=== Guest95641 is now known as Adri2000 === zyga is now known as zyga-afk === zyga-afk is now known as zyga === vibhav_ is now known as vibhav [15:43] I have an interesting situation with sudo happening on a 2-day old fresh install of xubuntu 12.04 [15:43] is this the right channel to ask about such things? [15:50] lukstr, it's fine to ask here [15:50] Ah thanks brendand. My account password (the one passwd accepts, for example) differs from my sudo password [15:51] but they're the same password, and sudo seems to be presenting a case sensitivity issue [16:12] lukstr: not sure I understand, byt default sudo will require your account's passwor [16:12] d [16:24] hggdh: it does, but in this case it seems to accept my account password with anything for the first character (the rest is correct) except for what the first character should be [16:25] I'm also using kerberos w/pam: I ran sudo auth-client-config -a -p kerberos_example [16:25] on my 11.04 box this worked fine as expected, I'm suspecting something weird is going on [16:25] if I change my password to something other than my kerberos password it seems to work correctly... [16:25] I can paste my pam profile if it helps [16:43] ah I figured it out [16:43] This bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/auth-client-config/+bug/526999 [16:43] Launchpad bug 526999 in auth-client-config "Password is ignored on local login, even for root" [Low,New] [16:43] in combination with this terrible guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/kerberos.html#kerberos-linux-client [16:43] at the bottom it recommends to use the kerberos_example [16:43] which essentially turns off [16:44] root password authentication [16:44] * LordOfTime glances in [16:45] I guess I will file a doc bug? [16:45] * LordOfTime walks out since the bug doesn't need his attention [16:45] nope, i'd leave it as is [16:45] for now [16:45] :'( [16:45] wait for jdstrand to verify the example, if he can't then its a bug [16:45] i mean, you *can* file the bug [16:45] but... [16:46] to be honest, the config file example ***DOES*** say its only an example. [16:46] and by default examples should not be used in production (normally) [16:46] well I mean, the example Neal posted in the bug thread works for me, but the issue is that the example is not for production use (as he states) but the docs on that page say to use it :P [16:47] so my issue is with the documentation suggesting it is an important step [16:47] that's how I ended up in this mess after all [16:48] feel free to file the doc bug [16:48] i'm not saying you shouldnt [16:48] i'm just saying dont expect an immediate resolution of that bug ;) [16:48] ah that's fine [16:48] :P [16:49] it would be pretty slick if the aforementioned fix made it into a future release, setting up krb is a breeze === zyga is now known as zyga-afk [17:07] any karma bot in here? [17:07] karma LordOfTime [17:07] oh well [17:08] hm? [17:08] oh [17:08] yeah, there's no karma bots [17:08] LordOfTime, hggdh, brendand: thanks, keep up the good work :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel