 Italian Open – Doubles was the doubles event of the fifty-fifth edition of the tennis tournament played at Rome, Italy, the most prestigious tennis tournament in Southern Europe. It was the fifth WTA Tier I tournament of the year, and part of the European claycourt season. Virginia Ruano Pascual and Paola Suárez were the defending champions, but lost to Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova in the quarterfinals. Hingis and Kournikova won this tournament by defeating Alexandra Fusai and Nathalie Tauziat in the final. The top four seeds received a bye", "title": "1999 Italian Open – Women's Doubles" }, { "docid": "15994201", "text": "1999 Italian Open – Women's Doubles The 1999 Italian Open – Doubles was the doubles event of the fifty-fifth edition of the tennis tournament played at Rome, Italy, the most prestigious tennis tournament in Southern Europe. It was the fifth WTA Tier I tournament of the year, and part of the European claycourt season. Virginia Ruano Pascual and Paola Suárez were the defending champions, but lost to Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova in the quarterfinals. Hingis and Kournikova won this tournament by defeating Alexandra Fusai and Nathalie Tauziat in the final. The top four seeds received a bye into the", "title": "1999 Italian Open – Women's Doubles" }, { "docid": "15714960", "text": "1999 Australian Open – Women's Doubles The 1999 Australian Open – Women's Doubles was the women's dobules event of the eighty-seventh edition of the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam of the year and the most prestigious tournament in the Asia-Pacific and the Southern Hemisphere. Martina Hingis and Mirjana Lučić were the defending champions, but Hingis competed with Russian Anna Kournikova, and Lučić competed with Frenchwoman Mary Pierce. Lučić and Pierce were defeated in the first round by Christina Singer and Helena Vildová.<br> Hingis and Kournikova, however, ended up winning the title, defeating first seeds Lindsay Davenport and Natasha Zvereva,", "title": "1999 Australian Open – Women's Doubles" }, { "docid": "5387510", "text": "Anna Kournikova in the finals of the Shanghai Open. According to \"The New York Times\", Smashnova \"was precise and controlled throughout the match, hitting perfect winners in stride... Kournikova didn't score a point until the third game of the first set when Smashnova hit a shot wide. 'She was like a wall today, hitting everything back', Kournikova said.\" In October, she beat world No. 13 Chanda Rubin in Zurich. She played in the 2002 WTA Tour Championships, and lost in the first round to world No. 1 Serena Williams. On December 7, 2002, Anna married Claudio Pistolesi, her former coach", "title": "Anna Smashnova" }, { "docid": "15742846", "text": "1999 French Open – Women's Doubles Martina Hingis and Jana Novotná were the defending champions, but they did not compete together this year. Novotná instead partnered with Natasha Zvereva as the first seed, whereas Hingis partnered with Anna Kournikova as the second seed. Novotná and Zvereva retired in their quarterfinal match against Lindsay Davenport and Mary Pierce, but Hingis and Kournikova reached the final where they lost to American sisters Serena and Venus Williams, 6–3, 6–7, 8–6. This was the first Grand Slam for the Williams sisters and would be their first step towards completing a Career Golden Slam in", "title": "1999 French Open – Women's Doubles" }, { "docid": "15742847", "text": "doubles. 1999 French Open – Women's Doubles Martina Hingis and Jana Novotná were the defending champions, but they did not compete together this year. Novotná instead partnered with Natasha Zvereva as the first seed, whereas Hingis partnered with Anna Kournikova as the second seed. Novotná and Zvereva retired in their quarterfinal match against Lindsay Davenport and Mary Pierce, but Hingis and Kournikova reached the final where they lost to American sisters Serena and Venus Williams, 6–3, 6–7, 8–6. This was the first Grand Slam for the Williams sisters and would be their first step towards completing a Career Golden Slam", "title": "1999 French Open – Women's Doubles" }, { "docid": "17430363", "text": "Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis, known in Japan as , is a tennis video game developed by Namco for the PlayStation. It is the second title in Namco's \"Smash Court\" series of games. The game was released in Japan in November 1998 and was later released in Europe in 1999, featuring the likeness of professional tennis player Anna Kournikova. It was re-released in 2014 on PlayStation Network. \"Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis\" is a simple tennis game which can be played with up to four players. The game features various modes such as a training", "title": "Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis" }, { "docid": "2997926", "text": "Bure derived no immigration benefit from the marriage, which was dissolved the following year. Bohn became a costume designer in the film and television industry. After being linked to girlfriend Dahn Bryan, a model and actress, early in his NHL career, Bure shared a relationship with tennis star and fellow Russian Anna Kournikova. The two met in 1999 when she was still linked to Bure's former Russian teammate Sergei Fedorov. Bure and Kournikova were reported to have been engaged in 2000 after reporter Andrew Greven took a photo of them together in a Florida restaurant where Bure supposedly asked Kournikova", "title": "Pavel Bure" }, { "docid": "14396348", "text": "1999 Family Circle Cup The 1999 Family Circle Cup was a women's tennis tournament played on outdoor clay courts at the Sea Pines Plantation on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina in the United States that was part of Tier I of the 1999 WTA Tour. It was the 27th edition of the tournament and was held from March 29 through April 4, 1999. Martina Hingis won the singles title. Martina Hingis defeated Anna Kournikova, 6–4, 6–3 Elena Likhovtseva / Jana Novotná defeated Barbara Schett / Patty Schnyder, 6–1, 6–4 The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw: The", "title": "1999 Family Circle Cup" }, { "docid": "5221097", "text": "1999 French Open The 1999 French Open was a tennis tournament that took place on the outdoor clay courts at the Stade Roland Garros in Paris, France. The tournament was held from 24 May until 6 June. It was the 103rd staging of the French Open, and the second Grand Slam tennis event of 1999. Andre Agassi defeated Andrei Medvedev, 1–6, 2–6, 6–4, 6–3, 6–4 Steffi Graf defeated Martina Hingis, 4–6, 7–5, 6–2 Mahesh Bhupathi / Leander Paes defeated Goran Ivanišević / Jeff Tarango, 6–2, 7–5 Serena Williams / Venus Williams defeated Martina Hingis / Anna Kournikova, 6–3, 6–7, 8–6", "title": "1999 French Open" }, { "docid": "14435553", "text": "defeated Nathalie Tauziat, 0–6, 7–5, 6–3 Martina Hingis / Anna Kournikova defeated Jana Novotná / Natasha Zvereva, 6–4 retired 1999 Direct Line International Championships The 1999 Direct Line International Championships was a tennis tournament played on grass courts at the Eastbourne Tennis Centre in Eastbourne in the United Kingdom that was part of Tier II of the 1999 WTA Tour. The tournament was held from 14 June until 19 June 1999. Natasha Zvereva won the singles title. The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw: The following players received wildcards into the doubles main draw: The following players", "title": "1999 Direct Line International Championships" }, { "docid": "17190210", "text": "received entry from the doubles qualifying draw: Lindsay Davenport defeated Venus Williams, 7–6, 6–2 Lindsay Davenport / Corina Morariu defeated Anna Kournikova / Elena Likhovtseva, 6–4, 6–4 1999 Bank of the West Classic The 1999 Bank of the West Classic was a women's tennis tournament played on outdoor hard courts in Stanford, California in the United States. It was part of Tier II of the 1999 WTA Tour. It was the 28th edition of the tournament and was held from July 26 through August 1, 1999. The singles title was won by Lindsay Davenport. The following players received wildcards into", "title": "1999 Bank of the West Classic" }, { "docid": "5228809", "text": "6–4, 7–6 Lindsay Davenport / Corina Morariu defeated Mariaan de Swardt / Elena Tatarkova, 6–4, 6–4 Lisa Raymond / Leander Paes defeated Jonas Björkman / Anna Kournikova, 6–4, 3–6, 6–3 Jürgen Melzer defeated Kristian Pless, 7–6, 6–3 Iroda Tulyaganova defeated Lina Krasnoroutskaya, 7–6, 6–4 Guillermo Coria / David Nalbandian defeated Todor Enev / Jarkko Nieminen, 7–5, 6–4 Dája Bedáňová / María Emilia Salerni defeated Tatiana Perebiynis / Iroda Tulyaganova, 6–1, 2–6, 6–2 1999 Wimbledon Championships The 1999 Wimbledon Championships was a tennis tournament played on grass courts at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, London in", "title": "1999 Wimbledon Championships" }, { "docid": "10988006", "text": "had used since 1984 and reverted to a best-of-three-set final. Lindsay Davenport defeated Martina Hingis, 6–4, 6–2. Martina Hingis / Anna Kournikova defeated Arantxa Sánchez Vicario / Larisa Neiland, 6–4, 6–4. Players with a gold background have enough points to qualify, while players with a blue background did not but could play as alternates. A brown background means a player qualified but was unable to play due to injury or retirement. 1999 WTA Tour Championships The 1999 WTA Tour Championships, also known by its sponsored name The Chase Championships was a women's tennis tournament played on indoor carpet courts at", "title": "1999 WTA Tour Championships" }, { "docid": "7090776", "text": "the draw by the highest-ranked non-seeded player Anna Kournikova, who became the #17 seed. 1999 Wimbledon Championships – Women's Singles Jana Novotná was the defending champion but lost in the quarterfinals to Lindsay Davenport. Davenport defeated Steffi Graf in the final, 6–4, 7–5 to win the Ladies' Singles tennis title at the 1999 Wimbledon Championships. This was to be the final Grand Slam tournament in which Graf would appear. This tournament saw a number of surprises, including a first round defeat of World No. 1 and first seed Martina Hingis at the hands of Australian qualifier and World No. 129", "title": "1999 Wimbledon Championships – Women's Singles" }, { "docid": "5387508", "text": "the 1996 Australian Open she defeated world No. 15 Natasha Zvereva in three sets. She won her first top-level WTA tour singles title in 1999 at Tashkent. She won her second career title in 2000, winning the Sanex Trophy in Belgium. Smashnova defeated Anna Kournikova in straight sets in her semifinal match, and went on to win the final against top-seed Dominique Van Roost. She had a breakthrough in 2002, winning four titles and beating 11 players ranked in the top 20, including Jelena Dokić, Justine Henin, and Kim Clijsters. In January 2002, Smashnova defeated Tatiana Panova in the ASB", "title": "Anna Smashnova" }, { "docid": "17683692", "text": "for the Cardinals in an April game against the Washington Nationals. On September 4 he was designated for assignment by the Cardinals. Anna signed a minor league deal with the Kansas City Royals on January 21, 2017. He elected free agency on November 6, 2017. On January 24, 2018, Anna signed a minor league contract with the Chicago White Sox. On March 28, 2018, Anna was traded to the Philadelphia Phillies organization and assigned to the Class AAA Lehigh Valley IronPigs. On December 11, 2018, Anna signed a minor league contract with the Minnesota Twins. Dean Anna Dean William Anna", "title": "Dean Anna" }, { "docid": "5255016", "text": "Mahesh Bhupathi defeated Kimberly Po / Donald Johnson, 6–4, 6–4 Jarkko Nieminen defeated Kristian Pless 6–7, 6–3, 6–4 Lina Krasnoroutskaya defeated Nadia Petrova 6–3, 6–2 Julien Benneteau / Nicolas Mahut defeated Tres Davis / Alberto Francis 6–4, 3–6, 6–1 Dája Bedáňová / Iroda Tulyaganova defeated Galina Fokina / Lina Krasnoroutskaya 6–3, 6–4 Withdrawals: Steffi Graf, Anna Kournikova 1999 US Open (tennis) The 1999 US Open was a tennis tournament played on outdoor hard courts at the USTA National Tennis Center in New York City in New York in the United States. It was the 119th edition of the US Open", "title": "1999 US Open (tennis)" }, { "docid": "12648571", "text": "following players received entry from the singles qualifying draw: The following player received entry as a lucky loser: The following players received entry from the doubles qualifying draw: The following players received entry as lucky losers: Gustavo Kuerten def. Patrick Rafter, 6–4, 7–5, 7–6. Venus Williams def. Mary Pierce, 6–4, 6–2. Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach def. David Adams / John-Laffnie de Jager, 6–7, 6–1, 6–2. Martina Hingis / Anna Kournikova def. Alexandra Fusai / Nathalie Tauziat, 6–2, 6–2. 1999 Italian Open (tennis) The 1999 Italian Open was a tennis tournament played on outdoor clay courts. It was the 56th", "title": "1999 Italian Open (tennis)" }, { "docid": "5229503", "text": "is also Hingis' fifth consecutive Grand Slam doubles final and Kournikova's first. Hingis and Kournikova triumphed in straight sets, 7–5, 6–3, to make Hingis' fifth doubles Grand Slam win and the fifth doubles Grand Slam defeat of Davenport and Zvereva. Championship match result The seeds for the mixed doubles title were led by 1991 French Open finalists Caroline Vis and Paul Haarhuis. Anna Kournikova and Mark Knowles came second, while Rennae Stubbs and Jim Grabb and Mirjana Lučić and Mahesh Bhupathi followed. In a massive surprise, all of the top three seeds fell in the first round, with No. 6", "title": "1999 Australian Open" }, { "docid": "5229482", "text": "and Björkman later won the title, defeating the Indian first seeds Mahesh Bhupathi and Leander Paes in five sets. Hingis and Lučić also separated, with Hingis teaming up with Anna Kournikova and Lučić teaming up with Mary Pierce. Lučić and Pierce fell in the first round, but Hingis and Kournikova went on to win, by defeating first seeds Lindsay Davenport and Natasha Zvereva at the final. The mixed doubles competition saw Williams and Gimelstob not competing, and none of the seeds reaching past the second round. In the end, the South African team of Mariaan de Swardt and David Adams", "title": "1999 Australian Open" }, { "docid": "12677018", "text": "3–6, 7–5 Wayne Black / Sandon Stolle defeated Ellis Ferreira / Rick Leach, 7–6, 6–3 Martina Hingis / Anna Kournikova defeated Mary Joe Fernández / Jana Novotná, 6–2, 6–2 The following players received wildcards into the singles main draw: The following players received wildcards into the doubles main draw: The following players received entry from the singles qualifying draw: The following players received entry from the doubles qualifying draw: 1999 Newsweek Champions Cup and the Evert Cup The 1999 Newsweek Champions Cup and the Evert Cup were tennis tournaments played on outdoor hard courts. It was the 24th edition of", "title": "1999 Newsweek Champions Cup and the Evert Cup" }, { "docid": "10122", "text": "a Global Ambassador for Population Services International's \"Five & Alive\" program, which addresses health crises facing children under the age of five and their families. Anna Kournikovas father, Sergei Kournikov (born 1961), a former Greco-Roman wrestling champion, eventually earned a PhD and was a professor at the University of Physical Culture and Sport in Moscow. As of 2001, he was still a part-time martial arts instructor there. Her mother Alla (born 1963) had been a 400-metre runner. Her younger brother, Allan, is a youth golf world champion who was featured in the 2013 documentary film \"The Short Game\". Sergei Kournikov", "title": "Anna Kournikova" }, { "docid": "10674369", "text": "for Anna Mae to obtain health insurance and the interpreter testified that she signed the order believing custody to be temporary. The Hes continued to visit Anna Mae regularly for about an hour a week. Louise Baker began to keep a diary in which she documented the Hes' visits to Anna Mae, writing down when the visits were, how long they lasted, how the Hes interacted with Anna Mae, and what gifts they gave her. In October 1999, friction began when the Hes wanted to take Anna Mae out of the Bakers' home and the Bakers refused. Louise Baker wrote", "title": "Custody battle for Anna Mae He" }, { "docid": "13364047", "text": "She won a one-year contract with IMG, and became the face of \"A Wear\" in Ireland and the United Kingdom. She also appeared on the cover of \"Life\", the magazine section of the \"Sunday Independent\". The Model Scouts The Model Scouts, formerly The Model Agent during its first season in 2009, was an Irish reality documentary on RTÉ Two that followed twelve girls competing for a lucrative modelling contract with IMG. In 2009 the series followed model scout Fiona Ellis on her search for an Irish supermodel. On her way through Ireland, Ellis spotted eight girls in the entire country", "title": "The Model Scouts" }, { "docid": "13364045", "text": "The Model Scouts The Model Scouts, formerly The Model Agent during its first season in 2009, was an Irish reality documentary on RTÉ Two that followed twelve girls competing for a lucrative modelling contract with IMG. In 2009 the series followed model scout Fiona Ellis on her search for an Irish supermodel. On her way through Ireland, Ellis spotted eight girls in the entire country and chose the last four of the twelve finalists through applications that she received. Each episode saw the elimination of one or more girls. The winner, Carrie-Anne Burton, won a contract with the Independent Models", "title": "The Model Scouts" }, { "docid": "18087124", "text": "offers of cooperation from model agencies in Kyiv, Milan, London and Shanghai. While studying at the University, Anna signs a contract with such model agencies as L Models (Kyiv) and Bookings (London), and periodically works as a model. In April 2014 Andres appears on the cover of L’officiel Ukraine. On June 6, 2014, Anna became a winner of the leading beauty contest in Ukraine “Miss Ukraine Universe”. Then she began to participate in Ukrainian charitable projects, collaborate with the charitable funds that provide assistance to the elderly and children-settlers from the ATO zone in the Donbas. In September 2014 Andres", "title": "Anna Andres" }, { "docid": "17496161", "text": "Signed by Katie Price Signed by Katie Price (formerly \"Discovered by Katie Price\") is a British reality television show aired on Sky Living, in which 13 hopefuls compete for a management contract with management company Blacksheep Management owned by glamour model Katie Price. The winner received a management contract, a mentorship with Price, yearly calendars, red carpet events, overseas jobs, magazine deals, Range Rover for a year, a spread within a fashion magazine which also includes appearing on the front cover and a holiday in Maldives. Other benefits include a car, holiday, money, or an apartment among other things. It", "title": "Signed by Katie Price" }, { "docid": "15872982", "text": "Anna Prelević Anna Prelević (, , born April 28, 1990 in Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia) is Miss Greece 2010 and the daughter of the legendary basketball player of PAOK BC Branislav Prelević. Anna was born on April 28, 1990 in Belgrade. She is the daughter of former basketball player Branislav Prelević and Nevena Prelević-Marjanović, daughter of legendary Serbian singer Đorđe Marjanović. She was born in Belgrade but grew up in Thessaloniki. In 1996, when her father signed with Virtus Bologna, they moved to Bologna, Italy. But after one season, her father signed a contract with AEK BC and so they moved", "title": "Anna Prelević" }, { "docid": "10839998", "text": "Sanja Papić Sanja Papić (Serbian Cyrillic: Сања Папић, born 25 June 1984 in Novi Sad, Serbia, SFR Yugoslavia) is a Serbian model and beauty pageant titleholder who represented Serbia and Montenegro at Miss Universe 2003 where she placed 3rd Runner-Up and Miss Europe 2003 where she placed 2nd Runner-Up. In September 2003, Papić finished as a runner-up at the Miss Europe contest in Paris. In November, she left for New York in the company of Roberto Cavalli as his muse. She had been Omega Watches Ambassador (alongside Michael Schumacher, Anna Kournikova and Cindy Crawford), following a contract between Omega and", "title": "Sanja Papić" }, { "docid": "387112", "text": "Association (WTA) doubles team of Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova, two-time Grand Slam and two-time WTA Finals Doubles champions, dubbed themselves the \"Spice Girls of tennis\" in 1999. Hingis and Kournikova, along with fellow WTA players Venus and Serena Williams, were also labelled the \"Spice Girls of tennis\", then later the “Spite Girls”, by the media in the late 1990s due to their youthfulness, popularity, and brashness. Wax sculptures of the Spice Girls are currently on display at the famed Madame Tussauds New York wax museum. The sculptures of the Spice Girls (sans Halliwell) were first unveiled in December 1999,", "title": "Spice Girls" }, { "docid": "16531562", "text": "reportedly offered a $75,000 contract from Elite Model Management to serve as a fitness model, but declined because the agency would require her to take legal steroids to enhance her muscle size. She shared with Robin Roberts on Good Morning America and reporters from Inside Edition that taking steroids would go against her religious and personal beliefs, even though she was later accused by certain tabloids and talk show hosts of taking steroids to enhance her performance. Anna Watson (cheerleader) Anna Watson is a fitness model and former cheerleader at the University of Georgia. She has been referred to as", "title": "Anna Watson (cheerleader)" }, { "docid": "14617442", "text": "Slovenski Top Model Slovenski Top Model () is a Slovenian reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\" that pits contestants from Slovenia against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win title of the next \"Slovene Top Model\" and a lucrative modelling contract with Alen Kobilica Models agency, a spread in the Slovenian issue of \"Elle\", car Seat Ibiza, the winner will also become face of Maybeline New York for Slovenia, she will receive mobile package Orto Muziq for 2 years and hopes of a successful future in the modeling business. The competition", "title": "Slovenski Top Model" }, { "docid": "18869324", "text": "What a Piece of Work What a Piece of Work is a 1999 verse novel by Australian poet Dorothy Porter which was shortlisted for the 2000 Miles Franklin Award. In an address to the Tasmanian Writers' and Readers' festival in August 1999, Porter stated: \"This is a verse novel in the voice of a male psychiatrist, Doctor Peter Cyren, working in Sydney's Callan Park Mental Hospital in the late 60s, who goes from pretty bad to heinous worse. My model here was Shakespeare with his black-hearted but full blooded creations such as Macbeth and Iago. The challenge is to make", "title": "What a Piece of Work" }, { "docid": "18869325", "text": "bad men good company. And Shakespeare takes that hurdle with magnificent ease.\" What a Piece of Work What a Piece of Work is a 1999 verse novel by Australian poet Dorothy Porter which was shortlisted for the 2000 Miles Franklin Award. In an address to the Tasmanian Writers' and Readers' festival in August 1999, Porter stated: \"This is a verse novel in the voice of a male psychiatrist, Doctor Peter Cyren, working in Sydney's Callan Park Mental Hospital in the late 60s, who goes from pretty bad to heinous worse. My model here was Shakespeare with his black-hearted but full", "title": "What a Piece of Work" }, { "docid": "15754409", "text": "Anna Úrsúla Guðmundsdóttir Anna Úrsúla Guðmundsdóttir (born 1 May 1985 in Reykjavík) is an Icelandic handballer who plays for Valur as a line player. In July 2011, Anna moved to Hungarian club Érdi VSE, but was later released from her contract by mutual agreement without playing a game. Anna won the Icelandic championship with Grótta in 2015 and 2016. She served as a player/assistant coach for Grótta during the 2016-2017 season. After sitting for the first half of the 2017-2018 season due to the birth of her second child, Anna signed with Valur in January 2018. Anna played two games", "title": "Anna Úrsúla Guðmundsdóttir" }, { "docid": "15460333", "text": "Top Model po-russki Top Model po-russki (Топ-модель по-русски; ) is a Russian reality television show and the second Russian adaptation of Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\", after \"You are a Supermodel\", which aired from 2004 to 2007. The show sees a number of aspiring models compete against each other in a variety of challenges to win the title of the next \"Top Model\" of Russia, along with a lucrative modelling contract and other prizes in the hope of a successful career in the modeling industry. On November 30, 2012, it was announced that \"Top model po-russki\" had been cancelled", "title": "Top Model po-russki" }, { "docid": "16500367", "text": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 3) Top Model. Zostań modelką, Cycle 3 (Polish for \"Top Model. Become a Model\") is the third Cycle of an ongoing reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\" that pits contestants from Poland against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win the title of the next \"Polish Top Model\" and a lucrative modeling contract with NEXT Model Management as well as an appearance on the cover of the Polish issue of \"Glamour\" and a nationwide \"Max Factor\" campaign in hopes of a successful future in the modeling", "title": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 3)" }, { "docid": "15952417", "text": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 2) Top Model. Zostań modelką, Cycle 2 (Polish for \"Top Model. Become a Model\") is the second Cycle of an ongoing reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\" that pits contestants from Poland against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win the title of the next \"Polish Top Model\" and a lucrative modeling contract with NEXT Model Management as well as an appearance on the cover of the Polish issue of \"Glamour\" and a nationwide \"Max Factor\" campaign in hopes of a successful future in the modeling", "title": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 2)" }, { "docid": "15064297", "text": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 1) Top Model. Zostań modelką, Cycle 1 (Polish for \"Top Model. Become a Model\") was the first cycle of an ongoing reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\" that places contestants from Poland against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win the title of the next \"Polish Top Model\" and a lucrative modeling contract with NEXT Model Management as well as an appearance on the cover of the Polish issue of \"Glamour\" and a nationwide \"Max Factor\" campaign in hopes of a successful future in the modeling", "title": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 1)" }, { "docid": "16500400", "text": "the third winner of the competition. Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 3) Top Model. Zostań modelką, Cycle 3 (Polish for \"Top Model. Become a Model\") is the third Cycle of an ongoing reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\" that pits contestants from Poland against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win the title of the next \"Polish Top Model\" and a lucrative modeling contract with NEXT Model Management as well as an appearance on the cover of the Polish issue of \"Glamour\" and a nationwide \"Max Factor\" campaign in hopes of", "title": "Top Model. Zostań modelką (season 3)" }, { "docid": "18252771", "text": "Top Model (Poland season 4) Top Model, Cycle 4 is the fourth cycle of an ongoing reality documentary based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\" that pits contestants from Poland against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win the title of the next \"Polish Top Model\". Among the prizes are a lucrative modeling contract with NEXT Model Management as well as an appearance on the cover of the Polish issue of \"Glamour\" and 100,000 złotys (US$30,000). The campaign with Max Factor featured in previous cycles has been dropped. The competition was hosted by Polish-born", "title": "Top Model (Poland season 4)" }, { "docid": "13114558", "text": "in punitive damages. As of 2012, no resolution had been made public. Anna Jagodzińska Anna Maria Jagodzińska (born September 12, 1987) is a Polish model. She has appeared on the covers of American, Italian, Australian, Chinese, Portuguese, and German \"Vogue\", \"L'Officiel\", \"Revue de Modes\", and Japanese \"Numéro\". As of December 2011, she was ranked #9 among models at the website models.com. Jagodzińska was born September 12, 1987 in Sierpc, Poland. She signed with NEXT Model Management in 2003, and made her runway debut at Pringle of Scotland's Fall 2003 show. Later that year, she moved to New York City. During", "title": "Anna Jagodzińska" }, { "docid": "13114553", "text": "Anna Jagodzińska Anna Maria Jagodzińska (born September 12, 1987) is a Polish model. She has appeared on the covers of American, Italian, Australian, Chinese, Portuguese, and German \"Vogue\", \"L'Officiel\", \"Revue de Modes\", and Japanese \"Numéro\". As of December 2011, she was ranked #9 among models at the website models.com. Jagodzińska was born September 12, 1987 in Sierpc, Poland. She signed with NEXT Model Management in 2003, and made her runway debut at Pringle of Scotland's Fall 2003 show. Later that year, she moved to New York City. During Spring 2004 fashion weeks (September 2003), she modeled for DKNY and Marc", "title": "Anna Jagodzińska" }, { "docid": "18119906", "text": "Public School and completing the rest of his classes at Palm Beach Virtual School to allow more afternoon time for training. Kournikova won his first U. S. Kids World championship in August 2011 by capturing the 6-and-under division. That month, Universal Studios followed him and Alexa Pano for six days to shoot footage for a prospective documentary film. By 2012, his repeat world championships were mentioned in \"The Wall Street Journal\". This defense of his title at the 2012 U. S. Kids Golf World Championship was chronicled in the 2013 documentary film \"The Short Game\". In June and August 2013,", "title": "Allan Kournikova" }, { "docid": "5794233", "text": "the decision to remain with the label that made her famous, or sign a deal with a company that was willing to pay her what she felt she was worth, she ultimately signed with RCA. That $20 million deal was the biggest recording contract at the time. She had signed with RCA for North America only, she signed a separate longterm contract with Capitol/EMI for international territories. That contractual amount was never officially released. However, it is believed to be as much as $20 more million and she has remained currently signed with them for over 30 years and has", "title": "Recording contract" }, { "docid": "15120111", "text": "Slovenski Top Model (season 1) Slovenski Top Model, Season 1 was the first season of a reality documentary based on Tyra Banks \"America's Next Top Model\" that pits contestants from Slovenia against each other in a variety of competitions to determine who will win title of the next \"Slovene Top Model\" and a lucrative modelling contract with Alen Kobilica Models agency, a spread in the Slovenian issue of \"Elle\", car Seat Ibiza, the winner will also become face of Maybeline New York for Slovenia, she will receive mobile package Orto Muziq for 2 years and hopes of a successful future", "title": "Slovenski Top Model (season 1)" }, { "docid": "18233280", "text": "Top Model po-ukrainsky Top Model po-ukrainsky formerly known as Supermodel po-ukrainsky (\"Супермодель по-українськи\"; ) is a Ukrainian reality television series which takes its format from the Spanish reality show \"Supermodelo\". The show places a group of young contestants from Ukraine against each other in a variety of challenges to determine who will win title of the new 'Ukrainian supermodel' along with a lucrative modelling contract, and other prizes in the hope of a successful future in the modeling industry. Beginning with season 4, the franchise adopted the \"Top Model\" format. The competition is hosted by supermodel Alla Kostromichova. The panel", "title": "Top Model po-ukrainsky" }, { "docid": "9220922", "text": "modelling contest co-sponsored by his agency, Martin Enterprises—Studio 17. Before the event had started, Martin Robinson saw her walking through the foyer and stated, \"One day she will be a supermodel\". Having contacted Elite Model Management, one of the world's best-known agencies, she subsequently won their \"Look of the Year\" in July 1995 at the age of 16. The win was followed by a lucrative modeling contract with Elite, resulting in the young model, now known as Emma B, embarking on a high-profile path in the industry. As a fashion model, Emma B was in high demand and travelled the", "title": "Emma B (model)" }, { "docid": "7693451", "text": "for yourself and care for others, just look what you can become, \"Pani Ania\", a worthier role model than most, because an honest one. Our caring and protective mother!\" Exhumation in 2012 revealed that a different person – Teresa Walewska-Przyjałkowska – was buried in Anna Walentynowicz's grave. Upon the discovery, the bodies were reburied in the correct graves. In 2015 trial began over attempted poisoning of Anna Walentynowicz in 1981. In December 2015 the main room (\"The Column Room\") in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland was named after Anna Walentynowicz. Anna Walentynowicz Anna Walentynowicz (; 15 August", "title": "Anna Walentynowicz" }, { "docid": "15226306", "text": "Next Top Model (Romanian TV series) Next Top Model is a Romanian reality television show based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\". It pits aspiring models against each other in a variety of tests in order to determine who will win title of Romania's \"Next Top Model\" along with a lucrative 4 year-long modelling contract with MRA Models worth 50,000 Euros. The first three season of the competition were hosted by Romanian fashion designer Cătălin Botezatu, making him the fifth male host of the \"Top Model\" franchise after Fyodor Bondarchuk, Alexander Tsekalo (both Russia), Jay Manuel (Canada) and Nathan", "title": "Next Top Model (Romanian TV series)" }, { "docid": "11365629", "text": "Anna Geislerová Anna Geislerová, also known as Aňa Geislerová (born 17 April 1976), is a Czech actress. She became well known for her double role of Eliška/Hana in movie \"Želary\" (2003) and as Anna in \"Návrat idiota\" (1999). A former model, Geislerová made her feature film debut at age 12. Born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Geislerová's rise to national fame began at the early age of 14 when she debuted in Filip Renč's \"Requiem pro panenku\" in 1991. Since then, the country has followed her career closely, watching her metamorphose into the Czech Republic's most recognised celebrity on the small and", "title": "Anna Geislerová" }, { "docid": "9220923", "text": "world, appearing in catwalk shows and ad campaigns for top designers, including Chanel, Prada, Valentino, Guess?, Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier, Westwood, Hamnett and Bella Freud. Her image has been on the covers of \"Vogue\", \"Elle\", \"Harper's Bazaar\", \"Marie Claire\" and numerous others, while a lucrative lingerie contract with Debenhams featured her as their \"lingerie face\" for two years. This led to intense media interest and she soon became a favourite celebrity face and glamour model in the British tabloids and gossip pages. As a result of her celebrity status, she became a \"name\" model, appearing regularly in such publications as", "title": "Emma B (model)" }, { "docid": "11365631", "text": "her husband Zdeněk Janáček have a daughter Stella, and a son Bruno. Geislerová is part of the Shooting Stars jury 2010, which selected 10 European up-and-coming actors from the group of nominees for receiving the Shooting Star Award 2010 in February at the Berlin International Film Festival. Anna Geislerová Anna Geislerová, also known as Aňa Geislerová (born 17 April 1976), is a Czech actress. She became well known for her double role of Eliška/Hana in movie \"Želary\" (2003) and as Anna in \"Návrat idiota\" (1999). A former model, Geislerová made her feature film debut at age 12. Born in Prague,", "title": "Anna Geislerová" }, { "docid": "5229500", "text": "However, Björkman and Rafter took out the fifth set 6–4 to claim Björkman's second and Rafter's only Grand Slam doubles title. Championship match result With none of the teams present having won a Grand Slam doubles title together, the competition was wide open. Lindsay Davenport and Natasha Zvereva were the first seeds, having lost in the finals of all the Grand Slams last year. Lisa Raymond and Rennae Stubbs followed them as the second seed, while last year's doubles star and defending champion Martina Hingis and her new doubles partner Anna Kournikova were the third seed. Veterans Larisa Neiland and", "title": "1999 Australian Open" }, { "docid": "15226311", "text": "won the competition. Season 3 began airing on September 20, 2012, and was eventually won by Ramona Popescu. Next Top Model (Romanian TV series) Next Top Model is a Romanian reality television show based on Tyra Banks' \"America's Next Top Model\". It pits aspiring models against each other in a variety of tests in order to determine who will win title of Romania's \"Next Top Model\" along with a lucrative 4 year-long modelling contract with MRA Models worth 50,000 Euros. The first three season of the competition were hosted by Romanian fashion designer Cătălin Botezatu, making him the fifth male", "title": "Next Top Model (Romanian TV series)" }, { "docid": "5865125", "text": "clicking noise made when a key is pressed, the production wanted to take it out of the mix and constantly told P-Model to rent an expensive keyboard, which they refused adamantly. P-Model would alter the equalization settings Furukawa used to remove the clicking noise every time he looked away from the mixing console until he stopped noticing it. Hirasawa re-recorded the album (with the exception of \"Sophisticated\") in 1999 as \"Virtual Live-1 [P-Model Live at Roppongi S-Ken Studio 1979]\". In 2007 \"Rolling Stone Japan\" ranked it at number 52 in its list of the 100 Greatest Japanese Rock Albums of", "title": "In a Model Room" }, { "docid": "18686931", "text": "Tour alongside Upon This Dawning and The Browning. In March and April 2015 the band is part of a concert tour with Courage My Love and Hawthorne Heights. On December 3, 2014, it was announced that the re-issue of \"What It Means to Be Defeated\" had sold only 410 copies after its re-release on November 24, 2014. What It Means to Be Defeated What It Means to Be Defeated is the debut album by American post-hardcore band Dayseeker which was released on October 29, 2013. On July 8, 2013, it was announced that Dayseeker signed a recording contract with inVogue", "title": "What It Means to Be Defeated" }, { "docid": "15295065", "text": "Next Top Model (Romania season 1) Next Top Model, Cycle 1 was the first cycle of Next Top Model. It premiered on February 3, 2011. The competition is hosted by Romanian fashion designer Cătălin Botezatu making him the fifth male host of the \"Next Top Model\" franchise after Fyodor Bondarchuk and Alexander Tsekalo (both Russia), Jay Manuel (Canada) and Nathan Lee (Vietnam, then rescued and replaced by Hà Anh). The panel is completed by photographer Gabriel Hennessey, make-up artist Mirela Vascan, hair stylist Laurent Tourette and model agent Liviu Ionescu. The winner, Emma, received a lucrative 4-year-long modelling contract with", "title": "Next Top Model (Romania season 1)" } ]
Which member of the Monkees came from Washington DC?
[ "Peter Thorkelson", "Peter Tork" ]
[ { "docid": "424399", "text": "the time of the Monkees visit and as such, the party inspired the line in the Monkees' tune \"Randy Scouse Git\", written by Dolenz, which read, \"the four kings of EMI are sitting stately on the floor.\" George Harrison praised their self-produced musical attempts, saying, \"It's obvious what's happening, there's talent there. They're doing a TV show, it's a difficult chore and I wouldn't be in their shoes for the world. When they get it all sorted out, they might turn out to be the best.\" (Monkees member Peter Tork was later one of the musicians on Harrison's album \"Wonderwall", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424345", "text": "Members of the Monkees, Nesmith in particular, cite the soundtrack album as one of the crowning achievements of the band. Tensions within the group were increasing. Peter Tork, citing exhaustion, quit by buying out the last four years of his Monkees contract at $150,000 per year, equal to about $ per year today. This was shortly after the band's Far East tour in December 1968, after completing work on their 1969 NBC television special, \"33⅓ Revolutions Per Monkee\", which rehashed many of the ideas from \"Head\", only with the Monkees playing a strangely second-string role. In the DVD commentary for", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424279", "text": "The Monkees The Monkees are an American rock and pop band originally active between 1966 and 1971, with reunion albums and tours in the decades that followed. They were formed in Los Angeles in 1965 by Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider for the American television series \"The Monkees\" which aired from 1966 to 1968. The musical acting quartet was composed of Americans Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, and Peter Tork; and English actor and singer Davy Jones. The band's music was initially supervised by producer Don Kirshner, backed by the songwriting duo of Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart. The four actor-musicians", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654507", "text": "output, since this album and their debut, \"The Monkees\", featured them limited to just vocals with scattered instrumental contributions. Kirshner had a strict rule that the Monkees were to provide only vocals on his productions, though separate sessions produced by Michael Nesmith himself usually featured Peter Tork on guitar. \"More of the Monkees\" has Nesmith limited to one song as lead vocalist. Within weeks of the release of \"More of the Monkees\", Nesmith lobbied successfully with the group's creators, Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider, for the Monkees to be allowed to play their instruments on future records, effectively giving the", "title": "More of the Monkees" }, { "docid": "5669948", "text": "The Monkees Present The Monkees Present (also known as The Monkees Present Micky, David, Michael or simply Present) is The Monkees' eighth album. By the time recording had begun in earnest for this album, the Monkees had passed their popularity peak, and as Screen Gems cared less and less about the Monkees' activities, the members were given more control over the creation of this, the second album released after the departure of Peter Tork, and the last to feature Michael Nesmith until 1996's \"Justus\". Unlike \"Instant Replay\", all but two of the songs were recorded in 1968 or 1969, and", "title": "The Monkees Present" }, { "docid": "424366", "text": "position in \"Billboard\" Magazine. The success, however, was not without controversy. Jones had declined to sing on the track, recorded along with two other new songs included in a compilation album, \"Then & Now... The Best of The Monkees\". Some copies of the single and album credit the new songs to \"the Monkees\", others as \"Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork (of the Monkees)\". Reportedly, these recordings were the source of some personal friction between Jones and the others during the 1986 tour; Jones would typically leave the stage when the new songs were performed. The 1980s reunion tours were the", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "8069963", "text": "made available in the iTunes Store. Then & Now... The Best of The Monkees Then & Now... the Best of The Monkees is a compilation album of songs by the 1960s American pop group The Monkees, released by Arista Records in 1986. With the 1986 revival of \"Monkeemania,\" Arista Records issued a new Monkees \"best of\" collection, including three new recordings featuring vocals by Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork: \"That Was Then, This Is Now,\" \"Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere\" and a remake of the Paul Revere and the Raiders hit, \"Kicks.\" Neither Michael Nesmith nor Davy Jones participated in the new", "title": "Then & Now... The Best of The Monkees" }, { "docid": "8069959", "text": "Then & Now... The Best of The Monkees Then & Now... the Best of The Monkees is a compilation album of songs by the 1960s American pop group The Monkees, released by Arista Records in 1986. With the 1986 revival of \"Monkeemania,\" Arista Records issued a new Monkees \"best of\" collection, including three new recordings featuring vocals by Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork: \"That Was Then, This Is Now,\" \"Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere\" and a remake of the Paul Revere and the Raiders hit, \"Kicks.\" Neither Michael Nesmith nor Davy Jones participated in the new recordings. Nesmith also did not join", "title": "Then & Now... The Best of The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654832", "text": "scheduled around the work done by Boyce, Hart, and Keller. Famously, the Monkees were not permitted by their management to function as a working band for this album, with the group's contributions limited almost entirely to vocal tracks. Eight of the original LP's twelve tracks feature one lone Monkee singing lead vocal over instrumentation and backing vocals recorded entirely by a group of session musicians which varies from song to song. Other tracks feature multiple Monkees singing over session players; only on the two tracks produced by Michael Nesmith does a Monkee (Peter Tork) get to play an instrument (guitar).", "title": "The Monkees (album)" } ]
[ { "docid": "11800209", "text": "Ricky Bobby\" on a trampoline. Week 6: VMA Challenge: In this episode of America's Best Dance Crew, the final 4 crews danced to an iconic VMA performance. Massive Monkees were in the bottom 2.Their assigned VMA performance was \"Tearin' Up My Heart\" by *NSYNC, which impressed former N Sync member and judge, JC Chasez. Week 7: Decades Of Dance and Last Chance Challenge: Massive Monkees were eliminated by We Are Heroes. Massive Monkees Massive Monkees is a 28 member b-boy crew from Seattle, Washington that won the 2004 World B-Boy Championships in London and appeared on season four of MTV's", "title": "Massive Monkees" }, { "docid": "6991360", "text": "theme song - sung by Boyce and Hart - was recorded for an early production of the pilot episode (16mm black and white). This can be found on the Special Features section of the Monkees Season 1 Box DVD set. A notable line is \"We're the young generation, and we've got somethin' to say,\" reflecting the youth counterculture of the time. (Theme From) The Monkees \"(Theme from) \"The Monkees\"\" is a 1966 popular song, written by Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart as the theme song for the TV series \"The Monkees\". Two versions were recorded - one for their first", "title": "(Theme From) The Monkees" }, { "docid": "6991358", "text": "(Theme From) The Monkees \"(Theme from) \"The Monkees\"\" is a 1966 popular song, written by Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart as the theme song for the TV series \"The Monkees\". Two versions were recorded - one for their first album \"The Monkees\" and a second shorter version designed to open the television show. Both versions feature vocals by Micky Dolenz. The full length version was released as a single in several countries including Australia, where it became a hit, reaching #8. It also made \"Billboard Magazine\"<nowiki>'</nowiki>s \"Hits of the World\" chart in both Mexico and Japan, reaching the Top 20", "title": "(Theme From) The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654833", "text": "(Nesmith wrote or co-wrote these two tracks.) No tracks on the original LP feature participation from all four Monkees. The photos in the \"film strip\" on the left side of the back cover are from two episodes of \"The Monkees\" TV series. The first three photos are from \"Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers\"; the other two are from the episode \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cool\". Also included are brief stats on each band member (height, weight, age). Early pressings of the LP cover as well as side 1 of the label featured the misspelled song \"Papa Jean's Blues\"", "title": "The Monkees (album)" }, { "docid": "5669840", "text": "issue dated May 17, 2003, at number 51. It spent six weeks on the chart. Following the death of member Davy Jones on February 29, 2012, it re-entered at No. 20 with 17,000 copies sold (up 7,808 percent according to Nielsen SoundScan) for the week ending March 4, 2012. The album has since been certified Gold for selling 500,000 copies. The Best of The Monkees The Best of the Monkees is a Monkees compilation released by Rhino Entertainment. It contains 25 songs from The Monkees' repertoire, listed in chronological order by release date. Also included is a Bonus karaoke CD", "title": "The Best of The Monkees" }, { "docid": "11800201", "text": "Massive Monkees Massive Monkees is a 28 member b-boy crew from Seattle, Washington that won the 2004 World B-Boy Championships in London and appeared on season four of MTV's \"America's Best Dance Crew\". In 2012 they won the international b-boy competition R-16 Korea and thus became the first American crew to win in the history of the competition. Founded in the mid-'90s, the Massive Monkees have 25 active members including former Binary Star rapper One Be Lo, who performs as the MC at their shows. The crew was created through the merger of the Massive Crew and the Universal Style", "title": "Massive Monkees" }, { "docid": "6991359", "text": "in Japan and the Top 10 in Mexico (#2 Jun.17, 1967). It is still played on many oldies radio stations. An Italian version of the song was featured on a Monkees compilation album. Ray Stevens did a version of the Monkees Theme song on his 1985 album \"He Thinks He's Ray Stevens\" featuring a male German group of singers, Wolfgang and Fritzy, that are arguing during the refrain of the song. (\"Hey Hey Bist Du Monkees\".) It is based loosely on the Dave Clark Five song (including finger snap intro) \"Catch Us If You Can\". A slower version of the", "title": "(Theme From) The Monkees" }, { "docid": "17648450", "text": "all of its operating companies. C&P Telephone Co. was renamed Bell Atlantic Washington, DC, Inc. After Bell Atlantic's merger with GTE in 2000, the system was renamed Verizon, and so were its Bell Operating Companies. Bell Atlantic Washington, DC, Inc., was renamed Verizon Washington, DC, Inc. Verizon Washington, DC The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company was founded in June 1883. C&P Telephone Co. provided telephone service to Washington, D.C. In July 1969, President Richard Nixon's telephone call to astronauts on the moon originated from C&P Telephone Co. equipment. After AT&T's 1969 corporate identity overhaul, which included the famous Saul Bass", "title": "Verizon Washington, DC" }, { "docid": "424413", "text": "group nor unusual in this respect. The Monkees also frequently contributed their own songwriting efforts on their albums and saw their musical skills improve. They ultimately became a self-directed group, playing their own instruments and writing many of their own songs. Noted Monkees and 1960s music historian Andrew Sandoval noted, in \"The Hollywood Reporter,\" that the Monkees \"pioneered the music video format [and band member Mike Nesmith dreamed up the prototype for what would become MTV] and paved the way for every boy band that followed in their wake, from New Kids on the Block to 'N Sync to Jonas", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "8645954", "text": "which was included on \"Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, & Jones, Ltd.\". Live 1967 (The Monkees album) Live 1967 is a live album by The Monkees, compiled from show dates in Seattle, Portland and Spokane on their 1967 United States tour. The songs mostly feature the Monkees themselves singing and playing, although the \"solo spots\" for each member feature music by opening act The Sundowners. In 2001, Rhino Handmade Records released all recordings from the Mobile, Spokane, Portland and Seattle shows on a limited edition Monkees CD release, \".\" During these dates, Davy Jones and Kim Capli of the Sundowners went by", "title": "Live 1967 (The Monkees album)" }, { "docid": "424369", "text": "the two of them in 1994. Rhino Records (which in August 1994 acquired the complete Monkees back audio and video catalog, as well as the rights to the Monkees name and official logo, under an agreement with Rafelson and Schneider) re-issued all the original LPs on CD, each of which included between three and six bonus tracks of previously unreleased or alternate takes; the first editions came with collectable trading cards. Dolenz, Jones and Tork appeared in a 1995 episode of \"Boy Meets World\", but not as themselves; Tork appeared in two episodes as Topanga Lawrence's father Jedediah. Their eleventh", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5669839", "text": "The Best of The Monkees The Best of the Monkees is a Monkees compilation released by Rhino Entertainment. It contains 25 songs from The Monkees' repertoire, listed in chronological order by release date. Also included is a Bonus karaoke CD with five tracks. Unlike previous Rhino compilations, this one does not include any material from the 1980s or 1990s reunions, focusing strictly on the band's 1960s output. \"The Best of the Monkees\" replaced \"The Monkees Greatest Hits\", released in 1995 in anticipation of the band’s 30th Anniversary celebration the following year. The album debuted on the \"Billboard\" 200 in the", "title": "The Best of The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424281", "text": "show came in 1986, which led to a series of reunion tours and new records. The group has reunited and toured several times since then with different line-ups and varying degrees of success. After Davy Jones died on February 29, 2012, the surviving members reunited for a tour in November–December 2012 and again in 2013 for a 24-date tour. The Monkees continued to tour through their 2016 50th Anniversary, with Dolenz and Tork forming the core of the band and Nesmith continuing to join them occasionally. Dolenz described \"The Monkees\" as initially being \"a TV show about an imaginary band…", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424289", "text": "would become \"The Monkees\". Not getting much interest from his usual stable of Brill Building writers, Kirshner assigned Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart to the project. The duo contributed four demo recordings for the pilot. One of these recordings was \"(Theme From) The Monkees\" which helped get the series the green light. When \"The Monkees\" was picked up as a series, development of the musical side of the project accelerated. Columbia-Screen Gems and RCA Victor entered into a joint venture called Colgems Records primarily to distribute Monkees records. Raybert set up a rehearsal space and rented instruments for the group", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424424", "text": "its inventor, Jeff Meckstroth, after the Monkees' song. There was also \"The Monkees\" comic published in the United States by Dell Comics, which ran for seventeen issues from 1967 to 1969. In the United Kingdom, a \"Daily Mirror\" \"Crazy Cartoon Book\" featured four comic stories as well as four photos of The Monkees, all in black and white; it was published in 1967. In 2000, VH-1 produced the television biopic \"Daydream Believers: The Monkees' Story\". In 2002, the movie was released on DVD, and featured both commentaries and interviews with Dolenz, Jones and Tork. The aired version did differ from", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "17675702", "text": "Harvard Club of Washington DC The Harvard Club of Washington DC is a private social club operating in Washington, DC. Its membership is essentially restricted to alumni and associates of Harvard University. The Harvard Club of Washington, DC is the third most popular social club in its class in Georgetown. It does not own a physical clubhouse Membership is restricted to recipients of degrees from Harvard University, current students who have participated in an academic program at Harvard University of at least six-week duration, parents of such current students, spouses of deceased members, and those who have completed at least", "title": "Harvard Club of Washington DC" }, { "docid": "5654504", "text": "More of the Monkees More of the Monkees is the second full-length album by the Monkees. It was recorded in late 1966 and released on Colgems label #102 on January 9, 1967. It displaced the band's debut album from the top of the \"Billboard\" 200 chart and remained at No.1 for 18 weeks—the longest of any Monkees album. Combined, the first two Monkees albums were at the top of the \"Billboard\" chart for 31 consecutive weeks. \"More of the Monkees\" also went to No.1 in the UK. In the U.S. it has been certified quintuple platinum by the RIAA with", "title": "More of the Monkees" }, { "docid": "11874508", "text": "outreach programs for students. Worldquest is an academic competition with programs geared toward high school students and young professionals in which teams answer questions pertaining to foreign affairs, geography, foreign culture, international organizations, and recent history. Notable speakers at WACDC events have included: World Affairs Council of Washington, DC The World Affairs Council of Washington, DC, founded in 1980, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization in Washington, DC. The group's efforts are aimed at informing and educating the public about contemporary international affairs. Its corporate sponsors include Aramco Service Company, AIG, Raytheon, and ExxonMobil, and it relies primarily on dues from", "title": "World Affairs Council of Washington, DC" }, { "docid": "424420", "text": "and yet impressively weird. Both the style and substance of the Monkees were imitated by American boy band Big Time Rush (BTR), who performed in their own television series which -- by admission of series creator Scott Fellows -- was heavily influenced by the Monkees. Similarly to the Monkees, Big Time Rush featured a \"made-for-tv\" boy band often caught in a series of misadventures, hijinks, and somewhat slapstick comedy. The show, now in reruns but still hugely popular on Teen Nick, is highly stylized and patterned after the Monkees, even capped with similar cartoonish sound effects. Like the Monkees, BTR", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424370", "text": "album \"Justus\" was released in 1996. It was the first since 1968 on which all four original members performed and produced. \"Justus\" was produced by the Monkees, all songs were written by one of the four Monkees, and it was recorded using only the four Monkees for all instruments and vocals, which was the inspiration for the album title and spelling (\"Justus\" = Just Us). The trio of Dolenz, Jones, and Tork reunited again for a successful 30th anniversary tour of American amphitheaters in 1996, while Nesmith joined them onstage in Los Angeles to promote the new songs from \"Justus\".", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424357", "text": "single \"Oh My My\", which was accompanied by a music film promo (produced/directed by Dolenz). Dolenz contributed one of his own compositions, \"Midnight Train\", which was used in the re-runs of the Monkees TV series. The \"Oh My My\" b/w \"I Love You Better\" single from the \"Changes\" album would be the last single issued under the Monkees name in the United States, until 1986. Originally released in June 1970, \"Changes\" would first chart in Billboard's Top 200 during the Monkees' 1986 reunion, staying on the charts for 4 weeks. September 22, 1970 marked the final recording session by the", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "8645953", "text": "Live 1967 (The Monkees album) Live 1967 is a live album by The Monkees, compiled from show dates in Seattle, Portland and Spokane on their 1967 United States tour. The songs mostly feature the Monkees themselves singing and playing, although the \"solo spots\" for each member feature music by opening act The Sundowners. In 2001, Rhino Handmade Records released all recordings from the Mobile, Spokane, Portland and Seattle shows on a limited edition Monkees CD release, \".\" During these dates, Davy Jones and Kim Capli of the Sundowners went by themselves to a local recording studio, making \"Hard to Believe\",", "title": "Live 1967 (The Monkees album)" }, { "docid": "20349484", "text": "at her moorings, due to a hidden leak. Fireboats of Washington DC Washington DC has maintained a fleet of fireboats since 1905. Its largest fireboat is the \"John Glenn\". The city's first two fireboats were both named \"\"Firefighter\"\". The first \"Firefighter\" served from 1905, until 1948. The second \"Firefighter\" served from 1948, until 1978. In 1978 Washington acquired the John Glenn, formerly operated by the Fire Department of New York. The Fire Department does not name its smaller fireboats, they are, instead, numbered. \"Fireboat 3\" its most recent fireboat, is long. The city expects a new \"Fireboat 2\" in late", "title": "Fireboats of Washington DC" }, { "docid": "20349483", "text": "Fireboats of Washington DC Washington DC has maintained a fleet of fireboats since 1905. Its largest fireboat is the \"John Glenn\". The city's first two fireboats were both named \"\"Firefighter\"\". The first \"Firefighter\" served from 1905, until 1948. The second \"Firefighter\" served from 1948, until 1978. In 1978 Washington acquired the John Glenn, formerly operated by the Fire Department of New York. The Fire Department does not name its smaller fireboats, they are, instead, numbered. \"Fireboat 3\" its most recent fireboat, is long. The city expects a new \"Fireboat 2\" in late September 2017. In September, 2017, \"Fireboat 3\" sank", "title": "Fireboats of Washington DC" }, { "docid": "6548458", "text": "this and all previous Monkees hits compilations were deleted. More Greatest Hits of The Monkees More Greatest Hits of the Monkees is a 1982 greatest hits compilation album of songs by the Monkees, assembled and released by Arista Records. Rather than featuring strictly hit singles, the collection instead featured music from their television series, which was still airing in syndication around the US. This album marks the compilation debut of chart hits \"Words\" and \"The Girl I Knew Somewhere,\" which had been overlooked on the previous greatest hits albums. (\"Somewhere\" had appeared on a compilation by the Laurie House publishers", "title": "More Greatest Hits of The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424312", "text": "the Monkees\", without the band's knowledge. Nesmith and Tork were particularly upset when they were on tour in January 1967 and discovered this second album. The Monkees were annoyed at not having even been told of the release in advance, at having their opinions on the track selection ignored, at Kirshner's self-congratulatory liner notes and also because of the amateurish-looking cover art, which was merely a composite of pictures of the four taken for a J.C. Penney clothing advertisement. Indeed, the Monkees had not even been given a copy of the album; they had to buy it from a record", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "17675703", "text": "one academic year at Harvard University as a professor, instructor, or officer. Current students, recent graduates, and senior graduates enjoy free or discounted memberships. Members of the Club are given reciprocal benefits at 130 Harvard Clubs in the United States and around the world. Harvard Club of Washington DC The Harvard Club of Washington DC is a private social club operating in Washington, DC. Its membership is essentially restricted to alumni and associates of Harvard University. The Harvard Club of Washington, DC is the third most popular social club in its class in Georgetown. It does not own a physical", "title": "Harvard Club of Washington DC" }, { "docid": "424317", "text": "\"Sugar, Sugar\" in 1967, but declined to record it. Producer and songwriter Jeff Barry, joint writer and composer of \"Sugar, Sugar\" with Andy Kim, has denied this, saying that the song had not even been written at the time. The Monkees wanted to pick the songs they sang and play on the songs they recorded, and \"be\" the Monkees. With Kirshner dismissed as musical supervisor, in late February 1967 Nesmith hired former Turtles bassist Douglas Farthing Hatlelid, who was better known by his stage name Chip Douglas, to produce the next Monkees album, which was to be the first Monkees", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424367", "text": "most lucrative venture the three had ever seen in their days as the Monkees, far surpassing the money they had made in the 1960s. Nesmith had little financial need to join in Monkees-related projects, mostly as his mother Bette Nesmith Graham was the inventor of Liquid Paper, leaving Nesmith an inheritance of over $25 million upon her death in 1980. A new album by the touring trio, \"Pool It!\" (the Monkees' tenth), appeared the following year and was a moderate success. From 1986 to 1989, the Monkees would conduct major concert tours in the United States, Australia, Japan, and Europe.", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "12184513", "text": "for meetings. Renaissance Washington DC Hotel Renaissance Washington DC Hotel is a high-rise building located in Washington, D.C., United States. Its construction was completed in 1986. The architect of the building was Smith-Williams Group, who proposed the architectural style of the building, which is postmodern. The building rises to containing 15 stories and 807 units. The building is part of the TechWorld Plaza complex. The hotel began a major renovation of its ballroom and meeting room level in 2013. In March 2017, Cvent, an event management company, ranked the Renaissance Washington DC 89th in its annual list of the top", "title": "Renaissance Washington DC Hotel" }, { "docid": "12184512", "text": "Renaissance Washington DC Hotel Renaissance Washington DC Hotel is a high-rise building located in Washington, D.C., United States. Its construction was completed in 1986. The architect of the building was Smith-Williams Group, who proposed the architectural style of the building, which is postmodern. The building rises to containing 15 stories and 807 units. The building is part of the TechWorld Plaza complex. The hotel began a major renovation of its ballroom and meeting room level in 2013. In March 2017, Cvent, an event management company, ranked the Renaissance Washington DC 89th in its annual list of the top U.S. hotels", "title": "Renaissance Washington DC Hotel" }, { "docid": "6548456", "text": "More Greatest Hits of The Monkees More Greatest Hits of the Monkees is a 1982 greatest hits compilation album of songs by the Monkees, assembled and released by Arista Records. Rather than featuring strictly hit singles, the collection instead featured music from their television series, which was still airing in syndication around the US. This album marks the compilation debut of chart hits \"Words\" and \"The Girl I Knew Somewhere,\" which had been overlooked on the previous greatest hits albums. (\"Somewhere\" had appeared on a compilation by the Laurie House publishers that was only available as mail order, and the", "title": "More Greatest Hits of The Monkees" }, { "docid": "19410982", "text": "Washington DC LDS Stake The Washington DC Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the regional center for Mormon congregations in the Washington, D.C. area and surrounding towns and cities. The Washington DC Stake became the first stake in the mid-Atlantic region on June 30, 1940, with President Ezra Taft Benson serving as the first stake president. Members of the stake at that time lived anywhere from Richmond, Virginia, to Fairview, Pennsylvania, as well as from Maryland's Chesapeake River to Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains. Since then, the original stake has branched off into 24 additional stakes", "title": "Washington DC LDS Stake" }, { "docid": "20675454", "text": "Theater Alliance of Washington, DC Theater Alliance is a non-profit professional theater in Washington, DC, professionally incorporated in 2000 with the goal of producing work that would illuminate the experiences, philosophies and interests of DC's diverse population. That goal was furthered in 2002, when Theater Alliance moved from its home at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop to become the sole theater-in-residence at the H Street Playhouse. Once the H Street Playhouse closed, Theater Alliance moved to Southeast DC, where it has been the theater-in-residence at the Anacostia Playhouse since 2013. Theater Alliance has been under the leadership of Producing Artistic", "title": "Theater Alliance of Washington, DC" }, { "docid": "424347", "text": "a future double album (eventually to be reduced to \"The Monkees Present\") on which each Monkee would separately produce one side of a disc. In February 1969, the Monkees' seventh album, \"Instant Replay,\" without Tork's involvement beyond playing guitar on \"I Won't Be the Same Without Her\", was released, which reached No. 32 on the charts. The single from the album was \"Tear Drop City\", which peaked at No. 56 on the U.S. Billboard chart and No. 34 on the Australian chart. According to Rhino Handmade's 2011 Deluxe Edition reissue of this album, Davy Jones told \"Melody Maker\", \"Half of", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654512", "text": "Mix) \"Mr. Webster\" (First Recorded Version) \"Valleri\" (First Recorded Version) \"Words\" (First Recorded Version) \"Look Out (Here Comes Tomorrow)\" (TV Mix) \"I'll Be Back Up on My Feet\" (First Recorded Version) \"Tear Drop City\" (Early Mix) \"Of You\" (Mono Mix) \"Hold on Girl\" (First Recorded Version) \"(I Prithee) Do Not Ask for Love (First Recorded Version)\" Works cited More of the Monkees More of the Monkees is the second full-length album by the Monkees. It was recorded in late 1966 and released on Colgems label #102 on January 9, 1967. It displaced the band's debut album from the top of", "title": "More of the Monkees" }, { "docid": "11874507", "text": "World Affairs Council of Washington, DC The World Affairs Council of Washington, DC, founded in 1980, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization in Washington, DC. The group's efforts are aimed at informing and educating the public about contemporary international affairs. Its corporate sponsors include Aramco Service Company, AIG, Raytheon, and ExxonMobil, and it relies primarily on dues from individual and corporate members. The World Affairs Council organizes a number of events in the D.C. area geared toward providing educational opportunities focused on international affairs. These events include public programs featuring journalists, public officials, and foreign policy experts, seminars for educators, and", "title": "World Affairs Council of Washington, DC" }, { "docid": "424352", "text": "Nesmith from the Monkees original incarnation would be their eighth album, \"The Monkees Present\", released in October 1969, which peaked at No. 100 on the Billboard charts. It would include the Nesmith composed country-rock singles \"Listen to the Band\" and \"Good Clean Fun\" (released in September 1969). Other notable songs include the Dolenz composition \"Little Girl\", which featured Louie Shelton on electric guitar, joining Micky on acoustic guitar, along with \"Mommy and Daddy\" (B-side to the \"Good Clean Fun single) in which he sang about America's treatment of the Native Americans and drug abuse, and in an earlier take, released", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654506", "text": "album's existence while on tour in Cleveland, Ohio, discovering it had already been released. They were dismayed by the cover image of them and offended by production overseer Don Kirshner's liner notes, which praised his team of songwriters before mentioning, almost as an afterthought, the names of the Monkees. The band, particularly Nesmith, was also furious about the songs—selected for the record from 34 that had been recorded—leading Nesmith to later tell \"Melody Maker\" magazine that \"More of the Monkees\" was \"probably the worst album in the history of the world\". The group began to grow concerned over their musical", "title": "More of the Monkees" }, { "docid": "7778943", "text": "use of all its advertising services to nonprofits, musicians, artists and organizations. In 2008, DCpages created the Washington DC Network to use all media types to promote clients’ messages. The Washington DC Network connects clients to as many as two million unique visitors a month. Matt Toledo become the principal programming administrator during this new phase of development. In 2010, DCpages began integration with outside social networks. Washington DC City Pages Washington DC City Pages, usually referred to as \"DCpages\", is an online community network founded in 1994. DCpages introduced the concept of online community publications in the Washington DC", "title": "Washington DC City Pages" }, { "docid": "5675261", "text": "& The Monkees\" reverted to the recording process of the first two albums (fewer group dynamics), except now each band member was fully in charge of the sessions. Chip Douglas, producer of The Monkees' previous two albums, fully expected to continue as the band's representative in the studio, but found the individual Monkees more interested in exploring their diverse musical backgrounds with their own friends and associates rather than relying on Douglas as the central figure. Douglas continues, \"I was ready to do that Boyce & Hart song ‘P.O. Box 9847’ – it sort of had that ‘Paperback Writer’ feel", "title": "The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424340", "text": "it was the antithesis of \"The Monkees\" television show, intended to comprehensively demolish the group's carefully groomed public image. Rafelson and Nicholson's \"Ditty Diego-War Chant\" (recited at the start of the film by the group), ruthlessly parodies Boyce and Hart's \"Monkees Theme\". A sparse advertising campaign (with no mention of the Monkees) hurt any chances of the film doing well, and it played briefly in half-filled movie theaters. In the DVD commentary, Nesmith said that everyone associated with the Monkees \"had gone crazy\" by this time. They were each using the platform of the Monkees to push their own disparate", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424292", "text": "According to Nesmith, it was Dolenz's voice that made the Monkees' sound distinctive, and even during tension-filled times Nesmith and Tork sometimes turned over lead vocal duties to Dolenz on their own compositions, such as Tork's \"For Pete's Sake\", which became the closing title theme for the second season of the television show. The Monkees' debut and second albums were meant to be a soundtrack to the first season of the TV show, to cash in on the audience. In the 2006 Rhino Deluxe Edition re-issue of their second album, \"More of the Monkees\", Mike Nesmith stated, \"The first album", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424298", "text": "strong lead voice and sings lead on several Monkees recordings, Dolenz's voice is regarded, particularly by Nesmith, as one of the most distinctive in popular music history and a hallmark of the Monkees' sound. This theoretical lineup was actually depicted once, in the music video for the band's song \"Words\", which shows Jones on drums, Tork playing lead guitar, Nesmith on bass and Dolenz fronting the group. In concert appearances Tork also took much of the guitar duties, even in appearances with Nesmith, and Dolenz often plays rhythm guitar on stage. Unlike most television shows of the time, \"The Monkees\"", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5669951", "text": "on the CBS and ABC reruns of \"The Monkees\" from 1969–1972. \"Tracks 1-12: Original album\" Previously unissued bonus tracks: \"Tracks 1-12: Original album in stereo\" Little Girl Good Clean Fun If I Knew Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye Never Tell a Woman Yes Looking for Good Times Ladies Aid Society Listen to the Band French Song Mommy and Daddy Oklahoma Backroom Dancer Pillow Time Calico Girlfriend Samba The Good Earth Listen to the Band [Early Mix] Mommy and Daddy [Early Mix] The Monkees Present - Radio Promo The Monkees Present The Monkees Present (also known as The Monkees Present Micky,", "title": "The Monkees Present" }, { "docid": "424377", "text": "2002, but Tork declined to participate. Jones and Dolenz toured the United States one more time as a duo in 2002, and then split to concentrate on their own individual projects. With different Monkees citing different reasons, the group chose not to mark their 40th anniversary in 2006. In October 2010, Jones stated that a reunion marking the band's 45th anniversary was a possibility. Noted Monkees biographer Andrew Sandoval commented in \"The Hollywood Reporter\" that he \"spent three years cajoling them to look beyond their recent differences (which included putting aside solo projects to fully commit to the Monkees).\" \"\"", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654830", "text": "The Monkees (album) The Monkees is the first album by the band The Monkees. It was released in October 1966 by Colgems Records in the United States and RCA Victor in the rest of the world. It was the first of four consecutive U.S. number one albums for the group, taking the top spot on the \"Billboard\" 200 for 13 weeks, after which it was displaced by the band's second album. It also topped the UK charts in 1967. \"The Monkees\" has been certified quintuple platinum by the RIAA, with sales of over five million copies. The song \"Last Train", "title": "The Monkees (album)" }, { "docid": "424397", "text": "in my world, and his experience dwarfed my entertainer's life as a hippie, basket-passing folk singer on the Greenwich Village coffee house circuit. If anything, I suppose I was selected for the cast of 'The Monkees' TV show partly as a rough-hewn counterpart to David's sophistication. [...] the Monkees—the group now, not the TV series—took a lot of flack for being 'manufactured,' by which our critics meant that we hadn't grown up together, paying our dues, sleeping five to a room, trying to make it as had the Beatles and Rolling Stones. Furthermore, critics said, the Monkees' first albums—remember albums?—were", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424333", "text": "one of the most articulate spokesmen for the new and literate breed of pop musicians who have spring from the loins of primitive rock. [The album] with its carriage trade of symphony, rock, country, western, and swing, and with jazz riding in the caboose, may well indicate where contemporary popular music will be situated in the early 1970s.\" Considered by some to be the Monkees' \"White Album\" period (for example, Sandoval mentions this in the liner notes of Rhino Handmade's 2010 Deluxe reissue of the album), each of the Monkees contributions reflected his own musical tastes, which resulted in an", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424330", "text": "the Monkees. Nesmith stated, \"One of the things that I really felt was honest was country-rock. I wanted to move the Monkees more into that because ... if we get closer to country music, we'll get closer to blues, and country blues, and so forth. ... It had a lot of un-country things in it: a familiar change from a I major to a VI minor—those kinds of things. So it was a little kind of a new wave country song. It didn't sound like the country songs of the time, which was Buck Owens.\" Their next single, \"Daydream Believer\"", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424303", "text": "the fronting role. The four Monkees performed all the instruments and vocals for most of the live set. The most notable exceptions were during each member's solo sections where, during the December 1966 – May 1967 tour, they were backed by the Candy Store Prophets. During the summer 1967 tour of the United States and the UK (from which the \"Live 1967\" recordings are taken), they were backed by a band called the Sundowners. The Monkees toured Australia and Japan in 1968. The results were far better than expected. Wherever they went, the group was greeted by scenes of fan", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424371", "text": "For the first time since the brief 1986 reunion, Nesmith returned to the concert stage for a tour of the United Kingdom in 1997, highlighted by two sold-out concerts at Wembley Arena in Wembley Park, London. This was a very fitting venue, as from 30 June to 2 July 1967 the Monkees had been the first group to headline on their own at the Empire Pool, as the Arena was then called. The full quartet also appeared in an ABC television special titled \"Hey, Hey, It's the Monkees\", which was written and directed by Nesmith and spoofed the original series", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "20020697", "text": "City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard The City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard is an 1833 oil painting by the American painter George Cooke. The painting shows a view of Washington DC from Anacostia, across the Anacostia River. To the right of centre are the United States Capitol atop Capitol Hill, and the Washington Navy Yard, with two dry docks, in front of which is anchored a three-masted sailing vessel. To the left are the Washington Arsenal and White House, depicted larger than life to balance the Capitol building. The city around and between the main", "title": "City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard" }, { "docid": "20020699", "text": "Clinton. To date, no subsequent president has brought the painting back to the Oval Office. City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard The City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard is an 1833 oil painting by the American painter George Cooke. The painting shows a view of Washington DC from Anacostia, across the Anacostia River. To the right of centre are the United States Capitol atop Capitol Hill, and the Washington Navy Yard, with two dry docks, in front of which is anchored a three-masted sailing vessel. To the left are the Washington Arsenal and White House, depicted", "title": "City of Washington from Beyond the Navy Yard" }, { "docid": "424404", "text": "1967, he attended the overdub and mixing session for the Beatles' \"Fixing a Hole\" at EMI's Abbey Road studio 2. During the 1970s, during Lennon's infamous \"lost weekend\", Lennon, Ringo Starr, Micky Dolenz, Harry Nilsson and Keith Moon often hung out together, and were collectively known in the press as \"The Hollywood Vampires\". Paul McCartney can be seen in the 2002 concert film \"Back in the U.S.\" singing \"Hey, Hey, We're The Monkees\", the theme from \"The Monkees\" television show, while backstage. The Monkees \"Cuddly Toy\" and \"Daddy's Song\" were written by songwriter Harry Nilsson. \"Cuddly Toy\" would be recorded", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424389", "text": "surviving Monkees, two songs feature vocals from Davy Jones. The cover art is provided by the comic book artists Mike and Laura Allred. Controversy hit early in 1967 concerning the Monkees' studio abilities. Dolenz told a reporter that the Wrecking Crew provided the backing tracks for the first two Monkees albums, and that his origin as a drummer was simply that a Monkee had to learn to play the drums, and he only knew the guitar. A January 28, 1967 \"Saturday Evening Post\" article quoted Nesmith railing against the music creation process. \"Do you know how debilitating it is to", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424359", "text": "\"Davy Jones\", featuring the single \"Rainy Jane\" / \"Welcome to My Love\". Both Jones and Dolenz released multiple singles as solo artists in the years following the original break-up of the Monkees. The duo continued to tour throughout most of the 1970s. Partly because of repeats of the television series \"The Monkees\" on Saturday mornings and in syndication, \"The Monkees Greatest Hits\" charted in 1976. The LP, issued by Arista Records, who by this time had possession of the Monkees' master tapes, courtesy of their corporate owner, Screen Gems, was actually a re-packaging of an earlier (1972) compilation LP called", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424358", "text": "Monkees in their original incarnation, when Jones and Dolenz recorded \"Do It in the Name of Love\" and \"Lady Jane\". Not mixed until February 19, 1971, and released later that year as a single (\"Do It in the Name Of Love\" b/w \"Lady Jane\"), the two remaining Monkees then lost the rights to use the name in several countries, the U.S. included. The single was not credited to the Monkees in the U.S., but to a misspelled \"Mickey Dolenz and Davy Jones\", although in Japan it was issued under the Monkees' name. Jones released a solo album in 1971, titled", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424335", "text": "by the hit singles \"Daydream Believer\" and \"Valleri\", along with Nesmith's self-penned top 40 hit \"Tapioca Tundra\", \"The Birds, The Bees & The Monkees\" reached No. 3 on the Billboard charts shortly after it was released in April 1968. It was the first album released after NBC announced they were not renewing \"The Monkees\" for a third season. The album cover—a quaint collage of items looking like a display in a jumble shop or toy store—was chosen over the Monkees' objections. It was the last Monkees' album to be released in separate, dedicated mono and stereo mixes. During the 1986", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424414", "text": "Brothers, while Davy set the stage for future teen idols David Cassidy and Justin Bieber. As pop stars go, you would be hard pressed to find a successful artist who didn't take a page from the Monkees' playbook, even generations later. Monkee money also enabled Rafelson and Schneider to finance \"Easy Rider\" and \"Five Easy Pieces\", which made Jack Nicholson a star. In fact, the Monkees series was the opening salvo in a revolution that brought on the New Hollywood cinema, an influence rarely acknowledged but no less impactful.\" The \"Chicago Tribune\" interviewed Davy Jones, who said, \"We touched a", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "20675455", "text": "Director Colin Hovde since 2011. It is now in its 15th season. Overall, the company has earned more than 80 Helen Hayes Award nominations and 13 Helen Hayes Awards, including: Theater Alliance of Washington, DC Theater Alliance is a non-profit professional theater in Washington, DC, professionally incorporated in 2000 with the goal of producing work that would illuminate the experiences, philosophies and interests of DC's diverse population. That goal was furthered in 2002, when Theater Alliance moved from its home at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop to become the sole theater-in-residence at the H Street Playhouse. Once the H Street", "title": "Theater Alliance of Washington, DC" }, { "docid": "424338", "text": "Pickle Brothers. The pilot had the same energy and pace of \"The Monkees\", but never became a series. In June 1968, Music Supervisor Lester Sill chose to release the two non-album tracks \"D.W. Washburn\" b/w \"It's Nice To Be With You\" as the Monkees' next single. The Leiber/Stoller-penned A-side would break into the Top 20, peaking at No. 19 on the charts. After \"The Monkees\" was canceled in February 1968, Rafelson directed the four Monkees in a feature film, \"Head\". Schneider was executive producer, and the project was co-written and co-produced by Bob Rafelson with a then relatively unknown Jack", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424295", "text": "television network, NBC and Columbia had a major hit on their hands. The first long-playing album, \"The Monkees\", was released a month later, spent 13 weeks at #1 and stayed on the Billboard charts for 78 weeks. Twenty years later, during their reunion, it would spend another 24 weeks on the Billboard charts. This first album is also notable, in addition to containing their debut single, for containing band member Nesmith's first foray into country-rock, \"Papa Gene's Blues\", which mixed country, rock and Latin flavors. In assigning instruments for purposes of the television show, a dilemma arose as to which", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5670096", "text": "being rebroadcast on Saturday mornings by CBS (in which all but two tracks from \"Changes\" were featured in the reruns), the duo recorded \"Do It In The Name Of Love\" and \"Lady Jane\" in September 1970. Instead of appearing under the \"Monkees\" name on Colgems Records, however, the single was released on Bell Records, the successor label to Colgems, and credited to \"Mickey Dolenz and Davy Jones\". This was due to the prohibitive costs of licensing the Monkees name in the US; however, in Japan, the record was issued under the name the Monkees. One track recorded during the studio", "title": "Changes (The Monkees album)" }, { "docid": "11977657", "text": "Kimpton Hotel Monaco Washington DC Kimpton Hotel Monaco Washington DC is a 183-room high end boutique hotel at the corner of 7th and F Streets Northwest in the Penn Quarter neighborhood of Washington, D.C.. Kimpton Hotel Monaco DC is one of ten Kimpton hotel properties in the Washington Metropolitan Area and is located across the street from the National Portrait Gallery and the Verizon Center. The hotel opened in the summer of 2002 and was named one of the eighty best new hotels in the world in 2003 by \"Condé Nast Traveler\". In September 2010, Pebblebrook Hotel Trust acquired the", "title": "Kimpton Hotel Monaco Washington DC" }, { "docid": "5654505", "text": "sales of more than five million copies. \"More of the Monkees\" is also notable for being the first pop/rock album to be the best-selling album of the year in the U.S. Monkeemania had reached full swing by the time the album was released. The Monkees' second single, \"I'm a Believer\"—included on this album—held the number one position on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and they were about to embark on a highly successful concert tour. The release of \"More of the Monkees\" was rushed to capitalize on the band's popularity, catching even its members by surprise. The band learned of the", "title": "More of the Monkees" }, { "docid": "7240447", "text": "The Monkees Greatest Hits The Monkees Greatest Hits is a 1976 greatest hits compilation album of songs by The Monkees released by Arista Records, and a reissue of an earlier Bell Records compilation, \"Re-Focus\". While the Monkees were among the top-selling bands of the mid-1960s, their decline was sharp and their last new albums and singles sold poorly. Earlier best-of collections (the first two from their original label, Colgems Records) had seen only limited release, and were hard to find in stores. Several of the Monkees' hits had become radio staples, though, and with the sale of their television series", "title": "The Monkees Greatest Hits" }, { "docid": "11977643", "text": "Kimpton Hotel Palomar Washington DC The Kimpton Hotel Palomar Washington DC is a 335-room, high-end boutique hotel located at 2121 P Street Northwest in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Kimpton Hotel Palomar DC is one of twelve Kimpton hotel properties in the Washington Metropolitan Area and one of eight locations operating in the District. Kimpton opened its first Washington, D.C. hotel in 2000. Opening in 2006, Kimpton Hotel Palomar DC's theme is \"Art in Motion\". Kimpton Hotel Palomar DC maintains a partnership with The Phillips Collection and Smithsonian Institution. The hotel building was originally owned by Radisson Hotels", "title": "Kimpton Hotel Palomar Washington DC" }, { "docid": "7240449", "text": "a best-seller, and remained available through the 1980s, with cassette and compact disc editions also appearing. When Rhino Records reissued the entire Monkees catalog during 1995, this and all previous Monkees compilations were deleted. The song selection was largely repeated on Rhino's own \"Monkees Greatest Hits\" collection, though not all the versions presented were the same. The Monkees Greatest Hits The Monkees Greatest Hits is a 1976 greatest hits compilation album of songs by The Monkees released by Arista Records, and a reissue of an earlier Bell Records compilation, \"Re-Focus\". While the Monkees were among the top-selling bands of the", "title": "The Monkees Greatest Hits" }, { "docid": "7279692", "text": "VPS prefix and listed for $5.98, which was the list price for \"full line\" single LP records at the time. The Monkees' double set also listed for $5.98 and carried a then-new \"SCOS\" prefix and new numbering series, \"1001,\" making it unrelated to any other previous Colgems issue or pricing series. The 20-song collection included 13 of the 14 tracks found on The Monkees' first \"Greatest Hits\" compilation, the missing exception being \"Zor and Zam.\" After the closing of Colgems in 1971, \"Barrel Full of Monkees\" was deleted, with the next Monkees compilation, \"Re-Focus\", being issued by Colgems' successor, Bell", "title": "Barrel Full of Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654836", "text": "included on the 2014 Super Deluxe edition of the album. Disc 1 The Original Mono Album The Original Stereo Album Bonus Material Disc 2 The Monkees - Sessions Disc 3 David Jones - The Original Mono Album David Jones - The Singles David Jones - The Original Stereo Album Michael Blessing - The Singles The Monkees – Demos Note \"(Theme from) The Monkees\" \"Saturday's Child\" \"I Wanna Be Free\" \"Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day\" \"Papa Gene's Blues\" \"Take a Giant Step\" \"Last Train to Clarksville\" \"This Just Doesn't Seem to be My Day\" \"Let's Dance On\" \"I'll Be True to", "title": "The Monkees (album)" }, { "docid": "424416", "text": "and Minor Threat both recorded versions of \"(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone\" and it was often played live by Toy Love. The Japanese new wave pop group the Plastics recorded a synthesizer and drum-machine version of \"Last Train to Clarksville\" for their 1979 album \"Welcome Back.\" Glenn A. Baker, author of \"Monkeemania: The True Story of the Monkees,\" described the Monkees as \"rock's first great embarrassment\" in 1986: Like an illegitimate child in a respectable family, the Monkees are destined to be regarded forever as rock's first great embarrassment; misunderstood and maligned like a mongrel at a ritzy dog show,", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424342", "text": "by Goffin/King, with lead vocals from Micky Dolenz and backing vocals from Davy Jones, and it reached No. 62 on the Billboard charts. The soundtrack album to the movie, \"Head\", reached No. 45 on the Billboard charts. Jack Nicholson assembled the film's soundtrack album, weaving dialogue and sound effects from the film in between the songs from the film. The six (plus \"Ditty Diego\") Monkees songs on the album range from psychedelic pop to straight ahead rockers to Broadway rock to eastern-influenced pop to a folk-rock ballad. Although the Monkees performed \"Circle Sky\" live in the film, the studio version", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424306", "text": "album of the 1960s and also returning to the charts in 1986 for another 26 weeks. At the time songwriters Boyce and Hart considered the Monkees to be their project, with Tommy Boyce stating in the 2006 Rhino reissue of \"More of the Monkees\" that he considered the Monkees to be actors in the television show, while Boyce and Hart were the songwriters and producers doing the records. They wanted Micky to sing the faster songs and have Davy sing the ballads. He also stated in the liner notes that he felt that Michael's country leanings didn't fit in with", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424365", "text": "Tork at the Greek Theatre, in Los Angeles, on September 7, 1986. In September 1988, the three rejoined to play Australia again, Europe and then North America, with that string of tours ending in September 1989. Nesmith again returned at the Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, show on July 10, 1989 and took part in a dedication ceremony at the Hollywood Walk of Fame, when the Monkees received a TV star there in 1989. The sudden revival of the Monkees in 1986 helped move the first official Monkees single since 1971, \"That Was Then, This Is Now\", to the No. 20", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424386", "text": "After the end of the 50th Anniversary Tour, Dolenz, Tork, and Nesmith spent 2017 engaging in solo activities. In 2018, Nesmith toured with a revived version of the First National Band and stated that he was in negotiations with promoters to tour again with Dolenz later in the summer. On February 20, the tour was announced as \"The Monkees Present: The Mike and Micky Show\", their first tour as a duo; Tork declined to participate due to wanting to focus on his new solo album. Though the pair played Monkees music and promoted the tour under the Monkees banner, Nesmith", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424383", "text": "\"The reaction to the last tour was euphoric\", Dolenz told \"Rolling Stone\" magazine. \"It was pretty apparent there was a demand for another one.\" A third tour with Nesmith would follow in 2014. In 2014, the Monkees were inducted into the Pop Music Hall of Fame at the 2014 Monkees Convention. At the convention the band announced a 2014 tour of the Eastern and Midwestern US. Dolenz and Tork toured as the Monkees in 2015 without Nesmith's participation. Nesmith stated that he was busy with other ventures, although Dolenz said that \"He's always invited.\" In February 2016, Dolenz announced that", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424307", "text": "the Monkees' image, and although he thought that Peter was a great musician, he had a different process of thinking about songs that weren't right for the Monkees. Music Coordinator Kirshner, though, realizing how important the music was, wanted to move the music in a newer direction than Boyce and Hart to get the best record, and so he decided to move the production to New York where his A-list of writers/producers resided. However, the Monkees had been complaining that the music publishing company would not allow them to play their own instruments on their records, or to use more", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424426", "text": "businessman to go on a world tour pretending to be the real band. The show includes 18 Monkees songs plus numbers by other 60s artists. It ran in Manchester as part of the \"Manchester Gets it First\" program until April 14, 2012 before a UK tour. Following its Manchester run, the show appeared in the Glasgow King's Theatre and the Sunderland Empire Theatre. The Monkees The Monkees are an American rock and pop band originally active between 1966 and 1971, with reunion albums and tours in the decades that followed. They were formed in Los Angeles in 1965 by Bob", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424368", "text": "In 1987, a new television series called \"New Monkees\" appeared. Four young musicians were placed in a similar series based on the original show, but \"updated\" for the 1980s. The \"New Monkees\" left the air after 13 episodes. (Neither Bob Rafelson nor Bert Schneider was involved in the development or production of the series, although it was produced by \"Straybert Productions\" headed by Steve Blauner, Rafelson and Schneider's partner in BBS Productions.) In the 1990s, the Monkees continued to record new material. In 1993, Dolenz and Jones worked together on a television commercial, and another reunion tour was launched with", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424316", "text": "directly to Kirshner's later venture, \"The Archies\", which was an animated series—the \"stars\" existed only on animation cels, with music done by studio musicians, and obviously could not seize creative control over the records issued under their name. Screen Gems held the publishing rights to a wealth of material, with the Monkees being offered the first choice of many new songs. Due to the abundance of material numerous tracks were recorded but left unreleased, until Rhino Records started releasing them through the Missing Links series of albums, starting in the late 1980s. A rumor persists that the Monkees were offered", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424418", "text": "the Monkees had success handed to them on a silver plate. Indeed, it was not so much righteous indignation but thinly disguised jealousy which motivated the scornful dismissal of what must, in retrospect, be seen as entertaining, imaginative and highly memorable exercise in pop culture. \"Mediaite\" columnist Paul Levinson noted that \"The Monkees were the first example of something created in a medium—in this case, a rock group on television—that jumped off the screen to have big impact in the real world.\" When commenting on the death of Jones on February 29, 2012, \"Time\" magazine contributor James Poniewozik praised the", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "7778939", "text": "Washington DC City Pages Washington DC City Pages, usually referred to as \"DCpages\", is an online community network founded in 1994. DCpages introduced the concept of online community publications in the Washington DC metropolitan area, and celebrated its 10th anniversary on January 1, 2004. DCPages.com has been recognized by Eric Hippeau, Chairman of Ziff Davis as a highly effective tool for promoting organizations. DCPages.com received a Community Award at the Annual Global Information Infrastructure Awards (previously known as the NII Awards). As of 2011, DCpages sources of revenue are paid advertisements and directory listings. DCpages.com's roots stretch back to 1994,", "title": "Washington DC City Pages" }, { "docid": "424305", "text": "the Monkees\" that album sales were outstripping Nielsen ratings, meaning that more people were buying the music than watching the television show, which meant that the producers decided that more attention needed to be paid to the music and that more music needed to be produced for more albums. Sandoval also noted that their second album, \"More of the Monkees\", propelled by their second single, \"I'm a Believer\" b/w \"(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone\", became the biggest selling LP of their career, spending 70 weeks on the Billboard charts, staying No. 1 for 18 weeks, becoming the third biggest selling", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424423", "text": "be done. We invented double-matted experiences. Polarization hadn't been used in movies before. [...] When it was shown in France, the head of the Cinematheque overly praised the movie as a cinematic masterpiece, and from that point on, this movie began to acquire an underground reputation.\" In 2010, Nick Vernier Band created a digital \"Monkees reunion\" through the release of \"Mister Bob (featuring the Monkees),\" a new song produced under license from Rhino Entertainment, containing vocal samples from the band's recording \"Zilch.\" The contract bridge convention known as either Last Train or Last Train to Clarksville was so named by", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "19410983", "text": "with more than 93,000 LDS members in the region.. There are twelve wards (congregations) in the Washington DC Stake, each led by a bishop. The bishops work under the direction of the stake presidency. President James R. Baird served as president of the stake until his untimely death on February 1, 2018. On March 11, 2018, D. Nathan Sheets was called as the new stake president in a special stake conference. Kim O. Golightly and Steven H. Alfandre were called to serve as counselors in the stake presidency at the same time. Washington DC LDS Stake The Washington DC Stake", "title": "Washington DC LDS Stake" }, { "docid": "424288", "text": "a songwriter. Dolenz was an actor (his father was veteran character actor George Dolenz) who had starred in the TV series \"Circus Boy\" as a child, using the stage name Mickey Braddock, and he had also played guitar and sung in a band called the Missing Links before the Monkees, which had recorded and released a very minor single, \"Don't Do It\". By that time he was using his real name; he found out about \"The Monkees\" through his agent. During the casting process Don Kirshner, Screen Gems' head of music, was contacted to secure music for the pilot that", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "5654837", "text": "You\" \"Sweet Young Thing\" \"Gonna Buy Me a Dog\" \"I Can't Get Her Off My Mind\" (first recorded version) \"I Don't Think You Know Me\" (Micky Dolenz vocal version) \"(Theme from) The Monkees\" (second recorded version) \"I Don't Think You Know Me\" (Michael Nesmith vocal version) \"So Goes Love\" (second recorded version) \"(I Prithee) Do Not Ask for Love\" (alternate mix) \"All the King's Horses\" \"You Just May Be the One\" (first recorded version) \"I Wanna Be Free\" (fast version) \"I Won't Be the Same Without Her\" (mono mix) Works cited The Monkees (album) The Monkees is the first album", "title": "The Monkees (album)" }, { "docid": "424355", "text": "the trio, available as a premium for Kool-Aid labels), with Nesmith leaving the group to continue recording songs with his own country-rock group called Michael Nesmith & The First National Band, which he had started recording with on February 10, 1970. His first album with his own band was called \"Magnetic South\", and at the time he left the Monkees in April, he was recording songs for his second album with The First National Band, called \"Loose Salute\". This left Dolenz and Jones to record the bubblegum pop album \"Changes\" as the ninth and final album by the Monkees released", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "424331", "text": "(with a piano intro written by Tork), would shoot to No. 1 on the charts, letting the Monkees hold the No. 1 position in the singles chart and the album chart with Pisces simultaneously. \"Daydream Believer\" used the non-album track \"Goin' Down\" as its B-side, which featured Nesmith and Tork on guitar with Micky on lead vocals. During their 1986 reunion, both \"Headquarters\" and \"Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd.\" would return to the charts for 17 weeks. The Monkees decided that they no longer needed Chip Douglas as a producer, and starting in November 1967, they largely produced their", "title": "The Monkees" }, { "docid": "12140598", "text": "episodes would come in too short for air. The producers decided to fill time with various \"extras\", including the Monkees' original screen tests and candid interviews with the group (conducted by Rafelson off-camera); these interviews usually lasted one minute, hence the frequent joke, \"We're a minute short as usual,\" though the episode \"Find the Monkees\" featured a three-minute epilogue interview (in which the Monkees gave their opinions on the then-recently-occurred Sunset Strip curfew riots). Although the early episodes contained a laugh track, which was standard practice at the time, the show eventually did not add one, and most of the", "title": "The Monkees (TV series)" } ]
In what decade were video recorders first developed?
[ "The Fifties", "1950s", "1950-1959", "50's", "1950’s", "50s", "1950–1959", "Nineteen-fifties", "1950s (decade)", "1950ies", "1950's", "'50s", "195%3F", "Fifties" ]
[ { "docid": "20968437", "text": "have been instances when this technology was used during political campaigns. The proof-of-principle software \"Face2Face\" was developed at Stanford University. Such advanced video manipulation must be ranked alongside and beyond previous examples of deep fakes. The concept of manipulating video can be traced back as far as the 1950s, when the 2 inch Quadruplex tape used in videotape recorders would be manually cut and spliced. After being coated with ferrofluid, the two ends of tape that were to be joined were painted with a mixture of iron filings and carbon tetrachloride, a toxic and carcinogenic compound to make the tracks", "title": "Video manipulation" }, { "docid": "11457686", "text": "Radio Recorders Radio Recorders, Inc. located at 7000 Santa Monica Boulevard, was a recording studio based in Los Angeles, California. Many notable musicians are reported to have been recorded in the studio include Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, Jimmie Rodgers, Louis Armstrong, Mario Lanza, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Paul Frees and The Carpenters among others. In its prime, the studio was considered the best recording facility in Los Angeles. During the Forties and Fifties, Radio Recorders was responsible for recording countless radio shows, both network and local, for delayed broadcast in the Western states. Telephone lines ran to all", "title": "Radio Recorders" }, { "docid": "1664101", "text": "sound recordings in the post-production process. Motion picture film editing is a predecessor to video editing and, in several ways, video editing simulates motion picture film editing, in theory and the use of linear video editing and video editing software on non-linear editing systems (NLE). Using video, a director can communicate non-fictional and fictional events. The goals of editing is to manipulate these events to bring the communication closer to the original goal or target. It is a visual art. Early 1950s video tape recorders (VTR) were so expensive, and the quality degradation caused by copying was so great, that", "title": "Video editing" }, { "docid": "1851348", "text": "machine's high price tag. Ampex sold only about 50 or 60 ATR-124 machines, and withdrew from the professional audio tape recorder market entirely in 1983. By the 1990s, Ampex focused more on video recorders, instrumentation recorders, and data recorders. In 1991, Ampex sold their professional audio recorder line to Sprague Magnetics. The Ampex Recording Media Corporation spun off in 1995 as Quantegy Inc.; that company has ceased producing recording tape. Starting in the early 1950s, RCA, Bing Crosby and others tried to record analog video on very fast-moving magnetic tape. As early as 1952, Ampex developed prototype video tape recorders", "title": "Ampex" }, { "docid": "443385", "text": "turn promoted the adoption of computers by universities, government organizations, and large corporations as the decade progressed. It was in this environment that the first video games were born. The computer games of the 1950s can generally be divided into three categories: training and instructional programs, research programs in fields such as artificial intelligence, and demonstration programs intended to impress or entertain the public. Because these games were largely developed on unique hardware in a time when porting between systems was difficult and were often dismantled or discarded after serving their limited purposes, they did not generally influence further developments", "title": "History of video games" } ]
[ { "docid": "7686012", "text": "and info about cast, crew, similar shows – without interrupting your TV experience...When you're not at home, the app still lets you interact with your Premiere for basic management and recording tasks.\" TiVo digital video recorders TiVo digital video recorders encompass a number of digital video recorder (DVR) models that TiVo Corporation designed. Features may vary, but a common feature is that all of the units listed here require TiVo service and use its operating system. TiVo units have been manufactured by various OEMs, including Philips, Sony, Pioneer, Toshiba, and Humax. Cisco Systems and Samsung joined forces with pay TV", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "7685990", "text": "TiVo digital video recorders TiVo digital video recorders encompass a number of digital video recorder (DVR) models that TiVo Corporation designed. Features may vary, but a common feature is that all of the units listed here require TiVo service and use its operating system. TiVo units have been manufactured by various OEMs, including Philips, Sony, Pioneer, Toshiba, and Humax. Cisco Systems and Samsung joined forces with pay TV Provider Virgin Media (UK-only) to create the Virgin Media TiVo box. The OEMs license the software from TiVo Corporation. To date, there have been six \"series\" of TiVo units produced, with the", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "7685992", "text": "They have coax/RF, composite/RCA, and S-Video output, and the DVD systems also have component out. Audio is RCA stereo, and the DVD systems also have digital optical out. Some TiVo systems are integrated with DirecTV receivers. These \"DirecTiVo\" recorders record the incoming satellite MPEG-2 digital stream directly to the hard disk without conversion. Because of this, and the fact that they have two tuners, DirecTiVos are able to record two programs at once. In addition, the lack of digital conversion allows recorded video to be of the same quality as live video. DirecTiVos have no MPEG encoder chip, and can", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "7685997", "text": "recorders record the incoming satellite MPEG-2 digital stream directly to hard disk without conversion. Because of this and the fact that they have two tuners, DirecTiVos are able to record two programs at once. In addition, the lack of digital conversion allows recorded video to be of the same quality as live video. DirecTiVos have no MPEG encoder chip, and can only record DirecTV streams. However, DirecTV has disabled the networking capabilities on their systems, meaning DirecTiVo does not offer such features as multi-room viewing or TiVoToGo. Only the standalone systems can be networked without additional unsupported hacking. The HR10-250", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "9113088", "text": "Memphis\" home video. \"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face\" and \"All the Way\" were taken from Dion's 1999 CBS TV special. \"All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video\" spent 47 weeks on the Top Music Video Chart in the United States, peaking at number 15. It was certified Platinum for selling 100,000 copies. But it is undercertified, because according to Nielsen SoundScan it has sold over 300,000 copies till May 2010, and should be 3x Platinum. \"All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video\" reached number 3 on the Australian Music DVD Chart and was", "title": "All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video" }, { "docid": "18361841", "text": "What Was Done, Vol. 1: A Decade Revisited What Was Done, Vol. 1: A Decade Revisited is an acoustic album by rock band The Classic Crime released on October 28, 2014 via BadChristian Music. Like their previous effort, \"Phoenix\" (2012), the album was funded through the website Kickstarter. Kickstarter backers were able to digitally download the album one week prior to its release date. A Kickstarter project entitled \"Help The Classic Crime Make \"What Was Done: Volume One\"\" was created on October 15, 2013 with a funding goal of $15,000. The goal was met within the first two days of", "title": "What Was Done, Vol. 1: A Decade Revisited" }, { "docid": "2321844", "text": "and the Super 8 home motion picture film cartridge in 1966. Before the invention of the video tape recorder, live video was recorded onto motion picture film stock in a process known as telerecording or kinescoping. Although the first quadruplex VTRs record with good quality, the recordings cannot be slowed or freeze-framed, so kinescoping processes continued to be used for about a decade after the development of the first VTRs. In the technique used in all transverse-scan video tape recorders, the recording heads are mounted in a rapidly spinning drum which is pressed against the moving tape, so the heads", "title": "Video tape recorder" }, { "docid": "4989272", "text": "Western Recorders. Film soundtracks recorded at the studios include “That Thing You Do”, “The Way We Were”, “Roots”, and “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”. \"My Love\" by Petula Clark was the first Billboard number one song recorded at Western Studios. United Western Recorders United Western Recorders was a two-building recording studio complex in Hollywood, which became one of the most successful independent recording studios in the world in the 1960s. The complex came as a merger between neighboring studios United Recording Corp. on 6050 Sunset Boulevard and Western Studio on 6000 Sunset Boulevard. In 1984, United Western", "title": "United Western Recorders" }, { "docid": "11735529", "text": "The Human League Video Single (1983) The Human League Video Single is a music video compilation by the British synthpop group The Human League, released on VHS and Betamax format tape. Marketed as a \"video single\", it was released in the UK in August 1983. It was the first \"video single\" to be released in the UK, designed to tap into the market created by the new and rapidly increasing popularity of domestic videocassette recorders in the UK. Video albums had already been released earlier in the decade by bands such as Blondie, Electric Light Orchestra, and Duran Duran, though", "title": "The Human League Video Single (1983)" }, { "docid": "11457688", "text": "single engineer on duty. Most of the major labels used Radio Recorders well into the 1960s. RCA Victor, Columbia, Capitol, and Decca ultimately had their own facilities, but Radio Recorders was still the choice of many independent labels and both popular and classical artists, from Stravinsky to Elvis. In addition, most of the jingles were recorded there. In 1946, the company remodeled a warehouse at 1032 North Sycamore Avenue and built a large studio, capable of handling approximately fifty musicians. This studio was known as Radio Recorders Annex, or, within the industry, just \"The Annex.\" The warehouse originally belonged to", "title": "Radio Recorders" }, { "docid": "18361842", "text": "the project being posted. Crowdfunding process successfully finished on November 13, 2013, with $50,457 pledged. What Was Done, Vol. 1: A Decade Revisited What Was Done, Vol. 1: A Decade Revisited is an acoustic album by rock band The Classic Crime released on October 28, 2014 via BadChristian Music. Like their previous effort, \"Phoenix\" (2012), the album was funded through the website Kickstarter. Kickstarter backers were able to digitally download the album one week prior to its release date. A Kickstarter project entitled \"Help The Classic Crime Make \"What Was Done: Volume One\"\" was created on October 15, 2013 with", "title": "What Was Done, Vol. 1: A Decade Revisited" }, { "docid": "8859258", "text": "& mastering system of their own design starting in the late 1970s, one of the first systems introduced for recording digital audio. Besides VTRs, IVC also manufactured other types of video equipment, such as studio video cameras. They also produced modified video recorders for use in medical and data storage applications. International Video Corporation International Video Corporation, or IVC, was a California company that manufactured several models of low to middle-end videotape recorders, or VTRs, for industrial and professional use. Their products were quite popular in the industrial and institutional markets. IVC 800 series 1 Inch VTR was very popular.", "title": "International Video Corporation" }, { "docid": "16445606", "text": "successful video-recording of the inspection of Tenneco’s \"Molly Brown\" 32,500 barrel oil storage unit. Fred Hartdegen, Gulf Coast Operations Manager for Hydro Products, and James Smith, Hydro Products Field Operator, reconfigured a Sony two-inch, helical-scan video-recorder to fit through the hatch of the sub (video-recorders in the 1960s were a relatively new technology and were rather large) and used a “frequency stabilizer” from Cubic Corporation for the power supply. The “frequency stabilizer” converted the sub’s DC power (which varied significantly during maneuvering) to a stable DC which was then electronically converted by crystal oscillators into an AC sine wave with", "title": "First video-recording from a submarine" }, { "docid": "2321836", "text": "was believed that if the tape was run at a very high speed it could provide the necessary bandwidth to record the video signal. The problem was that a video signal has a much wider bandwidth than an audio signal does (6 MHz vs 20 kHz), requiring extremely high tape speeds to record it. However, there was another problem. The magnetic head design would not permit bandwidths over 1 meghertz to be recorded regardless of the tape speed. The first efforts at video recording, using recorders similar to audio recorders with fixed heads, were unsuccessful. The first such demonstration of", "title": "Video tape recorder" }, { "docid": "16788689", "text": "tapes were donated to the Provincial Archives of Alberta by musician Jan Randall. Included in the donated material were recordings from the 1970s and 1980s by Hoyt Axton, Bobby Curtola, Gaye Delorme, Gary Fjellgaard, Fosterchild, Hammersmith, Sherry Kennedy, Randy Lloyd, Mavis McCauley, The Models and One Horse Blue, dating from the 1980s. Many of the artists recording at Sundown Recorders were also signed to Vera Cruz Records, which was also owned by Wes Dakus. The studio was integral to the lives of many musicians, and included a sleeping area for musicians who had nowhere else to go. Sundown Recorders Sundown", "title": "Sundown Recorders" }, { "docid": "9113089", "text": "certified 8x Platinum (120,000). It was also certified Platinum in the UK (50,000). An extended version of \"All the Way… A Decade of Song & Video\" including six new videos was released as a part of the \"Ultimate Box\" in 2008 in Japan. All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video is the sixth home video by Canadian singer Celine Dion, released on 20 February 2001. It is a collection of her English-language music videos and live performances, including nine signature singles and seven new tracks. The DVD/CD package containing", "title": "All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video" }, { "docid": "7689886", "text": "200 Gold records have been recorded at Sunset Sound, including Prince's \"Purple Rain\", the Rolling Stones' \"Exile on Main St.\", the Beach Boys' \"Pet Sounds\", Linda Ronstadt's \"Don't Cry Now\", part of Guns N' Roses' \"Chinese Democracy\", Janis Joplin's posthumously-released \"Pearl\", and hit albums for Elton John, Led Zeppelin and Van Halen. In addition, the Doors recorded their first two albums, \"The Doors\" and \"Strange Days\", at the studio. In 1981, Sunset Sound Recorders owner Camarata purchased The Sound Factory, another Los Angeles recording studio founded by Moonglow Records and later purchased and developed by David Hassinger. The two studios", "title": "Sunset Sound Recorders" }, { "docid": "2059428", "text": "Video 2000 recorders, focusing instead on VHS exclusively. Their first home-grown VHS recorder - VR6560 - was virtually a clone of the VR2324, using the VHS format tapes and the usual VHS M-wrap. Curiously, when Philips launched its second-generation home-grown VHS recorders (VR6467, VR6760, etc.) they pioneered the VHS 'U-wrap' (known colloquially as the \"Charly\" deck) and this was used in many Philips-built machines well into the first half of the 1990s. Grundig also used U-wrap in its own VHS decks for a short while before using Panasonic-manufactured decks. Recorders in the format were manufactured by Philips and Grundig and", "title": "Video 2000" }, { "docid": "14356541", "text": "early-2013. Several days later, Obama announced stricter legislation on guns and also proposed a $10 million study, to be headed by the CDC, on whether or not violent video games were encouraging violent behavior. According to the Entertainment Software Association, the average age of a person who plays video games in 2010 is 30. Notes: The following gallery highlights hardware used to predominantly play games throughout the 2010s. 2010s in video gaming The 2010s is the current decade of video gaming and the fifth decade in the industry's history. Thus far, the decade has become notable for producing the first", "title": "2010s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "2236940", "text": "may alternatively be referred to as personal video recorders (PVRs), particularly in Canada. Consumer digital video recorders ReplayTV and TiVo were launched at the 1999 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Microsoft also demonstrated a unit with DVR capability, but this did not become available until the end of 1999 for full DVR features in Dish Network's DISHplayer receivers. TiVo shipped their first units on March 31, 1999. ReplayTV won the \"Best of Show\" award in the video category with Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen as an early investor and board member, but TiVo was more successful commercially. Legal action", "title": "Digital video recorder" }, { "docid": "535458", "text": "offering better quality of image and sound. Video CDs were unable to gain acceptance as a mainstream format in North America, chiefly because the established VHS format was less expensive, offered comparable video quality, and could be recorded over. The advent of recordable CDs, inexpensive recorders, and compatible DVD players spurred VCD acceptance in the US in the late 1990s and early 2000s. However, DVD burners and DVD-Video recorders were available by that time, and equipment and media costs for making DVD-Video fell rapidly. DVD-Video, with its longer run time and much higher quality, quickly overshadowed VCD in areas that", "title": "Video CD" }, { "docid": "9113086", "text": "All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video is the sixth home video by Canadian singer Celine Dion, released on 20 February 2001. It is a collection of her English-language music videos and live performances, including nine signature singles and seven new tracks. The DVD/CD package containing also \"All the Way… A Decade of Song\" album was released on 22 September 2003. In February and March 2009, a Visual Milestones DVD edition was released in Europe and Australia. The classics include \"My Heart Will Go On,\" \"Because You Loved Me,\"", "title": "All the Way... A Decade of Song & Video" }, { "docid": "4997477", "text": "Westbeach Recorders Westbeach Recorders was a recording studio in Hollywood, California famous for recording punk rock groups, such as Bad Religion, NOFX, Rancid, The Offspring and Pennywise. It was established in 1985 by Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz in Culver City, California after he attended recording school, and re-located to Hollywood, California in February 1987. They moved for the final time in 1988 to the former location of Seymour Heller's Producer's Workshop studios on Hollywood Boulevard. In a back room closet at this location, Epitaph Records had its first office. Donnell Cameron became a partner in 1988 and was the", "title": "Westbeach Recorders" }, { "docid": "12249331", "text": "1990s in video gaming The 1990s were a decade of marked innovation in video gaming. It was a decade of transition from sprite-based graphics to full-fledged 3D graphics and it gave rise to several genres of video games including, but not limited to, the first person shooter, real-time strategy, survival horror, and MMO. Handheld gaming began to become more popular throughout the decade, thanks in part to the release of the Game Boy. Arcade games, although still relatively popular in the early 1990s, begin a decline as home consoles become more common. Starting in 1990 and ending in 1993, the", "title": "1990s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "444226", "text": "replaced by cathode ray tube (CRT) television systems, but several new technologies for video display devices have since been invented. Video was originally exclusively a live technology. Charles Ginsburg led an Ampex research team developing one of the first practical video tape recorder (VTR). In 1951 the first video tape recorder captured live images from television cameras by converting the camera's electrical impulses and saving the information onto magnetic video tape. Video recorders were sold for US $50,000 in 1956, and videotapes cost US $300 per one-hour reel. However, prices gradually dropped over the years; in 1971, Sony began selling", "title": "Video" }, { "docid": "4997478", "text": "studio owner/engineer until May 12, 2010, when Westbeach Recorders went out of business. Westbeach Recorders Westbeach Recorders was a recording studio in Hollywood, California famous for recording punk rock groups, such as Bad Religion, NOFX, Rancid, The Offspring and Pennywise. It was established in 1985 by Bad Religion guitarist Brett Gurewitz in Culver City, California after he attended recording school, and re-located to Hollywood, California in February 1987. They moved for the final time in 1988 to the former location of Seymour Heller's Producer's Workshop studios on Hollywood Boulevard. In a back room closet at this location, Epitaph Records had", "title": "Westbeach Recorders" }, { "docid": "11457692", "text": "Annie Lennox and many more. The facility closed in 2008. Today the sign declaring Radio Recorders a Historic Site still remains on the corner of Santa Monica and Orange. Radio Recorders Radio Recorders, Inc. located at 7000 Santa Monica Boulevard, was a recording studio based in Los Angeles, California. Many notable musicians are reported to have been recorded in the studio include Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, Jimmie Rodgers, Louis Armstrong, Mario Lanza, Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, Paul Frees and The Carpenters among others. In its prime, the studio was considered the best recording facility in Los Angeles. During", "title": "Radio Recorders" }, { "docid": "16788688", "text": "Sundown Recorders Sundown Recorders was a recording studio located in Edmonton, Canada, owned by Canadian recording artist and producer Wes Dakus, that existed from 1972 to 1987. A number of notable Canadian and American artists recorded at the studio, including Hoyt Axton, One Horse Blue, Bobby Curtola, Gary Fjellgaard and Fosterchild. Previously known as Park Lane Studios, Sundown Recorders was opened in 1972 by Wes Dakus, an Edmonton-based musician who had achieved national success in the 1960s as Wes Dakus & The Rebels, one of Canada's preeminent instrumental groups. The studio existed until 1987. In 1992, many of its audio", "title": "Sundown Recorders" }, { "docid": "8784358", "text": "The First Decade (1983–1993) The First Decade (1983–1993) is a compilation album from Christian recording artist Michael W. Smith. This album also features two new songs \"Do You Dream of Me?\" and \"Kentucky Rose\". A follow-up compilation album, \"The Second Decade (1993–2003)\", was released ten years later, picking up where \"The First Decade\" left off. By the time of the release of \"The First Decade,\" Michael W. Smith had amassed thirty-three hit songs on \"CCM\" magazine's Adult Contemporary, CHR, and Inspirational charts, many of which had to be left off of the compilation due to time constraints. These missing hit", "title": "The First Decade (1983–1993)" }, { "docid": "5910142", "text": "Video recorder scheduling code VCR Plus+, G-Code, VideoPlus+ and ShowView are different names for the same scheduling system for programming video recorders. These names are all registered trademarks of Macrovision, whose corporate predecessor, Gemstar, developed these algorithms for use in integrated endecs. Before the advent of on-screen displays, the only interface available for programming a home video recorder was a small VFD, LED or LCD panel and a small number of buttons. Correctly setting up a recording for a specific program was therefore a somewhat complex operation for many people. G-Code, VideoPlus+ and ShowView were introduced in the late 1980s", "title": "Video recorder scheduling code" }, { "docid": "13062247", "text": "Journey Through the Decade \"Journey Through the Decade\" (stylized \"Journey through the Decade\") is a song by Japanese pop singer Gackt, serving as his thirtieth single released on March 25, 2009. It is his first song performed for \"Kamen Rider Decade\", used as the television series' theme song. It was used as the opening theme song for the 2009 Kamen Rider Series \"Kamen Rider Decade\". It was released as a single CD and as a CD coupled with a DVD with the music video. The theme of \"Journey Through the Decade\" is that it describes the . The music video", "title": "Journey Through the Decade" }, { "docid": "8784359", "text": "songs were: In addition to their \"CCM\" chart placements, \"For You\" and \"Somebody Love Me\" also crossed over to the secular radio, with the former peaking at No. 20 on the \"Billboard\" Adult Contemporary charts and No. 60 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, and the latter peaking at No. 10 on the Adult Contemporary chart, and No. 71 on the Hot 100. The First Decade (1983–1993) The First Decade (1983–1993) is a compilation album from Christian recording artist Michael W. Smith. This album also features two new songs \"Do You Dream of Me?\" and \"Kentucky Rose\". A follow-up compilation album,", "title": "The First Decade (1983–1993)" }, { "docid": "18979148", "text": "Golden State Recorders Golden State Recorders was a San Francisco recording studio that was owned by Leo De Gar Kulka. Some of the albums recorded at the studio were Brewer & Shipley's second album \"Weeds\" in 1969, sessions for The Beau Brummels originally recorded between 1964-1966 and released as \"San Fran Sessions\" in 1996, and The Grateful Dead's \"Birth of the Dead\", recorded in 1965 and released in 2003. The recording studio was opened by Kulka when he came to San Francisco in 1964. It was located at 665 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA. It has been alleged in a", "title": "Golden State Recorders" }, { "docid": "7262122", "text": "Artisan Sound Recorders Artisan Sound Recorders was one of Southern California's premier disk mastering facilities. It was founded by Robert M. MacLeod Jr. in the 1960s and acquired by Kent Duncan in 1979 when MacLeod retired. In the early 1990s it was sold to Jon Lowry and the mainly mastering operation ceased operation. Hit records by Bone Thugs in Harmony, Eminem, John B continues after 1993. More than 500 Gold & Platinum recordings were mastered at Artisan. Its engineering staff was known for meticulous attention to detail in the tape to disk transfer. Later was known for recording and mixing", "title": "Artisan Sound Recorders" }, { "docid": "18979151", "text": "at the College for Recording Arts died on January 14, 2014, aged 65. Golden State Recorders Golden State Recorders was a San Francisco recording studio that was owned by Leo De Gar Kulka. Some of the albums recorded at the studio were Brewer & Shipley's second album \"Weeds\" in 1969, sessions for The Beau Brummels originally recorded between 1964-1966 and released as \"San Fran Sessions\" in 1996, and The Grateful Dead's \"Birth of the Dead\", recorded in 1965 and released in 2003. The recording studio was opened by Kulka when he came to San Francisco in 1964. It was located", "title": "Golden State Recorders" }, { "docid": "7262123", "text": "many Hits and great records. Artisan's engineering staff included Bob MacLeod, John Golden, Kevin Gray, Jo Hansch, Jon Lowry, and Aaron Connor. Artisan Sound Recorders Artisan Sound Recorders was one of Southern California's premier disk mastering facilities. It was founded by Robert M. MacLeod Jr. in the 1960s and acquired by Kent Duncan in 1979 when MacLeod retired. In the early 1990s it was sold to Jon Lowry and the mainly mastering operation ceased operation. Hit records by Bone Thugs in Harmony, Eminem, John B continues after 1993. More than 500 Gold & Platinum recordings were mastered at Artisan. Its", "title": "Artisan Sound Recorders" }, { "docid": "14194321", "text": "was mainly achieved through the emerging transistor technology and, only a little later, through integrated circuits with rapidly growing complexity. When one sees the current video recording devices, one cannot even imagine anymore how much signal processing is necessary for video recording and play-back. The first video recorders were housed in several cabinets full of electronics. Television video recording was practically a fall-out of the military application. From the end of the 1960s on into the 1980s, Ampex video tape recorders were utilized in television studios all over the world. During his tenure at Ampex Corporation, Dr. Erhard Kietz developed", "title": "Erhard Kietz" }, { "docid": "7686002", "text": "adapter available from the cable providers. One HDMI port and two sets of component, S-video, and composite outputs are included. The Series 3 is also the first DVR to feature THX-certified audio and video. The unit is also equipped with two USB 2.0 ports, a Fast Ethernet port, and a telephone modem, which are all used to connect to the TiVo service. The built-in wired Ethernet or an optional USB 802.11 wireless adapter can download video on demand from various providers. Multi-room viewing and transferring programs to and from a PC is allowed. HD content may only be transferred between", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "4989259", "text": "United Western Recorders United Western Recorders was a two-building recording studio complex in Hollywood, which became one of the most successful independent recording studios in the world in the 1960s. The complex came as a merger between neighboring studios United Recording Corp. on 6050 Sunset Boulevard and Western Studio on 6000 Sunset Boulevard. In 1984, United Western Recorders was succeeded by and renamed as Ocean Way Recording. Starting in 1999, the complex was divided by two individual establishments: Ocean Way Recording (now United Recording Studios) at 6050 Sunset and Cello Studios (now EastWest Studios) at 6000 Sunset. The United Western", "title": "United Western Recorders" }, { "docid": "7689887", "text": "now operate as Sunset Sound and The Sound Factory, respectively. Sunset Sound Recorders Sunset Sound Recorders is a recording studio in Hollywood, California, United States located at 6650 Sunset Boulevard. The Sunset Sound Recorders complex was created by Walt Disney's Director of Recording, Tutti Camarata, from a collection of old commercial and residential buildings. At the encouragement of Disney himself, Camarata began the project in 1958, starting with a former automotive repair garage whose sloping floor would tend to reduce unwanted sonic standing wave reflections. Soon, the audio for many of Disney's early films was being recorded at the studio,", "title": "Sunset Sound Recorders" }, { "docid": "7689885", "text": "Sunset Sound Recorders Sunset Sound Recorders is a recording studio in Hollywood, California, United States located at 6650 Sunset Boulevard. The Sunset Sound Recorders complex was created by Walt Disney's Director of Recording, Tutti Camarata, from a collection of old commercial and residential buildings. At the encouragement of Disney himself, Camarata began the project in 1958, starting with a former automotive repair garage whose sloping floor would tend to reduce unwanted sonic standing wave reflections. Soon, the audio for many of Disney's early films was being recorded at the studio, including \"Bedknobs and Broomsticks\", \"Mary Poppins\", and \"101 Dalmatians\". Over", "title": "Sunset Sound Recorders" }, { "docid": "6711613", "text": "of the GDI's new Predator tank. \"The First Decade\" received a \"Silver\" sales award from the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA), indicating sales of at least 100,000 copies in the United Kingdom. Command & Conquer: The First Decade Command & Conquer: The First Decade is a compilation of the \"Command & Conquer\" series' games published from 1995 to 2003, all bundled into one DVD and updated to run optimally on Windows XP. It was released on February 7, 2006 and sold for the price of one retail game. Also included in the compilation was a bonus DVD which", "title": "Command & Conquer: The First Decade" }, { "docid": "14141534", "text": "in case of a flop, the liability will be on the developer and not the provider. Notes: Note that video game sales numbers were not as visible or accurate during the 1980s, with the exception of NES titles. This table is interesting, but not the definitive word for the entire decade. 1980s in video gaming The second decade in the industry's history was decade of highs and lows for video games. The decade began amidst a boom in the arcade business with giants like Atari still dominating the market since the late-1970s. Another, the rising influence of the home computer,", "title": "1980s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "113677", "text": "and Ampex developed prototype digital videotape recorders (VTR) in their research and development labs. Bosch's machine used a modified 1 inch type B videotape transport, and recorded an early form of CCIR 601 digital video. Ampex's prototype digital video recorder used a modified 2 inch Quadruplex videotape VTR (an Ampex AVR-3), but fitted with custom digital video electronics, and a special \"octaplex\" 8-head headwheel (regular analog 2\" Quad machines only used 4 heads). Like standard 2\" Quad, the audio on the Ampex prototype digital machine, nicknamed by its developers as \"Annie\", still recorded the audio in analog as linear tracks", "title": "Digital video" }, { "docid": "4989262", "text": "recording equipment and custom-made Universal Audio mixing consoles, which were bought by major recording studios. After relocating to Hollywood in 1957, and with the backing of Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra, Putnam first established the United Recording Corp. studio complex at 6050 Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. In 1961, he purchased the neighboring Western Studio at 6000 Sunset, remodeling and incorporating the building into the complex. The buildings were then renamed United Western Recorders, and catered to some of the biggest artists of the era, including Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley. Putnam assembled a talented staff, some of", "title": "United Western Recorders" }, { "docid": "12624277", "text": "the first strategy video games ever made. \"Hamurabi\" and \"Space Travel\" were among several early mainframe games that were written during the time, and spread beyond their initial mainframe computers to general-purpose languages like BASIC. At the beginning of the 1970s, video games existed almost entirely as novelties passed around by programmers and technicians with access to computers, primarily at research institutions and large companies. The history of video games transitioned into a new era early in the decade, however, with the rise of the commercial video game industry. In 1971, Bill Pitts and Hugh Tuck developed a coin-operated computer", "title": "Early history of video games" }, { "docid": "9417336", "text": "of the band. Downtown Recorders Downtown Recorders is a recording studio in Boston, Massachusetts. Located in the city's Cyclorama building in the South End, it has been a focal point of the Boston music scene since the studio's inception in 1979 by two local musicians, Mitch Benoff and Benny Kay. Bands such as Georgee, the Pixies, Human Sexual Response and The Real Kids have recorded at the studio. The studio differs from many in that the control booth was installed at an angle to the main recording booth, and that there is no drum booth installed — the drummer performs", "title": "Downtown Recorders" }, { "docid": "9417335", "text": "Downtown Recorders Downtown Recorders is a recording studio in Boston, Massachusetts. Located in the city's Cyclorama building in the South End, it has been a focal point of the Boston music scene since the studio's inception in 1979 by two local musicians, Mitch Benoff and Benny Kay. Bands such as Georgee, the Pixies, Human Sexual Response and The Real Kids have recorded at the studio. The studio differs from many in that the control booth was installed at an angle to the main recording booth, and that there is no drum booth installed — the drummer performs with the rest", "title": "Downtown Recorders" }, { "docid": "469724", "text": "online console gaming and was on top of the Xbox Live charts until its successor, \"Halo 3\" (for Xbox 360), took over. Some other popular first-person shooters during the 2000s include the Medal of Honor series, with \"\"s release in 2002 bringing the first game in the series to 6th generation consoles. In the late 2000s, motion controlled video games grew in popularity, from the PlayStation 2's EyeToy to Nintendo's successful Wii console. During the decade 3D video games become the staple of the video-game industry, with 2D games nearly fading from the market. Partially 3D and fully 2D games", "title": "2000s (decade)" }, { "docid": "2236957", "text": "located on the system's exterior while the DVR circuitry resides inside the equipment. Television and video are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, but differ in their technical meaning. Video is the visual portion of television, whereas television is the combination of video and audio modulated onto a carrier frequency (i.e., a television channel) for delivery. Most DVRs can record both video and audio. The first digital video recorders were designed to record analog television in NTSC, PAL or SECAM formats. To record an analog signal a few steps are required. In the case of a television signal, a television", "title": "Digital video recorder" }, { "docid": "10157826", "text": "What What (In the Butt) \"What What (In the Butt)\" is a viral video created by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldo for the song of the same name by Samwell. It is known for its numerous camp references to homosexuality and anal sex. The lyrics of the song, a production of Mike Stasny, mostly revolve around the title. The video was made in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and uploaded on Valentine's Day 2007 to YouTube. As of March 2016, the video had over 60 million views. On 5 March 2007, with regard to the Christian imagery in the video, Samwell said, in", "title": "What What (In the Butt)" }, { "docid": "13555242", "text": "and a booklet describing Gackt's collaboration with the Kamen Rider Decade production. On its first day of release, it hit #3 on the Oricon Daily Charts after selling 13,000 copies. The Next Decade \"The Next Decade\" is the thirty-fifth single by Japanese musical artist Gackt, released on August 11, 2009. It will be used as the theme song for the Kamen Rider Series film \"\" in which Gackt portrays Riderman. It was released as a CD single and a CD single coupled with a DVD of the music video. The theme of \"The Next Decade\" is that of the .", "title": "The Next Decade" }, { "docid": "15215419", "text": "video ends with Lavigne and her lover again lying in bed. The video was directed by Marcus Raboy and recorded in 3D. It made its television debut on 23 January 2011, on ABC Family and on UK music channel 4Music. \"The New York Post\" criticized the video with its product placement for Sony and Abbey Dawn. Mawuse Ziegbe of MTV said, \"Avril Lavigne is officially back, and if her latest video 'What The Hell' is anything to go by, she's still brimming with the pop-punk spunk that made her a superstar nearly a decade ago.\" Credits adapted from \"What the", "title": "What the Hell" }, { "docid": "5910146", "text": "in 1992, but only for six-digit codes or less. Source code for seven and eight digit codes was written in C and Perl and posted anonymously in 2003. Video recorder scheduling code VCR Plus+, G-Code, VideoPlus+ and ShowView are different names for the same scheduling system for programming video recorders. These names are all registered trademarks of Macrovision, whose corporate predecessor, Gemstar, developed these algorithms for use in integrated endecs. Before the advent of on-screen displays, the only interface available for programming a home video recorder was a small VFD, LED or LCD panel and a small number of buttons.", "title": "Video recorder scheduling code" }, { "docid": "17483122", "text": "14 and earning the act a spot performance on \"Top of the Pops\" in 1991, where Jerome Stokes sang live. The act's second single (and its only video for), \"I Feel You,\" would feature the vocals of an up-and-coming artist named Abigail, who was credited on the single as Gail. Love Decade Love Decade (AKA Decadance) were an English electronic music group that was formed in 1991 by DJ/remixer and producer Peter Gill, who did most of the production and writing on the singles that were released during its brief career. Among its members in this project included vocalist Jerome", "title": "Love Decade" }, { "docid": "5637460", "text": "shape, texture and motion. The next decade will be a rich test-bed for new forms of domestic visual art.\" Video painting Video painting is a form of video art presented via projectors, LCD or other flat panel display and wall-mounted in the same manner as traditional paintings. Video painting is a relatively new concept that was first coined by Brian Eno in the 1980s to refer to his experimentations with long-form video art. It was later developed upon by Hilary Lawson, who published his theory of closure, in his book (2001). Key conventions, according to Lawson, are that the camera", "title": "Video painting" }, { "docid": "13555241", "text": "The Next Decade \"The Next Decade\" is the thirty-fifth single by Japanese musical artist Gackt, released on August 11, 2009. It will be used as the theme song for the Kamen Rider Series film \"\" in which Gackt portrays Riderman. It was released as a CD single and a CD single coupled with a DVD of the music video. The theme of \"The Next Decade\" is that of the . The music video of \"The Next Decade\" was later released in Stay the Ride Alive, \"special memorial single\" version which is a Digipak with a special cover, a third disc", "title": "The Next Decade" }, { "docid": "14356527", "text": "2010s in video gaming The 2010s is the current decade of video gaming and the fifth decade in the industry's history. Thus far, the decade has become notable for producing the first truly \"3D\" games and consoles, introducing cloud gaming to consumers, and the rising influence of tablet-based and mobile casual games. The industry remains heavily dominated by the actions of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, but it remains unforeseen how their dominance will be affected by the growing smartphone and tablet market. The seventh generation of gaming consoles entered the market in the mid-2000s with the release of the Xbox", "title": "2010s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "6711611", "text": "create shortcuts for each of the individual games. Many bugs have been reported to be present in Electronic Arts' \"The First Decade\" pack, including some that didn't affect the original releases of the games. EA responded by releasing two patches: v1.01 and v1.02. Furthermore, an unofficial patch, v1.03, has since been released by nathancnc. It does not require the v1.01 or v1.02 patches, as it includes all of the fixes from them plus more and negates the need for the DVD to be in the drive while playing. It is available only for the English version of The First Decade;", "title": "Command & Conquer: The First Decade" }, { "docid": "13062249", "text": "2012, it was certified as platinum for sales of over 200,000 copies. Journey Through the Decade \"Journey Through the Decade\" (stylized \"Journey through the Decade\") is a song by Japanese pop singer Gackt, serving as his thirtieth single released on March 25, 2009. It is his first song performed for \"Kamen Rider Decade\", used as the television series' theme song. It was used as the opening theme song for the 2009 Kamen Rider Series \"Kamen Rider Decade\". It was released as a single CD and as a CD coupled with a DVD with the music video. The theme of \"Journey", "title": "Journey Through the Decade" }, { "docid": "6711608", "text": "Command & Conquer: The First Decade Command & Conquer: The First Decade is a compilation of the \"Command & Conquer\" series' games published from 1995 to 2003, all bundled into one DVD and updated to run optimally on Windows XP. It was released on February 7, 2006 and sold for the price of one retail game. Also included in the compilation was a bonus DVD which took a look behind the scenes of the successful franchise, including interviews with producers, old concept art, various soundbites, as well as a montage of the winning fan videos of the \"Are You The", "title": "Command & Conquer: The First Decade" }, { "docid": "2236965", "text": "be used to capture digital video from a camcorder. Some editing of the resulting DVD is usually possible, such as adding chapter points. Some digital video recorders can now record to solid state flash memory cards (called \"flash camcorders\"). They generally use Secure Digital cards, can include wireless connections (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi), and can play SWF files. There are some digital video recorders that combine video and graphics in real time to the flash card, called DTE or \"direct to edit\". These are used to speed-up the editing workflow in video and television production, since linear videotapes do not then", "title": "Digital video recorder" }, { "docid": "2236979", "text": "the patent, which was first filed in 1991, but has been amended several times. On March 23, 2007, Cablevision Systems Corp lost a legal battle against several Hollywood studios and television networks to introduce a network-based digital video recorder service to its subscribers. However, on August 4, 2008, Cablevision won its appeal. John M. Walker Jr., a Second Circuit judge, declared that the technology \"would not directly infringe\" on the media companies' rights. An appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected. In court, the media companies argued that network digital video recorders were tantamount to video-on-demand, and that they should", "title": "Digital video recorder" }, { "docid": "9688215", "text": "from video game to film doesn't always succeed. The 2000s however began to show promise in the profitability and success of making video game-based films.Opening in 2001, \"\" became the highest-grossing video game adaptation with over a US$274 million box office performance. \"Tomb Raider\" held that title for nearly a decade. Other adaptations in the 2000s included the popular \"Resident Evil\" saga, \"Silent Hill\", \"Max Payne\", \"Hitman\", \"Alone in the Dark\", \"DOOM\", \"House of the Dead\", and \"\". The 2000s was also the first decade that the medium has significantly affected classical music. Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall had a", "title": "2000s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "10157828", "text": "show \"Lily Allen and Friends\" for an interview and performed a live version of \"What What (In the Butt)\" with choreographed dancers. The video was also featured in episode #53 of ADD-TV in Manhattan. \"What What (In the Butt)\" was an official selection at the Milwaukee International Film Festival and the Mix Brasil Film Festival. In June 2010 Samwell appeared on an episode of Comedy Central's \"Tosh.0\", television show about viral videos. The segment told the story of how the \"What What\" video was created, followed by an acoustic duet version of the song by Samwell and Josh Homme, lead", "title": "What What (In the Butt)" }, { "docid": "9688198", "text": "2000s in video gaming The 2000s in video gaming was a decade that was primarily dominated by Sony, Nintendo, the newcomer Microsoft, and their respective systems. Sega, being Nintendo's main rival in the 1980s and 1990s, left the console market in 2002 in favor of returning to the third party company they once were. Overall the decade saw the last of the low resolution three-dimensional polygons of the 1990s with the emergence of High Definition games, and often focused on developing immersive and interactive environments, implementing realistic physics, and improving artificial intelligence. The sixth generation of video games officially began", "title": "2000s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "7685991", "text": "sixth series, the Bolt, released in October 2015. The Series1 (retronym) was the original TiVo digital video recorder. Series1 TiVo systems are based on PowerPC processors connected to MPEG-2 encoder/decoder chips and IDE/ATA hard drives. Series1 TiVo units used one or two drives of 13–60 GB. Although not supported by TiVo or equipment manufacturers, larger drives can be added. All standalone TiVo systems have coax/RF-in and an internal cable-ready tuner, analog video input—composite/RCA, and S-Video—for use with an external cable box or satellite receiver. The TiVo unit can use a serial cable or IR blasters to control the external receiver.", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "8233700", "text": "Video, Video \"Video, Video\" was the Danish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1982, performed in Danish by Brixx. The song was performed 13th on the night, following Spain's Lucía with \"Él\" and preceding Yugoslavia's Aska with \"Halo, Halo\". At the close of voting, it had received 5 points, placing 17th in a field of 18. The song is in praise of the then-new technology of video recorders, with the singer describing the wealth of viewing he has on tape — everything from Humphrey Bogart to Wimbledon. Indeed, he remarks that \"Susanne\" (possibly a lover) has left him because all", "title": "Video, Video" }, { "docid": "11457691", "text": "Toni Braxton, Brandy, No Doubt and others recorded there. The documentary \"Standing in the Shadows of Motown\" was also partially filmed there. Kenneth Crouch, Keith Crouch and Leon Sylvers were all house producers there at that time. In 2002, the studio gained two new partners, Pride Hutchison and Michael Dumas who brought the studio back to life under its original name Radio Recorders. In 2004, the property was declared a historic site by the city of Los Angeles. From 2002 to 2008 the studio welcomed many great projects and clients including Natalie Cole, Dwight Yoakam, Lucinda Williams, Lil' John, Exzihbit,", "title": "Radio Recorders" }, { "docid": "10157829", "text": "singer for Queens Of The Stone Age and guitar player for Kyuss. In 2009, the creators of the video, and Samwell himself, claimed that a feature film called \"What What (In the Butt): The Movie\" was in the works. On November 12, 2010, Brownmark Films filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against MTV Networks, South Park Studios, and Viacom for their use of \"What What in the Butt\" in a 2008 \"South Park\" episode. In July 2011, a federal judge decided that South Park's use of the video fell under the fair use exception to copyright law, and thus the defendants", "title": "What What (In the Butt)" }, { "docid": "10157830", "text": "did not owe damages. The decision was unusual in a copyright lawsuit because it was made on a motion to dismiss, before summary judgment. The appeal was dismissed by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on June 7, 2012. Additionally, the district court awarded attorneys' fees to the defendants because the lawsuit was \"objectively unreasonable\". In January 2013, a behind-the-scenes video was released which showed footage from the original 2006 green screen shoot. What What (In the Butt) \"What What (In the Butt)\" is a viral video created by Andrew Swant and Bobby Ciraldo for the song of the same", "title": "What What (In the Butt)" }, { "docid": "1420763", "text": "in August 2009, the Video Recordings Act 1984 was repealed and re-enacted without change by the Video Recordings Act 2010. At the time of the introduction of domestic video recorders in the United Kingdom during the 1970s, there was no legislation specifically designed to regulate video content, apart from the Obscene Publications Act 1959 which had been amended in 1977 to cover erotic films. Major film distributors were initially reluctant to embrace the new medium of video for fear of piracy and the video market became flooded with low-budget horror films. Whilst some of these films had been passed by", "title": "Video nasty" }, { "docid": "5312933", "text": "looks of Batman, Rambo and Godzilla, so avoiding a possible lawsuit; a Sega CD version was released, being derived from the altered version. In the 1990s, comics enjoyed a boom, and the early 1990s saw a myriad of video games based on high-profile comic story lines and the 1994 \"Spider-Man: The Animated Series\". \"The Amazing Spider-Man\" was the first game of the decade released, a puzzle oriented action game developed by Oxford Digital Enterprises and released in 1990 for the Amiga and ported to MS-DOS, Commodore 64, and Atari ST. The title was published by Paragon Software Corporation and features", "title": "Spider-Man in video games" }, { "docid": "2236969", "text": "a digital video recorder with its operating system and application software contained in firmware or read-only memory. Hardware features of security DVRs vary between manufacturers and may include but are not necessarily limited to: Software features vary between manufacturers and may include but are not necessarily limited to: Some (very few), but certainly not all, digital video recorders which are designed to send information to a service provider over a telephone line or Internet (or any other way) can gather and send real-time data on users' viewing habits. Digital video recorders are also changing the way television programs advertise products.", "title": "Digital video recorder" }, { "docid": "20301169", "text": "Go?\", which is also featured on the parent album. A pop song, the track is about the end of a relationship that has soured over time. Critically, the song was well-received with several music critics calling it one of the best tracks on \"Till I Loved You\". On \"Billboard\"s Adult Contemporary chart in the United States, \"What Were We Thinking Of\" peaked at number 32. \"What Were We Thinking Of\" was taken from Streisand's 25th studio album, \"Till I Loved You\" (1988). The song was written by Antonina Armato and Scott Cutler, and among the first ones to be penned", "title": "What Were We Thinking Of" }, { "docid": "15281065", "text": "August 2012. What If We Were Real What If We Were Real is the fourth studio album by CCM singer Mandisa. The album was released on April 5, 2011 on Sparrow Records. This album received a nomination at 54th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album. Mandisa began work on the album in July 2010. She also co-wrote three songs on the album. The album also features a guest appearance from tobyMac on the song \"Good Morning\". The first single off of the album was \"Stronger\". It peaked at number one on the Hot Christian Songs chart and as", "title": "What If We Were Real" }, { "docid": "15281063", "text": "What If We Were Real What If We Were Real is the fourth studio album by CCM singer Mandisa. The album was released on April 5, 2011 on Sparrow Records. This album received a nomination at 54th Grammy Awards for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album. Mandisa began work on the album in July 2010. She also co-wrote three songs on the album. The album also features a guest appearance from tobyMac on the song \"Good Morning\". The first single off of the album was \"Stronger\". It peaked at number one on the Hot Christian Songs chart and as of August", "title": "What If We Were Real" }, { "docid": "17873481", "text": "when the Ministry of Industry and Trade started to seek ways to kickstart the economy. By 2014, programs were planned to support the video game industry. Another problem is a lack of video game development specialization at any university. Czech video game site Bonusweb made a Survey for the best video game developed in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The victor of the Survey is that received 3866 votes out of 13,143. was second and Vietcong third. The first games were developed in Czechoslovakia during the late 1970s as part of experimentation with SM 52/11 computers. These titles lacked graphics", "title": "Video gaming in the Czech Republic" }, { "docid": "9688217", "text": "had reached over 1 Billion downloads by 2012. 2000s in video gaming The 2000s in video gaming was a decade that was primarily dominated by Sony, Nintendo, the newcomer Microsoft, and their respective systems. Sega, being Nintendo's main rival in the 1980s and 1990s, left the console market in 2002 in favor of returning to the third party company they once were. Overall the decade saw the last of the low resolution three-dimensional polygons of the 1990s with the emergence of High Definition games, and often focused on developing immersive and interactive environments, implementing realistic physics, and improving artificial intelligence.", "title": "2000s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "14141524", "text": "1980s in video gaming The second decade in the industry's history was decade of highs and lows for video games. The decade began amidst a boom in the arcade business with giants like Atari still dominating the market since the late-1970s. Another, the rising influence of the home computer, and a lack of quality in the games themselves lead to an implosion of the North American video game market that nearly destroyed the industry. It took home consoles years to recover from the crash, but Nintendo filled in the void with its Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), reviving interest in consoles.", "title": "1980s in video gaming" }, { "docid": "12330531", "text": "heels over 20 tracks that all sound huge and hookless.\" Erlewine concluded the album shows listeners \"why Stereophonics never translated across the Atlantic.\" Decade in the Sun: Best of Stereophonics is a DVD released by Welsh rock band Stereophonics, coinciding with their greatest hits album of the same name. The DVD features all music videos from the band's debut album, \"Word Gets Around\", up to 2007's \"Pull the Pin\", as well as the video for \"You're My Star.\" Decade in the Sun: Best of Stereophonics Decade in the Sun: Best of Stereophonics is a compilation album of greatest hits by", "title": "Decade in the Sun: Best of Stereophonics" }, { "docid": "20280581", "text": "on August 9 with an accompanying music video. \"My Decade\" debuted and peaked at number 4 on the Gaon Album Chart, on the chart issue dated August 6–12, 2017. In its second week, the EP fell to number 9, and after a week off the chart, re-entered in its fourth week at number 10. The EP also debuted and peaked at number 5 on US World Albums, in the week ending August 26, 2017. The EP placed at number 9 on the Gaon Album Chart for the month of August 2017, with 44,684 physical copies sold. My Decade My Decade", "title": "My Decade" }, { "docid": "444225", "text": "Video Video is an electronic medium for the recording, copying, playback, broadcasting, and display of moving visual media. Video was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly replaced by cathode ray tube (CRT) systems which were later replaced by flat panel displays of several types. Video systems vary in display resolution, aspect ratio, refresh rate, color capabilities and other qualities. Analog and digital variants exist and can be carried on a variety of media, including radio broadcast, magnetic tape, optical discs, computer files, and network streaming. Video technology was first developed for mechanical television systems, which were quickly", "title": "Video" }, { "docid": "7685996", "text": "The models can transfer recordings from the built-in hard drive to DVD Video-compliant discs, playable in most modern DVD systems. The video encoding on these models was modified to match the DVD standard so transferring to DVD does not require transcoding. The Series2 standalones can only tune analog signals, so to comply with FCC rules on analog TV phaseout, models that record from over-the-air channels are no longer sold. The dual tuner (DT) models and the TCD542 (a revision of the TCD540) will only record from cable and satellite sources. Some TiVo systems are integrated with DirecTV receivers. These \"DirecTiVo\"", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "7685994", "text": "It includes USB ports (for Ethernet and Wi-Fi adapters), a new CPU, and more RAM. The availability of network connectivity has spread to the software side, where new features like TiVoToGo and Home Media Engine applications are now supported. Series2 TiVo systems are based on MIPS processors connected to MPEG-2 encoder/decoder chips and high-capacity IDE/ATA hard drives. Current Series2 units have drives of 40–250GB in size. Although not supported by TiVo or equipment manufacturers, larger drives can be added. All standalone TiVo systems have coax/RF-in and an internal cable-ready tuner, analog video input—composite/RCA, and S-Video—for use with an external cable", "title": "TiVo digital video recorders" }, { "docid": "18068737", "text": "of the most popular games developed by the Bangladeshi company Rise Up Labs. Video gaming in Bangladesh Video gaming is relatively a new sector in Bangladesh. Games have been developed since 2002, mostly independently. However, from 2014, some IT companies have started to develop video games commercially. Some research has been carried out at various universities for the betterment of the video game development sector. Apple Soft IT is one of the first video game companies in Bangladesh, and was established in 2011. It is a game developing company in Bangladesh. Red Cloud 71 was its first product of Applesoft", "title": "Video gaming in Bangladesh" }, { "docid": "101582", "text": "ranging in size from a box set to an entire series of audio and/or video releases. The first release of archival material since \"Decade\" and \"Lucky Thirteen\" would appear in 2006, \"Live at the Fillmore East\", a recording from a 1970 concert featuring Crazy Horse with Danny Whitten. Several other archival live releases followed, and in 2009 the first of several planned multi-disc box sets, \"The Archives Vol. 1 1963–1972\", was issued. In April 2017 \"Decade\" was reissued on vinyl as a limited-edition Record Store Day release, with remastered vinyl and CD editions planned for general release in June 2017.", "title": "Decade (Neil Young album)" }, { "docid": "10426926", "text": "under the \"Mavipak\" name in 1981 for their Mavica still video camera (not to be confused with their later line of Mavica digital cameras introduced in the mid-1990s, which stored JPEG images to standard 3.5-inch floppy disks readable by computers instead). The video floppy format was later used by Minolta, Panasonic, and Canon for their still video cameras introduced in the mid-to-late 1980s, such as the Canon Xapshot from 1988 (also known as the Canon Ion in Europe and the Canon Q-PIC in Japan). Besides still video cameras, stand-alone recorders & players were also available for the VF format, that", "title": "Video Floppy" }, { "docid": "874309", "text": "online. Initial reactions were positive, with \"Edge\" describing the game as \"what could be one of the most ambitious and important video game endeavours of the decade\". However, the quick time events angered some fans, who had assumed the game would only use a \"Virtua Fighter\"-style battle system. Sega announced a Japanese release for the second quarter of 1999. At the Tokyo Game Show in March 1999, Sega announced that \"Shenmue\" would span multiple games and allowed the public to play the first game for the first time. At a Japanese consumer show on May 3, 1999, Sega demonstrated the", "title": "Shenmue (video game)" }, { "docid": "15579324", "text": "game industry continues to grow in the United States to this day. Within the 2010s, a larger shift towards casual and mobile gaming on smartphones and tablets became significant, in part due to a wider demographic of video game players drawing in more female and older players. Continuing from the previous decade, a large number of independently-developed video games emerged as games on par with those from major publishers, made easier to promote and distribute through digital storefronts on personal computers, consoles, and mobile store markets. All three major console manufacturers released next generation consoles: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and", "title": "Video gaming in the United States" }, { "docid": "5086362", "text": "Scream\", \"Angela\", and \"Anarchy in the U.K.\" were reissued on the \"Supersonic and Demonic Relics\" compilation in 1999, and the remixes of \"Live Wire\", \"Piece of Your Action\", \"Home Sweet Home\" and the live version of \"Kickstart My Heart\" were reissued on the \"\" box set. \"Decade of Decadence\" was also released as a video album on VHS on March 24, 1992. The video features new interviews and the band's full catalog of music videos, which were in part previously released on the video albums \"Uncensored\" and \"Dr. Feelgood The Videos\". It includes new live clips, music videos from the", "title": "Decade of Decadence 81-91" }, { "docid": "2236947", "text": "control the user's access to the content of the cable operator. The overall net effect on digital video recorders and related technology is unlikely to be substantial as standalone DVRs are currently readily available on the open market. In Europe Free-To-Air and Pay TV TV gateways with multiple tuners have whole house recording capabilities allowing recording of TV programs to Network Attached Storage or attached USB storage, recorded programs are then shared across the home network to tablet, smartphone, PC, Mac, Smart TV. In 2003 many Satellite and Cable providers introduced dual-tuner digital video recorders. In the UK, BSkyB introduced", "title": "Digital video recorder" }, { "docid": "15602315", "text": "Video gaming in Canada Canada has the third largest video game industry in terms of employment numbers following those in the US and in Japan, with 20,400 employees, 472 companies, and a direct annual economic impact of nearly $3 billion added to Canada's GDP in 2015. Video game development is beginning to rival the film and television production industry as a major contributor to the economy. Canada has become a major leader in the emerging video game industry. \"Evolution\" and \"BC's Quest for Tires\", both released in 1983, were the first video games developed in Canada that gained substantial commercial", "title": "Video gaming in Canada" }, { "docid": "904699", "text": "this period, most notably Adam and the Ants, Duran Duran and Madonna, owed a great deal of their success to the skillful construction and seductive appeal of their videos. Two key innovations in the development of the modern music video were the development of relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use video recording and editing equipment, and the development of visual effects created with techniques such as image compositing. The advent of high-quality color videotape recorders and portable video cameras coincided with the DIY ethos of the new wave era, enabling many pop acts to produce promotional videos quickly and cheaply, in comparison", "title": "Music video" }, { "docid": "10426928", "text": "recorders & players were also used by television stations and video production studios as a still-store system for stills & graphics for use in a television production, or for on-air slides used for station identification or during technical difficulties (such as a \"Please Stand By\" still). A similar sized disk was also used by the Zenith Minisport laptop computer from 1989, digitally formatted for data storage. The Minisport could store up to 793 KB of information on 2-inch LT format disks called LT-1. Video floppy and LT-1 are not compatible, so media can not be interchanged between drives using video", "title": "Video Floppy" } ]
Who had the noels Spy Hook and Spy Line published in the 80s?
[ "Leonard Cyril Deighton", "Len Deighton", "Len Deighton's London Dossier" ]
[ { "docid": "8414771", "text": "Spy Hook Spy Hook is a 1988 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the first novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). \"Spy Hook\" is part of the \"Hook, Line and Sinker\" trilogy, being succeeded by \"Spy Line\" and \"Spy Sinker\". This trilogy is preceded by the \"Game, Set and Match\" trilogy and followed by the final \"Faith, Hope and Charity\" trilogy. Deighton's novel \"Winter\" (1987) is a prequel to the nine novels, covering the years 1900-1945 and providing the backstory", "title": "Spy Hook" }, { "docid": "8414802", "text": "Spy Line Spy Line is a 1989 spy novel written by British writer Len Deighton. It is the second novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). \"Spy Line\" is part of the \"Hook, Line and Sinker\" trilogy, being preceded by \"Spy Hook\" and followed \"Spy Sinker\". This trilogy is preceded by the \"Game, Set and Match\" trilogy and followed by the final \"Faith, Hope and Charity\" trilogy. Deighton's novel \"Winter\" (1987) is a prequel to the nine novels, covering the years 1900-1945", "title": "Spy Line" }, { "docid": "8414773", "text": "\"Dodo\" and is saved from an untimely death by Prettyman, who it turns out has gone under \"deep-cover\". Bernard then takes his evidence to the Director General, who in a surprise turn of events orders his arrest, which thanks to some quick thinking by Werner Volkmann, Bernard evades for the while. The novel concludes with Bernard seeking an explanation from Frank Harrington, before disappearing into the night. Spy Hook Spy Hook is a 1988 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the first novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer", "title": "Spy Hook" }, { "docid": "8414810", "text": "Spy Sinker Spy Sinker is a 1990 spy novel by Len Deighton. It is the final novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6). \"Spy Sinker\" is part of the \"Hook, Line and Sinker\" trilogy, being preceded by \"Spy Hook\" and \"Spy Line\". This trilogy is preceded by the \"Game, Set and Match\" trilogy and followed by the final \"Faith, Hope and Charity\" trilogy. Deighton's novel \"Winter\" (1987) is a prequel to the nine novels, covering the years 1900-1945 and providing the backstory", "title": "Spy Sinker" }, { "docid": "8414804", "text": "meet his wife Fiona, whom it is now revealed is a double agent (It is not made clear for how long Bernard knew this). Finally, Fiona attempts to escape from East Germany, whereupon Erich Stinnes, and Fiona's sister Tessa are both killed. Bernard and Fiona escape back to the other side of the wall and are transported to America for debriefing. Spy Line Spy Line is a 1989 spy novel written by British writer Len Deighton. It is the second novel in the second of three trilogies about Bernard Samson, a middle-aged and somewhat jaded intelligence officer working for the", "title": "Spy Line" } ]
[ { "docid": "2703634", "text": "first name Fleming purloined for the novel's heroine. \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" was published in the UK on 16 April 1962, as a hardcover edition by publishers Jonathan Cape; it was 221 pages long and cost 15 shillings. Artist Richard Chopping once again undertook the cover art, and raised his fee from the 200 guineas he had charged for \"Thunderball\", to 250 guineas. The artwork included a commando knife which was borrowed from Fleming's editor, Michael Howard at Jonathan Cape. \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" was published in the US by Viking Books on 11 April 1962 with 211", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "1406312", "text": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is a 1963 Cold War spy novel by the British author John le Carré. It depicts Alec Leamas, a British agent, being sent to East Germany as a faux defector to sow disinformation about a powerful East German intelligence officer. \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" portrays Western espionage methods as morally inconsistent with Western democracy and values. The novel received critical acclaim at the time of its publication and became an international best-seller; it was selected as one of the \"All-Time", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "2703643", "text": "star Roger Moore as British Secret Service agent Commander James Bond. Although Fleming had insisted that no film should contain anything of the plot of the novel, the steel-toothed character of Horror was included, although under the name Jaws. The Spy Who Loved Me (novel) The Spy Who Loved Me is the ninth novel in Ian Fleming's James Bond series, first published by Jonathan Cape on 16 April 1962. It is the shortest and most sexually explicit of Fleming's novels, as well as a clear departure from previous Bond novels in that the story is told in the first person", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "1406326", "text": "writing organizations. Screenwriters Paul Dehn and Guy Trosper, who adapted the book for the 1965 movie, received an Edgar the following year for \"Best Motion Picture Screenplay\" for an American movie. In 2005, the fiftieth anniversary of the Dagger Awards, \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" was awarded the \"Dagger of Daggers,\" a one-time award given to the Golden Dagger winner regarded as the stand-out among all fifty winners over the history of the Crime Writers' Association. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is a 1963 Cold War", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "4397903", "text": "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me is the official novelization of the 1977 Eon \"James Bond\" film \"The Spy Who Loved Me\", which was itself inspired to the homonimous 1962 novel by Ian Fleming. When Ian Fleming sold the film rights to the James Bond novels to Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli, he only gave permission for the title \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" to be used. Since the screenplay for the film had nothing to do with Fleming's original novel, Eon Productions, for the first time, authorised that a novelization", "title": "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me" }, { "docid": "1815201", "text": "\"Provides lots of laughs with Myers at the helm; as funny or funnier than the original.\" On Metacritic the film has a score of 59 out of 100, based on 34 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". \"The Spy who Shagged Me\" had a strong box opening at number 1. Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me is a 1999 American spy comedy film directed by Jay Roach, and the second installment in the \"Austin Powers\" film series. It stars franchise co-producer and writer Mike Myers as Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, and Fat", "title": "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" }, { "docid": "11010161", "text": "The London Spy The London Spy by Ned Ward (1660/67 – June 20, 1731) was a periodical about London life, later published as a book. Ward first published the story as a series of 16-page periodicals during 1698–1700, comprising 18 folio editions. They were printed as a collection in book form in 1703 by J. How of Gracechurch Street, London, a mile from where Ward had his public house. The parts are arranged topographically, the story being told in the first person by the author, under the persona of \"The London Spy\". It concerns his adventures as an ostensibly innocent", "title": "The London Spy" }, { "docid": "8516391", "text": "The Spy Who Loved Me (film) The Spy Who Loved Me is a 1977 British spy film, the tenth in the \"James Bond\" series produced by Eon Productions, and the third to star Roger Moore as the fictional secret agent James Bond. Barbara Bach and Curt Jürgens co-star. It was directed by Lewis Gilbert and the screenplay was written by Christopher Wood and Richard Maibaum. The film takes its title from Ian Fleming's novel \"The Spy Who Loved Me\", the tenth book in the James Bond series, though it does not contain any elements of the novel's plot. The storyline", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (film)" }, { "docid": "15919479", "text": "The Spy Who Learned Me \"The Spy Who Learned Me\" is the twentieth episode of the 23rd season of the American animated sitcom \"The Simpsons\". It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on May 6, 2012. On their date night, Homer takes Marge to an action film featuring the legendary fictional spy character Stradivarius Cain (voiced by Bryan Cranston), but Homer's endless series of humorous shout-outs during the film earn him as much contempt from Marge as they do kudos from Lenny and Carl. Marge makes it clear the next morning she is still angry at", "title": "The Spy Who Learned Me" }, { "docid": "2703621", "text": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel) The Spy Who Loved Me is the ninth novel in Ian Fleming's James Bond series, first published by Jonathan Cape on 16 April 1962. It is the shortest and most sexually explicit of Fleming's novels, as well as a clear departure from previous Bond novels in that the story is told in the first person by a young Canadian woman, Vivienne Michel. Bond himself does not appear until two-thirds of the way through the book. Fleming wrote a prologue to the novel giving Michel credit as a co-author. Fleming was not happy with the", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "15919484", "text": "Lisa notes \"he is tough on nerds, but easy on the eyes\" as Bart stares at her in disbelief. The name of the episode is a pun on the James Bond Film 'The Spy Who Loved Me' Stratavarius Cain is a take on James Bond. Blue-eyed man is based on Tony Montana of Scarface (1983) Rowan Kaiser of \"The A.V. Club\" said the episode was a \"simple, emotional story\", noting that most of it had been done many times before by the show, but it still \"worked\" and was funny, thus earning a B+ grade. The Spy Who Learned Me", "title": "The Spy Who Learned Me" }, { "docid": "17193477", "text": "ground between the British and Continental armies. Harvey Birch, peddler and patriot, is a character remotely founded upon that of a real spy who helped John Jay. H. L. Barnum's \"The Spy Unmasked; or Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch\" (1828; 5th ed., 1864) claimed to identify the historical spy. The Spy (Cooper novel) The Spy: a Tale of the Neutral Ground was James Fenimore Cooper's second novel, published in 1821 by Wiley & Halsted. This was the earliest American novel to win wide and permanent fame and may be said to have begun the type of romance which", "title": "The Spy (Cooper novel)" }, { "docid": "9674839", "text": "film critic Michael Sragow. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film) The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is a 1965 British Cold War spy film directed by Martin Ritt and starring Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, and Oskar Werner. Based on the 1963 John le Carré novel of the same name, the film depicts British agent Alec Leamus' mission as a faux defector to East Germany who is tasked with sowing damaging disinformation about a powerful East German intelligence officer. As part of a charade, Leamus pretends to quit British intelligence and live as an embittered alcoholic.", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film)" }, { "docid": "9674825", "text": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film) The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is a 1965 British Cold War spy film directed by Martin Ritt and starring Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, and Oskar Werner. Based on the 1963 John le Carré novel of the same name, the film depicts British agent Alec Leamus' mission as a faux defector to East Germany who is tasked with sowing damaging disinformation about a powerful East German intelligence officer. As part of a charade, Leamus pretends to quit British intelligence and live as an embittered alcoholic. He allows himself to", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film)" }, { "docid": "3612357", "text": "She would decide for White Spy or Black Spy, and she also added some balance and variety to the basic 'Spy vs. Spy' formula.\" Grey Spy's last appearance under Prohías was \"Mad Magazine\" #99 (Dec. 1965); she did not appear again until Bob Clarke and Duck Edwing took over the strip. Leaders — They are the barrel-chested, medal-decorated bosses of Black Spy and White Spy, who give them tasks and punish them for their failures. The Leaders were phased out when Peter Kuper took over writing and illustrating the strip. Spy vs. Spy Spy vs. Spy is a wordless comic", "title": "Spy vs. Spy" }, { "docid": "9674835", "text": "Burton's then wife, Elizabeth Taylor. Ardmore Studios in Ireland and England's Shepperton Studios were used for the shooting of interior scenes. \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" took in $7,600,000 at the box office. Bosley Crowther of \"The New York Times\" wrote, \"After all the spy and mystery movies of a romantic and implausible nature that we have seen, it is great to see one as realistic, and believable too, as 'The Spy Who Came in From the Cold.'\" \"Variety\" called the film \"an excellent contemporary espionage drama of the Cold War which achieves solid impact via emphasis", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film)" }, { "docid": "8516428", "text": "capable of transforming from car to submarine in the film, was purchased for £616,000 at a London auction in October 2013 by Elon Musk, who plans to rebuild the vehicle and attempt to make the fictional dual-purpose car be an actual dual-purpose car (underwater and on land). The Spy Who Loved Me (film) The Spy Who Loved Me is a 1977 British spy film, the tenth in the \"James Bond\" series produced by Eon Productions, and the third to star Roger Moore as the fictional secret agent James Bond. Barbara Bach and Curt Jürgens co-star. It was directed by Lewis", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (film)" }, { "docid": "11479414", "text": "The Spy Who Loved Me (video game) James Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me is a video game adaptation of the 1977 James Bond film \"The Spy Who Loved Me\". The game was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, MS-DOS computers, and ZX Spectrum in 1990. A version was planned for PS1 but was cancelled. \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" is a top-down shooter game in which the player navigates James Bond driving a modified Lotus Esprit. It features the characters from the film and some new characters. The game received a good, but not excellent,", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (video game)" }, { "docid": "3612350", "text": "Spy vs. Spy Spy vs. Spy is a wordless comic strip published in \"Mad\" magazine. It features two agents involved in stereotypical and comical espionage activities. One is dressed in white, and the other in black, but they are otherwise identical, and are particularly known for their long, beaklike heads and their white pupils and black sclera. The pair are always at war with each other, using a variety of booby-traps to inflict harm on the other. The spies usually alternate between victory and defeat with each new strip. A parody of the political ideologies of the Cold War, the", "title": "Spy vs. Spy" }, { "docid": "8652822", "text": "their scores. The Spy Who Loved Me (soundtrack) The Spy Who Loved Me is the soundtrack for the tenth James Bond \"The Spy Who Loved Me\". The soundtrack is one of only two Bond soundtracks to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score. The other score nominated was \"Skyfall\" (2013). The theme song \"Nobody Does It Better\" was composed by Marvin Hamlisch with lyrics by Carole Bayer Sager and was performed by Carly Simon. It was nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Song but lost to \"You Light Up My Life\". It was one of five", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "8652814", "text": "The Spy Who Loved Me (soundtrack) The Spy Who Loved Me is the soundtrack for the tenth James Bond \"The Spy Who Loved Me\". The soundtrack is one of only two Bond soundtracks to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Score. The other score nominated was \"Skyfall\" (2013). The theme song \"Nobody Does It Better\" was composed by Marvin Hamlisch with lyrics by Carole Bayer Sager and was performed by Carly Simon. It was nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Song but lost to \"You Light Up My Life\". It was one of five Bond theme", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (soundtrack)" }, { "docid": "1815189", "text": "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me is a 1999 American spy comedy film directed by Jay Roach, and the second installment in the \"Austin Powers\" film series. It stars franchise co-producer and writer Mike Myers as Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, and Fat Bastard. The film also stars Heather Graham, Michael York, Robert Wagner, Seth Green, and Elizabeth Hurley. The film's title is a play on the James Bond film \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" (1977). The film grossed around $312 million in worldwide ticket sales, taking more money during its opening weekend", "title": "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" }, { "docid": "2703631", "text": "Bond, but also by the police officer involved. Benson argues that this runs counter to another theme in the novel, which had also appeared in a number of other Bond books including \"Goldfinger\": the concept of Bond as Saint George against the dragon. In this Black agrees, who sees \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" as being \"an account of the vulnerable under challenge, of the manipulative nature of individuals and of the possibility of being trapped by evil\". \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" was written in Jamaica at Fleming's Goldeneye estate in January and February 1961, and was the shortest", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "1406313", "text": "100 Novels\" by \"Time\" magazine. In 1965, Martin Ritt directed the cinematic adaptation \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\", with Richard Burton as Leamas. \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" occurs during the heightened tensions that characterized the late 1950s and early 1960s Cold War, when a Warsaw Pact–NATO war sparked in Germany seemed likely. The story begins and concludes in East Germany, about a year after the completion of the Berlin Wall and around the time when double-agent Heinz Felfe was exposed and tried. In \"Call for the Dead\", le Carré's debut novel, a key", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "1406314", "text": "character is Hans-Dieter Mundt, an assassin of the Abteilung (\"the Department\"), the East German Secret Service, who is working under diplomatic cover in London. When uncovered by agents George Smiley and Peter Guillam of the British intelligence service \"the Circus\" (which is led by \"Control\"), he escapes from England to East Germany before Smiley and Guillam can catch him. Two years later, at the time of \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\", Mundt has risen from the field to the upper echelon of the Abteilung, because of his successful counter-intelligence operations against the spy networks of the British", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "20261753", "text": "The Spy Who Dumped Me The Spy Who Dumped Me is a 2018 American action comedy film directed by Susanna Fogel and co-written by Fogel and David Iserson. The film stars Mila Kunis, Kate McKinnon, Justin Theroux, Sam Heughan, Hasan Minhaj and Gillian Anderson and follows two best friends who are chased through Europe by assassins after one of their ex-boyfriends turns out to be a CIA agent. The film was released in the United States on August 3, 2018, by Lionsgate. It grossed over $75 million and received mixed reviews from critics, who questioned the film's intended genre and", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "9623766", "text": "The 13th Spy The 13th Spy is the eighth novel in the Killmaster series. Nick Carter is a fictional character appearing in a series of over 250 spy adventures published from 1964 to the 1990s. Carter is a special agent working in AXE - an ultrasecret arm of the US intelligence services. He is the most deadly agent in AXE and holds the rank of Killmaster. The book was first published in May 1965 (Number A139F) by Award Books part of the Beacon-Signal division of Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation (New York, USA), part of the Conde Nast Publications Inc.", "title": "The 13th Spy" }, { "docid": "6448466", "text": "from 1982 to the present day. Spy vs Spy (Australian band) v.Spy v.Spy, also known as Spy v Spy, The Drug Grannies and The Spies, were an Australian ska/pub rock band from Sydney formed in 1981. They became known for tackling political issues through their music, including racism, homelessness and contemporary drug culture. They were named after a comic strip, \"Spy vs. Spy\" in the US \"Mad\" magazine. The band's initial line-up was the trio of Craig Bloxom on bass guitar/lead vocals, Cliff Grigg on drums/percussion and Mike Weiley on lead guitar/vocals. Spy vs Spy's early music was ska-influenced indie", "title": "Spy vs Spy (Australian band)" }, { "docid": "6448450", "text": "Spy vs Spy (Australian band) v.Spy v.Spy, also known as Spy v Spy, The Drug Grannies and The Spies, were an Australian ska/pub rock band from Sydney formed in 1981. They became known for tackling political issues through their music, including racism, homelessness and contemporary drug culture. They were named after a comic strip, \"Spy vs. Spy\" in the US \"Mad\" magazine. The band's initial line-up was the trio of Craig Bloxom on bass guitar/lead vocals, Cliff Grigg on drums/percussion and Mike Weiley on lead guitar/vocals. Spy vs Spy's early music was ska-influenced indie rock, exemplified by their debut single", "title": "Spy vs Spy (Australian band)" }, { "docid": "20261771", "text": "Kunis was the ideal straight woman calling the two a smart match. The Spy Who Dumped Me The Spy Who Dumped Me is a 2018 American action comedy film directed by Susanna Fogel and co-written by Fogel and David Iserson. The film stars Mila Kunis, Kate McKinnon, Justin Theroux, Sam Heughan, Hasan Minhaj and Gillian Anderson and follows two best friends who are chased through Europe by assassins after one of their ex-boyfriends turns out to be a CIA agent. The film was released in the United States on August 3, 2018, by Lionsgate. It grossed over $75 million and", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "3126591", "text": "A Spy in the House of Love A Spy in the House of Love is a novel by Anaïs Nin published in 1954. Alongside her other novels, \"Ladders to Fire\", \"Children of the Albatross\", \"The Four-Chambered Heart\" and \"Seduction of the Minotaur\", which were all first published in the United States between the 1940s and 1960s, \"A Spy in the House of Love\" was gathered into a collection of her novels known as \"Cities of the Interior\". The novel follows the character of Sabina; a woman who dares to enjoy the sexual licence that men have always known. Wearing extravagant", "title": "A Spy in the House of Love" }, { "docid": "20261766", "text": "Spy Who Dumped Me\" grossed $33.6 million in the United States and Canada, and $41.7 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $75.3 million, against a production budget of $40 million. In the United States and Canada, \"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" was released alongside \"Christopher Robin\", \"The Darkest Minds\" and \"\", and was projected to gross $10–15 million from 3,111 theaters in its opening weekend. The film made $5 million on its first day, including $950,000 from Thursday night previews. It went on to debut to $12.4 million, finishing third at the box office behind holdover", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "20261770", "text": "film's comic agenda\" and also commented that \"\"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" isn't just painfully unfunny—it criminally wastes the comic talents of Kate McKinnon.\" Richard Brody of \"The New Yorker\" praised the film stating, \"Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon riff gleefully in the ample and precise framework of Susanna Fogel's effervescent action comedy\", while Justin Chang of the \"Los Angeles Times\" also gave a positive review saying, \"\"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" [is] a fast, funny Europe-trotting buddy caper\". Johnny Oleksinski of \"The New York Post\" opined it was nice to see McKinnon used properly in a movie and that", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "20261765", "text": "having finally become real spies. Principal photography began production in Budapest, Hungary in July 2017. It also took place in Amsterdam that September, wrapping that same month. \"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" premiered at Regency Village Theater in Los Angeles on July 25, 2018. The film was originally scheduled to be released on July 6, 2018, but after \"a phenomenal test screening\" it was pushed back a month to August 3, 2018, in order to avoid a crowded July frame. \"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" was released on DVD and Blu-ray on October 30, 2018 by Lionsgate Home Entertainment. \"The", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "1406323", "text": "suspicion of Leamas' escape. She falls and as Smiley calls out to Leamas from the other side of the wall, he hesitates. Then he climbs back down the Eastern side of the wall, to be shot and killed too. At its publication during the Cold War (1945–91), the moral presentation of \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" (1963) rendered it a revolutionary espionage novel by showing the intelligence services of both the Eastern and Western nations as engaging in the same expedient amorality in the name of national security. John le Carré also presented his western spy as", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "13175265", "text": "The Boxer and the Spy The Boxer and the Spy (2008) is a crime novel for young adults by American author Robert B. Parker. In a quiet New England town, the body of shy teenager Jason Green washes up on the shore, and the police soon claim that the death was a suicide induced by steroid addiction. However, Terry Novak, a fifteen-year-old aspiring boxer, is not so sure, especially considering that Jason was an artistic person who had no interest in sports, and thus was not the type to be taking such drugs. Assisted by his friend Abby, he begins", "title": "The Boxer and the Spy" }, { "docid": "13175266", "text": "an investigation of his own, and soon learns that asking too many questions can lead him into serious danger. The Boxer and the Spy The Boxer and the Spy (2008) is a crime novel for young adults by American author Robert B. Parker. In a quiet New England town, the body of shy teenager Jason Green washes up on the shore, and the police soon claim that the death was a suicide induced by steroid addiction. However, Terry Novak, a fifteen-year-old aspiring boxer, is not so sure, especially considering that Jason was an artistic person who had no interest in", "title": "The Boxer and the Spy" }, { "docid": "769171", "text": "\"Cheaper by the Dozen 2\" as Harriet's friend Sport, and \"\"'s Melinda Shankar as Janie. In this film Harriet competes against Marion Hawthorne to see who has a better blog. Harriet the Spy Harriet the Spy is a children's novel written and illustrated by Louise Fitzhugh that was published in 1964. It has been called \"a milestone in children's literature\" and a \"classic\". In the U.S. it ranked number 12 book for kids and number 17 all-time children's novel on two lists generated in 2012. Eleven-year-old Harriet M. Welsch is an aspiring writer who lives in New York City's Upper", "title": "Harriet the Spy" }, { "docid": "14630126", "text": "The Pinkerton Labor Spy The Pinkerton Labor Spy (alternately, The Pinkerton's Labor Spy) is a nonfiction book published in 1907 as an exposé of intrigue and abuses by the Pinkerton Detective Agency in general, and by chief agent James McParland in particular. The book detailed the use of spies by mining and ore milling companies during the period of the Colorado Labor Wars. It described the recruiting, utilization, and management of agents who infiltrated the Western Federation of Miners and the United Mine Workers unions for the purposes of disruption, sabotage, and gathering information. The author of the book, Morris", "title": "The Pinkerton Labor Spy" }, { "docid": "19307562", "text": "John Shea, Eli Wallach, and Sasson Gabai. \"The Impossible Spy\" was released in 1987 and won an HBO CableACE Award for Best Picture. The Impossible Spy The Impossible Spy is a television film based on the true story of an Israeli civilian spy, Eli Cohen, who was recruited into Israel's secret intelligence agency (the Mossad) in the 1960s to become a spy in Damascus. Prior to his capture in 1965, Cohen was about to be appointed the third-most powerful figure in Syria—the Deputy Minister of Defense. Cohen's memorization of Syria's individual gun placements along the Golan Heights enabled Israel to", "title": "The Impossible Spy" }, { "docid": "3612356", "text": "of fighting against a set rival, he simply does horrible things to anyone he can find. The cover copy of \"The All New Mad Secret File on Spy vs. Spy\" provides early insight to the characters and Prohías' views on the Castro regime and the CIA: Grey Spy (or \"Woman in Grey\") — She debuted in \"Mad\" magazine #73 (Sept. 1962) (the strip was temporarily renamed \"Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy\"). Grey Spy's appearances were sporadic, but she always triumphed by using the infatuations of Black Spy and White Spy to her advantage. Prohías explained, \"the lady Spy represented neutrality.", "title": "Spy vs. Spy" }, { "docid": "4397910", "text": "\"as much action as anyone could take.\" In their guide \"The Bond Files\", Andy Lane and Paul Simpson say Wood's novel \"counts as a decent Bond novel in its own right, and is certainly more stylish than many of the later volumes.\" That said, fan reaction to the novelization has been largely positive, with many fans claiming it to be one of the better James Bond continuation novels. James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me is the official novelization of the 1977 Eon \"James Bond\" film \"The Spy Who Loved Me\", which was", "title": "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me" }, { "docid": "8516425", "text": "and judged 79% of the reviews to be positive. When Ian Fleming sold the film rights to the James Bond novels to Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli, he gave permission only for the title \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" to be used. Since the screenplay for the film had nothing to do with Fleming's original novel, Eon Productions, for the first time, authorised a novelisation based upon the script. This would also be the first regular Bond novel published since \"Colonel Sun\" nearly a decade earlier. Christopher Wood, who co-authored the screenplay, was commissioned to write the book titled", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (film)" }, { "docid": "20261767", "text": "\"\" and \"Christopher Robin\". It fell 45% to $6.6 million in its second weekend, finishing sixth. On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 49% based on 184 reviews, with an average rating of 5.3/10. The website's critical consensus reads, \"\"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" isn't the funniest or most inventive spy comedy, but Kate McKinnon remains as compulsively watchable as ever.\" On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 52 out of 100, based on 43 critics, indicating \"mixed or average reviews\". Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "20261769", "text": "stars, saying: \"Perhaps the problem isn't one of too little ambition, but of too much. \"The Spy Who Dumped Me\" is, after all, trying earnestly to be about half a dozen different things: a buddy comedy, a spy drama, a raunch fest, a thrilling action film. It's just that it doesn't have the focus to do any of those things particularly well.\" \"Rolling Stone\"s Peter Travers criticized the film, awarding it 2 out of 5 stars. Travers stated that the film \"spends way too much time on car chases, shootouts, knife fights and R-rated violence that doesn't square with the", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "9623771", "text": "Brothers Twelve, escapes after rigging the warehouse to explode with Sichikova still inside. During a car chase through the outskirts of Moscow Carter forces Chou's car off the road and into the Moscow River. Carter returns to the burnt-out warehouse to find that Valentina has survived the explosion. The 13th Spy The 13th Spy is the eighth novel in the Killmaster series. Nick Carter is a fictional character appearing in a series of over 250 spy adventures published from 1964 to the 1990s. Carter is a special agent working in AXE - an ultrasecret arm of the US intelligence services.", "title": "The 13th Spy" }, { "docid": "14586002", "text": "Spy vs. Spy (2005 video game) Spy vs. Spy is a video game developed by Vicious Cycle Software, published by Global Star Software and based on the \"MAD\" magazine's titular comic strip. The game features the two spies (\"Black\" and \"White\") in a unique story mode, plus two other game modes (\"Modern\" and \"Classic\"), and a multiplayer mode for up to 4 players. A GameCube version was planned, but it was cancelled. In this single-player mode, the player is able to choose between Black Spy or White Spy to complete a variety of missions filled with puzzles and a cast", "title": "Spy vs. Spy (2005 video game)" }, { "docid": "3309379", "text": "Spy vs. Spy (1984 video game) Spy vs. Spy is a game published by First Star Software in 1984 for the Atari 8-bit family, Commodore 64 and Apple II computers. It was a two-player, split-screen game, based on MAD Magazine's long running cartoon strip, \"Spy vs. Spy\", about the slapstick antics of two spies trying to kill each other with improbably complex and elaborate traps and weapons. It was later ported to a much wider range of platforms including the ZX Spectrum, Acorn Electron, Atari ST, BBC Micro, Commodore 16, MSX, Amstrad CPC, Amiga, Master System, Game Boy, Xbox, Game", "title": "Spy vs. Spy (1984 video game)" }, { "docid": "769152", "text": "Harriet the Spy Harriet the Spy is a children's novel written and illustrated by Louise Fitzhugh that was published in 1964. It has been called \"a milestone in children's literature\" and a \"classic\". In the U.S. it ranked number 12 book for kids and number 17 all-time children's novel on two lists generated in 2012. Eleven-year-old Harriet M. Welsch is an aspiring writer who lives in New York City's Upper East Side. Harriet is precocious, and enthusiastic about her future career. Encouraged by her nanny, Catherine \"Ole Golly,\" Harriet carefully observes others and writes her thoughts down in a notebook", "title": "Harriet the Spy" }, { "docid": "14586006", "text": "is currently being developed by ONIGAME Team.<ref name=\"sequel/remaster\"></ref> Spy vs. Spy (2005 video game) Spy vs. Spy is a video game developed by Vicious Cycle Software, published by Global Star Software and based on the \"MAD\" magazine's titular comic strip. The game features the two spies (\"Black\" and \"White\") in a unique story mode, plus two other game modes (\"Modern\" and \"Classic\"), and a multiplayer mode for up to 4 players. A GameCube version was planned, but it was cancelled. In this single-player mode, the player is able to choose between Black Spy or White Spy to complete a variety", "title": "Spy vs. Spy (2005 video game)" }, { "docid": "4265382", "text": "The Spy in Black The Spy in Black (US: U-Boat 29) is a 1939 British film, and the first collaboration between the British filmmakers Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. They were brought together by Alexander Korda to make the World War I spy thriller by Joseph Storer Clouston into a film. Powell and Pressburger eventually made over 20 films during the course of their partnership. \"The Spy in Black\" stars Conrad Veidt, Valerie Hobson, Sebastian Shaw and features Marius Goring. In March 1917, Captain Hardt (Conrad Veidt), a World War I German U-boat commander, is ordered to lead a mission", "title": "The Spy in Black" }, { "docid": "19307561", "text": "The Impossible Spy The Impossible Spy is a television film based on the true story of an Israeli civilian spy, Eli Cohen, who was recruited into Israel's secret intelligence agency (the Mossad) in the 1960s to become a spy in Damascus. Prior to his capture in 1965, Cohen was about to be appointed the third-most powerful figure in Syria—the Deputy Minister of Defense. Cohen's memorization of Syria's individual gun placements along the Golan Heights enabled Israel to defeat Syria in the Six-Day War in 1967. The film's executive producer was Harvey Chertok; it was directed by Jim Goddard and starred", "title": "The Impossible Spy" }, { "docid": "3116148", "text": "Hebdo\", calling \"Spy\" a \"rag magazine\" In October 2016, \"Esquire\" magazine produced a special online version of \"Spy\" during the last thirty days of the presidential campaign. Spy (magazine) Spy was a satirical monthly magazine published from 1986 to 1998. Based in New York City, the magazine was founded by Kurt Andersen and E. Graydon Carter, who served as its first editors, and Thomas L. Phillips, Jr., its first publisher. \"Spy\" specialized in irreverent and satirical pieces targeting the American media and entertainment industries and mocking high society. Some of its features attempted to present the darker side of celebrities", "title": "Spy (magazine)" }, { "docid": "9674836", "text": "on human values, total absence of mechanical spy gimmickry, and perfectly controlled underplaying.\" Philip K. Scheuer of the \"Los Angeles Times\" wrote, \"It is not an easy, certainly not a pleasant, picture to sit through; too impersonal, too objective, to move us to weep, so that its ending can only leave us tremendously depressed.\" Richard L. Coe of \"The Washington Post\" declared, \"Not having shared the evidently widespread admiration for 'The Spy Who Came In From the Cold' in its original form as a novel, I nonetheless find it a wholly absorbing picture.\" Brendan Gill of \"The New Yorker\" called", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (film)" }, { "docid": "8516403", "text": "the credit style first used in \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" has been used on all Eon Bond films since \"For Your Eyes Only\", including \"Casino Royale\". Broccoli commissioned a number of writers to work on the script, including Stirling Silliphant, John Landis, Ronald Hardy, Anthony Burgess, and Derek Marlowe. The British television producer Gerry Anderson also stated that he provided a film treatment (although originally planned to be \"Moonraker\") much similar to what ended up as \"The Spy Who Loved Me\". Eventually, Richard Maibaum provided the screenplay, and at first he tried to incorporate ideas from all of the", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (film)" }, { "docid": "10012874", "text": "recently found dead; he had also been tortured. Desperate to find the killer before another victim dies, Paola's investigation is soon joined by Father Anthony Fowler — an American priest and former Army intelligence officer examining sexual abuse in the Church, who knows far more about the killer than Paola could possibly imagine. There is also a number of minor, real life characters, e.g. George W. Bush, John Negroponte, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and many others. \"God's Spy\" by Juan Gómez-Jurado God's Spy God's Spy is a 2007 bestselling thriller novel by Juan Gómez-Jurado originally published in Spain. It", "title": "God's Spy" }, { "docid": "20757121", "text": "named the novel to one of its Best Books of 2012. Liar & Spy Liar & Spy is a children's novel written by Rebecca Stead published in 2012 that is set in Brooklyn and describes the adventures of Georges and Safer, two middle school students who are working to unmask a suspected spy in their building. At the same time, Georges is experiencing a casual bullying that adults in his life seem to minimize. Stead was the first American author to win the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize for \"Liar & Spy\", in 2013. The day that Georges (with a silent", "title": "Liar & Spy" }, { "docid": "20757116", "text": "Liar & Spy Liar & Spy is a children's novel written by Rebecca Stead published in 2012 that is set in Brooklyn and describes the adventures of Georges and Safer, two middle school students who are working to unmask a suspected spy in their building. At the same time, Georges is experiencing a casual bullying that adults in his life seem to minimize. Stead was the first American author to win the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize for \"Liar & Spy\", in 2013. The day that Georges (with a silent s, named for Georges Seurat) moves from a house to an", "title": "Liar & Spy" }, { "docid": "3612352", "text": "to the offices of \"Mad\" magazine in New York City on July 12, 1960. After a successful showing of his work and a prototype cartoon for \"Spy vs. Spy\", Prohías was hired. Prohías cryptically \"signed\" each strip on its first panel with a sequence of Morse code characters that spell \"BY PROHIAS\". In a 1983 interview with the \"Miami Herald\", Prohías reflected on the success of \"Spy vs. Spy\", stating, \"The sweetest revenge has been to turn Fidel's accusation of me as a spy into a moneymaking venture.\" Prohías, however, was censored by \"Mad\" magazine publisher William Gaines on at", "title": "Spy vs. Spy" }, { "docid": "20191533", "text": "the station completely digital at thespyfm.com. In 2012, The Spy and KOSU established a new partnership that allowed The Spy to return to the FM dial. In 2017, The Spy launched a podcast platform in August with their first show Localites OKC. Localites OKC is a weekly podcast hosted by Anna Farha and Kayla Coffey discussing local events and happenings. New episodes are released every Thursday. In October, OKC OVER EASY joined the podcast network as the second podcast. OKC OVER EASY is hosted by Malory Craft and releases new episodes on Sundays. The Spy FM The Spy is an", "title": "The Spy FM" }, { "docid": "20141450", "text": "The Spy Gone North The Spy Gone North is a 2018 South Korean spy drama film directed by Yoon Jong-bin. It stars Hwang Jung-min, Lee Sung-min, Cho Jin-woong and Ju Ji-hoon. The film is loosely based on the true story of Park Chae-seo, a former South Korean agent who infiltrated North Korea's nuclear facilities. The film was released in theaters on August 8, 2018. The story follows a South Korean spy who infiltrates the North to obtain intelligence on the country's nuclear weapons plans in the mid-1990s. Filming began on January 24, 2017 and concluded on July 25, 2017. Some", "title": "The Spy Gone North" }, { "docid": "6448454", "text": "the inner Sydney suburb of Glebe. They named their band for a comic strip, \"Spy vs. Spy\" in the US \"Mad\" magazine. As a rent saving device Bloxom and Weiley also moved into Grigg's squat, which initially had no roof: it also became their rehearsal site. Spy vs Spy had their first performance at Sydney's Sussex Hotel, filling in for The Fast Cars, whose singer had unexpectedly taken ill. From there the band developed an enthusiastic pub following for their distinctive brand of ska-flavoured indie rock. Dirty Pool management picked them up and they performed at many Sydney venues, particularly", "title": "Spy vs Spy (Australian band)" }, { "docid": "19981764", "text": "Spy in the Wild Spy in the Wild is a 2017 British nature documentary television series, produced by BBC Natural History Unit, John Downer Productions and PBS.. The series ran for five episodes from 12 January 2017 and concluded on 3 February 2017, and aired on BBC One. The series focuses on the complex emotions of animals, using more than 30 specially built animatronic \"spy creatures\". The series was narrated by David Tennant in the original version, while Brian Unger provides substitute narration in the American PBS version as it was broadcast under \"Nature\" Special Presentation series. A two-disc DVD", "title": "Spy in the Wild" }, { "docid": "11010162", "text": "country gentleman visiting London, his native-Londoner chaperone-cum-guide, and the adventures that befall them. They travel about London, visiting various inns and tourist attractions, and meeting the people who lived there. The work gives vivid depictions of the lower classes of the day and how they made ends meet – including prostitution, robbery, burglary and other felonious activities. It is a ribald story, written in part in prose, and contains many slang expressions used at that time. \"The London Spy\" by Ned Ward. Edited by Kenneth Fenwick (1955). The Folio Society: London. The London Spy The London Spy by Ned Ward", "title": "The London Spy" }, { "docid": "5482956", "text": "arranged to be performed by him as an informal, non-official agent (an \"accidental spy\"). He was chosen because of his background as an orphan, his sharp intuition and excellent fighting skills. The dream of his parents is actually an illusion created by Liu, who added drugs into Yuen's drink to put him into a hypnotic state. In a post-credits scene, Yuen, now officially a spy, delivers a briefcase to a drug dealer in Italy and tips off the police to arrest him. \"The Accidental Spy\" holds a 29% \"rotten\" rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 7 reviews. Dimension (a sub-set", "title": "The Accidental Spy" }, { "docid": "20261756", "text": "a man Morgan had previously met at the bar, who is himself a spy, who is then killed by Morgan by pushing him off the balcony before he can attack Audrey. After fleeing their apartment, Morgan convinces Audrey that they should go to Vienna especially since their passports were still in their car from a previous roadtrip. At the LAX airport, Audrey and Morgan purchase a suitcase in effort to look less suspicious. In addition, they purchase several trophies to fill the suitcase. Once in Vienna, they go to the café Drew told them to go to. Sebastian appears and", "title": "The Spy Who Dumped Me" }, { "docid": "8687643", "text": "The Unlikely Spy The Unlikely Spy is a 1996 spy novel written by Daniel Silva, set during World War II. While some of the characters and events are fictional, the book is based on the real-life attempt by the Allies to use British intelligence to cover up the true plans for D-Day. The deception plan was called Operation Fortitude, and Double Cross also played a role. Specifically, the book has a backdrop (a subset of Fortitude referred to as Fortitude South). Set during World War II, the book follows Alfred Vicary, a historian and friend of Winston Churchill, who joins", "title": "The Unlikely Spy" }, { "docid": "7333529", "text": "stock for grafting other varieties to become standard size trees. A Northern Spy apple tree figures in the poem \"Conrad Siever\" in Edgar Lee Masters' \"Spoon River Anthology\", and in the poetry of Chase Twichell, whose first book \"Northern Spy\" was published by the University of Pittsburgh Press in 1981. Northern Spy The Northern Spy, also called 'Spy' and 'King', is a cultivar of domesticated apple that originated in East Bloomfield, New York in about 1800. It is popular in upstate New York. The Northern Spy was one of four apples honored by the United States Postal Service in a", "title": "Northern Spy" }, { "docid": "10012872", "text": "God's Spy God's Spy is a 2007 bestselling thriller novel by Juan Gómez-Jurado originally published in Spain. It has become an instant bestseller throughout Europe with a million copies sold to date and is going to be published in 42 countries. The plot is set in the Vatican, where, in the aftermath of Pope John Paul II's death, the hunt for a serial killer and sex offender — and former priest — reveals a chilling conspiracy. It is a detective story where the psychological portrait of Victor Karosky, the serial killer (which name is known from the first line of", "title": "God's Spy" }, { "docid": "15029169", "text": "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (often referred to as Spy Kids 4D, also known as Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World and Spy Kids 4D: All the Time in the World) is a 2011 American 4D spy adventure comedy film written and directed by Robert Rodriguez. It is the fourth installment in the \"Spy Kids\" film series and the sequel to 2003's \"\". The film stars Jessica Alba, Joel McHale, Alexa Vega, Daryl Sabara, Rowan Blanchard, Mason Cook, Ricky Gervais and Jeremy Piven in a multitude", "title": "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World" }, { "docid": "15029184", "text": "Meets World\" and \"Speechless\" respectively), and the planned sequel got cancelled as a result. Netflix and The Weinstein Company announced on June 16, 2016 an animated CGI reboot of the \"Spy Kids\" film series titled \"\" which was released in 2018. Spy Kids: All the Time in the World Spy Kids: All the Time in the World (often referred to as Spy Kids 4D, also known as Spy Kids 4: All the Time in the World and Spy Kids 4D: All the Time in the World) is a 2011 American 4D spy adventure comedy film written and directed by Robert", "title": "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World" }, { "docid": "1406325", "text": "spy novels in 2006. Paramount Television and The Ink Factory—who had previously produced \"The Night Manager\"—are developing a limited series based on the novel, with Simon Beaufoy as the writer. On 14 January 2017, AMC and the BBC joined with The Ink Factory for the series. Le Carré's book won a 1963 Gold Dagger award from the Crime Writers' Association for \"Best Crime Novel\". Two years later the US edition was awarded the Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for \"Best Mystery Novel\". It was the first work to win the award for \"Best Novel\" from both mystery", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "11675107", "text": "a story consultant. The Two-Headed Spy The Two-Headed Spy is a 1958 British spy thriller film directed by Andre DeToth and starring Jack Hawkins, Gia Scala, Erik Schumann and Alexander Knox. The film, which has elements of film noir and is set in the Second World War, was based on a story by J. Alvin Kugelmass called \"Britain's Two-Headed Spy\" and is notable for having been scripted by blacklisted writers. The story commences in 1939. Alex Schottland (Jack Hawkins), a general in the German Army, is actually a British agent who was planted in Germany toward the end of the", "title": "The Two-Headed Spy" }, { "docid": "11675102", "text": "The Two-Headed Spy The Two-Headed Spy is a 1958 British spy thriller film directed by Andre DeToth and starring Jack Hawkins, Gia Scala, Erik Schumann and Alexander Knox. The film, which has elements of film noir and is set in the Second World War, was based on a story by J. Alvin Kugelmass called \"Britain's Two-Headed Spy\" and is notable for having been scripted by blacklisted writers. The story commences in 1939. Alex Schottland (Jack Hawkins), a general in the German Army, is actually a British agent who was planted in Germany toward the end of the First World War.", "title": "The Two-Headed Spy" }, { "docid": "13050213", "text": "The Faithful Spy The Faithful Spy is a novel by \"New York Times\" reporter Alex Berenson. The novel won an Edgar award for Best First novel. It was published in 2006 by Random House and deals with the September 11th terrorist attacks. The book begins a few months after the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, with John Wells, an undercover CIA agent, in the middle of a battle in Afghanistan. Wells has been undercover with Al Qaeda for many years, fighting in Chechnya, Afghanistan and Pakistan. During the battle he and his crew of Al-Qaeda members are", "title": "The Faithful Spy" }, { "docid": "2703622", "text": "book, owing to the reactions by critics and fans, and attempted to suppress elements of it where he could: he blocked a paperback edition in the United Kingdom and only gave permission for the title to be used when he sold the film rights to Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli, rather than any aspects of the plots. However, a British paperback edition was published after his death, and the Bond film character of Jaws is loosely based on one of the characters in the book. A heavily adapted version of \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" appeared in the \"Daily", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "13050217", "text": "several other Al Qaeda members have infected themselves with the plague and plan to spread it throughout the population, creating a pandemic within the United States. Wells, with the help of Exley, is able to kill the infected terrorists and take out their leader, Khadri, thwarting their plans. John Wells- Jennifer Exley- Vinny Duto- Omar Khadri- Shafer- The Faithful Spy The Faithful Spy is a novel by \"New York Times\" reporter Alex Berenson. The novel won an Edgar award for Best First novel. It was published in 2006 by Random House and deals with the September 11th terrorist attacks. The", "title": "The Faithful Spy" }, { "docid": "2703636", "text": "be no reprints or paperback version of the book, and for the British market no paperback version appeared until after Fleming's death. Because of the heightened sexual writing in the novel, it was banned in a number of countries. In the US the story was also published in \"Stag\" magazine, with the title changed to \"Motel Nymph\". Broadly, the critics did not welcome Fleming's experiment with the Bond formula; academic Christoph Linder has pointed out that \"The Spy Who Loved Me\" received the worst reception of all the Bond books. \"The Daily Telegraph\", for example, wrote \"Oh Dear Oh Dear", "title": "The Spy Who Loved Me (novel)" }, { "docid": "769163", "text": "books for children. In 2005, the ex-CIA officer Lindsay Moran cited the \"Harriet the Spy\" series of books as an inspiration for her career. It was included in a 2009 list of \"Children’s Classics\" by \"The Horn Book Magazine\". In 2012 \"Harriet the Spy\" was ranked number 17 among all-time children's novels in a survey published by \"School Library Journal\". Earlier that year, \"Time Out New York Kids\" ranked it number 12 among \"The 50 Best Books for Kids\". Late in 2015 the same source ranked it 34th among \"kids books of all time for families\", a collection including many", "title": "Harriet the Spy" }, { "docid": "3612351", "text": "strip was created by Cuban expatriate cartoonist Antonio Prohías, and debuted in \"Mad\" #60, dated January 1961. \"Spy vs. Spy\" is currently written and drawn by Peter Kuper. The \"Spy vs. Spy\" characters have been featured in such media as video games and an animated television series, and in such merchandise as action figures and trading cards. Prohías was a prolific cartoonist in Cuba known for political satire. He fled to the United States on May 1, 1960, three days before Fidel Castro's government nationalized the last of the Cuban free press. Prohías sought work in his profession and travelled", "title": "Spy vs. Spy" }, { "docid": "5275249", "text": "killed in a plane crash) and his identical twin brother, and Marguerite Chapman as the brother's imperiled fiancée, Eve Corby. Edited down to 100 minutes in 1966 the serial was re-released for television under the title \"Spy Smasher Returns\". Spy Smasher will appear in the video game DC Universe Online. Spy Smasher Spy Smasher is the name of two fictional characters appearing in comics published by Fawcett and DC Comics. The first is a superhero that was formerly owned and published by Fawcett Comics. The second is a female anti-terrorism government agent often featured as an antagonist of the vigilante", "title": "Spy Smasher" }, { "docid": "20191532", "text": "the Program Director at 93.7 The Spy (KSPI-FM in Stillwater). When station owners took The Spy off the air in 2001, Ferris secured ownership of the brand and moved it to Oklahoma City. In 2002, Citadel Communications launched a deep alternative format radio station (KSYY) and asked Ferris to take the helm. The station was killed in June 2004, but Ferris kept “Spy Radio” on the air as a once weekly specialty show on KATT 100.5 The Katt. In 2009, Ferris purchased 105.3FM from Citadel and relaunched The Spy. When that purchase agreement feel through in December 2010, he took", "title": "The Spy FM" }, { "docid": "9330138", "text": "Be an Interplanetary Spy Be An Interplanetary Spy is a series of twelve interactive children's science fiction books designed by Byron Preiss Visual Publications and first published by Bantam Books from 1983 to 1985. Aimed at younger readers, these books were published in paperback form only, with brightly coloured covers and were heavily illustrated in black and white throughout. Unlike other series of interactive novels such as Choose Your Own Adventure stories or Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, each Interplanetary Spy book is made up largely of illustrations in a style that mixes comic book-like line drawings with blocky, straight edge illustrations", "title": "Be an Interplanetary Spy" }, { "docid": "11899445", "text": "the help of his wife Mary, who drove home from the desert with a dummy decoy in the passenger seat of the car, and played a recording of Howard's voice on a phone line she knew the FBI was tapping. Howard defected to Russia where the Soviets granted him asylum, an apartment, and a new identity. Howard died on July 12, 2002, at the age of 50, according to former KGB chief Vladimir A. Kryuchkov and State Department spokesman Richard A. Boucher. 1985: The Year of the Spy The American media referred to 1985 as the Year of the Spy", "title": "1985: The Year of the Spy" }, { "docid": "15581844", "text": "attracting peculiar people. Hidden in his new coat is a microfilm which interests more than one secret service. After being drawn into the world of international espionage, a secret service of his own country hires him to lure enemy spies into a trap. The Reluctant Spy The Reluctant Spy (, , also known as \"How to Be a Spy Without Even Trying\") is a French-Italian spy-comedy film from 1963, directed by Jean-Charles Dudrumet, written by Michel Cousin, starring Jean Marais and Geneviève Page. It is a parody of espionage films. It was followed by sequel \"Pleins feux sur Stanislas\". Stanislas", "title": "The Reluctant Spy" }, { "docid": "15581843", "text": "The Reluctant Spy The Reluctant Spy (, , also known as \"How to Be a Spy Without Even Trying\") is a French-Italian spy-comedy film from 1963, directed by Jean-Charles Dudrumet, written by Michel Cousin, starring Jean Marais and Geneviève Page. It is a parody of espionage films. It was followed by sequel \"Pleins feux sur Stanislas\". Stanislas Dubois is an ordinary businessman. When he meets a woman on a date in a restaurant, he takes off his coat. Upon leaving he confuses a similar coat with his own. Following this mix-up he becomes increasingly aware that something about him is", "title": "The Reluctant Spy" }, { "docid": "2896628", "text": "their popularity is being enjoyed by a new generation of children. The \"News Chronicle\" series included the following titles (as listed on the back of the booklets): I-SPY BOOKS – Sixpence each I-SPY COLOUR BOOKS – One Shilling each There are now 37 individual titles and three boxed sets (one of which is made up of 70 individual cards) published by Michelin. Michelin's initial 12 titles after the series relaunch in December 2009 Titles published in May 2010 Titles published in April 2011 Titles published in Summer 2011 Boxed sets published in November 2011 I-Spy (Michelin) The I-SPY books are", "title": "I-Spy (Michelin)" }, { "docid": "6197928", "text": "Evidence of occupation by Upper Paleolithic anatomically modern humans has also been found at Spy. A report published in 2013 states that \"Based on cut-marked bones, remains with ochre traces and an Aurignacian spear point, it seems that AMH visited Spy at least three times: at around 34,500 BP, 33,000 BP and 26,000 BP.\" Pendants and perforated beads made from mammoth ivory, presumably by modern humans, were found in the cave. Spy Cave Spy Cave () is located near Spy in the municipality of Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, province of Namur, Belgium above the left bank of the Orneau River. Classified as a", "title": "Spy Cave" }, { "docid": "369751", "text": "(2004), \"Secret Asset\" (2006), \"Illegal Action\" (2007), and \"Dead Line\" (2008), by Dame Stella Rimington (Director General of MI5 from 1992 to 1996); and Matthew Dunn's \"Spycatcher\" (2011) and sequels. Much spy fiction was adapted as spy films in the 1960s, ranging from the fantastical James Bond series to the realistic \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" (1965), and the hybrid \"The Quiller Memorandum\" (1966). While Hamilton's Matt Helm novels were adult and well written, their cinematic interpretations were adolescent parody. This phenomenon spread widely in Europe in the 1960s and is known as the Eurospy genre. English-language", "title": "Spy fiction" }, { "docid": "6887176", "text": "Massachusetts Spy The Massachusetts Spy (est.1770) was a newspaper published by Isaiah Thomas in Boston and Worcester, Massachusetts in the 18th century. It was a heavily political weekly paper that was constantly on the verge of being suppressed by the Royalist government, from the time of its establishment in 1770 to 1776, during the runup to the American Revolution. In 1771-73 the \"Spy\" featured the essays of several anonymous political commentators who called themselves \"Centinel,\" \"Mucius Scaevola\" and \"Leonidas.\" They spoke in the same terms about similar issues, kept Patriot polemics on the front page, and supported each other against", "title": "Massachusetts Spy" }, { "docid": "3116144", "text": "Spy (magazine) Spy was a satirical monthly magazine published from 1986 to 1998. Based in New York City, the magazine was founded by Kurt Andersen and E. Graydon Carter, who served as its first editors, and Thomas L. Phillips, Jr., its first publisher. \"Spy\" specialized in irreverent and satirical pieces targeting the American media and entertainment industries and mocking high society. Some of its features attempted to present the darker side of celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Steven Seagal, Martha Stewart, and especially, the real-estate tycoon Donald Trump and his then-wife Ivana Trump. Pejorative epithets of", "title": "Spy (magazine)" }, { "docid": "16366947", "text": "The Spy: Undercover Operation The Spy: Undercover Operation (; lit. \"Spy\") is a 2013 South Korean action comedy film about an agent (Sol Kyung-gu) who is undercover in a foreign country while his wife (Moon So-ri) has no idea what he does for a living. The early working title was \"Mister K\" (). Chul-soo is the greatest secret agent in South Korea, but at home he is a loving husband who's intimidated by his flight attendant wife Young-hee, who thinks her husband is a normal office worker. One day, Chul-soo tells his wife that he'll be going to Busan for", "title": "The Spy: Undercover Operation" }, { "docid": "1406315", "text": "secret services. Characters and events from \"The Spy Who Came in from the Cold\" are reinvestigated in \"A Legacy of Spies\", le Carré's 2017 novel centering on an aging Guillam. The West Berlin office of the Circus is under the command of Station Head Alec Leamas, who served as an SOE operative during World War II and fought in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands and Norway. It has just lost its last and best double agent, shot whilst defecting from East Berlin. With no operatives left, Leamas is recalled to London by Control, the Circus chief, who asks Leamas to stay \"in", "title": "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" }, { "docid": "6448456", "text": "recordings were released under the name Spy vs Spy, but the band was forced to change its name to v. Spy v. Spy to avoid legal action from the publishers of \"Mad\" magazine, which included the comic strip \"Spy vs. Spy\". Their music became more straight forward hard rock for their pub audiences. The band became prominent on the Sydney pub rock scene, performing politically charged songs dealing with issues such as racism, drugs and the homeless. Shortly after the release of their debut EP, in early 1983, the band broke up. Bloxom briefly joined The Numbers in March 1983", "title": "Spy vs Spy (Australian band)" }, { "docid": "2162758", "text": "John Cleese on How to Irritate People sketch in which two bored airline pilots are playing I Spy as a pastime while on cruise flight. I spy I spy is a guessing game where the \"spy\", or \"it\", says \"I spy with my little eye ...\" and players have to guess the object the Spy saw. The way players choose who will be the Spy/It can range from the noncompetitive alternating of turns to a game of skill/chance such as rock, paper, scissors. The Spy silently selects an object that is visible to all the players and does not reveal", "title": "I spy" } ]
the first credit cards were for use in what type of establishments?
[ "Eateries", "Cookshop", "Restuarant", "Restarant", "Resteraunt", "Piqueteadero", "Restaurant", "Restaraunt", "Restaurants", "Resturants", "Resturant", "Public food facility", "Eatery", "Theatre restaurant", "Resturaunt", "Restuarent", "Restauraunt", "Chef's table", "Resterant" ]
[ { "docid": "11901410", "text": "cards. Merchants often advertise which cards they accept by displaying acceptance marks – generally derived from logos – or this may be communicated in signage in the establishment or in company material (e.g., a restaurant's menu may indicate which credit cards are accepted). Merchants may also communicate this orally, as in \"We take (brands X, Y, and Z)\" or \"We don't take credit cards\". The credit card issuer issues a credit card to a customer at the time or after an account has been approved by the credit provider, which need not be the same entity as the card issuer.", "title": "Credit card" } ]
[ { "docid": "2628558", "text": "Wachovia Bank in 2006) abandoned FICO scores for a more costly analysis of a potential borrower's assets and employment before giving a loan. According to the experts at MyFico.com, credit scores are enhanced by having multiple credit cards, the use of credit cards, and having installment loans. However, financially secure individuals who do not use multiple credit cards and/or self-finance installment type expenses may be inaccurately assessed a lower credit score. Experian, Equifax, TransUnion and their trade association (the Consumer Data Industry Association or \"CDIA\") have all gone on record saying that employers do not receive credit scores on the", "title": "Credit score in the United States" }, { "docid": "11901425", "text": "for each credit card. In this case the booklets readily enable the location of a card’s current available credit when ten or more cards are in use. As well as convenient credit, credit cards offer consumers an easy way to track expenses, which is necessary for both monitoring personal expenditures and the tracking of work-related expenses for taxation and reimbursement purposes. Credit cards are accepted in larger establishments in almost all countries, and are available with a variety of credit limits, repayment arrangements. Some have added perks (such as insurance protection, rewards schemes in which points earned by purchasing goods", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901405", "text": "banking system under the Glass–Steagall Act meant that credit cards became an effective way for those who were traveling around the country to move their credit to places where they could not directly use their banking facilities. There are now countless variations on the basic concept of revolving credit for individuals (as issued by banks and honored by a network of financial institutions), including organization-branded credit cards, corporate-user credit cards, store cards and so on. In 1966, Barclaycard in the United Kingdom launched the first credit card outside the United States. Although credit cards reached very high adoption levels in", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "13774661", "text": "a credit card glitch. Gas rebate credit cards Gas rebate credit cards or gas cashback cards became popular in the United States in the wake of the 2000s energy crisis and the rising price of gasoline. The appeal of a gas rebate credit card is that cardholders obtain a sure percent of the sum they consume on gasoline each month in the form of a rebate check at the end of the year. It works similarly to a cashback discount recognition card with the exception that the gasoline discount is frequently applied each month, rather than each year, which makes", "title": "Gas rebate credit cards" }, { "docid": "11901469", "text": "other variables including: the type of merchant, the merchant's total card sales volume, the merchant's average transaction amount, whether the cards were physically present, how the information required for the transaction was received, the specific type of card, when the transaction was settled, and the authorized and settled transaction amounts. In some cases, merchants add a surcharge to the credit cards to cover the interchange fee, encouraging their customers to instead use cash, debit cards, or even cheques. Interest charges vary widely from card issuer to card issuer. Often, there are \"teaser\" rates in effect for initial periods of time", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "13774659", "text": "Gas rebate credit cards Gas rebate credit cards or gas cashback cards became popular in the United States in the wake of the 2000s energy crisis and the rising price of gasoline. The appeal of a gas rebate credit card is that cardholders obtain a sure percent of the sum they consume on gasoline each month in the form of a rebate check at the end of the year. It works similarly to a cashback discount recognition card with the exception that the gasoline discount is frequently applied each month, rather than each year, which makes the savings easier to", "title": "Gas rebate credit cards" }, { "docid": "3462716", "text": "credit were traditionally governed by internationally recognized rules and procedures rather than by national law. The International Chamber of Commerce oversaw the preparation of the first Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) in 1933, creating a voluntary framework for commercial banks to apply to transactions worldwide. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, travelers commonly carried a \"circular\" letter of credit issued by a relationship bank, which allowed the beneficiary to withdraw cash from other banks along their journey. This type of letter of credit was eventually replaced by traveler's checks, credit cards and automated teller", "title": "Letter of credit" }, { "docid": "11901477", "text": "into an interactive tool on the FCAC website. The interactive tool uses several interview-type questions to build a profile of the user's credit card usage habits and needs, eliminating unsuitable choices based on the profile, so that the user is presented with a small number of credit cards and the ability to carry out detailed comparisons of features, reward programs, interest rates, etc. Credit card debt has increased steadily. Since the late 1990s, lawmakers, consumer advocacy groups, college officials and other higher education affiliates have become increasingly concerned about the rising use of credit cards among college students. The major", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "3026153", "text": "Revolving credit Revolving credit is a type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments, in contrast to installment credit. Credit cards are an example of revolving credit used by consumers. Corporate revolving credit facilities are typically used to provide liquidity for a company's day-to-day operations. They were first introduced by the Strawbridge and Clothier Department Store. It is an arrangement which allows for the loan amount to be withdrawn, repaid, and redrawn again in any manner and any number of times, until the arrangement expires. Credit card loans and overdrafts are revolving loans, also called evergreen", "title": "Revolving credit" }, { "docid": "13774660", "text": "view for most consumers. Companies provide an average of 3% APR on new gas rebate credit cards. Concerns over fraud have led credit card companies to limit the amount of gasoline a consumer can take during pay at the pump transactions. One of the more famous cases of gas credit card usage was when television anchor Anne Pressly was attacked and then had her credit card used minutes later. Glitches can also compromise consumers such as the case in July 2009, where Josh Muszynski from New Hampshire, got charged $23 quadrillion dollars by Bank of America and Visa due to", "title": "Gas rebate credit cards" }, { "docid": "11901391", "text": "feature. In addition to the main credit card number, credit cards also carry issue and expiration dates (given to the nearest month), as well as extra codes such as issue numbers and security codes. Not all credit cards have the same sets of extra codes nor do they use the same number of digits. Credit card numbers were originally embossed to allow easy transfer of the number to charge slips. With the decline of paper slips, some credit cards are no longer embossed and in fact the card number is no longer in the front. The concept of using a", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901428", "text": "personal credit from the activity of the business. Business credit cards are offered by almost all major card issuers—like American Express, Visa, and MasterCard in addition to local banks and credit unions. Charge cards for businesses, however, are currently only offered by American Express. A secured credit card is a type of credit card secured by a deposit account owned by the cardholder. Typically, the cardholder must deposit between 100% and 200% of the total amount of credit desired. Thus if the cardholder puts down $1,000, they will be given credit in the range of $500–1,000. In some cases, credit", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11600356", "text": "more typically used to verify credit card data obtained directly from the victims by skimming or phishing. A set of credit card details that have been verified in this way is known in fraud circles as a phish. A carder will typically sell data files of the phish to other individuals who will carry out the actual fraud. The market price for a phish ranges from US$1.00 to US$50.00 depending on the type of card, the freshness of the data and credit status of the victim. Credit cards are produced in BIN ranges. Where an issuer does not use random", "title": "Credit card fraud" }, { "docid": "16026198", "text": "insurance service of First Entertainment, operates under the credit union's CUSO MBC and offers its members auto, vehicle, renter's, homeowner's and pet coverage. A full-service financial institution, First Entertainment Credit Union offers a wide range of products and services such as: Savings and Checking Accounts, IRAs, Money Markets, Personal and Vehicle Loans, Platinum Visa® Credit Cards, Auto Loans, Real Estate Loans, and a First Time Homebuyer Program. First Entertainment Credit Union offers its members online account access and electronic services such as e-Statements, e-Alerts, Bill Pay Services, Online Tutorials, Mobile Banking and Mobile Deposits. Members can also submit Loan Applications", "title": "First Entertainment Credit Union" }, { "docid": "12974729", "text": "card, and most carry a major label such as Visa or MasterCard. Another type of card often marketed as a credit card is an offshore debit card. Offshore debit cards are linked to an offshore bank account, and do not involve any extensions of credit whatsoever. The only money that may be spent is the amount stored in the offshore bank account itself. An offshore Visa debit or MasterCard is accepted worldwide just like a credit card. Offshore credit card Offshore credit cards are credit cards issued by an offshore bank in a jurisdiction that is different from that of", "title": "Offshore credit card" }, { "docid": "11901409", "text": "or more specifically exonumia (study of money-like objects), credit card collectors seek to collect various embodiments of credit from the now familiar plastic cards to older paper merchant cards, and even metal tokens that were accepted as merchant credit cards. Early credit cards were made of celluloid plastic, then metal and fiber, then paper, and are now mostly polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic. However the chip part of credit cards is not made from plastic but from metals. A credit card issuing company, such as a bank or credit union, enters into agreements with merchants for them to accept their credit", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901489", "text": "have introduced smart cards, but the U.S. had not. , the U.S. banking system had not updated the cards and associated readers in the U.S., stating that the costs were prohibitive. As of 2015, the smart cards had been introduced and put into use in the United States. Credit card A credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) to enable the cardholder to pay a merchant for goods and services based on the cardholder's promise to the card issuer to pay them for the amounts so paid plus the other agreed charges. The card issuer (usually a", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901446", "text": "rate). Merchants are charged several fees for accepting credit cards. The merchant is usually charged a commission of around 1 to 4 percent of the value of each transaction paid for by credit card. The merchant may also pay a variable charge, called a merchant discount rate, for each transaction. In some instances of very low-value transactions, use of credit cards will significantly reduce the profit margin or cause the merchant to lose money on the transaction. Merchants with very low average transaction prices or very high average transaction prices are more averse to accepting credit cards. In some cases", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901476", "text": "fees, features, interest rates and reward programs of nearly 200 credit cards available in Canada. This database is updated on a quarterly basis with information supplied by the credit card issuing companies. Information in the database is published every quarter on the website of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC). Information in the database is published in two formats. It is available in PDF comparison tables that break down the information according to type of credit card, allowing the reader to compare the features of, for example, all the student credit cards in the database. The database also feeds", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "18945017", "text": "largest credit union in the city of Birmingham and the third largest in the state of Alabama. The credit union offers a variety of financial services to members: It also offers consumer and auto loans, credit cards, mortgages, home equity lines of credit, investment planning services, and insurance services. Alabamians are eligible for membership if they live, work, worship or attend school in Bibb, Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, Walker, Calhoun counties, as well as certain areas of Mobile and Talladega counties. Additionally, America's First membership is open to employees of more than 1400 Alabama-based companies. As of December", "title": "America's First Federal Credit Union" }, { "docid": "16971830", "text": "national identity cards issued to residents who are not citizens, are not valid as a travel document within the EEA and Switzerland. National identity cards are often accepted in other parts of the world for unofficial identification purposes (such as age verification in commercial establishments that serve or sell alcohol, or checking in at hotels) and sometimes for official purposes such as proof of identity/nationality to authorities (especially machine-readable cards). Four EEA member states do not issue cards defined by EU as national identity cards to their citizens: Denmark, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom (except to residents of Gibraltar);", "title": "National identity cards in the European Economic Area" }, { "docid": "12974728", "text": "bank in question. Since it is almost impossible to get one, if you see an 'unsecured' offshore credit card advertised online beware it is probably a scam. Since most banks will not offer credit lines without some kind of insurance, they offer 'secured' offshore credit cards as an alternative. Secured offshore credit cards involve depositing a certain amount (usually 125-150% of the credit line) to cover what you borrow. For a credit line of 20,000 USD for example, a deposit of 25000-30000 USD may be required. This aside, the card operates to all intents and purposes like a normal credit", "title": "Offshore credit card" }, { "docid": "20497625", "text": "was placed under the Ministry of Labour and Employment. On 15 January 2014 the Ministry of Labour and Employment upgraded the Directorate of Inspection for Factories and Establishments into the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments. Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments is an autonomous government agency responsible for health and safety inspection in factories and industries in Bangladesh and is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It also provides factories with information and training regarding workers safety and the enforcement of labour laws in Bangladesh. Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments", "title": "Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments" }, { "docid": "9252198", "text": "Choice (credit card) Choice was a credit card test marketed by Citibank in the United States, announced in 1977, and first issued in 1978. It was one of the first cards to offer a cash refund program, and no annual fee. Choice was intended to create a rival to Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, but proved unsuccessful, and was withdrawn in 1987. Citibank has continued to use the \"Choice\" name on some of its Visa and MasterCard cards. The card was introduced in 1977, when Citibank bought NAC, a regional credit card based in Baltimore, renaming it Choice. A subsequent", "title": "Choice (credit card)" }, { "docid": "16225857", "text": "in the mid-1960s in London and Scotland. The first recorded British credit union was the Hornsey Co-operative, established 1964 in North London by Caribbean families, and is the foundation of what is now London Capital Credit Union. Credit unions were popular in the Caribbean and large numbers of first generation Caribbean-British would become members of credit unions. By 1998, 38% of Caribbean British adults were members of credit unions. In Scotland, several credit unions were established by immigrants from Ireland. In Glasgow, credit union coverage and membership remains broad: one in six Glaswegians is member of a credit union, with", "title": "Credit unions in the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "20100126", "text": "Lamar County WSD to 79 percent in Borger MWS, with average share of 35 percent. In order to achieve improvements in the efficiency of CII water use, it is necessary to obtain information about the existing conservation potential in different types of establishments and about specific end uses of water in each CII category. Studies of water use in the CII sector were conducted by the American Water Works Association, Pacific Institute, Colorado WaterWise Council, Conserve Florida Water Clearinghouse (CFWC), and Water Research Foundation (WRF). Nearly a hundred specific end uses within seven major groupings (i.e., washing and sanitation, domestic-type", "title": "Nonresidential water use in the U.S." }, { "docid": "11901426", "text": "with the card can be redeemed for further goods and services or cashback). Some countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, limit the amount for which a consumer can be held liable in the event of fraudulent transactions with a lost or stolen credit card. Business credit cards are specialized credit cards issued in the name of a registered business, and typically they can only be used for business purposes. Their use has grown in recent decades. In 1998, for instance, 37% of small businesses reported using a business credit card; by 2009, this number had", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "9382625", "text": "in different versions, all catalogued by Max Lehrs. Woodcut old master prints had begun around the turn of the century, and were extremely popular by the start of the Master of the Playing Cards' career, but were then almost all very crudely executed. Playing cards and religious images were the vast majority of the production. Although he comes very early in the history of engraving for prints, the Master of the Playing Cards is certainly not the inventor of the technique. He is however considered the first significant artist to use either printmaking technique. The art historian Arthur Mayger Hind", "title": "Master of the Playing Cards" }, { "docid": "12372291", "text": "case before the justices. At the same time, some residents of Minnesota were being offered cards by First National of Omaha, at similar terms. Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis, which was chartered in the state and also offering credit cards, confronted First National Bank of Omaha and informed them that what they were doing with the interest rate was illegal, since Minnesota's capped interest rates at 12 percent (without specifying what kind of debt). Marquette threatened to take the Omaha bank to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary if their practice continued. Marquette began to lobby for the passage of", "title": "Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis v. First of Omaha Service Corp." }, { "docid": "11901432", "text": "their account is opened. Secured credit cards are an option to allow a person with a poor credit history or no credit history to have a credit card which might not otherwise be available. They are often offered as a means of rebuilding one's credit. Fees and service charges for secured credit cards often exceed those charged for ordinary non-secured credit cards. For people in certain situations, (for example, after charging off on other credit cards, or people with a long history of delinquency on various forms of debt), secured cards are almost always more expensive than unsecured credit cards.", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "20497624", "text": "Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments is an autonomous government agency responsible for health and safety inspection in factories and industries in Bangladesh and is located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It also provides factories with information and training regarding workers safety and the enforcement of labour laws in Bangladesh. Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments was established on 1969 by the government of Pakistan on the recommendations of Air Vice Marshal Malik Nur Khan as the Directorate of Inspection for Factories and Establishments. After the Independence of Bangladesh in 1971 the Directorate", "title": "Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments" }, { "docid": "3026156", "text": "financial accommodation within it - for example, it is possible to incorporate a letter of credit, a swingline (that is, a short-term borrowing that is funded on one day's notice), or an overdraft within the terms of a revolving credit loan. This is often achieved by creating a sublimit within the overall loan, allowing a certain amount of the lenders' commitment to be drawn in the form of these different facilities. Revolving credit Revolving credit is a type of credit that does not have a fixed number of payments, in contrast to installment credit. Credit cards are an example of", "title": "Revolving credit" }, { "docid": "16123219", "text": "Credit card kiting Credit card kiting refers to the use of one or more credit cards to obtain cash and purchasing power they do not have, or pay credit card balances with the proceeds of other cards. Unlike check kiting, which is illegal under nearly all circumstances, laws against credit card kiting are not completely prohibitive of the practice, thereby allowing it to be done to some degree. It is up to the banks to detect the practice and when necessary, stop it. In order for prosecution to occur in a credit card kiting scheme, a bank must prove intent", "title": "Credit card kiting" }, { "docid": "19751854", "text": "24, or 48 hours, depending on the rarity of the resultant combo. The player can use the combo ability in battle by putting a card on top of another card, thus effectively merging them together. Here, players can change around their Cards that they would like to use in their deck when playing battles and matches. A deck must be at least 25 cards. Players can also upgrade their cards using Giggitywatts giving them better stats or more abilities. Unwanted cards can be placed in the 'Recycle' section to trade in for 'Giggitywatts'. The player can also fuse cards by", "title": "Animation Throwdown: The Quest For Cards" }, { "docid": "11901427", "text": "grown to 64%. Business credit cards offer a number of features specific to businesses. They frequently offer special rewards in areas such as shipping, office supplies, travel, and business technology. Most issuers use the applicant's personal credit score when evaluating these applications. In addition, income from a variety of sources may be used to qualify, which means these cards may be available to businesses that are newly established. In addition, most major issuers of these cards do not report account activity to the owner's personal credit unless there is a default. This may have the effect of protecting the owner's", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901407", "text": "1990s to reach anything like the percentage market penetration levels achieved in the US, Canada, and UK. In some countries, acceptance still remains low as the use of a credit card system depends on the banking system of each country; while in others, a country sometimes had to develop its own credit card network, e.g. UK's Barclaycard and Australia's Bankcard. Japan remains a very cash-oriented society, with credit card adoption being limited mainly to the largest of merchants; although stored value cards (such as telephone cards) are used as alternative currencies, the trend is toward RFID-based systems inside cards, cellphones,", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "12112422", "text": "Tektronix employees on January 14, 1952. In 1961, the name was changed to Tektronix Employees Federal Credit Union to reflect the credit union's membership. From very early on, technical innovation was used and resulted in First Tech's motto of \"Think Forward\". As early as 1976, the credit union began using computers for online data processing. By 1979, Tektronix Employees Federal Credit Union had begun the use of ATMs. In 1985, the credit union unveiled \"Call 24\", which allowed members to check balances and transfer funds by phone. In 1986, the name was changed to First Technology Credit Union and the", "title": "First Tech Credit Union" }, { "docid": "11901435", "text": "more to open an account. With prepaid credit cards purchasers are not charged any interest but are often charged a purchasing fee plus monthly fees after an arbitrary time period. Many other fees also usually apply to a prepaid card. Prepaid credit cards are sometimes marketed to teenagers for shopping online without having their parents complete the transaction. Teenagers can only use funds that are available on the card which helps promote financial management to reduce the risk of debt problems later in life. Prepaid cards can be used globally. The prepaid card is convenient for payees in developing countries", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "20521960", "text": "Steam Trading Cards Steam Trading Cards are a digital commodity issued by Valve Corporation for use on its digital distribution platform, Steam. Steam Trading Cards are a non-physical analogue of conventional trading cards, which are periodically granted to Steam users for playing games, fulfilling tasks, or by random chance. Cards can be \"crafted\" to acquire Steam-centric awards such as emoticons or profile backgrounds, traded to other Steam users, or sold through the Steam Community Market for store credit. Since their introduction in 2013, Steam Trading Card sets have been integrated into over 7,000 games. The developer revenue gained through trading", "title": "Steam Trading Cards" }, { "docid": "15405190", "text": "certain loans. The colonies had many currencies and coins in circulations. However, there was a shortage of currency for those wishing to use it as a medium of exchange. There were additional costs to facilitating some trades which was avoided by the use of credit. Credit in the Thirteen Colonies The Thirteen Colonies made wide use of credit. Credit was used for domestic and overseas goods, as well as a method of repayment. Credit allowed colonists to defer their payments for goods and services until a later time, which was a more favourable payment option than cash or barter. Institutions", "title": "Credit in the Thirteen Colonies" }, { "docid": "11901406", "text": "the US, Canada and the UK during the latter 20th century, many cultures were more cash-oriented or developed alternative forms of cashless payments, such as Carte bleue or the Eurocard (Germany, France, Switzerland, and others). In these places, adoption of credit cards was initially much slower. Due to strict regulations regarding bank overdrafts, some countries, France in particular, were much quicker to develop and adopt chip-based credit cards which are seen as major anti-fraud credit devices. Debit cards and online banking (using either ATMs or PCs) are used more widely than credit cards in some countries. It took until the", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901488", "text": "equipment, more specifically \"a terabyte of hard disks\". Similarly, filmmaker Robert Townsend financed part of \"Hollywood Shuffle\" using credit cards. Director Kevin Smith funded \"Clerks\" in part by maxing out several credit cards. Actor Richard Hatch also financed his production of \"\" partly through his credit cards. Famed hedge fund manager Bruce Kovner began his career (and, later on, his firm Caxton Associates) in financial markets by borrowing from his credit card. UK entrepreneur James Caan (as seen on \"Dragons' Den\") financed his first business using several credit cards. Travellers from the U.S. had encountered problems abroad because many countries", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "9595805", "text": "Credit reference A credit reference is information, the name of an individual, or the name of an organization that can provide details about an individual's past track record with credit. Credit rating agencies provide credit references for companies while credit bureaus provide credit references for individuals. Other letters of credit reference might be written by banks, which would provide basic information about how long the applicant has held an account, what type of account it was, and whether there were any overdrafts or late payments noted. Individuals and companies can carry out credit checks on businesses in order to assess", "title": "Credit reference" }, { "docid": "18706538", "text": "a credit union for all residents, not just employees with payroll deductions. This was followed in 1983 by a similar expansion in Liverpool, and in 1984 to the Shire of Hornsby. New offices were also opened in Campbelltown, North Ryde and Dee Why. The transformation from a work-based credit union to a more community-based one prompted another name change, to S.W.B. Community Credit Union Ltd. In 1983 the Rediteller ATM network was launched and all members were issued with Redicards, for use in some 500 ATMs nationwide. In 1984, the Credit Union Visa Card gave members debit-card access to their", "title": "Community First Credit Union" }, { "docid": "11600383", "text": "fraud. Another form of credit card hijacking is the continued charging of a person’s credit card for a subscription to goods or services no longer desired by the credit card owner. This type of credit card hijacking was pioneered by major ISPs, credit monitoring services and online dating services, are perfectly legal, and are still common today in a wide range of subscription based goods and services. Credit card hijacking of this type came about as online subscription based marketers realized that traditional subscription systems, such as the annual subscriptions that paper magazines use, were an impediment to enrolling customers.", "title": "Credit card hijacking" }, { "docid": "7005082", "text": "Credit score A credit score is a numerical expression based on a level analysis of a person's credit files, to represent the creditworthiness of an individual. A credit score is primarily based on a credit report information typically sourced from credit bureaus. Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential risk posed by lending money to consumers and to mitigate losses due to bad debt. Lenders use credit scores to determine who qualifies for a loan, at what interest rate, and what credit limits. Lenders also use credit scores to determine which customers", "title": "Credit score" }, { "docid": "16225862", "text": "July 2002. Before the Credit Union Act 1979 was passed, there was no special legal structure for credit unions in the UK. Some of the early credit unions chose to register under the Companies Act and some under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act. They are classified in two types: type 1 are the smaller credit unions while type 2 are larger. From November 2006, many type 2 credit unions began offering their members debit card accounts so that they could withdraw cash from any Link ATM. In June 2008, the Treasury announced plans to encourage the growth of credit", "title": "Credit unions in the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "11543200", "text": "Credit One Bank Credit One Bank, N.A., simply referred to as Credit One Bank, is a U.S.-based bank specializing in credit cards. It has corporate offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. The bank is held by Credit One Financial, a bank holding company registered in Nevada. Credit One Financial is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sherman Financial Group, LLC. As of 2017, Credit One Bank services more than 7 million cardholders across the United States. Credit One Bank operates under a CEBA national bank charter (OCC Charter Number: 20291). This type of charter affects the bank’s lending and deposit functions. Requirements", "title": "Credit One Bank" }, { "docid": "5212172", "text": "In the Game Trading Cards In The Game is a sports card manufacturing company with its head office in the United States and an office in Canada. In The Game, often abbreviated to ITG, and was founded by Dr. Brian H. Price in 1998. In The Game mainly produced hockey trading cards. In 2014 the right to use the In The Game name was transferred to Leaf Trading Cards in Dallas, Texas. In The Game's first entrance into the trading card market came in the 1998-1999 season, when they produced the NHL Players Association's \"Be A Player\" brand trading cards", "title": "In the Game Trading Cards" }, { "docid": "11901436", "text": "like Brazil, Russia, India, and China, where international wire transfers and bank checks are time consuming, complicated and costly. Because of the many fees that apply to obtaining and using credit-card-branded prepaid cards, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada describes them as \"an expensive way to spend your own money\". The agency publishes a booklet entitled \"Pre-paid Cards\" which explains the advantages and disadvantages of this type of prepaid card. A digital card is a digital cloud-hosted virtual representation of any kind of identification card or payment card, such as a credit card. The main benefit to the cardholder is", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901390", "text": "The card number's \"prefix\", called the Bank Identification Number, is the sequence of digits at the beginning of the number that determine the bank to which a credit card number belongs. This is the first six digits for MasterCard and Visa cards. The next nine digits are the individual account number, and the final digit is a validity check code. Both of these standards are maintained and further developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 17/WG 1. Credit cards have a magnetic stripe conforming to the ISO/IEC 7813. Many modern credit cards have a computer chip embedded in them as a security", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "8126972", "text": "a sum of $10,000.00 on June 15, 1903, for the all time right of undisturbed use and occupancy of the land. The reserve as it stands today consists of lots 1 to 12 in the first and second concessions in the Township of Tuscarora, in the County of Brant, and lots 1-12 in the first and second concessions in the Township of Oneida. In 1997, New Credit purchased an additional bordering on Highway #6, Hagersville. The First Nation made claims to land on which Toronto sits through the disputed Toronto Purchase of 1787. In 2010, Canada agreed to pay for", "title": "Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation" }, { "docid": "2628550", "text": "credit cards issued by Capital One, U.S. Bank, Chase Bank, TD Bank, N.A., and USAA Bank. CE Score is published by CE Analytics and licensed to sites such as Community Empower and iQualifier.com. This score is distributed to 6,500 lenders through the Credit Plus network but is free to consumers. It has a range of 350 to 850. A number of scores have been developed to help consumers understand and improve their credit score. Most were introduced before FICO began sharing details of their model and encouraging lenders to share scores with consumers. While these scores can help consumers monitor", "title": "Credit score in the United States" }, { "docid": "2850755", "text": "Defence Research Establishments The Defence Research Establishments were a number of separate UK Ministry of Defence Research Establishments, dating back to World War II, World War I, or even earlier. Each establishment had its own head; known as the Director or the Superintendent. Prior to the formation of the Ministry of Defence each of the three Services, i.e. the Royal Air Force, the Admiralty and the War Office, had their own research establishments; although some establishments had tri-service functions. At the beginning of World War II there were about a dozen research and development establishments. The main ones were: Many", "title": "Defence Research Establishments" }, { "docid": "2628539", "text": "Credit score in the United States Credit score in the United States is a number representing the creditworthiness of a person, the likelihood that person will pay his or her debts. Lenders, such as banks and credit card companies, use credit scores to evaluate the potential risk posed by lending money to consumers. Lenders allege that widespread use of credit scores has made credit more widely available and less expensive for many consumers. The FICO score was first introduced in 1989 by FICO, then called Fair, Isaac, and Company. The FICO model is used by the vast majority of banks", "title": "Credit score in the United States" }, { "docid": "9138739", "text": "Hill Air Force Base, and Fort Douglas. Utah-chartered credit unions began serving anyone in the state and the credit union changed its name to America First Credit Union in 1984. In 1994, it marketed residential mortgages with incentives such as no fees for first mortgage refinancing, a quarter-point reduction in the interest rate if payments were to be deducted automatically from an America First checking account, and a quarter-point reduction for mortgages of less than half the residence's appraised value. Beginning in 1998, a series of legal and legislative restrictions were placed on America First Credit Union's field of membership", "title": "America First Credit Union" }, { "docid": "16116225", "text": "Heatseekers Albums, which is a weekly music chart that ranks top-selling albums by new or developing acts, defined as those who have never appeared in the top 100 of the \"Billboard\" 200 or in the top 10 of \"Billboard\"s component charts. The album also reached number 50 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart. All songs were written, arranged, and produced by Van Hunt. Credits for \"What Were You Hoping For?\" adapted from Allmusic. What Were You Hoping For? What Were You Hoping For? is the third studio album by American recording artist Van Hunt, released September 27, 2011, on his", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "16116199", "text": "in 2008. Two songs from those sessions, \"Moving Targets\" and \"Eyes Like Pearls\", were included on \"What Were You Hoping For?\". After setting up his own label in 2009, Hunt began a new process for \"What Were You Hoping For?\", writing and recording songs for 10 months. In an interview for the \"Chicago Tribune\", he said of his expectations for the album's recording: \"I really wasn't sure what it would wind up being sonically. I love Bach cello suites, I love punk music, I love old blues, negro spiritual quartets, Muddy Waters' 'You Need Love.' There is a simplicity but", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "8126970", "text": "Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation is a Mississauga Ojibwa First Nation located near Brantford in south-central Ontario, Canada. In April 2015, New Credit had an enrolled population of 2,330 people, 850 of whom lived on the New Credit Reserve. Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation govern the 2,392.6-hectare parcel of New Credit 40A Indian Reserve known as Reserve 40B near Hagersville, Ontario. This reserve is located near the Six Nations of the Grand River in Brantford. In the 19th century, the Mississaugas wanted to move from a reserve near present-day Port", "title": "Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation" }, { "docid": "16994804", "text": "mentioned in media outlets about their competitive products, particularly on auto rates, mortgages and CDs as compared to larger banks. NASA Federal has been named in several publications as a recommended credit union to use for a variety of products. NASA Federal offers a fixed rate 9.9% balance transfer to those who’ve opened an account within 90 days. These cards have been mentioned by well-known finance websites such as NerdWallet, who published an article describing the benefits of the credit cards. NASA Federal launched its Star Trek credit card program in August 2016, in partnership with CBS and in conjunction", "title": "NASA Federal Credit Union" }, { "docid": "12974727", "text": "Offshore credit card Offshore credit cards are credit cards issued by an offshore bank in a jurisdiction that is different from that of the cardholder. Real 'unsecured' offshore credit cards with credit lines are very difficult for the average person to obtain because banks refuse to issue them. Most banks will need possession of reliable credit histories and a means of getting their money back. If a customer is somewhere 'offshore' the risk of extending a credit line is too great and so as a result these cards are only issued to clients that have long standing relationships with the", "title": "Offshore credit card" }, { "docid": "16622614", "text": "State Bank of India to float two joint venture companies, including SBI Cards for developing the credit card business in India. SBI Cards & Payment Services is the front end of the business, focusing on marketing and distribution of credit cards. GE Capital Business Process Management Services takes care of the technology and processing as a captive BPO unit. GE Capital owns 40 per cent in the former and 60 per cent in the latter. SBI owns 60 per cent in SBI Cards and Payment Services and 40 per cent in the captive BPO unit. As on July 2016, State", "title": "SBI Cards" }, { "docid": "5212176", "text": "issues. In the Game Trading Cards In The Game is a sports card manufacturing company with its head office in the United States and an office in Canada. In The Game, often abbreviated to ITG, and was founded by Dr. Brian H. Price in 1998. In The Game mainly produced hockey trading cards. In 2014 the right to use the In The Game name was transferred to Leaf Trading Cards in Dallas, Texas. In The Game's first entrance into the trading card market came in the 1998-1999 season, when they produced the NHL Players Association's \"Be A Player\" brand trading", "title": "In the Game Trading Cards" }, { "docid": "11901433", "text": "Sometimes a credit card will be secured by the equity in the borrower's home. A \"prepaid credit card\" is not a true credit card, since no credit is offered by the card issuer: the cardholder spends money which has been \"stored\" via a prior deposit by the cardholder or someone else, such as a parent or employer. However, it carries a credit-card brand (such as Discover, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or JCB) and can be used in similar ways just as though it were a credit card. Unlike debit cards, prepaid credit cards generally do not require a PIN. An", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "20100127", "text": "uses, landscape irrigation, outdoor and indoor water features, cooling and heating, food service, and process water) were compiled in the WRF study. Typically, the total CII use in an urban area or a region is broken down by categories of commercial establishments (and types of institutions or industrial plants) based on the kinds of goods and services provided, or their function. The category's water use is then separated into several end uses (or purposes). The following list of 14 major CII categories of nonresidential buildings or establishments (with examples of possible subcategories) are commonly found in an urban water service", "title": "Nonresidential water use in the U.S." }, { "docid": "18715786", "text": "use the award money wisely in order to pursue their higher education is required. Five students are selected for the scholarship money, each receives $1,000. Credit Card Insider Credit Card Insider is a privately held Syracuse, NY based consumer education company. The company provides reviews of credit cards, information about building credit, and tools to compare credit card products. Founded in 2012 by John Ganotis and Eric Adamowsky, the Credit Card Insider website launched in early 2013. The company is located in Syracuse, NY. The company works with different finance industry professionals, in the areas of personal finance, credit, and", "title": "Credit Card Insider" }, { "docid": "9382624", "text": "made in woodcut, which can be printed in much greater numbers before the matrix wears out. Some of the cards are composed of different little plates, one per pip, which were presumably held together in a frame for printing. Possibly the Master was in Mainz and was influenced by Johannes Gutenberg's movable type. Despite this, the majority of the pips are unique, and although they appear rather jumbled as groups, when looked at individually it is apparent that many are very fine studies of their subjects. Despite the very few impressions surviving, some cards exist in two states, and some", "title": "Master of the Playing Cards" }, { "docid": "11901444", "text": "discussed below, and can result in charges back to the merchant). In most cases, cards are even more secure than cash, because they discourage theft by the merchant's employees and reduce the amount of cash on the premises. Finally, credit cards reduce the back office expense of processing checks/cash and transporting them to the bank. Prior to credit cards, each merchant had to evaluate each customer's credit history before extending credit. That task is now performed by the banks which assume the credit risk. Credit cards can also aid in securing a sale especially if the customer does not have", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901458", "text": "States. However, they do not have the resources to pursue all criminals, and in general they only prosecute cases exceeding $5,000. Three improvements to card security have been introduced to the more common credit card networks, but none has proven to help reduce credit card fraud so far. First, the cards themselves are being replaced with similar-looking tamper-resistant smart cards which are intended to make forgery more difficult. The majority of smart card (IC card) based credit cards comply with the EMV (Europay MasterCard Visa) standard. Second, an additional 3 or 4 digit card security code (CSC) is now present", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901442", "text": "from passing these fees directly to credit card customers, or from setting a minimum transaction amount (no longer prohibited in the United States, United Kingdom or Australia). The result is that merchants are induced to charge all customers (including those who do not use credit cards) higher prices to cover the fees on credit card transactions. The inducement can be strong because the merchant's fee is a percentage of the sale price, which has a disproportionate effect on the profitability of businesses that have predominantly credit card transactions, unless compensated for by raising prices generally. In the United States in", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "10496563", "text": "and many other banks issues cashcard/Saison Card joint card. Credi Saison also issues for many other non-group companies. Annual fees of Saison Card are free for normal cards, 1575 yen to 3150 yen for some cards, and 10500 yen or more for gold or platinum cards. As of March 30, 2006: Credit Saison , commonly known as or simply , is a Japanese financial services company affiliated to Mizuho Financial Group. Founded in 1951, Credit Saison is the 3rd largest credit card issuer with over 20 million cardholders in Japan, behind JCB and Visa Japan. Credit Saison was founded in", "title": "Credit Saison" }, { "docid": "16116217", "text": "Were You Hoping For?\" was released on September 27, 2011, by Hunt's independent record label Godless Hotspot in a joint venture with Nashville-based distributor Thirty Tigers. It was distributed by RED Distribution. Thirty Tigers reached out to Hunt during 2009 and offered their distribution and marketing services to him pending the album's completion. He subsequently assembled a marketing team and Godless Hotspot. \"What Were You Hoping For?\" was executive-produced by music manager and executive Randy Jackson, who originally helped Hunt get his first major-label record contract in 2003. The album's cover is a photograph taken by Hunt in North Hollywood", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "4555414", "text": "credit cards and mortgages until after they have worked in the new country with a stable income for several years. Some lenders do take into account credit history from other countries, but this practice is not common. Among credit card companies, American Express can transfer credit cards from one country to another and in this way help start a credit history. Adverse credit history, also called sub-prime credit history, non-status credit history, impaired credit history, poor credit history, and bad credit history, is a negative credit rating. A negative credit rating is often considered undesirable to lenders and other extenders", "title": "Credit history" }, { "docid": "7869517", "text": "Bankcard also services credit cards for Major League Lacrosse, World of Warcraft, Scheels All Sports, just to name a few. SunTrust Bank announced on December 12, 2006, that it has signed an agreement with Atlanta-based InfiCorp Holdings, Inc. (subsidiary of First National of Nebraska) for issuing consumer credit cards. Under terms of the agreement, InfiCorp will market, originate and service SunTrust-branded cards starting in the first quarter of 2007, focusing on SunTrust clients. An Iowa resident by the name of Fred Fisher received an unsolicited BankAmericard from First National Bank Omaha, in February 1969. Fisher filed a complaint against the", "title": "First National Bank of Omaha" }, { "docid": "11901438", "text": "car insurance, common carrier accident protection, and travel medical insurance. Credit cards can also offer a loyalty program, where each purchase is rewarded with points, which may be redeemed for cash or products. Research has examined whether competition among card networks may potentially make payment rewards too generous, causing higher prices among merchants, thus actually impacting social welfare and its distribution, a situation potentially warranting public policy interventions. The table below contains a list of benefits offered in the United States for consumer credit cards. Benefits may vary in other countries or business credit cards. Low introductory credit card rates", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "20211553", "text": "Timeline of Magic: the Gathering Standard (Type II) The collectible card game was first released in 1993 with very few restrictions on how players could construct their decks (which cards to include, and how many copies of each card were allowed). The game evolved over time, and different formats were developed which each had different constraints for how players could construct their decks. Constructed formats, for instance, allow players to build decks in advance using cards from their collection, although only a subset of cards are allowed. Another major development was the creation of officially sanctioned tournaments that offer prize", "title": "Timeline of Magic: the Gathering Standard (Type II)" }, { "docid": "16123222", "text": "case, using the credit card proceeds to earn interest at both banks' expense. Many payment services, such as PayPal and Square, allow people to receive credit card payments for low prices, which could be made to oneself. These could be used to pay off balances. In this case, the kiter is creating cash while avoiding legally entitled cash advance fees. This is a violation of PayPal and Square Terms of Service contracts and agreements. Credit card kiting Credit card kiting refers to the use of one or more credit cards to obtain cash and purchasing power they do not have,", "title": "Credit card kiting" }, { "docid": "7005114", "text": "free trial subscription of the service and then cancel before the first monthly charge. Websites like WalletHub, Credit Sesame and Credit Karma provide free credit scores with no credit card required, using the TransUnion VantageScore 3.0 model. Credit.com uses the Experian VantageScore 3.0 model. Until March 2009, holders of credit cards issued by Washington Mutual were offered a free FICO score each month through the bank's Web site. (Chase, which took over Washington Mutual in 2008, discontinued this practice in March, 2009.)Chase resumed the practice of offering a free FICO score in March, 2010 of select card members to the", "title": "Credit score" }, { "docid": "11901441", "text": "a substantial fraction of consumers (about 40 percent) choose a sub-optimal credit card agreement, with some incurring hundreds of dollars of avoidable interest costs. Several studies have shown that consumers are likely to spend more money when they pay by credit card. Researchers suggest that when people pay using credit cards, they do not experience the abstract pain of payment. Furthermore, researchers have found that using credit cards can increase consumption of unhealthy food. Merchants that accept credit cards must pay interchange fees and discount fees on all credit-card transactions. In some cases merchants are barred by their credit agreements", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "12145526", "text": "8 cards and attempts to throw, one at a time, a card into the hat. Each card landing in the hat gains one point for the player's team. After all of the players have taken their turns, then the first player returns to the oche again with 8 cards. This time the players throw two at a time into the hat, and each player follows to do the same, again with the points for each player being accumulated. After the pairs of cards all team members try to throw 4 cards at a time, and finally all 8 cards are", "title": "Cards in the hat" }, { "docid": "8289165", "text": "In the Cards \"In the Cards\" is the penultimate episode of the of \"\". This episode marks Michael Dorn's directorial debut. \"In the Cards\" was written by Truly Barr Clark, Scott Neal, and Ronald D. Moore, directed by Michael Dorn, and it was broadcast on television on June 9, 1997. This was an exceptionally popular time for the Star Trek franchise, and Michael Dorn's first time directing made national news including the Chicago Tribune. This episode has several guest stars including Louise Fletcher, Chase Masterson, Jeffrey Combs , Aron Eisenberg, and Brian Markinson. Mr. Dorn also plays the character Worf", "title": "In the Cards" }, { "docid": "11901399", "text": "1958 by American Express which created a worldwide credit card network (although these were initially charge cards that later acquired credit card features). Until 1958, no one had been able to successfully establish a \"revolving credit\" financial system in which a card issued by a third-party bank was being generally accepted by a large number of merchants, as opposed to merchant-issued revolving cards accepted by only a few merchants. There had been a dozen attempts by small American banks, but none of them were able to last very long. In September 1958, Bank of America launched the \"BankAmericard\" in Fresno,", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "16116189", "text": "What Were You Hoping For? What Were You Hoping For? is the third studio album by American recording artist Van Hunt, released September 27, 2011, on his independent label Godless Hotspot in a joint venture with distributor Thirty Tigers. It is the follow-up to Hunt's 2006 album \"On the Jungle Floor\" and follows a period of label conflict and mainstream obscurity for Hunt. Recording sessions for the album took place primarily at Santa Fe Tracking Station in Los Angeles, where Hunt applied a minimalist recording approach and worked with a backing band comprising drummer Ruth Price, percussionist Melissa Mattey, and", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "1832725", "text": "with a big bank. Credit unions differ from banks and other financial institutions in that those who have accounts in the credit union are its members and owners, and they elect their board of directors in a one-person-one-vote system regardless of their amount invested. Credit unions see themselves as different from mainstream banks, with a mission to be \"community-oriented\" and \"serve people, not profit\". Credit unions offer many of the same financial services as banks, but often use a different terminology. Typical services include share accounts (savings accounts), share draft accounts (checking accounts), credit cards, share term certificates (certificates of", "title": "Credit union" }, { "docid": "18715783", "text": "Credit Card Insider Credit Card Insider is a privately held Syracuse, NY based consumer education company. The company provides reviews of credit cards, information about building credit, and tools to compare credit card products. Founded in 2012 by John Ganotis and Eric Adamowsky, the Credit Card Insider website launched in early 2013. The company is located in Syracuse, NY. The company works with different finance industry professionals, in the areas of personal finance, credit, and credit cards. Credit Card Insider editors provide insight based on in-depth research of all the credit cards reviewed by the company. Additionally, the editors publish", "title": "Credit Card Insider" }, { "docid": "11901479", "text": "other credit cards, for which the customer may be current on payments, may also have their rates and credit limit changed. The universal default feature allows creditors to periodically check cardholders' credit portfolios to view trade, allowing these other institutions to decrease the credit limit or increase rates on cardholders who may be late with another credit card issuer. Being late on one credit card will potentially affect all the cardholder's credit cards. Citibank voluntarily stopped this practice in March 2007 and Chase stopped the practice in November 2007. The fact that credit card companies can change the interest rate", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "5606662", "text": "does not restrict the time limit of use to less than three months. The agreement does not have to exceed three months, but the option to do so must be given by one party. Partially regulated agreements are those consumer hire or consumer credit agreements which are not an exempt agreement but are exempt from certain provisions of the Act. What these provisions are depends on the type of agreement; small agreements, non-commercial agreements and contracts with a foreign element. Small agreements are defined in Section 17 of the act as regulated consumer credit agreements where the credit does not", "title": "Consumer Credit Act 1974" }, { "docid": "12372299", "text": "it has been ever since. South Dakota lured a few more large credit operators, such as Wells Fargo, before corporation-friendly Delaware repealed its anti-usury laws as well. Several other states also repealed their interest-rate caps, more lenders entered the credit-card field and introduced newer products and by 1990 the amount of credit cards in use in the U.S. had more than doubled. Credit cards, once a loss leader for the banks that issued them, became a major profit center as banks aggressively marketed them to \"revolvers\", customers who carried large balances but rarely paid more than the monthly minimum, resulting", "title": "Marquette National Bank of Minneapolis v. First of Omaha Service Corp." }, { "docid": "20972337", "text": "a subpoena, or a search warrant, financial institutions are obligated to disclose the requested financial information. With proof, financial institutions do not have to verify that all laws were followed before handing over information. The Song-Beverly Credit Card Act was passed in 1971 to protect consumer information in credit card transactions. Under the act, companies may not collect personally identifiable information from consumers who purchase goods or services using credit cards. Companies cannot set conditions in which consumers must consent to sharing their information in order to use their credit cards for a transaction. However, consumer information can be requested", "title": "Financial privacy laws in the United States" }, { "docid": "16116204", "text": "recorded basic tracks, and Hunt approached Peter Dyer to create a backing soundscape for the tracks. \"What Were You Hoping For?\" was later mixed by Melissa Mattey. Hunt has cited its minimalist recording process as his \"most hands off approach ... thus far on an album\", calling the approach \"musically adept but also stringently unique. People might describe it as futuristic.\" Expanding on his previous work's blend of R&B and rock music forms, \"What Were You Hoping For?\" incorporates hard rock, lively funk, sparse ballads, and elements of soul, punk rock, and progressive rock. The music has a loose feel,", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "16116191", "text": "\"What Were You Hoping For?\" received rave reviews from music critics, who praised its musical direction, Hunt's performance, and his songwriting. However, it received some backlash from Hunt's fanbase for its stylistic departure from his past work. The album produced one single, \"Eyes Like Pearls\", and performed modestly on music charts, reaching number 50 on the \"Billboard\" Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums. Hunt promoted \"What You Were Hoping For?\" with a national tour that spanned September to October 2011, and featured session band members Ruth Price and Peter Dyer. In 2006, Hunt released his second album \"On the Jungle Floor\" to critical", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "11901434", "text": "exception are prepaid credit cards with an EMV chip. These cards do require a PIN if the payment is processed via Chip and PIN technology. After purchasing the card, the cardholder loads the account with any amount of money, up to the predetermined card limit and then uses the card to make purchases the same way as a typical credit card. Prepaid cards can be issued to minors (above 13) since there is no credit line involved. The main advantage over secured credit cards (see above section) is that the cardholder is not required to come up with $500 or", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "18715784", "text": "articles from experts on responsible credit practices. Credit Card Insider author John Ulzheimer is twice Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) certified by the credit reporting industry’s trade association. He is also a credit blogger for Credit Sesame, Mint, and the National Foundation for Credit Counseling. Credit Card Insider reports the interest rates charged by various credit cards, the benefits they provide and recommend specific cards in major categories like student, small business, and secured. Ganotis has been interviewed by several major news publications including MarketWatch, Business Insider, and Kiplinger to provide insight on a variety of finance and credit card", "title": "Credit Card Insider" }, { "docid": "11901389", "text": "a charge card also in that a credit card typically involves a third-party entity that pays the seller and is reimbursed by the buyer, whereas a charge card simply defers payment by the buyer until a later date. The size of most credit cards is 85.60 mm × 53.98 mm ( × inches) and rounded corners with a radius of 2.88–3.48 mm, conforming to the ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 standard, the same size as ATM cards and other payment cards, such as debit cards. Credit cards have a printed or embossed bank card number complying with the ISO/IEC 7812 numbering standard.", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "11901487", "text": "For this reason, many consumers have large cash balances, which have no grace period and incur interest at a rate that is (usually) higher than the purchase rate, and will carry those balances for years, even if they pay off their statement balance each month. Credit cards are a risky way for entrepreneurs to acquire capital for their start ups when more conventional financing is unavailable. Len Bosack and Sandy Lerner used personal credit cards to start Cisco Systems. Larry Page and Sergey Brin's start up of Google was financed by credit cards to buy the necessary computers and office", "title": "Credit card" }, { "docid": "20211556", "text": "at one time: 2,136<br> Fewest cards legal at one time: 509.<br> Most cards banned at one time: 12.<br> <br> <br> Most cards banned from a single set: 10.<br> Most Reprinted Card in Standard:<br> Card with the longest window of uninterrupted legality:<br> Most-duplicated single card in a single standard environment:<br> Timeline of Magic: the Gathering Standard (Type II) The collectible card game was first released in 1993 with very few restrictions on how players could construct their decks (which cards to include, and how many copies of each card were allowed). The game evolved over time, and different formats were developed", "title": "Timeline of Magic: the Gathering Standard (Type II)" }, { "docid": "16116220", "text": "the album with a 20-date national headlining tour, his first national tour since 2008. It began on September 19 at Webster Hall in New York City and concluded on October 13 at Yoshi's in San Francisco. He performed with members of his session band, drummer Ruth Price and keyboardist Peter Dyer, as well as guitarist Douglas Showalter. Prior to the tour, they had played at the 21st NAACP Theatre Awards gala on August 29. \"What You Were Hoping For?\" was met with rave reviews from critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream", "title": "What Were You Hoping For?" }, { "docid": "112381", "text": "credit cards, such as free incentives (points, cashback etc. (the Tesco Bank debit card being one exception)), interest-free credit and protection against defaulting merchants under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Almost all establishments in the United Kingdom that accept credit cards also accept debit cards, but a minority of merchants, for cost reasons, accept debit cards and not credit cards. It is the West Africa Economic and Monetary Union federating eight countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinée Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. GIM-UEMOA is the regional switch féderating more than 120 members (banks, microfinances, electronic", "title": "Debit card" }, { "docid": "4865159", "text": "of immediate payment\". Common forms of consumer credit include credit cards, store cards, motor vehicle finance, personal loans (installment loans), consumer lines of credit, retail loans (retail installment loans) and mortgages. This is a broad definition of consumer credit and corresponds with the Bank of England's definition of \"Lending to individuals\". Given the size and nature of the mortgage market, many observers classify mortgage lending as a separate category of personal borrowing, and consequently residential mortgages are excluded from some definitions of consumer credit, such as the one adopted by the U.S. Federal Reserve. The cost of credit is the", "title": "Credit" } ]
In which country was Ursula Andrews born?
[ "ISO 3166-1:CH", "Svissland", "Etymology of Switzerland", "Confederation Helvetia", "Swizerland", "Confederatio Helvetica", "Environmental Integrity Group", "Confoederatio Helvetica", "Svizra", "SWITZERLAND", "Confédération suisse", "SwissEnergy", "Schweitz", "Švýcarsko", "Die Schweiz", "Schwitzerland", "Confederation suisse", "Der Schweiz", "Swiss Confederated States", "Suiza", "Switz", "Switzeland", "Schweiz", "Confederation Helvetica", "Switserland", "Suisse", "Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft", "Switzerland information", "Confederaziun Svizra", "Switzer land", "Switzerland", "Land of the Switzers", "Swiss confederation", "Confœderatio Helvetica", "Swiss", "Confederation Suisse", "Confederation of Helvatia", "Land of the Swiss", "Confederaziun svizra", "Svizzera", "Swissland", "Swizterland", "Confédération Suisse", "Confederazione Svizzera", "Swiss Confederation" ]
[ { "docid": "13040618", "text": "Bagdasarjanz violin, Gallo) Schoeck: Violin Concerto in B-flat Major, Op. 21 (album: Ursula Bagdasarjanz violin, Gallo) Ursula Bagdasarjanz on \"MusicWeb International, September 2013 Ursula Bagdasarjanz CD (Vol. 4) has been reviewed on MusicWeb International Ursula Bagdasarjanz featured in the \"Herrliberg calendar\" The Language of Passion. Ursula Bagdasarjanz and the Violin. Ursula Bagdasarjanz Ursula Bagdasarjanz (born 30 June 1934 in Winterthur) is a Swiss violinist. Ursula Bagdasarjanz was born in Winterthur, Switzerland, to a mother who was herself a violinist. The seeds of Ursula's musical talent were sown in the cradle, or, as she herself believes, were bestowed as a gift", "title": "Ursula Bagdasarjanz" }, { "docid": "13040591", "text": "Ursula Bagdasarjanz Ursula Bagdasarjanz (born 30 June 1934 in Winterthur) is a Swiss violinist. Ursula Bagdasarjanz was born in Winterthur, Switzerland, to a mother who was herself a violinist. The seeds of Ursula's musical talent were sown in the cradle, or, as she herself believes, were bestowed as a gift to accompany her through life. Her father, Samuel Bagdasarjanz was born in Romania, whence his family emigrated to Switzerland. Through her mother, Margrit Weiss, born in Switzerland, Ursula learned at an early age to express herself on her instrument. In 1944, at the age of ten, Ursula Bagdasarjanz gave her", "title": "Ursula Bagdasarjanz" }, { "docid": "19058607", "text": "Schaeppi talked about her depression to which she suffered after seven friends died within a short period; it was accompanied by a career slump, and she stepped back public appearance. She also suffers of chronic lymphoid leukaemia which did not to allow to stage again on Bernhard-Theater Zürich in \"Sie spillt wieder mit öis. Aber nume no eimal!\". Ursula Schaeppi Ursula Schaeppi or Ursula Schäppi (born 22 June 1940) is a Swiss comedian, radio personality, and stage, voice and film actress starring usually in Swiss German language stage productions and as voice actress in children's literature. Born and raised in", "title": "Ursula Schaeppi" }, { "docid": "20457390", "text": "She was also the first woman to compete using a handbike, which required special permission for her to take part. Outside of sports, Schwaller works as an architect. Ursula Schwaller Ursula Schwaller (born 26 June 1976) is a Swiss para-cyclist, who won two bronze medals at the 2012 Summer Paralympics. Ursula Schwaller was born on 26 June 1976. In 2002, she suffered an accident while mountain trekking causing her to suffer from paraplegia due to a spinal injury. She was already active in sports, but following the injury she decided to take up para-sports instead. For example, she took up", "title": "Ursula Schwaller" }, { "docid": "13151647", "text": "Ursula Dirichs Ursula Dirichs is a German actress born in Recklinghausen in 1935. Ursula Dirichs was born in the northern Ruhr area and grew up in Königsberg. She took acting lessons at the Otto-Falkenberg-Schule in Munich, and returned to the Ruhr to begin her acting career; she worked in Oberhausen, then at the Schauspielhaus Bochum. She has worked in various cities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Her first major appearance in television was in 1960 in the fledgling German television: \"On the beach of the green river Spree\", based on a book by Hans Scholz, in which she", "title": "Ursula Dirichs" }, { "docid": "9877122", "text": "Ursula Merchant Ursula Merchant (born September 10, 1932 in Rostock) is a German Las Vegas-based performance artist, conceptual artist, carpenter. She is probably best known for her series 'Forkin' Hell'. Merchant was born \"Ursula S. Wernerberger\" in post-war Rostock. Her parents were of Russian extraction. Her father abandoned Ursula and her mother early in Ursula's youth, when he returned from a prisoner of war camp after World War II. Her family moved to a remote village in the Black Mountains of Switzerland after the house next to theirs was destroyed during the bombing at the close of World War II.", "title": "Ursula Merchant" }, { "docid": "13129632", "text": "to Switzerland, and from there to Rome, where they settled after the war. They had three daughters: Diana, Barbara, and Sara Spinelli. In 1975, Ursula Hirschmann founded the Association Femmes pour l'Europe in Brussels, then in the first days of December of that year, suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage, followed by aphasia, from which she was never to recover completely. Ursula Hirschmann Ursula Hirschmann (2 September 1913 – 8 January 1991) was a German anti-fascist activist and an advocate of European federalism. Hirschmann was born into a middle-class Jewish family to Carl Hirschmann and Hedwig Marcuse in Berlin. She studied", "title": "Ursula Hirschmann" }, { "docid": "18429715", "text": "Ursula Koch Ursula Koch (1 July 1941 in Zürich, citizen of Zürich) is a former Swiss politician, and was the first women president of the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (SP). Born and raised in Zürich, Ursula Koch attended \"Sekundarschule\" in the municipality of Stäfa on \"Zürichsee\" lake shore. Thereafter she worked as a domestic helper in Lausanne, the so-called \"Welschlandjahr\" which at that time usually teenage women absolved in western Switzerland (\"Welschland\") to improve the knowledge of the French language. She graduated at the teacher training college in Zürich, and absolved in 1962 an exchange year at the University", "title": "Ursula Koch" }, { "docid": "18429721", "text": "– Ursula Koch participated at the first live stream broadcast from the Federal Palace of Switzerland (\"Bundeshaus\") in late 1999. Since 2000, she is no more charged in a political office, and in November 2000 Ursula Koch married her long-time life partner. Ursula Koch Ursula Koch (1 July 1941 in Zürich, citizen of Zürich) is a former Swiss politician, and was the first women president of the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (SP). Born and raised in Zürich, Ursula Koch attended \"Sekundarschule\" in the municipality of Stäfa on \"Zürichsee\" lake shore. Thereafter she worked as a domestic helper in Lausanne,", "title": "Ursula Koch" }, { "docid": "19058599", "text": "Ursula Schaeppi Ursula Schaeppi or Ursula Schäppi (born 22 June 1940) is a Swiss comedian, radio personality, and stage, voice and film actress starring usually in Swiss German language stage productions and as voice actress in children's literature. Born and raised in Zürich, Canton of Zürich in Switzerland, Ursula Schäppi began acting at the conservatory in Bern at Margarethe Schell von Noé in 1955 and in 1956/58 lessons with Walter Fried on \"Bühnenstudio Zürich\", and private lessons with Richard Münch. During her training Schaeppi premierred on stage, and played among others \"Gisèle\" in Giraudoux's \"Intermezzo\" on Schauspielhaus Zürich in 1955.", "title": "Ursula Schaeppi" }, { "docid": "20457388", "text": "Ursula Schwaller Ursula Schwaller (born 26 June 1976) is a Swiss para-cyclist, who won two bronze medals at the 2012 Summer Paralympics. Ursula Schwaller was born on 26 June 1976. In 2002, she suffered an accident while mountain trekking causing her to suffer from paraplegia due to a spinal injury. She was already active in sports, but following the injury she decided to take up para-sports instead. For example, she took up cycling using a handcycle. Schwaller set herself the objective of competing at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, China, as part of the Swiss team. She was chosen,", "title": "Ursula Schwaller" }, { "docid": "19476326", "text": "Ursula Wyss Ursula Wyss (born 8 February 1973 in Davos) is a Swiss politician and economist. She represented the Canton of Bern in the Swiss National Council as member of the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland (SP) from 6 December 1999 to 3 March 2013. Born and raised in the municipality of Davos in the Canton of Graubünden, Ursula Wyss is citizen of the Bernese municipalities of Buchholterberg and Köniz. In 1992 she attended higher education entrance qualification (\"Maturität\"), and started to study political economy and ecology at the University of Bern, at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, and", "title": "Ursula Wyss" } ]
[ { "docid": "9917789", "text": "Sherlock James Andrews Sherlock James Andrews (November 17, 1801 – February 11, 1880) lawyer and congressman. He was born in Wallingford, Connecticut to Dr. John Andrews and Abigail Atwater. He graduated from Union College, Schenectady, New York, in 1821 and studied law at Yale. He married Ursula McCurdy Allen on December 1, 1828 and settled in Cleveland, Ohio. He was an intricate part of the early development of Cleveland as the first president of the city council and the public library board. He advocated for and promoted the building of the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Railway. In 1840 he was elected", "title": "Sherlock James Andrews" }, { "docid": "9917791", "text": "the Northern District of Ohio in 1867. Sherlock James Andrews Sherlock James Andrews (November 17, 1801 – February 11, 1880) lawyer and congressman. He was born in Wallingford, Connecticut to Dr. John Andrews and Abigail Atwater. He graduated from Union College, Schenectady, New York, in 1821 and studied law at Yale. He married Ursula McCurdy Allen on December 1, 1828 and settled in Cleveland, Ohio. He was an intricate part of the early development of Cleveland as the first president of the city council and the public library board. He advocated for and promoted the building of the Cleveland &", "title": "Sherlock James Andrews" }, { "docid": "10691342", "text": "John Andrews (footballer, born 1950) John Edward Andrews (born 3 February 1950) is an English former footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He played for York City in the Football League and he later worked as a referee. Andrews was born in York, North Yorkshire and played for Moor Lane Youth Club before joining hometown club York City in August 1968 as an amateur. Following an injury to goalkeeper Bob Widdowson, Andrews made his first team debut in a Fourth Division match against Rochdale on 5 April 1969, which was lost 2–1. He featured in all of York's remaining games", "title": "John Andrews (footballer, born 1950)" }, { "docid": "11065113", "text": "Ursula Bloom Ursula Bloom (1892–1984) was a British novelist. Born 11 December 1892 in Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, Ursula Harvey Bloom was the daughter of the Reverend James Harvey Bloom, whom she wrote about in a biography entitled \"Parson Extraordinary\". She also wrote about her great-grandmother, Frances Graver (born 1809) who was of gypsy (Diddicoy) birth. Graver became known as \"The Rose of Norfolk\", (the title of the book by Ursula Bloom). Ursula Bloom lived for a number of years in Stratford-upon-Avon, which was the subject of her book, \"Rosemary for Stratford-upon-Avon\" She wrote her first book at the age of", "title": "Ursula Bloom" }, { "docid": "4826755", "text": "Jessica Andrews Jessica Danielle Andrews (born December 29, 1983) is an American country music singer. At age 15 in mid-1999, she made her debut on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts with the single \"I Will Be There for You\", from her debut album \"Heart Shaped World\", released in 1999 on DreamWorks Records Nashville. Andrews had her biggest chart success in 2001 with the song \"Who I Am\", a No. 1 country hit and the title track of her second studio album, which was certified gold in the United States. A third album, \"Now\"", "title": "Jessica Andrews" }, { "docid": "19245269", "text": "receives her or his Chinese visa) that foreign journalist face while trying to report on stories going on in China. The survey concluded that the treatment of Ursula Gauthier by the Chinese government, and the Chinese press, which resulted in death threats and personal attacks, were comparable to abuse. Ursula Gauthier Ursula Gauthier is a French journalist and sinologist. Gauthier was a reporter in China for \"L'Obs\". In December 2015, her visa was not renewed and she was forced to leave the country after she published an article about Uighurs in Xinjiang which Chinese government officials disapproved of. A Chinese", "title": "Ursula Gauthier" }, { "docid": "10175276", "text": "Ursula Mamlok Ursula Mamlok (February 1, 1923 – May 4, 2016) was a German-born American composer and teacher. Mamlok was born as Ursula Meyer in Berlin, Germany, into a Jewish family, and studied piano and composition with Professor Gustav Ernest and Emily Weissgerber until her family fled Nazi Germany following the nationwide pogrom in 1938. Due to American immigration quotas, the family moved to Guayaquil, Ecuador. Ursula immigrated alone to New York City in 1940 to attend the Mannes School of Music, which had offered her full scholarship on the basis of one of her compositions. Her parents followed in", "title": "Ursula Mamlok" }, { "docid": "19245262", "text": "Ursula Gauthier Ursula Gauthier is a French journalist and sinologist. Gauthier was a reporter in China for \"L'Obs\". In December 2015, her visa was not renewed and she was forced to leave the country after she published an article about Uighurs in Xinjiang which Chinese government officials disapproved of. A Chinese government Foreign Ministry spokesman suggested Gauthier's article \"openly supports terrorist activity, the killing of innocents and has outraged the Chinese public.\" Ursula Gauthier is a long time journalist that was working as a foreign correspondent for the French news organization L'Obs in China before she was expelled from the", "title": "Ursula Gauthier" }, { "docid": "4826767", "text": "and not released by her. In October 2010, Andrews became engaged to singer-songwriter Marcel. They were married on November 11, 2011. On September 30, 2017, Andrews announced that she was expecting a baby boy with her husband Marcel Chagnon. On February 6, 2018, Andrews gave birth to a son named Rockwell Francois Chagnon. Jessica Andrews Jessica Danielle Andrews (born December 29, 1983) is an American country music singer. At age 15 in mid-1999, she made her debut on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Singles & Tracks (now Hot Country Songs) charts with the single \"I Will Be There for You\", from", "title": "Jessica Andrews" }, { "docid": "19431553", "text": "was reassigned from Sisters of Charity Hospital in 1855, after seven years at its helm. She died in 1874 at the age of 66. Ursula Mattingly Sister Ursula Mattingly, SC (23 October 1808 – 1874) was a Roman Catholic religious sister, nurse, and hospital administrator. A member of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, she is best remembered for her role as foundress of Sisters of Charity Hospital in Buffalo, New York. She has been called \"one of the most successful and experienced hospital nurses in the country.\" Honora Mattingly was born in Maryland on 23 October", "title": "Ursula Mattingly" }, { "docid": "20621270", "text": "Ursula Rakova Ursula Rakova is an environmentalist and climate change activist from Papua New Guinea. In 2008 she was awarded the Pride of PNG award for her environmental contributions to the development of her country. As executive director of the not-for-profit organisation Tulele Peisa, she is responsible for organizing the relocation of the inhabitants of the Carteret Islands to the mainland of Bougainville Province. The islands are expected to be uninhabitable by 2040, rendering Rakova's people the world's first climate refugees. Rakova was born on the islet of Han in the Carteret Atoll. In 2005 she established a community schooling", "title": "Ursula Rakova" }, { "docid": "19431542", "text": "Ursula Mattingly Sister Ursula Mattingly, SC (23 October 1808 – 1874) was a Roman Catholic religious sister, nurse, and hospital administrator. A member of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, she is best remembered for her role as foundress of Sisters of Charity Hospital in Buffalo, New York. She has been called \"one of the most successful and experienced hospital nurses in the country.\" Honora Mattingly was born in Maryland on 23 October 1808. She entered the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph (now known as the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul) on 10", "title": "Ursula Mattingly" }, { "docid": "13389970", "text": "Ursula Owen Ursula Margaret Owen (born 21 January 1937) is an English publisher, editor and campaigner for free expression. She was born Ursula Margaret Sachs in Oxford, England, to Emma Boehm and Werner Sachs, a chemical engineer who became managing director of a multinational company dealing with non-ferrous metals. Her parents were German Jews, and Owen spent the first 18 months of her life in Berlin, after which the family was forced to leave Nazi Germany and came to London. Owen was educated at Putney High School and from there went to St Hugh's College, where she studied medicine and", "title": "Ursula Owen" }, { "docid": "11530955", "text": "Ursula Nordstrom Ursula Nordstrom (February 2, 1910 – October 11, 1988) was publisher and editor-in-chief of juvenile books at Harper & Row from 1940 to 1973. She is credited with presiding over a transformation in children's literature in which morality tales written for adult approval gave way to works that instead appealed to children's imaginations and emotions. She also authored the 1960 children's book \"The Secret Language\". A collection of her correspondence was published in 1998, as \"Dear Genius: the Letters of Ursula Nordstrom\". Ursula Nordstrom was born in Manhattan on February 2, 1910 to Henry E. Dixey and Marie", "title": "Ursula Nordstrom" }, { "docid": "17835003", "text": "Ursula Johnson Ursula Johnson (born 1980) is a multidisciplinary Mi’kmaq artist based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Her work combines the Mi’kmaq tradition of basket weaving with sculpture, installation, and performance art. In all its manifestations her work operates as didactic intervention, seeking to both confront and educate her viewers about issues of identity, colonial history, tradition, and cultural practice. In 2017 she won the Sobey Art Award. Ursula A. Johnson was born in Sydney, Cape Breton, NS, in 1980. She was raised in Eskasoni First Nation, Cape Breton, which lays claim to be the largest Mi’kmaq community in the", "title": "Ursula Johnson" }, { "docid": "17835011", "text": "to May 2009. Ursula Johnson Ursula Johnson (born 1980) is a multidisciplinary Mi’kmaq artist based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Her work combines the Mi’kmaq tradition of basket weaving with sculpture, installation, and performance art. In all its manifestations her work operates as didactic intervention, seeking to both confront and educate her viewers about issues of identity, colonial history, tradition, and cultural practice. In 2017 she won the Sobey Art Award. Ursula A. Johnson was born in Sydney, Cape Breton, NS, in 1980. She was raised in Eskasoni First Nation, Cape Breton, which lays claim to be the largest Mi’kmaq", "title": "Ursula Johnson" }, { "docid": "1387959", "text": "and \"Town Tamer\" (1965). However, he was cast increasingly in supporting roles: \"Berlin, Appointment for the Spies\" (1965), \"The Loved One\" (1965), \"Battle of the Bulge\" (1965), and \"Johnny Reno\" (1966). Andrews still played leads in low-budget films like \"The Frozen Dead\" (1966), \"The Cobra\" (1967) and \"Hot Rods to Hell\" (1967). By this time, Andrews had evolved into a character actor, as in \"The 1000 Carat Diamond\" (1967), \"No Diamonds for Ursula\" (1967), and \"The Devil's Brigade\" (1968). Later, Andrews returned to the leading role of college president Tom Boswell on the NBC daytime soap opera \"Bright Promise\" from", "title": "Dana Andrews" }, { "docid": "16298732", "text": "Ursula of Rosenfeld Ursula of Rosenfeld ( – 26 February 1538) was the second wife of Margrave Ernest of Baden-Durlach. All grand dukes of Baden descend from her, via her son Charles II. Ursula was born as the youngest child of Wolf of Rosenfeld (d. 1500) and his wife Anna Bombast of Hohenheim. They were considered lower nobility. Her father was \"Schultheiß\" of the town of Rosenfeld in Württemberg. According to legend, the family lived in the stately \"Ursula house\", which dates to the early 15th century. Ursula was a lady-in-waiting of Margravine Elisabeth of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, the first wife of", "title": "Ursula of Rosenfeld" }, { "docid": "9877126", "text": "not only stunted the growth of modern performance art to a significant degree, but she may also not have lived to give birth to her daughter Katie Absolom (Born Katie Merchant), whose racist watercolours inspired Warhol's early works. Singer-songwriter Elliott Smith refers to Ursula Merchant. in his song \"Color Bars,\" which appears on his 2000 album \"Figure 8.\" Referenced from: Howell, L (1994), \"The Arbus Legacy\", Pan Biographies. Ursula Merchant Ursula Merchant (born September 10, 1932 in Rostock) is a German Las Vegas-based performance artist, conceptual artist, carpenter. She is probably best known for her series 'Forkin' Hell'. Merchant was", "title": "Ursula Merchant" }, { "docid": "7321726", "text": "film, directed by Thomas Nennstiel, the actress plays the role of Nina von der Heyden. Ursula Karven lived with her family for a few years in Florida and later lived on the island of Majorca, Spain. As well as acting, Karven markets her own line of baby products and a maternity clothing range called \"Bellybutton\". In 2010 moved from Mallorca to Berlin. She is the former wife of producer James Veres, who, in addition to Daniel, has two other two sons, Christopher (born in 1994) and Liam Taj (born in 2003). Ursula Karven Ursula Karven, previously Ursula Karven-Veres (born Ursula", "title": "Ursula Karven" }, { "docid": "20633738", "text": "Ursula Curtiss Ursula Reilly Curtiss (April 8, 1923 — October 10, 1984) was an American writer of mystery novels. Ursula Kieran Reilly was born in Yonkers, New York, and raised in Westport, Connecticut, the daughter of Paul Reilly and Helen Kieran Reilly. Her mother was a mystery writer; so was her sister, Mary McMullen. Ursula Reilly's grandfather was James Michael Kieran, one-time president of Hunter College. Her uncle was journalist John Kieran. Ursula Reilly graduated from a Catholic girls' high school, Lauralton Hall in Milford, Connecticut. Books by Ursula Curtiss include \"Voice Out of Darkness\" (1948), \"The Second Sickle\" (1951),", "title": "Ursula Curtiss" }, { "docid": "20333868", "text": "wins to finish in sixth place. Andrews died on 18 June 1996. Fencing Mid South awards the Florence Andrews Trophy annually to the winner of the junior girls' foil. Florence Andrews Mabel Florence Andrews (16 September 1912 – 18 June 1996) was a New Zealand fencer, who represented her country at the 1950 British Empire Games. Born on 16 September 1912, Andrews was the daughter of Florence Mabel Andrews (née Cross) and Lancelot William Dolling Andrews. A member of the Christchurch Swords Club, Andrews won the New Zealand national women's fencing championship in 1939 and 1946, the competition not being", "title": "Florence Andrews" }, { "docid": "10691343", "text": "of the 1968–69 season, making 11 appearances. He was not retained by the club after the end of the season.<ref name=\"York City : 1946/47 - 2003/04\"></ref> he was working as a referee in the York Football League. John Andrews (footballer, born 1950) John Edward Andrews (born 3 February 1950) is an English former footballer who played as a goalkeeper. He played for York City in the Football League and he later worked as a referee. Andrews was born in York, North Yorkshire and played for Moor Lane Youth Club before joining hometown club York City in August 1968 as an", "title": "John Andrews (footballer, born 1950)" }, { "docid": "7525383", "text": "Ursula Jeans Ursula Jeans (born 5 May 1906 – 21 April 1973) was an English film, stage, and television actress. Ursula Jeans was born in Simla, British India, to English parents, and brought up and educated in London. She was the youngest of three siblings. Her brother Desmond Jeans was a boxer and actor, and her elder sister, Isabel, was also an actress. Ursula Jeans made her stage debut in London in 1922, before joining the cast of the London production of \"The Play's the Thing\", an adaptation of Ferenc Molnár's play, \"The Play at the Castle\" by P. G.", "title": "Ursula Jeans" }, { "docid": "19691062", "text": "she was no longer a candidate. Ursula Fischer Ursula Fischer (born Ursula Bätz; 6 September 1952) is a German former national politician (PDS). In 1990, as a result of East Germany's first (and as matters turned out last) free and democratic national election, she was elected of the country's national parliament (\"Volkskammer\"). Following reunification, she was of the German Upper legislative assembly (\"Bundestag\") between 1990 and 1994. She then pursued a career in regional politics before returning in 2004 to her earlier vocation as a physician. Ursula Bätz was born in Steinach in the East German Bezirk Suhl, a small", "title": "Ursula Fischer" }, { "docid": "19691056", "text": "Ursula Fischer Ursula Fischer (born Ursula Bätz; 6 September 1952) is a German former national politician (PDS). In 1990, as a result of East Germany's first (and as matters turned out last) free and democratic national election, she was elected of the country's national parliament (\"Volkskammer\"). Following reunification, she was of the German Upper legislative assembly (\"Bundestag\") between 1990 and 1994. She then pursued a career in regional politics before returning in 2004 to her earlier vocation as a physician. Ursula Bätz was born in Steinach in the East German Bezirk Suhl, a small but long established town in the", "title": "Ursula Fischer" }, { "docid": "20333867", "text": "Florence Andrews Mabel Florence Andrews (16 September 1912 – 18 June 1996) was a New Zealand fencer, who represented her country at the 1950 British Empire Games. Born on 16 September 1912, Andrews was the daughter of Florence Mabel Andrews (née Cross) and Lancelot William Dolling Andrews. A member of the Christchurch Swords Club, Andrews won the New Zealand national women's fencing championship in 1939 and 1946, the competition not being held in the intervening years because of World War II. At the 1950 British Empire Games in Auckland, Andrews represented New Zealand in the individual women's foil, recording two", "title": "Florence Andrews" }, { "docid": "19271084", "text": "which the human spirit can with dignity and grace face up to the worst trials. It is for us now to treasure the records she has left us of her own life and work, which are every bit as valiant and inspiring as those of the Welsh heroines she researched\" (Jane Aaron). Ursula Masson Ursula Masson (1945–2008), born Ursula O'Connor, was a Welsh academic and writer who worked closely with Jane Aaron and Honno Press/Gwasg Honno, the Welsh Women's Press, on the imprint Welsh Women's Classics – to bring back into print the works of forgotten Welsh women writers of", "title": "Ursula Masson" }, { "docid": "19271079", "text": "Ursula Masson Ursula Masson (1945–2008), born Ursula O'Connor, was a Welsh academic and writer who worked closely with Jane Aaron and Honno Press/Gwasg Honno, the Welsh Women's Press, on the imprint Welsh Women's Classics – to bring back into print the works of forgotten Welsh women writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. Ursula Masson was born into the Irish community of Merthyr Tydfil, whose history she researched for her master's degree. After university she worked as a journalist, at home in South Wales and in Australia, before returning to teach adults in Swansea. In 1994 she became a lecturer", "title": "Ursula Masson" }, { "docid": "20882515", "text": "Ursula Edgcumbe Ursula Ulalia Edgcumbe (1900 - 8 February 1985) was a British sculptor and painter. As a sculptor she worked in stone, wood and bronze while, after switching to painting, many of her works depicted birds and groups of figures. Edgcumbe was born at Sandy in Bedfordshire where her father was the barrister and local politician Sir Robert Pearce-Edgcumbe (1851-1929). As a teenager, Ursula Edgcumbe worked in the studio of the sculptor James Havard Thomas before enrolling at the Slade School of Art, where Thomas also taught. Edgcumbe was at the Slade from 1916 until 1921 during which time", "title": "Ursula Edgcumbe" }, { "docid": "18396439", "text": "and film, which mostly include ideas of marriage and close relationships. She was awarded an Eckersberg Medal in 2011. Ursula Reuter Christiansen has had many works of art displayed in various museums. Some of her most famous pieces include: Ursula Reuter Christiansen Ursula Reuter Christiansen (born February 13, 1943 in Trier, Germany) created work, whether it was painting or filmmaking, that showed examples of mythological symbolism. Ursula Reuter Christiansen studied literature at the Philipp University in Marburg, Germany. Beginning in 1965, she studied sculpture under Joseph Beuys at the Düsseldorf Academy of Fine Arts. After moving to Denmark with her", "title": "Ursula Reuter Christiansen" }, { "docid": "19540110", "text": "member of the Party Central Committee, which became of the leading role afforded the party under the Leninist structure built into the East German constitution placed her at the heart of the country's power apparatus. Since the demise of the German Democratic Republic Ursula Ragwitz has lived with her husband as a pensioner in Berlin. Ursula Ragwitz Ursula Ragwitz (born Ursula Rose: 15 February 1928) is a former senior official of the ruling East German Socialist Unity Party. She started her career as a primary school teacher, and rose to become a member of the powerful Party Central Committee between", "title": "Ursula Ragwitz" }, { "docid": "16857898", "text": "Arthur Andrews (footballer, born 1891) Alfred \"Arthur\" Andrews (1 April 1891 – 24 September 1964) was an English professional footballer who played as a half back for Southampton in their final season in the Southern League in 1919–20. Andrews was born in Sunderland where he worked in the local shipyard before joining Blackpool in November 1913. He failed to break into Blackpool's first-team before League football was interrupted by the First World War. During the war, he moved to the south coast to work in the Southampton shipyard of Harland and Wolff, where he played in their works team in", "title": "Arthur Andrews (footballer, born 1891)" }, { "docid": "5121964", "text": "However, she appeared as a judge on the second season in the third episode, when the chefs were challenged to create dishes for a baby shower in honor of her and fellow judge Shereen Arazm. Andrews is the host of \"CMT's Next Superstar\", a reality competition series specializing in country music, which is produced by Nigel Lythgoe. Andrews hosted Top Chef Canada on a season where the contestants had to cook up horse meat dishes. This led to Facebook protests from various animal rights groups. Thea Andrews Thea Andrews (born October 4, 1973) is a Canadian journalist and TV personality", "title": "Thea Andrews" }, { "docid": "19540103", "text": "Ursula Ragwitz Ursula Ragwitz (born Ursula Rose: 15 February 1928) is a former senior official of the ruling East German Socialist Unity Party. She started her career as a primary school teacher, and rose to become a member of the powerful Party Central Committee between 1981 and 1989, undertaking various leadership roles in respect of the country's highly politicised culture sector. Ursula Rose was born in Cottbus, historically the cultural centre of Germany's Sorbian ethnic minority. Her father worked as a . Between 1942 and 1945 she studied to become a teacher of German and music at the teacher training", "title": "Ursula Ragwitz" }, { "docid": "20633741", "text": "side of the Atlantic as on ours.\" Ursula Reilly married John Curtiss Jr. in 1947; her husband survived the Bataan Death March. She wrote while raising their five children in Massachusetts, and after 1960 in New Mexico. Ursula Curtiss died from cancer in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1984, aged 61 years. Ursula Curtiss Ursula Reilly Curtiss (April 8, 1923 — October 10, 1984) was an American writer of mystery novels. Ursula Kieran Reilly was born in Yonkers, New York, and raised in Westport, Connecticut, the daughter of Paul Reilly and Helen Kieran Reilly. Her mother was a mystery writer; so", "title": "Ursula Curtiss" }, { "docid": "5239634", "text": "Ursula Hegi Ursula Hegi (born May 23, 1946) is a German-born American writer. She is currently an instructor in the MFA program at Stony Brook Southampton. She was born Ursula Koch in 1946 in Düsseldorf, Germany, a city that was heavily bombed during World War II. Her perception growing up was that the war was avoided as a topic of discussion despite its evidence everywhere, and The Holocaust was a particularly taboo topic. This had a strong effect on her later writing and her feelings about her German identity. She left West Germany in 1964, at the age of 18.", "title": "Ursula Hegi" }, { "docid": "5239637", "text": "Palm\". She has also had two \"New York Times\" Notable Book mentions. She has written many book reviews for \"The New York Times\", the \"Los Angeles Times\", and \"The Washington Post\". Ursula Hegi Ursula Hegi (born May 23, 1946) is a German-born American writer. She is currently an instructor in the MFA program at Stony Brook Southampton. She was born Ursula Koch in 1946 in Düsseldorf, Germany, a city that was heavily bombed during World War II. Her perception growing up was that the war was avoided as a topic of discussion despite its evidence everywhere, and The Holocaust was", "title": "Ursula Hegi" }, { "docid": "17030276", "text": "Sheila Andrews Sheila Marlene Andrews (April 10, 1953 – December 26, 1984) was an American country music singer. Signed to the Ovation label, she recorded three studio albums in her career and released several singles on the \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs including \"It Don't Get Better Than This\", her highest charting single. Sheila Marlene Alldredge was born in Athens, Alabama in 1953 to James and Willie Alldredge. She had two brothers named Frank and Michael. Andrews’ father traveled to Ohio from Alabama to work in rubber plants and was a truck driver when he worked in Alabama. Eventually the family", "title": "Sheila Andrews" }, { "docid": "11065115", "text": "Bloom married twice. Her first husband was Arthur Brownlow Denham-Cookes, whom she married in 1916 and with whom she had a son, Pip, born in 1917. Arthur died of influenza in 1918, in the final days of the war. In 1925 she married Charles Gower Robinson, a Royal Navy Commander. Ursula Bloom Ursula Bloom (1892–1984) was a British novelist. Born 11 December 1892 in Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex, Ursula Harvey Bloom was the daughter of the Reverend James Harvey Bloom, whom she wrote about in a biography entitled \"Parson Extraordinary\". She also wrote about her great-grandmother, Frances Graver (born 1809) who", "title": "Ursula Bloom" }, { "docid": "7321723", "text": "Ursula Karven Ursula Karven, previously Ursula Karven-Veres (born Ursula Ganzenmüller 17 September 1964 in Ulm) is a German actress, writer, model and yoga istructor. Karven has acted in numerous German television films and series. On June 16, 2001, Karven made international headlines when her four-year-old son, Daniel, drowned at a birthday party in the swimming pool of American musician Tommy Lee in Santa Monica. She was married to James Veres and has two other children. Karven began practicing yoga when she was 30 and has published several books and DVDs promoting and demonstrating yoga-based exercises. Ursula Ganzenmüller, later known by", "title": "Ursula Karven" }, { "docid": "20360529", "text": "Inside.\" The album was produced by Will Sayles. The track \"I'm So In Love With You\" features Seth Avett of The Avett Brothers. Jill Andrews Jill Andrews is an American singer-songwriter based in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a co-founder of indie folk/alt-country band The Everybodyfields, leaving in 2009 to pursue a solo career. Andrews began writing songs when she was 19 years old. Born in Johnson City, Tennessee, she is an alumna of East Tennessee State University. Andrews was formerly married to talent manager Clinton Darrah, with whom she has a son, Nico. Songs by Andrews have been featured in", "title": "Jill Andrews" }, { "docid": "20360526", "text": "Jill Andrews Jill Andrews is an American singer-songwriter based in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a co-founder of indie folk/alt-country band The Everybodyfields, leaving in 2009 to pursue a solo career. Andrews began writing songs when she was 19 years old. Born in Johnson City, Tennessee, she is an alumna of East Tennessee State University. Andrews was formerly married to talent manager Clinton Darrah, with whom she has a son, Nico. Songs by Andrews have been featured in several television series, among them: \"Tell That Devil\", cowritten with Emery Dobyns and Matthew Mayfield, was performed by Hayden Panettiere in \"Nashville\" and", "title": "Jill Andrews" }, { "docid": "19984563", "text": "is actor Tõnu Oja, and her brother-in-law is actor Pääru Oja. Ursula Ratasepp Ursula Ratasepp (born 17 June 1982) is an Estonian stage, film and television actress. Ursula Ratasepp was born in Tallinn in 1982. She is the older sister of actress Katariina Ratasepp (born 1986). She studied drama at the Vanalinnastuudio until 2001, then studied psychology at the University of Tartu until 2002. She then enrolled at the EMA Higher Drama School (now, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) in Tallinn, graduating in 2006. In 2014, she received her bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Tartu.", "title": "Ursula Ratasepp" }, { "docid": "19984558", "text": "Ursula Ratasepp Ursula Ratasepp (born 17 June 1982) is an Estonian stage, film and television actress. Ursula Ratasepp was born in Tallinn in 1982. She is the older sister of actress Katariina Ratasepp (born 1986). She studied drama at the Vanalinnastuudio until 2001, then studied psychology at the University of Tartu until 2002. She then enrolled at the EMA Higher Drama School (now, the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre) in Tallinn, graduating in 2006. In 2014, she received her bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Tartu. Following her graduation from the EMA Higher Drama School in 2006,", "title": "Ursula Ratasepp" }, { "docid": "7525385", "text": "of Australia and New Zealand in 1956–1958. She continued to act into the 1970s and died of cancer in 1973, aged 66, some 18 months after her diagnosis. She shares a memorial plaque with her husband Roger in the actors' church St Paul's, Covent Garden. Ursula Jeans Ursula Jeans (born 5 May 1906 – 21 April 1973) was an English film, stage, and television actress. Ursula Jeans was born in Simla, British India, to English parents, and brought up and educated in London. She was the youngest of three siblings. Her brother Desmond Jeans was a boxer and actor, and", "title": "Ursula Jeans" }, { "docid": "15984533", "text": "Ursula Holden Ursula Holden (born 8 August 1921) is an English novelist, author of thirteen novels often inspired by her time spent in Ireland. Her first novel, \"Endless Race\", was published when she was 54. Ursula Holden was born 8 August 1921, in Bridport, Dorset, fourth daughter of five children of Una and Andrew Holden. Her father worked abroad, mostly in Egypt and Holden was educated at home by a governess before going to high school, aged 11, and then to board at St Michael's School, Bognor Regis, at the age of 15. After World War II, Holden went to", "title": "Ursula Holden" }, { "docid": "17835052", "text": "Ursula Meyer Ursula Meyer (1915–2003) was a German-born American artist and a professor of sculpture. Ursula Meyer was born in Hanover, Germany in 1915. She studied ceramics at the Reggia Scuola in Faenza, Italy. Meyer became a professor of sculpture at the City University of New York in New York City in 1963, and she would remain at CUNY's Lehman College until her retirement in 1980. She wrote a number of articles and reviews in newspapers and art magazines in the United States. Her perspective on minimalist art was one of many recognized voices in the art world of the", "title": "Ursula Meyer" }, { "docid": "16417439", "text": "Ursula Frayne Ursula Frayne (5 October 1816 – 9 June 1885), born Clara Frayne, was an Irish nun who became a Mother Superior of the Sisters of Mercy and spent her life in missionary work, initially in Canada but largely in Australia developing schools and academies. Clara Frayne was born to a wealthy businessman Robert Frayne, and his wife, Bridget, in Dublin, Ireland. She entered Baggot street with Catherine McCauley the then recently formed Institute of Mercy in Dublin in 1834 and took Ursula in place of her baptismal name. She was appointed Mother Superior in 1842, taking charge of", "title": "Ursula Frayne" }, { "docid": "11726427", "text": "Ursula Merkin Ursula Merkin (1919–2006) was a German-born American philanthropist. She was born in Frankfurt, Germany to Isaac Breuer, a noted German Rabbi, as Ursula (Sara) Breuer. In 1933, at the age of fourteen, she left Germany with her family for Palestine. She remained there with her father, to whom she was very close, until his death in Jerusalem in 1946, at the age of 63. Shortly thereafter, she emigrated to the United States, where she found a teaching position at a Jewish girls' school in Paterson, New Jersey. In 1950 she met and married Hermann Merkin, a German-Jewish businessman,", "title": "Ursula Merkin" }, { "docid": "20239924", "text": "Ursula was not a Theosophist but she did give Annie Besant, who was a friend of her daughter, £3,000 towards their cause. Bright died at her home in Kensington in 1915 where she had suffered from osteoarthritis for some time. Her biographer Elizabeth Crawford notes that her obituaries hardly mentioned her campaigning work because her osteoarthritis had prevented her from involvement with the women's suffrage movement. Ursula Bright Ursula Mellor Bright or Ursula Mellor (5 July 1835 – 5 March 1915) was a British activist for married women's property rights. Bright was born in 1835 to Joseph and ??? Mellor.", "title": "Ursula Bright" }, { "docid": "19381329", "text": "Ursula Orange Ursula Orange (1909–1955) was a mid 20th century British novelist who is known for focusing her books on the domestic lives and career aspirations of young women. Little has been written about Ursula Orange's life. She was born Ursula Marguerite Dorothea Orange in 1909, the daughter of Hugh William Orange, who received a knighthood for contributions to education in India. Her paternal grandfather was the medical pioneer William Orange CB, MD, FRCP, LSA, second superintendent of Broadmoor Hospital. She married a man named Dennis Tindall with whom she had a daughter, the writer Gillian Tindall. She was for", "title": "Ursula Orange" }, { "docid": "10175280", "text": "was chosen to represent the United States at the International Rostrum of Composers. Mamlok also received a Commendation of Excellence in 1987 \"for her contribution to the world of concert music.\" The C. F. Peters Corporation, American Composers Edition, McGuinness and Marx, Casia Publishing, and Hildegard Publishing companies have published Mamlok's compositions. She made the scores of many of her works available herself. In 2006, Mamlock moved to Berlin, where she died on May 4, 2016. Ursula Mamlok Ursula Mamlok (February 1, 1923 – May 4, 2016) was a German-born American composer and teacher. Mamlok was born as Ursula Meyer", "title": "Ursula Mamlok" }, { "docid": "19491385", "text": "Ursula Goetze Ursula Goetze (29 March 1916 – 5 August 1943) was a Berlin student who participated in political opposition to the Nazi government in Germany. In May 1942, following involvement in a leafleting campaign, she was arrested and, some time later, sentenced to death. She died by decapitation with a guillotine. Ursula Goetze was her parents' third recorded child, born into a middle-class family. Her father, Otto Goetze, ran a wallpaper factory. Later, her parents became hoteliers when Otto and Margarete Goetze took over the \"Thüringer Hof\" (hotel) in Berlin's (\" Street\"). Between 1922 and 1933 Ursula attended school", "title": "Ursula Goetze" }, { "docid": "17835053", "text": "1960s. Meyer authored the book \"Conceptual Art\" published by E.P. Dutton in 1972. After her death, she received a retrospective exhibit at the Art Gallery of The Graduate Center of The City University of New York. Meyer's sculpture has been described as focused on the interplay of transiency and stability, flexible and transcendent of size and shape, and deeply aware of the historical and political dimensions of the monumental. Ursula Meyer Ursula Meyer (1915–2003) was a German-born American artist and a professor of sculpture. Ursula Meyer was born in Hanover, Germany in 1915. She studied ceramics at the Reggia Scuola", "title": "Ursula Meyer" }, { "docid": "20465997", "text": "and Ida Nettleship (his first wife) held by the Yale Center for British Art in the Paul Mellon Collection. The Ashmolean Museum held a retrospective exhibition in 1973 entitled \"Ursula Tyrwhitt, Oxford painter and collector 1872-1966\". Tyrwhitt married her cousin, the artist Walter Tyrwhitt (1859-1932). She lived in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife and also Oxford, where she died in 1966. Ursula Tyrwhitt Ursula Tyrwhitt (1872–1966) was a painter and draughtsman who exhibited with the New English Art Club and became a member in 1913. Ursula Tyrwhitt was born in Nazeing, Essex. She studied at the Slade School of Fine", "title": "Ursula Tyrwhitt" }, { "docid": "17928239", "text": "in an issue with the five-act French original version and also with the four-act Italian version. She published widely, becoming one of the most influential musicologists of the twentieth century. Ursula Günther Ursula Günther (15 June 1927 – 20 or 21 November 2006) was a German musicologist specializing in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries and the music of Giuseppe Verdi. Ursula Günther was born Ursula Rösse in Hamburg. After studying piano with D. Kraus and H. E. Riebensahm and music theory with H. Stahmer in Hamburg, she graduated with a music teacher's degree in 1947. From 1948 she studied", "title": "Ursula Günther" }, { "docid": "17928234", "text": "Ursula Günther Ursula Günther (15 June 1927 – 20 or 21 November 2006) was a German musicologist specializing in the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries and the music of Giuseppe Verdi. Ursula Günther was born Ursula Rösse in Hamburg. After studying piano with D. Kraus and H. E. Riebensahm and music theory with H. Stahmer in Hamburg, she graduated with a music teacher's degree in 1947. From 1948 she studied music with Heinrich Husmann at the University of Hamburg along with other subjects such as art history, German and Romance Literature, philosophy, psychology, and phonetics. In 1957 at Hamburg she", "title": "Ursula Günther" }, { "docid": "16287729", "text": "'very earnestly digging', raised her head to look at the mountains.\" All Bethell's work appeared anonymously, although in old age she became less keen to remain anonymous. She said her pseudonym, Evelyn Hayes, came from a great-great-grandfather, Sir Henry Hayes of Cork, who was \"deported for life to Botany Bay for attempted abduction of a Quaker heiress.\" Ursula Bethell died in Christchurch on 15 January 1945. Ursula Bethell Mary Ursula Bethell, usually known as Ursula Bethell (6 October 1874 – 15 January 1945), was a New Zealand social worker and poet. Born in Horsell, Surrey, England, she arrived in New", "title": "Ursula Bethell" }, { "docid": "14089696", "text": "completed her primary and secondary education. In 1930, Ursula Hoff commenced academic studies spread between the universities of Frankfurt, Cologne, and Munich; later the same year, she commenced studies at the University of Hamburg; among her teachers were Erwin Panofsky, Aby Warburg, Ernst Cassirer, and Fritz Saxl. Upon Adolf Hitler's appointment as Chancellor of Germany and the introduction of anti-Jewish measures in January 1930, Ursula Hoff's father, Leopold Hoff, left immediately for London; Ursula and her mother Tussi followed him shortly in July. Because she was born in England, Ursula was able to take up British citizenship, and due to", "title": "Ursula Hoff" }, { "docid": "8674614", "text": "Festival. Another popular cabaret segment is called \"Light My Fire\" in which the pasties and G-string Martinez wears burst into flame, one by one, and disappear. Describing her work in \"The Guardian\", Lyn Gardner wrote, 'Martinez's stage performances look deceptively simple; they may seem to bumble along, but this is a contrivance that allows Martinez to undertake highly complex investigations into reality and fiction, autobiography and lies, and the nature of identity itself, her own most of all.' Ursula Martinez Ursula Martinez also known as Ursula Lea (born 1966) is a London-based Anglo-Spanish British writer, performer, and cult cabaret diva", "title": "Ursula Martinez" }, { "docid": "6949519", "text": "Best Novelette. Ursula Vernon Ursula Vernon (born May 28, 1977) is an American freelance writer, artist and illustrator. She is best known for her Hugo Award-winning graphic novel \"Digger\" (2003–2011) and for the children's books \"Dragonbreath\" and \"Nurk: The Strange, Surprising Adventures of a (Somewhat) Brave Shrew\". Vernon is the creator of \"Hamster Princess\", \"The Biting Pear of Salamanca\", a digital work of art which became an internet meme in the form of the \"LOL WUT pear\". Under the name \"T. Kingfisher\", she is also the author of several books for older audiences. Ursula Vernon grew up in Oregon and", "title": "Ursula Vernon" }, { "docid": "6949513", "text": "Ursula Vernon Ursula Vernon (born May 28, 1977) is an American freelance writer, artist and illustrator. She is best known for her Hugo Award-winning graphic novel \"Digger\" (2003–2011) and for the children's books \"Dragonbreath\" and \"Nurk: The Strange, Surprising Adventures of a (Somewhat) Brave Shrew\". Vernon is the creator of \"Hamster Princess\", \"The Biting Pear of Salamanca\", a digital work of art which became an internet meme in the form of the \"LOL WUT pear\". Under the name \"T. Kingfisher\", she is also the author of several books for older audiences. Ursula Vernon grew up in Oregon and Arizona and", "title": "Ursula Vernon" }, { "docid": "16635469", "text": "John Andrews (footballer, born 1978) John Andrews (born 27 September 1978) is a Uefa A licensed coach, an Irish former footballer and high-profile Strength and Conditioning coach. He is also a college graduate and a former musician, journalist and radio DJ. He is former coach of the women's team at Icelandic club Afturelding, with whom he spent five seasons as a player between 2008 and 2012. Andrews made appearances in the Football League for Mansfield Town and also spent time in English non-League football. Between 2002 and 2004, he had spells in his native Ireland with both Cobh Ramblers and", "title": "John Andrews (footballer, born 1978)" }, { "docid": "14603124", "text": "Scott Andrews (rugby player born 1989) Scott Andrews (born 1 August 1989) is a Welsh international rugby union player for Pro14 side Cardiff Blues. He plays mainly as a prop, but can also cover lock and hooker. In September 2017, English side Bath announced that they had signed Andrews on a one-month loan deal. In May 2010 he was added to the Wales national rugby union team standby list for the summer matches due to injury to Gethin Jenkins. In January 2011 he was named the Wales squad for the 2011 Six Nations Championship. He was named in the preliminary", "title": "Scott Andrews (rugby player born 1989)" }, { "docid": "16635479", "text": "him through to the end of the 2013 campaign. On 21 September 2012, Andrews signed a new two-year contract with Afturelding after leading the team to a seventh-placed finish in the Úrvalsdeild kvenna that summer. John Andrews (footballer, born 1978) John Andrews (born 27 September 1978) is a Uefa A licensed coach, an Irish former footballer and high-profile Strength and Conditioning coach. He is also a college graduate and a former musician, journalist and radio DJ. He is former coach of the women's team at Icelandic club Afturelding, with whom he spent five seasons as a player between 2008 and", "title": "John Andrews (footballer, born 1978)" }, { "docid": "12213978", "text": "\"good death\" and stated that Ursula de Jesus indeed entered Heaven by preparing her will, disposing of worldly possessions, confessed her sins, and received extreme unction. Ursula de Jesus Ursula de Jesus (1604–1668) She was born in Lima, Peru and was the legitimate daughter of Juan Castilla and Isabel de los Rios. Isabel de los Rios was a slave leaving Ursula to inherit her mother's status. Ursula de Jesus was an African-Peruvian who rose out of slavery who became a donada (religious servant) in the [Roman Catholic Church]. She lived under her mother’s owner, Gerònima De Los Rios, until she", "title": "Ursula de Jesus" }, { "docid": "20085704", "text": "Ursula O'Farrell Ursula O'Farrell, née Cussen (born 1934 in Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland), is an Irish author and lecturer on the topic of counselling, and has worked for over 35 years as a counsellor. Born in Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland, in 1934, and daughter of local solicitors, Robert and Kathleen Cussen, Ursula O'Farrell was educated in Laurel Hill School in Limerick, and subsequently in University College Dublin where she achieved a B.A (1956) and a Dip in Psychology (1981). She is one of the founding members of the Irish Association for Counselling in 1981, along with Odette Thompson", "title": "Ursula O'Farrell" }, { "docid": "20085708", "text": "some fascinating case studies. Recipient of the Carl Berkeley Memorial Award in 2011 This annual award is made to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of counselling and psychotherapy in Ireland. Ursula O'Farrell Ursula O'Farrell, née Cussen (born 1934 in Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland), is an Irish author and lecturer on the topic of counselling, and has worked for over 35 years as a counsellor. Born in Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland, in 1934, and daughter of local solicitors, Robert and Kathleen Cussen, Ursula O'Farrell was educated in Laurel Hill School in Limerick, and subsequently", "title": "Ursula O'Farrell" }, { "docid": "16857900", "text": "when he was attempting a rash challenge after 12 minutes, resulting in a broken leg. 20-year-old Bert Shelley replaced him for the next match and became a Saints' stalwart, making nearly 450 appearances over the next 12 years before becoming first-team trainer. Andrews was released by Southampton in May 1920 and returned to work in the shipyards. He played part-time football in the Hampshire League with Cowes and Lymington. Arthur Andrews (footballer, born 1891) Alfred \"Arthur\" Andrews (1 April 1891 – 24 September 1964) was an English professional footballer who played as a half back for Southampton in their final", "title": "Arthur Andrews (footballer, born 1891)" }, { "docid": "20646267", "text": "Wolff Schneider: Ursula Wolff Schneider Ursula Flora Schneider (Wolff) (popularly known as Ursula Wolff Schneider) (August 14, 1906 - August, 1977) was a German photographer and photojournalist. Her photographs of the pre-World War II period are a significant record of the society and culture of Weimar Germany, and they serve as an important example of early photojournalism. Ursula Wolff was born in Berlin, Germany, and is the daughter of renowned Sanskrit scholar Dr. Fritz Wolff and Minna Wolff. She was married to German architect Karl Schneider (). In the mid-to-late 1920s, Ursula Wolff spent two years in Berlin, Vienna, and", "title": "Ursula Wolff Schneider" }, { "docid": "20646265", "text": "Ursula Wolff Schneider Ursula Flora Schneider (Wolff) (popularly known as Ursula Wolff Schneider) (August 14, 1906 - August, 1977) was a German photographer and photojournalist. Her photographs of the pre-World War II period are a significant record of the society and culture of Weimar Germany, and they serve as an important example of early photojournalism. Ursula Wolff was born in Berlin, Germany, and is the daughter of renowned Sanskrit scholar Dr. Fritz Wolff and Minna Wolff. She was married to German architect Karl Schneider (). In the mid-to-late 1920s, Ursula Wolff spent two years in Berlin, Vienna, and Hamburg working", "title": "Ursula Wolff Schneider" }, { "docid": "13389974", "text": "the board of the \"New Statesman\" and the committee of the Royal Literary Fund. She has lived in Egypt, Lebanon and the United States. Owen is the editor of \"Fathers: Reflections by Daughters\" (Virago, 1983) and \"Whose Cities\" (with Mark Fisher), published by Penguin in 1991. Owen has one daughter and four granddaughters. Ursula Owen Ursula Margaret Owen (born 21 January 1937) is an English publisher, editor and campaigner for free expression. She was born Ursula Margaret Sachs in Oxford, England, to Emma Boehm and Werner Sachs, a chemical engineer who became managing director of a multinational company dealing with", "title": "Ursula Owen" }, { "docid": "14603125", "text": "squad for the 2011 Rugby World Cup but was ultimately left out of the final squad. He made his full international debut for Wales versus the Barbarians on 4 June 2011 as a second-half replacement. Scott Andrews (rugby player born 1989) Scott Andrews (born 1 August 1989) is a Welsh international rugby union player for Pro14 side Cardiff Blues. He plays mainly as a prop, but can also cover lock and hooker. In September 2017, English side Bath announced that they had signed Andrews on a one-month loan deal. In May 2010 he was added to the Wales national rugby", "title": "Scott Andrews (rugby player born 1989)" }, { "docid": "14089695", "text": "Ursula Hoff Ursula Hoff (26 December 1909 in London, UK – 10 January 2005 in Melbourne) – Australian scholar, academic, curator, writer, critic, and lecturer; Deputy Director of the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne (1968–1973); London Adviser of the Felton Bequest (1975–83); author of numerous books, catalogues, articles, reviews, and scholarly publications on art. Ursula Hoff was born on 26 December 1909 in London to Hans Leopold Hoff, Hamburg-based German Jewish merchant, and his wife, née Thusnelde Margarethe (Tussi) Bulcke, of a German Lutheran upper-middle-class family. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to Hamburg, where Ursula grew up and", "title": "Ursula Hoff" }, { "docid": "20451761", "text": "He currently performs between 75 and 100 shows a year. 2005 \"Favorites For A Lifetime\"<br> 2006 \"Simply Slim With Harry\"<br> 2008 \"Through The Years\"—Slim Andrews and The Cumberland Valley Revue<br> 2009 \"Slim Andrews and His Alvarez\"<br> 2011 \"Slim Andrews Sings Irish\" Slim Andrews Slim Andrews, born Leonard Andrews Huntington, Jr. on June 14, 1931, is a Maine country music artist with seven decades of performing at the local and regional levels. He began his music career in 1942 at the age of eleven when he won a talent contest at the Community Theater in New Auburn, ME. He got his", "title": "Slim Andrews" }, { "docid": "20502778", "text": "Ursula and Angelina’s wrestling personas. Hayden was married to a man named Hans Gieseler for 3 years and then they later divorced. They have one child together, daughter Alaska Renee Gieseler (born October 1, 2000) Television Films Ursula Hayden Ursula Hayden (born Ursa Bamby Hayden; March 8, 1966) is an American professional wrestler, actress, and business woman. She is best known for her character Babe the Farmer's Daughter on the 1980s television show \"Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling\" (also known as \"GLOW\") and being the owner of the company since 2001. She is also a series consultant on the Netflix GLOW", "title": "Ursula Hayden" }, { "docid": "20571985", "text": "Isabel Ursula Teshea Isabel Ursula Teshea, TC (24 July 1911–14 April 1981) was an Afro-Trinidadian social worker, human rights activist, and politician. One of the founders of the People's National Movement, she served as vice chair of the party and was the first woman to hold the office. When Trinidad and Tobago gained its independence from Britain, she ran as a candidate, becoming the first woman elected in the newly established House of Representatives. She became the first woman cabinet Minister and later ambassador for the country. Posthumously, she was awarded the Trinity Cross, the highest honor of the country.", "title": "Isabel Ursula Teshea" }, { "docid": "7464105", "text": "Ursula Buchfellner Ursula Buchfellner (born 8 June 1961) is a German model and actress. She was \"Playboy\" magazine's Playmate of the Month for its October 1979 issue. Her centerfold was photographed by Peter Weissbrich. Buchfellner also was the Playmate for the December 1977 issue of \"Playboy's\" German edition, being only 16 at the time when the photos were taken (she was 17 in relation to the edition in which her photos were published). In November 1985 she became the first Playmate to go on to appear in \"Penthouse\" magazine. International acting and modeling careers followed Buchfellner's \"Playboy\" appearance. She was", "title": "Ursula Buchfellner" }, { "docid": "12966024", "text": "Ursula Kathleen Hicks Ursula Kathleen Webb Hicks (1896–1985) was an Irish-born economist and academic. She was daughter of William and Isabella Webb, born in Dublin on 17 September 1896. She was educated at Roedean and Somerville College, University of Oxford. Her post-graduate study was at the London School of Economics where she was a lecturer. She married fellow academic Sir John Hicks. Ursula Hicks was a renowned public finance and development economist. Hicks was also one of the founders of the Review of Economic Studies and Managing Editor there from 1933 to 1961. She was a fellow of Linacre College,", "title": "Ursula Kathleen Hicks" }, { "docid": "13919988", "text": "She was very athletic and participated in tennis, shooting, swimming, riding, and golfing. In fact, Edgerly won the first women's golf tournament to ever be played in the United States. The tournament took place at a Brookline country club. Edgerly died in 1899 of influenza when Louise Andrews Kent was just 13 years old. Books authored by Louise Andrews Kent include: Louise Andrews Kent Louise Andrews Kent (May 25, 1886 – August 6, 1969) was an American author. She was born in Brookline, Massachusetts in 1886 and graduated from Simmons College School of Library Science in 1909, where she was", "title": "Louise Andrews Kent" }, { "docid": "12213971", "text": "Ursula de Jesus Ursula de Jesus (1604–1668) She was born in Lima, Peru and was the legitimate daughter of Juan Castilla and Isabel de los Rios. Isabel de los Rios was a slave leaving Ursula to inherit her mother's status. Ursula de Jesus was an African-Peruvian who rose out of slavery who became a donada (religious servant) in the [Roman Catholic Church]. She lived under her mother’s owner, Gerònima De Los Rios, until she was roughly eight years old. The daughter of slaves was her first experience with mysticism when she became the property of Luisa de Melgarejo Sotomayor, a", "title": "Ursula de Jesus" }, { "docid": "18792112", "text": "Ursula Haverbeck Ursula Hedwig Meta Haverbeck-Wetzel (born 8 November 1928) is a German author from Vlotho, Germany. Since 2004, she has also been the subject of lawsuits due to her Holocaust denial which in Germany is a criminal offense. Her husband was , who during the Nazi period was temporarily engaged in the national leadership of the Nazi Party, founder and director in 1933 of the German , as well as writer and publisher, historian, folklorist and parson of The Christian Community. From 1982 he was also on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Ecological-Democratic Party (ÖDP) and party member.", "title": "Ursula Haverbeck" }, { "docid": "14996926", "text": "Ursula van Beckum Ursula van Beckum née Ursula von Werdum (before 1520 – 13 November 1544) was a Dutch Anabaptist noblewoman who was burned at the stake for heresy in Delden, the Netherlands. She was born as the daughter of Ulrich von Werdum (d. 1530) and Armgard von Fikensolt. On 12 June 1538 she married Johan Hendrik van Beckum and went to live with him in Nijenhuis, his castle in Diepenheim. Her sister-in-law Maria van Beckum became a follower of David Joris and was sent out of her house by her stepmother as an Anabaptist. She fled to Ursula who", "title": "Ursula van Beckum" }, { "docid": "20135139", "text": "Sarah Shepherd Andrews Sarah Shepherd Andrews (November 26, 1893 – September 16, 1961) was an American missionary, who served in Japan from 1916 until her death in 1961. She was a key figure in bringing Christianity into the country. Andrews was born in Dickson, Tennessee. The work of J.M. McCaleb influenced her to work in Japan where she later created around eight Japanese congregations. Sometime after she was baptized at age 14, she wrote to McCaleb about coming to Japan and he gave her advice what schooling and training she would need to be successful. Andrews graduated from Dickson College,", "title": "Sarah Shepherd Andrews" }, { "docid": "4698107", "text": "Ursula Rucker Ursula Rucker is an American spoken word recording artist. Rucker is known for a diverse repertoire, and for utilizing techniques that catch her listeners' attention. Rucker was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where she was a graduate of Temple University’s journalism program. She is of African-American and Italian descent. Rucker had been writing poetry since adolescence but kept her writings to herself until she read poetry in 1994, at Philadelphia’s Zanzibar Blue, which is credited as her debut. That same year, Rucker was invited to collaborate with numerous recording artists, and producers including Wax Tailor, King Britt,", "title": "Ursula Rucker" }, { "docid": "20357346", "text": "Ursula Krone-Appuhn Ursula Krone-Appuhn (25 September 1936 - 17 December 1988) was a German politician (CDU, CSU). Despite being born in the central region that became, in October 1949, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), her adult life and political career were conducted in West Germany where she served as a member of parliament (\"\"Bundestag Mitglied\"\") between 1976 and 1987. She took a particular interest in defence, and was a member of the parliamentary defence committee. Ursula Appuhn was born at Nordhausen, a small manufacturing town to the north of Erfurt. Passing the Abitur (school final exam) opened the way", "title": "Ursula Krone-Appuhn" }, { "docid": "10782410", "text": "ruled that an order issued by Florida Governor Rick Scott to randomly drug test 80,000 Florida state workers was unconstitutional. Ungaro found that Scott had not demonstrated that there was a compelling reason for the tests and that, as a result, they were an unreasonable search in violation of the Constitution. Ursula Mancusi Ungaro Ursula Mancusi Ungaro (born January 29, 1951; formerly known as Ursula Ungaro-Benages) is a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida. Ungaro was born in 1951 in Miami Beach, Florida. She graduated from the University of Miami", "title": "Ursula Mancusi Ungaro" } ]
What was CBS TV news broadcaster Walter Cronkite's stock closing phrase?
