UbuntuIRC / 2011 /06 /17 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
=== brayan is now known as zobugtel
[00:32] <franklyn> anyone in there?
=== omichalek is now known as cecko
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[00:51] <LINKSWORD2> OK, this is really weird....
[01:15] <LINKSWORD2> !pastebin
[01:15] <ubottu> For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.
[01:44] <LINKSWORD2> Hey, clay... D'oh!!!
[01:45] <LINKSWORD2> lol
[01:49] <claydoh> :P
[03:01] <srladd> glxinfo on my Kubuntu 11.04 reports "OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.10.2" I am assumign that means I only have OpenGL 2.1 support. ANyone know how to upgrade this to 3.0? Is this a limitation of the Intel drivers, or is there a newer lib to replace MESA?
[03:13] <szal> OpenGL version string: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 270.41.06
[03:13] <szal> must then be the Intel driver
[03:13] <bloodsmith> does anyone know how to install minecraft on kubuntu by any chance?
[03:14] <bloodsmith> I've tried google, cant find any conclusive instructions...
[03:21] <alivePerson1234> you don't install, u just run the jar file
[03:21] <alivePerson1234> bloodsmith: u dont install, u just run the jar file
[03:22] <bloodsmith> yes, but when I try to play the game offline, it says that I haven't got the game installed
[03:22] <alivePerson1234> ive never tried it offline..
[03:22] <alivePerson1234> one sec
[03:22] <bloodsmith> aight, ty
[03:25] <bloodsmith> gah, I'm sorry aliveperson1234, I've gotta get off the net, been bumming from my brother and he's gotta go to bed, so I'll get back on tomorrow to figure it out the rest of the way. Appreciate the help regardless!!
[04:34] <jmper> flisol GYE
[04:34] <jmper> alguien de flisol GYE
[05:15] <Spaz_Dynamic> kubuntu is so strange with removable media such as CDs and USB drives.
[05:25] <KhanFused> spaz - how so?
[05:26] * KhanFused is in a kubuntu live cd at the moment ... been running ubuntu 9.10 - and am about to blow away and reinstall to a newer version
[05:28] <KhanFused> kde do anything new and strange with removables recently? I haven't actively used it since 8.04/KDE3-point-someodd
[06:18] <uberfrau> if i have files on my desktop which are not connected to anything, how can i get rid of them?
[08:20] <ashwin> i updated my kubuntu. now audio driver is not working
[08:20] <ashwin> i cannot connect to internet also
[08:24] <ashwin> please help
[08:29] <gr8m8> ashwin: open a terminal and run ifconfig -a is there something listed other then lo ?
[08:41] <ashwin> while starting i m getting error
[08:41] <ashwin> warning :cannot open consolekit session
[08:43] <ashwin> failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus socket no such file or directorory
[08:43] <Aranel> How can I set-up a OpenVPN connection on KDE? I have two files: .ovpn and .ca.crt, but there's no Import function on KNetworkManager, how am I supposed to make it work?
[08:44] <ashwin> ifconfig -a gives eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 40:61:86:32:72:f2
[08:44] <ashwin> BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1
[08:44] <ashwin> RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
[08:45] <ashwin> http://paste.kde.org/83683/
[08:46] <ashwin> so what am i suppose to do?
[09:00] <Who> guys i am thinking of getting a macbook pro
[09:00] <Who> but i heard it has problems its wireless drivers
[09:00] <Who> since i will be using kubuntu for the major part of my work
[09:01] <Who> i wanted to conform it with you guys
[09:05] <ashwin> warning :cannot open consolekit session.failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus socket no such file or directory
[09:05] <ashwin> anyone know about this
[09:22] <FloodBotK1> !netsplit
[09:22] <ubottu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
[09:29] <FloodBotK1> !netsplit
[09:29] <FloodBotK2> !netsplit
[09:29] <ubottu> netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
[10:17] <bigbrovar> Hi guys am runing kmail2 and found out it does not support the kubuntu message indicator. is there anyway to fix this?
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
[10:50] <sommarjobbare1> kubuntu <3<3
=== leptik is now known as khathirdstep1025
[10:57] <grawcho_> hey all ... dose anyone know when packaging for KDE 4.7 is due in kubuntu ?
[10:57] <grawcho_> i'm waiting for a supported feature in those packages for six months now :)
[10:58] <grawcho_> could some one set a deadline for my wait
[10:58] <grawcho_> please ?
