[00:00] h00k, the usual with a alt-f2 or frpm a terminal [00:00] from [00:00] urlin2u: alt+f2 [00:00] robin0800, cool I will do that is it under gconf-editor in synaptic? [00:01] h00k, thanks.;) [00:01] I/m i natty doing a sync right now. [00:02] urlin2u, its in the software centre also look at dconf-editor [00:02] robin0800, thanks, I will reboot and install. ;) [00:24] so has synaptic been finally removed? [00:26] urlin2u, I still have it [00:27] robin0800, cool am doing todays upgrade, lost it yesterday, and the software center is not responding, apt-get works tough, oh well alpha and a personal computer no big deal. [00:27] though [01:13] my packages don't show up as icons in the installed area instead i have to go through the terminal /usr/bin/ to run where can i edit synaptic to place the files in area for the icons? wheres the source for synaptic pm i mean? is why i maybe get the exit 1 status error but the package installed successfully? [01:17] sorry to keep bothering you all ;) Do we have the right click make launcher option? [01:17] miki, look in /usr/share/applications perhaps even bookmark it [01:18] urlin2u: no, that feature has been removed by GNOME [01:18] k thx robin0800 [01:18] jbicha, I saw a email on the web those anarchist. ;) [01:18] that [01:18] miki: what app in particular isn't showing up? [01:19] everyone i downloaded i upgraded to 11.10 alpha 2 [01:19] or installed completely i mean [01:20] miki, should be alpha 3 [01:20] so if i get alpha 3 that fixes it? [01:20] miki: you should just be able to start an app and right click on the launcher icon to tell it to keep in launcher [01:21] you start apps by clicking the Ubuntu button in the top left and either typing the app's name or looking for it in more apps [01:21] yes i been doing that alot jbicha but i downloaded alot and forgot names of the packages lol [01:30] thanks a bunch now i can get all my apps on the launch bar [01:34] hi [01:34] it seems there's no longer a ui to turn on middle-button-click simulation? [01:39] poolie, its in pointing devices you have to install it [01:40] and how would i do that? [01:40] 'pointing' does not find any options [01:41] well, i can install it [01:41] is this an intentional change or a bug? [01:41] or both :) [01:42] poolie, its in the software centre [01:43] robin0800 i mean i downloaded the alpha 2 iso unless update manager installed the alpha 3? [01:43] got it, but it doesn't seem to actually appear in the application menu [01:44] miki, look in /usr/share/applications perhaps even bookmark it [01:45] sorry meant poolie [01:47] yeah, i realize, i'm just wondering if i should file a bug [01:47] i see bug 710762 touches on it [01:47] Launchpad bug 710762 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Middle mouse button no longer works" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/710762 [01:49] poolie, its not a bug its been moved [01:52] so should i wait for update manager or better yet will update manager fix this problem? [01:53] poolie you got same problem i got :) [01:55] all needs is to change the directories in the source should be [01:59] miki, alpha 3 came out Thursday if you have been updating you will already have it [01:59] ok then yes i have alpha 3 [02:03] it's a bit annoying getting these exit (1) status errors with the program successfully installed [02:04] but then again i downloaded alpha version lol [02:05] miki, I've not seen that at all [02:06] really wow i get it all the time? you on x86? [02:07] miki, yes on a laptop [02:08] maybe i need to re-install the alpha 3 iso and see what i get? [02:08] miki, perhaps you need a clean install [02:08] yeah im thinking same [02:09] well i tried so i go get the alpha 3 install [02:09] miki, I would use a daily build [02:13] miki, which bug? === KM0201_ is now known as KM0201 [05:02] Using GNOME 3 how am I supposed to reboot this computer? [05:03] sudo reboot ? [05:03] bullgard4_: click your name in top-right, then hold down alt key [05:03] Ah! Found it: Logout > Restart. [05:03] also, GNOME 3 is not GNOME Shell. [05:04] rww: Excuse me. I need to become acquanted with the term "GNOME Shell' yet. [05:05] +i [05:05] rww, and where is that option in unity? [05:09] poolie: no idea, I haven't used it much [06:14] It appears that the QApt worker has either crashed or disappeared. Please report a bug to the QApt maintainers :: will a restart set it back correctly im on Kubuntu 11.10 [06:15] can't download anything without that message showing [06:17] earlier was working fine i was downloading [06:24] lots of updates to apt in the past couple of days [06:25] does this mean I can use apt to get torrents of Ubuntu :-) [06:26] http://mvogt.wordpress.com/2011/08/08/new-apt-hits-oneiric/ [06:26] don't tell me I guessed right? [06:27] (and then some bugfixes to that) [06:29] I