[ "Cronkite, Walter Leland, Jr.", "Old Ironpants", "Walter Cronkite Jr.", "And that's the way it is", "Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr.", "Walter conkrite", "Walter Cronkite", "Walter L. Cronkite Jr.", "Walter Leland Cronkite", "Walter Conkrite", "Walter Leland Cronkite Jr.", "Walter Kronkite" ]
[ { "docid": "1446173", "text": "13 moon missions, Cronkite received the best ratings and made CBS the most-watched television network for the missions. In 1970, when Huntley retired, the \"CBS Evening News\" finally dominated the American TV news viewing audience. Although NBC finally settled on the skilled and well-respected broadcast journalist John Chancellor, Cronkite proved to be more popular and continued to be top-rated until his retirement in 1981. One of Cronkite's trademarks was ending the \"CBS Evening News\" with the phrase \"...And that's the way it is,\" followed by the date. Keeping to standards of objective journalism, he omitted this phrase on nights when", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446211", "text": "Cronkite chronicles, over archive footage, the events following World War II that resulted in America's rise as the dominant world power. Prior to his death, \"Uncle Walter\" hosted a number of TV specials and was featured in interviews about the times and events that occurred during his career as America's \"most trusted\" man. In July 2006, the 90-minute documentary \"Walter Cronkite: Witness to History\" aired on PBS. The special was narrated by Katie Couric, who assumed the \"CBS Evening News\" anchor chair in September 2006. Cronkite provided the voiceover introduction to Couric's \"CBS Evening News\", which began on September 5,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446170", "text": "of it.\" Cronkite also angered the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, the show's sponsor, by grammatically correcting its advertising slogan. Instead of saying \"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should\" verbatim, he substituted \"as\" for \"like.\" He was the lead broadcaster of the network's coverage of the 1960 Winter Olympics, the first-ever time such an event was televised in the United States. He replaced Jim McKay, who had suffered a mental breakdown. On April 16, 1962, Cronkite succeeded Douglas Edwards as anchorman of the CBS's nightly feature newscast, tentatively renamed \"Walter Cronkite with the News\", but later the \"CBS Evening", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446158", "text": "Walter Cronkite Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. (November 4, 1916 – July 17, 2009) was an American broadcast journalist who served as anchorman for the \"CBS Evening News\" for 19 years (1962–1981). During the heyday of CBS News in the 1960s and 1970s, he was often cited as \"the most trusted man in America\" after being so named in an opinion poll. He reported many events from 1937 to 1981, including bombings in World War II; the Nuremberg trials; combat in the Vietnam War; the Dawson's Field hijackings; Watergate; the Iran Hostage Crisis; and the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446205", "text": "\"Back to Neverland\" shown in the Walt Disney World attraction \"The Magic of Disney Animation\", interviewing Robin Williams as if he is still on the CBS News channel, ending his on-camera time with Cronkite's famous catchphrase. In the feature, Cronkite describes the steps taken in the creation of an animated film, while Robin Williams becomes an animated character (and even becomes Walter Cronkite, impersonating his voice). He also was shown inviting Disney guests and tourists to the Disney Classics Theater. On May 21, 1999, Walter Cronkite participated in a panel discussion on \"Integrity in the Media\" with Ben Bradlee and", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598648", "text": "greeting \"Good evening everyone, coast to coast\" to begin each broadcast. On November 30, 1956, the program became the first to use the new technology of videotape to time delay the broadcast (which originated in New York City) for the western United States. Walter Cronkite became anchor of the program titled \"Walter Cronkite with the News\" on April 16, 1962. On September 2, 1963, the program, retitled \"CBS Evening News\", became the first half-hour weeknight news broadcast of network television and was moved to 6:30 p.m. Eastern time (the \"Huntley-Brinkley Report\" on NBC expanded to 30 minutes exactly one week", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "9405092", "text": "and Telecommunication in honor of the veteran news reporter. At the same time, the Walter Cronkite Award for Journalism Excellence was established. In 1989, a professional news program produced by the school's students began production, and later evolved into the well-known Cronkite NewsWatch TV news program. In 2001, the school voted to change its name to Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. The school received independent school status in 2004. It chose Christopher Callahan as its founding dean in 2005. A year later, the school established the Cronkite News Service for advanced journalism students to distribute TV and", "title": "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication" }, { "docid": "1446213", "text": "\"I'm gonna get you for this!\" Cronkite later said that he was disappointed that his scene was filmed in one take, since he had hoped to sit down and chat with the cast. In the late 1980s and again in the 1990s, Cronkite appeared on the news-oriented situation comedy \"Murphy Brown\" as himself. Both episodes were written by the Emmy Award-winning team of Tom Seeley and Norm Gunzenhauser. He also continued hosting a variety of series. In the early 1980s, he was host of the documentary series \"World War II with Walter Cronkite\". In 1991, he hosted the TV documentary", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1602608", "text": "for live coverage. The \"CBS Morning News\" title was originally used as the name of a conventional morning news program that served as a predecessor to the network's current morning program, \"CBS This Morning\". For most of the 1960s and 1970s, the program aired as a 60-minute hard news broadcast at 7:00 a.m., preceding \"Captain Kangaroo\" and airing opposite NBC's \"Today\". Walter Cronkite and sportscaster Jim McKay both anchored the original \"CBS Morning News\" at one time. When CBS reformatted the early morning broadcast, the \"CBS Morning News\" became a pre-dawn 30-minute news broadcast. The program first aired in its", "title": "CBS Morning News" }, { "docid": "2271959", "text": "City). NBC's offering at the time, \"NBC Television Newsreel\" (which premiered in February 1948), was simply film footage with voice narration. In 1950, the name of the nightly newscast was changed to \"Douglas Edwards with the News\", and the following year, it became the first news program to be broadcast on both coasts, thanks to a new coaxial cable connection, prompting Edwards to use the greeting \"Good evening everyone, coast to coast.\" The broadcast was renamed the \"CBS Evening News\" when Walter Cronkite replaced Edwards in 1962. Edwards remained with CBS News with various daytime television newscasts and radio news", "title": "CBS News" }, { "docid": "1446224", "text": "Rush). Cronkite dated singer Joanna Simon from 2005 to 2009 A grandson, Walter Cronkite IV, now works at CBS. Cronkite was an accomplished sailor and enjoyed sailing coastal waters of the United States in his custom-built 48-foot Sunward \"WYNTJE\". Cronkite was a member of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, with the honorary rank of commodore. Throughout the 1950s, he was an aspiring sports car racer, even racing in the 1959 12 Hours of Sebring. Cronkite was reported to be a fan of the game \"Diplomacy\", which was John F. Kennedy and Henry Kissinger's favorite game. In June 2009, Cronkite", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446237", "text": "documenting Walter's distinguished career should also include one of the moon rocks that the heroic astronauts of the Apollo program brought to Earth.\" On November 4, 2013, Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Missouri dedicated the Walter Cronkite Memorial. The nearly 6,000 square-foot memorial includes images, videos and memorabilia from Cronkite's life and the many events he covered as a journalist. The memorial includes a replica of the newsroom from which Cronkite broadcast the news during the 1960s and 1970s. In 2014, the Memorial received the Missouri Division of Tourism's Spotlight Award. Walter Cronkite Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. (November", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598663", "text": "to at least the 1991–92 season. Couric began working at CBS News in July 2006. During her first broadcast as anchor on September 5, 2006, a new graphics package and set, and a new theme composed by Academy Award-winning composer James Horner were introduced. Similar graphics and music would be introduced on other CBS News programs such as \"Up to the Minute\", \"CBS Morning News\" and \"The Early Show\" throughout the month of October. A new opening title sequence was designed, with Walter Cronkite providing the voiceover, replacing Wendell Craig unless a temporary voice-over was needed. Following Cronkite's death months", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1598645", "text": "in 1963. The program is anchored by Jeff Glor. Previous anchors have included Douglas Edwards, Walter Cronkite, Dan Rather, Connie Chung, Bob Schieffer, Katie Couric, Scott Pelley, and Anthony Mason. Weekend editions of the \"CBS Evening News\" weekends began in February 1966. On May 2, 2016, CBS announced that the weekend editions would be rebranded, effective May 7, as the \"CBS Weekend News\", with Elaine Quijano Sundays. The weekday edition of the \"CBS Evening News\" airs live at 6:30pm in the Eastern and 5:30pm in the Central Time Zones, and is tape delayed for the Mountain Time Zone. A separate", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1446236", "text": "moon rock sample from the early Apollo expeditions spanning 1969 to 1972. Cronkite passed on the moon rock to Bill Powers, president of the University of Texas at Austin, and it became part of the collection at the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. Carleton said at this occasion, \"We are deeply honored by Walter Cronkite's decision to entrust this prestigious award to the Center for American History. The Center already serves as the proud steward of his professional and personal papers, which include his coverage of the space program for CBS News. It is especially fitting that the archive", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "15822641", "text": "Washington\" and \"Which Way Is Up\". Cronkite was previously married to William F. Ikard. They have two sons, Will Ikard and John Ikard. She currently lives in Austin, TX. Kathy Cronkite Kathy Cronkite (born September 5, 1950) is an American actress and mental health professional. She is also a daughter of former CBS News anchorman Walter Cronkite. Cronkite is a public speaker on issues related to mental health, especially depression. She is the author of the books \"On the Edge of Darkness: Conversations on Conquering Depression\" and \"On the Edge of the Spotlight: Celebrities' Children Speak Out About Their Lives\".", "title": "Kathy Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598650", "text": "a one-evening test broadcast on August 19, 1965, before permanently switching to the format on January 31, 1966. Cronkite's prime time special report, \"Who, What, When, Where, Why\", broadcast on February 27, 1968, ended with his declaration that the United States could only hope for a stalemate in Vietnam. It is often credited with influencing Lyndon Johnson's decision to drop out of the race for President. \"If I've lost Walter Cronkite ... [I]'ve lost Middle America\", he stated. Under Cronkite, the newscast began what would eventually become an 18-year period of dominating the ratings among the network evening news programs.", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "15822640", "text": "Kathy Cronkite Kathy Cronkite (born September 5, 1950) is an American actress and mental health professional. She is also a daughter of former CBS News anchorman Walter Cronkite. Cronkite is a public speaker on issues related to mental health, especially depression. She is the author of the books \"On the Edge of Darkness: Conversations on Conquering Depression\" and \"On the Edge of the Spotlight: Celebrities' Children Speak Out About Their Lives\". In 1979 she co-starred on the short-lived NBC sitcom \"Hizzonner\". She also had roles in the movies \"Network\", \"Billy Jack\", \"The Trial of Billy Jack\", \"Billy Jack Goes to", "title": "Kathy Cronkite" }, { "docid": "484046", "text": "News, Special Events and Sports at CBS Television in 1948. In 1950, the nightly newscast was retitled \"Douglas Edwards with the News\", and the following year, it became the first news program to be broadcast on both coasts, thanks to a new coaxial cable connection, prompting Edwards to use the greeting, \"Good evening everyone, coast to coast\" to begin each edition. The broadcast was renamed the \"CBS Evening News\" when Walter Cronkite replaced Edwards in 1962. Edwards remained with CBS News as anchor/reporter for various daytime television and radio news broadcasts until his retirement on April 1, 1988. Although CBS", "title": "CBS" }, { "docid": "1446231", "text": "but he also took the time to interact with the students and staff of the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. Cronkite made the trip to Arizona annually to present the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism to a leader in the field of media. \"The values that Mr. Cronkite embodies – excellence, integrity, accuracy, fairness, objectivity – we try to instill in our students each and every day. There is no better role model for our faculty or our students,\" said Dean Christopher Callahan. The school, with approximately 1,700 students, is widely regarded as one of", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "5962153", "text": "attract a larger audience. Edward's last newscast on the evening news was on April 13, 1962. On April 16, 1962, Edwards was replaced by Walter Cronkite, and the program became Walter Cronkite with the News. On September 2, 1963, the program was retitled \"CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite\" and became the first half-hour weeknight news broadcast of network television and was moved to 6:30 p.m. . For several years, both during his time as network anchor and after leaving the CBS anchor chair, Edwards anchored the local late news team on WCBS-TV, channel 2, the network's flagship television station", "title": "Douglas Edwards" }, { "docid": "1446159", "text": "civil rights pioneer Martin Luther King Jr., and Beatles musician John Lennon. He was also known for his extensive coverage of the U.S. space program, from Project Mercury to the Moon landings to the Space Shuttle. He was the only non-NASA recipient of an Ambassador of Exploration award. Cronkite is well known for his departing catchphrase, \"And that's the way it is,\" followed by the date of the broadcast. Cronkite was born on November 4, 1916, in Saint Joseph, Missouri, the son of Helen Lena (née Fritsche) and Dr. Walter Leland Cronkite, a dentist. Cronkite lived in Kansas City, Missouri,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446215", "text": "for the Ron Howard film of the same name. Cronkite wrote a syndicated opinion column for King Features Syndicate. In 2005 and 2006, he contributed to \"The Huffington Post\". Cronkite was the honorary chairman of The Interfaith Alliance. In 2006, he presented the Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Award to actor and activist George Clooney on behalf of his organization at its annual dinner in New York. Cronkite was a vocal advocate for free airtime for political candidates. He worked with the Alliance for Better Campaigns and Common Cause, for instance, on an unsuccessful lobbying effort to have an amendment", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "8684195", "text": "Arnold Zenker Arnold L. Zenker (born 1938) is a retired media broadcaster and public appearance counselor who gained brief stardom by sitting in for Walter Cronkite on the \"CBS Evening News\" in 1967. Zenker studied at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, from which he received an undergraduate and a law degree. In 1967 at the age of 28, he was asked to sit in for anchor Walter Cronkite to deliver the nightly news. Zenker, working as a Manager of News Programming at CBS at the time, was chosen because a strike by the American Federation of Television and Radio", "title": "Arnold Zenker" }, { "docid": "8684197", "text": "Arnold Zenker Associates in Boston, which trains \"people to successfully master the public spotlight.\" Arnold Zenker Arnold L. Zenker (born 1938) is a retired media broadcaster and public appearance counselor who gained brief stardom by sitting in for Walter Cronkite on the \"CBS Evening News\" in 1967. Zenker studied at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, from which he received an undergraduate and a law degree. In 1967 at the age of 28, he was asked to sit in for anchor Walter Cronkite to deliver the nightly news. Zenker, working as a Manager of News Programming at CBS at the", "title": "Arnold Zenker" }, { "docid": "5643499", "text": "Pi fraternity at the University of Illinois. Kaplan's broadcast journalism career began at CBS News, where he served as an associate producer of \"CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite\" (1974–79) and an associate producer of the \"CBS Morning News\" (1971–74). He was a writer, assignment desk editor and producer at WBBM-TV, the CBS-owned station in Chicago (1969–71). As an associate producer for \"CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite\", he produced news coverage of the American political campaigns and elections in 1974, 1976 and 1978. He was also a producer of the historic visit of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Israel", "title": "Rick Kaplan" }, { "docid": "2199606", "text": "use the greeting \"Good evening everyone, coast to coast.\" The broadcast was renamed the \"CBS Evening News\" when Walter Cronkite replaced Edwards in 1962. Edwards remained with CBS News with various daytime television newscasts and radio news broadcasts until his retirement on April 1, 1988. There were irregularly scheduled, quasi-network newscasts originating from NBC's WNBT in New York City and reportedly fed to WPTZ (now KYW-TV) in Philadelphia and WRGB in Schenectady, NY prior to the regularly scheduled \"NBC Television Newsreel\", such as Esso sponsored news features a well as \"The Face of War\" and \"The War As It Happens\"", "title": "Television news in the United States" }, { "docid": "1446233", "text": "ASU's Downtown Phoenix campus was also built in his honor. The Walter Cronkite Regents Chair in Communication seats the Texas College of Communications dean. The Walter Cronkite papers are preserved at the curatorial Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at the University of Texas at Austin. Occupying 293 linear feet (almost 90 metres) of shelf space, the papers document Cronkite's journalism career. Amongst the collected material are Cronkite's early beginnings while he still lived in Houston. They encompass his coverage of World War II as a United Press International correspondent, where he cemented his reputation by taking on hazardous overseas", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "9405095", "text": "HDR, Inc. and Ehrlich Architects. Sundt Construction was responsible for construction A few notable faculty are: Walter Cronkite was not a faculty member, but visited the campus a few times a year to interact with students and present the Cronkite Award. The school has moved away from the traditional academic structure of hiring only tenured professors. In addition it hires veteran journalists like Downie and Gillmor to be professors of practice and also draws practicing journalists from the Phoenix area as adjuncts who teach many of its courses. Cronkite News is the nightly thirty-minute news program produced entirely by students", "title": "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication" }, { "docid": "5757430", "text": "more than half a century. During much of that time, KCMO was a CBS Radio Network affiliate, carrying its line up of dramas, comedies, news, sports, soap operas, game shows and big band broadcasts during the \"Golden Age of Radio.\" Walter Cronkite was a sports announcer at the station in 1936 with the on air name of \"Walter Wilcox\". While at KCMO, Cronkite met his wife, Mary Elizabeth Maxwell, and later left to become a reporter for United Press International, before becoming a long-time TV anchor for CBS News. In 1953, television station KCMO-TV (now KCTV) was launched. Meredith Corporation", "title": "KCMO (AM)" }, { "docid": "17503764", "text": "once called him \"the Walter Cronkite of the Shreveport media market,\" a reference to the CBS anchorman from 1962 until 1981. Owen also hired Margaret Pelley of NBC's \"Dateline\", Roseanne Colletti, who went on to report for WNBC-TV, as well as local figures Wray Post, Tom and Barry Irwin, Carl Pendley, and Tony Taglavore. Owen was a past president of the Louisiana and Mississippi AP Broadcasters and the Louisiana/Mississippi United Press International. In 1963, 1964, and 1965, the Associated Press named him \"Broadcaster of the Year\". Some of his articles on a variety of topics were published in \"Shreveport Magazine.\"", "title": "Don Owen (news anchor)" }, { "docid": "3401507", "text": "aired on CBS from 6:30 to 7 p.m. \"100 Grand\" only lasted three weeks, and was replaced by \"Laughs For Sale\", which ran until December 1963. On April 1964, \"The Celebrity Game\" was added to CBS' primetime lineup. \"Empire\" on ABC consisted of reruns of the 1962-63 NBC TV series. Note: Beginning in September, \"CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite\" (formerly \"Walter Cronkite with the News\") and \"The Huntley-Brinkley Report\" expanded to a half-hour, airing weekdays at 6:30 p.m Note: The 1964 CBS summer series \"High Adventure with Lowell Thomas\" consisted of reruns of specials which had aired under that", "title": "1963–64 United States network television schedule" }, { "docid": "9342227", "text": "for nine years and would become the president of the CBS News Division when Stanton appointed him in February of 1961. Salant was president of CBS News from 1961 to 1964 and from 1966 to 1979. The \"New York Times\" credits him with raising professional standards and expanding news programming at CBS. During his tenure, CBS was the first network to expand its week-night news report to 30 minutes. Under his leadership, CBS also introduced \"60 Minutes\" and the \"CBS Morning News\" and \"Sunday Morning\" programs. Salant's first major decision was to replace Douglas Edwards with Walter Cronkite. At this", "title": "Richard S. Salant" }, { "docid": "7076399", "text": "Carlos Granda Carlos Granda is a reporter for KABC-TV News in Los Angeles. Carlos Granda holds a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications and Broadcast Journalism from the University of South Florida. He became interested in journalism after watching Walter Cronkite on the news. When he was a child, Carlos Granda was impressed by how articulate and poised Walter Cronkite was. Granda began his career in television news at WINK-TV, the CBS affiliate in Fort Myers, Florida where he joined as an associate producer. Later he became a full-time reporter for the station. Moving to Miami-based WLTV-TV in 1985, Granda covered", "title": "Carlos Granda" }, { "docid": "19240252", "text": "Herck was from Langedyck, Friesland, the Netherlands. Kipton is a fifth cousin, twice removed to his cousin Walter Cronkite, the famous news reporter. They share a (many times great) grandfather, Jacob Cronkhite, who married Ann Ferguson in 1755. Jacob was of the fifth generation from Herck Siboutsen. Jacob and Ann had eight children including siblings Jacob (Walter’s line) and Anna (Kipton’s line). Jacob was Walter’s 3rd great grandfather; Anna is Kipton’s 5th great grandmother. Walter is Generation 11; Kipton is Generation 13. James Kipton Cronkite James 'Kipton' Cronkite (born April 22, 1971) is an American entrepreneur,curator, and expert in the", "title": "James Kipton Cronkite" }, { "docid": "9405098", "text": "Journalism and the Donald W. Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism. The Cronkite School recently made its programs available to online students. Cronkite Students have traditionally served as paramount members of each of Arizona State University's student media divisions, particularly State Press and KASC. Cronkite Students also serve as reports for the university independent Downtown Devil. Cronkite Students also typically participate and contributing to the Cronkite Zine, the NASA Project or other Student Organizations. Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication (often abbreviated to The Cronkite School by its students", "title": "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication" }, { "docid": "3600704", "text": "news, and often regularly included \"feel-good stories\" or humorous reports as the last items on their newscasts, as opposed to news programs transmitted thirty years earlier, such as the \"CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite\". From their beginnings until around 1995, evening television news broadcasts continued featuring serious news stories right up to the end of the program, as opposed to later broadcasts with such anchors as Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Diane Sawyer. News broadcasts in the United States were initially transmitted over the radio. NBC began broadcasts in November 1926, with CBS entering production on the 25th of", "title": "News program" }, { "docid": "2199611", "text": "a team of Tom Brokaw in New York and Roger Mudd in Washington. Brokaw became sole anchor in 1983. CBS launched \"CBS Television News\" in May 1948 to compete against the NBC newsreel programs, hosted on camera by Douglas Edwards, it was renamed \"Douglas Edwards with the News\" in 1950. In 1962, Walter Cronkite landed the anchor seat, which he would hold until 1981, and the program's name was changed to \"CBS Evening News\". On September 2, 1963, the show expanded from 15 to 30 minutes. In the 1970s, \"CBS Evening News\" was the dominant newscast on American television, and", "title": "Television news in the United States" }, { "docid": "9405089", "text": "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication (often abbreviated to The Cronkite School by its students and faculties), is one of the 24 independent schools at Arizona State University and named in honor of veteran broadcast journalist Walter Cronkite. The school, which is at the downtown Phoenix campus, offers programs leading to a bachelor of arts in journalism and mass communication, master of mass communication, and in fall 2011, the school launched its first journalism and mass communication doctoral program. The Cronkite School began as the Division of Journalism under", "title": "Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication" }, { "docid": "4821340", "text": "show, \"Who Said That?\", in which celebrities try to determine the speaker of quotations taken from recent news reports. Trout returned to CBS in 1952. He doubled as a network correspondent and as main anchor of local evening news at CBS' New York City television flagship, WCBS-TV until June 17, 1965. When the July 1964 CBS Television coverage of the Republican National Convention in San Francisco (anchored by Walter Cronkite) was trounced in the ratings by NBC's Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, CBS replaced Cronkite with Bob Trout and Roger Mudd for the Democratic party's August gathering in Atlantic City.", "title": "Robert Trout" }, { "docid": "1446039", "text": "in April 1962, by Walter Cronkite. NBC's vice president of news and public affairs, J. Davidson Taylor, was a Southerner who, with producer Reuven Frank, was determined that NBC would lead television's coverage of the civil rights movement. In 1955, NBC provided national coverage of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s leadership of the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, airing reports from Frank McGee, then news director of NBC's Montgomery affiliate WSFA-TV, who would later join the network. A year later, John Chancellor's coverage of the admission of black students to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas was the first", "title": "NBC News" }, { "docid": "4410419", "text": "with the News\", and the following year, it became the first news program to be broadcast on both coasts, thanks to a new coaxial cable connection, prompting Edwards to use the greeting \"Good evening everyone, coast to coast.\" The broadcast was renamed the \"CBS Evening News\" when Walter Cronkite replaced Edwards in 1962. Edwards remained with CBS News with various daytime television newscasts and radio news broadcasts until his retirement on April 1, 1988. In the 1950s through the mid-1960s, WCBS-TV's local newscasts were anchored by CBS News correspondents Robert Trout (at 7pm) and Douglas Edwards (at 11pm). Prior to", "title": "WCBS-TV" }, { "docid": "10533185", "text": "for KPIX-TV Channel 5, the first television station in San Francisco starting in 1977 upon leaving KCBS radio. The hiring of McElhatton, a radio broadcaster, was noted by some to be a bold stroke. He remained as a news anchor with KPIX until his retirement in 2000. He was noted, along with that of CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, to be among two good reporters during a forum by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein. At his peak, his salary as a newscaster was reportedly approximately $750,000 per year. For a decade from the late 1970s to late 1980s, his co-anchor was Wendy", "title": "Dave McElhatton" }, { "docid": "7797016", "text": "became the primary source by which people were kept informed of events surrounding John F. Kennedy's assassination. In fact, television started to come of age before the assassination. On September 2, 1963, Kennedy helped inaugurate network television's first half-hour nightly evening newscast according to an interview with \"CBS Evening News\" anchor Walter Cronkite. Newspapers were kept as souvenirs rather than sources of updated information. In this sense his assassination was the first major TV news event of its kind. TV coverage united the nation, interpreting what went on, and creating memories of this space in time. All three major U.S.", "title": "John F. Kennedy" }, { "docid": "1542865", "text": "become executive producer of \"ABC Evening News\" and, later, \"20/20\". http://www.museum.tv/eotvsection.php?entrycode=eyewitnessto Eyewitness to History Eyewitness to History was a CBS Friday night public affairs program which was initially hosted by veteran broadcaster Charles Kuralt (1960-'61), followed by Walter Cronkite (1961-'62), and Charles Collingwood (1962-'63). It aired from September 30, 1960 through July 26, 1963, sponsored by Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. This show concentrated on the most significant news story or stories, reviewing the events. The show's title was shortened to Eyewitness in 1961. Coincidentally, many local CBS affiliates adopted the branding \"Eyewitness News\" for their local newscasts in the", "title": "Eyewitness to History" } ]
[ { "docid": "1446200", "text": "relay what Johnson had said to him. During the final ten minutes of that broadcast, Cronkite reported on the death, giving a retrospective on the life of the nation's 36th president, and announced that CBS would air a special on Johnson later that evening. This story was re-told on a 2007 CBS-TV special honoring Cronkite's 90th birthday. NBC-TV's Garrick Utley, anchoring \"NBC Nightly News\" that evening, also interrupted his newscast in order to break the story, doing so about three minutes after Cronkite on CBS. The news was not reported on that night's \"ABC Evening News\", which was anchored by", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446226", "text": "the \"predominant news voice in America.\" Affectionately known as \"Uncle Walter,\" he covered many of the important news events of the era so effectively that his image and voice are closely associated with the Cuban Missile Crisis, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, the Apollo 11 Moon landing, and the Watergate scandal. \"USA Today\" wrote that \"few TV figures have ever had as much power as Cronkite did at his height.\" Enjoying the cult of personality surrounding Cronkite in those years, CBS allowed some good-natured fun-poking at its star anchorman in some episodes of the network's", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446189", "text": "assassination, including the announcement of Oswald's death on Sunday. The next day, on the day of the funeral, Cronkite concluded \"CBS Evening News\" with the following assessment about the events of the last four dark days: Referring to his coverage of Kennedy's assassination, in a 2006 TV interview with Nick Clooney, Cronkite recalled, In a 2003 CBS special commemorating the 40th anniversary of the assassination, Cronkite recalled his reaction upon having the death confirmed to him, he said, According to historian Douglas Brinkley, Cronkite provided a sense of perspective throughout the unfolding sequence of disturbing events. In mid-February 1968, on", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446208", "text": "Cronkite was the voice of Benjamin Franklin in the educational television cartoon \"Liberty's Kids\", which included a news segment ending with the same phrase he did back on the \"CBS Evening News\". His distinctive voice provided the narration for the television ads of the University of Texas, Austin, his alma mater, with its 'We're Texas' ad campaign. Cronkite voiced Tim's grandpa in the BrainPOP episode about aging. He held amateur radio operator license KB2GSD and narrated a 2003 American Radio Relay League documentary explaining amateur radio's role in disaster relief. the video tells Amateur Radio's public service story to non-hams,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446174", "text": "he ended the newscast with opinion or commentary. Beginning with January 16, 1980, Day 50 of the Iran hostage crisis, Cronkite added the length of the hostages' captivity to the show's closing in order to remind the audience of the unresolved situation, ending only on Day 444, January 20, 1981. Cronkite is vividly remembered for breaking the news of the Assassination of John F. Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963. Cronkite had been standing at the United Press International wire machine in the CBS newsroom as the bulletin of the President's shooting broke and he clamored to get on the", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446167", "text": "other news presenters bore the title before him. Cronkite anchored the network's coverage of the 1952 presidential election as well as later conventions. In 1964 he was temporarily replaced by the team of Robert Trout and Roger Mudd; this proved to be a mistake, and Cronkite returned to the anchor chair for future political conventions. From 1953 to 1957, Cronkite hosted the CBS program \"You Are There\", which reenacted historical events, using the format of a news report. His famous last line for these programs was: \"What sort of day was it? A day like all days, filled with those", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446176", "text": "dispatch Cronkite to the CBS Radio Network booth to report the events and play the audio over the television airwaves while the crew worked on the camera to see if they could get it set up quicker. Meanwhile, CBS was ten minutes into its live broadcast of the soap opera \"As the World Turns (ATWT)\", which had begun at the very minute of the shooting. A \"CBS News Bulletin\" bumper slide abruptly broke into the broadcast at 1:40 pm EST. Over the slide, Cronkite began reading what would be the first of three audio-only bulletins that were filed in the", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446166", "text": "as the United Press main reporter in Moscow from 1946 to 1948. In 1950, Cronkite joined CBS News in its young and growing television division, again recruited by Murrow. Cronkite began working at WTOP-TV (now WUSA), the CBS affiliate in Washington, D.C.. He originally served as anchor of the network's 15-minute late-Sunday-evening newscast \"Up To the Minute\", which followed \"What's My Line?\" at 11:00 pm ET from 1951 through 1962. Although it was widely reported that the term \"anchor\" was coined to describe Cronkite's role at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, marking the first nationally televised convention coverage,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446171", "text": "News\" on September 2, 1963, when the show was expanded from 15 to 30 minutes, making Cronkite the anchor of American network television's first nightly half-hour news program. Cronkite's tenure as anchor of the \"CBS Evening News\" made him an icon in television news. During the early part of his tenure anchoring the \"CBS Evening News\", Cronkite competed against NBC's anchor team of Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, who anchored the \"Huntley-Brinkley Report\". For much of the 1960s, the \"Huntley-Brinkley Report\" had more viewers than Cronkite's broadcast. A key moment for Cronkite came during his coverage of John F. Kennedy's", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446199", "text": "KTBC-TV in Austin, Texas, which was affiliated with CBS at the time and was owned by the Johnson family. During the conversation the production staff cut away from the report back to the live camera in studio as Cronkite was still on the phone. After he was made aware that he was back on camera, Cronkite held up a finger to let everyone watching know he required a moment to let Johnson finish talking. Once Cronkite got what he needed, he thanked Johnson and asked him to stay on the line. He then turned to the camera and began to", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446191", "text": "When, Where, Why?\" with that editorial report: Following Cronkite's editorial report, President Lyndon Johnson is claimed by some to have said, \"If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America.\" This account has been questioned in a book on journalistic accuracy. At the time the editorial aired, Johnson was in Austin, Texas attending Texas Governor John Connally's birthday gala and was giving a speech in his honor. In his book \"This Just In: What I Couldn't Tell You on TV\", CBS News correspondent Bob Schieffer, who was serving as a reporter for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram when Cronkite's editorial aired, acknowledged", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446234", "text": "assignments. During this time he also covered the Nuremberg war crimes trial serving as the chief of the United Press bureau in Moscow. The main content of the papers documents Cronkite's career with CBS News between 1950 and 1981. The Cronkite Papers assemble a variety of interviews with U.S. presidents, including Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, and Ronald Reagan. President Lyndon Johnson requested a special interview with Cronkite while he was broadcasting live on CBS. Between 1990 and 1993, Don Carleton, executive director for the Center for American History, assisted Cronkite as he compiled an oral history to write his autobiography,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446230", "text": "were four Peabody awards for excellence in broadcasting. In 2003, Cronkite was honored by the Vienna Philharmonic with the Franz Schalk Gold Medal, in view of his contributions to the New Year's Concert and the cultural image of Austria. A few years after Cronkite retired, Tom Chauncey, an owner of KTSP-TV, the then-CBS affiliate in Phoenix, contacted Cronkite, an old friend, and asked him if he would be willing to have the journalism school at Arizona State University named after him. Cronkite immediately agreed. The ASU program acquired status and respect from its namesake. Cronkite was not just a namesake,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598652", "text": "officials complained to CBS founder William S. Paley. The second half of the report was aired the following Monday, but only for eight minutes. Cronkite was replaced as anchor of the program the Monday after his retirement, March 9, 1981, by then 49-year-old Dan Rather, who had been with CBS News as a correspondent since the early 1960s and later became a correspondent for the network's newsmagazine \"60 Minutes\". Concerns about excessive liberalism in the media were frequently leveled at Rather, the \"CBS Evening News\", CBS News and CBS in general. Some of these concerns dated from Rather's position as", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1446172", "text": "assassination on November 22, 1963. Another factor in Cronkite and CBS' ascendancy to the top of the ratings was that, as the decade progressed, RCA made a corporate decision not to fund NBC News at the levels that CBS provided for its news broadcasts. Consequently, CBS News acquired a reputation for greater accuracy and depth in coverage. This reputation meshed well with Cronkite's wire service experience, and in 1967 the \"CBS Evening News\" began to surpass \"The Huntley-Brinkley Report\" in viewership during the summer months. In 1969, during the Apollo 11 (with co-host and former astronaut Wally Schirra) and Apollo", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446201", "text": "Howard K. Smith and Harry Reasoner, because ABC at the time fed their newscast live at 6:00 pm Eastern instead of 6:30 to get a head start on CBS and NBC for those stations that aired \"ABC Evening News\" live (although not every affiliate did). On December 10, 1963, Cronkite introduced The Beatles to the United States by airing a four-minute story about the band on \"CBS Evening News\". This was originally broadcast on November 22, 1963, and was going to be shown again on the \"CBS Evening News\", but the assassination of John F. Kennedy prevented the broadcast at", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446223", "text": "the wasted lives of our own citizens. I am speaking of the war on drugs. And I cannot help but wonder how many more lives, and how much more money, will be wasted before another Robert McNamara admits what is plain for all to see: the war on drugs is a failure.\" Cronkite was married for nearly 65 years to Mary Elizabeth 'Betsy' Maxwell Cronkite, from March 30, 1940, until her death from cancer on March 15, 2005. They had three children: Nancy Cronkite, Mary Kathleen (Kathy) Cronkite, and Walter Leland (Chip) Cronkite III (who is married to actress Deborah", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446198", "text": "announcing his impending resignation, the night before. The January 22, 1973 broadcast of the \"CBS Evening News\" saw Cronkite break the news of the death of another notable American political figure: former president Lyndon B. Johnson. At approximately 6:38 pm Eastern Time, while a pre-recorded report that the Vietnam peace talks in Paris had been successful was being played for the audience, Cronkite received a telephone call in the studio while off camera. The call was from Tom Johnson, the former press secretary for President Johnson who was at the time serving the former chief executive as station manager at", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446196", "text": "included a press conference with President Kennedy, talking about the price of the American dollar, which was causing concern in Europe. This broadcast inaugurated live intercontinental news coverage, which was perfected later in the sixties with \"Early Bird\" and other Intelsat satellites. General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower returned to his former Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) headquarters for an interview by Cronkite on the CBS News Special Report \"D-Day + 20\", telecast on June 6, 1964. Cronkite is also remembered for his coverage of the United States space program, and at times was visibly enthusiastic, rubbing his", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446202", "text": "that time. On February 14, 1980, Cronkite announced that he intended to retire from the \"CBS Evening News\"; at the time, CBS had a policy of mandatory retirement by age 65. Although sometimes compared to a father figure or an uncle figure, in an interview about his retirement he described himself as being more like a \"comfortable old shoe\" to his audience. His last day in the anchor chair at the \"CBS Evening News\" was on March 6, 1981; he was succeeded the following Monday by Dan Rather. Cronkite's farewell statement: On the eve of Cronkite's retirement, he appeared on", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446188", "text": "At about 3:30 pm EST, Cronkite came back into the newsroom to relay some new information. The two major pieces of information involved the Oath of Office being administered to Vice President Johnson, which officially made him the thirty-sixth President, and that Dallas police had arrested a man named Lee Harvey Oswald whom they suspected had fired the fatal shots. After that, Cronkite left again to begin preparing for that night's \"CBS Evening News\", which he returned to anchor as normal. For the next four days, along with his colleagues, Cronkite continued to report segments of uninterrupted coverage of the", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446169", "text": "a game show based on news events. During the presidential elections of 1952 and 1956 Cronkite hosted the CBS news-discussion series \"Pick the Winner\". Another of his network assignments was \"The Morning Show\", CBS' short-lived challenge to NBC's \"Today\" in 1954. His on-air duties included interviewing guests and chatting with a lion puppet named Charlemane about the news. He considered this discourse with a puppet as \"one of the highlights\" of the show. He added, \"A puppet can render opinions on people and things that a human commentator would not feel free to utter. I was and I am proud", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446221", "text": "long-running debate over his opposition to the construction of a wind farm in that area. In his column, he repeatedly condemned President George W. Bush and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Cronkite appeared in the 2004 Robert Greenwald film \"Outfoxed\", where he offered commentary on what he said were unethical and overtly political practices at the Fox News Channel. Cronkite remarked that when Fox News was founded by Rupert Murdoch, \"it was intended to be a conservative organization – beyond that; a far-right-wing organization\". In January 2006, during a press conference to promote the PBS documentary about his career, Cronkite", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446177", "text": "next twenty minutes: While Cronkite was reading this bulletin, a second one arrived, mentioning the severity of Kennedy's wounds: Just before the bulletin cut out, a CBS News staffer was heard saying \"Connally too,\" apparently having just heard the news that Texas Governor John Connally had also been shot while riding in the presidential limousine with his wife Nellie and Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. CBS then rejoined the telecast of \"ATWT\" during a commercial break, which was followed by show announcer Dan McCullough's usual fee plug for the first half of the program and the network's 1:45 pm station identification", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446181", "text": "the anchor desk in the newsroom. Within twenty seconds of the announcement, every CBS affiliate except Dallas' KRLD (which was providing local coverage) was airing the network's feed. The camera was finally operational by this time and enabled the audience to see Cronkite, who was clad in shirt and tie but without his suit coat, given the urgent nature of the story. Cronkite reminded the audience, again, of the attempt made on the life of the President and tossed to KRLD news director Eddie Barker at the Dallas Trade Mart, where Kennedy was supposed to be making a speech before", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446178", "text": "break. Just before the second half of \"ATWT\" was to begin, the network broke in with the bumper slide a second time. In this bulletin Cronkite reported in greater detail about the assassination attempt on the President, while also breaking the news of Governor Connally's shooting. Cronkite then recapped the events as they had happened: that the President and Governor Connally had been shot and were in the emergency room at Parkland Hospital, and no one knew their condition as yet. CBS then decided to return to \"ATWT\", which was now midway through its second segment. The cast had continued", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446228", "text": "a \"Freedom of the Press\" George Polk Award and the Paul White Award from the Radio Television Digital News Association. In 1972, in recognition of his career, Princeton University's American Whig-Cliosophic Society awarded Cronkite the James Madison Award for Distinguished Public Service. In 1981, the year he retired, former president Jimmy Carter awarded Cronkite the Presidential Medal of Freedom. In that year, he also received the S. Roger Horchow Award for Greatest Public Service by a Private Citizen, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards, and the Paul White Award for lifetime achievement from the Radio Television Digital News", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598672", "text": "background on the news set (which had been used since the 2008 elections) was replaced by a replica of the globe fixture during the Cronkite era, and the James Horner theme was replaced by the 1987–91 theme composed by Trivers-Myers Music that was used during the Rather era. In his first 9 months in the anchor chair, Pelley gained an additional 821,000 viewers. CBS News also enjoyed increases in its audience for special news events. After election night, 2012, Variety wrote, \"With Scott Pelley front and center; the Eye was up 8% from four years ago.\" The CBS Evening News", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1446194", "text": "the CBS network coverage as violence and protests occurred outside the convention, as well as scuffles inside the convention hall. When Dan Rather was punched to the floor (on camera) by security personnel, Cronkite commented, \"I think we've got a bunch of thugs here, Dan.\" The first publicly transmitted live trans-Atlantic program was broadcast via the Telstar satellite on July 23, 1962, at 3:00 pm EDT, and Cronkite was one of the main presenters in this multinational broadcast. The broadcast was made possible in Europe by Eurovision and in North America by NBC, CBS, ABC, and the CBC. The first", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598671", "text": "interest stories, over time it returned to the hard news format popularized by Cronkite. In an April 2011 article, \"The New York Times\" reported that \"60 Minutes\" correspondent Scott Pelley was considered to be the front-runner to replace Couric as anchor of the program. On May 3, 2011, CBS confirmed that Pelley would replace Couric as anchor for the \"CBS Evening News\" in June. Harry Smith served as the interim anchor until Pelley's tenure started on June 6, 2011 (like Couric before him, Smith would also depart from CBS a month later). The graphics were subtly updated, the American flag", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1446183", "text": "President, mentioning that it came from a reliable source. Before the network left KRLD's feed for good, Barker first announced, then retracted, a confirmation of Kennedy's death. CBS cut back to Cronkite reporting that one of the priests had administered last rites to the president. In the next few minutes, several more bulletins reporting that Kennedy had died were given to Cronkite, including one from CBS's own correspondent Dan Rather that had been reported as confirmation of Kennedy's demise by CBS Radio. As these bulletins came into the newsroom, it was becoming clearer that Kennedy had in fact lost his", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446197", "text": "hands together on camera with a smile and uttering, \"Whew...boy\" on July 20, 1969, when the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission put the first men on the moon. According to the 2006 PBS documentary on Cronkite, there was \"nothing new\" in his reports on the Watergate affair; however, Cronkite brought together a wide range of reporting, and his credibility and status is credited by many with pushing the Watergate story to the forefront with the American public, ultimately resulting in the resignation of President Richard M. Nixon on August 9, 1974. Cronkite had anchored the CBS coverage of Nixon's address,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446212", "text": "2006. Cronkite's voiceover was notably not used on introducing the broadcast reporting his funeral – no voiceover was used on this occasion. Cronkite made a cameo appearance on a 1974 episode of \"The Mary Tyler Moore Show\", in which he met with Lou Grant in his office. Ted Baxter, who at first tried to convince Cronkite that he (Baxter) was as good a newsman as Eric Sevareid, pleaded with Cronkite to hire him for the network news, at least to give sport scores, and gave an example: \"The North Stars 3, the Kings Oh!\" Cronkite turned to Grant and said,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446190", "text": "the urging of his executive producer Ernest Leiser, Cronkite and Leiser journeyed to Vietnam to cover the aftermath of the Tet Offensive. They were invited to dine with General Creighton Abrams, the commander of all forces in Vietnam, whom Cronkite knew from World War II. According to Leiser, Abrams told Cronkite, \"we cannot win this Goddamned war, and we ought to find a dignified way out.\" Upon return, Cronkite and Leiser wrote separate editorial reports based on that trip. Cronkite, an excellent writer, preferred Leiser's text over his own. On February 27, 1968, Cronkite closed \"Report from Vietnam: Who, What,", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446209", "text": "focusing on ham radio's part in helping various agencies respond to wildfires in the Western US during 2002, ham radio in space and the role Amateur Radio plays in emergency communications. \"Dozens of radio amateurs helped the police and fire departments and other emergency services maintain communications in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC,\" narrator Cronkite intoned in reference to ham radio's response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Unusually, Cronkite was a Novice-class licensee—the entry level license—for his entire, and long, tenure in the hobby. On February 15, 2005, he went into the studio at CBS to", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446203", "text": "\"The Tonight Show\" hosted by Johnny Carson. The following night, Carson did a comic spoof of his on-air farewell address. As he had promised on his last show as anchor in 1981, Cronkite continued to broadcast occasionally as a special correspondent for CBS, CNN, and NPR into the 21st century; one such occasion was Cronkite anchoring the second space flight by John Glenn in 1998 as he had Glenn's first in 1962. In 1983, he reported on the British General Election for the ITV current affairs series \"World In Action\", interviewing, among many others, the victorious Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher.", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446168", "text": "events that alter and illuminate our times ... and you were there.\" In 1971, the show was revived and redesigned to attract an audience of teenagers and young adults, hosted again by Cronkite on Saturday mornings. In 1957, he began hosting \"The Twentieth Century\" (eventually renamed \"The 20th Century\"), a documentary series about important historical events of the century composed almost exclusively of newsreel footage and interviews. A long-running hit, the show was again renamed as \"The 21st Century\" in 1967 with Cronkite hosting speculative reporting on the future for another three years. Cronkite also hosted \"It's News to Me\",", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446214", "text": "\"Dinosaur!\" on A&E (not related to the documentary of the same title hosted by Christopher Reeve on CBS six years earlier), and a 1994 follow-up series, \"Ape Man: The Story of Human Evolution\". In 1995, he narrated the World Liberty Concert held in the Netherlands. Cronkite routinely hosted the Kennedy Center Honors from 1981 to 2002. Cronkite appeared briefly in the 2005 dramatic documentary \"The American Ruling Class\" written by Lewis Lapham; the 2000 film \"Thirteen Days\" reporting on the Cuban Missile Crisis; and provided the opening synopsis of the American Space Program leading to the events in Apollo 13", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446163", "text": "correspondents, relieving Bill Downs as the head of the Moscow bureau. CBS offered Cronkite $125 ($2,189 in 2018 money) a week along with \"commercial fees\" amounting to $25 ($438 in 2018) for almost every time Cronkite reported on air. Up to that point, he had been making $57.50 ($1,006 in 2018) per week at UP, but he had reservations about broadcasting. He initially accepted the offer. When he informed his boss Harrison Salisbury, UP countered with a raise of $17.50 ($306 in 2018) per week; Hugh Baillie also offered him an extra $20 ($350 in 2018) per week to stay.", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446217", "text": "Cronkite concluded that \"The failure to give free airtime for our political campaigns endangers our democracy.\" During the elections held in 2000, the amount spent by candidates in the major TV markets approached $1 billion. \"What our campaign asks is that the television industry yield just a tiny percentage of that windfall, less than 1 percent, to fund free airtime.\" He was a member of the Constitution Project's bipartisan Liberty and Security Committee. He also supported the nonprofit world hunger organization Heifer International. In 1998, he supported President Bill Clinton during Clinton's impeachment trial. He was also a proponent of", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "11346338", "text": "2007–08 CBS News writers strike The 2007–2008 CBS News writers strike is a strike action by news writers working for the U.S.-based news broadcaster CBS News. The strike began on November 19, 2007. In addition to CBS News, CBS's locally owned and operated station news operations (including CBS Radio's news radio stations like WCBS, WBBM, KYW and KNX) have been without a contract with the network since April 2005. While most news writers are members of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, a labor union representing workers in the entertainment industry, CBS News and CBS-owned news station employees", "title": "2007–08 CBS News writers strike" }, { "docid": "9013437", "text": "CBS News Weekend Roundup The CBS News Weekend Roundup is a weekly news show that airs on the CBS Radio Network, designed for a one-hour time slot, though it has an actual length without commercials of about forty minutes. It reviews the previous week’s news and provides insights on possible future developments in the United States and the world. The show, produced Friday afternoons, also airs on CBS Radio affiliates on Saturdays and Sundays. It includes interviews with CBS News radio and TV correspondents and various newsmakers, compilations of reports through the week that have aired both on CBS-TV and", "title": "CBS News Weekend Roundup" }, { "docid": "1446186", "text": "to confirm their suspicions). At 2:38 pm EST, while filling in time with some observations about the security presence in Dallas, which had been increased due to a disastrous visit by United Nations Ambassador Adlai Stevenson to the city earlier in 1963, Cronkite was handed a new bulletin. After looking it over for a moment, he took off his glasses, and made the official announcement: After making that announcement, Cronkite paused briefly, put his glasses back on, and swallowed hard to maintain his composure. With noticeable emotion in his voice he intoned the next sentence of the news report: With", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "6250783", "text": "in addition to local news, weather, video news and other information to radio and television stations, as well as traffic reporting services. The network is the oldest unit of the CBS Corporation and traces its roots to CBS's predecessor, United Independent Broadcasters, founded in 1927 with 47 affiliates. The next year, Columbia Records invested in the radio network, which was named the Columbia Phonographic Broadcasting System. Eventually, the record company pulled its backing from the struggling web. William S. Paley bought a half-interest in what became the Columbia Broadcasting System in 1928, and became its president. (In 1938, CBS bought", "title": "CBS News Radio" }, { "docid": "2271961", "text": "nights at 7:00 - 7:30PM UTC (Eastern Time) on CBS. CBSN is a 24-hour streaming news channel available from the CBS News website and launched on November, 4th 2014. The channel feature live news from 9am to midnight on weekdays. The channel makes all of the resources of CBS News available directly on digital platforms with live, anchored coverage 15 hours each week. It is a first for a U.S. 24-hour news channel to forgo cable and be available exclusively only on line and on smart devices such as smart TV's Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire and others. The Channel", "title": "CBS News" }, { "docid": "1446216", "text": "added to the McCain-Feingold-Shays-Meehan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2001 that would have required TV broadcast companies to provide free airtime to candidates. Cronkite criticized the present system of campaign finance which allows elections to \"be purchased\" by special interests, and he noted that all the European democracies \"provide their candidates with extensive free airtime.\" \"In fact,\" Cronkite pointed out, \"of all the major nations worldwide that profess to have democracies, only seven – just seven – do not offer free airtime\" This put the United States on a list with Ecuador, Honduras, Malaysia, Taiwan, Tanzania, and Trinidad and Tobago.", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598681", "text": "lead anchor position with NBC affiliate WKYC-TV in Cleveland, Ohio. The following year, Mitchell was replaced on the weekend editions by Jim Axelrod on Saturdays and Jeff Glor on Sundays. Weekend editions of the \"CBS Evening News\" were periodically abbreviated or preempted outright due to CBS Sports programming. On May 2, 2016, CBS announced that the weekend editions of the \"CBS Evening News\", effective May 7, 2016, would be revamped as the \"CBS Weekend News\", whose Saturday and Sunday editions will be anchored by Reena Ninan and Elaine Quijano respectively (the Saturday edition doesn't air from September through mid December", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1446193", "text": "unsure about how much of an impact his editorial report had on Johnson's decision to drop his bid for re-election, and what eventually convinced him that the President had made the statement was Bill Moyers, fellow journalist and former aide to Johnson, telling him \"The president flipped off the set and said 'If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America.'\" Several weeks later, Johnson, who sought to preserve his legacy and was now convinced his declining health could not withstand growing public criticism, announced he would not seek reelection. During the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Cronkite was anchoring", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1598675", "text": "same period (since the 2010–11 season). \"Pelley has refocused the program towards hard news and away from the soft news and infotainment features of the early Katie Couric era. Story selection has focused more on foreign policy, Washington politics, and economic subjects. The program's audience viewership began to grow immediately, closing the gap between the \"CBS Evening News\" and its competitors by one million viewers within a year, although the CBS program remains in third place among the network evening newscasts. In late May 2016, a new theme tune composed by Joel Beckerman of Man Made Music was introduced. Later", "title": "CBS Evening News" }, { "docid": "1446235", "text": "\"A Reporter's Life\", which was published in 1996. The taped memoirs became an integral part of an eight-part television series \"Cronkite Remembers\", which was shown on the Discovery Channel. As a newsman, Cronkite devoted his attention to the early days of the space program, and the \"space race\" between the United States and the Soviet Union. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration honored Cronkite on February 28, 2006. Michael Coats, director of NASA's Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, presented Cronkite with the Ambassador of Exploration Award. Cronkite was the first non-astronaut thus honored. NASA presented Cronkite with a", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "1446192", "text": "that Johnson did not see the original broadcast but also defended the allegation that Johnson had made the remark. According to Schieffer, Johnson's aide George Christian \"told me that the President apparently saw some clips of it the next day\" and that \"That's when he made the remark about Cronkite. But he knew then that it would take more than Americans were willing to give it.\" When asked about the remark during a 1979 interview, Christian claimed he had no recollection about what the President had said. In his 1996 memoir \"A Reporter's Life\", Cronkite claimed he was at first", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "2271952", "text": "from reports from the United Press, one of the three wire services that supplied newspapers with national and international news. In December 1930 CBS chief William S. Paley hired journalist Paul W. White away from United Press as CBS's news editor. Paley put the radio network's news operation at the same level as entertainment, and authorized White to interrupt programming if events warranted. Along with other networks, CBS chafed at the breaking news embargo imposed upon radio by the wire services, which prevented them from using bulletins until they first appeared in print. CBS disregarded an embargo when it broke", "title": "CBS News" }, { "docid": "1446182", "text": "he was shot. Barker relayed information that Kennedy's condition was extremely critical. Then, after a prayer for Kennedy, Barker quoted an unofficial report that the President was dead but stressed it was not confirmed. After several minutes, the coverage came back to the CBS newsroom where Cronkite reported that the President had been given blood transfusions and two priests had been called into the room. He also played an audio report from KRLD that someone had been arrested in the assassination attempt at the Texas School Book Depository. Back in Dallas Barker announced another report of the death of the", "title": "Walter Cronkite" }, { "docid": "16866737", "text": "CBS News controversies and criticism Throughout the years, numerous conservative activists have accused CBS News of perpetuating a liberal bias in its news coverage. The Media Research Center, a right-wing media watchdog group led by L. Brent Bozell, has been especially critical about what it has perceived to be unduly favorable coverage of liberal topics by CBS, especially during the tenure of \"CBS Evening News\" anchor Dan Rather. In his 2001 book \"\", former CBS correspondent Bernard Goldberg extensively criticized Rather's management of CBS News and what he claimed was Rather's combative efforts to skew the network's coverage. In 1964,", "title": "CBS News controversies and criticism" }, { "docid": "9013440", "text": "the basis for the \"CBS World News Roundup,\" which airs mornings and evenings on the radio network, but the Sunday morning talk shows that are a staple of American TV. The \"Weekend Roundup\" is also a direct successor to the CBS Radio Network show \"Capital Ideas\", focusing on government and domestic news, which aired during the 1990s from Washington, D.C. and featured correspondents Rob Armstrong and John Hartge as well as Arenstein. CBS News Weekend Roundup The CBS News Weekend Roundup is a weekly news show that airs on the CBS Radio Network, designed for a one-hour time slot, though", "title": "CBS News Weekend Roundup" } ]
Who had a 70s No 1 hit with Let Your Love Flow?
[ "Howard Bellamy", "Bellamy Brothers", "The Bellamy Brothers", "David M. Bellamy", "David Bellamy (singer)" ]
[ { "docid": "10628215", "text": "Let Your Love Flow \"Let Your Love Flow\" is a pop song written by Larry E. Williams which was recorded in the autumn of 1975 by country music duo the Bellamy Brothers for whom it afforded an international hit in 1976. The song's composer Larry E. Williams had been a roadie for Neil Diamond's live shows and \"Let Your Love Flow\" had been published by Bicycle Music who owned Diamond's own catalog having been founded by the singer - on Diamond's apparent disinterest in recording the song himself Howard Bellamy of the Bellamy Brothers has commented \"it really wasn't in", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628225", "text": "Room at the Inn' of the HBO series \"The Leftovers\". \"Let Your Love Flow\" has been covered by numerous other artists, most notably Joan Baez, who included it on her 1979 \"Honest Lullaby\" album. Another re-recording by the Bellamy brothers with Gölä is included on the album \"The Greatest Hits Sessions\". \"\"Ein Bett im Kornfeld\"\", a German language adaptation of the song recorded by Jürgen Drews, spent six weeks at #1 in West Germany in 1976, immediately subsequent to the five-week #1 tenure of the Bellamy Brothers' original. Let Your Love Flow \"Let Your Love Flow\" is a pop song", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628218", "text": "with a resultant regional hit: \"Nothin' Heavy\", #77 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the autumn of 1975. David Bellamy's recording sessions featured members of Neil Diamond's band including drummer Dennis St John, and it was St John who recommended \"Let Your Love Flow\" to the Bellamys. Howard Bellamy recalls that Dennis St John \"one daycame over to our house and brought the demo of 'Let Your Love Flow' and said: 'Hey, this sounds like something you guys would do.'\" David Bellamy recalls St John mentioning the song as appropriate for the Bellamys to record, but that St John sent", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628223", "text": "home on a waterslide, a metaphor for the ease with which the card may be used. The ad was first aired 25 October 2008, and two weeks later \"Let Your Love Flow\" re-entered the UK Top 100 singles chart dated 8 November 2008 at #48, with the track eventually peaking at #21 over a six-week tenure with subsequent UK chart tenures of five weeks in February/ March 2009 (peak #48) and three weeks that summer (#76). Speaking for the Bellamy Brothers, David Bellamy would state: \"We had no idea the song 'Let Your Love Flow' had been licensed to Barclay", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628216", "text": "his [ie. Diamond's] vein\" - and according to Howard, Johnny Rivers had also passed on \"Let Your Love Flow\". The song as recorded by Gene Cotton was a single release in the autumn of 1975 making Cotton's version - featured on his 1976 album release \"For All the Young Writers\" - the earliest released version of \"Let Your Love Flow\" although it is unclear if Cotton's recording of song was made prior to that by the Bellamy Brothers. The Bellamy Brothers - siblings David and Howard Bellamy from Pasco County- had been working as session musicians at the Studio 70", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "11831022", "text": "of others.\" If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me \"If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me\" is a song written by David Bellamy, and recorded by American country music duo The Bellamy Brothers. It was released in March 1979 as the second single from the album \"The Two and Only\". The song became their first number 1 hit on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart and their second number one overall, after their 1976 pop hit \"Let Your Love Flow\". The title as shown on", "title": "If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me" }, { "docid": "11831017", "text": "If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me \"If I Said You Have a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me\" is a song written by David Bellamy, and recorded by American country music duo The Bellamy Brothers. It was released in March 1979 as the second single from the album \"The Two and Only\". The song became their first number 1 hit on the \"Billboard magazine\" Hot Country Singles chart and their second number one overall, after their 1976 pop hit \"Let Your Love Flow\". The title as shown on the original", "title": "If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me" }, { "docid": "10628217", "text": "recording studio in Tampa when a demo of a song written by David: \"Spiders and Snakes\", was optioned for Jim Stafford whose 1973 recording became a million-selling hit single. On the recommendation of Stafford's producer Phil Gernhard the Bellamy Brothers relocated to Los Angeles to pursue a recording career: the duo initially stayed with Jim Stafford in the Hollywood house whose purchase Stafford's success with \"Spiders and Snakes\" had made possible and for a time Howard acted as Stafford's road manager while Gernhard arranged for David to record as a solo act for the Warner Bros Records affiliate Curb Records", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "4924643", "text": "2016, the Bellamy Brothers partnered with the Susan G. Komen Foundation to release a video for \"Let Your Love Flow.\" They supported the foundation's breast cancer research by donating one dollar for every digital download of their 40 Year package. The Bellamy Brothers The Bellamy Brothers are an American pop and country music duo consisting of brothers David Milton Bellamy (born September 16, 1950) and Homer Howard Bellamy (born February 2, 1946), from Darby, Florida, United States. The duo had considerable musical success in the 1970s and 1980s, starting with the release of their crossover hit \"Let Your Love Flow\"", "title": "The Bellamy Brothers" } ]
[ { "docid": "10628222", "text": "the British Isles the track achieved chart peaks of #7 in the UK and #3 in Ireland. \"Let Your Love Flow\" also reached #1 on the hit parade for South Africa, #2 in New Zealand and #6 in Australia. In 2008 and 2009 \"Let Your Love Flow\" enjoyed a UK chart renaissance due to the song's being featured in a television ad for Barclays promoting the bank's Barclaycard in its contactless format. Filmed in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the ad's focus was on an office clerk - played by Robert Wilfort - who utilizes his Barclaycard while traveling", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628221", "text": "Dutch Top 30 chart dated 6 March 1976, the same date as the track's \"Billboard\" Top 40 debut at #38: the track would eventually peak at #6 on both the Dutch chart and Belgium's Flemish chart. In June and July 1976 \"Let Your Love Flow\" spent five weeks at #1 in Germany and also in Switzerland, while the track would be ranked at #1 on the monthly Austrian hit parades dated the 15th of August, September and October. \"Let Your Love Flow\" was afforded further European success with a seven-week tenure at #2 in both Norway and Sweden, while in", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628220", "text": "career.\" \"Let Your Love Flow\" reached #1 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 dated 1 May 1976, also crossing-over to the \"Billboard\" chart rankings for Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks with a peak of #2, and also for Hot Country Singles with a peak of #21. According to David Bellamy (quote): \"There were a couple of guys from Holland [ie. the Netherlands] who were in town when the single was released, and our record company gave it to them to take home and they also sent it to Germany\", and \"Let Your Love Flow\" would in fact debut at #22 on the", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "10628224", "text": "for an advertisement [until] after the single started climbing the charts in England. Any artist is always thrilled when one of your signature songs has longevity like this because it was thirty-two years ago when we first released the tune. We’ve always had such faithful fans in Europe, like we do in the United States, but with the single charting again we’re introducing our music to a whole new generation of music lovers.\" In other media, \"Let Your Love Flow\" was featured in the 1980 Tatum O'Neal film \"Little Darlings\", the 2008 period drama \"Swingtown,\" and season 2 episode 'No", "title": "Let Your Love Flow" }, { "docid": "5805154", "text": "(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear \"(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear\" is a popular song first recorded by Elvis Presley in 1957 for the soundtrack of his second motion picture, \"Loving You\", during which Presley performs the song on screen. It was written by Kal Mann and Bernie Lowe and published in 1957 by Gladys Music. The song was a U.S. No. 1 hit for during the summer of 1957, staying at No. 1 for seven weeks, the third of the four Presley had that year. \"(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear\" would also hit No. 1 on the", "title": "(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear" }, { "docid": "4924631", "text": "Your Love Flow\", written by Diamond's roadie Larry Williams. Released in 1976, \"Let Your Love Flow\" was a No. 1 single on the United States pop charts, as well as more than a dozen countries worldwide. Although \"Let Your Love Flow\" was also a hit on the Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart, the Bellamys' country music success was limited until 1979, when \"If I Said You Had a Beautiful Body Would You Hold It Against Me\" was released. The song, whose \"double entendre\" title was derived from a Groucho Marx quote, landed the Bellamys their first country music No.", "title": "The Bellamy Brothers" }, { "docid": "10279975", "text": "\"Let Me Be Your Fantasy was the biggest crossover hit of the rave era\". And in 2018, \"Mixmag\" listed \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy\" as one of The 30 best vocal house anthems ever. \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy\" only reached No. 76 when first released in 1992 by Production House Records. It remained popular however, and the single was reissued in the UK on 7 November 1994 by London Records subsidiary Systematic Records. It entered the chart at No. 3 before climbing to number 1 the following week, where it remained for two weeks. It was the 18th best", "title": "Let Me Be Your Fantasy" }, { "docid": "4470223", "text": "in most countries and the World Chart. Let Love Be Your Energy \"Let Love Be Your Energy\" is a song by Robbie Williams released in 2001 as the fourth single from his album \"Sing When You're Winning\". The music video for the single was presented in animation. It featured a cartoon facsimile of Williams always on the run in search of love. There is a second, raunchier version of the video depicting animated nudity and sex. The song was not as successful as the previous singles lifted from the album, but it still managed to make the UK top ten", "title": "Let Love Be Your Energy" }, { "docid": "4470222", "text": "Let Love Be Your Energy \"Let Love Be Your Energy\" is a song by Robbie Williams released in 2001 as the fourth single from his album \"Sing When You're Winning\". The music video for the single was presented in animation. It featured a cartoon facsimile of Williams always on the run in search of love. There is a second, raunchier version of the video depicting animated nudity and sex. The song was not as successful as the previous singles lifted from the album, but it still managed to make the UK top ten and it broke inside the top forty", "title": "Let Love Be Your Energy" }, { "docid": "8731476", "text": "Hit Me with Your Best Shot \"Hit Me with Your Best Shot\" is a song by American rock singer Pat Benatar. In 1980, it was released as the second single from her second album \"Crimes of Passion\". It hit No. 7 in \"Cash Box\", and reached No. 9 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, becoming her first Top 10 hit. \"Hit Me with Your Best Shot\" sold well over a million copies in the U.S., achieving a gold certification by the RIAA. The song is one of Benatar's most recognizable tracks. Heard at many baseball and soccer games, the song has", "title": "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" }, { "docid": "8541358", "text": "If I Had Your Love \"If I Had Your Love\" was the Icelandic entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005, performed in English by Selma. The song is an up-tempo dance number, with Selma singing about what she would do \"If I had your love\". She claims that it would inspire her above all other things. The song was criticised after the Contest for being somewhat musically confusing, as it featured a number of tempo and key changes in unusual places.<br> The performance featured Selma wearing a red outfit with what were described as knickerbocker trousers. Her backing singers wore", "title": "If I Had Your Love" }, { "docid": "17643070", "text": "that his relationship with Perry has been a private and \"human\" one. On writing the song, Mayer said: \"Who You Love\" is a sweet melody that tells the story of opening your heart up and allowing yourself to fully love the person in your life—or specifically to \"love who you love, who you love.\" \"It was a really great experience and the song is one of these like old FM '70s and '80s sort of like duets, and I listened back to it; it's, like, really convincing. And I watched it get made and I'm still kind of taken aback.\"", "title": "Who You Love" }, { "docid": "8541360", "text": "favoured to progress to the final, based on Selma's previous success at the 1999 Contest. It was succeeded as Icelandic representative at the 2006 Contest by Silvía Night with \"Congratulations\". If I Had Your Love \"If I Had Your Love\" was the Icelandic entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005, performed in English by Selma. The song is an up-tempo dance number, with Selma singing about what she would do \"If I had your love\". She claims that it would inspire her above all other things. The song was criticised after the Contest for being somewhat musically confusing, as it", "title": "If I Had Your Love" }, { "docid": "8731479", "text": "In early 2011, however, the song was leaked on the Internet. Other artists who have performed the song live include singer-songwriter Kelly Clarkson, whose version of \"Hit Me with Your Best Shot\" received praise by \"Time\". Fictional music group Alvin and the Chipmunks recorded a male rendition for their 1982 album \"Chipmunk Rock\". Aberdonian Singing Sensation Karen Sinclair performed a cover of \"Hit Me with Your Best Shot\" to qualify for the Globe Inn 2015 'Can You Front a Rock Band' competition, with local rock band FUBAR. Hit Me with Your Best Shot \"Hit Me with Your Best Shot\" is", "title": "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" }, { "docid": "8037128", "text": "onwards, that \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" finally became a million-seller. The song has been used for numerous purposes since its release including various adverts (including one in 2006 for financial company Capital One) and in numerous television programmes (including the \"Doctor Who\" episode \"Tooth and Claw\"). It has had its lyrics changed often, including in one instance to 'hit me with your oven chip'. This, combined with its continued popularity and original chart success has ensured that today the song is incredibly easily to find on CD, not only on all of Ian Dury's compilations but in numerous", "title": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" }, { "docid": "8037118", "text": "by Song\" that the song was written in Rolvenden, Kent during a jamming session between him and Dury. Jankel relates that the music was inspired by a piano part near the end of \"Wake Up and Make Love with Me\" (a song on Dury's solo debut \"New Boots and Panties!!\" that Jankel had co-written) and that after listening to it, Dury presented the lyrics for \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" to him the same afternoon. This was later corroborated by Dury. Dury mentioned a number of origins for his lyrics, including claiming that he had written them up to", "title": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" }, { "docid": "10279976", "text": "selling single of 1994 in the UK. The song was released for a third time in 2000 as a UK garage remix by Trick or Treat. This version, featuring MC Tails, peaked at No. 16. Let Me Be Your Fantasy \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy\" is a song by the British musical group Baby D. Originally released by Production House Records in 1992, it became a number-one UK single in November 1994 when re-released by London Records subsidiary Systematic. Sam Richards, writing in \"The Guardian\" in 2015, said \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy was the biggest crossover hit of the", "title": "Let Me Be Your Fantasy" }, { "docid": "14155181", "text": "Rest Your Love on Me \"Rest Your Love on Me\" is a country ballad performed by the Bee Gees written and sung by Barry Gibb. It was the B-side of the US No. 1 hit \"Too Much Heaven\". \"Rest Your Love on Me\" was written by Barry Gibb in 1976 and recorded it in May 2 on the \"Children of the World\" sessions. Stephen Stills played bass on its original demo. It was not used until \"Too Much Heaven\" was released, as \"Rest Your Love on Me\" was chosen as the B-side. As a country song, it did not fit", "title": "Rest Your Love on Me" }, { "docid": "8026221", "text": "to be realized despite her association with The Beatles, her recording of the Lennon-McCartney original \"Love of the Loved\" having been only a modest hit (No.35). Martin produced the session for Black's recording of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" at Abbey Road Studios; the arrangement was by Johnny Pearson and the session personnel included guitarists Vic Flick and Big Jim Sullivan and The Breakaways vocal group. Black's single of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" debuted at No.28 on the UK Top 50 dated 8 February 1964. The Dionne Warwick original, issued by Scepter's UK licensee Pye Records, debuted on the", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "14163048", "text": "Stopping Your Heart\" was her first No. 1 hit since 1973, when she hit the top with a cover of Anita Bryant's \"Paper Roses\". Just prior to her solo comeback, Osmond had a No. 1 hit duet with Dan Seals, \"Meet Me in Montana\". There's No Stopping Your Heart (song) \"There's No Stopping Your Heart\" is a song written by Michael Bonagura and Craig Karp, and recorded by American country music artist Marie Osmond. It was released in September 1985 as the third single and title track from the album \"There's No Stopping Your Heart\". The song became Marie Osmond's", "title": "There's No Stopping Your Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "16677692", "text": "Lose Your Love \"Lose Your Love\" is a song by English synthpop duo Blancmange, released in 1985 as the second single from their third studio album \"Believe You Me\". It was written by Neil Arthur and Stephen Luscombe, and produced by Stewart Levine. \"Lose Your Love\" reached No. 77 in the UK, which was the duo's first single to fail to reach the Top 40 since 1982's \"Feel Me\". In the United States, it was a dance hit, reaching No. 2 on the \"Billboard\" Dance/Club Play Songs Chart. For its release as a single, \"Lose Your Love\" was remixed. The", "title": "Lose Your Love" }, { "docid": "10755928", "text": "Put a Little Love in Your Heart \"Put a Little Love in Your Heart\" is a song originally performed in 1969 by Jackie DeShannon, who composed it with her brother Randy Myers and Jimmy Holiday. In the U.S., it was DeShannon's highest-charting hit, reaching number 4 on the Hot 100 in August 1969 and number 2 on the Adult Contemporary charts. In late 1969, the song reached number one on South Africa's hit parade. The song rivaled the success of her signature song, \"What the World Needs Now Is Love\". In 1988, Annie Lennox and Al Green recorded a version", "title": "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" }, { "docid": "13691968", "text": "this song was recorded by British reggae band UB40's singer Ali Campbell for his solo album Big Love in 1995. It was released as a single and reached no. 25 in the U.K. Let Your Yeah Be Yeah \"Let Your Yeah Be Yeah\" is a song written by Jamaican singer Jimmy Cliff. It was first recorded by vocal trio The Pioneers, whose version, co-produced by Cliff, reached no. 5 on the UK singles chart in 1971. In 1973 it was recorded by American rock band Brownsville Station for their album \"Yeah!\". Released as a single, it was the band's second", "title": "Let Your Yeah Be Yeah" }, { "docid": "14155184", "text": "went to number one for one week and spent a total of 10 weeks within the Top 40. Rest Your Love on Me \"Rest Your Love on Me\" is a country ballad performed by the Bee Gees written and sung by Barry Gibb. It was the B-side of the US No. 1 hit \"Too Much Heaven\". \"Rest Your Love on Me\" was written by Barry Gibb in 1976 and recorded it in May 2 on the \"Children of the World\" sessions. Stephen Stills played bass on its original demo. It was not used until \"Too Much Heaven\" was released, as", "title": "Rest Your Love on Me" }, { "docid": "5999349", "text": "The '70s Anthology The '70s Anthology is a 2002 two compact disc set of many of the songs recorded by the 1970s groupings of The Supremes. The set features 42 tracks, of which 10 had never been released, and 6 were appearing in extended or unedited forms. The set features a 24-page booklet with liner notes written by Mary Wilson, who was the only member in every version of The Supremes through 1977. Probably the most notable of the new material are the songs \"Oh My Poor Baby\", \"Make It With You\", \"I'll Let Him Know That I Love Him\",", "title": "The '70s Anthology" }, { "docid": "2013435", "text": "Your Hit Parade Your Hit Parade is an American radio and television music program that was broadcast from 1935 to 1953 on radio, and seen from 1950 to 1959 on television. It was sponsored by American Tobacco's Lucky Strike cigarettes. During this 24-year run, the show had 19 orchestra leaders and 52 singers or groups. Many listeners and viewers casually referred to the show with the incorrect title The Hit Parade. When the show debuted, there was no agreement as to what it should be called. The press referred to it in a variety of ways, with the most common", "title": "Your Hit Parade" }, { "docid": "13434662", "text": "Love Won't Let Me Wait \"Love Won't Let Me Wait\" is a hit 1975 single by Major Harris, a former member of R&B/soul group The Delfonics. Written by Vinnie Barrett and Bobby Eli, the single is considered to be a staple of classic soul playlists, and was Harris' only entry into the top five on both the soul and pop charts. The single hit number five on the pop chart, and also hit number one on the soul chart for one week. \"Billboard\" ranked it as the No. 24 song for 1975. It was awarded a gold disc by the", "title": "Love Won't Let Me Wait" }, { "docid": "8037116", "text": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" is a song by Ian Dury and the Blockheads, first released as a single on Stiff Records in the UK on 23 November 1978. Written by Dury and the Blockheads' multi-instrumentalist Chaz Jankel, it is the group's most successful single, reaching number one on the UK Singles Chart in January 1979 as well as reaching the top three in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, and it was also a top 20 hit in several European countries. \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" was named the 12th best single", "title": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" }, { "docid": "12621109", "text": "Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide \"Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide\" is the debuting single for singer Marvin Gaye, released as Tamla 54041, in May 1961. It was also the first release off Gaye's debut album, \"The Soulful Moods of Marvin Gaye\", in which most of the material was the singer's failed attempt at making an 'adult' record compared to Motown's younger R&B sound. In 1960, Marvin Gaye moved to Detroit with his mentor Harvey Fuqua, who had first booked him as a co-lead singer of \"Harvey & the Moonglows\", a splinter version of the popular fifties doo-wop group,", "title": "Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide" }, { "docid": "8005981", "text": "single UK CD single no. 1 UK CD single no. 2 EU CD single no. 1 EU CD single no. 2 Japanese CD single UK 7\" vinyl – jukebox release only How Deep Is Your Love (Bee Gees song) \"How Deep Is Your Love\" is a pop ballad written and recorded by the Bee Gees in 1977 and released as a single in September of that year. It was ultimately used as part of the soundtrack to the film \"Saturday Night Fever\". It was a number three hit in the United Kingdom and Australia. In the United States, it topped", "title": "How Deep Is Your Love (Bee Gees song)" }, { "docid": "10279972", "text": "Let Me Be Your Fantasy \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy\" is a song by the British musical group Baby D. Originally released by Production House Records in 1992, it became a number-one UK single in November 1994 when re-released by London Records subsidiary Systematic. Sam Richards, writing in \"The Guardian\" in 2015, said \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy was the biggest crossover hit of the rave era.\" \"Let Me Be Your Fantasy\" originated in 1992 at the height of the rave scene. The song was written and produced by band member Floyd Dyce and the vocals were sung by Dorothy", "title": "Let Me Be Your Fantasy" }, { "docid": "15455182", "text": "United States, and in various European countries in 1980 and peaked at No. 20 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. It was also a minor hit in the UK reaching #55 in the UK Singles Chart and was a big hit in the Netherlands reaching #2 there. Without Your Love (Roger Daltrey song) \"Without Your Love\" is a song released in 1980 by Roger Daltrey of The Who written by Billy Nicholls and was a hit for him on his album \"McVicar\". The song was written for the soundtrack of the film \"McVicar\", a bio-pic of English bank robber John McVicar,", "title": "Without Your Love (Roger Daltrey song)" }, { "docid": "8026223", "text": "\"Billboard\" reported that the sales tally for Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was nearing one million units. Internationally, Black's version also reached No.1 in Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa. In The Netherlands the song reached the No.6 position and in Australia it peaked at No.34. In May 2010, research published by BBC Radio 2 revealed that \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" by Cilla Black was the biggest female UK chart hit of the 1960s. Despite the international success and recognition of Warwick's original version, the besting in Great Britain by Black's version has long been a sore point", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "11022335", "text": "praise his ability to choose hit songs such as \"Carrying Your Love with Me\". Music critic Tony Brown stated that it is \"unlikely that anyone in country music has a better ear for songs.\". Miriam Longino, writing for the Atlantic Constitution, gave the track and the album as a whole an A minus. Another notable review came from music critic Alexander Wiley. He stated that \"Carrying Your Love with Me\" was another \"crown jewel from the king of country music\". Critic Chet Flippo, writing for \"Billboard\", gave a positive review stating that the track and tone of Strait's voice is", "title": "Carrying Your Love with Me (song)" }, { "docid": "13333263", "text": "song, decides to keep his guitar. \"Love Your Love the Most\" debuted at number 59 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs for the week of February 28, 2009. Love Your Love the Most \"Love Your Love the Most\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Eric Church. It was released in February 2009 as the first single from his 2009 album \"Carolina\". The song became his first Top 10 hit on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart with a peak at number 10. Church wrote this song with Michael P. Heeney. \"Love Your Love", "title": "Love Your Love the Most" }, { "docid": "14574767", "text": "4minute had their debut performance with the song on July 1 on Mnet's \"M! Countdown\". A teaser was released online for a music video, shortly after their live performance on \"M! Countdown\". The full music video was released on July 5, 2010. The song placed at number 9 on Gaon's weekly chart and number 7 on the monthly chart. It finished 2010 at number 70 on the yearly chart. Hit Your Heart Hit Your Heart is the second mini-album by South Korean girl group, 4Minute. The mini-album was released on May 19, 2010, and contains seven tracks. \"HuH\" was being", "title": "Hit Your Heart" }, { "docid": "16885076", "text": "release of \"Lotus\", \"Let There Be Love\" debuted on the South Korea Gaon Single Chart at number 132 during the week of November 11 to 17, 2012. In the United States, the song debuted at number 44 on the Dance Club Songs chart on February 18, 2013. It reached number one with the issue dated June 1, 2013. With \"Let There Be Love\" attaining the number one position on the chart, it upped her total tally to seven number-one songs, and the second from \"Lotus\" to reach the peak, after \"Your Body\" in December 2012. Let There Be Love (Christina", "title": "Let There Be Love (Christina Aguilera song)" }, { "docid": "10957625", "text": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man (album) Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man is the name of a studio album by country pop singer, Lynn Anderson in 1977. This album was successful and sold well. It was named after her hit single from 1977, \"Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man\". That year, the song was promoted on the highly-popular TV series Starsky & Hutch. Anderson and the song were featured in an episode of the show, bringing great exposure to the title track. The title track reached No. 12 on the Billboard Country charts in 1977. The", "title": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man (album)" }, { "docid": "10957626", "text": "first single released from the album in late 1976 titled \"Sweet Talkin' Man\" was a Top 30 Country hit and did fairly well also. \"Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man\", among other songs on this album, was written by songwriter, John Cunningham, who also wrote a couple other Anderson hits in the past. This album featured all new music and was also one of two albums she released in 1977. It reached No. 28 on the \"Top Country Albums\" chart in 1977. Most of the songs on this album had a Country-Disco feel to them. This meant that Anderson's", "title": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man (album)" }, { "docid": "14406558", "text": "the tally at No. 29 in 2006. \"Your Love Is a Song\" peaked at No. 27 and spent 15 weeks on the chart before falling off. It also fared well on the Christian Songs chart, reaching No. 18 and remaining on the chart for 19 weeks. The song was featured prominently at the end of an episode of \"One Tree Hill\" called \"You Know I Love You, Don't You\". Your Love Is a Song \"Your Love Is a Song\" was written and recorded by the alternative rock band Switchfoot. It was first released as a single to the iTunes Store", "title": "Your Love Is a Song" }, { "docid": "12370540", "text": "Swedish hit \"Radio\" in December 2008. Published by Aesona Music Publishing. Jennie Let Me Love You Jennie Let Me Love You is the second single released by Swedish boy band E.M.D.. Following the commercial success of their previous single, \"Jennie Let Me Love You\" debuted at #6 on the Swedish singles chart. The following week it climbed to the top spot, where it remained for six consecutive weeks making it the longest running #1 single in Sweden in 2008. It has since been certified Gold, in recognition of 10,000 copies of the single sold. The track was co-written and produced", "title": "Jennie Let Me Love You" }, { "docid": "8063464", "text": "I Love the '70s: Volume 2 I Love the '70s: Volume 2 is a television mini-series in the \"I Love the...\" series presented by VH1. The sequel to \"I Love the '70s\", it premiered on VH1 from July 10–14, 2006, airing at 8pm and 9pm ET each night. The Guitar Gods of 1970 were Duane Allman of The Allman Brothers Band, Terry Kath of Chicago, and Jimi Hendrix. The \"Guess This Joe\" was Joe Torre. The Guitar Gods of 1971 were Pete Townshend of The Who, Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin The \"Guess", "title": "I Love the '70s: Volume 2" }, { "docid": "5805155", "text": "R&B Best Sellers List, becoming his fourth No. 1 on that chart. The song also reached No. 1 on the country charts for a single week. The song was used in \"Full House\" and in the Disney special \"D)TV Romancin'. (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear \"(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear\" is a popular song first recorded by Elvis Presley in 1957 for the soundtrack of his second motion picture, \"Loving You\", during which Presley performs the song on screen. It was written by Kal Mann and Bernie Lowe and published in 1957 by Gladys Music. The song was", "title": "(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear" }, { "docid": "7956638", "text": "two measures to the published version of Aloha Oe by Princess Lili`uokalani (1878), and \"There's Music In the Air\" by George F. Root (1854), and all three share the same chord progression IV-I-V-I. The 1969 #1 hit song Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In by The 5th Dimension contains the refrain \"Let the Sunshine In\" and backing vocals that include the phrase \"Open Up Your Heart\". Open Up Your Heart (And Let the Sunshine In) \"Open up Your Heart (and Let the Sunshine in)\" is a popular song. It was written by Stuart Hamblen. The song was published in 1954. The biggest", "title": "Open Up Your Heart (And Let the Sunshine In)" }, { "docid": "16273038", "text": "Harrison in his 1980 autobiography, commentators have identified \"Let It Down\" as a sensual love song. Harrison's musical biographer, Simon Leng, describes the lyrics as being among its composer's \"most tactile\", full of \"sexual passion\" and \"images of sight and touch\". The verses, he suggests, \"[revel] in the kind of sensory luxury any Krishna devotee is required to reject\". Leng also notes the \"clear climactic overtones\" evident in the choruses, where Harrison urges his lover to \"\"Let your hair hang all around me ... / Let your love flow and astound me.\"\" Musically, the composition features contrasting moods between the", "title": "Let It Down" }, { "docid": "9831618", "text": "most tracks of any single artist, with three of their songs included in the compilation. Johnny Thunders appears on five tracks: two by the New York Dolls, two by The Heartbreakers, and his 1978 solo song \"You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory\". Notably absent from the compilation are the Sex Pistols, whose singer John Lydon refused Rhino Entertainment permission to include any of the band's tracks, allegedly because Rhino chose not to release the 2002 \"Sex Pistols Boxed Set\" in the United States. No Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion No Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion is a compilation", "title": "No Thanks! The '70s Punk Rebellion" }, { "docid": "13333260", "text": "Love Your Love the Most \"Love Your Love the Most\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Eric Church. It was released in February 2009 as the first single from his 2009 album \"Carolina\". The song became his first Top 10 hit on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart with a peak at number 10. Church wrote this song with Michael P. Heeney. \"Love Your Love the Most\" is a mid-tempo song in which the male narrator lists off various objects that he likes (e.g. \"Yes, I love good cold beer / And mustard on", "title": "Love Your Love the Most" }, { "docid": "11923191", "text": "The Way to Your Heart \"The Way to Your Heart\" is a 1988 song, and only hit single, by Soulsister, a band consisting of Belgian songwriter/vocalist duo Jan Leyers and Paul Michiels. A mixture of pop and rock with a very Motown-sounding tune, the song is about a boy dreaming of a girl that he‘s in love with, but she doesn't answer his love. After the singles “You Get To Me” (originally as The Soul Sisters) and “Talk About It” they had a #1 hit record with “The Way to Your Heart” in Belgium. The Belgian release had no B-side", "title": "The Way to Your Heart" }, { "docid": "16993268", "text": "Let It Flow (song) \"Let It Flow\" is a song by American R&B singer Toni Braxton. Written and produced by Babyface, the song was originally recorded for, and included on, the to the 1995 motion picture \"Waiting to Exhale\". \"Let It Flow\" was released as a double A-side with \"You're Makin' Me High\", the lead single from Braxton's second studio album, \"Secrets\" (1996). At the time the single was issued, \"Let It Flow\" was already receiving strong radio airplay in the United States, and the two tracks eventually topped the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs charts. The music", "title": "Let It Flow (song)" }, { "docid": "12454625", "text": "Love or Let Me Be Lonely \"Love or Let Me Be Lonely\" is a pop song recorded by the soul group The Friends of Distinction and released as a single in early 1970. The song was a multi-format success, peaking in the top 10 of the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 at #6 on May 1, 1970 and at #13 on the R&B chart. On the Adult Contemporary singles charts, \"Love or Let Me Lonely\" went to #9. The song is ranked as the 63rd biggest hit of 1970. The song returned to the charts in the summer of 1982 in a", "title": "Love or Let Me Be Lonely" }, { "docid": "18241964", "text": "Let Your Hair Down (Magic! song) \"Let Your Hair Down\" is a song recorded by Canadian reggae fusion band Magic! for their debut studio album, \"Don't Kill the Magic\" (2014). It was written by Adam Messinger with group members Nasri Atweh and Alex Tanas, and was produced by Messinger, Atweh, Tanas and Magic! guitarist Mark Pellizzer. On October 7, 2014 the song was issued to contemporary hit radio by RCA Records as the third single from the album, and second to be released in the US. A lyric video for \"Let Your Hair Down\" was uploaded to the band's official", "title": "Let Your Hair Down (Magic! song)" }, { "docid": "7816327", "text": "title track, Wyclef gives Houston the sexiest Bob Marley rip-off he's ever written.\" USA Today editor Rachel D. called this track \"a spiritual, reggae-tinged jam from Wyclef Jean.\" \"My Love Is Your Love\" was the fourth single from Houston's 1998 album, \"My Love Is Your Love\". It was a massive hit worldwide, becoming another one of Houston's signature songs. The single was released in each country of Europe from June 1999, prior to the United States. Upon release, the song was popular immediately across Europe and became a bigger hit during her European leg of My Love Is Your Love", "title": "My Love Is Your Love (song)" }, { "docid": "14519184", "text": "would have done it. There are a broad range of issues which need addressing if people from California want to portray a love story like this.\" Find Your Love \"Find Your Love\" is a song by Canadian rapper Drake. The song was written by Drake, Patrick Reynolds, Jeff Bhasker and Kanye West and produced by the latter two and No I.D. It serves as the second single from his debut album, \"Thank Me Later\", and was released to radio on April 28, 2010 and digital download on May 5, 2010. The song became a hit on June 17, 2010. The", "title": "Find Your Love" }, { "docid": "15490798", "text": "only 19 tracks. Side 1: Side 2: The Supremes ('70s): Greatest Hits and Rare Classics The Supremes ('70s): Greatest Hits and Rare Classics is a 1991 compilation album by The Supremes, released on the Motown label. The compilation features one solo song by Jean Terrell \"I Had To Fall In Love\", which was released in 1978 on A&M Records, and two solo tracks by Scherrie Payne, \"When I Looked At Your Face\" and \"Another Life From Now\". Three tracks \"Everybody's Got the Right to Love\" \"Floy Joy\" and \"Automatically Sunshine\" also appear in alternate versions. A cassette version was also", "title": "The Supremes ('70s): Greatest Hits and Rare Classics" }, { "docid": "8026230", "text": "Black's versions of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" were released as singles: Warwick's version rose as high as No.11 while Black's peak was No.34. Warwick had the hit with \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in Belgium (Flemish Region), the Netherlands and South Africa, reaching No.4 in each territory. Petula Clark was on the roster of Pye Records, Warwick's UK label, and therefore in a position to almost immediately cover \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in several foreign language versions for the international market. Clark reached No.7 in France with \"Ceux Qui Ont Un Coeur\" in the spring of 1964 then", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "10870184", "text": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man \"Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man\" is a 1977 hit song by country singer Lynn Anderson. Best known for her Grammy Award-winning country and pop smash, \"Rose Garden\", from 1970, Lynn Anderson was one of country music's leading ladies throughout the 1970s. \"Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man\" was released and became a major hit on the country charts, peaking at number twelve, her first entry there since 1975. The song's success was helped by exposure on an episode of the TV-series \"Starsky & Hutch\" that year, in which Anderson also", "title": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man" }, { "docid": "7922355", "text": "UK Singles Charts on 10 December 2001. As with most previous Delirious? singles, the song received no airplay on Radio One, the UK's largest pop station. It reached No. 37 in the midweek charts and hit an official peak of No. 40 on 17 December, making it the band's seventh Top 40 hit in a row. CD1 CD2 I Could Sing of Your Love Forever \"I Could Sing of Your Love Forever\" is a popular Christian rock and worship song by the English contemporary Christian band Delirious?. The song's popularity has reached far beyond the band's; CCLI places the song", "title": "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever" }, { "docid": "8037126", "text": "Cinema, Kilburn, London, listening to a car radio when it was announced that \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" was the new number one. Dury was on holiday in Cannes, and was at the beach when the hotel staff brought him a bottle of champagne and told him the news. For their appearance on the British television programme \"Top of the Pops\" the whole band bought Moss Bros suits. The promotional video for the single was made by Laurie Lewis, a friend of Dury's from Walthamstow Art School who had been studying film-making. While the video simply showed the band", "title": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" }, { "docid": "15691045", "text": "\"Attitudes\", the track \"You Can't Run Away\" was also a hit that received much radio play. The album opener \"Shut the Funk Up\", and its closing title track \"Flying High on Your Love\" were equally popular. The album's success, along with their previous album, and acclaimed concert performances on tour dates with Parliament-Funkadelic, established the Bar-Kays as one of the key bands of the funk genre in the late 1970s. Eazy-E sampled \"Let's Have Some Fun\" on his song \"No More ?'s\" on his debut album Eazy-Duz-It in 1988. Flying High on Your Love Flying High On Your Love is", "title": "Flying High on Your Love" }, { "docid": "17815520", "text": "bring much success. Side 1 Side 2 Don't Let the Good Times Fool You Don’t Let the Good Times Fool You is the 14th album by American country singer Melba Montgomery (born October 14, 1938 in Iron City, Tennessee). In the 1970s, Montgomery was a successful solo artist in her own right. Her best-known solo hit is the No. 1 hit, \"No Charge\". The single \"Don't Let the Good Times Fool You\" reached the top 15 in 1975, the only top 40 hit from the album. Subsequent singles also released from the album, \"Searchin' (For Someone Like You)\" and \"Your", "title": "Don't Let the Good Times Fool You" }, { "docid": "20932862", "text": "Love\" had an infectious, danceable, back beat. Waiting for Your Love (Toto song) \"Waiting for Your Love\" is a song by American rock band Toto from their 1982 album \"Toto IV\". In 1983, it was released as a single, peaking at number 73 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart. The song was written by keyboardist Bobby Kimball and David Paich and is performed in the key of A-flat major. Kimball said in an interview that he \"wrote it in the '70s and originally called it \"'You Got Me'\". Somethingelsereviews.com wrote that Bobby Kimball gave a fantastic lead vocal performance in", "title": "Waiting for Your Love (Toto song)" }, { "docid": "10957627", "text": "songs were getting more up-tempo, and had a Disco music-feel, which was not uncommon during this time in Country music. Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man (album) Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man is the name of a studio album by country pop singer, Lynn Anderson in 1977. This album was successful and sold well. It was named after her hit single from 1977, \"Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man\". That year, the song was promoted on the highly-popular TV series Starsky & Hutch. Anderson and the song were featured in an episode of the show, bringing", "title": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man (album)" }, { "docid": "7816330", "text": "making it Houston's third number-one single in the country after 1987's \"I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)\" and 1992's \"I Will Always Love You.\" Likewise, \"My Love Is Your Love\" was a big hit in the United States. The song debuted at number 81 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, the issue dated September 4, 1999, without a retail release. With its official single in two weeks, it shot up on the chart and reached the top ten in the next three weeks, the issue date of October 9, 1999, becoming her 22nd Hot 100 top ten hit.", "title": "My Love Is Your Love (song)" }, { "docid": "11904022", "text": "I Got Your Love \"I Got Your Love\" is a song by Donna Summer, released as a single on December 20, 2005. Earlier, the single was first premiered during an episode of \"Sex and the City\" in 2003 and later released both as a download single and on CD by the Mercury Records label. \"I Got Your Love\" became another dancefloor hit for Summer, reaching #4 on the US Club Play chart in early 2006. \"I Got Your Love\" was written by Summer and Bruce Roberts, and produced by Peter Stengaard. Before the song, Roberts and Summer had duetted on", "title": "I Got Your Love" }, { "docid": "10870185", "text": "guest starred as Sue Ann Granger. The song was very up-tempo and had an almost Disco beat. This was becoming fairly common at the time, being country music had shifted towards more pop oriented songs; a movement in which Anderson was a key component for much of the decade. An album by the same name as the single was released mid-year of 1977. Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man \"Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man\" is a 1977 hit song by country singer Lynn Anderson. Best known for her Grammy Award-winning country and pop smash, \"Rose Garden\", from", "title": "Wrap Your Love All Around Your Man" }, { "docid": "16993271", "text": "of the \"New York Times\", called it \"small pop coup\" and added \"Braxton snaps out the words with a choked intensity, her dark, grainy contralto conveying a potent mixture of fury and sensuality.\" Let It Flow (song) \"Let It Flow\" is a song by American R&B singer Toni Braxton. Written and produced by Babyface, the song was originally recorded for, and included on, the to the 1995 motion picture \"Waiting to Exhale\". \"Let It Flow\" was released as a double A-side with \"You're Makin' Me High\", the lead single from Braxton's second studio album, \"Secrets\" (1996). At the time the", "title": "Let It Flow (song)" }, { "docid": "4174444", "text": "it peaked at number nine on the Eurochart Hot 100. The title track, \"My Love Is Your Love\" was the fourth single from the album. It was a massive hit worldwide, becoming another signature song for Whitney. Firstly, the single was released in each country of Europe from June 1999, prior to the United States. Upon release, the song was popular immediately across Europe, and became a bigger hit during her \"My Love Is Your Love European Tour.\" In the U.K., it went straight to its peak position, number two, on the singles chart, the issue date of July 3,", "title": "My Love Is Your Love" }, { "docid": "8037134", "text": "duet by German alternative acts Freaky Fukin Weirdoz and Nina Hagen and released as a single in Germany in 1994. It appears on Hagen's compilation album \"Sternenmädchen\", released in 2001. Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" is a song by Ian Dury and the Blockheads, first released as a single on Stiff Records in the UK on 23 November 1978. Written by Dury and the Blockheads' multi-instrumentalist Chaz Jankel, it is the group's most successful single, reaching number one on the UK Singles Chart in January 1979 as well as reaching the top three", "title": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" }, { "docid": "8037132", "text": "tracks written and composed by Ian Dury and Chaz Jankel, except where indicated. The 12\" version of the single features a different mix of \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" to the 7\" version. The two sides of the single are labelled \"A Wing\" and \"B Wing\", in reference to prison blocks. The A-side has the caption \"6_ Tricks, Points %✓\" while the B-side has the captions \"Late start high on fence\" and \"Segovia rules\" printed on the label. \"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick\" is credited to \"Ian & the Blockheads – Under the musical direction of Chaz Jankel\",", "title": "Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick" }, { "docid": "19100681", "text": "and blessings for his new relationship, \"Send my love to your new lover / Treat her better / We gotta let go of all our ghosts / We both know we ain't kids no more.\" Petrusich added that \"[t]here's unrequited love, but then there’s love that changes shape; [...] This is the love that Adele sings of, the kind where there’s nothing left to do but resign.\" During an interview with \"The Guardian\", Adele referred to the track as a \"fuck-you song\" to an ex-boyfriend, whom she dated between the guy who inspired her \"21\" album, and husband Simon Konecki.", "title": "Send My Love (To Your New Lover)" }, { "docid": "14519171", "text": "Find Your Love \"Find Your Love\" is a song by Canadian rapper Drake. The song was written by Drake, Patrick Reynolds, Jeff Bhasker and Kanye West and produced by the latter two and No I.D. It serves as the second single from his debut album, \"Thank Me Later\", and was released to radio on April 28, 2010 and digital download on May 5, 2010. The song became a hit on June 17, 2010. The midtempo song received mostly positive reviews from critics. It debuted in the top forty in the United States. The song's accompanying music video chronicles Drake's fateful", "title": "Find Your Love" }, { "docid": "8026225", "text": "sung the standard lyric in live performance. Also, arranger Johnny Pearson utilized a bassoon solo for the instrumental break in Black's version as opposed to the saxophone utilized in the Warwick original. Cilla Black, interviewed for that \"Great Performances\" telecast, expressed her awareness of Warwick's disenchantment: \"It was a No.1; Dionne was dead choked and she's never forgiven me to this day.\" It was in fact Burt Bacharach himself who backed Cilla to record this song for a British release, after Dionne Warwick had a hit in America with it. \"At one point it looked as if Shirley Bassey would", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "10425375", "text": "\"Mystery to Me\", and by Joe Jackson, on his 2000 live album \"\", in medley with his own hit, \"Fools in Love\". For Your Love \"For Your Love\" is a rock song written by Graham Gouldman and recorded by English group the Yardbirds. Released in March 1965, it was their first top ten hit in both the UK and the US. The song was a departure from the group's blues roots in favour of a commercial pop rock sound. Guitarist Eric Clapton disapproved of the change and it influenced him to leave the group. Gouldman wrote the song at the", "title": "For Your Love" }, { "docid": "14406557", "text": "mess we made\", brought Elizondo into the process. After some phone conversations with Foreman, the two got together and wrote \"Your Love Is a Song.\" Switchfoot performed the song on \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\" on November 12, 2010. A remix of the song was also released by Sven Kirchhof. A music video for \"Your Love Is a Song\" was scheduled for production with actress Jennifer Love Hewitt set to direct. Despite the success of the single, no video was ever made. The song netted Switchfoot their first Adult Pop Songs charting song since \"We Are One Tonight\" entered", "title": "Your Love Is a Song" }, { "docid": "5364985", "text": "Let Your Dim Light Shine Let Your Dim Light Shine is the seventh album from the band Soul Asylum, released in 1995. Critically, it suffered in comparison to its predecessor, \"Grave Dancers Union\", the band's breakout release. It includes the hit \"Misery,\" which was parodied by \"Weird Al\" Yankovic as \"Syndicated Inc.\" on his album \"Bad Hair Day\". This was the first Soul Asylum album with drummer Sterling Campbell. He provided half of the drums on \"Grave Dancers Union\". The album's title comes from a lyric of the song \"Promises Broken.\" Actress Trini Alvarado provided backing vocals on three songs.", "title": "Let Your Dim Light Shine" }, { "docid": "9026409", "text": "minor club hit (No. 61), but \"Your Love Still Brings Me to My Knees\" never charted and the track became Springfield's swan song for Phonogram. Springfield stayed on in Los Angeles for another ten years. It was also to be more than a decade before she released her next full-length album in the UK. In 2002, Mercury/Universal Music released \"Living Without Your Love\" on CD for the first time. An edited version of the 1979 concert at the Royal Albert Hall was released on both CD and DVD by Eagle Rock in 2005. Side A Side B Living Without Your", "title": "Living Without Your Love" }, { "docid": "8171410", "text": "Jim Sullivan, along with vocal group the Breakaways, and was introduced by Clark on her BBC variety series, \"This Is Petula Clark\". The single peaked at #6 on the UK Singles Chart and #9 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart. \"I Couldn't Live Without Your Love\" was the first single by Clark to reach #1 on the US Easy Listening chart. A hit in Australia (#11), New Zealand (#18) and Rhodesia (#7), \"I Couldn't Live Without Your Love\" gave Clark a hit in Germany twice, first in the original English at #13 and then again via a translation entitled \"So", "title": "I Couldn't Live Without Your Love" }, { "docid": "19085270", "text": "Drunk on Your Love \"Drunk on Your Love\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Brett Eldredge. It was released on November 9, 2015 as the second single from Eldredge's second studio album, \"Illinois.\" Eldredge wrote the song with Ross Copperman. \"Drunk on Your Love\" peaked at number 2 on both the \"Billboard\" Country Airplay and Hot Country Songs charts, his fifth top 10 hit on both charts respectively. It also gave Eldredge his second top 40 hit on the Hot 100 chart, reaching number 35. The song was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association", "title": "Drunk on Your Love" }, { "docid": "10189187", "text": "Turn On Your Love Light \"Turn On Your Love Light\" is a rhythm and blues song recorded by Bobby Bland in 1961. It was both an important R&B and pop chart hit for Bland and has become one of his most identifiable songs. A variety of artists have recorded it, including the Grateful Dead, who made it part of their concert repertoire. \"Turn On Your Love Light\" was written by band leader and arranger Joe Scott (with an additional credit given to Duke Records owner/producer Don Robey aka Deadric Malone). Scott's brass arrangement \"upped the excitement ante\" with \"the groove", "title": "Turn On Your Love Light" }, { "docid": "9755338", "text": "featuring M.O.P. premiered on radio stations in July 2003, generating mixed reviews. Beckham's first single with Telstar, \"Let Your Head Go\"/\"This Groove\", was released in the UK on 29 December 2003, following heavy promotion and many TV appearances across the Christmas period. This double A-side lifted \"Let Your Head Go\" from Beckham's earlier pop-inspired work with \"This Groove\" one of her hip hop and R&B songs and remains Beckham's last single release to date. Outside of the UK, Damon Dash had plans for Beckham in the US, including a potential release of \"Let Your Head Go / This Groove\" under", "title": "Let Your Head Go" }, { "docid": "2013453", "text": "The 1974 version of \"Your Hit Parade\" also featured hit songs from a designated week in the 1940s or 1950s. Milton DeLugg conducted the orchestra and Chuck Barris packaged this series. The show's familiar closing theme was \"So Long for A While\": Your Hit Parade Your Hit Parade is an American radio and television music program that was broadcast from 1935 to 1953 on radio, and seen from 1950 to 1959 on television. It was sponsored by American Tobacco's Lucky Strike cigarettes. During this 24-year run, the show had 19 orchestra leaders and 52 singers or groups. Many listeners and", "title": "Your Hit Parade" }, { "docid": "11790128", "text": "a cover version of the 1975 10cc hit \"I'm Not in Love.\" Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley \"Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley (Free Baby)\" is a song by the American dance-pop band Will to Power. The song combines elements of two previously recorded rock songs: \"Baby, I Love Your Way\", a #12 \"Billboard\" Hot 100 hit from 1976 by the British-born singer Peter Frampton; and American Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd's song \"Free Bird\", which hit #19 on the Hot 100 chart in 1975. Will to Power's medley of these two songs had more of a synthesized dance", "title": "Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley" }, { "docid": "19946615", "text": "album had sucked up everything I'd done... Recording \"Never Gonna Fall in Love Again\" was a chance for me to have a hit\". The song peaked at number 13 on the Australian Kent Music Report, which was followed up by \"I Wanna Make You My Lady\", an English-version of the Swedish song \"Jag ska fånga en ängel\" by Ted Gärdestad, which peaked at number 11. The album was released in October 1976. Let Me Love You (album) Let Me Love You is the second studio album by Australian singer-songwriter Mark Holden. The album was released in October 1976. The album", "title": "Let Me Love You (album)" }, { "docid": "19380996", "text": "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story \"Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story\" is the finale song of Act 2 of the musical \"Hamilton\", based on the life of Alexander Hamilton, which premiered on Broadway in 2015. Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote both the music and lyrics to the song. After the death of Alexander Hamilton, the already deceased George Washington comes forward and repeats a line from his earlier song, \"History Has Its Eyes on You\": \"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known/When I was young and dreamed of glory/You have no control\", then the rest", "title": "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" }, { "docid": "16885065", "text": "hit\", and complimented Aguilera for not over singing the song, which he described as \"epic.\" Wass shared Lanksy's sentiments and elaborated that the production serves as the \"perfect destination\" for her \"powerhouse pipes\". Michael Gallucci for PopCrush thought that the song was not quite as good as \"Your Body\" and described it as \"typical pop.\" However, he criticized Aguilera's vocal performance, stating that her \"big voice\" should be able to be heard above the instrumental. Slant Magazine's Sal Cinquemani thought that \"Let There Be Love\" would have been a better lead single choice than \"Your Body\", as she felt it", "title": "Let There Be Love (Christina Aguilera song)" }, { "docid": "20004421", "text": "a teaser of the two artists recording the song was released. On February 23, midnight, the single was officially released. The song hit the #1 spot on four music charts and #2 on two music charts after its release. Let Me Love You (Junggigo and Chanyeol song) \"Let Me Love You\", is a song by South Korean singers Junggigo and Chanyeol, a member of K-pop group EXO. It was released on February 23, 2017 by Starship Entertainment. On February 16, 2017, Junggigo and Chanyeol were announced to be collaborating on a duet titled \"Let Me Love You\". The song is", "title": "Let Me Love You (Junggigo and Chanyeol song)" }, { "docid": "17815519", "text": "Don't Let the Good Times Fool You Don’t Let the Good Times Fool You is the 14th album by American country singer Melba Montgomery (born October 14, 1938 in Iron City, Tennessee). In the 1970s, Montgomery was a successful solo artist in her own right. Her best-known solo hit is the No. 1 hit, \"No Charge\". The single \"Don't Let the Good Times Fool You\" reached the top 15 in 1975, the only top 40 hit from the album. Subsequent singles also released from the album, \"Searchin' (For Someone Like You)\" and \"Your Pretty Roses Come too Late\" did not", "title": "Don't Let the Good Times Fool You" }, { "docid": "10621420", "text": "week of June 16, 2007. The Watley cover was produced by DJ Spinna and featured Nile Rodgers on guitar. Bernard Edwards, Chic's co-founder (and co-writer of \"I Want Your Love\"), had previously produced a massive hit for Watley in the form of her 1987 single \"Don't You Want Me\". I Want Your Love (Chic song) \"I Want Your Love\" is a song by American band Chic from their second album \"C'est Chic\" (1978). Featuring a solo lead vocal by Alfa Anderson, the song became a very successful follow-up to their iconic hit single \"Le Freak\". In the United States, \"I", "title": "I Want Your Love (Chic song)" }, { "docid": "8026222", "text": "chart for the following week at No.42; by then Black's version had reached No.10, ascending in the subsequent two weeks to No.2 and then No.1, while Warwick's version concurrently ended its chart run with two weeks at No.47. On the chart dated 29 February 1964, besides Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" at No.1 for the first of three weeks and Warwick's version in its final chart week at No.47, the UK Top 50 featured a third version of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" as the version by Mary May made its one-week appearance at No.49. On 25 April 1964,", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "12370539", "text": "Jennie Let Me Love You Jennie Let Me Love You is the second single released by Swedish boy band E.M.D.. Following the commercial success of their previous single, \"Jennie Let Me Love You\" debuted at #6 on the Swedish singles chart. The following week it climbed to the top spot, where it remained for six consecutive weeks making it the longest running #1 single in Sweden in 2008. It has since been certified Gold, in recognition of 10,000 copies of the single sold. The track was co-written and produced by Tobias Gustavsson who also co-wrote and produced Danny Saucedo's #1", "title": "Jennie Let Me Love You" }, { "docid": "8252392", "text": "in early 1988. Both tracks on the U.S.-specification single also appeared among the six total tracks of the simultaneously released maxi-single (Atlantic DM 86651), which reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot Maxi-Singles chart. The music video to support this single, eventually included on Gibson's video album \"Out of the Blue\" (Atlantic VHS 50123) was set on a facsimile of a drive-in movie theater lot and choreographed by Paula Abdul. In 2010, Gibson re-recorded the song as an extra track for the Deluxe Edition release of the Japan-exclusive album \"Ms. Vocalist\". \"Shake Your Love\" Shake Your Love \"Shake Your Love\"", "title": "Shake Your Love" } ]
Which state renewed Mike Tyson's boxing license in 1998?
[ "Silver State", "Nevada, United States", "Sports in Nevada", "Geography of Nevada", "US-NV", "Nevada's Southern Boundary 1861-1867", "Transportation in Nevada", "The Sagebrush State", "NV (state)", "Education in Nevada", "Religion in Nevada", "Nevadian", "36th State", "The Battle Born State", "Thirty-Sixth State", "Nev.", "Demographics of Nevada", "Navada", "Nevada Annulment", "Nevada, USA", "Climate of Nevada", "Economy of Nevada", "Thirty-sixth State", "State of Nevada", "Politics of Nevada", "Nevadan", "Silver state", "Nevada (U.S. state)", "The Silver State", "Tikaboo Valley", "Nevada (state)", "Battle Born State", "Transport in Nevada", "Nevada" ]
[ { "docid": "17306523", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Francois Botha Mike Tyson and Francois Botha competed in a professional boxing match on January 16, 1999. Tyson won the match by knocking out Botha in the fifth round. After Tyson's controversial fight with Evander Holyfield on June 28, 1997 which saw Tyson get disqualified in the third round after twice biting Holyfield's ears, the Nevada Athletic Commission fined Tyson $3 million and revoked his boxing license. Tyson's ban would ultimately last a total of 15 months and 10 days with it finally ending after a five-man committee voted in favor of reinstating Tyson by a vote", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Francois Botha" }, { "docid": "15333163", "text": "rights, and casino profits. As a result of biting Holyfield on both ears and other behavior, Tyson's boxing license was revoked by the Nevada State Athletic Commission and he was fined $3 million plus legal costs. The revocation was not permanent; a little more than a year later on October 18, 1998, the commission voted 4–1 to restore Tyson's boxing license. In the 2008 documentary \"Tyson\", the boxer claimed he did it as retaliation for the headbutting. On October 16, 2009 on \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", Tyson apologized to Holyfield. Holyfield accepted his apology and forgave Tyson. A book entitled", "title": "Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II" }, { "docid": "15333152", "text": "Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II, billed as \"The Sound and the Fury\" and afterwards infamously referred to as \"The Bite Fight\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 28, 1997 for the WBA Heavyweight Championship. It achieved notoriety as one of the most bizarre fights in boxing history, after Tyson bit off part of Holyfield's ear. Tyson was disqualified from the match and lost his boxing license, though it was later reinstated. The fight took place at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The referee officiating the fight was", "title": "Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II" }, { "docid": "506738", "text": "Tyson was roundly condemned in the news media but was not without defenders. Novelist and commentator Katherine Dunn wrote a column that criticized Holyfield's sportsmanship in the controversial bout and charged the news media with being biased against Tyson. On July 9, 1997, Tyson's boxing license was rescinded by the Nevada State Athletic Commission in a unanimous voice vote; he was also fined US$3 million and ordered to pay the legal costs of the hearing. As most state athletic commissions honor sanctions imposed by other states, this effectively made Tyson unable to box in the United States. The revocation was", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "10078729", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield, billed as \"Finally\", was a professional boxing match fought between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson for the World Boxing Association heavyweight championship on November 9, 1996 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Paradise, Nevada. The bout was Tyson's first defense of the WBA title that he had won from Bruce Seldon on September 7 of that year. The referee officiating the fight was Mitch Halpern. The fight was promoted by Don King Productions and carried on pay-per-view by Showtime. The bout was the first fight pitting the two boxers", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield" }, { "docid": "506744", "text": "for a more lucrative box-office venue, but the Nevada Boxing Commission refused him a license to box as he was facing possible sexual assault charges at the time. Two years prior to the bout, Tyson had made several inflammatory remarks to Lewis in an interview following the Savarese fight. The remarks included the statement \"I want your heart, I want to eat your children.\" On January 22, 2002, the two boxers and their entourages were involved in a brawl at a New York press conference to publicize the planned event. A few weeks later, the Nevada State Athletic Commission refused", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506716", "text": "this combination. Expectations for Tyson were extremely high, and he was the favorite to win the heavyweight unification series, a tournament designed to establish an undisputed heavyweight champion. Tyson defended his title against James Smith on March 7, 1987, in Las Vegas, Nevada. He won by unanimous decision and added Smith's World Boxing Association (WBA) title to his existing belt. \"Tyson-mania\" in the media was becoming rampant. He beat Pinklon Thomas in May by TKO in the sixth round. On August 1 he took the International Boxing Federation (IBF) title from Tony Tucker in a twelve round unanimous decision, with", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506737", "text": "that followed the ending of the bout and announcement of the decision, a near riot occurred in the arena and several people were injured. Tyson Holyfield II was the first heavyweight title fight in over 50 years to end in a disqualification. As a subsequent fallout from the incident, US$3 million was immediately withheld from Tyson's $30-million purse by the Nevada state boxing commission (the most it could legally hold back at the time). Two days after the fight, Tyson issued a statement, apologizing to Holyfield for his actions and asked not to be banned for life over the incident.", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17506549", "text": "Originally, Tyson was rewarded with a technical knockout victory, but it was later changed to a no-contest in January 2001 after a post-fight drug test revealed that Tyson had tested positive for marijuana. Just days before Tyson's positive test became known to the public, he was also issued a three-month suspension by the State of Michigan, which the Nevada Athletic Commission agreed to uphold, though the suspension had little effect on Tyson's boxing schedule as he had already announced his intentions to take those three months off. After serving the suspension, Tyson's next fight was initially going to be against", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen" }, { "docid": "7293488", "text": "1996. In their 1997 rematch, Tyson bit a chunk from Holyfield's ear, resulting in his disqualification; Tyson's boxing license was revoked by the Nevada State Athletic Commission for one year and he was fined US$3 million. Holyfield won two of the three title belts, but lost a final match in 1999 with WBC champion Lennox Lewis, who became undisputed champion. The last decade has witnessed a continued decline in the popularity of boxing in the United States, marked by a malaise in the heavyweight division and the increased competition in the Pay-Per-View market from MMA and its main promotion, the", "title": "Professional boxing" } ]
[ { "docid": "506739", "text": "not permanent, as the commission voted 4–1 to restore Tyson's boxing license on October 18, 1998. During his time away from boxing in 1998, Tyson made a guest appearance at WrestleMania XIV as an enforcer for the main event match between Shawn Michaels and Steve Austin. During this time, Tyson was also an unofficial member of Michaels' stable, D-Generation X. Tyson was paid $3 million for being guest enforcer of the match at WrestleMania XIV. In January 1999, Tyson returned to the ring for a match against the South African Francois Botha. This match also ended in controversy. While Botha", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "15333164", "text": "\"The Bite Fight\" was made in 2013 by George Willis, illustrating the lives of Tyson and Holyfield before, during, and after the fight. Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II, billed as \"The Sound and the Fury\" and afterwards infamously referred to as \"The Bite Fight\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 28, 1997 for the WBA Heavyweight Championship. It achieved notoriety as one of the most bizarre fights in boxing history, after Tyson bit off part of Holyfield's ear. Tyson was disqualified from the match and lost his boxing license, though it", "title": "Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II" }, { "docid": "10038469", "text": "Mike Tyson in popular culture Mike Tyson is an American former World Heavyweight boxing Champion. Tyson, ranked by ESPN as the #1 Most Outrageous Character in modern sports history has appeared in numerous popular media in either cameo appearances or as a subject of parody or satire. Tyson made a guest appearance at WrestleMania XIV on March 29, 1998 as a special outside enforcer for the main event match between Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Before the match, Tyson seemingly aligned himself with Michaels and his D-Generation X stable, due to the fact that he and his entourage", "title": "Mike Tyson in popular culture" }, { "docid": "10078739", "text": "in the history of boxing. Holyfield also became the first person since Muhammad Ali to win a heavyweight championship belt three times, although, unlike Ali, Holyfield's third championship win had not been for the lineal heavyweight title, which was at that time held by George Foreman. At the post-fight press conference, Tyson addressed Holyfield: \"Thank you very much. I have the greatest respect for you.\" Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield, billed as \"Finally\", was a professional boxing match fought between Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson for the World Boxing Association heavyweight championship on November 9,", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield" }, { "docid": "506771", "text": "film \"Nine Legends\" where he discussed his time involved in WWE. Select pay-per-view boxing buy rates at American closed-circuit theatre television venues: The Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, in 1989 awarded Tyson an honorary doctorate in humane letters: \"Mike demonstrates that hard work, determination and perseverance can enable one to overcome any obstacles.\" Mike Tyson Michael Gerard Tyson (born June 30, 1966) is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2005. He reigned as the undisputed world heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title at 20 years, four", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17220749", "text": "his rematch with Frank Bruno and a match with Evander Holyfield and then the subsequent 1997 rematch between Tyson and Holyfield. Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley, billed as \"He's Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on August 19, 1995. The match marked the return of Mike Tyson to professional boxing after over four years away due to his 1991 arrest and subsequent conviction for rape in 1992 which led to Tyson serving three years in prison. Tyson had twice defeated the number two ranked heavyweight, Donovan \"Razor\" Ruddock, in 1991. Shortly after his second", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley" }, { "docid": "17220745", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley, billed as \"He's Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on August 19, 1995. The match marked the return of Mike Tyson to professional boxing after over four years away due to his 1991 arrest and subsequent conviction for rape in 1992 which led to Tyson serving three years in prison. Tyson had twice defeated the number two ranked heavyweight, Donovan \"Razor\" Ruddock, in 1991. Shortly after his second victory over Ruddock, a blockbuster deal was made that would see Tyson face the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield on November", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Peter McNeeley" }, { "docid": "15939319", "text": "into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame. Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks was a boxing match which took place on Monday June 27, 1988. Both men were undefeated and each had a claim to being the legitimate heavyweight champion. At the time, Tyson held the belts of all three of the major sanctioning organizations (World Boxing Council, World Boxing Association, and International Boxing Federation) while Spinks was the \"Ring\" champion and was considered the lineal champion. Held at the Atlantic City Convention Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks" }, { "docid": "18185240", "text": "Mike Tyson Mysteries Mike Tyson Mysteries is an American adult animated television series, and the first to be produced by Warner Bros. Animation for Adult Swim. It premiered October 27, 2014. The series features Mike Tyson solving mysteries, in the style of \"\", \"Scooby-Doo!\", \"Jonny Quest\", and \"Mr. T\". On December 10, 2014, Adult Swim renewed the series for a second season, which premiered on November 1, 2015. A third season premiered on May 14, 2017, and the remaining Season 3 episodes aired from March 4, 2018 to May 13, 2018. The show follows Mike Tyson, the ghost of the", "title": "Mike Tyson Mysteries" }, { "docid": "506759", "text": "talks about his personal and professional life on stage. The one-man show was aired on HBO on November 16, 2013. In October 2012, Tyson launched the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation. The mission of the Mike Tyson Cares Foundation is to \"give kids a fighting chance\" by providing innovative centers that provide for the comprehensive needs of kids from broken homes. In August 2013, Tyson teamed up with Acquinity Interactive CEO Garry Jonas to form Iron Mike Productions, a boxing promotions company, formerly known as Acquinity Sports. In September 2013, Tyson was featured on a six-episode television series on Fox Sports", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "15939299", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks was a boxing match which took place on Monday June 27, 1988. Both men were undefeated and each had a claim to being the legitimate heavyweight champion. At the time, Tyson held the belts of all three of the major sanctioning organizations (World Boxing Council, World Boxing Association, and International Boxing Federation) while Spinks was the \"Ring\" champion and was considered the lineal champion. Held at the Atlantic City Convention Hall in Atlantic City, New Jersey and promoted as \"once and for all\", it was at the time the richest", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Michael Spinks" }, { "docid": "17259402", "text": "Heavyweight champions, Riddick Bowe and Lennox Lewis, though he was defeated by both men by way of technical knockout. This would prove to be the last Heavyweight title fight to be scheduled for 15 rounds. Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs, billed as \"The Clash for the Crown\", was a professional boxing match contested on October 16, 1987 for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship, which consists of the WBA, WBC and IBF Heavyweight Championships. According to Mike Tyson's Book \"Undisputed Truth\", Tyrell Biggs dissed Tyson in 1984. When Tyson came to wish the American Boxing Olympic team", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs" }, { "docid": "17259396", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs, billed as \"The Clash for the Crown\", was a professional boxing match contested on October 16, 1987 for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship, which consists of the WBA, WBC and IBF Heavyweight Championships. According to Mike Tyson's Book \"Undisputed Truth\", Tyrell Biggs dissed Tyson in 1984. When Tyson came to wish the American Boxing Olympic team good luck, a lady came and wished the boxers a good trip. Tyrell Biggs then proceeded to laugh and said \"I don't know about him, but he certainly ain't getting on that plane\" (referring to", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs" }, { "docid": "17504900", "text": "subsequently filing a $100 million lawsuit against Don King. After a 17-month layoff, Tyson would finally return to boxing on July 30, 2004 to take on Danny Williams. Though he came into the fight as a 9–1 underdog, Williams would upset Tyson by knocking him out in the fourth round. Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne, billed as \"Back to Business\", was a professional boxing match contested on February 22, 2003. In his previous fight on June 8, 2002, Mike Tyson had met WBC and IBF heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis. In what would prove to be", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne" }, { "docid": "17519811", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams, billed as \"Return for Revenge\", was a professional boxing match contested on July 30, 2004. Although former heavyweight champion Tyson entered the fray as a 9-to-1 favorite with oddsmakers, the fight was won by Williams by knock out at 2:51 of the 4th round. The 2004 Williams fight would prove to be Tyson's penultimate appearance in the ring. Following a lopsided, knock-out loss to Lennox Lewis on June 8, 2002, Mike Tyson decided to make another attempt at a comeback. Tyson returned to boxing on February 22, 2003, to face", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams" }, { "docid": "17502123", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris was a professional boxing match contested on October 23, 1999. After a year-and-a-half long layoff, Mike Tyson made his long-anticipated return to boxing on January 16, 1999 against Francois Botha. Though Tyson appeared sluggish throughout the bout and trailed on all scorecards going into the fifth round, he was able to land a powerful right hand in the round that dropped Botha to the canvas. Botha attempted to get back up, but was unable to do so and Tyson escaped with the knockout victory. However, shortly after his victory over", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris" }, { "docid": "14852386", "text": "title, \"Rocky Lives!\" after the popular film series about a similarly underestimated boxing hero. For Tyson, though he retained a menacing aura for years afterwards, \"the mystique of the untouchable, invincible 'Baddest Man on the Planet' had been shattered.\" The fight is often ranked among the biggest upsets in sports history. The fight appeared in the \"Mike Tyson Mysteries\" episode \"Help a Brother Out.\" The fight is referenced in The Killers song \"Tyson vs. Douglas\", which also features audio of the commentators for the fight. Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas, billed as \"Tyson Is Back!\",", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas" }, { "docid": "11884564", "text": "Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson, billed as \"Lewis–Tyson: Is On\", was a professional boxing match that took place on June 8, 2002 at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee, United States, between IBF, IBO and WBC heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis and former IBF, WBA and WBC heavyweight champion Mike Tyson. Prior to the event, Lewis was awarded the \"Ring\" magazine heavyweight title, which had been vacant since the late 1980s and was last held by Tyson. The fight was for Lewis' heavyweight championship titles. Lewis defeated Tyson by knockout in the eighth round. The fight", "title": "Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17284632", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr. Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr., billed as \"Presumption of Innocence\", was a professional boxing match contested on December 16, 1995. Mike Tyson had returned to boxing after a three-year prison stint with an 89-second victory over Peter McNeeley. After his victory, Tyson's rank as the number one ranked heavyweight was restored by the three major boxing organizations (the WBA, WBC and International Boxing Federation). Before he would fight for one of the three World Heavyweight titles, he would first partake in second comeback fight. Only days after his victory over McNeeley, it was", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr." }, { "docid": "17284627", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr. Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr., billed as \"Presumption of Innocence\", was a professional boxing match contested on December 16, 1995. Mike Tyson had returned to boxing after a three-year prison stint with an 89-second victory over Peter McNeeley. After his victory, Tyson's rank as the number one ranked heavyweight was restored by the three major boxing organizations (the WBA, WBC and International Boxing Federation). Before he would fight for one of the three World Heavyweight titles, he would first partake in second comeback fight. Only days after his victory over McNeeley, it was", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Mathis Jr." }, { "docid": "17506556", "text": "in the eighth round. Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen was a professional boxing match contested on October 13, 2001. Since returning to boxing in January 1999, former Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson was undefeated in the five fights he had fought between 1999 and 2000, notching three knockout wins over Francois Botha, Julius Francis and Lou Savarese, and fighting two no-contests with Orlin Norris and Andrew Golota. Tyson's previous fight had come against Golota almost a year earlier on October 20, 2000. Tyson dominated Golota for two rounds before Golota decided to quit between the", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen" }, { "docid": "17506548", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen was a professional boxing match contested on October 13, 2001. Since returning to boxing in January 1999, former Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Mike Tyson was undefeated in the five fights he had fought between 1999 and 2000, notching three knockout wins over Francois Botha, Julius Francis and Lou Savarese, and fighting two no-contests with Orlin Norris and Andrew Golota. Tyson's previous fight had come against Golota almost a year earlier on October 20, 2000. Tyson dominated Golota for two rounds before Golota decided to quit between the second and third rounds.", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Brian Nielsen" }, { "docid": "17487625", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Lou Savarese Mike Tyson vs. Lou Savarese, billed as \"Tyson's Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 24, 2000. Mike Tyson was three fights into his latest comeback, which started on January 16, 1999 with a fifth-round knockout victory over former IBF Heavyweight champion Francois Botha. After a nine-month layoff due in large part to a four-month prison stint, Tyson met former WBA Cruiserweight champion Orlin Norris, but the bout ended in a no-contest after Tyson injured Norris with a punch that landed after the bell. Three months later, Tyson had his first ever fight", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Lou Savarese" }, { "docid": "15333162", "text": "his championship and the incident with Tyson, Holyfield said he already forgave Tyson for biting him since he has 100% faith in God and Jesus. Nonetheless, Tyson was sentenced with a permanent suspension from boxing and his license cancelled indefinitely. Tyson was also fined $3,000,000 and had to serve a period of community service. After a year and an appeal in court, Tyson's license was reinstated. When Tyson and Holyfield retired from boxing they befriended each other and are now close friends today. The fight generated a total revenue of $180,000,000 ($), from live gate, pay-per-view, closed-circuit telecasts, foreign television", "title": "Evander Holyfield vs. Mike Tyson II" }, { "docid": "17502130", "text": "agreed to face British journeyman Julius Francis in Manchester in January 2000. Norris then filed a $2 million lawsuit against Tyson, claiming that Tyson had broken an agreement that the two had made for the rematch in which Norris was reportedly promised a $2 million payday. However, Norris' request was denied by a Manhattan judge who stated that he did not think Norris argument would prevail in court. Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris was a professional boxing match contested on October 23, 1999. After a year-and-a-half long layoff, Mike Tyson made his long-anticipated return to", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Orlin Norris" }, { "docid": "17487628", "text": "it was the second quickest fight of his career, behind only his 30-second victory over Marvis Frazier in 1986. Mike Tyson vs. Lou Savarese Mike Tyson vs. Lou Savarese, billed as \"Tyson's Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 24, 2000. Mike Tyson was three fights into his latest comeback, which started on January 16, 1999 with a fifth-round knockout victory over former IBF Heavyweight champion Francois Botha. After a nine-month layoff due in large part to a four-month prison stint, Tyson met former WBA Cruiserweight champion Orlin Norris, but the bout ended in a no-contest after Tyson", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Lou Savarese" }, { "docid": "17274220", "text": "WBC heavyweight championship. In the rematch Tyson would again dominate Bruno, knocking him out in the third round to become the WBC heavyweight champion. Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno was a professional boxing match contested on February 25, 1989 for the WBA, WBC, IBF and lineal heavyweight championships. Tyson was coming off a 1st-round knockout over the previously undefeated Michael Spinks, which not only gave Tyson the lineal heavyweight title, but laid to rest any doubt over who was the rightful heavyweight champion. Next for Tyson was a bout against popular British fighter Frank Bruno", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno" }, { "docid": "17274213", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno was a professional boxing match contested on February 25, 1989 for the WBA, WBC, IBF and lineal heavyweight championships. Tyson was coming off a 1st-round knockout over the previously undefeated Michael Spinks, which not only gave Tyson the lineal heavyweight title, but laid to rest any doubt over who was the rightful heavyweight champion. Next for Tyson was a bout against popular British fighter Frank Bruno that was originally set for October 8, 1988 at Wembley Stadium in Bruno's native England. However, on August 23, 1988, Tyson was involved in", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Frank Bruno" }, { "docid": "506707", "text": "Tyson. Kirkpatrick frequented pool halls, gambled and hung out on the streets. \"My father was just a regular street guy caught up in the street world,\" Tyson said. Kirkpatrick abandoned the Tyson family around the time Mike was born, leaving Tyson's mother to care for the children on her own. Kirkpatrick died in 1992. The family lived in Bedford-Stuyvesant until their financial burdens necessitated a move to Brownsville when Tyson was 10 years old. Tyson's mother died six years later, leaving 16-year-old Tyson in the care of boxing manager and trainer Cus D'Amato, who would become his legal guardian. Tyson", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17305039", "text": "a unification match with Tony Tucker, who was able to capture the IBF Heavyweight Championship by defeating Buster Douglas by 10th round technical knockout prior to the Tyson–Thomas fight. The two men went the full 12 rounds, with Tyson ultimately picking up the victory by unanimous decision to become the first Undisputed Heavyweight Champion since Leon Spinks in 1978. Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas, billed as \"Hard Road to Glory\", was a professional boxing match contested on May 30, 1987, for the WBA and WBC heavyweight championships. In 1986, the three major boxing organizations, the", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas" }, { "docid": "17251644", "text": "Trevor Berbick disappear. Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson, billed as \"Judgment Day\", was a professional boxing match contested on November 22, 1986 for the WBC Heavyweight Championship. In 1986, the three major boxing organizations, the World Boxing Council, the World Boxing Association and the International Boxing Federation teamed with HBO to create a heavyweight championship tournament in an effort to crown the first Undisputed Heavyweight Champion since Leon Spinks in 1978. All three of the organizations' heavyweight champions, as well as several of the sport's top contenders, were entered into the tournament. In the first", "title": "Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17251638", "text": "Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson, billed as \"Judgment Day\", was a professional boxing match contested on November 22, 1986 for the WBC Heavyweight Championship. In 1986, the three major boxing organizations, the World Boxing Council, the World Boxing Association and the International Boxing Federation teamed with HBO to create a heavyweight championship tournament in an effort to crown the first Undisputed Heavyweight Champion since Leon Spinks in 1978. All three of the organizations' heavyweight champions, as well as several of the sport's top contenders, were entered into the tournament. In the first leg of the", "title": "Trevor Berbick vs. Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17482875", "text": "Tyson trapped Tillman in the corner. Tillman attempted to throw a jab, but Tyson countered with a strong right hand that dropped Tillman to the mat. Tillman remained on his back as the referee counted him out and Tyson was named the winner by way of knockout at 2:47 of the first round. Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman, billed as \"The Road Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 16, 1990. In his previous fight, Mike Tyson had lost his Undisputed Heavyweight title after being knocked out in the tenth round by 42–1", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman" }, { "docid": "17276719", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Alex Stewart Mike Tyson vs. Alex Stewart, billed as \"The Hard Way Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on December 8, 1990. On February 11, 1990, Mike Tyson endured an upset loss to James \"Buster\" Douglas that cost him the undisputed Heavyweight Championship. Though he had hoped for a rematch, Douglas instead opted to face the number one contender, Evander Holyfield. As such, Tyson was forced to go down the comeback trail. His first opponent was 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist Henry Tillman, who had twice defeated Tyson as an amateur. Tyson easily defeated Tillman, knocking him", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Alex Stewart" }, { "docid": "17261284", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. James Smith Mike Tyson vs. James Smith, billed as \"Super Fight\", was a professional boxing match contested on March 7, 1987 for the WBA and WBC Heavyweight championships, as part of the heavyweight unification series. Mike Tyson was coming off a dominating victory over Trevor Berbick in which he captured the WBC Heavyweight championship after knocking out Berbick in the second round. Tyson's next opponent would be the WBA Heavyweight champion James \"Bonecrusher\" Smith, who had knocked out Tim Witherspoon in the first round to capture the title four months earlier. The stakes for the fight were", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. James Smith" }, { "docid": "17499545", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis was a professional boxing match contested on 29 January 2000. Tyson's previous fight had come against Orlin Norris three months prior. The fight was another controversial one for Tyson, who hit Norris with left hand after the first bell had rang that dropped him to the canvas. Norris fell awkwardly and injured his right knee in the process and decided that he could not continue on with the fight, which was then declared a no-contest after only one round. Originally, Tyson stated that he would be in favor of a", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis" }, { "docid": "17535457", "text": "across his nose that required five stitches. Tyson, however, would not walk away unscathed, as his right hand was fractured during the melee, causing his scheduled October fight against Frank Bruno to be pushed back. Tyson would later recount the incident in his book and in 2013 on his one-man Broadway show, The Undisputed Truth. Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green, billed as \"New York Is Busting Out\", was a professional boxing match contested on May 20, 1986. Mike Tyson was 19 years old and undefeated when he met former heavyweight contender James \"Quick\" Tillis in", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green" }, { "docid": "17535453", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green, billed as \"New York Is Busting Out\", was a professional boxing match contested on May 20, 1986. Mike Tyson was 19 years old and undefeated when he met former heavyweight contender James \"Quick\" Tillis in his 20th professional bout. Tyson had won all his 19 previous fights by way of knockout, while Tillis had lost four of his previous five fights and came into the fight as a huge underdog. Tillis, however, put on a good effort and was able to take Tyson the full 10 rounds, the first time", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green" }, { "docid": "14852372", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas, billed as \"Tyson Is Back!\", was a professional boxing match that occurred at the Tokyo Dome on February 11, 1990. The event is historically significant, as the then-undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champion Tyson lost by knockout to the 42–1 underdog Douglas. The fight is widely considered one of the biggest upsets in sports history. Going into the fight, Mike Tyson was the undefeated and undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. He held the WBC, WBA, and IBF titles. Despite the several controversies that marked Tyson's profile at the time, such as", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Buster Douglas" }, { "docid": "17519818", "text": "the desire to fight and announced his retirement from boxing. Willams, meanwhile, was able to extend his victory over Tyson into a world title fight with WBC heavyweight champion Vitali Klitschko. Williams met Klitschko on December 11, 2004. Williams was dominated for the entire fight. Klitschko knocked down Williams four times through eight rounds, before the referee waved off the fight following the fourth and final knock-down at 1:26 of the eighth round. Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams, billed as \"Return for Revenge\", was a professional boxing match contested on July 30, 2004. Although former", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Danny Williams" }, { "docid": "17504893", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne, billed as \"Back to Business\", was a professional boxing match contested on February 22, 2003. In his previous fight on June 8, 2002, Mike Tyson had met WBC and IBF heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis. In what would prove to be the final title match of Tyson's career, he was thoroughly outboxed by Lewis, who from the second round on, won every round on the judge's scorecards before knocking out Tyson in the eighth. Though Tyson's plans were not immediately known after his defeat, he announced in November that he would", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Clifford Etienne" }, { "docid": "17482872", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman, billed as \"The Road Back\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 16, 1990. In his previous fight, Mike Tyson had lost his Undisputed Heavyweight title after being knocked out in the tenth round by 42–1 underdog James \"Buster\" Douglas in one of the biggest upsets in sports history. After a failed protest, Tyson's promoter Don King attempted to quickly gain a rematch with Douglas, but Douglas turned down King's offer and instead chose to face the number one contender Evander Holyfield. Left with little choice, Tyson was forced", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Henry Tillman" }, { "docid": "17280666", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock, billed as \"The Fight of the Year\", was a professional boxing match contested on March 18, 1991. After losing the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship to James \"Buster\" Douglas on February 11, 1990, Mike Tyson embarked on a comeback hopes of regaining his title. First, he knocked out 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist and former amateur opponent, Henry Tillman in the first round. Then, he met up-and-coming prospect Alex Stewart, whose 26 victories had all come by way of knockout. Despite Stewart's impressive resume, Tyson picked up another easy victory by way of", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock" }, { "docid": "17263273", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker, billed as \"The Ultimate\", was a professional boxing match contested on August 1, 1987 for the WBA, WBC and IBF Heavyweight championships. HBO had organized the heavyweight unification series, a tournament intended to find the next Undisputed Champion. Mike Tyson was able to defeat Trevor Berbick and James Smith to capture the WBC and WBA Heavyweight titles during the series. Meanwhile, Tucker was scheduled to challenge Michael Spinks for the IBF title with the winner to meet Tyson for right to become the Undisputed Champion. Spinks, however, withdrew from his", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker" }, { "docid": "17542995", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Marvis Frazier Mike Tyson vs. Marvis Frazier was a professional boxing match contested on July 26, 1986. The fight is notable for being the quickest knockout victory of Tyson's professional career, lasting only 30 seconds. The undefeated Mike Tyson had built his record up to 24–0, including 9 wins in 1986 alone. With Tyson now ranked at number two on the WBC heavyweight rankings, his next opponent became Marvis Frazer, son of former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier. Frazier had been an up-and-coming prospect, but in his first high-profile fight, had been knocked out in the first round", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Marvis Frazier" }, { "docid": "17542997", "text": "before unleashing two consecutive uppercuts, the second of which knocked Frazier unconscious. Tyson then landed several more blows before Frazier fell to the canvas, slumped against the ropes. Referee Joe Cortez began to count to ten, but as Frazier was clearly unresponsive, stopped the count at five and ended the fight. The fight would last only 30 seconds, becoming the quickest victory of Tyson's professional career. Mike Tyson vs. Marvis Frazier Mike Tyson vs. Marvis Frazier was a professional boxing match contested on July 26, 1986. The fight is notable for being the quickest knockout victory of Tyson's professional career,", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Marvis Frazier" }, { "docid": "17271372", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Carl Williams Mike Tyson vs. Carl Williams was a professional boxing match contested on July 21, 1989, for WBA, WBC, IBF and \"Lineal\" Heavyweight championships. After Tyson's dominating victory over Frank Bruno five months prior, negotiations for a potential bout with Carl Williams began, and on June 15, 1989, the fight was made official. Four years earlier, Williams had challenged then-IBF Heavyweight champion Larry Holmes for the title, only to narrowly lose by unanimous decision. Prior to his fight with Tyson, Williams had won his previous five fights, including a victory over former champion Trevor Berbick which", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Carl Williams" }, { "docid": "17285354", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II, billed as \"The Rematch\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 28, 1991. Three months earlier, Tyson and Ruddock, who were boxing's number one and two ranked heavyweights respectively, had fought each other to determine who would next face the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield. Mike Tyson was awarded the victory via a controversial 7th-round technical knockout. After Tyson hit Ruddock with a six-punch combination, referee Richard Steele stepped in and stopped the fight despite the fact the Ruddock had not been knocked down and appeared to", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II" }, { "docid": "17267891", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tubbs Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tubbs was a professional boxing match contested on March 21, 1988 for the WBA, WBC and IBF Heavyweight Championships. Tyson was only two months removed from an impressive victory over ex-Heavyweight champion Larry Holmes. Shortly after his victory, Tyson's promoter Don King was able to work out a blockbuster deal with Michael Spinks and Spinks' promoter Butch Lewis that would see Spinks finally meet Tyson for the Undisputed Championship. Before that fight would happen, however, Tyson would first have to defend his titles against former WBA Heavyweight champion Tony Tubbs in", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tubbs" }, { "docid": "17267885", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tubbs Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tubbs was a professional boxing match contested on March 21, 1988 for the WBA, WBC and IBF Heavyweight Championships. Tyson was only two months removed from an impressive victory over ex-Heavyweight champion Larry Holmes. Shortly after his victory, Tyson's promoter Don King was able to work out a blockbuster deal with Michael Spinks and Spinks' promoter Butch Lewis that would see Spinks finally meet Tyson for the Undisputed Championship. Before that fight would happen, however, Tyson would first have to defend his titles against former WBA Heavyweight champion Tony Tubbs in", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tubbs" }, { "docid": "17528057", "text": "slip rather than a knockdown. Tyson would have won the round, but the two-point deduction gave McBride a 9–8 win on the scorecards. Though Tyson still led on two of the judge's scorecards, Tyson shockingly quit on his stool before the seventh round began, automatically giving McBride the victory by technical knockout. Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride was a professional boxing match contested on June 11, 2005. Although the former heavyweight champion appeared to be ahead on points on the judges' scorecards through six rounds, he failed to answer the bell for the 7th round", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride" }, { "docid": "17305034", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas, billed as \"Hard Road to Glory\", was a professional boxing match contested on May 30, 1987, for the WBA and WBC heavyweight championships. In 1986, the three major boxing organizations, the WBA, WBC and IBF, teamed with HBO to develop the heavyweight unification series, a tournament that would ultimately unify all three Heavyweight titles and determine the next Undisputed Champion. The first fight in the series pitted WBC Heavyweight champion Pinklon Thomas against Trevor Berbick on March 22, 1986. Berbick captured the WBC Heavyweight title after defeating Thomas by unanimous", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Pinklon Thomas" }, { "docid": "17528053", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride was a professional boxing match contested on June 11, 2005. Although the former heavyweight champion appeared to be ahead on points on the judges' scorecards through six rounds, he failed to answer the bell for the 7th round and was ruled defeated by technical knockout. The fight would prove to be the final one of Tyson's professional career. After being knocked out in the fourth round of his previous fight against Danny Williams, Mike Tyson took a lengthy hiatus as he contemplated whether or not he would continue to fight.", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Kevin McBride" }, { "docid": "17265867", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Larry Holmes Mike Tyson vs. Larry Holmes, billed as \"Heavyweight History\", was a professional boxing match contested on January 22, 1988, for the WBA, WBC and IBF Heavyweight Championships. After winning all four of his championship bouts in 1987, Tyson's promoter Don King organized a \"dream match\" with former WBC and IBF Heavyweight champion Larry Holmes. The 38-year-old Holmes had been out of boxing for nearly two years, having retired after two consecutive losses to Michael Spinks. Holmes had difficulty working out a deal with King. However, with an estimated $3 million being offered to him, as", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Larry Holmes" }, { "docid": "17311333", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota, billed as \"Showdown in Motown\", was a professional boxing match contested on October 20, 2000. After serving a 15-month ban because of his actions during his 1997 match with Evander Holyfield, Tyson returned in January 1999 with a fifth round knockout win over heavyweight contender, Francois Botha. After Botha, Tyson had little trouble with his next three opponents. He fought a no-contest with Orlin Norris. Norris was injured and could not continue after the first round. A second round knockout against journeyman fighter, Julius Francis followed by a 34-second knockout", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota" }, { "docid": "17311327", "text": "Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota, billed as \"Showdown in Motown\", was a professional boxing match contested on October 20, 2000. After serving a 15-month ban because of his actions during his 1997 match with Evander Holyfield, Tyson returned in January 1999 with a fifth round knockout win over heavyweight contender, Francois Botha. After Botha, Tyson had little trouble with his next three opponents. He fought a no-contest with Orlin Norris. Norris was injured and could not continue after the first round. A second round knockout against journeyman fighter, Julius Francis followed by a 34-second knockout", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Andrew Golota" }, { "docid": "17499551", "text": "ended the fight after another right uppercut sent Francis down. Following the fifth knockdown, referee Roy Francis immediately stopped the fight and Tyson was awarded the knockout victory at 58 second of the second round. Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis was a professional boxing match contested on 29 January 2000. Tyson's previous fight had come against Orlin Norris three months prior. The fight was another controversial one for Tyson, who hit Norris with left hand after the first bell had rang that dropped him to the canvas. Norris fell awkwardly and injured his right knee", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Julius Francis" }, { "docid": "17257678", "text": "Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II, billed as \"The Championship: Part I\", was a professional boxing match contested on March 16, 1996 for the WBC Heavyweight championship. Frank Bruno, at that time, had been a professional boxer for over thirteen years. He was a former European heavyweight champion and had received several shots at the world heavyweight title over the course of his career. The first came in 1986, when he was knocked out by Tim Witherspoon in a bout for his WBA title. He fought Mike Tyson in 1989 for his undisputed world", "title": "Frank Bruno vs. Mike Tyson II" }, { "docid": "11884576", "text": "made no real effort to get back up and continue fighting. Lennox Lewis is declared the winner by KO. A month later, Lewis vacated the IBF title deciding not to fight Chris Byrd, who was the mandatory challenger. The fight was named Ring Magazine Knockout of the Year for 2002. Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson, billed as \"Lewis–Tyson: Is On\", was a professional boxing match that took place on June 8, 2002 at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee, United States, between IBF, IBO and WBC heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis and former IBF, WBA and", "title": "Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17280670", "text": "his feet and was seemingly healthy enough to continue the fight, Steele stepped between the two fighters and stopped the fight, awarding Tyson the victory by technical knockout. The decision enraged Ruddock's corner with Ruddock's brother and manager, Delroy storming the ring to confront Steele. Tyson's trainer Richie Giachetti attempted to restrain Delroy but a melee ensued that also involved Ruddock's promoter Murad Muhammad. Mirage security had to break up the scuffle and escort Steele to safety. Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock, billed as \"The Fight of the Year\", was a professional boxing match contested", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock" }, { "docid": "506753", "text": "later, Mr. Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear in a heavyweight champion bout — hardly a proud moment for the sport.\" In Ring Magazine's list of the 80 Best Fighters of the Last 80 Years, released in 2002, Tyson was ranked at No. 72. He is ranked No. 16 on \"Ring Magazine\"s 2003 list of 100 greatest punchers of all time. On June 12, 2011, Tyson was inducted to the International Boxing Hall of Fame alongside legendary Mexican champion Julio César Chávez, light welterweight champion Kostya Tszyu, and actor/screenwriter Sylvester Stallone. In an interview with \"USA Today\" published on June 3,", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17259397", "text": "Mike Tyson not being selected among the American Boxing Olympic Team). Only two months prior to his match with Biggs, Tyson had defeated Tony Tucker by unanimous decision to unify all three major heavyweight championships and become the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion. Though many had hoped this would lead to a match with \"Lineal\" Heavyweight champion Michael Spinks, Spinks remained reluctant to face Tyson. As such, Tyson instead chose to face one of his mandatory challengers, 1984 Olympic Gold Medalist Tyrell Biggs, who was undefeated since turning pro. Prior to their fight, Biggs bashed Tyson in the press, boldly stating among", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs" }, { "docid": "506760", "text": "1 that documented his personal and private life entitled \"Being Mike Tyson\". In November 2013, Tyson released his book \"Undisputed Truth\", which also made it on The New York Times Best Seller list. An animated series named \"Mike Tyson Mysteries\", featuring Tyson solving mysteries in the style of Scooby-Doo, premiered on Adult Swim in late October 2014. In early March 2015, Tyson appeared on the track \"Iconic\" on Madonna's album \"Rebel Heart\". Tyson says some lines at the beginning of the song. In late March 2015, \"Ip Man 3\" was announced. With Donnie Yen reprising his role as the titular", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17285362", "text": "Greg Page and Phil Jackson. This would set up a match with Lennox Lewis for the right to face the winner of the Evander Holyfield–Riddick Bowe fight for the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship. Ruddock would end up being knocked out by Lewis in the 2nd round, costing him a chance at the title and effectively ending his status as one of boxing's premier heavyweights. Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II, billed as \"The Rematch\", was a professional boxing match contested on June 28, 1991. Three months earlier, Tyson and Ruddock, who were boxing's number one", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Donovan Ruddock II" }, { "docid": "10038471", "text": "the duo had their way until Tyson revealed a DX T-shirt he was wearing underneath a black shirt he was wearing and knocked out Jericho, which allowed Shawn Michaels to pin Jericho, giving DX the win. On April 2, 2012 Tyson was inducted into the celebrity wing of the WWE Hall of Fame at the American Airlines Arena in Miami. He was inducted by D-Generation X members Shawn Michaels and Triple H. In 2016, Tyson starred in the documentary film Nine Legends where he discussed his time involved in the WWE. Mike Tyson in popular culture Mike Tyson is an", "title": "Mike Tyson in popular culture" }, { "docid": "506752", "text": "going to feel better about myself. I'm not going to be depressed\", explained Tyson about the reasons for his \"comeback\". A 1998 ranking of \"The Greatest Heavyweights of All-Time\" by \"Ring\" magazine placed Tyson at No.14 on the list. Despite criticism of facing underwhelming competition during his run as champion, Tyson's knockout power and intimidation factor made him the sport's most dynamic box office attraction. According to Douglas Quenqua of \"The New York Times\", \"The [1990s] began with Mike Tyson, considered by many to be the last great heavyweight champion, losing his title to the little-known Buster Douglas. Seven years", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506749", "text": "\"Tyson\", he stated that he fought McBride for a payday, that he did not anticipate winning, that he was in poor physical condition and fed up with taking boxing seriously. After losing three of his last four fights, Tyson said he would quit boxing because he felt he had lost his passion for the sport. When Tyson fired everyone working for him and got new accountants in 2000, they prepared a statement showing he started the year $3.3 million in the hole but made $65.7 million. \"The problem was that I spent $62 million that year,' Tyson said, \"I just", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17263278", "text": "racking up 14 consecutive victories, landing him another shot at the WBC Heavyweight championship against Lennox Lewis, though he would ultimately lose via unanimous decision. Tucker later stated that he broke his right hand early in the fight, after damaging it in pre-fight sparring. Tucker stated: \"I hit him with a right uppercut early and my hand just shattered. It was the worst pain ever. I still went on though, that’s why I did all those antics and everything.\" Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker, billed as \"The Ultimate\", was a professional boxing match contested on", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tony Tucker" }, { "docid": "17259398", "text": "other things \"He`s never fought anyone like me. I don't know this Tyson the way you guys talk about him. I know Tyson from way back when.\" Biggs would also promise to use his mobility and superior overall boxing ability against the stronger Tyson stating \"He's strong, but his strength will not hurt me. Every fighter I fight is stronger than me, but as the fight goes on, as I use my mobility and boxing ability, strength is no longer a factor. What will he do then?\" Through the first two rounds, Biggs attempted to ward off Tyson's attack by", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Tyrell Biggs" }, { "docid": "11202254", "text": "Guild of America (DGA) award as Best Documentary Director of 1993. Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson is a 1993 film made by acclaimed American documentary filmmaker Barbara Kopple. Though Tyson was in jail serving a sentence for rape, Kopple used existing interviews with the boxer, as well as her own extensive interviews with those closest to Tyson, to explore the man's history. The film traces Tyson's story from his troubled and tumultuous upbringing, through his rapid ascendancy in the ranks of the boxing world and his subsequent struggle with", "title": "Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "11202253", "text": "Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson is a 1993 film made by acclaimed American documentary filmmaker Barbara Kopple. Though Tyson was in jail serving a sentence for rape, Kopple used existing interviews with the boxer, as well as her own extensive interviews with those closest to Tyson, to explore the man's history. The film traces Tyson's story from his troubled and tumultuous upbringing, through his rapid ascendancy in the ranks of the boxing world and his subsequent struggle with the trappings of fame. \"Fallen Champ\" earned Barbara Kopple a Directors", "title": "Fallen Champ: The Untold Story of Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17306524", "text": "of 4–1 on October 18, 1998. After much speculation over who Tyson would face in his return bout, it was officially announced that Tyson would face former IBF Heavyweight champion Francois Botha on January 16, 1999. Despite his long layoff, Tyson was forthright about his chances of collecting a victory over Botha by way of knockout. On one occasion, Tyson stated \"I am going right at him and I expect him to go down cold. I expect him to die.\" The comment would cause some controversy, with some in the boxing world claiming that Tyson had gone too far. Botha", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Francois Botha" }, { "docid": "17253870", "text": "final heavyweight championship victory. Rapper Tupac Shakur was attending the fight that night, and was fatally shot after the fight in a drive-by shooting. He died six days later on September 13, 1996 at 4:03 pm from ballistic trauma. Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson, billed as \"The Championship: Part II\" was a professional boxing match fought on September 7, 1996 for the WBA Heavyweight championship. The fight was part of a pay-per-view event produced by Don King Productions and carried on pay-per-view by Showtime. The fight is notable in the fact that in attendance was", "title": "Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506745", "text": "to grant Tyson a license for the fight, and the promoters had to make alternative arrangements. After multiple states balked at granting Tyson a license, the fight eventually occurred on June 8 at the Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee. Lewis dominated the fight and knocked out Tyson with a right hand in the eighth round. Tyson was respectful after the fight and praised Lewis on his victory. This fight was the highest-grossing event in pay-per-view history at that time, generating $106.9 million from 1.95 million buys in the USA. In another Memphis fight on February 22, 2003, Tyson beat fringe", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "17253864", "text": "Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson, billed as \"The Championship: Part II\" was a professional boxing match fought on September 7, 1996 for the WBA Heavyweight championship. The fight was part of a pay-per-view event produced by Don King Productions and carried on pay-per-view by Showtime. The fight is notable in the fact that in attendance was rapper Tupac Shakur, who would be fatally shot just hours after the fight, following an altercation with Crip Orlando \"Baby Lane\" Anderson at the casino. Shakur died six days later on September 13 from ballistic trauma. After George Foreman", "title": "Bruce Seldon vs. Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506705", "text": "on \"The Ring\"s list of 100 greatest punchers of all time, and No. 1 in the ESPN.com list of \"The Hardest Hitters in Heavyweight History.\" Sky Sports described him as \"perhaps the most ferocious fighter to step into a professional ring.\" He has been inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame. Michael Gerard Tyson was born in Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York on June 30, 1966. He has an elder brother named Rodney (born c. 1961) and had an elder sister named Denise, who died of a heart attack at age 24 in", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506714", "text": "broadcast. Tyson won easily, charging at Frazier at the opening bell and hitting him with an uppercut that knocked Frazier unconscious thirty seconds into the fight. On November 22, 1986, Tyson was given his first title fight against Trevor Berbick for the World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight championship. Tyson won the title by TKO in the second round, and at the age of 20 years and 4 months became the youngest heavyweight champion in history. Tyson's dominant performance brought many accolades. Donald Saunders wrote: \"The noble and manly art of boxing can at least cease worrying about its immediate future,", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506758", "text": "2011, Tyson gave an interview in which he made comments about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin that included crude and violent descriptions of interracial sex. These comments were then reprinted on the Daily Caller website. Journalist Greta van Susteren criticized Tyson and the Daily Caller over the comments, which she described as \"smut\" and \"violence against women\". After debuting a one-man show in Las Vegas, Tyson teamed up with director Spike Lee and brought the show to Broadway in August 2012. In February 2013, Tyson took his one-man show \"Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth\" on a 36-city, three-month national tour. Tyson", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506770", "text": "to his rape conviction. Tyson is played by Michael Jai White. Published in 2007, author Joe Layden's book \"The Last Great Fight: The Extraordinary Tale of Two Men and How One Fight Changed Their Lives Forever\", chronicled the lives of Tyson and Douglas before and after their heavyweight championship fight. In 2008, the documentary \"Tyson\" premiered at the annual Cannes Film Festival in France. He is the titular character in \"Mike Tyson Mysteries\", which started airing on October 27, 2014 on Adult Swim. In the show, Tyson voices a fictionalized version of himself. In 2016, Tyson starred in the documentary", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506725", "text": "the planet\" and arguably the most feared boxer in professional boxing at that time, has been described as one of the most shocking upsets in modern sports history. After the loss, Tyson recovered with a first round knockouts of Henry Tillman and Alex Stewart in his next two fights. Tyson's victory over Tillman, the 1984 Olympic heavyweight gold medalist, enabled Tyson to avenge his amateur losses at Tillman's hands. These bouts set up an elimination match for another shot at the undisputed world heavyweight championship, which Evander Holyfield had taken from Douglas in his first defense of the title. Tyson,", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506703", "text": "it. After being stripped of the WBC title in the same year, Tyson lost the WBA title to Evander Holyfield by an eleventh round stoppage. Their 1997 rematch ended when Tyson was disqualified for biting Holyfield's ears. In 2002, Tyson fought for the world heavyweight title again at the age of 35, losing by knockout to Lennox Lewis. Tyson retired from professional boxing in 2006, after being knocked out in consecutive matches against Danny Williams and Kevin McBride. Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003, despite having received over $30 million for several of his fights and $300 million during his career.", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "18185242", "text": "has received mostly positive reviews from critics. The show currently holds an 82% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 11 reviews, with its consensus being: \"A dizzying whirl of lowbrow and high-concept, \"Mike Tyson Mysteries\" should more than satisfy fans of Adult Swim's signature blend of animated silliness.\" Metacritic gives the show a score of 75/100 based on six reviews, indicating \"generally favorable\" reviews. Mike Tyson Mysteries Mike Tyson Mysteries is an American adult animated television series, and the first to be produced by Warner Bros. Animation for Adult Swim. It premiered October 27, 2014. The series features Mike Tyson", "title": "Mike Tyson Mysteries" }, { "docid": "506761", "text": "character, Bruce Lee's martial arts master, Ip Man, while Mike Tyson has been confirmed to join the cast. Principal photography began on March 25, 2015, and was premiered in Hong Kong on December 16, 2015. In January 2017, Tyson launched his YouTube channel with Shots Studios, a comedy video and comedy music production company with young digital stars like Lele Pons and Rudy Mancuso. Tyson's channel includes parody music videos and comedy sketches. In May 2017, Tyson published his second book, \"Iron Ambition\", which details his time with trainer and surrogate father Cus D'Amato. In October 2017, Tyson was announced", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506755", "text": "his time tending to his 350 pigeons in Paradise Valley, an upscale enclave near Phoenix, Arizona. Tyson has stayed in the limelight by promoting various websites and companies. In the past Tyson had shunned endorsements, accusing other athletes of putting on a false front to obtain them. Tyson has held entertainment boxing shows at a casino in Las Vegas and started a tour of exhibition bouts to pay off his numerous debts. On December 29, 2006, Tyson was arrested in Scottsdale, Arizona, on suspicion of DUI and felony drug possession; he nearly crashed into a police SUV shortly after leaving", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506748", "text": "round, Tyson was unexpectedly knocked out. After the fight, it was revealed that Tyson was trying to fight on one leg, having torn a ligament in his other knee in the first round. This was Tyson's fifth career defeat. He underwent surgery for the ligament four days after the fight. His manager, Shelly Finkel, claimed that Tyson was unable to throw meaningful right-hand punches since he had a knee injury. On June 11, 2005, Tyson stunned the boxing world by quitting before the start of the seventh round in a close bout against journeyman Kevin McBride. In the 2008 documentary", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506718", "text": "port of the \"Punch Out!!\" arcade game. In 1987, Nintendo released \"Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!\", which was well received and sold more than a million copies. Tyson had three fights in 1988. He faced Larry Holmes on January 22, 1988, and defeated the legendary former champion by KO in the fourth round. This was the only knockout loss Holmes suffered in 75 professional bouts. In March, Tyson then fought contender Tony Tubbs in Tokyo, Japan, fitting in an easy second round TKO victory amid promotional and marketing work. On June 27, 1988, Tyson faced Michael Spinks. Spinks, who had taken the", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "506704", "text": "At the time the media reported that he had approximately $23 million of debt. Tyson was well known for his ferocious and intimidating boxing style as well as his controversial behavior inside and outside the ring. Nicknamed \"Iron\" and \"Kid Dynamite\" in his early career, and later known as \"The Baddest Man on the Planet,\" Tyson is considered one of the best heavyweights of all time. Tyson holds the third longest unified championship reign in heavyweight history at eight consecutive defenses. He currently ranks #15 in BoxRec's ranking of the greatest heavyweight boxers in history. He was ranked No. 16", "title": "Mike Tyson" }, { "docid": "2256143", "text": "Boxing in the 1980s Boxing in the 1980s was filled with important fights, events and personalities that shaped the sport. Boxing in the 1980s was shaped by many different situations, such as the continuous corporate battles between the different world sanctioning organizations, the void left by Muhammad Ali as the sport's ambassador and consequent search for a new boxing hero, the continuous presence of Don King as the sport's most famous promoter, the surge of rival promoters as Bob Arum, Butch Lewis and Murad Muhammad, and major rule changes. In 1986, Mike Tyson emerged as a fresh new face in", "title": "Boxing in the 1980s" }, { "docid": "17490952", "text": "and former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson partnered and formed Iron Mike Productions. This marked the hall-of-famer's return to boxing since his last appearance in the ring in 2005. The new promotion company's debut will take place on August 23, 2013 at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York, and will be broadcast live on ESPN2's \"Friday Night Fights\". Iron Mike Productions Iron Mike Productions (formerly Acquinity Sports) was a boxing promotion company, based in Deerfield Beach, Florida, United States. Acquinity Sports was founded in 2012 by Garry Jonas, CEO of Acquinity Interactive. Jonas partnered with former heavyweight champion", "title": "Iron Mike Productions" }, { "docid": "17535456", "text": "win a lopsided unanimous decision by two scores of 9–1 and one score of 8–2. Though the two fighters would never again face each other in a boxing ring, Tyson and Green were involved in a high-profile street fight two years later, by which time Tyson was the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion. On August 24, 1988, Green confronted Tyson at Dapper Dan's in Harlem, claiming that Tyson's promoter Don King owed him money. The argument then escalated into a physical confrontation during which Tyson landed a straight right hand across Green's face, completely shutting Green's left eye and opening a cut", "title": "Mike Tyson vs. Mitch Green" } ]
Neil Armstrong was a pilot in which war?
[ "Corean", "Koreans (disambiguation)", "Korean (disambiguation)", "Koreang", "Korean", "Korea'ng" ]
[ { "docid": "290612", "text": "Neil Armstrong Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 – August 25, 2012) was an American astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also a naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor. A graduate of Purdue University, Armstrong studied aeronautical engineering with his college tuition paid for by the U.S. Navy under the Holloway Plan. He became a midshipman in 1949, and a naval aviator the following year. He saw action in the Korean War, flying the Grumman F9F Panther from the aircraft carrier . In September 1951, he was hit by", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "16944211", "text": "RV Neil Armstrong (AGOR-27) RV \"Neil Armstrong\" (AGOR-27) is the designation for a new oceanographic research ship, first of the s, to be owned by the United States Navy and operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced on September 24, 2012 that the research vessel was to be named after Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the Moon and a former naval aviator who served in the Korean War. The ship was ordered in May 2010 as a replacement for , operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution since 1970. The ship was", "title": "RV Neil Armstrong (AGOR-27)" }, { "docid": "290624", "text": "parachute was blown back over land. A jeep driven by a roommate from flight school picked him up; it is unknown what happened to the wreckage of his aircraft, F9F-2 BuNo \"125122\". In all, Armstrong flew 78 missions over Korea for a total of 121 hours in the air, a third of them in January 1952, with the final mission on March 5, 1952. Of 492 U.S. Navy personnel killed in the Korean War, 27 of them were from the \"Essex\" on this war cruise. Armstrong received the Air Medal for 20 combat missions, two gold stars for the next", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "18503501", "text": "Raymond Armstrong Lieutenant General Raymond Fullarton Armstrong (14 December 1917 — early 1990s) was a South African Air Force officer, who served as Chief of Defence Staff. Armstrong attended Rondebosch Boy's High School before attending the South African Military College. He joined the Special Service Battalion in 1936 and soon thereafter joined the Permanent Force. He was trained as a pilot, serving in World War II and later in the Korean War. He was Armed Forces Attache in Washington. He served as \"Chief of Air Staff\" before being appointed acting \"Chief of Defence Staff\" from 1 March 1974 to 30", "title": "Raymond Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290622", "text": "and made his first flight in a jet, a Grumman F9F Panther, on January 5, 1951. He was promoted to ensign on June 5, 1951, and made his first jet carrier landing on two days later. On June 28, 1951, \"Essex\" had set sail for Korea, with VF-51 aboard to act as ground-attack aircraft. VF-51 flew ahead to Naval Air Station Barbers Point in Hawaii, where it conducted fighter-bomber training before rejoining the ship at the end of July. On August 29, 1951, Armstrong saw action in the Korean War as an escort for a photo reconnaissance plane over Songjin.", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "265782", "text": "also excluded civilian NASA X-15 pilot Neil Armstrong, though he had been selected by the US Air Force in 1958 for its Man In Space Soonest program, which was replaced by Mercury. Although Armstrong had been a combat-experienced NAP during the Korean War, he left active duty in 1952. Armstrong became NASA's first civilian astronaut in 1962 when he was selected for NASA's second group, and became the first man on the Moon in 1969. It was further stipulated that candidates should be between 25 and 40 years old, no taller than , and hold a college degree in a", "title": "Project Mercury" } ]
[ { "docid": "19441068", "text": "First Flights with Neil Armstrong First Flights was a half-hour televised aviation history documentary series. The series premiered on September 25, 1991, on A&E Networks and ran for three seasons. It was hosted by former test pilot and astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon. The series initially aired Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on A&E in the U.S. The series focused on the technological history of aviation, from early balloons and gliders through war-time and mass commercial aviation, to experimental hypersonic flight at the edge of space. In the series, Neil Armstrong interviewed pilots and aerospace", "title": "First Flights with Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290702", "text": "Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.\" It prompted many responses, including the Twitter hashtag \"#WinkAtTheMoon\". Buzz Aldrin called Armstrong \"a true American hero and the best pilot I ever knew\", and said he was disappointed that they would not be able to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing together in 2019. Michael Collins said, \"He was the best, and I will miss", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290708", "text": "Armstrong's hometown of Wapakoneta, and the airport in New Knoxville, Ohio where he took his first flying lessons at 15, are named after him. Purdue University announced in October 2004 that its new engineering building would be named Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering; the building was dedicated on October 27, 2007 during a ceremony at which Armstrong was joined by fourteen other Purdue astronauts. The NASA Dryden Flight Research Center was renamed the NASA Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Center in 2014. In September 2012, the U.S. Navy announced that the first \"Armstrong\"-class vessel would be named . Delivered to", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "19441071", "text": "episodes were mixed. Jay Sharbutt, the senior television writer for The Associated Press, called the series \"disappointing\" because it did not give enough time to Armstrong. Reviews of subsequent episodes and the second season were positive. described the series as \"an exemplary history of aviation. ...The selection and use of the historical footage is ideal and edited with unusual skill.\" First Flights with Neil Armstrong First Flights was a half-hour televised aviation history documentary series. The series premiered on September 25, 1991, on A&E Networks and ran for three seasons. It was hosted by former test pilot and astronaut Neil", "title": "First Flights with Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "18770340", "text": "the study of physics, is named for Isaac Newton. The observatory is named Neil Armstrong in honor of the first man to touch the moon, in 1969. Neil Armstrong Observatory The Neil Armstrong Observatory was completed March 1, 2014, making Nicaragua the only country in Latin America with an astronomical observatory reserved for use by scholars. The observatory, which cost half a million U.S. dollars to build, is located at the Pierre and Marie Curie School in Managua. The building consists of two floors plus a dome of more than 4.5 square meters. The telescope's main lens is 11 inches", "title": "Neil Armstrong Observatory" }, { "docid": "19441069", "text": "engineers. Archival footage and vintage aircraft were used to recreate historic takeoffs. Episodes of \"First Flights with Neil Armstrong\" are listed below in the original A&E Networks broadcast order. Season 1 traces the development of aviation technology from balloons to early post-WWII jet aircraft. Season 2 continues the story of atmospheric flight to the edge of space in the 1990s. Neil Armstrong had previously flown several aircraft featured in Season 2 during his long career as a NASA experimental test pilot in Edwards, CA. Season 3 focuses on the development of particular technologies within the broader field of aviation. The", "title": "First Flights with Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290712", "text": "future, destines our nation to become one of second or even third rate stature\". Armstrong also publicly recalled his initial concerns about the Apollo 11 mission, when he had believed there was only a 50% chance of landing on the Moon. \"I was elated, ecstatic and extremely surprised that we were successful\", he later said. On November 18, 2010, aged 80, Armstrong said in a speech during the \"Science & Technology Summit\" in The Hague, Netherlands, that he would offer his services as commander on a mission to Mars if he were asked. Neil Armstrong Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5,", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "5245805", "text": "Blues and continues to serve in that capacity. Neil Armstrong (ice hockey) Neil Armstrong (born December 20, 1932) is a former professional ice hockey linesman, and is an Honoured Member of the Hockey Hall of Fame. Armstrong began playing minor hockey in Galt, Ontario, but he never did go beyond that. He was offered a chance to officiate a game in the same league. Armstrong accepted and later earned his Ontario Hockey Association certification. He officiated his first National Hockey League game on November 17, 1957, when he was 24. In the game, which was between the Boston Bruins and", "title": "Neil Armstrong (ice hockey)" }, { "docid": "5245802", "text": "Neil Armstrong (ice hockey) Neil Armstrong (born December 20, 1932) is a former professional ice hockey linesman, and is an Honoured Member of the Hockey Hall of Fame. Armstrong began playing minor hockey in Galt, Ontario, but he never did go beyond that. He was offered a chance to officiate a game in the same league. Armstrong accepted and later earned his Ontario Hockey Association certification. He officiated his first National Hockey League game on November 17, 1957, when he was 24. In the game, which was between the Boston Bruins and Toronto Maple Leafs, the two teams got into", "title": "Neil Armstrong (ice hockey)" }, { "docid": "290613", "text": "anti-aircraft fire while making a low bombing run, and was forced to bail out. After the war, he completed his bachelor's degree at Purdue and became a test pilot at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) High-Speed Flight Station at Edwards Air Force Base in California. He was the project pilot on Century Series fighters and flew the North American X-15 seven times. He was also a participant in the U.S. Air Force's Man in Space Soonest and X-20 Dyna-Soar human spaceflight programs. Armstrong joined the NASA Astronaut Corps in the second group, which was selected in 1962. He", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "10310113", "text": "Man\" project in the mid-2010s. Damien Chazelle, a director receiving critical acclaim for his work in 2016's \"La La Land\", signed onto the film's production. Actor Ryan Gosling, who starred in \"La La Land\", joined as well. Given his role as the book's author, Hansen was attached to co-produce the movie. First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong is the official biography of Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who became the first man to walk on the Moon, on July 20, 1969. The book was written by James R. Hansen, and was", "title": "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "10310105", "text": "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong is the official biography of Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who became the first man to walk on the Moon, on July 20, 1969. The book was written by James R. Hansen, and was first published in 2005, by Simon & Schuster. The book describes Armstrong's involvement in the United States space program (culminating with the historic Apollo 11 mission), and details his personal life and upbringing. The book has received a warm reception from several individuals associated with astronomy and the promotion of spaceflight.", "title": "First Man: The Life of Neil A. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "18770339", "text": "Neil Armstrong Observatory The Neil Armstrong Observatory was completed March 1, 2014, making Nicaragua the only country in Latin America with an astronomical observatory reserved for use by scholars. The observatory, which cost half a million U.S. dollars to build, is located at the Pierre and Marie Curie School in Managua. The building consists of two floors plus a dome of more than 4.5 square meters. The telescope's main lens is 11 inches across and can magnify stellar objects by 50 to 800 times. The first floor is a chemistry lab named for Irene Joliot-Curie. The second floor, dedicated to", "title": "Neil Armstrong Observatory" }, { "docid": "290661", "text": "December 23, 1968, as Apollo 8 orbited the Moon. In a meeting that was not made public until the publication of Armstrong's biography in 2005, Slayton told him that although the planned crew was Commander Armstrong, Lunar Module Pilot Buzz Aldrin, and Command Module Pilot Michael Collins, he was offering Armstrong the chance to replace Aldrin with Jim Lovell. After thinking it over for a day, Armstrong told Slayton he would stick with Aldrin, as he had no difficulty working with him and thought Lovell deserved his own command. Replacing Aldrin with Lovell would have made Lovell the lunar module", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290691", "text": "1991 and 1993, he hosted \"First Flights with Neil Armstrong\", an aviation history documentary series on A&E. Armstrong kept a low profile later in his life, leading to the belief that he was a recluse. He turned down most requests for interviews and public appearances. Michael Collins said in his book \"Carrying the Fire\" that when Armstrong moved to a dairy farm to become a college professor, it was like he \"retreated to his castle and pulled up the drawbridge\". Armstrong found this amusing, and said, \"...those of us that live out in the hinterlands think that people that live", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "16313027", "text": "Neil Armstrong Airport Auglaize County Neil Armstrong Airport is a public use airport located eight nautical miles (9 mi, 15 km) southwest of the central business district of Wapakoneta, a city in Auglaize County, Ohio, United States. It is owned by the Auglaize County Airport Authority. This airport is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a \"general aviation\" facility. One of the largest operators at the airport is Crown Equipment Corporation, a large Company headquartered close by in New Bremen, Ohio. The Crown Corporate Flight Operation center is at the airport.", "title": "Neil Armstrong Airport" }, { "docid": "16313029", "text": "and <1% military. At that time there were 23 aircraft based at this airport: 70% single-engine, 17% jet, and 13% multi-engine. Neil Armstrong Airport Auglaize County Neil Armstrong Airport is a public use airport located eight nautical miles (9 mi, 15 km) southwest of the central business district of Wapakoneta, a city in Auglaize County, Ohio, United States. It is owned by the Auglaize County Airport Authority. This airport is included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2011–2015, which categorized it as a \"general aviation\" facility. One of the largest operators at the airport is Crown Equipment", "title": "Neil Armstrong Airport" }, { "docid": "16080401", "text": "the Neil Williams Memorial Trophy. Neil Williams (pilot) Neil Williams (1934 – 1977) was a Canadian aerobatics pilot. Williams was born in 1934 in Canada and educated in Wales, where he first learned to fly in 1951. After completing an engineering apprenticeship he joined the Royal Air Force (RAF), and was trained as a pilot in Canada, winning the course trophy and gaining his wings. He served in Cyprus as a Canberra photo-reconnaissance pilot, and returned to the United Kingdom in 1961, where he joined an experimental squadron. In 1962 he graduated from the Empire Test Pilots' School (ETPS), and", "title": "Neil Williams (pilot)" }, { "docid": "290654", "text": "8. Having trained for two flights, Armstrong was quite knowledgeable about the systems and took on a teaching role for the rookie backup Pilot, William Anders. The launch was on September 12, 1966, with Conrad and Gordon on board, who successfully completed the mission objectives, while Armstrong served as a capsule communicator (CAPCOM). Following the flight, President Lyndon B. Johnson asked Armstrong and his wife to take part in a 24-day goodwill tour of South America. Also on the tour, which took in 11 countries and 14 major cities, were Dick Gordon, George Low, their wives, and other government officials.", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "16944213", "text": "well as accommodations for twenty-four scientists. The ship is powered by a multi-drive low-voltage diesel electric propulsion system for efficiency and lower maintenance and fuel costs. Both \"Neil Armstrong\"-class ships have state of the art oceanographic equipment allowing deep ocean mapping and information technology for ship monitoring and worldwide land-based communication. \"Neil Armstrong\" has more than 130 square meters of adjustable lab space, supplied by a reverse osmosis desalination system. RV Neil Armstrong (AGOR-27) RV \"Neil Armstrong\" (AGOR-27) is the designation for a new oceanographic research ship, first of the s, to be owned by the United States Navy and", "title": "RV Neil Armstrong (AGOR-27)" }, { "docid": "290705", "text": "the problem, which he did, and the mission proceeded. \"That happened because Neil Armstrong was a team player—he always worked on behalf of the team.\" On September 14, Armstrong's cremated remains were scattered in the Atlantic Ocean from the . Flags were flown at half-staff on the day of Armstrong's funeral. Armstrong received many honors and awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Nixon, the Cullum Geographical Medal from the American Geographical Society, and the Collier Trophy from the National Aeronautic Association (1969); the NASA Distinguished Service Medal and the Dr. Robert H. Goddard Memorial Trophy (1970); the", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290673", "text": "said that Neil showed him a draft of the line months before the launch. Historian Andrew Chaikin, who interviewed Armstrong in 1988 for his book \"A Man on the Moon\", disputed that Armstrong claimed to have conceived the line during the mission. Recordings of Armstrong's transmission do not provide evidence for the indefinite article \"a\" before \"man\", though NASA and Armstrong insisted for years that static obscured it. Armstrong stated he would never make such a mistake, but after repeated listenings to recordings, he eventually conceded he must have dropped the \"a\". He later said he \"would hope that history", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290642", "text": "it would be best to find the three NASA pilots ground transport back to Edwards. In June 1958, Armstrong was selected for the U.S. Air Force's Man In Space Soonest program, but the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) cancelled its funding on August 1, 1958, and on November 5, 1958, it was superseded by Project Mercury, a civilian project run by NASA. As a NASA civilian test pilot, Armstrong was ineligible to become one of its astronauts at this time, as selection was restricted to military test pilots. In November 1960, he was chosen as part of the pilot consultant", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290648", "text": "group of astronauts, whose selection was announced on October 18, 1963, to receive a prime crew assignment. See was designated to command Gemini 9. Henceforth, each Gemini mission was commanded by a member of Armstrong's group, with a member of Scott's group as the pilot. Conrad would be Armstrong's backup this time, and Richard F. Gordon Jr. his pilot. Armstrong became the first American civilian in space. (Valentina Tereshkova of the Soviet Union had become the first civilian (and first woman) nearly three years earlier aboard Vostok 6 when it launched on June 16, 1963.) Armstrong would also be the", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290614", "text": "made his first spaceflight as commander of Gemini 8 in March 1966, becoming NASA's first civilian astronaut to fly in space. During this mission with pilot David Scott, he performed the first docking of two spacecraft; the mission was aborted after Armstrong used some of his reentry control fuel to remove a dangerous spin caused by a stuck thruster. During training for Armstrong's second and last spaceflight as commander of Apollo 11, he had to eject from the Lunar Landing Research Vehicle moments before a fiery crash. In July 1969, Armstrong and Apollo 11 Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin performed", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290637", "text": "Armstrong's engineering ability. Milt Thompson said he was \"the most technically capable of the early X-15 pilots\". Bill Dana said Armstrong \"had a mind that absorbed things like a sponge\". Those who flew for the Air Force tended to have a different opinion, especially people like Chuck Yeager and Pete Knight, who did not have engineering degrees. Knight said that pilot-engineers flew in a way that was \"more mechanical than it is flying\", and gave this as the reason why some pilot-engineers got into trouble: their flying skills did not come naturally. Armstrong made seven flights in the X-15 between", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "16080397", "text": "Neil Williams (pilot) Neil Williams (1934 – 1977) was a Canadian aerobatics pilot. Williams was born in 1934 in Canada and educated in Wales, where he first learned to fly in 1951. After completing an engineering apprenticeship he joined the Royal Air Force (RAF), and was trained as a pilot in Canada, winning the course trophy and gaining his wings. He served in Cyprus as a Canberra photo-reconnaissance pilot, and returned to the United Kingdom in 1961, where he joined an experimental squadron. In 1962 he graduated from the Empire Test Pilots' School (ETPS), and also started competitive aerobatic flying.", "title": "Neil Williams (pilot)" }, { "docid": "290653", "text": "depressed that the mission was cut short, canceling most mission objectives and robbing Scott of his EVA. The Agena was later reused as a docking target by Gemini 10. Armstrong and Scott received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal, and the Air Force awarded Scott the Distinguished Flying Cross as well. Scott was promoted to lieutenant colonel, and Armstrong received a $678 raise in pay to $21,653 a year (), making him NASA's highest-paid astronaut. The final assignment for Armstrong in the Gemini program was as the back-up Command Pilot for Gemini 11, announced two days after the landing of Gemini", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "16313028", "text": "Wapakoneta is the birthplace of Neil Armstrong, aviator, astronaut and first person to walk on the moon. Auglaize County Neil Armstrong Airport covers an area of 140 acres (57 ha) at an elevation of 913 feet (278 m) above mean sea level. It has two runways: 8/26 is 5,500 by 100 feet (1,676 x 30 m) with an asphalt surface; 18/36 is 2,631 by 80 feet (802 x 24 m) with a turf surface. For the 12-month period ending August 17, 2009, the airport had 29,456 aircraft operations, an average of 80 per day: 94% general aviation, 6% air taxi,", "title": "Neil Armstrong Airport" }, { "docid": "290662", "text": "pilot, unofficially the lowest ranked member, and Armstrong could not justify placing Lovell, the commander of Gemini 12, in the number 3 position of the crew. The crew of Apollo 11 was officially announced on January 9, 1969, as Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin, with Lovell, Anders, and Fred Haise as the backup crew. According to Chris Kraft, a March 1969 meeting among Slayton, George Low, Bob Gilruth, and Kraft determined that Armstrong would be the first person on the Moon, in part because NASA management saw him as a person who did not have a large ego. A press conference", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290703", "text": "him terribly.\" NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said, \"As long as there are history books, Neil Armstrong will be included in them, remembered for taking humankind's first small step on a world beyond our own\". A tribute was held for Armstrong on September 13 at Washington National Cathedral, whose Space Window depicts the Apollo 11 mission and holds a sliver of Moon rock amid its stained-glass panels. In attendance were Armstrong's Apollo 11 crewmates, Collins and Aldrin; Gene Cernan, the Apollo 17 mission commander and last man to walk on the Moon; and former senator and astronaut John Glenn, the first", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290631", "text": "1955. Armstrong's stint at Cleveland lasted only a couple of months before a position at the High-Speed Flight Station became available, and he reported for work there on July 11, 1955. On his first day, Armstrong was tasked with piloting chase planes during releases of experimental aircraft from modified bombers. He also flew the modified bombers, and on one of these missions had his first flight incident at Edwards. On March 22, 1956, he was in a Boeing B-29 Superfortress, which was to air-drop a Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket. He sat in the right-hand pilot seat while the left-hand seat commander,", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290630", "text": "of the middle part of her brain stem; X-ray treatment slowed its growth, but her health deteriorated to the point where she could no longer walk or talk. She died of pneumonia, related to her weakened health, on January 28, 1962, aged two. Following his graduation from Purdue, Armstrong became an experimental research test pilot. He applied at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) High-Speed Flight Station at Edwards Air Force Base. NACA had no open positions, and forwarded his application to the Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory in Cleveland, where Armstrong made his first test flight on March 1,", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290633", "text": "Skyrocket. At the instant of launch, the number-four engine propeller disintegrated. Pieces of it damaged the number-three engine and hit the number-two engine. Butchart and Armstrong were forced to shut down the damaged number-three engine, along with the number-one engine, due to the torque it created. They made a slow, circling descent from using only the number-two engine, and landed safely. Armstrong served as project pilot on Century Series fighters, including the North American F-100 Super Sabre A and C variants, the McDonnell F-101 Voodoo, the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, the Republic F-105 Thunderchief and the Convair F-106 Delta Dart. He", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "7465033", "text": "Cross. He was also awarded the British Distinguished Flying Cross for the initial mission, the first U.S. officer to be so honored. Because he had not yet been checked out as a combat pilot in the B-17, Armstrong flew the first mission as the co-pilot of a Fortress piloted by Major Paul W. Tibbets, one of his squadron commanders. Armstrong returned to the staff of Bomber Command until January, 1943, when Eaker again used him to rebuild another bomb group performing below standards. From January 4 to February 17, 1943, Armstrong commanded the 306th Bomb Group at RAF Thurleigh, England,", "title": "Frank A. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "16944212", "text": "constructed by Dakota Creek Industries of Anacortes, Washington and scheduled for completion in 2014 for entry into service in 2015. It was launched on 29 March 2014, christened by Carol Armstrong, passed sea trials 7 August 2015 and delivered to the Navy on 23 September 2015. A sister ship, , was launched 9 August 2014 to be operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography under a renewable charter-party agreement. \"Neil Armstrong\" is a commercially designed mono hull research vessel, capable of coastal and deep ocean operations, and equipped with cranes and winches for over-the-side loading of research equipment and supplies, as", "title": "RV Neil Armstrong (AGOR-27)" }, { "docid": "15036119", "text": "and Hurricanes seen in British skies since the Second World War. The formation consisted of 40 aircraft and flew a route around southern England in the areas which saw the most aerial activity during the war. Tom Neil Thomas Francis \"Ginger\" Neil, (14 July 1920 – 11 July 2018) was a British wing commander in the Royal Air Force fighter pilot and ace of the Second World War during the Battle of Britain. Neil scored a total of 14 kills during the Second World War. Neil was born in Bootle on 14 July 1920; he had a keen interest in", "title": "Tom Neil" }, { "docid": "290647", "text": "21. Armstrong and See watched the launch at Cape Kennedy, then flew to the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. The mission was generally successful, despite a problem with the fuel cells that prevented a rendezvous. Cooper and Conrad practiced a \"phantom rendezvous\", carrying out the maneuver without a target. The crew assignments for Gemini 8 were announced on September 20, 1965. Under the normal rotation system, the backup crew for one mission became the prime crew for the third mission after, but Slayton designated David Scott as the pilot of Gemini 8. Scott was the first member of the third", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290643", "text": "group for the X-20 Dyna-Soar, a military space plane under development by Boeing for the U.S. Air Force, and on March 15, 1962, he was selected by the U.S. Air Force as one of seven pilot-engineers who would fly the X-20 when it got off the design board. In April 1962, NASA announced that applications were being sought for the second group of NASA astronauts for Project Gemini, a proposed two-man spacecraft. This time, selection was open to qualified civilian test pilots. Armstrong visited the Seattle World's Fair in May 1962, and attended a conference there on space exploration that", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290677", "text": "for about a minute, after which Armstrong responded for about thirty seconds. In the Apollo 11 photographic record, there are only five images of Armstrong partly shown or reflected. The mission was planned to the minute, with the majority of photographic tasks performed by Armstrong with the single Hasselblad camera. After helping to set up the Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package, Armstrong went for a walk to what is now known as East Crater, east of the LM, the greatest distance traveled from the LM on the mission. His final task was to remind Aldrin to leave a small package", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290696", "text": "Lebanon, Ohio, and the country of Lebanon, which has a majority Muslim population. In 1972, Armstrong visited the town of Langholm, Scotland, the traditional seat of Clan Armstrong. He was made the first freeman of the burgh, and happily declared the town his home. The Justice of the Peace read from an unrepealed 400-year-old law that required him to hang any Armstrong found in the town. While working at his farm near Lebanon, Ohio, in November 1978, Armstrong jumped off the back of his grain truck and his wedding ring was caught in the wheel, tearing off the tip of", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "4652862", "text": "James Armstrong Richardson James Armstrong Richardson, (March 28, 1922 – May 17, 2004) was a Canadian Cabinet minister under Pierre Trudeau and a Winnipeg businessman. Richardson was born on March 28, 1922 in Winnipeg, Manitoba to James Armstrong Richardson, Sr. and Muriel (née) Sprague. He attended St. John's-Ravenscourt School. He attended Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, and earned a B.A. in Political Science and Economics. After university, he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force. He served as an anti-submarine pilot based in Iceland and Labrador during World War II. He finished his war service with the rank of pilot", "title": "James Armstrong Richardson" }, { "docid": "290680", "text": "crew were feted across the United States and around the world as part of a 45-day \"Giant Leap\" tour. Armstrong then took part in Bob Hope's 1969 USO show, primarily to Vietnam. In May 1970, Armstrong traveled to the Soviet Union to present a talk at the 13th annual conference of the International Committee on Space Research; after arriving in Leningrad from Poland, he traveled to Moscow where he met Premier Alexei Kosygin. Armstrong was the first westerner to see the supersonic Tupolev Tu-144 and was given a tour of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, which he described as", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290616", "text": "1971, Armstrong taught in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati until 1979. He served on the Apollo 13 accident investigation, and on the Rogers Commission, which investigated the Space Shuttle \"Challenger\" disaster. He acted as a spokesman for several businesses, and appeared in advertising for the automotive brand Chrysler starting in January 1979. Armstrong was born on August 5, 1930, near Wapakoneta, Ohio, to Stephen Koenig Armstrong and Viola Louise Engel. He was of German, Scottish and Scots-Irish ancestry, and had a younger sister, June, and a younger brother, Dean. His father worked as an auditor", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290688", "text": "companies. Along with spokesman duties, he also served on the board of directors of several companies. The first company which Armstrong joined the board was Gates Learjet, chairing their technical committee. He flew their new and experimental jets and even set a climb and altitude record for business jets. Armstrong became a member of Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company's board in 1973. They were interested in nuclear power and wanted to increase the company's technical competence. He served on the board of Taft Broadcasting, also based in Cincinnati. Armstrong joined Thiokol's board in 1989, after he was vice-chair of the", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290657", "text": "the only people who could fly the lunar missions. Slayton talked about the planned missions and named Armstrong to the backup crew for Apollo 9, which at that stage was planned as a medium Earth orbit test of the combined lunar module and command and service module. The crew assignment was officially announced November 20, 1967. For crewmates, Armstrong was assigned Lovell and Aldrin, from Gemini 12. After design and manufacturing delays of the lunar module (LM), Apollo 8 and 9 swapped prime and backup crews. Based on the normal crew rotation, Armstrong would command Apollo 11, with one change:", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290699", "text": "the use of his voice and likeness. He sued Hallmark Cards in 1994 when they used his name, and a recording of the \"one small step\" quote, in a Christmas ornament without his permission. The lawsuit was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, which Armstrong donated to Purdue. In May 2005, Armstrong became involved in a legal dispute with his barber of 20 years, Mark Sizemore. After cutting Armstrong's hair, Sizemore sold some of it to a collector for $3,000 without Armstrong's knowledge. Armstrong threatened legal action against Sizemore unless he returned the hair or donated the proceeds", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "6025156", "text": "also home to two full-size aircraft, including the airplane in which Neil Armstrong learned to fly. The museum is designed for the experiential learner. There are seven interactive exhibits, ten audio/visual elements, and three simulators. Visitors can practice landing the Lunar Module and Space Shuttle or docking the Gemini spacecraft, just as Neil Armstrong did in 1966. Armstrong Air and Space Museum The Armstrong Air and Space Museum is a museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio, United States, the hometown of Neil Armstrong, first man to set foot on the Moon. The museum chronicles Ohio's contributions to the history of space flight.", "title": "Armstrong Air and Space Museum" }, { "docid": "10449741", "text": "with a bachelor's degree in education. Armstrong's first teaching position came at Southwest Baptist College in Bolivar, Missouri, where he taught English and served as basketball coach. Southwest Baptist was a natural fit for Armstrong for it was his maternal grandfather, Reverend Daniel Preston, who was one of the college founders. With America's entry into World War I in April 1917 Armstrong took a leave of absence to serve in the U.S. Army. Assigned to the Army Signal Corps, he received pilot training and would serve as an instructor pilot for the duration of the war. While serving as an", "title": "Orland K. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "7247515", "text": "Which Way to the War Which Way to the War is an intended British television sitcom written by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd, which was discontinued after a one-off broadcast pilot on 19 August 1994. It was also Croft and Lloyd's only ITV sitcom and Croft's last World War II sitcom. In the Western Desert of World War Two, a party of British \"Desert Rats\" soldiers and a party of Australian soldiers are holed up in a remote building, when an ambulance of Italian \"nurses\" arrive. The pilot was badly received (Or quite well received, depending on what column of", "title": "Which Way to the War" }, { "docid": "19503397", "text": "& Pilot, Flying.com, Disciples of Flight, Mentor, Contrails, Business Insider and NYC Aviation. Consistent 325,000 aviation geek/enthusiast followers from around the globe. Erika Armstrong Erika Armstrong (née Hagen; born July 9, 1968) is a commercial airline pilot, published author, editor, aviation journalist and professor of aviation science. Armstrong is the author of the bestselling book \"A Chick in the Cockpit: My Life Up in the Air\", which was published by Behler Publications in 2016. Armstrong was born in Seattle, Washington, and given up for adoption to Geraldine and Charles Hagen. At age five, she moved with her family to Edina,", "title": "Erika Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290671", "text": "before extravehicular activity, but Armstrong requested the EVA be moved to earlier in the evening, Houston time. When he and Aldrin were ready to go outside, \"Eagle\" was depressurized, the hatch was opened, and Armstrong made his way down the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder Armstrong said, \"I'm going to step off the LM now\". He turned and set his left boot on the lunar surface at 02:56 UTC July 21, 1969, then spoke the now-famous words, \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Armstrong prepared his famous epigram on his own. In", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290656", "text": "Ed White and Roger Chaffee in the fire. Armstrong and the group spent the rest of the night drinking scotch and discussing what had happened. On April 5, 1967, the same day the Apollo 1 investigation released its final report, Armstrong and 17 other astronauts gathered for a meeting with Slayton. The first thing Slayton said was, \"The guys who are going to fly the first lunar missions are the guys in this room.\" According to Cernan, only Armstrong showed no reaction to the statement. To Armstrong it came as no surprise—the room was full of veterans of Project Gemini,", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "15036112", "text": "Tom Neil Thomas Francis \"Ginger\" Neil, (14 July 1920 – 11 July 2018) was a British wing commander in the Royal Air Force fighter pilot and ace of the Second World War during the Battle of Britain. Neil scored a total of 14 kills during the Second World War. Neil was born in Bootle on 14 July 1920; he had a keen interest in aircraft as a child and also played cricket and football for local teams. His family moved to Manchester when he was 16, and he attended Eccles Secondary (grammar) School where he was awarded an art prize", "title": "Tom Neil" }, { "docid": "290707", "text": "Hall of Fame, and the United States Astronaut Hall of Fame. He was awarded his Naval Astronaut badge in a ceremony on board the aircraft carrier on March 10, 2010, in a ceremony attended by Lovell and Cernan. The lunar crater Armstrong, from the Apollo 11 landing site, and asteroid 6469 Armstrong are named in his honor. There are more than a dozen elementary, middle and high schools named for Armstrong in the United States, and many places around the world have streets, buildings, schools, and other places named for him and/or Apollo. The Armstrong Air and Space Museum, in", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290615", "text": "the first manned Moon landing, and spent two and a half hours outside the spacecraft while Michael Collins remained in lunar orbit in the command and service module. When Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface, he famously said: \"That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.\" Along with Collins and Aldrin, Armstrong was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Richard Nixon. President Jimmy Carter presented Armstrong with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor in 1978, and Armstrong and his former crewmates received a Congressional Gold Medal in 2009. After he resigned from NASA in", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "19549454", "text": "in favor of Murray Armstrong. Neil Celley Neil 'The Seal' Celley is a former American ice hockey coach and player who was a member of the US national team at the 1948 Winter Olympics. Neil Celley joined the Michigan ice hockey team after winning a State Championship in 1945. He left the program a year later to take part in first Winter Olympics since 1936 (due to World War II) and was chosen as a member of the USOC's squad. A competing USA team was also sent to St. Moritz that year, one representing the Amateur Hockey Association that openly", "title": "Neil Celley" }, { "docid": "290684", "text": "collective bargaining group, so he decided to teach half-time. According to Armstrong, he had the same amount of work but received half his salary. In 1979, less than 10% of his income came from his university salary. Employees at the university did not know why he left. In 1970, after an explosion aboard Apollo 13 aborted its lunar landing, Armstrong was part of Edgar Cortright's investigation of the mission. He produced a detailed chronology of the flight. He determined that a 28-volt thermostat switch in an oxygen tank, which was supposed to have been replaced with a 65-volt version, lead", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "7465029", "text": "1930, and at Randolph Field, San Antonio, Texas, in 1931. In March 1934, he was one of a group of Army pilots placed under the command of Captain Ira Eaker. On October 1, 1934, he was promoted to 1st lieutenant. Armstrong was assigned in December 1934 as a pursuit pilot at Albrook Field, Panama Canal Zone. In 1937, Armstrong earned the Distinguished Flying Cross in peacetime by skillfully landing an amphibian airplane whose engine had exploded. He was promoted to the temporary rank of captain on March 15, 1936, returned to his permanent pay grade on June 16, and was", "title": "Frank A. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290668", "text": "than most simulations had taken. For this reason, Mission Control was concerned that the LM was running low on fuel. On landing, Aldrin and Armstrong believed they had 40 seconds of fuel left, including the 20 seconds' worth which had to be saved in the event of an abort. During training, Armstrong had, on several occasions, landed the LLTV with fewer than 15 seconds of fuel; he was also confident the LM could survive a fall of up to . Post-mission analysis showed that at touchdown there were 45 to 50 seconds of propellant burn time left. The landing on", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290646", "text": "astronauts, they were younger, and had more impressive academic credentials. On February 8, 1965, Armstrong and Elliot See were announced as the backup crew for Gemini 5, with Armstrong as commander, supporting the prime crew of Gordon Cooper and Pete Conrad. The mission's purpose was to practice space rendezvous and to develop procedures and equipment for a seven-day flight, all of which would be required for a mission to the Moon. With two other flights (Gemini 3 and Gemini 4) in preparation, six crews were competing for simulator time, so Gemini 5 was postponed. It finally lifted off on August", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290665", "text": "8 Titan II launch. The Apollo CM was relatively roomy compared to the Gemini spacecraft. None of the Apollo 11 crew suffered space sickness, as some members of previous crews had. Armstrong was especially glad about this, as he had been prone to motion sickness as a child and could experience nausea after long periods of aerobatics. Apollo 11's objective was to land safely on the Moon, rather than to touch down at a precise location. Three minutes into the lunar descent, Armstrong noted that craters were passing about two seconds too early, which meant the LM \"Eagle\" would probably", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "10449742", "text": "instructor pilot Armstrong made his first foray into the world of journalism by acting as editor of the aviation magazine \"Propeller\". Following the end of World War I Armstrong took a position with the YMCA, going to France for two years. In France he helped care for Russian prisoners of war awaiting return to their homeland. After returning from France in 1920 Armstrong chose to further his education at Cumberland University, earning his second bachelor's degree and a law degree in 1922. Armstrong took and passed the Missouri Bar exam but chose not to enter into a law practice. He", "title": "Orland K. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "18920578", "text": "Perry A. Armstrong Perry Austin Armstrong (April 15, 1823 – December 23, 1904) was a business person, surveyor, attorney, two-time member of the Illinois House of Representatives and historian. Born in Ohio and raised in southern Illinois, he spent most of his adult life in Morris, Illinois. Armstrong was born in Licking County, Ohio and came to Illinois with his mother and brothers in 1831, initially settling at Sand Prairie. During the Black Hawk War, the family retreated for a period of time to Morris, which was to be his future permanent home. He attended Granville Academy, and spent two", "title": "Perry A. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290698", "text": "Armstrong, but two weeks later he called her to ask what she was doing. She replied that she was cutting down a cherry tree, and 35 minutes later Armstrong was at her house to help. They were married in Ohio on June 12, 1994, and had a second ceremony at San Ysidro Ranch in California. He lived in Indian Hill, Ohio. Armstrong guarded the use of his name, image, and famous quote. When it was launched in 1981, MTV wanted to use his quote in its station identification, with the American flag replaced with the MTV logo, but he refused", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "7247516", "text": "figures one were read on the official report commissioned by ITV) and was never brought back for or developed into a series despite the success David Croft had with \"Dad's Army\", \"It Ain't Half Hot Mum\" and \"'Allo 'Allo!\". The pilot was directed by Roy Gould who had worked for David Croft at the BBC. Which Way to the War Which Way to the War is an intended British television sitcom written by David Croft and Jeremy Lloyd, which was discontinued after a one-off broadcast pilot on 19 August 1994. It was also Croft and Lloyd's only ITV sitcom and", "title": "Which Way to the War" }, { "docid": "290686", "text": "that if there were too many, NASA would not act on them. Armstrong was appointed to a fourteen-member commission by President Reagan to develop a plan for American civilian spaceflight in the 21st century. The commission was chaired by former NASA administrator Dr. Thomas O. Paine, with whom Armstrong had worked during the Apollo program. The group published a book titled \"Pioneering the Space Frontier: The Report on the National Commission on Space\", recommending a permanent lunar base by 2006 and sending people to Mars by 2015. The recommendations were largely ignored, overshadowed by the \"Challenger\" disaster. Armstrong and his", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290710", "text": "and various flags and medals flown on his space missions. A series of auctions was held on November 1 to 3, 2018, that realized $5,276,320. Two fragments of wood from the propeller and four pieces of fabric from the wing from the 1903 \"Wright Flyer\" that Armstrong took to the moon fetched between $112,500 and $275,000 each. In a 2010 \"Space Foundation\" survey, Armstrong was ranked as the #1 most popular space hero; and in 2013, \"Flying\" magazine ranked him #1 on its list of 51 Heroes of Aviation. The press often asked Armstrong for his views on the future", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290650", "text": "(EVA) by Scott. The mission was planned to last 75 hours and 55 orbits. After the Agena lifted off at 10:00:00 EST, the Titan II rocket carrying Armstrong and Scott ignited at 11:41:02 EST, putting them into an orbit from which they chased the Agena. They achieved the first-ever docking between two spacecraft. Contact with the crew was intermittent due to the lack of tracking stations covering their entire orbits. While out of contact with the ground, the docked spacecraft began to roll, and Armstrong attempted to correct this with the Gemini's Orbit Attitude and Maneuvering System (OAMS). Following the", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290700", "text": "to a charity of Armstrong's choosing. Sizemore, unable to retrieve the hair, donated the proceeds to charity. Armstrong underwent bypass surgery on August 7, 2012 to relieve blocked coronary arteries. Although he was reportedly recovering well, he developed complications in the hospital and died on August 25, in Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 82. The White House released a statement describing Armstrong as \"among the greatest of American heroes—not just of his time, but of all time\". It went on to say that Armstrong had carried the aspirations of the United States' citizens and had delivered \"a moment of human achievement that", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290675", "text": "their own analysis. Armstrong found Ford's analysis \"persuasive.\" Linguists David Beaver and Mark Liberman wrote of their skepticism of Ford's claims on the blog Language Log. A 2016 peer-reviewed study again concluded Armstrong had included the article. NASA's transcript continues to show the \"a\" in parentheses. When Armstrong made his proclamation, Voice of America was rebroadcast live via the BBC and many other stations worldwide. An estimated 530 million people viewed the event, out of a world population of approximately 3.6 billion. About 20 minutes after Armstrong's first step, Aldrin joined him on the surface, becoming the second human to", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290690", "text": "take men he deemed the \"greatest explorers\" to the North Pole. The group included Armstrong, Edmund Hillary, Hillary's son Peter, Steve Fossett, and Patrick Morrow. They arrived at the Pole on April 6, 1985. Armstrong said he was curious to see what it looked like from the ground, as he had seen it only from the Moon. He did not inform the media of the trip, preferring to keep it private. In 2010, Armstrong voiced the character of Dr. Jack Morrow in \"\", an animated educational sci-fi adventure film initiated by JPL/NASA through a grant from Jet Propulsion Lab. Between", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290685", "text": "to the explosion. Cortright's report recommended the entire tank be redesigned at a cost of $40 million. Many NASA managers, including Armstrong, opposed the recommendation, since only the thermostat switch had caused the problem. They lost the argument and the tanks were redesigned. In 1986, President Ronald Reagan asked Armstrong to join the Rogers Commission investigating the destruction of the Space Shuttle \"Challenger\". Armstrong was made vice chairman of the commission, and held private interviews with contacts he had developed over the years to help determine the cause of the disaster. He helped limit the committee's recommendations to nine, believing", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290644", "text": "was co-sponsored by NASA. After he returned from Seattle on June 4, he applied to become an astronaut. His application arrived about a week past the June 1, 1962, deadline, but Dick Day, a flight simulator expert with whom Armstrong had worked closely at Edwards, saw the late arrival of the application and slipped it into the pile before anyone noticed. At Brooks Air Force Base at the end of June, Armstrong underwent a medical exam that many of the applicants described as painful and at times seemingly pointless. NASA's Director of Flight Crew Operations, Deke Slayton, called Armstrong on", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290706", "text": "Sylvanus Thayer Award by the United States Military Academy (1971); the Congressional Space Medal of Honor from President Jimmy Carter (1978); the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy from the National Aeronautic Association (2001); and a Congressional Gold Medal (2011). Armstrong and his Apollo 11 crewmates were the 1999 recipients of the Langley Gold Medal from the Smithsonian Institution. On April 18, 2006, he received NASA's Ambassador of Exploration Award. The Space Foundation named Armstrong as a recipient of its 2013 General James E. Hill Lifetime Space Achievement Award. Armstrong was also inducted into the Aerospace Walk of Honor, the National Aviation", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "18920581", "text": "Illinois House of Representatives, representing Will and Grundy counties. Armstrong was a war Democrat and always favored the Union, being a friend of both President Lincoln and Senator Stephen A. Douglas. During the war he took on the duty of procuring horses for the army. In 1863 he was admitted to the bar, and formed the law partnership Olin and Armstrong with Benjamin Olin. Olin withdrew from the firm in 1870, and Armstrong ran the firm as sole proprietor from that time forward. In 1872 he was elected to the 28th Illinois General Assembly. In his later life he wrote", "title": "Perry A. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "19503393", "text": "Erika Armstrong Erika Armstrong (née Hagen; born July 9, 1968) is a commercial airline pilot, published author, editor, aviation journalist and professor of aviation science. Armstrong is the author of the bestselling book \"A Chick in the Cockpit: My Life Up in the Air\", which was published by Behler Publications in 2016. Armstrong was born in Seattle, Washington, and given up for adoption to Geraldine and Charles Hagen. At age five, she moved with her family to Edina, Minnesota. In 1986, at age 17, Armstrong graduated from Edina High School, where she was the yearbook editor. She attended the University", "title": "Erika Armstrong" }, { "docid": "5245804", "text": "wear a cast for three months. On October 16, 1973, Armstrong was honoured in a ceremony at the Detroit Olympia for officiating his 1,314th game, which broke the previous record set by George Hayes. In total, Armstrong officiated a total of 1,744 games and retired in 1978. After retiring, he became a scout for the Montreal Canadiens. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame as an official in 1991. His son, Doug Armstrong, later became General Manager of the Dallas Stars. Following his tenure with Dallas, Doug became the Executive VP and General Manager of the St. Louis", "title": "Neil Armstrong (ice hockey)" }, { "docid": "19598878", "text": "Force Base. After two years in flight test, Armstrong prepared for a combat tour in Southeast Asia by completing F-105 combat crew training at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. He was assigned to the 34th Fighter Squadron based at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand where he flew 100 combat missions in the F-105. In July 1968, Armstrong returned to flight test as an instructor and later as the deputy commandant at the Aerospace Research Pilot School. In August 1971, Armstrong attended the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and graduated in May 1972. After a", "title": "Spence M. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "12332277", "text": "Fraternity and played and lettered on both the varsity basketball and football teams, and continued as a life member of the Indiana University Alumni Association as well as the Indiana University Varsity Club and I-Mens Association. Armstrong also completed Post Graduate Coursework at Purdue University; Harvard Leadership Institutes; University of California; University of Saint Francis; Indiana-Purdue Universities; Indiana State University. From 1944-1945, Armstrong served in the United States Army Air Forces. He was training as a pilot to fight in World War II when the war ended, cutting his military service short. Bob was an active member of his local", "title": "Robert E. Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290681", "text": "\"a bit Victorian in nature\". At the end of the day, he was surprised to view a delayed video of the launch of Soyuz 9 as it had not occurred to Armstrong that the mission was taking place, even though Valentina Tereshkova had been his host and her husband, Andriyan Nikolayev, was on board. Shortly after Apollo 11, Armstrong announced that he did not plan to fly in space again. He was appointed Deputy Associate Administrator for Aeronautics for the Office of Advanced Research and Technology at ARPA, served in the position for a year, then resigned from it and", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290628", "text": "hauled back to Lafayette on a trailer. He was a baritone player in the Purdue All-American Marching Band. Ten years later he was made an honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi national band honorary fraternity. Armstrong graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering in January 1955. In 1970 he completed his Master of Science degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC). He would eventually be awarded honorary doctorates by several universities. Armstrong met Janet Elizabeth Shearon, who was majoring in home economics, at a party hosted by Alpha Chi Omega. According to the", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "3332534", "text": "Medal with seven oak leaf clusters. After World War II, Walker separated from the Army Air Force and joined the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio, as an experimental physicist. While in Cleveland, Walker became a test pilot, and he conducted icing research in flight, as well as in the NACA icing wind tunnel. He transferred to the High-Speed Flight Research Station in Edwards, California, in 1951. Walker served for 15 years at the Edwards Flight Research Facility - now called the Neil A. Armstrong Flight Research Center. By the mid-1950s, he was", "title": "Joseph A. Walker" }, { "docid": "290618", "text": "Wapakoneta airfield. He earned a student flight certificate on his sixteenth birthday, then soloed in August, all before he had a driver's license. He was active in the Boy Scouts and earned the rank of Eagle Scout. As an adult, he was recognized by the Boy Scouts of America with its Distinguished Eagle Scout Award and Silver Buffalo Award. On July 18, 1969, while flying toward the Moon, Armstrong greeted the Scouts. Among the few personal items that he carried with him to the Moon and back was a World Scout Badge. In 1947, at age 17, Armstrong began studying", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290651", "text": "earlier advice of Mission Control, they undocked, but the roll increased dramatically until they were turning about once per second, indicating a problem with Gemini's attitude control. Armstrong engaged the Reentry Control System (RCS) and turned off the OAMS. Mission rules dictated that once this system was turned on, the spacecraft had to reenter at the next possible opportunity. It was later thought that damaged wiring caused one of the thrusters to stick in the on position. A few people in the Astronaut Office, including Walter Cunningham, felt Armstrong and Scott \"had botched their first mission\". There was speculation that", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290694", "text": "political parties, he declined the offers. He described his political leanings as favoring states' rights and opposing the United States acting as the \"world's policeman\". When Armstrong applied at a local Methodist church to lead a Boy Scout troop in the late 1950s, he gave his religious affiliation as \"deist\". His mother later said that Armstrong's religious views caused her grief and distress in later life, as she was more religious. In the early 1980s, Armstrong was the subject of a hoax saying that he converted to Islam after hearing the \"adhan\", the Muslim call to prayer, while walking on", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290639", "text": "wheels became stuck and they had to wait for rescue. As Armstrong told the story, Yeager never tried to talk him out of it and they made a first successful landing on the east side of the lake. Then Yeager told him to try again, this time a bit slower. On the second landing, they became stuck, provoking Yeager to fits of laughter. On May 21, 1962, Armstrong was involved in the \"Nellis Affair\". He was sent in an F-104 to inspect Delamar Dry Lake in southern Nevada, again for emergency landings. He misjudged his altitude, and did not realize", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290674", "text": "would grant me leeway for dropping the syllable and understand that it was certainly intended, even if it was not said—although it might actually have been\". There have since been claims and counter-claims about whether acoustic analysis of the recording reveals the presence of the missing \"a\"; Peter Shann Ford, an Australian computer programmer, conducted a digital audio analysis and claims that Armstrong did say \"a man\", but the \"a\" was inaudible due to the limitations of communications technology of the time. Ford and James R. Hansen, Armstrong's authorized biographer, presented these findings to Armstrong and NASA representatives, who conducted", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290693", "text": "the letters should be written by people who knew the scout. (In 2003, he received 950 congratulation requests.) This contributed to the myth of his reclusiveness. Armstrong's family described him as a \"reluctant American hero\". Recalling Armstrong's humility, John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth, told CNN: \"[Armstrong] didn't feel that he should be out huckstering himself. He was a humble person, and that's the way he remained after his lunar flight, as well as before.\" Some former astronauts, including Glenn and Harrison Schmitt, sought political careers after leaving NASA; but although Armstrong was approached by groups from both", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290638", "text": "November 30, 1960, and July 26, 1962. He reached a top speed of Mach 5.74 () in the X-15-1, and left the Flight Research Center with a total of 2,400 flying hours. On April 24, 1962, Armstrong flew for the only time with Chuck Yeager. Their job, flying a T-33, was to evaluate Smith Ranch Dry Lake in Nevada for use as an emergency landing site for the X-15. In his autobiography, Yeager wrote that he knew the lake bed was unsuitable for landings after recent rains, but Armstrong insisted on flying out anyway. As they attempted a touch-and-go, the", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290635", "text": "X-1B. He flew the North American X-15 seven times, including the first flight with the Q-ball system, the first flight of the number 3 X-15 airframe, and the first flight of the MH-96 adaptive flight control system. He became an employee of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) when it was established on October 1, 1958, absorbing NACA. Armstrong was involved in several incidents that went down in Edwards folklore or were chronicled in the memoirs of colleagues. During his sixth X-15 flight on April 20, 1962, when Armstrong was testing the MH-96 control system, he flew to a", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290645", "text": "September 13, 1962, and asked whether he would be interested in joining the NASA Astronaut Corps as part of what the press dubbed \"the New Nine\"; without hesitation, Armstrong said yes. The selections were kept secret until three days later, although newspaper reports had circulated since earlier that year that he would be selected as the \"first civilian astronaut\". Armstrong was one of two civilian pilots selected for this group; the other was Elliot See, another former naval aviator. NASA announced the selection of the second group at a press conference on September 17, 1962. Compared with the Mercury Seven", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290687", "text": "wife attended the memorial service for the victims of the Space Shuttle \"Columbia\" disaster in 2003, at the invitation of President George W. Bush. After Armstrong retired from NASA in 1971, he acted as a spokesman for several businesses. The first company to successfully approach him was Chrysler, for whom he appeared in advertising starting in January 1979. Armstrong thought they had a strong engineering division, and they were in financial difficulty. He later acted as a spokesman for other American companies, including General Time Corporation and the Bankers Association of America. He only acted as a spokesman for American", "title": "Neil Armstrong" }, { "docid": "290692", "text": "inside the Beltway are the ones that have the problems.\" Andrew Chaikin says in \"A Man on the Moon\" that Armstrong kept a low profile but was not a recluse, citing his participation in interviews, advertisements for Chrysler, and hosting a cable television series. Armstrong used to autograph everything except first day covers. Around 1993, he found out his signatures were being sold online, and that most of them were forgeries, and stopped giving autographs. For many years, he wrote letters congratulating new Eagle Scouts on their accomplishment, but decided to quit the practice in the 1990s because he felt", "title": "Neil Armstrong" } ]
Which element along with polonium did the Curies discover?
[ "Radium", "Radium (Ra)", "Ra-226", "Element 88" ]
[ { "docid": "313421", "text": "the Curies while they were investigating the cause of pitchblende radioactivity. Pitchblende, after removal of the radioactive elements uranium and thorium, was more radioactive than the uranium and thorium combined. This spurred the Curies to search for additional radioactive elements. They first separated out polonium from pitchblende in July 1898, and five months later, also isolated radium. German scientist Willy Marckwald successfully isolated 3 milligrams of polonium in 1902, though at the time he believed it was a new element, which he dubbed \"radio-tellurium\", and it was not until 1905 that it was demonstrated to be the same as polonium.", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "4465576", "text": "element among the fractions that resulted. Working with the mineral pitchblende, the pair discovered a new radioactive element in 1898. They named the element polonium, after Marie's native country of Poland. On December 21, 1898, the Curies detected the presence of another radioactive material in the pitchblende. They presented this finding to the French Academy of Sciences on December 26, proposing that the new element be called radium. The Curies then went to work isolating polonium and radium from naturally occurring compounds to prove that they were new elements. In 1902, the Curies announced that they had produced a decigram", "title": "History of chemistry" }, { "docid": "313420", "text": "years) can be made through the alpha, proton, or deuteron bombardment of lead or bismuth in a cyclotron. Tentatively called \"radium F\", polonium was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898, and was named after Marie Curie's native land of Poland (). Poland at the time was under Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian partition, and did not exist as an independent country. It was Curie's hope that naming the element after her native land would publicize its lack of independence. Polonium may be the first element named to highlight a political controversy. This element was the first one discovered by", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "278892", "text": "doubt, the Curies sought to isolate polonium and radium in pure form. Pitchblende is a complex mineral; the chemical separation of its constituents was an arduous task. The discovery of polonium had been relatively easy; chemically it resembles the element bismuth, and polonium was the only bismuth-like substance in the ore. Radium, however, was more elusive; it is closely related chemically to barium, and pitchblende contains both elements. By 1898 the Curies had obtained traces of radium, but appreciable quantities, uncontaminated with barium, were still beyond reach. The Curies undertook the arduous task of separating out radium salt by differential", "title": "Marie Curie" }, { "docid": "313423", "text": "initiator was classified until the 1960s. The Atomic Energy Commission and the Manhattan Project funded human experiments using polonium on five people at the University of Rochester between 1943 and 1947. The people were administered between of polonium to study its excretion. Polonium is a very rare element in nature because of the short half-life of all its isotopes. Po, Po, and Po appear in the decay chain of U; thus polonium can be found in uranium ores at about 0.1 mg per metric ton (1 part in 10), which is approximately 0.2% of the abundance of radium. The amounts", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313424", "text": "in the Earth's crust are not harmful. Polonium has been found in tobacco smoke from tobacco leaves grown with phosphate fertilizers. Because it is present in small concentrations, isolation of polonium from natural sources is a tedious process. The largest batch of the element ever extracted, performed in the first half of the 20th century, contained only (9 mg) of polonium-210 and was obtained by processing 37 tonnes of residues from radium production. Polonium is now usually obtained by irradiating bismuth with high-energy neutrons or protons. In 1934, an experiment showed that when natural Bi is bombarded with neutrons, Bi", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313440", "text": "subjects were chosen because experimenters wanted persons who had not been exposed to polonium either through work or accident. All subjects had incurable diseases. Excretion of polonium was followed, and an autopsy was conducted at that time on the deceased patient to determine which organs absorbed the polonium. Patients' ages ranged from 'early thirties' to 'early forties'. The experiments were described in Chapter 3 of Biological Studies with Polonium, Radium, and Plutonium, National Nuclear Energy Series, Volume VI-3, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950. Not specified is the isotope under study, but at the time polonium-210 was the most readily available polonium", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "278891", "text": "was present in such minute quantities that they would eventually have to process tons of the ore. In July 1898, Curie and her husband published a joint paper announcing the existence of an element which they named \"polonium\", in honour of her native Poland, which would for another twenty years remain partitioned among three empires (Russian, Austrian, and Prussian). On 26 December 1898, the Curies announced the existence of a second element, which they named \"radium\", from the Latin word for \"ray\". In the course of their research, they also coined the word \"radioactivity\". To prove their discoveries beyond any", "title": "Marie Curie" }, { "docid": "345265", "text": "components: compounds of barium, which gave a brilliant green flame color, and unknown radioactive compounds which gave carmine spectral lines that had never been documented before. The Curies found the radioactive compounds to be very similar to the barium compounds, except that they were more insoluble. This made it possible for the Curies to separate out the radioactive compounds and discover a new element in them. The Curies announced their discovery to the French Academy of Sciences on 26 December 1898. The naming of radium dates to about 1899, from the French word \"radium\", formed in Modern Latin from \"radius\"", "title": "Radium" }, { "docid": "345264", "text": "seventh of a gram of radium. One kilogram of the Earth's crust contains about 900 picograms of radium, and one liter of sea water contains about 89 femtograms of radium. Radium was discovered by Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her husband Pierre Curie on 21 December 1898, in a uraninite (pitchblende) sample. While studying the mineral earlier, the Curies removed uranium from it and found that the remaining material was still radioactive. They separated out an element similar to bismuth from pitchblende in July 1898, that turned out to be polonium. They then separated out a radioactive mixture consisting mostly of two", "title": "Radium" }, { "docid": "313431", "text": "were marketed by Firestone from 1940 to 1953. While the amount of radiation from the plugs was minuscule and not a threat to the consumer, the benefits of such plugs quickly diminished after approximately a month because of polonium's short half-life and because buildup on the conductors would block the radiation that improved engine performance. (The premise behind the polonium spark plug, as well as Alfred Matthew Hubbard's prototype radium plug that preceded it, was that the radiation would improve ionization of the fuel in the cylinder and thus allow the motor to fire more quickly and efficiently.) Polonium is", "title": "Polonium" } ]
[ { "docid": "313413", "text": "and sources of neutrons and alpha particles. This radioactivity makes polonium dangerously toxic. Po is an alpha emitter that has a half-life of 138.4 days; it decays directly to its stable daughter isotope, Pb. A milligram (5 curies) of Po emits about as many alpha particles per second as 5 grams of Ra. A few curies (1 curie equals 37 gigabecquerels, 1 Ci = 37 GBq) of Po emit a blue glow which is caused by ionisation of the surrounding air. About one in 100,000 alpha emissions causes an excitation in the nucleus which then results in the emission of", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313449", "text": "decay of radium-226 from fertilizers applied to the tobacco soils. The presence of polonium in tobacco smoke has been known since the early 1960s. Some of the world's biggest tobacco firms researched ways to remove the substance—to no avail—over a 40-year period. The results were never published. Polonium is found in the food chain, especially in seafood. Polonium Polonium is a chemical element with symbol Po and atomic number 84. A rare and highly radioactive metal with no stable isotopes, polonium is chemically similar to selenium and tellurium, though its metallic character resembles that of its horizontal neighbors in the", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313412", "text": "Today, polonium is usually produced in milligram quantities by the neutron irradiation of bismuth. Due to its intense radioactivity, which results in the radiolysis of chemical bonds and radioactive self-heating, its chemistry has mostly been investigated on the trace scale only. Polonium was discovered in 1898 by Marie and Pierre Curie, when it was extracted from uranium ore and identified solely by its strong radioactivity: it was the first element to be so discovered. Polonium was named after Marie Curie's homeland of Poland. Polonium has few applications, and those are related to its radioactivity: heaters in space probes, antistatic devices,", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313447", "text": "radioactive noble gas radon-222, some of which, during its 3.8-day half-life, diffuses into the atmosphere. There it decays through several more steps to polonium-210, much of which, during its 138-day half-life, is washed back down to the Earth's surface, thus entering the biosphere, before finally decaying to stable lead-206. As early as the 1920s Antoine Lacassagne, using polonium provided by his colleague Marie Curie, showed that the element has a specific pattern of uptake in rabbit tissues, with high concentrations, particularly in liver, kidney, and testes. More recent evidence suggests that this behavior results from polonium substituting for its congener", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313448", "text": "sulfur, also in group 16 of the periodic table, in sulfur-containing amino-acids or related molecules and that similar patterns of distribution occur in human tissues. Polonium is indeed an element naturally present in all humans, contributing appreciably to natural background dose, with wide geographical and cultural variations, and particularly high levels in arctic residents, for example. Polonium-210 in tobacco contributes to many of the cases of lung cancer worldwide. Most of this polonium is derived from lead-210 deposited on tobacco leaves from the atmosphere; the lead-210 is a product of radon-222 gas, much of which appears to originate from the", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313411", "text": "Polonium Polonium is a chemical element with symbol Po and atomic number 84. A rare and highly radioactive metal with no stable isotopes, polonium is chemically similar to selenium and tellurium, though its metallic character resembles that of its horizontal neighbors in the periodic table: thallium, lead, and bismuth. Due to the short half-life of all its isotopes, its natural occurrence is limited to tiny traces of the fleeting polonium-210 (with a half-life of 138 days) in uranium ores, as it is the penultimate daughter of natural uranium-238. Though slightly longer-lived isotopes exist, they are much more difficult to produce.", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "16585950", "text": "that polonium trioxide may be formed by heating polonium dioxide and chromium trioxide together in air. It is very difficult to oxidize polonium beyond Po(IV); for example, the only hexahalide of polonium is the hexafluoride, PoF, and fluorine is already the most electronegative element (though polonium hexaiodide was once reportedly formed in the vapour phase, it immediately decomposed). However, the difficulty in obtaining polonium trioxide and polonates (containing the anion, analogous to sulfate, selenate, and tellurate) by direct oxidation of Po(IV) compounds may be due to the fact that polonium-210, while the most easily available isotope of polonium, is strongly", "title": "Polonium trioxide" }, { "docid": "313414", "text": "a gamma ray with a maximum energy of 803 keV. Polonium is a radioactive element that exists in two metallic allotropes. The alpha form is the only known example of a simple cubic crystal structure in a single atom basis at STP, with an edge length of 335.2 picometers; the beta form is rhombohedral. The structure of polonium has been characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction. Po (in common with Pu) has the ability to become airborne with ease: if a sample is heated in air to , 50% of it is vaporized in 45 hours to form diatomic", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "1533347", "text": "element with the symbol Po and atomic number 84, discovered in 1898 by Marie Skłodowska-Curie and Pierre Curie. A rare and highly radioactive element, polonium is chemically similar to bismuth and tellurium, and it occurs in uraniumores. Polonium has been studied for possible use in heating spacecraft. As it is unstable, all isotopes of polonium are radioactive. There is disagreement as to whether polonium is a post-transition metal or metalloid. Astatine is a radioactive chemical element with the symbol At and atomic number 85. It occurs on the Earth only as the result of decay of heavier elements, and decays", "title": "Period 6 element" }, { "docid": "313441", "text": "isotope. The DoE factsheet submitted for this experiment reported no follow up on these subjects. It has also been suggested that Irène Joliot-Curie was the first person to die from the radiation effects of polonium. She was accidentally exposed to polonium in 1946 when a sealed capsule of the element exploded on her laboratory bench. In 1956, she died from leukemia. According to the 2008 book \"The Bomb in the Basement\", several deaths in Israel during 1957–1969 were caused by Po. A leak was discovered at a Weizmann Institute laboratory in 1957. Traces of Po were found on the hands", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313444", "text": "conclusions could not be drawn as to whether the Palestinian leader was poisoned or not\", and that \"the only way to confirm the findings would be to exhume Arafat's body to test it for polonium-210.\" On 27 November 2012 Arafat's body was exhumed, and samples were taken for separate analysis by experts from France, Switzerland and Russia. On 12 October 2013, \"The Lancet\" published the group's finding that high levels of the element were found in Arafat's blood, urine, and in saliva stains on his clothes and toothbrush. The French tests later found some polonium but stated it was from", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "13878108", "text": "lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH), which only produces elemental polonium, and the reaction of hydrochloric acid with magnesium polonide (MgPo). The fact that these synthesis routes do not work may be caused by the radiolysis of polonium hydride upon formation. Trace quantities of polonium hydride may be prepared by reacting hydrochloric acid with polonium-plated magnesium foil. In addition, the diffusion of trace quantities of polonium in palladium or platinum that is saturated with hydrogen (see palladium hydride) may be due to the formation and migration of polonium hydride. Experiments conducted on the trace scale show indications that the reaction between polonium", "title": "Polonium hydride" }, { "docid": "13878112", "text": "Polonium hydride Polonium hydride (also known as polonium dihydride, hydrogen polonide, or polane) is a chemical compound with the formula PoH. It is a liquid at room temperature, the second hydrogen chalcogenide with this property after water. It is very unstable chemically and tends to decompose into elemental polonium and hydrogen; like all polonium compounds, it is highly radioactive. It is a volatile and very labile compound, from which many polonides can be derived. Polonium hydride cannot be produced by direct reaction from the elements upon heating. Other unsuccessful routes to synthesis include the reaction of polonium tetrachloride (PoCl) with", "title": "Polonium hydride" }, { "docid": "13878107", "text": "Polonium hydride Polonium hydride (also known as polonium dihydride, hydrogen polonide, or polane) is a chemical compound with the formula PoH. It is a liquid at room temperature, the second hydrogen chalcogenide with this property after water. It is very unstable chemically and tends to decompose into elemental polonium and hydrogen; like all polonium compounds, it is highly radioactive. It is a volatile and very labile compound, from which many polonides can be derived. Polonium hydride cannot be produced by direct reaction from the elements upon heating. Other unsuccessful routes to synthesis include the reaction of polonium tetrachloride (PoCl) with", "title": "Polonium hydride" }, { "docid": "313422", "text": "In the United States, polonium was produced as part of the Manhattan Project's Dayton Project during World War II. It was a critical part of the implosion-type nuclear weapon design used in the Fat Man bomb on Nagasaki in 1945. Polonium and beryllium were the key ingredients of the 'urchin' detonator at the center of the bomb's spherical plutonium pit. The urchin ignited the nuclear chain reaction at the moment of prompt-criticality to ensure the bomb did not fizzle. Much of the basic physics of polonium was classified until after the war. The fact that it was used as an", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313416", "text": "polonium ionizes the solvent and converts Po into Po. This process is accompanied by bubbling and emission of heat and light by glassware due to the absorbed alpha particles; as a result, polonium solutions are volatile and will evaporate within days unless sealed. At pH about 1, polonium ions are readily hydrolyzed and complexed by acids such as oxalic acid, citric acid, and tartaric acid. Polonium has no common compounds, and almost all of its compounds are synthetically created; more than 50 of those are known. The most stable class of polonium compounds are polonides, which are prepared by direct", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313419", "text": "room temperature. Tetrahalides can be obtained by reacting polonium dioxide with HCl, HBr or HI. Other polonium compounds include potassium polonite as a polonite, polonate, acetate, bromate, carbonate, citrate, chromate, cyanide, formate, (II) and (IV) hydroxides, nitrate, selenate, selenite, monosulfide, sulfate, disulfate and sulfite. Oxides Hydrides Halides Polonium has 33 known isotopes, all of which are radioactive. They have atomic masses that range from 188 to 220 u. Po (half-life 138.376 days) is the most widely available and is made via neutron capture by natural bismuth. The longer-lived Po (half-life years, longest-lived of all polonium isotopes) and Po (half-life 2.9", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "16585951", "text": "radioactive. Similar work with curium shows that it is easier to achieve higher oxidation states with longer-lived isotopes; thus, it may be easier to obtain Po(VI) (especially polonium trioxide) using the longer-lived polonium-208 or polonium-209. It has been suggested that Po(VI) might be more stabilized in anions such as or , like other high oxidation states. Polonium trioxide Polonium trioxide (also known as polonium(VI) oxide) is a chemical compound with the formula PoO. It is one of three oxides of polonium, the other two being polonium monoxide (PoO) and polonium dioxide (PoO). It is an interchalcogen. It has so far", "title": "Polonium trioxide" }, { "docid": "16587972", "text": "the scarcity of polonium in nature and the high temperatures (250 °C) required to form the dioxide. Polonium dioxide is prepared by reacting elemental polonium with oxygen at 250 °C or by thermal decomposition of polonium(IV) hydroxide (PoO(OH)), polonium disulfate (Po(SO)), polonium selenate (Po(SeO)), or polonium tetranitrate (Po(NO)). When placed in hydrogen, polonium dioxide is slowly reduced to metallic polonium at 200 °C; the same reduction occurs at 250 °C in ammonia or hydrogen sulfide. When heated in sulfur dioxide at 250 °C, a white compound is formed, possibly a polonium sulfite. When polonium dioxide is hydrated, polonous acid (HPoO),", "title": "Polonium dioxide" }, { "docid": "13878111", "text": "selenol and tellurol). However, no salts from polonium hydride are known. An example of a polonide is lead polonide (PbPo), which occurs naturally as lead is formed in the alpha decay of polonium. Polonium hydride is difficult to work with due to the extreme radioactivity of polonium and its compounds and has only been prepared in very dilute tracer quantities. As a result, its physical properties are not definitely known. It is also unknown if polonium hydride forms an acidic solution in water like its lighter homologues, or if it behaves more like a metal hydride (see also hydrogen astatide).", "title": "Polonium hydride" }, { "docid": "313430", "text": "and similar authorities as they are not considered hazardous. Small amounts of Po are manufactured for sale to the public in the United States as 'needle sources' for laboratory experimentation, and they are retailed by scientific supply companies. The polonium is a layer of plating which in turn is plated with a material such as gold, which allows the alpha radiation (used in experiments such as cloud chambers) to pass while preventing the polonium from being released and presenting a toxic hazard. According to United Nuclear, they typically sell between four and eight such sources per year. Polonium spark plugs", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "16587482", "text": "Polonium tetrachloride forms a complex with two moles of tributyl phosphate. Like selenium tetrachloride and tellurium tetrachloride, polonium tetrachloride forms and halogen complexes. Polonium tetrachloride Polonium tetrachloride (also known as polonium(IV) chloride) is a chemical compound with the formula PoCl. It is a hygroscopic bright yellow crystalline solid at room temperature. Above 200 °C, it tends to decompose into polonium dichloride and excess chlorine, similar to selenium tetrachloride and tellurium tetrachloride. Polonium tetrachloride is either monoclinic or triclinic. Polonium tetrachloride is bright yellow at room temperature. At its melting point (300 °C), it becomes straw yellow, and at its boiling", "title": "Polonium tetrachloride" }, { "docid": "16587970", "text": "Polonium dioxide Polonium dioxide (also known as polonium(IV) oxide) is a chemical compound with the formula PoO. It is one of three oxides of polonium, the other two being polonium monoxide (PoO) and polonium trioxide (PoO). It is a pale yellow crystalline solid at room temperature. Under lowered pressure (such as a vacuum), it decomposes into elemental polonium and oxygen at 500 °C. It is the most stable oxide of polonium and is an interchalcogen. At room temperature, polonium dioxide has a face-centered cubic (fluorite) crystal structure; upon heating to high temperatures, it crystallises in the tetragonal crystal system. The", "title": "Polonium dioxide" }, { "docid": "16585949", "text": "Polonium trioxide Polonium trioxide (also known as polonium(VI) oxide) is a chemical compound with the formula PoO. It is one of three oxides of polonium, the other two being polonium monoxide (PoO) and polonium dioxide (PoO). It is an interchalcogen. It has so far only been detected in traces. It has been reported that trace quantities of polonium trioxide form during the anodic deposition of polonium from acidic solutions; although there is no experimental evidence for this, the fact that the deposit dissolves in hydrogen peroxide suggests that it contains polonium in a high oxidation state. It has been predicted", "title": "Polonium trioxide" }, { "docid": "16587975", "text": "out. Gloves made of natural rubber do not provide sufficient protection against the radiation from polonium; surgical gloves are necessary. Neoprene gloves shield radiation from polonium better than natural rubber. Polonium dioxide Polonium dioxide (also known as polonium(IV) oxide) is a chemical compound with the formula PoO. It is one of three oxides of polonium, the other two being polonium monoxide (PoO) and polonium trioxide (PoO). It is a pale yellow crystalline solid at room temperature. Under lowered pressure (such as a vacuum), it decomposes into elemental polonium and oxygen at 500 °C. It is the most stable oxide of", "title": "Polonium dioxide" }, { "docid": "313433", "text": "easily if polonium is ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, although they do not penetrate the epidermis and hence are not hazardous as long as the alpha particles remain outside the body. Wearing chemically resistant and intact gloves is a mandatory precaution to avoid transcutaneous diffusion of polonium directly through the skin. Polonium delivered in concentrated nitric acid can easily diffuse through inadequate gloves (e.g., latex gloves) or the acid may damage the gloves. It has been reported that some microbes can methylate polonium by the action of methylcobalamin. This is similar to the way in which mercury, selenium, and tellurium are", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "3115545", "text": "firings. More efficient weapons would require less efficient initiators. This meant that less polonium would be required. At the time of Sandstone, the national stockpile of polonium-beryllium initiators consisted of 50 A-Class initiators, with more than 25 curies of polonium, and 13 B-Class initiators with 12 to 25 curies. During Sandstone, at least one test would be conducted with a B-Class initiator. The tests were authorized by President Harry S. Truman on June 27, 1947. The Atomic Energy Commission's Director of Military Applications, Brigadier General James McCormack and his deputy, Captain James S. Russell, met with Bradbury and John Manley", "title": "Operation Sandstone" }, { "docid": "16587481", "text": "Polonium tetrachloride Polonium tetrachloride (also known as polonium(IV) chloride) is a chemical compound with the formula PoCl. It is a hygroscopic bright yellow crystalline solid at room temperature. Above 200 °C, it tends to decompose into polonium dichloride and excess chlorine, similar to selenium tetrachloride and tellurium tetrachloride. Polonium tetrachloride is either monoclinic or triclinic. Polonium tetrachloride is bright yellow at room temperature. At its melting point (300 °C), it becomes straw yellow, and at its boiling point (390 °C), it becomes scarlet. Its vapours are purple-brown until 500 °C, when they turn blue-green. Polonium tetrachloride may be prepared by:", "title": "Polonium tetrachloride" }, { "docid": "313415", "text": "Po molecules, even though the melting point of polonium is and its boiling point is . More than one hypothesis exists for how polonium does this; one suggestion is that small clusters of polonium atoms are spalled off by the alpha decay. The chemistry of polonium is similar to that of tellurium, although it also shows some similarities to its neighbor bismuth due to its metallic character. Polonium dissolves readily in dilute acids but is only slightly soluble in alkalis. Polonium solutions are first colored in pink by the Po ions, but then rapidly become yellow because alpha radiation from", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "13878110", "text": "and hydrogen selenide, and decomposes into its constituent elements, releasing heat in the process. The amount of heat given off in the decomposition of polonium hydride is over 100 kJ/mol, the largest of all the hydrogen chalcogenides. Polonium hydride is a liquid due to van der Waals forces, and not due to the same reason as why water (hydrogen oxide) is liquid (hydrogen bonding). It is predicted that, like the other hydrogen chalcogenides, polonium may form two types of salts: polonide (containing the Po anion) and one from polonium hydride (containing –PoH, which would be the polonium analogue of thiol,", "title": "Polonium hydride" }, { "docid": "313438", "text": "purchases of more than of polonium-210 (enough to make up 5,000 lethal doses). The IAEA \"is said to be considering tighter regulations ... There is talk that it might tighten the polonium reporting requirement by a factor of 10, to .\" As of 2013, this is still the only alpha emitting byproduct material available, as a NRC Exempt Quantity, which may be held without a radioactive material license. Polonium and its compounds must be handled in a glove box, which is further enclosed in another box, maintained at a slightly higher pressure than the glove box to prevent the radioactive", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "16587974", "text": "reaction of polonium dioxide with potassium hydroxide or potassium nitrate in air gives the colourless potassium polonite (KPoO): Polonium dioxide is closely related to the polonite anion (), similar to the relationship between polonium trioxide and the polonate anion (). Polonium dioxide has no uses outside of basic research. All polonium compounds, such as polonium dioxide, are extremely radioactive and thus must be handled in a glove box. The glove box must further be enclosed in another box similar to the glove box, maintained at a slightly lower pressure than the glove box to prevent the radioactive materials from leaking", "title": "Polonium dioxide" }, { "docid": "313439", "text": "materials from leaking out. Gloves made of natural rubber do not provide sufficient protection against the radiation from polonium; surgical gloves are necessary. Neoprene gloves shield radiation from polonium better than natural rubber. Polonium was administered to humans for experimental purposes from 1943 to 1947; it was injected into four hospitalised patients, and orally given to a fifth. Studies such as this were funded by the Manhattan Project and the AEC and conducted at the University of Rochester. The objective was to obtain data on human excretion of polonium to correlate with more extensive data from rats. Patients selected as", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "16587973", "text": "a pale yellow, voluminous precipitate, is formed. Despite its name, polonous acid is an amphoteric compound, reacting with both acids and bases. Halogenation of polonium dioxide with the hydrogen halides yields the polonium tetrahalides: In reactions, polonium dioxide behaves very much like its homologue tellurium dioxide, forming Po(IV) salts; however, the acidic character of the chalcogen oxides decreases going down the group, and polonium dioxide and polonium(IV) hydroxide are much less acidic than their lighter homologues. For example, SO, SO, SeO, SeO and TeO are acidic, but TeO is amphoteric, and PoO, while amphoteric, even shows some basic character. The", "title": "Polonium dioxide" }, { "docid": "13551642", "text": "Polonium dichloride Polonium dichloride is a chemical compound of the radioactive metalloid polonium and chlorine. Its chemical formula is PoCl. Polonium dichloride appears to crystallise with an orthorhombic unit cell in either the \"P\"222, \"P\"mm2 or \"Pmmm\" space group, although this is likely a pseudo-cell. Alternatively, the true space group may be monoclinic or triclinic, with one or more cell angles close to 90°. Assuming the space group is \"P\"222, the structure exhibits distorted cubic coordination of Po as {PoCl} and distorted square planar coordination of Cl as {ClPo}. PoCl can be obtained either by halogenation of polonium metal or", "title": "Polonium dichloride" }, { "docid": "313436", "text": "general population is exposed to small amounts of polonium as a radon daughter in indoor air; the isotopes Po and Po are thought to cause the majority of the estimated 15,000–22,000 lung cancer deaths in the US every year that have been attributed to indoor radon. Tobacco smoking causes additional exposure to polonium. The maximum allowable body burden for ingested Po is only , which is equivalent to a particle massing only 6.8 picograms. The maximum permissible workplace concentration of airborne Po is about 10 Bq/m ( µCi/cm). The target organs for polonium in humans are the spleen and liver.", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313417", "text": "reaction of two elements. NaPo has the antifluorite structure, the polonides of Ca, Ba, Hg, Pb and lanthanides form a NaCl lattice, BePo and CdPo have the wurtzite and MgPo the nickel arsenide structure. Most polonides decompose upon heating to about 600 °C, except for HgPo that decomposes at ~300 °C and the lanthanide polonides, which do not decompose but melt at temperatures above 1000 °C. For example, PrPo melts at 1250 °C and TmPo at 2200 °C. PbPo is one of the very few naturally occurring polonium compounds, as polonium alpha decays to form lead. Polonium hydride () is", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "5874500", "text": "Isotopes of polonium Polonium (Po) has 33 isotopes, all of which are radioactive, with between 186 and 227 nucleons. Po with a half-life of 138.376 days has the longest half-life of naturally occurring polonium. Po with a half-life of 125 years has the longest half-life of all isotopes of polonium. Po and Po (half-life 2.9 years) can be made through the alpha, proton, or deuteron bombardment of lead or bismuth in a cyclotron. Po is an alpha emitter that has a half-life of 138.376 days; it decays directly to stable Pb. A milligram of Po emits as many alpha particles", "title": "Isotopes of polonium" }, { "docid": "313418", "text": "a volatile liquid at room temperature prone to dissociation; it is thermally unstable. Water is the only other known hydrogen chalcogenide which is a liquid at room temperature; however, this is due to hydrogen bonding. The two oxides PoO and PoO are the products of oxidation of polonium. Halides of the structure PoX, PoX and PoF are known. They are soluble in the corresponding hydrogen halides, i.e., PoCl in HCl, PoBr in HBr and PoI in HI. Polonium dihalides are formed by direct reaction of the elements or by reduction of PoCl with SO and with PoBr with HS at", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313425", "text": "is created, which then decays to Po via beta-minus decay. The final purification is done pyrochemically followed by liquid-liquid extraction techniques. Polonium may now be made in milligram amounts in this procedure which uses high neutron fluxes found in nuclear reactors. Only about 100 grams are produced each year, practically all of it in Russia, making polonium exceedingly rare. This process can cause problems in lead-bismuth based liquid metal cooled nuclear reactors such as those used in the Soviet Navy's K-27. Measures must be taken in these reactors to deal with the unwanted possibility of Po being released from the", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "13551644", "text": "red solution followed by a flaky white precipitate of unknown composition. Polonium dichloride Polonium dichloride is a chemical compound of the radioactive metalloid polonium and chlorine. Its chemical formula is PoCl. Polonium dichloride appears to crystallise with an orthorhombic unit cell in either the \"P\"222, \"P\"mm2 or \"Pmmm\" space group, although this is likely a pseudo-cell. Alternatively, the true space group may be monoclinic or triclinic, with one or more cell angles close to 90°. Assuming the space group is \"P\"222, the structure exhibits distorted cubic coordination of Po as {PoCl} and distorted square planar coordination of Cl as {ClPo}.", "title": "Polonium dichloride" }, { "docid": "313432", "text": "highly dangerous and has no biological role. By mass, polonium-210 is around 250,000 times more toxic than hydrogen cyanide (the for Po is less than 1 microgram for an average adult (see below) compared with about 250 milligrams for hydrogen cyanide). The main hazard is its intense radioactivity (as an alpha emitter), which makes it difficult to handle safely. Even in microgram amounts, handling Po is extremely dangerous, requiring specialized equipment (a negative pressure alpha glove box equipped with high-performance filters), adequate monitoring, and strict handling procedures to avoid any contamination. Alpha particles emitted by polonium will damage organic tissue", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313429", "text": "be bought in any amount under a \"general license\", which means that a buyer need not be registered by any authorities. Polonium needs to be replaced in these devices nearly every year because of its short half-life; it is also highly radioactive and therefore has been mostly replaced by less dangerous beta particle sources. Tiny amounts of Po are sometimes used in the laboratory and for teaching purposes—typically of the order of , in the form of sealed sources, with the polonium deposited on a substrate or in a resin or polymer matrix—are often exempt from licensing by the NRC", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "1533307", "text": "period 6 other metals are incredibly toxic, such as thallium. Period 6 contains the last stable element, lead. All subsequent elements in the periodic table are radioactive. After bismuth, which has a half-life or more than 10 years, polonium, astatine, and radon are some of the shortest-lived and rarest elements known; less than a gram of astatine is estimated to exist on earth at any given time. Caesium or cesium is the chemical element with the symbol Cs and atomic number 55. It is a soft, silvery-gold alkali metal with a melting point of 28 °C (82 °F), which makes", "title": "Period 6 element" }, { "docid": "313434", "text": "methylated in living things to create organometallic compounds. Studies investigating the metabolism of polonium-210 in rats have shown that only 0.002 to 0.009% of polonium-210 ingested is excreted as volatile polonium-210. The median lethal dose (LD) for acute radiation exposure is about 4.5 Sv. The committed effective dose equivalent Po is 0.51 µSv/Bq if ingested, and 2.5 µSv/Bq if inhaled. So a fatal 4.5 Sv dose can be caused by ingesting , about 50 nanograms (ng), or inhaling , about 10 ng. One gram of Po could thus in theory poison 20 million people of whom 10 million would die.", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "16587971", "text": "cubic form is pale yellow, while the tetragonal form is red. Polonium dioxide darkens upon heating, and is chocolate brown at its sublimation point, 885 °C. The ionic radius of the ion is 1.02 or 1.04 Å; thus, the ratio of the ionic radii / is about 0.73, the lower limit of stability for the cubic crystal system, allowing polonium dioxide to have two modifications. When freshly prepared, polonium dioxide is always in the tetragonal form, and changes to the cubic form after being left to stand or after being cooled strongly. Polonium dioxide does not occur naturally due to", "title": "Polonium dioxide" }, { "docid": "13878109", "text": "metal and nascent hydrogen may produce polonium hydride. Polonium hydride is a more covalent compound than most metal hydrides because polonium straddles the border between metals and metalloids and has some nonmetallic properties. It is intermediate between a hydrogen halide like hydrogen chloride and a metal hydride like stannane. It should have properties similar to that of hydrogen selenide and hydrogen telluride, other borderline hydrides. It is very unstable at room temperature and must be stored at freezer temperatures to prevent reversion to elemental polonium and hydrogen; this is because it is an endothermic compound, like the lighter hydrogen telluride", "title": "Polonium hydride" }, { "docid": "401232", "text": "short half-lives. The following elements do not occur naturally on Earth. All are transuranium elements and have atomic numbers of 95 and higher. All elements with atomic numbers 1 through 94 are naturally occurring at least in trace quantities, but the following elements are often produced through synthesis. Except for polonium, francium, actinium, and protactinium, they were all discovered through synthesis before being found in nature. Synthetic element In chemistry, a synthetic element is a chemical element that does not occur naturally on Earth, and can only be created artificially. So far, 24 synthetic elements have been created (those with", "title": "Synthetic element" }, { "docid": "313428", "text": "of this type, with an individual activity of , have been used annually in the Soviet Union. Polonium was also part of brushes or more complex tools that eliminate static charges in photographic plates, textile mills, paper rolls, sheet plastics, and on substrates (such as automotive) prior to the application of coatings. Alpha particles emitted by polonium ionize air molecules that neutralize charges on the nearby surfaces. Some anti-static brushes contain up to of Po as a source of charged particles for neutralizing static electricity. In the US, the devices with no more than of (sealed) Po per unit can", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "3115539", "text": "month. A \"Fat Man\" core required about of plutonium, of which 21% fissioned. Plutonium production fell off during 1946 due to swelling of the reactors' graphite neutron moderators. This is known as the Wigner effect, after its discoverer, the Manhattan Project scientist Eugene Wigner. These reactors were also required for the production (by irradiation of bismuth-209) of polonium-210, which was used in the initiators, a critical component of the nuclear weapons. Some of bismuth-209 had to be irradiated for 100 days to produce 600 curies of polonium-210, a little over . Because polonium-210 has a half-life of only 138 days,", "title": "Operation Sandstone" }, { "docid": "313426", "text": "coolant. The longer-lived isotopes of polonium, Po and Po, can be formed by proton or deuteron bombardment of bismuth using a cyclotron. Other more neutron-rich and more unstable isotopes can be formed by the irradiation of platinum with carbon nuclei. Polonium-based sources of alpha particles were produced in the former Soviet Union. Such sources were applied for measuring the thickness of industrial coatings via attenuation of alpha radiation. Because of intense alpha radiation, a one-gram sample of Po will spontaneously heat up to above generating about 140 watts of power. Therefore, Po is used as an atomic heat source to", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313446", "text": "in biological specimens by alpha particle spectrometry to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in hospitalized patients or to provide evidence in a medicolegal death investigation. The baseline urinary excretion of polonium-210 in healthy persons due to routine exposure to environmental sources is normally in a range of 5–15 mBq/day. Levels in excess of 30 mBq/day are suggestive of excessive exposure to the radionuclide. Polonium-210 is widespread in the biosphere, including in human tissues, because of its position in the uranium-238 decay chain. Natural uranium-238 in the Earth's crust decays through a series of solid radioactive intermediates including radium-226 to the", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "15429737", "text": "HPE Discover HPE Discover is the Hewlett Packard Enterprise showcase technology event for business and government customers. In 2011, HP Enterprise Business, along with participating independent user groups, combined its annual HP Software Universe, HP Technology Forum and HP Technology@Work into a single event, HP Discover. There are now two HPE Discover events annually, one for the Americas and one for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Since the split of Hewlett-Packard into HP Inc and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP Discover was replaced with HPE Discover focusing on the enterprise company's products and services. HP Discover 2011 Americas took place", "title": "HPE Discover" }, { "docid": "2669161", "text": "Discover Card Discover is a credit card brand issued primarily in the United States. It was introduced by Sears in 1985. When launched, Discover did not charge an annual fee and offered a higher-than-normal credit limit, features that were disruptive to the existing credit card industry. A subsequent innovation was \"Cashback Bonus\" on purchases. Most cards with the Discover brand are issued by Discover Bank, formerly the Greenwood Trust Company. Discover transactions are processed through the Discover Network payment network. In 2005, Discover Financial Services acquired Pulse, an electronic funds transfer network, allowing it to market and issue debit and", "title": "Discover Card" }, { "docid": "15429740", "text": "Messe Wien Congress Center, on November 29 through December 1, 2011. HPE Discover HPE Discover is the Hewlett Packard Enterprise showcase technology event for business and government customers. In 2011, HP Enterprise Business, along with participating independent user groups, combined its annual HP Software Universe, HP Technology Forum and HP Technology@Work into a single event, HP Discover. There are now two HPE Discover events annually, one for the Americas and one for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Since the split of Hewlett-Packard into HP Inc and Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP Discover was replaced with HPE Discover focusing on the", "title": "HPE Discover" }, { "docid": "262835", "text": "radioactive polonium was directed by Charles Allen Thomas of the Monsanto Company and became known as the Dayton Project. Testing required up to 500 curies per month of polonium, which Monsanto was able to deliver. The whole assembly was encased in a duralumin bomb casing to protect it from bullets and flak. The ultimate task of the metallurgists was to determine how to cast plutonium into a sphere. The difficulties became apparent when attempts to measure the density of plutonium gave inconsistent results. At first contamination was believed to be the cause, but it was soon determined that there were", "title": "Manhattan Project" }, { "docid": "19616895", "text": "chemistry and metallurgy of radioactive polonium was directed by Charles Allen Thomas of the Monsanto Company and became known as the Dayton Project. Testing required up to 500 curies per month of polonium, which Monsanto was able to deliver. The whole assembly was encased in a duralumin bomb casing to protect it from bullets and flak. The ultimate task of the metallurgists was to determine how to cast plutonium into a sphere. The brittle α phase that exists at room temperature changes to the plastic β phase at higher temperatures. Attention then shifted to the even more malleable δ phase", "title": "Project Y" }, { "docid": "313437", "text": "As the spleen (150 g) and the liver (1.3 to 3 kg) are much smaller than the rest of the body, if the polonium is concentrated in these vital organs, it is a greater threat to life than the dose which would be suffered (on average) by the whole body if it were spread evenly throughout the body, in the same way as caesium or tritium (as TO). Po is widely used in industry, and readily available with little regulation or restriction. In the US, a tracking system run by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was implemented in 2007 to register", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "10929933", "text": "the force of conventional explosives. The initiator used in the early devices, located at the center of the bomb's plutonium pit, consisted of a beryllium pellet, and a beryllium shell with polonium between the two. The pellet, 0.8 cm in diameter, was coated with nickel and then a layer of gold. The beryllium shell was of 2 cm outer diameter with wall thickness of 0.6 cm. The inner surface of that shell had 15 concentric, wedge-shaped latitudinal grooves and was, like the inner sphere, coated with gold and nickel. A small amount of polonium-210 (50 curies, 11 mg) was deposited", "title": "Modulated neutron initiator" }, { "docid": "4782840", "text": "galaxy. The Apocalypse Element The Apocalypse Element is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\". It forms the second serial in the Dalek Empire arc, following on from events in \"The Genocide Machine\". The arc continues in \"The Mutant Phase\" and concludes in \"The Time of the Daleks\". At a conference on Archetryx between major temporal powers, the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn discover that Romana has been missing for twenty years and that the Daleks' newest weapon — the Apocalypse Element — threatens not only the Time Lords but the", "title": "The Apocalypse Element" }, { "docid": "4782839", "text": "The Apocalypse Element The Apocalypse Element is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series \"Doctor Who\". It forms the second serial in the Dalek Empire arc, following on from events in \"The Genocide Machine\". The arc continues in \"The Mutant Phase\" and concludes in \"The Time of the Daleks\". At a conference on Archetryx between major temporal powers, the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn discover that Romana has been missing for twenty years and that the Daleks' newest weapon — the Apocalypse Element — threatens not only the Time Lords but the entire", "title": "The Apocalypse Element" }, { "docid": "1490164", "text": "with no electric charge. Then in January 1932, Feather drew Chadwick's attention to another surprising result. Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie had succeeded in knocking protons from paraffin wax using polonium and beryllium as a source for what they thought was gamma radiation. Rutherford and Chadwick disagreed; protons were too heavy for that. But neutrons would need only a small amount of energy to achieve the same effect. In Rome, Ettore Majorana came to the same conclusion: the Joliot-Curies had discovered the neutron but did not know it. Chadwick dropped all his other responsibilities to concentrate on proving the existence of", "title": "James Chadwick" }, { "docid": "72997", "text": "and Pierre Curie discovered that a sample of pitchblende was emitting four times as much radioactivity as could be explained by the presence of uranium alone. The Curies gathered several tons of pitchblende and refined it for several months until they had a pure sample of polonium. The discovery officially took place in 1898. Prior to the invention of particle accelerators, the only way to create polonium was to extract it over several months from uranium ore. The first attempt at creating livermorium was from 1976 to 1977 at the LBNL, who bombarded curium-248 with calcium-48, but were not successful.", "title": "Chalcogen" }, { "docid": "13551643", "text": "by dehalogenation of polonium tetrachloride, PoCl. Methods for dehalogenating PoCl include thermal decomposition at 300 °C, reduction of cold, slightly moist PoCl by sulfur dioxide; and heating PoCl in a stream of carbon monoxide or hydrogen sulfide at 150 °C. PoCl dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid to give a pink solution, which autoxidises to Po(IV). PoCl is rapidly oxidised by hydrogen peroxide or chlorine water. Addition of potassium hydroxide to the pink solution results in a dark brown precipitate – possibly hydrated PoO or Po(OH) – which is rapidly oxidised to Po(IV). With dilute nitric acid, PoCl forms a dark", "title": "Polonium dichloride" }, { "docid": "2669165", "text": "card was used. A 1989 study found that Discover had strong consumer adoption in the U.S.; the number of households with Discover cards increased by 2.1 million, or 14 percent, in 1989. Discover was also noteworthy for being the only credit card accepted by the U.S. Customs Service to pay customs duty, effective Feb. 19, 1987. Since it did not charge a percentage fee to retailers, unlike Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, Discover was also the only credit card accepted at Sam's Club; the retailer has since started to accept MasterCard and American Express (see below). The plan to create", "title": "Discover Card" }, { "docid": "11105597", "text": "DISCover Digital Interactive Systems Corporation (or DISCover) is a company specializing in gaming technology for PCs. They are the creators of the DISCover technology which allow PC games to be played like a video game console. The technology, which features the \"Drop and Play\" engine, auto-plays CDs or DVDs and automates scripts for installing and updating games. Consoles with the engine connect to the Internet for game updates. This technology debuted at the 2003 Electronic Entertainment Expo. Machines using DISCover technology include the Apex Extreme, Alienware DHS 2 and DHS 5. In August 2007, DISCover announced that their Hardcore White-Label", "title": "DISCover" }, { "docid": "11105598", "text": "Gaming System, or HAWGS, technology would be used for FiringSquad's Ammo digital distribution service. The following month, on September 2007, the company disclosed the InstaPlay desktop client, which improves the ease of use for accessing games. DISCover chief executive officer David Ferrigno addressed Instaplay concerns and comparisons with other digital distribution services such as Direct2Drive and Steam. DISCover Digital Interactive Systems Corporation (or DISCover) is a company specializing in gaming technology for PCs. They are the creators of the DISCover technology which allow PC games to be played like a video game console. The technology, which features the \"Drop and", "title": "DISCover" }, { "docid": "5874501", "text": "per second as 5 grams of Ra. A few curies (1 curie equals 37 gigabecquerels) of Po emit a blue glow caused by excitation of surrounding air. A single gram of Po generates 140 watts of power. Because it emits many alpha particles, which are stopped within a very short distance in dense media and release their energy, Po has been used as a lightweight heat source to power thermoelectric cells in artificial satellites; for instance, a Po heat source was also in each of the Lunokhod rovers deployed on the surface of the Moon, to keep their internal components", "title": "Isotopes of polonium" }, { "docid": "10929935", "text": "particle bombardment, the beryllium atoms emit neutrons at a rate of about 1 neutron each 5–10 nanoseconds (See Beryllium#Nuclear properties). These neutrons trigger the chain reaction in the compressed supercritical plutonium. Placing the polonium layer between two large masses of beryllium ensures contact of the metals even if the shock wave turbulence performs poorly. The 50 curies of polonium generated about 0.1 watts of decay heat, noticeably warming the small sphere. The grooves in the inner surface of the shell shaped the shock wave into jets by the Munroe effect, similar to a shaped charge, for fast and thorough mixing", "title": "Modulated neutron initiator" }, { "docid": "1280952", "text": "films among his readers, regarded as both the best and the worst summer blockbuster of all time. Kermode recalled his own experience: \"I remember very clearly being in Cannes when \"[The] Fifth Element\" was first played, and it \"really\" divided the audience.\" Stephen Cass of \"Discover\" ranked the film the third-best science fiction film on subscription service Hulu, writing, \"People seem to either like or loathe \"The Fifth Element \"... Lavish visuals and entertaining performances from Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Gary Oldman make this movie worth watching.\" In some circles the film has gained a \"so-bad-it's-good\" status; Meredith Woerner", "title": "The Fifth Element" }, { "docid": "313443", "text": "Prof. Nick Priest of Middlesex University, an environmental toxicologist and radiation expert, speaking on Sky News on December 3, 2006, Litvinenko was probably the first person to die of the acute α-radiation effects of Po. Abnormally high concentrations of Po were detected in July 2012 in clothes and personal belongings of the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, a heavy smoker, who died on 11 November 2004 of uncertain causes. The spokesman for the Institut de Radiophysique in Lausanne, Switzerland, where those items were analyzed, stressed that the \"clinical symptoms described in Arafat's medical reports were not consistent with polonium-210 and that", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "10696790", "text": "Discover Financial Discover Financial Services, Inc. is an American financial services company that owns and operates Discover Bank, which offers checking and savings accounts and credit cards. It also owns and operates the Discover and Pulse networks, and owns Diners Club International. Discover Card is the third largest credit card brand in the United States, when measured by cards in force, with nearly 50 million cardholders. Discover is currently headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Riverwoods, Illinois. Sears introduced the Discover credit card in 1985 in conjunction with real estate franchise Coldwell, Banker & Company and brokerage firm Dean Witter", "title": "Discover Financial" }, { "docid": "313445", "text": "\"natural environmental origin\". Following later Russian tests, Vladimir Uiba, the head of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency, stated in December 2013 that Arafat died of natural causes, and they had no plans to conduct further tests. It has been suggested that chelation agents, such as British Anti-Lewisite (dimercaprol), can be used to decontaminate humans. In one experiment, rats were given a fatal dose of 1.45 MBq/kg (8.7 ng/kg) of Po; all untreated rats were dead after 44 days, but 90% of the rats treated with the chelation agent HOEtTTC remained alive for 5 months. Polonium-210 may be quantified", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "1533354", "text": "cancer, after cigarette smoking, causing 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States. About 2,900 of these deaths occur among people who have never smoked. While radon is the second most frequent cause of lung cancer, it is the number one cause among non-smokers, according to EPA estimates. Of the period 6 elements, only tungsten is known to have any biological role in organisms. However, gold, platinum, mercury, and some lanthanides such as gadolinium have applications as drugs. Most of the period 6 elements are toxic(for instance lead) and produce heavy-element poisoning. Promethium, polonium, astatine and radon are", "title": "Period 6 element" }, { "docid": "10696797", "text": "and U.S. Bank. In addition to its card products, Discover also markets savings products, checking accounts, personal loans, student loans, and home equity loans. Discover Financial Discover Financial Services, Inc. is an American financial services company that owns and operates Discover Bank, which offers checking and savings accounts and credit cards. It also owns and operates the Discover and Pulse networks, and owns Diners Club International. Discover Card is the third largest credit card brand in the United States, when measured by cards in force, with nearly 50 million cardholders. Discover is currently headquartered in the Chicago suburb of Riverwoods,", "title": "Discover Financial" }, { "docid": "6355609", "text": "Which Lie Did I Tell? Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade is a work of non-fiction first published in 2000 by novelist and screenwriter William Goldman. It is the follow-up to his 1982 book \"Adventures in the Screen Trade\". Originally to be called \"The Big Campfire\", the inspiration for the title came when Goldman was in the office of a Hollywood producer who was talking on the phone to one of his associates. Suddenly he cupped his hands over the receiver, snapped his fingers and said “Bill, Bill! Which lie did I tell?” The book", "title": "Which Lie Did I Tell?" }, { "docid": "9572606", "text": "Discover the Networks Discover the Networks (originally Discover the Network) (DtN) is a website run by the David Horowitz Freedom Center that focuses on the individuals, groups, and history of groups alleged to be politically left wing. DtN was launched in 2004 and has a staff of about a dozen contributors. Its current Editor-in-Chief is David Horowitz; John Perazzo is the project's managing editor, and Richard Poe is its investigative editor. Discover the Networks is associated with FrontPageMag.com. According to the project's mission statement, DtN's goal is to provide a comprehensive \"guide to the political left\" covering \"the individuals and", "title": "Discover the Networks" }, { "docid": "14593104", "text": "iron, molybdenum, tantalum or tungsten. Polonide A polonide is a chemical compound of the radioactive element polonium with any element less electronegative than polonium. Polonides are usually prepared by a direct reaction between the elements at temperatures of around 300–400 °C. They are amongst the most chemically stable compounds of polonium, and can be divided into two broad groups: Some polonides are intermediate between these two cases and others are non-stoichiometric compounds. Alloys containing polonium are also classed as polonides. As polonium is immediately below tellurium in the periodic table, there are many chemical and structural similarities between polonides and", "title": "Polonide" }, { "docid": "14593100", "text": "Polonide A polonide is a chemical compound of the radioactive element polonium with any element less electronegative than polonium. Polonides are usually prepared by a direct reaction between the elements at temperatures of around 300–400 °C. They are amongst the most chemically stable compounds of polonium, and can be divided into two broad groups: Some polonides are intermediate between these two cases and others are non-stoichiometric compounds. Alloys containing polonium are also classed as polonides. As polonium is immediately below tellurium in the periodic table, there are many chemical and structural similarities between polonides and tellurides. Lead polonide (PbPo) occurs", "title": "Polonide" }, { "docid": "11047078", "text": "Field with one element In mathematics, the field with one element is a suggestive name for an object that should behave similarly to a finite field with a single element, if such a field could exist. This object is denoted F, or, in a French–English pun, F. The name \"field with one element\" and the notation F are only suggestive, as there is no field with one element in classical abstract algebra. Instead, F refers to the idea that there should be a way to replace sets and operations, the traditional building blocks for abstract algebra, with other, more flexible", "title": "Field with one element" }, { "docid": "11047092", "text": "discrete Fourier transform (complex-valued) and the related number-theoretic transform (Z/\"n\"Z-valued). Field with one element In mathematics, the field with one element is a suggestive name for an object that should behave similarly to a finite field with a single element, if such a field could exist. This object is denoted F, or, in a French–English pun, F. The name \"field with one element\" and the notation F are only suggestive, as there is no field with one element in classical abstract algebra. Instead, F refers to the idea that there should be a way to replace sets and operations, the", "title": "Field with one element" }, { "docid": "313435", "text": "The actual toxicity of Po is lower than these estimates because radiation exposure that is spread out over several weeks (the biological half-life of polonium in humans is 30 to 50 days) is somewhat less damaging than an instantaneous dose. It has been estimated that a median lethal dose of Po is , or 0.089 micrograms, still an extremely small amount. For comparison, one grain of table salt is about 0.06 mg = 60 μg. In addition to the acute effects, radiation exposure (both internal and external) carries a long-term risk of death from cancer of 5–10% per Sv. The", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "313427", "text": "power radioisotope thermoelectric generators via thermoelectric materials. For example, Po heat sources were used in the Lunokhod 1 (1970) and Lunokhod 2 (1973) Moon rovers to keep their internal components warm during the lunar nights, as well as the Kosmos 84 and 90 satellites (1965). The alpha particles emitted by polonium can be converted to neutrons using beryllium oxide, at a rate of 93 neutrons per million alpha particles. Thus Po-BeO mixtures or alloys are used as a neutron source, for example, in a neutron trigger or initiator for nuclear weapons and for inspections of oil wells. About 1500 sources", "title": "Polonium" }, { "docid": "19744708", "text": "Discover: The World of Science Discover: The World of Science is an American television show that ran between 1983 and 1990. Actor Peter Graves is the on-camera host and narrator of \"Discover: The World of Science\", a monthly, one-hour magazine-style television series which provides a human perspective on new developments in robots, science, technology, medicine, the environment, behavior and natural history. The series was typically broadcast on Wednesday evenings at 8 PM on PBS. The series, with early episodes being underwritten by Atari and later episodes being underwritten by GTE, was produced by Chedd-Angier Productions in association with Discover Magazine.", "title": "Discover: The World of Science" }, { "docid": "10696794", "text": "the Diners Club International network from Citigroup for $165 million. In May 2008, the Federal Trade Commission approved the transaction and it finalized on July 1, 2008. Discover stated that the Diners Club network, which is a major network outside the United States, will be merged with the Discover Network, a major network in the United States, creating an international network for Discover and Diners Club cardholders. Diners Club cards will continue to be issued by Diners Club International licensees. At this time, Discover Bank has no plans on issuing Diners Club branded cards itself. On September 17, 2010, Discover", "title": "Discover Financial" }, { "docid": "11047079", "text": "objects. While there is still no field with a single element in these theories, there is a field-like object whose characteristic is one. F cannot be a field because all fields must contain two distinct elements, the additive identity zero and the multiplicative identity one. Even if this restriction is dropped, a ring with one element must be the zero ring, which does not behave like a finite field. Instead, most proposed theories of F replace abstract algebra entirely. Mathematical objects such as vector spaces and polynomial rings can be carried over into these new theories by mimicking their abstract", "title": "Field with one element" }, { "docid": "15702952", "text": "Discover Wisconsin Discover Wisconsin is a weekly non-fictional television program which encourages tourism in the U.S. state of Wisconsin and features profiles of cities, events and tourist attractions throughout the state. The program is written, directed and produced in Madison, Wisconsin and is billed as the longest running tourism TV show in the United States. The program has won 20 National Telly Awards. Discover Wisconsin has also been nominated for 8 Emmy nominations, winning once in 2012 for its 25th Anniversary Special. Dick Rose came up with the idea for a show in 1986 to showcase Wisconsin vacation spots. Discover", "title": "Discover Wisconsin" }, { "docid": "15702949", "text": "Discover Wisconsin Discover Wisconsin is a weekly non-fictional television program which encourages tourism in the U.S. state of Wisconsin and features profiles of cities, events and tourist attractions throughout the state. The program is written, directed and produced in Madison, Wisconsin and is billed as the longest running tourism TV show in the United States. The program has won 20 National Telly Awards. Discover Wisconsin has also been nominated for 8 Emmy nominations, winning once in 2012 for its 25th Anniversary Special. Dick Rose came up with the idea for a show in 1986 to showcase Wisconsin vacation spots. Discover", "title": "Discover Wisconsin" }, { "docid": "10696795", "text": "Financial announced it would acquire Citigroup-owned Student Loan Corporation for $30/share. The deal finalized on December 31. On June 6, 2012, Tree.com, Inc. completed the sale of substantially all of the operating assets of its Home Loan Center, Inc. business to a wholly owned subsidiary of Discover Financial. In exchange for the assets sold, Discover paid an aggregate of $45.9 million including payments made prior to the closing which were applied to the closing price. On June 12, 2012, Discover began originating mortgages with its launch of Discover Home Loans, offering prime variable- and fixed-rate conventional and FHA home mortgage", "title": "Discover Financial" } ]
In The Banana Splits what sort of animal was Snorky?
