[00:10] where should I report that my thinkpad's sound doesn't work? (not sure it has ever just worked.) google hits suggest some people might have gotten it to work with patches that have been accepted but still don't work I dont' get it either. [00:13] CarlFK: report it on launchpad using ubuntu-bug linux [00:13] thanks [00:30] other than "I don't hear anything" what is a good way to show a sound problem? [00:31] like I was thinking the lack of /dev/dsp, but looks like that is used anymore [00:32] this looks good: $ aplay -l; **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** [00:33] yeah aplay is good [00:34] you can even try aplay SOUND_FILE in terminal to see if plays anything [00:34] good. filed. on to something else :) [00:34] I replace SOUND_FILE with .wav files, normally [00:34] you cant see sound :) [00:34] no, but you can hear it. aplay will play sound bites. [00:35] I am liking the empty list of devices [00:35] that works too [00:51] what is the common way for a feature request for 11.10 if i want a newer version that in the repos (atm)? create a normal bug against 11.10 and the package? [01:57] iceroot: yes, and tag it upgrade-software-version [01:59] micahg: thank you, i have add the tag === ro is now known as Guest57123 === astralja1a is now known as astraljava [08:21] So if appearance properties cannot be found in gnome-control-center, where is it? [12:41] hey [12:41] i want to upgrade to ubuntu oneiric [12:41] what should i do? [12:42] Goliath, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Alpha1 [12:43] And bear in mind that it will break your system, pretty much. [12:46] :o) === Goliath is now known as Goliath|Away === Goliath|Away is now known as Goliath [13:08] Goliath: you must gather the following ingredients: a CD-RW, snake's blood, dragon's fang and the beard of a wild goat [13:09] then you burn ubuntu image and toss the other junk away [13:13] zniavre: will it break my system? [13:13] i am mostly using arch which is blooding edge [13:13] and i enable the unstable distro [13:13] without problems [13:13] why would ubuntu break? [13:16] if we say that everything will be fine, and everything goes fine, that's great [13:16] if we say that everything will be fine, and somethings breaks badly, that's awful and it's our fault [13:17] but, if we say that it will break your system, you're tuned to the right channel and expect problems [13:17] it's better to pessimistic and paranoid [13:18] btw it works fine on my computer [13:20] elros: i knew that already [13:20] those repositories are called unstable anyway [13:20] can i use this command? sudo do-release-upgrade -d [13:21] or should i use this? update-manager -d [13:22] or update-manager si a frontend to this command? [15:45] anyone sees, on the syslog, messages stating 'tty1 main process ended, respawning'? [15:48] Mostly I have other odd errors like complaints about /run/udev not existing, and unable to load ramzswap etc [15:54] I have errors about Plymouth, something about mountall. Doesn't seem to affect anything tho. I have found Oneiric to be surprisingly stable, if a bit ugly ;) === Guest72525 is now known as Omega` [17:51] if ubuntu is the base of kubuntu... then how can kubuntu Oneiric alpha 1.. not have much of Oneiric alpha 1 in it right now [17:52] TheBuntu, what makes you come to that conclusion? [17:53] TheBuntu: That's because most of the changes that will happen in Oneiric are not in Kubuntu Alpha1 yet [17:54] Kubuntu uses KDE, not unity or Gnome. Why would it have all the KDE changes just because Ubuntu has the gnome changes? [17:54] IdleOne: but all the base packages are right [17:55] TheBuntu: I just run the OS I have no idea how it does the magic [17:55] k [17:55] so, which version of KDE do you have in it? [17:56] TheBuntu: I think what charlie-tca is saying is that while there are a lot of gnome changes in Alpha 1, there aren't that many KDE changes in it yet. [17:56] That's it [18:05] does natty narwhal still use nautilus, and what version? [18:05] Pici: i understand that... because kubuntu 11.04 has kde 4.6.4 and that what 11.10 is useing.... but i was more less refering to the core [18:06] WXZ: natty is supported in #ubuntu also try apt-cache policy nautilus in a terminal for the version [18:06] TheBuntu: The core is the same. Ubuntu and Kubuntu use the same repositories, so any package version for each will be the same. [18:06] IdleOne: I don't have natty installed [18:06] !info nautilus natty [18:06] nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (natty), package size 1135 kB, installed size 3040 kB [18:07] there you go. [18:07] thanks [18:07] Pici: thats what i thought..... [18:08] right now gnome 3 is better on 11.04 thru ppa then in 11.10 [18:08] WXZ: You can use http://packages.ubuntu.com in the future, or rmadison from the devscripts package. [18:08] oh, thanks pici [18:09] or /msg ubottu !info package release [18:09] like I did up there [18:10] no need for the ! with the bot pm [18:10] TheBuntu: gnome3 in 11.10 is a newer version than in ppa [18:11] bazhang: but it's much prettier [18:12] heh [18:12] bazhang: force them by not responding to ! [20:01] ok ,, need to break here,, be back later === yofel_ is now known as yofel [21:57] evening [21:59] same to you, BUGabundo [23:55] is there anything particularly terrifying about the oneiric kernel currently? [23:57] yes === Ian__ is now known as Ian_Corne [23:57] Ian_Corne: boo [23:57] Ian_Corne: any details? [23:58] well [23:58] maybe I'm out of touch [23:58] but nvidia could act up [23:58] if you're just updating the kernel [23:58] ah no nvidia here [23:59] fglxr? [23:59] well, i've only tested nvidia systems, so I actually don't know more :)