UbuntuIRC / 2009 /03 /21 /#xubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:11] <Dillizar> will gnome programs work on xubuntu
[00:11] <charlie-tca> yes
[00:12] <Dillizar> bot not themes
[00:12] <charlie-tca> although they may add dependencies
[00:12] <charlie-tca> Themes will too
[00:12] <Dillizar> wow
[00:12] <charlie-tca> for the most part
[00:12] <Dillizar> hmm
[00:12] <charlie-tca> !themes
[00:12] <ubottu> Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy
[00:12] <Dillizar> i can put kde AND gnome
[00:12] <charlie-tca> not the www.gnome.org
[00:12] <charlie-tca> not=note
[00:13] <Dillizar> wow now i have 3 OS to choose from LCARS 24 LXDE or xfce
[00:14] <Dillizar> lxde its off cuz it looks like kde and i dont like it
[00:14] <Dillizar> but never the less LCARS is hmmm ^^
[00:15] <Dillizar> !usb
[00:15] <ubottu> For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent
[00:17] <Dillizar> damn its so hard
[00:19] * charlie-tca thinks only hard the first 10-20 times
[00:20] <Dillizar> yeah
[00:20] <Dillizar> but
[00:20] <Dillizar> look at this
[00:20] <Dillizar> http://lxde.org/download
[00:21] <Dillizar> why they dont do this with xubuntu too
[00:22] <charlie-tca> Look at the sizes they have. We have to stay up with Ubuntu, since we use the same installers and repositories
[00:23] <Dillizar> wait
[00:23] <charlie-tca> When borrowing from elsewhere, you can't always just change it.
[00:23] <Dillizar> does 9.04 comes out the same time with ubuntu
[00:24] <charlie-tca> yes, April 23.
[00:24] <Dillizar> charlie-tca so a 700mb iso to make it a a usb i will need how big usb??
[00:24] <charlie-tca> 700mb, I think
[00:25] <charlie-tca> I don't know for sure. I don't do that
[00:25] <Dillizar> if i install lxde
[00:25] <charlie-tca> http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2008/11/07/ubuntu-from-your-flash-drive-easier-than-ever-before/
[00:25] <charlie-tca> Take a look at that
[00:26] <Dillizar> and then install xfce will i have xubuntu??\
[00:26] <Dillizar> no
[00:26] <charlie-tca> no, xubuntu is not lxde, it is ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome
[00:27] <knome> Dillizar, you could think that xfce is part of xubuntu
[00:28] <Dillizar> yeah
[00:28] <Dillizar> but lxde its ubuntu with lxde right
[00:28] <Dillizar> or just debian \
[00:28] <charlie-tca> lscd is not ubuntu, it is debian
[00:28] <Dillizar> not ubuntu
[00:28] <charlie-tca> That is not the same, although it uses some of the same stuff
[00:28] <Dillizar> is there #xubuntu+1
[00:29] <Dillizar> nope :)
[00:29] <charlie-tca> no, all of +1 is ubuntu: #ubuntu+1 handles ubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu
[00:29] <charlie-tca> but not lxde
[00:30] <Dillizar> so i need usb-creator and a xubuntu :)
[00:30] <charlie-tca> you need whatever xubuntu blog said.
[00:30] <charlie-tca> He is a xubuntu user
[00:31] <Dillizar> sounds scary
[00:31] <charlie-tca> you don't have a cd drive?
[00:31] <Dillizar> well i have but it doesnt work that good
[00:32] <Dillizar> but
[00:32] <charlie-tca> All the images are good today
[00:32] <Dillizar> i want to make with me PC (ubuntu)
[00:32] <Dillizar> for my laptop
[00:45] <Dillizar> charlie-tca thanks a lot man for the info i will be installing xubuntu 9.04 first thing in the morning
[00:45] <charlie-tca> Great. You are welcome
[00:46] <charlie-tca> Good luck, and yes, we discuss 9.04 here too
[00:46] <charlie-tca> I am running it, and so are several others
[00:47] <Dillizar> they say its damn fast
[00:47] <Dillizar> :)
[00:47] <charlie-tca> It is fast, and works smooth. Ext4 file system still has issues though
[02:06] <rocko> is dellos really the most secure os in da world ?
