UbuntuIRC / 2009 /12 /19 /#ubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[00:22] <ebroder> Can somebody help me understand what's going on with <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/istanbul/0.2.2-5ubuntu1/+build/1405019>?
[00:22] <ebroder> I don't understand why python-gnome2 wouldn't be installable
[00:23] <ebroder> (Or why the FTBFS would be arch-specific)
[00:33] <crimsun> ebroder: python-gnome2 -> libgnome2-0 -> libesd0 -> esound-common
[00:35] <ebroder> crimsun: What's wrong with esound-common?
[00:35] <ebroder> (I don't have a Lucid box/VM yet for testing)
[00:37] <crimsun> ebroder: libesd-alsa0 is awaiting binary NEW, so it prevents esound-common from being installed (since the latter is arch all)
[00:37] <crimsun> cf. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue
[00:37] <ebroder> crimsun: *sigh* ok. Why isn't this putting my build in dep-wait instead of failure?
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[00:39] <wgrant> It's complicated. The dependencies are there, but are uninstallable.
[00:39] <wgrant> That needs something like debcheck to determine when to retry.
[00:39] <wgrant> Which Soyuz does not currently do, and Debian only recented implemented.
[00:40] <ebroder> So just keep clicking the retry button every once and a while until it works?
[00:40] <crimsun> I'd wait until libesd-alsa0 is binary NEWed and published.
[00:40] <ebroder> Sounds good
[00:40] <ebroder> crimsun: wgrant: THanks
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[00:47] <CarlFK> esound-clients: Depends: esound-common (= 0.2.41-6ubuntu1) but 0.2.41-6 is to be installed
[00:47] <CarlFK> in case this wasn't answered: "ebroder: crimsun: What's wrong with esound-common?"
[00:50] <crimsun> how was it not answered?
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[02:41] * ScottK is pretty sure it was answered
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[05:10] <jml> Ng, to "~vcs-imports/evdev/master", sorry.
[05:10] <jml> Ng, I should have mentioned that.
[05:38] <ebroder> So is esound stuck just because it's waiting for an archive admin? Because ubuntu-desktop isn't installable right now
[05:38] <wgrant> That's right.
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[13:42] <ohay> I asked this on #ubuntu but no one could give me an answer
[13:42] <ohay> can I choose between Grub 1 and 2 using the alternate-install CD ?
[14:09] <persia> ohay: That #ubuntu doesn't have the answer doesn't make this a support channel.
[14:09] <persia> You might try again later, or file a question at answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu
[14:10] <ohay> ok then
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[16:18] <Mamarok> doko_: did cjwatson talk to you about a backport of glibc for karmic?
[16:55] <junjun> hi
[16:55] <junjun> it seems Ubuntu 9.10 kernel turns OFF the fast syscall feature?
[16:56] <junjun> I checked, and it seems SYSENTER_CS = 0
[16:56] <junjun> with vanilla kernel, SYSENTER_CS = 0x60 at run-time.
[16:56] <junjun> so Ubuntu patched kernel to disable Sysenter?
[17:26] * ScottK looks over at slangasek and wonders how the ia64 build turned out?
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[18:24] <zbert> hello?
[18:25] <zbert> I'm usinig ircii
[18:25] <zbert> and this is my first time on there
[18:25] <zbert> I'd appreciate knowing these are sending aright
[18:27] <zbert> oper zbert
[18:27] <zbert> test
[18:27] <zbert> hello
[18:29] <zbert> is this working
[18:35] <zbert> quit
[18:36] <zbert> hello?
[18:36] <zbert> anyone on here?
[18:37] <zbert> hi
[18:42] <zbert2> hi me
[18:42] <zbert> it does work!
[18:42] <zbert2> thanks for actually writing
[18:42] <zbert> yep, would of been nice to have someone help me test this, oh well... bye
[18:42] <zbert2> bye
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[19:45] <lesshaste> hello.. I have a small feature request. When you get a kernel upgrade in ubuntu, grub gets updated but it doesn't change the default kernel value so when you reboot you get some random kernel
[19:46] * ScottK suggests you reconsider some assumptions.
[19:47] <lesshaste> ScottK: go on... :)
[19:47] * ScottK has run Ubuntu for years and has never had that happen.
[19:47] <lesshaste> ScottK: I assume you don't use anything but the latest kernel?
