UbuntuIRC / 2009 /03 /06 /#ubuntu-installer.txt
Initial commit
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
[11:17] <davmor2> evand: Morning did you get my note about kubuntu and the grey bar in the partitioner?
[11:18] <evand> davmor2: Indeed, I replied with this:
[11:18] <evand> <evand> https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/336755 - can you just add a note in there to remember to address it in the kde frontend as well? Thanks!
[11:18] <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 336755 in ubiquity ""Specify partitions manually (advanced)" is displayed as if it's a partition type" [Low,Confirmed]
[11:18] <davmor2> cool missed it :)
[11:23] <davmor2> evand done :)
[11:23] <evand> thanks
[12:37] <lool> Hi folks; the ARM people would like a neon + vfp build of ffmpeg; I'm not sure we can handle that via hwcaps like the other libs, so I had in mind to do it via separate packages; ffmpeg-debian has special shlibs which allow alternate versions of the libs to be installed
[12:37] <lool> The problem is that, just like libc, this is only useful if the installers install the alternate version on hardware supporting it
[12:37] <lool> Will this be possible and does it make sense?
[12:41] <cjwatson> ffmpeg isn't typically installed at initial installation time, though
[12:42] <cjwatson> it's installed later by any of a variety of apt frontends
[12:42] <cjwatson> you would have to educate them all
[12:42] <cjwatson> this is precisely the problem with extending the separate-package idea beyond libc
[12:43] <cjwatson> do the extra objects conflict at the file level?
[12:59] <CIA-3> ubiquity: evand * r3079 ubiquity/ (69 files in 6 dirs):
[12:59] <CIA-3> ubiquity: Incorporate the final time zone map artwork. Support some
[12:59] <CIA-3> ubiquity: additional time zones on the map.
[13:06] <CIA-3> ubiquity: evand * r3080 ubiquity/ (pixmaps/timezone/timezone_-9.5.png ubiquity/timezone_map.py): Forgot Marquesas.
[14:22] <cjwatson> evand: bug 292159 ping
[14:22] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 292159 in linux "MASTER update-initramfs is disabled since running on a live CD but it is running from a flash drive. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/292159
[14:26] <evand> indeed, in process. I'm working on it as much as I can but this week was a bit difficult due to the impending freeze. I am making progress though, and am just slowed by a kernel panic with the new initramfs.
[14:26] <evand> cjwatson: ^
[14:26] <cjwatson> thanks
[14:27] <cjwatson> evand: kernel panic with everyone's new initramfs or just yours? :)
[14:27] <evand> whatever the latest intrepid kernel is, though I'm sure it extends beyond that
[14:27] <evand> I'm sure I'm doing something slightly wonky though
[14:28] <cjwatson> any reason not to develop it on jaunty?
[14:28] <evand> my jaunty CDs were too new when I was testing :)
[14:28] <evand> I will test the code with Jaunty though
[14:29] <evand> and I already had intrepid on the USB disk large enough to handle a new kernel
[15:32] <cjwatson> lool: ^- just checking that you did see my comments on ffmpeg above
[15:32] <lool> cjwatson: Yes, it's basically alternate libavcodec and all which we would like to provide
[15:33] <cjwatson> I don't know of any way to do that short of profoundly evil special-casing in apt and quite probably several frontends too
[15:33] <cjwatson> why isn't it hwcappable?
[15:35] <cjwatson> I thought I saw a patch from Catalin to handle NEON in hwcap a while back ...
[15:55] <cjwatson> evand: (relayed from #ubuntu-meeting) do shout if you need kernel team help with that panic
[15:55] <evand> cjwatson: noted; thanks
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[16:52] <CIA-3> oem-config: evand * r628 oem-config/ (debian/changelog oem-config): Add missing errno import.
[16:53] <cjwatson> good catch
[16:53] <CIA-3> oem-config: evand * r629 oem-config/ (45 files in 6 dirs): Merge in the new timezone widget from ubiquity (LP: #335557).
[16:54] <evand> thanks
[16:54] <evand> I really need to shove the map in an AspectFrame. I'll have to take care of that on Monday though.
[18:12] <kirkland> does anyone know for sure if usb-creator works with server-iso's?
[18:12] <kirkland> or alternate-iso's for that matter?
[18:13] <kirkland> bummer, evand has left
[18:13] * kirkland liked it better when he was UTC-5 :-)
[18:34] <davmor2> kirkland: I don't know about jaunty but I created a usb of intrepid that was alternate I click on the wrong image :)
[18:35] <davmor2> I can try one for you now if you like though
[18:36] <superm1> davmor2, could you see if they work? if so, i think that's the only way i can work with a server image right now since they're oversized..
[18:37] <davmor2> superm1: np's it'll take a few minutes
[18:37] <superm1> thanks davmor2
[18:37] <davmor2> superm1: what os are you using to create it intrepid or jaunty?
[18:38] <superm1> jaunty dailies
[18:38] <davmor2> superm1: So ubuntu desktop daily to create the ubuntu server daily correct?
[18:39] <superm1> davmor2, well using usb-creator in jaunty to create a usb-key of ubuntu-server daily jaunty
[18:39] <davmor2> Yes cool just so I can test in a similar environment :)
[18:40] <superm1> if it works then it's still worthwhile downloading the server iso, otherwise i'll just have to wait until they're not oversized i guess
[19:10] <davmor2> superm1: 50% of transfer done shouldn't be long
[19:14] <davmor2> superm1: It's crashing here I wouldn't bother till it fits :)
[19:15] <superm1> davmor2, okay thanks!
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