[02:06] <rocko> why you guys use xubuntu?
[02:06] <rocko> dellos is where it is at
[02:06] <rocko> with dellirc
[02:42] <bluestaze> Hello i want to how it is possible to know whats my wireless card
[02:42] <bluestaze> I use Ubuntu :P
[02:56] <charlie-tca> bluestaze: try "sudo lshw" in a terminal
[03:00] <brandonban6> evening! How do I "exit X" or quit my xserver? Trying to upgrade my video card, and that is the message the driver gives me
[03:00] <brandonban6> ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.
[03:10] <brandonban6> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop <-- crashed my system in regards to my above question :(
[03:21] <meowImAKitty> can anyone help me with configuring the xorg file to work with my laptops external monitor port?
[04:33] <brandonban6> anyone know where to change the theme for panel?
[04:42] <TWF> hi!
[04:42] <brandonban6> hello
[04:43] <TWF> I got what claimed to be the xubuntu 8.10 torrent
[04:44] <TWF> http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/intrepid/release/desktop/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
[04:44] <TWF> but upon installing it appeared to be ubuntu 8.04
[04:46] <brandonban6> what do you mean appeared to be? did the splash screen show up as ubuntu?
[04:48] <n2diy> I see there is no text editor in accessories, what would you suggest? I'd like something that will do syntac checking for html and perl?
[04:49] <brandonban6> n2diy, the text editor is listed as mousepad, I don't know how it fairs out with coding, but if you want the gnome client, you can type "sudo apt-get install gedit" in a terminal screen.
[04:52] <n2diy> brandonban6: thanks, yes, mousepad, still confuses me.
[04:53] <TWF> it was gnome
[04:57] <TWF> all the splash screens showed up as ubuntu, not xubuntu
[04:57] <TWF> it looked exactly like a default ubuntu 8.04 install
[04:58] <brandonban6> TWF, that stinks. Perhaps try another download?
[04:59] <TWF> I direct-downloaded the same file
[04:59] <TWF> they exactly matched in size so I assume they're the same iso
[05:01] <TWF> that's not my problem though really
[05:01] <TWF> I got xubuntu-desktop through synaptic
[05:01] <TWF> which worked great for a few minutes
[05:03] <TWF> I did this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfcehardy
[05:03] <TWF> to remove gnome, but now my display's all messed up
[05:04] <brandonban6> TWF, I'm sorry! Wish I could help, but that is a bit out of my league, maybe try posting in ubuntuforums? or perhaps trying later when someone else is on.
[05:06] <TWF> I did post on the ubuntu forums :X
[05:06] <TWF> they're having database troubles atm.
[05:20] <n2diy> does abiword do syntax checking for perl and/or html?
[05:37] <n2diy> test n2diy test
[07:25] <cjae> sudo chmod a + rwx /dev/sdb would let everyone be able to modify my ntfs external drive?
[08:33] <Slonkie> I'm getting this error when i'm trying to add some new repositories and getting the keys for them: http://paste.ubuntu.com/134714/ - Would anyone be able to help me in howto fix this?
[08:59] <Grrai> heya
[09:14] <knome> !hi | Grrai
[09:14] <ubottu> Grrai: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
[09:43] <Grrai> hmm... gonna reboot... see you in a bit, maybe.. (if reboot didn't heölp
[09:43] <Grrai> *help :P )
[09:54] <savvas> hello, is the default screensaver application in xfce xscreensaver? does it have a dbus address to get its state?
[10:36] <TheSheep> savvas: it's gnome-screensaver
[11:18] <chewit> is the new nofication system which is in ubuntu 9.04, going to be in xubuntu
[11:18] <savvas> TheSheep: thanks :)
[12:08] <ruhaan> how do i share my internet connection with other pcs on my network with xubuntu?
[12:13] <cody-somerville> ruhaan, buy a router
[12:14] <Besogon> It quastion not only for xubuntu. I never did that, but I only know about you must do something with iptables and ipfoward.
