[00:00] Pirate_Hunter: if a new one hasnt been created you can delete the backup as its now redundant [00:00] thanks [00:00] np [00:00] ActionParsnip: ok === Noso is now known as Noso[Away] [00:01] Hi! I think i have a problem with high RAM usage by Xorg in 8.10. Can anyone help me to resolve this ? [00:01] kestutis, I would worry about running as root to get something to work in wine [00:01] how to work with wine as root? [00:01] !wine [00:01] WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help [00:01] kestutis, I would NOT advise it === Noso[Away] is now known as Noso [00:02] why not? [00:02] Slart: thought it was as messge said it was partioning. the choice are only the above I mentioned with the addition of (recovery mode) at the end of description they all say Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic one has (recovery mode) another has (on /dev/sda1) [00:02] Can someone help me get my ricoh mmc/sd card working in ubuntu hardy? [00:02] ActionParsnip: yeah non were created again so you were right it isnt needed [00:02] Slart: which should I choose? [00:02] kestutis, Security issues. WIne probably has Z mapped to / [00:02] ebaby: well.. go with the default on.. usually the one on the top [00:02] <__MAV1> Where can I get x11-inputproto v 1.4.4 (Currently Ubuntu has inputproto v 1.4.3) [00:02] hi, anyone know how I can install PCB? [00:03] I tried sudo apt-get install PCB [00:03] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [00:03] Slart: I assume the first - yes - thanx [00:03] the security is not imporant. I am home user and don't have any imporant data... [00:03] ActionParsnip: thank you for the help im going bed now, goign to continue setting this system tommorow or should i say later on in the morning or afternoon [00:03] kestutis, Ask in #winehq [00:03] pece out bro [00:05] i've already done it. === Mike_92 is now known as Mike0020 [00:06] Slart: orange bar is moving now - few seconds of darkness - 60% of screen has ubuntu brwn background above it is greyish garbled text - now dark - now the message box Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode [00:07] ebaby: ok... and it wants you to select some kind of driver, right? [00:08] ebaby: see if you can find a driver called VESA [00:08] Slart: it says "screen graphic card and input device setting could not be detected U will need to configure these yourself" [00:09] I want to install Skype on Intrepid, however the download page on skype.com only has the download for Ubuntu 7.04 - 8.04. I believe you can install Skype from Synaptic Package Manager, however I see four things related to Skype: skype, skype-common, skype-static, and skype-static-oss. Which do I install to get Skype to work properly? [00:09] !skype [00:09] To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto [00:10] Slart: if/when I click okay it pops up a box saying "what would u like to do 'run ubuntu in low-graphics mode' Reconfigure graphics' or troubleshoot the error - find vesa using this computer im typing on? [00:10] how do you get a ricoh mmc card on dell laptop going? [00:10] Any experiences or advice on the best Remote Desktop solution > Ubuntu Server / Windows Client [00:10] ebaby, what video card? [00:10] ebaby: ok... try the low graphics mode [00:10] I am having difficulty getting my microphone to work [00:12] blueacid are you there? [00:12] blueacid:? === |DarkSmoke| is now known as DS-BrB [00:12] <[TiZ]> While trying to install drivers for my brother's rtl8187-based netgear wg111v2, I've somehow managed to fubar ndiswrapper. It won't list drivers anymore, and ndisgtk just freezes. Can anyone help? [00:12] <__MAV1> found InputProto 1.4.4 here http://www.t2-project.org/packages/inputproto.html [00:12] when you edit ~/.cairo-dock/current_theme/cairo-dock.conf settings and restart the dock, shouldn't the changes apply to the current theme? [00:12] blueacid: are you there? [00:12] Jack_Sparrow: via chrome9 HC IGP [00:12] <__MAV1> I wonder how Ubuntu team managed to build Xserver with old Inputproto headers [00:12] YA [00:12] I know what you're thinking "ask in #cairo-dock" [00:12] ebaby, thanks, [00:12] hello all i have some huge problems at the moment with my work pc. I installed linux on a seperate hard drive next to a windows xp install. I also installed grub on it. (ubuntu installer did it). now grub guves error 17. Also when i try to boot the ubuntu disk it gives me grub working. xp is not bootable from it. sais something about unsupported format. Also when i boot ubuntu it just gives me black screen. i hear the sound of ubuntu gnome boot [00:12] ing but just have black screen. i have agp ati 3850. Anyone knows ANYTHING that can help me? [00:13] ebaby: that should put you at the normal desktop.. start a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome" [00:13] Memory usage increases by 120Mb after starting gdm (tried xdm too). Is it normal ? [00:13] Hello everybody [00:13] Alright, I've been trying to install quickcam drivers, and I've been able to download and extract the driver, but when I try to compile it I get an error. I have a pastebin link to the log. http://pastebin.com/d5eb1bb33 [00:13] <__MAV1> Building-building X server :) [00:13] Slart: message says stand by one minute while display restarts shall I hit okay or keep waiting [00:13] ebaby: nah. if there is an "okay" button try pressing it [00:14] I have a domain name I registered with zoneedit.com. Want to associate my machine with this domain (so I can use Apache to run www.mydomain.com). I have no idea how to do this... any help? [00:14] <[TiZ]> Can anyone help me un-fubar ndiswrapper? [00:14] I absolutly need your help ^^ I tried to install wifi on my eeepc later and it worked, but now (after restarting) I've an orange screen with a little gray square in left-up [00:14] I can't do anything [00:15] [TiZ], Explain what you did in detail to get the best help undoing it [00:15] Can you help me ? [00:15] Zombie_Gaz: this is something you'll have to ask the domain vendor about.. they probably have some documentation for it [00:15] hello all i have some huge problems at the moment with my work pc. I installed linux on a seperate hard drive next to a windows xp install. I also installed grub on it. (ubuntu installer did it). now grub guves error 17. Also when i try to boot the ubuntu disk it gives me grub working. xp is not bootable from it. sais something about unsupported format. Also when i boot ubuntu it just gives me black screen. i hear the sound of ubuntu gnome boot [00:15] ing but just have black screen. i have agp ati 3850. Anyone knows ANYTHING that can help me? [00:15] any virtualbox pros out there? mine is locking up when launching and taking over usbs from host. I out in all the manufacturer and component [00:15] araen: try ctrl+alt+backspace [00:15] Slart: you mean zoneedit, the ppl I registered this domain with? [00:15] Zombie_Gaz: yup === Noso is now known as Noso[Food] [00:16] <[TiZ]> Jack_Sparrow: Well, I tried to install a driver using ndisgtk. Ndisgtk then froze up. I force quitted it, and now both ndisgtk and ndiswrapper -l just freeze. [00:16] ActionParsnip: in fact, my computer is lit now, it's a gnome error [00:16] Slart: I don't think so. I already have them with my ip... i feel that I need to do something on my side. I'll try tho. [00:16] and it's "uglier" than later :/ [00:16] [TiZ], Please just ask in the channel and be patient.. [00:16] <[TiZ]> ... [00:17] Slart: more grey matter -then blank (dark) screen -then more grey appears to be trying something now back to original Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode. Next...? [00:17] Zombie_Gaz: you need to change the dns entry for your domain to point to your computer.. it's not something you can do on your side [00:17] <[TiZ]> Okay, channel. I tried to install a driver using ndisgtk. Ndisgtk then froze up. I force quitted it, and now both ndisgtk and ndiswrapper -l just freeze. === DS-BrB is now known as DarkSmoke [00:17] ebaby: ok, open a terminal [00:17] <[TiZ]> I can't sudo modprobe -r it anymore either. [00:17] ebaby: it's in the accessories menu [00:19] hello all i have some huge problems at the moment with my work pc. I installed linux on a seperate hard drive next to a windows xp install. I also installed grub on it. (ubuntu installer did it). now grub guves error 17. Also when i try to boot the ubuntu disk it gives me grub working. xp is not bootable from it. sais something about unsupported format. Also when i boot ubuntu it just gives me black screen. i hear the sound of ubuntu gnome boot [00:19] ing but just have black screen. i have agp ati 3850. Anyone knows ANYTHING that can help me? [00:19] Slart: I am in the dark screen (hole) of the post resart. there is nothing here but an occasional dialog box re: low-graphics mode which keeps repeating itself. Is there a command I should issue? [00:19] I just installed Skype, however when my friend tries to invite me to a conference call and I click to answer it, nothing happens. [00:19] I'm using Intrepid btw. [00:20] !grub | jarco [00:20] jarco: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [00:20] I've this (about, sorry I'm french and my english isn't fluent) http://rafb.net/p/cDTluT17.html [00:20] ebaby: hmm..try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1, see if you get a terminal [00:20] !skyp | Mike0020 [00:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about skyp [00:20] also, have a look online for the meanning of grub error 17, jarco [00:20] !skype | Mike0020 [00:20] Mike0020: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto [00:20] ok glymph [00:20] Hi guys - how can I suggest an idea for Ubuntu? I don't want to raise a bug - it's more of an idea... [00:21] computa_mike: I think there something.. brainstorm? [00:21] is there a tool to search for a word in many pdf files? [00:21] Slart: That produced like a snowstorm of grey matter nothing else - still snowing... [00:21] brainstorm? [00:21] computa_mike: same thing, you'll get contacted and they'll ask if its a desirable feature rather than a bug [00:21] ok [00:21] ActionParsnip: That's just for recording and installing, I've already installed it and I don't want to record anything. I just want to use it. [00:21] cool [00:21] i'll just raise it now... [00:21] cheers [00:21] ebaby: ok.. try pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 and see if you get the other screen back [00:21] good night for all [00:21] Nobody knows what I must do ? [00:21] Mike0020: you can use it to make sure you have installed it correctly [00:21] ebaby: or just Ctrl+F7 [00:22] kkkduifjalsdd: Applications > Accessories > Tracker search tool (if your tracker is on) [00:22] Hi, can anyone tell me what kind of RAM to buy if I want to upgrade my eeepc 1000? [00:22] mib_2dc6mp, offtopic, please google it [00:23] !ot | mib_8hqxqb [00:23] mib_8hqxqb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [00:23] sorry Jack_Sparrow [00:23] Slart: back to screen with low-graphics box - think I pushed a different key to do it though [00:23] np [00:23] Just asking again after a while, I've been trying to install quickcam drivers, and I've been able to download and extract the driver, but when I try to compile it I get an error. I have a pastebin link to the log. http://pastebin.com/d5eb1bb33 [00:24] hey, is there anyone who has got Sky player UK (through web browser) working in linux? it wants microsoft silverlight [00:24] TobiasGreenich: did you run ./configure first [00:24] Nope. I'm new at all this. [00:25] !compile | TobiasGreenich [00:25] TobiasGreenich: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [00:25] savvas: what do you mean by "if your tracker is on" [00:25] Slart: find using this computer correct? [00:25] ebaby: ok.. going with the "use low graphics mode" didn't work.. what else was there.. reconfigure settings? [00:25] TobiasGreenich: looks like you need kernel sources [00:25] ebaby: find? [00:25] TobiasGreenich, you are missing the headers. just as the error says.. === dani is now known as Guest17566 [00:26] TobiasGreenich: check whick kernrel version they support with that module. it looks like it doesn't work with the version you have installed [00:26] ebaby: oh.. you mean the vesa thing? nevermind that for.. we might get to it later [00:26] kkkduifjalsdd: System > Preferences > Search and indexing - tracker is a tool that indexes a lot of files on your system. It also looks into the files, whether they are documents or pdfs :) [00:26] <__MAV1> How do I terminate console apps correctly ? Is Ctrl+Z a correct termanation of console app? [00:27] __MAV1: ctrl+c is the common way [00:27] __MAV1: ctrl+c [00:27] Slart: choice of 'reconfigure graphics' or 'troubleshoot the error' if I remeber correctly one (or both) bring up the Gedit app [00:27] <__MAV1> thank you [00:27] __MAV1: I think ctrl+z is... eof or something [00:27] ctrl+z takes it to the background [00:27] ebaby: g with reconfigure graphics" [00:27] ebaby: *go [00:27] <__MAV1> how do I exit man program then ? Ctrl+C just beeps and does nothing [00:28] savvas: you mean stop the proces [00:28] __MAV1: q [00:28] <__MAV1> I mean man [00:28] savvas: thx [00:28] <__MAV1> cool, thank you [00:28] Slart: message box 'Stand by one minute while the display restarts...' [00:29] what I do not understand is do I have to go through terminal to get my soundcard working or can it be done some other way [00:29] I dont even know wher e to click to see if it is reognized in the first place [00:29] is it possible to create a windows install flash drive from within ubuntu? [00:29] <__MAV1> If ctlr+Z is bring to background ho can I swithc to that app then ? [00:29] I need some help compiling and loading a module from source and how to deal with conflicts can someone help? [00:29] hspaans: ctrl+z takes it to the background, it doesn't stop the process - in irssi at least :) [00:29] ebaby: hmm.. it's been a while since I did this but I think you're supposed to get a little window where you can select drivers and such.. I don't really understand why it wants to restart the display... hmm [00:29] <__MAV1> just wondering [00:29] __MAV1: type: fg [00:30] Slart: back to deep space 9 e.g. dark screen - a little grey matter here and there... I'll hit troubleshoot when the dialog box reappears ok [00:30] <__MAV1> cool, thank you [00:30] ebaby: do that [00:30] niceee [00:30] just got a wireless N usb adapter for $38.50 on ebay [00:30] its $79 in bestbuy [00:30] zsquareplusc: it says kernel 2.6.20 as the most recent one. Easycam won't install the drivers, it gives errors as well. [00:30] __MAV1: the job commands are listen in "man bash" if you want to read more.. now that you know how to get out of man ;) [00:31] savvas: with ctrl+z you generate a stop signal so little change of that [00:31] <__MAV1> Slart: thank you :) [00:31] Finaly [00:31] dangerisgo, ubuntu like any os can write the pieces required to make a bootable usb. But as far as specifics on how to do it.. would be offtopic [00:31] Slart: choices: Review the Xserver log file, Review the startup errors, edit configuration file, archive configuration files - which do u suggest [00:31] now it works:D [00:32] I keep getting this error in irssi when I try to connect to a server [00:32] mempho: was it bios related?? === Aryan is now known as Guest37027 [00:32] yes, and the hard drive === qb|away is now known as qbmaniac [00:32] now i installed it on a ekternal device [00:32] and it works [00:32] fine [00:32] ebaby: ah.. this must be something new.. "edit configuration file" [00:32] mempho: sweet well, as long as you got a goal, wtg :D [00:32] dangerisgo, at the point where you would ask what to put where to get a windows usb install [00:32] Unable to connect server chat.freenode.net port 8001 [Cannot [00:32] assign requested address:] [00:32] thanks :) [00:33] anyone have a clue? [00:33] what the heck [00:33] hspaans: oh, i see, thanks :) [00:33] eegore: irssi -n nick -c irc.greenode.net [00:33] eegore: irssi -n nick -c irc.freenode.net oops [00:33] eegore: try port 6667 [00:33] Slart: brings up Gedit app: xorg.conf [00:34] hey guys how do you open .7z in ubunu [00:34] ubuntu** [00:34] I've this mistake when I light my computer : http://rafb.net/p/A7OOhr43.html === dani is now known as Guest2438 [00:34] !zip [00:34] Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [00:34] w3rd_: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full [00:34] it's about gnome's daemons [00:34] what's the linux equivalent of pstools psmon? [00:34] ebaby: ok.. that's good.. see if you can find something called section "device" [00:34] w3rd_: 7z x file.7z [00:34] anyone an idea how to fully reinstall grub like when u unstall ubuntu? [00:35] ActionParsnip: i have done this how do i initiate [00:35] ahhh [00:35] let me try that [00:35] After upgrading to a larger monitor, my screen resolution is no longer auto detected... I am forced to manually set it bootup... any ideas? [00:35] each bootup [00:35] IrishDavid: actualy yes [00:35] ebaby: and in that part there should be a line starting with "driver ".. what does it say after driver [00:35] MHz128: what video card? [00:35] Slart: yes it says identifier "configured Video device" for Driver it says "vesa" [00:35] hey guys, im having trouble with the facebook chat plugin for pidgin. I have 2.5.3 installed in Home/dexi/ any help? [00:35] can someone help me figure out my sound card (whether it is working) is there a place to go to check? [00:35] ActionParsnip, nvidia 7300 le [00:35] IrishDavid: on intrepid atleast [00:35] MHz128: run: gksudo nvidia-settings [00:36] !info pidgin [00:36] pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB [00:36] ActionParsnip, ya, Ive done that... it says it saves to the config file....... but it doesn't work [00:36] ebaby: ok.. that should work.. but since it clearly doesnt we'll try "openchrome" instead [00:36] IrishDavid: grab the moonlight download from http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/ restart firefox and it works for me, the sky news video thing that is [00:36] how do you enable this : You will have to enable the component called 'universe [00:37] Slart: what commands shall I issue to accomplish this plz [00:37] i get that when i try and run 7z [00:37] is this a daemon?? [00:37] ebaby: just erase "vesa" and replace it with "openchrome" [00:37] ActionParsnip: why dosnt i have internet? didnt set up it in the instalation [00:37] anyone an idea how to fully reinstall grub like when u unstall ubuntu? [00:37] !grub | jarco [00:37] jarco: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [00:38] Slart: done. close file/app? [00:38] mempho: you need to configure it [00:38] no help [00:38] how ? :) [00:38] ebaby: save, then close and restart.. lets see what happens [00:38] is anyone familiar with the pulse audio device manager? [00:38] mempho: use your connection manager, look in settings manager [00:38] got ubuntu server edition [00:39] mempho: http://projects.gnome.org/gst/ [00:39] mempho: if you are in cli environment [00:39] mempho: you need to edit /etc/network/interfaces [00:39] Slart: restart command? or just push power button [00:40] ebaby: try the restart command [00:40] <__MAV1> How do I find all executable files in a directory recursevly ? [00:40] mempho: http://i1t1.com/?p=12 === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-BrB [00:40] thanks :) [00:41] Slart: sorry but I am Mr super Newb what is that command? [00:41] Repeating my question: Anyone know how to reduce X.org memory usage ? [00:41] i installed Adobe PS CS2. i open it with WINE. IT shows: "You are not allowed to continue because your account doesnt have the proper privileges. Please log in using an account with administrator privilegies and try again" [00:41] __MAV1: man find will tell you : find /usr -type f -executable [00:41] ebaby: oh.. sorry.. I thought you have some kind of restart button on the screen there.. but you can try pressing ctrl+alt+backspace.. that will restart X [00:42] does ubuntustudio come with alsa? [00:42] kestutis: try sudo === DS-BrB is now known as DarkSmoke [00:42] mib_2dc6mp: I think all ubuntu's come with alsa [00:42] Tony333: sure, use XFCE or Fluxbox :) [00:42] <__MAV1> hspaans: thank you! [00:42] mib_2dc6mp: it does but you need some special options compiling into it to make it work [00:42] Slart [00:42] um [00:42] Slart: wow got a flash of light almost ubuntu brown now a frozen beige screen - will issue restart commands now for the 1st time [00:42] can you help me with my audio card [00:43] ebaby: ok [00:43] I am going through this tutorial on getting my soundcard to work with ubuntu and it says I need to dl the alsa source, but wouldnt that come standard [00:44] it says: "The Installation You need the linux-headers package for your current kernel to compile the ALSA drivers If you don't know what your current kernel is type this in the terminal uname -r You also need to download the ALSA source files from alsa-project.org, I recommend alsa-libs, alsa-driver, alsa-firmware, and alsa-utils, versions 1.0.12rc1 or newer" === Guest47964 is now known as Danielbw_home [00:44] mib_2dc6mp: you can download it via apt-get or go to the alsa site and grab the latest there [00:44] Slart: screen is frozen nothing takes [00:44] ebaby: try the power button [00:44] mib_2dc6mp: you may find theres a link in the guide [00:45] Does anyhow know how to figure out symbol reference problems when compiling modules.... thanks (i will give more detail if anyone knows what im talking about, or a better place to ask?) [00:45] ok [00:45] savvas. well i tried following: 1. logout from x. 2. login into text console. 3. /etc/init.d/gdm stop (tried xdm too) 4. look on 'free -m'. 4. /etc/init.d/gdm start. 5. look on 'free -m'. 6. saw a 120 Mb difference. Thus, im not sure this is GNOME [00:45] i had problem with old soundblaster card. i did a modprobe to add driver (#snd-sb) and then simple change of Preferences>Sound from "autodetect" to ALSA [00:45] Slart: okay is off will push button again to restart [00:46] ActionParsnip I am finding a whole bunch of alsa stuff in the synaptic manager [00:46] Slart: back to what I am calling Ubuntu choice window [00:47] mib_2dc6mp: sudo apt-get install alsa-source [00:47] Whats the command to edit files ? its not gedit [00:47] Slart: shall I choos something other than ...