[03:31] Night shift coming to a close... cheers all :) [12:46] matata_: [12:46] Uxthui, [12:47] matata_: Bassem? [12:51] matata_: You are Bassem, right? [12:52] Uxthui, yes === matata_ is now known as bassem [12:53] bassem: I'm latest attender of the last meetup, and I'm sticking to this nick. [12:54] Uxthui, reminde me please [12:54] bassem: Remind you of what? [12:54] Uxthui, of you [12:55] bassem: Gotcha. [12:55] So how do you do? [12:58] Uxthui, I'm fine thank you [13:00] bassem: Know you of Haden's email? I met him last week for the wireless adapter and emailed him through Meetup after that. But no replies. [13:02] Uxthui, ?!!! [13:02] bassem: Do you know Haden's email address? [13:04] Uxthui, no [16:40] Salute [16:53] nlsthzn: Evening. [17:00] Uxthui: Hey, glad to see you are on IRC again... Two days in a row... impressive :p [17:11] Uxthui: ... well online and away it seems :/ [17:20] nlsthzn: CC-licensed novel came under me radar. [17:20] I'm a sucker for stories and shiz. [17:22] Since you ain't replying no more, I'm going back to me book. [17:23] Uxthui: Enjoy it :)