UbuntuIRC / 2008 /05 /30 /#kubuntu.txt
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[00:00] <jill> this is console tells to me when i do your command
[00:01] <shane2peru> jill: right but trust me all the packages are deb, they have been deb files since the Breezy days. :)
[00:01] <shane2peru> and even before.
[00:01] <jill> okay
[00:01] <shane2peru> they should be in that folder /var/cache/apt/archives/
[00:01] <jill> but finder writes me - only 2 files and it is on desktop, my packages from usb disk
[00:02] <shane2peru> wow, slocate took a while to find all mine, I guess I have too many
[00:02] <holyguyver_> Audacity is for some reason not producing sound in Hardy, is it because of Pulse, & how do I fix it?
[00:02] <nosrednaekim> are you running kde>
[00:03] <shane2peru> jill: ok, I gotta go.
[00:03] <simula> if i copy my /usr and /home directory from one computer to another, should all my applications launch and run correctly (assuming they are both running the same version of Kubuntu)?
[00:03] <shane2peru> be back later :)
[00:03] <jill> shane2peru, bye and thanks
[00:03] <shane2peru> simula: no, you are going to need the /
[00:03] <sgraham> anyone any good with virtualbox?
[00:03] <shane2peru> jill: no prob
[00:03] <epimeth> /msg nickserv identify n0things
[00:03] <jill> shane2peru wait
[00:03] <nosrednaekim> sgraham: the guys in #vbox are
[00:03] <holyguyver_> sgraham, I know how to use virtualbox, so go ahead & ask away :)
[00:04] <hari_seldon99> hi. I'm trying to boot the kubuntu hrdy cd in my 64-bit machine but it just drops me to a busyboz shell and does nothing
[00:04] <Odd-rationale> epimeth: thanks for that!
[00:04] <epimeth> /join #kubuntu-offtopic
[00:04] <epimeth> are you kidding me?
[00:04] <jill> if you want to talk here 355774229, it is my icq
[00:04] <epimeth> did yahoo just give you my password???
[00:04] <epimeth> holy hell
[00:04] <nosrednaekim> hari_seldon99: had the smae problem... I ended up upgrading
[00:04] <shane2peru> epimeth: language please
[00:04] <simula> shane2peru... assuming i replace the existing /usr and /home at root. is there anything in the other directories that is needed to run the apps i installed on the first box?
[00:04] <hari_seldon99> upgrading to what?
[00:04] <shane2peru> jill: I don't icq
[00:05] <shane2peru> simula: yes the whole root filesystem, if those programs are not installed on the second box they won't run
[00:05] <nosrednaekim> hari_seldon99: from gutsy to hardy
[00:05] <jill> oh, then [email protected]
[00:05] <hari_seldon99> I am talking aout the hardy cd tself
[00:05] <nosrednaekim> hari_seldon99: I know... it seems to have some problem with some machines
[00:06] <hari_seldon99> any boot toptions that can fix it?
[00:06] <hari_seldon99> *options
[00:06] <jill> shane2peru, it was my email
[00:06] <holyguyver_> Audacity is for some reason not producing sound in Hardy, is it because of PulseAudio, & how do I fix it, or is there a work around for it?.
[00:06] <nosrednaekim> not that I know of
[00:06] <nosrednaekim> holyguyver_: are you running kde?
[00:06] <hari_seldon99> drat
[00:06] <simula> so shane2peru... is there no way to isolate the applications from the os install?
[00:06] <holyguyver_> No, I am not, but I asked in #Ubuntu & no one answered
[00:06] <nosrednaekim> simula: yes... install them to /opt
[00:07] <holyguyver_> I am running Gnome
[00:07] <nosrednaekim> holyguyver_: I'm sorry, we don't support gnome here.
[00:07] <nosrednaekim> which includes pulse
[00:07] <simula> nosrednaekim... thanks for the help... i'll look that up
[00:07] <holyguyver_> I am not asking for Gnome support :p
[00:07] <holyguyver_> Pulse is a Gnome thing?
[00:07] <nosrednaekim> its a ubuntu thing... we use arts or phonon here
[00:08] <holyguyver_> O alright, thank you
[00:08] <nosrednaekim> holyguyver_: you can ask on the ubuntuforums
[00:09] <holyguyver_> I have noticed for months that I cannot get an answer in the #ubuntu channel, I think there is too many people in that channel asking questions, I think that perhaps it should be split into 2 channels.
[00:09] <nosrednaekim> yeah.... there is far too many people
[00:09] <nosrednaekim> not sure what they can do about it
[00:11] <tempest> I was asking earlier about my screen going black when i logout of kubuntu and assuming that it is something to do with my nvidia card. would there be anything in my xorg.conf file that would cause that ? or is it something else ?
[00:11] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> ok wifi headache is almost over but i hit a wall knetworkmanager now sees the card but finds no network?
[00:11] <jill> good bye, kubuntu irc, thanks
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[00:12] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> now what? i'm stuck
[00:12] <nosrednaekim> [mad]Berry|Lappy: ok... try this... "iwlist <device name> scan"\
[00:12] <nosrednaekim> and see if that returns anything
[00:12] <nosrednaekim> where device name is ath0, wlan0, etc
[00:13] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> ath0 No scan results
[00:14] <nosrednaekim> so its not a knetworkmanager problem
[00:14] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> ok
[00:14] <nosrednaekim> [mad]Berry|Lappy: is your wifi switch on?
[00:15] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> don't have a wifi swith i'm on a Toshiba A205-S5825
[00:16] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> it has an fn fuction button but when i hit the wifi nothing happens
[00:16] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> function*
[00:16] <nosrednaekim> hate laptops like that :P
[00:16] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> yeah i'm starting to hate them too lol
[00:16] <nosrednaekim> ok, could I have your "lspci | grep Ethernet"
[00:16] <Qster> whats a good kde partition manager?
[00:17] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> sure
[00:17] <nosrednaekim> Qster: qtparted?
[00:17] <Qster> thansk
[00:17] <nosrednaekim> or.... systemsettings->advanced->disks and partitions
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[00:18] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> do you also want "lshw | grep atheros?
[00:18] <nosrednaekim> nope.
[00:18] <nosrednaekim> you can paste thew two lines here BTW
[00:18] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> yeah i know for the rest we use the paste bin
[00:19] <nosrednaekim> yep
[00:19] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> 05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)
[00:19] <nosrednaekim> oh yech....
[00:20] <nosrednaekim> this is a laptop made in the past year or so?
[00:20] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> i also already installed the svn r2756 version of madwifi
[00:20] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> yeah prob just bought it yesterday
[00:20] <nosrednaekim> lol :)
[00:20] <nosrednaekim> ok... I do not believe madwifi supports this chipset
[00:21] <nosrednaekim> (as I have one in another laptops)
[00:21] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> o geesh
[00:21] <nosrednaekim> you have to use ndiswrapper
[00:21] <nosrednaekim> which is far simpler anyway IMO
[00:21] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> argh noooo ok i'll setup ndiswrapper thanks for you help
[00:21] <nosrednaekim> you know how to do that?
[00:21] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> yep
[00:22] <nosrednaekim> ok.. make sure you blacklist ath_pci...
[00:22] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> yeah I know made that mestake a year or so ago with my linksys
[00:22] <nosrednaekim> ok, cool :)
[00:22] <nosrednaekim> good luck
[00:22] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> thanks
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[00:28] <sgraham> holymoly: are you the one said you use virtualbox?
[00:29] <Jsn0327> Everytime that I click on something in dolphin file explorer, i get the error "The desktop entry file /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop has an invalid menu entry "AddAsPodcast" Does anyone know how i can fix this?
[00:31] <nosrednaekim> Jsn0327: saw that once before..
[00:31] <tempest> jsn0327 i've had that happen and i've had it happen with bookmark file...... sorry i havent looked for the fix yet i just avoid moving mouse over that file
[00:31] <jhutchins> Jsn0327: Yes, stop trying to run beta test software.
[00:31] <nosrednaekim> Jsn0327: you could always just delete the file
[00:32] <Jsn0327> i'm not running any beta test software
[00:32] <Jsn0327> it happens when i click on any file in dolphin, i get the error twice. I press ok, it comes back, press ok again and it opens the file that i'm trying to open
[00:33] <tempest> I get that when i scroll over an .html jsn0327
[00:34] <Jsn0327> how do you fix it?
[00:34] <Gibus_> Hi ! I can't find where my kmix is: it is not in /usr/bin nor in /usr/sbin, so I don't know how to create a link to it
[00:34] <tempest> Jsn0327 i dont know only time it happens is when there is .html in the folder
[00:34] <nosrednaekim> Gibus_: "type kmix"
[00:34] <Gibus_> great thanks !!
[00:35] <nosrednaekim> and its in /usr/bin for me
[00:35] <nosrednaekim> unless you are running kde4
[00:35] <Gibus_> I am indeed
[00:35] <Gibus_> I didnt know this type function, quite useful !
[00:35] <nosrednaekim> /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kmix then
[00:36] <tempest> jsn0327 there is something on the forums about that bug
[00:43] <tempest> jsn0327 did you find a fix ? I just fixed mine
[00:43] <Jsn0327> no how did you do it?
[00:44] <tempest> ok i opened this file to edit it /usr/share/apps/d3lphin/servicemenus/amarok_addaspodcast.desktop
[00:46] <Jsn0327> ok...
[00:47] <tempest> then i added in Exec=dcop amarok playlistbrowser addPodcast %u
[00:47] <tempest> and now you can right click the .html and it gives you the option to add as podcast
[00:49] <Jsn0327> does it matter where in the file you add that line?
[00:49] <tempest> i put it before the last line i think
[00:52] <Jsn0327> tempest: That fixed it! Thank you. where did you find that information at?
[00:52] <tempest> it was from launchpad
[00:53] <Jsn0327> thanks
[00:53] <tempest> jsn0327 it just so happened i remembered it happening when i was adding my bookmark folder no problem
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[01:08] <maduser> how do I switch back to the kd3 kdm?
[01:10] <Jucato> maduser: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm
[01:10] <maduser> thanks
[01:11] <navetz> can someone help me, k3b wont let me burn a audio cd with mp3's, but I use to be able to do this before.
[01:11] <lala> hello! I need some help I just installed Hardy but I have no sound...can someone walk me through this?
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[01:18] <BluesKaj> navetz, have you added the medibuntu repository to your sources.list , if so then you need to install libdvdcss2.
[01:18] <navetz> BluesKaj: thanks
[01:18] <BluesKaj> !medibuntu | navetz
[01:18] <ubottu> navetz: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org
[01:22] <shane2peru> does anyone know if there is a way to make kmail display emails with html for known contacts?
[01:23] <Lord_Drachenblut> shane2peru: good question I have kinda been wondering the same thing myself
[01:24] <shane2peru> it is kind of annoying to not have known messages displayed properly and always click to display. :)
[01:25] <stequbu> Hi! my updated fresh install of Hardy Heron started screwing with me
[01:25] <stequbu> At boot it fails to do the Routine drive check at 4%
[01:26] <BluesKaj> navetz, also install libk3b2-mp3 and libxine1-ffmpeg, for burning mp3 and other audio and video codecs with K3B
[01:26] <stequbu> and unless i hit ESC before it gets there it halts and then it needs a reboot
[01:26] <stequbu> If I hit ESC the system boots normally
[01:27] <stequbu> how would you go about with such an Issue?
[01:27] <BluesKaj> stequbu, what routine drive check ?
[01:27] <Daisuke_Ido> stequbu: that's probably not a good thing - it sounds like the drive has an issue
[01:27] <stequbu> before login screen I when the name of the system appears
[01:27] <Daisuke_Ido> BlueDevil: fsck
[01:28] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido : what tool would you use to try to repair it?
[01:28] <stequbu> it is in Ext2 format
[01:29] <Daisuke_Ido> BluesKaj: fsck (whoops, wrong person originally)
[01:29] <BluesKaj> if it's checking the drive after a large number off boots (usually about every 30-35 startups or so then let it run thru the check without interuption , it takes about 5 mins but then it won't do it again for another 30 .
[01:29] <Daisuke_Ido> BluesKaj: but if it completely hangs at 4% every time, that could indicate the drive has some issues
[01:30] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido: , exactly
[01:30] <BluesKaj> he didn't say it hangs
[01:30] <stequbu> [02:27] stequbu: and unless i hit ESC before it gets there it halts and then it needs a reboot
[01:31] <stequbu> :)
[01:31] <stequbu> so after the check ceases operation would you launch fsck ?
[01:32] <Daisuke_Ido> if it's the root filesystem you may have to boot from a livecd and run fsck, i don't know if you can once you're logged in (or at least fix errors)
[01:32] <BluesKaj> dual boot , stequbu ?
[01:33] <stequbu> nope
[01:33] <tzd_> i can't write to an external usb hdd that's connected to a router. I can see it and browse the drive via samba but not write files to it, creating folders works. he permissions are wrong but how do i add a user or make it writeable please? It's in ext3 format
[01:33] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido : I'll try doing it from LiveCD
[01:34] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido : what would such a command look like?
[01:34] <BluesKaj> tzd_, can yousee it if you launch konq and type smb:/ , in the addressbar ?
[01:34] <tzd_> eeh let me rephrase one bit ;P Please leave out the whole sentence stating the permissions are wrong
[01:35] <tzd_> BluesKaj: no. I had major issues with that before but i was told to use smb4k or something similar and that worked
[01:36] <Daisuke_Ido> stequbu: most likely fsck /dev/sda1
[01:36] <stequbu> ok I ran the fsck and there'a whole bunch of DRDY ERR whatever it is
[01:37] <Daisuke_Ido> stequbu: sudo fdisk -l
[01:37] <Daisuke_Ido> that's a lowercase L
[01:37] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido: , also errors reading blocks and had to do Forced rewrites
[01:37] <BluesKaj> ok tzd_ , try this in the terminal (as long as youre behind a firewalled router or gateway) and arent too worried about LAN security , sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbmnt , and then , sudo chmod +s /usr/bin/smbumount
[01:38] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido: , what could be the reason for this fuck-up ?
[01:39] <Daisuke_Ido> please watch your langueage, and it could be a failing drive
[01:39] <Daisuke_Ido> but i'm not sure about that, don't quote me
[01:39] <BluesKaj> !language | stequbu
[01:39] <ubottu> stequbu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[01:40] <stequbu> Sorry bout that, the drive is completely new
[01:40] <tzd_> BluesKaj: hmm when trying the first cmd it says it can't access /usr/bin/smbmnt - the file or folder does not exist
[01:40] <Daisuke_Ido> stequbu: try sudo fdisk -l
[01:40] <Daisuke_Ido> and pastebin the output
[01:41] <stequbu> it is currently doing a fsck without -l how should I break the process?
[01:42] <Daisuke_Ido> let it run through
[01:42] <BluesKaj> tzd_, do you have both samba and smb4k installed ?
[01:43] <tzd_> BluesKaj: yes
[01:43] <BluesKaj> ok
[01:43] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido : what does fdisk -l do?
[01:44] <Daisuke_Ido> it lists all of your partitions and the filesystem used by each
[01:44] <tzd_> BluesKaj: I've got swat installed too... can i uninstall that since I don't use it?
[01:45] <BluesKaj> tzd_, dunno , haven't used smb4k for a couple of versions since samba seems to work better with konq
[01:46] <stequbu> Daisuke_Ido : how can one check or test a drive if it is ok before doing any important stuff on it?
[01:46] <BluesKaj> tzd_, since 7.04
[01:46] <Daisuke_Ido> fsck helps, but other than that, i'm not entirely sure
[01:47] <tzd_> BluesKaj: I'd much rather use konq or Krusader but i just can't get it to work with samba... perhaps i should reinstall all samba related packages?
[01:47] <Qster> any idea why konqueror would crash when using myspace? i had it working on another computer
[01:55] <tzd_> just tried with a virtual windows xp machine and that one can write. I suppose my samba is wrong/defect... will I be alright reinstalling it from scratch or will i face severe errors etc?
[01:56] <tzd_> hmm nevermind, I'll give it a go and come back if i mess it up completely :)
[01:56] <BluesKaj> dunno about VMs
[01:58] <Qster> anyone use konversation?
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> yes Qster
[01:58] <Qster> know the wait command?
[01:58] <Qster> or /timer?
[01:58] <nosrednaekim> wait?
[01:59] <nosrednaekim> nope
[01:59] <Qster> sleep command?
[01:59] <Qster> :P
[01:59] <nosrednaekim> /away ?
[01:59] <Qster> need a command to be sent after a couple secs of connecting
[02:09] <fale_> hi
[02:09] <NickPresta> hi fale_
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[02:10] <fale> someone have tried kubuntu-ppc on imac g3?
[02:12] <stequbu> I was thinking about was setting up VNC so that it would be accessible also on login screen. Do you have any experiences with that?
[02:19] <Kloplop321> I tried.. never could get it to work :S
[02:19] <belzebub> what program can i use to see a difference between 2 text files?
[02:20] <stequbu> Kloplop321: yeah can't figure it out too
[02:20] <frogonwheels> kompare / kdiff3
[02:20] <stequbu> Kloplop321 : actaully setting up a good VNC server is easier ion Windows (sic!)
[02:20] <belzebub> are these with gui?
[02:20] <frogonwheels> yep
[02:21] <belzebub> alright , thanks
[02:23] <Ryujon> hello...can someone help me connect to another server?
[02:27] <kgx> i have a problem with firefox and thunderbird in dual screen. whenever i click the menus, the appears on the other screen. it only happens this way from one screen, if i drag it across to the external one, it works fine. how do i fix this?
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[02:33] <Kloplop321> kgk, that is VERY odd :S
[02:34] <Kloplop321> kgx, odd...
[02:34] <Kloplop321> I use 2 screens on this computer.. I have not had that problem..
[02:35] <kgx> i *think* it only happened since i installed hardy and only happens with thunderbird/firefox. bug in gecko maybe?
[02:36] <Kloplop321> I use 8.04 upgrade.. but I would think the menus would still stay in their own environment
[02:36] <kuroryuu> I've had a similar problem, but that was with compiz and multiple desktops and it happened with any menu, not sure if it's related
[02:37] <BluesKaj> I quit thunderbird , it's broken on my setup, links don't launch the default browser ...tried all kinds of advice and fixes but no luck
[02:37] <Kloplop321> does compize work in kubuntu yet without emerald crashing when loading the theme?
[02:37] <Kloplop321> Compiz*
[02:37] <kuroryuu> I've been using compiz and emerald since gutsy came out
[02:37] <kuroryuu> no problems whatsoever
[02:38] <MachinTrucChose> ditto
[02:38] <MachinTrucChose> must be a driver thing
[02:38] <BluesKaj> !eyecandy
[02:38] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[02:38] <Kloplop321> in gutsy it always killed over when emerald tried to load a theme
[02:39] <Kloplop321> I have not tried it in my KDE4 environment though
[02:39] <Kloplop321> well in 6.06 it worked for me then...
[02:39] <kuroryuu> I'm using nvidia-glx-new with an 8500GT if that helps
[02:40] <Kloplop321> I am using that driver as well, as the normal nvidia general driver cannot use the Open GL properly
[02:41] <kgx> apparently it is a bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314279 . works after i restart firefox/thunderbird
[02:41] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 314279 in GFX: Mac "drop down/context menus show up on the primary screen not over the window in two/dual/multiple screens/monitors/displays setup" [Normal,Verified: fixed]
[02:44] <MachinTrucChose> can someone help me? Anytime I mouse over a window, it takes focus. I cannot "hide" a window by clicking another window behind it. I looked in Settings > Window Behavior and my Focus policy is "Click", not "Focus Follows Mouse". What could be causing this?
[02:45] <Kloplop321> I am installing Compiz again, hopefully it works..
[02:45] <Kloplop321> are you in compiz?
[02:46] <MachinTrucChose> Me? Yeah, why? You think it's a plugin?
[02:46] <Kloplop321> it may be compiz it did weird things like that to me..
[02:47] <Kloplop321> when in beryl in 6.06 anyway..
[02:48] <MachinTrucChose> The only ones I have checked are Enhanced Zoom Desktop, Resize Window, and Application Switcher. THe most likely culprit would be AS, and even after I just disabled it the problem is still there.
[02:48] <MachinTrucChose> I'll try restarting X
[02:49] <Kloplop321> ok
[02:49] <MachinTrucChose> ok, resetting X didn't fix it
[02:50] <Kloplop321> well I aw going te try to start compiz..
[02:50] <MachinTrucChose> good luck
[02:51] <Kloplop321> well... I think it killed over, but at least it restored kdm...
[02:53] <Kloplop321> Checking for Xgl: not present \n Detected PCI ID for VGA: 01:00.0 0300: 10de:0322 (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) \n
[02:53] <Kloplop321> Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
[02:53] <Kloplop321> Checking for non power of two support: present.
[02:53] <Kloplop321> Checking for Composite extension: not present.
[02:53] <Kloplop321> aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/kwin
[02:54] <Kloplop321> what is this "Composite" extention?
[02:55] <Kloplop321> well this sucks...
[02:55] <frogonwheels> compiz doesn't work on my ati
[02:56] * frogonwheels shrugs
[02:56] <tgillespie_> frogonwheels didnt ati fix it in the latest drivers?
[02:56] <tgillespie_> frogonwheels or some recent ones anyway
[02:56] <frogonwheels> possibly - will sias
[02:56] <tgillespie_> frogonwheels what card is it?
[02:57] <frogonwheels> erm Radeon .. 9200? possibly?
[02:57] <tgillespie_> frogonwheels ooo, that should work with the opensource ones i believe.....
[02:58] <frogonwheels> I don't really _need_ compiz - but it's always nice to have a play :)
[02:58] <Kloplop321> I played with it befor, it needs some beefy power
[02:58] <will> in kubuntu when you pop in a disk a dialog box pops up asking you what you want to do like in vista. Does anyone know how to enable this in ubuntu gnome
[02:59] <kuroryuu> will: try asking in #ubuntu
[02:59] <tgillespie_> frogonwheels it is pretty yes :)
[02:59] <will> i did no answer
[03:00] <will> i thought since i saw it running kubuntu i´d ask here
[03:00] <kuroryuu> will: maybe try #gnome then?
[03:00] <will> will do
[03:00] <will> thank you
[03:01] <kuroryuu> no problem
[03:02] <asobi> anyone have a maxtor one touch 4 that they have no trouble auto mounting?
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[03:06] <Mr_Sonoma> anyone else having problems with Kaffine playing VCDs?
[03:11] <tim__> I want to pull a frame out of a video
[03:11] <tim__> any sugestions as to an app?
[03:13] <Kloplop321> no luck here
[03:22] <BiteyBite> is it possible to install kubuntu 8.04 kde 3 0vers0ion after installing kde4?
[03:22] <kuroryuu> BiteyBite: install the kubuntu-desktop package, that'll install the standard kde3 install
[03:24] <BiteyBite> kuroryuu: would that install kubuntu kde 3 package or fully optioned kde3 package because there are alot of things in that i dont dont....i like the kubuntu kde3 package?
[03:25] <BiteyBite> ! kde 4 help
[03:25] <ubottu> Factoid kde 4 help not found
[03:25] <BiteyBite> !kde4
[03:25] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[03:26] <kuroryuu> BiteyBite: the kubuntu-desktop package only installs what you'd get from a base install, if you want everything in kde3 then install the kde package
[03:27] <BiteyBite> kuroryuu: thanx mate, appreciated
[03:27] <kuroryuu> no problem
[03:38] <belzebub> which file does fglrx use for monitor settings?
[03:38] <belzebub> besides xorg.conf
[03:39] <frogonwheels> that should be it.
[03:39] <belzebub> where are all the fglrx settings?
[03:40] <frogonwheels> belzebub: in the appropriate section.
[03:40] <kuroryuu> belzebub: you can try the fglrx-control package, might do what you want
[03:42] <belzebub> frogonwheels: what?
[03:42] <belzebub> kuroryuu: is that the control panel?
[03:44] <BluesKaj> belzebub, are you using the default restricted drivers?
[03:45] <holycow> hi guys
[03:45] <holycow> any rumours on 4.1 beta making it to repos?
[03:46] <BluesKaj> dunno holycow, haven't heard anything
[03:46] <holycow> no prob, just curious
[03:46] <kuroryuu> holycow: kde site says packages are in the works now
[03:46] <holycow> i've been playing with the latest in kubuntu and boy am i starting to like k4
[03:46] <holycow> kuroryuu: thanks
[03:46] <kuroryuu> belzebub: apt says it is
[03:46] <holycow> i love how some of the effects in4.0.4 started to work really well for example
[03:47] <holycow> i'm so stoked
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[03:59] <alexey> hi everybody)
[03:59] <alexey> Does anybody use 2 monitors)?
[04:00] <NickPresta> alexey, I use a twinview setup, yes
[04:00] <holycow> twinveiw as well
[04:01] <alexey> NickPresta: cant understand why it doesnt work
[04:01] <NickPresta> alexey, I can't either until you explain what the problem is :)
[04:01] <alexey> i select x server display conf
[04:01] <alexey> configure
[04:02] <alexey> Twinview is inactive
[04:02] <alexey> Nvidia 8800 - Envy install
[04:02] <NickPresta> alexey, select it where?
[04:02] <alexey> full path)
[04:03] <alexey> k-menu - system - n-vidia x server settings
[04:03] <NickPresta> alexey, I mean what application are you using to setup twinview?
[04:04] <alexey> i dont know what app i am using)
[04:04] <alexey> i can share some shots)
[04:06] <NickPresta> alexey, give me a minute. I'm going to search for some help
[04:06] <alexey> kk sorry)
[04:06] <tempest> alexey do you have the nvidia x-server settings thing ?
[04:06] <alexey> yes)
[04:06] <alexey> i am
[04:06] <mrksbrd> need help getting my broadcom wireless to work.....just need inf driver but unable to find it anywhere
[04:07] <alexey> mrksbrd: use win drivers
[04:08] <kuroryuu> mrksbrd: what kind of card is it?
[04:08] <mrksbrd> i'll try but been unlucky so far.....i know they have a "drivers.zip" somewhere in ubuntu forums but can't seem to find it tonight
[04:08] <alexey> tempest: this one?
[04:08] <mrksbrd> broadcom bcm4328
[04:08] <mrksbrd> wifi card
[04:08] <Odd-rationale> mrksbrd: try this: http://freewebs.com/ronserver/bcm43xx.tar.gz
[04:09] <tempest> alexey yes thats what i was talking about
[04:09] <alexey> tempest: but flags are inactive
[04:09] <mrksbrd> can't tar......don't understand the whole process
[04:09] <alexey> tempest: i dont know why
[04:10] <alexey> ((
[04:11] <tempest> alexey are both already hooked up ?
[04:11] * se7en__ is puzzled ... half of the time i don't even understand the question in this #
[04:11] <tempest> can you see if it will detect the displays ?
