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[07:56] <davmor2> Morning Everyone |
[09:32] <pitti> good morning all |
[09:32] <pitti> alternates are up |
[09:32] <pitti> lives didn't build, I fixed that and will build new desktops ASAP |
[09:32] <pitti> kubuntu alternates fail to install ATM, working on that |
[10:19] <davmor2> pitti: is that the bug I picked up yesterday? |
[10:19] <pitti> davmor2: yes, the xine-lib/libavcodec51 issue |
[10:19] <davmor2> okay cool :) |
[10:19] <pitti> davmor2: I analyzed the situation and found an easy (but not quite correct) solution |
[10:20] <davmor2> :D |
[10:20] <pitti> will upload it soon, and inform siretart and Riddel (whom I cannot reach ATM) |
[10:20] <davmor2> lol |
[10:20] <davmor2> fancy having akademy during a release cycle hey ;) |
[10:21] <pitti> and debconf |
[10:25] <davmor2> pitti: so effectively we got ubuntu and xub alts to test and edubuntu addon |
[10:26] <pitti> yes, I keep http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/all up to date as we go |
[10:26] <davmor2> pitti: Okay cool :) |
[10:26] <pitti> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20080813.1/ just coming in |
[10:27] <pitti> I'd like to do/get feedback on a first smoketest before I add it to the tracker |
[10:27] * pitti downloads the i386 one and tests |
[10:27] <pitti> oh, and I'll check the build log first |
[10:27] <pitti> the last couple of days, the live CD wasn't current due to some problems |
[10:28] <davmor2> Ah |
[10:32] <pitti> argh, seems it still failed |
[10:33] <davmor2> pitti: so what version of live was I using with no problems yesterday then? |
[10:33] <pitti> that was 20080808 |
[10:34] <davmor2> pitti: So even though it said it was 20080812 it wasn't? |
[10:34] <pitti> right, but the live system on it was from August 08 |
[10:35] <davmor2> Right with you :) |
[10:35] <pitti> I'll poke |
[11:57] <davmor2> pitti: have you tested 64bit and 32 bit? |
[11:57] <pitti> davmor2: I just tested the amd64 alternate ubuntu so far |
[11:58] <davmor2> I only get the gvfsd-trash issue on 32 bit :/ don't know if it is relevant |
[12:00] <pitti> I got it, too |
[12:00] <pitti> might just be a coincidence |
[12:04] <davmor2> oh okay. Can you get the valgrind thing working on that? When I tried it just stopped the trashcan appearing and and I got no log files at all :( |
[12:19] <pitti> still busy with getting working desktop CDs and kubuntu alternates, then I'll look into that |
[12:20] <davmor2> pitti: No probs I'm just running through the installs anyway |
[12:21] <pitti> davmor2: btw, do you keep track of what you tested on the iso tracker? |
[12:21] <pitti> ah, saw your alternate i386 result |
[12:31] <pitti> \o/ fresh live CDs |
[12:31] <davmor2> do they work though pitti? |
[12:32] <pitti> that's what I'm going to find out now, rsyncing :) |
[12:32] <pitti> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20080813.2/ |
[12:33] <davmor2> :) |
[12:34] <davmor2> ping me if they do I'll run the rsync script |
[12:35] <pitti> just rsync it now |
[12:35] <pitti> then the next rsync will be much faster |
[12:35] <pitti> we won't do big changes any more |
[12:35] <pitti> and a lot changed since last Sunday, new kernel and all that |
[12:36] <davmor2> pitti: I've already sync to this morning images It's the first thing I do. The script we have syncs all the isos |
[12:37] <pitti> right, but since they were identical the last 5 days, it didn't do anything :) |
[12:37] <davmor2> :) |
[12:41] <davmor2> syncing now :) |
[12:44] <davmor2> pitti: I should get most of the Ubuntu alternate tests done for when the lives are ready anyway :) |
