[00:34] wgrant: i've landed a fix for the empty subjects, should be on edge after the next daily rollout [00:35] and the ui is also being worked on, should see some serious improvements in the next few days [00:36] cody-somerville: iirc there isn't because after that the plugin became part of the mozilla codebase [00:38] intellectronica, do I need to go through the same process to register enabled bugzilla instances? [00:39] cody-somerville: process? unless i'm forgetting something, the only thing that can be done on LP is resetting existing watches, to make sure they update again using the plugin, no? [00:39] The launchpad bugzilla plugin allowed for comment sharing === vorian is now known as v === v is now known as vorian === matsubara is now known as matsubara-dinner [01:41] Hello, on the Confirm your OpenPGP Key page I keep getting this error: "Launchpad could not verify your signature: (7, 9, 'No public key')" [01:41] I have no idea what that means :- [01:41] :-( === matsubara-dinner is now known as matsubara [02:01] mac9416: is your public key on a public keyserver? [02:01] Yes, I sent it to keyserver.ubuntu.com [02:02] mac9416: did you add it to your profile? [02:02] Make sure you signed the message with the right key. [02:02] probably a dumb question... [02:03] I think it said so "A message has been sent to mac9416@keryxproject.org. To confirm the key 4096R/F5F81AFB is yours, follow the link inside. " [02:03] A lot of people end up signing it with the wrong key. [02:03] I htink maybe that's what I'm doing. [02:03] I'm not sure how to specify which key to sighn with, though, [02:03] wgrant: that's why I have one key for all 5 email accounts :P [02:04] gpg --clearsign ~/clearsign apparently signs with the wrong key [02:04] But I'm not sure how to specify which one to use [02:04] mac9416: --default-key, I think. [02:05] gpg --default-key ? [02:05] mac9416@mac9416-laptop:~/devel$ gpg --default-key F5F81AFB/gpg: Go ahead and type your message ... [02:05] :-P [02:12] thumper: is there a bug for the whitespace probelm or should i file one? [02:12] mac9416: -u isn't it? [02:13] I just deleted one of the keys, so it doesn't matter now :-D [02:13] heh [02:13] poolie: it is a tricky problem [02:13] poolie: file a new one and I'll think about it [02:13] to decide whether to fix it, or to work out how to fix it? [02:15] Hey, guys, it finally validated, though I'm not sure why :-) === cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville [02:34] poolie: yes :) [02:34] snort, just noticed the pie chart again [02:35] thumper: it's bug 382561 [02:35] Launchpad bug 382561 in launchpad-code "code review page breaks copy & paste" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/382561 [02:35] i think you should bump it up, it's a pretty bad problem for reviewing python code [02:36] poolie: I was going to move the diff rendering to be like loggerheads [02:36] to be ajaxy? [02:36] so no incrementing line numbers [02:36] no [02:37] just how it shows diffs# [02:37] mm [02:37] can you change it to just be a
 block with regular spaces?
[02:37]  bad idea?
[02:37]  i think that will unbreak copy & paste
[02:37]  i'll look
[02:37]  no
[02:37]  I don't think it will
[02:38]  poolie: it has spaces
[02:39]  poolie: if we want to keep line numbers, I have another idea though
[02:39]  I'll try it out later
[02:40]  i don't care about line numbers in the diff
[02:40]  if they were the line numbers in the *file* that would be a bit more interesting but it's still for me very meh compared to getting the indenting right
[02:41]  poolie: well the indentation is right for the display
[02:41]  the problems are pasting into the comment
[02:42]  right
[02:42]  but that's a pretty common thing to do
[02:43]  it seems to be a problem with firefox, not what we display
[02:43]  the spaces are there
[02:43]  but cutting from firefox does something strange
[02:43]  I can't fix that :)
[02:44]  * thumper tries Konq
[02:46]  huh
[02:46]  well whaddya know
[02:46]  Konq gets it right
[02:46]  firefox stuffs it up
[02:49]  btw i'm really liking the overall code review experience
[02:49]  i'm glad we started dogfooding
[03:13]  poolie: nice
[03:13]  poolie: I do want it slicker though
[03:13]  but it is coming along
=== Guest9171 is now known as tonyyarusso
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
[05:16]  I'm receiving timeout errors in launchpad:  (Error ID: OOPS-1313B588)
[05:16]  https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1313B588
[05:17]  When I try to load this page: https://launchpad.net/~locoteams
[05:17]  Happens on both edge and the standard server
[05:56]  ianto: hmm, seems to be timing out getting the locations of the members
[05:57]  ianto: I'll make sure it gets passed on
[05:57]  thumper: OK thanks :-)
[06:39]  !!