wasn't complaining. I love downloading hundreds of packages everyday, makes my ISP wish they never gave me unlimited bandwidth [07:22] rww: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Shell: "GNOME Shell is the core user interface of the GNOME desktop environment starting with version 3" -- What comprises the "core user interface" and what not? [08:52] hard relogin this morning it looks like gdm does not work well but lightdm let me log into session [09:00] hi, I was forced to install ubuntu 11.10 dev realease cause only this distro supports my sandy bridge pc. I don't want to camplain about bugs it has except one: Unity. Is it possible to turn it off or move from left side to bottom? [09:03] I hope this will be possible in fc, because probably the one from us that force using all people to use it, have in his mind that many users have 5:4 or 4:3 proportion displays. [09:05] One thing more: Calendar and time dissapeared from my task bar, how to turn it on in 11.10? [09:17] hellloooo [09:34] how to clean the applications dash please ? [09:46] zniavre: noone response here, probably they work hard to finish distro in the planned time. [10:03] farciarz84, my question was more for cleaning icons from removing apps than the 'code" itself ;ià [10:03] :o)* [10:04] how stable is ocelot xfce ? [10:17] [GNOME 3] How can I unmount a thumbdrive? (In GNOME 2 I used the Disk Mounter applet.) === sdx24 is now known as sdx23 [11:33] Hmmm... [11:54] where is gnome-preferred applications in unity2d? [12:30] jtaylor: system settings, I believe [12:30] my control panel isn't working now, so I can't check [12:31] or maybe system info [12:31] can't find a the preferred applications there :( [12:31] try system info [12:33] ah there it is [12:33] thanks [12:33] very hidden ... [12:33] yeah, doesn't make much sense [12:49] Calendar and time dissapeared from my task bar, how to turn it on in 11.10? [12:56] apt wants to upgrade some packages but is holding back apt and apt-utils (as well as a few other packages) should I run apt-get upgrade first and then run dist-upgrade or should I run dist-upgrade now. [12:58] upgrade first [12:58] IdleOne, do you know if the apt issues from two days ago have smoothed out? [12:59] escott: I know there have been many updates to apt in the past couple of days. I haven't had any issues [13:14] Does anyone know how stable the tomcat7 package is for oneiric? [13:15] cdeszaq, you may have to hang out here for a bit,, not sure about timezones and when some people log on [13:15] yeah, I figured. I'm in no real rush [13:16] cdeszaq, good :) generally it gets somewhat busy in here soon [13:18] yeah. I'm really just looking for an "easy" way to use Tomcat7 on a server since my app needs things that Tomcat6 doesn't have. I know I could do a manual install, but I'd rather use a package if possible and I can't find Tomcat7 anywhere other than in the onieric universe repo. [13:18] but, like I said, i'm in no rush, so I will ask again in here later, and work on installing it anyway into a VM to play with it [13:19] cdeszaq, understood :) I have not installed oneiric as of yet ,, there are a few issues I dont want to deal with at this point,, however, I am positive someone can answer this one [13:27] does anyone's lightdm.conf actually do anything [13:29] cant say that ive tried editing it.. :) [13:30] dr_willis, this is why i think lightdm is a stupid idea. now i have three bugs i get to report [13:30] never noticed any real issues with it.. [13:30] Hmm. it has some "seat" options.. that would be cool if it made Multi-seat support easier... [13:31] just disabled the guest account.. let me restart lightdm and see. [13:31] brb [13:31] dr_willis, i just want it to actually read its own config file thats all, and not show guest accounts that dont exist [13:32] guest config seems to have no effect. [13:36] dr_willis, where are you seeing a guest account specific option [13:37] /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [13:38] enabled=false <--------- I set [13:39] dr_willis, i dont even have that file. did you create it [13:39] Nope. [13:39] it was there by default [13:39] !find lightdm.conf [13:39] File lightdm.conf found in lightdm, mythbuntu-lightdm-theme, xubuntu-default-settings [13:39] dr_willis, I have a users.conf and a lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf but no lightdm.conf [13:39] willis@CowBuntu:/etc/lightdm$ ls [13:39] lightdm.conf lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf users.conf Xsession [13:40] ls /etc/lightdm/ [13:40] lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf users.conf users.conf~ [13:41] and what user exactly is this "guest" account supposed to be [13:42] I imagine its like the old guest account, where all changes to it were not kept. [13:42] i guess ill log out to