UbuntuIRC / 2009 /06 /11 /#ubuntu-ops.txt
Initial commit
[00:07] <Seeker`> @bansearch sircrazy
[00:07] <ubottu> No matches found for sircrazy!*@* in any channel
[00:12] <ubottu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)
[00:18] <elky> ##windows trolls, it looks like.
[01:49] <Pici> !staff | /who n=opirc appears suspicious, already had two of them ctcp version #ubuntu already
[01:49] <ubottu> /who n=opirc appears suspicious, already had two of them ctcp version #ubuntu already: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)
[02:29] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, funkyHat said: !! in general is great
[04:03] <Flannel> Hi phix, how can we help you today?
[04:40] <Flannel> Oh, you're muted.
[04:55] <elky> here?
[04:55] <Myrtti> seems so
[04:59] <elky> phix, please explain why we should consider removing your bans.
[05:02] <elky> he's been idle for an hour and a half. i'm removing him and he can return when he's around
[05:03] <Myrtti> sounds ok
=== mneptok is now known as mnepton
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
=== SportChick is now known as essy
=== essy is now known as donna
=== donna is now known as sc-phone
=== sc-phone is now known as essy-afk
=== essy-afk is now known as lagchick
=== lagchick is now known as botchick
=== botchick is now known as spamchick
=== spamchick is now known as cleanchick
=== cleanchick is now known as bossychick
=== bossychick is now known as sportchick_
=== sportchick_ is now known as stupidchick
=== stupidchick is now known as sportchicky
=== sportchicky is now known as birthdaychick
=== birthdaychick is now known as deressy
=== deressy is now known as evilessy
=== evilessy is now known as SportChick
[07:47] <Flannel> time to identify on all your nicks, eh?
[07:47] <SportChick> yeah - don't want anything to get dropped tomorrow
[08:02] <elky> oh good grief...
[08:14] <Myrtti> as christel said in one of the notifys, you could have used another client or part all your channels for that ;-)
[08:14] * Myrtti smacks mneptok
[08:16] <Myrtti> http://paste.ubuntu.com/193268/
[08:20] <elky> Myrtti, are we short of spots again?
[08:20] <Myrtti> no, I just joined #ubuntu and I usually check that once in a while
[08:20] <elky> it's time to go through that lovely collection attributed to the network too
[08:25] <elky> especially the ip-only ones
[09:55] <jussi01> ikonia: ping
[10:00] <elky> i'm opping up just incase
[10:02] <jussi01> Ive got #k #k-ot and #k-devel
[10:02] <Myrtti> ubuntu, xubuntu, offtopic, women and -fi
[10:04] <Myrtti> it's back up...
[10:04] <Myrtti> was that it?
[10:05] <jussi01> christel: is it done?
[10:08] <christel> no! i just patched services first! it shall be done in a second, i just need to fire up the snapshot of the db on testnet for reference for after!
[10:10] <elky> i was about to say, that's suspiciously quick...
[10:10] <christel> now its done :)
[10:10] <elky> yay, no flooding off
[10:55] <elky> going to start cleaning out ip bans that dont resolve anymore
[11:12] <christel> :)
[11:13] <christel> if you guys notice any oddness with the ubuntu namespaces after the clear-out, please let me know so we can restore channels to whomever now needs them
[11:14] <christel> some will have had expired founders and as such have dropped either to freenode-staff or off the face of the planet, we're running a snapshot elsewhere from pre-prune in order to easily rectify any namespace issues as a result of expiry
[11:18] <tsimpson> perhaps we should transfer #kubuntu (and -devel) to Riddell (rather than freenode-staff)
[11:18] <elky> christel, ^^
[11:18] <Myrtti> tsimpson: or add Riddell?
[11:19] <tsimpson> he's on the list, just not the "founder"
[11:19] <tsimpson> so no +F
[11:19] <Myrtti> so modify his flags then ;-)
[11:19] <tsimpson> I haz no powerz!
[11:20] <tsimpson> hmm, I don't even have "op" flags :s
[11:20] <bazhang> :0
[11:21] <christel> elky, tsimpson done (#kubuntu + devel)
[11:21] <tsimpson> only missing +iR though
[11:26] <tsimpson> the only other #k channel missing a founder is #kubuntu-hr, I don't think it's active though
[11:26] <tsimpson> ah it's +f #ubuntu-hr
[11:26] <tsimpson> along with #kubuntu-cro
[11:30] <ubottu> FloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[11:30] <ubottu> FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)
[11:32] <bazhang> whoa nasty shell names
[11:32] <jrib> yeah
[11:32] <elky> um, all three floodbots are opped?
