UbuntuIRC / 2009 /06 /19 /#ubuntu-mozillateam.txt
Initial commit
[00:57] * BUGabundo killall -i -O sigkill 68 brain-mater ; ~$ Are you sure you don't want Dreams instead?
[01:04] <fta> Mook_sb, is systray supposed to be working?
[01:04] <fta> it's not doing anything for me, it's not even listed
[01:04] <Mook_sb> fta: not really :p
[01:04] <Mook_sb> you need to make sure it's installed, but even then I don't know how working it is on linux
[01:05] <Mook_sb> (on linux, it's not installed by default, as you found out... but it should be listed?)
[01:06] <fta> $ ls -l /usr/lib/songbird/extensions/
[01:06] <fta> total 12
[01:06] <fta> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2009-06-19 01:41 [email protected]/
[01:06] <fta> drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2009-06-19 01:41 [email protected]/
[01:06] <fta> drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 2009-06-19 01:41 [email protected]/
[01:06] * Mook_sb enjoys how that manages to ping him ;)
[01:07] <fta> <!-- this extension is appManaged -->
[01:07] <fta> <em:hidden>true</em:hidden>
[01:07] <fta> <em:appManaged>true</em:appManaged>
[01:07] <fta> what is that?
[01:07] <Mook_sb> huh, I forgot about doing _that_
[01:07] <Mook_sb> (it hides it from the EM, and disables updates, respectively)
[01:10] <fta> ok, set hidden to false, now it's listed, but still doing nothing. there's just a pref for notifications
[01:10] <Mook_sb> no extra button in the title bar?
[01:13] <fta> hm, yes, clicked it once, the window disappeared and something appeared in the tray, clicked the tray icon, the icon's gone, but still no window
[01:13] <Mook_sb> sounds busted :(
[01:14] <fta> and the notification is broken too, it keeps firing the same while playing, and 100% cpu
[01:15] <fta> and it should use libnotify or something, it's totally alien to the desktop
[01:16] <Mook_sb> yep. of course, it should be more "nsIAlertsService should use libnotify"
[01:17] <fta> i think that's in moz trunk
[01:17] <Mook_sb> mozilla bug 469880 ?
[01:17] <ubottu> Mozilla bug 469880 in Shell Integration "Add support for notifications on Linux using libnotify" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=469880
[01:22] <fta> i have no idea how to make songbird re-appear
[01:23] <fta> the tray icon should always be there btw
[07:11] <micahg> anyone here?
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[17:14] <armin76> asac: you didn't poke me about uds finally :P
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[17:29] <fta> armin76, oh, you're alive!
[17:30] <fta> thought you've been abducted by aliens or something
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[18:28] <bdmurray> I'm having some issues trying to package a firefox extension particularly with the debuild process
[18:29] <bdmurray> I'm following the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/Packaging
[18:46] <bdmurray> I've sorted it out
[19:07] <micahg> ping anyone
[19:56] <armin76> fta: nope, just resting a bit :P
[21:47] <BUGabundo> guud evening o/
[21:47] <fta> lo
[21:48] * BUGabundo does a banana dance ~~\-~~/-~~
[21:48] <fta> pff, bug 389591
[21:48] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 389591 in fakeroot "Please sponsor fakeroot 1.12.4ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389591
[21:48] <BUGabundo> humm
[21:48] <BUGabundo> is it an old version ?
[21:49] <BUGabundo> LOLOL
[21:49] <BUGabundo> don't you love new triagers?
[21:49] <BUGabundo> I had to revert their calls a bunch of times
[21:51] <fta> I have another good laugh for you: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/74691
[21:53] <BUGabundo> fta: trying to get a few users to track down the flash bug on 3.6
[21:53] <BUGabundo> need to test older versions and track it down
[21:53] <BUGabundo> what do I need to fetch from LP ?
[21:53] <BUGabundo> ff and xul?
[21:53] <fta> patience
[21:53] <BUGabundo> LOLOLOLOLOLOL
[21:54] <BUGabundo> well its in the last 3 weeks
[21:54] <BUGabundo> if I get 3 or 4 guys, it should be fast
[21:54] <fta> you need to pickup a matching pair of debs
[21:54] <BUGabundo> yeah I know
[21:54] <fta> that's all
[21:54] <BUGabundo> I really wish LP had a superseeded PPA
[21:54] <fta> grab debs, install, test, retry
[21:55] <BUGabundo> is it just opening youtube?
[21:55] <fta> you tell me
[21:55] <BUGabundo> or do you remember it requiring anything else?