see if i can determine what uid that will be [13:42] its been a hit and miss feature.. some people wanted it accessable via the GDM login.. others wanted the uswer to login, THEN hit some 'guest' button to go to it. so they chould then hand the pc to a friend/someone.. and not worry about private stuff. [13:50] guest account has been a hit and miss feature.. some people wanted it accessable via the GDM login.. others wanted the uswer to login, THEN hit some 'guest' button to go to it. so they chould then hand the pc to a friend/someone.. and not worry about private stuff. [13:50] FOr all we know that guest entry in lightdm is just a stub for a feature not yet implemented [13:57] wonder if this will get added to the actual live cd.. --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair [13:58] dr_willis, i just don't get the logic behind lightdm. gdm is too big, I think I can make it *that* much smaller... but right now we have a broken dm with features that aren't fully implemented. by the time they actually get everything everyone wants back into lightdm how big is it going to be? how long is that going to take? [14:00] dr_willis, I can respect an attitude that says "I want a dm that doesn't support accessibility, and doesn't support themes, and only allows the user to start a single session type, and doesn't support guest accounts and I can write that in 100 lines of code" but not an attitude of "i think I can write the same thing but smaller, but I don't really know because I haven't implemented half of it" [14:00] Its not worth worrying about at this time.. its a work in progress... [14:01] features are being added as this release progresses. I dont think the guest feature is more then a stubb in lightdm [14:01] I cant find mention of 'guest' anywhere in the /etc/ files, or any mention of multiseat support either. [14:02] Does anyone know how stable the tomcat7 package is for oneiric? [14:03] how would you even measure the stability of a single package on a unstable system? :) [14:04] package maybe very stable.. just the sytem fails to boot after some updates due to a kernel bug....... [14:04] cdeszaq, yeah that's kinda true,,, oneiric is not near stable at this point..however,,once released it most likely would work just fine [14:04] ok, perhaps let me ask it a different way... [14:05] does anyone know if the Tomcat7 package successfully installs? (meaning, does Tomcat run after installing it) [14:05] I dont even know enought about tomcat as to how to run it. :) [14:05] all I really want to do is use Tomcat 7 dor development testing w/o having to manually install it [14:05] lol [14:05] cdeszaq, ah mm,, I have not tried it yet,, but if it is in the repository.. the application itself should be stable within a stable environment [14:06] tomcat7 installing.... [14:06] How can I get, from the cli, what version of Ubuntu I'm running? [14:07] lsb_release -a [14:07] i think [14:07] !version [14:07] To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [14:07] lol, thx :) [14:07] i normally know what version im using. :) [14:07] tomcat7 installed.. no idea how to use it. ;) [14:08] :( damn...I seem to have downgraded my self to Maveric instead of upgrading to onieric when I ran << sudo do-release-upgrade -d >> [14:08] Im not sure thats even possible.... [14:10] heh, well, << lsb_release -a >> indicates I'm running 10.10, and I know I started with 11.04 [14:10] the ability to 'downgrade' is not even in the tools i belive... [14:10] so.. i think you may be confused. :) [14:10] !downgrade [14:10] Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system. [14:10] lol [14:11] Unless you some how accidently changed all your sources.list lines and entries... and some how accidently ........ get the idea. :) [14:11] well, then I must have been confused somewhere along the line...now to figure out where I went wrong! [14:11] you are not on some ssh to another machine? :) [14:12] nope...only on SSH into the machine I'm messing with [14:13] het folks [14:13] err hey [14:13] bbl - off to the Dr. === wolf is now known as Guest87915 [14:24] I put oneiric on the other linux machine , had to nomodeset without quiet spalsh in order to boot [15:02] I'm on Kubuntu 11.10 i had the downloads working but i tried to download a game called Ardentryst from package manager and i get a message QApt has crashed or disappeared what's up with this? [15:04] malicious code? [15:06] well now i can't download [15:07] i always get that message report a bug to QApt maintainers [15:08] Guest87915: known issue [15:11] i try back later i have to go now [16:11] Anyone know why I can't seem to connect to the onieric package repos? When I try to apt-get update, it just sits at "0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]" [16:13] cdeszaq, check your sources , repositories [16:15] BluesKaj, It seems to all be in order: http://pastebin.com/dr60KS8V [16:16] BluesKaj, However, I don't seem to be able to ping security.ubuntu.com ... odd [16:20] I can't seem to ping anything [16:24] cdeszaq: well, you're connected to the internet.. what are you trying to ping? [16:24] and what are you typing in the terminal, in your ping attempts? [16:25] KM0201, I'm on IRC on a different comp. My server is running in a VM, and I just updated from 11.04 to 11.11 (I'm looking to test out Tomcat7). [16:25] hmm [16:25] i dunno [16:25] But, when I tried to install tomcat7, I can't reach the repos [16:25] and any ping attempts (to google for example) fail [16:25] and it's ina vm? [16:26] yes, its in a VM, but it worked just fine prior to upgrading [16:26] Virtualbox? or Vmware? [16:26] VMware [16:27] Not used vmware in years. but i guess a start would be to double check the vm settings to be sure a network card is enabled. . check output of ifconfig, and so forth [16:28] I just restarted the network interfaces and that seemed to fix the problem (why I didn't try that first, I don't know) [16:37] cdeszaq, heh , yesterday we had a guy who does the interfaces restart every logon for security reasons , but i fail to see how that protects him :) [16:37] power cycle the whole building....... [16:37] :) [16:43] weii , I was able to install oneiric on my old den desktop with nvidia 7600gt graphics , but had to do nomodeset without quiet splash in order to boot into the OS [17:40] i am getting BADSIG errors while updating...how to solve this [17:41] first ive heard of the issue saamm [17:41] W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com oneiric-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key [17:42] i am getting this error. I requested and added new keys also still i get this error [17:42] checking here. [17:42] ok [17:43] saamm, a new key won't fix a bad signature [17:43] oh [17:43] i am on main server [17:44] updated, dist-upgradeing now... [17:48] i seem to be having no issues here. [17:49] hmm can you please run update once more after dist-upgrade [17:51] no issuess. [17:51] updated, dist-upgraded, updated again. no error [17:51] oh seems like something is wrong in my system [17:51] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric-updates/ [17:51] is what i am using [17:52] can you please test it on main server, may be it is temporary sever issue??? [17:53] not sure how to even switch to 'main' - i never changed it to anything since i installed.. [17:53] go to update manager, then settings, then go to Ubuntu Software tab and select main server from drop down menu [17:55] updateing from main..... [17:56] no issues [17:56] oh [17:57] Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com oneiric-updates/multiverse i386 Packages [17:57] btw i am getting three errors: oneiric-updates Release, oneiric-updates backports and oneiric-updates security [17:57] Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com oneiric-updates/main i386 Packages [17:58] I am on 32bit also.. [17:58] seems like i wiil have to download a new daily build and reinstall [18:07] I downloaded the gnome-applets package. Where can I find them in GNOME 3? [18:08] bullgard4_: in the Gnome Classic session (gnome-session-fallback package) you can add them to the gnome-panel by alt+right clicking [18:08] bullgard4, how did you get gnome3 runing if you don't mind the question? [18:12] how do I restart X? [18:13] haled: sudo service lightdm restart [18:14] trism: Thank you very much for explaining. [18:14] damn [18:14] if it works I will quit now :) [18:17] of course it will. [18:20] urlin2u, installed gnome shell, selected gnome at the login screen here was all i did. [18:21] dr_willis, cool I hadn't messed around with it, 11.10 is a bit buggy on my aceraspire. [18:21] exspected though. [18:22] only had a few issues here. and there.. nothing like the last alpha i tested :) [18:29] urlin2u: dr_willis +1 [18:31] How am I supposed to unmount a thumb drive in GNOME 3? [18:33] dr_willis, its not real bad just the control with the mouse freeze up at times for a minute or so, with no indication of why, the cpu is normal and the ram. This is on my computer though so I just reboot to another setup if I get tired of it. [18:55] ho wow the nex lightdm theme big Bravo to dev !!! [18:55] new* [18:57] zniavre: when did that drop? [18:57] few minutes ago [18:58] oh look [18:58] * h00k upgrades [18:58] did they finally change the wallpaper? :) [18:59] must see by yourself my english is too poor to tell what happen really but it's wnderfull [19:00] (im not a big fan of new things but this one is a killer) [19:00] not a fan of new things.. go back to dos? :) [19:01] brb. time to reboots i think [19:25] zniavre: also, do you notice the 1-px or so outline on the top unity bar? [19:26] no [19:26] for some reason, it just 'feels' more solid [19:27] my Unity bar is autohiding, I don't remember if I set that or not [19:27] aand unity crashes ^.