=== taoseeker is now known as silverarrow [01:05] hi [01:05] 420? === taoseeker is now known as silverarrow === chalced is now known as chalcedony [07:32] I'm trying to use console based mp3 player moc over ssh and it's working well [07:32] but if I boot up and wont login, I can't use it [07:33] gives some alsa errors [07:33] so how can I initialize alsa from command line? [07:33] Here's a screenshot [07:33] https://dl.dropbox.com/u/71236259/2012-09-13-103331_953x421_scrot.png [08:22] akls, does it seem to depend on the user that is logged in? [08:23] also try aplay -l === Pici` is now known as Pici === Gorgothzilla is now known as Vinylourson === micahg_ is now known as micahg === Sentynel_ is now known as Sentynel === ikonia_ is now known as ikonia === wizonesolutions_ is now known as wizonesolutions [16:12] hey whats good peeps [16:12] quick questoin.... what did i do wrong.. i made a lubuntu usb... and had it make a persistence file.... yet its not very persistent.. it forgets everything everytime i boot.... [16:13] l057c0d3r: i just install to the USB [16:13] was told that kills the usb... [16:14] in what way? swap? just dont install swap [16:15] true.... so it would use ram for tmpf [16:15] you could set it to [16:15] thats waht i do when i want "persistence".. but im not worried about "killing" usb sticks either.. i just want a normal install [16:15] k.. i was just under the impression that the persistence file would save files and installed apps ext...... [16:16] l057c0d3r: depends on how you set up the persistence... i used to try, and did actually get a few working, but i decided it was easier, and more like what i wanted in the end to just do a normal install [16:17] if i wanted persistence like that, i might use something like pupply linux and just save the config back to the USB each time [16:17] only reason i really didnt want to install to the usb but use a live cd boot was because i was going to use it on more then one computer... some being a lot older then my new pc [16:18] that way it would detect hardware on boot..... but oh well.. third try.. and persistence seems useless at this point :-p [16:18] i do thank you for the advice..... [16:19] i just used a pendrive linux link [16:20] tried that.... got a exe from ubuntu forums that made my third one for me.... and it still didnt work [16:20] what are the errors? [16:20] no errors [16:20] just no persistence..\ [16:20] said everything was created successfully.... just no persistence [16:21] in booted into the usb atm..... [16:21] i wouldnt imagine being able to "fix" anything from in there [16:21] i know [16:22] so much for third times the charm :-p [16:23] what are you using to create the USB? [16:23] l057c0d3r: i tried probably 20+ times and finally learned how to get a few working [16:23] any tips you could pass along [16:24] l057c0d3r: what are you using to create the USB? [16:24] got a lubuntu.12.4 desktop iso and universal-usb-installer [16:25] l057c0d3r: i did not use that tool [16:26] mind if i ask what tool you would recommend [16:26] im looking for a good guide [16:26] when i did it it was pre-ubuntu10.04 [16:27] might have been this tool from in windows for all i remember http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ [16:27] much thanked.. looked at a lot of guides.. most told me to do it from inside the live cd.. and select the create usb disc... however lubuntu is missing that option [16:28] l057c0d3r: i would try with the main distro [16:28] main ubuntu... you can add LXDE there, or maybe just learn how to do it [16:28] heh thats the app i used [16:29] l057c0d3r: i might have used it in windows, and with a different iso.. and several version ago [16:29] l057c0d3r: if it is not compaitible with the currect ubuntu isos, it wont work [16:30] i remember using some GUI, and then doing it "the hard way" [16:31] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/diskimg/readme.txt [16:33] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence actually looks familiar as well [16:34] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent looks handy [16:34] yeah lubuntu12.4 was in the list...... but maybe its because of 64 