[01:39] <_schism_> evening all [01:40] <_schism_> I have a stupid question, what is the minimum sys req for xubuntu? I am looking at the web site and can't seem to find it [03:26] hey guys [03:27] I've got an installation problem.Can anyone help me out? [03:35] hi there [04:28] I've got an obscure video card that may be causing crashes during bootup. Can anyone help me ou? [04:42] I've got an obscure video card that may be causing crashes during bootup. Can anyone help me ou? [07:01] 1.) there's a panel item in gnome called Drawer where all shortcuts are placed, how can i do that in xubuntu?; 2.) how do i add Places in the main menu? [07:13] hi.. one question.. 64 bit edition is just for amd processors??? i cant use 64 bit edition with intel core duo??? [07:14] 64-bit is for all 64-bit processors. [07:15] there are some compatibility issues with flash and some other stuff on 64-bit though. just stick to 32-bit, it really doesn't make a difference in performance unless you use it for scientific computations. [07:15] i see [07:16] thanks [07:16] cause i read its for AMD64 or EM64T architecture [07:16] so i was not sure about using it with intel [08:39] is there a file I can edit/create to get autostarted apps? - there's no menu entry for it... [08:55] favro- there should be one by default. [08:56] evilbug: that was my impression as well... [08:56] Applications > Settings > Autostarted Apps [08:56] Applications > Settings > Nothing About Autostarted Apps [08:56] if there's not, then something went sideways at install. did you use the livecd or alternate? [08:56] nada [08:57] ? [08:57] evilbug: alternate [08:57] ? [08:57] oh... the alternate worked better for me :| the livecd install didn't boot the newer kernels.... [08:58] did you have the cd verified after burn? [08:58] everything is fine except for the menu entry for autostarted apps [08:58] yeh did the md5 check [09:02] and it's the 8.04.1 i_386 .iso? [09:05] I need a file in ./.config/autostart for each app :) [09:05] i'm not an expert on linux seeing as to how i'm new myself... but what i can tell you for sure is that it's been a bug about 18 months ago but i see it's been labeled as "fixed", and that cody can for sure help you out with it. [09:09] I made the relevant dir/file and I'll log out and check [10:42] Hi, is there a way I can stop the network manager using the keyring?, sinse swapping to wireless I now have to enter a password every boot === whaletales is now known as aptanet === whaletales is now known as aptanet [16:00] Hi. I'm not running xubuntu, but I did apt-get install of xfce, and I'm running in xfce. I'm trying to edit my menus. Looking online, I'm told to edit /usr/share/applications/cream.desktop, but this file doesn't exist. there are other files in /usr/share/applications. Should I modify one of them instead? [16:01] I would like to add a few entries to a few menus such as "development" instead of creating a new menu [16:02] Oh, sorry, I misread the instructions. This was for the app cream. Nevermind. [17:46] hi all :) [18:05] Hello. Xubuntu 8.04 here. How can I use Noscript add-on but let Flash content? There's a tab named "plug-ins" and there's a check box to ban Adobe Flash, but even when I uncheck it, noscript doesn't let Flash content. There says (retranslating from Turkish): "These settings are valid for the pages that are new or installed by yourself." I can't get what it means. How can I let Flash with Noscript still active? [18:52] hey guys i need to share out /dev/md0 to 2 different users on the system so that both users can mount this as a share in windows. can i get some help please? [18:59] <{NaTe}> hey there - just switched from Ubuntu to Xubuntu - wondering where I can configure the keyboard shortcuts [19:00] <{NaTe}> any one here? [19:01] I'm here [19:01] {NaTe}: Checkout the Settings panel, -> Keyboard.. there is a 'shortcuts tab" [19:01] You have to be patient in IRC [19:01] Go to the settings manager, then click on keyboard. [19:02] Under shortcuts, click add [19:02] <{NaTe}> awesome - thx, sorry 'bout the patience [19:02] Give the theme a name, then you can begin to bind your own personal keybindings. [19:03] <{NaTe}> will do [19:03] Its all good man. [19:03] A lot of people blaze into the channel, ask a question, and leave before anyone can help. [19:03] Its a common problem. [19:04] <{NaTe}> I'm sure - I just didn't see any activity so I wasn't sure if the chan was empty or not [19:05] <{NaTe}> is the standard terminal xterm? [19:05] try applictions \ settings [19:05] settings manager [19:05] ack... and then keybaord [19:06] define standard? xterm is install. xfce4-terminal is probably installed [19:07] <{NaTe}> just looking for the default from install that appears in "Applications/Accessories" [19:07] Its xfce4-terminal [19:07] <{NaTe}> thnx [19:45] hi [19:54] hey. I was wondering if xubuntu has all the same drivers and everything as