^ [19:28] is it always autohiding now? [19:30] zniavre: this http://i.imgur.com/km62d.png [19:31] zniavre: check up by my clock, it's really visible there [19:32] i can't see that pixel my panel in transparent with no shadow (and no clock too) [19:32] in/is* [19:35] http://i.imgur.com/hlAu9.png [19:40] zniavre: ah, you're not so default of a setup :p [19:41] not really :o) [19:55] Hmm.. [19:55] sorry new lightdm theme.. just dosent really impress me. :) [19:57] I find it purdy, for now. It's different, needs refining [19:57] :o) [19:57] hey h00k [19:57] i see it too now [19:57] Ian_Corne: which which? [19:57] it's all around i think [19:57] the 1 px line [19:58] weird! [19:58] ah, okay [19:58] Yeah, I see it on top and bottom [19:58] they really shouldent make it where you have to look for the session setting/menu it needs to be Obvious its there.. and a menu.. :) [19:58] I'm going to assume it's used by debugging something, positioning, etc, etc. [20:00] testing out lightdm --test-mode to get a better look... [20:00] It seems to have a player for banshee in the top panel... [20:02] dr_willis, what is xephir package please [20:02] Building dependency tree [20:02] Reading state information... Done [20:02] E: Unable to locate package xephyr [20:02] grr wrong paste... [20:03] willis@CowBuntu:~$ Xephyr [20:03] The program 'Xephyr' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: [20:03] sudo apt-get install xserver-xephyr [20:03] how nice way to get package name [20:03] yep [20:03] thank you [20:03] not really noticed that feature in any non-ubuntu disrtros [20:03] I cannot login with the new lightdm :p [20:04] ah a restart fixed it [20:04] ok [20:05] trying anything it the panel piece in the right top breaks it [20:05] but it looks nice [20:06] ha !! [20:06] :o) [20:07] grrrrr gtk-3.x still make rounded tooltip but menu still not rounded i can't understand why [20:45] evening friends of the Dark [21:00] Hello mister insect squasher [21:00] it's not dark here yet, silly. [21:00] I'm stresstesting thunderbird, downloading all of my gmail [21:00] it's pretty dark where I live h00k :p [21:01] Ian_Corne: want an extra 200GBs of mail? [21:01] its all tar'ed away in maildir format :) [21:01] noty [21:01] I'm at 19% of gmail now [21:01] don't know how many mails [21:05] * BUGabundo starts dding urand | mutt -s boo -- Ian.Corne@gmail.com [21:05] yeah, wrong :p [21:05] I lost Ian.Corne [21:06] OL [21:06] you fial [21:06] and google doesn't respond to my retrieval requests :p [21:06] ahaah [21:06] want ian@BUGaubndo.net ? :P [21:06] noty :D [21:06] #dislexia [21:40] hi all, is it possible to configure vino from command line? [22:00] hey guys [22:21] for those that use this kind of thing http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer11.html [22:23] Google chrome is already on 11 :) [22:23] but good to see 64 bit for linux again [22:24] I don't use chrome on linux [22:24] I kinda miss the PDF player :( [22:32] eek, just decided to update to 11.10 and its messy on my vaio z series! [22:35] well yes, it's an alpha [22:37] hi [22:38] hey [22:38] i was surprised that 3d worked on my 11.04 install and not on this though. :/ [22:39] feature freeze today - so if packages.ubuntu-com says X intel-video v2.15.901 that's carved in stone? [22:48] flash working for everyone else? [22:48] well working as well as it ever has [22:50] DexterF: Nothing is ever carved in stone [22:50] but it's pre-chisseled [22:50] :p [22:50] Ian_Corne: well, 2.16 is just out and has the same prerequisites. well, I guess that made it a lot easier to compile manually perhaps [23:04] you can ask in the mailing list if they're willing to update :) [23:05] thunderbird uses chrome to render the emails? [23:07] o.O [23:07] used to be genko [23:08] gecko [23:08] micahg: ^^^^^^^^ [23:08] well, i was working in it, and it just warned me a script on the page: "chrome://somethign" was running [23:08] Ian_Corne: highly unlikely [23:08] for a long time [23:09] Ian_Corne: http://www-archive.mozilla.org/xpfe/ConfigChromeSpec.html [23:09] no, it's not chrome as in google chrome [23:09] ah :) [23:09] Ian_Corne: "Chrome is the user interface parts of the application window that are outside of a window's content area. Toolbars, menu bars, progress bars, and window title bars are all examples of elements that are typically part of the chrome." [23:09] ok, my bad [23:09] was confused, when I saw chrome :D [23:12] an update for less.. [23:14] Revert to gzip compression for the package's data tarball. Packages in [23:14] the base system may not use bzip2. [23:14] was wondering already, what could have been changed to less :D [23:51] nity nite