[00:12] Bah, forgot setting that fixes hilight -line if you're using format_identify.pl. Anyone remember before I find it googling logs of this channel? [00:17] Pricey: Remember any parts of it? I can just grep the logs of this channel [00:18] Flannel: /set [00:18] Pricey: And did you say it or did someone else? [00:18] i 'think' stdin [00:19] I... don't see it, but : http://paste.ubuntu.com/109182/ [00:19] stdin: is aroundish I think... [00:20] yeah, but I don't use irssi (much) [00:21] aha, 2008/03/03/#ubuntu-ops.txt:[16:31] Pici, PriceChild /set hilight_nick_matches off did the job [00:21] then adding a manual hilight for it [00:21] I've been sat there, checking that setting is on 'on' and meh [00:21] Thanks Flannel. [00:32] Um... that's odd. [00:33] The vim on the 8.04.2 CDs is newer than the one in the repos. [01:21] vim 1:7.1-138+1ubuntu3.1 is in hardy-proposed [01:22] yeah, its also in 8.04.2 alternate and server ISOs [01:22] but not desktop [01:22] (and yes, that's odd) [01:23] Boooo password stealing idiots [01:23] hmm, this is odd [02:10] Warning [02:10] Balzac is in #ubuntu [02:10] He needs a permanent kline in my humble opinion [02:10] He does nothing except cause trouble in ##windows -- wanted to give you a heads up [02:12] thanks [02:23] Cpudan80: anything we can help you with? [02:23] no [02:24] just wanted to give you a warning [02:24] of course he seems uncharacteristically well behaved [02:24] heh [02:30] unop called the ops in #ubuntu () [02:30] baseballer790[Np called the ops in #ubuntu () [02:31] well that was very suprising [02:31] Mez: sorry [02:31] I didn't know the word itself would highlight... [02:31] I only highlight on the command [02:32] nah, he got klined :D [02:32] or I'd have kb'd [02:32] Cpudan80, don't sweat it. Amazing how fast that happened [02:32] :o [02:33] :) [02:53] Good $TIMEOFDAY. [02:54] DGMurdockIII is link spamming at least #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-devel a bit. I've asked him to stop. [02:54] I'm not saying he should be kicked right now, but I'd appreciate it if someone would keep an eye on him. [02:59] Looks like he left. [02:59] Good night. === bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth [05:17] * stdin dislikes the term "g rated" [05:20] really? Seems most people understand it [05:21] we don't all know what the motion picture association of america rates as "g" [05:23] a point. I guess 'disney' has been the operative word there [05:23] I could say to people "keep it u rated", but I don't ;) [05:23] (U == Universal, suitable for all audiences) [05:23] nah, that's unrated, it has 'everything' :) [05:24] universal refers to the audience, as do all the other ratings we have here [05:24] think disney cartoon movies [05:25] so no swearing, but shooting of deer is ok? :p [05:26] yep. blood sport is good, ask anyone :) [05:53] Uh... what? [05:53] "I have 300GiB of data to sort through because I'm moving to the US and only want to take up to about 40GiB with me" [05:53] Does that make sense to anyone? [05:58] sorta. Maybe he's worried about legality :) [07:23] anyone here? [07:23] seektherapy, what can we do for you? [07:25] ok.. I went into the Ubuntu support channel and asked for help with my soundcard, no one can help me there.. Been dealing with this for over a month now .. [07:25] sound is hard to find help with sometimes. However, this channel is for resolving issues relating to how #ubuntu is moderated. It's not a help channel [07:26] seektherapy: You didn't say a word in #ubuntu [07:26] " [07:26] yessssssssssssss, i did [07:26] opps.. i am in kubuntu [07:27] try asking in #ubuntu, more people are in there normally [07:27] Flannel: i am so tired of this.. why cant Ubuntu be more women friendly [07:27] seektherapy: Um, what? [07:28] i bet i wont get help...but i guess i will try [07:28] seektherapy: I don't think gender has anything to do with it. [07:31] seektherapy: If you have