[00:03] lucazade, are you working on the theme? [00:04] yes doing some tries [00:04] metacity color ? [00:04] XD [00:04] ahaha [00:04] help! ! ! [00:04] kwwii, [00:04] wtf [00:04] what can we do [00:09] original http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6979/schermatab.png [00:09] tweaked a bit http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/5372/schermata1xgi.png [00:10] first port human to the new common-gtkrc [00:10] then branch it and play for yourself [00:11] i've used the common-gtkrc [00:14] ok i'll branch it on lp [00:31] * Cimi is happy cause he fixed high roundness [00:46] http://www.getdropbox.com/gallery/175266/1/screenshots?h=a10222 [00:46] ahahaha [00:46] lucazade, ! [00:47] Cimi: http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11196/screenshot_009_veML6Z.png [00:47] No mix hacks. [00:47] dashua, I like it [00:48] things I dislike [00:48] ahhahah [00:48] 1) colors of scrollbars [00:48] checkbox/radio [00:48] Cimi so rounded [00:48] 2) scrollbars trough-border should be reduced [00:49] lucazade, this is roundness = 3000 [00:49] it is clamped to the correct value [00:49] :O [00:49] 3) contrast [00:50] 4) slider_button on the scale is not centered and it doesn't have the shadow [00:50] maybe the thickness is wrong [00:50] Ok [00:51] I'll mess around a bit more [00:58] http://photos-1.getdropbox.com/i/o/DpjKBgOt3402zSWhl3kx5xObWrozFysUoMadoe529p0?dl_name=murrine-high-roundness-funny-things.png [00:58] ahaha [00:58] lucazade, ! [00:58] murrine is exploring gtk+ limits! [00:59] over limits [01:03] going to bed.. see you! [01:03] good night luca [01:03] night === ApOgEE__ is now known as ApOgEE-- [05:18] hi all [05:18] anybody here? [12:13] kwwii, I'm about to release 0.90.1 [12:16] Cimi: erm, whoever pushed the 0.90 should try to get that in before beta (tomorrow) [12:20] Your tarball will appear in the following location on ftp.gnome.org: [12:20] http://download.gnome.org/sources/murrine/0.90/ [12:20] =) [12:23] Cimi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Human-Reprise?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Human-Reprise_03182009.tar.gz . Any input, feedback, modifications appreciated? :) [12:24] scrollbars!!! [12:25] someone poke whoever made the package yesterday and get them on working!!! [12:25] slider [12:26] remove rgba [12:27] <_MMA_> kwwii: Ask Seb. [12:28] it's out! [12:28] http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/murrine/0.90/ [12:28] _MMA_: dude, you ask seb [12:28] * kwwii is busy working on gdm [12:28] I have like 4 different themes ready to be picked :p [12:29] <_MMA_> Cimi: You're really not making this easy. Why this update? [12:30] _MMA_, why not? [12:30] if murrine needs an update I release :) [12:30] ubuntu can carry it or not [12:30] <_MMA_> Sounds like a plan. [12:30] it is just a bugfix release, .1 [12:31] it doesn't introduce visible changes, otherwise I should have called it 0.91 [12:32] the only visible change is that I have removed the shadows on the GtkCombo and GtkComboBoxEntry [12:32] it is more consistent like clearlooks [12:33] Overview of Changes in 0.90.1 (since 0.90.0) [12:33] ============================================ [12:33] Changes in this release: [12:33] - High roundness values are now correctly limited. [12:33] - Use focus_color in draw_entry if the theme uses it. [12:33] - Removed shadows from GtkCombo and GtkComboBoxEntry. [12:33] - Code polishing and bugfixing. [12:34] Cimi: Scrollbars and sliders, color, lighter, darker, thicker? [12:34] dashua, slider should have a different thickness and I don't like their rectangular shape [12:35] Ok [12:35] scrollbars have a border between the through and the slider [12:35] and they should not be dark, as kwwii said [12:35] Ok, that's an easy fix. [12:50] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/Human-Reprise?