Ubuntu. because my Netgear MA111 (prism2_usb) works in Ubuntu Hardy but not in Xubuntu Hardy [19:55] how do I stop the laptop going to sleep when I close the lid? [20:02] Hello! I have a slow PC I would like to install xubuntu on, I have a Desktop CD but starting X is too resource intensive [20:02] Can I start xubuntu from the CD without the X UI to see if the networking works? [20:05] you probably want to start with the alternate installer cd [20:06] can I test if the network works from there? [20:53] ra: most wired devices can be easily tested there... [20:54] thanks! I wasn't too clear about that "probably" [21:03] what type of network card do you have? You could also try checking on google [21:09] ah no worries, there's nothing like checking this practically :D [21:24] hi [21:24] !hi | ThePhoenix28 [21:24] ThePhoenix28: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [21:24] Can anyone help me/ [21:24] ? [21:24] !anyone | ThePhoenix28 [21:24] ThePhoenix28: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [21:24] I will [21:25] I seem to be having a problem with hard drive detection [21:25] because when i run xubuntu from the cd and load Gparted it dosent detect my harddrive [21:26] and when I try to install xubuntu it freezes at the partion screen; it just keeps loading and loading [21:26] anyone have any ideas? [21:26] is it sata? If so, you might try going into your bios and setting your sata controller to legacy mode [21:27] no its not [21:27] is the drive visible in the bios? [21:27] yes [21:28] i think its a ultra dma66 ide [21:28] but im not entirerly sure [21:29] which is probably the problem cause i have to use the "linux ide=nodma" command to get it to boot [21:30] hrm... [21:30] and you are using the most recent version of ubuntu? 8.04.1 (aka hardy) [21:34] hi, I installed xubuntu on my p900 but I cant hear any sound [21:34] alsamixer reports all channels are unmuted and a max [21:34] no sound at all from speakers or heaphones [21:34] n8 === gaurdro_ is now known as gaurdro [21:38] where can i find info on how to connect to nfs shares with xubuntu? [21:39] !nfs [21:39] nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. [21:49] hmm, yes i've followed that guide and my ubuntu laptop can connect to the shares but my xubuntu second desktop cannot [21:50] and you can ping the nfs server from computer that doesn't work? [21:51] yup [21:52] hrm... pastebin your /etc/exports perhaps? [21:52] i'm sorry, what do you mean? [21:53] I mean post the contents of your /etc/exports file on the server to pastebin [21:53] !pastebin | mlynn5 [21:53] mlynn5: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [21:53] cool, thanks. sorry about that, i haven't had to do that before. will do [21:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/38597/ [21:55] your are only allow a single ip address to connect ( [21:56] you probably should replace the '' with '' [21:57] that block of the config is not a range of addresses it needs to be netwwork/mask [21:58] after updating your config you'll need to re-export on the server [21:58] damn! i get it, you were right [21:58] works now [21:59] thanks for checking that out for me [22:10] * ra congrats the xubuntu team for the "alternate cd" installer... ..the desktop one was too "heavy" for this PII450/192MB --- but the alternate one works just fine! [23:44] Hello. I'm looking to us Xubuntu for a university computer lab and have some questions about how to customize and set defaults for all users. Mind if I ask away? [23:49] bhall_: edit the skels in /etc/skel [23:49] The users already exist, so that's not really an option. I'll do that if I remaster the liveCD though [23:49] if you dont have them, create them ^^ [23:49] bhall_: most xfce-related defaults are in /etc/xdg [23:50] bhall_: but config files in their ~/.config override that [23:50] Ah, I see. Good tip. Thanks. [23:50] Is that were I could setup default theme, background etc? [23:51] (I've been using a version of Xfce 4.0.6 that I modified years ago. Things have changed a lot since then.) [23:52] bhall_: yes [23:54] Cool. /etc/xdg looks to have most of what I'm looking for. Thanks. [23:56] So, if I understand this, I can just remove /etc/xdg/autostart/bluetooth-applet.desktop or update-notifier.desktop and it just won't load those, right? [23:57] Ok, it looks like everything I need is in /etc/xdg. It's even very logically laid out. (Thanks xubuntu/xfce devs!) [23:57] bhall_: yes, or you could edit them and disable them by adding a line to them [23:58] bhall_: so that they still display in autostarted applications, but the checkbox is unchecked [23:58] Oh, so /etc/xdg/autostart is for all of Ubuntu, not just xfce? [23:59] (bluetooth-applet.desktop for instance has the entry ShowOnlyIn=GNOME [23:59] ) [23:59] bhall_: yes, it's from the freedesktop.org specification, ideally it should be respected by all desktop environment [23:59] s