[11:01] <Tm_T> grawcho_: when ready
[11:02] <Tm_T> grawcho_: considering 4.7 isn't released yet
[11:03] <Tm_T> grawcho_: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.7_Release_Schedule
[11:04] <grawcho_> Tm_T: thanks ... i meant the beat ... you are absolutly right ... when will the beta be released in a PPA
[11:05] <grawcho_> Tm_T: and thanks i read the release schedule ... there is no referance for kubuntu packages there ... and \ or RC packages
[11:07] <Tm_T> grawcho_: I don't know, unfortunately, people have been busy with packaging
[11:07] <grawcho_> Tm_T: well ...thanks anyway ... i'll keep an eye open
=== pharscape is now known as saphenet
[12:06] <soee> does dolphin offer function to search multiple file content ?
=== whatever is now known as Guest32622
[12:43] <gavin__> hi
[12:56] <Ubuntu-rosa> hello
[12:56] <Ubuntu-rosa> please i wana Write a script that displays for a given partition:
[12:56] <Ubuntu-rosa> 1. Users who are about to use this partition
[12:56] <Ubuntu-rosa> 2. The processes that are attached to each user
[12:56] <Ubuntu-rosa> 3. Open files for each user
[12:56] <Ubuntu-rosa> 4. For each user who opened a file or having a process tied to the partition send a message to warn the removal of the partition and asked to close all programs and files after a number of minutes the user will be disconnected.
[12:56] <FloodBotK2> Ubuntu-rosa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[13:08] <telecentro01> Bom Dia a Todos....
[13:10] <Ubuntu-rosa> Write a script that displays for a given partition:
[13:10] <Ubuntu-rosa> 1. Users who are about to use this partition
[13:10] <Ubuntu-rosa> 2. The processes that are attached to each user
[13:10] <Ubuntu-rosa> 3. Open files for each user
[13:10] <Ubuntu-rosa> 4. For each user who opened a file or having a process tied to the partition send a message to warn the removal of the partition and asked to close all programs and files after a number of minutes the user will be disconnected.
[13:10] <FloodBotK2> Ubuntu-rosa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[13:13] <lovesthethianood> Hi flash dosent seem to be working nfor me i ran apt-get flashplugin-nonfree,it installed the package but still no flash after restarting FF.
[13:13] <lovesthethianood> âmd64 BTW
[13:13] <steven> do u mean adobe flash for firefox ?
[13:14] <lovesthethianood> yes im trying to setup flash so i can veiw the youtubes and other such distractions.
[13:14] <steven> oh
[13:14] <steven> I just done it today :D
[13:15] <steven> but, I done it on Fedora
[13:15] <cousin_mario> hello
[13:15] <cousin_mario> what's the recommended hex editor on kde?
[13:15] <Ubuntu-rosa> Write a script that displays for a given partition:
[13:15] <Ubuntu-rosa> 1. Users who are about to use this partition
[13:15] <Ubuntu-rosa> 2. The processes that are attached to each user
[13:15] <Ubuntu-rosa> 3. Open files for each user
[13:15] <Ubuntu-rosa> 4. For each user who opened a file or having a process tied to the partition send a message to warn the removal of the partition and asked to close all programs and files after a number of minutes the user will be disconnected.
[13:15] <FloodBotK2> Ubuntu-rosa: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.
[13:18] <cousin_mario> bbl
[13:18] <lovesthethianood> i just acidentaly killed my desktop/kmenu with the ctrl/alt/esp. how do i get it back?
[13:19] <lovesthethianood> still surprised nobodys comented on my flash plugin question.
[13:19] <bloodsmith> So last night I tried to install minecraft on my kubuntu system, got the .jar file working(not the hard part), and would like to play it offline, however the minecraft.exe file that I downloaded in order to play it offline will not work with the .jar file. Any suggestions?
[13:21] <TomekC> Hi i have question
[13:21] <TomekC> my antivirus found trojan kolweb.a in libplot2c2_2.6-0ubuntu3_amd64.deb
[13:22] <TomekC> what i should do with it?
[13:22] <steven> hey <lovesthethianood>
[13:22] <steven> about the flash
[13:22] <lovesthethianood> steven: yes?