-generic such as (recovery mode) or (on /dev/dsa1)? [00:47] changed resolution cant see top or bottom of screen [00:47] mib_2dc6mp: ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.18a.tar.bz2 [00:48] Slart: **sda1 [00:48] ebaby: nah.. I don't think it will make a difference... try the trouble shooting again.. and view the xorg log [00:48] Whats the command to edit files ? its not gedit [00:49] mempho: nano [00:49] hi all [00:49] gedit [00:49] how can i use a usb network adapter instead of the onbord wireless? im on a laptop [00:49] how can i use a usb network adapter instead of the onbord wireless? im on a laptop [00:49] ops [00:49] I've got a ubuntu system i'd like to run CLI only *but* i'd like to have a few gui apps accessable to users using ssh x forwarding. is there any way i can run x in the background (or only when i need to)? [00:50] chilli0: disable the internal one in bios [00:50] ActionParsnip: is there a easyer way? [00:50] chilli0: if its supported, just plug it in and it should work, then select it when setting up networking i think [00:50] Slat: it does say i can enter 'e' to edit the commands before botting or 'c' for the command line but I guess you know that already [00:50] Hello! [00:50] I found all the asla source and firmware in synaptic [00:50] it is downloading [00:50] faileas: its pluged in [00:50] but nothing diffrent happens [00:50] it says the next step is I haveto compile [00:50] chilli0: its a better idea as its not neded. one less complication [00:51] how do you apt-get the sources for a program? [00:51] node357: apt-get source [00:51] so ActionParsnip just go into the bios and dissable the wifi? [00:51] Slart: so like, apt-get source xchat ? [00:51] chilli0: dosen't show up on nm-applet? [00:51] node357: indeed [00:51] thanks Slart :) [00:51] node357: you're welcome [00:51] Any advice on where to go or what guides to read for a Linux/Ubuntu newbie? I'm at the point where I tried installing a media player three times because I didn't realize I installed it the first time if that's any indication of my Linux/Ubuntu experience :) [00:52] does anyone know how I would go about allowing multiple programs to access my webcam at once (possibly by relaying data) ? [00:52] faileas: i dont use that , i use wicd === Mike_92 is now known as Mike2202 [00:52] because I downloaded asla from synaptic, did it compile or do I still need to open the terminal? [00:52] cd alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1 make clean make mrproper ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install [00:53] ActionParsnip: how do i change what i have write ? :P [00:53] brb gonna remove it from biso [00:53] i cant see my bar at top of screen after messing in screen resolution how can i chande it without seeing [00:53] mempho: ctrl + x [00:53] mempho: press y, then press enter [00:53] thanks [00:53] I have no idea what I am doing :( === Aryan is now known as Guest89992 [00:54] is there any way to install more then one thing at a time? [00:54] macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro3-1/Intrepid and it still doesn't work [00:54] yoyit2, apt-get install app1 app2 [00:54] yea use the synaptic package manager [00:54] yoyit2: sure, sudo apt-get install app1 app2 app3 [00:54] yoyit2: nope.. afaik you can't run two instances of apt at the same time [00:54] Slart: as it was booting i did see some words saying: 8254 (or 8251) timer not found -and- BIOS bug #81 - mean anything? [00:54] lol [00:54] yoyit2, replacing app1 with first application and app2 the second and .. [00:55] do I need to type this command : ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install if I downloaded the alsa from synaptic? [00:56] ebaby: I don't think that is anything serious.. there were some posts about it on the forums and noone seemed to know what it was.. [00:56] Slart: progress report - screen starts as brown then goes to beige and then freezes [00:56] boonkerz: test [00:57] anyone? [00:57] ebaby: I'm kind of running out of time here... didn't think the via chrome would be so... non-cooperative [00:57] please sorry the bother help with rmvb files, with totem, kaffeine, dragon dosn't play well, vlc doesn't play them at all and mplayer play them but "slow" [00:57] do I need to type this command : ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install if I downloaded the alsa from synaptic? [00:57] mib_2dc6mp, no you don't need executing that command as synaptic install the package automatically [00:57] ok [00:57] the same with real player [00:58] but I do need to type a command to get my audio card working? [00:58] it is an echo mia [00:58] I have a hardware question for Ubuntu 8.10 [00:58] !ask | seth [00:58] seth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:58] ok thanks [00:59] I like my microdrive installation of ubuntu... only 4gb but it's enough space [00:59] I need to know how to add my sound card [00:59] I have Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 1501 and as soon as I installed Ubuntu over Windows my CD Drive stopped working, any ideas? [00:59] Slart: I C what do you know about the latest version of Edubuntu as the OG owner was running that prior - any major differences that may shine some light? [00:59] throwt: depends on what you have in there, and how often you clean your cache [00:59] mib_2dc6mp, what problem you face ? no sound ? [01:00] no, I just dont see it listed === Aryan is now known as Guest79263 [01:00] please sorry the bother help with rmvb files, with totem, kaffeine, dragon dosn't play well, vlc doesn't play them at all and mplayer play them but "slow" and the audio come first that the video :S , the same with real player [01:00] it is an Echo Mia sound card [01:00] are there any filesystems that support compression? [01:00] If I run `diff dir1 dir2 > changes.diff` what's the correct syntax to apply the the changes.diff to a slightly different version of dir1? [01:00] ebaby: I've never used edubuntu but I think it's the same system as ubuntu but with some special applications installed and such..it probably has a site with more info about it [01:00] seth: does it boot the live cd ok [01:00] change screen resolution ??? [01:00] I just downloaded asla source and such from syaptic [01:00] seth, What let you say it stopped ? it have many cases, "door not open", "door open but not reading the disc", "error message appear", .. [01:00] Hi. Is it possible to enable a feature in kubuntu hardyheron where you could just hover the mouse pointer over the mp3 file and it starts playing in the background, without actually opening the song in some player. I have seen that working on ubuntu. [01:00] seth, so please say more [01:00] faileas: how do i clean the cache? [01:01] seth: what does: file /dev/scd0 [01:01] say [01:01] Hi. I am having problems getting audio to work in Skype on Hardy. I have googled and found http://geekybits.blogspot.com/2007/10/microphones-and-skype-on-ubuntu-710.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype. But the problem I have at the moment is testing Sound PReferences in Ubuntu. When I click the Test buttons in Audio Conferencing I get an error message. Can anyone help with this? [01:01] I cannot boot to anything the door does upon it just will not boot anything [01:01] ebaby: what I was hoping to do was to install the openchrome driver.. it should work with your graphics card but since we can't seem to find a command line (ctrl+alt+f1 usually shows a command line, not just snow) we can't install it [01:01] Okay, so basically I'm lost. I can't figure out how to actually install some Linux games that I downloaded. I follow the instructions but I'm just a Linux newbie that I still mess it up, where do I go from here? [01:01] throwt: apt-get autoclean cleans up the apt-cache [01:01] i need help on setting screen resolution [01:01] seth, what do you mean with boot? do you mean load ? [01:01] Slart: how abouy terminal? [01:02] seth: grab a paperclip or similar and you should have a small hole on it, stab in there and it will open [01:02] hmm [01:02] Chungwa: What extension do they use? Is it .deb? [01:02] why ubuntu removes packages on the end of installation? [01:02] Chungwa: Can you describe what you are trying to install and what you have done so far in more detail please [01:02] ActionParsnip: its not in the bois [01:02] the door does open nothing loads [01:02] Chungwa: what game you installing? [01:02] ebaby: perhaps booting in recovery mode will work better.. it's worth trying at least [01:02] how can i disable a wifi card?\ [01:02] faileas: huh? [01:02] Well, I tried to install Scourge and I was able to ./configure but then the instructions said make install and I could seem to figure that out [01:02] this is so frustrating, do I need to do any terminal work after downloading ALSA from synaptic ? [01:03] chilli0: not sure then. Just ignore it then and install the usb one [01:03] Slart: perhaps my keyboard is not configured as a normal windows keyboard - it seems that I can start a command line after the reboot as the option is given [01:03] hello everyone [01:03] Hi. Is it possible to enable a feature in kubuntu hardyheron where you could just hover the mouse pointer over the mp3 file and it starts playing in the background, without actually opening the song in some player. I have seen that working on ubuntu. [01:03] ebaby: but ask the channel, mention your graphics card and that vesa doesn't seem to work for you [01:03] ActionParsnip: how can i ignore it? [01:03] when I typed "make install" nothing happened [01:03] getxsick, that doesn't happen with every installition, but some times it do, for you being able to run your new installed application, some applications may be required to be removed [01:03] Chungwa: Do you have a link to the website for it? [01:03] gah [01:03] wrong person ;p [01:03] Chungwa: have you installed build-essential [01:03] !info scourge [01:03] Package scourge does not exist in intrepid [01:03] Chungwa: What commands did you run to install it? [01:03] abuyusuf_: but i mean about new installation from CD [01:03] faileas: =) [01:04] It seems to me like the cd reader isn't moving [01:04] getxsick, when the packages removed ? [01:04] http://scourgeweb.org/tiki-index.php is the website. [01:04] last 5% [01:04] Ubuntu sucsessfully ported to nokia N800/N810 by me :D http://internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=254257#post254257 [01:04] seth, you hear no sound after putting some cd ? [01:04] Slart: you can use terminal for a cli. i tend to use yakuake or tilde cause i'm lazy ;p [01:04] can i change screen resolution at boot [01:05] seth: its hardware then [01:05] does anyone know how to disable a laptop wifi card? [01:05] JonathanEllis: I think I need to read more about Linux, I don't know what commands I ran or tried to run... I don't even understand why I'm typing in what I am most of the time in the terminal! [01:05] abuyusuf, it sounds like it is trying to move but nothing happens [01:05] sudo ifdown [interface name] [01:05] seth, sure that the cd is good ? [01:05] Chungwa: without some details of what you did, its hard to help you [01:05] ActionParsnip, why would it happen now though? [01:05] faileas: not without a working graphics driver for X =) [01:05] thanks Tumdian [01:05] yep [01:05] Have tried different CD [01:05] !installing software [01:05] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [01:05] where can I go to find out if my alsa is working right and to set my audio card up? [01:05] Slart: hmm, failsafe? [01:06] seth: what model system is it, maybe theres a tweak you need [01:06] ebaby: I doubt the keyboard is the problem.. [01:06] Dell Inspiron 1501 [01:06] Tumdian: how do i start it again? [01:06] Chungwa: I assume you followed the instructions on the website [01:06] * faileas tries to remember what he ran on his old packard bell, which got stolen [01:06] sudo ifup [interface name] [01:06] k thanks [01:06] yep [01:06] I need a super lightweight distro to install on an older HP laptop. Recommendations? [01:06] faileas: yea.. like that piece of...