[00:01] Hmm. [00:10] maxb: Sure it wasn't already retried? [00:11] yes, sure [00:11] oh [00:11] ah [00:11] Whoops :-) [00:12] I saw "Dependency wait" and failed to appreciate that it was the source build [00:13] Heh [00:16] I suppose that can't be retried because the version string might no longer hold true if the branches have changed underneath it? [00:18] maxb: Sort of. [00:19] maxb: It was never implemented because it's so easy to create a new one. [00:19] maxb: Whereas soyuz gets angry if there's multiple builds for one (spr, archive, distroarchseries, pocket). [00:19] maxb: A retry button for SPRBs would probably just create a new build anyway. [02:59] is known that +bugs is timing out? [03:00] for various reasons, yes [03:01] great, pn [03:01] *np [03:01] have a look at the timeout tagged bugs in launchpad-project [03:01] you can see the different known cases [03:09] k === wallyworld__ is now known as wallyworld === jtv is now known as jtv-aol === jtv-aol is now known as jtv [08:32] Hullo === chrisccoulson_ is now known as chr1sccoulson [12:01] hi, could someone help me updating the translations export schedule? I've just set it up for Oneiric on https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule/ and the exports crontab needs to be updated according to the "Launchpad Exports" column (the path to the crontab on devpad is at the bottom of the wiki page) [12:11] also it seems the help contact on the topic needs to be updated, as abentley does not seem to be here === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [13:59] hi o/ === deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ [14:18] hi deryck, I see you're the help contact. Could you give me a hand updating the translations export schedule? I've just set it up for Oneiric on https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule/ and the exports crontab needs to be updated according to the "Launchpad Exports" column (the path to the crontab on devpad is at the bottom of the wiki page) [14:20] dpm, hi. looking.... [14:21] dpm, I assume I need to file an RT to get crontab updated. let me check. haven't yet done this before. [14:21] deryck, I used to ask danilos or the other translations guys, perhaps they know more... [14:22] dpm, I'm sure they do. danilos, you around? [14:23] deryck, it's the usual "update crontabs dance", lately, I think losas preferred MPs (if they moved all the crontab branches to LP) [14:23] deryck, we don't do RTs for those, at least we didn't in the past [14:27] danilos, ah, I didn't realize crontab was in branches now. [14:27] I've always done RTs for stuff like expiry and such cron entries. [14:27] deryck, it used to be for a long time, but only on devpad, so no MPs possible :) [14:29] danilos, ah, so just ping and request the change? I don't see the crontabs on devpad where the wiki suggests. [14:30] deryck, lp:lp-production-crontabs is the new branch [14:30] deryck, please update the wiki as well :) [14:31] ah, ok [14:32] danilos, will do. thanks. [14:32] dpm, I'll get this taken care of now. Thanks for the ping about it. [14:33] deryck, thanks. I'm still not quite sure about the process, but let me know if there is anything I can do on my side to make it easier for you guys [14:34] dpm, I think I everything I need now. [14:35] excellent :) [14:45] dpm, also, I'll look closer at those questions today. [14:45] dpm, and if I can't answer them, I'll harass henning when he is available again on Monday. [14:47] deryck, great thanks. As I was saying, if it's quicker to answer them in a call than writing a long reply, I'm also up for it, whatever you guys prefer [14:51] dpm, ok, I'll let you know. I've had it marked to review and just not looked closely enough yet. [14:52] ok, cool [15:48] How can I search for bugs which have a specific remote bug, e.g. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=596189 ? [15:48] Debian bug 596189 in apt "Ignores Release file if it is not signed" [Important,Fixed] [15:48] I want to know if the reason for Maverick's apt ignoring my Debian testing apt-preferences file is this bug.. [15:50] blueyed, I don't think we a search form that allows that, but I think you could get to that from the page we have for the upstream tracker.... [15:50] blueyed, let me look and see. [15:51] deryck: thanks.. I remember that you would get notified that another bug has this remote bug already, when entering it.. I could try that on edge maybe? [15:52] ..rather dogfood [15:52] or staging/qastaging rather [15:55] blueyed: It's not linked from anywhere, but a URL like https://launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/debbugs/596189 works [15:55] Ubuntu bug 596189 in kcm-tablet (Ubuntu) "Maverick: kdeinit4/kded4 crashes (segmentation fault) because of kde-config-tablet" [Undecided,Fix released] [15:55] ok. the notice works, but did not happen for the first time. [15:55] blueyed: If there's a single linked bug it will redirect. If there are multiple it will list them. [15:56] blueyed, yeah, that's what I was just trying to get at. Couldn't remember the url structure. [15:57] wgrant: why does it redirect to #790760 ? [15:57] actually, I could but was trying bugs.debian.org rather than debbugs and wondering why it failed. [15:57] blueyed: Because that's the bug it's linked to... [15:57] At least it should be. [15:57] * wgrant checks. [15:57] It is. [15:59] wgrant: I do not get it. dbug 596189 is not a remote bug for #790760, is it? [15:59] It is. But, confusingly, it's not associated with a task. It's only linked because it was referenced in a comment. [15:59] Comment #8, in particular. [16:00] Oh, I see. Thanks. === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch [18:11] hi [18:12] i've found that a package has been linked in launchpad to the wrong upstream (to one of my projects), but I can't fix it, is this the right place to report it? === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [18:15] Here is fine, provided you're prepared to file a question if someone can't fix it right away [18:15] GatoLoko: which package? [18:15] or, which upstream [18:15] yeah, it's pretty easy to fix. [18:15] maxb gatos: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gatos [18:16] it's linked to "gatoscript" [18:16] ok, I can remove those links [18:16] done [18:17] Thanks maxb! [18:17] abentley, ping and tag you're it. === deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ [18:17] deryck: okay [18:17] maxb thanks [18:17] No problem === yofel_ is now known as yofel === abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk === randalogger is now known as info === info is now known as infologger