[04:11] <alexey> the answer wath easy)
[04:11] <mrksbrd> ODD....won't work
[04:11] <alexey> heh)
[04:12] <mr> mrksbrd in terminal type tar --help its pretty specific
[04:12] <Odd-rationale> mrksbrd: did you extreact the tarball?
[04:12] <mrksbrd> yea...has a oem3.inf
[04:12] <Odd-rationale> try using ark
[04:12] <alexey> tempest: and how to make full screen mode only on one display
[04:12] <mrksbrd> said it wasn't valid
[04:13] <Odd-rationale> mrksbrd: well the .inf file may not be the correct one for you card. try googleing...
[04:14] <mr> are you trying to set up a windows driver w/ ndiswrapper mrksbrd
[04:14] <mrksbrd> tried that too....no luck
[04:14] <tempest> did you get it to pick up both alexey ?
[04:14] <mr> what chipset on the broadcom?
[04:14] <mrksbrd> josephine found a link thru forums yesterday for me but i lost it when pc crashed
[04:15] <mrksbrd> BCM4328
[04:15] <kuroryuu> mrksbrd: here's the dell driver, it's an exe but you can just unzip it http://ftp.us.dell.com/network/R151517.EXE
[04:15] <mrksbrd> used that one too
[04:15] <mr> bcwl5.inf?
[04:15] <mrksbrd> yup
[04:15] <alexey> tempest: yep)
[04:16] <mrksbrd> said invalid driver or something like that thru ndiswrapper
[04:16] <tempest> ok cool
[04:16] <mr> what chipset?
[04:16] <kuroryuu> mrksbrd: and lspci tells you it's a 4328?
[04:17] <mrksbrd> lshw
[04:18] <mrksbrd> mr let me see if i can dig any other info up thru the ls command
[04:20] <mrksbrd> Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)
[04:22] <mr> I just checked the ubuntu forum seems this chipset (4328) is problematic
[04:22] <mrksbrd> i had it working yesterday though
[04:22] <mrksbrd> then had to reload linux because of a wrong video driver
[04:23] <mr> Did it work or did you just get an active icon?
[04:24] <mrksbrd> no it worked.josephine found a link for me on ubuntu forums
[04:24] <mrksbrd> it was a file called drivers.zip
[04:24] <mrksbrd> had the inf file in there
[04:24] <mrksbrd> installed it thru ndiswrapper.
[04:24] <mr> I had an earlier bcm that also called for the bcmwl5.inf driver. I never got it working with ndiswrapper but i did with a restricted driver
[04:24] <mrksbrd> and was good to go
[04:25] <kuroryuu> mrksbrd: are you using 64-bit or 32-bit?
[04:25] <mrksbrd> how did u find the restricted?
[04:25] <mrksbrd> 64bit w/32 bit loaded
[04:26] <kuroryuu> did you follow this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616801
[04:26] <mrksbrd> wonder if that is the problem
[04:27] <mrksbrd> thats the file ....yahooo
[04:27] <mrksbrd> i've been searching for hrs
[04:27] <mrksbrd> brb
[04:27] <kuroryuu> lol, just googled: bcm4328 linux
[04:28] <mrksbrd> my google must be diffewrent ....i typed those exact words
[04:29] <mr> there is a linux special linux
[04:29] <mr> google i mean
[04:31] * mrksbrd kisses kuroryuu's feet
[04:31] <mrksbrd> thank you so much
[04:32] <kuroryuu> no problem
[04:32] <mrksbrd> now have to go on a seek and destroy for my video card now
[04:32] <mrksbrd> wish me luck....thanks again all
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[04:34] <Frederick> folks how do I play rmvb in kubuntu?
[04:37] <chipbuddy> i just reinstalled 7.10 on a harddrive with windows xp, and grub was set up just fine. but when i tried to install 8.04 grub would not install properly. what gives?
[04:37] <kuroryuu> chipbuddy: did it give you an error? what happens exactly?
[04:38] <chipbuddy> when it gets to the end of the install process it says grub could not be installed. i don't remember an error message, but i'm able to install lilo jsut fine
[04:39] <kuroryuu> what kind of partitions do you have set up?
[04:40] <kuroryuu> Frederick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616353
[04:40] <chipbuddy> 4 partitions, ntfs primary for windows first, then ext3 for 7.1, swap, and the rest i left open so i could set it up for my home directory
[04:41] <chipbuddy> now that i have it all working, can i magically install 8.04 in place of 7.1 and not touch the boot loader?
[04:41] <kuroryuu> you can upgrade to hardy without the cd, yes
[04:41] <dbglt_> Hi everyone, I'm trying to set up a printer with kprinter, but for some reason the "Local printer (parallel, serial, USB)" option is greyed out. How do I enable this?
[04:41] <kuroryuu> use update-manager
[04:41] <chipbuddy> but if i use the cd it's going to try to mess with grub?
[04:43] <kuroryuu> chipbuddy: sudo apt-get install update-manager && sudo update-manager
[04:43] <kuroryuu> it should give you an option to upgrade to hardy
[04:43] <chipbuddy> but i like the idea of a fresh install with the cd. using the update manager won't give me the exact same results, right?
[04:45] <kuroryuu> it may have a few files left over from gutsy that aren't needed, but otherwise the upgrade process is very much the same, not to mention easier
[04:47] <chipbuddy> ok... i think i'll do that then. but just to satisfy my curiosity, where does grub live? is it on the main o.s. partition? or is there some secret hidden partition?
[04:47] <mr> dbglt you need to run as root
[04:48] <chipbuddy> !grub
[04:48] <ubottu> grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto
[04:48] <kuroryuu> chipbuddy: most of grub is in the /boot directory, but it installs the bootup code either to the beginning of the hard drive before any partitions or at the beginning of the partition among other places
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[04:50] <mr> dbglt do you understand?
[04:51] <dbglt_> mr: I did run as root!
[04:51] <mr> did you open the manager from terminal with sudo?
[04:52] <dbglt_> mr: I tried both sudo and kdesu
[04:52] <mr> does you box see the printer?
[04:52] <dbglt_> mr: how do I tell? :\
[04:53] <grendal_prime> ok my kdm greater just reloads after i input my password in it.
[04:53] <mr> how is the printer attached?
[04:53] <grendal_prime> never logs in..gdm works fine
[04:53] <dbglt_> mr: by usb
[04:53] <grendal_prime> anyone ever run into that?
[04:53] <dbglt_> mr: it shows up on dmesg
[04:54] <mr> lsusb?
[04:54] <kuroryuu> grendal_prime: happened to me once, I think it was because I had a .xsession file in my home directory
[04:55] <dbglt_> mr: it's there
[04:56] <mr> i'm lost usually if it sees the printer and you run as root it should work, did you check that the printer is compatible?
[04:57] <mr> not a lexmark i hope
[04:58] <dbglt_> mr: it's a canon, I've run it before on linux
[04:58] <dbglt_> mr: not sure what the problem is, never had that option greyed out before
[04:58] <dbglt_> mr: I imagine it's a permissions/cups problem
[04:59] <mr> I give Maybe someone else has ideas?
[05:00] <mr> iv.e got to go to bed it's midnite here and i have to get up early tomorrow sorry mate
[05:04] <kuroryuu> dbglt_: you could try the cups web interface:
[05:06] <dbglt_> kuroryuu: yeah, trying that at the moment, it doesn't really help
[05:07] <dbglt_> kuroryuu: it seems all setup there, but it just won't print out :\
[05:07] <dbglt_> nothing comes out!
[05:17] <karllen1> ok so it seems i have doom3 working kinda i run it but the my monitor goes black and tells me out of range 43.2 / 85? what do i do to fix that?
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[06:12] <arrrghhh> so i'm not at home right now, but my roomie said my computer is no longer working... i can ssh to it and reboot it, but x11vnc doesn't ever work. i looked at top and kdm is taking 100% of the processor constantly, and my roomie said the monitor shows nothing - like it's off. what happened?!?
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[06:26] <frybye> has anybody already installed f-fox rc1 on kub 8.04??
[06:26] <frybye> (why the 3b05 is still being offered I don't know...?
[06:27] <BiteyBite> frybye: yes i have same prob
[06:27] <frybye> BiteyBite: hav e you tried manual install of rc1??
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[06:28] <BiteyBite> can any one tell me if i remove kde4 frommy dual kde3 n kde4 install it is goin to affect it adversely?
[06:28] <BiteyBite> frybye: yea flying failure
[06:28] <frybye> I c Bite.. perhaps that is why the rc1 is not being offered...
[06:28] <BiteyBite> i cudnt get the darn thing to install properly
[06:29] <frybye> eb5 has problems with my-yahoo for example..
[06:29] <kuroryuu> BiteyBite: if you remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop and kde4 and then run apt-get autoremove it will get rid of everything kde4 without affecting kde3
[06:30] <belzebub> i kepp getting the Cannot find mozilla runtime directory. Exiting. when running firefox
[06:30] <flaccid_> BiteyBite, should be fine
[06:30] <frybye> bye for now..
[06:30] <kuroryuu> BiteyBite: you may have to run dpkg-reconfigure kdm though and choose kdm
[06:33] <BiteyBite> kuroryuu: its saying only 38.5kb of space will be freed after removing kfe4
[06:34] <flaccid_> thats because its a meta package
[06:34] <kuroryuu> BiteyBite: after removing kde4 run apt-get autoremove, it'll get rid of everything kde4
[06:34] <BiteyBite> kuroryuu: ok thanx
[06:46] <calcmandan> hello fellow kubuntu'ers
[06:49] <calcmandan> wow, it's dead in here
[06:58] <dhong> hello, I'm new to ubutu, I want to start service portmap, how to do
[06:59] <dhong> Does it have a comman like service
[06:59] <lucian> I just installed Kubuntu and I am in dire need of assistance with setting up Dual monitors on a nVidia 8500 GT 512MB.. I have the nvidia card set-up kind of.. except my small, 19" flat panel has all the high resolutions available to it (i.e. 1340x1280) but the 32" hdtv only has 1024x768 as highest resolution.. it should be the other way around
[07:00] <navetz> hey, does anyone have bugs switching between internet radio and your regular playlist?
[07:00] <navetz> ok amarok that is
[07:01] <lucian> I just installed Kubuntu and I am in dire need of assistance with setting up Dual monitors on a nVidia 8500 GT 512MB.. I have the nvidia card set-up kind of.. except my small, 19" flat panel has all the high resolutions available to it (i.e. 1340x1280) but the 32" hdtv only has 1024x768 as highest resolution.. it should be the other way around
[07:01] <fale> lucian: I hope you'll be lucky
[07:02] <lucian> ?/
[07:02] <fale> lucian: start installing the proprietary drivers and hoping that they works in the right way on your card
[07:02] <fale> lucian: to install the proprietary drivers, click the green card in your menu bar
[07:03] <lucian> i did that already
[07:03] <fale> lucian: ok
[07:03] <navetz> can someone please help me fix my cdrom drive, it is not auto mounting correctly. Can someone show me a defualt fstab value for their cd rom/burner?
[07:03] <fale> lucian: have you rebooted?
[07:03] <lucian> fale, several upon several times trying to switch the resolutions to what they should be
[07:04] <flaccid_> navetz, shouldn't need it. hald should automount. check that hald is running and dmesg
[07:04] <fale> lucian: ok, than now what is the actual situation?
[07:04] <fale> navetz: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
[07:04] <dthacker> navetz: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
[07:04] <navetz> fale: how do I check hald is running, also before I use to get hald error messages
[07:05] <flaccid_> ps aux | grep hald
[07:05] <lucian> Fale, the highest resolution available to the HDTV is only 1024x768, and the 19" has all the way up to 1600x1024 (which this resolution should be avail to HDTV NOT the little 19")
[07:05] <fale> lucian: ok, but which are the resolution that are currently used?
[07:06] <fale> *resolutions
[07:06] <lucian> currently the 17" (i was mistaken, its not 19") is at 1280x1024 and the 32" monitor is at 1024x768
[07:06] <navetz> fale: how do I check hald is running, also before I use to get hald error messages
[07:06] <navetz> sorry for that
[07:06] <navetz> double post
[07:06] <fale> navetz: ps aux | grep hald
[07:06] <flaccid_> navetz, ps aux | grep hald
[07:07] <navetz> here is my fstab line: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 iso9660 noauto 0 0
[07:07] <flaccid_> navetz, should see something like hald-addon-storage: polling /dev/scd0 (every 2 sec) plus other processes
[07:07] <fale> lucian: ok, then the 32 is ok, and the 17 is lower, isn't it?
[07:07] <lucian> no, the 32" has a lower res than the 17"
[07:07] <lucian> 32" = 1024x768
[07:07] <navetz> flaccid_: yes I see that
[07:07] <lucian> 17" = 1280x1024
[07:08] <fale> lucian: yes ok, but now is well configured the 32, isn't it?
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[07:08] <navetz> should I change my fstab line to match the ones you guys have?
[07:08] <flaccid_> navetz, insert a cdrom and see what happens in dmesg
[07:08] <navetz> flaccid_: can it be a blank cd?
[07:08] <fale> lucian: try to copy your /etc/X11/xorg.conf on http://pastebin.ca/
[07:08] <lucian> the 32" should have higher resolutions available (as on vista where I have it set at 1400x<cant remember>)
[07:09] <flaccid_> navetz, well if file /dev/scd0 exists then it should be working
[07:09] <flaccid_> navetz, yes
[07:09] <fale> lucian: do you know how to copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
[07:09] <lucian> yes, give me a sec to do so
[07:09] <navetz> flaccid_: here is what dmesg says
[07:09] <navetz> [118219.953786] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!
[07:09] <fale> lucian: ok ;)
[07:09] <flaccid_> navetz, its working. now you should get a popup as well.
[07:10] <navetz> ok I see a cd rom button, I click it and I get this error message in konqueror
[07:10] <flaccid_> although it should also say blank cd message. check that your optical drive supports the media type
[07:10] <lucian> http://pastebin.ca/1033819
[07:10] <fale> lucian: ok
[07:10] <fale> lucian: 1 sec
[07:10] <lucian> fale: k thnx
[07:11] <navetz> flaccid_: ' could not start process Unable to create io-slave: \n klauncher said: Unknown protocol ". \n . '
[07:11] <flaccid_> navetz, did you google that error yet?
[07:11] <navetz> flaccid_: no I can't copy and paste the message, it won't let me highlight it, I just typed it out.
[07:11] <BiteyBite> !kde4
[07:11] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[07:12] <flaccid_> navetz, check google and also try a different disk. check media type is supported by your drive
[07:12] <navetz> flaccid_: ok I am trying a blank dvd (I use to burn on these all the time before the cdrom stoped working)
[07:13] <flaccid_> ok
[07:14] <navetz> flaccid_: Is scd0 suppose to be accessable by root?
[07:14] <BiteyBite> i installed kde3 after kde4 and now i have tried all diff commandes but i cant seem to get rid of kde4.......what shall i do?
[07:15] <navetz> sorry I meant to ask if the premissions were suppose to be set as root:cdrom
[07:15] <flaccid_> navetz, yes it should be something like brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2008-05-28 01:47 /dev/scd0
[07:15] <BiteyBite> kde4 doesnt seeeem to go away
[07:15] <flaccid_> BiteyBite, pastebin dpkg -l | grep kde4 please
[07:15] <navetz> flaccid_: ok thats what mine looks like: also here is my dmesg with the blank dvd- [118479.767077] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!
[07:15] <flaccid_> navetz, anything else?
[07:15] <fale> lucian: the problem is that your pc doesn't see biggest resolution
[07:16] <fale> lucian: it can be that the nvidia drivers can not go higher
[07:16] <navetz> flaccid_: nope
[07:16] <lucian> fale, ... crap.. but i can use the higher res's on the small monitor
[07:16] <flaccid_> fale, pastebin xrandr -q please
[07:16] <lucian> fale, and they are both utilizing the same g-card
[07:16] <fale> flaccid_: ?
[07:17] <navetz> flaccid_: I put a cd in thats not blank, when I try to open with konqueror I get permission denied error.
[07:17] <flaccid_> fale, i would like to look at the resolutions
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[07:17] <flaccid_> navetz, what does it say in dmesg then?
[07:17] <fale> flaccid_: http://pastebin.ca/1033819
[07:17] <josefina__> HOLAAA
[07:17] <josefina__> HOLA
[07:17] <flaccid_> !caps | josefina__
[07:17] <ubottu> josefina__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.
[07:17] <navetz> flaccid_: nothing new, same thing it said before I put the cd in.
[07:17] <flaccid_> fale, no sorry xrandr -q
[07:18] <fale> flaccid_: I don't have problems, lucian has problems ;)
[07:18] <flaccid_> sorry
[07:18] <flaccid_> im on windows irc client :(
[07:18] <lucian> :(
[07:18] <fale> flaccid_: np ;)
[07:19] <navetz> flaccid_: when I go to /media and do ls -l everything is owned by root:root
[07:19] <navetz> flaccid_: should I chown stuff or is that correct?
[07:19] <home_> new Kubuntu ok?
[07:19] <BiteyBite> flaccid_: http://pastebin.ca/1033828
[07:19] <flaccid_> navetz, correct perms are drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2008-03-05 17:57 cdrom0
[07:20] <home_> thinking of d/loading it
[07:20] <flaccid_> lucian, pastebin xrandr -q please
[07:20] <MRoy> hi
[07:20] <MRoy> how is kubuntu 8.04?
[07:20] <lucian> k
[07:20] <navetz> flaccid_: humm, is it possible that I need to add my user with the cdrom group or something like that?
[07:20] <home_> MRoy, yes ,,is it better than the previous?
[07:21] <flaccid_> BiteyBite, go into adept manager and search for kde4 and remove all of those..
[07:21] <flaccid_> navetz, should be by default, if its not in the command groups add the user to it
[07:21] <frybye_> hmmm hours ago I logged in here with my usual nick frybye (which I can identify for of course..) but here on a different machine/location it says my nick is being used by somebody else.. (yes ME a few hours ago I assume!!) what can one do ...?
[07:21] <lucian> flaccid_,http://pastebin.ca/1033832
[07:21] <flaccid_> !ghost | frybye_
[07:21] <ubottu> frybye_: On IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>
[07:22] <frybye_> this may not look like a kubuntu problem but it is hindering the propper use of the #kubuntu channel imho...
[07:22] <navetz> flaccid_: ok I am going to try changing my fstab then ill be back, thanks.
[07:22] <frybye_> excellent!!!
[07:22] <flaccid_> navetz, not sure what this has to do with fstab but ok..
[07:22] <aleboco> hi guys, since i upgraded from kubuntu gutsy to hardy, my battery life is really short... any idea or similar experience?
=== frybye_ is now known as frybye
[07:23] <frybye> thanks a lot flaccid - you are a star... hehe
[07:24] <flaccid_> lucian, hmm thats a pretty complex xorg.conf . if you are running 1 big desktop, your virtual size is too small: #
[07:24] <flaccid_> Virtual 1280 1024
[07:24] <flaccid_> frybye, np
[07:24] <lucian> how do i change it
[07:24] <frybye> so who has managed to install firefox rc1 in kub. 3.04???
[07:24] <frybye> e e 8.04
[07:25] <flaccid_> lucian, just edit xorg.conf manually
[07:25] <lucian> flaccid_, thnkx :)
[07:25] <flaccid_> np
[07:26] <flaccid_> lucian, also look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for errors and warnings mainly about the resolutions it ends up choosing and virtual size
[07:26] <lucian> k, i will
[07:26] <lucian> thnk u
[07:27] <flaccid_> np
[07:29] <navetz> flaccid_ I am getting new errors now
[07:30] <navetz> Features only avaliable with HAL.
=== ubuntu_ is now known as jejeje
[07:30] <navetz> Also I just noticed that my drive seems to not be mounted or something.
[07:31] <flaccid_> navetz, it will only mount if it can
[07:31] <navetz> flaccid_: ok ill try
[07:31] <flaccid_> navetz, but you could try mounting it manually with sudo mount /media/cdrom0
[07:32] <flaccid_> navetz, you might wanna make sure fstab supports iso9660 and udf on that device: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
[07:32] <navetz> flaccid_: I mounted here is my message: mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
[07:32] <flaccid_> sweet
[07:32] <flaccid_> now check mount and ls /media/cdrom0
[07:33] <navetz> flaccid_: ahh I see stuff
[07:33] <flaccid_> navetz, see you mounted under root atm. you might need more than just cdrom group. here is the default admin groups, you might need plugdev: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev powerdev sambashare
[07:34] <BiteyBite> where do all the files go when we download em n then again dpkg-reconfigure em
[07:34] <flaccid_> BiteyBite, /var/cache/apt ?
[07:34] <navetz> flaccid_: I don't know how to check if I am mounted under root
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
[07:35] <flaccid_> navetz, check mount command and groups to see your groups
[07:35] <flaccid_> navetz, and ls -l /media/cdrom0 to see current own when its mounted..
[07:35] <navetz> flaccid_: when I type mount, this is what I get for the cdrom: /dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev)
[07:36] <navetz> flaccid_: everything is owned by root.
[07:36] <flaccid_> navetz, now check ls -l /media/cdrom0 to see owner
[07:36] <navetz> flaccid_: root is owner.
[07:36] <flaccid_> navetz, yeah, i mean in this case its read only so it doesn't matter obviously as long as user can read. but you might wanna add user to plugdev which could be what is missing for hal user mounts..
[07:37] <navetz> flaccid_: do I do this through the a GUI somewhere?
[07:37] <flaccid_> and when you change your groups, you have to logout then back in after
[07:37] <flaccid_> yeah system settings is easiest
[07:37] <flaccid_> kuser is nice too
[07:37] <Sup3rw0p> Hello,, I'm having a problem with my second hard drive. It asks for a password when I want to mount it.
[07:38] <Sup3rw0p> I just want it to be mounted when I start the computer.
[07:38] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, what asks for the password?
[07:38] <Sup3rw0p> kubuntu
[07:38] <Sup3rw0p> dolphin?
[07:38] <flaccid_> what kind of password is this ? kwallet?
[07:38] <flaccid_> is it a normal ide disk?
[07:38] <Sup3rw0p> No, the same window that pops up when I use adept installer
[07:38] <Sup3rw0p> sata
[07:39] <BiteyBite> http://pastebin.ca/1033839 how do i get rid of these files?
[07:39] <Sup3rw0p> I know theres some fstab command
[07:39] <Sup3rw0p> But I can't find it on the net again.
[07:39] <flaccid_> the question is, what password could it be. disks don't have passwords. pastebin your /etc/fstab
[07:39] <Sup3rw0p> Its the same password I use to log in
[07:39] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, what exactly does the dialog say?
[07:40] <navetz> flaccid_: ok I am not sure how this is suppose to work, do I add cdrom to my default account?
[07:40] <flaccid_> navetz, select the user and goto additional groups and put in cdrom and plugdev
[07:41] <Sup3rw0p> Cant recall offhand, like password needed to access disk. I type in the password and I can see the contents, I just want it to mount it on startup.
[07:41] <navetz> flaccid_: ok, I put that in secondary groups right?
[07:41] <flaccid_> yep sorry secondary
[07:41] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, i need to know what it says to find out what is asking it. also pastebin /etc/fstab
[07:41] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, not enough information yet :(
[07:42] <navetz> flaccid_: plugdev and cdrom are not options, however it does say that I am suppsoe to be able to use the cdrom
[07:42] <BiteyBite> flaccid_: http://pastebin.ca/1033839 how do i get rid of these files?
[07:43] <flaccid_> navetz, they should be options. this needs to be under admin mode or root to change. use kuser otherwise. check that the groups exists with grep -i cdrom /etc/group
[07:44] <navetz> flaccid_: weird, also now pressing the button to eject the cdrom doesn't work.
[07:44] <navetz> flaccid_: ok ill look
[07:44] <Sup3rw0p> http://pastebin.com/d515c807e
[07:44] <flaccid_> BiteyBite, dpkg --purge packagename
[07:44] <Sup3rw0p> I would have to reboot to see the password dialog again.
[07:44] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, which is the device in question?
[07:45] <navetz> flaccid_: here is the result of that: cdrom:x:24:haldaemon,navetz
[07:45] <flaccid_> navetz, see the group does obviously exist
[07:45] <navetz> flaccid_: ok ill try kuser
[07:45] <Sup3rw0p> It would be /dev/sdb1 I guess?
[07:45] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, check in sudo fdisk -l and let me know
[07:46] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, and let me know the mountpoint
[07:47] <navetz> flaccid_: cdrom and plugdev are set
[07:47] <navetz> flaccid_: ill do soem googling, thanks for all the help.
[07:48] <Sup3rw0p> Sorry, I'm not too sure what the mountpoint is.
[07:48] <Sup3rw0p> Just kinda installed kubuntu like a week ago.
[07:48] <canthares> anyone know how to remap the keyboard.. my question mark and at sign come up with different returns
[07:48] <flaccid_> Sup3rw0p, thats cool just the device will be fine
[07:49] <Sup3rw0p> Disk /dev/sdb: 320.0 GB, 320072933376 bytes
[07:49] <flaccid_> thats not in fstab which is why its asking
[07:49] <flaccid_> i'll brb!
[07:51] <frybye> A somewhat general question - even when one has optimized the fonts/f-sizes etc.. can Kubuntu equal/surpass the quality of presentation of text etc that one expects comming from windows...?
[07:51] <frybye> - put another way - is there a true-type system or similar avail for Linux?
[07:53] <frybye> <- I hope folks agree that such questions are legitimate and no way meant as an attack/flame against Kubuntu...>
[07:54] <pidus> how can i force adept not to update a certain package?
[07:56] <ubunturos> pidus: if there's some form of dependency for an app, it'll update relevant packages
[07:56] <ubunturos> pidus: alternatively, you could right click and cancel changes, for any inadvertant updates, you may haave selected
[07:57] <BiteyBite> how do i change splash screen, when kde is logging me in, i dont like the default screen there?
[07:57] <pidus> ubunturos: but can't i disable update of a certain package. I mean, whenever I update using apt-get can't i tell it not to update a certain package.
[07:57] <ubunturos> BiteyBite: use Control Centre to change it
[07:58] <pidus> I remember there was some means to do it in ubuntu. We added a # or something before the package name in the package list file. I don't remember the exact means.
[07:58] <ubunturos> pidus: well, that's what i said. If there's some form of dependency, you can't stop update of a 'single' / 'particluar' package (if that's what you wanted to do)
[07:58] <BiteyBite> ubunturos: which option in control centre?
[07:58] <ubunturos> BiteyBite: Appreance and Themes (forgive typos)
[08:00] <pidus> ubunturos: am not talking about conflict situations. What if i want to keep an older version of say....make...even when a newer version is available (assuming that some other package doesn't need the newer version of make)
[08:00] <ubunturos> pidus: if I'm not wrong, when you click "Fetch Updates" adept will point out if a package needs update. If you choose not to update it, it won't
[08:01] <pidus> ubunturos: for example in ubuntu using synaptic you can lock a package and then it won't try to update it.