[13:22] <steven> I dont sure about Ubuntu
[13:23] <steven> for me, I just download the flashplugin.tar.gz
[13:23] <steven> untar it
[13:23] <steven> then cp it into <firefox>/plugins
[13:23] <steven> directory
[13:23] <steven> and then restart firefox
[13:23] <steven> then go to addon, plugin check it
[13:23] <steven> whether it be there or not
[13:24] <steven> hope can help u
=== mig is now known as Guest57815
[14:06] <BluesKaj> Howdy
[14:06] <Unit193> BluesKaj: Howja
[14:13] <BluesKaj> hey Unit193 , was just checking the network files , making sure there are no remnanats of network manager hanging around to gum up the works
[14:16] <ashwin> i am getting this at startup warning :cannot open consolekit session.failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system bus and my audio,network connections are not working
[14:17] <ashwin> it all come after an update
[14:19] <BluesKaj> ashwin, as far your audio is concerned open a terminal and do: alsamixer -V all , then make sure no ctrls are muted \
[14:20] <ashwin> i cannot see button to mute
[14:21] <BluesKaj> the box at the bottom should have 00 in it , if it's muted an M will be there
[14:22] <ashwin> no ,it was there before
[14:22] <BluesKaj> just use the M key to mute or unmute
[14:22] <ashwin> volume control is not working
[14:24] <ashwin> there is no button with speaker symbol now
[14:25] <ashwin> i will do alsamixer -V and tell you after sometime
[14:33] <ashwin> BluesKaj:i tried alsamixer -V all,and got cannot open mixer
[14:36] <ashwin> is there a way i can delete update installed today
[14:39] <BluesKaj> ok ashwin just try alsamixer
[14:44] <Goliath> HEy
[14:44] <Goliath> there is a problem with knetworkmanager for wifi. wireless connections dont appear
[14:44] <Goliath> is this an upgrade bug or something?
[14:45] <ashwin> alsamixer gives the same
[14:45] <ashwin> cannot open mixer :no such file or directory
=== jr_ is now known as Riddell
[15:00] <nicolas__> Hi everyone
[15:00] <montfras> hi
[15:01] <nicolas__> Is there a special package to install or any manipulation to do to have strigi running? When I go to system settings it says strigi is not runing
[15:02] <montfras> can you check it is not suspended?
[15:02] <montfras> there is an "nepomuk file indexing" item in the systemtray
[15:07] <nicolas__> montfras: Ok, I found it. When I click it, there is a popup menu with only one option available which is "Configure". When I click it, I have the system configuration window appearing which says "strigi is not runing"
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=== Goliath is now known as Goliath|Away
=== szal_ is now known as szal
=== Goliath|Away is now known as Goliath
[15:37] <montfras> :nicolas__ sorry for the late reply
[15:37] <montfras> I think this is normal, when all files are indexed it is indeed not running
[15:37] <nicolas__> montfras: No problem ;-)
[15:38] <montfras> just deselect the checkbox and click apply
[15:38] <montfras> if you check it and click apply again it start indexing
[15:40] <nicolas__> Well, youre manipulation didn't change anything :(
[15:41] <montfras> alright, next idea :)
[15:42] <ashwin> how can i backup everything in my home folder+themes+config files
[15:42] <nicolas__> ashwin: Have you had a look at "backintime"?
[15:43] <ashwin> what is that?
[15:43] <nicolas__> A very nice backup program
[15:44] <nicolas__> You can make several backups and then come back to the one you want
[15:44] <nicolas__> Otherwise you can make a copy of you /home/ partition
[15:45] <montfras> nicolas__: could you look on the second tab at "change index folders" translation may be different
[15:45] <ashwin> themes are in home folder?
[15:45] <montfras> check that you have at least a location selected for indexing
[15:46] <nicolas__> montfras: Yes I do have one :(
[15:48] <montfras> no problem
[15:49] <montfras> do you have java installed? 'java -version' in terminal
[15:50] <montfras> it should be either open jdk runtime or sun java runtime
[15:51] <nicolas__> montfras: I was quite sure I had Java installed, but java-version in Konsole says "command not found"
[15:53] <montfras> you should use a space between java and -version
[15:53] <montfras> but this probably doesn't matter, this was the fix in the kubuntu 9.10 days :/
[15:54] <nicolas__> montfras: oh, thanks. So, yes I do have java installed version OpenJDK
[15:55] <montfras> do you have a 32 or 64 bit system?
[15:55] <nicolas__> 64
[15:56] <montfras> sorry wrong solution
[15:56] <montfras> turns out I don't even have java myself
[15:56] <montfras> let me think a little more :)
[15:57] <nicolas__> montfras: haha. Thank you for your time
[15:59] <Linkmaster> Whats the problem? My limited knowledge base might know of a solution
[16:01] <montfras> nicolas__: have you installed the strigi-client package?
