UbuntuIRC / 2011 /06 /21 /#ubuntu-community-team.txt
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[07:39] <dpm> good morning all
[07:58] <nigelb> Morning dpm, ara
[07:59] <ara> morning nigelb
[08:00] <dholbach> good morning
[08:00] <dpm> hi nigelb, ara, dholbach
[08:01] <dholbach> hola dpm
[08:03] <nigelb> Good morning dholbach!
[08:03] <dholbach> hey nigelb
[08:27] <kim0> morning everyone
[08:29] <dholbach> hey kim0
[08:29] <nigelb> ...and sony gets hacked AGAIN.
[08:29] <kim0> dholbach: howdy
[08:29] <kim0> nigelb: oh! unbelievable
[08:29] <nigelb> hey kim0
[08:29] <nigelb> kim0: Yup, never ever going to register on one of their websites.
[08:30] <kim0> they've been hacked continuously now for .. what .. 2 months
[08:30] <kim0> lol
[08:30] <nigelb> Yup
[08:30] <nigelb> "In one thin sign of good news for Sony, the attack comes 12 days after the company’s last breach, the longest interval since May and a sign that the Sony-hacking meme may be finally wearing thin for the hacker community."
[08:30] <nigelb> if the good thing about your company is not hacked in the last 12 days....
[08:31] <nigelb> s/thing about/news for/
[08:32] <dholbach> 10 of 25 slots for UDW filled
[08:32] <dholbach> looks like we should put a little bit more work into it :)
[08:33] <dholbach> jcastro, ^ do you think we can animate some dx people to help us out?
[08:39] <jussi> N9 N9 N9: http://swipe.nokia.com/ :D :D :D
[08:40] <jussi> and isnt millbank where the canonical offices are?
[08:40] <jussi> http://swipe.nokia.com/img/features/feat-bundle3.jpg
[08:41] <nigelb> jussi: haha, nice!
[08:41] <jussi> nigelb: thats the official image being used :D
[08:47] <popey> jussi: who?
[08:47] <jussi> popey: ?
[08:48] <popey> nokia.... "who?"
[08:48] <popey> nvm, poor quality humour and a dig at nokia
[08:48] <nigelb> haha
[08:48] * jussi throws things at popey
[08:48] <nigelb> jussi: fanboi :P
[08:51] <jussi> meh
[08:52] <jussi> Real linux on a phone, plus, extra cool HW (no physical keyboard is the only downer so far), plus a nice interface? looks pretty good from here...
[08:53] <popey> They have done that before.
[08:53] <popey> n900
[08:53] <popey> Look how well that went
[08:53] <nigelb> I was about to say that
[08:53] <popey> nokia are dead to me, they've made far too many brain dead decisions in the last 3 years
[08:53] <popey> I'm not about to buy into a company that's dead
[08:56] <jussi> ooh, thanks to topyli, I have to share this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8ea3l8Zl2k
[08:57] <jussi> funny as
[08:58] <topyli> heh. 'but you can change the ringtone!'
[09:05] <nigelb> I still use a simple phone.
[09:08] <popey> So do I.
[09:08] <popey> iPhone 4.
[09:08] <popey> :D
[09:08] <jussi> popey: heresey!!
[09:08] <popey> jussi: usability!!
[09:09] <nigelb> my phone --> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/file/1.488994.1213331881!translation/image/J121i_prod_to..ce_img_IN.png&imgrefurl=http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/corporate/products/phoneportfolio/specification/j121i&h=299&w=130&sz=30&tbnid=Rq1i8yfsSc5LfM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=39&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsony%2Bericsson%2Bj121i%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=sony+ericsson+j121i&hl=en&usg=__Cj1ckC5Npd9Epe8IjWz_W4b5CDA=&s
[09:09] <nigelb> (woah, long URL)
[09:09] * popey picks j121i from that url
[09:09] <nigelb> This is a better one, http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/corporate/products/phoneportfolio/specification/j121i
[09:10] <jussi> YESSS!!!
[09:10] <jussi> topyli: you rock
[09:10] <jussi> http://thenokiablog.com/2011/06/21/nokia-n950-developers/
[09:10] <topyli> oh yes
[10:25] <dholbach> hum, it looks like some people managed to log into the wiki
[10:53] <nigelb> Was the wiki using login.ubuntu.com earlier?
[10:54] <AlanBell> it used to use launchpad I think
[10:55] <nigelb> Nice switch then.
[10:55] <nigelb> Ooh, I should try the Timezone problem
[10:56] <nigelb> Once the 500 erros are gone of course.
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
[11:45] <czajkowski> dholbach: you cna log in but it's really flipping slow
[11:51] <dholbach> czajkowski, yeah, I noticed
[11:53] <head_victim> It's been up and down for me. Some times it's great others, not so much.
[14:31] <vish> paultag: Bug #799708 !!!
