[00:01] asac: just noticed a FF3.5 Series on the 3.0 page [00:01] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0 [00:01] for jaunty [00:05] micahg: oh, btw today there is a security release going out, which means that we should pay extra attention to new bugs [00:05] micahg: for folks reporting regressions [00:05] so if there is something that sounds suspicious and you see it ping me asap ;) [00:05] even if its nothing ;) [00:06] ok [00:06] I'll be on Sat night [00:06] firefox-3.0 and xulrunner-1.9 are the packages [00:07] * micahg is going home [00:56] fta: tarball is broken in ppa? [00:56] tar -C build-tree -x -j -f mozilla-central-1.9.2~a1~hg20090611r29077-source.tar.bz2 [00:56] bzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out. Possible reason follows. [00:56] bzip2: Broken pipe Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout) [00:56] tar: Child returned status 1 [00:56] tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors [00:56] make: *** [debian/stamp-mozilla-central-1.9.2~a1~hg20090611r29077-source.tar.bz2] Error 2 [00:57] got that already, it was bd [00:57] not the tarball [00:57] try manually, it's fine [00:57] sigh [00:57] fta: how do you produce the tarball? [00:57] tar jcvf [00:58] i think its the orig that is broken (for bd) [00:58] i dont think that bd has any business in the inner tarball [00:59] you can unpack it completely manually, so something's broken inside bd, it's neither the file, nor tar, nor gzip, nor bzip2 [00:59] ouch [00:59] it really is the inner tarball that is broken when you run it in bd? [00:59] whats that? [00:59] if you dpkg-buildpackage, it's fine, if you bzr bd --merge, it's not [00:59] i went into the failed tree and ran debuild -b [00:59] and it worked [01:00] yes, but how does bd kill the inner cdbs tar [01:00] yep, that's what i said [01:00] maybe it preloads something [01:00] no idea [01:00] so current tarball failed? [01:00] patches do not apply for me there [01:00] i fixed that hours ago [01:01] yes, but i used the tarball in current ppa? [01:01] or did you upload after that? [01:01] i kept the same tarball, just fixed the patch [01:01] https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa [01:02] ppas are broken right now, unable to publish files [01:02] yeah . so i probably worked against tarball from yesterday [01:02] nevermind [01:02] i tried what i wante to test now manually ;)( [01:03] e.g. that the patch is non garbage for mozilla bug 473629 [01:03] Mozilla bug 473629 in jemalloc "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473629 [01:06] indeed, it's still valid in today's build of trunk [01:08] 02:03 < ubottu> Mozilla bug 473629 in jemalloc "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473629 [01:08] Mozilla bug 473629 in jemalloc "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=473629 [01:08] 02:04 -!- micahg [n=micah@24-148-9-11.arm-bsr1.chi-arm.il.cable.rcn.com] has quit ["Leaving."] [01:08] 02:04 -!- stevel [n=stevel@] has quit [] [01:08] 02:06 < asac> fta: btw, the build system is now in hardy :) [01:08] 02:06 < asac> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xulrunner-1.9/ [01:08] 02:06 < asac> rather https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/xulrunner-1.9/ [01:08] 02:07 < asac> so cross your fingers ;) [01:08] 02:07 < asac> !info xulrunner-1.9 [01:08] ? === asac_ is now known as asac [01:23] fta: i pasted what i wrote before i noticed that i was offline [01:23] * micahg has quit ("Leaving.") [01:23] * stevel has quit () [01:23] indeed, it's still valid in today's build of trunk [01:23] * asac_ (n=asac@e177162010.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam [01:24] and thanks [01:25] Jun 10 20:54:54 asac, fennec requires xul trunk now, and the build-system is incomplete.. lacks l10n [01:37] fta: yeah. so fennec gave up on making a release any time soon? [01:39] i discussed with mfinkle about that, he said it's probably fixable for 191, but no one did it so far (months) [01:39] fta: also i am not sure i understand the context. if fennec needs trunk then we dont need to update the hardy xulrunner at least ;) as we will need the build from somewhere else anyway [01:39] fta: ok thanks. [01:40] xul in hardy fine as it is. fennec needs some l10n mk files, only in trunk, but that's a different story [11:28] ola ... today i am on a