[08:01] <pidus> ubunturos: in that case you'll have to check the list of updates, every time you do an update of packages.
[08:02] <ubunturos> pidus: may be I'm not able to understand your problem well. Perhaps, someone who's reading this conversation, can help.
[08:02] <pidus> ubunturos: :) i'm googling for it. will write back if i find the means.
[08:03] <pidus> ubunturos: do you know where is the list of packages stored? just as list of repos is stored in sources.list
[08:03] <pidus> *list of installed packages
[08:04] <ubunturos> pidus: ah, I don't know. the actual packages is stored at /var/cache/apt/archives
[08:05] <pidus> ubunturos: ok. That I knew :)
[08:05] <ubunturos> pidus: man dpkg-query, should probably indicate that
[08:06] <pidus> ok
[08:06] <navetz> does anyone here know how HAL works. I amm getting Feature only available with HAL error messages and mounting issues.
[08:07] <pidus> ubunturos: cool, its in /var/lib/dpkg/status
[08:07] <ubunturos> pidus: hmm, ok.
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Totto
[08:24] <baudthief> Help... When I try to start my XP vm under virtualbox, I'm getting this: Hard disk '/home/baudthief/.VirtualBox/VDI/XP SP2.vdi' with UUID {728e2be0-ad86-40e3-b48b-9c456847f67b} is already attached to a machine with UUID {bcb1d920-e458-40fc-b093-5dabb66b997c} (see '/home/baudthief/.VirtualBox/Machines/XP SP2/XP SP2.xml').
[08:24] <baudthief> am I screwed?
[08:30] <pidus> ubunturos: you can lock a package (i.e. prevent its upgrade at the next dist-upgrade) by opening aptitude...and putting a = on the desired package
[08:31] <pidus> ubunturos: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/reference/ch-package.en.html
[08:32] <ubunturos> pidus: hmm, thanks. (I'm not sure, If I need it though) But thanks, anyway
[08:32] <pidus> ubunturos: :) thanks for helping me find it.
[08:34] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> !wifi
[08:34] <ubottu> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
=== malik_ is now known as BiteyBite
[08:41] <aleboco> hi everybody. i would like to know if it is possible to change the permission of deleted items applet
[08:42] <aleboco> so far i'm the user and admin the group
[08:44] <BiteyBite> how do i change splash screen, when kde is logging me in, i dont like the default screen there?
[08:44] <BiteyBite> i want that finger prints style loggin me in
[08:49] <se7en> BiteyBite: alt+f2 ... kcontrol splash screen ...
[08:52] <BiteyBite> se7en: that didnt do anything
[08:54] <se7en> BiteyBite: you went to appearance and themes ---> splash sceen and choose fingerprint as a splash screen right
[08:55] <se7en> you can test it there but to see it you have to restart X = ctrl+backspace
[08:58] <BiteyBite> se7en: it doesnt show me splash screen option in there, i have all other but splash screen in kcontrol=>appearance & themes=> ***************** but no splash screen
[09:02] <aleboco> hi guys. i was wandering how to set the right permission to the recent document
[09:03] <aleboco> i mean, when i enable it in the k menu, it is always empty
[09:08] <flaccid_> i was away for a while. is there outstanding questions?
[09:11] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> does anybody know what "ath0: failed to register sysctls!" this was in /var/log/messages
[09:11] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> means*
[09:11] <flaccid_> [mad]Berry|Lappy, what did google say?
[09:11] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> nothing much
[09:12] <flaccid_> sysctl is like a bsd/unix thing so not sure why in linux hmm
[09:12] <flaccid_> are you using madwifi?
[09:14] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> huh yeah because this "sudo wpa_supplicant -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -wd" gave the right output
[09:14] <jaakkome> Is there a way to empty Amarok's playlist with a shell command?
[09:16] <jd_> jaakkome: i would say no
[09:17] <jd_> jaakkome: you might be able to delete the playlist file if you knew where it was but one command... no
[09:18] <jaakkome> right, I didn't find one from man amarok, but was thinking if there's a easyish workaround
[09:18] <jd_> jaakkome: why do you need it?
[09:18] <jaakkome> well, it's not a critical function as such :}
[09:19] <jd_> ok
[09:23] <flaccid_> [mad]Berry|Lappy, google returns known bugs etc. which is more than nothing much...
[09:23] <flaccid_> jaakkome, should be able to with dcop
[09:25] <flaccid_> jaakkome, http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/DCOP_Functions_Needed_For_Bemused_Support
[09:26] <jd_> well aren't i just always wrong about things.... but i learned something too
[09:27] <flaccid_> dbus/dcop is heaps cool for inter-process communication :) but i never remember its capabilities
[09:28] <Giskard_Reventlo> Hi. I had an adept question. Does adept updater have an ignore list. I don't wanna update my mythtv pkgs in my kubuntu frontend
[09:28] <jaakkome> thanks, dcop looks very useful for lot of stuff
[09:28] <jaakkome> *lots
[09:29] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> flaccid_ yeah i see sorry about that have been hacking at this for a couple of hours....
[09:30] <jaakkome> the command was just "dcop amarok playlist clearPlaylist"
[09:31] <jd_> well i'm sorry i was wrong... i never heard of it before either... i need to learn how to put that in my programs
[09:31] <flaccid_> jaakkome, yep pretty cool eh :)
[09:32] <jaakkome> yeah... I've been using linux for a total of one week now and am really excited about the ability to actually use the command line as an interface
[09:33] <flaccid_> yeah its totally useful for all users or at least alt+f2 and run something useful without an interactive shell
[09:35] <jaakkome> okay, I've got another one: I'm having some slight problems with window transparency
[09:35] <jaakkome> active windows don't always lose their transparency
[09:36] <flaccid_> is that with desktop effects of some kind or just normal?
[09:36] <jaakkome> just the kde 3.5.9. normal transparency thing
[09:37] <flaccid_> hmm, i guess you could ask in #kde see if they can help or search google
[09:37] <Tm_T> jaakkome: hmmm, KDE3 transparency thing could be bit buggy
[09:39] <jaakkome> well, it's a very minor problem so I guess I'll just ignore it and wait if it goes away at some point when stuff upgrades
[09:39] <jaakkome> happens maybe one time out of 40 when I shift focus and is corrected by shifting focus off and back again
[09:40] <tzd> i can't access my samba share via konqueror, krusader etc. It works with smb4k but when i'm on the samba share I'm unable to write files to it. It works however, creating new folders on the disk. Please help anyone?
[09:40] <flaccid_> tzd, what OS is the samba server and share on?
[09:41] <tzd> flaccid: hmm it's an ipkg os i think... it's on my router and it's included from Asus.
[09:42] <flaccid_> well the writing/perms is the responsibility of the samba server so the problem is with the router
[09:42] <flaccid_> all the acls etc. are with that server
[09:43] <flaccid_> try it in smb4k then show me the entry in mount and an ls -l on the mountpoint
[09:46] <tzd> flaccid_: when trying with win xp via vmware I'm able to write perfectly to the hdd?
[09:47] <flaccid_> tzd, yeah that doesn't concluded anything.
[09:47] <tzd> and I've set the default access for my shares via my routers web gui to : read/write access
[09:47] <tzd> flaccid_: ok
[09:47] <flaccid_> it may indicate that the samba server doesn't like the requests of some smb/samba clients...
[09:48] <tzd> flaccid_: ah i see
[09:48] <flaccid_> tzd, this is why you should 1. do what i suggested above and 2. see what the error is with smbclient
[09:49] <tzd> flaccid_: about to... tried reinstalling all my samba related packages yesterday thinking that might be the cause. Will start smb4k asap
[09:50] <flaccid_> coolio. samba is a beast, but i've conquered it many times. closed firmware on devs like routers doesn't help us :)
[09:52] <samret> неподскажите почему SIM может не запускаться?
[09:52] <samret> на 8,04 кубунту
[09:52] <tzd> flaccid_: ah nice :) I've actually got an open fw on my router. OLEG it's called. It's just that i was suppose to be able to use the standard asus web gui for samba according to the guide i've followed.
[09:53] <Tm_T> !ru | samret
[09:53] <ubottu> samret: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke
[09:54] <tzd> flaccid_: the mount points on my router are: /dev/discs/disc0/part1 -> /tmp/mnt/disc0_1 and /dev/discs/disc0/part2 -> /tmp/mnt/disc0_2 I also have a part 3 & 4 where part 3 is the swap and part 4 is mounted on /opt
=== se7en is now known as ne7es
[09:59] <tzd> flaccid_: ls -l on /tmp/mnt = drwsrwsrwt 6 admin root 4096 May 30 02:53 disc0_1 and drwxrw-rw- 12 1000 root 4096 May 30 06:26 disc0_2
[10:01] <nico__> hola?
[10:01] * flaccid_ reads messages
[10:02] <flaccid_> tzd, im talking about mounted from the client side
[10:03] <flaccid_> tzd, open smb4k, double click on share to mount then check mount in konsole
[10:03] <flaccid_> also what model asus and link to oleg?
[10:03] <flaccid_> tzd, i have an asus wl-520gc sitting next to me as well
[10:04] <tzd> flaccid_: ah ok, thanks for the tip! model is asus wl-500gP. http://oleg.wl500g.info/
[10:05] <flaccid_> well i would be checking the smb.conf or equiv on that firmware for a start as well + the unix perms on the fs itself
[10:05] <tzd> flaccid_: //ASUSNET/disc0_1 on /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1 type cifs (rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=johan) and //ASUSNET/disc0_2 on /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_2 type cifs (rw,mand,nosuid,nodev,user=johan)
[10:06] <flaccid_> tzd, which one can't write to? both?
[10:06] <tzd> flaccid_: yes both
[10:06] <flaccid_> ls -l /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1 please
[10:06] <tzd> flaccid_: in case i forgot to mention it: i can write folders, but no files
[10:07] <flaccid_> and is that new or existing files or both?
[10:08] <tzd> flaccid_: s -l /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1 = drwxr-xr-x 1 johan adm 0 2008-05-26 23:40 Bilder and a few other folders with the same permissions
[10:08] <tzd> flaccid_: both, not able to create new files and not able to copy or move existing files
[10:10] <flaccid_> and you are current user johan?
[10:10] <tzd> flaccid_: yes
[10:10] <flaccid_> tzd, output of touch /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1 TEST.txt
[10:10] <flaccid_> please
[10:11] <tzd> flaccid_: hmm no output
[10:12] <flaccid_> tzd, now file /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1 TEST.txt please
[10:12] <flaccid_> i mean file /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt
[10:13] <flaccid_> if that returns ascii run ls -l on that file location
[10:14] <tzd> flaccid_: hmm the first cmd you gave me seems to work , the second one says no such file or directory
[10:15] <tzd> flaccid_: the first one:
[10:15] <tzd> johan@Penguin:~$ file /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1 TEST.txt
[10:15] <tzd> /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1: directory
[10:15] <tzd> TEST.txt: empty
[10:15] <flaccid_> try echo "test" >> /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt
[10:15] <flaccid_> tzd, i gave incorrect command first.
[10:15] <flaccid_> was missing slash
[10:16] <tzd> flaccid_: i see, the output of the second cmd was:
[10:16] <tzd> file /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt
[10:16] <tzd> /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt: ERROR: cannot open `/home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt' (No such file or directory)
[10:16] <tzd> johan@Penguin:~$ echo "test" >> /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt
[10:16] <tzd> bash: /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1/TEST.txt: Åtkomst nekas
[10:16] <tzd> Åtkomst nekas = Access denied
[10:17] <flaccid_> tzd, ls -l /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET/disc0_1
[10:18] <flaccid_> also ls -l /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET
[10:18] <flaccid_> pastebin please
[10:19] <flaccid_> and whoami is johan?
[10:19] <tzd> flaccid_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15755/
[10:19] <tzd> flaccid_: yes whoami returns johan
[10:19] <flaccid_> tzd, and on /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET
[10:21] <tzd> flaccid_: whoami in the ASUSNET folder returns johan
[10:21] <flaccid_> nah ls -l /home/johan/smb4k/ASUSNET
[10:21] <tzd> flaccid_: oh, ok :) Sorry bout that
[10:21] <flaccid_> np
[10:22] <tzd> flaccid_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15756/
[10:23] <VIRIIMIND> where to find gadgets for kubuntu 8.04?
[10:23] <flaccid_> tzd, all local perms are fine. problem is router. either the config on it or a mismatch in uids. you should see the config of samba and the logs on the router.
[10:23] <flaccid_> VIRIIMIND, what is a gadget?
[10:24] <VIRIIMIND> lol... leave it...
[10:24] <flaccid_> leave what sorry?
[10:25] <tzd> flaccid_: ok thanks! According to the guide I've been following i can install samba on the router manually as well.... i'll do that and hopefully this will be solved
[10:25] <VIRIIMIND> flaccid_ i want to show ma processor, memory, disk, temp statues on ma desktop
[10:26] <flaccid_> tzd, well samba is installed already objviously so why reinstall when you can configure? also you never checked smbclient...
[10:26] <Pennycook> You mean widget?
[10:26] <VIRIIMIND> oh ya
[10:26] <VIRIIMIND> ma mistake
[10:26] <VIRIIMIND> :D
[10:26] <flaccid_> !superkaramba | VIRIIMIND
[10:26] <ubottu> VIRIIMIND: superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org
[10:26] <tzd> flaccid_: it's just that i don't know where to find the samba config on the router
[10:26] <VIRIIMIND> ok
[10:26] <VIRIIMIND> thanks
[10:26] <flaccid_> tzd, see documentation or search for it
[10:27] <flaccid_> i woudln't be using a firmware that has just a dodgy forum..
[10:27] <flaccid_> which is why dd-wrt is more suitable for your router
[10:27] <tzd> hmm i'll have a look on that then too
[10:28] <tzd> flaccid_: thanks for all your help!
[10:28] <flaccid_> np
[10:30] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> finally wireless thanks everyone for the help......
[10:31] <flaccid_> [mad]Berry|Lappy, what you end up doing?
[10:33] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> figured out that an instance of networkmanager was still running after closing that wireless worked fine
[10:33] <flaccid_> um rightio then
[10:33] <flaccid_> i hope it continues to do so..
[10:35] <[mad]Berry|Lappy> i hope so too lol
[10:37] <tzd> flaccid_: found the samba config on the router. According to what I've seen on google it looks pretty ok.... not sure what might be wrong in it?
[10:37] <flaccid_> tzd, not sure how you woul assume its ok. pastebin it.
[10:38] <flaccid_> unless you are a samba expert, never assume its 'ok'..
[10:38] <josa> i can do "konsole --workdir /directory/ -e /directory/program.exe"... is there any way to start a program in Yakuake :/?
[10:40] <flaccid_> start a program? externally via script?
[10:40] <josa> yes.. in yakuake, that thing does it in konsole
[10:41] <flaccid_> josa, did you check man yakuake or google? answers are there
[10:41] <josa> man yakuake is like 5 lines.. and nothing on google
[10:41] <flaccid_> hmm
[10:41] <flaccid_> my bad
[10:41] <flaccid_> i will find then
[10:42] <cartman> Did anyone try installing KUbuntu on a MacBook Pro ?
[10:42] <flaccid_> josa, did you try yakuake /what/i/want/to/run
[10:42] <josa> yes, i think ive tried that one
[10:42] <tzd> flaccid_: http://img95.imageshack.us/img95/2078/printmn5.png //can't copy/paste in my version of putty :/
[10:42] <josa> but ill check
[10:44] <flaccid_> josa, check the yakuake dcop commands as well
[10:44] <tzd> josa: have you tried changing the default terminal application to yakuake?
[10:44] * flaccid_ looking tzd
[10:44] <josa> yes it is set to yakuake.. havent restarted though
[10:45] <tzd> ok
[10:45] <tzd> not sure if it would help restarting but maybe?
[10:47] <tzd> flaccid_: just realised that the above lines "vi smb.conf" are not used. Realised i could change the share name there so just wanted to try it out and then you wanted to have a look so i changed back to default :)
[10:47] <flaccid_> huh
[10:48] <flaccid_> tzd, first problem i see is user = share
[10:48] <flaccid_> oops. i mean security = share
[10:48] <flaccid_> also guest only = yes in global !
[10:48] <needhelp> hi i logging in a machine where all commands it sayss Input/output error.. even i want to restart the machine using shutdown -r now, its saying the same thing.. anyone knows the command to restart using init ?
[10:49] <flaccid_> the force user could be a problem too. basically this samba server configuration sux! from this firmware provider.
[10:49] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[10:49] <ActionParsnip> if i use virtualbox and mount a usb stick as hda and the ubuntu cd to boot, can I install to usb stick that way. Ive seen walkthroughs but then it came to me. Is this a viable solution?
[10:50] <tzd> flaccid_: ok, well the samba cfg is from asus. Should i just remove those lines you've just mentioned?
[10:50] <flaccid_> might be able to find more info on using yakuake stuff at http://yakuake.uv.ro/
[10:50] <ActionParsnip> yakuake is AWESOME
[10:50] <tzd> yeah
[10:51] <flaccid_> tzd, yeah obviously they suck. you want to change it to security = user and take off the guest. keep in mind they could be there because of lack of user implementation in the firmware. so yeah...
[10:51] <ActionParsnip> tzd: is it possible to do an install to usb with virtualbox to setup the drive?
[10:52] <flaccid_> needhelp, did you search google?
[10:52] <tzd> just out of curiosity.... ActionParsnip, who do you get help from when you have a problem? To me your'e the one that helps everyone with difficult issues. hehe and now you're asking me, the newbie dude :D
[10:53] <tzd> flaccid_: ok but that will only set the security higher right?
[10:53] <ActionParsnip> i dont have all the answers, i just start at basic stuff the noobs dont see first. Ive noticed that people in forums really go for the jugular when it comes to troubleshooting
[10:53] <flaccid_> tzd, no. wtf would you assume that :)
[10:53] <flaccid_> like i said if they havnt mapped smb users to shell user then yeah...
[10:54] <flaccid_> thus the force user. doesn't sound like they know much about security let alone smb
[10:54] <ActionParsnip> E.g. User: I cant print to my <fancy printer name>. HelperPerson: Oh you need to compile this module and put it in your kernel configure, make, make install etc
[10:54] <ActionParsnip> without getting any info about the situation. its hilarious
[10:54] <tzd> flaccid_: well you're the only one that can guide me through this mess so whatever you say is my command :)
[10:55] <flaccid_> yeah
[10:55] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: can virtualbox be used to complete a usbstick install of *Ubuntu ??
[10:56] <flaccid_> tzd, the users/perms etc. on this firmware i don't know so i can't say if user mode will even work. you may need to smbpasswd or creat user map.
[10:56] <tzd> flaccid_: let's see. Guest ok and Guest only = remove?
[10:56] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, sorry never used
[10:56] <flaccid_> tzd, you don't need either
[10:56] <josa> ActionParsnip: since youre here, you know anything similar in Yakuake to "konsole --workdir /dir/ -e /dir/prog.exe" :)
[10:56] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: hmm, might give it a whirl. I'll let you know :)
[10:56] <flaccid_> k
[10:57] <flaccid_> josa, i guess you were too lazy to look at the resources i mentioned
[10:57] <ActionParsnip> josa: what's it do?
[10:57] <josa> it opens a program using that work directory
[10:57] <flaccid_> needhelp, init 6 iirc
[10:57] <tzd> flaccid_: should i remove the forceuser as well?
[10:58] <flaccid_> tzd, maybe. i mean have a think about why its there...
[10:58] <tzd> flaccid_: ok
[10:58] <flaccid_> its bad security at the best
[10:59] <ActionParsnip> josa: you could make a bash script to cd to the folder then execute it, this would make the working dir work. Not had to do anything fancy like that myself
[10:59] <josa> hmm
[10:59] <ActionParsnip> josa: or put it on a single line with a ';' separating the commands
[11:00] <ActionParsnip> you could even alias it
[11:00] <josa> well.. it seems ill try that then
[11:00] <flaccid_> it won't be able to do what josa wants
[11:00] <flaccid_> and the yakuake site is poorly documented
[11:00] <josa> more like not documented at all :/
[11:01] <needhelp> flaccid thanks
[11:01] <ActionParsnip> josa: id do that stuff in konsole and run every day stuff in yakuake
[11:01] <ActionParsnip> damn why wont commands autocomplete in irc :(
[11:01] <ActionParsnip> that be sweet
[11:01] <needhelp> flaccid is it just init 6 -t 0 ?
[11:01] <josa> yeah, it seems thats the way ill have to do too
[11:01] <flaccid_> josa, contact yakuake and complain
[11:02] <josa> lol.. i think ill just wait for a new version
[11:02] <needhelp> no effect.. i can't use shutdown it says -bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error .. urgh.. and i'm not on that site now :(
[11:02] <flaccid_> needhelp, i dont know. couldn't quickly find info on ubuntu's runlevels
[11:02] <flaccid_> needhelp, i/o error is usually hardware damage.
[11:02] <flaccid_> josa, no idea how thats going to help :)
[11:02] <needhelp> dart..guess i'll have to make a trip down
[11:03] <flaccid_> needhelp, or use google
[11:03] <josa> well it doesnt.. ill just use bot konsole and yakuake :/
[11:04] <flaccid_> you can be more active than that
[11:04] <flaccid_> you can try #kde and #yakuake and mail them and also find out how to use dcop to list what yakuake can provide..
[11:05] <josa> im googling those dcop commands now
[11:05] <josa> as youve probably noticed, im a noob
[11:05] <jaakkome> is adding a .desktop file to ~/.kde/Autostart the proper way to start autostart applications or should I do it some other way?
[11:06] <flaccid_> josa, im not having much luck either. could be replaced by dbus in this case
[11:06] <ActionParsnip> im going to run a fluxbuntu file server with sound so I can play MP3s remotely. I have an AMD64. Will 64bitness help me any?
[11:07] <flaccid_> jaakkome, usually a symlink to the binary is fine or make a custom script in autostart
[11:07] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, yes if its all native down the line
[11:08] <ActionParsnip> how?
[11:08] <ActionParsnip> its going to be a samba share with sshd so i can play stuff via mplayer
[11:08] <flaccid_> 65bit processing
[11:08] <flaccid_> 64 even
[11:08] <ActionParsnip> all cli based but using fluxbox to setup initially
[11:09] <flaccid_> your question is not about software itself
[11:09] <flaccid_> ie. they didn't make 64bit if there was not going to be a benefit
[11:09] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: i guessed that but what will the noticable difference be?
[11:09] <ActionParsnip> 64 bit is good for computations in mathematical stuff and 3d rendering gains massively
[11:10] <ActionParsnip> as well as gaming engines being more precise
[11:10] <ActionParsnip> but for a crappy server?
[11:10] <flaccid_> josa, the commands dcop and open dcop i believe. im not at home atm, i can't test
[11:10] <flaccid_> wtf
[11:10] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, i guess you don't know about how processing works.
[11:11] <ActionParsnip> flaccid i know about fetch - execute etc
[11:11] <flaccid_> 64bit = 2x the bandwidth of processing of 32bit. so when it performs the same speed it processes twice as many bits
[11:11] <flaccid_> thats in theory of course..
[11:11] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: makes sense
[11:11] <ActionParsnip> oh indeed, everythingin theory works perfectly
[11:12] <ActionParsnip> ok well i'll hold out. ive got a 32bit xp dell lappy here i could do a usb install with but its destined for a semp 3000 AM2
[11:12] <flaccid_> well in your case you might have more luck running it as a server than desktop depending on what userland programs you run. 64bit support on desktop is woeful.
[11:12] <jaakkome> flaccid: so I can just make a text file, write all the commands I want to run at startup, save it at .kde/Autostart and chmod u+x it, right?
[11:12] <ActionParsnip> so i'll do it properly
[11:12] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, no point in buying a 64bit chip if you don't use it.
[11:13] <ActionParsnip> jaakkome: you'll need the hash bang bin bash at the top too :)
[11:13] <flaccid_> jaakkome, yeah it will just run whatever it can exec in the autostart folder
[11:13] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: its all thats available but i see your point
[11:13] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: well..for cheap anyhoo
[11:14] <flaccid_> all you do is check support. if you can run all you need in 64bit then do it.
[11:14] <ActionParsnip> oh i can. its not gonna be a desktop rig so its fine :)
[11:14] <jaakkome> woo, I made a script. Can I add programming skills into my cv now?
[11:14] <ActionParsnip> jaakkome: nearly ;)
[11:15] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, totally
[11:15] <josa> can you do "hello world"?
[11:15] <flaccid_> jaakkome, totally
[11:15] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: won't he need #!/bin/bash at the top of his script?
[11:16] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, depends on the script
[11:16] <ActionParsnip> jaakkome: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-10.html try the top program :)
[11:16] <flaccid_> but i assumed that given the user was talking about scripting like they knew it
[11:16] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: I always put it in (old skool)
[11:16] <flaccid_> #!/bin/sh is fine unless you need bash for something
[11:16] <flaccid_> nah its not old school, its mandatory
[11:16] <flaccid_> otherwise head will fai.
[11:16] <flaccid_> fail
[11:17] <ActionParsnip> oh then i covered my ass
[11:17] <flaccid_> totally
[11:18] <ActionParsnip> ok well i gots my weekend planned
[11:19] <ActionParsnip> burn fluxbuntu, install to 5gb partition, install to USB stick, verify, wipe entire 80Gb drive, configure samba / wifi / sshd, put pc in cupboard. forget about it :)
[11:21] <flaccid_> only check cooling
[11:22] <ActionParsnip> oh will do
[11:22] <ActionParsnip> its an asus pundit p1-ah2 POS, 1gb ddr2 40W PSU
[11:22] <ActionParsnip> onboard everything
[11:23] <ActionParsnip> wifi
[11:23] <flaccid_> cool
[11:23] <ActionParsnip> everything works out of the box
[11:23] <ActionParsnip> :D
[11:24] <ActionParsnip> www.efficientpc.co.uk is where I got it
[11:25] <ActionParsnip> uk seller of Linux based preinstalled systems
[11:26] <flaccid_> im confused. why did you need help? why did you have to use virtualisation?
[11:26] <ActionParsnip> hmm actually
[11:27] <ActionParsnip> can i tell the installer to instal to usb from the live environment?
[11:27] <flaccid_> you said your provider was a provider of preinstalled systems
[11:27] <ActionParsnip> yeah
[11:28] <flaccid_> !install | ActionParsnip
[11:28] <ubottu> ActionParsnip: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate
[11:29] <ActionParsnip> nice about the booting from cd image
[11:32] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, yeah that provider is pretty crap...
[11:33] <feeble> Could someone tell me why there's no info of the changes that were made for a gcc update? The requested URL /changelogs/pool/main/g/gcc-defaults/gcc-defaults_4.2.3-1ubuntu5/changelog was not found on this server. This seems a little bit fishy.