[16:01] <nicolas__> Linkmaster: In system configuration I have "Strigi is not running". I just don't know how to start it
[16:01] <nicolas__> montfras: yes
[16:01] <montfras> strigi-daemon?
[16:01] <Linkmaster> I don't actively use strigi, so I wouldn't know without tinkering around some
[16:03] <montfras> Linkmaster: yeah, I do use it but my system is a bit messed up with packages installed from source, some neon packages and other junk
[16:04] <nicolas__> montfras: Actually I believe strigiclient was installed by default. But I can run it. I believe strigi-deamon is also installed
[16:04] <Linkmaster> montfras: I wouldn't trust my system either; I've had to quarantine source installs-gone-wrong, neon garbles a bunch of stuff as well, and who knows what else
[16:04] <nicolas__> Linkmaster: Thank you anyway
[16:04] <Linkmaster> Sorry I can't help
[16:05] <nicolas__> Well, I'm doing research, so I have thousands of papers on my computer. I would be great if I could seek in the pdfs
[16:06] <nicolas__> I used to use kerry beagle. Maybee I should get back to it
[16:06] <montfras> nicolas__: what about libstreamanalyzer0 ? :p
[16:08] <nicolas__> montfras: this one doesn't seem to be installed. But I can't find it in kpackagekit
[16:12] <montfras> that might be the problem, I'm not sure
[16:12] <montfras> let me take a look at it but first try: mv .kde/share/apps/nepomuk/ .kde/share/apps/nepomuk-backup/
[16:13] <montfras> this will remove your nepomuk folder, it will make a new one an that could solve the issue
[16:15] <nicolas__> montfras: it doesn't seem to change anything
[16:15] <nicolas__> Do you think I should restard my computer?
[16:15] <nicolas__> Nooooo, it did change!
[16:15] <montfras> try to check and de-select the strigi checkbox
[16:15] <montfras> working now?
[16:16] <nicolas__> "Strigi is currently indexing files"!
[16:16] <nicolas__> Thanks a lot!
[16:16] <montfras> no problem
[16:16] <chonlatee> my problem is if i logout it will stuck and need to restart
[16:16] <nicolas__> I would hugg you if there were not two screens and probably hundreds of kilometers between is
[16:17] <chonlatee> who have something like this ?
[16:17] <montfras> haha one more thing to do: remove the nepomuk-backup folder
[16:17] <nicolas__> montfras: ok, thank you
[16:17] <montfras> something like rm .kde/share/apps/nepomuk/ -r -i
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[16:18] <montfras> or use the safe way: dolphin
[16:18] <montfras> phew glad that worked out, my memmorie served me well after all :)
[16:19] <montfras> chonlatee: does it show you an error message?
[16:20] <nicolas__> chonlatee: I do have a bug sometime when waking up from sleeping mode. If anyone have a solution by the way...
[16:21] <chonlatee> montfras: no it's just dake and have only cursor and i press ctrl + alt + del it's restart
[16:21] <chonlatee> montfras: *dark not dake sorry
[16:22] <nicolas__> wahooooo, it's amazing, it works! I can seek in files! Awsome!
[16:24] <montfras> chonlatee: you don't happen to have an ATI graphics card?
[16:25] <chonlatee> montfras: i use ATI graphics card.
[16:25] <chonlatee> montfras: i use dell studio 1450
[16:29] <sean_w> Where are the privicy settings for kopote? This perveted AIM bot won't leave me alone :P
[16:33] <montfras> chonlatee: can you please check /var/log/kdm.log for errors
[16:35] <nicolas__> Ok, have a nice day! Thanks again montfras
[16:36] <montfras> haha you're welcome!
=== montfras is now known as montfras_away
[17:01] <ilias> can anyone explain me why when the system is booting other times i see only a black screen and other times i see black screen then kubuntu blue screen and finally the splash screen?
=== montfras_away is now known as montfras
[17:07] <BluesKaj> ilias, how many desktops installed , gnome, unity and kde ?
[17:09] <ilias> only kde 4.4.5 under 10.04
[17:17] <ilias> well?
[17:31] <Linkmaster> ilias: it could be a video driver issue, they seem to follow under black screens
[17:33] <ilias> is it common to boot in different way?
[17:35] <giantpune> does anybody here use colibri? i have installed the package, but im not quite sure what else needs to be done for it to work
[17:37] <giantpune> this is the error screen im getting http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/5615/colibri.png
[17:48] <ilias> hi genii.