trip, so cu in the evening! [13:07] ripps, i see your daily ppa is all green now. Good. Were you able to do everything you wanted? [13:21] fta: i'm on debian, but i found my way with launch-pad files [13:22] fta, acas: how did you find my bluegriffon packaging script? === ejat is now known as e-jat [14:57] boas tardes [15:07] fta: I think I've got most things going okay, I'm still running to speed bumps with another set of packages, First, they seem to ignore the $ver~git$release, and trying to manually intiate an update is working. [15:07] *isn't [18:03] fta: where do I file bugs on chromium?!? [18:29] BUGabundo, upstream [18:29] code.g.c/p/c? [18:30] I want my ctrl+enter [18:30] alexbodn, sorry, i'm no longer interested. I stopped reading your 1st diff where you claimed to be original packager. so, thanks for your work but no thanks. period. [18:30] BUGabundo, follow the wiki page [18:30] BUGabundo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Debug [18:30] there's a link in the 1st part [18:31] fta: thanks [18:33] BUGabundo, it's just the regular link + a template for linux [18:35] Sorry, the program "firefox-3.6" closed unexpectedly [18:35] Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers. [18:35] d'oh! [18:36] LOL [18:37] fta: my FF 36 is acting up. after an hour so or so start to churm on CPU [18:37] restarting it fixes it for another hour [18:37] lol [18:37] not much opened [18:48] my crash was from firebug [18:49] LOL [18:49] does it run on 3.5 now [18:56] i'm using it with 3.6 [19:00] okk [19:11] asac, grrr.. bzr add :) [19:12] asac, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/27874687/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.xulrunner-1.9.2_1.9.2~a1~hg20090613r29194%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~intrepid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [19:12] well, bzr mv [19:12] fta: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=14043 [19:13] hey asac [19:13] asac: not using debian cloack ? [19:13] s/debian/ubuntu/ === ejat is now known as e-jat [21:01] lol http://www.ijg.org/ [21:13] fta: isn't jpeg patent closed? [21:15] fta: http://www.getdropbox.com/gallery/921561/1/Screen?h=6a6906 [21:15] google chrome on mac is color managed [21:15] on linux it isn't [21:17] well, i guess it will come soon [21:27] fta: http://www.color.org/version4html.xalter [21:29] yep [22:46] hmm. is pulse currently completely broken? [22:46] nope [22:46] working here [22:46] but another user reported probs on +1 [22:47] well. i cannot even start pavucontrol :) ... no connnection possible [22:47] odd [22:48] that happens a lot [22:48] PA died [22:48] or something is blocking it [22:48] well. PA is running here in my terminal [22:48] but nothing can connect to pa [22:48] no gnome-sound-properties testsound [22:48] I can see asav [22:48] FAIL [22:48] s/v$/c/ [22:49] Nafallo: huh? [22:50] hi [22:50] asac: you can haz njew gajim nau! [22:51] +++-==========================-==========================-==================================================================== [22:51] ii gajim 0.12.3-0ubuntu1 Jabber client written in PyGTK [22:51] * BUGabundo starts decoder [22:51] that one? [22:51] \o/ [22:51] * asac reboots to see if pulse was one time bustage [22:51] !info gajim [22:51] gajim (source: gajim): Jabber client written in PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 5248 kB, installed size 17952 kB [22:52] !info gajim karmic [22:52] gajim (source: gajim): Jabber client written in PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 5399 kB, installed size 18560 kB [22:52] asac: don't [22:52] you may not return! [22:52] asac: changes to grub / grub2 [22:55] well returning was easy. sound still broken [22:56] * BUGabundo waves guud bye [23:16] asac, fta. i've seen you called me but pidgin crashed before it showed your text. sorry [23:18] hey guys... any chance someone could take a look at this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/359868/+addcomment [23:18] Launchpad bug 359868 in linux "[Acer, inc. Aspire 4530] suspend/resume failure [non-free: nvidia]" [Undecided,Confirmed] [23:31] asac, working on the libjpeg thing we discussed earlier [23:32] asac, it's painful [23:33] asac, mozilla sources are crippled with stuff from nspr (include, types, macros) [23:53] ok, it builds now, but it fails on make test