[00:02] <showdon> I'm looking to bring back the old applications menu on Ubuntu 12.04 instead of this side bar, can anyone help? |
[00:17] <SergioMeneses> showdon, when you start session you have to pick "gnome-classic" and you would have the classic menu on your system |
[02:15] <showdon> i don't see a option for gnome-classic when i startup |
[02:20] <wilee-nilee> showdon, What is the distro? |
[02:21] <showdon> unbuntu 12.04 |
[02:22] <wilee-nilee> showdon, have you installed anything additional like the gnome-shell? |
[02:22] <showdon> .... |
[02:22] <showdon> im gonna say no |
[02:22] <showdon> im really new to linux |
[02:22] <showdon> just made the switch the other day |
[02:24] <wilee-nilee> there is a similar to gnome 2 I forget it's actual name desktop that is installed with a gnome-shell install, all will be available in the dropdown gear at login |
[02:24] <wilee-nilee> the gnome 2 desktop was discontinued several releases ago |
[02:25] <showdon> do you know where i could go to learn how to use linux |
[02:25] <showdon> something that will really start on a beginner level |
[02:25] <showdon> like a video tutorial or something like that |
[02:27] <wilee-nilee> showdon, Myself not really I started on ubuntu and just learned it by using it, others might know but really, a video would never cover everything. I suppose it depends on what you want to know. |
[02:28] <wilee-nilee> I think the former gnome classic is now called gnome session fallback but not sure really. |
[02:29] <krytarik> showdon, for your first question, i.e. Gnome Classic, please see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1966370 |
[02:30] <krytarik> showdon, for your second, you could start with this: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ |
[02:31] <showdon> figured out the gnome-shell from a youtube video, so we are good on that |
[02:33] <showdon> does anyone here use backtrack? |
[08:49] <Nunya-Biz> anybody any good at apache2? (Pretty good with apache v1 under OS X, but having one simple dilemma under v2... |
[08:50] <Nunya-Biz> ...? |
[08:50] <Nunya-Biz> ...anybody here? |
[08:50] <Nunya-Biz> hurro? |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel |
[12:21] <Robertan111> What programming language is used for making Linux OS? |
[12:26] <geirha> The linux kernel is written in C |
[12:27] <geirha> The various programs surrounding the kernel in a linux based OS can be written in more or less any language |
[12:28] <geirha> Typically there'll be a lot of programs written in C, but you'll also find C++, perl, python, ruby, sh, bash, java, mono, ... |
[13:03] <Robertan111> What tools are using for the kernel(software, etc.) |
=== Robertan111 is now known as robertan111 |
[13:06] <robertan111> What software i need for the kernel? |
[13:18] <holstein> robertan111: the kernel is installed on your machine if you installed ubuntu |
[13:18] <holstein> robertan111: what are you trying to do? |
[13:30] <robertan111> i want to be a developer |
[13:30] <holstein> robertan111: of what? linux operating systems? linux kernels? |
[13:30] <smartboyhw> robertan111, go to #ubuntu-kernel I think:P |
[13:31] <robertan111> what are kernels? |
[13:31] <holstein> robertan111: the kernel is what i thought you had already asked about before.... let me get a link |
[13:32] <smartboyhw> Hi holstein BTW |
[13:32] <robertan111> Ok |
[13:32] <holstein> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel |
[13:32] <holstein> http://www.kernel.org/ |
[13:33] <holstein> robertan111: maybe you are new, and missing a few key concepts.. which is fine, and i welcome you :) |
[13:33] <holstein> robertan111: linux is not an operating system.. its a kernel.. ubuntu uses the linux kernel.. so does android (for example) and a lot of appliances such as routers.. etc... |
[13:34] <robertan111> ok, thanks |
[13:34] <robertan111> So, how i can work for new versions of the kernel? |
[13:34] <holstein> if you are wanting to learn a lot about what linux is and how it works, i might suggest http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ http://www.archlinux.org/ http://www.gentoo.org/ |
[13:35] <robertan111> Am i right? |
[13:35] <holstein> robertan111: you would just need to elaborate as to what you mean.. "work for new versions of the kernel" |