[ "Elephantinely", "Elephant tusks", "Rogue Elephant", "Elephant", "🐘", "Elephant hunting", "Elephantineness", "Elephant hunter", "Rogue elephant", "Baby elephants", "Brown elephants", "ELEPHANT", "Elephan", "פיל", "Elephant population", "Elephant evolution", "Elefonts", "Evolution of elephants", "Elephants", "Mating elephants", "Elaphant", "Elephant rage", "Gestation period for elephants", "Elephant tusk", "Sexual behavior of elephants" ]
[ { "docid": "9932558", "text": "Banana Splits discography The Banana Splits are a fictional musical group of four animal characters; Fleegle, a beagle; Bingo, a gorilla; Drooper, a lion; and Snorky, an elephant; played by actors in costume miming to music created for them, who starred in their own successful television series \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\". The Banana Splits' bubblegum pop rock and roll was provided by studio professionals, including Al Kooper (\"You're the Lovin' End\"), Barry White (\"Doin' the Banana Split\"), and Gene Pitney (\"Two Ton Tessie\"). Jimmy Radcliffe provided his songs (\"I'm Gonna Find a Cave\", \"Soul\", \"Don't Go Away Go-Go Girl\",", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "9932571", "text": "Splits\" album, along with all other non-LP songs released as singles or EP tracks. Song titles in italics are not by the Banana Splits; they are from \"Here Come The Beagles\", the soundtrack album from the Total TV cartoon series. All the Beagles tracks are in rechanneled stereo. Banana Splits discography The Banana Splits are a fictional musical group of four animal characters; Fleegle, a beagle; Bingo, a gorilla; Drooper, a lion; and Snorky, an elephant; played by actors in costume miming to music created for them, who starred in their own successful television series \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\".", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675074", "text": "elephant. Fleegle would assume the role of leader of the Banana Splits, and preside at club meetings. The characters were played by actors in voluminous fleecy costumes, similar to later Sid and Marty Krofft characters such as \"H.R. Pufnstuf\". While Snorky \"spoke\" in honking noises, the other three spoke in English—Drooper with a Southern drawl in the manner of Michael Nesmith, and Fleegle with a pronounced lisp. The Splits' segments, including songs-of-the-week and comedy skits, served as wraparounds for a number of individual segments. In the second season, \"The Three Musketeers\" segments were replaced with repeats of \"The Hillbilly Bears\",", "title": "The Banana Splits" } ]
[ { "docid": "1675070", "text": "The Banana Splits The Banana Splits Adventure Hour was an hour-long, packaged television variety program featuring The Banana Splits, a fictional rock band composed of four funny animal characters. The costumed hosts of the show were Fleegle (guitar, vocals), Bingo (drums, vocals), Drooper (bass, vocals) and Snorky (keyboards, effects). The series was produced by Hanna-Barbera, and ran for 31 episodes on NBC Saturday mornings, from September 7, 1968, to September 5, 1970, and in syndication from 1971 to 1982. The costumes and sets were designed by Sid and Marty Krofft, and the series' sponsor was Kellogg's Cereals. The show featured", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675087", "text": "VHS. Warner Archive has yet to release the complete series on DVD. The Banana Splits The Banana Splits Adventure Hour was an hour-long, packaged television variety program featuring The Banana Splits, a fictional rock band composed of four funny animal characters. The costumed hosts of the show were Fleegle (guitar, vocals), Bingo (drums, vocals), Drooper (bass, vocals) and Snorky (keyboards, effects). The series was produced by Hanna-Barbera, and ran for 31 episodes on NBC Saturday mornings, from September 7, 1968, to September 5, 1970, and in syndication from 1971 to 1982. The costumes and sets were designed by Sid and", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675073", "text": "Michael Vincent) and Ronne Troup appeared in the live-action component \"Danger Island\". All the live-action material filmed for the series' first season, including the \"Banana Splits\" and \"Danger Island\" segments, was directed by Richard Donner. Each show represented a meeting of the \"Banana Splits Club\", and the wraparounds featured the adventures of the club members, who doubled as a musical quartet, meant to be reminiscent of The Monkees. The main characters were Fleegle, a beagle (possibly crossed with a flat-coated retriever); Bingo, an orange-furred gorilla (possibly half-orangutan); Drooper, a lion; and Snorky, called \"Snork\" in the theme song lyrics, an", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675076", "text": "Bumper Cars, Merry-Go-Rounds, and many other rides at Six Flags and Coney Island. The Sour Grapes Bunch is a group of human girl characters from the Banana Splits. One of the members of the club—Charley, usually played by Shirley Hillstrom—would bring a written note to the Splits. None of the Sour Grapes spoke in the entire series; however, they would also do a number with the Banana Splits. In the first-season episode on October 5, 1968, a song debuted entitled \"Doin' The Banana Split\", as all five girls appeared together with the Splits. Also featured were the \"Banana Buggies\" mentioned", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675080", "text": "also spawned the \"Snap, Crackle, Pop\" jingle, among others. Adams and Barkan were music directors for the show. The song was released as a single, attributed to The Banana Splits, and peaked at number 96 on Billboard's Top 100 in February 1969. The version included on the \"We're The Banana Splits\" album is the same recording heard at the beginning of the show, while the single version is an entirely different arrangement and recording of the song, featuring an additional verse. The Banana Splits' bubblegum pop rock and roll was provided by studio professionals, including Joey Levine (\"I Enjoy Being", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675082", "text": "credits under his stage name Rick Lancelot. Lancelotti went on to record several songs with Frank Zappa. In 1968, The Banana Splits released an album on Decca Records titled \"We're the Banana Splits\". US punk rock act The Dickies covered the theme song in 1978, entitled \"Banana Splits (Tra La La Song)\". Their recording reached Number 7 in the UK charts and now appears as a bonus on the CD reissue of their 1979 album \"The Incredible Shrinking Dickies\". They still perform this cover live at almost every concert. It was also featured in the movie soundtrack of \"Kick-Ass\", during", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675086", "text": "books. Gold Key began publishing a comic version in 1969, releasing eight issues through 1971. Drawn by Jack Manning, these stories followed the musicians either trying to find work or on the road between gigs. The Banana Splits had a crossover with the Suicide Squad in \"Suicide Squad/Banana Splits\" #1 on March 29, 2017. On September 21, 2009, Warner Home Video released the complete first season on DVD in Region 2. The 6-disc set consists of 36 edited half-hour episodes of \"The Banana Splits and Friends Show\" as aired on Cartoon Network and Boomerang. The series was also released on", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "12862649", "text": "The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park is a 1972 live-action/animated television film made by Hanna-Barbera featuring the characters from \"The Banana Splits\" television series. Mixing live action sequences shot at Kings Island amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio with animation, the film follows the Banana Splits as they attempt to rescue a young girl who is kidnapped by a power-hungry witch. Like many animated Hanna-Barbera productions of the 1970s, \"The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park\" contained an inferior laugh track created by the studio. \"Hocus Pocus Park\" was first broadcast as an", "title": "The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park" }, { "docid": "12862650", "text": "episode on the weekly program \"The ABC Saturday Superstar Movie\" on November 25, 1972 and continued to air sporadically well into the 2000s, via cable networks Cartoon Network and Boomerang, both of which also aired reruns of its parent series. The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park is a 1972 live-action/animated television film made by Hanna-Barbera featuring the characters from \"The Banana Splits\" television series. Mixing live action sequences shot at Kings Island amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio with animation, the film follows the Banana Splits as they attempt to rescue a young", "title": "The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park" }, { "docid": "9932570", "text": "The Lovin' End\"/\"Toy Piano Melody\"/\"In New Orleans\"/\"Two-Ton Tessie\"/\"Long Live Love\"/\"Don't Go Away—Go-Go Girl\"/\"It's A Good Day For A Parade\"/\"Pretty Painted Carousel\"/\"I Enjoy Being A Boy (In Love With You)\"/\"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\" (single version)/\"Looking For The Beagles\"/\"Sharing Wishes\"/\"I'd Join The Foreign Legion\"/\"What More Can I Do?\"/\"Be The Captain\"/\"Humpty Dumpty\"/\"Thanks To The Man On The Moon\"/\"I Wanna Capture You\"/\"Indian Love Dance\"/\"You Satisfy\"/\"That's The Pretty Part Of You\"/\"The Very First Kid On My Block\"/\"The Beautiful Calliopa\"/\"Let Me Remember You Smiling\"/\"Soul\" This was an unauthorized CD reissue of the complete Banana Splits discography, including the \"We're The Banana", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "9932566", "text": "the single version of \"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana),\" were not included on the \"We're The Banana Splits\" album. The single version of \"The Tra La La Song\" is an entirely different arrangement and recording of the song from the one on the \"We're The Banana Splits\" album and the TV show, and features an additional verse. Decca singles 32429 and 73256 were issued with picture sleeves; Decca 32391 was not—although foreign releases of the first single had picture sleeves. \"The Tra La La Song\" and \"Doin' The Banana Split\" are the same takes included on", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675083", "text": "ten-year-old Hit-Girl's brutally violent fight scene. A cover of the show's theme song performed by Liz Phair with Material Issue (surprisingly appropriate as Liz Phair and three cast members of the Banana Splits attended New Trier High School) is included on the 1995 tribute album \"\", produced by Ralph Sall for MCA Records. Another rendition was performed by rock & roll comic C.C. Banana on the 2005 cartoon tribute album \"Complete Balanced Breakfast.\" A cover of \"Don't Go Away Go-Go Girl\" by pop-punk band Mr. T Experience was issued on the 1993 tribute album \"Banana Pad Riot\" and their \"Big", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "9932559", "text": "\"Adam Had 'Em\" and \"The Show Must Go On\") but did not contribute vocals to Splits recordings. The music director was music publisher Aaron Schroeder who picked the songs created by his staff writers. The intended main theme song was to be the Ritchie Adams and Tony Powers song \"We're The Banana Splits\" but the television and advertising executives thought the \"Tra La La Song\", another Adams composition co-written with prolific songwriter and producer Mark Barkan, was a catchier theme. According to an interview in \"DISCoveries\" magazine, Adams and Barkan sang \"Wait Til Tomorrow,\" \"We're The Banana Splits\" and \"The", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675071", "text": "both live action and animated segments, and was Hanna-Barbera's first foray into mixing live action with animation. In 1967, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera approached Sid Krofft and Marty Krofft to design costumes for a television show which would feature animated and live-action segments, with the whole show hosted by a bubblegum rock group of anthropomorphic characters. The format of the show was loosely based on \"Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In\". \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\" premiered on NBC on September 7, 1968. In his autobiography, Barbera said that the show was to be called \"The Banana Bunch\", but they could", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "9932569", "text": "copies was added on a small yellow sticker. Later pressings are a lighter shade of green and have a copyright notice printed directly in the lower left corner of the front cover. Counterfeit versions of the vinyl album appeared in the late 1990s. They carry a white promo Decca label, but have all other references to Decca Records removed, including the front cover logo. The songs also fade out slightly earlier than on the original album. \"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\" (album version)/\"We're The Banana Splits\"/\"I'm Gonna Find a Cave\"/\"This Spot\"/\"Doin' The Banana Split\"/\"Wait Til Tomorrow\"/\"You're", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "9932564", "text": "1989 release \"Big Black Bugs Bleed Blue Blood\" and as a hidden track on the \"Our Bodies Our Selves\" release also from 1993. \"Banana Pad Riot\" also featured recordings from punk bands The Vindictives (\"Two Ton Tessie\"), Boris The Sprinkler (\"We're The Banana Splits\"), and The Young Fresh Fellows (\"Doin' The Banana Split\"). Liz Phair and Material Issue recorded \"The Tra La La Song\" for the 1995 compilation album \"\". Their version was based on the Decca Records single version, with a different arrangement than the version used on the TV series, also including an otherwise unheard additional verse. Throughout", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675081", "text": "a Boy\", \"It's a Good Day for a Parade\"); Al Kooper (\"You're the Lovin' End\"); Barry White (\"Doin' the Banana Split\"); Gene Pitney (\"Two Ton Tessie\") and Jimmy Radcliffe, who provided his songs (\"I'm Gonna Find a Cave\", \"Soul\", \"Don't Go Away Go-Go Girl\", \"Adam Had 'Em\" and \"The Show Must Go On\") but did not contribute vocals to Splits recordings. The music director was music publisher Aaron Schroeder, while production duties were mainly handled by David Mook. When a heavier R&B vocal was needed, the music producers usually turned to singer Ricky Lancelotti, who was billed in the show", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "9932560", "text": "Tra La La Song\". David Mook produced all of the released tracks (co-producing the single sides \"Long Live Love\" and \"Pretty Painted Carousel\" with Aaron Schroeder), credited as \"A Past, Present, and Future Production by David Mook for Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.\" (Mook also co-wrote the theme songs for Chuck Barris' \"The Dating Game\" and \"The Newlywed Game\".) Arranger Jack Eskew also orchestrated some of the Splits' tunes. Three singles, \"The Tra La La Song\", \"Wait Till Tomorrow\", and \"Long Live Love\" were released by the Splits along with an album, \"We're the Banana Splits\". Two 45RPM EP records with four", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675078", "text": "producer credits, the other being \"The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\"; Edward Rosen served as producer on both series. They would not, however, assume the title full-time for another five years. This Hanna-Barbera series was also one of the first Saturday morning cartoon shows to utilize a laugh track. Hanna-Barbera produced \"The Banana Splits in Hocus Pocus Park\", a televised feature film, for ABC in 1972. In August 2008, Warner Bros. announced a multi-platform release featuring new comedy shorts and music videos; this debuted on Cartoon Network starting on September 2, 2008. The relaunch included a live show and a", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675077", "text": "in the theme song. These were seen driven by each live-action character in the opening and closing segments, and occasionally in the wraparound and music video segments as well. The buggies were customized Amphicat six-wheel drive all-terrain vehicles each decorated to resemble the character who drove them. Plastic 1/25 scale model kits were issued by Aurora Plastics Corporation under catalog number 832, beginning in 1969. These were never reissued by Aurora, but have since been released as high-end, resin-based kits. \"The Banana Splits\" was one of the first two Hanna-Barbera series in 1968 in which Hanna and Barbera received executive", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675072", "text": "not get permission from the author of a children's book by that title. The Krofft brothers give credit to the success of the series for opening the door for their own entry into television, \"H.R. Pufnstuf\". NBC picked up the Krofft series, which was launched during an hour-long special hosted by \"The Banana Splits\" on August 30, 1969. The show's live-action segment \"Danger Island\", a cliffhanger serial, as well as the short-lived \"Micro Ventures\", a part-live action, part-animated series consisting of only four episodes, ran alongside the animated segments \"Arabian Knights\" and \"The Three Musketeers\". Actors Jan-Michael Vincent (billed as", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675085", "text": "of the Sea\". An unusual claim is that the song may have inspired Bob Marley, with the striking similarity between the song's chorus and the bridge of the Bob Marley & The Wailers song \"Buffalo Soldier\". A story by BBC in 2010 examines the claim. New York-based alternative rock band They Might Be Giants have covered \"I Enjoy Being A Boy (In Love With You)\", released as part of their podcast. Cleveland-based garage rock band 45 Spider have covered \"I'm Gonna Find a Cave\" for the Underground Garage \"Coolest Song in the World\". The Banana Splits' adventures continued in comic", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "9932563", "text": "which entered the UK charts in 1979. The Bob Marley and the Wailers song \"Buffalo Soldier\", from the 1983 album \"Confrontation\", features a very similar melody to \"The Tra La La Song\" in its chorus. In 1988, \"I'm Gonna Find a Cave\" was covered by Girl Trouble for the \"Sub Pop 200\" compilation The Mr. T Experience recorded \"Don't Go Away Go-Go Girl\" for the 1993 Banana Splits Tribute album \"Banana Pad Riot\" on the Skull Duggery Label. Mr. T Experience also included \"Don't Go Away Go-Go Girl\", as a bonus track on their 1997 Lookout Records re-issue of the", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675084", "text": "Black Bugs Bleed Blue Blood\" and \"Our Bodies Our Selves\" CD releases. The 1988 landmark release \"Sub Pop 200\" included a version of \"I'm Gonna Find a Cave\" retitled \"Gonna Find a Cave\" by the band Girl Trouble. \"Sub Pop 200\" featured recordings from many soon to be notable bands, Nirvana, Green River, Mudhoney, Soundgarden and others from Seattle's Grunge music explosion that followed. Chicago-based musician Ralph Covert, who records children's music under the group name Ralph's World, covered the theme song under the title \"The Banana Splits (The Tra La La Song)\" on his 2001 album \"At the Bottom", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "1675075", "text": "a cartoon segment that previously appeared on \"The Atom Ant Show\" (1965–1968). In reruns, episodes of \"The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show\", \"The Adventures of Gulliver\" and \"The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\" were aired on the show. For the first season, some of the live-action segments—specifically those used during the musical segments—were shot at Six Flags Over Texas, an amusement park located in Arlington, Texas. For the second season, filming took place at the Coney Island amusement park in Cincinnati, Ohio. In many episodes, the Banana Splits would be seen riding on the Runaway Mine Train roller coasters, Log Flumes,", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "9932562", "text": "recently, an unauthorized vinyl pressing was issued in 2007 by Ripped Couch Records in the UK. This pressing has a different track listing from the original album, consisting of the first 16 tracks on the Hollywood Library bootleg CD (one track from the original album, \"Soul\" written by noted soul singer songwriter Jimmy Radcliffe, is missing from this version despite its being listed on the front cover). The audio was sourced from the Hollywood Library CD. The Californian punk band The Dickies released a sped-up version of \"The Tra La La Song\" as the \"Banana Splits (Tra La La Song)\"", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "9932567", "text": "the \"We're The Banana Splits\" album. However, as released here, they are presented in \"twin-track\" stereo mixes, with vocals in one channel and instruments in the other, not unlike some of the early Beatles stereo mixes. The stereo mixes of the other six songs are similar, but mixed less widely with both vocals and instruments closer to the center. These records were sold together as a Kellogg's cereal box offer, and were released through Hanna-Barbera's premium division. They came in a mailer including unique outer artwork, showing Fleegle holding the two discs. Both were issued in art sleeves featuring drawings", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "1675079", "text": "website, as well as a CD and a DVD featuring 13 new songs, released by Universal Records. In addition, a child-themed area named Banana Splitsville was placed at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina's Hard Rock Park rock-and-roll theme park, which later became Freestyle Music Park before closing permanently in 2009. The show's theme song, titled \"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\", was credited as being written by Ritchie Adams and Mark Barkan, but that was merely contractual. In fact it was written by N.B. Winkless, Jr. on the slightly out-of-tune upright piano in his living room—a piano that", "title": "The Banana Splits" }, { "docid": "12915006", "text": "The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana) \"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\" is a 1968 pop song, which was the theme song for the children’s television program \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\". Originally released by Decca Records on the album titled \"We're the Banana Splits\", the single release peaked at #96 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on February 8, 1969. The writing of the song is credited to Mark Barkan and Ritchie Adams, who were the show's music directors. However, there are claims that the theme was written by jingle writer N. B. Winkless,", "title": "The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)" }, { "docid": "12915004", "text": "The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana) \"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\" is a 1968 pop song, which was the theme song for the children’s television program \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\". Originally released by Decca Records on the album titled \"We're the Banana Splits\", the single release peaked at #96 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 on February 8, 1969. The writing of the song is credited to Mark Barkan and Ritchie Adams, who were the show's music directors. However, there are claims that the theme was written by jingle writer N. B. Winkless,", "title": "The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)" }, { "docid": "15498358", "text": "Max Bemis and the Painful Splits Max Bemis and the Painful Splits is a side project created by Say Anything's lead singer Max Bemis in September 2010. He has recorded six albums, titled \"Max Bemis and the Painful Splits\", \"Max Bemis and the Painful Splits 2\", \"The Painful Splits Destroy\", \"The Painful Splits Are Multiplying\", \"Max Bemis and The Painful Splits Stripped Down\", and \"The Painful Splits Wins\", respectively. Bemis himself denied that this was an official \"solo project\", called it a \"low-key sort of release\", and expected the first CD to be the first of a series of such", "title": "Max Bemis and the Painful Splits" }, { "docid": "12915005", "text": "Jr. of the Leo Burnett Agency but was credited to Adams and Barkan for contractual reasons. In 1995, Hollywood Library released the 1,000-copy limited-edition CD reissue \"We're the Banana Splits/Here Come the Beagles\" which, in addition to the original album version, includes an alternate version on the song. American punk rock band The Dickies made the song a hit in the United Kingdom in 1979 with their cover version, marketed by A&M Records as \"Banana Splits (Tra La La Song)\". The record reached #7 in the UK Singles Chart. This cover version was later used in the 2010 film \"Kick-Ass\".", "title": "The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)" }, { "docid": "15498359", "text": "projects under varying band names. Max Bemis and the Painful Splits Max Bemis and the Painful Splits is a side project created by Say Anything's lead singer Max Bemis in September 2010. He has recorded six albums, titled \"Max Bemis and the Painful Splits\", \"Max Bemis and the Painful Splits 2\", \"The Painful Splits Destroy\", \"The Painful Splits Are Multiplying\", \"Max Bemis and The Painful Splits Stripped Down\", and \"The Painful Splits Wins\", respectively. Bemis himself denied that this was an official \"solo project\", called it a \"low-key sort of release\", and expected the first CD to be the first", "title": "Max Bemis and the Painful Splits" }, { "docid": "4993485", "text": "Animal Kwackers Animal Kwackers was a popular children's television series produced by Yorkshire Television and broadcast on Britain's ITV in the 1970s. The Animal Kwackers were a four-piece pop band consisting of Rory, a lion; Twang, a monkey; Bongo, a dog; and Boots, a tiger. The characters were played by actors in costumes. The show was similar in many ways to the successful United States of America (US) series, \"Banana Splits\". The music was a mixture of well-known pop songs and original songs - most of which (including the theme song) were written by Roy Apps and the producer Peter", "title": "Animal Kwackers" }, { "docid": "4993487", "text": "released on DVD on 16 April 2012. Animal Kwackers Animal Kwackers was a popular children's television series produced by Yorkshire Television and broadcast on Britain's ITV in the 1970s. The Animal Kwackers were a four-piece pop band consisting of Rory, a lion; Twang, a monkey; Bongo, a dog; and Boots, a tiger. The characters were played by actors in costumes. The show was similar in many ways to the successful United States of America (US) series, \"Banana Splits\". The music was a mixture of well-known pop songs and original songs - most of which (including the theme song) were written", "title": "Animal Kwackers" }, { "docid": "9932561", "text": "songs each were available via an offer on the back of Kellogg's cereal boxes. Two of the three singles as well as both EPs were issued with picture sleeves. A bootleg recording of all the released Splits recordings was made and released on CD in 1995 on the Hollywood Library label (this CD was mastered from vinyl sources at a slightly increased speed, with excessive noise-reduction, resulting in a noticeable echo effect, especially at the ends of the songs). One song, \"Wait Til Tomorrow\", later appeared on a various artists bubblegum hits CD, sourced from the Hollywood Library bootleg. Most", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "15574870", "text": "History of peasant banana production in the Americas While the production of bananas for export is largely in the hands of large commercial companies, such as Chiquita or Dole, the Caribbean, and particularly the Windward Islands, are notable for the production of bananas by small holders for export. They focus their attention on the popular Cavendish banana as these are the fruit of choice on markets in Europe. In the Caribbean, and especially in Dominica where this sort of cultivation is widespread, holdings are in the 1-2 acre range. In many cases the farmer earns additional money from other crops,", "title": "History of peasant banana production in the Americas" }, { "docid": "9932568", "text": "of the characters; advertisements promoting these discs on the back of contemporary Kellogg's cereal boxes showed slightly different artwork, and had a copyright date of 1968, even though those 45rpm Extended Play records were released in 1969. In the prototype artwork for the second disc used in the cereal box ad, it is more clear that the Banana Buggy is driving atop the surface of a 45 RPM record. All songs on the album are true stereo mixes. There are two minor cover variations. The earliest pressings had a darker green color and had no copyright notice, which on some", "title": "Banana Splits discography" }, { "docid": "15230984", "text": "Latundan banana Latundan bananas (also called Tundan, silk bananas, Pisang raja sereh, Manzana bananas or apple bananas), are triploid hybrid banana cultivars from the Philippines. It is one of the most common banana cultivars in Southeast Asia and the Philippines, along with the Lacatan and Saba bananas. Latundan banana plants typically reach a height of 10 to 13 feet. They require full or partial sun exposure. The flowers are yellow, purple, or ivory in color. The fruits are round-tipped with thin yellow skin that splits once fully ripe. They are smaller than the Lacatan cultivar and the commercially dominant Cavendish", "title": "Latundan banana" }, { "docid": "267263", "text": "Merge sort In computer science, merge sort (also commonly spelled mergesort) is an efficient, general-purpose, comparison-based sorting algorithm. Most implementations produce a stable sort, which means that the order of equal elements is the same in the input and output. Merge sort is a divide and conquer algorithm that was invented by John von Neumann in 1945. A detailed description and analysis of bottom-up mergesort appeared in a report by Goldstine and von Neumann as early as 1948. Conceptually, a merge sort works as follows: Example C-like code using indices for top-down merge sort algorithm that recursively splits the list", "title": "Merge sort" }, { "docid": "11982363", "text": "Polyphase merge sort A polyphase merge sort is a variation of bottom up Merge sort that sorts a list using an initial uneven distribution of sub-lists (runs), primarily used for external sorting, and is more efficient than an ordinary merge sort when there are less than 8 external working files (such as a tape drive or a file on a hard drive). A polyphase merge sort is not a stable sort. A merge sort splits the records of a dataset into sorted runs of records and then repeatedly merges sorted runs into larger sorted runs until only one run, the", "title": "Polyphase merge sort" }, { "docid": "18327033", "text": "as animal feed in various parts of the world. In particular, it is used as an ingredient in milk replacers for calves. Dynasty Banana Flour Manufacturing and Trading in the Philippines and Taj Agro Products in India export banana flour worldwide for use in livestock feeds (where it acts as a coagulant) and for use in glue production, mainly plywood glue. Academic and institutional researchers in a number of countries have been conducting studies on the effects of banana flour on human health. Interests been strong in banana flour recently, because of its high resistant starch content. Banana flour also", "title": "Banana flour" }, { "docid": "1682626", "text": "Banana slug Banana slugs are North American terrestrial slug comprising the genus Ariolimax. These slugs are often yellow in color and are sometimes spotted with brown, like a ripe (or overripe) banana which is the source of their common name, although they can come in other colours. Species within the genus \"Ariolimax\" include: Banana slugs are often bright yellow (giving rise to the banana nomenclature) although they may also be greenish, brown, tan, or white. The species \"Ariolimax columbianus\" sometimes has black spots that are so extensive that the animal looks almost entirely black. Individual slugs will change colors with", "title": "Banana slug" }, { "docid": "17353341", "text": "member of the Union of Banana Exporting Countries in an attempt to bargain for better prices. The UEB proposal of an export tax did not succeed in Ecuador, however. In 1975 the UEB collapsed after what became known as \"bananagate\", bribery of the banana trade monopoly consisting of the three US companies (United Fruit, Standard Fruit, and the Del Monte Corporation). Eventually, the \"Black sigatoka\", a banana disease destroying much of banana production in Central American countries and Colombia, as well as a levy of export tax, and political unrest in Central America, came to Ecuador's advantage. the Standard Fruit", "title": "Banana production in Ecuador" }, { "docid": "15023419", "text": "Banana wine Banana wine is a fruit wine made exclusively from bananas. It is different from banana beer, which has a long tradition and great cultural significance in East Africa. Blocker et al. (2001) wrote a chapter on \"Banana Wine\" in the book \"Alcohol and temperance in modern history: an international encyclopedia\", though this is slightly confusing, as they define what is traditionally referred to as banana beer as being banana wine. The data they present on \"Production Techniques\" and \"Social Practices and Rituals\" relates to the latter and not to what is commonly known as banana wine. In Tanzania,", "title": "Banana wine" }, { "docid": "506019", "text": "interests. The vast majority of the world's bananas today are cultivated for family consumption or for sale on local markets. India is the world leader in this sort of production, but many other Asian and African countries where climate and soil conditions allow cultivation also host large populations of banana growers who sell at least some of their crop. Peasant sector banana growers produce for the world market in the Caribbean, however. The Windward Islands are notable for the growing, largely of Cavendish bananas, for an international market, generally in Europe but also in North America. In the Caribbean, and", "title": "Banana" }, { "docid": "18327032", "text": "an excellent and useful source of resistant starch. Resistant starch refers starch that resists digestion - it is not broken down in the small intestine, but reaches the large intestine, where it functions as a fermentable dietary fiber. Banana flour may have a high resistant starch content (>60%) or it may have a low resistant starch content (<10%), depending upon the drying procedures of the specific ingredient. Banana flour is often used raw, for example as an ingredient in smoothies or nutrition bars, because cooking may reduce the resistant starch content. Animal feed and glue manufacturing Banana flour is used", "title": "Banana flour" }, { "docid": "8967720", "text": "Union of Banana Exporting Countries The Union of Banana Exporting Countries ( or UPEB) was a cartel of Central and South American banana exporting countries established in 1974, inspired by OPEC. Its aim was to achieve better remuneration from the North American banana trade oligopoly, which consisted of three US companies. UPEB's proposal of an export tax was undermined by the U.S. oligopoly bribing Honduran and Italian officials. The UPEB cartel collapsed when bribes became public. What is referred to as the Bananagate scandal paved the way for the U.S. Congress to create the 1977 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In", "title": "Union of Banana Exporting Countries" }, { "docid": "18834552", "text": "traditional Chinese culture. Ted: You've become what is known as a \"banana\".<br> Kahn\":\"Banana\"?<br> Ted: Consider the properties of a banana, Kahn.<br> Its skin is yellow, but its insides are white. \"She thinks you’re some kind of unrefined banana—yellow on the outside, white on the inside.\" <br> Goh Peik Lin (Awkwafina) telling Rachel Chu (Constance Wu) that she is a banana Banana (slur) Banana is a term for an Asian person living in a Western country (e.g., an Asian American) who has lost touch with the cultural identity of his or her parents. The term is derived from the fruit banana,", "title": "Banana (slur)" }, { "docid": "10933627", "text": "repackaged into syndication as part of \"The Banana Splits and Friends Show\". Although originally airing in an hour-long format as a Saturday morning show called \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\", subsequent incarnations were re-edited and sold into syndication as half-hour episodes which included several series not originally part of the original show. As part of \"The Banana Splits\", \"The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\" enjoyed new life, becoming well known to subsequent generations for the next four decades. The show opened and closed with a catchy theme song, using banjo accompaniment to give it a Southern flavor: We got the", "title": "The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" }, { "docid": "18054976", "text": "subroutine copy_elems. In this base case, all elements from subarray i that belong to bucket j are added at once. If this leads to bucket j having too many elements, it splits the bucket with the procedure described beforehand. Cache-oblivious distribution sort The cache-oblivious distribution sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. It is similar to quicksort, but it is a cache-oblivious algorithm, designed for a setting where the number of elements to sort is too large to fit in a cache where operations are done. In the external memory model, the number of memory transfers it needs to perform a", "title": "Cache-oblivious distribution sort" }, { "docid": "18715227", "text": "the far southern Midwest and along the Ohio river, Kentucky, and Virginia,) containing a climate similar to that of the banana growing region of inland south-central and eastern China (Sichuan, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangsu, Henan, Jiangxi, Hunan, Chongqing, and Guizhou provinces,) banana cultivation is more seasonal. If independent cultivation was counted towards a nations total of banana production, its estimated that the United States would rank at about the 4th or 5th country for banana production in the world. Bananas are also grown commercially in Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa. Banana#Modern cultivation Banana production in the United States Commercial", "title": "Banana production in the United States" }, { "docid": "15023422", "text": "wine production to other countries where the crop is prevalent. The Philippines government has sought to expand a local banana wine industry, while India has produced both award-winning banana wines and research into expanding production. Banana wine Banana wine is a fruit wine made exclusively from bananas. It is different from banana beer, which has a long tradition and great cultural significance in East Africa. Blocker et al. (2001) wrote a chapter on \"Banana Wine\" in the book \"Alcohol and temperance in modern history: an international encyclopedia\", though this is slightly confusing, as they define what is traditionally referred to", "title": "Banana wine" }, { "docid": "12299254", "text": "making it readily available again. Collection of Splits 2002–2004 Collection of Splits 2002–2004 is a compilation album by Canadian grindcore band Fuck the Facts. It was released in the spring of 2006 on Great White North Records. The compilation contains all of the tracks (minus live and bonus tracks) from the splits released between \"Backstabber Ettiquette\" and \"Legacy of Hopelessness\". It was also packed with enhanced MP3 tracks from some of the earlier splits and other oddities. Topon Das had expressed an interest in releasing a compilation after he realized that many fans were unable to acquire the actual splits,", "title": "Collection of Splits 2002–2004" }, { "docid": "12299252", "text": "Collection of Splits 2002–2004 Collection of Splits 2002–2004 is a compilation album by Canadian grindcore band Fuck the Facts. It was released in the spring of 2006 on Great White North Records. The compilation contains all of the tracks (minus live and bonus tracks) from the splits released between \"Backstabber Ettiquette\" and \"Legacy of Hopelessness\". It was also packed with enhanced MP3 tracks from some of the earlier splits and other oddities. Topon Das had expressed an interest in releasing a compilation after he realized that many fans were unable to acquire the actual splits, due to their limited pressings", "title": "Collection of Splits 2002–2004" }, { "docid": "18715221", "text": "Banana production in the United States Commercial banana production in the United States is relatively limited in scale and economic impact. While Americans eat of bananas per person per year, the vast majority of the fruit is imported from other countries, chiefly Central and South America, where the US has previously occupied areas containing banana plantations, and controlled the importation of bananas via various fruit companies, such as Dole and Chiquita. The first commercial banana farm in the United States was established in Florida, near Silver Lake, in 1876. A number of independent banana farms and cultivars have been located", "title": "Banana production in the United States" }, { "docid": "17353343", "text": "decade of the 1990s. In 1998, there were 4,941 banana planters employing a workforce of 98,000. In 1999 Dole established a new loading terminal at Bananapuerto in 1999. In 2003 the Food and Agriculture Organization reported that the country's banana workers received lower wages than banana workers in all other Latin American banana-exporting nations. A study conducted three years earlier stated that the country's banana worker's average monthly wage was US$56. In 2012, Ecuador reported losses of $600 million due to the Black sigatoka fungus, with 40% (85,000 hectares) of the country's banana plantations affected by it. Production of banana", "title": "Banana production in Ecuador" }, { "docid": "1682633", "text": "and gullies. This population is probably also a relic from the Pleistocene epoch. Banana slugs are detritivores, or decomposers. They process leaves, animal droppings, moss, and dead plant material, and then recycle them into soil humus. They seem to have a fondness for mushrooms, spread seeds and spores when they eat, and excrete a nitrogen rich fertilizer. By consuming detritus (dead organic matter) slugs contribute to decomposition and the nutrient cycles and are an important aspect of the ecosystem. Raccoons, garter snakes, ducks, geese and salamanders sometimes eat banana slugs; they roll the slugs in soil to bind the slime.", "title": "Banana slug" }, { "docid": "18715225", "text": "to high employment and land expenses. The chief US banana exporter is Florida, which produces mostly Thai and cooking bananas (Bluggoe type). In addition, US banana producers are looking for opportunities in the organic and specialty segments of the banana market in Florida, Texas, California, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia. Banana cultivation in Florida has been about 500 acres, valued at roughly 2 million US $. Other states that remain popular locations for independent banana farming, which usually only export on a highly domestic level, are Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Arizona,", "title": "Banana production in the United States" }, { "docid": "12405881", "text": "Banana production in Belize Banana production in Belize accounted for 16 percent of total Belizean exports in 1999. Banana production was aided in the 1990s by privatization and market and production. Banana production in Belize fluctuates, falling from 68,000 tons in 1994 to 45,000 tons in 1995 before rising back to 78,000 tons in 1999. Banana production in Belize began in the late nineteenth century when it was a British colony, when American and British investors established the first plantations. Over the last 70 years, the pattern of banana production has gradually shifted away from large scale American and British", "title": "Banana production in Belize" }, { "docid": "18327035", "text": "particular, Maribel Ovando-Martinez led a group of researchers from Mexico and Spain did a study to find what effect the addition of banana flour to pasta would have on pasta’s resistant starch content. Their results showed that such an addition to a normal pasta recipe, even with cooking loss, appreciably increased the resistant starch content of the pasta. Other researchers did similar tests adding banana flour to bread and also found banana flour increased the total resistant starch content of the final product. Researchers have also conducted tests on the effects banana flour has on taste and general palatability. Researchers", "title": "Banana flour" }, { "docid": "9243703", "text": "November 1879 as one of 74 divisions around Queensland under the \"Divisional Boards Act 1879\" with a population of 2155. The name \"Banana\" does not relate to the fruit, but rather the area was named after a dun-coloured bullock called \"Banana\". On 20 April 1881 part of Banana Division was separated to create Duaringa Division. With the passage of the \"Local Authorities Act 1902\", Banana Division became Shire on Banana on 31 March 1903. The shire's administrative centre was in Banana until 1930, when the building was physically relocated to Rannes. In 1946, the shire headquarters moved to Biloela. On", "title": "Shire of Banana" }, { "docid": "12829794", "text": "Banana production in Brazil Banana production in Brazil accounts for approximately 10% of the entire world banana production, making Brazil a major banana-producing country in the world. Production has steadily increased over the years, rising from 5.4 million tonnes in 1997 to almost 7 million tonnes in 2007. In 2000, Brazil was fourth, behind India, Uganda and Ecuador, in banana production. By 2006, Brazil became the second largest banana-producer, behind only India, followed by China, Ecuador and the Philippines. Most of the bananas produced are consumed domestically. Gross exports has increased from 12.5 thousand tonnes in 1995 to more than", "title": "Banana production in Brazil" }, { "docid": "11730672", "text": "employment for about 10,000 workers. In St.Vincent, there are about 5,000 banana growers. The small size of farms makes for inefficient production and contributes to a low standard of living. In Dominica, 8% of the fruit is supplied by 51% of the banana farming population, medium growers supply 41% and over 51% is supplied by large land holders. In the Windward group generally, the majority of the farming population owns less than a third of the banana acreage. In Grenada, there are a large number of peasant plots given to intercrop cultivation with bananas. In St. Vincent, the pattern is", "title": "Banana production in the Caribbean" }, { "docid": "11730675", "text": "is exported there is a high incidence of ship-ripe fruit which arrive at their destination in poor condition. Panama disease (Fusarium oxysporum) is caused by tiny worms which feed on the roots of the plants, block the water vessels and reduce production. Production is also affected by pests which scar the banana peel. The placing of sleeves over the bunches and the removal of the buds are two controlling measures. Banana production in the Caribbean Banana production in the Caribbean is widespread. Bananas are cultivated by both small farmers and large land holders. The plant is perennial and is planted", "title": "Banana production in the Caribbean" }, { "docid": "2839186", "text": "century, largely as part of the slave trade. Henry Morton Stanley arrived at Banana in 1879 at the start of an exploratory expedition funded by Léopold II of Belgium. Following the Conference of Berlin (1884–85) the European powers recognized Léopold's claim to the Congo basin, and in a ceremony at Banana in 1885 the king announced the establishment of the Congo Free State, headed by himself, beginning the period of European colonization. Banana was the main Belgian naval base of the Congo until independence in 1960. Banana, Democratic Republic of the Congo Banana is a small seaport in the Bas-Congo", "title": "Banana, Democratic Republic of the Congo" }, { "docid": "12406042", "text": "tax on bananas. Panama threatened to take over United Brands' plantations. An agreement was reached in 1976 to tax banana exports. In that year, the tax provided the government with US$10 million, nearly 4 percent of all revenues. In addition, United Brands sold all of land that it owned in Panama to the government; payment was in tax credits. The government leased back to United Brands over for banana production and export operations. Part of the excess land went to the government's newly established banana companies. Banana production in Panama Banana production in Panama has traditionally played an important role", "title": "Banana production in Panama" }, { "docid": "351753", "text": "the keys. In the top level of recursion, opportunity for parallelism is in the counting sort portion of the algorithm. Counting is highly parallel, amenable to the parallel_reduce pattern, and splits the work well across multiple cores until reaching memory bandwidth limit. This portion of the algorithm has data-independent parallelism. Processing each bin in subsequent recursion levels is data-dependent, however. For example, if all keys were of the same value, then there would be only a single bin with any elements in it, and no parallelism would be available. For random inputs all bins would be near equally populated and", "title": "Radix sort" }, { "docid": "9700259", "text": "Betty Grable. Sam Levine (May 15, 1881–November 13, 1974) bought Proper's original props and gimmicks from Proper's estate, and performed as The Banana Man on \"Captain Kangaroo\" and \"The Ed Sullivan Show\". \"Allan Jones\" of Cleveland, TN purchased the entire Banana Man props and gimmicks sometime in the early 2000's. The Banana Man The Banana Man was a vaudeville character created by Adolf Proper (November 27, 1886–December 17, 1950) who worked under the stage name \"A. Robins\". The Banana Man (BZ) act consisted of Proper, dressed as a clownish character in a baggy tuxedo, producing an amazing and apparently impossible", "title": "The Banana Man" }, { "docid": "10878792", "text": "Gordon Splits The Gordon Splits is a notable section of gorges of the Gordon River, located in South West Tasmania, Australia. The once impassable gorges are situated on the lower Gordon River in the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The splits has also been an important location of focus within the larger environmental campaign for wilderness preservation in South West Tasmania. The earlier works of Charles Whitham and others suggested that the river went underground at some point. It was not until in 1928 that three piners (J.Hadmar Sticht, G.W. Harrison and", "title": "Gordon Splits" }, { "docid": "12405646", "text": "Banana production in Honduras Banana production in Honduras plays an important role in the economy of Honduras. In 1992, the revenue generated from banana sales amounted to US$287 million and along with the coffee industry accounted for some 50% of exports. Honduras produced 861,000 tons of bananas in 1999. The two corporations, Chiquita Brands International and the Dole Food Company are responsible for most Honduran banana production and exports. Honduras began exporting bananas in the late nineteenth century, and the trade grew rapidly. Initially, in the 1870s most banana production was confined to the Bay Islands, serious production did not", "title": "Banana production in Honduras" }, { "docid": "9243702", "text": "Shire of Banana The Shire of Banana is a local government area located in the Capricorn region of Queensland, Australia, inland from the regional city of Gladstone. The shire was named after the first township in the region (Banana), which in turn was named for the burial site of a huge dun coloured bullock named 'Banana'. The council sits in the town of Biloela, which is the largest town in the Shire. Major industries in the shire include coal mining, beef production, power generation, dryland cropping and irrigation cropping such as lucerne and cotton. Banana Division was created on 11", "title": "Shire of Banana" }, { "docid": "12405658", "text": "that global banana production was under threat by disease and may be wiped out within ten years if preventative measures are not taken to protect against it. Scientists from the banana industry in Honduras responded to the potential crisis by implementing new large-scale breeding schemes in a new FHIA variety. This FHIA banana crop is resistant to major diseases and pests, but is also highly productive and efficient. The scheme in Honduras is financed by the multinational United Brands. Banana production in Honduras Banana production in Honduras plays an important role in the economy of Honduras. In 1992, the revenue", "title": "Banana production in Honduras" }, { "docid": "18570782", "text": "Banana (video game player) Wang Jiao (), known by his tag Banana, is a Chinese \"Dota 2\" coach and player for LGD Gaming. He was part of the Newbee eSports Club team that won what was then the single largest money prize in video game history, a 5,028,308 payout at The International 4 (TI4) at the KeyArena, in Seattle, Washington. Newbee defeated ViCi Gaming three game to one. \"e-Sports Earnings\" estimates that Banana has won a total of 1,192,049.89 individually from tournaments. As of April 14, 2015, after TI4 Wang \"Banana\" Jiao was the highest ranking player in terms of", "title": "Banana (video game player)" }, { "docid": "18570783", "text": "prize money won across all competitive video games. Banana joined NewBee in March 2014. Banana (video game player) Wang Jiao (), known by his tag Banana, is a Chinese \"Dota 2\" coach and player for LGD Gaming. He was part of the Newbee eSports Club team that won what was then the single largest money prize in video game history, a 5,028,308 payout at The International 4 (TI4) at the KeyArena, in Seattle, Washington. Newbee defeated ViCi Gaming three game to one. \"e-Sports Earnings\" estimates that Banana has won a total of 1,192,049.89 individually from tournaments. As of April 14,", "title": "Banana (video game player)" }, { "docid": "1682627", "text": "alterations in food consumption, light exposure, and moisture levels. Color may also indicate whether a slug is healthy or injured or what age it is. The Pacific banana slug is the second-largest species of terrestrial slug in the world, growing up to long, and weights of . (The largest slug species is \"Limax cinereoniger\" of Europe, which can reach in length.) Banana slugs have an average lifespan of 1–7 years. Banana slugs (like other gastropods and many other mollusks) have a radula, a ribbon-like anatomical structure covered in rows of microscopic teeth; the radula is used for feeding. Individuals can", "title": "Banana slug" }, { "docid": "506020", "text": "especially in Dominica where this sort of cultivation is widespread, holdings are in the 1–2 acre range. In many cases the farmer earns additional money from other crops, from engaging in labor outside the farm, and from a share of the earnings of relatives living overseas. Banana crops are vulnerable to destruction by high winds, such as tropical storms or cyclones. All widely cultivated bananas today descend from the two wild bananas \"Musa acuminata\" and \"Musa balbisiana\". While the original wild bananas contained large seeds, diploid or polyploid cultivars (some being hybrids) with tiny seeds are preferred for human raw", "title": "Banana" }, { "docid": "12829798", "text": "Czech Republic. Apart from molecular genomics research, Embrapa also has a successful banana breeding program, generating disease-resistant varieties, such as the Pacovan Ken. Pacovan Ken, a banana breed resistant to yellow and black sigatoka and to Panama disease launched in November 2001 as a national crop plant in Brazil, is named after Embrapa scientist Kenneth Shepherd. Banana production in Brazil Banana production in Brazil accounts for approximately 10% of the entire world banana production, making Brazil a major banana-producing country in the world. Production has steadily increased over the years, rising from 5.4 million tonnes in 1997 to almost 7", "title": "Banana production in Brazil" }, { "docid": "12405883", "text": "sector. Five years later, banana production had almost tripled, and the cultivated area had increased to more than 2,400 hectares. The Banana Control Board was reorganized and retained the responsibility for marketing and research. In 1991 responsibility for the board was passed to the Banana Growers' Association. Britain was the almost exclusive importer of Belizean bananas. Marketing of exports was handled by Fyffes, an Irish subsidiary of the United States company, United Fruit. The special provisions of the Lomé Convention's Banana Protocol allowed Britain to guarantee artificially high prices for bananas to the beneficiaries of the protocol. These prices were", "title": "Banana production in Belize" }, { "docid": "7362178", "text": "punk rock soap opera; Savage Amused, Flak, 99 Cents, The Garden, White Wreckage, Moist, Real Enemy, The Feedback, The Throbbing Dogs (1995 House Band), AMS and Carsickness, all of which became regular acts at The Banana, and often \"hosted\" the national acts coming through. A mention is made to the Electric Banana in the song \"Pittsburgh\" by They Might Be Giants on their 2004 Venue Songs Album. The song concentrates on Mister Smalls theater in Millvale, but The Banana is mentioned in the lines: The Electric Banana was also known for its stylized yellow matchbook covers. The image of a", "title": "The Electric Banana" }, { "docid": "6100988", "text": "Hillbilly Bears\" cartoon segments were later repeated during the second season of \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\" (1969–1970), and all 52 \"Atom Ant\" and \"Secret Squirrel\" half-hours were syndicated as part of \"The Banana Splits and Friends Show\", an umbrella title for a package combining episodes of several different Hanna-Barbera series (the other series included \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour, The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn\", and \"The Adventures of Gulliver\"). The program contained six segments: The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show was an hour-long Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions from 1965 to 1967", "title": "The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show" }, { "docid": "12405887", "text": "in a 2014 \"List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor\" published by the Bureau of International Labor Affairs. The U.S. Department of Labor added that \"important gaps remain in the country's legal framework on the worst forms of child labor [...] and the impact of many of the Government's development and education policies and programs on child labor remains unknown.\" Banana production in Belize Banana production in Belize accounted for 16 percent of total Belizean exports in 1999. Banana production was aided in the 1990s by privatization and market and production. Banana production in Belize fluctuates, falling", "title": "Banana production in Belize" }, { "docid": "12405654", "text": "to protect the supremacy of the banana companies operating in the country. The growth of banana production in Honduras soon saw the industry constituting some 88% of Honduran exports at its all-time peak, centering the economic activity of the country almost entirely on the Atlantic coast region, with the economic center at the coastal city of San Pedro Sula rather than Tegucigalpa. The Honduran banana industry employed a significant Garifuna workforce from the Bay Islands off Trujillo and in 1901 the government gave concessions for them to use over 7,000 hectares for banana cultivation. However in practice it was impossible", "title": "Banana production in Honduras" }, { "docid": "10878794", "text": "through the splits, the photographs taken by Truchanas were destroyed in the 1967 Tasmanian fires. Southwell and others in the 1970s tended to free float on an inflatable water mattress through the splits to alleviate some of the issues arising from using fixed structure boats travelling through. Photographs by Truchanas, Les Southwell, and Dombrovskis show the steep narrow nature of the splits dramatically in their photographs. More recent aerial photographs can be found like Joe Shemesh's in the Huon Pine book of Kerr and McDermott. Geraldine Brooks wrote a piece in the \"National Times\" of 24–30 May 1981 which Peter", "title": "Gordon Splits" }, { "docid": "10878796", "text": "they appear like pieces of a giant's unsolved jigsaw, crggy masses and voids of sparkling quartzite, frozen a few metres apart, never quite meshing in the first Split, the rock rises vertically for about 100 metres before it merges with the gentler mountainside\" Gordon Splits The Gordon Splits is a notable section of gorges of the Gordon River, located in South West Tasmania, Australia. The once impassable gorges are situated on the lower Gordon River in the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The splits has also been an important location of focus", "title": "Gordon Splits" }, { "docid": "12405882", "text": "owned company production to smaller-scale localised indigenous farming primarily targeted at the European market. The Banana trade began between British Honduras and New Orleans. Commerce was wiped out in the 1920s by an outbreak of the Panama disease. Plantations were destroyed again by hurricanes in 1975 and 1978. The subsequent takeover of banana cultivation by the Banana Control Board, a public enterprise, had the effect of further inhibiting production. By mid-1985, the Banana Control Board had accumulated debts of US$9 million. The government reacted to the plight of the board by selling the 880 hectares under cultivation to the private", "title": "Banana production in Belize" }, { "docid": "10878795", "text": "Thompson quoted in his \"Power in Tasmania\" as an evocative overview of the splits and their context. \"The Splits are a geological phenomenon. Six hundred million years ago, the powerful waters of the Gordon River wore a deep erosion slot through a rugged spine of quartzite. The river runs across the grain of the countryside, instead of following it. The result is rare and spectacular\". \"From the air, the Splits seem to grasp the Gordon River like giant rocky pincers, squeezing its wide flow into narrow strips of deep water about 100 metres long\". \"From the river bank below them,", "title": "Gordon Splits" }, { "docid": "4545010", "text": "\"The Banana Splits and Friends Show\", the syndicated version of \"The Banana Splits Adventure Hour\". Toys had been produced in Germany by Heimo. A Hanna-Barbera Production. Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc. ©MCMLXVIII-MCMLXXI All rights reserved. The Adventures of Gulliver The Adventures of Gulliver is a 1968 television cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The show is based on the novel \"Gulliver's Travels\". The show aired Saturday mornings on ABC-TV and lasted for one season in its original broadcast. While on a boat trip with his father, Gary Gulliver and his dog Tagg end up shipwrecked on an island. On this island is the", "title": "The Adventures of Gulliver" }, { "docid": "18715224", "text": "In the 70's, a variety of bananas, including Ice Cream and Cavendish, were commonly grown throughout the Appalachian region, primarily throughout Tennessee, as well as in Kentucky along the Mississippi and Ohio rivers as well as in mountain areas of the eastern reaches of the state. Hawaii is by far the largest banana producer in the United States, followed by Florida. Banana plantation in Hawaii has followed a descending trend, from 13,181 mmt in 2000 to 8,090 mmt in 2010. Hawaii produces mainly the conventional Cavendish assortment and the Hawaiian apple banana, which are sold in the local markets due", "title": "Banana production in the United States" }, { "docid": "7393151", "text": "hemisphere spanning both of the Roosevelt presidencies. The term was popularized through this writing which portrayed the United States as a police force that was sent to reconcile warring tropical countries, lawless societies and corrupt politicians, establishing a reign over tropical trade. The Banana Wars began with injustices, corruption, lawless societies and labor abuse in Latin America. Banana workers began what was comparable to a civil rights movement in the tropical fruit trade. Warring tropical countries stemmed from maltreatment and abusive working conditions gave rise to one of the earliest and most militant labor movements in early Latin America. When", "title": "Banana Wars" }, { "docid": "7393152", "text": "high import duties on bananas were announced in 1913, consumer representatives together with the banana industry protested successfully. They claimed it was the most widely consumed fruit among the urban poor, thus contrasting it with the aristocratic traditions associated with the consumption of other tropical commodities such as tea,coffee, and chocolate.The discourse and corruption facing Latin American people and governments is what prompted the United States influence.The Spanish American War was the US first global conflict. U.S. motivations for these conflicts were largely economic and military. The term \"Banana Wars\" was coined much later to cast the motivations for these", "title": "Banana Wars" }, { "docid": "15533119", "text": "economies of the countries in which they operated. Since banana exports came to dominate the overseas trade and most of the foreign exchange earnings of Central American countries, and the companies could use their financial clout as well as carefully established connections with local elites, they had great influence over politics in those areas, leading O. Henry, who lived in Honduras (which he called \"Anchuria\") in 1896-97 to coin the term banana republic for them. Company influence was buttressed both by their willingness to hire mercenaries as paramilitary forces and to involve the United States government in military interventions when", "title": "History of modern banana plantations in the Americas" }, { "docid": "506030", "text": "large-scale cultivation in the next 10–20 years. Its predecessor 'Gros Michel', discovered in the 1820s, suffered this fate. Like almost all bananas, Cavendish lacks genetic diversity, which makes it vulnerable to diseases, threatening both commercial cultivation and small-scale subsistence farming. Some commentators remarked that those variants which could replace what much of the world considers a \"typical banana\" are so different that most people would not consider them the same fruit, and blame the decline of the banana on monogenetic cultivation driven by short-term commercial motives. Panama disease is caused by a fusarium soil fungus (Race 1), which enters the", "title": "Banana" }, { "docid": "15533122", "text": "this zone. Racial discrimination policies that were widespread in the United States at the time were transported to Central America. The companies never used as much land as they acquired. They learned early that the plants were vulnerable to hurricanes, and to Panama disease, which first appeared in the 1910s in Panama, and completely destroyed banana growth very rapidly in areas where it had taken hold. As a result, they both acquired far more land than they needed to support banana cultivation, and they left these lands vacant as a reserve. Such policies in countries like Guatemala where landlessness was", "title": "History of modern banana plantations in the Americas" }, { "docid": "9243704", "text": "15 March 2008, under the \"Local Government (Reform Implementation) Act 2007\" passed by the Parliament of Queensland on 10 August 2007, the Shire of Banana absorbed the northern part of the neighbouring Shire of Taroom, including the town of Taroom itself (the southern part was amgalmated into the Dalby Region later renamed Western Downs Region). The council has 3 offices: The Shire of Banana includes the following settlements: Banana area: North Taroom area: – shared with the Western Downs Region Banana Shire Council operate libraries at Biloela, Moura, Taroom, and Theodore. The council operates a fortnightly mobile library service to", "title": "Shire of Banana" }, { "docid": "8359672", "text": "\"Just a Conversation\"): The same master was also issued in Japan with an additional 3\" CD single: Sort Of Sort Of is the debut studio album by the avant-rock band Slapp Happy. It was recorded in Wümme, Germany in May and June 1972 with Faust as their backing band, and released on LP by Polydor Records in 1972. In 1980 Recommended Records released a limited edition of \"Sort Of\" on LP, and the album was reissued on CD by Blueprint Records in 1999 with one bonus track. All titles written by Peter Blegvad and Anthony Moore. \"Sort Of\" was released", "title": "Sort Of" }, { "docid": "7557809", "text": "Deep Banana Blackout Deep Banana Blackout (or DBB) is a New Orleans style Jazz-funk band from Fairfield County, Connecticut. Formed in the summer of 1995 when members of two bands (\"Tongue & Groove\" from Connecticut and \"Pack of Matches\" from Long Island, NY) joined forces in their spare time to run through old Funk & Soul standards. As the band members' chemistry became apparent, all other projects fell by the wayside so that they could focus on writing and arranging material for what had become Deep Banana Blackout. The band soon became a highly acclaimed musical force on the East", "title": "Deep Banana Blackout" } ]
Who had an 80s No 1 hit with Can't Fight This Feeling?
[ "REO (album)", "Alan Gratzer", "R.E.O. Speedwagon", "REO Speedwagon", "Michael Bryan Murphy", "Can't Stop Rockin", "Reo Speedwagon", "R.E.O Speedwagon" ]
[ { "docid": "6330528", "text": "Can't Fight This Feeling \"Can't Fight This Feeling\" is a power ballad performed by the American rock band REO Speedwagon. The single remained at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart for three consecutive weeks from March 9 to March 23, 1985. The song first appeared on REO Speedwagon's 1984 album \"Wheels Are Turnin'\". It was the group's second number-one hit on the U.S. charts (the first being 1981's \"Keep on Loving You\", also written by Kevin Cronin) and reached number sixteen in the UK. \"Can't Fight This Feeling\" has appeared on dozens of 'various artists' compilation albums, as", "title": "Can't Fight This Feeling" }, { "docid": "6330532", "text": "episode of The Goldbergs. In 2016, the song was used in the UK and US on adverts for Sheba cat food. REO Speedwagon Can't Fight This Feeling \"Can't Fight This Feeling\" is a power ballad performed by the American rock band REO Speedwagon. The single remained at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart for three consecutive weeks from March 9 to March 23, 1985. The song first appeared on REO Speedwagon's 1984 album \"Wheels Are Turnin'\". It was the group's second number-one hit on the U.S. charts (the first being 1981's \"Keep on Loving You\", also written by", "title": "Can't Fight This Feeling" }, { "docid": "6330529", "text": "well as several REO Speedwagon greatest hits albums. REO Speedwagon performed the song at the 1985 Live Aid concert; they were introduced by Chevy Chase, mentioning that the song was a number-one single at the moment in the United States. Two different music videos exist for the song. One is a basic video, appearing almost homemade, featuring the band in the studio. It begins with Kevin Cronin playing the piano, attempting to find the key in which he can best sing the song (starting off in G major, he later decides he can sing it better in A). After Cronin", "title": "Can't Fight This Feeling" } ]
[ { "docid": "14223584", "text": "Madonna to complete this song. The single was released in Australia on 26 March 2011. </div> Can't Fight This Feeling (Junior Caldera song) \"Can't Fight this Feeling\" is a song written by Junior Caldera, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Roselyn Della Sabina, and produced by Junior Caldera for his first album, \"Début\", released in 2009. It was released as the album's fourth single in February 2010. It was also the second single from Ellis-Bextor's fourth studio album, \"Make A Scene\". The single was released in France prior to the release of Ellis-Bextor following single, \"Bittersweet\". The video for the song was shot", "title": "Can't Fight This Feeling (Junior Caldera song)" }, { "docid": "3652791", "text": "version of the song had been released previously as part of the soundtrack for the video game \"Madden NFL 2004\" under the erroneous title \"Action\". Barker explained in an interview that \"'Action' just sounded kind of dorky to us. Like we would always call it 'Feeling This' and then someone at our label, I think, like wrote it as 'Action' one time and sent out singles to people. And it was always supposed to be 'Feeling This'.\" To promote \"Blink-182\", the group performed \"Feeling This\", as well as their past hit \"Dammit\" on \"Total Request Live\" on November 11, 2003,", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "14223583", "text": "Can't Fight This Feeling (Junior Caldera song) \"Can't Fight this Feeling\" is a song written by Junior Caldera, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and Roselyn Della Sabina, and produced by Junior Caldera for his first album, \"Début\", released in 2009. It was released as the album's fourth single in February 2010. It was also the second single from Ellis-Bextor's fourth studio album, \"Make A Scene\". The single was released in France prior to the release of Ellis-Bextor following single, \"Bittersweet\". The video for the song was shot in Paris on 10 March 2010. It was believed that Roselyn Della Sabina stopped writing for", "title": "Can't Fight This Feeling (Junior Caldera song)" }, { "docid": "11223683", "text": "them, and the Stooges run out of the stadium. \"No Census, No Feeling\" was filmed on May 25–29, 1940. The film title is a parody on the expression \"No sense, no feeling\". Curly confuses \"census\" for \"the censor\", thinking he is working for Will H. Hays. In one scene, Curly believes that it is Independence Day in October, claiming that \"you never can tell; look what they did to Thanksgiving!\". This is a reference to an event in 1939 when Franklin Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to an earlier Thursday in November to lengthen the Christmas shopping season. This act angered many", "title": "No Census, No Feeling" }, { "docid": "18880378", "text": "as a control group. The study found that the children who went through the program had greater knowledge about sexual assault than the control children, and that the children who went through the program were slightly better than the control children at distinguishing between safe and unsafe situations. Feeling Yes, Feeling No Feeling Yes, Feeling No (French: Mon corps, c'est mon corps) is a film series produced and distributed by the National Film Board of Canada to teach children between the ages of six and twelve to avoid being sexually assaulted by people they trust, family members, and strangers. The", "title": "Feeling Yes, Feeling No" }, { "docid": "8001723", "text": "This Happy Feeling This Happy Feeling is a 1958 film by Blake Edwards adapted from the F. Hugh Herbert play \"For Love or Money\". Edwards regretted Universal-International's eleventh hour decision of a name change, but the studio was hoping to trade off another pop hit by Debbie Reynolds as they had with \"Tammy and the Bachelor\". Reynolds stars, along with John Saxon, Curt Jurgens and veteran Hollywood actresses Alexis Smith and Mary Astor. Nita Holloway, a woman romantically involved with veteran actor Preston \"Mitch\" Mitchell, tries to persuade him to come out of retirement to appear in a Broadway play", "title": "This Happy Feeling" }, { "docid": "8001726", "text": "realizes that Bill and Janet were meant for each other. He happily goes back to Nita, and is last seen on stage in the new Broadway play. This Happy Feeling This Happy Feeling is a 1958 film by Blake Edwards adapted from the F. Hugh Herbert play \"For Love or Money\". Edwards regretted Universal-International's eleventh hour decision of a name change, but the studio was hoping to trade off another pop hit by Debbie Reynolds as they had with \"Tammy and the Bachelor\". Reynolds stars, along with John Saxon, Curt Jurgens and veteran Hollywood actresses Alexis Smith and Mary Astor.", "title": "This Happy Feeling" }, { "docid": "3652783", "text": "Tracks chart in late 2003. It was also a top 20 hit in the United Kingdom and Australia. The digital single was certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America in 2005. Blink-182 has performed \"Feeling This\" in a number of live appearances, including on \"Jimmy Kimmel Live!\". \"Feeling This\" was the first track that was recorded for \"Blink-182\" in early 2003. On the first day of pre-production on the album, bassist Mark Hoppus asked an engineer to explain Pro Tools to him, as it was the first time the band would record their music digitally. He began recording", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "9335627", "text": "the single, by then well over a year old, went on to hit No. 1 in the US in October 1982. \"Who Can It Be Now?\" was also a modest hit in the UK, reaching No. 45. As one of the Men at Work's biggest hits, it was featured on their later compilation albums, and a live version can be found on \"Brazil\". The song remains a popular symbol of new wave music and has been featured on numerous 1980s compilations. The band performed both this song and \"Down Under\" live on \"Saturday Night Live\" on 23 October 1982. Around", "title": "Who Can It Be Now?" }, { "docid": "2415035", "text": "with both viruses. Allogenic bone marrow transplantation has been investigated in the treatment of HTLV-1 disease with varied results. One case report describes an HTLV-1 infected woman who developed chronic refractory eczema, corneal injury and adult T cell leukemia. She was subsequently treated with allogenic stem cell transplantation and had complete resolution of symptoms. One year post-transplant, she has had no recurrence of any symptoms, and furthermore has had a decrease in her proviral load. Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 or human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-I), also called the adult T-cell lymphoma virus type", "title": "Human T-lymphotropic virus 1" }, { "docid": "18880376", "text": "Feeling Yes, Feeling No Feeling Yes, Feeling No (French: Mon corps, c'est mon corps) is a film series produced and distributed by the National Film Board of Canada to teach children between the ages of six and twelve to avoid being sexually assaulted by people they trust, family members, and strangers. The films consist of recordings of a play that began development in 1980 in Vancouver, British Columbia by Green Thumb Theatre. Dennis Foon, Wendy Van Reisen, and Fran Gebhard finished writing the play in 1982. Initially performed in workshops with children, the play was very successful. The filmed version", "title": "Feeling Yes, Feeling No" }, { "docid": "13760802", "text": "being worried that Cheryl would not be able to cope going solo. She said \"Whilst it does sound just a little bit Girls Aloud-y, we still love it, and can see it being a huge hit on the club circuit up and down the country ... we think this is going to send her well on her way to global superstardom.\" Popjustice also liked the song saying \"'Fight For This Love' is very definitely not just a Girls Aloud single with one person singing it... its one of those songs you can have on repeat for an hour and a", "title": "Fight for This Love" }, { "docid": "11030552", "text": "How Can I Unlove You (album) How Can I Unlove You is an album by Country music singer Lynn Anderson, released in 1971 (see 1971 in music). The album's title is derived from Anderson's No. 1 hit single late that year, \"How Can I Unlove You\". Written by Joe South (who had previously written her 1970 No. 1 Country and Pop hit, \"(I Never Promised You A) Rose Garden\", the song also reached No. 63 on the Pop music charts and No. 30 on the Adult Contemporary charts, and was Anderson's third No. 1 hit. This album includes covers of", "title": "How Can I Unlove You (album)" }, { "docid": "14382816", "text": "What is this Feeling? \"What is this Feeling?\" is a song from the hit musical \"Wicked\". It is sung between Elphaba, Galinda (later Glinda), and the students at Shiz University, expressing their loathing for each other's contrasting personalities as newly-assigned roommates. The song is performed towards the beginning of the first act. It opens with the two girls, Galinda and Elphaba, writing letters home to their parents in order to complain about their new rooming situation at Shiz University, brought about by Madame Morrible. During the song, Galinda and Elphaba graphically detail their mutual and \"unadulterated loathing\" toward one another.", "title": "What is this Feeling?" }, { "docid": "11895211", "text": "Fight with Tools Fight with Tools is the debut album by Flobots originally released in October 2007 and re-released on May 20, 2008. The album was recorded in 2007 around the band's home state of Colorado. \"Fight with Tools\" received a mildly positive reception from critics who praised the production and serious subject matter. The album features the single \"Handlebars\" which became a popular hit on Modern Rock radio the following April, also becoming a popular hit in the UK (#14), New Zealand (#26) and Canada (#63). The album also features the single \"Rise\" which also became a popular hit", "title": "Fight with Tools" }, { "docid": "9335626", "text": "Who Can It Be Now? \"Who Can It Be Now?\" is a song recorded by Australian band Men at Work. It was first released as a single in Australia in June 1981, prior to the recording of their 1981 debut album \"Business as Usual\", on which the track was later included. \"Who Can It Be Now?\" reached No. 2 on the Australian singles chart in August that year, and also hit No. 45 in New Zealand. Released in Canada in early 1982, the track peaked at No. 8 in late July. This spurred an American release of the song, and", "title": "Who Can It Be Now?" }, { "docid": "3652790", "text": "the liner notes for \"Blink-182\", DeLonge stated that the recording was done in a living room at the home previously mentioned, with microphones away. The end of the song is a melodic duet between the band's two vocalists, both singing conflicting but harmonizing parts. Blink-182 first performed \"Feeling This\" alongside other new songs from \"Blink-182\" during their performances at the 2003 Reading and Leeds festivals. The band picked \"Feeling This\" as the first single because they felt it representative of the transition they had undergone since their fourth studio album, \"Take Off Your Pants and Jacket\" (2001). A slightly different", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "11223679", "text": "No Census, No Feeling No Census, No Feeling (1940) is the 50th short film released by Columbia Pictures starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for the studio between 1934 and 1959. The Stooges are caught sleeping in a closed awning situated over a store. A brief argument among the trio results in Curly casually tossing a pot over his shoulder, breaking several dishes. The shopkeeper (Max Davidson) becomes irate, calls the police and chases the Stooges for vandalizing his store, who quickly dash into a", "title": "No Census, No Feeling" }, { "docid": "8643473", "text": "Big '80s Big '80s was an all 1980s music channel on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 8 and Dish Network channel 6008. It was replaced by XM's The 80s on 8 on November 12, 2008, as part of the Sirius XM Merger. It featured all four living original MTV VJs who are now on The 80s on 8 channel. Big '80s was SIRIUS's highest rated music channel during its early days. Nina Blackwood's countdown show was dropped and replaced by \"AT40 Flashback\" (which had always been broadcast on '80s On 8) when Sirius XM replaced this channel with '80s on 8.", "title": "Big '80s" }, { "docid": "3652792", "text": "and on the late-night talk show \"Jimmy Kimmel Live!\" in November 26, 2003. Richard Cheese covered the song on their 2004 album \"I'd Like a Virgin\". \"Feeling This\" debuted at number 40 on \"Billboard\" Modern Rock Tracks chart on October 18, 2003, jumping to number 13 in its second week, which was at that time the fourth-biggest move in the history of that chart. The song moved upwards on the chart over the following weeks, eventually achieving a peak of number two (behind Linkin Park's hit \"Numb\") on November 29, 2003. It remained at number two for two more weeks", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "3652787", "text": "mix of the song, the engineer automated the music to fade at the song's conclusion, but mistakenly forgot to do the same for the vocal tracks. Hoppus, who had been listening to the Beach Boys at the time, liked the a cappella interplay of their voices. All agreed to keep it in the final version of the song. The song is composed in the key of E major and is set in time signature of common time with a tempo of 173 beats per minute. The vocal range spans from E3 to B4. \"Feeling This\" opens with flanged drums. Although", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "11223684", "text": "Republicans and, after some time, the holiday ended up moving to the fourth Thursday of November which just happens to be on the last Thursday of November most years. In 1940 and 1941, the holiday was on the third Thursday of November. A colorized version of this film was released in the 2004 DVD collection entitled \"Stooged & Confoosed.\" No Census, No Feeling No Census, No Feeling (1940) is the 50th short film released by Columbia Pictures starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). The comedians released 190 short films for the", "title": "No Census, No Feeling" }, { "docid": "11895215", "text": "Tools\" booklet. Fight with Tools Fight with Tools is the debut album by Flobots originally released in October 2007 and re-released on May 20, 2008. The album was recorded in 2007 around the band's home state of Colorado. \"Fight with Tools\" received a mildly positive reception from critics who praised the production and serious subject matter. The album features the single \"Handlebars\" which became a popular hit on Modern Rock radio the following April, also becoming a popular hit in the UK (#14), New Zealand (#26) and Canada (#63). The album also features the single \"Rise\" which also became a", "title": "Fight with Tools" }, { "docid": "8026225", "text": "sung the standard lyric in live performance. Also, arranger Johnny Pearson utilized a bassoon solo for the instrumental break in Black's version as opposed to the saxophone utilized in the Warwick original. Cilla Black, interviewed for that \"Great Performances\" telecast, expressed her awareness of Warwick's disenchantment: \"It was a No.1; Dionne was dead choked and she's never forgiven me to this day.\" It was in fact Burt Bacharach himself who backed Cilla to record this song for a British release, after Dionne Warwick had a hit in America with it. \"At one point it looked as if Shirley Bassey would", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "18856173", "text": "proper and improper physical intimacy, which he calls \"yes\" and \"no\" feelings; a parent's hug is given as an example of a \"yes\" feeling. In vox populi segments, children give other examples of \"yes\" and \"no\" feelings; one child says that being tickled by his father is a \"yes\" feeling, and another says that being squeezed hard is a \"no\" feeling. Harris leads the children in a chant of \"Go away!\" as an exercise in how to respond to \"no\" feelings. He teaches the children about stranger danger, and that adults they know can also be a threat. The film", "title": "Kids Can Say No!" }, { "docid": "14841984", "text": "Blues with a Feeling \"Blues with a Feeling\" is a blues song written and first recorded by Rabon Tarrant with Jack McVea and His All Stars in 1947, as the B-side of \"Slowly Goin' Crazy Blues\". Although the original release was commercially unsuccessful, the song later became an important hit for Little Walter, with whom it is usually identified. Walter transformed the tune from Tarrant's jump blues-oriented style to a Chicago blues harmonica classic. It became an important piece for blues harp players and a variety of musicians have recorded their own renditions. Rabon Tarrant, a drummer with saxophone player", "title": "Blues with a Feeling" }, { "docid": "5853867", "text": "Absolute Radio 80s Absolute 80s is a digital radio station in the United Kingdom catering for \"reluctant adults\" who want to reconnect with the tunes of their 1980s youth. Absolute 80s launched at 7.00pm on 4 December 2009, replacing Absolute Xtreme. The marketing plan for Absolute 80s started with targeted sampling at 80s events such as Madness, Pet Shop Boys and Depeche Mode at the O2 Arena, Erasure at the NEC Birmingham and Simple Minds at the Wembley Arena. The first track to play on the station was \"(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)\" by the Beastie Boys.", "title": "Absolute Radio 80s" }, { "docid": "7898459", "text": "far between, so the opportunity to see them all on the same bill, made for a fun and playful evening.\" The internet version can be biased toward dance pop or toward mainstream rock hits. '80s on 8 '80s on 8 (also known as The Big '80s on 8) is a commercial-free, satellite radio station on Sirius XM Radio channel 8 and also Dish Network 6008. As a result of the Sirius/XM merger on November 12, 2008, the channel was merged with the Big '80s channel on Sirius 8, and took its current name. The channel plays hit music from the", "title": "'80s on 8" }, { "docid": "14822435", "text": "night, the parson recognized her as his wife, and the housekeeper called him out to see how the roof had bloomed with flowers. The legend of \"Tannhäuser\" features the same growth as evidence of miraculous forgiveness. \"Die Frau ohne Schatten\" by Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss is loosely based on this tale. The Woman Who Had No Shadow \"The Woman Who Had No Shadow\" is a Scandinavian fairy tale, included by Sven Grundtvig in \"Gamle danske Minder i Folkemunde\" and Ella Ohlson in \"Sagor från Ångermanland\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 755, Sin and grace. A woman, wishing to have", "title": "The Woman Who Had No Shadow" }, { "docid": "14839288", "text": "played the song in concert several times, although no recordings have been officially released. You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling \"You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling\", or \"Love with a Feeling\" as it was originally titled, is a blues song first recorded by Tampa Red in 1938. Numerous blues artists have interpreted and recorded the song, including Freddie King who had a number 92 \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in 1961 with \"You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling\". Tampa Red recorded \"Love with a Feeling\" as a mid-tempo twelve-bar blues. Accompanying Red, who sang and played", "title": "You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling" }, { "docid": "8026223", "text": "\"Billboard\" reported that the sales tally for Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was nearing one million units. Internationally, Black's version also reached No.1 in Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa. In The Netherlands the song reached the No.6 position and in Australia it peaked at No.34. In May 2010, research published by BBC Radio 2 revealed that \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" by Cilla Black was the biggest female UK chart hit of the 1960s. Despite the international success and recognition of Warwick's original version, the besting in Great Britain by Black's version has long been a sore point", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "13891986", "text": "function satisfying certain conditions. Then the \"T\"(1) theorem states that \"T\" can be extended to a bounded operator on the Hilbert space \"L\"(R) if and only if the following conditions are satisfied: T(1) theorem In mathematics, the T(1) theorem, first proved by , describes when an operator \"T\" given by a kernel can be extended to a bounded linear operator on the Hilbert space \"L\"(R). The name \"T\"(1) theorem refers to a condition on the distribution \"T\"(1), given by the operator \"T\" applied to the function 1. Suppose that \"T\" is a continuous operator from Schwartz functions on R to", "title": "T(1) theorem" }, { "docid": "8207452", "text": "second season of Consumer Buyline. In this segment, viewers would write in with various complaints about companies or customer service, while others would send in confusing and amusing signs, labels, or ads. Starting with the second season of \"Fight Back!\", if Horowitz challenged a viewer's commercial or used his/her letter on air, he'd send a \"Fight Back!\" T-shirt and a 45rpm record of the show's theme song. In some instances, the t-shirt would be substituted with a red button that read \"Don't Rip Me Off! I Fight Back with David Horowitz!\". Since wrapping production of \"Fight Back!\", David Horowitz has", "title": "Fight Back! with David Horowitz" }, { "docid": "6330531", "text": "5, \"Simon Said\". Jo Harvelle turns this song on for Dean Winchester in Harvelle's Roadhouse. Later, he sings it in the car (claiming the song had stuck in his head to a very confused Sam Winchester). It was also featured in the \"South Park\" episode \"Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy\", and the musical \"Rock of Ages\". It was featured prominently in advertisements for the film, \"Horton Hears a Who!\", and sung by the major characters near the end of the film as the titular character celebrates his vindication and his charges' salvation. In 2013 it was used in the first", "title": "Can't Fight This Feeling" }, { "docid": "8293858", "text": "on VH1's list of \"The 100 Greatest Songs of the '80s.\" According to Daryl Hall, during the recording of \"We Are the World\", Michael Jackson approached him and admitted to lifting the bass line for \"Billie Jean\" from a Hall & Oates song, apparently referring to \"I Can't Go for That (No Can Do).\" Hall says that he told Jackson that he had lifted the bass line from another song himself, and that it was \"something we all do.\" Van Halen would also do something similar by lifting the synthesizer used in \"Kiss On My List\" for their hit \"Jump\".", "title": "I Can't Go for That (No Can Do)" }, { "docid": "3652781", "text": "Feeling This \"Feeling This\" is a song recorded by American rock band Blink-182 for their eponymously titled fifth studio album (2003). The song was released as the lead single from \"Blink-182\" on October 2, 2003 through Geffen Records. It was written by guitarist Tom DeLonge, bassist Mark Hoppus, and drummer Travis Barker, and was produced and mixed by Jerry Finn. The song originated on the first day of producing the album. Its lyrics are purely sexual in nature; the band attempted to juxtapose lust and passion between verses and choruses, thematically connected with a wistful, regretful tone. The song's composition", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "14822434", "text": "The Woman Who Had No Shadow \"The Woman Who Had No Shadow\" is a Scandinavian fairy tale, included by Sven Grundtvig in \"Gamle danske Minder i Folkemunde\" and Ella Ohlson in \"Sagor från Ångermanland\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 755, Sin and grace. A woman, wishing to have no children, threw rocks into a well at a witch's direction. Thereafter, she had no shadow. Her husband, the parson, demanded to know why and threw her out, saying that their slate roof would blossom with flowers before she was forgiven. One day, a beggar woman sought refuge there; she died in the", "title": "The Woman Who Had No Shadow" }, { "docid": "18993060", "text": "artist, jewellery-maker, and portraitist Andrew Logan. Let This Feeling \"Let This Feeling\" is a 1993 Eurodance-single by Dutch TV host, singer and MTV VJ Simone Angel. The song is produced by Italian Eurodance act Cappella. It peaked at number 4 in Finland, number 8 in Israel, number 15 in Switzerland and number 17 in Austria. \"Let This Feeling\" also peaked at number 51 on the Eurochart Hot 100. The music video for \"Let This Feeling\" was directed by Scottish director Matthew Glamorre. It features Simone dancing in a silver flashing kaleidoscope thing and flying on a pegasus sculpture. The sculpture", "title": "Let This Feeling" }, { "docid": "18993059", "text": "Let This Feeling \"Let This Feeling\" is a 1993 Eurodance-single by Dutch TV host, singer and MTV VJ Simone Angel. The song is produced by Italian Eurodance act Cappella. It peaked at number 4 in Finland, number 8 in Israel, number 15 in Switzerland and number 17 in Austria. \"Let This Feeling\" also peaked at number 51 on the Eurochart Hot 100. The music video for \"Let This Feeling\" was directed by Scottish director Matthew Glamorre. It features Simone dancing in a silver flashing kaleidoscope thing and flying on a pegasus sculpture. The sculpture was made by English sculptor, performance", "title": "Let This Feeling" }, { "docid": "5883703", "text": "no doubt that the First Symphony is powerful and dramatic. It is influenced by Tchaikovsky's last symphonies, although this influence can only be seen in the feeling of anguish against relentless fate. The composer Robert Simpson regarded Rachmaninoff's First Symphony as much superior to the two that followed it, feeling that it had been created \"naturally and without strain\" on the whole and with all four of its movements \"thematically genuinely integrated.\" He also felt the symphony sidesteps what he called the \"lyrical inflation\" and \"forced climaxes\" of the Second Symphony and the piano concertos. Instead of this lyric inflation,", "title": "Symphony No. 1 (Rachmaninoff)" }, { "docid": "18150799", "text": "City in 1918. A top 20 song in 1918, the sheet music was repeatedly offered in a war edition with insets of the following performers Emma Carus, Flora Starr, Grace Wallace, and Rae Samuels. If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany! \"If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany!\" is a World War I song from the perspective of a woman confident that her boyfriend will be a good soldier because he was a good lover. It became a hit after it was released by The Farber Sisters in 1918. The lyrics and", "title": "If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany!" }, { "docid": "18150798", "text": "If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany! \"If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany!\" is a World War I song from the perspective of a woman confident that her boyfriend will be a good soldier because he was a good lover. It became a hit after it was released by The Farber Sisters in 1918. The lyrics and cover art are in the public domain. The song was composed by George W. Meyer, with words by Grant Clarke and Howard E. Rogers. It was published by Leo Feist Inc in New York", "title": "If He Can Fight Like He Can Love, Good Night Germany!" }, { "docid": "1612964", "text": "battalion used 31 T-80s and lost 6 of them during three months of combat. The forces selected to capture Grozny were not prepared for such an operation, while the city was defended by, among others, veterans of the Soviet–Afghan War. The T-80 tanks used in this operation either did not have reactive armour (T-80B) or they were not fitted with explosive inserts before the start of the operation (T-80BV), and the T-80 crews lacked sufficient training before the war. The inexperienced crews had no knowledge of the layout of the city, while the tanks were attacked by RPG teams hidden", "title": "T-80" }, { "docid": "7015646", "text": "Lose This Feeling\" and Madonna's 1985 single \"Into the Groove\" was also issued. Inspired by the many bootleg recordings being made in the UK, Minogue sent Madonna a copy of the mashup for her legal approval. Madonna, an artist who rarely approves of others using her music, called it \"brilliant\". Minogue described Madonna's approval as \"the biggest, most amazing thing\". The music video for \"Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling\" was directed by Phil Griffin and filmed in 2003. The video begins with Minogue sitting and dancing on the porch of a colourfully lit beach house. She is then shown sitting", "title": "Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling" }, { "docid": "8026230", "text": "Black's versions of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" were released as singles: Warwick's version rose as high as No.11 while Black's peak was No.34. Warwick had the hit with \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in Belgium (Flemish Region), the Netherlands and South Africa, reaching No.4 in each territory. Petula Clark was on the roster of Pye Records, Warwick's UK label, and therefore in a position to almost immediately cover \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in several foreign language versions for the international market. Clark reached No.7 in France with \"Ceux Qui Ont Un Coeur\" in the spring of 1964 then", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "7898458", "text": "somehow reminiscent of that channel. On April 26, 2017, it was announced that SiriusXM's '80s on 8 would be presenting the Replay America Tour, offering hits from the 80s. The lineup included the following pop stars from the 80s, who mostly played their best known songs: The tour dates and locations were as follows: A review of the final show reported that the tour \"fulfilled its purpose of taking fans back to seemingly more simple times, with the hit songs they grew up with, and a party-like atmosphere. The chance to see some of these acts might be few and", "title": "'80s on 8" }, { "docid": "15249159", "text": "the more powerful T.2. The T.1 and T.2 are the only Perry Beadle types known to have flown. The T.1 was a biplane with wings of equal span, constant chord and no stagger or sweep. It had an essentially two bay wing structure, though a third set of simple parallel interplane struts on each wing, close to the fuselage, took the place of cabane struts. Parallel chord ailerons were fitted only to the upper wing. The fuselage was mounted between the wings, with gaps both above and below; the interplane gap was wide at about 5 ft 9 in (1.75", "title": "Perry Beadle T.1" }, { "docid": "8026232", "text": "a peak achieved of No.37 in May 1964, marking Warwick's sole German chart entry until 1982's \"Heartbreaker\" and Black's sole German charting ever. The orchestra on Petula Clark's versions of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was conducted by Tony Hatch. The instrumentation of Clark differs from that of the versions by Dionne Warwick and Cilla Black in utilizing an organ for the solo on the instrumental break rather than a saxophone as on the Warwick original or a bassoon as on Black's cover. Petula Clark has never recorded \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in English, feeling that both Dionne Warwick", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "14841985", "text": "Jack McVea's band, wrote \"Blues with a Feeling\" and also provided the vocals. The song was performed as a mid-tempo twelve-bar jump blues that features sax and trumpet soloing over a strong backbeat. The opening verses reflect on lost love: In its \"Advance Record Releases\" column, \"Billboard\" describes the single on Black & White Records as \"slowly goin'\". The notice appears on May 10, 1947, about one month after McVea's number two hit \"Open the Door Richard\" exited the chart. However, \"Blues with a Feeling\" did not reach the chart. Little Walter follows much of McVea's verses and arrangement, however,", "title": "Blues with a Feeling" }, { "docid": "20258816", "text": "Can't Keep this Feeling In \"Can't Keep this Feeling In\" was the lead single from Cliff Richard's 1998 album \"Real as I Wanna Be\", released a week prior to the album. It peaked on debut at number 10 on the UK Singles Chart. Richard was complaining about his deliberate exclusion from airplay on UK radio stations (not including BBC Radio 2). So a ruse was concocted in an attempt to circumvent prejudice that had increasingly led to Richard's exclusion. Richard picked the song because as he says \"it was a slow, black rhythm and blues style and had a lot", "title": "Can't Keep this Feeling In" }, { "docid": "9193261", "text": "More, With Feeling\" which was adapted for this film, opened on Broadway on 21 October 1958 at the National Theatre, in a production directed by George Axelrod and designed by George Jenkins, and starring Joseph Cotten, Arlene Francis, and Walter Matthau, who was nominated for a Tony Award as Best featured actor. The play ran for 263 performances. The film was Kay Kendall's last. She died of leukemia on 6 September 1959, prior to the film's release. Once More, with Feeling! Once More, with Feeling! is a 1960 British comedy film starring Yul Brynner and Kay Kendall and directed and", "title": "Once More, with Feeling!" }, { "docid": "3652797", "text": "love.\" In the narrative, the boys and girls are separated at the school and sexually repressed, and release their energies when they meet between a glass window. The clip was shot at the abandoned Lincoln Heights Jail north of downtown Los Angeles. All songs written and composed by Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker, except where noted. Credits adapted from the liner notes of \"Blink-182\", Geffen Records. Feeling This \"Feeling This\" is a song recorded by American rock band Blink-182 for their eponymously titled fifth studio album (2003). The song was released as the lead single from \"Blink-182\" on", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "13891985", "text": "T(1) theorem In mathematics, the T(1) theorem, first proved by , describes when an operator \"T\" given by a kernel can be extended to a bounded linear operator on the Hilbert space \"L\"(R). The name \"T\"(1) theorem refers to a condition on the distribution \"T\"(1), given by the operator \"T\" applied to the function 1. Suppose that \"T\" is a continuous operator from Schwartz functions on R to tempered distributions, so that \"T\" is given by a kernel \"K\" which is a distribution. Assume that the kernel is standard, which means that off the diagonal it is given by a", "title": "T(1) theorem" }, { "docid": "20768168", "text": "The Man Who Had No Idea \"The Man Who Had No Idea\" is a 1978 science fiction story by Thomas M. Disch. It was first published in \"The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction\". In a world where licenses are required in order to participate in conversation, Barry Riordan risks failing his exam because he cannot think of anything original. \"The Man Who Had No Idea\" was a finalist for the 1979 Hugo Award for Best Novelette John Sladek considered it to depict \"delightful problems\". \"Kirkus Reviews\" noted that it \"say(s) a great deal about our expectations of ourselves and", "title": "The Man Who Had No Idea" }, { "docid": "8091368", "text": "the far back of the screen and give a feeling of perspective. The game also makes use of the foreground, something rarely done at this time, as characters perform special attacks very close to the screen, some so close that only their torso and head will fit; likewise enemies can jump from the foreground to fight (characters cannot be hit while in these animations). The corrupt Sheikh Sazabiss has abducted Princess Lurana, and he is utilizing every unscrupulous means of power he has at his disposal to achieve his ultimate ambition of conquering the world. The quartet of valiant and", "title": "Arabian Fight" }, { "docid": "11089001", "text": "25 February 1948. Aircraft flown in this period were the de Havilland Tiger Moth and the North American Harvard. RAF Oakington saw the fifth incarnation of 1 FTS, when it was reformed once again on 1 December 1950 with the North American Harvard T.2B. On 31 October 1951 the school had completely moved to RAF Moreton-in-Marsh and had been given Percival Prentice T.1s, but disbanded again on 20 April 1955. On 1 May 1955 No. 22 Flying Training School RAF (22 FTS) at RAF Syerston was renamed to 1 FTS. It flew the Percival Provost T.1, de Havilland Canada DHC-1", "title": "No. 1 Flying Training School RAF" }, { "docid": "1612956", "text": "a muzzle referencing system, and an auxiliary power unit. In 1999 a new variant, T-84, appeared. This modification got many improvements, including deeper sideskirts, modified reactive armour, a small reference radar antenna near the gunner's hatch (used to track rounds and compensate for barrel wear), and a large armoured box for an auxiliary power unit at the rear of the right fender. Unlike Russia, Ukraine has had much better success selling T-80s (but not T-84s) to foreign customers. Cyprus bought a number of T-80s for its small army. Pakistan, countering India's adoption of the Russian T-90, bought Ukrainian T-80UDs for", "title": "T-80" }, { "docid": "9350797", "text": "charts, the same position as her previous No. 1 country hit, \"You're My Man\". \"How Can I Unlove You\" was written by Joe South, who had also written \"(I Never Promised You a) Rose Garden\". The song was produced by Anderson's husband at the time, Glenn Sutton, who had also produced \"(I Never Promised You a) Rose Garden\". A Bluegrass version of the song was recorded by Anderson for her Grammy-nominated 2004 album, \"The Bluegrass Sessions\". How Can I Unlove You \"How Can I Unlove You\" is the name of a No. 1 country hit by country music singer Lynn", "title": "How Can I Unlove You" }, { "docid": "5251523", "text": "said the word, Ron simply replied, \"because it needed to be said\" and \"it's what people want to hear.\" The song reflected a negative opinion of authority figures, a feeling shared by all the band members, which can explain the intensified vocalizing by Ron, Rudy, and Kelly. Later, the trio added in the background chant, \"fight it!\" to merge in with the brothers' vocal ad-libbing near the end. Though the track had a unison lead style, onstage during performances, Ron Isley would sing the majority of the song with his older brothers chipping in during some parts. As was with", "title": "Fight the Power (Part 1 & 2)" }, { "docid": "10192227", "text": "or standard first-line chemotherapy that works for the majority of AITL patients. There are several clinical trials that offer treatment options that can fight the disease. Stem cell transplantation is the treatment of choice, with the allogeneic one being the preference because AITL tends to recur after autologous transplants. The typical patient with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) is either middle-aged or elderly, and no gender preference for this disease has been observed. AITL comprises 15–20% of peripheral T-cell lymphomas and 1–2% of all non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL, sometimes misspelled AILT) (formerly known as \"angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy", "title": "Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma" }, { "docid": "14839283", "text": "You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling \"You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling\", or \"Love with a Feeling\" as it was originally titled, is a blues song first recorded by Tampa Red in 1938. Numerous blues artists have interpreted and recorded the song, including Freddie King who had a number 92 \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in 1961 with \"You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling\". Tampa Red recorded \"Love with a Feeling\" as a mid-tempo twelve-bar blues. Accompanying Red, who sang and played slide guitar, were Black Bob Hudson on piano and an unknown bass player. Although", "title": "You've Got to Love Her with a Feeling" }, { "docid": "18856169", "text": "The film has four role-playing scenes in which children encounter paedophiles, with Harris and the children discussing each scene. Harris said that he came up with the idea for the film on a 1982 Canadian tour when he saw Vancouver's Green Thumb Theatre production of \"Feeling Yes, Feeling No\", a play about child sexual abuse. \"Kids Can Say No!\", released in October 1985 on VHS in the United Kingdom, was the first British children's film about sexual abuse and was purchased by police forces, educational institutions, and libraries across Europe. Upon the film's release, \"The Times\" obtained opinions from four", "title": "Kids Can Say No!" }, { "docid": "8183014", "text": "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll () is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe. The troll is, as commonly depicted, not very intelligent and has poor vision, while the boy is clever, outwitting the troll to win an eating contest. A farmer sent his sons to cut wood in a forest he owned, to pay off debts. A troll threatened them as they came, one by one; the two older ones allowed themselves to be chased off, but the youngest son (known in", "title": "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll" }, { "docid": "8643474", "text": "However due to subscriber demand, Sirius/XM overhauled many of the channels absorbed by the XM line-up due to subscriber feedback. 80s on 8 was one of those channels, resulting in the return of Nina Blackwood's countdown in October 2009, and the Big '80s name has returned as the slogan for '80s on 8. However, this version includes the other VJs and is named the \"VJ big 40 countdown\". By 2010, the schedule had returned to that of the Big '80s. Big '80s Big '80s was an all 1980s music channel on Sirius Satellite Radio channel 8 and Dish Network channel", "title": "Big '80s" }, { "docid": "8183017", "text": "the boy took his gold and silver and paid off the family debt. The story was adapted into a 1967 puppet animation directed by Ivo Caprino, titled \"Gutten som kappåt med trollet\". The film credits Peter Christen Asbjørnsen as having collected the tale, despite \"Norwegian Folktales\" attributing it to Jørgen Moe. The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll () is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Asbjørnsen and Moe. The troll is, as commonly depicted, not very intelligent and has poor vision, while the boy is clever,", "title": "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll" }, { "docid": "14382819", "text": "and new?/I felt the moment I laid eyes on you/My pulse is rushing/My head is reeling/My face is flushing/What is this feeling?/Fervid as a flame/Does it have a name?\"). The irony comes in when phrases traditionally used for love songs are revealed to be expressing hate. When Galinda and Elphaba describe each other, Galinda complains about Elphaba being \"utterly impossible to describe\", while Elphaba simply calls Galinda \"blonde\". At the end of the song, Elphaba scares Galinda, by saying \"Boo\", with Galinda letting out a high-pitched squeal. What is this Feeling? \"What is this Feeling?\" is a song from the", "title": "What is this Feeling?" }, { "docid": "6705281", "text": "falls onto a cement packet. Injured, Veer, Raj and Aryan apologize to Lucky Bhai as he feels awkward about saving people but has trust in them. \"Garam Masala\" was released at the same time as \"Shaadi No. 1\" and \"Kyon Ki\". During the filming of \"Shaadi No. 1\", Riya Sen was hit by a motorbike and supposedly had a near death experience. Shaadi No. 1 Shaadi No. 1 (Translation: \"Marriage No. 1\") is an Indian comedy film released in November 2005. The film, directed by David Dhawan, stars Fardeen Khan, Zayed Khan, Sharman Joshi, Ayesha Takia, Esha Deol, Soha Ali", "title": "Shaadi No. 1" }, { "docid": "17033829", "text": "Cocaine 80s Cocaine 80s is an American hip hop collective founded in 2011, by record producer No I.D.. With James Fauntleroy serving as lead singer on each song, the group has collectively released four full-length projects: \"The Pursuit EP\" (2011), \"Ghost Lady EP\" (2011), \"Express OG EP\" (2012) and \"The Flower of Life\" (2013). On June 22, 2011, an extended play (EP) titled \"Cocaine 80s: The Pursuit\", surfaced online. \"The Pursuit\" EP features vocals from Steve Wyreman, Rob Kinelski, Kevin Randolph, James Fauntleroy, Makeba Riddick and more. On October 21, 2011, another EP was released, titled \"Cocaine 80s: Ghost Lady\".", "title": "Cocaine 80s" }, { "docid": "8026216", "text": "around 950,000 copies. Petula Clark also recorded \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" in several foreign language versions for the international market. Clark reached No.7 in France with \"Ceux Qui Ont Un Coeur\" in the spring of 1964, then No.5 in Italy with \"Quelli che hanno un cuore\" that September. In October 1964, Clark reached No.1 in Spain - for a two-week period - with \"Tú no tienes corazón\". \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" was presented to Dionne Warwick in unfinished form while she, Burt Bacharach and Hal David were rehearsing in Bacharach's Manhattan apartment for an upcoming recording session. Bacharach", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "8026222", "text": "chart for the following week at No.42; by then Black's version had reached No.10, ascending in the subsequent two weeks to No.2 and then No.1, while Warwick's version concurrently ended its chart run with two weeks at No.47. On the chart dated 29 February 1964, besides Black's \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" at No.1 for the first of three weeks and Warwick's version in its final chart week at No.47, the UK Top 50 featured a third version of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" as the version by Mary May made its one-week appearance at No.49. On 25 April 1964,", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "7015649", "text": "Wanna Lose This Feeling\". UK CD single 12-inch single Australian CD single Official remixes The following people contributed to \"Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling\": Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling \"Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling\" is a song recorded by Australian singer Dannii Minogue for her 2003 album \"Neon Nights\". It was written by the singer with Bruno Alexandre, Matthieu Joly, Terry Ronald, Madonna, Stephen Bray, James Theochari and Camille Troillard. The song was released as the album's fourth single in June 2003, reaching number five in the United Kingdom and the top 40 in Australia, Walloon Belgium, France, Ireland, and", "title": "Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling" }, { "docid": "13760809", "text": "was relaxing in comparison. We made the video in London, with a lot of focus on fashion and dance, with very tough choreography, before putting it all together in Los Angeles afterwards. I have a strong feeling that this will be a #1 for Cheryl in England!\" The video starts off with Cheryl in a simple white vest, and biker gloves, accompanied with an entourage of female dancers dressed in black. Various scenes throughout the video include Cheryl in silk leopard print bottoms, an all black outfit with silver sparks coming out from both sides of her top, standing in", "title": "Fight for This Love" }, { "docid": "19779832", "text": "Such a Good Feeling \"Such A Good Feeling\" is a song by English electronic music trio Brothers In Rhythm. It sampled Charvoni's \"Always There\" which itself is a cover of a Side Effect song from 1976, however was a bigger hit for Incognito feat. Jocelyn Brown in 1991. The original lyrics for \"Always There\", written by Paul B Allen III, were sampled, and different music was sampled by Brothers in Rhythm to play underneath those vocalized lyrics. Upon its first release it reached No. 64 on the UK Singles Chart & No. 1 on the US Hot Dance Music/Club Play", "title": "Such a Good Feeling" }, { "docid": "17545499", "text": "by \"When the Sun Comes Down\", \"Hot Girl\", \"Like I Love You\" and \"Miss Sunshine\". But R.I.O.'s hit \"Turn This Club Around\" featuring the vocals of U-Jean proved to be an international success reaching No. 5 in Austria, No. 3 in Germany, No. 1 in Switzerland also charting in the UK, Scotland, Netherlands, as well as Belgium, Canada. The band released same titled album \"Turn This Club Around\" with the further hit \"Animal\" from the album. Tony T. left the R.I.O. project in 2012 to launch a solo career. His first solo releaser was \"Way to Rio\". He was featured", "title": "Tony T." }, { "docid": "13399726", "text": "in 1980s rocker fashions. The video is presented in \"Aquascope\", returning to the Aquarium-era tradition. \"Back to the 80s\" debuted on 5 June 2009 at number one on both the Danish Singles Chart and Airplay Chart. It claimed the mark for most weekly plays on Danish radio with 585. In Norway it debuted at number 8 on the official Norwegian Singles Chart. The single spent six weeks at No. 1 in Denmark and peaked at No. 3 in Norway and at No. 25 in Sweden. Back to the 80s (song) \"Back to the 80s\" is a song by Norwegian/Danish band", "title": "Back to the 80s (song)" }, { "docid": "13289053", "text": "war time was spent building other companies' designs. The T.1 (T for Henry Haberfield Thomas, its designer) was the first all-Saunders aircraft, appearing in 1917. It was a single-engined two-seat biplane with single bay wings. These were unswept, carried no stagger and had parallel chord apart from the tips; notable was the large interplane gap and the large (6 ft 4 in, 1.93 m) overhang of the upper wing, wire braced from upward extensions of the interplane struts. It had unbalanced ailerons on the upper wing only. The most unusual feature of the aircraft, though no surprise given Saunders' previous", "title": "Saunders T.1" }, { "docid": "5884642", "text": "grandson of Teddy, who overthrew the government of Iran, a democratically elected government, Mossadegh’s government who was Time‘s magazine person of the year; and he was so successful at doing this without any bloodshed—well, there was a little bloodshed, but no military intervention, just spending millions of dollars and replaced Mossadegh with the Shah of Iran. At that point, we understood that this idea of economic hit man was an extremely good one. We didn’t have to worry about the threat of war with Russia when we did it this way. The problem with that was that Roosevelt was a", "title": "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" }, { "docid": "8026220", "text": "The track was also a hit in Canada, reaching No.11 on the hit parade for Toronto radio station CHUM, the country's most influential rock music broadcaster (national charts for Canada were not published during the chart run of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\"). A scout for English record producer George Martin discovered \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" when Warwick's version took off in the United States, suggesting to Martin that the song would be a strong UK single for Shirley Bassey. However, Martin saw the song as a vehicle for Cilla Black, the Liverpool vocalist whose star potential had yet", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "20836874", "text": "Now 80s Now 80s is a British music television channel, focusing exclusively on playing music from the 1980s. The channel launched in its current form on 27 December 2016, initially as a temporary pop-up rebrand of NOW Music, previously a contemporary pop channel; the 80s format was subsequently made permanent. In October 2013, Greatest Hits TV was replaced with a channel based on the \"Now That's What I Call Music!\" compilation brand, marking the 30th anniversary year of the \"Now!\" series. The new channel played a mix of current/contemporary and classic pop hits, broadcasting strands such as \"Britain's Hit 40\".", "title": "Now 80s" }, { "docid": "3168485", "text": "Tom T. Hall Thomas T. Hall (born May 25, 1936 in Olive Hill, Kentucky) is an American country music songwriter, singer, instrumentalist, novelist, and short-story writer. He has written 12 No. 1 hit songs, with 26 more that reached the Top 10, including the No. 1 international pop crossover smash \"Harper Valley PTA\" and the hit \"I Love\", which reached No. 12 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. He became known to fans as \"The Storyteller,\" thanks to his storytelling skills in his songwriting. Hall was born in 1936. As a teenager, he organized a band called the Kentucky Travelers that", "title": "Tom T. Hall" }, { "docid": "20768169", "text": "others.\" John Clute, however, found it to be \"unaccountably genial and without formal bite\", such that its \"potentially formidable idea gradually declines into doodle\". In a 1984 interview, Disch described it as \"a story about what our social relationships are really like\" and \"a springboard to the subject of what do we talk about when we talk about anything. What are all these social interactions \"about\"? What is the \"subject\" of them?\" The Man Who Had No Idea \"The Man Who Had No Idea\" is a 1978 science fiction story by Thomas M. Disch. It was first published in \"The", "title": "The Man Who Had No Idea" }, { "docid": "15741422", "text": "and SSMD* for cases without replicates. In a screen with replicates, we can directly estimate data variability for each compound, and thus we can use more powerful methods, such as SSMD for cases with replicates and t-statistic that does not rely on the strong assumption that the z-score and z*-score rely on. One issue with the use of t-statistic and associated p-values is that they are affected by both sample size and effect size . They come from testing for no mean difference, thus are not designed to measure the size of small molecule or siRNA effects. For hit selection,", "title": "Hit selection" }, { "docid": "8026221", "text": "to be realized despite her association with The Beatles, her recording of the Lennon-McCartney original \"Love of the Loved\" having been only a modest hit (No.35). Martin produced the session for Black's recording of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" at Abbey Road Studios; the arrangement was by Johnny Pearson and the session personnel included guitarists Vic Flick and Big Jim Sullivan and The Breakaways vocal group. Black's single of \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\" debuted at No.28 on the UK Top 50 dated 8 February 1964. The Dionne Warwick original, issued by Scepter's UK licensee Pye Records, debuted on the", "title": "Anyone Who Had a Heart (song)" }, { "docid": "1612949", "text": "on the previous tanks of the T-80 line. This gas turbine can use jet fuels as well as diesel and low-octane gasoline and has good dynamic stability, service life, and reliability. The GTD-1250 has a built-in automatic system of dust deposits removal. It retains the T-80s high fuel consumption, which the Russian army found unacceptable during the Chechen conflicts. It is equipped with the 2A46 fire control system and a new turret. The T-80U is protected by a second generation of explosive reactive armour called \"Kontakt-5\", which can severely dissipate the penetrative capabilities of an APFSDS round, such as the", "title": "T-80" }, { "docid": "7783273", "text": "and tobacco use and addiction. The filmmaker updated the documentary in 2011 when it was picked up for digital release by Gravitas Ventures. It released digitally over 16.5 million homes. The doc had its ON DEMAND premiere in January 2012 and is available on DVD through Smart Girl Productions. All appearing as themselves. 1 More Hit 1 More Hit is a documentary film by Shauna Garr. It follows the life of hip hop producer J-Swift, formerly of The Pharcyde, from homelessness and crack addiction to his mission to win back his life and music career. 1 More Hit screened at", "title": "1 More Hit" }, { "docid": "13795257", "text": "all three songs are classified as very difficult songs to play, requiring much skill with the series. A T-shirt was later released with the title of the song featured on it. \"Endgame\" was very well received, and some of said praise was directed to \"This Day We Fight!\". In a song by song review of the album, Terrybezer of \"Metal Hammer\" praised the song and remarked that \"lyrics inspired by \"Lord of the Rings\" and riffs inspired by fighting for your frigging life as a horde of hellbeasts bare down on you, this track is at once vintage and future", "title": "This Day We Fight!" }, { "docid": "20396430", "text": "Jam Session with Feeling Jam Session with Feeling is the second descarga album recorded by Cuban bassist Cachao. Following the recording and release of \"Cuban Jam Sessions in Miniature\", which received critical and commercial acclaim, Cachao assembled a similar roster of musicians to record \"Jam Session with Feeling\" in Havana in 1958. The album was meant to be released by Maype, but due to the political events of the time, it was not released until 1962, in the United States, once Maype had relocated there. The title of the album is a reference to \"filin\" (feeling), the 1940s movement in", "title": "Jam Session with Feeling" }, { "docid": "8183016", "text": "declared they were too small, and said he would just fetch the entire spring. The troll, not wanting to lose his spring, exchanged chores with him. When the porridge was made, they had an eating match, but the boy put more into his scrip than into his stomach, and when it was full, he cut a hole in it. The troll said he could eat no more. The boy suggested that he cut a hole in his stomach, which would let him eat as much as he liked, and it didn't hurt much. The troll did so, and died, and", "title": "The Boy Who Had an Eating Match with a Troll" }, { "docid": "19366120", "text": "became popular among contemporary nationalists. The art historian Per Hedström wrote in \"Dagens Nyheter\" in 1992 that the painting, which was no longer exhibited publicly, had become popular among skinheads. Hedström wrote that the dark jötnar could be interpreted as immigrants, and speculated that the swastika on Thor's belt might add further to the appeal. Hedström wrote: \"So can the meaning of an image shift from being a symbol for liberty and enlightenment to becoming a symbol for xenophobia and right-wing extremism. From being an image for an elite to becoming a cult image within a subculture.\" Thor's Fight with", "title": "Thor's Fight with the Giants" }, { "docid": "2212255", "text": "by GUIDO, who later released their own 7-track remix disc, \"Tobal No. 1 Remixes Electrical Indian\". Tobal No. 1 Original Sound Track \"Tobal No. 1\" sold in excess of 650,000 copies in Japan the year it was released. The healthy sales are sometimes attributed to the inclusion of the \"Final Fantasy VII\" demo disc, a highly anticipated title at the time. The game is cited as a cult hit in North America, where it did not sell as well. The game received mostly positive reviews. A \"Next Generation\" critic said that it \"establishes itself as a major player in an", "title": "Tobal No. 1" }, { "docid": "3652794", "text": "spent ten weeks on the chart. \"Feeling This\" received favorable reviews from music critics. Kelefa Sanneh, writing for \"The New York Times\" felt the song was an \"appealing hybrid,\" while noting the growing popularity of emo could have influenced the \"more anguished\" tone. Greg Kot of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised the vocal harmonies, calling them reminiscent of Queen. Joshua Klein of \"The Washington Post\" similarly complimented the interplay between DeLonge and Hoppus and its \"multiple-perspective portrait of first love.\" Andy Doerschuk of \"Drum!\" praised Barker's \"fat, syncopated beat\" and noted elements of Bonham as well as James Brown's drummers. \"Rolling Stone\"", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "3652793", "text": "before dropping to number three, after which it continued dropping before exiting the top 20 on February 21, 2004. In total, it spent nine weeks on the chart. It spent eight weeks on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles, which acts as an extension to the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart; it peaked at number two on December 20, 2003. In the United Kingdom, \"Feeling This\" debuted at number 15 on the UK Singles Chart for the week ending date November 30, 2003. It dropped to number 35 the following week before exiting the chart on December 28; in all, it", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "3652782", "text": "contains elements of spoken word in the verses and a Latin-inspired backbeat in the chorus, and the song ends in a melodic, harmonized duet split between DeLonge and Hoppus. Elements of the song were inspired by rock groups Led Zeppelin and the Beach Boys. The song's music video, photographed by David LaChapelle, depicts a dystopian correctional facility that is overtaken by its inmates. An early version of the song, erroneously titled \"Action\", was released on the soundtrack for the video game \"Madden NFL 2004\". \"Feeling This\" received critical acclaim and the song peaked to number two on \"Billboard\" Modern Rock", "title": "Feeling This" }, { "docid": "5281303", "text": "released by Capitol Records as catalog number 1131. The record reached the Billboard magazine charts on September 2, 1950 and lasted 13 weeks on the charts, also peaking at number five. Other versions that appeared on the singles chart: Can Anyone Explain? (No! No! No!) \"Can Anyone Explain? (No! No! No!)\" is a popular song written by Bennie Benjamin and George David Weiss and published in 1950. The biggest hit version of the song was recorded by the Ames Brothers. The recording was made on May 17, 1950, and released by Coral Records as catalog number 60253. The record first", "title": "Can Anyone Explain? (No! No! No!)" }, { "docid": "5281302", "text": "Can Anyone Explain? (No! No! No!) \"Can Anyone Explain? (No! No! No!)\" is a popular song written by Bennie Benjamin and George David Weiss and published in 1950. The biggest hit version of the song was recorded by the Ames Brothers. The recording was made on May 17, 1950, and released by Coral Records as catalog number 60253. The record first reached the \"Billboard\" charts on August 4, 1950, and lasted 19 weeks on the chart, peaking at number five. Another version which made the chart was by Ray Anthony's orchestra (vocal: Ronnie Deauville and The Skyliners). The recording was", "title": "Can Anyone Explain? (No! No! No!)" }, { "docid": "7898454", "text": "'80s on 8 '80s on 8 (also known as The Big '80s on 8) is a commercial-free, satellite radio station on Sirius XM Radio channel 8 and also Dish Network 6008. As a result of the Sirius/XM merger on November 12, 2008, the channel was merged with the Big '80s channel on Sirius 8, and took its current name. The channel plays hit music from the 1980s. The channel was created in 2000/2001 and programmed by Bruce Kelly, a veteran radio program director and morning drive/afternoon personality. Kelly's morning show was one of XM's highest rated programs. Kelly remained through", "title": "'80s on 8" }, { "docid": "8716388", "text": "RAH! <br> The old fight gang! On your marks—Slam! Bang! <br> Hit 'em hard and hit 'em low! <br> So Fight! Minnesota, Fight <br> Minnesota! Come on! Let's go! Minnesota Fight \"Minnesota Fight\" is one of several school songs of the University of Minnesota. Responding to a 1925 contest to find an additional fight song for the school, University graduate Truman E. Rickard entered a piece entitled \"Minnesota! Let's Go!\". Rickard shared the contest's hundred-dollar prize with another entry, Marion Bassett's \"Our Minnesota\". Rickard's fight song can still be heard at Minnesota Golden Gopher athletic events, but is now known", "title": "Minnesota Fight" } ]
Which parallel was the truce line in the Korean War?
[ "38th Parallel", "38th parallel", "38th parallel (disambiguation)" ]
[ { "docid": "19742126", "text": "North Korea in the Korean War The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea, and ended on July 27, 1953 with the armistice creating the well-known Korean Demilitarized Zone. In August 1945, two young aides at the State Department divided the Korean peninsula in half along the 38th parallel. The Russians occupied the area north of the line and the United States occupied the area to its south. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742135", "text": "ran from 1972 until 1983, and its final episode was the most watched in television history. North Korea in the Korean War The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea, and ended on July 27, 1953 with the armistice creating the well-known Korean Demilitarized Zone. In August 1945, two young aides at the State Department divided the Korean peninsula in half along the 38th parallel. The Russians occupied the area north of the line and the United States occupied the area to its south. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War began when some 75,000 soldiers from the", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215055", "text": "done to end the conflict. With the UN's acceptance of India's proposal for a Korean armistice, a cease-fire was established on 27 July 1953, by which time the front line was back around the 38th parallel, and so a demilitarised zone (DMZ) was established around it, defended by North Korean troops on one side and by South Korean, American and UN troops on the other. The DMZ runs north of the parallel towards the east, and to the south as it travels west. The site of the peace talks, Kaesong, the old capital of Korea, was part of the South", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16586502", "text": "Partisans in the Korean War Partisans were active before, during and after the Korean War in the South Korean peninsula. They are considered as the remnants of the Korean People's Army of North Korea, some local civilians who are in favor of North Korea, some voluntary participants out of curiosity or in the reason of vengeance, and some local civilians in the region of the partisan occupying areas. They could be considered as belligerent forces behind the 38th parallel before the Korean War, behind the front lines during the Korean War, and behind the demilitarized zone after the Korean War.", "title": "Partisans in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585968", "text": "Australians claiming at least 10 MiGs shot down, but Chinese and North Korean sources stated it was only one. On 29 November 1952, US President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower fulfilled a campaign promise by going to Korea to find out what could be done to end the conflict. With the UN's acceptance of India's proposal for a Korean armistice, a cease-fire was established on 27 July 1953, by which time the front line was back around the proximity of the 38th parallel, and so a demilitarised zone (DMZ) was established around it, presently defended by North Korean troops on one side", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585930", "text": "Australia in the Korean War The military history of Australia during the Korean War was very eventful. Japan's defeat in World War II heralded the end to 35 years of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces on 2 September 1945 led to the peninsula being subsequently divided into North and South Koreas, with the North being occupied by troops from the Soviet Union, and the South, below the 38th parallel, being occupied by troops from the United States. The Soviet forces entered the Korean peninsula on 10 August 1945, followed a few", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "9895277", "text": "New Zealand in the Korean War The involvement of New Zealand in the Korean War began in 1950 as a response to the United Nations Security Council's call for combat assistance in the erupting Korean War. New Zealand was one of the first (of a total of sixteen) nations to respond with support. On 29 June 1950, just four days after 135,000 North Korean troops crossed the 38th parallel in Korea, the New Zealand government ordered two \"Loch\" class frigates of the Royal New Zealand Navy – and – to prepare to make for Korean waters, and for the whole", "title": "New Zealand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742133", "text": "parallel boundary, but they could not agree on whether prisoners of war should be forcibly \"repatriated.\" Finally, after around more than two years of negotiations, the adversaries signed an armistice on July 27, 1953. The agreement drew a new boundary near the 38th parallel that gave South Korea an extra 1,500 square miles of territory; and created a 2-mile-wide \"demilitarized zone\" that still exists today in the North and South Korean borders, in the bottom and top, respectively. The Korean War was relatively short but exceptionally bloody compared to other wars. Nearly 3 million people died. More than half of", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229200", "text": "agreement, signed on 27 July 1953, a Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission, under the chairman Indian General K. S. Thimayya, was set up to handle the matter. In 1952, the United States elected a new president, and on 29 November 1952, the president-elect, Dwight D. Eisenhower, went to Korea to learn what might end the Korean War. With the United Nations' acceptance of India's proposed Korean War armistice, the KPA, the PVA, and the UN Command ceased fire with the battle line approximately at the 38th parallel. Upon agreeing to the armistice, the belligerents established the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215033", "text": "with military force. The North hoped that they would be able to unify the peninsula via insurgency, but the success of South Korea (Republic of Korea: ROK) in suppressing insurgency brought about the realization for the North that they would require military force. North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea: DPRK) had expanded their army and Korean volunteers fighting in Manchuria in the Chinese Civil War had given their troops battle experience. The North expected to win with the war in a matter of days. Troops from Kim Il Sung's North Korean Army (KPA) crossed the 38th parallel on 25", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281508", "text": "Union. The United States was still war weary from the disruptive World War II campaign and refused South Korea's request for weapons and troops. North Korea convinced the Soviet Union to supply them with the weapons and support they requested. This decision coincided with the United States withdrawing the last remaining combat troops from South Korea. North Korea saw its opportunity and attacked South Korean forces at the 38th parallel on June 25, 1950 and thus initiating the Korean War. In response to North Korea's invasion into South Korea the United Nations convened to formulate a response. The U.N. demanded", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585931", "text": "weeks later by the American forces who entered through Incheon. US Army Lieutenant General John R. Hodge formally accepted the surrender of Japanese forces south of the 38th Parallel on 9 September 1945 at the Government House in Seoul. Although both rival factions tried initially to diplomatically reunite the divided nation, it was the Northern faction that eventually decided to try and do so with military force. Troops from the Soviet backed North Korean Army crossed the 38th parallel on 25 June 1950 beginning a civil war. The invasion of South Korea came as a surprise to the United Nations.", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215038", "text": "take part in the Korean War. Special Force Second Battalions of the Royal Canadian Regiment and Royal 22nd Regiment were formed and sent to Korea in 1951. By spring 1951, 8500 Canadians troops were supporting the United Nations, alongside 12,500 British, 5000 Filipino troops and 5000 Turkish troops. From the summer of 1951 to the end of the war, most of the Canadian involvement centered on a small area north of Seoul \"between the 38th parallel on the south and the town of Chorwon on the north, and from the Sami-Chon River east to Chail-li\". The Canadian war front was", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742131", "text": "diseases and other illnesses were a constant threat. By the end of the summer, President Truman and General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), the commander in charge of the Asian theater, had decided on a new set of war aims. Now, for the Allies, the Korean War was an offensive one: It was a war to \"liberate\" the North from the communists. Initially, this new strategy was a success. An amphibious assault at Inchon pushed the North Koreans out of Seoul and back to their side of the 38th parallel. But as American troops crossed the boundary and headed north toward the", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281506", "text": "United States in the Korean War At the conclusion of World War II the Allied nations began the process of disarmament of Axis controlled regions. Japan occupied Korea at this time and had been in control since 1910. In 1945, the decision was made to have American Marines forces oversee Japanese surrender and disarmament south of the 38th parallel and the Soviet Union would facilitate the change of power to the north. At the time there was no political motivation and seemed to be a logical and convenient plan of action. The original agreement and intent was to create a", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742132", "text": "Yalu River, the border between North Korea and Communist China, the Chinese started to worry about protecting themselves from what they called \"armed aggression against Chinese territory.\" Chinese leader Mao Zedong (1893-1976) sent troops to North Korea and warned the United States to keep away from the Yalu boundary unless it wanted full-scale war. Finally, in July 1953, the Korean War came to an end. Truman and his new military commanders started peace talks at Panmunjom. Still, the fighting continued along the 38th parallel as negotiations were stalled. Both sides were willing to accept a ceasefire that maintained the 38th", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585945", "text": "other route. With the United Nations success at Inchon, they began to advance against the North Korean Army. Lacking the logistical support, and the naval and air superiority of the UN forces the North Koreans were pushed back beyond the 38th parallel, and despite having achieved their goal of saving the South Korean government, the UN forces continued the pursuit into North Korean territory. The American government had decided to adopt a policy of not just containment of the perceived communist threat, but the overall goal of the destruction of the communist regime. The UN forces crossed into North Korea", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229110", "text": "two years of fighting became a war of attrition, with the front line close to the 38th parallel. The war in the air, however, was never a stalemate. North Korea was subject to a massive bombing campaign. Jet fighters confronted each other in air-to-air combat for the first time in history, and Soviet pilots covertly flew in defense of their communist allies. The fighting ended on 27 July 1953, when an armistice was signed. The agreement created the Korean Demilitarized Zone to separate North and South Korea, and allowed the return of prisoners. However, no peace treaty was ever signed,", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742129", "text": "Soviets. Neither dictator was content to remain on his side of the 38th parallel, however, and border skirmishes were common. Even so, the North Korean invasion came as an alarming surprise to American officials. As far as they were concerned, this was not simply a border dispute between two unstable dictatorships on the other side of the globe. Instead, many feared it was the first step in a communist campaign to take over the world. For this reason, nonintervention was not considered an option by many top decision makers. As the North Korean army pushed into Seoul, the South Korean", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229193", "text": "regained \"Line Kansas\", just north of the 38th parallel. The UN's \"Line Kansas\" halt and subsequent offensive action stand-down began the stalemate that lasted until the armistice of 1953. For the remainder of the Korean War the UN Command and the PVA fought but exchanged little territory, as the stalemate held. Large-scale bombing of North Korea continued, and protracted armistice negotiations began 10 July 1951 at Kaesong. On the Chinese side, Zhou Enlai directed peace talks, and Li Kenong and Qiao Guanghua headed the negotiation team. Combat continued while the belligerents negotiated; the goal of the UN Command forces was", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215032", "text": "and South Koreas, with the North occupied by troops from the Soviet Union, and the South, below the 38th parallel, occupied by troops from the United States. The Soviet forces entered the Korean Peninsula on 10 August 1945, followed a few weeks later by the American forces who entered through Incheon. U.S. Army Lieutenant General John R. Hodge formally accepted the surrender of Japanese forces south of the 38th Parallel on 9 September 1945 at the Government House in Seoul. Although both rival factions tried initially to diplomatically reunite the divided nation, the Northern faction eventually tried to do so", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13642080", "text": "This sparked a United Nations resolution against the aggression and the Korean War, with United Nations troops (mostly Americans) helping to defend South Korea. After the Armistice agreement was signed on July 27, 1953, a new line was established to separate North Korea and South Korea. This Military Demarcation Line is surrounded by a Demilitarized Zone. It crosses the 38th parallel, from the southwest to the northeast. The Demarcation Line is often confused with 38th parallel, but as can be seen in the image of the map, the two are not the same. 38th parallel north The 38th parallel north", "title": "38th parallel north" }, { "docid": "229130", "text": "June, the North sent three diplomats to the South as a peace overture that Rhee rejected outright. On 21 June, Kim Il-Sung revised his war plan to involve a general attack across the 38th parallel, rather than a limited operation in the Ongjin Peninsula. Kim was concerned that South Korean agents had learned about the plans and that South Korean forces were strengthening their defenses. Stalin agreed to this change of plan. While these preparations were underway in the North, there were frequent clashes along the 38th parallel, especially at Kaesong and Ongjin, many initiated by the South. The Republic", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "15866437", "text": "Korean Army privates Kang Eun-pyo (Shin Ha-kyun) and Kim Soo-hyeok (Go Soo) are captured in battle and brought to North Korean captain Jung-yoon. Jung-yoon declares to the prisoners that the war will be over in a week and that he knows exactly why they are fighting the war, before releasing the prisoners, so that they can help reconstruct the nation after the war. Three years later, in 1953, the war has not ended. Despite ceasefire negotiations, the fighting continues around the hills on the 38th Parallel, as each side fights to determine the future dividing line between North and South.", "title": "The Front Line (2011 film)" }, { "docid": "17664495", "text": "The park is bounded on the south by Spruce Street, on the north by Dock Street, on the east by Christopher Columbus Boulevard along Penn's Landing and on the west by 38th Parallel Place. Interstate 95 runs under the eastern part of the park, while the memorial is located in the western section. The memorial is owned by the city of Philadelphia and leased to a non-profit organization called the Friends of the Philadelphia Korean War Memorial which is based in the city. The Philadelphia Korean War Memorial was designed by Jirair Youssefian of Vitetta Architects and Engineers in 1992.", "title": "Philadelphia Korean War Memorial" }, { "docid": "16252610", "text": "the Tohae Line. Following the end of the Pacific War and the subsequent partition of Korea, most of the Tohae Line was located in the US zone of occupation that later became South Korea, with the line being divided along the 38th Parallel between Changbang and Kalsan, and the Korean National Railroad operated passenger trains on the line between Tosŏng and Ch'ŏngdan until 1950. The line was heavily damaged during the Korean War, and the destruction of the Ryesong River bridge left the line truncated at Paech'ŏn. The truncated line ended up in North Korea after the Korean Armistice, becoming", "title": "Paechon Line" }, { "docid": "229201", "text": "has since been patrolled by the KPA and ROKA, United States, and Joint UN Commands. The Demilitarized Zone runs northeast of the 38th parallel; to the south, it travels west. The old Korean capital city of Kaesong, site of the armistice negotiations, originally was in pre-war South Korea, but now is part of North Korea. The United Nations Command, supported by the United States, the North Korean People's Army, and the Chinese People's Volunteers, signed the Armistice Agreement on 27 July 1953 to end the fighting. The Armistice also called upon the governments of South Korea, North Korea, China and", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "229125", "text": "military and that a North Korean invasion would be welcomed by much of the South Korean population. Kim began seeking Stalin's support for an invasion in March 1949, traveling to Moscow to attempt to persuade him. Serious border clashes between South and North occurred on 4 August 1949, when thousands of North Korean troops attacked South Korean troops occupying territory north of the 38th parallel. The 2nd and 18th infantry regiments of ROKA repulsed initial attacks in Kuksa-bong (above the 38th parallel) and Ch'ungmu, and at the end of the clashes ROKA troops were \"completely routed\". Stalin initially did not", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "2965501", "text": "the effect of the ceasefire, whereby their wrath ensured a return to hostilities.There was no treaty signed during this Christmas truce and the war resumed after a few days. On November 29, 1952, the newly U.S. president-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower, went to Korea to learn what might end the Korean War. With the United Nations' acceptance of India's proposed Korean War armistice, the Korean People's Army (KPA), the People's Volunteer Army (PVA), and the UN Command ceased fire with the battle line approximately at the 38th parallel. Upon agreeing to the ceasefire agreement, the belligerents established the Korean Demilitarized Zone", "title": "Ceasefire" }, { "docid": "17281507", "text": "unified and independent Korea out of the post Japanese occupation era. Instead each side of the 38th parallel established its own government under the influence of the occupational country; the United States in South Korea and the Soviet Union in North Korea. Both new Korean governments discredited the other and claimed to be the only legitimate political system. \"Tensions\" between the North and South escalated and each side began to petition foreign powers for resources and support. South Korea wanted weapons and supplies from Truman and the United States government while North Korea sought help from Stalin and the Soviet", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20554942", "text": "on 1 April 1944. After the partition of Korea following the end of the Pacific War in 1945, the Gyeongwon Line was split along the 38th parallel between the stations of Hantangang and Choseongni. The railways in both South and North were nationalised, and the newly established Korean National Railroad took over operation of the truncated Gyeongwon Line, from Seoul to Choseongni; in the North, the Korean State Railway merged its section of the Gyeongwon Line, Choseongni−Wonsan, with the Wonsan−Gowon section of the former Hamgyeong Line to create the Gangwon Line. The line was severely damaged during the Korean War.", "title": "Gyeongwon Line (1911–1945)" }, { "docid": "2646429", "text": "Armistice Agreement. Locals and foreigners will be allowed to cross the line at the Joint Security Area once this area is cleared. The DMZ runs near the 38th parallel, covering roughly . American and South Korean soldiers patrol this line along the South Korean side while North Korean soldiers patrol along the North Korean side. In Korean, the line is called the \"Hyujeonseon\" (휴전선), meaning \"armistice line.\" It is also sometimes called the \"Gunsa Bungye-seon\" (군사분계선), which literally means \"military demarcation line.\" However, in colloquial usage, the dividing line is more often called the \"Sampalseon\" (삼팔선, \"38th parallel\"), a name", "title": "Military Demarcation Line" }, { "docid": "6328525", "text": "mainland portion reverted to North Korean control, while the islands remained a part of South Korea despite their close proximity. The line extends into the sea from the Military Demarcation Line (MDL), and consists of straight line segments between 12 approximate channel midpoints, extended in an arc to prevent egress between both sides. On its western end the line extends out along the 38th parallel to the median line between Korea and China. The 1953 Armistice Agreement, which was signed by both North Korea and the United Nations Command (UNC), ended the Korean War and specified that the five islands", "title": "Northern Limit Line" }, { "docid": "229117", "text": "U.S. colonels Dean Rusk and Charles H. Bonesteel III were tasked with dividing the Korean Peninsula into Soviet and U.S. occupation zones and proposed the 38th parallel. This was incorporated into the U.S. General Order No. 1 which responded to the Japanese surrender on 15 August. Explaining the choice of the 38th parallel, Rusk observed, \"even though it was further north than could be realistically reached by U.S. forces, in the event of Soviet disagreement ... we felt it important to include the capital of Korea in the area of responsibility of American troops\". He noted that he was \"faced", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "710731", "text": "selected the 38th parallel as a dividing line. Japanese troops to the North of this line were to surrender to the Soviet Union and troops to the South of this line would surrender to the United States. This was not originally intended to result in a long-lasting partition, but Cold War politics resulted in the establishment of two separate governments in the two zones in 1948 and rising tensions prevented cooperation. The desire of many Koreans for a peaceful unification was dashed when the Korean War broke out in 1950. In June 1950, troops from North Korea invaded South Korea.", "title": "Korean reunification" } ]
[ { "docid": "10588402", "text": "home town Turin, which he had last seen 20 months ago. This book was adapted as a screenplay by Tonino Guerra for a film directed by Francesco Rosi, also titled \"The Truce\" (1997). The Truce The Truce () is a book by the Italian author Primo Levi. It is the sequel to \"If This Is a Man\" and describes the author's experiences from the liberation of Auschwitz (Monowitz), which was a concentration camp, until he reaches home in Turin, Italy, after a long journey. He describes the situation in different displaced persons camps after the Second World War. \"The Truce\",", "title": "The Truce" }, { "docid": "11585959", "text": "1st Commonwealth Division and the 1st South Korean Division) seized the Jamestown Line destroying elements of the 42nd Army, 47th Army, 64th Army and 65th Army, and after five days of intense combat, eventually forcing the Chinese into retreat. The operation was a success, and ended on 15 October, with a few hills south of the line still in Communist hands, requiring a follow-up operation (Operation Polecharge). The official historian for the Korean War, Robert O'Neill, wrote of this battle: \"In this action 3RAR had won one of the most impressive victories achieved by any Australian battalion. In five days", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585969", "text": "and by South Korean, American and UN troops on the other. The DMZ runs north of the parallel towards the east, and to the south as it travels west. The site of the peace talks, Kaesong, the old capital of Korea, was part of the South before hostilities broke out but is currently a special city of the North. North Korea and the United States signed the , with Syngman Rhee refusing to sign. After the war ended, Australians remained in Korea for four years as military observers. Australia gained political and security benefits, the most important being the signing", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281510", "text": "late July 1950 Task Force Smith was overrun in the city of Taejon. Troops from the Army's 25th Infantry Division were deployed to Taejon to establish a new line and pullout the decimated 24th I.D. This addition of combat troops did not stop the North Korean advance and both American and South Korean troops were pushed further south. The first battle the Americans entered in the Korean War was the Battle of Osan, where about four hundred U.S. soldiers landed in Pusan airport on the first of July. The American troops were sent off to Taejon the next morning where", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "10588397", "text": "The Truce The Truce () is a book by the Italian author Primo Levi. It is the sequel to \"If This Is a Man\" and describes the author's experiences from the liberation of Auschwitz (Monowitz), which was a concentration camp, until he reaches home in Turin, Italy, after a long journey. He describes the situation in different displaced persons camps after the Second World War. \"The Truce\", the literal translation of the title, is the name of the translation published in Britain; the US title is \"The Reawakening\". The historian Fritz Stern, in a brief review on \"Foreign Affairs\", wrote", "title": "The Truce" }, { "docid": "17215031", "text": "Canada in the Korean War The Canadian Forces were involved in the 1950–1953 Korean War and its aftermath. 26,000 Canadians participated on the side of the United Nations, and Canada sent eight destroyers. Canadian aircraft provided transport, supply and logistics. 516 Canadians died, 312 of which were from combat. After the war, Canadian troops remained for three years as military observers. Japan's defeat in World War II brought an end to 35 years of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces on 2 September 1945 led to the peninsula being divided into North", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543599", "text": "China. By April 1950, the Soviet Union had provided 63 of the North Korean Air Force's 178 aircraft, which until September 1950 proved highly effective against minimal South Korean air defenses (which was more heavily backed by US and UN air forces instead) An important area in which Soviet intervention was key in the Korean War was in the air-war. Soviet innovation in aircraft design, as well as the experience of many of its pilots following the Second World War meant that the 'new' states of China and North Korea were dependent on Soviet help in this area. Both the", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "19742134", "text": "these, about 10 percent of Korea’s pre-war population, were civilians. This rate of civilian casualties was higher than in World War II and the Vietnam War. Nearly 10,000 North and South Korean soldiers were also killed in battle before the war even began. North Korean casualties amount at around 600,000 civilians and 406,000 soldiers. Unlike World War II and Vietnam, the Korean War did not get much media attention in the United States. The most famous representation of the war in popular culture is the television series \"M*A*S*H\", which was set in a field hospital in South Korea. The series", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16622023", "text": "Sweden in the Korean War Sweden took part in the Korean War by providing the Swedish Red Cross Field Hospital and participating in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. The Swedish Red Cross Field Hospital was the name given to the Swedish mission sent to Korea to deal with the humanitarian situation created by the Korean War, 1950-3. Following the temporary resolution of the war in 1953, Sweden was heavily involved in maintaining the armistice through its position in the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission. Following the North Korean invasion of the South, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution asking all", "title": "Sweden in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215056", "text": "before hostilities broke out but is currently a special city of the North. North Korea and the United States signed the , which Syngman Rhee refused to sign. After the war ended, Canadians remained in Korea for three years as military observers. Between 1950 and 1956, over 25,000 Canadians served in Korea, and 516 died. The United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Busan, South Korea has the remains of 378 Canadians who died during the war. Canada in the Korean War The Canadian Forces were involved in the 1950–1953 Korean War and its aftermath. 26,000 Canadians participated on the side of", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215039", "text": "about 30 miles across and was a section of the United Nations front occupied by British Commonwealth forces. Most of the Canadians' combat missions took place on the 30 mile zone. The Canadians' two main adversaries during the war were the North Korean army and the Chinese in the Battle of Kapyong. Canada's military objective was to give military support towards the resolution of the war on the central front, which was central Korea. Operation Killer was a counter-offensive by the United Nations forces to push Communist Chinese and North Korean Armies back behind the Han River and recover the", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585932", "text": "The same day the war had officially begun (25 June), the United Nations immediately drafted UNSC Resolution 82, which called for: The Liberal government of Australia, led by Prime Minister Robert Menzies, immediately responded to the UN resolution by offering military assistance. 17,000 Australians served in the Korean War between 1950 and 1953, and they suffered 339 dead, and 1200 wounded. With the commitment of Australian forces to the Korean War, the Australian government called for 1000 men who had prior military experience in World War II to enlist in the army for three years, with one year of overseas", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16622026", "text": "personnel and 2,400 Korean personnel were treated by Swedish doctors. Because of Sweden's reputation for neutrality during the major 20th century conflicts (First World, Second World and Korean Wars), Sweden was included as one of the four founding members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission and several Swedish military personnel served in Korea enforcing the Panmunjom armistice. Sweden was the first Western European country to establish diplomatic relations and an embassy in North Korea. Sweden in the Korean War Sweden took part in the Korean War by providing the Swedish Red Cross Field Hospital and participating in the Neutral Nations", "title": "Sweden in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585970", "text": "of the ANZUS Treaty with the United States and New Zealand. After two years and 17 days of fighting the UN and North Korea had finally negotiated an agreement to suspend hostilities on 27 July 1953. Out of 17,000 Australians who served in Korea, casualties numbered more than 1,500, of whom 339 were killed. Australia in the Korean War The military history of Australia during the Korean War was very eventful. Japan's defeat in World War II heralded the end to 35 years of Japanese occupation of the Korean Peninsula. The surrender of Japan to the Allied forces on 2", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16586503", "text": "They are usually called by the name of: The KongBi has now become a general term for any armed North Korean infiltrators. Against this decision, turmoil in the south begins, and USMGIK tried to calm down civil violence in the south by banning strikes on December 8 and outlawing the revolutionary government and the people's committees on December 12, 1945. Partisans in the Korean War Partisans were active before, during and after the Korean War in the South Korean peninsula. They are considered as the remnants of the Korean People's Army of North Korea, some local civilians who are in", "title": "Partisans in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "10570131", "text": "Aftermath of the Korean War The aftermath of the Korean War set the tone for Cold War tension between all the superpowers. The Korean War was important in the development of the Cold War, as it showed that the two superpowers, United States and Soviet Union, could fight a \"limited war\" in a third country. The \"limited war\" or \"proxy war\" strategy was a feature of conflicts such as the Vietnam War and the Soviet War in Afghanistan, as well as Angola, Greece, and wars in the Middle East. The Korean War was the first war in which the United", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215043", "text": "in the objective that it had set with the United Nations forces. In April 1951, Chinese forces of the 118th Division attacked the Kapyong Valley in force, and pushed South Korean and New Zealand troops into retreat. Under heavy pressure, the Korean 6th Division broke, and the line collapsed. American and South Korean men poured through a gap under protective covering fire from Australians who were holding their section of the line despite heavy pressure. The 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR) and 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) were ordered to halt this Chinese advance.", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543610", "text": "certainly influenced by the Korean War shaped relations between the two countries until 1989. Soviet Union in the Korean War Though not officially belligerent during the Korean War (1950–1953), the Soviet Union played a significant, covert role in the conflict. It provided material and medical services, as well as Soviet pilots and aircraft, most notably MiG 15 fighter jets, to aid the North Korean-Chinese forces against the United Nations Forces. The Soviet 25th Army took part in the Soviet advance into northern Korea immediately after World War II had ended, and was headquartered at Pyongyang for a period. Like the", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16625419", "text": "Thailand in the Korean War Thailand was one of the 21 countries who responded to the United Nations request to send troops to aid South Korea during the Korean War 1950-53. As well as being one of the first countries to openly express its support for South Korea's cause, whilst also being one of the UN's larger contributors to the war. Thai support was important to battles determining the outcome of the war, including Pork Chop Hill and the Third Battle of Seoul. Thailand was the first country in Asia to send aid to South Korea. Realising that a communist", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215050", "text": "Canadian Army Medical Corps rotated in and out of the war. Three Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) destroyers were dispatched as Canada's initial response to the United Nations' call for assistance during the Korean War, and were sent to Korean waters to join other UN naval forces. The eight Canadian ships' duties included \"exciting but dangerous\" shore bombardments and the destruction of North Korean trains and railway lines. Initially dispatched in 1950, Canadian destroyers maintained a presence off the Korean peninsula until 1955. The ships were first under fire during the bombardment of Inchon in the middle of January 1951. The", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543597", "text": "the United States and its allies elsewhere, which could have led to a nuclear war. By officially denying its participation, the Soviets prevented the Korean War from escalating. Participation on the North Korean side was also contrary to the UN Security Council Resolution 84 by which the Soviet Union was technically bound. Along with several \"Eastern Block\" countries (notably Czechoslovakia), the Soviet Union sent over 20 doctors to Korea to aid Communist forces there, similar to Indian, Italian, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish medical detachments in Southern Korea who did not have military force engaged, but merely offered humanitarian support instead.", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20768423", "text": "who could prove they met the criteria were handed the award. In 1997, the government handed it out to a further 45 people who had failed to receive it before. On June 16, 2010, the movie \"\" was released, which depicted the death of 71 students during the Korean War, mainly in August 1950. \"Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War\" mentions the soldiers, although the main focus is on the personal story of two brothers, one in education when drafted. Student soldiers in the Korean War Student soldiers were individuals in Korea who volunteered or were forced to cease their studies", "title": "Student soldiers in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585934", "text": "and the United Nations Security Council asked its members to help repel the North Korean attack. Australia immediately contributed No. 77 Squadron RAAF and the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR), both of which were stationed in Japan under the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF). No. 77 Squadron converted to P-51D Mustang fighters before arriving in Japan in February 1946 to participate in the British Commonwealth Occupation Force. Occupation duties proved uneventful, and No. 77 Squadron was preparing to leave Japan for Australia when the Korean War broke out in June 1950. 77 Sqn was immediately dispatched to Korea,", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20768419", "text": "Province during the Korean War. In the exhibition room, there are about 200 artifacts such as diaries, photographs, and weapons used by the municipal police officers at the time, worn clothes. In addition, war-related documentaries are shown in the audiovisual room. This tower is located at Seoul National Cemetery. In this tower, the remains of 48 unknown warriors who were killed in Pohang district during the Korean War were buried in a hemispherical grave. As the war broke out in the wake of the Korean War, the country's fate was at risk, and about 50,000 students were dressed in school", "title": "Student soldiers in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281515", "text": "were suffering, eating out of garbage, and many people starved. Meanwhile, the U.S. troops in the Korean War were in great demand of uniforms and other equipment. The American government turned to Japan for the favor, which eventually stimulated the manufacturing factories that were in jeopardy due to damage caused by World War II. Japan accepted the offer and mainly supplied U.S. troops in Korea with uniforms and other sorts of clothing. Bases were also erected in Japan for U.S. Air Force planes, such as B-29 Superfortress bombers. United States in the Korean War At the conclusion of World War", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "9895284", "text": "was killed in February 1953 when his Hawker Sea Fury was shot down by ground fire. Five New Zealanders took part in Royal Australian Navy missions over Korea from the Australian carrier HMAS \"Sydney\". Some of these pilots were former RNZAF members, others joining directly the British and Australian forces. New Zealand in the Korean War The involvement of New Zealand in the Korean War began in 1950 as a response to the United Nations Security Council's call for combat assistance in the erupting Korean War. New Zealand was one of the first (of a total of sixteen) nations to", "title": "New Zealand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "229248", "text": "conflicts played more of a role in not deploying them than the threat of a possible nuclear exchange. When Eisenhower succeeded Truman in early 1953 he was similarly cautious about using nuclear weapons in Korea, including for diplomatic purposes to encourage progress in ongoing truce discussions. The administration prepared contingency plans to use them against China, but like Truman, the new president feared doing so would result in Soviet attacks on Japan. The war ended as it began, without U.S. nuclear weapons deployed near battle. There were numerous atrocities and massacres of civilians throughout the Korean war committed by both", "title": "Korean War" }, { "docid": "20768410", "text": "Student soldiers in the Korean War Student soldiers were individuals in Korea who volunteered or were forced to cease their studies and fight as soldiers during the Korean War. The soldiers were typically high school students. In its narrowest sense, it often refers only to students who were forced to join them during the Japanese occupation period and Korean War. Generally, those studying found themselves exempt from the draft but in emergency situations, students were drafted into the army and engaged in the battle. It was the first time that the student soldier was organized because they had gathered in", "title": "Student soldiers in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13330291", "text": "Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 is the official history of Australia's involvement in the Korean War. The series consists of two volumes covering Australia's strategy and diplomacy in the war and the Australian military's combat operations respectively. Both volumes were written by Robert O'Neill, and they were published in 1981 and 1985. In 1970 Robert O'Neill was selected by the Australian Government as the official historian of the Korean War. O'Neill had served as the 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment's intelligence officer during the Vietnam War, and had later become an academic. At", "title": "Australia in the Korean War 1950–53" }, { "docid": "17215052", "text": "One RCN aviator flew with the U.S. Navy. In 1950, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) was heavily involved with the transportation of personnel and supplies in support of the Korean War. No. 426 Transport Squadron was attached to the Military Air Transport Service. During Canada's involvement in the Korean War, 600 trans-Pacific flights were flown carrying 3000 tons of cargo and 13,000 passengers. The RCAF suffered no losses. The RCAF was not involved with a combat role since no jet fighter squadrons capable of the type of combat required in Korea were yet in service, and capable fighter squadrons", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543594", "text": "Soviet Union in the Korean War Though not officially belligerent during the Korean War (1950–1953), the Soviet Union played a significant, covert role in the conflict. It provided material and medical services, as well as Soviet pilots and aircraft, most notably MiG 15 fighter jets, to aid the North Korean-Chinese forces against the United Nations Forces. The Soviet 25th Army took part in the Soviet advance into northern Korea immediately after World War II had ended, and was headquartered at Pyongyang for a period. Like the American forces in the south, Soviet troops remained in Korea after the end of", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543595", "text": "the war to rebuild the country. Soviet soldiers were instrumental in the creation and early development of the North Korean People's Army and Korean People's Air Force, as well as for stabilizing the early years of the Northern regime. The Shineuiju Air Force Academy was founded under Soviet leadership on 25 October 1945 in order to train new pilots. Because at the time the war broke out in 1950, the Communist Soviet Union, China and their allies were already locked into a \"Cold War\" with capitalist countries, both sides felt that the Korean Conflict carried the potential to further destabilize", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16625421", "text": "outpost hills along the front line while having a truce talk at Panmunjeom. A typical hill battle was waged at \"Porkchop Hill\", then held by soldiers of the 21st Thai Infantry Battalion, who repulsed an attack by the Chinese People's Volunteers. After this victory, the United States military awarded one Thai soldier the prestigious Legion of Merit, while 12 received Silver Stars and 26 were awarded a Bronze Star Medal. They were given the nickname \"Little Tigers\" by General James Van Fleet, commander of the 8th US Army. The Chinese made an all out effort to capture Porkchop Hill, attacking", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585951", "text": "to as the Fifth Phase Offensive, with the intention of recapturing Seoul. The Chinese launched a major assault between 22 and 25 April that resulted in a victory in the Battle of the Imjin River. At the same time, the UN repelled Chinese forces at Kapyong. Chinese forces of the 118th Division attacked the Kapyong Valley in force, and pushed South Korean and New Zealand troops into retreat. Under heavy pressure, the Korean 6th Division broke, and the line collapsed. American and South Korean men poured through a gap under protective covering fire from Australians who were holding their section", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16625425", "text": "to Korea. It is recorded that 136 Thai soldiers had lost their lives in the war. In 1974, the Government of the Republic of Korea built a monument, and a Thai pavilion in Pocheon City, to honour the Thai soldiers who took part in the Korean War. On 4 November 2008, the Thai Embassy in Seoul, with the cooperation from the Office of Defense Attache, hosted the opening ceremony of the Thai memorial at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) to commemorate the sacrifices made by Thai soldiers during the Korean War. Nowadays, the Thai Government has maintained", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16625424", "text": "Korea. They sailed for home a year and a half after the armistice on January 21, 1955. The transport ship HTMS \"Sichang\" arrived in Korea on November 7, 1950, remaining there until July 15, 1951. Royal Thai Air Force supply Douglas C-47 Skytrain aircraft took part in Korean war. On September 22, 1950, the Thai Government ordered units of its forces to assist the United Nations military operations in the Korea War. Three task force contingents of the Royal Thai Air Force would serve South Korea: During the course of the Korean War, Thailand dispatched a total of 11,786 soldiers", "title": "Thailand in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17281511", "text": "Major General John H. Church the head of U.S. field headquarters was confident in the US troop's strengths to push back the North Koreans. On July fifth the troops were finally put to the test when North Korean tanks crept towards Osan. The four hundred infantryman of the U.S. also called Task Force Smith opened fire on the North Koreans at 8:16 am. Only four of the North Korean tanks were destroyed and twenty-nine kept moving forward breaking the US line. At the end of the battle only two more North Korean Tanks and two regiments of North Korean infantry", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "10570162", "text": "forces than in previous wars. For service during the Korean War, the U.S. military issued the Korean Service Medal. However, many still-living Korean War veterans claim that their country tends to neglect the remembrance of this war. With more overt displays made for World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq war, the Korean War has come to be dubbed by some as the \"Forgotten war\" or the \"Unknown War.\" As a partial remedy, the Korean War Veterans Memorial was built in Washington, D.C. and dedicated to veterans", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215034", "text": "June 1950 beginning a civil war. The invasion of South Korea came as a surprise to the United Nations. The day the war began, the United Nations immediately drafted UNSC Resolution 82, which called for: When the North Korean Army crossed into South Korea on 25 June 1950, they advanced for the capital Seoul, which fell in less than a week. North Korea's forces continued toward the port of Pusan, a strategic goal and the seat of the ROK government. The forces of the North conquered all of Korea except for this tiny enclave at the end of the peninsula.", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "13330295", "text": "the editor of \"The Official History of Australia's Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948–1975\", states that the first volume in the series has been of most importance to Australian historiography due to its \"detailed and authoritative\" coverage of the ANZUS treaty. There was little public interest in the books after they were released, however, and sales of both volumes were slow. Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 Australia in the Korean War 1950–53 is the official history of Australia's involvement in the Korean War. The series consists of two volumes covering Australia's strategy and diplomacy in the war and the", "title": "Australia in the Korean War 1950–53" }, { "docid": "17184696", "text": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States The impact of the Korean War on the Economy of the United States refers to the ways in which the American economy was affected by the Korean experience from 1950 to 1953. While the cost of the Korean War was less significant than that of World War II, it still changed the structure of the American growth as a result of its financing. The Korean War boosted GDP growth through government spending, which in turn constrained investment and consumption. While taxes were raised significantly to finance the war,", "title": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States" }, { "docid": "19742127", "text": "Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. This invasion was the first military action of the Cold War. Tactics were based on Soviet doctrine which emphasised rapid advances spearheaded by armoured and infantry assaults. The quality and power of the KPA’s initial invasion resulted in its opponents being forced back to the southern tip of the Korean peninsula. By July, American troops had entered the war on South Korea’s behalf. As far as American officials were concerned, it was a war against the forces of international communism itself. After some early back-and-forth", "title": "North Korea in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11193371", "text": "contributes to the \"cinema of poetry,\" as defined by Pier Paolo Pasolini. Brian Webster, writing for the \"Apollo Guide\", finds the film \"a war story with little violence and virtually no sentimentality. If you're not ready for it, you might find The Truce passing before your eyes without making much of an impact. It doesn't smack you in the face with a powerful message, but instead works its way inside you more gradually.\" The Truce (1997 film) The Truce () is a 1997 film directed by Francesco Rosi, written by Tonino Guerra, based on Primo Levi's memoir, \"The Truce\". The", "title": "The Truce (1997 film)" }, { "docid": "10570165", "text": "in the French Parliament was caused by Gaullist fears that the creation of the EDC threatened France's national sovereignty. The EDC was not ratified, and the initiative collapsed in August 1955. Aftermath of the Korean War The aftermath of the Korean War set the tone for Cold War tension between all the superpowers. The Korean War was important in the development of the Cold War, as it showed that the two superpowers, United States and Soviet Union, could fight a \"limited war\" in a third country. The \"limited war\" or \"proxy war\" strategy was a feature of conflicts such as", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20179241", "text": "Parallel Line (song) On 15 December 2016, Fuji TV's Noitamina revealed that Sayuri would perform \"Parallel Line\" as ending theme song for \"Scum's Wish\". Parallel Line was released as a single on 1 March 2017 on three edition; Reguler edition, Limited edition and Limited anime edition. The single reached number 10 on Oricon and Japan Hot 100 and 4 on Japan Hot Animation with spent 8, 5 and 6 weeks respectively. The music video for \"Parallel Line\" was directed by Yasuhiro Arafune and the storyboards were created from \"Scum's Wish's\" author Mengo Yokoyari. The video features Sayuri singing in front", "title": "Parallel Line (song)" }, { "docid": "17215054", "text": "Flying Cross was Ernie Glover. He was also a World War II veteran who flew Hurricane fighter planes. He was known for shooting down three enemy planes in less than two days and contributing a major effort to the South Korean air support throughout the war. During the war, the United Nations had air dominance, giving them an advantage in air to ground offences. When the USAF experienced a shortage of F-86s, Canada supplied sixty Canadair Sabres. On 29 November 1952, U.S. President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower fulfilled a campaign promise by going to Korea to find out what could be", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11193369", "text": "The Truce (1997 film) The Truce () is a 1997 film directed by Francesco Rosi, written by Tonino Guerra, based on Primo Levi's memoir, \"The Truce\". The film deals with Primo Levi's experiences returning to Italy in 1945 after the Red Army liberated the concentration camp at Auschwitz during the Second World War. This was Rosi's final film before his death in 2015. Although liberated on January 27, 1945, Levi did not reach Turin until October 19 of that year. After spending some time in a Soviet camp for former concentration camp inmates, he embarked on an arduous journey home", "title": "The Truce (1997 film)" }, { "docid": "17281512", "text": "were destroyed. The US had lost the battle, revealing that the mere sight of US troops would not reverse the military balance in Korea. By early August, the North Korean troops had pushed back the US and South Korean troops all the way to Naktong River, which is located about thirty miles from Pusan. The two weeks of fighting following this resulted in the most casualties of US troops than any other equivalent period of this war. However, during this time the US pushed supplies and personnel to Korea and by the end of July South Koreans and US troops", "title": "United States in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215051", "text": "coastal defence fire was inaccurate, and the ships doubled back and silenced the guns. Another bombardment at Inchon two days later was also successful, without damage. The only Canadian naval casualties of the Korean War occurred on 2 October 1952 during an inshore patrol by on the east coast, inflicted by a coastal defence battery: 3 sailors died and 10 were wounded. Canadian ships destroyed 8 of the 28 trains destroyed by United Nations forces, and alone hit 3 trains. The first dispatch was: , and , which were followed by , \"Iroquois\", , and \"Crusader\". 3621 Canadian sailors participated.", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543603", "text": "pilots flying MiG-15 jets participated in battles around the Yalu River Valley on the Chinese-Korean border in the area known as \"Mig Alley\" and in operations against UN \"trainbusting\" attacks in Northern Korea, with considerable success. The lack of a shared language between Soviet, Chinese and North Korean pilots frequently led to incidences of friendly fire as other MiG fighters were mistaken for American F-86 Sabre jets and shot down. The MiG-15 was a jet aircraft, supplied in large numbers to Chinese and North Korean forces during the war by the Soviet Union. Owing to their modern design (they were", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "10570158", "text": "of the country's recent history, some also believe that sending the country's soldiers to die for the interests of the \"imperialist powers\" was one of the most misguided foreign policy decisions ever made by the Turkish Republic. Nevertheless, Turkey's entrance into the war as part of the U.N. command did indeed have a great impact on earning a place in NATO. Thus, Turkey can be considered a country which benefited from the Korean War. The Defense Department estimated that the United States spent $15 billion (equivalent to $ billion today) on the Korean War. The American defense budget had nearly", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17184705", "text": "benefits as the World War II G.I. Bill, including mustering-out pay, financial support for education, home and business loan guarantees, unemployment compensation, and job placement. Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States The impact of the Korean War on the Economy of the United States refers to the ways in which the American economy was affected by the Korean experience from 1950 to 1953. While the cost of the Korean War was less significant than that of World War II, it still changed the structure of the American growth as a result of its financing.", "title": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States" }, { "docid": "11585935", "text": "where they became the first UN air unit to enter the war, primarily in ground support, combat air patrol, and escort missions. 3 RAR was rapidly committed as Australia's main land force contribution to the United Nations forces in the Korean War. After a period of intensive training and reinforcement in Japan, the battalion arrived in South Korea in late September 1950. The battalion formed part of the 27th Commonwealth Brigade and took part in the United Nations offensive into North Korea and the subsequent retreat into South Korea following the Chinese offensive in the winter of 1950–51. It was", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17184704", "text": "tensions with the Soviet Union, the Korean War further increased it. The Korean War cost the US$30 billion in 1953, which is equivalent to US$341 billion in 2011. During the last year of the war, annual war expenditure comprised about 14.1 percent of GDP. Approximately 34,000 Americans were killed in battle and about another 2,800 died from disease or injury, with total US casualties, which includes dead, wounded, and missing in action, adding up to 139,860. The \"Korean War GI Bill\" was implemented in 1952, eventually covering veterans between June 27, 1950 and February 1, 1955. It offered the same", "title": "Impact of the Korean War on the economy of the United States" }, { "docid": "11585967", "text": "No. 77 Squadron operated in the ground attack role from December 1951 until the end of the war; it remained in South Korea on garrison duties until returning to Australia in November 1954. The Battle of Sunchon was an air battle fought near the city of Sunchon on 1 December 1951, 12 Gloster Meteor jets of the RAAF's No. 77 Squadron were attacked by 40–50 Chinese MiG-15s. Despite their Meteors having inferior manoeuvrability to the Soviet-built MiGs, the Australian pilots managed to score their first victories of the Korean War, for the loss of three aircraft. Accounts vary, with the", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "11585947", "text": "border between North Korea and China, and extend their rollback policy into China. Many in the West, including General MacArthur, thought that spreading the war to China would be necessary and that since North Korean troops were being supplied by bases in China, those supply depots should be bombed. However, Truman and the other leaders disagreed, and MacArthur was ordered to be very cautious when approaching the Chinese border. Except on some rare occasions, UN bombers remained out of Manchuria during the war. China warned American leaders through neutral diplomats that it would intervene to protect its national security, however", "title": "Australia in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17215036", "text": "recommended recruiting a separate Special Force for the Korean War. Recruits for the Special Force were enlisted for a period of eighteen months with recruits coming from both the Active Force, World War II veterans and adventure seeking young men. The normal recruitment standards were lowered since \"the army would not wish to retain the 'soldier of fortune' type of personnel on a long term basis'\". Units of the Special Force would be second battalions of the existing three Permanent Force regiments. On 15 August 1950, the 2nd Battalion was created within Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) as a", "title": "Canada in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "20179242", "text": "of mirrors with night sky and cracked glass effect. Sometimes scene shifts to a classroom and a white background. It was also mixed with the scene from anime \"Scum's Wish\". All tracks written by Sayuri. Parallel Line (song) On 15 December 2016, Fuji TV's Noitamina revealed that Sayuri would perform \"Parallel Line\" as ending theme song for \"Scum's Wish\". Parallel Line was released as a single on 1 March 2017 on three edition; Reguler edition, Limited edition and Limited anime edition. The single reached number 10 on Oricon and Japan Hot 100 and 4 on Japan Hot Animation with spent", "title": "Parallel Line (song)" }, { "docid": "10570152", "text": "SEATO (1954). However, because of the war, the authority of the Soviet State grew, which showed in its readiness to interfere in developing countries of the Third World, many of which after the Korean war went down the socialist path of development, after selecting the Soviet Union as their patron. It is generally assumed that the war was a heavy burden on the national economy of the Soviet Union, which was still suffering from the effects of World War II. Expenditures for defense certainly grew more sharply than they otherwise would have. However, it has been claimed that in fact", "title": "Aftermath of the Korean War" }, { "docid": "18763246", "text": "generally declined following the December Massacres but the Rhee regime further cemented its heavy-handed image. The massacres made easy political propaganda for communist forces and were used to denounce the regime in the South for years to come. December Massacres of 1950 in the Korean War The December Massacres were a series of politically motivated executions carried out by the South Korean government following the recapture of Pyongyang by communist forces in the Korean War. The killings took place mainly in and around Seoul but also in other locations in South Korea. It is believed the South Korean government executed", "title": "December Massacres of 1950 in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "18763239", "text": "December Massacres of 1950 in the Korean War The December Massacres were a series of politically motivated executions carried out by the South Korean government following the recapture of Pyongyang by communist forces in the Korean War. The killings took place mainly in and around Seoul but also in other locations in South Korea. It is believed the South Korean government executed thousands of people though accurate estimates are difficult to come by. The Rhee regime received criticism from the international community and the executions damaged his image. In October 1950, United Nations and Republic of Korea (ROK) forces had", "title": "December Massacres of 1950 in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "17631892", "text": "Lai Đại Hàn were ostracised and neglected by Vietnamese society following the war. Korean civil groups have discussed the issue considerably, and calls have been made for a Korean inquiry, in line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on massacres committed by government forces during the Korean War, known as the People's Tribunal on War Crimes by South Korean Troops during the Vietnam War. The alleged war crimes have had an impact upon South Korea–Vietnam relations and led the Vietnamese government to oppose the \"commemoration of mercenaries\" when South Korean President Moon Jae-in honoured the 50th Anniversary of South Korean", "title": "South Korea in the Vietnam War" }, { "docid": "19158833", "text": "Forward air control operations during the Korean War Forward air controllers in the Korean War were prominent throughout the conflict. United Nations forces depended upon improvised U.S. forward air control systems. The United States military held two competing doctrines for directing close air support (CAS). The U.S. Marine Corps' system depended on an organic supporting air wing delivering ordnance within 1,000 yards of front-line troops; this was to compensate for their weakness in artillery caused by being an amphibious force. On the other hand, the U.S. Army believed close air support should extend the range of its own organic artillery;", "title": "Forward air control operations during the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543596", "text": "the precarious relations between both sides, while also offering possible advantages. As American and UN soldiers were already deployed in the war on the South Korean side, it was virtually assured that Soviet forces could not engage in open and direct hostilities against the South without provoking conflicts with other UN countries. Instead, the Soviet Union was compelled to conceal its participation in the conflict (at least to the extent where Soviet involvement could still be plausibly denied by the Soviet government) so as to minimize the risk of escalating the \"Cold War\" into a \"Hot War\" with NATO and", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" }, { "docid": "16543609", "text": "both an unreliable and demanding ally and took greater steps to ensure autarky from the USSR in the years following the War. In 1960, China broke from the Soviet Union in an event known today as the Sino-Soviet Split, creating a rift amongst all communist powers which were expected to pick one side of the divide. The North Korean regime, which bordered both countries, successfully navigated the split by playing one power off against the other. It did not firmly align with either power until the Soviet reforms under Mikhail Gorbachev compelled the regime to align with China. This split,", "title": "Soviet Union in the Korean War" } ]
What was Hitchcock's first sound movie?
[ "Blackmailer", "Blackmailing", "Blackmail", "R v Lawrence and Pomroy", "Blackmailed", "Blackmails", "Black mail" ]
[ { "docid": "3618", "text": "wrote in 1982: \"The Hitchcock touch had four hands, and two were Alma's.\" Hitchcock began work on his tenth film, \"Blackmail\" (1929), when its production company, British International Pictures (BIP), converted its Elstree studios to sound. The film was the first British \"\"; it followed the first American sound feature film, \"The Jazz Singer\" (1927). \"Blackmail\" began the Hitchcock tradition of using famous landmarks as a backdrop for suspense sequences, with the climax taking place on the dome of the British Museum. It also features one of his longest cameo appearances, which shows him being bothered by a small boy", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "788568", "text": "\"The Clue of the New Pin\", a British Lion production using the sound-on-disc British Photophone system. In May, \"Black Waters\", a British and Dominions Film Corporation promoted as the first UK all-talker, received its initial trade screening; it had been shot completely in Hollywood with a Western Electric sound-on-film system. None of these pictures made much impact. The first successful European dramatic talkie was the all-British \"Blackmail\". Directed by twenty-nine-year-old Alfred Hitchcock, the movie had its London debut June 21, 1929. Originally shot as a silent, \"Blackmail\" was restaged to include dialogue sequences, along with a score and sound effects,", "title": "Sound film" }, { "docid": "12725911", "text": "two apparently playing firemen. Hitchcock also made several phonograph recordings of which many survive. In 1907, Hitchcock was charged with the sexual abuse of two adolescent girls together with New York magnate William A. Chanler. As Hitchcock's trial progressed, it was revealed that the charges of sexual abuse were fabricated as part of a blackmail scheme. Hitchcock was acquitted by a jury on June 11, 1908, after spending almost nine months in prison. In 1925, Hitchcock appeared in a test film made by Lee DeForest in DeForest's Phonofilm sound-on-film process, in which Hitchcock performed a sketch from his revue \"Hitchy-Koo\",", "title": "Raymond Hitchcock (actor)" }, { "docid": "8566453", "text": "the run. It also featured the first of his famous cameo appearances. Two years later he directed \"Blackmail\" (1929) which was his first sound film. In 1935 Hitchcock directed \"The 39 Steps\". Three years later he directed \"The Lady Vanishes,\" starring Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave. Hitchcock's British films – and many of his early American ones – are often mistakenly believed to be in the public domain. In fact, all of his films are under copyright in the US and UK. Nonetheless, bootlegs of his work continue to be widely disseminated. In 1940, Hitchcock transitioned to Hollywood productions, the", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock filmography" } ]
[ { "docid": "9620537", "text": "from the Smithsonian. A. S. Hitchcock Albert Spear Hitchcock (September 4, 1865 – December 16, 1935) was an American botanist and agrostologist. Hitchcock graduated from the Iowa Agricultural College with bachelor's degree in 1884 and M.S. in 1886. From 1892 to 1901 he was a professor of botany at the Kansas Agricultural College. Hitchcock joined the USDA in 1901 as Assistant Agrostologist under Frank Lamson-Scribner. In 1905 he was put in charge of the grass herbarium and became Systematic Agrostologist. After 1928, he held the title of Principal Biologist in charge of Systematic Agrostology of the Department of Agriculture and", "title": "A. S. Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "9620535", "text": "A. S. Hitchcock Albert Spear Hitchcock (September 4, 1865 – December 16, 1935) was an American botanist and agrostologist. Hitchcock graduated from the Iowa Agricultural College with bachelor's degree in 1884 and M.S. in 1886. From 1892 to 1901 he was a professor of botany at the Kansas Agricultural College. Hitchcock joined the USDA in 1901 as Assistant Agrostologist under Frank Lamson-Scribner. In 1905 he was put in charge of the grass herbarium and became Systematic Agrostologist. After 1928, he held the title of Principal Biologist in charge of Systematic Agrostology of the Department of Agriculture and kept that title", "title": "A. S. Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "1842351", "text": "Pictures UK has released the first three seasons on DVD, and Fabulous Films has released all seven seasons on DVD, including all three seasons of \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\". In Region 4, Madman Entertainment has released all seven seasons on DVD in Australia. They have also released all three seasons of \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\". In 1985, NBC aired a new TV movie pilot based upon the series, combining four newly filmed stories with colorized footage of Hitchcock from the original series to introduce each segment. The movie was a huge ratings success. The \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\" revival series debuted", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" }, { "docid": "3619", "text": "as he reads a book on the London Underground. In the PBS series \"The Men Who Made The Movies\", Hitchcock explained how he used early sound recording as a special element of the film, stressing the word \"knife\" in a conversation with the woman suspected of murder. During this period, Hitchcock directed segments for a BIP revue, \"Elstree Calling\" (1930), and directed a short film, \"An Elastic Affair\" (1930), featuring two \"Film Weekly\" scholarship winners. \"An Elastic Affair\" is one of the lost films. In 1933 Hitchcock was once again working for Michael Balcon at Gaumont British. His first film", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "15452550", "text": "medicine from the Harvard Medical School. The same year, after receiving his doctorate, he married Mary Judson. They had ten children; three of whom died in infancy. Hitchcock Jr. returned to Amherst College in 1861 as professor of Hygiene and Physical Education. Hitchcock Jr. was the first ever physical educator. Colleges had hired physical educators since the early 1820s, but Edward Hitchcock Jr. is generally credited with being the first formal physical educator at the collegiate level. He believed in the importance of sound physical health for college students, so that the mind could accomplish its best work and students", "title": "Edward Hitchcock Jr." }, { "docid": "9620536", "text": "until his death in 1935. In 1912 he became Custodian of Grasses, Division of Plants, United States National Museum. Hitchcock remained Custodian without remuneration until his death. His field notebooks are archived in the Smithsonian Institution. He was a professor of botany in the Kansas State Agricultural College and authored over 250 works during his lifetime. The Hitchcock-Chase Collection consists of 2,707 drawings (mostly ink, but some pencil) of grasses, representing hundreds of genera, that were assembled by the Smithsonian Institution agrostologists Albert Spear Hitchcock (1865–1935) and Mary Agnes Chase (1869–1963). The collection is on indefinite loan to Hunt Institute", "title": "A. S. Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3743565", "text": "Pictures.\" The pair subsequently toured, releasing another 7\" single double A side with the songs \"Love Is A Drag\" and \"Life Is Change,\" produced by Teenage Fanclub's Norman Blake. In 2017, Hitchcock released his eponymous album \"Robyn Hitchcock\". Working with Brendan Benson as co-producer, the album saw a return to a full band sound after his previous release, with guest appearances from Gillian Welch and Emma Swift. Hitchcock was born in Paddington, London, England, son of novelist Raymond Hitchcock (writer of \"Percy\"). He was educated at Winchester College. and Trinity College, Cambridge from where he was sent down, failing to", "title": "Robyn Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3036397", "text": "KTVK, in Phoenix from 1997 through September 27, 2011. Tara Hitchcock lived in the Phoenix suburb of Ahwatukee Foothills, prior to her marriage to Kenn Francis. Hitchcock now resides in Scottsdale with Francis and his children from a previous relationship. On October 31, 2013 she started a Thursday morning segment on KPHO's CBS 5 News at 6AM called \"Tara's Reel Travels\" where she interviews cast members of an upcoming movie. Tara Hitchcock Tara Hitchcock (born 1971) is an American journalist and news anchor. She was born in Pennsylvania, the eldest of four daughters. Her family lived in Massachusetts and New", "title": "Tara Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "10229641", "text": "Storefront Hitchcock Storefront Hitchcock is the title of a soundtrack album by Robyn Hitchcock, released in support of a film of the same name, which was directed by Jonathan Demme. The film is essentially an audience-eye view of its subject matter, singer-songwriter Hitchcock, standing inside a derelict shop window in New York, performing selections from his considerable back catalogue on acoustic guitar. The street scenes and passers by glimpsed through the glass act as a backdrop to the movie, which went on general release in 1998. Recorded by John Hanlon and David Hewitt on Remote Recording Services' Silver Truck The", "title": "Storefront Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "1842347", "text": "ended up directing what would be the last episode. The broadcast history was as follows: \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\", 25 minutes long, aired weekly at 9:30 on CBS on Sunday nights from 1955 to 1960, and then at 8:30 on NBC on Tuesday nights from 1960 to 1962.It was followed by \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\", which lasted for three seasons, September 1962 to June 1965, adding another 93 episodes to the 268 already produced for \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\". Two episodes that were directed by Hitchcock were nominated for Emmy Awards. The first episode was \"The Case of Mr. Pelham\" in 1955", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" }, { "docid": "1216922", "text": "Hitchcock, South Dakota Hitchcock is a town in Beadle County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 91 at the 2010 census. Hitchcock co-ops with the nearby town of Tulare for sports, making them the Hitchcock/Tulare Patriots. Hitchcock was platted in 1881. Early variant names were Clarkville and Altoona. The present name honors Charles S. Hitchcock, an original owner of the town site. A post office has been in operation in Hitchcock since 1881. Hitchcock is located at (44.630123, -98.410259). According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of , all land. Hitchcock has been", "title": "Hitchcock, South Dakota" }, { "docid": "12426157", "text": "Nigel Hitchcock Nigel Hitchcock (born 4 January 1971) is an English jazz saxophonist. Hitchcock began to play alto sax at the age of eight. In 1982 he and his elder brother Clive joined the National Youth Jazz Orchestra. After one year Nigel took the lead alto chair for the next five years. During this time the orchestra toured with different musicians such as Vic Damone, Buddy Greco and Al Martino. At the age of 16, Hitchcock moved to London and began his career as a session musician and also had recorded TV jingles, movie soundtracks, and pop solos. In 1989", "title": "Nigel Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "12725912", "text": "which was originally produced on Broadway in 1917, 1918, 1919, and 1920. Cole Porter wrote the music for the 1919 version. Raymond Hitchcock also figured prominently in John Ford's \"Upstream\" (1927). He died on November 24, 1929. Hitchcock was married to Freda Bowen from 1891 to 1903, and then was married to actress Flora Zabelle (1880-1968) from 1905 to his death in 1929. Hitchcock and Zabelle had no children. In one of her few movie roles, Zabelle appeared in the silent film \"The Red Widow\" (1916) opposite male lead John Barrymore. Barrymore's role had been played by Hitchcock in the", "title": "Raymond Hitchcock (actor)" }, { "docid": "3614", "text": "Mountain Eagle\" (1926), released in the United States as \"Fear o' God\". The film is lost; Hitchcock called it \"a very bad movie\". Hitchcock's luck changed with his first thriller, \"\" (1927), about the hunt for a serial killer who, wearing a black cloak and carrying a black bag, is murdering young blonde women in London, and only on Tuesdays. A landlady suspects that her lodger is the killer, but he turns out to be innocent. To convey that footsteps were being heard from an upper floor, Hitchcock had a glass floor made so that the audience could see the", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "9698688", "text": "mind. Giulio stands staring with mouth agape. \"Do You Like Hitchcock?\" received mixed reviews from critics and audiences, earning a 31% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 5.7 / 10 rating on IMDb. The film was nominated for Best TV-Movie at the 2006 Barcelona Film Awards. Do You Like Hitchcock? Do You Like Hitchcock? (orig. Ti piace Hitchcock?) is a 2005 made-for-TV giallo film directed by Dario Argento. The film is a homage to the acclaimed thriller film director Alfred Hitchcock. In 1991 Giulio, a young boy bicycling in the woods, spots a woman darting between the trees. He", "title": "Do You Like Hitchcock?" }, { "docid": "6504393", "text": "not feature the track \"Written\". 2002 Australian limited edition What Sound What Sound is the third album by English electronic music group Lamb, released in October 2001 Original members Andy Barlow and Lou Rhodes are joined by session musicians Arto Lindsay on guitar, Me'Shell NdegéOcello on bass, and Michael Franti with additional vocal work. Doves guitarist Jimi Goodwin, producers Nellee Hooper and Richard Dorfmeister (one half of Kruder & Dorfmeister) also contributed to the album. The track \"Heaven\" was used constantly on the HBO television series \"Six Feet Under\". A hidden track called \"Blessing in Disguise\" follows a period of", "title": "What Sound" }, { "docid": "6504392", "text": "What Sound What Sound is the third album by English electronic music group Lamb, released in October 2001 Original members Andy Barlow and Lou Rhodes are joined by session musicians Arto Lindsay on guitar, Me'Shell NdegéOcello on bass, and Michael Franti with additional vocal work. Doves guitarist Jimi Goodwin, producers Nellee Hooper and Richard Dorfmeister (one half of Kruder & Dorfmeister) also contributed to the album. The track \"Heaven\" was used constantly on the HBO television series \"Six Feet Under\". A hidden track called \"Blessing in Disguise\" follows a period of silence after the final track. Note: Some editions do", "title": "What Sound" }, { "docid": "788609", "text": "true boundaries of the cinema.\" Such opinions were not rare among those who cared about cinema as an art form; Alfred Hitchcock, though he directed the first commercially successful talkie produced in Europe, held that \"the silent pictures were the purest form of cinema\" and scoffed at many early sound films as delivering little beside \"photographs of people talking\". In Germany, Max Reinhardt, stage producer and movie director, expressed the belief that the talkies, \"bringing to the screen stage plays ... tend to make this independent art a subsidiary of the theater and really make it only a substitute for", "title": "Sound film" }, { "docid": "18520651", "text": "Freddy\" is dedicated to the trumpeter. \"Jo Jar\" is for Joseph Jarman. The \"Down Beat\" review by Peter Margasak states \"This is incredible, rigorously rehearsed and researched music made only less radical by what followed it—but in 1965 this would have blown minds.\" Before There Was Sound Before There Was Sound is an album by American jazz saxophonist Roscoe Mitchell recorded in 1965 but not issued until 2011 by Nessa Records. The album presents the earliest recordings available of the work of the AACM, taped shortly after the first meeting of the organization in May 1965 and approximately a year", "title": "Before There Was Sound" }, { "docid": "6046709", "text": "Lucky\" (December 1987) – both are produced by the UK trio – and found \"one of their relatively memorable singles was [Hitchcock]'s 'Get Ready'. Her gimmick for that single was her shaven head. The reason that single was memorable was the threatening tone of [her] vocal. On this single, all Kylie has to offer is sweetness. Bad for the teeth, as it grates.\" According to Australian musicologist, Ian McFarlane, \"The gutsy singer had made her mark but, unfortunately, there was no follow-up and Hitchcock slipped from view.\" During the mid-1980s Hitchcock was married to fellow Australian singer, Roger Hart (ex-Little", "title": "Carol Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "9078661", "text": "You're Dead? Nobody.\", \"Dagger\", \"Passe Compose\", \"Traitors Never Play Hangman\" and \"We Are All Movie Stars\". The artwork was different as well, with the cover featuring the band's logo with a sparrow in the corner of the cover standing about a bottle of leaking love hearts. Jack Rogers writing for \"Rock Sound\" reviewed the song \"RE: They Have No Reflections\" and commented that it is \"Scrappy, heavy and completely and utterly debauched\". This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For is the first release by Bring", "title": "This Is What the Edge of Your Seat Was Made For" }, { "docid": "10159198", "text": "and \"Marnie\". After ten years the two men ended their collaboration. Through what is two intersecting monologues the play \"Hitchcock & Herrmann\" explores the relationship between these two geniuses and endeavours to explain in their own words why at the height of their creative talents they parted company and never worked together again. Interspersed throughout are examples of Herrmann's music - often taking the place for important dramatic points. The play was first performed in January, 2005 as a rehearsed reading at the 4MBS Performance Studio in Brisbane, Australia with Knijnenburg himself playing the part of Hitchcock and Yalin Ozucelik", "title": "Hitchcock & Herrmann" }, { "docid": "11942839", "text": "Required reading not only for \"Psycho\"-files, but for anyone interested in the backstage world of movie-creation.\" Images Journal reviewer Gary Johnson called it \"one of the best books ever written about the making of a movie.\" Gerald Kaufman of \"The Sunday Telegraph\" found it \"joyously entertaining.\" \"Entertainment Weekly,\" referring to Rebello's revealing how Hitchcock arrived at the sound of the knife stabbing the heroine in the shower, opined \"the melon tale alone is worth the price of [the book].\" Another top critic wrote that, unlike other books about films and filmmakers, it \"reads more like a gripping novel than detached", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho" }, { "docid": "14562786", "text": "what was called the Volcano School because of the use of the volcanoes of Hawaii island as subjects. Edward Griffin Hitchcock Edward Griffin \"Holy Terror\" Hitchcock (January 20, 1837 – October 9, 1898) was a law enforcement officer in the Kingdom of Hawaii, who rose to the position of Marshal of the Republic of Hawaii. Edward Griffin Hitchcock was born January 20, 1837 in Lahaina on the island of Maui. His father was early missionary Harvey Rexford Hitchcock (1800–1855), and mother was Rebecca Howard (1808–1890). They were assigned the mission station called Kaluaaha on the eastern end of the island", "title": "Edward Griffin Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "15905501", "text": "business, DBM Ltd, \"For artists, producers, writers and other creatives - 85% of what we do is music-related.\" Dave Hitchcock Dave Hitchcock is a former record producer working with Genesis, Caravan, Camel, Curved Air and Renaissance. David Hitchcock worked in A&R as a staff producer at Decca Records before becoming an independent record producer. He worked with Decca Records and Charisma Records and formed the company \"Gruggy Woof Productions\". Hitchcock later retrained as a chartered accountant with KPMG with the aim of becoming someone who could provide financial advice for musicians. He then joined Ernst & Young's \"Entertainment & Media", "title": "Dave Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3659", "text": "start gathering, watching, and attacking. The question: \"What do the birds want?\" is left unanswered. Hitchcock made the film with equipment from the Revue Studio, which made \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\". He said it was his most technically challenging film yet, using a combination of trained and mechanical birds against a backdrop of wild ones. Every shot was sketched in advance. An HBO/BBC television film, \"The Girl\" (2012), depicted Hedren's experiences on set; she said that Hitchcock became obsessed with her and sexually harassed her. He reportedly isolated her from the rest of the crew, had her followed, whispered obscenities to", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3664", "text": "molest Marnie—Marnie had killed the client to save her mother. Cured of her fears when she remembers what happened, she decides to stay with Mark. No longer speaking to her because she had rebuffed him, Hitchcock apparently referred to Hedren throughout as \"the girl\" rather than by name. He told Robert Burks, the cinematographer, that the camera had to be placed as close as possible to Hedren when he filmed her face. Evan Hunter, the screenwriter of \"The Birds\" who was writing \"Marnie\" too, explained to Hitchcock that, if Mark loved Marnie, he would comfort her, not rape her. Hitchcock", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "10330589", "text": "Lambert Hitchcock Lambert Hitchcock (May 28, 1795, Cheshire, Connecticut – 1852) was an American furniture manufacturer, famous for designing and mass-producing the Hitchcock chair. Hitchcock was the son of John Lee Hitchcock, an American Revolutionary War veteran who was lost at sea in 1811. He attended the Episcopal Academy of Cheshire, now known as Cheshire Academy, and was an apprentice to woodworker Silas Cheney. In 1818, he opened a furniture factory in Riverton, Connecticut, then called Hitchcocksville. The factory at first made chair parts. Soon Hitchcock, influenced by Connecticut clockmaker Eli Terry, began mass-producing simple, affordable chairs. Instead of painting", "title": "Lambert Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3651", "text": "relation between sex and death than any other work in his filmography. \"Vertigo\" contains a camera technique developed by Irmin Roberts, commonly referred to as a dolly zoom, that has been copied many times by filmmakers. The film premiered at the San Sebastián International Film Festival, where Hitchcock won a Silver Seashell. \"Vertigo\" is considered a classic, but it attracted some negative reviews and poor box-office receipts at the time, and it was the last collaboration between Stewart and Hitchcock. In the 2002 \"Sight & Sound\" polls, it ranked just behind \"Citizen Kane\" (1941); ten years later, in the same", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "9286706", "text": "Jimmy Hitchcock James Franklin Hitchcock, Jr. (June 28, 1911 – July 23, 1959) was an American college football player and Major League Baseball player during the Depression Era. Hitchcock played for the Auburn Tigers football team of Auburn University (then Alabama Polytechnic Institute), where he was the school's first All-American in both football and baseball. Jimmy Hitchcock was born on June 28, 1911 in Inverness, Alabama to James Franklin Hitchcock, clerk of the circuit court in Bullock County, and Sallie Louise Davis. Known as \"The Phantom of Union Springs\", where he played in high school, Hitchcock earned three varsity football", "title": "Jimmy Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3103661", "text": "season with the Stars, Hitchcock again led the Stars to the playoffs, losing in the Conference Finals to the eventual Stanley Cup champion Detroit Red Wings. Also during the 1997–98 season, Hitchcock was named to his first of three consecutive NHL All-Star Game teams as coach. During the 1998–99 NHL season, Hitchcock led the Stars to a regular season record of 51–19–12 (0.695 winning percentage), a team best. In the playoffs, Hitchcock led the team to a Stanley Cup victory over the Buffalo Sabres, the team's first. The next season, Hitchcock again led the team to the Stanley Cup finals,", "title": "Ken Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "4978748", "text": "Henry Hitchcock Henry Hitchcock (September 11, 1792 – August 11, 1839) was the first Attorney General of Alabama, having been elected by the Alabama General Assembly in December 1819 in its initial session. He was also the Secretary of the Alabama Territory, the position which was the precursor to the modern-day Secretary of State of Alabama. Henry Hitchcock was born in Burlington, Vermont in 1792. He was the grandson of General Ethan Allen, leader of the Green Mountain Boys and hero of Ticonderoga, and the son of Judge Samuel Hitchcock. Major General Ethan Allen Hitchcock was his brother. Henry Hitchcock's", "title": "Henry Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "16797766", "text": "much fun and so suspenseful that it would make the original Hitchcock proud ... It's a serious contender for Best Picture, Lead Actor, Lead Actress, Adapted Screenplay, Makeup, Music Score, and maybe Art Direction.\" John Patterson of \"The Guardian\" called the film \"clever and witty\"; \"the making of \"Psycho\" is depicted in detail without our seeing one frame of the completed movie\" and concluding \"it lives and breathes through Hopkins and Mirren.\" Upon its theatrical release, Mary Pols of \"Time\" called the film \"a feel-good frolic, which is fine for anyone who prefers their Hitchcock history tidied up, absent the", "title": "Hitchcock (film)" }, { "docid": "8467627", "text": "Sterling Hitchcock Sterling Alex Hitchcock (born April 29, 1971) is an American former Major League Baseball left-handed pitcher. He played from to , mostly with the New York Yankees and San Diego Padres. Hitchcock was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He attended Armwood High School in Seffner, Florida. The Yankees selected Hitchcock in the ninth round of the 1989 Major League Baseball Draft. Though he committed to attend the University of South Florida, the Yankees signed Hitchcock with a $50,000 signing bonus. He made his Major League debut in 1992, pitching his first full season in 1994. He was traded", "title": "Sterling Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "15759247", "text": "Ben Nugent, combining his studies and appearances for the school's first XI with his Academy commitments. When his father was appointed as goalkeeping coach at Blackburn Rovers as part of Mark Hughes' coaching team in 2004, Hitchcock and his family moved north and Tom transferred to the Blackburn youth teams. Tom Hitchcock Thomas Joseph Hitchcock (born 1 October 1992) is an English amateur (and former professional) footballer who plays as a forward for Harlow Town. Hitchcock progressed through the youth system at Blackburn Rovers academy after officially joining in 2007, after being recommended by his father Kevin Hitchcock who was", "title": "Tom Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "15759245", "text": "for the club, before returning to Milton Keynes Dons in January 2015. On 7 August 2015, Hitchcock signed for League Two side Stevenage, initially on a one-month loan which was later extended. Hitchcock made his debut for Stevenage against Notts County but was sent off on his debut. Hitchcock scored his first goal for Stevenage in a 1-1 away draw to Dagenham & Redbridge. Hitchcock scored his second goal for the club on 19 September 2015 in a 3-2 away defeat to Barnet before returning to Milton Keynes Dons. On 23 February 2016, Hitchcock returned to League One side Crewe", "title": "Tom Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "10203642", "text": "D. Howard Hitchcock David Howard Hitchcock (May 15, 1861 – January 1, 1943) was an American painter of the Volcano School, known for his depictions of Hawaii. David Howard Hitchcock was born May 15, 1861 in Hilo, Hawaii. Since his father was also named David Howard Hitchcock (1831–1899), he generally went by D. Howard Hitchcock. His mother was Almeda Eliza Widger (1828–1895). His paternal grandparents were missionaries Harvey Rexford Hitchcock (1800–1855) and Rebecca Howard (1808–1890). His father was a lawyer who served in the legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and his sister Almeda Eliza Hitchcock Moore (1863–1895) was the first", "title": "D. Howard Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "15759242", "text": "Tom Hitchcock Thomas Joseph Hitchcock (born 1 October 1992) is an English amateur (and former professional) footballer who plays as a forward for Harlow Town. Hitchcock progressed through the youth system at Blackburn Rovers academy after officially joining in 2007, after being recommended by his father Kevin Hitchcock who was then goalkeeping coach at the club. He made his breakthrough into the Blackburn Rovers reserve team in 2009, scoring his first goal that year. On 19 July 2011, following a successful pre-season trial, Hitchcock joined then League Two side Plymouth Argyle on an initial three-month loan, eventually making 10 appearances", "title": "Tom Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "13358141", "text": "Hitchcock Ranch, California Hitchcock Ranch is a former settlement in El Dorado County, California. It was located southeast of Salmon Falls. Was also known as Green Springs Ranch, California HITCHCOCK RANCH: This post office was established on Oct.9, 1860, with William Dormody serving as its first postmaster. The Hitchcock Ranch was settled in 1848 and had become a supply center for the local miners. Service at the Hitchcock Ranch Post Office was discontinued on Sep. 12, 1865 when its name was changed to the Green Valley Post Office. Green Valley, El Dorado County, California A post office operated at Hitchcock", "title": "Hitchcock Ranch, California" }, { "docid": "10203651", "text": "and the Oakland Museum of California are among the public collections holding paintings by David Howard Hitchcock. Hitchcock is called the first homegrown artist in Hawaii with international recognition. The auction record for a painting by David Howard Hitchcock is $82,250. This record was set by \"Windward Oahu, Hawaii\", a 12 by 18 inch oil painting on canvas sold May 19, 2006 at Skinner Inc. (Boston). Painting of Pele D. Howard Hitchcock David Howard Hitchcock (May 15, 1861 – January 1, 1943) was an American painter of the Volcano School, known for his depictions of Hawaii. David Howard Hitchcock was", "title": "D. Howard Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "4978750", "text": "eventually arriving in Mobile on January 22, 1816, after a brief stay in Natchez. On May 14, 1818, six months after the creation of the Alabama Territory, Hitchcock was appointed its first secretary by Governor William Wyatt Bibb. He also participated in the writing of Alabama's first constitution, representing Washington County in the constitutional convention in Huntsville on July 5, 1819. Hitchcock was elected as the State's first Attorney General by the General Assembly in December 1819. Hitchcock then had the distinction of producing the first book printed in the State of Alabama entitled, \"The Alabama Juctice of the Peace,", "title": "Henry Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "16292490", "text": "Hitchcock Papers\" and copies of all of Edward Hitchcock's scientific publications. The Mead Art Museum at Amherst College held the first major retrospective exhibition of her work in 2011, \"Orra White Hitchcock (1796-1863): An Amherst Woman of Art and Science,\" with a catalogue. Orra White Hitchcock Orra White Hitchcock (March 8, 1796 – May 26, 1863) was one of America's earliest women botanical and scientific illustrators and artists, best known for illustrating the scientific works of her husband, geologist Edward Hitchcock (1793–1864), but also notable for her own artistic and scientific work. Hitchcock was born to a prosperous farming family", "title": "Orra White Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "14291049", "text": "20 goals. He won Port Adelaide's best first year player award. He was upgraded to the main list for the 2011 season. Hitchcock was delisted at the end of the 2014 season, after a string of shoulder, hamstring and foot injuries derailed his career. In 2016, Hitchcock played for the South Australian National Football League (SANFL) club South Adelaide, and was selected in the 2016 West End SANFL State Team. Cameron Hitchcock Cameron Hitchcock (born 3 July 1990) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Port Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). Cameron", "title": "Cameron Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "12978670", "text": "children who lived to adulthood included Lorraine Allen Hitchcock, Henry Hitchcock, Mary Anne Hitchcock, Ethan Allen Hitchcock, Caroline P. Hitchcock, and Samuel Hitchcock. Samuel Hitchcock Samuel Hitchcock (March 23, 1755 – November 30, 1813) was an attorney and judge in Vermont. He was the son-in-law of Ethan Allen, and the father of Ethan Allen Hitchcock. Samuel Hitchcock, the son of Noah and Mary Hitchcock, was born in Brimfield, Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard College in 1777. He studied law with Jedediah Foster in West Brookfield, Massachusetts, attained admission to the bar, and practiced in Worcester, Massachusetts. He moved to Manchester,", "title": "Samuel Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "18965481", "text": "Hitchcock/Truffaut (film) Hitchcock/Truffaut is a 2015 French-American documentary film directed by Kent Jones about François Truffaut's book on Alfred Hitchcock, \"Hitchcock/Truffaut\", and its impact on cinema. Truffaut interviewed Hitchcock over eight days in 1962 at his offices at Universal Studios to write his book, and the documentary features reflections from directors including James Gray, Martin Scorsese, Paul Schrader, Wes Anderson, David Fincher, Arnaud Desplechin, and Olivier Assayas. It was first screened at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival and was shown in the TIFF Docs section of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. \"Hitchcock/Truffaut\" received critical acclaim. On Rotten Tomatoes, the", "title": "Hitchcock/Truffaut (film)" }, { "docid": "4978749", "text": "son, Ethan Hitcocock, served as United States Secretary of the Interior under William McKinley. Another son, Henry Hitchcock, was a prominent attorney in St. Louis, Missouri. Henry Hitchcock attended Middlebury College for a while and then graduated from the University of Vermont in 1811. While studying law, he cultivated a small farm in order to provide for the needs of his family. He became a member of the bar in 1815 and handled several important lawsuits before leaving Burlington for the lure of what was then called the Southwest. He traveled by flat boat down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers,", "title": "Henry Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "13358142", "text": "Ranch from 1860 and 1865, when it was transferred to Green Valley. Hitchcock Ranch, California Hitchcock Ranch is a former settlement in El Dorado County, California. It was located southeast of Salmon Falls. Was also known as Green Springs Ranch, California HITCHCOCK RANCH: This post office was established on Oct.9, 1860, with William Dormody serving as its first postmaster. The Hitchcock Ranch was settled in 1848 and had become a supply center for the local miners. Service at the Hitchcock Ranch Post Office was discontinued on Sep. 12, 1865 when its name was changed to the Green Valley Post Office.", "title": "Hitchcock Ranch, California" }, { "docid": "6073979", "text": "the Braves, whose general manager at the time was former Tiger player and executive John McHale. Hitchcock began the season as a coach for the Atlanta Braves under Bobby Bragan during the club's first season in Atlanta. But when the Braves won only 52 of their first 111 games, Bragan was fired on August 9 and Hitchcock took over. The Braves won 33 of their last 51 games to finish fifth in the National League, and Hitchcock was invited back for , but he was fired September 28 of that year with the team in seventh place and three games", "title": "Billy Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3743557", "text": "In 2001 Hitchcock reunited and toured with Kimberley Rew, bassist Matthew Seligman, and Morris Windsor for the Soft Boys' re-release of their best-known album, 1980's \"Underwater Moonlight\". The following year they recorded and released a new album, \"Nextdoorland\", which was accompanied by a short album of outtakes, \"Side Three\". The reunion proved to be short-lived. The 2002 double album \"Robyn Sings\" comprised cover versions of Bob Dylan songs, including a live re-creation (performed in 1996) of Dylan's so-called \"Live at the Royal Albert Hall\" 1966 concert. Hitchcock celebrated his 50th birthday in 2003 with a concert at the Queen Elizabeth", "title": "Robyn Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "6073981", "text": "Hitchcock also made a name for himself in college football and golf. As an All-Conference tailback, he led Auburn to its first bowl game (a 7-7 tie against Villanova on January 1, 1937). Later in life, he established the Billy Hitchcock Golf Tournament at his alma mater. In recognition of his contribution to the school, Auburn renamed its renovated baseball stadium \"Hitchcock Field\" in 2003. Also in that year, \"Baseball America\" named it the best college baseball facility in the country. Hitchcock died in Opelika, Alabama at age 89. He was a charter member and elder at Trinity Presbyterian Church,", "title": "Billy Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "17464166", "text": "Upon graduating, Hitchcock moved the company to Manchester, New Hampshire, where it is still headquartered. As CEO, he funded the company until 2012 when it finally took its first round of outside capital – $38 million from North Bridge Venture Partners. The company raised $100M total outside funding. Hitchcock is an active angel investor and is currently Founder and CEO of wifi management and IoT security startup, Minim, based in Manchester, NH Jeremy Hitchcock Jeremy Hitchcock (born September 11, 1981) is co-founder and former CEO of Dyn. Hitchcock resigned from the business in May 2016 prior to the Oracle acquisition,", "title": "Jeremy Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "11896840", "text": "from the album \"Super Exitos\" (1991) and \"Is It You\" with Rita Coolidge (1995). Also of note is the track \"The River Cried\", which would also be featured on the debut solo album of former Scandal vocalist/songwriter Patty Smyth (the version heard here is 12 seconds shorter), and this album also featured his version of \"What Becomes of the Brokenhearted\". Russell Hitchcock (album) Russell Hitchcock is the self-titled debut album by Russell Hitchcock, best known as the lead singer of Air Supply, released in 1988. The album didn't reach the charts, though singles \"Someone Who Believes in You\", \"I Can't", "title": "Russell Hitchcock (album)" }, { "docid": "6046708", "text": "(March 1987). The recording featured Paul McCartney, Kate Bush and Bananarama. The final episode of \"Countdown\" aired on 19 July; the compère, Molly Meldrum, interviewed Hitchcock. Her music video for \"Get Ready\" was also broadcast. In August of that year Hitchcock anticipated working on her second single with Stock, Aitken, Waterman, \"I'll just wait to see what happens after this next single. They seem to like me, they've said I'm easy to get along with, and there is talk about an album.\" In March 1988 Wellham contrasted Hitchcock's music video for her single with Kylie Minogue's \"I Should Be So", "title": "Carol Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3657", "text": "Hitchcock had intended to film \"Marnie\" first, and in March 1962 it was announced that Grace Kelly, Princess Grace of Monaco since 1956, would come out of retirement to star in it. When Kelly asked Hitchcock to postpone \"Marnie\" until 1963 or 1964, he recruited Evan Hunter, author of \"The Blackboard Jungle\" (1954), to develop a screenplay based on a Daphne du Maurier short story, \"The Birds\" (1952), which Hitchcock had republished in his \"My Favorites in Suspense\" (1959). He hired Tippi Hedren to play the lead role. It was her first role; she had been a model in New", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "4403310", "text": "of the first stereo cable stations was The Movie Channel, though the most popular cable TV station that drove up usage of stereo simulcasting was MTV. Japanese television began multiplex (stereo) sound broadcasts in 1978, and regular transmissions with stereo sound came in 1982. By 1984, about 12% of the programming, or about 14 or 15 hours per station per week, made use of the multiplex technology. West Germany's second television network, ZDF, began offering stereo programs in 1984. In 1979, \"The New York Times\" reported, \"What has prompted the [television] industry to embark on establishing high-fidelity [sound] standards now,", "title": "Stereophonic sound" }, { "docid": "8566458", "text": "1980, Hitchcock received a knighthood. Alfred Hitchcock filmography Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980) was an English filmmaker and director. Popularly known as the \"Master of Suspense\" for his use of innovative film techniques in thrillers, Hitchcock started his career in the British film industry as a title designer and art director for a number of silent films during the early 1920s, most of which are now lost. His directorial debut was the 1925 release \"The Pleasure Garden\". Hitchcock followed this with \"\", his first commercial and critical success. It featured many of the thematic elements his films would be known for such", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock filmography" }, { "docid": "20861299", "text": "Almeda Eliza Hitchcock Almeda Eliza Hitchcock Moore (December 5, 1863 – May 9, 1895) was the first female lawyer and notary public in the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1888. Almeda Eliza Hitchcock was born on December 5, 1863, in Hilo, on the island of Hawaii, into a missionary family. Her paternal grandparents Harvey Rexford Hitchcock (1800–1855) and Rebecca Howard (1808–1890) were American Protestant missionaries who settled in the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1832. Her parents were David Howard Hitchcock (1831–1899), a lawyer and legislator in the legislature of the Kingdom of Hawaii, and Almeda Eliza Widger (1828–1895). Her older brother", "title": "Almeda Eliza Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "20452205", "text": "the sixth season of \"American Greed\" which included interviews with Hitchcock detailing how she pursued Starr until his conviction was secured. Jane Stanton Hitchcock Jane Stanton Hitchcock (born November 24, 1946) is an American author, playwright, and screenwriter. She has written several plays but is known mostly for her mystery novels \"Mortal Friends\", \"One Dangerous Lady\", \"Social Crimes\", \"The Witches' Hammer\" and \"Trick of the Eye\". Hitchcock also wrote the screenplays for \"Our Time\" and \"First Love\". Hitchcock was born Jane Johnston Crowley on , to Robert Crowley, a surgeon, and Joan Crowley (known professionally as Joan Alexander), an actress", "title": "Jane Stanton Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "8566456", "text": "the host of the anthology television series \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\" which he also produced. In 1958, Hitchcock directed the psychological thriller \"Vertigo\" starring Stewart and Kim Novak. The film topped the 2012 poll of the British film magazine \"Sight & Sound\" of the 50 Greatest Films of All Time and also topped the American Film Institute's Top Ten in the mystery genre. He followed this with the spy thriller \"North by Northwest\" (1959) which starred Grant and Eva Marie Saint. In 1960, he directed \"Psycho\", the biggest commercial success of his career and for which he received his fifth nomination", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock filmography" }, { "docid": "1842353", "text": "\"How do you do, boys and girls. I’m delighted to find that you believe in ghosts, too. After all, they believe in you, so it is only common courtesy to return the favor.\" Hitchcock introduces each of the stories, all the while recounting a droll story of his own failed attempts to deal with a leaky faucet (which at the conclusion of the album leads to Hitchcock \"drowning\" in his flooded home). The ghost stories themselves, accompanied by minimal sound effects and music, are told by actor John Allen, four of which he wrote himself, and two of which are", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" }, { "docid": "7581274", "text": "Sailor Moon S: The Movie Sailor Moon S: The Movie, known in Japan as and Sailor Moon S the Movie: Hearts in Ice in the Pioneer English adaptation, is a 1994 Japanese anime fantasy film directed by Hiroki Shibata and written by Sukehiro Tomita. It is the second film in the \"Sailor Moon\" series. The film is adapted from a side story of the original manga series created by Naoko Takeuchi, \"The Lover of Princess Kaguya\". The storyline is loosely based on \"The Snow Queen\" fairytale by Hans Christen Andersen. The film was released on December 4, 1994 in Japan", "title": "Sailor Moon S: The Movie" }, { "docid": "1842344", "text": "briefly detail how fate (or the authorities) eventually brought the character to justice. Hitchcock told \"TV Guide\" that his reassurances that the criminal had been apprehended were \"a necessary gesture to morality.\" \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\" finished at number 6 in the Nielsen ratings for the 1956–57 season, number 12 in 1957–58, number 24 in 1958–59, and number 25 in 1959–60. The series was originally 25 minutes per episode, but it was expanded to 50 minutes in 1962 and retitled \"The Alfred Hitchcock Hour\". Hitchcock directed 17 of the 267 filmed episodes of \"Alfred Hitchcock Presents\"—four during the first season and", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" }, { "docid": "4360010", "text": "first Ambassador accredited from the United States to the court of Russia. He was recalled in 1898 to serve in first McKinley's and then his successor, Roosevelt's, Cabinet. As Secretary of the Interior, Hitchcock pursued a vigorous program for the conservation of natural resources and reorganized the administration of Native American affairs. Hitchcock died April 9, 1909, in Washington, D.C., at the age of 73. Hitchcock was buried at the Bellefontaine Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri. Ethan A. Hitchcock (Interior) Ethan Allen Hitchcock (September 19, 1835 – April 9, 1909) served under Presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt as U.S.", "title": "Ethan A. Hitchcock (Interior)" }, { "docid": "3743554", "text": "performing it live with the Egyptians. At the beginning of 1990, Hitchcock took a break from the Egyptians and A&M Records to release another solo acoustic album, \"Eye\", then resumed with the band's \"Perspex Island\" release in 1991. 1993's \"Respect\", influenced a great deal by his father's death, marked the last Egyptians release and the end of his association with A&M Records. Early in 1994, after disbanding the Egyptians, Hitchcock embarked on a short reunion tour with the Soft Boys. His work received a slight boost in 1995 when his back catalogue (including both solo releases and Egyptians albums) were", "title": "Robyn Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "20709213", "text": "Wellington. In 1946 she was awarded an MBE for her military nursing service. Hitchcock died in Palmerston North on 13 March, 1967. During her time in Europe, Hitchcock received several items of trench art and rehabilitative art from soldiers she nursed, and some of these were later donated to Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Margaret Hitchcock Margaret (Daisy) Hitchcock (1883 - 13 March, 1967) was a nurse from New Zealand who served in France in World War I. Hitchcock was born in 1883 to Maria and Henry Hitchcock of Wellington. Hitchcock trained as a nurse in Wellington, passing", "title": "Margaret Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "1233365", "text": "REQUIRED. Hitchcock ISD received a warning for LOW ACCOUNTABILITY marks in 2011 and 2013. Our Lady of Lourdes School, a Roman Catholic elementary school operated by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, is in Hitchcock. All of Hitchcock is served by the College of the Mainland. The Genevieve Miller Hitchcock Public Library was established in 2015. Hitchcock, Texas Hitchcock is a city in Galveston County, Texas, United States. The population was 6,961 at the 2010 census. Hitchcock was created as a station of the railroad between Galveston and Houston in 1873 and around the turn of the 20th century became", "title": "Hitchcock, Texas" }, { "docid": "5208290", "text": "founded and run by one of Hitchcock's faculty members at SUNY Albany, Alan S. Chartock. This program was paid for by the SUNY Albany Foundation, using gifts intended for the students and faculty of the university, until Dr. Hitchcock's abrupt departure from that campus. For some time afterward, her participation in the program was paid for by Queen's University. Chartock, a vocal political opponent of then-Governor George Pataki, delivered a number of print and broadcast defenses of Hitchcock, in which Chartock failed to mention his financial reliance on her patronage. Hitchcock became the Principal of Queen's University in July, 2004.", "title": "Karen R. Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "14278440", "text": "(1861–1943) who was a painter. David Howard Hitchcock Sr. was a lawyer who served in the legislature of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and partnered with his daughter Almeda Eliza Hitchcock Moore (1863–1895) who was the first woman lawyer in Hawaii. He died December 12, 1899. Harvey Rexford Hitchcock, Jr. (generally known as H. Rexford Hitchcock) was born in 1835 and published a dictionary of the Hawaiian language while principal of Lahainaluna School, in an effort to teach Hawaiians the English language. He married Alice Field Hardy (1854–1895) on May 30, 1877, was elected to the House of Representatives of the Kingdom", "title": "Harvey Rexford Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "20709208", "text": "Margaret Hitchcock Margaret (Daisy) Hitchcock (1883 - 13 March, 1967) was a nurse from New Zealand who served in France in World War I. Hitchcock was born in 1883 to Maria and Henry Hitchcock of Wellington. Hitchcock trained as a nurse in Wellington, passing her nursing registration exam in 1909. In 1910 Hitchcock travelled with her friend Lily Lind to Ireland to study midwifery at Dublin’s Rotunda Hospital. At the time World War I broke out, the two women were living and working in London as private nurses. Hitchcock and Lind volunteered their services to the newly formed French Flag", "title": "Margaret Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "1707567", "text": "Fog: Alfred Hitchcock's San Francisco\" by Jeff Kraft and Aaron Leventhal, which was published in 2002. In 2003, she published \"Alma Hitchcock: The Woman Behind the Man\", co-written with Laurent Bouzereau. Pat Hitchcock Patricia Alma O'Connell (née Hitchcock; born 7 July 1928), commonly known as Pat Hitchcock, is an English actress and producer. She is the only child of English director Alfred Hitchcock and Alma Reville, and had small roles in several of his films, starting with \"Stage Fright\" (1950). Hitchcock was born in London in 1928, the only child of film director Alfred Hitchcock and film editor Alma Reville.", "title": "Pat Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "16171795", "text": "Ebenezer and Mary Hitchcock. In 1761, Hitchcock graduated from Yale University, and he went on to practice law in Northampton, Massachusetts. Hitchcock moved to Providence, Rhode Island in 1771. Hitchcock was thought by authorities to be affiliated with the \"Gaspée Affair\", a sinking of a British ship and a lead up to the American Revolutionary War. Hitchcock, along with other lawyers, were forced to testify in front of the Rhode Island Court. Hitchcock, however, denied any involvement in the \"Affair\". In June 1775, Hitchcock authorized the Providence County Regiment, which was organized as eight companies of volunteers from Providence County", "title": "Daniel Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "10229490", "text": "Robyn Hitchcock (1995 album) Robyn Hitchcock was the first official collection of pre-released Robyn Hitchcock material, issued in 1995 by Sequel Records. This little-noted compilation was worthy of particular attention, being the only Hitchcock album to include the studio recording \"Statue With a Walkman\", a humorous depiction of a haemoglobin-counting figure found resting at the bottom of a garden. (Hitchcock would re-write the song with new sections, for the \"Storefront Hitchcock\" project a few years later.). This recording ended up on Shadow Cat in slightly edited form in 2008 (shortened by 63 seconds), making this compilation much less desirable. The", "title": "Robyn Hitchcock (1995 album)" }, { "docid": "3444104", "text": "1864. In 1845, Hitchcock became President of the College, a post he held until 1854. As president, Hitchcock was responsible for Amherst's recovery from severe financial difficulties. He is also credited with developing the college's scientific resources and establishing its reputation for scientific teaching. In addition to his positions at Amherst, Hitchcock was a well-known early geologist. He ran the first geological survey of Massachusetts, and in 1830 was appointed state geologist of Massachusetts (he held the post until 1844). He also played a role in the geological surveys of New York and Vermont. His chief project, however, was natural", "title": "Edward Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3743555", "text": "re-packaged and re-issued in the United States by the respected Rhino Records label. For the rest of the decade he continued recording and performing as a solo artist, releasing several albums on Warner Brothers Records, such as 1996's \"Moss Elixir\" (which featured the contributions of violinist Deni Bonet and guitarist Tim Keegan), and the soundtrack from the Jonathan Demme-directed concert film \"Storefront Hitchcock\" in 1998. The 1999 release \"Jewels for Sophia\", also on Warner, featured cameos from Southern California-based musicians Jon Brion and Grant-Lee Phillips, both of whom often shared the stage with Hitchcock when he played Los Angeles nightclub", "title": "Robyn Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3444106", "text": "Randy Moore described Hitchcock as \"America's leading advocate of catastrophism-based gap creationism.\" Hitchcock left his mark in paleontology. He discovered some of the first fossil fishes in the United States. He published papers on fossilized tracks in the Connecticut Valley, including Eubrontes and Otozoum, that were later associated with dinosaurs, though he believed, with a certain prescience, that they were made by gigantic ancient birds. In the Hitchcock Ichnological Cabinet he established a remarkable collection of fossil footmarks. His son, Edward \"Doc\" Hitchcock, named one of the earliest dinosaurs discovered in North America and the United States, \"Megadactylus polyzelus\". Later", "title": "Edward Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3103664", "text": "Manager Bobby Clarke stepped down. On November 1, 2006, the Flyers assigned Hitchcock to be a pro scout for the club. On November 22, 2006, Hitchcock and the Columbus Blue Jackets agreed to a three-year contract to become their new head coach. He coached his first game for the Blue Jackets on November 24 against his former team, the Philadelphia Flyers, a game Columbus lost, 3–2. On July 9, 2008, the Blue Jackets announced that they had signed Hitchcock to a three-year extension to remain as their head coach. On February 19, 2009, the Blue Jackets earned Hitchcock his 500th", "title": "Ken Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "16797758", "text": "film's premiere, Hitchcock first views the audience from the projection booth, looking out through its small window at them. Hitchcock then waits in the lobby for the audience's reaction, conducting slashing motions to their reactions as they scream on cue. The film is rewarded with an enthusiastic reception. With the film's screening so well received, Hitchcock publicly thanks his wife for helping make it possible and they affirm their love and partnership. At the conclusion at his home, Hitchcock addresses the audience noting \"Psycho\" proved a major high point of his career and he is currently pondering his next project.", "title": "Hitchcock (film)" }, { "docid": "15759243", "text": "for the club before returning to his parent club. On 2 February 2012, Hitchcock became a free agent following the mutual cancellation of his contract with Blackburn. On 4 March 2012 Hitchcock signed a one-year deal with Queens Park Rangers. On 17 August 2013, Hitchcock made his debut for the club as an 83rd substitute for Bobby Zamora, scoring a 90th minute winner in a 1-0 win over Ipswich Town. Following limited first team opportunities, Hitchcock signed on loan for League One side Crewe Alexandra. He went on to make 6 appearances for the club, scoring 3 goals. On 10", "title": "Tom Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "5293672", "text": "his time at Harvard he met Theodore Roosevelt at the Audubon Society, both sharing a passion for the study of birds. Hitchcock credited Roosevelt for his success at the national level: From 1897 to 1905 Hitchcock served in the departments of Agriculture and Commerce. From 1905-08, he was assistant postmaster general.\" Frank Harris Hitchcock Frank Harris Hitchcock (October 5, 1867 – August 25, 1935), was chairman of Republican National Committee from 1908 to 1909. He was then Postmaster General of the United States under President William Howard Taft from 1909 to 1913. He is credited with establishing the first U.S.", "title": "Frank Harris Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "14792877", "text": "He used the tetrahedral hypothesis which had been first published in 1875 by William Lowthian Green to explain the formation of the Earth's land masses. His distant cousin was Harvey Rexford Hitchcock (1800–1855), who was an early missionary to Hawaii. This led to a publication of a book the volcanoes of Hawaii. Hitchcock was a founder of the Geological Society of America, and in 1883 vice-president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He left a collection of botanical specimens to the University of North Carolina Herbarium. Charles Henry Hitchcock Charles Henry Hitchcock (August 23, 1836 – November", "title": "Charles Henry Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "7863345", "text": "reorganization of the judicial tribunals of the state, and still continued to discharge his duties on the bench. He was called the \"Father of the constitution of 1851.\" One of the debates was over granting the power of the veto to the governor. As a good Whig, Judge Peter Hitchcock opposed it: The convention did not give the governor the veto in the new constitution. Peter Hitchcock was the uncle of Seabury Ford, the first Ohio governor from the Western Reserve. Peter Hitchcock died in Painesville, Ohio, while stopped at the home of his eldest son on his way home", "title": "Peter Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "12978667", "text": "1787 to 1790, when he became the first Attorney General of Vermont, serving from 1790 to 1793. He served simultaneously, from 1789 to 1793, as a member of the Vermont House of Representatives. Hitchcock also served as a Justice of the Peace and heard cases in Burlington. In 1791, Hitchcock was a delegate to the Vermont convention which ratified the United States Constitution and enabled Vermont to join the Union as the 14th state. Hitchcock drafted the charter for the University of Vermont, was an original member of its board of trustees, and was the longtime secretary of the board.", "title": "Samuel Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "16797755", "text": "the film, his last with Paramount. However, the pressures of the production, such as dealing with Geoffrey Shurlock of the Motion Picture Production Code, and Hitchcock's lecherous habits, such as when they confer with the female lead, Janet Leigh, annoy Alma. She begins a personal writing collaboration with Whitfield Cook on his screenplay at his beach house without Hitchcock's knowledge. Hitchcock eventually discovers what she has been doing and suspects her of having an affair. This concern affects Hitchcock's work on \"Psycho\". Hitchcock eventually confronts Alma and asks her if she is having an affair. Alma angrily denies it. Alma", "title": "Hitchcock (film)" }, { "docid": "8566452", "text": "Alfred Hitchcock filmography Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980) was an English filmmaker and director. Popularly known as the \"Master of Suspense\" for his use of innovative film techniques in thrillers, Hitchcock started his career in the British film industry as a title designer and art director for a number of silent films during the early 1920s, most of which are now lost. His directorial debut was the 1925 release \"The Pleasure Garden\". Hitchcock followed this with \"\", his first commercial and critical success. It featured many of the thematic elements his films would be known for such as an innocent man on", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock filmography" }, { "docid": "14884858", "text": "Christine Neilson in 2009. George Hitchcock (poet) George Parks Hitchcock (June 2, 1914 – August 27, 2010) was an American actor, poet, playwright, teacher, labor activist, publisher, and painter. He is best known for creating \"Kayak\", a poetry magazine that he published as a one-man operation from 1964 to 1984. Equally important, Hitchcock published writers under the \"Kayak\" imprint including the first two books by Charles Simic, second books by Philip Levine and Raymond Carver, translations by W.S. Merwin, and early books by Robert Bly and James Tate. Hitchcock was born in Hood River, Oregon, graduating in 1935 from the", "title": "George Hitchcock (poet)" }, { "docid": "14884851", "text": "George Hitchcock (poet) George Parks Hitchcock (June 2, 1914 – August 27, 2010) was an American actor, poet, playwright, teacher, labor activist, publisher, and painter. He is best known for creating \"Kayak\", a poetry magazine that he published as a one-man operation from 1964 to 1984. Equally important, Hitchcock published writers under the \"Kayak\" imprint including the first two books by Charles Simic, second books by Philip Levine and Raymond Carver, translations by W.S. Merwin, and early books by Robert Bly and James Tate. Hitchcock was born in Hood River, Oregon, graduating in 1935 from the University of Oregon, where", "title": "George Hitchcock (poet)" }, { "docid": "3629", "text": "the light makes sure that the audience's attention is on the glass. Grant's character is a killer in the book on which the film was based, \"Before the Fact\" by Francis Iles, but the studio felt that Grant's image would be tarnished by that. Hitchcock therefore settled for an ambiguous finale, although, as he told François Truffaut, he would have preferred to end with the wife's murder. Fontaine won Best Actress for her performance. \"Saboteur\" (1942) is the first of two films that Hitchcock made for Universal during the decade. Hitchcock was forced by Universal Studios to use Universal contract", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "14291048", "text": "Cameron Hitchcock Cameron Hitchcock (born 3 July 1990) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Port Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL). Cameron was born on the Eyre Peninsula in the little country town of Elliston, South Australia, and lived there before moving to Adelaide with his family and attended Sacred Heart College, Adelaide. He made his debut for Port in the opening round of the 2010 NAB Cup, impressing with his pace and goal sense. In his first season, Hitchcock was elevated onto the senior list and played in 17 games, kicking", "title": "Cameron Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "6879351", "text": "moved to Washington, D.C., where he died on February 3, 1934. He was interred in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Omaha. Gilbert M. Hitchcock Elementary School and Hitchcock Park in Omaha were named in his honor. The newspaper was then led by his son-in-law Henry Doorly, husband of Hitchcock's daughter Margaret. Gilbert Hitchcock Gilbert Monell Hitchcock (September 18, 1859February 3, 1934) was an American congressman and U.S. Senator from Nebraska, and the founder of the \"Omaha World-Herald\" newspaper. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, Hitchcock was the son of U.S. Senator Phineas Warren Hitchcock of Nebraska. He attended the public schools of", "title": "Gilbert Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "1707561", "text": "Pat Hitchcock Patricia Alma O'Connell (née Hitchcock; born 7 July 1928), commonly known as Pat Hitchcock, is an English actress and producer. She is the only child of English director Alfred Hitchcock and Alma Reville, and had small roles in several of his films, starting with \"Stage Fright\" (1950). Hitchcock was born in London in 1928, the only child of film director Alfred Hitchcock and film editor Alma Reville. The family moved to Los Angeles, California, in 1939. Once there, Hitchcock's father soon made his mark in Hollywood. As a child, Hitchcock knew she wanted to be an actress. In", "title": "Pat Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "10330591", "text": "while fishing on the Farmington River. He wrote a biography, \"The Hitchcock Chair\", and started a new Hitchcock Chair Company in the same location. That business lasted until 2006, when it was forced to close due to competition from low-cost overseas furniture manufacturers. In the spring of 2010, Rick Swenson and his business partner, Gary Hath, purchased the Hitchcock name, plans, and artwork. Their goal is to continue the Hitchcock legacy, bringing Hitchcock furniture into the 21st century while maintaining the quality and integrity of Lambert Hitchcock's original dream. Lambert Hitchcock Lambert Hitchcock (May 28, 1795, Cheshire, Connecticut – 1852)", "title": "Lambert Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "4403264", "text": "year later, MGM started using three tracks instead of one to record the musical selections of movie soundtracks, and very quickly upgraded to four. One track was used for dialogue, two for music, and one for sound effects. The purpose for this form of multitrack recording was to make mixing down to a single optical track easier and was not intended to be a recording for stereophonic purposes. The very first two-track recording MGM made (although released in mono) was \"It Never Rains But What It Pours\" by Judy Garland, recorded on June 21, 1938, for the movie \"Love Finds", "title": "Stereophonic sound" }, { "docid": "3103668", "text": "On April 13, 2017, Hitchcock was named as the head coach of the Dallas Stars for the second time. On December 21, Hitchcock earned his 800th win as NHL head coach when the Stars defeated the Blackhawks 4–0. On April 13, 2018, Hitchcock announced his retirement. On November 20, 2018, Hitchcock came out of retirement and was named head coach of the Edmonton Oilers after Todd McLellan was relieved of his duties. Ken Hitchcock Ken Hitchcock (born December 17, 1951) is a Canadian professional ice hockey coach. He is the head coach for the Edmonton Oilers of the National Hockey", "title": "Ken Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "3601", "text": "Hitchcock with his five-bedroom Victorian house on Campion Road, Putney, complete with maid, cook, chauffeur and gardener. Every summer John rented a seaside house for the family in Cliftonville, Kent. Hitchcock said that he first became class-conscious there, noticing the differences between tourists and locals. Describing himself as a well-behaved boy—his father called him his \"little lamb without a spot\"—Hitchcock said he could not remember ever having had a playmate. One of his favourite stories for interviewers was about his father sending him to the local police station with a note when he was five; the policeman looked at the", "title": "Alfred Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "20452194", "text": "Jane Stanton Hitchcock Jane Stanton Hitchcock (born November 24, 1946) is an American author, playwright, and screenwriter. She has written several plays but is known mostly for her mystery novels \"Mortal Friends\", \"One Dangerous Lady\", \"Social Crimes\", \"The Witches' Hammer\" and \"Trick of the Eye\". Hitchcock also wrote the screenplays for \"Our Time\" and \"First Love\". Hitchcock was born Jane Johnston Crowley on , to Robert Crowley, a surgeon, and Joan Crowley (known professionally as Joan Alexander), an actress known for playing Lois Lane on the radio serial \"The Adventures of Superman,\" and Della Street on the radio serial \"Perry", "title": "Jane Stanton Hitchcock" }, { "docid": "10203643", "text": "woman lawyer in Hawaii. His uncle Edward Griffin Hitchcock (1837–1898) married Mary Tenney Castle, daughter of Castle & Cooke founder Samuel Northrup Castle. His cousin once removed (Edward Griffin's grandson) was football player Harvey Rexford Hitchcock, Jr.. After graduating from Punahou School, Hitchcock attended Oberlin College in Ohio, where he saw his first art exhibition. Back in Hawaii, he wandered the volcano wilderness with a sketch pad and watercolors. French artist Jules Tavernier, painting in Hawaii, saw Hitchcock's sketches and convinced him to study art seriously. After Tavernier's death in 1889 Hitchcock studied painting at the National Academy of Design", "title": "D. Howard Hitchcock" } ]
What are the international registration letters of a vehicle from Turkey?
[ "T.R.", "T.r.", "Tr.", "TR (disambiguation)", "TR", "Tr", "T. R.", "T R" ]
[ { "docid": "4904379", "text": "original 67 provinces are newer additions, these province names go chronologically. Vehicle registration plates of Turkey Turkish car number plates are license plates found on Turkish vehicles. The plates use an indirect numbering system associated with the geographical info. In Turkey, license plates are made by authorized private workshops. The license plate is rectangular in shape and made of aluminum. On the left, there is the country code \"TR\" in a 4×10 cm blue stripe like in EU countries (without the 12 golden stars). The text is in black characters on white background, and for official vehicles white on black.", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Turkey" }, { "docid": "2490784", "text": "system is used for vehicles belonging to the diplomats of foreign countries with license plate from the host country. That system is host country-specific and varies largely from country to country. For example TR on a diplomatic car in the USA indicates Italian, not Turkish. Such markings in Norway are indicated with numbers only, again different from international standards (e.g. 90 means Slovakian. International vehicle registration code The country in which a motor vehicle's vehicle registration plate was issued may be indicated by an international licence plate country code, formerly known as an International Registration Letter or International Circulation Mark.", "title": "International vehicle registration code" }, { "docid": "4904375", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Turkey Turkish car number plates are license plates found on Turkish vehicles. The plates use an indirect numbering system associated with the geographical info. In Turkey, license plates are made by authorized private workshops. The license plate is rectangular in shape and made of aluminum. On the left, there is the country code \"TR\" in a 4×10 cm blue stripe like in EU countries (without the 12 golden stars). The text is in black characters on white background, and for official vehicles white on black. On all vehicles two plates have to be present, being one", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Turkey" } ]
[ { "docid": "16284064", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Bangladesh In Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) issues vehicle registration plates for motor vehicles. The vehicle registration plates in Bangladesh use the Bengali alphabet and Bengali numerals. The current version of vehicle registration plates started in 1973. The international vehicle registration code for Bangladesh is BD. The general format of vehicle registration plates in Bangladesh is \"city - vehicle class letter and number - vehicle number\". For example, : \"DHAKA-D-11-9999\". The \"DHAKA\" field represents the city name in Bengali letters, the \"D\" field represents the vehicle class in Bengali letters, the \"11\" field represents", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Bangladesh" }, { "docid": "12471986", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Cuba The current vehicle registration plate system of Cuba was introduced in May 2013. Current plates are European standard 520 mm × 110 mm, completely replacing the previous system introduced in 2002.The international vehicle registration code for Cuba is C. From the 1950s through 1978, and again from 2002 through 2013, plates were North American standard 6 × 12 inches (152 × 300 mm). Cuban vehicle registration plates contained three letters and three numbers. The colour of plates is also an important identification element. Ordinary (non-special) licence plates have also a number on the lower central", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Cuba" }, { "docid": "12471991", "text": "and four numbers, and texts \"U.S.N.B.\" and \"Gtmo Bay Cuba\". Vehicle registration plates of Cuba The current vehicle registration plate system of Cuba was introduced in May 2013. Current plates are European standard 520 mm × 110 mm, completely replacing the previous system introduced in 2002.The international vehicle registration code for Cuba is C. From the 1950s through 1978, and again from 2002 through 2013, plates were North American standard 6 × 12 inches (152 × 300 mm). Cuban vehicle registration plates contained three letters and three numbers. The colour of plates is also an important identification element. Ordinary (non-special)", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Cuba" }, { "docid": "10263793", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Macedonia Macedonian registration plates of vehicle consist of a two-letter region code, followed by a 4-digit numeric (before 2012 was 3-digits) and a 2-letter alpha code (e.g. SK 2345 MG). There is a blue field on the left side with the international country code for Macedonia - MK. License numeric code contains combination of four digits (0-9), while two letter alpha code is made of combination of letters using English alphabetical order. The standard registration plates of vehicle, dimensions are 520 × 110 mm. Issuance of current registration plates started from February 20,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Macedonia" }, { "docid": "4115159", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of the Netherlands Vehicle registration plates of the Netherlands are vehicle registration plates issued by the Netherlands Vehicle Authority, RDW (). RDW vehicle registration plates are assigned bearing the same \"number\" (a sequence of characters composed of letters and digits) as that shown on the vehicle's registration document. The numbering scheme used bears no relation to the place of a vehicle's registration or ownership, and numbers – which are issued in strict time order – identify the vehicle, not its owner. Thus, if a vehicle changes ownership, the registration number remains unchanged. The Netherlands introduced a system", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Netherlands" }, { "docid": "2490779", "text": "International vehicle registration code The country in which a motor vehicle's vehicle registration plate was issued may be indicated by an international licence plate country code, formerly known as an International Registration Letter or International Circulation Mark. The sign must be displayed on the rear of the vehicle. The sign may either be placed separately from the registration plate, or be incorporated into the vehicle registration plate. The allocation of codes is maintained by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe as the \"Distinguishing Signs Used on Vehicles in International Traffic\" (sometimes abbreviated to DSIT), authorised by the UN's Geneva", "title": "International vehicle registration code" }, { "docid": "1795230", "text": "registration plates. There are six types of Russian registration plates. Vehicle registration plates are white and have three black letters followed by a space and then three digits. The combination is simply a serial and has no connection with a geographic location, although the last digit shows what month the car has to undergo vehicle inspection. Vehicles like police cars, fire trucks, public buses and trolley buses use the same type of plate as normal private cars, and cannot be directly distinguished by the plate alone. Taxis have yellow plates, with the same three letters and digits as 'normal' cars,", "title": "Vehicle registration plate" }, { "docid": "14964181", "text": "Տ standing for transport vehicles. Armenian registration plates with region codes 22 and 90 are used in Artsakh (for example, \"(AM) 90 SO 123\"). Vehicle registration plates of Armenia Vehicle registration plates of Armenia have black characters on a rectangular white background. They are composed of two or three numbers, two letters (smaller than the digits) in the middle, and two (or three) other numbers. At the left side is located the international code \"\" with an oval car plaque and, sometimes, the national flag. Starting from 6 August 2014 a new design of license plates was implemented. The license", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Armenia" }, { "docid": "9516676", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Iceland Vehicle registration plates in Iceland are issued by the Icelandic Transport Authority and are made in the state penitentiary. The plates are made of aluminium with reflective base and embossed characters. The current registration system uses three letters and two digits or two letters and three digits in Helvetica Neue. The plates are issued randomly, they are not issued sequentially and they do not have any geographic coding. There are no special letters or number series for special vehicle types (this may vary depending on type of plates, see chart below.) The registration system was", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Iceland" }, { "docid": "20628671", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Artsakh Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Artsakh have black characters on a rectangular white background. Current plates are European standard 520 mm × 110 mm, and are composed of two numbers, two letters in the middle, and two or three other numbers. At the left side is located the international code \"\" with an oval car plaque and, sometimes, the national flag of Armenia. Starting from 6 August 2014 a new design of license plates was implemented. The license plates have a flag of Armenia on the left side, a security", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Artsakh" }, { "docid": "11942429", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Belarus Belarusian vehicle registration plates are currently composed of four digits, two letters and another digit (e.g. 1234 AB-5). The first of the letters and the final digit indicate the region of Belarus in which the car was registered. Vehicles owned by foreign companies use black-on-yellow plates, and the numbers and letters appear in a different order (e.g. M 1223). The diplomatic series uses white letters on a red background, also in a different order from standard plates (e.g. CD 1234-5). Soviet-era registration plates for Belarus carried a pair of two-digit numbers followed by letters in", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Belarus" }, { "docid": "11952390", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Estonia Vehicle registration plates of Estonia are divided into 18 categories, the most common of these (A1) is composed of three numbers and three letters (e.g. 123 ABC). Most registration plate types have black letters on a white background, and the plates are the same size and length as other European plates (520 × 113 mm). Previously the first of the three letters indicated the region of Estonia in which the car was registered; however, as of 2013, this is no longer the case. The third digit from the numbers indicated states when the car is", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Estonia" }, { "docid": "10290509", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Pakistan Vehicle registration plates of Pakistan are issued by an agency of the provincial or territorial government. Generally, the appearance of plates is frequently chosen to contain symbols, colours, or slogans associated with the issuing jurisdiction. All vehicle registration plates use the Latin alphabet. Every vehicle has a unique registration plate number in Pakistan. Vehicle registration plate numbers are usually assigned in ascending order, beginning with a starting point such as AAA-001. Thus, someone familiar with the sequence can determine roughly when the vehicle registration plate was issued. The letters I, O and U are not", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Pakistan" }, { "docid": "14596471", "text": "Letters from Turkey Letters from Turkey are actually memoirs written by Europeans who had been to Ottoman Empire. Usually, the series of letters had been collected and published later on with various titles. But they are popularly known as Letters from Turkey or Turkish letters. Below is the summary of these. Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq (1522-1592) was a diplomat in the Holy Roman Empire. He was sent to the Ottoman Empire to discuss the disputed territory of Transylvania (modern west Romania) in 1554. During his stay his addresses were Rüstem Pasha and Semiz Ali Pasha both of which were grand", "title": "Letters from Turkey" }, { "docid": "14596473", "text": "the Habsburg Monarchy. Although backed by Ottoman Empire, Hungarian rebels were defeated and had to choose a life in exile. After 1715, Mikes spent the rest of his life in Tekirdağ, a city near to İstanbul (also known as Constantinople). His work is known as \"Letters from Turkey\". Helmuth von Moltke the Elder (1800-1891) was an officier in Prussian army. He spent four years in the Ottoman Empire as a military advisor between 1835-1839. Upon returning to Germany, he published \"Letters on Conditions and Events in Turkey in the Years 1835 to 1839\". Letters from Turkey Letters from Turkey are", "title": "Letters from Turkey" }, { "docid": "6722171", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Sweden Vehicle registration plates of Sweden are used for most types of vehicles in Sweden. They have three letters first, a space and three digits after (e.g. ABC 123). The combination is simply a serial number and has no connection with a geographic location. The last digit is used to show what month the car has to undergo vehicle inspection. Vehicles like police cars, fire trucks, public buses and trolley buses use the same type of plate as normal private cars and cannot be directly distinguished by the plate alone. Military vehicles have special plates. Ordinary", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Sweden" }, { "docid": "10263796", "text": "which Greek border guards cover the letters \"MK\" on Macedonian vehicle plates with a sticker, in Greek and English, reading: “Recognized by Greece as FYROM”. Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Macedonia Macedonian registration plates of vehicle consist of a two-letter region code, followed by a 4-digit numeric (before 2012 was 3-digits) and a 2-letter alpha code (e.g. SK 2345 MG). There is a blue field on the left side with the international country code for Macedonia - MK. License numeric code contains combination of four digits (0-9), while two letter alpha code is made of combination of letters", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Macedonia" }, { "docid": "3742237", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Indonesia All motorized vehicles including motorcycles in Indonesia are required to have registration plates. The plates must be displayed in front and at the back of the vehicles. Except for some special cases (see below), every vehicle license plate in Indonesia follows the following format: LL NNNN LL where \"L\" are letters of the Latin alphabet, and \"N\" numbers from \"0\" to \"9\" (note that the first number is never a \"0\"). The first single or double letters denote the area of registration. This is followed by numbers, which can range from one to four digits.", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Indonesia" }, { "docid": "12010190", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Abkhazia The government of the Republic of Abkhazia, which considers itself independent from Georgia, issues its own vehicle registration plates for the motor vehicles registered in the territory it controls. The design of the plates is based on that of Russian license plates, although Abkhazian plates lack the regional coding of Russian plates. The license plate serial format consists of a letter followed by three digits and then two more letters. The letters are Cyrillic, but only thirteen letters reminiscent of letters of the Latin alphabet are used: А, Б, В, Е, К, М, Н, О,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Abkhazia" }, { "docid": "14964176", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Armenia Vehicle registration plates of Armenia have black characters on a rectangular white background. They are composed of two or three numbers, two letters (smaller than the digits) in the middle, and two (or three) other numbers. At the left side is located the international code \"\" with an oval car plaque and, sometimes, the national flag. Starting from 6 August 2014 a new design of license plates was implemented. The license plates have a national flag on the left side, a security hologram and a machinery readable Data Matrix Code. Formerly, Armenia used to have", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Armenia" }, { "docid": "11769800", "text": "registered vehicles in the Isle of Man. Number plates are produced and supplied privately, not by the government. The name of the supplying car dealer is often displayed along the bottom of the plate. Registrations can be transferred from vehicle to vehicle. The official car of the Lieutenant Governor carries the registration number MAN-1. Registrations including the numbers 999 or 112 (for example, BMN-999-A) are used for emergency vehicles, but not exclusively. Trade plates have red letters on a white background, and display a number prefixed by MNA. Vehicle registration plates of the Isle of Man Vehicle registration began in", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Isle of Man" }, { "docid": "14632644", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Guyana The design for vehicle registration glates of Guyana consist of simple white lettering on a black plate. The format is 2 or 3 letters followed by 4 numbers. The 4 numbers are between 1 and 9999 with no leading zero. The first letter is the vehicle type and are as follows: Diplomatic plates have black lettering on a yellow plate and dealer plates have red lettering on a white plate. The series is indicated by the following one or two letters and it indicates the time at which the vehicle was registered. Some letters may", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Guyana" }, { "docid": "8843945", "text": "serial letters \"GR\" reserved for Greenland. The EU stripe is not applicable since Greenland is a non-EU member. Vehicle registration plates of Denmark Vehicle registration plates in Denmark normally have two letters and five digits and are issued by authorities. Plates can be obtained at authorized car dealers, vehicle inspection stations or official registration centers (Skat Motor center) The combination is simply a serial and has no connection with a geographic location, but the digits have number series based on vehicle type. Danish license plates do not follow the owner or the vehicle, when a car is sold the plates", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Denmark" }, { "docid": "8021036", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Russia Vehicle registration plates are the mandatory number plates used to display the registration mark of a vehicle, and have existed in Russia for many decades. Most motor vehicles which are used on public roads are required by law to display them. Having them covered by snow or mud constitutes an administrative offense, that leads to a fine. So does covering them with a piece of paper, or any other tool that makes any of the digits and letters illegible. The current format uses a letter followed by 3 digits and two more letters. To improve", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Russia" }, { "docid": "9096133", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Barbados Barbadian Vehicle registration plates consist of letters and numbers. The Barbados Licensing Authority issues licence plates to all new motor vehicle owners. Each licence plate has one or two letters which represents the part of the island which the vehicle's owner resides or previously resided at the time the vehicle was registered. The first part consists of one or two letters which determine the part of the island the registration is from, or category of vehicle. The breakdown is as follows. For the parish of Christ Church, 'X' represents Jesus Christ and therefore 'X' is", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Barbados" }, { "docid": "8843941", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Denmark Vehicle registration plates in Denmark normally have two letters and five digits and are issued by authorities. Plates can be obtained at authorized car dealers, vehicle inspection stations or official registration centers (Skat Motor center) The combination is simply a serial and has no connection with a geographic location, but the digits have number series based on vehicle type. Danish license plates do not follow the owner or the vehicle, when a car is sold the plates are turned in and the new owner must apply for new plates. Exception is from this rule when", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Denmark" }, { "docid": "11470881", "text": "Ministry of Transport regulations. Current style started in 1975 for most vehicle types, but with small changes in 1997, and 1997 for motorcycles. All license plates are rectangular, with variations in size and color according to the class of the vehicle. Most plates prominently display the vehicle registration ID, which usually consists of Thai letters and a number string. The province of registration is shown below the ID. The letters are embossed, and all plates must also be embossed with a seal bearing the letters \"ขส\". The current designs are regulated by the notification of the Department of Land Transport", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Thailand" }, { "docid": "11998328", "text": "containing the letters \"GA\" above each other. The code was two Latin letters followed by three numerals, with a safety hologram separating them. Dimensions are by . Regular military license plates receive a green strip on the left. Vehicle registration plates of Georgia (country) Vehicle registration plates of Georgia are composed of an embossed serial of two letters, a hyphen, three numbers, a hyphen, and two letters (e.g. AB-123-AB), in black on a white background with a blue vertical strip on the left. The plates are issued in the Latin alphabet. Georgian registration plates are the same size as the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Georgia (country)" }, { "docid": "11952392", "text": "but rather served to inform that the vehicle had been registered in the Estonian SSR. There were plans to introduce an additional ЕС suffix, but as this occurred just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the mark was subsequently allocated to the Russian city of St. Petersburg. Vehicle registration plates of Estonia Vehicle registration plates of Estonia are divided into 18 categories, the most common of these (A1) is composed of three numbers and three letters (e.g. 123 ABC). Most registration plate types have black letters on a white background, and the plates are the same size and length", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Estonia" }, { "docid": "11942431", "text": "car was registered, the second being taken from the series A, B, C, E, I, K, M, H, P, O, T, X: Vehicle registration plates of Belarus Belarusian vehicle registration plates are currently composed of four digits, two letters and another digit (e.g. 1234 AB-5). The first of the letters and the final digit indicate the region of Belarus in which the car was registered. Vehicles owned by foreign companies use black-on-yellow plates, and the numbers and letters appear in a different order (e.g. M 1223). The diplomatic series uses white letters on a red background, also in a different", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Belarus" }, { "docid": "12805380", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Bhutan Vehicle license plates in Bhutan are issued and regulated by the Road Safety and Transport Authority of The Royal Government of Bhutan. Until 1990, vehicle registration plates had a group of three letters on the left, indicating the region and class of registration, followed by 4 digit numeric value. For example, BWP 1001 signified, Western region, Private vehicle with number 1001. Now however, this scheme has been discontinued for the newer licensing scheme launched in 1990. The current format is XX-N-X0000, where, The current license plate for private vehicles in Bhutan is composed of letters", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Bhutan" }, { "docid": "9096136", "text": "outside Barbados is 'BDS'. Owners may use white on black plates, front and rear, or black on white (front) and yellow(rear). Vehicle registration plates of Barbados Barbadian Vehicle registration plates consist of letters and numbers. The Barbados Licensing Authority issues licence plates to all new motor vehicle owners. Each licence plate has one or two letters which represents the part of the island which the vehicle's owner resides or previously resided at the time the vehicle was registered. The first part consists of one or two letters which determine the part of the island the registration is from, or category", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Barbados" }, { "docid": "16833476", "text": "with the Sinhala script letter Sri (ශ්‍රී) in the middle was introduced, this started from Reg no \"1 Sri 1\". The current version started in 2000. It was developed by the German Utsch AG using a variation of the FE-Schrift. As of 2013 a new system with 3 English letters starting from AAA 0001 has been introduced. The international vehicle registration code for Sri Lanka is CL. Vehicle registration plates of Sri Lanka Vehicle registration plates of Sri Lanka (known in Sri Lanka as \"number plates\") started soon after introduction of motorcars in 1903. Initially the numbers started with Q,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Sri Lanka" }, { "docid": "4152661", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Greece Greek vehicle registration plates are composed of three letters and four digits per plate (e.g. codice_1) printed in black on a white background. The letters represent the district (prefecture) that issues the plates while the numbers begin from 1000 to 9999. As from 2004, a blue strip was added on the left showing the country code of Greece (GR) in white text and the Flag of Europe. Similar plates with digits beginning from 1 to 999 are issued for motorcycles which exceed 50 cc. With the exception of Athens and Thessaloniki, all districts are represented", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Greece" }, { "docid": "4891814", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Austria Austrian car number plates are mandatory vehicle registration plates displaying the registration mark () of motor vehicles in Austria. They are used to verify street legality, proof of a valid liability insurance and to identify and recognise the vehicle. The license plates are made of metal; the imprinted text is in black letters and digits on a white background. Since November 1, 2002 the common design comprises a blue section on the left with the EU circle of stars and the country code ('A') like other vehicle registration plates of the European Union. On the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Austria" }, { "docid": "14306312", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Zimbabwe Since 2006 vehicle registration plates of Zimbabwe are composed of three letters and four numbers (e.g. ABC 1234). The dimensions of Zimbabwean number plates are the same as British plates, but now use the FE-Schrift typeface, used for German vehicle registration plates. They were introduced before independence from Britain, when the country was known as Rhodesia and were not changed by the government following independence in 1980. For private vehicles, characters are in black on a yellow background, although white backgrounds were introduced in 2006. For commercial vehicles, characters are in red on a white", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "10037063", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of the Czech Republic As of the year 2017 there are two different valid systems of vehicle registration plates in the Czech Republic. The new Czech vehicle registration plate system was introduced between 29 June 2001 and 17 July 2001. The first letter from the left represents the region (Kraj), and then there follows a combination of letters or numbers numbered upward from 1X0 0001, where X is the letter of the region. In 2009, both Prague (A) and Středočeský kraj/Central Bohemia (S) reached the combination of six 9s in their license plates and started issuing a", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Czech Republic" }, { "docid": "12946601", "text": "letters identifying the non-individual car (for example: A 001 AA) or of a single letter identifying the area and three digits and three letters identifying the individual car (for example: A 585 CUO) Special registration plates also exist. Cars registered to non-Kazakh individuals and organizations have registration plates with black letters on a yellow background. Diplomatic vehicles use registration plates with white letters on a red background. Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan The current format of Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan uses black letters on a white background with a Kazakh Flag and the country code KZ on the left.", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan" }, { "docid": "4152669", "text": "4 numerals is used. Vehicle registration plates of Greece Greek vehicle registration plates are composed of three letters and four digits per plate (e.g. codice_1) printed in black on a white background. The letters represent the district (prefecture) that issues the plates while the numbers begin from 1000 to 9999. As from 2004, a blue strip was added on the left showing the country code of Greece (GR) in white text and the Flag of Europe. Similar plates with digits beginning from 1 to 999 are issued for motorcycles which exceed 50 cc. With the exception of Athens and Thessaloniki,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Greece" }, { "docid": "11998323", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Georgia (country) Vehicle registration plates of Georgia are composed of an embossed serial of two letters, a hyphen, three numbers, a hyphen, and two letters (e.g. AB-123-AB), in black on a white background with a blue vertical strip on the left. The plates are issued in the Latin alphabet. Georgian registration plates are the same size as the most common European registration plate. All plates have the abbreviation \"GE\" in the lower left corner of the plate and the national flag in the upper left corner. This set of new style registration plates have been in", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Georgia (country)" }, { "docid": "16833478", "text": "Cyrillic letters indicating where the vehicle was first registered. 1994 saw the introduction of the current format, which is intended to comply more closely with international norms. Major changes include the switch from Cyrillic letters to Latin, and the presence of the Turkmen flag with the two-letter country code TM on the left of the plate. Unusually, the alphanumerics are rendered in a mix of DIN 1451 and the unnamed font formerly used on French registration plates. The current format is: XX 99 99 XX while the last two letters is based on geographic location. Diplomatic plates are blue with", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Turkmenistan" }, { "docid": "9558432", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Brazil Brazilian vehicle registration plates are issued by the states. Each state has a \"Departamento de Trânsito\" (DETRAN) that is charged with vehicle registration and car tax collection, but plates are standardized across the country and form a national vehicle registration database. The current system, being phased out in favor of Mercosul standard plates, was created in 1990 and was named \"Registro Nacional de Veículos Automotores\" (RENAVAM). It uses the form \"LLL·NNNN\", where LLL is a three-letter combination followed by a four-digit number with a dot between the letters and numbers. A combination given to one", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Brazil" }, { "docid": "12946600", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan The current format of Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan uses black letters on a white background with a Kazakh Flag and the country code KZ on the left. The two digit area code is located on the square located on the right and the rest of the plate follows the format 111AAA. This format was introduced in 2011 and was implemented from August 2012. This format of Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan used black letters on a white background. Each registration plate consisted of a single letter identifying the area and three digits and two", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Kazakhstan" }, { "docid": "19320880", "text": "letters are assigned consecutively for approved vehicles. Vehicles government departments have awarded red flags are like the normal license plate with black or white text, numbers and letter combinations. Vehicle registration plates of Madagascar The vehicle registration plates of Madagascar are created in 1950 from time to time with the revised version in 2014. It contains a black plate consisting with white characters with the current format (1234 XAB) with 4 random numbers, with the first letter as a province code, and the last 2 random letters. The license plate system of Madagascar draws on the system of France actively", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Madagascar" }, { "docid": "11378353", "text": "or district of registration, followed by two other letters indicating the series and three digits: Vehicle registration plates of Moldova License plates in Moldova were introduced on November 30, 1992. Currently issued plates consist of six black characters on a white background: three letters and three numbers. On the left part of the plates there is a modified, wider than usual blue euroband having the Moldovan flag instead of the EU symbol and the international country code MD underneath it. The plates are 520 mm wide and 112 mm high, made of metal with embossed characters using the FE-Schrift font.", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Moldova" }, { "docid": "11952683", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Latvia Vehicle registration plates of Latvia consist of two letters (trailers plates have one letter), a hyphen and one to four numbers \"(depending on the age of registration)\", e.g., AB-1234, Current plates have black characters on white reflective material for both front and rear plates. After Latvia regained independence in 1991, vehicle registration plates of the Soviet Union with Latin letters LA and LT were used until 1993, when the new type of vehicle registration plates were introduced. Up until 2004 a small Latvian national flag with the initials LV would have been used on the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Latvia" }, { "docid": "1795178", "text": "a new vehicle, the registering state issues a registration plate to the vehicle rather than owner, and the serial stays with the vehicle for its life. Some provinces issue plates in which the letters and numbers are embossed so that they are slightly raised above its surface. Others issue flat plates. The territory of Nunavut introduced the first flat registration plate in Canada in 2012–2013. When a person moves from one province to another, they are normally required to obtain new registration plates issued by the new place of residence. In the Canadian provinces and territories of Alberta, Newfoundland and", "title": "Vehicle registration plate" }, { "docid": "10972562", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Albania In Albania, vehicle registration plates are issued by the regional directorates of transport. A new format similar to the post-1994 Italian and post-2009 French plate designs has been introduced since 16 February 2011. The plates start with a blue strip at the left with 'AL' and redesigned double-headed eagle in white, 2 serial letters, security hologram, 3 digits, 2 serial letters on a rectangular white background, and end on the right with year of registration and regional code in white on a blue strip. It has been observed that the last two identification elements are", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Albania" }, { "docid": "16569312", "text": "red background with white lettering, and consist of up to three numbers, followed by CD or CMD and another number. Instead of the name of the state, they read CORPS DIPLOMATIQUE. Cars of the consular corps have instead the letters CC or CORPS CONSULAIRE. Vehicle registration plates of Nigeria Nigerian vehicle registration plates in current used were introduced in 1992 and revised in 2011. Nigeria and Liberia are the only two African countries that use the North American standard 6 × 12 inches (152 × 300 mm). The international code for Nigeria is \"WAN\" (West Africa Nigeria). The license plates", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Nigeria" }, { "docid": "10269431", "text": "at the rear. On regular issue license plates, the first 2 letters before the shield sticker denote the region where the car was initially registered. Further division is made by the coat of arms of the corresponding city, placed after the regional area letters to denote subdivisions. Vehicle registration plates of Slovenia Slovenian car number plates are vehicle registration plates found on Slovenian cars. The registration plates are made of metal. On the left there is a blue bar as in other EU countries (in use since 2004) along with tamper-proof text up to 2008; the text is in black", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Slovenia" }, { "docid": "12805383", "text": "yellow background. The first three characters of the plate are RBG, followed by four digits of vehicle number. Vehicle registration plates of Bhutan Vehicle license plates in Bhutan are issued and regulated by the Road Safety and Transport Authority of The Royal Government of Bhutan. Until 1990, vehicle registration plates had a group of three letters on the left, indicating the region and class of registration, followed by 4 digit numeric value. For example, BWP 1001 signified, Western region, Private vehicle with number 1001. Now however, this scheme has been discontinued for the newer licensing scheme launched in 1990. The", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Bhutan" }, { "docid": "5872681", "text": "practice is to use the earliest known or available single-letter plates on which the car was registered. County (name before / from 1918): Vehicle registration plates of Norway The registration plates of cars in Norway is maintained by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications. As in most countries, cars are identified only by number plates read visually. The plates are legal documents that both identifies the vehicle and permits its use, and shall be returned to the registration authority when the vehicle is no longer in use. The current alphanumerical system (two letters followed by four or five numbers)", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Norway" }, { "docid": "12617409", "text": "with black registration number. Diplomatic/Consular Corps registration numbers consist of the letters CD/CC (respectively) and seven digits—the last two of them are 21 or 22. Private vehicles owned by a member of a diplomatic/consular mission and originally brought from the member's country of origin do not consist of the letters CD/CC, but the last two digits remain 21 or 22. Honorary consuls' vehicles carry plates consisting of the letters CC without the final digits of 21 or 22, even though the vehicle is registered under a civil registration number. The use of the 7-digit registration plate in Israel began in", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Israel" }, { "docid": "19208539", "text": "diplomatic license plates vary from country to country. They often feature the letters \"CD\" (for \"\"Corps Diplomatique\"\"), \"D\" (for \"Diplomat\") or prefix of international organisations with diplomatic privileges, such as \"EU\" (for \"EUROPEAN UNION\") and \"OSCE\" (for \"Organization For Security And Co-operation In Europe\"). Diplomatic vehicle registration plate Most countries issue diplomatic license plates to accredited diplomats. Per the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, these are special vehicle registration plates which typically have distinctive features to allow diplomatic vehicles to be distinguished from other vehicles by police and other bodies, allowing them to give diplomatic vehicles special treatment and warning", "title": "Diplomatic vehicle registration plate" }, { "docid": "3782265", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Australia Australian vehicle registration plates or number plates are issued by state, territory, and Commonwealth governments, and the armed forces of Australia. The plates are associated with a vehicle and are generally intended to last for the time the vehicle remains registered in the state, though as they become unreadable (or for other reasons) they may be recalled or replaced with newer ones. From the 1970s until the late 1990s, most Australian plates were of the form xxx·xxx (with x being either letters or numbers)—for example, aaa·nnn in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Australia" }, { "docid": "16284065", "text": "the vehicle class in Bengali numerals and the \"9999\" field represents the vehicle number of the vehicle in Bengali numerals. The plates are installed in both the front and rear of the vehicle, with the rear plate permanently attached to the vehicle. The plate is only removed when the vehicle has reached the end of service and has been sold for scrap. New vehicles are not delivered to the purchaser until the plates have been attached at the dealership. The letters permitted in the vehicle registration plate are: The numerals permitted in the vehicle registration plate are: The vehicle class", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Bangladesh" }, { "docid": "12009651", "text": "the civilian vehicles, except with prefix \"ZZ\" and blue letters. Since 2004 they are no longer issued. Temporary follows the format of the civilian vehicles except with \"ZT\" prefix and blue letters, with addition of the prefix in after numbers. Previously, the presidential plate had no serial numbers but just the abbreviation of KKTCB () However, this was changed in 2015, with the coat of arms being displayed in gold on a red plate. Vehicle registration plates of Cyprus The vehicle registration plates of Cyprus are composed of three letters and three digits (e.g. \"ABC 123\"). A simple incremental numbering", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Cyprus" }, { "docid": "12622485", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Ecuador Vehicle registration in Ecuador is composed of two parts. The plates are 154 mm high and 404 mm wide and are reflective in order to improve their visibility. The unique letter-number combination consists of three letters followed by three or four digits ranging from 000 to 9999. Formats in use are ABC-123 (old format) and ABC-1234 (new format). The word \"Ecuador\" appears in uppercase letters at the top of the plate. The first letter in the letter-number combination indicates the province of issue. The second letter, also called the \"key letter\", identifies the type of", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Ecuador" }, { "docid": "12622480", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Ecuador Vehicle registration in Ecuador is composed of two parts. The plates are 154 mm high and 404 mm wide and are reflective in order to improve their visibility. The unique letter-number combination consists of three letters followed by three or four digits ranging from 000 to 9999. Formats in use are ABC-123 (old format) and ABC-1234 (new format). The word \"Ecuador\" appears in uppercase letters at the top of the plate. The first letter in the letter-number combination indicates the province of issue. The second letter, also called the \"key letter\", identifies the type of", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Ecuador" }, { "docid": "11998497", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Azerbaijan Vehicle registration plates of Azerbaijan are usually composed of two numbers (identifying the vehicle registration department), a hyphen, two letters, a hyphen and three numbers (e.g. 10-JA-234), the plates are coloured black font on a white background. The plates are the same size as European plates and usually have an Azerbaijan flag and the initials 'AZ' on the left side. According to Olavsplates, new style plates with a rectangular flag and a microchip are being introduced, but pictures of such plates are missing and very hard to find on the web. Since January 2011 the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Azerbaijan" }, { "docid": "11468463", "text": "in series D. The European flag is also now featured, along with Gibraltar's international vehicle registration GBZ. Vehicle registration plates of Gibraltar The vehicle registration plates of Gibraltar are similar to those of the United Kingdom, with the same colours and typeface, which conform to 1998 European standard design. The international vehicle registration code for Gibraltar is GBZ (Great Britain and Northern GBG is used for Guernsey. Number plates in Gibraltar have the same measurements as those in the UK: From 1912 to 2001 Gibraltar number plates consisted of the letter 'G' (for Gibraltar) followed by a series of digits", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Gibraltar" }, { "docid": "12623046", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Taiwan In Taiwan, all motor vehicles are required to register and display its vehicle registration plates. The plates are issued and managed by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MoTC). The vehicle registration numbers in Taiwan contains Latin alphabets (A to Z), Arabic numerals (0 to 9) and dash (–); some special types also contain Chinese characters. Taiwan's current number plate system uses Latin letters with Arabic numerals. There are many types of number plate used in Taiwan, they are: The definition of light vehicles in Taiwan is: Motor vehicles having a permissible maximum weight NOT", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Taiwan" }, { "docid": "10972566", "text": "particular district has ~200 000 (two hundred thousand) registered cars. Diplomatic license plate codes: Vehicle registration plates of Albania In Albania, vehicle registration plates are issued by the regional directorates of transport. A new format similar to the post-1994 Italian and post-2009 French plate designs has been introduced since 16 February 2011. The plates start with a blue strip at the left with 'AL' and redesigned double-headed eagle in white, 2 serial letters, security hologram, 3 digits, 2 serial letters on a rectangular white background, and end on the right with year of registration and regional code in white on", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Albania" }, { "docid": "11679107", "text": "series used 4000-4999 before DA followed with 5000 to 5999. The prescribed sequence of issue follows a pattern of ascending and descending alphabetical order of the two letters, as can be seen in the following list. When the first block of 1000 AZ numbers has been issued, we will presumably see the issue of BA5000. Note that certain letters (I and O) and combinations are excluded. The list should be read from top to bottom, left to right: Vehicle registration plates of Luxembourg Vehicle registration plates in Luxembourg bear a maximum of six characters. The standard series in use today", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Luxembourg" }, { "docid": "11954744", "text": "plates was white on blue, without borders. In previous years, plates were all-numeric; now, both letters and numbers are used. Vehicle registration plates of Monaco Vehicle registration plates of Monaco are unusually small (a few centimeters smaller than an American license plate), and are composed of four numbers and/or letters. The plates are colored blue font on a white background and have the coat of arms of Monaco on the left side with the year number (on the rear plate only) to attest that tax has been paid. All plates starting with \"000\" belong to the family of Albert II,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Monaco" }, { "docid": "4539417", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of India All motorised road vehicles in India are tagged with a registration or license number. The Vehicle registration plate (commonly known as number plate) number is issued by the district-level Regional Transport Office (RTO) of respective states — the main authority on road matters. The number plates are placed in the front and back of the vehicle. By law, all plates are required to be in modern Hindu-Arabic numerals with Latin letters. Other guidelines include having the plate lit up at night and the restriction of the fonts that could be used. In some states such", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of India" }, { "docid": "10552945", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina vehicle registration plates have held their current form since 1998. Currently the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) vehicle registration plate format consists of seven characters: five numbers and two letters arranged in the following order: X00-X-000 (taxis: TA-000000). The plates are uniform across the country and do not denote the place (town, municipality, canton, or entity) where the vehicle is registered, as was the case prior to 1998. Likewise the plates do not contain any heraldic symbols. The plates use only letters which are represented equally in Latin and Cyrillic script", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Bosnia and Herzegovina" }, { "docid": "12622360", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Botswana Vehicle registration plates of Botswana for normal motor vehicles begin with the letter \"B\", followed by three numbers, followed by three letters. The digits and letters are assigned by a registrar. The three letters will never include the letter Q in order to avoid confusion with the letter O. The front number plates have black lettering on a white reflective background. The rear number plates have black lettering on a yellow reflective background. Public passenger number plates have blue lettering on a white reflective background in the front and white lettering on blue background at", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Botswana" }, { "docid": "12622358", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Botswana Vehicle registration plates of Botswana for normal motor vehicles begin with the letter \"B\", followed by three numbers, followed by three letters. The digits and letters are assigned by a registrar. The three letters will never include the letter Q in order to avoid confusion with the letter O. The front number plates have black lettering on a white reflective background. The rear number plates have black lettering on a yellow reflective background. Public passenger number plates have blue lettering on a white reflective background in the front and white lettering on blue background at", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Botswana" }, { "docid": "5742544", "text": "nor sold for to the public, but unofficial series for cosmetic purposes. Civil Mobilisation Exercise or Vehicle Recalls have a large A3/A2 sticker stuck at the rear and front of the vehicle denoted that the vehicle is being mobilised or deployed for civil emergency exercises. These usually happen during weekends. The checksum letter is calculated by converting the letters into numbers, \"i.e.\", where A=1 and Z=26, potentially giving seven individual numbers from each registration plate. However, only two letters of the prefix are used in the checksum. For a three-letter prefix, only the last two letters are used; for a", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Singapore" }, { "docid": "11954709", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Liechtenstein Vehicle registration plates of Liechtenstein are composed of two letters and up to five numbers, and in between the letters and numbers is the coat of arms of the city. The plates have white characters on a retro-reflective black background and use the same type of font as Swiss car number plates. Short-period temporary registered plates have yellow coloured font while long-periods have year bands on the right. Duty unpaid vehicles are similar to civilian vehicles but ends with \"U\" prefix. Due to the country being small in size, only around two thousand cars are", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Liechtenstein" }, { "docid": "5304351", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Finland Finnish vehicle registration plates usually carry three letters and three numbers separated with a dash (e.g. ABC 123), though vanity plates may carry just one of each. Since 1989 the code has no connection with the geographic location, except that Åland has its own type of plate. Between 1972/1973 and 1989 the first letter indicated where the vehicle was first registered as the plate did not have to be changed even if the vehicle was moved to another area of Finland. The registration number consists of two or three letters and a (maximum) three-digit number,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Finland" }, { "docid": "5872663", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Norway The registration plates of cars in Norway is maintained by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications. As in most countries, cars are identified only by number plates read visually. The plates are legal documents that both identifies the vehicle and permits its use, and shall be returned to the registration authority when the vehicle is no longer in use. The current alphanumerical system (two letters followed by four or five numbers) was introduced in 1971. The design of the plates remained the same until 2002, when the road authorities decided on a new font", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Norway" }, { "docid": "16284075", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of East Timor Vehicle registration plates of East Timor are Australian standard 372 mm × 134 mm, and use Australian stamping dies. East Timor requires its residents to register their motor vehicles and display vehicle registration plates. Vehicle registration numbers consist of five digits, and display the letters TL or TLS, short for \"Timor Lorosae\", the name for East Timor in Tetum. The current format started in 2002. Government vehicles have a similar format, but with four digits and the letter 'G'. When the country was a Portuguese colony, known as Portuguese Timor, vehicle registrations followed the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of East Timor" }, { "docid": "11470896", "text": "The prefix characters are translated via code-matching into two alphanumeric Roman characters. The country name THAILAND is displayed in capital letters below the registration number, and the numerical provincial code is shown in the bottom right. The plates are black on white. They are required for transport into Burma, Cambodia, southern China, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Singapore. However, they are not legal inside Thailand, and must be removed upon re-entering the country. The current international vehicle registration code for Thailand, adopted 1954, is \"T\". The DLT's authority does not cover vehicles used by the king, the Royal Thai Police, the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Thailand" }, { "docid": "12624617", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia consist of four digits (including leading zeroes) and three Cyrillic letters. The design is reminiscent of the Soviet standard for licence plates in the former USSR (GOST 3207-77), some of which had four digits and three letters. Example of a pre-2001 Mongolian registration plate issued in Ulaan Baatar Since 2001, the appearance of plates has changed - these must now contain the national symbol (the \"Soyombo\") in red, to the left of the numbers, and - between the digits and letters - the Mongolian oval (MNG). The first two letters", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia" }, { "docid": "11679103", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Luxembourg Vehicle registration plates in Luxembourg bear a maximum of six characters. The standard series in use today uses a format of two letters followed by four digits (e.g., XY 3456). Marks consisting of four or five digits and no letters are also issued. The numbers are issued at a national level and give no indication of regional origin. Plates have black characters on a yellow background, with the standard blue EU stripe on the left. The current usage and format of plates was enacted by parliament in June 2003. The two-letter/four-digit format follows a rather", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Luxembourg" }, { "docid": "16685424", "text": "Air Force codice_76. Since 1949, British military vehicle registration numbers are mostly either in the form of two digits, two letters, two digits (e.g. codice_77), or from 1995 onwards, two letters, two digits, two letters (for example, codice_78). Until the mid-1980s, the central two letters signified the armed service, or the branch or category of vehicle. For example, Chief of Fleet Support's staff car in 1983–85 was codice_79, and First Sea Lord's car codice_80 and Second Sea Lord's codice_81, normal civilian plates replacing them when security required; and, in 1970, one of 's Land Rovers was codice_82 and 's ship's", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "5872673", "text": "prefix of two letters, followed by a sequence of numbers. Military licence plates have numbers only. Most vehicles have five-digit registration numbers between 10000 and 99999. Motorcycles, farming equipment and trailers have four-digit registration numbers between 1000 and 9999 is used. Temporary plates have three-digit registration numbers between 100 and 999. Dealer plates have two-digit registration numbers between 10 and 99. Special prefixes are: Ordinary vehicle plates have a prefix based on the geographic location for the first registration, and will not be changed later. The letters G, I, O and Q are not used due to their similarity with", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Norway" }, { "docid": "12630451", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Lesotho Lesotho requires its residents to register their motor vehicles and display vehicle registration plates. Plates are blue-on-white for private vehicles and red-on-white for government vehicles. They follow the format of one or two letters followed by four numbers. Diplomatic Plates are blue-on-white however have the letters CD on them. A \"mokorotlo\", the same colour as the characters on the plate, is stuck onto the plate to show a 5-year validity period. Dealer plates are also red-on-white but do not follow the A 1234 standard and do not show the \"mokorotlo\". Before 1979, private plates were", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Lesotho" }, { "docid": "12630452", "text": "white-on-black and had an additional preceding 'L' which stood for Lesotho. Vehicle registration plates of Lesotho Lesotho requires its residents to register their motor vehicles and display vehicle registration plates. Plates are blue-on-white for private vehicles and red-on-white for government vehicles. They follow the format of one or two letters followed by four numbers. Diplomatic Plates are blue-on-white however have the letters CD on them. A \"mokorotlo\", the same colour as the characters on the plate, is stuck onto the plate to show a 5-year validity period. Dealer plates are also red-on-white but do not follow the A 1234 standard", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Lesotho" }, { "docid": "19320875", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Madagascar The vehicle registration plates of Madagascar are created in 1950 from time to time with the revised version in 2014. It contains a black plate consisting with white characters with the current format (1234 XAB) with 4 random numbers, with the first letter as a province code, and the last 2 random letters. The license plate system of Madagascar draws on the system of France actively used from 1950 to 2009. The current system has been in use since 1959. The identifier shall neither plaques that provide information on the technical condition of the vehicle", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Madagascar" }, { "docid": "12630444", "text": "provides information of where the vehicle was registered. Vehicle registration plates of Chile Chile requires its residents to register their motor vehicles and display vehicle registration plates called \"patentes\". Formerly, it consisted of two letters followed by four numbers in the format AB*12•34, but combinations were exhausted in September 2007. The system adopted to replace the old one consists of four letters followed by two numbers in the format AB•CD*12. Vowels are not used in order to prevent profanity, and the letter Q is not used because of confusion with the number 0. The same coding system is used in", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Chile" }, { "docid": "20628672", "text": "hologram and a machinery readable Data Matrix Code. In 2014, the style and fonts were changed to FE-Schrift, and the letters and digits now have the same font size. In addition, a silver identifier band has been added on the right side of the flag and code. Armenian registration plates with region codes 22 and 90 are used in Artsakh (for example, \"(AM) 90 SO 123\"). Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Artsakh Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Artsakh have black characters on a rectangular white background. Current plates are European standard 520 mm × 110 mm,", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of the Republic of Artsakh" }, { "docid": "20623740", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Peru Peru requires its residents to register their motor vehicles and display vehicle registration plates. Current plates are North American standard 6 × 12 inches (152 × 300 mm). All vehicles are required to display plates on the front and back. Peculiarly, taxis in Peru are also required to display the characters of the license plates on each side of the vehicle. This is done with actual a large decal. The first letter of these plates indicated the vehicle type, and the chart below shows the letters assigned to each type. The second letter indicated the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Peru" }, { "docid": "14396333", "text": "of registration, however as there are only four Districts of Swaziland, this system would have allowed for a maximum of 4000 registered vehicles. As this was clearly insufficient the trailing letters were then assigned randomly and so 10 x 10 x 10 x 26 x 26 = 676,000 registration numbers could be assigned. Number plates of the Royal household are a number following a single 'S'. Vehicle registration plates of Eswatini Number plates of the Kingdom of Swaziland are similar in size as their South African counterparts and are displayed on both the front and back of the vehicle. The", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Eswatini" }, { "docid": "6722181", "text": "any country acronym e.g. American diplomats don't have US as their first two letters. They're ordered by the sovereign states' name in the French language. Thus AA denotes South Africa (i.e. Afrique du Sud). AB denotes Albania (i.e. Albanie) and so forth up until DT. The three digits are just a serial number. The last letter shows what kind of task the diplomat has. The approval sticker was placed last on the right. Just like the personal plates these vehicles have a standard format registration as well, which means a re-registration is not needed if the vehicle changes owner. Taxi", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Sweden" }, { "docid": "4891818", "text": "reserved for vehicles, the second one was the serial, when they run out of serials they began to issue codice_27. The background is black with white characters for private vehicles (unknown for all other vehicles). One or two letters are the prefixes set by state and federals, they are: Information with images about license plates With a lot of examples. Vehicle registration plates of Austria Austrian car number plates are mandatory vehicle registration plates displaying the registration mark () of motor vehicles in Austria. They are used to verify street legality, proof of a valid liability insurance and to identify", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Austria" }, { "docid": "16284066", "text": "letter is the \"D\" from the sample format \"DHAKA-D-11-9999\" and the vehicle class number is the \"11\" from the sample format \"DHAKA-D-11-9999\", which depends on the vehicle type. Vehicle registration plates of Bangladesh In Bangladesh, the Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) issues vehicle registration plates for motor vehicles. The vehicle registration plates in Bangladesh use the Bengali alphabet and Bengali numerals. The current version of vehicle registration plates started in 1973. The international vehicle registration code for Bangladesh is BD. The general format of vehicle registration plates in Bangladesh is \"city - vehicle class letter and number - vehicle number\".", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Bangladesh" }, { "docid": "12010092", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Transnistria Standard license plates of Transnistria are 520 mm wide and 112 mm high, made of metal with 6 embossed characters - one letter, three numbers and two more letters - written using the DIN 1451 Mittelschrift font. On the left part of the plates there also a modified euroband on a white background, having the flag of the PMR instead of the EU symbol, and a holographic sticker in the place of the international country code underneath it. Government plates only have 5 embossed characters - three numbers and two letters. Only symbols that are", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Transnistria" }, { "docid": "9061089", "text": "numbers indicate the start and end month of the vehicle's registration) and more similar to systems such as in Italy (where the date indicates the year of vehicle registration). Note that the date is that of first-ever registration of the vehicle, not the date the vehicle was registered in Portugal. Some vehicles carry plates that have a year and month seemingly out of tune with the alphanumeric sequence, and the reason for this is that these are imported used vehicles. Trailers and vehicles for export have the following district code letters in their licence plates: Until the 1970s only the", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Portugal" }, { "docid": "5065753", "text": "but are affixed to the front and back of the vehicle. Vehicle registration plates of Hong Kong In Hong Kong, vehicle registration marks are managed by the Transport Department. The physical number plates are not provided by the government, but are made by garages to the order of the car owner. Each vehicle must display two number plates, one at the front and one at the rear of the vehicle. The front plate has black characters on a white background, and the rear plate has black characters on a yellow background. The height of the letters and numerals are not", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Hong Kong" }, { "docid": "11679291", "text": "Vehicle registration plates of Namibia Vehicle registration plates of Namibia are yellow fluorescent metal plates with imprints in black. The standard version is uniform throughout the country, and carries one of the following forms: The first letter is always \"N\" for Namibia. The last one or two letters indicate the town or region the car originates from. In between, numbers are issued sequentially within each region, starting with single-digit numbers, and increasing in length as required. The vast majority of vehicles are registered in the capital, Windhoek, and require six digits; most other regions are currently using 3 or 4", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Namibia" }, { "docid": "11954710", "text": "registered each year. The plates only have one type of code: Plates also contain a small version of the coat of arms of Liechtenstein between the FL code and the number. Vehicle registration plates of Liechtenstein Vehicle registration plates of Liechtenstein are composed of two letters and up to five numbers, and in between the letters and numbers is the coat of arms of the city. The plates have white characters on a retro-reflective black background and use the same type of font as Swiss car number plates. Short-period temporary registered plates have yellow coloured font while long-periods have year", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Liechtenstein" }, { "docid": "5872676", "text": "numbering scheme or plate kind to indicate vehicle usage such as police, taxi, ambulance or others, except for type E plates used by foreign diplomats. The numbers for all plates except type C have a code consisting of two letters and a serial number. Class C only carries a sequence number. The letters identify the district in which the vehicle was first registered. For example, in Stavanger, prefixes like RE, RH and RJ are used. The car registration number is not altered when the owner moves to another town, or if it is sold. The registration number is assigned to", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Norway" }, { "docid": "11998499", "text": "(which in turn adopted a reversed version of the former French license plate system), in Azeri plates the first two digits of the license plate represent the department, followed by a progressive 2-letter and 3-number system (progression starting with AA-001 and ending with ZZ-999). Below is a table of digits and relevant departments (italic means this department is controlled (or mostly-controlled) by Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, bold means this department is a part of Naxçıvan AR): Vehicle registration plates of Azerbaijan Vehicle registration plates of Azerbaijan are usually composed of two numbers (identifying the vehicle registration department), a hyphen, two letters, a", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Azerbaijan" }, { "docid": "12624618", "text": "of the three-letter suffix indicate the province (or \"aimag\" in Mongolian) where the vehicle was registered: <Br><Br> <Br><Br> Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia consist of four digits (including leading zeroes) and three Cyrillic letters. The design is reminiscent of the Soviet standard for licence plates in the former USSR (GOST 3207-77), some of which had four digits and three letters. Example of a pre-2001 Mongolian registration plate issued in Ulaan Baatar Since 2001, the appearance of plates has changed - these must now contain the national symbol (the \"Soyombo\") in red, to the left of", "title": "Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia" } ]
Which American nuclear submarine was the first to sail across the North Pole under the ice cap?