[19:48] <lesshaste> if you have GRUB_DEFAULT=6 it will
[19:48] <ScottK> OK.
[19:48] <Mamarok> lesshaste: wrong, I run the same as ScottK since years, never seen that happen, neither with grub nor grub2
[19:49] <Mamarok> and I had quite a few kernel upgrades since I switched to grub2
[19:49] <lesshaste> Mamarok: what happens is that if you have GRUB_DEFAULT=6 say and a kernel update arrives it gets added to the top of the list
[19:49] <crimsun> lesshaste: please use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+filebug/
[19:49] <lesshaste> so 6 is now some other random kernel you didn't want
[19:50] <lesshaste> crimsun: isn't it a feature of the tool that updates grub?
[19:50] <lesshaste> whatever that is
[19:50] <lesshaste> when you get a kernel update
[19:51] <lesshaste> Mamarok: I think I found the official solution in any case
[19:52] <Mamarok> hm, since I don't change the Grub settings and choose manually if I want another than the latest kernel, it didn't occur to me
[19:53] <lesshaste> Mamarok: that's because you don't have to set it to boot to windows automatically for your partner :)
[19:53] <Mamarok> nope, lucky me :)
[19:54] <lesshaste> in any case, the official solutions is to use labels not numbers it seems
[19:54] <lesshaste> which grub supports
[19:57] <crimsun> lesshaste: I don't think the kernel's postinst should be mucking GRUB_DEFAULT
[19:57] <crimsun> (missing preposition, but whatever)
[19:58] <lesshaste> crimsun: well in that case anyone who doesn't use GRUB_DEFAULT=0 will have this problem
[19:59] <crimsun> I fail to see why the kernel postinst needs to care about other OSes
[20:00] <crimsun> regardless, the original point stands: please file the request as a wishlist bug report using Launchpad
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[20:24] <zbert> hello?
[20:24] <zbert> this is a pretty quiet room
[20:24] <zbert> is there a reason for that
[20:24] <Mamarok> zbert: because it is Saturday
[20:24] <Mamarok> evening in Europe, so the devs are off
[20:24] <zbert> really, I'd figure for open source, Saturday would be the most busy
[20:25] <Mamarok> zbert: not for those working all week on it already :)
[20:25] <Mamarok> zbert: anyway, if you need support, you should ask in #ubuntu, this is not a support channel
[20:25] <zbert> Yeah, well I'd never done much on ubuntu's dev so I'm new to the channels
[20:26] <zbert> I'm used to just doing stuff on sourceforge and stuff... I do all my coding over the weekends so just figured it would be busier
[20:27] <zbert> And I was just assuming that guidance on participating with the os would be in the dev channel, rather than just ubuntu
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[21:21] <slangasek> ScottK: the ia64 build succeeded; I was going to take a shot at debugging the powerpc build yet today before uploading
[21:21] <ScottK> slangasek: OK. Thanks.
[21:22] <ScottK> \o/
[21:23] <slangasek> that is, if my shell doesn't segfault trying to handle the grotesque linker commandline
[21:25] <slangasek> (didn't happen, but for the life of me I'm not sure how :)
[21:28] <ScottK> qt4-x11 is a 'fun' package.
[21:28] <ScottK> BTW, 4.6.0 is just in experimental in Debian and didn't get built on powerpc.
[21:29] <slangasek> looks like the workaround on ppc might be to not pass the --gc-sections option
[21:40] <ScottK> slangasek: Upstream doesn't approve of my fix.
[21:40] <ari-tczew> is tseliot working on fix support nvidia drivers for xorg 7.5?
[21:40] <ScottK> slangasek: http://pastebin.com/d37aa0122
[21:41] <ScottK> So I guess I need to look into it some more.
[21:41] <slangasek> ah
[21:47] <ScottK> OK, grep is a wonderful thing.
[21:47] * ScottK may have it.
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[22:15] <ScottK> slangasek: I admit to serious confusion about the ia64 situation. This is now officially way over my head. If you could look at that too, I'd appreciate it.
[22:19] <slangasek> ScottK: ok. currently, still reducing the powerpc segfault test case
[22:36] <ScottK> Thanks
[23:04] <ScottK> slangasek: http://pastebin.com/f3dab7d03 perhaps?
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