rather then 32 iso... [16:35] thanks again... off to reading some more [16:36] l057c0d3r: i would do 32 [16:36] l057c0d3r: enjoy! === wxl_ is now known as wxl [17:05] hi, are the lubuntu (12.04) default kb shortcuts documented somewhere? [17:06] In ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml [17:12] that's the settings file, yes [17:12] i was kinda after proper documentation [17:12] thanks anyway [17:13] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Keyboard may not be up to date though, I don't know. [18:27] I have matlab connected to my netbook via an external dvd drive. I'm not sure how to install it using linux. Please advise. [18:29] battlehands: basically you need to play with your bios/bootup to get it to boot to that drive once you have an install disc in it. as far as the bios is concerned, each manufacturer and each computer is often different, so you'll need to either be more specific or google it yourself with more specific information. [18:29] battlehands: as far as the disc is concerned, you need to download the iso and burn it to a disc. that's pretty easy. [18:30] wxl, the dvd is being read, and the following items are within the mathworks dvd: installformacosx.app, unix, win32, autorun.inf, install_unix.sh, setup.exw [18:30] setup.exe* [18:31] oh [18:31] hah [18:31] i misunderstood [18:31] okokko [18:31] SORRY :) [18:31] I probably wasnt too clear [18:31] assumedly you have lubuntu and that's why you're here [18:31] ^ [18:31] that being said you likely just need to run that install_unix.sh script [18:31] probably best to do in terminal [18:31] in case it's interactive [18:31] lubuntu was recommended to me because it is a "light" os and my netbook is not very powerful [18:32] so do I open terminal and "run install_unix.sh"? [18:32] all the other files are not relevant though unix must be a directory that the install_unix.sh script uses [18:32] click menu → accessories → lxterminal [18:32] then you need to cd to the correct directory [18:32] i'm PRETTY sure it will mount to /media [18:33] so type "cd /media" and hit enter [18:33] then type "ls" and hit enter [18:33] (don't type the quotes btw) [18:33] yeah [18:33] if something shows up there that looks like it refers to the dvd, then cd to that [18:33] I'm familiar with basic cd commands [18:33] ok wasn't sure [18:33] the cd shows up under the media list [18:33] so do get to wherever you need to be where the script is [18:33] also, I didn't know about /media :) [18:33] once you're there it's as simple as "./install_unix.sh" [18:34] if it gives you an error because of permissions or something (it is doing an install) you may need to add sudo to the beginning [18:34] hmm [18:34] which will as you for your password [18:34] when I do cd /media, the cd shows up, but I cannot "cd" to it [18:35] ok if you've alread "cd /media" can you paste the result of "ls" ? [18:35] MATHWORKS_R2010A [18:35] ok [18:35] now do "cd MATHWORKS_R2010A" [18:36] no such file or directory [18:36] strange [18:36] also, is lubuntu a linux kernal 2.6 or higher? [18:37] well depends on what version of lubuntu [18:37] 12.4 [18:37] wxl, pastebin the output of ls -l [18:37] desktop [18:37] i've seen these "no such file or directory" errors pop up if a folder is nonreadable [18:37] MATHWORKS_R2010A ' [18:37] go back to pcmanfm (file manager) and open the dvd — where you saw the file listing [18:37] err [18:37] MATHWORKS_R2010A [18:37] TheLordOfTime: wrong one [18:37] wxl, yeah, just remembered [18:37] wxl, should be -al iirc [18:38] * TheLordOfTime yawns as he wakes up from the nap he was taking [18:38] TheLordOfTime: time for a nap? You of all people should understand times importance... [18:38] battlehands: you can do uname -a to be sure but you should have [18:38] battlehands, i havent had sleep in 3 days. i was entitled for a nap. [18:39] wxl: perfect [18:39] TheLordOfTime: indeed you were [18:39] anyways battlehands once looking at the directory in pcmanfm, hit f4 and that should open it up in terminal [18:39] wxl: pcmanfm? [18:39] * wxl realizes, now looking at pcmanfm in quantal for the first time, it's looking gorgeous [18:40] battlehands: file manager [18:40] you