UbuntuIRC / 2012 /09 /13 /#ubuntu-beginners.txt
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[00:35] <momule> hello .. can anyone point Me to a place where I can get some help on LAN with 3 precise 12.04 and 2 win machines ?
[00:38] <momule> ok .. guess no one home ... thanks anyway...
[00:48] <Pockets_> I don't know if this should be here or in the regular ubuntu channel, but I am trying to use Kobo Desktop ereader on Ubuntu 12.04. I have it properly installed, (it is not in a repository, but downloaded from the kobo developers) and must be run through the terminal. However, when I run it, I get the error"error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.s0.44: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory"
[00:49] <Pockets_> what do I do to get the libicuuc.so.44 library?
[03:48] <cyung64> I have free space on my computer and I want to increase the partition size of my ubuntu partition does how do I do that?
[04:00] <wilee-nilee> cyung64, this might be helpful it covers what you need with pics lol http://www.howtogeek.com/114503/how-to-resize-your-ubuntu-partitions/
[04:01] <cyung64> thank you a lot
[04:01] <wilee-nilee> no problem,
[04:05] <doc969> Hi guys, I just bought a custom laptop with the NVIDIA GeForce GT 630M graphics card. I didn't realize there were issues with ubuntu and nvidia until today. Will I have issues when I install Ubuntu?
[05:54] <bookpage> hi there, I was wondering how I can find out if my kernel has support for pv_ops?
[05:58] <mysteriousdarren> bookpage: please explain your situation more in depth please.
[08:39] <Nemui> Hello, I'm getting an SSH/tunneling error -> Channel 2 open failed connect failed no root to host... what should I do?
[11:20] <sa___> Hi I have problems to instal my wifi adapter Ralink USB, RT 2870, when I sudo make I receive error, somebody can help?
[11:27] <philinux> sa___: you might get quicker help in #ubuntu
[11:30] <sa___> philinux: I am trying over there but without luck, is there more channels where I can ask?
[11:31] <philinux> dr willis said pastebin the errors. http://paste.ubuntu.com/
[11:31] <philinux> He's your best bet
[11:33] <sa___> sory I am really new on this. I paste the errors to dr willis PM ))
[11:33] <sa___> sory guys I will try it
[11:33] <philinux> sa___: no just do dr_willis then the link to your paste
[11:34] <philinux> example
[11:35] <philinux> sa___: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1202433/
[11:36] <sa___> ok I made it thank you philinux
[11:37] <philinux> sa___: does the wifi adaptor not just work when you plug it in
[11:40] <sa___> philinux: its work like wlan1 probably with some common driver, looks that is not using potencial of the card and this is why I like to install shipped driver
=== HerbY_NL_ is now known as HerbY_NL
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== cortman is now known as john_barleycorn
[16:36] <dakaratekid> hello...my install of ubuntu 12.04 did not include /etc/xinetd.conf. Does this distro not use it?
[16:37] <tsimpson> dakaratekid: not unless you install xinetd
[16:38] <dakaratekid> thx. I guess that it is an outdated way of service management? I come exclusively from the Windows world, so this is my first attempt at learning flavor of linux.
[16:39] <tsimpson> most "services" have their own configuration
[16:39] <dakaratekid> And each of these put their configuration in a unique file in /etc ?
[16:40] <tsimpson> usually, yes
[16:41] <dakaratekid> Excellent help. Thanks. I spend 20 minutes on google, without much success vs. 3 minutes here!
[16:42] <tsimpson> heh, well humans are still better than algorithms
[16:42] <tsimpson> at least, for now
=== john_barleycorn is now known as cortman
[20:21] <stewalk> When I mirror my displays the Launcher disappears.
[21:09] <raub> I restarted apache in a 12.04LTS box and noticed the following entries in the apache error.log file: http://pastie.org/private/es71nknofrwexl6lqag
[21:09] <raub> Who is looking for python 2.7.2?
[23:41] <Presonus_Probs> :) Hi roomies
[23:41] <Presonus_Probs> first time user here, apologies if im in the wrong channel