=== mw is now known as mw|out [01:13] jelmer: oops, you're right. I guess I forgot to commit, and I can't find the branch now [01:14] jelmer: so, I guess I'll create a commit and merge it tomorrow. I don't think you should've pushed, though, but never mind. [01:18] dato: Well, it should be trivial to merge your commit into the current branch. I haven't uploaded anything yet [01:20] dato: Mind if I just import-dsc the 1.4.1 release? [01:21] so, a couple things [01:21] are you interested in dm-upload-allowed: yes maintain it? [01:22] dato: I'm interested in contributing to the maintainance of the bzr package [01:23] i.e. doing uploads now and then if I have the time and nobody else is doing it [01:26] not sure if that's what you're asking :-) [01:28] ok [01:30] so due to my fuck-up, I really think I should push --overwrite you... I would really dislike the idea of having a 1.4 in the branch that does not include the 1.3.1 changelog, what do you think? [01:30] dato: oh, yes - I agree [01:30] so it seems I've lost the commit, if it ever existed [01:31] so I'll create a 1.3.1 commit, and push --overwrite [01:43] k [02:00] jelmer: done, going to bed. [02:11] dato: thanks, goodnight [09:59] jelmer: so, I'll upload bzr 1.4; I'll add the dm-upload bit [10:06] morning [10:19] Hmm, recent repo olive-gtk: [10:19] from bzrlib.plugins.gtk import icon_path [10:19] ImportError: cannot import name icon_path [10:20] ? [12:50] dato: COol, thanks [12:54] jelmer: I'm in a conference, just need to find a spot to do it :) [12:54] jelmer: Are you working up to a bzr-gtk release? [12:56] dato: k :-) [13:28] fullermd, yep [13:47] jelmer: May want to look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-gtk/+bug/224914 for it. Kinda sucks :| [13:47] Launchpad bug 224914 in bzr-gtk "viz fails to show children properly" [Undecided,New] [13:48] Oh, hithere. [13:48] * fullermd pets ubottu. [13:48] (it's a little more complicated than the desc; it seems to have weird interactions with the sort of children, whether direct or merge revs... but anyway) [13:57] oh crap [13:57] we also have to other issues to fix before the release [13:57] so I guess we should delay it another week [13:57] Just doing my part to keep you from being bored ;) [13:59] see, this is why I prefer working on vaporware. it doesn't have users and so it's a lot easier to pretend there are no bugs [13:59] :-P [13:59] Oooh, I didn't know you were working on bzr-sccs... [14:00] haha [14:10] poolie: you be here? [14:13] 2313 aest [14:13] Hello, will branches that have been created with a plugin, ie bzr-svn, use the same methods as regular bzr branches? [14:13] I am trying to integrate that functionality into a script one the branch has already been created [14:14] once rather [14:15] rexbron: yes [14:16] jelmer: ok, and will the .push() method just work for pushing to a remote bzr branch, right? [14:41] now the bazaar slackbuild has updated :D [16:52] rexbron: yep [17:07] hi all. i diffed two files, and one was (apparently) created 1970-01-01. is this because it never existed? [17:08] diff uses that to say it's a new file [17:08] cool. thanks for confirming that === emgent_ is now known as emgent [17:40] * Peng gasps. [17:40] bzr-svn uses old-style classes? [17:41] oldstyle being "class foo:" rather than "class foo(object):" ? [17:45] Yeah. [17:46] I've fixed a bunch of them a couple of weeks ago [17:46] If you can still find any old-style classes in the 0.4 branch, please let me know :-) [17:47] Connection and ConnectionPool in transport.py. [17:49] thanks. It's a bad habit.. [17:49] (these were two classes I had added recently) [17:50] ConnectionPool.connections could also be a dict/defaultdict. Probably not worth the effort though. [18:09] Woah, pylint really doesn't like bzr-svn. [18:10] patches welcome :-) [18:11] It's 3500 lines long! [18:14] Heh, pylint triggers a DeprecationWarning of its own. [18:15] jelmer: "Your code has been rated at 4.20/10" :D [18:16] :-/ [18:16] I've never used it before and didn't configure it. [18:16] It's very whiny. Did you know one of your classes has "too many" instance attributes? [18:22] Peng: yeah - have you tried running it on bzr itself? [18:22] Haha, no way. [18:22] It complains about any class that has more than 20 methods I think [18:22] It's slow too. [18:22] Something like that, yeah. [18:22] It complains about lots of things like that. Too many args, etc. [18:29] Suppose I want to make a bzr branch from a given release of an open-source project that uses svn, e.g. Trac. If I do "bzr branch http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/tags/trac-0.10.4/", then make modifications to that branch, will someone then be able to merge those changes with a bzr branch made from svn trunk? [18:30] I wonder because I know that svn doesn't have the explicit concepts of branches and tags as bzr does; it uses cheap copies for both. [18:31] You could try it, of course. :P bzr-svn should be smart enough to make the branches related, though. [18:32] jelmer: When are you planning to release the next version of bzr-svn? [18:34] My main fear with version control systems is always that I'll do something wrong at the beginning of a project, with regard to tree organization and the like, and never be able to cleanly recover from the mistake. That's why I asked that question. [18:53] jelmer: uploaded [18:59] dato: thanks! [18:59] Peng, tomorrow hopefully [19:02] jelmer: Ok, cool. [19:44] I am working on a Bazaar Plugin for Anjuta and I am wondering if there is C bindings for Bazaar. I haven't seen anything online but thought if anyone knew if someone was working on it you all would know. [19:46] A better idea would probably be to embed Python in Anjuta, write Python bindings for Anjuta's API's, and do the bzr integration from Python code running inside Anjuta. [19:46] libwilliam: you can load libpython and call the apis directly [19:48] I suppose this will be a perceived disadvantage of bzr compared to svn for a while; since svn is a bunch of C libraries, it's probably more attractive to third-party IDE/tool developers who aren't using Python already. [19:50] Alright I will look into that. I have never done something like that so unsure how easy it is, but gives me a good reason to learn. [19:58] thatch: is this similar to what you were talking about? http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8497 [19:59] libwilliam: yeah, that's what MattCaand I were suggesting [19:59] alright thanks, I will mess around with it [22:48] Anyone have any success compiling pycurl for leopard?