UbuntuIRC / 2015 /08 /16 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:15] <josue> Hi some know how to charge a phone by usb port?
[00:15] <josue> by default is off
[00:17] <soee> it should just work
[00:20] <josue> no, tlp may block charge trying to save battery
[00:21] <josue> I cant find how to enable by default
[00:21] <josue> in ubuntu it chargue without problems, but in kubuntu not works
[00:31] <zink_> ^^
[01:46] <Melkor> Hey guys - I've been using guake for a long time, but I just realized how really handy terminator is
[01:47] <Melkor> the one thing that's killing me is, with guake, I could hit F12 to show or hide the terminal - but terminator runs like a traditional term, so I've lost that functionality
[01:47] <Melkor> assuming an open terminator window, is there a way I can assign a key to toggle focus on it?
[01:48] <Melkor> alt tab is essentially just annoying
[01:48] <Melkor> or maybe even just a better alt-tab behaviour
[02:29] <valorie> Melkor: we have yakuake
[02:29] <Melkor> does that have the awesome split windows like terminator?
[02:30] <valorie> dunno
[02:30] <valorie> I don't need split windows so I've never tried
[02:30] <valorie> I use the tabs though
[02:34] <Melkor> gotcha
[02:34] <Melkor> yeah, guake has the tabs - which is a nice touch
[02:34] <valorie> I use KDE software when it's the best
[02:34] <valorie> other stuff when necessary
[02:34] <Melkor> terminator has tabs + split windows - which is really nice when you need to perform a task while tailing a log file
[02:36] <valorie> you can always use gauke or yakuake for a quick pop in, pop out, and terminator for your other uses
[02:38] <Melkor> hm, that's actually not a bad idea at all.
[02:38] <Melkor> I had been thinking so black or white about it. Unnecessarily so. Thanks!
[02:40] <valorie> yw
[04:24] <hal9000> my first time installign kubuntu in a while. have to say 'nice work' to the devs. however, does anyone else have "redirect loop" issues trying to stream netflix?
[04:25] <hal9000> using chromium, btw
[04:32] <valorie> hmmm, I've not tried netflix
[04:32] <valorie> on my laptop
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[05:38] <kubuntu> Hi
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[05:38] <Guest20153> how can I become root in Kubuntu live?
[05:39] <Guest20153> OK, already done that
[05:39] <Guest20153> however, could you help me identify all the disks that I have in my computer system?
=== Dhs92 is now known as Yukkii
[05:54] <Guest20153> how can I make wget write to stdout? Sorry for asking simple questions but I am on Ubuntu live and it's troublesome for me to use the browser because it's eating up resources
[05:56] <Guest20153> ok already found that
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[07:09] <lordievader> Good morning.
[07:19] <lupe> hello
[07:19] <lupe> whats everyone doing?
[07:19] <lupe> wrong room maybe?
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=== NewNick is now known as General_Martok
[11:42] <hal9000> anyone know how i change dolphin's default view? i don't care much for icon view
[11:47] <General_Martok> Does anyone know if software exists to put video onto a Blu_ray disk?
[11:55] <hal9000> General_Martok: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CdDvd/Burning thought that's not for video specifically
[11:56] <General_Martok> hal9000, Thank you!
[11:56] <hal9000> you also want to encode it for bluray player use? i'm pretty sure ffmpeg can do that also
[11:56] <General_Martok> OK
[11:56] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[11:56] <General_Martok> Hi BluesKaj
[11:57] <hal9000> handbrake is pretty good for general encoding
[11:57] <BluesKaj> hi General_Martok
[12:05] <BluesKaj> hal9000: I saw your question about icon view in #ubuntu. choose view, then adjust view properties,choose which view you want then all folders, apply
[12:05] <BluesKaj> in dolphin of course
[12:25] <hal9000> BluesKaj: in on KDE5, I think the options are different
[12:26] <hal9000> BluesKaj: wait, I found it. It's in "Control", "Adjust view properties". thanks
[12:27] <hal9000> I haven't used kde in a while and I think i'm half-blind
[13:29] <giorgos> yo
[13:30] <giorgos> pika pika
[13:31] <BluesKaj> pika. giorgos ?
[13:31] <giorgos> yeah it's the extreme heat
[13:32] <giorgos> don't mind it
[13:32] <giorgos> :PO
[13:32] <giorgos> :P
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[15:48] <John_ROG> can ubuntu work on ATK?
[15:49] <lordievader> ATK?
[15:49] <John_ROG> from Ausu
[15:49] <John_ROG> Asus*
[15:49] <lordievader> What is it?
[15:49] <John_ROG> ROG g75vw
[15:49] <John_ROG> not sure..
[15:50] * LjL-Alps types random letters too
[15:50] <lordievader> Without any details/specs I cannot say if (K)Ubuntu runs on there...
[15:50] <John_ROG> from what i see its a driver for Hotkeys and screen lighting
[15:51] <lordievader> Windows software?
[15:51] <LjL-Alps> so you're asking if Ubuntu can work on a driver...?
[15:51] <John_ROG> https://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?59307-Linux-mint-to-ATK-Screen-issue-s
[15:51] <John_ROG> my post i made
[15:52] <lordievader> I don't understand the problem description...
[15:52] <lordievader> Could you clearly try to describe the problem?
[15:52] <John_ROG> ATK is a Asus Driver for Screen Birghtless, and the Hotkeys.. how ever the Ubuntu Does not work at all with Screen Birghtless at all
[15:52] <lordievader> ATK only runs on Windows, if I can believe their web page.
