=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87 [18:30] hi everybody. i am having prouble with the audio on pandaboard a2 running ubuntu 10.10. could anyone help me? [19:11] hello, anyone know if there are there any repos for mplayer ? === Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away [19:37] anyone in here playing with the [h,j]acked up ubuntu on the motorola bionic? [21:16] where is the best place to get mplayer? [21:44] sniperjo_: apt-get install mplayer? [21:44] sniperjo_: It's in universe. [21:44] infinity: i couldn't find it [21:45] Do you have only main enabled? [21:45] cat /etc/apt/sources.list [21:45] yeah i do [21:45] If it only lists main, or main+restricted, add universe and multiverse to that, apt-get update, and enjoy. [21:45] i ended up putting a debian source in to find it, but its not working great! [21:46] Yeah, don't do that. :/ [21:46] Debian and Ubuntu are source-compatible, not binary-compatible (this is true on all arches, not just ARM). [21:47] infinity: ah great thanks, i guess i should apt-get remove --purge them before i install it again [21:48] It probably pulled in a bunch of dependencies too. [21:48] You can learn about apt pinning to forcefully sidegrade out of the packages from Debian, or look at /var/log/dpkg.log to sort out what new stuff you got when, and remove those. [21:49] but if i know what packages i installed after adding debian, i suppose i can just remove them with dependancies ? [21:50] If you know all the packages you installed, yes. [21:50] Hence my dpkg.log suggestion. [21:50] Though, if you still have a terminal with apt saying "will install X Y Z", that's the simplest. :P [21:52] infinity: ok great, and just out of interest, I have angstrom on a device which i have chroot'ed with ubuntu, is there any way to automatically chroot into ubuntu and run something, (as I've been unsuccessful in installing ubuntu straight out ) [21:54] Not sure precisely what you mean. [21:56] You can certainly do command line things like "chroot /chroot/ubuntu /path/to/command", but if those things require DISPLAY to be set, or sockets in the root filesystem, you need to do some clever tricks to futz with your environment or bind-mount files. [21:57] infinity: yeah i have managed to do that, i was just wondering if i had to chroot and run stuff manually! [22:03] infinity: still no mplayer, I'm on deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports lucid main universe multiverse , gave me a notice about unmet dependancies [22:12] I'm using oneiric here, not lucid. It's definitely installable in oneiric. I'd be surprised if it wasn't in lucid, though. [22:12] Do you still have Debian sources in your list? [22:13] (It's also possible you still have Debian packages installed that are causing unresolvable conflicts) [22:14] infinity: ive just just added the maverick to the sources and its there now [22:20] FWIW, I just debootstrapped a lucid chroot and mplayer installs fine. [22:20] So, yeah, you probably had some newer libraries or something (from Debian) that were causing a bit of a dependency issue. [22:20] But if maverick solves it for you, whatever. :P [22:21] hmmmmmm [22:21] Anyhow, I'm off to do weekendy things. Have fun fiddling. [22:22] infinity: out of interest, what video driver do you use ? [22:22] infinity: ok! [22:22] infinity: thanks for your help [23:02] is there a mongodb build for ubuntu on armel? [23:09] Seems to be only on x86. Though I'm not sure why. [23:15] :( [23:15] I did find one bug report just now though it seems to be resolved [23:18] https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-2883 [23:19] this pandaboard makes a great webserver for webapps written in go :) [23:19] The mongodb server depends on both little-endianness and unaligned [23:19] memory access, which I believe means it can only work on i386 and [23:19] amd64, so yes, we're not portable beyond those. (It has compiled for [23:19] me in the past on powerpc, but it won't run there.) [23:20] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=570076 [23:20] Debian bug 570076 in mongodb "mongodb - Arbitrary architecture specification" [Serious,Fixed] [23:20] ok [23:20] I'll have to use a real live database :) [23:20] Or sqlite. [23:21] Or BDB. [23:21] Or any number of file-based approaches that aren't an annoyingly large RDBMS.