[06:40]  mischan
[07:03]   /help
[08:24]  hi, can anybody please explain to me why I get "You are not Allowed here" when I try to access: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=couchdb
[08:31]  thekorn: one of the ppa's that comes up is private. my 2c guess is that's a rather spectacular bug. Can you pls lodge accordingly?
[08:34]  spm, ok, I'll file a bug, is soyuz the correct target for this report?
[08:34]  thekorn: hmmm. not sure, file against launchpad would be my advice. it'll get sorted from there.
[08:34]  spm, ok, thank you
[08:58]  spm, bac, or someone - please approve the ~bzr-windows mailing list
[08:58]  but if something's on fire it can wait.
[08:59]  poolie: approved
[08:59]  thanks dude
[09:04]  spm, do you know if there's a reason why lists need special approval?
[10:09]  Wouldn't it make sense, when I click on the 'Bugs' tab, for there to be a prominent list of bugs that I have filed?
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
[11:37]  Hi. A question about Personal Package Archives (PPA)
[11:37]  I created one yesterday at https://launchpad.net/~dreamcat4/+archive/ppa
[11:37]  And all i get is a message saying "This PPA does not contain any packages yet."
[11:38]  dreamcat4: what were you expecting?
[11:38]  It looks like the help link from there is not so helpful?
[11:39]  ie. it doesn't help you upload packages which would be dreamcat4's next steps.
[11:39]  I'm sure it used to.
[11:39]  Well, it says in the documentation that I should wait for a couple of hours for the PPA's  Sugning Key to be generated.
[11:39]  (Signing Key)
[11:39]  https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading it is now, a few pages along.
[11:39]  There's a link on how to upload packages
[11:39]  Which will then be displayed on the page.
[11:40]  That hasn't happened yet. The page could perhaps say "I'm still generating your signing key" of "not ready yet".
[11:40]  noodles775: I guess there are probably other upload instructions there that those without launchpad.Edit can't see.
[11:40]  * wgrant forgets.
[11:41]  * bigjools edits the wiki page to include a link to the uploading section
[11:41]  This is, i DID upload some packages shortly after creating the PPA
[11:41]  Upload seemed to be successful (no errors reported).
[11:41]  dreamcat4: how long ago?
[11:41]  wgrant: yep, so did I.
[11:41]  dreamcat4: you should get an email confirming it was accepted
[11:41]  About 16 hours
[11:42]  No emails recieved
[11:42]  ok that means you've either not signed the upload, or signed it with a key that LP doesn't know aboutg
[11:42]  bigjools: I just noticed the channel title: "PPA builders getting stuck"
[11:42]  noodles775: Can you confirm locally? My good laptop is flat and the power cord is in the office...
[11:42]  * noodles775 checks the template.
[11:42]  Personally I suspect that because of low entropy on the Virtual Machines, it's still generating the PGP Key.
[11:42]  noodles775: yes, it's an apt bug
[11:43]  But i have no way to check up on that, do I?
[11:43]  dreamcat4: yes, it can be slow sometimes, but 16 hours is plenty
[11:43]  dreamcat4: it also doesn't generate a key until you upload your first package
[11:43]  I did sign my upload, with a valid Key
[11:43]  dreamcat4: the archive key is separate from upload acceptance, and is not generated in a VM.
[11:43]  dreamcat4: well double check that you let LP know about your key and associated it with your LP account
[11:44]  thanks
[11:44]  dreamcat4: LP doesn't email when it doesn't know who the signer is, to prevent spamming the innocent
[11:44]  Obvously this is the first time I have tried to upload packages
[11:44]  wgrant: nope, it's the only link displayed when the PPA isn't active... the wiki must have been updated since then.
[11:44]  dreamcat4: great!  let us help you through it
[11:45]  noodles775: Ew.
[11:45]  thank you. I can go back to the Wiki Articles and double check my GPG  key is uploaded
[11:45]  noodles775: I guess that's what Archive Index 3.0 is for.
[11:46]  Yup :) (although updating the wiki as bigjools did is a good intermediate :) ).
[11:46]  * bigjools just saved the change
[11:51]  Okay it appears I did upload mym gpg key to the ubuntu servers,
[11:51]  but I didn't notice the step (in the wiki articles) about having to associate it to my LP account
[11:52]  so I failed to enter the key into the dreamcat4's profile page
[11:52]  Thank you bigjools
[11:52]  dreamcat4: welcome
[11:53]  I guess the page i was reading was this one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto
[11:54]  and it's just such a long article.
