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Crowd Counting Dataset

The dataset includes images featuring crowds of people ranging from 0 to 5000 individuals. The dataset includes a diverse range of scenes and scenarios, capturing crowds in various settings. Each image in the dataset is accompanied by a corresponding JSON file containing detailed labeling information for each person in the crowd for crowd count and classification.

Types of crowds in the dataset: 0-1000, 1000-2000, 2000-3000, 3000-4000 and 4000-5000

This dataset provides a valuable resource for researchers and developers working on crowd counting technology, enabling them to train and evaluate their algorithms with a wide range of crowd sizes and scenarios. It can also be used for benchmarking and comparison of different crowd counting algorithms, as well as for real-world applications such as public safety and security, urban planning, and retail analytics.

Full version of the dataset includes 647 labeled images of crowds, leave a request on TrainingData to buy the dataset

Statistics for the dataset (number of images by the crowd's size and image width):

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This is just an example of the data

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  • images - includes original images of crowds placed in subfolders according to its size,
  • labels - includes json-files with labeling and visualised labeling for the images in the previous folder,
  • csv file - includes information for each image in the dataset

File with the extension .csv

  • id: id of the image,
  • image: link to access the original image,
  • label: link to access the json-file with labeling,
  • type: type of the crowd on the photo

TrainingData provides high-quality data annotation tailored to your needs

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keywords: crowd counting, crowd density estimation, people counting, crowd analysis, image annotation, computer vision, deep learning, object detection, object counting, image classification, dense regression, crowd behavior analysis, crowd tracking, head detection, crowd segmentation, crowd motion analysis, image processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, ai, human detection, crowd sensing, image dataset, public safety, crowd management, urban planning, event planning, traffic management