*breathe in.. . breathe out*.. failsafe X has once again failed to do anything useful.. [01:06] Slart: okay I'll try the recovery mode this go around [01:06] !synaptic } JonathanEllis [01:06] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [01:06] troythetechguy: debian ;) [01:06] troythetechguy: xubuntu, elivecd [01:06] am I being ignored because my questions are too basic? [01:06] !synaptic | JonathanEllis [01:06] JonathanEllis: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto [01:07] !patience | mib_2dc6mp [01:07] mib_2dc6mp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [01:07] ebaby: do that.. see if it gets you a command line [01:07] mattbd: I certainly tried to, but I think my problem is that I don't really understand a lot of linux lingo so I don't even know what 1/3 of the instructions are telling me to do [01:07] Tumdian: i get this [01:07] chilli@chilli-laptop:~$ sudo ifdown wlan0 [01:07] ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured [01:07] seth: http://www.ubuntu1501.com/ [01:07] Slart: a friend got debian running on it, so not too much reason ubuntu shouldn't wrk [01:07] Chungwa: Here is a guide to installing software https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware [01:07] seth: no fooling [01:07] chilli0: dude, pastebin ;) [01:07] hello [01:07] troythetechguy: How about OpenGEU - pretty but v fast [01:07] it was 2 lines [01:07] mib_2dc6mp: so what's the problem? [01:07] Chungwa: Most of the time you use apt-get install in a terminal [01:07] I will see what is says thanks, ActionParsnip. [01:07] mattbd: have they updated to intrepid yet? ;p [01:07] lastlog mib_2dc6mp [01:07] arr sorry [01:08] faileas: Not yet [01:08] faileas: mmm.. I'll be sure to mention that in the config file for X =) [01:08] * faileas liked it when i tried it [01:08] Slart: lol [01:08] hmm [01:08] Thanks JonathanEllis, I'll start reading up on some linux basics. I think I got over confident that ubuntu installed without any problems [01:08] when i try to start the ubuntu i just installed my screen goes black. I hear the sound of gnome booting but it aint working.i can however use command line with ctrl +a lt + f1. Any solutions? [01:08] Slart: it says press 'C' if I want a command line Is that what I want as it seems I can bypass the other choices and call it up [01:08] how to recover files deleted on windows file system using ubuntu ? [01:08] Slart: maybe try forcing it to vesa or vga at grub with cheatcodes? [01:08] lepassive: what kinda files? [01:09] Chungwa: Basically you need the stuff they ask for as dependencies to compile it. Maybe there's a deb package somewhere though [01:09] aviS [01:09] Chungwa: This is the same as installing using the graphical interface in |Applications|Add/Remove or using Synaptic if you know the package name. But this only works if the package is in a repository that is enabled in your ubuntu [01:09] seth: if you get your whole system updated it may help [01:09] faileas, avis* [01:09] faileas: but go ahead.. ebaby is the one with the non-cooperative graphics card.. a via chrome 9.. vesa doesn't work, failsafe just restarts x, ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't show a command line (only snow) [01:09] ebaby: go ahead.. [01:09] * faileas might suggest photorec, and possibly roadkil's file recovery if he has a linux box [01:09] ebaby: tried the alternate disk? [01:10] Chungwa: If you are trying to use make then it sounds like you are installing from source code which is slightly more difficult [01:10] mib_2dc6mp: according to what i've seen so far, you're trying to compile alsa in ubuntustudio? [01:10] Slart: lol, its a pain keeping track of who's saying what on a busy channel ;p [01:10] faileas: =) [01:10] Gnea [01:10] I think so [01:10] but I found alsa in synaptic and downloaded it [01:10] mib_2dc6mp: well, I don't think that's really necessary [01:10] Chungwa: And usually results in me swearing a lot whenever I try it! Usually its not necessary as the software is pre-packaged but it seems that Scourge is not packaged for Ubuntu [01:10] mib_2dc6mp: and alsa is installed by default [01:10] Slart: interesting: says: [ Minimal Bash- like line editing is supported. then grub> - Your call... [01:10] dis [01:10] I am trying to go through this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia [01:10] I may have been! Haha, I know I'm not really giving you guys enough information to help me - I don't even know what I was trying to do [01:11] mib_2dc6mp: what problem are you having with sound, exactly? [01:11] faileas, then photorec or roadkil [01:11] whoops [01:11] It is supposed to help me set my audio card up [01:11] Gnea: s/he needs to compile alsa [01:11] but so far Gnea I cant figure out what I need to do [01:11] lepassive: photorec should be in the repos i thinl [01:11] mib_2dc6mp: which audio card do you have? [01:11] ActionParsnip: okay. [01:11] Echo Mia [01:11] Chungwa: Its OK. We have all been there. Me not too long ago. I am a bit of a newbie too === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-BrB [01:11] ebaby: ok, run this "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome" [01:11] I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 then that's when it went out. [01:11] I have a windows recovery disc that I received with my laptop. My computer currently has only Ubuntu on it. When I try to install Windows from the disc I receive an error that says "Hard Drive Not Found". Help, please? [01:11] faileas, thanks alot I hope that solves it [01:12] I didnt follow the guyide is the problem, instead of using terminal, I downloaded alsa source from synaptic [01:12] Chungwa: It's not in GetDeb or PlayDeb, which are the normal places to look for games [01:12] faileas, it's aliased to testdisk [01:12] hi all, trying to do the 'recover ubuntu after winblows install hosed grub' thing. I am using knoppix to boot and reinstall grub however i cannot chroot to the mounted partition, it keeps telling me /bin/bash Exec format error? ive tried different things cant get it to work for some reason [01:12] Man, I used me a wiz on computers when I was in high school. Now turning them on seems difficult! I'll check out GetDeb and PlayDeb I think I need to just go slowly [01:12] seadyah: backup linux, get the dban boot disk and erase your hard drive, install windows, reinstall linux [01:12] Chungwa: If you need more info than is in the article I gave you then google "ubuntu installing software" [01:13] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's back up for a bit here - are you using 8.04 or 8.10? [01:13] faileas, I dban? [01:13] Chungwa: apt-cache search game | less [01:13] Chungwa: Playdeb and Getdeb are really good resources so they may have a good alternative for you [01:13] seadyah: lots of recovery disk software fail on systems with anything other than the partitions they sell it with [01:13] Gnea I am using ubuntustudio 8.04 32bit [01:13] ok [01:13] seadyah: unfortunately yes [01:13] Chungwa: Alternatively start less ambitious and try installing some of the games in the repositories. Use |Applications|Add/Remove and then select Games [01:13] Chungwa: UFO Alien Invasion is very good [01:14] mib_2dc6mp: could you please pastebin the output of the dmesg command? [01:14] I'll give those a try. Thanks all! [01:14] (and YES, i am telling you to nuke the contents of your disk, and there's a reason) [01:14] faileas, I did wipe the disc with a Safe Data Disposal program (iso) that is manufactured by the same company as my computer. That did not work. [01:14] slart: error 27: unrecognized command [01:14] Chungwa: frets on fire is decent too [01:14] oh [01:14] Gnea I am typing on my laptop next to the desktop, but I will try to type it [01:14] I've successfuly booted Ubuntu jaunty on my Nokia N800 internet tablet, guide on how to do it is here; http://internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=254257#post254257 [01:14] seadyah: well this has worked for me loads of times, you don't even need to run dban very long [01:14] ebaby: did you chose the recovery menu choice? [01:14] oh wow [01:14] mib_2dc6mp: it might be easier if you install and use the pastebinit command [01:14] shouldn't the current xserver-org in jaunty be blocking xorg-driver-fglrx? The ABIs aren't compatible. [01:15] that is a lot of stuff [01:15] faileas, what is dban? (I'm a bit slow) [01:15] Ubunt armel [01:15] ActionParsnip, I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 that's when it messed up on me === andre is now known as Guest63126 [01:15] !pastebin | mib_2dc6mp [01:15] mib_2dc6mp: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [01:15] b-man, u the first to ever do this? [01:15] faileas, unfortunately photorec doesn't have as GUI [01:15] Slart: no sorry thought you wanted me to go straight to command line [01:15] ok [01:15] lepassive: no it dosen't [01:15] mib_2dc6mp: check this out: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dmesg | pastebinit [01:15] Chungwa: They may not be to your taste but perhaps installing something easier first may get you started and whet your appetite for something more technical, I dont know. There may be an easy way to install Scourge for all I know. Is there a #scourge IRC channel does anyone know or what support is available for Scourge? [01:15] Gnea I will install the paste thing [01:15] mib_2dc6mp: it will upload it all in one fell swoop [01:15] Slart: so i typed 'c' and got what I described above [01:15] seth: not sure then, maybe the new kernel doesnt like your cd drive. are you on the intrepid kernel (run uname -a and give us the output) [01:15] ebaby: ah.. my bad [01:15] Can anyone assist me in getting my WMP54GS Linksys Wireless adapter to work with Ubuntu 8.10? I've looked up as much documentation as possible in regards to wireless adapters and Ubuntu but not working out. [01:15] I'll try just installing a bunch of stuff until I feel comfortable and go from there [01:16] ebaby: just reboot and chose the recovery option [01:16] and RoadKil is windows only gosh [01:16] Gnea ok I am trying that now [01:16] illmortal: is it usb or pci? [01:16] w00t! I got it! :D [01:16] PCI [01:16] Linux seth-laptop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Fri Dec 19 16:29:52 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [01:16] ActionParsnip ^ [01:16] illmortal: use windows wireless drivers to achieve that [01:16] how can i change display properties when i cant see top of screen [01:16] lepassive: most recovery software is windows based sadly [01:16] Can anyone help me get sound working on Skype? I have tried a bunch of stuff which I will detail if anyone replies, rather than flood the channel [01:16] I'm looking into doing backups for the first time. What do I need to backup? My utility has /var/ /home/ /usr/local/ and /etc/ by default; any others I should look at (and yes, I have read !backup :P) [01:16] illmortal: run lspci and it will tell you what chip it has, you can websearch from there [01:16] mm because I don't have internet connectivity I cannot download wine [01:16] mattbd: thanks, i'll give it a try, [01:17] faileas, Lol, I found it. I like it. [01:17] faileas, any luck using wine with RoadKil ? [01:17] seth: yeah thats intrepid [01:17] illmortal: well you're online... :) [01:17] illmortal: id get connectivity before worrying about apps [01:17] Can Ubuntu control the number of lines scrolled with the mouses' scroll wheel? ie. set 1 notch to 20 lines etc... ? [01:17] ok I did it Gnea [01:17] Right, on windows. [01:17] It gave me a few urls [01:17] lepassive: I use http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page [01:17] is there an official way to install VMPlayer in Ibex? [01:17] ActionParsnip which is what im tryin to do. [01:18] mib_2dc6mp: did you run it more than once? [01:18] no [01:18] illmortal: well you need the basics first [01:18] So open terminal and type, "lspci"? [01:18] ActionParsnip, Is there anyway of undoing the upgrade? [01:18] lepassive: never tried it on wine [01:18] mib_2dc6mp: it should just give you one... like http://pastebin.com/f8e9s8f0d [01:18] yes, for the it's, with full install [01:18] ubuntu desktop and everything [01:18] even xorg - on armel [01:18] using usplash [01:18] JonathanEllis, thanks [01:18] and compiz. [01:18] slart: brought up the grey Recovery menu screen choices being resume, clean, dpkg, fsck,root, or xfix... [01:18] b-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [01:18] http://internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=254257#post254257 [01:18] illmortal: lspci will tell you what you have and you can websearch it in windows [01:18] no sound though.. [01:18] faileas, well it launches with a reading error [01:19] ebaby: ok, let's go with "root" [01:19] Gnea ok here it is pastebin.com/f7c57ac24 [01:19] ok and i need to search on how to install that chipset onto Ubuntu 8.10, ya? [01:19] sorry, i was in a little bit of a rush :( [01:19] does anyone here have any experience of any other program similar to wine and what is the result? [01:19] mm: I've used crossover games [01:19] mm: there aren't many other programs like wine.. with the exception of Cedega [01:19] brb, gonna log into ubuntu [01:19] is there a way to make windows snap to each other in gnome? [01:20] Slart: and crossover, which for free for a week [01:20] mattbd: what was ur experience? [01:20] register [01:20] Anybody in here who knows of an ATC Simulator for Ubuntu? [01:20] mm: ah.. and crossover of course, as faileas correctly pointed out =) [01:20] mm: I found it a bit fiddly - I struggled to get it working [01:20] slart: im looking to run warcraft 3 on ubuntu, any suggestions other than wine? [01:21] mm: I thought warcraft 3 worked pretty ok on wine.. or? have you checked the application database? [01:21] slart: nope, errors ... wont load [01:21] Chungwa: Did you have a look at http://scourgeweb.org/tiki-index.php?page=SCOURGE_Building_From_Source_nix and scroll down to the Ubuntu bit? There is some info there that I havent read yet [01:21] mib_2dc6mp: okay, found this: [ 113.849831] ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-rt/sound/alsa-driver/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c:47: get_firmware(): Firmware not available (-2) [01:21] nobody? [01:21] hey, any body know how to register? [01:21] :( [01:21] !appdb | mm [01:21] mm: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help [01:21] ebaby: and then try that command again "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome" [01:21] mm: If Wine doesn't work Crossover Games may be worth a try, but you have to pay for it [01:21] albert748, register what? [01:21] does anyone know what's gonna happen to the author of Xchat? He made the Windows version of his client proprietary software in violation of the GPL. So I'm using the Smuxi client instead. [01:21] !register | albert748 [01:21] albert748: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [01:22] !register | albert748 [01:22] Gnea what does it mean, that I cannot use my card? [01:22] mm: I think they do a free trial though [01:22] hmm [01:22] thanks [01:22] or I still have more stuf to install [01:22] BWF89: its a bit complex, it IS open source- you need to pay for his version but the code, other than the registration bit is free and you can compile your own [01:22] Dexi: register my nick name [01:22] mib_2dc6mp: it means that we need to find and install the firmware for your card - it looks like everything else is setup just fine for it (that HOWTO was for 6.06, and they usually roll those fixes into the next release, so 8.04 should have it set already) [01:22] read above [01:23] BWF89: if I understand things correctly he's allowed to whatever he wants with his code.. gpl or whatever.. I think the questions was if all the code really was his.. but this if offtopic for this channel [01:23] mib_2dc6mp: what is the output of this command please: lspci | grep audio [01:23] Gnea, this site is supposed to help with getting my card to work under ubuntu, I just dont know how to do it :( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia [01:23] !register | albert748 [01:23] albert748: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode [01:23] @Failout and Slart: thanks for clarifying. [01:24] Slart: says xserver-xorg... is already the newest version 0 upgraded 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 210 not upgraded [01:24] mib_2dc6mp: see the top of that page: ALSA for Ubuntu 6.06 with two sound devices: Echo Mia card plus on-board sound and the bottom of the page: EchoMia (last edited 2008-06-27 [01:24] albert748: you were sent the !register factoid yesterday, too. Did you miss it, or are you having trouble with it? [01:24] Gnea lspci | grep audio did nothing === albert748 is now known as what [01:24] is there an apt-get i can use for vmplayer? [01:24] hi, im getting crackling noises and no sound at all whatsoever, can someone please help? [01:25] Dexi: what's the nickserv? is that #ubuntu? or FreeNode? [01:25] mib_2dc6mp: okay, how about: lspci | pastebinit [01:25] ebaby: hmm.. ok, lets go back to the menu.. type "exit" and press enter [01:25] I did echo "blacklist ath5k" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" and since that, I've an error at beginning [01:25] sudobash, apt-get install vmware-player [01:25] it was for wifi [01:25] Slart: done [01:25] what: its just a service, think of it like a bot [01:25] Gnea : error no arguments specified [01:25] (I've hardy heron and i've an eeepc) [01:25] rww: yes, have some trouble... [01:25] ebaby: then select xfix [01:26] iwconfig wlan0 ap 00:1B:2F:E1:71:30 channel auto txpower 30mW [01:26] Package vmware-player is not available, but is referred to by another package. [01:26] Gnea do I need to add -i [01:26] what: it will be freenode-wide not just for this chan, if thats what you mean [01:26] hi, im getting crackling noises and no sound at all whatsoever, can someone please help? I'm on 8.10 [01:26] mib_2dc6mp: you sure you used the pipe '|' and not a 1 or I? [01:26] Slart: done got some words did something brought me back to Recovery menu [01:26] Dexi: for example, if I want to register to #ubuntu, what to do? [01:26] vmware-player package has been removed? [01:26] My CD Drive acts like it wants to do something but does not. It makes a noise for about 1 to 2 minutes and then stops [01:26] what: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [01:26] What's a good program to burn iso's? [01:27] seadyah: you can do it with nautilus [01:27] Joel_: run lspci to find out your exact sound card and do some websearching [01:27] what, you dont register to a channel specifically, just to the network, follow the instructions nickserv gives [01:27] ebaby: hmm.. ok.. I wonder if it fixed it.. try resume [01:27] seadyah: Brasero [01:27] seadyah: k3b [01:27] !burniso | seadyah [01:27] !burning | seadyah [01:27] seadyah: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [01:27] seadyah: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [01:27] i did websearching [01:27] seadyah, rightclick the iso, select burn [01:27] quick question how do i mount and unmopund iso image without using nautilus script so just the terminal [01:27] Gnea yes, it says reqired arguments -i and then lists various optional arguments [01:27] is Ubuntu availible in x86_64 architecture? If so, where can I find it? [01:27] is there is anyone to help with a wireless problem [01:27] !mountiso | meho_ [01:27] meho_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify downloaded ISO images using !MD5 before !burning. [01:28] !open-vm-toolbox [01:28] !ask | johninlex [01:28] mike === what is now known as albert748 [01:28] ok [01:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about open-vm-toolbox [01:28] whoops wrong key board [01:28] johninlex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [01:28] mib_2dc6mp: that's weird, it works here just fine.... did you copy 'n paste? [01:28] Naggie, releases.ubuntu.com/8.10 [01:28] i have a problem i cannot play dvds in totem i already have the liddvdcss package and the error i will say next: [01:28] Joel_: whats the kline in lspc that relates to your soundcard? [01:28] no [01:28] as this chat is on a diff computer [01:28] sudobash, apt-get install open-vm-toolbox [01:28] Naggie: it's available for amd64, which is essentially x86_64 [01:28] Slart: message said saving Vesa state before it exited now I am back to twilight zone of grey matter and dark screen of the not so distant past [01:28] mib_2dc6mp: can you ssh to it? [01:28] sudobash, try that, it's GUI for client of vmware === Aryan is now known as Guest35876 [01:28] I typed lspci | pastebinit [01:28] some intel card, 82801G High Def [01:29] internal data flow error [01:29] sudo mount -o loop mount point would be cd0 or something [01:29] !ich [01:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about ich [01:29] is the error [01:29] thanks, nickrud and lstarnes. [01:29] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's try something else then: lspci > lspci.txt && cat lspci.txt | pastebinit [01:29] albert748: Sorry, my wifi card is acting up. If you need help, issue "/join #freenode" and ask in there. They'll be able to help :) [01:29] Dexi: thank you, I will have a try [01:29] Gnok [01:29] meho_, no, mountpoint is a dir name. /mnt is traditionally used for temporary mounting [01:29] albert748: good luck [01:29] can somone please help me my computer is not detecting my ireless [01:29] i have a atheros wireless card knowing that there inlies the problem well I have tried everything [01:29] wireless [01:29] please help me [01:30] Joel_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto?highlight=(hda) [01:30] !wireless | ethan2 [01:30] ethan2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [01:30] so it should let me install vmplayer? [01:30] gnea: can you help me? [01:30] !vmware | sudobash [01:30] sudobash: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware [01:30] ebaby: hmmm... I'm starting to run