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Human-Reprise_03182009.tar.gz [12:50] Modified. [12:53] mmm [12:53] scrollbars!!! [12:53] remove the trough- [12:53] border [12:54] 0 ? [12:54] of course [12:54] Aye [12:59] Ok, done. Same link. [14:06] * zniavre just saw new usplash [14:09] kwwii, lucazade is working on the branch [14:09] he added Human [14:09] nice first approach [14:10] Cimi: is that the stuff on the wiki? reprise? [14:10] no [14:10] it's from lucazade [14:11] kwwii, bzr co lp:murrine-themes/testing [14:16] Cimi: gotta boot my laptop with jaunty and update first [14:16] and finish making my son lunch [14:28] http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/11212/screenshot_012_QCZgH4.png [14:29] Nice, keyboard shortcuts work now with notify-osd. [14:52] dashua: intrepid or jaunty? (in regards to yer os) [14:52] darkmatter: Jaunty. [14:53] that the new default theme? looks darker and shinier than usual [14:54] Oh no, this is my community interpretation. [14:55] looks much better :) [14:56] Thx :) I just sent it out to the mailing list. Just need the latest murrine. [14:57] cool.. I build my engines fresh every week, so am good to go ;o [14:57] Oh nice. :) [15:26] there is no "pause" notification icon ? [18:25] sorry guys, there was a bug in 0.90.1, now fixed in 0.90.2 which will come soon in the gnome ftp [19:48] kwwii, lpia didn't received updates to usplash since 0.20 [19:49] kwwii, could you ping the right guys? [21:21] Cimi: my guess is that it simply doesn't build on it [21:21] as all my packages in the ppa fail [21:48] new usplash theme is really elegant [21:55] lucazade: glad to hear you like it [21:55] I'll pass the praise on [21:55] :) [21:56] have you seen my commit for human themes? i've made some refinements, not too much because i was really busy [21:57] lucazade: yeah, I was installing the latest packages on my laptop before I went to band practice [21:58] I will have to look into it early tomorrow morning [21:58] sorry, but after a couple of beers I stop coding/saying anything official [21:58] ok , let me know what you think [21:58] I have work to do, but don't quote me on that :p [21:58] :D [21:58] will do [21:58] early tomorrow my time [21:58] cet [21:58] around 9 [21:58] yes [21:58] aka first thing [21:58] is the ubuntu google start page going to get a refresh before the jaunty release? [21:59] yes [21:59] but don't ask me what or how or when [21:59] in fact, just don't ask me [21:59] lol [21:59] :p [21:59] hardy looked nice but intrepid looks really bad [21:59] the start page that is [21:59] lol, I did hardy [21:59] and intrepid was out of my hands [22:00] I assume the new stuff will be along the lines of intrepid [22:00] hard was my favorite release in terms of artwork thus far [22:00] but with better pics [22:00] ;-) [22:00] :D [22:00] blog about that really loudly please [22:00] we can use all the help we can get :-) [22:01] as soon as my new blog is finished [22:01] :D [22:01] wont probably be done any time soon with tests at college [22:25] lol [22:26] new usplash looks very small [22:26] thanks! [22:26] ;) [22:26] zniavre: which resolution is it running on your system? [22:26] 1600x1200 [22:26] /etc/usplash.conf or so [22:27] boah, it uses the biggest logo at that size [22:27] almost the same size as the old pics [22:27] it almost half bigger than "old " one [22:27] zniavre: it is not stretched ro so is it? [22:28] bigger > smaller sorry [22:28] hrm [22:28] I think it looks better at 1600x1050 [22:28] imho [22:29] looked stretched before [22:29] now it looks centered correctly [22:29] centered it is right [22:31] I heard that canonical have already started work on the new theme for plymouth anyway :D lol [22:31] spinning 3d ubuntu logo [22:31] :D [22:32] for the next LTS ? [22:33] no for karmic [22:34] thats assuming all goes well and according to plan and plymouth is ready, it looks like it will at its current pace [22:35] hope it's not too hard to modify "theme " of plymouth :-D [22:35] looking forward to packagekit, plymouth, new gdm, new gnome-volume-manager etc [22:36] zniarvre, it shouldnt be, I think the only reason why it may be harder for people right now is that there isnt a large base of templates to modify yet [22:38] hmmmm... though it would be cool if in the distant future you could create themes with css and art skills, which will be possible if apples work on 3d scenegraph support in css makes it into a standard. stuff like clutter could also take advantage of it [22:39] the plymouth stuff will have a 2D animation [22:39] as we can't do amazing stuff on the cpu at boot [22:39] and can't promise to always use the gpu [22:41] but only intel has kernel modesetting now though? Right? [22:49] is plymouth not modular enough to be able to create a clutter plugin or something? [22:53] say if wayland was used