[11:33] <bazhang> only two there fb2 is mia
[11:33] <tsimpson> it's there
[11:33] <tsimpson> just been deopped by 1 and 3
[11:33] <bazhang> yep
[11:34] <Myrtti> I had a thought...
[11:34] <Myrtti> meh.
[11:36] <bazhang> he erased bash? is that even possible?
[11:37] <Myrtti> why wouldn't it be?
[11:38] <bazhang> it is required, not sure how he could run commands without it
[11:38] <Myrtti> myrtti@reipas:~$ ls -lah /bin/sh Exit Code: 1
[11:38] <Myrtti> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2009-05-18 11:15 /bin/sh -> dash
[11:39] <Myrtti> I'm *sure* you knew that...
[11:39] <bazhang> dash ? yes, but he wants to reinstall bash
[11:39] <Myrtti> yes, but the point is, why wouldn't he be able to erase bash - he most likely isn't using it...
[11:40] <bazhang> he did it by mistake he says
[11:41] <Myrtti> and aptitude reinstall doesn't work?
[11:44] <Myrtti> so he's screwed
[11:45] <bazhang> ah he hasnt even tried yet
[11:46] <elky> mmm, laksa
[11:47] <elky> is he in his system, or dropped into busybox?
[11:56] <indus_> hi
[11:57] <indus_> a tip > i think mods are too quick to classify a question as off topic
[11:57] <indus_> ok thats all for now bye
[11:59] <bazhang> discussing downgrade options should be for brainstorm or #ubuntu-offtopic
[11:59] <Myrtti> indeed
[11:59] <bazhang> indus_, ^^
[12:00] * popey would wget the bash executable from another machine...
[12:00] * popey had to do this once with the python executable
[12:00] <Myrtti> popey: he doesn't have zee interhwebs...
[12:00] <popey> live cd?
[12:00] <Myrtti> *shrug*
[12:00] <bazhang> other computer, probably windows
[12:00] <popey> *shrug* also
[12:01] <bazhang> has not even tried though (trying to decipher his Mandarin English)
[12:01] <indus_> bazhang: Myrtti:yes i can understand,but we are humans arent we and i think its ok to just mention a line in main channel no?
[12:01] <Myrtti> indus_: its ok as well to note that it's offtopic for it, then :-)
[12:01] * indus_ searches for channel #human-psychology :)
[12:01] <bazhang> indus_, there is a channel for support, and one for chatting :)
[12:01] <indus_> Myrtti: hehe yes point noted
[12:02] <indus_> ok keep up the good work bye folks
[12:03] <popey> \o/ polite people articulating complaints well
[12:03] <popey> what is the world coming to
[12:03] <bazhang> haha
[12:03] <Myrtti> *snerk*
[12:03] <bazhang> that was the guy that Chatwatch was harassing earlier
[12:14] <elky> chatwatch looked like so much fun
[12:17] <Gary> I miss chatwatch
[12:17] <bazhang> hehe
[12:22] <christel> hahahaha
[12:22] <christel> he was quite amusing
[12:30] <ubottu> In ubottu, ikanobori said: !no, snuxoll is will slay you using seveas: http://snuxolldragonslayer.com/
[12:34] <jrib> lol...
[12:35] <jrib> so anyone know how to get apparle (using mibbit) into #kubuntu?
[12:35] <apparle> Please allow me to connect to #kubuntu via http://mibbit.com
[12:35] <Myrtti> someone with the magic wand does an +e for him
[12:36] <bazhang> bacta is unbanned in #ubuntu ??
[12:38] <apparle> bazhang: what??
[12:38] <Myrtti> apparle: nevermind
[12:39] <apparle> so who has the magic wand
[12:41] <apparle> Myrtti: what did you mean by a +e
[12:42] <Myrtti> apparle: a technical exception for you to be able to join
[12:42] <tsimpson> apparle: you should be able to join now
[12:44] <apparle> tsimpson: I am still not able to
[12:44] <tsimpson> odd, I set a +e
[12:44] <apparle> I get this on #ubuntu-proxy-users [#ubuntu-proxy-users] /!\ ATTENTION /!\ This is NOT #ubuntu. | You have been sent to this channel because you are using a proxy service such as Tor or Cgi:IRC. There are better ways to be anonymous. | CGI:IRC users, try connecting to freenode via port 8000, 8001 or 8002. This _may_ bypass your firewalls | Please type !proxy f
[12:45] <apparle> set it again
[12:46] <tsimpson> oops, I missed a 'e' off the end, try again please
[12:47] <apparle> thanks...........If I need it again where should I check
[12:47] <tsimpson> does your IP ever change?