out of ideas to try.. and I'm running out of time [01:30] is there a way to set display setting on start up or something cant see top of my screen or bottom [01:30] ethan2: your best bet is to explain your problem in as much detail as you can, I'm sure someone here can help you. [01:30] skooz: you can set it in xorg.conf [01:30] Slart: back to "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" [01:30] WHY use QEmu or VBox when VMware works better? [01:30] ethan2: also, check that URL out that ubottu ave you [01:31] sudobash: it doesn't work better in every circumstance. [01:31] ebaby: mm.. the ever so helpful failsafe X [01:31] sudobash: some people have moral issues with using non-free software [01:31] sudobash: if they are "better" why do the other 2 even exist as no one would use them [01:31] sudobash: qemu and virtualbox are open-source plus in many cases they work better [01:31] sudobash: there are advantages to both [01:31] VMPlayer is free.............................. [01:31] gnea: yes ik but osmone just helped me form this and now my wireless doesnt work at all [01:31] VMServer is free [01:31] sudobash: but it is not open-source [01:31] Slart: via has a site where they have posted some drivers for other everex computers do u think those might work? [01:31] ebaby: try asking the channel again.. I just don't know what more to try [01:31] FREE as in FREEDOM [01:31] Gnea ok now we are in business: /f4ef29b [01:31] sudobash:qemu is portable and vbox is easy to use [01:31] ebaby: I have no idea.. it can't really get worse than it is [01:31] mib_2dc6mp: ok [01:31] ok then say some ppl have problem running non open source apps [01:32] gnea: im runniing xubuntu and before i got wireless but it didnt work right and now i dont get it at all [01:32] sudobash: it is free, but no single application is "best" or "better" due to varying requirements and tastes [01:32] Gnea I just want to say I really appreciate you helping me, I know this is taking a long time, but without your help I would be stuck [01:32] gnea: i need help im new to xubuntu and i have no clue how to [01:32] ok but I have already set this guy up with VMplayer and he is 3000 miles away [01:32] gnea: well get my wireless [01:32] gnea: please help me [01:32] > i have a problem i cannot play dvds in totem i already have the liddvdcss package and the error is: "internal data flow error" please HELP! [01:32] sudobash: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player [01:32] ActionParsnip: can you help me? I am at your mercy..lol [01:32] and I set vmplayer to pull his dual booted partition.. is that possible in either qemu or vbox? [01:33] !vmplayer | sudobash [01:33] Sorry, I don't know anything about vmplayer [01:33] seth: you could roll back to the hardy kernel [01:33] hello. when i earlyer installed ubuntu it gave me a black screen in gnome. I tried command line with ctrl alt f1 and it worked. Now i need to reinstall for having kde. The live cd also gives black screen. i use ati hd3850 (i think) btw. Any thoughts or solutions? [01:33] ActionParship: how can you do that? [01:33] can vbox or qemu boot partitions and can the VMX be migrated? [01:33] !vmware | sudobash [01:33] sudobash: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware [01:33] does anyone know how to get wireless detection on xubuntu? [01:33] geeksquad: Have you tried VLC instead? I find Totem a pain [01:34] sudobash, try the link above for manual install === Aryan is now known as Guest53865 [01:34] nevermind i got vmplayer back up [01:34] where can i get it on windows my linux system is out of internet [01:34] geeksquad: that's not easy, as vlc depends on lots of other packages [01:34] i can transfer the .deb [01:35] does anyone know becuase i also get an error message from pigin [01:35] geeksquad: the problem is there are LOTS of debs you'll need to download manually [01:35] my drive is 16 gb [01:35] sudobash: I have booted a partition from within qemu once [01:35] how many [01:35] geeksquad: its more that its a pain in the ass to do [01:35] geeksquad: It can still be fiddly [01:35] geeksquad: You can create a script that will download them all via synaptic [01:35] what do i need to type with xorg.conf [01:35] geeksquad: you can install it off your install CD [01:36] geeksquad: You can run apt-cache depends vlc to list the dependencies [01:36] "the irc server picked up a messgae it did not understand" i got that error message while using pigin can anyone help? [01:36] geeksquad: vlc-nox, libaa1, libass1, libvlccore0, libxinerama1, vlc-core [01:36] geeksquad, select it in synaptic; the script uses wget which you can get for windows and convert the script to .bat fairly easily iirc [01:36] btw, happy new year yall [01:36] geeksquad: *vlc-data [01:36] my linux system has no internet [01:36] ethan2: pidgin's irc support is very incomplete [01:37] ethan2: get xchat [01:37] So exactly how do I roll back to hardy kernel [01:37] lstarnes: works if you wanna type and read text, depends on what else you need [01:37] i use bittornado. whats the best torrent client for linux [01:37] Hello: trying to get help finishing installing 8.10 on everex stepnote nc1502 laptop video is via chrome9 HC IGP [01:37] wj32: it will get rid of this error message? [01:37] !xchat | ethan2 [01:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about xchat [01:37] xchat is bad use chatzila [01:37] bulletmike: try deluge [01:37] !deluge [01:37] deluge is a Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories. [01:37] ethan2: if you just wanna send / recieve files and chat, its fine [01:37] bulletmike: Another vote for deluge [01:37] I'm having problems with mplayer and gnome-mplayer; can't get video to play when viewing mpeg files. I only get sound when viewing them in firefox. [01:37] can anyone help me with a wireless detection problem? [01:37] Jack-Sparrow: still here? [01:38] hmmm...everybody seems to like deluge. I will try it out [01:38] geeksquad: Running a linux machine with no internet is like driving your car around only in the front yard. :) [01:38] ethan2: pidgin is fine [01:38] ethan2: We can try. [01:38] lol usr13 [01:38] i am in vermont [01:38] bulletmike: the version from the website is more up to date and they do a deb for Ubuntu [01:38] i agree [01:38] nice ..thanks maatbd&wj32 [01:38] usr13: the wireless network isnt picking up my router its only syaing "auto Eth0" [01:39] vileli8ves: Do you get an error from mplayer? [01:39] r u talking to me [01:39] do you know a good script/program that can read mp3 tags ? [01:39] <__Grim76__> Grim76__ [01:39] ethan2: auto eth0? [01:39] nope. it opens the files fine. [01:39] ethan2: if you click on the network icon can you seek wireless networks? [01:39] just no video [01:39] ethan2: *i meant see [01:39] Installer runs fine but on reboot graphics goes haywire === __Grim76__ is now known as Grim76__ [01:40] wj32: i cnat clikc it [01:40] ActionParsnip im at grub> xorg.conf [01:40] wj32: i can only see it and it only wokrs when im wired [01:40] wj32: i cnat get wireless [01:40] usr13: yes auto etho [01:40] ethan2: how about right-clicking it? [01:40] skooz: if you are at a grub prompt your system isnt booting right [01:40] ethan2: System -> Network click on Unlock [01:40] ethan2: i'm 100% you can click the network icon [01:40] skooz: you need to fix that before looking at xorg.conf [01:40] ethan2: *100% sure [01:41] well how do u get to it [01:41] Oh, I've got another question! Since I moved to ubuntu whenever I watch a video (avi divx) there are very slight lines (or is it pixelization?)on the video. Any idea how to make it look a little better (the video looking fine when I viewed it in Vista before my switch) [01:41] Chungwa: turn deinterlacing off [01:41] ethan2: And see if you can find a way to get it to conect to the particular essid of your wireless AP. [01:41] i can load ubuntu [01:41] How do I do that? (I'm a COMPLETE newbie) [01:42] Chungwa: have you installed video drivers and got codecs installed [01:42] Chungwa: oh wait you can't do that anymore [01:42] skooz: boot to linux, then run gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf [01:42] i swear you could turn deinterlacing on/off in totem before [01:42] ActionParsnip: I did, yes. I choose the recommended drivers and downloaded some codecs for divx [01:43] Chungwa: in the View menu, is there a Deinterlacing menu item? [01:43] i cant [01:43] Can anyone tell me how to roll back my kernel from Interpid to Hardy? [01:43] Chungwa: What video player do you use? What display adapter are you using? What video driver are you using? [01:43] Chungwa: maybe you ned a tweak for your video card [01:43] seth: Did you upgrade? [01:43] hey guys, what is a good nzb downloader for linux [01:43] preferably a gnome one [01:43] Jordan_U: Yes [01:43] how do i boot linux [01:43] tbrock: what's nzb [01:44] seth sudo apt-get downgrade [01:44] tbrock: nzb? [01:44] tbrock: I hear good things about hellanzb [01:44] seth: Just teasing... sorry... couldn't resist. [01:44] binary news [01:44] skooz: have you got grub installed? [01:44] ok thanks matt [01:44] !grub | skooz [01:44] skooz: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [01:44] ActionParsnip: Newsbinz [01:44] seth: You can boot from the old kernel by pressing escape at boot [01:44] usr13: I came a hair to typing that in...lol [01:44] !info newsbinz [01:44] Package newsbinz does not exist in intrepid [01:44] Oh, there is something about deinterlacing! [01:44] Chungwa: turn it off [01:44] tbrock, pan supports nzb as well [01:45] ActionParsnip: He means he wants to download files from usenet [01:45] yes i can boot into ubuntu just cant see top or bottom of screen to see the menus [01:45] Jordan_U: Thanks. [01:45] weird, does anyone else see a View > Deinterlacing menu item in totem? [01:45] seth: You probably don't want to do that permanently though, what problem are you having with the new kernel? [01:45] seth: Jordan_U has serious advise.... [01:45] mib_2dc6mp: still there? sorry, had to take an important phone call [01:45] Jordan_U: My CD Drive isn't reading anything. [01:45] Slart: can you take a look at this link i found and let me know if this can do anything for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=38635&d=1184891923 [01:45] Slart: it came from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504849 [01:45] wj32: It looks better now, thanks a lot! [01:46] Gnea yes [01:46] usr13: Thanks [01:46] ActionParsnip: Newzbinz are to usenet what torrent files are to BitTorrent [01:46] Chungwa: oh and also [01:46] I started going back to the beginning of the echomia support page [01:46] seth: No problem, the humor is free. [01:46] im at the grub menu to select ubuntu or windows [01:46] Chungwa: is it a DVD? [01:46] I am extracting the alsa firmware, driver and library [01:46] nickrud: thanks man [01:46] No, it's just an avi file [01:46] usr13: I'll try to remember that. [01:46] mattbd: nice [01:46] question [01:46] mib_2dc6mp: okay - not sure how much that's going to help, considering it's for an older version of Ubuntu. I did notice this: 02:0b.0 Multimedia controller: Motorola DSP56361 Digital Signal Processor (rev 01) [01:47] Chungwa: you'll need deinterlacing on for most DVDs [01:47] Gnea I noticed the synaptic did not have the libs, so I decided it would be best to do all 3 again (hopefully an overwrite of whatever synaptic did wont hurt) [01:47] I cant find deluge in the repos is it just a ibex package? Im on Hardy [01:47] eseven73: download it from the website. it has the latest version [01:47] wj32: I'll keep that in mind, thanks [01:47] ok [01:47] mib_2dc6mp: well, if you can hold off on that for a bit, I'd like to see if we can find the firmware, drop it in and see if that works [01:47] eseven73: It's as deluge-torrent, but I'd grab it from the website [01:47] ok [01:48] Jordan_U: I have a Dell Insiron 1501 and the CD Drive worked fine until I upgraded to 8.10 and did all the updates. [01:48] can i fix it? [01:48] try deluge-torrent [01:48] seth: Did you upgrade via update-manager? [01:48] Jordan_U: Yes [01:48] Gnea is there something I need to type in the terminal? [01:48] can anyone heme with a wireless problem please [01:48] i run ubuntu on my home pc, but im not at home and on a windows machine.. and it seems to be infected with virus's... im wanting to do some work from this pc but be safe. I dont want my pwd's getting stolen or anyting and was wondering if i used ubuntu live cd.. would the possible virus's not be run from teh windows [01:49] johninlex: Will try... [01:49] hope that makes sense [01:49] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Ubuntu won't get infected just because Windows has a virus [01:49] i'm trying to access our home network via ubuntu and installed samba. i've shared one of my directories in ubuntu for testing, but from the ms side, it's asking me for a username and password. i tried to use my login in ubuntu, but it doesn't work.. can anyone help? [01:49] I have tried ndiswrapper and madwifi and cant get it to work [01:49] webbhawk_h4x0r42: the rule with computers is there's no black magic [01:49] johninlex: Just state your problem. Someone is bound to know what to do about it. [01:49] if there was a trojan or possible key capture program.. i would be safe using ubuntu live cd [01:49] what wifi nic is it? [01:49] mib_2dc6mp: well, I just found a few things that might help - they're a bit more up-to-date [01:49] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Windows programs don't run on Ubuntu [01:49] webbhawk_h4x0r42: makes sense, if you boot to live cd, you can mount the windows drive and read the data [01:50] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Viruses, trojans, and spyware are windows programs [01:50] Gnea that is excellent [01:50] Jordan_U figured it out. I needed to switch to gecko to get things working. mplayer just hates my system, I guess. thanks anyway! [01:50] johninlex: Which nic do you have? [01:50] mib_2dc6mp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=491735 [01:50] Gnea I am open to whatver you want to tr [01:50] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Therefore viruses, trojans and spyware won't run on Ubuntu [01:50] webbhawk_h4x0r42: the windows keylogger will not run as windows is not running, its linux [01:50] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Again, no black magic [01:50] wj32: so i thought right.. it would be much safer this way [01:50] mib_2dc6mp: still looking through it - looks like all you probably need to do is download and compile the firmware [01:50] gvsa123: depends on how you set it up [01:50] wj32: i didnt get that saying you said.. no black magic one... [01:50] johninlex: lspci [01:51] webbhawk_h4x0r42: oh its just that some people think that computers do magical things [01:51] webbhawk_h4x0r42: never mind [01:51] it is a theros wireless card ar242x, I have tried my windows driver [01:51] webbhawk_h4x0r42: what i said wasn't entirely true because there might be viruses and spyware for linux in the future [01:51] faileas: just installed samba, restarted the daemon, right clicked on one of my folders from /home and shared it. [01:51] wj32: kk.. so i would be safe.. even if windows was infected [01:51] Jordan_U: I am going to reboot and try the older kernel.. Hopefully that will work.. Thanks === Aryan is now known as Guest39485 [01:52] webbhawk_h4x0r42: but right now there's no viruses and spyware for linux (probably 1 or 2 actually) [01:52] faileas: i found it from the ms side but i can't access it... (so safe) [01:52] wj32: really u think so.. virus's for linux ? [01:52] !virus | webbhawk_h4x0r42 [01:52] webbhawk_h4x0r42: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [01:52] webbhawk_h4x0r42: i mean in the wild [01:52] gvsa123: one moment there's a good howto on setting up samba i use [01:52] wj32: u think it could be possible in the future [01:52] faileas: is it this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605 [01:52] rww: webbhawk_h4x0r42: there are a small few linux virii but they are not very wild at all [01:52] I have a .img file I would like to mount, is there a program to do this? Or something to extract the contents? [01:52] I think most anti-virus software for Linux isn't to detect Linux viruses. it's to detect Windows viruses so that you don't pass them onto your friends who use Windows. [01:52] gvsa123: no http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-gutsy-samba-standalone-server-with-tdbsam-backend [01:52] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Linux is popular on servers, not just desktops [01:53] i agree with BWF89 [01:53] loafers: i can't rememeber how to do it offhand but you're looking at something called loopmounting [01:53] same with anti-virus software for Mac OSX. [01:53] I tried that but I think it only works for .iso files [01:53] mine is .img file [01:54] is the "linux" community working to keep virus out .. even in the future [01:54] and cdemu doesn't support that file either i think [01:54] webbhawk_h4x0r42: They are very fast at patching known vulnerabilities compared to MS [01:54] loafers: have you tried mounting it using -o loop? [01:54] mib_2dc6mp: okay, what's the result of this command: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep alsa [01:54] johninlex: System -> Hardware Drivers and look for everything that has Atheros in it. Tick the box in behind of ?Atheros Hardware Access [01:54] I'm getting like 6 dependency issues with deluge-torrent in Hardy [01:54] interesting.. [01:54] I'll try it again [01:54] loafers: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149197 [01:55] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Usually it gets done in a day or two, whereas it can be a long time in Windows [01:55] eseven73: pastebin the specific errors? [01:55] faileas: oh that's fine. i've been able to setup using the link i sent, i was just hoping things were much simpler now. last time i had ubuntu was with feisty. [01:55] and .. does the ubuntu live cd run pretty fast.. or would yall recomend a diff version to use [01:55] ok [01:55] webbhawk_h4x0r42: i recommend you install ubuntu! [01:55] webbhawk_h4x0r42; the CD will run considerably slower than an install [01:55] ActionParsnip, thanks. [01:55] Gnea I am typin git now [01:55] webbhawk_h4x0r42: I heard that Firefox vulnerabilties are patched in nine days on average while for IE it's over 200 days [01:56] gvsa123: what should interest you is that with the tdbsan backend, you can use your accounts on the box to access samba. ;p [01:56] yeah but i cant. im not on my machine .. i have ubuntu on all my pc's [01:56] webbhawk_h4x0r42: oh i see [01:56] rww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/99344/ [01:56] im at my grandmothers visiting.. [01:56] johninlex: click the box in behind Atheros Hardware Access Layer(HAL) and Support for Atheros 802.11 wireless LAN cards and restart the computer. [01:56] she can barley turn the pc on.. much less learn linux [01:56] faileas: from windows? [01:56] Gnea I get quite a few things how to I create the web link [01:56] eseven73: have you tried running apt-get -f install [01:56] not yet [01:56] eseven73: what happens when you do sudo apt-get -f install" [01:56] eseven73: as it says in what you pasted === maco_ is now known as maco [01:57] gvsa123: yup [01:57] mib_2dc6mp: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep alsa > alsalist.txt && cat alsalist.txt | pastebinit [01:57] eseven73: ah, okay. Try that and then try the install again and let us know if you still have problems :) [01:57] eseven73: i've had that error lots of times, and -f install has always fixed it [01:57] well any account thats on the linux box anyway [01:57] will the live cd be very slow.. hard to get some work done? im gona be working online.. on websites [01:57] gvsa123: i have one file server and a mix of linux and windows boxen- this setup works brilliently [01:57] webbhawk_h4x0r42: It ran decently enough for me, but isntalling it is 1000% better. [01:57] rww: wj32 its saying now i can install those libs, is it safe though? [01:57] faileas: cool eh.. i'd like to keep it simple for now. jsut me and my wife sharing/playing movies from each others' pc... [01:57] webbhawk_h4x0r42: well if ubuntu crashes for some reason you're going to lose all your work [01:58] webbhawk_h4x0r42: it depends very much on your hardware, so we're not going to be able to tell you specifics. [01:58] yeah [01:58] usr13 that would be easy if it was just a restricted driver, [01:58] eseven73: pastebin the new output, please [01:58] Jordan_U: I rebooted and tried the older kernel and my CD Drive does not work..So I guess that means it is a hardware problem. [01:58] webbhawk_h4x0r42: If you really need a faster system you could use a lighter distro [01:58] eseven73: it usually gives that error if you were installing something and you interrupted it [01:58] yeah .. puppy linux maybe [01:58] Gnea /f9206dc8 [01:58] dsl i heard about also [01:58] webbhawk_h4x0r42: I like Damn Small Linux, especially if you run it with the toram option [01:59] toram? [01:59] rww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/99345/ === filsuf is now known as barata [01:59] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Installs it to the ramdisk, slower to boot but runs really fast [01:59] eseven73: that just means its ok, just type Y and press enter! [01:59] eseven73: yup, that looks fine. Go ahead and hit Y to continue and press enter. === barata is now known as filsuf [01:59] ok thanks [01:59] Gnea I am not seeing the alsa-libs in there, i am pretty sure I still need to compile them, though I downloaded them from the alsa site and extracted to the desktop, though there is nothing on the desktop (it is nice and clean) [02:00] eseven73: but you should still get the latest version from the website [02:00] eseven73: deluge-torrent.org [02:00] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Plus DSL downloads in a couple of minutes for most people [02:00] mattbd: when i use a live cd.. can i install thing still or no. like if i needed a chat application could i d/l and install xchat [02:00] wj32: yeah i did that first, then got the errors, so then i tried to install it from repos [02:00] mib_2dc6mp: do you get any results from this command? ls -l /usr/lib/libasound* [02:00] or some.. firefox extensions.. firebug and stuff [02:00] eseven73: the problem is you had to run apt-get install -f first [02:00] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Depends on the distro. In Ubuntu you can install