[ "Nautilus", "Nautilid", "Nautili", "Nautilidae", "Eutrephoceratidae", "Nautilus (zoology)" ]
[ { "docid": "3888939", "text": "named for the radio message he sent to the Chief of Naval Operations to announce that \"Nautilus\" had reached the pole. His second book about these missions, \"The Ice Diaries: The Untold Story of the Cold War's Most Daring Mission\" (with Don Keith), was completed shortly before Anderson's death. This second book includes many previously classified details. On March 17, 1959, the nuclear submarine , under the command of Commander (later Vice Admiral) James F. Calvert, became the first submarine to surface at the North Pole. While at the Pole, her crew scattered the ashes of Arctic explorer Sir Hubert", "title": "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" }, { "docid": "4029203", "text": "was distinguished. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and participated in a total of eleven combat submarine patrols. Anderson was selected by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover to be the second commanding officer of the first nuclear submarine to be placed into service, the USS \"Nautilus\" and was its commander from 1957 to 1959. Anderson and his crew received international notice when the \"Nautilus\" became the first submarine to sail successfully under the polar ice cap surrounding the North Pole. That transit was completed under direct orders of President Dwight Eisenhower, under extreme secrecy and was in direct response to", "title": "William Anderson (naval officer)" }, { "docid": "3888938", "text": "the Atlantic via the North Pole. On August 3, 1958, she became the first ship to reach the North Pole. For this accomplishment, \"Nautilus\" and her crew were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation, the first Presidential Unit Citation awarded in peacetime. The citation began with the words, \"For outstanding achievement in completing the first voyage in history across the top of the world, by cruising under the Arctic ice cap from the Bering Strait to the Greenland Sea.\" \"Nautilus 90 North\" (1959, with Clay Blair) was the first book Anderson wrote about the Arctic missions of USS \"Nautilus\". It was", "title": "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" }, { "docid": "4273885", "text": "Project 42 and 50 ASW vessels). On 1 April 1961, the division was renamed the 2nd Anti-Submarine Warfare Division. On 1 July 1958, the Northern Fleet raised the Soviet Navy ensign over the first Soviet nuclear submarine, K-3 Leninsky Komsomol. Following the 1958 voyage of USS \"Nautilus\", the \"Leninsky Komsomol\" (named for Vladimir Lenin’s Komsomol) traveled under the Arctic ice and surfaced at the North Pole on 17 July 1962. Russian submarines have visited the North Pole region more than 300 times since then. Two nuclear submarines of the Northern Fleet made a journey under the Arctic ice cap and", "title": "Northern Fleet" }, { "docid": "7331083", "text": "the cavern entrance simulating a surface storm, the Captain would order the submarine down into the depths as a precaution, and the guests enter the show building section of the attraction. Within minutes, the devastation such natural phenomenon can create was made clear with the ominous Graveyard Of Lost Ships, with shipwrecks from various centuries littering the sea bed, guarded by the silent, gliding figures of sharks. Leaving the destruction behind, the Nautilus would reach the North Pole, circumnavigating the Polar Ice Cap from below the surface, and narrowly avoiding large icebergs stabbing through the water. Venturing deeper, the Nautilus", "title": "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Submarine Voyage" }, { "docid": "3888937", "text": "in spite of the threats and objections of Alvarez, \"Seaview\" launches a missile toward the belt and it explodes the burning flames outward, saving the world. The name of the film is an inversion of a phrase popular at the time, concerning the exploration of the Arctic Ocean by nuclear submarines, namely, \"a voyage to the top of the world.\" From August 1, 1958, through August 5, 1958, USS \"Nautilus\" (SSN-571) (the first nuclear-powered submarine), under the command of Commander (later Captain) William R. Anderson, steamed under the Arctic ice cap to make the first crossing from the Pacific to", "title": "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" }, { "docid": "5494334", "text": "events—the submerged voyage of USS \"Nautilus\" from the Pacific to the Atlantic, via the North Pole, in 1958, with NEL’s Dr. Waldo Lyon aboard as chief scientist and ice pilot. That same summer, the USS \"Skate\" cruised from the Atlantic to the North Pole and the central Arctic Ocean, surfacing 9 times through small holes in the ice cap. Dr. Eugene C. La Fond, head of NEL's Oceanography Branch, was chief scientist In March 1959, the \"Skate\" returned to the Arctic, under winter conditions, with Dr. Waldo Lyon as chief scientist, and for the first time, the nuclear submarine was", "title": "Navy Electronics Laboratory" }, { "docid": "11252019", "text": "continuously, with 30 stations in the Arctic from 1950 to 1991. These stations collected data that are valuable to this day for understanding the climate of the Arctic Basin. shows the location of Arctic research facilities during the mid-1970s and the tracks of drifting stations between 1958 and 1975. Another benefit from the Cold War was the acquisition of observations from United States and Soviet naval voyages into the Arctic. In 1958 an American nuclear submarine, the \"Nautilus\" was the first ship to reach the North Pole. In the decades that followed submarines regularly roamed under the Arctic sea ice,", "title": "Climate of the Arctic" }, { "docid": "2957754", "text": "nuclear-powered submarine was first proposed in the United States Navy by the Naval Research Laboratory's Ross Gunn in 1939. Construction of the world's first nuclear powered submarine was made possible by the successful development of a nuclear propulsion plant by a group of scientists and engineers at the Naval Reactors Branch of the Bureau of Ships and the Atomic Energy Commission. In July 1951 the U.S. Congress authorized construction of the first nuclear-powered submarine, \"Nautilus\", under the leadership of Captain Hyman G. Rickover, USN (sharing names with Captain Nemo's fictional submarine in Jules Verne's \"Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea\",", "title": "Nuclear submarine" }, { "docid": "289995", "text": "1949 two other Soviet scientists (Vitali Volovich and Andrei Medvedev) became the first people to parachute onto the North Pole. They jumped from a Douglas C-47 Skytrain, registered CCCP H-369. On 3 May 1952 U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Joseph O. Fletcher and Lieutenant William Pershing Benedict, along with scientist Albert P. Crary, landed a modified Douglas C-47 Skytrain at the North Pole. Some Western sources considered this to be the first landing at the Pole until the Soviet landings became widely known. The United States Navy submarine \"USS Nautilus\" (SSN-571) crossed the North Pole on 3 August 1958. On", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "480884", "text": "by the Submarine Escape Immersion Equipment in the 2000s. On January 21, 1954 the first nuclear-powered submarine, , was launched from Groton. \"Nautilus\" became the first vessel to transit the North Pole during a historic trip across the Arctic in 1958. \"Nautilus\" spent most of her career assigned to Submarine Squadron 10 located at State Pier in New London. It was retired from service in 1980. In 1982 \"Nautilus\" was designated a National Historic Landmark in Groton. It is permanently moored south of the main gate, attached to the U.S. Submarine Force Museum. Self-guided tours are available to the public", "title": "Naval Submarine Base New London" }, { "docid": "2808217", "text": "Komsomol\" was first underway under nuclear power on 4 July 1958 and became also the first Soviet submarine to reach the North Pole in July 1962, 4 years after the USS \"Nautilus\". Project 627 had much better performance specifications (for example, submerged speed and depth) than the world's first operational nuclear-powered submarine USS \"Nautilus\". The first commander of \"K-3\" was Captain 1st Rank L.G. Osipenko (future admiral and Hero of the Soviet Union). All other Novembers except \"K-3\" belonged to modified project – project 627A. The main visual differences of project 627A were a bow sonar dome in the keel", "title": "November-class submarine" }, { "docid": "10313547", "text": "was in charge of the development of a submarine rescue chamber, which bears his name, \"The McCann Submarine Rescue Chamber\". Additionally he was assigned as Liaison Officer / Engineer when the submarine was converted for use in the under ice attempt to circumnavigate the Arctic Ice cap and voyage to the North Pole. Modifications to the submarine were extensive, and contained innovations of a telescoping conning tower, an ice drill, an incorporated diving bell and an Air Lock, designed by Simon Lake. The submarine was designated \"Nautilus\" and leased for one dollar to Lake and Danenhower, Inc., of Bridgeport, Connecticut,", "title": "Allan Rockwell McCann" }, { "docid": "18007474", "text": "this nuclear submarine, Ropek was involved in pioneering oceanographic studies under the polar ice cap of the North Pole, resulting in the report \"Characteristics of Polar Ice Observed During the 1957 Arctic Cruise of the USS Nautilus\" (Defense Technical Information Center 1958). As a scientist he published many technical papers, such as \"US Navy Hydrographic Office synoptic and prognostic wave charts\" (US Navy Hydrographic Office 1955), and \"An Application of Naval Oceanographic Development to Inland Waters\" (Defense Technical Information Center 1967). Later, Ropek was deputy director of the prediction division of the Naval Oceanographic Office. Late in life he lived", "title": "John Francis Ropek" }, { "docid": "7468267", "text": "few years before the US, and paralleled subsequent US development in this area. In the 1950s, nuclear power partially replaced diesel-electric propulsion. The sailing of the first nuclear-powered submarine, the USN \"\"Nautilus\"\" in 1955 was soon followed by similar British, French and Russian boats. Equipment was also developed to extract oxygen from sea water. These two innovations, together with inertial navigation systems, gave submarines the ability to remain submerged for weeks or months, and enabled previously impossible voyages such as the crossing of the North Pole beneath the Arctic ice cap by the USS \"Nautilus\" in 1958. Most of the", "title": "History of submarines" }, { "docid": "289978", "text": "Since 2002, the Russians have also annually established a base, Barneo, close to the Pole. This operates for a few weeks during early spring. Studies in the 2000s predicted that the North Pole may become seasonally ice-free because of Arctic ice shrinkage, with timescales varying from 2016 to the late 21st century or later. The sea depth at the North Pole has been measured at by the Russian Mir submersible in 2007 and at 4,087 m (13,410 ft) by USS \"Nautilus\" in 1958. The nearest land is usually said to be Kaffeklubben Island, off the northern coast of Greenland about", "title": "North Pole" } ]
[ { "docid": "290000", "text": "Neil Armstrong (the first man to stand on the moon) landed at the North Pole in a small twin-engined ski plane. Hillary thus became the first man to stand at both poles and on the summit of Everest. In 1986 Will Steger, with seven teammates, became the first to be confirmed as reaching the Pole by dogsled and without resupply. USS \"Gurnard\" (SSN-662) operated in the Arctic Ocean under the polar ice cap from September to November 1984 in company with one of her sister ships, the attack submarine USS \"Pintado\" (SSN-672). On 12 November 1984 \"Gurnard\" and \"Pintado\" became", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "9092321", "text": "1997 the Committee decided to start planning and raising funds for a addition to the museum building. Fundraising started the next year, and construction project ran from 1998 to early 2000. The new addition was officially opened to the public on April 28, 2000 \"in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of the United States Submarine Force\", according to the museum. The museum has 33,000 artifacts, including the first nuclear-powered submarine in the world, the . Launched in 1955 and decommissioned in 1980, the submarine had traveled under the polar ice cap and reached the North Pole during the Cold War.", "title": "Submarine Force Library and Museum" }, { "docid": "2658131", "text": ", commissioned in 1954, was the first nuclear-powered ship of any kind. In August 1958, she steamed under the Arctic ice cap to make the first crossing from the Pacific to the Atlantic via the North Pole. On 3 August 1958 she became the first ship to reach the North Pole. On 17 March 1959, the nuclear submarine became the first submarine to surface at the North Pole. While at the Pole, her crew scattered the ashes of Arctic explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins. The film \"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea\" begins with \"Seaview\" in the Arctic on the", "title": "USOS Seaview" }, { "docid": "12004015", "text": "1948. On , a US Navy submarine, also named , was the first to sail under the ice pack to reach the North Pole. On , the became the first submarine to surface at the North Pole. In 1968, British explorer Sir Wally Herbert became the first person to indubitably reach the Pole on foot, having sledged from Alaska. His expedition was supported by air drops. Farthest North Farthest North describes the most northerly latitude reached by explorers before the conquest of the North Pole rendered the expression obsolete. The Arctic polar regions are much more accessible than those of", "title": "Farthest North" }, { "docid": "7188783", "text": "then Captain Hyman Rickover, well known for his great technical talents in electrical engineering and propulsion systems in addition to his skill in project management, to the AEC to start the Naval Reactors project. Rickover's work with the AEC led to the development of the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), the first naval model of which was installed in the submarine . This made the boat capable of operating under water full-time – demonstrating this ability by reaching the North Pole and surfacing through the Polar ice cap. From the successful naval reactor program, plans were quickly developed for the use", "title": "Nuclear power in the United States" }, { "docid": "13729000", "text": "a piece of sea ice that was approximately across. At the moment of disembarkation the station was in so-called to \"the Hollow of submariners\" between Wrangel island and the North Pole. The vessel \"Akademik Fyodorov\" carried out the delivery of the expedition to the ice. The station was removed with the nuclear icebreaker NS \"Yamal\" in the Arctic ocean at the end of August 2009. The evacuation of the station from the drifting ice floe took three days of continuous work. The chief of high-latitude arctic expeditions Vladimir Sokolov supervised the work. North Pole-36 North Pole-36 (\"\") was the 36th", "title": "North Pole-36" }, { "docid": "2740875", "text": "under the North Pole), , and . MacLean may have been anticipating the excitement of his British readers regarding the upcoming commissioning of the , the Royal Navy's first nuclear submarine. Also, MacLean may have been influenced by press reports about the nuclear-powered submarine USS \"Skate\" visiting Ice Station \"Alpha\", located on Ice Island T-3 in the Arctic, on 14 August 1958, as part of the International Geophysical Year (IGY)\". At the time that the novel was published, under-the-ice operations by US Navy nuclear-powered submarines were prohibited until SUBSAFE measures had been implemented following the loss of the . \"Ice", "title": "Ice Station Zebra (novel)" }, { "docid": "15857436", "text": "polar and there are some communities that are situated in a transitional zone between the two climates, but barely qualify as a tundra. Some places like Antarctica had a different climate before having an ice cap climate. Under the Köppen climate classification, the ice cap climate is denoted as \"EF\". Ice caps are defined as a climate with no months above . Such areas are found around the north and south pole, and on the top of the highest mountains. Since the temperature never exceeds the melting point of ice, any snow or ice that accumulates remains there permanently, over", "title": "Ice cap climate" }, { "docid": "15857446", "text": "Mountains, the Caucasus, and the Alps. Mars, like Earth, has ice caps at its poles. In addition to frozen water, Mars ice caps also have frozen carbon dioxide, commonly known as dry ice. In addition, Mars has seasons similar to Earth. The North Pole of Mars has a permanent water ice cap and a winter-only dry ice cap. On the south pole, both the water and carbon dioxide are permanently frozen. Europa, a moon of Jupiter, is covered with a permanent sheet of water ice, similar to Antarctica. Scientists theorize that it may have sub-glacial lakes similar to those seen", "title": "Ice cap climate" }, { "docid": "290001", "text": "the third pair of submarines to surface together at the North Pole. In March 1990, \"Gurnard\" deployed to the Arctic region during exercise Ice Ex '90 and completed only the fourth winter submerged transit of the Bering and Seas. \"Gurnard\" surfaced at the North Pole on April 18, in the company of the USS \"Seahorse\" (SSN-669). On 6 May 1986 USS \"Archerfish\" (SSN 678), USS \"Ray\" (SSN 653) and USS \"Hawkbill\" (SSN-666) surfaced at the North Pole, the first tri-submarine surfacing at the North Pole. On 21 April 1987 Shinji Kazama of Japan became the first person to reach the", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "15857442", "text": "an ice cap climate. However, this theory is disputed, and even proponents suggest there was an area of periodic melting near the equator. The two major areas with ice cap climates are Antarctica and Greenland. Some of the most northern islands of Canada and Russia also have ice cap climates. In addition, a large portion of the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole remains frozen year round, effectively making it an icecap climate. The Arctic Ocean is located in the Arctic region. As a result, the northern polar ice cap is the frozen part of that ocean's surface. The only", "title": "Ice cap climate" }, { "docid": "289998", "text": "Herbert was the first person to reach the pole of inaccessibility. On 17 August 1977 the Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker \"Arktika\" completed the first surface vessel journey to the North Pole. In 1982 Ranulph Fiennes and Charles R. Burton became the first people to cross the Arctic Ocean in a single season. They departed from Cape Crozier, Ellesmere Island, on 17 February 1982 and arrived at the geographic North Pole on 10 April 1982. They travelled on foot and snowmobile. From the Pole, they travelled towards Svalbard but, due to the unstable nature of the ice, ended their crossing at the", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "8582016", "text": "as an observation platform. It also provides an entrance and exit point on the submarine that has enough freeboard to prevent the submarine being swamped. Underwater the sail acts as a vertical stabilizer. In some submarines, the sail also supports diving planes, which are control surfaces used for underwater stability and steering. Sail (submarine) In naval parlance, the sail (American usage) or fin (European/Commonwealth usage) of a submarine is the tower-like structure found on the dorsal (topside) surface of submarines. Submarine sails once housed the conning tower (command and communications data center), the periscope(s), radar and communications masts (antenna), though", "title": "Sail (submarine)" }, { "docid": "15842877", "text": "into the bay by storms. At this point the boat's unique design as a sledge-boat enabled them to haul the boat from the water and manually pull it across the ice on the final 2–3 miles to the Pole. This boat-hauling exercise took the crew 10 hours to complete. They arrived at the Pole position on 26 August 2011. Jock Wishart announced the success saying \"There is now a row boat at the '96 Mag. North Pole\". On BBC Radio 4's Today programme as \"an incredible journey that will go down in the history books. It's a true global first", "title": "Old Pulteney Row To The Pole" }, { "docid": "12804796", "text": "North Pole-1 North Pole-1 () was the first Soviet manned drifting station in the Arctic Ocean, primarily used for research. North Pole-1 was established on 21 May 1937 and officially opened on 6 June, some from the North Pole by the expedition into the high latitudes Sever-1, led by Otto Schmidt. The expedition had been airlifted by aviation units under the command of Mark Shevelev. \"NP-1\" operated for 9 months, during which the ice floe travelled . The commander of the station was Ivan Papanin. On 19 February 1938 the Soviet ice breakers \"Taimyr\" and \"Murman\" took four polar explorers", "title": "North Pole-1" }, { "docid": "5964462", "text": "in the hold of a Venetian galley. Nearby, deep-sea divers work to carry other treasures to the surface. Sonar detects a polar ice cap ahead, and the diving officer takes the ship deeper in order to clear the ice. The submarine travels directly beneath the North Pole. This is a recreation of the historic voyage of when it left Hawaii on July 22, 1958 and set its course for the North Pole. After passing beyond the polar region, the submarine journeys to deeper waters where sunlight has never penetrated. Strange creatures can be sighted, including a giant squid and creatures", "title": "Submarine Voyage" }, { "docid": "11872689", "text": "The North Pole Project The North Pole Project is the third studio album released by the Christian rock band Number One Gun. It was released under Tooth & Nail Records on January 15, 2008. After Number One Gun decided to split up in 2006 all four former members went their own directions. Jeff Schneeweis started a band called \"\"The North Pole Project\"\" which would later be his inspiration for the name of this album. Sometime later Schneeweis was approached by Tooth & Nail Records and asked to release his music under the name Number One Gun. When Schneeweis agreed to", "title": "The North Pole Project" }, { "docid": "8582015", "text": "Sail (submarine) In naval parlance, the sail (American usage) or fin (European/Commonwealth usage) of a submarine is the tower-like structure found on the dorsal (topside) surface of submarines. Submarine sails once housed the conning tower (command and communications data center), the periscope(s), radar and communications masts (antenna), though most of these functions have now been relocated to the hull proper (and so the sail is no longer considered a \"conning tower\"). In the US Navy, the structure is frequently called a fairwater, and diving planes mounted on it are called fairwater planes. When above the water's surface, the sail serves", "title": "Sail (submarine)" }, { "docid": "11872690", "text": "the deal he began his work on the new Number One Gun album, \"\"The North Pole Project\"\" as a solo record. The North Pole Project The North Pole Project is the third studio album released by the Christian rock band Number One Gun. It was released under Tooth & Nail Records on January 15, 2008. After Number One Gun decided to split up in 2006 all four former members went their own directions. Jeff Schneeweis started a band called \"\"The North Pole Project\"\" which would later be his inspiration for the name of this album. Sometime later Schneeweis was approached", "title": "The North Pole Project" }, { "docid": "5224541", "text": "title \"Emperor of the North\". The Region 2 version was available under general release in the UK from September 3, 2007, under the same title. Emperor of the North Pole Emperor of the North Pole is a 1973 American DeLuxe Color film directed by Robert Aldrich, starring Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, and Keith Carradine. It was later re-released on home media (and is more widely known) under the shorter title Emperor of the North, ostensibly chosen by studio executives to avoid being confused as a heartwarming holiday story. This original title is an homage to the historic joke among Great", "title": "Emperor of the North Pole" }, { "docid": "5224521", "text": "Emperor of the North Pole Emperor of the North Pole is a 1973 American DeLuxe Color film directed by Robert Aldrich, starring Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, and Keith Carradine. It was later re-released on home media (and is more widely known) under the shorter title Emperor of the North, ostensibly chosen by studio executives to avoid being confused as a heartwarming holiday story. This original title is an homage to the historic joke among Great Depression-era hobos that the world's best hobo was \"Emperor of the North Pole\", a way of poking fun at their own desperate situation, since somebody", "title": "Emperor of the North Pole" }, { "docid": "5175465", "text": "flying there on a small aeroplane fitted with skis. The North Pole scene was filmed in May 1992, after the rest of the series had been shot, as weather conditions were more suitable then as the ice was too fragile the previous year. From there, he heads to Greenland, then the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, where the towns of Ny Ålesund and Longyearbyen are located. From there he sails across the Barents Sea on a supply ship to the Norwegian port city of Tromsø, where he visits a statue of Roald Amundsen, the first man to reach the South Pole.", "title": "Pole to Pole" }, { "docid": "290017", "text": "heat), rather than at altitude on a continental land mass. Despite being an ice cap, it shares some characteristics with a tundra climate (\"ETf\") due to the July and August temperatures peaking just above freezing. Winter temperatures at the northernmost weather station in Greenland can range from about , averaging around , with the North Pole being slightly colder. However, a freak storm caused the temperature to reach for a time at a World Meteorological Organization buoy, located at 87.45°N, on December 30, 2015. It was estimated that the temperature at the North Pole was between during the storm. Summer", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "14791087", "text": "Road to the North Pole \"Road to the North Pole\" is the seventh episode of the ninth season of the animated comedy series \"Family Guy\". Directed by Greg Colton and co-written by Chris Sheridan and Danny Smith, the episode originally aired on Fox in the United States on December 12, 2010. In \"Road to the North Pole\", Stewie and Brian go on an adventure to the North Pole so that Stewie can kill Santa Claus. They discover a dreary, polluting factory full of disease-ridden elves and carnivorous, feral reindeer, along with a sickly, exhausted and suicidal Santa. Stewie and Brian", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "290006", "text": "April 1998 by Russian firefighter and diver Andrei Rozhkov with the support of the Diving Club of Moscow State University, but ended in fatality. The next attempted dive at the North Pole was organized the next year by the same diving club, and ended in success on 24 April 1999. The divers were Michael Wolff (Austria), Brett Cormick (UK), and Bob Wass (USA). In 2005 the United States Navy submarine USS \"Charlotte\" (SSN-766) surfaced through of ice at the North Pole and spent 18 hours there. In July 2007 British endurance swimmer Lewis Gordon Pugh completed a swim at the", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "14092944", "text": "of his sea plane, during the rescue operations. The first people to have without doubt walked on the North Pole were the Soviet party of 1948 under the command of Alexander Kuznetsov, who landed their aircraft nearby and walked to the pole. On August 3, 1958, the American submarine reached the North Pole without surfacing. It then proceeded to travel under the entire Polar ice cap. On March 17, 1959 the surfaced on the North Pole and dispersed the ashes of explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins. These journeys were part of military explorations stimulated by the Cold War context. On April", "title": "Arctic exploration" }, { "docid": "14791095", "text": "North Pole\" is the sixth episode of the \"Road to\" episodes of the series which air through various seasons of the show. It was directed by \"Family Guy\" veteran Greg Colton, this being the first episode he has directed since the eighth season episode \"Go Stewie, Go.\" This is also Colton's third \"Road to\" episode, the first being \"Road to Germany\" and the second being \"Road to the Multiverse.\" The episode was written by Chris Sheridan and Danny Smith, this being the first Smith wrote since \"Partial Terms of Endearment,\" and his first \"Road to\" episode. It included staff writers", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "18785293", "text": "Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike is a 2007 American computer animated film based on the game \"Elf Bowling\". The film was outsourced in South Korea for its animation department and visual effects and it was directed by Dave Kim with Rex Piano as co-director. It was widely panned by critics and audiences alike. Santa Claus and his brother, Dingle, are pirates roaming the open sea. After getting kicked off their ship by their own crew, they become trapped in ice and float until they wash", "title": "Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike" }, { "docid": "14791102", "text": "mirror asking his reflection, in the form of a crazed clown, how he is doing. Brian and Stewie decide to go to the North Pole to kill Santa, but Brian does not want Stewie to get disappointed if Santa is not what everybody thinks he is; to this Stewie responds that Brian is as negative as Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh. To prevent Stewie from going to the North Pole he tells him that Santa is not real; Stewie questions this, also asking if Elmo, SpongeBob SquarePants and Curious George aren't real. On their way to the North Pole, Brian and Stewie", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "12721515", "text": "1824 expeditions to the North Pole. The two titles originally referred to the present work and another older work by Friedrich, now missing. The lost painting was shown in 1822 at the Dresden Academy exhibition under the title \"A Wrecked Ship off the Coast of Greenland in the Moonlight. Own Invention\". The present painting was first shown in 1824 at the Prague Academy exhibition under the title \"An Idealized Scene of an Arctic Sea, with a Wrecked Ship on the Heaped Masses of Ice\". In Friedrich's estate this work was described as \"Ice Picture. The Disaster-stricken North Pole Expedition\". The", "title": "The Sea of Ice" }, { "docid": "289992", "text": "1928, in the airship \"Italia\". The \"Italia\" crashed on its return from the Pole, with the loss of half the crew. In May 1937 the world's first North Pole ice station, North Pole-1, was established by Soviet scientists by air 20 kilometres (13 mi) from the North Pole. The expedition members: oceanographer Pyotr Shirshov, meteorologist Yevgeny Fyodorov, radio operator Ernst Krenkel, and the leader Ivan Papanin conducted scientific research at the station for the next nine months. By 19 February 1938, when the group was picked up by the ice breakers \"Taimyr\" and \"Murman\", their station had drifted 2850 km", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "15842874", "text": "position on 25 August. It was the first time any surface vessel under human power had been to any pole position. The expedition was the first attempt at such a voyage and was made possible by the open water in the Arctic region in summer. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, part of the University of Colorado, the Arctic sea ice melted to its third smallest extent (since 1979, when satellite measurements began) in September 2010. Prior to 1979 ice extents are unreliable. The adventure was conceived by Scots adventurer Jock Wishart in 2007 when Wishart was", "title": "Old Pulteney Row To The Pole" }, { "docid": "11391627", "text": "Penny Ice Cap The Penny Ice Cap is a ice cap in Auyuittuq National Park of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. It forms a high barrier on the Cumberland Peninsula, an area of deep fiords and glaciated valleys. It is a remnant of the last ice age. During the mid-1990s, Canadian researchers studied the glacier's patterns of freezing and thawing over centuries by drilling ice core samples. The ice cap has been thinning and its valley glaciers have been retreating in recent decades related to rising summer and winter air temperatures across the eastern Arctic. The ice cap is named after", "title": "Penny Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "8198808", "text": "Freddy Goes to the North Pole Freddy goes to the North Pole (1930) (formerly published as More To and Again) is the second of the Freddy the Pig books written by Walter R. Brooks. It tells of how the animals of the Bean Farm went to rescue some of their animals friends who went on an expedition to the North Pole. In the beginning, Freddy had the idea to establish a tourism company called Barnyard Tours Inc. The animals agreed, and the company was formed. Animals could pay for a tour with food, or by doing work for Mr. Bean.", "title": "Freddy Goes to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "289989", "text": "myself how he travelled across the pack ice, I am more convinced than ever that Peary did indeed discover the North Pole.\" Another rejection of Peary's claim arrived in 2009, when E. Myles Standish of the California Institute of Technology, an experienced referee of scientific claims, reported numerous alleged lacunae and inconsistencies. The first claimed flight over the Pole was made on 9 May 1926 by US naval officer Richard E. Byrd and pilot Floyd Bennett in a Fokker tri-motor aircraft. Although verified at the time by a committee of the National Geographic Society, this claim has since been undermined", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "14791104", "text": "their travel the Statue of Liberty can be seen. Unfortunately, they are not able to deliver the presents, and the next morning the residents of Quahog are upset because they have no presents, but Mort says he got eight mediocre gifts. \"Road to the North Pole\" was broadcast on December 12, 2010, as a part of an animated television night on Fox, and was preceded by \"The Simpsons\", and followed by \"Family Guy\" creator and executive producer Seth MacFarlane's second show, \"American Dad!\". It was watched by 8.03 million viewers, according to Nielsen ratings, despite airing simultaneously with the \"Desperate", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "15159299", "text": "where she is able to seek full medical attention to treat her cancer. Directed by Roger Spottiswoode, \"Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole\" was filmed on location near Ontario's frozen Lake Simcoe. 2004 Golden Reel Award for Best Sound Editing in Television Long Form—Sound Effects and Foley Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole is a 2003 CBS television movie starring Susan Sarandon as Dr. Jerri Nielsen in the true story of the cancer-stricken physician stranded at a South Pole research station who, under dangerous circumstances,", "title": "Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole" }, { "docid": "10070005", "text": "months following World War III, the conflict has devastated the Northern Hemisphere, polluting the atmosphere with nuclear fallout, killing all life there. Air currents are slowly carrying the fallout south; the only areas still habitable are in the far reaches of the Southern Hemisphere. From Australia, survivors detect an incomprehensible Morse code signal coming from the West Coast of the United States. The American nuclear submarine, USS \"Sawfish\", now under Royal Australian Navy command, is ordered to sail north to the United States to attempt to make contact with the sender of the Morse signal. The submarine is commanded by", "title": "On the Beach (1959 film)" }, { "docid": "8198812", "text": "left and Santa Claus’s workshop went back to normal. Santa Claus took the animals and the two children to the Bean Farm. Freddy Goes to the North Pole Freddy goes to the North Pole (1930) (formerly published as More To and Again) is the second of the Freddy the Pig books written by Walter R. Brooks. It tells of how the animals of the Bean Farm went to rescue some of their animals friends who went on an expedition to the North Pole. In the beginning, Freddy had the idea to establish a tourism company called Barnyard Tours Inc. The", "title": "Freddy Goes to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "1365386", "text": "With hope that someone has survived in the contaminated regions, one of the last American nuclear submarines, USS \"Scorpion\", placed by its captain, Commander Dwight Towers, under Australian naval command, is ordered to sail north from its port of refuge in Melbourne (Australia's southernmost major mainland city) to contact whoever is sending the signal. In preparation for this journey, the submarine makes a shorter trip to port cities in northern Australia, including Cairns, Queensland and Darwin, Northern Territory; no survivors are found. Two Australians sail with the American crew: Lieutenant Commander Peter Holmes, naval liaison officer to the Americans, and", "title": "On the Beach (novel)" }, { "docid": "289996", "text": "17 March 1959 \"USS Skate\" (SSN-578) surfaced at the Pole, breaking through the ice above it, becoming the first naval vessel to do so. Setting aside Peary's claim, the first confirmed surface conquest of the North Pole was that of Ralph Plaisted, Walt Pederson, Gerry Pitzl and Jean Luc Bombardier, who traveled over the ice by snowmobile and arrived on 19 April 1968. The United States Air Force independently confirmed their position. On 6 April 1969 Wally Herbert and companions Allan Gill, Roy Koerner and Kenneth Hedges of the British Trans-Arctic Expedition became the first men to reach the North", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "391592", "text": "Soviet Union () as part of the Cold War nuclear deterrent strategy. During the Cold War, the US and the Soviet Union maintained large submarine fleets that engaged in cat-and-mouse games. The Soviet Union lost at least four submarines during this period: was lost in 1968 (a part of which the CIA retrieved from the ocean floor with the Howard Hughes-designed ship \"Glomar Explorer\"), in 1970, in 1986, and in 1989 (which held a depth record among military submarines—). Many other Soviet subs, such as (the first Soviet nuclear submarine, and the first Soviet sub to reach the North Pole)", "title": "Submarine" }, { "docid": "5964459", "text": "occur. The attraction ultimately reopened in June 2007 themed to Disney and Pixar's \"Finding Nemo\", and now operates as Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. As initially conceived, the Submarine Voyage was to feature real fish and other sea creatures, though the idea proved to be unfeasible. A major portion of the ride simulated the voyage under the Arctic Ocean's polar ice cap undertaken by the nuclear submarine on August 3, 1958. The submarines followed a long guide rail through the following sections of the ride: As the guest enters the submarine, taped narrations play that help create an illusion that the", "title": "Submarine Voyage" }, { "docid": "15842879", "text": "vessel has what is called a cathedral hull, so-named because of its profile resembling an upturned church roof. It was designed by Peter Bosgraaf, in collaboration with Welbourne Yacht Design. Hugh Welbourne advised on the laminates and under water construction, while Roger Daynes of advised on the design and construction of the \"runners\" on the bottom of the ice boat. The boat was built by Cris Rossiter in Christchurch, Dorset, UK. Old Pulteney Row To The Pole The Old Pulteney Row To The Pole was a publicity stunt sponsored by a whisky distiller for naming rights, which navigated a rowing", "title": "Old Pulteney Row To The Pole" }, { "docid": "15159296", "text": "Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole is a 2003 CBS television movie starring Susan Sarandon as Dr. Jerri Nielsen in the true story of the cancer-stricken physician stranded at a South Pole research station who, under dangerous circumstances, and with the help of co-workers, treats her own illness. Based on the New York Times best-selling book Ice Bound: A Doctor's Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole, the movie tells the story of how, in 1999, 46-year-old physician Nielsen decides to leave Ohio and spend a year", "title": "Ice Bound: A Woman's Survival at the South Pole" }, { "docid": "1991617", "text": "Connecticut, where she became a member of Submarine Squadron 2. In 1996, the Sand Lance was sent on a patrol to the Arctic Circle. While there, the submarine surfaced through the polar ice cap at the North Pole on 12 July. \"Sand Lance\" was decommissioned on 7 August 1998 and stricken from the Naval Vessel Register the same day. Her scrapping via the Nuclear-Powered Ship and Submarine Recycling Program at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton, Washington, began on 1 April 1998 and was completed on 30 August 1999. Sand Lance's Maneuvering Room Consoles, which were used to control the", "title": "USS Sand Lance (SSN-660)" }, { "docid": "14791105", "text": "Housewives\" on ABC, \"The Amazing Race\" and \"Undercover Boss\" on CBS and \"Sunday Night Football\" on NBC. The episode also acquired a 3.9 rating in the 18–49 demographic, beating \"American Dad!\" and \"The Simpsons\" in addition to significantly edging out both shows in total viewership. The episode's ratings increased significantly from the previous week's episode. This episode received generally positive response from critics. Todd VanDerWerff of \"The A.V. Club\" gave \"Road to the North Pole\" a positive review, stating that it is \"a satisfying episode of \"Family Guy\" all around, filled with funny gags and nice moments.\" He especially praised", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "290007", "text": "North Pole. His feat, undertaken to highlight the effects of global warming, took place in clear water that had opened up between the ice floes. His later attempt to paddle a kayak to the North Pole in late 2008, following the erroneous prediction of clear water to the Pole, was stymied when his expedition found itself stuck in thick ice after only three days. The expedition was then abandoned. By September 2007 the North Pole had been visited 66 times by different surface ships: 54 times by Soviet and Russian icebreakers, 4 times by Swedish \"Oden\", 3 times by German", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "289977", "text": "east and clockwise is west. The North Pole is at the center of the Northern Hemisphere. While the South Pole lies on a continental land mass, the North Pole is located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean amid waters that are almost permanently covered with constantly shifting sea ice. This makes it impractical to construct a permanent station at the North Pole (unlike the South Pole). However, the Soviet Union, and later Russia, constructed a number of manned drifting stations on a generally annual basis since 1937, some of which have passed over or very close to the Pole.", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "17527319", "text": "North Pole-2 North Pole-2 () was the Soviet manned drifting station. It was established on April 2, 1950 and drifted for about a year between the Bering Strait and the North Pole. It was closed on April 11, 1951, after the piece of ice it was based on broke into two. The commander of the station was Mikhail Somov, who was made the Hero of the Soviet Union for his role in the expedition. North Pole-2 became the first Soviet manned drifting station after North Pole-1 launched in 1937, and established a series of polar expeditions. The station was manned", "title": "North Pole-2" }, { "docid": "290002", "text": "North Pole on a motorcycle. On 18 May 1987 USS \"Billfish\" (SSN 676), USS \"Sea Devil\" (SSN 664) and HMS \"Superb\" (S 109) surfaced at the North Pole, the first international surfacing at the North Pole. In 1988 a 13-man strong team (9 Soviets, 4 Canadians) skied across the arctic from Siberia to northern Canada. One of the Canadians, Richard Weber became the first person to reach the Pole from both sides of the Arctic Ocean. On 4 May 1990 Børge Ousland and Erling Kagge became the first explorers ever to reach the North Pole unsupported, after a 58-day ski", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "11469853", "text": "of the ice cap. Barnes Ice Cap The Barnes Ice Cap is an ice cap located in central Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. It covers close to in the area of the Baffin Mountains. It has been thinning due to regional warming. Between 2004 and 2006, the ice cap was thinning at a rate of per year. The ice cap contains Canada's oldest ice, some of it being over 20,000 years old. It is a remnant of the Laurentide ice sheet, which covered much of Canada during the last glacial period of the Earth's current ice age. Generator Lake is located", "title": "Barnes Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "18255675", "text": "North Pole Marathon The North Pole Marathon is run over the classic 42.195 km (26.2 miles) marathon distance at the North Pole. The race is run on small, 4.22 km (2.62-mile) loop about 10 times over hard snow or the frozen ice of the Arctic Ocean. There are individual competitions with male and female divisions, and a team competition for teams of three or more. There is also an option to run a half marathon. The North Pole Marathon has been recognized by Guinness World Records as the \"Northernmost Marathon on Earth\". The first unofficial North Pole Marathon was a", "title": "North Pole Marathon" }, { "docid": "16374416", "text": "Hans Tausen Ice Cap Hans Tausen Ice Cap () is an ice cap in northern Greenland. Ice cores show it is around 3500–4000 years old. It formed since the Holocene climatic optimum of 6000-8000 BP. The ice cap is about 100 km from north to south and 80 km from east to west and sits on a 1300 m high plateau. The Hans Tausen Ice Cap is the source of many glaciers, including Ymer Glacier, Lur Glacier and the Tjalfe Glacier. It is a well studied ice cap, and is important to understanding the last Climatic Optimum. (Holocene climatic optimum)", "title": "Hans Tausen Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "16374415", "text": "Hans Tausen Ice Cap Hans Tausen Ice Cap () is an ice cap in northern Greenland. Ice cores show it is around 3500–4000 years old. It formed since the Holocene climatic optimum of 6000-8000 BP. The ice cap is about 100 km from north to south and 80 km from east to west and sits on a 1300 m high plateau. The Hans Tausen Ice Cap is the source of many glaciers, including Ymer Glacier, Lur Glacier and the Tjalfe Glacier. It is a well studied ice cap, and is important to understanding the last Climatic Optimum. (Holocene climatic optimum)", "title": "Hans Tausen Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "8363411", "text": "two glaciers, which are at great distance from each other, provide evidence of a sudden global climate change in the mid-latitude regions of the planet at this time. Quelccaya Ice Cap The Quelccaya Ice Cap is the second largest glaciated area in the tropics, after Coropuna. Located in the Cordillera Oriental section of the Andes mountains of Peru, the ice cap is at an average altitude of and spans an area of . As with the majority of the Earth's glaciers, the Quelccaya Ice cap has retreated significantly since it was first studied. Since 1978 the icecap has lost approximately", "title": "Quelccaya Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "290005", "text": "on a runway prepared on the ice) or by icebreaker have become relatively routine, and are even available to small groups of tourists through adventure holiday companies. Parachute jumps have frequently been made onto the North Pole in recent years. The temporary seasonal Russian camp of Barneo has been established by air a short distance from the Pole annually since 2002, and caters for scientific researchers as well as tourist parties. Trips from the camp to the Pole itself may be arranged overland or by helicopter. The first attempt at underwater exploration of the North Pole was made on 22", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "11469852", "text": "Barnes Ice Cap The Barnes Ice Cap is an ice cap located in central Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. It covers close to in the area of the Baffin Mountains. It has been thinning due to regional warming. Between 2004 and 2006, the ice cap was thinning at a rate of per year. The ice cap contains Canada's oldest ice, some of it being over 20,000 years old. It is a remnant of the Laurentide ice sheet, which covered much of Canada during the last glacial period of the Earth's current ice age. Generator Lake is located at the southeastern end", "title": "Barnes Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "14791108", "text": "described the episode as \"Christmas comedy gold\", praising the 'Christmastime is Killing Us' song and Boreanaz's cameo. The Parents Television Council, a conservative campaigning critic of Seth MacFarlane works, named \"Family Guy\" its \"Worst TV Show of the Week\" for \"Road to the North Pole\" for the week ending on December 17, 2010. It got this rating due to sexual content and excessive violent scenes including the scene in which Stewie beats a man to death with a baseball bat, and the scenes featuring Seth MacFarlane's father, Ron, while also stating, \"Forget naughty or nice. This show was simply nauseating.\"", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "290011", "text": "a team of Afanasy Makovnev, Vladimir Obikhod, Alexey Shkrabkin, Andrey Vankov, Sergey Isayev and Nikolay Kozlov on two custom-built 6 x 6 low-pressure-tire ATVs — Yemelya-3 and Yemelya-4,— started from Golomyanny Island (the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago) to the North Pole across drifting ice of the Arctic Ocean. The vehicles reached the Pole on 6 April and then continued to the Canadian coast. The coast was reached on 30 April 2013 (83°08N, 075°59W Ward Hant Island), and on 5 May 2013 the expedition finished in Resolute Bay, NU. The way between the Russian borderland (Machtovyi Island of the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago,", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "6646780", "text": "Galaxity in \"Bad Dreams\", has escaped captivity and fled into the Earth's past – the year 1986 – a time period agents have been forbidden to visit since the foundation of Galaxity. A nuclear explosion at the North Pole that year caused the polar ice cap to melt engulfing most of the Earth's cities. Valérian is ordered to pursue Xombul while Laureline is to remain at Galaxity until needed. Valérian arrives in 1986, in New York in the \"Statue of Liberty\" just as it collapses under a wave and Valérian is thrown into the Hudson. He is rescued by a", "title": "The City of Shifting Waters" }, { "docid": "17527321", "text": "USSR. In particular, the station investigated the possibility of creation such a base on floating ice with the support of cargo planes. North Pole-2 North Pole-2 () was the Soviet manned drifting station. It was established on April 2, 1950 and drifted for about a year between the Bering Strait and the North Pole. It was closed on April 11, 1951, after the piece of ice it was based on broke into two. The commander of the station was Mikhail Somov, who was made the Hero of the Soviet Union for his role in the expedition. North Pole-2 became the", "title": "North Pole-2" }, { "docid": "290010", "text": "Vladimir Obikhod, Alexey Shkrabkin, Sergey Larin, Alexey Ushakov and Nikolay Nikulshin reached the North Pole on two custom-built 6 x 6 low-pressure-tire ATVs — Yemelya-1 and Yemelya-2, designed by Vasily Elagin, a known Russian mountain climber, explorer and engineer. The vehicles reached the North Pole on 26 April 2009, 17:30 (Moscow time). The expedition was partly supported by Russian State Aviation. The Russian Book of Records recognized it as the first successful vehicle trip from land to the Geographical North Pole. On 1 March 2013 the Russian Marine Live-Ice Automobile Expedition (MLAE 2013) with Vasily Elagin as a leader, and", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "6692819", "text": "week to restore power. Several emergency shelters also were opened. Electricity was not restored in many places until 20 December 2005, by which time one death was blamed on the outage. December 2005 North American ice storm The December 2005 North American ice storm was a damaging winter storm that produced extensive ice damage in a large portion of the Southern United States from December 14–16, 2005, while extensive snowfall was reported across portions of the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The ice storm led to enormous and widespread power outages, and at least 7 deaths. The storm was", "title": "December 2005 North American ice storm" }, { "docid": "2957763", "text": "reactor pump (used to circulate reactor coolant), also creates noise, as opposed to a conventional submarine, which can move about on almost silent electric motors. Some of the most serious nuclear and radiation accidents by death toll in the world have involved nuclear submarine mishaps. To date, all of these were units of the former Soviet Union. Reactor accidents that resulted in core damage and release of radioactivity from nuclear-powered submarines include: Nuclear submarine A nuclear submarine is a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor. The performance advantages of nuclear submarines over \"conventional\" (typically diesel-electric) submarines are considerable. Nuclear propulsion,", "title": "Nuclear submarine" }, { "docid": "3888940", "text": "Wilkins. Calvert wrote the book \"Surface at the Pole\" about this and the other Arctic missions of USS \"Skate.\" The film \"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea\" begins with \"Seaview\" in the Arctic for the final phase of her sea trials, including a dive under the ice cap. Two milestones in underwater exploration were achieved in 1960, the year before \"Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea\" was released. On January 23, 1960, Jacques Piccard and Lieutenant Don Walsh (USN), in the bathyscaphe \"Trieste\", made the first descent to the bottom of the Challenger Deep. The Challenger Deep is", "title": "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" }, { "docid": "6692814", "text": "December 2005 North American ice storm The December 2005 North American ice storm was a damaging winter storm that produced extensive ice damage in a large portion of the Southern United States from December 14–16, 2005, while extensive snowfall was reported across portions of the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The ice storm led to enormous and widespread power outages, and at least 7 deaths. The storm was triggered by a deep low pressure system formed over the Gulf of Mexico on 14 December 2005, which began moving northward. At the same time, cold arctic air from northern Canada", "title": "December 2005 North American ice storm" }, { "docid": "15842875", "text": "in Resolute Bay, Nunavut, Canada for the biannual Polar Race, which he organises. Having just completed the race, he had taken a rowing machine out of the hotel onto the ice. A friend, seeing him, joked, \"What are you going to do next Jock? Row to the Pole!\" Jock Wishart publicly announced his intention and the expedition's sponsor, Scotch Whisky brand Old Pulteney, in April 2010. The attempt began on 28 July 2011. The crew departed from Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island heading across the Wellington Channel to the coast of Devon Island. In open waters they made swift progress to", "title": "Old Pulteney Row To The Pole" }, { "docid": "8363408", "text": "Quelccaya Ice Cap The Quelccaya Ice Cap is the second largest glaciated area in the tropics, after Coropuna. Located in the Cordillera Oriental section of the Andes mountains of Peru, the ice cap is at an average altitude of and spans an area of . As with the majority of the Earth's glaciers, the Quelccaya Ice cap has retreated significantly since it was first studied. Since 1978 the icecap has lost approximately 20% of its area, and the rate of retreat is increasing. Comparing pictures taken in 1963 and 1978, an annual retreat rate of was estimated. In the first", "title": "Quelccaya Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "5373017", "text": "remain classified. Much of the HEU supplied by the US was used not for weapons, but as fuel for the growing fleet of UK nuclear submarines. Under the MDA, the US supplied the UK with not just nuclear submarine propulsion technology, but a complete S5W pressurised water reactor of the kind used to power the US submarines. This was used in the Royal Navy's first nuclear-powered submarine, , which was launched in 1960 and commissioned in 1963. The S5W had a Nuclear reactor core that used uranium enriched to between 93 and 97 per cent uranium-235. Reactor technology was transferred", "title": "Nuclear weapons and the United Kingdom" }, { "docid": "14791091", "text": "a Santa's Village amusement park. Soon discovering the charade, Stewie threatens to shoot Brian if he does not take him to the real North Pole. Stewie hitches a ride with a trucker and so Brian follows him all the way to Canada. On the way, Stewie accidentally causes a traffic pileup by discharging a flare pistol in the cab of the truck, which catches fire and explodes. Crashing his car in a chain reaction, Brian becomes angry and tells Stewie that Santa does not exist. Stewie becomes frustrated and continues to attempt to hitchhike, coercing Brian to join him. The", "title": "Road to the North Pole" }, { "docid": "11391628", "text": "Captain William Penny, a whaling captain from Aberdeen in Scotland who pioneered over-wintering with native Inuit at Cumberland Sound in order to be able to start whaling (in the nineteenth century) much earlier in the season. He was also engaged by Lady Franklin to search for her husband John, lost with all souls in the search for the North West Passage. Penny Ice Cap The Penny Ice Cap is a ice cap in Auyuittuq National Park of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada. It forms a high barrier on the Cumberland Peninsula, an area of deep fiords and glaciated valleys. It is", "title": "Penny Ice Cap" }, { "docid": "11709265", "text": "The Purchase of the North Pole The Purchase of the North Pole or Topsy-Turvy () is an adventure novel by Jules Verne, published in 1889. It is the third and last novel of the Baltimore Gun Club, first appearing in \"From the Earth to the Moon\", and later in \"Around the Moon\", featuring the same characters but set twenty years later. Like some other books of his later years, in this novel Verne tempers his love of science and engineering with a good dose of irony about their potential for harmful abuse and the fallibility of human endeavors. In the", "title": "The Purchase of the North Pole" }, { "docid": "5258494", "text": "The Tall Ships' Races in Europe in 1972 where he joined the USCGC \"Eagle\" with his brigantine \"Black Pearl\" as the first US vessels to participate in the races. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Tall Ships America's mission is to encourage character building through sail training, promote sail training to the North American public, and support education under sail. Tall Ships America organizes the TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE Series, a series of sail training races, rallies and maritime festivals that rotate every three years around the Atlantic, Pacific and Great Lakes Coasts of North America. In 2016, the TALL SHIPS CHALLENGE series", "title": "American Sail Training Association" }, { "docid": "3888930", "text": "The \"Seaview\" is designed and built by scientist and engineering genius Admiral Harriman Nelson (USN-Ret) (Walter Pidgeon). Captain Lee Crane (Robert Sterling) is the \"Seaview's\" Commanding Officer. One of the on-board observers is Dr. Susan Hiller (Joan Fontaine), studying crew-related stress. The mission includes being out of radio contact for 96 hours while under the Arctic ice cap, but the ice begins to crack and melt, with boulder-size pieces crashing into the ocean around the submarine. Surfacing, they discover fire burning in the sky. After the rescue of scientist Miguel Alvarez (Michael Ansara) and his dog at Ice Floe Delta,", "title": "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" }, { "docid": "10430378", "text": "Nuclear cap-binding protein complex Nuclear cap-binding protein complex is a RNA-binding protein which binds to the 5' cap of pre-mRNA. The cap and nuclear cap-binding protein have many functions in mRNA biogenesis including splicing, 3'-end formation by stabilizing the interaction of the 3'-end processing machinery, nuclear export and protection of the transcripts from nuclease degradation. When RNA is exported to the cytoplasm the nuclear cap-binding protein complex is replaced by cytoplasmic cap binding complex. The nuclear cap-binding complex is a functional heterodimer and composed of Cbc1/Cbc2 in yeast and CBC20/CBC80 in multicellular eukaryotes. Human nuclear cap-binding protein complex shows the", "title": "Nuclear cap-binding protein complex" }, { "docid": "18785296", "text": "Dingle's plan and saving Christmas. A sequel to this movie called \"Elf Bowling 2: The Great Pumpkin Heist\" was to be released the following year (fall 2008), but was cancelled. \"Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike\" was widely panned by critics and audiences. Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike is a 2007 American computer animated film based on the game \"Elf Bowling\". The film was outsourced in South Korea for its animation department and visual effects and it was directed by Dave", "title": "Elf Bowling the Movie: The Great North Pole Elf Strike" }, { "docid": "17460069", "text": "Lake North Pole Lake North Pole, also known as The North Pool, is a small, shallow lake near the North Pole, and is currently the northernmost lake in the world. It came into existence in 2002, occurring each year, then freezing over in the winter. The lake, which is approximately one foot deep, is composed almost entirely of fresh water melted from the ice beneath. A web camera is stationed beside the lake to monitor changes. It was built by the Polar Science Center. On July 26, 2013, the depth was estimated to be approximately 40 cm. Members of the", "title": "Lake North Pole" }, { "docid": "290003", "text": "trek from Ellesmere Island in Canada, a distance of 800 km. On 7 September 1991 the German research vessel \"Polarstern\" and the Swedish icebreaker \"Oden\" reached the North Pole as the first conventional powered vessels. Both scientific parties and crew took oceanographic and geological samples and had a common tug of war and a football game on an ice floe. Polarstern again reached the pole exactly 10 years later with the \"Healy\". In 1998, 1999, and 2000 Lada Niva Marshs (special very large wheeled versions made by BRONTO, Lada/Vaz's experimental product division) were driven to the North Pole. The 1998", "title": "North Pole" }, { "docid": "644492", "text": "To Sail Beyond the Sunset To Sail Beyond the Sunset is a science fiction novel by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, published in 1987. It was the last novel published before his death in 1988. The title is taken from the poem \"Ulysses\", by Alfred Lord Tennyson. The stanza of which it is a part, quoted by a character in the novel, is as follows: <poem> ... my purpose holds To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths Of all the western stars, until I die. </poem> It is the final part of the \"Lazarus Long\" cycle of stories, involving", "title": "To Sail Beyond the Sunset" }, { "docid": "2676097", "text": "Skate-class submarine The \"Skate\"-class submarines were the United States Navy's first production run of nuclear-powered submarines. They were an evolution of the in everything except their propulsion plants, which were based on the operational prototype . The four \"Skate\" class boats re-introduced stern torpedo tubes. Although among the smallest nuclear-powered attack submarines ever built, the \"Skate\" class served for many years, with the last being decommissioned in 1989. USS \"Skate\" was the first submarine to surface at the North Pole, on 17 March 1959. \"Skate\" and \"Sargo\" were built with the S3W reactor, \"Swordfish\" and \"Seadragon\" also had the S3W", "title": "Skate-class submarine" }, { "docid": "2589355", "text": "planes were moved to the massive sail to cut down on flow-induced noise near the bow sonar arrays. They were known as sail planes or fairwater planes. The \"Skipjack\"s were the first class built with sail planes; they were later backfitted on the \"Barbel\"s. This design feature would be repeated on all U.S. nuclear submarines until the improved , the first of which was launched in 1988. The small \"turtleback\" behind the sail was the exhaust piping of the auxiliary diesel generator. The \"Skipjack\"s also introduced the S5W reactor to U.S. nuclear submarines. It was known as ASFR (Advanced Submarine", "title": "Skipjack-class submarine" }, { "docid": "13659261", "text": "front of her sail. On 13 August 1963 a fire in the torpedo room wounded and intoxicated four sailors, one of whom later died of his wounds. In May 1964, \"Espadon\" and \"Marsouin\" steamed under sea ice in the Norwegian Sea as far as 70° north. \"Espadon\" undertook significant modifications from 1966 to 1968, notably upgrading the boat's sonar, sail and rudders. \"Espadon\" has been a museum ship at the \"ville-port\" of Saint-Nazaire in the German-built submarine base since 1987. French submarine Espadon (S637) Espadon was a \"Narval\"-class submarine of the French Navy. Along with sister boat \"Marsouin\", the boat", "title": "French submarine Espadon (S637)" }, { "docid": "290020", "text": "will be entirely free of ice in the summer. This may have significant commercial implications; see \"Territorial Claims,\" below. The retreat of the Arctic sea ice will accelerate global warming, as less ice cover reflects less solar radiation, and may have serious climate implications by contributing to Arctic cyclone generation. Polar bears are believed to travel rarely beyond about 82° North owing to the scarcity of food, though tracks have been seen in the vicinity of the North Pole, and a 2006 expedition reported sighting a polar bear just from the Pole. The ringed seal has also been seen at", "title": "North Pole" } ]
What was John Glenn/'s first spacecraft called?
[ "Mercury 6", "Mercury Atlas 6", "Mercury-Atlas 6", "Friendship VII", "Friendship vii", "Mercury-Atlas (MA) 6", "Mercury Friendship 7", "Friendship Seven", "Friendship 7" ]
[ { "docid": "690475", "text": "was not popular with the other astronauts. Glenn was the backup pilot for Shepard and Grissom on the first two manned Project Mercury flights, the sub-orbital missions Mercury-Redstone 3 and Mercury-Redstone 4. Glenn was selected for Mercury-Atlas 6, NASA's first manned orbital flight, with Carpenter as his backup. Putting a man in orbit would achieve one of Project Mercury's most important goals. Shepard and Grissom had named their spacecraft \"Freedom 7\" and \"Liberty Bell 7\". The numeral 7 had originally been the production number of Shepard's spacecraft, but had come to represent the Mercury 7. Glenn named his spacecraft, number", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690476", "text": "13, \"Friendship 7\", and had the name hand-painted on the side like the one on his F-86 had been. Glenn and Carpenter completed their training for the mission in January 1962, but postponement of the launch allowed them to continue rehearsing. Glenn spent 25 hours and 25 minutes in the spacecraft performing hangar and altitude tests, and 59 hours and 45 minutes in the simulator. He flew 70 simulated missions and reacted to 189 simulated system failures. After a long series of delays, \"Friendship 7\" lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on February 20, 1962. There were eleven", "title": "John Glenn" } ]
[ { "docid": "9787113", "text": "Glenn S. Anderson Glenn S. Anderson (born February 8, 1954) is a politician from the U.S. state of Michigan. He was a Democratic member of the Michigan Senate from 2007 to 2015 and the Michigan House of Representatives from 2001 to 2007. In the 2012 election, Anderson challenged U.S. House of Representatives member John Conyers in a primary election, after Conyers lost part of his district to redistricting after the 2010 U.S. Census. Anderson lives in Westland with his wife Gail, where they have lived for over 37 years. They have two adult children, Melissa and Kyle, and two grandchildren,", "title": "Glenn S. Anderson" }, { "docid": "12957662", "text": "John Glenn (judge) John Glenn (October 9, 1795 – July 8, 1853) was a Maryland attorney and federal judge. Born in Elkton, Maryland, Glenn read law to enter the bar in 1817. He was in private practice in Baltimore, Maryland for a time, and then became the U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland. He was nominated by President Millard Fillmore on March 18, 1852, to a seat on the United States District Court for the District of Maryland vacated by Upton S. Heath. The following day, Glenn was confirmed by the United States Senate and received his commission. He", "title": "John Glenn (judge)" }, { "docid": "690480", "text": "and a minimum altitude of (perigee). The flight made Glenn the first American to orbit the Earth, the third American in space, and the fifth human in space. The mission, which Glenn called \"best day of his life\", renewed U.S. confidence. His flight occurred while the U.S. and the Soviet Union were embroiled in the Cold War and competing in the Space Race. As the first American in orbit, Glenn became a national hero, met President John F. Kennedy, and received a ticker-tape parade in New York reminiscent of those honoring Charles Lindbergh and other heroes. He became \"so valuable", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690517", "text": "Democrats did not want to exclude McCain, as he was the only Republican being investigated, which means they could not excuse Glenn from the investigation either. McCain and Glenn were reprimanded the least of the five, as the Senate commission found that they had exercised \"poor judgment\". The GOP focused on Glenn's \"poor judgement\" rather than what Glenn saw as complete exoneration. GOP chairman Robert Bennett said, \"John Glenn misjudged Charles Keating. He also misjudged the tolerance of Ohio's taxpayers, who are left to foot the bill of nearly $2 billion.\" After the Senate's report, Glenn said, \"They so firmly", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690477", "text": "delays during the countdown due to equipment malfunctions and improvements and the weather. During Glenn's first orbit, a failure of the automatic-control system was detected. This forced Glenn to operate in manual mode for the second and third orbits, and for re-entry. Later in the flight, telemetry indicated that the heat shield had loosened. If this reading had been accurate, Glenn and his spacecraft would have burned up on re-entry. After a lengthy discussion on how to deal with this problem, ground controllers decided that leaving the retrorocket pack in place might help keep the loose heat shield in place.", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690493", "text": "appointed Attorney General. Both Glenn and Metzenbaum sought the vacated seat, which was to be filled by Governor John Gilligan. Gilligan was planning on a presidential or vice-presidential run in the near future, and offered Glenn the lieutenant governor position, with the thought that Glenn would ascend to governor when Gilligan was elected to a higher position. The Ohio Democratic party backed this solution to avoid what was expected to be a divisive primary battle between Metzenbaum and Glenn. He declined, denouncing their attempts as \"bossism\" and \"blackmail\". Glenn's counteroffer suggested that Gilligan fill the position with someone other than", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690491", "text": "a significant funding advantage over Glenn. Glenn's camp persuaded him to be thrifty during the primary so he could save money for the general election. By the end of the primary campaign, Metzenbaum was spending four times as much as Glenn. Glenn was defeated in the Democratic primary by Metzenbaum (who received 51 percent of the vote to Glenn's 49 percent). Some prominent Democrats said Glenn was a \"hapless political rube\", and one newspaper called him \"the ultimate square\". Metzenbaum lost the general election to Robert Taft Jr. Glenn remained active in the political scene following his defeat. John J.", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "15470161", "text": "William St. John Glenn William St. John Glenn (1904–1974) was an Irish-British illustrator, painter and comics artist. He was born in Belfast and at sixteen he had his first drawing reproduced in \"Ireland's Saturday Night\". This early success prompted him to seek a career in art. To gain experience, in 1919, he entered the Artists' Department in a small publishing house, Graham & Heslip Ltd., and for over five years illustrated countless booklets, and did figure sketches in black and white and colour. In May 1926, at the age of 21, Glenn saw his own strip cartoon called \"Oscar\" appear", "title": "William St. John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690516", "text": "of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Readiness and Defense Infrastructure. Glenn was one of the Keating Fivethe U.S. Senators involved with the savings and loan crisisafter Glenn accepted a $200,000 campaign contribution from Lincoln Savings and Loan Association head Charles Keating. During the crisis, the Senators were accused of delaying the seizure of Keating's S&L, which cost taxpayers an additional $2 billion. The combination of perceived political pressure and Keating's monetary contributions to the senators led to an investigation. The Ethic Committee's outside counsel, Robert Bennett, wanted to eliminate Republican Senator John McCain and Glenn from the investigation. The", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690445", "text": "John Glenn Colonel John Herschel Glenn Jr. (July 18, 1921 – December 8, 2016) was a United States Marine Corps aviator, engineer, astronaut, businessman, and politician. He was the first American to orbit the Earth, circling it three times in 1962. Following his retirement from NASA, he served from 1974 to 1999 as a Democratic United States Senator from Ohio. Before joining NASA, Glenn was a distinguished fighter pilot in World War II, China and Korea. He shot down three MiG-15s, and was awarded six Distinguished Flying Crosses and eighteen Air Medals. In 1957, he made the first supersonic transcontinental", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "9787116", "text": "for Legislative Leadership Development and Toll Fellowships. Anderson was a member of the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and the Council of State Governments Great Lakes Caucus throughout his legislative career. In 2014, Senator Anderson was invited by the British Embassy, along with four other state legislators from across the United States, to see first-hand the efforts of the United Kingdom to combat global warming. Anderson left the State Senate on January 1, 2015, due to term limits. Glenn S. Anderson Glenn S. Anderson (born February 8, 1954) is a politician from the U.S. state of Michigan. He was a", "title": "Glenn S. Anderson" }, { "docid": "7874620", "text": "up the creek to set up another farmstead - near the banks of Fish Creek, just east of Macleod Trail in what is now Midnapore, Calgary. There John Glenn started the construction of his historic irrigation system — this was 19 years before the Alberta Irrigation Company started their first project near Lethbridge, Alberta. Glenn built an earth and rock dam about a half a mile west of Macleod Trail and diverted water from the creek into a ditch which diverted the water to irrigate his fields east of the Trail. This irrigation scheme also worked to supply water for", "title": "John Glenn (Alberta)" }, { "docid": "690536", "text": "School of Public Affairs. He held an adjunct professorship at the school. In February 2015, it was announced that it would become the John Glenn College of Public Affairs in April. The Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland is named after him, and the Senator John Glenn Highway runs along a stretch of I-480 in Ohio across from the Glenn Research Center. Colonel Glenn Highway (which passes Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Wright State University near Dayton, Ohio), John Glenn High School in his hometown of New Concord, and the former Col. John Glenn Elementary in Seven Hills,", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690538", "text": "airport was renamed John Glenn Columbus International Airport. Glenn and his family attended the ceremony, during which he spoke about how visiting the airport as a child had kindled his interest in flying. On September 12, 2016, Blue Origin announced the New Glenn, a rocket. Orbital ATK named the Cygnus space capsule used in the NASA CRS OA-7 mission to the international space station \"S.S. \"John Glenn\"\" in his honor. The mission successfully lifted off on April 16, 2017. Glenn's public life and legacy began when he received his first ticker tape parade for breaking the transcontinental airspeed record. As", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690468", "text": "younger than 40, possess a bachelor's degree or equivalent, and be or less. Only the height requirement was strictly enforced, owing to the size of the Project Mercury spacecraft. This was fortunate for Glenn, who barely met the requirements, as he was near the age cutoff and lacked a science-based degree. The 110 were then split into three groups, with the most promising in the first group. The first group of 35, which included Alan Shepard, assembled at the Pentagon on February 2, 1959. The Navy and Marine Corps officers were welcomed by the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Arleigh", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "7874615", "text": "John Glenn (Alberta) John Glenn (1833 in County Mayo, Ireland – January 9, 1886 in Calgary, Alberta) was the first documented European to settle in the Calgary, Alberta, Canada area. He settled there in 1873 with his wife Adelaide (née Belcourt), and built a small log cabin near the confluence of Fish Creek and the Bow River - in today's Fish Creek Provincial Park. John Glenn was born in Mayo County, Ireland in 1833. As a young man he left Ireland and travelled to England. He was homesick for his native country so started to travel back home, however he", "title": "John Glenn (Alberta)" }, { "docid": "690523", "text": "research reason. It's got nothing to do with medicine\". In a 2012 interview, Glenn said he regretted that NASA did not continue its research on aging by sending additional elderly people into space. After STS-95 returned safely, its crew received a ticker-tape parade. On October 15, 1998, NASA Road 1 (the main route to the Johnson Space Center) was temporarily renamed John Glenn Parkway for several months. Glenn was awarded the NASA Space Flight Medal in 1998 for flying on STS-95. In 2001, Glenn opposed sending Dennis Tito, the world's first space tourist, to the International Space Station because Tito's", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690532", "text": "shuttle astronaut Charles Bolden, who wrote: \"John Glenn's legacy is one of risk and accomplishment, of history created and duty to country carried out under great pressure with the whole world watching.\" President Obama ordered flags to be flown at half-mast until Glenn's burial. On April 5, 2017, President Donald Trump issued presidential proclamation , titled \"Honoring the Memory of John Glenn\". Glenn was awarded the John J. Montgomery Award in 1963. Glenn received National Geographic Society's Hubbard Medal in 1962. Glenn, along with 37 other space race astronauts, received the Ambassador of Space Exploration Award in 2006. He was", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "17484911", "text": "Charlize Theron, Virginia Madsen, Sophia Bush, Jason O'Mara, and Angela Bassett. Glenn is currently in development on a new \"Merlin\", a franchise film and book property that reinvents Arthurian legend. In the summer of 2013 Glenn signed a new two-year deal to develop and write for Universal TV. His company, John Glenn Entertainment, is located on the Universal lot. Glenn attended Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and currently lives in San Marino, California with his wife and three kids. John Glenn (screenwriter) John Patrick Glenn is an American screenwriter, producer, and director. Glenn was born in Tuscaloosa,", "title": "John Glenn (screenwriter)" }, { "docid": "690540", "text": "the oldest human to touch the stars.\" NASA administrator Charles Bolden said: \"Senator Glenn's legacy is one of risk and accomplishment, of history created and duty to country carried out under great pressure with the whole world watching\". John Glenn Colonel John Herschel Glenn Jr. (July 18, 1921 – December 8, 2016) was a United States Marine Corps aviator, engineer, astronaut, businessman, and politician. He was the first American to orbit the Earth, circling it three times in 1962. Following his retirement from NASA, he served from 1974 to 1999 as a Democratic United States Senator from Ohio. Before joining", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690531", "text": "offer, and that Zwicharowski's actions were improper. No administrative action was taken as he had retired. President Barack Obama said that John Glenn, \"the first American to orbit the Earth, reminded us that with courage and a spirit of discovery there's no limit to the heights we can reach together\". Tributes were also paid by President-elect Donald Trump, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The phrase \"Godspeed, John Glenn\", which fellow Mercury astronaut Scott Carpenter used to hail Glenn's launch into space, became his social-media hashtag: #GodspeedJohnGlenn. Former and current astronauts added tributes; so did NASA Administrator and former", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "15715617", "text": "John Glenn High School (Walkerton, Indiana) John Glenn High School is a public high school in Walkerton, Indiana. It is the only high school in the John Glenn School district. John Glenn High School is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (N.C.A.). This association is an organization, which establishes the highest standards of education for their member schools. Credits earned at John Glenn High School are accepted by all high schools and colleges in Indiana and by all schools that are members of the N.C.A. John Glenn has a First Class commissioned rating from the", "title": "John Glenn High School (Walkerton, Indiana)" }, { "docid": "690497", "text": "ovations. Glenn's keynote address immediately followed Jordan's, and he failed to impress the delegates. Walter Cronkite described it as \"dull\", and other delegates complained that he was hard to hear. Carter called Glenn to inform him the nomination was going to another candidate, and later nominated the veteran politician Walter Mondale. It was also reported that Carter's wife thought Annie Glenn, who had a stutter, would hurt the campaign. In his first reelection campaign, Glenn ran opposed in the primary for the 1980 Senate election. His opponents, engineer Francis Hunstiger and ex-teacher Frances Waterman, were not well-known and poorly funded.", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "16572466", "text": "post-Project Mercury manned spacecraft plans. Deputy Administrator Hugh L. Dryden announced at the conference opening that \"the next spacecraft beyond Mercury will be called Apollo.\" On August 30, NASA presented plans to award three feasibility study contracts for the Apollo spacecraft, conceived as a three-man Earth orbital and circumlunar craft, with growth potential for manned lunar landings. A Request For Proposal was issued on September 12, and fourteen bids were received by October 9. On October 25, NASA awarded the $250,000, six-month contracts to General Dynamics/Convair, General Electric, and the Glenn L. Martin Company. Meanwhile, members of the Space Task", "title": "Apollo spacecraft feasibility study" }, { "docid": "20455358", "text": "and the Home Front during WWII through a living history presentation. John and Annie Glenn Museum The John & Annie Glenn Museum is a museum in New Concord, Ohio, United States, honoring astronaut and senator John Glenn and his wife Annie Glenn. It is located at the site of Glenn's boyhood home, which has been moved back to Main Street in New Concord, Ohio and restored as it was when he lived there until his enlistment in World War II. The mission of the museum is to honor the first American to orbit the Earth and his partnership with a", "title": "John and Annie Glenn Museum" }, { "docid": "20455357", "text": "John and Annie Glenn Museum The John & Annie Glenn Museum is a museum in New Concord, Ohio, United States, honoring astronaut and senator John Glenn and his wife Annie Glenn. It is located at the site of Glenn's boyhood home, which has been moved back to Main Street in New Concord, Ohio and restored as it was when he lived there until his enlistment in World War II. The mission of the museum is to honor the first American to orbit the Earth and his partnership with a remarkable woman. They also teach about life during the Great Depression", "title": "John and Annie Glenn Museum" }, { "docid": "7874621", "text": "Glenn's nearest neighbour, William Shaw, who arrived from England in 1883 as well as water for the Shaw's woollen mills. Adelaide and John had eight children, Patrick, John, Alfred, William, Edward, Margaret, Eliza and Mathilde, (Eliza and Mathilde both died in childhood). Patrick was the only one to marry and have children. He married Filomene Hodgson, daughter of George Hodgson, Indian Agent at Sarcee Indian Reserve; they had six children. The story of John Glenn has an unfortunate ending. It is unclear what happened in late December 1885, shortly after the Saskatchewan Rebellion. One story goes that John Glenn's horses", "title": "John Glenn (Alberta)" }, { "docid": "690537", "text": "Ohio, were also named for him. Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock, Arkansas was named for him in 1962. High schools in Westland and Bay City, Michigan; Walkerton, Indiana; San Angelo, Texas, and Norwalk, California bear Glenn's name. The fireboat \"John H. Glenn Jr.\", operated by the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department and protecting sections of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers which run through Washington, D.C., was named for him, as was USNS \"John Glenn\" (T-MLP-2), a mobile landing platform delivered to the U.S. Navy on March 12, 2014. In June 2016, the Port Columbus, Ohio,", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "19421270", "text": "Award. What Was Said What Was Said (released January 29, 2016 on the ECM label) is an album by pianist Tord Gustavsen, vocalist Simin Tander and drummer Jarle Vespestad. The Allmusic review by Thom Jurek awarded \"What Was Said\" 4 stars and stated \"This band incorporates improvisational elements into the core of each composition, and the role of the singer is as a co-conspirator in the creation of the moment.\". They also selected it as one of their Favorite Jazz Albums of 2016. Writing in The Guardian, John Fordham called it \"returning to simple songs with religious roots, and to", "title": "What Was Said" }, { "docid": "19421268", "text": "What Was Said What Was Said (released January 29, 2016 on the ECM label) is an album by pianist Tord Gustavsen, vocalist Simin Tander and drummer Jarle Vespestad. The Allmusic review by Thom Jurek awarded \"What Was Said\" 4 stars and stated \"This band incorporates improvisational elements into the core of each composition, and the role of the singer is as a co-conspirator in the creation of the moment.\". They also selected it as one of their Favorite Jazz Albums of 2016. Writing in The Guardian, John Fordham called it \"returning to simple songs with religious roots, and to collaboration", "title": "What Was Said" }, { "docid": "17484909", "text": "John Glenn (screenwriter) John Patrick Glenn is an American screenwriter, producer, and director. Glenn was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and worked as a musician prior to moving to Los Angeles. Glenn began his screenwriting career in 2000, selling the spec script for the film Red World to Jerry Bruckheimer and Walt Disney Pictures. Subsequently, Glenn worked on films including \"Journey to the Center of the Earth\" with producer Richard Zanuck, \"Clash of the Titans\" with producer Adam Schroeder and \"Law Abiding Citizen\" with director F. Gary Gray. In 2008, he wrote the original draft for the Steven Spielberg produced feature", "title": "John Glenn (screenwriter)" }, { "docid": "9029772", "text": "John Glenn High School (Westland, Michigan) John Glenn High School is a public high school in Westland, Michigan in Metro Detroit. It serves portions of Westland, Canton Township, Inkster, and Dearborn Heights. It is a part of the Wayne-Westland Community Schools district. One of two traditional high schools serving the Wayne-Westland Community Schools, John Glenn High School is located in the city of Westland, Michigan. The school, which opened in 1964, was named for astronaut John Glenn, who just two years prior had become the first American to orbit the earth. The \"space\" theme dominates at JGHS, including the nickname", "title": "John Glenn High School (Westland, Michigan)" }, { "docid": "690500", "text": "president would help unite the country. Glenn believed his experience as a senator from Ohio was ideal, due to the state's diversity. Glenn thought that Teddy Kennedy could win the election, but after Kennedy's announcement in late 1982 that he would not seek the presidency, Glenn thought he had a much better chance of winning. He hired a media consultant to help him with his speaking style. Glenn announced his candidacy for president on April 21, 1983 in the John Glenn High School gymnasium. He started out the campaign out-raising the front-runner, Mondale. He also polled the highest of any", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "14191202", "text": "River with areas of shallow water. On 2012, Washington DC's Inspector General published a report that the \"John Glenn\"s maintenance had been dangerously neglected. The report noted that, in addition to not implementing a program of general inspection, the city had neglected to plan or budget for a replacement for the fifty-year-old vessel. The report listed hundreds of other municipalities who had been able to replace or upgrade their fireboats through FEMA Port Security Grants, but that Washington DC had not applied for a grant. The report estimated that it would cost $7 million to replace the John Glenn with", "title": "Fireboat John H. Glenn Jr." }, { "docid": "12957663", "text": "served on the court until his death. Glenn purchased and expanded his brothers slave farm estate Hilton near Catonsville, Maryland in 1842. He entertained Robert E. Lee as a guest several times and lived there until his death. The estate is currently part of the Community College of Baltimore County, with the majority of the original property subdivided for housing developments. John Glenn (judge) John Glenn (October 9, 1795 – July 8, 1853) was a Maryland attorney and federal judge. Born in Elkton, Maryland, Glenn read law to enter the bar in 1817. He was in private practice in Baltimore,", "title": "John Glenn (judge)" }, { "docid": "14191204", "text": "an icebreaking bow. On January 31, 2009, the excursion vessel \"Spirit of Washington\" smashed into the dock shared by the fire department and police department's boats, damaging the \"John H. Glenn Jr\". Fireboat John H. Glenn Jr. The John H. Glenn Jr. is a fireboat stationed on the Potomac and Anacostia rivers in Washington, D.C. Her bow was reinforced in 1984, and allows her to also serve as an icebreaker during the winter. The vessel served the New York City Fire Department for her first fifteen years before being sold to the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services", "title": "Fireboat John H. Glenn Jr." }, { "docid": "7874623", "text": "University of Calgary they intended to reconstruct the building in its original site, to date it has not been done and there is no indication when or if this will be done (funding is not currently available). John Glenn (Alberta) John Glenn (1833 in County Mayo, Ireland – January 9, 1886 in Calgary, Alberta) was the first documented European to settle in the Calgary, Alberta, Canada area. He settled there in 1873 with his wife Adelaide (née Belcourt), and built a small log cabin near the confluence of Fish Creek and the Bow River - in today's Fish Creek Provincial", "title": "John Glenn (Alberta)" }, { "docid": "9405868", "text": "Glenn Cornick Glenn Douglas Barnard Cornick (23 April 1947 – 28 August 2014) was a British bass player, best known as a founding member of the British band Jethro Tull. \"Rolling Stone\" has called his playing with Tull as \"stout, nimble underpinning, the vital half of a blues-ribbed, jazz-fluent rhythm section\". Cornick attended Barrow-in-Furness Grammar School for Boys and then moved to Blackpool. The first group Glenn Cornick played with was \"The Executives\", a group that played cover versions of famous songs in clubs and pubs. Later, he joined a soul band called John Evan Smash in which Ian Anderson", "title": "Glenn Cornick" }, { "docid": "690463", "text": "1959, he was assigned to the Fighter Design Branch of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics in Washington, D.C., and attended the University of Maryland. On July 16, 1957, he made the first supersonic transcontinental flight. At that time, the transcontinental speed record, held by an Air Force Republic F-84 Thunderjet, was 3 hours 45 minutes and Glenn calculated that an F8U Crusader could do it faster. Because its air speed was faster than that of a .45 caliber bullet, Glenn called his project \"Project Bullet\". He flew an F8U Crusader from Los Alamitos, California to Floyd Bennett Field in New", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "2314486", "text": "en route from Europe on March 22, 1981, with his wife at his side. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery on March 27, 1981. was named for both Admirals McCain. McCain was written about extensively in his son John's 1999 memoir \"Faith of My Fathers\". McCain was portrayed by actor Scott Glenn in the 2005 television movie adaptation. Grandson John S. \"Jack\" McCain IV attended and graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 2009, the fourth-generation John S. McCain to do so, and also became a Naval Aviator like his father and great-grandfather. John S. McCain Jr. received", "title": "John S. McCain Jr." }, { "docid": "690535", "text": "public service by an elected or appointed official, one of the annual Jefferson Awards. In 1961, Glenn received an honorary LL.D from Muskingum University, the college he attended before joining the military in World War II. He also received honorary doctorates from Nihon University in Tokyo; Wagner College in Staten Island, New York; Ohio Northern University; Williams College; and Brown University. In 1998 he helped found the John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy at Ohio State University to encourage public service. The institute merged with OSU's School of Public Policy and Management to become the John Glenn", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "20189329", "text": "and Glenn Martin Space Gallery at the National Museum of the USAF in 2016. The capsule was put on display in the exhibit hall of the Air Force Space and Missile Museum of the USAF in 2017. Gemini spacecraft No. 2 Gemini spacecraft No. 2 (officially known as \"Gemini SC-2\", for \"space capsule 2\") was the second NASA Project Gemini full-up space capsule built. This McDonnell Gemini capsule was the first ever spacecraft to be reused, flying twice into suborbital space. No.2 flew on missions Gemini-Titan 2 and Manned Orbiting Laboratory Gemini-B flight. The capsule is currently on display at", "title": "Gemini spacecraft No. 2" }, { "docid": "169890", "text": "1970s the first flybys of Jupiter were achieved by \"Pioneer 10\" and \"Pioneer 11\", and before the decade was out it was also visited by the more advanced \"Voyager 1\" and \"Voyager 2\" spacecraft. Work on the spacecraft began at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1977, while the \"Voyager 1\" and \"2\" missions were still being prepared for launch. Early plans called for a launch on on what was then codenamed STS-23 in January 1982, but delays in the development of the Space Shuttle allowed more time for development of the probe. As the shuttle program got underway, \"Galileo\" was scheduled", "title": "Galileo (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "5221110", "text": "at Spring St and Marietta which was commissioned by the George Fuller Company to coincide with the Spring Street Viaduct which they were building at the time. It was completed in 1923 and named for him. John Thomas Glenn John Thomas Glenn (March 21, 1844March 14, 1899) was the 31st Mayor of Atlanta from 1889 to 1891, and the son of another Atlanta mayor, Luther Glenn, and like his father an attorney at law. At the beginning of the American Civil War he was attending the University of Georgia where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree just before the", "title": "John Thomas Glenn" }, { "docid": "5221108", "text": "John Thomas Glenn John Thomas Glenn (March 21, 1844March 14, 1899) was the 31st Mayor of Atlanta from 1889 to 1891, and the son of another Atlanta mayor, Luther Glenn, and like his father an attorney at law. At the beginning of the American Civil War he was attending the University of Georgia where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree just before the institution was shut down in September 1863. He then served as a captain in the Confederate army. After the war, on April 23, 1873, he married Helen Augusta Garrard (1850–1924) of Columbus, Georgia, where her father", "title": "John Thomas Glenn" }, { "docid": "4728467", "text": "John Glenn Beall Jr. John Glenn Beall Jr. (June 19, 1927March 24, 2006), known as J. Glenn Beall Jr., was a Republican member of the United States Senate, representing the State of Maryland 1971–1977. He was also a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from 1962 to 1968, and the U.S. House of Representatives from the sixth district of Maryland from 1969 to 1971. His father, James Glenn Beall, was also a senator and representative from Maryland. Beall was born in Cumberland, Maryland, served in the United States Navy from 1945 to 1946, and graduated from Yale University in", "title": "John Glenn Beall Jr." }, { "docid": "15715618", "text": "Indiana Department of Public Instruction. The school was dedicated on October 20, 1968 with NASA astronaut John Glenn present. Glenn has won 18 state spell bowl competitions. John Glenn is given a score of 7/10 on greatschools.org. The school has scored higher than the state averages on the End-of-Course-Assessments given by the state of Indiana. The student-teacher ratio is slightly larger than the state average at 20 (Indiana average is 17) Source: 1NCES, 2008-2009 John Glenn offers 13 AP and college-credit courses including : John Glenn offers the following foreign languages: Spanish French Chinese The ethnic make-up of John Glenn", "title": "John Glenn High School (Walkerton, Indiana)" }, { "docid": "690524", "text": "trip had no scientific purpose. Glenn and Annie had two children—John David and Carolyn Ann—and two grandchildren, and remained married for 73 years until his death. A Freemason, Glenn was a member of Concord Lodge #688 in New Concord, Ohio. He received all of his degrees in full in a Mason at Sight ceremony from the Grand Master of Ohio in 1978, 14 years after petitioning his lodge. In 1999, Glenn became a 33rd-degree Scottish Rite Mason in the Valley of Cincinnati (NMJ). As an adult, he was honored as part of the DeMolay Legion of Honor by DeMolay International,", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "13104707", "text": "1929. On April 18, 1929, Glenn was nominated by President Herbert Hoover to a joint appointment to new seats on the United States District Court for the Western District of South Carolina and the United States District Court for the Eastern District of South Carolina created by 45 Stat. 1319. Glenn was confirmed by the United States Senate on April 29, 1929, and received his commission the same day. He served until his death, in Chester, in 1938. John Lyles Glenn Jr. John Lyles Glenn Jr. (April 2, 1892 – May 2, 1938) was a United States federal judge. Born", "title": "John Lyles Glenn Jr." }, { "docid": "690506", "text": "campaign\". DeWine responded that he would if Glenn would disclose how he spent the money he received from Charles Keating, fallout from Glenn being named one of the Keating Five. Glenn won the Senate seat, with 2.4 million votes to DeWine's 2 million votes. It was DeWine's first-ever campaign loss. DeWine later worked on the intelligence committee with Glenn and watched his second launch into space. Glenn requested to be assigned to two committees during his first year as senator: the Government Operations Committee (later known as the Committee on Governmental Affairs), and the Foreign Relations Committee. He was immediately", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "9566422", "text": "John Glenn College of Public Affairs The John Glenn College of Public Affairs is a public policy and management school at The Ohio State University. The Glenn College offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs in public affairs. The Glenn College provides research, training and technical assistance to state, public and nonprofit organizations. The college is named after United States Senator and Astronaut John Glenn. On January 30, 2015, the Ohio State University Board of Trustees approved a change of status of the former John Glenn School of Public Affairs making the new John Glenn College of Public Affairs the 15th", "title": "John Glenn College of Public Affairs" }, { "docid": "690448", "text": "to fly in both the Mercury and Space Shuttle programs. He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012. He died at the age of 95 in 2016. John Herschel Glenn Jr. was born on July 18, 1921, in Cambridge, Ohio, the son of John Herschel Glenn Sr., who worked for a plumbing firm, and Clara Teresa , a teacher. His parents had married shortly before his father, a member of the American Expeditionary Force, left for the Western Front during World War I. The family moved to New Concord, Ohio, soon after his birth, and his father started his", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "13656536", "text": "the Mastermixers. Glenn Miller Medley The \"Glenn Miller Medley\" (also called \"Plays Glenn Miller\") was a single by the John Anderson Big Band. It was a medley, covering several songs previously recorded by jazz musician Glenn Miller, including \"In the Mood\", \"American Patrol\", \"Little Brown Jug\" and \"Pennsylvania 6-5000\". It first entered the UK Singles Chart on 21 December 1985, and reached a peak position of number 63, and remained in the chart for 2 weeks. It re-entered the chart on 11 January 1986, remaining there for 3 more weeks, and reaching number 61. It was later sampled by Jive", "title": "Glenn Miller Medley" }, { "docid": "13656535", "text": "Glenn Miller Medley The \"Glenn Miller Medley\" (also called \"Plays Glenn Miller\") was a single by the John Anderson Big Band. It was a medley, covering several songs previously recorded by jazz musician Glenn Miller, including \"In the Mood\", \"American Patrol\", \"Little Brown Jug\" and \"Pennsylvania 6-5000\". It first entered the UK Singles Chart on 21 December 1985, and reached a peak position of number 63, and remained in the chart for 2 weeks. It re-entered the chart on 11 January 1986, remaining there for 3 more weeks, and reaching number 61. It was later sampled by Jive Bunny and", "title": "Glenn Miller Medley" }, { "docid": "6576038", "text": "he merged his company with Ridder Publications to form Knight-Ridder Newspapers Inc. He co-founded what would become the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation with his brother James L. Knight. John Knight lost first his wife, Katherine, and then two of three sons at early ages. Lieutenant John S. Knight, Jr. was killed in action near Münster, Germany on March 29, 1945. In retirement, John Knight devoted much of his time to the raising of Thoroughbred race horses at his Fourth Estate Stable based in Miami. Knight died of a heart attack in Akron. John S. Knight John Shively", "title": "John S. Knight" }, { "docid": "678795", "text": "to the Earth direction. This method of determining the relative orientation is called CONSCAN and was used by early radars for automated tracking of targets and also very common in early infra-red guided missiles. The spacecraft used S-band for uplinked commands and downlinked telemetry, through dual redundant 5-watt transceivers. The spacecraft used X-band for science return (downlink only), using dual 20 W TWTAs until the failure of the last remaining TWTA in January 2008. Both bands used the dish antenna with prime-focus feeds, unlike the Cassegrain feeds of most other spacecraft dishes. Dual tape recorders, each of approximately 45-megabit capacity,", "title": "Ulysses (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "10769914", "text": "other county titles for a total of 15. They also have been crowned Long Island Class B Champions for the past 12 years straight sending them onto the State Championships where they took State Class B titles 6 out of the last 10 years. (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2011, and 2012) The controversy over whether the Glenn Girls' volleyball program should be entitled to call themselves the \"Spiders\" rather than the \"Lady Knights\" is part of what makes the athletic program at John Glenn unique. Glenn's wrestling team was the Suffolk County Division II champion in 2007 and Suffolk County", "title": "Elwood-John H. Glenn High School" }, { "docid": "14191201", "text": "Fireboat John H. Glenn Jr. The John H. Glenn Jr. is a fireboat stationed on the Potomac and Anacostia rivers in Washington, D.C. Her bow was reinforced in 1984, and allows her to also serve as an icebreaker during the winter. The vessel served the New York City Fire Department for her first fifteen years before being sold to the District of Columbia Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department in 1977. When she was built, she was both faster than her older fleet-mates, and had a shallower draft, making her well-suited to be stationed in a region of the Hudson", "title": "Fireboat John H. Glenn Jr." }, { "docid": "4728470", "text": "Canal Development Act, establishing the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, among others.\" Beall served as the President and Chairman of the charity The League for Crippled Children from 1978 until the time of his death. Beall resumed the insurance business in Cumberland, and was very active in the local community until his death as a result of cancer. He is interred in Frostburg Memorial Park Cemetery. John Glenn Beall Jr. John Glenn Beall Jr. (June 19, 1927March 24, 2006), known as J. Glenn Beall Jr., was a Republican member of the United States Senate, representing the State of", "title": "John Glenn Beall Jr." }, { "docid": "13104706", "text": "John Lyles Glenn Jr. John Lyles Glenn Jr. (April 2, 1892 – May 2, 1938) was a United States federal judge. Born in Chester, South Carolina, Glenn received an A.B. from Wofford College in 1912 and an LL.B. from Oxford University in 1918 before serving as a Captain in the United States Army from 1918 to 1919. He was in private practice in Chester from 1919 to 1929, serving also as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 1919 to 1923 and as a solicitor and prosecuting attorney for the Sixth South Carolina Circuit from 1923 to", "title": "John Lyles Glenn Jr." }, { "docid": "2490556", "text": "what Beck contends is a clandestine conspiracy to take over and transform the United States.<ref name=\"5/17/2010\">\"Crime Inc.: Redistribution of Wealth\", \"Glenn Beck Program\", May 17, 2010</ref> Some of these individuals include Cass Sunstein, Van Jones, Andy Stern, John Podesta, Wade Rathke, Joel Rogers and Francis Fox Piven. Other figures tied to Beck's \"Crime Inc.\" accusation include Al Gore, Franklin Raines,<ref name=\"4/30/2010\">\"Glenn Beck: Crime Inc.\", \"Glenn Beck Program\", April 30, 2010</ref> Maurice Strong, George Soros,<ref name=\"6/22/2010\">Glenn Beck:' Soros Poised to Profit?\" Fox News, June 22, 2010</ref> John Holdren and President Barack Obama. According to Beck, these individuals already have or are", "title": "Glenn Beck" }, { "docid": "11774726", "text": "Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility The Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility, now known as the In-Space Propulsion Facility, is (according to NASA), the \"world’s only facility capable of testing full-scale upper-stage launch vehicles and rocket engines under simulated high-altitude conditions.\" The facility, located at NASA's Plum Brook Station of the Glenn Research Center near Sandusky, Ohio, was built in 1968. Its first major use was for testing stages of the Centaur Rocket, which was used to launch some of America's most important space probes. The facility was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1985. NASA's Plum Brook Station is located off Taylor", "title": "Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility" }, { "docid": "5412415", "text": "risk of their personal safety that guided these soldiers to do what they did,\" then-Major General Michael Ackerman said at the ceremony. The three \"set the standard for all soldiers to follow.\" Additionally on March 10, 1998, Senator Max Cleland (D-GA) entered a tribute to Thompson, Colburn and Andreotta into the record of the U.S. Senate. Cleland said the three men were, \"true examples of American patriotism at its finest.\" His name appears on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on panel 48E, line 50. In 1999, his name was among nearly a million sent aboard the Stardust spacecraft. Glenn Andreotta", "title": "Glenn Andreotta" }, { "docid": "11774729", "text": "altitude to launch their payloads out of Earth orbit. More than ten tests of Centaur rockets here enabled the later successful launches in the Pioneer, Voyager, and Viking programs. Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility The Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility, now known as the In-Space Propulsion Facility, is (according to NASA), the \"world’s only facility capable of testing full-scale upper-stage launch vehicles and rocket engines under simulated high-altitude conditions.\" The facility, located at NASA's Plum Brook Station of the Glenn Research Center near Sandusky, Ohio, was built in 1968. Its first major use was for testing stages of the Centaur Rocket, which", "title": "Spacecraft Propulsion Research Facility" }, { "docid": "10769917", "text": "2012, and returned to 277th in 2013, then went down to 376th in 2015. In 2016, Elwood-John H. Glenn High School was ranked 2nd out of 95 school districts on Long Island in terms of Advanced Placement exam scores. The College Board reported that 86 percent of students at the school who took the exams scored at least a 3 out of 5. Elwood-John H. Glenn High School Elwood-John H. Glenn High School (often shortened to simply John Glenn High School) is a four-year secondary school of about 800 students and 70 faculty members, located in the hamlet of Elwood,", "title": "Elwood-John H. Glenn High School" }, { "docid": "16572478", "text": "of Soyuz), the Chinese Shenzhou spacecraft, and the planned Indian ISRO Orbital Vehicle. Apollo spacecraft feasibility study The Apollo spacecraft feasibility study was conducted by NASA from July 1960 through May 1961 to investigate preliminary designs for a post-Project Mercury multi-manned spacecraft to be used for possible space station, circum-lunar, lunar orbital, or manned lunar landing missions. Six-month, $250,000 study contracts were awarded to General Dynamics/Convair, General Electric, and the Glenn L. Martin Company. Meanwhile, NASA conducted its own inhouse design study led by Maxime Faget, intended as a gauge of the competitors' entries. The three companies spent varying amounts", "title": "Apollo spacecraft feasibility study" }, { "docid": "9590443", "text": "a marching and concert band, as well as PanJGea, a steel drum group. JG Company is a travelling subset of the choir. The school also has a strolling strings group, String Sounds. In February 2018, JGHS Orchestra received a Superior rating in class C at OMEA state contest. John Glenn High School gets its name from its most famous alumnus, John Glenn, the former U.S. Senator and first American to orbit Earth, who graduated when the school was still New Concord High School. The school is located in Glenn's hometown of New Concord, Ohio and Glenn himself was an active", "title": "John Glenn High School (New Concord, Ohio)" }, { "docid": "4434716", "text": "What Is This Thing Called Love? \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" is a 1929 popular song written by Cole Porter, for the musical \"Wake Up and Dream\". It was first performed by Elsie Carlisle in March 1929. The song has become a popular jazz standard and one of Porter's most often played compositions. \"Wake Up and Dream\" ran for 263 shows in London. The show was also noticed in New York, and the critics praised Tilly Losch's performance of the song. The show was produced on Broadway in December 1929; in the American rendition, \"What Is This Thing Called", "title": "What Is This Thing Called Love?" }, { "docid": "690508", "text": "became the chair of both subcommittees. One of his goals as a new senator was developing environmental policies. Glenn introduced bills on energy policy to try to counter the energy crisis in the 70s. Glenn also introduced legislation promoting nuclear non-proliferation, and was the chief author of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978, the first of six major pieces of legislation that he produced on the subject. Glenn chaired the Committee on Governmental Affairs from 1987 to 1995. It was in this role that he discovered safety and environmental problems with the nation's nuclear weapons facilities. Glenn was made aware", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "2820807", "text": "by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, with spacecraft components contributed by European partners from Italy, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. It was the first NASA exploratory mission to use ion propulsion, which enabled it to enter and leave the orbit of two celestial bodies. Previous multi-target missions using conventional drives, such as the \"Voyager\" program, were restricted to flybys. The first working ion thruster in US was built by Harold R. Kaufman in 1959 at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Ohio. The thruster was similar to the general design of a gridded electrostatic ion thruster with mercury as its propellant. Suborbital", "title": "Dawn (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "690534", "text": "of Freedom. Glenn was the seventh astronaut to receive this distinction. The Congressional Gold Medal and the Presidential Medal of Freedom are considered the two most prestigious awards that can be bestowed on a civilian. The Society of Experimental Test Pilots awarded Glenn the Iven C. Kincheloe award in 1963, and he was inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame in 1968, National Aviation Hall of Fame in 1976, the International Space Hall of Fame in 1977, and the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1990. In 2000, he received the U.S. Senator John Heinz Award for", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "1936279", "text": "John Glenn Columbus International Airport John Glenn Columbus International Airport , is an international airport located east of downtown Columbus, Ohio. Formerly known as Port Columbus International Airport, it is managed by the Columbus Regional Airport Authority, which also oversees operations at Rickenbacker International Airport and Bolton Field. The airport code 'CMH' stands for \"Columbus Municipal Hangar,\" the original name for the airport. John Glenn Columbus International Airport is primarily a passenger airport. It provides 140 non-stop flights to 34 airports via 7 airlines daily. In 2016, traffic reached 7.3 million, which was an 8% increase over 2015. Traffic in", "title": "John Glenn Columbus International Airport" }, { "docid": "1936260", "text": "John Glenn Columbus International Airport John Glenn Columbus International Airport , is an international airport located east of downtown Columbus, Ohio. Formerly known as Port Columbus International Airport, it is managed by the Columbus Regional Airport Authority, which also oversees operations at Rickenbacker International Airport and Bolton Field. The airport code 'CMH' stands for \"Columbus Municipal Hangar,\" the original name for the airport. John Glenn Columbus International Airport is primarily a passenger airport. It provides 140 non-stop flights to 34 airports via 7 airlines daily. In 2016, traffic reached 7.3 million, which was an 8% increase over 2015. Traffic in", "title": "John Glenn Columbus International Airport" }, { "docid": "5361475", "text": "orbital parameters, to control attitude during thrusting, correct velocity errors, maneuver, counter disturbance forces (e.g., drag), and control and correct angular momentum. The propulsion subsystem includes a propellant, tankage, distribution system, pressurant, and propellant controls. It also includes thrusters or engines. Spacecraft design The design of spacecraft covers a broad area, including the design of both robotic spacecraft (satellites and planetary probes), and spacecraft for human spaceflight (spaceships and space stations). Spacecraft design was born as a discipline in the 1950's and 60's with the advent of American and Soviet space exploration programs. Since then it has progressed, although typically", "title": "Spacecraft design" }, { "docid": "5361466", "text": "Spacecraft design The design of spacecraft covers a broad area, including the design of both robotic spacecraft (satellites and planetary probes), and spacecraft for human spaceflight (spaceships and space stations). Spacecraft design was born as a discipline in the 1950's and 60's with the advent of American and Soviet space exploration programs. Since then it has progressed, although typically less than comparable terrestrial technologies. This is for a large part due to the challenging space environment, but also to the lack of basic R&D, and to other cultural factors within the design community. On the other hand, another reason for", "title": "Spacecraft design" }, { "docid": "4989376", "text": "throat was completely destroyed by transient ignition of the engine. As a result, the selected strategy was to use four hydrazine attitude control thrusters, also called reaction control system (RCS), to drive the probe into orbit around Venus. Because the RCS thrusters do not need oxidiser, the remaining 65 kg of oxidiser (MON) was vented overboard in October 2011 to reduce the mass of the spacecraft. Three peri-Venus orbital maneuvers were executed on 1 November, 10 and 21 November 2011 using the RCS thrusters. A total delta-\"v\" of 243.8 m/s was imparted to the spacecraft. Because the RCS thrusters' specific", "title": "Akatsuki (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "15185826", "text": "in the class of 2008. As a true freshman, Glenn appeared in 13 games making 10 starts, and was named to \"College Football News\"′s All-Freshman First Team. Glenn ranks tied first all-time at UGA in career starts by an offensive lineman with 50 (tied with Clint Boling), of which 28 were at left guard, 18 at left tackle and four at right guard. Glenn was regarded by Frank Cooney of NFLDraftScout.com as the No. 2 guard available in the 2012 NFL Draft, behind David DeCastro. Glenn was selected by the Buffalo Bills in the second round (41st pick overall). Glenn", "title": "Cordy Glenn" }, { "docid": "690460", "text": "who had been shot at by a MiG could sit while those who had not had to stand. Glenn later wrote, \"Since the days of the Lafayette Escadrille during World War I, pilots have viewed air-to-air combat as the ultimate test not only of their machines but of their own personal determination and flying skills. I was no exception.\" He hoped to become the second Marine jet flying ace after John F. Bolt. When Glenn complained about there not being any MiGs to shoot at, his USAF squadron mates painted \"MiG Mad Marine\" on his aircraft. He shot down his", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "748567", "text": "were making their mark on communications studies.) Anthologies of his writing and letters have been published. Library and Archives Canada retains a significant portion of Gould's work called The Glenn Gould Archive. One of Gould's performances of the Prelude and Fugue in C major from Book II of \"The Well-Tempered Clavier\" was chosen for inclusion on the NASA Voyager Golden Record by a committee headed by Carl Sagan. The disc of recordings was placed on the spacecraft Voyager 1, which is now approaching interstellar space and is the farthest man-made object from Earth. Gould is a popular subject of biography", "title": "Glenn Gould" }, { "docid": "9029775", "text": "reduced lunch. The John Glenn Rockets are members of the Kensington Lakes Activities Association. The school colors are red, white and blue. The following MHSAA sanctioned sports are offered: John Glenn High School (Westland, Michigan) John Glenn High School is a public high school in Westland, Michigan in Metro Detroit. It serves portions of Westland, Canton Township, Inkster, and Dearborn Heights. It is a part of the Wayne-Westland Community Schools district. One of two traditional high schools serving the Wayne-Westland Community Schools, John Glenn High School is located in the city of Westland, Michigan. The school, which opened in 1964,", "title": "John Glenn High School (Westland, Michigan)" }, { "docid": "15715620", "text": "finishing second. John Glenn High School's athletic teams are the Falcons and they are part of the Northern Indiana Athletic Conference in the IHSAA. The school is currently athletic rivals with the inter-conference team Bremen Lions of Bremen High School in Bremen. The Falcons were formerly rivals with the North Liberty Shamrocks; however, this rivalry ended after the two schools merged. The school offers a wide range of athletics including: John Glenn High School (Walkerton, Indiana) John Glenn High School is a public high school in Walkerton, Indiana. It is the only high school in the John Glenn School district.", "title": "John Glenn High School (Walkerton, Indiana)" }, { "docid": "678803", "text": "(Payload Assist Module-Special). The IUS was inertially stabilised and actively guided during its burn. The PAM-S was unguided and it and \"Ulysses\" were spun up to 80 rpm for stability at the start of its burn. On burnout of the PAM-S, the motor and spacecraft stack was yo-yo de-spun (weights deployed at the end of cables) to below 8 rpm prior to separation of the spacecraft. On leaving Earth, the spacecraft became the fastest ever artificially-accelerated object, and held that title until the \"New Horizons\" probe was launched. On its way to Jupiter the spacecraft was in an elliptical non-Hohmann", "title": "Ulysses (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "5221109", "text": "William Waters Garrard (18181866) practiced law. They had four children who lived to adulthood: Isa Garteray Urquhart Glenn (18741951), a novelist and contemporary of Ellen Glasgow; Garrard Glenn (18781949), noted attorney in New York City and subsequently professor of law at The University of Virginia; Helen Mildred Lewis Glenn (18851971), who married Theodore Gordon Ellyson of Richmond, Virginia, the first Naval aviator; and William Louis Glenn (1887–1950), an attorney in New York City. Glenn practiced law in Atlanta, served as Atlanta's mayor, and died less than a decade later. Money from his estate was used to develop the Glenn Building", "title": "John Thomas Glenn" }, { "docid": "10769907", "text": "Elwood-John H. Glenn High School Elwood-John H. Glenn High School (often shortened to simply John Glenn High School) is a four-year secondary school of about 800 students and 70 faculty members, located in the hamlet of Elwood, Town of Huntington, Long Island, New York. The school serves residents of the Elwood School District. The school was constructed from a combined authorization for building, equipment, grounds and landscaping of $3,640,000, and came in under budget. The architect was Frederick E. Allardt, A.I.A. The school was dedicated on November 17, 1962 after opening to students in September 1962, with Williard J. Adams,", "title": "Elwood-John H. Glenn High School" }, { "docid": "690479", "text": "55-minute flight. He carried a note on the flight which read, \"I am a stranger. I come in peace. Take me to your leader and there will be a massive reward for you in eternity\" in several languages, in case he landed near southern Pacific Ocean islands. The original procedure called for Glenn to exit through the top hatch, but he was uncomfortably warm and decided that egress through the side hatch would be faster. During the flight, he endured 7.8 G of acceleration and traveled at about . The flight took Glenn to a maximum altitude (apogee) of about", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "690451", "text": "the football team. Annie majored in music with minors in secretarial studies and physical education while competing on the swimming and volleyball teams. Glenn earned a private pilot license and a physics course credit for free through the Civilian Pilot Training Program in 1941. He did not complete his senior year in residence or take a proficiency exam, both required by the school for its Bachelor of Science degree. When the United States entered World War II, Glenn quit college to enlist in the U.S. Army Air Corps. He was never called to duty by the Army, and enlisted as", "title": "John Glenn" }, { "docid": "16572463", "text": "Apollo spacecraft feasibility study The Apollo spacecraft feasibility study was conducted by NASA from July 1960 through May 1961 to investigate preliminary designs for a post-Project Mercury multi-manned spacecraft to be used for possible space station, circum-lunar, lunar orbital, or manned lunar landing missions. Six-month, $250,000 study contracts were awarded to General Dynamics/Convair, General Electric, and the Glenn L. Martin Company. Meanwhile, NASA conducted its own inhouse design study led by Maxime Faget, intended as a gauge of the competitors' entries. The three companies spent varying amounts of their own money in excess of the $250,000 to produce designs which", "title": "Apollo spacecraft feasibility study" }, { "docid": "387632", "text": "Spacecraft propulsion Spacecraft propulsion is any method used to accelerate spacecraft and artificial satellites. There are many different methods. Each method has drawbacks and advantages, and spacecraft propulsion is an active area of research. However, most spacecraft today are propelled by forcing a gas from the back/rear of the vehicle at very high speed through a supersonic de Laval nozzle. This sort of engine is called a rocket engine. All current spacecraft use chemical rockets (bipropellant or solid-fuel) for launch, though some (such as the Pegasus rocket and SpaceShipOne) have used air-breathing engines on their first stage. Most satellites have", "title": "Spacecraft propulsion" }, { "docid": "16355720", "text": "Again,\" Glenn first appears in a flashback. In a flashback Glenn and Nicholas show at the infirmary both bloody and bruised from their fight in the woods. Glenn is patched up by Rosita and Maggie asks him what happened. Glenn tells her that walkers attacked him and Nicholas in the woods and Glenn was accidentally hit by a bullet that ricoched off of a tree and hit him in the shoulder. Glenn later appears at Rick's meeting where they discuss how to get rid of the walker herd in the quarry. Glenn tells Maggie that she should stay in Alexandria", "title": "Glenn Rhee" }, { "docid": "1512594", "text": "and has a \"dry mass\" of 350 kg. Progress M can also dock to the forward port of the station and still transfer fuel. It uses the same rendezvous system as the Soyuz, and it features solar panels for the first time. A new modification of the Progress spacecraft, with new TsVM-101 digital flight computer and MBITS digital telemetry system, was first launched on 26 November 2008, at 12:38 UTC from the Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome spaceport aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket. The first spacecraft of this series was Progress M-01M. The spacecraft belongs to the so-called 400 series (GRAU: 11F615A60),", "title": "Progress (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "4634076", "text": "The VA spacecraft was capable of independent flight – up to 31 hours in its last incarnation – it needed however to be combined with additional hardware (containing propulsion and storage) to achieve a longer flight duration. Three different such usage scenarios for the VA spacecraft were planned: Initially the LK-1 spacecraft, and after LK-1's cancellation the plans for Almaz APOS and the TKS spacecraft utilized the VA spacecraft. For the Almaz program, the plans envisaged two configurations for the crewed VA spacecraft: While the VA spacecraft has seen some successful uncrewed test flights, both with and without an Functional", "title": "VA spacecraft" }, { "docid": "16519959", "text": "ESB. The new designation was pursuant to a memorandum sent to Secretary Mabus from Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert dated 31 August 2015. USNS John Glenn (T-ESD-2) USNS \"John Glenn\" (T-ESD-2), (\"formerly\" MLP-2) is a United States Navy Expeditionary Transfer Dock ship named in honor of John Glenn, a Naval Aviator, retired United States Marine Corps colonel, veteran of World War II and the Korean War, astronaut, and United States senator. The Expeditionary Transfer Dock is a new concept, part of the Maritime Prepositioning Force of the future. To control costs, the ships will not be built to", "title": "USNS John Glenn (T-ESD-2)" }, { "docid": "9590444", "text": "participant in and enthusiast of the school and its community. For these reasons, the school's students, staff, and community boast that they are the only \"real\" John Glenn High School in the United States. John Glenn High School (New Concord, Ohio) John Glenn High School is a public high school in New Concord, Ohio. It is the only high school in the East Muskingum Local School District. Their nickname is the Little Muskies, taken from nearby Muskingum University's nickname, the Muskies. John Glenn competes in the Muskingum Valley League. In addition, JGHS has programs such as football, basketball, baseball, volleyball,", "title": "John Glenn High School (New Concord, Ohio)" }, { "docid": "9590441", "text": "John Glenn High School (New Concord, Ohio) John Glenn High School is a public high school in New Concord, Ohio. It is the only high school in the East Muskingum Local School District. Their nickname is the Little Muskies, taken from nearby Muskingum University's nickname, the Muskies. John Glenn competes in the Muskingum Valley League. In addition, JGHS has programs such as football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, swimming, soccer, track and field, golf, marching band, and cross country. John Glenn High School offers 6 AP classes, in Art, US History, US Government, English, Chemistry, and Psychology. Its science classes include Physical", "title": "John Glenn High School (New Concord, Ohio)" }, { "docid": "4434718", "text": "forms the basis of several jazz compositions (contrafact), such as \"Hot House\" by Tadd Dameron What Is This Thing Called Love? \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" is a 1929 popular song written by Cole Porter, for the musical \"Wake Up and Dream\". It was first performed by Elsie Carlisle in March 1929. The song has become a popular jazz standard and one of Porter's most often played compositions. \"Wake Up and Dream\" ran for 263 shows in London. The show was also noticed in New York, and the critics praised Tilly Losch's performance of the song. The show was", "title": "What Is This Thing Called Love?" }, { "docid": "1687515", "text": "sun at orbit sunset. At dawn of the third and final orbit, Carpenter inadvertently bumped his hand against the inside wall of the cabin and solved a mystery from the previous flight. The resulting bright shower of particles outside the spacecraft - what John Glenn had called \"fireflies\" - turned out to be ice particles shaken loose from the spacecraft's exterior. Near the end of the flight, Carpenter found that by banging his hand against the wall of the capsule, he could shake more \"fireflies\" loose. At first, it was thought that the particles could be marker dye or shark", "title": "Mercury-Atlas 7" }, { "docid": "678794", "text": "corrections inbound to Jupiter, and later used exclusively to repoint the spin axis (and thus, the antenna) at Earth. The spacecraft was controlled by eight thrusters in two blocks. Thrusters were pulsed in the time domain to perform rotation or translation. Four Sun sensors detected orientation. For fine attitude control, the S-band antenna feed was mounted slightly off-axis. This offset feed combined with the spacecraft spin introduced an oscillation to an S-band radio signal transmitted from Earth when received on board the spacecraft. The amplitude and phase of this oscillation was proportional to the orientation of the spin axis relative", "title": "Ulysses (spacecraft)" }, { "docid": "19709406", "text": "Glenn Palmer (sheriff) Glenn E. Palmer (born 1961) is the sheriff of Grant County, Oregon. He was first appointed in November 2000 and has since been elected in five consecutive elections. Palmer gained national attention with respect to his response during the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016. He met with armed militants who were holding the federal facility and called them \"patriots\". Palmer began his law enforcement career in 1985, working as a corrections officer. He later served as a Deputy Sheriff, and a patrolman in John Day. He was appointed Sheriff in 2000 and", "title": "Glenn Palmer (sheriff)" } ]
Which branch of medicine is concerned with disorders of the blood?
[ "Automated hematology", "Haematological", "Haematology", "Bone Marrow Disease", "Haematologist", "Heamatology", "Blood disorder", "Blood disease", "Hemotoligists", "Hematology", "Hematologic", "Blood disorders", "Heamatologic diseases", "Hematologic agents", "Blood Disease", "Pediatric hematologist", "Hematologist", "Hematologists", "Cytohematology" ]
[ { "docid": "733910", "text": "and treat blood disorders. When applying for this career, most job openings look for first-hand practical experience in a recognized training program that provides practice in the following: Cause of abnormalities in formation of blood and other disorders, diagnosis of numerous blood related conditions or cancers using experimentation, and the proper care and treatment of patients in the best manner. Hematology Hematology, also spelled haematology, is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood. It involves treating diseases that affect the production of blood and its components, such", "title": "Hematology" }, { "docid": "733907", "text": "Hematology Hematology, also spelled haematology, is the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the cause, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to blood. It involves treating diseases that affect the production of blood and its components, such as blood cells, hemoglobin, blood proteins, bone marrow, platelets, blood vessels, spleen, and the mechanism of coagulation. Such diseases might include hemophilia, blood clots, other bleeding disorders and blood cancers such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma. The laboratory work that goes into the study of blood is frequently performed by a medical technologist or medical laboratory scientist. Many hematologists", "title": "Hematology" }, { "docid": "15524878", "text": "Medical Campus of the University of Heidelberg, Germany. Research themes place emphasis on common diseases, particularly blood disorders, cancer, iron metabolism disorders, chronic pain, diseases associated with aging, and AIDS. In 2018 more than 110 scientists from across the world work on these eight research themes: Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit The Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU) is an alliance between the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg. Its primary aim is to uncover the molecular basis of disease and to speed the transformation of biomedical discoveries into personalized medicine strategies. Founded in", "title": "Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit" }, { "docid": "2229269", "text": "blood disorders. In nuclear medicine therapy, the radiation treatment dose is administered internally (e.g. intravenous or oral routes) rather than from an external radiation source. The radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine therapy emit ionizing radiation that travels only a short distance, thereby minimizing unwanted side effects and damage to noninvolved organs or nearby structures. Most nuclear medicine therapies can be performed as outpatient procedures since there are few side effects from the treatment and the radiation exposure to the general public can be kept within a safe limit. Common nuclear medicine (unsealed source) therapies In some centers the nuclear medicine", "title": "Nuclear medicine" }, { "docid": "5612335", "text": "disorders is speculative, some research has been done in other areas. Any such potential beyond blood and immunological uses is limited by the fact that cord cells are hematopoietic stem cells (which can differentiate only into blood cells), and not pluripotent stem cells (such as embryonic stem cells, which can differentiate into any type of tissue). Cord blood has been studied as a treatment for diabetes. However, apart from blood disorders, the use of cord blood for other diseases is not in routine clinical use and remains a major challenge for the stem cell community. Along with cord blood, Wharton's", "title": "Cord blood" }, { "docid": "11337647", "text": "disorders of the hematopoietic, hemostatic, and lymphatic systems, and disorders of the interaction between blood and the blood vessel wall. An American hematologist has trained in a subspecialty program approved by the American Board of Internal Medicine or the American Board of Pediatrics, or has acquired a comparable education in the field by alternate means, and is Board Certified (or eligible) in the subspecialty of hematology. Diagnostic expertise of a hematologist A hematologist is expert in the investigation, diagnosis, and management of disorders of the aforementioned organ systems through the use of the medical history, physical findings, specialized clinical laboratory", "title": "American Society of Hematology" }, { "docid": "5606329", "text": "some research has been done in other areas. Any such potential beyond blood and immunological uses is limited by the fact that cord cells are hematopoietic stem cells (which can differentiate only into blood cells), and not pluripotent stem cells (such as embryonic stem cells, which can differentiate into any type of tissue). Cord blood has been studied as a treatment for diabetes. However, apart from blood disorders, the use of cord blood for other diseases is not a routine clinical modality and remains a major challenge for the stem cell community. Along with cord blood, Wharton's jelly and the", "title": "Regenerative medicine" }, { "docid": "4029153", "text": "private banks, partly because most treatable conditions can't use one's own cord blood. Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells (which can differentiate only into blood cells), and should not be confused with embryonic stem cells or pluripotent stem cells, which can differentiate into any cell in the body. Cord blood stem cells are blood cell progenitors which can form red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This is why cord blood cells are currently used to treat blood and immune system related genetic diseases, cancers, and blood disorders. On the possibility that cord blood stem cells could be used", "title": "Cord blood bank" } ]
[ { "docid": "1516689", "text": "Transfusion medicine Transfusion medicine (or \"transfusiology\") is the branch of medicine that is concerned with transfusion of blood and blood components. It encompasses issues of blood donation, immunohematology and other laboratory testing, transfusion practices, patient blood management, therapeutic apheresis, stem cell collections, cellular therapy, and coagulation. Laboratory management and understanding of state and federal regulations related to blood products are also a large part of the field. Transfusion Medicine is usually a branch of clinical pathology. The blood donor center is the facility that collects and processes blood products. The blood bank is the section of the clinical laboratory where", "title": "Transfusion medicine" }, { "docid": "1516693", "text": "improve transfusion medicine practise. The programme is reviewed each annually in January. In the UK there is a constant worry that a blood transfusion can lead to the transmission of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Transfusion medicine Transfusion medicine (or \"transfusiology\") is the branch of medicine that is concerned with transfusion of blood and blood components. It encompasses issues of blood donation, immunohematology and other laboratory testing, transfusion practices, patient blood management, therapeutic apheresis, stem cell collections, cellular therapy, and coagulation. Laboratory management and understanding of state and federal regulations related to blood products are also a large part of the field. Transfusion", "title": "Transfusion medicine" }, { "docid": "17811153", "text": "Philosophy of medicine The philosophy of medicine is a branch of philosophy that includes the epistemology, ontology/metaphysics, and ethics of medicine. Perhaps the most well known area is medical ethics, which overlaps with bioethics. It can be distinguished from the philosophy of healthcare, which is mostly concerned with ethical and political issues arising from healthcare research and practice. There are a variety of university courses, journals, books and conferences dedicated to the philosophy of medicine. There is also a new direction, or school, in the philosophy of medicine termed analytic philosophy of medicine. Epistemology is the study of knowledge. The", "title": "Philosophy of medicine" }, { "docid": "6758184", "text": "ICD-10 Chapter III: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism ICD-10 is an international statistical classification used in health care and related industries. Produced by the World Health Organization, it is used in several countries around the world. Some have gone on to develop their own national enhancements, building off the international version of the classification. Chapter III of ICD-10 deals with diseases of the blood, for example anaemia, blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism. Of note; blood cancers, such as leukaemia, are covered in . Also blood infections is", "title": "ICD-10 Chapter III: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism" }, { "docid": "6758185", "text": "captured by code from . ICD-10 Chapter III: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism ICD-10 is an international statistical classification used in health care and related industries. Produced by the World Health Organization, it is used in several countries around the world. Some have gone on to develop their own national enhancements, building off the international version of the classification. Chapter III of ICD-10 deals with diseases of the blood, for example anaemia, blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism. Of note; blood cancers, such as leukaemia, are covered in", "title": "ICD-10 Chapter III: Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism" }, { "docid": "6573309", "text": "mission through an interdisciplinary approach combining scientific research, education, and clinical application into chronic diseases and disorders associated with the aging process. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine has trained 12,941 physicians, with 2,467 non-physician alumni. PCOM alumni practice in all areas of medicine, hold leadership positions in the medical community, teach in many of the country's top medical schools, and serve in every branch of the military. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine The Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) is a private, non-profit graduate college, with a main campus located on 17 acres in Philadelphia, in the US state Pennsylvania,", "title": "Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine" }, { "docid": "7463599", "text": "sleep-wake disorders. There are diagnostic and treatment guidelines for several sleep disorders and they are regularly reviewed and revised. The AASM's outreach to patients is found at Sleep Education. American Academy of Sleep Medicine The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) is a United States professional society for the medical subspecialty of sleep medicine which includes disorders of circadian rhythms. It was established in 1975. The organization's functions include the accreditation of sleep medicine facilities in the United States. According to the AASM, the organization issued its first accreditation to a sleep disorders center in 1977 (April 27, Sleep-Wake Disorders", "title": "American Academy of Sleep Medicine" }, { "docid": "9318236", "text": "Occupational medicine Occupational medicine, until 1960 called industrial medicine, is the branch of medicine which is concerned with the maintenance of health in the workplace, including prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries, with secondary objectives of maintaining and increasing productivity and social adjustment in the workplace. It is, thus, the branch of clinical medicine active in the field of occupational health and safety. OM specialists work to ensure that the highest standards of occupational health and safety are achieved and maintained in the workplace. While OM may involve a wide number of disciplines, it centers on preventive medicine and", "title": "Occupational medicine" }, { "docid": "7463597", "text": "American Academy of Sleep Medicine The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) is a United States professional society for the medical subspecialty of sleep medicine which includes disorders of circadian rhythms. It was established in 1975. The organization's functions include the accreditation of sleep medicine facilities in the United States. According to the AASM, the organization issued its first accreditation to a sleep disorders center in 1977 (April 27, Sleep-Wake Disorders Center, Montefiore Medical Center, New York), and by 2010 had accredited more than 2,000 centers and laboratories for sleep-related breathing disorders. The organization's vision is achieving optimal health through", "title": "American Academy of Sleep Medicine" }, { "docid": "8615311", "text": "International Classification of Sleep Disorders The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) is \"a primary diagnostic, epidemiological and coding resource for clinicians and researchers in the field of sleep and sleep medicine\". The ICSD was produced by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) in association with the European Sleep Research Society, the Japanese Society of Sleep Research, and the Latin American Sleep Society. The classification was developed as a revision and update of the Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders (DCSAD) that was produced by both the Association of Sleep Disorders Centers (ASDC) and the Association for the", "title": "International Classification of Sleep Disorders" }, { "docid": "4508247", "text": "investigating symptoms or initiating treatment. This is seen particularly in cardiac disease, where a strong family history is considered a significant cardiovascular risk factor. In diseases with a known hereditary component, many otherwise healthy people with a positive family history are tested early, with the aim of an early diagnosis and intervention to prevent the symptoms from developing. This has become accepted in hemochromatosis and various other disorders. Family history (medicine) In medicine, a family history (FH or FHx) consists of information about disorders from which the direct blood relatives of the patient have suffered. Genealogy typically includes very little", "title": "Family history (medicine)" }, { "docid": "10110554", "text": "in the 10th century by Arabian psychologist Najab ud-din Unhammad. His nosology included nine major categories of mental disorders, with 30 different mental illnesses in total. Some of the categories he described resembled obsessive-compulsive disorders, delusional disorders, degenerative diseases, involutional melancholia, and states of abnormal excitement. Avicenna (980−1037 CE) in the Canon of Medicine listed a number of mental disorders, including \"passive male homosexuality\". Laws generally distinguished between \"idiots\" and \"lunatics\". Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689), the \"English Hippocrates\", emphasized careful clinical observation and diagnosis and developed the concept of a syndrome, a group of associated symptoms having a common course, which", "title": "Classification of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "4238692", "text": "on issues of diving, the prevention of diving disorders, treatment of diving accidents and diving fitness. The field includes the effect of breathing gases and their contaminants under high pressure on the human body and the relationship between the state of physical and psychological health of the diver and safety. In diving accidents it is common for multiple disorders to occur together and interact with each other, both causatively and as complications. Diving medicine is a branch of occupational medicine and sports medicine, and an important part of diver education. The scope of diving medicine must necessarily include conditions that", "title": "Diving medicine" }, { "docid": "6435102", "text": "Behavioral medicine Behavioral medicine is concerned with the integration of knowledge in the biological, behavioral, psychological, and social sciences relevant to health and illness. These sciences include epidemiology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, physiology, pharmacology, nutrition, neuroanatomy, endocrinology, and immunology. The term is often used interchangeably, but incorrectly, with health psychology.. The practice of behavioral medicine encompasses health psychology, but also includes applied psychophysiological therapies such as biofeedback, hypnosis, and bio-behavioral therapy of physical disorders, aspects of occupational therapy, rehabilitation medicine, and physiatry, as well as preventive medicine. In contrast, health psychology represents a stronger emphasis specifically on psychology's role in both", "title": "Behavioral medicine" }, { "docid": "17811160", "text": "exposed to the solid pathogen, it falls ill, giving rise to the notion of a disease entity. Later in the history of modern medicine, particularly by the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, in nosology (which is the classification of disease), the most powerful is the etiogically-defined approach as can be found in the monogenic conception of disease which covers not only infectious agents (bacteria, viruses. fungi, parasites, prions) but also genetics, poisons. While clinical medicine is concerned with the ill health of the individual patient when s/he has succumbed to disease, epidemiology is concerned with the pattern of diseases in", "title": "Philosophy of medicine" }, { "docid": "2249985", "text": "considered as an imbalance of the yin and yang because optimum health arises from balance with nature. China was one of the earliest developed civilizations in which medicine and attention to mental disorders were introduced (Soong, 2006)As in the West, Chinese views of mental disorders regressed to a belief in supernatural forces as causal agents. From the later part of the second century through the early part of the ninth century, ghosts and devils were implicated in “ghostevil” insanity, which presumably resulted from possession by evil spirits. The “Dark Ages” in China, however, were neither so severe (in terms of", "title": "History of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "7132268", "text": "a standard dental degree. In the UK, oral medicine is one of the 13 specialties of dentistry recognized by the General Dental Council (GDC). The GDC defines oral medicine as: \"[concerned with] oral health care of patients with chronic recurrent and medically related disorders of the mouth and with their diagnosis and non-surgical management.\" Unlike many other countries, oral medicine physicians in the UK do not usually partake in the dental management of their patients. Some UK oral medicine specialists have dual qualification with both medical and dental degrees. However, in 2010 the GDC approved a new curriculum for oral", "title": "Oral medicine" }, { "docid": "9781069", "text": "the Imperial College Healthcare Sleep Centre: \"One problem is that there has been relatively little training in sleep medicine in this country – certainly there is no structured training for sleep physicians.\" The Imperial College Healthcare site shows attention to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) and very few other disorders, specifically not including insomnia. The World Federation of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine Societies (WFSRSMS) was founded in 1987. As its name implies, members are concerned with basic and clinical research as well as medicine. Member societies in the Americas are the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), the Sleep", "title": "Sleep medicine" }, { "docid": "9318238", "text": "health care for illnesses they suffer as a result of companies pursuing the biggest profits they can make, no matter what the effect on workers or the communities they operate in.\"\" The first textbook of occupational medicine, \"De Morbis Artificum Diatriba\" (\"Diseases of Workers)\", was written by Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini in 1700. Occupational medicine Occupational medicine, until 1960 called industrial medicine, is the branch of medicine which is concerned with the maintenance of health in the workplace, including prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries, with secondary objectives of maintaining and increasing productivity and social adjustment in the workplace.", "title": "Occupational medicine" }, { "docid": "15421957", "text": "practice of internal medicine and its subspecialties. It offers practical guidance on clinical management and the prevention of disease. Throughout the book, basic science and clinical practice are integrated, and the implications of research for medical practice are explained. Traditional specialty areas in clinical medicine are covered, and there are sections on the following; bioterrorism and forensic medicine; medical disorders in pregnancy; travel and expedition medicine; nutrition; the use of stem cells; regenerative medicine; and psychiatry and drug related problems in general medical practice. The fifth edition of this book is different from previous editions, with each chapter including a", "title": "The Oxford Textbook of Medicine" }, { "docid": "19388455", "text": "they were recognized as symptoms of other disorders. Sir William Osler in 1906 correlated snoring, obesity and somnolence (sleepiness) to Dicken's description of Joe. Charles Burwell in 1956 recognized obstructive sleep apnea as Pickwickian syndrome. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders were discovered in 1981 by Weitzman as delayed sleep phase syndrome in contrast to advanced sleep phase syndrome in 1979. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) was produced by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) in association with the European Sleep Research Society, the Japanese Society of Sleep Research, and the Latin American Sleep Society. The classification was developed", "title": "Classification of sleep disorders" }, { "docid": "8291337", "text": "Reproductive medicine Reproductive medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with prevention, diagnosis and management of reproductive problems; goals include improving or maintaining reproductive health and allowing people to have children at a time of their choosing. It is founded on knowledge of reproductive anatomy, physiology, and endocrinology, and incorporates relevant aspects of molecular biology, biochemistry and pathology. Reproductive medicine addresses issues of sexual education, puberty, family planning, birth control, infertility, reproductive system disease (including sexually transmitted diseases) and sexual dysfunction. In women, reproductive medicine also covers menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy and menopause, as well as gynecologic disorders that affect", "title": "Reproductive medicine" }, { "docid": "8615312", "text": "Psychophysiological Study of Sleep and was published in the journal Sleep in 1979. A second edition, called ICSD-2, was published in 2005. The third edition, ICSD-3, was released in 2014. In 1979, the first Diagnostic Classification of Sleep and Arousal Disorders (DCSAD) was developed by the Association of Sleep Disorders Centers (ASDC) and the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep. Disorders were divided into three main categories. The first comprehensive classification of disorders of sleep and arousal was developed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) in association with the European Sleep Research Society, the Japanese Society of", "title": "International Classification of Sleep Disorders" }, { "docid": "5601119", "text": "being an unhealthy departure from the natural rhythms and functions of the latter. This was a major idea taken over by Virchow, but he claimed it as new (the degree to which Virchow borrowed from the Brunonian system through the works of Röschlaub is documented in the major work by Nelly Tsouyoupoulos which is available only in German). Brunonian system of medicine The Brunonian system of medicine is a theory of medicine which regards and treats disorders as caused by defective or excessive excitation. It was developed by the Scottish physician John Brown and is outlined in his 1780 publication", "title": "Brunonian system of medicine" }, { "docid": "10110549", "text": "of scores across different dimensions. DSM-5 planning committees are currently seeking to establish a research basis for a hybrid dimensional classification of personality disorders. However, the problem with entirely dimensional classifications is they are said to be of limited practical value in clinical practice where yes/no decisions often need to be made, for example whether a person requires treatment, and moreover the rest of medicine is firmly committed to categories, which are assumed to reflect discrete disease entities. While the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual has an emphasis on dimensionality and the context of mental problems, it has been structured largely as", "title": "Classification of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "1796205", "text": "National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is a part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). It conducts and funds research on brain and nervous system disorders and has a budget of just over US$1.5 billion. The mission of NINDS is \"to reduce the burden of neurological disease—a burden borne by every age group, every segment of society, and people all over the world\". NINDS has established two major branches for research: an extramural branch that funds studies outside the NIH, and an intramural branch that funds research inside", "title": "National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke" }, { "docid": "5601101", "text": "Brunonian system of medicine The Brunonian system of medicine is a theory of medicine which regards and treats disorders as caused by defective or excessive excitation. It was developed by the Scottish physician John Brown and is outlined in his 1780 publication \"Elementa Medicinae\". It drew on the theories of his teacher William Cullen, but whereas Cullen set out to create a systematic nosology of diseases, Brown argued for a unified model in which all disease was related to stimulation. Although Brown's theory never became very popular in Britain, it had temporary success in America, Italy, and the German-speaking part", "title": "Brunonian system of medicine" }, { "docid": "16827659", "text": "Tumor-like disorders of the lung pleura Tumor-like disorders of the lung pleura are a group of conditions that on initial radiological studies might be confused with malignant lesions. Radiologists must be aware of these conditions in order to avoid misdiagnosing patients. Examples of such lesions are: pleural plaques, thoracic splenosis, catamenial pneumothorax, pleural pseudotumor, diffuse pleural thickening, diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis and Erdheim-Chester Disease. Exposure to asbestos fibers reach the pleura of the lungs through the lymphatic channels or blood stream. Historically, ship builders and insulation workers are at greater risk. Affected persons are usually asymptomatic. On radiological studies, pleural plaques", "title": "Tumor-like disorders of the lung pleura" }, { "docid": "19388453", "text": "occurred a slow confluence of the three systems of classification. Diagnoses of sleep disorders are based on self-assessment questionnaires, clinical interview, physical examination and laboratory procedures. The validity and reliability of various sleep disorders are yet to be proved and need further research within the ever-changing field of \"Sleep Medicine\". Admittedly, the development of sleep disorder classification remains as much an art as it is a science. The first book on sleep was published in 1830 by Robert MacNish; it described sleeplessness, nightmares, sleepwalking and sleep-talking. Narcolepsy, hypnogogic hallucination, wakefulness and somnolence were mentioned by other authors of the nineteenth", "title": "Classification of sleep disorders" }, { "docid": "14720454", "text": "and BCP are considered one of the country's foremost research laboratories in transfusion medicine. Blood Centers of the Pacific Blood Centers of the Pacific is a community based, nonprofit blood center that collects blood donations and provides safe blood and blood components for transfusion and also related services to more than 40 hospitals in the Bay Area and Northern California. An affiliate of United Blood Services, the second largest blood collection organization in the U.S., it also houses the Blood Systems Research Institute Blood Centers of the Pacific (BCP) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. BCP is licensed by the U.S.", "title": "Blood Centers of the Pacific" }, { "docid": "14357062", "text": "Traditional African medicine Traditional African medicine is an alternative medicine discipline involving indigenous herbalism and African spirituality, typically involving diviners, midwives, and herbalists. Practitioners of traditional African medicine claim to be able to cure various and diverse conditions such as cancers, psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, cholera, most venereal diseases, epilepsy, asthma, eczema, fever, anxiety, depression, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract infections, gout, and healing of wounds and burns and even Ebola. Diagnosis is reached through spiritual means and a treatment is prescribed, usually consisting of a herbal remedy that is considered to have not only healing abilities but also", "title": "Traditional African medicine" }, { "docid": "20381646", "text": "topic in 1983, at the request of the Aspen Music Festival. The Performing Arts Medicine Association was founded in 1988. Performing Arts Medicine Performing arts medicine is a branch of medicine that emerged in the late 20th century. It deals with injuries and the prevention of injuries to performing artists, particularly musicians and dancers. Performing arts medicine is an outgrowth of occupational and physical medicine concerned with the medical complaints of musicians, dancers, actors and other performing artists. Medical issues can range from pain in performance to neuro-muscular dysfunction or psychological problems related to performance. The awkward positions and repetitive", "title": "Performing Arts Medicine" }, { "docid": "14092018", "text": "tool by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (MedlinePlus) and the Academy for Eating Disorders. F.E.A.S.T. was registered as a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code in 2009. Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T.) Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T.) is an international organization created by and for families who are helping loved ones recover from eating disorders. F.E.A.S.T. promotes evidence-based treatment to reduce the suffering associated with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa (A.N.), bulimia nervosa (B.N.), and eating disorders not otherwise specified (E.D.N.O.S.). The organization provides", "title": "Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T.)" }, { "docid": "15802617", "text": "with an option to buy the building and construct additional buildings at the location. College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Northwest The College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Northwest (COMP Northwest) is a non-profit, private, medical school for osteopathic medicine located in Lebanon, in the U.S. state of Oregon. Opened in 2011, the school is a branch campus of Western University of Health Sciences' College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, and is operated in partnership with Samaritan Health Services. Graduates of the college will receive the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. The university plans to eventually open", "title": "College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Northwest" }, { "docid": "20381644", "text": "Performing Arts Medicine Performing arts medicine is a branch of medicine that emerged in the late 20th century. It deals with injuries and the prevention of injuries to performing artists, particularly musicians and dancers. Performing arts medicine is an outgrowth of occupational and physical medicine concerned with the medical complaints of musicians, dancers, actors and other performing artists. Medical issues can range from pain in performance to neuro-muscular dysfunction or psychological problems related to performance. The awkward positions and repetitive motions commonly required of performing artists can lead to these and other problems. Medical problems related to performance are common", "title": "Performing Arts Medicine" }, { "docid": "1289846", "text": "was considered \"hot\" as was mentioned earlier, therefore youth is assumed to be hot partially due to blood being more \"plentiful\" and \"thicker\", according to Avicenna. Evidence for youth having an excess of blood is suggested by Avicenna's observation that nose bleeds are more frequent within youth. Other contributing factors are the youth's association with sperm and the consistency of their bile. Further description of youth in regards to heat and moisture is given with respect to sex, geographical location, and occupation. \"The Canon\" says, for example, that females are colder and more moist. \"The Canon of Medicine\" is based", "title": "The Canon of Medicine" }, { "docid": "14015712", "text": "used categories of white blood cell disorders divide them quantitatively into those causing excessive numbers (proliferative disorders) and those causing insufficient numbers (leukopenias). Leukocytosis is usually healthy (e.g., fighting an infection), but it also may be dysfunctionally proliferative. WBC proliferative disorders can be classed as myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative. Some are autoimmune, but many are neoplastic. Another way to categorize disorders of white blood cells is qualitatively. There are various disorders in which the number of white blood cells is normal but the cells do not function normally. Neoplasia of WBCs can be benign but is often malignant. Of the various", "title": "White blood cell" }, { "docid": "17811167", "text": "causal relationships, whereas observational studies do not. In this instance, causation can be considered as something which is counterfactually dependent, i.e. the way RCTs differ from observational studies is that they have a comparison group in which the intervention of interest is not given. At least two different causal paradigms in biomedicine have been identified – the Humean, linear, mono-factorial paradigm championed mainly in clinical medicine; and the non-linear, reciprocal, multi-factorial paradigm invoked in epidemiology. Philosophy of medicine The philosophy of medicine is a branch of philosophy that includes the epistemology, ontology/metaphysics, and ethics of medicine. Perhaps the most well", "title": "Philosophy of medicine" }, { "docid": "105005", "text": "is primarily concerned with the signs and symptoms of mental disorders, rather than the underlying causes. It claims to collect them together based on statistical or clinical patterns. As such, it has been compared to a naturalist's field guide to birds, with similar advantages and disadvantages. The lack of a causative or explanatory basis, however, is not specific to the DSM, but rather reflects a general lack of pathophysiological understanding of psychiatric disorders. As DSM-III chief architect Robert Spitzer and DSM-IV editor Michael First outlined in 2005, \"little progress has been made toward understanding the pathophysiological processes and cause of", "title": "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" }, { "docid": "6573308", "text": "Services include family medicine, gynecology, dermatology, geriatrics, psychology, and OMM. PCOM programs include a multi-hospital integrated approach. The total position numbers can vary with program directors' plans and implementation time frame. The mission of the Center for Chronic Disorders of Aging (CCDA) at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine is to improve the quality of life for all individuals suffering from age-related chronic diseases and disorders. The CCDA promotes a better understanding of the nature of chronic disease processes by supporting basic and applied investigations, and providing educational opportunities for the community, scientists and health care professionals. The CCDA furthers its", "title": "Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine" }, { "docid": "15802613", "text": "College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Northwest The College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Northwest (COMP Northwest) is a non-profit, private, medical school for osteopathic medicine located in Lebanon, in the U.S. state of Oregon. Opened in 2011, the school is a branch campus of Western University of Health Sciences' College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, and is operated in partnership with Samaritan Health Services. Graduates of the college will receive the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. The university plans to eventually open additional colleges at the Lebanon campus. Plans for the school were announced as early", "title": "College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific, Northwest" }, { "docid": "4508244", "text": "Family history (medicine) In medicine, a family history (FH or FHx) consists of information about disorders from which the direct blood relatives of the patient have suffered. Genealogy typically includes very little of the medical history of the family, but the medical history could be considered a specific subset of the total history of a family. Accurate knowledge of a patient's family history may identify a predisposition to developing certain illnesses, which can inform clinical decisions and allow effective management or even prevention of conditions. Although sometimes neglected, many healthcare professionals glean information on family morbidity of particular diseases (e.g.", "title": "Family history (medicine)" }, { "docid": "10943381", "text": "of schools in the country that offers a replica of the training received if the student was to study TCM in China. Students may elect to specialize in traditional Chinese internal medicine, gynecology, geriatrics, pediatrics, dermatology, neurological disorders, musculo-skeletal disorders or sensory organ disorders. A feature of the AAAOM program is its affiliation with medical schools in China. The Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jinan, China (AAAOM sister school) has served not only as a model for the formation of AAAOM, but has also hosted two graduates for PhD study in TCM. Exchange programs for advanced study in", "title": "American Academy of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine" }, { "docid": "6258235", "text": "Acute medicine Acute medicine is that part of internal medicine concerned with the immediate and early specialist management of adult patients with a wide range of medical conditions who present in hospital as emergencies. It developed in the United Kingdom in the early 2000s as a dedicated field of medicine, together with the establishment of acute medical units in numerous hospitals. Acute medicine is distinct from the broader field of emergency medicine, which is concerned with the management of all people attending the emergency department, not just those with internal medicine diagnoses. The emergence of acute medicine has both similarities", "title": "Acute medicine" }, { "docid": "2036411", "text": "Dahl Kvittingen from Norway. He died in 2007. The first surgical ICU was established in Baltimore. In 1962, in the University of Pittsburgh, the first Critical Care Residency was established in the United States. In 1970, the Society of Critical Care Medicine was formed. Intensive care medicine Intensive care medicine, or critical care medicine, is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and management of life-threatening conditions that may require sophisticated life support and monitoring. Patients requiring intensive care may require support for instability (hypertension/hypotension), airway or respiratory compromise (such as ventilator support), acute renal failure, potentially lethal cardiac", "title": "Intensive care medicine" }, { "docid": "7608558", "text": "Benjamin Rush (1746–1813) was considered the Father of American Psychiatry for his many works and studies in the mental health field. He tried to classify different types of mental disorders, he theorized about their causes, and tried to find possible cures for them. Rush believed that mental disorders were caused by poor blood circulation, though he was wrong. He also described Savant Syndrome and had an approach to addictions. Other important early psychiatrists include George Parkman, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., George Zeller, Carl Jung, Leo Kanner, and Peter Breggin. George Parkman (1790–1849) got his medical degree at the University of", "title": "Treatment of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "10910416", "text": "on the history of medicine, I remain open-minded on this; but it is sheer blind logic to jump to the conclusion that Jewish groups might have used Christian blood for ritual practices.\" According to David Abulafia, Professor of Mediterranean History at the University of Cambridge, \"... the significance of blood in Christian culture, and in particular the significance of the Eucharistic sacrifice, is largely ignored as an explanation of the fantasies, for such they were, about Passover rituals, fantasies in which the unleavened bread and wine became explicit negations of the body and blood of Christ. The blood libel has", "title": "Passovers of Blood" }, { "docid": "4327306", "text": "Osler Library of the History of Medicine The Osler Library, a branch of the McGill University Library, is Canada's foremost scholarly resource in the history of medicine, and one of the most important libraries of its type in North America. The nucleus of the Library is the collection of 8,000 rare and historic works on the history of medicine and allied subjects presented to the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University by Sir William Osler (1849–1919). Sir William's original collection is described in the printed catalogue (also available as an e-book), \"Bibliotheca Osleriana\", and information on the whole of the", "title": "Osler Library of the History of Medicine" }, { "docid": "4327300", "text": "Osler Library of the History of Medicine The Osler Library, a branch of the McGill University Library, is Canada's foremost scholarly resource in the history of medicine, and one of the most important libraries of its type in North America. The nucleus of the Library is the collection of 8,000 rare and historic works on the history of medicine and allied subjects presented to the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University by Sir William Osler (1849–1919). Sir William's original collection is described in the printed catalogue (also available as an e-book), \"Bibliotheca Osleriana\", and information on the whole of the", "title": "Osler Library of the History of Medicine" }, { "docid": "2036393", "text": "Intensive care medicine Intensive care medicine, or critical care medicine, is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and management of life-threatening conditions that may require sophisticated life support and monitoring. Patients requiring intensive care may require support for instability (hypertension/hypotension), airway or respiratory compromise (such as ventilator support), acute renal failure, potentially lethal cardiac arrhythmias, or the cumulative effects of multiple organ failure, more commonly referred to now as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. They may also be admitted for intensive/invasive monitoring, such as the crucial hours after major surgery when deemed too unstable to transfer to a less", "title": "Intensive care medicine" }, { "docid": "10178917", "text": "are critically ill, or in those who are under extreme physiologic stress, causing blood loss that can require blood transfusion. Ordinary peptic ulcers are found commonly in the “gastric antrum and the duodenum” whereas stress ulcers are found commonly in “fundic mucosa and can be located anywhere within the stomach and proximal duodenum”. Stress-related disorders Stress-related disorders can include mental health disorders that are a result of an atypical response to both short and long-term anxiety due to physical, mental, or emotional stress. These disorders can include, but are not limited to obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. Stress is", "title": "Stress-related disorders" }, { "docid": "15115935", "text": "Inherited disorders of trafficking Inherited disorders of trafficking (IDT) are a family of disorders that involve vesicular delivery of proteins. They were characterized in 1975. CEDNIK syndrome (Cerebral Dysgenesis, Neuropathy, Ichthyosis and Keratoderma Syndrome) is a rare inherited genetic skin condition (Genodermatosis) which has been associated with a loss-of-function mutation in SNAP29; SNAP29 is a member of the SNAP Receptor (SNARE) protein family. SNARE proteins assist with vesicle trafficking and are responsible for the fusion events between the membranes of vesicles and the membranes of their targets. There are two types of SNARE proteins, v-SNARE’s which are located on vesicle", "title": "Inherited disorders of trafficking" }, { "docid": "16164798", "text": "medicine in all 50 states and more than 60 countries. In 2011, the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific opened a branch campus in Lebanon, Oregon called COMP-Northwest. COMP is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association’s Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation. The College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific first opened in 1977, and was the first osteopathic medical school to open in California after the merger between the California osteopathic medical board and the M.D. board in 1961, the California College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons became an M.D. granting school (now the UC Irvine School of Medicine).", "title": "College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific" }, { "docid": "9221660", "text": "observing the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the availability and quality of Buprenorphrine treatment for patients with Opioid use disorders. In October 2018, a project lead by Professor Jennifer Havens received a $15 million federal grant along with $50 million in donated drug treatments in order to eradicate hepatitis C in Perry County, Kentucky. Dr. Havens' research focuses on eastern Kentucky drug users and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) outbreaks and endocarditis. University of Kentucky College of Medicine The University of Kentucky College of Medicine is a medical school based in Lexington, KY at the University of Kentucky's Chandler Medical", "title": "University of Kentucky College of Medicine" }, { "docid": "2516022", "text": "specific subspecialties like Cardiac Electrophysiology, Invasive cardiology, Pediatric cardiology, Epilepsy, stroke, electroencephalography, movement disorders, neuromuscular disorders, cerebrovascular surgery, skull base surgery, neurocritical care, pediatric cardiac surgery etc. offered by prestigious government institutes and abroad. In Indonesia, the title of \"\"dokter\"\" (dr.) is awarded after a Medical student received their Bachelor in Medicine (\"Sarjana Kedokteran\"; S. Ked) after 3-3.5 years of study (at least) and 1.5–2 years of clinical course in university hospitals. After a medical student finished those five years of study, they need to take \"Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter\" (UKMPPD). If they pass the test, they can", "title": "Doctor of Medicine" }, { "docid": "9588487", "text": "Eating Disorders Coalition The Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC) is a Washington, D.C. advocacy organization working to advance the federal recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority. The EDC was founded in 2000 and is incorporated in Massachusetts. The full legal name of the organization is the Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action. The EDC works with the U.S. Congress, with the executive branch of government, with national nonprofit organizations, and with the media to focus attention on the need for better treatment, research, and prevention of anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED),", "title": "Eating Disorders Coalition" }, { "docid": "2054467", "text": "alveolar-capillary membrane. ABG testing also has a variety of applications in other areas of medicine. Combinations of disorders can be complex and difficult to interpret, so calculators, nomograms, and rules of thumb are commonly used. ABG samples originally were sent from the clinic to the medical laboratory for analysis. Today, the analysis can be done either in the laboratory or as point-of-care testing, depending on the equipment available in each clinic. Arterial blood for blood-gas analysis is usually drawn by a respiratory therapist and sometimes a phlebotomist, a nurse, a paramedic or a doctor. Blood is most commonly drawn from", "title": "Arterial blood gas test" }, { "docid": "3220127", "text": "how to treat diseases and provide families in need with the resources to cope. A version of pre-natal testing, called tandem mass spectrometry, is a procedure that \"measures levels and patterns of numerous metabolites in a single drop of blood, which are then used to identify potential diseases. Using this same drop of blood, tandem mass spectrometry enables the detection of at least four times the number of disorders than was possible with previous technologies.\" This allows for a cost-effective and fast method of pre-natal testing. However, critics of tandem mass spectrometry and technologies like it are concerned about the", "title": "Ethics of technology" }, { "docid": "11728173", "text": "in contact with, at whose sight must simply disappear.\" Homeopathic medicine is said to be more concerned with identifying the causes of the illness and disease in an effort to restore holistic balance in the biological system. While the claim that allopathic approaches, of which orthodox medicine is a form, is only occupied with getting rid of the symptoms rather than concerned with identifying and removing the causes of illness is not entirely true (e.g., the link between STDs and casual intercourse), homeopathic adherents would suggest that Yorùbá medicine performs three distinct functions: Modern orthodox medicine has a place for", "title": "Yorùbá medicine" }, { "docid": "4280395", "text": "Red eye (medicine) A red eye is an eye that appears red due to illness or injury. It is usually injection and prominence of the superficial blood vessels of the conjunctiva, which may be caused by disorders of these or adjacent structures. Conjunctivitis and subconjunctival hemorrhage are two of the less serious but more common causes. Management includes assessing whether emergency action (including referral) is needed, or whether treatment can be accomplished without additional resources. Slit lamp examination is invaluable in diagnosis but initial assessment can be performed using a careful history, testing vision (visual acuity), and carrying out a", "title": "Red eye (medicine)" }, { "docid": "13990243", "text": "Psychiatric disorders of childbirth Psychiatric disorders of childbirth are mental disorders developed by the mother related to the delivery process itself. They overlap with the organic prepartum and postpartum psychoses and other psychiatric conditions associated with having children. Symptoms include rage, or in rare cases, neonaticide. There are many distinct forms of psychosis which start during pregnancy (prepartum) or after delivery (postpartum). In Europe and North America, only one – polymorphic psychosis (postpartum psychosis)– is commonly seen. Postpartum bipolar disorder, referred to in the DSM-5 as bipolar, peripartum onset, is a separate condition with no psychotic features. Historically, about one", "title": "Psychiatric disorders of childbirth" }, { "docid": "1289845", "text": "four periods of life: Avicenna says that the third period shows signs of decline in vigor and some decline in intellectual power. In the fourth period, both vigor and intelligence decline. Avicenna divides the beginning stage of life in the following table, according to Oskar Cameron Gruner's edition of the \"Canon of Medicine\": Avicenna generalizes youth as having a \"hot\" temperament, but comments that there is controversy over which periods of youth are hotter. The general notion that youth are \"hot\" in temperament is due to youth's supposed relationship to members of the body that are hot. For example, blood", "title": "The Canon of Medicine" }, { "docid": "20029433", "text": "University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine The University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, is home to North America's only free-standing faculty of rehabilitation medicine and is composed of three departments, 11 research groups, six student clinics and programs and five institutes and centres. It provides academic training in rehabilitation science, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech-language pathology. The Faculty is currently headquartered in the historic Corbett Hall at the University of Alberta’s main campus and houses three departments: Department of Physical Therapy, Department of Occupational Therapy and Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.", "title": "University of Alberta Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine" }, { "docid": "7870031", "text": "International Society of Blood Transfusion The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) is a scientific society, founded in 1935, which aims to promote the study of blood transfusion, and to spread the know-how about the manner in which blood transfusion medicine and science best can serve the patient's interests. The society's central office is in Amsterdam, and there are around 1700 members in 97 countries. Currently, the President is Martin L. Olsson. The Society organizes an international congress every other even year and two regional congresses in odd years, one in Europe and one in Asia. ISBT advocates standardisation and", "title": "International Society of Blood Transfusion" }, { "docid": "13725916", "text": "Nowon and one in the Shilla Hotel in Jangchungdong. To expand internationally the hospital opened an American clinic in Fullerton, California, Irvine, CA, Los Angeles, CA and New Jersey. Jaseng participates in joint research projects based on scientific proof of oriental medicine with international medical institutions. The research findings are presented at international medical forums and congresses and are published in medical journals. Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine The Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine (Hangul: 자생한방병원) is the largest oriental medical hospital specializing in non-surgical treatment of spine and joint disorders in Korea. It was designated as a 'Spine Specialized", "title": "Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine" }, { "docid": "9781057", "text": "Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, discovered that the leading cause (31%) of fatal-to-the-driver heavy truck crashes is fatigue related, (though rarely associated directly with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea), with drugs and alcohol as the number two cause (29%). Sleep deprivation has also been a significant factor in dramatic accidents, such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the nuclear incidents at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island and the explosion of the space shuttle \"Challenger\". Competence in sleep medicine requires an understanding of a plethora of very diverse disorders, many of which present with similar symptoms such as excessive", "title": "Sleep medicine" }, { "docid": "3112086", "text": "clinical manifestation of Paget's disease is usually an elevated alkaline phosphatase in the blood. Paget's disease may be diagnosed using one or more of the following tests: Although initially diagnosed by a primary care physician, endocrinologists (internal medicine physicians who specialize in hormonal and metabolic disorders), rheumatologists (internal medicine physicians who specialize in joint and muscle disorders), orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, neurologists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and otolaryngologists are generally knowledgeable about treating Paget's disease, and may be called upon to evaluate specialized symptoms. It can sometimes difficult to predict whether a person with Paget's disease, who otherwise has no signs", "title": "Paget's disease of bone" }, { "docid": "8166794", "text": "of three branch campuses in Tuscaloosa, Montgomery or Huntsville. In 1974 the University of Alabama created the College of Community Health Sciences. This is a college organized under the University of Alabama, and in conjunction with the University of Alabama School of Medicine provides medical education for the 3rd and 4th years of students who choose to study in Tuscaloosa. The School of Medicine maintains a branch campus in Huntsville affiliated with Huntsville Hospital. The Huntsville campus was originally a part of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, however in 1974 UAB assumed control over the Huntsville program. UAB's Montgomery", "title": "University of Alabama School of Medicine" }, { "docid": "13725911", "text": "Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine The Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine (Hangul: 자생한방병원) is the largest oriental medical hospital specializing in non-surgical treatment of spine and joint disorders in Korea. It was designated as a 'Spine Specialized Oriental Medical Hospital' by the Korea Ministry of Health and also designated as a 'Health Tour' hospital for foreigners by the Korean Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI). The hospital is notable for its accomplished history in the field of non-surgical oriental medicine and its International Clinic, headed by Raimund Royer, who (as of November 2006) was the only European practicing oriental medicine in", "title": "Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine" }, { "docid": "19702257", "text": "University of Dundee School of Medicine The University of Dundee School of Medicine is the school concerned with medical education and clinical research at the University of Dundee in Scotland. In 1967, Dundee's medical school became independent in its own right having started in 1889 as a joint venture between the University of St Andrews and University College Dundee. In 1974 the medical school moved to a large teaching facility based at Ninewells Hospital in the west of Dundee. The School of Medicine now encompasses undergraduate, postgraduate, specialist teaching centres and four research divisions. In 1881, when University College Dundee", "title": "University of Dundee School of Medicine" }, { "docid": "9781080", "text": "or her usual sleeping time. The polysomnogram (PSG) objectively records sleep stages and respiratory events. It shows multiple channels of electroencephalogram (EEG), electrooculogram (EOG), electrocardiogram (ECG), nasal and oral airflow, abdominal, chest and leg movements and blood oxygen levels. A single part of a polysomnogram is sometimes measured at home with portable equipment, for example oximetry, which records blood oxygen levels throughout the night. Polysomnography is not routinely used in the evaluation of patients with insomnia or circadian rhythm disorders, except as needed to rule out other disorders. It will usually be a definitive test for sleep apnea. A Multiple", "title": "Sleep medicine" }, { "docid": "5509329", "text": "in mental disorders. The school also houses the Institute of Medical Genetics, winner of a 2007 Queen's Anniversary Prize. Cardiff University medical students are able to join both all the Cardiff University clubs and societies, and also clubs and societies run specifically for students studying medicine, and in some cases other healthcare sciences. These clubs and societies are run by Cardiff Medsoc which is the Medsoc within Cardiff University Students' Union. There are many distinguished alumni of the Cardiff University School of Medicine. These include; Alumni have also gone onto success in professional sports, such as Wales international rugby union", "title": "Cardiff University School of Medicine" }, { "docid": "16421665", "text": "leading to diagnoses that are not stable over time, have poor cross-rater agreement and high comorbidity suggesting that they do not reflect distinct disorders. In contrast the dimensional approach has been shown to predict and reflect current diagnostic criteria, but also add to them. It has been argued to be especially useful in explaining comorbidity which is often high for patients diagnosed with a personality disorders. Following from these claims, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) incorporates a combined categorical-dimensional approach to diagnosing personality disorders based on the degree to which a person", "title": "Dimensional models of personality disorders" }, { "docid": "13173807", "text": "on the blood flow within the brain, which is likely a contributor of tic disorders. 75% of tic disorders have a genetic component. It appears that tic disorders can be caused or worsened by recreational or prescription drug use. Tics can form simply if a person repeats sounds or words they hear over the course of a normal day. Children with a tic disorder may exhibit the following symptoms: As part of the treatment, family members and friends are advised not to call attention to the tics when the child is performing them. If they do, the child may develop", "title": "Mental disorders diagnosed in childhood" }, { "docid": "5807166", "text": "as a Branch Medical Faculty (BMF) of Yangon University in 1954, which in 1958 became the Faculty of Medicine, Mandalay. In 1964, it became an independent Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, offering an undergraduate M.B., B.S. program to a class of 36 students. Graduate programs began in 1968 with a master's degree program in physiology. The formal name, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, was changed in 2005 as the University of Medicine, Mandalay. Today the University now offers a number of graduate diploma, master's, and doctoral programs. The departments were established in phases: The university has been at its present site in", "title": "University of Medicine, Mandalay" }, { "docid": "10110578", "text": "recovery. The DSM and ICD approach remains under attack both because of the implied causality model and because some researchers believe it better to aim at underlying brain differences which can precede symptoms by many years. Classification of mental disorders The classification of mental disorders is also known as psychiatric nosology or psychiatric taxonomy. It represents a key aspect of psychiatry and other mental health professions and is an important issue for people who may be diagnosed. There are currently two widely established systems for classifying mental disorders: Both list categories of disorders thought to be distinct types, and have", "title": "Classification of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "17811165", "text": "the raison d’être of psycho-pharmacology), but does not permit mind to have any effect on matter. This then means that medical science has difficulty in entertaining even the possibility that placebo effects are real, exist and may be objectively determinable and finding such reports difficult if not impossible to comprehend and/or accept. Yet such reports which appear to be genuine pose a threat to Cartesian dualism which provides the ontological underpinning for biomedicine especially in its clinical domain. Although most areas of study within the Philosophy of Medicine are concerned with matters of epistemology, there is a growing interest in", "title": "Philosophy of medicine" }, { "docid": "2250003", "text": "of life/animation\", had varied usage referring to a condition of the mind/soul. \"Nervous\", from an Indo-European root meaning to wind or twist, meant muscle or vigor, was adopted by physiologists to refer to the body's electrochemical signalling process (thus called the nervous system), and was then used to refer to nervous disorders and neurosis. \"Obsession\", from a Latin root meaning to sit on or sit against, originally meant to besiege or be possessed by an evil spirit, came to mean a fixed idea that could decompose the mind. With the rise of madhouses and the professionalization and specialization of medicine,", "title": "History of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "2249987", "text": "the very epitome of rational thought and as the founder of philosophy, Socrates freely admitted to experiencing what are now called \"command hallucinations\" (then called his 'daemon'). Pythagoras also heard voices. Hippocrates (470–ca. 360 BC) classified mental disorders, including paranoia, epilepsy, mania and melancholia. Through long contact with Greek culture, and their eventual conquest of Greece, the Romans absorbed many Greek (and other) ideas on medicine. The humoral theory fell out of favor in some quarters. The Greek physician Asclepiades (ca. 124–40 BC), who practiced in Rome, discarded it and advocated humane treatments, and had insane persons freed from confinement", "title": "History of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "10055488", "text": "Disorders of sex development Disorders of sex development (DSD), sometimes referred to as disorders of sex differentiation or differences of sex development, are medical conditions involving the reproductive system. More specifically, these terms refer to \"congenital conditions in which development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomical sex is atypical.\" The term has been controversial, and research has shown that affected people experience a negative impact, with the terminology impacting choice and utilization of health care providers. The World Health Organization and many medical journals still reference DSDs as intersex traits or conditions. The Council of Europe, and Inter-American Commission on Human", "title": "Disorders of sex development" }, { "docid": "3056335", "text": "time, which included use of toxins and draining of blood, often resulting in permanent disfigurement or death. Other alternative practices such as chiropractic and osteopathic manipulative medicine, were developed in the United States at a time that western medicine was beginning to incorporate scientific methods and theories, but the biomedical model was not yet totally dominant. Practices such as chiropractic and osteopathic, each considered to be irregular by the medical establishment, also opposed each other, both rhetorically and politically with licensing legislation. Osteopathic practitioners added the courses and training of biomedicine to their licensing, and licensed Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine", "title": "History of alternative medicine" }, { "docid": "19070218", "text": "KVN Cup, Student Spring Show. Vladimir branch has its own KVN team which takes part in regional and All-Russian KVN Cups. Vladimir branch of the Russian Presidential Academy provides students with many opportunities to do sports. Students play basketball and volleyball in the gym, participate in regional table tennis, chess, track and field competitions. Volunteering is very popular among the students. They participate in such volunteer activities as \"Dobrosummit\", \"Kindness Week\", \"Good Deeds Festival\", Blood Donor Day. The Students of Vladimir branch of the RANEPA participate in Enactus program. It is an international nonprofit organization. It provides a platform for", "title": "Vladimir branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration" }, { "docid": "7463598", "text": "better sleep. Its stated mission is to improve sleep health and promote high quality, patient-centered care through advocacy, education, strategic research, and practice standards. Membership is open to physicians, researchers and other health care professionals who specialize in the study, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of sleep and daytime alertness, including some who are not Americans. The latest findings in sleep medicine are published in the official peer-reviewed journal of the AASM: The AASM also publishes Clinical Practice Guidelines, Position Papers and Consensus Documents for sleep medicine physicians with recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of sleep and circadian rhythm", "title": "American Academy of Sleep Medicine" }, { "docid": "5612337", "text": "being studied as a substitute for normal blood transfusions in the developing world. More research is necessary prior to the generalized utilization of cord blood transfusion. Cord blood Cord blood (umbilical cord blood) is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells, which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders. Cord blood is composed of all the elements found in whole blood - red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, platelets. Compared to whole blood some differences in the blood composition exist, for", "title": "Cord blood" }, { "docid": "14876081", "text": "UAMS College of Medicine UAMS College of Medicine is a medical school that is part of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, a state-run university in the U.S. state of Arkansas and part of the University of Arkansas System. The primary campus is in Little Rock and is affiliated with UAMS Medical Center, Arkansas Children's Hospital, and Central Arkansas Veterans HealthCare System. A branch campus, UAMS Northwest is in Fayetteville. It is one of three medical schools in Arkansas, with NYITCOM in Jonesboro and Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine in Fort Smith being the other two. The University of", "title": "UAMS College of Medicine" }, { "docid": "16421677", "text": "while schizotypal personality disorder includes the addition of low assertiveness. The Five-Factor approach also resolves previous anomalies in factor analyses of personality disorders, which makes it a more explanatory model than the current categorical approach, which only includes three factors (odd-eccentric, dramatic-emotional, and anxious-fearful). A prototype diagnostic technique has been developed in which Five-Factor-based prototypes for each disorder were created, based on the aggregated ratings of personality disorder experts. These prototypes agree well with DSM diagnostic criteria. The Five-Factor prototypes also reflected the high comorbidity rates of personality disorders. This is explained by the idea that various other disorders tap", "title": "Dimensional models of personality disorders" }, { "docid": "20594247", "text": "International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders The International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (abbreviated ISSPD) is an international learned society dedicated to promoting research on personality disorders. It was established in 1988 at the 1st International Congress on the Study of Personality Disorders. This event, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, also served as the ISSPD's first international conference. Theodore Millon, who played a key role in founding the ISSPD, served as its first president, and Erik Simonsen was its first general secretary and treasurer. Since 1989, its official journal has been the \"Journal of Personality Disorders\", which", "title": "International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders" }, { "docid": "667164", "text": "Blood Transfusion in addition to the common ABO and Rh systems. Thus, in addition to the ABO antigens and Rh antigens, many other antigens are expressed on the RBC surface membrane. For example, an individual can be AB, D positive, and at the same time M and N positive (MNS system), K positive (Kell system), Le or Le negative (Lewis system), and so on, being positive or negative for each blood group system antigen. Many of the blood group systems were named after the patients in whom the corresponding antibodies were initially encountered. Transfusion medicine is a specialized branch of", "title": "Blood type" }, { "docid": "621733", "text": "Causes of mental disorders A mental disorder is \"\"a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or psychological pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering, death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom.\"\" The causes of mental disorders are regarded as complex and varying depending on the particular disorder and the individual. Although the causes of most mental disorders are not fully understood, researchers have identified a variety of biological, psychological, and environmental factors that can contribute to the development or progression of mental disorders. Most", "title": "Causes of mental disorders" }, { "docid": "10055495", "text": "medical \"disorders\") has been controversial. The argument over terminology reflects a deeper disagreement over the extent to which intersex conditions require medical intervention, the appropriateness of certain interventions, and whether physicians and parents should make irreversible treatment decisions on behalf of young children if the condition is not life-threatening. The 2006 \"Consensus statement on management of intersex disorders\" stated that evidence for early surgery for cosmetic reasons is lacking, outcomes include \"decreased sexual sensitivity\" and long term outcome data is absent. A 2016 \"Global Disorders of Sex Development Update since 2006\" states that there is \"still no consensual attitude regarding", "title": "Disorders of sex development" }, { "docid": "5612321", "text": "Cord blood Cord blood (umbilical cord blood) is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells, which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders. Cord blood is composed of all the elements found in whole blood - red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, platelets. Compared to whole blood some differences in the blood composition exist, for example, cord blood contains higher numbers of natural killer cells, lower absolute number of T-cells and a higher proportion of immature T-cells. However, the interest in", "title": "Cord blood" }, { "docid": "2250013", "text": "especially during periods of economic decline, and during wartime in particular many patients starved to death. Soldiers received increased psychiatric attention, and World War II saw the development in the US of a new psychiatric manual for categorizing mental disorders, which along with existing systems for collecting census and hospital statistics led to the first Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) followed suit with a section on mental disorders. Previously restricted to the treatment of severely disturbed people in asylums, psychiatrists cultivated clients with a broader range of problems, and between 1917", "title": "History of mental disorders" } ]
Where was The Iron Triangle?
[ "Độc lập - tự do - hạnh phúc", "Cộng Hòa Xã Hội Chủ Nghĩa Việt Nam", "越南社會主義共和國", "ISO 3166-1:VN", "SRVN", "VIETNAM", "CHXHCN Vietnam", "Viet Nam Socialist Repub", "SRoV", "S.R. Vietnam", "Languages of Viet Nam", "Communist Vietnam", "Red Vietnam (modern)", "Doc lap, tu do, hanh phuc", "People's Republic of Vietnam", "VietNam", "Việtnam", "Socialist Republic of Viet Nam", "Yue Nan", "Viêtnam", "Độc lập, tự do, hạnh phúc", "SR Vietnam", "Yuenan", "Vietman", "Vietnarm", "Viet nam", "Veitnam", "Languages of Vietnam", "Viêt Nam", "Vietnam", "The Socialist Republic of Vietnam", "Cong Hoa Xa Hoi Chu Nghia Viet Nam", "Etymology of Vietnam", "Socialist Republic of Vietnam", "Doc lap - tu do - hanh phuc", "Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam", "Viet-Nam", "Viet Nam", "Vjet-Namo", "Cong hoa Xa hoi Chu nghia Viet Nam", "Vietnamese Republic", "Việt Nam" ]
[ { "docid": "7887758", "text": "Battle of the Iron Triangle The Battle of the Iron Triangle took place from 16 May to 20 November 1974, when the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) 9th Division captured Rach Bap and An Dien The Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) regained the lost towns in a series of costly counterattacks. The Iron Triangle was an important strategic location, bounded on the north by the jungle and overgrown rubber plantations of the Long Nguyen Secret Zone, on the west by the Saigon River and on the east by the smaller but unfordable obstacle of the Thi Thinh River.", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887809", "text": "had achieved combat parity and were pushing against the ARVN's outer line of defense around Saigon. Battle of the Iron Triangle The Battle of the Iron Triangle took place from 16 May to 20 November 1974, when the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) 9th Division captured Rach Bap and An Dien The Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) regained the lost towns in a series of costly counterattacks. The Iron Triangle was an important strategic location, bounded on the north by the jungle and overgrown rubber plantations of the Long Nguyen Secret Zone, on the west by the Saigon", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "5411183", "text": "bureau members Phạm Hùng and Lê Đức Thọ, and southern military commander Trần Văn Trà all joined together in the Iron Triangle region to orchestrate the final, decisive attack on Saigon. The area had remained allied with the nationalist communist forces from the beginning of the French war in 1946 to the fall of Saigon in 1975: an exception in a country often torn region by region between control by American forces and control by the Viet Cong. Iron Triangle (Vietnam) The Iron Triangle (Vietnamese:\"Tam Giác Sắt\") was a area in the Bình Dương Province of Vietnam, so named due", "title": "Iron Triangle (Vietnam)" }, { "docid": "8637900", "text": "Iron Triangle of the Vietnam war era.) Residents are attempting to reverse this image in a number of ways. One of these is the new East Bay Center for the Performing Arts (completed in 2011) at MacDonald and 11th St, which contains the aptly-named Iron Triangle Theater. Iron Triangle, Richmond, California The Iron Triangle, sometimes known as Central Richmond, is a neighborhood in Richmond, California. It is a largely residential area but includes the downtown Richmond business district along Macdonald Avenue. Commercial areas on Cutting Boulevard and near Interstate 580 are also in the neighborhood if the more extensive of", "title": "Iron Triangle, Richmond, California" }, { "docid": "18004198", "text": "The Iron Triangle (film) The Iron Triangle is a 1989 film about the Vietnam War shot in Sri Lanka and directed by Eric Weston. The story is based on the diary of an unknown Viet Cong Soldier. This unique fact gives the movie a different perspective than many of the other movies about the Vietnam war and makes black and white distinctions about who were the \"good guys\" and \"bad guys\" a little more complicated. The film stars Beau Bridges, Haing S. Ngor, Liem Whatley, Johnny Hallyday, Jim Ishida, and Ping Wu. Each character helps bring to life the struggle", "title": "The Iron Triangle (film)" }, { "docid": "18004199", "text": "of what it means to fight for one's country. Whether they be a simple farmer's son (Ho), a French mercenary (Jacques), or a simple soldier (Keene) these three men bring to light a gray view of war which reflects that there are many sides to the war than just \"good\" or \"evil\". The Iron Triangle (film) The Iron Triangle is a 1989 film about the Vietnam War shot in Sri Lanka and directed by Eric Weston. The story is based on the diary of an unknown Viet Cong Soldier. This unique fact gives the movie a different perspective than many", "title": "The Iron Triangle (film)" }, { "docid": "5411178", "text": "Iron Triangle (Vietnam) The Iron Triangle (Vietnamese:\"Tam Giác Sắt\") was a area in the Bình Dương Province of Vietnam, so named due to it being a stronghold of Viet Minh activity during the war. The region was under control of the Viet Minh throughout the French war in Vietnam and continued to be so throughout the phase of American involvement in the Vietnam War, despite concerted efforts on the part of US and South Vietnamese forces to destabilize the region as a power base for their enemy, the communist North Vietnamese–sponsored and–directed South Vietnamese insurgent movement, the National Liberation Front", "title": "Iron Triangle (Vietnam)" }, { "docid": "7887804", "text": "ending a bitter four-month struggle. Following the withdrawal from Base 82 COSVN organized a new corps headquarters in the Tay Ninh- Binh Long region and designated it the 301st Corps. This corps would soon direct the combat operations of the 7th and 9th NVA Divisions, separate regiments, and additional formations already en route from North Vietnam. Meanwhile General Thuần decided to rest the tired troops of the 5th Division and turned his attention to sending his 25th Division to clear out the PAVN bases in the Ho Bo area west of the Iron Triangle. The ARVN defenses around An Dien", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "11724991", "text": "and was previously called the \"Black Hat\" Brigade. The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division was known as the Iron Brigade from its formation in 1917 through World War I, World War II and Vietnam, until some time in the early 2000s when, for reasons that are still unclear, the name was changed to Duke Brigade. The unit crest was an Iron Cross in a triangle, it appears that that was also changed. The 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division is also known as the Iron Brigade. Its unit crest is similar to the medals issued to veterans", "title": "Iron Brigade" }, { "docid": "11737084", "text": "Brigade. The 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division was known as the Iron Brigade from its formation in 1917 through World War I, World War II and Vietnam, until some time in the early 2000s when, for reasons that are still unclear, the name was changed to Duke Brigade. The unit crest was an Iron Cross in a triangle, it appears that that was also changed. The 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division is also known as the Iron Brigade. Its unit crest is similar to the medals issued to veterans of the both Western and the Eastern", "title": "Shelby's Iron Brigade" } ]
[ { "docid": "14246011", "text": "fighting between the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the US Eighth Army during the Battle of White Horse and the Battle of Triangle Hill in October–November 1952. The Battle of Pork Chop Hill in March–July 1953 took place to the west of the Iron Triangle. This complex was eventually named the \"Iron Triangle\" by newsmen searching for a dramatic term. Today, the region straddles the Demilitarized Zone. Iron Triangle (Korea) The Iron Triangle was a key communist Chinese and North Korean concentration area and communications junction during the Korean War, located in the central sector between Cheorwon and Gimhwa-eup in", "title": "Iron Triangle (Korea)" }, { "docid": "2595202", "text": "Iron triangle (US politics) In United States politics, the iron triangle comprises the policy-making relationship among the congressional committees, the bureaucracy, and interest groups. The earlier known mention of ‘iron triangle’ was in a 1956 Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report as “Iron triangle: Clout, background, and outlook” and as “Chinks in the Iron Triangle?” Central to the concept of an iron triangle is the assumption that bureaucratic agencies, as political entities, seek to create and consolidate their own power base. In this view an agency's power is determined by its constituency, not by its consumers. (For these purposes, \"constituents\" are politically", "title": "Iron triangle (US politics)" }, { "docid": "18551820", "text": "has not yet been disrupted like fields such as computer production. The belief is that with time and innovation, the current Iron Triangle will be disrupted, and just as the cost of computer production has fallen as quality and access to computers has increased, health care access and quality will rise, and cost will decrease. Critics argue that the Iron Triangle is not a one-size-fits-all model that can be applied to an entire population. Iron Triangle of Health Care The concept of the Iron Triangle of Health Care was first introduced in William Kissick’s book, \"Medicine’s Dilemmas: Infinite Needs Versus", "title": "Iron Triangle of Health Care" }, { "docid": "8637896", "text": "Iron Triangle, Richmond, California The Iron Triangle, sometimes known as Central Richmond, is a neighborhood in Richmond, California. It is a largely residential area but includes the downtown Richmond business district along Macdonald Avenue. Commercial areas on Cutting Boulevard and near Interstate 580 are also in the neighborhood if the more extensive of two possible definitions of its area is used. The neighborhood gets its name from three major railroad tracks which form a rough triangle and define its boundaries. The northeastern side of the Iron Triangle is the Union Pacific Railroad/BART tracks that run beside Carlson Boulevard, Espee Avenue,", "title": "Iron Triangle, Richmond, California" }, { "docid": "7887794", "text": "attached to the 5th Division in the Iron Triangle. The relief was accomplished on schedule, and a relative calm settled over the Base 82 battleground. The PAVN 9th Division also made adjustments during the last part of June and the first weeks of July. While the 272nd Regiment retained defensive positions in the southern part of the Iron Triangle, the 95C Regiment, refitted and with fresh replacements, returned to the Base 82 area and assumed responsibility for its defense. The 271st Regiment, held defensive positions in the Base 82 area, primarily to the north and northeast. Meanwhile, the 141st Regiment", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887808", "text": "along Route 14 until 24 November. Measured against the costs and violence of the earlier phases of the campaign, this final chapter was anticlimactic. Casualties on both sides were light, and contacts were few and of short duration. The PAVN had given up its last foothold in the Iron Triangle with only token resistance in order to replace losses, reorganize, re-equip and retrain the main forces of the new 301st Corps for the decisive battles to come. The drawn out fighting over the small battlefield of the Iron Triangle while ending in South Vietnamese victory showed that the North Vietnamese", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887806", "text": "Lt. Gen. Dư Quốc Đống. General Đống immediately surveyed the situation in the Iron Triangle and reviewed the plan of his predecessor, which as modified became operation Quyet Thang 18/24 (Operation Will to Victory). Battalions from all three divisions of the corps were committed; D-Day was 14 November. The 9th Infantry, 5th Division started from An Dien and marched west, along Route 7, past Base 82 toward Rach Bap. The 48th and 52nd Regiments, 18th Division crossed the Thi Thinh River south of Ben Cat and entered the Iron Triangle and attacked west toward the Saigon River. Elements of the", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "14246010", "text": "Iron Triangle (Korea) The Iron Triangle was a key communist Chinese and North Korean concentration area and communications junction during the Korean War, located in the central sector between Cheorwon and Gimhwa-eup in the south and Pyonggang in the north. The area was located 20 to 30 miles (30 to 50 kilometres) above the 38th parallel in the diagonal corridor dividing the Taebaek Mountains into northern and southern ranges and contained the major road and rail links between the port of Wonsan in the northeast and Seoul in the southwest. During the war the area was the scene of heavy", "title": "Iron Triangle (Korea)" }, { "docid": "10692013", "text": "Operation Iron Triangle Operation Iron Triangle was a military operation in the Iraq War. The operation was led by Michael D. Steele in 2006. The operation targeted a suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq training facility southwest of the city of Samarra near the Muthana Chemical Complex south of Lake Tharthar. In the first few hours of the operation, two active duty soldiers from Charlie Company 3/187th Infantry Regiment executed three unarmed Iraqi detainees. The soldiers claimed that they were acting on the orders of their squad leader (who was the leader on the ground at the time) as well as the", "title": "Operation Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887805", "text": "and Base 82 were taken over by Regional Forces and Rangers. III Corps Headquarters worked on plans to resumethe attack to retake Rach Bap, the last outpost still remaining in PAVN hands. General Thuần also recognized the need to clean the PAVN out of the southern part of the Iron Triangle around Phu Thu, and a plan encompassing Rach Bap, Phu Thu and the Phú Hòa area west of the Iron Triangle began to take shape. But on 30 October, before the execution of the plan, President Thieu relieved General Thuan of command of III Corps and replaced him with", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "18551819", "text": "care system. Critics of the Iron Triangle state that the model is not actually as rigid as its name indicates, but is more dynamic because costs of care are constantly changing. Health care costs change faster than the other two dimensions of the triangle, affecting access to care, which in turn influences quality. Other skeptics argue that the Iron Triangle is not a fixed framework, but an observation and reflection of the current state of health care. In line with Clayton Christensen’s theory on disruptive innovation, critics of the Iron Triangle believe that health care, particularly in the United States,", "title": "Iron Triangle of Health Care" }, { "docid": "10692016", "text": "be convicted of aggravated assault and to receive a nine-month prison sentence in exchange for his testifying against three other members of his squad.\" 3. http://www.armytimes.com/news/2008/12/army_sgtstaffsgt_120308w/ Raffi Khatchadourian (2009), \"THE KILL COMPANY: Did a colonel’s fiery rhetoric set the conditions for a massacre?\" The New Yorker July 6 &13 2009 issue. Operation Iron Triangle Operation Iron Triangle was a military operation in the Iraq War. The operation was led by Michael D. Steele in 2006. The operation targeted a suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq training facility southwest of the city of Samarra near the Muthana Chemical Complex south of Lake Tharthar.", "title": "Operation Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "2595206", "text": "policy outcomes directly in these committees and subcommittees. This is where an iron triangle may manifest itself. The picture above displays the concept. At one corner of the triangle are interest groups (constituencies). These are the powerful interest's groups that influence Congressional votes in their favor and can sufficiently influence the re-election of a member of Congress in return for supporting their programs. At another corner sit members of Congress who also seek to align themselves with a constituency for political and electoral support. These congressional members support legislation that advances the interest group's agenda. Occupying the third corner of", "title": "Iron triangle (US politics)" }, { "docid": "8637898", "text": "a population of 19,807 and is roughly 66% African-American. The Latino community has been growing in the Iron Triangle since the late 1980s, making up about 35 percent of Iron Triangle's population. The first Mexican community in Richmond started in the lower part of the Iron Triangle at the bottom of Macdonald Ave below 5th St and at A St and B St in the 1920s. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway began bringing Mexican workers to work in the Santa Fe Rail Yard in Richmond. The Railroad also built a Housing Project for Mexican railroad workers called Section housing", "title": "Iron Triangle, Richmond, California" }, { "docid": "18551818", "text": "Iron Triangle of Health Care The concept of the Iron Triangle of Health Care was first introduced in William Kissick’s book, \"Medicine’s Dilemmas: Infinite Needs Versus Finite Resources\" in 1994, describing three competing health care issues: access, quality, and cost containment. Each of the vertices represents identical priorities. Increasing or decreasing one results in changes to one or both of the other two. For example, a policy that increases access to health services would lower quality of health care and/or increase cost. The desired state of the triangle, high access and quality with low cost represents value in a health", "title": "Iron Triangle of Health Care" }, { "docid": "2595208", "text": "the public in this way may be viewed as problematic for the popular concept of democracy if the general welfare of all citizens is sacrificed for very specific interests. This is especially so if the legislation passed neglects or reverses the original purpose for which the agency was established. Some maintain that such arrangements are consonant with (and are natural outgrowths of) the democratic process, since they frequently involve a majority block of voters implementing their will through their representatives in government. Iron triangle (US politics) In United States politics, the iron triangle comprises the policy-making relationship among the congressional", "title": "Iron triangle (US politics)" }, { "docid": "8637899", "text": "which was located on Macdonald Avenue and Gerrard Blvd. A small Mexican community started to form at the bottom of Macdonald Ave that grew during World War II, especially by Mexican-American shipyard workers who came from the South Western United States. There were several Mexican-owned businesses in the Iron Triangle during that war era: La Perla, Richmond's first Mexican grocery store; Gonzales Mexican Restaurant; and The Rio Theater which showed Mexican movies. The Iron Triangle is also known as a high-crime area and has become known as a 'warzone' in neighboring cities. (In fact, its name reflects that of the", "title": "Iron Triangle, Richmond, California" }, { "docid": "7887783", "text": "While the 52nd Infantry remained in reserve holding the An Dien perimeter, two battalions of the 48th Infantry moved south and west to protect the southern flank of Task Force 318 as it advanced along Route 7 towards Base 82. To the south, the 43rd Regiment maintained contact with the 272nd Regiment. Meanwhile the PAVN 9th Division had withdrawn the remnants of the 95C Regiment from action and placed its 271st Regiment at Base 82, where it prepared deep, mutually supporting defensive positions. Clearly indicating its resolve to conduct a determined defense along Route 7 in the Iron Triangle, COSVN", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "5411179", "text": "or Viet Cong (NLF). The Location of the Iron Triangle was between the Saigon River on the west and the Tinh River on the east and bordering Route 13 about 25 miles (40 km) north of Saigon. The southern apex of the \"triangle\" was seven miles (11 km) from Phú Cường, the capital of Bình Dương Province. Its proximity to Saigon was both a reason for American and South Vietnamese efforts to eradicate it, as well as why it remained a crucial area for Communist forces to control. During the French war in Indochina, from 1946 to 1954, the Viet", "title": "Iron Triangle (Vietnam)" }, { "docid": "7887759", "text": "Phú Cường, the capital of Bình Dương Province, was an important industrial and farming center and contained the ARVN Engineer School. It was linked by a major highway with the large ARVN Phu Loi Base Camp and, farther east, with Bien Hoa Air Base. Lying as it did in the center of the Saigon River corridor, at the junction of Highways 13 and 1, and only 16km from the outskirts of Saigon, Phú Cường was vital to the defense of Saigon. The terrain within the Iron Triangle was flat, almost featureless, and covered by dense brush and undergrowth. The clearings,", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887781", "text": "had been killed. The expected PAVN counterattack came on the night of 5/6 June as two battalions of the 271st Regiment, supported by up to 14 tanks attacked from two directions. The ARVN held and its infantrymen knocked out 5 tanks and damaged 5 others. The second phase or the Iron Triangle campaign was over with the recapture of An Dien, and General Thuần was anxious to get the attack moving again toward Base 82 and Rach Bap. Although the An Dien bridge would soon be in condition to carry the tanks of the 318th Task Force, one company of", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "2595207", "text": "the triangle are bureaucrats, who are often pressured by the same powerful interest groups their agency is designated to regulate. The result is a three-way, stable alliance that is sometimes called a sub-government because of its durability, impregnability, and power to determine policy. An iron triangle can result in the passing of very narrow, pork-barrel policies that benefit a small segment of the population. The interests of the agency's constituency (the interest groups) are met, while the needs of consumers (which may be the general public) are passed over. That public administration may result in benefiting a small segment of", "title": "Iron triangle (US politics)" }, { "docid": "7887807", "text": "50th Infantry, 25th Division, were already in this area. Meanwhile, the 46th Infantry and one battalion of the 50th moved into the plantations north of Phú Hòa District Town to prevent PAVN infiltration across the Saigon River. Along Route 7, the 9th Infantry advanced without incident until 19 November when sharp fighting west of Base 82 resulted in over 40 ARVN soldiers wounded. The PAVN withdrew leaving 14 dead and many weapons and radios behind. The next morning, Reconnaissance Company, 9th Infantry, entered Rach Bap unopposed. The Iron Triangle campaign was virtually over, although mopping-up operations continued in the south", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887784", "text": "sent the 141st Regiment, 7th Division south from its position along Highway 13, north of Lai Khê, to reinforce the 9th Division north of Base 82. The 9th Division meanwhile began shifting the 272nd Regiment north from the southern part of the Iron Triangle to assist in the defense of Base 82 and Rach Bap. The summer monsoon had arrived in Bình Dương Province and rains and low cloud cover further reduced the effectiveness of RVNAF support for the attack. A dense rubber plantation northwest of Base 82 provided excellent concealment for supporting defensive positions and observation of local Route", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887796", "text": "Infantry, 5th Division, had been selected to try to capture Base 82, having replaced its sister regiment, the 7th, in the Iron Triangle. Prior to an attack scheduled for 7 September, ARVN reconnaissance patrols had successfully reached the base's perimeter. The 8th Regiment formed a task force around its 1st and 2d Battalions, reinforced by the 5th Division Reconnaissance Company and a small armored troop with 3 M41 tanks, 3 M48 tanks, and 3 M113s. The 1st Battalion advanced south of Route 7, while the 2nd Battalion, with the reconnaissance company and the armored troops, advanced on an axis north", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887763", "text": "the Triangle. The ARVN was strong with infantry, armor, and mutually supporting fire bases and outposts in Bến Cát District east of the Thi Thinh boundary of the Triangle, but only one bridge, a weak span, connected the district town and the Triangle hamlet of An Dien. On 16 May the PAVN 9th Division began their attack on with heavy artillery, rocket, and mortar concentrations falling on Rach Bap, Base 82, and An Dien. The RF company at Base 82 abandoned its bunkers, many of which had collapsed under the weight of the bombardment, late that afternoon. Rach Bap held", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "6443054", "text": "in a prison (in real life Mountjoy Prison where Behan had once been lodged) the day a convict is set to be executed. The triangle in the title refers to the large metal triangle which was beaten daily in Mountjoy Prison to waken the inmates (\"The Auld Triangle goes Jingle Jangle\"). The triangle still hangs in the prison at the centre where the wings meet on a metal gate. It is no longer used, though the hammer to beat it is mounted beside it. In the original play by Brendan Behan, the song is written as the \"old triangle\" not", "title": "The Auld Triangle" }, { "docid": "11130866", "text": "Polonia Triangle Polonia Triangle (), also known as the Polish Triangle, is located in West Town, in what had been the historical Polish Downtown area of Chicago. A single-tiered fountain made of black iron with a bowl about nine feet in diameter is installed at its center. Polonia Triangle derives its name from the Polish word \"Polonia\", which means 'Polish diaspora'. Polonia Triangle was considered to be the center of Chicago's Polish Downtown, the city’s oldest and most prominent Polish settlement. In many ways it functioned as the capital of the American Polonia with the headquarters for almost every major", "title": "Polonia Triangle" }, { "docid": "11130870", "text": "depth report titled \"\"Wicker Park's Dirty Doorstep: Round two of the battle over the glorified bus stop known as the Polish Triangle\"\". Additionally, the Metropolitan Planning Council along with the Placemaking Movement and WPB (Wicker Park/ Bucktown) have jointly undertaken an initiative to redevelop and renovate Polonia Triangle. Polonia Triangle Polonia Triangle (), also known as the Polish Triangle, is located in West Town, in what had been the historical Polish Downtown area of Chicago. A single-tiered fountain made of black iron with a bowl about nine feet in diameter is installed at its center. Polonia Triangle derives its name", "title": "Polonia Triangle" }, { "docid": "4769584", "text": "Pipeclay triangle A pipeclay triangle is a piece of laboratory apparatus that is used to support a crucible being heated by a Bunsen burner or other heat source. It is made of wires strung in an equilateral triangle on which are strung hollow ceramic, normally fire clay, tubes. The triangle is usually supported on a tripod or iron ring. Unlike wire gauze, which primarily supports glassware such as beakers, flasks, or evaporating dishes and provides indirect heat transfer to the glassware, the pipeclay triangle normally supports a crucible and allows the flame to heat the crucible directly. The triangular shape", "title": "Pipeclay triangle" }, { "docid": "4769585", "text": "allows rounded crucibles of various sizes to rest in a stable way. Pipeclay triangle A pipeclay triangle is a piece of laboratory apparatus that is used to support a crucible being heated by a Bunsen burner or other heat source. It is made of wires strung in an equilateral triangle on which are strung hollow ceramic, normally fire clay, tubes. The triangle is usually supported on a tripod or iron ring. Unlike wire gauze, which primarily supports glassware such as beakers, flasks, or evaporating dishes and provides indirect heat transfer to the glassware, the pipeclay triangle normally supports a crucible", "title": "Pipeclay triangle" }, { "docid": "12742132", "text": "and \"Quality\" can be adjusted resulting in an overall manipulation of the Goal/Product. This interpretation includes the four key factors in the original triangle inputs/outputs form. This can even be incorporated into the PMBOK Star illustrating that \"Quality\" in particular may be monitored separately in terms of project outputs and process. Further to this suggestion, the use of term \"Goal\" may best represent change initiative outputs, while Product may best represent more tangible outputs. Project management triangle The Project Management Triangle (called also the \"Triple Constraint\", \"Iron Triangle\" and \"Project Triangle\") is a model of the constraints of project management.", "title": "Project management triangle" }, { "docid": "12916218", "text": "in China today. Battle of Triangle Hill The Battle of Triangle Hill, also known as Operation Showdown or the Shangganling Campaign (), was a protracted military engagement during the Korean War. The main combatants were two United Nations infantry divisions, with additional support from the United States Air Force, against elements of the 15th and 12th Corps of the People's Republic of China. The battle was part of American attempts to gain control of \"The Iron Triangle\", and took place from October 14 – November 25, 1952. The immediate American objective was Triangle Hill (), a forested ridge of high", "title": "Battle of Triangle Hill" }, { "docid": "12916185", "text": "Battle of Triangle Hill The Battle of Triangle Hill, also known as Operation Showdown or the Shangganling Campaign (), was a protracted military engagement during the Korean War. The main combatants were two United Nations infantry divisions, with additional support from the United States Air Force, against elements of the 15th and 12th Corps of the People's Republic of China. The battle was part of American attempts to gain control of \"The Iron Triangle\", and took place from October 14 – November 25, 1952. The immediate American objective was Triangle Hill (), a forested ridge of high ground north of", "title": "Battle of Triangle Hill" }, { "docid": "7887765", "text": "with about 10 T-54 and PT-76 tanks, were employed against the dispersed 321st RF Battalion. The 2nd Regiment overran Rach Bap and continued the attack south into the Triangle along Route 14, while the 95C Regiment attacked Base 82 and An Dien. The 271st Regiment was held in reserve. The ARVN at Ben Cat were unable to counterattack the PAVN immediately at An Dien because the bridgehead held by the RF was too shallow to protect the crossing of any large forces, but III Corps commander Lt. Gen. Phạm Quốc Thuần quickly began reinforcing Bến Cát. Task Force 318 arrived", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887761", "text": "7 to An Dien () on the Thi Thinh River opposite Bến Cát. Each of these outposts, including Base 82 (), which was midway between Rach Bap and An Dien, was manned by a company of the 321st Regional Force (RF) Battalion. Another country road passed by the Rach Bap outpost, local Route 14, which generally paralleled the Saigon River from Tri Tam, through Rach Bap, and veered to the southeast through the Triangle, crossing the Thi Thinh River before it joined Highway 13 north of Phú Cường. The PAVN had blown the bridge on Route 14 over the Thi", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887760", "text": "especially in the northern part, were thick with elephant grass, higher than a man's head. The surface was scarred by countless bomb and shell craters so that vehicular movement off the narrow, rough dirt roads was nearly impossible; even tracked vehicles had difficulty. A vast network of tunnels and trenches, most of them caved-in and abandoned, laced this ground that had been the scene of battles since the First Indochina War. A weak string of three ARVN outposts protected the northern edge of the Triangle, from Rach Bap () on the west, close by the Saigon River, along local Route", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "3414061", "text": "Vaal Triangle The Vaal Triangle is a triangular area formed by Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark and Sasolburg - together they comprise a substantial urban complex in South Africa about 60 km south of Johannesburg. Meyerton, just north of Vereeniging, is also generally included in the complex, and residents of Sharpeville, Boipatong, Bophelong, the greater Sebokeng area (includingEvaton, Orange Farm, etc.), Heidelberg, Zamdela,((Deneysville)) and Potchefstroom also generally tend to consider themselves to live in the Vaal Triangle. The area straddles the Vaal River and is a major industrial region, which is home to former Iron and Steel Corporation Iscor, now ArcelorMittal South Africa", "title": "Vaal Triangle" }, { "docid": "12742117", "text": "Project management triangle The Project Management Triangle (called also the \"Triple Constraint\", \"Iron Triangle\" and \"Project Triangle\") is a model of the constraints of project management. While its origins are unclear, it has been used since at least the 1950s. It contends that: For example, a project can be completed faster by increasing budget or cutting scope. Similarly, increasing scope may require equivalent increases in budget and schedule. Cutting budget without adjusting schedule or scope will lead to lower quality. In practice, however, trading between constraints is not always possible. For example, throwing money (and people) at a fully staffed", "title": "Project management triangle" }, { "docid": "8637897", "text": "Portola Avenue, and 13th Street. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway tracks that parallel Richmond Parkway/Garrard Boulevard form the northwest side of the triangle. Normally, the southern side of the triangle is considered to be the now abandoned Santa Fe tracks that ran between Ohio and Chanslor Avenues and are currently being developed as the Richmond Greenway. Because those tracks have been removed, the southern boundary of the neighborhood is now occasionally considered to be the BNSF tracks that run just south of Interstate 580. The area is well known as the heart of Richmond's African-American community. The neighborhood has", "title": "Iron Triangle, Richmond, California" }, { "docid": "7887766", "text": "in Bến Cát on the afternoon of the 16th and on the 17th began reinforcing the RF holding the bridge and moving against the PAVN's blocking positions west of the bridgehead. The weakness of the ARVN bridgehead and the strength of the enemy positions in An Dien, which included antitank guns and tanks, made it impractical to send any armor of the 318th across the An Dien bridge at this time. Meanwhile, the 322nd Task Force moved from Tây Ninh Province to Phú Cường and was ordered to prepare to attack into the Triangle along Route 14 in order to", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887768", "text": "although he had accurate intelligence concerning the size, composition, and location of his enemy. His initial plans, which proved unrealistic, called for virtually simultaneous recapture of the three lost bases by about 22 May. Except for the few ARVN infantry and engineers that were thrown across the Thi Thinh River to reinforce the An Dien bridgehead, the first major ARVN unit to move into the Triangle was a battalion of the 43rd Infantry, 18th Division, which crossed on Route 14 north of Phú Cường. Shortly reinforced by the rest of the regiment, this element, followed by the 322nd Armored Task", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "6629563", "text": "creating the Triangle. He suggests they do things the “Greenpeace way\"; he wants to drive his cigarette boat out to where the Navy is attempting to close the Triangle without realizing they are actually creating it. The first attempt fails and the Triangle is created but the second time around, Howard gathers him and everyone sooner and they make it to the Naval Base although Meeno's boat is destroyed by the Navy and captured. The attempt works and in the new timeline created from the Triangle's destruction, he has two sons rather than just the older one from his original", "title": "The Triangle (miniseries)" }, { "docid": "7887778", "text": "Triangle on the night of 2/3 June, The fighting at An Dien wos especially fierce on 3 June as the PAVN used tanks against ARVN infantry. Armed with light antitank weapons, ARVN infantry knocked out at least 4 tanks in the final day of the battle. On 4 June, troops of the 18th ARVN Division finally entered An Dien and on the 5th overran the last position of the 95C Regiment, which had since been reinforced by elements of the 271st Regiment. On the morning of the 5th, two battalions of the 48th and two of the 52nd were holding", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887792", "text": "whose troops had been in heavy combat for a month, with the 5th Division. Instead of relieving the 18th, General Thuần decided to try his armor again. Holding the infantry in position, he sent the 318th and 322nd Task Forces back into the Triangle, one north of Route 7, the other generally along the road. The PAVN's antitank defenses, primarily employing the 82-mm. recoilless gun, stopped the attack once again, destroying 13 M113 armored personnel carriers and 11 M48 tanks between 27 June and 1 July, even though ARVN artillery and the RVNAF supported the attack with 43,000 rounds and", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "7887762", "text": "Thinh a few weeks earlier, but the stream could be spanned by pontoon sections. About midway between Rach Bap and the Thi Thinh crossing of Route 14, the ARVN had another small firebase. Frequent sweeps and some semi-fixed defensive positions north of Củ Chi manned by the ARVN 25th Division and Hậu Nghĩa Province RF screened the western flank of the Triangle, but PAVN resistance in the Ho Bo Woods opposite Rach Bap, and the formidable obstacle of the Saigon River, as well as a lack of resources, limited the influence that the 25th could exert on the situation within", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "1390180", "text": "form of an equilateral triangle, early instruments were often formed as non-equilateral isosceles triangles. In the early days the triangles did not have an opening and had jingling rings along the lower side. Early examples of triangles include ornamental work at the open end, often in a scroll pattern. Historically, the triangle has been manufactured from a solid iron and later steel rod and bent into a triangular shape roughly equilateral. In modern times, the scroll pattern has been abandoned and triangles are made from either steel or brass. The triangle is often the subject of jokes and one liners", "title": "Triangle (musical instrument)" }, { "docid": "14907704", "text": "Holman. In 1936 it was remade as a sound film \"The Mine with the Iron Door\". The film was shot on location in the Tucson Arizona Valley, Oracle, Arizona, and Mt. Lemmon. While shooting the film the cast and crew stayed at the Triangle L Ranch and the Wilson Ranch (Rancho Linda Vista) outside of Oracle, Arizona off Historic US Route 80. The Mine with the Iron Door (1924 film) The Mine with the Iron Door is a 1924 American silent epic Western melodrama directed by Sam Wood and produced by Sol Lesser. The film is based on the novel", "title": "The Mine with the Iron Door (1924 film)" }, { "docid": "11178290", "text": "review of \"Triangle\". Applauding Carter's risky and audacious direction, he noted that \"there has never been an hour of TV that looks or moves like 'Triangle'\". He argued that the 1939 scene where Mulder and \"Scully\" cross paths with present-Scully was \"the greatest minute of TV this year\". Seitz also compared the episode to three-dimensional video games, like \"Doom\", \"Quake\", and \"Castle Wolfenstein\", citing the episode's \"gloomy corridors\" and \"nightmarish cartoon Nazis\". Michael Liedtke and George Avalos from \"The Charlotte Observer\" predicted that \"'Triangle' seems destined to take its rightful place in the pantheon of greatest 'X-Files' episodes\". Enjoying the", "title": "Triangle (The X-Files)" }, { "docid": "417375", "text": "the circumcenter is located on a side of the triangle, then the opposite angle is a right one. If the circumcenter is located inside the triangle, then the triangle is acute; if the circumcenter is located outside the triangle, then the triangle is obtuse. An altitude of a triangle is a straight line through a vertex and perpendicular to (i.e. forming a right angle with) the opposite side. This opposite side is called the \"base\" of the altitude, and the point where the altitude intersects the base (or its extension) is called the \"foot\" of the altitude. The length of", "title": "Triangle" }, { "docid": "10201974", "text": "the sides of the reference triangle at the three vertices of the extouch triangle. The area of the extouch triangle, formula_7, is given by: where formula_9, formula_10, formula_11 are the area, radius of the incircle and semiperimeter of the original triangle, and formula_12, formula_13, formula_14 are the side lengths of the original triangle. This is the same area as that of the intouch triangle. Extouch triangle In geometry, the extouch triangle of a triangle is formed by joining the points at which the three excircles touch the triangle. The vertices of the extouch triangle are given in trilinear coordinates by:", "title": "Extouch triangle" }, { "docid": "12126498", "text": "The Russian Triangle The Russian Triangle ( \"Rusuli samkudhedi\"; ) is a 2007 Russian-language Georgian thriller film directed by Aleko Tsabadze. It was Georgia's submission to the 80th Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but was not accepted as a nominee. It was also entered into the 29th Moscow International Film Festival where it won the Special Jury Prize. Contemporary Russia. The main characters of the film are victims of the recent war who are lost in a city inhabited by millions. In this megalopolis a series of murders occurs. The investigation gradually leads law", "title": "The Russian Triangle" }, { "docid": "12126500", "text": "a city far from military operations? This war demands more and more victims. The Russian Triangle The Russian Triangle ( \"Rusuli samkudhedi\"; ) is a 2007 Russian-language Georgian thriller film directed by Aleko Tsabadze. It was Georgia's submission to the 80th Academy Awards for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, but was not accepted as a nominee. It was also entered into the 29th Moscow International Film Festival where it won the Special Jury Prize. Contemporary Russia. The main characters of the film are victims of the recent war who are lost in a city inhabited by millions.", "title": "The Russian Triangle" }, { "docid": "18527296", "text": "A reference triangle and its tangential triangle are in perspective, and the axis of perspectivity is the Lemoine axis of the reference triangle. That is, the lines connecting the vertices of the tangential triangle and the corresponding vertices of the reference triangle are concurrent. The center of perspectivity, where these three lines meet, is the symmedian point of the triangle. The tangent lines containing the sides of the tangential triangle are called the exsymmedians of the reference triangle. Any two of these are concurrent with the third symmedian of the reference triangle. The reference triangle's circumcircle, its nine-point circle, its", "title": "Tangential triangle" }, { "docid": "10618079", "text": "honor of Clark Kimberling who created the online encyclopedia of more than 9000 triangle centers, the triangle centers listed in the encyclopedia are collectively called \"Kimberling centers\". A triangle center P is called a \"polynomial triangle center\" if the trilinear coordinates of P can be expressed as polynomials in \"a\", \"b\" and \"c\". A triangle center P is called a \"regular triangle point\" if the trilinear coordinates of P can be expressed as polynomials in Δ, \"a\", \"b\" and \"c\", where Δ is the area of the triangle. A triangle center P is said to be a \"major triangle center\"", "title": "Triangle center" }, { "docid": "11601515", "text": "Conway triangle notation In geometry, the Conway triangle notation, named after John Horton Conway, allows trigonometric functions of a triangle to be managed algebraically. Given a reference triangle whose sides are \"a\", \"b\" and \"c\" and whose corresponding internal angles are \"A\", \"B\", and \"C\" then the Conway triangle notation is simply represented as follows: where \"S\" = 2 × area of reference triangle and in particular Furthermore the convention uses a shorthand notation for formula_14 and formula_15 Hence: Some important identities: where \"R\" is the circumradius and \"abc\" = 2\"SR\" and where \"r\" is the incenter, formula_22 and formula_23", "title": "Conway triangle notation" }, { "docid": "4282227", "text": "the third angle. The triangle where two vertices are ideal points and the remaining angle is right, one of the first hyperbolic triangles (1818) described by Ferdinand Karl Schweikart. The triangle where all vertices are ideal points, an ideal triangle is the largest possible triangle in hyperbolic geometry because of the zero sum of the angles. The relations among the angles and sides are analogous to those of spherical trigonometry; the length scale for both spherical geometry and hyperbolic geometry can for example be defined as the length of a side of an equilateral triangle with fixed angles. The length", "title": "Hyperbolic triangle" }, { "docid": "1745220", "text": "is typically viewed as an exclusive relationship, whereas friendship is not.\" Statistics suggest that, in Western society, \"willingly or not, most adults have been involved in a love triangle\". Two main forms of love triangle have been distinguished: \"there is the \"rivalrous triangle\", where the lover is competing with a rival for the love of the beloved, and the \"split-object triangle\", where a lover has split their attention between two love objects\". The term \"love triangle\" generally connotes an arrangement unsuitable to one or more of the people involved. One person typically ends up feeling betrayed at some point (e.g.,", "title": "Love triangle" }, { "docid": "9753451", "text": "was acquired by the Triangle Land Conservancy. Endor Iron Furnace The Endor Iron Furnace was an iron furnace that operated from 1861-1864 and again from 1870-1871, near Cumnock, Lee County, North Carolina. It was constructed between 1862 and 1864 to take advantage of the iron deposits along the Deep River. The furnace is constructed of soft local reddish-gray stones and measures approximately 32 feet square at the base and rises to a height of about 35 feet. During the American Civil War, the furnace produced pig iron for the Confederate Army. It was listed on the National Register of Historic", "title": "Endor Iron Furnace" }, { "docid": "11539497", "text": "Ma'ale Iron Ma'ale Iron (, \"lit.\" Iron Heights; ) is an Israeli Arab local council in Israel's Haifa District and is a part of the Wadi Ara region adjacent to the Triangle. The town consists of the five Arab villages of Bayada, Musheirifa, Musmus, Salem and Zalafa. The villages were joined together in 1996 by the Interior Ministry of Israel to form the local council. In its population was , predominantly Muslims. It has an area of 6.3 km2. Ma'ale Iron has four elected members and since 2013 the head of the council has been Mustafa Ighbarieh. The five villages", "title": "Ma'ale Iron" }, { "docid": "19159384", "text": "Circular triangle In geometry, a circular triangle is a triangle with circular arc edges. A convex circular triangle may be constructed by three circles intersecting each other and represents the area of intersection. Its edges are all curved outwards. The sum of the internal angles of a circular triangle is greater than 180°. A Reuleaux triangle is a special case based on an equilateral triangle where the center of each arc is on the opposite vertex. A circular horn triangle is a similar concept, but represents the area interior to 3 mutually tangent circles so all of the internal angles", "title": "Circular triangle" }, { "docid": "19051312", "text": "TRIANGLE disease TRIANGLE disease is a rare genetic disorder of the immune system. TRIANGLE stands for “TPPII-related immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, and neurodevelopmental delay with impaired glycolysis and lysosomal expansion” where \"TPP2\" is the causative gene. This disease manifests as recurrent infection, autoimmunity, and neurodevelopmental delay. TRIANGLE disease was first described in a collaborative study by Dr. Helen C. Su from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, and Dr. Sophie Hambleton from the University of Newcastle and their collaborators in 2014. The disease was also described by the group of Ehl et al. TRIANGLE disease is", "title": "TRIANGLE disease" }, { "docid": "417366", "text": "their internal angles, measured here in degrees. A triangle that has two angles with the same measure also has two sides with the same length, and therefore it is an isosceles triangle. It follows that in a triangle where all angles have the same measure, all three sides have the same length, and such a triangle is therefore equilateral. Triangles are assumed to be two-dimensional plane figures, unless the context provides otherwise (see Non-planar triangles, below). In rigorous treatments, a triangle is therefore called a \"2-simplex\" (see also Polytope). Elementary facts about triangles were presented by Euclid in books 1–4", "title": "Triangle" }, { "docid": "10201973", "text": "Extouch triangle In geometry, the extouch triangle of a triangle is formed by joining the points at which the three excircles touch the triangle. The vertices of the extouch triangle are given in trilinear coordinates by: or equivalently, where \"a,b,c\" are the lengths of the sides opposite angles \"A, B, C\" respectively, The triangle's splitters are lines connecting the vertices of the original triangle to the corresponding vertices of the extouch triangle; they bisect the triangle's perimeter and meet at the Nagel point. This is shown in blue and labelled \"N\" in the diagram. The Mandart inellipse is tangent to", "title": "Extouch triangle" }, { "docid": "1390185", "text": "can also be modulated slightly by varying the area struck and by more subtle damping. The triangle (known in Cajun French as a ‘tit-fer, from \"petit fer\", \"little iron\") is popular in Cajun music where it serves as the strong beat, especially if no drums are present. In the Brazilian music style Forró it used together with the zabumba (a larger drum) and an accordion. It forms together with the zabumba the rhythmic section. It provides usually an ongoing pulse, damping the tone on the first second and fourth while opening the hand on the third beat to let most", "title": "Triangle (musical instrument)" }, { "docid": "1625652", "text": "Bézier triangle A Bézier triangle is a special type of Bézier surface, which is created by (linear, quadratic, cubic or higher degree) interpolation of control points. A general \"n\"th-order Bézier triangle has (\"n\" + 1)(\"n\" + 2)/2 control points \"a\" \"β\" \"γ\" where \"i\", \"j\", \"k\" are nonnegative integers such that \"i\" + \"j\" + \"k\" = \"n\" . The surface is then defined as for all nonnegative real numbers \"s\" + \"t\" + \"u\" = 1. With linear order (formula_2), the resulting Bézier triangle is actually a regular flat triangle, with the triangle vertices equaling the three control points.", "title": "Bézier triangle" }, { "docid": "516978", "text": "and \"G\" and hypotenuse \"A\", then and where formula_40 is the golden ratio formula_41 Since the sides of this right triangle are in geometric progression, this is the Kepler triangle. Thales' theorem states that if \"A\" is any point of the circle with diameter \"BC\" (except \"B\" or \"C\" themselves) \"ABC\" is a right triangle where \"A\" is the right angle. The converse states that if a right triangle is inscribed in a circle then the hypotenuse will be a diameter of the circle. A corollary is that the length of the hypotenuse is twice the distance from the right", "title": "Right triangle" }, { "docid": "417388", "text": "it relatively easy to measure the length of each side, but relatively difficult to construct a 'height'. Various methods may be used in practice, depending on what is known about the triangle. The following is a selection of frequently used formulae for the area of a triangle. The height of a triangle can be found through the application of trigonometry. \"Knowing SAS\": Using the labels in the image on the right, the altitude is . Substituting this in the formula formula_26 derived above, the area of the triangle can be expressed as: (where α is the interior angle at \"A\",", "title": "Triangle" }, { "docid": "12754030", "text": "Farabeuf's Triangle Farabeuf's Triangle is the triangular space in the upper portion of the neck where the bifurcation of the carotid artery can be seen. It is limited: the rear: the jugular vein; internal below and beyond: the facial vein; above and beyond: the hypoglossal nerve. This triangle serves as a reference to locate surgery elements that are in the carotid triangle. The triangle of Farabeuf is bounded by the internal jugular vein (posterior), common facial vein (anterior-inferior) and hypoglossal nerve (anterior-superior). The jugulodigastric lymph node is commonly found within these boundaries, and drains the pharyngeal tonsil. The triangle had", "title": "Farabeuf's Triangle" }, { "docid": "1402331", "text": "the tangential triangle, and the center of similitude of the orthic and tangential triangles, are on the Euler line. Trilinear coordinates for the vertices of the tangential triangle are given by For more information on the orthic triangle, see here. For any triangle with sides and semiperimeter , the altitude from side is given by This follows from combining Heron's formula for the area of a triangle in terms of the sides with the area formula (1/2)×base×height, where the base is taken as side and the height is the altitude from . Consider an arbitrary triangle with sides and with", "title": "Altitude (triangle)" }, { "docid": "516971", "text": "angle A\" and \"opposed to angle B\". If the lengths of all three sides of a right triangle are integers, the triangle is said to be a Pythagorean triangle and its side lengths are collectively known as a Pythagorean triple. As with any triangle, the area is equal to one half the base multiplied by the corresponding height. In a right triangle, if one leg is taken as the base then the other is height, so the area of a right triangle is one half the product of the two legs. As a formula the area \"T\" is where \"a\"", "title": "Right triangle" }, { "docid": "1625653", "text": "A quadratic (formula_3) Bézier triangle features 6 control points which are all located on the edges. The cubic (formula_4) Bézier triangle is defined by 10 control points and is the lowest order Bézier triangle that has an internal control point, not located on the edges. In all cases, the edges of the triangle will be Bézier curves of the same degree. A cubic Bézier triangle is a surface with the equation where α, β, γ, αβ, αβ, βγ, βγ, αγ, αγ and αβγ are the control points of the triangle and s, t, u (with 0 ≤ s, t, u", "title": "Bézier triangle" }, { "docid": "7227463", "text": "numbers \"l\"(8, \"n\") (), then alkane numbers \"l\"(9, \"n\") (), then \"l\"(10, \"n\") (), \"l\"(11, \"n\") (), \"l\"(12, \"n\") (), etc. The sum of the \"n\"th row of Lozanić's triangle is formula_1 ( lists the first thirty values or so). The sums of the diagonals of Lozanić's triangle intermix formula_2 with formula_3 (where \"F\" is the \"x\"th Fibonacci number). As expected, laying Pascal's triangle over Lozanić's triangle and subtracting yields a triangle with the outer diagonals consisting of zeroes (, or for a version without the zeroes). This particular difference triangle has applications in the chemical study of catacondensed polygonal", "title": "Lozanić's triangle" }, { "docid": "10618080", "text": "if the trilinear coordinates of P can be expressed in the form f(A) : f(B) : f(C) where f(A) is a function of the angle A alone and does not depend on the other angles or on the side lengths. A triangle center P is called a \"transcendental triangle center\" if P has no trilinear representation using only algebraic functions of a, b and c. Let \"f\" be a triangle center function. If two sides of a triangle are equal (say \"a\" = \"b\") then so two components of the associated triangle center are always equal. Therefore all triangle centers", "title": "Triangle center" }, { "docid": "6629556", "text": "his experience with debunking the \"paranormal\" as a Litmus Test for the rest of the team's theories. With a young daughter and an ex-wife (Shannon Esra) to whom he can barely afford to pay alimony, his personal life might be in even worse shape than his career. He is somewhat the true hero of the story because when he notices all is lost, he purposely follows Stan into the triangle and ends up in the past to change things. His efforts allow them to get where they need to be faster and the Triangle is destroyed. In the new timeline,", "title": "The Triangle (miniseries)" }, { "docid": "600150", "text": "the rules of Pascal's triangle, but double the one on the left before adding. This results in: The other way of manufacturing this triangle is to start with Pascal's triangle and multiply each entry by 2, where k is the position in the row of the given number. For example, the 2nd value in row 4 of Pascal's triangle is 6 (the slope of 1s corresponds to the zeroth entry in each row). To get the value that resides in the corresponding position in the analog triangle, multiply 6 by 2 = 6 × 2 = 6 × 4 =", "title": "Pascal's triangle" }, { "docid": "20185757", "text": "Sherry Triangle The Sherry Triangle, is an area in the province of Cádiz in southwestern Spain. It is noted for the production of sherry, a type of fortified wine. The cities of Jerez de la Frontera, Sanlúcar de Barrameda, and El Puerto de Santa María are at the vertices of the triangle. The bodegas where the wine is blended and stored are all located within the cities. The Denominación de Origen (Designation of Origin) for sherry was established in 1933. The Sherry Triangle is the aging area of \"El Marco de Jerez\" (the Sherry Setting). All the grapes must come", "title": "Sherry Triangle" }, { "docid": "5754688", "text": "Luweero Triangle: Luwero Triangle The Luweero Triangle, sometimes spelled Luwero Triangle, is an area of Uganda north of the capital Kampala, where, in 1981, Yoweri Museveni started the guerrilla war that propelled him and his National Resistance Movement into power in 1986. The area was notorious for the persecution of civilians during the Luweero War, between the rebel National Resistance Army and the government of Milton Obote. Many residents were either forcibly recruited or killed by both sides during the five-year Ugandan Bush War, as Museveni's guerrilla forces started their advance from Kyankwanzi southeast toward Kampala. The following central-western districts", "title": "Luwero Triangle" }, { "docid": "3779471", "text": "Wagner also said on Sept. 28 that he believed a resolution to the carpenters/iron workers dispute (which had led to the layoff of 1,000 workers at the Labor/ICC building) could be reached. But the boilermakers did not return to work, leaving 450 workers laid off. Meanwhile, government officials said that the caulking, insulation, and pulley work disputes would be resolved soon, and would not in any case cause further disruptions at construction sites. Another major work disruption threatened the Federal Triangle complex when the iron workers' union demanded that contractors initiate two four-hour shifts per day rather than one eight-hour", "title": "Federal Triangle" }, { "docid": "9031310", "text": "is triangle-free or not. When the graph does contain a triangle, algorithms are often required to output three vertices which form a triangle in the graph. It is possible to test whether a graph with \"m\" edges is triangle-free in time O(\"m\"). Another approach is to find the trace of \"A\", where \"A\" is the adjacency matrix of the graph. The trace is zero if and only if the graph is triangle-free. For dense graphs, it is more efficient to use this simple algorithm which relies on matrix multiplication, since it gets the time complexity down to O(\"n\"), where \"n\"", "title": "Triangle-free graph" }, { "docid": "7887777", "text": "were clearing the road past the An Dien bridge. Working at night with flash lights to avoid PAVN observation and fire, they removed 38 antitank mines from the route of advance. Weakened by casualties, the 52nd Infantry made very little progress on 2 and 3 June, and the 43rd Regiment was still being blocked by the PAVN 272nd Regiment. Đảo then ordered his 48th Infantry across the Thi Thinh south of Bến Cát, to pass through the 52nd and take An Dien. While the PAVN artillery continued to pound ARVN positions, two battalions of the 48th crossed into the Iron", "title": "Battle of the Iron Triangle" }, { "docid": "12754031", "text": "surgical significance in the late 19th century but now serves only for historical interest. Farabeuf's Triangle Farabeuf's Triangle is the triangular space in the upper portion of the neck where the bifurcation of the carotid artery can be seen. It is limited: the rear: the jugular vein; internal below and beyond: the facial vein; above and beyond: the hypoglossal nerve. This triangle serves as a reference to locate surgery elements that are in the carotid triangle. The triangle of Farabeuf is bounded by the internal jugular vein (posterior), common facial vein (anterior-inferior) and hypoglossal nerve (anterior-superior). The jugulodigastric lymph node", "title": "Farabeuf's Triangle" }, { "docid": "13681924", "text": "Triangle Expressway The Triangle Expressway (TriEx) is the first modern toll road built in North Carolina, and one of the first toll roads in the United States built to use only electronic toll collection instead of toll booths. The overall freeway consists of two segments called the Triangle Parkway and the Western Wake Freeway. The six-lane Triangle Parkway extends the pre-existing NC 147 in Durham County to meet NC 540 in Morrisville in Wake County. The Western Wake Freeway extends the total Triangle Expressway to long, extending NC 540 where it continues along to Holly Springs. The money for the", "title": "Triangle Expressway" }, { "docid": "2938482", "text": "any curve of given constant width. This area is where \"s\" is the constant width. One method for deriving this area formula is to partition the Reuleaux triangle into an inner equilateral triangle and three curvilinear regions between this inner triangle and the arcs forming the Reuleaux triangle, and then add the areas of these four sets. At the other extreme, the curve of constant width that has the maximum possible area is a circular disk, which has area formula_2. The angles made by each pair of arcs at the corners of a Reuleaux triangle are all equal to 120°.", "title": "Reuleaux triangle" }, { "docid": "4282231", "text": "relations between the sides \"s\" and the angles \"A\" of an equilateral triangle (a triangle where all sides have the same length and all angles are equal). The relations are: Whether \"C\" is a right angle or not, the following relationships hold: The hyperbolic law of cosines is as follows: Its dual theorem is There is also a \"law of sines\": and a four-parts formula: For hyperbolic trigonometry: Hyperbolic triangle In hyperbolic geometry, a hyperbolic triangle is a triangle in the hyperbolic plane. It consists of three line segments called \"sides\" or \"edges\" and three points called \"angles\" or \"vertices\".", "title": "Hyperbolic triangle" }, { "docid": "11084739", "text": "Kepler triangle A Kepler triangle is a right triangle with edge lengths in a geometric progression in which the common ratio is , where is the golden ratio, and can be written: formula_1, or approximately 1 : 1.272 : 1.618. The squares of the edges of this triangle are in geometric progression according to the golden ratio. Triangles with such ratios are named after the German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), who first demonstrated that this triangle is characterised by a ratio between its short side and hypotenuse equal to the golden ratio. Kepler triangles combine two key mathematical", "title": "Kepler triangle" }, { "docid": "3286093", "text": "of the form formula_29, where \"k\" is 7, 97, 1351, 18817, …. The numbers in this sequence have the property that \"k\" consecutive integers have integral standard deviation. Heronian triangle In geometry, a Heronian triangle is a triangle that has side lengths and area that are all integers. Heronian triangles are named after Hero of Alexandria. The term is sometimes applied more widely to triangles whose sides and area are all rational numbers, since one can rescale the sides by a common multiple to obtain a triangle that is Heronian in the above sense. Any right-angled triangle whose sidelengths are", "title": "Heronian triangle" }, { "docid": "7170033", "text": "Triangle strip A triangle strip is a series of connected triangles, sharing vertices, allowing for more efficient memory usage for computer graphics. They are more efficient than triangle lists without indexing, but usually equally fast or slower than indexed triangle lists. The primary reason to use triangle strips is to reduce the amount of data needed to create a series of triangles. The number of vertices stored in memory is reduced from \"3N\" to \"N+2\", where \"N\" is the number of triangles to be drawn. This allows for less use of disk space, as well as making them faster to", "title": "Triangle strip" }, { "docid": "14584372", "text": "then all the other points are at (\"x, y\") where \"x\" and \"y\" range over all positive and negative integers. A lattice triangle is any triangle drawn within a 2D lattice such that all vertices lie on lattice points. By Pick's theorem a lattice triangle has a rational area that either is an integer or has a denominator of 2. If the lattice triangle has integer sides then it is Heronian with integer area. Furthermore, it has been proved that all Heronian triangles can be drawn as lattice triangles. Consequently, an integer triangle is Heronian if and only if it", "title": "Integer triangle" }, { "docid": "10881427", "text": "Triangle Arts Trust The Triangle Network (formally known as the Triangle Arts Trust) is an international arts organization that brings together artists from different countries to explore new ideas and expand the boundaries of their practice. Triangle was initiated through a series of artists' workshops providing an uninterrupted period of two weeks where 20–25 artists from diverse cultural backgrounds engage with each other, to explore new ideas and expand the boundaries of their practice. Now the Triangle Network coalesces grassroots arts organisations around the world (many of which were initiated as workshops while others grew independently), in order that artists'", "title": "Triangle Arts Trust" } ]
What is the distance between bases on a little league baseball field?
[ "60 distance", "60 feet", "sixty distance" ]
[ { "docid": "2973202", "text": "plate, closer even than in regulation softball and much closer than the baseball distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Pitchers threw underhand windmill, like in softball, and the distance between bases was 65 feet, five feet longer than in softball but 25 feet shorter than in baseball. Major similarities between the AAGPBL and baseball included nine player teams and the use of a pitcher's mound (softball pitchers throw from flat ground). By 1948 the ball had shrunk to 10 3/8 inches, overhand pitching was allowed, and the mound was moved back to 50 feet. Over the history of the league,", "title": "All-American Girls Professional Baseball League" } ]
[ { "docid": "2531364", "text": "for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals, and housing) are paid by Little League Baseball.\" In 2012, Little League announced plans to add a new division of play for the 2013 season, the Little League Intermediate Division. This Division is played on a field with a pitching distance and base paths. It is open to players ages 11–13, but may be limited to ages 11–12 or 12–13 by a local league. Players in this division are able to lead off and steal. The rules follow rules similar to those of the Junior, Senior, and Big League Divisions", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531335", "text": "and Softball through interactive exhibits for children. Many Major League Baseball (MLB) players played in Little League. Carl Stotz, a resident of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, founded Little League Baseball in 1939. He began experimenting with his idea in the summer of 1938 when he gathered his nephews, Jimmy and Major Gehron and their neighborhood friends. They tried different field dimensions over the course of the summer and played several informal games. The following summer Stotz felt that he was ready to establish what later became Little League Baseball. The first league in Williamsport had just three teams, each sponsored by a", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531346", "text": "1956: Carl Stotz severs his ties with Little League Baseball in a dispute over the direction and control of Little League. Stotz believed the league was becoming over-commercialized by Little League president, Peter J. McGovern. Stotz remains active in youth baseball with the \"Original League\" in Williamsport. Little League records its first on-field death in Garland, Texas as 12-year-old Richard \"Rick\" Oden is hit in the head by a pitch thrown by Jerry Armstrong. The city park location of the incident is renamed \"Rick Oden Field.\" As batting helmets are yet to be developed, Garland teams finish the season wearing", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531369", "text": "on a 46/60 field and are non-competitive. Approved at the 2014 Little League International Congress the Senior League Challenger Division launched in 2015. This division is for participants ages 15 and above (no maximum age). Games are played on a 60/90 field and are non-competitive. Leagues may request permission to play games on a smaller field as well. As of 2016, nearly 1,000 Little Leagues in 10 countries around the world offered the Challenger Program providing an opportunity for more than 31,000 individuals with physical or intellectual challenges to participate in the Little League program. Little League Baseball has several", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531363", "text": "46 feet.\" \"The Little League Baseball Division (sometimes known as the Major Division) is for boys and girls ages 9–12. A local league may choose to limit its Major Division to 10-, 11-, and 12-year-olds, or 11–12-year-olds. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or 'All Stars') of 11–12-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Little League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531367", "text": "is the Senior League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals, and housing) are paid by Little League Baseball.\" \"The Big League Baseball Division is for boys and girls ages 16–18, using a conventional diamond with a pitching distance of . The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or \"All Stars\") of 16–18-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Senior League Division), and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Big League", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531366", "text": "Junior League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals, and housing) are paid by Little League Baseball.\" \"The Senior League Baseball Division is for boys and girls 14–16 years old, using a conventional diamond with a pitching distance of . The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or \"All Stars\") of 14- to 16-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Junior League or Big League divisions), and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531359", "text": "advances to the Sunday final. 2012: 2013: 2014: 2018: Little League changes its age rules, moving the birthday deadline from May 1st back to August 31st. This allows 13-year-olds to play Majors level this year against 11-year-olds but those 11-year-olds born between May and August will be robbed of their ability to play next year. The national regions represented in the annual Little League Baseball World Series are: The international regions are: The best-known event on the Little League Baseball and Softball calendar is the annual Little League Baseball World Series, which is held every August in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania.", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531382", "text": "who played Little League Baseball. Little League Baseball Little League Baseball and Softball (officially, Little League Baseball Inc) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States, that organizes local youth baseball and softball leagues throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Founded by Carl Stotz in 1939 as a three-team league in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and formally incorporated on October 10, 1950, Little League Baseball encourages local volunteers to organize and operate Little League programs that are annually chartered through Little League International. Each league can structure itself to best serve the children in", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531340", "text": "Stotz. The first season is played in a lot close to Bowman Field. Lycoming Dairy is the first season champion. 1946: Little League has expanded to 12 leagues, all in Pennsylvania. 1947: The first league outside of Pennsylvania is founded in Hammonton, New Jersey. Maynard League of Williamsport defeats a team from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania to win the first Little League World Series. Allen Yearick is the first Little League graduate to play professional baseball when he is signed by the Boston Braves. 1948: Little League has grown to include 94 leagues. Lock Haven returns to the Little League World", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531333", "text": "Little League Baseball Little League Baseball and Softball (officially, Little League Baseball Inc) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States, that organizes local youth baseball and softball leagues throughout the United States and the rest of the world. Founded by Carl Stotz in 1939 as a three-team league in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and formally incorporated on October 10, 1950, Little League Baseball encourages local volunteers to organize and operate Little League programs that are annually chartered through Little League International. Each league can structure itself to best serve the children in the area in which the", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531365", "text": "of play. Little League holds a World Series in this level of play, officially called the Intermediate Little League World Series, in Livermore, California. \"The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for boys and girls ages 13–14, using a conventional diamond with a pitching distance of . (A modified diamond is available during the regular season.) The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or \"All Stars\") of 13-14-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Senior League Division), and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531334", "text": "league operates. Several specific divisions of Little League baseball and softball are available to children ages 4 to 16. The organization holds a congressional charter under Title 36 of the United States Code. The organization's administrative office is located in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The first Little League Baseball World Series was played in Williamsport in 1947. The Little League International Complex hosts the annual Little League Baseball World Series at Howard J. Lamade Stadium and Little League Volunteer Stadium, and is also the site of the Peter J. McGovern Little League Museum, which provides a history of Little League Baseball", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531339", "text": "they were not permitted to play in. According to the Little League Baseball and Softball participation statistics following the 2008 season, there were nearly 2.6 million players in Little League Baseball worldwide, including both boys and girls, including 400,000 registered in softball (also including both boys and girls). For tournament purposes, Little League Baseball is divided into 16 geographic regions; eight National and eight international. Each summer, Little League operates seven World Series tournaments at various locations throughout the U.S. (Little League softball and Junior, Senior, and Big League baseball and softball). 1939: Little League is established by Carl E.", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "16116954", "text": "Little League Baseball: Championship Series Little League Baseball: Championship Series is a 1990 video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The player gets a choice between 16 Little League Baseball teams from around the world, ranging from Texas to Chinese Taipei. Single-player mode results in a mandatory international tournament while two-player mode allows for some exhibition play. Every game is six innings long, excluding extra innings, but games may end early by mercy rule if a team is ahead by 10 or more runs. Players can be taken out of the game and placed back in like real Little League", "title": "Little League Baseball: Championship Series" }, { "docid": "10729751", "text": "regions, divided into Pool A (U.S.) and Pool B (International), and (2) had a host team (South Carolina District 1), which played in the U.S. pool. The Big League had five international regions: The distance between the bases was 90 feet, the same as for regulation Major League Baseball fields. The distance between the pitcher's mound and home plate was 60.6 feet, also identical to that of MLB. The minimum outfield distance in the upper divisions was 300 feet, while the maximum for Big League was 425 feet. A game consisted of seven innings (same as in high-school baseball) and", "title": "Junior, Senior & Big League Baseball" }, { "docid": "15309577", "text": "(mediocre) score, claiming \"With more finesse and depth, Little League World Series Baseball 2010 could have been a contender.\" Little League World Series Baseball Little League World Series Baseball is a series of sports video games. Based on the Little League World Series, there are three games in the series. No game in the series was released after 2010. \"Little League World Series Baseball 2008\" was released on August 5, 2008 for the Wii and the Nintendo DS by Activision. It is the first game to be officially licensed by Little League Baseball for the seventh generation of consoles. Its", "title": "Little League World Series Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531370", "text": "softball divisions for girls and boys, based on age. The playing rules for the baseball divisions essentially follow the \"Official Baseball Rules\" (as defined by and used by Major League Baseball and published at Official Baseball Rules at MLB.com), especially with respect to the upper divisions (Junior, Senior, and Big League). Some major exceptions are outlined in the following sections, and these apply to Little League (Minor and Major, ages 7–12) except as otherwise noted. Unlike Major League Baseball and most other sports such as football, soccer, and basketball, the official rules of Little League Baseball are available to the", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531354", "text": "1997: ESPN2 broadcasts regional play for the first time. Taiwan's baseball association withdraws from Little League Baseball (they would rejoin in 2003) over newly established rules on zoning. Bradenton, Florida, and Pottsville, Pennsylvania, play at Lamade Stadium before the largest crowd ever to attend a non-championship game. The crowd was estimated at over 35,000 fans. 1999: Burkina-Faso becomes the 100th nation with a Little League organization. Hirkata Little League of Osaka, Japan, becomes the first Japanese team to win a title since 1976. 2000: An expansion project begins at Little League International. Volunteer Stadium is built. This allows the pool", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "16116956", "text": "cartridge is still common today through video game collectors and Internet hobbyist sites, the original game box and instruction manual have an \"average\" level of rarity and are harder to find. \"Nintendojo\" gave this game a 95% rating in a review done in 2003. Little League Baseball: Championship Series Little League Baseball: Championship Series is a 1990 video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The player gets a choice between 16 Little League Baseball teams from around the world, ranging from Texas to Chinese Taipei. Single-player mode results in a mandatory international tournament while two-player mode allows for some exhibition", "title": "Little League Baseball: Championship Series" }, { "docid": "15309572", "text": "Little League World Series Baseball Little League World Series Baseball is a series of sports video games. Based on the Little League World Series, there are three games in the series. No game in the series was released after 2010. \"Little League World Series Baseball 2008\" was released on August 5, 2008 for the Wii and the Nintendo DS by Activision. It is the first game to be officially licensed by Little League Baseball for the seventh generation of consoles. Its design mirrors \"MLB Power Pros\" and its sequel \"MLB Power Pros 2008\". The gameplay is also similar to the", "title": "Little League World Series Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531358", "text": "determined. Little League announces plans to add a pilot division in baseball for ages 12–13 to help baseball Little Leaguers make the transition to regulation-size fields in Junior League Baseball. Bartlett, Illinois, becomes biggest little league. 2011: The World Series officially eliminates the two four-team brackets and puts all eight teams in the United States bracket and all eight teams in the International bracket, with a SEC Baseball Tournament style flipped bracket on the loser's bracket to prevent rematches, but does not require the loser to defeat the winner's bracket team twice in either Saturday championship game where the winner", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "8228415", "text": "as \"Major League Baseball on Fox\". The pitch speed and count are now fixed below the bases graphic. Also, the area around the bases graphic and ball, strike, and out counter is slightly translucent. Beginning with the \"Sunday Night Baseball\" interleague game between the New York Yankees and the Chicago Cubs on June 19, the graphics were slightly adjusted to fit in with the aspect ratio for HD broadcasts, similar to what Fox Saturday Baseball, Root Sports and Fox Sports Net have done for their baseball coverage. TBS would follow suit in adjusting their graphics to the 16:9 aspect ratio.", "title": "ESPN Major League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531349", "text": "Little League World Series titles. 1971: The aluminum baseball bat is first used. It was partly developed by Little League Baseball. Lloyd McClendon of Gary, Indiana, dominates the Little League World Series, hitting five home runs in five at-bats. He later played in the Major Leagues and become the first Little League graduate to manage an MLB club with the Pittsburgh Pirates. 1973: Ed Vosberg plays in the Little League World Series for Tucson, Arizona. He later played in the College World Series for the University of Arizona in 1980 and the World Series in 1997 for the Florida Marlins.", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531347", "text": "youth football helmets over their baseball caps when batting. Later that year, Fred Shapiro throws a perfect game in the Little League World Series. 1957: Angel Macias throws a perfect game and Monterrey, Mexico, becomes the first team from outside the United States to win the Little League World Series. (Portrayed in 2010 film \"The Perfect Game\".) 1959: The Little League World Series moves from Williamsport to the newly built Little League Headquarters in South Williamsport. The protective baseball helmet is developed by Dr. Creighton J. Hale. 1960: A team from West Berlin, West Germany, is the first team from", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531368", "text": "Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals, and housing) are paid by Little League Baseball.\" Little League introduced the Challenger Division in 1989 to provide opportunities for children with physical and intellectual challenges to participate in the Little League program. The Challenger Division utilizes a \"buddy system\" in which Little Leaguers assist Challenger participants in the areas of batting, running and fielding. Challenger Division games are typically non-competitive in nature. Introduced in 1989, the Little League Challenger Division is for participants ages 4–18. Games are played", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531360", "text": "Local and regional tournaments leading up to the World Series are held in the U.S. insular areas of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands, and throughout the world. In 2003, for example, there were tournaments in Canada, Latin America (Mexico, Aruba, Curaçao, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela), Europe (Germany and Poland), and Asia (Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan). The Little League Baseball World Series is just one of nine World Series conducted by Little League International every year, each one held in a different location. Little League Baseball has several baseball divisions for boys and girls,", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "3721047", "text": "the opposing team does not object (in which case the umpire shall ensure that all coaches on both teams must abide by the boundaries of the coach's boxes). The coach's boxes are marked with chalk or paint. In the early days of baseball, the term \"coacher's box\" was used, as \"coach\" was taken to be a verb. As the term \"coach\" evolved into a noun, the name of the box also changed. The basic layout of the diamond has been little changed since the original Knickerbocker Rules of the 1840s. The distance between bases was already established as , which", "title": "Baseball field" }, { "docid": "2531341", "text": "Series and defeats a league from St. Petersburg, Florida. The first corporate sponsor, U.S. Rubber, is announced, who donate Pro-Keds shoes to teams at the Little League World Series. 1949: Little League is featured in the \"Saturday Evening Post\" and on newsreels. Carl Stotz gets hundreds of requests for information on how to form leagues at the local level from all over the United States. Little League incorporates in New York. 1950 or 1951 (sources contradict) Kathryn 'Kay' Johnston -Massar became the first girl to play Little League baseball. Her mother cut her braids and she dressed like a boy.", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531337", "text": "to become an international organization of nearly 200,000 teams in every U.S. state and over 80 countries around the world. From 1951 through 1973, Little League was for boys only. In 1974, Little League rules were revised to allow participation by girls in the baseball program following the result of a lawsuit filed by the National Organization for Women on behalf of Maria Pepe. In 1953, Robert Francis Morrison filed an official charter with Little League Baseball, Incorporated to admit the Cannon Street Y.M.C.A., as its first all-black team. The league consisted of four teams, sponsored by prominent black businesses", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531350", "text": "Vosberg is the first person to have played in all three world series. 1974: Girls are formally permitted to play in the Little League Baseball program as result of lawsuit brought on behalf of Frances Pescatore and Jenny Fulle, and a Little League Softball program for both boys and girls is created. Bunny Taylor becomes the first girl to pitch a no-hitter. 1975: In a controversial decision, all foreign teams are banned from the Little League World Series. International play is restored the following year. 1980: A team from Tampa, Florida, representing Belmont Heights Little League, is led by two", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531374", "text": "in Little League and below, seven innings in Intermediate Little League and Junior League). This rule is modified during tournament play. During tournament play, teams that have 13 or more players dressed at the field for a game are mandated to have one (1) \"At Bat\" during the game per player with no defensive requirement. Teams that have 12 or fewer players dressed at the field for a tournament game require each player to receive one (1) \"At Bat\" plus six consecutive outs played in the field on defense. The size of the field is dependent on the division of", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531375", "text": "play. Tee-ball Minor League and Little League Intermediate Little League Junior League, Senior League, and Big League Bats (all levels) may be made from wood or other materials (such as aluminum) and must be approved for use in Little League Baseball. For the Majors Division and below, the maximum bat length is thirty-three (33) inches (838 mm) and barrel diameter may not exceed . Beginning in 2009 all Little League bats must be labeled with a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.15 or lower. Bats for the Junior League level may have a maximum length of thirty-four (34) inches (864", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "16116955", "text": "Baseball. Unlike Little League Baseball, there is no rule making it mandatory for everyone to have at turn at bat and in the field for at least two innings. A power analysis screen rates each team in batting, pitching, running, and defense. There is a relative amount of freedom for pitchers and batters in the game, giving them nearly full movement in the batter's box and the pitcher's mound. Each player is given an overall rating which ranges from 1 (awful) to 5 (perfect). This game has the same engine as the NES video game \"Baseball Stars\". While the actual", "title": "Little League Baseball: Championship Series" }, { "docid": "3721010", "text": "the bases are 90 feet apart, the physical distance between each successive pair of base markers is closer to . The lines from home plate to first and third bases extend to the nearest fence, stand or other obstruction and are called the foul lines. The portion of the playing field between (and including) the foul lines is fair territory; the rest is \"foul territory.\" The area within the square formed by the bases is officially called the infield, though colloquially this term also includes fair territory in the vicinity of the square; fair territory outside the infield is known", "title": "Baseball field" }, { "docid": "2531361", "text": "based on age. The major divisions of Little League Baseball have their own World Series format as follows: Tee-ball is for boys and girls ages 4–5, with local leagues given the option to allow 6–7-year-olds to play. In Tee-ball, players hit the ball off of a tee located atop home plate; live pitching is not allowed. The purpose of the division is to teach young children the basic fundamentals of hitting and fielding. The Minor League Baseball division is generally for children ages 7–11, with local leagues given the option to allow 6-year-old children to try out. Local leagues are", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "10729745", "text": "Junior, Senior & Big League Baseball Intermediate, Junior, and Senior League Baseball are youth baseball divisions of Little League Baseball that are considered more advanced and difficult than younger Little League divisions due to more advanced rules, including the ability to lead-off and steal as the pitcher breaks, along with longer base paths and greater pitching distance. Junior League also includes the use of bats with bats rather than the transitional of Little League. Junior League also allows the use of metal spikes in cleats in addition to the molded or plastic spikes used in Little League. The Big League", "title": "Junior, Senior & Big League Baseball" }, { "docid": "2531336", "text": "different business. The first teams, Jumbo Pretzel, Lycoming Dairy, and Lundy Lumber, were managed by Carl Stotz and two of his friends, George and Bert Bebble. The men, joined by their wives and another couple, formed the first-ever Little League Board of Directors. The first League game took place on June 6, 1939. Lundy Lumber defeated Lycoming Dairy, 23-8. Lycoming Dairy came back to claim the league championship. They, the first-half-season champions, defeated Lundy Lumber, the second-half champs, in a best-of-three season-ending series. The following year a second league was formed in Williamsport, and from there Little League Baseball grew", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "10729752", "text": "was official if five innings had been completed. Junior, Senior & Big League Baseball Intermediate, Junior, and Senior League Baseball are youth baseball divisions of Little League Baseball that are considered more advanced and difficult than younger Little League divisions due to more advanced rules, including the ability to lead-off and steal as the pitcher breaks, along with longer base paths and greater pitching distance. Junior League also includes the use of bats with bats rather than the transitional of Little League. Junior League also allows the use of metal spikes in cleats in addition to the molded or plastic", "title": "Junior, Senior & Big League Baseball" }, { "docid": "6095691", "text": "Major League Baseball on CBS Major League Baseball on CBS is the branding used for broadcasts of Major League Baseball (MLB) games produced by CBS Sports, the sports division of the CBS television network in the United States. The network has aired Major League Baseball telecasts in several variations dating back to the 1950s. The most notable version existed from 1990 to 1993. Technically, CBS' first ever official Major League Baseball telecast occurred on July 12, 1949. It was 16th annual All-Star Game from Ebbetts Field in Brooklyn and featured Red Barber on the play-by-play. It should be noted however", "title": "Major League Baseball on CBS" }, { "docid": "20112071", "text": "Little League home run A Little League home run is a play in baseball during which a batter scores a run during his plate appearance with the aid of one or more errors committed by the fielding team. It is so called because the play is presumably evocative of how young children in the process of learning how to play the sport frequently commit fielding and throwing errors that allow batters (as well as runners already on base during the at bat) to take more bases than they might otherwise normally take on the batted ball put into play. The", "title": "Little League home run" }, { "docid": "3721043", "text": "field). As a result, baseball fields can vary greatly along those lines. The wall has numbers affixed or painted on it that denote the distance from that point on the wall to home plate. In most modern major league ballparks, the wall is made of some hard material (e.g., concrete, plywood, sheet metal) with padding on the field side to protect players who may collide with the wall at high speed while trying to make a play. Chain link fencing may also be incorporated into the wall in areas where the wall needs to be transparent, e.g., an outfield bullpen,", "title": "Baseball field" }, { "docid": "41743", "text": "to sabermetrics—first among fans, only later among baseball professionals. Baseball Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two opposing teams who take turns batting and fielding. The game proceeds when a player on the fielding team, called the pitcher, throws a ball which a player on the batting team tries to hit with a bat. The objectives of the offensive team (batting team) are to hit the ball into the field of play, and to run the bases—having its runners advance counter-clockwise around four bases to score what are called \"runs\". The objective of the defensive team (fielding team) is", "title": "Baseball" }, { "docid": "13547911", "text": "of the fourth, with what turned out to be the game-winning runs. Players in \"italics\" have since been inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame. \"Al Barlick\" (NL)(home), Charlie Berry (AL) (first base), Dusty Boggess (NL)(second base), Bill Summers (AL)(third base), Lon Warneke (NL)(left field), Hank Soar (AL) (right field) 1952 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1952 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 19th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 8, 1952, at", "title": "1952 Major League Baseball All-Star Game" }, { "docid": "10748984", "text": "\"Major League Baseball\" was featured in the first issue of \"Nintendo Power\" and compared to \"R.B.I. Baseball\" and \"Bases Loaded\", although the magazine did not pass any judgment on which game was superior. Allgame's review of \"Major League Baseball\" rated it three stars out of five, the same rating it gave to \"R.B.I. Baseball\" and half a star lower than it awarded to \"Bases Loaded\". Major League Baseball (video game) Major League Baseball is a sports video game released in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is notable for being one of the first video games licensed by Major", "title": "Major League Baseball (video game)" }, { "docid": "2531380", "text": "could intentionally walk a batter by simply announcing his intent to do so and not have to actually throw any pitches. Beginning in 2008, the pitcher had to actually pitch the required four balls (which were counted against the pitch count). In 2017, the Major and Minor levels of Little League Baseball aligned with a new rule of Major League Baseball and allowed the pitcher to intentionally walk a batter simply by declaration. The intentional walk adds 4 to the pitcher's pitch count. This change rescinded a former rule in which the team at bat could decline the award of", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "3171204", "text": "venues host World Series games: Howard J. Lamade Stadium and Little League Volunteer Stadium. Lamade Stadium has hosted games since 1959, and added lights in 1992. Volunteer Stadium opened in 2001 when the field expanded to 16 teams. Prior to 1959, the Little League World Series was held at Original Little League on West Fourth Street in Williamsport. Both fields have symmetrical fences, with a distance of 68.6 m (225 feet) from home plate to each of the outfield positions. That distance had been 62.5 m (205 feet) before 2006. Admission to all LLWS games is free for all spectators.", "title": "Little League World Series" }, { "docid": "2531362", "text": "permitted to further divide the Minor League division based on player age and/or experience, and often consist of coach-pitch (i.e., the batter's coach lightly pitching the ball) or machine-pitch at lower levels, with defensive players pitching at higher levels. \"The 9–10 Year Old Baseball Division for boys and girls was established as a tournament program in 1994. It gives children of this age the opportunity to experience tournament competition, up to state level. Players on these teams can be chosen from among Major Division and/or Minor Division teams. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "3721053", "text": "as Comerica Park and Chase Field in the major leagues, have revived the feature for nostalgic reasons. The Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) presents various awards each year. Starting in 2001, its Sports Turf Manager of the Year Awards have been presented annually in the Triple-A, Double-A, Class A, and Short-Season/Rookie divisions of Minor League Baseball and are chosen from the 16 league winners. STMA also presents the Baseball Field of the Year Award, which includes Schools and Parks, College/University and Professional categories. Baseball field A baseball field, also called a ball field, sandlot or a baseball diamond, is the", "title": "Baseball field" }, { "docid": "41661", "text": "Baseball Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two opposing teams who take turns batting and fielding. The game proceeds when a player on the fielding team, called the pitcher, throws a ball which a player on the batting team tries to hit with a bat. The objectives of the offensive team (batting team) are to hit the ball into the field of play, and to run the bases—having its runners advance counter-clockwise around four bases to score what are called \"runs\". The objective of the defensive team (fielding team) is to prevent batters from becoming runners, and to prevent", "title": "Baseball" }, { "docid": "9674150", "text": "the and 2006 seasons, before retiring from Major League Baseball. Mark Little (baseball) Mark Travis Little (born July 11, 1972 in Edwardsville, Illinois) is a former outfielder in Major League Baseball. Little retired after the season, after playing for the Florida Marlins Triple-A affiliate, the Albuquerque Isotopes. He batted and threw right-handed. After playing for the University of Memphis in college, Little was drafted by the Texas Rangers in the 8th round of the amateur draft. Little played four years in the Rangers minor league system, getting as high as Triple-A, before being traded on August 9, , along with", "title": "Mark Little (baseball)" }, { "docid": "5852612", "text": "attendance to 5,000 spectators, as opposed to the over 40,000 that can be accommodated at Lamade Stadium. Volunteer Stadium is used for double-elimination pool play only. All elimination games and consolation games are played at Lamade Stadium. In 2006, the home run distance was increased by , from to , to all fields; the outfield wall forms one-fourth of a true circle. Little League Volunteer Stadium Little League Volunteer Stadium is a baseball stadium in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Along with Howard J. Lamade Stadium, it annually hosts the Little League World Series, one of the few sports events where children", "title": "Little League Volunteer Stadium" }, { "docid": "20852772", "text": "2019 MLB Little League Classic The 2019 MLB Little League Classic is a regular season Major League Baseball (MLB) game scheduled to be played on August 18, 2019, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, during the 2019 MLB season and the 2019 Little League World Series. The game is scheduled to be played between the Chicago Cubs and the Pittsburgh Pirates. It is scheduled to be televised on ESPN's \"Sunday Night Baseball\", and will also air on ESPN Radio. The game is sponsored by GEICO. In the first Classic, played on August 20, 2017, the Pittsburgh Pirates beat the St. Louis Cardinals, 6–3.", "title": "2019 MLB Little League Classic" }, { "docid": "13698748", "text": "at the park. According to Biz of Baseball the 2009 had 1.56 million viewers. This was a 60% increase from the year before. Little League World Series on television The Little League World Series is broadcast on television by ABC and ESPN, along with their family of networks. They also televise the regional championships, which precede the Little League World Series. The ABC television network began televising a tape-delayed Little League World Series Championship Game on an annual basis in 1963. From 1965 to 1985, the championship game was broadcast during the weekend, airing under ABC's \"Wide World of Sports\"", "title": "Little League World Series on television" }, { "docid": "3095090", "text": "League Baseball returned to Williamsport on August 19, 2018, for the second MLB Little League Classic, held once again during the Little League World Series. The Philadelphia Phillies hosted the New York Mets. The third MLB Little League Classic will be played on August 18, 2019, between the Chicago Cubs and the Pittsburgh Pirates. Bowman Field has been the home to four championship teams. BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field is a minor league baseball stadium in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It is home to the Williamsport Crosscutters of the New York–Penn", "title": "BB&T Ballpark at Historic Bowman Field" }, { "docid": "15309575", "text": "player can pit any two teams in the game against each other for a faster, less-complicated experience. \"Little League World Series Baseball 2010\" was released in North America on July 20, 2010. The game begins when a player is taken to a main menu. They there can choose several different options, including World Series mode, exhibition mode and minigames. In addition, the game will feature online leaderboards, Trophies and Achievements. In World Series mode, a player chooses one of the 16 different regions, and tries to reach the Little League World Series by making it through pool play, then winning", "title": "Little League World Series Baseball" }, { "docid": "6095693", "text": "1951, CBS' flagship television station WCBS-TV in New York City broadcast the first baseball game ever televised in color between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Boston Braves from Ebbets Field, in which the Braves beat the Dodgers 8–1. As were all color programs at the time, it was transmitted via a field-sequential color system developed by CBS. Signals transmitted this way could not be seen on existing black-and-white sets. Later that year, CBS televised Game 1 of the National League tie-breaker series between the Dodgers and the New York Giants. Red Barber and Connie Desmond called that particular game and John", "title": "Major League Baseball on CBS" }, { "docid": "20088967", "text": "2017 MLB Little League Classic The 2017 MLB Little League Classic was a Major League Baseball (MLB) game held in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, during the 2017 Little League World Series on August 20, 2017. The game was featured on ESPN's \"Sunday Night Baseball\", and was also available on ESPN Radio, ESPN Deportes, and MLB Network. The game was part of MLB's effort to get more children interested in and involved with baseball at a younger age. After the Fort Bragg Game between the Miami Marlins and Atlanta Braves at Fort Bragg in July 2016, rumors spread that MLB was planning another", "title": "2017 MLB Little League Classic" }, { "docid": "7613905", "text": "Super Bases Loaded 3 Super Bases Loaded 3 (known in Japan as Super Moero!! Pro Yakyuu) is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System baseball game. It is the seventh overall installment of the \"Bases Loaded\" series, and the third installment of the secondary series for the Super NES. \"Super Bases Loaded 3\" was licensed by the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) and uses real MLB players, but it was not licensed by Major League Baseball (MLB). All 28 U.S. cities that had an MLB team at the time are listed but team names and logos are not given. No real", "title": "Super Bases Loaded 3" }, { "docid": "11980846", "text": "where it eventually became home to Pewee League, Midget League, Little League, Pony League, American Legion, and semi-pro baseball teams. The Little Rock Doughboys were the only Legion team in town until they were replaced by an eight-team Legion league in 1954. The baseball sequence from the 1984 film \"A Soldier's Story\" was filmed at the historic field. Lamar Porter Athletic Field Lamar Porter Athletic Field is located at West 7th and Johnson Streets, in the Stifft Station neighborhood of Little Rock, Arkansas. It is a Works Administration built baseball field placed on the National Register of Historic Places on", "title": "Lamar Porter Athletic Field" }, { "docid": "13654521", "text": "in both the 1954 and 1992 editions of the All-Star Game, while the National League hit for their best ever (25 total bases) in the 1951 game. Among major league pitchers, Phil Niekro gave up the most total bases in a career (7,473), while Robin Roberts (555 TB allowed in 1956) holds the single season record. The record number of total bases allowed in a single game by one pitcher is 42, by Allan Travers of the Detroit Tigers. Total bases In baseball statistics, total bases is the number of bases a player has gained with hits. It is a", "title": "Total bases" }, { "docid": "20413520", "text": "2018 MLB Little League Classic The 2018 MLB Little League Classic was a regular season Major League Baseball (MLB) game that was played on August 19, 2018, in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, during the 2018 MLB season and the 2018 Little League World Series. The game was played between the New York Mets and the Philadelphia Phillies. It was televised on ESPN's \"Sunday Night Baseball\" and MLB Network, and it also aired on ESPN Radio. On August 20, 2017, the first MLB Little League Classic was held as the Pirates beat the Cardinals, 6–3. Both teams entered the game within six games", "title": "2018 MLB Little League Classic" }, { "docid": "8818617", "text": "Lane Field (baseball) Lane Field is a former baseball stadium located in San Diego, California. The ballpark was home to the San Diego Padres of the Pacific Coast League from 1936 through 1957. The ballpark was located in downtown San Diego, at the end of West Broadway near the waterfront. Broadway bounded the park to the south (first base). Its other two close bounding streets were Harbor Drive (third base) and Pacific Highway (right field). There were various buildings to the north (left field) between the ballpark and Ash Street. Before it was called Lane Field, the stadium began its", "title": "Lane Field (baseball)" }, { "docid": "18268599", "text": "2015 Major League Baseball season The 2015 Major League Baseball season began on April 5 with a Sunday night game between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago Cubs at Wrigley Field, and ended on November 1 with the Kansas City Royals winning the World Series. This was Rob Manfred's first season serving as Commissioner of Baseball. The Major League Baseball All-Star Game's 86th edition was held on Tuesday, July 14 at Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati, Ohio, home of the Cincinnati Reds. The American League won the game 6–3, to give the American League home-field advantage in the", "title": "2015 Major League Baseball season" }, { "docid": "12650806", "text": "model), Minor League Baseball, Women's National Basketball Association, Arena Football League, Hockey Canada, American Hockey League, PGA Tour, National Lacrosse League, Indy Racing League, and Major League Gaming. It has also been parodied in Major League Eating. Alan Siegel, who oversaw Dior's logo, deliberately based his NBA logo design off the MLB's in 1969 because NBA Commissioner J. Walter Kennedy wanted a family relationship between the sports seen as being All-American. Major League Baseball logo The Major League Baseball logo was designed by Jerry Dior in 1968 and was included on all on-field uniforms of Major League Baseball (MLB) employees", "title": "Major League Baseball logo" }, { "docid": "16095443", "text": "Miller Field (baseball) Miller Field was a baseball stadium in Owensboro, Kentucky. Miller Field's final tenant was the Owensboro Oilers of the Kentucky–Illinois–Tennessee League (also called the KITty League), playing there from 1937 to 1955. Miller Field was considered the finest ballpark in the KITty League. Miller Field was situated at Triplett Avenue and East 18th Street in Owensboro. Home plate was oriented to the northeast. Its dimensions were 320 feet (left field), 365 feet (center field) and 320 feet (right field). Miller Field was demolished on September 19, 1955, after the dissolution of the KITTY League. James C. Ellis,", "title": "Miller Field (baseball)" }, { "docid": "2531371", "text": "general public only by online subscription ($20) or as a printed edition ($7 plus $3 for \"shipping and handling\" within the US via UPS). In Canada, rulebook orders requested through LittleLeague.ca are routed to the US website at the same prices, except that \"shipping and handling\" to Canada via UPS is US$15.51, for a total of US$22.51 for a single printed copy. Rulebooks are not available in sporting goods or other stores and must be ordered directly from Little League Baseball, Incorporated or one of its \"Regional Centers\". One paper copy is provided to each team that has sent in", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "10547925", "text": "Major League Baseball on the radio Major League Baseball on the radio has been a tradition for almost 80 years, and still exists today. Baseball was one of the first sports to be broadcast in the United States. Every team in Major League Baseball has a flagship station, and baseball is also broadcast on national radio. The first baseball game ever broadcast on radio was a Pittsburgh Pirates versus Philadelphia Phillies game on August 5, 1921. The game was broadcast by KDKA of Pittsburgh, and the Pirates defeated the Phillies 8-5. It was broadcast by KDKA staff announcer Harold Arlin.", "title": "Major League Baseball on the radio" }, { "docid": "2531348", "text": "Europe to play in the Little League World Series. The series is broadcast live for the first time on ABC. Little League has grown to 27,400 teams in more than 5,500 leagues. 1961: Brian Sipe, future quarterback for the Cleveland Browns, plays for the series champions from El Cajon, California. 1962: Jackie Robinson attends the Little League World Series. President John F. Kennedy proclaims National Little League Week. 1967: A team from West Tokyo, Japan, is the first team from Asia to win the Little League World Series. 1969: Taiwan begins a dominant era that would see them win 17", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "7118686", "text": "1, which launched on August 17, 2013., Sources also said it was possible that Fox would sell some League Division Series games to MLB Network. On October 2, 2012, the new deal between Major League Baseball and Fox was officially confirmed. The following table shows viewership for regular season. Major League Baseball on cable television Major League Baseball has been covered on cable television since the 1960s. On July 17, , a game out of Los Angeles between the Chicago Cubs and Los Angeles Dodgers contest became the first Pay TV baseball game. Subscription television offered the \"cablecast\" to subscribers", "title": "Major League Baseball on cable television" }, { "docid": "3721038", "text": "and left field (named in relation to the batter's position; thus left field is beyond third base and right field is beyond first base). Outfields vary in size and shape depending on the overall size and shape of the playing field. The outfield stretches from the infield to the outfield wall and it contains the warning track. Outfields especially vary from Little League to Major League fields. Little League outfields vary more in size than Major League outfields. Outfields often differ from infields in the specific type of grass used, but most Major League outfields are grass. The warning track", "title": "Baseball field" }, { "docid": "9554664", "text": "games were played are between the street and a levee built to protect the town from the West Branch Susquehanna River. That levee provided most of the seating for the inaugural series' attendees. Although the Little League World Series has now moved to a stadium in South Williamsport, it's still possible to play baseball on the original field. The inaugural series was important in history in that it was integrated at a time when professional baseball was still integrating. More than 2,500 spectators enjoyed the final game, which helped to increase the League's overall publicity. Williamsport Teams Rain on August", "title": "1947 Little League World Series" }, { "docid": "13698741", "text": "of 25 games. In 2003, ABC, ESPN, and ESPN2 carried a total of 35 games including regional championships. All games aired on any ESPN network are also available via Internet streaming on ESPN3. One of the most prominent announcers was Harold Reynolds. Former major league baseball player and color commentator Tony Gwynn referred to him as \"the Pied Piper of Little League baseball.\" Some of the game broadcasters and play-by-play commentators have included sportscasters Al Michaels and Brent Musburger, American sports journalist Jim McKay, and former major league baseball players Cy Young Award and World Series MVP Orel Hershiser, and", "title": "Little League World Series on television" }, { "docid": "9674147", "text": "Mark Little (baseball) Mark Travis Little (born July 11, 1972 in Edwardsville, Illinois) is a former outfielder in Major League Baseball. Little retired after the season, after playing for the Florida Marlins Triple-A affiliate, the Albuquerque Isotopes. He batted and threw right-handed. After playing for the University of Memphis in college, Little was drafted by the Texas Rangers in the 8th round of the amateur draft. Little played four years in the Rangers minor league system, getting as high as Triple-A, before being traded on August 9, , along with Darren Oliver and Fernando Tatís to the St. Louis Cardinals", "title": "Mark Little (baseball)" }, { "docid": "10336229", "text": "author Stephen King. *Note: \"Down in a Hole\" by Alice in Chains is listed as \"Down in the Hole\". Covering the Bases Covering the Bases is the debut album by Major League Baseball pitcher Bronson Arroyo. It was released in 2005 following the Boston Red Sox 2004 World Series Championship, which Arroyo was a part of. The album features cover versions of twelve songs — mainly modern rock hits — that Arroyo would play for his teammates while in the locker room and on the road. Musicians involved in the album included prolific studio guitarist Michael Landau, Alice in Chains/Ozzy", "title": "Covering the Bases" }, { "docid": "4696142", "text": "the new format. United League teams joining the NAL include the Edinburg Roadrunners, Harlingen Whitewings and San Angelo Colts. The league was the only independent baseball association to have drug testing. The league CEO Dave Kaval explained: \"I feel that there is no place for illegal drugs in our business. We run a family-friendly operation off the field, and illegal drug usage by our players would undermine the trust we have established with our fans. That is exactly what has happened at the MLB level. As a steward of the great game of baseball, I am proud to say that", "title": "Golden Baseball League" }, { "docid": "16095444", "text": "who bought the property, stated that the parcel of land was too valuable to be a baseball park. Miller Field (baseball) Miller Field was a baseball stadium in Owensboro, Kentucky. Miller Field's final tenant was the Owensboro Oilers of the Kentucky–Illinois–Tennessee League (also called the KITty League), playing there from 1937 to 1955. Miller Field was considered the finest ballpark in the KITty League. Miller Field was situated at Triplett Avenue and East 18th Street in Owensboro. Home plate was oriented to the northeast. Its dimensions were 320 feet (left field), 365 feet (center field) and 320 feet (right field).", "title": "Miller Field (baseball)" }, { "docid": "15309574", "text": "an extensive array of minigames called \"Skill Challenges\", which range from the power-hitting home run tourney to the accuracy-important Tic-tac-toe. \"Little League World Series Baseball 2009\" was developed by Japanese developer Now Production (NowPro). The game begins when a player is taken to a main menu. They there can choose several different options, including World Series mode, exhibition mode and minigames. In World Series mode, a player chooses one of the 16 different regions, and tries to reach the Little League World Series by making it through regionals, pool play, then winning in the playoffs. In the Exhibition mode, a", "title": "Little League World Series Baseball" }, { "docid": "10547935", "text": "While all teams maintain a network of stations carrying their games in English, many teams also maintain a Spanish-language network as well. In addition, when the Washington Nationals were based in Montreal as the Montreal Expos, their games were broadcast in both English and French. Major League Baseball on the radio Major League Baseball on the radio has been a tradition for almost 80 years, and still exists today. Baseball was one of the first sports to be broadcast in the United States. Every team in Major League Baseball has a flagship station, and baseball is also broadcast on national", "title": "Major League Baseball on the radio" }, { "docid": "4457130", "text": "Major League Baseball Comeback Player of the Year Award The Major League Baseball Comeback Player of the Year Award is presented by Major League Baseball (MLB) to the player who is judged to have \"re-emerged on the baseball field during a given season.\" The award was developed in 2005, as part of a sponsorship agreement between MLB and Viagra. In 2005 and 2006 representatives from MLB and MLB.com selected six candidates each from the American (AL) and National Leagues (NL) and one winner for each league was selected via an online poll on MLB.com. Since then, the winners have been", "title": "Major League Baseball Comeback Player of the Year Award" }, { "docid": "14234201", "text": "bats. Wood's brother, Pete Wood, was also a major league player, and his teammate with the Bisons. Fred Wood (baseball) Frederick Llewellyn Wood (July 21, 1865 – November 17, 1935) was a Canadian professional baseball player. He played parts of two seasons in Major League Baseball in 1884-85. Wood played in 12 games for the Detroit Wolverines of the National League in 1884, splitting his fielding time between catcher and right field. In 42 at bats, he gathered just two hits for a .048 batting average, scored four runs, and had three bases on balls. In 1885, he played one", "title": "Fred Wood (baseball)" }, { "docid": "14234200", "text": "Fred Wood (baseball) Frederick Llewellyn Wood (July 21, 1865 – November 17, 1935) was a Canadian professional baseball player. He played parts of two seasons in Major League Baseball in 1884-85. Wood played in 12 games for the Detroit Wolverines of the National League in 1884, splitting his fielding time between catcher and right field. In 42 at bats, he gathered just two hits for a .048 batting average, scored four runs, and had three bases on balls. In 1885, he played one game for the Buffalo Bisons, also of the National League, and produced one hit in four at", "title": "Fred Wood (baseball)" }, { "docid": "17165398", "text": "2014 Major League Baseball season The 2014 Major League Baseball season began on March 22 at the Sydney Cricket Ground in Sydney, Australia, between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Arizona Diamondbacks. The North American part of the season started on March 30 and ended on September 28. The Major League Baseball All-Star Game's 85th edition was held on July 15 at Target Field in Minneapolis, Minnesota, home of the Minnesota Twins. The American League (AL) beat the National League (NL) 5–3. With the win, the AL champion earned home-field advantage during the World Series. This year the Houston Astros", "title": "2014 Major League Baseball season" }, { "docid": "6126613", "text": "also hosted the pre-game shows for NBC's World Series coverage from 1962 to 1965. By 1964, CBS' Dizzy Dean and Pee Wee Reese called games from Yankee Stadium, Wrigley Field, St. Louis, Philadelphia and Baltimore. New York got a US$550,000 payment of CBS' $895,000. Meanwhile, six clubs that exclusively played nationally televised games on NBC were paid $1.2 million. Until 1965 (when Major League Baseball made its first ever, league-wide regular-season network television deal with ABC), there was no league-wide national television package for regular season Major League Baseball games. As a result, teams, if they so desired, could sell", "title": "Major League Baseball on NBC" }, { "docid": "18965401", "text": "Intermediate League World Series The Intermediate League World Series is a baseball tournament for children aged 11 to 13 years old that began in 2013. It is patterned after the Little League World Series, which was named for the World Series in Major League Baseball. The tournament is held in Livermore, California. The intermediate division is the second of four Little League divisions by development. The pitching mound is 50 feet from home plate, and the base paths are 70 feet apart. This allows for a transition between the smaller field dimensions of Little League (46/60), and the standard field", "title": "Intermediate League World Series" }, { "docid": "8619258", "text": "2003 Little League World Series The 2003 Little League World Series took place between August 15 and August 24 in South Williamsport, Pennsylvania. The Musashi-Fuchu Little League of Tokyo, Japan, defeated the East Boynton Beach Little League of Boynton Beach, Florida, in the championship game of the 57th Little League World Series. The following LLWS players later appeared in Major League Baseball (MLB): Between five and twelve teams take part in 16 regional qualification tournaments, which vary in format depending on region. In the United States, the qualification tournaments are in the same format as the Little League World Series", "title": "2003 Little League World Series" }, { "docid": "16255464", "text": "would receive major upgrades scheduled to be finished by Fall 2015. The $500,000 renovations would cover outfield irrigation, new seating systems with stadium backed seating, and a new press box with filming platforms. The field hosted the 2013 Liberty League Baseball Tournament, won by RPI. Siena Baseball Field Siena Baseball Field is a baseball venue in Loudonville, New York, United States. It is home to the Siena Saints baseball team of the NCAA Division I Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference. The field has been home to Siena's baseball program since its inception in the 1950s. It seats 500 spectators. Features include", "title": "Siena Baseball Field" }, { "docid": "10336228", "text": "Covering the Bases Covering the Bases is the debut album by Major League Baseball pitcher Bronson Arroyo. It was released in 2005 following the Boston Red Sox 2004 World Series Championship, which Arroyo was a part of. The album features cover versions of twelve songs — mainly modern rock hits — that Arroyo would play for his teammates while in the locker room and on the road. Musicians involved in the album included prolific studio guitarist Michael Landau, Alice in Chains/Ozzy Osbourne bassist Mike Inez, Red Sox general manager Theo Epstein, and a small spoken word part during \"Everlong\" by", "title": "Covering the Bases" }, { "docid": "3171211", "text": "radio station WRAK 1400AM, which is owned by Clear Channel. The radio broadcasts are also streamed online at the LLWS page at littleleague.org. Each of the other eleven divisions of Little League Baseball has its own World Series format (including three in boys' softball). Little League World Series The Little League Baseball World Series is an annual baseball tournament in the eastern United States for children aged 10 to 12 years old. Originally called the National Little League Tournament, it was later renamed for the World Series in Major League Baseball. The Series was first held in 1947 and is", "title": "Little League World Series" }, { "docid": "7842571", "text": "side. The main stadium at the academy has permanent seating for 500 fans, space for an additional 1,800 fans, dugouts and lights. There’s also one auxiliary field, two Little League/softball fields and 1,500 square feet of office space and other facilities. The New Orleans Major League Baseball Urban Youth Academy opened in 2012 and is located at Wesley Barrow Stadium. It is a 650-seat baseball and softball stadium located in the Pontchartrain Park section of New Orleans, Louisiana. The stadium includes a 200-square-foot climate-controlled press box, a public address system and LED scoreboard. The baseball field features professional-sized artificial turf", "title": "Major League Baseball Urban Youth Academy" }, { "docid": "8624040", "text": "Israel Baseball League The Israel Baseball League (IBL; Hebrew: ליגת הבייסבול הישראלית, \"Ligat ha-Beisbol ha-Israelit\") was a six-team professional baseball league in Israel. The first game was played on June 24, 2007. The six league teams were the Tel Aviv Lightning, Netanya Tigers, Bet Shemesh Blue Sox, Petach Tikva Pioneers, Modi'in Miracle, and Ra'anana Express. The teams played games at three ballparks. The Yarkon Sports Complex, seating 15,000, in the Baptist Village in Petach Tikva, just outside Tel Aviv, was home to the Ra'anana Express and the Petach Tikva Pioneers. Gezer Field, about halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, was", "title": "Israel Baseball League" }, { "docid": "8818623", "text": "passengers. It is located approximately halfway between the Star of India and USS Midway museum ships. In 2015 it was dedicated as a city park. A plaque, which was placed in 2003 at the corner of Broadway and Pacific Highway to commemorate the ballpark, was moved in 2015 to the corner of Broadway and Harbor Drive. Lane Field (baseball) Lane Field is a former baseball stadium located in San Diego, California. The ballpark was home to the San Diego Padres of the Pacific Coast League from 1936 through 1957. The ballpark was located in downtown San Diego, at the end", "title": "Lane Field (baseball)" }, { "docid": "13997510", "text": "gave the game a 7/10, saying \"In the past, the 2K series was hampered by a lot of little things. The developers obviously put a lot of time in improving the overall gameplay and it shows. The new modes are fun but need some attention to iron out bugs, and there are some areas where the errors are just downright contrary to the game of baseball. On the surface, baseball seems a simple game, but to the baseball fan, the layers of complexity are what create that overall feeling that is Major League Baseball.\" In early February, game publisher 2K", "title": "Major League Baseball 2K10" }, { "docid": "6126668", "text": "time slot. The rating was 13% more than Fox's ALCS coverage in 1997 and 12% more than NBC's coverage in 1996. In 1999, NBC field reporter Jim Gray, who had previously covered Major League Baseball for CBS, came under fire for a confrontational interview with banned all-time hit king Pete Rose. Just prior to the start of Game 2 of the World Series, Gray pushed Rose – on hand (by permission of Commissioner Bud Selig) at Turner Field in Atlanta as a fan-selected member of MasterCard's \"All-Century Team\" – to admit to having wagered on baseball games as manager of", "title": "Major League Baseball on NBC" }, { "docid": "6095774", "text": "\"CBS Sports Spectacular\", TBS' Atlanta-based Major League Baseball studio crew of Matt Winer, Dennis Eckersley, Cal Ripken, Jr. and David Wells presented a 2011 Major League Baseball midseason report. This was followed by \"MLB 2011: Down the Stretch\", which aired on September 24. CBS Sports and Turner Sports have also partnered on coverage of the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament and in the past, on the Winter Olympics in 1992, 1994 and 1998. On August 29, 2012, \"The New York Times\" reported a potential alliance between CBS and TBS on a Major League Baseball television contract beginning in 2014.", "title": "Major League Baseball on CBS" }, { "docid": "8257738", "text": "what we had all seen when Ethier came up to bat again in the fifth, saying, \"We’re still guessing what that argument was all about.\" In Game 2 of the aforementioned Mets-Dodgers NLDS, Ripken was quick to categorize Chase Utley's slide into Mets shortstop, Rubén Tejada (which broke Tejada's leg) as a clean play, \"a little late,\" and nothing more than \"competitive baseball.\" Ironically, Ripken's whole career was built on playing more consecutive games than anybody else in baseball history. Therefore, the whole streak that would’ve more than likely, been vaporized had anyone slid into him that way. During the", "title": "Major League Baseball on TBS" }, { "docid": "2531352", "text": "Red Sox catcher, Jason Varitek. 1984:: Victoria Roche, a 12-year-old from Belgium, becomes the first girl to play in the Little League World Series. 1988: Tom Seaver is the first former Little Leaguer to be enshrined in the Peter J. McGovern Museum Hall of Excellence. 1989: Poland becomes the first former Warsaw Pact nation to receive a Little League charter. Trumbull, Connecticut, led by future NHL star Chris Drury, wins the Little League World Series. 1991: Future NL All Star Jason Marquis pitches the Staten Island South Shore Little League team to third place in the Little League World Series", "title": "Little League Baseball" }, { "docid": "13568017", "text": "lineout by Joe DiMaggio. With the AL up 5–2, there would be no more scoring, despite the NL loading the bases in the 6th inning. 1948 Major League Baseball All-Star Game The 1948 Major League Baseball All-Star Game was the 15th playing of the midsummer classic between the all-stars of the American League (AL) and National League (NL), the two leagues comprising Major League Baseball. The game was held on July 13, 1948, at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis, Missouri, the home of both the St. Louis Browns of the American League (who were the designated host team) and the", "title": "1948 Major League Baseball All-Star Game" }, { "docid": "16351411", "text": "league baseball, Little League baseball and track and field. Offutt Field is currently the stadium with longest service in southwestern Pennsylvania. The field was the home of the Greensburg Athletic Association, a professional football team during the 1890s. The field's playing surface once had a stream, known as Jack's Run, which crossed a corner of the field. Early-day accounts of football games at Athletic Park noted that the football occasionally went into the creek, and players became heroes with the crowd for plunging into the waters to retrieve the ball. On October 26, 1895, during a game between Greensburg and", "title": "Offutt Field (Greensburg)" } ]
How many home runs did baseball great Ty Cobb hit in the three world series in which he played?