[12:47] <apparle> yes
[12:48] <apparle> actually Iam not sure
[12:48] <apparle> how to check
[12:48] <tsimpson> it'd depend on your ISP
[12:50] <apparle> I don't know because college decides the ISP .......but I connect through a college proxy server
[12:52] <tsimpson> just ask in here when you want access to #kubuntu, for now anyway
[12:53] <tsimpson> looks like the collage only has a small range of IPs, I may just set a +e for that range
[12:55] <elky> apparle, there's no need for you to stay in this channel though
[12:56] <elky> ok, can we please stop with the vanity factoids. they're seriously obnoxious
[12:56] <Myrtti> I've never understood them
[12:57] <elky> also bazhang, we'll pretend we dont see bacta until he messes up again. he's trying to claim he's changed, let him prove himself wrong.
[13:06] <bazhang> elky, okay. he immediately started asking about release names upon entering, so don't think it will take long
[13:07] <apparle> tsimpson: could you do that again.........I by chance disconnected
[13:08] <tsimpson> apparle: try to join now
[13:09] <apparle> tsimpson: Can you do that permanantly for my username. It is registered
[13:09] <tsimpson> apparle: the +e is like a ban mode, it doesn't matter if your identified or not
[13:10] <tsimpson> I did set +e on *!i=ca8d8c8?@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/* though
[13:10] <tsimpson> so you should be able to connect from the collage from now on, unless there is any trouble from there ;)
[13:11] <Myrtti> tsimpson: *cough*
[13:11] <Myrtti> *!i
[13:11] <apparle> tsimpson: can't you undo the ban for a particular "username"
[13:11] <apparle> what does all that mean
[13:11] <Myrtti> no, hold on, I'll get more coffee
[13:12] <tsimpson> it's a small enough range to not matter too much able the *!
[13:13] <Myrtti> tsimpson: I was actually thinking about the i, but nevermind
[13:13] <tsimpson> apparle: it means you, and anyone on your collage IP range (and a bit more), should have unrestricted mibbit access to #kubuntu
[13:13] <Myrtti> my brain is huddling towards the coffee pot
[13:13] <apparle> k thanks
[13:14] * tsimpson wishes we had floodbots in #k
[13:14] <elky> yeah, why cant we?
[13:15] <tsimpson> I don't know if we can/can't, afaik they only work in one channel (#ubuntu)
[13:15] <tsimpson> I think it'd require separate bots for #k
[13:15] <tsimpson> but still, /me wants
[13:16] <Pici> It would... and do we really have that much traffic in #k that we need them?
[13:16] <apparle> me too
[13:16] <Pici> I mean, I wish we did...
[13:16] <Myrtti> I thought LjL changed the bots a bit so nowadays they could connect to two channels
[13:16] <Myrtti> but I don't know
[13:16] <Myrtti> anyway
[13:16] <tsimpson> Pici: it's mostly for mibbit/floods rather than "attack protection"
[13:16] <tsimpson> not all mibbit users are Gnome/Ubuntu users
[13:17] <Pici> tsimpson: I don't assume that they are.
[13:17] <tsimpson> I wasn't suggesting that, just that to allow mibbit we'd need some automated management (ie floodbots)
[13:18] <Myrtti> apparle: did you get to #kubuntu now?
[13:18] <tsimpson> Myrtti: they did
[13:18] <apparle> y
[13:19] <Pricey> tsimpson: Why?
[13:19] <tsimpson> apparle: you can leave here now you have access to #kubuntu :)
[13:19] <apparle> tsimpson: :) ya but I'm listening to your discussion
[13:20] <tsimpson> Pricey: why do we need some automated management? because I don't want to have to manage +e-e
[13:20] <Pici> tsimpson: Or... perhaps we could just unban mibbit.
[13:20] <tsimpson> we banned it for a reason iirc
[13:20] <elky> Pici, dont make me hurt you...
[13:20] <tsimpson> even #k gets trolls
[13:20] <Pici> elky: Just throwing out ideas (/me hides)
[13:21] <Pricey> Pici: elky: that's what i was getting at. tsimpson do you know the reason it was banned there?
[13:21] <tsimpson> it was a long time ago now (a while _after_ it was set in #u though)
[13:21] <elky> apparle, we rather not let everyone who comes through here stay and watch, there's enough ops talking without random people throwing comments in
[13:22] <tsimpson> I'm not sure, but I could have been the one who banned it...
