UbuntuIRC / 2009 /03 /06 /#ubuntu-mobile.txt
Initial commit
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[08:48] <asdfasdfa> hello
[08:49] <asdfasdfa> i have and answer
[08:50] <asdfasdfa> can somebody help me right here?
[08:54] <asdfasdfa> anyone here¿
[08:55] <asdfasdfa> bye
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
[15:25] <mkrufky> ChickenCutlass: suddently more heads in your netbook tree than I recall
[15:25] <mkrufky> ChickenCutlass: i want the abi-22 head, right?
[15:26] <mkrufky> (assuming so for now ... if thats wrong, then we can cherryy-pick)
[15:30] <mkrufky> hello, ChickenCutlass1
[15:30] <ChickenCutlass1> mkrufky: hello
[15:30] <mkrufky> ChickenCutlass1: abi-22 is the correct head to build changesets against, right?
[15:30] <ChickenCutlass1> mkrufky: yes
[15:31] <mkrufky> ok, just checking
[15:31] <mkrufky> i'll have a pull request for you within the hour
[15:31] <ChickenCutlass1> mkrufky: ok
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu