[01:00] * wgrant wonders why sistpoty can see bug #159304, when I can't though I know very well what it is. [01:00] wgrant: Bug 159304 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/159304 is private [01:06] he's subscribed [01:06] (as the original reporter) [01:12] Ahh. [01:14] (I'm very much unamused about it as well, particularly given recent features appearing) === Rhamphoryncus_ is now known as Rhamphoryncus [08:24] hello, I'm putting gpg key B01E5FD8 to keyserver.ubuntu.com but LP cannot import it [12:35] thumper: seems like the importer misses a continue-feature.... [12:57] Hi, is only the one who registers the project able to add a bugtracker to a certain project? [14:04] hi, I registered a branch in Launchpad. Now I would like to register a series "trunk". The documentations says I should "click Register a series in the Actions menu", but I cannot find the action menu or "Register a series", respectively. Can anyone give me any hint where I can find the corresponding register link? [14:34] ok, I've solved my problem === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [15:39] good morning when i try to login to launchpad (both edge and normal) no matter how many times i type my username and password i'm still prompted to login [15:39] i've retyped my email address and password several times [15:39] trying to sign in w/ konqureror on intrepid === fta_ is now known as fta [17:32] wth are newlines not converted to
anymore in commit messages??? [17:33] onox, where are you looking at? [17:36] at the trunk/changes [17:37] onox, ok, so on Loggerhead. I think that's bug #252872, which I fixed a few days ago. [17:37] Launchpad bug 252872 in loggerhead "Doesn't respect whitespace in commit messages" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/252872 [17:37] should trickle down to Launchpad soon enough [17:37] ok, thx! [17:37] welcome! [18:18] i cant find the thread about SourceForge blocking imports [18:18] can any one help me? [21:18] Hi [21:18] I can't remove blueprint dependencies (neither on production nor edge) [22:04] Odd thing is happening here: https://launchpad.net/us-ma-loco-site I can't seem to edit my project details [22:04] As the owner === jscinoz_ is now known as jscinoz [23:27] <[cliff]> hi all, I'm trying to push my project onto a new launchpad branch and I'm getting this error: Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() [23:27] <[cliff]> any thoughts? [23:32] [cliff]: how are you pushing it? === doctormo__ is now known as DoctorMO === DoctorMO is now known as doctormo