[11:55]  The new archive index should probably replace the upload instruction line with a key addition link if there are no keys.
[11:55]  yeah that would be great, because there's no rejection email
[11:56]  i'll excuse myself now, thank you all again.
[12:01]  good point, noodles775 can you put that in your PPA design changes please and file a bug about it
[12:02]  * noodles775 creates bug
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: leonardr | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel | PPA builders getting stuck: under investigation, LP #408001
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
[13:47]  is there a way to administer the launchpad.dev after installing it? some documentation?
[13:49]  pan1nx: what exactly did you want to do?
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
[13:50]  well, I installed the launchpad on my desktop. playing with it. But I was wondering if there is some documentation about administering users, databases, projects, team
[13:51]  noodles775 I am talking about the way to use the launchpad.dev not the launchpad that is online...
[13:51]  pan1nx: well, it's a development environment, so there's plenty of docs on writing tests, and doing development, but not so much for running it standalone.
[13:52]  I can see that
[13:53]  but there must be a way from the launchpad.net that can be used on this local copy
[13:53]  right?
[13:54]  pan1nx, there's no deployment documentation, as that's not what we want to encourage
[13:55]  aha, ok...that makes sense :D
[13:55]  thanks beuno for sharing this info
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
[15:10]  Is there an email interface to the answer tracker?
[15:10]  ryanakca: yes
[15:11]  LarstiQ: Replying to an answer email should work?  I know of https://help.launchpad.net/Bugs/EmailInterface , but I can't seem to find the details to the answer tracker's interface
[15:12]  ryanakca: replying to an answer email works
[15:12]  it's almost solely the way I interface with the answer tracker
[15:12]  OK
[15:13]  thanks :)
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
=== sale_ is now known as sale
[16:33]  cprov, wgrant: is it possible to kill the builds that have been running for more than 1 day? (bug 408001)... i386  83 builds waiting in queue
[16:33]  Launchpad bug 408001 in launchpad-buildd "Builders stuck when downloading lots of build-deps" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/408001
[16:36]  kiko: hi!
[16:49]  SteveA!
[16:49]  SteveA, got the report to write up, just stuck with some trivialities but almost finished
=== james_w is now known as jdw
=== jdw is now known as james_w
[17:03]  fta: we could kill them but the job will get stuck in some other build
[17:03]  fta: Adam is working on it, AFAIK, let me check.
[17:04]  cprov, i just asked because it's blocking other builds
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
[17:05]  fta: yes, yes, it was marked *critical* for that reason.
[17:05]  and people are starting to get angry about me ;)
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
[17:29]  kiko-fud: cool.  do you have time for a short phone call?
=== gary_poster is now known as gary-lunch
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
[18:17]  Is there a way to manually expire bugs that are inactive for a certain amount of time?  I'd like to expire a lot of the old bugs in our project
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
=== gary-lunch is now known as gary_poster
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
[18:45]  synic, by manually expire, what do you mean?  Do you mean you want to set a group of bugs to Invalid faster than the 60 days used by the auto-expiring feature?
=== mrooney1 is now known as mrooney
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
[19:51]  bac: any idea why the error at the end of this attempt to build and install launchpadlib?
[19:51]  https://pastebin.canonical.com/20826/
[19:53]  kfogel, you probably need to install lazr.restfulclient
[19:53]  rockstar: check back in the transcript -- it tries to install  lazr.restfulclient itself!
[19:54]  leonardr, any clue? ^^
[19:56]  CHECKING
=== carlos_ is now known as carlos
[19:59]  kfogel, i don't know what's causing that, but i'm actually about to get rid of that code
[19:59]  so you might just wait a while and it might go away
[19:59]  leonardr: so if I want to try writing API-using scripts right now, what's my best course?
[20:00]  kfogel: is the launchpadlib in the python-launchpadlib package not working?
=== danilos is now known as danilo-afk
[20:00]  leonardr: didn't even try that, I was just using trunk.  I take it that was a bad idea? :-)
[20:01]  not a bad idea, but if you just want to write scirpts python-launchpadlib is better
[20:01]  leonardr: so my usual philosophy for projects I'm involved with is to run trunk.  If I install python-launchpadlib now, and later you fix trunk, will The Right Thing happen if I then build and install trunk?
[20:01]  I.e., it will shadow the packaged version?