[12:15] <ruhaan_> cody-somerville, i have my network all set up
[12:15] <ruhaan_> i just need to share the internet
[12:15] <ruhaan_> so not really looking to buy a router
[12:15] <cody-somerville> ruhaan_, install firestarter
[12:16] <ruhaan_> yeah tried that
[12:16] <ruhaan_> but dhcp doesnt work with it
[12:16] <cody-somerville> did you install the dhcp server?
[12:16] <ruhaan_> i have installed the dhcp package though
[12:16] <ruhaan_> still it has the dhcp section grayed out
[12:16] <cody-somerville> dhcp client or server?
[12:16] <ruhaan_> server
[12:17] <Besogon> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=713874
[12:17] <Besogon> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370
[12:17] <Besogon> step by step
[12:17] <ruhaan_> thanks Besogon
[13:03] <ladanz> hi there! i have a little problem. i have a new hdd and simply mv'ed my old linux stuff to the new partition. as it seemed everything is alright, despite some minor issues, but there is a bigger problem with the sound. it doesn't work anymore. the "panel sound applet" shows nothing to regulate...
[13:04] <ladanz> i just look for a way too (auto) reconfigure alsa
[13:04] <ladanz> i tried dpkg-reconfigure alsa & alsa-base
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[15:15] <{zEr0-x}> hi everybody!
[15:15] <{zEr0-x}> I have a question
[15:16] <{zEr0-x}> why if I decided to test Xubuntu in spanish, some apps came in english
[15:16] <charlie-tca> Perhaps they are not translated yet. which version ?
[15:17] <{zEr0-x}> Mozilla Thunderbird v2.0.0.17
[15:18] <charlie-tca> Xubuntu version, please?
[15:18] <{zEr0-x}> :O Intrepid
[15:18] <{zEr0-x}> Recently downloaded (yesterday)
[15:21] <{zEr0-x}> any idea?
[15:24] <SiDi> go to system -> language support
[15:25] <SiDi> it'll probably tell you its missing a few language packages and ask you to let it download them
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[16:56] <DaveDixonII> Hey. I need help.
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[16:56] <dbdii407> When i click on a window, it wont come into focus
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[18:53] <basajaun> hi all!
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[19:09] <basajaun> hi all
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[19:40] <basajaun> bye all
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[20:57] <lc2> aaaanyyyway this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist
[20:57] * lc2 waves to everyone
[20:57] <cody-somerville> the cake is a lie
[20:58] <lc2> hi cody-somerville
[20:58] * SiDi waves, too.
[21:51] <rupert_> .
[21:51] <knome> !hi | rupert_
[21:51] <ubottu> rupert_: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!
=== gorgut1 is now known as gorgut
[21:52] <rupert_> hello
[21:52] <Daxie> hi
[21:52] <gorgut> lo
[21:53] <lc2> y helo thar
[22:01] <Shooree> anyone in the mood for walking a newb through fixing Acer 5920G (media keys + hibernation) issues on Xubuntu 8.10? I'm a quick learner :)
[22:06] <lc2> mm, i don't know shit about that, but you might want to try someone in the main ubuntu channel, since those issues are nearly always not xubuntu-specific
[22:06] <Shooree> right right
[22:07] <Shooree> will do that, cheers
=== gorgut is now known as gorgut_AFK
[22:13] <Shooree> meh, its like a well of despair in #ubuntu! thousands of questions flying around... I'll never get an answer :(
[22:16] <knome> Shooree, which xubuntu version are you running?
[22:16] <Shooree> 8.10
[22:16] <knome> right. let me see if i can help you. just a moment
[22:16] <Shooree> I'm wading through the very detailed solutions on the forums, but I can't get any of them to work
[22:17] <Shooree> I actually reinstalled the system hours ago, in order to solve it afresh
[22:18] <Shooree> would you like me to post the links to the forum threads I'm reffering to_, knome_
[22:18] <SiDi> Did you just try to bind the keys in "Xfce params -> keyboard -> shortcuts" ?
[22:18] <knome> Shooree, that would be nice, yeah.
[22:19] <Shooree> what I did was explained in step one of the http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=997860
[22:19] <Shooree> first stumbling point for me was that it doesn't say where to save the .xbindkeysrc file, once I create and edit it
[22:20] <Shooree> it just ends up in my home folder
[22:20] <knome> i suppose it is the right place
[22:20] <Shooree> ok then
[22:20] <Shooree> so I've put it there
[22:20] <Shooree> like the guide says
[22:20] <Shooree> and made the autostart command
[22:21] <Shooree> the xinput thing mentioned in the paragraph above
[22:21] <knome> yeah.
[22:21] <Shooree> installed exhaile that the guy mentions
[22:21] <knome> have you booted/logged out and in after that?
[22:21] <Shooree> and bummer. the media keys still works as if its a mouse wheel
[22:22] <Shooree> yea, several times
[22:22] <knome> ok
[22:23] <Shooree> I haven't done any other steps yet
[22:23] <knome> !info xvkbd
[22:23] <ubottu> xvkbd (source: xvkbd): software virtual keyboard for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-1 (intrepid), package size 70 kB, installed size 296 kB
[22:24] <Shooree> should I do something with this info?
[22:25] <knome> can you try to change any of those items to, for example, "exaile"
[22:25] <knome> the xvkbd items
[22:25] <knome> and restart x and try if that button opens exaile
[22:25] <Shooree> I'm sorry, I don't follow... should I install this xvkbd package first?
[22:26] <knome> nope. just mevermind that. :)
[22:26] <knome> or well, i think it would be good if you don't have it already
[22:26] <Shooree> haven't installed anything like that
[22:26] <knome> ok, then try installing it
[22:26] <Shooree> ok
[22:27] <knome> and restart x and try thebuttons
[22:27] <Shooree> you mean, without touching anything else - just install and restart
[22:27] <knome> yes.
[22:28] <Shooree> okies. see you in a sec
[22:28] <knome> sure
[22:33] <Shooree> nope, nothing changed
[22:33] <Shooree> tried rewriting the autostart command again
[22:33] <knome> right...
[22:33] <Shooree> and still nothing
[22:34] <Shooree> I'm restarting X from the tty thing, btw. Is that alright?
[22:34] <knome> Shooree, i suppose it is, as long as X really gets restarted
[22:34] <Shooree> how do I know it really did get restarted?
[22:34] <Shooree> is there a better option
[22:35] <Shooree> other than an actual restart
[22:35] <knome> ctrl+alt+bakcspace should restart x
[22:35] <Shooree> I mean, I kill the gdm
[22:35] <Shooree> through tty
[22:35] <knome> killing the gdm doesn't really restart x
[22:35] <Shooree> oh
[22:35] <Shooree> ohhhh
[22:36] <Shooree> well, sorry then. I'll try it immediately
[22:36] <knome> at least properly, if i'm correct
[22:36] <knome> np.
[22:36] <Shooree> oh oh
[22:36] <Shooree> how do I restart it_
[22:36] <Shooree> if I need to
[22:36] <Shooree> or does it do that by itself
[22:36] <Shooree> :)
[22:36] <knome> ctrl+alt+backspace when in graphical mode, preferably in gdm
[22:37] <knome> then x reloads itself
[22:37] <Shooree> okies. thanks
[22:37] <knome> at least in intrepid it should
[22:37] <Shooree> lets see :)
[22:37] <knome> you'll see the screen going black
[22:37] <knome> damn this slow interweb
[22:42] <Shooree> its the same thing, apparently
[22:43] <Shooree> through tty is just a longer way
[22:43] <Shooree> anyway, the media keys are still not remapped
[22:43] <knome> yeah.
[22:43] <knome> right.
[22:44] <whileimhere> Silly Question but if I am using a laptop with an AMD athlon processor and with a gig of ram will XFCE actually still run light then the Ubuntu desktop?
[22:44] <knome> whileimhere, it will still run with less ram, but you might not see performance differnece easily
[22:45] <Shooree> whileimhere, yes it will
[22:45] <knome> Shooree, if you issue the ximput command in terminal, what happens?