[13:23] <tsimpson> it was sometime before ubottu it seems
[13:23] <apparle> k
[13:24] <tsimpson> besides, it would be nice to have some flood protection too
[13:24] <tsimpson> I'm not suggesting we need 3 bots in #k, one would be able to handle it. just for mibbit and flood protection
[13:25] <tsimpson> think "floodbot-light" ;)
[13:27] <elky> well i'm +1 for #k getting a floodbot for those reasons
[14:06] <ikonia> howdy
[14:06] <ikonia> /window 37
[14:06] <ikonia> oops
[14:35] <ubottu> In ubottu, Darmiel said: And there is where that an instruction in Russian?
[14:50] <elky> Mamarok, keep an eye on floodbotk1 please, it's a trial
[14:50] <ikonia> k1 ?
[14:51] <Mamarok> ok, will do, still here for another hour
[14:52] <elky> ikonia, to differentiate for the #k channel
[14:54] <ikonia> interesting
[15:03] <elky> killing it so i can reconfig
[15:11] <elky> tsimpson, yay, it exempts!
[15:12] <tsimpson> it's still in emergency mode though
[15:13] <elky> yeah, it's not liking being alone
[15:14] <tsimpson> it's a start at least :)
[16:09] <ubottu> In #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !snuxoll is <reply> snuxoll will slay you using seveas! http://snuxolldragonslayer.com
[16:20] <Pici> no
[16:48] <christel> it's been a while since ChatWatch came to visit :(
[17:23] <Gary> christel: thats 'cos it got klined :'(
[17:23] <christel> :(
[17:35] <tsimpson> nalioth: ping
[17:37] <tsimpson> or any IRCC
[17:37] <Pici> tsimpson: hm?
[17:37] <tsimpson> can we get FloodBotK added to the #kubuntu access list for +o?
[17:38] <tsimpson> (no one with modify permissions in #k is around)
[17:38] <tsimpson> oh, the IRCC account isn't on the list either...
[17:38] <Pici> and neither am I :(
[17:39] <Pici> Er, not with enough access that is.
[17:39] <nalioth> floodbotk?
[17:40] <tsimpson> floodbotk is the account we're using for the floodbots in #k
[17:40] <nalioth> right.
[17:47] <Pici> jrib: were you the 'jribindisguise' from earlier today?
[17:47] <jrib> Pici: yes
[17:47] <Pici> jrib: okay, :)
[17:48] <jrib> :)
[17:48] <jussi01> tsimpson: you still need addition access for floodbotk?
[17:49] * jussi01 hasnt looked...
[17:50] <tsimpson> yes, if you're willing
[17:50] <jussi01> tsimpson: we have floodbots for #k now?
[17:51] <tsimpson> we will once I figure out how to make it work properly ;)
[17:51] <jussi01> hehe
[17:51] <jussi01> ok
[17:51] <jussi01> so just +o then?
[17:52] <tsimpson> yeah, it just needs to be able to op itself
[17:52] <jussi01> ikonia: see pm
[19:20] <Pici> Can someone take a look at stevecam at the 52 min of the hour in -ot.. ompaul msged me about it, but I'm in the middle of something here at work.
[19:21] <Seeker`> hasn't said anything since
[19:38] <Traveler7> hi, am i banned in #ubuntu? i can't join now
[19:38] <Traveler7> I am via java
[19:39] <Pici> Traveler7: Is it too much trouble to use a real IRC client to join #ubuntu?
[19:39] <Traveler7> Pici: now I am in another PC
[19:40] <Traveler7> I can't use irssi here, sorry
[19:40] <jussi01> Traveler7: try using mibbit ;)
[19:40] <Pici> Traveler7: What about mibbit.com ?
[19:40] <Traveler7> I can't join in freenode via mibbit
[19:41] <Traveler7> no problem, I'll join tomorrow
[19:41] <Pici> You should be able to.
[19:41] <stew> no, he shouldn't
[19:41] <Pici> stew: Did I miss something?
[19:42] <jussi01> stew: ?
[19:44] <stew> Pici: no, you didn't miss anything, but he's not able to use mibbit
[20:18] <jussi01> stew: why not? we have floodbots making exceptions for mibbit in #ubuntu? or is there some other reason?
[20:18] <Pici> I have a feeling that this specific user was banned from the mibbit service itself.
[20:18] <jussi01> oh...
[20:19] <Myrtti> why does that nick sound so familiar
[20:19] <bazhang> he was trolling -ot a while back
[20:19] <Seeker`> @bansearch traveler
[20:19] <ubottu> No matches found for traveler!*@* in any channel
[20:19] <Seeker`> @bansearch traveler*
[20:19] <ubottu> Error: Can only search for a complete hostmask
[20:20] <Pici> I thought it was the default nick for the old freenode irc applet.