[12:44] <pitti> rocking |
[12:57] <pitti> live system starts fine for me |
[12:59] <davmor2> cool :) |
[13:03] <davmor2> that's auto resize done next |
[13:22] <ara> davmor2: ping |
[13:23] <pitti> kubuntu alternates up, they should work now |
[13:24] * pitti knocks on wood |
[13:24] <pitti> testing urgently needed |
[13:24] <ara> pitti: ok i'll take it |
[13:24] <ara> pitti: one question |
[13:24] <pitti> ara: thanks |
[13:24] <ara> pitti: do yo know if is it working in vbox? |
[13:25] <pitti> ara: no idea, sorry |
[13:25] <ara> pitti: ok, ill try |
[13:25] <pitti> I am testing desktops in VMWare (amd64) and kvm (i86) |
[13:25] <pitti> that works fine so far |
[13:25] <ara> pitti: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20080813.1/? |
[13:26] <pitti> ara: yes, I just added them to the iso tracker |
[13:26] <pitti> ouch, my amd64 desktop ubuntu installation doesn't boot |
[13:49] <pitti> so the desktop CDs are busted :( |
[13:49] <ara> pitti: all of them? |
[13:49] <pitti> anyway, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20080813.1/ is finished |
[13:49] <pitti> so testing the live system and installation is still appreciated |
[13:50] <pitti> ara: bug 68252 |
[13:50] <pitti> (I used that old one, it shows the exact same problem) |
[13:50] <pitti> ara: maybe it doesn't affect kubuntu for some strange coincidence |
[13:50] <ara> pitti: ok, i will test it anyway, but will start downloading the live cd anyway |
[13:51] <pitti> ara: you can boot the installed system, but it requires changing the root= parameter in the grub menu |
[14:02] <ara> hey cr3 cgregan |
[14:03] <cgregan> Hello ara |
[14:03] <ara> it is so hot this afternoon, here in malaga |
[14:04] <davmor2> ara: jammie git it miserable here |
[14:04] <pitti> I filed it as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/257580 |
[14:04] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 257580 in ubiquity "desktop install does not install fstab, causing boot failure" [Undecided,New] |
[14:04] <pitti> ara: ^ please confirm or deny with Kubuntu |
[14:05] <ara> pitti: ok, i am downloading the iso now. i will update the lp report when done |
[14:07] <cr3> ara: hey there |
[14:22] <davmor2> pitti: bloody oem mode is screwed |
[14:26] <pitti> ? |
[14:28] <davmor2> pitti: try an oem mode install the first part works fine when you reboot to setup an new user it just goes back into oem mode :( |
[14:29] <pitti> davmor2: can you please file a bug about it, and attach the logs? (also mention whether it's desktop or alternate) |
[14:30] <davmor2> pitti: yes will do |
[14:57] <davmor2> pitti: two different faults 32bit locks up on end user map. and 64bit does get there at all. 64bit has no oem-log file which is strange and most of the other logs are empty :( |
[14:58] <pitti> davmor2: what is the "end user map"? |
[14:59] <davmor2> pitti: to select time zone for end user |
[14:59] <pitti> ah, the timezone map |
[15:00] <davmor2> yes put the one for the end user after you have hit the reboot from oem mode |
[15:12] <davmor2> pitti: bug 257590 |
[15:12] <davmor2> is the 64 bit |
[15:13] <davmor2> Can some one do an oem install from ubuntu alternate cd please |
[15:14] <pitti> davmor2: thanks a lot; please make sure to add that bug to the bug list in the iso tracker, then we have everything on one place |
[15:16] <davmor2> yeah will do I think the other on 32 bit may related to bug 251741 but I could be wrong |
[15:21] <pitti> I'll try an OEM install on desktop |
[15:22] <pitti> davmor2: oh, hang on |
