[05:06] Riddell, can we finally get this into KUbuntu/KDE properly: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=265452#c21 -- with all the dependencies packaged, too, so that Kyle can finally enjoy predictive text? [05:06] KDE bug 265452 in widget-misc "onscreen keyboard with word completion feature" [Wishlist,New] [05:06] shadeslayer, ^ [05:08] mikhas: looking [05:11] mikhas: iirc Quintasan was looking into maliit [05:11] right [05:11] but I never know what the status is [05:11] because 1. no one updates the bug report, 2. I have no time to do it myself [05:12] (3. I lack the Plasma/KDE specific knowledge for proper integration anyway.) [05:25] hm, afaik he did have some updates, but will be away this week because he is moving [05:25] I'll remind him to update the bug report [05:27] mikhas: emailed him to update the bug report [05:29] thanks! [05:43] shadeslayer: oh shadeslayer, where art thou!!? [05:44] * jussi coughs in shadeslayer's general direction with https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307302 [05:44] KDE bug 307302 in contactlist "KTP crashed after attempting to edit a wrongly configured account" [Crash,Unconfirmed] [05:44] shadeslayer: I m able to repeat that bug with no issues. [05:45] happens everytime [06:02] jussi: heh, I was playing with my really old laptop and my TV :P [06:02] shadeslayer: not acceptable, you need to respond to me withing 30 secconds :P :P [06:02] saw your mail on the telly [06:02] was going through the bt, but the font is a wee bit small [06:03] lol [06:04] otoh reading planet.kde.org and planet.ubuntu.com is such a pleasure [06:12] jussi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9p32xopiqmzta5o/IMAG0330.jpg [06:12] text is blurry in that pic though [06:13] :D [06:14] mikhas: the onscreen keyboard on W7 is amazing :O [06:20] shadeslayer: picture? [06:21] sec [06:22] jussi: I can't reproduce your crash [06:23] atleast not on 0.5 [06:23] shadeslayer, it is [06:23] shadeslayer: you fail [06:23] shadeslayer: I can reproduce everytime [06:23] :P [06:23] jussi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/655z817nnzut1m4/IMAG0331.jpg [06:24] hi [06:24] hi soee [06:24] software-center ubuntu-desktop - can i remove safely this ? [06:44] soee: I guess [06:59] shadeslayer, [06:59] upgrade 12.04 => 12.10 [06:59] Could not install 'libjbig0' [06:59] The upgrade will continue but the 'libjbig0' package may not be in a working state. Please consider submitting a bug report about it. [07:00] how important is this package ? [07:08] same with libtiff5 [09:20] soee: how did you upgrade? [09:20] Riddell, followin the website instructions [09:21] abyway looks liek apt-get -f install after upgrade solved the problem [09:21] it install them with :i386 [09:25] those libraries are being transitioned to new versions, I guess that's not complete yet === Guest36906 is now known as Mamarok [09:25] but it'll need to be for this week's beta for sure [09:25] morning Mamarok [09:25] morning Riddell :) [09:25] greets from Randa [09:26] Mamarok: legs good enough to travel on? [09:26] yes, since quite some time, this is 3 months now already [09:26] excellent [09:27] only thing that will bother me for another year or so is going downstairs, can't do the movement right because of the nuts and bolts inside the leg [09:27] Mamarok: good to hear you're getting better (: [09:28] Tm_Tr: thanks :) [09:51] Mamarok: going to UDS? [09:51] Tm_T: no, as I didn't get sponsored [09:51] Mamarok: not even Kubuntu-sponsored? [09:52] Tm_T: I didn't make a request for that as I think the money is better spend on developers [09:53] roger [10:25] Hello [10:26] KDE have delay login sound ! [10:26] i must wait for some second (10 - 15 S) for hear KDE login Sound ! [10:26] How can fix this problem ? [10:32] mah454: #kubuntu for questions generally [10:33] Riddell: do not answer to my Question ! :( [10:39] mah454: this channel isn't for user support, sorry [10:40] ok [12:44] HIyas all [12:50] * Darkwing waves [12:51] Darkwing: I don't support you remember how to generate the .pot files for kubuntu-docs? === Mamarok is now known as Guest16242 [13:29] I wrote a script for it... [13:29] it sould be in /scripts [13:30] kubuntu-docs/scripts [13:30] Riddell: ^^ [13:31] yep, got it [13:34] Sorry, I'm back on mobile for a couple weeks. === Guest16242 is now known as Mamarok [13:41] Anyone have an opinion if these symbol changes are problematic? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/116989540/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.libdbusmenu-qt_0.9.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [13:50] ScottK: they are harmless [13:50] debfx: Thanks. [13:51] qt3 removal is only blocked by inguma and lsb :) [13:51] lsb got uploaded though, right? [13:52] And inguma's a removal? [13:53] nope, lsd-desktop still depends on qt3 [13:53] we should probably file a RM bug for inguma in Debian [13:57] dpm: here's the kubuntu docs as they stand including the .pot files starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-docs_12.10.1.tar.gz [13:57] dpm: are you able to take the .pot files and get them into launchpad? [13:57] or is there another layout I should be giving them to you? [14:05] Riddell, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1224552/ [14:05] can't seem to be able to download it [14:06] dpm: try now [14:07] Riddell, I can open it now, but I can't find the .pot files [14:07] dpm: e.g. kubuntu-docs-12.10.1/docs/hardware/po/kubuntu-docs-hardware.pot ? [14:07] actually, I can find them, but I've got a question: [14:09] what's that? [14:10] sorry, just a sec, I'm looking at the current 12.04 templates in LP [14:12] Riddell, so the templates in the tarball seem to match what's on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/kubuntu-docs (I haven't checked them all, though). So I think the layout is fine. So the questions I've got are only: why do we need to upload them manually (i.e. would an upload to precise-proposed not do?)? Why do we need a .1 update of the templates? [14:13] dpm: kubuntu-docs is now in universe so I don't think it'll appear automatically in launchpad after an upload [14:14] dpm: the .1 is just the version number for the first upload, it's not an update [14:14] Riddell, ah, sorry, I was reading 12.04.1, my fault [14:14] all clear now [14:17] Riddell, we've got a feature to enable universe translations for selected packages in LP. You can simply add the changes required to the package (scroll to the bottom of the page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/Universe_Translations_in_LP) and do the upload. Then LP will take care of importing the .pot files. You can have a look at banshee and gnome-panel for packages where we've enabled this feature [14:17] dpm: oh interesting [14:18] Riddell, a caveat: bug 1048556 - but I don't think it affects the docs packages, as the translations need to be fetched manually from LP as usual, and are not shipped in the language packs [14:18] Launchpad bug 1048556 in Launchpad itself "Language pack translations export needs to add universe packages to domain map" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1048556 [14:20] dpm: ok I'll just do that [14:20] cool [14:20] Riddell, let me know when you've done the upload, so that I can accept the templates the first time round in the translations imports queue [14:28] debfx: Sorry. I was confused. I was mis-remembering the alsa-tools upload as lsb. [14:51] ScottK: alsa-tools accepted by cjwatson. No lsb upload as far as I can see. [14:52] And please cherry-pick a patch from debian to drop qt3 depends in lsb, instead of removing it. [14:52] * xnox is not familiar with lsb package at all... maybe ask on #ubuntu-devel ?! [14:55] it's not an upstream source, it's mostly a meta package, not something that can be patched as such [14:55] dpm_: uploaded [14:57] Riddell, thanks, I'll keep an eye on the imports queue and accept them when I see them [14:58] oh it'll be in unapproved so I don't know when that'll be [15:11] debfx: If you want to go ahead and fix the inguma Recommends in Ubuntu, please do so. Waiting on Debian is probably pointless. [15:11] Removed scim-bridge. [15:37] Upload done for libdbusmenu-qt FTBFS. [15:58] ScottK: well the fix would be package removal [15:59] debfx: Oh. I'll do that then, but I thought it just recommended Qt3. Is that wrong? [16:05] Meh. Doing. [16:06] ScottK: it could be fixed but the package