no further business related to this channel, please don't idle here. Thanks. [07:32] fine Flannel... no girls aloud.. understood [07:32] bye [07:36] Now seektherapy is in -bugs [07:39] I don't get how the problem is apparently she's a she, and that changes things somehow.... [07:40] how did that happen? anyone? [07:40] * stdin is clueless [07:40] could be blowback from other experiences. [07:40] [07:36] Chipzz: i am actually very new at the OS .. One reason why woman do not find it user friendly [07:41] that's in response to "there are other ways of getting support. the forums, and filing a launchpad support ticket for example" [07:41] * Flannel isn't even going to touch this. [07:41] stdin: The only thing I can think of is that the "eyes on the back of the head" thing gets in the way. [07:42] it's like, I understand the words, but that's it [07:42] put the words together and my brain melts :p [07:43] stdin: It's possible that seektherapy isn't a girl, but is trying to play the "omg I'm a girl, ^_^" card in order to get attention/sympathy/whatever [07:43] Or she is a girl, and .... uh... I don't know. [07:44] * nickrud is truly not going to touch this one, except to note that there's an #ubuntu-women for a reason [07:45] either way, someone who has super cow powers should watch him/her/it/them/us/everyone in #ubuntu-devel [07:45] just in case [07:45] I only have veal powers, sorry [07:46] stdin: in -devel now too? [07:46] for 25 mins now [07:58] Anyone have -ot whos handy? [08:05] it's official, #freenode has gone insane [08:05] yay? [08:05] Are parasites eating at its brain? [08:06] trolling jesus and tor flooders [08:06] how's that for a sentence! :p [08:13] * Flannel scolds himself for adding purely useless factoids. [09:19] Anyone awake? [09:19] * Flannel crosses fingers. [09:26] Hi Scubidus [09:26] So whats the point in a perm ban? [09:27] Scubidus: No one said anything about a perm ban [09:27] I am banned from #ubuntu [09:27] your the one who did it [09:27] am I wrong? [09:27] Indeed, you're banned. [09:27] For? [09:28] Do I really need to quote you? [09:28] Do you really have no sense of humor? [09:28] Scubidus: You were warned about your language, ad you responded with "fuck im sorry I will", so you were removed as a warning. [09:29] No [09:29] Then you returned, and said nothing else until you said "Flannel, You Suck Donkey Balls [09:29] Do you really have no sense of humor [09:29] I'm not really sure what's humorous about either of those. [09:29] Scubidus: #ubuntu is a support channel, not a chat channel [09:29] .... [09:29] While I certainly am not personally offended by either of them, they're definately not appropriate behavior. [09:29] are u 12 or something, or was this like the first time you got OPs? [09:30] kickin people left and right is an abuse of power [09:30] Scubidus: Going back to your original question, no, it's not a permanent ban. [09:30] Scubidus: We ask everyone follow the channel guidelines [09:30] You weren't. [09:30] When Is my ban up? [09:31] Scubidus: all ubuntu channels follow their code of conduct, which relates to language used, as well as other things, the general idea is to keep those channels family friendly, and *nice* for all users [09:31] Flannel? [09:31] Scubidus: That depends entirely on you. [09:32] Christ kid you want an apology or somethin [09:32] Scubidus: No, I want you to understand and agree to follow the rules. [09:33] In case you missed them, they're the following two documents, mixed with some common sense: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct [09:33] Scubidus: you're not showing any remorse for violating the channel rules. Why should your ban be lifted until you do? [09:33] Scubidus: If you're hazy about the common sense part, we can suppliment those with all of the following (you can enquire with /msg ubottu factoid) [09:34] !etiquette [09:34] Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [09:34] But, most