[13:35] <holstein> robertan111: especially since i literally just linked you to a kernel wiki page.. im not sure i understand what you are asking... |
[13:35] <holstein> robertan111: are you wondering about how to contribute to ubuntu? |
[13:35] <robertan111> wait |
[13:36] <robertan111> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Prospective Like that |
[13:37] <holstein> robertan111: that page is typically what i would link to someone interested in developing |
[13:37] <smartboyhw> robertan111, do you think developing is the best for you? Maybe you can help in bug triaging, testing, documentation, artwork and so on |
[13:37] <holstein> robertan111: do you have any specific questions about what the page is suggesting? |
[13:37] <robertan111> how can i be a tester? |
[13:37] * smartboyhw likes testing:P |
[13:38] <holstein> robertan111: you can just start testing... we also have testing pages for you to follow |
[13:38] <smartboyhw> robertan111, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam |
[13:43] <robertan111> Thanks |
[13:43] <smartboyhw> robertan111, NP:) |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel |
[20:07] <Chas> Question about dual boot with Windoze |
[20:07] <Chas> Problem: Windows disappeared with a MicroSoft update. Thats OK! |
[20:08] <Chas> But I want to use the disk space for Ubuntu. Looks like the "update" merged partitions so that everything is Ubuntu now. Possible? |
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan |
[21:44] <pentagon> WHat keyID did you use to verify the md5sums ? |
[21:44] <holstein> !md5 |
[21:44] <ubot2> To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows |
[21:44] <pentagon> holstein: That doesn't answer my question. |
[21:45] <holstein> pentagon: well, im using it for reference, but the first link should |
[21:45] <holstein> pentagon: i typically use the sums from the source.. the source should provide them |
[21:45] <pentagon> And what keyID was it? |
[21:46] <holstein> pentagon: for what download? assuming we are talking about an iso download for ubuntu, i would get it from the same download page |
[21:46] <pentagon> I want info not theory. |
[21:46] <pentagon> WHat keyID did you use to verify the md5sums ? |
[21:47] <holstein> pentagon: sure.. just let me know what you are looking for.. im assuming you are talking about an ubuntu iso? |
[21:47] <pentagon> Yes ubuntu 12 |
[21:47] <holstein> the sums are on this page for the iso's that are on the same page http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ |
[21:47] <pentagon> I know that. |
[21:47] <holstein> pentagon: again, im assuming what you are looking for still |
[21:47] <pentagon> Is my question not clear? |
[21:48] <holstein> pentagon: you can clarify if you feel it will be helpful.. keep in mind, we are all volunteers here, so your patience is apprectiate |
[21:48] <holstein> appreciated* |
[21:49] <pentagon> holstein: Did you ever verify the md5sums of the ubuntu 12 set ? |
[21:50] <holstein> pentagon: i havent needed to for 12.04.. i havent really needed to since i left dial up internet.. i have used the verify step in a few live CD's however |
[21:50] <holstein> i like that step, since if verifies the downloaded iso, and the burn and the media.. all in one step |
[21:51] <holstein> but, if you'd like the md5 sum, just let me know what you have downloaded and are wanting to check.. like "i want the sum for the ubuntu 12.04.1 live 32bit desktop version" |
[21:52] <pentagon> holstein: No I have completed the whole process but since it is an automatic key signing mechanism I want to know is it standard for the whole community or if they someohow have the server generate specific iso's. |
[21:53] <holstein> pentagon: the iso's are just that.. iso's. the sums are generated for confirming the downloads |
[21:53] <holstein> pentagon: its not a security step by any means |
[21:54] <holstein> pentagon: it is only to help verify the downloaded data... the iso is made.. an md5 sum is created and posted.. you download... if you have issues, you can create an md5 of the iso you have, and check the sums against each other |
[21:54] <pentagon> holstein: will you download the md5sums and attempt to verify them and see what keyID is required ? |
[21:54] <holstein> its not a method of encryption, or security... or to verify the source.. its just for the quality of the download |