is obviously unmaintained [16:06] OK. It's gone. [16:09] I guess we have to wait for lsb until after the beta release? [16:12] This amazon ad thing.. is that only a unity thing, or does it have an effect on kubuntu? [16:19] no, that's just a unity dash feature (or anti-feature) [16:19] So it is automatically on if you have unity installed? [16:20] I mean does it affect anything when you are in kubuntu desktop? [16:22] oh and also.. I think since I upgraded my kubuntu netbook to quantal, I have a guest login... is that automatically added? [16:23] txwikinger: Yes. We switched to light-dm and it came with that. [16:23] Well.. Not sure if I like that.. can you disable it? [16:26] txwikinger: yes you can change it in system settings [16:26] txwikinger: amazon feature doesn't touch kubuntu, it's part of unity [16:28] Ah found it Riddell.. thanks [16:30] txwikinger: how did you upgrade? [16:30] do-release-upgrade [16:30] txwikinger: groovy, any problems? [16:31] Interestingly, I did it with both, my netbook and my laptop.. It seems only to be in the netbook [16:31] Nope not really [16:31] excellent [16:31] I already had kde4.9 installed anyway [16:31] So I did not really see a lot of differences === skreech__ is now known as Daskreech [16:32] Oh. yeah.. the quassel issue came up again.. Everytime I upgrade, quassel seem to lose the configuration [16:32] but that seem to be more a quassel than a kubuntu issue [16:33] txwikinger: what all configuration? [16:33] ScottK: re bug 1054084, who uploads it? me and then backporters approve? or someone from the backporters team? [16:33] Launchpad bug 1054084 in Precise Backports "Please backport kmymoney 4.6.3-1 (universe) from quantal" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1054084 [16:33] the information where to find the core etc [16:34] Ah.. I see why my laptop is different.. I still run kdm, not lightdm apparently [16:34] shadeslayer: normally, the backporter uploads/accepts [16:34] ah ok [16:34] * shadeslayer will wait for someone to upload then [16:35] * micahg wonders why ScottK just marked it as approved vs doing something with it though === skreech_ is now known as Daskreech === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === Pici is now known as Guest97343 === Guest97343 is now known as Pici === kozz_ is now known as kozz [19:16] !find git-import-dsc [19:16] File git-import-dsc found in git-buildpackage === markey_ is now known as markey === cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox [20:05] ScottK, hey, if you have time, could you please take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/744812/comments/53 for a workaround for the Ubuntu Medium fonts and report back on the FFe bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-font-family-sources/+bug/1048600 [20:05] Launchpad bug 744812 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu Quantal) "FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bold in Qt apps)" [High,Confirmed] [20:05] Launchpad bug 1048600 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu Quantal) "[FFe] Restore "Ubuntu Medium" weights in Ubuntu's binary .deb" [High,Triaged] [20:09] debfx_, you're probably interested, too [20:23] is there a policy when application don't have icons? [20:23] Rocs doesn't have an icon and it looks pretty ugly in the Edubuntu menus [20:23] would it be ok if we add something that looks more or less appropriate for 13.04 if the upstream authors don't have something yet? [20:24] or maybe we could at least do a call for submissions on their part and co-ordinate that with them. [20:24] I think I just answered my own question in part. [20:24] highvoltage: self-^5! [20:25] highvoltage: add one for 12.10 if you can find one [20:25] it's just like any other "patch", make sure to send it upstream [20:26] Riddell: it's too late for 12.10 though, isn't it? [20:26] highvoltage: it's a bug fix, I'd be all for it [20:27] Saviq: ah excellent [20:27] Riddell: ok great, perhaps I could whip something together that looks almost like the one on the wikipedia page on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_theory [20:28] hmm, maybe I could even make the graph spell an "R" [20:29] highvoltage: I think graphics/icon.svg