UbuntuIRC / 2011 /09 /29 /#launchpad.txt
Initial commit
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== jtv-afk is now known as jtv
[07:36] <hrw> hi
[07:37] <hrw> where can I grab system image used by LP for builds? My package builds in pbuilder but failed on lp
[07:51] <wgrant> hrw: A URL like https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ubuntu/oneiric/i386/chroot_url
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== tty234_ is now known as tty234
[10:00] <hrw> wgrant: thank you
[10:30] <alkisg> Is it normal for launchpad to push translation updates to my branch, when there hasn't been any change from the last update?
[10:30] <alkisg> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~epoptes-devs/epoptes/trunk/revision/4
[11:09] <dpm> hi launchpaddders, could someone give me a hand? I'm trying to set up code branch for a project, so that a team has got commit access to the branch. There is an existing branch from one of the members of that team I'd like to use as the project branch. I've created the team and the empty project branch in LP, giving the team ownership. What's the way to push a new branch to the project? I cannot even check out the current empty branch. The project is https
[11:09] <dpm> ://launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal and 'bzr bzr branch lp:ubuntudeveloperportal' returns bzr saying that it is not a branch
[11:10] <dpm> (obviously dropping the second bzr in 'bzr bzr' above)
[11:15] <sagaci> dpm, works for me
[11:15] <sagaci> bzr branch lp:ubuntudeveloperportal
[11:15] <dpm> sagaci, now it does, I've just sorted it out :)
[11:15] <sagaci> sometimes takes a few moments
[11:16] <dpm> I had created it a few minutes before I asked the question
[11:17] <dpm> Now I deleted the branch from LP, pushed the branch to the team's branch and then chose the team's branch to be the main project's branch
[11:17] <dpm> and that worked out well
[13:04] <deryck> It seems I'm still listed as help contact from late yesterday.
[13:04] <deryck> but true again now :)
[13:16] <TeTeT> hi, are there any examples on how to use launchpadlib for blueprints?
[13:16] <TeTeT> james_w: Daviey pointed me towards you for the above question ^
[13:17] <tumbleweed> TeTeT: IIRC the api doesn't cover blueprints
[13:39] <Daviey> TeTeT / tumbleweed: There is, it's just not clear to me how to use it - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/expose-blueprints/+merge/30026
[13:40] <tumbleweed> Daviey: well, you can see the documentation here https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#specification
[13:40] <Daviey> TeTeT: https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/stop-screen-scrape/+merge/63490 ?
[13:40] <tumbleweed> the API coverage isn't complete, though
[13:41] <nigelb> The API covers it, probably not exposed over launchpadlib
[13:41] <Daviey> okay, i'll rephrase - it's not clear to me how to use it as part of launchpadlib
[13:45] <tumbleweed> Daviey: what do you want to do with a blueprint? spec = lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSpecification(name='foundations-o-python-versions') retrieves a blueprint for me
[13:46] <bigjools> ok
[13:46] <TeTeT> tumbleweed: I'd like to get a list of sub-blueprints and their status and assignees
[13:46] <Daviey> tumbleweed: Really, getting the relationship between blueprints :)
[13:48] <tumbleweed> Daviey: they have a dependencies property. I don't think you can go the other direction, though
[13:48] <Daviey> that might be enough..
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[14:31] <joey> mrevell: ping!
[14:40] <mrevell> Hey joey!
[14:41] <joey> Hey mrevell!
[14:41] <joey> mrevell: 1) congrats on the updated role!
[14:41] <mrevell> thanks joey :)
[14:42] <joey> mrevell: 2) do you remember the script we used to translate bug numbers into a headline for the weekly LP report? Is that still public? I have something like this that I want to expand:
[14:42] <joey> Bugs fixed
[14:42] <joey> ===============================
[14:42] <joey> * #825327, #819723, #850099, #845793
[14:42] <joey> s/still public/public
[14:43] <mrevell> joey, Hmm, good question. I'll have a look around. Let me see if I can find it in my back-ups or my email.
[14:43] <joey> mrevell: thanks. come to think of it, I think we used it for the release announcements
[14:43] <mrevell> We did
[14:44] <joey> mrevell: iirc it was just a one liner that used the api to look up successive numbers and spit out the desc text
[14:44] <joey> I suppose I could recreate something.
[14:44] * joey wonders if it's in the api lib doc...
