UbuntuIRC / 2009 /01 /07 /#ubuntu-bugs.txt
Initial commit
[00:20] <duanedesign> Could someone please look at bug #313642 I believe it needs to be set to 'Wishlist'. Thank You!
[00:20] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 313642 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] miniupnpd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/313642
[00:30] <Rocket2DMn> duanedesign, those are workflow bugs for repository contributors and MOTUs and whatnot
[00:30] <Rocket2DMn> i would leave them alone
[00:30] <Rocket2DMn> unless you are getting involved with that stuff?
[00:31] <duanedesign> nope, thank you
[00:32] <Rocket2DMn> since you started on that bug, you may need to ask in #ubuntu-devel how to finish it up
[00:32] <duanedesign> I will thank you
[00:32] <Rocket2DMn> actually, nhandler if you got a sec from our meeting can you help out duanedesign
[00:32] <nhandler> What is the problem?
[00:33] <Rocket2DMn> packaging bug
[00:33] <nhandler> duanedesign: What is the bug?
[00:33] <Rocket2DMn> its above nhandler
[00:33] <duanedesign> bug #313642
[00:33] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 313642 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] miniupnpd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/313642
[00:34] <nhandler> Yeah, did you confirm that there are no duplicates and that it is not in the repos duanedesign ?
[00:35] <bdmurray> you might find http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/reports/needs-packaging/latest-needs-packaging.html helpful
[00:36] <hggdh> duanedesign, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Needs%20Packaging%20Bugs for how-to
[00:37] <duanedesign> nhandler: checked using rmadison did not find it in Ubuntu or Debian
[00:37] <nhandler> Ok, then confirm it
[00:38] <nhandler> Once you do, I'll wishlist it
[00:38] <duanedesign> k, thank you very much for the help
[00:40] <duanedesign> I am checking the link bdmurray provided for dups, one sec
[00:43] <bdmurray> duanedesign: that does an rmadison look up too
[00:44] <duanedesign> ok, thank you
[00:49] <nhandler> duanedesign: I marked it as wishlist
[00:50] <duanedesign> nhandler: thank you, I appreciate the help:)
[00:50] <nhandler> you're welcome duanedesign
[01:00] <crimsun> nhandler: mind acking bug 312566 and doing the subbing?
[01:00] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 312566 in grabcd "[jaunty] Please sync grabcd 0009-1 from http://www.cgarbs.de/stuff/grabcd_0009-1.dsc" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/312566
[01:01] <Ryan52> 0.o
[01:01] <Ryan52> doesn't ubuntu give some 'real' repo to put those things in?
[01:03] <crimsun> Ryan52: of course, but this package was in ubuntu long ago
[01:03] <Ryan52> oh
[01:04] <nhandler> crimsun: Looking now
[01:04] <crimsun> Ryan52: the only reason it was even addressed is because i'm trawling through every last old bug
[01:04] * Ryan52 still feels confused by that explaination, but will let it go :)
[01:05] <crimsun> it's fine if upstream wants to maintain it externally; that's his choice. it's Ubuntu's job to work with upstream to get it right.
[01:06] <Ryan52> oh, ok.
[01:09] <nhandler> crimsun: Is there a changelog for this version?
[01:09] <nhandler> What changes does it introduce/remove from ubuntu?
[01:10] <crimsun> nhandler: the changelog is in the source package; the major change is documented in bug 46447
[01:10] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 46447 in grabcd "grabcd-encode's script has absurdly generic name" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46447
[01:11] <crimsun> nhandler: there have never been ubuntu modifications. this source package has always been synced directly from upstream's repository.
[01:11] <nhandler> Ok, just wanted to make sure
[01:11] <crimsun> no prob, i appreciate you asking. (i used to ask, too, when i was core-dev)
[01:17] <nhandler> crimsun: Looks good.
[01:35] <bbechdol> evening everyone
[03:44] <crimsun> nhandler: thanks for the ack
[03:44] <nhandler> No problem crimsun
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[06:46] <dholbach> good morning
[06:47] <greg-g> good night
[06:50] <dholbach> hiya greg-g!
[06:51] <greg-g> heya dholbach :)
[07:55] <thekorn> good morning
[08:16] <dholbach> hi thekorn
[08:16] <thekorn> hiya dholbach
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[09:20] <ara> can anybody have a look to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notification-daemon/+bug/131227
[09:20] <ubottu> Error: This bug is private
[09:20] <ara> I guess no... :)
[09:23] <ara> It is now public: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notification-daemon/+bug/131227
[09:23] <ubottu> Error: This bug is private
[09:23] <ara> it is, but the bot is kind slow :)
[09:31] <thekorn> ara, hi, looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notification-daemon it looks like this one has some duplicates
[09:35] <ara> thekorn: yes, the bug has been there for quite a while, but now in jaunty, as you can read from my comments it is far more visible
[09:35] <ara> thekorn: I think that this should be fixed in jaunty
[09:37] <thekorn> ara, is this PopUp Notifications Settings dialog new in jaunty? cannot find it on intrepid
[09:37] <thekorn> or maybe I'm blind
[09:38] <tseliot> thekorn: it's either in System/Preferences or in System/Administration
[09:39] <ara> thekorn: yes, PopUp Notifications Settings is new in Jaunty. which makes this bug easier to see
[09:39] <ara> thekorn: if you see the original report, the bug was not trivial to reproduce, but now in jaunty is
[09:40] <tseliot> ¡Hola ara! ;)
[09:41] <ara> hey tseliot!!
[09:45] <rick_w> Hello, is it normal that the shut down window pops _under_ my active apps when putting my machine to sleep?
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[14:35] <dholbach> would somebody like to give a session about backtraces and debugging stuff at Ubuntu Developer Week?