is intended to be the icon [20:29] ah! it wasn't there when I looked a few months ago [20:32] Saviq: I'm thinking report it upstream then just throw it in the ubuntu package [20:32] Riddell, I think it's more or less reported upstream, but that patch won't get upstream [20:33] Saviq: why not? [20:33] Riddell, 'cause it's a workaround [20:33] https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-25814 [20:33] https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-27301 [20:34] the real issue is that Qt only has 5 weights, whereas the "industry standard" is 8 [20:34] so the real fix would be to implement the 8 weights in QFont [20:34] but that requires digging in all the backends / platforms [20:36] Riddell, unless you think that workaround could get upstream as a temporary measure [20:37] Riddell: so, adding "graphics/icon.svg usr/share/icons/Rocs.svg" will fix that, any objections against doing it like that? [20:38] highvoltage: yeah that's fine I guess, might be an idea to check if there's a bug upstream to do it properly [20:39] ok [20:42] Saviq: it doesn't necessaryily require "digging in all the backends" The enum is being used to generate a value 0..100 (in the case of Qt); it's the granularity of that value into buckets on the backend that is sub-optimal (wrong) in the case of FC as the backend [20:44] There's a few issue. (a) a Typo x2. (b) asking for MEDIUM from FC, not REGULAR. (c) the bucket mapping to/from. This patch tries to fix the first two, and workaround the third without breaking the API. And in the other half of the #if/#else provides a more thorough end solution for (c) [20:49] micahg: What busy. [20:50] Saviq: What's the upstream status of your Qt patch. Did you ask to have it reviewed? [20:50] sladen, yeah, that's true, backends could be fixed on a case-by-case basis [20:51] * ScottK finished reading the backscroll. [20:51] ScottK, not really, no, never intended that to get upstream in that form [20:51] Not in favor of distro unique 'work arounds' that have no hope of going away. [20:51] ScottK: anyone in particular? or just git blame the original author (even if we're only going to distro ship it for this cycle) [20:52] sladen: Why just for this cycle? [20:52] Unless someone's volunteering to write the correct fix, there's no reason to think it won't be indefinite. [20:52] ScottK: so that we can get the Enum expanded upstream for Qt 5.1 [20:53] ScottK: the fix is already in that patch, behind #if/#else // Uncomment this after the API + Enum is fixed [20:53] It'll be a lot more than one cycle before Qt 5.1 is the default Qt for anything. [20:54] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+bug/744812/+attachment/3335804/+files/fix_medium_font.diff <-- [20:54] Launchpad bug 744812 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu Quantal) "FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bold in Qt apps)" [High,Confirmed] [20:55] ScottK: I can add more commentage to the patch if it's useful [20:55] * ScottK has to go. Be back later. [20:55] I think more about how we get out of this mess is more imporant. [20:55] ### debian_qt_kde.mk can only be used with packages (originally) maintained by [20:55] ### Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers, please read /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/qt-kde-team/README [20:55] does that mean I should let one of you guys get this? [20:55] sladen, I'll put that patch and more info on the QTBUG [20:56] (filed on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rocs/+bug/1055769 , btw) [20:56] hoping for someone to review it [20:56] Launchpad bug 1055769 in rocs (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] Rocs icon not installed by default" [Medium,Confirmed] [21:00] highvoltage: no we're not precious, go ahead === TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums === balloons_ is now known as balloons === micahg_ is now known as micahg [21:19] ::qt-bugs:: [1024402] Text cursor in wrong cell in calligrawords @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1024402 (by Jonathan Riddell) === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === yofel_ is now known as yofel === wgrant_ is now known as wgrant