UbuntuIRC / 2009 /12 /21 /#ubuntu-doc.txt
Initial commit
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
[01:36] <skiquel> hi j1mc, nhanlder o/
[01:38] <j1mc> skiquel: howdy
[01:38] <starcraftman> lo skiquel
[02:03] <skiquel> hi starcraftman o/
[02:03] <jjesse> howdy
[02:04] <jjesse> my son when he wears his cowboy hat says "howdy" pretty funny :)
[02:05] <j1mc> jjesse: is your son still into NASCAR? :)
[02:05] <jjesse> yeah but the season is done :)
[02:06] <j1mc> :)
[02:07] <jjesse> j1mc: have we met in person before, trying to remember
[02:07] <j1mc> jjesse: no, there have been a few times where you've been around here but i haven't been available.
[02:07] <jjesse> haha
[02:07] <j1mc> i think you met with freddy martinez and richard
[02:07] <jjesse> yeah i did
[02:08] <jjesse> trying to figure out next time i am in chciago
[02:08] <j1mc> (of course richard...) you all went out to dinner, i think
[02:08] <jjesse> yeah
[02:08] <j1mc> you travel a lot
[02:08] <jjesse> that's my job
[02:08] <j1mc> yeah
[02:10] <jjesse> theres some discussion in regards to a document sprint or something like that in chicago
[02:11] <j1mc> jjesse: do you mean ubuntu-chicago?
[02:12] <j1mc> or are you thinking of gnome folks?
[02:13] <jjesse> i think a mix of gnome/ubuntu/other distros
[02:13] <jjesse> richard invited me to it
[02:14] <j1mc> ah, ok... yeah. shaunm from the gnome doc team is putting that together. i think it's up for the spring. it's cross-project, though. gnome, kde, xfce, fedora, ubuntu, sun (?), a few others... ?
[02:15] <jjesse> thats exciting
[02:17] <shaunm> jjesse: still waiting for confirmation on the venue
[02:17] * ZachK_ says hello
[02:17] <jjesse> shaunm: oh cool
[02:17] <shaunm> the moment I get confirmation, I'll send out emails
[02:18] <shaunm> it's a cross-project summit on saturday and sunday. the gnome team will do a sprint on monday. if any other teams are interested in doing a sprint as well, I can try to arrange some space
[02:18] <shaunm> (if it's just gnome, we'll find a coffee house or sit in our hotel)
[06:24] <twb> $ editmoin https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StricterDefaults --error--> You are not allowed to edit this page. error: body information not found
[06:25] <twb> What am I doing wrong?
[06:25] <twb> Maybe that's just a really misleading error for "you need a login in .netrc"?
[06:41] <twb> Yeah, that's what it was
[06:41] <twb> Stupid editmoin
=== astechgeek is now known as techgeek
=== sommer_ is now known as sommer
=== lukjad007 is now known as lukjad100
=== lukjad100 is now known as lukjad007
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum