UbuntuIRC / 2011 /09 /05 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== vddlogger is now known as parislogger
[00:46] <jo-erlend> is there a limit to how many times a day you can build new versions of a package?
[00:47] <wgrant> jo-erlend: With a recipe I believe you can build only 5 times per series per day.
[00:47] <jo-erlend> I'm new at this, so I've been making small mistakes and I've had to upload versions of the package a few times. I did it now, and I was told it'll be built in 13 hours. :(
[00:48] <wgrant> 3/4 of the builders are currently testing kernel SRUs, so the queue is huge :/ with a bit of luck they will be given back tonight, and the queue will clear quickly.
[00:48] <wgrant> Have you tried test building locally?
[00:48] <wgrant> You should be doing that rather than uploading to Launchpad lots of times :)
[00:49] <jo-erlend> I haven't figured out how to do that yet :)
[00:49] <wgrant> Is this a recipe, or just a normal source package?
[00:49] <jo-erlend> well.. Both. I have added a recipe for it, but I've been uploading with quickly share because of small issues.
[00:50] <jo-erlend> nono, wait a minute. I'm confused. :).
[00:51] <jo-erlend> I've used bzr bd and then used dput to upload it to my PPA.
[00:51] <jo-erlend> but I don't know how to make a deb from it.
[00:52] <wgrant> How are you invoking bzr bd?
[00:52] <wgrant> bzr bd -S?
[00:52] <jo-erlend> yes, except there is an issue with my keys, so I need to use bzr bd -S -- -kkey.
[00:52] <wgrant> Drop the -S, and it will build binaries too :)
[00:53] <wgrant> You can't upload them, but you can check that it builds and then install them to check it works.
[00:57] <jo-erlend> wgrant, but the next time, if I want to upload to my PPA, but test it first... Do I need to run it twice, or can I run it without -S and then just upload as usual?
[00:57] <wgrant> jo-erlend: You need to run it twice. You can't upload binary+source to Launchpad.
[00:59] <jo-erlend> great. So I no longer have to wait for ages to see if my fixes works. :)
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
[06:34] <Linuxsapien> id like to talk to an admin please regarding my username change and openID issues please.
[06:38] <wgrant> Linuxsapien: What's up?
[06:38] <Linuxsapien> may I take it to a /query ?
[06:38] <wgrant> Sure.
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
[07:48] <gmb> losa ping
[07:48] <hloeung> gmb: hi, how can I help you?
[07:49] <gmb> hloeung: Howdy. I'm seeing a bunch of failed-to-run notifications for checkwatches on loganberry. Can you check to see if there's a stuck instance please? (It sometimes hangs and we've never been able to figure out why).
[07:49] <hloeung> gmb: sure
[07:50] <gmb> Ta
[07:50] <wgrant> We should probably get a pygdb backtrace from it at some point.
[07:53] <hloeung> gmb: there does appear to be some stuck checkwatches processes - http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/682410/
[07:54] <gmb> hloeung: Okay. You can kill it, it'll respawn on its own.
[07:55] <hloeung> gmb: done!
[07:55] <gmb> hloeung: Thanks :)
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
[08:44] <YoBoY> hi
[08:52] <YoBoY> I'm on a launchpad team using the launchpad mailing list. We now want to move elsewhere, there is a way to download the archives in first step and to delete the mailing list after that ?
[08:53] <FourDollars> Hi all, I just dput a package to a private PPA for one hour ago, but I didn't receive the response email. Anyone knows why?
[09:00] <bigjools> FourDollars: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/227
[09:00] <bigjools> grar
[09:00] <bigjools> (removing edge url) https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/227
[09:01] <FourDollars> bigjools: Thanks
[09:07] <FourDollars> bigjools: I use 'dput --force' to upload again, and then I received the response email.
[09:08] <FourDollars> bigjools: I don't know what happens with lauchpad. However it works now. :)
[09:08] <bigjools> cool
[09:21] <Daviey> Estimated build time for PPA really 12 hours, plus one hour already waited?