[14:35] <dholbach> we still have some open slots available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep
[14:42] <dholbach> pedro_: ^ who do you think could give such a session? :)
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[15:30] <andresmujica> i would like to help translating some bug related opensession to spanish...
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[19:29] <savvas> I've found a guy spamming at bugs.launchpad.net
[19:30] <savvas> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomeui/+bug/187183/comments/32
[19:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 187183 in libgnomeui "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [High,Fix released]
[19:30] <BUGabundo> savvas: open a question on LP against malone, and let LP admins fix it!
[19:30] <BUGabundo> or email the LP users ML
[19:31] <savvas> on my way :)
[19:31] <hggdh> or just go to #launchpad and comment there
[19:31] <BUGabundo> hggdh: LP devs seem to prefer the other 2 !
[19:31] <BUGabundo> so it get recored
[19:32] <hggdh> BUGabundo, last times I contacted them was via #lp... but it is good to know
[19:32] <BUGabundo> I'm not saying it won't work!
[19:33] <BUGabundo> just that from what I've read on the ML, LP Answer 1st and them ML
[19:33] <hggdh> heh, I understand, np ;-)
[19:33] <BUGabundo> are the prefered way
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[21:20] <snap-l> OK, I'm a little perturbed
[21:20] <snap-l> Bug 300694: I provided a core dump, but now I'm being asked to provide a backtrace.
[21:21] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 300694 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox crashed while downloading podcasts" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/300694
[21:21] <snap-l> It seems no matter how the program crashes, I'm not providing enough information.
[21:22] <seb128> snap-l: that's because the retracing didn't give an useful backtrace
[21:22] <snap-l> What would make it more useful?
[21:23] <seb128> snap-l: that's a duplicate of bug #276603, pedro has just been quick to needinfo it
[21:23] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 276603 in rhythmbox "crashed while listening to a mp3 podcast" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/276603
[21:24] <snap-l> And why doesn't apport provide the info required?
[21:24] <seb128> it does
[21:24] <snap-l> orly?
[21:25] <snap-l> Seems every time I submit an Apport generated bug, it flies back incomplete/need info.
[21:25] <seb128> the retracing didn't work correctly though because the retracers were down for some time and the versions changed
[21:25] <snap-l> (Sorry, you're reciving the brunt of some built-up frustration with the system. :) )
[21:25] <snap-l> So it's better now?
[21:25] <seb128> the retracers were stopped for a month due to technical issues
[21:25] <seb128> they are restarted now
[21:26] <seb128> but since versions changed a lot it's likely retracing will not always work on those
[21:26] <snap-l> OK. I'll pull the talons and fireworks back for now.
[21:26] <seb128> usually retracing works correctly on most of the bugs sent
[21:26] <snap-l> Thanks for the explanation.
[21:26] <seb128> you're welcome
[21:33] <martinosamigos> hi everyone
[21:33] <martinosamigos> is there a bug with samba on ubuntu server?
[21:50] <Rocket2DMn> ok i need some help with bug 312259 - could the problem potentially be that the user isnt in the fuse usergroup? i would expect something other than that
[21:50] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 312259 in screen "Screen must be started with sudo on first use" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/312259
[21:50] <Rocket2DMn> s/usergroup/group
[21:51] <andersk> Perhaps something bad happened to /etc/rcS.d/S70screen-cleanup -> /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup?
[21:52] <Rocket2DMn> i had never even heard of that init script
[21:52] <Rocket2DMn> the user did reinstall screen, and it didnt help
[21:52] <andersk> Reinstalling doesn’t necessarily fix conffiles. Purging and reinstalling would.
[21:53] <Rocket2DMn> well, it's an in init script, it should have been removed upon uninstall
[21:53] <Rocket2DMn> i can ask the use to --purge if youd like, but i want to consider other options, too
[21:55] <andersk> Nope, initscripts in /etc, which makes them conffiles, and therefore they are only deleted on purge.
[21:56] <Rocket2DMn> hm, news to me, ok then
[21:56] <Rocket2DMn> I'll have the user purge and install again, can you think of anything else?
[21:56] <andersk> That is my best guess, because /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup is responsible for creating /var/run/screen and setting the correct permissions (root:utmp).
[21:57] <Rocket2DMn> yeah the permissions looked correct though
[21:57] <andersk> He showed the permissions on /var/run, not the permissions on /var/run/screen.
[21:57] <Rocket2DMn> thats why i wondered if it was a filesystem or user config problem
[21:58] <Rocket2DMn> he showed both
[21:58] <Rocket2DMn> ah wait
[21:58] <andersk> I only see /var/run and /usr/bin/screen, not /var/run/screen.
[21:59] <Rocket2DMn> so just have him sudo apt-get remove --purge screen ?
[21:59] <Rocket2DMn> then install it again?
[21:59] <andersk> Unfortunately, ubuntu-desktop depends on screen.
[22:00] <Rocket2DMn> well thats not good
[22:00] <andersk> So you need sudo dpkg --force-depends --purge screen sudo apt-get install screen
[22:00] <andersk> (er, those are two commands)
[22:00] <Rocket2DMn> yeah, got it :)
[22:04] <Rocket2DMn> alright andersk , we'll see what happens, thanks for the help
[22:59] <bdmurray> james_w: is there a hardy backport of launchpadlib?
[23:00] <james_w> bdmurray: I don't believe so
[23:01] <bdmurray> james_w: do you have an idea of how much work it would involve?
[23:03] <james_w> it would be 3 packages to backport I believe
[23:04] <bdmurray> james_w: never mind, it seems to be installed on the server I'm on
[23:05] <james_w> ah, ok
[23:05] <bdmurray> lucky me!
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