[11:33] <starenka> hullo
[11:34] <stdin> feeble: because changelogs.ubuntu.com take a few mins to update
[11:34] <starenka> can sbdy help me with my dcop / kwallet / shell problem?
[11:34] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: system is fine for me. runs fine :)
[11:34] <feeble> stdin: Okay, but I get this message since more than 3 hours.
[11:35] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, my comment was not about the system..
[11:35] <ActionParsnip> well thats what I see, whats up with them?
[11:36] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, is there anything they can provide besides the hardware? it just looks like a commericial load of crap to me
[11:36] <feeble> stdin: Do you have a url handy where there's more info about the intend change?
[11:36] <feeble> intended
[11:36] <stdin> feeble: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-defaults will have the changes before changelogs.u.c
[11:36] <ActionParsnip> they give loads of email support and phone support. they recognise people want to upgradetheir systems sodont mind users opening their systems to add hardware
[11:37] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, thats quite redundant.
[11:37] <feeble> stdin: thanks.
=== blizzzekski is now known as blizzzek
[11:37] <ActionParsnip> just fancied a linux preinstalled system to see if theyd add a load of gumf like dell etc do, seemed fine
[11:37] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, there is more to being a linux hardware provider than selecting some hardware that works and then responding to emails..
[11:37] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, yeah unfortunately you didn't get any benefit..
[11:38] <ActionParsnip> true enough, but the systems solid soim happy enough
[11:38] <stdin> feeble: looks like aptitude is looking in the wrong place though, odd
[11:38] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, you can spend far less and get better support :)
[11:39] <ActionParsnip> i use the linux community. i have all the support i need
[11:40] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, exactly. no need to go to them :) i mean if they provided some more details on their support scope and some actual support on their website, im sure i'd be more pro-activ about them. but all they offer is selling..
[11:41] <ActionParsnip> it was more to see what linux preinstalled was going to deliver with the actual system itself, and if it was going to be badged etc, apps already installed etc etc
[11:42] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, so what happend? and whats the go with going to virtualbox and installation? i mean wtf?
[11:42] <ActionParsnip> i can throw pcs together no problem, just wanted to sample linux preinstalled
[11:42] <flaccid_> interesting.. and what was the result?
[11:42] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: i have my mork lappy here and was going to install fluxbuntu to it so I could jam it in at home
[11:43] <flaccid_> oh jam it in as in run from .iso or something?
[11:43] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: very little. I just got a pc that i didnt build with beryl on it which was removed after a matter of hours
[11:43] <flaccid_> not sure what you mean. what was the result out of box?
[11:44] <ActionParsnip> was an ok rig (if thats what you mean)
[11:44] <flaccid_> what didn't work?
[11:44] <ActionParsnip> nothing. it all works
[11:44] <flaccid_> cool
[11:45] <ActionParsnip> even if i do a vanilla install it all works with whats on the cd
[11:45] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, did multiple displays work out of box?
[11:45] <ActionParsnip> i dont use it so i wouldnt know
[11:45] <flaccid_> also was samba configured?
[11:46] <flaccid_> anyway. i would only expect that of a provider that does more than installing the OS.
[11:46] <ActionParsnip> samba was not configured but when you order you can ask for things to be configured
[11:46] <flaccid_> ok cool
[11:46] <ActionParsnip> but i guess for the less informed this is fairly redundant
[11:47] <flaccid_> a provider should show a strategy, they dont.
[11:47] <ActionParsnip> indeed
[11:48] <flaccid_> it looks more a case of trying to use a foss to make money with not much back to the community if anything let alone decent support to the end users. but hey thats my opinion. i have high standards - at least thats what people think. i don't have high standards, i just have standards.
[11:49] <ActionParsnip> i just fancied giving it a go. i chose them randomly and had the cash spare
[11:49] <flaccid_> yaaa sweet in that respect
[11:50] <ActionParsnip> id suggest just buying parts that are very linux compatible and throwing it together yourself. same deal
[11:51] <flaccid_> yep, agreed upon there. but i do believe there should be good linux hardware/software in one providers.
[11:51] <ActionParsnip> indeed
[11:51] <flaccid_> so that end/normal users can jsut choose like your experiment
[11:51] <ActionParsnip> mind you dell are jumping over to OSS
[11:52] <ActionParsnip> even releasing an "eeepc killer" the mini inspiron
[11:52] <flaccid_> for example, they would have to know to request samba config whereis a normal user would complain that network doesn't work after they get home.... but one could argue thats the responsibilty of the OS. but then again this is post-installation..
[11:52] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, yes but dell linux support is not as great as what they claim and what people say
[11:52] <flaccid_> only about 80%+ of the dells i have had work out of box without problem
[11:53] <ActionParsnip> dell suck anyway, the only thing dell shaped i like is DRAC
[11:53] <ActionParsnip> flaccid, most of our servers are Dell based
[11:53] <flaccid_> dell is fine. my US server is dell
[11:53] <flaccid_> some component choices are not actually linux supported very well at all thats all
[11:54] <ActionParsnip> we have citrix farms and sql servers on dell
[11:54] <jhoc2x2> how to change to freenode?
[11:54] <ActionParsnip> jhoc2x2: you're on freenode
[11:54] <ActionParsnip> jhoc2x2: well an irc channel
[11:54] <ActionParsnip> on freenode
[11:56] * ActionParsnip looks confused
[11:57] <epssi> how do i start solving a problem: crash at splash(screen)?
[11:58] <flaccid_> epssi, checking logs
[11:58] <epssi> kernel 2.6.22 doesn't crash, 2.6.24 does
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[11:58] <eagles0513875> what linux distro comes with the asus Eee pc is it an ubuntu derivative
[11:59] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: its xandros
[11:59] <epssi> faccid is there a log if i have to cold shut after the crash?
[11:59] <eagles0513875> i dunno y i thought it was an ubuntu derivative
[11:59] <eagles0513875> like gobuntu or something
[11:59] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: theres a disro similar to Ubuntu called eeeXUbuntu which is made specifically for the eeepc
[11:59] <eagles0513875> so there r 2 distros that they come with
[12:00] <eagles0513875> either xandros or eeexubuntu
[12:00] <epssi> or win xp..
[12:00] <eagles0513875> forget winxp lol
[12:00] <eagles0513875> nothing wanting to deal with windows i have to deal with it enough round here
[12:01] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: it comes with xp or xandros but you can install any linux distro (or BSD variant) you wish
[12:01] <flaccid_> eagles0513875, mandriva from memory
[12:01] <flaccid_> oh xandros hmm ok then
[12:01] <eagles0513875> bah now u all got me confused
[12:01] <flaccid_> epssi, no
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[12:01] <ActionParsnip> eagles0513875: http://eeepc.asus.com/
[12:02] <flaccid_> eagles0513875, google surely could have confirmed for you first
[12:02] <epssi> why does KSystemlog say "The file '/var/log/boot.log' does not exist."
[12:02] <ActionParsnip> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASUS_Eee_PC
[12:02] <ActionParsnip> Operating system Linux Xandros, Windows XP (at extra cost)
[12:03] <eagles0513875> ty ActionParsnip for the link
[12:03] <ActionParsnip> np bro
[12:19] <Pennycook_> Eep. I just ran sudo passwd by mistake; what's the flag to pass to passwd to remove the password for a user?
[12:20] <ActionParsnip> sudo passwd <username>
[12:20] <stdin> Pennycook_: -dl
[12:20] <ActionParsnip> oh
[12:20] <flaccid_> yeah del it not set it
[12:20] <ActionParsnip> mine was a guess
[12:20] <Pennycook_> Thanks stdin. :)
[12:20] <stdin> :)
[12:20] <flaccid_> hehe
[12:22] <ActionParsnip> blank passwords are silly
[12:23] <flaccid_> yeah sillier than my nick thats for sure
[12:23] <stdin> -dl doesn't blank the pass, is disables it a-la root
[12:24] <flaccid_> delete and lock oh yeah
[12:25] <ActionParsnip> couldnt you just change it to blank then verify as blank or is that disabled
[12:25] <ActionParsnip> or captured
[12:26] <flaccid_> yeah see man passwd
[12:26] <ActionParsnip> i'll check it
[12:27] <ActionParsnip> The encrypted password field may be blank, in which case no password is required to authenticate as the specified login name. However, some applications which read the /etc/passwd file may decide not to permit any access at all if the password field is blank.
[12:29] <mefisto__> after a "sudo apt-get upgrade" today (about 40 packages upgraded), I'm getting this error for 2 packages: "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139"
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[12:30] <flaccid_> i can't remember the rules in debian/linux/ubuntu but if you don't delete and lock then without validation rules its a blank password which is bad practice in PKI which is what disable account is for :)
[12:31] <flaccid_> mefisto__, there should be more error out than just that
[12:31] <mefisto__> I tried reinstalling, then removing to reinstall them, but get the same error. any ideas?
[12:32] <mefisto__> flaccid_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15779/
[12:33] <ActionParsnip> mefisto__: try ps -A see if apt-get is runningin the background
[12:34] <flaccid_> the problem is with dpkg sub process not apt
[12:34] <ActionParsnip> just pulled it off a forum
[12:34] <ActionParsnip> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221115
[12:35] <flaccid_> mefisto__, it doesn't show the script errors, try installing the packages from the apt-cache with dpkg and see if you get the actual errors
[12:35] <flaccid_> anyone can post to ubuntu forums :)
[12:36] <ActionParsnip> isnt there a weird apt-get command like apt-get install -f or something that may help
[12:36] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, oh that forum is based on a totally different error as well
[12:36] <mefisto__> ActionParsnip: I tried that, same errors
[12:36] <ActionParsnip> flaccid_: bah
[12:36] <flaccid_> ActionParsnip, thats a fuzzy logic script
[12:37] <flaccid_> so if we install manually with dpkg it should not supress the error like apt seems to have
[12:38] <ActionParsnip> mefisto__: tried apt-get remove --purge <package name>
[12:38] <mefisto__> ActionParsnip: same error trying to remove or reinstall
[12:38] * flaccid_ waits for dpkg output
[12:39] <ActionParsnip> mefisto__: i'd go with flaccid_ and his dpkg suggestion
[12:39] <mefisto__> how do I use dpkg to install? dpkg -i /var/lib/dpkg/file.deb ???
[12:39] <ActionParsnip> mefisto__: seems fine to me
[12:39] <flaccid_> mefisto__, yeah but its in /var/cache/apt i believe
[12:40] <ActionParsnip> if thats where the deb file is
[12:40] <ActionParsnip> if in doubt find / -name <stuff>
[12:41] <flaccid_> im going to upstairs computer
[12:41] <flaccid_> brb
[12:44] <mefisto__> pretty much the same error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15780/
[12:48] <ActionParsnip> mefisto__: try dpkg-reconfigure -a
[12:50] <mefisto__> ActionParsnip: did you mean dpkg --configure -a ??
[12:51] <ActionParsnip> not sure
[12:51] <ActionParsnip> ive done it a few times before and it fixed stuff
[12:51] <ActionParsnip> try both (?)
[12:53] <mefisto__> the one I typed configures unconfigured things (eg, not fully installed packages) but I think dpkg-reconfigure reconfigures everything installed. and it
[12:53] <mefisto__> and it's taking a while
[12:56] <icqnumber> what size have kubuntu packges (kubuntu-desktop) ?
[12:57] <ForgeAus> icq kubuntu-desktop is more a wrapper package, it itself is likely only a matter of k... as for the packages it depends on, I wouldn't know personally
[12:58] <tzd--> my network is really messed up on my kubuntu hardy i think. Which dirs do i need to backup to keep my applications and their settings if i reinstall kubuntu please?
[12:59] <ForgeAus> tzd, applications can be anywhere, although for the most part they're somewhere in the /usr part of the directory structure
[12:59] <icqnumber> oooh i see 641 mb
[12:59] <ForgeAus> as for settings, they TEND to be under /etc/
[12:59] <ForgeAus> thats just in general
[13:00] <mefisto__> tzd--: your home directory has all the app settings. as for the applications, you have to reinstall them. but there is a way to write the list of installed packages to a text file, then use that text file to kind of automate reinstalling what you have now
[13:00] <tzd--> ForgeAus, ok... I've copied the folders (etc, usr, home) manually to a backup drive so if i then paste them back it should be ok?
[13:01] <ForgeAus> um most likely tzd, you might have trouble copying links however
[13:01] <ForgeAus> its better to use a backup program than copy files if links are involved, I can't promise you where they are linked to will be maintained correctly via copying
[13:02] <tzd--> mefisto__ hmm that sounds quite nice... although i probably haev a lot of rubbish on there as well so... For instance kontact and Kmail. The settings i've specified for accounts, colours and so on, will they all be saved in my home folder?
[13:02] <apparle> ALSA doesnot work in my computer. But OSS does work. Is there any way I can configure all the packages like KDE etc to use OSS directly (with alternate CD)
[13:02] <tzd--> ForgeAus ah ok... well I'll jus write down the most important apps and then I'll reinstall them again
[13:02] <ForgeAus> apparle that probably depends on the applications themselves...
[13:03] <ForgeAus> tzd, as long as adept/dpkg works you can always reinstall ones from the repositories...
[13:03] <mefisto__> tzd--: I think you should use apt to reinstall apps, not simply copy files back to /etc or /usr. and yes, all the settings will be in your home dir, so when you reinstall a program, you'll still have things set up the way they are now
[13:04] <tzd--> mefisto__ ah ok, no worries for a reinstall then :) Will a reinstall solve potential network problems? seems like it's really messed up and a few services might be missing
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[13:05] <mefisto__> tzd--: this is a reason why many people have a separate home partition, so reinstalling is easy. (only the linux install partition is wiped, and the home partition is left intact)
[13:05] <e_x_treme> sera
[13:06] <tzd--> mefisto__mmm, so when i reinstall should i specify immediately (during partition) where my home partition is? I already have it on a separate partition
[13:09] <mefisto__> tzd--: if you already have a separate home partition, you don't need a backup, just linux to the partition where it is now, and then make sure after install the home partition is mounted correctly and it is being used as /home/tzd-username/ (or whatever)
[13:09] <mefisto__> I'm not sure what the k/ubuntu installer does. maybe someone else remembers?
[13:11] <tzd--> mefisto__ah ok... well I'm downloading kubuntu now so in a few hours I'm back on my kubuntu machine hopefully :) Thanks for your help!
[13:11] <mefisto__> tzd--: but your network problems might be settings in your home dir
[13:11] * flaccid_ is back
[13:12] <mefisto__> tzd--: you might want to try creating a new user and log in to that, to test if problems are the same
[13:12] <tzd--> mefisto__could be but it could also be something else and well I've done a few things a few months back that I'm not too proud of... about a month into the whole Linux experience i was fiddling a bit and most likely messed things up
[13:14] <mefisto__> flaccid_: don't know if you saw this, but I tried installing with dpkg, and pretty much the same error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15780/
[13:16] <rophy> want to convert from ra to mp3 in kubuntu
[13:16] <mickru> hi, I use kubuntu 8.04 and can't change file type associations. Neither with file properties dialog nor via system settings. Maybe the config file is read only? where are those settings stored?
[13:18] <flaccid_> mefisto__, so 'import site' failed; use -v for traceback perhaps. i would purge the packages then do an update, upgrade and make sure its all good then optionally attempt to install the pacakges
[13:18] <flaccid_> mickru, try #kde
[13:18] <mickru> ok thanks
[13:19] <flaccid_> np
=== micky is now known as frybye
[13:23] <nosrednaekim> wow... that kde4.1 daily live is the fastest VM i've ever tried
[13:23] <frybye> re: hardware compatibility - in wiki found not exact info - considering getting a msi gforce nx8400gs w. 256mb probably ok or?
[13:24] <frybye> and am I right in thinking this will be a better buy than a gf 7200 that are hardly any cheaper now...?
[13:24] <frybye> using hardy..
[13:25] <flaccid_> frybye, nvidia is it? should be ok
[13:25] <frybye> yes.. it is just that this cheaper kard the 8400 has not been on the market very long...
[13:26] <flaccid_> if for some reason the gpu id is not in the driver db then you can always use the nvidia beta drivers. the 8400 is in the hardware compat list but right on wiki?
[13:27] <frybye> ther is a m8400 listed on the wiki hw compat list.. but not specifically this card...
[13:27] <frybye> is the -M- for m-obile???
[13:27] <frybye> i am talking about a s-sata for the desktop...?
[13:28] <frybye> e e e e-sata i mean...
[13:29] <frybye> flaccid.. an generally I seem to think that msi is a pretty good manuf - or?
[13:30] <frybye> seem to have lag here now.. catch you all later... bye
[13:33] <flaccid_> frybye, 8400 is the chipset or gpu, its supported.. don't worry about matching cards. no idea what sata has to do with video...
[13:33] * flaccid_ does get busy often
[13:34] <flaccid_> frybye, msi are good. but its more personal opinion. for video i tend to towards leadtek or gainward..
[13:36] <lat> Adept Installer has encountered an error after downloading programs to install. The end of the error message reads: "Konsole needs to have read/write access to the PTY devices." How do I overcome this?
[13:38] <_Angelus_> guys . why when i hibernate windows xp and boot into kubuntu i don't have internet connection?
[13:38] <mrksbrd> what is the command to get firefox.....sudo apt-get install.....?
[13:38] <nosrednaekim> mrksbrd: sudo apt-get install firefox
[13:39] <nosrednaekim> and if you want firefox 2, firefox-2
[13:39] <mrksbrd> that didn't work
[13:39] <mrksbrd> let me try w/ the 2
[13:39] <nosrednaekim> _Angelus_: it probably locks the NEtwork card
[13:39] <nosrednaekim> _Angelus_: I'veheard of windows doing that
[13:39] <_Angelus_> O_o
[13:39] <_Angelus_> its able to lock the network card?
[13:39] <whuang> mrksbrd: how about " sudo aptitude update " first
[13:39] <flaccid_> !doesntwork
[13:39] <ubottu> Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[13:40] <mrksbrd> NOS the 2 worked...ty
[13:41] <_Angelus_> nosrednaekim: would there be a way to stop win xp from locking the network card?
[13:42] <nosrednaekim> _Angelus_: IDK... maybe don't hibernate
[13:42] <_Angelus_> i want to use hibernation
[13:42] <_Angelus_> its very usefull to me
[13:42] <mrksbrd> does anyone know if automatix is supported under 8.04
[13:42] <_Angelus_> my girl plays the sims 2 on windows which is why i still dual boot
[13:42] <_Angelus_> and it takes a load of time to load
[13:43] <_Angelus_> so i let it open and hibernate, boot to linux
[13:43] <_Angelus_> :p
[13:43] <flaccid_> !automatix | mrksbrd
[13:43] <ubottu> mrksbrd: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »
[13:43] <lat> I've exited the Adept installer. Is there a way to cause the packages that were downloaded to be installed?
[13:44] <mrksbrd> ahhh...ty
[13:44] <flaccid_> lat, install them manually with dpkg
[13:45] <nosrednaekim> lat: they are cached in /var/cache/apt/archives
[13:45] <ActionParsnip> hey all
[13:45] <nosrednaekim> _Angelus_: sim2 requires 3d accel?
[13:45] <nosrednaekim> hey ActionParsnip
[13:45] <_Angelus_> yeah
[13:45] <_Angelus_> it requires a monster computer... to work
[13:46] <lat> flaccid and nosrednaekim, so go the that directory and install them one at a time? There are many.
[13:47] <ActionParsnip> _Angelus_: for sims2? the game?
[13:47] <_Angelus_> yeah
[13:47] <_Angelus_> :p
[13:47] <flaccid_> lat, yes because you exited you have to do it manually. you could iinstall alll with one command but that might install things that are not in the list you downloaded.
[13:47] <_Angelus_> plus the "about 10" expansion packs
[13:47] <ActionParsnip> _Angelus_: its not that big
[13:47] <_Angelus_> that it has...
[13:47] <ActionParsnip> _Angelus_: yeah they take a tonne of storage for the packs
[13:47] <_Angelus_> yeah
[13:48] <_Angelus_> plus a bunch of time to load with all expansions
[13:48] <_Angelus_> i have them all
[13:48] <lat> flaccid_, ok. Many thanks to you and the others!
[13:48] <flaccid_> np
[13:49] <flaccid_> lat, note that if you go back into adept and select what you want to install if its already downloaded it won't download it again..
[13:54] <lat> flaccid, ok, that is great. That will be much easier.
[13:55] <clau30> does anyone know how to start bitlbee?
[13:55] <poison> !swat
[13:55] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[13:58] <papp> sa parle francais ici?
[13:58] <SlimeyPete> !french
[13:58] <ubottu> Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
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[14:02] <poison> how can i enable SWAT using console?
[14:02] <poison> morning btw :D
[14:04] <nosrednaekim> morning
[14:04] <poison> hi
[14:04] <nosrednaekim> whats SWAT?
[14:05] <poison> u can use it to control&admin samba using the browser
[14:05] <flaccid_> poison, did you try google :)
[14:05] <poison> flaccid_, yes3
[14:05] <flaccid_> iirc you have to edit a file then start it
[14:05] <Pici> !sawat
[14:05] <ubottu> Factoid sawat not found
[14:05] <Pici> !swat
[14:05] <ubottu> Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.
[14:05] <poison> been there
[14:05] <flaccid_> factoid needs updating sorry poison
[14:06] <flaccid_> poison, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat
[14:06] <flaccid_> stdin or another op, need to change !swat to reference primarily https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat
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[14:07] <poison> gonna try dat one
[14:07] <poison> ty
[14:07] <flaccid_> np
[14:08] <flaccid_> if i was an op i could update it :p
[14:09] <mrksbrd> since automatix is no more what is the easiest way to get all the various codecs?
[14:10] <nosrednaekim> kubuntu-restricted-extras
[14:10] <Pici> mrksbrd: install kubuntu-restricted-extras
[14:10] <flaccid_> !codecs | mrksbrd
[14:10] <ubottu> mrksbrd: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats
[14:10] <flaccid_> nosrednaekim, that won't get all codecs
[14:10] <mrksbrd> ty
[14:10] <belzebub> can someone help me get minefield to start on linux?
[14:10] <belzebub> i get Cannot find mozilla runtime directory. Exiting.
[14:11] <flaccid_> its the extras plus medibuntu plus at least one more thing to get most of them
[14:11] <flaccid_> belzebub, did you google?
[14:11] <The_ManU_212> hi
[14:11] <The_ManU_212> i wanted to know if all my devices are ok or if there went something wrong with fsck
[14:11] <The_ManU_212> http://pastebin.com/m1de93f68
[14:11] <belzebub> flaccid_: yeah, and i read what u sent me, it diesn't work
[14:12] <The_ManU_212> perhaps FAT32 partition and /dev/sdb3?
[14:12] <flaccid_> !doesntwork | belzebub
[14:12] <ubottu> belzebub: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.
[14:12] <belzebub> doesnt
[14:12] <The_ManU_212> and waht is wrong?
[14:12] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, most likely all is well. i've had that behaviour before myself
[14:13] <belzebub> i moved firefox to /usr/local firefox and created a symbolic link to firefox in /usr/local/bin
[14:13] <The_ManU_212> flaccid_ so you get also this error 1?
[14:13] <belzebub> but still gives me same error when i start it
[14:13] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, have in the past
[14:13] <flaccid_> belzebub, i don't remember let alone what the error is..
[14:14] <flaccid_> sorry what is minefield?
[14:14] <The_ManU_212> flaccid_ and why did it stop?
[14:14] <leon> hey leute
[14:14] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, i couldn't work it out. there was nothing wrong but did liek what yours did. no reason for an exit but it did
[14:14] <belzebub> minefeield is firefox3
[14:14] <flaccid_> belzebub, i don't recall telling you to do that.
[14:15] <flaccid_> belzebub, are you using packages or from source?
[14:15] <The_ManU_212> flaccid_ but /dev/sdb3 should be a reason for exit isnt it and is 3.3% non-contigous not too much?
[14:15] <belzebub> u gave me a link to a webpage that talked about the error and that what it sais to do
[14:15] <poison> flaccid_, seems i dont have xinetd.d at all
[14:15] <flaccid_> poison, need to install it as per the wiki page
[14:16] <flaccid_> belzebub, dpkg -l | grep firefox please
[14:16] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, why should sdb3 be a reason sorry? 3.3 is fine
[14:16] <flaccid_> oh because its fat? yeah you are right that could be the reason and likely the same reason for me in the past
[14:17] <belzebub> flaccid_: this is the downloaded package, not from repos,
[14:17] <flaccid_> belzebub, we don't really support that here. you could try #firefox
[14:17] <flaccid_> belzebub, downloaded from where sorry?
[14:17] <belzebub> flaccid_: i'm there already
[14:18] <The_ManU_212> flaccid_: what for a figure of non-contigous could be worring?
[14:18] <shane2peru> quick question, how do I get things to start on login like conky?
[14:18] <shane2peru> I'm sure there is a simple way, I just don't know what it is :)
[14:18] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, i couldn't really say. but i'd be worried myself it it went over 10
[14:18] <nosrednaekim> !autostart
[14:18] <ubottu> To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html
[14:18] <flaccid_> !autostart | shane2peru
[14:18] <ubottu> shane2peru: please see above
[14:19] <shane2peru> flaccid nosrednaekim thanks :)
[14:19] <The_ManU_212> flaccid_ ok thx, but /dev/sdb3 is ext3
[14:19] <flaccid_> belzebub, which package is it, i wouldn't mind trying... any reason not to use repos? because its old?
[14:19] <navetz> what is a good way to benchmark your system?
[14:19] <nosrednaekim> !benchmark
[14:19] <ubottu> Factoid benchmark not found
[14:19] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, yeah ext3 doesn't need defrag
[14:20] <flaccid_> !defrag > The_ManU_212
[14:21] <poison> flaccid_, worked!! thanks alot
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[14:21] <belzebub> flaccid_: well, i don't use the one from repos because i update everyday to the daily build and the update is disabled
[14:21] <The_ManU_212> flaccid_ so you thing this exit status one could be reason of FAT32 and has no relation to /dev/sdb3, even ts below of /dev/sdb3
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=== Alen is now known as AlenDulus
[14:22] <The_ManU_212> and what could be the reason of wrong clusters, with auto-correcting, allw ent fine i think?
[14:22] <flaccid_> The_ManU_212, i have no idea why sorry..
[14:23] <flaccid_> belzebub, are you on 32 or 64 bit?
[14:23] <belzebub> flaccid_: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/ ...second link from the top, is what im using
[14:23] <shane2peru> ok, one more, I started with a gnome install and then installed Kubuntu-desktop, now everytime I boot into kde the Gnome desktop search program (I forget it's name) starts up and is in the icon tray, how do I get rid of that?
[14:23] <belzebub> flaccid_: 32bit
[14:24] <flaccid_> shane2peru, either close the program then logout then in or disable sessions
[14:24] <belzebub> flaccid_: i mean second file, third link
[14:24] <flaccid_> shane2peru, (unless autostart or something is calling it explicitly)
[14:25] <shane2peru> flaccid_ I'm not sure where to find it, it automatically starts up, and I didn't set it to do that. :) So somewhere something is calling it.
