UbuntuIRC / 2015 /11 /14 /#snappy.txt
Initial commit
[00:39] <bago> does anyone know a good guide for porting a new arm board?
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== Tristit1a is now known as Tristitia
=== ev_ is now known as ev
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== dasjoe_ is now known as dasjoe
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
[15:19] <SamSpaces> Hi all, I've noticed a process called Rpigdnos. It returns after killing and deletion from /bin. Any ideas what that is?
[15:28] <tbr> isn't that the NCTV backdoor?
[15:33] <SamSpaces> I'm not a big on technical things, what's NCTV?
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== beowulf is now known as Guest20255