UbuntuIRC / 2008 /08 /09 /#ubuntu-artwork.txt
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[08:24] <zniavre> good morning
[17:13] <thorwil> is there such a thing as a rev count for files within a bzr branch?
[17:14] * thorwil wonders if he should use the general rev number in filenames for snapshots
[19:49] <thorwil> http://thorwil.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/ibex_horns_06.jpg
[19:55] <Bertan> Who decides what the new ubuntu theme should look like?
[19:56] <thorwil> Bertan: mark shuttleworth sets the top level goals and has the last word
[19:57] <thorwil> Bertan: kwwii works for him and is the interface to the artwork community
[19:57] <Bertan> Okaj
[19:58] <Bertan> He choose between this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/
[19:59] <thorwil> well, kwwii keeps an eye on those (he's in holidays)
[19:59] <Bertan> So it's not even possible for a regular ubuntu user to tell their thought?
[19:59] <Bertan> okaj
[20:00] <thorwil> sure everyone can tell their thought
[20:00] <thorwil> but guess how far that gets us ;)
[20:01] <thorwil> oh, and that wiki is open
[20:09] <Bertan> Ok, do you know if they are going to change the login screen and ubuntu loading pic?
[20:10] <thorwil> no
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