UbuntuIRC / 2023 /01 /27 /#kubuntu.txt
Initial commit
[00:19] <Roey> hello all again
[00:19] <Roey> arraybolt3: o/
[00:29] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 7UT2
[00:29] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 7UP2
[00:30] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 7U2
[00:31] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 7U2
[00:32] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 7UI2
[00:32] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 7Ul2
[00:34] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> glwS
[00:34] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> g1wS
[00:34] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> g1BS
[00:35] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> g1w5
[00:35] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> glws
[00:35] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 61ws
[00:35] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 91ws
[00:35] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 91w5
[00:36] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 9lws
[00:36] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 9lw5
[00:36] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> g1BS
[00:37] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> g1BS
[00:37] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> glBS
[00:37] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 9lBS
[00:38] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> 9IBS
[00:39] <IrcsomeBot> <Jordan> OdAS
[01:48] <Roey> hi, so, question..... so I'm in the kubuntu livecd. I've dropped to a Konsole shell, have defined a couple of partitions, etc. for BTRFS, what I am looking to do is (a) create a luks volume, (b) open it (c) create a BTRFS voluem on that and (d) define subvolumes for / and /home
[05:35] <IrcsomeBot> <DPRanjiida> play on Linux can't access server 😖
=== lee is now known as shadowhawk
[08:10] <IrcsomeBot> <emanuelecastronovo> Hi guys, I was using wine to play some games like rocket league but it got an error "wine can't read/access device "xxx", F5 volume lable etc... Does anyone know how to resolve it? I put rocket league folder into .wine but it didn't work
[08:10] <IrcsomeBot> <emanuelecastronovo> Hi guys, I was using wine to play some games like rocket league but I got an error "wine can't read/access device "xxx", F5 volume lable etc... Does anyone know how to resolve it? I put rocket league folder into .wine but it didn't work
[08:12] <IrcsomeBot> <emanuelecastronovo> Hi guys, I was using wine to play some games like rocket league but I got an error "wine can't read/access device "xxx", F5 volume lable etc... Does anyone know how to resolve it? I put rocket league folder into .wine but it didn't work
[08:12] <IrcsomeBot> <emanuelecastronovo> (I'm used to starting with Lutris)
=== armin_ is now known as armin__
[13:30] <kubuntu> hello
[13:31] <kubuntu> i am having trouble with my wifi card
[13:31] <kubuntu> https://ibb.co/mRYWsST
[13:31] <kubuntu> It wont apply changes
[13:38] <kubuntu> hello?
[13:44] <BluesKaj> Hi all
[13:58] <snowhawk> helol
[13:58] <snowhawk> hello* i need help!
[14:02] <BluesKaj> snowhawk: then ask your question with more detail
=== unknown_ is now known as mybalzitch
[15:15] <user|73> I have been running Kubuntu 18. and started updating my computers to Kubuntu 22.04.  After the update, the login screen no longer shows the pictures of all the users on the computer, just the first user entered.  How can I get all my user pics back on the login screen?
[15:21] <BluesKaj> user|73: system settings/startup&shutdown/login screen(sddm)/install from file ..choose the file path to your users pics. You may have make up a collage of all the users pics fist though
[15:21] <BluesKaj> fist=first
[15:34] <snowhawk> hello
[15:35] <snowhawk> how do I prevent wifi d/c while in standby mode?
=== carmelo is now known as Hackt4rus
=== snowhawk is now known as shadowhawk
=== snowhawk is now known as shadowhawk
[21:17] <user|28> Witam
=== john is now known as Guest7855
=== carlos is now known as Guest8802
[22:09] <shadowhawk> hello
=== snowhawk_ is now known as shadowhawk