[15:22] <pitti> davmor2: ah, you tested with alternate, right? |
[15:23] <davmor2> yes |
[15:23] <pitti> on desktops, it sounded like bug 250506 |
[15:23] <pitti> ok, doing desktop oem i386 test |
[15:24] <davmor2> pitti: I thought that was just the inability to reboot/shutdown it only logs out? |
[15:24] <pitti> right, it is |
[15:25] <davmor2> ah right you get that on alternate too but it's a bug under repair and should be fixed by alpha 5 I think |
[15:26] <davmor2> moving on any way |
[15:27] <pitti> davmor2: can you please add your current results to the tracker, so that I can see which CDs have good coverage, and which need more testing? |
[15:27] <ara> kubuntu alternate i386 failed on manual partitioning |
[15:27] <ara> I will report a bug |
[15:27] <pitti> ara: symptoms? |
[15:28] <davmor2> pitti: up I've done alt 32 and 64bit ubuntu |
[15:28] <davmor2> pitti: just testing encrypted and then I'll move onto live |
[15:29] <ara> pitti: when installing packages it just fails. install of the base system went ok |
[15:29] <ara> pitti: i think it was installing taskel when it failed |
[15:30] <pitti> ara: anything in alt+f4? did it happen to stumble over libxine-something? |
[15:31] <ara> pitti: not sure, i will create the bug with the logs attached and will try to provide more info |
[15:31] <pitti> ara: thanks, I'll have a look at it |
[15:44] <ara> pitti: yes, the logs say something about libxine1-ffmpeg having unmet dependencies |
[15:44] <pitti> ara: argh, I thought/hoped I fixed that this morning |
[15:45] <ara> pitti: :( |
[15:45] <ara> do I log it? or it is already logged? |
[15:45] <pitti> ara: which version of libxine1-plugins does it (want to) install? |
[15:45] <pitti> ara: I am not aware of a existing bug report; if you find one, please tell me |
[15:46] <pitti> ara: i386 or amd64? |
[15:46] <ara> pitti: i386 |
[15:47] <pitti> hm, the CD has the latest version |
[15:47] <pitti> so it seems that fix didn't quite work yet |
[15:52] <davmor2> pitti: there isn't one I think Riddell was going to look into it so he said leave it with him and you said you got it too IIRC |
[15:53] <ara> pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/257611 |
[15:53] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 257611 in debian-installer "[intrepid] Kubuntu alternate i386 install fails (manual partitioning)" [Undecided,New] |
[15:54] <pitti> ara: thanks, will think about it |
[15:54] <jpds> davmor2: Funny, bug # works when the link is specified... |
[15:55] <davmor2> jpds: it's just knacker shot the bot now and put it out of it's misery ;) |
[15:59] <davmor2> pitti: encrypted drive screw due to usplash |
[15:59] <pitti> davmor2: known; it works to ctrl+alt+f1 and enter the password |
[15:59] <pitti> or boot without usplash |
[15:59] <davmor2> okay cool :) |
[16:00] <pitti> ara: ah, I think I go ti |
[16:00] <pitti> it |
[16:00] <ara> pitti: cool, do you need any other info |
[16:00] <ara> ? |
[16:01] <pitti> ara: no |
[16:01] <davmor2> pitti: that's working now I removed splash from the kernel line |
[16:05] <pitti> ara: if we are lucky, that doesn't affect the desktops |
[16:05] <pitti> ara: I pull the kubuntu alternates from the tracker |
[16:08] <ara> pitti: ok |
[16:08] <pitti> ara: fix uploaded, will take some 2 hours until new CDs are available |
[16:08] <ara> pitti: i am testing now the desktop cd |
[16:09] <davmor2> pitti: it didn't the other day right moving on to lives |
[16:09] <davmor2> pitti: I'll do kubuntu live now as ubuntu live seems to have some work done on it |
[16:09] <pitti> davmor2: yes, please |