[ "None", "None (disambiguation)" ]
[ { "docid": "4342454", "text": "1907 World Series The 1907 World Series featured the Chicago Cubs and the Detroit Tigers, with the Cubs winning the Series four games to none (with one tie) for their first championship. The Cubs came back strong from their shocking loss in the 1906 World Series. The Tigers' young star Ty Cobb came into the Series with the first of his many league batting championships. With pitching dominance over the Tigers and Cobb, the Cubs allowed only three runs in the four games they won, while stealing 18 bases off the rattled Tigers. Tigers pitcher \"Wild Bill\" Donovan struck out", "title": "1907 World Series" } ]
[ { "docid": "20711943", "text": "Home runs per hit In baseball statistics, home run per hit (HR/H) is the percentage of hits that are home runs. It is loosely related to isolated power, which is the ability to hit for extra-base hits, including home runs. Power hitters, players who readily hit many home runs tend to have higher HR/H than contact hitters. A player hitting 30 home runs and have 150 hits in a season would have HR/H of .200, while a player who hit 8 home runs and have 200 hits in a season would have H/HR of .040. HR/H ratio has gotten higher", "title": "Home runs per hit" }, { "docid": "20711944", "text": "over time. From 1959 to 2007, HR/H for leading power hitters in MLB was .3312, with the ratio being the highest from 1995 to 2001. The highest HR/H ratio of any player was Mark McGwire at .3585 or 2.8 hits per home run. Home runs per hit In baseball statistics, home run per hit (HR/H) is the percentage of hits that are home runs. It is loosely related to isolated power, which is the ability to hit for extra-base hits, including home runs. Power hitters, players who readily hit many home runs tend to have higher HR/H than contact hitters.", "title": "Home runs per hit" }, { "docid": "10925007", "text": "Ty Cobb Healthcare System The Ty Cobb Healthcare System in Royston in the US state of Georgia began as a single hospital in 1950, with a donation by baseball player Ty Cobb. Since then it grew to include a new medical center, smaller local health centers, and hospitals. Ty Cobb Healthcare System is a private self-supporting nonprofit health care organization consisting of Cobb Memorial Hospital, Cobb Memorial Outpatient Diagnostic Center, Brown Memorial Convalescent Center, Cobb Health Care Center, Home Base Health Services, Hart County Hospital, Cobb Center Apartments, Inc. and Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center. Building the latter medical center", "title": "Ty Cobb Healthcare System" }, { "docid": "430346", "text": "\"Sporting News\" ranked Ty Cobb third on their list of \"Baseball's 100 Greatest Players\". Cobb is widely credited with setting 90 MLB records during his career. His combined total of 4,065 runs scored and runs batted in (after adjusting for home runs) is still the highest ever produced by any major league player. He still holds several records as of the end of the 2018 season, including the highest career batting average (.366 or .367, depending on source) and most career batting titles with 11 (or 12, depending on source). He retained many other records for almost a half century", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430356", "text": "1928 New York Giants). He never hit below that mark again. After being moved to right field, he led the Tigers to three consecutive American League pennants in 1907, 1908 & 1909. Detroit would lose each World Series (to the Cubs twice and then the Pirates), however, with Cobb's postseason numbers far below his career standard. Cobb did not get another opportunity to play on a pennant-winning team. In 1907, Cobb reached first and then stole second, third and home. He accomplished the feat four more times during his career. He finished the 1907 season with a league-leading .350 batting", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430414", "text": "of a Royston, Georgia, man who had stored them in a book for almost 100 years.. The new baseball stadium at Hampden–Sydney College is named Ty Cobb Ballpark. The band Soundgarden recorded a song \"Ty Cobb\" in the album \"Down on the Upside\" in 1996. However, the song wasn't actually written about Ty Cobb, it was given the name because the lyrics reminded their bassist Ben Shepherd of him. Celtic-Punk band Flatfoot 56 composed and recorded a song about Ty Cobb as a part of their album \"Odd Boat\" released in March 2017. Sam Crawford and Ty Cobb were teammates", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10097475", "text": "bands neglected. But punk rock has always had that element of barely being able to hold on to the steering wheel.\" \"Ty Cobb\" was originally titled \"Hot Rod Death Toll\", but the lyrics reminded Shepherd of the infamous baseball player Ty Cobb. He broke many records and still holds the all-time career batting average record (.367), but acquired a reputation for racism, violence and alcoholism, largely due to now-discredited books and articles by controversial writer Al Stump. Songwriter Chris Cornell said to \"Kerrang!\", about the writing of \"Ty Cobb\", It was basically coming from the frame of mind of some", "title": "Ty Cobb (song)" }, { "docid": "430395", "text": "injuring him, Cobb realized that Johnson was fearful of hitting opponents. He used this knowledge to his advantage by standing closer to the plate. Cobb returned for the 1928 season, but played less frequently due to his age and the blossoming abilities of the young A's, who were again in a pennant race with the Yankees. On September 3, Ty Cobb pinch-hit in the ninth inning of the first game of a doubleheader against the Senators and doubled off Bump Hadley for his last career hit although his last at-bat wasn't until September 11 against the Yankees, popping out off", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430406", "text": "by William R. \"Ron\" Cobb (no relation to Ty) in the peer-reviewed \"The National Pastime\" (the official publication of the Society for American Baseball Research) accused Stump of extensive forgeries of Cobb-related documents and diaries. The article further accused Stump of numerous false statements about Cobb in his last years, most of which were sensationalistic in nature and intended to cast Cobb in an unflattering light. In his last days, Cobb spent some time with the old movie comedian Joe E. Brown, talking about the choices he had made in his life. He told Brown that he felt that he", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430422", "text": "a result of the movie \"Cobb\" which starred Tommy Lee Jones, there are many myths surrounding Cobb's life, including one that he sharpened his spikes to inflict wounds to opposing players. Leerhsen's book \"Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty\" presents primary evidence in contradiction to some of the more negative charges against Cobb. In 2013, Cobb's grandson, Herschel Cobb, published a book about his grandfather titled \"Heart of a Tiger, Growing Up With My Grandfather, Ty Cobb\". In this book, Herschel Cobb provides an inside view of his grandfather's kindness and generosity. It also includes an account of teenaged Herschel Cobb", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430386", "text": "by Cap Anson of the old Chicago NL team in 1884. Cobb wanted to show that he could hit home runs when he wanted, but simply chose not to do so. At the end of the series, the 38-year-old veteran superstar had gone 12 for 19 with 29 total bases and then went happily back to his usual bunting and hitting-and-running. For his part, Ruth's attitude was that \"I could have had a lifetime .600 average, but I would have had to hit them singles. The people were paying to see me hit home runs.\" Even so, when asked in", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "9387823", "text": "Ty Cobb Museum The Ty Cobb Museum is a museum located in Royston, Georgia, that honors Baseball Hall of Fame player Tyrus Raymond Cobb. The museum contains art and memorabilia, film, video, books and historical archives of Cobb as well as several other notable people from Franklin County, Georgia. Items on display include Cobb's 1907 American League (A.L.) batting champion medal. The Cobb Theater features stadium-style seating accented by a beautiful mural. A video features the narration of Georgia Bulldogs broadcasting legend Larry Munson, interviews with Atlanta Braves star Chipper Jones and ESPN baseball analyst Peter Gammons, along with rare", "title": "Ty Cobb Museum" }, { "docid": "9387824", "text": "footage and still photographs of Ty Cobb. The museum also houses the Franklin County Sports Hall of Fame. Charter inductees are Cobb, 1943 American League (A.L.) MVP Spud Chandler, National Football League Pro Bowl lineman Tony Jones and College Football All-American quarterback Dee Dowis. Ty Cobb Museum The Ty Cobb Museum is a museum located in Royston, Georgia, that honors Baseball Hall of Fame player Tyrus Raymond Cobb. The museum contains art and memorabilia, film, video, books and historical archives of Cobb as well as several other notable people from Franklin County, Georgia. Items on display include Cobb's 1907 American", "title": "Ty Cobb Museum" }, { "docid": "20253548", "text": "Ty Cobb (attorney) Ty Cobb (born 1950) is an American lawyer. He was a partner at Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C. until July 2017, when he joined the Trump administration legal team. Cobb is the son of Grover C. Cobb, a Kansas radio station owner who was senior executive vice president of the National Association of Broadcasters (which named one of their prestigious awards for him). Cobb's father was vice-president/general manager of KVGB (AM)/FM in Great Bend, and had a key role in forming the Kansas Association of Broadcasters. Cobb reportedly is a distant relative of the Hall of Fame", "title": "Ty Cobb (attorney)" }, { "docid": "430345", "text": "Ty Cobb Tyrus Raymond Cobb (December 18, 1886 – July 17, 1961), nicknamed The Georgia Peach, was an American Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder. He was born in rural Narrows, Georgia. Cobb spent 22 seasons with the Detroit Tigers, the last six as the team's player-manager, and finished his career with the Philadelphia Athletics. In 1936 Cobb received the most votes of any player on the inaugural Baseball Hall of Fame ballot, receiving 222 out of a possible 226 votes (98.2%); no other player received a higher percentage of votes until Tom Seaver in 1992. In 1999, editors at the", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430424", "text": "regularly recorded until 1920. Ty Cobb Tyrus Raymond Cobb (December 18, 1886 – July 17, 1961), nicknamed The Georgia Peach, was an American Major League Baseball (MLB) outfielder. He was born in rural Narrows, Georgia. Cobb spent 22 seasons with the Detroit Tigers, the last six as the team's player-manager, and finished his career with the Philadelphia Athletics. In 1936 Cobb received the most votes of any player on the inaugural Baseball Hall of Fame ballot, receiving 222 out of a possible 226 votes (98.2%); no other player received a higher percentage of votes until Tom Seaver in 1992. In", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430404", "text": "He also established the Cobb Educational Fund, which awarded scholarships to needy Georgia students bound for college, by endowing it with a $100,000 donation in 1953 (equivalent to approximately $ in current year dollars ). He knew that another way he could share his wealth was by having biographies written that would both set the record straight on him and teach young players how to play. John McCallum spent some time with Cobb to write a combination how-to and biography titled \"The Tiger Wore Spikes: An Informal Biography of Ty Cobb\" that was published in 1956. In December 1959, he", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "11283842", "text": "Bill Jenkinson is a renowned baseball scholar. He resides in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, and is a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR). He has been a consultant for The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, ESPN and Major League Baseball. The book is dedicated to his wife, Marie Jenkinson. Jenkinson's second book, \"Baseball's Ultimate Power\", was released in March 2010. The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs is a 432-page non-fiction book by Bill Jenkinson published by Carroll & Graf Publishers in March 2007. , its first", "title": "The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs" }, { "docid": "430411", "text": "of the dead-ball era, and is generally seen as one of the greatest players of all time. Efforts to create a Ty Cobb Memorial in Royston initially failed, primarily because most of the artifacts from his life were sent to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York and the Georgia town was viewed as too remote to make a memorial worthwhile. But ultimately, on July 17, 1998, the 37th anniversary of Cobb's death, the Ty Cobb Museum and the Franklin County Sports Hall of Fame opened its doors in Royston. On that day, Cobb was one of the", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "20253552", "text": "mode and they’ve been directed to fully cooperate and get this over with as quickly as possible.\" On May 2, 2018, Cobb announced that he was retiring as White House special counsel at the end of the month. Based on Bob Woodward's book \"\", it seems likely Cobb could become a significant witness in any proceedings against Trump: Cobb stated on October 22, 2018 that he did not think the Mueller investigation was a \"witch hunt.\" Ty Cobb (attorney) Ty Cobb (born 1950) is an American lawyer. He was a partner at Hogan Lovells in Washington, D.C. until July 2017,", "title": "Ty Cobb (attorney)" }, { "docid": "430368", "text": "have done to enrage Cobb. Cobb felt that it was these mind games that caused Jackson to \"fall off\" to a final average of .408, twelve points lower than Cobb's .420, a twentieth-century record which stood until George Sisler tied it and Rogers Hornsby surpassed it with .424, the record since then except for Hugh Duffy's .438 in the nineteenth century. Cobb led the AL that year in numerous other categories, including 248 hits, 147 runs scored, 127 RBI, 83 stolen bases, 47 doubles, 24 triples and a .621 slugging percentage. Cobb hit eight home runs but finished second in", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10097474", "text": "to hear mandolin on that song, and so we called some people and they brought like, these older mandolins down for us to try, 'cause they thought they were really great, and then we picked them up and just played 'em, and that was about it, the first time we ever played them. \"Ty Cobb\" begins with a quiet, 22-second intro before acquiring a frenetic pace throughout the rest of the song. Guitarist Kim Thayil said, \"'Ty Cobb' sounds like it may fall apart at any second but it remains intact. That is an element that a lot of rock", "title": "Ty Cobb (song)" }, { "docid": "10097476", "text": "sort of hardcore pissed-off idiot, and that's why we titled it that. We weren't writing the song about Ty Cobb at all—I didn't even know anything about him. I was just thinking of a character who was a combination of a lot of people I've met and didn't like. Although \"Ty Cobb\" did not chart on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, or the \"Billboard\" Modern Rock Tracks chart as the first three singles from \"Down on the Upside\" did, its B-side, \"Rhinosaur\", also from the album, did chart on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart at", "title": "Ty Cobb (song)" }, { "docid": "4342443", "text": "(after a two-run Pirate bottom of the first) with three runs in the top of the third, tying the Series at one game apiece. Ty Cobb stole home to start the rally. Honus Wagner had three hits, three RBI and three stolen bases as the Pirates regained the lead in the Series, two games to one. The win-swapping continued with Detroit taking Game 4. Tiger ace George Mullin threw a five-hit shutout while striking out 10 Pirates, again evening the Series at two games apiece. Babe Adams threw another six-hitter, for an 8–4 triumph and a 3–2 Series lead for", "title": "1909 World Series" }, { "docid": "11283838", "text": "The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs is a 432-page non-fiction book by Bill Jenkinson published by Carroll & Graf Publishers in March 2007. , its first printing had sold over 10,000 copies. According to the introduction, the book is not a new Babe Ruth biography. Rather, it is a factual treatise of Ruth's power and his dominance of the game of baseball. The title refers to Jenkinson's conclusion that in modern ballparks under modern rules, Ruth would have hit 104 home runs in 1921, 90 in some other seasons, and", "title": "The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs" }, { "docid": "41795", "text": "1930, but baseball was hit hard by the Great Depression and in 1933 the average fell below five thousand for the only time between the wars. 1933 also saw the introduction of the All-Star game, a mid-season break in which the greatest players in each league play against one another in a hard-fought but officially meaningless demonstration game. In 1936 the Baseball Hall of Fame was instituted and five players elected: Ty Cobb, Walter Johnson, Christy Mathewson, Babe Ruth and Honus Wagner. The Hall formally opened in 1939. In 1941, a year which saw the premature death of Lou Gehrig,", "title": "History of baseball in the United States" }, { "docid": "430355", "text": "I wanted to satisfy myself that Cobb has as much guts as I thought in the very beginning\", Jennings recalled. \"Well, he proved it to me, and I told the other players to let him alone. He is going to be a great baseball player and I won't allow him to be driven off this club.\" The following year, 1906, Cobb became the Tigers' full-time center fielder and hit .316 in 98 games, setting a record for the highest batting average (minimum 310 plate appearances) for a 19-year-old (later bested by Mel Ott's .322 average in 124 games for the", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10097477", "text": "number 19. Outside the United States, the single was released commercially in Australia. It also contained a remix of \"Rhinosaur\" called \"The Straw That Broke the Rhino's Back\" which was created by Bill Rieflin. David Browne of \"Entertainment Weekly\" said, \"With its frenetic mandolin, \"Ty Cobb\" ... is something like metal bluegrass.\" All songs written by Matt Cameron and Chris Cornell, except where noted: Ty Cobb (song) \"Ty Cobb\" is a song by the American rock band Soundgarden. Featuring lyrics written by frontman Chris Cornell and music written by bassist Ben Shepherd, \"Ty Cobb\" was released in April 1997 as", "title": "Ty Cobb (song)" }, { "docid": "430358", "text": "I happened to hit a home run that tied the score. This game went 17 innings to a tie, and a few days later, we clinched our first pennant. You can understand what it meant for a 20-year-old country boy to hit a home run off the great Rube, in a pennant-winning game with two outs in the ninth.\" Despite great success on the field, Cobb was no stranger to controversy off it. As described in Smithsonian Magazine, \"In 1907 during spring training in Augusta, Georgia, a black groundskeeper named Bungy Cummings, whom Cobb had known for years, attempted to", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "11283839", "text": "over 60 many times. The author's research concludes that Ruth would have hit well over a thousand home runs in his career. The book is in three major sections. The first section is called \"Part 1: The Career\". The second section is \"Part Two: The Analysis\". The third section is \"Part Three: The Facts\". The career section is devoted to year by year recaps of Babe Ruth's career. It starts in 1914 and runs through Ruth's final season in 1935. Each chapter features personal highlights and picks out the longest home runs Ruth hit. \"The Analysis\" section presents arguments about", "title": "The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs" }, { "docid": "10097473", "text": "Ty Cobb (song) \"Ty Cobb\" is a song by the American rock band Soundgarden. Featuring lyrics written by frontman Chris Cornell and music written by bassist Ben Shepherd, \"Ty Cobb\" was released in April 1997 as the fourth single from the band's fourth studio album, \"Down on the Upside\" (1996). The song was included on Soundgarden's 1997 greatest hits album, \"A-Sides\". \"Ty Cobb\" features lyrics written by frontman Chris Cornell and music written by bassist Ben Shepherd. Cornell and Shepherd play mandolin and mandola on the track. Cornell on the song: Well, Ben actually had the idea that he wanted", "title": "Ty Cobb (song)" }, { "docid": "430366", "text": "one game had been counted twice so that Cobb actually lost to Lajoie. As a result of the incident, AL president Ban Johnson was forced to arbitrate the situation. He declared Cobb the rightful owner of the title, but car company president Hugh Chalmers chose to award one to both Cobb and Lajoie. Cobb regarded baseball as \"something like a war\", future Tiger second baseman Charlie Gehringer said. \"Every time at bat for him was a crusade.\" Baseball historian John Thorn said in the book \"Legends of the Fall\", \"He is testament to how far you can get simply through", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430394", "text": "tumultuous welcome on May 11 and doubling his first time up to the cheers of Tiger fans. On July 18, Cobb became the first member of the 4000 hit club when he doubled off former teammate Sam Gibson, still pitching for the Tigers, at Navin Field. 1927 was also the final season of Washington Senators pitcher Walter Johnson's career. With their careers largely overlapping, Cobb faced Johnson more times than any other batter-pitcher matchup in baseball history. Cobb also got the first hit ever allowed by Johnson. After Johnson hit Detroit's Ossie Vitt with a pitch in August 1915, seriously", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10555337", "text": "Harry Bullion wrote that Cobb displayed \"astonishing form\" throwing to the bases\" and was \"cool as the proverbial iceberg, ruffles at nothing, and is never caught making the wrong play.\" Bullion added that one of Cobb's strongest boosters was Ty Cobb, though the two were not relatives. On April 13, 1918, he had three hits in five at bats and scored two runs in an exhibition game against the Cincinnati Reds. Cobb appeared in only one major league game, an 8-4 loss to the Cleveland Indians on April 25, 1918. Cobb was a pinch hitter for pitcher Rudy Kallio in", "title": "Joe Cobb (baseball)" }, { "docid": "2190551", "text": "With the addition of Ty Cobb at the end of the 1905 season, the Tigers had two of the best hitters in baseball. Cobb and Crawford led Detroit to three straight American League pennants in 1907, 1908 and 1909, but both of them slumped in their World Series appearances, as the Tigers lost all three. Crawford hit for a .243 average in three World Series, and Cobb hit an uncharacteristic .200 in the 1907 World Series and .231 in the 1909 World Series. Although Crawford never got to play in another World Series, he remained one of the most feared", "title": "Sam Crawford" }, { "docid": "20465644", "text": "he hit 61 home runs. David Ortiz arrived in MLB in 1997, experiencing injuries that slowed his progress. Ortiz signed with the Boston Red Sox in 2003 but did not play much until he became their designated hitter later that year. In 2004, Ortiz became known globally for his achievements. During the 2004 season, he hit 41 home runs and had 139 RBIs while batting .301. He joined with Martinez to lead the Boston Red Sox to their first World Series Championship in 86 years. Robinson Canó is a professional second baseman baseball player, born in the Dominican Republic on", "title": "Baseball in Dominican Republic" }, { "docid": "41774", "text": "into the crowd and lost, and many clubs employed security guards expressly for the purpose of retrieving balls hit into the stands—a practice unthinkable today. As a consequence, home runs were rare, and the \"inside game\" dominated—singles, bunts, stolen bases, the hit-and-run play, and other tactics dominated the strategies of the time. Despite this, there were also several superstar hitters, the most famous being Honus Wagner, held to be one of the greatest shortstops to ever play the game, and Detroit's Ty Cobb, the \"Georgia Peach.\" His career batting average of .366 has yet to be bested. The 1908 pennant", "title": "History of baseball in the United States" }, { "docid": "19533469", "text": "three-run homer by Pederson. Bregman hit a home run off of Jansen in the bottom of the ninth inning, but the Dodgers won the game to even up the series. The Astros had two hits in the game; both were home runs. This was the first game in World Series history where both starting pitchers allowed four or fewer baserunners. After Game 4, both teams' pitching coaches, Rick Honeycutt for the Dodgers and Brent Strom for the Astros, commented on how the baseball being used for the World Series is slicker than the baseball used during the regular season. Pitchers", "title": "2017 World Series" }, { "docid": "6714628", "text": "Baseball Hall of Fame in 1986. Ty LaForest Byron Joseph LaForest (April 18, 1917 – May 5, 1947) was a Canadian professional baseball player. He was born in Edmundston, New Brunswick. LaForest is one of many ballplayers who only appeared in the major leagues during World War II. LaForest played third base for the last two months of the 1945 season with the Boston Red Sox, hitting .250 (51-for-204) with 2 home runs, 16 RBI, and 25 runs scored in 52 games. He was an above-average defensive player, making just 5 errors in 147 total chances at third base, and", "title": "Ty LaForest" }, { "docid": "10555341", "text": "to the higher levels of the minor leagues. He began the season with the Jersey City Skeeters and, on June 3, 1923, he was sold to the Baltimore Orioles of the International League. Cobb appeared in 83 games for the 1923 Orioles, hit .320 and totaled 72 runs, 80 RBIs, 215 total bases, 19 doubles, 12 triples and 15 home runs. He was the starting catcher for the 1923 Baltimore team that compiled a 111-53 record and is ranked as the 19th best minor league team in baseball history. After the Orioles won the 1923 pennant, The Sporting News wrote", "title": "Joe Cobb (baseball)" }, { "docid": "430382", "text": "controlled environment, which was eventually responsible for Mathewson's contracting tuberculosis which led to his premature death on the eve of the 1925 World Series. On August 19, 1921, in the second game of a doubleheader against Elmer Myers of the Boston Red Sox, Cobb collected his 3,000th hit. Aged 34 at the time, he is still the youngest ballplayer to reach that milestone, and in the fewest at-bats (8,093). By 1920, Babe Ruth, newly sold to the newly named New York Yankees from the Boston Red Sox, had established himself as a power hitter, something Cobb was not considered to", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430389", "text": "the team. In fact, he had saved money by hiring Cobb to both play and manage. In 1922, Cobb tied a batting record set by Wee Willie Keeler, with four five-hit games in a season. This has since been matched by Stan Musial, Tony Gwynn and Ichiro Suzuki. On May 10, 1924, Cobb was honored at ceremonies before a game in Washington, D.C., by more than 100 dignitaries and legislators. He received 21 books, one for each year in professional baseball. At the end of 1925 Cobb was once again embroiled in a batting title race, this time with one", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10925009", "text": "widely respected physician and surgeon, served as Cobb Memorial Hospital's first superintendent. In 2009 the hospital system betrayed the vision of Ty Cobb and the citizens of the town of Royston, by closing the hospital and moving it to Lavonia, Ga. Ty Cobb Healthcare System Incorporated announced on June 10, 2009, that it would close down Cobb Memorial Hospital and Hart County Hospital consolidating them into a new $52 million, 56-bed, regional medical center in the nearby town of Lavonia, called Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center. Ty Cobb Healthcare System applied to the state Department of Community Health in mid-July", "title": "Ty Cobb Healthcare System" }, { "docid": "430347", "text": "or more, including most career hits until 1985 (4,189 or 4,191, depending on source), most career runs (2,245 or 2,246 depending on source) until 2001, most career games played (3,035) and at bats (11,429 or 11,434 depending on source) until 1974, and the modern record for most career stolen bases (892) until 1977. He still holds the career record for stealing home (54 times) and for stealing second base, third base, and home in succession (5 times), and as the youngest player ever to compile 4,000 hits and score 2,000 runs. Cobb ranks fifth all-time in number of games played", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "2099338", "text": "Runs created Runs created (RC) is a baseball statistic invented by Bill James to estimate the number of runs a hitter contributes to his team. James explains in his book, \"The Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract\", why he believes runs created is an essential thing to measure:With regard to an offensive player, the first key question is how many \"runs\" have resulted from what he has done with the bat and on the basepaths. Willie McCovey hit .270 in his career, with 353 doubles, 46 triples, 521 home runs and 1,345 walks -- but his job was not to hit", "title": "Runs created" }, { "docid": "430385", "text": "in his career, he was going to swing for the fences. That day, he went 6 for 6, with two singles, a double and three home runs. The 16 total bases set a new AL record, which stood until May 8, 2012 when Josh Hamilton of the Texas Rangers hit four home runs and a double for a total of 18 bases. The next day he had three more hits, two of which were home runs. The single his first time up gave him nine consecutive hits over three games. His five homers in two games tied the record set", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "4342459", "text": "Ed Siever for four runs on seven hits in only four innings en route to their second win. Johnny Evers had three hits, including two doubles, as the Cubs took a 2–0 lead in the Series. Friday, October 11, 1907, at Bennett Park in Detroit, Michigan In their first World Series home game, the Tigers took a 1–0 lead on a triple by their 20-year-old batting champion Ty Cobb and an RBI single by Claude Rossman in the bottom of the fourth, shortly before a rain delay in the top of the fifth. Soon after play resumed in the same", "title": "1907 World Series" }, { "docid": "6714625", "text": "Ty LaForest Byron Joseph LaForest (April 18, 1917 – May 5, 1947) was a Canadian professional baseball player. He was born in Edmundston, New Brunswick. LaForest is one of many ballplayers who only appeared in the major leagues during World War II. LaForest played third base for the last two months of the 1945 season with the Boston Red Sox, hitting .250 (51-for-204) with 2 home runs, 16 RBI, and 25 runs scored in 52 games. He was an above-average defensive player, making just 5 errors in 147 total chances at third base, and recording 6 putouts (with no errors)", "title": "Ty LaForest" }, { "docid": "430363", "text": "with a .324 average, but Detroit suffered another loss in the World Series. In August 1908, Cobb married Charlotte (\"Charlie\") Marion Lombard, the daughter of prominent Augustan Roswell Lombard. In the offseason, the couple lived on her father's Augusta estate, \"The Oaks\", until they moved into their own house on Williams Street in November 1913. The Tigers won the AL pennant again in 1909. During that World Series, Cobb's last, he stole home in the second game, igniting a three-run rally, but that was the high point for him, finishing with a lowly .231, as the Tigers lost to Honus", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "41780", "text": "a pre World War I peak of 5,836 in 1909. Where there weren't professional teams, there were semi-pro teams, traveling teams barnstorming, company clubs and amateur men's leagues. The fix of baseball games by gamblers and players working together had been suspected as early as the 1850s. Hal Chase was particularly notorious for throwing games, but played for a decade after gaining this reputation; he even managed to parlay these accusations into a promotion to manager. Even baseball stars such as Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker have been credibly alleged to have fixed game outcomes. When MLB's complacency during this", "title": "History of baseball in the United States" }, { "docid": "19096492", "text": "State and Fresno State to play baseball. He intended to play baseball at college, but was instead drafted. Jones played in the 1988 Little League World Series. In the 1993 Major League Baseball Draft, the Toronto Blue Jays took him in the second round, 57th overall, one pick ahead of pitcher Jay Witasick. His signing bonus was $150,000. For the Medicine Hat Blue Jays his first season, he hit .246 with three home runs and 27 RBI in 47 games. In 1994, Jones hit .239 with 18 home runs, 29 doubles and 72 RBI in 115 games for the Hagerstown", "title": "Ryan Jones (baseball)" }, { "docid": "10555342", "text": "an article describing Joe Cobb's role on the team: \"[Manager] Dunn's first moves were to obtain catcher Joe Cobb from Jersey City . . . and to sign veteran pitcher Chief Bender. The addition of the peppy Cobb put new life in the Orioles.\" In 1924, after a brief holdout, Cobb returned to the Orioles. The 1924 Orioles compiled a 117-48 record and are rated as the fifth best minor league team in baseball history. Cobb was named to the International League's 1924 all-star team and hit .320 with 84 RBIs and 75 runs. Cobb also had the distinction of", "title": "Joe Cobb (baseball)" }, { "docid": "430403", "text": "I wasn't sure you wanted to speak to me. A lot of them don't.\" Cobb was mentioned in the poem \"\"Line-Up for Yesterday\"\" by Ogden Nash: At the age of 62, Cobb married a second time in 1949. His new wife was 40-year-old Frances Fairbairn Cass, a divorcee from Buffalo, New York. Their childless marriage also failed, ending with a divorce in 1956. At this time, Cobb became generous with his wealth, donating $100,000 in his parents' name for his hometown to build a modern 24-bed hospital, Cobb Memorial Hospital, which is now part of the Ty Cobb Healthcare System.", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430393", "text": "to return to their original teams, but each team let them know that they were free agents and could sign with any club they wanted. Speaker signed with the Washington Senators for 1927, and Cobb with the Philadelphia Athletics. Speaker then joined Cobb in Philadelphia for the 1928 season. Cobb said he had come back only to seek vindication and say he left baseball on his own terms. Cobb played regularly in 1927 for a young and talented team that finished second to one of the greatest teams of all time, the 110–44 1927 Yankees, returning to Detroit to a", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10925008", "text": "(in 2010) made the system run a debt of over $60 million; in 2015, the Ty Cobb Regional Medical was taken over by St. Mary's Health Care and its parent, Trinity Health, for $12.9 million. Ty Cobb donated $100,000 in January 1950 to help his hometown of Royston, Georgia, build a 24-bed hospital, fitted with the latest equipment. The institution was initially run by Cobb's boyhood friend, Dr. Stewart Brown. The original Board of Directors of the proposed hospital held their organizational meeting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Brown, Sr. on November 6, 1947. Dr. Brown, a", "title": "Ty Cobb Healthcare System" }, { "docid": "11283841", "text": "hit by Ruth during his career, along with estimated distances that the ball flew in each case. According to Jenkinson's estimates, a sizable number of Ruth's homers exceeded 500 feet (the official record is Mickey Mantle's 565 foot home run at Griffith Stadium in 1960), and many exceeded 450. Some were also less than 300, in the widely variant dimensions of ballparks of that era. From that long list, as well as discussion in other parts of the book, some of Ruth's longest home runs at each ballpark can be summarized. Ruth was especially prolific in his great 1921 season:", "title": "The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs" }, { "docid": "19556584", "text": "Bryan Reynolds (baseball) Reynolds attended Brentwood High School in Brentwood, Tennessee and played college baseball at Vanderbilt University. As a freshman at Vanderbilt in 2014, Reynolds played in 72 games and hit .338/.395/.480 with four home runs and 54 runs batted in (RBI). He was a member of Vanderbilt's College World Series championship. As a sophomore, he played in 72 games, hitting .318/.388/.462 with five home runs and 49 RBI. As a junior, he hit .330/.461/.603 with 13 home runs and 57 RBI. Reynolds was drafted by the San Francisco Giants in the second round of the 2016 MLB Draft.", "title": "Bryan Reynolds (baseball)" }, { "docid": "430416", "text": "one of jealous rivals. Cobb was not popular with his teammates, and as Cobb became the biggest star in baseball, Crawford was unhappy with the preferential treatment given to Cobb. Cobb was allowed to show up late for spring training and was given private quarters on the road – perks not offered to Crawford. The competition between the two was intense. Crawford recalled that, if he went three for four on a day when Cobb went hitless, Cobb would turn red and sometimes walk out of the park with the game still on. When it was reported that Nap Lajoie", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10555338", "text": "the bottom of the eighth inning, and did not appear in the field. A discrepancy in baseball records exists; according to his career record, Cobb drew a base on balls in his only major league plate appearance to compile a 1.000 career on-base percentage. However, the contemporary published box score for the one major league game Cobb played shows him going 0-for-1, and the more recently compiled Baseball Reference box score shows Cobb striking out in his one at-bat. After his brief stint with the Tigers, Cobb was assigned to the St. Paul Saints. He appeared in 11 games for", "title": "Joe Cobb (baseball)" }, { "docid": "430362", "text": "his life. By the time he died, he held over 20,000 shares of stock and owned bottling plants in Santa Maria, California, Twin Falls, Idaho, and Bend, Oregon. He was also a celebrity spokesman for the product. In the offseason between 1907 and 1908, Cobb negotiated with Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina, offering to coach baseball there \"for $250 a month, provided that he did not sign with Detroit that season\". This did not come to pass, however. The following season, the Tigers finished ahead of the Chicago White Sox for the pennant. Cobb again won the batting title", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "3406465", "text": "Cobb (film) Cobb is a 1994 biopic starring Tommy Lee Jones as the famed baseball player Ty Cobb. The picture was written and directed by Ron Shelton and based on a book by Al Stump. The original music score was composed by Elliot Goldenthal. Sportswriter Al Stump is hired in 1960 as ghostwriter of an authorized autobiography of baseball player Tyrus Raymond \"Ty\" Cobb. Now 73 and in failing health, Cobb wants an official biography to \"set the record straight\" before he dies. Stump arrives at Cobb's Lake Tahoe estate to write the official life story of the first baseball", "title": "Cobb (film)" }, { "docid": "18101749", "text": "Gold, the US's Martinez beat out Casanova for MVP honors. In the 1990 Baseball World Cup, Casanova hit .462 with eight RBI and three home runs in five games, splitting right field action with Ermidelio Urrutia. He hit all of his home runs in a single game, becoming only the second person to hit three home runs in a Baseball World Cup game (the other was Antonio Muñoz, who did it in 1980). In the 1991 Intercontinental Cup, Casanova tied Prospero Baca and Wei-Cheng Chen for second in the tournament in RBI, with 12, as Cuba won yet another Gold.", "title": "Luis Casanova (baseball)" }, { "docid": "430402", "text": "young players. He was instrumental in helping Joe DiMaggio negotiate his rookie contract with the New York Yankees. According to sportswriter Grantland Rice, he and Cobb were returning from the Masters golf tournament in the late 1940s and stopped at a Greenville, South Carolina, liquor store. Cobb noticed that the man behind the counter was \"Shoeless\" Joe Jackson, who had been banned from baseball almost 30 years earlier following the Black Sox scandal. Jackson did not appear to recognize him, and after making his purchase an incredulous Cobb asked, \"Don't you know me, Joe?\" \"I know you\", replied Jackson, \"but", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "10302911", "text": "Detroit Tigers. Clifton idolized Ty Cobb as a boy (Clifton referred to Cobb as his \"patron saint\") and signed with Detroit even though the St. Louis Cardinals were willing to pay more money. Clifton began his professional baseball career playing in the Detroit farm system for the Raleigh Capitals of the Class C Piedmont League. He played for Raleigh in 1930 and 1931. In 1930, he hit .261 with nine triples and two home runs. In 1931, he improved his batting average to .301. Clifton met future Hall of Famer Hank Greenberg when they played together in Raleigh. Greenberg and", "title": "Flea Clifton" }, { "docid": "430350", "text": "his father was vehemently opposed to this idea, but by his teen years, he was trying out for area teams. He played his first years in organized baseball for the Royston Rompers, the semi-pro Royston Reds, and the Augusta Tourists of the South Atlantic League who released him after only two days. He then tried out for the Anniston Steelers of the semipro Tennessee–Alabama League, with his father's stern admonition ringing in his ears: \"Don't come home a failure!\" After joining the Steelers for a monthly salary of $50, Cobb promoted himself by sending several postcards written about his talents", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "14738246", "text": "East Cobb Baseball East Cobb Baseball is a baseball program/complex located in the suburbs of the metro Atlanta area, United States. The founder and owner of the team is Guerry Baldwin. Every year, it holds a baseball tournament, and pulls in over a hundred and fifty baseball teams for ages fourteen and up. The program offers baseball from ages nine to eighteen. East Marietta National Little League won the Little League World Series in 1983 and were coached by Richard Hilton. The majority of the players from that team joined the first East Cobb team the following year as 13-year-olds", "title": "East Cobb Baseball" }, { "docid": "430412", "text": "first members to be inducted into the Franklin County Sports Hall of Fame. On August 30, 2005, his hometown hosted a 1905 baseball game to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Cobb's first major league game. Players in the game included many of Cobb's descendants as well as many citizens from his hometown of Royston. Another early-20th-century baseball game was played in his hometown at Cobb Field on September 30, 2006, with Cobb's descendants and Roystonians again playing. Cobb's personal batboy from his major league years was also in attendance, and threw out the first pitch. In addition to the aforementioned", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430349", "text": "abolitionists, often spoke positively about the need for baseball's integration and was a well-known philanthropist who founded a hospital and educational foundation. Cobb was born in 1886 in Narrows, Georgia, a small rural community of farmers that was unincorporated. He was the first of three children born to William Herschel Cobb (1863–1905) and Amanda Chitwood Cobb (1871–1936). Cobb's father was a state senator. When he was still an infant, his parents moved to nearby Royston, where he was raised. By most accounts, he became fascinated with baseball as a child, and decided he wanted to play professional ball one day;", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430409", "text": "reported to be worth at least $11.78 million (equivalent to $ today), including $10 million worth of General Motors stock and $1.78 million in The Coca-Cola Company stock. His will left a quarter of his estate to the Cobb Educational Fund, and distributed the rest among his children and grandchildren. Cobb is interred in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Royston, Georgia. As of July 2015, the Ty Cobb Educational Foundation has distributed $15.8 million in college scholarships to needy Georgians. Historian Steven Elliott Tripp has explored the reaction of fans—he was “a player fans loved to hate,” so much so", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430415", "text": "for parts of thirteen seasons. They played beside each other in right and center field, and Crawford followed Cobb in the batting order year after year. Despite the physical closeness, the two had a complicated relationship. Initially, they had a student-teacher relationship. Crawford was an established star when Cobb arrived, and Cobb eagerly sought his advice. In interviews with Al Stump, Cobb told of studying Crawford's base stealing technique and of how Crawford would teach him about pursuing fly balls and throwing out base runners. Cobb told Stump he would always remember Crawford's kindness. The student-teacher relationship gradually changed to", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430364", "text": "Wagner and the powerful Pirates in seven games. Although he performed poorly in the postseason, he won the Triple Crown by hitting .377 with 107 RBI and nine home runs, all inside the park, thus becoming the only player of the modern era to lead his league in home runs in a season without hitting a ball over the fence. In the same season, Charles M. Conlon snapped the famous photograph of a grimacing Cobb sliding into third base amid a cloud of dirt, which visually captured the grit and ferocity of his playing style. Going into the final days", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "3406475", "text": "presented Cobb as little more than a \"septuagenarian crank.\" He noted that while the film had constant reminders of Cobb's records, it had little actual baseball in it, besides one flashback where Cobb is seen getting on base, then stealing third and home, and instigating a brawl with the opposing team. He explained: \"By refusing to place before our eyes Ty Cobb's haunted ferocity as a baseball player, it succeeds in making him look even worse than he was.\" Roger Ebert's review of Dec. 2, 1994 in the Chicago Sun-Times described \"Cobb\" as one of the most original biopics ever", "title": "Cobb (film)" }, { "docid": "430413", "text": "film, Ty Cobb's legacy also includes legions of collectors of his early tobacco card issues, as well as game used memorabilia and autographs. Perhaps the most curious item is a 1909 Ty Cobb Cigarettes pack, leaving some to believe Cobb either had, or attempted to have, his own brand of cigarettes. Very little about the card is known other than its similarity to the 1909 T206 Red Portrait card published by the American Tobacco Company, and until 2005 only a handful were known to exist. That year, a sizable cache of the cards was brought to auction by the family", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430387", "text": "1930 by Grantland Rice to name the best hitter he'd ever seen, Cobb answered, \"You can't beat the Babe. Ruth is one of the few who can take a terrific swing and still meet the ball solidly. His timing is perfect. [No one has] the combined power and eye of Ruth.\" Tiger owner Frank Navin tapped Cobb to take over for Hughie Jennings as manager for the 1921 season, a deal he signed on his 34th birthday for $32,500 (equivalent to approximately $ in today's funds). The signing surprised the baseball world. Although Cobb was a legendary player, he was", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "17423654", "text": "the 2012 College World Series, where they lost to the Arizona Wildcats. He finished tied with Dustin Ackley for most career hits in the College World Series. Overall in his career at South Carolina, he played in 206 games and hit 336/.427/.533 with 30 home runs and 137 runs batted in. Walker was drafted by the Baltimore Orioles in the fourth round of the 2012 Major League Baseball Draft. He made his debut for the Aberdeen IronBirds. He played in 22 games and hit .284/.376/.420 with two home runs. Walker started 2013 with the Delmarva Shorebirds. In May he was", "title": "Christian Walker (baseball)" }, { "docid": "430410", "text": "that he became the pioneer sports celebrity. It was the male fans who responded enthusiastically to how Cobb demonstrated in action a new level of modern masculinity. Cobb did that by his performance as a specialist in his art, a man with iron nerve, undaunted, fighting to advance his team and his career by crushing his weaker, less-masculine opponents. Cobb demonstrated raw emotion and encouraged his audience to participate in the manly struggle underway in the stadium by shouting their taunts and jeers at the opposing team. Cobb has been judged by some historians and journalists as the best player", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "13043643", "text": "Players Congress. Marvin Cobb Marvin Lawrence Cobb (born August 6, 1953) is a former American football safety in the National Football League. He was drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals in the 11th round of the 1975 NFL Draft. He played high school football at Notre Dame High School in Riverside, California and college football at USC, where he also played shortstop on the baseball team. With USC, Cobb played on 2 College World Series champion baseball teams (1973 and 1974) and 2 National Champion football teams (1972 and 1974). Cobb played 5 seasons for the Bengals, from 1975 to 1979.", "title": "Marvin Cobb" }, { "docid": "13043639", "text": "Marvin Cobb Marvin Lawrence Cobb (born August 6, 1953) is a former American football safety in the National Football League. He was drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals in the 11th round of the 1975 NFL Draft. He played high school football at Notre Dame High School in Riverside, California and college football at USC, where he also played shortstop on the baseball team. With USC, Cobb played on 2 College World Series champion baseball teams (1973 and 1974) and 2 National Champion football teams (1972 and 1974). Cobb played 5 seasons for the Bengals, from 1975 to 1979. During those", "title": "Marvin Cobb" }, { "docid": "3969212", "text": "1918 World Series The 1918 World Series featured the Boston Red Sox, who defeated the Chicago Cubs four games to two. The Series victory for the Red Sox was their fifth in five tries, going back to . The Red Sox scored only nine runs in the entire Series, the fewest runs by the winning team in World Series history. Along with the and 1907 World Series (both of which the Cubs also played in), the 1918 World Series is one of only three Fall Classics where neither team hit a home run. The 1918 Series was played under several", "title": "1918 World Series" }, { "docid": "430420", "text": "life.\" Using even stronger language, Cobb told the \"Sporting News\" in 1952 that \"the Negro should be accepted and not grudgingly but wholeheartedly.\" In 1953, black newspapers cited his praise for Brooklyn Dodgers' catcher Roy Campanella, who Cobb said was \"among the all-time best catchers\" in baseball. Following Campanella's accident that left him paralyzed, the Dodgers staged a tribute game where tens of thousands of spectators silently held lit matches above their heads. Cobb wrote the Dodgers owner to show appreciation \"for what you did for this fine man\". Cobb also stated that Willie Mays was the \"only player I'd", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "430376", "text": "pitched a complete game on July 24, 1882, giving up 35 runs on 29 hits. The current post-1900 record for most hits in a nine-inning game is 31, set in 1992 by the Milwaukee Brewers against Toronto; however, the Blue Jays used six pitchers. The strike ended when Cobb urged his teammates to return to the field. According to him, this incident led to the formation of a players' union, the \"Ballplayers' Fraternity\" (formally, the Fraternity of Professional Baseball Players of America), an early version of what is now called the Major League Baseball Players Association, which garnered some concessions", "title": "Ty Cobb" }, { "docid": "4342440", "text": "to win three consecutive pennants and the first team to lose three straight World Series (the New York Giants would lose three straight Series during 1911–1913). The Pirates ran at will against the weak Detroit catching corps, stealing 18 bases in seven games. Ty Cobb had a fairly quiet Series, going 6 for 26 with two stolen bases and one caught stealing. There is a long-standing legend that Cobb, standing on first base, called the German-ancestored Honus Wagner \"Krauthead\", told him he was going to steal second, and was not only thrown out but that Wagner tagged him in the", "title": "1909 World Series" }, { "docid": "6551691", "text": "games with the Tigers before being sold to the Red Sox in mid-August. He was listed as a possible replacement for the injured Dave Shean, but never got a chance to play in the World Series. Coffey is the only player to play with both Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth in the same season (1918 Tigers and Red Sox). In two seasons, he played in 110 games and had 368 at bats with 33 runs, 69 hits, 5 doubles, 6 triples, 1 home run, 26 RBI, 6 stolen bases, 22 walks, a .188 batting average, .241 on-base percentage and a", "title": "Jack Coffey (baseball)" }, { "docid": "8351730", "text": "his bonds, Cobb beats up all of his captors and shows up at the ball field just in time to win the game for the home team. No prints of this film are known to survive. Somewhere in Georgia Somewhere in Georgia is a 1917 silent film, starring baseball great Ty Cobb. It was based on a short story by sports columnist Grantland Rice. Cobb stars as a small-town Georgian bank clerk with a talent for baseball. When he's signed to play with the Detroit Tigers, Cobb is forced to leave his sweetheart (Elsie McLeod) behind, whereupon a crooked bank", "title": "Somewhere in Georgia" }, { "docid": "8351729", "text": "Somewhere in Georgia Somewhere in Georgia is a 1917 silent film, starring baseball great Ty Cobb. It was based on a short story by sports columnist Grantland Rice. Cobb stars as a small-town Georgian bank clerk with a talent for baseball. When he's signed to play with the Detroit Tigers, Cobb is forced to leave his sweetheart (Elsie McLeod) behind, whereupon a crooked bank cashier sets his sights on the girl. Upon learning that Cobb has briefly returned home to play an exhibition game with his old team, the cashier arranges for Our Hero to be kidnapped. Breaking loose from", "title": "Somewhere in Georgia" }, { "docid": "4342445", "text": "with Adams confidently holding a 2–0 lead. Pittsburgh never looked back, as Babe nailed his third six-hitter and third win of the Series for an 8–0 championship victory. Honus Wagner continued to prove his Cooperstown worthiness by hitting .333, with seven RBIs and six stolen bases. On the other side, Ty Cobb didn't fare as well. Appearing in what would be his last Series (although he would remain active through 1928), Cobb batted only .231 although he did lead the Tigers, losers of their third Series in three years, with six RBIs. No two professional sports teams from Detroit and", "title": "1909 World Series" }, { "docid": "10555344", "text": "in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Joe Cobb (baseball) Joseph Stanley Cobb (January 24, 1895 – December 24, 1947), born Joseph Stanley Serafin, was an American baseball catcher. He played professional baseball for 12 years between 1917 and 1931, including one game in Major League Baseball for the Detroit Tigers on April 25, 1918. He was the starting catcher and batted .320 for both the 1923 and 1924 Baltimore Orioles, teams that are ranked as the 19th and fifth best minor league team in baseball history. Cobb was born Joseph Stanley Serafin in Hudson, Pennsylvania, in 1895. Before playing professional baseball, he worked", "title": "Joe Cobb (baseball)" }, { "docid": "10555335", "text": "Joe Cobb (baseball) Joseph Stanley Cobb (January 24, 1895 – December 24, 1947), born Joseph Stanley Serafin, was an American baseball catcher. He played professional baseball for 12 years between 1917 and 1931, including one game in Major League Baseball for the Detroit Tigers on April 25, 1918. He was the starting catcher and batted .320 for both the 1923 and 1924 Baltimore Orioles, teams that are ranked as the 19th and fifth best minor league team in baseball history. Cobb was born Joseph Stanley Serafin in Hudson, Pennsylvania, in 1895. Before playing professional baseball, he worked as a coal", "title": "Joe Cobb (baseball)" }, { "docid": "759534", "text": "Ichiro hit a walk-off home run against Rangers pitcher Tanner Scheppers with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning. Earlier in the game, three of his teammates had led off the fourth, fifth, and sixth innings with home runs, so all of the Yankees' runs in the game were provided by solo home runs. On August 21, 2013, Ichiro collected his 4,000th professional career hit with a single off Toronto Blue Jays pitcher R.A. Dickey, becoming the seventh player in professional baseball history known to have reached the mark after Pete Rose, Ty Cobb, Julio Franco, Hank Aaron,", "title": "Ichiro Suzuki" }, { "docid": "5332144", "text": "played in all seven games of the 1909 World Series against the Pittsburgh Pirates, becoming the surprise hitting star for Detroit. With Detroit stars Ty Cobb and Sam Crawford slumping in the World Series (batting .231 and .250 respectively), Bush hit .318 with an on-base percentage of .483. He also scored five runs, collected five bases on balls, was twice hit by a pitch, and compiled nine putouts, 18 assists, and three double plays (but also committed five errors). After a brief holdout in the spring of 1910, Bush re-signed with the Tigers in mid-March. During the 1910 and 1911", "title": "Donie Bush" }, { "docid": "18018638", "text": "Day start. He gave up three hits, three walks, and no runs over five innings to earn the win over Clayton Kershaw. Ty Blach Tyson Michael Blach (born October 20, 1990) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the San Francisco Giants of Major League Baseball (MLB). Blach played baseball and tennis for Regis Jesuit High School in Aurora, Colorado. He then played college baseball at Creighton University. He was drafted by the San Francisco Giants in the fifth round (178th overall) of the 2012 Major League Baseball draft. He made his professional debut in 2013 for the San Jose", "title": "Ty Blach" }, { "docid": "10778823", "text": "Jim Mason (baseball) James Percy Mason (born August 14, 1950), is an American Major League Baseball shortstop, who played nine seasons in the major leagues, from 1971 to 1979, for the Washington Senators, Texas Rangers, New York Yankees, Toronto Blue Jays, and Montreal Expos. Born in the Alabama port city of Mobile, Mason was a member of the Yankees during the 1976 World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. Although he did not play in the 1976 American League Championship Series, he played three games in the World Series. In his only plate appearance of the series, Mason hit a home", "title": "Jim Mason (baseball)" }, { "docid": "14738252", "text": "well as at the complex. Braves scout Al Goez states, \"When you look at an East Cobb kid, you're looking at a kid that has played so much baseball that his skills and mechanics are better than a kid, say, from south Georgia or from Florida that has not played that much.\" Players that have gone through the East Cobb program include: East Cobb Baseball East Cobb Baseball is a baseball program/complex located in the suburbs of the metro Atlanta area, United States. The founder and owner of the team is Guerry Baldwin. Every year, it holds a baseball tournament,", "title": "East Cobb Baseball" }, { "docid": "14501068", "text": "then occasionally until 1953. The final American Series games before the Cuban League disbanded were played from March 20 to 21, 1959, when the Los Angeles Dodgers, featuring Sandy Koufax and Don Drysdale, faced the Cincinnati Reds in spring training games played in Havana. After a 40-year hiatus, a Major League Baseball team returned to Cuba in 1999, when the Baltimore Orioles played a two-game series (one game in Havana, the other in Baltimore) against the Cuban national baseball team. Many well-known names played in American Series, including Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Josh Gibson, Sam Crawford, Jackie Robinson, Ted Williams", "title": "American Series" }, { "docid": "10925010", "text": "for formal permission to build the new hospital. Cobb Memorial Hospital in Royston is a 71-bed medical and surgical facility includes a modern birthing center, a 24-hour emergency department, and a state of the art Outpatient Diagnostic Center. Hart County Hospital is an 82-bed, full-service hospital that serves Hart, Franklin, and Elbert counties and the surrounding areas. Fully accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), the hospital has over 83 doctors, 200 support staff members, and a 24-hour emergency department. Ty Cobb Healthcare System The Ty Cobb Healthcare System in Royston in the US state of", "title": "Ty Cobb Healthcare System" }, { "docid": "15975519", "text": "an 8–3 victory. Pablo Sandoval went four-for-four, driving in four runs on three home runs. He joined Babe Ruth (in 1926 and 1928), Reggie Jackson (in 1977) and Albert Pujols (in 2011) as the only players to ever hit three home runs in one World Series game. Sandoval became the first to hit three homers in Game 1 of a World Series and homer in his first three plate appearances. Tigers ace pitcher Justin Verlander lasted only four innings, giving up five Giant runs. Sandoval's first two homers came off Verlander, a two-out home run in the first and two-run", "title": "2012 World Series" }, { "docid": "20253549", "text": "baseball player bearing the same name. Cobb spent his childhood in rural Kansas. Cobb received his A.B. from Harvard University and his J.D. from Georgetown Law School. While at Harvard, Cobb became close friends with Senator Al Franken. Cobb served as a law clerk for a federal judge, and then in the U.S. Attorney's office in Baltimore as chief of the criminal section and head of the region's drug enforcement and organized crime task force. In 1986, he joined the Baltimore law firm Miles and Stockbridge. Two years later, he joined Hogan & Hartson, which became Hogan Lovells. Cobb served", "title": "Ty Cobb (attorney)" }, { "docid": "10763027", "text": "1912 was that \"when Leinhauser's wife found that he had the audacity to replace the great Ty Cobb, she hit him with a skillet.\" By playing in this game, Leinhauser became a small piece of baseball history with his name and \"career\" statistics recorded forever in the records of Major League Baseball along with Ty Cobb and other legends of the game. Leinhauser served in France for the U.S. Army during World War I. When his boxing career came to and end, Leinhauser became a Philadelphia police officer. He retired as captain of the North Central Detective Division of the", "title": "Bill Leinhauser" }, { "docid": "12392131", "text": "single organization led by the Commissioner of Baseball. The organization also oversees minor league baseball leagues, which comprise about 240 teams affiliated with the major-league clubs. With the World Baseball Softball Confederation, MLB manages the international World Baseball Classic tournament. Baseball's first professional team was founded in Cincinnati in 1869. The first few decades of professional baseball were characterized by rivalries between leagues and by players who often jumped from one team or league to another. The period before 1920 in baseball was known as the dead-ball era; players rarely hit home runs during this time. Baseball survived a conspiracy", "title": "Baseball in the United States" } ]
"What breakfast food gets its name from the German word for ""stirrup""?"
[ "New York bagel", "American bagel", "Biegel", "Bagels", "Beygl", "The Bagel", "“everything” bagel", "Bagel", "New York-style bagel", "Water bagel", "%22Everything%22 Bagel", "Everything bagel", "Salt bagel", "BAGELS", "%22everything%22 bagel", "Beigel", "Bagles", "New York style bagel", "Everything Bagel" ]
[ { "docid": "9578389", "text": "Breakfast sandwich In North America, a breakfast sandwich is any sandwich filled with foods associated with the breakfast meal. Breakfast sandwiches are served at fast food restaurants and delicatessens or bought as fast, ready to heat and eat sandwiches from a store. Breakfast sandwiches are commonly made at home. Breakfast sandwiches are typically made using breakfast meats (generally cured meats such as sausages, patty sausages, bacon, country ham, Spam and pork roll), breads, eggs and cheese. These sandwiches were typically regional specialties until fast food restaurants began serving breakfast. Because the common types of bread, such as biscuits, bagels, and", "title": "Breakfast sandwich" } ]
[ { "docid": "868005", "text": "from , a diminutive of \"bone\" (; genitive ). The malleus gets its name from Latin \"malleus\", meaning \"hammer\", the incus gets its name from Latin \"incus\" meaning \"anvil\" from incudere meaning \"to forge with a hammer\", and the stapes gets its name from Modern Latin \"stirrup,\" probably an alteration of Late Latin \"stapia\" related to stare \"to stand\" and pedem, an accusative of pes \"foot\", so called because the bone is shaped like a stirrup – this was an invented Modern Latin word for \"stirrup,\" for which there was no classical Latin word, as the ancients did not use", "title": "Ossicles" }, { "docid": "11879113", "text": "of the non-Mycenaean Minoans is overthrown. Their language begins to fall into disuse. Their commercial enterprises are appropriated by the Mycenaeans, who bring their native fabrics, such as their own styles of stirrup-jars, their own writing system (Linear B), and their own weights and measures to the commercial scene. LM II and LH II B (1450 - 1410) are contemporary. LH/LC/LM III A (1410 - 1280), B (1280 - 1200), and C (1200 -1050) are contemporary across the board. The word, \"stirrup-jar,\" is a translation of German Bügelkanne, which is what Schliemann called the first known instances just after he", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "1805497", "text": "word \"stirrup\" stems from Old English \"stirap, stigrap\", Middle English \"stirop, styrope\", i.e. a mounting or climbing-rope. From Old English \"stīgan\" \"to ascend\". The stirrup, which gives greater stability to a rider, has been described as one of the most significant inventions in the history of warfare, prior to gunpowder. As a tool allowing expanded use of horses in warfare, the stirrup is often called the third revolutionary step in equipment, after the chariot and the saddle. The basic tactics of mounted warfare were significantly altered by the stirrup. A rider supported by stirrups was less likely to fall off", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "15639435", "text": "DNA from RNA. This structure contains a three-stranded beta-sheet to the solvent, which lies against alpha-helices. Stirrup protein domain In molecular biology, the protein domain Stirrup is a domain, found only in found in the domain, archaea. The Stirrup protein domain is found in prokaryotic protein ribonucleotide reductases. It obtains its name due to its resemblance to an old fashioned Japanese stirrup. Stirrip has a molecular mass of 9 kDa and is folded into an alpha/beta structure. It allows for binding of the reductase to DNA via electrostatic interactions, since it has a predominance of positive charges distributed on its", "title": "Stirrup protein domain" }, { "docid": "15639434", "text": "Stirrup protein domain In molecular biology, the protein domain Stirrup is a domain, found only in found in the domain, archaea. The Stirrup protein domain is found in prokaryotic protein ribonucleotide reductases. It obtains its name due to its resemblance to an old fashioned Japanese stirrup. Stirrip has a molecular mass of 9 kDa and is folded into an alpha/beta structure. It allows for binding of the reductase to DNA via electrostatic interactions, since it has a predominance of positive charges distributed on its surface. This protein domain provides the precursors necessary for DNA synthesis. It catalyses the biosynthesis of", "title": "Stirrup protein domain" }, { "docid": "1805511", "text": "of good quality; attached to the saddles should be two iron steps [\"skala\"], a lasso with a thong...\" Dennis notes that the lack of specific Greek word for stirrup evidences their novelty to the Byzantines, who are supposed to have adopted these from their bitter enemy the Avars, and subsequently passed them on to their future enemies, the Arabs. An early 7th-century date is secured for most Hungarian finds of stirrups with elongated suspension loops, though some of these must even be dated to before 600. Literary and archaeological evidence taken together may indicate that the stirrup was in common", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "11879135", "text": "jars. Haskell hypothesizes that the smaller were used for decanting from pithoi and for temporary storage. What makes a stirrup jar \"fine\" is the grain size of the clay. Powdered clay results in a smooth surface. \"Coarse ware,\" or coarse texture, means a surface similar to that of oatmeal, composed of larger grains, formed by admixture with quartz (sand) and particles of other minerals. Haskell developed his idea of the larger, coarser type of stirrup jar found in storerooms at Akrotiri into the \"transport stirrup jar,\" a vessel serving as a standard container for the export of olive oil, and", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "9159493", "text": "Dressing for Breakfast Dressing for Breakfast is a Channel 4 sitcom which ran between 1995 and 1998 about two women, Louise (Beatie Edney) and Carla (Holly Aird). The series was based on a 1988 book with the same title by Stephanie Calman who also wrote the series. The plot mainly concerns 29-year-old jewellery maker/seller Louise and her quest to find the perfect man. Her interfering left wing activist mother Liz (Charlotte Cornwell) gets in the way. In her search for a boyfriend she makes some wrong choices and gets advice from best friend Carla and her husband Dave (Nigel Lindsay).", "title": "Dressing for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "17215631", "text": "French breakfast pastries include apple turnovers, brioche, croissant and pain au chocolat. Croissants have been described as becoming a standard fare in French breakfast cuisine by 1875. The word waffle derives from the Dutch word \"wafel\", which itself derives from the Middle Dutch \"wafele,\" and is likely the origin of the food as it is known today. In the early sixteenth century, some physicians warned against eating breakfast, because they said it was not healthy to eat before a prior meal was digested. By the 1550s, however, there were multiple sources that claimed breakfast was an important meal. For example,", "title": "History of breakfast" }, { "docid": "11879124", "text": "another, and what conclusions might be drawn from their presence. Because the Jordanian stirrup jars were so late, the project confined itself to the relative time period, LH/LM III, long after the invention on Crete and introduction of the type to Greece. LH III included, however, the floruit of Mycenaean culture. Some hypotheses are evidently inconsistent, such as, stirrup jars were the monopoly of Crete and only arrived in Greece by importation from there, or that stirrup jars were moved from one area to another when they were carried there by Mycenaean Greeks. Instead, several regions of competition are defined,", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "5532590", "text": "Puri (food) Puri (also spelled Poori) is an unleavened deep-fried bread, originating from the Indian subcontinent. It is eaten for breakfast or as a snack or light meal. It is usually served with a savory curry or \"bhaji\", as in Puri bhaji, but may also be eaten with sweet dishes. Puris are most commonly served at breakfast. It is also served at special or ceremonial functions as part of ceremonial rituals along with other vegetarian food offered in prayer as prasadam. It's similar to Gnocco fritto fried bread from Modena, Italy. The name \"puri\" derives from the Sanskrit word पूरिका", "title": "Puri (food)" }, { "docid": "9359087", "text": "The Breakfast The Breakfast (formerly Psychedelic Breakfast) is an American jam band known for its style of progressive and funk rock, in addition to its exploratory nature of improvisation. The band was formed in 1998 in East Haven, Connecticut with the original lineup consisting of guitarist Tim Palmieri, bassist Ron Spears, drummer Adrian Tramontano, and keyboardist Jordan Giangreco. They decided on their first name, Psychedelic Breakfast, based on the suggestion of Tramontano's cousin. It is a reference to the Pink Floyd song \"Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast,\" from their album \"Atom Heart Mother\". The original idea of the band's name was a", "title": "The Breakfast" }, { "docid": "9359084", "text": "The Breakfast The Breakfast (formerly Psychedelic Breakfast) is an American jam band known for its style of progressive and funk rock, in addition to its exploratory nature of improvisation. The band was formed in 1998 in East Haven, Connecticut with the original lineup consisting of guitarist Tim Palmieri, bassist Ron Spears, drummer Adrian Tramontano, and keyboardist Jordan Giangreco. They decided on their first name, Psychedelic Breakfast, based on the suggestion of Tramontano's cousin. It is a reference to the Pink Floyd song \"Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast,\" from their album \"Atom Heart Mother\". The original idea of the band's name was a", "title": "The Breakfast" }, { "docid": "2961807", "text": "Kelly Jones' notebook. Word Gets Around Word Gets Around is the debut studio album by Welsh rock band Stereophonics. It was released on 25 August 1997 through V2 Records and reached number six in the UK Albums Chart, making it one of three Stereophonics albums not to reach number one; the other two being 2009's \"Keep Calm and Carry On\", which reached number eleven, and 2013's \"Graffiti on the Train\", which went to number three. Much of the album is written about everyday life in Cwmaman. The deluxe and super-deluxe editions were released on 18 October 2010. On 24 August", "title": "Word Gets Around" }, { "docid": "2961805", "text": "Word Gets Around Word Gets Around is the debut studio album by Welsh rock band Stereophonics. It was released on 25 August 1997 through V2 Records and reached number six in the UK Albums Chart, making it one of three Stereophonics albums not to reach number one; the other two being 2009's \"Keep Calm and Carry On\", which reached number eleven, and 2013's \"Graffiti on the Train\", which went to number three. Much of the album is written about everyday life in Cwmaman. The deluxe and super-deluxe editions were released on 18 October 2010. On 24 August 2010, Stereophonics announced", "title": "Word Gets Around" }, { "docid": "775408", "text": "common Turkish specialty for breakfast is called \"menemen\", which is prepared with tomatoes, green peppers, onion, olive oil and eggs. Various soups (çorba) are also very common and traditional for Turkish breakfast; mainly chicken broth, lentil soup, and a national delicacy, \"tarhana\" soup (Turkish cereal food consisting of flour yogurt and vegetables fermented then dried; it is consumed as a soup by mixing it with stock or water) are most well known soups. Tripe soup, trotter soup, sheep's head soup are also traditionally very common all over Turkey for breakfast. The Turkish word for breakfast, \"kahvaltı\", means \"before coffee,\" (\"kahve\",", "title": "Breakfast" }, { "docid": "17391753", "text": "after the protagonist of the novel. As Robert Nedelkoff points out in his retrospective on the literary and social significance of Moore's work, the name Courtney became common as a girl's name only in the years after the novel's publication. In the series Feud, Joan Crawford is portrayed rejecting the book as a possible movie source. Chocolates for Breakfast Chocolates for Breakfast is a 1956 American novel written by Pamela Moore. Originally published in 1956 when Moore was eighteen years old, the novel gained notoriety from readers and critics for its frank depiction of teenage sexuality, and its discussion of", "title": "Chocolates for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "867117", "text": "other grains and yellow peas could be used. In many modern cultures, porridge is still eaten as a breakfast dish. North American Indians had found a way to make ground corn palatable, later called \"grits\" (from the Old English word \"grytt\", meaning coarse meal) and \"hominy\". While this became a staple in the southern U.S., grits never gained a hold in the northern states. Food reformers in the 19th century called for cutting back on excessive meat consumption at breakfast. They explored numerous vegetarian alternatives. Late in the century, the Seventh-day Adventists based in Michigan made these food reforms part", "title": "Breakfast cereal" }, { "docid": "2052242", "text": "copyright systems as he notes meticulously that \"Breakfast of Champions\" is a registered trademark of General Mills, Inc. for its breakfast cereal products, and that his use of the term is not \"intended to disparage their fine products.\" Vonnegut refers to himself as \"Philboyd Studge\" in the preface, a name which he claims his friend Knox Burger associated with cumbersome writing. The name appears to have been borrowed from a short story by Edwardian satirist Saki. (\"\", describes the success of the eponymous breakfast food through bizarrely counter-intuitive advertising.) According to an article in the New York Times Magazine in", "title": "Breakfast of Champions" }, { "docid": "775383", "text": "Breakfast Breakfast is typically the first meal of a day. The word in English refers to breaking the fasting period of the prior night. There is a strong tendency for one or more \"typical\", or \"traditional\", breakfast menus to exist in most places, but the composition of this varies widely from place to place, and has varied over time, so that globally a very wide range of preparations and ingredients are now associated with breakfast. The Old English word for dinner, \"disner\", means to break a fast, and was the first meal eaten in the day until its meaning shifted", "title": "Breakfast" }, { "docid": "9578390", "text": "English muffin, were similar in size to fast food hamburger buns, they made an obvious choice for fast food restaurants. Unlike other breakfast items, they were perfect for the innovation of the drive-through. These sandwiches have also become a staple of many convenience stores. Although the ingredients for the breakfast sandwich have been common elements of breakfast meals in the English-speaking world for centuries, it was not until the 19th century in the United States that people began regularly eating eggs, cheese, and meat in a sandwich. What would later be known as \"breakfast sandwiches\" became increasingly popular after the", "title": "Breakfast sandwich" }, { "docid": "11879132", "text": "been made, but are generally unsupported. The most common, wine, had its own battery of containers from serving and drinking ware (cups, mixers, bowls, etc.) to transport vessels, the amphorae, which are generally larger and more plentiful than stirrup-jars. Wine was apparently more plentiful. Oil requires a significant investment in olive trees, which cannot be harvested for several years after planting. A third suggestion, perfume, is not compatible with the small quantities placed in perfume jars, which are always very small. The relatively large stirrup jars would represent unrealistically huge amounts of perfume. The early stirrup-jars were not distinguished by", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "1805503", "text": "did not have stirrups. It is speculated that stirrups may have been used in China as early as the Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD); however, verified archaeological evidence of stirrups in this period is scant. Stirrups were used in China at the very latest by the early 4th century AD. A funerary figurine depicting a stirrup dated AD 302 was unearthed from a Western Jin dynasty tomb near Changsha. The stirrup depicted is a mounting stirrup, only placed on one side of the horse, and too short for riding. The earliest reliable representation of a full-length, double-sided riding stirrup was", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "11879117", "text": "scientific tests on stirrup jars as representative pottery to see what determinations might be made, such as the provenance of the clay from which they were manufactured. They would perform the same tests on a \"control group\" of pots of known provenance in the British Museum. The preliminary tests determined the construction of the stirrup jars by xeroradiography, which had been adapted to archaeological images from medical technology. It produced x-ray images on paper rather than film. Like x-rays of metal castings, these images were of the masses within the border surfaces, showing cracks and inclusions. All the pots turned", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "16063488", "text": "introduced at the 1936 Winter Olympic Games in Germany. Stirrup stretch pants were a mainstay of ski wear for both men and women during most of the 1960s and part of the 1970s. In the 1960s this style was used for women's and girls' stirrup pants. They were popular for several years as shown in clothing catalogs of the day, such as J.C. Penny, Sears, and Montgomery Ward. Stirrup pants became a popular casual fashion for women in Europe and America from the mid-1980s to the early 1990s. In 1985, Linda Pender wrote in \"Cincinnati Magazine\" that stirrup pants were", "title": "Stirrup pants" }, { "docid": "1805507", "text": "remained in use until the late Heian period when a new stirrup was developed. The \"fukuro abumi\" or \"musashi abumi\" had a base that extended the full length of the rider's foot and the right and left sides of the toe cup were removed. The open sides were designed to prevent the rider from catching a foot in the stirrup and being dragged. The military version of this open-sided stirrup (\"shitanaga abumi\") was in use by the middle Heian period. It was thinner, had a deeper toe pocket and an even longer and flatter foot shelf. This stirrup stayed in", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "16063490", "text": "by women and men for sports, running or general wear. Stirrup pants Stirrup pants (or stirrup leggings) are a type of close-fitting ladies' pant that tapers at the ankle, similar to leggings, except that the material extends to a band, or strap, that is worn under the arch of the foot to hold the pant leg in place. The band of material is often elasticized to prevent the material around the foot from tearing. Stirrup pants were originally sportswear for women, and remain sportswear for horse riding and skiing. However, they have come in and out of fashion during the", "title": "Stirrup pants" }, { "docid": "16063486", "text": "Stirrup pants Stirrup pants (or stirrup leggings) are a type of close-fitting ladies' pant that tapers at the ankle, similar to leggings, except that the material extends to a band, or strap, that is worn under the arch of the foot to hold the pant leg in place. The band of material is often elasticized to prevent the material around the foot from tearing. Stirrup pants were originally sportswear for women, and remain sportswear for horse riding and skiing. However, they have come in and out of fashion during the 20th and early 21st centuries, peaking in popularity as street", "title": "Stirrup pants" }, { "docid": "10282909", "text": "Diamonds for Breakfast Diamonds for Breakfast is the fourth studio album by French singer Amanda Lear, released in 1980 by the West German label Ariola Records. The album turned out a commercial success and spawned two European hit singles, \"Fabulous (Lover, Love Me)\" and \"Diamonds\". The recording of the album commenced in 1979 in Munich, Germany. Again, Amanda wrote almost all the lyrics and worked with German producer and composer Anthony Monn. However, as a result of changing trends in the industry and Amanda's personal musical preferences, the album shifted musically from the straightforward disco music towards pop rock. Lear", "title": "Diamonds for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "10282912", "text": "within the Top 10 in Sweden and Norway. However, it reported disappointing sales in Germany, her biggest market up to that point, charting outside the Top 40. The rights to the Ariola-Eurodisc back catalogue are currently held by Sony BMG. Like most of Amanda's albums from the Ariola Records era, \"Diamonds for Breakfast\" has not received the official CD re-issue, excluding Russian bootleg re-releases. Diamonds for Breakfast Diamonds for Breakfast is the fourth studio album by French singer Amanda Lear, released in 1980 by the West German label Ariola Records. The album turned out a commercial success and spawned two", "title": "Diamonds for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "18735035", "text": "not have any trademarks on the name \"Enormous Omelet Sandwich\" or its variants in the US and Canada. Trademark information Burger King breakfast sandwiches International fast-food restaurant chain Burger King and its Australian franchise Hungry Jack's have had a variety of breakfast sandwiches in their product portfolio since 1978. The Croissan'wich was the first major breakfast sandwich product introduced by the company. The company sells slightly different versions of breakfast sandwich between international markets, using local breakfast traditions and tastes to cater to those regions. To promote continuing interest in the company's breakfast products, Burger King occasionally releases limited-time (LTO)", "title": "Burger King breakfast sandwiches" }, { "docid": "5937348", "text": "Free Breakfast for Children The Free Breakfast for School Children Program was a community service program run by the Black Panther Party as an early manifestation of the social mission envisioned by founders Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale along with their founding of the Oakland Community School, which provided high-level education to 150 children from impoverished urban neighborhoods. Inspired by contemporary research about the essential role of breakfast for optimal schooling, the Panthers would cook and serve food to the poor inner city youth of the area. Initiated in January 1969 at St. Augustine's Church in Oakland, California, the", "title": "Free Breakfast for Children" }, { "docid": "11031401", "text": "Business stocks editor Liz MacDonald, and Fox Business contributor Charles Payne. \"Money for Breakfast\" scored a major coup in June 2008, when it landed the first interview with any Fox entity with Democratic Presidential candidate Sen.Barack Obama. It was notable for the word association \"game\" the then White House hopeful \"played\" with anchor Alexis Glick. \"Money for Breakfast\" was reduced from four hours to three on December 12, 2007 as \"The Opening Bell on Fox Business\", also hosted by Glick, replaced the fourth hour of this program. On May 12, 2008, it was contracted to two hours as Fox Business", "title": "Money for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "14675278", "text": "building at the turn of the year 1986/1987. In 1988, the institute was renamed into its present name, \"\"German Institute of Food Technologies\"\", and its legal form was changed from membership cooperation to registered association. On 20 Mai 2009, the foundation stone for the expansion of the DIL building was laid by Friedrich-Otto Ripke, the Secretary of State for agriculture, nutrition, and consumer protection. The former Minister-President of Lower Saxony Christian Wulff and Hans-Heinrich Ehlen were thanked for their personal contribution to the grant which enables the German Institute of Food Technologies to cooperate and link itself with further research", "title": "German Institute of Food Technologies" }, { "docid": "11879136", "text": "perhaps other valuable fluids as well. The neutron activation analysis performed by the British Museum sparked a field-wide interest in the topic and the method. A number of research groups were to assume the challenge of refining the technique and applying it to other caches of stirrup jars to more fully ascertain its provenance and uses in trade.A challenge had been thrown down earlier questioning the validity of some of Evans' excavation at Knossos and his date for the invasion of Knossos by Mycenaeans, based on a supposed late date of the stirrup jar (see below under issues). Stirrup jar", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "775440", "text": "honey, juices, coffee, hot chocolate or tea. Breakfast cereals or muesli with milk, yogurt or filmjölk, currants and fruits are popular or warm whole-grain porridge with milk and jam (for example lingonberry jam). Bilberry-soup (blåbärssoppa) and rose hip soup are also possible breakfast alternatives. Swiss breakfasts are often similar to those eaten in neighboring countries. Traditionally, zopf (or züpfe) is eaten on Sunday mornings and New Year's Day. A notable breakfast food of Swiss origin, now found throughout Europe, is muesli, (\"Birchermüesli\" in Swiss German), introduced in 1900 by Maximilian Bircher-Benner for patients in his hospital. In the contemporary UK", "title": "Breakfast" }, { "docid": "6841567", "text": "Secretary Liam Fox announced that General Sir David Richards, the then Chief of the General Staff, would succeed Stirrup as Chief of the Defence Staff in October 2010. Richards took over on 29 October 2010 and Stirrup was created a life peer as Baron Stirrup, of Marylebone in the City of Westminster. He was introduced into the House of Lords on 1 February 2011, where he sits as a crossbencher. Stirrup officially retired from the RAF on 4 April 2011. The following month Stirrup gave detailed evidence to the Commons Defence Select Committee on the UK's recent Strategic Defence and", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841571", "text": "the following honours: Jock Stirrup Marshal of the Royal Air Force Graham Eric Stirrup, Baron Stirrup, (born 4 December 1949), informally known as Jock Stirrup, is a former senior Royal Air Force commander who was the Chief of the Defence Staff from 2006 until his retirement in late 2010. He is now a Crossbench member of the House of Lords. In April 2013, he was appointed a Knight of the Order of the Garter by Queen Elizabeth II. As a junior RAF officer, Stirrup was a jet pilot, and saw action in the Dhofar War. Later in his career, he", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841542", "text": "Jock Stirrup Marshal of the Royal Air Force Graham Eric Stirrup, Baron Stirrup, (born 4 December 1949), informally known as Jock Stirrup, is a former senior Royal Air Force commander who was the Chief of the Defence Staff from 2006 until his retirement in late 2010. He is now a Crossbench member of the House of Lords. In April 2013, he was appointed a Knight of the Order of the Garter by Queen Elizabeth II. As a junior RAF officer, Stirrup was a jet pilot, and saw action in the Dhofar War. Later in his career, he commanded No. 2", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "11031404", "text": "2009. The last episode of \"Money for Breakfast\" aired September 25, 2009, at which point FBN debuted a new online-only program with the cast of \"Fox Business Morning\" and \"Money for Breakfast\". The program, at the time of its cancellation, averaged less than 17,700 viewers according to unofficial estimates. Some of the segments of this show included: Money for Breakfast Money for Breakfast was a morning business program which aired on the Fox Business Network weekdays from 7-9am Eastern Time. Its main competitor was CNBC's \"Squawk Box\". \"Money for Breakfast\", which debuted on October 15, 2007 — the same day", "title": "Money for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "11031402", "text": "Network replaced the first hour of this show (6-7am ET) with the second hour of the expanded \"Fox Business Morning\". Peter Barnes, who was Glick's co-anchor since the show's debut, left the show on May 5, 2008 as he became the network's senior Washington correspondent. Glick became the sole anchor of the show from May 12, 2008 through its final show on September 25, 2009. \"Money for Breakfast\" debuted a new show logo (which then had the word \"FOR\" inside the letter \"O\") and moved to a new set in Studio G on April 20, 2009. The program also added", "title": "Money for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "2668862", "text": "language, but most of the time not in very formal or written language. In some dialects (such as those spoken in the Western Palatinate, the Saarland and parts of the Rhineland), the article used with women's and girls' names is not the feminine, but the neuter article. This is because the German word for \"girl\", \"Mädchen\", is a neuter noun, due to the diminutive suffix \"-chen\". German name Personal names in German-speaking Europe consist of one or several given names (\"Vorname\", plural \"Vornamen\") and a surname (\"Nachname, Familienname\"). The \"Vorname\" is usually gender-specific. A name is usually cited in the", "title": "German name" }, { "docid": "18902297", "text": "about the next few buses leaving from the MIT campus: Asked about source for NAME, responded with paths to source files corresponding to NAME: Not knowing the answer, it would often resort to humor: Finally, displayed some amount of introspection: What (ITS utility) What (typed as in the prompt) was a small information utility available in the Incompatible Timesharing System. It could provide information about incoming email, bus schedule on the MIT campus, executable source files or answer the user in a humorous manner. was written in the MIDAS assembly language. It can still be used on some of the", "title": "What (ITS utility)" }, { "docid": "6841544", "text": "Staff in 2006: during his time in office the British Armed Forces faced significant commitments both to Iraq (Operation Telic) and Afghanistan (Operation Herrick). Stirrup retired as Chief of the Defence Staff on 29 October 2010, taking a seat in the House of Lords in 2011. Graham Eric Stirrup was born on 4 December 1949, the son of William Hamilton Stirrup and his wife, Jacqueline Brenda Stirrup (\"née\" Coulson). He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School in Northwood, Hertfordshire. Stirrup married Mary Alexandra Elliott in 1976 and they have one son. Stirrup includes golf, music, theatre and history among his", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "9578391", "text": "Civil War, and were a favorite food of pioneers during American westward expansion. The first known published recipe for a \"breakfast sandwich\" was in an 1897 American cookbook. There are several types of bread used to make breakfast sandwiches: Breakfast sandwich In North America, a breakfast sandwich is any sandwich filled with foods associated with the breakfast meal. Breakfast sandwiches are served at fast food restaurants and delicatessens or bought as fast, ready to heat and eat sandwiches from a store. Breakfast sandwiches are commonly made at home. Breakfast sandwiches are typically made using breakfast meats (generally cured meats such", "title": "Breakfast sandwich" }, { "docid": "16201063", "text": "elongated past the toe cup. This half-tongued style of stirrup (\"hanshita abumi\") remained in use until the late Heian period (794 to 1185) when a new stirrup was developed. The \"fukuro abumi\" or \"musashi abumi\" had a base that extended the full length of the rider's foot and the right and left sides of the toe cup were removed. The open sides were designed to prevent the rider from catching a foot in the stirrup and being dragged. The military version of this open-sided stirrup, called the \"shitanaga abumi\", was in use by the middle Heian period. It was thinner,", "title": "Abumi (stirrup)" }, { "docid": "6841548", "text": "Stirrup was later awarded the Air Force Cross in recognition of his handling of the incident. Stirrup was promoted to wing commander on 1 July 1984. In 1985 Stirrup received a command appointment, as the Officer Commanding No. 2 Squadron which at that time was operating the Jaguar from RAF Laarbruch in Germany: along with other NATO air units, his squadron's role was low-level tactical reconnaissance in the face of the Soviet Cold War threat. Stirrup gained first hand experience of the higher-level workings of the RAF when, in 1987, he was appointed Personal Staff Officer to the Chief of", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841569", "text": "was one of 200 public figures who were signatories to a letter to \"The Guardian\" opposing Scottish independence in the run-up to September's referendum on that issue. In June 2015 Stirrup joined the House of Lords' EU External Affairs Sub-Committee. From October 2015 Stirrup has been the president of the Pilgrims Society. On Remembrance Sunday 2014, it was announced that Stirrup would lead the efforts to raise one million pounds to enable a national memorial to the British service personnel who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan to be erected in central London. By March 2015 Stirrup was confident that the", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841558", "text": "security co-ordinator and during one of his visits to Iraq, Stirrup met the new Basra security coordinator, General Mohan. Mohan wanted the British forces to withdraw from Basra and Stirrup stressed that once British forces had departed, Mohan's Iraqi forces would have to deal with security. Both Mohan and Stirrup were clear that retaining British forces outside Basra would be an insurance policy against a deteriorating situation within Basra as well as give Mohan something additional with which he could threaten the militias. Stirrup was concerned that a redeployment would look as though the British had been \"bombed out of", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841552", "text": "plans could be afforded over the coming years. The planning for the invasion of Iraq required new equipment and Stirrup became increasingly involved in planning for urgent operational requirements. A particular difficulty faced by Stirrup was the need to place equipment orders with industry before the Government was prepared to publicly commit to the action. Stirrup briefed ministers on this point but was prevented from placing the orders according to his desired timescale. In the end some critical items such as body armour, boots and desert clothing were not available to all the personnel who needed them when they deployed.", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "15648255", "text": "Cup Final during the 1957–58 season at Station Road, Swinton on Saturday 19 October 1957, and played , and was captain in the 12-2 victory over St. Helens in the 1958 Lancashire County Cup Final during the 1958–59 season at Station Road, Swinton on Saturday 25 October 1958. Frank Stirrup was transferred from Salford to Oldham during November 1950, and he made his début for Oldham against Belle Vue Rangers on Saturday 20 January 1951. Frank Stirrup is an Oldham Hall Of Fame Inductee. Frank Stirrup was the son of the rugby league footballer who played in the 1910s for", "title": "Frank Stirrup" }, { "docid": "1805521", "text": "though when weight is an issue, such as for a jockey, they may also be made of aluminum. Inexpensive stirrups may be made of nickel, which can easily bend or break and should be avoided. Stirrups may also be made of synthetic materials and various metallic alloys. There are many variations on the standard stirrup design, most claiming either to be safer in the event of a fall or to make it easier for a rider to maintain a proper foot and leg position. Some variations include: Stirrup A stirrup is a light frame or ring that holds the foot", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "15648256", "text": "Leigh Shamrocks; Oliver Stirrup. Frank Stirrup Francis Stirrup (birth registered first ¼ 1925 – February 2013), also known by the nicknames of \"Frank\", and \"Mr Football\", was an English professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1950s and 1960s. He played at representative level for Lancashire, and at club level for Culcheth ARLFC (near Warrington), Leigh, Salford and Oldham (captain), as a , or , i.e. number 1, 2 or 5, 6, or 7. Frank Stirrup's birth was registered in Leigh, Lancashire, England, and he died aged 88. Frank Stirrup played in Oldham's 3-7 defeat by Warrington in the", "title": "Frank Stirrup" }, { "docid": "8226844", "text": "In 2017, Norwegian Caribbean Lines built new food and drink areas, rebuilt cabanas, and expanded the beach areas. Norwegian Caribbean Lines plans to build 38 private villas with up to two bedrooms each, a two-story restaurant, a swim-up bar, and a spa area. In 1863, the Imperial Lighthouse Service erected the lighthouse on Great Stirrup Cay. The lighthouse site was manned for many years, but it is now fully automated and solar powered, making it self-sufficient. The structure stands nearly 80 feet, and its light is visible for over 20 miles. The most common tree on the island is the", "title": "Great Stirrup Cay" }, { "docid": "8226839", "text": "island's lighthouse was originally constructed in 1863 by the Imperial Lighthouse Service. Great Stirrup Cay is adjacent to Little Stirrup Cay, Royal Caribbean Cruises' private island. Great Stirrup Cay, along with the rest of the Bahamas, was formed by tectonic and glacial shifting. The first known settlers to the Bahamas were the Lucayan Indians, relatives of the Arawaks who populated the Caribbean around 600 A.D. Great Stirrup was a pirate hideout while the British settled in Nassau and the larger islands until 1815. This time marks the first documented settlers of Great Stirrup, and many of the structures from this", "title": "Great Stirrup Cay" }, { "docid": "16201062", "text": "Abumi (stirrup) , Japanese stirrups, were used in Japan as early as the 5th century, and were a necessary component along with the Japanese saddle (kura) for the use of horses in warfare. Abumi became the type of stirrup used by the samurai class of feudal Japan. Early abumi were flat-bottomed rings of metal-covered wood, similar to European stirrups. The earliest known examples were excavated from tombs. Cup-shaped stirrups (\"tsubo abumi\") that enclosed the front half of the rider's foot eventually replaced the earlier design. During the Nara period, the base of the stirrup which supported the rider's sole was", "title": "Abumi (stirrup)" }, { "docid": "6841568", "text": "Security Review. In April 2013, Stirrup was appointed Knight Companion of the Order of the Garter by the Queen Elizabeth II. He was appointed as an honorary Marshal of the Royal Air Force in the Queen's 2014 Birthday Honours. In 2013 Stirrup, along with Field Marshal Lord Guthrie and Admiral of the Fleet Lord Boyce, called upon the British Government to derogate from the European Convention on Human Rights for the duration of deployed operations. They were concerned that the increased risk of prosecution faced by commanders would lead to a generation of risk-averse military leaders. In August 2014, Stirrup", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841570", "text": "full amount needed could be raised and by July 2016 work had begun on the memorial in the Victoria Embankment Gardens. The Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial was unveiled in March 2017. In July 2016, Stirrup gave an interview to Sky News in which he accused Russia of running a \"gangster regime\" and a \"gangster foreign policy\" in regard to the their ongoing Ukrainian intervention. Noting that the Kremlin viewed NATO as weak, Stirrup called for the West to develop a long-term strategy to counter Russia's actions. In particular Stirrup urged that NATO countries spend more on defence. Stirrup has received", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "11879127", "text": "its own Mycenaean pottery from local clays. The presence of Mycenaean pottery there is therefore not an indication that they were Mycenaean Greeks. The former Mycenaean Greeks were, so to speak, either on the defensive or on the run, faced with invasions from the Balkans. All stirrup jars display on their surfaces various designs in various colors, which is termed \"vase painting,\" and the stirrup jars \"painted vases.\" As far as ancient terra cotta is concerned, no paint is applied to the surface of the finished vase. Rather, the paint is put on during the leather-hard phase or also after", "title": "Stirrup jar" }, { "docid": "3105611", "text": "featured the regular content of The Big Breakfast from 7am to 9am. The first run of \"The Bigger Breakfast\" during the summer of 1997 was titled as such all the way from its 7am start, presented throughout by Richard Orford and Denise Van Outen. Future editions would see slight separations made from the 7am to 9am content, by way of this portion of the show being branded and scheduled as\" The Big Breakfast\", with all content after 9am taking on the expanded Bigger Breakfast name. After a while, a further distinction was made by using a different set of presenters", "title": "The Big Breakfast" }, { "docid": "6841551", "text": "this role Stirrup directed the British contribution to the US-led Operation Enduring Freedom and he was the Senior British Military Advisor to General Tommy Franks, the Commander-in-Chief of United States Central Command. At MacDill Air Force Base, Stirrup headed the 60 strong British team who were contributing to the US-led operational planning. Stirrup was replaced by Lieutenant General Cedric Delves. In April 2002 Stirrup was appointed Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Equipment Capability), a post he held until May 2003. His main task was production of equipment plans for the Army, Air Force and Navy while ensuring that the", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "10825503", "text": "with the combined weight of himself and his charging stallion.\" Stirrups provide stability for striking in melee after the initial cavalry charge. Great Stirrup Controversy The Great Stirrup Controversy is the academic debate about the Stirrup Thesis, the theory that feudalism in Europe was largely the result of the introduction of the stirrup to cavalry. It relates to the hypothesis suggested by Lynn Townsend White, Jr. in his 1962 book, \"Medieval Technology and Social Change.\" White believed that the stirrup enabled heavy cavalry and shock combat, which in turn prompted the Carolingian dynasty of the 8th and 9th centuries to", "title": "Great Stirrup Controversy" }, { "docid": "10825494", "text": "Great Stirrup Controversy The Great Stirrup Controversy is the academic debate about the Stirrup Thesis, the theory that feudalism in Europe was largely the result of the introduction of the stirrup to cavalry. It relates to the hypothesis suggested by Lynn Townsend White, Jr. in his 1962 book, \"Medieval Technology and Social Change.\" White believed that the stirrup enabled heavy cavalry and shock combat, which in turn prompted the Carolingian dynasty of the 8th and 9th centuries to organize their territory into a vassalage system, in which these mounted warriors were rewarded with land grants for their service. White's book", "title": "Great Stirrup Controversy" }, { "docid": "15308297", "text": "Biscuits for Breakfast Biscuits for Breakfast is the second album from British musician Fin Greenall and, collectively as Fink, the band's debut album. It was released in 2006 on Ninja Tune. Prior to this album, Fin Greenall had been DJing and producing for label Ninja Tune from around 1997. He cites listening to Zero 7's first album \"Simple Things\" as one of the many inspirations for him to try something a little different from his dub roots, and old friend Guy Whittaker as well as newly acquainted Tim Thornton saw the rebirth of the name \"Fink\" as a trio. It", "title": "Biscuits for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "1805508", "text": "use until European style-stirrup rings were reintroduced in the late 19th century. It is not known why the Japanese developed this unique style of stirrup. These had a distinctive swanlike shape, curved up and backward at the front so as to bring the loop for the leather strap over the instep and achieve a correct balance. Most of the surviving specimens from this period are made entirely of iron, inlaid with designs of silver or other materials, and covered with lacquer. In some examples there is an iron rod from the loop to the footplate near the heel to prevent", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "1805517", "text": "in the new manner, which some attribute to his recognizing the military potentialities of the stirrup. Later, Charlemagne ordered his poorer vassals to pool their resources and provide a mounted and armed knight, though the system proved unworkable, and instead the system of distributing land to vassals based on a knight's service was developed. The introduction of the stirrup not only made the mounted warrior supreme in medieval warfare, but may have initiated complex and far-reaching social and cultural changes in Europe. Some scholars credit the birth of feudalism and its subsequent spread into Northern Italy, Spain, Germany and into", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841547", "text": "Unit which was based at RAF Lossiemouth in March 1983: his duties centred around the instruction of trainee pilots on the SEPECAT Jaguar and, on 7 March 1983, Stirrup was carrying out a student progress check from the rear seat of his aircraft when they suffered a serious bird strike. Stirrup was unable to ascertain whether his student was conscious and forward vision through the canopy was obscured: one of his engines caught fire, and although ejecting from the aircraft would have been justified, not knowing whether the student was conscious or not, Stirrup managed to land at RAF Leuchars.", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "4701596", "text": "and former bandleader of Zuzu's Petals, chronicles several years of working at the \"Hi-Lo Diner,\" described in her book \"Petal Pusher\" as a \"famous fourteen-stool breakfast joint\" near the U of M campus that has narrow walls \"covered in grease-preserved foreign money.\" While the name may have been changed to protect the innocent, it's clear she worked at Al's. Al's Breakfast appeared on the Food Network's \"Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives\", in the episode \"American Cookin'\" in 2007. Al's Breakfast Al's Breakfast is reportedly the narrowest restaurant in the city of Minneapolis, at a width of . Al's Breakfast (Dinkytown Branch)", "title": "Al's Breakfast" }, { "docid": "11031400", "text": "Money for Breakfast Money for Breakfast was a morning business program which aired on the Fox Business Network weekdays from 7-9am Eastern Time. Its main competitor was CNBC's \"Squawk Box\". \"Money for Breakfast\", which debuted on October 15, 2007 — the same day the network was launched — followed pre-market business headlines. This program was anchored by Alexis Glick and Peter Barnes. The executive producer was Brian Donlon, a morning show veteran from CBS' \"Early Show\" (now \"CBS This Morning\") and ESPN's Cold Pizza (now \"First Take\"). Contributors and reporters included Jenna Lee (who reported the latest business headlines), Fox", "title": "Money for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "2961806", "text": "on their website that \"Word Gets Around\", along with \"Performance and Cocktails\", were to be re-released. To accompany the re-releases, Stereophonics performed all the songs off both the albums at the Hammersmith Apollo on the 17 and 18 October 2010. They were released on 18 October 2010 and were made into two forms: Deluxe: The original album on one disc and a bonus CD featuring 12 b-sides and rare tracks. Super deluxe: The album on one disc (as listed above) and two bonus CDs (one with 15 b-sides and the other includes 10 rare tracks), artcards and a replica of", "title": "Word Gets Around" }, { "docid": "19701015", "text": "time and budget limitations. The delicacy soon spread throughout Uganda. It became a popular food choice for its combination of convenience, low cost, and taste. Other terms and variations related to rolex include: Rolex (food) Rolex is a popular food item in Uganda, combining an egg omelette and vegetables wrapped in a chapati. This single-portion dish is quick to prepare, and can be eaten at any time of the day, from breakfast to a lunch or supper meal or snack. The name \"rolex\" comes from its method of preparation, with the chapati and the omelette rolled together. This idea originated", "title": "Rolex (food)" }, { "docid": "9359086", "text": "\"New Groove of the Year.\" Shortly thereafter, the band decided to change its name to 'The Breakfast.' Around this time, \"Relix Magazine\" published an article about The Breakfast. On June 17, 2006, The Breakfast performed its 1,000th show at Toad's Place in New Haven, Connecticut. Then on July 7, Giangreco played the final show of his first stint with the band at Beardslee Castle in Little Falls, New York. Palmieri, Spears, and Tramontano performed as a trio at Corner Pocket in Orange, Connecticut on July 8 and then forged ahead with that lineup, with Palmieri playing both keyboard and guitar.", "title": "The Breakfast" }, { "docid": "6841555", "text": "Armed Forces, Stirrup viewed the solution as being essentially political. In order to take action against the militias, the local British commander in South East Iraq developed a plan to conduct aggressive operations against them. At the same time Stirrup became increasingly concerned that strong political leadership from the Iraqis was lacking and that without this any gains made by the military actions against the militias would be to no avail. In July 2006, Stirrup overturned the previous military advice to the Defence Secretary by stating that force levels in South East Iraq would need to be maintained. Previously it", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "1805496", "text": "a girth or using a simple toe loop. Later, a single stirrup was used as a mounting aid, and paired stirrups appeared after the invention of the treed saddle. The stirrup was invented in China in the first few centuries AD and spread westward through the nomadic peoples of Central Eurasia. The use of paired stirrups is credited to the Chinese Jin Dynasty and came to Europe during the Middle Ages. Some argue that the stirrup was one of the basic tools used to create and spread modern civilization, possibly as important as the wheel or printing press. The English", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841561", "text": "– Iraq. Stirrup strongly backed Mohan's plan but noted that Mohan would need to be pressed hard to deliver and also supported with Corps forces. Austin was reluctant to provide support, wishing to focus on Mosul, but Petraeus agreed with Stirrup. However, this plan was overtaken by Maliki's decision to launch Operation Charge of the Knights. Both Stirrup and the American commanders were taken by surprise and were concerned about the lack of planning but Maliki was determined to launch his operation in late March. Operation Charge of the Knights led to the Battle of Basra which lasted from 25", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "1805495", "text": "Stirrup A stirrup is a light frame or ring that holds the foot of a rider, attached to the saddle by a strap, often called a stirrup leather. Stirrups are usually paired and are used to aid in mounting and as a support while using a riding animal (usually a horse or other equine, such as a mule). They greatly increase the rider's ability to stay in the saddle and control the mount, increasing the animal's usefulness to humans in areas such as communication, transportation and warfare. In antiquity, the earliest foot supports consisted of riders placing their feet under", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841549", "text": "the Air Staff. Having been promoted to group captain on 1 January 1990, from 1990 to 1992, Stirrup served as Station Commander of RAF Marham and during his time in command, RAF Marham's strike aircraft were dispatched to the Middle East, seeing action in the Gulf War air campaign. In 1993 Stirrup attended the Royal College of Defence Studies (RCDS). Stirrup was promoted to air commodore on 1 January 1994, and appointed Director of Air Force Plans and Programmes that year. Promoted to air vice-marshal on 1 July 1997, he became Air Officer Commanding No. 1 Group in April 1997,", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841546", "text": "in Oman Stirrup flew BAC Strikemasters during the Dhofar War in the close air support and interdiction roles, giving him valuable battle experience of the use of air power in counter-insurgency operations. After he returned to Great Britain in 1975, Stirrup was posted to No. 41 Squadron where he flew the SEPECAT Jaguar in the fighter reconnaissance role. Stirrup went on to serve in an exchange tour in the United States where he flew the all-weather tactical reconnaissance RF-4C Phantom. Promoted to squadron leader on 1 January 1980, Stirrup was serving as a flight commander on No. 226 Operational Conversion", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "8194540", "text": "What Gets Me Hot! What Gets Me Hot! is the title of a 1984 pornographic movie that featured Traci Lords, Bunny Bleu, Susan Hart, Dorothy Onan, Marc Wallice, Sean Alexander, Tom Byron, Greg Rome, Herschel Savage (aka Hershel Savage), Maria Kay, Helga Sven, and Leslie Thane. It was written and directed by the Hungarian-born Richard Mailer. The starring role was credited to Traci Lords, billed as \"Tracy\" Lords, who had her first on-camera sex act in this film. Lords wrote in her 2003 autobiography \"Underneath It All\" of an unplanned encounter with Tom Byron in the mansion's kitchen, as the", "title": "What Gets Me Hot!" }, { "docid": "8194547", "text": "her hot. She hangs up and looks over at her friend Cheryl lying beside her. What Gets Me Hot! What Gets Me Hot! is the title of a 1984 pornographic movie that featured Traci Lords, Bunny Bleu, Susan Hart, Dorothy Onan, Marc Wallice, Sean Alexander, Tom Byron, Greg Rome, Herschel Savage (aka Hershel Savage), Maria Kay, Helga Sven, and Leslie Thane. It was written and directed by the Hungarian-born Richard Mailer. The starring role was credited to Traci Lords, billed as \"Tracy\" Lords, who had her first on-camera sex act in this film. Lords wrote in her 2003 autobiography \"Underneath", "title": "What Gets Me Hot!" }, { "docid": "15648253", "text": "Frank Stirrup Francis Stirrup (birth registered first ¼ 1925 – February 2013), also known by the nicknames of \"Frank\", and \"Mr Football\", was an English professional rugby league footballer who played in the 1950s and 1960s. He played at representative level for Lancashire, and at club level for Culcheth ARLFC (near Warrington), Leigh, Salford and Oldham (captain), as a , or , i.e. number 1, 2 or 5, 6, or 7. Frank Stirrup's birth was registered in Leigh, Lancashire, England, and he died aged 88. Frank Stirrup played in Oldham's 3-7 defeat by Warrington in the Championship Final during the", "title": "Frank Stirrup" }, { "docid": "18735027", "text": "Burger King breakfast sandwiches International fast-food restaurant chain Burger King and its Australian franchise Hungry Jack's have had a variety of breakfast sandwiches in their product portfolio since 1978. The Croissan'wich was the first major breakfast sandwich product introduced by the company. The company sells slightly different versions of breakfast sandwich between international markets, using local breakfast traditions and tastes to cater to those regions. To promote continuing interest in the company's breakfast products, Burger King occasionally releases limited-time (LTO) variants on its breakfast sandwiches that have different ingredients from standard sandwich recipes. Being one of the company's major offerings,", "title": "Burger King breakfast sandwiches" }, { "docid": "8226838", "text": "Great Stirrup Cay Great Stirrup Cay is a island that is part of the Berry Islands in the Bahamas. Norwegian Cruise Line purchased the island from the Belcher Oil Company in 1977 and developed it into a private island for their cruise ship passengers. The northern part of the island has a sandy beach surrounded by rocks with snorkeling areas. The southern part features a helicopter airfield (with a sign reading \"Great Stirrup Cay International Airport\"), a large area without vegetation, and numerous concrete blocks. These are all remnants of a previous U.S. military installation and satellite tracking station. The", "title": "Great Stirrup Cay" }, { "docid": "6841554", "text": "28 April 2006. In May 2006, shortly after becoming CDS, Stirrup visited Iraq to assess the situation first hand. The British responsibility was in the south of Iraq and on his return Stirrup reported to the Defence Secretary that Basra was the key to success in southern Iraq. Stirrup identified two obstacles to success, the first being the militias and the second being the need for an acceptable level of Iraqi governance. In addition, he took the view that Iranian interference was a significant exacerbating factor. Noting that neither of two obstacles could be fully dealt with by the British", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "6841553", "text": "Stirrup was promoted to air chief marshal and appointed Chief of the Air Staff on 1 August 2003. In July 2004 Stirrup set out his strategic direction for the RAF which was based upon working to achieve an increasingly modern and multi-role aircraft fleet, reducing the number of RAF stations by creating fewer but larger and better-equipped bases and reducing the number of personnel while maintaining or improving their training. Stirrup was appointed Chief of the Defence Staff – just when the British Armed Forces were facing significant commitments both to Iraq (Operation Telic) and Afghanistan (Operation Herrick) – on", "title": "Jock Stirrup" }, { "docid": "867115", "text": "Breakfast cereal Breakfast cereal is a food product made from processed cereal grains and often eaten for breakfast, primarily in Western societies. It is most often mixed with milk, yogurt, or fruit. Some companies promote their products for the health benefits from eating oat-based and high-fiber cereals. In the United States, cereals are often fortified with vitamins but can also lack many of the vitamins needed for a healthy breakfast. A significant proportion of cereals are made with high sugar content. Many breakfast cereals are produced via extrusion. The breakfast cereal industry has gross profit margins of 40–45%, 90% penetration", "title": "Breakfast cereal" }, { "docid": "3623575", "text": "Calas (food) Beignets are dumplings composed primarily of cooked rice, yeast, sugar, eggs, and flour; the resulting batter is deep-fried. It is traditionally a breakfast dish, served with coffee or cafe au lait, and has a mention in most Creole cuisine cookbooks. Calas are also referred to as Creole rice fritters or rice doughnuts. The origin of calas is most often credited to slaves who came from rice-growing regions of Africa. A 1653 French recipe, \"beignets de riz\", lends support to a French origin as well. The name \"calas\" is said to have come from the Nupe word \"kara\" (\"fried", "title": "Calas (food)" }, { "docid": "18000527", "text": "and Elmer Fudd style, the fox appears and holds up two signs. One says \"The Villain\" and the other \"As if you didn't know\". The fox then chases the bird, then the bird stops, and, not realizing the fox is a fox, he tells him about the fox. Once he realizes the fox is right there, he gets captured. The worm saves him, however. The bird then returns home. Then, Mammy comes in and asks the three birds what they want for breakfast. Two say worms, but the third says he doesn't want worms. The worm pops up and says", "title": "The Early Worm Gets the Bird" }, { "docid": "17391744", "text": "Chocolates for Breakfast Chocolates for Breakfast is a 1956 American novel written by Pamela Moore. Originally published in 1956 when Moore was eighteen years old, the novel gained notoriety from readers and critics for its frank depiction of teenage sexuality, and its discussion of the taboo topics of homosexuality and gender roles. The plot focuses on fifteen-year-old Courtney Farrell and her destructive upbringing between her father, a wealthy Manhattan publisher, and her mother, a faltering Hollywood actress. Upon its release in 1956, the novel became an international sensation and was published in multiple languages, with many critics drawing comparisons to", "title": "Chocolates for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "16201065", "text": "some cases, there is an iron rod from the loop to the footplate near the heel to prevent the foot from slipping out. The footplates are occasionally perforated to let out water when crossing rivers, and these types are called \"suiba abumi\". There are also abumi with holes in the front forming sockets for a lance or banner. Abumi (stirrup) , Japanese stirrups, were used in Japan as early as the 5th century, and were a necessary component along with the Japanese saddle (kura) for the use of horses in warfare. Abumi became the type of stirrup used by the", "title": "Abumi (stirrup)" }, { "docid": "4308370", "text": "system, and the stations were re-launched as Citytv on August 2, 2005. \"The Big Breakfast\" was also relaunched as \"Breakfast Television\", the name Citytv uses for its similar morning shows, on the same day the stations were rebranded. The A-Channel brand was subsequently transferred to CHUM's former NewNet stations, whose own morning programs were retitled \"A-Channel Morning\". The Big Breakfast (Canadian TV program) The Big Breakfast is a Canadian television morning news and entertainment program. It aired on the A-Channel stations and CKX from 1997 to 2005. It has no relation to the UK show of the same name. Each", "title": "The Big Breakfast (Canadian TV program)" }, { "docid": "3196905", "text": "and CBS Records. With the help of D-Nice, Kid Rock signed with Jive Records at the age of 17, releasing his debut studio album, \"Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast\" in 1990, which featured production by D-Nice and Too Short. According to Kid Rock, the contract with Jive resulted in animosity from fellow rapper Vanilla Ice, who Kid Rock claimed felt that he should have been signed with Jive instead of Kid Rock. In contrast to Kid Rock's later albums, \"Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast\" features a straightforward hip hop sound. While the album primarily reflects what reviewers perceived as a strong Beastie", "title": "Grits Sandwiches for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "6020591", "text": "Breakfast burrito The breakfast burrito, sometimes referred to as a breakfast wrap outside of the American Southwest, is a variety of American breakfast composed of breakfast items wrapped inside a flour tortilla burrito. This style was invented and popularized in several regional American cuisines, most notably originating in New Mexican cuisine, and expanding beyond Southwestern cuisine and neighboring Tex-Mex. Southwestern breakfast burritos may include scrambled eggs, potatoes, onions, chorizo, or bacon. Some fast food restaurants such as Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's and Taco Bell sell breakfast burritos. The breakfast burrito is also a street food. The breakfast burrito was", "title": "Breakfast burrito" }, { "docid": "20676071", "text": "more favourably, opining that \"there's nothing flashy about the film, nor should there be: by proceeding in a straightforward line the creators have achieved exactly what they set out to do, and they've done it without resorting to too many cliches or to depressing cuteness.\" Lions for Breakfast Lions for Breakfast is a Canadian family drama film, directed by William Davidson and released in 1975. The film centres on two brothers, 22-year old Trick (Jim Henshaw) and ten-year-old Zanny (Danny Forbes), who are on a bus trip to find a new place to live after the death of their parents.", "title": "Lions for Breakfast" }, { "docid": "17380716", "text": "that were impacted by the riots. An executive from one of their founding companies had seen the piece on CBS Morning News and wanted to learn more. The students had their business plan ready and within a few weeks Food from the 'Hood, then a 501(c) corporation, received a $50,000 grant to help scale up their salad dressing company. In December 1993, the students farmed and donated holiday food packages to \"Helpers for the Homeless and the Hungry\". A few months later, the students from Food From the 'Hood launched the first in what would become a line of three", "title": "Food from the 'Hood" }, { "docid": "1805506", "text": "mounted people who wanted to make riding less tiring, or those unused to riding to gain the necessary skills to match their adversaries. Stirrups (\"abumi\") were used in Japan as early as the 5th century. They were flat bottomed rings of metal-covered wood, similar to European stirrups. The earliest known examples were excavated from tombs. Cup-shaped stirrups (\"tsuba abumi\") that enclosed the front half of the rider's foot eventually replaced the earlier design. During the Nara period, the base of the stirrup which supported the rider's sole was elongated past the toe cup. This half-tongued style of stirrup (\"hanshita abumi\")", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "1805504", "text": "also unearthed from a Jin tomb, this time near Nanjing, dating to the Eastern Jin period, AD 322. The earliest extant double stirrups were discovered in the tomb of a Northern Yan noble, Feng Sufu, who died in AD 415. Stirrups have also been found in Goguryeo tombs dating to the 4th and 5th centuries AD, but these do not contain any specific date. The stirrup appeared to be in widespread use across China by AD 477. The appearance of the stirrup in China coincided with the rise of armoured cavalry in the region. Dated to 357 AD, the tomb", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "1805518", "text": "the Slavic territories to this use of the stirrup. It is argued that the rising feudal class structure of the European Middle Ages derived ultimately from the use of stirrups: \"Few inventions have been so simple as the stirrup, but few have had so catalytic an influence on history. The requirements of the new mode of warfare which it made possible found expression in a new form of western European society dominated by an aristocracy of warriors endowed with land so that they might fight in a new and highly specialized way.\" Other scholars dispute this assertion, suggesting that stirrups", "title": "Stirrup" }, { "docid": "17215617", "text": "History of breakfast Breakfast is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work. The Old English word for dinner, \"disner\", means to break a fast, and was the first meal eaten in the day until its meaning shifted in the mid-13th century. It was not until the 15th century that \"breakfast\" came into use in written English to describe a morning meal, which literally means to break the fasting period of the prior night; in Old English the term was \"morgenmete\" meaning \"morning meal.\" From evidence", "title": "History of breakfast" } ]
What American city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in the United States?
[ "Houstonians", "Houston, Texas", "The City of Houston", "Houstan, TX", "Houston texas", "City of Houston", "Media of Houston", "Houston city", "Houstan, Texas", "Houston, Texas, USA", "Ciudadehouston.org", "Media in Houston", "Houston Texas", "Houston, Texas (redir)", "Houston, USA", "The Energy Capital of the World", "Houston, United States", "Houston, Texas, U.S.A.", "Houston, Texas, U.S.", "Houstontx.gov", "Houston, TX, USA", "Houston, US-TX", "Hoston", "UN/LOCODE:USHOU", "Houston, Texas, United States", "Houston, Tx", "Houston", "Houston, texas", "Houston,Texas", "Houston, Tex.", "Houstan", "Houston (TX)", "Houston TX", "Houston,TX", "City of Houston, Texas", "Houston, TX", "Houston,Texas, United States" ]
[ { "docid": "16089226", "text": "Stanley Stores Stanley Stores Inc. was a family-owned regional grocery store chain in the United States, with its headquarters in Bay City, Texas. The chain operated three brands. Stanley Stores was the conventional grocery store brand. The \"Houston Chronicle\" said that the brands Price Lo Supermarkets and Foods \"4\" Less were \"modern, warehouse-type food stores with large sales and cut-rate prices.\" In 1994 Greg Hassel of the \"Houston Chronicle\" said that Stanley Stores was one of several \"small area outfits\" operating stores in the Houston area. O. B. Stanley established the chain in 1945. The first location, a drive-in grocery", "title": "Stanley Stores" }, { "docid": "16089229", "text": "chain, died on Monday, July 12, 1999 from cancer. The chain made several donations to the Bay City Museum. Stanley Stores Stanley Stores Inc. was a family-owned regional grocery store chain in the United States, with its headquarters in Bay City, Texas. The chain operated three brands. Stanley Stores was the conventional grocery store brand. The \"Houston Chronicle\" said that the brands Price Lo Supermarkets and Foods \"4\" Less were \"modern, warehouse-type food stores with large sales and cut-rate prices.\" In 1994 Greg Hassel of the \"Houston Chronicle\" said that Stanley Stores was one of several \"small area outfits\" operating", "title": "Stanley Stores" } ]
[ { "docid": "5842920", "text": "of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park; and Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William) and the Hampton Roads region (Cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Poquoson, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and Williamsburg; and Counties of Isle of Wight, James City, Southampton, and York), as well as Christiansburg, which currently has the highest meals tax in the United States at 12.8%. Consumers are taxed on every \"eligible food item.\" For example, fresh local produce sold at farmers' markets and at grocery stores, as well as basic, unprepared cold grocery foods (including candy, bottled water, and", "title": "Sales taxes in the United States" }, { "docid": "15132729", "text": "Pharmacies in the United States There are approximately 67,000 pharmacies in the United States. Almost half (33,000) are located within drug stores, grocery stores, hospitals, department stores, medical clinics, surgery clinics, universities, nursing homes, prisons, and other facilities. The remaining pharmacies are considered to be independent or privately owned. The top 25 pharmacy chain stores represent about 28,000 pharmacy locations in the U.S. and employ about 46,000 on-staff pharmacists. California has 5,560 pharmacies, the most of any state. Texas, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania round out the top five states for pharmacy locations. Nationwide, the number of community pharmacies increased", "title": "Pharmacies in the United States" }, { "docid": "16759639", "text": "to have greater exposure to unhealthy tobacco and alcohol advertisements, a fewer number of pharmacies with fewer medications, and a scarcity of grocery stores offering healthy food options in comparison to small convenience stores and fast-food restaurants. These neighborhoods are often referred to as \"food deserts,\" as the lack of supermarkets prevents individuals from being able to access affordable and healthy food options. There are several theories that attempt to explain why food deserts form. One theory proposes that the expansion of large chain supermarkets results in the closure of smaller-sized, independent neighborhood grocery stores. Market competition thereby produces a", "title": "Hunger in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247037", "text": "District Grocery Stores District Grocery Stores (DGS) was a cooperative of small single-room grocery stores in Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia. It operated from 1921 to 1972. The goal was to leverage the volume of purchasing power of the cooperative to negotiate better prices from wholesalers and therefore improve their competitiveness. The cooperative started with 20 members to grow to 300 members at its peak, most of whom were Jewish immigrant families from Europe. The stores were located across the Washington metropolitan area. The District Grocery Society started in 1921 with 20 members. Meeting in Mike Hornstein's store, these", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "7352279", "text": "United States, but only the third-largest grocery retailer and underperforming its peers. In October 1987, the company exited the Idaho and Washington drugstore markets with the sale of 25 Osco Drug units to Pay Less Drug Stores. In March 1988, American Stores made an unsolicited tender offer for Lucky Stores, an Alpha Beta competitor noted for high efficiency and low prices. American Stores’ Alpha Beta chain in California was struggling, plagued by high prices and a reputation for poor service. At the time, Lucky was California's leading grocery retailer, due in part that it was the only chain with a", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "13336696", "text": "its use as medicine quickly spread throughout Europe and the United States. Cannabis was entered into the United States Pharmacopeia in 1850, as a treatment for neuralgia, tetanus, typhus, cholera, rabies, dysentery, alcoholism, opiate addiction, anthrax, leprosy, incontinence, snakebite, gout, convulsive disorders, tonsillitis, insanity, excessive menstrual bleeding, and uterine bleeding. It was widely available in pharmacies and even grocery stores during the latter half of the 19th century, priced affordably relative to other drugs with no requirement for a doctor's prescription. Cannabis was commonly sold in tincture form by Parke-Davis, Eli Lilly, E. R. Squibb & Sons, and other drug", "title": "Medical cannabis in the United States" }, { "docid": "7352271", "text": "American Stores American Stores Company was an American public corporation and a holding company which ran chains of supermarkets and drugstores in the United States from 1917 through 1999. The company was incorporated in 1917 when The Acme Tea Company merged with four small Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area grocery stores \"(Childs, George Dunlap, Bell Company,\" and \"A House That Quality Built)\" to form American Stores. In the following eight decades, the company would expand to 1,575 food and drugstores in 38 states with $20 billion in annual sales in 1998. By 1925, American Stores had grown from 5 supermarkets in 1917", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "414182", "text": "at the retail level, on any particular goods. Nearly all jurisdictions provide numerous categories of goods and services that are exempt from sales tax, or taxed at a reduced rate. Purchase of goods for further manufacture or for resale is uniformly exempt from sales tax. Most jurisdictions exempt food sold in grocery stores, prescription medications, and many agricultural supplies. Generally cash discounts, including coupons, are not included in the price used in computing tax. Sales taxes, including those imposed by local governments, are generally administered at the state level. States imposing sales tax require retail sellers to register with the", "title": "Taxation in the United States" }, { "docid": "12179141", "text": "television remains the primary means that products marketed in this fashion reach the public eye. Since 1993 both the \"not sold in stores\" and the \"as seen on TV\" factions have moved from simple sixty-second commercials on late-night or cable television to one to three-hour long \"infomercials\". \"Not sold in stores\" is beginning to be an advertising research tool. Items that do not actually exist are \"sold\" and the number of reactions determines whether the product might make a profit. Not sold in stores Not sold in stores or not available in stores, also known as \"TV only\", is a", "title": "Not sold in stores" }, { "docid": "20247056", "text": "neighborhood stores of their childhood. Today, the Washington restaurant DGS Delicatessen pays homage to the memory of the local \"Mom and Pop\" grocery store, though it is unrelated to the District Grocery Stores cooperative. District Grocery Stores District Grocery Stores (DGS) was a cooperative of small single-room grocery stores in Washington, DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia. It operated from 1921 to 1972. The goal was to leverage the volume of purchasing power of the cooperative to negotiate better prices from wholesalers and therefore improve their competitiveness. The cooperative started with 20 members to grow to 300 members at its peak,", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "7352302", "text": "because both chains had stores and overlap in northern and southern California. (The Lucky brand would be revived in 2006 by SuperValu). On June 2, 2006, the sale of Albertsons essentially split the company into three parts. American Stores American Stores Company was an American public corporation and a holding company which ran chains of supermarkets and drugstores in the United States from 1917 through 1999. The company was incorporated in 1917 when The Acme Tea Company merged with four small Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area grocery stores \"(Childs, George Dunlap, Bell Company,\" and \"A House That Quality Built)\" to form American", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "11934013", "text": "of food deserts in low-income neighborhoods are circulating in the literature. One of the prevailing theories states that food deserts resulted from the development of larger supermarkets in affluent areas and the closure of small, independent groceries stores that could not compete economically. Another theory states that supermarket development shifted spatially with the rise of income segregation. As more the more affluent middle-class moved to the suburbs, many inner city grocery stores closed from lack of business. Another prevailing theory is the idea of supermarket redlining, the unwillingness of supermarkets to open stores in the inner city due to various", "title": "Housing segregation in the United States" }, { "docid": "7352272", "text": "to nearly 1,800 stores. In 1946, a proposed acquisition of \"Grand Union\" supermarkets was turned down by Grand Union stockholders. In 1961 American Stores company acquired California's Alpha Beta chain of supermarkets. In the 1970s, in order to compete with lower priced grocery retailers such as ShopRite and Pathmark (competitors which did not offer trading stamps), Acme Markets launched its Super Saver discount grocery chain in Pennsylvania. American Stores itself was acquired in 1979 by the Skaggs Companies, Inc., which adopted the American Stores Company name, and relocated the company headquarters to Salt Lake City, Utah. American Stores was by", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "5842816", "text": "goods. No state imposes sales tax on all types of goods. State laws vary widely as to what goods are subject to tax. Food for preparation and consumption in the home is often not taxable, nor are prescription medications. By contrast, restaurant meals are often taxed. Many states provide exemptions for some specific types of goods and not for other types. Certain types of foods may be exempt, and certain types taxable, even when sold in a grocery store for home consumption. Lists of what goods are taxable and what are not may be voluminous. Most states tax some services,", "title": "Sales taxes in the United States" }, { "docid": "16838319", "text": "a.m. Monday through Saturday and between 2 a.m. and either 10:00 a.m. or 12:00 p.m. on Sundays, varying by county. Gun hunting is prohibited on Sundays between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. North Dakota may have the strictest remaining blue law of the United States. Many goods and items are restricted from being sold between midnight and noon on Sunday, rendering virtually all retailers closed in those hours, including malls and some large retail chains (though it is open Sundays before noon only between Thanksgiving & Christmas Eve); however, some businesses that open 24 hours, like grocery stores, are allowed", "title": "Blue laws in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247050", "text": "succeeds to Isaac Jacobson as president of DGS. 1949: Joseph Muchmick becomes President of DGS. 1950: Paul D. Kaufman is elected President of DGS as he was between 1944 and 1949. 1951: Louis Fox becomes President. He is the youngest President at age 33. April 3, 1952: The District Grocery Stores elect their first female director, Sarah Smotrich (who operates Sara's Market) to a two-year term. 1953: On July 7, a new self-serve cash and carry service Later that year, the District Grocery Stores merge with United Food Stores, one of its competing cooperative. June 1, 1955: DGS merges with", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "12179139", "text": "Not sold in stores Not sold in stores or not available in stores, also known as \"TV only\", is a marketing strategy whereby goods are heavily advertised on television or online and purchased directly from the supplier or manufacturer. The order is usually placed through a 1-800 number call center and the payment by credit card (formerly C.O.D). The selling point of this approach is that the item is too \"cutting edge\" for a store. Conversely, the \"not sold in stores\" label can be interpreted to be a detriment, if one takes it to mean that no established retailers are", "title": "Not sold in stores" }, { "docid": "5842809", "text": "jurisdictions provide numerous categories of goods and services that are exempt from sales tax, or taxed at reduced rates. The purchase of goods for further manufacture or for resale is uniformly exempt from sales tax. Most jurisdictions exempt food sold in grocery stores, prescription medications, and many agricultural supplies. Sales taxes, including those imposed by local governments, are generally administered at the state level. States imposing sales tax either impose the tax on retail sellers, such as with Transaction Privilege Tax in Arizona, or impose it on retail buyers and require sellers to collect it. In either case, the seller", "title": "Sales taxes in the United States" }, { "docid": "14217036", "text": "Container deposit legislation in the United States There are ten states in the United States with container deposit legislation, popularly called \"bottle bills\" after the Oregon Bottle Bill, the first such legislation that was passed. Efforts to pass container deposit legislation in states that do not have them are often politically contentious. The U.S. beverage container industry—including both the bottlers of water, soda, beer, and the owners of grocery stores and convenience stores—often spends large amounts of money in the United States lobbying against the introduction of both new and amended beverage container deposit legislation. Container deposit legislation (CDL) requires", "title": "Container deposit legislation in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247055", "text": "In 1994, the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington organized an exhibit to present the history of the District Grocery Stores at the Lillian & Albert Small Jewish Museum. Hundreds of people gathered for the opening of the exhibit, many having grown up in the stores or shopped there in their childhood. The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington maintains a website called Half a Day on Sunday: Jewish-Owned “Mom and Pop” Grocery Stores along with a database of all the stores which were part of the District Grocery Stores. While the cooperative was dissolved in 1972, many remember the", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "16838332", "text": "election of November 8, 2011, voters passed Initiative 1183, which brought several changes to the liquor distribution and retailing system. The most significant of these changes were the end to the state monopoly on liquor sales and distribution. On June 1, 2012, Washington completed its transition to private liquor sales. Under 1183, spirits may only be sold in premises of at least 10,000 sq ft, generally including grocery stores, warehouse clubs, department stores, and some larger specialty shops. The sale of alcohol for both on and off-premises consumption is prohibited between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. daily.", "title": "Blue laws in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247038", "text": "store owners organized a cooperative organization to stop declining sales and avoid closure of their stores. The cooperative was originally named District Grocery Society as visible in its early advertisements. In 1928, the name was changed to District Grocery Stores while retaining the same initials, D.G.S. Its early motto was \"The Grocery Chain of Personal Owners\" and later became \"The Owner is Your Neighbor\". Several version of the logo were used over the years in the various advertisement published in the local newspapers. By the 1960s, many of the stores in the area used a distinctive orange and green sign.", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "7352276", "text": "drugstores in December 1984 to People's Drug, a division of \"Imasco Limited\". 33 Alpha Beta grocery stores in Arizona sold to ABCO Foods, 22 Alpha Beta grocery stores and support facilities in northern California were also sold. The acquisition of the Jewel Companies, Inc. consisted of the Melrose Park, Illinois based Jewel Food Stores supermarket chain, Oak Brook, Illinois based Osco Drug, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts based Star Market, Anaheim, California based Sav-on Drugs, Great Falls, Montana based Buttrey Food Stores and White Hen. This acquisition also returned L. L. Skaggs's Osco Drug chain to the Skaggs family ownership. And Sav-on", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "20247054", "text": "stores were to remain and run independently. It had 77 members, 300 associates and about 1200 \"cash and carry\" customers. It also has a fleet of 17 trucks. The warehouse was sold to the Redevelopment Land Agency, the city's urban renewal agency for an undisclosed price. In 1973, a group of former District Grocery Stores members formed the Richmond Food Store cooperative. The following week, a second group of former members formed the Farm House-DGS label with funding from M. Loeb Corp., a Canadian wholesaler. Both groups attempted to attract former members in an attempt to boost their buying power.", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "20247053", "text": "NW. Some of these were DGS stores were owned by Jewish store owners already struggling with the competition of supermarkets. 28 stores never re-opened and many moved their families moved to the suburbs where they feel safer. On April 9, 1968, a notice is published in The Washington Post in partnership with several other grocery stores and super market informing the public that all these stores will be closed In Memoriam of Dr. King Jr. 1972: District Grocery Stores (DGS) is dissolved by a unanimous vote of its members. The cooperative had been losing money for several years. The individual", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "4175159", "text": "and available in authentic Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thai restaurants in the United States, American egg rolls are distinct. A typical \"New York style\" egg roll measures approximately two inches in diameter by six inches in length, with a thick, chewy, crispy, bumpy exterior skin. Egg rolls, like other Americanized Chinese food specialties, may contain vegetable cultivars and flavor profiles that are not common in China, including broccoli. Restaurants that serve egg rolls occasionally also offer spring rolls as a separate menu option, and these spring rolls may be served with a cold filling wrapped in Banh trang rice paper wrappers", "title": "Egg roll" }, { "docid": "16759656", "text": "markets and grocery stores due to lack of availability. Studies have shown that within these food deserts there exists distinct racial disparities. Compared to Caucasian neighborhoods, predominately African American neighborhoods have been reported to have half the amount of chain supermarkets available to residents. Despite racial differences, the vast majority of individuals living in food deserts struggle with transportation to food sources. Since these areas are low-income neighborhoods, many families may be unable to have the financial means to easily and regularly access supermarkets or grocery stores that tend to be located far from their home. This acts as an", "title": "Hunger in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247043", "text": "from other local businesses including its builder. In 1942, the warehouse provided the setting for the War Bonds performance hosted by DGS. In 1953, DGS president Louis Fox announced a new self-serve cash and carry service, opening the DGS warehouse for the first time to non-members. By that time, the District Grocery Stores were making 14 million dollars a year. The cooperative was mainly Jewish in its membership. Between 1880 and 1924, European Jews immigrated to the United States in mass fleeing poverty and antisemitism in Europe. Their arrival was supported by the already established Jewish community. These were often", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "12179140", "text": "willing to give their imprimatur to the merchandise. In the last ten years, products \"not sold in stores\" have expanded from advertising on television almost exclusively to advertising on the internet. Selling on the internet also has reduced both the transaction costs of the selling through the automation of check-out and payment (no more paid phone operators) and the cost of the products themselves due to exemption from sales taxes. This trend of advertising on the Internet has further distinguished the \"not sold in stores\" genre from that of \"As seen on TV!\". Despite the increased internet activity, advertising on", "title": "Not sold in stores" }, { "docid": "20247040", "text": "sales volume) for a store to use the DGS name and sign to cover advertising costs. A store could keep its independent name if they wished while still being able to purchase goods at the DGS price. Stores also offered free deliveries of grocery to their customers. The free deliveries were handled by the cooperative using its fleet of orange DGS trucks. The service was explained in ads published in newspapers, such as this one from 1954: Most stores also offered credit as it was customary at the time to do so. The stores were not owned by the District", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "15559402", "text": "of 6 criteria and 30 indicators. Gallup polls ask American adults, \"All in all, what would you say is the best college or university in the United States?\" Global Language Monitor produces a \"TrendTopper MediaBuzz\" ranking of the Top 300 United States colleges and universities semi-annually. It publishes overall results for both university and college categories. It uses the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching’s classifications to distinguish between universities and liberal arts colleges. The rankings list 125 universities, 100 colleges, the change in the rankings over time, a \"Predictive Quantities Indicator\" (PQI) Index number (for relative rankings), rankings", "title": "Rankings of universities in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247049", "text": "3929 13th St NW. 1926: First Annual Banquet. 1928: The District Grocery Society becomes the District Grocery Stores but retains the same initials: DGS. 1930: Issac Jacobson becomes President. 1937: Plans for a new warehouse were announced by Isaac Jacobson, President of DGS. January 3, 1940: Isaac Jacobson is re-elected as President of the cooperative for the tenth time. May 21, 1940: Ground Breaking for the new Warehouse by Isaac Jacobson, President of DGS. 1941: The new warehouse opened at 4th St and D St SW for the 20th anniversary of the District Grocery Stores. January 3, 1944:Paul D. Kaufman", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "12112103", "text": "American football in the United States American football is the most popular sport in the United States. The National Football League has the highest average attendance of any sports league in the world. In the United States the game is most often referred to as simply \"football\". There is no single national governing body for American football in the United States or a continental governing body for North America. There is an international governing body, the International Federation of American Football, or IFAF. Befitting its status as a popular sport, football is played in leagues of different size, age and", "title": "American football in the United States" }, { "docid": "10341738", "text": "what is now the western United States. Spaniards began mining copper there about 1800. The district still produces copper, from the large Chino Mine open pit. Native Americans had mined turquoise associated with the copper deposits at present-day Tyrone in Grant County, New Mexico. Modern mining followed the discovery of turquoise and copper by American prospectors in 1870. The first copper was shipped from the Tyrone district in 1879. Some copper has been produced from three deposits in sandstone of the Triassic Chinle Formation in the Nacimiento Mountains near Cuba, New Mexico. The copper is present as sulfides (most commonly", "title": "Copper mining in the United States" }, { "docid": "4175155", "text": "Egg roll Egg rolls are a variety of deep-fried appetizers served in American Chinese restaurants. An egg roll is a cylindrical, savory roll with shredded cabbage, chopped pork, and other fillings inside a thickly-wrapped wheat flour skin, which is fried in hot oil. The dish is served warm, and is usually eaten with the fingers, dipped in duck sauce, soy sauce, plum sauce, or hot mustard, often from a cellophane packet. Egg rolls are a ubiquitous feature of American Chinese cuisine and are often served as free additions to American Chinese lunch special take-out combination platters throughout the United States,", "title": "Egg roll" }, { "docid": "13879427", "text": "regions where the two most popular electric cars are being sold, excess manufacturing emissions are offset within 6 to 16 months of average driving. The study also concluded that driving an average EV results in lower global warming emissions than driving a gasoline car that gets in regions covering two-thirds of the U.S. population, up from 45% in 2009. Based on where EVs are being sold in the United States in 2015, the average EV produces global warming emissions equal to a gasoline vehicle with a fuel economy rating. The authors identified two main reason for the fact that EV-related", "title": "Plug-in electric vehicles in the United States" }, { "docid": "20247041", "text": "Grocery Stores cooperative but were individually owned by independent grocers. Most stores were set up as a single room on the ground floor on the property with the family living above or behind the store. This allowed the store to remain open very long hours and offered plenty of labor to serve the customers with children helping their parents when not in school. The first generation often spoke Yiddish as a first language and learned English while interacting with customers and reading labels on canned goods. The second-generation were expected to help in the store but were also attending local", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "13814247", "text": "name=\"NASS egg 2007/8\"></ref><ref name=\"NASS egg 2009/10\"></ref> In 2008, 9.08 billion chickens were slaughtered in the United States according to United States Department of Agriculture data. The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends cervical dislocation and asphyxiation by carbon dioxide as the best options, but has recently amended their guidelines to include maceration, putting non-anesthetized chicks through a grinder. The 2005–2006 American Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board held its final meeting July 13 in Honolulu, prior to the 2006 session of the House of Delegates and the AVMA Annual Convention. It proposed a policy change, which was recommended by the Animal Welfare", "title": "Poultry farming in the United States" }, { "docid": "12112120", "text": "world championship. The IFAF also fields an U-19 team composed of high school football players that has participated in the 2009, 2012, 2014 and 2016 junior world championships. The national U-19 team won the 2009 and 2014 contests but lost the 2012 contest to Canada. American football in the United States American football is the most popular sport in the United States. The National Football League has the highest average attendance of any sports league in the world. In the United States the game is most often referred to as simply \"football\". There is no single national governing body for", "title": "American football in the United States" }, { "docid": "9564676", "text": "in 2000, there were 1,480 daily papers (and 766—or about half—of them were evening papers. Newspapers in the United States Newspapers in the United States have been published since the 18th century and are an integral part of the culture of the United States. Although a few newspapers including the \"New York Times\", \"USA Today\", and the \"Wall Street Journal\" are sold throughout the United States, most U.S. newspapers are published for city or regional markets. The \"New York Times\" is often referred to as the United States' \"newspaper of record\". All major metropolitan regions have newspapers, with some of", "title": "Newspapers in the United States" }, { "docid": "9564673", "text": "Newspapers in the United States Newspapers in the United States have been published since the 18th century and are an integral part of the culture of the United States. Although a few newspapers including the \"New York Times\", \"USA Today\", and the \"Wall Street Journal\" are sold throughout the United States, most U.S. newspapers are published for city or regional markets. The \"New York Times\" is often referred to as the United States' \"newspaper of record\". All major metropolitan regions have newspapers, with some of them having multiple papers, though this has declined in modern times. Many smaller cities have", "title": "Newspapers in the United States" }, { "docid": "7262315", "text": "and play an active role in political affairs. Instituted on January 20, 1920, the Negro Factories Corporation sought to create corporations which would employ only blacks, as well as produce commodities only sold to black consumers. As Marcus Garvey proclaimed himself: “Negro producers! Negro distributors! Negro Consumers!” Garvey’s ideal of an all black economy that could eventually supply black consumers across the globe was not only ambitious, but to an extent also successful. Under Garvey’s guidance, independent black grocery stores, restaurants, Laundromats, tailor shops, millinery stores, and publishing houses were created. The Negro Factories Corporation had vital impacts on the", "title": "Rastafari movement in the United States" }, { "docid": "1801379", "text": "Grocery store A grocery store or grocer's shop is a retail shop that primarily sells food. A grocer is a bulk seller of food. Grocery stores also offer non-perishable foods that are packaged in bottles, boxes, and cans; some also have bakeries, butchers, delis, and fresh produce. Large grocery stores that stock significant amounts of non-food products, such as clothing and household items, are called supermarkets. Some large supermarkets also include a pharmacy, and customer service, redemption, and electronics sections. In Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, supermarkets and convenience shops are sometimes described as grocery businesses, groceries", "title": "Grocery store" }, { "docid": "4175156", "text": "along with fried rice and fortune cookies. The origins of the dish are unclear and remain disputed. Egg rolls are closely related to, but distinct from, the spring rolls served in mainland China, and were first seen in the early 20th century in the United States. An early reference to egg rolls appeared in a 1917 Chinese recipe pamphlet published in the United States, but the dish does not resemble the modern egg roll. The 1917 recipe described a meat and vegetable filling wrapped in an egg omelet, panfried, and served in slices, similar to Gyeran-mari. Andrew Coe, author of", "title": "Egg roll" }, { "docid": "19742767", "text": "Salmonellosis in the United States Salmonellosis annually causes, per CDC estimation, about 1.2 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations, and 450 deaths in the United States every year. The shell of the egg may be contaminated with \"Salmonella\" by feces or environment, or its interior (yolk) may be contaminated by penetration of the bacteria through the porous shell or from a hen whose infected ovaries contaminate the egg during egg formation. The United States has struggled to control salmonella infections, with the rate of infection rising from 2001 to 2011. The FDA and the USDA have separate jurisdiction over products which may", "title": "Salmonellosis in the United States" }, { "docid": "15505468", "text": "only grocery wholesaler building that retains the appearance of a century before. Perry Wiles Grocery Company The Perry Wiles Grocery Company is a historic commercial building in downtown Zanesville, Ohio, United States. Unlike many similar contemporary buildings in the city, it has survived to the present day relatively unchanged, and it has consequently been designated a historic site. When he erected the present building in 1892, Perry Wiles was the owner of one of five grocery wholesalers active in the city of Zanesville, and he and his competitors supplied more than one hundred different individual retail-level grocery stores in the", "title": "Perry Wiles Grocery Company" }, { "docid": "15505465", "text": "Perry Wiles Grocery Company The Perry Wiles Grocery Company is a historic commercial building in downtown Zanesville, Ohio, United States. Unlike many similar contemporary buildings in the city, it has survived to the present day relatively unchanged, and it has consequently been designated a historic site. When he erected the present building in 1892, Perry Wiles was the owner of one of five grocery wholesalers active in the city of Zanesville, and he and his competitors supplied more than one hundred different individual retail-level grocery stores in the city. Finding the construction of a new building necessary in the early", "title": "Perry Wiles Grocery Company" }, { "docid": "18582043", "text": "Kemps (company) Kemps (legal name Kemps LLC) is an American dairy company located in St. Paul, Minnesota. It has been a subsidiary of Dairy Farmers of America since being purchased in 2011 from HP Hood LLC. Dairy Farmers of America is based in Kansas City, Missouri, but Kemps continues to be headquartered in St. Paul. Products provided by the company include milk, cottage cheese, half and half, egg nog, cream, juices, sour cream, chip dips, ice cream, yogurt and novelties. Most of these products are sold at grocery stores throughout the midwestern United States, but some are available in other", "title": "Kemps (company)" }, { "docid": "16045915", "text": "Bibliography of conservatism in the United States This is a selective bibliography of Conservatism in the United States covering the key political, intellectual and organizational themes that are dealt with in Conservatism in the United States. Google Scholar produces a listing of 93,000 scholarly books and articles on \"American Conservatism\" published since 2000. The titles below are found in the recommended further reading sections of the books and articles cited under \"Surveys\" and \"Historiography.\" The \"Historiography\" and \"Critical views\" section mostly comprise items critical or hostile of American conservatism. Kim Phillips-Fein in 2018 argued, \"an entire field of scholarship has", "title": "Bibliography of conservatism in the United States" }, { "docid": "16045916", "text": "emerged to interrogate the roots, development, and persistence of modern American conservatism.\" Robert Mason in 2015 noted: Bibliography of conservatism in the United States This is a selective bibliography of Conservatism in the United States covering the key political, intellectual and organizational themes that are dealt with in Conservatism in the United States. Google Scholar produces a listing of 93,000 scholarly books and articles on \"American Conservatism\" published since 2000. The titles below are found in the recommended further reading sections of the books and articles cited under \"Surveys\" and \"Historiography.\" The \"Historiography\" and \"Critical views\" section mostly comprise items", "title": "Bibliography of conservatism in the United States" }, { "docid": "17192720", "text": "mutual aid societies and political groups. Among Polish immigrants, a saloon-keeper was a favorite entrepreneurship opportunity, second only to a grocery store owner. By 1920, when alcohol was prohibited in the United States, American Poles continued to drink and run bootlegging operations. Contemporary Polish language newspapers decried a pervasive alcoholism among Polish American families, where mothers would brew liquor and beer at home for their husbands (and sometimes children). Although small in both numbers and scope, Poles joined organized crime and mafia-related distribution networks of alcohol in the U.S. The largest wave of Polish immigration to America occurred in the", "title": "History of the Poles in the United States" }, { "docid": "10483036", "text": "Native American identity in the United States Native American identity in the United States is an evolving topic based on the struggle to define \"Native American\" or \"(American) Indian\" both for people who consider themselves Native American and for people who do not. Some people seek an identity that will provide for a stable definition for legal, social, and personal purposes. There are a number of different factors which have been used to define \"Indianness,\" and the source and potential use of the definition play a role in what definition is used. Facets which characterize \"Indianness\" include culture, society, genes/biology,", "title": "Native American identity in the United States" }, { "docid": "2472271", "text": "Regional theater in the United States A regional theatre, or resident theatre, in the United States is a professional or semi-professional theatre company that produces its own seasons. The term \"regional theatre\" most often refers to a professional theatre outside New York City. A regional theatre may be a non-profit, commercial, union, or non-union house. Regional theaters often produce new plays and challenging works that do not necessarily have the commercial appeal required of a Broadway production. Companies often round out their seasons with selections from classic dramas, popular comedies, and musicals. Some regional theaters have a loyal and predictable", "title": "Regional theater in the United States" }, { "docid": "12132554", "text": "Cherokee (not just a Cherokee Freedman) listed on the Dawes Rolls (1902–1906). 23232 Indian Territory in the American Civil War During the American Civil War, most of what is now the U.S. state of Oklahoma was designated as the Indian Territory. It served as an unorganized region that had been set aside specifically for Native American tribes and was occupied mostly by tribes which had been removed from their ancestral lands in the Southeastern United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. As part of the Trans-Mississippi Theater, the Indian Territory was the scene of numerous skirmishes and seven", "title": "Indian Territory in the American Civil War" }, { "docid": "20247047", "text": "League was organized and a team also competed in the Merchants League against other local companies such as Coca-Cola and Penn Electric Company. The District Grocery Stores Nine played in a local baseball league in the 1930s. Starting in 1926, the annual banquets became an important part of the year for many grocers and their family around the city. Food shows were also organized in 1932 and 1933. During those shows spread over several days, food manufactures showcased their products. Various contests with prizes were organized such as baby beauty contests, costume contests, pie-eating contests, dance competitions and the \"Washington's", "title": "District Grocery Stores" }, { "docid": "15638284", "text": "of civil rights leaders who lost their lives, illustrating the quotation from Martin Luther King Jr.: \"...Until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.\" Visitors are invited to touch the names through the water. \"The water is as slow as I could get it,\" Lin wrote. \"It remains very still until you touch it. Your hand carves ripples, which transform and alter the piece, just as reading the words completes the piece.\" History of fountains in the United States The first decorative fountain in the United States was dedicated in City Hall Park, in New York", "title": "History of fountains in the United States" }, { "docid": "19704208", "text": "Art Deco in the United States The Art Deco style, which originated in France just before World War I, had an important impact on architecture and design in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s. The most famous examples were the skyscrapers of New York, including the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, and Rockefeller Center in New York City. It combined modern aesthetics, fine craftsmanship and expensive materials, and became the symbol of luxury and modernity. While rarely used in residences, it was frequently used for office buildings, government buildings, train stations, movie theaters, diners and department stores. It", "title": "Art Deco in the United States" }, { "docid": "7693401", "text": "stores also carry food staples such as fresh meat, dairy and bread. All products sold by Grocery Outlet are purchased directly from manufacturers, not other retail stores. According to the company its stores keep certain products on shelves beyond the \"best if used by\" dates: \"Some items, including soft-ripened cheeses, non-dairy creamers, dough products, juices, and smoked salmon are pulled 7 days after their “Best If Used By” date, because they are still safe to eat. All other product (shelf-stable grocery) must be pulled no later than 30 days past the “Best If Used By” date.\" The company states that:", "title": "Grocery Outlet" }, { "docid": "1574275", "text": "American Spanish in the United States. Spanish was among the very first European languages spoken in North America, preceded only by Old Norse. Spanish arrived in the territory of the modern United States in 1493, with Columbus' arrival to Puerto Rico. Ponce de León explored what is now Florida in 1513. In 1565, the Spaniards founded St. Augustine, Florida, and as of the early 1800s, it became the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in what is now the United States. In 1898, San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico, became the oldest city in all of the U.S. territory: Juan", "title": "Spanish language in the United States" }, { "docid": "9032648", "text": "The Future of Food The Future of Food is a 2004 American documentary film written and directed by Deborah Koons Garcia to describe an investigation into unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods sold in grocery stores in the United States for the past decade. In addition to the US, there is a focus on Canada and Mexico. The films voices opinions of farmers in disagreement with the food industry, and details the impacts on their lives and livelihoods from this new technology, and the market and political forces that are changing what people eat. The farmers state that they are held", "title": "The Future of Food" }, { "docid": "6238520", "text": "Associated Food Stores Associated Food Stores is an American retailers cooperative that supplies about 500 independently owned retail supermarkets throughout Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, and Wyoming. The headquarters for Associated Foods is located at 1850 W 2100 South in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. The company's President and CEO is Neal Berube. It reported over US$1.6 billion (equivalent to $ billion in ) in sales during fiscal year 2007 and is currently the fifty-sixth largest grocery retailer in the country by volume with 23% of its total sales coming from its corporate stores. Associated Food Stores", "title": "Associated Food Stores" }, { "docid": "13814243", "text": "lay more eggs than they can hatch. Some of this progress was ancient, but most occurred after 1900. In 1900, average egg production was 83 eggs per hen per year. In 2000, it was well over 300. In the United States, laying hens are butchered after their second egg laying season. In Europe, they are generally butchered after a single season. The laying period begins when the hen is about 18–20 weeks old (depending on breed and season). Males of the egg-type breeds have little commercial value at any age, and all those not used for breeding (roughly fifty percent", "title": "Poultry farming in the United States" }, { "docid": "17566405", "text": "Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States concerns the killing of five Vietnamese émigré journalists for political motives who were active in the United States between 1981 and 1990. While the ethnic press is the most dangerous for U.S. journalists, more Vietnamese journalists have been killed than journalists from any other group, including African Americans, Latinos, Chinese, or Haitians. The murders of the five Vietnamese-American journalists were never solved. The first Vietnamese journalist attacked in the United States survived. In January 1980, the Vietnamese-language magazine office of \"Van Nghe Tien Phong\"", "title": "Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States" }, { "docid": "11333944", "text": "however. When George Washington died, he was listed as a lieutenant general on the rolls of the United States Army. After the Revolutionary War, the tiny United States Army at first had no active duty General Officers. When General Officers were appointed again, the highest rank in the Army was Major General, with the senior Major General on the Army rolls known as the Commanding General of the United States Army. The position was abolished at the start of the 20th century and replaced by that of Chief of Staff of the United States Army. The rank of lieutenant general", "title": "General officers in the United States" }, { "docid": "10575636", "text": "Native American recognition in the United States American Indian tribal recognition in the United States most often refers to the process of a tribe being recognized by the United States federal government, or to a person being granted membership to a federally recognized tribe. There are 573 federally recognized tribal governments in the United States. Non-Acknowledged Tribes are tribes which have no federal designation as sovereign entities. This is not to be confused with recognition of Native Americans in the US which are defined by the BIA as any descendant of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas which is a", "title": "Native American recognition in the United States" }, { "docid": "8102220", "text": "Biofuel in the United States The United States produces mainly biodiesel and ethanol fuel, which uses corn as the main feedstock. In 2005 the US overtook Brazil as the world's largest ethanol producer. In 2006 the US produced of ethanol. The United States, together with Brazil accounted for 70 percent of all ethanol production, with total world production of (40 million metric tons). When accounting just for fuel ethanol production in 2007, the U.S. and Brazil are responsible for 88% of the total world production. Biodiesel is commercially available in most oilseed-producing states. , it was somewhat more expensive than", "title": "Biofuel in the United States" }, { "docid": "13559776", "text": "Pizza in the United States Many regional variations of pizza in the United States have been developed, many bearing only a casual resemblance to the Italian original. Pizza became most popular in America after soldiers stationed in Italy returned from World War II. During the latter half of the 20th century, pizza became an iconic dish of considerable popularity in the United States. The American slang terms \"za\" and \"slice\" can also refer to pizza. The thickness of the crust depends on what the consumer prefers; both thick and thin crust are popular. Often, foods such as barbecued chicken and", "title": "Pizza in the United States" }, { "docid": "15247226", "text": "heads but is subject to checks by the city council, sharing both executive and legislative duties with the council. This is common for smaller cities, especially in New England (where most towns do not even have mayors at all). Charlotte, North Carolina and Minneapolis, Minnesota are two notable large cities with a ceremonial mayor. Carl Stokes was the first African American mayor of any major U.S. city. Many American mayors are styled as “His/Her Honor” while in office. Mayoralty in the United States In the United States, there are several distinct types of mayors, depending on the system of local", "title": "Mayoralty in the United States" }, { "docid": "1837113", "text": "Walmart stores. The European version of the Mars bar is also sold in some United States grocery stores. The US version was once again discontinued at the end of 2011. In September 2017, Ethel M Chocolates, a gourmet chocolate subsidiary of Mars, Inc. launched the 'original American recipe' of the Mars Bar in their stores and on Amazon.com. The international and Canadian Mars bars are very similar to the United States Milky Way bar, which Mars, Inc. also produces (not to be confused with the European version of Milky Way, which is similar to the United States' 3 Musketeers). In", "title": "Mars (chocolate bar)" }, { "docid": "12138833", "text": "or radial railways in North America. After World War II, six major cities in the United States (Boston, Newark, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco) continued to operate large first-generation streetcar systems, although most of them were later converted to modern light rail standards. Toronto in Canada marks the other city in North America with a continuing first-generation streetcar system. Additionally, a seventh American city, Cleveland, maintained an interurban system (e.g. the Blue and Green Lines) equivalent to what is now \"light rail\", that opened before World War I, and which is still in operation to this day. When several", "title": "Light rail in the United States" }, { "docid": "16759690", "text": "Hunger in the United States Hunger in the United States is an issue that affects millions of Americans, including some who are middle class, or who are in households where all adults are in work. Research from the USDA found that 14.9% of American households were food insecure during at least some of 2011, with 5.7% suffering from very low food security. Journalists and charity workers have reported further increased demand for emergency food aid during 2012 and 2013. The United States produces far more food than it needs for domestic consumption - hunger within the U.S. is caused by", "title": "Hunger in the United States" }, { "docid": "16759630", "text": "Hunger in the United States Hunger in the United States is an issue that affects millions of Americans, including some who are middle class, or who are in households where all adults are in work. Research from the USDA found that 14.9% of American households were food insecure during at least some of 2011, with 5.7% suffering from very low food security. Journalists and charity workers have reported further increased demand for emergency food aid during 2012 and 2013. The United States produces far more food than it needs for domestic consumption - hunger within the U.S. is caused by", "title": "Hunger in the United States" }, { "docid": "7352294", "text": "night before grand openings, with the word \"Price\" marked out with a thick ink marker on every label, tag and sign in the store. In the coming months these stores were branded as \"Food/Price Advantage\" and finally as Super Saver Food. Super Saver Food was a familiar brand which had been used in the 1970s and early 1980s by Acme for their discount grocery store format in Pennsylvania and was a trademark still owned by American Stores. In 1997, the company opened \"Kap's Kitchen and Pantry\" in Salt Lake City, Utah a prototype for entry into the high end food", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "6660212", "text": "American Stores was bought out by Albertsons, which became briefly the largest grocery retailer in the United States, but became second after Kroger acquired Fred Meyer the following month. In the year that followed, all Lucky Stores took the Albertsons name, and the Lucky brand was phased out, in order to not create confusion. In Central California, many Lucky Stores were bought by Save Mart Supermarkets and now operate as Save Mart. In 2006, Berkeley, California-based Grocery Outlet closed its Rocklin, California, location, only to re-open the store with the Lucky name and the classic Lucky logo. On April 1,", "title": "Lucky Stores" }, { "docid": "7352285", "text": "$305 million. American Stores also sold the minority interest in Eagle Food Centers that it had acquired from Lucky and sold it to New York-based \"Odyssey Partners\". Based on a recommendation by Booz-Allen, American Stores relocated its corporate headquarters from Salt Lake City, Utah to Irvine, California in July 1988. At the time, the company indicated the reason for the move was to place the headquarters in one of the company’s major operating market areas and therefore closer to its business interests. However, the corporate headquarters was moved back to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1989 with little explanation. American", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "1677519", "text": "History of the Jews in the United States The history of the Jews in the United States has been part of the American national fabric since colonial times. Until the 1830s, the Jewish community of Charleston, South Carolina, was the largest in North America. In the late 1800s and the beginning of the 1900s, many Jewish immigrants left from various nations to enter the U.S. as part of the general rise of immigration movements. For example, many German Jews arrived in the middle of the 19th century, established clothing stores in towns across the country, formed Reform synagogues, and were", "title": "History of the Jews in the United States" }, { "docid": "5842921", "text": "soda), are taxed 2.5% (1.5% state tax and 1% local tax). Cities and counties may also charge an additional \"Food and Beverage Tax\" on restaurant meals and prepared food sold at grocery stores (including ice cream packages smaller than 16 ounces), up to an additional 4% in counties and 6.5% in cities. Virginia also has a tax on alcohol of 11.5%. Virginia's use tax also applies at the same rate for out of state purchases (food 2.5%, non-food 5.3% to 6%) exceeding $100 per year \"from mail order catalogs\". Various exemptions include prescription and non-prescription medicine, gasoline, and postage stamps,", "title": "Sales taxes in the United States" }, { "docid": "10859976", "text": "tree market was born, from which he sold all the trees. Though Christmas trees have been sold commercially in the United States since Carr's 1851 journey from the Catskills, the first American Christmas tree farm was not established until about 50 years later. Until then, most U.S. Christmas trees were entirely harvested from forests. In the 21st century, worldwide, 98 percent of all live Christmas trees sold are grown on Christmas tree farms. The market for natural Christmas trees in the United States began to tumble when an oversupply during the late 1980s through the mid-1990s sent prices downward. In", "title": "Christmas tree production in the United States" }, { "docid": "13898768", "text": "seniority of other Archbishops in promotion or ordination. Beginning in the 1840s, although outnumbered by the German American Catholics, Irish American Catholics comprised most of the bishops and controlled most of the Catholic colleges and seminaries in the United States. Catholic schools began in the United States as a reaction against a growing publicly funded school system that was essentially Protestant. In 1839 and 1840, the American Bible Society pledged that \"the Bible would be read in every classroom in the nation\". In what was then a predominantly Protestant country, this was generally understood to be the King James Version", "title": "19th-century history of the Catholic Church in the United States" }, { "docid": "1801389", "text": "cards, which are a key driver for sales, and they also sell insurance and operate travel agencies. These companies also run some malls in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru and Colombia. Two other chains started in 2008: Unimarc, which bought several small local chains and has over 20% of the grocery segment in Chile; and Southern Cross, a Chilean Investment Fund that has around 8.6% of the supermarket segment, mainly oriented to the southern areas of the country. In Puerto Rico, popular grocery stores include Pueblo Supermarkets and Amigo. In some countries such as the United States, grocery stores", "title": "Grocery store" }, { "docid": "7352293", "text": "food or drugstores in Utah having sold-off the Osco Drug and Alpha Beta Utah stores in 1991. In early 1994, American Stores launched a discount warehouse food store concept in California. New store formats were built in Anaheim, Indio, National City, Oceanside and several existing Lucky stores were converted to this warehouse format in Sacramento, Pittsburg, Vacaville, and Woodland. Initially, these stores were named \"Price Advantage\", based on a \"Lucky Advantage\" prototype store in Escondido, California. Price Club sued American Stores over name infringement shortly before the grand opening of the stores. The stores were swiftly renamed \"Food Advantage\" the", "title": "American Stores" }, { "docid": "14880688", "text": "the largest Protestant grouping in the United States accounting for one-third of all American Protestants. Prior to 1845, most white Baptist churches were loosely affiliated as the Triennial Convention. In that year, most southern congregations left to form a new Southern Baptist Convention, which is now the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S., with 15.7 million members. The remaining members organized what is now American Baptist Churches USA and includes 1.3 million members and 5402 congregations. African American Baptists, excluded from full participation in white Baptist organizations, have formed several denominations, of which the largest are the National Baptist Convention,", "title": "Protestantism in the United States" }, { "docid": "2731939", "text": "the North American continent with the founding of Russian America, in what is today the State of Alaska. The spreading of the Orthodox faith went along with the Russian colonization of the Americas during the 18th and 19th centuries. From there, it spread to the continental United States with the influx of immigrants from Eastern Europe. The history of the Jews in the United States comprises a theological dimension, with a three-way division into Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. In social terms the Jewish ethnic community began with small groups of merchants in colonial ports such as New York City and", "title": "History of religion in the United States" }, { "docid": "16759654", "text": "There are distinct differences between how hunger is experienced in the rural and urban settings. Rural counties experience high food insecurity rates twice as often as urban counties. It has been reported that approximately 3 million rural households are food insecure, which is equal to 15 percent of the total population of rural households. This reflects the fact that 7.5 million people in rural regions live below the federal poverty line. This poverty in rural communities is more commonly found in Southern states. In addition, rural areas possess fewer grocery stores than urban regions with similar population density and geography.", "title": "Hunger in the United States" }, { "docid": "5621263", "text": "the biblical \"City upon a Hill\"—a phrase evoked by Puritan settlers in Massachusetts as early as 1630—and exempt from historical forces that have affected other countries. Scholars have argued that British and European conservatism has little or no relevance to American traditions. According to political scientist Louis Hartz, because the United States skipped the feudal stage of history, the American community was united by liberal principles, and the conflict between the \"Whig\" and \"Democratic\" parties were conflicts within a liberal framework. In this view, what is called \"conservatism\" in America is not European conservatism (with its royalty, landowning aristocracy, elite", "title": "Conservatism in the United States" }, { "docid": "13759320", "text": "United Egg Producers United Egg Producers (UEP) is a Capper–Volstead agricultural cooperative in the United States which represents the interests of American egg producers. Egg producer's concern over the volatility of prices due to overproduction during the early 1960s was the impetus for the creation of UEP. To combat these intermittent price fluctuations, producers began by coordinating egg production through several regional marketing associations, including the Northwest Egg Producers (NWEP); the Western Egg Company (WESTCO); the Southwest Egg Producers (SWEP); the National Egg Company (NECO), which focused on the Southeastern United States; and the Northeast Egg Marketing Association (NEMA). This", "title": "United Egg Producers" }, { "docid": "17566413", "text": "the publisher of \"Viet Bao\", said, \"I worry that one day somebody will come into my office and say to me, 'I don't like your paper.' Then, 'Bang!' It's a risky business. People are very emotional over all that has happened.\" Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States concerns the killing of five Vietnamese émigré journalists for political motives who were active in the United States between 1981 and 1990. While the ethnic press is the most dangerous for U.S. journalists, more Vietnamese journalists have been killed than journalists from any", "title": "Assassination of Vietnamese-American journalists in the United States" }, { "docid": "11070005", "text": "types of space on a lot (for example, how much landscaped space and how much paved space), and how much parking must be provided. Some commercial zones specify what types of products may be sold by particular stores. The details of how individual planning systems incorporate zoning into their regulatory regimes varies although the intention is always similar. Most zoning systems have a procedure for granting variances (exceptions to the zoning rules), usually because of some perceived hardship due to the particular nature of the property in question. If the variance is not warranted, then it may cause an allegation", "title": "Zoning in the United States" }, { "docid": "5572039", "text": "under 35. In all groups, however, football is still the most popular. Basketball and soccer are more popular among liberals than conservatives. Though baseball has historically been called the \"national pastime\", American football has considerably grown in popularity with the advent of television over the last several decades. Most debates about \"America's most popular sport\" tend to center on the degree of Americans' identification with either of these two games; the question is a difficult one to resolve. Advocates of baseball point to the overwhelming number of baseball tickets sold annually in the United States and Canada, compared to NFL", "title": "Sports in the United States" }, { "docid": "16838301", "text": "Blue laws in the United States Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, are laws designed to restrict or ban some or all Sunday activities for religious reasons, particularly to promote the observance of a day of worship or rest. Blue laws may also restrict shopping or ban sale of certain items on specific days, most often on Sundays in the western world. Blue laws are enforced in parts of the United States and Canada as well as some European countries, particularly in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Norway, keeping most stores closed on Sundays. In the United States, the U.S.", "title": "Blue laws in the United States" }, { "docid": "17242310", "text": "data, there are approximately 85,700 people with Somali ancestry in the United States as of 2010. The city of Minneapolis, Minnesota, now hosts hundreds of Somali-owned and operated businesses offering a variety of products, including leather shoes, jewelry and other fashion items, halal meat, and hawala or money transfer services. Community-based video rental stores likewise carry the latest Somali films and music. Horn Africans in the United States Horn Africans in the United States are Americans with ancestry from the Horn of Africa. They include Djiboutian, Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali individuals. The Djiboutian community in the United States is small,", "title": "Horn Africans in the United States" }, { "docid": "17965115", "text": "Horse racing in the United States Horse racing in the United States dates back to 1665, which saw the establishment of the Newmarket course in Salisbury, New York, a section of what is now known as the Hempstead Plains of Long Island, New York. This first racing meet in North America was supervised by New York's colonial governor, Richard Nicolls. The area is now occupied by the present Nassau County, New York, region of Greater Westbury and East Garden City. Horse racing remains a popular sport throughout the United States. The American Stud Book was started in 1868, prompting the", "title": "Horse racing in the United States" }, { "docid": "1677599", "text": "Reform Jews. They vote Republican more often than less traditional Jews. In contemporary political debate, strong Orthodox support for various school voucher initiatives undermines the exceptionalist belief that the Jewish community seeks a high and impenetrable barrier between church and state. Most of the discussions of American Exceptionalism refer to the nation as a whole. However, there have been discussions of how American Exceptionalism has applied to specific subgroups, especially minorities. Scholars comparing the record of persecution and extinction of Jews in Europe and the Middle East with the highly favorable circumstances in the United States, debate to what extent", "title": "History of the Jews in the United States" }, { "docid": "4843338", "text": "religious members to be celibate. Members of the clergy may be married, in a domestic partnership, divorced, or widowed. The ACCUS also allows for the ordination of women. All members of the clergy are required to support themselves through outside employment. The ACCUS does not discriminate on the basis of gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, race, age, marital status, or previous religious affiliations. The American Catholic Church in the United States is listed as 501(c)(3) Under the name American Catholic Church, Frederick, MD. The American Catholic Church in the United States was founded in Frederick, Maryland by the Most", "title": "American Catholic Church in the United States" }, { "docid": "15482386", "text": "Grocery retailing in Russia Grocery retailing in Russia is going through a period of rapid transition from market trading and small stores to modern supermarkets. In the 1990s, a very large part of Russian retail trade was conducted in markets. Since then the share of retail trade taken by markets has gradually fallen There are considerable variations by region. In the Kirov Oblast, their overall share of all retail sales in 2010 is now only 5%. Moscow city, with its very high living costs and large population of low-income shoppers, remains a stronghold of market trading. 21% of all retail", "title": "Grocery retailing in Russia" }, { "docid": "414219", "text": "$2 trillion. Therefore, 18–19 percent of total reportable income was not properly reported to the IRS. Before 1776, the American Colonies were subject to taxation by the United Kingdom, and also imposed local taxes. Property taxes were imposed in the Colonies as early as 1634. In 1673, the English Parliament imposed a tax on exports from the American Colonies, and with it created the first tax administration in what would become the United States. Other tariffs and taxes were imposed by Parliament. Most of the colonies and many localities adopted property taxes. Under Article VIII of the Articles of Confederation,", "title": "Taxation in the United States" }, { "docid": "1801386", "text": "of variety stores such as Dollar General into rural areas has undercut many traditional grocery stores. The global buying power of such very efficient companies has put an increased financial burden on traditional local grocery stores as well as the national supermarket chains, and many have been caught up in the retail apocalypse of the 2010s. However, many European cities (Rome, for example) are already so dense in population and buildings, large supermarkets, in the American sense, may not replace the neighbourhood grocer's shop. However, \"Metro\" shops have been appearing in town and city centres in many countries, leading to", "title": "Grocery store" }, { "docid": "1138411", "text": "connecting the Egg Harbor City train station with Atlantic City International Airport and Stockton University, as well as other area locations. People who were born in, residents of, or otherwise closely associated with Egg Harbor City include: Egg Harbor City, New Jersey Egg Harbor City is a city in Atlantic County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the city's population was 4,243, reflecting a decline of 302 (-6.6%) from the 4,545 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn declined by 38 (-0.8%) from the 4,583 counted in the 1990 Census. Egg Harbor City", "title": "Egg Harbor City, New Jersey" } ]
Which 100-mile long waterway links the Mediterranean and the Red Sea?
[ "Suez Canal Zone", "Suez Channel", "Suez canal", "Nile Canal", "Suez Canal", "Suez Canal (Egypt)", "Egypt's Canal Zone", "The suez canal" ]
[ { "docid": "252094", "text": "factors. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 created the first salt-water passage between the Mediterranean and Red Sea. The Red Sea is higher than the Eastern Mediterranean, so the canal serves as a tidal strait that pours Red Sea water into the Mediterranean. The Bitter Lakes, which are hyper-saline natural lakes that form part of the canal, blocked the migration of Red Sea species into the Mediterranean for many decades, but as the salinity of the lakes gradually equalised with that of the Red Sea, the barrier to migration was removed, and plants and animals from the Red", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252065", "text": "The long artificial Suez Canal in the southeast connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea. Large islands in the Mediterranean include Cyprus, Crete, Euboea, Rhodes, Lesbos, Chios, Kefalonia, Corfu, Limnos, Samos, Naxos and Andros in the Eastern Mediterranean; Sicily, Cres, Krk, Brač, Hvar, Pag, Korčula and Malta in the central Mediterranean; Sardinia, Corsica, and the Balearic Islands: Ibiza, Majorca, and Menorca in the Western Mediterranean. The typical Mediterranean climate has hot, humid, and dry summers and mild, rainy winters. Crops of the region include olives, grapes, oranges, tangerines, and cork. The International Hydrographic Organization defines the limits of the", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252096", "text": "more like the Red Sea and worsening the impact of the invasive species. Invasive species have become a major component of the Mediterranean ecosystem and have serious impacts on the Mediterranean ecology, endangering many local and endemic Mediterranean species. A first look at some groups of exotic species show that more than 70% of the non-indigenous decapods and about 63% of the exotic fishes occurring in the Mediterranean are of Indo Pacific origin, introduced into the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal. This makes the Canal as the first pathway of arrival of \"alien\" species into the Mediterranean. The impacts of", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "10609389", "text": "other Italian ports in the region ended the Italian naval presence in the region in April 1941. The Red Sea Flotilla was not used aggressively by the Italians, the British viewed it as a potential threat to Allied convoys travelling East African waters between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. This was a vital route for British forces operating from Egypt. The Red Sea Flotilla was especially well situated to attack convoys headed from the Gulf of Aden through the Red Sea to the Suez Canal, after the Mediterranean was closed to Allied merchant ships, which had to take", "title": "Red Sea Flotilla" }, { "docid": "20886279", "text": "Red Sea goby The Red Sea goby (Silhouettea aegyptia) is a species of true goby from the family Gobiidae. It was once a species confined to the Red Sea but it has colonised the Suez Canal and the south-eastern Mediterranean by Lessepsian migration. The Red Sea goby is marked with many dark vertical spots which have reddish brown edges on a cream background colour. There are 9 or 10 dark spots along the lateral line. It has a short snout and in males the first spine of the first dorsal fin is elongated. There are no scales on the head", "title": "Red Sea goby" }, { "docid": "252066", "text": "Mediterranean Sea as follows: Stretching from the Strait of Gibraltar in the west to the entrances to the Dardanelles and the Suez Canal in the east, the Mediterranean Sea is bounded by the coasts of Europe, Africa and Asia, and is divided into two deep basins: Being nearly landlocked affects conditions in the Mediterranean Sea: for instance, tides are very limited as a result of the narrow connection with the Atlantic Ocean. The Mediterranean is characterised and immediately recognised by its deep blue colour. Evaporation greatly exceeds precipitation and river runoff in the Mediterranean, a fact that is central to", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "20886280", "text": "and nape and there are 24–28 scales in lateral line. It grows to a maximum length of . The Red Sea goby was formerly endemic to the northern Red Sea but have invaded the Mediterranean Sea by Lessepsian migration through the Suez Canal, and is common in the Lake Bardawil and has been found off Israel and Lebanon. The species was described by Paul Chabanaud in 1933 from type specimens collected in Lake Timsah on the Suez Canal. The Red Sea goby can be found on sandy substrates in inshore, shallow waters where it feeds on harpacticoid copepods and nematodes,", "title": "Red Sea goby" }, { "docid": "15329779", "text": "to be the oldest known ocean crust worldwide. The Suez Canal was completed in 1869, linking the Levantine Sea to the Red Sea. The Red Sea's level is higher than the Eastern Mediterranean, so the canal serves as a tidal strait that pours Red Sea water into the Mediterranean. The Bitter Lakes, which are hypersaline natural lakes that form part of the canal, blocked the migration of Red Sea species into the Mediterranean for many decades, but as the salinity of the lakes gradually equalized with that of the Red Sea, the barrier to migration was removed, and plants and", "title": "Levantine Sea" } ]
[ { "docid": "7758508", "text": "announced that it would move most of its Off-track betting operations to The Red Mile beginning July 15, 2015, investing over $2 million upgrading The Red Mile's grandstand area. The race track itself is one mile long and made of red clay, which gives the track its name. In addition to the race track, The Red Mile features a two-story clubhouse, a round barn, and a park. The clubhouse is often used for weddings, parties, and other gatherings. The Tattersalls area can accommodate large groups and is often used for horse sales. The track was founded on September 28, 1875", "title": "The Red Mile" }, { "docid": "252095", "text": "Sea have begun to colonise the Eastern Mediterranean. The Red Sea is generally saltier and more nutrient-poor than the Atlantic, so the Red Sea species have advantages over Atlantic species in the salty and nutrient-poor Eastern Mediterranean. Accordingly, Red Sea species invade the Mediterranean biota, and not vice versa; this phenomenon is known as the Lessepsian migration (after Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French engineer) or Erythrean invasion. The construction of the Aswan High Dam across the Nile River in the 1960s reduced the inflow of freshwater and nutrient-rich silt from the Nile into the Eastern Mediterranean, making conditions there even", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "9358765", "text": "2006, playing off the popularity of Smith and MacKinnon's articles in \"The Tyee\", the Vancouver City Hall held a 100-mile themed breakfast. Locavore groups have held local-only dinner parties and week-long challenges. Some restaurants and caterers offered 100-mile menus, one being The Herbfarm Restaurant in Woodinville, Washington. Some farmers, gardeners, or regional food producers began offering subscription services to deliver produce or urban farming or gardening services. The 100-mile diet spawned many variations to allow for various circumstances and motivations. Examples include the allowance of a few non-local items, like Barbara Kingsolver chose to include spices into her local diet,", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "252103", "text": "is estimated that approximately 220,000 merchant vessels of more than 100 tonnes cross the Mediterranean Sea each year—about one third of the world's total merchant shipping. These ships often carry hazardous cargo, which if lost would result in severe damage to the marine environment. The discharge of chemical tank washings and oily wastes also represent a significant source of marine pollution. The Mediterranean Sea constitutes 0.7% of the global water surface and yet receives 17% of global marine oil pollution. It is estimated that every year between and of crude oil are deliberately released into the sea from shipping activities.", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252108", "text": "swordfish, red mullet and sea bream—are threatened. There are clear indications that catch size and quality have declined, often dramatically, and in many areas larger and longer-lived species have disappeared entirely from commercial catches. Large open water fish like tuna have been a shared fisheries resource for thousands of years but the stocks are now dangerously low. In 1999, Greenpeace published a report revealing that the amount of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean had decreased by over 80% in the previous 20 years and government scientists warn that without immediate action the stock will collapse. Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252056", "text": "when Augustus founded the Roman Empire, the Romans referred to the Mediterranean as \"Mare Nostrum\" (\"Our Sea\"). For the next 400 years, the Roman Empire completely controlled the Mediterranean Sea and virtually all its coastal regions from Gibraltar to the Levant. Darius I of Persia, who conquered Ancient Egypt, built a canal linking the Mediterranean to the Red Sea. Darius's canal was wide enough for two triremes to pass each other with oars extended, and required four days to traverse. The Western Roman Empire collapsed around AD 476. Temporarily the east was again dominant as Roman power lived on in", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "7758507", "text": "The Red Mile The Red Mile is a horse racing track located in Lexington, Kentucky, United States. The track hosts harness racing, a type of horse racing in which the horses must pull two-wheeled carts called sulkies while racing. It is one of harness racing's most famous tracks and is located in the heart of the Bluegrass region, an area of Kentucky famous for horse breeding and racing. In 2014, The Red Mile announced it was partnering with Keeneland to build a $30 million historical racing facility, with 1,000 terminals, scheduled to open September 2015. In May 2015, Keeneland also", "title": "The Red Mile" }, { "docid": "782913", "text": "a number of traditions, one of them at the \"Reed Sea\" (Lake Timsah, with the Egyptians defeated when the wheels of their chariots become clogged) and another at the far deeper Red Sea, allowing the more dramatic telling of events. Reeds tolerant of salt water flourish in the shallow string of lakes extending from Suez north to the Mediterranean Sea. Kenneth Kitchen and James Hoffmeier state that these reedy lakes and marshes along the isthmus of Suez are acceptable locations for \"yam suf\". The ancient \"yam suf\" is not confined to the modern Red Sea. Hoffmeier equates \"yam suf\" with", "title": "Crossing the Red Sea" }, { "docid": "6034428", "text": "descent to the Dead Sea from where it will drop almost 400 m through a pressure shaft to drive three Francis turbines with an output of 100 MWe each. The sketch of the projected system illustrates the continuous supply of water from the Mediterranean sea (west to east) by a 7 km long free-surface flow channel, a 65 km long pressure tunnel and a 3 km long storage pool. This underground power station design is the world's first planned high-pressure seawater power station. The approx. 8 m diameter pressure tunnel is designed for a maximum flow rate of 2.5 m/s", "title": "Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal" }, { "docid": "13579496", "text": "The 100 Mile Challenge The 100 Mile Challenge is a Canadian reality television series produced by Paperny Entertainment and aired on Food Network Canada. The series follows the lives and eating habits of six families living in Mission, British Columbia, who, for a period of 100 days, agreed to only consume food and drink that has been grown, raised and produced within a 100-mile (160 kilometer) radius from Mission. The series is based on the concept of local food consumption as described in the book \"The 100-Mile Diet\" authored by J.B. MacKinnon and Alisa Smith where the two authors describe", "title": "The 100 Mile Challenge" }, { "docid": "20902499", "text": "Station until 1883 when it became part of the Mediterranean Station. In 1914 the station then became a sub-command of the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet until 1918. Following world war one it was reabsorbed back within the East Indies Command until 20 October 1941. On 21 October 1941 a change in naval command happened when Mediterranean Command was extended to include the Red Sea and Aden which was previously under the control of the Commander-in-Chief, East Indies Station. The Eastern extent of this change was extended to include the Gulf Aden. The Red Sea Division of the Red Sea Station was", "title": "Red Sea Station" }, { "docid": "6034431", "text": "arid areas around the Dead Sea. The idea was revived during the 1980s for the purpose of power generation following the 1973 oil crisis. The Mediterranean–Dead Sea Company studied various alternatives and recommended a route from the Gaza Strip to Masada. However, the project did not commence due to economic and financial doubts. The idea was brought up again during the 1990s. In addition to the Gaza Strip–Masada route, two other alternatives were considered, namely a Red Sea–Dead Sea Water Conveyance and a northern route from the Mediterranean to the Bet She'an Valley. At present, the Red Sea–Dead Sea Water", "title": "Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal" }, { "docid": "4916119", "text": "Red Mile The Red Mile is the name given to a stretch of 17 Avenue SW in Calgary, Alberta, Canada during the Calgary Flames 2004 Stanley Cup playoff run, which ended in defeat to the Tampa Bay Lightning. It gained worldwide notoriety both for the relative lack of violence while upwards of 55 000 fans celebrated their team's success, as well as for the Mardi Gras-like atmosphere as societal norms were routinely flouted, particularly by women flashing their breasts. The 'Red' originates from the home team colour of the Calgary Flames' jerseys, red, similarly characterized by the 'Sea of Red'", "title": "Red Mile" }, { "docid": "9358766", "text": "or expanding the geographic area to more convenient boundaries, like the economic region, or the entire state or province. A 'made-in-Manitoba' diet challenge led to a government Manitoba Food Charter recognizing and encouraging local food markets. In 2014, the American writer Vicki Robin published \"Blessing the Hands That Feed Us\" which described her experiment to eat food sourced within a ten-mile radius of her home in Washington State. The 100-Mile Diet The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating (or Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally) is a non-fiction book written by Canadian writers", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "5208122", "text": "flow to about 100 million cubic metres a year (MCM/yr) (mainly brackish water and sewage). The decline of the Dead Sea level is creating major environmental problems, including sink holes and receding sea shores. Other routes for a conduit for the same objectives as the Red - Dead Conduit, the Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal, were proposed in Israel in the 1980s, but were discarded. The project costs $10 billion in all of its phases, with the first phase, which is slated to begin construction in 2021, will cost $1.1 billion. The Jordanian government is currently in the process of shortlisting consortiums", "title": "Red Sea–Dead Sea Water Conveyance" }, { "docid": "6034425", "text": "Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal The Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal (MDSC) is a proposed project to dig a canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea, taking advantage of the 400-metre difference in water level between the seas. It is not to be confused with the Red Sea–Dead Sea Water Conveyance. The project could correct the drop in the level of the Dead Sea observed in recent years. The canal could also be used to generate hydroelectric power because of surface difference and maybe by salinity gradient power, and desalinate water by reverse osmosis. The idea was first proposed by William Allen", "title": "Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal" }, { "docid": "6034432", "text": "Conveyance is a joint Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian project. It is currently under a World Bank study. Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal The Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal (MDSC) is a proposed project to dig a canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea, taking advantage of the 400-metre difference in water level between the seas. It is not to be confused with the Red Sea–Dead Sea Water Conveyance. The project could correct the drop in the level of the Dead Sea observed in recent years. The canal could also be used to generate hydroelectric power because of surface difference and maybe by", "title": "Mediterranean–Dead Sea Canal" }, { "docid": "9358760", "text": "in years. Working in Malawi, MacKinnon is struck by the contrast between their western diet and that of the poor country's: there is ample food supplies in Malawi but most is exported to Canada and the United States who buy the food they do not require. The couple learn about Mexican and Maya cuisine while in Merida, Mexico for a wedding. The book ends with an epilogue, written by both Smith and MacKinnon six months after their one-year diet. They make a symbolic journey to Bamfield, within their 100-mile radius, to collect sea water for its salt and prove they", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "9358759", "text": "David Beers, the founder of the \"Tyee\", hosts a 100-mile Thanksgiving dinner for Smith while MacKinnon was away. In November, during a family emergency, MacKinnon travels to Kamloops where he suspends his 100-mile diet a few days. They finally find a source of flour when they discover a farmer on Vancouver Island who grows his own fruits, vegetables, meats, and wheat. In December, Smith travels to Edmonton where her grandmother feeds her microwaved pasta which she accepts. In January they find a restaurant that specializes in local cuisine and, previously vegetarians, they cook and eat beef for the first time", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "252079", "text": "the nearby Carpathian foredeep during the Middle Miocene, and the adjacent Red Sea Basin (during the Late Miocene), and in the whole Mediterranean basin (during the MSC and the Messinian age). Diatomites are regularly found underneath the evaporite deposits, suggesting a connection between their geneses. Today, evaporation of surface seawater (output) is more than the supply (input) of fresh water by precipitation and coastal drainage systems, causing the salinity of the Mediterranean to be much higher than that of the Atlantic—so much so that the saltier Mediterranean waters sink below the waters incoming from the Atlantic, causing a two-layer flow", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "7758509", "text": "and was sponsored by the Kentucky Trotting Horse Breeders Association. Attendance to the opening races was minimal because the track had not been advertised. Once newspapers published articles about the new track, attendance picked up. The track is the second-oldest harness racing track in the world and the oldest horse racing track in Lexington. The Red Mile hosts one of the legs of the Triple Crown of Harness Racing for Trotters, the annual Kentucky Futurity. Since 2017, American Flat Track motorcycle racing is conducted during the off-season. The Red Mile The Red Mile is a horse racing track located in", "title": "The Red Mile" }, { "docid": "9358750", "text": "The 100-Mile Diet The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating (or Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally) is a non-fiction book written by Canadian writers Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon. In the book, the authors recount their experiences, including motivations and challenges, on restricting their diet, for one year, to include only foods grown within 100 miles of their residence. Beginning in March 2005, with little preparation the urban couple began only purchasing foods with ingredients they knew were all from within 100 miles. Finding little in grocery stores, they relied on farmers'", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "252072", "text": "sea in two main subregions: the Western Mediterranean, with an area of about 850 thousand km (330 thousand mi); and the Eastern Mediterranean, of about 1.65 million km (640 thousand mi). A characteristic of the coastal Mediterranean are submarine karst springs or s, which discharge pressurised groundwater into the coastal seawater from below the surface; the discharge water is usually fresh, and sometimes may be thermal. The Mediterranean basin and sea system was established by the ancient African-Arabian continent colliding with the Eurasian continent. As Africa-Arabia drifted northward, it closed over the ancient Tethys Ocean which had earlier separated the", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "13579507", "text": "and planning and, in many cases, was also more expensive, many families reported positive health changes such as weight loss and increased energy. Some families also gained respect and appreciation for their food and are unwilling to completely abandon their new way of life and eating. The 100 Mile Challenge The 100 Mile Challenge is a Canadian reality television series produced by Paperny Entertainment and aired on Food Network Canada. The series follows the lives and eating habits of six families living in Mission, British Columbia, who, for a period of 100 days, agreed to only consume food and drink", "title": "The 100 Mile Challenge" }, { "docid": "252053", "text": "Middle Sea'. In Islamic and older Arabic literature, it was \"Baḥr al-Rūm(ī)\" ( or }) 'the Sea of the Romans' or 'the Roman Sea'. At first, that name referred to only the Eastern Mediterranean, but it was later extended to the whole Mediterranean. Other Arabic names were \"Baḥr al-šām(ī)\" () 'the Sea of Syria' and \"Baḥr al-Maghrib\" () 'the Sea of the West'. In Turkish, it is the \"Akdeniz\" 'the White Sea'; in Ottoman, ﺁق دكيز, which sometimes means only the Aegean Sea. The origin of the name is not clear, as it is not known in earlier Greek, Byzantine", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252055", "text": "Several ancient civilizations were located around the Mediterranean shores and were greatly influenced by their proximity to the sea. It provided routes for trade, colonization, and war, as well as food (from fishing and the gathering of other seafood) for numerous communities throughout the ages. Due to the shared climate, geology, and access to the sea, cultures centered on the Mediterranean tended to have some extent of intertwined culture and history. Two of the most notable Mediterranean civilizations in classical antiquity were the Greek city states and the Phoenicians, both of which extensively colonized the coastlines of the Mediterranean. Later,", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252084", "text": "and the marine life of the Mediterranean has had to adapt to its differing conditions in the five million years since the basin was reflooded. The Alboran Sea is a transition zone between the two seas, containing a mix of Mediterranean and Atlantic species. The Alboran Sea has the largest population of bottlenose dolphins in the Western Mediterranean, is home to the last population of harbour porpoises in the Mediterranean, and is the most important feeding grounds for loggerhead sea turtles in Europe. The Alboran sea also hosts important commercial fisheries, including sardines and swordfish. The Mediterranean monk seals live", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252074", "text": "5.33 mya); \"see\" animation: Africa-Arabia colliding with Eurasia. Accordingly, the Mediterranean basin consists of several stretched tectonic plates in subduction which are the foundation of the Eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Various zones of subduction harbour and form the deepest and most majestic oceanic ridges, east of the Ionian Sea and south of the Aegean. The Central Indian Ridge runs East of the Mediterranean Sea South-East across the in-between of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula into the Indian Ocean. During Mesozoic and Cenozoic times, as the northwest corner of Africa converged on Iberia, it lifted the Betic-Rif mountain belts", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252068", "text": "of kilometres away from its source. The temperature of the water in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea is . The following countries have a coastline on the Mediterranean Sea: Several other territories also border the Mediterranean Sea (from west to east): The British overseas territory of Gibraltar, the Spanish autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla and nearby islands, the Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus, and the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Major cities (municipalities) with populations larger than 200,000 people bordering the Mediterranean Sea are: The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) divides the Mediterranean into a number of smaller waterbodies, each", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252047", "text": "crisis, before being refilled by the Zanclean flood about 5.3 million years ago. It covers an approximate area of 2.5 million km (965,000 sq mi), but its connection to the Atlantic (the Strait of Gibraltar) is only wide. The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow strait that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea and separates Gibraltar and Spain in Europe from Morocco in Africa. In oceanography, it is sometimes called the \"Eurafrican Mediterranean Sea\" or the \"European Mediterranean Sea\" to distinguish it from mediterranean seas elsewhere. The Mediterranean Sea has an average depth of and the deepest recorded", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252099", "text": "have raised concerns from marine biologists, fearing that such an act will only worsen the invasion of Red Sea species into the Mediterranean, facilitating the crossing of the canal for yet additional species. In recent decades, the arrival of exotic species from the tropical Atlantic has become a noticeable feature. Whether this reflects an expansion of the natural area of these species that now enter the Mediterranean through the Gibraltar strait, because of a warming trend of the water caused by global warming; or an extension of the maritime traffic; or is simply the result of a more intense scientific", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252064", "text": "2015, more than one million migrants crossed the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. Italy was particularly affected by the European migrant crisis. Since 2013, over 700,000 migrants have landed in Italy, mainly sub-Saharan Africans. The Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar (known in Homer's writings as the \"Pillars of Hercules\") in the west and to the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea, by the Dardanelles and the Bosporus respectively, in the east. The Sea of Marmara (Dardanelles) is often considered a part of the Mediterranean Sea, whereas the Black Sea is generally not.", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "1164025", "text": "Beach Boardwalk; he had created an effective publicity stunt. Dredges created a channel wide on the north side of the island to provide access by large steamboats and sea planes to transport more visitors; the new waterway was named Reynolds Channel. To ensure that Long Beach lived up to his billing it \"The Riviera of the East\", he required each building to be constructed in an \"eclectic Mediterranean style\", with white stucco walls and red-clay tile roofs. He built a theater called Castles by the Sea, with the largest dance floor in the world, for dancers Vernon and Irene Castle.", "title": "Long Beach, New York" }, { "docid": "252046", "text": "Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the Mediterranean Basin and almost completely enclosed by land: on the north by Southern Europe and Anatolia, on the south by North Africa and on the east by the Levant. Although the sea is sometimes considered a part of the Atlantic Ocean, it is usually identified as a separate body of water. Geological evidence indicates that around 5.9 million years ago, the Mediterranean was cut off from the Atlantic and was partly or completely desiccated over a period of some 600,000 years, the Messinian salinity", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252104", "text": "Approximately of oil are transported annually in the Mediterranean Sea (more than 20% of the world total), with around 250–300 oil tankers crossing the sea every day. Accidental oil spills happen frequently with an average of 10 spills per year. A major oil spill could occur at any time in any part of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Sea is arguably among the most culturally diverse block basin sea regions in the world, with a unique combination of pleasant climate, beautiful coastline, rich history and various cultures. The Mediterranean region is the most popular tourist destination in the world—attracting approximately one", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252093", "text": "than 123,000 lives in Sicily and Calabria and is among the most deadly natural disasters in modern Europe. Unlike the vast multidirectional Ocean currents in open Oceans within their respective Oceanic zones; biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea is that of a stable one due to the subtle but strong locked nature of currents which affects favorably, even the smallest macroscopic type of Volcanic Life Form. The stable Marine ecosystem of the Mediterranean Sea and sea temperature provides a nourishing environment for life in the deep sea to flourish while assuring a balanced Aquatic ecosystem excluded from any external deep oceanic", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "9358752", "text": "memoir that explores their own dietary experiences and personal feelings. In the Canadian market, the book spent five weeks on \"Maclean's\" nonfiction bestseller list. The book spent 20 weeks on \"The Vancouver Sun's\" nonfiction bestseller list.The authors won the Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize from the British Columbia Booksellers Association for the best contribution to the enjoyment and understanding of British Columbia. The 100-mile diet concept, along with advocates of local food, were covered by media across North America. In 2009, Food Network Canada aired \"The 100 Mile Challenge\", a television series co-created by MacKinnon and Smith and based on the", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "656476", "text": "Chong-Chen in \"The Blue Lotus\" and the delivery of the lost gypsy child Miarka to her family in \"The Castafiore Emerald\". In 1991, a collaboration between the French studio Ellipse and the Canadian animation company Nelvana adapted 21 of the stories – among them \"The Red Sea Sharks\" – into a series of episodes, each 42 minutes long. Directed by Stéphane Bernasconi, the series has been praised for being \"generally faithful\", with compositions having been actually directly taken from the panels in the original comic book. The Red Sea Sharks The Red Sea Sharks () is the nineteenth volume of", "title": "The Red Sea Sharks" }, { "docid": "19958140", "text": "of Malacca, Singapore and Luzon, and adjoins the peninsulas of Indochina and Malaysia. The following islands are located within it: Australasian Mediterranean Sea The Australasian Mediterranean Sea is a mediterranean sea located in the area between Southeast Asia and Australasia. It connects the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It has a maximum depth of 7,440 m and a surface area of 9.08 mil. km². In contrast to the American Mediterranean Sea and Mediterranean Sea it is not surrounded by continents, only by islands and peninsulas. It includes the following seas: States or territories with a coast on the Australasian Mediterranean Sea", "title": "Australasian Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "19958139", "text": "Australasian Mediterranean Sea The Australasian Mediterranean Sea is a mediterranean sea located in the area between Southeast Asia and Australasia. It connects the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It has a maximum depth of 7,440 m and a surface area of 9.08 mil. km². In contrast to the American Mediterranean Sea and Mediterranean Sea it is not surrounded by continents, only by islands and peninsulas. It includes the following seas: States or territories with a coast on the Australasian Mediterranean Sea are: Brunei, China, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore and Papua New Guinea. It includes the straits", "title": "Australasian Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "20943474", "text": "Everglades Wilderness Waterway The Everglades Wilderness Waterway is a 99-mile navigable recreational waterway route within Everglades National Park, also known as Marjory Stoneman Douglas Wilderness. It includes many interconnecting creeks, rivers, lakes and inner bays that are navigable by shallow draft powerboat, kayak or canoe. The official Wilderness Waterway route is 99 miles long, but a traveler can use various additional route options to greatly extend or slightly shorten the trip. The 99-mile Wilderness Waterway connects Flamingo and Everglades City. Most paddlers allow at least eight days to complete the trip. This route is recommended for experienced paddlers only. There", "title": "Everglades Wilderness Waterway" }, { "docid": "252097", "text": "some lessepsian species have proven to be considerable mainly in the Levantine basin of the Mediterranean, where they are replacing native species and becoming a \"familiar sight\". According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature definition, as well as Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Ramsar Convention terminologies, they are alien species, as they are non-native (non-indigenous) to the Mediterranean Sea, and they are outside their normal area of distribution which is the Indo-Pacific region. When these species succeed in establishing populations in the Mediterranean Sea, compete with and begin to replace native species they are \"Alien Invasive Species\",", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252100", "text": "investigation, is still an open question. While not as intense as the \"lessepsian\" movement, the process may be scientific interest and may therefore warrant increased levels of monitoring. By 2100 the overall level of the Mediterranean could rise between as a result of the effects of climate change. This could have adverse effects on populations across the Mediterranean: Coastal ecosystems also appear to be threatened by sea level rise, especially enclosed seas such as the Baltic, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. These seas have only small and primarily east-west movement corridors, which may restrict northward displacement of organisms in", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "354546", "text": "first discovered the direct route from the Red Sea to India. The Red Sea was favored for Roman trade with India starting with the reign of Augustus, when the Roman Empire gained control over the Mediterranean, Egypt, and the northern Red Sea. The route had been used by previous states but grew in the volume of traffic under the Romans. From Indian ports goods from China were introduced to the Roman world. Contact between Rome and China depended on the Red Sea, but the route was broken by the Aksumite Empire around the 3rd century AD. During the Middle Ages,", "title": "Red Sea" }, { "docid": "9358756", "text": "Rivers Press imprint on 22 April 2008. The book consists of twelve chapters, plus an Epilogue and an Acknowledgements section at the end. Smith and MacKinnon individually write alternating chapters, each of which covers one month from March 2005 to February 2006. In the first chapter MacKinnon tells how his idea for the 100-mile diet began and Smith agrees to try it for one year. They begin symbolically on the first day of Spring, March 21, and define 'local' as 100 miles, a convenient radius that would include the Lower Mainland, the southern half of Vancouver Island, and Whatcom County", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "8837671", "text": "Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run The Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run (\"Vermont 100\") is a 100-mile (162 km) long ultramarathon held annually in July at Silver Hill Meadow in West Windsor, Vermont. It is one of the five 100 mile races that comprise the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning. It is also the only known ultra race in the USA where entrants run alongside horses over a similar course, in a separate but simultaneous race. (Horses avoid some of the more treacherous single-track and technical trails.) The race has been held every year since 1989. The majority of the course runs", "title": "Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run" }, { "docid": "8837673", "text": "VASS, who felt a strong link between the two events. The Vermont 50 race in September is also hosted by and benefitting VASS. Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run The Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run (\"Vermont 100\") is a 100-mile (162 km) long ultramarathon held annually in July at Silver Hill Meadow in West Windsor, Vermont. It is one of the five 100 mile races that comprise the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning. It is also the only known ultra race in the USA where entrants run alongside horses over a similar course, in a separate but simultaneous race. (Horses avoid some", "title": "Vermont 100 Mile Endurance Run" }, { "docid": "17313802", "text": "and Portuguese. The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean is an award-winning book by the British historian David Abulafia. First published in 2011, it is a history of the Mediterranean Sea from 22,000 BC to the present time, and provides one of the most comprehensive treatments of the subject since the works of Fernand Braudel. The book has been critically acclaimed and received the Mountbatten Literary Award from the Maritime Foundation, and the British Academy Medal. It has so far been translated into Dutch, Greek, Turkish, Spanish, Korean, German,", "title": "The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean" }, { "docid": "17313801", "text": "The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean is an award-winning book by the British historian David Abulafia. First published in 2011, it is a history of the Mediterranean Sea from 22,000 BC to the present time, and provides one of the most comprehensive treatments of the subject since the works of Fernand Braudel. The book has been critically acclaimed and received the Mountbatten Literary Award from the Maritime Foundation, and the British Academy Medal. It has so far been translated into Dutch, Greek, Turkish, Spanish, Korean, German, Italian, Romanian", "title": "The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean" }, { "docid": "1954185", "text": "100 Mile House 100 Mile House is a town and district municipality located in the South Cariboo region of central British Columbia, Canada. 100 Mile House was originally known as Bridge Creek House, named after the creek running through the area. Its origins as a settlement go back to the time when Thomas Miller owned a collection of ramshackle buildings serving the traffic of the gold rush as a resting point for travellers moving between Kamloops and Fort Alexandria, which was north of 100 Mile House farther along the HBC Brigade Trail. It acquired its current name during the Cariboo", "title": "100 Mile House" }, { "docid": "252062", "text": "in the Western Mediterranean Sea. According to Robert Davis, from the 16th to 19th centuries, pirates captured 1 million to 1.25 million Europeans as slaves. The development of oceanic shipping began to affect the entire Mediterranean. Once, most trade between Western Europe and the East had passed through the region, but after the 1490s the development of a sea route to the Indian Ocean allowed the importation of Asian spices and other goods through the Atlantic ports of western Europe. In 2013 the Maltese president described the Mediterranean sea as a \"cemetery\" due to the large number of migrants who", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252102", "text": "its sustainable development.' Many marine species have been almost wiped out because of the sea's pollution. One of them is the Mediterranean monk seal which is considered to be among the world's most endangered marine mammals. The Mediterranean is also plagued by marine debris. A 1994 study of the seabed using trawl nets around the coasts of Spain, France and Italy reported a particularly high mean concentration of debris; an average of 1,935 items per km. Plastic debris accounted for 76%, of which 94% was plastic bags. Some of the world's busiest shipping routes are in the Mediterranean Sea. It", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "178854", "text": "Iron Age, in contrast to the cuneiform writing of Assyria and the logographic system in the Far East (and later the abugida systems of India). Two of the most notable Mediterranean civilizations in classical antiquity were the Greek city states and the Phoenicians. The Greeks expanded throughout the Black Sea and south through the Red Sea. The Phoenicians spread through the western Mediterranean reaching North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula. From the 6th century BC up to including the 5th century BC, many of the significant Mediterranean peoples were under Persian rule, making them dominate the Mediterranean during these years.", "title": "History of the Mediterranean region" }, { "docid": "252085", "text": "in the Aegean Sea in Greece. In 2003, the World Wildlife Fund raised concerns about the widespread drift net fishing endangering populations of dolphins, turtles, and other marine animals such as the Galathea strigosa. For 4,000 years, human activity has transformed most parts of Mediterranean Europe, and the \"humanisation of the landscape\" overlapped with the appearance of the present Mediterranean climate. The image of a simplistic, environmental determinist notion of a Mediterranean Paradise on Earth in antiquity, which was destroyed by later civilisations dates back to at least the 18th century and was for centuries fashionable in archaeological and historical", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "15173299", "text": "American Mediterranean Sea The American Mediterranean Sea is the combined waterbody of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The American Mediterranean has a surface area of 4.319 million km and an average depth of . Its basins include those of the southern Caribbean: The Venezuelan, the two Colombians, the Magdalena River and the Gulf of Darién; and the Yucatan Basin. It also contains the Mexican and the Mississippi Basin, both of the Gulf of Mexico. The American Mediterranean is considered one of the oceanic marginal seas. In addition to numerous small islands, large and small groups of islands,", "title": "American Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252107", "text": "and pollution in many places along the Mediterranean coasts. Tourism often concentrates in areas of high natural wealth, causing a serious threat to the habitats of endangered Mediterranean species such as sea turtles and monk seals. Reductions in natural wealth may reduce incentives for tourists to visit. Fish stock levels in the Mediterranean Sea are alarmingly low. The European Environment Agency says that more than 65% of all fish stocks in the region are outside safe biological limits and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, that some of the most important fisheries—such as albacore and bluefin tuna, hake, marlin,", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "4916120", "text": "seen at many home games in the Saddledome; 'Sea of Red' and 'C of Red' (for the Flames' flaming C) is a play on words. The predecessor to the Red Mile was a bar strip on 11th Avenue S.W. known as Electric Avenue, where thousands of Flames fans celebrated during the 1986 and 1989 playoff runs. Concerns by the City about the violence encouraged by having so many bars in such close proximity ultimately led to the shut down of Electric Avenue in the early 1990s. 2004 marked the first time the Flames qualified for the NHL's Stanley Cup playoffs", "title": "Red Mile" }, { "docid": "13579499", "text": "Cyr and Weremchuk-Williams. All of the families are allowed to have one final meal of their favorite foods regardless of that food's origin. The next day, James and Alisa remove from each family's home all food, drinks, spices and condiments that are non-local — meaning anything grown or produced outside of the prescribed 100-mile radius. The six families, who were previously unaware that the vast majority of the food in their home was grown and produced well over 100 miles away, are now left with mostly empty cupboards and pantries. Items removed from homes included such staples as bread, milk,", "title": "The 100 Mile Challenge" }, { "docid": "252049", "text": "the Aegean Sea), has a surface area of approximately 2,510,000 square km (970,000 square miles). The sea was an important route for merchants and travellers of ancient times that allowed for trade and cultural exchange between emergent peoples of the region. The history of the Mediterranean region is crucial to understanding the origins and development of many modern societies. The countries surrounding the Mediterranean in clockwise order are Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco; Malta and Cyprus are island countries in the sea. In", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252101", "text": "these areas. Sea level rise for the next century (2100) could be between and and temperature shifts of a mere 0.05–0.1 °C in the deep sea are sufficient to induce significant changes in species richness and functional diversity. Pollution in this region has been extremely high in recent years. The United Nations Environment Programme has estimated that of sewage, of mineral oil, of mercury, of lead and of phosphates are dumped into the Mediterranean each year. The Barcelona Convention aims to 'reduce pollution in the Mediterranean Sea and protect and improve the marine environment in the area, thereby contributing to", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "10609388", "text": "Red Sea Flotilla The Red Sea Flotilla (\"Flottiglia del mar rosso\") was part of the \"Regia Marina Italia\" (Italian Royal Navy) based at Massawa in the colony of Italian Eritrea, part of Italian East Africa. In World War II, the Red Sea Flotilla was active against the British Royal Navy East Indies Station from the Italian declaration of war on 10 June 1940 until the fall of Massawa on 8 April 1941. The location of the squadron meant it was isolated from the main Italian bases in the Mediterranean by distance and British dispositions. The British capture of Massawa and", "title": "Red Sea Flotilla" }, { "docid": "4155212", "text": "Blue Hole (Red Sea) The Blue Hole is a diving location on the southeast Sinai, a few kilometres north of Dahab, Egypt on the coast of the Red Sea. The Blue Hole is a submarine sinkhole, with a maximum depth within the hole of just over 100 m (328 feet). There is a shallow opening to the sea around 6 m (20 feet) deep, known as \"the saddle\", and a 26 m (85 feet) long tunnel, known as \"the arch\", whose top is at a depth of 55 m (181 feet), and whose bottom falls away as it reaches the", "title": "Blue Hole (Red Sea)" }, { "docid": "4155222", "text": "Omar says: Two television documentaries have been produced about diver deaths at the Blue Hole, investigating the video of the death of Yuri Lipski: Blue Hole (Red Sea) The Blue Hole is a diving location on the southeast Sinai, a few kilometres north of Dahab, Egypt on the coast of the Red Sea. The Blue Hole is a submarine sinkhole, with a maximum depth within the hole of just over 100 m (328 feet). There is a shallow opening to the sea around 6 m (20 feet) deep, known as \"the saddle\", and a 26 m (85 feet) long tunnel,", "title": "Blue Hole (Red Sea)" }, { "docid": "15173302", "text": "basin of , to the east of the Continental Divide of the Americas, while it drains approximately from the Rio Grande and from the Yucatan Peninsula. American Mediterranean Sea The American Mediterranean Sea is the combined waterbody of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. The American Mediterranean has a surface area of 4.319 million km and an average depth of . Its basins include those of the southern Caribbean: The Venezuelan, the two Colombians, the Magdalena River and the Gulf of Darién; and the Yucatan Basin. It also contains the Mexican and the Mississippi Basin, both of the", "title": "American Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "12071540", "text": "Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The site is part of the John Muir Way long-distance path along the entire East Lothian coast; Levenhall Links is part of the section between Fisherrow harbour and Cockenzie harbour. Levenhall Links are one of the most popular sites for birdwatching in the vicinity of Edinburgh. The ash lagoons have provided a roost site for gulls, shorebirds and terns; while the seawall provides excellent views of the flocks of sea ducks such as common eider, velvet scoter, red-breasted merganser, long-tailed duck and common goldeneye. Many rare visitors have been seen over the years including", "title": "Levenhall Links" }, { "docid": "8358107", "text": "finish time of 17:35:48. Pam Smith holds the women's course record with her time of 21:04:18, which she achieved in 2014. This race is also one of the four endurance runs in the United States that comprise the \"Western Slam,\" a feat entailing the completion of these four notoriously tough events: Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run The Angeles Crest 100-Mile Endurance Run, or AC100, is an ultramarathon 100 miles (162 kilometers) long that takes place annually along trails through California's Angeles National Forest. The course was originally designed to be a challenging 30-hour course, but due to its difficulty,", "title": "Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run" }, { "docid": "782906", "text": "Crossing the Red Sea The Crossing of the Red Sea (Hebrew: קריעת ים סוף \"Kriat Yam Suph\" – Crossing of the Red Sea or Sea of Reeds) is part of the biblical narrative of the Exodus, the escape of the Israelites, led by Moses, from the pursuing Egyptians in the Book of Exodus. This story is also mentioned in the Quran in Surah 26: Al-Shu'ara' (The Poets) in verses 60–67. According to the Exodus account, Moses held out his staff, and the Red Sea was parted by God. The Israelites walked on the exposed dry ground and crossed the sea,", "title": "Crossing the Red Sea" }, { "docid": "1954190", "text": "latitude. In spite of the moderation that comes from its relative proximity to the Pacific Ocean, extreme winter temperatures can occasionally occur, with a record low of . 100 Mile House is located in a rain shadow of the coastal mountains, resulting in reduced precipitation, much of it falling as snow. 100 Mile House 100 Mile House is a town and district municipality located in the South Cariboo region of central British Columbia, Canada. 100 Mile House was originally known as Bridge Creek House, named after the creek running through the area. Its origins as a settlement go back to", "title": "100 Mile House" }, { "docid": "5323906", "text": "Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts is the debut studio album by English punk rock band the Adverts. It was released on 17 February 1978 by record label Bright. \"Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts\" was recorded at Abbey Road Studios. The album title was coined by Jane Suck. The album was preceded by the single \"No Time to Be 21\", which reached No. 34 on the UK Singles Chart. \"Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts\" reached No. 38 on the UK Albums Chart. In its retrospective review, AllMusic called", "title": "Crossing the Red Sea with The Adverts" }, { "docid": "400727", "text": "recorded in the \"Description de l'Égypte\", include detailed maps that depict the discovery of an ancient canal extending northward from the Red Sea and then westward toward the Nile. Later, Napoleon, who would become French Emperor in 1804, contemplated the construction of a north–south canal to connect the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. But the plan was abandoned because it wrongly concluded that the waterway would require locks to operate. These would be very expensive and take a long time to construct. This decision was based on an erroneous belief that the Red Sea was higher than the Mediterranean. The", "title": "Suez Canal" }, { "docid": "252063", "text": "drowned there after their boats capsized. European Parliament president Martin Schulz said in 2014 that Europe's migration policy \"turned the Mediterranean into a graveyard\", referring to the number of drowned refugees in the region as a direct result of the policies. An Azerbaijani official described the sea as \"a burial ground ... where people die\". Following the 2013 Lampedusa migrant shipwreck, the Italian government decided to strengthen the national system for the patrolling of the Mediterranean Sea by authorising \"Operation Mare Nostrum\", a military and humanitarian mission in order to rescue the migrants and arrest the traffickers of immigrants. In", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "1954187", "text": "burned down in 1937. 100 Mile House residents often go by the demonym BX'ers, in relation to Barnard's Express. 100 Mile House is on Secwepemc unceded territory. The nearest Secwepemc band is the Tsq'escen, for whom a geographic reference point is the Canim Lake Reserve. At present, 100 Mile House is the primary service centre for the South Cariboo and has a population of approximately 2,000. The service area has a population roughly ten times the size of the town. It includes the communities of Lac La Hache, Forest Grove, Lone Butte, Horse Lake, Bridge Lake, 70 Mile House, Canim", "title": "100 Mile House" }, { "docid": "252054", "text": "or Islamic sources. It may be to contrast with the Black Sea. In Persian, the name was translated as \"Baḥr-i Safīd\", which was also used in later Ottoman Turkish. It is probably the origin of the colloquial Greek Άσπρη Θάλασσα. Johann Knobloch claims that in Classical Antiquity, cultures in the Levant used colours to refer to the cardinal points: black referred to the north (explaining the name Black Sea), yellow or blue to east, red to south (i.e., the Red Sea), and \"white\" to west. This would explain both the Turkish \"Akdeniz\" (White Sea) and the Arab nomenclature described above.", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252050", "text": "addition, the Gaza Strip and the British Overseas Territories of Gibraltar and Akrotiri and Dhekelia have coastlines on the sea. The Ancient Greeks called the Mediterranean simply 'the Sea' or sometimes 'the Great Sea', 'Our Sea', or 'the sea around us'. The Romans called it \"Mare Magnum\" 'Great Sea' or \"Mare Internum\" 'Internal Sea' and, starting with the Roman Empire, \"Mare Nostrum\" 'Our Sea'. The term \"Mare Mediterrāneum\" appears later: Solinus apparently used it in the 3rd century, but the earliest extant witness to it is in the 6th century, in Isidore of Seville. It means 'in the middle of", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "8358103", "text": "Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run The Angeles Crest 100-Mile Endurance Run, or AC100, is an ultramarathon 100 miles (162 kilometers) long that takes place annually along trails through California's Angeles National Forest. The course was originally designed to be a challenging 30-hour course, but due to its difficulty, the official cut-off time is set to 33 hours. The race is limited to 150 participants; registrants must qualify by completing at least a 50-mile run in the previous year. The race starts in Wrightwood, following portions of the Pacific Crest Trail (where it climbs Mount Baden-Powell), the Silver Moccasin Trail,", "title": "Angeles Crest 100 Mile Endurance Run" }, { "docid": "19929656", "text": "North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor The North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor is one of the nine priority axes of the Trans-European Transport Networks. It stretches from Ireland and the north of UK through the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg to the Mediterranean Sea in the south of France. According to the European Union: This multimodal corridor, comprising inland waterways in Benelux and France, aims not only at offering better multimodal services between the North Sea ports, the Maas, Rhine, Scheldt, Seine, Saone and Rhone river basins and the ports of Fos-sur-Mer and Marseille, but also at better interconnecting the British Isles with continental Europe. Because", "title": "North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor" }, { "docid": "19929657", "text": "of Brexit there is an increased focus on direct Ireland–France connections, while proviously the Ireland connection has been through the UK. North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor The North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor is one of the nine priority axes of the Trans-European Transport Networks. It stretches from Ireland and the north of UK through the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg to the Mediterranean Sea in the south of France. According to the European Union: This multimodal corridor, comprising inland waterways in Benelux and France, aims not only at offering better multimodal services between the North Sea ports, the Maas, Rhine, Scheldt, Seine, Saone and Rhone", "title": "North Sea-Mediterranean Corridor" }, { "docid": "656470", "text": "even labyrinthine\" story which was \"undoubtedly the book in which Hergé ventured furthest into the creation of his own universe.\" He thought that \"Hergé enters a new phase\" with \"The Red Sea Sharks\", as its author \"seems to know his family of characters better and better, and he enjoys playing with them and his readers.\" Peeters noted that the book was \"in some respects a continuation\" of \"Land of Black Gold\", an assessment shared by Thompson, the Lofficiers, and Farr, all of whom described it as a partial sequel to the earlier book. Thompson added that \"The Red Sea Sharks\"", "title": "The Red Sea Sharks" }, { "docid": "656473", "text": "Assouline believed that \"The Red Sea Sharks\" represented \"the culmination of his golden age\", which had begun with \"The Blue Lotus\". He also commented that \"it almost seemed as if Hergé had regained the pace and rhythm of his most creative period\" with this story. In his psychoanalytical study of \"The Adventures of Tintin\", the literary critic Jean-Marie Apostolidès expressed the view that \"The Red Sea Sharks\" reflected a world in which traditional values have been degraded and everything – including human life – has become a commodity. He added that Rastapopoulos becomes \"the embodiment of the global market\" in", "title": "The Red Sea Sharks" }, { "docid": "1954188", "text": "Lake, and 108 Mile Ranch, and is the largest residential centre between Kamloops and Williams Lake. The primary industries of 100 Mile House are forestry and ranching. Log home building and tourism are also an important part of the community. 100 Mile House is a centre for outdoor activities and is becoming increasingly known for its richness of bird life. The surrounding area features hundreds of lakes for boating and fishing including 101 Mile Lake, 103 Mile Lake, Lac La Hache, Canim Lake, Horse Lake, Green Lake, Bridge Lake and Sheridan Lake. The Cariboo ski marathon attracts a large and", "title": "100 Mile House" }, { "docid": "252083", "text": "during wet ones, the Mediterranean marine sapropel-bearing sequences provide high-resolution climatic information. These data have been employed in reconstructing astronomically calibrated time scales for the last 9 Ma of the Earth's history, helping to constrain the time of past geomagnetic reversals. Furthermore, the exceptional accuracy of these paleoclimatic records has improved our knowledge of the Earth's orbital variations in the past. As a result of the drying of the sea during the Messinian salinity crisis, the marine biota of the Mediterranean are derived primarily from the Atlantic Ocean. The North Atlantic is considerably colder and more nutrient-rich than the Mediterranean,", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "252105", "text": "third of the world's international tourists. Tourism is one of the most important sources of income for many Mediterranean countries regardless of the man-made geopolitical conflicts that harbour coastal nations. In that regard, authorities around the Mediterranean have made it a point to extinguish rising man-made chaotic zones that would affect the economies, societies in neighboring coastal countries, let alone shipping routes. Naval and rescue components in the Mediterranean Sea are considered one of the very best due to the quick intercooperation of various Naval Fleets within proximity of each other. Unlike the vast open Oceans, the closed nature of", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "9358764", "text": "the grand and repetitive statements about the changing global food system and the authors' hyperbole regarding their modest culinary discoveries. Compared to Kingsolver's \"Animal, Vegetable, Miracle\", \"The 100-Mile Diet\" was found to be more compelling and easier to read, with Smith and MacKinnon more relatable and sympathetic than Kingsolver. While the concept of only eating locally grown food is not new, the book coincided with the emerging popularity of the locavore movement and farmer's markets. Media outlets in North America examined the feasibility of only eating food produced locally, local food-themed events, and locavore groups. During World Food Day in", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "9358755", "text": "in \"The Tyee\" series over the year, plus an additional four articles afterwards, between August 2006 and May 2007. They launched an independent website, 100milediet.org, in April 2006 and began writing the book. Random House published the hardcover version on 12 March 2007 in Canada as \"The 100 Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating\" and on 24 April in the United States as \"Plenty: One Man, One Woman, and a Raucous Year of Eating Locally\". The trade paperback was released in Canada by Random House's Vintage Canada imprint on 2 October and in the United States by the Three", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "13579498", "text": "similar challenges. J.B. MacKinnon (James) and Alisa Smith hold an information and recruitment session at a community hall in Mission, British Columbia. Their goal is to educate people on the distance that their food travels from the point of origin to their table as well as to find volunteers willing to take on a challenge where they will only consume food and drink that's been grown and produced within a 100-mile (160 kilometer) radius of their homes. Many people sign up and James and Alisa focus on six families whose progress the series will follow: Clark-Vernon, Hawes, McIntosh, Peters, St.", "title": "The 100 Mile Challenge" }, { "docid": "9358762", "text": "other's progress. As the two alternate there are shifts in perspectives, though the overall theme of \"traceability\" persisted. The general tone has been described as charming, innocent, and sometimes funny. Smith's chapters have been said to demonstrate more honesty and vulnerability, while MacKinnon's were more \"show pieces, little tours de force\". The final chapter was authored together by Smith and MacKinnon writing as a disembodied third-person narrator to summarize and conclude the book. In the Canadian market, \"The 100-Mile Diet\" debuted at #10 on \"Maclean's\" nonfiction bestseller list on May 14. It spent five weeks on the list, peaking at", "title": "The 100-Mile Diet" }, { "docid": "252069", "text": "with their own designation (from west to east): Some other seas whose names have been in common use from the ancient times, or in the present: Many of these smaller seas feature in local myth and folklore and derive their names from these associations. In addition to the seas, a number of gulfs and straits are recognised: The geologic history of the Mediterranean Sea is complex. Underlain by oceanic crust, the sea basin was once thought to be a tectonic remnant of the ancient Tethys Ocean; it is now known to be a structurally younger basin, called the Neotethys, which", "title": "Mediterranean Sea" }, { "docid": "4916130", "text": "goes to show the class of the Flames fans enjoying a win”. Red Mile The Red Mile is the name given to a stretch of 17 Avenue SW in Calgary, Alberta, Canada during the Calgary Flames 2004 Stanley Cup playoff run, which ended in defeat to the Tampa Bay Lightning. It gained worldwide notoriety both for the relative lack of violence while upwards of 55 000 fans celebrated their team's success, as well as for the Mardi Gras-like atmosphere as societal norms were routinely flouted, particularly by women flashing their breasts. The 'Red' originates from the home team colour of", "title": "Red Mile" }, { "docid": "13579502", "text": "to use chicory as a coffee substitute. James and Alisa help the families locate some flour so that the families can learn to make their own bread even though there is no local yeast available to be used as a leavening agent. \"The 100-Mile Diet\" book contained an explanation of what James and Alisa termed \"social life clause\". During their one entire year of eating locally, the two allowed themselves to eat non-local food when they would find themselves on a business trip, at a friend's house or in a restaurant for a business lunch or dinner. Some of the", "title": "The 100 Mile Challenge" }, { "docid": "13588416", "text": "Underbelly: The Golden Mile Underbelly: The Golden Mile, the third series of Nine Network's popular crime drama series \"Underbelly\", originally aired from 11 April to 27 June 2010. It is a thirteen-part series loosely based on real events that stemmed from the mile-long nightclub/red light district in the Sydney suburb of Kings Cross, also known as the \"Golden Mile\", between 1988 and 1999. It primarily depicts the organized crimes in Kings Cross and the police corruption leading up to the 1995 Wood Royal Commission. It's a prequel to \"Underbelly\", which was about the Melbourne gangland killings, and a sequel to", "title": "Underbelly: The Golden Mile" }, { "docid": "782916", "text": "applied to the battle of the Milvian Bridge (312). The theme enjoyed a vogue during the fourth century on carved sarcophagi: at least twenty-nine have survived in full or in fragments. Eusebius of Caesarea cast Maxentius, drowned in the Tiber, in the role of Pharaoh, both in his \"Ecclesiastical History\" and in his eulogistic \"Life of Constantine\". Crossing the Red Sea The Crossing of the Red Sea (Hebrew: קריעת ים סוף \"Kriat Yam Suph\" – Crossing of the Red Sea or Sea of Reeds) is part of the biblical narrative of the Exodus, the escape of the Israelites, led by", "title": "Crossing the Red Sea" }, { "docid": "4612058", "text": "Graham Island (Mediterranean Sea) Graham Island (also Graham Bank or Graham Shoal; ) is a submerged volcanic island in the Mediterranean Sea. It was discovered when it last appeared on 1 August 1831 by Humphrey Fleming Senhouse, the captain of the first rate Royal Navy ship of the line \"St Vincent\" and named after Sir James Graham, the First Lord of the Admiralty. It was claimed by the United Kingdom. It forms part of the underwater volcano Empedocles, south of Sicily, and which is one of a number of submarine volcanoes known as the Campi Flegrei del Mar di Sicilia.", "title": "Graham Island (Mediterranean Sea)" } ]
In which country is the Aswan Dam?
[ "EGY", "Arab Republic of Egypt", "A .R . EGYPT", "The Arab Republic of Egypt", "Eygpt", "Etymology of Egypt", "مصر", "Kemmet", "Gift of the Nile", "Arab Republic Of Egypt", "Names of Egypt", "Miṣr", "A .R . Egypt", "Eytp", "National identity of Egyptians", "Jumhuriyat Misr al'Arabiyah", "Eypt", "Egyptian Republic", "Ejipt", "Name of Egypt", "Egipto", "Kimet", "جمهوريّة مصرالعربيّة", "Egypte", "Egypt (name)", "Egypt", "جمهورية مصرالعربية", "A.R. Egypt", "Republic of Eygpt", "Égypte", "Second Egyptian Republic", "Egipt", "ISO 3166-1:EG", "Egypt info" ]
[ { "docid": "15201429", "text": "previous Old Dam reservoir level was also lowered and now provides control of tailwater for the High Dam. The Aswan Low Dam supports two hydroelectric power plants, Aswan I (1960) and Aswan II (1985–1986). Aswan I contains 7 X generators with Kaplan turbines for a combined capacity of and is located west of the dam. Aswan II contains 4 x generators for an installed capacity of and is located at the toe of the dam. Aswan Low Dam The Aswan Low Dam or Old Aswan Dam is a gravity masonry buttress dam on the Nile River in Aswan, Egypt. The", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "1586209", "text": "Aswan Dam The Aswan Dam, or more specifically since the 1960s, the Aswan High Dam, is an embankment dam built across the Nile in Aswan, Egypt, between 1960 and 1970. Its significance largely eclipsed the previous Aswan Low Dam initially completed in 1902 downstream. Based on the success of the Low Dam, then at its maximum utilization, construction of the High Dam became a key objective of the government following the Egyptian Revolution of 1952; with its ability to control flooding better, provide increased water storage for irrigation and generate hydroelectricity the dam was seen as pivotal to Egypt's planned", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586246", "text": "have suffered even if the dam had not been built. Because of the lower turbidity of the water sunlight penetrates deeper in the Nile water. Because of this and the increased presence of nutrients from fertilizers in the water, more algae grow in the Nile. This in turn increases the costs of drinking water treatment. Apparently few experts had expected that water quality in the Nile would actually decrease because of the High Dam. Aswan Dam The Aswan Dam, or more specifically since the 1960s, the Aswan High Dam, is an embankment dam built across the Nile in Aswan, Egypt,", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "15201423", "text": "Aswan Low Dam The Aswan Low Dam or Old Aswan Dam is a gravity masonry buttress dam on the Nile River in Aswan, Egypt. The dam was built at the former first cataract of the Nile, and is located about 1000 km up-river and 690 km (direct distance) south-southeast of Cairo. When initially constructed between 1899 and 1902, nothing of its scale had ever been attempted; on completion, it was the largest masonry dam in the world. The dam was designed to provide storage of annual floodwater and augment dry season flows to support greater irrigation development and population growth", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "1586212", "text": "dam near Aswan was in the 11th century, when the Arab polymath and engineer Ibn al-Haytham (known as \"Alhazen\" in the West) was summoned to Egypt by the Fatimid Caliph, Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, to regulate the flooding of the Nile, a task requiring an early attempt at an Aswan Dam. His field work convinced him of the impracticality of this scheme. The British began construction of the first dam across the Nile in 1898. Construction lasted until 1902, and the dam was opened on 10 December 1902. The project was designed by Sir William Willcocks and involved several eminent engineers,", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586211", "text": "destroy the whole crop, while low-water years could create widespread drought and associated famine. Both these events had continued to occur periodically. As Egypt's population grew and technology increased, both a desire and the ability developed to completely control the flooding, and thus both protect and support farmland and its economically important cotton crop. With the greatly increased reservoir storage provided by the High Aswan Dam, the floods could be controlled and the water could be stored for later release over multiple years. The Aswan Dam was designed by the Moscow-based Hydroproject Institute. The earliest recorded attempt to build a", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586222", "text": "links the reservoir to the Toshka Depression. The reservoir, named Lake Nasser, is long and at its widest, with a surface area of . It holds of water. Due to the absence of appreciable rainfall, Egypt's agriculture depends entirely on irrigation. With irrigation, two crops per year can be produced, except for sugar cane which has a growing period of almost one year. The high dam at Aswan releases, on average, water per year, of which some are diverted into the irrigation canals. In the Nile valley and delta, almost benefit from these waters producing on average 1.8 crops per", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "15201425", "text": "was summoned to Egypt by the Fatimid Caliph, Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, to regulate the flooding of the Nile, a task requiring an early attempt at an Aswan Dam. After his field work convinced him of the impracticality of this scheme, and fearing the Caliph's anger, he feigned madness. He was kept under house arrest from 1011 until al-Hakim's death in 1021, during which time he wrote his influential \"Book of Optics\". Following their 1882 invasion and occupation of Egypt, the British began construction of the first dam across the Nile in 1898. Construction lasted until 1902, and it was opened", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "11696425", "text": "Aswan (horse) Aswan (1958–1984), originally named Raafat in Egypt. Aswan was a highly influential grey Egyptian-bred Arabian stallion who stood at the Tersk Stud in Russia. Sired by Nazeer out of Yosreia, he was given as a gift to the Soviet Union by the Egyptian government in 1963, in return for Soviet help in building the Aswan Dam. He sired 296 foals over 19 seasons, more than any other stallion at Tersk Stud. His offspring were exported all over the world. A life-size commemorative bronze statue of him stands at the entrance to the Tersk Stud. Though classified as \"Straight", "title": "Aswan (horse)" }, { "docid": "1586219", "text": "allies in the Middle East, including Turkey and Iraq, were irritated and jealous that Egypt, a persistently neutral country, was being offered so much aid. In June 1956, the Soviets offered Nasser $1.12 billion at 2% interest for the construction of the dam. On 19 July the U.S. State Department announced that American financial assistance for the High Dam was \"not feasible in present circumstances.\" On 26 July 1956, with wide Egyptian acclaim, Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal as well as fair compensation for the former owners. Nasser planned on the revenues generated by the canal helping", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586234", "text": "regular rainy season as opposed to their previous desert habitat in which virtually no rain fell. The government developed an irrigation project, called the New Halfa Agricultural Development Scheme to grow cotton, grains, sugar cane and other crops. The Nubians were resettled in twenty five planned villages that included schools, medical facilities, and other services, including piped water and some electrification. In Egypt, the majority of the 50,000 Nubians were moved three to ten kilometers from the Nile near Kom Ombo, 45 kilometers downstream from Aswan in what was called \"New Nubia\". Housing and facilities were built for 47 village", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "27864", "text": "and Computer Science. The Faculty of Science awards the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in nine educational programmes, Higher Diploma, Master of Science and Philosophy Doctor of Science. Aswan also has Aswan Higher Institute of Social Work that was established in 1975 making it the oldest private higher institute of Social Work in Upper Egypt Aswan is served by the Aswan International Airport. Train and bus service is also available. Taxi and rickshaw are used for transport here. Aswan is twinned with: Aswan Aswan (; ) is a city in the south of Egypt, and is the capital of the", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "27854", "text": "Aswan Aswan (; ) is a city in the south of Egypt, and is the capital of the Aswan Governorate. Aswan is a busy market and tourist centre located just north of the Aswan Dams on the east bank of the Nile at the first cataract. The modern city has expanded and includes the formerly separate community on the island of Elephantine. The city is part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the category of craft and folk art. \"Aswan\" is pronounced (. Spellings in other languages include ' ; Ancient Egyptian: '; '; '), and it was formerly", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "27863", "text": "The university grew steadily and now it is firmly established as a major institution of higher education in Upper Egypt. Aswan branch of Assiut University began in 1973 with the Faculty of Education and in 1975 the Faculty of Science was opened. Aswan branch has five faculties namely; Science, Education, Engineering, Arts, Social Works and Institute of Energy. The Faculty of Science in Aswan has six departments. Each department has one educational programme: Chemistry, Geology, Physics and Zoology. Except Botany Department, which has three educational programmes: Botany, Environmental Sciences and Microbiology; and Mathematics Department, which has two educational programmes: Mathematics", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "1586237", "text": "insignificant compared to what is needed to reach the yields achieved today in Egypt's irrigation. Also, the annual spread of sediment due to the Nile floods occurred along the banks of the Nile. Areas far from the river which never received the Nile floods before are now being irrigated. A more serious issue of trapping of sediment by the dam is that it has increased coastline erosion surrounding the Nile Delta. The coastline erodes an estimated per year. Before the construction of the High Dam, groundwater levels in the Nile Valley fluctuated 8–9 m per year with the water level", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586233", "text": "improved the efficiency and the extension of the Old Aswan Hydropower stations by regulating upstream flows. Lake Nasser flooded much of lower Nubia and 100,000 to 120,000 people were resettled in Sudan and Egypt. In Sudan, 50,000 to 70,000 Sudanese Nubians were moved from the old town of Wadi Halfa and its surrounding villages. Some were moved to a newly created settlement on the shore of Lake Nasser called New Wadi Halfa, and some were resettled approximately 700 kilometres south to the semi-arid Butana plain near the town of Khashm el-Girba up the Atbara River. The climate there had a", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586232", "text": "the water saved is lost due to evaporation in Lake Nasser, the amount of water available for irrigation still increased by 22 km. Other estimates put evaporation from Lake Nasser at between 10 and 16 cubic km per year. The dam powers twelve generators each rated at , with a total of . Power generation began in 1967. When the High Dam first reached peak output it produced around half of Egypt's production of electric power (about 15 percent by 1998), and it gave most Egyptian villages the use of electricity for the first time. The High Dam has also", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "27860", "text": "extremity of Egypt, the river flows for more than without bar or cataract. The voyage from Aswan to Alexandria usually took 21 to 28 days in favourable weather. Aswan has a hot desert climate (Köppen climate classification \"BWh\") like the rest of Egypt. Aswan and Luxor have the hottest summer days of any city in Egypt. Aswan is one of the hottest, sunniest and driest cities in the world. Average high temperatures are consistently above during summer (June, July, August and also September) while average low temperatures remain above . Summers are long, prolonged and extremely hot. Average high temperatures", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "7036370", "text": "Aswan Governorate. According to the Egyptian Governing Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), in affiliation with the Ministry of Investment (MOI), there is an industrial zone called El Shalalat located in this governorate: Aswan Governorate Aswan Governorate ( ) is one of the governorates of Egypt. The southernmost governorate in Upper Egypt, its capital is Aswan. The Aswan Governorate borders Qena to the north, Red Sea Governorate to the east, New Valley Governorate to the west, and Sudan's Northern state to the south. It has a population of 1,394,687 inhabitants (2014), and occupies an area of 62,726 km². The", "title": "Aswan Governorate" }, { "docid": "1586240", "text": "assumption did not take into account the extent of perennial irrigation that was already present throughout Egypt decades before the high dam closure. By the 1950s only a small proportion of Upper Egypt had not been converted from basin (low transmission) to perennial (high transmission) irrigation. Expansion of perennial irrigation systems in Egypt did not depend on the high dam. In fact, within 15 years of the high dam closure there was solid evidence that biharzia was declining in Upper Egypt. S. haematobium has since disappeared altogether. Suggested reasons for this include improvements in irrigation practice. In the Nile Delta,", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586243", "text": "in Egypt had to be dredged regularly to remove sediments. After construction of the dam, aquatic weeds grew much faster in the clearer water, helped by fertilizer residues. The total length of the infested waterways was about 27,000 km in the mid-1990s. Weeds have been gradually brought under control by manual, mechanical and biological methods. Mediterranean fishing and brackish water lake fishery declined after the dam was finished because nutrients that flowed down the Nile to the Mediterranean were trapped behind the dam. For example, the sardine catch off the Egyptian coast declined from 18,000 tons in 1962 to a", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586210", "text": "industrialization. Like the earlier implementation, the High Dam has had a significant effect on the economy and culture of Egypt. Before the High Dam was built, even with the old dam in place, the annual flooding of the Nile during late summer had continued to pass largely unimpeded down the valley from its East African drainage basin. These floods brought high water with natural nutrients and minerals that annually enriched the fertile soil along its floodplain and delta; this predictability had made the Nile valley ideal for farming since ancient times. However, this natural flooding varied, since high-water years could", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "13582169", "text": "The majority of Egypt’s electricity supply is generated from thermal and hydropower stations. The four main hydroelectric generating stations currently operating in Egypt are the Aswan Low Dam, the Esna Dam, the Aswan High Dam, and the Naga Hamady Barrages. The Asyut Barrage hydropower plant is scheduled to be commissioned and added as a fifth station in 2016. Almost all hydroelectric generation in Egypt comes from the Aswan High Dam. The Aswan High Dam has a theoretical generating capacity of 2.1GW; however, the dam is rarely able to operate at full design capacity due to low water levels. An ongoing", "title": "Energy in Egypt" }, { "docid": "7036368", "text": "Aswan Governorate Aswan Governorate ( ) is one of the governorates of Egypt. The southernmost governorate in Upper Egypt, its capital is Aswan. The Aswan Governorate borders Qena to the north, Red Sea Governorate to the east, New Valley Governorate to the west, and Sudan's Northern state to the south. It has a population of 1,394,687 inhabitants (2014), and occupies an area of 62,726 km². The rate of poverty is more than 60% in this governorate but recently some social safety networks have been provided in the form of financial assistance and job opportunities. The funding has been coordinated by", "title": "Aswan Governorate" }, { "docid": "1586229", "text": "the river has been improved, both upstream and downstream of the dam. Sailing along the Nile is a favorite tourism activity, which is mainly done during the winter when the natural flow of the Nile would have been too low to allow navigation of cruise ships. A new fishing industry has been created around Lake Nasser, though it is struggling due to its distance from any significant markets. The annual production was about 35 000 tons in the mid-1990s. Factories for the fishing industry and packaging have been set up near the Lake. The dams also protected Egypt from the", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "12662694", "text": "(from 1996–97 to 1998–99). Aswan FC currently competes in the Egyptian Premier League. Aswan SC Aswan is a football club based in Aswan, Egypt. 39 Aswan's first president, Athee Bek Al-Nazer, Abbas Bey Farid, Ahmed Beck Abdelkader, Mahmoud Bek Hussein, Ahmed Bakr Sorour Sharif, Salem Bey Habashi, Ahmed Bek El-Hefnaoui, Ismail Bey El-Deroui, Abdel-Khaliq Bek Safwat, Abd El Latif Bek Shaker, Mohammed Bek Ahmed, Hussein Bey Raafat, Shu'ayb, Ishmael Bey Fakhri, Ahmad Bey Issa, Abdel Aziz Bak El-Qadi, Mohamed Bek Said, Hussein Bek Amin, Ismael Bey Fahmy, Abdel Hamid Bey Aref, Ibrahim Bek Halim, Mohamed Bek Omar, El-Awaat Abdel Aziz", "title": "Aswan SC" }, { "docid": "1586236", "text": "have been flooded by Lake Nasser. Before the construction of the High Dam, the Nile deposited sediments of various particle size – consisting of fine sand, silt and clay – on fields in Upper Egypt through its annual flood, contributing to soil fertility. However, the nutrient value of the sediment has often been overestimated. 88 percent of the sediment was carried to the sea before the construction of the High Dam. The nutrient value added to the land by the sediment was only 6,000 tons of potash, 7,000 tons of phosphorus pentoxide and 17,000 tons of nitrogen. These amounts are", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586228", "text": "environmental problems, these have proved to be significantly less severe than was generally expected, or currently believed by many people.\" Another observer disagreed and he recommended that the dam should be torn down. Tearing it down would cost only a fraction of the funds required for \"continually combating the dam's consequential damage\" and 500,000 hectares of fertile land could be reclaimed from the layers of mud on the bed of the drained reservoir. Periodic floods and droughts have affected Egypt since ancient times. The dam mitigated the effects of floods, such as those in 1964, 1973, and 1988. Navigation along", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "12662692", "text": "Aswan SC Aswan is a football club based in Aswan, Egypt. 39 Aswan's first president, Athee Bek Al-Nazer, Abbas Bey Farid, Ahmed Beck Abdelkader, Mahmoud Bek Hussein, Ahmed Bakr Sorour Sharif, Salem Bey Habashi, Ahmed Bek El-Hefnaoui, Ismail Bey El-Deroui, Abdel-Khaliq Bek Safwat, Abd El Latif Bek Shaker, Mohammed Bek Ahmed, Hussein Bey Raafat, Shu'ayb, Ishmael Bey Fakhri, Ahmad Bey Issa, Abdel Aziz Bak El-Qadi, Mohamed Bek Said, Hussein Bek Amin, Ismael Bey Fahmy, Abdel Hamid Bey Aref, Ibrahim Bek Halim, Mohamed Bek Omar, El-Awaat Abdel Aziz Abdel Hay, Hassan Khaled Hamdy, Abdel Aziz Al-Aghoury, Zakaria Abdel Fattah, Ahmed Najmuddin", "title": "Aswan SC" }, { "docid": "1586214", "text": "Abdel Nasser. The Free Officers were convinced that the Nile Waters had to be stored in Egypt for political reasons, and within two months, the plan of Daninos was accepted. Initially, both the United States and the USSR were interested in helping the development of the dam, but this movement happened in the midst of the Cold War, as well as of growing intra-Arab rivalries. In 1955, Nasser was trying to portray himself as the leader of Arab nationalism, in opposition to the traditional monarchies, especially the Hashemite Kingdom of Iraq following its signing of the 1955 Baghdad Pact. At", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586230", "text": "droughts in 1972–73 and 1983–87 that devastated East and West Africa. The High Dam allowed Egypt to reclaim about 2.0 million feddan (840,000 hectares) in the Nile Delta and along the Nile Valley, increasing the country's irrigated area by a third. The increase was brought about both by irrigating what used to be desert and by bringing under cultivation of 385,000 ha that were previously used as flood retention basins. About half a million families were settled on these new lands. In particular the area under rice and sugar cane cultivation increased. In addition, about 1 million feddan (420,000 hectares),", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "5387401", "text": "exception of the Aswan Dam in Egypt. It was expected that the dam would become the property of the local settlers once a water tax had reimbursed the government for the cost of construction. During construction the government used a system of 3 cables, each having a capacity of 15 tons and a span of . The name \"Elephant Butte\" refers to a volcanic core similar to Devils Tower in Wyoming. It is now an island in the lake. The butte was said to have the shape of an elephant. Elephant Butte Dam is 301 feet (91.7 m) high, 1,674", "title": "Elephant Butte Dam" }, { "docid": "27855", "text": "spelled \"Assuan\". Aswan is the ancient city of Swenett, later known as Syene, which in antiquity was the frontier town of Ancient Egypt facing the south. Swenett is supposed to have derived its name from an Egyptian goddess with the same name. This goddess later was identified as Eileithyia by the Greeks and Lucina by the Romans during their occupation of Ancient Egypt because of the similar association of their goddesses with childbirth, and of which the import is \"the opener\". The ancient name of the city also is said to be derived from the Egyptian symbol for \"trade\", or", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "15532404", "text": "years of future drought, if the countries can reach a compromise. The dam will retain silt. It will thus increase the useful lifetime of dams in Sudan – such as the Roseires Dam, the Sennar Dam and the Merowe Dam – and of the Aswan High Dam in Egypt. The beneficial and harmful effects of flood control would affect the Sudanese portion of the Blue Nile, just as it would affect the Ethiopian part of the Blue Nile valley downstream of the dam. Specifically, the GERD would reduce seasonal flooding of the plains surrounding the reservoir of the Roseires Dam", "title": "Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" }, { "docid": "17963481", "text": "went to Aswan in order to complete mediation between the two rivals. el-Tayeb announced that a committee will be formed by Al-Azhar to supervise compensation. 2014 Aswan tribal clashes The Aswan tribal clashes were a series of clashes east of Egypt's southern city of Aswan between two local ethnic tribes: the Arab Al-Halayel (Beni Helal) clan and the Nubian Al-Dabodeya family. Shootings and stabbing occurred throughout the city following verbal insults between students from both sides at a local school on Wednesday, two days before the violence. Cars were torched and homes were looted and burned down. The army had", "title": "2014 Aswan tribal clashes" }, { "docid": "15532402", "text": "on the initial storage in the Aswan High Dam and this filling schedule of the GERD, flows into Egypt could be temporarily reduced, which may affect the income of two million farmers during the period of filling the reservoir. Allegedly, it would also \"affect Egypt's electricity supply by 25 to 40 percent, while the dam is being built\". However, hydropower accounts for less than 12 percent of total electricity production in Egypt in 2010 (14 out of 121 billion kWh), so that a temporary reduction of 25 percent in hydropower production translates into an overall temporary reduction in Egyptian electricity", "title": "Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" }, { "docid": "13995298", "text": "about 3.5 BCM/year of municipal wastewater was being discharged into the Nile and the sea in 2002, out of which only 1.6 BCM/year (about 45%) were treated. Industrial effluents contribute to about 1.3 BCM/yr of wastewater being discharged to surface waters, only some of which is being treated. Hydropower. An important use of water in Egypt is for the production of hydropower. This use is non-consumptive and is thus available for other uses further downstream. Hydropower plants exist at the Aswan High Dam (2100 MW), the old Aswan Dam (270 MW)and power plants at the Esna (90 MW) and Naga", "title": "Water resources management in modern Egypt" }, { "docid": "14291286", "text": "dam 98% of that sediment fell under the dam. Environmentally, the Aswan Dam has contributed to numerous issues for Egyptians. The expansion of desert areas since the Aswan High Dam's construction in 1970 has increased in soil salinity which allowed for waterborne diseases to emerge. In 1994, 28% of Egypt's soils were damaged by significant levels of salinity. The importance of water resources for Egyptians has contributed to the creation of agencies, such as the Egyptian Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, that promote and protect Egypt's natural resources. Environmental issues in Egypt Egypt's environmental problems include water scarcity, air", "title": "Environmental issues in Egypt" }, { "docid": "5549284", "text": "Institute Museum of the University of Chicago. Their main problems are the shortness of the remaining time and limited funding. Unlike the large UNESCO campaign conducted in Egypt before the completion of the Aswan High Dam, when more than a thousand archaeological sites could be documented and complete buildings were moved to prevent them from drowning in Lake Nasser's floods, work at the 4th cararact is much more restricted. Since 2006, the archaeologists working for the Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project became accused by environmental and human rights activists as well as the representatives of the affected people of facilitating", "title": "Merowe Dam" }, { "docid": "620534", "text": "be built on the basis of these principles. The era of large dams was initiated with the construction of the Aswan Low Dam in Egypt in 1902, a gravity masonry buttress dam on the Nile River. Following their 1882 invasion and occupation of Egypt, the British began construction in 1898. The project was designed by Sir William Willcocks and involved several eminent engineers of the time, including Sir Benjamin Baker and Sir John Aird, whose firm, John Aird & Co., was the main contractor. Capital and financing were furnished by Ernest Cassel. When initially constructed between 1899 and 1902, nothing", "title": "Dam" }, { "docid": "13995270", "text": "water management in Egypt begins with the construction of the Old Aswan Dam in 1902 and barrages on the Nile in the 19th and early 20th century. The Old Aswan Dam partially stored the waters of the Nile to allow the growing of multiple crops per year in the Nile Delta, while the barrages raised the water level of the Nile so that water could be diverted into large irrigation channels running in parallel to the river. The water regime of the river was changed fundamentally in 1970 when the Aswan High Dam was completed, eliminating the annual Nile flood.", "title": "Water resources management in modern Egypt" }, { "docid": "11696426", "text": "Egyptian,\" Aswan's maternal great-great grandsire, Sotamm, was a horse whose pedigree traced entirely to the horses purchased by Wilfrid and Lady Anne Blunt from the stud of Ali Pasha Sherif and imported to England. Sotamm was foaled in England and then sold to the Egyptian government by Lady Wentworth of the Crabbet Arabian Stud. In a near-similar manner, Sotamm's grandsire Mesaoud, imported from Egypt by the Blunts, also sold to Russia and stood at the Tersk Stud when it was privately owned by Count Sergei Aleksandrovich Stroganov and his brother-in-law Prince Aleksandr Grigorievich Shcherbatov. Aswan (horse) Aswan (1958–1984), originally named", "title": "Aswan (horse)" }, { "docid": "17963475", "text": "2014 Aswan tribal clashes The Aswan tribal clashes were a series of clashes east of Egypt's southern city of Aswan between two local ethnic tribes: the Arab Al-Halayel (Beni Helal) clan and the Nubian Al-Dabodeya family. Shootings and stabbing occurred throughout the city following verbal insults between students from both sides at a local school on Wednesday, two days before the violence. Cars were torched and homes were looted and burned down. The army had intervened to contain the crisis following a call by Aswan's governor. Vendetta killings are very common in Upper Egypt and can last across generations, but", "title": "2014 Aswan tribal clashes" }, { "docid": "16266667", "text": "as the High Dam in Aswan, Egypt, indicating a larger Soviet strategy for the development of third world nations it sought to bring under its sphere of influence. Large lettered Russian writing is still present on the down-stream face of the dam (visible from over 500 meters away) commemorating its completion in Russian and Pashto script. On the left it reads: \"сарде 1967\" and on the right: دسرده بند۱۳۴۶ According to USAID's Ghazni Infrastructure Needs Assessment: September 14–18, 2003 The Deputy Governor and other provincial officials agreed that the top priority for irrigation infrastructure rehabilitation in Ghazni province is the", "title": "Sardeh Band Dam" }, { "docid": "5549270", "text": "Egypt decided to control the flow of Nile water that reached its own territory by building a dam and creating a reservoir —the Aswan Dam and Nasser Lake. The Sudan military government under President Nimeiri revived the plan in 1979, now with the intention of producing hydroelectricity for Sudan's rising demand. The following decade saw international industry and planning offices busy, producing a total of four feasibility studies [1 - Coyne et Bellier, 1979 / Gibb, Merz & McLellan, GB, 1983 / Sweco, SE, 1984 / Monenco Consultants Ltd., CA, 1989]. However, insufficient funding and lack of investor interest effectively", "title": "Merowe Dam" }, { "docid": "16413621", "text": "1969 Aswan Ilyushin Il-18 crash On 20 March 1969, a United Arab Airlines Ilyushin Il-18 crashed while attempting to land at Aswan Airport. 100 of the 105 passengers and crew on board were killed in the crash. The flight was a non-scheduled international passenger service from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to Aswan, Egypt. The aircraft was carrying home Muslim worshippers who had won a pilgrimage through a lottery. It was dark in the early morning when the flight attempted to land and blowing sand had reduced visibility to 2–3 kilometers. After two unsuccessful attempts to land, the aircraft was making a", "title": "1969 Aswan Ilyushin Il-18 crash" }, { "docid": "5549288", "text": "A group calling itself the Nubian Liberation Front is threatening armed resistance in order to thwart the series of dams along the Nile, and particularly at Kajbar. The resettlement area is a vast area with an expected 50,000–70,000 inhabitants who would be going through a transitional period for a few years before the get acclimatised and psychologically adapted to their new life. Governing by the two eminent health impact experiences of New Halfa resettlement projects and Aswan Dam in Egypt, strategic health planning ought to start early to foresee what water born diseases and other ecological health problems (such as", "title": "Merowe Dam" }, { "docid": "15532403", "text": "production of less than 3 percent. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam could also lead to a permanent lowering of the water level in Lake Nasser, if floods are stored instead in Ethiopia. This would reduce the current evaporation of more than 10 billion cubic meter per year, but it would also reduce the ability of the Aswan High Dam to produce hydropower to the tune of a 100 MW loss of generating capacity for a 3 m reduction of the water level. However, the increased storage in Ethiopia can provide a greater buffer to shortages in Sudan and Egypt during", "title": "Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" }, { "docid": "20187250", "text": "Hans-Åke Nordström Hans-Åke Nordström (born c. 1934) is a Swedish archaeologist and professor at Uppsala University. His work has included excavations in parts of Nubia, submerged since the construction of the Aswan Dam, and the development of the Vienna System for classifying Egyptian pottery. Hans-Åke Nordström was born around 1934. During the 1960s he excavated parts of Nubia, an area between Aswan in Egypt and Khartoum in Sudan, which were submerged following the construction of the Aswan Dam. In 1972 he received his Ph.D., on the basis of his thesis \"Ceramic Ecology and Ceramic Technology. Early Nubian Cultures from the", "title": "Hans-Åke Nordström" }, { "docid": "4746953", "text": "Philae Philae (; , , Egyptian: \"p3-jw-rķ' or 'pA-jw-rq\"; Coptic: ) is an island in the reservoir of the Aswan Low Dam, downstream of the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser, Egypt. Philae was originally located near the expansive First Cataract of the Nile in Upper Egypt and was the site of an Egyptian temple complex. These rapids and the surrounding area have been variously flooded since the initial construction of the Aswan Low Dam in 1902. The temple complex was dismantled and moved to nearby Agilkia Island as part of the UNESCO Nubia Campaign project, protecting this and other complexes", "title": "Philae" }, { "docid": "3915918", "text": "a British civil engineer and later politician. The company formed out of affairs relating directly to British infrastructure development in Egypt between 1890 and 1930, in particular MacDonald's involvement with Aswan Low Dam, starting in 1898. MacDonald was involved in the original construction of the Aswan Dam and later became an advisor to the Egyptian Ministry of Public Works after the dam was completed in 1902. He became closely associated with the development and first heightening of the Aswan Low Dam for the development of hydroelectricity. MacDonald retired from his service with the Egyptian government in 1921 and returned to", "title": "Mott MacDonald" }, { "docid": "3556599", "text": "and the Soviets struggled for preeminence in the Third World through proxies in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. In the Middle East, the US feared the spread of Communism starting in Egypt and attempted to secure the region's most populous and politically powerful country for the West by guarantees of funding for construction of the Aswan Dam but it was eventually the Soviets who prevailed. Soviet diplomatic and political successes in the Third World left the West worried about losing one country after another to Communism according to the domino theory evoked by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. It was in", "title": "The Ugly American" }, { "docid": "5475180", "text": "Sehel Island Sehel Island is located in the Nile, about southwest of Aswan in southern Egypt. It is a large island, and is roughly halfway between the city and the upstream Aswan Low Dam. Sehel Island, spanning 3/4 the width of the Nile, is the primary large island below the Nile's First Cataract and the Aswan Low Dam (1902). Following downriver, the next major islands after Sehel are: Saluga, Ambunarti, Elephantine, and then Kitchener's Island. There are a dozen smaller islands scattered around them. The island was known in ancient tiles as \"Setet\", and there are many archaeological sites, including", "title": "Sehel Island" }, { "docid": "4524581", "text": "1955, Secretary Dulles announced that the United States, together with Great Britain, was providing nearly $75 million in aid to Egypt to help in the construction of the Aswan Dam on the Nile River. In response to Nasser's increasing attacks on Western colonialism and imperialism and Egypt's continued alliance with the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States withdrew funds for the Aswan Dam in July 1956. That action drove Egypt further toward an alliance with the Soviet Union and was a contributing factor to the Suez Crisis later in 1956. Nasser responded to the aid cut by nationalizing the", "title": "Foreign relations of the Soviet Union" }, { "docid": "5201548", "text": "waste of resources: Another example of misspent money is the Aswan High Dam. The dam was supposed to have modernized Egypt and Sudan immediately. Instead, the block of the natural flow of the Nile River meant that the Nile's natural supply of nitrate fertilizer and organic material was blocked. Now, about one-third of the dam's electric output goes directly into fertilizer production for what was previously the most fertile area on the planet. Moreover, the dam is silting up and may cease to serve any useful purpose within the next few centuries. In addition, the Mediterranean Sea is slowly becoming", "title": "Poverty in Africa" } ]
[ { "docid": "15201424", "text": "in the lower Nile. The dam, originally limited in height by conservation concerns, worked as designed, but provided inadequate storage capacity for planned development and was raised twice, between 1907 and 1912 and again in 1929–1933. These heightenings still did not meet irrigation demands and in 1946 it was nearly over-topped in an effort to maximize pool elevation. This led to the investigation and construction of the Aswan High Dam upstream. The earliest recorded attempt to build a dam near Aswan was in the 11th century, when the Arab polymath and engineer Ibn al-Haytham (known as \"Alhazen\" in the West)", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "1586221", "text": "technicians and heavy machinery. The enormous rock and clay dam was designed by the Soviet Hydroproject Institute along with some Egyptian engineers. 25,000 Egyptian engineers and workers contributed to the construction of the dams. On the Egyptian side, the project was led by Osman Ahmed Osman's Arab Contractors. The relatively young Osman underbid his only competitor by one-half. The Aswan High Dam is long, wide at the base, wide at the crest and tall. It contains of material. At maximum, of water can pass through the dam. There are further emergency spillways for an extra , and the Toshka Canal", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "15201427", "text": "granite. When constructed, the Old Aswan Dam was the largest masonry dam in the world. The design also included a navigation lock of similar construction on the western bank, which allowed shipping to pass upstream as far as the second cataract, whereas a portage overland was previously required. At the time of its construction, nothing of such scale had ever been attempted. Despite initial limitations imposed on its height, due to concern for the Philae Temple, the initial construction was soon found to be inadequate for development needs, and the height of the dam was raised in two phases, between", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "1586227", "text": "exchange rate in 1970 of $2.30 per E£1): £140 million from agricultural production, £100 million from hydroelectric generation, £10 million from flood protection, and £5 million from improved navigation. At the time of its construction, total cost, including unspecified \"subsidiary projects\" and the extension of electric power lines, amounted to £450 million. Not taking into account the negative environmental and social effects of the dam, its costs are thus estimated to have been recovered within only two years. One observer notes: \"The impacts of the Aswan High Dam (...) have been overwhelmingly positive. Although the Dam has contributed to some", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "15201426", "text": "on 10 December 1902, by HRH the Duke of Connaught and Strathearn. The project was designed by Sir William Willcocks and involved several eminent engineers of the time, including Sir Benjamin Baker and Sir John Aird, whose firm, John Aird & Co., was the main contractor. Capital and financing were furnished by Ernest Cassel. The Old Aswan Dam was designed as a gravity-buttress dam; the buttress sections accommodate numerous gates, which were opened yearly to pass the flood and its nutrient-rich sediments, but without retaining any yearly storage. The dam was constructed of rubble masonry and faced with red ashlar", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "1586213", "text": "including Sir Benjamin Baker and Sir John Aird, whose firm, John Aird & Co., was the main contractor. In 1952, the Greek-Egyptian engineer Adrian Daninos began to develop the plan of the new Aswan Dam. Although the Low Dam was almost overtopped in 1946, the government of King Farouk showed no interest in Daninos's plans. Instead the Nile Valley Plan by the British hydrologist Harold Edwin Hurst to store water in Sudan and Ethiopia, where evaporation is much lower, was favored. The Egyptian position changed completely with the overthrow of the monarchy, led by the Free Officers Movement including Gamal", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586239", "text": "soil surface over the years. Since most of the farmland did not have proper subsurface drainage to lower the groundwater table, salinization gradually affected crop yields. Drainage through sub-surface drains and drainage channels is essential to prevent a deterioration of crop yields from soil salinization and waterlogging. By 2003, more than 2.0 million have been equipped with a subsurface drainage system at a cost from 1973 to 2002 of about $3.1 billion. Contrary to many predictions made prior to the Aswan High Dam construction and publications that followed, that the prevalence of schistosomiasis (bilharzia) would increase, it did not. This", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586218", "text": "Though the Czech arms deal actually increased the American willingness to invest at Aswan, Great Britain cited the deal as a reason for reversing its promise of funds. What angered Dulles much more was Nasser's diplomatic recognition of China, which was in direct conflict with Dulles's policy of containment. There are several other reasons why the U.S. decided to withdraw its offer of funding. Dulles believed that the USSR would not fulfill its commitment to help the Egyptians. He was also irritated by Nasser's neutrality and attempts to play both sides of the Cold War. At the time, other western", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586223", "text": "year. The annual crop consumptive use of water is about . Hence, the overall irrigation efficiency is 38/46 = 0.82 or 82%. This is a relatively-high irrigation efficiency. The field irrigation efficiencies are much less, but the losses are reused downstream. This continuous reuse accounts for the high overall efficiency. The following table shows that the equal distribution of irrigation water over the branch canals taking off from the one main irrigation canal, the Mansuriya Canal near Giza, leaves much to be desired: The salt concentration of the water in the Aswan reservoir is about , a very low salinity", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586226", "text": "High Dam has resulted in protection from floods and droughts, an increase in agricultural production and employment, electricity production, and improved navigation that also benefits tourism. Conversely, the dam flooded a large area, causing the relocation of over 100,000 people. Many archaeological sites were submerged while others were relocated. The dam is blamed for coastline erosion, soil salinity, and health problems. The assessment of the costs and benefits of the dam remains controversial decades after its completion. According to one estimate, the annual economic benefit of the High Dam immediately after its completion was E£255 million, $587 million using the", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "27862", "text": "average relative humidity of only 26%, with a maximum mean of 42% during winter and a minimum mean of 16% during summer. The weather of Aswan is extremely clear, bright and sunny year-round, in all seasons, with a low seasonal variation, with almost 4,000 hours of annual sunshine, very close to the maximum theoretical sunshine duration. Aswan is one of the sunniest places on Earth. The highest record temperature was on July 4, 1918, and the lowest record temperature was on January 6, 1989. In 1999, South Valley University was inaugurated and it has three branches; Aswan, Qena and Hurghada.", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "15201428", "text": "1907–1912 and between 1929–1933, and generation of electricity was added. The first phase was supervised by Sir Benjamin Baker, though much of the detailed work was undertaken by Murdoch MacDonald. With its final raising (designed and supervised by MacDonald's firm, Sir M MacDonald & Partners), the dam is in length, with a crest level above the original riverbed; the dam provides the main route for traffic between the city and the airport. With the construction of the High Dam upstream, the Old Dam's ability to pass the flood's sediments was lost, as was the serviceability provided by the locks. The", "title": "Aswan Low Dam" }, { "docid": "1586244", "text": "mere 460 tons in 1968, but then gradually recovered to 8,590 tons in 1992. A scientific article in the mid-1990s noted that \"the mismatch between low primary productivity and relatively high levels of fish production in the region still presents a puzzle to scientists.\" A concern before the construction of the High Dam had been the potential drop in river-bed level downstream of the Dam as the result of erosion caused by the flow of sediment-free water. Estimates by various national and international experts put this drop at between 2 and 10 meters. However, the actual drop has been measured", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586220", "text": "to fund construction of the High Dam. When the Suez War broke out, the United Kingdom, France, and Israel seized the canal and the Sinai, but pressure from the U.S. and the USSR at the United Nations and elsewhere forced them to withdraw. In 1958, the USSR went ahead in providing support for the High Dam project. In the 1950s, archaeologists began raising concerns that several major historical sites, including the famous temple of Abu Simbel were about to be under water. A rescue operation began in 1960 under UNESCO (for details see below under Effects). The Soviets also provided", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586217", "text": "support. Although Dulles believed that Nasser was only bluffing and that the USSR would not aid Nasser, he was wrong— the USSR promised Nasser a quantity of arms in exchange for a deferred payment of Egyptian grain and cotton. On 27 September 1955, Nasser announced an arms deal, with Czechoslovakia acting as a middleman for the Soviet support. Instead of attacking Nasser for turning to the Soviets, Dulles sought to improve relations with him. This explains the later offer of December 1955, in which the U.S. and Britain pledged $56 and $14 million respectively towards the construction of the dam.", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "27861", "text": "remain above during the coldest month of the year while average low temperatures remain above . Winters are short, brief and extremely warm. Wintertime is very pleasant and enjoyable while summertime is unbearably hot with blazing sunshine although desert heat is dry. The climate of Aswan is extremely dry year-round, with less than of average annual precipitation. The desert city is one of the driest ones in the world, and rainfall doesn't occur every year, as of early 2001, the last rain there was seven years earlier. Aswan is one of the least humid cities on the planet, with an", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "20420138", "text": "Aswan Harmud Aswan Jibril Harmud is a Somaliland lawyer, and the first female Prosecutor in Somaliland. In 2010, Harmud became the first female prosecutor in Somaliland. This was made possible with the financial assistance of help of the United Nations Development Programme's legal scholarship and internship programme, where at least half the awards are given to women, and with which she was able to finish law school and an internship in the Somaliland Prosecutor's Office. Funding was provided by the European Union. In 2014, Harmud was featured in the \"Somali Voices\" multimedia project created by the United Nations in Somalia.", "title": "Aswan Harmud" }, { "docid": "14999981", "text": "Al Wahda Dam (Morocco) Al Wahda Dam, formerly known as M'Jaara Dam, is an embankment dam on the Ouergha River near M´Jaara in Taounate Province, Morocco. It was constructed for flood control, irrigation, water supply and hydroelectric power production. It is the second largest dam in Africa and the largest in Morocco. It was described by Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) as \"the second most important dam in Africa after the High Aswan dam.\" In 1988, the Board of Water and Climate considered the dam and eventually it was recommended for development. Construction began in 1991, the", "title": "Al Wahda Dam (Morocco)" }, { "docid": "1586242", "text": "below 147 m above sea level, 90 km live storage, and 41 km of storage for high flood waters above 175m above sea level. The annual sediment load of the Nile is about 134 million tons. This means that the dead storage volume would be filled up after 300–500 years if the sediment accumulated at the same rate throughout the area of the lake. Obviously sediment accumulates much faster at the upper reaches of the lake, where sedimentation has already affected the live storage zone. Before the construction of the High Dam, the 50,000 km of irrigation and drainage canals", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "1586215", "text": "that time the U.S. feared that communism would spread to the Middle East, and it saw Nasser as a natural leader of an anticommunist procapitalist Arab League. America and Britain offered to help finance construction of the High Dam, with a loan of $270 million, in return for Nasser's leadership in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. While opposed to communism, capitalism, and imperialism, Nasser presented himself as a tactical neutralist, and sought to work with both the U.S. and the USSR for Egyptian and Arab benefit. After a particularly criticized raid by Israel against Egyptian forces in Gaza in 1955, Nasser", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "20420139", "text": "In 2015, Harmud was one of over 75 women working in Somaliland's legal, against no more than five in 2008. According to Harmud, \"I see this as a step forward for women, because we were looked down upon and people used to think we could not hold these positions\". Harmud has also said commented on the problems that such high-profile work has led to, \"The women in the office have become targets. We don’t walk around town with our faces uncovered. We cover our faces – we do this out of fear.\" Aswan Harmud Aswan Jibril Harmud is a Somaliland", "title": "Aswan Harmud" }, { "docid": "7581397", "text": "the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and temples at Abu Simbel and Karnak, even though the locations are not in sequence. The boat trip starts in Aswan, follows to Karnak and then to Abu Simbel which is upstream from Aswan. Furthermore, it was never possible to go by boat from Aswan to Abu Simbel, even before the Aswan Dam was built because of the cataracts near Aswan. \"Death on the Nile\" won the Academy Award for Best Costume Design at the 51st Academy Awards. Jacqueline \"Jackie\" de Bellefort asks her close friend, wealthy heiress, Linnet Ridgeway, to hire her fiancé, Simon", "title": "Death on the Nile (1978 film)" }, { "docid": "27859", "text": "the summer solstice, a vertical staff cast no shadow. They noted that the sun's disc was reflected in a well at noon. This statement is only approximately correct; at the summer solstice, the shadow was only of the staff, and so could scarcely be discerned, and the northern limb of the Sun's disc would be nearly vertical. However, Eratosthenes used this information together with measurements of the shadow length on the solstice at Alexandria to perform the first known calculation of the circumference of the Earth. The Nile is nearly wide above Aswan. From this frontier town to the northern", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "27858", "text": "330, the legion stationed here received a bishop from Alexandria; this later became the Coptic Diocese of Syene. The city is mentioned by numerous ancient writers, including Herodotus, Strabo, Stephanus of Byzantium, Ptolemy, Pliny the Elder, Vitruvius, and it appears on the Antonine Itinerary. It also is mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Isaiah. The latitude of the city that would become Aswan – located at 24° 5′ 23″ – was an object of great interest to the ancient geographers. They believed that it was seated immediately under the tropic, and that on the day of", "title": "Aswan" }, { "docid": "16413622", "text": "third try when it banked to the right and hit the left side of the runway. The starboard wing tore off and a fuel spillage followed which caused the crashed aircraft to burst into flames. The probable cause was determined to be that the \"Pilot descended below the minimum safe altitude without having the runway lights clearly in sight. A contributory factor was fatigue arising from continuous working hours without suitable rest periods.\" 1969 Aswan Ilyushin Il-18 crash On 20 March 1969, a United Arab Airlines Ilyushin Il-18 crashed while attempting to land at Aswan Airport. 100 of the 105", "title": "1969 Aswan Ilyushin Il-18 crash" }, { "docid": "1586216", "text": "realized that he could not legitimately portray himself as the leader of pan-Arab nationalism if he could not defend his country militarily against Israel. In addition to his development plans, he looked to quickly modernize his military, and he turned first to the U.S. The American Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and the American President Dwight Eisenhower told Nasser that the U.S. would supply him with weapons only if they were used for defensive purposes and accompanied by American military personnel for supervision and training. Nasser did not accept these conditions, but then he looked to the USSR for", "title": "Aswan Dam" }, { "docid": "10112582", "text": "in the country. The involvement that the U.S. would take in Egyptian business and politics in return for aid, Nasser thought \"smacked of colonialism.\" Indeed, as political scholar B.M. Bleckman argued in 1978, \"Nasser had ambivalent feelings toward the United States. From 1952 to 1954 he was on close terms with U.S. officials and was viewed in Washington as a promising moderate Arab leader. The conclusion of an arms deal with the USSR in 1955, however, had cooled the relationship between Cairo and Washington considerably, and the Dulles-Eisenhower decision to withdraw the offer to finance the Aswan High Dam in", "title": "United States foreign policy in the Middle East" }, { "docid": "120299", "text": "EuroAfrica Interconnector pointing out its importance for energy security of three countries.< Irrigation plays a major role in a country the very livelihood of which depends upon a single river, the Nile. Most ambitious of all the irrigation projects is that of the Aswan High Dam, completed in 1971. A report published in March 1975 by the National Council for Production and Economic Affairs indicated that the dam had proved successful in controlling floodwaters and ensuring recurring water supply, but that water consumption had been more than needed and shall be controlled. Some precious land was lost below the dam", "title": "Economy of Egypt" }, { "docid": "8944471", "text": "by a gantry crane that travels on the service bridge above the dam. At the time it was completed it was second in length only to the Aswan Low Dam on the Nile River. Construction began in 1910 and when completed in 1913 it was the largest capacity, single powerhouse electricity generating plant in the world. The Power House and spillways are owned and operated by Ameren Missouri and has a 142 MW capacity. The powerhouse contains 15 generators, originally designed to produce 25 Hz instead of the 60 Hz alternating current used today. Keokuk and Hamilton Water Power landed", "title": "Lock and Dam No. 19" }, { "docid": "13366285", "text": "of between 500–700 years. Glen Canyon Dam is a concrete arch dam on the Colorado River in northern Arizona in the United States, just north of Page. The dam was built to provide hydroelectricity and flow regulation from the upper Colorado River Basin to the lower. Its reservoir is called Lake Powell, and is the second largest artificial lake in the country, extending upriver well into Utah. The dam is named for Glen Canyon, a colorful series of gorges, most of which now lies under the reservoir. Construction of Glen Canyon Dam started in 1956 and was not finished until", "title": "Risks to the Glen Canyon Dam" }, { "docid": "18020301", "text": "Hanabanilla Dam The Hanabanilla Dam is an embankment dam on the Hanabanilla River near the village of El Salto del Hanabanilla in Villa Clara Province, Cuba. The purpose of the dam is to provide water for irrigation and municipal uses and to generate hydroelectric power. The dam withholds a reservoir of and the power station, located near its base, has an installed capacity of 43 MW. It is the largest hydroelectric power station in the country. Near the southern end of the reservoir is Jibacoa Dam, an auxiliary dam, which closes off one valley to create the existing large reservoir.", "title": "Hanabanilla Dam" }, { "docid": "120282", "text": "border, behind the Aswan High Dam. Just north of Cairo, the Nile spreads out over what was once a broad estuary that has been filled by riverine deposits to form a fertile delta about wide at the seaward base and about from south to north. Before the construction of dams on the Nile, particularly the Aswan High Dam (started in 1960, completed in 1970), the fertility of the Nile Valley was sustained by the water flow and the silt deposited by the annual flood. Sediment is now obstructed by the Aswan High Dam and retained in Lake Nasser. The interruption", "title": "Economy of Egypt" }, { "docid": "17926976", "text": "base of the dam began in 2011. Tsiazompaniry Dam The Tsiazompaniry Dam is a buttress dam on the Varahina-South River, a tributary of the Ikopa River, near Tsiazompaniry in the Analamanga Region of Madagascar. The dam was constructed by a French firm in 1956. It creates Lake Tsiazompaniry, the largest reservoir in the country, which has a surface area of and a storage volume of . A second buttress dam, northwest of the main dam helps withhold the reservoir. Water released from the dam supplies a regulated flow to hydroelectric power station at the Antelomita Dam downstream. Efforts to install", "title": "Tsiazompaniry Dam" }, { "docid": "17987264", "text": "Monasavu Dam The Monasavu Dam is a rock-fill embankment dam on the Nanuku River about northwest of Suva in Naitasiri Province, Fiji. It is located just above the Monasavu Falls and is both the tallest and largest dam, which also withholds the largest reservoir in the country. The primary purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power and it supports an power station. To offset fossil fuel imports for power production on the island, the Monasavu-Wailoa Hydroelectric Project was authorized by the Fiji Electricity Authority in 1977 and construction began in May 1978. The dam was complete and power", "title": "Monasavu Dam" }, { "docid": "17926975", "text": "Tsiazompaniry Dam The Tsiazompaniry Dam is a buttress dam on the Varahina-South River, a tributary of the Ikopa River, near Tsiazompaniry in the Analamanga Region of Madagascar. The dam was constructed by a French firm in 1956. It creates Lake Tsiazompaniry, the largest reservoir in the country, which has a surface area of and a storage volume of . A second buttress dam, northwest of the main dam helps withhold the reservoir. Water released from the dam supplies a regulated flow to hydroelectric power station at the Antelomita Dam downstream. Efforts to install a 5.25 MW power station at the", "title": "Tsiazompaniry Dam" }, { "docid": "18000845", "text": "Jigüey Dam The Jigüey Dam is an arch-gravity dam on the Nizao River about east of San Cristóbal in San Cristóbal Province of the Dominican Republic. At tall, it is the third highest dam in the country. The purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power and it supplies the largest hydroelectric power station in the country. The dam diverts water through over of headrace pipe and penstock to the power station downstream. The power station contains two 49 MW Francis turbine-generators for an installed capacity of 98 MW. The dam was completed and its power station was commissioned", "title": "Jigüey Dam" }, { "docid": "17805838", "text": "Maskeliya Dam The Maskeliya Dam (also known as the Maussakelle Dam) is a large gravity dam at Maskeliya, in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. Along with the Castlereigh Dam, the dams are the highest point and beginning of the Laxapana Hydropower Complex, involving a number of dams, penstocks, and hydroelectric power stations. The dam creates the Maskeliya Reservoir over the route of Maskeliya Oya, a major tributary of the Kelani River, which is the 4th longest in the country. A penstock from the Maskeliya Reservoir, measuring in diameter, transfers water directly to the Canyon Hydroelectric Power Station, located further", "title": "Maskeliya Dam" }, { "docid": "17987266", "text": "In 1992, the power station was supplying 92% of Viti Levu's, the main Fiji island, power. This share dropped to 49% in 2006 due to growing power demand. Monasavu Dam The Monasavu Dam is a rock-fill embankment dam on the Nanuku River about northwest of Suva in Naitasiri Province, Fiji. It is located just above the Monasavu Falls and is both the tallest and largest dam, which also withholds the largest reservoir in the country. The primary purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power and it supports an power station. To offset fossil fuel imports for power production", "title": "Monasavu Dam" }, { "docid": "15532401", "text": "govern the impacts during the reservoir filling phase include the initial reservoir elevation of the Aswan High Dam, the rainfall that occurs during the filling period and the negotiated arrangement between the three countries. These studies also show that only through close and continuous coordination, the risks of negative impacts can be minimized or eliminated. The reservoir volume (74 billion cubic meters) is about 1.5 times the average annual flow (49 billion cubic meters) of the Blue Nile at the Sudanese-Egyptian border. This loss to downstream countries could be spread over several years if the countries reach an agreement. Depending", "title": "Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam" }, { "docid": "18000846", "text": "1992. It cost US$500 million to build and funding was provided by the host government. Jigüey Dam The Jigüey Dam is an arch-gravity dam on the Nizao River about east of San Cristóbal in San Cristóbal Province of the Dominican Republic. At tall, it is the third highest dam in the country. The purpose of the dam is to produce hydroelectric power and it supplies the largest hydroelectric power station in the country. The dam diverts water through over of headrace pipe and penstock to the power station downstream. The power station contains two 49 MW Francis turbine-generators for an", "title": "Jigüey Dam" }, { "docid": "8059575", "text": "Pangani Falls Dam Pangani Falls Dam is a dam in Tanzania, which is part of the Pangani Hydro Systems. The dam is located at Koani in the Muheza District of the Tanga Region, about 8 km south of another power station at Hale. The Pangani falls power station has two turbines and has an installed capacity of . Construction of the dam began in December 1991 and was commissioned quickly just 3 years later to aid the ailing power shortages in the country. The entire project was funded by European Scandinavian nations (Norway, Finland and Sweden), which jointly decided to", "title": "Pangani Falls Dam" }, { "docid": "10086273", "text": "Toktogul Dam Toktogul Dam is a hydroelectric and irrigation dam on the Naryn River in the Jalal-Abad Province of Kyrgyzstan. It is concrete gravity dam with height of and length of . It is a part of the Naryn-Syr Darya cascade. It is named after Toktogul Satilganov. The Toktogul Hydroelectric Station has installed capacity of 1,200 MW, which makes it the largest power plant in the country. It has four turbines with capacity of 300 MW each. Toktogul Reservoir (, ; ) is the largest of the reservoirs on the path of the Naryn River, a northern tributary of the", "title": "Toktogul Dam" }, { "docid": "10086276", "text": "day. Toktogul Dam Toktogul Dam is a hydroelectric and irrigation dam on the Naryn River in the Jalal-Abad Province of Kyrgyzstan. It is concrete gravity dam with height of and length of . It is a part of the Naryn-Syr Darya cascade. It is named after Toktogul Satilganov. The Toktogul Hydroelectric Station has installed capacity of 1,200 MW, which makes it the largest power plant in the country. It has four turbines with capacity of 300 MW each. Toktogul Reservoir (, ; ) is the largest of the reservoirs on the path of the Naryn River, a northern tributary of", "title": "Toktogul Dam" }, { "docid": "20902278", "text": "1900s for NSW country town water supplies which utilised a thin concrete arch wall, although it is a notable example of that set. Medlow Dam Medlow Dam is a heritage-listed major gated concrete-walled arch dam across the Adams Creek in the Blue Mountains region, located at Beauchamp Road, Medlow Bath in the City of Blue Mountains local government area of New South Wales, Australia. The dam was designed and built in 1907 by the NSW Department of Public Works. The dam's purpose includes is primarily for the potable water supply of the upper Blue Mountains region. The impounded reservoir is", "title": "Medlow Dam" }, { "docid": "15318807", "text": "of 90% efficiency. More importantly, Francis's mathematical and graphical calculation methods advanced turbine design and engineering and allowed confident design of high efficiency turbines to exactly match a site's flow conditions. In the 1870s and deriving from uses in the mining industry, the high efficiency Pelton wheel impulse turbine was developed to use hydropower under very different flow and pressure conditions. Advances in dam design also progressed, with the completion of Old Aswan Dam being considered a milestone of engineering over nature. At the time of its construction, nothing of such scale had ever been attempted: it also became one", "title": "Hydropower policy in the United States" } ]
Where did Idi Amin rule from 1971-1979?