of those are purely common sense. [09:36] as Scubidus has said in pm to me, it seems he did not realise the importance of keeping #ubuntu solely support related, he now knows this [09:36] All I see above is bad attitude. [09:37] Scubidus: With that said, and seeing your current behavior, I suggest you spend a day mulling over the IRC guidelines and especially the code of conduct. I don't really see any benefit of drawing this out further, but those sorts of things generally best set overnight. [09:37] Flannel [09:37] Go fuck yourself and ur gay ass IRC [09:37] your sorry [09:38] Well then, maybe a single day isn't appropriate. [09:38] (And poor spelling and grammar) [09:38] Hopefully he'll take at least a dozen hours or so to come back, and we'll see how he behaves then. [09:40] that was odd, in pm he was totally different [09:40] Not that it's likely to be an issue any time soon, but anyone's free to remove that ban. [09:41] Gary: Yeah, I imagine it was just him getting emotional. He likely was originally joking (although, I don't see how its amusing), and then hurt that we're reprimanding him for something he thought was playful. [09:41] I certainly won't. He displayed all attitude, and was incredibly rude. [09:42] tritium: in pm he was the total opposite [09:43] Gary: Certainly odd indeed. [09:45] With that, however, I'm running off to sleep. [09:48] Good night, Flannel. [09:48] I'm off to bed as well. [09:58] thats a lovely ircname AE [10:00] Thanks [10:01] Its been my handle for a couple years now [10:01] I have a little ASCII image of an AE in old english made of the connected AE's [10:02] I meant your ircname, not nick [10:02] oh lol [10:02] I know dont you love it? [10:03] not really [10:03] lol [10:03] I just came in too add someone to a list [10:03] but thanks for the semi compliment [10:03] later Gary [10:14] what the policy on recommending the removal of standard ubuntu services? [10:15] i.e., fixing audio by removing pulseaudio, fixing wireless by installing wicd? [10:27] usually by creating a blueprint for review [10:27] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu [10:32] sorry, by which I meant: people who regularly suggest people remove such packages to other people in #ubuntu [10:33] just spent a while unbreaking somebodies system after somebody had them uninstall pulseaudio to fix their lack of mixing :( [10:33] not trying to pick a fight, I just want to know what the policy is regarding that, so I know if I should bother or not :p [10:44] or should I be asking this in #ubuntu-irc :p [10:48] hi i got banned for talking about religion with warning, but i did not take the warnign seriously. i'm sorry, will not happen agian please unnnnnban me from ubuntu off topic [11:06] shepherd: where were you banned? [11:07] a#ubuntu-offtopic [11:08] !coc | shepherd [11:08] shepherd: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [11:08] Hmm: 11:08:01 < ~shepherd> why isn't sudo apt-get pron wokring? [11:08] heh :) [11:08] agreed [11:09] sry i'll sign off now [11:09] but i really was banned becuase i dont believe in god from ubuntu off topic [11:13] !coc | shepherd [11:13] shepherd, please see my private message [11:31] !idle | shepherd [11:31] shepherd: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries. [11:47] iirc i banned shepherd. if he thinks he was banned because he doesn't believe in god, he hasn't learned much [13:17] who has ubot4? [13:17] it just seems odd to skip it :P [13:20] elkbuntu: it was around for a while... [13:20] elkbuntu: I thought no0tic had a 4 at one point. [13:21] i have no idea. they just seem to appear [13:22] That would be my fault. [13:26] ubot5 just needs a namechange [13:37] elkbuntu: I'll look into it later today. [13:38] it's not specifically your fault, and it's probably a fair assumption to believe that there needs to be the space filled properly anyway [14:03] There we go. [14:04] +ping [14:11] morning [14:49] hi Adola how can we help you? [14:49] O.o um, I've stumbled in here...On accident [14:49] Sorry.... [14:49] x1250: how can we help you [14:49] Adola: see topic [14:50] Hi i have been banned from #kubuntu its on my list of auto join channels and i didnt notice at first i was wondering if i could be unbanned i dont know why i am banned if someone could help i would appreciate it [14:50] Seeker`, there's a guy on #ubuntu-es giving fork bomb commands publicly. This is not the first time he do such stupid things, I want him k-lined or banned from #ubuntu-es [14:51] jpds: you still about? [14:52] Trabzonspor: hi how can we help you? [14:52] oobe: 2008-12-20T22:21:13 i would just like to say penis fucker [14:52] oobe: ring any bells [14:52] that person is true what he said I seen it too [14:53] Trabzonspor: what person where? [14:53] Seeker`: Nop. [14:53] see Seeker`, there's a guy on #ubuntu-es giving fork bomb commands publicly. This is not the first time he do such stupid things, I want him k-lined or banned from #ubuntu-es [14:53] that chat [14:54] jpds: you're on the access list for -es? [14:54] Seeker`: Haven't been there in ages tho. [14:54] oobe: that is the most recent event that matches your nickname on the bantracker [14:54] the guy's nick is "dzup" [14:54] jpds: have a look at the guy doing forkbombs? [14:54] Trabzonspor, please depart if you have no business here [14:54] OK why [14:54] On it. [14:55] Trabzonspor, check the channel topic [14:55] so what use going to do [14:55] Trabzonspor: thanks for the heads up, it will be dealt with [14:55] OK if I was a admin I would block him or band him for weeks [14:55] x1250: Appears to be silent at teh moment. Will keep eye on it. [14:56] oh ok Seeker` i didnt know what i did somtimes i random banter when the channel is to quite i wont do it again [14:56] @login [14:56] The operation succeeded. [14:56] @btlogin [14:56] Trabzonspor: Thankyou for letting us know. We will deal with the issue [14:56] Trabzonspor: thanks, you can go now (: [14:56] OK [14:56] oobe: stdin is the one that banned you, you should talk to him to get unbanned, when he is around [14:56] hm heh its not that important [14:57] i guess i dont really need to be there i dont require support and i only answer questions occasionally [14:57] well, if you want to be unbanned, you need to speak to stdin when he is around [14:58] oh ok [14:58] I dont know when he will be back, but I would say come back in 2 hours and see if he is back [14:59] jpds, here's what happened: http://paste.ubuntu.com/109414/ he asked what that command did, and asked people to run it. [14:59] oobe: until then, please leave the channel [14:59] x1250: I speak Spanish, don't worry. [15:00] jpds, ok, thanks :) [15:03] Any other ops think we should change our factoids for languages to /join #Ubuntu-whatever as the users never seem to get that right and we end up telling them manually [16:25] Jack_Sparrow: a standard like "this channel is english only. to chat in klingon, do "/join #ubuntu-kl" might work i guess [16:26] topyli I didnt mean to add a factoid as much as change where we tell them the channel to include the actual command and not just the channel name [16:27] topyli Sorry took me a sec to understand that Kilngon isnt a language adopted by any country.. yet [16:27] yes i do see. they usually say something like "klingonese chat in #ubuntu-kl". might change to be more helpful [16:27] hehe [16:28] Jack_Sparrow, that's the undiscovered country [16:28] Actually would be cool to have one for that [16:28] as far as i'm concerned, klingon is welcomme on any channel! [16:28] Atlantis adopts Klingon as official language [16:29] topyli Make the channel.. and they will come [16:30] we would need an operator there who actually speak klingon [16:30] i couldn't tell when users are offtopic [16:30] who would care? [16:30] heh, true [16:31] Half would go there just