UbuntuIRC / 2015 /08 /26 /#lubuntu-devel.txt
Initial commit
[07:58] <flexiondotorg> Morning.
[07:58] <flexiondotorg> wxl, Just want to swing by and find out how the Beta 1 testing is going.
[08:00] <ianorlin> flexiondotorg: I don't think he is up yet it is 1 am his tieme and I should probably be sleeping
[08:00] <ianorlin> Have one really annoying intemitant fault
[08:00] <flexiondotorg> ianorlin, Thanks for the info.
[08:00] <flexiondotorg> Is the issue a show stopper?
[08:00] <ianorlin> I don't think so
[08:01] <flexiondotorg> OK.
[16:57] <wxl> flexiondotorg: almost there. we need a couple i386 tests and then i need to work up all the paperwork.
[16:57] <wxl> speaking of which ianorlin phillw et al. what about those missing i386 desktops?
[16:58] <phillw> wxl: they can be done.. only wednesday evening :D We're all waiting for a global respin to happen after we test and pass everything - like they always do!
[16:59] <wxl> phillw: what's thedeal with the respin?
[17:04] <phillw> so far, no global respin... they're waiting for us to finish all the tests before some one in -release calls for one :P
[17:04] <wxl> OH
[17:05] <wxl> it's -release's idea then
[17:05] <wxl> blah
[17:05] <wxl> flexiondotorg: well, looks like they're not coming along at all now that we're waiting on a respin XD
[17:05] <phillw> no one in release has called for one :)
[17:05] <wxl> oh wait a minute
[17:05] <wxl> this is humor
[17:05] <wxl> nevermind
[17:05] <wxl> XD
[17:06] <phillw> unless they are actually waiting for us to finish early and make us do it all over again :P
[17:06] <phillw> he he... go grab another cup of coffee wxl your caffiene levels are not yet up to normal level :)
[17:06] <wxl> clearly phillw
[17:06] <wxl> nevermind flexiondotorg XD
[17:07] <wxl> where's genii when i need coffee? :)
[17:19] <flexiondotorg> wxl, I take it LXQt is not happening for 15.10?
[17:19] <wxl> flexiondotorg: no
[17:19] <flexiondotorg> wxl, Do you have an ETA?
[17:19] <wxl> flexiondotorg: prolly 1610
[17:20] <flexiondotorg> Oh wow.
[17:20] <wxl> flexiondotorg: well i'm not going to spring new features on an LTS
[17:20] <flexiondotorg> Are you waiting for a 1.0 of LXQt?
[17:21] <wxl> flexiondotorg: waiting on getting all apps changed over, etc. it's not all about lxqt itself.
[17:22] <flexiondotorg> wxl, Do you mean stuff like the Lubuntu Software Center?
[17:23] <wxl> flexiondotorg: yeah and figuring out which qt apps are going to replace the gtk ones.
[17:23] <wxl> flexiondotorg: it's not exactly plug and play :)
[17:24] <wxl> flexiondotorg: we're most of the way there, but we're not going to make 15.10 and as i said, we're not going to spring something new in an LTS
[17:24] <flexiondotorg> wxl, Sensible.
[19:11] <phillw> wb gsilva
[20:32] <ianorlin> yay confirm scrollwheel works on live session in my laptop
[21:26] <ianorlin> although we don't maintain this http://launchpad.net/bugs/1458383 seems like it would mostly only affect lubuntu users and others who go out of their way to use zram
[21:26] <ubot93> Launchpad bug 1458383 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "gnome-disk-utilty does not allow swapoff of zram devices" [Undecided,New]
[21:26] <ianorlin> argh I actually did i386 autoresize but into freed space
[21:26] <ianorlin> but then closed my browser window but have reported the bugs now
[21:31] <phillw> ianorlin: I'm just doing a full install with desktop and will then re-start it to auto resize
[21:32] <ianorlin> ah ok
[21:32] <phillw> i only have 10GB HDD VM's as standard, so only do a full, then a side by side... I did alt last night... so needed to flush and restart... it does not take long :)
[21:34] <phillw> well, actually... my two CentOS VM's have 20 GB each :D But they are used as machines