[09:21] <wgrant> Daviey: I'm trying to work out who has all the builders.
[09:22] <Daviey> wgrant: super, thanks!
[09:23] <htorque> hello everyone! are there any tools available to check a bug's status from the command line? i'd like to retrieve the current bug states of a list of ~300 bug numbers.
[09:23] <wgrant> htorque: https://help.launchpad.net/API
[09:24] <htorque> wgrant: ah, even better. thanks!
[09:35] <Daviey> htorque: http://pb.daviey.com/P989/ etc.
[09:40] <htorque> Daviey: thanks :)
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
[12:50] <Laney> what does Upgrade Packages do on +localpackagediffs?
[13:03] <tumbleweed> bigjools: ^
[13:22] <bigjools> tumbleweed: Laney: There is no Upgrade Packages any more
[13:23] <Laney> bigjools: just waiting for a deployment to go away?
[13:23] <bigjools> Laney: it was released ages ago, not sure how you are seeing it
[13:23] <Laney> bigjools: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+localpackagediffs?field.name_filter=&field.package_type=all&field.package_type-empty-marker=1 there
[13:23] <bigjools> the button does a massive sync source
[13:24] <bigjools> I won't see it, I am not an archive admin
[13:24] <Laney> nor am I
[13:24] <Laney> I am on the release team though?
[13:24] <bigjools> wtf
[13:24] <bigjools> I can see it
[13:24] <wgrant> bigjools: There was a bug in the template fixed a couple of hours ago.
[13:24] <bigjools> wgrant: how did it get back?
[13:25] <bigjools> in fact both buttons are there
[13:25] <bigjools> I can guess ...
[13:25] <wgrant> bigjools: I don't know details, I just saw a diff fly past. For those two buttons it was evaluating a method rather than calling it.
[13:25] <wgrant> So it always ended up True.
[13:25] <bigjools> that old chestnut
[13:32] <Laney> :-)
[13:38] <bjsnider> when someone submits a bug, do the maintainers in the control file automatically get emailed?
[13:39] <wgrant> bjsnider: No.
[13:39] <wgrant> bjsnider: As the maintainer is usually inherited from Debian, that would be spamming the wrong people.
[13:39] <bjsnider> alright, who does get emailed?
[13:40] <wgrant> Anybody who has subscribed to the package.
[13:40] <wgrant> You can see a list at eg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+subscribe
[13:40] <wgrant> On the right.
[13:42] <bjsnider> i know you can see the list, but i'm wondering how that list gets created
[13:43] <bjsnider> if someone is on a launchpad team, and the team publishes packages, and one of those packages is bugged, do all members get emails?
[13:44] <wgrant> bjsnider: People must explicitly subscribe themselves or the teams that they administer.
[13:46] <bjsnider> if it's a bug upstream, does someone get around to notifying the developers?
[13:47] <wgrant> #ubuntu-bugs is a better place for that sort of question.
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
=== dpm is now known as dpm__
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== eyes_ is now known as EesIsServer
=== EesIsServer is now known as EyesIsServer
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
[15:58] <Mez> How often does the upload
[15:58] <Mez> I'm trying
[15:58] <Mez> grr
[15:58] * Mez starts again
[15:58] <Mez> I'm trying to upload to a PPA. My key expired - I've just updated it on keyserver.ubuntu.com - how long will this take to get through to allow me to upload?
[16:02] <bigjools> just checking for you
[16:02] <bigjools> Mez: should be pretty instant
[16:18] <Mez> Still wont let me :(
[16:18] <Mez> Oh, never mind - it has let me.
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== parislogger is now known as transitlogger
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== nyuszika7h is now known as evilnyuszika7h
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== evilnyuszika7h is now known as nyuszika7h
=== nyuszika7h is now known as [nyuszika7h]
=== [nyuszika7h] is now known as nyuszika7h
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== OdyX` is now known as OdyX