[ "Ugandese", "Ugandans", "Republic of uganda", "Ouganda", "ISO 3166-1:UG", "Republic of Uganda", "People of Uganda", "Ugandan people", "Uganda", "Ugandan", "The Republic of Uganda" ]
[ { "docid": "795915", "text": "Idi Amin Idi Amin Dada Oumee (; 2816 August 2003) was a Ugandan politician and military officer. He was the President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979, and his rule gained notoriety for its sheer brutality and oppressiveness. Amin was born either in Koboko or Kampala to a Kakwa father and Lugbara mother. In 1946 he joined the King's African Rifles (KAR) of the British Colonial Army. Initially a cook, he rose to the position of lieutenant, taking part in British actions against Somali rebels in the Shifta War and then the Mau Mau rebels in Kenya. Following Uganda's independence", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "9153176", "text": "Rise and Fall of Idi Amin Rise and Fall of Idi Amin, also known as Amin: The Rise and Fall, is a 1981 biographical film directed by Sharad Patel and starring Joseph Olita as Idi Amin. Olita also played Amin in the 1991 film \"Mississippi Masala\". It details the controversial actions and atrocities of the former dictator of Uganda, Idi Amin Dada, during his violent rise to power in 1971 until his overthrow in 1979 as the result of the Uganda–Tanzania War. \"Rise and Fall of Idi Amin\" was a co-production of the United Kingdom, Kenya, and Nigeria, with most", "title": "Rise and Fall of Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795917", "text": "group designed to promote solidarity among African states. During the 1977–1979 period, Uganda was a member of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. In 1977, when the UK broke diplomatic relations with Uganda, Amin declared he had defeated the British and added \"CBE\", for \"Conqueror of the British Empire\", to his title. Radio Uganda then announced his entire title: \"His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Alhaji Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE\". As Amin's rule progressed into the late 1970s, growing dissent against his persecution of certain ethnic groups and political dissidents, along with Uganda's very", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795957", "text": "and another in which he was a spokesman against venereal disease. In a Benny Hill show transmitted in January 1977, Hill portrayed Amin sitting behind a desk that featured a placard reading \"ME TARZAN, U GANDA\". The foreign media were often criticised by Ugandan exiles and defectors for emphasizing Amin's self-aggrandizing eccentricities and taste for excess while downplaying or excusing his murderous behavior. Other commentators even suggested that Amin had deliberately cultivated his eccentric reputation in the foreign media as an easily parodied buffoon in order to defuse international concern over his administration of Uganda. Idi Amin Idi Amin Dada", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795920", "text": "was the son of Andreas Nyabire (1889–1976). Nyabire, a member of the Kakwa ethnic group, converted from Roman Catholicism to Islam in 1910 and changed his name to Amin Dada. He named his first-born son after himself. Abandoned by his father at a young age, Idi Amin grew up with his mother's family in a rural farming town in north-western Uganda. Guweddeko states that Amin's mother was Assa Aatte (1904–1970), an ethnic Lugbara and a traditional herbalist who treated members of Buganda royalty, among others. Amin joined an Islamic school in Bombo in 1941. After a few years, he left", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "6565873", "text": "General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait () is a 1974 documentary film by French director Barbet Schroeder with English dialogue. It was made with the support and participation of its subject, the Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. The film depicts Amin at the height of his power as the ruler of Uganda. The film is an extended character study of its subject. It follows Amin closely in a series of formal and informal settings, combined with several short interviews in which Amin expounds his unconventional theories of politics, economics, and international relations. Amin", "title": "General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait" }, { "docid": "795929", "text": "elections, which would be announced when the situation was normalised. He promised to release all political prisoners. Amin held a state funeral in April 1971 for Edward Mutesa, former King (\"Kabaka\") of Buganda and President who had died in exile; freed many political prisoners; and reiterated his promise to hold free and fair elections to return the country to democratic rule in the shortest period possible. On 2 February 1971, one week after the coup, Amin declared himself President of Uganda, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Army Chief of Staff, and Chief of Air Staff. He announced that he was", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795954", "text": "the more feared officers in Amin's army. As the years progressed, Amin's behaviour became more erratic, unpredictable, and outspoken. After the United Kingdom broke off all diplomatic relations with his regime in 1977, Amin declared he had defeated the British, and conferred on himself the decoration of CBE (Conqueror of the British Empire). His full self-bestowed title ultimately became: \"His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795949", "text": "in the scale of Pol Pot as one of the worst of all African regimes\". A polygamist, Idi Amin married at least six women, three of whom he divorced. He married his first and second wives, Malyamu and Kay, in 1966. In 1967, he married Nora, and then married Nalongo Madina in 1972. On 26 March 1974, he announced on Radio Uganda that he had divorced Malyamu, Nora, and Kay. Malyamu was arrested in Tororo on the Kenyan border in April 1974 and accused of attempting to smuggle a bolt of fabric into Kenya. In 1974, Kay Amin died under", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "6565878", "text": "the film, but Schroeder refused. In response, Amin rounded up almost 200 French citizens living in Uganda and confined them to a hotel surrounded by the Ugandan army, supplying them with Schroeder's home telephone number and explaining that their release was conditional on Schroeder's acquiescence. In the face of this dilemma, Schroeder made the requested cuts, replacing the 2½ minutes of excised footage with title cards crediting the gaps to Amin. On Amin's fall from power, Schroeder restored the missing material, and most versions seen today contain the full footage. General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait General Idi Amin", "title": "General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait" }, { "docid": "795918", "text": "poor international standing due to Amin's support for the terrorist hijackers in Operation Entebbe, led to unrest. When Amin attempted to annex Tanzania's Kagera Region in 1978, Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere had his troops invade Uganda; they captured Kampala and ousted Amin from power. Amin then went into exile, first in Libya and then in Saudi Arabia, where he lived until his death on 16 August 2003. Amin's rule was characterized by rampant human rights abuses, political repression, ethnic persecution, extrajudicial killings, nepotism, corruption, and gross economic mismanagement. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795946", "text": "Army (UNLA). Amin's army retreated steadily, and, despite military help from Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Amin was forced to flee into exile by helicopter on 11 April 1979, when Kampala was captured. He escaped first to Libya, where he stayed until 1980, and ultimately settled in Saudi Arabia, where the Saudi royal family allowed him sanctuary and paid him a generous subsidy in return for staying out of politics. Amin lived for a number of years on the top two floors of the Novotel Hotel on Palestine Road in Jeddah. Brian Barron, who covered the Uganda–Tanzania war for the BBC as", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795936", "text": "amended to include all 60,000 Asians who were not Ugandan citizens. Around 30,000 Ugandan Asians emigrated to the UK. Others went to Commonwealth countries such as Australia, South Africa, Canada, and Fiji, or to India, Kenya, Pakistan, Sweden, Tanzania, and the United States. Amin expropriated businesses and properties belonging to the Asians and the Europeans and handed them over to his supporters. The businesses were mismanaged, and industries collapsed from lack of maintenance. This proved disastrous for the already declining economy. In 1975, Emmanuel Blayo Wakhweya, Idi Amin's finance minister and longest serving cabinet member at the time, defected in", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795916", "text": "from the United Kingdom in 1962, Amin remained in the armed forces, rising to the position of major and being appointed Commander of the Army in 1965. Aware that Ugandan President Milton Obote was planning to arrest him for misappropriating army funds, Amin launched a 1971 military coup and declared himself President. During his years in power, Amin shifted from being a pro-western ruler, enjoying considerable Israeli support to being backed by Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Zaire's Mobutu Sese Seko, the Soviet Union, and East Germany. In 1975, Amin became the chairman of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), a Pan-Africanist", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "6565877", "text": "However, Amin's influence as a \"director\" went beyond the actual filming of \"Idi Amin Dada\". As per his agreement with Amin, Barbet Schroeder made two versions of his documentary: the first, an hour-long cut, was released in Uganda and delivered directly to Amin, who was apparently pleased with the result. The second version was released only outside Uganda and contained an additional half-hour of footage and narration. According to Schroeder, Amin dispatched his agents in Britain to watch the film and write down a full transcript of its contents. Amin soon sent a letter to Schroeder requesting additional cuts to", "title": "General Idi Amin Dada: A Self Portrait" }, { "docid": "795928", "text": "him for misappropriating army funds, Amin seized power in a military coup on 25 January 1971, while Obote was attending a Commonwealth summit meeting in Singapore. Troops loyal to Amin sealed off Entebbe International Airport and took Kampala. Soldiers surrounded Obote's residence and blocked major roads. A broadcast on Radio Uganda accused Obote's government of corruption and preferential treatment of the Lango region. Cheering crowds were reported in the streets of Kampala after the radio broadcast. Amin announced that he was a soldier, not a politician, and that the military government would remain only as a caretaker regime until new", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "9322840", "text": "had hoped for failed to materialize, however, and the invasion was defeated. Nevertheless, the conflict resulted in a sharp detoriation of relations between Uganda and Tanzania, which ultimately resulted in the Uganda–Tanzania War and the fall of Amin's regime in 1979. 1971 Ugandan coup d'état The 1971 Ugandan coup d'état was a military coup d'état executed by the Ugandan military, led by general Idi Amin, against the government of President Milton Obote on January 25, 1971. The seizure of power took place while Obote was abroad attending the Commonwealth Heads of State conference in Singapore. Amin was afraid that Obote", "title": "1971 Ugandan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "795926", "text": "abolishing the ceremonial presidency held by Kabaka (King) Mutesa II of Buganda, and declared himself executive president. He promoted Amin to colonel and army commander. Amin led an attack on the Kabaka's palace and forced Mutesa into exile to the United Kingdom, where he remained until his death in 1969. Amin began recruiting members of Kakwa, Lugbara, South Sudanese, and other ethnic groups from the West Nile area bordering South Sudan. The South Sudanese had been residents in Uganda since the early 20th century, having come from South Sudan to serve the colonial army. Many African ethnic groups in northern", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "2465136", "text": "History of Uganda (1979–present) The history of Uganda since 11 April 1979 comprises the history of Uganda since the end of the dictatorship of Idi Amin. This period has seen the second rule of Milton Obote and the presidency of Yoweri Museveni since 1986, in which Ugandan politics have been dominated by the National Resistance Movement. A month before the liberation of Kampala, during the Uganda-Tanzania War, representatives of twenty-two Ugandan civilian and military groups were hastily called together at Moshi, Tanzania, to try to agree on an interim civilian government once Amin was removed. Called the Unity Conference in", "title": "History of Uganda (1979–present)" }, { "docid": "795956", "text": "and alluded to in the film \"The Last King of Scotland\" in 2006, a movie which earned actor Forest Whitaker an Academy Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of Amin. During Amin's time in power, popular media outside of Uganda often portrayed him as an essentially comic and eccentric figure. In a 1977 assessment typical of the time, a \"Time\" magazine article described him as a \"killer and clown, big-hearted buffoon and strutting martinet\". The comedy-variety series \"Saturday Night Live\" aired four Amin sketches between 1976 and 1979, including one in which he was an ill-behaved houseguest in exile,", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795945", "text": "of Amin's ministers defected or fled into exile. In November 1978, after Amin's vice president, General Mustafa Adrisi, was injured in a car crash, troops loyal to him mutinied. Amin sent troops against the mutineers, some of whom had fled across the Tanzanian border. Amin accused Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere of waging war against Uganda, ordered the invasion of Tanzanian territory, and formally annexed a section of the Kagera Region across the boundary. In January 1979, Nyerere mobilised the Tanzania People's Defence Force and counterattacked, joined by several groups of Ugandan exiles who had united as the Uganda National Liberation", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "2465107", "text": "to early 1971, Milton Obote's regime had terrorized, harassed, and tortured people. Frequent food shortages had blasted food prices through the ceiling. Obote's persecution of Indian traders had contributed to this. During Obote's regime, flagrant and widespread corruption had emerged. The regime was disliked, particularly in Buganda where people had suffered the most. By January 1971, Milton Obote, then President of Uganda, was prepared to rid himself of the potential threat posed by Idi Amin. Departing for the 1971 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting at Singapore, he relayed orders to loyal Langi officers that Amin and his supporters in the", "title": "History of Uganda (1971–79)" }, { "docid": "2465165", "text": "crimes court. On 12 October 2011, US President Obama authorized the deployment to Uganda of approximately 100 combat-equipped US forces to help regional forces \"remove from the battlefield\" – meaning capture or kill – Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and senior leaders of the LRA. History of Uganda (1979–present) The history of Uganda since 11 April 1979 comprises the history of Uganda since the end of the dictatorship of Idi Amin. This period has seen the second rule of Milton Obote and the presidency of Yoweri Museveni since 1986, in which Ugandan politics have been dominated by the National", "title": "History of Uganda (1979–present)" }, { "docid": "5773183", "text": "appointed the first local director of Uganda Television (UTV). In 1971 Awori was jailed for two months after Idi Amin's coup, because during Amin's first coup attempt he didn't broadcast a speech Amin gave, lying to him by saying that they were live on air. He went into political exile in Kenya, where he taught at the University of Nairobi until 1976 and then traveled around Africa visiting Tanzania, Liberia and Senegal and returning to Nairobi in 1979. After Idi Amin was overthrown in 1979, Awori returned to Uganda. He ran for a seat in the National Assembly of Uganda,", "title": "Aggrey Awori" }, { "docid": "795939", "text": "Indian descent, India severed diplomatic relations with Uganda. The same year, as part of his \"economic war\", Amin broke diplomatic ties with the UK and nationalised all British-owned businesses. That year, relations with Israel soured. Although Israel had previously supplied Uganda with arms, in 1972 Amin expelled Israeli military advisers and turned to Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and the Soviet Union for support. Amin became an outspoken critic of Israel. In return, Gaddafi gave financial aid to Amin. In the 1974 French-produced documentary film \"\", Amin discussed his plans for war against Israel, using paratroops, bombers, and suicide squadrons. The", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795927", "text": "Uganda inhabit both Uganda and South Sudan; allegations persist that Amin's army consisted mainly of South Sudanese soldiers. Eventually a rift developed between Amin and Obote, exacerbated by the support Amin had built within the army by recruiting from the West Nile region, his involvement in operations to support the rebellion in southern Sudan and an attempt on Obote's life in 1969. In October 1970, Obote took control of the armed forces, reducing Amin from his months-old post of commander of all the armed forces to that of commander of the army. Having learned that Obote was planning to arrest", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795923", "text": "nomads. In 1962, following Uganda's independence from the United Kingdom, Amin was promoted to captain and then, in 1963, to major. He was appointed Deputy Commander of the Army in 1964 and, the following year, to Commander of the Army. In 1970, he was promoted to commander of all the armed forces. Amin was an athlete during his time in both the British and Ugandan army. At 193 cm (6 ft 4 in) tall and powerfully built, he was the Ugandan light heavyweight boxing champion from 1951 to 1960, as well as a swimmer. Amin was also a formidable rugby", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795947", "text": "chief Africa correspondent, together with cameraman Mohamed Amin (no relation) of Visnews in Nairobi, located Amin in 1980, and secured the first interview with him since his deposition. During interviews he gave during his exile in Saudi Arabia, Amin held that Uganda needed him, and never expressed remorse for the brutal nature of his regime. On 19 July 2003, Amin's fourth wife, Nalongo Madina, reported that he was in a coma and near death at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from kidney failure. She pleaded with the Ugandan President, Yoweri Museveni, to allow", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795940", "text": "Soviet Union became Amin's largest arms supplier. East Germany was involved in the General Service Unit and the State Research Bureau, the two agencies that were most notorious for terror. Later during the Ugandan invasion of Tanzania in 1979, East Germany attempted to remove evidence of its involvement with these agencies. In 1973, U.S. Ambassador Thomas Patrick Melady recommended that the United States reduce its presence in Uganda. Melady described Amin's regime as \"racist, erratic and unpredictable, brutal, inept, bellicose, irrational, ridiculous, and militaristic\". Accordingly, the United States closed its embassy in Kampala. In June 1976, Amin allowed an Air", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "13557458", "text": "released in late November 1970. When Idi Amin took over power in January 1971, a number of Ugandans on the left decided to work with the Amin government (Nabudere was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the East African Railways), but they were soon disillusioned, and beginning with Rugumayo a number of them resigned from government in 1972. Nabudere was appointed by Idi Amin in 1971 as the East Africa Railways and Harbours chairman based in Nairobi, but in 1974 protesting Amin's brutality he resigned and moved to Tanzania where he became one of the plotters for Idi", "title": "Dani Wadada Nabudere" }, { "docid": "2750755", "text": "Uganda National Liberation Front The Uganda National Liberation Front (UNLF) was a political group formed by exiled Ugandans opposed to the rule of Idi Amin with an accompanying military wing, the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA). UNLA fought alongside Tanzanian forces in the Uganda–Tanzania War that led to the overthrow of Idi Amin's regime. The group ruled Uganda from the overthrow of Amin in April 1979 until the disputed national elections in December 1980. The UNLF was formed as an outcome of a meeting of Ugandan exiles from 24 to 26 March 1979 in the northern Tanzanian town of Moshi.", "title": "Uganda National Liberation Front" }, { "docid": "9322835", "text": "1971 Ugandan coup d'état The 1971 Ugandan coup d'état was a military coup d'état executed by the Ugandan military, led by general Idi Amin, against the government of President Milton Obote on January 25, 1971. The seizure of power took place while Obote was abroad attending the Commonwealth Heads of State conference in Singapore. Amin was afraid that Obote might dismiss him. The 1971 coup is often cited as an example of \"class action by the military\", wherein the Ugandan armed forces acted against \"an increasingly socialist régime whose equalitarian domestic politics posed more and more of a threat to", "title": "1971 Ugandan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "5008733", "text": "escaped to London and Obote declared himself President of Uganda. This action more than anything else began the decline of the UPC as a popular party in Uganda. As his unpopularity grew Obote increasingly turned to his Northern home support rather than trying to strengthen the party in the South. The 1969 elections were cancelled and Obote became dictatorial. His government was overthrown in 1971 by Idi Amin. The UPC returned in 1979 after Idi Amin was overthrown. Obote as leader of the UPC was closely aligned to the Military Junta that had replaced Idi Amin and rather than strengthen", "title": "Uganda People's Congress" }, { "docid": "795948", "text": "him to return to Uganda for the remainder of his life. Museveni replied that Amin would have to \"answer for his sins the moment he was brought back\". Amin's family eventually decided to disconnect life support, and Amin consequently died at the hospital in Jeddah on 16 August 2003. He was buried in Ruwais Cemetery in Jeddah in a simple grave, without any fanfare. After Amin's death, David Owen revealed that when he was the British Foreign Secretary, he had proposed having Amin assassinated. He has defended this, arguing: \"I'm not ashamed of considering it, because his regime goes down", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795943", "text": "relations, leading the United Kingdom to close its High Commission in Uganda. In retaliation for Kenya's assistance in the raid, Amin also ordered the killing of hundreds of Kenyans living in Uganda. Uganda under Amin embarked on a large military build-up, which raised concerns in Kenya. Early in June 1975, Kenyan officials impounded a large convoy of Soviet-made arms \"en route\" to Uganda at the port of Mombasa. Tension between Uganda and Kenya reached its climax in February 1976, when Amin announced that he would investigate the possibility that parts of southern Sudan and western and central Kenya, up to", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "1816004", "text": "Milton Obote Apollo Milton Obote (28 December 1925 – 10 October 2005) was a Ugandan political leader who led Uganda to independence in 1962 from British colonial administration. Following the nation's independence, he served as Prime Minister of Uganda from 1962 to 1966 and President of Uganda from 1966 to 1971, then again from 1980 to 1985. He was overthrown by Idi Amin in 1971, but regained power after Amin's 1979 overthrow. His second period of rule was marred by repression and the deaths of many civilians as a result of a civil war known as the Ugandan Bush War.", "title": "Milton Obote" }, { "docid": "795935", "text": "being Ugandan, mostly Muslim and Kakwa. In August 1972, Amin declared what he called an \"economic war\", a set of policies that included the expropriation of properties owned by Asians and Europeans. Uganda's 80,000 Asians were mostly from the Indian subcontinent and born in the country, their ancestors having come to Uganda in search of prosperity when India was still a British colony. Many owned businesses, including large-scale enterprises, which formed the backbone of the Ugandan economy. On 4 August 1972, Amin issued a decree ordering the expulsion of the 50,000 Asians who were British passport holders. This was later", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795931", "text": "Kampala suburb of Nakasero became the scene of torture and executions over the next few years. Other agencies used to persecute dissenters included the military police and the Public Safety Unit (PSU). Obote took refuge in Tanzania, having been offered sanctuary there by the Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere. Obote was soon joined by 20,000 Ugandan refugees fleeing Amin. The exiles attempted but failed to regain Uganda in 1972, through a poorly organised coup attempt. Amin retaliated against the attempted invasion by Ugandan exiles in 1972, by purging the army of Obote supporters, predominantly those from the Acholi and Lango ethnic", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795930", "text": "suspending certain provisions of the Ugandan constitution, and soon instituted an Advisory Defence Council composed of military officers with himself as the chairman. Amin placed military tribunals above the system of civil law, appointed soldiers to top government posts and parastatal agencies, and informed the newly inducted civilian cabinet ministers that they would be subject to military discipline. Amin renamed the presidential lodge in Kampala from Government House to \"The Command Post\". He disbanded the General Service Unit (GSU), an intelligence agency created by the previous government, and replaced it with the State Research Bureau (SRB). SRB headquarters at the", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795925", "text": "of Hayes Football Club – an affection that would remain for the rest of his life. In 1965, Prime Minister Milton Obote and Amin were implicated in a deal to smuggle ivory and gold into Uganda from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The deal, as later alleged by General Nicholas Olenga, an associate of the former Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba, was part of an arrangement to help troops opposed to the Congolese government trade ivory and gold for arms supplies secretly smuggled to them by Amin. In 1966, the Ugandan Parliament demanded an investigation. Obote imposed a new constitution", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "20976549", "text": "Designate of the Bank of Uganda in 1968, and finally appointed as the Minister of Treasury on the 1st of January, 1969. Following the successful 1971 Ugandan coup d'état led by Idi Amin, Wakhweya was named Minister of Finance by Idi Amin for the newly formed administration, where Wakhweya was tasked with stabilizing the Economy of Uganda, which was rapidly deteriorating because of high state spending, a post-coup flight of foreign capital, and a lack of new investment from abroad. During a visit in early January 1975, Minister Wakhweya defected in London on 20 January 1975. Wakhweya denounced Idi Amin", "title": "Emmanuel Blayo Wakhweya" }, { "docid": "5275672", "text": "\"My Life's Journey\", in 2011. Janet Kainembabazi Kataaha Museveni was born in Bwongyera village in Kajara county, Ntungamo District, Western Uganda to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kataaha. She attended Kyamate Primary School, and Bweranyangi Girls' Senior Secondary School. Janet Museveni went into exile in 1971, when Idi Amin toppled the Milton Obote regime in a military coup. She married Yoweri Museveni in August 1973. When Idi Amin's regime fell from power in April 1979, she moved back to Uganda from Tanzania where she had been living in exile with her husband. In February 1981 when Yoweri Museveni launched his guerrilla", "title": "Janet Museveni" }, { "docid": "2465083", "text": "History of Uganda (1962–71) The history of Uganda from 1962 through 1971 comprises the history of Uganda from Ugandan independence from the United Kingdom to the rise of the dictator Idi Amin. Early independent Uganda during this period was dominated by the regime of Milton Obote, Uganda's first Prime Minister and subsequently President, who after being deposed by Amin returned to power in the 1980s. Uganda's approach to independence was unlike that of most other colonial territories where political parties had been organized to force self-rule or independence from a reluctant colonial government. In Uganda there had been some demands", "title": "History of Uganda (1962–71)" }, { "docid": "795938", "text": "make Uganda an ally of the Soviet Union. Amin, who had served with the King's African Rifles and taken part in Britain's suppression of the Mau Mau uprising prior to Ugandan independence, was known by the British as \"intensely loyal to Britain\". This made him an obvious choice as Obote's successor. Although some have claimed that Amin was being groomed for power as early as 1966, the plotting by the British and other Western powers began in earnest in 1969, after Obote had begun his nationalisation programme. Following the expulsion of Ugandan Asians in 1972, most of whom were of", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795922", "text": "Kenya to fight against Somali rebels in the Shifta War. In 1952, his brigade was deployed against the Mau Mau rebels in Kenya. He was promoted to corporal the same year, then to sergeant in 1953. In 1959, Amin was made \"Afande\" (warrant officer), the highest rank possible for a black African in the colonial British Army of that time. Amin returned to Uganda the same year and, in 1961, he was promoted to lieutenant, becoming one of the first two Ugandans to become commissioned officers. He was assigned to quell the cattle rustling between Uganda's Karamojong and Kenya's Turkana", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "1629210", "text": "Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, and his Chief of Staff Fevzi Çakmak, both for their successes in the Turkish War of Independence. Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada was the military dictator and third president of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Amin joined the British colonial regiment, the King's African Rifles in 1946, serving in Somalia and Kenya. Eventually, Amin held the rank of major general in the post-colonial Ugandan Army and became its commander before seizing power in the military coup of January 1971, deposing Milton Obote. He later promoted himself to field marshal while he was the", "title": "Field marshal" }, { "docid": "4882236", "text": "came when his photos, along with Michael Buerk's reporting of the 1984 Ethiopian famine brought international attention to the crisis and eventually helped start the charity wave that resulted in Live Aid concerts. Apart from Ethiopian famine, he contributed exclusive photos of the fall of Idi Amin and of Mengistu Haile Mariam, and was author of numerous books, including \"Journey Through Pakistan\", \"Pilgrimage to Mecca\", and covered various themes like East African Wildlife and the Uganda Railway. Amin also published issues of \"Selamta\", the Ethiopian Airlines in-flight magazine. In 1991, Amin lost his left arm during an ammunition dump explosion", "title": "Mohamed Amin" }, { "docid": "7820092", "text": "Uganda–Tanzania War The Uganda–Tanzania War or Kagera War (commonly known in Uganda as the Liberation War) was fought between Uganda and Tanzania in 1978–1979, and led to the overthrow of Idi Amin's regime. Idi Amin's forces included thousands of troops sent by Libya. Relations between Tanzania and Uganda had been strained for several years before the war started. After Amin seized power in a military coup in 1971, the Tanzanian leader Julius Nyerere offered sanctuary to Uganda's ousted president, Milton Obote. As Amin launched a massive purge of his enemies in Uganda that saw 30,000 to 50,000 Ugandans killed, Obote", "title": "Uganda–Tanzania War" }, { "docid": "5770665", "text": "of Uganda's traditional kingdoms and the declaration of Uganda as a republic. The Speaker during the Second Parliament was Narendra M. Patel, a Ugandan of Indian descent. This Parliament ended when Idi Amin overthrew Milton Obote's government in January 1971. Following the overthrow of Idi Amin in April 1979, a new legislative body known as the Uganda Legislative Council was established. With an initial membership of 30, the membership was later increased to 120. This was the Third Parliament and was chaired by Professor Edward Rugumayo. This legislative body continued to function until the general elections of December 1980. This", "title": "Parliament of Uganda" }, { "docid": "9823918", "text": "was formally declared to be Uganda's only official party. The third constitution was partially suspended under Idi Amin by virtue of Legal Notice No. 1 of 1971 and largely ignored during his Presidency. In particular, since the notice suspended Article 1 (supremacy of the constitution), it paved for the way for Amin to rule by decree. Further constitutional changes by made by the Constitution (Modification) Decree No. 5 of 1971, which provided that all executive powers were to be exercisable by Chairman of the Defence Council (a title Amin himself held) and the Parliament (Vesting of Powers) Decree No. 8", "title": "Constitution of Uganda" }, { "docid": "4524755", "text": "where in London he was employed by the London office Graham and James, an international maritime law firm. Following that he came to the United States, where he served as a \"paralegal\" at the main office of Graham and James in San Francisco. After his presidency ended he returned to London for a time and then ultimately practised law in Mount Vernon, New York. While in the US, he became a member of Uganda Freedom Union, one of several anti-Amin groups in exile. Following the overthrow of Idi Amin in 1979, Binaisa returned to Uganda. After Idi Amin, Yusuf Lule", "title": "Godfrey Binaisa" }, { "docid": "18849439", "text": "Sarah Kyolaba Sarah Kyolaba, also known by her stage name \"Suicide Sarah\" (1955 – 11 June 2015), was Ugandan dictator Idi Amin's fifth and last-surviving wife. She met Amin when she was a 19-year-old go-go dancer and they married in 1975. The couple had three children but Kyolaba left Amin after he went into exile and she found her way to England where she ran a restaurant and later a hair salon. She was deposed in 1979 and died from cancer in 2015. Sarah Kyolaba was born in Uganda in 1955. Kyolaba met Idi Amin when she was a 19-year-old", "title": "Sarah Kyolaba" }, { "docid": "5894458", "text": "by Idi Amin immediately after the coup that brought Amin to power. Amin appointed him as chief justice of Uganda on 27 June 1971. Kiwanuka soon came into confrontation with Amin's disregard for the rule of law. In the immediate aftermath of Obote's abortive counter coup of 1972, Kiwanuka was arrested at gunpoint by Amin's men as he presided over a session of the High Court. As well as countermanding from the bench some of Amin's more draconian orders, Kiwanuka had also secretly agreed to support Obote's return to power, with the proviso that Kiwanuka would be involved in constitutional", "title": "Benedicto Kiwanuka" }, { "docid": "795944", "text": "within of Nairobi, were historically a part of colonial Uganda. The Kenyan Government responded with a stern statement that Kenya would not part with \"a single inch of territory\". Amin backed down after the Kenyan army deployed troops and armored personnel carriers along the Kenya–Uganda border. By 1978, the number of Amin's supporters and close associates had shrunk significantly, and he faced increasing dissent from the populace within Uganda as the economy and infrastructure collapsed as a result of the years of neglect and abuse. After the killings of Bishop Luwum and ministers Oryema and Oboth Ofumbi in 1977, several", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "2465106", "text": "History of Uganda (1971–79) The history of Uganda between 1971 and 1979 comprises the history of Uganda during Idi Amin's military dictatorship over Uganda. The Ugandan economy was devastated by Idi Amin's policies, including the expulsion of Asians, the nationalisation of businesses and industry, and the expansion of the public sector. The real value of salaries and wages collapsed by 90% in less than a decade. The number of people killed as a result of his regime is unknown; estimates from international observers and human rights groups range from 100,000 to 500,000. From Uganda's independence from Great Britain in 1962", "title": "History of Uganda (1971–79)" }, { "docid": "19595125", "text": "He returned to Uganda around 1960 and became the first Ugandan solicitor to qualify to bring cases before the East African Court of Appeals. Politically, he became a member of the Uganda People's Congress. Kibedi was appointed Foreign Minister of Uganda in January 1971 soon after Idi Amin had seized power in 1971 Ugandan coup d'état. Kibedi's sister, then-Ugandan First Lady Mama Maryamu Kibedi Amin, was the first wife of Idi Amin, making him his brother-in-law. In January 1973, Ugandan soldiers, led by Capt. Issa Habib Galungbe, kidnapped Kibedi's uncle, Shaban Nkutu, the former Minister of Health from 1966 to", "title": "Joshua Wanume Kibedi" }, { "docid": "2766718", "text": "and Zaire (DRC) renamed it Lake Idi Amin or Lake Idi Amin Dada after Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. After his overthrow in 1979, it recovered its former name. In 2014, the lake was the center of an oil dispute. SOCO international entered the premises of the Virunga National Park wherethe lake is situated to prospect for oil. However villagers and workers who attempted to stop the oil company from entering the area were beaten up and even kidnapped and tortured. Plans to redraw the lines of Virunga’s boundaries and exclude the lake were taken into consideration. However, since the Park", "title": "Lake Edward" }, { "docid": "436857", "text": "government and King Muteesa, Obote suspended the constitution and removed the ceremonial president and vice-president. In 1967, a new constitution proclaimed Uganda a republic and abolished the traditional kingdoms. Obote was declared the president. After a military coup on 25 January 1971, Obote was deposed from power and General Idi Amin seized control of the country. Amin ruled Uganda as dictator with the support of the military for the next eight years. He carried out mass killings within the country to maintain his rule. An estimated 80,000–500,000 Ugandans lost their lives during his regime. Aside from his brutalities, he forcibly", "title": "Uganda" }, { "docid": "21011595", "text": "Battle of Entebbe The Battle of Entebbe was a battle of the Uganda–Tanzania War that took place on 7 April 1979 on the Entebbe peninsula in Uganda between Tanzanian units and Ugandan and Libyan units. The Tanzanians successfully occupied the area, killing hundreds of Libyans and ending their airlift in support of the Ugandan government. In 1971 Idi Amin launched a military coup that overthrew the President of Uganda, Milton Obote, precipitating a deterioration of relations with the neighbouring state of Tanzania. Amin installed himself as President and ruled the country under a brutal dictatorship. In October 1978 Amin launched", "title": "Battle of Entebbe" }, { "docid": "676090", "text": "Minister, suspended the constitution and assumed all government powers, removing the positions of president and vice president. In September 1967, a new constitution proclaimed Uganda a republic, gave the president even greater powers, and abolished the traditional kingdoms. After a military coup on 25 January 1971, Obote was deposed from power and the dictator Idi Amin seized control of the country. Amin ruled Uganda with the military for the next eight years and carried out mass killings within the country to maintain his rule. An estimated 300,000 Ugandans lost their lives at the hands of his regime, many of them", "title": "History of Uganda" }, { "docid": "8926213", "text": "the Sudanese border and eliminated the last resistance. In 1971 Idi Amin launched a military coup that overthrew the President of Uganda, Milton Obote, precipitating a deterioration of relations with the neighbouring state of Tanzania. Amin installed himself as President and ruled the country under a brutal dictatorship. In October 1978 he launched an invasion of Tanzania. Tanzania blunted the assault, unified anti-Amin opposition groups, and launched a counter-offensive. The President of Tanzania, Julius Nyerere, told foreign diplomats that he did not intend to depose Amin, but only \"teach him a lesson\". The claim was not believed; Nyerere despised Amin,", "title": "Fall of Kampala" }, { "docid": "7872502", "text": "the Umma Party's socialist policies on health, education and social welfare were adopted by the government. Okello then stayed in Kenya, in Congo-Kinshasa and in Uganda. He was incarcerated multiple times and was last seen with the Ugandan president Idi Amin in 1971; he vanished afterwards. In the book “Revolution on Zanzibar” by Don Petterson, it is more or less assumed that Idi Amin saw him as a threat (after Amin promoted himself, Okello reportedly joked that \"now Uganda has two Field Marshals\") and arranged his murder. But regarding the joke, presuming \"Field Marshall\" Okello was killed in 1971 (he", "title": "John Okello" }, { "docid": "4363595", "text": "Metropolitan Province of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Boga (in Zaire), becoming the second African to hold this position. Archbishop Luwum was a leading voice in criticising the excesses of the Idi Amin regime that assumed power in 1971. In 1977, Archbishop Luwum delivered a note of protest to dictator Idi Amin against the policies of arbitrary killings and unexplained disappearances. Shortly afterwards the archbishop and other leading churchmen were accused of treason. On 16 February 1977, Luwum was arrested together with two cabinet ministers, Erinayo Wilson Oryema and Charles Oboth Ofumbi. The same day Idi Amin convened a rally in", "title": "Janani Luwum" }, { "docid": "8869543", "text": "Ugandan Bush War The Ugandan Bush War, also known as the Luwero War, the Ugandan civil war or the Resistance War, was a civil war fought in Uganda between the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) and a number of rebel groups, most importantly the National Resistance Army (NRA), from 1981 to 1986. The unpopular President Milton Obote was overthrown in a coup d'état in 1971 by General Idi Amin, who established a military dictatorship. Amin was overthrown in 1979 following the Uganda-Tanzania War. Subsequent elections saw Obote return to power in an UNLA-ruled government. Several opposition groups claimed the elections", "title": "Ugandan Bush War" }, { "docid": "14178689", "text": "Idi Amin in 1971, the hotel was renamed the Kampala International Hotel. Following the overthrow of Amin by Tanzanian forces, who made the hotel their headquarters, and the Uganda National Liberation Army in 1979, and the return to power of Obote in 1980, the hotel reverted to the Apolo Hotel name. There were other regime changes in the country in 1985 and 1986. The National Resistance Movement, which ascended into power in 1986, liberalized the economy and Middle Eastern investors won the rights to lease the hotel from the government of Uganda and manage it for the next 25 years,", "title": "Sheraton Kampala Hotel" }, { "docid": "20495237", "text": "forces aligned to Milton Obote launched a botched attempt to overthrow Idi Amin, the dictator fired all cabinet ministers that he did not trust, Zikusoka included. Zikusoka sought political refugee in Kenya, and then later joined the United Nations Development Program and served as a consultant in New York and Saudi Arabia, then for the Commonwealth Secretariat in Barbados until Amin was overthrown in 1979. He served as Uganda's high commissioner to the United Kingdom, appointed to that position by Godfrey Binaisa,the then newly appointed President of Uganda in 1979. Later, from 1993 until 1997, Zikusoka served as the chairman", "title": "James Zikusoka" }, { "docid": "8476161", "text": "Akena p'Ojok Akena p'Ojok is a former influential Ugandan politician who held various government positions in the 1980s, including Minister of Power, Posts and Telecommunications. He was a prominent figure of Uganda National Liberation Front/Army that helped remove Idi Amin and was involved in the power struggles that followed. P'Ojok, an ethnic Acholi, was born in Pupwonya, a rural community near Atiak trading centre in Kilak County, Amuru District. During the rule of Idi Amin, p'Ojok fled to Kenya, settling in Nairobi, where he became the chief engineer of the Kenyan Electricity Utility company. Together with Yonna Kanyomozi, Ephraim Kamuntu,", "title": "Akena p'Ojok" }, { "docid": "11809540", "text": "Makindye Prison Makindye Prison was a Uganda Government state-run prison which became notorious as a hell hole for extrajudicial killings and execution of government opponents during the time of Ugandan dictator, Idi Amin. Makindye Prison started and was built as a normal civilian prison. But it was turned into a military prison in 1971 when dictator Idi Amin came into power. Amin's authorities then started detaining opponents of the government there. John Kakonge, Uganda’s former Minister of Agriculture under Milton Obote, was taken to Makindye Prison where his skull was crushed by a hammer. Prisoners were told that by doing", "title": "Makindye Prison" }, { "docid": "20986006", "text": "Development Institute at the World Bank. He worked in the Philippines Division of the World Bank afterwards, a position he held until 1979 when he returned to Uganda. While abroad working at the World Bank in the District of Columbia, Ochaya began getting involved with the Uganda National Liberation Front, a group of predominantly exiled prominent Ugandans who opposed the regime of Ugandan President Idi Amin and who sought to remove Idi Amin from power and then to establish immediately an interim civilian government. When the Uganda National Liberation Front took provisional control of the Government of Uganda in 1979,", "title": "Anthony Ochaya" }, { "docid": "8926207", "text": "Fall of Kampala The Fall of Kampala, also known as the Liberation of Kampala, was a battle during the Uganda–Tanzania War in 1979, in which the combined forces of Tanzania and the Uganda National Liberation Front (UNLF) attacked and captured the Ugandan capital, Kampala. As a result, Ugandan President Idi Amin was deposed, his forces were scattered, and a UNLF government was installed. Amin had seized power in Uganda in 1971 and established a brutal dictatorship. Seven years later he attempted to invade Tanzania to the south. Tanzania repulsed the assault and launched a counter-attack into Ugandan territory. After routing", "title": "Fall of Kampala" }, { "docid": "4550963", "text": "government kept the name of its daily publication as \"Uganda Argus\". Following the rise to power of Idi Amin in 1971, the government paper was renamed \"Voice of Uganda\". When Amin was deposed in 1979, the second Obote government named its paper \"Uganda Times\". When the National Resistance Movement seized power in 1986, the name of the daily newspaper was changed to \"New Vision\". The \"Uganda Argus\" and its successors always presented as the \"official\" newspaper of the regime in power. The Vision Group incorporated as the New Vision Printing & Publishing Company Limited (NVPPCL), started business in March 1986.", "title": "New Vision (newspaper)" }, { "docid": "21014879", "text": "the Tanzanians and their Ugandan allies overthrew Amin's government in 1979, Maliyamungu fled to Zaire, where he became a businessman. Born in Zaire, Maliyamungu was a Christian of Kakwa ethnicity and a cousin of Idi Amin. At some point, he migrated to Uganda, and got a job as gatekeeper at the Nyanza textile factory in Jinja. He joined the Uganda Army (UA) in 1967. By 1971, Maliyamungu was a corporal and served as pay clerk for the Uganda Air Force at Entebbe. He played a crucial role in Amin's coup against President Milton Obote, and it was later claimed that", "title": "Isaac Maliyamungu" }, { "docid": "5754771", "text": "Salvation (FRONASA), a Tanzania-based rebel group formed and led by his brother Yoweri Museveni to fight against the regime of Idi Amin. Together with his friend Fred Rwigyema and his brother Museveni, he trained in Mozambique with Samora Machel's FRELIMO rebels. It was there that he adopted Salim Saleh as his \"nom de guerre\". In 1978, FRONASA merged with other anti-Amin groups in Tanzania and formed the Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA), who together with Tanzanian armed forces captured Kampala in April 1979 – sending Idi Amin into exile. Saleh was later made a platoon commander of a UNLA unit", "title": "Salim Saleh" } ]
[ { "docid": "795924", "text": "forward, although one officer said of him: \"Idi Amin is a splendid type and a good (rugby) player, but virtually bone from the neck up, and needs things explained in words of one letter\". In the 1950s, he played for Nile RFC. There is a frequently repeated urban myth that he was selected as a replacement by the East Africa rugby union team for their 1955 match against the British Lions. Amin, however, does not appear in the team photograph or on the official team list. Following conversations with a colleague in the British Army, Amin became a keen fan", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795955", "text": "in Particular\", in addition to his officially stated claim of being the uncrowned King of Scotland. He never received the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) or the Military Cross (MC). He conferred a doctorate of law on himself from Makerere University as well as the Victorious Cross (VC), a medal made to emulate the British Victoria Cross. Amin became the subject of rumours and myths, including a widespread belief that he was a cannibal. Some of the rumours, such as the mutilation of one of his wives, were spread and popularised by the 1980 film \"Rise and Fall of Idi Amin\"", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795952", "text": "fathered; most say that he had 30 to 45. Until 2003, Taban Amin (born 1955), Idi Amin's eldest son, was the leader of West Nile Bank Front (WNBF), a rebel group opposed to the government of Yoweri Museveni. In 2005, he was offered amnesty by Museveni, and in 2006, he was appointed Deputy Director General of the Internal Security Organisation. Another of Amin's sons, Haji Ali Amin, ran for election as Chairman (i.e. mayor) of Njeru Town Council in 2002 but was not elected. In early 2007, the award-winning film \"The Last King of Scotland\" prompted one of his sons,", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795919", "text": "estimated by international observers and human rights groups to range from 100,000 to 500,000. Amin did not write an autobiography, and he did not authorize an official written account of his life. There are, therefore, discrepancies regarding when and where he was born. Most biographical sources claim that he was born in either Koboko or Kampala around 1925. Other unconfirmed sources state Amin's year of birth from as early as 1923 to as late as 1928. Amin's son Hussein has stated that his father was born in Kampala in 1928. According to Fred Guweddeko, a researcher at Makerere University, Amin", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "9153177", "text": "of filming done in Kenya, less than a year after Amin's downfall. Despite being branded as an exploitation film, it is reasonably accurate with the facts and dates of the events depicted, including the Israeli raid, the war with Tanzania, and the capture and imprisonment of British journalist Denis Hills (who portrays himself in the film). When released internationally, most of the voices were dubbed because of poor sound production. The film won five awards, including best actor, at the Las Vegas International Film Festival. Rise and Fall of Idi Amin Rise and Fall of Idi Amin, also known as", "title": "Rise and Fall of Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "9624423", "text": "Amin Asikainen Amin Asikainen (born 21 January 1976) is a Finnish former professional boxer who competed from 2001 to 2011, and in 2016. He held the European and European Union middleweight titles between 2006 and 2007, and the Finnish middleweight title in 2003. His nickname of \"Idi\" refers to the similarity of his first name to that of Idi Amin. Amin was born in 1976 to a Moroccan father and a Finnish mother. At the age of six, he started playing football and training karate and taekwondo when he was around age of nine, but abandoned the sports in favor", "title": "Amin Asikainen" }, { "docid": "795937", "text": "London. This prominent defection helped Henry Kyemba, Amin's health minister and a former official of the first Obote regime, to defect in 1977 and resettle in the UK. Kyemba wrote and published \"A State of Blood\", the first insider exposé of Amin's rule. Initially, Amin was supported by Western powers such as Israel, West Germany and, in particular, Great Britain. During the late 1960s, Obote's move to the left, which included his Common Man's Charter and the nationalisation of 80 British companies, had made the West worried that he would pose a threat to Western capitalist interests in Africa and", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795950", "text": "mysterious circumstances, with her body found dismembered. Nora fled to Zaire in 1979; her current whereabouts are unknown. In July 1975, Amin staged a £2 million wedding to 19-year-old Sarah Kyolaba, a go-go dancer with the \"Revolutionary Suicide Mechanised Regiment Band,\" nicknamed \"Suicide Sarah\". The wedding was held during the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) summit meeting in Kampala, and the chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, Yasser Arafat served as Amin's best man. The couple had four children, and enjoyed rally race driving Amin's Citroën SM, with Sarah as navigator. Sarah was a hairdresser in Tottenham when she died", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795951", "text": "in 2015. Before she met Amin, she was living with a boyfriend, Jesse Gitta; he vanished and it is not clear if he was beheaded, or detained after fleeing to Kenya. By 1993, Amin was living with the last nine of his children and one wife, Mama a Chumaru (who appears to be his sixth and newest wife), the mother of the youngest four of his children. His last known child, daughter Iman, was born in 1992. According to \"The Monitor\", Amin married a few months before his death in 2003. Sources differ widely on the number of children Amin", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795934", "text": "Wilson Oryema and Charles Oboth Ofumbi. Amin recruited his followers from his own ethnic group, the Kakwas, along with South Sudanese. By 1977, these three groups formed 60 percent of the 22 top generals and 75 percent of the cabinet. Similarly, Muslims formed 80 percent and 87.5 percent of these groups even though they were only 5 percent of the population. This helps explain why Amin survived eight attempted coups. The army grew from 10,000 to 25,000 by 1978. Amin's army was largely a mercenary force. Half the soldiers were South Sudanese and 26 percent Congolese, with only 24 percent", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "795921", "text": "school with only a fourth-grade English-language education, and did odd jobs before being recruited to the army by a British colonial army officer. Amin joined the King's African Rifles (KAR) of the British Colonial Army in 1946 as an assistant cook. In later life, he falsely claimed he was forced to join the armies during World War II and that he served in the Burma Campaign. He was transferred to Kenya for infantry service as a private in 1947, and served in the 21st KAR infantry battalion in Gilgil, Kenya until 1949. That year, his unit was deployed to northern", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "2465110", "text": "which Obote had attempted to dismantle. They seemed willing to forget that their new president, Idi Amin, had been the tool of that military suppression. Amin made the usual statements about his government's intent to play a mere \"caretaker role\" until the country could recover sufficiently for civilian rule. Amin repudiated Obote's non-aligned foreign policy, and his government was quickly recognized by Israel, Britain, and the United States. By contrast, presidents Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya, and the Organization of African Unity (OAU) initially refused to accept the legitimacy of the new military", "title": "History of Uganda (1971–79)" }, { "docid": "795953", "text": "Jaffar Amin (born in 1967), to speak out in his father's defence. Jaffar Amin said he was writing a book to rehabilitate his father's reputation. Jaffar is the tenth of Amin's 40 official children by seven official wives. On 3 August 2007, Amin's son (with Sarah), Faisal Wangita (born in 1981), was convicted for playing a role in a murder in London. Among Amin's closest associates was the Briton Bob Astles, who is considered by many to have been a malign influence and by others as having been a moderating presence. Isaac Maliyamungu was an instrumental affiliate and one of", "title": "Idi Amin" }, { "docid": "11939649", "text": "in 1971. The single did not make the charts. Lee performed songs from this album, including \"Where Did They Go\" and \"My Sweet Lord,\" during her June 1971 engagement at The Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. After completing work on \"Where Did They Go\", Peggy Lee did not return to the recording studio again until nearly a year later, when she began recording \"Norma Deloris Egstrom from Jamestown, North Dakota\" in April 1972. This album was released on 8-track, along with LP. Where Did They Go (album) Where Did They Go is a 1971 album by Peggy Lee. It", "title": "Where Did They Go (album)" }, { "docid": "17756005", "text": "Shadi Amin Shadi Amin () is an Iranian writer and activist. She was forced to leave Iran in early 1980s because of her political activities. Amin is currently living in exile in Germany. Prior to leaving Iran, Amin had to hide her sexuality in public, though she had freedom to express herself in her own family. Amin was politically active starting in 1979, when she was only 14: she was against Khomeini's rule. Eventually, she had to flee in 1983, traveling to Pakistan, through Istanbul and Berlin to settle in Frankfurt. She has researched gender discrimination, systematic oppression against women", "title": "Shadi Amin" }, { "docid": "11418680", "text": "was overthrown by Idi Amin in a military coup, whilst he was attending the meeting. At the meeting the Singapore Declaration of Commonwealth Principles was agreed setting out the core political values that would form the main part of the Commonwealth's membership criteria. Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1971 The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1971 was the first Meeting of the Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly named the British Commonwealth). It was held in Singapore, between 14 January 1971 and 22 January 1971, and was hosted by that country's Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew. British", "title": "Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1971" }, { "docid": "19522775", "text": "selected this album as part of its suggested Core Collection. All compositions by Wadada Leo Smith except where noted. Disc one Disc two Disc three Disc Four Notes Kabell Years: 1971–1979 Kabell Years: 1971-1979 is a four-CD box set released on Tzadik Records compiling American jazz trumpeter/composer/inmproviser Wadada Leo Smith's earliest albums which were originally released on his own, privately pressed label Kabell along with additional previously unissued material from the same era. The set includes the previously released material from \"Creative Music - 1\", \"Reflectativity\", \"Song of Humanity\" and \"\". In his review for AllMusic, Thom Jurek notes that", "title": "Kabell Years: 1971–1979" }, { "docid": "13417086", "text": "classical Persian texts such as \"Mersad-al-ebad\" and \"Nozhat-al-majalis\". During a course of 60 years he published numerous scholarly articles, a selection of which are gathered in a volume titled \"Forty essays on language, literature and history of Iran\". Among numerous cultural positions he held during his career, Riahi was a professor of Tehran University, the founding member and later president of the Shahnameh Foundation (1971–1979), vice-chairman of the Iranian Academy of Literature and Arts, and Iranian Minister of Education (1979). \"Critical Editions of old Persian books:\" \"Literary and Historical research books:\" \"Some of Encyclopedic Articles:\" Mohammad-Amin Riahi Mohammad-Amin Riahi (;", "title": "Mohammad-Amin Riahi" }, { "docid": "2436102", "text": "of children's books. One of his most successful books, \"The Collected Bulletins of Idi Amin\" (a collection of his \"Punch\" articles about Amin) was rejected for publication in the United States on the grounds of racial sensitivity. These Bulletins were later made into a comedy album, \"The Collected Broadcasts of Idi Amin\" with the actor John Bird. After the Tanzanian capture of Kampala in 1979 the American journalist Art Barrett discovered a copy of Coren's book on Idi Amin's bedside table. Coren's other books include \"The Dog It Was That Died\" (1965), \"The Sanity Inspector\" (1974), \"All Except The Bastard\"", "title": "Alan Coren" }, { "docid": "186720", "text": "did not participate in the meeting. This, according to Beverley Male, \"suggested that some plot against Amin was in preparation\". Taraki was instructed to stop-over in Moscow, where the Soviet leaders urged him to remove Amin from power as per the KGB's decision, because Amin posed danger. Amin's trusted aid, Daoud Taroon, informed Amin of the meeting and the KGB's plan. In Kabul, Taraki's aides, the Gang of Four (consisting of Watanjar, Mazdoryar, Gulabzoi and Sarwari), planned a plot to assassinate Amin, but it failed as Amin was informed of this. Within hours of Taraki's return to Kabul on 11", "title": "Hafizullah Amin" }, { "docid": "186735", "text": "Amin, in which Puzanov participated. The situation was worsened by the KGB accusing Amin of misrepresenting the Soviet position on Afghanistan in the PDPA Central Committee and the Revolutionary Council. The KGB also noted an increase in anti-Soviet agitation by the government during Amin's rule, and harassment against Soviet citizens increased under Amin. A group of senior politicians reported to the Soviet Central Committee that it was necessary to do \"everything possible\" to prevent a change in political orientation in Afghanistan. However, the Soviet leadership did not advocate intervention at this time, and instead called for increasing its influence in", "title": "Hafizullah Amin" }, { "docid": "17998879", "text": "America and expelling foreign troops from Afghanistan. Amin Karim Mohammad Amin Karim (Persian: محمد امین کریم; born 1 March 1959) is a France-based Senior Political Board Member of Afghanistan's Hezb-e Islami Party under the leadership of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Born in Kabul, Amin Karim attended the Franco-Afghan Esteqlal High School (Lycée Esteqlal) where he obtained a scholarship allowing him to study Sociology and Architecture in Strasbourg (France). In 1979, he founded the Afghan Muslim Student Organisation as well as the representation of Hezb-e Islami Afghanistan in France He was also one of the founding members of the Union des Musulmans de", "title": "Amin Karim" }, { "docid": "8525338", "text": "the '..newly created post of Assistant Military Secretary in the Ministry of Defence,' serving as a Major. His duties included '..planning, all policy matters, and control of Establishment.' When Idi Amin overthrew Obote in 1971, Oyite Ojok was amongst the military personnel who fled to neighbouring Tanzania and, eight years later, in the wake of Amin's 1979 invasion of the country, assumed a key role in the grouping of military exiles who, with the backing of Tanzanian troops, led the counteroffensive which resulted in the overthrow of Amin. Oyite Ojok became a member, along with Yoweri Museveni, Paulo Muwanga and", "title": "David Oyite-Ojok" }, { "docid": "186730", "text": "Hekmatyar, one of the leading anti-communists in Afghanistan. His general untrustworthiness and his unpopularity amongst Afghans made it more difficult for Amin to find new \"foreign patrons\". Amin's involvement in the death of Adolph Dubs, the American Ambassador to Afghanistan, strained his relations with the United States. He tried to improve relations by reestablishing contact, met with three different American chargé d'affaires, and was interviewed by an American correspondent. But this did not improve Afghanistan's standing in the eyes of the United States Government. After the third meeting with Amin, J. Bruce Amstutz, the American Ambassador to Afghanistan from 1979", "title": "Hafizullah Amin" }, { "docid": "7114140", "text": "2015–16 season. In May 2016, he underwent back surgery. In spring 2017, he had a short stint with the Marinos de Anzoategui of Venezuela. After retiring from professional basketball, El-Amin became an assistant coach for the boys' basketball team at Minneapolis North High School. Khalid El-Amin Khalid El-Amin (born April 25, 1979) is a retired American professional basketball player. He was a member of the 1999 University of Connecticut men's basketball team that won the NCAA championship. He is originally from Minnesota where he played for North High School in Minneapolis. In 2000, he was selected in the 2nd round", "title": "Khalid El-Amin" }, { "docid": "19030635", "text": "in Gulu to being the assistant secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister. Under the Government of Milton Obote he was successively a chief accountant in the Defence ministry, acting Defence Minister and finally Defence Minister (1971). A good relationship with Idi Amin ensured that Oboth Ofumbi kept the role following Amin's coup in January 1971, serving as Defence Minister until 1973. Oboth Ofumbi died while awaiting trial for his part in an alleged coup attempt. It is generally accepted that he was murdered under the orders of President Idi Amin, although the official account is of a car", "title": "Charles Oboth Ofumbi" }, { "docid": "11939648", "text": "Where Did They Go (album) Where Did They Go is a 1971 album by Peggy Lee. It was arranged and conducted by Don Sebesky and Al Capps. The recording sessions for this album took place at the Capitol Tower in Hollywood, California. \"Where Did They Go\" was Peggy Lee's first album not to make the \"Billboard\" 200 chart since her Grammy-winning hit \"Is That All There Is?\" in 1969. Burt Bacharach and Hal David wrote the song \"My Rock And Foundation\" specifically for Lee. Capitol Records released \"Where Did They Go\" (backed by \"All I Want\") as a 45\" single", "title": "Where Did They Go (album)" } ]
Which country has the rand as its currency?
[ "South africa", "South Africa's", "Southafrica", "Third Republic (South Africa)", "Republiek van Suid-Afrika", "Sou'frica", "Zuid Afrika", "Zuid-Afrika", "ISO 3166-1:ZA", "South-African", "S Africa", "Zuid Africa", "Mzansi", "Afrique du sud", "Zuidafrika", "Ningizimu Afrika", "Capital of South Africa", "Suid-Afrika", "South-Africa", "Rep. of SOUTH AFRICA", "The Republic of South Africa", "Suid Africa", "Azania/South Africa", "S Afr", "Saffa", "South African", "Seth efrika", "South Africa", "Soufrica", "Republic of south africa", "South Africaà", "The Beloved Country", "S. Africa", "Rep. of South Africa", "South Africans", "Republic of South Africa" ]
[ { "docid": "2035113", "text": "as Daan Desimaal). This was accompanied by a radio jingle, to inform the public about the new currency. One Rand was worth US$1.40 from the time of its inception in 1961 until late 1971. Its value thereafter fluctuated as various exchange rate dispensations were implemented by the South African authorities. By the early-1980s, high inflation and mounting political pressure combined with sanctions placed against the country due to international opposition to the apartheid system started to erode its value. The currency broke above parity with the dollar for the first time in March 1982, and continued to trade between R", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "2035111", "text": "South African rand The rand (sign: R; code: ZAR) is the currency of South Africa. The Rand is subdivided into 100 cents (sign: \"c\"). The ISO 4217 code is ZAR, from Dutch \"Zuid-Afrikaanse Rand\" (South African Rand). The Rand is legal tender in the Common Monetary Area between South Africa, Swaziland (Eswatini), Lesotho, and Namibia, although the last three countries do have their own currencies pegged at par with rand. Before 1976, the rand was legal tender in Botswana. The Rand takes its name from the WitwatersRand (\"white waters' ridge\" in English), the ridge upon which Johannesburg is built and", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "147325", "text": "Financial rand The South African financial rand was the most visible part of a system of capital controls. Although the financial rand was abolished in March 1995, some capital controls remain in place. These capital controls are locally referred to as \"exchange controls\", although the system has since 1995 moved towards surveillance — recording and reporting to the authorities of foreign currency transactions — rather than control. Capital controls have been in place in South Africa in various guises on an uninterrupted basis since the outbreak of World War II, when Great Britain and its dominions implemented the Sterling area.", "title": "Financial rand" }, { "docid": "4957579", "text": "Canadian dollar, New Zealand dollar, Norwegian krone, South African rand, Brazilian real, Russian ruble and the Chilean peso. Due to the nature of commodity currencies being tied to commodities, being tied to any one good can be beneficial as well as problematic for the country. While naturally, falling or rising exports will lead to deflation or inflation respectively in any country the impacts are more severe in countries with commodity currencies at their currency is so heavily tied to a set few commodities. According to a 2009 study on commodity currency titled “Can Exchange Rates Forecast Commodity Prices?” by Yu-chin", "title": "Commodity currency" }, { "docid": "6532613", "text": "Coins of the South African rand The coins of the South African rand are part of the physical form of South Africa's currency, the South African rand. In 1961, South Africa replaced the pound with a decimal currency: 100 cents (100c) = 1 rand (R1), 1 rand being valued at 10 shillings and 1 cent at 1.2 pence. The rand was introduced in the then Union of South Africa on 14 February 1961, shortly before the establishment of the Republic on 31 May 1961. The coins bore the forward-facing portrait of Jan van Riebeeck on the obverse. The initial circulation", "title": "Coins of the South African rand" }, { "docid": "6532618", "text": "transactions are rounded to the nearest 10c. A bi-metallic R5 coin with added security features, including a grooved edge and micro-lettering on the reverse, was introduced in 2004. The gold Krugerrand coin is produced in 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz and 1 oz denominations. Coins of the South African rand The coins of the South African rand are part of the physical form of South Africa's currency, the South African rand. In 1961, South Africa replaced the pound with a decimal currency: 100 cents (100c) = 1 rand (R1), 1 rand being valued at 10 shillings and 1 cent", "title": "Coins of the South African rand" }, { "docid": "2035134", "text": "him has been erected (50-Rand); the place of Mandela's 27-year imprisonment at Robben Island, showing a pile of quarried limestone (100-Rand); the statue of Mandela at the Union Buildings in remembrance of when he was inaugurated there in 1994 (200-Rand). South African rand The rand (sign: R; code: ZAR) is the currency of South Africa. The Rand is subdivided into 100 cents (sign: \"c\"). The ISO 4217 code is ZAR, from Dutch \"Zuid-Afrikaanse Rand\" (South African Rand). The Rand is legal tender in the Common Monetary Area between South Africa, Swaziland (Eswatini), Lesotho, and Namibia, although the last three countries", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "18813731", "text": "to metropolitan and local municipalities, industry and mining in Gauteng, and parts of Mpumalanga, the Free State, and North West provinces. Rand Water has water network of 3,056 km of pipelines, 53 reservoirs, supplying 3,653 million litres of water daily to its varied customers. Its headquarters is in the suburb of Glenvista. Rand Water Rand Water previously known as the Rand Water Board is a South African water utility that supplies potable water to the Gauteng province and other areas of the country and is the largest water utility in Africa. The water is drawn from numerous sources and is", "title": "Rand Water" }, { "docid": "147329", "text": "had a previous life, from January 1979 to February 1983. The 1985 crisis coincided with a default (then called a \"standstill\") on foreign debt by the apartheid government. Financial rand The South African financial rand was the most visible part of a system of capital controls. Although the financial rand was abolished in March 1995, some capital controls remain in place. These capital controls are locally referred to as \"exchange controls\", although the system has since 1995 moved towards surveillance — recording and reporting to the authorities of foreign currency transactions — rather than control. Capital controls have been in", "title": "Financial rand" }, { "docid": "7711308", "text": "Ora (currency) The Ora (symbol:Φ, ) is the local currency of Orania, an Afrikaner enclave in South Africa. It is pegged at par with the South African rand. The name, recalling that of the town where it circulates, derives from Latin \"aurum\", meaning \"gold\". The currency is not sanctioned by the South African Reserve Bank. The first notes were issued in April 2004 to provide an internal currency for Orania as part of its quest for self-determination. The idea of the Ora originated in 2002, when Professor Johan van Zyl argued that a community that intended to empower itself should", "title": "Ora (currency)" }, { "docid": "238286", "text": "Swaziland, Namibia, and South Africa also form a common currency and exchange control area known as the Rand Monetary Area that uses the South African rand as the common currency. In 1980, Lesotho introduced its own currency, the loti (plural: maloti). One hundred lisente equal one loti. The Loti is at par with the rand. Until the political insecurity in September 1998, Lesotho's economy had grown steadily since 1992. The riots, however, destroyed nearly 80% of commercial infrastructure in Maseru and two other major towns in the country, having a disastrous effect on the country's economy. Nonetheless, the country has", "title": "Economy of Lesotho" }, { "docid": "147328", "text": "during 1984–1985 were largely the result of economic sanctions in response to apartheid. At the same time, the government enacted the exchange controls. Investments in South Africa by foreigners could only be sold for financial rand. The financial rand system provided for two exchange rates for the rand — one for current account transactions and one for capital account transactions for non-residents. Investments made in South Africa by non-residents could only be sold for financial rand, and limitations were placed on the convertibility of financial rand into foreign currencies. Financial rand had the ISO 4217 currency code ZAL. Financial rand", "title": "Financial rand" }, { "docid": "2035131", "text": "due to relatively high-quality counterfeit notes in circulation. In 2011, the South African Reserve Bank issued 100-Rand banknotes which were defective because they lacked fluorescent printing visible under UV light. In June, printing of this denomination was moved from the South African Bank Note Company to Crane Currency's Swedish division (Tumba Bruk), which reportedly produced 80 million 100-Rand notes. The South African Reserve Bank shredded 3.6 million 100-Rand banknotes printed by Crane Currency because they had the same serial numbers as a batch printed by the South African Bank Note Company. In addition, the notes printed in Sweden were not", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "7711311", "text": "Efficient Group, a South African financial services company, is currently tasked with developing the digital currency in order to reduce costs that are incurred by printing notes. Ora (currency) The Ora (symbol:Φ, ) is the local currency of Orania, an Afrikaner enclave in South Africa. It is pegged at par with the South African rand. The name, recalling that of the town where it circulates, derives from Latin \"aurum\", meaning \"gold\". The currency is not sanctioned by the South African Reserve Bank. The first notes were issued in April 2004 to provide an internal currency for Orania as part of", "title": "Ora (currency)" }, { "docid": "6532614", "text": "coins of the Republic were the following: The coins initially had the same size as the former South African coins. All except the and 1 cent coins were in silver. The previous South African farthing coin (¼d) and half-a-crown (s) were not continued in decimal currency. In addition, two bullion coins with denominations of 1 rand and 2 rand were issued, replacing the gold half-pound and pound coins introduced in 1952. Both the pound and the rand gold coins matched the specifications of the British half-sovereign and sovereign (minted, among others, at the Pretoria branch mint until 1932), including the", "title": "Coins of the South African rand" }, { "docid": "2035122", "text": "losses in the currency to look for higher-yield investments elsewhere and due to concerns over the impact of the economic slowdown in China, South Africa's largest export partner. By mid-January, economists were speculating that the Rand could expect to see further volatility for the rest of 2016. By 29 April, it reached its highest performance over the previous five months, exchanging at a rate of 14.16 to the United States dollar. Following the United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union (EU), the Rand dropped in value over 8% against the United States dollar on 24 June 2016, the currency's", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "6367410", "text": "April 2009. Both South African rand and Botswana pula circulate in Zimbabwe. The small French island of St. Pierre and Miquelon has the Canadian dollar as its de facto currency. Hong Kong Dollar is widely accepted in Macau, even though it hasn't gained any official recognition from Autoridade Monetária de Macau (AMCM) as legal tender in Macau. Currently, Macauese Pacata is pegged to Hong Kong Dollar at 1.029(buy)/1.032(sell). However, many merchants who accept Hong Kong Dollars may now offer to pay the difference between 2 currencies, such practice is often called '不补水' in Chinese. If merchandise priced in Patacas is", "title": "De facto currency" }, { "docid": "14719625", "text": "well known for its variety and fun-to-listen-to music selection, day and night and also broadcasts various focused programs such as Gospel, Country, Boeremusiek and Classical Music In 2005 East Rand Stereo once again became a leader in the industry, when it became the first community radio station in South Africa to broadcast using RCS (Radio Computer Software), which was in the past only used by Larger Commercial Radio Stations. East Rand Stereo is also one of few community radio stations with a fully operational newsroom and a news team, providing local news to its community, including two daily \"good-news\" bulletins.", "title": "East Rand Stereo" }, { "docid": "12248201", "text": "to manufacture South African legal tender coins such as the world famous Krugerrand. All the gold used to manufacture the coins is supplied by Rand Refinery, who has been appointed the sole supplier of bullion Krugerrands to primary distributors both locally and internationally. In addition to its smelting and refining services Rand Refinery offers metallurgical, logistics and vault services. It acts as an agent for its precious metal depositing customers and its global markets business unit markets all the precious metal produced by the refinery. Rand Refinery Rand Refinery (Pty) Limited is the largest integrated single-site precious metals refining and", "title": "Rand Refinery" }, { "docid": "4430786", "text": "Rand Stadium The Rand Stadium is a stadium in Rosettenville, a suburb of Johannesburg, South Africa. It was set to be utilized as a training field for teams participating in the 2010 FIFA World Cup after being completely rebuilt and reopened in August 2008. Despite the relatively small capacity, it is regarded as one of the best playing surfaces in the country. Rand Stadium was constructed between 1949 and 1951 at a cost of £60,000 with a capacity of 15,000. Over time extensive renovations have been carried out, the first between 1964 and 1965 in which facilities were added and", "title": "Rand Stadium" }, { "docid": "5561234", "text": "air charter operators, flying schools and a number of aircraft maintenance organisations, as well other aviation-related enterprises. Charter operator Phoebus Apollo Aviation has its headquarters at Rand; the airport is also home to the Flying Lions Aerobatic Team. South African Airways donated a Boeing 747-200 and a Boeing 747SP to the South African Airways Museum Society which are on display at the airport. The airport also hosts an annual air show. There are no scheduled operations from the airport. Rand Airport is notorious for its hot and high conditions and relatively short runways. Situated at an altitude of above sea", "title": "Rand Airport" }, { "docid": "12248198", "text": "Rand Refinery Rand Refinery (Pty) Limited is the largest integrated single-site precious metals refining and smelting complex in the world. It was established in 1920 to refine gold within South Africa which until that time had been refined in London. Since its inception it has refined nearly 50,000 tonnes of gold. This represents some 30% of all the gold mined in the world since antiquity. It was established in 1920 in Germiston, South Africa, by the Chamber of Mines of South Africa to refine all the gold produced by South Africa's gold mines instead of in London. As of 1919,", "title": "Rand Refinery" }, { "docid": "18813721", "text": "Rand Water Rand Water previously known as the Rand Water Board is a South African water utility that supplies potable water to the Gauteng province and other areas of the country and is the largest water utility in Africa. The water is drawn from numerous sources and is purified and supplied to industry, mining and local municipalities and is also involved in sanitation of waste water. The Witwatersrand sits on the South African Highveld and consists of mostly grasslands with summer rains with an average yearly of 784mm rainfall. The Witwatersrand ridge stretches for 96 km from east to west", "title": "Rand Water" } ]
[ { "docid": "1701669", "text": "currency substitution happens when a country adopts a foreign currency as its sole legal tender, and ceases to issue the domestic currency. Another effect of a country adopting a foreign currency as its own is that the country gives up all power to vary its exchange rate. There are a small number of countries adopting a foreign currency as legal tender. Full currency substitution has mostly occurred in Latin America, the Caribbean and the Pacific, as many countries in those regions see the United States Dollar as a stable currency compared to the national one. For example, Panama underwent full", "title": "Currency substitution" }, { "docid": "2035115", "text": "and by the end of 1989, the Rand was trading at levels more than R 2.50 per dollar. As it became clear in the early-1990s that the country was destined for Black majority rule and one reform after the other was announced, uncertainty about the future of the country hastened the depreciation until the level of R 3 to the dollar was breached in November 1992. A host of local and international events influenced the currency after that, most notably the 1994 presiential election which had it weaken to over R 3.60 to the dollar, the election of Tito Mboweni", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "14441419", "text": "2% of GDP spent buying foreign assets to depress the value of its currency.” This shows that from an international perspective (instead of a U.S. perspective), China has not been the major currency manipulator since 2009. Currency manipulator Currency manipulator is a popular term used to indicate countries that manipulate the rate of exchange for purposes of preventing effective balance of payments adjustment or gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade or simply a country that intervenes in its foreign exchange market. Currency manipulation or currency intervention is a monetary policy operation which occurs when a government or central bank", "title": "Currency manipulator" }, { "docid": "2035117", "text": "the end of 2004 was trading under R 5.70 to the dollar. The currency softened somewhat in 2005, and was trading around R 6.35 to the dollar at the end of the year. At the start of 2006, however, the currency resumed its rally, and as of 19 January 2006, was trading under R 6 to the dollar again. However, during the second and third quarters of 2006 (i.e. April through September), the Rand weakened significantly. In sterling terms, it fell from around 9.5p to just over 7p, losing some 25% of its international trade-weighted value in just six months.", "title": "South African rand" }, { "docid": "14441413", "text": "Currency manipulator Currency manipulator is a popular term used to indicate countries that manipulate the rate of exchange for purposes of preventing effective balance of payments adjustment or gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade or simply a country that intervenes in its foreign exchange market. Currency manipulation or currency intervention is a monetary policy operation which occurs when a government or central bank buys or sells foreign currency in exchange for their own domestic currency, generally with the intention of influencing the exchange rate and trade policy. Policymakers may have different reasons for currency manipulation, such as controlling inflation,", "title": "Currency manipulator" }, { "docid": "69239", "text": "basket of currencies (and assets held). In most cases, a central bank has a monopoly right to issue of coins and banknotes (fiat money) for its own area of circulation (a country or group of countries); it regulates the production of currency by banks (credit) through monetary policy. An exchange rate is the price at which two currencies can be exchanged against each other. This is used for trade between the two currency zones. Exchange rates can be classified as either floating or fixed. In the former, day-to-day movements in exchange rates are determined by the market; in the latter,", "title": "Currency" }, { "docid": "12848969", "text": "Circulation (currency) In monetary economics, circulation is the continuing use of individual units of a currency for transactions. Thus currency in circulation is the total value of currency (coins and paper currency) that has ever been issued minus the amount that has been removed from the economy by the central bank. More broadly, money in circulation is the total money supply of a country, which can be defined in various ways always including currency and also including some types of bank deposits. Standard money is the basic currency circulating within a monetary system. It has legal recognition for prices and", "title": "Circulation (currency)" }, { "docid": "8656489", "text": "to its regulations defining currency as \"the coin and paper money of the United States or of any other country that [i] is designated as legal tender and that [ii] circulates and [iii] is customarily used and accepted as a medium of exchange in the country of issuance\", also called \"real currency\" by FinCEN, defined virtual currency as \"a medium of exchange that operates like a currency in some environments, but does not have all the attributes of real currency\". In particular, virtual currency does not have legal tender status in any jurisdiction. In 2014, the European Banking Authority defined", "title": "Virtual currency" }, { "docid": "14382829", "text": "Every Dog Has Its Day \"Every Dog Has Its Day\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Toby Keith. It was released in March 2010 as the third and final single from his 2009 album \"American Ride\". Keith wrote this song with Bobby Pinson and John Waples. The song is an uptempo tune in which, upon being asked by an intoxicated man to dance, the narrator's lover replies, \"Every dog has its day, dog / And today, dog, just ain't yours.\" The song has received mixed reviews from music critics. Juli Thanki of Engine 145 said", "title": "Every Dog Has Its Day" }, { "docid": "12931644", "text": "or book money, which are fiat money. Currency money Currency money is money in full circulation that takes its value from the precious metal it contains, that is, its market value is (almost) the value of the metal it contains (apart from the Seigniorage or the minters' profit), though this is always overcompensated for in coins and banknotes from a country undergoing debasement. Currency money is usually made of silver or gold, but in very rare cases plated metal and even copper may be used. Currency money is commodity money, as opposed to coins whose metal value is less than", "title": "Currency money" }, { "docid": "69240", "text": "governments intervene in the market to buy or sell their currency to balance supply and demand at a static exchange rate. In cases where a country has control of its own currency, that control is exercised either by a central bank or by a Ministry of Finance. The institution that has control of monetary policy is referred to as the monetary authority. Monetary authorities have varying degrees of autonomy from the governments that create them. A monetary authority is created and supported by its sponsoring government, so independence can be reduced by the legislative or executive authority that creates it.", "title": "Currency" }, { "docid": "15337569", "text": "which maintains commercial and residential security hardware brands such as Schlage, Von Duprin, LCN, Bricard, Interflex, Normbau and CISA. In August 2014, it was announced that Ingersoll-Rand would acquire the centrifugal compression unit of Cameron International for $850 million. In September 2017, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America and Allergy Standards Limited announced that the Trane CleanEffects™ whole home air cleaner from Ingersoll Rand has earned the Asthma and Allergy Friendly Certification. This is the first whole home air cleaner to receive this Certification. In October 2018, Ingersoll Rand has received takeover interest in its power tools business, which", "title": "Ingersoll Rand" }, { "docid": "13610993", "text": "and operations research. RAND has approximately 1,850 employees. Its American locations include: Santa Monica, California (headquarters); Arlington, Virginia; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; the San Francisco Bay Area; and Boston, Massachusetts. The RAND Gulf States Policy Institute has an office in New Orleans, Louisiana. RAND Europe is located in Cambridge, United Kingdom, and Brussels, Belgium. RAND Australia is located in Canberra, Australia. RAND is home to the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School, one of eight original graduate programs in public policy and the first to offer a PhD. The program aims to provide practical experience for its students, who work with RAND", "title": "RAND Corporation" }, { "docid": "1701675", "text": "On the other hand, currency substitution leads to the loss of seigniorage revenue, the loss of monetary policy autonomy, and the loss of the exchange rate instruments. Seigniorage revenues are the profits generated when monetary authorities issue currency. When adopting a foreign currency as legal tender, a monetary authority needs to withdraw the domestic currency and give up future seigniorage revenue. The country loses the rights to its autonomous monetary and exchange rate policies, even in times of financial emergency. For example, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan has stated that the central bank considers the effects of", "title": "Currency substitution" }, { "docid": "3281576", "text": "use of the digital currency for daily monetary transactions, even though most of their normal income and expenses are denominated in the national currency of their home country. Fluctuations in the value of gold against their national currency can create some confusion and difficulty for new users as they see the \"value\" of their DGC account fluctuate in terms of their native currency. In contrast to exchange risk, caused by gold's fluctuation against national currency, the purchasing power of gold (and therefore DGCs) is measured by its fluctuation against other commodities, goods and services. Since gold has historically been the", "title": "Digital gold currency" }, { "docid": "9836088", "text": "black newspaper \"The Sowetan\" described \"The Rand Daily Mail\" as the first white newspaper to regard blacks as human beings. Yet for most of the apartheid period (1948–1990) the paper suffered from poor management, government infiltration, and state censorship. The management often tried to replace more liberal editors with conservative ones. After the closure of \"The Rand Daily Mail\", some of its journalists (like Anton Harber and Irwin Manoim) pooled their severance pay to start the \"Weekly Mail\" (now \"Mail & Guardian\"), which carried on the anti-apartheid stance of its predecessor. Times Media Group held the rights to \"The Rand", "title": "The Rand Daily Mail" }, { "docid": "14382831", "text": "at the time his single \"American Ride\" was at Number One for a second week. It later re-entered the charts at number 47 for the week of March 13, 2010, after the single was officially released. Every Dog Has Its Day \"Every Dog Has Its Day\" is a song co-written and recorded by American country music artist Toby Keith. It was released in March 2010 as the third and final single from his 2009 album \"American Ride\". Keith wrote this song with Bobby Pinson and John Waples. The song is an uptempo tune in which, upon being asked by an", "title": "Every Dog Has Its Day" }, { "docid": "6367408", "text": "De facto currency A de facto currency is a unit of money that is not legal tender in a country but is treated as such by most of the populace. The United States dollar and the European Union euro are the most common de facto currencies. Andorra used the euro unofficially prior to June 2013, at which point the euro became its official currency. The euro remains the de facto currency in Kosovo and Montenegro. Countries using the United States dollar as their de facto currency include Aruba and Cambodia, where most hotels, restaurants, and transportation are priced in dollars;", "title": "De facto currency" }, { "docid": "19118620", "text": "Rand House The Rand House, nicknamed \"Random\", is a historic house in Monticello, Minnesota, United States, constructed in 1884 and now operating as a bed and breakfast. It was the centerpiece of a summer estate owned by Minneapolis businessman Rufus Rand, Sr., and his wife Susan Mealey. The Rand House and a nearby building were listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1979 as the Rufus Rand Summer House and Carriage Barn for having local significance in the themes of architecture, commerce, and entertainment/recreation. They were nominated for being representative of the late-19th-century country estates built by Twin", "title": "Rand House" }, { "docid": "13610999", "text": "in which RAND is spoofed as the \"BLAND Corporation\". RAND was incorporated as a non-profit organization to \"further promote scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, all for the public welfare and security of the United States of America\". Its self-declared mission is \"to help improve policy and decision making through research and analysis\", using its \"core values of quality and objectivity\". The achievements of RAND stem from its development of systems analysis. Important contributions are claimed in space systems and the United States' space program, in computing and in artificial intelligence. RAND researchers developed many of the principles that were used", "title": "RAND Corporation" }, { "docid": "12867625", "text": "Journal of Ayn Rand Studies\" was a moral and intellectual obligation.\" The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JARS) is an academic journal devoted to the study of Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Established in 1999, its founding co-editors were R. W. Bradford, Stephen D. Cox, and Chris Matthew Sciabarra. At present, the editorial board consists of Cox, Sciabarra, Robert L. Campbell, and Roderick Long. Since 2013, the journal has been published by Penn State University Press. Although the Objectivist movement has been criticized as being a cult of personality, \"The Journal of Ayn", "title": "The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies" }, { "docid": "12867622", "text": "The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies (JARS) is an academic journal devoted to the study of Objectivism, the philosophy of Ayn Rand. Established in 1999, its founding co-editors were R. W. Bradford, Stephen D. Cox, and Chris Matthew Sciabarra. At present, the editorial board consists of Cox, Sciabarra, Robert L. Campbell, and Roderick Long. Since 2013, the journal has been published by Penn State University Press. Although the Objectivist movement has been criticized as being a cult of personality, \"The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies\" often publishes papers by mainstream intellectuals and academics from", "title": "The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies" }, { "docid": "14957836", "text": "their capacity to do so. Ratings are based on the openness of a country's economy, export growth and real effective exchange rate (REER) valuation, as well as the scope a country has to weaken its currency without damaging its economy. , Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Chile and Sweden are the most willing and able to intervene, while the UK and New Zealand are among the least. From March 2013, concerns over further currency war diminished, though in November several journalists and analysts warned of a possible fresh outbreak. The likely principal source of tension appeared to shift once again, this time", "title": "Currency war" }, { "docid": "3945691", "text": "Ayn Rand Institute The Ayn Rand Institute: The Center for the Advancement of Objectivism, commonly known as the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit think tank in Irvine, California that promotes Objectivism, the philosophy developed by Ayn Rand. Its stated goal is to \"spearhead a cultural renaissance that will reverse the anti-reason, anti-individualism, anti-freedom, anti-capitalist trends in today's culture\". The organization was established in 1985, three years after Rand's death, by Ed Snider and Leonard Peikoff, Rand's legal heir. ARI has several educational and outreach programs, which include providing intellectuals for public appearances, supporting Objectivist campus clubs, supplying", "title": "Ayn Rand Institute" }, { "docid": "20153643", "text": "Howard Rand Howard Rand, also known as Howard B. Rand and Howard Benjamin Rand (June 13, 1889 - August 17, 1991) was a lawyer, inventor, and three-time candidate for Massachusetts state office on the Prohibition Party ticket, He headed the former Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, a British Israelist group. He served from 1937 to 1968 as editor of its affiliate Destiny Publishers, which put out \"Destiny\" magazine (distinct from the magazine of the same name about Black culture). Rand was born in Haverhills, Massachusetts in 1889. He was raised as a British Israelite, and his father introduced him to J.", "title": "Howard Rand" }, { "docid": "18989297", "text": "Rand started his career at the International Shoe Company (which became Furniture Brands International) in 1929. He joined its Board of Directors in 1945. From 1948 to 1955, he served as its Vice President. Upon the death of his brother, Edgar E. Rand, who had served as President from 1950 to 1955, Rand served as President until 1962. Under his leadership, the company was the world's largest shoe manufacturer. Rand was elected as the President of the Webb School in 1950. Additionally, he served on the Board of Trustees of his alma mater, Vanderbilt University. Rand married Dorothy Bolin. They", "title": "Henry Hale Rand" }, { "docid": "6671421", "text": "Currency transaction report A currency transaction report (CTR) is a report that U.S. financial institutions are required to file with FinCEN for each deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, or other payment or transfer, by, through, or to the financial institution which involves a transaction in currency of more than $10,000. Used in this context, currency means the coin and/or paper money of any country that is designated as legal tender by the country of issuance. Currency also includes U.S. silver certificates, U.S. notes, Federal Reserve notes, and official foreign bank notes. When the first version of the CTR was introduced,", "title": "Currency transaction report" }, { "docid": "15337564", "text": "Company in New York, and in 1888 it combined with Sergeant Drill to form Ingersoll Sergeant Drill Company. Also in 1871, brothers Addison Rand (1841–1900) and Jasper Rand, Jr. (1837–1909) established Rand Drill Company with its main manufacturing plant in Tarrytown, New York. Rand drills cleared New York's treacherous Hell Gate channel and were used in the construction of water aqueducts for New York City and Washington, D.C., and tunnels in Haverstraw and West Point, New York, and in Weehawken, New Jersey. In 1905 Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company merged with the Rand Drill Company to form Ingersoll Rand. Ingersoll Rand has", "title": "Ingersoll Rand" }, { "docid": "4099951", "text": "that he will count that day as not having been without its fitting deed. I.C. Rand Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, Canada\" He has been described as 'probably the greatest judge in Canada's history' and 'perhaps the greatest exponent of the rule of law in the history of the Supreme Court of Canada'. Biographer William Kaplan describes Rand as \"an intolerant bigot\" who disliked French Canadians, Catholics, Jews and Canadians who weren't of British stock. When his sister married an Acadian, Rand refused to talk to her for 30 years. Nevertheless, as a judge, Rand was a civil libertarian who", "title": "Ivan Rand" }, { "docid": "20153647", "text": "author of books in British Israelism, Bible studies and pyramidology (most published by Destiny Publishers). Reuben H. Sawyer Howard Rand Howard Rand, also known as Howard B. Rand and Howard Benjamin Rand (June 13, 1889 - August 17, 1991) was a lawyer, inventor, and three-time candidate for Massachusetts state office on the Prohibition Party ticket, He headed the former Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, a British Israelist group. He served from 1937 to 1968 as editor of its affiliate Destiny Publishers, which put out \"Destiny\" magazine (distinct from the magazine of the same name about Black culture). Rand was born in", "title": "Howard Rand" }, { "docid": "12931643", "text": "Currency money Currency money is money in full circulation that takes its value from the precious metal it contains, that is, its market value is (almost) the value of the metal it contains (apart from the Seigniorage or the minters' profit), though this is always overcompensated for in coins and banknotes from a country undergoing debasement. Currency money is usually made of silver or gold, but in very rare cases plated metal and even copper may be used. Currency money is commodity money, as opposed to coins whose metal value is less than their nominal value, paper money, and deposit", "title": "Currency money" }, { "docid": "9850127", "text": "without any initial plans to establish a common currency. Later, in 1994, Brazil established the Brazilian real, still in use, putting an end to the frequent currency changes that took place in the country throughout the 1980s and the 1990s. On such panorama, the Gaucho plan has been virtually shelved. On 17 July 1987, in the city of Viedma (Río Negro, Argentina), President Raúl Alfonsín of Argentina and President José Sarney of Brazil signed Protocol Number 20 which stated the following: Considering: Viedma, 17 July 1987 Gaucho (currency) The Gaucho was the name of a currency intended to be used", "title": "Gaucho (currency)" }, { "docid": "2480280", "text": "Currency board A currency board is a monetary authority which is required to maintain a fixed exchange rate with a foreign currency. This policy objective requires the conventional objectives of a central bank to be subordinated to the exchange rate target. The main qualities of an orthodox currency board are: The currency board in question will no longer issue fiat money but instead will only issue one unit of local currency for each unit (or decided amount) of foreign currency it has in its vault (often a hard currency such as the U.S. dollar or the euro). The surplus on", "title": "Currency board" }, { "docid": "9501045", "text": "Japanese currency Japanese currency has a history covering the period from the 8th century to the present. After the traditional usage of rice as currency medium, Japan's currency was characterized by an early adoption of currency systems and designs from China before developing a separate system of its own. Before the advent of the 7-8th century CE, Japan used commodity money for its exchanges. It generally consisted of material that was compact, easily transportable and had a widely recognized value. Commodity money was a great improvement over simple barter, in which commodities were simply exchanged against others. Ideally, commodity money", "title": "Japanese currency" }, { "docid": "9991480", "text": "England. The Buffalo Broadcasting Company moved its stations WGR and WKBW to the building in 1922; the stations had moved out of the building by 1959. The \"GR\" in WGR stands for George Rand; the station was founded by the Federal Telephone and Telegraph company in 1922, in which Rand was a major investor. Today, the stations in the Townsquare Media cluster (WMSX, WBLK, WBUF, and WYRK) broadcast from studios in the Rand Building and have their transmitting antennas located atop its beacon. Adjacent to the Rand Building is 10 Lafayette Square in Lafayette Square. George F. Rand Jr. had", "title": "Rand Building" }, { "docid": "14719622", "text": "FM frequency with another community radio station. East Rand Stereo received a license in 1999 to broadcast seven days a week, 24 hours a day; and even more so when in 2004 East Rand Stereo became one of the first community radio stations to receive a permanent four-year license. In easily 2009 East Rand Stereo received its new converted permanent class license under the new Electronic Communication Act, which replaced all previous broadcasting acts. East Rand Stereo has come a long way, moving from a small two-room broadcast studio to the current studios, boasting one main broadcasting studio, three production", "title": "East Rand Stereo" }, { "docid": "11450501", "text": "Irving Fisher), Safe-Cabinet Co. (which had invented the fire-proof safe), Library Bureau, Inc. (which had invented the filing cabinet), Dalton Adding Machine and Baker-Vawter Ledger. For a brief time in 1926, the company was known as Rand Kardex Bureau, Inc. In 1927, James Rand Jr. merged his company with the Remington Typewriter Co. (which had invented the noiseless and electric typewriters) and changed its name to Remington Rand. Company sales grew from $5 million in 1927 to $500 million in 1954. James Rand, Jr.'s wife, Miriam, died in 1927. He married the former Evelyn Huber in 1929. Rand was named", "title": "James Rand Jr." }, { "docid": "1701663", "text": "Currency substitution Currency substitution or dollarization is the use of a foreign currency in parallel to or instead of the domestic currency. Currency substitution can be full or partial. Most, if not all, full currency substitution has taken place after a major economic crisis, for example, Ecuador and El Salvador in Latin America and Zimbabwe in Africa. Some small economies, for whom it is impractical to maintain an independent currency, use those of their larger neighbours; for example Liechtenstein uses the Swiss Franc. Partial currency substitution occurs when residents of a country choose to hold a significant share of their", "title": "Currency substitution" }, { "docid": "6687422", "text": "transaction to take place. Both these products also allow a borrower to fix an exchange rate, which safeguards his money from the fluctuations in the currency market. Products facilitating ‘Regular Payment’ ensures that your mortgage payment is paid on the stipulated date as indicated by you thus preventing any default in payments. Foreign currency mortgage A foreign currency mortgage is a mortgage which is repayable in a currency other than the currency of the country in which the borrower is a resident. Foreign currency mortgages can be used to finance both personal mortgages and corporate mortgages. The interest rate charged", "title": "Foreign currency mortgage" }, { "docid": "15809779", "text": "fast that it would lead to social unrest in China, bankruptcy for export dependent companies and \"disaster for the world\". In October, China posted a record surge in its foreign exchange reserves, which was seen as a \"target around the neck of China’s exchange rate regime\" in the effort to get the country to allow its currency to appreciate. In reaction, Geithner suggested China’s attempts at limiting gains were the reason for capital controls and currency-market interventions in other emerging economies. \"What’s happening is, as China holds its currency down, their currencies are moving up and they’re having to work", "title": "Currency War of 2009–11" }, { "docid": "6687417", "text": "Foreign currency mortgage A foreign currency mortgage is a mortgage which is repayable in a currency other than the currency of the country in which the borrower is a resident. Foreign currency mortgages can be used to finance both personal mortgages and corporate mortgages. The interest rate charged on a Foreign currency mortgage is based on the interest rates applicable to the currency in which the mortgage is denominated and not the interest rates applicable to the borrower's own domestic currency. Therefore, a Foreign currency mortgage should only be considered when the interest rate on the foreign currency is significantly", "title": "Foreign currency mortgage" }, { "docid": "2362814", "text": "Rand McNally also erected many of the actual roadside highway signs. This system was subsequently adopted by state and federal highway authorities. The oil industry quickly developed an interest in road maps, enticing Americans to explore and consume more gasoline. In 1920, Rand McNally began publishing road maps for the Gulf Oil Company, to be freely distributed at its service stations. By 1930, Rand McNally had two major road map competitors, General Drafting and Gousha, the latter of which was founded by a former Rand McNally sales representative. The \"Rand McNally Auto Chum\", later to become the ubiquitous \"Rand McNally", "title": "Rand McNally" }, { "docid": "14441416", "text": "a currency manipulator is by creating public opinion via for example news media. This comes from mostly political reasons or from lobbying activities for organizations with interest in manufacturing industries. The manufacturing industry is most heavily affected when one of the nation’s important trade countries manipulated their currency. Products from that country will be more competitive than from their own nation, which causes a shift of manufacturing to that foreign country. Therefore, lobbyists of the U.S. manufacturing sector are often “bashing” China as a currency manipulator. Evidence for this proposition can be found in an analysis of Ramirez (2013), who", "title": "Currency manipulator" }, { "docid": "1701682", "text": "currency will be satisfied in the holding of foreign currency assets abroad and outside the domestic banking system. This demand often puts pressure on the parallel market of foreign currency and on the country's international reserves. Evidence for this pattern is given in the absence of currency substitution during the pre-reform period in most transition economies, because of constricted controls on foreign exchange and the banking system. In contrary, by facilitating the domestic holding of foreign currency, a country might mitigate the shift of assets abroad and strengthen its external reserves in exchange for a currency substitution process. However, the", "title": "Currency substitution" }, { "docid": "15337563", "text": "Ingersoll Rand Ingersoll-Rand plc () is an Irish–American global diversified industrial manufacturing company formed in 1905 by the merger of Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Company and Rand Drill Company, rival companies that had each been founded in 1871. The company is incorporated in Dublin, Ireland, and has its US operations headquartered in Davidson, North Carolina. Ingersoll-Rand has been a constituent of the S&P 500 Index since 2010, replacing Pactiv Corporation on 16 November 2010 (it had previously been in the S&P 500 Index until it was replaced by Quanta Services in June 2009). In 1871, Simon Ingersoll (1818–1894) founded Ingersoll Rock Drill", "title": "Ingersoll Rand" }, { "docid": "3664844", "text": "Ill c. 35) for New York to issue £120,000 in paper currency for public but not private debts. Parliament extended these concessions to the other colonies in 1773 (13 Geo. III c. 57) by amending the Currency Act 1764, permitting the colonies to issue paper currency as legal tender for public debts. According to historian Jack Sosin, the British government had made its point: The Currency Acts created tension between the colonies and the mother country, and were a contributing factor in the coming of the American Revolution. In all of the colonies except Delaware, the Acts were considered to", "title": "Currency Act" }, { "docid": "6554117", "text": "rationale behind the creation of the euro is that the individual countries of Europe do not each form an optimal currency area, but that Europe as a whole does. The creation of the euro is often cited because it provides the most modern and largest-scale case study of an attempt to identify an optimum currency area, and provides a comparative before-and-after model by which to test the principles of the theory. In theory, an optimal currency area could also be smaller than a country. Some economists have argued that the United States, for example, has some regions that do not", "title": "Optimum currency area" }, { "docid": "8656487", "text": "Virtual currency Virtual currency, or virtual money, is a type of unregulated, digital money, which is issued and usually controlled by its developers and used and accepted among the members of a specific virtual community. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission has warned investors against pump and dump schemes that use virtual currencies. The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the US Treasury, defined virtual currency in its guidance published in 2013. In 2014, the European Banking Authority defined virtual currency as \"a digital representation of value that is neither issued by a central bank or a public", "title": "Virtual currency" }, { "docid": "19884674", "text": "Jeb Rand Jeb Rand (born October 22, 1965) is an American former amateur and professional figure skater who is now a live show writer, producer and director, primarily of original theatrical ice shows, He also creates extreme sports productions and branded content special events worldwide. Rand is the president and executive producer of Rand Enterprises And Productions, Inc., a Las Vegas, Nevada-based production company. Rand was born in Marietta, Georgia, the son of Nanci Rand, and Dr. Howard Rand, a Veterinarian. He has an older brother, Darren Rand, and a younger sister, Jolie Rand. As an amateur skater, Rand was", "title": "Jeb Rand" }, { "docid": "2362817", "text": "maps of the entire world. Rand McNally began creating maps digitally in 1982. In 1989, Rand McNally donated its extensive collection of maps to the Newberry Library. Now in possession of Gousha's archives as well, Rand McNally donated that map archive to the Newberry in late 2002. With a string of acquisitions and growth throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Rand McNally employed over 4,000 people in four business groups. The company had been majority-owned by the McNally family since 1899, but by 1997 the family had decided to divest its interest. In late September, 2018, Rand McNally moved its headquarters", "title": "Rand McNally" }, { "docid": "13601012", "text": "affair between Rand and Nathaniel Branden. In an interview, Branden said that she had undertaken the book in part \"to rescue [Rand] from the need to be godlike. As I wrote, she was much more than that: she was a human being and a woman ... it is only in that context that Objectivism can be separated from its founder and its supporters and be seen as a philosophy which stands or falls by its own relationship to reality – not by the virtues or vices of those who espouse it.\" The book was first published in 1986 in a", "title": "The Passion of Ayn Rand" }, { "docid": "14957792", "text": "Currency war Currency war, also known as competitive devaluations, is a condition in international affairs where countries seek to gain a trade advantage over other countries by causing the exchange rate of their currency to fall in relation to other currencies. As the exchange rate of a country's currency falls, exports become more competitive in other countries, and imports into the country become more and more expensive. Both effects benefit the domestic industry, and thus employment, which receives a boost in demand from both domestic and foreign markets. However, the price increases for import goods (as well as in the", "title": "Currency war" }, { "docid": "14957800", "text": "seen as an attractive solution to unemployment when other options, like increased public spending, are ruled out due to high public debt, or when a country has a balance of payments deficit which a devaluation would help correct. A reason for preferring devaluation common among emerging economies is that maintaining a relatively low exchange rate helps them build up foreign exchange reserves, which can protect against future financial crises. A state wishing to devalue, or at least check the appreciation of its currency, must work within the constraints of the prevailing International monetary system. During the 1930s, countries had relatively", "title": "Currency war" }, { "docid": "17024975", "text": "officials with the Mongolian government on applications of business technology to their petroleum and natural resource industry as part of a five-day workshop put on by the US Department of Commerce. Rand Group was formed in 2003 by the acquisition of the technical consulting division of Hein & Associates LLP, a regional accounting firm. Between 1996 and 2003, prior to the formation, the same management team provided the same service offering at Hein. Rand Group received Gold Partner status in 2005, primarily as a result of its 90% client retention rate. Since 2004, Rand Group has consistently ranked in Accounting", "title": "Rand Group" }, { "docid": "2248113", "text": "Company and Rand Kardex Corporation. One of its earliest factories, the former Herschell–Spillman Motor Company Complex, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2013. Within the first year, Remington Rand acquired the Dalton Adding Machine Company, the Powers Accounting Machine Company, the Baker-Vawter Company and the Kalamazoo Loose-Leaf Binder Company. One of its earliest factories, the former Herschell–Spillman Motor Company Complex, was listed on the National Register of Historic Placesin 2013. From 1936-1937 Remington Rand went on strike, which resulted in violence and the loss of jobs. From 1942 to 1945, Remington Rand was one manufacturer of", "title": "Remington Rand" }, { "docid": "6554116", "text": "Optimum currency area In economics, an optimum currency area (OCA), also known as an optimal currency region (OCR), is a geographical region in which it would maximize economic efficiency to have the entire region share a single currency. The underlying theory describes the optimal characteristics for the merger of currencies or the creation of a new currency. The theory is used often to argue whether or not a certain region is ready to become a currency union, one of the final stages in economic integration. An optimal currency area is often larger than a country. For instance, part of the", "title": "Optimum currency area" }, { "docid": "2362811", "text": "Rand McNally map, created using a new cost-saving wax engraving method, appeared in the December 1872 edition of its \"Railroad Guide\". Rand McNally became an incorporated business in 1873, with Rand as its president and McNally as vice president. The \"Business Atlas\", containing maps and data pertinent to business planning, was first published in 1876. The atlas is still updated today, now titled the \"Commercial Atlas & Marketing Guide\". The Trade Book department was established in 1877, publishing such titles as \"The Locust Plague in the United States\". Rand McNally began publishing educational maps in 1880 with its first line", "title": "Rand McNally" }, { "docid": "6619683", "text": "unions centered in New York. In 1935, the Rand School changed its name to the \"Tamiment Institute and Library,\" although it continued to use the imprint \"Rand School Press\" for its printed publications. During the Socialist Party split of 1936, the Rand School of Social Science followed the Old Guard faction out of the party and into the new Social Democratic Federation. During this final interval the school became to be supported in an increasing percentage by the profits generated by Camp Tamiment, the SDF's country summer camp for trade union workers. by the late 1930s more than half of", "title": "Rand School of Social Science" }, { "docid": "17681275", "text": "The Ayn Rand Cult The Ayn Rand Cult is a book by journalist Jeff Walker, published by Open Court Publishing Company in 1999. Walker discusses the history of the Objectivist movement started by novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand, which he describes as a cult. The Objectivist movement began with a small group of Rand's confidants and students who supported her philosophy of Objectivism. This group was at first known informally as \"The Collective\", and later gained more structure in the form of the Nathaniel Branden Institute (NBI), named after Rand's protege Nathaniel Branden, and a magazine that Rand and Branden", "title": "The Ayn Rand Cult" }, { "docid": "20028170", "text": "Glenn Rand Glenn Rand (born in 1944 Cincinnati, Ohio, United States) is an American photographic artist, educator and writer. He has produced photographic art that has been included in public museum collections throughout the United States, Japan, and Europe. He has written twelve books on photography and contributed regularly to magazines. In 2009 the Photo Imaging Education Association (PIEA) presented him with its \"Excellence in Education Award\" for his insightful contributions to photographic education. After receiving his Bachelor of Art degree at Purdue University in 1966 with a Major in Humanities and Design, Rand continued on at Purdue acquiring a", "title": "Glenn Rand" }, { "docid": "8000604", "text": "included on a compilation release which was entitled \"My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own\". The most successful country version was by Susan Raye in 1972 which hit Billboard's Top 10 Country Singles. Debby Boone made a slightly less successful hit of it in 1979, peaking at #11; Boone subsequently made less successful bids for C&W chart success with remakes of the Connie Francis hits \"Breakin' in a Brand New Broken Heart\" (#25) and \"Everybody's Somebody's Fool\" (#48). \"My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own\" was recorded by Reba McEntire early in her career; that version was first", "title": "My Heart Has a Mind of Its Own" }, { "docid": "4183547", "text": "addition, over 90 central banks are engaged in DLT discussions, including implications of a central bank issued digital currency. In March 2018, the Marshall Islands became the first country to issue their own cryptocurrency and certify it as legal tender; the currency is called the \"sovereign\". Canada The Bank of Canada have explored the possibility of creating a version of its currency on the blockchain. The Bank of Canada teamed up with the nation’s five largest banks — and the blockchain consulting firm R3 — for what was known as Project Jasper. In a simulation run in 2016, the central", "title": "Digital currency" }, { "docid": "662356", "text": "the airline. 5. While most of these currencies are restricted to a small geographic area or a country, through the Internet electronic forms of complementary currency can be used to stimulate transactions on a global basis. In China, Tencent's QQ coins are a virtual form of currency that has gained wide circulation. QQ coins can be bought for Renminbi and used to buy virtual products and services such as ringtones and on-line video game time. They can also be obtained through on-line exchange for goods and services at about twice the Renminbi price, by which additional 'money' is being directly", "title": "Local currency" }, { "docid": "14719623", "text": "studios, a fully operational newsroom and a news team, various administrative offices, permanent staff, an active sales team and approximately 20 freelance presenters and technical engineers. East Rand Stereo currently broadcasts from Springs and supplies local entertainment and news to most parts of Ekuruleni, also known as the East Rand. Areas currently covered include Springs, Brakpan, Benoni, Parts of Boksburg, Parts of Kepmton Park, Parts of Germiston and Parts of Alberton. From its early days to now, it has been important for East Rand Stereo to give something back to the community to whom it broadcasts. East Rand Stereo not", "title": "East Rand Stereo" }, { "docid": "13941681", "text": "recordings of interviews conducted by others. They included extensive interviews that Barbara Branden conducted with Rand in the 1960s as preparation for Branden's biographical essay in \"Who Is Ayn Rand?\". Heller also hired a Russian research team to find archival material related to Rand's early life in Russia. However, she was not granted access to the archives of the Ayn Rand Institute, which has numerous documents from Rand's estate. The book is a chronological biography of Rand. Each chapter covers a specific period of time indicated as part of the chapter title. An \"Afterword\" briefly describes what some of her", "title": "Ayn Rand and the World She Made" }, { "docid": "13611001", "text": "corporation to compare demand for health services with their cost to the patient. According to the 2005 annual report, \"about one-half of RAND's research involves national security issues\". Many of the events in which RAND plays a part are based on assumptions which are hard to verify because of the lack of detail on RAND's highly classified work for defense and intelligence agencies. The RAND Corporation posts all of its unclassified reports in full on its website. Over the last 60 years, more than 30 Nobel Prize winners have been involved or associated with the RAND Corporation at some point", "title": "RAND Corporation" }, { "docid": "1653125", "text": "young age of twenty-three. The cover art for \"Direction\" magazine proved to be an important step in the development of the \"Paul Rand look\" that was not as yet fully developed. The December 1940 cover, which uses barbed wire to present the magazine as both a war-torn gift and a crucifix, is indicative of the artistic freedom Rand enjoyed at \"Direction\"; in \"Thoughts on Design\" Rand notes that it \"is significant that the crucifix, aside from its religious implications, is a demonstration of pure plastic form as well . . . a perfect union of the aggressive vertical (male) and", "title": "Paul Rand" }, { "docid": "17896686", "text": "points. Rand played college basketball at Marquette University and led the team in scoring as a sophomore, junior, and senior. As a junior, he helped lead the Golden Warriors to a 24-3 record and its first NCAA tournament appearance. The team carried a 22-game winning streak and was ranked eighth in the nation. In the first round, Rand scored 37 points and grabbed 25 rebounds in a 97-70 victory over Miami (Ohio), which still stands as the school tournament record. Marquette reached the Elite Eight after defeating Kentucky, before losing to Iowa. In his senior season, Rand posted averages of", "title": "Terry Rand" }, { "docid": "5568957", "text": "creation of the Johannesburg unicity in 1999, Roodepoort, which is traditionally regarded as part of the West Rand, became part of Johannesburg municipality. After 1999, much of the area (excluding Roodepoort, which became part of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality) became part of the newly formed West Rand District Municipality. Despite being a separate municipal area, like the East Rand, the West Rand is included in the Witwatersrand urban area. To this end, the West Rand shares the same dialling code as Johannesburg (011 locally). It is not uncommon for residents of the West Rand to work in Johannesburg", "title": "West Rand" }, { "docid": "1701668", "text": "the share of all foreign currency deposits held by domestic residents at home and abroad in their total monetary assets. Unofficial currency substitution or de facto currency substitution is the most common type of currency substitution. Unofficial currency substitution occurs when residents of a country choose to hold a significant share of their financial assets in foreign currency, even though the foreign currency is not legal tender there. They hold deposits in the foreign currency because of a bad track record of the local currency, or as a hedge against inflation of the domestic currency. Official currency substitution or full", "title": "Currency substitution" }, { "docid": "2105068", "text": "Hard currency Hard currency, safe-haven currency or strong currency is any globally traded currency that serves as a reliable and stable store of value. Factors contributing to a currency's \"hard\" status might include the long-term stability of its purchasing power, the associated country's political and fiscal condition and outlook, and the policy posture of the issuing central bank. Safe haven currency is defined as a currency which behaves like a hedge for a reference portfolio of risky assets conditional on movements in global risk aversion. Conversely, a soft currency indicates a currency which is expected to fluctuate erratically or depreciate", "title": "Hard currency" }, { "docid": "11089984", "text": "journal in the spring of 1970 with the name The Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science. From 1975–1983 it was titled The Bell Journal of Economics. In 1984, after transfer to the RAND Corporation, it acquired its present name. The RAND Journal of Economics The RAND Journal of Economics (usually called Rand Journal or simply Rand ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal of economics published quarterly by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the RAND Corporation. The journal's purpose is \"to support and encourage research in the behavior of regulated industries, the economic analysis of organizations, and more generally, applied microeconomics\".", "title": "The RAND Journal of Economics" }, { "docid": "5644218", "text": "South Korea imported goods worth $13.2 billion from Indonesia, while its exports reached $11.6 billion. In August 2018, Qatar and Turkey's central banks signed a currency swap agreement to provide liquidity and support for financial stability. Japan and India signed a currency swap agreement worth US$75 billion in October, 2018, which has been one of the largest bilateral currency swap agreements. Currency swap In finance, a currency swap (more typically termed a cross-currency swap (XCS)) is an interest rate derivative (IRD). In particular it is a linear IRD and one of the most liquid, benchmark products spanning multiple currencies simultaneously.", "title": "Currency swap" }, { "docid": "3537240", "text": "Currency symbol A currency symbol is a graphic symbol used as a shorthand for a currency's name, especially in reference to amounts of money. Although several former currency symbols were rendered obsolete by the adoption of the euro, having a new and unique currency symbol implementation of which requires the adoption of new Unicode and type formats has now become a status symbol for international currencies. The European Commission considers the global recognition of the euro sign part of its success. In 2009, India launched a public competition to replace the ₨ ligature it shared with neighbouring countries. It finalised", "title": "Currency symbol" }, { "docid": "3238037", "text": "say.\" On October 17, 2013, Miller announced the development of \"Obduction\", intended to serve as the spiritual successor to the \"Myst\" series, via a Kickstarter campaign. The game was released in 2016 (for PC) and 2017 (for Mac OS). Miller lives in Spokane, Washington, and has a wife, Robin, three daughters, and two step-daughters. 1. http://mystonline.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=23530&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30 Rand Miller Rand Miller (born January 17, 1959) is a CEO and co-founder of Cyan Worlds (originally Cyan). He and brother Robyn Miller became famous due to the success of their computer game \"Myst\", which remained the all-time bestselling computer game from its release", "title": "Rand Miller" }, { "docid": "9199648", "text": "Josh Rand Josh Rand (born August 19, 1974) is an American musician best known as the rhythm guitarist for the band Stone Sour. Josh Rand started playing bass guitar when he was 15, inspired by Billy Sheehan, Cliff Burton, Frankie Bello and Jason Newsted. He has known Corey Taylor since he was 15. The two played in several bands together before Josh switched to guitar at age 17. Rand has said that after hearing the band Racer X he knew playing the guitar was right for him. Rand earned a professional certificate in guitar from Berklee College of Music and", "title": "Josh Rand" }, { "docid": "14957808", "text": "second round of quantitative easing though to a lesser extent than the United States; Britain and the Eurozone did not launch an additional QE in 2010. For a widespread currency war to occur a large proportion of significant economies must wish to devalue their currencies at once. This has so far only happened during a global economic downturn. An individual currency devaluation has to involve a corresponding rise in value for at least one other currency. The corresponding rise will generally be spread across all other currencies and so unless the devaluing country has a huge economy and is substantially", "title": "Currency war" } ]
In which country are Tangier and Casablanca?
[ "ISO 3166-1:MA", "Al-Mamlakah al-Maġribiyya", "Maroc", "Royaume du Maroc", "Norocco", "Moraco", "Sultanate of Fez", "Etymology of Morocco", "المغرب", "Al-Mamlaka al-Maġribiyya", "Maroc (disambiguation)", "Morroco", "Al-Maġrib", "Lmaġrib", "Sherifian Empire", "Maroco", "Name of Morocco", "Morrocco", "Moroccan Kingdom", "Morocco", "Morrocan", "Al-Mamlakah al-Maġribiyah", "Moroco", "Marokko", "المملكة المغربية", "Marocko", "Sultanate of Morocco", "Al-Mamlaka al-Maghrebia", "Kingdom of Morocco" ]
[ { "docid": "11551653", "text": "travel time to 1 hour and 30 minutes. The 12 Alstom Euroduplex trainsets operating on the line are bilevel trains, each comprised two power cars and eight passenger cars. The passenger capacity is 533 across two first-class cars, five second-class cars, and a food-service car. Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line The Casablanca—Tangier high-speed rail line is a high-speed rail line in Morocco that is the first on the African continent. The line was inaugurated on 15 November 2018 by King Mohammed VI of Morocco following over a decade of planning and construction by Moroccan national railway company ONCF. It is the", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "11551646", "text": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line The Casablanca—Tangier high-speed rail line is a high-speed rail line in Morocco that is the first on the African continent. The line was inaugurated on 15 November 2018 by King Mohammed VI of Morocco following over a decade of planning and construction by Moroccan national railway company ONCF. It is the first phase of what is planned to eventually be a high-speed rail network in Morocco. Early studies into the feasibility of high-speed rail in Morocco began in 2003, and by 2006 the route between Tangier and Kenitra had been identified as being among the first", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "91741", "text": "and business center of Morocco, although the national political capital is Rabat. The leading Moroccan companies and international corporations doing business in the country have their headquarters and main industrial facilities in Casablanca. Recent industrial statistics show Casablanca retains its historical position as the main industrial zone of the country. The Port of Casablanca is one of the largest artificial ports in the world, and the second largest port of North Africa, after Tanger-Med east of Tangier. Casablanca also hosts the primary naval base for the Royal Moroccan Navy. The original name of Casablanca was \"Anfa\", in Berber language, by", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "12774580", "text": "Economy of Tangier Tangier's economy is the third biggest of all Moroccan cities, after the economic capital Casablanca and the political capital Rabat. Tangier is Morocco's second most important industrial center after Casablanca. The industrial sectors are diversified: textile, chemical, mechanical, metallurgical and naval. Currently, the city has four industrial parks of which two have the status of free economic zone (see Tangier Free Zone). The years 2007 and 2008 will be particularly important for the city because of the completion of large construction projects currently being built. These include the Tangier-Mediterranean port (\"Tanger-med\") and its industrial parks, a 45,000-seat", "title": "Economy of Tangier" }, { "docid": "12774590", "text": "It also wins part of the strong growth market of container transshipment and has become the leading hub for cereal transshipment, a facility which is non-existent in the north-west African region at present. The complex is implemented, coordinated and managed by TMSA, a private company with public prerogatives, operating under an agreement with the State and interacting with the different ministries involved. Economy of Tangier Tangier's economy is the third biggest of all Moroccan cities, after the economic capital Casablanca and the political capital Rabat. Tangier is Morocco's second most important industrial center after Casablanca. The industrial sectors are diversified:", "title": "Economy of Tangier" }, { "docid": "1988016", "text": "of the English. The current prefecture is divided administratively into the following: Tangier is Morocco's second most important industrial centre after Casablanca. The industrial sectors are diversified: textile, chemical, mechanical, metallurgical and naval. Currently, the city has four industrial parks of which two have the status of free economic zone (see Tangier Free Zone). Tangier's economy relies heavily on tourism. Seaside resorts have been increasing with projects funded by foreign investments. Real estate and construction companies have been investing heavily in tourist infrastructures. A bay delimiting the city centre extends for more than . The years 2007 and 2008 were", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "91769", "text": "in 1990, Hicham Arazi in 1997, Younes El Aynaoui in 2002, and Stanislas Wawrinka in 2010. The Casablanca tramway is the rapid transit tram system in Casablanca. The route is long, with 49 stops, and Y-shaped; further lines are planned. Casablanca's main airport is Mohammed V International Airport, Morocco's busiest airport. Regular domestic flights serve Marrakech, Rabat, Agadir, Oujda, Tangier, Al Hoceima, and Laayoune, as well as other cities. Casablanca is well-served by international flights to Europe, especially French and Spanish airports, and has regular connections to North American, Middle Eastern and sub-Saharan African destinations. New York City, Montreal, Paris,", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "12271795", "text": "make overtaking hazardous or impossible. The completion of the Marrakesh–Agadir section complete a north-south corridor of toll-roads / expressways that shortens the travel-distance on the route Tangier to Agadir by nearly 50 km (via toll-roads the distance is 776 and via the Route Nationale 824 km. But the biggest save is driving-time: the average travelling time Tangier–Agadir over national (free) roads is 14.5 hours while the same via the different toll-roads is under 7.5 hours Casablanca–Agadir expressway The Autoroute Casablanca–Agadir is a new main road in Morocco. Building began in 2000 and the road was inaugurated on 21 June 2010", "title": "Casablanca–Agadir expressway" }, { "docid": "5129510", "text": "for this 58 km long project are 800 Million Dirham. Main reason for expansion is the expected traffic growth, which is calculated at 55-79% between 2010 and 2020, depending on the stretch of road Toll revenues for the Casablanca–Rabat expressway are the highest in the country, generating 306 million dirhams in 2007 (252 million in 2006), nearly a third of all toll-revenues in Morocco. The route starts at the centre of Casablanca, and then joins the Casablanca bypass at the junction just before the west Mohammedia interchange. It continues past the east interchange serving Mohammedia before reaching the toll station", "title": "Casablanca–Rabat expressway" }, { "docid": "91751", "text": "for the European Theater of Operations during World War II. In October 1930, Casablanca hosted a Grand Prix, held at the new Anfa Racecourse. In 1958, the race was held at Ain-Diab circuit \"(see Moroccan Grand Prix)\". Morocco gained independence from France on 1955. In 1983, Casablanca hosted the Mediterranean Games. The city is now developing a tourism industry. Casablanca has become the economic and business capital of Morocco, while Rabat is the political capital. In March 2000, more than 60 women's groups organized demonstrations in Casablanca proposing reforms to the legal status of women in the country. About 40,000", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "5129698", "text": "in 2002. In July 2005, 12 years after the start of construction, the totality of the axis was completed. The axis technically comprises also the Rabat bypass, although it does not conform with motorway regulations. Before its opening in 1997, getting to the origin of the road was a hard task for traffic coming from Casablanca, as the centre of Rabat had to be crossed. In 2007 the toll-revenues for this road totaled 269 million dirhams (2006: 212 MDh), taking 2nd place in list of \"top earners\" in Morocco (Figure includes sections Tangier-RN2 and Tétouan - M'diq). <br> Figures regarding", "title": "Rabat–Tangier expressway" }, { "docid": "1988033", "text": "Caesarea. Towards the end of the 3rd century, Tangier was the scene of the martyrdoms of St.Marcellus, mentioned in the Roman Martyrology on 30 October, and of St.Cassian, mentioned on 3 December. Under the Portuguese, the diocese of Tangier was a suffragan of Lisbon but, in 1570, it was united with the diocese of Ceuta. Six Bishops of Tangier from this period are known, the firstwho did not reside in his seein 1468. During the era of the French and Spanish protectorates over Morocco, Tangier was the residence of the Prefect Apostolic of Morocco, the mission having been founded on", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "7967242", "text": "Tangier Protocol The Tangier Protocol (formally the Convention regarding the Organisation of the Statute of the Tangier Zone) was an agreement signed between France, Spain and the United Kingdom by which the city of Tangier in Morocco became the Tangier International Zone. The protocol was signed in Paris on 18 December 1923 and entered into force with ratification on 14 May 1924. Starting from 1929, Spain assumed the policing of the city. An international legislative body was created to govern the city. Spain occupied Tangier from 1940 to 1945, taking advantage of France's occupation by Germany in 1940. The status", "title": "Tangier Protocol" }, { "docid": "12179063", "text": "Beer in Morocco Beer production in Morocco was introduced by the French in the 20th century. Société des Brasseries du Maroc is part of the Castel Group and oversees the production and distribution of beer. Popular beers include \"Spéciale Flag\" (pilsner) and \"Stork\" (light lager). The Moroccan premium beer is \"Casablanca\" (also a lager), which costs more than the other two. \"Casablanca\" is also exported and, for instance, served in the Morocco pavilion at Epcot in Walt Disney World, Orlando, FL. The breweries of Brasseries du Maroc are located in Fes, Tangier, and Casablanca, also a bottling unit exists in", "title": "Beer in Morocco" }, { "docid": "7967243", "text": "of the international zone remained until its 29 October 1956 reintegration with Morocco, following Morocco's independence that year. After it came into force, the Protocol was also acceded to by Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden. Tangier Protocol The Tangier Protocol (formally the Convention regarding the Organisation of the Statute of the Tangier Zone) was an agreement signed between France, Spain and the United Kingdom by which the city of Tangier in Morocco became the Tangier International Zone. The protocol was signed in Paris on 18 December 1923 and entered into force with ratification on 14 May 1924. Starting from 1929,", "title": "Tangier Protocol" }, { "docid": "1988030", "text": "and supplied the introduction). Tennessee Williams described it as \"a true document of human desperation, shattering in its impact.\" Independently, William S. Burroughs lived in Tangier for four years and wrote \"Naked Lunch\", whose locale of Interzone is an allusion to the city. After several years of gradual disentanglement from Spanish and French colonial control, Morocco reintegrated the city of Tangier at the signing of the Tangier Protocol on 29 October 1956. Tangier remains a very popular tourist destination for cruise ships and day visitors from Spain and Gibraltar. Most of the inhabitants of Tangier speak Darija (Maghrebi Arabic), mainly", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "1987984", "text": "Tangier Tangier (Arabic: طنجة, Berber: ⵟⴰⵏⴵⴰ) is a major city in northwestern Morocco. It is on the Maghreb coast at the western entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Spartel. The town is the capital of the Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, as well as the Tangier-Assilah prefecture of Morocco. Many civilisations and cultures have influenced the history of Tangier, starting from before the 5th century. Between the period of being a strategic Berber town and then a Phoenician trading centre to the independence era around the 1950s, Tangier was a nexus for", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "3147149", "text": "English Tangier English Tangier refers to the Moroccan city of Tangier during the period of its colonial occupation by the Kingdom of England, which lasted from 1661 to 1684. Tangier had been under Portuguese rule before KingCharlesII acquired the city as part of the dowry when he married the Portuguese infanta Catherine. The marriage treaty was an extensive renewal of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance; it was opposed by Spain (at war with Portugal) but clandestinely supported by France. England garrisoned and fortified the city against hostile (but disunited) Moroccan forces. When Morocco was later united under the Alaouites, the cost of", "title": "English Tangier" }, { "docid": "12187054", "text": "the French protectorate of Morocco. It has 8 platforms. It is the largest railway hub in the country, serving direct trains within Morocco (Aïn Sebaâ, Fes, Khouribga, Marrakech, Rabat, Tangier) and Casablanca's Mohammed V International Airport. When the Tangier—Kenitra LGV line opens in 2018, Casa-Voyageurs will become the terminus for the TGV service to Tangier with a journey time estimated at 2 hours, 10 minutes. From Casa Voyageurs direct services are available to and from: The station connects with Casablanca Tramway Line T1, the tram stop is in front of the station. It is served by M'dina Buses and by", "title": "Casa-Voyageurs railway station" }, { "docid": "8435391", "text": "In Morocco the expatriate Christian community (Roman Catholic and Protestant) consists of 5,000 practicing members, although estimates of Christians residing in the country at any particular time range up to 25,000. Most Christians reside in the Casablanca, Tangier and Rabat urban areas. The majority of Christians in Morocco are foreigners, although Voice of the Martyrs reports there is a growing number of native Moroccans (45,000) converting to Christianity, especially in the rural areas. Many of the converts are baptized secretly in Morocco’s churches. The Christian community in Tunisia, composed of indigenous residents, Tunisians of Italian and French descent, and a", "title": "Christianity in Africa" }, { "docid": "7952027", "text": "250,000 Spaniard Catholics lived in Morocco. Most Spaniards left Morocco after independence and their numbers were reduced to about 13,000. Today the expatriate Christian community (Roman Catholic and Protestant) consists of 5,000 practicing members, although estimates of Christians residing in the country at any particular time range up to 25,000. Most Christians reside in the Casablanca, Tangier, and Rabat urban areas. The majority of Christians in Morocco are foreigners, although Voice of the Martyrs reports there is a growing number of native Moroccans (45,000) converting to Christianity, especially in the rural areas. Many of the converts are baptized secretly in", "title": "Christianity in Morocco" }, { "docid": "10719380", "text": "the development of a high-speed railway from Tangier via Rabat and Casablanca to Marrakech. Also a (passenger) rail connection between Tangier and Tangier MED, the port on the Mediterranean near Tangier, will give passengers arriving by ferry a connection to the main lines. A train will operate every 2 hours between the port and Tangier city. A freight-line from the Renault factory at Tangier MED is already operational Rail transport in Morocco Rail transport in Morocco is operated by the national railway operator ONCF. It was initially developed during the colonial era. The main network for passenger-transport consists of a", "title": "Rail transport in Morocco" }, { "docid": "1988006", "text": "From the 18th century, Tangier served as Morocco's diplomatic headquarters. The United States dedicated its first consulate in Tangier during the George Washington administration. In 1821, the Legation Building in Tangier became the first piece of property acquired abroad by the U.S. government—a gift to the U.S. from Sultan Moulay Suliman. In 1828, Great Britain blockaded the port in retaliation for piracy. As part of its ongoing conquest of neighboring Algeria, France declared war over Moroccan tolerance of Abd el-Kader; Tangier was bombarded by a French fleet under the Prince of Joinville on 6 August 1844. What little of its", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "91768", "text": "and Wydad's symbol is a goose. These two popular clubs have produced some of Morocco's best players, such as: Salaheddine Bassir, Abdelmajid Dolmy, Baddou Zaki, Aziz Bouderbala, and Noureddine Naybet. Other football teams on top of these two major teams based in the city of Casablanca include Rachad Bernoussi, TAS de Casablanca, Majd Al Madina, and Racing Casablanca. Casablanca hosts The Grand Prix Hassan II, a professional men's tennis tournament of the ATP tour. It first began in 1986, and is played on clay courts type at Complexe Al Amal. Notable winners of the Hassan II Grand-Prix are Thomas Muster", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "275326", "text": "plans for the construction of a 450 million dirham military hospital in Marrakesh. Marrakesh is twinned with: Marrakesh Marrakesh ( or ; \"Murrākuš\"; \"Meṛṛakec\"), also known by the French spelling Marrakech, is a major city of the Kingdom of Morocco. It is the fourth largest city in the country, after Casablanca, Fez and Tangier. It is the capital city of the mid-southwestern region of Marrakesh-Safi. Located to the north of the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh is situated southwest of Tangier, southwest of the Moroccan capital of Rabat, south of Casablanca, and northeast of Agadir. Marrakesh is possibly", "title": "Marrakesh" }, { "docid": "275229", "text": "Marrakesh Marrakesh ( or ; \"Murrākuš\"; \"Meṛṛakec\"), also known by the French spelling Marrakech, is a major city of the Kingdom of Morocco. It is the fourth largest city in the country, after Casablanca, Fez and Tangier. It is the capital city of the mid-southwestern region of Marrakesh-Safi. Located to the north of the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh is situated southwest of Tangier, southwest of the Moroccan capital of Rabat, south of Casablanca, and northeast of Agadir. Marrakesh is possibly the most important of Morocco's four former imperial cities. The region has been inhabited by Berber farmers", "title": "Marrakesh" }, { "docid": "16329427", "text": "to high costs; instead, the city will focus on expanding its existing tram lines. Formally launched in the 1980s, the project has never been continued due to geographical reasons. A lot of alternatives were presented and accepted, like the combination of the Casablanca tramway and RER system, which is designed to offer coverage similar to the planned metro system. Casablanca metro The Casablanca Metro was a public transport project dating from the 1970s in Casablanca, Morocco. It was designed to address the need for public transport in Casablanca, which suffers from traffic congestion caused by the city's growth. The project", "title": "Casablanca metro" }, { "docid": "9031053", "text": "held at the new Anfa Racecourse. In 1958, the race was held at Ain-Diab circuit - \"(see Moroccan Grand Prix)\". In 1983, Casablanca hosted the Mediterranean Games. The city is now developing a tourism industry. Casablanca has become the economic and business capital of Morocco, while Rabat is the political capital. In March 2000, women's groups organised demonstrations in Casablanca proposing reforms to the legal status of women in the country. 40,000 women attended, calling for a ban on polygamy and the introduction of divorce law (divorce being a purely religious procedure at that time). Although counter-demonstration attracted half a", "title": "History of Casablanca" }, { "docid": "19026548", "text": "the five hundred who had marched out escaped back to the safety of Tangier. As happened in other attacks by the Moroccans, the corpses of the English killed were mutilated. Following Teviot's death, command devolved on his Irish Lieutenant Governor John Fitzgerald. Pressure on Tangier weakened due to political developments elsewhere in Morocco, and Fitzgerald agreed to a truce which by 1666 had become a general peace. Although occasional fighting continued, the town did not come under such sustained pressure again until the Great Siege of Tangier in 1680. Battle of Tangier (1664) The Battle of Tangier or Battle of", "title": "Battle of Tangier (1664)" }, { "docid": "7891816", "text": "27 suites, including the 'Casablanca Royal Suite'. Facilities such as spa, bars, and restaurants are open to non-residents and are popular amongst Casablanca's richer residents, particularly the panoramic restaurant on the 27 floor, and \"Bar 28\", located on the 28 and top floor of Tower B. Casablanca Twin Center The Casablanca Twin Center (, ) is a complex of two skyscrapers located at Casablanca, Morocco. The two structures, the \"West Tower\" and the \"East Tower\", have 28 floors each. The centre houses a complex of shops, offices, and a 5 star hotel, and lies at the heart of Casablanca in", "title": "Casablanca Twin Center" }, { "docid": "16329426", "text": "Casablanca metro The Casablanca Metro was a public transport project dating from the 1970s in Casablanca, Morocco. It was designed to address the need for public transport in Casablanca, which suffers from traffic congestion caused by the city's growth. The project was abandoned and then reopened several times, most recently in 2013, when the city announced that it will build a 15-kilometer long metro line above ground, connecting the city's Sidi Moumen neighbourhood with the Boulevard de la Corniche near the Hassan II Mosque. However, on June 30, 2014, the Casablanca city council decided to abandon the metro project due", "title": "Casablanca metro" }, { "docid": "17670618", "text": "(a quarter of the population), cast ballots to become \"sovereign and independent\" of Ethiopia. This vote was the result of thirty years of war by Eritreans during their War of Independence. The result was a vote for independence by 99.8% of the voters. There have been several referendums in Morocco, most of which were related to the Moroccan constitution. Since becoming King, Mohammed VI has led many reforms that made Morocco an exception from all the other Arab countries. On February 20, 2011, thousands took to the streets of Rabat, Casablanca, Tangier and Marrakesh in peaceful protests demanding a new", "title": "Referendums by country" }, { "docid": "8238841", "text": "VOR – DME – NDB. PAPI lighting available for runway 10/28 for approaches from either direction. Tangier-Ibn Battouta is one of the six airports in Morocco where ONDA offers its special VIP service Salon Convives de Marque. Tangier-Ibn Battouta is served by a dedicated taxi stand. Grand Taxis are available 24 hours a day at the curb in front of the terminal. The price of these taxis is fixed by the Moroccan Government. There are no bus routes that serve the airport directly. Small local taxis may drop off passengers but are forbidden from picking up at the terminal. Tangier", "title": "Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport" }, { "docid": "1988012", "text": "11, 1945. In July 1952 the protecting powers met at Rabat to discuss the Zone's future, agreeing to abolish it. Tangier joined with the rest of Morocco following the restoration of full sovereignty in 1956. At the time of the handover, Tangier had a population of around 40,000 Muslims; 31,000 Christians; and 15,000 Jews. Still basking in the Zone's countercultural glow and close by the kif-producing Rif Mountains, Tangier formed part of the hippie trail of the 1960s and '70s. It became less popular and tourist attractions grew run down as cheap flights made central Moroccan cities like Marrakesh more", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "1988009", "text": "the years leading up to the First World War, Tangier had a population of about 40,000, about half Muslim, a quarter Jewish, and a quarter European Christians. Of the Europeans, about three-quarters were Spanish artisans and labourers. In 1912, Morocco was effectively partitioned between France and Spain; Spanish Morocco covered the country's far north and far south while the French protectorate covered the central remainder. The last Sultan of independent Morocco, Moulay Hafid, was exiled to the Sultanate Palace in the Tangier kasbah after his forced abdication in favour of his brother Moulay Yusef. Tangier was made an international zone", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "19214128", "text": "Casablanca-Settat Casablanca-Settat (, ) is one of the twelve administrative regions of Morocco. It covers an area of 20,166 km² and recorded a population of 6,861,739 in the 2014 Moroccan census, 69% of which lived in urban areas. The capital of the region is Casablanca. Casablanca-Settat is located on the Atlantic coast. It borders the regions of Rabat-Salé-Kénitra to the northeast, Béni Mellal-Khénifra to the southeast, and Marrakesh-Safi to the south. Part of the border with Marrakesh-Safi follows the course of the Oum Er-Rbia River, which flows northwest and empties into the Atlantic at Azemmour. The river divides the region", "title": "Casablanca-Settat" } ]
[ { "docid": "11551652", "text": "by a new high-speed right of way, with construction scheduled to begin in 2020. Two electrification types are used—from Tangier to Kenitra the new trackage was built with 25 kV at 50 Hz, while the line from Kenitra to Casablanca retained the existing 3 kV DC catenary. The ETCS-type signal system was installed by Ansaldo STS and Cofely Ineo. At the launch of service in 2018, the travel time between Casablanca and Tangier was reduced from 4 hours and 45 minutes to 2 hours and 10 minutes. The completion of dedicated high-speed trackage into Casablanca would further reduce the end-to-end", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "11551649", "text": "passenger trains to access Casablanca from the high-speed line to Tangier. In addition to the rail construction, stations in four locations (Tangiers, Kenitra, Rabat/Agdal, and Casablanca) were either constructed from the ground up or rebuilt from existing facilities. On 19 June 2015, rolling stock deliveries began with the arrival of the first trainset in Tangier. In September, the service facility for the trains in Tangier was completed and a joint venture between ONCF and French rail operator SNCF was established to maintain the trains for a 15-year contract. In February 2017, testing of the trains at revenue speeds began; during", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "11551651", "text": "train that operated to Rabat, with revenue service planned to begin by the end of the year.<ref name=\"rg 11/18\"></ref> King Mohammed VI named the high-speed service Al Boraq, in reference to the mythical creature that transported the Islamic prophets. The line is constructed in two sections—a new route from Tangier to Kenitra and an upgrade of the existing route from Kenitra to Casablanca. The Tangier–Kenitra line has a top speed of , while the Kenitra–Casablanca line was rated for when service began, with a planned upgrade to . The trackage from Kenitra to Casablanca is planned to be eventually replaced", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "1988021", "text": "Tanger-Ville railway station with Rabat, Casablanca and Marrakesh in the south, and with Fes and Oujda in the east. The service is operated by ONCF. In November 2018 Africa's first high-speed train, the Kenitra–Tangier high-speed rail line, was inaugurated, linking Tangier to Casablanca in 2 hours and 10. By 2020 improvements between Casablanca and Kenitra are planned to further reduce the journey to 1 hour and 30 minutes. The Rabat–Tangier expressway connects Tangier to Fès via Rabat , and Settat via Casablanca and Tanger-Med port. The Ibn Batouta International Airport (formerly known as Tangier-Boukhalef) is south-west of the city centre.", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "11551648", "text": "be spent on infrastructure, with DH5.6 billion going to supporting equipment and DH4.4 billion to rolling stock. At the time, work was expected to start in mid-2010, with service beginning in December 2015. In December 2010, ONCF signed a final agreement to purchase 14 Alstom Euroduplex trainsets. Following further delays, construction of the line began on 29 September 2011, when a ceremonial groundbreaking took place in Tangier. On 25 September 2012, construction began on a project to increase capacity on the trackage between Kenitra and Casablanca by constructing a dedicated freight track in the existing right of way, allowing for", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "12774587", "text": "terminal, a soccer stadium with seating for 45,000 spectators, a high-speed train line and a new highway that connects the city with Rabat and Casablanca. Additionally, a new train station was constructed, called Tanger-Ville. The high-speed \"TGV\" rail linking Tangier with Casablanca will be operational by 2018, and is expected to carry 8 million passengers the first year. This TGV line will require a USD 2.7Bn investment. 18 TGV cars are needed for this project that will contribute to reducing the duration of the trip between the two economic poles to 2h10 instead of 4h40 now. Tangier is also home", "title": "Economy of Tangier" }, { "docid": "21002783", "text": "workers aboard—4 French, 3 Italian, and 2 Spanish. Following the insurrection of July 30, 1907, thousands of warriors from the Chaouia, apparently allied with Ma al-'Aynayn, took Casablanca. France, surprised due to poor intelligence, urgently sent for a fleet, which left from Algeria. Saint Aulaire, the diplomat in charge of the French Legation in Tangier, under instruction from Paris, called a number of warships to Casablanca, including: the Linois class cruiser Galilée which was dispatched from Tangier that very night and which arrived on August 1, the cruiser Du Chayla which arrived on August 4 from Toulon.The morning of August", "title": "Bombing of Casablanca (1907)" }, { "docid": "21002788", "text": "testimonies, attest that only few rare inhabitants of the city survived after the carnage at the fleet of any terrorized survivors. On September 6, the commercial ship Magnus brought the 400 Jews who had fled at the beginning of the insurrection, back to Casablanca from Tangier and Gibraltar. Bombing of Casablanca (1907) The Bombing of Casablanca (Arabic: قصف الدار البيضاء; French: Le bombardement de Casablanca) was a French naval attack taking place from August 5-7 in 1907 that destroyed the Moroccan city of Casablanca. France used mainly artillery fire from battleships to bomb the city and targets in the surrounding", "title": "Bombing of Casablanca (1907)" }, { "docid": "19441855", "text": "the Hilton chain, with a capacity of roughly 500 rooms. It also offers an 800-unit residential complex, joined by office space as well as a shopping and leisure centre that can accommodate more than 100 different businesses, including a seven screen cinema complex. The team at ductor is responsible for tenant coordination for the shopping mall, which will hold more than 100 shops. Inveravante is behind this project (same as Anfa Place in Casablanca), as of 2016 they are not willing to pay out the 1% indemnity everyone is due. Tangier City Center Tanger City Center is a shopping and", "title": "Tangier City Center" }, { "docid": "255169", "text": "to come. The improvements in infrastructure will boost other sectors and will also help the country in its goal of attracting 10 million tourists by 2010. 1907 km standard gauge, 1003 km electrified with 3 kV DC. There are plans for several high-speed lines. Work by ONCF began in September 2011 on a first section from Tangier to Kenitra. There are plans to construct two core lines, one from Tangier in the north via Marrakesh to Agadir in the south, and a second from Casablanca on the Atlantic to Oujda on the Algerian border. If all of these plans will", "title": "Transport in Morocco" }, { "docid": "91759", "text": "agreement to build the head office in Nouaceur was signed in 2009. The biggest CBD of Casablanca and Maghreb is in the North of the town in Sidi Maarouf near the mosque of Hassan II and the biggest project of skycrapers of Maghreb and Africa Casablanca Marina. Casablanca is a commune, part of the region of Casablanca-Settat. The commune is divided into eight districts or prefectures, which are themselves divided into 16 subdivisions or arrondissements and one municipality. The districts and their subdivisions are: The list of neighborhoods is indicative and not complete: The commune of Casablanca recorded a population", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "679556", "text": "seats and a retractable roof. As Tangier was in Spanish territory, the theatre's wartime bar heaved with spies, refugees and underworld hoods, securing its place in cinematic history as the inspiration for Rick's Cafe in \"Casablanca\".\" The scene of the singing of \"La Marseillaise\" in the bar is attributed by the film scholar Julian Jackson as an adaptation of a similar scene from Jean Renoir's film from 5 years before titled \"La Grande Illusion\". The first writers assigned to the script were twins Julius and Philip Epstein who, against the wishes of Warner Brothers, left at Frank Capra's request early", "title": "Casablanca (film)" }, { "docid": "17740230", "text": "Flight to Tangier Flight to Tangier is a 1953 film noir action film, directed by Charles Marquis Warren. It was released by Paramount Pictures in Technicolor and 3-D. This film also appeared in \"No Country for Old Men\" (2007). Like \"Flight to Tangier\", it was distributed by Paramount Pictures's subsidiary Paramount Vantage (except in the United States, where it was distributed by Disney's subsidiary Miramax Films). Aboard a private plane, pilot Hank Brady pulls a gun on his lone passenger, Franz Kovaz, after putting the instruments on automatic pilot. Watching from the Tangier airport is another American pilot, Gil Walker,", "title": "Flight to Tangier" }, { "docid": "10719377", "text": "train on the Marrakech-Tangier section in each direction. On this route the standard 6 or 8 person compartments are available as well as the 4 person couchette-compartments. Timetable for this section: Northbound: Marrakech (21:00), Casablanca Voyageurs (0:45), Rabat-Ville (1:57), Kentira (2:37), Sidi-Kacem (3:33), Tangier (7:25).<br> Southbound: Tangier (21:05), Sidi-Kacem (1:30), Kentira (2:35), Rabat (3:15), Casablanca (4:30), Marrakech (08:05). Besides normal running trains, this section also runs a special hotel train service. This train only offers reserved sleeping compartments, compared to other normal services. The train service opened on 29 June 2010. It was also featured in the James Bond film", "title": "Rail transport in Morocco" }, { "docid": "1242136", "text": "east of Tangier, also a kayak paddle away, is Port Isobel, a small island owned by the nonprofit Chesapeake Bay Foundation, which operates an environmental study and retreat center there; on nautical charts, this bit of land is called East Point Marsh. Port Isobel's hiking trails are open to the public. The low-lying marshland is ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes and biting flies, so bug repellent is strongly recommended for anyone visiting. The Tangier Island Health Foundation runs the Nichols Health Center on Tangier, which is operated by the Riverside Health System, which also operates on the Eastern Shore of", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "5129511", "text": "at Bouznika. After passing Skhirat and Aïn Atiq the road reaches Temara on the outskirts of Rabat. Traffic going to Fes and Tangier then exit at Hay Riad to converge onto the non-expressway Rabat bypass. The motorway regulations end just before the entrance to the city at the Prince Moulay Abdellah sports complex. In 2016 the Rabat Ringroad was completed and then the road is start/end at this junction. Originally the motorway regulations also applied to the section west of Aïn Harrouda, through the Casablanca metropolitan area as far as Hay Hassani. These were removed in 1995 an 80 km/h", "title": "Casablanca–Rabat expressway" }, { "docid": "17740232", "text": "by Luzon, although he is shot and killed. Gil ends up on the run, not sure whom to trust. The plot thickens when both Hank and Kovaz turn up, having parachuted to safety from the plane. In a final confrontation, Hank is killed, and he and Susan are both revealed to be government agents, working undercover. Gil is free to go, and Susan goes along. Flight to Tangier Flight to Tangier is a 1953 film noir action film, directed by Charles Marquis Warren. It was released by Paramount Pictures in Technicolor and 3-D. This film also appeared in \"No Country", "title": "Flight to Tangier" }, { "docid": "12774589", "text": "and passenger ships. The free zone allowed Tangier to develop into an industrial pillar of the country. The Tangier-Med is the largest port in Africa and one of largest in the mediterranean sea. The complex has important economic effects in terms of jobs, creation of added value and foreign investment. Its particular position on the Straits of Gibraltar, at the crossing of two major maritime routes, and 15 km from the European Union enables it to serve a market of hundreds of millions of consumers through the industrial and commercial free zones which will be run by well-known private operators.", "title": "Economy of Tangier" }, { "docid": "1242127", "text": "boats and airplane. There is an airport, open from dawn to dusk. There are two boats that travel regularly from Crisfield, Maryland, across Tangier Sound to Tangier. Passengers and mail are carried on these boats. The mail boat, the \"Courtney Thomas,\" leaves Tangier at 8:00 am and leaves Crisfield at 12:30 pm. The \"Steven Thomas\", a 300-passenger cruise boat, leaves Crisfield at 12:30 pm during the summer season from Memorial Day weekend through mid-October and departs Tangier at 4:00 pm. In the summer season, the \"Chesapeake Breeze\" travels daily from Reedville, Virginia, on the Western Shore, leaving Reedville at 10:00", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "6004540", "text": "David Casablanca David Casablanca Poyatos (born 17 February 1977) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a left back. Born in El Masnou, Barcelona, Catalonia, Casablanca finished his youth career at FC Barcelona but could never break into the first team, also serving a loan at Levante UD during his spell with the former. After a two-year stint in Portugal with S.C. Freamunde and G.D. Chaves, both in the Segunda Liga, he returned to his country, signing with Segunda División B club Pontevedra CF and achieving promotion to Segunda División in his second full season. In January 2005, Casablanca", "title": "David Casablanca" }, { "docid": "17692369", "text": "Bob Fleming... Mission Casablanca Agent 077, sfida ai killers, internationally released as Bob Fleming: Mission Casablanca and The Killers Are Challenged, is a 1966 Italian/French international co-production eurospy film directed by Antonio Margheriti. Richard Harrison reprised his role as Bob Fleming from \"Secret Agent Fireball\" (1965). The film was shot in Casablanca and Geneva. After two scientists are murdered the CIA sends Agent Fleming to meet up with Coleman, a scientist who had worked on a new source of energy with the two murder victims. The CIA smuggles Coleman out of the country to Geneva with Fleming taking his place", "title": "Bob Fleming... Mission Casablanca" }, { "docid": "15399171", "text": "the \"Tangerines\" were part of the conspiracy to invite William III to invade England to take the throne from his uncle James II in 1688. Many former Tangier officers were key figures in the development of the modern British Army. Tangier Garrison The Tangier Garrison was the land force which oversaw the defence of English Tangier between 1661 and 1684 when it was evacuated. It was part of the English Army, the de facto standing army that Charles II established following the Restoration. Charles II received Tangier as part of the Marriage Treaty with Portugal in 1661. He appointed Henry", "title": "Tangier Garrison" }, { "docid": "1988036", "text": "and during other spying periods of the 19th and 20th centuries is legendary. Tangier acquired the reputation of a spying and smuggling centre and attracted foreign capital due to political neutrality and commercial liberty at that time. It was via a British bank in Tangier that the Bank of England in 1943 for the first time obtained samples of the high-quality forged British currency produced by the Nazis in \"Operation Bernhard\". The city has also been a subject for many spy fiction books and films (see Tangier in popular culture). Tangier is twinned with: Tangier Tangier (Arabic: طنجة, Berber: ⵟⴰⵏⴵⴰ)", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "1242137", "text": "Virginia and in Hampton Roads. Historically, there were two cases of Tangier disease, a recessive genetic disorder which causes high blood cholesterol, which, following discovery, was named after the island. There are very few residents with this genetic anomaly who currently live on the island. The residents of Tangier enjoy regular cable television and Internet through a microwave tower installed in spring 2010. There are phone lines on the island. One physician's assistant and a number of registered nurses live on the island. David Nichols treated residents for thirty years, piloting a Cessna 182 or Robinson helicopter for once a", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "15439673", "text": "the Algarve to raise more troops and organize the dispatch of reinforcements and supplies to Henry in Tangier. Being in the south, John was among the first people in the country to hear of the turn-around in Tangier, and the encirclement of the Portuguese camp. John of Reguengos immediately set sail for Africa with all the ships, men and supplies he had at hand. However, strong contrary winds prevented John's flotilla from reaching Tangier. At length, hearing of the capitulation of the Portuguese camp, John changed direction and headed to the Moroccan port of Asilah. There, John entered into frantic", "title": "Battle of Tangier (1437)" }, { "docid": "3147151", "text": "on the north-western coast of Africa. The Portuguese started their colonial empire by taking nearby Ceuta in 1415. Years of conflict between Portugal and the Moroccans under the Wattasid and Saadi dynasties followed. In 1471, they stormed Asilah to the west and threw Tangier into such chaos that they were able to occupy it completely unopposed. By 1657, the position had changed. The Saadi dynasty steadily lost control of the country to various warlords and finally came to an end with the death of Ahmad al-Abbas. The main warlord around Tangier was Khadir Ghaïlan (known to the English of the", "title": "English Tangier" }, { "docid": "7589154", "text": "very few converts from Islam, the dominant religion and when they exist, they keep their faith secret. Conversions of Muslims to Catholicism (either proselytization or apostasy, and often through marriage) were often in colonial period because laws against such conversions didn't exist yet, although such converts have tended to move to France or Spain to escape onerous social pressure from the overwhelmingly Muslim Moroccan population. Catholics account for only about two-thirds of one tenth of a percent of the overall population of over 31 million. The country is divided into two archdioceses; Rabat and Tangier. Casablanca Rabat Tangier Agadir Marrakech", "title": "Catholic Church in Morocco" }, { "docid": "1987997", "text": "927, Ceuta in 931, and Tangier in 949. Tangier's governor was subsequently named chief over Cordova's Moroccan possessions and allies. Ali ibn Hammud, named Cordova's governor for Ceuta in 1013, took advantage of the realm's civil wars to conquer Tangier and Malaga before overrunning Cordova itself and proclaiming himself caliph in 1016. His Barghawata ally Rizḳ Allāh was then permitted to rule from Tangier with general autonomy. Yusuf ibn Tashfin captured Tangier for the Almoravids in 1077. It fell to Abd al-Mumin's Almohads in the 1147 and then flourished under his dynasty, with its port highly active. Like Ceuta, Tangier", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "1988001", "text": "the admiral and ambassador Edward Montagu arrived in November. English Tangier, fully occupied in January 1662, was praised by Charles as \"a jewell of immense value in the royal diadem\" despite the departing Portuguese taking away everything they could, evenaccording to the official report\"the very fflowers, the Windowes and the Dores\". Tangier received a garrison and a charter which made it equal to other English towns, but the religious orders were expropriated, the Portuguese residents nearly entirely left, and the town's Jews were driven out owing to fears concerning their loyalty. Meanwhile, the Tangier Regiment were almost constantly under attack", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "15399158", "text": "Tangier Garrison The Tangier Garrison was the land force which oversaw the defence of English Tangier between 1661 and 1684 when it was evacuated. It was part of the English Army, the de facto standing army that Charles II established following the Restoration. Charles II received Tangier as part of the Marriage Treaty with Portugal in 1661. He appointed Henry Mordaunt, 2nd Earl of Peterborough as governor and, on 30 January 1662, the new garrison took up its duties. Peterborough was not a successful appointment as governor, and Andrew, Lord Rutherford, was appointed in 1662/1663 to replace him. The early", "title": "Tangier Garrison" }, { "docid": "3147154", "text": "by CharlesI) had started shortly after (perhaps even before) the Restoration, and the proposed marriage was mentioned by the Venetian envoys as early as June 1660. As part of the dowry, Portugal was to hand over the port of Tangier and the island of Bombay (now Mumbai) but it is unclear when those detailed terms were agreed upon or became publicly known. Some were widely rumoured early, certainly before the marriage treaty itself. The Portuguese government was content to part with Tangier, though many within the country had reservations. The anchorage was not particularly safe for shipping and, exposed to", "title": "English Tangier" }, { "docid": "1242125", "text": "get protection for the island in the form of jetties or sea walls. The Town, the History Museum, and townspeople continue to raise money for their sea wall fund. In 2017, CNN aired a story about Tangier that featured the town's Mayor, James W. Eskridge. President Donald Trump called the mayor personally to assure him that the town would survive. Tangier and nearby islands are valuable tidal salt marsh habitat for waterfowl, especially as there is a general absence of predators for ground-nesting birds and birds in general. Tangier marshes are home to many birds, including pelicans, blue herons, rails,", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "11551650", "text": "the test program an African rail speed record of was set.<ref name=\"rg 7/18\"></ref> In October 2017, track construction was completed, followed by the new electric catenary in November. The electrical system was energised for the first time in January 2018, and the line's control facility came online in February. By mid-2018, construction of stations had been completed, though the estimated beginning of service had been pushed back until the end of the year as trial runs over the route had yet to be operated. On 15 November 2018, the service was inaugurated in a ceremony at Tangier and a special", "title": "Casablanca–Tangier high-speed rail line" }, { "docid": "91771", "text": "Rue Léon l'Africain in downtown Casablanca. \"See also: Casablanca RER or Casablanca metro\" Since the 1970s, Casablanca had planned to build a metro system to offer some relief to the problems of traffic congestion and poor air quality. However, the city council voted to abandon the metro project in 2014 due to high costs, and decided to continue expanding the already operating tram system instead. Registered taxis in Casablanca are coloured red and known as \"petit taxis\" (small taxis), or coloured white and known as \"grands taxis\" (big taxis). As is standard Moroccan practice, \"petits taxis,\" typically small-four door Dacia", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "8112074", "text": "enlarged. Affected people often develop premature atherosclerosis, which is characterized by fatty deposits and scar-like tissue lining the arteries. Other signs of this condition may include an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), an enlarged liver (hepatomegaly), clouding of the cornea, and early-onset cardiovascular disease. Tangier disease is a rare disorder with approximately 50 cases identified worldwide. This disorder was originally discovered on Tangier Island off the coast of Virginia, but has now been identified in people from many different countries. There are drugs that can increase serum HDL such as niacin or gemfibrozil. While these drugs are useful for patients with hyperlipidemia,", "title": "Tangier disease" }, { "docid": "91750", "text": "was the British-American invasion of French North Africa during the North African campaign of World War II, which started on 8 November 1942. The Americans attacked at three different locations in French North Africa, one of the three being the landings at Casablanca because of its important port and the major administrative centres. Casablanca was an important strategic port during World War II and hosted the Casablanca Conference in 1943, in which Churchill and Roosevelt discussed the progress of the war. Casablanca was the site of a large American air base, which was the staging area for all American aircraft", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "1242115", "text": "went to his eldest son a year later. In 1713, two patents were granted to Elizabeth Scarburgh and Anthony West for Tangier Islands. One was for , which included the original plus more found within its bounds. The other grant was for of new land south of Tangier called \"Sandy Beach Island\" which was probably the hook-shaped part that is now attached to the main of the island. This was the first time Tangier Islands was named in the records. Although Elizabeth Scarburgh left her interest to her daughters, the title went to her oldest son, Bennett. It then passed", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "13124493", "text": "areas border Tangier Sound: South Marsh Island, Deal Island, Fairmount, and Cedar Island areas. Tangier Sound Tangier Sound is a sound of the Chesapeake Bay bounded on the west by Tangier Island in Virginia, and Smith Island and South Marsh Island in Maryland, by Deal Island in Maryland on the north, and the mainland of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Pocomoke Sound on the east. It stretches into Virginia as far south as Watts Island. The Manokin, Big Annemessex, and Little Annemessex Rivers all flow into Tangier Sound from Somerset County, Maryland. Crisfield, Maryland, located on Tangier Sound, is", "title": "Tangier Sound" }, { "docid": "13124491", "text": "Tangier Sound Tangier Sound is a sound of the Chesapeake Bay bounded on the west by Tangier Island in Virginia, and Smith Island and South Marsh Island in Maryland, by Deal Island in Maryland on the north, and the mainland of the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Pocomoke Sound on the east. It stretches into Virginia as far south as Watts Island. The Manokin, Big Annemessex, and Little Annemessex Rivers all flow into Tangier Sound from Somerset County, Maryland. Crisfield, Maryland, located on Tangier Sound, is a center of the shellfish industry. Smith Island, Tangier Island and Deal Island also", "title": "Tangier Sound" }, { "docid": "4199450", "text": "in the works, and Groucho sent several open letters to Warner Bros. to get newspaper coverage. These letters were among those he donated to the Library of Congress, and he reprinted them in his book \"The Groucho Letters,\" which he published in 1967. In the end, the matter died without legal action, and the storyline of the film was changed to be a send-up of the genre rather than \"Casablanca\" specifically. Warner Bros. now owns the distribution rights to this film via Castle Hill Productions. A Night in Casablanca A Night in Casablanca is a 1946 film starring the Marx", "title": "A Night in Casablanca" }, { "docid": "1242139", "text": "and remains a very strong influence on Tangier, stemming from the charismatic preaching and revival camp meetings held there in the early 1800s by Joshua Thomas, the famed \"parson of the islands.\" Because of their ties to the Northern Methodist Church, Tangier residents in the 19th Century did not support slavery and did not join Virginia in seceding from the Union during the Civil War. Religious values are very important to the community. A local ordinance prohibits the sale of alcohol, making the island \"dry.\" In 1999, the Tangier town council blocked Warner Brothers from using the island to film", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "1242131", "text": "to Cornwall is the reason why Saint Piran's Flag is present in the upper left canton of the flag of the island. The island has been referred to as one of the last waterman communities. Today, the inhabitants of Tangier rely on crabbing to make a living. Tangier is often referred to as the \"soft-shell crab capital of the world\". Most fishermen catch and sell crabs and oysters. North of the island are many free-standing docks not connected to land which fishermen use to hold crabs while they moult. Once a major industry on the island, oystering has returned in", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "91770", "text": "Washington D.C., London and Dubai are important primary destinations. The older, smaller Casablanca-Anfa Airport to the west of the city, served certain destinations including Damascus, and Tunis, and was largely closed to international civilian traffic in 2006. It has been closed and destroyed to build the \"Casablanca Finance City\", the new heart of the city of Casablanca. Casablanca Tit Mellil Airport is located in the nearby community of Tit Mellil. CTM coaches (intercity buses) and various private lines run services to most notable Moroccan towns, as well as a number of European cities. These run from the Gare Routière on", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "1242128", "text": "am and leaving Tangier at 2:00 pm. The ferry service to and from Onancock, Virginia on the \"Joyce Marie II\" runs daily from the first weekend of May through the first weekend of October. Transportation on the island does not rely heavily on automobiles. Some residents outfit golf carts with passenger trailers to offer \"historical tours\" of the island for tourists. The roads on Tangier are wide enough for two golf carts. Tourists and islanders often use golf carts, boats, mopeds, and bikes, but some have trucks and cars. Many who live on Tangier speak a distinctive dialect of American", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "255170", "text": "be approved, the 1,500 kilometres of track may take until 2035 to complete at a cost of around 100 billion dirhams ($10 billion). Potential speed gains are large, with travel time from Casablanca to Marrakesh down from 3 hours to 1:20, and from the capital Rabat to Tangier from 4:30 to 1:30. The second High-Speed Rail (HSR) which is planned to be built after Tangier-Kenitra is the HSR Marrakech-Essaouira (180 km) followed by a new HSR Rabat-Meknes (130 km). The last high-speed lines will connect these two old empire cities to the Atlantique coast in less than one hour instead", "title": "Transport in Morocco" }, { "docid": "16739586", "text": "Casablanca derby The Casablanca derby () is a derby between the Moroccan football clubs Raja and Wydad. Matches are played in the Stade Mohamed V, often containing a fierce and vibrant crowd. The Casablanca derby has extensive national media coverage and is a topic of debate for several days before and after the match between the fans of both clubs, whether in the streets, schools or workplace. As in most of the world's derbies, riots and fights can take place before, during and especially after a major game. The first match between the two rival was in 1956 in which", "title": "Casablanca derby" }, { "docid": "16739591", "text": "longest undefeated run with 11 matches (3 wins and 8 draws). Wydad lead Raja in terms of official overall trophies. Wydad have 23 domestic titles compared to 19 for Raja, while Raja perform better in the most prestigious African club competition, CAF Champions League, in which they have 3 titles compared to two titles for Wydad. Casablanca derby The Casablanca derby () is a derby between the Moroccan football clubs Raja and Wydad. Matches are played in the Stade Mohamed V, often containing a fierce and vibrant crowd. The Casablanca derby has extensive national media coverage and is a topic", "title": "Casablanca derby" }, { "docid": "11408734", "text": "Tangier (band) Tangier was a popular Philadelphia-based American rock band active in the late 1980s and early 90s. Tangier formed in Philadelphia by songwriter and guitarist Doug Gordon and grew up in the clubs with bands such as Cinderella, who would later help the group out by having Tangier open for them on their second major tour. The first, independent self-titled debut album, comprising Bill Mattson (vocals), Doug Gordon (guitar, songwriter), Rocco Mazzella (guitar, songwriter), Mike Kost (bass) and Mark Hopkins (drums). After minor local success, Doug decided to disband Tangier, take time off and start fresh. Doug wrote material", "title": "Tangier (band)" }, { "docid": "7371082", "text": "a separation, decided to end their union. Casablanca was also notably paired with actor Harvey Fierstein from 1987 to 1992. Ted Casablanca Ted Casablanca (born Bruce Wallace Bibby; November 20, 1960) is an American entertainment journalist and gossip columnist. He had an E! Online column called \"The Awful Truth\", which ran for sixteen years, ending in July 2012. Casablanca is the gallery owner of Ted Casablanca Gallery in Palm Springs, CA. Casablanca began writing for \"Premiere magazine\" in 1987, where he originally conceived his gossip column \"The Awful Truth\" before transferring it to E! in 1996 as a weekly (later", "title": "Ted Casablanca" }, { "docid": "1987986", "text": "Tinga, Titga, &c. The old Berber name was \"Tingi\" (), which Ruiz connects to Berber \"tingis\", meaning \"marsh\". The Greeks later claimed that \"Tingís\" () had been named for a daughter of the titan Atlas, who was supposed to support the vault of heaven nearby. Latin Tingis then developed into Portuguese ', Spanish ', and French \"\", which entered English as \"Tangier\" and \"Tangiers\". The Arabic name of the town is \"Tanjah\" (), and the modern Berber name is \"Tanja\" (). Tangier was formally known as (\"The Julian Colony of Tingis\") following its elevation to colony status during the Roman", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "832917", "text": "Which We Sink\"\". On Christmas Eve 1942 in New York, the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures honoured the film as the Best English Language Film of the Year citing Bernard Miles and John Mills for their performances. The film was nominated in the 1943 Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay (losing out to \"Casablanca\" and \"Princess O'Rourke\" respectively). However, Coward was presented with an Academy Honorary Award for \"his outstanding production achievement.\" \"In Which We Serve\" also won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Film (beating \"Casablanca\") and the Argentine Film Critics", "title": "In Which We Serve" }, { "docid": "4199445", "text": "A Night in Casablanca A Night in Casablanca is a 1946 film starring the Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, and Harpo. The picture was directed by Archie Mayo, and written by Joseph Fields and Roland Kibbee. Set in Casablanca shortly after World War II, escaped Nazi war criminal Heinrich Stubel (Sig Ruman) has steadily murdered three different managers of the Hotel Casablanca. Disguised as a Count Pfferman, Stubel's goal is to reclaim the stolen art treasures that he has hidden in the hotel. However, the only way he can do this undetected is by murdering the hotel's managers and running the", "title": "A Night in Casablanca" }, { "docid": "1987995", "text": "the city's outskirts a few months later, Maysara's replacement Khalid ibn Hamid massacred the cream of Arab nobility in North Africa. An enraged Caliph Hisham ordered an attack from a second army \"whose beginning is where they are and whose end is where I am\" but this was defeated at Bagdoura the next year. The Barghawata were concentrated further south on the Atlantic coast, and area around Tangier fell into chaos until 785. The Shia Arab refugee Idris arrived at Tangier before moving further south, marrying into local tribes around Moulay Idriss and assembling an army that, among its other", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "91743", "text": "which is \"Ad-dar Al Baidaa\"', although Arabic also has its own version of Casablanca (كازابلانكا, \"Kāzāblānkā\"). The city is still nicknamed \"Casa\" by many locals and outsiders to the city. In many other cities with a different dialect, it is called \"Ad-dar Al-Bida\", instead. The area which is today Casablanca was founded and settled by Berbers by at least the seventh century BC. It was used as a port by the Phoenicians and later the Romans. In his book Description of Africa, Leo Africanus refers to ancient Casablanca as \"Anfa\", a great city founded in the Berber kingdom of Barghawata", "title": "Casablanca" }, { "docid": "7371079", "text": "Ted Casablanca Ted Casablanca (born Bruce Wallace Bibby; November 20, 1960) is an American entertainment journalist and gossip columnist. He had an E! Online column called \"The Awful Truth\", which ran for sixteen years, ending in July 2012. Casablanca is the gallery owner of Ted Casablanca Gallery in Palm Springs, CA. Casablanca began writing for \"Premiere magazine\" in 1987, where he originally conceived his gossip column \"The Awful Truth\" before transferring it to E! in 1996 as a weekly (later daily) column. He regularly presented it on E! Television and sometimes appeared as a correspondent and commentator for various E!", "title": "Ted Casablanca" }, { "docid": "1242126", "text": "egrets, several varieties of ducks and geese, and osprey. The group of islands is one of the \"few remaining population strongholds for American Black Ducks in Virginia.\" Including the surrounding marshes, Tangier Island totals less than , but only are high enough for habitation. The highest point of land is barely above sea level, and about of Tangier shoreline are estimated to erode into the Chesapeake each year. Local residents see their existence threatened from falling catches, state regulation of the waterman livelihood on the Bay, constant erosion, and increasingly frequent flooding. The modes of transportation off the island are", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "1987994", "text": "or slaves for tax purposes, even after their wholesale conversion to Islam. In the area around Tangier, these hateful taxes were mostly paid in female slaves or in tender lambskins obtained by beating the ewes to induce premature birth. Governor Yazid was murdered by Berber guards whom he had tattooed as slaves in , and in the 730s similar treatment from Governor Ubayd Allah and al-Muradi, his deputy at Tangier, provoked the Berber Revolt. Inspired by the egalitarian Kharijite heresy, Barghawata and others under Maysara al-Matghari seized Tangier in the summer of 740. In the Battle of the Nobles on", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "1988032", "text": "province of Mauretania Caesariensis, which included much of North Africa. Later the area was subdivided, with the eastern part keeping the former name and the newer part receiving the name of Mauretania Tingitana. It is not known exactly at what period there may have been an episcopal see at Tangier in ancient times, but in the Middle Ages Tangier was used as a titular see (i.e., an honorific fiction for the appointment of curial and auxiliary bishops), placing it in Mauretania Tingitana. For the historical reasons given above, one official list of the Roman Curia places the see in Mauretania", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "4852953", "text": "in Africa and one of the most widely supported teams in the continent and the first in its country. Internationally, Raja has also won 1 Afro-Asian Cup title. Raja Casablanca is the first Moroccan and African club to participate in the FIFA Club World Cup. They competed in the first edition that took place in 2000 in Brazil. Raja Casablanca became the second club to reach the FIFA Club World final as the representative of CAF, after TP Mazembe, as well as the host nation's national champions, after Brazilian club Corinthians, and the first under the current seven-club format since", "title": "Raja Casablanca" }, { "docid": "3147182", "text": "(new) foot regiment, the 2nd Tangier Regiment, (later the King's Own, 4th Regiment of Foot) raised on 13 July 1680, were sent to Tangier, reinforced the King's Battalion (formed from the Grenadier and Coldstream Guards) and the remnant of the old Tangier Regiment. The Guards Battalion had landed in July 1680, and fierce attacks were made against the Moors, who had gained a footing on the edge of the town, finally defeating them by controlled and well-aimed musket fire. The Battalion remained in Tangier until the fort was abandoned. In 1680 the Earl of Inchiquin resigned and was replaced by", "title": "English Tangier" }, { "docid": "3147156", "text": "support against Spain. However, cession of Tangier to England was not popular with the general public and with many in the army. The governor of Tangier, Fernando de Meneses, refused to co-operate and had to be replaced in 1661 by the more compliant Luis de Almeida. Spain had tolerated Portuguese occupation of Tangier as part of the Treaty of Tordesillas and had left its Portuguese administration largely undisturbed during the Iberian Union and even under the long-running Restoration War, lest a weakened position expose it to Moroccan reconquest. Nonetheless, Spain was strongly opposed to \"English\" possession of Tangier and insisted", "title": "English Tangier" }, { "docid": "1242144", "text": "The median age was 43 years. For every 100 females, there were 101.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 100.0 males. The climate in this area is characterized by hot, humid summers and generally mild to cool winters. According to the Köppen Climate Classification system, Tangier has a humid subtropical climate, abbreviated \"Cfa\" on climate maps. Tangier, Virginia Tangier is a town in Accomack County, Virginia, United States, on Tangier Island in Chesapeake Bay. The population was 727 at the 2010 census. Since 1850, the island's landmass has been reduced by 67%. Under the mid-range", "title": "Tangier, Virginia" }, { "docid": "1988034", "text": "28 November 1630 and entrusted to the Friars Minor. At the time, it had a Catholic church, several chapels, schools and a hospital. The Prefecture Apostolic was raised to the status of Vicariate Apostolic of Marocco on 14 April 1908. On 14 November 1956, it became the Archdiocese of Tangier. The city also has the Anglican church of Saint Andrew. I.R.T. (or \"Ittihad Riadi de Tanger\") is a football club. Tangier would be one of the host cities for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations football tournament, which would be played at the new Ibn Batouta Stadium and in other", "title": "Tangier" }, { "docid": "3147189", "text": "week of February for Plymouth with some six hundred men and thirty wives and children. The Earl of Dumbarton's regiment (The Royal Scots) went into quarters at Rochester, and Trelawney's (Second Tangier) Regiment to Portsmouth. Some of the departing soldiers were to be rewarded with large land grants in the newly acquired Province of New York. Thomas Dongan, 2nd Earl of Limerick, a lieutenant-governor of Tangier, became New York provincial governor and William \"Tangier\" Smith, the last mayor of Tangier, obtained 50 miles of Atlantic Ocean front property on Long Island. The English planned to improve the harbour by building", "title": "English Tangier" } ]
Who was the Egyptian president who was assassinated in 1981?
[ "Sadat" ]
[ { "docid": "10186282", "text": "death, and the irrationality of human emotion. The Day the Leader was Killed The Day the Leader was Killed (orig. Arabic يوم مقتل الزعيم) is a novel written and published by Nobel Prize-winning author Naguib Mahfouz in 1983. The novel follows multiple narratives written in the stream of consciousness format. The novel is set during the early 1980s whilst Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was introducing the infitah or \"open door\" free-market economic policies which led to widespread unrest. The plot revolves around a young Egyptian man who is in love with a co-worker, but her father will not permit their", "title": "The Day the Leader was Killed" }, { "docid": "10186274", "text": "The Day the Leader was Killed The Day the Leader was Killed (orig. Arabic يوم مقتل الزعيم) is a novel written and published by Nobel Prize-winning author Naguib Mahfouz in 1983. The novel follows multiple narratives written in the stream of consciousness format. The novel is set during the early 1980s whilst Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was introducing the infitah or \"open door\" free-market economic policies which led to widespread unrest. The plot revolves around a young Egyptian man who is in love with a co-worker, but her father will not permit their marriage because the young man cannot earn", "title": "The Day the Leader was Killed" } ]
[ { "docid": "7271182", "text": "ego in the series \"Danger Man\", which reworked material from scripts not used in the previous series. The Girl Who Was Death \"The Girl Who Was Death\" is a comic episode of the English television series \"The Prisoner\" which originally aired in the UK on ITV 18 January 1968. According to several sources, including \"The Prisoner\" by Robert Fairclough, this episode was adapted from an unused, two-part script originally commissioned for \"Danger Man\". A cricket match ends in a player (Colonel Hawke-Englishe) being assassinated with a bomb disguised as a cricket ball. Number Six is on an operational assignment, but", "title": "The Girl Who Was Death" }, { "docid": "7271175", "text": "The Girl Who Was Death \"The Girl Who Was Death\" is a comic episode of the English television series \"The Prisoner\" which originally aired in the UK on ITV 18 January 1968. According to several sources, including \"The Prisoner\" by Robert Fairclough, this episode was adapted from an unused, two-part script originally commissioned for \"Danger Man\". A cricket match ends in a player (Colonel Hawke-Englishe) being assassinated with a bomb disguised as a cricket ball. Number Six is on an operational assignment, but it is unclear whether this is \"real time\", pre-The Village, or possibly another induced hallucination. Secret messages", "title": "The Girl Who Was Death" }, { "docid": "7271176", "text": "are passed to him at a shoeshine box. In a record shop, he receives an assignment to find a Professor Schnipps who has been working on a rocket that will destroy all of London. It turns out that Colonel Hawke-Englishe was investigating the matter, which is why he was assassinated. He picks up where Colonel Hawke-Englishe left off in another match, but manages to avoid the same fate. He finds a note to meet a mysterious person at the local pub; while there, he drinks from a glass that says \"You have just been poisoned\". He then starts to drink", "title": "The Girl Who Was Death" }, { "docid": "14143322", "text": "The Boy Who Was The Boy Who Was is a children's historical fantasy novel by Grace Taber Hallock. It tells the story of a human boy blessed with eternal life who participates in the march of history as it moves across the Bay of Naples for 3,000 years. Nino witnesses the destruction of Pompeii, the sack of Rome, the Children's Crusade, and the coming of Garibaldi. The novel, illustrated by Harrie Wood, was first published in 1928 and was a Newbery Honor recipient in 1929. In the Prologue, an unnamed artist visiting the town of Sorrento, Italy, encounters a young", "title": "The Boy Who Was" }, { "docid": "3124209", "text": "situation, Tiptree is suggesting that by writing this story P. Burke cannot be successful in her female body as a science fiction writer. Melissa Stevenson sums up this point by stating that “The Girl Who Was Plugged In: is a tale of transformations and masks, the story of a girl who is not who she seems to be, written by an author who was not exactly who “he” seemed to be”. Tiptree is writing about a girl who is masking her appearance in order to be successful which is eerily similar to the way that masking her image is for", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "14143326", "text": "Chapter 10, \"The Bandits\", tells how Nino arranges for an Italian Prince to be captured by the Carbonari and brought into sympathy with their cause. The \"Epilogue\" which follows is a short poem addressed to Nino by the author, which brings the book to a close. The Boy Who Was The Boy Who Was is a children's historical fantasy novel by Grace Taber Hallock. It tells the story of a human boy blessed with eternal life who participates in the march of history as it moves across the Bay of Naples for 3,000 years. Nino witnesses the destruction of Pompeii,", "title": "The Boy Who Was" }, { "docid": "14143323", "text": "goatherd named Nino, who agrees to pose for a sketch in return for the artist's help in painting some figurines Nino has carved. These figurines represent historical figures from the past 3,000 years of the area's history, beginning with Odysseus and the Sirens, and ending with Giuseppe Garibaldi. Chapter 1, \"Siren Songs\", and chapter 2, \"Song of Odysseus\", set up the premise of the book: 3,000 years ago, Nino was befriended by a siren who gave him the gift of eternal life and health in thanks for his friendship. The rest of the book consists of stories from various points", "title": "The Boy Who Was" }, { "docid": "14143325", "text": "on Salerno. Chapter 7, \"The Crusader\", is about the Children's Crusade from two viewpoints: that of a minstrel who has heard the tale and retells it at a great feast, and that of the young boy who led the crusade, whom Nino befriends. Chapter 8, \"Students of Salerno\", is about John of Procida and his diplomatic and spying work in favor of the Hohenstaufen rulers of southern Italy against Charles of Anjou's French. Chapter 9, \"Redbeard and Saint Andrew\", tells about a raid of the Muslim privateer Barbarossa on Amalfi, and how the town was saved by a miraculous storm.", "title": "The Boy Who Was" }, { "docid": "3124225", "text": "could only fulfill the ideals of the science fiction community by assuming a male persona. By the numerous ways Tiptree touched on essential feminist topics in a single short story, it becomes clear why she was one of the most prominent feminist science fiction writers in her time. The Girl Who Was Plugged In \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is a science fiction novella by American writer James Tiptree, Jr., a pen name used by American writer Alice Sheldon. It won the Hugo Award for Best Novella in 1974. The story takes place in the future, where almost everything", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124217", "text": "Hollinger's view in her article “”Whatever It Is That She’s Since Become”: Writing Bodies of Text and Bodies of Women in James Tiptree, Jr.’s “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” and William Gibson’s “The Winter Market” by stating that P. Burke denies her unappealing, real body. Hollinger sees P. Burke as a representation of the body that is utterly insignificant in the eyes of society. She discusses \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" in terms of how gender can act as a form of imprisonment when society expects an unrealistic display of femininity). P. Burke's existence becomes meaningful only when", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124198", "text": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is a science fiction novella by American writer James Tiptree, Jr., a pen name used by American writer Alice Sheldon. It won the Hugo Award for Best Novella in 1974. The story takes place in the future, where almost everything is controlled by corporate interests. Despite advertising being illegal (\"ad\" is, in fact, a dirty word), corporations control consumers through the celebrities they set up, and product placement. The protagonist, seventeen-year-old Philadelphia Burke (known as P. Burke throughout the story), is enlisted to become one of these celebrities.", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "20412222", "text": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” is a short story by Bess Streeter Aldrich first published in 1926. It is about a retired high school teacher who realizes that she will not be able to support herself at the same time that she discovers that the high school where she spent her career is slated to be torn down. On a last visit to the old high school, she is surprised by her former students who, unbeknownst to her, have raised money on her behalf. The movie, \"The Woman Who Was Forgotten\", based on the short", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "20412227", "text": "a high school. The Woman Who Was Forgotten “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” is a short story by Bess Streeter Aldrich first published in 1926. It is about a retired high school teacher who realizes that she will not be able to support herself at the same time that she discovers that the high school where she spent her career is slated to be torn down. On a last visit to the old high school, she is surprised by her former students who, unbeknownst to her, have raised money on her behalf. The movie, \"The Woman Who Was Forgotten\", based", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "19540774", "text": "The Woman Who Was Poor The Woman Who Was Poor () is an 1897 novel by the French writer Léon Bloy. It follows a woman, Clotilde, who becomes involved with the Paris art and literary scene in the 1880s. It was Bloy's second novel. An English translation by I. J. Collins was published in 1939. Ernest Boyd of the \"Saturday Review\" wrote in 1939 about the English-language edition: The translator duly apologizes for his squeamishness, although none of our current exponents of the \"Anglo-Saxon\" monosyllables would have been deterred by Bloy, even if disgusted by his deliberate and unnecessary blasphemies.", "title": "The Woman Who Was Poor" }, { "docid": "4111924", "text": "The Man Who Never Was The Man Who Never Was is a 1956 UK Second World War film, produced by André Hakim, directed by Ronald Neame, that stars Clifton Webb, Gloria Grahame and Robert Flemyng. It is based on the book of the same name by Lt. Cmdr. Ewen Montagu and dramatises actual events. The film's storyline concerns Operation Mincemeat, a 1943 British Intelligence plan to deceive the Axis powers into thinking Operation \"Husky\", the Allied invasion of Sicily, would take place elsewhere in the Mediterranean. \"The Man Who Never Was\" was entered into the 1956 Cannes Film Festival. Nigel", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "2469509", "text": "story ever written plus every story dreamed of but never written. Among the latter is \"The Man Who Was October\" by G. K. Chesterton, which is supposedly a sequel to his \"Thursday\". Also, the metaphysical being known as \"Fiddler's Green\" manifests in a physical form resembling Chesterton. In Kim Newman's \"\", the Council of Days, led by Sunday, exists and is plotting to overthrow Dracula during the tenth anniversary of his rule over Britain. The Council includes Gabriel Syme, Peter the Painter (Friday), and Newman's recurring character Kate Reed. The Man Who Was Thursday The Man Who Was Thursday: A", "title": "The Man Who Was Thursday" }, { "docid": "14143324", "text": "in history, connected only by Nino's involvement. Chapter 3, \"Poseidon and the Greeks\", covers the building of the temple of Poseidon in Paestum. Chapter 4, \"The Romans and the Volcano\", tells of the destruction of Pompeii. Chapter 5, \"The Last of the Goths\", is a highly romanticized view of the fall of the Ostrogothic kingdom in southern Italy which followed the western Roman empire and was in turn followed by the Lombards. Chapter 6, \"The Normans and the Saracens\", has Nino telling Robert Guiscard's army about a group of Norman soldiers sixty years earlier who repelled a Saracen pirate attack", "title": "The Boy Who Was" }, { "docid": "8331539", "text": "play's original title was \"My Wife and I\". The production company, Ansark-Sidney, combines the names of producer Krasna (spelled backwards) and director Sidney. Who Was That Lady? Who Was That Lady? is a 1960 comedy film starring Tony Curtis, Dean Martin, and Janet Leigh. The movie was made by Ansark-Sidney, distributed by Columbia Pictures, directed by George Sidney, and produced by Norman Krasna, who also wrote the screenplay based on his successful Broadway play \"Who Was That Lady I Saw You With?\" The music score was by André Previn and the cinematography by Harry Stradling. The costume design was by", "title": "Who Was That Lady?" }, { "docid": "8331535", "text": "Who Was That Lady? Who Was That Lady? is a 1960 comedy film starring Tony Curtis, Dean Martin, and Janet Leigh. The movie was made by Ansark-Sidney, distributed by Columbia Pictures, directed by George Sidney, and produced by Norman Krasna, who also wrote the screenplay based on his successful Broadway play \"Who Was That Lady I Saw You With?\" The music score was by André Previn and the cinematography by Harry Stradling. The costume design was by Jean Louis. The title song was written by Sammy Cahn. The film features James Whitmore, John McIntire, Barbara Nichols, Larry Keating, Larry Storch,", "title": "Who Was That Lady?" }, { "docid": "3124210", "text": "the same reason. One notable characteristic on the way that The Girl Who Was Plugged In was written was how the author used a male narrator to tell the story to a predominantly male audience in order to play with readers’ expectations on how the story will pan out. Tiptree essentially tells this story by way of a male narrator to most likely a 1970s male science fiction consumer. Since this story is continuously told through a male narrator, this comes to highlight issues that male readers might have when reading this short story. According to Stevenson, Tiptree utilizes this", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "6006893", "text": "The Girl Who Was... Death The Girl Who Was ... Death is the debut album by Devil Doll. Its official release date was March 4, 1989, but there was a pre-release of cassette tapes in December 1988. This was the second album by Devil Doll, but their first to be released to the public (the group's first release, \"The Mark of the Beast\", had only one copy pressed, to be owned by the leading band member, Mr. Doctor). The album was entirely written by Mr. Doctor and is based on a television series by Patrick McGoohan called \"The Prisoner\". The", "title": "The Girl Who Was... Death" }, { "docid": "20412226", "text": "called \"The Woman Who Was Forgotten\", was released in 1930 and featured the theme song “Give to the World the Best You Have.” The movie was later edited for television and broadcast as \"Give to the World\". Like much of Aldrich’s work, “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” “affirms life, and her characters find, usually, some reason for happiness, be it through love or belief in honor and duty.\" Aldrich developed a similar theme in her novel, \"Miss Bishop\", where students also gather to celebrate a former teacher, only in that text the action takes place at a college rather than", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "3124214", "text": "is the actor and Delphi is her role”. This performance was P. Burke’s way to a fairy-tale ending. Delphi can only be feminine if she were to be performed in a feminine way. Hollinger’s entire analysis can be seen in parallel with the analysis of Heather J. Hicks when she discusses how P. Burke uses Delphi to push herself up in the ranks of society. In order to have more opportunity in the society presented, P. Burke must perform femininity through Delphi. The depiction of the body in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\", written by Alice Sheldon under the", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "19540776", "text": "have led Jacques Maritain back to Mother Church will baffle most admirers of that subtle, first-class mind. \"Kirkus Reviews\" wrote that the novel does not \"move with swift and arresting action\", but has \"passages of great beauty and the character delineation [is] interesting\". The critic wrote that the book \"is saturated with Catholic thought and allusions, but is by nomeans just a pietistic tract in novel form, for Leon Bloy was an accomplished novelist.\" The Woman Who Was Poor The Woman Who Was Poor () is an 1897 novel by the French writer Léon Bloy. It follows a woman, Clotilde,", "title": "The Woman Who Was Poor" }, { "docid": "16423729", "text": "given his job back. The plot is inspired by the 1946 movie classic It's a Wonderful Life, a title that is repeatedly alluded to in the dialogue. The Duck Who Never Was The Duck Who Never Was is a Disney comic written and drawn by Don Rosa. It was written to celebrate Donald Duck's sixtieth anniversary. It is Donald Duck's birthday, but he becomes depressed when he discovers that his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, forgot his birthday. Donald then applies for a job as a museum janitor, but his application form is turned upside down so that he is", "title": "The Duck Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "16423721", "text": "The Duck Who Never Was The Duck Who Never Was is a Disney comic written and drawn by Don Rosa. It was written to celebrate Donald Duck's sixtieth anniversary. It is Donald Duck's birthday, but he becomes depressed when he discovers that his nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, forgot his birthday. Donald then applies for a job as a museum janitor, but his application form is turned upside down so that he is mistaken for sixty years old, an age at which the job isn't available. While walking out of the museum, Donald is hit by a magic urn and", "title": "The Duck Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "2469498", "text": "The Man Who Was Thursday The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare is a novel by G. K. Chesterton, first published in 1908. The book is sometimes referred to as a metaphysical thriller. In Edwardian era London, Gabriel Syme is recruited at Scotland Yard to a secret anti-anarchist police corps. Lucian Gregory, an anarchistic poet, lives in the suburb of Saffron Park. Syme meets him at a party and they debate the meaning of poetry. Gregory argues that revolt is the basis of poetry. Syme demurs, insisting the essence of poetry is not revolution but law. He antagonises Gregory by", "title": "The Man Who Was Thursday" }, { "docid": "4111934", "text": "the film, although the character did not appear in \"The Goon Show\" adaptation. The Man Who Never Was The Man Who Never Was is a 1956 UK Second World War film, produced by André Hakim, directed by Ronald Neame, that stars Clifton Webb, Gloria Grahame and Robert Flemyng. It is based on the book of the same name by Lt. Cmdr. Ewen Montagu and dramatises actual events. The film's storyline concerns Operation Mincemeat, a 1943 British Intelligence plan to deceive the Axis powers into thinking Operation \"Husky\", the Allied invasion of Sicily, would take place elsewhere in the Mediterranean. \"The", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "6006896", "text": "theme from the television series that it is based on, \"The Prisoner\". There are also some variations of this arrangement on other editions of the album, occurring during the 20 minute silence and outro. This album would begin the explosive cult following of Devil Doll by its fans. Devil Doll would continue to release several more albums in the styling of \"The Girl Who Was ... Death\" throughout the 1990s. The song ends at 38 minutes 46 seconds. After 25 minutes and 25 seconds of silence, a hidden track titled \"The Prisoner\" begins. The Girl Who Was... Death The Girl", "title": "The Girl Who Was... Death" }, { "docid": "3124223", "text": "P. Burke merges with Delphi, is in feminist science fiction an act of defeat, as opposed to the romanticized approach of cyberpunk where it is seen as necessary and a source of power. Bukatman also points out that technological advances in science fiction are synonym with the furthering of a patriarchal power structure, as seen in the control of the female body in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\". Bukatman states; \"In this sense, Tiptree's title refers to the state of being plugged in to male definitions of the feminine image and being; plugged in to the power structures of", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124207", "text": "story for this technology, which incorporates sounds, lights and vibrations amongst other things in order involve the body more in the story. Another point of discussion in relation to The Girl Who Was Plugged In is the relationship with gender of the author and the messages that the story contains. Hicks explains that Tiptree herself can be seen as a metaphorical P. Burke. Tiptree uses the male pen name James Tiptree Jr. in order to take on a body better suited to be successful in the science fiction world. Hicks states that not only is Tiptree’s pen name male, the", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124215", "text": "male pseudonym James Tiptree Jr., has been discussed by several feminist literary scholars, amongst them Scott Bukatman, Melissa Colleen Stevenson, Veronica Hollinger and Heather J. Hicks. The major themes in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" as seen in their articles referenced in this section are disembodiment and re-embodiment, performance of femininity, oppression of the female body by cultural power structures and the female body in a technological society. Veronica Hollinger, co-editor of the scholarly journal \"Science Fiction Studies\" of DePauw University, states in her article \"(Re)reading Queerly: Science Fiction, Feminism, and the Defamiliarization of Gender\" that women are forced", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124206", "text": "in order to move up in society. Social status within this society is so dependent on what body one has in that people with “bad” bodies want to move into “better” bodies. Hicks says that this is precisely what gender disembodiment really means within the context of this short story. In relationship to human embodiment and this story, Scientists at MIT have created a device called sensory fiction that allows a reader to physically feel with his or her body what is happening in the story These scientists decided to use The Girl Who Was Plugged In as a prototype", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124203", "text": "relation to The Girl Who Was Plugged In are generally about what it is trying to say about the female body and gender embodiment. Heather J. Hicks explains that in this story, Tiptree gives the reader a revolting look at female embodiment in the form of P. Burke. Tiptree describes P. Burke in very repulsive terms. Tiptree uses phrases like “pumped-out hulk”, “girl-brute” and “carcass” as terms to devalue the body of P. Burke. This devalued body of P. Burke is useless to society within the story. This version of female embodiment is shown in contrast to Delphi, the perfect", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124221", "text": "society, making her unable to form emotional connections or experience love until her disembodiment and re-embodiment as Delphi. Consequently, P. Burke feels more human in the beautiful vessel Delphi than in her own body, because society finally accepts and recognizes her existence. In other words, P. Burke is dependent on technology to be able to participate in society. While Hollinger reads \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" through the ideological lens of gender as a performance, Hicks believe Tiptree connects female disembodiment with women's relationship to technology. Delphi, made for the sole purpose of advertising, is the living example of", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124218", "text": "her mind controls the beautiful but \"empty\" body called Delphi, thus the female body in meeting with technology creates a separation between the body and the mind where P. Burke's only way of fulfilling the feminine beauty ideal is at the hands of technology. The futuristic world in which Tiptree Jr. stages her story has taught P. Burke to idolize the ideal that \"the Gods\" embody and so P. Burke willingly commits the act of \"performing femininity\". Another way disembodiment and oppression of the female body is seen in \"The Girl Who was Plugged In\" is the words used to", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124216", "text": "to conform to a constructed ideal of femininity in order to avoid being seen as a failure or to some extent incomplete. To Hollinger, \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is about ways women experience pressure from society to fulfill the set standards of femininity as seen in P. Burke's desperate desire to disembody by fully leaving her real body, and re-embody permanently as Delphi. In a society where the only way to happiness is by conforming completely to a constructed ideal, P. Burke has little choice but to live through the perfect girl body Delphi. Heather J. Hicks reinforces", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124219", "text": "describe the main character, i.e. the description of P. Burke: “That’s good, because now you can see she’s the ugly of the world. A tall monument to pituitary dystrophy. No surgeon would touch her.”. In the opinion of Scott Bukatman, of Stanford University, Tiptree forms the body into something unclean and decaying through phrases such as \"dead daddy\", \"rotten girl\" and \"zombie\". The crude use of words used for the main character only gets worse as the story progresses to emphasize an unappealing display of female disembodiment. According to Bukatman, the body in \"The Girl Who Was Plugged In\" is", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "3124204", "text": "version of female embodiment. Delphi’s physical appearance is described in terms such as “flawless” and “beautiful baby” after she is first brought out to be seen. The juxtaposition of these two bodies allows for a discussion on the way these two types of bodies function within the context of the society presented. The Girl Who Was Plugged In presents two different types of bodies. Heather J. Hicks explains that Delphi is the body that matters within the society and it is the body that has value as opposed to the body of P. Burke. This idea can be seen in", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "16423725", "text": "realises that this is real and that he was now never born. He meets Gus Goose, who tells him that he went to work for Scrooge McDuck as his top assistant (he was the only relative Scrooge had who works for him and he is not as smart as Donald). On his first day at work, Magica De Spell turned up outside the money bin, selling hamburgers for a dime. Gus ignorantly handed her the Number One Dime, causing Scrooge to have a fit when he learnt what his new assistant had done. He came too late to stop Magica", "title": "The Duck Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "3124212", "text": "reader. Stevenson points out that after this, the reader is rebuked three different times for not focusing on P. Burke but each time this happens, the narration is moved to descriptions of the futuristic soundings, presumably in accord with what the male reader truly desires to read about. This goes back to what Heather J. Hicks states about the importance and success of the ideal feminine body compared to the non-ideal feminine body. P. Burke’s body is considered unimportant and the way the story is written and paced suggests just this point. Another theme of The Girl Who Was Plugged", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "7271180", "text": "some children in the Village nursery. Number Two (who looks like Schnipps) and his assistant (who looks like Sonia) were hoping that he would drop his guard and allow some clue as to why he resigned. But Number Six, after putting the children to bed, turns to the hidden camera and cheekily wishes: \"Good night, children... everywhere.\" The cricket match shown at the start of the episode was filmed at four different locations with the main sequences shot at Eltisley in Cambridgeshire, and stock footage at Meopham Green, Meopham, Kent on the A227 Gravesend to Tonbridge Road. The lighthouse is", "title": "The Girl Who Was Death" }, { "docid": "15195539", "text": "The Who Tour 1981 The Who Tour 1981 was The Who's third concert tour since the death of original drummer Keith Moon, with most dates performed in advance of the release of their recently recorded \"Face Dances\" album. Aside from a performance on the German TV program \"Rockpalast\" at the end of the tour, it was strictly a United Kingdom venture, with four shows in Scotland, one in Wales, and the rest in England. It was the group's first UK tour since 1975. Although the \"Face Dances\" album was completed by the end of 1980, it was not released until", "title": "The Who Tour 1981" }, { "docid": "15195544", "text": "\"Thirty Years of Maximum R&B Live\". All songs written by Pete Townshend unless otherwise specified. Encores: The Who Tour 1981 The Who Tour 1981 was The Who's third concert tour since the death of original drummer Keith Moon, with most dates performed in advance of the release of their recently recorded \"Face Dances\" album. Aside from a performance on the German TV program \"Rockpalast\" at the end of the tour, it was strictly a United Kingdom venture, with four shows in Scotland, one in Wales, and the rest in England. It was the group's first UK tour since 1975. Although", "title": "The Who Tour 1981" }, { "docid": "8331538", "text": "only cast member still alive. The film also features brief appearances by comedians Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Snub Pollard, and Emil Sitka. Krasna's play, Who Was That Lady I Saw You With?, opened on Broadway at the Martin Beck Theatre on March 3, 1958 in a production directed by Alex Segal and designed by Rouben Ter-Arutunian, and starring Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy. The play ran for 208 performances. Krasna was unsuccessfully sued for $500,000 in a breach of trust claim by writer Valentine Davies, who contended that Krasna incorporated material from Davies' work \"Love Must Go On.\" The", "title": "Who Was That Lady?" }, { "docid": "6719618", "text": "the idea, and it had [in it], as I remember, a lot of what I was feeling at the time. I always liked romantic stories, and this was a chance to do something that you really don’t get to do very often in television. I gravitated toward that. \"Q: Did Stefano, the show’s producer, contribute to the script of “The Man Who Was Never Born”?\" A: Not much to that. [...] The Man Who Was Never Born \"The Man Who Was Never Born\" (original title: \"Cry of the Unborn\") is an episode of the original \"The Outer Limits\" television show.", "title": "The Man Who Was Never Born" }, { "docid": "19660783", "text": "she is Bastet the Egyptian cat goddess, resurrected. The other animals at Lori's cottage don't believe her, especially when she tries to show her powers to them. Thomasina does not remember Mary or her former life. Lori renames her \"Talitha\" and keeps her. Meanwhile, Mary has become ill and is eventually confined to bed, refusing to speak. As a result of MacDhui's treatment of Thomasina and his earlier euthanizing of a local's pet pug who suffered from indigestion, many villagers have stopped taking their animals to him and instead are taking them to Lori. MacDhui goes to confront Lori over", "title": "Thomasina, the Cat Who Thought She Was God" }, { "docid": "4111931", "text": "screenplay of the film stayed as close to the truth as was convenient, with the remainder being fiction. For example, the Irish spy in the film is a complete fabrication. The British Secret Service controlled the German spy network in the UK with its Double-Cross System, though this fact was still secret at the time the film was made. Ewen Montagu declared that he was happy with the fictitious incidents which, although they did not happen, might have happened. During filming, Montagu has a cameo role, that of a Royal Air Force air vice-marshal who has doubts about the feasibility", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "10242248", "text": "The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground is a German fairy tale. Andrew Lang included it in \"The Violet Fairy Book\". In a far away kingdom there once was a king who had three sons. The king divided his property; the older two squandered theirs and soon had nothing, but the youngest son was prudent, and soon became rich. He had an underground castle built, but killed the architect and had his daughter imprisoned; the youngest son decreed that whoever could find her would marry her, but whoever tried and failed would die. Many died", "title": "The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground" }, { "docid": "2469506", "text": "published as part of \"The Collected Works of G. K. Chesterton\" (D. J. Conlon, 1986–). On 5 September 1938 \"The Mercury Theatre on the Air\" presented an abridged radio-play adaptation, written by Orson Welles, who was a great admirer of Chesterton. This was almost two months before the infamous \"War of the Worlds\" broadcast. The adaptation omits some of the metaphysical and theological discussions and treats much of the whimsical and comedic asides more seriously. Almost all of \"Chapter 14: The Six Philosophers\" is left out, in which the greater part of the metaphysical speculation is found. It was reported", "title": "The Man Who Was Thursday" }, { "docid": "13206514", "text": "The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes () is a German mystery comedy of 1937, directed by Karl Hartl. Detective Morris Flynn (Hans Albers) and his assistant Macky McMacpherson (Heinz Rühmann), masquereading as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, investigate two attractive sisters, Mary and Jane Berry, and the theft and forgery of valuable postage stamps. \"Lexikon des Internationalen Films\" calls it a swinging, lively comedy. Albers and Rühmann have been two longtime major stars of German cinema and are still known for the main song in this movie, \"Jawohl, meine Herr'n\". \"The Man Who Was", "title": "The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes" }, { "docid": "3124201", "text": "are monitored and she can be censored or even punished if she doesn't follow orders. P. Burke loves being Delphi, and her starry-eyed personality makes Delphi a sensation. Paul Isham, the rich, rebel son of a network executive, notices Delphi and falls in love with her. P. Burke falls in love with him too, but of course can't tell him the truth about Delphi. Paul finds out that Delphi is being remotely controlled by electronic implants, and is shocked and incensed. But he misunderstands, believing that Delphi is a normal girl who is being enslaved by pain implants, not realizing", "title": "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" }, { "docid": "19411577", "text": "She Who Was No More She Who Was No More () is a 1951 French novel by the writing team of Pierre Boileau and Thomas Narcejac (Boileau-Narcejac). The duo's first book, it is a thriller about a man who, along with his mistress, murders his wife. The first French edition was published in 1952 by Éditions Denoël. It was originally published in English in 1954 under the title The Woman Who Was No More by Rinehart. The English version by Pushkin Press, under the title \"She Who Was No More\", was translated by Geoffrey Sainsbury. Fernand Ravinel is a traveling", "title": "She Who Was No More" }, { "docid": "20412225", "text": "presents her with a check. Miss Miller’s former students make plans to have her over for dinner, but she stays until she can be alone in the building again, writing an inspirational quote on the chalkboard one last time before leaving. “The Woman Who Was Forgotten” was originally published in \"The American Magazine\" in 1926. Following its publication, the National Education Association reprinted it in the \"National Education Association Journal\". When the film rights to the story were sold, Aldrich donated a part of the proceeds to a Washington D.C. home for retired teachers. An early sound-era film adaptation, also", "title": "The Woman Who Was Forgotten" }, { "docid": "4111932", "text": "of the proposed plan. It was described by Ben Macintyre in \"Operation Mincemeat\" as a \"surreal\" moment when the real Montagu addressed his fictional persona, played by Webb. The film earned an estimated $1.1 million in North American rentals in 1956. The \"Radio Times\" wrote, \"the picture may appear overly reverent by today's standards. But this is still a crucial wartime spy tale that is well worth watching.\" The BBC's popular radio comedy show, \"The Goon Show\", made a send-up of the story of \"The Man Who Never Was\" (based on the book) and incorporated most of the regular \"Goon", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "2469505", "text": "in Latin, and a title given to Jesus. (Usually a title given to the Virgin Mary.) \"The Man Who Was Thursday\" inspired the Irish Republican politician Michael Collins with the idea \"if you didn't seem to be hiding nobody hunted you out\". Martin Gardner edited \"The Annotated Thursday\", which provides a great deal of biographical and contextual information in the form of footnotes, along with the text of the book, original reviews from the time of the book's first publication and comments made by Chesterton on the book. A less thorough annotation was done for the edition of the novel", "title": "The Man Who Was Thursday" }, { "docid": "4111929", "text": "radio to expect a message from him in an hour, unless British counterintelligence comes for him. Montagu almost makes this very mistake, but realises in time why O'Reilly left his address and, with some difficulty, convinces his superiors not to order O'Reilly to be arrested. O'Reilly then sends a \"Martin genuine!\" radio message, and the Nazis transfer most of their Sicily-based forces to Greece, making the Allied deceit successful. After the war, Montagu leaves a medal he was awarded at the grave of \"the man who never was\". Operation \"Mincemeat\" involved the acquisition and dressing up of a human cadaver", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "16778073", "text": "term. The film presents not only the life of the former Tsar, but also intertwines within the story vignettes of various Bulgarians, who were supporting him, sending him gifts, or merely tattooing his face on their body. The story is told through personal footage and vast amounts of archive material. The film received praise for its editing and use of archives with Variety's Robert Koehler writing that \"Pic’s terrific use of archival footage includes an exiled Simeon interviewed in the early ’60s, disputing his playboy rep.\" and \"Editing is aces.\" The Boy Who Was a King The Boy Who Was", "title": "The Boy Who Was a King" }, { "docid": "16871346", "text": "the point. But you'll recognize them, and that's the other half.\" A sequel, \"That Gal...Who Was In That Thing: That Guy 2\", focused on similarly lesser-known but familiar character actresses, including Catherine Hicks, Alicia Coppola and Roxanne Hart, was released on Showtime in March 2015. That Guy... Who Was in That Thing That Guy... Who Was in That Thing is a 2012 documentary film by Ian Roumain and Michael Schwartz that features sixteen male character actors discussing their careers as working actors below the film star level but who are often recognized as being \"that guy\" who was in \"that", "title": "That Guy... Who Was in That Thing" }, { "docid": "16871345", "text": "That Guy... Who Was in That Thing That Guy... Who Was in That Thing is a 2012 documentary film by Ian Roumain and Michael Schwartz that features sixteen male character actors discussing their careers as working actors below the film star level but who are often recognized as being \"that guy\" who was in \"that thing\". Two talent agents also comment on the challenges faced by such actors. The film was produced by Roumain, Schwartz and Brian Volk-Weiss for New Wave Entertainment. Doug Shanaberger described it as a \"wonderful new documentary\", saying: \"If you're wondering who they are, that's half", "title": "That Guy... Who Was in That Thing" }, { "docid": "16423727", "text": "Gladstone. He instead finds grossly overweight versions of Huey, Dewey and Louie, sitting on the couch eating junk food: they lived with Gladstone since they were ducklings and didn't join the Junior Woodchucks. Gladstone then appears (he was the only one who has not suffered from Donald's absence) and accuses Donald of stealing his car. When Donald tries to run away, he hits a Beagle Boy in a police outfit (they turned \"straight\" after Scrooge went bust, but are implied to be a highly corrupt police force). Donald jumps to Gladstone's car and drives to the museum hoping to find", "title": "The Duck Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "20241783", "text": "The Man Who Never Was (book) The Man Who Never Was is a 1953 book by Ewen Montagu about the World War II Operation Mincemeat. Montagu played a leading role in the 1943 scheme to deceive the Germans about the planned Allied invasion of Sicily. Montagu's work formed the basis for a 1956 film by the same title. The scheme entailed releasing a dead body just off the coast of Spain, where strong currents caused it to drift ashore in an area where a skilled German secret agent was known to operate. The corpse was to appear to be the", "title": "The Man Who Never Was (book)" }, { "docid": "19411578", "text": "salesman who leads a mundane existence with his wife, Mireille. His mistress, physician Lucienne, desires to open a practice in Antibes, so she and Fernand conspire to murder his spouse to collect on her life insurance policy of two million francs. They drown her in a bathtub, then make the death look like an accident, but things spiral out of control when her body disappears. \"She Who Was No More\" has been adapted for the screen several times: She Who Was No More She Who Was No More () is a 1951 French novel by the writing team of Pierre", "title": "She Who Was No More" }, { "docid": "6006895", "text": "material). Like all but two Devil Doll albums, \"The Girl Who Was ... Death\" contains only one track: the title track (another album has one musical track that is split into separate CD tracks). Being at an easily referenced length of 66 minutes and 6 seconds long, the song goes through many different themes and melodies, keeping strong to the band's progressive attributes. The album travels through several emotions with eerie tones and metaphorical lyrics. At 38:46 into the song, the music ceases and silence continues until the very end, where the album features the band's cover of the main", "title": "The Girl Who Was... Death" }, { "docid": "6719612", "text": "The Man Who Was Never Born \"The Man Who Was Never Born\" (original title: \"Cry of the Unborn\") is an episode of the original \"The Outer Limits\" television show. It was first broadcast on October 28, 1963, during the first season. An astronaut returning to Earth is flung into the distant future, where he finds the mutated remnants of humanity living on a ruined Earth. Having accidentally travelled through time, astronaut Joseph Reardon lands on Earth in the year 2148 A.D. to find it a desolate realm. He meets Andro, a mutated human stricken with a disfiguring disease for which", "title": "The Man Who Was Never Born" }, { "docid": "2469501", "text": "mysteriously and assigned to defeat the Council. They soon find out they were fighting each other and not real anarchists; such was the mastermind plan of their president, Sunday. In a surreal conclusion, Sunday is unmasked as only seeming to be terrible; in fact, he is a force of good like the detectives. Sunday is unable to give an answer to the question of why he caused so much trouble and pain for the detectives. Gregory, the only real anarchist, seems to challenge the good council. His accusation is that they, as rulers, have never suffered like Gregory and their", "title": "The Man Who Was Thursday" }, { "docid": "16778071", "text": "The Boy Who Was a King The Boy Who Was a King is a 2011 Bulgarian documentary film about Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, directed by Andrey Paounov. The film received nominations and awards at various international film festivals. It was included in the official selections of Toronto International Film Festival, International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam and others. The film is the third part of direcotor Andrey Paounov's unofficial trilogy on the \"absurdity of the Bulgarian transition period\". The film tells the story of Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the last Bulgarian Tsar. He assumed the throne at the age of six, when his father Boris", "title": "The Boy Who Was a King" }, { "docid": "13206515", "text": "Sherlock Holmes\" was released on DVD on 24 March 2009. The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes () is a German mystery comedy of 1937, directed by Karl Hartl. Detective Morris Flynn (Hans Albers) and his assistant Macky McMacpherson (Heinz Rühmann), masquereading as Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson, investigate two attractive sisters, Mary and Jane Berry, and the theft and forgery of valuable postage stamps. \"Lexikon des Internationalen Films\" calls it a swinging, lively comedy. Albers and Rühmann have been two longtime major stars of German cinema and are still known for the main song", "title": "The Man Who Was Sherlock Holmes" }, { "docid": "13213268", "text": "two Dove Awards: Song of the Year and Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year at the 39th GMA Dove Awards. The music video for the single \"I'm Not Who I Was\" was released on October 25, 2009. The video features Heath walking around town with a guitar in hand, performing the song. I'm Not Who I Was \"I'm Not Who I Was\" is a song by contemporary Christian musician Brandon Heath, and was the lead single from his debut album \"Don't Get Comfortable\" (2006). It became a number 1 hit song on Christian radio in mid-2007, and was nominated for", "title": "I'm Not Who I Was" }, { "docid": "10242250", "text": "preen, and so he could identify her. When the three days were up, the shepherd returned to the king to retrieve his sheep. The young man found the daughter in the same way as the king had done, and the king demanded he identify her when he had turned her and all her maids to ducks. The young man did this, and the king had to yield. This method of winning the princess is also found in the Italian fairy tales \"The Fair Fiorita\" and \"The Golden Lion\". The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground", "title": "The Princess Who Was Hidden Underground" }, { "docid": "20241786", "text": "U\", his wartime autobiography which gave further details of Mincemeat, among other operations. The Man Who Never Was (book) The Man Who Never Was is a 1953 book by Ewen Montagu about the World War II Operation Mincemeat. Montagu played a leading role in the 1943 scheme to deceive the Germans about the planned Allied invasion of Sicily. Montagu's work formed the basis for a 1956 film by the same title. The scheme entailed releasing a dead body just off the coast of Spain, where strong currents caused it to drift ashore in an area where a skilled German secret", "title": "The Man Who Never Was (book)" }, { "docid": "12730717", "text": "calculating Soo-jung to awaken to what's truly important in life. \"A Man Who Was Superman\" was released in South Korea on 31 January 2008, and on its opening weekend was ranked fourth at the box office with 206,858 admissions. As of 31 March 2008 it had received a total of 559,867 admissions, and as of 17 February 2008 had grossed at total of $3,848,034. A Man Who Was Superman A Man Who Was Superman () is a 2008 South Korean film directed by Jeong Yoon-chul. The film applies techniques of Magical realism to problems arising from the Narcissism of small", "title": "A Man Who Was Superman" }, { "docid": "8331536", "text": "Simon Oakland and Joi Lansing. Jack Benny appears as himself. Dean Martin received a Golden Globe award nomination for his performance in \"Who Was That Lady?\", which also was nominated for Best Comedy. Ann Wilson (Janet Leigh) catches her straight-laced husband, Columbia University Assistant Professor of Chemistry David Wilson (Tony Curtis), kissing another woman. From David's perspective, he was the one being kissed innocently, the woman in question being a grateful transfer student. However, Ann wants a divorce. On the advice of David's friend, TV writer Michael Haney (Dean Martin), David tries to convince Ann that he is really an", "title": "Who Was That Lady?" }, { "docid": "11281828", "text": "consuming it, experiences some bizarre hallucinations (mostly involving the bar's waitress (played by Therese Kablan) who is depicted as the man's girlfriend, a nurse, and a series of creatures) before he suffers an apparent accident and is last seen falling down a void of cartoon skulls. The video was shown in the \"Beavis and Butt-head\" episode \"No Laughing\". A cover version of this song was featured on the 2007 video game \"Guitar Hero II\". Who Was in My Room Last Night? \"Who Was in My Room Last Night?\" is the opening track from American alternative rock band Butthole Surfers' sixth", "title": "Who Was in My Room Last Night?" }, { "docid": "11281827", "text": "Who Was in My Room Last Night? \"Who Was in My Room Last Night?\" is the opening track from American alternative rock band Butthole Surfers' sixth album, \"Independent Worm Saloon\". A remixed version, known as the \"Tate or Tot Mix,\" was released on the CD magazine Volume Eight. The music video was directed by William Stobaugh, and animated by Tom Holleran and Wes Archer. The video depicts a man who drives to a bar where the Butthole Surfers are performing the song. He orders a drink from the bartender (played by Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers) and, upon", "title": "Who Was in My Room Last Night?" }, { "docid": "15195540", "text": "the 1981 tour had almost ended, meaning the new material played on the tour was entirely unfamiliar to audiences. Set lists from 1981 varied from one point of the tour to another, with the band experimenting with different song orders – for example, long-time show closer \"Won't Get Fooled Again\" appeared in the middle of the set early in the tour, with \"Who Are You\" serving as the closer. New songs performed each night were \"You Better You Bet\", \"Don't Let Go the Coat\", \"The Quiet One\", and \"Another Tricky Day\", while \"Did You Steal My Money\" was played occasionally", "title": "The Who Tour 1981" }, { "docid": "10147740", "text": "by session drummer Josh Freese while Mars sang backing vocals. The album art is from the music video for \"Alex Chilton\". Westerberg stated in a 2006 interview with \"Newsweek\" that he had written \"Message to the Boys\" many years ago. Don't You Know Who I Think I Was? Don't You Know Who I Think I Was? is a greatest hits album by the American rock band The Replacements, released in 2006 by Rhino Records. It includes eighteen tracks spanning the band's eight studio releases from 1981 to 1990, as well as two new tracks recorded specifically for this release. The", "title": "Don't You Know Who I Think I Was?" }, { "docid": "10147739", "text": "Don't You Know Who I Think I Was? Don't You Know Who I Think I Was? is a greatest hits album by the American rock band The Replacements, released in 2006 by Rhino Records. It includes eighteen tracks spanning the band's eight studio releases from 1981 to 1990, as well as two new tracks recorded specifically for this release. The new tracks—\"Message to the Boys\" and \"Pool & Dive\"—feature the three surviving original band members: singer and guitarist Paul Westerberg, bass guitarist Tommy Stinson, and drummer Chris Mars. However, Mars does not play drums on these tracks: they were played", "title": "Don't You Know Who I Think I Was?" }, { "docid": "13213267", "text": "I'm Not Who I Was \"I'm Not Who I Was\" is a song by contemporary Christian musician Brandon Heath, and was the lead single from his debut album \"Don't Get Comfortable\" (2006). It became a number 1 hit song on Christian radio in mid-2007, and was nominated for two GMA Dove Awards in 2007: \"Song of the Year\" and \"Pop/Contemporary Recorded Song of the Year\". The song is about forgiveness, and according to Brandon Heath, was inspired by seeing an old photograph of someone he hadn't been in touch with for a while. In 2008, the song was nominated for", "title": "I'm Not Who I Was" }, { "docid": "4111925", "text": "Balchin's screenplay won the BAFTA for that year. In 1943, Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander, Ewen Montagu (Clifton Webb), comes up with a scheme to deceive the Nazis about the impending invasion of Southern Europe. It entails releasing a dead body just off the coast of Spain, where strong currents will almost certainly cause it to drift ashore in an area where a skilled German secret agent operates. The corpse will appear as a plane crash victim, the non-existent Royal Marine, Major William Martin, who is carrying false letters about a forthcoming Allied invasion of German-occupied Greece, rather than the obvious", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "4111926", "text": "target of Sicily. Time is short, but the impatient Montagu is finally given approval to carry out the mission: Operation Mincemeat. On the advice of a medical expert, Montagu procures the body of a man who died of pneumonia (so that he will seem to have drowned) from the grieving father. Then, after proper preparations, he and his assistant, Lt. Acres (Robert Flemyng), take the corpse (concealed in a canister packed with dry ice) to a waiting submarine. The submarine travels to the Mediterranean, along the way evading a depth-charge attack, before surfacing at night to release the body. As", "title": "The Man Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "16423724", "text": "Bin to use the telephone where he finds his Grandma who tells him that she sold the farm to Gyro because she could not run it alone (Gus Goose never worked for her) and that Daisy Duck bought this building from Scrooge years ago to use it as her printing plant: She is now a wealthy novelist, having started writing romance novels to fill her lonely life. A haggard Daisy appears, looking like a diva wearing tons of makeup. She throws Donald outside (pummeling him with empty bottles, subtly suggesting that in this reality, she has become an alcoholic). Donald", "title": "The Duck Who Never Was" }, { "docid": "11948420", "text": "The Man Who Was Almost a Man \"The Man Who Was Almost a Man\" also known as \"Almos' a man\", is a short story by Richard Wright. It was published in 1961 as part of Wright's compilation \"Eight Men\". The story centers on Dave, a young African-American farm worker who is struggling to declare his identity in the atmosphere of the rural South. The story begins with the protagonist Dave Sanders walking home from work, irritated with the way he has been treated. Dave works for a farmer on a cattle farm and as he walks across the fields he", "title": "The Man Who Was Almost a Man" }, { "docid": "11948437", "text": "it simply symbolized his struggle to achieve such goals. The Man Who Was Almost a Man \"The Man Who Was Almost a Man\" also known as \"Almos' a man\", is a short story by Richard Wright. It was published in 1961 as part of Wright's compilation \"Eight Men\". The story centers on Dave, a young African-American farm worker who is struggling to declare his identity in the atmosphere of the rural South. The story begins with the protagonist Dave Sanders walking home from work, irritated with the way he has been treated. Dave works for a farmer on a cattle", "title": "The Man Who Was Almost a Man" }, { "docid": "6719617", "text": "leaving Noelle, weeping, to face the future alone. The story's origin is revealed in an interview with its writer, Anthony Lawrence: \"Q: How did “The Man Who Was Never Born” come about?\" A: I had this idea in my mind, a kind of a beauty and the beast idea, and so it kind of developed from that, because that was one of my old favorites, Jean Cocteau’s \"Beauty and the Beast\", the French version, which was a beautiful film. I was thinking of that film, and also just the idea that had always kind of fascinated me. Joseph Stefano loved", "title": "The Man Who Was Never Born" }, { "docid": "20241785", "text": "was to publish the story of Mincemeat. Over the course of a weekend Montagu wrote \"The Man Who Never Was\" (1953), which sold two million copies and formed the basis for a 1956 film. The security services did not give Montagu complete freedom to reveal operational details, and he was careful not to mention the role played by signals intelligence to confirm that the operation had been successful. He was also careful to obscure \"the idea of an organised programme of strategic deception ... with Mincemeat being presented as a 'wild' one-off caper\". In 1977 Montagu published \"Beyond Top Secret", "title": "The Man Who Never Was (book)" }, { "docid": "12730710", "text": "A Man Who Was Superman A Man Who Was Superman () is a 2008 South Korean film directed by Jeong Yoon-chul. The film applies techniques of Magical realism to problems arising from the Narcissism of small differences that plagues the modern Korean conscience. Song Soo-jung is a producer going on her third year at a small company. Her speciality is filming human interest stories. She is driven to produce these shallow stories for the sake of her ambition of one day becoming Korea's own Oprah Winfrey. However, she is reaching the end of what's left of her pride. After months", "title": "A Man Who Was Superman" }, { "docid": "20241784", "text": "victim of an airplane crash, the non-existent Royal Marine Major William Martin, who had letters in a briefcase that hint at a forthcoming Allied invasion of Greece and Sardinia, rather than the obvious target of Sicily. In 1950 Duff Cooper, a former cabinet minister who had been briefed on the operation in March 1943, published the spy novel \"Operation Heartbreak\", which contained the plot device of a corpse – with papers naming him as William Maryngton – being floated off the coast of Spain with false documents to deceive the Germans. The British security services decided that the best response", "title": "The Man Who Never Was (book)" }, { "docid": "12857091", "text": "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark is a children's book by Jill Tomlinson, of which there is also an audio version read by Maureen Lipman. It was published in 1968, illustrated by Joanne Cole, and an abridged edition illustrated by Paul Howard published in 2001. The story is about a young barn owl called Plop, who is frightened of the dark. The plot is divided into seven chapters, each covering a night during which Plop learns something new about the dark: dark is exciting, dark is kind, dark is fun,", "title": "The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark" }, { "docid": "15570971", "text": "The Man Who Never Was (TV series) The Man Who Never Was is a 1966 ABC-TV 20th Century Fox Television television series starring Robert Lansing and Dana Wynter. It has no connection with the more well known earlier 20th Century Fox book and film of the same name, and ran for only one season of 18 episodes between September 7, 1966, and January 4, 1967. It was produced by 20th Century Fox Television, was filmed in Europe with the pilot episode being filmed in Berlin and Munich. John Newland produced and directed most of the episodes. The original television pilot", "title": "The Man Who Never Was (TV series)" }, { "docid": "19786574", "text": "of Music. In his letter Thommessen chastised Paus for his tonal music. A long monologue on why Paus has misunderstood everything about music ends with the words \"I do not want any more verbal contact with you.\" At the time the opera monologue premiered, the \"Teacher\" in the monologue remained anonymous. The monologue played an important role in an extensive debate on musical aesthetics in the music journal \"Ballade\" in 2015, during which the formerly anonymous \"Teacher\" was revealed by Paus to be Olav Anton Thommessen. The Teacher Who Was Not To Be The Teacher Who Was Not To Be", "title": "The Teacher Who Was Not To Be" }, { "docid": "15570974", "text": "episodes together, \"The Spy with the Perfect Cover\" and \"Danger Has Two Faces\". Both have the final scene from the last episode, but one version of it was re-filmed with the same dialogue. The Man Who Never Was (TV series) The Man Who Never Was is a 1966 ABC-TV 20th Century Fox Television television series starring Robert Lansing and Dana Wynter. It has no connection with the more well known earlier 20th Century Fox book and film of the same name, and ran for only one season of 18 episodes between September 7, 1966, and January 4, 1967. It was", "title": "The Man Who Never Was (TV series)" }, { "docid": "14822567", "text": "the end of the rope to himself. He went to grind grain for the porridge, but the cow fell off, and because he had run the rope through the chimney, it dragged him up. The wife returned and cut the rope so the cow came down but she found her husband with his head stuck in the pot. The Husband Who Was to Mind the House The Husband Who Was to Mind the House is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in their \"Norske Folkeeventyr\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 1408 The man who does", "title": "The Husband Who Was to Mind the House" }, { "docid": "14822565", "text": "The Husband Who Was to Mind the House The Husband Who Was to Mind the House is a Norwegian fairy tale collected by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in their \"Norske Folkeeventyr\". It is Aarne-Thompson type 1408 The man who does his wife's work. A husband complained so much about his wife that she suggested that he stay home and do her work. He agrees. He starts to churn butter, but decides to get ale. He hears the pig upstairs, runs to stop it, but does not arrive in time to keep it from overturning the churn, and forgets", "title": "The Husband Who Was to Mind the House" }, { "docid": "19786572", "text": "The Teacher Who Was Not To Be The Teacher Who Was Not To Be () is an opera monologue by Marcus Paus and with a libretto by Olav Anton Thommessen from 2013. It premiered at the concert \"Paus & Paus\" (with works by Marcus Paus and Ole Paus) in the Atrium of the University of Oslo in connection with the Oslo Opera Festival on 12 October 2013, with renowned opera singer Knut Stiklestad in the role of the eponymous \"Teacher.\" The monologue is based on a letter written by Olav Anton Thommessen to Marcus Paus in 2006, shortly after Paus", "title": "The Teacher Who Was Not To Be" }, { "docid": "17449958", "text": "Who I Was Born to Be \"Who I Was Born to Be\" is the first original song recorded by Susan Boyle and appears on her multi-platinum debut album \"I Dreamed a Dream\". The song perfectly fit Susan Boyle's life, so much so that she has performed this song regularly over the years. After decades of trying to be a professional singer, Susan Boyle can truthfully sing \"I am who I was born to be.\" Moreover, the wording was so apt that Susan Boyle adopted a similar title for her autobiography, \"The Woman I Was Born to Be\". The lyrics were", "title": "Who I Was Born to Be" }, { "docid": "17449961", "text": "live audience of 58,000 in the Shanghai Grand Stadium for China's Got Talent viewed by a 560 million television audience. In recent years Boyle performed \"Who I Was Born to Be\" in an appearance at the end of the touring musical \"I Dreamed a Dream\" in the U.K. March-October 2012 and during her \"Susan Boyle in Concert\" tour of Scotland in July 2013. In August 2013 Boyle performed the song during the opening ceremonies of the 2013 Special Olympics held at the Royal Crescent in Bath. Full Lyrics of song Who I Was Born to Be \"Who I Was Born", "title": "Who I Was Born to Be" }, { "docid": "12730712", "text": "story and, with a little tweaking and a little fabricating, she produces the \"Superman Saves the World\" documentary which goes on to be a ratings hit. After an X-Ray examination of \"Superman's\" skull, it becomes clear that there really is something stuck in his head - a bullet. However, the true story behind this Superman (whose real name is Lee Hyuk-Suk), is revealed: two major tragedies that befell Hyun-Suk traumatized him and left him believing he was, in fact, Superman. When Lee was a boy, he saw \"Superman\" with his father, who told him that if he counted to one-hundred,", "title": "A Man Who Was Superman" } ]
Which country was called Upper Volta until 1984?
[ "Bourkina-Fasso", "Maximes, Thoughts and Riddles of the Mossi", "Burkina Fasso", "Burkina", "Bourkina Faso", "Maximes, pensées et devinettes mossi", "Burkinabè", "Berkina faso", "ISO 3166-1:BF", "Burkina faso", "Faso", "Burkina Fasoan", "Bourkina Fasso", "Burkinafaso", "Burkino Faso", "Burkina-Faso", "Burkina Faso", "Burkina Fatso" ]
[ { "docid": "11643189", "text": "and two years later on 5 August 1960, it attained full independence. On 4 August 1984, the name was changed to Burkina Faso. The name Upper Volta indicates that the country contains the upper part of the Volta River. The river is divided into three parts, called the Black Volta, White Volta and Red Volta. Until the end of the 19th century, the history of Upper Volta was dominated by the empire-building Mossi/Mossi Kingdoms, who are believed to have come up to their present location from present-day Northern Ghana. For centuries, the Mossi peasant was both farmer and soldier, and", "title": "French Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "529115", "text": "1984, from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso, which means \"Land of Incorruptible People\". The name Upper Volta indicated that the country contains the upper part of the Volta River. The colors of the national flag corresponded to the names of its three main tributaries — the Black Volta, the White Volta, and the Red Volta. Upper Volta obtained independence on August 5, 1960. The first president of the country, Maurice Yaméogo, is at the head of the Alliance for Democracy and the Federation / African Democratic Rally . The 1960 Constitution establishes the election by direct universal suffrage of the", "title": "Republic of Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "529114", "text": "Republic of Upper Volta The Republic of Upper Volta (), now Burkina Faso, was a landlocked West African country established on December 11, 1958, as a self-governing colony within the French Community. Before attaining autonomy it had been French Upper Volta and part of the French Union. On August 5, 1960, it attained full independence from France. Thomas Sankara came to power through a military coup d'état on August 4, 1983. After the coup, he formed the National Council for the Revolution (CNR), with himself as president. Under the direction of Sankara, the country changed its name on August 4,", "title": "Republic of Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "529116", "text": "President and the National Assembly for a term of five years. Shortly after coming to power, Yaméogo banned all political parties other than the Alliance for Democracy. Thomas Sankara came to power by a coup on August 4, 1983. After coming to power, he formed the National Council of the Revolution (NCRC), and became the president of the twenty-man council. Under his rule, the name of the state was changed on August 4, 1984, from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso, meaning \"the homeland of upright men.\" From 1958 to 1960, the Republic of Upper Volta was headed by a High", "title": "Republic of Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "9118062", "text": "union team shortly before the Olympics. The majority of the 28 countries in the Olympic boycott were African nations. When the country returned to the Olympics, in 1988, they would be known as Burkina Faso. Upper Volta at the 1972 Summer Olympics The Republic of Upper Volta (as Upper Volta) competed at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany. This was the first and only time the country participated under that name at the Olympic Games. However, the first Upper Voltan athletes took part in the Olympics at the 1924 Games as part of the French contingent. André Bicaba", "title": "Upper Volta at the 1972 Summer Olympics" }, { "docid": "529119", "text": "acclaim your beauty Towards the horizon look up Frisks with the tumultuous accents Of your proud children all trained Caressed promises of future Refrain: The work of your burning ground Endless will soak the ardent hearts, And the virtues of your children The girdle of a triumphant diadem. Refrain: May God keep you in his goodness, May the happiness of your beloved soil, The love of the brethren be the key, Honor, Unity and Freedom. This anthem has been replaced since 1984 by a new anthem, the Ditanyè. Republic of Upper Volta The Republic of Upper Volta (), now Burkina", "title": "Republic of Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "9118060", "text": "but boycotted it with other Africa nations. By the time it returned to the Games in 1988, the nation was known as Burkina Faso. The first athlete from Upper Volta to compete in the Olympics was Taka Gangua, who along with Chadian Taki N'Dio, competed in the men's javelin throw as part of the French delegation to the 1924 Summer Games in Paris. French Upper Volta then formed part of French West Africa, a federation of eight French colonial territories. Upper Volta competed under that name for the first and only time at the Summer Olympics in the 1972 Games", "title": "Upper Volta at the 1972 Summer Olympics" }, { "docid": "18398845", "text": "the 57 seats in the National Assembly. The party was banned in 1974. National Liberation Movement (Upper Volta) The National Liberation Movement (, MLN) was a political party in Burkina Faso. The party was originally established by Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Dakar in Senegal in August 1958. Ki-Zerbo founded the party in order to campaign for a \"no\" vote in the constitutional referendum in September. After 99% of voters voted for the new constitution, Ki Zerbo moved to Guinea, the only country to oppose the constitution and subsequently become independent. In 1970 Ki-Zerbo re-established the party to run in the parliamentary", "title": "National Liberation Movement (Upper Volta)" }, { "docid": "18398844", "text": "National Liberation Movement (Upper Volta) The National Liberation Movement (, MLN) was a political party in Burkina Faso. The party was originally established by Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Dakar in Senegal in August 1958. Ki-Zerbo founded the party in order to campaign for a \"no\" vote in the constitutional referendum in September. After 99% of voters voted for the new constitution, Ki Zerbo moved to Guinea, the only country to oppose the constitution and subsequently become independent. In 1970 Ki-Zerbo re-established the party to run in the parliamentary elections that year. It received 11% of the vote and won 6 of", "title": "National Liberation Movement (Upper Volta)" }, { "docid": "1126017", "text": "of black, white, and red. These colours represented the three major tributaries of the Volta River, which flows south through the country: the Black Volta, the White Volta and the Red Volta. It is similar to the tricolor flag used by the German Empire from 1871 to 1918. The flag was changed when Upper Volta became Burkina Faso on 4 August 1984. From 1984 until 1997, the official Burkina Faso coat of arms used a revolutionary central crest featuring a mattock crossed with a Soviet AK-47 assault rifle, along with an open book symbolising the importance of education and the", "title": "Flag of Burkina Faso" }, { "docid": "3944382", "text": "have been called up for Burkina Faso in the last 12 months. Burkina Faso national football team The Burkina Faso national football team, is the national team of Burkina Faso and is controlled by the Fédération Burkinabé de Foot-Ball. They were known as the Upper Volta national football team until 1984, when Upper Volta became Burkina Faso. They finished fourth in the 1998 Africa Cup of Nations, when they hosted the tournament. Their best ever finish in the tournament was the 2013 edition, reaching the final. The country made their first appearance in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1978,", "title": "Burkina Faso national football team" }, { "docid": "18403018", "text": "up against the President, which caused the 1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état, in which Lieutenant Colonel Sangoulé Lamizana took power. This marked the beginning of a long era of military rule in Upper Volta and later Burkina Faso. Lamizana would go on to rule the country as a military dictator until the Upper Voltan presidential election in 1978, when he was elected as the leader of a civilian regime. During the 1970s, the Lamizana government faced many problems, among them continued opposition from the trade unions, the rise of new political opposition groups, a strong Sahel drought, increasing desertification, and", "title": "1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "529171", "text": "its curved course. Volta River The Volta River is the main river system in the West African country of Ghana. It flows into Ghana from Bobo-Dioulasso highlands of Burkina Faso. The main part of the river are the Black Volta, the White Volta, and the Red Volta. In the northwest, the Black Volta forms the international boundaries between the Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. The Volta flows southward along Akwapim-Togoland highlands, and it empties into the Atlantic Ocean at the Gulf of Guinea at Ada. It has a smaller tributary river, the Oti, which enters Ghana from Togo in", "title": "Volta River" }, { "docid": "529168", "text": "Volta River The Volta River is the main river system in the West African country of Ghana. It flows into Ghana from Bobo-Dioulasso highlands of Burkina Faso. The main part of the river are the Black Volta, the White Volta, and the Red Volta. In the northwest, the Black Volta forms the international boundaries between the Ivory Coast, Ghana, and Burkina Faso. The Volta flows southward along Akwapim-Togoland highlands, and it empties into the Atlantic Ocean at the Gulf of Guinea at Ada. It has a smaller tributary river, the Oti, which enters Ghana from Togo in the east. The", "title": "Volta River" }, { "docid": "18403268", "text": "the \"Burkinabé Revolution\", a process in which Sankara and his new junta attempted to radically transform Upper Volta – soon renamed \"Burkina Faso\" – according to left-wing revolutionary principles. Sankara would himself be overthrown in 1987 by his old friend Compaoré, who remained in power until the 2014 Burkinabé uprising. 1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état The 1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état took place in the Republic of Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso) on 7 November 1982. The coup, led by the little-known Colonel Gabriel Yoryan Somé and a slew of other junior officers within the military, many of them political", "title": "1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "18403023", "text": "similar actions, Zerbo was overthrown by the military in yet another coup in 1982, making Major Dr. Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo President. Military rule has continued in the country since then, with numerous coups and coup attempts. 1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état The 1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état took place on 25 November 1980 in the Republic of Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso). Following a long period of drought, famine, popular unrest and labour strikes, Colonel Saye Zerbo overthrew President Sangoulé Lamizana, another military leader. Zerbo himself would be overthrown only two years later. Upper Volta had gained independence from France in", "title": "1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "3944379", "text": "Burkina Faso national football team The Burkina Faso national football team, is the national team of Burkina Faso and is controlled by the Fédération Burkinabé de Foot-Ball. They were known as the Upper Volta national football team until 1984, when Upper Volta became Burkina Faso. They finished fourth in the 1998 Africa Cup of Nations, when they hosted the tournament. Their best ever finish in the tournament was the 2013 edition, reaching the final. The country made their first appearance in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1978, but it was 1996 before they returned to the biennial tournament. They", "title": "Burkina Faso national football team" }, { "docid": "18373432", "text": "the sole legitimate representative of all of China. On May 24, 2018, Burkina Faso derecognized the Republic of China. Burkina Faso, known as the Republic of Upper Volta prior to 1984, entered diplomatic relations with the Republic of China in 1961 , the year after the country gained independence from its former colonial power, France. Relations continued for over a decade, until 15 September 1973 when the regime of Upper Volta – led by Major General Sangoulé Lamizana, who had come to power in a 1966 military coup – derecognized the ROC and instead opened relations with the People's Republic", "title": "Burkina Faso–Taiwan relations" }, { "docid": "37038", "text": "Burkina Faso Burkina Faso (, ; ) is a landlocked country in West Africa. It covers an area of around and is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo and Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest. In 2017, its population was estimated at just over 20 million. Burkina Faso is a francophone country, with French as the official language of government and business. Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta (1958–1984), the country was renamed \"Burkina Faso\" on 4 August 1984 by then-President Thomas Sankara. Its", "title": "Burkina Faso" }, { "docid": "18395879", "text": "1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état The 1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état was an event which took place on 3 January 1966 in the Republic of Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso), when following large-scale popular unrest the military intervened against the government, forced President Maurice Yaméogo to resign, and replaced him with Lieutenant Colonel Sangoulé Lamizana. Lamizana would go on to rule until 1980, when yet another military \"coup d'état\" overthrew him. The 1966 coup would prove to be the first in a long line of Upper Voltan and later Burkinabé coups, both failed and successful such, and marked the beginning", "title": "1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "18395887", "text": "on August 5, 1970. While in prison, he attempted to take his own life unsuccessfully. The new military government set 1970 as a deadline for the return to civilian governance. Lieutenant Colonel Sangoulé Lamizana – later made Major General – would instead remain President for fourteen years, until his overthrow by Colonel Saye Zerbo on 25 November 1980. 1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état The 1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état was an event which took place on 3 January 1966 in the Republic of Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso), when following large-scale popular unrest the military intervened against the government, forced", "title": "1966 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "18403017", "text": "1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état The 1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état took place on 25 November 1980 in the Republic of Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso). Following a long period of drought, famine, popular unrest and labour strikes, Colonel Saye Zerbo overthrew President Sangoulé Lamizana, another military leader. Zerbo himself would be overthrown only two years later. Upper Volta had gained independence from France in 1960, after which President Maurice Yaméogo set about creating a single-party dictatorship ruled by his own Voltaic Democratic Union. Following several rigged elections and a new austerity budget being instituted, the powerful trade unions rose", "title": "1980 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "14377163", "text": "Postage stamps and postal history of Burkina Faso This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of Burkina Faso, known as Upper Volta until July 1984. The story of the posts in Burkina Faso begins in the 1890s, with French penetration into the area and the establishment of military posts. Prior to the creation of French Upper Volta in 1919, postal service in the area was administered by Senegambia and Niger and then Upper Senegal and Niger. Upper Volta's first stamps were issues of Upper Senegal and Niger overprinted \"HAUTE-VOLTE\", appearing in 1920. Overprints and surcharges continued", "title": "Postage stamps and postal history of Burkina Faso" }, { "docid": "37044", "text": "and Michel Kafando was reinstated as Acting President. In the general election held on 29 November 2015, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré won in the first round with 53.5% of the vote and was sworn in as President on 29 December 2015. Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was renamed \"Burkina Faso\" on 4 August 1984 by then-President Thomas Sankara. The words \"Burkina\" and \"Faso\" both stem from different languages spoken in the country: \"Burkina\" comes from Mossi and means \"upright\" showing how the people are proud of their integrity, while \"Faso\" comes from the Dyula language and", "title": "Burkina Faso" }, { "docid": "17028755", "text": "Volta-Bani War The Volta-Bani War was an anti-colonial rebellion which took place in French West Africa (now Burkina Faso and Mali) between 1915 and 1917. It was a war between an indigenous African force drawn from a heterogeneous coalition of local peoples who rose against the French Army. At its height in 1916 the rebels mustered from 15,000–20,000 men and fought on several fronts. After about a year and several setbacks, the French army defeated the insurgents and jailed or executed their leaders but resistance continued until 1917. The war started after the 1915 rainy season, when a group of", "title": "Volta-Bani War" }, { "docid": "18403263", "text": "1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état The 1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état took place in the Republic of Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso) on 7 November 1982. The coup, led by the little-known Colonel Gabriel Yoryan Somé and a slew of other junior officers within the military, many of them political radicals, overthrew the regime of Colonel Saye Zerbo. Zerbo had previously taken power just under two years prior to his own downfall. Upper Volta, formerly a colony of France, had gone through several coups since independence in 1960. In 1966, the single-party dictatorship of President Maurice Yaméogo had been ended", "title": "1982 Upper Voltan coup d'état" }, { "docid": "16112142", "text": "nominated to be the United States Ambassador to Upper Volta by President Ronald Reagan while he was a resident in Maryland. He remained in that post until August 1, 1987, where he was succeeded by David H. Shinn. His foreign languages are Spanish and French. Neher died on May 11, 2015. Leonardo Neher Leonardo Neher (December 5, 1922 – May 11, 2015) was an American diplomat. He was the United States Ambassador to Burkina Faso from 1984 to 1987 (then the Republic of Upper Volta). Neher was born on December 5, 1922, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He attended Akron University from", "title": "Leonardo Neher" }, { "docid": "37076", "text": ". Burkina Faso is therefore a relatively flat country. The country owes its former name of Upper Volta to three rivers which cross it: the Black Volta (or \"Mouhoun\"), the White Volta (\"Nakambé\") and the Red Volta (\"Nazinon\"). The Black Volta is one of the country's only two rivers which flow year-round, the other being the Komoé, which flows to the southwest. The basin of the Niger River also drains 27% of the country's surface. The Niger's tributaries – the Béli, Gorouol, Goudébo, and Dargol – are seasonal streams and flow for only four to six months a year. They", "title": "Burkina Faso" } ]
[ { "docid": "9118059", "text": "Upper Volta at the 1972 Summer Olympics The Republic of Upper Volta (as Upper Volta) competed at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, West Germany. This was the first and only time the country participated under that name at the Olympic Games. However, the first Upper Voltan athletes took part in the Olympics at the 1924 Games as part of the French contingent. André Bicaba was the only athlete representing Upper Volta in 1972, who participated in the men's 100 metres but did not progress past his heat. Upper Volta initially sought to send athletes to the 1976 Summer Olympics,", "title": "Upper Volta at the 1972 Summer Olympics" }, { "docid": "11643188", "text": "French Upper Volta Upper Volta () was a colony of French West Africa established on 1 March 1919, from territories that had been part of the colonies of Upper Senegal and Niger and the Côte d'Ivoire. The colony was dissolved on 5 September 1932, with parts being administered by the Côte d'Ivoire, French Sudan and the Colony of Niger. After World War II, on 4 September 1947, the colony was revived as a part of the French Union, with its previous boundaries. On 11 December 1958, it was reconstituted as the self-governing Republic of Upper Volta within the French Community,", "title": "French Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "11643191", "text": "Mossi renewed their pressure for separate territorial status and on 4 September 1947, Upper Volta became a French West African territory again in its own right. A revision in the organisation of French overseas territories began with the passage of the Basic Law (Loi Cadre) of 23 July 1956. This act was followed by reorganisational measures approved by the French parliament early in 1957 that ensured a large degree of self-government for individual territories. Upper Volta became an autonomous republic in the French community on 11 December 1958. Upper Volta achieved independence on 5 August 1960. The first president, Maurice", "title": "French Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "11643190", "text": "the Mossi people were able to defend their religious beliefs and social structure against forcible attempts to convert them to Islam by Muslims from the northwest. When the French arrived and claimed the area in 1896, Mossi resistance ended with the capture of their capital at Ouagadougou. In 1919, certain provinces from Côte d'Ivoire were united into a separate colony called the Upper Volta in the French West Africa federation. In 1932, the new colony was dismembered in a move to economise; it was reconstituted in 1937 as an administrative division called the Upper Coast. After World War II, the", "title": "French Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "529117", "text": "Commissioner: From 1971 to 1987, the Republic of Upper Volta was reigned by Prime Minister: The three colors of the national flag of Upper Volta come from the fact that the Volta has three parts: In French: Verse 1: \"Fière Volta de mes aieux,\" \"Ton soleil ardent et glorieux\" \"Te revêt d'or et de fierté\" \"Ô Reine drapée de loyauté !\" Refrain: \"Nous te ferons et plus forte, et plus belle\" \"À ton amour nous resterons fidèles\" \"Et nos cœurs vibrant de fierté\" \"Acclameront ta beauté\" \"Vers l'horizon lève les yeux\" \"Frémis aux accents tumultueux\" \"De tes fiers enfants tous", "title": "Republic of Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "11643192", "text": "Yaméogo, was the leader of the Voltaic Democratic Union (UDV). The 1960 constitution provided for election by universal suffrage of a president and a national assembly for five year terms; however, soon after coming to power, Yaméogo banned all political parties other than the UDV. French Upper Volta Upper Volta () was a colony of French West Africa established on 1 March 1919, from territories that had been part of the colonies of Upper Senegal and Niger and the Côte d'Ivoire. The colony was dissolved on 5 September 1932, with parts being administered by the Côte d'Ivoire, French Sudan and", "title": "French Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "12751746", "text": "Volta Glacier The Volta Glacier is located in Mount Aspiring National Park in the Southern Alps of the South Island of New Zealand. It is split into upper and lower glaciers which are connected by an icefall. The Upper Volta Glacier is between in altitude and is surrounded by the 3 peaks of Glacier Dome, Pickelhaube and Fastness Peak, while the Lower Volta Glacier sits directly under the North side of Mount Aspiring / Tititea and lies between . The Lower Volta Glacier feeds an unnamed lake at the Glacier Toe, which in turn feeds the Waiatoto River which eventually", "title": "Volta Glacier" }, { "docid": "12751747", "text": "runs out to the West Coast. Volta Glacier The Volta Glacier is located in Mount Aspiring National Park in the Southern Alps of the South Island of New Zealand. It is split into upper and lower glaciers which are connected by an icefall. The Upper Volta Glacier is between in altitude and is surrounded by the 3 peaks of Glacier Dome, Pickelhaube and Fastness Peak, while the Lower Volta Glacier sits directly under the North side of Mount Aspiring / Tititea and lies between . The Lower Volta Glacier feeds an unnamed lake at the Glacier Toe, which in turn", "title": "Volta Glacier" }, { "docid": "9118061", "text": "in Munich, West Germany. Upper Volta was represented by a single athlete in the athletics, André Bicaba, making his only appearance at the Olympics. He took part in the sixth heat of the men's 100 metres, finishing 5th with a time of 10.71 and failing to advance to the quarter finals. Following the 1972 Games, Upper Volta considered sending athletes to the 1976 Summer Olympics, but joined with 28 other countries in a boycott after the IOC allowed New Zealand to participate in the Games, despite the breach of the international sports boycott of South Africa by the nation's rugby", "title": "Upper Volta at the 1972 Summer Olympics" }, { "docid": "17941848", "text": "2018. Volta is also reported to be included in the Summit and Sierra supercomputers, used for GPGPU compute. The Volta GPUs will connect to the POWER9 CPUs via NVLink 2.0, which is expected to support cache coherency and therefore improve GPGPU performance. Volta (microarchitecture) Volta, an Nvidia-developed GPU microarchitecture codename, succeeds Pascal. It was first announced as a future roadmap ambition in March 2013. However the first product was not announced until May 2017. The architecture is named after Alessandro Volta. It was NVIDIA's first chip to feature Tensor cores, specially designed cores that have superior deep learning performance over", "title": "Volta (microarchitecture)" }, { "docid": "17971519", "text": "Volta Mining Volta Mining Limited is an emerging iron ore company based in Perth, Australia with current interests in the acquisition, exploration and development of iron ore assets. Volta Mining Ltd is an ASX listed (ASX: VTM) emerging junior iron ore company headquartered in Perth, Australia, which is focused on the exploration and development of its project assets and value accretive acquisition opportunities. The Company’s current portfolio consists of projects in recognised iron ore precincts; the Pilbara region of Western Australia and the West African country of Gabon. In January 2014, Volta completed the acquisition of private company Pilbara Commodities", "title": "Volta Mining" }, { "docid": "4022796", "text": "installing the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) steel mill in the middle of World War II, it marked the base of Brazilian industrialization. Laborers from diverse regions of the country came to Volta Redonda to work in the mill. When it opened in 1946, it was the first steel mill in South America. A heavily subsidized symbol of national pride, the Volta Redonda mill embodied the import substitution industrial policies that prevailed in Latin American economies from World War II until the Latin American debt crisis in the 1980s. Since its 1993 privatization, however, the mill — now known as the", "title": "Volta Redonda" }, { "docid": "4567466", "text": "ports. A PC remake was also completed in 2004 for a competition at Retro Remakes (www.retroremakes.com). In Bulgaria, where Conan the Barbarian was generally unknown, the Apple II version was translated into Bulgarian and distributed by ZMD Pazarjik under the name \"Добрия рицар\" (The Good Knight). Conan: Hall of Volta Conan: Hall of Volta is a 1984 action-platform computer game, designed by Eric Robinson and Eric Parker, and published by Datasoft. It is based on the character Conan created by Robert E. Howard. Released in 1984, the game's launch coincided with the debut of the sequel to the 1984 feature", "title": "Conan: Hall of Volta" }, { "docid": "4557227", "text": "Lake Volta Lake Volta is the largest reservoir, man-made lake, in terms of surface area contained behind the Akosombo Dam. It is completely within the country of Ghana and has a surface area of . Stretching from Akosombo in the south to the northern part of the country, it is one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the world. Lake Volta lies along the Greenwich meridian, and just six degrees of latitude north of the Equator. The lake's northernmost point is close to the town of Yapei, and its southernmost extreme is at the Akosombo Dam, downstream from Yapei. Akosombo", "title": "Lake Volta" }, { "docid": "20189760", "text": "Volta (Cirque du Soleil) Volta is the title of Cirque du Soleil's big top show which is themed around extreme sports; the show story-line is about a game show contestant named Waz, who has lost touch with himself, but starts a personal quest to find again his true self by going through his memories, after discovering a group of free spirits who encourage him during this process. Volta is Cirque du Soleil’s 41st production since 1984, and its 18th show presented under the Big Top. Its creative team comprises 16 creators under the artistic guidance of Jean Guibert (Director of", "title": "Volta (Cirque du Soleil)" }, { "docid": "11520284", "text": "of the Volta potential. Volta potential The Volta potential (also called Volta potential difference, contact potential difference, outer potential difference, Δψ, or \"delta psi\") in electrochemistry, is the electrostatic potential difference between two metals (or one metal and one electrolyte) that are in contact and are in thermodynamic equilibrium. Specifically, it is the potential difference between a point close to the surface of the first metal, and a point close to the surface of the second metal (or electrolyte). The Volta potential is named after Alessandro Volta. When two metals are electrically isolated from each other, an arbitrary potential difference", "title": "Volta potential" }, { "docid": "529169", "text": "Volta River has been dammed at Akosombo for the purpose of generating hydroelectricity. The reservoir named Lake Volta stretches from Akosombo in the south to the northern part of the country, thus being one of the largest man-made reservoirs in the world. Lake Volta is a reservoir impounded by the Akosombo Dam on the lower Volta River in southern Ghana. It is one of the largest reservoirs in the world. It extends from the Akosombo Dam in southeastern Ghana to the town of Yapei in the Central Gonja District, Northern Region of Ghana, some to the north. The dam's power", "title": "Volta River" }, { "docid": "11520279", "text": "Volta potential The Volta potential (also called Volta potential difference, contact potential difference, outer potential difference, Δψ, or \"delta psi\") in electrochemistry, is the electrostatic potential difference between two metals (or one metal and one electrolyte) that are in contact and are in thermodynamic equilibrium. Specifically, it is the potential difference between a point close to the surface of the first metal, and a point close to the surface of the second metal (or electrolyte). The Volta potential is named after Alessandro Volta. When two metals are electrically isolated from each other, an arbitrary potential difference may exist between them.", "title": "Volta potential" }, { "docid": "4567462", "text": "Conan: Hall of Volta Conan: Hall of Volta is a 1984 action-platform computer game, designed by Eric Robinson and Eric Parker, and published by Datasoft. It is based on the character Conan created by Robert E. Howard. Released in 1984, the game's launch coincided with the debut of the sequel to the 1984 feature film \"Conan the Destroyer\". The game's box featured a painting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the muscle-bound warrior with his new costume for \"Destroyer\". Despite this attempted tie-in, the game has little to do with the movie series except that it features the Cimmerian in the title", "title": "Conan: Hall of Volta" }, { "docid": "5017729", "text": "Feira twice, thus gaining access to the 2017 Série C. In the finals, they beat CSA 4-0. Volta Redonda's stadium is Estádio Raulino de Oliveira, built in 1976, with a maximum capacity of 21,000 people. Volta Redonda Futebol Clube Volta Redonda Futebol Clube, Volta Redonda or simply by its nickname Voltaço, as they are usually called, is a Brazilian football team from Volta Redonda in Rio de Janeiro, founded on February 9, 1976. Home stadium is the General Sílvio Raulino de Oliveira stadium, capacity 21,000. In 1975, the only professional team of the city of Volta Redonda was Clube de", "title": "Volta Redonda Futebol Clube" }, { "docid": "5017724", "text": "Volta Redonda Futebol Clube Volta Redonda Futebol Clube, Volta Redonda or simply by its nickname Voltaço, as they are usually called, is a Brazilian football team from Volta Redonda in Rio de Janeiro, founded on February 9, 1976. Home stadium is the General Sílvio Raulino de Oliveira stadium, capacity 21,000. In 1975, the only professional team of the city of Volta Redonda was Clube de Regatas do Flamengo of Volta Redonda (not be confused with Clube de Regatas do Flamengo of Rio de Janeiro city), commonly known as Flamenguinho. In the same year, the states of Rio de Janeiro and", "title": "Volta Redonda Futebol Clube" }, { "docid": "4557231", "text": "Flooring Solutions Ghana have become the suppliers of hardwood floors, using the rare wood from the Lake. In addition to generating foreign currency for the region and reducing the dependence of locals on fishing as a primary economic activity, the removal of submerged trees is improving navigation on the lake and increasing safety. An estimated 7,000 to 10,000 child slaves work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. Lake Volta Lake Volta is the largest reservoir, man-made lake, in terms of surface area contained behind the Akosombo Dam. It is completely within the country of Ghana and has a surface", "title": "Lake Volta" }, { "docid": "12896806", "text": "Penny. After being hit by lightning thrice, Perla discovers that she has developed superpowers: She can generate heat and electricity with her hands, and lightning flashes come out of her hands. With these superpowers, she becomes famous as the superhero, Volta. Volta's main objective is to prevent Celphora, an ambitious engineer, from spreading evil in the country. Celphora, on the other hand, wants to capture Volta to use her as a power source for her Telstra Technology. Volta is a story about life's drama, life's humor, and life's real meaning amidst extraordinary twists and turns in an ordinary life. In", "title": "Volta (film)" }, { "docid": "17941846", "text": "Volta (microarchitecture) Volta, an Nvidia-developed GPU microarchitecture codename, succeeds Pascal. It was first announced as a future roadmap ambition in March 2013. However the first product was not announced until May 2017. The architecture is named after Alessandro Volta. It was NVIDIA's first chip to feature Tensor cores, specially designed cores that have superior deep learning performance over regular CUDA cores. The first graphics card to use it was the datacentre Tesla V100, e.g. as part of the Nvidia DGX-1 system. It has also been used in the Quadro GV100 and Titan V. There were no mainstream GeForce graphics cards", "title": "Volta (microarchitecture)" }, { "docid": "19318", "text": "the Netherlands. In honour of his work, Volta was made a count by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1810. Volta retired in 1819 to his estate in Camnago, a frazione of Como, Italy, now named \"Camnago Volta\" in his honour. He died there on 5 March 1827, just after his 82nd birthday. Volta's remains were buried in Camnago Volta. Volta's legacy is celebrated by the Tempio Voltiano memorial located in the public gardens by the lake. There is also a museum which has been built in his honour, which exhibits some of the equipment that Volta used to conduct experiments. Nearby stands", "title": "Alessandro Volta" }, { "docid": "19310", "text": "to be a person inclined towards domestic life and this was more apparent in his later years. At this time he tended to live secluded from public life and more for the sake of his family until his eventual death in 1827 from a series of illnesses which began in 1823. The SI unit of electric potential is named in his honour as the volt. Volta was born in Como, a town in present-day northern Italy, on 18 February 1745. In 1794, Volta married an aristocratic lady also from Como, Teresa Peregrini, with whom he raised three sons: Zanino, Flaminio,", "title": "Alessandro Volta" }, { "docid": "10047006", "text": "Volta Conference The Volta Conference was the name given to each of the international conferences held in Italy by the Royal Academy of Science in Rome, and funded by the Alessandro Volta Foundation. In the interwar period, they covered a number of topics in science and humanities, alternating between the two. The first conference, held at Lake Como in 1927, led to the public introduction of the uncertainty principle by Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. The second conference did not take place until 1932; its topic was \"Europe\", and it was notable for the participation of a number of mainly", "title": "Volta Conference" }, { "docid": "6236243", "text": "years, some of cycling's greatest riders have won the race. Miguel Poblet won the \"Volta\" twice in the 1950s, Jacques Anquetil in 1967, Eddy Merckx in 1968, Luis Ocaña in 1971, Felice Gimondi in 1972, Francesco Moser in 1978, Sean Kelly in 1984 and 1986. Miguel Indurain, Spanish cycling icon of the modern era, won the race three times in the early 1990s. Colombian Álvaro Mejía became the first non-European winner in 1993. From 1941 until 1994 the race was held in September. When UCI revolutionized the international cycling calendar in 1995, the Vuelta a España obtained the September date", "title": "Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "18324094", "text": "1948 Upper Voltan Territorial Assembly election Territorial Assembly elections were held in French Upper Volta on 30 May 1948, with a second round on 20 June. They were the first elections to the new Territorial Assembly, which had been created following the separation of Upper Volta from Ivory Coast the previous year. The Territorial Assembly had 50 seats, with 10 elected by the First College (French citizens) and 40 by the Second College (non-French citizens). The 1948 elections elected an additional 24 seats; six to the first college and 16 to the second. Governor Albert Mouragues was accused of favouring", "title": "1948 Upper Voltan Territorial Assembly election" }, { "docid": "18749525", "text": "of The Sopranos. Upper Montclair Country Club Upper Montclair Country Club is an A. W. Tillinghast designed golf course located in Clifton, New Jersey. The original 18-hole golf course and a brand new Clubhouse opened in 1928. In the 1950s Robert Trent Jones Sr. led major course renovation transforming Upper Montclair Country Club into the present 27-hole Championship design. In 2011 the Club completed a Master Plan golf course renovation project that included installing state of the art drainage and irrigation system, while reshaping and restoring all of the bunkers throughout the 27 hole facility. Upper Montclair has also appeared", "title": "Upper Montclair Country Club" }, { "docid": "18749524", "text": "Upper Montclair Country Club Upper Montclair Country Club is an A. W. Tillinghast designed golf course located in Clifton, New Jersey. The original 18-hole golf course and a brand new Clubhouse opened in 1928. In the 1950s Robert Trent Jones Sr. led major course renovation transforming Upper Montclair Country Club into the present 27-hole Championship design. In 2011 the Club completed a Master Plan golf course renovation project that included installing state of the art drainage and irrigation system, while reshaping and restoring all of the bunkers throughout the 27 hole facility. Upper Montclair has also appeared in some episodes", "title": "Upper Montclair Country Club" }, { "docid": "4557228", "text": "Dam holds back both the White Volta River and the Black Volta River, which formerly converged where the middle of the reservoir now lies, to form the single Volta River. The present Volta River flows from the outlets of the dam's powerhouse and spillways to the Atlantic Ocean in southern Ghana. The main islands within the lake are Dodi, Dwarf, and Kporve. Digya National Park lies on part of the lake's western shore. The lake is formed by the Akosombo Dam, which was originally conceived by the geologist Albert Ernest Kitson in 1915, but whose construction only began in 1961", "title": "Lake Volta" }, { "docid": "5828355", "text": "popularity, The Country Bear Jamboree was given a \"spin-off\" show which appeared during the 1984 winter season at Walt Disney World and Disneyland. It was called The Country Bear Christmas Special. In 1986 it was given a summertime version called The Country Bear Vacation Hoedown. This version was so popular at Disneyland that it became the permanent edition until the attraction's closing in 2001. In 2002, a movie titled \"The Country Bears\" was released which was based on the attraction and its characters. The Country Bear Jamboree was originally intended by Walt to be placed at Disney's Mineral King Ski", "title": "Country Bear Jamboree" }, { "docid": "9257844", "text": "in a sonnet is called a volta. A vital part of virtually all sonnets, the volta is most frequently encountered at the end of the octave (first eight lines in Petrarchan or Spenserian sonnets), or the end of the twelfth line in Shakespearean sonnets, but can occur anywhere in the sonnet. According to Paul Fussell, \"The standard way of constructing a Petrarchan sonnet is to project the subject in the first quatrain; to develop or complicate it in the second; then to execute, at the beginning of the sestet, the turn which will open up for solution the problem advanced", "title": "Volta (literature)" }, { "docid": "9553007", "text": "Björk's earlier commercial sound, comparing it to her more recent albums that were \"incredibly difficult to grasp hold of\". Music website Popjustice called it the 80th greatest single of 2007. However, \"Volta\" also received some mixed reviews with \"Pitchfork\" stating that 'Volta is mostly proof that Björk is as fallible as the messy, unpredictable humanity she celebrates, and that even her definition of 'pop' is avant-garde.' \"Volta\" spent nine weeks at number one on \"Billboard\"'s Top Electronic Albums chart and in the first three months of release sold over half a million copies worldwide. It also managed to peak at", "title": "Volta (album)" }, { "docid": "12862370", "text": "was inside and killed by the tower's collapse; Mr was outside and survived. The driveway to where Volta Tower stood still exists and a farm has been built on top of the tower's location as well as a bungalow. Nothing of the tower exists today apart from one carved stone figure of a cherub from close to the top of the tower which was auctioned in 2005 and bought by a Finedon resident. The tower is commemorated in Finedon's town sign. \"The Volta Tower official website\" Volta Tower Volta Tower was a folly in the town of Finedon, Northamptonshire, England.", "title": "Volta Tower" }, { "docid": "19309", "text": "scientific excitement and led others to conduct similar experiments which eventually led to the development of the field of electrochemistry. Alessandro Volta also drew admiration from Napoleon Bonaparte for his invention, and was invited to the Institute of France to demonstrate his invention to the members of the Institute. Volta enjoyed a certain amount of closeness with the Emperor throughout his life and he was conferred numerous honours by him. Alessandro Volta held the chair of experimental physics at the University of Pavia for nearly 40 years and was widely idolised by his students. Despite his professional success, Volta tended", "title": "Alessandro Volta" }, { "docid": "4425505", "text": "Volta Grande which is part of the Paraiba do Sul river basin. The town originated from a village formed in 1835 and was elevated to a district of the municipality of Alem Paraíba in 1891. Emancipation came in 1938. It is the birthplace of film director Humberto Mauro. Volta Grande Volta Grande is a Brazilian municipality in the state of Minas Gerais. As of 2004 its population was estimated to be 5,118. Volta Grande is located in the Zona da Mata mesoregion of Minas Gerais near the border with the state of Rio de Janeiro. The city is by road", "title": "Volta Grande" }, { "docid": "4022798", "text": "institutions University Center or Geraldo Di Biase - UGB, University Centre of Barra Mansa - UBM and University Center of Volta Redonda - UniFOA was created. In the 2000s, the Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro was launched with technological and industrial emphasis. Volta Redonda Futebol Clube is the most important football club of the city, playing its home matches at Estádio Raulino de Oliveira, which is also located in the city downtown. Volta Redonda Volta Redonda () is the name of a municipality in the Rio de Janeiro state of Brazil with an area of 182.81 km², located from", "title": "Volta Redonda" }, { "docid": "14588702", "text": "Porta Volta Porta Volta is a former city gate of Milan, Italy, part of the Spanish walls (16th century). Nowadays, the name \"Porta Volta\" is most commonly used to refer to the surrounding district (\"quartiere\"), part of the Zone 8 administrative division of the city. Porta Volta was built in 1860 to connect the city to the Monumentale cemetery. In the following decades it acquired a more important role as a consequence of the construction of Milano Porta Garibaldi railway station, which interrupted the road to Como through Porta Garibaldi. A new road to Como was built to replace the", "title": "Porta Volta" }, { "docid": "14588700", "text": "Porta Volta Porta Volta is a former city gate of Milan, Italy, part of the Spanish walls (16th century). Nowadays, the name \"Porta Volta\" is most commonly used to refer to the surrounding district (\"quartiere\"), part of the Zone 8 administrative division of the city. Porta Volta was built in 1860 to connect the city to the Monumentale cemetery. In the following decades it acquired a more important role as a consequence of the construction of Milano Porta Garibaldi railway station, which interrupted the road to Como through Porta Garibaldi. A new road to Como was built to replace the", "title": "Porta Volta" }, { "docid": "5535983", "text": "recent December 2012 parliamentary election, increasing by 4 from the previous 22 which it had during the December 2004 parliamentary election and At the election in December 2000, there were 19 constituencies. The Tourism lco is Hon. Quentin G. S. K. Paawillee, from Tafi Agome, in the Volta Region of Ghana. Volta Region Volta Region (or Volta), is one of Ghana's ten administrative regions, with Ho designated as its capital. It is located west of Republic of Togo and to the east of Lake Volta. Divided into 25 administrative districts, the region is multi-ethnic and multilingual, including groups such as", "title": "Volta Region" }, { "docid": "11243308", "text": "Volta (TV series) Volta was a Filipino television series on ABS-CBN, which was broadcast from January 2008 to August 2008. The series is a serialization of the 2004 film, \"Volta\", produced by Star Cinema. It was a regional semi-finalist for the 2008 International Emmy Awards under the Comedy Program category. Volta, the Queen of Lightning kicks bad guys with her two children, 220 (Salty) and 110 (Pepper). Her husband, Mark, does not have superpowers and is unaware that his wife Perla is the superheroine Volta on whom he has a crush. The family live a complicated life of secrecy and", "title": "Volta (TV series)" }, { "docid": "18324095", "text": "the Voltaic Union over the African Democratic Rally-affiliated Entente Voltaïque (EV), with some commandants \"using strong-arm methods\" against the EV candidates, whilst a significant number of EV supporters were imprisoned. 1948 Upper Voltan Territorial Assembly election Territorial Assembly elections were held in French Upper Volta on 30 May 1948, with a second round on 20 June. They were the first elections to the new Territorial Assembly, which had been created following the separation of Upper Volta from Ivory Coast the previous year. The Territorial Assembly had 50 seats, with 10 elected by the First College (French citizens) and 40 by", "title": "1948 Upper Voltan Territorial Assembly election" }, { "docid": "17241819", "text": "Volta Tour The Volta Tour was a tour by the singer Björk that focused on her album, \"Volta\". Overall, 48 songs were done on the tour focusing on many tracks from \"Debut\" through to \"Vespertine\", though mostly from \"Medúlla\" and \"Volta\", the former of which did not receive its own tour. The tour band consisted of drummer Chris Corsano, musician Mark Bell (who also accompanied Björk on the Homogenic tour), pianist Jónas Sen (who played celeste on the tracks Gratitude and Cetacea on the \"Drawing Restraint 9\" soundtrack), musician Damian Taylor and a 10 piece female Icelandic brass section. Many", "title": "Volta Tour" }, { "docid": "11243312", "text": "except stating that he made a family with superpowers as antagonists in contrast to the animated film which features a superhero family. Volta’s superhero costume was also altered to become more cosmopolitan and modern. Volta (TV series) Volta was a Filipino television series on ABS-CBN, which was broadcast from January 2008 to August 2008. The series is a serialization of the 2004 film, \"Volta\", produced by Star Cinema. It was a regional semi-finalist for the 2008 International Emmy Awards under the Comedy Program category. Volta, the Queen of Lightning kicks bad guys with her two children, 220 (Salty) and 110", "title": "Volta (TV series)" }, { "docid": "11943181", "text": "described it, saying: The Volta Bureau is located at 3417 Volta Place NW, or alternatively at 1537 35th St. NW, in the Georgetown district of Washington, D.C. near Georgetown University and across the street from Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School, and close to the Foggy Bottom Metro subway stop. \"Patents which resulted or flowed from the Volta Laboratory Association\": Footnotes Volta Laboratory and Bureau The Volta Laboratory (also known as the \"Alexander Graham Bell Laboratory\", the \"Bell Carriage House\" and the \"Bell Laboratory\") and the Volta Bureau were created in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. by Alexander Graham Bell. The Volta Laboratory was", "title": "Volta Laboratory and Bureau" }, { "docid": "4557229", "text": "with completion in 1965. Because of the formation of Lake Volta, about 78,000 people were relocated to new towns and villages, along with 200,000 animals belonging to them. About 120 buildings were destroyed, not including small residences, as over of territory were flooded. The Akosombo Dam provides electricity for much of the country, as well as for export to Togo, Benin, and nearby countries, to earn foreign exchange value. Lake Volta is also important for transportation, providing a waterway for both ferries and cargo watercraft. Since the huge lake lies in a tropical area, the water remains warm year-round naturally.", "title": "Lake Volta" }, { "docid": "10554362", "text": "Serie A just 1 season. On 31 August 2012 Volta left for Spanish club Levante UD. On 21 January 2013 Volta was signed by Serie B club Cesena. The loan was extended on 11 July 2013. He renewed his loan deal with Cesena again on 18 July 2014, prior to the 2014–15 Serie A. On 7 July 2015 Volta was sold to A.C. Perugia Calcio. On 24 July 2018, Volta signed to Benevento a loan with an obligation to buy. Massimo Volta Massimo Volta (born 14 May 1987) is an Italian footballer who plays as a defender for Serie B", "title": "Massimo Volta" }, { "docid": "529118", "text": "dressés\" \"Promesses d'avenir caressées\" Refrain: \"Le travail de ton sol brûlant\" \"Sans fin trempera les cœurs ardents,\" \"Et les vertus de tes enfants\" \"Le ceindront d'un diadème triomphant.\" Refrain: \"Que Dieu te garde en sa bonté,\" \"Que du bonheur de ton sol aimé,\" \"L'Amour des frères soit la clé,\" \"Honneur, Unité et Liberté.\" In English: Verse: Proud Volta of my ancestors, Your ardent and glorious sun Takes you with gold and pride O Queen draped with loyalty! Refrain: We will make you stronger and more beautiful To your love we will remain faithful And our hearts vibrant with pride Will", "title": "Republic of Upper Volta" }, { "docid": "10554359", "text": "Massimo Volta Massimo Volta (born 14 May 1987) is an Italian footballer who plays as a defender for Serie B club Benevento, on loan from Perugia. Volta started his career with minor league club Carpenedolo. In January 2007 Volta was signed by Sampdoria in co-ownership deal for €200,000 in 4½ year contract. Volta spent rest of 2006–07 Serie C2 season with Carpenedolo. During 2007–08 season Parma bought Carpenedolo's stake for €200,000. Volta spent his 2007–08 season with the third division club Foligno. In June 2008 Parma and Sampdoria renewed the co-ownership deal. Volta moved up one level again and played", "title": "Massimo Volta" }, { "docid": "4022792", "text": "Volta Redonda Volta Redonda () is the name of a municipality in the Rio de Janeiro state of Brazil with an area of 182.81 km², located from 350m to 707m above the sea level (22º31'23\" S, 44º06'15\" W) and with a population of 259,811 inhabitants (estimated in 2009). The area around the city has nearly 700,000 km². Its name (which is Portuguese for \"Round Turn\") is due to the round shape of a curve in the Paraíba do Sul river around which the city was built. Situated in Volta Redonda is Companhia Siderurgica Nacional (CSN), Brazil's second largest steel producer.", "title": "Volta Redonda" }, { "docid": "19315", "text": "an early electric battery, which produced a steady electric current. Volta had determined that the most effective pair of dissimilar metals to produce electricity was zinc and copper. Initially he experimented with individual cells in series, each cell being a wine goblet filled with brine into which the two dissimilar electrodes were dipped. The voltaic pile replaced the goblets with cardboard soaked in brine. In announcing his discovery of the voltaic pile, Volta paid tribute to the influences of William Nicholson, Tiberius Cavallo, and Abraham Bennet. The battery made by Volta is credited as one of the first electrochemical cells.", "title": "Alessandro Volta" }, { "docid": "17939614", "text": "the race was the team with the lowest total time. 2014 Volta a Catalunya The 2014 Volta a Catalunya was the 94th running of the Volta a Catalunya cycling stage race. It started on 24 March in Calella and ended on 30 March in Barcelona, and consisted of seven stages. It was the fifth race of the 2014 UCI World Tour season. The race was won for the second time by Spain's Joaquim Rodríguez of , who took the lead after winning the race's third stage, and maintained the overall lead of the race until the end in Barcelona, to", "title": "2014 Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "15412320", "text": "2011 Volta a Catalunya The 2011 Volta a Catalunya was the 91st running of the Volta a Catalunya cycling stage race. It started on 21 March in Lloret de Mar and ended on 27 March in Barcelona, and consisted on seven stages. It was the fifth race of the 2011 UCI World Tour season. The race was won by rider Alberto Contador, who claimed the leader's white with green-striped jersey with a stage win on stage three, maintaining his advantage until the end of the race. Contador's winning margin over runner-up Michele Scarponi () was 23 seconds, and 's Dan", "title": "2011 Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "18535884", "text": "control, Upper Volta won its independence in 1960 and changed its name to the Republic of Upper Volta. After the French military left, the leaders of the revolution created a bureaucracy that did not involve civilian control. The bureaucracy also welcomed foreign investments from France and other colonial powers, thus making the Republic of Upper Volta a neocolonial state. The people of the Republic of Upper Volta consisted of many rival ethnicities. Sixty percent of the country was made up of Gurunsi, Senufo, Lobi, Bobo, Mande, and Fulani people. Forty percent of the country were Mossi people, most of the", "title": "Thomas Sankara and the Burkinabe Women's Liberation Movement" }, { "docid": "17939609", "text": "2014 Volta a Catalunya The 2014 Volta a Catalunya was the 94th running of the Volta a Catalunya cycling stage race. It started on 24 March in Calella and ended on 30 March in Barcelona, and consisted of seven stages. It was the fifth race of the 2014 UCI World Tour season. The race was won for the second time by Spain's Joaquim Rodríguez of , who took the lead after winning the race's third stage, and maintained the overall lead of the race until the end in Barcelona, to take his first stage race victory in over two years.", "title": "2014 Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "17166517", "text": "2013 Volta a Catalunya The 2013 Volta a Catalunya was the 93rd running of the Volta a Catalunya cycling stage race. It started on 18 March in Calella, ended on 24 March in Barcelona, and consisted of seven stages. It was the fifth race of the 2013 UCI World Tour season. The race was won by the Republic of Ireland's Dan Martin of the team, who took the lead after winning the race's queen stage – the fourth stage – to Port Ainé–Rialp, and maintained the overall lead of the race until the end. As a result, Martin – who", "title": "2013 Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "2220169", "text": "Division of the Colony of Upper Senegal and Niger and the Creation of the Colony of Upper Volta\" of 1 March 1919, which divided the colony into two distinct units: The colony of Upper Senegal and Niger is perhaps remembered most often by philatelists, since it issued a number of postage stamps during its existence. Upper Senegal and Niger Upper Senegal and Niger () was a colony in French West Africa, created on from colonial Senegambia and Niger by the decree \"For the Reorganisation of the general government of French West Africa\". At its creation, the \"Colony of Upper Senegal", "title": "Upper Senegal and Niger" }, { "docid": "17941847", "text": "based on Volta. Volta was succeeded by the Turing architecture. Architectural improvements of the Volta architecture include the following: Volta has been announced as the GPU microarchitecture within the Xavier generation of Tegra SoC focusing on self-driving cars. At Nvidia's annual GPU Technology Conference keynote on 10th May 2017, Nvidia officially announced the Volta mircoarchitecture along with the Tesla V100. The Volta GV100 GPU is built on a 12 nm process size using HBM2 memory with 900 GB/s of bandwidth. Nvidia officially announced the NVIDIA TITAN V on December 7, 2017. Nvidia officially announced the Quadro GV100 on March 27,", "title": "Volta (microarchitecture)" }, { "docid": "4293430", "text": "Volta (crater) Volta is a lunar impact crater near the northwest limb of the Moon. It is located south-southeast of the crater Xenophanes, and due north of the smaller Galvani. The crater Regnault lies across the western rim of Volta. Attached to the southwest rim of Volta and the southern rim of Regnault is Stokes. Lying between Volta and Stokes in the north, and Galvani in the south, is the worn Langley. The outer rim of Volta is heavily worn and irregular, with small craters overlying the rim crest, with Volta K and Volta J along the south side, a", "title": "Volta (crater)" }, { "docid": "19343491", "text": "the defending champion of the Volta itself. Other riders with a chance of high placings included Joaquim Rodríguez (), who had won the race on two previous occasions, and Dan Martin (), the 2013 Volta winner, as well as many other climbers. On account of the mountainous terrain, there were few pure sprinters starting the race. The strongest sprinter who was present was Nacer Bouhanni (), who had been strong in Paris–Nice and had been close to victory in Milan–San Remo until his chain slipped. 21 March 2016, Calella to Calella, The first stage of the Volta covered a course", "title": "2016 Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "6897560", "text": "Most of his crew died on the long initial voyage, for which they had not sufficiently provisioned. Volta do mar \"Volta do mar\", \"volta do mar largo\" or \"volta do largo\", (the phrase in Portuguese means literally \"turn of the sea\" but also \"return from the sea\") is a navigational technique perfected by Portuguese navigators during the Age of Discovery in the late fifteenth century, using the dependable phenomenon of the great permanent wind circle, the North Atlantic Gyre. This was a major step in the history of navigation, when an understanding of winds in the age of sail was", "title": "Volta do mar" }, { "docid": "11809428", "text": "Fund')\", and then in 1887 the \"'Volta Bureau',\" which later became the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AG Bell). The prize was discontinued in 1888. The Volta prize was inspired on the earlier French Academy of Sciences prize \"\"prix du Galvanisme\"\" (Galvanism Prize) created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1801. A Grand Prize of 60,000 francs and a medal of 30,000 francs to be given for discoveries similar to those of Volta and Benjamin Franklin. The Grand Prize never found a deserving recipient. Only four recipients received the 30,000 francs \"prix du Galvanisme\": Additionally, the", "title": "Volta Prize" }, { "docid": "529170", "text": "plant generates electricity for the Volta River Authority, and the reservoir also provides water transport routes. It may be a resource for irrigation and fish farming. The depth of the river is about below Lake Volta. The Volta River is crossed by the Adome Bridge just below the Akosombo Dam. The Volta River was named by Portuguese gold traders in Ghana. It was their farthest extent of exploration before returning (\"volta\" is Portuguese for \"twist\" or \"turn\"). \"\"River of return\"\" (perhaps because it was where ships turned around and headed for home) or “river of the bend”, in reference to", "title": "Volta River" }, { "docid": "10554361", "text": "he signed a new 5-year contract again with Samp. He made his debut with Sampdoria in the Third Qualifying Round of the 2010–11 UEFA Champions League against Werder Bremen. That season he rotated with Stefano Lucchini as the centre-back, which Volta played 6 out of 6 group stage matches of 2010–11 UEFA Europa League, and Lucchini mainly for domestic league. The other centre-back was Daniele Gastaldello. After Sampdoria relegated, Sampdoria bought Volta outright from Parma for €900,000 in June 2011, and Lucchini was released. Volta was a regular starter for Doria in 2011–12 Serie B. The team promoted back to", "title": "Massimo Volta" }, { "docid": "17070276", "text": "Dales Country House Hotel, Upper Sheringham The Dales Country House Hotel is a grade II listed building which is in the English coastal village of Upper Sheringham in the county of Norfolk, United Kingdom. The hotel is also an AA 4-star hotel. The hotel also has 2 AA Rosettes for Food. The hotel is located on the western edge of the village of Upper Sheringham and is on the eastern edge of Sheringham Park. The hotel is south west of the seaside town of Sheringham and is north of the city of Norwich. The nearest station to the hotel is", "title": "Dales Country House Hotel, Upper Sheringham" }, { "docid": "17070273", "text": "Dales Country House Hotel, Upper Sheringham The Dales Country House Hotel is a grade II listed building which is in the English coastal village of Upper Sheringham in the county of Norfolk, United Kingdom. The hotel is also an AA 4-star hotel. The hotel also has 2 AA Rosettes for Food. The hotel is located on the western edge of the village of Upper Sheringham and is on the eastern edge of Sheringham Park. The hotel is south west of the seaside town of Sheringham and is north of the city of Norwich. The nearest station to the hotel is", "title": "Dales Country House Hotel, Upper Sheringham" }, { "docid": "5535978", "text": "Volta Region Volta Region (or Volta), is one of Ghana's ten administrative regions, with Ho designated as its capital. It is located west of Republic of Togo and to the east of Lake Volta. Divided into 25 administrative districts, the region is multi-ethnic and multilingual, including groups such as the Ewe, the Guan, and the Akan peoples. The Guan peoples include the Lolobi, Likpe, Akpafu, Buem, and Nkonya people, et al. The region has 25 districts consisting of 5 municipal and 20 ordinary districts with all the administrative changes as of December 2012. The Volta region was formed by the", "title": "Volta Region" }, { "docid": "6236237", "text": "Volta a Catalunya The Volta a Catalunya (; , ) is a road bicycle race held annually in Catalonia, Spain. It is one of three World Tour stage races in Spain, together with the Vuelta a España and the Tour of the Basque Country. The race has had several different calendar dates, running before in September, June and May. Since 2010 it has been on the calendar in late March as part of the UCI World Tour. Raced over seven days, it covers the autonomous community of Catalonia in Northeast Spain and contains one or more stages in the mountain", "title": "Volta a Catalunya" }, { "docid": "19312", "text": "between 1776 and 1778, Volta studied the chemistry of gases. He researched and discovered methane after reading a paper by Benjamin Franklin of the United States on \"flammable air\". In November 1776, he found methane at Lake Maggiore, and by 1778 he managed to isolate methane. He devised experiments such as the ignition of methane by an electric spark in a closed vessel. Volta also studied what we now call electrical capacitance, developing separate means to study both electrical potential (\"V\" ) and charge (\"Q\" ), and discovering that for a given object, they are proportional. This is called Volta's", "title": "Alessandro Volta" }, { "docid": "37054", "text": "self-government for individual territories. Upper Volta became an autonomous republic in the French community on 11 December 1958. Full independence from France was received in 1960. The Republic of Upper Volta () was established on 11 December 1958 as a self-governing colony within the French Community. The name \"Upper Volta\" related to the nation's location along the upper reaches of the Volta River. The river's three tributaries are called the Black, White and Red Volta. These were expressed in the three colors of the former national flag. Before attaining autonomy, it had been French Upper Volta and part of the", "title": "Burkina Faso" } ]
Who was the Egyptian king whose tomb an treasures were discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 1922?
[ "King Tut", "Tutanhamon", "Tutankamun", "Tutankhamen", "Nebkheprure", "Tut-Anj-Amon", "King Tutankhamun", "Tutankhaten", "Tutankamen", "King tut", "Tutankhaumen", "Tutenkhamun", "King Tut's Death", "Tut-ankh-amun", "Tutankhamen's Death Mask", "Tutankamon", "Kingtut", "Tutenkamen", "Living Image of Amun", "Tutankhamum", "Tutankhamun", "Come on, Tutan", "Tuthankamun", "Tut Anj Amon", "Tutankhaton", "King Tutankhamen", "Pharaoh Tutankhamun", "The Boy King", "Living Image of Aten", "Tutankhamon", "Tuthankamen", "Nebkheperure Tutankhamun", "Tutenkhamen", "Nebkheperure", "Tutankhanum" ]
[ { "docid": "11095128", "text": "others. Items from the largely intact tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu (King Tut's great-grandparents; the parents of Tiye who was the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III) are also included. Yuya and Tjuyu's tomb was one of the most celebrated historical finds in the Valley of the Kings until Howard Carter's discovery in 1922. This exhibition does not include either the gold death mask that was a popular exhibit from \"The Treasures of Tutankhamun\" exhibition, or the mummy itself. The Egyptian Government has determined that these artifacts are too fragile to withstand travel, and thus they will", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "6352775", "text": "in the valley. The opulence of his grave goods notwithstanding, Tutankhamun was a relatively minor king, and other burials probably had more numerous treasures. In the same central area as KV62 and KV63, is KV64, a radar anomaly believed to be a tomb or chamber announced on 28 July 2006. It is not an official designation, and the actual existence of a tomb at all is dismissed by the Supreme Council of Antiquities. The nearby tomb of Horemheb, (KV57) is rarely open to visitors. But it has many unique features and is extensively decorated. The decoration shows a transition from", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6217778", "text": "Carter to explore it. After a systematic search they discovered the actual tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) in November 1922. At the end of the century, the Theban Mapping Project re-discovered and explored tomb KV5, which has since been discovered to be probably the largest in the valley (having at least 120 rooms) and was either a cenotaph or real burial for the sons of Ramesses II. Elsewhere in the eastern and western branches of the valley, several other expeditions cleared and studied other tombs. Until 2002 the \"Amarna Royal Tombs Project\" explored the area around KV55 and KV62, the Amarna", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "16387746", "text": "occurred in December 1922 when the Egyptian government laid claim to the treasures found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, which had been discovered by a British archaeologist Howard Carter in November 1922, arguing that they belonged to Egypt and Carter could not take them to Britain as he planned. The dispute finally led to the Egyptians posting an armed guard outside of Tutankhaum's tomb to prevent Carter from entering it. In February 1924, the Egyptian government seized control of the tomb and with it all of the artifacts found there, saying that they belonged to Egypt. On 6 March", "title": "Egyptian nationalism" }, { "docid": "6352755", "text": "WV25 may have originally been intended for him. With the return to religious orthodoxy at the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty, Tutankhamun, Ay, and Horemheb returned to the royal necropolis. The Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties saw an increase in the number of burials (both here and in the Valley of the Queens), with Ramesses II and later Ramesses III constructing a massive tomb that was used for the burial of their sons (KV5 and KV3 respectively). There are some kings that are not buried within the valley or whose tomb has not been located: Thutmose II may have been buried", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352774", "text": "the centre of the East Valley, with a possible mummy cache (KV55) that may contain the burials of several Amarna Period royals—Tiy and Smenkhkare or Akhenaten. In close proximity is the burial of Tutankhamun. This is perhaps the most famous discovery of modern Western archaeology. It was discovered here by Howard Carter on November 4, 1922, with clearance and conservation work continuing until 1932. This was the first royal tomb to be discovered that was still largely intact, although tomb robbers had entered. And until the excavation of KV63 on 10 March 2005, it was considered the last major discovery", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6217779", "text": "Period tombs in the main valley. Various expeditions have continued to explore the valley, adding greatly to the knowledge of the area. In 2001 the Theban Mapping Project designed new signs for the tombs, providing information and plans of the open tombs. On February 8, 2006, the Supreme Council of Antiquities announced that an American team led by the University of Memphis had uncovered a pharaonic-era tomb (KV63), the first uncovered there since King Tutankhamun's in 1922. The 18th Dynasty tomb included five intact sarcophagi with coloured funerary masks along with 28 large storage jars, sealed with pharaonic seals. It", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352762", "text": "1907 they discovered the possible Amarna Period cache in KV55. After finding what they thought was all that remained of the burial of Tutankhamun (items recovered from KV54 and KV58), it was announced that the valley was completely explored and that no further burials were to be found. Davis's 1912 publication, \"The Tombs of Harmhabi and Touatânkhamanou\" closes with the comment, \"I fear that the Valley of Kings is now exhausted.\" After Davis's death early in 1915, Lord Carnarvon acquired the concession to excavate the valley, and he employed Howard Carter to explore it. After a systematic search, they discovered", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "4101517", "text": "probes and shovels, then finally explosives. After 10 days, adepts have the chance to assist an instructor in a real tomb robbery”. Ancient Egyptian tombs are one of the most common examples of tomb or grave robbery. Most of the tombs in Egypt's Valley of the Kings were robbed within one hundred years of their sealing (including the tomb of the famous King Tutankhamen, which was raided at least twice before it was discovered in 1922). As most of the artifacts in these ancient burial sites have been discovered, it is through the conditions of the tombs and presumed articles", "title": "Grave robbery" }, { "docid": "11095133", "text": "have been used where possible, including gold. The story line is based around the famous English archaeologist Howard Carter. The Exhibition reveals history from Carter's point of view as he entered the tomb in Valley of the Kings in November 1922. The \"Discovering Tutankhamun\" exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England, was a temporary exhibition, open from July until November 2014, exploring Howard Carter’s excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun in 1922. Original records, drawings and photographs from the Griffith Institute are on display. The complete records of the ten year excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun were deposited", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "6352763", "text": "the actual tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) in November 1922. Various expeditions have continued to explore the valley, adding greatly to the knowledge of the area. In 2001 the Theban Mapping Project designed new signs for the tombs, providing information and plans of the open tombs. The earliest tombs were located in cliffs at the top of scree slopes, under storm-fed waterfalls (KV34 and KV43). As these locations were filled, burials descended to the valley floor, gradually moving back up the slopes as the valley bottom filled with debris. This explains the location of the tombs KV62 and KV63 buried in", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "11095114", "text": "\"Treasures of Tutankhamun\" from 1972 until 1981. Other exhibitions have included \"Tutankhamun Treasures\" in 1961 and 1967, \"Tutankhamen: The Golden Hereafter\" beginning in 2004, \"Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs\" beginning in 2005, and \"Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs\" in 2008. Permanent exhibitions include the \"Tutankhamun Exhibition\" in Dorchester, United Kingdom, which contains replicas of many artifacts. All of the artifacts exhumed from the Tutankhamun tomb are, by international convention, considered property of the Egyptian government. Consequently, these pieces are normally kept at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo; the only way for them to be", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "11095130", "text": "exhibition until May 2009. The tour continued to other U.S. cities. After Dallas the exhibition moved to the de Young Museum in San Francisco, to be followed by the Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York City. This exhibition, featuring completely different artifacts to those in \"Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs\", first ran at the Ethnological Museum in Vienna from March 9 to September 28, 2008 under the title \"Tutankhamun and the World of the Pharaohs\". It featured a further 140 treasures from the Valley of the Kings including objects from the tomb of King Tut. The", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "11095113", "text": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun have been held at museums in several countries, notably the United Kingdom, Soviet Union, United States, Canada, Japan, and France. The artifacts had sparked widespread interest in ancient Egypt when they were discovered between 1922 and 1927, but most of them remained in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo until the 1960s, when they were first exhibited outside of Egypt. Because of these exhibitions, relics from the tomb of Tutankhamun are among the most travelled artifacts in the world. Probably the best-known tour was the", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "11095134", "text": "in the Griffith Institute Archive at the University of Oxford shortly after Carter's death. A replica death mask was displayed along with replicas of other items from the tomb. Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun have been held at museums in several countries, notably the United Kingdom, Soviet Union, United States, Canada, Japan, and France. The artifacts had sparked widespread interest in ancient Egypt when they were discovered between 1922 and 1927, but most of them remained in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo until the 1960s, when they were first", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "6352772", "text": "public. At the same time, powerful and influential nobles began to be buried with the royal family; the most famous of these tombs is the joint tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu, KV46. They were possibly the parents of Queen Tiy. Until the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, this was the best-preserved of the tombs that had been discovered in the Valley. The return of royal burials to Thebes after the end of the Amarna period marks a change to the layout of royal burials, with the intermediate 'jogged axis' gradually giving way to the 'straight axis' of later dynasties.", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352769", "text": "perform magic rituals, such as Shabtis and divine figurines. Some equipment was what the king may have used during his lifetime (Tutankhamun's sandals for example), and some was specially constructed for the burial. The modern abbreviation \"KV\" stands for \"Kings' Valley\", and the tombs are numbered according to their order of 'discovery', from KV1 (Rameses VII) to KV64 (discovered in 2012). Since the early 19th century AD, antiquarians and archaeologists have cleared and recorded tombs, with a total of 61 sepulchers being known by the start of the 20th century. KV5 was only rediscovered in the 1990s after being dismissed", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6217777", "text": "and non-royal tombs (including KV43, KV46 and KV57). In 1907 they discovered the possible Amarna Period cache in KV55. After finding what they thought was all that remained of the burial of Tutankhamun (items recovered from KV54 and KV58), it was announced that the valley was completely explored and no further burials were to be found, in Davis's 1912 publication, 'The Tombs of Harmhabi\" and \"Touatânkhamanou'; the book closes with the comment, \"I fear that the Valley of Kings is now exhausted.\" After Davis's death early in 1915 Lord Carnarvon acquired the concession to excavate the valley and he employed", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "19864710", "text": "and John Hawkshaw, based on an earlier design of 1831 by Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and contributed to by Sarah Guppy. Egyptian Revival architecture made a re-appearance in the interwar years between 1919 and 1939 and was used mainly for the decoration of factory buildings and commercial buildings such as cinemas and garages. This revival of interest in the style is attributed to the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb by Howard Carter in 1922. Greater London House is a striking example of early 20th-century Egyptian Revival architecture in Camden Town, London, inspired by Tutankhamun's tomb. The building was erected in 1926–28 by", "title": "Egyptian Revival architecture in the British Isles" }, { "docid": "10288899", "text": "Maiherpri, who was buried in the Valley of the Kings. Fan-bearer on the Right Side of the King The Fan-bearer on the Right Side of the King – sometimes also translated as \"Fanbearer on the King's Right Hand\" – was an Ancient Egyptian courtier. The title implies a very close personal or official relationship with the pharaoh. During the times of Amenhotep II and Tuthmosis IV the title was held by officials like the viceroy of Kush, the chief steward of the king, and several tutors, such as Sennedjem under Tutankhamun. Scenes depicting the fan-bearers show them holding a long", "title": "Fan-bearer on the Right Side of the King" }, { "docid": "11095132", "text": "even in Cairo, Egypt (where the replica exhibition is intended to reduce the overwhelming traffic to the real locations). A travelling exhibition of replicas titled \"Tutankhamun: His Tomb and Treasures\", featuring several hundred pieces, has been shown in Zürich, Brno, Munich, and Barcelona. The \"Tutankhamun Exhibition\" in Dorchester, Dorset, England, is a permanent exhibition set up in 1986 by Michael Ridley as a re-creation of the tomb of the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The exhibition does not display any of the actual treasures of Tutankhamun, but all artifacts are recreated to be exact facsimiles of the actual items. Original materials", "title": "Exhibitions of artifacts from the tomb of Tutankhamun" }, { "docid": "8763879", "text": "Frederick C. Hummel of architectural firm Tourtellotte & Hummel. The theater's architecture is of the Egyptian revival style, inspired by the newly-discovered tomb of King Tut. Over time, the structure underwent various changes. In 1999, it was remodeled once again after the original building. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1974. The theater is architecturally significant as one of the few surviving theaters from the grand cinema and movie palace era in Boise. \"The Bourne Identity\", \"The Bourne Supremacy\" and \"The Bourne Ultimatum\" film premieres were all hosted at The Egyptian Theatre. Actor Aaron Paul", "title": "The Egyptian Theatre (Boise, Idaho)" }, { "docid": "18522817", "text": "Lotus chalice The Lotus chalice or Alabaster chalice, called the Wishing Cup by Howard Carter, derives from the tomb of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun (18th dynasty, New Kingdom). The object received the find number 014 and is now on display in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, with the inventory number JE 67465. The tomb of the young king in the East Valley of the Kings (KV62) was uncovered almost untouched in the Valley of the Kings in West Thebes by Howard Carter on 4 November 1922. The lotus chalice was one of the first objects which Carter and his", "title": "Lotus chalice" }, { "docid": "2589009", "text": "The exterior of the theatre is in the Egyptian Revival style. However, the attentive visitor will notice roof pans above the main entrance, items which are not in ancient Egyptian style. The original plans for the theater show a Hispanic-themed theatre, but at some point these plans were changed to an Egyptian style. It's probable that this was due to public fascination with the multiple expeditions searching for the tomb of Tutankhamun by archaeologist Howard Carter over the preceding years. (Carter eventually discovered the tomb on November 4, 1922—just two weeks after the Egyptian opened.) At that time, the change", "title": "Grauman's Egyptian Theatre" }, { "docid": "19864674", "text": "style had very nearly disappeared, but in 1922 with Howard Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb the style underwent a dramatic revival it was used particularly for cinema architecture and sometimes for factory buildings. The angular shapes of Egyptian architecture could be mixed with those of Art Deco, leading to a hybrid Art Deco style which appeared in the 1930s. Subsequently, there have been very few buildings in Egyptian Revival style. The first illustration of a pyramid was published by John Greaves, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, in 1646, to record and draw on site, the external and internal measurements", "title": "Egyptian Revival architecture in the British Isles" }, { "docid": "6352773", "text": "In the Western Valley, there is a tomb commencement that is thought to have been started for Akhenaten, but it is no more than a gateway and a series of steps. The tomb of Ay, Tutankhamun's successor is close by. It is likely that this tomb was started for Tutankhamun (its decoration is of a similar style) but later usurped for Ay's burial. This would mean that KV62 may have been Ay's original tomb, which would explain the smaller size and unusual layout for a royal tomb. The other Amarna period tombs are located in a smaller, central area in", "title": "Valley of the Kings" } ]
[ { "docid": "14121528", "text": "This story presents a foreboding and terror-driven psychological horror about a man who awakens in a dissheveled and abandoned building complex located on the surface of a distant planet, suffering from total amnesia and not knowing who he is or where he comes from. The eponymous and longest section of the book (deemed a novella by the author), \"In the Valley of the Kings\" tells the story of an obsessive Egyptologist who has discovered the most massive underground structure ever built: a giant tomb for an unnameable God-king of ancient Egypt whose powers of immortality the researcher tries to unveil,", "title": "In the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109746", "text": "was a tomb intended for Tetisheri, wife of Senakhtenre Tao I of the seventeenth dynasty. If so, this would be one of the earliest tombs in the valley. KV44 is situated in a side wadi, close to KV45. It was discovered and excavated by Carter in 1901 and has recently been re-examined by Ryan. It consists of a single chamber accessed by a shaft. When discovered the tomb was blocked and inside were discovered three mummies in wooden coffins, these belonged to Tentkerer, a lady of the house of Osorkon I, Heiufaa, and an unnamed songstress of Amun. These burials,", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352752", "text": "unknown) were probably in the Seventeenth Dynasty necropolis of Dra' Abu el-Naga'. The first royal tombs in the valley were those of Amenhotep I (although this identification is also disputed), and Thutmose I, whose advisor, Ineni, notes in his tomb that he advised the king to place his tomb in the desolate valley (the identity of this actual tomb is unclear, but it is probably KV20 or KV38). The Valley was used for primary burials from approximately 1539 BC to 1075 BC. It contains at least 63 tombs, beginning with Thutmose I (or possibly earlier, during the reign of Amenhotep", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109745", "text": "known about its clearance or contents. Today only the upper parts of the entrance shaft are accessible. The tomb probably dates to the Eighteenth dynasty. KV41 is located outside the main valley in what is called \"the Valley of the Pits\" behind Deir el-Bahari. It was discovered and examined by Loret in 1899 and was re-examined in 1991 by the Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale. The tomb consists of just a shaft of over 10 meters deep. No objects were recovered from this tomb, and it seems likely that it was never finished or used. Nevertheless, it has been suggested this", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109756", "text": "and nothing is known about its possible contents. It is dated, on the grounds of its location, to the reign of Thutmose III. KV61 is located in the south-west wadi of the valley. It was discovered and excavated by Jones in 1910. It consists of a single chamber accessed by a shaft. When discovered, the doorway to the chamber was blocked but the tomb, which was partially filled with debris, yielded no finds. It has been suggested that the tomb once contained a burial, but that it was transferred elsewhere in its entirety, an idea which is perhaps unlikely. Another", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109725", "text": "are larger, multiple chambered tombs. These minor tombs served various purposes, some were intended for burials of lesser royalty or for private burials, some contained animal burials and others apparently never received a primary burial. In many cases these tombs also served secondary functions and later intrusive material has been found related to these secondary activities. While some of these tombs have been open since antiquity, the majority were discovered in the 19th and early 20th centuries during the height of exploration in the valley. Tombs in the Valley of the Kings are assigned a numerical \"KV\" (for Kings' Valley)", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109750", "text": "owner of the tomb as Amenemopet called Pairy, a noble from the time of Amenhotep II (whose tomb is nearby). The fact that his burial was placed on top of a layer of debris indicates the tomb had been in existence and had been open for a while, there is nevertheless nothing to indicate that this was not the primary burial in this tomb. Amenemopet also had another tomb (TT29) in the Theban necropolis. KV48 is at present inaccessible. KV49 is located in the wadi leading to KV35, close to KV48. Like that tomb it was discovered and excavated by", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352743", "text": "majority of the royal tombs are situated) and West Valley. With the 2005 discovery of a new chamber and the 2008 discovery of two further tomb entrances, the valley is known to contain 63 tombs and chambers (ranging in size from KV54, a simple pit, to KV5, a complex tomb with over 120 chambers). It was the principal burial place of the major royal figures of the Egyptian New Kingdom, as well as a number of privileged nobles. The royal tombs are decorated with scenes from Egyptian mythology and give clues as to the beliefs and funerary rituals of the", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352777", "text": "Seti I's tomb, KV17 (also known as \"Belzoni's tomb\", \"the tomb of Apis\", or \"the tomb of Psammis, son of Necho\"), is usually regarded as the finest tomb in the valley. It has extensive relief work and paintings. When it was rediscovered by Belzoni in 1817, he referred to it as \"..a fortunate day..\" The son of Seti, Ramesses the Great, constructed a massive tomb, KV7, but it is in a ruinous state. It is currently undergoing excavation and conservation by a Franco-Egyptian team led by Christian Leblanc. The tomb is vast in size, about the same length, and a", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109728", "text": "into a pillared chamber, again with partially finished side chambers, which in its turn gives access to three consecutive smaller rooms the first two of which have vaulted ceilings. The tomb has decoration in its corridor, depicting Ramesses III followed by a prince, while Carl Richard Lepsius, who visited the tomb in the mid-19th century, also mentions decoration elsewhere in the tomb which is now lost. It has been suggested that KV3 is the tomb mentioned on an ostracon dating from year 28 of Ramesses III, a tomb which was to be quarried in the valley for one of Ramesses's", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109754", "text": "had been intended to contain a human burial or not: KV50 contained fragmentary remains of a wooden coffin and KV52 an empty canopic chest. KV51 contained material which was dated to the Eighteenth dynasty, a dating which is ascribed to all three of these closely related tombs. It has also been suggested (although there is no real evidence to support this theory) that the animals interred here were a king's pets and that, given the proximity of his tomb (KV35), this king might have been Amenhotep II. KV53 is located north of KV29. It was discovered by Ayrton in 1905", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6217775", "text": "original tomb owners. In tomb KV17, they removed wall decorations, which are now on display in the Louvre in Paris. In 1845-1846 the valley was explored by Karl Richard Lepsius's expedition; they explored and documented twenty-five in the main valley and four in the west. The second half of the century saw a more concerted effort to preserve rather than simply gathering antiquities. Auguste Mariette's Egyptian Antiquities Service started to explore the valley, first with Eugène Lefébure in 1883, then Jules Baillet and Georges Bénédite in early 1888, and finally Victor Loret in 1898 to 1899. Loret added a further", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109749", "text": "discovered the tomb was blocked by a rebuild stone wall, indicating the tomb was entered and resealed in antiquity. However, it is unclear whether this rebuild wall was itself breached at a later point or not. The contents of the tomb were evidently severely ransacked in antiquity. Ayrton found an unwrapped mummy on the floor, its coffin was only represented by fragments scattered about on the floor. Fragments of the usual funerary equipment (including a wooden chair, magical bricks and shabtis) were also recovered. Most of this material lay on top of a layer of rubble. This equipment identifies the", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "14121529", "text": "all while fighting a debilitating disease. A retired and nostalgic sailor has been made bitter by an institution known only as the \"Law\". \"Apocalypse\" depicts an end-of-the-world scenario from the point of view of a married man living in a suburban area crumbling in anarchy in the wake of an inter-galactic, impending doom. In the Valley of the Kings In the Valley of the Kings: Stories is a collection of short stories by the American author, doctor and former professor Terrence Holt. It was published on September 14, 2009 by W. W. Norton & Company. The book, Holt's only publication,", "title": "In the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "14121523", "text": "In the Valley of the Kings In the Valley of the Kings: Stories is a collection of short stories by the American author, doctor and former professor Terrence Holt. It was published on September 14, 2009 by W. W. Norton & Company. The book, Holt's only publication, garnered the author a large following and much positive appraisal. \"In the Valley of the Kings\" has been praised by Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Diaz, National Book Award winner Gerald Stern, and National Book Award finalist Aleksandar Hemon, among other reviewers. Various stories from the book have individually been featured in the \"O.", "title": "In the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "9731800", "text": "Valley of the Kings (film) Valley of the Kings is a 1954 Eastmancolor adventure film made by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. It was written and directed by Robert Pirosh from a screenplay by Robert Pirosh and Karl Tunberg, \"suggested by historical data\" in the book \"Gods, Graves and Scholars\" by C. W. Ceram. The music was by Miklós Rózsa and the cinematography by Robert Surtees. The title of the film refers to the valley on the west bank of the Nile River in Egypt, where the tombs of the Ancient Egyptian kings are located. The film was based on an original story by", "title": "Valley of the Kings (film)" }, { "docid": "6352754", "text": "ancient times was \"The Great and Majestic Necropolis of the Millions of Years of the Pharaoh, Life, Strength, Health in The West of Thebes\" (see below for the hieroglyphic spelling), or \"Ta-sekhet-ma'at\" (the Great Field). G41-G1-Aa1:D21-O1-O29:Y1-A50-s-Z4:Y1-G7-N35-C11-Z2:N35-M4-M4-M4-t:Z2:N35-O29:O1*O1-G7-S34-U28-s-D2:Z1-R14-t:t-N23*Z1:N35-R19-t:O49-G7 At the start of the Eighteenth Dynasty, only kings were buried within the valley in large tombs. When a non-royal person was buried, it was in a small rock cut chamber, close to the tomb of their master. Amenhotep III's tomb was constructed in the Western Valley, and while his son Akhenaten moved his tomb's construction to Amarna, it is thought that the unfinished", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "7896729", "text": "Egyptology, the greatest irony is that had Emerson continued to dig in KV5, he would have discovered a tomb complex that was far more elaborate than any ever found in Egypt. Instead, the fictional Emerson failed to uncover what the real Dr. Kent Weeks discovered in 1995, finding the most extensive tomb in the Valley of the Kings, built for the children of Ramesses II and containing over 150 rooms, many untouched for thousands of years. The novel was nominated for an Agatha Award in the \"Best Novel\" category in 1998. The Ape Who Guards the Balance The Ape Who", "title": "The Ape Who Guards the Balance" }, { "docid": "8801576", "text": "Tomb of the General The Tomb of the General (Traditional Chinese: 將軍冢, Simplified Chinese: 将军冢, Chinese: Jiangjun-zhong, Korean: Janggun-chong, Hangul: 장군총), also known as the Pyramid of the East, is thought to be the burial tomb of King Gwanggaeto or his son King Jangsu, both kings of a kingdom of Goguryeo. The pyramid is located in Ji'an, Jilin province, China, a former capital of Goguryeo. The pyramid was \"rediscovered\" in 1905. The base of the pyramid measures approximately 75 meters on each side, about half the size of the Egyptian pyramids and is eleven meters in height. The pyramid is", "title": "Tomb of the General" }, { "docid": "13774480", "text": "silver coffin, with nine smaller chambers filled with treasures. According to funeral rites listed in the annals, on the left side was a suit of armour worn by Songtsen Gampo on expedition, and on the right side were knights and battle horses made of solid gold which had been sacrificed with the king. Other sources indicate that the Tibetan Annals document the inner part of the tomb as having five halls and a central tomb chamber that is about 100 square meters in area and 13.4 meters (about 44 feet) high. Gampo's silver coffin is believed to be surrounded by", "title": "Valley of the Kings (Tibet)" }, { "docid": "6352789", "text": "a cauldron of bronze, three wash bowls of bronze ... The valley also seems to have suffered an official plundering during the virtual civil war, which started during the reign of Ramesses XI. The tombs were opened, all the valuables were removed, and the mummies were collected into two large caches. One in the tomb of Amenhotep II, contained sixteen, and others were hidden within Amenhotep I's tomb. A few years later most of them were moved to the Deir el-Bahri cache, containing no fewer than forty royal mummies and their coffins. Only tombs whose locations were lost (KV62, KV63", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109731", "text": "the construction of KV9 (tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI) since the quarrying of that tomb collided with the rearmost chamber of KV12. Other than shabtis belonging to Ramesses VI that were discovered at the entrance of the tomb, no datable material has been found and nothing is known of its intended occupant or occupants. However, it seems likely that the tomb was used during the Nineteenth dynasty, and possibly the early Twentieth dynasty, for multiple burials of lesser royalty (like KV5). These burials might have been disturbed by workmen quarrying KV9 and the tomb was likely further despoiled", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109741", "text": "KV34. It was discovered and excavated by Belzoni in 1817 for the Second Earl Belmore and the tomb is therefore also known as Lord Belmore's Tomb. It consists of a level corridor, accessed by a shaft and leading towards a chamber with four side rooms. The only finds recorded for this tomb is a potsherd datable to the Eighteenth dynasty. Nothing further is known about it. KV31 lies between KV30 and KV32. It was discovered and excavated by Belzoni in 1817. Only its entry shaft is known today. Nothing further is known about this tomb. KV32, like KV30 and KV31,", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "4454893", "text": "an attempt to eradicate any hints of an unconventional, female ruler, \"best erased to prevent the possibility of another powerful female ever inserting herself into the long line of Egyptian male kings\". The tomb of Queen Hatshepsut was discovered by Howard Carter early in 1903, the same year as the publication of \"The Jewel of Seven Stars\", in the Valley of the Kings—similar to the Valley of the Sorcerer, where Tera is found in the novel. The similarities between the two, Hebblethwaite states, are \"almost too overt to be mere coincidence\"; both are extremely powerful female rulers who take on", "title": "The Jewel of Seven Stars" }, { "docid": "13109742", "text": "is located in the wadi that leads up towards KV34. It was discovered and excavated by Victor Loret in 1898, in 2000-01 it was re-excavated by the Swiss MISR Project. The tomb consists of an unfinished chamber with a central pillar and small side room that is reached by a series of stairwells and corridors. The latter quarried tomb KV47 (tomb of Siptah accidentally collided with the small side room of KV32. The recent clearance of the tomb yielded a canopic chest belonging to queen Tiaa, the wife of Amenhotep II and mother of Thutmose IV, allowing the identification of", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109736", "text": "the Twenty-second dynasty. KV21 is located in a side wadi, to the north of KV19. It was discovered by Belzoni in 1817 and has recently been re-cleared by Donald P. Ryan (1989–90). The tomb is undecorated and consists of a stairwell followed by a pair of descending corridors that lead into the burial chamber which as a single central pillar and a small side room. When discovered by Belzoni the tomb was partially blocked by a breached stone wall at the end of the first corridor. Inside the tomb Belzoni found to unwrapped female mummies in the burial chamber and", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352756", "text": "in Dra' Abu el-Naga' (although his mummy was in the Deir el-Bahri tomb cache), Smenkhkare's burial has never been located, and Ramesses VIII seems to have been buried elsewhere. In the Pyramid Age, the tomb of the king was associated with a mortuary temple located close to the pyramid. As the tomb of the king was hidden, this mortuary temple was located away from the burial, closer to the cultivation facing toward Thebes. These mortuary temples became places visited during the various festivals held in the Theban necropolis. Most notable is the Beautiful festival of the valley, where the sacred", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6217773", "text": "Henry Salt, who discovered several tombs, including those of Ay in the West Valley (WV23) in 1816 and Seti I (KV17) the next year. At the end of his visits, Belzoni declared that all of the tombs had been found, and nothing of note remained to be found. Working at the same time (and a great rival of Belzoni and Salt) was Bernardino Drovetti, the French Consul-General. In 1827 John Gardiner Wilkinson was assigned to paint the entry of every tomb, giving them each a designation that is still in use today—they were numbered from KV1 to KV21, with KV", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352770", "text": "as unimportant by previous investigators. The West Valley tombs often carry the prefix \"WV\", but they follow the same numbering system. Some of the tombs are unoccupied, others remain unidentifiable as regards to their owners, and still others are merely pits used for storage. Most of the open tombs in the Valley of the Kings are located in the East Valley, and this is where most of the tourist facilities are located. The Eighteenth Dynasty tombs within the valley vary quite a bit in decoration, style, and location. It seems that at first there was no fixed plan. The tomb", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109761", "text": "were reused and expanded during the Nineteenth dynasty. Other than those two tombs the only tomb whose quarrying can be dated to the Nineteenth dynasty is KV13. As noted above it is possible that the last corridor and burial chamber of this tomb were of a later date than the rest of the tomb, which might be related to its reuse in the Twentieth dynasty. KV3 and KV19 can be dated to that dynasty as well, based on their architecture, decoration and their intended occupants. As was noted above, if the suggested ownership of KV41 has any grounds this would", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109762", "text": "be one of the earliest tombs excavated in the area and it would pre-date the establishment of the royal necropolis in the valley. Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings The majority of the 65 numbered tombs in the Valley of the Kings can be considered as being minor tombs, either because at present they have yielded little information or because the results of their investigation was only poorly recorded by their explorers, while some have received very little attention or were only cursorily noted. Most of these tombs are small, often only consisting of a single burial chamber", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6217776", "text": "16 tombs to the list, and explored several tombs that had already been discovered. During this time Georges Daressy explored KV9. When Gaston Maspero was reappointed to head the Egyptian Antiquities Service, the nature of the exploration of the valley changed again. Maspero appointed Howard Carter as the Chief Inspector of Upper Egypt, and the young man discovered several new tombs, and explored several others, clearing KV42 and KV20. Around the turn of the 20th century, the American Theodore M. Davis had the excavation permit in the valley, and his team (led mostly by Edward R. Ayrton) discovered several royal", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109757", "text": "suggested theory is that the tomb was quarried and blocked up in anticipation of a burial which never took place. Given the lack of finds this tomb is undatable. WV24 is located near the end of the West Valley, in between WV23 and WV25. This tomb was first noted by Wilkinson but was only recently cleared by Otto Schaden in 1991-92. It is a single chamber tomb accessed by a shaft. The left and rear wall of the chamber are irregular in shape which might suggest the tomb was left unfinished. The room was filled with debris, partially consisting of", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109743", "text": "KV32's owner and dating the tomb to the reign of Amenhotep II in the Eighteenth dynasty. KV33 is located directly besides KV34. It was discovered and examined by Loret in 1898. It consist of a flight of steps leading to two rooms, although no accurate plan exists. Nothing further is known about this tomb and it is presently inaccessible, but it seems likely that it dates from the eighteenth dynasty. It has been suggested that it was a subsidiary tomb to KV34, although it appears that the tomb was never used. KV37 is located in the wadi leading towards KV34,", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109744", "text": "KV32 is located nearby. It was first noted by James Burton and (re)discovered and examined by Loret in 1899. It consists of a single chamber reached by a stair and a corridor. Nothing is known about the primary burial. The tomb is dated to the eighteenth dynasty. A diverse range of objects was found in the tomb, dating from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth dynasties and it has been suggested that KV37 was used as a robbers \"workshop\". KV40 is located in the same wadi as the previous tombs. It was discovered and examined by Loret in 1899 but nothing is", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109726", "text": "or \"WV\" (for West Valley) designation in the order of their discovery. Besides these numbered tombs there is also a series of pits and possible tomb commencements, ordered in an alphabetical sequence from WVA (actually a small tomb) to KVT although the exact number of these pits, and in many cases their location, is not known. The assignment of this alphabetical sequence has been done by more recent researchers, often on the basis of cursory references in older reports or field notes. KV3 is located in a side wadi of the main valley, adjacent to KV46 and KV4. Although it", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352788", "text": "during the height of exploration in the valley. Almost all of the tombs have been ransacked. Several papyri have been found that describe the trials of tomb robbers. These date mostly from the late Twentieth Dynasty. One of these, Papyrus Mayer B, describes the robbery of the tomb of Ramesses VI and was probably written in Year Nine of Ramesses IX: The foreigner Nesamun took us up and showed us the tomb of King Ramesses VI ... And I spent four days breaking into it, we being present all five. We opened the tomb and entered it. ... We found", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352779", "text": "the public. Ramesses II's son and eventual successor, Merenptah's tomb has been open since antiquity; it extends 160 metres, ending in a burial chamber that once contained a set of four nested sarcophagi. Well decorated, it is typically open to the public most years. The last kings of the dynasty also constructed tombs in the valley, all of which follow the same general pattern of layout and decoration. Notable amongst these is the tomb of Siptah, which is well decorated, especially the ceiling. The first ruler of the dynasty, Setnakhte, actually had two tombs constructed for himself. He started excavating", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109724", "text": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings The majority of the 65 numbered tombs in the Valley of the Kings can be considered as being minor tombs, either because at present they have yielded little information or because the results of their investigation was only poorly recorded by their explorers, while some have received very little attention or were only cursorily noted. Most of these tombs are small, often only consisting of a single burial chamber accessed by means of a shaft or a staircase with a corridor or a series of corridors leading to the chamber, but some", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109729", "text": "sons. The identity of the intended princly occupant of this tomb remains unknown but it has been suggested that this might have been the later Ramesses IV. Burton's clearance of the tomb yielded no material of New Kingdom date and therefore it has been supposed that the tomb was never used for a burial. Later intrusive material from Byzantine times suggest the tomb was adapted as a Christian chapel by Copts. KV12 is located in the main valley and has been open since antiquity. It was cleared by Ernest Harold Jones in 1908-09 for Davis, while in 1920-21 Howard Carter", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109735", "text": "a place of interment. The first corridor has decoration and texts indicating the occupant was a prince. It seems likely that KV19 was originally intended for the burial of prince Ramesses Setherkhepeshef but its construction was abandoned when he ascended the throne as Ramesses VIII. The tomb was later taken over for the burial of prince Ramesses Mentuherkhepshef but his remains have not been found, neither in KV19 nor in either of the two royal caches. His sarcophagus was found in KV13 (see above). When the tomb was discovered, Belzoni found an unspecified number of intrusive burials, probably dating from", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352761", "text": "French Consul-General and a great rival of Belzoni and Salt. When Gaston Maspero was reappointed as head of the Egyptian Antiquities Service, the nature of the exploration of the valley changed again. Maspero appointed English archaeologist Howard Carter as the Chief Inspector of Upper Egypt, and the young man discovered several new tombs and explored several others, clearing KV42 and KV20. Around the start of the 20th century, American explorer Theodore M. Davis had the excavation permit in the valley. His team (led mostly by Edward R. Ayrton) discovered several royal and non-royal tombs (including KV43, KV46 and KV57). In", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "14121524", "text": "Henry Prize Stories\", \"The Kenyon Review\" and \"\" periodicals. Holt's book crosses a number of genres, placing several short stories in outer space under a Lovecraftian science fiction theme, while others are highly minimal in setting or consistently focus on the narrator's voice. Nearly all of the works exhibit an element of suspense and sometimes horror as well as an experimental or absurdist tendency. The book's cover art, a semi-transparent detail on a dark blue background, was produced by Ruth Martin. \"In the Valley of the Kings\" is divided into eight sections (according to the inner lining of the book's", "title": "In the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109740", "text": "in the tomb and besides human remains other finds include mummy trappings and pottery datable to the reign of Thutmose IV, which suggest an Eighteenth dynasty date. Nothing is known of the tomb's intended owners. KV29 is located in the south-west wadi of the valley. It was first noted by James Burton. This tomb has never been excavated and remains inaccessible, it is possible that it consist only of a shaft. Nothing is known of its owner (if it was ever used), its content (if any), or the date of its construction. KV30 is located in the wadi leading towards", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109752", "text": "shreds of cloth and gaming pieces) and from two graffiti on its entrance doorway. These text and the material found in the tomb have been interpreted in various ways. Some see in it evidence for the provisioning of a burial in KV49, others suggest the tomb was used as a storage for rags used as candles while others still suggest this tomb was used to restore the royal mummies during the time when the valley was dismantled and its occupants reburied in the royal caches. These three tombs are all located in the same general area as KV48 and KV49.", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "12212316", "text": "as a second tomb from the same period is located nearby. Tomb of the Jibei King The Tomb of the Jibei King () is a tomb from the time of the Western Han Dynasty in Changqing District of Jinan, Shandong Province, China. It is also known as the Han Dynasty Tomb of Shuangru Mountain (). The tomb is thought to have been the burial site of Liu Kuan (), the last king of Jibei () who ruled from 97–85BC during the time of the Emperor Wu of Han of the Western Han Dynasty. The tomb was a major archaeological find", "title": "Tomb of the Jibei King" }, { "docid": "12212312", "text": "Tomb of the Jibei King The Tomb of the Jibei King () is a tomb from the time of the Western Han Dynasty in Changqing District of Jinan, Shandong Province, China. It is also known as the Han Dynasty Tomb of Shuangru Mountain (). The tomb is thought to have been the burial site of Liu Kuan (), the last king of Jibei () who ruled from 97–85BC during the time of the Emperor Wu of Han of the Western Han Dynasty. The tomb was a major archaeological find since it had been untouched by grave robbers. Its discovery was", "title": "Tomb of the Jibei King" }, { "docid": "6217781", "text": "of KV62 and KV63. He has tentatively labeled this anomaly \"KV64\". This has caused some controversy, as only Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities can officially designate the name of a new tomb, the anomaly may not in fact be a tomb, and because Reeves had reported the finding to the press first, instead of a scientific paper. In May 2008, Zahi Hawass announced that an Egyptian team has been looking for the tomb of Ramesses VIII, concentrating around the tombs of Merenptah and Ramesses II. In August 2008, it was announced that two further tomb entrances had been located, and", "title": "Exploration of the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352742", "text": "Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings ( ; ), also known as the Valley of the Gates of the Kings ( ), is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt). The valley stands on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Thebes (modern Luxor), within the heart of the Theban Necropolis. The wadi consists of two valleys, East Valley (where the", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "16319606", "text": "Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China. The tomb was completed during the reign of Yongle Emperor in the Ming dynasty. As one of the only two foreign rulers' tombs in China (the other one being the Tomb of the King of Sulu in Dezhou, Shandong), it is an important heritage site under state protection. The country whose name is recorded in the early Ming dynasty records as \"Boni\" was a state in Borneo Island. By the time of their king's arrival to Nanjing, \"Boni\" had had a long history of contact with China, having sent envoys during the Northern Song", "title": "Tomb of the King of Boni" }, { "docid": "13109727", "text": "has been open since antiquity and had been visited by several explorers earlier on, the tomb was first excavated by Harry Burton in 1912. Before him both Edward R. Ayrton and James E. Quibell excavated in the vicinity of the tomb's entrance during 1904-1906. The work of these three men in and around the tomb was conducted for Theodore M. Davis. The layout of KV3 resembles that of other Twentieth dynasty tombs intended for members of the royal family in the Valley of the Queens. It consists of a corridor with two side chambers (one of which is unfinished) leading", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352792", "text": "to the public. Valley of the Kings The Valley of the Kings ( ; ), also known as the Valley of the Gates of the Kings ( ), is a valley in Egypt where, for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC, rock cut tombs were excavated for the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom (the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Dynasties of Ancient Egypt). The valley stands on the west bank of the Nile, opposite Thebes (modern Luxor), within the heart of the Theban Necropolis. The wadi consists of two valleys, East", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352784", "text": "is extensive. The tomb has been newly restored and opened for visitors. By the end of the New Kingdom, Egypt had entered a long period of political and economic decline. The priests at Thebes grew more powerful, and they effectively administered Upper Egypt, while kings ruling from Tanis controlled Lower Egypt. Some attempt at using the open tombs was made at the start of the Twenty-first Dynasty, with the High Priest of Amun, Pinedjem I, adding his cartouche to KV4. The Valley began to be heavily plundered, so during the Twenty-first Dynasty the priests of Amun opened most of the", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109748", "text": "consists of a single chamber accessed by a shaft. It was discovered and excavated by Carter in 1902, it was recently cleared by Ryan. Like KV44 it had been used for (two) secondary burials during the Twenty-second dynasty. Fragments of the original burial, including canopic jars (but no human remains) indicate the original owner was Userhet, overseer of the fields of Amun during the Eighteenth dynasty. KV48 is located in the wadi leading to KV35 (tomb of Amenhotep II). It was discovered and excavated by Ayrton in 1906. It is formed by a single chamber accessed by a shaft. When", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109734", "text": "a son of Ramesses IX, and Amenherkhepshef, probably a son of Ramesses III. The sarcophagus of the latter was usurped from its original owner Twosret. KV19 is located in one of the valley's side wadis, near KV20 and KV60. It was discovered by Giovanni Battista Belzoni in 1817. It was later excavated by James Burton (1825), Carter (1903) and Ayrton (1905–06), the later two working for Davis. The tomb is unfinished and consists only of an open entryway, a first corridor and the beginning of a second corridor. A pit quarried just inside the second corridor might have functioned as", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "16319610", "text": "of the Hui people) from the local residents. During an archaeological survey in 1958, two broken fallen steles were rediscovered. According to the remaining inscriptions, the Boni king was inferred to be buried in the tomb. Afterwards, the Nanjing government carried out a series of renovations to the tomb, the gravestone, the spirit way, and rebuilt the memorial archway, the spirit pavilion and the stone platform. In 1982, the Tomb of the King of Boni was listed as the important protection unit of cultural relic of Jiangsu province and it became a Key Cultural Relic Unit under State Protection in", "title": "Tomb of the King of Boni" }, { "docid": "20566303", "text": "Tomb of Hetpet The tomb of Hetpet (Hetepet) is a 4,400 year old Egyptian tomb of a priestess. The tomb was discovered in 1909 by Carl Maria Kaufmann at Gizeh, a location close to the pyramids of Cairo. Many decorated stone blocks were taken out and brought to the Egyptian Museum of Berlin and to the Liebieghaus in Frankfurt. The tomb was rediscovered during 2017 by an Egyptian expedition. The remaining parts of the tomb chapel have well preserved paintings. The existence of Hetpet was already established from the existence of indications of her name upon objects discovered sometime during", "title": "Tomb of Hetpet" }, { "docid": "13109747", "text": "belonging to the Twenty-second dynasty, are evidently secondary burials since they were placed on rubbish filling about one fifth of the tomb. In this rubble the remains of seven earlier mummies were found, without coffins or funerary equipment. Several bee nests on the ceiling indicate that the tomb had lain open for some time in antiquity. The original cutting of the tomb is dated to the Eighteenth dynasty. Nothing is known of the original occupants of KV44 but it has been suggested that this was a tomb for Anen. KV45 is located next to KV44 and like that tomb it", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "4884521", "text": "disrupted the southern trade routes, and the merchants are demanding that the Count of Eor put an end to the attacks. The Count put out the call for brave adventurers to put a stop to the raids and discover the power behind the attacks. \"Tomb of the Lizard King\" opens with a journey through the wilderness before the characters are led to the tomb of the Lizard King. \"Tomb of the Lizard King\" was written by Mark Acres and illustrated by Jim Holloway and Jeff Easley. It was published by TSR in 1982 as a 32-page booklet with an outer", "title": "Tomb of the Lizard King" }, { "docid": "13109759", "text": "in which were found the remains of numerous pottery fragments, along with jar sealings bearing the name of Amenhotep III. Other finds in the tomb are associated with tomb decoration. Other items reported from this tomb, such as fragments of a leather harness, possibly come from rubbish heaps outside the actual tomb. The blocking of its entrance and some of the items recovered from the tomb suggest it was at first used as a storage room related to WV22, other items could have originated from robbers' spoil left outside WV22. There is no evidence that this tomb ever received a", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352764", "text": "the valley floor. The usual tomb plan consisted of a long inclined rock-cut corridor, descending through one or more halls (possibly mirroring the descending path of the sun god into the underworld) to the burial chamber. In the earlier tombs, the corridors turn 90 degrees at least once (such as KV43, the tomb of Thutmose IV), and the earliest ones had cartouche-shaped burial chambers (for example, KV43, the tomb of Thutmose IV). This layout is known as 'Bent Axis', After the burial the upper corridors were meant to be filled with rubble and the entrance to the tomb hidden. After", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "7308486", "text": "film's UK premiere). Assisting in the expedition is Professor Dubois' daughter, and Bray's fiancée, Annette (Jeanne Roland), herself an Egyptology expert. All the artifacts are brought back to London by the project's backer, American showman Alexander King (Fred Clark), who plans to recoup his investment by staging luridly sensational public exhibits of the Egyptian treasures. Soon after arrival, however, the mummy revives and starts to kill various members of the expedition, while it becomes evident that sinister Adam Beauchamp (Beecham) (Terence Morgan), a wealthy arts patron whom members of the expedition meet on the ship returning to England, harbors a", "title": "The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb" }, { "docid": "10622207", "text": "Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (board game) Curse of the Mummy's Tomb was a boardgame for 1-4 players, published by Games Workshop and designed by Stephen Hand. It featured a three-dimensional board, representing an Egyptian pyramid, with two consecutively smaller playing areas above the bottom board. The aim of the game was to reach the top of the fictional Pyramid of Khonsu, accessible only from the top tiered board, complete the tasks within and obtain the mythical Elixir of Life. In addition to traps, creatures and treasures found by exploring the board, there was the Mummy itself, which moved around", "title": "Curse of the Mummy's Tomb (board game)" }, { "docid": "4884520", "text": "Tomb of the Lizard King Tomb of the Lizard King is a \"D&D\" adventure module published in 1982 by TSR. In \"Tomb of the Lizard King\", the player characters are employed by the Count of Eor to investigate a monstrous force that has been terrorizing caravans and peasants near the village of Waycombe. The adventure is appropriate for large groups of characters of level 5-7, or smaller groups with higher levels. \"Tomb of the Lizard King\" is a three-part adventure involving a wilderness trek, a battle against brigands, and a foray into the tomb of the Lizard King. Brigands have", "title": "Tomb of the Lizard King" }, { "docid": "6352790", "text": "and KV46, although both KV62 and KV46 were robbed soon after their actual closure) were undisturbed during this period. Most of the tombs are not open to the public (18 of the tombs can be opened, but they are rarely open at the same time), and officials occasionally close those that are open for restoration work. The number of visitors to KV62 has led to a separate charge for entry into the tomb. The West Valley has only one open tomb—that of Ay—and a separate ticket is needed to visit this tomb. The tour guides are no longer allowed to", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352778", "text": "larger area, of the tomb of his father. At the same time, and just opposite his own tomb, Ramesses enlarged the earlier small tomb of an unknown Eighteenth Dynasty noble (KV5) for his numerous sons. With 120 known rooms, and excavation work still underway, it is probably the largest tomb in the valley. Originally opened (and robbed) in antiquity, it is a low-lying structure that has been particularly prone to the flash floods that sometimes hit the area. Tonnes of debris and material has washed in over the centuries, ultimately concealing its vast size. It is not currently open to", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109755", "text": "or 1906. Although it was never properly planned it is reported to consist of a single chamber accessed by a shaft, rough workmen's huts were erected above its entrance. The only find from the chamber is an ostracon. Other ostraca and stelae/trail-pieces were found in the shaft. These items are contemporaneous with the huts build over the tomb. Given the lack of evidence it is unclear whether this tomb had ever contained a burial. KV59 is located in the wadi leading to KV34. It was first noted by James Burton in 1825 but there is no reference to its clearance", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109758", "text": "chippings from its cutting and partially flood deposits. Material found in the tomb dates from the Eighteenth dynasty into late Roman and Coptic periods, which suggests the tomb was reused several times. Remains of intrusive burials from at least five individuals dating from the Twenty-second dynasty were also recovered. WVA is located near WV22 (tomb of Amenhotep III). It was first noted by Robert Hay and has been explored several times. It is a single chambered tomb accessed by a roughly hewn stair. Much of the tomb's original blocking is preserved. The room was partially filled with chips and debris", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352780", "text": "the eventual tomb of his son, Ramesses III, but broke into another tomb and abandoned it in order to usurp and complete the tomb of the Nineteenth Dynasty female pharaoh, Twosret. Therefore, this tomb has two burial chambers, the later extensions making the tomb one of the largest of the Royal tombs, at over 150 metres. The tomb of Ramesses III (known as \"Bruce's Tomb or The Harper's Tomb\" due to its decoration) is one of the largest tombs in the valley and is open to the public. It is located close to the central 'rest–area', and its location and", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "13109737", "text": "several ceramic and alabaster vessels in the side room. The recent re-clearance revealed that the tomb has suffered both from flood damage and vandalism after Belzoni's time. KV21 and its contents are dated to the Eighteenth dynasty and it has been suggested that the female occupants found in it were queens. The tomb suffered from severe despoilment in antiquity, with most of its funerary goods being carried off. KV26 is located in the wadi that leads towards KV34 (tomb of Thutmose III), it was first noticed by James Burton in 1825. It is a small tomb, consisting of a short,", "title": "Minor tombs in the Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "19755861", "text": "The largest tomb, which is known to belong to Pharnaces I, has dimensions of . An inscription is carved above the rock-tomb, which reads as \"the phrourarch (commander of the castle) Metrodorus dedicated an altar and a flower-bed for the king Pharnaces I to the gods\". Tombs of the kings of Pontus The Tombs of the kings of Pontus (), located in Amasya, northern Turkey, are rock-carved tombs of different size, forming the royal necropolis of the Pontic kings. The site was added to the tentative list in the cultural category of UNESCO World Heritage Site on April 13, 2014.", "title": "Tombs of the kings of Pontus" }, { "docid": "6352776", "text": "the pre-Amarna tombs to those of the 19th dynasty tombs that followed. The Nineteenth Dynasty saw a further standardisation of tomb layout and decoration. The tomb of the first king of the dynasty, Ramesses I, was hurriedly finished due to the death of the king and is little more than a truncated descending corridor and a burial chamber. However, KV16 has vibrant decoration and still contains the sarcophagus of the king. Its central location makes it one of the more frequently visited tombs. It shows the development of the tomb entrance and passage and of decoration. His son and successor,", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "6352791", "text": "lecture inside the tombs, and visitors are expected to proceed quietly and in single file through the tombs. This is to minimize time in the tombs and prevent the crowds from damaging the surfaces of the decoration. In 1997, 58 tourists and four Egyptians were massacred at nearby Deir el-Bahri by Islamist militants from Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya. This led to an overall drop in tourism in the area. On most days of the week an average of 4,000 to 5,000 tourists visit the main valley. The West Valley is much less visited, as there is only one tomb that is open", "title": "Valley of the Kings" }, { "docid": "4884524", "text": "Bambra felt that it was worth using a player's own character because \"there are some nice goodies to be had\". Bambra did note that the module was a victim of sloppy printing in places, but felt that the mistakes should be obvious enough to pose no problems to a competent Dungeon Master. He concluded by describing the module as \"[a] good module for those who enjoy challenging gaming sessions with plenty of opportunity to be cautious, thoughtful and aggressive.\" In his 1991 book \"Heroic Worlds\", Lawrence Schick calls the Lizard King \"extremely nasty\". Tomb of the Lizard King Tomb of", "title": "Tomb of the Lizard King" } ]
Name the East African country which lies on the equator.