[14:45] <joey> I wonder if matsubara-lunch still has it. I think he was assembling a page of clients at one point
[14:45] <mrevell> Hey, that's a good point. He may well have it.
[14:46] <mrevell> joey, I've looked through my archive and my email; it seems I didn't keep it. Sorry.
[14:49] <joey> mrevell: oh well, thanks for looking.
[14:49] <joey> mrevell: shouldn't be that hard I guess for me to write something up
[14:50] <mrevell> Worth waiting to see if matsubara-lunch still has it.
[14:52] <joey> mrevell: yeah I know we used part of that for something for OEM but that bit of code I think is non-public
[14:53] <joey> mrevell: as I recall, there is no secret sauce in it...was just something that was never though useful enough to pub
[14:53] <mrevell> Yeah, it was pretty innocuous.
=== bac`` is now known as bac
[14:55] <matsubara-lunch> joey, mrevell http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lazr-developers/launchpadlib/trunk/view/head:/contrib/lp-bug-ifier.py
[14:55] <joey> bingo!
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
[15:00] <mrevell> matsubara to the rescue again :)
[15:00] <joey> amen to that brother
[15:00] <joey> man's got a mind like a steel trap
[15:01] <mrevell> Yeah!
[15:51] <akoskm> hi! I made a "little" misstake in my recipe's naming pattern and built a package based on that pattern. Can I permanently delete the wrongly named package?
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
[18:05] <deryck> abentley, I'll pitch to you now for IRC.
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
[18:06] <abentley> deryck: sure.
[18:06] <deryck> Thanks
[18:12] <akoskm> hi! is there any way to delete an existing package from my PPA?
[18:14] <akoskm> I used a not so wise naming pattern for my recipe, and now that package name is "blocking" others, never packages (I placed a git commit-id before {revno} :/).
[18:28] <dobey> akoskm: on the page for your archive, there should be a "Delete packages" link
[18:29] <dobey> akoskm: you might have to be in the "package details" view to see it
[18:33] <akoskm> dobey: lol, indeed it is there, thanks!
[18:47] <davidstrauss> abentley, Hi. I'm still getting notifications for review by a team I'm no longer on. Is there a way to fix this?
[18:47] <davidstrauss> abentley, The team is ~economist-magic
[18:48] <abentley> davidstrauss: what's the reason given for sending you the email, in the footer?
[18:48] <davidstrauss> abentley, I have an email from a few minutes ago saying, "Your team Economist Online Developers is requested to review the proposed merge..."
[18:49] <davidstrauss> abentley, But going to the team page shows, "You are not a member of this team."
[18:49] <davidstrauss> abentley, I used to be on the team and an owner of it.
[18:49] <abentley> davidstrauss: Owning the team might mean you're considered a member of it.
[18:50] <davidstrauss> abentley, I'm no longer the owner
[18:50] <davidstrauss> abentley, Also, LP split the two (owner != member anymore) in a recent release, anyway.
[18:52] <davidstrauss> abentley, I'm not even sure where it's getting the david@fourkitchens email anymore. I removed that from my account.
[18:53] <abentley> davidstrauss: how recently were you a member?
[18:53] <davidstrauss> abentley, months ago
[18:53] <abentley> davidstrauss: how new are the merge requests themselves?
[18:54] <davidstrauss> abentley, Brand new ones from today
[18:54] <davidstrauss> abentley, Or at least brand new comments
[18:55] <abentley> davidstrauss: can you give me an example mail with full headers, please?
[18:55] <davidstrauss> abentley, Oh, nvm. I think this is going through a forwarder managed on their side. :-)
[18:56] <abentley> davidstrauss: that would explain a few things :-)
[18:56] <davidstrauss> abentley, Sorry for the trouble
[18:56] <abentley> davidstrauss: np
=== akoskm is now known as akoskm-
=== akoskm- is now known as akoskm
=== jacob_ is now known as jacob
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
[20:38] <doko> spam at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/528887
[20:38] <ubot5> Ubuntu bug 528887 in netbook-launcher-efl (Ubuntu Lucid) "maximus does not give default focus to newly started apps in combination with efl launcher" [Medium,Fix released]
=== epsy is now known as \u03b5
[20:52] <sconklin> It doesn't really matter to me much, but it appears that lpia builds in PPAs for Karmic are possibly stalled and backing up. I thought maybe someone might still care about lpia :-)
[20:57] <mwhudson> doko: hidden
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad