=== badfox is now known as s-box === s-box is now known as raju === jalcine is now known as Jacky [06:13] ubuntu s usb creator fixed my problem (could not make quantal flashdrive with unetboootin ) === LjL^ is now known as LjL [07:37] liveusb worked, in eeepc, correct display size, wifi works. but installed system shows black screen [08:08] liveusb worked, in eeepc, correct display size, wifi works. but installed system shows black screen [08:16] liveusb worked, in eeepc, correct display size, wifi works. but installed system shows black screen. what can i do? i know i can enter recovery mode [08:17] qdb: You can look into the relevant logs; dmesg, syslog and Xorg.0.log. [08:17] ok thank you [08:27] i will look at them later === ninjak_ is now known as ninjak === Jikan is now known as Jikai [12:58] hi all === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:40] Why does "Software Updater" need my password just to "check" for updates? [13:41] Btw, good afternoon from Holland [13:42] It requires your password just to check for updates the same way apt-get does. === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson [13:42] MrChrisDruif: It doesn't here. It only needs password now if new packages are being installed [13:43] MrChrisDruif, apt-get and the software updater all use the dpkg system to updsate/upgrade and it requires user permission [13:43] BluesKaj: not now since 11.04 I think [13:44] Updater only requests password for new packages [13:44] Please bare with me, need to wait for said program to finish before I can check stuff [13:45] MrChrisDruif: you've not changed any default settings have you [13:45] philinux, I've never noticed any permission differences with apt-get in many yrs [13:45] I might, but afaik not those for checking for updates [13:46] BluesKaj: not apt-get in terminal update manager which is now software updater [13:46] I does check automatically, but I just clicked "Check" and it requested my password [13:46] MrChrisDruif: not here and this is a clean alpha install [13:46] philinux, i don't use update managers ..apt-get is sufficient [13:46] MrChrisDruif: it works here without a a password, are you UID 1000? [13:47] BluesKaj: then how do you know how it behaves now [13:47] BluesKaj; I agree, but it runs automatically, so I don't have to check manually every day [13:47] (Or set a cron job) [13:47] BluesKaj: we are supposed to test guis too [13:47] I assume since dpkg needs permissions , the so do update managers [13:48] yeah i use muon once in a while , but I have it aliased and pwless with sudoer [13:49] (It's only going as fast as it can...still waiting for it to finish) [13:49] BluesKaj: From the security team https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Update_Manager_doesn.27t_prompt_for_security_updates [13:49] BluesKaj: no, policykit can allow for admin users to do stuff without being root and without needing to enter their password [13:49] BluesKaj: much better for user imo [13:50] apt-get update requires sudo and therefor password indeed [13:51] jbicha: any idea why cracklib-runtime and libcrack2 got installed [13:51] ok , I didn't see that ... I satnd corrected , but if they want security seems like an odd thing to pass by [13:51] But I kind of remember "SU" not needing a password just to "Check"/update the repos [13:51] BluesKaj: not for an admin user updating already installed software [13:52] new policy less intrusive [13:52] philinux: I think those are dependencies of libpwquality, which was pulled in by the latest gnome-disk-utility [13:53] jbicha: what do they do? [13:53] check for weak passwords I guess but why depend on disks [13:53] I don't know, checks if your password is secure enough? [13:54] libpwquality also will be required by gnome-control-center for the User Password panel [13:54] jbicha: Ah ok. That must come into play when setting up new users [13:55] not all users are admins ..in my case I am but , it doesn't matter much much [13:55] much ;) [13:55] BluesKaj: Exactly so a non admin user would always get asked for paasword to update [13:56] Not much more ;-) [13:56] hm now i have turned it on, i have forgotten that i should go to recovery mode, and it just started to work [13:57] qdb: why recovery [13:59] philinux, quantal showed only black screen. i wanted to look logs in recovery mode [14:00] qdb: ah so it now works ok? [14:00] yes [14:00] qdb: the joys of testing, marvellous [14:01] qdb: what graphics card are you running [14:01] thank you ) it is not mine. owner wanted correct screen resolution, +wifi. and also it wants gnome 2 and he is going to do that himself .. [14:01] gma 3600 [14:03] you won't be able to use gnome 2 with 12.10 [14:03] if you are suggesting he will - you need to advise him, he won't [14:04] Indeed [14:04] i said to him... but i and he were not sure that it is impossible [14:05] qdb: you would need to install gnome-panel and then select the correct session at login [14:05] gnome panel it sounds good ) [14:06] qdb I've not tried it here as I'm happy with unity. I think adding to panel needs a key combo not just right click [14:07] qdb: try it [14:32] i have updated, restarted, and again black screen [14:32] then recocvery - resume norm boo - ok [14:34] qdb: did you try gnome-panel [14:35] qdb, try the recovery mode , but choose the repair dialog then you'll probly see a partial install wasn't finished updae /upgrade and reboot [14:35] not yet , am installing [14:35] ok [14:36] qdb: post back how it went [14:36] what if just update /upgrade now, not from recovery [14:37] qdb, it has to do with graphics drivers and X , i've seen it aon several pcs now , X/gdm/kdm cannot be running