[18:14] <kubuntu> cs
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[18:40] <tarkanoid> salut
=== Unit193 is now known as Unit193BeGone
[20:21] <pawleeq> hello
[20:22] <pawleeq> I need to send one email to about 100 different recievers and I want each reciever to see only his aaddress, how to do it woth kmail
[20:22] <pawleeq> ?
[20:22] <DarthFrog> Can't you use BCC?
[20:22] <gomiboy> bcc
[20:22] <DarthFrog> BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
[20:23] <pawleeq> shouldnt the messagge be marked as spam then?
[20:26] <SIR_Taco> pawleeq: it shouldn't be, no
[20:27] <pawleeq> ok
[20:27] <pawleeq> and when I put the addresses into BCC field as comma separated list, is it ok?
[20:27] <SIR_Taco> it dpeneds on your ISP and/or email provider, and possibly the recipients provider
[20:29] <SIR_Taco> pawleeq: the only thing that adding addresses to BCC does, is that the recipient can't see who else you sent the message to.
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
[20:42] <SIR_Taco> I guess the question was answered?
[21:03] <kalib> Hi people. Why does everytime I update my system my flash stops working?
[21:03] <kalib> Again, today I updated my system and flash is not working.. if I open about:plugins on firefox or chromium, I can't see flash..
[21:04] <kalib> every update flash is having problems. And I have to unninstall it and install again.
[21:15] <Walzmyn> because Flash sucks
[21:19] <kalib> Walzmyn, that's not the reason... Every single update on this kubuntu I need to # aptitude remove flashplugin-installer && aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree
[21:20] <Walzmyn> kalib: I dunna, I've never had anything but trouble with flash. I wish it didn't exsist
[21:20] <kalib> well, html5 promises this better future.
[21:22] <wintellect> How do I get choqok to post to multiple accounts at the same time?
[21:22] <maco> copy and paste
[21:22] <wintellect> :(
[21:22] <wintellect> it doesn't support simultaneous posting?
[21:23] <maco> unless the UI has changed drastically in the last year, no
[21:23] <maco> it has a textbox per tab, and a tab per account
[21:23] <wintellect> ok - that's dissappointing
[21:23] <maco> there's no multi-account text box
[21:23] <wintellect> i see
[21:23] <maco> i mean, check...maybe you can right click and tell it to do more accounts in that one text box? but i dont think so
[21:23] <wintellect> tried that
[21:24] <maco> gwibber might be what you want
[21:24] <wintellect> ok,, thanks maco
[21:24] <maco> though ive noticed some bugginess with turning off and on any of the ...6 or so accounts i have
[21:25] <maco> (you click the icon for the account to enable/disable, but the icon's state doesn't always update even though the account's state DOES. so checking in the account settings is the only wya to be sure. restarting gwibber does force refresh on the icons)
[21:53] <uberfrau> hey, how do i automate my wallet so i don't have to enter my pw every time i turn my machine on?
[21:55] <uberfrau> also, a powercord became unplugged; i rebooted but filesystem was messed up and it was checking for battery state (i'm on a desktop), luckily recovery mode fixed it but i'm curious as to why the battery state check happened at all =)
[21:55] <Torch> uberfrau: kwallet currently cannot do that (use the login credentials)
[21:56] <uberfrau> can i give permission for it to authenticate a process though?
[21:56] <uberfrau> i'm the only user on my machine, so i don't login when the machine starts >.>
[21:56] <Torch> uberfrau: use an empty kwallet password then if you don't care about security
[21:57] <uberfrau> Torch: lol
[21:59] <SIR_Taco> True to some extent... really KDE wallet is just a place to store all your passwords, and unlock them with a single password... if that single password is discovered, then you eukered
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[22:03] <Torch> SIR_Taco: thanks for clearing that up for me
[22:04] <SIR_Taco> `np
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[22:38] <SIR_Taco> mission piss off neighbours... accomplished :)
[22:41] <soee> is there any msn client for kde ?
[22:43] <SIR_Taco> soee: Kopete will connect to MSN fine
[22:47] <soee> SIR_Taco, ok thank you i havent used it
[22:47] <SIR_Taco> soee: should work fine
=== braincore_ is now known as braincore
[23:06] <goldroger> hi, I'm using yakuake ( based off konsole ), and font 'consolas' on it. However, the font keeps getting truncated - so do many other fixed width fonts like calibri, candara, monaco
[23:06] <goldroger> how can I fix this ?
