=== genii is now known as genii-core [12:50] Hi all [14:01] Kubuntu back on my primary laptop after a short excursion to Neon. Do I upgrade it to impish or use it as a tester for hirsute backports? hmmmm. decisions decisions...... [16:34] Multi-boot to enable both? [18:41] II seems stable to me. [23:02] @RikMills I have backports and so far all good (hirsute) [23:02] but then I've been funeralling all day so what do I know [23:03] :) [23:03] Yeah I could. 1TB SSD gives me a fair few options :D (re @RikMills: Kubuntu back on my primary laptop after a short excursion to Neon. Do I upgrade it to impish or use it as a tester for hirsute backports? hmmmm. decisions decisions......)