[01:35] palhmbs: xorg.conf isn't needed any more [01:36] You should use xsetwacom [01:36] I tried xsetwacom [01:36] it doesn't detect it :( [01:36] it's a serial port A3 wacom intous3 [01:36] works on a Win XP machine fine [01:37] I'd really appreciate some tips on how to troubleshoot [01:37] but I'm using debian 6 at the moment [01:37] and trying to get a website design finished [01:39] I found a ubuntu forum thread that I thought would help [01:39] but it was giving directions to change xorg.conf [01:40] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=298705 [03:57] palhmbs: Hmm, I have some bad news for you, the serial wacom tablets are no longer supported. [03:58] You have to use a previous version of the driver, which means a previous version of xorg, which means a previous version of Ubuntu. [03:58] I think Jaunty or Karmic might support them. [03:58] What the!! [03:59] that stupid [03:59] s/that/that's/ [03:59] why, oh why did they drop them? [03:59] can't I compile the old driver on my newer debian based distro? [04:00] doctormo, can you give me a reference for this bad news? [04:00] cause this is very upsetting [04:00] I had the chance of buying a USB adaptor for it too... [04:00] and thought I didn't need it. [04:01] where's the wacom #channel - I want to moan :P [04:03] palhmbs: Give me a second to confirm it [04:04] doctormo, thanks for your help btw [04:04] When I was talking to ping (who works for Wacom on the linux driver) she said the serial port devices, except for the PnP ones, are dropped. [04:05] except for the PnP ones, maybe that's hope? [04:05] oh well, I guess I'll have to reboot into WinXP and use it there. [04:05] pity, but that's the same issue with my non-sane compliant scanner. [04:05] bbl [04:08] palhmbs: Hang on [04:14] Add http://paste.ubuntu.com/625598/ to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/51-wacom-serial.conf and update the ttyS number for your device. Restart computer and tell me if it works. [04:15] It's important that you tell me so I can update various people on it's workingness. [04:15] (also what you're using, Debian etc) [04:28] thanks doctormo !! [04:28] trying now... [04:54] doctormo, how can I tell which port I'm supposed to use? [04:54] or should it be trial and error? [04:54] I've tried ttySO [04:54] which doesn't work :( [04:56] i did notice a 20-wacom.conf file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ [04:57] # WALTOP needs a patched kernel driver, that isn't in mainline lk yet [04:57] interesting [05:00] this is in debian 6 [05:00] I'll boot into lubuntu 11.04 and try those instructions out there [05:00] bbs [05:09] doctormo, no fun :( [05:14] fyi - the package i have installed is: xserver-xorg-input-wacom 1:0.10.11-0ubuntu4 [05:16] trying ttyS1 now.... [05:19] looks like I'll have to down-grade to get wacom linux support. === islington_ is now known as Islington [05:53] palhmbs: OK, so that didn't work? [05:54] no [05:54] I tried both com ports [05:54] What serial port is your device plugged into? [05:54] how do I find that out [05:54] ? [05:54] I think my mb only supports 1 [05:55] OK so you have a /dev/ttyS0 Make sure that's a zero and not an Oh [05:55] Can you also report your xorg log back to me? [05:57] ttyS0 - check complete - valid [05:57] NOTE: Only ISDV4 serial devices (TabletPC's) are currently supported by xf86-input-wacom (Xserver 1.7 or later). A patch set by John Tsiombikas & Sebastian Berthold for the serial tablets needs further development before inclusion into xf86-input-wacom. [05:57] http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/linuxwacom/index.php?title=FAQ#Which_devices_are_supported.3F [05:57] OK that confirms what I know about it, maybe I can patch you up a ppa deb though... [05:59] doctormo, -- xorg paste -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/625642/ [05:59] would you? - I was just seriously considering installing Ubuntu 9.10.... [06:00] I'd be eternally grateful to the you and the ubuntu team!! [06:01] Heh, don't go heaping praise on the Ubuntu team ;-) I'm just a random programmer and artist. [06:09] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=isoeic%24cum%241%40dough.gmane.org&forum_name=linuxwacom-discuss [06:09] So. from what I can tell. [06:09] There are a bunch of non developers who have serial wacoms [06:09] Very few programmers do [06:10] So there are multiple patches all over the place to get it working with specific versions of the xinput wacom driver. [06:10] You might have to go on an adventure. [06:11] o.O [06:11] sounds fun [06:11] unfortunately, I've got even less time now for such a frolic [06:12] Yeah, it's a hard one. The wacom project is starving, much like most foss projects. [06:13] $$ [06:13] but everybody loves free [06:13] just not enought to monetarily support it enough [06:13] s/enought/enough/ [06:15] if only this would work in lubuntu 11.04 -- http://gtk-apps.org/content/show.php/Wacom+Control+Panel?content=104309 [06:19] It doesn't work on ubuntu 11.04 either [06:19] Not that it would help you anyway [06:20] dammit, I wish I could code python better than I do [06:21] I would consider hacking up some support in these myself!! [06:21] It's all C code anyway, what would a python script be able to do? [06:21] :-o [06:21] er yeah - /facepalm [06:21] (the wacom driver, not the utill) [06:22] Although the C code doesn't look hard, it's just missing a developer who actually had one of the devices. [06:23] I find it funny that I manage the wizardpen driver ppa and yet I don't own one. Dumb luck that a roving developer pops by each release to fix it for me. random! [06:25] doctormo, I think the best and easiest option for me & you and everybody else is to buy a USB adaptor. [06:26] :P [06:26] which I will go ahead and do shortly [06:26] Yes, if that works, let me know and I will change my default recommendation to that. [06:26] I can wait, at least