[23:13] <Torch> goldroger: i'd suggest asking on #kde. sho, the yakuake dev, often answers questions there (though not right now)
[23:13] <goldroger> thanks Torch
[23:21] <aaronth> no chum bucket?
[23:22] <SIR_Taco> aaronth.... we talking about Sponge Bob?
[23:22] <aaronth> SIR_Taco: no someone here was named that
[23:23] <SIR_Taco> ah ok
[23:31] <linux-beginner-h> how can I search files in kde using strigi? I configured the file search and the index is up to date...
[23:31] <linux-beginner-h> Alt+F2 does not work... using the lastest stable kde version
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[23:37] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: you're trying to search via the run dialog?
[23:37] <linux-beginner-h> yes... is there something else I can use?
[23:37] <linux-beginner-h> I thought it's the same like in windows 7 :-)
[23:39] <soee> anyone using kmess ?
[23:39] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: if you open Dolphine... (your file mananger by default) Click on the "Find" icon at the top... or menu "Edit -> Find" ... or CTRL-F... and type from there
[23:39] <SIR_Taco> Dolphin, even
[23:40] <linux-beginner-h> I hate dolphin... it's to minimalistic... does konqueror the same?
[23:40] <linux-beginner-h> or can I use kfind?
[23:40] <linux-beginner-h> maybe it's always the same :-)
[23:41] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: I don't think Kfind works with Strigi/nepomuk
[23:41] <linux-beginner-h> konqueror?
[23:41] <SIR_Taco> konqueror is depreciated.....
[23:43] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: ohhhh..... ok....
[23:43] <linux-beginner-h> it's one of the best kde app :-)
[23:43] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: the problem is that the "new stuff" is in the "new stuff"
[23:43] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: ok thank you...
[23:44] <linux-beginner-h> what does the kicker plugin nepomuk does?
[23:44] <linux-beginner-h> can I use it?
[23:44] <linux-beginner-h> It's call nepomuk desktop search runner in kubuntu
[23:44] <SIR_Taco> do you have a url for it?
[23:44] <SIR_Taco> haven't heard of it
[23:45] <linux-beginner-h> ALT+2 / settings icon...
[23:45] <linux-beginner-h> on the left side
[23:46] <briandw1969> how to get flash update for FF ????????????????
[23:48] <SIR_Taco> briandw1969: think if there were less than 20 question marks... you wouldn't seem like an arse?
[23:48] <chemicalvamp> My setting changes like mouse acceleration taskbar orientation and size do not remain after reboot. any ideas?
[23:48] <briandw1969> it shows my level of confusion
[23:48] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: you mean the "nepomuk file indexing" icon in the tray?
[23:49] <linux-beginner-h> negative...
[23:49] <linux-beginner-h> when you open the runner (Alt+F2) you can configure this an enable plugins
[23:49] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: ah ok, I see what you're saying
[23:52] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: hit Alt-F2... type "Nepomuk" and it should give you an option below to "enable nepomuk search"
[23:52] <SIR_Taco> briandw1969: what version of flash do you have?
[23:53] <briandw1969> i just installed 11.04
[23:53] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: I think you miss understand me... nepomuk is enabled...
[23:53] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: the strigi index is up 2 date
[23:53] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: yes, I get that...
[23:54] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: I going to try how to search my files now... without dolphin... like ALT+F2 and enter "filename.pdf"
[23:54] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: when I enter nepomuk... I receive a list for applications... not files...
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
[23:55] <soee> any kmess user here ?
[23:56] <linux-beginner-h> nope... using kopete
[23:56] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: I didn't have nepomuk/strigi enabled with ALT-F2... when I started typing "nepomuk" it came up with an option of "enabling nepomuk search"... now if I hit "ALT-F2" then type "Green Day" all my Green Day songs show up
[23:56] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: nice... ok
[23:57] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: or, if I type "Punk" all my MP3s with punk as a genre show up
[23:57] <chemicalvamp> My setting changes like mouse acceleration taskbar orientation and size do not remain after reboot. any ideas?
[23:58] <chemicalvamp> also.. any recommendations on a good media player?
[23:58] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: wow... I have activated all plugins and now it works... really strange!
[23:59] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: well at least it works :)
[23:59] <linux-beginner-h> SIR_Taco: thanks for your help!
[23:59] <SIR_Taco> soee: what's your problem with kmess?
[23:59] <SIR_Taco> linux-beginner-h: you're welcome