[20:20] <bazhang> insane rants about his landlord and other such stuff
[21:31] <ubottu> guntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (IRC-Monitor-521)
[21:33] <bazhang> wonder if that was Chatwatch paying a call
[21:33] <Myrtti> hehe
[21:33] <bazhang> :)
[22:53] <popey> seems club ubuntu up to their usual fun
[22:56] <Flannel> popey: where?
[22:56] <popey> inviting people to join the channel in prv
[22:56] <Flannel> right
[23:01] <jussi01> popey: where?
[23:02] <jussi01> I mean, do we know where the inital contact with the prospects is happening.
[23:02] <jussi01> ?
[23:02] <popey> it was someone from -uk being invited to c-u
[23:03] <popey> looks like it was someone who hangs out in both
[23:05] <jussi01> hrm, right.
[23:05] <jussi01> do we know who was doing it?
[23:07] <jussi01> meh, someone else can sort it. I have an early morning and need to sleep.
[23:07] <jussi01> nini
[23:07] <Flannel> probably emmy
[23:08] <popey> eh
[23:08] <popey> sorry, heh
[23:08] <Flannel> No? I wasn't in -uk, which is apparently where it all went down
[23:08] <popey> dont worry about it now
[23:12] <Daviey> i don't think it was a shout out for help.. just a "heads up"
[23:17] <Seeker`> eugh
[23:18] <ikonia> is emmy emma ?
[23:18] <popey> yes
[23:19] <ikonia> what the hell is she talking about ?
[23:19] <ikonia> hi by the way
[23:21] <ikonia> why is she playing dumb about not knowing about her promise to stop advertising club ubuntu to the cc ?
[23:21] <ikonia> she's always been very open about it
[23:22] <popey> she started out playing like she wasnt emma
[23:22] <popey> then in a prv clearly outed herself telling me some story
[23:22] <ikonia> that's why I was asking if it was her
[23:22] <popey> yeah
[23:23] <ikonia> she's in all the same channels and on the same isp as emma
[23:23] <popey> and the private discussion i just had with kn100, he kindly pastebin'ed and plopped in cu
[23:23] <popey> even after the first thing he asked was for it to be "off the record"
[23:24] <ikonia> I'm tried of club-ubuntu's row
[23:24] <Pricey> Which row?
[23:25] <ikonia> the advertising crap, and the constant too'ing and froing
[23:26] <ikonia> fed up with stupid little games, like emma pretending to not be emma, then actually being her
[23:27] <ikonia> talking crap in her own channel that ubuntu is less edgy and club-ubuntu reaches out to people who love ubuntu and real linux spirited people
[23:27] <Pricey> Pfft let her do what she wants in her own channel? You don't have to be there.
[23:27] <ikonia> I'm not, but people do post logs
[23:28] <ikonia> this whole pm'ing people to join is very tedious and old
[23:28] <ikonia> and just seems to never go away despite multiple promises it will stop
[23:28] <ikonia> and this odd "I'm not emma - but I am" type behaviour is just....well odd
[23:29] <ikonia> can't be bothered with stupid games - if ubuntu is that bad, and the channels are that bad, just leave the channels
[23:29] <ikonia> why stick in them if the ubuntu spirit is so poor ?
[23:29] <ikonia> ooh yes, it's to advertise
[23:29] <ikonia> can't be bothered, going to bed
[23:29] <ikonia> night
[23:30] <Flannel> night ikonia
[23:30] <bazhang> night
[23:37] <elky> it does however mean that she's evading a ban in #u
[23:38] <Pricey> Which?
[23:40] <elky> the one on the cloak
[23:40] <elky> we leave those there as a visual statement as much as anything
[23:43] <Pricey> elky: on /emma ?
[23:43] <Pricey> I don't see it :S
[23:45] <elky> hmm, maybe it's just -ot that's on
[23:45] <Flannel> -ot and edubuntu, it looks like
[23:47] <elky> my local logs only have her saying 2 lines in #u. grepping bip logs now
[23:53] <elky> sebsebseb theoretical incoming
[23:54] <elky> sebsebseb, why did you do that?
[23:54] <bazhang> mrwes, how may we help you
[23:54] <mrwes> nope...I"m out
[23:55] <sebsebseb> elky: I wasn't thinking that Sara is also Sarah, and I didn't want to say he/she or him/her, so wanted to know which was more correct she or he
[23:59] <elky> sebsebseb, it was rude and the poor thing feels humiliated now.
[23:59] <elky> sebsebseb, you should also be talking to people there, hence saying 'you, your', rather than 'his, her'