[ "Kenyan", "Prehistory of Kenya", "Kenya-Africa", "ISO 3166-1:KE", "Jamhuri ya Kenya", "Kenya", "Republic of Kenya", "Kenya (disambiguation)", "Etymology of Kenya" ]
[ { "docid": "16207328", "text": "The East African University The East African University (TEAU) is a private university in Kenya. The university main campus is located approximately south of the central business district of the town of Kitengela, Kajiado County, Kenya. This location lies off the Nairobi-Kajiado-Namanga Road, approximately south of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya and the largest city in that country. The approximate coordinates of the university campus are:1° 39' 0.00\"S, +36° 54' 0.00\"E (Latitude:-1.6500; Longitude:36.9000). The coordinates are approximate because the university campus does not yet show on most publicly available maps in January 2012. The university also has another campus located", "title": "The East African University" }, { "docid": "16207330", "text": "with its main campus located in Ggaba, a southeastern suburb of Kampala, the capital of Uganda and the largest city in that country. Professor Badru Kateregga, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of TEAU also serves as the Vice Chancellor of Kampala University. The East African University The East African University (TEAU) is a private university in Kenya. The university main campus is located approximately south of the central business district of the town of Kitengela, Kajiado County, Kenya. This location lies off the Nairobi-Kajiado-Namanga Road, approximately south of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya and the largest city in", "title": "The East African University" }, { "docid": "4520932", "text": "Equator Records Equator Records or Equator Sound Studios was originally known as East African Records, owned by Afcot Ltd, situated in Nairobi, Kenya. In 1960, Charles Worrod launched Equator Sound Studios Ltd. along with the Equator Sound Band. Legendary Kenyan musician Fadhili William became a member of the band alongside Adolf Banyoro, Peter Tsotsi, Nashil Pichen, Charles Ssongo, Gabriel Omolo, and Daudi Kabaka. Fadhili and the Jambo Boys Band recorded a number of songs with East African Records between 1959 and 1962. The other band members were Harrison William, Joseph Nazareth, Mumba Charo (Fadhili's brother), Nahshon Gandani, Samuel Lefondo and", "title": "Equator Records" }, { "docid": "4520934", "text": "in Kenya was thrown into disarray. After a while, Fadhili too left, for the US, where he lived for 15 years. In 2006 a new record label was founded by members of the band Islands, which is also called Equator Records. There is no connection between the two labels. Equator Records Equator Records or Equator Sound Studios was originally known as East African Records, owned by Afcot Ltd, situated in Nairobi, Kenya. In 1960, Charles Worrod launched Equator Sound Studios Ltd. along with the Equator Sound Band. Legendary Kenyan musician Fadhili William became a member of the band alongside Adolf", "title": "Equator Records" }, { "docid": "14319962", "text": "West Africa competing\". A number of smaller regional championships have been held in Africa: the East African Cross Country Championships and the Maghreb Cross Country Championships in North Africa are both well-established competitions. West and Central African competitions have also been held in past years. African Cross Country Championships The African Cross Country Championships is a regional cross country running competition for athletes from Africa. The competition had a one off edition in 1985 in Nairobi, Kenya, and the medallists were mostly from the host nation. Following an announcement by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) that the IAAF", "title": "African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "3353428", "text": "to operate scheduled flights to Mombasa, Lokkichoggio, and Kisumu from Nairobi. In or about the year 2001, East African Safari Air acquired all (99%) but one of the shares in Flying Jetpet (Kenya) limited, which was incorporated as Company No. c. 82314. The said company later changed its name to East African Safari Air Express Limited. In 2001 East African Safari Air acquired 99% East African Safari Air Express Limited with Anthony Kegode still holding 1% of the company. In 2003 East African Safari Air began operating international, and regional designated routes, local scheduled and other charter flights, using two", "title": "East African Safari Air" }, { "docid": "17928904", "text": "2014 African Cross Country Championships The 2014 African Cross Country Championships was the third edition of the international cross country running competition for African athletes organised by the Confederation of African Athletics. It was held on 16 March at the Kololo Golf Course in Kampala, Uganda – the first time an East African nation had hosted the event since its re-launch in 2011. For a third successive time, Kenya dominated the event, led by men's winner Leonard Barsoton and women's winner Faith Chepngetich Kipyegon. The country won all of the senior race medals and had perfect scores in the team", "title": "2014 African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "19411475", "text": "the \"Community Emblems (Amendment) Act, 2008\" was passed, which modified the emblem to include Burundi and Rwanda. Flag of the East African Community The flag of the East African Community is the flag used since 2008 by the East African Community, an intergovernmental organization composed of six countries in the African Great Lakes region in eastern Africa. The \"Community Emblem Act, 2003\" sets out the symbolism behind the flag. The first version of the flag was adopted in 2003 by the \"Community Emblem Act, 2003\" when the Community only consisted of three members: Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. In 2007 the", "title": "Flag of the East African Community" }, { "docid": "20935824", "text": "and cereals which are a part of the total $1.2 Billion of imports as of 2015. Trade in the East African Community African nations have been riddled with poverty since they have gained their independence. Countries of the East African Community (EAC) have had no different fate. These countries include Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and South Sudan. These nations fall below par in different measures of economic activities such as GDP per capita, population below poverty line, unemployment, and trade. The East African Community has made an effort to bolster trade through enhancing co-operation economically, socially, and politically within", "title": "Trade in the East African Community" }, { "docid": "19411477", "text": "\"\"Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki\"\" which translates as 'East African Community'. The colours used on the emblem are the same as those used on the flag of the East African Community which also features the emblem in its centre. The first version of the emblem was adopted in 2003 by the \"Community Emblem Act, 2003\" when the Community only consisted of three members: Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. In 2007 the Community expanded to include Burundi and Rwanda. In 2008 to take into account this expansion of membership the \"Community Emblems (Amendment) Act, 2008\" was passed, which modified the emblem to include", "title": "Emblem of the East African Community" }, { "docid": "10653475", "text": "East African Federation The East African Federation (Swahili: \"Shirikisho la Afrika Mashariki\") is a proposed political union of the six sovereign states of the East African CommunityBurundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Ugandaas a single federated sovereign state. In September 2018 a committee was formed to begin the process of drafting a regional constitution. At , the East African Federation would be the largest country in Africa and 10th-largest in the world. With a population of 178,978,883, it would also be the second most populous nation in Africa (after Nigeria) and eighth in the world. Its population would be", "title": "East African Federation" }, { "docid": "19411478", "text": "Burundi and Rwanda. Emblem of the East African Community The emblem of the East African Community is the emblem used since 2008 by the East African Community, an intergovernmental organisation composed of six countries in the African Great Lakes region in eastern Africa. The emblem features a map of Lake Victoria with the member states Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda around it. This is surrounded by an industrial wheel with a leave arch on either side with the letters 'EAC' at the top. At the bottom of the emblem is a pictogram of a handshake. Below this is written", "title": "Emblem of the East African Community" }, { "docid": "19411476", "text": "Emblem of the East African Community The emblem of the East African Community is the emblem used since 2008 by the East African Community, an intergovernmental organisation composed of six countries in the African Great Lakes region in eastern Africa. The emblem features a map of Lake Victoria with the member states Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda around it. This is surrounded by an industrial wheel with a leave arch on either side with the letters 'EAC' at the top. At the bottom of the emblem is a pictogram of a handshake. Below this is written in Kiswahili is", "title": "Emblem of the East African Community" }, { "docid": "18442062", "text": "subsumed \"A. j. raineyi\" to \"A. j. jubatus\". In 2007, the total number of cheetahs in East Africa were estimated at 1,960 to 2,572 adults and independent adolescents. East African cheetahs form the second-largest population after the Southern African cheetah. In 2007, there were between 569 and 1,007 cheetahs in Tanzania, between 710 and 793 cheetahs in Kenya, between 40 and 295 cheetahs in Uganda and approximately 200 left in Somalia. Kenya is the main stronghold for the East African cheetah, with the largest population of 800 to 1,200 adults in the country since 2015. In 2016, it was estimated", "title": "East African cheetah" }, { "docid": "20970632", "text": "East African Court of Appeal The East African Court of Appeal (EACA) was a court which served as the appellate court for the British colonies in eastern Africa and west Asia. The court was established in 1902 as the Eastern African Court of Appeal and was the appellate court for British Kenya, Uganda Protectorate, and Nyasaland. Later, the court's name was changed to the East African Court of Appeal, and in the 1950s to the Court of Appeal for East Africa or the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa. The court was based in Kenya. Over time, the jurisdiction of", "title": "East African Court of Appeal" }, { "docid": "7894404", "text": "Nine elected members from each country and seven \"ex officio\" members make up the membership of the East African Legislative Assembly. Members are elected by the legislatures of each country. To make sure there are women represented there are 2 female members from Kenya, 3 from Tanzania and 4 from Uganda. \"Ex officio\" members include the ministers from each country responsible for regional co-operation, a Secretary General, and a Counsel to the Community. The elected members of the second EALA (2007–12) break down by political party as follows: The responsibilities of the East African Legislative Assembly are: EALA is empowered", "title": "East African Legislative Assembly" }, { "docid": "19411474", "text": "Flag of the East African Community The flag of the East African Community is the flag used since 2008 by the East African Community, an intergovernmental organization composed of six countries in the African Great Lakes region in eastern Africa. The \"Community Emblem Act, 2003\" sets out the symbolism behind the flag. The first version of the flag was adopted in 2003 by the \"Community Emblem Act, 2003\" when the Community only consisted of three members: Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. In 2007 the Community expanded to include Burundi and Rwanda. In 2008 to take into account this expansion of membership", "title": "Flag of the East African Community" }, { "docid": "20935812", "text": "Trade in the East African Community African nations have been riddled with poverty since they have gained their independence. Countries of the East African Community (EAC) have had no different fate. These countries include Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and South Sudan. These nations fall below par in different measures of economic activities such as GDP per capita, population below poverty line, unemployment, and trade. The East African Community has made an effort to bolster trade through enhancing co-operation economically, socially, and politically within the member nations.. \"The aim of EAC is to gradually establish among themselves a Customs Union,", "title": "Trade in the East African Community" }, { "docid": "7078045", "text": "by East African Breweries. It is based in Nairobi, Kenya. It is the third most successful club in Kenya with eight Kenyan league championships and three Kenyan cup wins. In addition, it has won four East African CECAFA Clubs Cup titles. The club was known as \"Kenya Breweries\" until 1999, when the current name was adopted. Tusker has two home stadiums, the Moi International Sports Centre, where it mainly plays its home matches, and the Ruaraka Sports Ground. In August 2012, East African Breweries signed a sponsorship deal worth US$450,000 with CECAFA to have the CECAFA Cup renamed to the", "title": "East African Breweries" }, { "docid": "13493075", "text": "East African Air East African Air is an airline based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and is a start-up airline planning to operate from Dar-es Salaam as hub to regional destinations and Europe and America. The company was founded by African Diaspora businessmen originally from the Eastern part of Africa which comprises Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. Fly East African will obtain traffic rights to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. East African Air Limited is a registered UK Private Limited Company with plans of floating on the AIM stock market in 2010, and has received investment over £2m primarily from European", "title": "East African Air" }, { "docid": "13493072", "text": "East African Air East African Air is an airline based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and is a start-up airline planning to operate from Dar-es Salaam as hub to regional destinations and Europe and America. The company was founded by African Diaspora businessmen originally from the Eastern part of Africa which comprises Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. Fly East African will obtain traffic rights to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. East African Air Limited is a registered UK Private Limited Company with plans of floating on the AIM stock market in 2010, and has received investment over £2m primarily from European", "title": "East African Air" }, { "docid": "15420360", "text": "2011 African Cross Country Championships The 1st African Cross Country Championships was an international cross country running competition for African athletes which was held on 6 March 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa. Organised by the Confederation of African Athletics, it marked the start of a new continental competition for Africa following the decision by the IAAF to alter the scheduling of the World Cross Country Championships from every year to a biennial format. The event consisted of four race categories, featuring senior and junior races for men and women. The Kenyan athletes took a complete sweep of the competition,", "title": "2011 African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "1566812", "text": "Kenya Kenya (; ), officially the Republic of Kenya (), is a country in Africa with its capital and largest city in Nairobi. Kenya's territory lies on the equator and overlies the East African Rift, covering a diverse and expansive terrain that extends roughly from Lake Victoria to Lake Turkana (formerly called Lake Rudolf) and further south-east to the Indian Ocean. It is bordered by Tanzania to the south and south-west, Uganda to the west, South Sudan to the north-west, Ethiopia to the north and Somalia to the north-east. Kenya covers has a population of approximately 48 million. Kenya's capital", "title": "Kenya" }, { "docid": "17888634", "text": "business news, together with health and technology news in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. It is published in English only. It has print and Internet versions. The paper was founded in 2005. It is published by \"East Africa Business Weekly Limited\". East African Business Week East African Business Week is a weekly Ugandan newspaper published in Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city. It is the only exclusively business weekly published in the country. The newspaper headquarters and main office are located in \"Media Plaza Building\", at 133 Kira Road, in the Kamwokya neighborhood, in Kampala, about north of the", "title": "East African Business Week" }, { "docid": "5247231", "text": "in 1952, the birr, which was already in use in Ethiopia, was adopted in Eritrea. A new version of the currency is proposed by the East African Community, which consists of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Sudan. It had been proposed that the Second East African shilling be introduced into circulation in 2012, but the target was not met. A second target date was set to 2015, but also not met. The third target date is 2024. In 1921, notes were issued by the East African Currency Board in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 100, 200, 1,000 and", "title": "East African shilling" }, { "docid": "18213902", "text": "East African Portland Cement Company East African Portland Cement Company commonly known by its abbreviation EAPCC, is a Kenyan based construction company specializing in the manufacturing and selling of cement and cement related products. EAPCC's headquarters are located in Athi River, a small town about 30 km from Nairobi, Kenya's capital city. The company has operations in Kenya and Uganda. East African Portland Cement Company started as a trading company importing cement mainly from England for early construction work in British East Africa (now Kenya) as an agent of Blue Circle Industries of the United Kingdom. The name \"Portland\" was", "title": "East African Portland Cement Company" }, { "docid": "15420362", "text": "the best performers at that year's Kenya Cross Country Championships to the world event, while those ranking seventh to tenth in the national race were sent to the event in Cape Town. The continent's second foremost nation in cross country, Ethiopia, did not send any athletes to the competition. The Kenyan team's jubilant celebrations led to the entire squad of 30 runners and officials missing their flight for Nairobi, scheduled later that day at Cape Town International Airport. 2011 African Cross Country Championships The 1st African Cross Country Championships was an international cross country running competition for African athletes which", "title": "2011 African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "15504607", "text": "East African springhare The East African springhare (\"Pedetes surdaster\"), is not closely related to the hare, but is a member of the Pedetidae, a rodent family. \"Pedetes surdaster\" was recognised by Matthee and Robinson in 1997 as a species distinct from the southern African springhare \"(P. capensis)\" based on genetic, morphological, and ethological differences. \"P. capensis\" from South Africa has fewer chromosomes (2n= 38) than does \"P. surdaster\" which has (2n = 40) and some other genetic variations. The species was confirmed by Dieterlen in 2005. This species is found in central and southern Kenya and most of Tanzania. A", "title": "East African springhare" }, { "docid": "15715390", "text": "mountains east and west of the Eastern Rift and associated volcanoes, including the Aberdare Range, Mount Kenya, Mount Kulal, Mount Nyiru, Bukkol, and the Nguruman Escarpment in Kenya, and Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Meru, Ngorongoro, and the Marang forests (Mbulu and Hanang) in northern Tanzania. The ecoregion consists of montane forests, grasslands, and savannas, transitioning to the East African montane moorlands on the highest peaks. The ecoregion is home to the Afromontane flora, which occurs in the mountains of eastern Africa, and is distinct from the lowland flora. East African montane forests The East African montane forests is a montane tropical", "title": "East African montane forests" }, { "docid": "10653478", "text": "potential accession of South Sudan to the EAC may affect the timeline for federation or the scope thereof, but given the infrastructure problems that persist in the fledgling country since President Salva Kiir Mayardit cut off oil commerce with Sudan, the South has decided to invest in constructing pipelines that circumvent Sudan's, which it had been using until that time. These new pipelines would extend through Ethiopia to the ports of Djibouti, as well as to the southeast to the coast of Kenya. These collaborations could increase the likelihood of South Sudan joining the East African Federation at some point.", "title": "East African Federation" } ]
[ { "docid": "12774147", "text": "satellite had shown the equatorial \"diameter\" from longitude 11° West to 169° East to be greater than its \"diameter\" ninety degrees away. The Equator passes through the land of 11 countries. Starting at the Prime Meridian and heading eastwards, the Equator passes through: Despite its name, no part of Equatorial Guinea lies on the Equator. However, its island of Annobón is south of the Equator, and the rest of the country lies to the north. Seasons result from the tilt of the Earth's axis compared to the plane of its revolution around the Sun. Throughout the year the northern and", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "12774139", "text": "Equator An equator of a rotating spheroid (such as a planet) is its zeroth circle of latitude (parallel). It is the imaginary line on the spheroid's surface, equidistant from its poles, dividing it into northern and southern hemispheres. In other words, it is the intersection of the spheroid's surface with the plane perpendicular to its axis of rotation and midway between its geographical poles. On Earth, \"the Equator\" is about long, of which 78.8% lies across water and 21.3% over land. Indonesia is the country straddling the greatest length of the equatorial line across both land and sea. The name", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "2789279", "text": "Arabian Plate is moving away from the African Plate. The New England hotspot in the Atlantic Ocean has probably created a short line of mid- to late-Tertiary age seamounts on the African Plate but appears to be currently inactive. African Plate The African Plate is a major tectonic plate straddling the equator as well as the prime meridian. It includes much of the continent of Africa, as well as oceanic crust which lies between the continent and various surrounding ocean ridges. Between and , the Somali Plate began rifting from the African Plate along the East African Rift. Since the", "title": "African Plate" }, { "docid": "2789273", "text": "African Plate The African Plate is a major tectonic plate straddling the equator as well as the prime meridian. It includes much of the continent of Africa, as well as oceanic crust which lies between the continent and various surrounding ocean ridges. Between and , the Somali Plate began rifting from the African Plate along the East African Rift. Since the continent of Africa consists of crust from both the African and the Somali plates, some literature refers to the African Plate as the Nubian Plate to distinguish it from the continent as a whole. The western edge of the", "title": "African Plate" }, { "docid": "12864169", "text": "The Equator monument The Equator monument is located on the equator in Pontianak, Indonesia. It marks the division between the northern and southern hemispheres. The monument consists of four iron wood poles, each with a diameter of about 0,30 metre, with frontage bollard height is two pieces as high as 3,05 radian place backside bollard and the signpost dart as high as 4,40 metres. Its location is in \"Jalan Khatulistiwa\", North Pontianak, about 3 kilometres from the city centre of Pontianak. The equator monument is not on the equator any more. The equator has moved slightly southwards and there is", "title": "The Equator monument" }, { "docid": "12774151", "text": "snow lies on the ground. At the Equator the snow line is around \"lower\" than on Mount Everest and as much as lower than the highest snow line in the world, near the Tropic of Capricorn on Llullaillaco. Certain navies, such as the Royal Navy, Russian Navy, and US Navy, have a tradition of holding ceremonies aboard ships to mark sailors' first crossing of the Equator. These ceremonial events have in the past been notorious for their brutality. Milder line-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are also held for passengers' entertainment on some civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. Equator", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "12864170", "text": "another line outside the monument, that shows the recorded position in 2005. The position of the equator in 2010 is even further south and in the river, as a GPS device can confirm. The Equator monument The Equator monument is located on the equator in Pontianak, Indonesia. It marks the division between the northern and southern hemispheres. The monument consists of four iron wood poles, each with a diameter of about 0,30 metre, with frontage bollard height is two pieces as high as 3,05 radian place backside bollard and the signpost dart as high as 4,40 metres. Its location is", "title": "The Equator monument" }, { "docid": "1353432", "text": "south), the celestial equator tilts towards the opposite horizon. The celestial equator is defined to be infinitely distant (since it is on the celestial sphere); thus, the ends of the semicircle always intersect the horizon due east and due west, regardless of the observer's position on Earth. (At the poles, the celestial equator coincides with the astronomical horizon.) At all latitudes, the celestial equator is a uniform arc or circle because the observer is only finitely far from the plane of the celestial equator, but infinitely far from the celestial equator itself. Astronomical objects near the celestial equator appear above", "title": "Celestial equator" }, { "docid": "17617127", "text": "Little fruit from the Equator Little fruit from the Equator (Portuguese: A frutinha do Equador; German: Früchtchen - Am Äquator ist alles möglich) is a 1998 feature film, directed by Herbert Brödl. The film is an Austrian, German, and São Toméan co-production, though set and filmed entirely on the island of São Tomé. It was the first feature film produced in the country of São Tomé and Príncipe. The film is 78 minutes long. It was first released 1998, as part of that year's Hof International Film Festival and Lübeck Nordic Film Days. The story is an allegory, combining narrative", "title": "Little fruit from the Equator" }, { "docid": "16169325", "text": "– East African Flyway largely lies within the area covered by the African Eurasian Migratory Waterbird Agreement (AEWA), which had 59 signatory states as of 2007. This agreement covers 235 species for which conservation measures would be put in place. Flyways overlap. Birds from the eastern Palaeartic breeding grounds also migrate to south-east and south Asia, and birds from eastern Europe and the Caucasus migrate to the wintering areas in east Africa. Wild migratory birds appear to play a significant role in distribution of avian influenza and in introduction of new viruses to resident and domestic birds. Asian–East African Flyway", "title": "Asian–East African Flyway" }, { "docid": "14319961", "text": "sport's top competitors come from Africa means that the top runners at the World Cross Country Championships, especially in the men's section, are largely the same ones which would form the field of an African Championships – at the 2009 IAAF World Cross Country Championships the top 25 finishers in the men's race, and the top 12 in the women's race, were all African-born. Commenting on the dominance of the competition, IAAF president Lamine Diack said that the competition had \"become not only an African affair but an East African affair, and these days you don't even get athletes from", "title": "African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "20683448", "text": "finds Ilmar on the shore of the stormy sea, who does not remember how he came to be in the water. Everything looks as if he fell into the water from the pier. Soon Ilmar and his new friends in the pioneer camp will again meet with the mysterious stranger ... Elena Kamburova — song \"The Little Prince\". Passenger from the \"Equator\" Passenger from the \"Equator\" () is a 1968 Soviet children's adventure film directed by Aleksandr Kurochkin. Young swimmer Ilmar sails on the ship \"Equator\" to the pioneer camp, located somewhere on the Black Sea shore. Accidentally, he witnesses", "title": "Passenger from the \"Equator\"" }, { "docid": "20683447", "text": "Passenger from the \"Equator\" Passenger from the \"Equator\" () is a 1968 Soviet children's adventure film directed by Aleksandr Kurochkin. Young swimmer Ilmar sails on the ship \"Equator\" to the pioneer camp, located somewhere on the Black Sea shore. Accidentally, he witnesses a strange event: one of the passengers, a foreigner (he is a magician and a \"businessman\"), Mr. Pipp secretly throws a suspicious object into the sea (radio beacon). Pipp discovers a boy nearby and fearing revelation, pushes him overboard, and no one notices what has occurred on the boat. Some time later, the leader of the pioneer detachment", "title": "Passenger from the \"Equator\"" }, { "docid": "2677838", "text": "both \"summer\" and \"winter.\" Chennai, India, at 13 degrees north is considered to lie on the thermal equator at its longitude (80 degrees east). Thermal equator The thermal equator (also known as \"the heat equator\") is a belt encircling the Earth, defined by the set of locations having the highest mean annual temperature at each longitude around the globe. Because local temperatures are sensitive to the geography of a region, mountain ranges and ocean currents ensure that smooth temperature gradients (such as might be found if the Earth were uniform in composition and devoid of surface irregularities) are impossible, the", "title": "Thermal equator" }, { "docid": "16338713", "text": "the truth unravels in a harrowing cycle of deception and revenge as the crimes and secrets of yesteryear come to light. In the table below, the blue numbers represent the lowest ratings and the red numbers represent the highest ratings. It aired in the Philippines on ABS-CBN from September 10 to October 26, 2012. It aired in Japan on cable channel KNTV from September 12 to November 15, 2012. Man from the Equator Man from the Equator (; also known as The Equator Man) is a 2012 South Korean television series, starring Uhm Tae-woong, Lee Joon-hyuk, Lee Bo-young and Im", "title": "Man from the Equator" }, { "docid": "16338710", "text": "Man from the Equator Man from the Equator (; also known as The Equator Man) is a 2012 South Korean television series, starring Uhm Tae-woong, Lee Joon-hyuk, Lee Bo-young and Im Jung-eun. A tense, emotionally charged tale of brotherhood and betrayal, it follows two best friends with a tragic, twisted history that follows them from youth to adulthood. It aired on KBS2 from March 21 to May 24, 2012 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:55 (KST) for 20 episodes. After premiering in last place among its more high-profile competitors \"The King 2 Hearts\" and \"Rooftop Prince\", the viewership ratings for", "title": "Man from the Equator" }, { "docid": "20935813", "text": "a Common Market, a Monetary Union, and ultimately a Political Federation of the East African States.\" East African Community countries also have active trade to other parts of the world, like the European Union. Each country is apart of the World Trade Organization except for South Sudan who remains out of this conglomeration. As of 2014, these six countries have a combined GDP of $159.5 billion, GDP per capita of $918, total population of 168.5 million, total import $40.2 billion, and total export $13.6 billion. These countries become much stronger as a part of the community as they become a", "title": "Trade in the East African Community" }, { "docid": "17617129", "text": "to be an answer to their \"fantasies\", \"desires and dark longings\". This is the third film by Brödl set in areas by the Equator. He considers it part of his \"Equator cycle\", alongside \"Jaguar and Rain\" (1994), \"Goldland\" (1996), \"Bad Boy\" (2000), \"Eclipse\" (2002), and \"Flyers\" (2008). Little fruit from the Equator Little fruit from the Equator (Portuguese: A frutinha do Equador; German: Früchtchen - Am Äquator ist alles möglich) is a 1998 feature film, directed by Herbert Brödl. The film is an Austrian, German, and São Toméan co-production, though set and filmed entirely on the island of São Tomé.", "title": "Little fruit from the Equator" }, { "docid": "64740", "text": ", the Central African Republic is the world's 45th-largest country (after Somalia). It is comparable in size to Ukraine or slightly smaller than the state of Texas. Much of the southern border is formed by tributaries of the Congo River, with the Mbomou River in the east merging with the Uele River to form the Ubangi River. In the west, the Sangha River flows through part of the country. The eastern border lies along the edge of the Congo-Nile watershed. Estimates of the amount of the country covered by forest ranges up to 8%, with the densest parts in the", "title": "Geography of the Central African Republic" }, { "docid": "6704411", "text": "life out of a fake letter of introduction to Cornelius Vanderbilt, were anthologized in Charles Neider (ed) \"The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain\", (Doubleday, 1957) where they are presented as fiction. Following the Equator Following the Equator (sometimes titled \"More Tramps Abroad\") is a non-fiction social commentary in the form of a travelogue published by Mark Twain in 1897. Twain was practically bankrupt in 1894 due to investing heavily into the failed Paige Compositor. In an attempt to extricate himself from debt of $100,000 (equivalent of about $2.5 million in 2010) he undertook a tour of the British Empire", "title": "Following the Equator" }, { "docid": "6704409", "text": "Following the Equator Following the Equator (sometimes titled \"More Tramps Abroad\") is a non-fiction social commentary in the form of a travelogue published by Mark Twain in 1897. Twain was practically bankrupt in 1894 due to investing heavily into the failed Paige Compositor. In an attempt to extricate himself from debt of $100,000 (equivalent of about $2.5 million in 2010) he undertook a tour of the British Empire in 1895 at age 60, a route chosen to provide numerous opportunities for lectures in English. American songwriter Jimmy Buffett mentions the book in his songs “Take Another Road” and “That’s What", "title": "Following the Equator" }, { "docid": "12774141", "text": "one whose plane passes through the center of the globe. The plane of Earth's equator, when projected outwards to the celestial sphere, defines the celestial equator. In the cycle of Earth's seasons, the equatorial plane runs through the Sun twice per year: on the equinoxes in March and September. To a person on Earth, the Sun appears to travel above the Equator (or along the celestial equator) at these times. Light rays from the Sun's center are perpendicular to Earth's surface at the point of solar noon on the Equator. Locations on the Equator experience the shortest sunrises and sunsets", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "5247225", "text": "East African shilling The East African shilling was the currency issued for use in British controlled areas in East Africa from 1921 until 1969. It was produced by the East African Currency Board. It is also the proposed name for a common currency that the East African Community plans to introduce. The shilling was subdivided into 100 \"cents\", and a \"pound\" was equivalent to twenty shillings. In the United Kingdom, the pound sterling formerly was divided into twenty shillings, and it was normal to consider the shilling to be a subsidiary unit of the pound. In British East Africa, however,", "title": "East African shilling" }, { "docid": "12774148", "text": "southern hemispheres are alternately turned either toward or away from the sun depending on Earth's position in its orbit. The hemisphere turned toward the sun receives more sunlight and is in summer, while the other hemisphere receives less sun and is in winter (see solstice). At the equinoxes, the Earth's axis is perpendicular to the sun rather than tilted toward or away, meaning that day and night are both about 12 hours long across the whole of the Earth. The Equator lies mostly on the three largest oceans: the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. Near the", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "8147549", "text": "the report incorrectly described as \"floretty.\" Four white stars flanked the lower arm of the cross, two above the white stripe and two below. Nine more white stars were arranged in a semicircle at the bottom of the blue circle. Issuing from the top of the yellow square was a red staff ending in a hand with the eye of Providence on the palm, encircled by six more white stars. Finally, at the top of the flag, was a white scroll with the inscription \"Confederação\" (confederation). Confederation of the Equator The Confederation of the Equator () was a short-lived rebellion", "title": "Confederation of the Equator" }, { "docid": "2579390", "text": "Équateur (former province) Équateur (French for \"Equator\") was one of the eleven provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1966 and 2015, when it was split into the new, smaller Équateur province, as well as the Tshuapa, Mongala, Nord-Ubangi and Sud-Ubangi provinces. Located in the north of the country, the province bordered the Republic of the Congo to the west, the Central African Republic to the north, to the east the Orientale province, and to the south the Kasai-Oriental, Kasai-Occidental, and Bandundu provinces. The word \"Équateur\" is French for the Equator, which lies less than south of the", "title": "Équateur (former province)" }, { "docid": "12774140", "text": "is derived from medieval Latin word \"aequator\", in the phrase \"circulus aequator diei et noctis,\" meaning ‘circle equalizing day and night’, from the Latin word \"aequare\" meaning ‘make equal’. The latitude of the Earth's equator is, by definition, 0° (zero degrees) of arc. The Equator is one of the five notable circles of latitude on Earth; the other four are both polar circles (the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle) and both tropical circles (the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn). The Equator is the only line of latitude which is also a great circle — that is,", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "12169414", "text": "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (song) \"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway\" is the first song from Genesis's 1974 album of the same name. The song was released as a single in the U.S.. Although it did not chart, it was frequently played on American FM radio stations. Like other songs on the album, the music and lyrics in \"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway\" are partially derived from 1960s soul songs. The end of the song features the words \"They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway. They say there's always magic in the air\" from The", "title": "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (song)" }, { "docid": "1353431", "text": "Celestial equator The celestial equator is the great circle of the imaginary celestial sphere on the same plane as the equator of Earth. This plane of reference bases the equatorial coordinate system. In other words, the celestial equator is an abstract projection of the terrestrial equator into outer space. Due to Earth's axial tilt, the celestial equator is currently inclined by about 23.44° with respect to the ecliptic (the plane of Earth's orbit). An observer standing on Earth's equator visualizes the celestial equator as a semicircle passing through the zenith, the point directly overhead. As the observer moves north (or", "title": "Celestial equator" }, { "docid": "15689740", "text": "are so important as food crops, the local name \"matoke\" (or more commonly \"matooke\") is synonymous for the word \"food\" in Uganda. Also, a portion of the East African Highland bananas locally known as \"mbidde\" is used to produce juice/beer. East African Highland bananas East African Highland bananas (EAHB) are triploid banana cultivars originating from the African Great Lakes region. They are a staple food crop in Uganda, Tanzania and other Great Lakes countries, and are used to make matoke. East African Highland bananas are also known as the Mutika/Lujugira subgroup. East African Highland bananas are easily distinguishable from other", "title": "East African Highland bananas" }, { "docid": "1916985", "text": "spray paint, hating everyone around him. He witnesses a lamb lying down on Broadway which has a profound effect on him. (\"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway\") As he walks along the street, he sees a dark cloud take the shape of a movie screen and slowly move towards him, finally absorbing him (\"Fly on a Windshield\"), seeing an explosion of images of the current day (\"Broadway Melody of 1974\", the song's title being a reference to MGM musical films of the same name, such as the 1936, 1938 and 1940 films) before he wakes up in a cave and", "title": "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" }, { "docid": "3353422", "text": "was derived from a company known as Car Hire Services (Aviation) Limited, which was incorporated on or about 16 May 1989 in the Companies Registry as No. C. 40158. The company later changed its name to East African Safari Air Limited on 27 February 1998. At the time of incorporation of Car Hire Services (Aviation) limited the shareholders were Mr. Kegode, M/s William Henry Boyd Parkinson, Pritam Singh Panesar and Samuel Gakuru. On 27 November 1990, Mr. Mohammed Aslam Khan was appointed managing director of CHS Aviation, and in December 1990 East African Safari Air (then CHS Aviation) was granted", "title": "East African Safari Air" }, { "docid": "1353433", "text": "the horizon from most places on earth, but they culminate (reach the meridian) highest near the equator. The celestial equator currently passes through these constellations: These, by definition, are the most globally visible constellations. Celestial bodies other than Earth also have similarly defined celestial equators. Celestial equator The celestial equator is the great circle of the imaginary celestial sphere on the same plane as the equator of Earth. This plane of reference bases the equatorial coordinate system. In other words, the celestial equator is an abstract projection of the terrestrial equator into outer space. Due to Earth's axial tilt, the", "title": "Celestial equator" }, { "docid": "15039692", "text": "profiled in the Equator Knowledge Zone (EKZ) database of practice. Equator Prize The Equator Prize, organized by the Equator Initiative within the United Nations Development Programme, is awarded biennially to recognize community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The Equator Prize 2015 was awarded on 7 December to 21 local and indigenous community initiatives. Each winning initiative received US$10,000 was supported to participate in a series of special events at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, France in December 2015. Equator Prize winners are selected based on the following criteria: Equator Prize nominations", "title": "Equator Prize" }, { "docid": "8147537", "text": "Confederation of the Equator The Confederation of the Equator () was a short-lived rebellion that occurred in the northeastern region of Brazil after that nation's struggle for independence from Portugal. The secessionist movement was led by wealthy landowners who opposed early reforms by the nation's first leader, Emperor Pedro I. The fight occurred in Pernambuco, Ceará and Paraíba. The dissolution of the Brazilian Constituent Assembly in 1823 was well received in Pernambuco. The two greatest liberal leaders in the province, Manuel de Carvalho Pais de Andrade and Joaquim do Amor Divino Rabelo e Caneca (popularly known as \"Frei Caneca\") supported", "title": "Confederation of the Equator" }, { "docid": "15039690", "text": "Equator Prize The Equator Prize, organized by the Equator Initiative within the United Nations Development Programme, is awarded biennially to recognize community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The Equator Prize 2015 was awarded on 7 December to 21 local and indigenous community initiatives. Each winning initiative received US$10,000 was supported to participate in a series of special events at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, France in December 2015. Equator Prize winners are selected based on the following criteria: Equator Prize nominations are accepted from three regions of eligibility within the equatorial", "title": "Equator Prize" }, { "docid": "64668", "text": "14 December 2015, Séléka rebel leaders declared an independent Republic of Logone. The Central African Republic is a landlocked nation within the interior of the African continent. It is bordered by Cameroon, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Republic of the Congo. The country lies between latitudes 2° and 11°N, and longitudes 14° and 28°E. Much of the country consists of flat or rolling plateau savanna approximately above sea level. Most of the northern half lies within the World Wildlife Fund's East Sudanian savanna ecoregion. In addition to the Fertit Hills in the northeast", "title": "Central African Republic" }, { "docid": "12774145", "text": "84 (World Geodetic System 1984) which is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and satellite navigation including GPS, also has an equatorial radius of 6,378.137 kilometres (3,963.191 mi). For both GRS 80 and WGS 84, this results in a length for the Equator of 40,075.0167 km (24,901.4609 mi). The geographical mile is defined as one arc-minute of the Equator, so it has different values depending on which radius is assumed. For example, by WSG-84, the distance is , while by IAU-2000, it is . This is a difference of less than over the total distance (approximately ). The earth", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "11276045", "text": "to meet the requirements before auditioning in one of the seven audition venues. June 2: African Americans June 9: 50s, 60s and 70s June 16: New Millennium June 23: Birth Decade June 30: African Home Grown July 7: My Idols July 14: Producer's Choice July 21: Ultimate Wishlist July 27: Grand Finale Voting is done by ranking the contestants per country and finding the average rank. This is to prevent countries with larger voting power from giving the contestants from their country an unfair advantage. Idols (East African TV series) Idols East Africa was a singing competition, serving as the", "title": "Idols (East African TV series)" }, { "docid": "18531172", "text": "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Tour The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Tour was a North American and European concert tour by English rock band Genesis. It began on November 1974 in Chicago, ended on 22 May 1975 in Besançon, France, and promoted their 1974 concept album of the same name. At each show, the album was played in its entirety, with one or two older songs as encores. The group's final tour with singer and cofounder Peter Gabriel, it was marked by extensive theatricality, with multiple costumes worn by Gabriel, three backdrop screens that displayed 1,450 slides from", "title": "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Tour" }, { "docid": "20935816", "text": "collapse of the bloc in 1977. The rebirth of the treaty that still stands was created in 1999, and this group of three countries held together until 2009 when Burundi and Rwanda joined. Eventually, in 2016, South Sudan joined the group and trade has been bolstered within each country ever since. With the help of harmonization of monetary and fiscal policies among the nations, there has been an enormous effort in eventually becoming one large nation, Political Federation of the East African States. Becoming one nation will bring improved terms of trade as countries will want to ensure that their", "title": "Trade in the East African Community" }, { "docid": "17888633", "text": "East African Business Week East African Business Week is a weekly Ugandan newspaper published in Kampala, Uganda's capital and largest city. It is the only exclusively business weekly published in the country. The newspaper headquarters and main office are located in \"Media Plaza Building\", at 133 Kira Road, in the Kamwokya neighborhood, in Kampala, about north of the city's central business district. The coordinates of the newspaper headquarters are 0°20'17.0\"N, 32°35'05.0\"E (Latitude:0.338053; Longitude:2.584730). EABW maintains five bureaus, one in each of the five East African cities of Kampala, Nairobi, Kigali, Bujumbura, and Dar es Salaam. The newspaper covers investment and", "title": "East African Business Week" }, { "docid": "16158331", "text": "Pöschel Equator The Pöschel Equator was a single engine, 6/8 seat amphibian built in the 1970s featuring glass-fibre covered fuselage. Three aircraft were built, each with different engine or wing positions, but no production followed. Günther Pöschel designed the Equator as a small executive transport which could operate from land or water. It used the then quite novel glass-fibre composite material for the skin of its flying surfaces and fuselage in order to achieve a smooth and watertight finish. The first version to fly, the P-300 Equator, was completed as a landplane with a fixed undercarriage and was intended to", "title": "Pöschel Equator" }, { "docid": "11303839", "text": "Year. Sales of the Suzuki Equator since 2009 have been 5,808 overall, and it rarely sold over 200 units per month. The Suzuki Equator was discontinued in 2010 for the Canadian market and 2012 for the United States market. Suzuki Equator The Suzuki Equator was a mid-size pickup truck based on the Nissan Frontier and assembled by Nissan. It was first sold in the US for the 2009 model year with prices starting at $17,220, and made its debut at the 2008 Chicago Auto Show. The Equator is offered as either a four-seat Extended Cab or a five-seat Crew Cab.", "title": "Suzuki Equator" }, { "docid": "16392443", "text": "medals. 2012 African Cross Country Championships The 2nd African Cross Country Championships was an international cross country running competition for African athletes which was held on 18 March 2012 in Cape Town's Keurboom Park in South Africa. Organised by the Confederation of African Athletics and Athletics South Africa, it was the first time that the competition represented that year's foremost event in the sport, as the IAAF World Cross Country Championships was not held. Twenty-one nations entered athletes into the event and 160 runners participated in the races. There were four championship races held at the event, featuring senior and", "title": "2012 African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "16392441", "text": "2012 African Cross Country Championships The 2nd African Cross Country Championships was an international cross country running competition for African athletes which was held on 18 March 2012 in Cape Town's Keurboom Park in South Africa. Organised by the Confederation of African Athletics and Athletics South Africa, it was the first time that the competition represented that year's foremost event in the sport, as the IAAF World Cross Country Championships was not held. Twenty-one nations entered athletes into the event and 160 runners participated in the races. There were four championship races held at the event, featuring senior and junior", "title": "2012 African Cross Country Championships" }, { "docid": "12774146", "text": "is commonly modeled as a sphere flattened 0.336% along its axis. This makes the Equator 0.16% longer than a meridian (a great circle passing through the two poles). The IUGG standard meridian is, to the nearest millimetre, , one arc-minute of which is , explaining the SI standardization of the nautical mile as , more than less than the geographical mile. The sea-level surface of the Earth (the geoid) is irregular, so the actual length of the Equator is not so easy to determine. \"Aviation Week and Space Technology\" on 9 October 1961 reported that measurements using the Transit IV-A", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "2120983", "text": "South America, and the Galápagos penguin found in the Pacific Ocean near the equator. All are similar in shape, colour and behaviour. The African penguin is a member of the class Aves, and the order Sphenisciformes. It belongs to the penguin family Spheniscidae. It is classified as \"Spheniscus demersus\". The genus to which the African penguin belongs, \"Spheniscus\", derives from the Ancient Greek word \"sphen\", which means \"wedge\". This refers to their streamlined body shape. Its species name, \"demersus\", is a Latin word for \"plunging\". African penguins grow to tall and weigh between . They have a black stripe and", "title": "African penguin" }, { "docid": "7281291", "text": "The standards have subsequently been periodically updated into what is commonly known as the International Finance Corporation Performance Standards on social and environmental sustainability and on the World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines. The Equator Principles have recently been revised and the third iteration of the Equator Principles was launched on 4 June 2013. The Equator Principles are currently under review, with the intent of developing their fourth iteration during 2018-2019. The Equator Principles apply globally, to all industry sectors and (within in EPIII) to four financial products 1) Project Finance Advisory Services 2) Project Finance 3) Project-Related", "title": "Equator Principles" }, { "docid": "2371029", "text": "as belonging to Quadling Country. The west country of Oz is bordered at the northeast by the Gillikin Country and to the south by the Quadling Country. To the East lies the Emerald City and to the far east (beyond the Munchkin Country) as well as to the west, north and south (beyond the Quadling Country) of Winkie Country lies the Deadly Desert (which completely surrounds the Land of Oz). The Winkie Country is separated by the Deadly Desert from the underground Dominions of the Nome King. The Kingdom of Oogaboo, where items of value grow on trees, is separated", "title": "Winkie Country" }, { "docid": "20684274", "text": "through its two media channels, Equator Radio 89.4 FM and EBC TV. Equator Broadcasting Corporation The Equator Broadcasting Corporation also known by its acronym EBC is the public-service broadcaster of Central Equator State. The organization is headquartered at Juba, the capital of Central Equator State central South Sudan and transmits on a frequency of 89.4FM and EBC TV. It was established on July 6, 2015 as a public corporation. Governor Clement Wani Konga of the Central Equatoria State, announced the launch of the new Equator Broadcasting Corporation in Juba on July 6 2015. Jacob Aligo Lo Ladu would serve as", "title": "Equator Broadcasting Corporation" }, { "docid": "5990252", "text": "of Where The Truth Lies\" (which has neither commentary nor dialogue) and deleted scenes. Where the Truth Lies Where the Truth Lies is a 2005 British-Canadian erotic thriller film written and directed by Atom Egoyan. Based on Rupert Holmes' 2003 novel of the same name, the film stars Kevin Bacon, Colin Firth, and Alison Lohman. The film alternates between 1957, when comedy duo Lanny Morris (Bacon) and Vince Collins (Firth) are at the height of their success, and 1972, when journalist Karen O'Connor (Lohman) is determined to unravel the mystery of a young woman found dead in their hotel suite", "title": "Where the Truth Lies" }, { "docid": "11303837", "text": "Suzuki Equator The Suzuki Equator was a mid-size pickup truck based on the Nissan Frontier and assembled by Nissan. It was first sold in the US for the 2009 model year with prices starting at $17,220, and made its debut at the 2008 Chicago Auto Show. The Equator is offered as either a four-seat Extended Cab or a five-seat Crew Cab. In the Canadian market, the Equator is only offered in the Crew Cab configuration, in a single trim level. Power on base Extended Cab models comes from a 4-cylinder engine. A V6 is optional on Extended Cab models and", "title": "Suzuki Equator" }, { "docid": "14583485", "text": "working meeting of the EQUATOR Network took place in Oxford on May–June 2006 and was attended by 27 participants from 10 countries. Participants in this meeting were reporting guidelines developers, journal editors, peer reviewers, medical writers and research funders. The meeting served as a venue to exchange experiences among participants in developing, using and implementing reporting guidelines and prioritize the main activities that were necessary for the successful start of the EQUATOR Network's efforts. The EQUATOR Network was formally launched on 26 June 2008 at the Royal Society of Medicine in London, UK. The event also hosted the 1st EQUATOR", "title": "EQUATOR Network" }, { "docid": "7281290", "text": "Equator Principles The Equator Principles is a risk management framework, adopted by financial institutions, for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in project finance. It is primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence to support responsible risk decision-making. As at April 2018, 92 adopting financial institutions in 37 countries have officially adopted the Equator Principles, covering the majority of international Project Finance debt in emerging and developed markets. The Equator Principles, formally launched in Washington DC on 4 June 2003, were based on existing environmental and social policy frameworks established by the International Finance Corporation.", "title": "Equator Principles" }, { "docid": "14363714", "text": "London Country South East London Country South East (LCSE) was a bus operator in South East England and London. It was formed from the split of London Country Bus Services in 1986 and operated a fleet of around 170 buses from four garages, with its headquarters located in Northfleet. It was rebranded as Kentish Bus in 1987 and used this name for most of its existence. Its former garages and operations now form part of Arriva Southern Counties and Arriva London. In the run-up to deregulation, London Country Bus Services was broken into four smaller companies on 7 September 1986.", "title": "London Country South East" }, { "docid": "5686411", "text": "had plans for reviving the Airline but could not do so as their source of funding did not materialize, till press time early 2006. Air Equator operated services to the following domestic scheduled destinations (at January 2005): The Air Equator fleet consisted of 1 Fairchild F-27 aircraft (at January 2005). The aircraft still rests in the airline's livery on a grassy area near Gan International Airport Air Equator Air Equator was an airline based in Gan, Maldives. It operated services linking the southernmost island of Gan to other main islands in the Maldives. Its main base was Gan International Airport.", "title": "Air Equator" }, { "docid": "7281298", "text": "through their clients that make global banks such important targets in climate change. Equator Principles The Equator Principles is a risk management framework, adopted by financial institutions, for determining, assessing and managing environmental and social risk in project finance. It is primarily intended to provide a minimum standard for due diligence to support responsible risk decision-making. As at April 2018, 92 adopting financial institutions in 37 countries have officially adopted the Equator Principles, covering the majority of international Project Finance debt in emerging and developed markets. The Equator Principles, formally launched in Washington DC on 4 June 2003, were based", "title": "Equator Principles" }, { "docid": "20684273", "text": "Equator Broadcasting Corporation The Equator Broadcasting Corporation also known by its acronym EBC is the public-service broadcaster of Central Equator State. The organization is headquartered at Juba, the capital of Central Equator State central South Sudan and transmits on a frequency of 89.4FM and EBC TV. It was established on July 6, 2015 as a public corporation. Governor Clement Wani Konga of the Central Equatoria State, announced the launch of the new Equator Broadcasting Corporation in Juba on July 6 2015. Jacob Aligo Lo Ladu would serve as the managing director, with EBC being used as a public service broadcaster", "title": "Equator Broadcasting Corporation" }, { "docid": "12931842", "text": "AU agenda around these times. They are empowered to receive and examine the country (\"state\") reports on the measures they have adopted to implement the provisions of the Children's Charter as well as the progress achieved regarding how the rights are being protected. The final protective function of the Committee of Experts is related to the investigations procedure. They are empowered to resort to any appropriate method of investigation in respect of any issue covered in the Children's Charter. As at October 2008, the elected Committee of Experts were (name, country, position): African Committee of Experts on the Rights and", "title": "African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child" }, { "docid": "14363498", "text": "of Maldives. In the British Admiralty charts it is called Equatorial Channel because the Equator passes through the upper part of the channel. With Addu Kandu the Equatorial Channel divides to form another important channel named Mulah Kandu. Geographically Addu Kandu and Mulah Kandu are one. But as Fuvahmulah lies north-east of Addu Atoll and more southwards from the center of the channel it's the part of the channel between Fuvahmulah and Addu Atoll which is considered Mulah Kandu. This channel appeared in old French maps with the name Courant de Addoue. Mulah Kandu is the channel between Fuvahmulah and", "title": "Channels of the Maldives" }, { "docid": "2677835", "text": "Thermal equator The thermal equator (also known as \"the heat equator\") is a belt encircling the Earth, defined by the set of locations having the highest mean annual temperature at each longitude around the globe. Because local temperatures are sensitive to the geography of a region, mountain ranges and ocean currents ensure that smooth temperature gradients (such as might be found if the Earth were uniform in composition and devoid of surface irregularities) are impossible, the location of the thermal equator is not identical to that of the geographic Equator. The term is less frequently used to describe the belt", "title": "Thermal equator" }, { "docid": "18442065", "text": "first, the East and Southern African cheetahs were thought to be identical as the genetic distance between the two subspecies is low. In the 1990s, it appeared from a DNA research that the East African cheetah is a separate subspecies differing from the Southern African cheetah. In early 2011, results of phylogeographic genetic analysis on cheetah subspecies revealed more about the distinctiveness and significant differences between cheetah subspecies, revealing the connection between the East and Southern African populations. The mitochondrial DNA data shows that the East African cheetah had no common haplotype with the Southern African cheetah, although one haplotype", "title": "East African cheetah" }, { "docid": "3353426", "text": "for the South Sudan Liberation Movement. At the end of October 1993 CHS Aviation had three Cessna Caravans, and two King Air B200s operating flights to Southern Sudan. In February 1998 Anthony Kegode and Uhai Ltd bought out all the shares of WHB Parkinson and PS Panesar. Uhai Ltd was then owned 100% by Anthony Kegode and Elizabeth Kegode. When the company later changed its name to East African Safari Air Limited on 27 February 1998, it saw the exist of the other founder shareholders, with Uhai Limited and Mr. Kegode acquiring 100% of the shares of East African Safari", "title": "East African Safari Air" }, { "docid": "15549528", "text": "levels of cattle grazing. The richness of the wild life of the Central African Republic is reflected in its about 3,600 species of plants, 663 birds, 209 mammals (includes two endemic species and 11 threatened species), 187 reptiles and 29 amphibians. The Central African Republic, a landlocked country in Africa, which was once a French colony under the name Ubangi-Shari, is a rich rainforest area of 22.755 million ha with tropical forest covering 35% of the area of the country. The rich forests of the Central African Republic vary and are largely delimited within the major tropical rain forests of", "title": "Wildlife of the Central African Republic" }, { "docid": "827928", "text": "bases near Masisi in 2017, after the US led a push to cut costs. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is located in central sub-Saharan Africa, bordered by (clockwise from the southwest) Angola, the South Atlantic Ocean, the Cabinda Province exclave of Angola, the Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania across Lake Tanganyika, and Zambia. The country lies between latitudes 6°N and 14°S, and longitudes 12° and 32°E. It straddles the Equator, with one-third to the North and two-thirds to the South. The size of Congo, , is slightly greater than", "title": "Democratic Republic of the Congo" }, { "docid": "6556569", "text": "East African rupee The Rupee was the currency of Britain's East African colonies and protectorates between 1906 and 1920. It was divided into 100 cents. The rupee replaced the Indian rupee, which had previously circulated. In 1920, the rupee was revalued against sterling to a peg of 1 rupee = 2 shillings (1 florin). In East Africa, this was followed in the same year by the replacement of the rupee with the East African florin at par. The currency is noteworthy for including the world's first aluminium coin, the 1907 1 Cent. Silver coins were introduced for 25 and 50", "title": "East African rupee" }, { "docid": "12774142", "text": "because the Sun's daily path is nearly perpendicular to the horizon for most of the year. The length of daylight (sunrise to sunset) is almost constant throughout the year; it is about 14 minutes longer than nighttime due to atmospheric refraction and the fact that sunrise begins (or sunset ends) as the upper limb, not the center, of the Sun's disk contacts the horizon. Earth bulges slightly at the Equator; the \"average\" diameter of Earth is , but the diameter at the Equator is about greater than at the poles. Sites near the Equator, such as the Guiana Space Centre", "title": "Equator" }, { "docid": "15504609", "text": "in an extensive system of burrows. It lives in semiarid grassland habitats. The diet is the green parts of plants, roots and other vegetable matter, and occasionally insects. East African springhare The East African springhare (\"Pedetes surdaster\"), is not closely related to the hare, but is a member of the Pedetidae, a rodent family. \"Pedetes surdaster\" was recognised by Matthee and Robinson in 1997 as a species distinct from the southern African springhare \"(P. capensis)\" based on genetic, morphological, and ethological differences. \"P. capensis\" from South Africa has fewer chromosomes (2n= 38) than does \"P. surdaster\" which has (2n =", "title": "East African springhare" }, { "docid": "8336438", "text": "Equator (schooner) Equator was a two-masted pygmy trading schooner that in 1889 carried passengers Robert Louis Stevenson and Fanny Vandegrift Stevenson on a voyage through the islands of Micronesia. They visited Butaritari, Mariki, Apaiang and Abemama in the Gilbert Islands, (also known as the Kingsmills) now Kiribati. Photographs of Stevenson's voyage exist. Originally built in San Francisco in 1888 as a copra trader, \"Equator\" was converted to steam in 1897 and eventually abandoned in the harbor at Everett, Washington in 1957. The vessel was Everett's first artifact placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. The remains of", "title": "Equator (schooner)" } ]
In which country did King Hassan II ascend the throne in 1961?
[ "ISO 3166-1:MA", "Al-Mamlakah al-Maġribiyya", "Maroc", "Royaume du Maroc", "Norocco", "Moraco", "Sultanate of Fez", "Etymology of Morocco", "المغرب", "Al-Mamlaka al-Maġribiyya", "Maroc (disambiguation)", "Morroco", "Al-Maġrib", "Lmaġrib", "Sherifian Empire", "Maroco", "Name of Morocco", "Morrocco", "Moroccan Kingdom", "Morocco", "Morrocan", "Al-Mamlakah al-Maġribiyah", "Moroco", "Marokko", "المملكة المغربية", "Marocko", "Sultanate of Morocco", "Al-Mamlaka al-Maghrebia", "Kingdom of Morocco" ]
[ { "docid": "2446118", "text": "writing. National orders: King Hassan II had five children with his wife Lalla Latifa Hammou, a member of the Zayane tribe, whom he married in 1961: The king had one other wife, Lalla Fatima bint \"Qaid\" Ould Hassan Amhourak (cousin of Latifa Hammou), whom he also married in 1961. They had no children. The father of Hassan II was Mohammed V of Morocco and his mother was Lalla Abla bint Tahar. He had five sisters and one brother: Hassan II of Morocco King Hassan II (, MSA: (a)l-ḥasan aṯ-ṯānī, Maghrebi Arabic: el-ḥasan ett(s)âni); 9 July 1929 – 23 July 1999)", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "2446108", "text": "Hassan II of Morocco King Hassan II (, MSA: (a)l-ḥasan aṯ-ṯānī, Maghrebi Arabic: el-ḥasan ett(s)âni); 9 July 1929 – 23 July 1999) was King of Morocco from 1961 until his death in 1999. He was the eldest son of Mohammed V, Sultan, then King of Morocco (1909–1961), and his second wife, Lalla Abla bint Tahar (1909–1992). Hassan was known to be one of the most severe rulers of Morocco. Hassan was educated at the Imperial College at Rabat, and earned a law degree from the University of Bordeaux. He was exiled to Corsica by French authorities on 20 August 1953,", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "16087260", "text": "Order of the Throne The Order of the Throne (Arabic: \"Wissam al-Arch\", French: \"Ordre du Trône\") is a state decoration of the Kingdom of Morocco awarded for distinguished services of a civil or military nature. The Order was instituted on 16 May 1963 by King Hassan II of Morocco, who reigned between 1961 and 1999. The Order of the Throne is awarded in five classes, one exceptional and four ordinary classes : The ordinary classes: The \"breast star\" is the five-pointed green star of the Alaouite. The Alaouite dynasty, descendants of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, have ruled Morocco since 1664.", "title": "Order of the Throne" }, { "docid": "19891364", "text": "V, and was thereafter held on November 18 each year. The date moved to March 3 during the rule of the late King Hassan II (1961-1999). When King Mohammed VI took the throne in 1999, it moved again to July 30. The Throne Speech is given on the 30 July, when the King addresses the nation on official State TV, giving an inventory of events and projects completed during the previous year, and discusses the future vision and foreign policies of the kingdom. According to Article 52 of the Constitution of Morocco of 2011, the King has to address both", "title": "Throne Day (Morocco)" }, { "docid": "2446110", "text": "Sultan to King in 1957. Hassan was proclaimed Crown Prince on 19 July 1957, and became King on 26 February 1961, after his father's death. Hassan's conservative rule, one characterized by a poor human rights record, strengthened the Alaouite dynasty. In Morocco's first constitution of 1963, Hassan II reaffirmed Morocco's choice of a multi-party political system, the only one in the Maghreb at that time. The constitution gave the King large powers he eventually used to strengthen his rule, which provoked strong political protest from the UNFP and the Istiqlal parties that formed the backbone of the opposition. In 1965,", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "10092310", "text": "a non-sanctioned event. It attracted mixed fields; mainly the bigger names did not play in the event in the early years. After there was no tournament in 2009. It was revived as a European Tour event in 2010 Hassan II Golf Trophy The Hassan II Golf Trophy is a golf tournament in Morocco hosted by Prince Moulay Rachid. The tournament was named for his father, Hassan II, who served as King of Morocco. It was held at the Royal Golf Dar Es Salam in Rabat until it moved to Agadir in 2011. It moved back to Royal Golf Dar Es", "title": "Hassan II Golf Trophy" }, { "docid": "10092309", "text": "Hassan II Golf Trophy The Hassan II Golf Trophy is a golf tournament in Morocco hosted by Prince Moulay Rachid. The tournament was named for his father, Hassan II, who served as King of Morocco. It was held at the Royal Golf Dar Es Salam in Rabat until it moved to Agadir in 2011. It moved back to Royal Golf Dar Es Salam in 2016. The tournament has been played since 1971, but did not take place from 1986 to 1990, 2005, and 2009. It has been a European Tour event since 2010. From 1971, the tournament was staged as", "title": "Hassan II Golf Trophy" }, { "docid": "11553141", "text": "2000 King Hassan II International Cup Tournament The 2000 King Hassan II International Cup Tournament was the third edition of this international football competition. It took place in the summer of 2000, less than a week before the Euro 2000. Matches were held on 4 and 6 June 2000 in Morocco. Host nation Morocco, France (who went on to win the Euro the following month), Japan and Jamaica participated in the tournament, and all matches took place at the Stade Mohamed V, home of Moroccan clubs Raja Casablanca and Wydad Casablanca. The tournament was played in a cup format, with", "title": "2000 King Hassan II International Cup Tournament" }, { "docid": "11553142", "text": "only four games played (two semifinals, a final and a third-place match). 2 goals 2000 King Hassan II International Cup Tournament The 2000 King Hassan II International Cup Tournament was the third edition of this international football competition. It took place in the summer of 2000, less than a week before the Euro 2000. Matches were held on 4 and 6 June 2000 in Morocco. Host nation Morocco, France (who went on to win the Euro the following month), Japan and Jamaica participated in the tournament, and all matches took place at the Stade Mohamed V, home of Moroccan clubs", "title": "2000 King Hassan II International Cup Tournament" }, { "docid": "2446116", "text": "because of Moroccan claims on the country (see Great Morocco). Economically, Hassan II adopted a market-based economy, where agriculture, tourism, and phosphates mining industries played a major role. The period from the 1960s to the late 1980s was labelled as the \"years of lead\" and saw thousands of dissidents jailed, killed, exiled or forcibly disappeared. King Hassan II had extended many parliamentary functions by the early 1990s and released hundreds of political prisoners in 1991, and allowed the Alternance, where the opposition assumed power, for the first time in the Arab World. He set up a Royal Council for Human", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "11431763", "text": "1990s in Morocco In the 1990s in Morocco gradual political reforms culminated in the constitutional reform of 1996, which created a new bicameral legislature with expanded, although still limited, powers. Although reportedly marred by irregularities, elections for the Chamber of Representatives were held in 1997. With the death of King Hassan II of Morocco in 1999, the more liberal-minded Crown Prince Sidi Mohammed, who assumed the title of Mohammed VI, took the throne. He has since enacted successive reforms to modernize Morocco, and the country has seen a marked improvement in its human rights record. One of the new king's", "title": "1990s in Morocco" }, { "docid": "3907991", "text": "Hassan II Mosque The Hassan II Mosque or Grande Mosquée Hassan II (; colloquially the \"Casablanca Hajj\") is a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. It is the largest mosque in Africa, and the 5th largest in the world. Its minaret is the world's tallest minaret at . Completed in 1993, it was designed by Michel Pinseau and built by Bouygues. The minaret is 60 stories high topped by a laser, the light from which is directed towards Mecca. The mosque stands on a promontory looking out to the Atlantic Ocean; worshippers can pray over the sea but there is no glass", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "3908014", "text": "quantity poured involved of non-reinforced bulk concrete and of high-strength concrete. The entire work was done at a cost of 50 million euros. Hassan II Mosque The Hassan II Mosque or Grande Mosquée Hassan II (; colloquially the \"Casablanca Hajj\") is a mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. It is the largest mosque in Africa, and the 5th largest in the world. Its minaret is the world's tallest minaret at . Completed in 1993, it was designed by Michel Pinseau and built by Bouygues. The minaret is 60 stories high topped by a laser, the light from which is directed towards Mecca.", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "3907996", "text": "a single landmark monument in Casablanca by stating: The building was commissioned by King Hassan II to be the most ambitious structure ever built in Morocco. It was designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau who had lived in Morocco, and was constructed by the civil engineering group Bouygues. Work commenced on July 12, 1986, and was conducted over a seven-year period. Construction was scheduled to be completed in 1989 ready for Hassan II's 60th birthday. During the most intense period of construction, 1400 men worked during the day and another 1100 during the night. 10,000 artists and craftsmen participated", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "2446111", "text": "Hassan dissolved Parliament and ruled directly, although he did not abolish the mechanisms of parliamentary democracy. When elections were eventually held, they were mostly rigged in favour of loyal parties. This caused severe discontent among the opposition, and protest demonstrations and riots challenged the King's rule. A US report observed that \"Hassan appears obsessed with the preservation of his power rather than with its application toward the resolution of Morocco's multiplying domestic problems.\" In the early 1970s, King Hassan survived two assassination attempts. The first, in 1971, was a coup d'état attempt allegedly supported by Libya, organized by General Mohamed", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "19649891", "text": "Majesty King Mohammed VI, in 2004. Mohamed Hassan Bensalah Born in 1970 in Morocco, Mohamed Hassan BENSALAH is the chairman and the CEO of the moroccan group HOLMARCOM. After a baccalaureate type B in the French school, Mohamed Hassan BENSALAH went to France for higher studies where he obtained a Master in management and finance at Sorbonne university and l’Ecole des Cadres de Paris. Mohamed Hassan BENSALAH succeeded in 1993 to his late father and founder of Holmarcom GROUP as a chairman and CEO.. He is also : He was decorated as Knight of the Order of the Throne of", "title": "Mohamed Hassan Bensalah" }, { "docid": "255049", "text": "new elections, or rule by decree, the only time this happened was in 1965. The King is formally the chief of the military. Upon the death of his father Mohammed V, King Hassan II succeeded to the throne in 1961. He ruled Morocco for the next 38 years, until he died in 1999. His son, King Mohammed VI, assumed the throne in July 1999. Following the March 1998 elections, a coalition government headed by opposition socialist Abderrahmane Youssoufi and composed largely of ministers drawn from opposition parties, was formed. Prime Minister Youssoufi's government is the first government drawn primarily from", "title": "Politics of Morocco" }, { "docid": "3907998", "text": "the government lacked funds for such a grand project. Much of the financing was by public subscription. Twelve million people donated to the cause, with a receipt and certificate given to every donor. The smallest contribution was 5 DH. In addition to public donations and those from business establishments and Arab countries (such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia), western countries provided construction loans. In the words of the authors of the book \"Morocco Country Study Guide\", the Hassan II Mosque \"undeniably marks the continuity of a modernized ancestral art and bears the sign of innovations that are due not only", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "16922051", "text": "webometrics University of Hassan II Casablanca has a world ranking of 2091, 6th in Morocco, and 36th in north Africa. Number of students: Approx 10000 Number of students: 4200 Number of students: 2800 Number of students: 9300 Number of students: 830 Number of students: 590 University of Hassan II Casablanca University Hassan II Casablanca (; ) is a public university located in 'Aïn Chock, Casablanca, Morocco, established in 1975. There are over 24,000 total students, including local and foreign. Full-time faculty teachers and professors are over eleven hundred, making it the third largest university in Morocco. Official staff total 850", "title": "University of Hassan II Casablanca" }, { "docid": "11974587", "text": "Guccione, Florent Serra and Victor Hănescu. Gilles Simon defeated Julien Benneteau, 7–5, 6–2 Albert Montañés / Santiago Ventura defeated James Cerretani / Todd Perry, 6–1, 6–2 2008 Grand Prix Hassan II The 2008 Grand Prix Hassan II was a men's tennis tournament played on outdoor clay courts. It was the 24th edition of the Grand Prix Hassan II, and was part of the International Series of the 2008 ATP Tour. It took place at the Complexe Al Amal in Casablanca, Morocco, from 18 May through 25 May 2008. The main draw was led by Australian Open runner-up and Sydney doubles", "title": "2008 Grand Prix Hassan II" }, { "docid": "11974586", "text": "2008 Grand Prix Hassan II The 2008 Grand Prix Hassan II was a men's tennis tournament played on outdoor clay courts. It was the 24th edition of the Grand Prix Hassan II, and was part of the International Series of the 2008 ATP Tour. It took place at the Complexe Al Amal in Casablanca, Morocco, from 18 May through 25 May 2008. The main draw was led by Australian Open runner-up and Sydney doubles champion Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, 2007 Bucharest semifinalist Gaël Monfils, and Houston quarterfinalist Agustín Calleri. Other seeded players were Estoril quarterfinalist Marc Gicquel, Auckland semifinalist Julien Benneteau, Chris", "title": "2008 Grand Prix Hassan II" }, { "docid": "11431772", "text": "the many international watch dog groups had reported. However Hassan did begin a process of releasing prisoners due to mounting pressure from international organizations and foreign governments, with over three hundred released in 1991 alone. 1990s in Morocco In the 1990s in Morocco gradual political reforms culminated in the constitutional reform of 1996, which created a new bicameral legislature with expanded, although still limited, powers. Although reportedly marred by irregularities, elections for the Chamber of Representatives were held in 1997. With the death of King Hassan II of Morocco in 1999, the more liberal-minded Crown Prince Sidi Mohammed, who assumed", "title": "1990s in Morocco" }, { "docid": "2446114", "text": "General Mohamed Oufkir, Morocco's defense minister, was the man behind the coup and was officially declared to have committed suicide after the attack. His body, however, was found with several bullet wounds. In the Cold War era, Hassan II allied Morocco with the West generally, and with the United States in particular. There were close and continuing ties between Hassan II's government and the CIA, who helped to reorganize Morocco's security forces in 1960. Hassan served as a back channel between the Arab world and Israel, facilitating early negotiations between them. This was made possible due to the presence in", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "8328742", "text": "Hassan Tuhami Dr. Hassan Tuhami (1924–2009) was an Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister during Anwar Sadat's presidency. In 1977, Tuhami met with Yitzhak Hofi, chief of Israel's Mossad, in Morocco. This was followed, on September 16, by a meeting between Tuhami and Israeli foreign minister Moshe Dayan to discuss if Israel was sincere in pursuing peace talks with Egypt. This first Tuhami–Dayan meeting, facilitated by King Hassan II of Morocco, preceded Anwar Sadat's November 1977 trip to Jerusalem. It was in these meetings where the Egyptians first learned of Israel's willingness to withdraw \"from Sinai in return for full, contractual, bilateral", "title": "Hassan Tuhami" }, { "docid": "3907997", "text": "in building and beautifying the mosque. However, the building was not completed on schedule which delayed inauguration. The formal inauguration was subsequently chosen to be the 11th Rabi' al-awwal of the year 1414 of the Hegira, corresponding to 30 August 1993, which also marked the eve of the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s birth. It was dedicated to the Sovereign of Morocco. Construction costs, estimated to be about 585 million euro, were an issue of debate in Morocco, a lower mid-income country. While Hassan wished to build a mosque which would be second in size only to the mosque at Mecca,", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" } ]
[ { "docid": "3907995", "text": "designed madrasa occupies an area of including the basement. Two stories in height, it is constructed in a semi-circular shape, with abutting qibla wall and the mihrab section. The historical context of the mosque began with the death of King Mohammed V in 1961. King Hassan II had requested for the best of the country's artisans to come forward and submit plans for a mausoleum to honour the departed king; it should \"reflect the fervor and veneration with which this illustrious man was regarded.\" In 1980, during his birthday celebrations, Hassan II had made his ambitions very clear for creating", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "3908003", "text": "which is said to be an unconventional layout, given that it is customary for the rows of worshipers facing Mecca to be as wide as possible rather than extend farther back (Halod and Khan 1997, 61). The adoption of this plan has been described as \"a conflict between King Hassan II the ancient aristocrat and King Hassan II the contemporary leader who must develop commerce and industry in order meet the needs of his country.\" The prayer hall is on the ground floor. The central hall is centrally heated, and provides spectacular underwater views of the Atlantic Ocean. The decorations", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "7528638", "text": "Rajadhiraja Chola II Rajadhiraja Chola II (1166–1178 CE) reigned as the Chola king succeeding Rajaraja Chola II. Rajaraja Chola II chose Rajadhiraja II, a grandson of Vikrama Chola as his heir in 1166 as he did not have any sons of his own who were old enough to ascend the throne. Soon after the installation of Rajadhiraja II, a fierce succession dispute in the Pandya country led to the intervention of the Chola and the Sinhalese rulers on opposite sides which brought misery to both. Out of the ashes of this civil war arose the Pandya power which in its", "title": "Rajadhiraja Chola II" }, { "docid": "2973221", "text": "the throne. Since her death, the line of succession has consisted only of descendants of King Frederick IX. Queen Margrethe II's youngest sister, Anne-Marie, married King Constantine II of Greece in 1964. In view of the fact that she was marrying a foreign ruler, although he was himself a Prince of Denmark, consent to the marriage was given on the condition that Anne-Marie renounced her and her descendants' rights to the Danish throne. In 2008, the Danish parliament voted in favour of a new royal succession law that allows a first-born child to one day ascend the throne regardless of", "title": "Succession to the Danish throne" }, { "docid": "8751504", "text": "flee the country following an invasion by Mussolini's Italy. With the death in exile of King Zog in 1961 he was succeeded as claimant to the throne and head of the House of Zogu by his only son Leka, Crown Prince of Albania, who was proclaimed \"King of the Albanians\" by the Albanian National Assembly in exile. King Leka remained head of the house and claimant to the throne until his death in 2011 when he was succeeded by his only son, Leka II. The following articles of the Albanian kingdom's constitution of 1928 set out the succession to the", "title": "Line of succession to the former Albanian throne" }, { "docid": "7528646", "text": "while he was still very young. This indicates that Rajadhiraja Chola II was succeeded by Kulothunga Chola III, when he was alive, in 1178 CE and Rajadhiraja II lived up to 1182 CE. Rajadhiraja Chola was known to have raised flower gardens around the place. Rajadhiraja Chola II Rajadhiraja Chola II (1166–1178 CE) reigned as the Chola king succeeding Rajaraja Chola II. Rajaraja Chola II chose Rajadhiraja II, a grandson of Vikrama Chola as his heir in 1166 as he did not have any sons of his own who were old enough to ascend the throne. Soon after the installation", "title": "Rajadhiraja Chola II" }, { "docid": "3014527", "text": "father King Constantine, and, constitutionally, my eldest brother is his successor. Neither of them has ever renounced his rights, but both have been obliged to leave Greece in obedience to the dictates of their patriotic duty.\" Prince Paul then went on to say that he could not ascend the throne in the existing circumstances. \"I would only ascend the throne if the Hellenic people were to decide that it did not want the return of my august father, and were to exclude the Crown Prince George from his right of succession.\" This declaration by Prince Paul placed the government in", "title": "1920 in Greece" }, { "docid": "2446117", "text": "Rights to look into allegations of abuse by the State. Hassan died of natural causes; he was in his birth town at the age of 70 on 23 July 1999. A national funeral service was held for him in Rabat, with over 40 heads of state in attendance. He was buried in the Mausoleum of Mohammed V. The coffin of Hassan II, carried by King Mohammed VI, his brother Prince Moulay Rachid and his cousin Moulay Hicham, was covered with a green fabric, in which the first prayer of Islam, \"There is no god but God\", is inscribed in golden", "title": "Hassan II of Morocco" }, { "docid": "18113723", "text": "the king, who proceeds to humiliate his son. However, the Royal Queen Dowager is overjoyed at Sado's wisdom and acts as his protector. When the king refuses to call for celebrations for the queen's 60th birthday, the tension comes to a head. He storms into her chambers and insists that she support him or approve his stepping down. Much to his shock, she approves, thereby making Sado king. Curiously, Sado refuses to ascend the throne. After the elderly king's departure, Sado remains kneeling in the courtyard where his subjects fear he will die of exposure. The queen is forced to", "title": "The Throne (film)" }, { "docid": "4481461", "text": "of Canada, not the former British claim to the French throne. While the position of King of France was restored in 1814 (and later abolished for the final time in 1848) subsequent British monarchs did not pursue the claim to the French throne. The Jacobite pretenders were James II of England and his successors, continuing to be styled \"Kings of England, Scotland, France and Ireland\" past their deposition in 1689. All four pretenders continued to actively claim the title King of France as well as that of King of England, Scotland and Ireland from 1689 till 1807: James II for", "title": "English claims to the French throne" }, { "docid": "20933204", "text": "the rule of King Mohammed V after he assumed the throne in 1957.His son, King Hassan II, continued these policies. In the 1990s, under local and international pressure, he established an Advisory Council on Human Rights (CCDH) to investigate human rights violations and provide advice. In 2003, the CCDH asked for the creation of a truth commission to investigate violations in depth. The purpose of the commission was to provide recommendations, medical care and money compensations to the victims. However, the commission did not give any names and was limited in its investigations. It concluded that 742 disappeared people were", "title": "Commission of Inquiry in Algeria" }, { "docid": "13377232", "text": "without son or appointed brother, the throne devolves upon the person whom the National Assembly selects from amongst the descendants of Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca, the founder of the Arab Revolt. A person can be barred from succession by Royal Decree on the ground of unsuitability. His descendants would not be automatically excluded. King Hussein's brother, Prince Muhammad, was the heir presumptive to the throne until the birth of Hussein's eldest son, Abdullah. Abdullah was his father's heir apparent from his birth in 1962 until 1965, when King Hussein decided to appoint his 18-year-old brother Hassan as heir", "title": "Succession to the Jordanian throne" }, { "docid": "3908009", "text": "elegance. Green tiles decorate the minaret for one third of the height from the top, and then changes colour to deep green or turquoise blue; it is said that in the Hassan II minaret, the designer had used his sea-foam green and God’s blue to celebrate the life of a king. The concrete used for the minaret was a special high-grade type, which could perform well under severe conditions of a combined action of strong wind and seismicity. This was achieved by the Science Department of the Bouygues Group, the contractors for the project, who developed an extra-strength concrete four", "title": "Hassan II Mosque" }, { "docid": "1881099", "text": "Throne A throne is the seat of state of a potentate or dignitary, especially the seat occupied by a sovereign on state occasions; or the seat occupied by a pope or bishop on ceremonial occasions. \"Throne\" in an abstract sense can also refer to the monarchy or the Crown itself, an instance of metonymy, and is also used in many expressions such as \"the power behind the throne\". The expression \"ascend (mount) the throne\" takes its meaning from the steps leading up to the dais or platform, on which the throne is placed, being formerly comprised in the word's significance.", "title": "Throne" }, { "docid": "17284935", "text": "was achieved without difficulty. He became governor of Casablanca and then Minister of Posts. King Hassan II succeeded to the throne on 26 February 1961. Medbouh was made the king's chief aide-de-camp. In July 1963 an alleged plot by the leftist National Union of Popular Forces party to kill the king in his bed was foiled. The plotters were said to have obtained detailed plans of the palace from Major Mohamed Medbouh, although Medbouh was not implicated. He was made head of the Royal Military Cabinet in 1967. He often went riding with Hassan II, or played golf with him.", "title": "Mohamed Medbouh" }, { "docid": "8767474", "text": "Butuga II Buguta II (938–961 CE) became the ruler of the Western Ganga Dynasty after his elder brother Rachamalla III. In order to ascend the throne he had to first seek help from the Rashtrakutas who were hitherto their arch enemies. Butuga II first helped Amoghavarsha III regain many lost territories and in turn was helped by the Rashtrakuta ruler to overthrow Rachamalla III, the unpopular Ganga king at that time. This helped forge a strong relationship between the Gangas and the Rashtrakutas, an alliance that lasted till the end of both kingdoms. Butuga II became the son-in-law of Amoghavarsha", "title": "Butuga II" }, { "docid": "20746535", "text": "the fourth title in 5 finals in the competition, winning 1–0 against KAC Marrakech, thanks to a goal from Kaddour (). 1961–62 Moroccan Throne Cup The 1961–62 season of the Moroccan Throne Cup was the 6th edition of the competition. The teams played one-legged matches. In case of a draw, a penalty shoot-out took place. Mouloudia Club d'Oujda beat Kawkab Marrakech 1–0 in the final, played at the Stade d'honneur in Casablanca. MC Oujda won the title for the 4th time in their history. The final took place between the winners of the two semi-finals, Mouloudia Club d'Oujda and Kawkab", "title": "1961–62 Moroccan Throne Cup" }, { "docid": "20746534", "text": "1961–62 Moroccan Throne Cup The 1961–62 season of the Moroccan Throne Cup was the 6th edition of the competition. The teams played one-legged matches. In case of a draw, a penalty shoot-out took place. Mouloudia Club d'Oujda beat Kawkab Marrakech 1–0 in the final, played at the Stade d'honneur in Casablanca. MC Oujda won the title for the 4th time in their history. The final took place between the winners of the two semi-finals, Mouloudia Club d'Oujda and Kawkab Marrakech, on 20 May 1962 at the Stade d'honneur in Casablanca. The match was refereed by Abdelkrim Ziani. MC Oujda won", "title": "1961–62 Moroccan Throne Cup" }, { "docid": "5335842", "text": "Armenia. Artaxias II ascended to the Armenian throne in 34 BC as he regained the throne lost by his father. The Roman Triumvir Mark Antony, had captured Artavasdes II with his family, in which they were taken as political prisoners to Alexandria where Artavasdes II was later executed there on the orders of Ptolemaic Greek Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt. Artaxias II had escaped and fled to King Phraates IV of Parthia. Phraates IV invaded Armenia and place Artaxias II on the throne. After ascending to the Armenian throne and regaining the country, with the support of Phraates IV, Artaxias", "title": "Artaxias II" }, { "docid": "8751495", "text": "passed down through the \"male heir of the oldest male heir\" (Article 5). Line of succession to the former Montenegrin throne The line of succession to the former Montenegrin throne is an ordered list of those eligible to succeed to the headship of the Royal House of Montenegro, grand mastership of the dynastic orders and ascend the throne of Montenegro in the event the monarchy is restored. The native monarchy of Montenegro was deposed in 1918 but a royal government in exile retained international recognition until 1922. The current head of the royal house is Nicholas II Petrović-Njegoš, Crown Prince", "title": "Line of succession to the former Montenegrin throne" }, { "docid": "8751491", "text": "Line of succession to the former Montenegrin throne The line of succession to the former Montenegrin throne is an ordered list of those eligible to succeed to the headship of the Royal House of Montenegro, grand mastership of the dynastic orders and ascend the throne of Montenegro in the event the monarchy is restored. The native monarchy of Montenegro was deposed in 1918 but a royal government in exile retained international recognition until 1922. The current head of the royal house is Nicholas II Petrović-Njegoš, Crown Prince of Montenegro. Since 2011 the head of the royal house has an official", "title": "Line of succession to the former Montenegrin throne" }, { "docid": "17374793", "text": "Hassan II (Imam) Ḥasan ʿAlā Zikrihi's Salām (Persian/) or Hassan II was the hereditary Imam of the Nizari Ismailis from 1162 until 1166. From his capital of Alamut he ruled parts of Persia and Syria. His chief subordinate in Syria was Rashid ad-Din Sinan, the Old Man of the Mountain. In 1164 Hassan, leading the Nizari sect of Ismaili Islam, proclaimed the \"Qiyamat\", the abrogation of Sharia law. The concept of Qiyamah in exoteric Islam means the End of the World and the Day of Judgment. But in the esoteric interpretations of Ismaili Islam, Qiyamah is the beginning of an", "title": "Hassan II (Imam)" }, { "docid": "8751506", "text": "family could also become heirs: Line of succession to the former Albanian throne The line of succession to the former Albanian throne is an ordered list of those eligible to succeed to the headship of the Royal House of Albania, grand mastership of the dynastic orders and ascend the throne of Albania in the event the monarchy is restored. The native monarchy of Albania was deposed in 1939. The current head of the royal house is Leka (II), Prince of the Albanians. The first modern Albanian monarchy, the Principality of Albania was established on 21 February 1914. The German prince", "title": "Line of succession to the former Albanian throne" }, { "docid": "8751502", "text": "Line of succession to the former Albanian throne The line of succession to the former Albanian throne is an ordered list of those eligible to succeed to the headship of the Royal House of Albania, grand mastership of the dynastic orders and ascend the throne of Albania in the event the monarchy is restored. The native monarchy of Albania was deposed in 1939. The current head of the royal house is Leka (II), Prince of the Albanians. The first modern Albanian monarchy, the Principality of Albania was established on 21 February 1914. The German prince William of Wied was selected", "title": "Line of succession to the former Albanian throne" }, { "docid": "3299601", "text": "these prizes to \"Yuri's Revenge\" and \"\", respectively. It was also a finalist in \"The Electric Playground\"s \"Best RPG for PC\" category, which went to \"\". The editors of \"Computer Gaming World\" wrote, \"\"Throne of Bhaal\" did what \"Ultima IX\" should have done: provided a great send-off to an established franchise. It's a superlative, satisfying reward for those who shepherded their little hero all the way from \"BG1\".\" Those of \"PC Gamer US\" called it \"as masterful as its predecessor, \"Baldur's Gate II\",\" and wrote that it \"may be the most expansive expansion pack ever\". Baldur's Gate II: Throne of", "title": "Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal" }, { "docid": "1273275", "text": "II to the Swedish throne in 1872: \"This country is unique… I have just seen one king die and another ascend the throne without anyone doubling the guard or alerting a soldier\". The essential conservatism of Swedish society also impressed Gobineau as he wrote to Pedro II: \"The conservative feeling is amongst the most powerful in the national spirit and these people relinquish the past only step by step and with extreme caution\". Sweden presented a problem for Gobineau between reconciling his belief in an Aryan master race with his insistence that only the upper classes were Aryans, which he", "title": "Arthur de Gobineau" }, { "docid": "8767476", "text": "but also a noted scholar. He is said to have a defeated a Buddhist scholar in a religious discourse and the Kudlur record speaks of him as a noted poet. Butuga II Buguta II (938–961 CE) became the ruler of the Western Ganga Dynasty after his elder brother Rachamalla III. In order to ascend the throne he had to first seek help from the Rashtrakutas who were hitherto their arch enemies. Butuga II first helped Amoghavarsha III regain many lost territories and in turn was helped by the Rashtrakuta ruler to overthrow Rachamalla III, the unpopular Ganga king at that", "title": "Butuga II" }, { "docid": "7207017", "text": "Burna-Buriash II Burna-Buriaš II, rendered in cuneiform as \"Bur-na-\" or \"Bur-ra-Bu-ri-ia-aš\" in royal inscriptions and letters, and meaning \"servant\" or \"protégé of the Lord of the lands\" in the Kassite language, where Buriaš is a Kassite storm god possibly corresponding to the Greek Boreas, was a king in the Kassite dynasty of Babylon, in a kingdom contemporarily called Karduniaš, ruling ca. 1359–1333 BC, where the Short and Middle chronologies have converged. Recorded as the 19th King to ascend the Kassite throne, he succeeded Kadašman-Enlil I, who was likely his father, and ruled for 27 years. He was a contemporary of", "title": "Burna-Buriash II" }, { "docid": "4347777", "text": "for centuries. Note that the throne room of this beautiful, dream-like castle does not have a throne in it - the reason being that Ludwig II of Bavaria, its commissioner, did not live to see Neuschwanstein's completion, therefore one was never installed. These thrones were used by King David Kalakaua, his wife Queen Kapiolani, and his successor Queen Liliuokalani. Kalakaua and his wife actually disliked sitting on the thrones, instead preferring to stand in front of them while receiving guests. King Kalakaua held formal audiences, diplomatic receptions, and state balls, receiving and entertaining guests from all walks of life, from", "title": "Throne room" }, { "docid": "7034004", "text": "uncle who was working as a gardener for King Faisal I where the King saw the boy drawing a horse. Recognising his talent, the King promised to give the young artist a scholarship. However, the King died in 1933 before he could carry out his promise. During the early 1930s, Hassan gave art lessons at a local school, and when the new King Faisal II visited his school, he ordered that Hassan be sent to Paris to study art, thus fulfilling his father's earlier promise to the young boy. Hassan was also allocated a private French tutor so that he", "title": "Faeq Hassan" }, { "docid": "3299598", "text": "Goddess of Murder herself. With all quests finished and all Bhaalspawn killed, the PC must journey to the planar Throne of Bhaal for the great final battle against Amelyssan. Ultimately, the PC is presented with the choice of either ascending the throne of Bhaal or destroying it and returning to peaceful life as a mortal. If the PC chooses to ascend, they have the option of either becoming the new God of Murder or becoming a deity dedicated to good and righteousness. Upon its release, \"Throne of Bhaal\" entered at #5 on NPD Intelect's computer game sales chart for the", "title": "Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal" }, { "docid": "17043870", "text": "Huawei Ascend Mate The Huawei Ascend Mate is an Android phablet smartphone manufactured by the Chinese telecommunications company Huawei. The Ascend Mate was officially unveiled at the 2013 International CES in Las Vegas, and was released in China in February 2013 with an international release following in March. It is the first device in the Huawei Mate series. The Ascend Mate features a 6.1-inch screen, and a 4050 mAh battery rated as having over 22 hours of talk time (in comparison to the close to 17 hours achieved by the Samsung Galaxy Note II). The Ascend Mate was developed as", "title": "Huawei Ascend Mate" }, { "docid": "10532358", "text": "George II of Imereti George II () (died 1585), of the Bagrationi Dynasty, was a king of Imereti from 1565 to 1585. George II succeeded on the death of his father, Bagrat III. With his ascend to the throne, George found himself involved in the civil war among the princes of western Georgia. He sided with his nominal vassal, Giorgi II Gurieli, Prince of Guria, against Levan I Dadiani, Prince of Mingrelia. The latter allied himself with the king's cousin Prince Khosro, Varaz Chiladze and other Imeretian nobles, and attempted, in 1568, to oust George II in favor of Khosro.", "title": "George II of Imereti" }, { "docid": "20970733", "text": "take back some of earlier lost provinces of Mytho and Vinh Long and ascend the throne of Cambodia with the support of Siam after the abdication of Outey II. The king was the subject of a plot framed by his cousin Outey 's brother, Prince Ang Tan and Mandarin Srey, and they were executed in 1777 . In 1769 he was removed by his brother, who was loyal to the Vietnamese, and neglected to pay tribute to the king of Siam, why the Siamese king Taksin invaded western Cambodia and conquered Siem Reap and Battambang. The Siamese invasion was soon", "title": "Ang Non II" }, { "docid": "4484498", "text": "to year 22 of Sheshonq III. Osorkon B did not immediately ascend to his father's throne presumably because he was involved in a prolonged civil war with his rival Pedubast I and, later, Shoshenq VI, for control of Thebes. Instead, he merely dated his activities to the serving Dynasty 22 Pharaoh at Tanis: Shoshenq III. The Crown Prince Osorkon B was not outmaneuvered to the throne of Tanis by Shoshenq III because both men ruled over separate kingdoms with the 22nd Dynasty controlling Lower Egypt, and Takelot II/Osorkon B ruling over most of Upper Egypt from Herakleopolis Magna to Thebes,", "title": "Takelot II" }, { "docid": "17670619", "text": "constitution, a change in government and an end to corruption. During a march on Hassan II Avenue in Rabat, demonstrators demanded a new constitution to bring more democracy to the country. They shouted slogans calling for economic opportunity, education reform, better health services, and help in coping with the rising cost of living. On March 9, King Mohammed VI made a speech that was described as a \"historical\" speech in which he announced several reforms including a new constitution to the country. In a televised speech on Friday, 17 June, King Mohammed VI announced a series of constitutional reforms, to", "title": "Referendums by country" }, { "docid": "9915047", "text": "ASCEND ASCEND is an open source, mathematical modelling chemical process modelling system developed at Carnegie Mellon University since late 1978. ASCEND is an acronym which stands for Advanced System for Computations in Engineering Design. Its main uses have been in the field of chemical process modelling although its capabilities are general. ASCEND includes nonlinear algebraic solvers, differential/algebraic equation solvers, nonlinear optimization and modelling of multi-region 'conditional models'. Its matrix operations are supported by an efficient sparse matrix solver called \"mtx\". ASCEND differs from earlier modelling systems because it separates the solving strategy from model building. So domain experts (people writing", "title": "ASCEND" }, { "docid": "14822685", "text": "to the UN. After the republican coup, he proclaimed himself King and travelled to Saudi Arabia, where he learned his nephew, King Muhammad was still alive. He subsequently withdrew his claim to the throne. He was appointed prime minister of the government-in-exile, and served two terms (1962–1967, 1969–1970). He died in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on his 95th birthday. His title was \"Saif Al-Islam\". Hassan ibn Yahya Hassan Hamid al-Din ibn Yahya (13 June 1908 – 13 June 2003) was Prime Minister of North Yemen from April 1948 to August 1955. Born at Al-Qafla, Hashid. He was the third oldest of", "title": "Hassan ibn Yahya" }, { "docid": "17374797", "text": "true fasting is to keep all of the body's organs away from whatever is unethical and forbidden. Ethical conduct is enjoined at all times. The Imām Hasan died a violent death in 1166, only a year and a half after the declaration of the \"qiyama\". According to Juwayni, he was stabbed in the Ismaili castle of Lambasar by his brother in law, Hasan Namwar. He was succeeded by his son Imām Nūr al-Dīn Muhammad, who refined and explained Hasan's doctrine of qiyamah in greater detail. Hassan II (Imam) Ḥasan ʿAlā Zikrihi's Salām (Persian/) or Hassan II was the hereditary Imam", "title": "Hassan II (Imam)" }, { "docid": "8473813", "text": "the area that was later to become Lake Nasser. In 1961, the company was nationalized under President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s new socialist policies to become Nasr General Contracting - Hassan Mohammed Allam with Hassan Allam losing ownership and becoming its general manager. In 1975, taking advantage of the Infitah or open-door policies adopted by President Anwar el-Sadat’s government, he established his second company - Hassan Allam Sons. Shortly after, the new company submitted a bid for building a large sewage network in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. However Hassan Allam did not live to see the result of the bid. His funeral", "title": "Hassan Allam" }, { "docid": "17043873", "text": "Android 4.1 with Huawei's Emotion UI. Software features include floating windows for multi-tasking, an option which shifts the keyboard and dial pad to one side of the screen for one-handed use, a navigation feature which uses augmented reality, and which allows quick access to calculator, notes, text messages, and videos. The Ascend Mate received mixed reception at CES. Ubergizmo felt that the Ascend Mate had a \"very good\" build quality comparable to the Galaxy Note II, and was also only slightly heavier as well. Despite believing that the Emotion UI was not as clean as stock Android, its smooth performance,", "title": "Huawei Ascend Mate" }, { "docid": "4093232", "text": "Prince Hassan bin Talal Prince Hassan bin Talal (, born 20 March 1947) is a member of the Jordanian royal family. Prince Hassan is the third son of King Talal and Queen Zein al-Sharaf, brother of King Hussein and uncle of King Abdullah II. In 1968, Prince El Hassan married Sarvath Ikramullah, daughter of the politician and diplomat Mohammed Ikramullah, and female politician, diplomat and Urdu author, Begum Shaista Suhrawardy Ikramullah. Both her parents from prominent Bengali families born in then British India. They first met in London in 1958, when they were both youngsters and have four children together:", "title": "Prince Hassan bin Talal" }, { "docid": "3010011", "text": "a stand-alone game. \"Age of Wonders II\" was a nominee for \"PC Gamer US\"s \"2002 Best Turn-Based Strategy Game\" award, which ultimately went to \"\". It was also a finalist for \"The Electric Playground\"s 2002 \"Best Strategy Game for PC\" prize, but lost to \"\". Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne is a turn-based strategy video game in a fantasy setting. The sequel to \"Age of Wonders\", it was developed by Dutch video game developer Triumph Studios. Unlike in \"Age of Wonders\", where the player has the option of removing their leader", "title": "Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne" }, { "docid": "7528639", "text": "renewed strength soon swallowed both the Chola and Sinhalese kingdoms. According to the Pallavarayanpettai inscription, towards the end of Rajaraja II's reign, the chief Kulatullan Tirucirrambalamudaiyan Perumannambi alias Pallavaraiyar brought to the king's notice that there were no sons of eligible age to ascend the throne. Accordingly, having enquired around about the other princes, he chose and brought Ediriliperumal the son of Neriyudaiperumal and the grandson of Vikrama Chola from the palace at Gangaikondacholapuram. Rajaraja II then made this prince as heir-apparent. Four years after this event, when Rajaraja II died, the chief Pallavarayar got Ediriliperumal anointed as the king", "title": "Rajadhiraja Chola II" }, { "docid": "8956214", "text": "or clearer of forests\" as the Pallavas like their ancestor Mukkanti Kaduvetti alias Trilochana Pallava were known to often clear forests and introduce civilization by settling Brahmins and other communities. The previous ruler Paramesvaravarman II did not have a heir so the ministers, feudatories and advisors of the kingdom took an expedition to neighboring kingdoms and distant lands to find a suitable prince of the original line. Upon reaching Kambujadesa, modern day Cambodia and southern Vietnam, they finally identified Nandivarman II as belonging to the original line and willing to ascend the throne. Accordingly he was brought and then installed", "title": "Nandivarman II" }, { "docid": "9907275", "text": "in the country, Athittayawong and Siworawong administering as a king, which could cause future danger for the country. They persuaded Siworawong to ascend to the throne so there would be only one king as per custom. Athittayawong was dethroned and Siworawong assumed the title Somdet Phrachao Prasat Thong. Athitayawong was executed at Wat Kok Phraya () soon, ending the Sukhothai dynasty. Siworawong ascended the throne as the first king of the Prasat Thong dynasty. Athittayawong Athittayawong (; born 1618) King Athitayawong was the shortest-reigning monarch of Ayutthaya, only for 36 days in 1629 and the last king of the Sukhothai", "title": "Athittayawong" }, { "docid": "12660429", "text": "members, Hassan was one of them. In 1968, al-Hassan was elected to the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee (PLO-EC) after Fatah took control of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1968. Early that year, al-Hassan persuaded Saudi King Faisal to enforce the \"liberation tax\" which required Palestinians in that country to pay a percentage of their income to the PLO. This, in turn, supplied the PLO with 60 million riyal yearly. Also, in that year, he spoke to the Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Riyad and Mohammad Hassanein Heykal on behalf of Gamal Abdel Nasser in order to familiarize him with", "title": "Khaled al-Hassan" }, { "docid": "11168890", "text": "this resolution [is] youth's deep disgust with the way in which past wars for 'King and Country' have been made, and in which, they suspect, future wars may be made; disgust at the national hypocrisy which can fling over the timidities and follies of politicians, over base greeds and communal jealousies and jobbery, the cloak of an emotional symbol they did not deserve\". Part of the controversy arose because some newspapers falsely claimed that the supporters of the motion had insulted King George V (in fact, the British monarchy had been barely mentioned in the debate) or the British soldiers,", "title": "The King and Country debate" }, { "docid": "4481458", "text": "his son Charles II spent much of his exile during the Interregnum in France (at which time, even if not formally abandoning his claim for its throne, he certainly did not emphasise it). The Act of Union 1707 declared the joining of the Kingdom of England with the Kingdom of Scotland to a new Kingdom of Great Britain. The Kingdom had four Monarchs until 1801. They also styled themselves Queen/King of France; however, none of them made any official move to depose Louis XIV and his successors, Louis XV and Louis XVI: The French Revolution overthrew and abolished the monarchy", "title": "English claims to the French throne" }, { "docid": "7522143", "text": "kingdom, though there was a minor revival during the fairly steady rule of Kulothunga-III (1178–1218). Inasmuch as the cholas during his time were dominant militarily is noted by some literature that mention Raja Raja's conquest and his innovative management initiatives. Here is excerpt from an inscription of his from the Rajagopala Perumal temple: The last regnal year cited in Rajaraja's inscription is 26. That makes the last year of his reign 1173. Rajaraja Chola II was not destined to live long. Rajaraja Chola II did not have any suitable direct descendant to ascend the Chola throne so he chose Rajadhiraja", "title": "Rajaraja Chola II" }, { "docid": "18862526", "text": "Ascend the Hill announced a final US tour beginning and ending in their hometown of Tampa, Florida. The band commenced as a musical entity in 2008, with their first release, \"Ben Davis\", as Ben Davis, an extended play, that released Independently in 2008. They released a studio album, Ascend the Hill, on June 21, 2009, with Come&Live! Records. Their subsequent studio album, \"Hymns: Take the World, but Give Me Jesus\", was released by Come&Live! Records, on September 14, 2010. The next album, \"O Ransomed Son\", came out on April 17, 2012 by Come&Live! Records. Ascend the Hill Ascend the Hill,", "title": "Ascend the Hill" }, { "docid": "5048369", "text": "Morrow in the television series \"Sons of Anarchy\", which relies heavily on the general plot structure of \"Hamlet\"; his character is based on Claudius. Ron Perlman has said, \"I'm sure they're going to stick to the structure of \"Hamlet\" all the way to the end\" of the series. In Disney's \"The Lion King\", the villain, Scar (voiced by Jeremy Irons), is modelled after Claudius; both characters murder their brothers and dissemble to their nephews to ascend to the throne. King Claudius King Claudius is a fictional character and the primary antagonist of William Shakespeare's tragedy \"Hamlet\". He is the brother", "title": "King Claudius" }, { "docid": "721850", "text": "wishes. Napoleon II was residing in Austria with his mother and was probably not aware at the time that he had been proclaimed Emperor on his father's abdication. The next Bonaparte to ascend the throne of France, in 1852, would be Louis-Napoleon, the son of Napoleon's brother Louis I, King of Holland. He took the regnal name of Napoleon III. From the spring of 1814 onwards, the young Napoleon lived in Austria and was known as \"Franz\", his second given name. In 1818, he was awarded the title of Duke of Reichstadt by his maternal grandfather, Emperor Francis. He was", "title": "Napoleon II" }, { "docid": "2973120", "text": "Line of succession to the Belgian throne There are fifteen persons in the line of succession to the Belgian throne. The monarch is considered to have acceeded to the throne upon her/his taking of the oath as required by article 91 of the constitution. Since 1991, Belgium practises absolute primogeniture among the descendants of King Albert II (then Prince of Liège). Descendants of earlier monarchs and princes are only eligible to succeed if male and descended from King Leopold I in male-line (i.e. according to agnatic primogeniture), meaning that descendants of all Belgian princesses not descended from Albert II are", "title": "Line of succession to the Belgian throne" }, { "docid": "17043874", "text": "camera, and the presence of a high-capacity battery were considered to be positive aspects of the device. TechRadar noted that while the large size and lack of grip made the Ascend Mate trickier to hold than even the Galaxy Note II, and the one-handed mode on its keyboard was also difficult to use, its screen had good viewing angles and was good for viewing photos and videos. Still, the viability and marketability of a phone with such a large screen was questioned. Huawei Ascend Mate The Huawei Ascend Mate is an Android phablet smartphone manufactured by the Chinese telecommunications company", "title": "Huawei Ascend Mate" }, { "docid": "18675990", "text": "in the Pointe de Grave battle with their Gernika Battalion (Gironde). De Gaulle commented, \"France will never forget the sacrifice of the Basques for the liberation of our land.\" World War II in the Basque Country World War II in the Basque Country refers to the period extending from 1940 to 1944. It affected the French Basque Country, but also bordering areas across the Pyrenees on account of the instability following the end of the Spanish Civil War, and the friendship ties held by Germany, Vichy France, and the triumphant Spanish military dictatorship. In June 1937, the Northern Front of", "title": "World War II in the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "18675983", "text": "World War II in the Basque Country World War II in the Basque Country refers to the period extending from 1940 to 1944. It affected the French Basque Country, but also bordering areas across the Pyrenees on account of the instability following the end of the Spanish Civil War, and the friendship ties held by Germany, Vichy France, and the triumphant Spanish military dictatorship. In June 1937, the Northern Front of the Spanish Civil War collapsed for the Republicans. Approximately half a million Republicans and civilians fled for their lives in Spain, but possibly up to 150,000 of them were", "title": "World War II in the Basque Country" }, { "docid": "13898181", "text": "the year 157 BC and afterwards, Liu Qi ascended the Throne as Emperor Jing of Han. However, Yifang, now Empress Dowager deeply loved Shen’er's only son Liu Wu, and out of fear of harm that might come to him, she tried to pressure Liu Qi to appoint his brother as Crown Prince, to which Liu Qi agreed to let his brother ascend the throne after a hundred years. Sensing the turbulence in palace and wanting to secure their position, Consort Wang Zhi and Princess Guantao forged an alliance, in which the latter promised to help Liu Che ascend the Throne,", "title": "Beauty's Rival in Palace" }, { "docid": "9915048", "text": "the models) and computational engineers (people writing the solver code) can work separately in developing ASCEND. Together with a number of other early modelling tools, its architecture helped to inspire newer languages such as Modelica. It was recognised for its flexible use of variables and parameters, which it always treats as solvable, if desired The software remains as an active open-source software project, and has been part of the Google Summer of Code programme in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (under the Python Software Foundation) and has been accepted for the 2015 programme as well. ASCEND ASCEND is an open", "title": "ASCEND" }, { "docid": "13737182", "text": "to Africa and South America. Countries that have benefited from these service missions are: Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Ethiopia and Mozambique. Groups are in the country for one to two weeks participating in service opportunities and cultural tours. Interns volunteer at headquarters or abroad in their area of expertise. ASCEND: A Humanitarian Alliance Ascend: A Humanitarian Alliance is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which focuses on international economic and health care development in Africa and South America. Headquarters are located in Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, with full-time offices in Ethiopia, Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador and affiliates in DR Congo,", "title": "ASCEND: A Humanitarian Alliance" }, { "docid": "1742210", "text": "Speech From the Throne will usually be read on the monarch's behalf by his or her viceroy, the governor-general, although the monarch may deliver the address in person: Queen Elizabeth II read the Throne Speech in the Parliament of New Zealand in 1954, the Parliament of Australia in 1954 and 1974, and the Parliament of Canada in 1957 and 1977. Another member of the Royal Family may also perform this duty, such as when, on 1 September 1919, Prince Edward, Prince of Wales (later King Edward VIII), read the Speech From the Throne in the Canadian parliament. On two occasions,", "title": "Speech from the throne" }, { "docid": "12825039", "text": "Line of succession to the Japanese throne The current line of succession to the Chrysanthemum Throne is based on the Imperial Household Law. At present, only males are allowed to ascend to the throne. The list below contains all princes currently eligible to succeed to the throne. The Imperial House Law of 1889 was the first Japanese law to regulate the imperial succession. Until October 1947, when it was abolished and replaced with the Imperial Household Law, it defined the succession to the throne under the principle of agnatic primogeniture. In all instances, the succession proceeded from the eldest male", "title": "Line of succession to the Japanese throne" }, { "docid": "3689924", "text": "the Nasdaq symbol \"ASND\". Ascend Communications Ascend Communications was an Alameda, California-based manufacturer of communications equipment that was later purchased by Lucent Technologies in 1999. Ascend Communications was founded in 1988 and taken public in 1994. Initial investors included Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield and Byers (KPCB); Greylock Partners; and New Enterprise Associates (NEA). Ascend Communications designed and manufactured equipment for high density dialup installations, most notably the \"MAX TNT\", which allowed for a DS3 of dialup lines to be terminated in a few rack units. Customers such as AOL, Earthlink, and UUnet purchased over two million dialup ports worth of \"MAX", "title": "Ascend Communications" }, { "docid": "3689921", "text": "Ascend Communications Ascend Communications was an Alameda, California-based manufacturer of communications equipment that was later purchased by Lucent Technologies in 1999. Ascend Communications was founded in 1988 and taken public in 1994. Initial investors included Kleiner, Perkins, Caulfield and Byers (KPCB); Greylock Partners; and New Enterprise Associates (NEA). Ascend Communications designed and manufactured equipment for high density dialup installations, most notably the \"MAX TNT\", which allowed for a DS3 of dialup lines to be terminated in a few rack units. Customers such as AOL, Earthlink, and UUnet purchased over two million dialup ports worth of \"MAX TNT\" access servers during", "title": "Ascend Communications" }, { "docid": "19586024", "text": "launched Ascend Nano in April 2016. It includes a nanofinance and microcredit structure, designed to serve the entrepreneurial grassroots, SMEs and the underserved market. This will be in conjunction with Ascend's portfolio of e-commerce services, as an instant market and marketplace, and includes Nano Factoring to customize lending premium. Ascend Group launched Ascend Capital as a platform for venture capital, investing on tech start-ups that can complement existing ventures and services. Focused mainly on financial technology, e-commerce, CRM, cloud computing and logistics, it actively funds prospects such as SendIt (which is actually party of Ascend Group) to complement its delivery", "title": "Ascend Group" }, { "docid": "7828520", "text": "as the Years of Lead (\"Les Années de Plomb\"), and included forced disappearances, killings of government opponents and secret internment camps such as Tazmamart. To examine the abuses committed during the reign of King Hassan II (1961–1999), the government has set up an Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER), which is to rehabilitate the victims, and pay compensation for state outrages against them. This has been hailed internationally as a big step forward, and an example to the Arab world. However, the IER has also come under attack from parts of the human rights-community, since its mission was not to reveal", "title": "Human rights in Morocco" }, { "docid": "12640496", "text": "Hassan III of the Maldives Sultan Haji Hassan III Sri Dhaadha Veeru Mahaa Radhun was the sultan of Maldives from 1443 to 1467. He ascended the throne after the death of his father, Sultan Abookuru I. In his 25th year of reign he chose to pay a visit to Mecca for Hajj and he made his young son as the regent while he was away. While he was in Mecca he was deposed by Sayyidh Muhammad (later Sultan Sayyidh Muhammad). But after returning from Mecca he regained the throne by deposing Sultan Sayyidh Muhanmed and restored the Hilaalee dynasty. When", "title": "Hassan III of the Maldives" }, { "docid": "18862525", "text": "Ascend the Hill. Their next release, a studio album, \"Ascend the Hill\", was released in 2009. They released, another studio album, \"Hymns: Take the World, but Give Me Jesus\", in 2010, with Come&Live! Records. The subsequent album, also released by Come&Live! Records, \"O Ransomed Son\", came out in 2012. Ascend the Hill is a worship music band from Tampa, Florida. Their current lineup consists of lead vocalist and guitarist, Joel Davis, lead guitarist, Seth Davis, bassist, Hayden Davidson, and drummer, Jonathan Thomas, with their past member being their lead singer, Ben Davis, who departed the group in 2009. In 2016,", "title": "Ascend the Hill" }, { "docid": "17457405", "text": "widely travelled person. In course of duties and pursuing naval training he visited several countries of the world, including the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Netherlands, Turkey, Georgia, etc. Hassan married Ferdous Ara Hassan and has two children; one son, Kazi Shamun Hassan and another daughter, Kazi Fabi-Ayea Hassan. Kazi Kamrul Hassan Kazi Kamrul Hassan, (L), ndc, psc, BN (born 1961) is a Bangladesh Navy commodore and MD of Khulna Shipyard. Hassan was born in August 1961 in Jessore District. He joined Bangladesh Navy at the age of 18 and received a commission on 5 May 1982.", "title": "Kazi Kamrul Hassan" }, { "docid": "1867771", "text": "II ascended the throne. On 9 February 474, the Byzantine Senate made his father Zeno co-emperor under Leo II, as Leo II was too young to sign official documents. Leo II died soon after, on 10 November 474, at the age of 7, leaving Zeno as the sole emperor. His death having occurred so soon after he became emperor has led to speculation among some modern scholars that he was poisoned by his mother Ariadne so that Zeno could ascend to the throne. However no contemporary sources raised this suggestion, even though Zeno was unpopular, thus it is considered likely", "title": "Leo II (emperor)" }, { "docid": "19761479", "text": "Among Durlabha's subordinates, a minister named Madhava and a feudatory named Dadhichika Chachcha are known. He was succeeded by his brother Govindaraja II. Durlabharaja II Durlabharaja II (r. c. 998-1012 CE ) was an Indian king belonging to the Shakambhari Chahamana dynasty. He ruled the Sapadalaksha country, which included parts of present-day Rajasthan in north-western India. Durlabha-raja was a son of the Chahamana king Simharaja. He succeeded his brother Vigraharaja II on the Chahamana throne. The Harsha inscription of Vigraharaja compares the two brothers to Rama-Lakshmana and Krishna-Balarama. He had two other brothers, named Chandraraja and Govindaraja (not to be", "title": "Durlabharaja II" }, { "docid": "3010007", "text": "Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne is a turn-based strategy video game in a fantasy setting. The sequel to \"Age of Wonders\", it was developed by Dutch video game developer Triumph Studios. Unlike in \"Age of Wonders\", where the player has the option of removing their leader from the map, players in \"Age of Wonders II\" take the role of an immortal spell-casting Wizard, who cannot be upgraded, but in certain circumstances can survive being killed. In contrast to \"Age of Wonders\", the maps for tactical battles are now much smaller. This", "title": "Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne" }, { "docid": "10724836", "text": "but it is likely stayed on his throne as a faithful vassal of the Assyrian king as his ally Hadram of Bit Agusi did. Sangara (king) Sangara or Sangar was a king of Carchemish, who until recently was known only from Assyrian sources, but who in 2015 was also identified in Hieroglyphic Luwian by the Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition at Karkemish. He is documented for 870 to 848 BC. Sangara likely accessed the throne of Carchemish only a short time after king Katuwa known from Hieroglyphic Luwian sources. He is only mentioned in texts of the Assyrian kings Ashurnasirpal II and", "title": "Sangara (king)" }, { "docid": "19586018", "text": "Ascend Group Ascend Group is a privately owned e-commerce company headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand as a spin-off of True Corporation. It marked its $150-million expansion by launching their affiliates in the Philippines and Indonesia, Vietnam, and also hard to reach economies like Myanmar and Cambodia. Launched in 2014, Ascend Group consolidates True Corporation's previous e-commerce and service ventures, in order to facilitate seamless inter-unit service. Ventures are classified under major subsidiaries: Ascend Commerce, Ascend Money and Ascend Capital, along with smaller independent ventures like TrueIDC and Egg Digital.. In April 2018, Ascend was at the centre of controversy as over", "title": "Ascend Group" }, { "docid": "2973123", "text": "with her children. When Prince Amedeo married in 2014, it was reported that he did not ask his uncle King Philippe's permission, and had therefore lost his right to the Belgian throne. However, on November 12, 2015, a Royal Decree was published which showed that consent had been given after the marriage retroactively. Line of succession to the Belgian throne There are fifteen persons in the line of succession to the Belgian throne. The monarch is considered to have acceeded to the throne upon her/his taking of the oath as required by article 91 of the constitution. Since 1991, Belgium", "title": "Line of succession to the Belgian throne" } ]
Which British general was killed at Khartoum in 1885?
[ "Gordon (disambiguation)", "Gordon", "Gordon (name)", "Gordons" ]
[ { "docid": "231217", "text": "March 1884, troops loyal to the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmad started a siege of Khartoum, against defenders led by British General Charles George Gordon. The siege ended in a massacre of the Anglo-Egyptian garrison when on 26 January 1885 the heavily-damaged city fell to the Mahdists. On 2 September 1898, Omdurman was the scene of the bloody Battle of Omdurman, during which British forces under Herbert Kitchener defeated the Mahdist forces defending the city. In 1973, the city was the site of an anomalous hostage crisis in which members of Black September held 10 hostages at the Saudi Arabian embassy, five", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "8263719", "text": "General Gordon Elementary School General Gordon Elementary School is an elementary school in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The school opened in 1912. It was named for British General Charles George Gordon, who was killed at Khartoum in January 1885. It is located at 2268 Bayswater Street, at the intersection with West 6th Avenue in Kitsilano. As of 2017, the principal is Hope Sterling and the school does not have a vice-principal. It offers a late-start French immersion program for sixth-grade and seventh-grade students. Since September 2008, it has also been a home for a district French immersion Multi Age Cluster", "title": "General Gordon Elementary School" }, { "docid": "15528540", "text": "William Earle (British Army officer) Major General William Earle (18 May 1833 – 10 February 1885) was a British Army officer of the 19th century. He was born in Liverpool, the son of the merchant Sir Hardman Earle, 1st Baronet and his wife Mary (née Langton), and married Mary Codrington on 21 July 1864. He had a successful military career, recognised by honours including a Companion of the Order of the Bath. He fought in the Crimean War, was later part of the Nile Expedition attempting to relieve General Gordon at Khartoum. He was killed following the Battle of Kirbekan.", "title": "William Earle (British Army officer)" }, { "docid": "6634149", "text": "population of Khartoum was about 34,000. Gordon's plight excited great concern in the British press, and even Queen Victoria intervened on his behalf. The government ordered him to return, but Gordon refused, saying he was honour-bound to defend the city. By July 1884, Gladstone reluctantly agreed to send an expedition to Khartoum. The expedition, led by Sir Garnet Wolseley, took several months to organise and only entered Sudan in January 1885, but by then the situation of the Egyptian garrison and civilians had become desperate, with food supplies running low, many inhabitants dying of hunger and the defenders' morale at", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "19076702", "text": "printed. Outside of the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money for specialized issues, images of the last two types could not be found. The known population of remaining siege of Khartoum notes varies by denomination from the first type 100 piastre note (roughly 1,250 known) to the 50 Egyptian pound note (roughly 12 known). Presumably there are fewer still of the one piaster, second type 100 piastre, and 20 British pound notes. Siege of Khartoum currency Siege of Khartoum currency, an emergency paper money, was issued by Governor-General of the Sudan, British Major-General Charles George Gordon during the Siege of", "title": "Siege of Khartoum currency" }, { "docid": "19076696", "text": "Siege of Khartoum currency Siege of Khartoum currency, an emergency paper money, was issued by Governor-General of the Sudan, British Major-General Charles George Gordon during the Siege of Khartoum. Denominated in piastre (and a 50 Egyptian pound bill), the first issue notes were dated 25 April 1884 and produced as late as November 1884. Gordon began his military career with the Royal Engineers (1852) and fought in the Crimean War and in China, playing a significant role in stopping the Taiping Rebellion (1863–64). He was appointed Governor of Equatoria (1872–76), and then Governor-general of the Sudan (1877–80). Gordon was re-appointed", "title": "Siege of Khartoum currency" }, { "docid": "6333800", "text": "Khartoum (film) Khartoum is a 1966 film written by Robert Ardrey and directed by Basil Dearden. It stars Charlton Heston as British Gen. Charles \"Chinese\" Gordon and Laurence Olivier as the Mahdi (Muhammad Ahmed), with a supporting cast that includes Richard Johnson and Ralph Richardson. The film is based on historical accounts of Gordon's defence of the Sudanese city of Khartoum from the forces of the Mahdist army, during the Siege of Khartoum. The opening and closing are narrated by Leo Genn. \"Khartoum\" was filmed by cinematographer Ted Scaife in Technicolor and Ultra Panavision 70, and was exhibited in 70", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "12370027", "text": "minority of European and Egyptian inhabitants. Instead of evacuating the city, Gordon prepared for a siege and held out from 1884 to 1885. However, Khartoum eventually fell, and he was killed. The British Gordon Relief Expedition was delayed by several battles, and was thus unable to reach Khartoum and save Gordon. The fall of Khartoum resulted in the proclamation of an Islamic state, ruled over first by the Mahdi and then by his successor Khalifa Abdullahi. In 1896, during the reign of Tewfik's son, Abbas II, a massive Anglo-Egyptian force, under the command of General Herbert Kitchener, began the reconquest", "title": "Khedivate of Egypt" }, { "docid": "6333806", "text": "ignored. Colonel Stewart is sent by Gordon to London to explain the situation in Khartoum. Over the next several months, a public outcry forces Gladstone to send a relief force, but he sees to it that there is no urgency, hoping to the last that Gordon will come to his senses and save himself. Gordon, however, has other ideas. News arrive in Karthoum about a relief force lead by General Wolseley being sent from England. When the waters recede in winter, drying up his moat, the small Egyptian army is finally overwhelmed by 100,000 Mahdist tribesmen. On 26 January 1885,", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "2181059", "text": "to Higginson. Higginson was associated for many years with the Gordon Boys' Home (now Gordon's School) at West End near Woking, Surrey, which was founded as the national memorial to Major General Charles Gordon, who was killed at Khartoum, Sudan, in 1885. Higginson wrote an autobiography in 1916, entitled \"71 Years of a Guardsman's Life\". Higginson died in February 1927, and his funeral, with full military honours, was described by observers as the grandest Marlow had seen, with hundreds lining the streets. George Higginson General Sir George Wentworth Alexander Higginson, (21 June 1826 – 1 February 1927) was a British", "title": "George Higginson" }, { "docid": "6634159", "text": "for Gordon was held in front of the ruins of the palace where he had died. Surviving family members of the movement's leaders were held by the British in a prison in Egypt. The women and children were held there for ten years. The men were held for twelve years. After their return to Sudan they were held under house arrest for the rest of their lives. Siege of Khartoum The Battle of Khartoum, Siege of Khartoum or Fall of Khartoum was the conquest of Egyptian-held Khartoum by the Mahdist forces led by Muhammad Ahmad. Egypt had held the city", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "13122879", "text": "dependency, the Sudan. There were some bloody battles near the Red Sea port of Suakin as the British tried to redeem earlier Egyptian defeats. General Charles George Gordon was originally sent to superintend a withdrawal but chose instead to defend Khartoum against the Mahdi Muhammad Ahmed. After a prolonged siege, the Egyptian defenders of Khartoum were overwhelmed and Gordon was killed. A British relief expedition by camel across the deserts of northern Sudan arrived two days too late. Several years later, having rebuilt an Egyptian army (including British and many Sudanese troops) and constructed railways and fleets of Nile steamboats", "title": "British Army during the Victorian Era" }, { "docid": "6333811", "text": "the film for its historical inaccuracies(for example the mahdi did not want to kill everyone in the capital and called for killing only soliders). Khartoum (film) Khartoum is a 1966 film written by Robert Ardrey and directed by Basil Dearden. It stars Charlton Heston as British Gen. Charles \"Chinese\" Gordon and Laurence Olivier as the Mahdi (Muhammad Ahmed), with a supporting cast that includes Richard Johnson and Ralph Richardson. The film is based on historical accounts of Gordon's defence of the Sudanese city of Khartoum from the forces of the Mahdist army, during the Siege of Khartoum. The opening and", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "16354380", "text": "of Canadian voyageurs be organised and sent to Africa to participate in the mission. It wasn't until almost November that the Nile Expedition, the British and Canadian relief force, was ready. The expedition was attacked by Sudanese rebels at Abu-Klea; the Battle of Abu-klea was fought on 17 January 1885. When the expedition arrived in Khartoum on 28 January 1885, the city had already fallen two days previously and General Gordon had been killed. The monument was erected by the officers and men of the First Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment in 1888. The Egyptian Campaign Memorial was protected", "title": "Old Steine Gardens" }, { "docid": "20950136", "text": "depicts Gordon in his army uniform with a sabre; and there is a Grade II listed monument to Gordon in Southampton. Major-General Gordon was lionised as a British war hero after his death at the end of the Siege of Khartoum in January 1885. The statue was made in 1887-88. Gordon's brother, Sir Henry Gordon, advised Thornycroft to minimise the military character of the statue, and emphasis Gordons qualities of strength of mind, love, kindness and affection. The original statue in London was first unveiled in Trafalgar Square on 16 October 1888 without a formal ceremony. It was sited halfway", "title": "Statue of General Gordon" }, { "docid": "6333802", "text": "Underdown) is lured into the desert and slaughtered by Muslim zealots led by Muhammad Ahmad (Laurence Olivier), a fanatic Sudanese Arab who believes he is the Mahdi, the prophesied \"saviour of humanity\". The British Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (Ralph Richardson), who does not wish to send more military forces to Khartoum, is under great pressure to send military hero Major General Charles George Gordon (Charlton Heston) there to salvage the situation and restore British prestige. Gordon has strong ties to Sudan, having broken the slave trade there in the past, but Gladstone distrusts him. Gordon has a reputation for", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "2345421", "text": "the Narrabri district. In early 1885, in response to the fall of Khartoum and the death of General Charles Gordon during the British campaign against the Dervish revolt in Sudan, the colony of New South Wales raised a military contingent consisting of an infantry battalion, with artillery and supporting units, for service with the British. In an effort to enlist, Bridges travelled to Sydney from Narrabri, but by the time he had arrived, the force had already been raised. Nevertheless, due to concerns about Russian intentions in Afghanistan, the Australian colonies began expanding their military forces, and on 19 May", "title": "William Bridges (general)" }, { "docid": "17610211", "text": "relieve General Gordon in Khartoum. The Army Post Office Corps under the command of Major Sturgeon was despatched to Suakin in support of the expeditionary force raised to relieve General Gordon in Khartoum. They landed at Suakin on 27 March 1885 and established the Base Army Post Office there. Further Field Post Offices were opened at Quarantine Island, the railway terminus and one each with the Headquarters and 2nd Brigade. The mails travelled the same routes as for the Egyptian Campaign of 1882. A daily mail service between Suakin, the Headquarters, Handub and Otao was arranged. Every morning a messenger", "title": "History of the British Army postal service" }, { "docid": "5024860", "text": "of Animal Exports, Institute of African and Asian Studies, Institute of Prof. Abdalla ElTayeb for Arabic Language, Development Studies and Research Institute and U of K publishing house. The Sudan Library, a section of the university's library, serves as the national library of Sudan. In 1898 after Britain gained dominance in Sudan as part of a condominium arrangement, Lord Kitchener proposed founding a college in the memory of Gordon of Khartoum, who was killed in the Battle of Khartoum. Gordon Memorial College was founded in 1902 with primary education being its sole program. By 1906, the college was offering programs", "title": "University of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "13969160", "text": "Khartoum and the death of the British governor General Gordon (Gordon of Khartoum) in 1885. The Egyptians and British withdrew their forces from Sudan and the country was left with no postal service until the reconquest of Sudan began in 1896. When the campaign started in March 1896, postal service was made available to the troops but no stamps were used. Until the issue of Sudan stamps in 1897 the available stamps were Egyptian stamps. The amount of mail was small and only a few stamps were used. Between March and July 1885 2½d and 5d British postage stamps were", "title": "Postage stamps and postal history of Sudan" }, { "docid": "6634143", "text": "was given a credit of £100,000 and was promised by the British and Egyptian authorities \"all support and cooperation in their power.\". On his way to Khartoum with his assistant, Colonel Stewart, Gordon stopped in Berber to address an assembly of tribal chiefs. Here he committed a cardinal mistake by revealing that the Egyptian government wished to withdraw from Sudan. The tribesmen became worried by this news, and their loyalty wavered. Gordon arrived at Khartoum on 18 February 1884, but instead of organising the evacuation of the garrisons, set about administering the city. His first decisions were to reduce the", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "19076697", "text": "to the post of Governor-general in January 1884 and arrived at Khartoum on 18 February 1884, less than one month prior to the siege. Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah, self-proclaimed Mahdi, engaged in an 18-year Mahdist War (1881–99) against the British Empire (Khedivate of Egypt), the Ethiopian Empire, the Congo Free State, and the Kingdom of Italy. In a series of telegrams in early March, 1884, Gordon informed the British government that the Mahdi were closing the roads, cutting off supplies and severing telegraph communications. As the fighting drew closer to the city walls, and the blockade tightened, the siege", "title": "Siege of Khartoum currency" }, { "docid": "2836038", "text": "friend of his late father, who is an imposing retired general. He questions his own motives, but says he will redeem himself by acts that will convince his critics to take back the feathers. He travels on his own to Egypt and Sudan, where in 1882 Muhammad Ahmed proclaimed himself the Mahdi (Guided One) and raised a Holy War. On 26 January 1885, his Dervish forces captured Khartoum and killed its British governor, General Charles George Gordon. Most of the action over the next six years takes place in the eastern Sudan, where the British and Egyptians held Suakin. Durrance", "title": "The Four Feathers" }, { "docid": "6634145", "text": "200 British soldiers to strengthen the defenses of Khartoum. All these proposals were rejected by the Gladstone cabinet, since Britain was still intent on evacuation and refused absolutely to be pressured into military intervention in Sudan. Gordon began to resent the government's policy, and his telegrams to Cairo became more acrimonious. On 8 April he wrote: \"I leave you with the indelible disgrace of abandoning the garrisons\" and added that such a course would be \"the climax of meanness\". Knowing that the Mahdists were closing in, Gordon finally ordered the strengthening of the fortifications around Khartoum. The city was protected", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "382129", "text": "association with the single largest political grouping, the [[National Umma Party Sudan|Umma Party]] (once led by a descendant of the Mahdi, [[Sadiq al Mahdi]]). Taking advantage of conditions resulting from Ottoman-Egyptian exploitation and maladministration, the Mahdi led a nationalist revolt culminating in the fall of [[Khartoum]] on 26 January 1885. The interim governor-general of the Sudan, the British Major-General [[Charles George Gordon]], and many of the fifty thousand inhabitants of Khartoum were massacred. The Mahdi died in June 1885. He was followed by [[Abdallahi ibn Muhammad]], known as the [[Caliph|Khalifa]], who began an expansion of Sudan's area into Ethiopia. Following", "title": "History of Sudan" }, { "docid": "4183334", "text": "1946, and some mediaeval stained glass roundels from a tower in the demolished old Church at Bicton were inserted into the side windows in 1947. The almshouses were extended in 1980. At the apex of the Livery Dole triangle, where the two roads meet, was formerly situated a toll house. On that spot since 1885 and still standing today is a Victorian memorial lamp post bearing the inscription: \"Charles George Gordon, 26th January 1885\". It was erected in memory of General Gordon who was killed in the Siege of Khartoum in 1885, and paid for by Prebendary Barnes, vicar of", "title": "Livery Dole" }, { "docid": "3759562", "text": "revolt culminated in the fall of Khartoum and the death of the British General Charles George Gordon (Gordon of Khartoum) in 1885. Tewfik's forces and those of the United Kingdom were forced to withdraw from almost all of Sudan with Abdalla establishing a theocratic state. Abdalla's religious government imposed traditional Islamic laws upon Sudan and stressed the need to continue the armed struggle until the British had been completely expelled from the country and all of Egypt and Sudan was under his Mahdiya. Though he died six months after the fall of Khartoum, Abdalla's call was fully echoed by his", "title": "Anglo-Egyptian Sudan" }, { "docid": "8016639", "text": "Yokohama silver exchange. From 1884 to 1885 Beato was the official photographer of the expeditionary forces led by Baron (later Viscount) G.J. Wolseley to Khartoum, Sudan, in relief of General Charles Gordon. Briefly back in England in 1886, Beato lectured the London and Provincial Photographic Society on photographic techniques. He arrived in Burma probably in December 1886, after Upper Burma had been annexed by the British in late 1885. Much publicity had been made in the British press about the three Anglo-Burmese Wars, which had started in 1825 and culminated in December 1885 with the fall of Mandalay and the", "title": "Felice Beato" }, { "docid": "6634147", "text": "support of the Mahdi, and cut the Egyptian traffic on the Nile and the telegraph to Cairo. Communications were not entirely cut, as runners could still get through, but the siege had begun and Khartoum could only rely on its own food stores, which could last five or six months. On 16 March an abortive sortie from Khartoum was launched, which led to the death of 200 Egyptian troops as the combined forces besieging Khartoum grew to over 30,000 men. Through the months of April, May, June, and July, Gordon and the garrison dealt with being cut off as food", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "5024862", "text": "degrees completed their programs in 1950. The next year, Gordon Memorial College was formally renamed University College Khartoum, which incorporated the Kitchener School of Medicine. When Sudan gained independence in 1956, the new Parliament passed a bill to award university status to Khartoum University College. It officially became Khartoum University on 24 July 1956. The eminent horticultural scientist John Pilkington Hudson was a visiting professor in 1961-3, who founded its department of horticulture. On 5 April 1984, the Government announced the closure of all faculties of the university. The university was reopened fully on August 1. The university was closed", "title": "University of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "6333809", "text": "Paramount could not find the money. Gilbert made \"Alfie\" instead. \"Everybody was interested and nobody doubted the subject,\" said writer Robert Ardrey. \"But there was strong feeling against the big picture which might gross $12,000,000 but cost $25,000,000. Frankly \"Khartoum\" is a proposition that could bust a studio if handled the wrong way.\" Initially Burt Lancaster was to play General Gordon before the role was accepted by Charlton Heston. In July 1965, it was announced that Ralph Richardson and Richard Johnson would join the cast as Prime Minister Gladstone and Colonel Stewart respectively. Filming took place in Egypt, Pinewood Studios", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "6333803", "text": "strong, if eccentric, religious beliefs and following his own judgement, regardless of his orders. Granville Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, the British foreign secretary (Michael Hordern), knowing this, tells Gladstone that by sending Gordon to Khartoum, the British government can ignore all public pressure to send an army there, and absolve themselves of any responsibility over the area if Gordon ignores his orders. Gladstone is mildly shocked at the suggestion, but as it is popular with the public and Queen Victoria, he adopts it for the sake of expediency. Gordon is told that his mission, to evacuate troops and civilians, is", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "6333804", "text": "unsanctioned by the British government, which will disavow all responsibility if he fails. He is given few resources and only a single aide, Colonel J. D. H. Stewart (Richard Johnson). After an attempt to recruit former slaver Zobeir Pasha (Zia Mohyeddin) fails, Gordon and Stewart travel to Khartoum, where Gordon is hailed as the city's savior upon his arrival in February 1884. He begins organising the defences and rallying the people, despite Stewart's protests that this is not what he was sent to do. Gordon's first act is to visit the Mahdi in his insurgent camp, accompanied by only a", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "6333808", "text": "at the fate of Gordon finally forced the British to re-invade the Sudan ten years later, where they recaptured Khartoum in 1898. Roger Delgado, George Pastell and Jerome Willis also had parts. They all later played a villain in \"Doctor Who\". Robert Ardrey wrote the script at the encouragement of producer Julius Blaustein. Ardrey says it took him three years \"on and off\" but once he did it he sold it for $150,000. The film took a number of years to obtain financing. It was originally meant to be made with Laurence Olivier, Burt Lancaster and director Lewis Gilbert but", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "6634148", "text": "stores dwindled and starvation began to set in for both the garrison and the civilian population. Communication was kept through couriers while Gordon also kept in contact with the Mahdi, who rejected his offers of peace and to lift the siege. On 16 September an expedition sent from Khartoum to Sennar was defeated by the Mahdists, which resulted in the death of over 800 garrison troops at Al Aylafuh. By the end of the month, the Mahdi moved the bulk of his army to Khartoum, more than doubling the number already besieging it. As of 10 September 1884, the civilian", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" } ]
[ { "docid": "6634139", "text": "Siege of Khartoum The Battle of Khartoum, Siege of Khartoum or Fall of Khartoum was the conquest of Egyptian-held Khartoum by the Mahdist forces led by Muhammad Ahmad. Egypt had held the city for some time prior, but the siege that the Mahdists engineered and carried out from 13 March 1884 to 26 January 1885 was enough to wrest control away from the Egyptian administration. After a ten-month siege, when the Mahdists finally broke into the city, the entire garrison of Egyptian soldiers was killed along with 4,000 Sudanese civilians. Since the 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War, the British military presence had", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "6780865", "text": "Attack on the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum Carried out by the Black September Organization in 1973, the attack on the Saudi embassy in Khartoum was a terrorist attack which took ten diplomats hostage. After President Richard Nixon stated that he refused to negotiate with terrorists, and insisted that \"no concessions\" would be made, the three Western hostages were killed. On March 1, 1973, the Saudi embassy in Khartoum was giving a formal reception, and George Curtis Moore, chargé d'affaires at the American embassy, was the guest of honor as he was due to be reassigned from his post. Palestinian gunmen", "title": "Attack on the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum" }, { "docid": "6780871", "text": "for trying Arafat, as the appropriate statutory laws were not yet in force in 1973. Attack on the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum Carried out by the Black September Organization in 1973, the attack on the Saudi embassy in Khartoum was a terrorist attack which took ten diplomats hostage. After President Richard Nixon stated that he refused to negotiate with terrorists, and insisted that \"no concessions\" would be made, the three Western hostages were killed. On March 1, 1973, the Saudi embassy in Khartoum was giving a formal reception, and George Curtis Moore, chargé d'affaires at the American embassy, was the", "title": "Attack on the Saudi Embassy in Khartoum" }, { "docid": "6451245", "text": "the area of the Nile confluence before the Egyptians established Khartoum as their military garrison and administrative center in the 1820s. It was thereafter eclipsed by the Egyptian Khartoum, its Mahdist replacement Omdurman, and the British refounding of Khartoum following their reconquest of the country in 1898. Khartoum North began to grow again, however, as the southern terminus of the Sudan Military Railroad, which was completed in 1899. (The Blue Nile was bridged in 1910 and the line extended to Sennar, but Khartoum North continued to serve as the main railroad station and yard.) On August 20, 1998 the Al-Shifa", "title": "Khartoum North" }, { "docid": "17826580", "text": "Frederick Hammersley (British Army officer) Major-General Frederick Hammersley, (1858 – 1924) was a senior British Army officer. Hammersley was the son of Major-General Frederick Hammersley (1824-1902) and Sarah Mary Ann (nėe Keating, 1826-1922). He joined the army and was commissioned a lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers on 11 September 1876. He first saw service in the Nile Expedition of 1884-85 in the Sudan, was promoted to captain on 2 February 1885, received the brevet rank of major on 15 June 1885, and was confirmed in this rank on 9 September 1897. He fought at the Battle of Khartoum in 1898,", "title": "Frederick Hammersley (British Army officer)" }, { "docid": "231222", "text": "government succeeded in beating back the assault. On 23 October 2012, an explosion at the Yarmouk munitions factory killed two people and injured another person. The Sudanese government has claimed that the explosion was the result of an Israeli airstrike. Khartoum is located in the middle of the populated areas in Sudan, at almost the northeast center of the country between 15 and 16 degrees latitude north, and between 31 and 32 degrees longitude east. Khartoum marks the convergence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile, where they join to form the bottom of the leaning-S shape of the", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "18281447", "text": "3 adults males had the vote in England and Wales, or 3 in 5 in Scotland, in Ireland only 1 in 2 adult males could vote. Not included in the totals are the two Dublin University seats, which were uncontested and were retained by the Conservatives. 1885 United Kingdom general election in Ireland The 1885 general election in Ireland was the first election following the Representation of the People Act 1884 and the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885, which redrew the Irish electoral landscape. The election saw the Irish Parliamentary Party secure their place as the dominant party in Irish", "title": "1885 United Kingdom general election in Ireland" }, { "docid": "18281444", "text": "1885 United Kingdom general election in Ireland The 1885 general election in Ireland was the first election following the Representation of the People Act 1884 and the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885, which redrew the Irish electoral landscape. The election saw the Irish Parliamentary Party secure their place as the dominant party in Irish politics, winning the vast majority of available seats. In comparison, the Liberals were wiped out in Ireland, whilst the Conservatives were reduced to 16 seats. The election also saw the emergence of the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union; one of the forerunners of the later Irish", "title": "1885 United Kingdom general election in Ireland" }, { "docid": "20130052", "text": "Party worked in close collaboration with the Highland Land League, and opposed the lack of secure and tenure and the severely reduced access to land for crofters. Below is a table summarising the results of the 1885 general election in Scotland. 1885 United Kingdom general election in Scotland These are the results of the 1885 United Kingdom general election in Scotland. The election was held between 24 November and 18 December 1885 and 70 constituency seats in Scotland were contested. One of the two university seats for Scotland was also contested. Scotland had gained 12 seats since the previous election", "title": "1885 United Kingdom general election in Scotland" }, { "docid": "19498822", "text": "was built in 1847 to serve as the cathedral church. The Apostolic Vicariate was entrusted in 1872 to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, under Saint Daniel Comboni, who was apostolic vicar from 1872 until his death in 1881. The city was taken by the Mahdistas in 1885, who destroyed the church and all missions in the country. The war ended in 1898 with the Battle of Omdurman, and missionary work recommenced the following year. When the British built the modern city of Khartoum as capital of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, a new cathedral was constructed. It was completed in 1908", "title": "St. Matthew's Cathedral, Khartoum" }, { "docid": "20130050", "text": "1885 United Kingdom general election in Scotland These are the results of the 1885 United Kingdom general election in Scotland. The election was held between 24 November and 18 December 1885 and 70 constituency seats in Scotland were contested. One of the two university seats for Scotland was also contested. Scotland had gained 12 seats since the previous election as a result of the Redistribution of Seats Act 1885, and the electorate had increased from 293,581 to 560,580 as a result of the Representation of the People Act 1884 (out of 24,397,385 people registered in the 1881 census). Of particular", "title": "1885 United Kingdom general election in Scotland" }, { "docid": "18772387", "text": "Al Amarat (Khartoum) Al Amarat is bounded on the east by Africa or (airport) road and on the west by Mohamed Naguib road. The nomenclature of the neighborhood streets starts with 1st street and ends by 61th street, using odd numbering. The district is a modern residential districts in Khartoum, but it was found after the late General President Ibrahim Abboud government. Al Amarat district is one of the neighborhoods of Khartoum city, It has been known as a major residential for cultural and businessmen at the centre capital of Sudan. The neighbourhood was named Al Amarat as it was", "title": "Al Amarat (Khartoum)" }, { "docid": "18772388", "text": "the first district in Khartoum with high-rise buildings, and was originally called \"South Amarat\". It was planned to have both first class and second class buildings, and some people call it (Abboud) from their point of view. District of Al Amarat was one of the major achievement as the first government leading development. It was one of Great housing revolution developments in Sudan which bomber detonated by late General President Ibrahim Abboud. Alamart district of Khartoum features a hot semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification \"BSh\") with a dry season occurring during \"wintertime\", typical of the Saharo-Sahelian zone which marks the", "title": "Al Amarat (Khartoum)" }, { "docid": "13968161", "text": "Cabinet. 1885 Newfoundland general election The 16th Newfoundland general election was held on 31 October 1885 to elect members of the 15th General Assembly of Newfoundland in the Dominion of Newfoundland. The Reform Party had been created by Robert Thorburn on a platform of \"Protestant Rights\" after supporters of the Orange Order abandoned the Whiteway government after sectarian riots in 1885 against the government's 'denominational compromise'. Whiteway's Conservative Party was destroyed as a result and Whiteway founded a new Liberal Party. Thorburn's new party swept to power but soon turned away from its sectarian agenda by inviting Catholic Liberals into", "title": "1885 Newfoundland general election" }, { "docid": "13968160", "text": "1885 Newfoundland general election The 16th Newfoundland general election was held on 31 October 1885 to elect members of the 15th General Assembly of Newfoundland in the Dominion of Newfoundland. The Reform Party had been created by Robert Thorburn on a platform of \"Protestant Rights\" after supporters of the Orange Order abandoned the Whiteway government after sectarian riots in 1885 against the government's 'denominational compromise'. Whiteway's Conservative Party was destroyed as a result and Whiteway founded a new Liberal Party. Thorburn's new party swept to power but soon turned away from its sectarian agenda by inviting Catholic Liberals into the", "title": "1885 Newfoundland general election" }, { "docid": "20970991", "text": "old Khartoum Zoological Gardens kept animals such as lions, elephants, zebras, hippopotamus, tortoises, and others. Khartoum Zoo The Khartoum Zoo () was a zoological park located in Khartoum, Sudan. The zoo was founded in 1901 at the center of Khartoum. In 1903 it was moved to a spot between the White and Blue Niles. In 1995, the zoo was moved again after the grounds were sold to an investor. After the closure of the zoological gardens, the Corinthia Hotel was built on the site. The Kuku Zoo () was established in Hilat Koko, in Khartoum, in 2009 by the Faculty", "title": "Khartoum Zoo" }, { "docid": "2563559", "text": "and the Conservatives who sat with an increasing number of allied Unionist MPs (referring to the Union of Great Britain and Ireland), this exacerbated divisions within the Liberals over Irish Home Rule and led to a Liberal split and another general election the following year. The 1885 election saw the first socialist party participate, with the Social Democratic Federation led by H. M. Hyndman running three candidates. 1885 United Kingdom general election The 1885 United Kingdom general election was held from 24 November to 18 December 1885. This was the first general election after an extension of the franchise and", "title": "1885 United Kingdom general election" }, { "docid": "11444028", "text": "Al Khartoum SC Al Khartoum Al Watani Sports Club is a football club based in Khartoum, Sudan. They play in the top level of Sudanese professional football, the Sudan Premier League. Their rivals are Ahli Al Khartoum. Al Khartoum is one of the elite Sudanese football teams that has been playing in the top tier of Sudanese football constantly since their promotion in 1996. They were previously known as Al Khartoum 3 which is the neighbourhood the team was founded in. Al Khartoum was the first team to ever represent the Khartoum 3 district as most teams were representing Omdurman.", "title": "Al Khartoum SC" }, { "docid": "10701383", "text": "which Wales won comfortably 5–0. Ireland next played against England and Scotland, suffering two heavy defeats in which they conceded 13 goals for three in reply. With the three leaders therefore equal on points, England and Scotland played their match, sharing points in a 1–1 draw. Wales then played against England and Scotland in the final games but lost both, resulting in England and Scotland sharing the title. The points system worked as follows: 1885–86 British Home Championship The 1885–86 British Home Championship was the third annual international football tournament played between the British Home Nations. As common for the", "title": "1885–86 British Home Championship" }, { "docid": "231221", "text": "forces. The Organisation of African Unity summit of 18–22 July 1978 was held in Khartoum, during which Sudan was awarded the OAU presidency. The African Union summit of 16–24 January 2006 was held in Khartoum. The Arab League summit of 28–29 March 2006 was held in Khartoum, during which the Arab League awarded Sudan the Arab League presidency. On 10 May 2008, the Darfur rebel group, Justice and Equality Movement, moved into the city, where they engaged in heavy fighting with Sudanese government forces. Their soldiers included minors, and their goal was to topple Omar al-Bashir's government, though the Sudanese", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231213", "text": "Khartoum Khartoum (; ) () is the capital and largest city of Sudan. It is located at the confluence of the White Nile, flowing north from Lake Victoria, and the Blue Nile, flowing west from Ethiopia. The location where the two Niles meet is known as \"\"al-Mogran\"\" (; English: \"The Confluence\"). The main Nile continues to flow north towards Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea. Divided by the two Rivers Nile, Khartoum is a tripartite metropolis with an estimated overall population of over five million people, consisting of Khartoum proper, and linked by bridges to Khartoum North (; ') and Omdurman", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231234", "text": "as the Blue Nile Sailing Club, the German Club, the Greek Hotel, the Coptic Club, the Syrian Club and the International Club. There are also two football clubs situated in Khartoum – Al Khartoum SC and Al Ahli Khartoum. Khartoum Khartoum (; ) () is the capital and largest city of Sudan. It is located at the confluence of the White Nile, flowing north from Lake Victoria, and the Blue Nile, flowing west from Ethiopia. The location where the two Niles meet is known as \"\"al-Mogran\"\" (; English: \"The Confluence\"). The main Nile continues to flow north towards Egypt and", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "20970990", "text": "Khartoum Zoo The Khartoum Zoo () was a zoological park located in Khartoum, Sudan. The zoo was founded in 1901 at the center of Khartoum. In 1903 it was moved to a spot between the White and Blue Niles. In 1995, the zoo was moved again after the grounds were sold to an investor. After the closure of the zoological gardens, the Corinthia Hotel was built on the site. The Kuku Zoo () was established in Hilat Koko, in Khartoum, in 2009 by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production of the Sudan University of Science and Technology. The", "title": "Khartoum Zoo" }, { "docid": "6634157", "text": "relief to Khartoum. He was rebuked by Queen Victoria in a telegram which became known to the public. His government fell in June 1885, though he was back in office the next year. The public outcry soon weakened, first when press coverage and sensationalism of the events began to diminish and secondly when the government released details of the £11.5 million military budget cost for pursuing war in the Sudan. In reality, Gladstone had always viewed the Egyptian-Sudanese imbroglio with distaste and had felt some sympathy for the Sudanese striving to throw off the Egyptian colonial rule. He once declared", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231214", "text": "(; ') to the west. The city is the capital of the state of Khartoum. The origin of the word, \"Khartoum\", is uncertain. One theory argues that \"khartoum\" is derived from Arabic \"khurṭūm\" ( '), probably referring to the narrow strip of land extending between the Blue and White Niles. Dinka scholars argue that the name derives from the Dinka words \"Khar-tuom\" (Dinka-Bor dialect) or \"Khier-tuom\" as is the pronunciation in various Dinka Diaelects. These translate to a \"place where rivers meet\". This is supported by historical accounts which place the Dinka homeland in central Sudan (around present-day Khartoum) as", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "6451247", "text": "North has many neighborhoods, some of which are: The following bridges cross the Blue Nile and connect Khartoum North to Khartoum: Khartoum North Khartoum North or Bahri (, \"al-Kharṭūm Baḥrī\") is a neighborhood in the northern region of Khartoum, the capital of the Republic of Sudan. It is located on the north bank of the Blue Nile and east bank of River Nile near its confluence with the White and bridges connect it with Khartoum to its south and Omdurman to its west. It is thought to have a population of over a million, but the last Sudanese census occurred", "title": "Khartoum North" }, { "docid": "6451244", "text": "Khartoum North Khartoum North or Bahri (, \"al-Kharṭūm Baḥrī\") is a neighborhood in the northern region of Khartoum, the capital of the Republic of Sudan. It is located on the north bank of the Blue Nile and east bank of River Nile near its confluence with the White and bridges connect it with Khartoum to its south and Omdurman to its west. It is thought to have a population of over a million, but the last Sudanese census occurred in 1993 when its population was only 900,000. The original settlement at Khartoum North, Halfaya, was long the largest settlement in", "title": "Khartoum North" }, { "docid": "17070977", "text": "party to protect the British Consul-General after a confrontation between him and Japanese troops. She served on the Australia Station from 7 September 1900 until 5 December 1903. She was decommissioned in 1905 and sold in April 1905 for £4,800 to Forrester, Swansea for scrap. HMS Archer (1885) HMS \"Archer\" was an torpedo cruiser of the British Royal Navy which built by the Glasgow shipbuilder J & G Thomson between 1885 and 1888. She served on overseas stations, including operations off Africa, China and Australia. She was sold for scrap in 1905. \"Archer\" was laid down at J & G", "title": "HMS Archer (1885)" }, { "docid": "11444029", "text": "The team has been finishing up most of the seasons 4th which reflects how keen they are to be a strong member of the top football teams in Sudan. Mamoun Bashir Elnefidi is the chairman of AL Khartoum who is a wealthy businessman known for his Elnefiedi Group which is one of Sudan's top conglomerates, Al Khartoum SC Al Khartoum Al Watani Sports Club is a football club based in Khartoum, Sudan. They play in the top level of Sudanese professional football, the Sudan Premier League. Their rivals are Ahli Al Khartoum. Al Khartoum is one of the elite Sudanese", "title": "Al Khartoum SC" }, { "docid": "14305318", "text": "in Khartoum Place in perpetuity. Lower Khartoum Place was renamed Te Hā o Hine Suffrage Place in July 2016 following a decision by the Waitematā Local Board. Te Hā o Hine comes from the whakatauki (proverb) ‘Me aro koe ki te hā o Hine ahu one’ which means ‘pay heed to the dignity of women’. Khartoum Place Khartoum Place is a pedestrianised city square in the Auckland CBD, New Zealand. The square, protected by several mature trees, is located between Lorne Street and Kitchener Street, and provides a stairway connection between the two street levels. In 1993, the centenary of", "title": "Khartoum Place" }, { "docid": "10701382", "text": "1885–86 British Home Championship The 1885–86 British Home Championship was the third annual international football tournament played between the British Home Nations. As common for the time, the matches were punctuated by some high scorelines and for the first time two teams finished level on points at the top of the table, thus sharing the championship as goal difference would not be introduced to separate teams for over nearly 90 years. England and Scotland were the joint winners, with Wales third and Ireland last with zero points. The tournament began in February 1886 with a match between Wales and Ireland", "title": "1885–86 British Home Championship" }, { "docid": "2563558", "text": "1885 United Kingdom general election The 1885 United Kingdom general election was held from 24 November to 18 December 1885. This was the first general election after an extension of the franchise and redistribution of seats. For the first time a majority of adult males could vote and most constituencies by law returned a single member to Parliament fulfilling one of the ideals of Chartism to provide direct single-member, single-electorate accountability. It saw the Liberals, led by William Ewart Gladstone, win the most seats, but not an overall majority. As the Irish Nationalists held the balance of power between them", "title": "1885 United Kingdom general election" }, { "docid": "231216", "text": "Egypt). There is some speculation that they learned their craft at an academy in the south of Egypt from which the city takes its name. In 1821, Khartoum was established north of the ancient city of Soba, by Ibrahim Pasha, the son of Egypt's ruler, Muhammad Ali Pasha, who had just incorporated Sudan into his realm. Originally, Khartoum served as an outpost for the Egyptian Army, but the settlement quickly grew into a regional centre of trade. It also became a focal point for the slave trade. Later, it became the administrative center of Sudan and official capital. On 13", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231229", "text": "17-18. Higher Education: there are many universities in Sudan such as the university of Khartoum. Some foreigners attend universities there, as the reputation of the universities are very good and the living expenses are low compared to other countries. The education system in Sudan went through many changes in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Khartoum is home to the largest airport in Sudan, Khartoum International Airport. It is the main hub for Sudan Airways, Sudan's main carrier. The airport was built at the southern edge of the city; but with Khartoum's rapid growth and consequent urban sprawl, the airport", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "3361536", "text": "Khartoum (state) Khartoum State () is one of the eighteen states of Sudan. Although it is the smallest state by area (22,142 km), it is the most populous (5,274,321 in 2008 census). It contains the country's second largest city by population, Omdurman, and the city of Khartoum, which is the capital of the state as well as the national capital of Sudan. The capital city contains offices of the state, governmental and non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, and the main airport. The city is located in the heart of Sudan at the confluence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile,", "title": "Khartoum (state)" }, { "docid": "11945348", "text": "2008 attack on Omdurman and Khartoum In May 2008, the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), a Darfur ethnic minority rebel group, undertook a raid against the Sudanese government in the cities of Omdurman and Khartoum. From the government's viewpoint, the attack took place on a single day, May 10, 2008, while JEM has countered the government's account with reports of heavy fighting in parts of the Khartoum metropolitan area into May 11. More than 220 people were reported to be killed in the raid, including a Russian pilot, and scores were later sentenced to death. It was the first time", "title": "2008 attack on Omdurman and Khartoum" }, { "docid": "15163926", "text": "HMS Khartoum (F45) HMS \"Khartoum\" was a K-class destroyer of the Royal Navy, ostensibly named after the capital of Sudan, Khartoum. \"Khartoum\" was launched on 6 February 1939. Her initial action occurred on 19 December 1939, during deployment in the Firth of Clyde, when she was subject to an unsuccessful torpedo attack by a submarine near Holy Isle. She then carried out an anti-submarine search for 24 hours without success. In February 1940, she was deployed for escort of convoys to Norway based at Rosyth where she sustained structural damage during anti-submarine operations at high speed in heavy weather and", "title": "HMS Khartoum (F45)" }, { "docid": "6883128", "text": "and the 2011 African Nations Championship. Khartoum Stadium The Khartoum International Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Khartoum, Sudan. It is currently used mostly for football matches. The stadium has a capacity of 23,000 people. It is also the home stadium of Khartoum and Al Ahli Khartoum It used to be the stadium of the Sudan National Football Team.The stadium had changed the clours white to blue mixed with orange. The stadium was inaugurated in 1957 under the name of Municipal Stadium to host the first African football competition of nations, the 1957 African Cup of Nations. It also hosted", "title": "Khartoum Stadium" }, { "docid": "6883127", "text": "Khartoum Stadium The Khartoum International Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Khartoum, Sudan. It is currently used mostly for football matches. The stadium has a capacity of 23,000 people. It is also the home stadium of Khartoum and Al Ahli Khartoum It used to be the stadium of the Sudan National Football Team.The stadium had changed the clours white to blue mixed with orange. The stadium was inaugurated in 1957 under the name of Municipal Stadium to host the first African football competition of nations, the 1957 African Cup of Nations. It also hosted the 1970 African Cup of Nations", "title": "Khartoum Stadium" }, { "docid": "6333801", "text": "mm Cinerama in premiere engagements. A novelization of the film's screenplay was written by Alan Caillou. The film had its Royal World Premiere at the Casino Cinerama Theatre, in the West End of London, on 9 June 1966, in the presence of H.R.H. Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, and the Earl of Snowdon. \"Khartoum\" earned Robert Ardrey an Academy Award nomination for Best Screenplay. The film also earned Ralph Richardson a BAFTA Award nomination for Best British Actor. In 1883, in the Sudan, a force of 10,000 poorly trained Egyptians under the command of British Col. William \"Billy\" Hicks (Edward", "title": "Khartoum (film)" }, { "docid": "231230", "text": "is currently located in the heart of the city. A new international airport is currently being built about south of the city center. There have been delays to start construction because lack of funding of the project but it is expected that the airport will be completed sometime in 2018. It will replace the current airport in Khartoum as Sudan's main airport. Bridges over the Blue Nile connecting Khartoum to Khartoum North: Khartoum has rail lines from Wadi Halfa, Port Sudan on the Red Sea, and El Obeid. All are operated by Sudan Railways. Some lines also extended to some", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "15163932", "text": "from enemy action and sabotage, even though captured members of \"Torricelli\"s crew were housed aboard. HMS Khartoum (F45) HMS \"Khartoum\" was a K-class destroyer of the Royal Navy, ostensibly named after the capital of Sudan, Khartoum. \"Khartoum\" was launched on 6 February 1939. Her initial action occurred on 19 December 1939, during deployment in the Firth of Clyde, when she was subject to an unsuccessful torpedo attack by a submarine near Holy Isle. She then carried out an anti-submarine search for 24 hours without success. In February 1940, she was deployed for escort of convoys to Norway based at Rosyth", "title": "HMS Khartoum (F45)" }, { "docid": "231218", "text": "of them diplomats. The US ambassador, the US deputy ambassador, and the Belgian \"chargé d'affaires\" were murdered. The remaining hostages were released. A 1973 United States Department of State document, declassified in 2006, concluded: \"The Khartoum operation was planned and carried out with the full knowledge and personal approval of Yasser Arafat.\" In 1977, the first oil pipeline between Khartoum and the Port of Sudan was completed. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Khartoum was the destination for hundreds of thousands refugees fleeing conflicts in neighboring nations such as Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Uganda. Many Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees assimilated into", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "3123227", "text": "eventually opened through the auspices of the Jarring Mission (1967–1973), and secret direct talks also took place between Israel and Jordan, but neither avenue succeeded in achieving a meaningful settlement, setting the stage for a new round of conflict. Khartoum Resolution The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit convened in the wake of the Six-Day War, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The summit lasted from 29 August to 1 September and was attended by eight Arab heads of state: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, and Sudan.", "title": "Khartoum Resolution" }, { "docid": "3123223", "text": "Khartoum Resolution The Khartoum Resolution of 1 September 1967 was issued at the conclusion of the 1967 Arab League summit convened in the wake of the Six-Day War, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The summit lasted from 29 August to 1 September and was attended by eight Arab heads of state: Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, and Sudan. The resolution called for: a continued state of belligerency with Israel, ending the Arab oil boycott declared during the Six-Day War, an end to the North Yemen Civil War, and economic assistance for Egypt and Jordan. It is famous", "title": "Khartoum Resolution" }, { "docid": "231215", "text": "recently as the 13th-17th centuries A.D. Captain J.A. Grant, who reached Khartoum in 1863 with Captain Speke's expedition, thought the name was most probably from the Arabic \"qurtum\" ( ', i.e., \"Carthamus tinctorius\"), which was cultivated extensively in Egypt for its oil to be used as fuel. Some scholars speculate that the word derives from the Nubian word, \"Agartum\" (\"the abode of Atum\"), the Nubian and Egyptian god of creation. Other Beja scholars suggest \"Khartoum\" is derived from the Beja word, \"Hartoom\" (\"meeting\"). Additionally, the dream-interpreting magicians in Genesis 41:8 are referred to as חַרְטֻמֵּ֥י מצרים(\"Khartoumei Mitzrayim\" - Magicians of", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "9636971", "text": "Khartoum American School Khartoum American School, founded in 1957, is an international school in Khartoum, Sudan that teaches an American/International curriculum. The school is a full member of the Council of International Schools (CIS) and is accredited jointly through CIS and the Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (MSA). While founded to offer education to the children of US diplomats in Khartoum, KAS later admitted students from the international community in Khartoum. , 253 students from 44 countries were enrolled. The Early Childhood Center offers schooling to children from 3 years to 4 years of age (at the start", "title": "Khartoum American School" }, { "docid": "231231", "text": "parts of south Sudan Architecture of Khartoum cannot be identified by one style or even two styles; it is as diverse as its culture, where 597 different cultural groups meet. In this article are 10 buildings of Khartoum to showcase this diversity in buildings’ shapes, materials, treatments. Sudan was home to numerous ancient civilizations, such as the Kingdom of Kush, Kerma, Nobatia, Alodia, Makuria, Meroë and others, most of which flourished along the Nile. During the pre-dynastic period Nubia and Nagadan Upper Egypt were identical, simultaneously evolved systems of Pharaonic kingship by 3300 BC. In response to the worldwide deterioration", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "11234502", "text": "built and financed by the Libyan government at a cost of over 80 million euros. The building has an oval curved facade; like the Burj Al Arab, it was designed to resemble a ship's sail. It is known as \"Gaddafi's Egg\" because it is funded by Libya. Corinthia Hotel Khartoum The Corinthia Hotel Khartoum is a five-star hotel in central Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, on the meeting point of the Blue Nile and White Nile and in the centre of Khartoum’s commercial, business, and administrative districts. It is located next to the Friendship Hall of Khartoum and the Tuti", "title": "Corinthia Hotel Khartoum" }, { "docid": "6634150", "text": "its lowest. The relief expedition was attacked at Abu Klea on 17 January, and two days later at Abu Kru. Though their square was broken at Abu Klea, the British managed to repel the Mahdists. The Mahdi, hearing of the British advance, decided to press the attack on Khartoum. On the night of 25–26 January an estimated 50,000 Mahdists attacked the city wall just before midnight. The Mahdists took advantage of the low level of the Nile, actually crossing it on foot, and rushed around the wall on the shores of the river and into the town. The details of", "title": "Siege of Khartoum" }, { "docid": "3361543", "text": "under the National Authority for the Arts, and the Omdurman Museum of Ibrahim Hijazi. Khartoum (state) Khartoum State () is one of the eighteen states of Sudan. Although it is the smallest state by area (22,142 km), it is the most populous (5,274,321 in 2008 census). It contains the country's second largest city by population, Omdurman, and the city of Khartoum, which is the capital of the state as well as the national capital of Sudan. The capital city contains offices of the state, governmental and non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions, and the main airport. The city is located in the", "title": "Khartoum (state)" }, { "docid": "3361538", "text": "Nile State, and in the west by North Kurdufan. There are several etymologies for the name of Khartoum. The explanation suggested as \"most correct\" by the state government's website is that it comes from the Arabic for \"elephant's trunk\", which describes the shape of the site of the city at the confluence of the two Niles, where a stretch of land extends into the water. Other stories are that it is a corruption of \"gurtoum\", the name for seeds of the sunflower plant, supposedly used by Roman invaders at the current site of Khartoum to treat soldiers' wounds, or that", "title": "Khartoum (state)" }, { "docid": "15163929", "text": "and the sloop in search for \"Torricelli\" near Perim Island. After interception, \"Khartoum\" and these warships took part in a surface engagement with the submarine, during which \"Torricelli\" was sunk and \"Shoreham\" damaged. However, during the battle, \"Khartoum\" was hit by return fire which damaged the after torpedo tube mounting. Some five and a half hours later, at 11.50am (local time), a torpedo's compressed air chamber exploded, propelling the warhead through the deck house of number 3 4.7-inch mount. and causing a serious uncontrollable fire from a ruptured oil tank there. This resulted in an explosion of the ship's artillery", "title": "HMS Khartoum (F45)" }, { "docid": "17036057", "text": "in the new seat of Mid Antrim where he beat Sinclair's by-election helper Thomas Dickson. Sinclair did however return to the House of Commons at the 1886 general election as Liberal Unionist Party member for Falkirk Burghs in the central Scottish Lowlands. 1885 Antrim by-election The Antrim by-election, 1885 was a by-election held on Thursday 21 May 1885 for the British House of Commons constituency of Antrim in present-day Northern Ireland. The by-election was caused by the death, at the age of only 43, of the sitting Conservativel MP James Chaine on 4 May 1885. Chaine had been one of", "title": "1885 Antrim by-election" }, { "docid": "17030571", "text": "Rothschilds’ defection to the cause of Liberal Unionism. Ferdy Rothschild held his seat as a Liberal at the 1885 general election and retained it as a Liberal Unionist thereafter at every election until dying in office in December 1898. 1885 Aylesbury by-election The Aylesbury by-election, 1885 was a by-election held on Thursday 16 July 1885 for the British House of Commons constituency of Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire. The by-election was caused by the elevation to the peerage of the sitting Liberal MP Sir Nathaniel Rothschild (usually known as ‘Natty’) of the famous Rothschild merchant banking family. Rothschild had been one of", "title": "1885 Aylesbury by-election" }, { "docid": "19498823", "text": "in the neo-Romanesque style, featuring three naves and a high tower. St. Matthew's Cathedral, Khartoum St. Matthew's Cathedral is a Christian religious building in Khartoum, which is the capital of Khartoum State and Sudan. The cathedral is located on the bank of the Blue Nile, next to the Mac Nimir Bridge. It is the seat of the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Khartoum, under the patronage of Saint Matthew the Apostle. This building almost resembles a fairy-tale castle with its various turrets, slender spires and a large rose window. The Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan or Central-Africa was erected here in", "title": "St. Matthew's Cathedral, Khartoum" }, { "docid": "19498821", "text": "St. Matthew's Cathedral, Khartoum St. Matthew's Cathedral is a Christian religious building in Khartoum, which is the capital of Khartoum State and Sudan. The cathedral is located on the bank of the Blue Nile, next to the Mac Nimir Bridge. It is the seat of the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Khartoum, under the patronage of Saint Matthew the Apostle. This building almost resembles a fairy-tale castle with its various turrets, slender spires and a large rose window. The Apostolic Vicariate of Sudan or Central-Africa was erected here in 1846 under the primacy of Msgr. Annetto Casolani. A small church", "title": "St. Matthew's Cathedral, Khartoum" }, { "docid": "11234501", "text": "Corinthia Hotel Khartoum The Corinthia Hotel Khartoum is a five-star hotel in central Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, on the meeting point of the Blue Nile and White Nile and in the centre of Khartoum’s commercial, business, and administrative districts. It is located next to the Friendship Hall of Khartoum and the Tuti Bridge. The hotel was opened on 17 August 2008. It has 18 guest floors, 173 rooms and 57 suites, all offering panoramic views of Khartoum and the Nile. The hotel has six restaurants and cafés and leisure facilities including spa, gym, tennis and squash courts. It was", "title": "Corinthia Hotel Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231223", "text": "main Nile (\"see map, upper right\") as it zigzags through northern Sudan into Egypt at Lake Nasser. Khartoum is relatively flat, at elevation , as the Nile flows northeast past Omdurman to Shendi, at elevation about away. Under Köppen's climate classification system, Khartoum features a hot arid climate, with only the summer months seeing noticeable precipitation. The city averages a little over of precipitation per year. Based on annual mean temperatures, the city is one of the hottest major cities in the world. Temperatures routinely exceed in mid-summer. Its average annual high temperature is , with six months of the", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "18772390", "text": "live. It is a decent place to live. Houses and apartments are also in high supply. Amarat has been the favorite neighborhood in Khartoum. The people have become accustomed to rush to their homes early in the evening because Khartoum yawns early due to the government decision to stop private parties at 11:00 pm, an hour before midnight. Al Amarat District knew Education since it was established and since then spread to the schools District at different stages. Elementary Schools and High Schools: Al Amarat (Khartoum) Al Amarat is bounded on the east by Africa or (airport) road and on", "title": "Al Amarat (Khartoum)" }, { "docid": "231225", "text": "Bridge (finished in October 2007) and the Tuti Bridge that links Khartoum to Tuti Island. In the 21st century, Khartoum developed based on Sudan's oil wealth (although the independence of South Sudan in 2011 affected the economy of Sudan negatively). The center of the city has tree-lined streets. Khartoum has the highest concentration of economic activity in the country. This has changed as major economic developments take place in other parts of the country, like oil exploration in the South, the Giad Industrial Complex in Al Jazirah state and White Nile Sugar Project in Central Sudan, and the Merowe Dam", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231227", "text": "the most famous high streets in Khartoum State. Afra Mall is located in the southern suburb Arkeweet. The Afra Mall has a supermarket, retail outlets, coffee shops, a bowling alley, movie theaters, and a children's playground. In 2011, Sudan opened the Hotel Section and part of the food court of the new, Corinthia Hotel Tower. The Mall/Shopping section is still under construction. Khartoum is the main location for most of Sudan's top educational bodies. In Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, there are four main levels of education. First: kindergarten and day-care. It begins in the age of 3-4, consists of", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231226", "text": "in the North. Among the city's industries are printing, glass manufacturing, food processing, and textiles. Petroleum products are now produced in the far north of Khartoum state, providing fuel and jobs for the city. One of Sudan's largest refineries is located in northern Khartoum. The Souq Al Arabi is Khartoum's largest open air market. The \"souq\" is spread over several blocks in the center of Khartoum proper just south of the Great Mosque (Mesjid al-Kabir) and the minibus station. It is divided into separate sections, including one focused entirely on gold. Al Qasr Street and Al Jamhoriyah Street are considered", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "231233", "text": "contains works from different epochs of Sudanese history. Among the exhibits are two Egyptian temples of Buhen and Semna, originally built by Queen Hatshepsut and Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, respectively, but relocated to Khartoum upon the flooding of Lake Nasser. The Republican Palace Museum, opened in 2000, is located in the former Anglican All Saints' cathedral on Sharia al-Jama'a, next to the historical Presidential Palace. The Ethnographic Museum is located on Sharia al-Jama'a, close to the Mac Nimir Bridge. Khartoum is home to a small botanical garden, in the Mogran district of the city. Khartoum is home to several clubs such", "title": "Khartoum" }, { "docid": "15163928", "text": "screening and patrol duties. \"Khartoum\" and \"Kandahar\" detached with other K-class destroyers and for surveillance of Italian warship movements from Massawa on the Red Sea. In June 1940, \"Khartoum\" deployed in the Red Sea with sloops of the East Indies Squadron and her other sister destroyers and prepared for war service in defense of Red Sea shipping. On 10 June, after the outbreak of war, she deployed for patrol and convoy defense based at Aden. On 21 June she carried out an attack on , a , which was unsuccessful. Then on 23 June she was deployed with \"Kandahar\", \"Kingston\"", "title": "HMS Khartoum (F45)" } ]
On the border of which two countries is Victoria Falls?
[ "Zambia and Zimbabwe" ]
[ { "docid": "1587567", "text": "Victoria Falls Victoria Falls (Lozi: \"Mosi-oa-Tunya\", \"The Smoke that Thunders\") is a waterfall in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary and explorer, is believed to have been the first European to view Victoria Falls on 16 November 1855, from what is now known as Livingstone Island, one of two land masses in the middle of the river, immediately upstream from the falls near the Zambian shore. Livingstone named his discovery in honour of Queen Victoria of Britain, but the indigenous Lozi language name, \"Mosi-oa-Tunya\"—\"The Smoke That Thunders\"—continues in", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "1587595", "text": "of raptors. The Taita falcon, black eagle, peregrine falcon and augur buzzard breed there. Above the falls, herons, fish eagles and numerous kinds of waterfowl are common. The river is home to 39 species of fish below the falls and 84 species above it. This illustrates the effectiveness of the falls as a dividing barrier between the upper and lower Zambezi. Victoria Falls Victoria Falls (Lozi: \"Mosi-oa-Tunya\", \"The Smoke that Thunders\") is a waterfall in southern Africa on the Zambezi River at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary and explorer, is believed to have been", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "1587589", "text": "a visa each time they cross the border; visas can be obtained at both border posts. Costs vary from US$50–$80 (). Visa regulations change frequently; visitors are advised to check the rules currently in effect in both countries before crossing the border in either direction. Additionally, foreign tourists may purchase a KAZA visa for US$50 that will permit visitors to travel between Zambia and Zimbabwe for up to 30 days as long as they remain within the covered countries. A famous feature is the naturally formed \"Armchair\" (now sometimes called \"Devil's Pool\"), near the edge of the falls on Livingstone", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "4308198", "text": "footway. The bridge is the only rail link between Zambia and Zimbabwe and one of only three road links between the two countries. The Victoria Falls Bridge did not bring the first train or the first railway to Zambia. To push on with construction of the railway north as fast as possible, Cecil Rhodes insisted that the Livingstone to Kalomo line be laid before the bridge was finished. Then a locomotive was conveyed in pieces across the gorge by the temporary electric cableway used for the transportation of the bridge materials and nicknamed the 'Blondin' by the construction engineers. The", "title": "Victoria Falls Bridge" }, { "docid": "5414854", "text": "combination of height and water volume, and Kaieteur is among the most powerful waterfalls in the world with an average flow rate of 663 cubic metres per second (23,400 cubic feet per second). Kaieteur Falls is about four times higher than Niagara Falls, on the border between Canada and the United States, and about twice the height of Victoria Falls, on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa. It is a single drop waterfall. Upriver from the falls, the Potaro Plateau stretches out to the distant escarpment of the Pakaraima Mountains. The Potaro River empties into the Essequibo River", "title": "Kaieteur Falls" }, { "docid": "5937101", "text": "augur buzzard, which all breed there. This park is considered for inclusion in the five-nation Kavango - Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area. Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park (Sotho: \"Musi oa Thunya\" [Mosi wa Tunya] \"\"The Smoke Which Thunders\"\"), is an UNESCO World Heritage site that is home to one half of the Mosi-oa-Tunya \"— 'The Smoke Which Thunders' —\" known worldwide as Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River. The river forms the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, so the falls are shared by the two countries, and the park is 'twin' to the Victoria Falls National Park on the Zimbabwean", "title": "Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park" }, { "docid": "5937093", "text": "Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park (Sotho: \"Musi oa Thunya\" [Mosi wa Tunya] \"\"The Smoke Which Thunders\"\"), is an UNESCO World Heritage site that is home to one half of the Mosi-oa-Tunya \"— 'The Smoke Which Thunders' —\" known worldwide as Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River. The river forms the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, so the falls are shared by the two countries, and the park is 'twin' to the Victoria Falls National Park on the Zimbabwean side. ‘Mosi-oa-Tunya’ comes from the Kololo or Lozi language and the name is now used throughout Zambia, and in parts of", "title": "Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park" }, { "docid": "586370", "text": "feet, are a third shorter). Often, Iguazu also is compared with Victoria Falls in Southern Africa, which separates Zambia and Zimbabwe. Iguazu is wider, but because it is split into roughly 275 distinct falls and large islands, Victoria has the largest curtain of water in the world, at more than wide and over in height (in low flow, Victoria is split into five by islands; in high flow it may be uninterrupted). The only wider falls are extremely large rapid-like falls, such as the Boyoma Falls (Stanley Falls). With the flooding of the Guaíra Falls in 1982, Iguazu currently has", "title": "Iguazu Falls" } ]
[ { "docid": "4308202", "text": "known as the Victoria Falls Bridge. The Location of the bridge and surrounding area by Openstreetmap Victoria Falls Bridge The Victoria Falls Bridge crosses the Zambezi River just below the Victoria Falls and is built over the Second Gorge of the falls. As the river is the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, the bridge links the two countries and has border posts on the approaches to both ends, at the towns of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Livingstone, Zambia. The bridge was the brainchild of Cecil Rhodes, part of his grand and unfulfilled Cape to Cairo railway scheme, even though he", "title": "Victoria Falls Bridge" }, { "docid": "4308195", "text": "Victoria Falls Bridge The Victoria Falls Bridge crosses the Zambezi River just below the Victoria Falls and is built over the Second Gorge of the falls. As the river is the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, the bridge links the two countries and has border posts on the approaches to both ends, at the towns of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Livingstone, Zambia. The bridge was the brainchild of Cecil Rhodes, part of his grand and unfulfilled Cape to Cairo railway scheme, even though he never visited the falls and died before construction of the bridge began. Rhodes is recorded as", "title": "Victoria Falls Bridge" }, { "docid": "1587588", "text": "gorges, bungee jumping from the bridge, game fishing, horse riding, kayaking, and flights over the falls. By the end of the 1990s almost 400,000 people were visiting the falls annually, and this was expected to rise to over a million in the next decade. Unlike the game parks, Victoria Falls has more Zimbabwean and Zambian visitors than international tourists; the attraction is accessible by bus and train, and is therefore comparatively inexpensive to reach. Both countries permit tourists to make day trips across the border to view the falls from both viewpoints. Visitors with single-entry visas are required to purchase", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "16118323", "text": "is less favourable, stressing Smith's perceived intransigence: \"We went to great lengths to offer conditions that the Rhodesian régime might find acceptable, but Smith would not budge.\" Victoria Falls Conference (1975) The Victoria Falls Conference took place on the 26th August 1975 aboard a South African Railways train halfway across the Victoria Falls Bridge on the border between the unrecognised state of Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe) and Zambia. It was the culmination of the \"détente\" policy introduced and championed by B. J. Vorster, the Prime Minister of South Africa, which was then under apartheid and was attempting to improve its relations", "title": "Victoria Falls Conference (1975)" }, { "docid": "16118298", "text": "Victoria Falls Conference (1975) The Victoria Falls Conference took place on the 26th August 1975 aboard a South African Railways train halfway across the Victoria Falls Bridge on the border between the unrecognised state of Rhodesia (today Zimbabwe) and Zambia. It was the culmination of the \"détente\" policy introduced and championed by B. J. Vorster, the Prime Minister of South Africa, which was then under apartheid and was attempting to improve its relations with the Frontline States to Rhodesia's north, west and east by helping to produce a settlement in Rhodesia. The participants in the conference were a delegation led", "title": "Victoria Falls Conference (1975)" }, { "docid": "1587586", "text": "Hotel was opened to accommodate visitors arriving on the new railway. The falls became an increasingly popular attraction during British colonial rule of Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), with the town of Victoria Falls becoming the main tourist centre. In 1964, Northern Rhodesia became the independent state of Zambia. The following year, Rhodesia unilaterally declared independence. This was not recognized by Zambia, the United Kingdom nor the vast majority of states and led to United Nations-mandated sanctions. In response to the emerging crisis, in 1966 Zambia restricted or stopped border crossings; it did not re-open the border completely", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "1587568", "text": "common usage as well. The World Heritage List officially recognizes both names. Livingstone also cites an older name, \"Seongo\" or \"Chongwe\", which means \"The Place of the Rainbow\" as a result of the constant spray. The nearby national park in Zambia is named \"Mosi-oa-Tunya\", whereas the national park and town on the Zimbabwean shore are both named Victoria Falls. While it is neither the highest nor the widest waterfall in the world, Victoria Falls is classified as the largest, based on its combined width of and height of , resulting in the world's largest sheet of falling water. Victoria Falls", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "9640695", "text": "has shuttle services to hotels and other places in town. There is a variety of tour operators and car rentals. The Zimbabwe Tourism Authority also happens to have an office stationed on the premises to assist all travellers who have any sort of challenge. The Victoria Falls VOR-DME (Ident: VFA) is located on the field. Victoria Falls Airport Victoria Falls Airport is an international airport serving the Victoria Falls tourism industry, and is south of the town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. In April 2013, Exim Bank of China had provided a $150 million loan to build the airport's new runway,", "title": "Victoria Falls Airport" }, { "docid": "4945554", "text": "Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls is a town in the province of Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. It lies on the southern bank of the Zambezi River at the western end of Victoria Falls themselves. According to the 2012 Population Census, the town had a population of 33,060. The settlement began in 1901 when the possibility of using the waterfall for hydro-electric power was explored, and expanded when the railway from Bulawayo reached the town shortly before the Victoria Falls Bridge was opened in April 1905, connecting Zimbabwe to what is now Zambia. It became the principal tourism centre for the Falls,", "title": "Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "4945557", "text": "surgeries and another private hospital. Victoria Falls is connected by road and railway to Hwange (109 km away) and Bulawayo (440 km away), both to the south-east. Victoria Falls Airport is located 18 km south of the town and has international services to Johannesburg and Namibia. Football is the most popular sport and there are many football teams, some of which played in the first division. There have been many teams like Zimbabwe Sun Rovers, Intundla, Makasa Sun Casino, Guyu, Burning Spear, Sprayview, Mawema and The Young Warriors. Victoria Falls Rugby Club, which started at the farm school playing touch", "title": "Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "16002084", "text": "Victoria Falls Hotel The Victoria Falls Hotel is a historic hotel at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The hotel is dramatically situated, with a view of the Second Gorge and the Victoria Falls Bridge from its terrace. The hotel is a member of the Leading Hotels of the World group. It is managed by African Sun Limited. The hotel was opened in 1904 to accommodate passengers on the newly built railway, part of the planned Cape to Cairo Railway. Later it was a staging post for the BOAC flying boat service between Southampton and South Africa. The hotel has accommodated royal visitors", "title": "Victoria Falls Hotel" }, { "docid": "4945558", "text": "rugby, was strengthened and played a few touring international sides at Elephant Hills Hotel. They participated at the Victoria Falls Rugby 10s in 1999, where South African, Scottish, Zambian and Kenyan teams played. The town is known for its grade 5 rapids where white water rafting and kayaking are done. There is also a golf course, at Elephant Hills Hotel, and a proposed cricket stadium. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Victoria Falls is a town in the province of Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. It lies on the southern bank of the Zambezi River at the western end of Victoria Falls themselves. According to", "title": "Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "4850802", "text": "Victoria Falls National Park Victoria Falls National Park in north-western Zimbabwe protects the south and east bank of the Zambezi River in the area of the world-famous Victoria Falls. It extends along the Zambezi river from the larger Zambezi National Park about 6 km above the falls to about 12 km below the falls. A notable feature of the park is the rainforest which grows in the spray of the falls, including ferns, palms, liana vines, and a number of trees such as mahogany not seen elsewhere in the region. The park is located within the Zambezian and Mopane woodlands", "title": "Victoria Falls National Park" }, { "docid": "19304687", "text": "class visits in the town of Victoria Falls as well as Bulawayo, Matopos, Lowveld, Triangle, the Eastern Highlands, Shangani, Masvingo, and Kariba. Victoria Falls Primary School Victoria Falls Primary School (or Vic Falls Primary) is an independent, preparatory, day school for boys and girls in the town of Victoria Falls, Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. The school was opened in September 1991 at its present location. Victoria Falls Primary School is a member of the Association of Trust Schools (ATS) and the Headmaster is a member of the Conference of Heads of Independent Schools in Zimbabwe (CHISZ). Victoria Falls Primary offers the", "title": "Victoria Falls Primary School" }, { "docid": "4850804", "text": "in the 5 Nation Kavango - Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area. Victoria Falls National Park Victoria Falls National Park in north-western Zimbabwe protects the south and east bank of the Zambezi River in the area of the world-famous Victoria Falls. It extends along the Zambezi river from the larger Zambezi National Park about 6 km above the falls to about 12 km below the falls. A notable feature of the park is the rainforest which grows in the spray of the falls, including ferns, palms, liana vines, and a number of trees such as mahogany not seen elsewhere in the region.", "title": "Victoria Falls National Park" }, { "docid": "19304685", "text": "Victoria Falls Primary School Victoria Falls Primary School (or Vic Falls Primary) is an independent, preparatory, day school for boys and girls in the town of Victoria Falls, Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe. The school was opened in September 1991 at its present location. Victoria Falls Primary School is a member of the Association of Trust Schools (ATS) and the Headmaster is a member of the Conference of Heads of Independent Schools in Zimbabwe (CHISZ). Victoria Falls Primary offers the following subjects: Art, Craft, Design and Technology, Domestic Science, English Language, General Paper, Information Communication Technology, Ndebele and Physical Education. At Victoria", "title": "Victoria Falls Primary School" }, { "docid": "16118312", "text": "to attend a conference on ground they perceived as not neutral. The Rhodesians, however, were keen to adhere to the accord and meet at a Rhodesian venue. In an effort to placate both sides, Kaunda and Vorster relaxed the terms so that the two sides would instead meet aboard a train provided by the South African government, placed halfway across the Victoria Falls Bridge, on the Rhodesian–Zambian border. The Rhodesian delegates could therefore take their seats in Rhodesia and the nationalists, on the opposite side of the carriage, would be able to attend without leaving Zambia. As part of the", "title": "Victoria Falls Conference (1975)" }, { "docid": "18176080", "text": "Four Falls Border Crossing The Four Falls Border Crossing is a one-way crossing between Fort Fairfield, Maine and Four Falls, New Brunswick on the Canada–US border. Traffic is permitted to enter Canada at this location, but people entering the United States face arrest. This crossing opened in 1934, and traffic was permitted in both directions. In the late 1950s, the US closed its border station; however Canada continued to operate its border station until April 1, 1985. Both border stations were demolished after their respective closures. In 1994, the Government of Canada relented to pressure from members of the nearby", "title": "Four Falls Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "1587569", "text": "is roughly twice the height of North America's Niagara Falls and well over twice the width of its Horseshoe Falls. In height and width Victoria Falls is rivalled only by Argentina and Brazil's Iguazu Falls. See table for comparisons. For a considerable distance upstream from the falls, the Zambezi flows over a level sheet of basalt, in a shallow valley, bounded by low and distant sandstone hills. The river's course is dotted with numerous tree-covered islands, which increase in number as the river approaches the falls. There are no mountains, escarpments, or deep valleys; only a flat plateau extending hundreds", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "18176082", "text": "via Russell Road could not legally drive to their homes from Canada. Four Falls Border Crossing The Four Falls Border Crossing is a one-way crossing between Fort Fairfield, Maine and Four Falls, New Brunswick on the Canada–US border. Traffic is permitted to enter Canada at this location, but people entering the United States face arrest. This crossing opened in 1934, and traffic was permitted in both directions. In the late 1950s, the US closed its border station; however Canada continued to operate its border station until April 1, 1985. Both border stations were demolished after their respective closures. In 1994,", "title": "Four Falls Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "16002085", "text": "on several occasions, including King George VI and his family in April 1947. The hotel has been the site of a number of important political meetings. In 1949 Roy Welensky organised a conference there to discuss the creation of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and in 1963 the Victoria Falls Conference at the hotel led to the breakup of the federation. In 1975 there was yet another conference there, this time to try to sort out the UDI problem that followed the break-up of the Federation. Victoria Falls Hotel The Victoria Falls Hotel is a historic hotel at Victoria", "title": "Victoria Falls Hotel" }, { "docid": "4945555", "text": "experiencing economic booms from the 1930s to the 1960s and in the 1980s and early 1990s. The town is located northwest of its province, in front of the borders with Zambia, separed from it by the Zambezi River and the binational Victoria Falls. It lies few km from the Zambian city of Livingstone, and is surrounded by the Zambezi, Mosi-oa-Tunya and Victoria Falls national parks. Victoria Falls has a number of primary schools with the number having increased since 2009. These include Baobab Primary School, Chinotimba Primary School, Kings Primary School, Victoria Falls Primary School, Mkhosana Primary School, St Josephine", "title": "Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "9640694", "text": "Victoria Falls Airport Victoria Falls Airport is an international airport serving the Victoria Falls tourism industry, and is south of the town of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. In April 2013, Exim Bank of China had provided a $150 million loan to build the airport's new runway, taxiways and a new terminal to increase the airport's capacity from 500,000 to 1.7million passengers annually. The airport operates 12 hours per day, with immigration and customs services available during operating hours. It offers airport facilities and services, including aircraft parking, cargo and passenger handling, refuelling, weather information, restaurants, and duty-free shops.banking facilities. The airport", "title": "Victoria Falls Airport" }, { "docid": "7456074", "text": "nationwide. This led to a state of emergency being declared in areas around the shore of Lake Victoria in Uganda, where these bodies eventually washed up. In 2013 the African Development Bank Group approved funding for the Regional Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project which will increase renewable power generating capacity and access to electricity in Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The project has two components: an 80 MW hydropower generation plant and transmission lines and substations. The Bank finances the transmission facilities of Rusumo Falls Hydropower Project. Rusumo Falls Rusumo Falls is a waterfall located on the Kagera river on the border", "title": "Rusumo Falls" }, { "docid": "1587574", "text": "crest. It is also possible to walk to the bottom of the First Gorge at the Zimbabwean side. The minimum flow, which occurs in November, is around a tenth of the April figure; this variation in flow is greater than that of other major falls, and causes Victoria Falls' annual average flow rate to be lower than might be expected based on the maximum flow. The entire volume of the Zambezi River pours through the First Gorge's wide exit for a distance of about , then enters a zigzagging series of gorges designated by the order in which the river", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "1587585", "text": "falls at the Old Drift, by dugout canoe or a barge towed across with a steel cable. Rhodes' vision of a Cape-Cairo railway drove plans for the first bridge across the Zambezi and he insisted it be built where the spray from the falls would fall on passing trains, so the site at the Second Gorge was chosen. See the main article Victoria Falls Bridge for details. From 1905 the railway offered accessible travel from as far as the Cape in the south and from 1909, as far as the Belgian Congo in the north. In 1904 the Victoria Falls", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "1587570", "text": "of kilometres in all directions. The falls are formed as the full width of the river plummets in a single vertical drop into a transverse chasm wide, carved by its waters along a fracture zone in the basalt plateau. The depth of the chasm, called the First Gorge, varies from at its western end to in the centre. The only outlet to the First Gorge is a wide gap about two-thirds of the way across the width of the falls from the western end. The whole volume of the river pours into the Victoria Falls gorges from this narrow cleft.", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "1587578", "text": "line and abandonment of the earlier line. North-south oriented joints control the south flowing sections of the river. One of these is the \"Boiling Pot\", which links the First Gorge with the Second Gorge. The falls may have already started cutting back the next major gorge, at the dip in one side of the \"Devil's Cataract\", between the western river bank and Cataract Island. The lip in the current falls is lowest here and carries the greatest concentration of water at flood stage. The sedimentary sequence overlying the basalt at the Zambezi River margins is called the Victoria Falls Formation,", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "2329953", "text": "country Falls Creek has a subpolar oceanic climate (\"Cfc\") with cool summers and cold, snowy winters. Rainfall is moderate to heavy. Falls Creek, Victoria The Falls Creek Alpine Resort is an alpine ski resort in the Hume region in northeastern Victoria, Australia. It is located in the Alpine National Park in the Victorian Alps, approximately by road from Melbourne, with the nearest town Mount Beauty, approximately away. The resort lies between an elevation of above sea level, with the highest lifted point at . Skiing is possible on the nearby peak of Mount McKay at , accessed by snowcat from", "title": "Falls Creek, Victoria" }, { "docid": "18522807", "text": "Metaline Falls-Nelway Border Crossing The Metaline Falls-Nelway Border Crossing connects the town of Metaline Falls, Washington with Nelson, British Columbia on the Canada–US border. It can be reached by Washington State Route 31 on the American side and British Columbia Highway 6 on the Canadian side. Canada has had a customs office in the Nelson area since 1900, but this particular crossing did not exist until the Pend Oreille Highway was completed in 1921. The US is still using its first permanent border station at this crossing, built in the mid-1930s; it was registered on the U.S. National Register of", "title": "Metaline Falls-Nelway Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "20315216", "text": "International Falls–Fort Frances Border Crossing The International Falls–Fort Frances Border Crossing connects the cities of International Falls, Minnesota and Fort Frances, Ontario, at the Fort Frances–International Falls International Bridge. The US port of entry was established in 1895, when the city of International Falls and its post office were established. However, significant cross-border traffic didn't occur until after the dam across the Rainy River was completed in 1905. In 1912, the Fort Frances–International Falls International Bridge was completed. It was built by the Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company, and featured a railroad track and two vehicular lanes. Cars and trucks", "title": "International Falls–Fort Frances Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "9751488", "text": "Incident at Victoria Falls Incident at Victoria Falls (also known as Sherlock Holmes and the Incident at Victoria Falls and Sherlock Holmes: The Star of Africa) is the 1992 sequel to \"Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady\", and the second and final film in the proposed series of television films \"Sherlock Holmes the Golden Years\" written by Bob Shayne. It starred Christopher Lee and Patrick Macnee as Holmes and Watson in old age. In the film, Holmes is about to retire to Sussex and keep bees when King Edward (Joss Ackland) sends him on a mission to South Africa to", "title": "Incident at Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "18522808", "text": "Historic Places in 1997. Canada replaced its depression-era border station in 1951, then replaced it again in 2000. Today the crossing is often used by tourists exploring the International Selkirk Loop. Metaline Falls-Nelway Border Crossing The Metaline Falls-Nelway Border Crossing connects the town of Metaline Falls, Washington with Nelson, British Columbia on the Canada–US border. It can be reached by Washington State Route 31 on the American side and British Columbia Highway 6 on the Canadian side. Canada has had a customs office in the Nelson area since 1900, but this particular crossing did not exist until the Pend Oreille", "title": "Metaline Falls-Nelway Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "18346009", "text": "Big Tree at Victoria Falls The Big Tree - is a large baobab of the species \"Adansonia digitata\" in Zimbabwe, close to the Victoria Falls. It has sometimes been called Livingstone's tree erroneously. Unusually for a baobab it has both an impressive girth and is very tall. It measures 22.40 metres in girth (2004) and is 24 metres tall (1985). The explorer and missionary David Livingstone who discovered the Victoria Falls for the British Empire (naming the Falls for his queen) carved his name in 1855 into a Boabab tree on an island (Garden Island) above the precipice of the", "title": "Big Tree at Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "17598094", "text": "visa project. The universal visa project was suspended in 2015 due to running out of visa stickers and the expiry of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries. The new Memorandum was signed in December 2016, extending the list of eligible countries (including territories) from 40 to 65. In Zimbabwe it is issued at Kazungula, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Harare International Airport and Victoria Falls Airport border crossings. Eligible countries are: Nationals of Bangladesh and Pakistan require a visa at all times, including for transit. Nationals of all other countries may transit through any International Airports of Zimbabwe up to", "title": "Visa policy of Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "2329948", "text": "Falls Creek, Victoria The Falls Creek Alpine Resort is an alpine ski resort in the Hume region in northeastern Victoria, Australia. It is located in the Alpine National Park in the Victorian Alps, approximately by road from Melbourne, with the nearest town Mount Beauty, approximately away. The resort lies between an elevation of above sea level, with the highest lifted point at . Skiing is possible on the nearby peak of Mount McKay at , accessed by snowcat from the resort. After World War II, the Kiewa Hydroelectric Scheme was started in the Kiewa River valley by the State Electricity", "title": "Falls Creek, Victoria" }, { "docid": "1587582", "text": "end of the world\". Europeans were sceptical of their reports, perhaps thinking that the lack of mountains and valleys on the plateau made a large falls unlikely. Livingstone had been told about the falls before he reached them from upriver and was paddled across to a small island that now bears the name Livingstone Island in Zambia. Livingstone had previously been impressed by the Ngonye Falls further upstream, but found the new falls much more impressive, and gave them their English name in honour of Queen Victoria. He wrote of the falls, \"No one can imagine the beauty of the", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "17589343", "text": "Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing The Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing connects the towns of East Hereford, Quebec (formerly Comins Mills) and the village of Beecher Falls, Vermont on the Canada–United States border. It is reached by Vermont Route 253 on the American side and by Quebec Route 253 on the Canadian side. Both the Canadian and the U.S. stations are open 24 hours a day. Whilst the Canadian station is open for commercial traffic, this is only on a more limited basis. The U.S. station facilities, built in the 1930s, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places", "title": "Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "1587592", "text": "National Park is and Victoria Falls National Park is . However, next to the latter on the southern bank is the Zambezi National Park, extending west along the river. Animals can move between the two Zimbabwean parks and can also reach Matetsi Safari Area, Kazuma Pan National Park and Hwange National Park to the south. On the Zambian side, fences and the outskirts of Livingstone tend to confine most animals to the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. In addition fences put up by lodges in response to crime restrict animal movement. In 2004 a separate group of police called the Tourism Police", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "9751489", "text": "retrieve the Star of Africa diamond. Complications arise and Holmes meets several historical people including ex-President Theodore Roosevelt (Claude Akins), and Lillie Langtry (Jenny Seagrove). He also encounters the fictional character A. J. Raffles. Incident at Victoria Falls Incident at Victoria Falls (also known as Sherlock Holmes and the Incident at Victoria Falls and Sherlock Holmes: The Star of Africa) is the 1992 sequel to \"Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady\", and the second and final film in the proposed series of television films \"Sherlock Holmes the Golden Years\" written by Bob Shayne. It starred Christopher Lee and Patrick Macnee", "title": "Incident at Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "4308196", "text": "instructing the engineers to \"build the bridge across the Zambezi where the trains, as they pass, will catch the spray of the Falls\". It was designed by George Andrew Hobson of consultants Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, assisted by the stress calculations of Ralph Freeman, who was later the principal designer of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The main central arch is a parabolic curve. <ref name=\"http://bestbridge.net/Africa_en/victoria-falls-bridge.html\">Best Bridge Africa Victoria Falls Bridge: para, accessdate: March 2, 2017</ref> The bridge was prefabricated in England by the Cleveland Bridge & Engineering Company, before being shipped to the Mozambique port of Beira and then", "title": "Victoria Falls Bridge" }, { "docid": "18346013", "text": "(including a group of four) in the City Parks Department in Mutare. Big Tree at Victoria Falls The Big Tree - is a large baobab of the species \"Adansonia digitata\" in Zimbabwe, close to the Victoria Falls. It has sometimes been called Livingstone's tree erroneously. Unusually for a baobab it has both an impressive girth and is very tall. It measures 22.40 metres in girth (2004) and is 24 metres tall (1985). The explorer and missionary David Livingstone who discovered the Victoria Falls for the British Empire (naming the Falls for his queen) carved his name in 1855 into a", "title": "Big Tree at Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "20315217", "text": "must cross the tracks at grade on both ends of the bridge. International Falls–Fort Frances Border Crossing The International Falls–Fort Frances Border Crossing connects the cities of International Falls, Minnesota and Fort Frances, Ontario, at the Fort Frances–International Falls International Bridge. The US port of entry was established in 1895, when the city of International Falls and its post office were established. However, significant cross-border traffic didn't occur until after the dam across the Rainy River was completed in 1905. In 1912, the Fort Frances–International Falls International Bridge was completed. It was built by the Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company,", "title": "International Falls–Fort Frances Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "1587584", "text": "building of the railway in 1905, though, the falls were seldom visited by other Europeans. Some writers believe that the Portuguese priest Gonçalo da Silveira was the first European to catch sight of the falls back in the sixteenth century. European settlement of the Victoria Falls area started around 1900 in response to the desire of Cecil Rhodes' British South Africa Company for mineral rights and imperial rule north of the Zambezi, and the exploitation of other natural resources such as timber forests north-east of the falls, and ivory and animal skins. Before 1905, the river was crossed above the", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "6022494", "text": "South Australia–Victoria border dispute The border between the Australian state of South Australia and what is today the State of Victoria was established in 1836 by imperial letters patent \"as the 141st degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich\". In 1836 the land in what is now called Victoria was part of the colony of New South Wales, the original Victorian border was drawn between the colonies of South Australia and New South Wales. Due to human error by numerous explorers and surveyors, it took more than 75 years and a protracted legal dispute before the precise placement of the", "title": "South Australia–Victoria border dispute" }, { "docid": "1587577", "text": "wetter climate conditions about 20,000 years BP, it eventually overflowed and began to drain to the east cutting the Batoka Gorge through the basalt as it went. The recent geological history of Victoria Falls can be seen in the overall form of the Batoka Gorge, with its six individual gorges and eight past positions of the falls. The east-west oriented gorges imply structural control with alignment along joints of shatter zones, or faults with of vertical displacement as is the case of the second and fifth gorges. Headward erosion along these structural lines of weakness would establish a new fall", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "3072607", "text": "which has now disappeared. The lots were in turn divided into 1847 by the engineer C. Inches. Grand Falls is located in the valley of the Saint John River, south of Madawaska, 55 kilometres southeast of Edmundston, on the Canada–United States border. Grand Falls is located at the north-west of Victoria County . The eastern part of the town, located on the left bank of the river is actually in the county of Madawaska, not to be confused with the eponymous region. Aroostook County, Maine is located to the west. Grand Falls is adjacent to St. André to the north,", "title": "Grand Falls, New Brunswick" }, { "docid": "17144398", "text": "On the Border (film) On the Border is a 1930 all-talking drama with songs that stars Rin Tin Tin. It was adapted from a story by Lillie Hayward who also wrote the screenplay. Armida sings two songs in the picture. Philo McCullough, as Farrell, is the head of a smuggling ring who are attempting to smuggle Chinese workers across the border from Mexico. McCullough stops at a hacienda, near the Mexican border, which is owned by Bruce Covington (as Don Jose). Covington's dog, Rin Tin Tin, senses that something is hidden under the vegetables, which McCullough has in his trucks,", "title": "On the Border (film)" }, { "docid": "1587571", "text": "There are two islands on the crest of the falls that are large enough to divide the curtain of water even at full flood: Boaruka Island (or Cataract Island) near the western bank, and Livingstone Island near the middle—the point from which Livingstone first viewed the falls. At less than full flood, additional islets divide the curtain of water into separate parallel streams. The main streams are named, in order from Zimbabwe (west) to Zambia (east): \"Devil's Cataract\" (called \"Leaping Water\" by some), \"Main Falls\", \"Rainbow Falls\" (the highest) and the \"Eastern Cataract\". The Zambezi river, upstream from the falls,", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "3839599", "text": "of America (RIAA) for shipments of 2 million copies. Additional musician On the Border On the Border is the third studio album by American rock group the Eagles, released in 1974. Apart from two songs produced by Glyn Johns, it was produced by Bill Szymczyk because the group wanted a more rock‑oriented sound instead of the country-rock feel of the first two albums. It is the first Eagles album to feature guitarist Don Felder. \"On the Border\" reached number 17 on the \"Billboard\" album chart and has sold two million copies. Three singles were released from the album: \"Already Gone\",", "title": "On the Border" }, { "docid": "3839585", "text": "On the Border On the Border is the third studio album by American rock group the Eagles, released in 1974. Apart from two songs produced by Glyn Johns, it was produced by Bill Szymczyk because the group wanted a more rock‑oriented sound instead of the country-rock feel of the first two albums. It is the first Eagles album to feature guitarist Don Felder. \"On the Border\" reached number 17 on the \"Billboard\" album chart and has sold two million copies. Three singles were released from the album: \"Already Gone\", \"James Dean\" and \"Best of My Love\". The singles peaked at", "title": "On the Border" }, { "docid": "6022507", "text": "ruled in favour of Victoria. When the railway line was built from Melbourne to Adelaide, a station was built in the disputed territory and paid for equally by both governments to provide a place for the exchange of locomotives and crews. While this station is no longer used, the building remains in the tiny town of Serviceton. South Australia–Victoria border dispute The border between the Australian state of South Australia and what is today the State of Victoria was established in 1836 by imperial letters patent \"as the 141st degree meridian of longitude east of Greenwich\". In 1836 the land", "title": "South Australia–Victoria border dispute" }, { "docid": "17566916", "text": "Leach Creek, a tributary of the Connecticut River and northwest of the village center of Canaan. The Canadian village of Hereford, a small cluster of buildings, is set just north of the border, while the area immediately south of the border is rural. The crossing is three miles from the Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing. A US Border patrol regional headquarters is between the two crossings. Remnants of the old Canaan Line House still stand abandoned between the two countries' border inspection stations. It once served as a popular watering hole during Prohibition. The Canadian station is located a short", "title": "Canaan–Hereford Road Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "17589347", "text": "The station was built in 1932, as part of a general U.S. government program to improve border security. This program was prompted by changes in immigration law resulting in increased illegal immigration, as well as the increased use of the automobile for personal travel and an increase in smuggling occasioned by Prohibition in the 1920s. The station is a little-altered version of one of several standardized designs produced by the United States Treasury Department Architect as part of the program. Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing The Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing connects the towns of East Hereford, Quebec (formerly Comins", "title": "Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "2329949", "text": "Commission of Victoria. On land previously used only for summer cattle grazing in the natural alpine grasslands, the first ski lodge was built in 1948 by workers from the scheme. The first lift, a rope tow, was built in 1951 and the first chairlift in Australia was constructed there in 1957. Falls Creek Post Office opened on (with telegraph and telephone facilities only until 1964). The high plains in the area were used for summer cattle grazing from 1851 until 2005, when the Government of Victoria did not renew grazing licenses due to concerns about the cattle's impact on the", "title": "Falls Creek, Victoria" }, { "docid": "3657744", "text": "Ngonye Falls The Ngonye Falls or Sioma Falls are a waterfall on the Zambezi river in Western Zambia, near the town of Sioma and a few hundred kilometers upstream from the Victoria Falls. Situated in the southern part of Barotseland, the falls are a difficult two- or three-day journey from the capital, Lusaka. Their inaccessibility makes them much less known than Victoria Falls. The Ngonye Falls Community Partnership Park is located at the falls. The falls are formed by the erosion of a hard sandstone layer to form the drop. Their height is only 10-25 meters, but the width of", "title": "Ngonye Falls" }, { "docid": "11415561", "text": "Sheraton on the Falls Sheraton on the Falls is a 22-story Fallsview hotel located within Falls Avenue Resort in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The Sheraton on the Falls is situated directly across from Niagara Falls in the heart of the tourist district. The Sheraton is the cornerstone of Falls Avenue Resort which includes an indoor walkway from the hotel to attractions and dining options on complex that include the Fallsview Indoor Waterpark, Hershey Store, Rainforest Cafe, Hard Rock Cafe, Adventure City, Crowne Plaza Niagara Falls-Fallsview and Skyline Inn. The Sheraton site has housed guests visiting Niagara Falls for more than", "title": "Sheraton on the Falls" }, { "docid": "19168836", "text": "Two Countries Two Countries is a 2015 Indian Malayalam-language romantic comedy film written by Rafi and directed by Shafi. The film stars Dileep and Mamta Mohandas in the lead roles, with Mukesh, Aju Varghese, Suraj Venjarammoodu and Jagadish appearing in supporting roles. The film was released on 25 December 2015. The film was remade in Telugu as same name with Sunil and in Kannada with Sharan The plot of the film revolves around Ullas (Dileep), a cunning procrastinator in his late 30s who makes a living by deceiving people in his hometown. Money is the only motivator that works for", "title": "Two Countries" }, { "docid": "816544", "text": "American Falls The American Falls is the second-largest of the three waterfalls that together are known as Niagara Falls on the Niagara River along the Canada–U.S. border. Unlike the much larger Horseshoe Falls, of which two-thirds is in Ontario, Canada and one-third in the U.S. state of New York, the American Falls is entirely within the United States. The falls receive approximately 11% of the flow from Niagara River, with most of the rest going over Horseshoe Falls, from which it is separated by Goat Island. It has a straight line crest width of about . If measured along the", "title": "American Falls" }, { "docid": "19168844", "text": "film in Malayalam. It grossed an estimated sum of with a net amount of from 60 theatres in Kerala after 44 days, with a worldwide collection of . After 60 days, worldwide gross was over . The film's soundtrack contains 3 songs, all composed by Gopi Sundar and Lyrics by B. K. Harinarayanan. Two Countries Two Countries is a 2015 Indian Malayalam-language romantic comedy film written by Rafi and directed by Shafi. The film stars Dileep and Mamta Mohandas in the lead roles, with Mukesh, Aju Varghese, Suraj Venjarammoodu and Jagadish appearing in supporting roles. The film was released on", "title": "Two Countries" }, { "docid": "13924890", "text": "Afghan Border Police The Afghan Border Police (ABP) secure Afghanistan's border with neighboring countries and all its international airports. It also administers immigration services such as checking documents of foreigners entering the country or deporting them. The ABP's anti-narcotic efforts are a prominent concern to the international community at present. The ABP and the regular Afghan National Police jointly patrol a 55 km-wide corridor along the entirety of Afghanistan's border, particularly the longest and porous Durand Line border in the southeast with neighboring Pakistan. The ABP falls under the command of the Afghan National Police (ANP) which is under the", "title": "Afghan Border Police" }, { "docid": "6371778", "text": "Marriott on the Falls Hotel Niagara Falls Marriott on the Falls is a 335 feet (102 m) tall hotel in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The hotel opened in 1993 as the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel, originally with 20 floors. However, they added floors 22-31 in the year 2000. The hotel left Sheraton for Marriott in 2011. There are two rooms on the 32nd floor which are only used when the hotel has no rooms (or by request). Being one of the tallest structures in the city, it can be seen throughout the general tourist area. The hotel was host to the first", "title": "Marriott on the Falls Hotel" }, { "docid": "19705760", "text": "The Falls of Niagara The Falls of Niagara is a c.1825 painting by Edward Hicks. It is part of the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Although Hicks had personally visited Niagara Falls in 1819 this picture was based on a previous depiction of the Falls by Henry Schenck Tanner on an 1822 map of North America. The view is from the Canadian side and includes traditional North American images of moose, beaver, rattlesnake and eagle. On the wide border of the picture are inscribed extracts from a poem, \"The Foresters\", by Alexander Wilson. It reads (clockwise from left):", "title": "The Falls of Niagara" }, { "docid": "11716172", "text": "dispute originated in 1969 when the two countries negotiated to delimit the common border of their continental shelf. As the two countries could not agree on the soveignty of the two islands, the continental shelf border was left off the 1969 agreement between the two countries. Indonesia claimed that the islands were theirs by virtue of the fact that they were located south of 4° 10\" North which it said formed the maritime border between it and Malaysia by virtue of a straight line extension of the land border which ended on the east coast Sebatik island. Malaysia however, claimed", "title": "Indonesia–Malaysia border" }, { "docid": "18150172", "text": "the Wensleydale line eventually closed in 1948. The vast majority of the locality is today located within the Great Otway National Park and Otway Forest Park. The Deans Marsh-Lorne Road and the Benwerrin-Mount Sabine Road are the only two roads through the area. It includes sections of the Erskine River and the Stony Creek; the well-known Erskine Falls in neighbouring Lorne lie close to the border with Benwerrin. Benwerrin, Victoria Benwerrin is a rural locality in the Surf Coast Shire, Victoria, Australia. The original 1840s main track to Lorne passed through Benwerrin. The track was resurfaced with bluestone in 1877,", "title": "Benwerrin, Victoria" }, { "docid": "816548", "text": "it was decided not to make alterations to the rockwall, citing the trend to allow nature to take its course. American Falls The American Falls is the second-largest of the three waterfalls that together are known as Niagara Falls on the Niagara River along the Canada–U.S. border. Unlike the much larger Horseshoe Falls, of which two-thirds is in Ontario, Canada and one-third in the U.S. state of New York, the American Falls is entirely within the United States. The falls receive approximately 11% of the flow from Niagara River, with most of the rest going over Horseshoe Falls, from which", "title": "American Falls" }, { "docid": "14937697", "text": "Twin Falls (Idaho) Twin Falls is a waterfall on the Snake River in the Snake River Canyon in southern Idaho, United States. The falls are located on the border of Jerome and Twin Falls counties, a few miles east of its namesake city, Twin Falls. They are upstream of Pillar Falls and Shoshone Falls and just downstream from Milner Dam. Water flow over Twin Falls is controlled by the Twin Falls Dam, which is used for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation. The falls were so named because there were originally two parallel falls on the river. However, the Twin Falls", "title": "Twin Falls (Idaho)" }, { "docid": "16764650", "text": "Namibia, Angola and Botswana are expected to join the project. In third stage three SADC pilot countries are expected to join and in fourth stage all SADC countries are expected to become part of the universal visa project. The universal visa project was suspended in 2015 due to running out of visa stickers and the expiry of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two countries. The new Memorandum was signed in December 2016, extending the list of eligible countries (including territories) from 40 to 65. In Zambia it is issued at Livingstone Airport, Victoria Falls, Kazungula and Lusaka Airport border", "title": "Visa policy of Zambia" }, { "docid": "7894932", "text": "the film unfunny. Which Way Is Up? Which Way is Up? is a 1977 American comedy film starring Richard Pryor and directed by Michael Schultz. It is a remake of the 1972 Italian comedy film \"The Seduction of Mimi\" starring Giancarlo Giannini and directed by Lina Wertmüller. Richard Pryor plays three roles: an orange picker who has two women at the same time, the orange picker's father, and a Reverend who gets the orange picker's wife pregnant. When he falls into a union action by mistake, Leroy Jones is laid off from his job picking oranges. The only option given", "title": "Which Way Is Up?" }, { "docid": "7894930", "text": "Which Way Is Up? Which Way is Up? is a 1977 American comedy film starring Richard Pryor and directed by Michael Schultz. It is a remake of the 1972 Italian comedy film \"The Seduction of Mimi\" starring Giancarlo Giannini and directed by Lina Wertmüller. Richard Pryor plays three roles: an orange picker who has two women at the same time, the orange picker's father, and a Reverend who gets the orange picker's wife pregnant. When he falls into a union action by mistake, Leroy Jones is laid off from his job picking oranges. The only option given to find work", "title": "Which Way Is Up?" }, { "docid": "4308197", "text": "transported on the newly constructed railway to the Victoria Falls. It took just 14 months to construct and was completed in 1905. The bridge was officially opened by Professor George Darwin, son of Charles Darwin and President of the British Association (now the British Science Association) on 12 September 1905. The American Society of Civil Engineers lists the bridge as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Constructed from steel, the bridge is long, with a main arch spanning , at a height of above the lower water mark of the river in the gorge below. It carries a road, railway and", "title": "Victoria Falls Bridge" }, { "docid": "17589344", "text": "in 2014. The Canada–United States border between the province of Quebec and the state of Vermont is basically a straight east-west line, whose eastern end is at Halls Stream, a south-flowing tributary of the Connecticut River. The Vermont village of Beecher Falls is located just west of the mouth of Halls Stream; its northernmost business, a manufacturing facility of the Ethan Allen Furniture Company, directly abuts the border between Vermont Route 253 and Halls Stream. The Quebec side of the border is rural, with woods and fields in the immediate vicinity. The crossing is one of 15 in Vermont and", "title": "Beecher Falls-East Hereford Border Crossing" }, { "docid": "4850803", "text": "ecoregion. Visitors have the chance to view the elephant, Cape buffalo, southern white rhinoceros, hippopotamus, eland and a variety of other antelope herds during drives and walking safaris. A bask of crocodiles may be seen in the river, and a nearby Crocodile Ranch offers a safer view of these dangerous animals. Accommodation is provided in campsites in the Zambezi National Park and in the numerous resorts and hotels in and around the town of Victoria Falls which forms part of the western boundary of the park. Visitors are required to take precautions against malaria. This park is considered for inclusion", "title": "Victoria Falls National Park" }, { "docid": "586363", "text": "a reversed letter \"J\". The Argentina–Brazil border runs through the Devil's Throat. On the right bank is the Brazilian territory, which is home to more than 95% of the Iguazu River basin but has just over 20% of the jumps of these falls, and the left side jumps are Argentine, which makes up almost 80% of the falls. Two international airports are close to Iguazú Falls: the Argentine Cataratas del Iguazú International Airport (IGR) and the Brazilian Foz do Iguaçu International Airport (IGU). Bus and taxi services are available from and to the Airport-Falls. Aerolíneas Argentinas and LATAM Argentina have", "title": "Iguazu Falls" }, { "docid": "14709245", "text": "2015.Kenya has won the Victoria cup in 2013 ,2016 and 2017 in its current format. a. Lake Victoria and the Victoria Falls are not connected contrary to some reports. The only major river that flows out of Lake Victoria is the River Nile which flows north to the Mediterranean Sea. The Victoria Falls are on the Zambezi River which begins in Zambia and runs south and east to empty in the Indian Ocean. b. Lake Victoria is Africa’s largest lake it is also the largest tropical lake and the second largest freshwater lake in the world. While the Victoria Falls", "title": "Victoria Cup (rugby union)" }, { "docid": "11933666", "text": "at the 100 fathom isobath. In its 1979 territorial waters and continental shelf map, Malaysia claimed the area to be part of its continental shelf and depicted the Brunei-Malaysian border as running up to the 100 fathom isobath. Brunei did not recognise these assertions made by Malaysia. The Exchange of Letters signed on 16 March 2009 by the two countries provided for Malaysia's recognition of Brunei's territorial waters which it had earlier disputed. A joint committee is to determine the final maritime border between the two countries. See below for more on the dispute between the two countries. At its", "title": "Brunei–Malaysia border" }, { "docid": "4945556", "text": "Bakita Primary School, Mkhosana Adventist Primary School, Education Centre and Jacaranda Primary School. Mosi-oa-Tunya High School is the largest school in the town, and Mkhosana Adventist Secondary School (MASS) is the second largest secondary school. In addition there are private colleges registered under the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education that provide secondary and high school education. These include Elite Independent College, Dadani Vocational Technical College, Lulu Academy (popularly known as College of charity), Herentals College and Oasis Christian Academy. The town is served by Victoria Falls District Hospital, The Chinotimba Clinic, Mkhosana Clinic, Premier Medical Aid Society, a few", "title": "Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe" }, { "docid": "6022495", "text": "border was settled, resulting in the forfeiture of more than of territory from South Australia to Victoria. Following the establishment of the colony of South Australia in 1835, the region between the coast and the Murray River was rapidly being settled by squatters selecting large runs for sheep grazing. With no clear border legal oversight was impossible. An accurate border needed to be defined. The earliest relevant reference to the eastern boundary of South Australia is contained in a despatch dated 30 September 1844 from Governor Grey of that Colony to Lord Stanley. The Governor reminded the Secretary of State", "title": "South Australia–Victoria border dispute" }, { "docid": "6281504", "text": "The Border Watch The Border Watch is an Australian newspaper based in Mount Gambier, South Australia, owned by the Scott Group of Companies. Published Tuesday through Friday, the paper services Mount Gambier, the South Australian Limestone Coast, and parts of Western Victoria. It is the oldest and largest regional newspaper in South Australia. \"The Border Watch\" was first published on 26 April 1861 by proprietor and editor Andrew Frederick Laurie (1843–1920), aided by his brother Park Laurie (1846–1928) and their mother, the widow of the Rev. Alexander Laurie, first Presbyterian minister of nearby Portland, Victoria. It started as a 4-page,", "title": "The Border Watch" }, { "docid": "9974504", "text": "and Mildura Rural City Council in northwest Victoria, and the circulation area includes the towns of Gawler, Geranium, Jabuk, Karoonda, Lameroo, Loxton, Murray Bridge, Murrayville, Parrakie, Pinnaroo, and Waikerie. The Border Times The Border Times, based in Pinnaroo, is the local newspaper of the Southern Mallee region of South Australia since 1911. Published weekly, it focuses on local news, sports and weather. The Pinnaroo & Border Times (subtitled \"\"Circulating through the Pinnaroo and Victorian Mallee Districts\"\") was first published on Friday 17 March 1911. On 17 May 1912, a median-subtitle was added, which read \"\"And Walpeup Shire Recorder\"\". On 20", "title": "The Border Times" }, { "docid": "12152949", "text": "which is located within Vietnamese waters and not within the border dispute area. The northern fields consist of the Bunga Orkid and Bunga Pakma fields. The operator for PM3 CAA is Talisman Energy. An extension to the Production Sharing Contract between Petronas and Petrovietnam on one part and Talisman on the other was extended on 6 April 2017 by the former until 2027. Malaysia–Vietnam border Malaysia and Vietnam are two Southeast Asian countries with maritime boundaries which meet in the Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea. The two countries have overlapping claims over the continental shelf in the Gulf", "title": "Malaysia–Vietnam border" }, { "docid": "3657745", "text": "the falls is impressive. They form a broad crescent, interrupted by rocky outcrops. Upstream from the falls, the river is broad and shallow as it flows across Kalahari sands, but below the falls extensive white water rapids exist, as the river is hemmed in by gorges cut into sandstone rock. Ngonye Falls The Ngonye Falls or Sioma Falls are a waterfall on the Zambezi river in Western Zambia, near the town of Sioma and a few hundred kilometers upstream from the Victoria Falls. Situated in the southern part of Barotseland, the falls are a difficult two- or three-day journey from", "title": "Ngonye Falls" }, { "docid": "1587591", "text": "tourists visiting Zimbabwe began to decline in the early 2000s as political tensions between supporters and opponents of president Robert Mugabe increased. In 2006, hotel occupancy on the Zimbabwean side hovered at around 30%, while the Zambian side was at near-capacity, with rates in top hotels reaching US$630 per night. The rapid development has prompted the United Nations to consider revoking the Falls' status as a World Heritage Site. In addition, problems of waste disposal and a lack of effective management of the falls' environment are a concern. The two national parks at the falls are relatively small – Mosi-oa-Tunya", "title": "Victoria Falls" }, { "docid": "11415564", "text": "amusement park's demise the 14-storey hotel had extensive renovations. In 2000, the building was gutted and had eight stories added on top, reemerging as the 22-storey 4-Diamond Sheraton on the Falls Hotel. The Sheraton on the Falls has direct indoor connections to attractions, restaurants, and hotels on the complex including the Fallsview Indoor Waterpark, Casino Niagara, Hershey Store, Rainforest Cafe, and Hard Rock Cafe. Sheraton on the Falls Sheraton on the Falls is a 22-story Fallsview hotel located within Falls Avenue Resort in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The Sheraton on the Falls is situated directly across from Niagara Falls in", "title": "Sheraton on the Falls" }, { "docid": "20265475", "text": "settled their maritime boundary dispute in 2012 at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. In 2014, India and Bangladesh resolved their maritime boundary disputes at a UN tribunal. The Rohingya refugee crisis, caused by persecution in Myanmar's Rakhine State, has been a major humanitarian and security challenge in the region. According to Sunil S. Amrith, one in four people on earth live in the countries that border the Bay of Bengal. Its littoral areas — including coastal regions of eastern India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia and Sumatra — are home to over half a billion", "title": "Countries dependent on the Bay of Bengal" }, { "docid": "20265469", "text": "Countries dependent on the Bay of Bengal The countries dependent on the Bay of Bengal include littoral and landlocked countries that depend on the Bay of Bengal for maritime usage. Historically, the Bay of Bengal has been a highway of transport, trade and cultural exchange between diverse peoples encompassing South Asia and Southeast Asia. Today, the Bay of Bengal region is the convergence of two major geopolitical blocs- the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) promotes regional engagement in", "title": "Countries dependent on the Bay of Bengal" }, { "docid": "5818475", "text": "Owen Falls The Owen Falls was a waterfall on the White Nile in Uganda near the city of Jinja, 4 km from the point at which the river leaves Lake Victoria. The falls, together with the nearby Ripon Falls were submerged in 1954 with the completion of the Owen Falls Dam (later renamed Nalubaale, but still commonly known by the old name) that now accommodates a hydroelectric power station. Owen Falls Station: The Owen Falls Station consists of a concrete gravity dam with a close coupled intake powerhouse unit. It controls the Lake Victoria outflows through a series of 10", "title": "Owen Falls" }, { "docid": "17586241", "text": "by joint commissions. According to the commissions' protocols and maps, the two countries' border line is 1782.75 km long, including 1215.86 km of land border and 566.89 km of border line run along (or across) rivers or lakes. The commissions' work was documented by several joint protocols, finalized with the Protocol signed in Beijing on May 10, 2002. In 2011 a cross-border free trade area opened on the border at Khorgos in an effort to boost Chinese-Kazakh trade. The two countries' border protection authorities carry out regular meetings, and on occasions even joint border patrols. China–Kazakhstan border The China–Kazakhstan border,", "title": "China–Kazakhstan border" }, { "docid": "8784347", "text": "Navies of landlocked countries A landlocked navy is a naval force operated by a country which does not have a coastline. While such states are obviously unable to develop a sea-going, blue-water navy, they may still deploy armed forces on major lakes or rivers. There are several reasons a landlocked country may choose to maintain a navy. If a river or lake forms a national border, countries may feel the need to protect and patrol that border with a military force. In some regions, roads may be unreliable or circuitous, and a river or lake may be the easiest way", "title": "Navies of landlocked countries" }, { "docid": "14847917", "text": "wound Mirjana, while Paunović and Pašić start begin a fight which leaves Pašić dead. The film ends with Siniša returning home, visibly shaken. The Border Post The Border Post () is a comedy-drama produced in international cooperation between the countries of the former Yugoslavia and directed by Rajko Grlić. It was released in 2006. A JNA military border post on the Yugoslav-Albanian border in the late 1980s is thrown into disarray when its commander Safet Pašić discovers he has syphilis which he contracted from a local prostitute. To conceal his infidelity from his wife, he raises the combat readiness with", "title": "The Border Post" }, { "docid": "18922915", "text": "into the Soviet Union in 1945. Russia treats the islands as an integral part of the country. There are no border crossing points on the Russian-Japanese border, as it is a purely maritime boundary. During the existence of the land border in Sakhalin (1905-1945), it was crossed by one road. Soviet–Japanese border conflicts Japan–Russia border The Japan–Russia border is the \"de facto\" maritime boundary that separates the territorial waters of the two countries. According to the Russia border agency, the border's length is 194.3 km. The two countries do not share a terrestrial border, although in 1905-1945 the Russian Empire,", "title": "Japan–Russia border" }, { "docid": "8955893", "text": "2001 Bangladesh–India border clashes The 2001 Bangladesh-India border dispute conflict took place in the third week of April 2001 between troops of the Bangladesh Rifles (BDR), which is now known as the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), and the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) on the poorly marked international border between the two countries. The Partition of Bengal in 1947 left a poorly demarcated international border between India and Bangladesh (then East Pakistan). Ownership of several villages on both sides of the de facto border were disputed and claimed by both countries. The dispute over the demarcation of the Indo-Bangladeshi border", "title": "2001 Bangladesh–India border clashes" } ]
What is the name of the volcanic valley that runs from the Sinai peninsula to central Mozambique?
[ "Syrian-African rift", "Great rift valley", "Great Rift Valley", "Syrian-East African Rift", "Great Rift Valley (geographical concept)", "Syrian-African Rift Valley", "Great Rift Valley, geographical concept", "Great Rift valley", "The Great Rift Valley" ]
[ { "docid": "164488", "text": "support its current biological variety. The southern section of the Rift Valley includes Lake Malawi, the third-deepest freshwater body in the world, reaching in depth and separating the Nyassa plateau of Northern Mozambique from Malawi; it ends in the Zambezi valley. Great Rift Valley The Great Rift Valley is a continuous geographic trench, approximately in length, that runs from Lebanon's Beqaa Valley in Asia to Mozambique in Southeastern Africa. The name continues in some usages, although it is today considered geologically imprecise as it combines features that are today regarded as separate, although related, rift and fault systems. Today, the", "title": "Great Rift Valley" }, { "docid": "164482", "text": "Great Rift Valley The Great Rift Valley is a continuous geographic trench, approximately in length, that runs from Lebanon's Beqaa Valley in Asia to Mozambique in Southeastern Africa. The name continues in some usages, although it is today considered geologically imprecise as it combines features that are today regarded as separate, although related, rift and fault systems. Today, the term is most often used to refer to the valley of the East African Rift, the divergent plate boundary which extends from the Afar Triple Junction southward across eastern Africa, and is in the process of splitting the African Plate into", "title": "Great Rift Valley" } ]
[ { "docid": "369699", "text": "returned after a ruling by a commission of arbitration in 1989. Today, Sinai has become a tourist destination due to its natural setting, rich coral reefs, and biblical history. Mount Sinai is one of the most religiously significant places in the Abrahamic faiths. The name \"Sinai\" (, ) may have been derived from the ancient moon-god Sin or from the Hebrew word \"Seneh\" ( \"\") The peninsula acquired the name due to the assumption that a mountain near Saint Catherine's Monastery is the Biblical Mount Sinai. However this assumption is contested. Its modern Arabic name is ' (Egyptian Arabic ';", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369719", "text": "el-Sheikh International Airport, through Eilat, Israel and the Taba Border Crossing, by road from Cairo or by ferry from Aqaba in Jordan. Sinai Peninsula The Sinai Peninsula or simply Sinai (now usually ) is a peninsula in Egypt, and the only part of the country located in Asia. It is situated between the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the south, and is a land bridge between Asia and Africa. Sinai has a land area of about and a population of approximately 1,400,000 people. Administratively, the Sinai Peninsula is divided into two governorates: the South Sinai", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369709", "text": "the boundary between Egyptian territory in Africa and the Sinai Peninsula. Thereafter, Israeli ships were prohibited from using the Canal, owing to the state of war between the two states. Egypt also prohibited ships from using Egyptian territorial waters on the eastern side of the peninsula to travel to and from Israel, effectively imposing a blockade on the Israeli port of Eilat. In October 1956, in what is known in Egypt as the Tripartite Aggression, Israeli forces, aided by Britain, and France (which sought to reverse the nationalization and regain control over the Suez Canal), invaded Sinai and occupied much", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369696", "text": "Sinai Peninsula The Sinai Peninsula or simply Sinai (now usually ) is a peninsula in Egypt, and the only part of the country located in Asia. It is situated between the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the south, and is a land bridge between Asia and Africa. Sinai has a land area of about and a population of approximately 1,400,000 people. Administratively, the Sinai Peninsula is divided into two governorates: the South Sinai Governorate and the North Sinai Governorate. Three other governorates span the Suez Canal, crossing into African Egypt: Suez Governorate on the southern", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369710", "text": "of the peninsula within a few days. In March 1957, Israel withdrew its forces from Sinai, following strong pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union. Thereafter, the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) was stationed in Sinai to prevent any further conflict in the Sinai. On 16 May 1967, Egypt ordered the UNEF out of Sinai and reoccupied it militarily. Secretary-General U Thant eventually complied and ordered the withdrawal without Security Council authorisation. In the course of the Six-Day War that broke out shortly thereafter, Israel occupied the entire Sinai Peninsula, and Gaza Strip from Egypt, the West Bank", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "19343482", "text": "Tihi,\" is one of the earliest known leaders of Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula. Before his arrest in November 2011, he was allegedly involved in terror attacks on Egyptian police forces, a bombing of a pipeline that runs from Egypt to Jordan and Israel, and an attack in southern Israel. Ramzi Mowafi, commonly referred to as \"The Chemist,\" is thought to be the leader of the entire Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula organization. Mowafi was known to be Osama bin Laden's personal physician and also a chemical weapons and explosive expert for Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. In January 2011, he escaped from the", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369714", "text": "the canal aboard an Egyptian destroyer. In 1979, Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in which Israel agreed to withdraw from the entirety of the Sinai Peninsula. Israel subsequently withdrew in several stages, ending in 1982. The Israeli pull-out involved dismantling almost all Israeli settlements, including the settlement of Yamit in north-eastern Sinai. The exception was that the coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh (which the Israelis had founded as Ofira during their occupation of the Sinai Peninsula) was not dismantled. The Treaty allows monitoring of Sinai by the Multinational Force and Observers, and limits the number of Egyptian military", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369705", "text": "of the Mediterranean Sea. The Sinai Peninsula became part of the Roman province of Arabia Petraea. Saint Catherine's Monastery on the foot of Mount Sinai was constructed by order of the Emperor Justinian between 527 and 565. Most of the Sinai Peninsula became part of the province of Palaestina Salutaris in the 6th century. During the Crusades it was under the control of Fatimid Caliphate. Later, Saladin abolished the Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt and took this region under his control too. It was the military route from Cairo to Damascus during the Crusades. And in order to secure this route,", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369701", "text": "African continent by the Isthmus of Suez, wide strip of land, containing the Suez Canal. The eastern isthmus, linking it to the Asian mainland, is around wide. The peninsula's eastern shore separates the Arabian plate from the African plate. The southernmost tip is the Ras Muhammad National Park. Most of the Sinai Peninsula is divided among the two governorates of Egypt: South Sinai (Ganub Sina) and North Sinai (Shamal Sina). Together, they comprise around 60,000 square kilometres (23,000 sq mi) and have a population (January 2013) of 597,000. Three more governates span the Suez Canal, crossing into African Egypt: Suez", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "19343470", "text": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula Al-Qaeda (Arabic: al-Qāᶜidah, \"the Base\") in the Sinai Peninsula, or AQSP, is an Egyptian militant jihadist organization possibly formed by a merger between al-Qaeda operatives in Sinai and Ansar al Jihad. It is Al-Qaeda's branch in the Sinai peninsula, and is composed of many Al-Qaeda factions in the area. Despite sharing similar ideology and possibly some resources, AQSP and the Islamic State have never formally affiliated with one another. The Al-Qaeda branch in Egypt was first announced on 5 August 2006, when the deputy leader of Al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri announced that a faction of Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369711", "text": "(including East Jerusalem) from Jordan (which Jordan had controlled since 1949), and the Golan Heights from Syria. The Suez Canal, the east bank of which was now occupied by Israel, was closed. Israel commenced efforts at large scale Israeli settlement in the Sinai Peninsula. Following the Israeli conquest of Sinai, Egypt launched the War of Attrition (1967–70) aimed at forcing Israel to withdraw from the Sinai. The war saw protracted conflict in the Suez Canal Zone, ranging from limited to large scale combat. Israeli shelling of the cities of Port Said, Ismailia, and Suez on the west bank of the", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369698", "text": "and controlled by foreign empires, in more recent history the Ottoman Empire (1517–1867) and the United Kingdom (1882–1956). Israel invaded and occupied Sinai during the Suez Crisis (known in Egypt as the \"Tripartite Aggression\" due to the simultaneous coordinated attack by the UK, France and Israel) of 1956, and during the Six-Day War of 1967. On 6 October 1973, Egypt launched the Yom Kippur War to retake the peninsula, which was unsuccessful. In 1982, as a result of the Israel–Egypt Peace Treaty of 1979, Israel withdrew from all of the Sinai Peninsula except the contentious territory of Taba, which was", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "14459588", "text": "Battles of the Sinai (1948) The Battles of the Sinai refer to a series of military engagements between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Egyptian Army fought in the Sinai Peninsula in December 1948 – January 1949, as part of the Israeli Operation Horev. The IDF's Southern Command, under Yigal Allon, concentrated forces to push into the Sinai following their success in the Battle of Bir 'Asluj and the Battle of 'Auja. Forces from the Negev and 8th brigades entered the Sinai on December 28 and at night captured Umm Katef and Abu Ageila, about 25km inside Egyptian territory.", "title": "Battles of the Sinai (1948)" }, { "docid": "19343479", "text": "al-Sharia is yet another group present in the Sinai Peninsula. They do not appear to necessarily be linked directly with Al-Qaeda, but since they are located in the same proximity and share enemies, it is assumed that they have communicated in some way. They announced their formation on 1 August 2012, demanding that Islamic law be established in Egypt and US Peacekeeping forces be removed from the area. Reports have surfaced from a remote part of Egypt that Osama bin Laden’s former personal doctor is leading Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula. According to reports, sources have told several Egyptian media outlets", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "20729020", "text": "Mount Sinai Simi Valley Mount Sinai Simi Valley opened in 1997 as a sister property to Mount Sinai Hollywood Hills when members of the Cemetery Management Committee of Sinai Temple (Los Angeles) identified the need for Jewish burial properties for future generations. Located at 6150 Mount Sinai Drive in Simi Valley, CA. Mount Sinai Simi Valley sits on 150 acres of land in the Santa Susana Pass which ensures that there will be available burial space to accommodate the needs for the Los Angeles Jewish community for the next 250 years. A notable section within Mount Sinai Simi Valley is", "title": "Mount Sinai Simi Valley" }, { "docid": "369706", "text": "he built a citadel on the island of Pharaoh in Taba known by his name 'Saladin's citadel'. The peninsula was governed as part of Egypt under the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt from 1260 until 1517, when the Ottoman Sultan, Selim the Grim, defeated the Egyptians at the Battles of Marj Dabiq and al-Raydaniyya, and incorporated Egypt into the Ottoman Empire. From then until 1906, Sinai was administered by the Ottoman provincial government of the \"Pashalik\" of Egypt, even following the establishment of the Muhammad Ali Dynasty's rule over the rest of Egypt in 1805. In 1906, the Ottoman Porte formally", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369715", "text": "forces in the peninsula. Since the early 2000s, Sinai has been the site of several terror attacks against tourists, the majority of whom are Egyptian. Investigations have shown that these were mainly motivated by a resentment of the poverty faced by many Bedouin in the area. Attacking the tourist industry was viewed as a method of damaging the industry so that the government would pay more attention to their situation. (See 2004 Sinai bombings, 2005 Sharm El Sheikh bombings and 2006 Dahab bombings). Since the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, unrest has become more prevalent in the area including the 2012 Egyptian-Israeli", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "12673263", "text": "Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital, in Commerce Township, Michigan, is one of the eight hospitals/institutes composing the Detroit Medical Center. Huron-Valley-Sinai contains the Harris Birthing Center, a regional specialty center, the Charach Cancer Treatment Center, (affiliated with the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Center), the Krieger Center for Senior Adults, surgical suites, cardiac services, and comprehensive inpatient and outpatient diagnostic care. Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital offers the following clinical services: Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital received the Distinguished Hospital for Clinical Excellence Award (2008) from HealthGrades. Huron Valley is fully accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The", "title": "Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital" }, { "docid": "369707", "text": "transferred administration of Sinai to the Egyptian government, which essentially meant that it fell under the control of the United Kingdom, who had occupied and largely controlled Egypt since 1882. The border imposed by the British runs in an almost straight line from Rafah on the Mediterranean shore to Taba on the Gulf of Aqaba. This line has served as the eastern border of Egypt ever since. At the beginning of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Egyptian forces entered the former British Mandate of Palestine from Sinai to support Palestinian and other Arab forces against the newly declared State of Israel.", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "16779785", "text": "undermine central authority of Egypt. As a result, Egyptian interim government poured troops into the Sinai peninsula on 15 August 2011, in what became known as Operation Eagle. During the Mohamed Morsi's presidency, attempted to relaxed restrictions and conduct a \"political dialogue\" with salafi jihadist groups. Despite these efforts, however, fighting in the Sinai continued. The 2012 Egyptian–Israeli border attack, which led to Operation Sinai, occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke", "title": "Operation Sinai (2012)" }, { "docid": "1922371", "text": "Taupo Volcanic Zone The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) is a volcanic area in the North Island of New Zealand that has been active for the past two million years and is still highly active. Mount Ruapehu marks its south-western end and the zone runs north-eastward through the Taupo and Rotorua areas and offshore into the Bay of Plenty. It is part of the larger Central Volcanic Region that extends further westward through the western Bay of Plenty to the eastern side of the Coromandel Peninsula and has been active for four million years. The Taupo Volcanic Zone is widening east–west", "title": "Taupo Volcanic Zone" }, { "docid": "369697", "text": "end of the Suez Canal, Ismailia Governorate in the center, and Port Said Governorate in the north. The Sinai Peninsula has been a part of Egypt from the First Dynasty of ancient Egypt ( BC). This comes in stark contrast to the region north of it, the Levant (present-day territories of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and Palestine), which, due largely to its strategic geopolitical location and cultural convergences, has historically been the center of conflict between Egypt and various states of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. In periods of foreign occupation, the Sinai was, like the rest of Egypt, also occupied", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "16779735", "text": "violates the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty of 1979, which states that Sinai Peninsula is to remain demilitarized. The \"Maariv\" report was echoed by an article in \"The New York Times\", which stated that Israel was \"troubled\" by the entry of Egyptian tanks into the northern Sinai Peninsula without coordination with Israel and had asked Egypt to withdraw them. Partly due to Egypt's military deploying tanks in the Sinai Peninsula, Israel is increasingly worried about what has long been their most critical regional relationship. The lack of coordination around their deployment is seen as potentially undermining a peace treaty that has been", "title": "Sinai insurgency" }, { "docid": "19343484", "text": "territory before they were stopped. The terrorists were killed by the Israeli Air Force and soldiers. 25 September 2012: Unnamed jihadist group; attack on international troops at a base in the Egyptian Sinai. The terrorists breached the perimeter and wounded four soldiers in the attack. Reportedly, before they exited, the attackers hoisted a black al-Qaeda flag over the base. Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula Al-Qaeda (Arabic: al-Qāᶜidah, \"the Base\") in the Sinai Peninsula, or AQSP, is an Egyptian militant jihadist organization possibly formed by a merger between al-Qaeda operatives in Sinai and Ansar al Jihad. It is Al-Qaeda's branch in the", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "20729021", "text": "the Caves of Abraham, which is a series of graves that though they appear to be built above ground are actually built directly in to the hillside. The section received the approval from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel for meeting standards of acceptability according to Jewish practice and it is the only place outside of Israel where a person can receive a genuine cave burial. Mount Sinai Simi Valley Mount Sinai Simi Valley opened in 1997 as a sister property to Mount Sinai Hollywood Hills when members of the Cemetery Management Committee of Sinai Temple (Los Angeles) identified the need", "title": "Mount Sinai Simi Valley" }, { "docid": "6819905", "text": "parts of the Sinai peninsula for the mountain. Mount Sin Bishar, in the west-central part of the peninsula, was proposed to be the biblical Mount Sinai by Menashe Har-El, a biblical geographer at Tel Aviv University. Mount Helal, in the north of the peninsula has also been proposed. Another northern Sinai suggestion is Hashem el-Tarif, some 30 km west of Eilat, Israel. Since Moses is described by the Bible as encountering Jethro, a Kenite who was a Midianite priest, shortly before encountering Sinai, this suggests that Sinai would be somewhere near their territory in Saudi Arabia; the Kenites and Midianites", "title": "Biblical Mount Sinai" }, { "docid": "19343472", "text": "be the affiliate of Al-Qaeda in Egypt that is responsible for many bombings and assassinations across the years. Also, on 22 December 2011, a new jihadist group that calls itself Ansar al Jihad in the Sinai Peninsula announced its formation, in a statement promising to \"fulfill the oath\" to the slain Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. \"With this message we send you the good tidings of the birth of the group ‘Ansar al-Jihad in the Sinai Peninsula,’ and we pledge unto Allah the Great and Almighty to do our best to fight the corrupt regime and its henchmen among the", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "2667833", "text": "Otago Peninsula The Otago Peninsula is a long, hilly indented finger of land that forms the easternmost part of Dunedin, New Zealand. Volcanic in origin, it forms one wall of the eroded valley that now forms Otago Harbour. The peninsula lies south-east of Otago Harbour and runs parallel to the mainland for 20 km, with a maximum width of 9 km. It is joined to the mainland at the south-west end by a narrow isthmus about 1.5 km wide. The suburbs of Dunedin encroach onto the western end of the peninsula, and seven townships and communities lie along the harbourside", "title": "Otago Peninsula" }, { "docid": "14459599", "text": "al-Arish and encircle the Egyptians in the Gaza corridor. However, he failed and ordered his troops to withhold the assault. A subsequent meeting with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion in the morning of December 30 did not change matters. On the next day, the Israeli forces returned to Abu Ageila. The complete withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula lasted until January 2, 1949. Despite the refusal to fight in the Sinai, Yadin permitted Allon to instead move from 'Auja to Rafah and encircle the Egyptians from there. While by the time of Yadin and Ben-Gurion's refusal, there had been almost no international", "title": "Battles of the Sinai (1948)" }, { "docid": "19343473", "text": "Jews, the Americans, and those around them,\" the statement said. The terror group pledged \"to fulfill the oath of the martyr of the Ummah, our Sheikh Osama bin Laden, may Allah have mercy on him.\" However, it is not certain that Al-Qaeda branches in Egypt, like Ansar al Jihad and Hamad's group, are directly co-operating, although Ansar al Jihad has pledged an oath of allegiance to al-Qaeda. Ansar al-Jihad in the Sinai Peninsula. This organization serves as the military arm of al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula. This organization is led by Ramzi Mowafi and has been responsible for multiple attacks on", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "19343480", "text": "that Ramzi Mowafi has been leading a group responsible for numerous attacks in the lawless Sinai Peninsula over the past two years. Reports say that Mowafi – who is believed to also be an explosives expert – was spotted in the Sinai in August 2011 providing military training to a number of people. Mowafi is also believed to have worked on chemical weapons for Al Qaeda and was involved in a January 2011 prison break that allowed former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to escape with other senior leaders from the Muslim Brotherhood. However, public information about Mowafi is limited. The", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "14459601", "text": "time the Egyptian government announced its agreement to negotiate armistice with the Israelis, which caused Ben-Gurion to order the troops' withdrawal yet again, effectively ending combat in the war. The Sinai Peninsula saw a number of skirmishes in the early 1950s between Israeli and Egyptian forces, culminating in Operation Volcano in 1955. The next war fought in the area was the 1956 Suez War. The area of Umm Katef – Abu Ageila also saw fighting in the 1967 Six-Day War. Battles of the Sinai (1948) The Battles of the Sinai refer to a series of military engagements between the Israel", "title": "Battles of the Sinai (1948)" }, { "docid": "2667862", "text": "first sightings of Shepherd's beaked whales within the nation and dolphins such as southern right whale dolphins can be found further offshore around the rich, deep sea canyon about 20 km off the peninsula coast which maybe as significant as Kaikoura and rarely strand. Notes Bibliography Otago Peninsula The Otago Peninsula is a long, hilly indented finger of land that forms the easternmost part of Dunedin, New Zealand. Volcanic in origin, it forms one wall of the eroded valley that now forms Otago Harbour. The peninsula lies south-east of Otago Harbour and runs parallel to the mainland for 20 km,", "title": "Otago Peninsula" }, { "docid": "14111241", "text": "caldera 900,000 years ago. As well, subglacial eruptions around the flanks of Mount Edziza and Ice Peak constructed piles of pillow lava and hyaloclastite. Prindle Volcano, the northernmost volcano of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province and one of the most isolated volcanoes in Alaska, was formed on the Yukon-Tanana upland during the Pleistocene epoch. It is a small cinder cone made of basanite with a deep breached volcanic crater at its summit. Extending from Prindle's breached volcanic crater is a long basanite lava flow that flowed southeast of the cone then flowed southwest into a river valley. The Cassiar Mountains", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "369700", "text": "). The modern Arabic is an adoption of the biblical name, the 19th-century Arabic designation of Sinai was \"Jebel el-Tûr\". In addition to its formal name, Egyptians also refer to it as \"\" ( 'the land of turquoise'). The ancient Egyptians called it \"Ta Mefkat\", or 'land of turquoise'. In English, the name is now usually pronounced . The traditional pronunciation is or . Sinai is triangular in shape, with northern shore lying on the southern Mediterranean Sea, and southwest and southeast shores on Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba of the Red Sea. It is linked to the", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "369717", "text": "of the Port Said, Ismailia and Suez Governorates lying east of the Suez Canal. Port Said alone has a population of roughly 500,000 people (January 2013). Portions of the populations of Ismailia and Suez live in west Sinai, while the rest live on the western side of the Suez Canal. The population of Sinai has largely consisted of desert-dwelling Bedouins with their colourful traditional costumes and significant culture. Large numbers of Egyptians from the Nile Valley and Delta moved to the area to work in tourism, but development adversely affected the native Bedouin population. In order to help alleviate their", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "2223988", "text": "south and east, reaching the head of Warner Valley. By this time, the park's eastern portion had been transformed into a relatively flat plain. The activity was followed by an eruption of the Eastern basalts from volcanoes east of the park. These thick flows have subsequently eroded to produce rugged hills that limit the park on the east. Taken together, these various flows built the lava plateau that the Lassen volcanic area is located on. From 600,000 to 400,000 years ago, eruptions built a large conical stratovolcano called Mount Tehama (also called Brokeoff Volcano) in what is now the southwest", "title": "Geology of the Lassen volcanic area" }, { "docid": "12673264", "text": "Joint Commission assesses the quality of care and safety for more than 15,000 health care organizations. The Joint Commission conducts an extensive on-site review at least once every three years whose purpose is to evaluate the organization's performance in areas that affect patient care. Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital, in Commerce Township, Michigan, is one of the eight hospitals/institutes composing the Detroit Medical Center. Huron-Valley-Sinai contains the Harris Birthing Center, a regional specialty center, the Charach Cancer Treatment Center, (affiliated with the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Center), the Krieger Center for Senior Adults, surgical suites, cardiac services, and", "title": "Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital" }, { "docid": "14111226", "text": "began to form 7.5 million years ago, volcanism rates in the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province increased again. Early volcanic activity of the Mount Edziza volcanic complex seven million years ago constructed Armadillo Peak, the oldest and most central of the four central volcanoes comprising the complex. Its summit is capped by thick fine-grained silica-rich trachyte lava flows that ponded inside the caldera to produce a lava lake six million years ago during its final stage of activity. A massive stratovolcano was also formed on top of the Level Mountain shield volcano 7.1 to 5.3 million years ago during this increased", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "14459591", "text": "order was given to move into the Sinai Peninsula on the morning of December 28. This order directly contradicted the General Staff plan, which forbade entering Egyptian territory. According to Yitzhak Rabin, then the operations officer of the Southern Command, the command attempted to create facts on the ground before getting the necessary approval for the action. The original Southern Command plan called for the thrust to be done by the 8th Brigade, but it had not had time to recover from the Battle of 'Auja, and it was necessary to quickly overwhelm the Egyptian forces in the peninsula, so", "title": "Battles of the Sinai (1948)" }, { "docid": "16067788", "text": "that the newly formed oceanic crust in the Bransfield Strait is roughly 1.3 million years old. Unfortunately the deposition of sediments and extensive intrusions into the rift render computer modeling unreliable. Isolated occurrences of terrestrial volcanic activity are present, and are predominantly alkaline to tholeiitic in composition. Geology of the Antarctic Peninsula The Antarctic Peninsula, roughly 650 miles south of South America, is the northernmost portion of the continent of Antarctica. Like the associated Andes, the Antarctic Peninsula is an excellent example of ocean-continent collision resulting in subduction. The peninsula has experienced continuous subduction for over 200 million years, but", "title": "Geology of the Antarctic Peninsula" }, { "docid": "16352749", "text": "people. The inscriptions give evidence of Armenians being among the pilgrims to Mount Sinai. According to Michael E. Stone, \"The number and spread of the Armenian inscriptions are surprising. The Armenians at least as far as can be told from their graffiti writing propensities seem to have been one of the most active groups of Christian pilgrims to the Sinai. What is striking, however is not merely the quantity but also the age of the inscriptions.\" Sinai Armenian Inscriptions The Armenian inscriptions of Sinai refer to nearly 110 ancient Armenian inscriptions that were found in the Sinai Peninsula. The Armenian", "title": "Sinai Armenian Inscriptions" }, { "docid": "3182502", "text": "pulsing year-round. The volcanoes and glaciers play a role in forming Kamchatka's climate, and hot springs have kept alive dozens of species decimated during the last ice-age. The Kamchatka River and the surrounding central side valley are flanked by large volcanic belts containing around 160 volcanoes, 29 of them still active. The peninsula has a high density of volcanoes and associated volcanic phenomena, with 19 active volcanoes included in the six UNESCO World Heritage List sites in the Volcanoes of Kamchatka group, most of them on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the most volcanic area of the Eurasian continent, with many active", "title": "Kamchatka Peninsula" }, { "docid": "10947312", "text": "nine return trips per day - unlimited access to it is included in the entry fee. The boat cruise runs 5-6 scheduled trips daily and is an additional price. Amenities provided in the valley include a visitor centre, opened in 2000, a cafe and gift shop, and additional toilets near the Warbrick Terrace. The visitor centre and car park are located along Waimangu Road, from State Highway 5, 15 minutes' drive south of Rotorua. The main walk through the Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley comprises of easy-walking wide gravel paths and boardwalks and is accessible via wheelchairs, except for Inferno Crater", "title": "Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley" }, { "docid": "16067780", "text": "Geology of the Antarctic Peninsula The Antarctic Peninsula, roughly 650 miles south of South America, is the northernmost portion of the continent of Antarctica. Like the associated Andes, the Antarctic Peninsula is an excellent example of ocean-continent collision resulting in subduction. The peninsula has experienced continuous subduction for over 200 million years, but changes in continental configurations during the amalgamation and breakup of continents have changed the orientation of the peninsula itself, as well as the underlying volcanic rocks associated with the subduction zone. The geology of the Antarctic Peninsula occurred in three stages: As Gondwana broke apart, the Antarctic", "title": "Geology of the Antarctic Peninsula" }, { "docid": "6819902", "text": "to her in a dream. The Sinai peninsula has traditionally been considered Sinai's location by Christians, although the peninsula gained its name from this tradition, and was not called that in Josephus' time or earlier. (The Sinai was earlier inhabited by the Monitu and was called \"Mafkat\" or \"Country of Turquoise\".) In early Christian times, a number of Anchorites settled on Mount Serbal, considering it to be the biblical mountain, and in the 4th century a monastery was constructed at its base. Nevertheless, Josephus had stated that Mount Sinai was \"the highest of all the mountains thereabout\", which would imply", "title": "Biblical Mount Sinai" }, { "docid": "19070420", "text": "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Sinai Province The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Sinai Province (, \"ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām – Wilayah Sīnāʼ\"), or ISIL-SP, is a militant Islamist group active in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (ABM) has been part of the Sinai insurgency and had been especially active in the Sinai since 2011 after the deterioration of security there, focusing its efforts on Israel and the Arab gas pipeline to Jordan. After former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi was deposed in the 2013 Egyptian coup d'état, Egypt also began", "title": "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant – Sinai Province" }, { "docid": "2223989", "text": "corner of the park. It was made of roughly alternating layers of andesitic lavas and tephra (volcanic ash, breccia, and pumice) with increasing amounts of tephra with elevation. Tehama eventually reached an elevation of about , was wide at its base, and contained of material. Its principal vent lay in the neighborhood of what is now Sulphur Works, but a second vent from which no lavas issued lay on the eastern flank of Little Hot Springs Valley. Contrary to popular belief, Bumpass Hell is not one of Tehama's main vents since it is located outside of the caldera. It is", "title": "Geology of the Lassen volcanic area" }, { "docid": "19003584", "text": "Andagua volcanic field The Andagua volcanic field (also known as Andahua) is a volcanic field in southern Peru. Located between the Coropuna and Sabancaya volcanoes, it is formed from a number of lava domes and scoria cones that have generated lava flows. Activity ranges from the early Pleistocene until historical times. The field is located in the Orcopampa, Andahua and Ayo valleys, between the Coropuna and Sabancaya volcanoes. In the Andagua valley it runs from Orcopampa to the intersection with the Colca valley. The volcanic field has dimensions of and is located northeast of Coropuna volcano, north of the Colca", "title": "Andagua volcanic field" }, { "docid": "5750717", "text": "Central America Volcanic Arc The Central American Volcanic Arc (often abbreviated to CAVA) is a chain of volcanoes which extends parallel to the Pacific coast line of the Central American Isthmus, from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and down to northern Panama. This volcanic arc, which has a length of , is formed by an active subduction zone along the western boundary of the Caribbean Plate. The Central American Volcanic Arc includes hundreds of volcanic formations, ranging from major stratovolcanoes, to lava domes and cinder cones. Some of these have produced large explosive eruptions, like the colossal VEI", "title": "Central America Volcanic Arc" }, { "docid": "13914367", "text": "Edition What Bird is That?\" was published by Australia's Heritage Publishing in 2011, the latest release of Cayley’s “big bird book” complete with Lindsey’s revisions. It is 832 pages, features 769 birds and includes all 460 of Cayley’s full-colour paintings, many showing groups of related birds. New to this edition was an accompanying e-book \"What Bird Call is That?\", which identifies and illustrates 101 birds from \"What Bird is That?\", as well as providing sound files of each featured bird’s distinctive call. The sound files were provided by David Stewart. \"What Bird is That?\" plays a central role in Australian", "title": "What Bird is That?" }, { "docid": "14111263", "text": "of potential ash fall. Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province The volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province presents a record of volcanic activity in northwestern British Columbia, central Yukon and the U.S. state of easternmost Alaska. The volcanic activity lies in the northern part of the Western Cordillera of the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Extensional cracking of the North American Plate in this part of North America has existed for millions of years. Continuation of this continental rifting has fed scores of volcanoes throughout the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province over at least the past", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "14111213", "text": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province The volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province presents a record of volcanic activity in northwestern British Columbia, central Yukon and the U.S. state of easternmost Alaska. The volcanic activity lies in the northern part of the Western Cordillera of the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Extensional cracking of the North American Plate in this part of North America has existed for millions of years. Continuation of this continental rifting has fed scores of volcanoes throughout the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province over at least the past 20 million years (see", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "8425047", "text": "region the Central Valley re-appears in the south to extend into Osorno and Puerto Montt (41°30' S). This southern section is 190 km long from north to south. The Central Valley south of Bío Bío River has been influenced by volcanism and past glaciations giving origin to the ñadis and morraines that cover parts of the valley. South of Puerto Montt the continuation of the Central Valley is made up of a series of marine basins including Reloncaví Sound, Gulf of Ancud, and the Gulf of Corcovado that separates Chiloé Island from the mainland. Further south the valley runs as", "title": "Chilean Central Valley" }, { "docid": "17539158", "text": "creating a vast alternating system of mountains and valleys, or, more specifically, horsts and grabens. These north–south trending structures are the distinguishing characteristic of what is now known as the Basin and Range Province. The Chiricahua Mountains lie within this province and graben blocks are the most common structure found. Extension continues today due to pressure from the San Andreas Fault that runs through the length of California. Extension also led to the formation of more volcanic features. Small amounts of basaltic magma leaked out and formed the San Bernardino volcanic field (San Bernardino Valley) along the southeastern flank of", "title": "Geological history of the Chiricahua Mountains" }, { "docid": "16779684", "text": "Sinai insurgency The Sinai insurgency is an ongoing conflict in the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, between Islamist militants and Egyptian security forces, which has included attacks on civilians. The insurgency began after the start of the Egyptian Crisis, which saw the overthrow of longtime Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in the Egyptian revolution of 2011. The Sinai insurgency initially consisted of militants, largely composed of local Bedouin tribesmen, who exploited the chaotic situation in Egypt and weakened central authority to launch a series of attacks on government forces in Sinai. In 2014, elements of the Ansar Bait al-Maqdis group pledged allegiance to", "title": "Sinai insurgency" }, { "docid": "3423280", "text": "the tea in England as fast as possible. A related expression in Hebrew can be found in a commentary on the Biblical commandment of the septennial sabbatical year. Leviticus 25:1 specifically states that God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai; while this was a common location for God to speak to Moses, the text's explicit reference to it is very rare. Accordingly, Rashi's commentary begins with the question \"What is the connection between Shmita and Mount Sinai?\" (?מה עניין שמיטה אצל הר סיני) The question has since taken on a general meaning equivalent to that of the \"price of tea", "title": "What's that got to do with the...?" }, { "docid": "369702", "text": "(el-Sewais) is on the southern end of the Suez Canal, Ismailia (el-Isma'ileyyah) in the centre, and Port Said in the north. The largest city of Sinai is Arish, capital of the North Sinai, with around 160,000 residents. Other larger settlements include Sharm el-Sheikh and El-Tor, on the southern coast. Inland Sinai is arid (effectively a desert), mountainous and sparsely populated, the largest settlements being Saint Catherine and Nekhel. Sinai is one of the coldest provinces in Egypt because of its high altitudes and mountainous topographies. Winter temperatures in some of Sinai's cities and towns reach . Sinai was called \"Mafkat\"", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "14459597", "text": "to be taken alive by Israel during the war—and four aircraft. While Yigal Allon's objective was the capture of al-Arish itself, he withheld this information from his superiors. His forces pushed on towards al-Arish and stopped about 8 km to the south of the city. Fearing for the aircraft, the Egyptians emptied the nearby airbases. Meanwhile, on December 29, Harel and Negev forces conducted raids deep into the Sinai Peninsula. Three platoons from the 7th Battalion meant to raid the Bir al-Hamma airfield, but met with heavy fire and retreated. However, they managed to destroy three airplanes on the ground.", "title": "Battles of the Sinai (1948)" }, { "docid": "14519739", "text": "Central Colorado volcanic field The central Colorado volcanic field (CCVF) is a volcanic field in Park County, Colorado. It is located in the southern Rocky Mountains and covered a roughly triangular area centered on the Thirtynine Mile volcanic area and extending from the Sawatch Range southeast to the northern Sangre de Christo Range and the Wet Mountains and northeast to the southern Front Range south of Denver. The area covered by the volcanic products of the eruptions included some produced by at least ten volcanic centers or calderas. The field overlaps the San Juan volcanic field to the west. The", "title": "Central Colorado volcanic field" }, { "docid": "19343478", "text": "move. However, Hukaymah acknowledged that other Al-Gama'a members had \"reverted\" from the militant course he was adhering to, and some Al-Gama'a representatives also denied that they were joining forces with the international Al-Qaeda network. The Mujahideen Shura Council, not related to the Mujahideen Shura Council in Iraq, is located in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula and is also known to be linked with Al-Qaeda. After an attack in June 2012, the MSC called the attack \"a gift\" to Ayman al-Zawahiri and their Al-Qaeda \"brothers.\" The MSC is one of four known organizations that are linked with Al-Qaeda and operating in Gaza. Jund", "title": "Al-Qaeda in Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "14111247", "text": "the Earth's mantle unlike the typical basaltic lava found throughout the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province. The nephelinite lava flows at Volcano Mountain remain clear from vegetation and seem to be only a few hundred years old. However, dating of sediments in a lake dammed by the nephelinite lavas suggest the lava flows could not be younger than mid-Holocene and could be early Holocene or older. Therefore, the exact age for the most recent eruptions at Volcano Mountain are unknown. At the southernmost end of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province, Tseax Cone lies in a valley above and east of the", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "16779783", "text": "Operation Sinai (2012) Operation Sinai is an ongoing Egyptian military campaign, launched in early August 2012, against Islamic militants within the Sinai Peninsula to crush the Sinai Insurgency. The operation came as a direct response to the 2012 Egyptian-Israeli border attack on 5 August 2012. The operation was initially reported as part of \"Operation Nisr\" (Operation Eagle), but on 3 September 2012, the Egyptian army issued a statement requesting media sources to use the official name \"Operation Sinai.\" The Egyptian Armed Forces are engaged in a difficult and sustained military campaign to subdue and eliminate dangerous and violent extremists from", "title": "Operation Sinai (2012)" }, { "docid": "14111259", "text": "Iskut River just on the southern flank of Hoodoo Mountain, which is the host for a large amount of salmon, logging operations and a large mining and mineral exploration camp. Edziza and Hoodoo Mountain are two of the three most hazardous volcanoes in Western Canada that have been active in the past 10,000 years, the other being the Mount Meager massif in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt of southwestern British Columbia which produced a large-scale eruption 2,350 years ago that sent ash as far as central Alberta. Lava flows in the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province are among the least hazardous, even", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "14111222", "text": "dated or have not been dated in significant detail to identify more individual temporal patterns. Lava fountains can occur in the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province roughly every 100 years. Large basaltic shield volcanoes throughout the central Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province form large lava plateaus and are the largest volcanoes of the volcanic zone. These extensive volcanoes are generally larger and more long-lived than volcanoes of adjacent volcanic zones, including the stratovolcanoes of the Cascade and Aleutian arcs. Mount Shasta, the largest stratovolcano in the Cascade Arc and Mount Veniaminof, one of the largest and most active volcanoes in the Aleutian", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "16779689", "text": "became increasingly destabilized, creating a security vacuum in the Sinai peninsula. Radical Islamic elements in Sinai exploited the opportunity, using the unique environment, in launching several waves of attacks upon Egyptian military and commercial facilities. According to \"The Economist\", the conflict also involves local armed Bedouin \"who have long-standing grievances against the central government in Cairo\" and that \"they are barred from joining the army or police; they find it hard to get jobs in tourism; and they complain that many of their lands have been taken from them\". Since the 2011 uprising against the Mubarak regime in Egypt, there", "title": "Sinai insurgency" }, { "docid": "9406947", "text": "That Happens Will Happen Today\". Tom Tykwer plans to adapt the novel into a film. In 2009, the novel received the Prix Médicis étranger in France. What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when", "title": "What Is the What" }, { "docid": "8425048", "text": "the narrow Moraleda Channel. Emerged portions include numerous small islands plus the eastern coast of Chiloé Island and Taitao Peninsula east of Presidente Ríos Lake, including the Isthmus of Ofqui. (46°50' S). Chilean Central Valley The Central Valley (), Intermediate Depression, or Longitudinal Valley is the depression between the Chilean Coastal Range and the Andes Mountains. The Chilean Central Valley extends from the border with Peru to Puerto Montt in southern Chile, with a notable interruption at Norte Chico (27°20'–33°00' S). South of Puerto Montt the valley has a continuation as a series of marine basins up to the isthmus", "title": "Chilean Central Valley" }, { "docid": "10947292", "text": "Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley The Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley is the hydrothermal system created on 10 June 1886 by the volcanic eruption of Mount Tarawera, on the North Island of New Zealand. It encompasses Lake Rotomahana, the site of the Pink and White Terraces, as well as the location of the Waimangu Geyser, which was active from 1900 to 1904. The area has been increasingly accessible as a tourist attraction and contains Frying Pan Lake, which is the largest hot spring in the world, and the steaming and usually pale blue Inferno Crater Lake, the largest geyser-like feature in the", "title": "Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley" }, { "docid": "10947316", "text": "hour easy-intermediate ride via a concrete bike path and then Waimangu Road. Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley The Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley is the hydrothermal system created on 10 June 1886 by the volcanic eruption of Mount Tarawera, on the North Island of New Zealand. It encompasses Lake Rotomahana, the site of the Pink and White Terraces, as well as the location of the Waimangu Geyser, which was active from 1900 to 1904. The area has been increasingly accessible as a tourist attraction and contains Frying Pan Lake, which is the largest hot spring in the world, and the steaming and", "title": "Waimangu Volcanic Rift Valley" }, { "docid": "14111237", "text": "of the Omineca and Bear rivers, The Thumb rises with a topographic prominence of above gently sloping benchland near the crest of the Connelly Range. It is the largest among a cluster of seven steep-sided volcanic plugs associated with dikes, lava flows and remnants of cinder cones. Ne Ch'e Ddhawa, an extinct volcano in the Fort Selkirk Volcanic Field of central Yukon, reaches a height of near the junction of the Pelly and Yukon rivers. It was erupted subglacially under the Cordilleran Ice Sheet between 0.8 and one million years ago, depositing hyaloclastite tuffs, breccias and pillow breccias that now", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "737036", "text": "with Mt. Sinai.\" Christians settled upon this mountain in the third century AD. Georgians from the Caucasus moved to the Sinai Peninsula in the fifth century, and a Georgian colony was formed there in the ninth century. Georgians erected their own churches in the area of the modern Mount Sinai. The construction of one such church was connected with the name of David The Builder, who contributed to the erection of churches in Georgia and abroad as well. There were political, cultural, and religious motives for locating the church on Mount Sinai. Georgian monks living there were deeply connected with", "title": "Mount Sinai" }, { "docid": "369716", "text": "border attack in which 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed by militants. (See Sinai insurgency.) Also on the rise are kidnappings of refugees. According to Meron Estifanos, Eritrean refugees are often kidnapped by Bedouin in the northern Sinai, tortured, raped, and only released after receiving a large ransom. Under President el-Sisi, Egypt has implemented a rigorous policy of controlling the border to the Gaza Strip, including the dismantling of tunnels between Gaza and Sinai. The two governorates of North and South Sinai have a total population of 597,000 (January 2013). This figure rises to 1,400,000 by including Western Sinai, the parts", "title": "Sinai Peninsula" }, { "docid": "20255379", "text": "Central Skåne Volcanic Province The Central Skåne Volcanic Province was a site of volcanic activity in the Scania region of Sweden during the Mesozoic Era of the Earth's geological history. The volcanism began with a first and main phase in late Sinemurian–Toarcian times. Then volcanism continued sporadically for another 80 million years. More than one hundred volcanic necks of basaltic composition exist in Scania evidencing this volcanism. In central Scania, volcanism was in the form of a volcanic field of cinder cones that had strombolian eruption styles. These cones produced tuffite deposits made largely of lapilli with rare volcanic bombs.", "title": "Central Skåne Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "6628593", "text": "the Valley of the Lost to find the seventh gem. Upon entering the valley, they meet the Guardian, who doesn't use physical force, but games to protect the diamond. The Guardian enchants them to enter his castle, and asks them to play a game with him for the diamond. The winner of the game will keep the diamond, but the loser will have to be kept in the valley forever. Scared by this, Neridah runs away, leaving the three behind to play the game. Lief, Barda, and Jasmine manage to find all of the clues and guess the name before", "title": "The Valley of the Lost" }, { "docid": "12685648", "text": "Curse of the Boulder Valley The Curse of Boulder Valley, also known as Niwot's Curse, is attributed to Chief Niwot, who is said to have first stated it upon meeting the first white gold seekers to visit what is now known as the Boulder valley in Boulder County, Colorado. According to the chief, the curse of the valley was its breathtaking landscape. Niwot was the leader of the Southern Arapaho. The visitors were encamped at what the Arapaho considered to be a sacred site, Valmont Butte, some four miles to the north east of what is now central Boulder, Colorado.", "title": "Curse of the Boulder Valley" }, { "docid": "3182497", "text": "highway connects the local capital with Bolsheretsk. Bus service is available on both roads. Most other roads are gravel-covered or over coverless ground, requiring off-road capable vehicles. There is semi-regular passenger transportation with aircraft. The obvious circular area in the central valley is the Klyuchevskaya Sopka, an isolated volcanic group southeast of the curve of the Kamchatka River. West of Kronotsky Point is the Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve with the Valley of Geysers. At the southern tip is the Southern Kamchatka Wildlife Refuge with Kurile Lake. There are several other protected areas on the peninsula. Kamchatka receives up to of precipitation", "title": "Kamchatka Peninsula" }, { "docid": "6819890", "text": "Arabia Petraea (a Roman Province encompassing modern Jordan, southern modern Syria, the Sinai Peninsula and northwestern Saudi Arabia with its capital in Petra). The Pauline Epistles are even more vague, specifying only that it was in Arabia, which covers most of the south-western Middle east. The earliest references to Jebel Musa as Mount Sinai or Mount Sinai being located in the present day Sinai Peninsula are inconclusive. There is evidence that prior to 100 CE, well before the Christian monastic period, Jewish sages equated Jebel Musa with Mount Sinai. Graham Davies of Cambridge University argues that early Jewish pilgrimages identified", "title": "Biblical Mount Sinai" }, { "docid": "14111240", "text": "Mount Edziza, a steep-sided stratovolcano overlapping the northern flank of Ice Peak and the most northerly of the four central volcanoes comprising the Mount Edziza volcanic complex, began to form a million years ago when the Cordilleran Ice Sheet retreated from the upper flanks of the Edziza lava plateau. Its smooth northern and western flanks are only slightly channeled by erosion and they curve up to a circular summit ridge which surrounds a central ice-filled caldera in diameter. Active cirques on Edziza's eastern flank have breached the caldera rim, exposing the remnants of several lava lakes that ponded in the", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "3182495", "text": "of this (off the displayed map) lies Korfa Bay with the town of Tilichiki. On the opposite side is the Shelikhov Gulf. The Kamchatka or Central (Sredinny) Range forms the spine of the peninsula. Along the southeast coast runs the Vostochny Range or Eastern Range. Between these lies the central valley. The Kamchatka River rises northwest of Avacha and flows north down the central valley, turning east near Klyuchi to enter the Pacific south of Kamchatsky Point at Ust-Kamchatsk. In the nineteenth century, a trail led west from near Klychi over the mountains to the Tegil river and town, which", "title": "Kamchatka Peninsula" }, { "docid": "10111044", "text": "the Norte Chico region since the late Miocene. The southern end of the SVZ is marked by the Chile Triple Junction where the Chile Rise subducts under South America at the Taitao Peninsula giving origin to the \"Patagonian Volcanic Gap\". Further south lies the Austral Volcanic Zone. From north to south the Southern Volcanic Zone is divided into four segments according to the characteristics of the continental crust, volcanoes and volcanic rocks: In Central Southern Volcanic Zone and Southern Southern Volcanic Zone magma ascent occur primarily by the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault. During the Pliocene the SVZ south of 38°S consisted of", "title": "Andean Volcanic Belt" }, { "docid": "16779799", "text": "are working to protect critically important gas pipelines and prevent future terrorist attacks on them. Force Deployment: Operation Sinai (2012) Operation Sinai is an ongoing Egyptian military campaign, launched in early August 2012, against Islamic militants within the Sinai Peninsula to crush the Sinai Insurgency. The operation came as a direct response to the 2012 Egyptian-Israeli border attack on 5 August 2012. The operation was initially reported as part of \"Operation Nisr\" (Operation Eagle), but on 3 September 2012, the Egyptian army issued a statement requesting media sources to use the official name \"Operation Sinai.\" The Egyptian Armed Forces are", "title": "Operation Sinai (2012)" }, { "docid": "737032", "text": "Mount Sinai Mount Sinai (, \"Har Sinai\"; or ; or ; ; ), also known as Mount Horeb or Gabal Musa, is a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt that is a possible location of the biblical Mount Sinai, which is considered a holy site by the Abrahamic religions. Mount Sinai is mentioned many times in the Book of Exodus and other books of the Bible, and the Quran. According to Jewish, Christian, and Islamic tradition, the biblical Mount Sinai was the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Mount Sinai is a moderately high mountain near the city", "title": "Mount Sinai" }, { "docid": "18963055", "text": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick Douglass delivered on July 5, 1852, in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York, addressing the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery Society. The speech is perhaps the most widely known of all of Frederick Douglass' writings save his autobiographies. Many copies of one section of it, beginning in para. 32, have been circulated online. Due to this and the variant titles given to it in various places, and the fact that it is called a July", "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" }, { "docid": "14111262", "text": "erupting. The Interagency Volcanic Event Notification Plan, Canada's volcanic emergency notification program, was established to outline the notification procedure of some of the main agencies that would be involved in response to a volcanic eruption in Canada, an eruption close to Canada's borders, or an eruption significant enough to have an effect on Canada and its people. It focuses primarily on aviation safety because jet aircraft can quickly enter areas of volcanic ash. The program notifies all impacted agencies that have to deal with volcanic events. Aircraft are rerouted away from hazardous ash and people on the ground are notified", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "4026800", "text": "covered what would later become the Grapevine Mountains in of ash. This ash filled in valleys and depressions; by 20 million years ago, the region from the Death Valley area across Nevada was a volcanic plain. Starting around 16 Ma in Miocene time and continuing into the present, a large part of the North American Plate in the region has been under extension by literally being pulled apart. Debate still surrounds the cause of this crustal stretching, but an increasingly popular idea among geologists called the slab gap hypothesis states that the spreading zone of the subducted Farallon Plate is", "title": "Geology of the Death Valley area" }, { "docid": "255289", "text": "humans using pre-domesticated cereals anywhere in the world. The first inhabitants of what is now Mozambique were the San hunters and gatherers, ancestors of the Khoisani peoples. Between the 1st and 5th centuries AD, waves of Bantu-speaking peoples migrated from the north through the Zambezi River valley and then gradually into the plateau and coastal areas. The Bantu were farmers and ironworkers. When Vasco da Gama, exploring for Portugal, reached the coast of Mozambique in 1498, Arab trading settlements had existed along the coast and outlying islands for several centuries, and political control of the coast was in the hands", "title": "History of Mozambique" }, { "docid": "2496999", "text": "The Valley of the Moon (novel) The Valley of the Moon (1913) is a novel by American writer Jack London (as well as the mythic and romantic name for the wine-growing Sonoma Valley of California). The valley where it is set is located north of the San Francisco Bay Area in Sonoma County, California where Jack London was a resident; he built his ranch in Glen Ellen. The novel \"The Valley of the Moon\" is a story of a working-class couple, Billy and Saxon Roberts, struggling laborers in Oakland at the Turn-of-the-Century, who left city life behind and searched Central", "title": "The Valley of the Moon (novel)" }, { "docid": "9406939", "text": "What Is the What What Is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng is a 2006 novel written by Dave Eggers. It is based on the life of Valentino Achak Deng, a Sudanese child refugee who immigrated to the United States under the Lost Boys of Sudan program. It was a finalist for the National Book Award. As a boy, Achak is separated from his family during the Second Sudanese Civil War when the Arab militia, referred to as \"murahaleen\" (which is Arabic for the deported), wipes out his Dinka village, Marial Bai. During the assault, he loses sight", "title": "What Is the What" }, { "docid": "18963066", "text": "under the sea, as well as on the earth. In the United States, the speech is widely taught in history and English classes in high school and college. American studies professor Andrew S. Bibby argues that because many of the editions produced for educational use are abridged, they often misrepresent Douglass's original through omission or editorial focus. The speech has been notably performed or read by important figures, including the following actors: What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? \"What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?\" is the title now given to a speech by Frederick", "title": "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" }, { "docid": "16779789", "text": "confiscating weapons. Later in the day, Egypt’s military said that its operation against fighters in the Sinai Peninsula was \"a complete success and will continue.\" On 9 August, Israel's security cabinet approved a request from Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak to allow Egypt to deploy attack helicopters in the Sinai Peninsula for its recent operations. This approval was necessary under the Camp David Accords, which limit the type of weaponry that are allowed in the Sinai. On 10 August, the police and military arrested nine suspects (of the 5 August attack) in the village of Sheikh Zuwayed, in North Sinai,", "title": "Operation Sinai (2012)" }, { "docid": "14111254", "text": "and inaccessible Coast Mountains south or southwest of Atlin Lake. On the south side of the Khutzeymateen Inlet north of Prince Rupert, thick basaltic Plinian eruption tephra deposits are recognized at Crow Lagoon. These volcanics originated from a volcanic vent that remains unidentified. However, existence of volcanic bombs at the Plinian tephra deposits indicates the volcanic vent of its origin is located nearby. The age of these volcanics is unknown but they were deposited throughout the Holocene epoch. In the Pleistocene Tuya Volcanic Field, small subaerial shield volcanoes and postglacial cinder cones and lava flows can be recognized. At least", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "11021636", "text": "south west end of the Valencia trough. Volcanoes are from 8 to 1 Ma. The north east volcanic province at the east end of the Pyrenees, dates from 14 Ma to 11,000 years ago. Volcanoes first formed in the Empordà Basin, then in the La Selva Basin and finally in the Cerdanya Basin. Almeria and Murcia have alkaline volcanoes. The Valencia Trough lies between the Mediterranean north east coast of Spain, near Barcelona, and the Balearic Islands. This is a northeast to southwest oriented depression between the continental slope of the Iberian Peninsula and the slope off the shelf around", "title": "Geology of the Iberian Peninsula" }, { "docid": "7197408", "text": "Elei Sinai Elei Sinai (, \"lit.\" Towards Sinai) was an Israeli settlement in the north of the Gaza Strip. Elei Sinai was established in 1982 (Sukkot 5743) by a group who had been evicted from Yamit in the Sinai Peninsula. It was named for the yearning to return to the Sinai desert, where Yamit was located. Avi Farhan, a Yamit expellee, and Arik Herfez, whose daughter had been killed by Palestinian militants, were two of the most notable residents. Among the arguments in opposition to Israel's unilateral disengagement plan, which stated that the settlers should be evicted from Elei Sinai,", "title": "Elei Sinai" }, { "docid": "16067784", "text": "Formation (KGF). This volcanic sequence is a 215 m thick group of rhyolite-dacite lavas, ignimbrites, tuffs, and agglomerates. The acidic dikes and sills which intrude the MFF and TPG sediments may be due to the KGF stratovolcano. The acidic volcanism that created the KGF sequence is associated with plutonic intrusions during the Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. These plutonic intrusions could have been caused by the doming and rifting in the continental margin of Gondwana at the onset of oceanic slab subduction. The outer magmatic arc, of which the South Shetland Islands are a part, is a", "title": "Geology of the Antarctic Peninsula" }, { "docid": "9467433", "text": "The Peninsula Manila The Peninsula Manila (colloquially Manila Pen or simply Manila Peninsula), is a 5-star luxury hotel in the Philippines. It is located on the corner of Ayala Avenue and Makati Avenue in the Makati Central Business District. It is located also in Barangay Urdaneta. This hotel is part of The Peninsula Hotels chain based in Hong Kong and is the first hotel of that chain outside the Chinese territory. The Peninsula Manila was built to coincide with the hosting of the International Monetary Fund conference in Manila. It was built on the corners of Ayala and Makati Avenues,", "title": "The Peninsula Manila" }, { "docid": "14111218", "text": "found throughout the volcanic province. When Northern Cordilleran volcanoes do erupt, pyroclastic flows, lava flows and landslides can devastate areas away and mudflows of volcanic ash and debris can inundate valleys downstream. Falling ash from explosive eruptions can disrupt human activities hundreds of kilometres downwind, and drifting clouds of fine volcanic ash can cause severe damage to jet aircraft even hundreds of kilometres away. Volcanic deposits in the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province include lava flows, welded and unwelded pyroclastic deposits, hydroclastic deposits and other ice-contact volcanic deposits. The variety of different volcanic deposits is partly due to changes in eruption", "title": "Volcanic history of the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province" }, { "docid": "9467437", "text": "Shanghai Hotels Limited. On December 4, 2007, United States Ambassador Kristie Kenney stated that she would visit The Peninsula Manila: \"Fortunately, the hotel, a great hotel, has opened again. I look forward to going there myself.\" The Peninsula Manila The Peninsula Manila (colloquially Manila Pen or simply Manila Peninsula), is a 5-star luxury hotel in the Philippines. It is located on the corner of Ayala Avenue and Makati Avenue in the Makati Central Business District. It is located also in Barangay Urdaneta. This hotel is part of The Peninsula Hotels chain based in Hong Kong and is the first hotel", "title": "The Peninsula Manila" } ]
Which actor won an Academy Award for his performance in The African Queen?