[16:10] <davmor2> pitti: ubuntu alt is almost entirely complete now anyway only expert left I think |
[16:10] <pitti> davmor2: don't worry too much about expert |
[16:11] <davmor2> I'm not |
[16:11] <pitti> davmor2: no other fatal failures except the OEM setup loop? |
[16:11] <davmor2> no only 32bit and 64bit oem with different faults |
[16:12] <davmor2> Enln said that i386 manual failed for him but worked fine for me |
[16:13] <pitti> ok, so 'good enough' for alpha-4, with the OEM caveat |
[16:13] <davmor2> pitti: should be I'll test ltsp and rescue tomorrow when the pressure is back off |
[16:15] <davmor2> pitti: unless there has been a massive fix go in place I'm expecting oem mode to fail on Kubuntu too |
[16:17] <davmor2> pitti: Riddell has just confirmed that the oem issue hasn't been fixed so I'll skip it till tomorrow |
[16:18] <pitti> ok |
[16:23] <pitti> oem on desktops is broken as well |
[16:24] <davmor2> pitti: yes kubuntu's has been for a couple of weeks IIRC |
[16:25] <pitti> I mean the loop issue |
[16:25] <davmor2> pitti: yes Kubuntu does something similar too so that is all the oem installs screwed :( |
[16:31] <ara> pitti: i have confirmed that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/257580 is also happening for kubuntu live cd |
[16:31] <ubot5> Launchpad bug 257580 in ubiquity "desktop install does not install fstab, causing boot failure" [Critical,Confirmed] |
[16:38] <davmor2> pitti: Kubuntu live installs seem to stop at 82% scanning mirror. |
[16:39] <pitti> davmor2: do you see something helpful in /var/log/syslog ? |
[16:39] <davmor2> looking now |
[16:40] <pitti> davmor2: well, desktop installs are busted anyway |
[16:40] <pitti> davmor2: I guess I have to release alpha-4 without desktops at this rate |
[16:40] <pitti> both our installer gurus are on conferences |
[16:40] <davmor2> I know it's bloody typical isn't it :) |
[16:49] <davmor2> pitti: there's a debug log in the installer file that's kinda weird a whole bunch of QSocketNotifier: invalid socket 15 and type * |
[16:50] <pitti> davmor2: feel free to report as a bug as well, unless there is one already |
[16:51] <davmor2> just gonna see if riddell is still on line |
[16:55] <davmor2> pitti: it just sprang back into life |
[16:56] <pitti> could it have been a temporary network glitch? |
[16:58] <davmor2> stgraber: is there a meeting this week? |
[17:10] <davmor2> pitti: Kub desktop is installed and running fine :) on 32 and 64 just the stall while scanning the mirror |
[17:11] <sbeattie> davmor2: how did the usplash fail w/crypt lvm? |
[17:12] <davmor2> printing doesn't work but that is because 0.11 of printer-config-kde isn't in |
[17:13] <davmor2> sbeattie: usplash simply isn't working properly full stop. So you can't enter in your pass word it is know though |
[17:13] * davmor2 is getting tired |
[17:13] <sbeattie> on xubuntu alt i386 w/lvmcrypt I get a warning after entering the key that cryptsetup failed to set up lvm device, but it appears to be lying, because it successfully boots beyond that. |
[17:14] <davmor2> sbeattie: with this you get nothing. If you remove the splash from the kernel line thought you get asked for the password and it carries on fine |
[17:15] <sbeattie> Hunh. it worked with a xubuntu alt install under kvm. |
[17:24] <pitti> davmor2: with manually setting root= in grub? or does your root partition just happen to be /dev/hda1? |
[17:24] <pitti> davmor2: you can enter your password, you just have to do it blindly (FYI) |
[17:25] <pitti> sbeattie: confirmed, the "failed to set up lvm" is a red herring |
[17:25] <pitti> sbeattie: kvm's graphic card works with uplash, yes, but e. g. not my intel card |