are correct [18:40] it opened the dvd up in terminal [18:40] I can see all of the files listed there [18:40] what does pwd give you? [18:40] pwd? [18:40] a terminal command [18:40] type pwd and hit enter [18:40] 'print working directory' [18:40] standards for present working directory [18:40] whichever [18:41] present/print, what's the diff [18:41] :) [18:41] gmta [18:41] /media/MATHWORKS_R2010A [18:41] WEIRD [18:41] ok, whatever [18:41] now you can ./install_whatever.sh [18:41] /install_unix.sh ? [18:41] okay [18:41] yep [18:41] DON"T FORGET THE PERIOD [18:41] might need a chmod +x [18:41] ./install_whatever.sh [18:41] and keep the ./ [18:41] :P [18:42] okay [18:42] the dvd drive is chruning [18:42] churning* [18:42] yeah if it doesn't run for some non-permission reason, chmod +x install_unix.sh [18:42] that's what dvd drives do [18:42] even when reading a simple text file. i digress… [18:43] what should I put for matlab root folder? [18:43] it is currently the directory of the dvd, which is not writable [18:43] whatever you want [18:43] wxl, you mean whatever you want as long as its writable [18:43] if it were me i might do ~/bin [18:43] :P [18:43] just ~/bin ? [18:43] (and make sure ~/bin is in your $PATH) [18:44] well i dno't knwo if it wants a specific directory, but you could do ~/bin/matlab [18:44] of course if it's going to fill that with a matlab directory (don't nknow if it will) it would be lame to have ~/bin/matlab/matlab but whatever [18:46] folder "bin" is not writable [18:47] what about /home/battlehands [18:47] can I use that? [18:47] ~ = /home/battlehands [18:47] okay [18:47] it won't let me use ~ [18:47] some I'm going to try typing it out [18:47] maybe you need to make ~/bin [18:48] it is installing [18:55] this X11 library is not installed on this machine. MATLAB will not be able to run until the library is installed. [18:56] uh [18:57] it is either libXp.so or ibXp.so [18:57] I can't tell which one [18:57] how do you know those are them? [18:57] that's what the message says [18:58] apt-get install libxp6 libxp-dev [18:59] makes sense now [18:59] you should have libxp6 [19:00] but clearly the script is compiling the source in /unix so it needs the libraries [19:01] when you have a package, you don't have the libraries because the compilation is done ahead of download/install (apt-get install) [19:01] that's why even though you do have libxp6 you don't have libxp-dev :) [19:08] nothing happened [19:08] I think terminal is still stuck on trying to install matlab [19:08] oh [19:09] battlehands@battlebook:~$ apt-get install libxp6 libxp-dev E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? battlehands@battlebook:~$ [19:09] oh [19:09] hah [19:10] sorrry i copied and pasted that from the blog post without paying careful attention [19:10] sudo apt-get install [19:10] do this: [19:10] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ibxp-dev [19:10] Libxp-dev, sorry [19:10] (lowercase) [19:10] * wxl doesn't like this keyboard [19:12] packet worked [19:15] you mean the install worked? [19:15] i fail to grok the relevance of packet in the aforementioned context. maybe you mean package. [19:28] wxl: the library installed [19:28] thank you for all of your help [19:32] battlehands: np enjoy and let us know if you need further help, especially if it relates specifically to lubuntu XD [20:47] how do I run matlab from lubuntu? [20:49] sudo wget 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=matlab-r2011a.desktop' -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop [20:50] you may need to edit that file and make sure it points to the correct location [20:50] from what i see now default is /usr/local/MATLAB/R2011a for matlab root [20:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB [20:50] battlehands: ↑ [20:53] kk [20:53] ty [20:58] I think I should uninstall and reinstall after having seen that file [20:58] how do I uninstall? [21:09] how do I uninstall matlab [23:14] how do I uninstall a program? [23:18] you dismantle laptop, access harddriver and with microprecision pull out the packages [23:18] however, the common way is through package manager === chalced is now known as chalcedony