[20:02]  kfogel: yeah, it should
[20:04]  leonardr: ok.  Hmmm.  So I installed python-launchpadlib, but it looks like maybe I'm paying for my habit of installing bzr from trunk?  see https://pastebin.canonical.com/20828/
[20:05]  kfogel: whoa, yeah
[20:05]  ask around in #bzr maybe
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
[20:09]  kfogel: i just saw your question about lplib.  you got it answered?
[20:10]  bac: it's exploded into a yak shaving festival involving multiple IRC channels, but yes, thanks.
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
[20:14]  umm, yaks
[20:21]  Question... moving a mailing list to Launchpad...
[20:22]  Who should I talk too?  (Last time I just askd statik and he made it happen)
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
[20:28]  leonardr: ^^
[20:32]  krow: you're not migrating the archives or anything, right, you just want the mailing list to happen on launchpad?
[20:36]  krow: you can register a team (https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+newteam) and then create a mailing list for it. once it's approved, the team members can subscribe
[20:45]  please, please, please implement a feature to unsubscribe from a bug, I created a patch that fixes #199014 in my package (pypar2) more than a year ago and I'm spammed by launchpad since then
[20:46]  POX: you can unsubscribe from a bug on the bug page
[20:48]  not if subscribed it manually
[20:48]  i.e. I'm a "bug contact" for pypar2
[20:49]  s/if subscribed/if you didn't subscribe/
[20:51]  pypar2 is marked as "Fix released" since 2008-03 or so, I don't care about other packages or status changes
[20:58]  great, yet another "Branch linked" email (/me unmarks "I want to receive these notifications by e-mail." checkbox in pypar2's bug page)
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
[21:01]  is there anyway to setup a ppa to _not_ build lpia builds?
[21:06]  slayton: Not the PPA, no, but a source package can specify which architectures it is to be built for
[21:06]  maxb, I'm guessing its possible to specify i386 and amd64 while excluding lpia
[21:11]  Although, hmm.
[21:12]  I have a feeling it'll still try to be built on lpia, because of a misfeature of the debian package format ensuring that you need to unpack the source package to tell whether it's supposed to build on a given architecture
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-afk
[21:15]  I'm on https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib following the setup instructions, but got this error:
[21:15]  https://pastebin.canonical.com/20829/
[21:15]  (I have done 'sudo aptitude install python-launchpadlib' already)
[21:15]  maxb, hmm... oh well then I just won't worry about it
[21:15]  Looks like I'm missing lazr.restfulclient... but then why did python-launchpadlib install successfully?
=== leonardr-afk is now known as leonardr
[21:34]  kfogel: python-launchpadlib is an old version of launchpadlib before we split most of the code out into lazr.restfulclient
[21:36]  leonardr: thank you.  I kind of need to use launchpadlib; I guess I'm going to do hacks like the one jml just put on wiki page until this is all sorted out.  Is there a definite sorting-out under way, do you know?
[21:37]  kfogel: yes, for anything you might consider a sorting-out, it is under way
[21:40]  leonardr: :-)
[21:40]  Hello, is it possible to withdraw a merge proposal?
[21:41]  mac9416: can you hit the delete icon next to its title?
[21:41]  mac9416: (is there one?)
[21:42]  mac9416: which proposal?
[21:42]  Um, I'll try and find that button :-P
[21:46]  kfogel, https://code.launchpad.net/~mac9416/keryx/trunk/+merge/9691
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
[21:55]  mac9416: I probably see different buttons than you see, but do you see any way to delete it?
[21:55]  Got it. I edited the status to be "rejected." That got it. Thanks
=== leonardr changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | #launchpad-dev is the developer channel | PPA builders getting stuck: under investigation, LP #408001
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
[22:35]  I need to correct the URL of a code import, any ideas how to do that?
[22:35]  <--- totally forgot and can't seem to find out how
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
[23:03]  leonardr: migrating the archives
[23:10]  krow: ah, in that case i suggest asking statik for help again. at least he should be able to point you in the right direction
[23:10]  jcastro: is yours the pytrainer one?
[23:11]  you should be able to edit it from here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/pytrainer/mirror
[23:11]  if not, ask a launchpad question with the details
[23:15]  leonardr, nope I just wanted to change f-spot from the old svn import to a git one
[23:17]  jcastro: unfortunately i have to run, maybe someone else can help you :(
[23:20]  jcastro: just request a new import, we don't have a sensible way of converting between different import sources
[23:20]  (it's a hard problem)
[23:25]  mwhudson, ok that'll do, thanks for the help.