[15:53] <John_ROG> the Screen Birghtless is always on 100% and never get turn down at all.. and yes ATK is for windows, but i need to know if there a Ubuntu , Driver like ATK to support Screen Birghtless type issue driver
[15:54] <lordievader> John_ROG: http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?41681-G75VW-Fn-Keys-Not-Working-For-Screen-Brightness-In-Linux
[15:55] <John_ROG> yeah, i seen that before.. but does not work well..
[15:58] <BluesKaj> John_ROG: is this a pc or laptop?
[15:59] <BluesKaj> assumes laptop
[15:59] <John_ROG> Laptop. mate.
[15:59] <John_ROG> ROG g75vw, Gaming,
[16:00] <John_ROG> i had it working long ago, but after they updated there OS, on ubuntu alot of stuff i had stop working...
[16:10] <John_ROG> @bluesKaj anything on your end?
[16:12] <BluesKaj> John_ROG: my brightness ctl works thru the system settings>power management settings on my lenovo laptop
[16:13] <BluesKaj> but I have to leave for acouple of hrs
[16:13] <BluesKaj> later
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[17:56] <lordievader> John_ROG: Does xbacklight work?
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[17:57] <Finetundra> Hey guys, anyone know why I get freezing running games under wine and just games in general?
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[18:33] <John_ROG> <lordievader> John_ROG: Does xbacklight work? No
[18:38] <lordievader> John_ROG: Try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight#Disabling_the_ACPI_backlight_driver
[18:41] <John_ROG> acpi_backlight=vendor
[18:41] <John_ROG> never worked
[18:41] <John_ROG> nut
[18:42] <John_ROG> i had acpi_backlight="\windows 2012\" was working before, but not anymore
[18:42] <lordievader> Read the rest of the page ;) The whole page is dedicated for troubleshooting brightness problems.
[18:46] <John_ROG> Yeah, i saw it, i done a few of that, and only works on 12.04 and not for 14.10 yet
[18:47] <lordievader> 14.10 is EOL.
[18:48] <BluesKaj> in oct
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[18:49] <BluesKaj> !Utopic
[18:49] <ubottu> Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic
[18:49] <BluesKaj> weird. only 8mos? wth
[18:50] <BluesKaj> oh well, I still get updates and upgrades once in a while
[18:50] <lordievader> It was shortened some time ago.
[18:50] <lordievader> LTS have gotten longer support period on the desktop though.
[18:50] <BluesKaj> trying to force that dam,n plasma 5 on us
[18:51] <John_ROG> i know, it stopped working back then, into now so, what i may have to do is see if ubuntu as a idea to add it to ROG laptops,
[19:59] <floown> Hello
[19:59] <floown> Is it the end of the aventure for Kubuntu? The next release seems to be the last, no?
[20:05] <lordievader> floown: At this point that is still speculation.
[20:10] <floown> It's a shame if this is the case, I love Kubuntu :\
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[21:17] <mparillo> And the more we can contribute, the less likely its demise.
[21:22] <SilentGhost> does anyone know of a way to setup google talk in 15.04 from scratch? there doesn't seem to be a google account on offer in Online accounts.
[21:24] <BluesKaj_> SilentGhost: what about in the browser itself ?
[21:24] <SilentGhost> BluesKaj_: what do you mean? to keep gmail window open at all times?
[21:25] <BluesKaj_> no, the chrome browser as client
[21:26] <BluesKaj_> asuming that's possible of course
[21:28] <Dragnslcr> SilentGhost: what client are you using? Google Talk / Hangouts handles XMPP connections
[21:28] <SilentGhost> Dragnslcr: uhm, Telepathy, I guess
[21:29] <Dragnslcr> As far as I know, you should be able to add a Jabber/XMPP account
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[21:29] <Dragnslcr> I had a couple other issues with KDE-Telepathy, so I went back to Kopete
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[21:30] <Guest24640> hi - is plasma 5.4 going to be used for 15.10? I note the release date of plasma 5.4 is 20th Aug, same date as 15.10 feature freeze.
[21:30] <BluesKaj_> oops , guess i was in the dark on that one, sorry SilentGhost
[21:31] <SilentGhost> Dragnslcr: well, it refused to connect once I upgraded to 15.04, I then deleted account in attempt to set it anew, but alas Google account does not exist in Online accounts, and whatever settings I tried with Jabber didn't work either
[21:37] <Dragnslcr> SilentGhost: seems to work fine for me in Telepathy. If you click Add Account, one of the options is Google Talk.
[21:39] <SilentGhost> Dragnslcr: hm, I don't have it. I only have the following six: icq, gadu-gadu, ibm, jabber, kdetalk, yahoo! I do have telepathy-gabble installed though
[21:41] <Dragnslcr> Hm, if I click All, I get a list of about 15 protocols
[21:41] <SilentGhost> I don't have "All" either
[21:43] <Dragnslcr> That's really weird
[21:44] <Dragnslcr> Try reinstalling the kde-telepathy package, maybe? Might be some dependencies that didn't get installed correctly
[21:50] <Dragnslcr> You can also pastebin the output of this command and someone can compare it to their own list: dpkg-query -l "*telepathy*"
[21:55] <SilentGhost> here it is: https://paste.kde.org/pae1th8ou
[22:01] <Dragnslcr> Well, you have a lot of different package versions from what I have
[22:01] <Dragnslcr> Most of mine are 0.9.0
[22:04] <SilentGhost> Dragnslcr: I guess it's due to the Backports? I just did a regular upgrade and then added the backports, always had a vanilla setup
[22:04] <Dragnslcr> Yeah, could be something in Backports
[22:06] <Dragnslcr> You might have to check in #kde-telepathy
[22:08] <SilentGhost> Dragnslcr: I'll do that, probably tomorrow, thanks for you time. Good night!