[14:26] <shane2peru> flaccid_: I'm not sure where to find it in KDE, in Gnome I know exactly where to disable it. :)
[14:26] <flaccid_> belzebub, only problem is im not at home atm on ubuntu im on windows eek. i can test then but yeah google aint helping much you are right..
[14:27] <flaccid_> shane2peru, i gave you the required instructions..
[14:27] <shane2peru> flaccid_ Ahh, Tracker is the name of that prog,
[14:27] <shane2peru> flaccid_ I don't understand this "either close the program then logout then in or disable sessions"
[14:27] <belzebub> flaccid_: alright, don't worry about it, thank you
[14:28] <shane2peru> flaccid_: the close the program is fine, logout ok, disable sessions?
[14:28] <flaccid_> shane2peru, kde uses sessions so it opens programs you had open from last login so if you kill the program then logout and it STILL re-appears, something else is calling it and not sessions..
[14:29] <shane2peru> flaccid_ ok something is calling it then, because I never opened it. :)
[14:30] <shane2peru> flaccid_ I'll figure it out, I thought there was a simple answer. thanks
[14:30] <flaccid_> shane2peru, look in ~/.kde/Autostart
[14:31] <flaccid_> shane2peru, and ask gnome/ubuntu people what could be doing it
[14:31] <flaccid_> shane2peru, i also did give a simple answer :) we are working with something that is not simple anyway
[14:31] <shane2peru> flaccid_ yeah I looked there, just found several places it starts with mlocate trackerd :)
[14:31] <shane2peru> flaccid_ ha ha, yeah, I like to know the inner workings :)
[14:32] <shane2peru> flaccid_ it is in /etc/xdg/autostart /usr/share/autostart/
[14:33] <shane2peru> flaccid_ thanks for the help, I think that should fix it, course I probably won't log out or reboot for a few days
[14:33] <shane2peru> so I won't know for a while
[14:33] <flaccid_> shane2peru, oh yeah. the freedesktop global standard. how did i forget. thanks for reminding me!
[14:33] <shane2peru> flaccid_ ha ha, I don't know nothing about that, lol. ok, be back later
[14:34] <flaccid_> but how it got to global share is something that shouldn't have happend
[14:34] <flaccid_> cool catchya
[14:45] <flaccid_> wb jono
[14:45] <jono> hey flaccid_
[14:45] <flaccid_> hows it going?
[14:51] <flaccid_> community manager i said hi!
[14:52] <shane2peru> flaccid_: ok, back, which is the global share?
[14:53] <shane2peru> flaccid_ oh, wait, probably the /usr/share/autostart lol
[14:53] <flaccid_> yeah i always forget about them /usr/share .desktop entires because DEs take over the desktop..
[14:55] <shane2peru> flaccid_ right
[14:56] <josa> i finally figured the qdbus thing for Yakuake, thanks
[14:57] <SPAZZZ> http://www.FakeMagazineCover.com - Upload photo to fake magazine cover templates
[14:57] <SPAZZZ> http://www.SillyWebcam.com - Play with webcam online (games, take pics, effects)
[14:57] <SPAZZZ> http://www.Is-A-Jerk.com - Random Insults/Anon Email
[14:57] <SPAZZZ> http://www.VirtualHolyBible.com - Holy Bible, online version
[14:58] <Pici> !ops
[14:58] <ubottu> Help! Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild or jussi01!
[14:58] <genii> !ops SPAZZZ
[14:58] <ubottu> Factoid ops spazzz not found
[14:58] <SPAZZZ> http://www.ScrapbookGenerator.com - Make free online digital scrapbook pages
[14:58] <SPAZZZ> http://www.WHAK.com - W>H.A.K. Comedy Radio
[14:58] <genii> bah I always forget the syntax
[14:58] <Pici> grr
[14:59] <genii> Pici: I agree
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[15:00] <lparry> does anyone know a specific date to the release of the kde 4.1 beta binaries?
[15:00] <lparry> supposibly it was going to be for today
[15:01] <jpds> genii: it's !o.ps | $nick
[15:03] <flaccid_> josa, show me! i aint be able to access dcop/dbus because im not at home!
[15:04] <josa> qdbus org.kde.yakuake /yakuake/sessions runCommand
[15:04] <josa> simple as that
[15:04] <flaccid_> lparry, won't be until at least intrepid i hear and help in #kubuntu-kde4
[15:04] <flaccid_> thats not simple
[15:04] <SteamMachine> Hi all
[15:05] <lparry> flaccid_: humm, there was something on planet kde
[15:05] <SteamMachine> I have a logitech (something something) webcam and I assumed I'd be able to plug and play
[15:05] <SteamMachine> but no.
[15:05] <flaccid_> josa, hey where did you find that mate? its like yakuake.kde.org backwards which must be authoritive namespace
[15:05] <SteamMachine> Any idea how to get this webcam working?
[15:05] <flaccid_> !webcam | SteamMachine
[15:05] <ubottu> SteamMachine: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras
[15:05] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, you are luck if its supported.
[15:05] <josa> i wrote qdbus on terminal... there it shows the options
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[15:06] <josa> like qdbus org.kde.yakuake shows yakuakes options tec
[15:06] <flaccid_> josa, sweet. yeah i can't do it because im on ssh and it needs actuall screen 0 access to the display etc.. :( will check it out when i get home thanks
[15:06] <josa> np
[15:07] <flaccid_> thats cool but. dbus is taking over dcop and i have yet to use it much at all
[15:07] <josa> well, im new so i have yet to use anything ;)
[15:08] <flaccid_> josa, for new you are going awesome. you helped me with something i've wanted to know !
[15:08] <josa> yeah.. im a stubborn bastard.. i wont give up until i find a fix
[15:08] <SteamMachine> flaccid_: I think it's supported... but I'm not sure, because I can't remember what kind of cam it is exactly
[15:09] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, check the list on that page
[15:09] <flaccid_> josa, thats what i like to hear!! and thanks for letting us know/reporting back :)
[15:11] <josa> nice to hear i could help
[15:12] <aaroncampbell> I know there are plenty of apps that add a nice GUI to diff (meld, kompare, etc). Are there any that just color code a .diff file nicely like trac does?
[15:13] <SteamMachine> flaccid_: uhh
[15:13] <SteamMachine> how is that going to help if I don't know what kind of camera it is?
[15:13] <flaccid_> aaroncampbell, kdiff / kdiff3
[15:13] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, you can check lsusb for the chip/hex code
[15:14] <trappist> aaroncampbell: apt-cache show colordiff
[15:14] <trappist> !info colordiff
[15:14] <ubottu> colordiff (source: colordiff): tool to colorize 'diff' output. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-2 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 104 kB
[15:14] <SteamMachine> Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:08f6 Logitech, Inc. ?
[15:15] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, yep and then need to check if that hex code is in the list
[15:15] <aaroncampbell> flaccid_: seems like it can compare files, but not just show a diff as color coded...shows my diff and compares it to nothing...shows all lines as added and same color
[15:15] <SteamMachine> yes, it is.
[15:16] <flaccid_> aaroncampbell, there might be something you need to do as well. i dont know it that well. the #kde guys should be able to help out i reckon
[15:16] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, can you provide me a link back to that (sorry to be lazy im on windows)
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[15:17] <SteamMachine> http://www.quickcamteam.net/hcl/linux/logitech-webcams
[15:18] <Djoefer> what would be a very good opensource irc client for ubuntu ? where you can define actions & shortcuts (eg automaticaly register when logging on, automatic nickchange, etc)
[15:19] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, thats logitech's website not the ubuntu wiki and it doesn't look like its supported
[15:19] <flaccid_> Djoefer, xchat or konversation
[15:20] <SteamMachine> Waaaah *cries*
[15:20] <Djoefer> hehe im on konversation now
[15:20] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, i will double check
[15:20] <flaccid_> Djoefer, start scripting then :)
[15:20] <trappist> Djoefer: I've tried most of em, and now I've been using irssi for years
[15:20] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, did you try camorama or xawtv just by chance?
[15:21] <trappist> Djoefer: it's a console client, but (other than clickiness) it has just about every feature you could think of
[15:21] <SteamMachine> flaccid_: camorama says it couldn't connect to video device
[15:21] <Djoefer> trappist: ill have a look at it
[15:21] <Djoefer> flaccid_: ill try to find the scripting ;)
[15:22] <flaccid_> trappist, pretty sure you can hook up tcl as well, but hey i could be wrong. verify in #konversation if someone here can't sorry
[15:23] <flaccid_> SteamMachine, you can make it work but most likely have to compile the driver. people have had success here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-228081.html
[15:23] <aaroncampbell> trappist: I tried colordiff, and it seems like it too can only compare files and color the differences. I want to color code a diff file that I already have (and I do NOT have the files that were used to generate it)
[15:23] <SteamMachine> flaccid_: thanks
[15:23] * flaccid_ going in 5mins
[15:24] <flaccid_> np SteamMachine
[15:24] <belzebub> what's the best app for searching files?
[15:24] <flaccid_> um. not sure on the desktop but grep is good for cli. anyone know if strigi searches files?
[15:25] <flaccid_> sorry searching for files or searching in files?
[15:28] <belzebub> for files
[15:29] <BluesKaj> Hiyas all
[15:30] <jill_> hi to all
[15:31] <flaccid_> belzebub, use strigi from the menu
[15:31] <jill_> where the russian locale on firefox is located?
[15:32] <flaccid_> ok im off for now cia0skis
[15:32] <frybye> hi - someone tells me that it can sometimes take acronis true image 15+ minutes to resolve the local network computers before one can get an image on the other pc .. this right??
[15:33] <frybye> i have just screwed my installation of ku-8.04 by switching off the pc during a boot sequence...
[15:33] <frybye> stupid i know...
[15:36] <jill_> Why i have a "http://wiki.mozilla.ru/index.php/%D0%A0%D1%83%D1%81%D08%D1%84%D08%D0A%D00%D1%86%D08%D1%8F%20Firefox%201.5%20%D08%20%D02%D1%8B%D1%88%D05" insterd of normal link in firefox under kubuntu?
[15:36] <genii> frybye: What error/symptom is happening?
[15:37] <SteamMachine> chown: cannot access `/root/Desktop/easycam': No such file or directory - easycam gave this error
[15:37] <frybye> nothing - I select /network/computers near me - and nothing happens.. a pal once told me this can just take ages..
[15:37] <SteamMachine> i'm not sure what that means though
[15:37] <frybye> have booted from the acronis recovery cd...
[15:38] <genii> SteamMachine: You are logging on as root for some reason?
[15:38] <frybye> and gone thru the selections to the point where one needs to say which backup archive to usw..
[15:38] <frybye> and it just has not shown the other pc on my home net..
[15:38] <frybye> it is opened for shareing... the backup directory i mean...
[15:40] <frybye> jill - you need to go to settings/fonts/ other extended settings - other languages.. or...?
[15:40] <genii> frybye: When you just try to boot to the hd of the messed up install what happens?
[15:40] <frybye> (that is they way it looks on f-fox3 rc1 in windows at least...
[15:40] <jeremy__> i had ubuntu/gnome installed, and i just installed kubuntu... but 1) grub no longer had a cursor (i was still able to scroll and make selection, i just couldn't see what was highlighted) and 2) i can't log into kde. when i try i just log into gnome. the shutdown button doesn't give me the normal options either. i don't have turn off or reset
[15:40] <SteamMachine> genii: I thought I needed to, it seemed to not work without root permission
[15:40] <frybye> it only has us english and does not let me change or install any other languages...
[15:41] <frybye> which means it took me a while to figure out why i couldnt login (z and y reversed etc..)
[15:41] <genii> SteamMachine: Thats whats sudo is for
[15:41] <jill_> i installing ru locale... but cant fix link adresses.. it is works, but looks like error
[15:42] <Daisuke_Ido> mornin' Doc Dubya
[15:43] <frybye> genii: any idea how I can -encourage- acronis to resolve the net??
[15:43] <genii> frybye: Nope. I don't use it. Probably better to ask somewhere more specific to that app though than in here
[15:43] <frybye> i will try booting it again i think..
[15:47] <savetheWorld> Hi all - i unthinkingly tried to use cpan the other day (for of habit) and it seems to have messed up my perl installation. Can anyone suggest what steps I should take with apt-(get cache etc) to fix it?
[15:48] <yuri_> hola, ci sono utenti italiani??
[15:48] <emilsedgh> !it | yuri_
[15:48] <ubottu> yuri_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!
[15:51] <jeremy__> what would cause the cursor bar to dissapear on grub?
[15:53] <genii> savetheWorld: PErhaps sudo apt-get install --reinstall perl
[15:55] <savetheWorld> genii: thank you. i will try that.
[15:55] <yuri_> solo una domanda qual è la porta di #ubuntu-it per favore
[15:57] <frybye> genii: acronis seems to be working now.. will see if it makes some more progress soon...
[15:58] <genii> frybye: Good, seems like some kind of progress
[15:58] <genii> jill_: Have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ?
[15:59] <frybye> now I have got to the point where it is showing "current operation progress.." but nothing to be seen so far.. we shall see.. heheh
[15:59] <frybye> the thing that bugs me a bit is that there seems to be no h-disk activity.. hmmm
[15:59] <frybye> ah - just started...
[16:00] <frybye> "speak of the devil.. heheh!"
[16:00] <jeremy__> wow... my monitor is totally flashing green
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[16:00] <genii> SteamMachine: So, are you logged on as a regular user right now, or root?
[16:00] <frybye> I can only reccomend acronis true image 11 -it has saved my bacon so many times already...
[16:01] <frybye> dont let it do that for too long jeremy
[16:01] <jeremy__> er... how do i prevent it from doing this?
[16:02] <SteamMachine> regular user
[16:02] <nosrednaekim> jeremy__: is it a hardware issue?
[16:02] <frybye> not sure what you were doing - but perhaps shutdown and re-start??
[16:02] <nosrednaekim> is the monitor plugged in correctly?
[16:02] <jeremy__> it should be. it was working fine a few minutes ago. i'll try booting into windows and see how that looks
[16:03] <frybye> nosrednaekim: I have heard that one should not let a monitor go crazy for long to avoid frying the g-card.. or...?
[16:03] <jeremy__> i'll let synaptic finish its thang first
[16:03] <genii> SteamMachine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam has fairly comprehensive instructions on how to install the application you are having difficulty with
[16:03] <Georgij> hello i inputed a cd and it aint workingg help me
[16:04] <Georgij> i burned windows xp on a cd
[16:04] <Georgij> and it aint working
[16:04] <Georgij> help me
[16:04] <josa> reminds me of...
[16:04] <frybye> even if you burnt it the right way - perhaps burnt too fast for a good image..
[16:04] <Pici> Georgij: This channel is only for Kubuntu support, if you need Windows help , please join ##windows
[16:05] <Georgij> i dont think windows can help me
[16:05] <Georgij> since i burned it on kubuntu
[16:05] <frybye> Georgij - clever answer hehehe
[16:05] <Georgij> hehe
[16:06] <genii> Georgij: A few things out of place here. 1-You're of course not supposed to admit you are making copies of your Windows cds 2-This channel is for Kubuntu and not Windows
[16:06] <belzebub> hoe do i delete a folder with files in it, command
[16:06] <frybye> Georgij: like I say - burnt too fast or???
[16:06] <Georgij> I took automatic
[16:06] <genii> Pici: Sorry for repeat, had already typed out most of it ;)
[16:06] <Pici> genii: apology accepted
[16:06] <BluesKaj> Georgij, makes no difference if you burned it on solaris or any other OS , you should ask in ##windows
[16:07] <Georgij> why
[16:07] <Georgij> I dont thrust those bastards because I burned an image
[16:07] <frybye> Georgij: cos this is a # specifically for kubuntu stuff and you are asking basically windows stuff.. that is the argument...
[16:07] <SteamMachine> genii
[16:07] <SteamMachine> I installed it already
[16:07] <Georgij> Its not Windows
[16:07] <SteamMachine> it didn't help
[16:07] <Georgij> Ok i say like this
[16:07] <Georgij> I burned a ISO and my CD aint working
[16:08] <Georgij> when i insert it it wont display
[16:08] <Pici> Georgij: The people in ##windows are familiar with Linux as well, we're not going to be able to help you here with Windows problems, end of story.
[16:08] <belzebub> i guess they don't support pirated windows here
[16:08] <Georgij> Ill repeat my question
[16:08] <belzebub> lolz
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[16:08] <Georgij> I burned an Iso and it aint showing up when I insert the cd it is like it doesnt exist
[16:08] <Georgij> this has nothing to do with windows
[16:09] <xsacha> hey guys! received my kubuntu cd in the mail today. thanks!
[16:09] <BluesKaj> Georgij, do you have your BIOS boot sequence set up to look at the cdrom first ?
[16:09] <frybye> Georgij: see my pm pal...!!!
[16:09] <jeremy__> wow that sucks. one of my monitors just decided to turn bright green
[16:09] <frybye> jeremy__: dont overdoo it with that thing imho...
[16:09] <belzebub> jeremy__: u have dual monitors an dusing ati card?
[16:09] <Georgij> fryebye I hate people who uses windows they have 0 knowledge so I wont ask them
[16:09] <Georgij> I only use it to play games
[16:10] <jeremy__> no, i had just 1 monitor set up becuase i was having problems with dual monitors. but i have a second one that i just swapped in right now
[16:10] <Pici> Georgij: Are you trying to install Windows?
[16:10] <trappist> Georgij: I burn all my cds like so and never have a problem: sudo cdrecord -dao -speed=24 filename.iso
[16:10] <jeremy__> it looks like my backlight is going out
[16:10] <frybye> Georgij: all changes nothing on my theory that u burnt it too f a s t!!!!
[16:10] <Georgij> I know how to install it
[16:10] <Georgij> should I reburn it then?
[16:10] <jeremy__> fail... it was a christmas present
[16:10] <belzebub> jeremy__: what video card?
[16:10] <trappist> Georgij: might have to edit /etc/default/cdrecord with the default device
[16:11] <Pici> Georgij: I'm not sure what the problem is then....
[16:11] <jeremy__> ati x1950 pro agp
[16:12] <belzebub> jeremy__: well, i can tell you that similar thing happened to me, but ...linux broke my video card, not the monitor, try the second port and see if it is still green
[16:13] <nacer> do you think i can install kubuntu kde4 package on a ubuntu without crash about my version ?
[16:13] <jeremy__> belzebub did i mention i plugged in a second monitor and it's working perfectly?
[16:14] <belzebub> jeremy__: in the same port?
[16:14] <jhutchins_wk> belzebub:
[16:14] <jeremy__> belzebub: yeah, i put it into the same port
[16:15] <belzebub> jeremy__: ok, i gues sit's the monitor then
[16:15] <jill_> i have a kubuntu 710, can i use wine there?
[16:15] <Georgij> Which one should I use to burn?
[16:15] <jeremy__> and does a bright green screen indicate a backlight going bad?
[16:15] <USMarine> i'd rather have wine in a glass
[16:15] <Georgij> .img or .ccd?
[16:16] <Georgij> or .sub
[16:16] <Georgij> ?
[16:16] <USMarine> jeremy__ could be
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[16:17] <jill_> guys, give me a apt command to download wine please
[16:18] <USMarine> apt-get install wine
[16:18] <jill_> usmarine thanks
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[16:19] <jill_> usmarine, it doesnt works
[16:19] <genii> jill_: Remember sudo
[16:20] <pim> of course :p
[16:20] <jill_> i am
[16:20] <USMarine> sudo apt-get install wine
[16:20] <pim> sudo apt-get install wine
[16:20] <jill_> i know but it doesnt works anyway
[16:20] <tempest> why not ?
[16:20] <USMarine> what's the message
[16:20] <genii> jill_: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install wine
[16:21] <USMarine> you have to allow 3rd party repositories i believe
[16:21] <jill_> it writes ot terminal - couldnt find package wine
[16:21] <genii> !info wine
[16:21] <jill_> i have kubuntu710
[16:21] <ubottu> wine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.59-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 11455 kB, installed size 53620 kB
[16:21] <genii> enable universe
[16:22] <jill_> how?
[16:22] <pim> http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb
[16:22] <pim> that explains how to do it
[16:22] <jill_> okay
[16:22] <genii> Thanks pim
[16:22] <frybye> genii: the image has worked... yipeee... (just have to install g-earth again now.. hmmm...)
[16:22] <tzd> what's that called again for the truetype fonts, the package? Need to get my fonts straight :)
[16:23] <genii> frybye: Glad yer back up and running
[16:23] <genii> tzd: msttcorefonts and ttf-liberation
[16:24] <tempest> I have a question. there is a folder in trash that I can't get rid of It gives me an error message that it can't find the file
[16:24] <tzd> genii: good stuff, thanks!
[16:24] <genii> tzd: np
[16:24] <tempest> the question was : is there a way to fix it ? sorry about cutting myself off
[16:25] <jill_> deb of wine needs binfmt-support, where can i get it?
[16:26] <pim> sudo apt-get binfmt-support
[16:26] <jill_> okay
[16:26] <pim> jill_ use apt-cache search <something> to search for things
[16:26] <jill_> incorrect operation
[16:26] <josemanuel> hi! i have installed kubuntu in my laptop but when i install nvidia drivers..my screen resolution change to 1900x1200. how change to 1440x900?
[16:27] <USMarine> right click on desktop
[16:27] <josemanuel> ok
[16:27] <USMarine> properties or something
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[16:27] <nosrednaekim> what? thats not going to do anything
[16:27] <josemanuel> yes..but
[16:27] <nosrednaekim> josemanuel: systemsettings->monitor and resolution
[16:28] <BluesKaj> USMarine, "or something" doesn't cut it ..we have ppl depending on the right advice
[16:28] <USMarine> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
[16:28] <genii> tempest: rm ~/.local/share/Trash/info/*
[16:28] <josemanuel> in this window i cant change the resolution
[16:28] <josemanuel> only see 1900x1200
[16:28] <nosrednaekim> you can't lower the slider?
[16:29] <nosrednaekim> USMarine: that no-longer works anymore
[16:29] <tempest> thank you genii
[16:29] <genii> tempest: np
[16:29] <BluesKaj> josemanuel, open system settings/monitor&display/hardware/admin mode
[16:29] <josemanuel> ok
[16:30] <BluesKaj> josemanuel, configure your graphics card and your monitor
[16:31] <josemanuel> but. i have a laptop and i dont know the monitor
[16:31] <josemanuel> i have a dell inspiron 1720
[16:31] <nosrednaekim> josemanuel: just put in a generic LCD of your resolution
[16:32] <nosrednaekim> *select.. not put in
[16:32] <USMarine> yeah, through system settings seems to work
[16:32] <BluesKaj> config the graphics card if you know which make and model
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[16:32] <BluesKaj> too many cooks here
[16:32] <josemanuel> nvidia 8600m gt
[16:32] <jill_> wine 0.9.59 is it good?
[16:33] <BluesKaj> ok josemanuel, look for it in the configure list
[16:33] <nosrednaekim> BluesKaj: not enough soups... so to speak :P
[16:34] <BluesKaj> nosrednaekim, well, we don't want confusion
[16:34] <jill_> oh, it works... THANKS guys.. in the second times you are helping me.. thanks.
[16:42] <kurohyou> hi guys, does anybody know how i copy the content of a directory to a textfile?
[16:42] <Pensacola> ls > dir.txt should work
[16:43] <USMarine> hmm
[16:43] <USMarine> ls > textfile
[16:43] <USMarine> ls >> textfile
[16:43] <malro> bonjour
[16:44] <kurohyou> thnx, i was fooling around with cat, but that's for merging things, forget it was so simpel
[16:44] <USMarine> !fr | malro
[16:44] <ubottu> malro: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr
[16:45] <malro> thanks for info
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[16:51] <reese> hi! when I try to upgrade from the alternate cd, it gives me an "Error authenticating some packages", and it lists a lot of packages. I'm on a 7.1
[16:52] <tzd> flaccid: what was the name of your fw for your router again? Will go for that one instead i think
[16:53] * flaccid is back at home on a real S
[16:53] <flaccid> OS even
[16:53] <flaccid> tzd: dd-wrt
[16:53] <tzd> flaccid: ah thanks
[16:53] <USMarine> dd-wrt v24
[16:54] <flaccid> i believe it works with these models, just check. i was yet to flash it on the one at my g/f place, but i use it at home here on the linksys wrt54g
[16:54] <USMarine> check supported hardware page
[16:54] <tzd> def. will do :)
[16:54] <USMarine> if you have the default linksys firmware
[16:54] <tzd> how do i get rid of my current custom fw by the way?
[16:54] <USMarine> you have to update to the "mini" version first
[16:54] <USMarine> then you can go to standard
[16:54] <tzd> i've got an asus router
[16:54] <flaccid> tzd: you don't want to get rid of it, you want to replace it.
[16:55] <tzd> flaccid: ok, then I should be able to just overwrite it right?
[16:55] <flaccid> which model exactly was it
[16:55] <tzd> WL-500gP
[16:55] <tzd> p as in premium
[16:55] <USMarine> it's supported
[16:55] <flaccid> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Asus_WL-500g_Deluxe
[16:55] <USMarine> how big is your flash memory?
[16:56] <tzd> sweet :) I suppose all open standards have the same stuff such as ftp servers, torrent clients etc?
[16:56] <tzd> 32mb USMarine
[16:56] <tzd> thanks flaccid
[16:56] <belzebub> u sure? i think thats ram
[16:56] <USMarine> that's the ram
[16:56] <USMarine> not flash
[16:56] <belzebub> 8mb flash maybe
[16:56] <USMarine> yeah
[16:56] <USMarine> might be 8
[16:56] <USMarine> he can use the mega version
[16:57] <tzd> oh ok... hmm how do i find out the amount of flash then? :)
[16:57] <flaccid> tzd: and comments on this model on main install page too http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation
[16:57] <flaccid> lol there is a mega version? i use the vpn version atm
[16:57] <USMarine> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices
[16:58] <USMarine> yep
[16:58] <USMarine> but only for 8mb+ devices
[16:58] <tzd> will install vmware first but as soon as i've done that i'll head for this fw thing :)
[16:58] <flaccid> they seem to use the std generic for your asus model on that wiki tzd..
[16:58] <USMarine> http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=12&l2=43&l3=0&model=1121&modelmenu=1
[16:58] <USMarine> this one?
[16:59] <tzd> USMarine: yes that's the one :) version 1... not v2
[16:59] <flaccid> ooo premo hehe
[16:59] <philsf> hello, does anybody know of a script to import/export kmail filters to procmail or maildrop?
[16:59] <USMarine> tzd you can have the mega firmware then
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[16:59] <USMarine> standard+vpn+voip
[16:59] <flaccid> that would make it a mega premium
[17:00] <tzd> USMarine: ah that's good right? sounds cool :)
[17:00] <flaccid> what do you get with the voip ?
[17:00] <flaccid> ^^ bad joke on my behalf there
[17:00] <USMarine> just hard reset before and after flashing
[17:00] <tzd> what's included in "standard"? webserver, ftpserver, torrent, upnp mediaserver?
[17:01] <USMarine> LMAO
[17:03] <tzd> which version is dd-wrt at now?
[17:06] <amerigo> ! WEB
[17:06] <ubottu> Factoid web not found
[17:06] <amerigo> ! web
[17:06] <USMarine> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation#Asus_WL500G_Premium
[17:06] <amerigo> ! site
[17:06] <ubottu> Factoid site not found
[17:08] <reese> what's the kde equivalent of System/Administration/Software Sources?
[17:08] <amerigo> ! program
[17:08] <ubottu> Factoid program not found
[17:08] <amerigo> ! programm
[17:08] <ubottu> Factoid programm not found
[17:08] <USMarine> reese ADEPT
[17:08] <amerigo> ! games
[17:08] <ubottu> Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
[17:08] <achille_> hi "sudo apt-get install skype" install nothing to my kubuntu what is the dépot i need ?
[17:08] <amerigo> ! software
[17:08] <ubottu> A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents
[17:09] <USMarine> deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free
[17:10] <USMarine> or achille_ http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu
[17:10] <achille_> thx
[17:10] <mefisto__> or medibuntu repos
[17:11] <Bauldrick> I'm trying to mount a PS2 drive on my box; sudo fdisk -l shows it but reads Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table
[17:11] <USMarine> you have to known the partition type
[17:11] <Dr_willis> Play station 2? I thought those were some special format also.
[17:11] <reese> found it, thanks
[17:11] <shane2peru> does anyone know of a way to import my tomboy notes into knotes?
[17:14] <sgraham> hey guys...i got this problem with kdm. When i log in it just restarts kdm.
[17:14] <sgraham> i think i have narrowed it down to a bad resolution size for the screen that displays the processes its loading
[17:14] <sgraham> im just not sure where to adjust that?
[17:15] <Georgij> Hello I need help with G parted
[17:16] <Georgij> When I install Windows as dual boot then I have to make another partition right?
[17:16] <Georgij> How can I make split my harddrive into 2 partitions?
[17:17] <flaccid> sgraham: create a test user first or rename your kde dir and login to test fresh kde profile
[17:17] <Georgij> ?
[17:17] <flaccid> Georgij: the installer can do it
[17:17] <Georgij> no
[17:18] <flaccid> i don't know the state of your disk(s)
[17:18] <Georgij> I have 2 disks
[17:18] <Georgij> At the other disk I have my files and the other I have Ubuntu installed
[17:18] <Georgij> But I want to have windows installed at the same disk
[17:18] <Georgij> as ubunutu
[17:18] <rophy> guys ..i have a tv-out on an ATI card and i dunno how to make it work
[17:19] <flaccid> yes and is there unallocated space on the disk you want put the other os on?
[17:19] <Georgij> no
[17:19] <Georgij> there is none
[17:19] <Georgij> But with gparted
[17:19] <Georgij> I can make unallocated space
[17:19] <flaccid> is there free space on one of the filesystems to shrink?
[17:19] <Georgij> I have 60gb
[17:19] <blackflag> !usb
[17:19] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[17:19] <Georgij> 160
[17:19] <Georgij> 160gb
[17:19] <rophy> i have a tv-out on an ATI card and i dunno how to make it work
[17:20] <Georgij> i want to split it to 80gb in each partition
[17:20] <flaccid> Georgij: what type of fs is it that you have to shrink?
[17:20] <rophy> i have a tv-out on an ATI card and i dunno how to make it work
[17:20] <Georgij> ext3
[17:20] <flaccid> to make room for windows?
[17:20] <sgraham> flaccid: ya we tried thatthe other day.
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[17:21] <Georgij> Filesystem ext3 size 160gb
[17:21] <mefisto__> rophy: have you searched google for your particular ati card + tvout + ubuntu ?
[17:21] <rophy> no i didnt
[17:21] <sgraham> no worky, i think its the screen that is displayed before any user info is grabed..its like the intermittant screen between the login and the user account being accessed
[17:21] <sgraham> that make any sence?
[17:22] <sgraham> the werid part is that gdm works fine
[17:22] <flaccid> sgraham: must be kdm or something
[17:22] <Georgij> so u cant help me or what?
[17:22] <mefisto__> rophy: unless you happen to have the same ati card as me (Radeon 9200), that's all I can suggest
[17:22] <flaccid> Georgij: trying to remember what you can do with ext3
[17:22] <shane2peru> does anyone know how to transfer my tomboy notes to knotes?
[17:23] <Greendingbat> hi
[17:23] <rophy> i have ati radeon but it's 7 smthng
[17:24] <Greendingbat> im kinda new to kubuntu, and i need some help with installing a web browser i just downloaded
[17:24] <flaccid> Georgij: you might need to do it manually like this: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions
[17:24] <mefisto__> rophy: lspci should list your ati card (and other stuff)
[17:25] <rophy> mefisto__: and what's the Ispci
[17:25] <flaccid> Georgij: actually see comments on the bottom there
[17:25] <mefisto__> rophy: "lspci" is a command, type it in konsole
[17:26] <rophy> VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]
[17:27] <rophy> mefisto__:VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]
[17:28] <roodog> Greendingbat, what browser do you have?
[17:28] <Greendingbat> i am trying to install Flock
[17:28] <jhutchins_wk> Greendingbat: Generally it's better to use the package managers to install software rather than manually downloading and installing things.
[17:29] <jhutchins_wk> !find flock
[17:29] <ubottu> Found: libfile-flock-perl
[17:29] <Greendingbat> oh
[17:29] <Greendingbat> there it si
[17:29] <Greendingbat> is*
[17:29] <Greendingbat> sweet
[17:29] <Greendingbat> so, sudo apt-get install libfile-flock?
[17:29] <Greendingbat> or something of that nature?
[17:29] <Xbehave> !identify
[17:29] <ubottu> You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.
[17:30] <Xbehave> how do i get an identity?
[17:30] <llutz> !register
[17:30] <ubottu> Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.
[17:30] <Xbehave> Greendingbat: i dont think that is flock
[17:31] <jhutchins_wk> Greendingbat: That's not the web browser, that's something else.
[17:31] <Greendingbat> what?
[17:31] <Greendingbat> http://flock.com/
[17:31] <Greendingbat> it's a webbrowser
[17:31] <Xbehave> flock is the firefox based browser right?
[17:31] <Greendingbat> yeah
[17:31] <jhutchins_wk> Greendingbat: Given that we don't appear to have a flock package available, you're probably best off finding their install instructions.
[17:31] <Greendingbat> k, i'll try that
[17:32] <Greendingbat> hey, how do i get java?
[17:32] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Flock
[17:32] <Greendingbat> i tried sudo apt-get install java
[17:32] <Greendingbat> it didn't work
[17:32] <Xbehave> install firefox3 gnome support, then get their package and if its a deb just install it, if its a tar you can unpack it to opt, then link stuff manually
[17:33] <Xbehave> disrigard my that just install the deb above
[17:33] <Greendingbat> nm, i think it'd just be easier to get firefox
[17:33] <Greendingbat> wait
[17:33] <Greendingbat> i have the deb
[17:33] <Greendingbat> i think
[17:33] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: for java, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
[17:33] <Greendingbat> ah
[17:33] <Greendingbat> thanks
[17:34] <Greendingbat> should i open or save this deb file?
[17:34] <Xbehave> save
[17:34] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: save it, then open it
[17:34] <Greendingbat> k
[17:35] <Greendingbat> im getting used to linux still
[17:35] <Greendingbat> it's pretty cool
[17:35] <Greendingbat> im running kubuntu 8.04 in a VM
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[17:35] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: apt-cache search "search term" will list packages that match your search term
[17:36] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: then you can "sudo apt-get install package-name" whatever it is you want
[17:37] <jhutchins_wk> !java
[17:37] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[17:38] <tyler_> hey does kubuntu cd include a live cd.....and if it does how do i access that from the cd?
[17:39] <jhutchins_wk> tyler_: The standard CD should be a bootable live CD.
[17:39] <tyler_> i think it was the one a few days before the final release
[17:39] <tyler_> it was like the final beta
[17:39] <jhutchins_wk> tyler_: Put it in drive, reboot, enable boot-to-cd in BIOS, continue boot.
[17:40] <Muzer> hi
[17:40] <Greendingbat> sorry, just came back, what's this about java?
[17:40] <Muzer> In the latest kubuntu I have a problem with rejoystick
[17:40] <Muzer> The error I get:
[17:40] <Muzer> (!) DirectFB/FBDev: Use 'fbdev' option or set FRAMEBUFFER environment variable.
[17:40] <Muzer> (!) DirectFB/FBDev: Use 'fbdev' option or set FRAMEBUFFER environment variable.
[17:40] <Muzer> whoops
[17:40] <ubu84> ciao
[17:40] <Muzer> (!) DirectFB/FBDev: Error opening framebuffer device!
[17:41] <tyler_> from the live cd how do i access my hard drive
[17:41] <Muzer> Also, I can't even get qjoypad to install
[17:41] <tyler_> i need to edit my fstab
[17:43] <Fyl0n> anyone for audacious support?
[17:44] <mefisto__> tyler_: you need to mount the partition. eg, "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" will mount sda1 partition to the /mnt directory
[17:45] <Fyl0n> nm
[17:45] <jhutchins_wk> DO NOT MOUNT TO /MNT on a live CD.
[17:45] <tyler_> to late
[17:45] <tyler_> how do i change to the drive after i mount it
[17:45] <tyler_> like cd so i can access ect/fstab
[17:46] <jhutchins_wk> It might not kill kubuntu, but it's generally a bad idea, there are things already mounted within /mnt on most lvie CDs.
[17:46] <jhutchins_wk> tyler_: cd
[17:46] <emilsedgh> DONT SHOUT jhutchins_wk!
[17:46] <tyler_> cd what
[17:46] <tyler_> cd /dev/sda1?
[17:46] <_Shade_> i have linksys wusb56gc wifi adapter. I have some problems on getting it work in adhoc mode
[17:46] <mefisto__> tyler_: cd /mnt/etc/
[17:47] <jhutchins_wk> tyler_: cd /path/you/specified/to/mount
[17:47] <Greendingbat> emilsedgh: he was trying to stress a point
[17:47] <_Shade_> what should i do to get it working?
[17:47] <Greendingbat> he wasn't mad at anyone
[17:47] <georgelot> hello everyone!!!
[17:48] <georgelot> i need help on vostro 1700 with kubuntu, please!
[17:48] <jimmy51vinsky> my usb drive is booting using syslinux, but i have to manually enter the kernel image line each time. it doesn't appear that syslinux.cfg is being read. what do i need to do to make sure syslinux reads and uses my cfg file?
[17:50] <pim> what would be a good calculator program to install?
[17:50] <llutz> pim speedcrunch
[17:51] <mefisto__> speedcrunch is installed by default, isn't it?
[17:51] <Greendingbat> yeah
[17:51] <Greendingbat> it is
[17:51] <pim> ok
[17:51] <llutz> pim or kcalc
[17:51] <Greendingbat> which is kinda funny that they include two
[17:52] <llutz> one more ubuntu'ism
[17:52] <mefisto__> they are two different styles of calculator, though
[17:52] <Greendingbat> yeah
[17:53] <pim> ok thanks
[17:53] <Greendingbat> speedcrunch is faster, but not as good
[17:53] <Greendingbat> as in, it doesn't have as many features
[17:53] <Greendingbat> hey, how do i get a .deb file to install
[17:53] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: really? I haven't noticed
[17:54] <llutz> mefisto__: so you mean they should inlcude kwriter, abiword and some more wordprocessors, because the are "different styles"? ;)
[17:54] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: double-click should open gdebi, which installs the .deb
[17:54] <Greendingbat> llutz: no, i don't think he means that
[17:54] <Greendingbat> he was just stating something
[17:55] <mefisto__> llutz: if wordprocessors were as trivial (size-wise) as calculator programs, they probably would
[17:55] <mefisto__> dunno how different those word processors are though
[17:55] <Greendingbat> yeah, dclicking opens up the package installer, but when i click install package, it starts working, but then nothing happens
[17:56] <Greendingbat> in fact, it opens up the package installer again
[17:56] <Greendingbat> which then dissapears
[17:59] <mefisto__> Greendingbat: I think "sudo dpkg -i package.deb" will install it too
[18:01] <Greendingbat> it didn't work
[18:01] <Greendingbat> Player 1 E: 3 S: 26 A: 46 1 1
[18:01] <Greendingbat> Player 2 E: 2 S: 32 A: 46 3
[18:01] <Greendingbat> whoops
[18:01] <Greendingbat> sorry
[18:01] <Greendingbat> wrong paste
[18:01] <Greendingbat> sudo: dpkg-i: command not found
[18:02] <Greendingbat> that's the error i get
[18:02] <llutz> dpkg -i with space
[18:02] <Greendingbat> ah thanks
[18:02] <Greendingbat> great
[18:02] <Greendingbat> now there's an error with the package itself
[18:02] <llutz> paste it to !pastebin
[18:02] <llutz> !paste
[18:02] <ubottu> pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[18:03] <Muzer> how do you "set the $FRAMEBUFFER environment variable"
[18:03] <Muzer> I know how to set it
[18:03] <Muzer> what do you set it too?
[18:05] <advanced> hi
[18:05] <advanced> i have some problem
[18:06] <advanced> is here anyone ? who can me help ? :)
[18:07] <llutz> !ask
[18:07] <ubottu> Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)
[18:07] <achille_> advanced: never who can ask the question !
[18:08] <advanced> ok :-D
[18:08] <advanced> I have problem with flash videos....sound with flash videos doesnt work
[18:11] <advanced> who can me help ?
[18:12] <Greendingbat> i think you mean "who can help me?"
[18:12] <_Shade_> what packages do i need to get ndiswrapper? i mean its dependencies since i am going to set up my network but i have no dvd iso to get it
[18:15] <jussi01> !ndiswrapper | _Shade_:
[18:15] <ubottu> _Shade_:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs
[18:15] <advanced> who can help me ? :(
[18:15] <advanced> please
[18:15] <jussi01> !repeat | advanced
[18:15] <ubottu> advanced: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience
[18:17] <Greendingbat> advance: do you have the flash plugin?
[18:17] <Tophat> hail satan.
[18:17] <Greendingbat> WTF?
[18:18] <Tophat> word.
[18:18] <Greendingbat> you are a strange person
[18:18] <jussi01> Tophat: can we help you somehow?
[18:18] <Tophat> no sir. you are!
[18:18] <Greendingbat> do you have any point in coming here?
[18:18] <Greendingbat> or do you just want to bug us with your satanic crap?
[18:18] <Tophat> yeah man, im always in here dude.
[18:18] <Tophat> calm down dude, just an afternoon joke. no biggie.
[18:18] <advanced> I have flash plugin...video work but without sound
[18:19] <Greendingbat> are you running kubuntu naitivly?
[18:19] <jussi01> !o4o > Tophat
[18:19] <advanced> yes
[18:19] <Greendingbat> do you have the current drivers for your speakers?
[18:19] <podr0znik> Good evening all :)
[18:19] <Tophat> !040 > Jussi01
[18:19] <Greendingbat> evening?
[18:19] <Greendingbat> where i live it's morning
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[18:20] <podr0znik> Good morning to you then, Greendingbat :)
[18:20] <podr0znik> US?
[18:20] <Greendingbat> good evening to you
[18:20] <Greendingbat> yeah
[18:20] <Greendingbat> well, that doesn't mean anything
[18:20] <Greendingbat> US is big enough that it could be evening on one side
[18:21] <podr0znik> hmm... not that big huh?
[18:21] <podr0znik> 3 hours difference between east & west coast, right?
[18:21] <advanced> i mean yes
[18:21] <advanced> speak works normally with amarok example...but no with videos
[18:21] <advanced> flash videos
[18:22] <podr0znik> awww... how nice... the product I bought supports Windows Vista :P
[18:22] <mefisto__> advanced: do you have more than one sound card?
[18:22] <jussi01> podr0znik: This channel is for Kubuntu support. If you just would like to chat, please head over to #kubuntu-offtopic
[18:23] <advanced> no...only integrated sound card
[18:23] <Tophat> advanced - open terminal and type in lspci and copy what your sound car is and all in here
[18:23] <podr0znik> jussi01: you're right - I was not ready with unpacking yet, but my question will come
[18:23] <Tophat> podr0znik - dont worry about him. he's mean.
[18:23] <podr0znik> Tophat: But rules are necessary, especially in a place with many children
[18:24] <podr0znik> anyway... I was wondering if sb would have time to walk me through the installation of a label printer I bought today
[18:24] <advanced> how copy _
[18:24] <advanced> ?
[18:24] <advanced> I cannot because bot kick me for flood
[18:24] <Tophat> advanced goto the paste bin
[18:24] <Tophat> paste.ubuntu.com
[18:24] <jussi01> !paste| advanced
[18:24] <ubottu> advanced: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)
[18:25] <advanced> http://paste.ubuntu.com/15829/
[18:27] <shane2peru> quick question, how can I setup the extra buttons on my keyboard? Like the music button to start amarok?
[18:27] <jussi01> !shortcuts | shane2peru
[18:27] <ubottu> shane2peru: keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts
[18:27] <shane2peru> in Gnome, I know exactly how to do this. :)
[18:28] <Tophat> advanced - can you get sound from anything else like an mp3 file or such?
[18:28] <shane2peru> thanks jussi01 I guess I should ask the bot these simple things lol :)
[18:28] <advanced> yes
[18:28] <podr0znik> there's with big letters on the printer "install software first" but software is only included for MS and Mac
[18:28] <advanced> only flash videos doesnt work
[18:28] <podr0znik> should I first find software on the net then?
[18:28] <jussi01> podr0znik: what printer ios it?
[18:28] <Tophat> podr0znik - plug it in. itll probably work.
[18:29] <podr0znik> label printer, Brother QL-500
[18:29] <Tophat> ouch. we got those here at work. i dont like it. ><
[18:29] <jussi01> advanced: try this: =255422
[18:29] <jussi01> grr
[18:29] <mefisto__> shane2peru: in systemsettings > regional & language > keyboard layout, you can choose "keyboard model" if your is in the list, or something close
[18:29] <jussi01> advanced: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255422
[18:29] <podr0znik> Tophat: Hm, I hope I will be happier then
[18:29] <advanced> ok :D
[18:30] <Tophat> yeah its good as long as everyone doesn't want to be networked to it! haha, it was just such a hassle trying to get all the girls in the office to be on it at once.
[18:30] <shane2peru> mefisto__: well, I haven't had the luck of ever finding my keyboard before, maybe I should check again, thanks
[18:30] <advanced> quick question...
[18:31] <advanced> gksudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc...what i must do with this ? I dont understand
[18:31] <podr0znik> Tophat: Oh, I won't have that problem here :)
[18:31] <jhutchins_wk> podr0znik: The "Install software first" is because windows will install the wrong thing if you just plug it in.
[18:31] <Tophat> advanced - open terminal and type that in.
[18:31] <advanced> doestn work
[18:31] <Muzer> Can anyone reccommend a good joystick --> keyboard mapper?
[18:31] <Tophat> oh sorry change gedit to kedit
[18:31] <jussi01> podr0znik: http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Brother-QL-500
[18:31] <Muzer> I seem to be having bad luck
[18:32] <advanced> thanks...i am noob :-/
[18:32] <jussi01> kedit Tophat???
[18:32] <jussi01> kate or kwrite
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[18:32] <Tophat> hahahaha
[18:32] <Tophat> thanks jussi01
[18:32] <shadowman> ubuntu..com is down
[18:32] <Muzer> I've tried rejoystick, qjoypad, xjoypad, and joy2key
[18:32] <Muzer> the only one that works is joy2key
[18:32] <advanced> tell me please correectly command :-D
[18:32] <Muzer> and that's an arse to use
[18:32] <advanced> please
[18:32] <Tophat> shadowman try ubuntu.com instead. :P
[18:32] <shadowman> that one i ment:)
[18:33] <shadowman> try and c 4 urself
[18:33] <Muzer> so, has anybody got one to recommend?
[18:33] <frybye> hi after a crash the system has changed from german language/region etc to us english and has no other languages and will not install any etc... what now_
[18:33] <advanced> What i must with this ? gksudo gedit /etc/firefox/firefoxrc
[18:34] <Tophat> shadowman - thats weird.
[18:34] <shadowman> yep
[18:34] <frybye> this also happed once before todayh and I restored an image but cant do that every five minutes...-
[18:34] <Tophat> advanced i sent you and IM
[18:35] <shadowman> frybye: try apt-get autoclean and autoremove, and then, reinstall the language packages
=== oxygen_ is now known as [A]Li
[18:35] <frybye> any ideas on how to get the system to so that is two things to run / once with apt/get autoclean and then apt/get autoremove / sorrz the kezboard is all wrong here...
[18:36] <[A]Li> hi there
[18:36] <philsf> is it possible to leave kio-pop3 running if kmail/kontact is not?
[18:36] <[A]Li> i had installed the KDE for Ubuntu
[18:36] <shadowman> anyone know why ubuntu.com is down?
[18:36] <[A]Li> but i have the older version of KDE
[18:36] <Pici> shadowman: Its being looked into
[18:36] <shadowman> frybye: sudo apt-get autoclean
[18:36] <shadowman> frybye: sudo apt-get autormeove
[18:37] <shadowman> frybye: agter those two commands, reinstall packages
[18:37] <[A]Li> i want the new 1 4.0
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[18:37] <[A]Li> how can i get the new one?
[18:37] <jussi01> !kde4
[18:37] <ubottu> KDE 4.0.4 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-4.0.4.php - Support in #kubuntu-kde4
[18:37] <mefisto__> advanced: you are following the ubuntu.com howto for flash, right?
[18:37] <shadowman> Pici: ok. thanx
[18:38] <Tophat> mefisto__ im walking him through it now
[18:38] <[A]Li> they had send me here
[18:39] <[A]Li> how can i update to kde 4?
[18:39] <jussi01> [A]Li: I did not send you here
[18:40] <[A]Li> jussi01: topic: if you are running KDE3, please go to #kubuntu
[18:41] <shadowman> ubuntu.com is back
[18:42] <advanced> who know how to : Enable other discs when i start linux ?
[18:43] <mefisto__> I'm getting apt errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15779/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/15780/ Trying to remove or reinstall gives similar errors. Any suggestions?
[18:43] <podr0znik> hm, I plugged in the usb cable and surprisingly enough just nothing happens
[18:43] <franklin> iwant talk in spanish
[18:44] <franklin> any one speak spanish
[18:44] <paula_> hola
[18:44] <franklin> holapaula
[18:44] <paula_> que tal?
[18:44] <franklin> eres kubuntera
[18:44] <franklin> ke bien
[18:44] <_CrashMaster_> !es
[18:44] <ubottu> Aquí solamente hablamos inglés. Para Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es - allí obtendrá más ayuda.
[18:44] <franklin> de donde eres paula
[18:45] * philsf loves these ircbots
[18:46] <podr0znik> Tophat: Any idea which one I should choose on http://www.diku.dk/~panic/P-touch/ ?
[18:47] <_CrashMaster_> podr0znik: You most likely want the source tarball
[18:47] <podr0znik> I want the version for morons who don't know what to do :)
[18:48] <Tophat> podr0znik - download
[18:48] <podr0znik> yes, done
[18:48] <podr0znik> now for sure unpack it somehow
[18:48] <Tophat> podr0znik - download the tar.gz source tarball
[18:48] <podr0znik> ok, it opens with Ark
[18:49] <podr0znik> and on top there's a ptouch.xml file
[18:49] <Tophat> open up terminal and navigate to the directory where its stored at
[18:49] <podr0znik> I assume that's the driver?
[18:49] <Tophat> nope.
[18:49] <podr0znik> oh ok
[18:49] <Tophat> ill im you.
[18:51] <mefisto__> Anyone seen these apt errors before? http://paste.ubuntu.com/15779/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/15780/
[18:53] <shane2peru> mefisto__: have you tried sudo apt-get -f install
[18:54] <shane2peru> mefisto__: there is something messed up with your apt. :) Do you have disk space? are you out of room?
[18:54] <shane2peru> mefisto__: the apt-get -f install (without package name) tries to fix whatever the problem is.
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[18:56] <mefisto__> shane2peru: I have disk space, and the -f option gives the same errors
[18:56] <bleaked> so last night one of my hard drives became full. i decided to move (as in mv) a larger directory to a second hard drive. during the move, we had a thunderstorm (i know, bad time to move) and the power went out. today, all of the data seems fine, so far, but the results of the move are a bit confusing. the source location is 29 gb, and the destination directory is 18 gb. both have the same folders and a lot of the same files. i'm
[18:56] <bleaked> a bit confused as to how the mv program actually works. looking at the man page, i see there is the update option, which i tried, but when i do it, it wants to overwrite one of the main sub directories -- should i allow this, or am i risking it overwriting from a partially moved source directory? or does the mv program copy first, then delete afterward?
[18:56] <shane2peru> mefisto__: hmm, that really doesn't look good! I have never seen that one before. :)
[18:57] <Xiana_> hello, i need the name of de channel about coruña
[18:57] <mefisto__> shane2peru: after googling a bit, I've seen it before, but haven't found a solution for it
[18:57] <advanced> how to enabled disks when i start kubunt u? :(
[18:59] <DrakeJustice> advanced: look at the folder $HOME/.kde/Autostart, learn how to make .desktop files... and have fun learning...
[18:59] <shane2peru> bleaked: I would try cp -rv source destination that would ensure all data is copied over
[18:59] <blackflag> I have an external usb hd which is very slow, I tried sync but that doesnt help. Can someone help?
[18:59] <bleaked> shane2peru: ok thank you
[19:00] <advanced> lol xD
[19:00] <advanced> thanks
[19:00] <shane2peru> bleaked: I mean, I avoid using mv for large things like that because of problems I have had similar
[19:00] <mildner> hi..how to add a new user on kubuntu64 kd4 ?
[19:01] <advanced> i cannot found
[19:01] <advanced> $HOME/.kde/Autostart
[19:01] <advanced> :(
[19:02] <bleaked> shane2peru: yea, looking back, i can see why it's a bad idea with larger things
[19:02] <mefisto__> advanced: replace $HOME with ~
[19:02] <shane2peru> bleaked: it is great for small moves or smaller files, just not for that much data. :)
[19:03] <advanced> where ? :-D
[19:04] <advanced> !themes
[19:04] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[19:05] <advanced> hmmmm ?
[19:06] <philsf> 2n try: is it possible to leave kio-pop3 running if kmail/kontact is not?