[ "Humphrey boggart", "Stephen Bogart", "Humphrey bogart", "Humphry Bogart", "Humphrey DeForest Bogart", "Tennis anyone", "Bogart", "Humphrey Bogart", "Humprey Bogart" ]
[ { "docid": "772305", "text": "The African Queen (film) The African Queen is a 1951 British-American adventure film adapted from the 1935 novel of the same name by C. S. Forester. The film was directed by John Huston and produced by Sam Spiegel and John Woolf. The screenplay was adapted by James Agee, John Huston, John Collier and Peter Viertel. It was photographed in Technicolor by Jack Cardiff and had a music score by Allan Gray. The film stars Humphrey Bogart (who won the Academy Award for Best Actor – his only Oscar), and Katharine Hepburn with Robert Morley, Peter Bull, Walter Gotell, Richard Marner", "title": "The African Queen (film)" } ]
[ { "docid": "13480095", "text": "or more Best Actor nominations: Academy Award for Best Actor The Academy Award for Best Actor is an award presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. The 1st Academy Awards ceremony was held in 1929 with Emil Jannings receiving the award for his roles in \"The Last Command\" and \"The Way of All Flesh\". Currently, nominees are determined by single transferable vote within the actors branch of AMPAS; winners are selected", "title": "Academy Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "13480091", "text": "Academy Award for Best Actor The Academy Award for Best Actor is an award presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. The 1st Academy Awards ceremony was held in 1929 with Emil Jannings receiving the award for his roles in \"The Last Command\" and \"The Way of All Flesh\". Currently, nominees are determined by single transferable vote within the actors branch of AMPAS; winners are selected by a plurality vote from", "title": "Academy Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "13482282", "text": "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (often referred to as the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor) is an award presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the film industry. At the 9th Academy Awards ceremony held in 1937, Walter Brennan was the first winner of this award for his role in \"Come and Get It\". Initially, winners in both supporting acting categories were awarded plaques instead of", "title": "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "16227126", "text": "the following table, the winner is marked in a separate colour, and highlighted in boldface; the nominees are those that are not highlighted or in boldface. †- indicates performance that won The Academy Award for Best Actor ‡- indicates performance that was nominated for The Academy Award for Best Actor. AACTA International Award for Best Actor The AACTA International Award for Best Actor is an award that is presented by the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA), for a performance by a male actor in a film made outside Australia. It was first handed out by the Academy", "title": "AACTA International Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "11624891", "text": "The awards were discontinued after the 4th Genie Awards. Initially, non-Canadian actors were simply barred from being nominated in acting categories at all, but beginning with the 7th Genie Awards non-Canadian actors instead became eligible for the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role. Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor The Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor was awarded by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television from 1980 to 1983, for the best performance by non-Canadian actor in a Canadian film. The award and its Foreign Actress companion", "title": "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor" }, { "docid": "17752160", "text": "won The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor ‡- indicates performance that was nominated for The Academy Award for Best supporting Actor AACTA International Award for Best Supporting Actor The AACTA International Award for Best Supporting Actor is an accolade given by the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA), a non-profit organisation whose aim is to \"identify, award, promote and celebrate Australia's greatest achievements in film and television.\" The award is presented at the annual AACTA International Awards, which rewards achievements in feature films, regardless of the country the film was made. The winners and nominees are determined", "title": "AACTA International Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "11624890", "text": "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor The Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor was awarded by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television from 1980 to 1983, for the best performance by non-Canadian actor in a Canadian film. The award and its Foreign Actress companion were frequently criticized both by actors and film critics — Canadian actor Christopher Plummer criticized the distinction in his Best Actor acceptance speech at the very first Genies ceremony, and Jay Scott called them \"loathsome\", dubbing them \"the Colonial Category\", in a 1982 article in \"The Globe and Mail\".", "title": "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor" }, { "docid": "19783798", "text": "Best Actor. In 1972, Alfonso Arau won for his self-directed leading role in \"El Águila Descalza\". Spanish actor Javier Bardem was nominated in 2011 for his performance in \"Biutiful\", for which he was also nominated for the Academy Award and a BAFTA Award, and won the Goya and the Prix d'interprétation masculine at the Cannes Film Festival. Six films have featured two nominated performances for Best Actor, \"De Todos Modos Juan Te Llamas\" (Jorge Russek and Juan Ferrara), \"Cuartelazo\" (Héctor Ortega and Bruno Rey), \"Vidas Errantes\" (José Carlos Ruiz and Ignacio Guadalupe), \"Chido Guan, El Tacos de Oro\" (Fernando Arau", "title": "Ariel Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "18835335", "text": "Indiana Jones) and Robert Downey, Jr. (three of which for playing Iron Man) being tied for third with six nominations. Arnold Schwarzenegger also holds the record for most nominations without a victory. Anthony Hopkins and Martin Landau are the only actors to have won the Saturn Award for Best Actor and an Academy Award for the same role; however, Landau won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor and not Best Actor. Hamill is the only actor to have won the award several times for the same role, doing so three times. \"†\" indicates an Academy Award-winning actor on the", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "13482284", "text": "winner in this category for his role as Officer Jason Dixon in \"Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri\". In the following table, the years are listed as per Academy convention, and generally correspond to the year of film release in Los Angeles County; the ceremonies are always held the following year. The following individuals received two or more Best Supporting Actor awards: The following individuals received three or more Best Supporting Actor nominations: Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor The Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor (often referred to as the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor) is an award presented annually", "title": "Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "2691285", "text": "to reward young actors and actresses in films, and was the first acting award of the Academy to reward both males and females. Chloë Grace Moretz and Tom Holland are the only actors to have won it twice, with Holland being the only one to have won it two years in a row, and to have won twice for the same role. Moretz and Daniel Radcliffe have received the most nominations, with 5 each. Elijah Wood, Kirsten Dunst, and Tobey Maguire are the only actors to have won both Best Performance by a Younger Actor and later a Saturn Award", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor" }, { "docid": "8436721", "text": "From 1980 to 1983, only Canadian actors were eligible for the award; non-Canadian actors appearing in Canadian films were instead considered for the separate Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actor. After 1983, the latter award was discontinued, and both Canadian and foreign actors were eligible for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role. Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television presents an annual award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role to the best performance by a lead actor in a Canadian film. The award was", "title": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "17840708", "text": "International Emmy Award for Best Actor The International Emmy Award for Best Performance by an Actor is a category of the International Emmy Awards, held since 2005 and which awards actors outside the United States. The first actor awarded the International Emmy was Frenchman Thierry Frémont for her performance in the television movie \"Dans la tête du tueur\". In 2006, the British Ray Winstone was awarded the statuette for his role as Vincent Gallagher in \"Vincent\", an ITV drama series. At the 2007 awards ceremony, the British Jim Broadbent won the award with the Dutch Pierre Bokma. David Suchet won", "title": "International Emmy Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "2691286", "text": "for adults. Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor The Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor is one of the annual awards given by the American professional organization the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. The Saturn Awards are the oldest film-specialized awards to reward science fiction, fantasy, and horror achievements (the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, awarded by the World Science Fiction Society who reward science fiction and fantasy in various media, is the oldest award for science fiction and fantasy films). The category was first introduced for the 1984 film", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor" }, { "docid": "2691284", "text": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor The Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor is one of the annual awards given by the American professional organization the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. The Saturn Awards are the oldest film-specialized awards to reward science fiction, fantasy, and horror achievements (the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, awarded by the World Science Fiction Society who reward science fiction and fantasy in various media, is the oldest award for science fiction and fantasy films). The category was first introduced for the 1984 film year, specifically", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor" }, { "docid": "11741756", "text": "Stardust Award for Breakthrough Performance – Male The Stardust Breakthrough Performance Award (Male) is given as a part of the Stardust Awards, which are held annually to recognise upcoming talent in Bollywood. This award is given to the actor who has made his impact felt that particular year, by his performance thus resulting in a successful breakthrough in his career. Here is a list of the award winners and the films for which they won. The first award in this category was given in 2005. As of 2015, it has been changed to Stardust Award for Breakthrough Supporting Performance -", "title": "Stardust Award for Breakthrough Performance – Male" }, { "docid": "4200906", "text": "since 1995. Legend: BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role Best Actor in a Leading Role is a British Academy Film Award presented annually by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) to recognize an actor who has delivered an outstanding leading performance in a film. From 1952 to 1967, there were two Best Actor awards: one for a British actor and another for a foreign actor. In 1968, the two prizes of British and Foreign actor were combined to create a single Best Actor award. Its current title, for Best Actor in a Leading Role,", "title": "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role" }, { "docid": "4200905", "text": "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role Best Actor in a Leading Role is a British Academy Film Award presented annually by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) to recognize an actor who has delivered an outstanding leading performance in a film. From 1952 to 1967, there were two Best Actor awards: one for a British actor and another for a foreign actor. In 1968, the two prizes of British and Foreign actor were combined to create a single Best Actor award. Its current title, for Best Actor in a Leading Role, has been used", "title": "BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role" }, { "docid": "19335972", "text": "2013 television year, to specifically reward young actor and actresses in television; both men and women may be nominated for it. 5 nominations 3 nominations 2 nominations 3 wins Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series The Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor is one of the annual awards given by the American professional organization, the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. The Saturn Awards are the oldest film-specialized awards to reward science fiction, fantasy, and horror achievements (the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, awarded by the World", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series" }, { "docid": "16072312", "text": "AFI Awards). When the AFI launched the Academy in 2011, it changed the annual ceremony to the AACTA Awards, with the current prize being a continuum of the AFI Award for Best Performance in a Television Comedy. From 2003-2005, the award was given as a joint award with drama performances under the category Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Television Drama or Comedy. However, comedy performances was separated from the drama categories in 2006, when the award for Best Performance in a Television Comedy was created. Chris Lilley and Phil Lloyd have won the award the most times", "title": "AACTA Award for Best Performance in a Television Comedy" }, { "docid": "11741757", "text": "Male. The winners of this award are: Stardust Award for Breakthrough Performance – Male The Stardust Breakthrough Performance Award (Male) is given as a part of the Stardust Awards, which are held annually to recognise upcoming talent in Bollywood. This award is given to the actor who has made his impact felt that particular year, by his performance thus resulting in a successful breakthrough in his career. Here is a list of the award winners and the films for which they won. The first award in this category was given in 2005. As of 2015, it has been changed to", "title": "Stardust Award for Breakthrough Performance – Male" }, { "docid": "16557206", "text": "2009 Harry Hill - Harry Hills TV Burp The following people have been awarded the British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance multiple times: 6 wins 4 wins 3 wins 2 wins The following people have been nominated for the British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance multiple times: 12 nominations 11 nominations 10 nominations 8 nominations 7 nominations 5 nominations 4 nominations 3 nominations 2 nominations British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance The British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance is an award given out by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance" }, { "docid": "19335971", "text": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series The Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor is one of the annual awards given by the American professional organization, the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. The Saturn Awards are the oldest film-specialized awards to reward science fiction, fantasy, and horror achievements (the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, awarded by the World Science Fiction Society who reward science fiction and fantasy in various media, is the oldest award for science fiction and fantasy films). The category was first introduced for the", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Performance by a Younger Actor in a Television Series" }, { "docid": "9865806", "text": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series The Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series is an award presented annually by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) and Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the daytime drama industry. The 1st Daytime Emmy Awards ceremony was held in 1974 with Macdonald Carey receiving the award for his portrayal of Tom Horton on \"Days of Our Lives\". The award", "title": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series" }, { "docid": "16227125", "text": "AACTA International Award for Best Actor The AACTA International Award for Best Actor is an award that is presented by the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA), for a performance by a male actor in a film made outside Australia. It was first handed out by the Academy after its establishment in 2011 by the Australian Film Institute (AFI), to replace the AFI International Award for Best Actor (2005–2010). The winners and nominees for 2011 were determined by a jury. The award was presented at the inaugural AACTA International Awards in Los Angeles, on 27 January 2012. In", "title": "AACTA International Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "17035888", "text": "indicates the winner † – indicates the performance was also nominated for the Academy Award FAMAS Award for Best Actor The FAMAS Award for Best Actor is one of the FAMAS Awards given to people working in the motion picture industry by the Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences Award, which are voted on by Palanca Award-winning writers and movie columnists and writers within the industry. The list may be incomplete such as some of the names of the nominees and the roles portrayed especially during the early years of FAMAS Awards. In the lists below, the winner of", "title": "FAMAS Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "7240072", "text": "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series The Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series is an award presented annually by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a guest starring role on a television drama series for the primetime network season. The award was first presented at the 27th Primetime Emmy Awards on May 19, 1975 to Patrick McGoohan for his performance on \"Columbo: By Dawn's Early Light\". It has undergone several name changes, originally", "title": "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series" }, { "docid": "9877496", "text": "more nominations in this category: Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series The Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series is an award presented annually by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) and Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS). It is given to honor an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the daytime drama industry. At the 6th Daytime Emmy Awards held in 1979, Peter Hansen was the first winner of this award for his portrayal of Lee Baldwin on", "title": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series" }, { "docid": "9877493", "text": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series The Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series is an award presented annually by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) and Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS). It is given to honor an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the daytime drama industry. At the 6th Daytime Emmy Awards held in 1979, Peter Hansen was the first winner of this award for his portrayal of Lee Baldwin on \"General Hospital\". The awards ceremony", "title": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series" }, { "docid": "9875813", "text": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series The Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series is an award presented annually by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) and Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS). It is given to honor a young actor below the age of 25, who has delivered an outstanding performance in a role while working within the daytime drama industry. At the 12th Daytime Emmy Awards held in 1985, Brian Bloom was the first winner of this award for his portrayal of Dusty Donovan on", "title": "Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Younger Actor in a Drama Series" }, { "docid": "15280378", "text": "Screen Award for Best Actor (Popular Choice) The Screen Award for Best Actor - Popular Choice has been introduced in 2009 during the Screen Awards. Unlike the Screen Award for Best Actor which is chosen by the jury, this trophy is given by the viewers to the actor whose performance is judged the most popular. Akshay Kumar was the first winner for his performance in Singh is Kinng in 2009 but he did not accept his award and gave it away to Aamir Khan for \"Ghajini\" who thought he deserved it more. Shah Rukh Khan has won five times (2011,", "title": "Screen Award for Best Actor (Popular Choice)" }, { "docid": "17840710", "text": "series created by Jimmy McGovern. In 2012, Darío Grandinetti became the first actor in Latin America awarded an Emmy Award. Sean Bean won in 2013 for his work in BBC One drama series \"Accused\". In 2014, Stephen Dillane wins for his role as a veteran British detective in the Anglo-French crime drama \"The Tunnel\". In 2016, Dustin Hoffman snagged the best actor award for playing Mr. Hoppy in the BBC's \"Roald Dahl's Esio Trot\", an adaptation of the Dahl novel. International Emmy Award for Best Actor The International Emmy Award for Best Performance by an Actor is a category of", "title": "International Emmy Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "12887072", "text": "2012. British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Performance <onlyinclude>This page lists the winners and nominees for the British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Performance, since its institution in 1994. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is a British organisation that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, children's film and television, and interactive media. Since 1994 (presented in 1995), selected comedy performances have been awarded with the BAFTA award for Best Comedy Performance at an annual ceremony.</onlyinclude> Before 1994, acting performances in comedy roles were included in the Best Light Entertainment Performance category. Since 2009", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Performance" }, { "docid": "12887070", "text": "British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Performance <onlyinclude>This page lists the winners and nominees for the British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Performance, since its institution in 1994. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is a British organisation that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, children's film and television, and interactive media. Since 1994 (presented in 1995), selected comedy performances have been awarded with the BAFTA award for Best Comedy Performance at an annual ceremony.</onlyinclude> Before 1994, acting performances in comedy roles were included in the Best Light Entertainment Performance category. Since 2009 (presented", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Comedy Performance" }, { "docid": "8436720", "text": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television presents an annual award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role to the best performance by a lead actor in a Canadian film. The award was first presented in 1968 by the Canadian Film Awards, and was presented annually until 1978 with the exception of 1974 due to the cancellation of the awards that year. From 1980 until 2012, the award was presented as part of the Genie Awards ceremony; since 2013, it has been presented as part of the new Canadian Screen Awards.", "title": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "20621963", "text": "a single gender-neutral award presented for Best Individual Performance in a Comedy Series thereafter. With the revival of scripted narrative comedy series in the 2000s, separate awards for actors and actresses were reinstated in 2011, and have been presented since then as part of the Canadian Screen Awards. Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor in a Comedy Series The Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor in Comedy Series is an annual Canadian television award, presented by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television to the best leading performance by an actor in a Canadian television comedy series. The award was", "title": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor in a Comedy Series" }, { "docid": "16557202", "text": "British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance The British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance is an award given out by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts at their annual BAFTA Television Awards ceremony. This category has had minor name changes: Prior to the 1994 ceremony, acting performances in comedy roles were included in this category. Since 1994 they have been recognised in the Best Comedy Performance category. 1970 Eric Morecambe & Ernie Wise - The Morecambe and Wise Show 1971 Eric Morecambe & Ernie Wise - The Morecambe and Wise Show 1972 Ronnie Barker &", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance" }, { "docid": "6924889", "text": "and Mammootty (Malayalam and English). The most recent recipient is Riddhi Sen, who was honoured at the 65th National Film Awards for his performance in the Bengali film \"Nagarkirtan\".Riddhi Sen is the youngest reciepient of this prestigious award.He won it at the age of 19. National Film Award for Best Actor The National Film Award for Best Actor, officially known as the Rajat Kamal Award for the Best Actor (), is an honour presented annually at the National Film Awards of India instituted since 1967 to actors who have delivered the best performance in a leading role within the Indian", "title": "National Film Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "11878558", "text": "Academy Television Award for Actor multiple times: 4 wins 3 wins 2 wins The following people have been nominated for the British Academy Television Award for Actor multiple times: 5 nominations 4 nominations 3 nominations 2 nominations British Academy Television Award for Best Actor \"'1970 Edward Woodward in \"Callan\" \"'1971 Keith Michell in \"The Six Wives of Henry VIII\" \"'1972 John Le Mesurier in \"Traitor\" \"'1973 Anthony Hopkins in \"War and Peace\" \"'1974 Frank Finlay in \"The Adventures of Don Quixote\"; \"Candide\"; \"The Death of Adolf Hitler\" \"'1975 Peter Barkworth in \"Crown Matrimonial\" \"'1976 John Hurt in \"The Naked Civil", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "3663381", "text": "Filmfare Award for Best Performance in a Comic Role The Filmfare Best Comedian Award was given by \"Filmfare\" as part of its annual Filmfare Awards for Hindi films, to recognise an actor who had delivered an outstanding performance in a comic role. Although the awards started in 1954, awards for the best comedian category started only in 1967, and has not been awarded since 2007. Anupam Kher, with five wins, has more Best Comedian Awards than any other actor, followed by Mehmood with four, and Deven Verma and Utpal Dutt with three awards each. Having won the award thrice in", "title": "Filmfare Award for Best Performance in a Comic Role" }, { "docid": "10038909", "text": "Awards. Canadian Screen Award for Best Supporting Actor The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television presents an annual award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role to the best performance by a supporting actor in a Canadian film. The award was first presented in 1969 by the Canadian Film Awards, and was presented annually until 1978 with the exception of 1974 due to the cancellation of the awards that year. From 1980 until 2012, the award was presented as part of the Genie Awards ceremony; since 2013, it has been presented as part of the new Canadian", "title": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "10038908", "text": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Supporting Actor The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television presents an annual award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role to the best performance by a supporting actor in a Canadian film. The award was first presented in 1969 by the Canadian Film Awards, and was presented annually until 1978 with the exception of 1974 due to the cancellation of the awards that year. From 1980 until 2012, the award was presented as part of the Genie Awards ceremony; since 2013, it has been presented as part of the new Canadian Screen", "title": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "12268735", "text": "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress The Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress was awarded by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television from 1980 to 1983, for the best performance by non-Canadian actress in a Canadian film. The award and its Foreign Actor companion were frequently criticized both by actors and film critics — Canadian actor Christopher Plummer criticized the distinction in his Best Actor acceptance speech at the very first Genies ceremony, and Jay Scott called them \"loathsome\", dubbing them \"the Colonial Category\", in a 1982 article in \"The Globe and Mail\".", "title": "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress" }, { "docid": "17126191", "text": "British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance This page lists the winners and nominees for the British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance, since its institution in 2009. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is a British organisation that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, children's film and television, and interactive media. Since 2009 (presented in 2010), the British Academy Television Awards has presented two awards for comedy performance, the BAFTA TV Award for Best Female Comedy Performance and the BAFTA TV Award for Best Male Comedy Performance. Before 2009 there was", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance" }, { "docid": "15989003", "text": "Empire Award for Best Actor The Empire Award for Best Actor is an Empire Award presented annually by the British film magazine \"Empire\" to honor an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. The Empire Award for Best Actor is one of five ongoing awards which were first introduced at the 1st Empire Awards ceremony in 1996 (the others being Best Actress, Best Director, Best Film and Best British Film) with Nigel Hawthorne receiving the award for his role in \"The Madness of King George\". Winners are voted by the", "title": "Empire Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "3655701", "text": "Kapoor (2012–13). Actors who have won both Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor awards include Ashok Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan, Shammi Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Sunny Deol, Jackie Shroff, Nana Patekar, Farhan Akhtar, Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan. Three actors were nominated for both these awards, \"Best Actor\" and \"Best Supporting Actor\", for the same performance: Raaj Kumar for \"Kaajal\" (1967), Ashok Kumar for \"Aashirwad\" (1970) and Kamal Haasan for \"Saagar\" (1986). On both occasions, Ashok Kumar and Kamal Haasan won the \"Best Actor\" award and Raaj Kumar won the \"Best Supporting Actor\" award. Nine actors have won", "title": "Filmfare Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "15652478", "text": "Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role The Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role (previously known as the Apsara Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role) is given by the producers of the film and television guild as part of its annual award ceremony for Hindi films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role. Following its inception in 2004, no one was awarded in 2005 and 2007. † - indicates the performance also \"won\" the Filmfare Award<br> ‡ - indicates the performance", "title": "Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role" }, { "docid": "15637149", "text": "Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role The Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role (previously known as the Apsara Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role) is given by the producers of the film and television guild as part of its annual award ceremony for Hindi films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. Following its inception in 2004, no one was awarded in 2005 and 2007. † - indicates the performance also \"won\" the Filmfare Award<br> ‡ - indicates the performance", "title": "Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role" }, { "docid": "20621962", "text": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor in a Comedy Series The Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor in Comedy Series is an annual Canadian television award, presented by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television to the best leading performance by an actor in a Canadian television comedy series. The award was first presented in 1986 as part of the Gemini Awards. However, as Canadian television comedy was dominated by sketch comedy rather than narrative sitcoms in the late 1980s and 1990s, the awards for Best Actor and Best Actress in a Comedy Series were discontinued after 1987, with only", "title": "Canadian Screen Award for Best Actor in a Comedy Series" }, { "docid": "16337401", "text": "eligible for a Young Artist Award nomination must be between the ages of 5 and 21 at the time of principal production of the project for which they are nominated. However, the eldest winner of the \"Best Young Actor in a Feature Film\" award is Dennis Christopher, who was 23 years old the night he won for his performance in \"Breaking Away\" at the 1st Youth in Film Awards ceremony (1979). The youngest winner of a \"Best Leading Young Actor in a Feature Film\" award is Mason Gamble, who was 8 years old the night he won for his performance", "title": "Young Artist Award for Best Leading Young Actor in a Feature Film" }, { "docid": "17126192", "text": "one award for Best Comedy Performance. The following people have been nominated for the British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance multiple times: 4 nominations 2 nominations 4 nominations 3 nominations 2 nominations British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance This page lists the winners and nominees for the British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance, since its institution in 2009. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is a British organisation that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, children's film and television, and interactive media. Since 2009 (presented in 2010),", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Female Comedy Performance" }, { "docid": "15772058", "text": "to the Emmy Award in the United States. The awards for Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress were first presented at the 2010 ceremony. The following people have been nominated for the British Academy Television Award for Best Supporting Actor multiple times: 2 nominations 2 awards 3 nominations 2 nominations British Academy Television Award for Best Supporting Actor The British Academy Television Awards are given out by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). They are informally known as the BAFTA TV Awards. They have been awarded since 1954. From 1968-1997, the BAFTA TV Awards and the", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "13480092", "text": "the entire eligible voting members of the Academy. In the first three years of the awards, actors were nominated as the best in their categories. At that time, all of their work during the qualifying period (as many as three films, in some cases) was listed after the award. However, during the 3rd ceremony held in 1930, only one of those films was cited in each winner's final award, even though each of the acting winners had two films following their names on the ballots. The following year, this system was replaced by the current system in which an actor", "title": "Academy Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "18835336", "text": "same category. \"‡\" indicates an Academy Award-nominated actor on the same category. \"§\" indicates an Academy Award-winning actor on a different category. Saturn Award for Best Actor The Saturn Award for Best Actor is an award presented annually by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films to honor the top works in science fiction, fantasy, and horror in film, television, and home video. The Saturn Awards were devised by Dr. Donald A. Reed, who felt that films within those genres were never given the appreciation they deserved. The physical award is a representation of the planet Saturn, surrounded", "title": "Saturn Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "17126189", "text": "British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance This page lists the winners and nominees for the British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance, since its institution in 2009. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is a British organisation that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, children's film and television, and interactive media. Since 2009 (presented in 2010), there have been two separate comedy performance awards for Best Male Comedy Performance and Best Female Comedy Performance. Previously one award for Best Comedy Performance was presented. 3 nominations The following people have been nominated", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance" }, { "docid": "17126190", "text": "for the British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance multiple times: 4 nominations 3 nominations 2 nominations 3 nominations 2 nominations British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance This page lists the winners and nominees for the British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance, since its institution in 2009. The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA), is a British organisation that hosts annual awards shows for film, television, children's film and television, and interactive media. Since 2009 (presented in 2010), there have been two separate comedy performance awards for Best Male Comedy", "title": "British Academy Television Award for Best Male Comedy Performance" }, { "docid": "7135225", "text": "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Male The Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Male is chosen by the viewers of Zee Entertainment Enterprises as part of its annual award ceremony for Hindi films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. Following its inception in 1998, a ceremony was not held in 2009 and 2010, but resumed back in 2011. Shah Rukh Khan, with seven awards holds the record of the maximum wins in this category. † - indicates the performance also \"won\" the Filmfare Award for Best Actor<br> ‡", "title": "Zee Cine Award for Best Actor – Male" }, { "docid": "19230685", "text": "Magritte Award for Best Actor The Magritte Award for Best Actor (French: Magritte du meilleur acteur) is an award presented annually by the Académie André Delvaux. It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. It is one of the Magritte Awards, which were established to recognize excellence in Belgian cinematic achievements. The 1st Magritte Awards ceremony was held in 2011 with Jonathan Zaccaï receiving the award for his role in \"Private Lessons\". As of the 2018 ceremony, Peter Van den Begin is the most", "title": "Magritte Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "15652479", "text": "was also \"nominated\" for the Filmfare Award Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role The Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role (previously known as the Apsara Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role) is given by the producers of the film and television guild as part of its annual award ceremony for Hindi films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role. Following its inception in 2004, no one was awarded in 2005 and 2007. † - indicates the performance also \"won\" the", "title": "Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role" }, { "docid": "15637150", "text": "was also \"nominated\" for the Filmfare Award Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role The Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role (previously known as the Apsara Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role) is given by the producers of the film and television guild as part of its annual award ceremony for Hindi films, to recognise a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. Following its inception in 2004, no one was awarded in 2005 and 2007. † - indicates the performance also \"won\" the", "title": "Producers Guild Film Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role" }, { "docid": "17980297", "text": "Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor The Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor is an Empire Award presented annually by the British film magazine \"Empire\" to honor an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the film industry. The Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor is one of two ongoing awards which were first introduced at the 19th Empire Awards ceremony in 2014 (along with Best Supporting Actress) with Michael Fassbender receiving the award for his role in \"12 Years a Slave\". Winners are voted by the readers of \"Empire\" magazine. In the", "title": "Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "19230686", "text": "recent winner in this category for his role in \"King of the Belgians\". In the list below, winners are listed first in the colored row, followed by the other nominees. Magritte Award for Best Actor The Magritte Award for Best Actor (French: Magritte du meilleur acteur) is an award presented annually by the Académie André Delvaux. It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. It is one of the Magritte Awards, which were established to recognize excellence in Belgian cinematic achievements. The 1st Magritte", "title": "Magritte Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "17524057", "text": "Hum Award for Best Actor The Hum Award for Best Actor is an award presented annually by the Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel (HTNEC). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the Television industry. The 1st Hum Awards (for 2012) was held in 2013 with Noman Ejaz winning the award, who was honored for his role in \"Bari Aapa\". The award has commonly been referred to as the hum for Best Actor Jury or Best Drama Actor Jury. Currently, nominees are determined by single transferable", "title": "Hum Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "17752159", "text": "the Academy in 2013 (for films released in 2012) as a discretionary prize, with Robert De Niro being the first recipient. In the following table, the years listed correspond to the year of film release; the ceremonies are held the following year. The actor in bold and in dark blue background have received a special award; those in bold and in yellow background have won a regular competitive award. Those that are neither highlighted nor in bold are the nominees. When sorted chronologically, the table always lists the winning actor first and then the other nominees. †- indicates performance that", "title": "AACTA International Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "15989005", "text": "that ceremony. , the following individuals received two or more Best Actor awards: , the following individuals received two or more Best Actor nominations: Empire Award for Best Actor The Empire Award for Best Actor is an Empire Award presented annually by the British film magazine \"Empire\" to honor an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. The Empire Award for Best Actor is one of five ongoing awards which were first introduced at the 1st Empire Awards ceremony in 1996 (the others being Best Actress, Best Director, Best Film", "title": "Empire Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "14600646", "text": "two times. The award was shared in 1998 between Vishnuvardhan and Ramesh Aravind. The most recent recipient is Vishruth Naik who is honored in 2017 for his performance in the film \"Manjari\". The following is a complete list of award winners and the name of the films for which they won. Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor is a state film award of the Indian state of Karnataka given during the annual Karnataka State Film Awards. The award honours Kannada Language films. The first recipient was Rajkumar who was honored in 1967", "title": "Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "19279521", "text": "Magritte Award for Best Supporting Actor The Magritte Award for Best Supporting Actor (French: ) is an award presented annually by the . It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the film industry. It is one of the Magritte Awards, which were established to recognize excellence in Belgian cinematic achievements. The 1st Magritte Awards ceremony was held in 2011 with Jan Decleir receiving the award for his role in \"The Barons\". As of the 2018 ceremony, is the most recent winner in this category for his", "title": "Magritte Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "11847888", "text": "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play The Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play is an annual award presented by Drama Desk in recognition of achievements in the theatre among Broadway, Off Broadway and Off-Off Broadway productions. The awards were established in 1955, with acting awards being given without making distinctions between roles in plays and musicals, or actors and actresses. The new award categories were later created in the 1975 ceremony. † - indicates the performance \"won\" the Tony Award <br> ‡ - indicates the performance was also \"nominated\" for the Tony", "title": "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play" }, { "docid": "11848814", "text": "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical The Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical is an annual award presented by Drama Desk in recognition of achievements in the theatre among Broadway, Off Broadway and Off-Off Broadway productions. The awards were established in 1955, with acting awards being given without making distinctions between roles in plays and musicals, or actors and actresses. The new award categories were later created in the 1975 ceremony. † - indicates the performance also \"won\" the Tony Award <br> ‡ - indicates the performance was \"nominated\" but did not", "title": "Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Musical" }, { "docid": "12268736", "text": "The awards were discontinued after the 4th Genie Awards. Initially, non-Canadian actresses were simply barred from being nominated in acting categories at all, but beginning with the 7th Genie Awards non-Canadian actresses instead became eligible for the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role. Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress The Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress was awarded by the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television from 1980 to 1983, for the best performance by non-Canadian actress in a Canadian film. The award and its Foreign Actor companion", "title": "Genie Award for Best Performance by a Foreign Actress" }, { "docid": "6506417", "text": "the AFI Awards). When the AFI launched the Academy in 2011, it changed the annual ceremony to the AACTA Awards, with the current award being a continuum of the AFI Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role. From 1971 up until 1975, the awards for Best Actor and Best Actress were awarded in a single category for Best Performance. In 1971 the prize was given to Monica Maughan over fellow nominee Peter Cummins, who received a special mention for his performances in the films \"Some Regrets\", \"The Hot Centre of the World\" (1971 short film), \"Bonjour Balwyn\" and \"Carson's", "title": "AACTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role" }, { "docid": "13071610", "text": "Kerala State Film Award for Best Actor The Kerala State Film Award for Best Actor is an honour, begun in 1969, presented annually at the Kerala State Film Awards of India to an actor for the best performance in a leading role in the Malayalam cinema. Until 1997, the awards were managed directly by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Government of Kerala. Since 1998, the awards have been controlled by the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, an autonomous, non-profit institution functioning under the Department of Cultural Affairs. The awardees are decided by an independent jury constituted every year by", "title": "Kerala State Film Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "20251771", "text": "award was awarded without prior nominations until 2012. Since then, the jury award is also awarded with prior nominations just like the original award which is now called Best Actor – Popular. Gold Award for Best Actor in a Lead Role Gold Award for Best Actor in a Lead Role – Male is an award given as part of its annual Boroplus Gold Awards for TV serials, to recognize a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. The award was first awarded in 2007 under the title Best Actor in a Lead Role. A special", "title": "Gold Award for Best Actor in a Lead Role" }, { "docid": "15280379", "text": "2012, 2014, 2015, 2016) in the last six years thus making him the most Awarded Actor. Screen Award for Best Actor (Popular Choice) The Screen Award for Best Actor - Popular Choice has been introduced in 2009 during the Screen Awards. Unlike the Screen Award for Best Actor which is chosen by the jury, this trophy is given by the viewers to the actor whose performance is judged the most popular. Akshay Kumar was the first winner for his performance in Singh is Kinng in 2009 but he did not accept his award and gave it away to Aamir Khan", "title": "Screen Award for Best Actor (Popular Choice)" }, { "docid": "19278244", "text": "Magritte Award for Most Promising Actor The Magritte Award for Most Promising Actor (French: Magritte du meilleur espoir masculin) is an award presented annually by the Académie André Delvaux. It is given in honor of a young actor who has delivered an outstanding breakthrough performance while working within the film industry. It is one of the Magritte Awards, which were established to recognize excellence in Belgian cinematic achievements. The 1st Magritte Awards ceremony was held in 2011 with Joffrey Verbruggen receiving the award for his role in \"The Boat Race\". As of the 2018 ceremony, Soufiane Chilah is the most", "title": "Magritte Award for Most Promising Actor" }, { "docid": "14160403", "text": "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor The Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor is an annual Hong Kong industry award presented to an actor for the best performance by an actor in a supporting role. The award was established at the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards (1985) and the first winner was Shum Wai for his role in the film \"Long Arm of the Law\". There are 5, sometimes 6, nominations for the category of Best Supporting Actor from which one actor is chosen the winner of the Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor.", "title": "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "16186551", "text": "launched the Academy in 2011, it changed the annual ceremony to the AACTA Awards, with the current award being a continuum of the AFI Young Actors Award. The award was first presented in 1991 as \"Best Juvenile Performance\", and from 1992–2010, it was known as the \"Young Actors Award\". It was handed out as a special award from 1991-2001, before it became a competitive award from 2002, onwards. Additionally, a cash prize of A$20,000 was given to the winner from 2006–2008. The award is presented at the discretion of the Academy, and is eligible to an actor or actress who", "title": "AACTA Award for Best Young Actor" }, { "docid": "7240074", "text": "S. Dutton, John Lithgow and Patrick McGoohan have won the most awards in this category with two each. Michael J. Fox have been nominated for the award on seven occasions, the most within the category. Listed below are the winners of the award for each year, as well as the other nominees. Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series The Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series is an award presented annually by the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (ATAS). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered", "title": "Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series" }, { "docid": "1650340", "text": "Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance The Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance was an award presented to recording artists at the Grammy Awards until 2011. The Academy recognized hard rock music artists for the first time at the 31st Grammy Awards (1989). The category was originally presented as Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance Vocal or Instrumental, combining two of the most popular music genres of the 1980s. Jethro Tull won that award for the album \"Crest of a Knave\", beating Metallica, who were expected to win with the album \"...And Justice for All\". This choice led to widespread", "title": "Grammy Award for Best Hard Rock Performance" }, { "docid": "6860169", "text": "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture The Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture is an award given by the Screen Actors Guild to honor the finest acting achievements in film. Legend: Fourteen nominated films not to be nominated in any other category: Nine nominated films were subsequently not nominated for any Academy Awards: Eleven winners went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture: Fifteen actors have been double-nominated in one year: The most wins by any actor is two, accomplished seventeen times:", "title": "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture" }, { "docid": "6860168", "text": "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture The Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture is an award given by the Screen Actors Guild to honor the finest acting achievements in film. Legend: Fourteen nominated films not to be nominated in any other category: Nine nominated films were subsequently not nominated for any Academy Awards: Eleven winners went on to win the Academy Award for Best Picture: Fifteen actors have been double-nominated in one year: The most wins by any actor is two, accomplished seventeen times:", "title": "Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture" }, { "docid": "14600645", "text": "Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor is a state film award of the Indian state of Karnataka given during the annual Karnataka State Film Awards. The award honours Kannada Language films. The first recipient was Rajkumar who was honored in 1967 for his performance in \"Bangaarada Hoovu\". As of 2017 he was the most honored actor with nine awards. Vishnuvardhan was honored in seven occasions. Two actors Anant Nag, Shiva Rajkumar have been honored four times, while Lokesh honored three times and two actors Ramesh Aravind, Puneeth Rajkumar have won the award", "title": "Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "3655707", "text": "in 2011 and 2013 for his role as Chulbul Pandey in \"Dabangg\" and \"Dabangg 2\" respectively. Multiple nominees Filmfare Award for Best Actor The Filmfare Award for Best Actor is an award, begun in 1954, presented annually at the Filmfare Awards to an actor for the best performance in a leading role in Hindi cinema. This is given by \"Filmfare\" as part of its annual Filmfare Awards for Hindi (Bollywood) films. The award was first given in 1954. As of 2018, Dilip Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan lead the list, with eight wins each. Dilip Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan,", "title": "Filmfare Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "19278245", "text": "recent winner in this category for his role in \"Blind Spot\". In the list below, winners are listed first in the colored row, followed by the other nominees. Magritte Award for Most Promising Actor The Magritte Award for Most Promising Actor (French: Magritte du meilleur espoir masculin) is an award presented annually by the Académie André Delvaux. It is given in honor of a young actor who has delivered an outstanding breakthrough performance while working within the film industry. It is one of the Magritte Awards, which were established to recognize excellence in Belgian cinematic achievements. The 1st Magritte Awards", "title": "Magritte Award for Most Promising Actor" }, { "docid": "17338108", "text": "2015 IFF for his performance in \"Mencari Hilal\". A total of 61 actors have been nominated for a Citra Award for Best Leading Actor, 26 of whom have won at least one. the most recognised actor at the IFF is Deddy Mizwar, who received ten nominations (with three wins) beginning with \"Bukan Impian Semusim\" in 1982. The only other actor to receive three wins is Sukarno M. Noor, while three other actors have won two Citra Awards: Benyamin Sueb, Slamet Rahardjo, and Tio Pakusadewo. The actor with the most nominations without a win is Ray Sahetapy, who received six nominations", "title": "Citra Award for Best Leading Actor" }, { "docid": "17813260", "text": "Hum Award for Best Supporting Actor The Hum Award for Best Supporting Actor is an award presented annually by the Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel (HTNEC). It is given in honor of an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the television industry. The 1st Hum Awards (for 2012) was held in 2013, Mohib Mirza was the first winner of the award for his role in \"Shehr-e-Zaat\". The award has commonly been referred to as the hum for Best Supporting Actor. Currently, nominees are determined by single transferable vote, within the actors", "title": "Hum Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "15968169", "text": "Helpmann Award for Best Male Actor in a Play The Helpmann Award for Best Male Actor in a Play is an award presented by Live Performance Australia (LPA) (the trade name for the Australian Entertainment Industry Association (AEIA)), an employers' organisation which serves as the peak body in the live entertainment and performing arts industries in Australia. The accolade is handed out at the annual Helpmann Awards, which celebrates achievements in musical theatre, contemporary music, comedy, opera, classical music, theatre, dance and physical theatre. This is a list of winners and nominations for the Helpmann Award for Best Male Actor", "title": "Helpmann Award for Best Male Actor in a Play" }, { "docid": "9140520", "text": "Promising Actor\" award. Since 2007, young actors who have worked on French feature-length films or French-language productions are eligible for the list. However, beginning from 2013, an actor can qualify for the list only twice. A short film featuring the \"Révélations\", which is directed by an artist that is appointed by the Academy yearly, is unveiled at a gala dinner held in honour of the \"Révélations\". The short film is then screened at select cinemas in France. Nominees of the César Award for Most Promising Actor are highlighted in boldface. César Award for Most Promising Actor The César Award for", "title": "César Award for Most Promising Actor" }, { "docid": "15989104", "text": "Empire Award for Best British Actor The Empire Award for Best British Actor was an Empire Award presented annually by the British film magazine \"Empire\" to honor a British actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role while working within the film industry. The Empire Award for Best British Actor was first introduced at the 1st Empire Awards ceremony in 1996 with Ewan McGregor receiving the award for his role in \"Shallow Grave\" and last presented at the 10th Empire Awards ceremony in 2005. It was one of three Best British awards retired that year (the others", "title": "Empire Award for Best British Actor" }, { "docid": "18648170", "text": "British Academy Games Award for Performer The British Academy Video Games Award for Performer is an award presented annually by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). It is given in honor of \"the best performance featured in a game; from voice artistry through to motion capture\". The award was first given at the 8th British Academy Video Games Awards ceremony, held in 2012, with Mark Hamill winning the award for his performance as the Joker in \"\". Since its inception, the award has been given to five performers. Ashley Johnson has received the most awards in this", "title": "British Academy Games Award for Performer" }, { "docid": "17980298", "text": "list below, winners are listed first in boldface, followed by the other nominees. The number of the ceremony (1st, 2nd, etc.) appears in parentheses after the awards year, linked to the article (if any) on that ceremony. Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor The Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor is an Empire Award presented annually by the British film magazine \"Empire\" to honor an actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a supporting role while working within the film industry. The Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor is one of two ongoing awards which were first introduced at", "title": "Empire Award for Best Supporting Actor" }, { "docid": "17815179", "text": "number, for example; an award ceremony is held for the dramas of its previous year. Hum Award for Best Comic Actor Performance by an Comic Actor is one of the Hum Awards of Merit presented annually by the Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel (HTNEC) to recognize an comic actor who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the Television industry. Since its inception, however, the award has commonly been referred to as the hum for Best comic Actor. While actors are nominated for this award by Hum members who are actors and actresses themselves, winners are selected by", "title": "Hum Award for Best Comic Actor" }, { "docid": "16345973", "text": "function. The jury award was awarded without prior nominations until 2012. Since then, the jury award is also awarded with prior nominations just like the original award which is now called Best Actor – Popular. Indian Telly Award for Best Actor in a Lead Role Indian Telly Award for Best Actor in a Lead Role – Male is an award given by IndianTelevision.com as part of its annual Indian Telly Awards for TV serials, to recognize a male actor who has delivered an outstanding performance in a leading role. The award was first awarded in 2002 under the title TV", "title": "Indian Telly Award for Best Actor in a Lead Role" }, { "docid": "17975591", "text": "Hum Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role The Hum Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role is one of the Hum Awards of Merit presented annually by the Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel (HTNEC). It is given in an honor of an actor or actress who has delivered an outstanding performance in a negative or villainous role while working within the Television industry. As of 2nd Hum Awards (for 2013) was held in 2014 with Noman Ejaz winning the award, who was honored for his role in \"Ullu Baraye Farokht Nahi\".The award has commonly been referred", "title": "Hum Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role" }, { "docid": "17975587", "text": "Hum Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role The Hum Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role is one of the Hum Awards of Merit presented annually by the Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel (HTNEC). It is given in an honor of an actor or actress who has delivered an outstanding performance in a negative or villainous role while working within the Television industry. As of 2nd Hum Awards (for 2013) was held in 2014 with Noman Ejaz winning the award, who was honored for his role in \"Ullu Baraye Farokht Nahi\".The award has commonly been referred", "title": "Hum Award for Best Actor in a Negative Role" }, { "docid": "17815176", "text": "Hum Award for Best Comic Actor Performance by an Comic Actor is one of the Hum Awards of Merit presented annually by the Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel (HTNEC) to recognize an comic actor who has delivered an outstanding performance while working within the Television industry. Since its inception, however, the award has commonly been referred to as the hum for Best comic Actor. While actors are nominated for this award by Hum members who are actors and actresses themselves, winners are selected by the Hum membership as a whole. Hum Television Network and Entertainment Channel presented this award", "title": "Hum Award for Best Comic Actor" }, { "docid": "14160167", "text": "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor The Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor is an annual Hong Kong industry award presented to an actor for the best performance by an actor in a leading role. The actor with most awards in this category is Tony Leung Chiu-Wai with 5 times. He is also holding the record for actor with most awards in the Best Supporting Actor category. The award was established at the 1st Hong Kong Film Awards (1982) and the first winner and the sole participant in this category was Michael Hui for his role in the", "title": "Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "3655699", "text": "Filmfare Award for Best Actor The Filmfare Award for Best Actor is an award, begun in 1954, presented annually at the Filmfare Awards to an actor for the best performance in a leading role in Hindi cinema. This is given by \"Filmfare\" as part of its annual Filmfare Awards for Hindi (Bollywood) films. The award was first given in 1954. As of 2018, Dilip Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan lead the list, with eight wins each. Dilip Kumar and Shah Rukh Khan, with eight wins, have more Best Actor awards than any other actor. Amitabh Bachchan has five wins, Hrithik", "title": "Filmfare Award for Best Actor" }, { "docid": "19783799", "text": "and Mario Almada), \"Dulces Compañías\" (Roberto Cobo and Ramiro Huerta), and \"600 Millas\" (Kristyan Ferrer and Tim Roth); Russek and Ruiz won the award. As of the 2018 ceremony, Eligio Meléndez is the most recent winner for his role in the film \"Sueño en Otro Idioma\". The following individuals have received multiple Best Actor awards: The following actors received four or more Best Actor nominations: Ariel Award for Best Actor The Ariel Award for Best Actor (Spanish: Premio Ariel a Mejor Actor) is an award presented by the Academia Mexicana de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas (AMACC) in Mexico. It is", "title": "Ariel Award for Best Actor" } ]
Who wrote the novel Cry, the Beloved Country about South Africa?
[ "Alan Paton", "Alan paton", "Alan Stewart Paton" ]
[ { "docid": "10011192", "text": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film) Cry, the Beloved Country is a 1995 South African-American drama film directed by Darrell Roodt, based on the novel \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" by Alan Paton. It stars James Earl Jones and Richard Harris. The film was made in 1995, shortly after the fall of apartheid and the free election of Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa. Set in South Africa in October 1946, before the implementation of apartheid, this is the story of church minister Steven Kumalo who is requested from his village to Johannesburg. There he discovers that his son Absolom", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)" }, { "docid": "10011382", "text": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film) Cry, the Beloved Country is a 1951 British drama film directed by Zoltán Korda. Based on the novel of the same name by Alan Paton, it stars Canada Lee, Sidney Poitier, and Charles Carson. This film was Canada Lee's last film. From the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo (Canada Lee) journeys to Johannesburg to help his sister, who has been reported to be ill, and to search for his son, who left home and has not kept in contact. He is also asked to visit the daughter of someone who", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film)" }, { "docid": "10011386", "text": "courage and skill of Mr. Korda in transmitting such a difficult and sobering theme.\" Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film) Cry, the Beloved Country is a 1951 British drama film directed by Zoltán Korda. Based on the novel of the same name by Alan Paton, it stars Canada Lee, Sidney Poitier, and Charles Carson. This film was Canada Lee's last film. From the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo (Canada Lee) journeys to Johannesburg to help his sister, who has been reported to be ill, and to search for his son, who left home and has not", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film)" }, { "docid": "5109144", "text": "Cry, the Beloved Country Cry, the Beloved Country is a novel by Alan Paton, published in 1948. American publisher Bennett Cerf remarked at that year's meeting of the American Booksellers Association that there had been \"only three novels published since the first of the year that were worth reading… \"Cry, The Beloved Country\", \"The Ides of March\", and \"The Naked and the Dead\".\" Two cinema adaptations of the book have been made, the first in 1951 and the second in 1995. The novel was also adapted as a musical called \"Lost in the Stars\" (1949), with a book by the", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "2293149", "text": "\"July's People\", was released in 1981, depicting the collapse of white-minority rule. Athol Fugard, whose plays have been regularly premiered in fringe theatres in South Africa, London (The Royal Court Theatre), and New York City. Olive Schreiner's \"The Story of an African Farm\" (1883) was a revelation in Victorian literature: it is heralded by many as introducing feminism into the novel form. Alan Paton published the acclaimed novel \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" in 1948. He told the tale of a black priest who comes to Johannesburg to find his son, which became an international best-seller. During the 1950s, \"Drum\" magazine", "title": "Culture of South Africa" }, { "docid": "18947632", "text": "Lying Days\" in 1953 were generally positive. \"New York Times\" critic James Stern compared the novel favourably to the works of Alan Paton, especially \"Cry, the Beloved Country\", describing \"The Lying Days\" as the better of the two novels. Stern described the novel as less \"novel\" and more \"biography\", following the style and form of biographical writing. In a review in the \"Fitchburg Sentinel\", W. G. Rogers wrote that in \"The Lying Days\" Gordimer shows that South Africa \"is a land not of a single problem, race, but of many problems which that one central issue seems to magnify and", "title": "The Lying Days" }, { "docid": "11957060", "text": "found in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Too Late the Phalarope Too Late the Phalarope is the second novel of Alan Paton, the South African author who is best known for writing \"Cry, the Beloved Country\". It was published in 1953, and was the last novel he published before \"Ah, but Your Land is Beautiful\" in 1981. The summary on the dust jacket of the first UK edition reads, in part; 'The setting is again South Africa, but the tragedy this time is of a white man who, for complicated reasons, some of them not unconnected with his childhood", "title": "Too Late the Phalarope" }, { "docid": "11957884", "text": "the first well known novels written by a black author in an African language was Solomon Thekiso Plaatje's \"Mhudi\", written in 1930. During the 1950s, \"Drum\" magazine became a hotbed of political satire, fiction, and essays, giving a voice to urban black culture. Notable white South African authors include Alan Paton, who published the novel \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" in 1948. Nadine Gordimer became the first South African to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1991. JM Coetzee won the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 2003. When awarding the prize, the Swedish Academy stated that Coetzee \"in innumerable", "title": "South Africa" }, { "docid": "11957058", "text": "Too Late the Phalarope Too Late the Phalarope is the second novel of Alan Paton, the South African author who is best known for writing \"Cry, the Beloved Country\". It was published in 1953, and was the last novel he published before \"Ah, but Your Land is Beautiful\" in 1981. The summary on the dust jacket of the first UK edition reads, in part; 'The setting is again South Africa, but the tragedy this time is of a white man who, for complicated reasons, some of them not unconnected with his childhood and training, succumbs to the very temptations he", "title": "Too Late the Phalarope" }, { "docid": "12163840", "text": "Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful is the third novel of Alan Paton, the South African author who is best known for writing \"Cry, the Beloved Country\". \"Ah, but Your Land is Beautiful\" is an anti-apartheid novel, in a similar vein to \"Cry, the Beloved Country\". It is a fictional reworking of Paton's own years working as a political activist and of the experience he gained working as the president of the Liberal Party of South Africa. In the foreword, Paton describes how the book contains both real and fictitious characters, but that two", "title": "Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful" }, { "docid": "4679266", "text": "is best known for his \"Unto Dust\" and \"In the Withaak's Shade\", capturing a portrait of Afrikaner storytelling skills and social attitudes. Bosman also wrote poetry, with a predominantly satirical tone. Alan Paton’s world-renowned and highly poetic novel \"Cry, The Beloved Country\", came into publication, just four months after the separatist National Party came to power in South Africa. Although Paton was most prolific in other literary genre, poetry was a form that interested him throughout his life, as documented in Peter Alexander's biography of him. Some of the best known poets of this violently oppressive and politically turbulent period", "title": "South African poetry" }, { "docid": "12163842", "text": "resisting National Party rule in South Africa during the 1950s. The book is divided into six parts: Part One: The Defiance Campaign Part Two: The Cleft Stick Part Three: Come Back, Africa Part Four: Death of a Traitor Part Five: The Holy Church of Zion Part Six: Into the Golden Age It was originally conceived as the first part of a trilogy. Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful Ah, But Your Land is Beautiful is the third novel of Alan Paton, the South African author who is best known for writing \"Cry, the Beloved Country\". \"Ah, but Your Land is", "title": "Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful" }, { "docid": "6498931", "text": "of General Louis Botha (1862-1919), first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa. Botha's Hill Botha's Hill is a small town outside Hillcrest in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is the gateway to the Valley of a Thousand Hills. Kearsney College moved to Botha's Hill in 1939. Alan Paton, a famous author who wrote novels such as Cry, the Beloved Country and Too Late the Phalarope moved here and resided here until his death on the 12th of April, 1988. He was aged 85. The village is 37km north-west of Durban, on the old main road to Pietermaritzburg before the", "title": "Botha's Hill" }, { "docid": "18231955", "text": "Mary Benson (campaigner) Mary Benson (8 December 1919 – 19 June 2000) was a South African civil rights campaigner and author. Born in 1919 in Pretoria, Benson served in the South African Women's Army during World War II. After the war, she was secretary to film director David Lean. Benson became acquainted with the author Alan Paton, and read his novel \"Cry, the beloved country\" (1948), whose main theme was racial discrimination in South Africa. This affected her greatly, and she became a campaigner for the rights of black people there. She worked with Michael Scott (who, in 1946, was", "title": "Mary Benson (campaigner)" }, { "docid": "2234638", "text": "of Anderson and Weill's \"Lost in the Stars\", a story of South Africa based on the Alan Paton novel \"Cry, The Beloved Country\". Anderson's long-running 1927 comedy-drama about married life, \"Saturday's Children\", in which Humphrey Bogart made an early appearance, was filmed three times – in 1929 as a part-talkie, in 1935 (in almost unrecognizable form) as a B-film \"Maybe It's Love\" and once again in 1940 under its original title, starring John Garfield in one of his few romantic comedies, along with Anne Shirley and Claude Rains. The play was also adapted for television in three condensed versions in", "title": "Maxwell Anderson" }, { "docid": "9301950", "text": "of the first literary works of note is Olive Schreiner's 1883 \"The Story of an African Farm\", which can be linked to Van den Heever's \"Laat Vrugte\" as a \"plaasroman\". The novel was a revelation in Victorian literature: it is heralded by many as introducing feminism into the novel form. However, Mossman (1990: 41) argues that \"The most frequently taught work of South African literature in American classrooms is \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" (1948) by Alan Paton\". A possible reason for this is that it was made into a film starring James Earl Jones, and it depicts a typical racist", "title": "South African literature" }, { "docid": "6498930", "text": "Botha's Hill Botha's Hill is a small town outside Hillcrest in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is the gateway to the Valley of a Thousand Hills. Kearsney College moved to Botha's Hill in 1939. Alan Paton, a famous author who wrote novels such as Cry, the Beloved Country and Too Late the Phalarope moved here and resided here until his death on the 12th of April, 1988. He was aged 85. The village is 37km north-west of Durban, on the old main road to Pietermaritzburg before the N3 highway was built. It was named after a settler, Philip Rudolph Botha, grandfather", "title": "Botha's Hill" } ]
[ { "docid": "10011197", "text": "had a revolution 50 years ago,' Paton is said to have observed). The performances by Jones and Harris have a quiet dignity, suitable to the characters if not reflecting a larger reality. But the film contains little that would have concerned the South African censors under apartheid. [...] \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" reflects a sentimentality that motivates many people, but it fails as a portrait of what it used to be like in South Africa, what happened and what it's like now.\" Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film) Cry, the Beloved Country is a 1995 South African-American drama film directed", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)" }, { "docid": "5109160", "text": "death in 1950. Although he was influenced by spirituals, jazz and blues, Weill's distinctive and original style shines throughout the score. Israeli contratenor David D'Or performed in a stage version at the Israeli National Theater (\"Habima Theater\") in 2004. \"Maariv\" in its review wrote: \"D'or's outstanding voice is meant for great parts. His voice and presence embraces the audience, who showed their appreciation by a lengthy standing ovation.\" In August 2012, the Glimmerglass Opera of New York produced the work, in conjunction with Cape Town Opera, directed by Tazewell Thompson. Cry, the Beloved Country Cry, the Beloved Country is a", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "5109153", "text": "affected by \"native crime\" while blacks suffer from social instability and moral issues due to the breakdown of the tribal system. It shows many of the problems with South Africa such as the degrading of the land reserved for the natives, which is sometimes considered to be the main theme, the disintegration of the tribal community, native crime, and the flight to urban areas. Another prevalent theme in \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" is the detrimental effects of fear on the characters and society of South Africa as indicated in the following quotation from the narrator in Chapter 12: Paton makes", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "10011196", "text": "become so invested in the unleashing of violent emotion and the escalation of hostility, that expressions of restraint, reconciliation and forgiveness can easily be read as corny cop-outs. \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" is not corny, and it doesn't cop out.\" Conversely, Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" had a less positive view of the film, giving it only two and half out of four stars, and commenting, \"The film has genuine qualities. Its photography and tone evoke a South Africa that is indeed beloved by its inhabitants ('If the climate and the landscape were not so beautiful, we would have", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)" }, { "docid": "10011194", "text": "African themed films as \"Zulu\" (1964), \"Born Free\" (1966), and \"Out of Africa\" (1985), used predominantly western musical styles to complete the score. The music is notable for referencing themes from Barry's previous work on \"Zulu\", augmenting the original warlike compositions into a somber piano theme for travel scenes. The film also features the song \"Exile\" by Enya. The music was performed by the English Chamber Orchestra and recorded in Studio One at the EMI Abbey Road Studios, London. The film was shot on location in KwaZulu Natal, Cape Province, and at Gauteng, South Africa. \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" received", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)" }, { "docid": "5109152", "text": "mountains to await the appointed time in solitude. On the way, he encounters Jarvis, and the two men speak of the village, of lost sons, and of Jarvis's bright young grandson, whose innocence and honesty have impressed both men. When Kumalo is alone, he weeps for his son’s death and clasps his hands in prayer as dawn breaks over the valley. \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" is a social protest against the structures of the society that would later give rise to apartheid. Paton attempts to create an unbiased and objective view of the dichotomies it entails: he depicts whites as", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "5109154", "text": "frequent use of literary and linguistic devices such as microcosms, intercalary chapters and dashes instead of quotation marks for dialogue to indicate the start of speech acts to portray the devastating conditions in South Africa. The novel is filled with Biblical references and allusions. The most evident are the names Paton gives to the characters. Absalom, the son of Stephen Kumalo, is named for the son of King David, who rose against his father in rebellion. Also, in the New Testament Book of Acts, Saint Stephen was a martyr who died rather than give up his beliefs. The Gospel of", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "18966818", "text": "The Late Bourgeois World The Late Bourgeois World is a 1966 novella by Nadine Gordimer. The novel follows an egocentric white woman, as she negotiates a failing marriage, \"half-hearted' love affairs and political intrigue. The novel was banned by the Censorship board in South Africa. \"The New York Times\" described the novel as the most \"overtly political\" of Gordimer's novels comparing it to \"Cry, The Beloved Country\" in its potential for shocking those outside of South Africa into acting about apartheid in South Africa. \"Kirkus\" reviews gave it a strong and positive reception, focusing on the engaging style, saying the", "title": "The Late Bourgeois World" }, { "docid": "5109157", "text": "by Charles Carson, and Msimangu by Sidney Poitier. In 1983, a historic stage adaptation was performed by the Capital Players theatre group at the Moth Hall in Gaborone, Botswana. The country was at that time one of the leading \"frontline states\" to apartheid South Africa and a centre for artistic activity that often stood in quiet opposition to the racist regime just across the border. The premiere was attended by Paton himself, who had travelled from Natal, as well as Botswana's then-President Quett Masire (with political acumen, the director had arranged for the first performance to take place on the", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "5109156", "text": "collection of books on Abraham Lincoln, and the writings of Lincoln are featured several times in the novel. Paton describes Arthur's son as having characteristics similar to his when he was a child, which may allude to the resurrection of Christ. In 1951, the novel was adapted into a motion picture of the same name, directed by Zoltan Korda. Paton wrote the screenplay with John Howard Lawson, who was left out of the original credits because he was blacklisted in Hollywood for refusing to give information to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Kumalo was played by Canada Lee, Jarvis", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "5109145", "text": "American writer Maxwell Anderson and music composed by the German emigre Kurt Weill. In the remote village of Ndotsheni, in the Natal province of eastern South Africa, the Reverend Stephen Kumalo receives a letter from a fellow minister summoning him to Johannesburg. He is needed there, the letter says, to help his sister, Gertrude, who the letter says has fallen ill. Kumalo undertakes the difficult and expensive journey to the city in the hopes of aiding Gertrude and of finding his son, Absalom, who traveled to Johannesburg from Ndotsheni and never returned. In Johannesburg, Kumalo is warmly welcomed by Msimangu,", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "10011384", "text": "characters are in order as listed by the British Film Institute. Zoltan Korda's acclaimed smash film was shot entirely in South Africa. Since the country was ruled by strict apartheid (enforced racial separation) laws, stars Sidney Poitier and Canada Lee and producer/director Korda cooked up a scheme where they told the South African immigration authorities that Poitier and Lee were not actors but were Korda's indentured servants; otherwise, the two black actors and the white director could have been arrested, and jailed without trial. It marked the first time a major film was shot in the racially divided country, leading", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film)" }, { "docid": "19342491", "text": "The Beloved (Faulkner novel) The Beloved (2012) is a novel by Australian author Annah Faulkner. It won the 2013 Nita Kibble Literary Award. Roberta (Bertie) Lightfoot moves from post-war Melbourne and Sydney in the 1950s to post-colonial frontier town, Port Moresby. One day she discovers she has polio and the novel follows her long road to recovery and the subsequent discovery of her gifts as a painter. \"Readings\" bookstore called the novel \"Tender and witty, \"The Beloved\" is a moving debut novel which paints a vivid portrait of both the beauty and the burden of unconditional love.\" Mary Anne Elliott,", "title": "The Beloved (Faulkner novel)" }, { "docid": "4260813", "text": "scenes of violent sex, including a gang rape, and was too graphic and extreme for teenagers”. Other common reasons for censorship include bestiality and infanticide. Parental concern about Beloved's content inspired the “Beloved Bill”, legislation that would require Virginia public schools to notify parents of any “sexually explicit content” and provide an alternative assignment if requested. Beloved (novel) Beloved is a 1987 novel by the American writer Toni Morrison. Set after the American Civil War (1861–65), it is inspired by the story of an African-American slave, Margaret Garner, who escaped slavery in Kentucky late January 1856 by fleeing to Ohio,", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "10011385", "text": "to serious exposure of the terrible conditions there. After the making of this film, Canada Lee planned to make a full report about life in South Africa: he was then called to appear before the House Un-American Activities Committee to explain his actions, but died of heart failure before he could testify. The film was well received by critics, and currently holds a 100% \"fresh\" rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Those praising the film included Bosley Crowther in \"The New York Times\" who stated \"It is difficult to do proper justice to the fine qualities of this film or to the", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1951 film)" }, { "docid": "20049040", "text": "War Cry (novel) War Cry is a 2017 novel by Wilbur Smith. It is a Courtney saga novel, set between World War One and Two. The next book is \"Courtney's War\". Seven years after the events of Assegai, Leon Courtney is married to Eva Barry, and the two of them have a daughter by the name of Saffron Courtney, and have used the gold taken from Otto von Meerbach to establish a prosperous ranch in Kenya. After Eva passes away from complications related to eclampsia, Leon sends Saffron away to the Roedean School in South Africa to ensure that she", "title": "War Cry (novel)" }, { "docid": "20049033", "text": "War Cry (novel) War Cry is a 2017 novel by Wilbur Smith. It is a Courtney saga novel, set between World War One and Two. The next book is \"Courtney's War\". Seven years after the events of Assegai, Leon Courtney is married to Eva Barry, and the two of them have a daughter by the name of Saffron Courtney, and have used the gold taken from Otto von Meerbach to establish a prosperous ranch in Kenya. After Eva passes away from complications related to eclampsia, Leon sends Saffron away to the Roedean School in South Africa to ensure that she", "title": "War Cry (novel)" }, { "docid": "9134131", "text": "were worth reading ... \"Cry, the Beloved Country\", \"The Ides of March\", and \"The Naked and the Dead\". Wilder himself once wrote that the book was \"a kind of crossword puzzle\" that \"only begins to speak at its second reading.\" Edmund Fuller called the novel \"a text so rich that it requires exploration rather than reading.\" The novel is divided into four books, each of which starts earlier and ends later than the previous book. Catullus' poems and the closing section by Suetonius are the only documents of the book which are not imagined; however, many of the events are", "title": "The Ides of March (novel)" }, { "docid": "19342492", "text": "reviewing the novel in \"The Northern Star\" stated: \"Faulkner's engaging and evocative narrative never falters; it is by turns wise, witty and completely delightful.\" The Beloved (Faulkner novel) The Beloved (2012) is a novel by Australian author Annah Faulkner. It won the 2013 Nita Kibble Literary Award. Roberta (Bertie) Lightfoot moves from post-war Melbourne and Sydney in the 1950s to post-colonial frontier town, Port Moresby. One day she discovers she has polio and the novel follows her long road to recovery and the subsequent discovery of her gifts as a painter. \"Readings\" bookstore called the novel \"Tender and witty, \"The", "title": "The Beloved (Faulkner novel)" }, { "docid": "18966819", "text": "novel \"manages to register a good many symptomatic ideas and subtle feelings which lose nothing in transition to the page; they remain instantaneous and sharp.\" The Late Bourgeois World The Late Bourgeois World is a 1966 novella by Nadine Gordimer. The novel follows an egocentric white woman, as she negotiates a failing marriage, \"half-hearted' love affairs and political intrigue. The novel was banned by the Censorship board in South Africa. \"The New York Times\" described the novel as the most \"overtly political\" of Gordimer's novels comparing it to \"Cry, The Beloved Country\" in its potential for shocking those outside of", "title": "The Late Bourgeois World" }, { "docid": "4260771", "text": "Beloved (novel) Beloved is a 1987 novel by the American writer Toni Morrison. Set after the American Civil War (1861–65), it is inspired by the story of an African-American slave, Margaret Garner, who escaped slavery in Kentucky late January 1856 by fleeing to Ohio, a free state. Morrison had come across the story \"A Visit to the Slave Mother who Killed Her Child\" in an 1856 newspaper article published in the \"American Baptist\" and reproduced in \"The Black Book\", a miscellaneous compilation of black history and culture that Morrison edited in 1974. \"Beloved\" begins in 1873 in Cincinnati, Ohio, where", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "5109158", "text": "President's birthday). School students from across the country were bussed to the capital to see the production. Another film version was released in 1995, directed by Darrell Roodt. James Earl Jones played the Reverend Kumalo and Richard Harris filled the role of Jarvis. A stage version by the South African playwright Roy Sargeant was developed in early 2003; it was first staged at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape on 27 June 2003 and at the Artscape Theatre in Cape Town on 8 July 2003. The director was Heinrich Reisenhofer. The script, together with notes and activities for", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "19802479", "text": "Dearly Beloved (novel) Dearly Beloved is a 1962 novel by the American writer Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It takes place during a New England wedding ceremony and consists of the reflections of the wedding guests. The book sold more than 100,000 copies and was on the \"New York Times\" Best Seller list for nearly 30 weeks. \"Kirkus Reviews\" wrote: \"It is a sensitive—at times a tragic—book, penetrating the depths of men's and women's souls, as line after line of the service is spoken, with its meaning enlarged, heightened by the lives of the listeners. ... The composite that emerges is a", "title": "Dearly Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "19802480", "text": "many hued tapestry, almost flawless in projection and performance.\" Dearly Beloved (novel) Dearly Beloved is a 1962 novel by the American writer Anne Morrow Lindbergh. It takes place during a New England wedding ceremony and consists of the reflections of the wedding guests. The book sold more than 100,000 copies and was on the \"New York Times\" Best Seller list for nearly 30 weeks. \"Kirkus Reviews\" wrote: \"It is a sensitive—at times a tragic—book, penetrating the depths of men's and women's souls, as line after line of the service is spoken, with its meaning enlarged, heightened by the lives of", "title": "Dearly Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "7758026", "text": "about his plans, Jenny explores his past... \"A Cry in the Night\" was made into a television movie in 1992 starring Carol Higgins Clark and Perry King. A Cry in the Night (novel) A Cry in the Night (1982) is a suspense novel by American author Mary Higgins Clark. Jenny MacPartland, a divorced single mother, falls in love with artist Erich Kreuger while working for a New York gallery. They marry within a month and set up home on Erich's vast Minnesota ranch. For several months they are happily married, but Jenny begins to feel uneasy around her increasingly unstable", "title": "A Cry in the Night (novel)" }, { "docid": "12195858", "text": "The Cry (book) Jane Collier's and Sarah Fielding's The Cry: A New Dramatic Fable (1754) was Fielding's sixth and Collier's second and final work. The work is an allegorical and satirical novel. Collier and Fielding had worked together previously when Fielding wrote \"The Governess\" and when Collier wrote \"An Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting\", but \"The Cry\" is the only work that can be positively ascribed to the two together. Collier died the year after its publication. The novel was originally produced in three volumes and divided into five parts. The work involves many stories told through the", "title": "The Cry (book)" }, { "docid": "3865660", "text": "from the top Chinese leaders. Considered the most famous literary and propaganda piece produced by China during the Korean War, the essay succeed in elevating the soldiers' traditionally low social status within the Confucian culture, and helped to boost the recruitment of soldiers for the Korean War. In the decades following the essay's publication, the phrase \"most beloved people\" has become synonymous with the PVA in mainland China, while the essay has become required reading in Chinese school curriculum. Who are the Most Beloved People? Who are the Most Beloved People? () is the title of a famous essay about", "title": "Who are the Most Beloved People?" }, { "docid": "3865658", "text": "Who are the Most Beloved People? Who are the Most Beloved People? () is the title of a famous essay about the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (PVA) in Korea written by Chinese journalist Wei Wei. The essay revolves around the theme that the Chinese soldiers are the \"most beloved people\". To illustrate this point, Wei Wei lists three examples of the soldiers' sacrifices. The first example describes the battle between the Chinese 38th Corps and the US 2nd Infantry Division at the Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River and how a company of soldiers sacrificed themselves during combat. The second example", "title": "Who are the Most Beloved People?" }, { "docid": "4260789", "text": "his place in society. Black men are the foundation of society because without their hard labor, the white men would not profit. They were coerced into the society where they were deemed “lower-status” because of the color of their skin. In the novel, Sethe's child, Beloved, who was murdered by the hands of her mother haunts her. For example, Sethe, Denver, and Paul D go to the neighborhood carnival, which happens to be Sethe's first social outing since killing her daughter. When they return home, that is when Beloved appears at the house. Throughout the novel, Sethe believes that the", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "14169071", "text": "O Sacred Love of the Beloved Country \"O Sacred Love of the Beloved Country\" (Polish title: \"Święta miłości kochanej ojczyzny\"; also, \"Hymn do miłości ojczyzny,\" \"Hymn to Love of Country\") is a patriotic poem by the Polish Enlightenment author and poet, Ignacy Krasicki, published in 1774. It became one of Poland's national anthems. Ignacy Krasicki (1735–1801) was the leading literary representative of the Polish Enlightenment—a prose writer and poet highly esteemed by his contemporaries, who admired his works for their plots, wit, imagination and fluid style. Krasicki read his poem, \"O Sacred Love,\" at a Thursday Dinner hosted by King", "title": "O Sacred Love of the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "5109155", "text": "Luke and the Book of Acts are written to Theophilus, which is Greek for \"friend of God\". In the novel, Absalom requests that his son be named Peter, the name of one of Jesus's disciples. Among Peter's better-known traits is a certain impulsiveness; also, after Christ's arrest, he denied knowing Jesus three times, and later wept in grief over this. After the resurrection, Peter renewed his commitment to Christ and to spreading the Gospel. All that suggests Absalom's final repentance and his commitment to the faith of his father. In another allusion, Arthur Jarvis is described as having a large", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "5109159", "text": "school use, was published in 2006 by Oxford University Press Southern Africa. In 1949, the composer Kurt Weill, in collaboration with the American writer Maxwell Anderson (book and lyrics), composed a musical based on the book called \"Lost in the Stars\". The original Broadway production opened on 30 October 1949 at the Music Box Theatre and starred Todd Duncan and Inez Matthews. It ran for 273 performances before closing on 1 July 1950. It was made into a movie, starring Brock Peters and Melba Moore, released in 1974. \"Lost in the Stars\" is the last work Weill completed before his", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "10011193", "text": "has been arrested for the murder of a white man. The white man's father James Jarvis, supports apartheid. When the two meet, they come to unexpected understandings about their sons and their own humanity. Although this is a South African film, the majority of the main characters in the movie are played by Westerners, specifically Americans. The score was composed by veteran English composer John Barry, who dedicated it to Nelson Mandela. It has been described by film score reviewer Christian Clemmensen of \"Filmtracks.com\" as \"one of Barry's last truly enjoyable efforts.\" Barry, who had previously composed music for such", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)" }, { "docid": "10825956", "text": "men decide to take justice in their own hands and seek out the murders for themselves. Kisasi, the Justice Bird, cries out as the men set out to execute the killers. Cry of the Justice Bird Cry of the Justice Bird is the 2007 novel written by Jon Haylett. It is an action/adventure thriller based in the fictional African state of Boromundi. In an Africa ravaged by civil war, two women are pulled from a minibus, and are raped and mutilated. Armstrong MacKay, one of the dead women’s lover, enters the country to bring her body home. During the festivities", "title": "Cry of the Justice Bird" }, { "docid": "10825955", "text": "Cry of the Justice Bird Cry of the Justice Bird is the 2007 novel written by Jon Haylett. It is an action/adventure thriller based in the fictional African state of Boromundi. In an Africa ravaged by civil war, two women are pulled from a minibus, and are raped and mutilated. Armstrong MacKay, one of the dead women’s lover, enters the country to bring her body home. During the festivities of her African wake, Mackay finds out the truth behind her violent death from the other woman’s husband. Faced with Africa’s weaken government and the ineffective Boromundi legal system, the two", "title": "Cry of the Justice Bird" }, { "docid": "4260807", "text": "which estimate that approximately half of each ship's \"cargo\" perished in transit to America. Scholars have additionally debated the nature of the character Beloved, arguing whether she is actually a ghost or a real person. Numerous reviews, assuming Beloved to be a supernatural incarnation of Sethe's daughter, have subsequently faulted \"Beloved\" as an unconvincing and confusing ghost story. Elizabeth B. House, however, has argued that Beloved is not a ghost, and the novel is actually a story of two probable instances of mistaken identity. Beloved is haunted by the loss of her African parents and thus comes to believe that", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "17577337", "text": "Shelley as shown by several letters. \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" includes a favorable review of \"Shelley's Fiction\" (1998) by Phyllis Zimmerman, a book in which Zimmerman argues for Percy Bysshe Shelley's authorship of \"Frankenstein\", and a short bibliography of books and articles about Percy Bysshe Shelley and \"Frankenstein\". Lauritsen praises poet Edmund Blunden's \"\" (1946), calling it the best short biography about Percy Bysshe Shelley. \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" was first published in 2007 by Pagan Press. \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" was praised by the critic Camille Paglia, who wrote in \"Salon\" that \"Lauritsen assembles an overwhelming", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "17577344", "text": "Hunt, as well as the \"nature of the manuscript evidence\", showed that the work was \"conceived and mainly written by Mary Shelley\". The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein is a 2007 book written and published by John Lauritsen, in which the author argues that the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, not his wife Mary Shelley, is the real author of \"Frankenstein\" (1818), that the novel \"has consistently been underrated and misinterpreted\", and that its dominant theme is \"male love\". Lauritsen maintains that handwriting cannot be used to determine the actual author of \"Frankenstein\". His work received positive", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "17577334", "text": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein is a 2007 book written and published by John Lauritsen, in which the author argues that the poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, not his wife Mary Shelley, is the real author of \"Frankenstein\" (1818), that the novel \"has consistently been underrated and misinterpreted\", and that its dominant theme is \"male love\". Lauritsen maintains that handwriting cannot be used to determine the actual author of \"Frankenstein\". His work received positive reviews in gay publications. However, some commentators in other publications rejected Lauritsen's views and supported the conventional view that \"Frankenstein\" was written", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "5109147", "text": "as Kumalo travels from place to place, he begins to see the gaping racial and economic divisions that are threatening to split his country. Eventually, Kumalo discovers that his son has spent time in a reformatory and that he has gotten a girl pregnant. Meanwhile, the newspapers announce that Arthur Jarvis, a prominent white crusader for racial justice, has been murdered in his home by a gang of burglars. Kumalo and Msimangu learn that the police are looking for Absalom, and Kumalo's worst suspicions are confirmed when Absalom is arrested for the murder. Absalom confesses to the crime but states", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "10668382", "text": "The Well-Beloved The Well-Beloved: A Sketch of a Temperament is a novel by Thomas Hardy, serialized in 1892, and published as a book in 1897. The main setting of the novel, the Isle of Slingers, is based on the Isle of Portland in Dorset, southern England. Many of Hardy's novels were set in Dorset. \"The Well Beloved\" is one of Hardy's last novels. It was first published in three-part serial form in 1892, and then revised and re-published as a book in 1897, after Hardy's last novel \"Jude the Obscure\" (1895). The novel tells the story of the sculptor Jocelyn", "title": "The Well-Beloved" }, { "docid": "4260810", "text": "“never simply curative”: in raising the ghosts of the past in order to banish or memorialize them, the texts potentially “provoke readers to the vicarious experience of trauma and act as a means of transmission\". Ann Snitow's reaction to \"Beloved\" neatly illustrates how Morrison criticism began to evolve and move toward new modes of interpretation. In her 1987 review of \"Beloved\", Snitow argues that Beloved, the ghost at the center of the narrative, is \"too light\" and \"hollow\", rendering the entire novel \"airless\". Snitow changed her position after reading criticism that interpreted \"Beloved\" in a different way, seeing something more", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "4260806", "text": "trade as a Holocaust-like genocide. Others, while concurring that \"Beloved\" is at times overwritten, have lauded the novel as a profound and extraordinary act of imagination. Noting the work's mythic dimensions and political focus, these commentators have treated the novel as an exploration of family, trauma, and the repression of memory as well as an attempt to restore the historical record and give voice to the collective memory of African Americans. Indeed, critics and Morrison herself have indicated that the controversial epigraph to \"Beloved\", \"sixty million and more\", is drawn from a number of studies on the African slave trade", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "17441864", "text": "Cry of the Peacock (novel) Cry of the Peacock is the first novel from Gina B. Nahai and follows the story of a family of Jews through seven generations, from 1780s Persia to contemporary Iran. The book was published in 1991 by Crown Publishing Group in the United States and won several awards. It was an alternate selection of The Book of the Month Club and The Doubleday Book Club. Peacock, a 116-year-old woman, is captured by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Her story and that of a relatively unknown group of Jews, the oldest in the diaspora, unfolds as she", "title": "Cry of the Peacock (novel)" }, { "docid": "17441866", "text": "Award for Fiction. Critical response was mostly positive. Cry of the Peacock (novel) Cry of the Peacock is the first novel from Gina B. Nahai and follows the story of a family of Jews through seven generations, from 1780s Persia to contemporary Iran. The book was published in 1991 by Crown Publishing Group in the United States and won several awards. It was an alternate selection of The Book of the Month Club and The Doubleday Book Club. Peacock, a 116-year-old woman, is captured by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard. Her story and that of a relatively unknown group of Jews,", "title": "Cry of the Peacock (novel)" }, { "docid": "6123588", "text": "The Far Country (novel) The Far Country is a novel by Nevil Shute, first published in 1952. In this novel, Shute has some harsh things to say about the new (British) National Health Service, as well as the socialist Labour government, themes he would later develop more fully in \"In the Wet\". He describes the lot of the 'New Australians'; refugees who are required to work for two years where they are placed, in return for free passage to Australia. The story takes place partly in London and partly in Australia. It is set in 1950. Jennifer Morton, a young", "title": "The Far Country (novel)" }, { "docid": "11212828", "text": "The Cry of the Owl The Cry of the Owl is a psychological thriller novel by Patricia Highsmith, the eighth of her 22 novels. It was first published in the US in 1962 by Harper & Row and in the UK by Heinemann the following year. It explores, in the phrase of critic Brigid Brophy, \"the psychology of the self-selected victim\". Highsmith wrote \"The Cry of the Owl\" between April 1961 and February 1962. She considered it to be one of her weaker efforts, calling its principal character \"rather square ... a polite sitting duck for more evil characters, and", "title": "The Cry of the Owl" }, { "docid": "9054381", "text": "The Cry of the Wolf The Cry of the Wolf is a novel for children or young adults, written by Melvin Burgess and published by Andersen Press in 1990 (). Set on the island of Great Britain, it features a grey wolf raised partly by humans after learning only a little from its mother before her death. --and the hunter who killed her, who is obsessed with personally eliminating the species from the wild. \"The Cry of the Wolf\" was Burgess's first novel. He was a highly commended runner up for the annual Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising", "title": "The Cry of the Wolf" }, { "docid": "4260794", "text": "and her late daughter. For instance, Beloved stays in the house with Paul D and Sethe. A home is a place of vulnerability, where the heart lies. Paul D and Baby Suggs both suggest that Beloved is not invited into the home, but Sethe says otherwise because she sees Beloved, all grown and alive, instead of the pain of when Sethe murdered her. Sethe is the protagonist of the novel. She is a freed slave from a plantation called Sweet Home. She lives in the house named 124 (a house on 124 Bluestone Rd. but referred to only as \"124\")", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "20818139", "text": "Concert in the Park (South Africa) Concert in the Park was a benefit concert held in Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg, South Africa, on 12 January, 1985. 22 bands played at the benefit, which was attended by an estimated 125,000 people—of whom about 100,000 had purchased tickets. Proceeds of more than R450,000 went to Operation Hunger, a South African charity founded in 1978. The bands and solo artists who played that day were: The band Bright Blue knew they would not be available to play live, but lead singer and songwriter Rob Levitan wrote a song for the occasion, which was", "title": "Concert in the Park (South Africa)" }, { "docid": "5109146", "text": "the priest who sent him the letter, and given comfortable lodging by Mrs. Lithebe, a Christian woman who feels that helping others is her duty. Kumalo visits Gertrude, who is now a prostitute and liquor seller, and persuades her to come back to Ndotsheni with her young son. A more difficult quest follows, when Kumalo and Msimangu begin searching the labyrinthine metropolis of Johannesburg for Absalom. They visit Kumalo's brother, John, who has become a successful businessman and politician, and he directs them to the factory where his son and Absalom once worked together. One clue leads to another, and", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "19575460", "text": "Up the Country (novel) Up the Country : A Tale of Early Australian Squattocracy (1928) is a novel by Australian writer Miles Franklin. Originally published as by \"Brent of Bin Bin\", this novel forms the first part of a trilogy, followed by \"Ten Creeks Run\" (1930) and \"Cockatoos\" (1955). The novel is set somewhere in the southeast of New South Wales, in Snowy River country, and follows the story of two families, the Pooles and the Mazeres, and their neighbors. In a major review of the novel in \"The Brisbane Courier\" literary critic Nettie Palmer noted that this book helped", "title": "Up the Country (novel)" }, { "docid": "14169072", "text": "Stanisław August Poniatowski. The poet published it in 1774 in \"Zabawy Przyjemne i Pożyteczne\" (Pastimes Pleasant and Profitable). It subsequently became part of song 9 of his 1775 mock-heroic poem, \"\"Myszeida\"\" (The Mouseiad). Popular during the Enlightenment, Krasicki's patriotic poem became the anthem of the Warsaw Corps of Cadets. It has gone through many translations, including three into French. The poem is written in lines of 11 syllables, in ottava rima (rhyming ab ab ab cc). O Sacred Love of the Beloved Country \"O Sacred Love of the Beloved Country\" (Polish title: \"Święta miłości kochanej ojczyzny\"; also, \"Hymn do miłości", "title": "O Sacred Love of the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "16182695", "text": "graceful brevity which Maurois once said 'define one of the forms of the French novel.' But above all her occasional hoarse cry of loss voices the complex anguish of our time.\" In 2011, James Hopkin wrote about \"The Vagabond\" for \"The Guardian\": \"Has the novel dated in the course of a century? Not at all. There's enough energy and inventiveness here to blow away any dusty hints of antiquarian charm. And for years I've been telling people that no one writes about relationships as perceptively as Colette.\" The Vagabond (novel) The Vagabond () is a 1910 novel by the French", "title": "The Vagabond (novel)" }, { "docid": "19575462", "text": "though presumably the names of places and of people are disguised, there are many unmistakable evidences of truth and of actual events that happened in the days of long ago.\" Up the Country (novel) Up the Country : A Tale of Early Australian Squattocracy (1928) is a novel by Australian writer Miles Franklin. Originally published as by \"Brent of Bin Bin\", this novel forms the first part of a trilogy, followed by \"Ten Creeks Run\" (1930) and \"Cockatoos\" (1955). The novel is set somewhere in the southeast of New South Wales, in Snowy River country, and follows the story of", "title": "Up the Country (novel)" }, { "docid": "7758024", "text": "A Cry in the Night (novel) A Cry in the Night (1982) is a suspense novel by American author Mary Higgins Clark. Jenny MacPartland, a divorced single mother, falls in love with artist Erich Kreuger while working for a New York gallery. They marry within a month and set up home on Erich's vast Minnesota ranch. For several months they are happily married, but Jenny begins to feel uneasy around her increasingly unstable husband. Within a year, their marriage is ripped apart by scandal and Jenny plans to return to New York City until she realizes that she is pregnant", "title": "A Cry in the Night (novel)" }, { "docid": "11230667", "text": "The Cry and the Covenant The Cry and the Covenant is a novel by Morton Thompson written in 1949 and published by Doubleday. The novel is a fictionalized story of Ignaz Semmelweis, an Austrian-Hungarian physician known for his research into puerperal fever and his advances in medical hygiene. The novel includes historical references, and details into Semmelweis' youth and education, as well as his later studies. Ignaz Semmelweis is a curious child who often gets in trouble at school for asking too many questions. As a young man, he travels from his native Hungary to Vienna to study medicine, becoming", "title": "The Cry and the Covenant" }, { "docid": "14316314", "text": "has competed at the Summer Games ever since. South Africa made its \"Winter\" Paralympics début at the 1998 Games in Nagano, Japan. It thus became the second African country to compete at the Winter Paralympics, following Uganda in 1976. South Africa has competed at every edition of the Winter Paralympics since then. To date, only one athlete, alpine skier Bruce Warner, has represented South Africa at the Winter Games. He has yet to win a medal. South Africa at the Paralympics South Africa has competed at both the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games. The country made its Paralympic début at", "title": "South Africa at the Paralympics" }, { "docid": "17577339", "text": "that while he argues that Mary Shelley was not well educated enough to have written \"Frankenstein\", his argument fails because \"it is not a good, let alone a great novel and hardly merits the attention it has been given.\" Lauritsen replied that \"Frankenstein\" \"is a radical and disturbing work, containing some of the most beautiful prose in the English language ... a profound and moving masterpiece, fully worthy of its author, Percy Bysshe Shelley.\" \"The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein\" received positive reviews from Jim Herrick in \"Gay Humanist Quarterly\", Hubert Kennedy in \"The Guide\", and Douglas Sadownick in \"The Gay", "title": "The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein" }, { "docid": "5827084", "text": "A copy or a translation had come into the hands of Sir Hartley Shawcross who - finding its content striking - in good faith had used it extensively in his final argument. The novel was filmed in 1974 by Egon Günther, with Lilli Palmer in the title role. Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns, otherwise known as Lotte in Weimar or The Beloved Returns, is a 1939 novel by Thomas Mann. It is a story written in the shadow of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Mann developed the narrative almost as a response to Goethe's", "title": "Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns" }, { "docid": "5109150", "text": "and an acquittal for the two other defendants. Kumalo arranges for Absalom to marry the girl who bears his child, and they bid farewell. The morning of his departure, Kumalo rouses his new family to bring them back to Ndotsheni, only to find that Gertrude has disappeared. Kumalo is now deeply aware of how his people have lost the tribal structure that once held them together, and returns to his village troubled by the situation. It turns out that James Jarvis has been having similar thoughts. Arthur Jarvis's young son befriends Kumalo. As the young boy and the old man", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "4260805", "text": "of protest that was published in \"The New York Times Book Review\" on January 24, 1988. Yet later in 1988 \"Beloved\" did receive the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, as well as the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Book Award, the Melcher Book Award, the Lyndhurst Foundation Award, and the Elmer Holmes Bobst Award. Despite its popularity and status as one of Morrison's most accomplished novels, \"Beloved\" has never been universally hailed as a success. Some reviewers have excoriated the novel for what they consider its excessive sentimentality and sensationalistic depiction of the horrors of slavery, including its characterization of the slave", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "4260801", "text": "Later, Amy delivers Sethe's daughter on a small boat, and Sethe names the child Denver after her. In 1998, the novel was made into a film directed by Jonathan Demme and produced by and starring Oprah Winfrey. In January 2016, \"Beloved\" was broadcast in 10 episodes by BBC Radio 4 as part of its \"15 Minute Drama\" programme. The radio series was adapted by Patricia Cumper. \"Beloved\" received the Frederic G. Melcher Book Award, which is named for an editor of \"Publishers Weekly\". In accepting the award on October 12, 1988, Morrison said, \"that 'there is no suitable memorial or", "title": "Beloved (novel)" }, { "docid": "4735596", "text": "Cinema of South Africa The cinema of South Africa refers to the films and film industry of the nation of South Africa. Many foreign films have been produced about South Africa (usually involving race relations). One South African film to achieve international acclaim was \"The Gods Must Be Crazy\" in 1980, set in the Kalahari. This is about how life in a traditional community of Bushmen is changed when a Coke bottle, thrown out of an aeroplane, suddenly lands from the sky. The late Jamie Uys, who wrote and directed \"The Gods Must Be Crazy\", also had success overseas in", "title": "Cinema of South Africa" }, { "docid": "10668383", "text": "Pierston's search for the ideal woman, through three generations of a Portland family. A cottage housing what is now part of Portland Museum, on the Isle of Portland, founded by Marie Stopes, a friend of Hardy and his wife, was an inspiration for the book. The cottage acted as the home of Avice, the novel's heroine. The Well-Beloved The Well-Beloved: A Sketch of a Temperament is a novel by Thomas Hardy, serialized in 1892, and published as a book in 1897. The main setting of the novel, the Isle of Slingers, is based on the Isle of Portland in Dorset,", "title": "The Well-Beloved" }, { "docid": "20334817", "text": "that only an extremely powerful wizard could have imprisoned the Shoggoth on the mortal plane, which means someone from the White Council, their own side, has not only violated the Laws of Magic, but sent them to protect it in the expectation that they would die. Elsewhere, a shadowy figure receives a phone call about the destruction of the Shoggoth, and comforts his caller by saying there are many other similar weapons they may use for their purposes. War Cry (graphic novel) War Cry is a hardback graphic novel written by science fiction and fantasy author Jim Butcher and illustrated", "title": "War Cry (graphic novel)" }, { "docid": "12195860", "text": "was never able to complete it before she died. After working on \"The Cry\", Fielding began to focus on the lives of women and the conditions that they live, which later influenced her work within the Bath community. The community was a group of female writers that challenged the traditional ideas of female education and the role of women in society. \"The Cry\" features stories by characters with responses by a group known as \"the Cry\". They operate as a sort of chorus in the novel. A meeting is held among Portia, Una, and the Cry, who regard Portia as", "title": "The Cry (book)" }, { "docid": "20334812", "text": "War Cry (graphic novel) War Cry is a hardback graphic novel written by science fiction and fantasy author Jim Butcher and illustrated by Carlos Gomez. Set in the world of Butcher's contemporary fantasy/mystery novel series, \"The Dresden Files\", \"War Cry\" takes place in the series' continuity, after the events of the novel \"Dead Beat\". A secret war is raging between the wizards of The White Council and the vampires of the Red Court. After attacks in Palermo, Sicily and the Congo decimate the ranks of the Wardens, the Council is desperate enough to promote Harry Dresden and place him in", "title": "War Cry (graphic novel)" }, { "docid": "6656832", "text": "The Silent Cry The Silent Cry (Japanese 万延元年のフットボール; Man'en Gannen no Futtoboru, literally 'Football in the First Year of Man'en') is a novel by Japanese author Kenzaburō Ōe, first published in Japanese in 1967 and awarded the Tanizaki Prize that year. The novel tells the story of two brothers in the early 1960s: Mitsusaburo, the narrator, a one-eyed, married English professor in Tokyo; and his younger brother Takashi, who has just returned from the US. Mitsusaburo and his wife Natsumi have been through a series of crises. They left their physically and mentally handicapped baby in an institution, while Mitsusaburo's", "title": "The Silent Cry" }, { "docid": "5665958", "text": "\"The New York Times\" called it a \"dark, humid melodrama\" and enjoyed the historical details and Tonio's \"emotional development\", although she wrote that the secondary characters were two-dimensional and superficial. Additionally, she stated that Rice's frequent foreshadowing and the clichéd and emotionally overwrought dialogue detracted from the novel's appeal. Writing for \"The Los Angeles Times Book Review\", Pat Hilton wrote that, excepting the conclusion, \"Cry to Heaven\" was \"satisfying\", and felt that its questions about masculinity were contemporary. Cry to Heaven Cry to Heaven is a novel by American author Anne Rice published by Alfred A. Knopf in 1982. Taking", "title": "Cry to Heaven" }, { "docid": "14537637", "text": "II. The novel narrates the story of guerrillas who were unwilling to surrender while awaiting the return of the armed forces of the United States. In addition, the novel features the tale about the girlfriend of a guerrilla lover. The woman chose to disobey the will of her pro-Japanese parents. The woman decided to join her lover in a hiding place in the hills. During the Japanese occupation period of the Philippines, the manuscript for E. K. Tiempo’s \"Cry Slaughter!\" was smuggled out of the country aboard a submarine. For the duration of World War II, the novel was suppressed", "title": "Cry Slaughter!" }, { "docid": "20093516", "text": "Lion Who Wrote History\" has also been reviewed by \"Kirkus Reviews\", \"Publishers Weekly\", \"The New York Times\", and Common Sense Media. Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History is a 2017 picture book biography by Walter Dean Myers about the life of Frederick Douglass. \"BookList\", in a starred review, wrote \"Focused, informative writing and strong, effective illustrations combine to make this the go-to Frederick Douglass biography for younger students.\" and the \"School Library Journal\" wrote \"Although this title is similar in scope to Doreen Rappaport's \"Frederick's Journey\", the two books complement each other.", "title": "Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History" }, { "docid": "9054388", "text": "and her family. The Breeder – The one who weans Greycub and the only one, besides Ben, that Greycub really respected. He kept over forty deerhounds in his kennels. The Cry of the Wolf The Cry of the Wolf is a novel for children or young adults, written by Melvin Burgess and published by Andersen Press in 1990 (). Set on the island of Great Britain, it features a grey wolf raised partly by humans after learning only a little from its mother before her death. --and the hunter who killed her, who is obsessed with personally eliminating the species", "title": "The Cry of the Wolf" }, { "docid": "2293148", "text": "apartheid, and the lives of people in the \"new South Africa\". Many of the first black South African print authors were missionary-educated, and many thus wrote in either English or Afrikaans. One of the first well known novels written by a black author in an African language was Solomon Thekiso Plaatje's \"Mhudi\", written in 1930. Notable white English-language South African authors include Nadine Gordimer who was, in Seamus Heaney's words, one of \"the guerrillas of the imagination\", and who became the first South African and the seventh woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991. Her novel,", "title": "Culture of South Africa" }, { "docid": "10362657", "text": "economies. South Africa is the seventh most biodiverse country in the world. The country encompasses about and has about 10% of all plant species on Earth. South Africa and seventeen other countries are considered mega diverse which means those countries contain 70% of the planet's biodiversity. South Africa's unique geography allows the country to support such a diverse population of plants and animals. It is important to protect biodiversity in South Africa because people still rely on natural resources for food and medicine. Plants and flowers are widely used as traditional forms of medicine and treatment for common ailments. The", "title": "Ecotourism in South Africa" }, { "docid": "5827077", "text": "Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns, otherwise known as Lotte in Weimar or The Beloved Returns, is a 1939 novel by Thomas Mann. It is a story written in the shadow of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; Mann developed the narrative almost as a response to Goethe's novel \"The Sorrows of Young Werther\", which is more than 150 years older than \"Lotte in Weimar\". \"Lotte in Weimar\" was first published in English in 1940. \"The Beloved Returns\" is the story of one of Goethe's old romantic interests, a real historical figure by the name of", "title": "Lotte in Weimar: The Beloved Returns" }, { "docid": "19235120", "text": "Talk About Girls: Music From Tucson 1964–1968\" put out by Bacchus Archives.<ref name=\"Discogs (Beloved/Grodes Anth.)\"></ref> The Dearly Beloved (band) The Dearly Beloved were an American garage rock band from Tucson, Arizona, originally known as the Intruders, who began as an instrumental surf rock combo, but eventually incorporated vocals into their sound after the rise of the British Invasion. After recording their first single as the Intruders, they changed their name to Quinstrels, recording one single under that moniker, but later settling upon the name for which they are best known, the Dearly Beloved. Along with the Grodes, they became one", "title": "The Dearly Beloved (band)" }, { "docid": "11230670", "text": "street telling women to demand of their doctors that they wash their hands, and otherwise behaving so erratically that he is committed to an insane asylum, where because of a cut finger he contracts and dies of the very disease he spent his life fighting. A legacy of Semmelweis, highlighted in \"The Cry and the Covenant\", is that hand washing, to this day, remains the most effective method of preventing the spread of infection. The Cry and the Covenant The Cry and the Covenant is a novel by Morton Thompson written in 1949 and published by Doubleday. The novel is", "title": "The Cry and the Covenant" }, { "docid": "11957798", "text": "in the wake of apartheid. The World Bank classifies South Africa as an upper-middle-income economy, and a newly industrialised country. Its economy is the second-largest in Africa, and the 34th-largest in the world. In terms of purchasing power parity, South Africa has the seventh-highest per capita income in Africa. However, poverty and inequality remain widespread, with about a quarter of the population unemployed and living on less than US$1.25 a day. Nevertheless, South Africa has been identified as a middle power in international affairs, and maintains significant regional influence. The name \"South Africa\" is derived from the country's geographic location", "title": "South Africa" }, { "docid": "11957794", "text": "South Africa South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Eswatini (Swaziland); and it surrounds the enclaved country of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th-largest country in the world by land area and, with over 57 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It", "title": "South Africa" }, { "docid": "10011195", "text": "a mostly positive response from critics and holds an 85% \"Fresh\" rating from the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. Online critic James Berardinelli gave the film four out of four stars, and described the performances of Harris and Jones as \"superb,\" concluding \"Rarely does a motion picture touch the heart so deeply, with no hint of artifice or manipulation.\" Stephen Holden of \"The New York Times\" also wrote favorably of the film, commenting \"In a moment as transcendent as it is risky, the screen erupts with a volcanic emotion that cuts through the prevailing high-minded contemplation. Why risky? Because movies have", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country (1995 film)" }, { "docid": "14316312", "text": "South Africa at the Paralympics South Africa has competed at both the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games. The country made its Paralympic début at the 1964 Summer Games in Tokyo, Japan, where it sent nine athletes to compete in archery, athletics, swimming and weightlifting. They finished sixth on the medal table with nineteen medals, of which eight gold. Paradoxically, South Africa thus began to compete at the Paralympics just after being barred from competing at the Olympics. South Africa had been banned from the Olympic Games following the passing of United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1761 which, in 1962, condemned", "title": "South Africa at the Paralympics" }, { "docid": "20093515", "text": "Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History is a 2017 picture book biography by Walter Dean Myers about the life of Frederick Douglass. \"BookList\", in a starred review, wrote \"Focused, informative writing and strong, effective illustrations combine to make this the go-to Frederick Douglass biography for younger students.\" and the \"School Library Journal\" wrote \"Although this title is similar in scope to Doreen Rappaport's \"Frederick's Journey\", the two books complement each other. Recommended for collections looking to further explore Douglass's legacy.\" \"The Buffalo News\" called it an \"excellent illustrated biography\". \"Frederick Douglass: The", "title": "Frederick Douglass: The Lion Who Wrote History" } ]
From which European country did Angola achieve independence in 1975?
[ "Portogało", "Republic of Portugal", "PORTUGAL", "Portekiz", "Portugallu", "O Papagaio", "ISO 3166-1:PT", "Portunga", "Phu-to-ga", "Potigal", "Portûnga", "Portugul", "An Phortaingéil", "Portugāle", "Portugale", "Portingale", "Potiti", "Portugali", "Portugall", "Portekîz", "Bo Dao Nha", "Portuguese Republic", "Portogallo", "Portugaul", "Portogalo", "Portyngal", "Yn Phortiugal", "Portugalio", "Portugál", "Portugual", "Portuga", "Portgual", "Portugalsko", "Portugaleje", "Phû-tô-gâ", "Portugalujo", "Portugalija", "Pertual", "Pòtigal", "Portugal", "Bồ Đào Nha", "Portugalska", "República Portuguesa", "Portiwgal", "Portugalėjė", "Portúgal", "Portegal", "An Phortaingeil", "Republica Portuguesa" ]
[ { "docid": "11469873", "text": "they really are. Angola's colonial era ended with the Angolan War of Independence against Portugal occurred between 1970 and 1975. Independence did not produce a unified Angola, however; the country plunged into years of civil war between the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the governing Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). 30 years of war would produce historical legacies that combine to allow for the persistence of a highly corrupt government system. The Angolan civil war was fought between the pro-western UNITA and the communist MPLA and had the characteristics typical of a", "title": "Corruption in Angola" }, { "docid": "11391664", "text": "peace agreement did not last, as Savimbi rejected the election results and fighting resumed across the country until 2002. People's Republic of Angola The People's Republic of Angola () was the self-declared socialist state which governed Angola from its independence in 1975 until 1992, during the Angolan Civil War. The regime was established in 1975, after Portuguese Angola, a colony, was granted independence from Portugal through the Alvor Agreement. The situation in Portugal's other former large African colony, the People's Republic of Mozambique, was similar. The newly-founded nation had friendly relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the People's Republic", "title": "People's Republic of Angola" }, { "docid": "11636776", "text": "Agriculture in Angola Agriculture in Angola has a tremendous potential. Angola is a potentially rich agricultural country, with fertile soils, a favourable climate, and about 57.4 million ha of agricultural land, including more than 5.0 million ha of arable land. Before independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola had a flourishing tradition of family-based farming and was self-sufficient in all major food crops except wheat. The country exported coffee and maize, as well as crops such as sisal, bananas, tobacco and cassava. By the 1990s Angola produced less than 1 percent the volume of coffee it had produced in the early", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "11391662", "text": "People's Republic of Angola The People's Republic of Angola () was the self-declared socialist state which governed Angola from its independence in 1975 until 1992, during the Angolan Civil War. The regime was established in 1975, after Portuguese Angola, a colony, was granted independence from Portugal through the Alvor Agreement. The situation in Portugal's other former large African colony, the People's Republic of Mozambique, was similar. The newly-founded nation had friendly relations with the Soviet Union, Cuba, and the People's Republic of Mozambique. The country was governed by the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which was responsible", "title": "People's Republic of Angola" }, { "docid": "1851902", "text": "Angola Avante \"Angola Avante!\" (English: \"Onwards Angola\") is the national anthem of the Republic of Angola. composed the music, while the lyrics were authored by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro. It was adopted as the national anthem in November 1975, when the country gained its independence from Portugal. The lyrics make reference to several key events of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which has been in power since independence and was the only party in Angola until 1992. \"Angola Avante\" was composed by . The lyrics to the song were penned by Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro (1941–),", "title": "Angola Avante" }, { "docid": "11636792", "text": "raised, but production fell from 36,500 tons slaughtered in 1973 to only 5,000 tons in the early 1980s. This tremendous decrease was the result of a combination of factors, including the departure of the commercial farmers, increasing disruption from the war and the deterioration of facilities and services, especially vaccinations, crucial for livestock production. Agriculture in Angola Agriculture in Angola has a tremendous potential. Angola is a potentially rich agricultural country, with fertile soils, a favourable climate, and about 57.4 million ha of agricultural land, including more than 5.0 million ha of arable land. Before independence from Portugal in 1975,", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "7144545", "text": "Operation Savannah (Angola) Operation Savannah was the South African Defence Force's 1975–1976 covert intervention in the Angolan War of Independence, and the subsequent Angolan Civil War. The so-called \"Carnation Revolution\" of the 25th April 1974 ended Portugal's colonial government, but Angola's three main independence forces, National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA), National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) began competing for dominance in the country. Fighting began in November 1974, starting in the capital city, Luanda, and spreading quickly across all of Angola, which was soon divided among", "title": "Operation Savannah (Angola)" }, { "docid": "10965082", "text": "inefficiency; infringements on citizens' privacy rights and forced evictions without compensation; restrictions on nongovernmental organizations; discrimination and violence against women; abuse of children; trafficking in persons; discrimination against persons with disabilities, indigenous people, and persons with HIV/AIDS; limits on workers' rights; and forced labor.\" A longtime Portuguese colony, Angola waged a war of independence that lasted from 1961 to 1975. Angola received its independence from Portugal in 1975, whereupon it immediately plunged into a brutal, bloody, and destructive civil war between the governing Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which was supported principally by the Soviet Union and", "title": "Human rights in Angola" }, { "docid": "11403177", "text": "within the first six months of 1961. The Portuguese Army and Air Force put down the uprising and blacked out the incident to the press. The People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) said the Portuguese military killed ten thousand people in the massacre. Conservative estimates are around 400 casualties. These events are considered the beginning of the Portuguese Colonial War (1961-1974). After the April 1974 Carnation Revolution in Lisbon, Angola was offered independence from Portugal. After independence in 1975, during the Angolan Civil War (1975-2002), both the largest opposition group, National Union for the Total Independence of Angola", "title": "Slavery in Angola" }, { "docid": "10167093", "text": "in Portugal, but also in France, but mostly in lower leagues. The national football association of Angola is the Federação Angolana de Futebol (FAF). It was founded in 1979, after Angola's independence from Portugal in 1975. The FAF organizes the national football leagues Girabola (1st league) and Gira Angola (2nd league) and is also responsible for the Angolan national team of men and women. The country hosted the 2010 Africa Cup of Nations. At least since 1965, a national champion is played in Angola in a league operation. Record champion at the Portuguese time was founded in 1953 club Atlético", "title": "Football in Angola" }, { "docid": "11751079", "text": "school and teacher training students) had increased to 151,759. This made for combined primary and secondary school enrollment consisting of 49 percent of the school-age population. By 1986 the primary school enrollment had increased to 1,304,145. After the independence of Angola from Portugal in 1975, the Portuguese-built University of Luanda was refounded as the Universidade de Angola (University of Angola) in 1979 as a successor of the higher education institutions created during the Portuguese colonial administration. This included other institutions like the faculty of agricultural sciences based in the central Angolan town of Huambo which was known before independence by", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "11751084", "text": "that many of those studying abroad had either failed to complete their courses of study or had not returned to Angola. After independence from Portugal in 1975, Angolan students continued to be admitted to Portuguese high schools, polytechnical institutes and universities, through bilateral agreements between the Portuguese and the Angolan governments, most of them belong to the Angolan elites. However, many of those studying in European countries like Portugal and Russia failed to complete their courses of study or had not returned to Angola. Release of UNICEF's 1999 annual report on \"The State of the World's Children\" predicted that illiteracy", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "18393976", "text": "companies such as Gurpo Gusi and Sukarne operate in Angola. Angola–Mexico relations Angola-Mexico relations refers to the diplomatic relations between Angola and Mexico. Angola gained its independence from Portugal in November 1975. In January 1976, Mexico recognized the independence and established diplomatic relations with Angola. Soon after gaining independence, Angola entered into a civil war which lasted until 2002. Towards the end of the war, in 1997, Angola opened an embassy in Mexico City. In 2009, Mexico opened an embassy in Luanda, however, due to the global economic crisis to which Mexico was not immune, the embassy in Angola closed", "title": "Angola–Mexico relations" }, { "docid": "18393974", "text": "Angola–Mexico relations Angola-Mexico relations refers to the diplomatic relations between Angola and Mexico. Angola gained its independence from Portugal in November 1975. In January 1976, Mexico recognized the independence and established diplomatic relations with Angola. Soon after gaining independence, Angola entered into a civil war which lasted until 2002. Towards the end of the war, in 1997, Angola opened an embassy in Mexico City. In 2009, Mexico opened an embassy in Luanda, however, due to the global economic crisis to which Mexico was not immune, the embassy in Angola closed only after a few months. In 2014, during a visit", "title": "Angola–Mexico relations" }, { "docid": "11111928", "text": "Constitution of Angola Since its independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola has had three constitutions. The first came into force in 1975 as an \"interim\" measure; the second was approved in a 1992 referendum, and the third one was instituted in 2010. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years, beginning the 15th century. Three principal parties, MPLA, National Front for the Liberation of Angola the FNLA and the National Union for Total Independence of Angola the UNITA, fought for independence. After many years of conflict that weakened all of the insurgent parties, Angola gained independence on", "title": "Constitution of Angola" }, { "docid": "1866", "text": "the skills and knowledge needed to run the country and maintain its well-developed infrastructure. The Angolan government created Sonangol, a state-run oil company, in 1976. Two years later Sonangol received the rights to oil exploration and production in all of Angola. After independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola was ravaged by a horrific civil war between 1975 and 2002. United Nations Angola Verification Mission III and MONUA spent USD1.5 billion overseeing implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, a 1994 peace accord that ultimately failed to end the civil war. The protocol prohibited UNITA from buying foreign arms, a provision the United", "title": "Economy of Angola" }, { "docid": "11358131", "text": "Africa gained its independence from South Africa. Cuban military engagement in Angola ended in 1991, while the Angolan civil war continued until 2002. The Carnation Revolution of 25 April 1974 in Portugal took the world by surprise and caught the independence movements in its last African colonies unprepared. After smooth negotiations, Mozambique's independence was granted on 25 June 1975, but Angolan control remained disputed between the three rival independence movements: MPLA, FNLA and UNITA in Angola-proper and Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (FLEC) in Cabinda. Until independence, the independence movements' priority lay in fighting the colonial", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11111946", "text": "18 most corrupt countries, according to Transparency International. Constitution of Angola Since its independence from Portugal in 1975, Angola has had three constitutions. The first came into force in 1975 as an \"interim\" measure; the second was approved in a 1992 referendum, and the third one was instituted in 2010. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years, beginning the 15th century. Three principal parties, MPLA, National Front for the Liberation of Angola the FNLA and the National Union for Total Independence of Angola the UNITA, fought for independence. After many years of conflict that weakened all", "title": "Constitution of Angola" }, { "docid": "11358152", "text": "the requested financial assistance (100,000US$) it received from Yugoslavia. Portugal's sudden retreat from Angola and Mozambique in 1975 ended a history of South African military and intelligence cooperation with Portugal against the Angolan and Namibian independence movements dating back to the 1960s, later formalized in a secret alliance codenamed Alcora Exercise. It also ended economic cooperation with regard to the Cunene hydro-project at the Angolan-Namibian border, which South Africa had financed. South African involvement in Angola, subsumed under what it called the South African Border War, started in 1966 when the conflict with the Namibian independence movement, South West Africa", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11392042", "text": "Angola–Portugal relations Angola–Portugal relations have significantly improved since the Angolan government abandoned communism and nominally embraced democracy in 1991, embracing a pro-U.S. and to a lesser degree pro-Europe foreign policy. Portugal ruled Angola for 400 years, colonizing the territory from 1483 until independence in 1975. Angola's war for independence did not end in a military victory for either side, but was suspended as a result of a coup in Portugal, that replaced the Caetano regime with a National Salvation JuntaThe Portuguese government recognized the authority of the MPLA, under the command of President Agostinho Neto, on December 22, 1976 and", "title": "Angola–Portugal relations" }, { "docid": "11871042", "text": "independence from Portugal was a clause that Brazil would promise not to accept direct control over any Luso-African territories. When Angola gained its independence from Portugal in 1975, many of the Portuguese settlers and both black and mestizo residents of the former colony emigrated to Brazil and Portugal. As former Portuguese colonies, Angola and Brazil share many cultural ties, including language (Portuguese is the official language of each country) and religion (a majority of both countries are Roman Catholics). Both countries are members of CPLP, an association of Portuguese-speaking countries. Literature Pepetela's \"A gloriosa família\" (The glorious family, 1996) takes", "title": "Angola–Brazil relations" }, { "docid": "11358133", "text": "The disunity of the three main movements postponed the handing over of power. The Alvor Agreement, which the three and Portugal signed on 15 January, proved to be no solid foundation for the procedure. The transitional government the agreement provided for was equally composed of the three big independence movements and Portugal. It was sworn in on 31 January 1975; independence day was set for 11 November 1975, the same day of the ceasefire. FLEC was not part of the deal because it fought for the independence of Cabinda, which the Portuguese had administratively joined as an exclave to Angola.", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11383472", "text": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984 In the Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984, signed 19 March 1984 in Havana by president José Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola and Fidel Castro, premier of Cuba, the two countries agreed to the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola after the withdrawal of South African troops from Angola and Namibia, and after UN-Security Council resolution 435 on Namibian independence was strictly applied. Soon after getting independence from Portugal in 1975, civil war was fought among the three leading groups in Angola. Angola's three main guerrilla groups agreed to establish a transitional government in January 1975. Within two", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "11636848", "text": "Fishing in Angola Fishing in Angola is mainly performed by foreign fleets. Some of the foreign fishing fleets operating in Angolan waters were required by the government to land a portion of their catch at Angolan ports to increase the local supply of fish. Fishing agreements of this kind were reached with several countries, including with Spain, Japan, and Italy. Fishing in Angola was a major and growing industry before independence from Portugal in 1975. In the early 1970s, there were about 700 fishing boats, and the annual catch was more than 300,000 tons. Including the catch of foreign fishing", "title": "Fishing in Angola" }, { "docid": "11111931", "text": "to remain president until 2022. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years from the 15th century. Demands for independence picked up momentum during the early 1950s. The principal protagonists included the MPLA, founded in 1956, the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), which appeared in 1961, and the UNITA, founded in 1966. After many years of conflict that weakened all of the insurgent parties, Angola gained independence on 11 November 1975, after the Carnation Revolution in Portugal overthrew the Portuguese regime headed by Marcelo Caetano. A fight for dominance broke out immediately between the", "title": "Constitution of Angola" }, { "docid": "11383475", "text": "which was called the Colonial War. The principal protagonists included the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), founded in 1956, the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), which appeared in 1961, and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), founded in 1966. After many years of conflict that weakened all of the insurgent parties, Angola gained its independence on 11 November 1975, after the 1974 coup d'état in Lisbon, Portugal, which overthrew the Portuguese régime headed by Marcelo Caetano. Portugal's new revolutionary leaders began in 1974 a process of political change at home", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "3878676", "text": "1963, by the merging of the Movement for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (MLEC), the Action Committee of the Cabinda National Union (CAUNC) and the Mayombe National Alliance (ALLIAMA). On the contrary of the remaining three movements, FLEC did not fight for the independence of the whole Angola, but only for the independence of Cabinda, which it considered a separate country. Although its activities started still before the withdrawal of Portugal from Angola, the military actions of FLEC occurred mainly after, being aimed against the Angolan armed and security forces. FLEC is the only of the nationalist and", "title": "Angolan War of Independence" }, { "docid": "8010730", "text": "National Air Force of Angola The National Air Force of Angola or FANA (Portuguese: \"Força Aérea Nacional de Angola\") is the air branch of the Armed Forces of Angola. With an inventory of more than 300 aircraft, FANA is (on paper) one of the largest air forces of Africa. Angola became independent from Portugal on 11 November 1975. However, the foundations for the establishment of the air force were laid before independence when members of the then Flying Club of Angola (\"Aeroclube de Angola\") were assembled at Luanda in October 1975. These people and aircraft left behind by the Portuguese", "title": "National Air Force of Angola" }, { "docid": "12728468", "text": "the northern provinces of Angola (particularly the province of Zaire), the Baptist Convention of Angola has maintained a distinctive multi-ethnic character with an active ministry functioning in ten of the eighteen Angolan provinces since the time of Portuguese colonization. After the war for independence ended in 1975, the Convention had a period of natural stagnation owing to the civil war that dominated the next three decades. In part this stagnation was due to the forced abandonment of the country by the missionary forces from America, Portugal, Denmark and Brazil who, up to that point had led the evangelistic spread of", "title": "Baptist Convention of Angola" }, { "docid": "9246037", "text": "which at the time was an overseas province of Portugal. In 1926, the Portuguese established a separate issue bank for Angola, creating the Bank of Angola (). BNU transferred its branch in Stanleyville to this bank, which in 1934, transferred the branch to Boma, before closing it in 1947. When Angola gained its independence in 1975, the government nationalized the banking sector. \"Banco de Angola\" became \"Banco Nacional de Angola\" (BNA); \"Banco Comercial de Angola\" became \"Banco Popular de Angola\", and is now \"Banco de Poupança e Crédito\". The BNA continued to function as a central bank, bank of issue", "title": "National Bank of Angola" }, { "docid": "511538", "text": "in Angola. Attribution: History of Angola Angola is a country in southwestern Africa. The country's name derives from the Kimbundu word for king. It was first settled by San hunter-gatherer societies before the northern domains came under the rule of Bantu states such as Kongo and Ndongo. From the 15th century, Portuguese colonists began trading, and a settlement was established at Luanda during the 16th century. Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951. After the Angolan War of Independence, which ended", "title": "History of Angola" }, { "docid": "11383474", "text": "on 11 November 1975, with Agostinho Neto becoming the first president, though the civil war continued. José Eduardo Dos Santos became the first elected President of Angola from the MPLA-LT and continued to get the support of Cuba. Angola was a colony of Portugal for more than 400 years from the 15th century. The demand for independence in Angola picked up momentum during the early 1950s. The Portuguese régime, refused to accede to the demands for independence, provoking an armed conflict that started in 1961 when freedom fighters attacked both white and black civilians in cross-border operations in northeastern Angola,", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "11378032", "text": "government, UNITA, and the UN with the governments of Portugal, the United States, and Russia observing, to oversee its implementation. Violations of the protocol's provisions would be discussed and reviewed by the commission. The protocol's provisions, integrating UNITA into the military, a ceasefire, and a coalition government, were similar to those of the Alvor Agreement which granted Angola independence from Portugal in 1975. Many of the same environmental problems, mutual distrust between UNITA and the MPLA, loose international oversight, the importation of foreign arms, and an overemphasis on maintaining the balance of power, led to the protocol's collapse. In January", "title": "1990s in Angola" }, { "docid": "16434147", "text": "Another factor is that the many prostitutes that are in the country illegally have no access to health services. Angola is a source and destination country for women, and children subjected to sex trafficking. Angolan girls as young as 13 years old are victims of sex trafficking. The provinces of Luanda, Benguela, and the border provinces of Cunene, Namibe, Zaire, and Uige are the most vulnerable to trafficking activities. Angolan women and children are subjected to sex trafficking in South Africa, Namibia, and European countries, including the Netherlands and Portugal. Women from Vietnam and Brazil engaged in prostitution in Angola", "title": "Prostitution in Angola" }, { "docid": "12057304", "text": "population of 300 in Madagascar. The British population of Angola is estimated at around 700. When Angola won independence from Portugal in 1975, most British people in Angola resettled in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Namibia (South-West Africa), Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), Portugal or Brazil. Meanwhile, most from Mozambique left for either Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), South Africa or the UK. However, even before 1975, the number of British people in Angola and Mozambique was small, especially compared to the inhabiting Portuguese population. In Mozambique, the British population numbers 1,500. When Mozambique gained independence from Portugal in 1975, most British people left for either", "title": "White Africans of European ancestry" }, { "docid": "13615942", "text": "is a name for Portuguese-speaking people. The competition is organised by the Association of the Portuguese Speaking Olympic Committees () (ACOLOP) which is an Olympic-related not-for-profit organisation. The Lusophony Games is contested by Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Macau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe and Sri Lanka as well as the Indian state of Goa. Angola was a Portuguese colony between 1575 and 1975 before gaining independence in the Angolan War of Independence. Portuguese is the national language of Angola. Alongside the Lusophony Games, Angola also competes at other multi-sport games such as the Olympics.", "title": "Angola at the Lusophony Games" }, { "docid": "511507", "text": "History of Angola Angola is a country in southwestern Africa. The country's name derives from the Kimbundu word for king. It was first settled by San hunter-gatherer societies before the northern domains came under the rule of Bantu states such as Kongo and Ndongo. From the 15th century, Portuguese colonists began trading, and a settlement was established at Luanda during the 16th century. Portugal annexed territories in the region which were ruled as a colony from 1655, and Angola was incorporated as an overseas province of Portugal in 1951. After the Angolan War of Independence, which ended with an army", "title": "History of Angola" }, { "docid": "14305875", "text": "Portuguese protectorate by the 1885 Treaty of Simulambuco. Sometime during the 1920s, it became incorporated into the larger colony (later the overseas province) of Portuguese Angola. The two colonies had initially been contiguous, but later became geographically separated by a narrow corridor of land, which Portugal ceded to Belgium allowing Belgian Congo access to the Atlantic Ocean. Following the decolonisation of Portuguese Angola with the 1975 Alvor Agreement, the short-lived Republic of Cabinda unilaterally declared its independence. However, Cabinda was soon overpowered and re-annexed by the newly proclaimed People's Republic of Angola and never achieved international recognition. Portuguese explorers and", "title": "Portuguese Angola" }, { "docid": "11392048", "text": "recession, had made buying large corporations that they would not have been able to afford if Portugal had not been in a crisis an easy picking for the Angolan government. Portugal had also sold some real estate and port wine estates. Angola now had stakes in the Portuguese economy from banking to energy to media. Angola–Portugal relations Angola–Portugal relations have significantly improved since the Angolan government abandoned communism and nominally embraced democracy in 1991, embracing a pro-U.S. and to a lesser degree pro-Europe foreign policy. Portugal ruled Angola for 400 years, colonizing the territory from 1483 until independence in 1975.", "title": "Angola–Portugal relations" }, { "docid": "11359424", "text": "that Angola's large oil reserves would serve well to make it a rich and strong backer of a Marxist expansion, Cuba focused on primarily supporting Angolan Marxist rebel movements over the liberation movements of other Portuguese colonies, thus beginning the special relationship between Cuba and Angola. Portugal set Angola's independence date for 11 November 1975. Three prominent liberation movements contended for the role of leading the newly formed independent country, namely: UNITA, FNLA and the MPLA. Each of the three movements received foreign assistance, UNITA from western countries, FNLA from China (and later from the West) and MPLA from the", "title": "Angola–Cuba relations" }, { "docid": "6927734", "text": "the Southern Zone of the Africa Region. Although Scouting is growing, the country is plagued by years of civil war and political unrest, and this is hindering development, especially in rural areas. Angolan Scouting was widespread in the colonial years, working closely with Portugal's Catholic Corpo Nacional de Escutas. When Angola gained its independence in 1975 and came under Marxist rule, Scouting was banned by that government. Scouting was officially started again in February 1991. In 1994, the interreligious \"Associação Nacional de Escuteiros\" and the Catholic \"Associação de Escuteiros Católicos de Angola\" merged forming the AEA. Today, Scouting includes an", "title": "Associação de Escuteiros de Angola" } ]
[ { "docid": "11358129", "text": "Cuban intervention in Angola In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention in support of the leftist People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) against United States-backed interventions by South Africa and Zaire in support of two right-wing independence movements competing for power in the country, the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). By the end of 1975 the Cuban military in Angola numbered more than 25,000 troops. Following the withdrawal of Zaire and South Africa, Cuban forces remained in Angola", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11358286", "text": "diamonds. The civil war ended in 2002 after Jonas Savimbi was killed in battle. Cuban intervention in Angola In November 1975, on the eve of Angola's independence, Cuba launched a large-scale military intervention in support of the leftist People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) against United States-backed interventions by South Africa and Zaire in support of two right-wing independence movements competing for power in the country, the National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). By the end of 1975 the Cuban military in Angola numbered more than 25,000", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11871037", "text": "Angola–Brazil relations Angola–Brazil relations refers to the historical and current bilateral relationship between Angola and Brazil. Brazil was the first country to recognize the independence of Angola, in November 1975. Commercial and economic ties dominate the relations of each country. Both countries are former colonies under the Portuguese Empire; Brazil from the early 16th century until its independence in 1822, and Angola until its independence in 1975. Due to their status as former Portuguese colonies and the transatlantic slave trade, Brazil and Angola have a long and important history of economic ties. Period of the transatlantic slave trade In 1646,", "title": "Angola–Brazil relations" }, { "docid": "11352079", "text": "governments of Angola, Zambia, and Zaire signed a non-aggression pact. 1970s in Angola The 1970s in Angola, a time of political and military turbulence, saw the end of Angola's War of Independence (1961–1975) and the outbreak of civil war (1975–2002). Agostinho Neto, the leader of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), declared the independence of the People's Republic of Angola on November 11, 1975, in accordance with the Alvor Accords. UNITA and the FNLA also declared Angolan independence as the Social Democratic Republic of Angola based in Huambo and the Democratic Republic of Angola based in Ambriz.", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11352053", "text": "1970s in Angola The 1970s in Angola, a time of political and military turbulence, saw the end of Angola's War of Independence (1961–1975) and the outbreak of civil war (1975–2002). Agostinho Neto, the leader of the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), declared the independence of the People's Republic of Angola on November 11, 1975, in accordance with the Alvor Accords. UNITA and the FNLA also declared Angolan independence as the Social Democratic Republic of Angola based in Huambo and the Democratic Republic of Angola based in Ambriz. FLEC, armed and backed by the French government, declared the", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11168980", "text": "1960s in Angola The 1960s in Angola were marked by the War of Independence (1961–1975). Portuguese police arrested Agostinho Neto of the MPLA and future President of Angola (1975–1979) in 1960 for the third time. Delegates discussed Cabinda's self-determination in relation to Angola at the 4th Commission of the United Nations on Decolonization in New York in 1962. Cabinda became a member of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) as the 39th colonized country in 1964. Angola's industries grew by an annual average rate of 17% in the 1960s as ethnic Europeans seized natives' lands and increased mineral production. Mineral", "title": "1960s in Angola" }, { "docid": "14328321", "text": "Museum of the Armed Forces (Angola) The Museum of the Armed Forces (Portuguese: Museu das Forças Armadas) is located in Fortaleza de São Miguel de Luanda, in Luanda, Angola. Founded in 1975, following the independence of Angola, the museum includes bi-motor airplanes, combat vehicles, and diverse arms and artifacts used during the Angolan War of Independence (1961–1974), the South African Border War (1966-1991), and the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002). The museum also contains statuary which ornamented the avenues and plazas of colonial Luanda, which were removed after independence. These include the statue of Diogo Cão, the first European to set", "title": "Museum of the Armed Forces (Angola)" }, { "docid": "11358284", "text": "withdrawal of the last soldier from Angola on 25 May 1991, a total of 2,289 Cubans were killed. Other analysts have noted that of 36,000 Cuban troops committed to fighting in Angola from 1975 to 1979, combat deaths were close to 5,000 in number. Free elections in Namibia were held in November 1989 with SWAPO taking 57% of the vote in spite of Pretoria's attempts to swing the elections in favor of other parties. (see Martti Ahtisaari and History of Namibia). Namibia gained independence in March 1990. The situation in Angola was anything but settled and the country continued to", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "1754", "text": "colonisation. It began with, and was for centuries limited to, coastal settlements and trading posts established starting in the 16th century. In the 19th century, European settlers slowly and hesitantly began to establish themselves in the interior. The Portuguese colony that became Angola did not have its present borders until the early 20th century because of resistance by groups such as the Cuamato, the Kwanyama and the Mbunda. After a protracted anti-colonial struggle, independence was achieved in 1975 as the Marxist–Leninist People's Republic of Angola, a one-party state supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba. The civil war between the", "title": "Angola" }, { "docid": "9221296", "text": "the Republican administration of President Ford attempted to counter them. This was thwarted by the Tunney/Clark amendment, passed by a Democratic congress forbidding any involvement. The United States opposed Angola's membership in the United Nations from its declaration of independence in 1975 to its acceptance in December 1976. Angola did not have formal relations with the United States until 1993. Fidel Castro regarded the attitude of the United States: Why were they vexed? Why had they planned everything to take possession of Angola before 11 November? Angola is a country rich in resources. In Cabinda there is lots of oil.", "title": "Angola–United States relations" }, { "docid": "11751075", "text": "carried on largely by Africans with very few qualifications. Most secondary school teachers were Portuguese. In 1962, the first university established in Angola was founded by the Portuguese authorities — Estudos Gerais Universitários de Angola. This first Angolan university awarded a range of degrees from engineering to medicine. In 1968, it was renamed \"Universidade de Luanda\" (“University of Luanda”). The conflict between the Portuguese military and the nationalist guerrillas, the Portuguese Colonial War (1961–1974), did not damage effectively this strong education growth started in the late 1950s. However, the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002) that ensued after independence left the education", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "10664828", "text": "1950s in Angola Angola in the 1950s transitioned from colonial to provincial status. Angola had the status of a Portuguese colony from 1655 until the Assembly of the Republic passed a law on June 11, 1951, giving all Portuguese colonies provincial status, effective on October 20, 1951. Separatist political organizations advocating Angolan independence formed in the 1950s despite strong resistance from the Portuguese government, leading to the Angolan War of Independence (1961–1975). Viriato da Cruz and others formed the Movement of Young Intellectuals, an organization that promoted Angolan culture, in 1948. Nationalists sent a letter to the United Nations calling", "title": "1950s in Angola" }, { "docid": "17128773", "text": "in significant growth and development in the church. In 1957, the work of the North American Congregational Churches was united and the Council of Evangelical Churches in Angola was founded. In 1975, after the country had gained independence, The Angolan Civil War broke out. The war devastated Angola's infrastructure and severely damaged the nation's public administration, economic enterprises and religious institutions. The war forced foreign missionaries to leave the country. The church was divided into two parts; rural and urban. During and after the war, the church remained divided into the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola and the Evangelical Reformed", "title": "Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola" }, { "docid": "2488038", "text": "music for a wide variety of Angolan social gatherings. Its versatility is evident in its inevitable presence at funerals and, on the other hand, many Angolan parties. Semba is very much alive and popular in Angola today as it was long before that country's independence from the Portuguese colonial system on November 11, 1975. Various new Semba artists emerge each year in Angola, as they render homage to the veteran semba masters, many of whom are still performing. Other styles related to the Semba is Rebita, which is inspired by European line dances, as well as kazukuta and kabetula which", "title": "Music of Angola" }, { "docid": "11882413", "text": "for clandestine operations in which covert operations were authorized: “The first meeting involved only money, but the second included some arms package.\" Beginning in 1975, the CIA participated in the Angolan Civil War, hiring and training American, British, French and Portuguese private military contractors, as well as training National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) rebels under Jonas Savimbi, to fight against the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) led by Agostinho Neto. John Stockwell commanded the CIA's Angola effort in 1975 to 1976. In a meeting including President Richard Nixon and Chinese Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping,", "title": "CIA activities in Angola" }, { "docid": "10664830", "text": "of Northern Angola, which advocated the independence of the traditional Kingdom of Kongo, in 1954. Portuguese police arrested Agostinho Neto of the MPLA and future President of Angola (1975–1979), in 1952 and again in 1955 for his involvement in the Portuguese Communist Party. He returned to Angola in 1959 and police arrested him again in 1960. Portuguese authorities arrested over 100 MPLA members in 1959. The Portuguese discovered petroleum in Angola in 1955. Production began in the Cuanza basin in the 1950s, in the Congo basin in the 1960s, and in the exclave of Cabinda in 1968. The Belgian company", "title": "1950s in Angola" }, { "docid": "15129846", "text": "Angola Press News Agency The Angola Press News Agency or Angola Press Agency (ANGOP; ) is the official news agency of Angola, based in Luanda. Founded in 1975, it was a former close ally of the now-defunct Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union. It is part of the . ANGOP was founded in April 1975 under the name \"Agência Nacional Angola Press\" (ANAP) and later renamed \"Agência Angola Press\" when Angola gained independence, by order dated October 30, 1975, promulgated by then president Agostinho Neto and enjoyed autonomy and editorial independence under Presidential Decree No. 9/75 of 15 September 1975.", "title": "Angola Press News Agency" }, { "docid": "20722300", "text": "Santa Cruz, Angola Santa Cruz (also called Milunga ) is a city and a county in Angola . Santa Cruz was one of the first objectives of the independence movement UPA ( \"União das Populações do Norte de Angola\" , from 1962 FNLA ), which began in March 1961, the Portuguese colonial war in Angola. The popular resistance of the local population, which consisted largely of Portuguese settlers, was propagated by Portuguese propaganda as a feat against terrorist attacks by insurgents who were sinking abroad. After Angola's independence in 1975, Santa Cruz, like many other places, abandoned its Portuguese place", "title": "Santa Cruz, Angola" }, { "docid": "10252395", "text": "Trade unions in Angola Before 1975, while under Portuguese rule, Trade unions in Angola existed primarily as \"occupational syndicates\" - operating welfare services, but banned from collective bargaining and strike action. Independent African trade unions were illegal, however, some underground or exiled unions existed, and were involved in the struggle for Angolan independence. When the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) came to power in 1975 the National Union of Angolan Workers (UNTA) became the sole national trade union centre. There is now an independent trade union centre as well, the General Centre of Independent and Free Unions of", "title": "Trade unions in Angola" }, { "docid": "1857", "text": "Economy of Angola The Economy of Angola is one of the fastest-growing in the world, with reported annual average GDP growth of 11.1 percent from 2001 to 2010. It is still recovering from 27 years of the civil war that plagued the country from its independence in 1975 to 2002. Despite extensive oil and gas resources, diamonds, hydroelectric potential, and rich agricultural land, Angola remains poor, and a third of the population relies on subsistence agriculture. Since 2002, when the 27-year civil war ended, the nation has worked to repair and improve ravaged infrastructure and weakened political and social institutions.", "title": "Economy of Angola" }, { "docid": "1819", "text": "a population of 25.789.024 inhabitants. It is estimated that Angola was host to 12,100 refugees and 2,900 asylum seekers by the end of 2007. 11,400 of those refugees were originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who arrived in the 1970s. there were an estimated 400,000 Democratic Republic of the Congo migrant workers, at least 220,000 Portuguese, and about 259,000 Chinese living in Angola. Since 2003, more than 400,000 Congolese migrants have been expelled from Angola. Prior to independence in 1975, Angola had a community of approximately 350,000 Portuguese, but the vast majority left after independence and the ensuing civil", "title": "Angola" }, { "docid": "11358136", "text": "fighting was taken up throughout the whole country. The independence movements attempted to seize key strategic points, most importantly the capital on the day of independence. In a meeting of the United States National Security Council (NSC) on 27 June 1975, U.S. President Gerald Ford said that, in spite of planned elections, it was important to get \"his man\" in first, referring to then UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi being in control of Luanda before the elections. Arthur Schlesinger pointed out at the same meeting that the U.S. \"might wish to encourage the disintegration of Angola. Cabinda in the clutches of", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "11383478", "text": "declaration of independence. In response, Cuba intervened in favor of the MPLA, which became a flash point for the Cold War. With Cuban support, the MPLA held Luanda and declared independence on 11 November 1975, with Agostinho Neto becoming the first president, though the civil war continued. At this time, most of the half-million Portuguese who lived in Angola – and who had accounted for the majority of the skilled workers in public administration, agriculture, industries and trade – fled the country, leaving its once prosperous and growing economy in a state of bankruptcy. Cuban intervention in Angola is believed", "title": "Angola–Cuba Declaration of 1984" }, { "docid": "511521", "text": "nationalist's demands for independence, thereby provoking the armed conflict that started in 1961 when guerrillas attacked colonial assets in cross-border operations in northeastern Angola The war came to be known as the Colonial War. In this struggle, the principal protagonists were the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola), founded in 1956, the FNLA (National Front for the Liberation of Angola), which appeared in 1961, and UNITA (National Union for the Total Independence of Angola), founded in 1966. After many years of conflict, the nation gained its independence on 11 November 1975, after the 1974 coup d'état in Lisbon,", "title": "History of Angola" }, { "docid": "10652438", "text": "recognition. Colonial history of Angola The colonial history of Angola is usually considered to run from the appearance of the Portuguese under Diogo Cão in 1482 (Congo) or 1484 (Angolan coast) until the independence of Angola in November 1975. Settlement did not begin until Novais's establishment of São Paulo de Loanda (Luanda) in 1575, however, and the Portuguese government only formally incorporated Angola as a colony in 1655 or on May 12, 1886. Luanda was founded in 1576 with a hundred families of settlers and 400 soldiers. Benguela was founded as a fort in 1587. Luanda was granted the status", "title": "Colonial history of Angola" }, { "docid": "10652419", "text": "Colonial history of Angola The colonial history of Angola is usually considered to run from the appearance of the Portuguese under Diogo Cão in 1482 (Congo) or 1484 (Angolan coast) until the independence of Angola in November 1975. Settlement did not begin until Novais's establishment of São Paulo de Loanda (Luanda) in 1575, however, and the Portuguese government only formally incorporated Angola as a colony in 1655 or on May 12, 1886. Luanda was founded in 1576 with a hundred families of settlers and 400 soldiers. Benguela was founded as a fort in 1587. Luanda was granted the status of", "title": "Colonial history of Angola" }, { "docid": "12384501", "text": "the treatment regimen. This is seen in Angola as well, as only 39% of all individuals placed on ART are known to have been still taking it 12 months after beginning treatment. The 27-year civil war in Angola, lasting from 1975 until 2002, kept the spread of HIV to a minimum due to large parts of the country being inaccessible to people infected with the virus. During the civil war, individuals from neighboring countries such as Zambia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe (all countries with high prevalence rates of HIV) were also not allowed to come into the country, which played a", "title": "HIV/AIDS in Angola" }, { "docid": "10252396", "text": "Angola. Trade union membership in Angola is limited both by the small formal economy, and the high unemployment rate within the sector. The Government of Angola is the largest employer within the country, and wages within the government are set yearly, with consultation from unions, but without direct negotiations. Trade unions in Angola Before 1975, while under Portuguese rule, Trade unions in Angola existed primarily as \"occupational syndicates\" - operating welfare services, but banned from collective bargaining and strike action. Independent African trade unions were illegal, however, some underground or exiled unions existed, and were involved in the struggle for", "title": "Trade unions in Angola" }, { "docid": "11616583", "text": "banned Islam and mosques as contrary to the nation's culture. http://www.nation.co.ke/news/africa/Angola-denies-banning-Islam-/-/1066/2089492/-/513xwuz/-/index.html Religion in Angola Religion in Angola consists in about 1,000 religious communities in the country, most of which are Christian. Roman Catholics constitute about half of the population. Other Christian denominations include Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Reformed Churches and Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses − all these denominations making up about a quarter of the population. Since independence, numerous Pentecostal, Evangelical and other communities have sprung up, the most important being the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, of Brazilian origin. Two syncretic \"African Christian\" churches exist, the Kimbanguists", "title": "Religion in Angola" }, { "docid": "11352056", "text": "the week before independence. While Cuban officers led the mission and provided the bulk of the troop force, 60 Soviet officers in the Congo joined the Cubans on November 12. The Soviet leadership expressly forbid the Cubans from intervening in Angola's civil war, focusing the mission on containing South Africa. In 1975 and 1976 most foreign forces, with the exception of Cuba, withdrew. The last elements of the Portuguese military withdrew in 1975 and the South African military withdrew in February 1976. On the other hand, Cuba's troop force in Angola increased from 5,500 in December 1975 to 11,000 in", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11168981", "text": "exports doubled between 1965 and 1970 to 170 million pounds. In the district of Huambo, between 1968 and 1970 white-owned land more than doubled from 249,039 hectares to 526,270 hectares. Native-owned land decreased by 36.5%. The average African farm's gross income declined between 1964 and 1970 from $98.00 to $35.00 Portuguese petroleum-production began in Congo basin in the 1960s, and in the exclave of Cabinda in 1968. Now the petroleum industry is the engine of the Angolan economy. 1960s in Angola The 1960s in Angola were marked by the War of Independence (1961–1975). Portuguese police arrested Agostinho Neto of the", "title": "1960s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11378016", "text": "1990s in Angola In the 1990s in Angola, the last decade of the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002), the Angolan government transitioned from a nominally communist state to a nominally democratic one, a move made possible by political changes abroad and military victories at home. Namibia's declaration of independence, internationally recognized on April 1, eliminated the southwestern front of combat as South African forces withdrew to the east. The MPLA abolished the one-party system in June and rejected Marxist-Leninism at the MPLA's third Congress in December, formally changing the party's name from the MPLA-PT to the MPLA. The National Assembly passed", "title": "1990s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11391789", "text": "Angola–Vietnam relations Angola–Vietnam relations were established in August 1971, four years before Angola gained its independence, when future President of Angola Agostinho Neto visited Vietnam. Angola and Vietnam have steadfast partners as both transitioned from Cold War-era foreign policies of international communism to pro-Western pragmatism following the fall of the Soviet Union. In February 1974, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLFSV) commended the 1961 attack on Cassanje, the first battle of Angola’s war of independence. In January 1975, Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, the leader of NLFSV, gave his \"warmest greetings\" to the leaders of the (People's Movement for the", "title": "Angola–Vietnam relations" }, { "docid": "11378044", "text": "President of FLEC-R, showed up, the Angolan army arrested him and his bodyguards. The Angolan army later forcibly freed the other hostages on July 7. By the end of the year the government had arrested the leadership of all three rebel organizations. 1990s in Angola In the 1990s in Angola, the last decade of the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002), the Angolan government transitioned from a nominally communist state to a nominally democratic one, a move made possible by political changes abroad and military victories at home. Namibia's declaration of independence, internationally recognized on April 1, eliminated the southwestern front of", "title": "1990s in Angola" }, { "docid": "12268376", "text": "Diocese of Angola The Diocese of Angola () is a diocese in the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, encompassing the entire country of Angola. It is divided in four archdeaconries, Luanda, Lukunga Lozi (Songo), Nzadi a Lukiki and Uíge, with a total of 63 parishes. Anglicanism reached the Portuguese colony of Angola in 1923, due to the English missionary Archibald Patterson. The current diocese has been formed from the Igreja Evangélica Unida de Angola, which shared a common history with the Igreja Evangélica Reformada de Angola from 1922 to 1975. It was constituted as the Evangelical Reformed Church of Angola", "title": "Diocese of Angola" }, { "docid": "11616548", "text": "Religion in Angola Religion in Angola consists in about 1,000 religious communities in the country, most of which are Christian. Roman Catholics constitute about half of the population. Other Christian denominations include Baptists, Methodists, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Reformed Churches and Seventh-day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses − all these denominations making up about a quarter of the population. Since independence, numerous Pentecostal, Evangelical and other communities have sprung up, the most important being the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, of Brazilian origin. Two syncretic \"African Christian\" churches exist, the Kimbanguists who have their origin in what is the present-day Democratic Republic", "title": "Religion in Angola" }, { "docid": "11636781", "text": "volume of coffee it had produced in the early 1970s, while production of cotton, tobacco and sugar cane had ceased almost entirely. Poor global market prices and lack of investment severely limited the sector after independence. The Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) and the consequent deterioration of the rural economy and neglect of the farming sector dealt the final blow to the country’s agricultural productivity. The departure of Portuguese farmers and traders from rural Angola after independence undermined agricultural productivity. In response the government set up state farms on land formerly owned by the Portuguese and established the National Company for", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "6877360", "text": "(MPLA), the \"de facto\" government of Angola, with control of Luanda and most of the country since independence in 1975, and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA). The mission's original mandate was established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 696 (1991), passed on May 30, 1991. The stated mandate was: to verify the arrangements agreed by the Angolan parties for the monitoring of the ceasefire and for the monitoring of the Angolan police during the ceasefire period. The subsequent resolution Resolution 747 (1992), passed March 24, 1992 altered the mandate to include electoral monitoring duties. During", "title": "United Nations Angola Verification Mission II" }, { "docid": "11413919", "text": "sent FARP soldiers to Angola where they served as the personal bodyguards of Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos. Angola–Cape Verde relations Angola–Cape Verde relations refers to the historical and current bilateral relationship between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cape Verde. Relations are based on their shared experiences as Portuguese colonies, both before, after and during the struggle for independence. Domingos Pereira Magalhães is the ambassador of Cape Verde to Angola. Cape Verde signed a friendship accord with Angola in December 1975, shortly after Angola gained its independence. Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau served as stop-over points for", "title": "Angola–Cape Verde relations" }, { "docid": "11413918", "text": "Angola–Cape Verde relations Angola–Cape Verde relations refers to the historical and current bilateral relationship between the Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cape Verde. Relations are based on their shared experiences as Portuguese colonies, both before, after and during the struggle for independence. Domingos Pereira Magalhães is the ambassador of Cape Verde to Angola. Cape Verde signed a friendship accord with Angola in December 1975, shortly after Angola gained its independence. Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau served as stop-over points for Cuban troops on their way to Angola to fight UNITA rebels and South African troops. Prime Minister Pedro Pires", "title": "Angola–Cape Verde relations" }, { "docid": "11368993", "text": "United States, the People's Republic of China and the Mobutu government in Zaïre. The United States, South Africa, and several other African nations also supported Jonas Savimbi's National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), whose ethnic and regional base lies in the Ovimbundu heartland of central Angola. The government of the Soviet Union, well aware of South African activity in southern Angola, flew Cuban soldiers into Luanda one week before November 11, 1975, the date on which Angolan nationalists had agreed to declare independence. While Cuban officers led the mission and provided the bulk of the troop force,", "title": "Angola–Soviet Union relations" }, { "docid": "2478493", "text": "Flag of Angola The national flag of Angola came into use at when Angola gained independence on November 11, 1975. It is split horizontally into an upper red half and a lower black half with an emblem resting at the center. It features a yellow half gear wheel crossed by a machete and crowned with a star. The Angolan flag is based on the flag of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), which fought Portuguese colonial rule and emerged as the ruling party of Angola following the Angolan Civil War. The MPLA flag is similar to the", "title": "Flag of Angola" }, { "docid": "11636777", "text": "1970s, while production of cotton, tobacco and sugar cane had ceased almost entirely. Poor global market prices and lack of investment have severely limited the sector since independence. The Angolan Civil War (1975-2002) and the consequent deterioration of the rural economy and neglect of the farming sector dealt the final blow to the country’s agricultural productivity. During the civil war most small-scale farmers reverted to subsistence farming. Angola has been dependent on commercial imports since 1977 and was heavily dependent up to the end of the war. The agriculture of Angola is currently expanding due to the end of the", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "16395461", "text": "helicopter in the enemy rear, getting it trapped between the two forces. Dragoons of Angola The Dragoons of Angola (Portuguese: \"Dragões de Angola\") was a special horse unit of the Portuguese Army, that operated in the Angolan War of Independence against the independentist guerrillas. The unit started to be raised in 1966 and was disbanded in 1975 due to the events of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon, the end of the Portuguese Colonial War and the independence of Angola. In military history, it was probably one of the last units of real dragoons (mounted infantry) to be used in combat", "title": "Dragoons of Angola" }, { "docid": "16395457", "text": "Dragoons of Angola The Dragoons of Angola (Portuguese: \"Dragões de Angola\") was a special horse unit of the Portuguese Army, that operated in the Angolan War of Independence against the independentist guerrillas. The unit started to be raised in 1966 and was disbanded in 1975 due to the events of the Carnation Revolution in Lisbon, the end of the Portuguese Colonial War and the independence of Angola. In military history, it was probably one of the last units of real dragoons (mounted infantry) to be used in combat operations, excluding the Rhodesian Grey's Scouts. A similar unit was being raised", "title": "Dragoons of Angola" }, { "docid": "13492749", "text": "Health in Angola Health in Angola is rated among the worst in the world. Only a fraction of the population receives even rudimentary medical attention. From 1975 to 1992, there were 300,000 civil war-related deaths. The overall death rate was estimated at 240 per 1,000 in 2002. The HIV/AIDS prevalence was 3.90 per 100 adults in 2003. As of 2004, there were approximately 240,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in the country. There were an estimated 521,000 deaths from AIDS in 2003. USAID has reported that the Angolan government has not had much success in developing an effective health care system", "title": "Health in Angola" }, { "docid": "11751073", "text": "1950s was low for North American and Western European standards at the time. Only in the mid-1960s did the country make public education available for all children between the ages of six and twelve, and the overseas territories profited from this new education developments and change in policy at Lisbon. In Angola, until the 1950s, facilities run by the government were few for such a large territory and restricted to the urban areas. Responsibility for educating Africans rested with Roman Catholic and Protestant missions. As a consequence, each of the missions established its own school system, and the children were", "title": "Education in Angola" }, { "docid": "11358139", "text": "first country to send troops to Angola in March 1975 and to engage in fighting against the MPLA by the summer of that year. In the summer of 1974 China was first to act after the Portuguese Revolution and posted 200 military instructors to Zaire where they trained FNLA troops and supplied military assistance. Chinese involvement was a measure against Soviet influence rather than that from western countries. On 27 October 1975, they were also the first to withdraw their military instructors. UNITA, which split away from FNLA in 1965/66 was initially Maoist and received some support from China. North", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "1856", "text": "WToO, WTrO Politics of Angola Since the adoption of a new constitution in 2010, the politics of Angola takes place in a framework of a presidential republic, whereby the President of Angola is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the President, the government and parliament. Angola changed from a one-party Marxist-Leninist system ruled by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), in place since independence in 1975, to a multiparty democracy based on a new constitution adopted in 1992.", "title": "Politics of Angola" }, { "docid": "1847", "text": "Politics of Angola Since the adoption of a new constitution in 2010, the politics of Angola takes place in a framework of a presidential republic, whereby the President of Angola is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is vested in the President, the government and parliament. Angola changed from a one-party Marxist-Leninist system ruled by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), in place since independence in 1975, to a multiparty democracy based on a new constitution adopted in 1992. That same", "title": "Politics of Angola" }, { "docid": "11352054", "text": "independence of the Republic of Cabinda from Paris. The National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) and the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) forged an alliance on November 23, proclaiming their own coalition government based in Huambo with Holden Roberto and Jonas Savimbi as co-presidents and José Ndelé and Johnny Pinnock Eduardo as co-Prime Ministers. The South African government told Savimbi and Roberto in early November that the South African Defence Force (SADF) would soon end operations in Angola despite the coalition's failure to capture Luanda and therefore secure international recognition at independence. Savimbi, desperate to avoid", "title": "1970s in Angola" }, { "docid": "11026891", "text": "major role in country's struggle during the Angolan War of Independence. After the Independence, MPLA fought a civil war against the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and National Liberation Front of Angola (FNLA) from 1975 to 2002. During the Angolan War of Independence many communist and African nations supported the rebels. The Cuban Military was heavily involved in the conflict aiding the MPLA. However, during the Angolan Civil War the Cuban Military would aid the MPLA while other nations such as the People's Republic of China and Zaire would support UNITA and the FNLA. The South", "title": "Military history of Angola" }, { "docid": "1851903", "text": "an author who studied in Huambo and is affiliated with both the country's Writer Union and Union of Artists and Composers. He is one of the best-selling writers in the capital city Luanda – according to an \"informal survey\" conducted in July 2003 – and writes about \"everyday life\" in the country using satire and irony. The song was officially designated as the country's national anthem in 1975, when the country gained independence on November 11 of that year. It is enshrined under Article 164 of the constitution of Angola. Its lyrics refer to several key events in the history", "title": "Angola Avante" }, { "docid": "11636780", "text": "traders in exchange for supplies. The commercial farmers dominated the marketing for these crops, however, and enjoyed substantial support from the colonial government in the form of technical assistance, irrigation facilities, and financial credit. They produced the great majority of the crops that were marketed in the cities or exported. Before 1975, Angola had a flourishing tradition of family-based farming and was self-sufficient in all major food crops except wheat. The country exported coffee and maize, as well as crops such as sisal, bananas, tobacco and cassava. By the 1990s Angola was producing less than 1 per cent of the", "title": "Agriculture in Angola" }, { "docid": "2488043", "text": "settled in Rotterdam, where he became closely associated with the Cape Verdean community. Bonga's \"Mona Ki Ngi Xica\" (1972) earned him an arrest warrant, and he began travelling between Germany, France and Belgium until Angola gained independence in 1975. After independence came civil war. Many popular musicians were killed, and some who were spared simply left the country. In the early 1980s, Angolan popular music was deeply influenced by Cuban music, especially in the work of André Mingas and brother Rui Mingas. Cuban Rumba was popular and influential across southern Africa, including Angola's neighbor Zaire (renamed the Democratic Republic of", "title": "Music of Angola" }, { "docid": "11358184", "text": "November the members had celebrated Angolan independence with wine and cheese in their offices. The U.S. had not commented on the South African intervention in Angola but denounced the Cuban intervention when it first acknowledged Cuban troops in Angola in an official statement on 24 November 1975. Kissinger said \"that US efforts at rapprochement with Cuba would end should 'Cuban armed intervention in the affairs of other nations struggling to decide their own fate' continue.\" On 28 February 1976, Ford called Castro \"an international outlaw\" and the Cuban intervention a \"flagrant act of aggression\". Due to the hostility between the", "title": "Cuban intervention in Angola" }, { "docid": "16037325", "text": "and joint cooperation continued through the Breakup of Yugoslavia, and Angola has expressed its strong support for Serbia on the issue of Kosovo. The Defence minister of Serbia, Dragan Šutanovac, stated in 2011 meeting in Luanda that Serbia is negotiating with the Angolan military authorities for the construction of a new military hospital in the Angola. Angola–Serbia relations Angola–Serbia relations are foreign relations between Angola and Serbia. Both countries maintain diplomatic relations established between Angola and Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1975, following Angola's independence. Angola has an embassy in Belgrade, with ambassador Toko Diakenga Serao, and Serbia has", "title": "Angola–Serbia relations" }, { "docid": "11788425", "text": "the fighting in Namibia would eventually drive at least 43,000 Namibian refugees into exile in Angola, many of whom joined PLAN. Following Angolan independence in 1975, SWAPO established a formal alliance with Angola's new ruling party, the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). After being expelled from Zambia between 1976 and 1979, PLAN was permitted by the MPLA to establish its regional headquarters inside Angola. Access to bases inside Angola provided PLAN with opportunities to train its forces in secure sanctuaries and infiltrate insurgents and supplies across Namibia's northern border. The MPLA government also permitted shipments of arms", "title": "Angola–Namibia relations" }, { "docid": "13492758", "text": "vaccination against polio and vitamin A supplementation. Angola has a large HIV/AIDS infected population. The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) estimated adult prevalence at the end of 2003 at 3.9% – over 420,000 infected people. Angola's 27-year civil war (1975–2002), deterred the spread of HIV by making large portions of the country inaccessible. Angola was thus cut off from most contact with neighboring countries that had higher HIV infection rates. With the end of the war, transportation routes and communication are reopening, therefore enabling a greater potential for the spread of HIV/AIDS. Current statistics indicate that the border", "title": "Health in Angola" } ]
Which country mainly makes up the Horn of Africa?
[ "Somali National Salvation Committee", "Somolia", "Soomaaliya", "Somaila", "Republic of Somalia", "Somalia, Africa", "The Independent Somali State", "ISO 3166-1:SO", "الصومال", "Coast of Somalia", "Somalia", "Somaliya", "Federal Republic of Somalia", "As-Sumal" ]
[ { "docid": "722197", "text": "Horn of Africa The Horn of Africa (, , , , ) (shortened to HOA; alternatively Somali Peninsula) is a peninsula in Northeast Africa. It juts hundreds of kilometers into the Arabian Sea and lies along the southern side of the Gulf of Aden. The area is the easternmost projection of the African continent. Referred to in ancient and medieval times as \"Land of the Berbers\" and \"Habesha\", the Horn of Africa denotes the region containing the countries of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia. It covers approximately 2,000,000 km (770,000 sq mi) and is inhabited by roughly 115 million people", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722198", "text": "(Ethiopia: 96.6 million, Somalia: 10.4 million, Eritrea: 6.4 million, and Djibouti: 0.81 million). Regional studies on the Horn of Africa are carried out, among others, in the fields of Ethiopian Studies as well as Somali Studies. This peninsula is known by various names. In ancient and medieval times, the Horn of Africa was referred to as the \"Bilad al Barbar\" (\"Land of the Berbers\"). It is also known as the \"Somali peninsula\", or in the Somali language, \"Geeska Afrika\", \"Jasiiradda Soomaali\" or \"Gacandhulka Soomaali\". In other languages that are local or adjacent to the Horn of Africa, it is known", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722202", "text": "displays the greatest diversity, a sign often viewed to represent a geographic origin. The Horn of Africa is also the place where the haplogroup E1b1b originated from, Christopher Ehret and Shomarka Keita have suggested that the geography of the E1b1b lineage coincides with the distribution of the Afroasiatic languages. Genetic analysis done on the Afroasiatic speaking population further found that a pre-agricultural back-to-Africa migration into the Horn of Africa occurred through Egypt 23,000 years ago and it brought a non-African ancestry dubbed Ethio-Somali in the region. Together with northern Somalia, Djibouti, the Red Sea coast of Sudan and Eritrea is", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722257", "text": "at the 2012 London Olympics. According to the IMF, in 2010 the Horn of Africa region had a total GDP (PPP) of $106.224 billion and nominal of $35.819 billion. Per capita, the GDP in 2010 was $1061 (PPP) and $358 (nominal). States of the region depend largely on a few key exports: Over 95% of cross-border trade within the region is unofficial and undocumented, carried out by pastoralists trading livestock. The unofficial trade of live cattle, camels, sheep and goats from Ethiopia sold to other countries in the Horn and the wider Eastern Africa region, including Somalia and Djibouti, generates", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "11054632", "text": "Siddiqis in the Horn of Africa Siddiqi () is a Muslim family name, found in the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Sheikh is an additional title used occasionally by Siddiqis to signify noble Arab heritage. According to tradition, people having surname \"Siddiqi\" are offspring of Abu Bakr Siddique (), the first Khalifa (Caliph) and an early companion and friend of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. People claiming Siddiqi descent can be found in Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia. However, representatives in these countries are not referred to as Siddiqi, but are instead known by various local names.", "title": "Siddiqis in the Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "6881122", "text": "USD to help fund its relief efforts in the region. 2006 Horn of Africa food crisis In 2006, an acute shortage of food affected the countries in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia), as well as northeastern Kenya. The United Nations's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated on January 6, 2006, that more than 11 million people in these countries may be affected by an impending widespread famine, largely attributed to a severe drought, and exacerbated by military conflicts in the region. Drought is a predictable event in the Horn of Africa, and when combined with other factors", "title": "2006 Horn of Africa food crisis" }, { "docid": "6881118", "text": "2006 Horn of Africa food crisis In 2006, an acute shortage of food affected the countries in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia), as well as northeastern Kenya. The United Nations's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimated on January 6, 2006, that more than 11 million people in these countries may be affected by an impending widespread famine, largely attributed to a severe drought, and exacerbated by military conflicts in the region. Drought is a predictable event in the Horn of Africa, and when combined with other factors it causes conflict and terrible human misery. Previous droughts in", "title": "2006 Horn of Africa food crisis" }, { "docid": "722239", "text": "periodic monsoon winds and irregular rainfall. Mean daily maximum temperatures range from , except at higher elevations along the eastern seaboard, where the effects of a cold offshore current can be felt. Somalia has only two permanent rivers, the Jubba and the Shabele, both of which begin in the Ethiopian Highlands. About 220 mammals are found in the Horn of Africa. Among threatened species of the region, there are several antelopes such as the beira, the dibatag, the silver dikdik and the Speke's gazelle. Other remarkable species include the Somali wild ass, the desert warthog, the hamadryas baboon, the Somali", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "20361570", "text": "Italian conquest of the Horn of Africa (1924–1940) The Italian conquest of the Horn of Africa was initiated in 1924 by the fascist government of Italy under Benito Mussolini. With great brutality, Somalia had been totally pacified by late 1927. In 1935, Mussolini launched an invasion of Ethiopia. By mid-1936, the Italian troops controlled the entire territory. 1,757 Italians and 1,593 Eritreans were killed in the brief war. More than 275,000 Ethiopians were killed. In 1940, Italian troops invaded British Somaliland, expelling the British. The Italians also occupied the bordering Kenya areas along the Oltregiuba, around the villages of Moyale", "title": "Italian conquest of the Horn of Africa (1924–1940)" }, { "docid": "20361571", "text": "and Buna. The Ethiopians recorded 275,000 combatants killed in action, 78,500 patriots (guerrilla fighters) killed during the occupation, 17,800 civilians killed by aerial bombardment and 30,000 in the February 1937 massacre, 35,000 people died in concentration camps, 24,000 patriots executed by Summary Courts, 300,000 persons died of privation due to the destruction of their villages, amounting to 760,300 deaths. Italian conquest of the Horn of Africa (1924–1940) The Italian conquest of the Horn of Africa was initiated in 1924 by the fascist government of Italy under Benito Mussolini. With great brutality, Somalia had been totally pacified by late 1927. In", "title": "Italian conquest of the Horn of Africa (1924–1940)" }, { "docid": "9472817", "text": "to a third party. Pirates are rampant along the coast of Somalia and present a hazard to all shipping there; as such, anti-piracy operations are a routine part of Operation Enduring Freedom: Horn of Africa. This is done primarily by the Combined Task Force 150 and in parallel to other independent anti-piracy operations conducted off the coast of Somalia by other countries such as China, India and Russia. The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter USCGC \"Munro\" (WHEC-724), working with carrier and the destroyer in the Gulf of Aden, intercepted a hijacked vessel at around noon on 17 March. The interception was", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9472840", "text": "al-Qaeda linked terrorists continued in 2009 when on 14 September several U.S. Navy helicopters launched a raid in Baraawe against Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, killing him as well as five other militants. Also in 2009, Operators from the SAS and the SRR were deployed to Djibouti as part of Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa to conducting operations against Islamist terrorists in Somalia; carrying out missions focusing on surveillance and targeting of terrorists, alongside their US counterparts, they have also been carrying out this role in Yemen. On 25 January 2012, two U.S. Navy Seal teams raided a", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722205", "text": "Himyarite Kingdom. Under Ezana (fl. 320–360), the kingdom of Aksum became the first major empire to adopt Christianity, and was named by Mani as one of the four great powers of his time, along with Persia, Rome and China. Northern Somalia was an important link in the Horn, connecting the region's commerce with the rest of the ancient world. Somali sailors and merchants were the main suppliers of frankincense, myrrh and spices, all of which were valuable luxuries to the Ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, Mycenaeans, Babylonians and Romans. The Romans consequently began to refer to the region as \"Regio Aromatica\". In", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "357902", "text": "West and Central Africa), or sometimes extending from the coast of West Africa to Western Sudan. Its equivalent in Southeast Africa was \"Zanj\" (\"Country of the Blacks\"), which was situated in the vicinity of the Great Lakes region. The geographers drew an explicit ethnographic distinction between the Sudan region and its analogue Zanj, from the area to their extreme east on the Red Sea coast in the Horn of Africa. In modern-day Ethiopia and Eritrea was \"Al-Habash\" or Abyssinia, which was inhabited by the \"Habash\" or Abyssinians, who were the forebears of the Habesha. In northern Somalia was \"Barbara\" or", "title": "Sub-Saharan Africa" }, { "docid": "11054633", "text": "Siddiqis in Eastern Ethiopia are usually called Qallu. While some of them still speak Arabic, most of them speak the regional Oromo, Harari or Somali languages, tongues which, like Arabic, also belong to the Afro-Asiatic language family. In Somalia, Siddiqis are commonly known as Sheekhaal or Aw-Qutub. Notable Siddiqi families in the Horn region include: 1. Kurtu family (in Harar, Deder and Djibouti) 2. Aw Barre family 3. Aw Ismael family 4. Qallu-Diinii family 5. Khabir Hassan family (in Gelemso) 6. Aw Samirren family 7. Aw Khalaf family 8. Aw Umar Ziad family 9. Abogne/Abun (the Khalaf and Kurtu families;", "title": "Siddiqis in the Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722235", "text": "covered the Simien and Bale Mountains but melted at the beginning of the Holocene. The mountains descend in a huge escarpment to the Red Sea and more steadily to the Indian Ocean. Socotra is a small island in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia. Its size is 3,600 km (1,390 sq mi) and it is a territory of Yemen. The lowlands of the Horn are generally arid in spite of their proximity to the equator. This is because the winds of the tropical monsoons that give seasonal rains to the Sahel and the Sudan blow from the west.", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722244", "text": "complex pattern of interrelationships among the various groups. According to \"Ethnologue\", there are 10 individual languages spoken in Djibouti, 14 in Eritrea, 90 in Ethiopia, and 15 in Somalia. Most people in the Horn speak Afroasiatic languages of the Cushitic or Semitic branches. The former includes Oromo, spoken by the Oromo people in Ethiopia, and Somali, spoken by the Somali people in Somalia, Djibouti and Ethiopia; the latter includes Amharic, spoken by the Amhara people of Ethiopia, and Tigrinya spoken by the Tigrayan people of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Other Afroasiatic languages with a significant number of speakers include the Cushitic", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722216", "text": "tribute. The Majeerteen Sultanate (Migiurtinia) was another prominent Somali sultanate based in the Horn region. Ruled by King Osman Mahamuud during its golden age, it controlled much of northeastern and central Somalia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The polity had all of the organs of an integrated modern state and maintained a robust trading network. It also entered into treaties with foreign powers and exerted strong centralized authority on the domestic front. Much of the Sultanate's former domain is today coextensive with the autonomous Puntland region in northeastern Somalia. The Sultanate of Hobyo was a 19th-century Somali kingdom", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722208", "text": "polity was succeeded by the Sultanate of Ifat around 1285. Ifat was governed from its capital at Zeila in northern Somalia and was the easternmost district of the former Shewa Sultanate. The Adal Sultanate was a medieval multi-ethnic Muslim state centered in the Horn region. At its height, it controlled large parts of Somalia, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea. Many of the historic cities in the region, such as Amud, Maduna, Abasa, Berbera, Zeila and Harar, flourished during the kingdom's golden age. This period that left behind numerous courtyard houses, mosques, shrines and walled enclosures. Under the leadership of rulers such", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722236", "text": "Consequently, they lose their moisture before reaching Djibouti and Somalia, with the result that most of the Horn receives little rainfall during the monsoon season. In the mountains of Ethiopia, many areas receive over 2,000 mm (80 in) per year, and even Asmara receives an average of 570 mm (23 in). This rainfall is the sole source of water for many areas outside Ethiopia, including Egypt. In the winter, the northeasterly trade winds do not provide any moisture except in mountainous areas of northern Somalia, where rainfall in late autumn can produce annual totals as high as 500 mm (20", "title": "Horn of Africa" } ]
[ { "docid": "722199", "text": "as የአፍሪካ ቀንድ yäafrika qänd in Amharic, القرن الأفريقي‎ al-qarn al-'afrīqī in Arabic, Gaaffaa Afriikaa in Oromo and ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃ in Tigrinya. The Horn of Africa is sometimes shortened to \"HOA\". The Horn of Africa is quite commonly designated simply the \"Horn\", while inhabitants are sometimes colloquially referred to as \"Horn Africans\". Sometimes the term \"Greater Horn of Africa\" is used, either to be inclusive of neighbouring northeast African countries, or to distinguish the broader geopolitical definition of the Horn of Africa from narrower peninsular definitions. Ancient Greeks and Romans referred to the Somali peninsula as Regio Aromatica or Regio", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722259", "text": "Doha, Qatar devoted several days of discussion to ways in which countries in the Horn region and the adjacent Arabian peninsula could further strengthen these historically close economic, social, cultural and religious ties. National history: Sultanates and kingdoms: Horn of Africa The Horn of Africa (, , , , ) (shortened to HOA; alternatively Somali Peninsula) is a peninsula in Northeast Africa. It juts hundreds of kilometers into the Arabian Sea and lies along the southern side of the Gulf of Aden. The area is the easternmost projection of the African continent. Referred to in ancient and medieval times as", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722240", "text": "pygmy gerbil, the ammodile, and the Speke's pectinator. The Grevy's zebra is the unique wild equid of the region. There are predators such as spotted hyena, striped hyena and African leopard. The endangered painted hunting dog had populations in the Horn of Africa, but pressures from human exploitation of habitat along with warfare have reduced or extirpated this canid in this region. Some important bird species of the Horn are the black boubou, the golden-winged grosbeak, the Warsangli linnet, and the Djibouti francolin. The Horn of Africa holds more endemic reptiles than any other region in Africa, with over 285", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9472813", "text": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA) is the United States military operation to combat militant Islamism and piracy in the Horn of Africa. It is one component of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which includes eight African states stretching from the far northeast of the continent to the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea in the west. The other OEF mission in Africa is known as Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahara (OEF-TS), which, until the creation of the new United States Africa Command, was run from the United States European Command. The Combined", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9472846", "text": "servicemen were killed in the Republic of Seychelles and in the Gulf of Oman, respectively. Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA) is the United States military operation to combat militant Islamism and piracy in the Horn of Africa. It is one component of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which includes eight African states stretching from the far northeast of the continent to the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea in the west. The other OEF mission in Africa is known as Operation Enduring Freedom – Trans Sahara (OEF-TS), which, until the creation of the", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722241", "text": "species total and about 90 species which are found exclusively in the region. Among endemic reptile genera, there are \"Haackgreerius\", \"Haemodracon\", \"Ditypophis\", \"Pachycalamus\" and \"Aeluroglena\". Half of these genera are uniquely found on Socotra. Unlike reptiles, amphibians are poorly represented in the region. There are about 100 species of freshwater fish in the Horn of Africa, about 10 of which are endemic. Among the endemic, the cave-dwelling Somali blind barb and the Somali cavefish can be found. It is estimated that about 5,000 species of vascular plants are found in the Horn, about half of which are endemic. Endemism is", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722200", "text": "Cinnamonifora due to the aromatic plants, or Regio Incognita owing to its unchartered territory. Shell middens 125,000 years old have been found in Eritrea, indicating the diet of early humans included seafood obtained by beachcombing. According to both genetic and fossil evidence, archaic Homo sapiens evolved into anatomically modern humans solely in the Horn of Africa between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago and have dispersed from the Horn of Africa. The recognition of \"Homo sapien idaltu\" as a valid subspecies of the anatomically modern human lineage would justify the description of contemporary humans with the subspecies name \"H. s. sapiens\".", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "11054635", "text": "is located inside the walled city. A few meters away, there is also a mosque that bears his name. Notable Siddiqis include: Imran Ibn Iqbal Al siddiqui. Mba India Hyderabad hussaini alam Siddiqis in the Horn of Africa Siddiqi () is a Muslim family name, found in the Horn of Africa, the Middle East and South Asia. Sheikh is an additional title used occasionally by Siddiqis to signify noble Arab heritage. According to tradition, people having surname \"Siddiqi\" are offspring of Abu Bakr Siddique (), the first Khalifa (Caliph) and an early companion and friend of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.", "title": "Siddiqis in the Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722201", "text": "Because of their early dating and unique physical characteristics, they represent the immediate ancestors of anatomically modern humans, as suggested by the Out-of-Africa theory. Today at the Bab-el-Mandeb straits, the Red Sea is about 12 miles (20 kilometres) wide, but 50,000 years ago it was much narrower and sea levels were 70 meters lower. Though the straits were never completely closed, there may have been islands in between which could be reached using simple rafts. According to linguists, the Horn of Africa is the original homeland of the proto-Afroasiatic language as it is considered the region the Afroasiatic language family", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722218", "text": "Suez canal in 1869, when European powers scrambled for territory in Africa and tried to establish coaling stations for their ships, Italy invaded and occupied Eritrea. On January 1, 1890, Eritrea officially became a colony of Italy. In 1896 further Italian incursion into the horn was decisively halted by Ethiopian forces. By 1936 however, Eritrea became a province of Italian East Africa (Africa Orientale Italiana), along with Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland. By 1941, Eritrea had about 760,000 inhabitants, including 70,000 Italians. The Commonwealth armed forces, along with the Ethiopian patriotic resistance, expelled those of Italy in 1941, and took over", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722233", "text": "in the Middle East during this period of change. Zenawi died in 2012, but his Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) party remains the ruling political coalition in Ethiopia. The Horn of Africa is almost equidistant from the equator and the Tropic of Cancer. It consists chiefly of mountains uplifted through the formation of the Great Rift Valley, a fissure in the Earth's crust extending from Turkey to Mozambique and marking the separation of the African and Arabian tectonic plates. Mostly mountainous, the region arose through faults resulting from the Rift Valley. Geologically, the Horn and Yemen once formed a", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "8092367", "text": "the task force was transferred from the United States Central Command to the United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM), as the latter assumed authority over the U.S. forces in the region. Joint Meritorious Unit Award Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) is a joint task force of United States Africa Command (AFRICOM). It originated under Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA) as part of the United States response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. The mission of the CJTF-HOA is to conduct operations in the Combined Joint Operations", "title": "Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9447312", "text": "in relative breadth it more than makes up for in atmosphere.\" All songs by Souled American except \"Old, Old House\" by George Jones, \"Six Feet of Snow\" by Little Feat, \"Durante's Hornpipe\" (traditional), and \"I Keep Holding Back the Tears\" by bassist Joe Adducci's mother. Around the Horn (album) Around the Horn is the third album by Chicago-based alternative country band Souled American. It was released in 1990 by Rough Trade Records, and re-released, as part of the \"Framed\" box set, by tUMULt Records in 1999. According to Allmusic, \"\"Around the Horn\" shows the band now fully master of a", "title": "Around the Horn (album)" }, { "docid": "20374244", "text": "What Makes You Country What Makes You Country is the sixth studio album by American country music singer Luke Bryan. It was released on December 8, 2017 via Capitol Records Nashville. The album includes the singles \"Light It Up\", \"Most People Are Good\", \"Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset\". and the title track. \"The Guardian\" reviewer Alexis Petridis rated the album 3 out of 5 stars, stating that \"you'd have a hard time arguing that \"What Makes You Country\" doesn't feature some pretty bulletproof songwriting. If it sounds like mainstream pop in a pickup truck, that's partly because the melodies and structure are", "title": "What Makes You Country" }, { "docid": "8092362", "text": "Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) is a joint task force of United States Africa Command (AFRICOM). It originated under Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA) as part of the United States response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. The mission of the CJTF-HOA is to conduct operations in the Combined Joint Operations Area to enhance partner nation capacity, promote regional security and stability, dissuade conflict, and protect U.S. and coalition interests. CJTF-HOA consists of about 2,000 servicemen and women from the United States military and allied", "title": "Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722250", "text": "called \"qenet\", of which there are four main modes: \"tezeta\", \"bati\", \"ambassel\", and \"anchihoy\". Three additional modes are variations on the above: tezeta minor, bati major, and bati minor. Some songs take the name of their qenet, such as tezeta, a song of reminiscence. In the field of technology, the Great Stele of Axum, at over long, was the largest single stone ever quarried in the ancient world. Most inhabitants in the Horn of Africa follow one of the three major Abrahamic faiths. These religions have had a longstanding adherence in the region. The ancient Axumite Kingdom produced coins and", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722215", "text": "Yejju Oromo tribe as well as Wollo and Raya Oromo. The Sultanate of the Geledi was a Somali kingdom administered by the Gobroon dynasty, which ruled parts of the Horn of Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries. It was established by the Ajuran soldier Ibrahim Adeer, who had defeated various vassals of the Ajuran Empire and established the \"House of Gobroon\". The dynasty reached its apex under the successive reigns of Sultan Yusuf Mahamud Ibrahim, who successfully consolidated Gobroon power during the Bardera wars, and Sultan Ahmed Yusuf, who forced regional powers such as the Omani Empire to submit", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "19384450", "text": "Horn Of Africa Development Initiative The Horn Of Africa Development Initiative (HODI) is a non-profit organisation based in Marsabit, Kenya. Founded by Fatuma Abdulkadir Adan in 2003, the organisation's mission is to champion justice and development in northern Kenya through advocacy, facilitation of education, community cohesion (through football), and livelihood support programs. HODI began in 2003 as a community based organisation in Marsabit, Kenya. The initial focus of the organisation was to address the inequality of access to legal services for the poor people of Marsabit. In 2007, HODI became registered as an NGO. As of November 2017, the HODI", "title": "Horn Of Africa Development Initiative" }, { "docid": "19384453", "text": "out to talk about conflicts, and peace resolution action plans. The second half is the football tournament. Through their education program, HODI empowers women and girls to have an active voice in their communities. This program trains women about alternative livelihoods. After graduation of the program, those women become role models in their communities, and continue to educate future generations. HODI also trains paralegals, to provide legal aid to less fortunate people that would otherwise not have those services. Horn Of Africa Development Initiative The Horn Of Africa Development Initiative (HODI) is a non-profit organisation based in Marsabit, Kenya. Founded", "title": "Horn Of Africa Development Initiative" }, { "docid": "907100", "text": "also Goofy makes many appearances. Noel wrote a single Donald Duck comic drawn by his father, \"To Bee Or Not To Bee\", which was first published in 1998. In 2007, the first and only comic starring Bucky Bug drawn by Noel Van Horn was published on the occasion of this character's 75th anniversary. Van Horn's works are mainly published in European Disney comic books, especially in Scandinavian countries, Germany, and Poland. Noel Van Horn Noel Van Horn (born July 6, 1968) is a cartoonist born in the United States and living in Canada. He does mainly Disney comics starring Mickey", "title": "Noel Van Horn" }, { "docid": "20374246", "text": "Bryan his fourth US number-one album. The album has sold 336,900 copies in the US as of November 2018. In Australia, the album entered at number six on the ARIA Albums Chart, becoming his second to reach the top 10 there after \"Kill the Lights\" (2015). What Makes You Country What Makes You Country is the sixth studio album by American country music singer Luke Bryan. It was released on December 8, 2017 via Capitol Records Nashville. The album includes the singles \"Light It Up\", \"Most People Are Good\", \"Sunrise, Sunburn, Sunset\". and the title track. \"The Guardian\" reviewer Alexis", "title": "What Makes You Country" }, { "docid": "20374245", "text": "up to the standard of the best stuff pumped out by Swedish hit manufacturers.\" A mixed-to-positive review came from \"Variety\" writer Chris Willman, who wrote that the album \"suggests that Bryan has zero interest in fixing what ain't broke. It's a 15-song guidebook to What Makes Him Successful, filled with good-time drinking, better-time sex, a little bit of family, and no particular sadness that can't be cured as soon as a certain ex-girlfriend texts back.\" \"What Makes You Country\" debuted at number one on the US \"Billboard\" 200 with 108,000 album-equivalent units, of which 99,000 were pure album sales, giving", "title": "What Makes You Country" }, { "docid": "9472814", "text": "Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) is the primary (but not sole) military component assigned to accomplish the objectives of the mission. The naval component is the multinational Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150) which operates under the direction of the United States Fifth Fleet. Both of these organizations have been historically part of United States Central Command. In February 2007, United States President George W. Bush announced the establishment of the United States Africa Command which took over all of the area of operations of CJTF-HOA in October 2008. CJTF-HOA consists of about 2,000 servicemen and women from", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722243", "text": "ill animals. However, population growth has put pressure on limited land and led to these practices no longer being maintained. Droughts in 1983–85, 1991–92, 1998–99 and 2011 have disrupted periods of gradual growth in herd numbers, leading to a decrease of between 37% and 62% of the cattle population. Initiatives by ECHO and USAID have succeeded in reclaiming hundreds of hectares of pastureland through rangeland management, leading to the establishment of the Dikale Rangeland in 2004. Besides sharing similar geographic endowments, the countries of the Horn of Africa are, for the most part, linguistically and ethnically linked together, evincing a", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722246", "text": "Bantu groups also speak variants of the Niger-Congo Swahili and Mushunguli languages. The countries of the Horn of Africa have been the birthplace of many ancient, as well as modern, cultural achievements in several fields including agriculture, architecture, art, cuisine, education, literature, music, technology and theology. Ethiopian agriculture established the earliest known use of the seed grass teff (\"Poa abyssinica\") between 4000–1000 BCE. Teff is used to make the flatbread injera/taita. Coffee also originated in Ethiopia and has since spread to become a worldwide beverage. Ethiopian art is renowned for the ancient tradition of Ethiopian Orthodox Christian iconography stretching back", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722254", "text": "Five Books of Moses and the books Joshua, Judges and Ruth. A number of ethnic minority groups in southern Ethiopia also adhere to various traditional faiths. Among these belief systems are the Nilo-Saharan Surma people's acknowledgment of the sky god \"Tumu\". In the modern era, the Horn of Africa has produced several world-famous sports personalities, including long distance runners such as the world-record holder Kenenisa Bekele and Derartu Tulu, the first Ethiopian woman to win an Olympic gold medal and the only woman to have twice won the 10,000 meter Olympic gold in the short history of the event. One", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722249", "text": "the Unicode range 10480-104AF [from U+10480 – U+104AF (66688–66735)]. The Somali writer Nuruddin Farah has also garnered acclaim as perhaps the most celebrated writer ever to come out of the Horn of Africa. Having published many short stories, novels and essays, Farah's prose has earned him, among other accolades, the Premio Cavour in Italy, the Kurt Tucholsky Prize in Sweden, and in 1998, the prestigious Neustadt International Prize for Literature. In the same year, the French edition of his novel \"Gifts\" also won the St. Malo Literature Festival's prize. The music of the Ethiopian highlands uses a unique modal system", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "15364627", "text": "embedded in these waves develop into tropical cyclones after they move from west Africa into the tropical Atlantic, mainly during August and September. When the jet lies south of normal during the peak months of the Atlantic hurricane season, tropical cyclone formation is suppressed. Great parts of North Africa and Southern Africa as well as the whole Horn of Africa mainly have a hot desert climate, or a hot semi-arid climate for the wetter locations. The Sahara Desert in North Africa is the largest hot desert in the world and is one of the hottest, driest and sunniest places on", "title": "Climate of Africa" }, { "docid": "20377687", "text": "What Makes You Country (song) \"What Makes You Country\" is a song by American country music singer Luke Bryan. It is the fourth single from, and title track to, his sixth studio album \"What Makes You Country\". Bryan wrote the song with Dallas Davidson and Ashley Gorley. \"Taste of Country\" writer Courtney Carr described the song as \"an anthem of appreciation that celebrates the many, many different types of people who identify as country. In the song, Bryan makes it clear that we shouldn’t be worrying about what makes someone 'country'; rather, we should be celebrating our own unique lives.\"", "title": "What Makes You Country (song)" }, { "docid": "20377688", "text": "The song is an anthem with a central theme of identifying with country lifestyles. Bryan performed the song at the 2018 telecast of the Country Music Association awards, with accompaniment from Lindsay Ell, Ashley McBryde, Chris Janson, Luke Combs, Jon Pardi, and Cole Swindell. What Makes You Country (song) \"What Makes You Country\" is a song by American country music singer Luke Bryan. It is the fourth single from, and title track to, his sixth studio album \"What Makes You Country\". Bryan wrote the song with Dallas Davidson and Ashley Gorley. \"Taste of Country\" writer Courtney Carr described the song", "title": "What Makes You Country (song)" }, { "docid": "12845283", "text": "a unique sound, sometimes accompanying himself on quills, an early Afro-American wind instrument similar to panpipes. He recorded \"Bull Doze Blues\" in Chicago on June 13, 1928, for Vocalion Records. For \"Going Up the Country\", Canned Heat's Wilson used Thomas' melody on the quills and his basic rhythm, but arranged it for a rock setting and rewrote the lyrics. In addition to the bass and drum rhythm section, Henry Vestine supplied a \"light electric rhythm guitar\" and multi-instrumentalist Jim Horn reproduced Thomas' quill parts on the flute. Although linked to the counterculture of the 1960s' back-to-the-land movement, Wilson's lyrics are", "title": "Going Up the Country" }, { "docid": "11503328", "text": "in Kentucky. Cheap plastic vuvuzelas achieved fame and controversy in the hands of football supporters during the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. One of the more widespread uses for blowing horns today is the shofar, a ram or Kudu horn with a hole drilled through it. The shofar is used mainly for Jewish ceremonies such as Rosh Hashana. Horns are sometimes used in the other two abrahamic religions also. Similarly, the dungchen is a ritual horn used in Tibetan Buddhism. In modern paganism the blowing horn is used to call the Horned God. http://www.nwhsa.org.uk/horn.html Hunting calls for fox &", "title": "Blowing horn" }, { "docid": "9435570", "text": "that of horn as the passageway for true shadows and that of ivory as that through which the Manes in the underworld send false dreams up to the living. Through the latter gate Virgil makes his hero Aeneas, accompanied by the Cumaean Sibyl, return from his visit to the underworld, where he has met, among others, his dead father Anchises: Two gates the silent house of Sleep adorn; <br>Of polish'd ivory this, that of transparent horn: <br>True visions thro' transparent horn arise; <br>Thro' polish'd ivory pass deluding lies. <br>Of various things discoursing as he pass'd, <br>Anchises hither bends his steps", "title": "Gates of horn and ivory" }, { "docid": "13233068", "text": "dappled red. Rhino Horn bananas have the longest fruits among banana cultivars, reaching up to 2 feet in length, though they normally only reach lengths of 12 to 14 inches. They produce two to four hands per bunch. Fruits of the Rhino Horn bananas can be eaten raw or cooked. They are also cultivated as ornamental plants for their attractive coloration. Rhino Horn bananas Rhino Horn bananas, also called Rhino Horn plantains or African Rhino Horn, are hybrid banana cultivars from Africa. It produces strongly curved and elongated edible bananas which can grow to a length of two feet, the", "title": "Rhino Horn bananas" }, { "docid": "8092364", "text": "and regional stability and security. Regional stability is increased through capacity-building operations such as civil affairs and military-to-military training; engineering and humanitarian support; medical, dental, and veterinarian civic action programs (MEDCAP, DENTCAP, VETCAP); security training for border and coastal areas; and counter-IED (C-IED) integration training. About 1,800 personnel from each branch of the U.S. military, civilian employees, and representatives from coalition and partner nations make up CJTF-HOA. CJTF-HOA was established at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina on October 19, 2002. In November 2002, personnel embarked to the region aboard USS \"Mount Whitney\" and arrived at the Horn of Africa on December", "title": "Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9391624", "text": "Writing systems of Africa The writing systems of Africa refer to the current and historical practice of writing systems on the African continent, both indigenous and those introduced. Today, the Latin script is commonly encountered across Africa, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. Arabic script is mainly used in North Africa and Ge'ez/Ethiopic script is dominant in the Horn of Africa. Regionally and in some localities, other scripts may be of significant importance. Perhaps the most famous writing system of the African continent is ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. These developed later into forms known as Hieratic, Demotic and Coptic. The Coptic language is still", "title": "Writing systems of Africa" }, { "docid": "4975080", "text": "soft style Chinese martial art Baguazhang, which is known for its diverse weaponry. They are mainly used in trapping an opponent's weapon in aid of tying up or breaking the opponent's weapon, disarming the opponent and other close combat applications. Deer horn knives are normally used against longer weapons such as spears, swords, broadswords, or any weapon which uses a safe distance to attack from. One advantage of deer horn knives in comparison to a longer weapon is that seeing as the deer horn knives are direct appendages of the hands, they can be moved with great speed and precision,", "title": "Deer horn knives" }, { "docid": "722232", "text": "combat troops. In 1989, the Tigrayan Peoples' Liberation Front (TPLF) merged with other ethnically based opposition movements to form the Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), and eventually managed to overthrow Mengistu's dictatorial regime in 1991. A transitional government, composed of an 87-member Council of Representatives and guided by a national charter that functioned as a transitional constitution, was then set up. The first free and democratic election took place later in 1995, when Ethiopia's longest-serving Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was elected to office. As with other nations in the Horn region, Ethiopia maintained its historically close relations with countries", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "4662242", "text": "and are defined in the South African Constitution as \"distinctive, interdependent and interrelated\". Operating at both national and provincial levels (\"spheres\") are advisory bodies drawn from South Africa's traditional leaders. It is a stated intention in the Constitution that the country be run on a system of co-operative governance. The national government is composed of three inter-connected branches: All bodies of the South African government are subject to the rule of the Constitution, which is the Supreme law in South Africa. The bicameral Parliament of South Africa makes up the legislative branch of the national government. It consists of the", "title": "Government of South Africa" }, { "docid": "3206498", "text": "for natural horn. Benjamin Britten's \"Serenade for Tenor, Horn and Strings\", though written for the modern horn, makes notable use of the F harmonic series and has been recorded at least once on a natural horn. György Ligeti's \"Hamburg Concerto\" makes a great use of the natural horn and of natural sounds on the modern horn in the solo part and requires four natural horns in the orchestra. Below lists natural horn keys with their corresponding fingering on the modern horn. If a piece of music says the key on the left you can press the key combination on the", "title": "Natural horn" }, { "docid": "357929", "text": "the form of the Eblaite language of north eastern Syria. The distribution of the Afroasiatic languages within Africa is principally concentrated in North Africa and the Horn of Africa. Languages belonging to the family's Berber branch are mainly spoken in the north, with its speech area extending into the Sahel (northern Mauritania, northern Mali, northern Niger). The Cushitic branch of Afroasiatic is centered in the Horn, and is also spoken in the Nile Valley and parts of the African Great Lakes region. Additionally, the Semitic branch of the family, in the form of Arabic, is widely spoken in the parts", "title": "Sub-Saharan Africa" }, { "docid": "722234", "text": "single landmass around 18 million years ago, before the Gulf of Aden rifted and separated the Horn region from the Arabian Peninsula. The Somali Plate is bounded on the west by the East African Rift, which stretches south from the triple junction in the Afar Depression, and an undersea continuation of the rift extending southward offshore. The northern boundary is the Aden Ridge along the coast of Saudi Arabia. The eastern boundary is the Central Indian Ridge, the northern portion of which is also known as the Carlsberg Ridge. The southern boundary is the Southwest Indian Ridge. Extensive glaciers once", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722247", "text": "to wall paintings of the 7th century CE. Somali architecture includes the Fakr ad-Din Mosque, which was built in 1269 by the Fakr ad-Din, the first Sultan of the Sultanate of Mogadishu. Ethiopia is renowned for its ancient churches, such as at the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Lalibela. The Horn has produced numerous indigenous writing systems. Among these is Ge'ez script ( ') (also known as \"Ethiopic\"), which has been written in for at least 2000 years. It is an abugida script that was originally developed to write the Ge'ez language. In speech communities that use it, such as", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9472820", "text": "Horn of Africa, Gulf of Aden, Red Sea, North Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. On 21 January 2006, , an \"Arleigh Burke\"-class destroyer, captured a vessel operating off the Somali coast whose crew were suspected of piracy. On 18 March 2006, , a \"Ticonderoga\"-class cruiser and , an \"Arleigh Burke\"-class destroyer, engaged pirate vessels after receiving fire from them. On 3 June 2007, , a landing ship dock, engaged pirates attacking a freighter, but failed to repel them. On 28 October 2007, the destroyer , opened fire on pirates who had captured a freighter and with other vessels", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9472845", "text": "of Galkayo, a Somali army unit conducting counterterrorism operations nearby, when the Somali soldiers came under fire from al-Shabab militants. The Somali soldiers engaged them, then broke contact and rejoined with their nearby American advisers and soon afterwards the militants \"began to maneuver in an offensive manner\" so the U.S. conducted a self-defense airstrike, killing 4 militants. 26 U.S. servicemen have been killed in non-hostile incidents in Djibouti since the start of operations in the Horn of Africa. Three U.S. soldiers were killed in accidents in Kenya. Two U.S. soldiers were killed in a vehicle accident in Ethiopia. Two U.S.", "title": "Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "15589267", "text": "in 1938 when one was caught off the eastern coast of the country. A population exists in iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Kwazulu-Natal. The Oligochaeta fauna is represented by over 140 species of the families Acanthodrilidae, Enchytraeidae, Eudrilidae, Haplotaxidae, Microchaetidae and Tritogeniidae. Coleoptera Beetles are among best studied South African insect groups and include a number of endemic species. Lepidoptera Diptera The flies native to South Africa have been classified into over 90 families. Hymenoptera Poaching of rhinoceroses has become a national issue for South Africa. In 2015, 1175 rhinos were killed for their horn, which is an ingredient in traditional Chinese", "title": "Fauna of South Africa" }, { "docid": "18879080", "text": "players since about 1930 because of the increasing ubiquity of the German horn. Since that time, the true French horn's use has been confined mainly to France, and even in that country the German horn was already gaining favour with some French players as early as 1938. In the late seventeenth century, French makers became preeminent in the manufacture of hunting horns, and were credited with the creation of the now-familiar, circular \"hoop\" shape of the instrument. As a result, even in England these instruments were often referred to by their French names, \"trompe de chasse\" or \"cor de chasse\"", "title": "German horn" }, { "docid": "8648624", "text": "\"In Defense of the Bush,\" in which he accused Lawson of representing bush life as nothing but doom and gloom, famously ending with the line \"\"For the bush will never suit you, and you'll never suit the bush.\"\" Up the Country Up The Country is a popular poem by iconic Australian writer and poet Henry Lawson. It was first published in \"The Bulletin\" magazine on 9 July 1892, under the title \"Borderland,\" and started the Bulletin Debate, a series of poems by both Lawson and Andrew Barton \"Banjo\" Paterson about the true nature of life in the Australian bush. In", "title": "Up the Country" }, { "docid": "722207", "text": "eventually transformed into Islamic Mogadishu, Berbera, Zeila, Barawa and Merka, which were part of the \"Berber civilization\". The city of Mogadishu came to be known as the \"City of Islam\" and controlled the East African gold trade for several centuries. During the Middle Ages, several powerful empires dominated the regional trade in the Horn, including the Adal Sultanate, the Ajuran Sultanate, the Warsangali Sultanate, the Zagwe dynasty, and the Sultanate of the Geledi. The Sultanate of Showa, established in 896, was one of the oldest local Islamic states. It was centered in the former Shewa province in central Ethiopia. The", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "9159475", "text": "alongside other authors of Southern United States. Mama Makes Up Her Mind Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living is a 1994 autobiography by Bailey White. The book is a collection of humorous anecdotes about White's experiences as a first-grade teacher living with her mother in rural Georgia. White originally presented these anecdotes as a series of fifty short pieces for National Public Radio, reading them herself. The book was also serialised in the \"Boston Globe\" and the \"Miami Herald\". Publishers Weekly said readers and radio listeners would enjoy \"Mama Makes Up Her Mind\" while Smithsonian", "title": "Mama Makes Up Her Mind" }, { "docid": "9159474", "text": "Mama Makes Up Her Mind Mama Makes Up Her Mind: And Other Dangers of Southern Living is a 1994 autobiography by Bailey White. The book is a collection of humorous anecdotes about White's experiences as a first-grade teacher living with her mother in rural Georgia. White originally presented these anecdotes as a series of fifty short pieces for National Public Radio, reading them herself. The book was also serialised in the \"Boston Globe\" and the \"Miami Herald\". Publishers Weekly said readers and radio listeners would enjoy \"Mama Makes Up Her Mind\" while Smithsonian said White's book would create her footing", "title": "Mama Makes Up Her Mind" }, { "docid": "13233067", "text": "Rhino Horn bananas Rhino Horn bananas, also called Rhino Horn plantains or African Rhino Horn, are hybrid banana cultivars from Africa. It produces strongly curved and elongated edible bananas which can grow to a length of two feet, the longest fruits among banana cultivars. The Rhino Horn banana is a triploid (AAB Group, commonly known as Horn plantains) hybrid of the seeded banana \"Musa balbisiana\" and \"Musa acuminata\". Its official designation is \"Musa acuminata\" × \"balbisiana\" (AAB Group) 'African Rhino Horn'. Rhino Horn banana plants can grow to a height of 12 to 20 feet. The pseudostem and leaves are", "title": "Rhino Horn bananas" }, { "docid": "8648623", "text": "Up the Country Up The Country is a popular poem by iconic Australian writer and poet Henry Lawson. It was first published in \"The Bulletin\" magazine on 9 July 1892, under the title \"Borderland,\" and started the Bulletin Debate, a series of poems by both Lawson and Andrew Barton \"Banjo\" Paterson about the true nature of life in the Australian bush. In \"Up The Country,\" Lawson recounts his trip to the barren and gloomy Australian bush, and criticises \"City Bushmen\" such as Banjo Paterson who tended to romanticize bush life. Paterson later responded with a poem of his own, entitled", "title": "Up the Country" }, { "docid": "7557132", "text": "of the northern half of Africa, mainly concentrated in North Africa, the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, as well as West Africa. Islam has been in Africa for so long, since its emergence on the Arabian peninsula, that some scholars have argued that it is a traditional African religion. Although the majority of Muslims in Africa are Sunni or Sufi, the complexity of Islam in Africa is revealed in the various schools of thought, traditions, and voices that constantly contend for dominance in many African countries. Islam in Africa is not static and is constantly being reshaped by prevalent", "title": "Islam in Africa" }, { "docid": "13163728", "text": "Africa–India relations Africa–India relations refers to the historical, political, economic, and cultural connections between India and the African continent. Historical relations concerned mainly India and Eastern Africa. However, in modern days —and with the expansion of diplomatic and commercial representations,— India has now developed ties with most of the African nations. Trade between India & Africa stood at US$ 62.66 billion (2017-2018) making India the fourth largest trading partner of Africa. Africa and India are separated by the Indian Ocean. The geographical proximity between the Horn of Africa and the Indian subcontinent has played an important role in the development", "title": "Africa–India relations" }, { "docid": "699712", "text": "respect are Berber (North and West Africa), Jula (western West Africa), Fulfulde (West Africa), Hausa (West Africa), Lingala (Congo), Swahili (Southeast Africa), Somali (Horn of Africa) and Arabic (North Africa and Horn of Africa). After gaining independence, many African countries, in the search for national unity, selected one language, generally the former colonial language, to be used in government and education. However, in recent years, African countries have become increasingly supportive of maintaining linguistic diversity. Language policies that are being developed nowadays are mostly aimed at multilingualism. Besides the former colonial languages of English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, the following", "title": "Languages of Africa" }, { "docid": "11465205", "text": "six faunal assemblages, the so-called African Faunal Strata (AFSs) can be distinguished. The isolation of Africa was broken intermittently by discontinuous \"filter routes\" that linked it to some other Gondwanan continents (Madagascar, South America, and perhaps India), but mainly to Laurasia. Interchanges with Gondwana were rare and mainly \"out-of-Africa\" dispersals, whereas interchanges with Laurasia were numerous and bidirectional, although mainly from Laurasia to Africa. Despite these connections, isolation resulted in remarkable absences, poor diversity, and emergence of endemic taxa in Africa. Madagascar separated from continental Africa during the break-up of Gondwanaland early in the Cretaceous, but was probably connected to", "title": "Fauna of Africa" }, { "docid": "15901146", "text": "de nuit · Vouloir toucher les étoiles · Aventurier de l'Extrême (co-published with les Éditions du Chêne) Mike Horn Mike Horn (born 16 July 1966) is a South African-born Swiss professional explorer and adventurer. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa he currently resides in Château d'Oex, Switzerland. He studied Human Movement Science at Stellenbosch University in Western Cape, South Africa. Horn is currently undertaking his latest expedition Pole2Pole, a two-year circumnavigation of the globe via the two poles. Mike Horn became famous in 2001 after completing a one-year, 6-month solo journey around the equator without any motorised transport. In 2004 he", "title": "Mike Horn" }, { "docid": "15901130", "text": "Mike Horn Mike Horn (born 16 July 1966) is a South African-born Swiss professional explorer and adventurer. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa he currently resides in Château d'Oex, Switzerland. He studied Human Movement Science at Stellenbosch University in Western Cape, South Africa. Horn is currently undertaking his latest expedition Pole2Pole, a two-year circumnavigation of the globe via the two poles. Mike Horn became famous in 2001 after completing a one-year, 6-month solo journey around the equator without any motorised transport. In 2004 he completed a two-year, 3-month solo circumnavigation of the Arctic Circle, and in 2006 along with Norwegian explorer", "title": "Mike Horn" }, { "docid": "709923", "text": "career-ending illness while filming in Africa, for which she later sued Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The film depicts the adventures of real-life trader and adventurer Alfred Aloysius \"Trader\" Horn (Harry Carey), while on safari in Africa. Much of the film is fictional, including the discovery of a white blonde jungle queen, the lost daughter of a missionary (Edwina Booth). A scene based upon a genuine incident occurs in which Carey as Horn swings on a vine across a river filled with genuine crocodiles, one of which comes very close to taking his leg off. Many accidents and delays occurred during filming in Africa.", "title": "Trader Horn (1931 film)" }, { "docid": "12845286", "text": "on several television commercials for GEICO motorcycle insurance. Several musicians have recorded renditions of \"Going Up the Country\", including Luca Prodan, Kitty, Daisy & Lewis, Deerhoof, and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. Going Up the Country \"Going Up the Country\" (also Goin' Up the Country) is a song adapted and recorded by American blues rock band Canned Heat. Called a \"rural hippie anthem\", it became one of the band's biggest hits and best-known songs. As with their previous single, \"On the Road Again\", the song was adapted from a 1920s blues song and sung in a countertenor-style by Alan Wilson.", "title": "Going Up the Country" }, { "docid": "12845282", "text": "Going Up the Country \"Going Up the Country\" (also Goin' Up the Country) is a song adapted and recorded by American blues rock band Canned Heat. Called a \"rural hippie anthem\", it became one of the band's biggest hits and best-known songs. As with their previous single, \"On the Road Again\", the song was adapted from a 1920s blues song and sung in a countertenor-style by Alan Wilson. Canned Heat, who were early blues enthusiasts, based \"Going Up the Country\" on \"Bull Doze Blues\", recorded in 1928 by Texas bluesman Henry Thomas. Thomas was from the songster tradition and had", "title": "Going Up the Country" }, { "docid": "12845284", "text": "ambiguous: \"Going Up the Country\" was first released on Canned Heat's third album, \"Living the Blues\", in October 1968. Liberty Records released the song as a single on November 22, 1968, which peaked at number 11 on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 singles chart on January 25, 1969. \"Going Up the Country\" was Canned Heat's highest charting single in the US. In January 7, 1969, the song peaked at number 19 on the UK Singles Chart. The song appears on several Canned Heat compilation albums, including \"Canned Heat Cookbook\", \"\" (1989) and \"Uncanned! The Best of Canned Heat\" (1994). Canned", "title": "Going Up the Country" }, { "docid": "18879094", "text": "excessive. Although the French firm Jérôme Thibouville-Lamy in about 1928 introduced a piston-valved double-horn with ascending third valve, designed in collaboration with the horn player Louis Vuillermoz, the double horn has continued to be identified mainly as a German horn. The double horn essentially combines two instruments into a single frame: one horn in F, and a second, higher horn keyed in B. Like the single horn it has three valves, but each has a double set of tubing, the first tuned in F and a shorter set in B. By depressing a fourth valve (usually operated by the thumb),", "title": "German horn" }, { "docid": "7919073", "text": "– has a coastline of . From the most northerly point, Ras ben Sakka in Tunisia (37°21' N), to the most southerly point, Cape Agulhas in South Africa (34°51'15\" S), is a distance of approximately . Cape Verde, 17°33'22\" W, the westernmost point, is a distance of approximately to Ras Hafun, 51°27'52\" E, the most easterly projection that neighbours Cape Guardafui, the tip of the Horn of Africa. Africa's largest country is Algeria, and its smallest country is Seychelles, an archipelago off the east coast. The smallest nation on the continental mainland is The Gambia. The African Plate is a", "title": "Africa" }, { "docid": "18789400", "text": "the mouthpiece is increased. But, although some pressure is needed, excessive pressure is not desirable. Playing with excessive pressure makes the playing of the horn sound forced and harsh as well as decreases endurance of the player by about half. The Vienna horn is a special horn used primarily in Vienna, Austria. Instead of using rotary valves or piston valves, it uses the Pumpenvalve (or Vienna Valve), which is a double-piston operating inside the valve slides, and usually situated on the opposite side of the corpus from the player's left hand, and operated by a long pushrod. Unlike the modern", "title": "Horn (instrument)" }, { "docid": "4876356", "text": "Horn of Africa, the main traditional dishes in Ethiopian cuisine and Eritrean cuisine are \"tsebhis\" (stews) served with \"injera\" (flatbread made from teff, wheat, or sorghum), and hilbet (paste made from legumes, mainly lentil, faba beans). Eritrean and Ethiopian cuisine (especially in the northern half) are very similar, given the shared history of the two countries. The related Somali cuisine consists of an exotic fusion of diverse culinary influences. Varieties of \"bariis\" (rice), the most popular probably being basmati, usually serve as the main dish. \"Xalwo\" (halwo) or halva is a popular confection served during special occasions such as Eid", "title": "Culture of Africa" }, { "docid": "20710223", "text": "\"SADC Law Journal\". He was also a Pastor for the Pentecostal church in South Africa. Horn is a committee nominee for the United Nations Human Rights Council. Horn earned a doctorates in theology from the University of Western Cape, a doctor of law from the University of Bremen in Germany, a Master of Arts (cum laude) from University of Port Elizabeth, a Master of Law from the University of South Africa, a Baccalaureus Procurationis (South Africa) from Rand Afrikaans University (now the University of Johannesburg), and a Bachelors in Theology from the University of South Africa (UNISA). He is an", "title": "Nico Horn" }, { "docid": "7383903", "text": "Bangladesh benefit in 1971. Horn toured with John Denver on and off from 1978 to 1993. He also played with Denver in concert occasionally after the Wildlife Concert in 1995. In 2007, Horn was inducted into the Musicians Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville as a member of the Wrecking Crew. While many listeners may not realize it, they are intimately familiar with his flute playing in the original studio recording of \"Going Up the Country\" by Canned Heat. This widely recognized \"hippie anthem\", reproduced in the film \"Woodstock\", is known to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Horn", "title": "Jim Horn" }, { "docid": "699711", "text": "expansion, in which Bantu-speaking peoples expanded over most of Sub-Equatorial Africa, displacing Khoi-San speaking peoples from much of Southeast Africa and Southern Africa and other peoples from Central Africa. Another example is the Arab expansion in the 7th century, which led to the extension of Arabic from its homeland in Asia, into much of North Africa and the Horn of Africa. Trade languages are another age-old phenomenon in the African linguistic landscape. Cultural and linguistic innovations spread along trade routes and languages of peoples dominant in trade developed into languages of wider communication (lingua franca). Of particular importance in this", "title": "Languages of Africa" }, { "docid": "1497593", "text": "played in his first group, The Outer Limits, named after the 1963 television series of the same name, playing mainly covers by The Kinks. Horn went on to pursue a \"succession of day jobs\", including one at a rubber company. He also put on a Bob Dylan imitation act for two nights a week \"with a harmonica around my neck\", and played the bass at odd gigs. Then, at seventeen, Horn decided to pursue a career in music and \"woke my parents up at 4am to tell them\". They were reluctant at first as they wanted him to become a", "title": "Trevor Horn" }, { "docid": "4220272", "text": "with true horns use them for cooling. The blood vessels in the bony core allow the horns to function as a radiator. After the death of a horned animal, the keratin may be consumed by the larvae of the Horn Moth. Horn (anatomy) A horn is a permanent pointed projection on the head of various animals consisting of a covering of keratin and other proteins surrounding a core of live bone. Horns are distinct from antlers, which are not permanent. In mammals, true horns are found mainly among the ruminant artiodactyls, in the families Antilocapridae (pronghorn) and Bovidae (cattle, goats,", "title": "Horn (anatomy)" }, { "docid": "8022508", "text": "1971 South Africa rugby union tour of Australia The 1971 South Africa rugby union tour of Australia was a controversial six-week rugby union tour by the Springboks to Australia. Anti-apartheid protests came to being all around the country. The tour is perhaps most infamous for a state of emergency being declared in Queensland. In total, around 700 people were arrested whilst the Springboks were on tour. The first games were then played in Adelaide and Perth, which were disrupted mainly by youth-led protesters. The third match was set to take place in Melbourne. A 5,000 strong crowd, made up mostly", "title": "1971 South Africa rugby union tour of Australia" }, { "docid": "9977378", "text": "associated with this name, Red Horn turns himself into an arrow to win a race. After winning the race Red Horn creates heads on his earlobes and makes his hair into a long red braid called a \"he\", \"horn\", in Hocąk. Thus he becomes known as \"Red-horn\" (\"he-šucka\") and as \"He who Wears (Human) Faces on His Ears\" (\"įco-horúšika\"). In one episode an orphan girl who always wears a white beaverskin wrap is pressured by her grandmother to court Red Horn. Despite the girl's adamant refusal, the grandmother insists. She eventually relents and goes off to find Red Horn, who", "title": "Red Horn" }, { "docid": "17213143", "text": "Joubert Horn Joubert Prinsloo Horn (born 8 October 1988) is a former South African rugby union player whose usual playing position was lock. He played first class rugby between 2010 and 2016; he played for South African domestic teams the and before a spell with Italian side Viadana in 2013. After a short return to South Africa to play for the , he moved to France, where he played for Soyaux Angoulême XV Charente and . He returned to South Africa in 2016 to play for the , before announcing his retirement at the end of the year. Horn represented", "title": "Joubert Horn" }, { "docid": "5109153", "text": "affected by \"native crime\" while blacks suffer from social instability and moral issues due to the breakdown of the tribal system. It shows many of the problems with South Africa such as the degrading of the land reserved for the natives, which is sometimes considered to be the main theme, the disintegration of the tribal community, native crime, and the flight to urban areas. Another prevalent theme in \"Cry, the Beloved Country\" is the detrimental effects of fear on the characters and society of South Africa as indicated in the following quotation from the narrator in Chapter 12: Paton makes", "title": "Cry, the Beloved Country" }, { "docid": "15670171", "text": "is a net exporter of farming products. Principal international trading partners of South Africa—besides other African countries—include Germany, the United States, China, Japan, the United Kingdom and Spain. Chief exports include corn, diamonds, fruits, gold, metals and minerals, sugar, and wool. Machinery and transportation equipment make up more than one-third of the value of the country’s imports. Other imports include chemicals, manufactured goods, and lots more, mainly found in other hot country mainly Spanish countries. During apartheid, South Africa's foreign trade and investment were affected by sanctions and boycotts by other countries ideologically opposed to apartheid. In 1970, the United", "title": "Foreign trade of South Africa" }, { "docid": "10500302", "text": "Norfolk Horn The Norfolk Horn (also known as Blackface Norfolk Horned, Norfolk Horned, Old Norfolk or Old Norfolk Horned) is one of the British black-faced sheep breeds. It differs from other black-faced breeds, which are mainly found in high-rainfall, upland areas, and from most other modern, lowland British sheep breeds in being lightly built and very hardy. This breed is raised primarily for meat. The Norfolk Horn developed on the sandy heathlands of the Breckland area of Norfolk, England, although similar black-faced sheep were formerly more widespread in lowland Britain. It is adapted to surviving on poor forage in cool", "title": "Norfolk Horn" }, { "docid": "722252", "text": "the Adal Sultanate with Zeila as its headquarters dates back to at least the 9th or 10th century. According to I.M. Lewis, the polity was governed by local Somali dynasties, who also ruled over the similarly-established Sultanate of Mogadishu in the littoral Benadir region to the south. Adal's history from this founding period forth would be characterized by a succession of battles with neighbouring Abyssinia. Islam was introduced to the region early on from the Arabian peninsula, shortly after the hijra. At Muhammad's urging, a band of persecuted Muslims had fled across the Red Sea into the Horn. There, the", "title": "Horn of Africa" }, { "docid": "722258", "text": "an estimated total value of between US$250 and US$300 million annually (100 times more than the official figure). This trade helps lower food prices, increase food security, relieve border tensions and promote regional integration. However, there are also risks as the unregulated and undocumented nature of this trade runs risks, such as allow disease to spread more easily across national borders. Furthermore, governments are unhappy with lost tax revenue and foreign exchange revenues. Much of the Horn nations' trade links are with Middle Eastern countries. In 2011, an event hosted by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in", "title": "Horn of Africa" } ]
What is the capital of Sierra Leone?
[ "Freetown Colony", "Freetown", "History of Freetown, Sierra Leone", "Free Town", "Freetown settlement", "Freetown, Sierra Leone", "Capital of Sierra Leone" ]
[ { "docid": "10960895", "text": "transmitting station using 104.9 MHz. A relay in Bo, Sierra Leone, provides coverage of the city on 102.3 MHz. A relay was launched in Makeni in January 2012 using 103.3 MHz and for Kenema in May 2017 using 104.9 MHz. The station also started streaming its broadcasts in July 2016. Capital Radio Sierra Leone Capital Radio is a Sierra Leone radio station based at the Mammy Yoko Business Park in Aberdeen, Freetown. Capital Radio was established as a company in Sierra Leone in 2005. The station has 3 directors - Adonis Abboud, Colin Mason and David Stanley. Test programmes commenced", "title": "Capital Radio Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "10960894", "text": "Capital Radio Sierra Leone Capital Radio is a Sierra Leone radio station based at the Mammy Yoko Business Park in Aberdeen, Freetown. Capital Radio was established as a company in Sierra Leone in 2005. The station has 3 directors - Adonis Abboud, Colin Mason and David Stanley. Test programmes commenced in May 2006 from the Cape Sierra Hotel using the newly installed transmitter at Leicester Peak. The full service started from studios in Wilkinson Road on 3 July 2006. The station fully relocated to the Mammy Yoko Hotel complex in December 2011. The station transmits from the SLBC Leicester Peak", "title": "Capital Radio Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "863914", "text": "- 12 rural, 2 for the capital Freetown. Sierra Leone is further divided into 149 chiefdoms. The chiefdoms are hereditary, tribal units of local governance. The World Bank sponsored the creation of elected local councils in 2004. Government of Sierra Leone The government of Sierra Leone is the governing authority of the Republic of Sierra Leone, as established by the Sierra Leone Constitution. The Sierra Leone government is divided into three branches: the executive, legislative and the judicial. The seat of government of Sierra Leone is in the capital Freetown. The government of Sierra Leone takes place in a framework", "title": "Government of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362123", "text": "capital city administrative province. There are then 14 districts - 12 rural, 2 for the capital Freetown. Sierra Leone is further divided into 149 chiefdoms. The chiefdoms are hereditary, tribal units of local governance. The World Bank sponsored the creation of elected local councils in 2004. Politics of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone is a country located in West Africa, known officially as the Republic of Sierra Leone. The government of Sierra Leone is the governing authority of the Republic of Sierra Leone, as established by the Sierra Leone Constitution. The Sierra Leone government is divided into three branches: the executive,", "title": "Politics of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362122", "text": "Politics of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone is a country located in West Africa, known officially as the Republic of Sierra Leone. The government of Sierra Leone is the governing authority of the Republic of Sierra Leone, as established by the Sierra Leone Constitution. The Sierra Leone government is divided into three branches: the executive, legislative and the judicial. The seat of government of Sierra Leone is in the capital Freetown. The Economist Intelligence Unit has rated Sierra Leone as \"hybrid regime\" in 2016. Sierra Leone is divided into provinces, districts, and chiefdoms. Sierra Leone has 3 rural provinces, plus a", "title": "Politics of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "13942553", "text": "Subdivisions of Sierra Leone The subdivisions of Sierra Leone are as follows: Sierra Leone is divided into 4 provinces and a Western Area for the capital Freetown. The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 16 districts. 14 are rural, with the capital Freetown divided into 2 districts. One traditional leader from each district occupies a seat in Sierra Leone's parliament. Sierra Leone is further divided into 149 chiefdoms. The chiefdoms are hereditary, tribal units of local governance. The World Bank sponsored the creation of elected local councils in 2004. Chiefs have the power to \"raise taxes, control the judicial", "title": "Subdivisions of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "13942554", "text": "system, and allocate land, the most important resource in rural areas.\" Subdivisions of Sierra Leone The subdivisions of Sierra Leone are as follows: Sierra Leone is divided into 4 provinces and a Western Area for the capital Freetown. The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 16 districts. 14 are rural, with the capital Freetown divided into 2 districts. One traditional leader from each district occupies a seat in Sierra Leone's parliament. Sierra Leone is further divided into 149 chiefdoms. The chiefdoms are hereditary, tribal units of local governance. The World Bank sponsored the creation of elected local councils in", "title": "Subdivisions of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373335", "text": "and 26% of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are the two most prominent non Trinitarian Christians in Sierra Leone, and they form a small but significant minority of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. A small community of Orthodox Christians resides in the capital Freetown. Sierra Leone is home to about sixteen ethnic groups, each with its own language. The largest and most influential are the Temne at about 36%, and the Mende at about 33%. The Temne predominate in the Northern Sierra Leone and the areas around the capital of Sierra Leone. The", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "863910", "text": "Government of Sierra Leone The government of Sierra Leone is the governing authority of the Republic of Sierra Leone, as established by the Sierra Leone Constitution. The Sierra Leone government is divided into three branches: the executive, legislative and the judicial. The seat of government of Sierra Leone is in the capital Freetown. The government of Sierra Leone takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Sierra Leone is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the president. Legislative power is vested", "title": "Government of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "20246575", "text": "Sierra Leone Ministry of Education Sierra Leone Ministry of Education is a Ministerial department of the Government of Sierra Leone that is in charge of planning, overseeing, and implementing the educational policies of Sierra Leone. The Ministry of Education advises the President of Sierra Leone and the Government of Sierra Leone on issues related to Education. The Ministry has its headquarters in the capital Freetown . The Sierra Leone Ministry of Education is headed by the Minister of Education. The current Sierra Leone Minister of Education is Alpha Osman Timbo, . The Sierra Leone Ministry of Education responsibilities include: The", "title": "Sierra Leone Ministry of Education" }, { "docid": "20246577", "text": "Chief Education Officer. Sierra Leone Ministry of Education Sierra Leone Ministry of Education is a Ministerial department of the Government of Sierra Leone that is in charge of planning, overseeing, and implementing the educational policies of Sierra Leone. The Ministry of Education advises the President of Sierra Leone and the Government of Sierra Leone on issues related to Education. The Ministry has its headquarters in the capital Freetown . The Sierra Leone Ministry of Education is headed by the Minister of Education. The current Sierra Leone Minister of Education is Alpha Osman Timbo, . The Sierra Leone Ministry of Education", "title": "Sierra Leone Ministry of Education" }, { "docid": "2589333", "text": "a Sierra Leonean citizen by birth; should have attained the age of 40 years; should be a member of a political party; and should be able to speak and read the English language. The current president of Sierra Leone is Julius Maada Bio. Julius Bio was sworn in as president on 12 May 2018, three weeks after the results of the 2018 Sierra Leonean general election were declared. The President of Sierra Leone official and principal workplace is at State House, located in Tower Hill in central Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. The president of Sierra Leone has two", "title": "President of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373213", "text": "and the head of government. The country's capital and largest city is Freetown. Sierra Leone is made up of five administrative regions: the Northern Province, North West Province, Eastern Province, Southern Province and the Western Area. These regions are subdivided into sixteen districts. Sierra Leone was a British Colony from 1806 to 1961. Sierra Leone became independent from the United Kingdom on 27 April 1961, led by Sir Milton Margai. In May 1962, Sierra Leone held its first general elections as an independent nation. On April 19, 1971, Siaka Stevens' government abolished Sierra Leone's parliamentary government system and declared Sierra", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "9606311", "text": "Lungi, Sierra Leone Lungi is a small coastal town in Port Loko District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. The town lies approximately 40 miles north of the district capital Port Loko and had a population of 4,185 in the 2004 census with a recent population estimated at 8,091 . Lungi is best known for being home to the Lungi International Airport, the international airport that serves Sierra Leone. The sea separates Lungi from Sierra Leone's capital Freetown. Some of the most luxurious hotels and restaurants in Sierra Leone are based in Lungi. There are frequent commercial helicopter, hovercraft,", "title": "Lungi, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362135", "text": "World Bank Convention. Legislation provides for transfer of interest, dividends, and capital. The currency is the leone. The central bank of the country is the Bank of Sierra Leone which is in the capital, Freetown. The country operates a floating exchange rate system, and foreign currencies can be exchanged at any of the commercial banks, recognized foreign exchange bureaux and most hotels. Credit card use is limited in Sierra Leone, though they may be used at some hotels and restaurants. There are a few internationally linked automated teller machines that accept Visa cards in Freetown operated by ProCredit Bank. Sierra", "title": "Economy of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373330", "text": "Imams, Islamic scholars, and other Islamic clerics across the country. Sheikh Muhammad Taha Jalloh is the president of the Sierra Leone Supreme Islamic Council . The United Council of Imams, is an influential Islamic religious body in Sierra Leone, that is made up of all imams of mosques throughout Sierra Leone. The president of the United Council of Imam is Sheikh Alhaji Muhammad Habib Sheriff.. The two largest mosques in Sierra Leone are the Freetown Central Mosque and the Ghadafi Central Mosque (built by former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi), both located in the capital Freetown. Among the present most highly", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "20174180", "text": "Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate The Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate was the British colonial administration in Sierra Leone from 1808 to 1961, part of the British Empire in the New Imperialism era. The Crown colony, which included the area surrounding Freetown, was established in 1808. The protectorate was established in 1896 and included the interior of what is today known as Sierra Leone. Freetown served as the capital of British West Africa from 1821 until 1874. The motto of the colony and protectorate was \"Auspice Britannia liber\" (Latin for \"Free under the protection of Britain\"). This motto was included", "title": "Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate" }, { "docid": "1325271", "text": "Flag of Sierra Leone The national flag of Sierra Leone is a tricolour consisting of three horizontal green, white and blue bands. It was adopted in 1961, Sierra Leone's independence year, to replace the British Blue Ensign defaced with the arms of the Crown Colony of Sierra Leone. The British first arrived in what is now modern-day Sierra Leone in 1787, when philanthropists and abolitionists acquired of land situated close to Bunce Island for freed slaves. The site of the settlement is where Freetown is now located. It became a crown colony of the United Kingdom within its colonial empire", "title": "Flag of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "4668106", "text": "largest vocational school, which was officially open by Sierra Leone's president Ernest Bai Koroma in April 2013 . Bo is the second most important city in Sierra Leone, after the capital Freetown. The two main local radio stations in Bo are Kiss FM 104, and Radio New Song 97.5. The local service of the national broadcaster, SLBS, transmits on 96.5. Commercial station Capital Radio uses 102.3 and BBC World Service also has an FM relay. Like the rest of Sierra Leone, football is the most popular sport in the city. Bo has two football clubs in the Sierra Leone National", "title": "Bo, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373332", "text": "and Pentecostals. The Council of Churches is the Christian religious organisation that is made up of Protestant churches across Sierra Leone. Recently there has been an increase of Pentecostal churches, especially in Freetown. In September 2017, a Sierra Leone-based Nigerian Pentecostal Christian pastor name Victor Ajisafe was arrested by the Sierra Leone Police and held in jail after he preached an extreme religious intolerance and a fanatical hate speech against Islam and Sierra Leonean Muslims in particular at his church sermon in the capital Freetown. Ajisafe was apparently angry and jealous after a Zimbabwean internationally renowned Muslim cleric Mufti Menk", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "6910990", "text": "National Stadium (Sierra Leone) Siaka Stevens Stadium commonly known informally as Freetown National Stadium, is the national stadium of Sierra Leone, located in the capital city of Freetown. It is used mostly for football matches and it also has athletics facilities. It is the largest stadium in Sierra Leone and has a 36,000 capacity.. The stadium serves as the exclusive home of the Sierra Leone national football team, known as the Leone Stars. Several professional Sierra Leonean football clubs in the Sierra Leone National Premier League play their home games at the stadium. The stadium is also occasionally used as", "title": "National Stadium (Sierra Leone)" }, { "docid": "4302618", "text": "national capital Freetown, which makes up the Western Area Urban District, is governed by a directly elected city council headed by a mayor. The districts are further divided into a total of 190 (prior to 2017, 149) chiefdoms, whose elected leaders provided most of local government from 1896 to 2004, when they were supplemented by elected local councils. Districts of Sierra Leone The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 16 districts, as of July 2017. Previously, the country was divided into 14 districts. The Western Area is divided into two districts. Sierra Leone's capital Freetown is located in the", "title": "Districts of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362039", "text": "called 'Captured negroes', 'Recaptives' or 'Liberated Africans'. In 1808, the British Crown Colony of Sierra Leone was founded, with Freetown serving as the capital of British West Africa. The city's population expanded rapidly with freed slaves, who established suburbs on the Freetown Peninsula. They were joined by West Indian and African soldiers who settled in Sierra Leone after fighting for Britain in the Napoleonic Wars. In the early 1800s, Sierra Leone was a small colony extending a few kilometres (a few miles) up the peninsula from Freetown. The bulk of the territory that makes up present-day Sierra Leone was still", "title": "History of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "4668111", "text": "Kabala, Sierra Leone Kabala is the capital and largest town of Koinadugu District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. Kabala is one of the main towns in Northern Sierra Leone and is set in a rural landscape, surrounded by mountains. Kabala lies approximately north-east of Makeni, the largest city in the north, and approximately east of the capital Freetown. Kabala had a population of 14,108 in the 2004 census, and a current estimate of 18,770 The population of Kabala is predominantly Muslim, though there is a substantial Christian minority. Kabala is an agricultural centre and lies on the far", "title": "Kabala, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "4668095", "text": "1974. From 1930 until independence in 1961, it was the capital of the Protectorate of Sierra Leone. The city is the administrative centre of the Southern Province. After Freetown, Bo is the leading transportation, commercial, and educational centre of Sierra Leone. Bo began its modern development with the coming of the railroad in 1889 and became an educational center in 1906, when the Bo Government Secondary School was established. The inhabitants of Bo are known for their resolve, resistance and hospitality. The town was named after its generosity. An elephant was killed close to what is now known as Bo", "title": "Bo, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "4668119", "text": "picnic on Gbawuria Hill to the west of the town, which attracts people from around the country. Kabala, Sierra Leone Kabala is the capital and largest town of Koinadugu District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. Kabala is one of the main towns in Northern Sierra Leone and is set in a rural landscape, surrounded by mountains. Kabala lies approximately north-east of Makeni, the largest city in the north, and approximately east of the capital Freetown. Kabala had a population of 14,108 in the 2004 census, and a current estimate of 18,770 The population of Kabala is predominantly Muslim,", "title": "Kabala, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "9623996", "text": "Waterloo, Sierra Leone Waterloo is a city in the Western Area of Sierra Leone and the capital of the Western Area Rural District, which is one of the sixteen districts of Sierra Leone . Waterloo is located about twenty miles east of Freetown. Waterloo is the second largest city in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone, after Freetown. . The city had a population of 34,079 in the 2004 census and a 2013 estimate of 40,000 . Waterloo is part of Freetown metropolitan area. Waterloo is a major urban transport hub and lies on the main highway linking Freetown", "title": "Waterloo, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "17533618", "text": "Waterloo. Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB) is a commercial bank in Sierra Leone. It is one of the commercial banks licensed by the Bank of Sierra Leone, the country's central bank and national banking regulator. SLCB was founded in 1973. It serves large corporations, small and medium enterprises, and individual customers. It is operated and managed by indigenous Sierra Leoneans. The stock of the bank is 100 percent owned by the Government of Sierra Leone. SLCB maintains its headquarters in Freetown, the capital, and has branches in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Makeni, Koidu, Cline Town, Mobimbi, Njala,", "title": "Sierra Leone Commercial Bank" }, { "docid": "17533617", "text": "Sierra Leone Commercial Bank Sierra Leone Commercial Bank (SLCB) is a commercial bank in Sierra Leone. It is one of the commercial banks licensed by the Bank of Sierra Leone, the country's central bank and national banking regulator. SLCB was founded in 1973. It serves large corporations, small and medium enterprises, and individual customers. It is operated and managed by indigenous Sierra Leoneans. The stock of the bank is 100 percent owned by the Government of Sierra Leone. SLCB maintains its headquarters in Freetown, the capital, and has branches in Freetown, Bo, Kenema, Makeni, Koidu, Cline Town, Mobimbi, Njala, and", "title": "Sierra Leone Commercial Bank" }, { "docid": "373284", "text": "and near the country's capital Freetown. Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, lying mostly between latitudes 7° and 10°N (a small area is south of 7°), and longitudes 10° and 14°W. The country is bordered by Guinea to the north and northeast, Liberia to the south and southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Sierra Leone has a total area of , divided into a land area of and water of . The country has four distinct geographical regions. In eastern Sierra Leone the plateau is interspersed with high mountains, where Mount Bintumani reaches ,", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "4302617", "text": "Districts of Sierra Leone The provinces of Sierra Leone are divided into 16 districts, as of July 2017. Previously, the country was divided into 14 districts. The Western Area is divided into two districts. Sierra Leone's capital Freetown is located in the Western Area of the country and its makes up the Western Area Urban District. One traditional leader from each district occupies a seat in Sierra Leone's parliament. Each one of Sierra Leone's sixteen administrative districts (with the exception of the Western Area Urban District) is governed by a directly elected district council headed by a council chairman. The", "title": "Districts of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "7261425", "text": "Leone are non-denominational. The largest mosque in Sierra Leone is the Freetown Central Mosque, located in the capital Freetown. Sitting Sierra Leonean Heads of State, regardless of their religions, have traditionally made occasional visits to the Freetown Central Mosque, especially during Friday jummah prayer. The chief imam of the Freetown Central Mosque is Sheikh Ahmad Tejan Sillah, a Shia Muslim, who is also the spiritual leader of the Sierra Leone United Council of Imams. This is an Islamic organisation made up of imams from across Sierra Leone The head of the Ahmadiyya branch of Islam in Sierra Leone is sheikh", "title": "Islam in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "5475435", "text": "Province is the Atlantic Ocean. Sierra Leone's last remaining stand of rainforest is at Gola. Southern Province, Sierra Leone The Southern Province is one of the four provinces of Sierra Leone. It covers an area of 19,694 km² and has a population of 1,438,572 (2015 census). It consists of four districts (Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba, and Pujehun). Its capital and administrative center is Bo, which is also the second largest and second most populated city in Sierra Leone after the nation's capital Freetown. The population of the southern province is largely from the Mende ethnic group. The province is divided into", "title": "Southern Province, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "8881280", "text": "Kambia, Sierra Leone Kambia also commonly known as Kambia Town is the capital and largest town of Kambia District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. Kambia is a major trading town; and lies approximately 120 miles north-east of Freetown. The town had a population of 11,842 in the 2004 census, with a 2010 estimate being 12,471 and a current estimate of 40,000 . Kambia is a major trading route along the main highway linking Sierra Leone's capital Freetown to Conakry, the capital of Guinea. Kambia town is inhabited by several different ethnic groups. The Krio language is the primary", "title": "Kambia, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "8881282", "text": "Temne language. The city is predominantly Muslim. Kambia, Sierra Leone Kambia also commonly known as Kambia Town is the capital and largest town of Kambia District in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. Kambia is a major trading town; and lies approximately 120 miles north-east of Freetown. The town had a population of 11,842 in the 2004 census, with a 2010 estimate being 12,471 and a current estimate of 40,000 . Kambia is a major trading route along the main highway linking Sierra Leone's capital Freetown to Conakry, the capital of Guinea. Kambia town is inhabited by several different ethnic", "title": "Kambia, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "18219944", "text": "Heritage: Digital Repatriation, Knowledge Networks and Civil Society Strengthening in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone\" project, in conjunction with the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Cultural Affairs, the National Museum and other organizations and museums, has digitised 2000 objects from the museum, along with numerous other objects from other sources. Sierra Leone National Museum The Sierra Leone National Museum is the national museum of Sierra Leone. The museum is located at the junction of Siaka Stevens Street and Pademba Road in central Freetown, the capital of the country. The museum's origin dates back to before Sierra Leone's independence. The Monuments and Relics Commission,", "title": "Sierra Leone National Museum" }, { "docid": "10379418", "text": "capital city, which is on the south side of the harbor, from the country's principal airport, Lungi International Airport, which is on the north side of the harbor in an area called the \"Bullom Shore.\" The primary means of transportation from the airport to Freetown are by speed boat or ferry. Hovercraft, or helicopter services are no longer running. The of the Sierra Leone River estuary is classified as a wetland of international importance RAMSAR convention in the west of Sierra Leone. The area is mainly Mangrove swamps but also includes tidal freshwater swamp forests. Sierra Leone River The Sierra", "title": "Sierra Leone River" }, { "docid": "16710491", "text": "Sierra Leone Supreme Islamic Council . The United Council of Imams, is an influential Islamic religious body in Sierra Leone, that is made up of all imams of mosques throughout Sierra Leone. The president of the United Council of Imam is Sheikh Alhaji Muhammad Habib Sheriff.. The two largest mosques in Sierra Leone are the Freetown Central Mosque and the Ghadafi Central Mosque (built by former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi), both located in the capital Freetown. Among the present most highly prominent Sierra Leonean Muslim scholars and preachers are Sheikh Abu Bakarr Cotco Kamara, Sheikh Muhammad Taha Jalloh, Sheikh Umarr", "title": "Religion in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "16710493", "text": "all Protestant churches across Sierra Leone. Recently there has been an increase of Pentecostal churches, especially in Freetown. Non-denominational Christians form a significant minority of Sierra Leone's Christian population. Catholics are the largest group of non-Protestant Christians in Sierra Leone, forming about 8% of Sierra Leone's population and 26% of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are the two most prominent non Trinitarian Christians in Sierra Leone, and they form a small but significant minority of the Christian population in Sierra Leone. A small community of Orthodox Christians resides in the capital Freetown. In September", "title": "Religion in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "16710494", "text": "2017, a Sierra Leone-based radical Nigerian Pentecostal Christian pastor name Victor Ajisafe was arrested by the Sierra Leone Police and held in jail after he preached an extreme religious intolerance and a fanatical hate speech against Islam and Sierra Leonean Muslims at his church sermon in the capital Freetown. Among other words in his speech; Ajisafe said Islam is an evil religion, and he further said there is no trace of Islam in the history of Sierra Leone; even though factually Muslim missionaries have peacefully thought Islam in Sierra Leone over 430 years ago and the country has remained a", "title": "Religion in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "5475434", "text": "Southern Province, Sierra Leone The Southern Province is one of the four provinces of Sierra Leone. It covers an area of 19,694 km² and has a population of 1,438,572 (2015 census). It consists of four districts (Bo, Bonthe, Moyamba, and Pujehun). Its capital and administrative center is Bo, which is also the second largest and second most populated city in Sierra Leone after the nation's capital Freetown. The population of the southern province is largely from the Mende ethnic group. The province is divided into 4 districts. Southern Province has the following borders: To the south and west of Southern", "title": "Southern Province, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "18379629", "text": "peninsula on the coast of west Africa. The whole of Sierra Leone covers some 72,500 square kilometres. At its northern tip lies Freetown, the capital. The peninsula's mountain range is covered by tropical rain forests split by deep valleys and adorned with impressive waterfalls. White sand beaches line the Atlantic coast. As a result of normal immigration patterns, the Sierra Leone Civil War, and some discrimination at home, many Krios live abroad in the United States and the United Kingdom. What has been called the \"Creole Diaspora\" is the migration of Krios abroad. Many Krios attend formal and informal gatherings.", "title": "Sierra Leone Creole people" }, { "docid": "15514289", "text": "Affairs and International Relations Building is located in the capital Freetown, Sierra Leone. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is appointed by the president of Sierra Leone and must be confirmed by the parliament of Sierra Leone before taking office. The Sierra Leone president has the constitutional authority to sack the Minister of Foreign Affairs at anytime. The current Sierra Leone minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations is Samura Kamara. Here is a list of Sierra Leone's Foreign Ministers. Sierra Leone Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations Sierra Leone Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "title": "Sierra Leone Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations" }, { "docid": "16710497", "text": "probation. Sierra Leone is home to about sixteen ethnic groups, each with its own language. The largest and most influential are the Temne at about 36%, and the Mende at about 33%. The Temne predominate in the Northern Sierra Leone and the areas around the capital of Sierra Leone. The Mende predominate in South-Eastern Sierra Leone (with the exception of Kono District). The vast majority of Temne are Muslims at over 85%; and with a small Christian minority at about 10%. The Mende are also Muslim majority at about 70℅, though with a large Christian minority at about 28%. Sierra", "title": "Religion in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373362", "text": "new decentralisation policy, embodied in the Local Government Act of 2004, responsibility for water supply in areas outside the capital was passed from the central government to local councils. In Freetown the Guma Valley Water Company remains in charge of water supply. 37 percent of married women in Sierra Leone were in polygamous marriages in 2008. Rice is the staple food of Sierra Leone and is consumed at virtually every meal daily. The rice is prepared in numerous ways, and topped with a variety of sauces made from some of Sierra Leone's favourite toppings, including potato leaves, cassava leaves, crain", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "18557452", "text": "2005 in Sierra Leone The following list is of events that happened during 2005 in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone, a country in West Africa, has a special significance in the history of the transatlantic slave trade as the departure point for thousands of west African captives. The capital, Freetown, was founded as a home for repatriated former slaves in 1787. But the country's modern history has been overshadowed by a brutal civil war that ended in 2002 with the help of Britain, the former colonial power, and a large United Nations peacekeeping mission. Sierra Leone has experienced substantial economic growth", "title": "2005 in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "8442570", "text": "Kargbo, Samura, Kamara, Turay, Bangura,Thoronka, Mansaray, Koroma, and Kanu. Limba people (Sierra Leone) The Limba people are a major ethnic group in the Sierra Leone. They form the third largest ethnic group in the country, about 8.5% of Sierra Leone's total population (about 566,529 members). The Limba are Indigenous people of Sierra Leone and speak various dialects of a language largely unrelated to other tribal languages in Sierra Leone. They are primarily found in the Northern Province, particularly in Bombali District, Koinadugu and Kambia District. During Sierra Leone's colonial era thousands of Limbas migrated to the capital city of Freetown", "title": "Limba people (Sierra Leone)" }, { "docid": "8442562", "text": "Limba people (Sierra Leone) The Limba people are a major ethnic group in the Sierra Leone. They form the third largest ethnic group in the country, about 8.5% of Sierra Leone's total population (about 566,529 members). The Limba are Indigenous people of Sierra Leone and speak various dialects of a language largely unrelated to other tribal languages in Sierra Leone. They are primarily found in the Northern Province, particularly in Bombali District, Koinadugu and Kambia District. During Sierra Leone's colonial era thousands of Limbas migrated to the capital city of Freetown and its Western Area. As a result, a significant", "title": "Limba people (Sierra Leone)" }, { "docid": "11406678", "text": "Security and Road Safety Authority. Each one of Sierra Leone's 12 administrative districts has its own District Police Unit, which is a sub department of each Regional Police Command, whilst there are four administrative regions of Sierra Leone, there are 6 Police Regions. Each one of Sierra Leone's twelve administrative districts is headed by a local unit commander, who are subordinate to the regional police commanders. The capital Freetown is part of the Western Area police division but is split into 2 each being led by an Assistant Inspector General. The Sierra Leone Police is divided into the following departments:", "title": "Sierra Leone Police" }, { "docid": "7541799", "text": "Sierra Leone. This comprises the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Freetown and three suffragan dioceses. The Catholic Church in Sierra Leone does not have a national Episcopal Conference, however it is part of joint one for the Gambia and Sierra Leone, which hosts it in Freetown. There are no titular sees. All defunct jurisdictions are precursors of present sees. There formally is an Apostolic Nunciature (embassy-level papal diplomatic representation) to Sierra Leone and an Apostolic Nunciature to The Gambia, but both are vested in the Apostolic Nunciature to Liberia (in its capital Monrovia). It was established as the \"Vicariate Apostolic\" of Sierra", "title": "Catholic Church in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "17008918", "text": "Leone and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth\". The monarchy was abolished in 1971, when Sierra Leone became a republic within the Commonwealth with the President of Sierra Leone as head of state. The Queen and her husband, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, visited Sierra Leone on the royal yacht \"Britannia\" from 25 November to 1 December 1961. Queen Elizabeth II Quay in Freetown is named after her. Queen of Sierra Leone Elizabeth II was Queen of Sierra Leone from 1961 to 1971, when Sierra Leone was an independent constitutional monarchy. The Queen was also monarch", "title": "Queen of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "18219941", "text": "Sierra Leone National Museum The Sierra Leone National Museum is the national museum of Sierra Leone. The museum is located at the junction of Siaka Stevens Street and Pademba Road in central Freetown, the capital of the country. The museum's origin dates back to before Sierra Leone's independence. The Monuments and Relics Commission, chaired by retired Krio doctor M. C. F. Easmon, was set up by a 1946 ordinance \"to provide for the preservation of Ancient, Historical, and Natural Monuments, Relics, and other objects of Archaeological, Ethnographical, Historical or other Scientific Interest\". In 1953, Governor Sir Robert Hall encouraged the", "title": "Sierra Leone National Museum" }, { "docid": "18379612", "text": "the forest and shrub and built a new settlement on the overgrown site that had formerly contained the Granville Town settlement. They had a profound influence on Creole culture; many of the Western attributes of Creole society were conveyed by the \"Settlers\", who continued what was familiar to them from their past lives. In Sierra Leone they were called the Nova Scotians or \"Settlers\" (the 1787 Settlers were called the Old Settlers). They founded the capital of Sierra Leone in 1792. The descendants of African Americans remained an identifiable ethnic group until the 1870s, when the Creole identity was beginning", "title": "Sierra Leone Creole people" }, { "docid": "10209362", "text": "stations with a limited broadcast range with only a few stations having national coverage. There is one national free terrestrial television station but outside the capital Freetown and a few other major cities television is not watched by many people. Internet access in Sierra Leone has been low but is on the increase, especially since the introduction of wireless services across the country. The constitution of Sierra Leone guarantees freedom of speech, and freedom of the press; however, the government maintains strong control of the media and at times restricts these rights in practice. Some subjects are seen as taboo", "title": "Media of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "19480363", "text": "Charlotte, Sierra Leone Charlotte is a mountainous village in the Rural District in the Western Area of Sierra Leone. Charlotte is located about twenty miles outside Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital. Charlotte, is commonly known as Charlotte Village, and is within close proximity to the towns of Regent, and Leicester. The main economic activity in Charlotte is farming. The population of Charlotte are almost entirely from the Creole ethnic group. The people of Charlotte Village are mostly Christians, and the village is known for its deeply religious Christian faith. Charlotte Village is home to several Churches. Charlotte Village has its own", "title": "Charlotte, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "8342201", "text": "decades all three groups developed into the Sierra Leone Creole people who became recognised as a particular ethnic identity alongside others in Sierra Leone. Liberated Africans in Sierra Leone The Liberated Africans of Sierra Leone were illegally enslaved Africans rescued from slave ships intercepted by anti-slaving patrols in the Atlantic Ocean and near coastal trading stations on the African Coast after 1808. Born and enslaved throughout West and West Central Africa, the rescued Africans were liberated by British naval courts or bilateral tribunals established in Freetown, capital of the Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate. Following liberation, most Liberated Africans were", "title": "Liberated Africans in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "18334452", "text": "Temne predominate in the Northern Sierra Leone and the areas around the capital of Sierra Leone. The vast majority of Temne are Muslims, with a small Christian minority. The Temne are thought to have come from Futa Jallon, which is in present-day Guinea. Sierra Leone's former president Ernest Bai Koroma is the first ethnic Temne to be elected to the office. The majority of the Temne support the All People's Congress (APC). A major ethnic group are the Mende, at about 33% of Sierra Leone's population. The Mende predominate in the Southern Province and Eastern Sierra Leone (with the exception", "title": "Ethnic groups in Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "19480366", "text": "she was in the news in 1817 because she died unexpectedly that year after childbirth (the baby was, sadly stillborn), aged just 21. The Annie Walsh Memorial School, the oldest girls school Sub-Saharan Africa was originally located here. At inception it catered for eight pupils. The school, which was founded by the Church Missionary Society, moved to Kissy Road, Freetown in 1865. Charlotte, Sierra Leone Charlotte is a mountainous village in the Rural District in the Western Area of Sierra Leone. Charlotte is located about twenty miles outside Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital. Charlotte, is commonly known as Charlotte Village, and", "title": "Charlotte, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "5995873", "text": "Bank of Sierra Leone The Bank of Sierra Leone is the central bank of Sierra Leone. It issues the country's currency, known as the Leone. The bank formulates and implements monetary policy, including foreign exchange. The current governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone is Dr.Patrick Saidu Conteh, who was appointed by president Ernest Bai Koroma, and took office in 2017 after he was approved by Parliament. He succeeded Dr. Kelfala Marah. The Bank Headquarters is at Siaka Stevens Street in the Central business district in Downtown Freetown. The Bank is engaged in policies to promote financial inclusion and is", "title": "Bank of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362130", "text": "small communities, walking is often the preferred method of transportation in Sierra Leone. There are 11,700 kilometres (7,270 mi) of highway in Sierra Leone, of which 936 km (582 mi) are paved. There are 800 km (497 mi) of waterways in Sierra Leone, of which 600 km (373 mi) are navigable year-round. Major ports of Sierra Leone include: Bonthe, Freetown and Pepel. Queen Elizabeth II Quay in Freetown represents the country's only deep water port facility capable of berthing large-hulled cargo or military vessels. There are ten airports in Sierra Leone, of which one - Lungi International Airport in Freetown", "title": "Economy of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "11240032", "text": "Settler Town, Sierra Leone Settler Town, Sierra Leone (Settler Tong in Krio) is the oldest part of the city of Freetown, now the capital of Sierra Leone, and was the first home of the Nova Scotian Settlers. The Settlers were African Americans, many of them ex-slaves, who had escaped to British lines during the American Revolutionary War. After the British defeat, they had first emigrated to Halifax, but did not find a warm reception or climate. As a result, on January 15, 1792, Lieutenant John Clarkson led 1,196 of them from Halifax Harbor in fifteen ships across the Atlantic to", "title": "Settler Town, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373308", "text": "of the privatisation programme is also slackening and donors have urged its advancement. The currency is the leone. The central bank is the Bank of Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone operates a floating exchange rate system, and foreign currencies can be exchanged at any of the commercial banks, recognised foreign exchange bureaux and most hotels. Credit card use is limited in Sierra Leone, though they may be used at some hotels and restaurants. There are a few internationally linked automated teller machines that accept Visa cards in Freetown operated by ProCredit Bank. Sierra Leone is a country that is exposed to", "title": "Sierra Leone" } ]
[ { "docid": "16987246", "text": "Languages of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone is a multilingual country. English is the \"de facto\" official language, and Krio is the most widely spoken. Other major languages include Mende, which is spoken by 31% of the population as a mother tongue and as a lingua franca in southern Sierra Leone, and Temne, which is spoken by 37% as a mother tongue and also as a lingua franca in the northern province, north Western province, and other part of Sierra Leone and some part of the Capital and the Western Area. Other languages include Kono, Kissi, Kuranko, Limba, Fula (Pular),Mandingo and", "title": "Languages of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373353", "text": "register the name or contracting.Not having the capital to start a new business is the biggest barrier for women . With the lack of technology, mostly in all Sierra Leone, it is hard to help a business to function. Education in Sierra Leone is legally required for all children for six years at primary level (Class P1-P6) and three years in junior secondary education, but a shortage of schools and teachers has made implementation impossible. Two thirds of the adult population of the country are illiterate. The Sierra Leone Civil War resulted in the destruction of 1,270 primary schools, and", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "20851658", "text": "following is a list of all I Am Sierra Leone Pageant editions since 2016. In 2018 the name renamed as the Face of Sierra Leone. The following is a list of all Mister Sierra Leone Pageant editions since 2017. Here International pageant under the Face of Sierra Leone Organization. Face of Sierra Leone The Face of Sierra Leone or also known as Miss Universe Sierra Leone, is a national Beauty pageant in Sierra Leone that selects the winner to represent the country in the Miss Universe, one of the Big Four international beauty pageants. The pageant was established in 2016", "title": "Face of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "20851657", "text": "The International Ambassadors of Sierra Leone (I.AM.SL) Pageant Agency which produces national contests like Miss Universe Sierra Leone, Miss Independence Sierra Leone and Miss Teen Sierra Leone. In 2018 the Face of Sierra Leone divided onto two national competitions which select the winner to Miss Universe and Miss Earth independently. The main purpose of the organization of Miss Universe Sierra Leone is to promote Local Tourism in Sierra Leone and to expose young Sierra Leonean women to different cultures and nationalities. Note that the year designates the time the Face of Sierra Leone has acquired that particular pageant franchise. The", "title": "Face of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "6862694", "text": "SIERRA LEONE (Acts, Ordinances, Public Notices etc.) Parliament of Sierra Leone Parliament of Sierra Leone is the legislative branch of the government of Sierra Leone. It is principally responsible for making laws. The Sierra Leone parliament consists of 146 members, of which 132 members are directly elected from across Sierra Leone's 16 Districts. The Parliament is led by the Speaker. The current Speaker of Parliament is Abass Bundu (SLPP). The current elected 132 Ordinary members of parliament are composed of members of the All People's Congress, the Sierra Leone People's Party which are the two largest political parties in Sierra", "title": "Parliament of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373303", "text": "consists of around 15,500 personnel, comprising the largest Sierra Leone Army, the Sierra Leone Navy and the Sierra Leone Air Wing. The president of Sierra Leone is the Commander in Chief of the military, with the Minister of Defence responsible for defence policy and the formulation of the armed forces. The current Sierra Leone Defence Minister is retired Major Alfred Paolo Conteh. The Military of Sierra Leone also has a Chief of the Defence Staff who is a uniformed military official responsible for the administration and the operational control of the Sierra Leone military. Brigadier General Alfred Nelson-Williams who was", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "6862640", "text": "Parliament of Sierra Leone Parliament of Sierra Leone is the legislative branch of the government of Sierra Leone. It is principally responsible for making laws. The Sierra Leone parliament consists of 146 members, of which 132 members are directly elected from across Sierra Leone's 16 Districts. The Parliament is led by the Speaker. The current Speaker of Parliament is Abass Bundu (SLPP). The current elected 132 Ordinary members of parliament are composed of members of the All People's Congress, the Sierra Leone People's Party which are the two largest political parties in Sierra Leone plus two other parties, the National", "title": "Parliament of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "2589335", "text": "Leone is heavily guarded by the Presidential Guard, which is made up of a special unit of soldiers of the Sierra Leone Armed Forces and a special unit of police officers of the Operational Support Division of the Sierra Leone Police Force. President of Sierra Leone The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone is the head of state and the head of government of Sierra Leone, as well as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. As the head of the executive branch of the Sierra Leone government, the president implements laws passed by parliament. The president has influence especially", "title": "President of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373368", "text": "published in newspapers less than that found on the radio. Radio is the most-popular and most-trusted media in Sierra Leone, with 85% of people having access to a radio and 72% of people in the country listening to the radio daily. These levels do vary between areas of the country, with the Western Area having the highest levels and Kailahun the lowest. Stations mainly consist of local commercial stations with a limited broadcast range, combined with a few stations with national coverage – Capital Radio Sierra Leone being the largest of the commercial stations. The United Nations Mission in Sierra", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "17654722", "text": "Sierra Leone. She is also an executive member of the 50/50 Group, a group in support of women's empowerment. Her published works include her dissertation, entitled \"Wars other Voices: Testimonies by Sierra Leonean Women\", along with other works such as her \"Introduction: Everyday Life in Postwar Sierra Leone\" and \"The Integration of a Gender Perspective in the Sierra Leone Police\". Children's literature in Sierra Leone it has played a large role in the country's postwar development of the country. PEN Sierra Leone is a branch of PEN International that is based in Sierra Leone and has been working to develop", "title": "Literature of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362104", "text": "Sierra Leone. Elections were held in May 2002. President Kabbah was re-elected, and the SLPP won a majority of the parliamentary seats. In June 2003, the UN ban on the sale of Sierra Leone diamonds expired and was not renewed. The UN disarmament and rehabilitation program for Sierra Leone's fighters was completed in February 2004, by which time more than 70,000 former-combatants had been helped. UN forces returned primary responsibility for security in the area around the capital to Sierra Leone's police and armed forces in September 2004; it was the last part of the country to be turned over.", "title": "History of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362112", "text": "Geography of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, between the 7th and 10th parallels north of the equator. Sierra Leone is bordered by Guinea to the north and northeast, Liberia to the south and southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Sierra Leone has a total area of , divided into a land area of and water of . Sierra Leone has four distinct geographical regions: coastal Guinean mangroves, the wooded hill country, an upland plateau, and the eastern mountains. Eastern Sierra Leone is an interior region of large plateaus interspersed with high", "title": "Geography of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "20851656", "text": "Face of Sierra Leone The Face of Sierra Leone or also known as Miss Universe Sierra Leone, is a national Beauty pageant in Sierra Leone that selects the winner to represent the country in the Miss Universe, one of the Big Four international beauty pageants. The pageant was established in 2016 and the foundation held in 2012 and is considered the biggest pageant in Sierra Leone. The foundation of IAMSL was debuted in 2012 and launched a pageant to International competitions in 2016 by Swadu Natasha Beckley (former Miss Sierra Leone 2011). According to the pageant; it is in under", "title": "Face of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373379", "text": "basketball player in the country and he is very popular among the general population. Current NBA youngstar Victor Oladipo is of Sierra Leonean descent, as his father is a native of Sierra Leone. Although tennis is not very popular in the country, up-and-coming American player Frances Tiafoe is the son of two Sierra Leoneans who emigrated to the United States. Sierra Leone is the first African country to join the International Floorball Federation. Sierra Leone Sierra Leone (, ), officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, informally Salone, is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Guinea to the", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373305", "text": "Headquarters was established, and the Sierra Leone Air Wing formed. The RSLMF was renamed as the Armed Forces of the Republic of Sierra Leone (AFRSL). Law enforcement in Sierra Leone is primarily the responsibility of the Sierra Leone Police (SLP). Sierra Leone Police was established by the British colony in 1894; it is one of the oldest police forces in West Africa. It works to prevent crime, protect life and property, detect and prosecute offenders, maintain public order, ensure safety and security, and enhance access to justice. The Sierra Leone Police is headed by the Inspector General of Police, the", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "11406679", "text": "Sierra Leone Police The Sierra Leone Police (SLP) is the national police force of the Republic of Sierra Leone, that is primarily responsible for law enforcement and crime investigation throughout Sierra Leone. The heavily armed unit of the Sierra Leone Police is known as the Operations Support Division, widely known as OSD, which is primarily responsible to put down riot and violence protest. The Sierra Leone Police is under the jurisdiction of the Sierra Leone Ministry of Internal Affairs, a cabinet ministry in the Government of Sierra Leone. The Sierra Leone Police is headed by the Inspector General of police", "title": "Sierra Leone Police" }, { "docid": "11406669", "text": "Sierra Leone Police The Sierra Leone Police (SLP) is the national police force of the Republic of Sierra Leone, that is primarily responsible for law enforcement and crime investigation throughout Sierra Leone. The heavily armed unit of the Sierra Leone Police is known as the Operations Support Division, widely known as OSD, which is primarily responsible to put down riot and violence protest. The Sierra Leone Police is under the jurisdiction of the Sierra Leone Ministry of Internal Affairs, a cabinet ministry in the Government of Sierra Leone. The Sierra Leone Police is headed by the Inspector General of police", "title": "Sierra Leone Police" }, { "docid": "373329", "text": "five hundred Ahmaddiyya Mosque across Sierra Leone. Shia Muslims form a very small percentage, at less than half of one percent of Sierra Leone's Muslim population. Most of Sierra Leonean Muslims of the Sunni and Ahmadiyya sect regularly pray together in the same Mosque. The Maliki school is by far the most dominant Islamic school of jurisprudence across Sierra Leone and is based within Sunni Islam, though many Ahmadiyya Muslims in Sierra Leone also follow the Maliki Jurisprudence. The Sierra Leone Islamic Supreme Council, is the highest Islamic religious organization in Sierra Leone and is made up of the country's", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "11010512", "text": "Chief of the Defence Staff (Sierra Leone) The Chief of the Defense Staff (CDS) is the professional head of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces. He is responsible for the administration and the operational control of the Sierra Leonean military. It is the highest rank military position in the country. In 1985, General Joseph Saidu Momoh, the army commander, succeed President Siaka Stevens. It is not clear what exactly Momoh's title was but it seems likely that he was the senior Sierra Leonean military officer and held the predecessor to the CDS's post. Brigadier-General Tom Carew was Chief of", "title": "Chief of the Defence Staff (Sierra Leone)" }, { "docid": "373290", "text": "only source of income for many communities in a country still recovering from over a decade of civil war. In June 2005, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and BirdLife International agreed to support a conservation-sustainable development project in the Gola Forest in south eastern Sierra Leone, an important surviving fragment of rainforest in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone is a constitutional republic with a directly elected president and a unicameral legislature. The current system of the Government of Sierra Leone is based on the 1991 Sierra Leone Constitution. Sierra Leone has a dominant unitary central government and", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "17654703", "text": "Literature of Sierra Leone Literature of Sierra Leone is the collection of written and spoken work, mostly fictional, from Sierra Leone. The coastal west-African country suffered a civil war from 1991 until 2002. Before the civil war, Sierra Leone had many writers contributing to its literature and since the end of the war the country has been in the process of rebuilding this literature. This is an overview of some important aspects of the literature of Sierra Leone before, during, and after the civil war. Eustace Palmer is Sierra Leonean by birth. He has taught at the University of Texas", "title": "Literature of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "20660894", "text": "North West Province, Sierra Leone The North West Province, also known as North Western Province, covers the northwest part of the West African state of Sierra Leone. It is one of the five administrative regions of Sierra Leone. The province was created in 2017 from the Northern Province. The three districts of Kambia, Karine and Port Loko make up the North Western Province of Sierra Leone. The province has a total of 34 Chiefdoms and a population of 1,162,065 inhabitants (as of 2017). The administrative capital of the North West province is Port Loko. The North West province borders the", "title": "North West Province, Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "17008917", "text": "Queen of Sierra Leone Elizabeth II was Queen of Sierra Leone from 1961 to 1971, when Sierra Leone was an independent constitutional monarchy. The Queen was also monarch of the other Commonwealth realms, including the United Kingdom. Sierra Leone became an independent realm by the Sierra Leone Independence Act 1961, which transformed the British Crown Colony of Sierra Leone into an independent member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The Queen was the ceremonial head of state, represented by the Governor-General of Sierra Leone, who resided in State House, which flew the Union Jack. Her formal title was \"Queen of Sierra", "title": "Queen of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "16069910", "text": "St John of God Hospital Sierra Leone St. John of God Catholic Hospital, also known as Mabessaneh Hospital, is a hospital located in Mabesseneh, Lunsar, Sierra Leone. It is run by the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, an international Catholic organisation. It is a non-denominational hospital with several departments, some of which are a common part of Healthcare in Sierra Leone, such as the Outpatients, Paediatrics, Medical and Maternity, others such as Emergency, Surgery, Pharmacy and Microbiology are not especially in the provinces, outside the capital. It has several links to European organisations. It is the only Sierra", "title": "St John of God Hospital Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "9270222", "text": "Vice-President of Sierra Leone The Vice-President of Sierra Leone is the second most senior government official in the executive branch of the Republic of Sierra Leone government after the president. The vice president only constitutional power is the immediate successor to the president of Sierra Leone if the president resigned or is removed from office by the Sierra Leone parliament]. Other than that the power of the vice president depends on the role delegated to the office by the president. The vice president of Sierra Leone is the second most influential position in the government of Sierra Leone, after the", "title": "Vice-President of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "10141628", "text": "Wildlife of Sierra Leone The wildlife of Sierra Leone is very diverse due to the variety of different habitats within the country. Sierra Leone is home to approximately 2090 known higher plant species, 147 known species of mammals, 172 known breeding bird species, 67 known reptile species, 35 known amphibian species and 99 known species of fish. There are approximately 147 known species of wild mammals within Sierra Leone. Members of fourteen orders of placental mammals inhabit Sierra Leone. The endangered pygmy hippopotamus has territories around the islands on the Moa River and is widespread in the Gola Forest area.", "title": "Wildlife of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373212", "text": "Sierra Leone Sierra Leone (, ), officially the Republic of Sierra Leone, informally Salone, is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Guinea to the northeast, Liberia to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest. It has a tropical climate, with a diverse environment ranging from savanna to rainforests. The country has a total area of and a population of 7,075,641 as of the 2015 census. Sierra Leone is a constitutional republic with a directly elected president and a unicameral legislature. Sierra Leone has a dominant unitary central government. The president is the head of state", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373293", "text": "the ruling All People's Congress in the country's tightly contested 2018 presidential election. Bio replaced outgoing President Ernest Bai Koroma after Bio was sworn into office on 4 April 2018 by Chief Justice Abdulai Cham. Bio is the leader of the Sierra Leone People's Party, the current ruling party in Sierra Leone. Next to the president is the Vice-president, who is the second-highest ranking government official in the executive branch of the Sierra Leone Government. As designated by the Sierra Leone Constitution, the vice-president is to become the new president of Sierra Leone upon the death, resignation, or removal of", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "863913", "text": "qualified personnel. Judges are appointed by the president on the advice of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission with the approval of Parliament. There also are magistrate and local courts and from these appeals lie to the superior courts of judicature. The 1991 constitution created an ombudsman responsible for looking into complaints of abuses and capricious acts on the part of public officials. In 2000 the government promulgated the Anti-Corruption Act to combat corruption. Sierra Leone is divided into provinces, districts, and chiefdoms. Sierra Leone has 3 rural provinces, plus a capital city administrative province. There are then 14 districts", "title": "Government of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "13560041", "text": "Jalloh phd graduate from the Madina university in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and now a prominent Islamic scholar in Sierra Leone. Fula people of Sierra Leone Fula people of Sierra Leone is the third major ethnic group in Sierra Leone and a branch of the Fula people of West Africa. The Fula make up about 10% of Sierra Leone's population. The Sierra Leone Fula people settled in the Western Area region of Sierra Leone more than four hundred years ago as settlers from the Fouta Djallon Kingdom that expanded to northern Sierra Leone (Kabala, Bombali). The Sierra Leonean Fula", "title": "Fula people of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "19372073", "text": "Judiciary of Sierra Leone The Judiciary of Sierra Leone is the branch of the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone which interprets and applies the laws of Sierra Leone to ensure impartial justice under law and to provide a mechanism for dispute resolution. The independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by the constitution. The judicial system, headed by the Chief Justice of Sierra Leone, comprises the inferior courts, represented by the Magistrates courts and the Local courts and the superior courts, represented by the High Court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. A Magistrate's Court exists for", "title": "Judiciary of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "362118", "text": "km; (2011) Natural hazards: dry, sand-laden harmattan winds blow from the Sahara (December to February); sandstorms, dust storms. Geography of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone is located on the west coast of Africa, between the 7th and 10th parallels north of the equator. Sierra Leone is bordered by Guinea to the north and northeast, Liberia to the south and southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Sierra Leone has a total area of , divided into a land area of and water of . Sierra Leone has four distinct geographical regions: coastal Guinean mangroves, the wooded hill country, an upland", "title": "Geography of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "373297", "text": "of Justice; the Court of Appeal; the magistrate courts; and traditional courts in rural villages. The president appoints and parliament approves Justices for the three courts. The Judiciary have jurisdiction in all civil and criminal matters throughout the country. The current acting Chief Justice of Sierra Leone is Valicious Thomas The Sierra Leone Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation is responsible for foreign policy of Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has diplomatic relations that include China, Russia, Libya, Iran, and Cuba. Sierra Leone has good relations with the West, including the United States, and has maintained historical ties with the", "title": "Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "2589331", "text": "President of Sierra Leone The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone is the head of state and the head of government of Sierra Leone, as well as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. As the head of the executive branch of the Sierra Leone government, the president implements laws passed by parliament. The president has influence especially over members of the party of the President in the legislative branch of Parliament. The president constitutionally appoints judges of the Sierra Leone Judicial branch, including judges of the high court, the court of appeals and the Supreme Court. The president heads", "title": "President of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "8971741", "text": "University of Sierra Leone The University of Sierra Leone is the name of the former unitary public university system in Sierra Leone, which, as of May 2005, was reconstituted into the individual colleges of Fourah Bay College and Njala University college. The University of Sierra Leone has its origins in the Fourah Bay College. This college was established in February 1827 as an Anglican missionary school by the Church Missionary Society with support from Charles MacCarthy, the governor of Sierra Leone. Samuel Ajayi Crowther was the first student to enroll at Fouray Bay. Fourah Bay College soon became a magnet", "title": "University of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "10209370", "text": "Osman Conteh won the 2002 Macmillan Writer's Prize for African Children's Literature award. The Sierra Leone diaspora has written a high proportion of the books published from Sierra Leone authors, including , written by Ishmael Beah. The book recalls the experiences of Ishmael during the war in Sierra Leone and his following rehabilitation. There are organisations, such as Sierra Leone PEN, who are trying to revitalise the sector. Radio is the most common and trusted media in Sierra Leone with 85% of population having access to the radio and 72% listening daily in 2007. The level of penetration of radio", "title": "Media of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "17654720", "text": "Joe A. D. Alie, born in Moyamba, Sierra Leone, is a Professor at Fourah Bay College, the University of Sierra Leone. He has published a number of textbooks, including \"A New History of Sierra Leone\" and \"A Concise Guide to Writing College and Research Papers\". Osman A. Sankoh was born in Warima, Sierra Leone. He has been awarded the 1987 University of Sierra Leone Prize for Academic Excellence as well as the 1996 German Academic Exchange Service Prize for Academic Excellence and Exceptional Social Engagements by a Foreign Student. In 2007, he became the Executive Director of the INDEPTH Network.", "title": "Literature of Sierra Leone" }, { "docid": "15659602", "text": "Supreme Court of Sierra Leone The Supreme Court of Sierra Leone is the highest court in Sierra Leone. It has final jurisdiction in all civil, criminal, and constitutional cases within Sierra Leone, and its decisions cannot be appealed. The Supreme Court has the exclusive constitutional power to overturn ruling of lower courts within the jurisdiction of Sierra Leone. The Supreme Court, along with the Court of Appeals, High Court of Justice, and magistrate courts form the Judicial branch of the Government of Sierra Leone. The Supreme Court of Sierra Leone consists of Supreme Court justices, headed by the Chief Justice.", "title": "Supreme Court of Sierra Leone" } ]