[14:31] <ubot2> Launchpad bug 799708 in nautilus "greek philosopher on screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/799708
[14:33] <vish> after popey-gate we now have a secret Pythagorean sect!! ;)
[14:35] <Pici> wow
[14:38] * popey leaves a comment
[15:13] <daker> Wooahahaha
[15:29] <jcastro> paultag: to answer your question from yesterday, apparently we made a dorky video that answers all your questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tk2W7CyYNs
[15:44] <nigelb> jcastro: woah, good one!
[15:54] <nigelb> and firefox 5 is out.
[15:58] <paultag> jcastro: haha, the bacon is in this. That's great
[15:58] <paultag> jcastro: a bit dorky aye, but thanks :)
[15:58] <jcastro> I don't know how he's sitting on the grass
[15:58] <jcastro> I find the grass in the tropics to be rough and brutal
[15:59] <jcastro> compared to proper grass
[15:59] <paultag> jcastro: yeah, for sure. That background music is so creepy too
[16:18] <vish> looks like that was taken in Orlando..
[16:18] <vish> paultag , jcastro: btw, use http://baconipsum.com/ instead of lorem ipsum ;)
[16:18] <vish> whenev..
[16:22] <paultag> vish: haha I saw that on reddit :)
[16:22] <paultag> so good
[16:46] <nigelb> paultag: bwahahaha, comment for loco council feed
[16:46] <nigelb> paultag: also, add the mrss=off thingy
[16:47] <nigelb> we can't read the feed on feed readers entirely
[16:57] <greg-g> I was just going to complain about the same thing!
[16:57] <greg-g> ;)
[17:02] <paultag> nigelb: :)
[17:05] <paultag> nigelb: done :)
[17:06] <paultag> stupid bzr
[17:06] <nigelb> \o/
[17:06] <nigelb> paultag: oh gah. I need to merge my branch with mainline.
[17:07] <paultag> [A
[17:07] <nigelb> B]
[17:07] <nigelb> ;)
[17:07] <dholbach> jcastro, how do we get some DX folks to give talks at UDW? :)
[17:07] <paultag> nigelb: no no, on old systems, hitting the up arrow did that :)
[17:07] <jcastro> dholbach: threats?
[17:07] <paultag> nigelb: I was saying "stupid bzr"
[17:08] <jcastro> dholbach: did they not commit yet?
[17:08] <nigelb> dholbach: cookies and cake?
[17:08] <nigelb> dholbach: or cigaretes and beer ;)
[17:08] <paultag> +1 to that last one
[17:09] <nigelb> heh
[17:09] <dholbach> jcastro, nope
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
[18:23] <dholbach> alright, I'm calling it a day - see you all tomorrow
[18:23] <dholbach> HUGS
[18:23] <dholbach> it's time for fête de la musique here
[18:24] <dholbach> bye :)
[18:27] <jcastro> <--- lunch and then DMV, I might be later than usual
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== daker is now known as daker_
[20:01] <jcastro> pleia2: hey did you get my response to your mail yesterday?
[20:02] <pleia2> jcastro: I did, thank you so much!
[20:02] <pleia2> it's perfect :)
[20:02] <jcastro> wooooo\
[20:02] <czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda busy meeting for the loco council today
[20:02] <czajkowski> 5 teams up for re approval !
[20:02] <czajkowski> we've done 3 so far via bugs now thse
[20:02] <czajkowski> getting through our 27 this cycle!
[20:03] <czajkowski> had some teams look for extensions due to about to expire rather soon though
[20:03] <czajkowski> :s
[20:07] <paultag> almost forgot the LC meeting
[20:07] <paultag> now + 1 hour
[20:08] <czajkowski> paultag: do not forget
[20:09] <czajkowski> there'll be only 5 tonight
[20:09] <czajkowski> and I cant vote for ireland!
[20:10] <paultag> czajkowski: I know :)
[20:10] <paultag> czajkowski: I joined
[20:10] <paultag> i'll be watching movies and doing small work until
[22:13] <czajkowski> 4/5 team reapproved
[22:14] <czajkowski> 1 team asked to come back with a better wiki
[22:14] <czajkowski> not bad
[22:14] <paultag> yar
[22:14] <czajkowski> 19 more teams to get done
[22:15] <JanC> :P
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[22:29] <czajkowski> jcastro: ping
[22:33] <jcastro> czajkowski: yo
[22:33] <czajkowski> jcastro: have you access to the facebook page
[22:33] <czajkowski> http://ubuntulococouncil.wordpress.com/2011/06/21/ello-world/
[22:33] <jcastro> not me
[22:33] <czajkowski> want to get word out
[22:35] <czajkowski> jcastro: who?
[23:09] <mhall119> hmmm, 56 windows...time to prune some channels
[23:11] <mhall119> ah, 32, that's more manageable