[21:55] <BUGabundo> I'm not sure.. that's why I'm asking
[21:55] <fta> try with a fresh profile and just youtube
[21:55] <BUGabundo> ok
[21:55] <fta> with your current version
[21:55] <fta> then go back in time and bisect
[21:57] <BUGabundo> let me 1st upgrade the all system
[21:57] <BUGabundo> I know this will sound stupid, but what does bisect mean?
[22:00] <fta> dichotomy
[22:00] <BUGabundo> I know this will sound stupid, but what does _dichotomy_ mean?
[22:00] <BUGabundo> :)
[22:02] <fta> try current => NOK, try 2 weeks old => OK, try 1 week old => OK, try 3 days old => NOK, try 5 days old => OK, try 4 days old => NOK, bingo! it's between 4 and 5 days
[22:02] <BUGabundo> ah ok
[22:03] <fta> take an interval, and cut it in half each time
[22:04] <fta> done that several times before the dailies, but i had to build all of those debs.. took a while
[22:05] <BUGabundo> I bet
[22:07] <BUGabundo> fta: I think LP admins will ban you from PPAs lolol
[22:13] <fta> why?
[22:13] <BUGabundo> joking :p
[22:17] <fta> !who is your master?
[22:18] <BUGabundo> sudo is
[22:18] <fta> thanks
[22:18] <fta> ubuntu-ops
[22:18] <BUGabundo> ah?
[22:18] <BUGabundo> !ops
[22:18] <ubottu> Help! dfarning, hjmf, Yawner, asac, Admiral_Chicago, or gnomefreak
[22:18] <BUGabundo> humm gnomefreak
[22:18] <BUGabundo> what happened to him?
[22:18] <BUGabundo> is he fine, from his op ?
[22:19] <micahg> BUGabundo: he said he'd be offline for a little while
[22:19] <BUGabundo> I know
[22:19] <BUGabundo> to do a eye cirgury
[22:19] * BUGabundo wonders why fta is not OP. he is here more then the room it self :)
[22:23] <fta> i'm not here that often, i'm idle most of the time
[22:23] <fta> i just let the session open all the time
[22:27] <BUGabundo> I know
[22:27] <BUGabundo> daniel is on every # too
[22:27] <BUGabundo> lol
[22:28] <fta> i'm just on 12 channels, 6 are ubuntu related
[22:31] <BUGabundo> I'm on 8 on 2 networks
[22:31] <BUGabundo> one is not linux related, but still its about freedom
[22:31] <micahg> I sit in 5 channels
[22:32] <Nafallo> ehrm... I think I'm on about 35-40 something on four networks.
[22:32] <BUGabundo> plus 4 µblogs, and 5 im bots
[22:32] <BUGabundo> and 2/3 MUCs
[22:32] <Nafallo> I only use IRC for IRC
[22:33] <BUGabundo> Nafallo: LOL
[22:33] <Nafallo> (not counting the calculator)
[22:33] <BUGabundo> Nafallo: I have now idea how it is to track 40 chanels
[22:33] <Nafallo> but that's using bc, so is kind of cra{p,ck}
[22:33] <BUGabundo> I barelly can keep 3 conversations at the same time
[22:34] <Nafallo> hmm. 244 windows opened right now.
[22:34] <micahg> fta: any idea on bug 383020
[22:34] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 383020 in firefox-3.5 "Some input fields are several times longer than normal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/383020
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[22:53] <fta> micahg, no idea, worth sending upstream
[22:56] <micahg> fta: I have the same setup except for the video card
[22:59] <fta> as i said, i'm not really into bugs but as the guy said it's also with upstream builds, it's worth looking at bmo and filing one if there's no match
[23:42] <dtchen> BUGabundo: what's the Flash issue in 3.6?
[23:43] <BUGabundo> hi dtchen
[23:43] <BUGabundo> basilcy it captures keyboard and mouse
[23:43] <BUGabundo> and won't let it go
[23:43] <BUGabundo> until you open a new tab from external source
[23:44] <BUGabundo> TAB, arrow keys, space, etc all seem to work _within_ flash
[23:44] <BUGabundo> in this case, on youtube I can pause,resume player or control volume, but can leave it
[23:46] <dtchen> huh, the last time i experienced that symptom, it was due to proprietary video drivers
[23:50] <BUGabundo> dtchen: both me and fta suffer from it on FF 3.6 ONLY
[23:50] <BUGabundo> I'm using 64bits and adobe plugin
[23:50] <dtchen> reproducible with swfdec?
[23:50] <dtchen> we can't do much if it's an Adobe Flash issue.
[23:51] <fta> looks like it's ff, as flash didn't change recently, at least not that i know
[23:52] <BUGabundo> yeah
[23:52] <BUGabundo> only started to happened like 2 weeks ago
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