[19:09] <nazgjunk> Anyone got experience with midi not quite working (nothing errors, but I'm not getting any sound) with Intel HDA sound cards - specifically on a Thinkpad t60p?
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[19:10] <mefisto__> nazgjunk: you have timidity installed?
[19:10] <nazgjunk> i... had, playing it through that didn't help
[19:16] <jhutchins_wk> nazgjunk: does alsamixer run in the console?
[19:16] <nazgjunk> yup
[19:18] <nazgjunk> gah, for now I'll just convert the thing to mp3 with some external service
[19:19] <mefisto_> nazgjunk: sorry, I got disconnected after I asked, do you have anything set in "select MIDI device" in systemsettings?
[19:20] <jill_> hi, why kexi crushes on mdb database importing? i have a driver, but it anyway doesnt works
[19:20] <nazgjunk> I do, yeah
[19:20] <mefisto_> nazgjunk: timidity?
[19:20] <nazgjunk> yes
[19:22] <mefisto_> nazgjunk: you could try restarting timidity with "sudo /etc/init.d/timidity restart" then try again. that's worked for me in the past
[19:22] <nazgjunk> considering I've rebooted in the mean time I doubt that it'll help, but giving it a shot
[19:26] <nazgjunk> not doing a thing, no. Simon says wtf.
[19:26] <Rioting_Pacifist> when i write bad python and kill it, my memory gets freed but my swap still stays about hlf full
[19:29] <pjfloyd> sudo gives "pam_authenticate:Conversion error" - any ideas why and/or a solution?
[19:30] <pjfloyd> it seems perhaps related to using ksh as my shell
[19:31] <pjfloyd> sudo seems to work in bash
[19:31] <jussi01> pjfloyd: I usually get that when I cancel a sudo command
[19:31] <jill_> kexi with mdb driver doesnt works with access database? why?
[19:34] <mefisto_> jill_: why? probably because there is something wrong :P
[19:35] <pjfloyd> I think I'll just put it down to the usual Linux brokenness - something that was only tested with bash 'because that is what everyone uses'
[19:35] <jill_> mefisto, okay what is it may be?
[19:36] <icqnumber> !java
[19:36] <ubottu> To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper
[19:36] <pjfloyd> shutdown now just caused a kernel panic ;-(
[19:37] <icqnumber> !konqueror
[19:37] <ubottu> Factoid konqueror not found
[19:41] <icqnumber> i have in my /etc/jvm file enties with java 1.5 but i have only 1.6 installed how comes
[19:42] <BluesKaj> !info Konqueror
[19:42] <ubottu> konqueror (source: kdebase): KDE's advanced file manager, web browser and document viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.2 (hardy), package size 1921 kB, installed size 5264 kB
[19:43] <icqnumber> and java ist not working in konquerer, any ideas?
[19:45] <icqnumber> also have seen this links https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JavaInstallation and java
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=== _Soul is now known as taafis
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[19:54] <taafis> is there any way to replace kpdf with okular?
[19:55] <taafis> in kubuntu 8.04 that is
[19:55] <tempest> do you mean make it default ?
[19:55] <taafis> yeah
[19:56] <icqnumber> i have in my /etc/jvm file enties with java 1.5 but i have only 1.6 installed how comes
[19:56] <nosrednaekim> taafis: you can alias "kpdf" to /usr/lib/kde4/bin/okular
[19:56] <taafis> allright, thanks :)
[19:56] <icqnumber> what is about you ppl?
[19:57] <taafis> icqnumber, what do you mean?
[19:57] * icqnumber feels that ppl are ignoring him
[19:58] <icqnumber> taafis: what kind of enties do u have in ur /etc/jvm file?
[19:59] <taafis> i dont use jvm
[19:59] <taafis> ah
[19:59] <taafis> i thought you meant jwm
[19:59] <taafis> well, havent installed jvm yet
[19:59] <icqnumber> taafis: i want sun java support in konqueror, i had to edit this file by hand
[19:59] <taafis> aint gonna do it until i need it :)
[19:59] <mefisto_> icqnumber: I have the same as you, but it all works
[20:00] <icqnumber> mefisto_: do u have java 1.5 istalled may be too?
[20:00] <mefisto_> icqnumber: I don't know if it works in konqueror. and no, just 1.6 like you
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[20:01] <icqnumber> mefisto_: it do now works in konqueror for me after i have placed by hand /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
[20:01] <icqnumber> looks like it is a one small bug :-P
[20:02] <icqnumber> taafis: do u have entries with sun 1.5 in ur file?
[20:02] <taafis> i dont have java installed
[20:02] <icqnumber> taafis: it does not matter
[20:03] <icqnumber> please check it out
[20:03] <taafis> i dont have java installed, so i dont have a jvm dir
[20:04] <mefisto_> icqnumber: my java works in konqueror without any changes to /etc/jvm
[20:04] <icqnumber> taafis: just type: gedit /etc/jvm it is a file and it there by default
[20:05] <taafis> its not here i've said
[20:05] <icqnumber> mefisto_: yes it works, but which java, free version or from sun?
[20:06] <icqnumber> taafis: free java is installed by default
[20:07] <mefisto_> I have sun java-6-sun- installed, but /etc/jvm only has java-1.5.0-sun
[20:07] <taafis> its not here atleast
[20:08] <taafis> it wasn't installed on my kubuntu-install by default
[20:08] <Pici> You may need to use sudo update-alternatives --config java
[20:08] <icqnumber> mefisto_: what do u get: java -version
[20:08] <icqnumber> Pici: i did that but that was not a problem
[20:09] <icqnumber> Pici: that problem is a wronf /etc/jvm file
[20:09] <icqnumber> wrong*
[20:10] <mefisto_> icqnumber: java version "1.6.0_06"
[20:10] <frybye> Hi I have had to restore from an image 3 times now - untill it has occured to me what it is that is screwing the installation up - adept offers some updates and when they are installed and a re-boot is done then the system is screwed...
[20:11] <frybye> how can I get rid of the adept icon and just ignore this stuff that is screwing up the system...?
[20:11] <nosrednaekim> frybye: don't accept updates
[20:11] <nosrednaekim> and you can uninstall adept
[20:12] <mefisto_> frybye: I think if you right-click the icon you can exit, and it will ask if you want it to start when kde starts
[20:12] <Ayabara> can someone recommend a nice dark theme for kde 3.5?
[20:13] <frybye> nosred
[20:13] <frybye> nosrednaekim: generally I suppose one usually does do updates or.. these are bad for sure...
[20:13] <frybye> is it a good idea to unistall adept...?
[20:14] <nosrednaekim> ussually they do not harm you.... but its probably a kernel bug/change which doesn't like your hardware
[20:14] <nosrednaekim> frybye: well, just uninstall adept_updater
[20:15] <frybye> i c... so I can just use that command in the terminal - uninstall adept_updater right?
[20:15] <frybye> with sudo I guess?
[20:15] <nosrednaekim> no... its "sudo apt-get remove adept-updater"
[20:17] <Gin> hi, are there packages for kde 4.1 already?
[20:17] <pim> I don't think so
[20:17] <frybye> cool - next weds. I have a linux expert here - he will have a look at the problem then perhaps - but this will be good to avoid more problems right now...
[20:17] <nosrednaekim> ok
[20:17] <nosrednaekim> Gin: not yet!
[20:18] <frybye> him and I are doing a knowledge swap... he gets english i get linux...
[20:18] <Hoenikker> are we there yet?
[20:18] <nosrednaekim> Hoenikker: don't try to pull the theory of relativity on us
[20:18] <frybye> gin - there is an alpa out there but not too stable from what I read...
[20:18] <frybye> gin - but perhaps not as a package or..?
[20:19] <frybye> ah look it is eric come back to plague us hehehe
[20:23] <frybye> lag??
[20:29] <ubuntu___> the 70s
[20:29] <ubuntu___> is fry bye gonna kill HRE parenets?
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[20:34] <frybye> ubuntu sorry i did not understand that..?
[20:35] <frybye> but the pace for this is kub-off-topic or?
[20:35] <jpds> frybye: he's gone
[20:35] <frybye> i c - thanks...+
[20:35] <jpds> bitte
[20:35] <ubuntu___> yeah well the conversation died
[20:35] <xenol> !de | jpds
[20:35] <ubottu> jpds: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de
[20:36] <jpds> xenol: I was saying "you're welcome"?
[20:36] <nosrednaekim> yeah jpds yeah....just get out of here, would you already? :P
[20:37] <xenol> jpds: heh sorry then, tho "bitte" is deutsch so i thought...
[20:38] <jpds> xenol: no prob :)
[20:39] <sigma_1234> nixternal: whats the eta on the 4.1 packages looking like? you know we are dying to install it:)
[20:40] <nixternal> sigma_1234: by this weekend...I should have the core modules definitely completed today with some of the other modules...the rest of the modules and extragear should be completed over the weekend
[20:40] <nixternal> either by me or someone else as I might head out of town tomorrow
=== micky is now known as frybye
[20:41] <sigma_1234> nixternal: is kontact kde4 going to be compiled as well?
[20:41] <jill_> people i need help
[20:41] <frybye> re.. on the kub pc again now...
[20:41] <jill_> can you?
[20:41] <nosrednaekim> jill_: whats up?
[20:42] <nixternal> sigma_1234: yes
[20:42] <jill_> i have a bad scaner, mustek bearPaw 2448CU PRO, and i need to use it in kubuntu 710, i cant
[20:42] <jill_> i sitting on it 2 hours
[20:43] <jill_> just dont know why it doesnt works
[20:43] <nosrednaekim> !hardware
[20:43] <ubottu> For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection
[20:44] <jill_> okay
[20:44] <makaveli__> l
[20:44] <nosrednaekim> jill_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScannersMustek
[20:44] <sigma_1234> nixternal: i have always wondered. why does it take so long to compile a package? it takes you guys days on the big crucial ones hey?
[20:45] <jhutchins_wk> sigma_1234: Ever try gentoo?
[20:45] <jill_> noswednaekimm kay, thanks, loading page
[20:45] <sigma_1234> jill_: are you south african?
[20:45] <jill_> no
[20:45] <jill_> i am russian
=== micky is now known as frybye
[20:46] <xenol> anyone know what do i need to set on windows so i can access my shares on windows box w/o password?
[20:46] <sigma_1234> jhutchins_wk: nope. is it any diff to kubuntu? ive seen screenshots of it i think
[20:46] <jhutchins_wk> jill_: Scanners are mostly handled by the sane package/project. You can find their webpage (probably through sourceforge) to see if they support your printer.
[20:47] <jill_> nosrednaekim, there are only four links.. i have 2448 and kubuntu 710, i think it is impossilbe
[20:47] <sigma_1234> asked because mustek is a south african brand
[20:47] <jhutchins_wk> sigma_1234: The thing about gentoo is it doesn't have binary packages, it has special source packages, and the package manager compiles each program with a template you can customise for your particular hardware and use.
[20:47] <frybye> I dont beleive this - it has happened again the region changed to us-english and no way to change etc...
[20:48] <jhutchins_wk> sigma_1234: Still, you could take a look at the kernel compile instructions and give it a try - you won't hurt anything - just to see how much of a chore it is.
[20:48] <frybye> anybody heard of a prob with the nvidia 8400 chip and proprietary driver...
[20:48] <frybye> ___
[20:48] <jhutchins_wk> sigma_1234: For a big package like the kernel, it can take quite a while to compile.
[20:48] <reese> after adding new repos, the command is apt-get update?
[20:48] <nosrednaekim> reese: yep
[20:48] <jhutchins_wk> sigma_1234: For smaller, simpler packages, a few minutes.
[20:48] <navetz> is there a way to do cp ./* ~/* and not replace files that already exist but rather give it a new filename?
[20:49] <frybye> ?
[20:49] <frybye> sigma - mustek is from canada as far as i know...
[20:49] <jill_> if i will use 2400 insted of 2448 any problems maybe?
[20:50] <jill_> where shell i move *.usb file?
[20:50] <jill_> i have it on desktop
[20:51] <reese> nosrednaekim: and it updates adept, too?
[20:51] <sigma_1234> jhutchins_wk: im too scared to try compile kde4. i saw the instructions on the kde site but they scared me to death. hopefully one day a automated package compiling system can exist to save devs valuable time
[20:51] <nosrednaekim> reese: yep.. it all uses apt
[20:52] <nosrednaekim> jill_: it said on that hardware page where the other people moved them
[20:52] <taafis> sigma_1234, isnt kde4 in backports?
[20:52] <jill_> okay, sorry
[20:52] <sigma_1234> frybye: www.mustek.co.za dunno perhaps ours is a subsidiary. its listed on our stock exchange though
[20:53] <msnbot> how to instal Opera in kubuntu
[20:53] <jill_> www.kubuntu.ru
[20:53] <jill_> there
[20:53] <jill_> in downloads menu
[20:53] <msnbot> apt-get install opera says "E: Package opera hs no installation candidate" :(
[20:54] <nosrednaekim> !opera
[20:54] <ubottu> opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser
[20:54] <sigma_1234> taafis: i have kde4. im looking for kde 4.1
[20:54] <taafis> oh, ok ;p
[20:54] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: how about the daily VM?
[20:56] <taafis> isnt kde4 quite unstable?
[20:56] <malik_> hi all,
[20:56] <taafis> i also noticed that the search-filed beside the area where you type url is gone
[20:56] <malik_> i just installed kubuntu 8.04 on my new computer, it has a onboard nvidia 7100 630i
[20:57] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: nope bandwidth is way to pricey to me. when i downloaded kde4 it was about a hundred megs. thats the max i can take at a time. thats also why i can't really compile it. all those dev packages would kill my bill
[20:57] <malik_> i was unable to install the nvidia driver inspite of all my efforts.
[20:57] <taafis> in konqueror that is
[20:57] <malik_> Can i install atleat any generic svga driver to have better resolution ??
[20:57] <nosrednaekim> malik_: what res are you getting now?
[20:58] <malik_> i have a resolution probably 640x480
[20:58] <Ayabara> where can I change the font color in kicker?
[20:58] <malik_> i need atleast some higher resolution if not exact nvidia features
[20:58] <reese> malik: have you tried to update the repos and apt-get nvidia-glx-new?
[20:59] <Ayabara> and, if I want dark background in my kde-apps, it's a color scheme I'm looking for, right?
[20:59] <malik_> yes tried every thing and in the logs i see that the bios is reporting something wrong id for my nvidia onboard card
[20:59] <nosrednaekim> Ayabara: yeah
[20:59] <nosrednaekim> wrong PCI-ID?
[20:59] <sigma_1234> taafis: the only gripe i have about 4.0.3 was that the plasma always ran weird errors when i launched a kde3 program. and dolphin had some minor issues . other then that it was rock solid. and im expecting 4.1 to be more so
[20:59] <malik_> yes
[21:00] <nosrednaekim> malik_: ah.... ok, can you pastebin two things for me? lspci and the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[21:00] <malik_> yes wait a moment please
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[21:00] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: 4.1 is even more beautiful than 4.0 :)
[21:01] <Ayabara> any recommendations for a dark color scheme? I've applied the Azenia theme pack, but it didn't have a dark scheme
[21:01] <nosrednaekim> Ayabara: for kde3? no.... kde4 has some beautiful ones
[21:01] <Ayabara> nosrednaekim: ah. I'm waiting for the kde4.1 packages
[21:02] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: are you running kde 4.1?
[21:02] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: in a VM
[21:03] <malik_> hello, i have placed the files here http://patteriol.dps.uibk.ac.at/~malik/xorg/
[21:04] <malik_> nosrednaekim: can you get the files from the link above please..
[21:04] <nosrednaekim> yep
[21:04] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: is it possible for you to take me a screenshot of kontact kde4 ? the one on the kde site was from in windows so looked a bit off.
[21:05] <sigma_1234> the kmail screen in particular
[21:05] <nosrednaekim> sure
[21:05] <sigma_1234> thanks:)
[21:06] <nosrednaekim> malik_: wow.. ok, lots of problems there
[21:06] <malik_> yes
[21:06] <malik_> please if u can help me out
[21:06] <nosrednaekim> let me clean that up for you
[21:06] <malik_> i will be grateful
[21:07] <malik_> i have been messing up with it using lots of tutorials available online
[21:07] <nosrednaekim> yeah... lets go basic here.
[21:07] <malik_> yes
[21:08] <Ayabara> is it possible to configure the font color for the tabs in konsole? they didn't follow my color theme..
[21:08] <malik_> when i try installing the restricted driver using the hardware driver manager in kubuntu, at the reboot xserver hangs up at starting the bootup scripts /etc/init.d/rc.local
[21:09] <titan_> is there a linux podcast other than that prillo dude who
[21:10] <nosrednaekim> malik_: ah... I was just about to ask you if you could get the driver installed
[21:10] <nosrednaekim> malik_: ok, we'll go to "nv" instead
[21:10] <Taza> Is there an easy-to-use interface for wine for kubuntu?
[21:11] <malik_> how do i do that ?
[21:11] <malik_> brb
[21:11] <Taza> My brother wants to play stuff like COD4 on his computer, but I'm DONE fixing it over and over and over again so I'm installing him Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 Remix
[21:11] <Taza> (How stable is the KDE4 remix?)
[21:11] <nosrednaekim> Taza: stable... but not as many features and some annoyances as well
[21:11] <nosrednaekim> malik_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15859/ replace your xorg.conf with that
[21:12] <Taza> nosrednaekim: Would the annoyances bother a home user who knows nothing about Linux?
[21:12] <sigma_1234> Taza: wait for 4.1
[21:12] <Taza> Or are they like "when I recompile X KDE4's weather widget refuses to start"?
[21:12] <nosrednaekim> Taza: maybe, maybe not.... but kde3 does have a nice easy wine manager
[21:12] <Taza> sigma_1234: Not if you are unwilling to explain why.
[21:12] <nosrednaekim> :P
[21:12] <Taza> nosrednaekim: That might be a major selling point. :P
[21:14] <malik_> yes i do it now
[21:14] <Taza> "When I try to run YAEWS after changing to an Xfree86 from 2004 and compiling it with optimizations in the desktop replacement transparent terminal, Amarok causes the weather widget to flicker whenever I refresh it"
[21:14] <sigma_1234> Taza: plasma in 4.0 has a few annoying bugs. tends to freeze the desktop for periods
[21:14] <Taza> sigma_1234: Thanks, that's useful to know.
[21:15] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: have you posted that screenshot for me yet?
[21:15] <nosrednaekim> ah! sorry :)
[21:15] <Taza> (What "annoyances" usually mean when it comes to stable KDE stuff.)
[21:15] <Taza> How's the "Nifty widget status" for KDE4?
[21:15] <jhutchins_wk> Taza: There are a lot of components and programs that haven't been ported to 4 yet. You get a slightly different look, some different features, and nowhere near as much software.
[21:16] <jhutchins_wk> Taza: As it stands now, KDE4 is mostly just a demo.
[21:16] <Taza> jhutchins_wk: k.
[21:16] <Taza> I mostly use Xfce4 myself, so I wouldn't know
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[21:16] <Taza> I just know my bro will love Amarok and he won't have the patience I had with Xfce4 and Amarok
[21:16] <jhutchins_wk> 3.5.x is still the pick for "I have work to do with this computer".
[21:16] <tempest> Is there a way to check that the onboard video card is disabled ?
[21:16] <Taza> tempest: lspci?
[21:16] <jhutchins_wk> Taza: re: the brother: you might consider ltsp or keeping a restore image.
[21:17] <malik_> nosrednaekim: should i restart the X server now ?
[21:17] <nosrednaekim> yes
[21:17] <Taza> jhutchins_wk: Actually, I'm first installing linux and then running Windows in VMware with dd'd backup images.
[21:17] <malik_> ok, please wait i will be back
[21:17] <tempest> taza i'll try ive somewhat made myself confused trying to get it right
[21:17] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: lol...the VM died...
[21:17] <Taza> tempest: If it normally shows up in lspci and it doesn't after you've disabled it - congrats, it has been disabled.
[21:18] <Taza> If it shows up, it hasn't been disabled.
[21:18] <sigma_1234> lol
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[21:18] <Taza> (Of course, if you only want to disable the output...)
[21:18] <tempest> taza it is still there
[21:19] <tempest> ive only been using kubuntu for a month
[21:19] <Taza> tempest: And you were trying to disable it fully? You didn't succeed.
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[21:19] <tim__> taza: currently using kde4. It is usable as a window manager, but its deeply unfinished. You cant move widgets around the kicker bar without removing them all first, it freezes and crashes about once a day, and apart from the theming, which you can have in 3 if you configure it, the features arnt really there yet. On the plus, there is some nice compiz type stuff integrated, and some of the widgets have a different feel.
[21:19] <tim__> Personaly I'm continuing to use it because its not inconvenient enough to bother rolling back.
[21:19] <tempest> lol taza i can see that
[21:20] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: np i found one at ars technica. it looks cool just the print icon is ancient compared to kde 3. suppose that came from reinventing the wheel:(
[21:20] <Taza> tim__: Thanks, that's all I need.
[21:20] <Taza> tim__: I might like 4 but my brother wants 3 based on that.
[21:20] <nosrednaekim> :)
[21:20] <Taza> Of course I don't touch KDE myself.
[21:21] <tempest> so now what do i do so that it will use the nvidia and not the onboard ?
[21:21] <Taza> If the screen is small, Xfce4, if the screen is large... wmii. <3 <3 <3
[21:21] <Taza> (So fine, I'm a HARDCORE user. I might install Kubuntu and then wmii on it though.)
[21:22] <tim__> xfce, why did I ever stop...
[21:22] <Taza> As it is, I'm forced to use Xubuntu. ;_;
[21:22] <Taza> Because I'm on an Eee.
[21:22] <tim__> but xfce is da win
[21:22] <titan_> forced to use?
[21:22] <Taza> And I don't want a designed-for-5-year-olds interface. I want to get work done.
[21:23] <Taza> titan_: No space for Kubuntu / Ubuntu.
[21:23] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: whats that mobile phone section in kontact for? any hope of built in win mobile syncing this time round?:-)
[21:23] <Taza> In fact, not even space for Xubuntu + KDE
[21:23] <titan_> k is just the KDE envio
[21:23] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: maybe some integration with kpilot there...
[21:24] <titan_> LOL wasnt reading the post.. lmao
[21:24] <titan_> xubuntu is the smallest fo the three right?
[21:24] <mefisto_> Taza: what about advanced desktop mode on the eee? I mean with the default xandros install
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[21:24] <Taza> mefisto_: Xandros? Eww.
[21:25] <Taza> I want compatibility and that's something Xandros doesn't offer.
[21:25] <Taza> I have Xubuntu + Amarok + Wine for most of the sw I want.
[21:26] <titan_> in the movie hackers
[21:26] <mefisto_> just that the eee has all that, just not the kde desktop (until it's enabled)
[21:26] <sigma_1234> thank g*d theres a way to disable that widget adder in the corner. its so irritating when it pops out everytime you close a fullscreen window
[21:26] <titan_> what was Dade Murphys computer? that he used to hack into the tv station
[21:26] <nosrednaekim> !ot
[21:26] <ubottu> #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!
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[21:30] <sigma_1234> and dolphin got tabs:) its on
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[21:32] <mefisto_> sigma_1234: is this dolphin on kde4?
[21:33] <sigma_1234> yeah. 4.1
[21:34] <ctionParsnip> hey all
[21:34] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: dunno if you are one for eyecandy... but some of the kwin stuff is looking nice
[21:35] <nosrednaekim> ctionParsnip: hey! where did the A go?
[21:35] <ctionParsnip> dunno man :(
[21:35] <ctionParsnip> im just seting up fluxubuntu :)
[21:35] <ctionParsnip> its sweet
[21:36] <ctionParsnip> i'm just modifying /etc/samba/smbusers
[21:36] <ctionParsnip> but im confused by the syntax
[21:36] <malik_> nosrednaekim: i m back the Xserver dint start
[21:36] <nosrednaekim> malik_: any errors?
[21:36] <malik_> i had only one cursor blinking there
[21:36] <ctionParsnip> I have a website saying it needs <username> = "<username>"
[21:36] <nosrednaekim> how did you restart it?
[21:37] <ctionParsnip> so do i need to have: andy = "andy" in it?
[21:37] <malik_> then i rebooted in recovery mode and did xfix to get this gui again
[21:37] <ctionParsnip> can anyone advise
[21:37] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: id love to see it but it doesnt ever work for me even though i have the nvidia drivers installed
[21:37] <ctionParsnip> ive ran sudo smbpasswd -a <username>
[21:38] <ctionParsnip> and created an andy account
[21:38] <nosrednaekim> malik_: and stoll on 640x480?
[21:38] <malik_> yes :(
[21:38] <jhutchins_wk> ctionParsnip: Read the samba docs. You set up smb passwords with the smbpasswd program I believe.
[21:39] <malik_> what should i do now ?
[21:39] <ctionParsnip> jhutchins_wk: done, but i need to create the file accoriding to http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/
[21:40] <nosrednaekim> malik_: apparently this card needs a proprietary driver... some of those inbuilt ones do
[21:41] <malik_> there is none provided on the mainboard manufacturer's site. on the nvidia website there is generic driver for nivida gefore 7 series
[21:41] <frybye> re: what is the probable reason for the region switching from germany to us-english and there being no way to change it to any other language.. if I try to change or add locations it says "command not found"??
[21:41] <nosrednaekim> but apparently you also have problems with the proprietary driver.... sounds like a problem
[21:41] <malik_> where can i get the properietry driver ?
[21:41] <nosrednaekim> malik_: the one from repositories...
[21:42] <nosrednaekim> sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new
[21:42] <nosrednaekim> or use the restricted drivers manager
[21:42] <sigma_1234> nosrednaekim: have you tried compiling amarok 2 in kde4.1?
[21:42] <malik_> i tried this with add remove programs and triedm nvidia-newm and nvidia-old both , but none worked
[21:42] <frybye> if the system-configuration device is broken - how can it be re-installed or similar...?
[21:42] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: nope.... but I have Neon
[21:43] <tempest> nvidia is just a pain
[21:43] <malik_> :p
[21:43] <nosrednaekim> malik_: uhhg....
[21:43] <nosrednaekim> ok... lets see if we can squeeze some higher resolutions out of this vesa driver
[21:43] <frybye> tempest: I would tend to agree.. my system seems screwed since I upgraded today from onboard nvidia 6100 to a pci-e 8400 grafic card...
[21:44] <sigma_1234> i dont like neon. its like running kde4 in kde4. the fonts are all stuffed up
[21:44] <malik_> yes that would be great at this time..
[21:44] <mefisto_> tempest: I thought ati was a pain
[21:44] <maduser> where are the boot scripts?
[21:44] <maduser> I mean the place to make sure apps exec at boot
[21:45] <nosrednaekim> /etc/rc.local I think
[21:45] <frybye> anybody have an idea how to repair/re-install the system-config device.. not able to change the region now...?