[22:45] <whileimhere> well I was wondering about that since I use such heavy progs like GIMP and OO would they be better off in XFCE or GNOME?
[22:45] <knome> *xinput
[22:45] <Shooree> lemme see
[22:46] <Shooree> I see usage help
[22:46] <knome> whileimhere, basically xfce, if you run to the limits of your ram
[22:46] <lc2> whileimhere: it makes no difference
[22:46] <lc2> whileimhere: i use GIMP all the time under XFCE
[22:46] <whileimhere> As a side non XFCE note is there a faster lighter and better or just as good web browser out there?
[22:46] <knome> whileimhere, if you run anything that needs under 1 gig, then htere is basically no differnce
[22:46] <whileimhere> I mean will GIMP respond better under XFCE than under GNOME?
[22:46] <lc2> whileimhere: it makes no difference what WM you run it under
[22:47] <knome> whileimhere, not really.
[22:47] <lc2> whileimhere: i use it regularly for 3k+ x photos with 384mb RAM
[22:47] <whileimhere> lc2 you mean that GIMP is just as responsive under GNOME with a 10 meg graphic as it is under XFCE?
[22:47] <lc2> whileimhere: well, other than that XFCE uses less memory and so has more available for GIMP, yeah, pretty much
[22:48] <knome> whileimhere, there is no difference as long as you don't use all your ram.
[22:48] <whileimhere> AHH that is really what I was wondering
[22:48] <whileimhere> Thank you!
[22:48] <drozdak> excuse me does anyone know if xfce 4.6 is avalible in xubuntu 8.10 updates?
[22:48] <knome> Shooree, the complete xinput line which is in part 1?
[22:49] <knome> drozdak, no.
[22:49] <drozdak> too bad
[22:49] <knome> drozdak, (it isn't)
[22:49] <drozdak> why do you think so?
[22:50] <Shooree> knome, no, I don't see the line that's in the first step of the post
[22:50] <Shooree> I mean
[22:50] <knome> drozdak, i meant thathat me saying no meant that it isn't in the updates. :)
[22:50] <Shooree> what I see is "usage:" and then quite a few command options listed below
[22:51] <Shooree> I just typed "xinput" in terminal
[22:51] <drozdak> ok
[22:51] <knome> Shooree, with 'xinput set-button-map "4" 1 2 3 17 18 19 20 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16'?
[22:51] <Shooree> was I supposed to open it up for... oh
[22:51] <Shooree> should I type that?
[22:51] <Shooree> into the terminal
[22:52] <knome> yeah.
[22:52] <Shooree> I made an autostart command out of that
[22:52] <Shooree> okok
[22:52] <Shooree> I think I understand where this is going
[22:52] <Shooree> got and error
[22:53] <Shooree> X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
[22:53] <Shooree> when I c/p-ed the line
[22:53] <knome> right...
[22:53] <Shooree> that's what I got. then there's a few more lines
[22:53] <knome> that's why your keys doesn't work.
[22:54] <Shooree> what does that tell us?
[22:54] <Shooree> I'd really like to understand what I'm doing
[22:54] <Shooree> I mean, I know we're diagnosing
[22:55] <knome> i have to say i don't have a slightest clue.
[22:55] <Shooree> hahaha
[22:55] <Shooree> great
[22:55] <knome> but that's where it comes down to. have you read all the comments for that thread?
[22:56] <Shooree> yes, several times. but then there's other threads. and even more of them.
[22:57] <knome> maybe you could search for your specific problem from the threads.
[22:57] <knome> atm i have so slow internet connection i just can't do quick browsing :(
[22:57] <Shooree> yea I did do that already. it's my 10th hour of poking around.
[22:58] <Shooree> I just figured I might stumble into someone who could sort of filter all the noise out
[22:58] <knome> sorry to hear that. i hope someone with more experience with those issues come up.
[22:59] <Shooree> mm
[22:59] <Shooree> anyways, thanks a lot
[22:59] <Shooree> it was fun to be optimistic for a while
[22:59] <knome> np
[23:00] <knome> :]
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