[21:55] <holstein> pentagon: you will just follow the steps |
[21:55] <pentagon> holstein: will you download the md5sums and attempt to verify them and see what keyID is required ? |
[21:55] <holstein> pentagon: you take the downloaded md5 and check it against the md5 you generate |
[21:56] <pentagon> I know that. |
[21:56] <holstein> pentagon: if i have an iso downloaded here.. i will go through it.. but i dont think you have read that link about how to generate md5's |
[21:56] <pentagon> You think wrong. |
[21:56] <pentagon> holstein: will you download the md5sums and attempt to verify them and see what keyID is required ? |
[21:57] <holstein> pentagon: if i have a downloaded iso, i will |
[21:57] <pentagon> You do not need the iso. |
[21:58] <holstein> pentagon: actually, thats the point of the md5 sums for the isos |
[21:58] <pentagon> I am asking you to download the md5sums and corresponding .gpg and attemt to verify the md5sums and see what gpg keyID they were signed with. |
[21:58] <pentagon> holstein: Again, will you download the md5sums and attempt to verify them and see what keyID is required ? |
[21:58] <holstein> pentagon: its not a security step though.. i would just use the md5 sum its self |
[21:59] <holstein> pentagon: ive never needed a keyIS.. i just use the seum |
[21:59] <holstein> sum* |
[21:59] <pentagon> Ok, will you do this for me. |
[21:59] <holstein> pentagon: sure.. whats up? |
[22:00] <pentagon> Just download the small files the sums and the signatures and try to verify the signatures and tell me what keyID they were signed with. |
[22:00] <holstein> pentagon: there are only md5's and sha1'a at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ |
[22:01] <holstein> you'll need to link me to whatever gpg's you are finding |
[22:01] <pentagon> holstein: Do you see the ones such as MD5SUMS.gpg |
[22:01] <holstein> pentagon: i see them.. but i have never needed them |
[22:02] <holstein> pentagon: i'll look.. |
[22:02] <pentagon> Download that and MD5SUM |
[22:03] <pentagon> run gpg --verify MD5SUMS.gpg MD5SUMS |
[22:03] <pentagon> and please tell me the keyID |
[22:03] <holstein> pentagon: on? 12.04.1 ? |
[22:03] <pentagon> yes 12.04.1 |
[22:04] <holstein> http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.1/MD5SUMS http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.1/MD5SUMS.gpg are the links im using |
[22:04] <pentagon> ok, good |
[22:05] <holstein> gpg: Signature made Thu 23 Aug 2012 08:19:52 PM EDT using DSA key ID FBB75451 |
[22:06] <pentagon> and that is for MD5SUM, hmm |
[22:07] <pentagon> holstein: If you don't mind what is you general location. |
[22:07] <holstein> pentagon: that is for the *exact* files i linked above |
[22:07] <holstein> pentagon: i mind |
[22:07] <pentagon> ok, thanks for doing that |
[22:07] <holstein> sure.. anytime |
[22:08] <pentagon> You are aware of the geoip stuff coded into ubuntu right holstein ? |
[22:09] <holstein> pentagon: if you have a question, feel free and ask.. i dont "write" any of the code.. you could make a long list of what im unaware of... |
[22:10] <pentagon> Well if you are so mindful as to not give me a general location , you should be mindful of the geoip coded into ubuntu that broadcasts your general location. |
[22:10] <pentagon> Just trying to help. |
[22:12] <holstein> pentagon: im sure i dont need to tell you where/how im connecting.. but im in the states.. in north carolina.. im connected through a freeshell account though.. its not running ubuntu, and i dont think you would see my machine through the screen session |
[22:13] <pentagon> holstein: I ask because I am tryind to verify how the ubuntu server distributes iso's. Thank you that gives me a clue. |
[22:16] <holstein> pentagon: you can just ask the higherups... i would try a *-dev channel...maybe the main #ubuntu-devel channel.. though, AFAIK, no one is expecting that to be a security step |
[22:16] <pentagon> freeshell that is also interesting. Thanks. |
[22:17] <holstein> http://freeshell.de/ if you are interested... |
[22:18] <pentagon> What about freeshell.org ? |
[22:18] <pentagon> Different server I take it the one is in germany. |
[22:20] <holstein> pentagon: i chose the *.de one.. dont remember why exactly |
[22:21] <pentagon> Ok, I am going to get going on this iso now, lter. |
[23:08] <pentagon> stlsaint: we should work with each other |