to learn it [16:32] there's a finnish MP who has a homepage in finnish, swedish, english and klingon [16:32] http://www.kasvi.org/index.php?kli [16:45] i'm sure that was at the web designer's request :D [16:48] dunno, he is a genuine nerd. he does admit in the comments that he had the translation done and doesn't actually speak it himself [19:49] 8.04.2 vim trouble #2 [20:58] hey [20:58] we dont have locobot in #ubuntu-ir. he finished? [21:00] mohi: Try: #ubuntu-eu, they run the bots. [21:00] ok ty jpds [22:25] <[SkG]> hi [22:26] <[SkG]> I was banned from #ubuntu because of issues with my connection, I fixed it, can remove my ban please? [22:27] <[SkG]> —› raw 470: #ubuntu ##fix_your_connection Forwarding to another channel [22:32] @bansearch oobe [22:32] No matches found for oobe!n=oobe@220-244-162-235.static.tpgi.com.au in any channel [22:33] hello babes [22:33] Myrtti: that @ me? [22:33] @bansearch [SkG] [22:33] No matches found for [skg]!n=dark@unaffiliated/skg/x-897332 in any channel [22:34] <[SkG]> ewww that bot is broken [22:34] <[SkG]> =P [22:35] [SkG]: I can't see any forward to that channel [22:35] <[SkG]> uhm [22:36] <[SkG]> still forwarding [22:36] <[SkG]> (23:35:51) ([SkG]) uhm [22:36] <[SkG]> (23:35:55) —› raw 470: #ubuntu ##fix_your_connection Forwarding to another channel [22:37] Mez: to everyone in general [22:38] Myrtti: ah [22:38] * Mez waves [22:41] might have found it [SkG] one sec [22:41] <[SkG]> ok, ty [22:42] [SkG]: unfortunately, I can't tell if it's actually you [22:42] <[SkG]> uhm why? [22:43] <[SkG]> it's an ip ban? [22:43] yeah, and you have a mask [22:43] which SHOULDNT ban you [22:44] remember WHEN you were banned? [22:44] <[SkG]> eww yes [22:44] <[SkG]> Session Close: Fri Jan 23 08:30:23 2009 [22:44] <[SkG]> Session Start: Fri Jan 23 08:30:23 2009 [22:44] <[SkG]> European time [22:44] <[SkG]> uhmm... 84.76.... [22:45] .xx1.11 ? [22:45] <[SkG]> yes [22:45] your clock is 20 seconds out :D [22:45] <[SkG]> maybe [22:46] try joining [22:46] <[SkG]> ty ^^ [22:46] detective work [22:46] how're you Myrtti ? [22:46] <[SkG]> seems that ip bans are strong [22:46] apparently so :D [22:47] <[SkG]> ty for all [22:47] Mez: just back from Littlehampton, knackered but happy. Just had a mug of hot choc and cheking my flickr and stuff [22:47] http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/3221832617/ [22:47] ah, back in finland? [22:47] nope, Warboys [22:48] where the **** is that? [22:48] Cambridgeshire [22:48] never mind, google maps to the win :D [22:48] * Mez just finished his last shift at work ! [22:51] it's amazing how small place England is and how cramped it is [22:52] lol, yeah... but we do have some nice countryside :D [22:53] I'm just looking at the flickr map of my pictures and watching the route we just drove back home, and can't believe that short trip can take so little time - but then I always somehow imagine bigger of the Isles is about the size of Finland. [22:53] Mez: how did it go? [22:53] sorry, should me Myrtti [22:54] * Mez doesnt feel loved [22:55] Seeker`: very nicely, I finished my knitted gift shawl for the Mum just before we left this morning :-) Lovely people. [22:55] oh [22:55] I had cream tea yesterday :-D [22:55] Myrtti: cool. How long did the journey take? [22:55] ooooooooooooh [22:56] quite nice and proper :-P [22:56] the car ride took about three-ish hours [22:56] one way. We left on Friday evening and just returned about an hour ago [22:56] went via the dartford tunnel / bridge on the M25? [22:57] yup, did a detour to Basildon [22:57] that bridge took my breath away [22:57] hehe [22:58] my girlfriend hates driving over it [23:02] Myrtti: meeting the parents went ok then [23:06] very [23:07] :D [23:10] I've got a bag full of Rock from Littlehampton :-D [23:16] haha [23:17] how much longer are you in england for? [23:18] one week :-/ [23:23] whatcha got planned? [23:27] nothing really. Work. prolly Cambridge.