we know that it'll work on USB. [06:26] afaict [06:58] my wrist is starting to hurt [06:58] :( === daker_ is now known as daker === chaotic is now known as theartistformerl === theartistformerl is now known as chaotic [13:40] hey guys [13:55] where can i find guidelines on making monochrome icons for the unity panel? [14:25] hbons, good question,,, not sure but they do appear to be similar to faenza icons [14:28] coz_: that's good, but they don't really have a style description either :) [14:29] what was the question? [14:29] hbons, yeah ,, not sure ,, exactly,, however you could try asking in #ayatana channel,,, that is the development channel for Unity [14:29] yea, i did yesterday, but got no reply [14:29] hbons: what was the question? [14:30] hbons, ") not completely surprised [14:30] Islington: i'm trying to find guidelines for the mono style icons [14:30] ooh hold on they are in the wiki somewhere iirc [14:30] oh [14:32] ping vish dashua Icon question yo [14:33] hbons: nah, there is no wiki guidelines, basically you can loook at the svg and figure out the colors [14:33] rather guidelines on wki [14:33] that's a bit lame... [14:33] bah! wiki* [14:33] and sizes? [14:34] where do i install them? [14:34] hbons: 22px are used in the panel [14:34] hbons, well inkscape will automatically open the icon in the size they were created in [14:34] vish: ok, you know gnome is deprecating that size? [14:34] hbons: yea :) [14:34] good :) [14:35] hbons: anyway you guys dont consider anything Ayatana Gnome.. ;) [14:35] ok, thanks people :) [14:35] vish hbons https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/HumanityIcons/Guidelines#Panel%20Icons [14:36] Islington: thats what *i* did for Humanity , hbons is asking about ubuntu-mono [14:36] vish: well, it would be easier for everyone to just have to maintain one icon size for it [14:36] and it's a bit silly that two kinds of status icons have to be maintained at the moment... [14:37] :) [14:37] if its at 22px technically you could force kde to use them as well [14:37] but i don't make the decision on that, but i would like to make theming issues better. i just installed ubuntu and was kind of shocked how that stuff is done :) [14:38] hbons, my guess is that will be worked out by 12.04 hopefully sooner [14:38] hbons: symbolic icon support just landed with GNOME3 so stuff might change, but since we cant do that in GNOME2 we did it as 2 themes [14:38] Islington: yea, but 22x22 doesn't make sense as a size anyway [14:38] (sticking to multiples of 8) [14:39] vish: yea, that would be good, it's a huge hack right now [14:39] hbons, multiples of 8 ? [14:39] 16, 24, 32, 48 [14:39] hbons, 24..32..40? [14:40] hbons: wasnt there a big thingie with 24 vs 22 a while back? [14:40] Islington: not sure [14:40] multiples of 8 would lead to an icons size of 32 .. 40 ...yes? [14:40] but the end result is the same artwork wise anyway, just with different padding [14:40] coz_: we don't have 40 [14:41] hbons, I realize that but multiples of 8 would asume 32 ..40 [14:41] no, it doesn't have to follow each ste [14:41] step [14:43] but 32 is 2x16, 48 2x16 etc [14:43] eh 2x24 [14:43] :) [14:44] there's also 64 and 128, 256 for hires [14:44] hbons: what did you mean by » http://twitter.com/#!/hbons/status/80006110882435072 ? [14:44] I prefer working in 256 in inkscape and reducing it when finished [14:45] vish: refering to the mono icon theme on top of a 'normal' theme to make things work [14:45] hbons: the two themes or anything else? most of the hacks there are mine more due to not having symbolic icon support :D [14:45] and the tarball basically extrated in the icons direcotory, which is messy [14:45] vish: i know :) [14:47] my only question is why unity's ccsm is still using that damn purple icon instead of the one originally designed for it,, the only answer I got was " Unity is a project" [14:47] hehe [14:47] coz_: i think it was a MarkDecision™ ;) [14:47] vish: hacks are attractive in the short term, but cause a lot if pain longterm :) [14:47] vish, oh? another bad one [14:48] hbons: agreed, but folks wanted them right now 3-4 cycles back, and who would have hacked the symbolic support, I'm not a hacker ;) [14:49] canonical should have dedicated someone to it [14:49] cause now everyone will have to port their icons icon when gnome 3 symbolc lands [14:49] s/icon/again [14:50] hbons: they could go deeper into the rabbit hell and symlink [14:51] Islington: are you islingt0ner on twitter? [14:51] hbons, you didnt know that "grapics" of any kind are considered the "fun" part of a project ? :) [14:51] yes [14:51] hbons: i mentioned this a while back itself when having the panel icons named -panel and to instead use -symbolic names; but they just told we can change names later [14:51] Islington: ah cool :) [14:52] hbons: back when humanity introduced the monochrome itself.. [14:52] graphics [14:53] vish: ah, and the official suffix is -symbolic now? to be installed in hicolor? [14:53] hbons: afaik, the indicator hasnt yet been changed to use -symbolic names and not sure it supports it yet [14:54] hbons: GNOME3/GTK3 has only started landing.. i need to upgrade and do it later in the cycle when stuff is stable [14:54] ok, so i'll just add whatever suffix and refer to that? [14:54] hbons: yea [14:55] vish: ok cool, sorry to be a bit too harsh, i see that they're not telling you a lot :) [14:55] :) [14:56] welcome to our world [14:56] there's always a place for you in #gnome-design ey ;) [14:56] hbons: its a bit of a communications hell at times; cause stuff might change any moment and nothing is official until it is really official ;) [14:58] vish: yea, are there any other canonical design team members that work in the open except mpt and ivanka (who's now left)? [14:59] hbons: i thing you reached the end of the list there.. ;) [14:59] think* [15:00] *sneef* [15:00] :( === daker is now known as daker_