[17:25] <sbeattie> ah |
[17:30] <davmor2> pitti: I just did a whole drive encryption and it worked |
[17:31] <davmor2> pitti: I couldn't enter my password until I changed screen it simply failed to do anything if I tried on the splash screen |
[17:32] <pitti> davmor2: oh, you actually see a splash screen? I only see red-white stripes, and it stays in text mode |
[17:32] <sbeattie> oops: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37193/ |
[17:32] <pitti> which is why I can do ctrl+alt+f1 and enter it there |
[17:33] <davmor2> pitti: no the screen is blank all together. If I hit alt+ctrl+f1 I get the red and white |
[17:33] <pitti> sbeattie: the actual oops should be a little above that? |
[17:33] <pitti> davmor2: ah, so that's the same problem |
[17:33] <davmor2> yes |
[17:33] <pitti> davmor2: anyway, known issue, the kernel team is on it |
[17:33] <pitti> and we won't fix it for a4 |
[17:34] <davmor2> pitti: the removal of splash gets rid of the red and white too so you can see properly and everything :) |
[17:34] <pitti> I know, yes |
[17:34] <sbeattie> pitti: that's all I have in /var/log/messages, let me check dmesg |
[17:35] <sbeattie> ah Soft CPU lockup |
[17:36] <pitti> ah, ok |
[17:37] <pitti> that's not too scary then |
[17:37] <sbeattie> yeah, that could certainly be a kvm quirk |
[17:38] <sbeattie> (ugh, cups apparmor profiles need to be updated for intrepid) |
[17:38] <pitti> yep, bug assigned to me |
[17:39] <pitti> (cups apparmor) |
[17:55] <davmor2> Anyone is there a meeting tonight? |
[18:04] <ara> QA team meeting now at #ubuntu-meeting |
[18:06] <sbeattie> well, it's a bit goofy that cups wants ipx, appletalk, ecotalk et al networking \8 |
[18:06] <davmor2> sbeattie: cups is owned by apple why wouldn't they want there stuff in? |
[18:20] <pitti> there: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20080813.2/ |
[18:20] <pitti> testing this heavily appreciated, it should really work now |
[18:22] <ara_> pitti: i will start downloading today, but will test it tomorrow, if no one has done it before |
[20:26] <pitti> I pulled the desktop CDs from the tracker |
[20:26] <pitti> we'll rebuild due to bug 257580 |
[22:26] <pitti> anyone awake? |
[22:26] <pitti> new desktop CDs building now |
[22:27] <pitti> but since I'm about to crash now, I'll add them to the tracker already |
[22:27] <pitti> and get up a little earlier in the morning |
[22:27] <pitti> sbeattie: would you be able to update the tracker in an hour or so? |
[22:27] <sbeattie> sure, I can do that. |
[22:27] <pitti> great, thanks |
[22:28] <sbeattie> no problem. Go get some rest. |
[22:28] <pitti> sbeattie: ubuntu shuold be ready in some 45 minutes, kubuntu in some 90 |
[22:28] <pitti> thanks! |
[23:06] <davmor2> more new ones? |
[23:07] <davmor2> pitti: you still up? |
[23:09] <sbeattie> davmor2: I just updated the ubuntu live cd builds in tracker, hopefully they address 257580 |
[23:09] <davmor2> mah didn't effect me any way ;) |
[23:10] <davmor2> sbeattie: so there's another bunch of iso's are they up yet do you know? |
[23:11] <sbeattie> yeah, build 20080813.3 is up, at least if cdimage.ubuntu.com is to be believed. |
[23:12] <sbeattie> that's just ubuntu livecds that have been updated, though. |
[23:12] <sbeattie> kubuntu should be coming. |
[23:12] <stgraber> hey there |
[23:18] <davmor2> sbeattie: I'll leave it till the morning now knackered |
[23:21] <davmor2> stgraber: so is this move to Canada a work thing, or university, or what? |
[23:23] <sbeattie> davmor2: no worries |
[23:26] <davmor2> right bed I'm knacker |