for the install to finish [14:38] i do not see selection of gnome in login [14:38] or light-dm [14:39] qdb: I quess you already seen this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1953734&highlight=intel+gma [14:39] update - command is not found [14:39] this is just in terminal [14:40] qdb: i'm installing it here to test [14:41] qdb: brb [14:41] yes i have seen that.. but do not rememeber ) ... [14:42] i have made update dist upgrade [14:42] i ll try just rebooting [14:42] qdb, when I say update/upgrade , I mean sudo apt-get update, then , sudo apt-get upgrade ..since you're testing an alpha OS I assume you know what "update" and "upgrade" mean in the terminal. [14:43] yes i have understood [14:43] blank screen [14:43] qdb: from login screen two options show up Gnome classic and same but no effects [14:44] i do not see that options. where they are [14:48] qdb: on the login screen the little gear top right of password box [15:39] philinux, yes it works ! what key combo to add applets? [15:39] qdb: I think it's alt right click [15:42] qdb: does that do it [15:42] works [15:47] qdb: marvellous === Jikai is now known as Jikan [16:30] i had seen first and last pages of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1953734&highlight=intel+gma&page=7 . now i look it whole. seems there is no solution for black screen problem === badfox is now known as raju === oCean_ is now known as oCean [16:36] Heh, from -kernel: hello, did someone here by mistake uploaded "linux-lts-quantal - 3.5.0-2.2~precise1" to ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa? [16:36] desktop is shown only if go to recovery and resume normal boot. also seems after recovery - console - shutdown -r now, i ll test it ... why ? recovery makes something good, then desktop makes something bad, in eeepc, gma3600 videocard [16:50] "going to recovery mode, then root console, then "shutdown -r now" makes it restart and grub boot menu appears, without timer. press enter and it also loads normally." [17:00] qdb: why are you using a development version of ubuntu that is very unstable if you don't really know what you are doing in terms of how to manage and fault find ? [17:00] qdb: if you are not confident with fixing issues or debugging them, I'd suggest using the stable 12.04 release [17:01] ikonia, this should be reported as bug? [17:01] qdb: that's not what I said [17:01] ikonia, this is not for me, this netbook [17:01] again, that is nothing to do with what I said [17:02] i think he will live with that bug [17:03] he managed to get correct resolution, but wifi did not work. i tried to compile a kernel, but video driver has not worked and internet disappeared. other option is to try debian and compile kernel [17:03] qdb: if you are not confident resolving issues I suggest you use 12.04 [17:04] * genii-around makes more coffee [17:06] ikonia, i have read kernel compiling manual in ubuntu site, it was not very well... i compiled quantal kernel from git for 10.10 [17:06] that has nothing to do with what I said [17:07] ok but owner wants video driver, wifi, gnome 2. and he partially made it. i think if he wants that so much, he will use quantal [17:07] sorry but that sounds like one of the most pointless and silly things to do [17:07] please don't ask for support with that in here [17:07] gnome 2 is dead and not available [17:07] but he is not used to use english sites [17:07] quantal is unstable and in heavy development [17:08] gnome-panel looks quite like gnome 2 for me ) [17:12] that person already used alpha releases === Cees_ is now known as Cees [20:19] has anyone got a clue why there are the linux headers and image file in the repos but no kernel? [20:20] blackout: looks like it was dropped into proposed for some reason. [20:26] I have to thank all ubuntu contributors, quantal is really fixed fast and is now really worth to be used @ the moment [20:45] I guess "extra panes" is what is used for split-pane view in nautilus? [21:11] Does anyone know if split-pane view is removed only in Ubuntu or in all of GNOME? [21:14] MrChrisDruif: It's a GNOME change if you refer to it being delegated to the temporary extra pane toggle. [21:15] The F3 which duplicated the current directory and made it (for me) easier to manage my files [21:15] F3 option* [21:15] It was called Split-pane view because that was what it did ^_^ [21:17] A small vid of it in action (not screencaptured by me): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx0DrLAWRTQ [21:18] Hmm, does F3 not work at all in quantal? [21:19] Not anymore with the recent update [21:19] (It was also in the "View" dropdown menu [21:23] Ah, it's intentional, upstream https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=676858 [21:23] Gnome bug 676858 in general "Remove extra panes" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [21:24] "Use side-by-side view in gnome-shell instead" "more discoverable and common in all pllications" [21:25] Seems to be the argument, which is fair enough I guess, does Unity have similar side-split-snapping though? [21:27] arand; yup, afaik. But I only use gnome-shell [21:31] arand; if you are on quantal in unity, you could try [Super]+[arrow right] or left [21:32] It should "toss" the current window to the selected side [21:32] Ah no, I'm on Debian, on gnome-shell :) [21:33] Ghehe ^_^ [21:33] Sid? [21:36] Well, then Super+arrow should work for you as well ;-) [21:36] (Arrow up for maximising) [21:39] Yeah (need to start using those more). [21:40] Ghehe, yeah stop using Alt+F10 ;-) [21:40] Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down for switching workspaces === bjsnider_ is now known as bjsnider