[21:45] <maduser> thanks
[21:45] <nosrednaekim> sigma_1234: copy over your kde4 globals
[21:46] <nosrednaekim> malik_: go into system settings->monitor and enter admin mode
[21:46] <frybye> as far as I know there is a config script or similar someplace with loads of settings in it - what is it called please and where do I find it..
[21:46] <tempest> mefisto_ I've only used kubuntu for about a month and the biggest problem i've had is with my nvidia card... at least the legacy drivers work better for it. I can't get any resolutions in the system settings only place ive ever been able to change them is in the nvidia settings thing.
[21:47] <frybye> btw despite me being in germany with a german regional setup I am a british disab. air force veteran...
[21:47] <malik_> yes i did
[21:47] <frybye> once in a while folks on engl. language sites not to keen to help a "German..."
[21:47] <nosrednaekim> malik_: does the slider bar go any more to the right?
[21:47] <jhutchins_wk> maduser: The scripts that start system components and services are in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ (usually symlinked to /etc/init.d). They are started by symlinks from /etc/rc.d/rc#.d, where # is the runlevel.
[21:48] <malik_> yes it does
[21:48] <jhutchins_wk> maduser: You can run other things at boot from rc.local or you can set it up in the init system.
[21:48] <malik_> upto 2048x1536
[21:48] <maduser> I just need kwin to run so could I just type kwin into rc.local?
[21:49] <malik_> should i change and then restart x ?
[21:49] <malik_> or some further changes to be made ?
[21:50] <nosrednaekim> malik_: yeah... change it to the max res that your monitor supports and hit apply
[21:50] <nosrednaekim> you shouldn't have to reboot
[21:50] <malik_> ok
[21:50] <frybye> is there a way to set the region using a command in the terminal???
[21:51] <frybye> some kind soul gonna pick up on this problem???
[21:51] <malik_> it says you need to restart x
[21:52] <malik_> /etc/init.d/restart kdm ??
[21:52] <frybye> nosrednaekim: do you have a tip how to change the region setting when the gui dosent let me do it...?
[21:53] <nosrednaekim> malik_: log out and restart it there
[21:53] <nosrednaekim> frybye: nope... I don't
[21:53] <mefisto_> frybye: what's wrong with the gui? you mean system settings?
[21:53] <frybye> ok nosrednaekim thanx anyhows...
[21:53] <MetaMorfoziS> Hey guys!
[21:53] <MetaMorfoziS> IS there any webadmin of kubuntu.org?
[21:53] <MetaMorfoziS> http://kubuntu.org/download.php#latest
[21:53] <frybye> yes the system settings are s t u c k on us-english
[21:53] <MetaMorfoziS> The site bugs here
[21:54] <nosrednaekim> MetaMorfoziS: Riddel and ryanakca I think
[21:54] <frybye> no other regions even though when I look for language packages the de-de seems to be installed for Germany...
[21:54] <mefisto_> frybye: so nothing else in the list, just US English?
[21:54] <frybye> mefisto_: right...
[21:55] <frybye> only us-english and it says "command not found" when trying to install other languages..
[21:55] <frybye> or other regions if one wants to be exact...
[21:55] <frybye> there is code missing - but what...?
[21:56] <frybye> it looks a bit as if the system config device itself is only partly available - or broken...?
[21:57] <nosrednaekim> frybye: run system settings from a konsole and see the exact output
[21:57] <frybye> nosrednaekim: how do I do that...?
[21:57] <frybye> sorry - but you know i think that I am very new...
[21:57] <nosrednaekim> open a konsole and type "systemsettings"
[21:58] <mefisto_> frybye: what do you get when you type "locale" in terminal? us-english?
[21:59] <frybye> it started the gui with the system settings just like when I go for it via the menus.. eh hang on pse..
[21:59] <frybye> no in the terminal it says de_DE for locale...
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[22:00] <frybye> but the keyboard and all the stuff is us-english - like the setting in the gui for the region...
[22:00] <melkart> i just installed oidentd (i just need any identd, should i have installed an easier one?), but still irc servers complain that they dont get an ident response... must i configure it?
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[22:01] <frybye> mefisto_: to be exact it is de_DE.UTF-8
[22:01] <frybye> if the keyboard knew about that would be a lot easier.. ;)
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[22:02] <jhutchins_wk> melkart: Are you behind a firewall?
[22:02] <frybye> I am on the other pc right now - so I dont have the yzyzyz problems here for instance..
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[22:02] <frybye> mefisto_: so what do you think???
[22:02] <melkart> jhutchins_wk: not that i know of... i am just a dumb kubuntu 7.10 user...
[22:03] <d_mitry> i am wondering how to listen to wav files in kubuntu 6.06. could someone help me?
[22:03] <nosrednaekim> d_mitry: amarok will do it
[22:03] <mefisto_> frybye: so it's just the keyboard set to us english, everything else is as it was before and the way you want it?
[22:03] <frybye> d_mitry: just out of interest - why are u using 6.06??
[22:04] <frybye> and not 8.04 for instance...?
[22:04] <d_mitry> 256 mb of ram, fryby. :P
[22:04] <d_mitry> 7.10 requires more.
[22:04] <d_mitry> at least ubuntu. i only had ubuntu 8.04, 7.10 and kubuntu 6.06 CDs.
[22:04] <frybye> i c - soon you can pic it up with the thrown away cans and bottles in the street - so cheap...
[22:04] <d_mitry> nosrednaekim: amarok opens it and then says playlist finished. no error returned.
[22:05] <frybye> or the whole pc is a wee bit out of date and you cant get the right ram - or???
[22:05] <d_mitry> it's a laptop. old laptop at that.
[22:05] <d_mitry> i've never taken a laptop apart before. i guess there's a first time for everything, but that's not priority yet.
[22:06] <nosrednaekim> don't think thats the problem :P
[22:08] <d_mitry> nosrednaekim: then what could be the problem? i installed 6.06 and this is the first time i'm connecting it to the internet. i expect that it doesn't have support for restricted formats.
[22:08] <ahmed> hello all
[22:08] <ahmed> any arabic kubuntu user in her
[22:08] <nosrednaekim> dmbkiwi: yeah... but wav isn't restricted
[22:08] <d_mitry> i thought that it is.
[22:09] <nosrednaekim> dmbkiwi: you should use xubuntu 8.04
[22:09] <d_mitry> well, let's suppose that it isn't. do you know why amarok could be behaving like this?
[22:09] <d_mitry> one day.
[22:09] <d_mitry> i sense auto-completion problems. ;)
[22:10] <nosrednaekim> actually, the newer kubuntu's use the same amount of ram, you just have to run the alternate installer
[22:10] <d_mitry> well, i'd rather fix this problem now. i'll upgrade eventually.
[22:11] <mefisto_> I run kubuntu on an old laptop with 192 mb ram
[22:11] <nosrednaekim> ok... but problems are far easier to fix in 8.04
[22:11] <nosrednaekim> specially since we are all familiar with it
[22:12] <d_mitry> heh, ok. what would happen if i tried upgrading now? would i be told that my system requirements don't meet the latest version's?
[22:12] <d_mitry> mefisto_: which version?
[22:13] <mefisto_> d_mitry: 8.04
[22:13] <nosrednaekim> no.... I guess you could upgrade directly too
[22:13] <d_mitry> i'll attempt upgrading now. we'll see what happens.
[22:14] <d_mitry> but firstly, nosrednaekim, would you advise that i upgrade?
[22:14] <shane2peru> how do I install java plugins on 64bit? I thought I had it but some sites don't work
[22:14] <mefisto_> d_mitry: I don't think it's any slower than 7.10 or 7.04 before that. bootup time is faster
[22:14] <nosrednaekim> dmbkiwi: no.... I prefer fresh installs especially for huge jumps like that
[22:14] <nosrednaekim> but definately get something newer
[22:14] <d_mitry> well, would i get any unexpected surprises?
[22:15] <mefisto_> who is dmbkiwi? is dmbkiwi d_mitry ?
[22:15] <d_mitry> unsuccessful auto-completion, mefisto_ :P
[22:15] <nosrednaekim> d_mitry: don't think so
[22:16] <frybye> mefisto_: well the keyboard is wrong and I assume the fact that only us-english is shown in system config region settings indicates that other stuff will be wrong??
[22:16] <d_mitry> well, i'll do it. on a side-note, i doubt a surprise can be expected.
[22:16] <nosrednaekim> haha... true :)
[22:16] <d_mitry> btw, why wouldn't you advise upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04, nosrednaekim?
[22:17] <frybye> someone in kub-de is talking about needing a langpack but dosent know the name in kde?? any clue...?
[22:17] <nosrednaekim> d_mitry: fixed bugs, fixed multimedia issues, newer versions of software, more support
[22:17] <frybye> d_mitry: he hasnt got enough ram himself - jus that I think...
[22:18] <d_mitry> ok. let me look around adept.
[22:23] <d_mitry> nosrednaekim: now i have another question. why is it that `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' says 0 upgraded, etc? :P
[22:23] <nosrednaekim> dmbkiwi: because you have to update your repositories
[22:24] <nosrednaekim> !upgrade
[22:24] <ubottu> For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes
[22:24] <d_mitry> thanks. :)
[22:25] <d_mitry> nosrednaekim: is it not possible to go from 6.06 to 8.04 in one go if downloading the upgrade?
[22:25] <nosrednaekim> yes... it is possible
[22:25] <nosrednaekim> but probably quite buggy
[22:25] <nosrednaekim> not many people do that
[22:26] <d_mitry> i'll take the long route then.
[22:28] <Roby__> has anyone tried kubuntu 8.04 kde 4 remix?
[22:28] <jessejazza> not yet
[22:28] <nosrednaekim> yes
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> d_mitry: don't upgrade step by step...
[22:29] <nosrednaekim> do a fresh install
[22:29] <Roby__> it's very buggy
[22:29] <Taza> Uh
[22:29] <Taza> I can't download the latest Kubuntu...
[22:30] <d_mitry> nosrednaekim: is the kubuntu 8.04 cd shipped for free?
[22:30] <nosrednaekim> yes
[22:30] <jessejazza> yes
[22:31] <Taza> Also, it gives a "REPORT AS A BUG APIC BROKEN"
[22:31] <d_mitry> oh, my. i should've known. *searches*
[22:31] <Taza> Help plz?
[22:31] <Taza> Can someone point me towards Kubuntu latest AMD64 link?
[22:31] <Taza> Seeing, uh, that the site is broken right now.
[22:32] <mefisto_> Taza: how about finding a torrent?
[22:32] <Taza> mefisto_: Preferably an official source
[22:32] <Taza> "Choose a location near you: MYSQL FAILURE"
[22:32] <Taza> http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php <--- BROKEN. Can anyone here fix it?
[22:33] <Taza> I need i386 alternative
[22:33] <Taza> Apic is broken, no download links, I can't install no matter what I do
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> Taza: you can turn off apic
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[22:34] <Taza> nosrednaekim: Doesn't work
[22:34] <Taza> LiveCD doesn't boot into X when I do
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> ah
[22:34] <Taza> (I f6'd it and added "noapic" as livecd option)
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> if you are doing wine... use the 32 bit version as well
[22:34] <nosrednaekim> 64 bit is added headache
[22:35] <Taza> I think it's the M2N4 doing it
[22:35] <nosrednaekim> try downloading from the ubuntu site
[22:35] <Taza> I gotta update my *bios* for Kubuntu to work?
[22:35] <Taza> Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.
[22:36] <mefisto_> Taza: where are you downloading from?
[22:36] <nosrednaekim> !language
[22:36] <ubottu> Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.
[22:36] <Taza> mefisto_: NOTHING works.
[22:36] <Taza> mefisto_: Try to download the file from the site
[22:36] <Taza> nosrednaekim: What's so offensive about a religious figure on a pogo stick?
[22:36] <d_mitry> mefisto_, frybye, and nosrednaekim, thanks for your help today. i'll order the kubuntu 8.04 cd and upgrade. bye!
[22:37] <mefisto_> Taza: where are you?
[22:37] <Taza> mefisto_: The site at kubuntu.org has a MySQL problem.
[22:37] <nosrednaekim> Taza: its offensive to Christians... like me
[22:37] <Taza> Would you think Jesus wouldn't like a pogo stick?
[22:37] <mefisto_> but almost anything is offensive
[22:38] <Taza> I was going to say "Jesus [censored] Christ [censored] on a [censored] while [censored] [censored] [censored]"
[22:38] <Taza> But then I remembered it's a family-friendly channel
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[22:38] <nosrednaekim> !attitude
[22:38] <ubottu> The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines
[22:38] <nosrednaekim> I hate it when its the wrong factoid
[22:39] <nosrednaekim> !coc
[22:39] <ubottu> The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/
[22:39] <Taza> So just tuning down my language isn't enough, I should avoid offending everyone who could ever possibly get offended?
[22:39] <Taza> Sorry, but I side with mefisto_ here.
[22:39] <Taza> I mean, you're offending MY religion now.
[22:40] <mefisto_> my lack of religion is offended
[22:40] <mefisto_> but seriously, where are you Taza?
[22:40] <nosrednaekim> ha
[22:40] <Taza> mefisto_: Finland. Funet is my preferred mirror.
[22:40] <MetaMorfoziS> Does anybody tried kubuntu on an usb stick?
[22:41] <nosrednaekim> !usb
[22:41] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[22:41] <mefisto_> Taza: http://www.nic.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hardy/
[22:41] <MetaMorfoziS> yes
[22:41] <MetaMorfoziS> but
[22:41] <MetaMorfoziS> What is my problem is that i want to get auto hw detection
[22:41] <Taza> mefisto_: You could just have asked me "what mirror do you want". :P
[22:41] <MetaMorfoziS> because if i install it on my pendrive, that's not the same as a livecd that loads it's modules at every boot
[22:41] <MetaMorfoziS> or iam wrong?
[22:42] <mefisto_> MetaMorfoziS: I think you are wrong
[22:42] <Taza> MetaMorfoziS: There is a way to get that pendrive.
[22:42] <Taza> MetaMorfoziS: Most "Ubuntu on Eee" guides link to that.
[22:42] <Taza> It requires either a windows box or intense familiarity with some commands though
[22:43] <Taza> Yes, it's easier on windows
[22:43] <C0D3N9N3> what have i missed
[22:43] <nosrednaekim> the open sourcing of Windows
[22:44] <Taza> Wine 9.7 Windows Vista.
[22:45] <Taza> mefisto_: Installing Ubuntu to an USB drive doesn't use the same autodetection
[22:47] <Taza> I *HATE* AJAX when it's unnecessary
[22:53] <shane2peru> does anyone know how to get "sudo modprobe visor" to load, or run on startup every time?
[22:53] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: add visor to the /etc/mudoles file
[22:53] <Odd-rationale> /etc/modules
[22:53] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: just put visor ?
[22:54] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: yes.
[22:54] <shane2peru> Odd-rationale: ooh, that is a file, right I knew there was an easy way, thanks
[22:54] <C0D3N9N3> tell me ACID BURN doesnt look just hot at the end of the movie
[22:54] <C0D3N9N3> thinks she plays Halo
[22:55] <shane2peru> thanks Odd-rationale
[22:55] <Odd-rationale> shane2peru: np
[22:55] <C0D3N9N3> the bright blue nail polish .. MMMM
[22:55] <Odd-rationale> C0D3N9N3: don't you think you're a tad bit offtopic?
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[22:56] <C0D3N9N3> well .. i came in late and wasnt really in the topic to start
[22:56] <theFATMAN> hello everyone. i am running ubuntu 8.04, but i want to switch to kubuntu. how can i do this without a fresh install?
[22:56] <C0D3N9N3> besides... isnt it my deal to see if we could start a new topic?
[22:56] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
[22:56] <C0D3N9N3> mmmm sudo
[22:57] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, will that also install, kde, kdm?
[22:57] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: then you can choose kde in your login sessions menu.
[22:57] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: not kdm, i don't think... but you can install that yourself if you want and change gdm to kdm...
[22:58] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, will kubuntu run on gdm?
[22:58] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: of course
[22:58] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: just choose kde in the gdm sessions menu
[22:58] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, will that replace ubuntu?
[22:58] <C0D3N9N3> so ODD-Rationale are you a level 12 paladin
[22:59] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: no, you can choose gnome from the gdm sessions menu and login back to gnome...
[22:59] <Odd-rationale> C0D3N9N3: what's that:?
[22:59] <mefisto_> theFATMAN: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm (or kdm) will let you choose whether you want gdm or kdm
[22:59] <C0D3N9N3> some one of extreme power
[23:00] <Odd-rationale> C0D3N9N3: hmm, i haven't found that out yet...
[23:00] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, thank you, does it matter that i have an AMD 64bit system?
[23:00] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: no, i don't think so
[23:00] <theFATMAN> mefisto_, thank you as well
[23:00] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN: also, if you would like to complete remove gnome, i can give you a link on that...
[23:01] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, please, cuz i keep having display issues
[23:01] <mefisto_> Odd-rationale: can I have that link?
[23:01] <C0D3N9N3> so is this just QA or is there an actually exchange of ideaS? cause i am not sure i want to help everyone get up to speed
[23:01] <Odd-rationale> one moment...
[23:01] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, no p
[23:02] <Odd-rationale> theFATMAN, mefisto_: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde
[23:02] <theFATMAN> Odd-rationale, mucho gracias
[23:02] <theFATMAN> peace
[23:03] <C0D3N9N3>
[23:03] <C0D3N9N3> 謝謝您
[23:05] <C0D3N9N3> I think IRC should be a mix of QA. recommendations, and the latest news in new software... anyone else feel the same way?
[23:05] <Odd-rationale> C0D3N9N3: you may be able to find a channel for something like that.
[23:05] <Taza> Linux ready for desktop my [censored] [censored]
[23:05] <Taza> "HEY, KERNEL PANIC."
[23:06] <C0D3N9N3> taza? you dont think linux is ready for the desktop world? or the main OS?
[23:06] <Taza> "NOT ENOUGH? HAVE ANOTHER."
[23:06] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: I'm very close to just going "[censored] it", installing Windows and just warezing the necessary software to make it work the way I want
[23:07] <Taza> It'd be a five-minute-job with a shell script for Linux IF I COULD GET THE [censored] THING TO BOOT.
[23:07] <Taza> (also, I wub my [censored]-script
[23:08] <C0D3N9N3> taza? would you care to explain.. cause i am losing you?
[23:08] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: M2N4. The installer goes "KERNEL PANIC" every time I try to boot
[23:08] <Taza> Asus M2N4, "try with noapic", KERNEL PANIC.
[23:09] <Odd-rationale> Taza: did you check the cd for errors?
[23:09] <Taza> Yes.
[23:09] <Taza> Every NORMAL problem is out of the way.
[23:09] <Taza> There is no pebkac at work here.
[23:09] <Taza> This is a problem in Ubuntu.
[23:09] <Taza> Or possibly the motherboard
[23:09] <C0D3N9N3> mmmm... hope it isnt a remote machine HEHEHEHE
[23:10] <Odd-rationale> Taza: have you tried booting the cd on another machine? maybe it is a hardware issue...
[23:10] <C0D3N9N3> well, i would look at your logs, find out when it started happening and then remove software around that time
[23:10] <Taza> Odd-rationale: Are you a bot?
[23:10] <C0D3N9N3> no, i am sure you installed some bad stuff
[23:10] <Taza> Odd-rationale: Asus M2N4 + noapic
[23:10] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: Fresh empty machine
[23:11] <Taza> The LiveCD throws a KERNEL PANIC
[23:11] <Odd-rationale> Taza: i'm becmoing one...
[23:11] <Taza> Odd-rationale: I can see, but this isn't a pebkac. Or a normal issue.
[23:11] <Taza> This is an ubuntu bug.
[23:11] <Taza> Apparently around since 7.04
[23:11] <Taza> Also, booting with noapic results in no x
[23:12] <Taza> What is this, 1998?
[23:12] <Taza> Example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=672096
[23:12] <Taza> Example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=2ca9c8cc280af9e91e22363f74d93c35&t=334220
[23:13] <MetaMorfoziS> So anybody here tried kubuntu on a pendrive?
[23:13] <MetaMorfoziS> if i did what !usb said above
[23:13] <MetaMorfoziS> then the auto hw detection remains?
[23:14] <Taza> !usb
[23:14] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[23:14] <MetaMorfoziS> Because i think if i just install the livecd to the usbstick, then it will configured for that hw where i installed that
[23:14] <MetaMorfoziS> Taza > read again, what i said.
[23:14] <MetaMorfoziS> Or just roll back the channel's log with 5 minute
[23:14] <Taza> MetaMorfoziS: I checked it to see if it was the guide I used
[23:14] <Taza> Yes, the FromUSBStick manual approach is what I did and it worked
[23:15] <Taza> Okay
[23:15] <Taza> X is still booting
[23:15] <Taza> AFTER 400 seconds on a 5ghz equilevant with 2gb of 800mhz memory!
[23:15] <MetaMorfoziS> :D
[23:16] <MetaMorfoziS> I think you need to tweak that crappy config a bit, to get it faster;]
[23:16] <Taza> It's the livecd
[23:16] <Taza> Something is DEEPLY wrong.
[23:16] <MetaMorfoziS> woosh
[23:16] <Taza> I updated to latest stable BIOS too
[23:16] <MetaMorfoziS> you messing with usbthing?
[23:16] <Taza> No
[23:17] <Taza> I'm trying to install Kubuntu
[23:17] <Taza> It. Just. Isn't. Working.
[23:17] <C0D3N9N3> so.. let me get this str8? youre having issues with a live cd?
[23:17] <Taza> MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC.
[23:17] <Taza> Kernel Panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn´t work!.
[23:17] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: Yes.-
[23:17] <MetaMorfoziS> Taza > have you tried the alternate install?
[23:17] <MetaMorfoziS> That's the same, just not qt...
[23:17] <Taza> MetaMorfoziS: Well, lemme see all the problems with that.
[23:17] <C0D3N9N3> as in when you runt he OS or trying to do the install?
[23:18] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: As in, install kubuntu on the live cd is giving me a KERNEL PANIC
[23:18] <Taza> I have to constantly edit out swearing.
[23:18] <C0D3N9N3> install on your HARD DRIVE?
[23:19] <C0D3N9N3> cause if youre gettting issues with the install, first try a new disk. if that doesnt work, check your system for hard ware issues
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[23:22] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: Use GOOGLE?
[23:22] <Taza> Or perhaps FORUM SEARCH?
[23:23] <C0D3N9N3> i would use the forums,
[23:23] <C0D3N9N3> have you tried a new CD?
[23:23] <Taza> They have this same problem all over
[23:23] <Taza> No resolution
[23:23] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: Please don't make me swear.
[23:23] <C0D3N9N3> f[-}ck
[23:24] <Taza> I can query that to you in several colours every minute for the next hour if that doesn't work.
[23:25] <C0D3N9N3> well. TAZA panics are either software or hardware.
[23:25] <Taza> It was the quiet option
[23:25] <Taza> How that can do that is beyond me
[23:26] <C0D3N9N3> if your FRICKING cd is the issue burn a new CD. if if your hardware list out the hardware and check the forums
[23:26] <Taza> You, my friend, are terminally stupid.
[23:26] <Taza> You are stupid, obstinate and inconsiderate beyond any belief.
[23:26] <C0D3N9N3> well, i am sure i will take that.
[23:27] <C0D3N9N3> ;)
[23:27] <Taza> And believe me, it took considerable effort not to just randomly sling insults.
[23:27] <Odd-rationale> please don't be name calling. thanks!
[23:27] <C0D3N9N3> yeah. i am sure.
[23:27] <Taza> I'm not name calling, just stating a fact.
[23:27] <C0D3N9N3> .. interesting.
[23:27] <Taza> It was a mobo compatibility issue with the timer.
[23:27] <Taza> Which eventually some helpful soul posted the solution to on a page 2 of a 7.04 thread.
[23:28] <C0D3N9N3> if what was said doesnt help.. YOU know just ignore and move on.
[23:28] <deadsouls> how can i force adept not to upgrade a certain package?
[23:28] <C0D3N9N3> Taza..IGNORED and has moved on
[23:29] <Taza> Pray the lord that he giveth me the ability to punch people in the face over standard TCP/IP.
[23:29] <C0D3N9N3> i dont pray
[23:29] <C0D3N9N3> so you go ahead with yours
[23:29] <deadsouls> how can i force adept not to upgrade wine?
[23:29] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: It was a standard coder IRC prayer.
[23:29] <Taza> deadsouls: IIRC there was an +ignore aptitude flag
[23:30] <Taza> It's called "apt pinning", that might help in a google search
[23:30] <C0D3N9N3> ..Taza, figure it out. I really dont care for your soul or pray or what ever you say LMAO.. youre a joke in my mind
[23:30] <deadsouls> Taza, thanks
[23:30] <C0D3N9N3> peopke who insult in an IRC really have no clue
[23:31] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: I'd explain you the technical specifications beyond this issue, but I don't think you speak linux.
[23:31] <Taza> I also HATE black magic so could someone try to make some sense of this?
[23:32] <Taza> C0D3N9N3: Harass me with ctcp's and I'll just take it up with the network staff.
[23:32] <Taza> M2N4 + Ubuntu means that it spouts a kernel panic with something about apic if quiet is enabled - or quiet and noapic work too.
[23:33] <Taza> If this works, however, kubuntu takes forevarrr to boot livecd desktop
[23:33] <Taza> As in, ten times longer than it does on my cheap MSI mobo with a system with a third of the CPU and RAM
[23:35] <Taza> This problem is making it impossible to use. :/
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[23:38] <Flare183> What is the default font for kubuntu?
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[23:43] <Flare183> What is the default font for kubuntu?
[23:43] <Flare183> please someone answer
[23:43] <Flare183> me
[23:43] <Odd-rationale> Flare183: idk...
[23:43] <Flare183> ....
[23:43] <Odd-rationale> is that a good enough answer... ;)
[23:44] <Odd-rationale> Flare183: well, i'm using arch+kdemod and i use Bitstream Vera Sans 9
[23:44] <Flare183> ok i'll try that
[23:44] <deadsouls> how can i specify which version of wine for apt-get to install?
[23:44] <Flare183> for which one the Gereral or what?
[23:45] <Odd-rationale> Flare183: yes, general
[23:45] <Flare183> but what about the others?
[23:45] <fale> hi
[23:45] <Flare183> !hi
[23:45] <ubottu> Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!
[23:46] <fale> Flare183: :D
[23:46] <Flare183> I'm serious
[23:47] <fale> Flare183: I belive you
[23:47] <Odd-rationale> Flare183: same. except for the fixed width which uses bitstream vera sans mono 9
[23:47] <Flare183> ok thanks Odd-rationale
[23:47] <fale> Flare183: but was funny, imho, call a bot to say hi ;)
[23:48] <Flare183> yeah
[23:49] <Odd-rationale> !funny | fale
[23:49] <ubottu> fale: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.
[23:49] <Odd-rationale> ;)
[23:50] <fale> Odd-rationale: :D