it to your current session [02:01] webbhawk_h4x0r42: on the Ubuntu LiveCD, yes; apt-get and synaptic work just like on a full install. [02:01] eseven73: not that the website version doesn't work [02:01] webbhawk_h4x0r42: But when you reboot it won't be there [02:01] thats fine.. is there a way to create a custom livecd maybe [02:01] webbhawk_h4x0r42: Ubuntu Customization Kit [02:01] wj32: so what exactly does sudo apt-get install -f do ? [02:01] faileas: are you aware of any package from synaptic that simplifies working "mshome" [02:02] eseven73: it fixes the packages by removing or adding packages so dependancies are all met [02:02] !info libasound2 [02:02] libasound2 (source: alsa-lib): ALSA library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.17a-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 347 kB, installed size 1228 kB [02:02] eseven73: i have no idea, but i presume it finishes installing packages it was installing before it got interrupted [02:02] eseven73: makes the system whole again [02:02] mib_2dc6mp: ^^^ [02:02] webbhawk_h4x0r42: It can be gotten from uck.sourceforge.net and lets you remaster an ISO image [02:02] ok [02:02] faileas: i'm hoping for something to tell a newbie: "oh just go to synaptic and install this package",.... lol [02:03] Gnea let me chck === zenith is now known as cwe_R [02:03] Someone gave me the link to mount .img file (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149197) and it says to install "loop". Where do I install "loop"? [02:03] is there such a thing as bare unix? can you install bare unix on a system? [02:03] loafers: you execute sudo mount -o loop [imgfile] [mount point] [02:04] ac3_0f_spades: Not sure what you mean [02:04] loafers: oops, its sudo mount -t udf -o loop [imgfile] [mount point] === cwe_R is now known as cwe_santay === maco_ is now known as maco [02:04] mib_2dc6mp: you can also see what package /usr/lib/libasound.so.2.0.0 belongs to like this: dpkg -S /usr/lib/libasound.so.2.0.0 [02:04] !unix [02:04] UNIX is an operating system created in the '70s, which has many direct derivates and inspired systems like Minix and !Linux. Most "UNIX-style" systems try to somewhat adhere to the POSIX standard. [02:05] wj32, I tried what was written in the thread and got the error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, [02:05] Gnea when I typed the libasound* command I got 2 lines [02:05] Hi all! [02:05] loafers: try replacing -t udf with -t iso9660 [02:05] mib_2dc6mp: okay, try out dpkg -S /usr/lib/libasound.so.2.0.0 [02:05] ac3_0f_spad3s: I know what Unix is, but what do you mean by bare Unix? Do you mean something minimal? [02:05] Woah deluge is nice :) [02:05] mattbd: have you had any experience with puppy ? [02:05] yes mattbd [02:05] eseven73: yes it is :D [02:05] when i type perl and hit return, it wont return anything. I have to do ctrl -c to break it. I installed the latest perl using apt-get. is there anything im missing ? [02:05] hello all [02:06] !hello | chilli0 [02:06] chilli0: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [02:06] how do i disable my mic from running all the dam time? [02:06] something very unhackable [02:06] rww: im getting 1.1mb/s from a Arch linux iso :) [02:06] wj32, Same error. [02:06] Gnea yea it says /usr/lib/libasound.so.2 for the fisr command, let me try the other [02:06] mib_2dc6mp: okay [02:06] bulletmike: You need to type ctrl+D ( EOF ) [02:06] bulletmike: that's how it's supposed to work. If you want to run a perl script, issue "perl filename.pl" [02:06] ac3_0f_spad3s:Maybe FreeBSD would be good for that [02:06] loafers: is it a dvd or cd [02:06] if i make anysound my mic amps it lol [02:06] mattbd is that minimal? [02:06] Hey is there a way to fsck a windows partition? [02:06] great. thanks rww [02:06] wj32, It's a cd image file from a book I have. [02:06] ntfs to be exact [02:06] eseven73: Arch is nice too :D [02:07] Gneathat last command gave me about 12 lines [02:07] webbhawk_h4x0r42: I have used it but prefer DSL [02:07] rww: i cant get arch working on Vbox :( [02:07] i can't think of any CD specs besides UDF and ISO9660 [02:07] sudobash: http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck : not yet, no [02:07] or Opensuse only Ubuntu and win xp [02:07] Gnea they are all lib(someething) [02:07] sudobash: ntfxfix will fix some things, I'm not sure how much to trust it though [02:07] Hello all. :) [02:07] so it has to be some unknown format === rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid [02:07] mib_2dc6mp: okay, so: dpkg dpkg -S /usr/lib/libasound.so.2.0.0 | pastebinit === root is now known as wfoster [02:07] wj32, ok thansk for helping [02:07] hello: can anyone tell me if this command can assist in correcting a graphics display problem in 8.10 - "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" [02:07] ac3_0f_spad3s: FreeBSD is very minimal out of the box, you pretty much install everything you want yourself === wfoster is now known as wfoster_ [02:08] Hey all! [02:08] hey guys i got about 4 lines of terminal i need help with, pastebin? [02:08] ebaby: no, that's the bootloader [02:08] Dexi: go ahead [02:08] mattbd can i install ubuntu on top of freeBSD? [02:08] Dexi, Pastebin. not in channel [02:08] ac3_0f_spad3s: If you want something unhackable OpenBSD is the way to go [02:08] eseven73: perhaps ask for help in #archlinux on this server ? [02:08] wj32: rww: Remember me? From last night? Well, I went out and bought a Macbook today. No need to worry about that pesky sudo situation anymore. [02:08] ebaby: depending on what you put in it, perhaps [02:08] mattbd: if you want unhackable, disconnect network connectivity [02:08] http://pastebin.com/m1a7258d8 [02:08] ac3_0f_spad3s: No, it's a completely different operating system [02:09] Gnea that didnt work: dpkg needs an action option, do we need that && cat thing [02:09] ActionParsnip: And the keyboard :) [02:09] ActionParsnip: lol! [02:09] mib_2dc6mp: yeah [02:09] mattbd: any system with internet connectivity has some chance of being hacked [02:09] its im possable to get hacked w\o intenet thats why i recomend tesltra [02:09] wfoster_: I remember the name, but not the problem =/. If you're trying to say that OS X doesn't use sudo... umm, I hate to tell you, but it does. [02:09] Dexi: sudo mkdir /usr/local/plugins first [02:09] wj32: I came across this page: "https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/54867" that had that on it and I belive it could solve my problem(s) - do you mind taking a quick glance at it for me to confirm/negate... thnx [02:09] off toptic - will an acer travelmate most likely have a 65W powerpack or 90W? [02:09] !ot | linduxed [02:09] linduxed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [02:10] might also be 30W but i highly doubt it [02:10] mattbd this is why im asking for something minimal. i would like something i can run ubuntu from [02:10] rww: Leopard OS X uses sudo? Well, at least it won't corrupt all the time like Wubi. [02:10] ActionParsnip: Yeah I know but OpenBSD is about as close to unhackable as anything you can find [02:10] rww: thx [02:10] ebaby: i guess so, but didn't you have problems with graphics? [02:10] Is there a Apple or Mac channel? [02:10] ac3_0f_spad3s: So you want to be able to set up a minimal Linux system? [02:10] Gnea what comes after the > [02:10] wfoster_, If you understood what wubi is and does you would not have used it int he first place [02:11] ac3_0f_spad3s: But using Ubuntu? [02:11] mattbd may i pm you [02:11] Gnea would it be libasound.2.0.0.txt [02:11] ac3_0f_spad3s: Sure [02:11] wj32: yeah all is well during the install ( i can even use firefox on web) but after install/reboot there is no display. [02:11] wfoster_: Yes, ##mac [02:11] mib_2dc6mp: well > is the output directive, so go ahead and make up a filename to put the infomration into - it can be anything you want it to be [02:11] Jack_Sparrow: What does it do then? [02:11] !wubi [02:11] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [02:11] Jordan_U: Thanks. [02:11] wfoster_: np [02:11] wfoster_: Yes it does, yes it might, and if I were in less of a terse mood tonight I'd PM you some of the reasons why I switched from OS X to Ubuntu. But yeah, OS X discussion is off-topic for #ubuntu, so go to ##mac. [02:11] wfoster_, read the faq. I wont use nor would I ever recommend it [02:11] wj32: it seems that the page is saying something about making sure the commands stick after restarting [02:12] ebaby: ok, then do it [02:12] hi, after I upgraded to 8.10 every reboot the keyboard layout switches back to US instead of DE [02:12] whats the difference between one hash '#' and two hashes '##' for channel names? [02:12] isn't there an app that will allow me to use a VNC client on another computer to connect to my server and login to a brand new X session? [02:12] wj32: ok i worked it into the right dir, now im getting this: http://pastebin.com/m16f31770 [02:12] wj32: ask in #freenode [02:13] Shadow_X: you can connect to servername:2 and it will load another x server [02:13] wj32: which I am assuming is wht my problem is... I tried it via root and got the message "(gedit:4379) : Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display" [02:13] Gnea, I hope I did this right, /f7278fe9d [02:14] Dexi: why are you using sudo for make? [02:14] ActionParsnip: to i need to do any specific config on the server aside from allowing remote X? [02:14] !gksu | ebaby [02:14] ebaby: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [02:14] Dexi: just run make [02:14] wj32: it said permission denied when i didnt [02:14] hiya [02:14] Dexi: that's weird. make should only compile the prog, not install it [02:14] mib_2dc6mp: looks good :) [02:15] Gnea when I try it with dpkg -l it says no package found matching /usr/lib/libasound.so.2.0.0 [02:15] wj32: its a weird thing its got going on... install directions told me to edit the first line of the makefile to my plugins dir and then type make, without ./configure first [02:15] Shadow_X: nope, i think it just gets spawned, try websearching vnc to headless pc [02:15] Dexi: which program? [02:15] rww "sessionsave" plugin for pidgin [02:16] ActionParsnip: thanks bro [02:16] !vnc | Shadow_X: you mean a VNC server? [02:16] Shadow_X: you mean a VNC server?: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [02:16] mib_2dc6mp: right, if you type: dpkg --help you will see that -l and -S do 2 different things. so, it looks like your alsa libraries are in place - there's no need to worry about them, it's the firmware that's the problem [02:16] !FreeNX [02:16] FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX [02:16] ? [02:16] eseven73: not sure what !gksu means as I am green [02:16] ok [02:16] Dexi: Ah. Yeah, it doesn't surprise me that plugins are weird. [02:17] ebaby: it's a better method of using graphical apps as root [02:17] eseven73: he can't get his display working [02:17] Gnea so I am guessing ubuntustudio either came with all the alsa, or when I downloaded it from synaptic it installed everything (though I never downloaded alsa-libs) [02:17] rww, i think i can make it work if i just copy the file, whats the terminal command to copy something from home/whatever to /usr/local/lib/purple-2 [02:17] Shadow_X: http://forums.teamphoenixrising.net/showthread.php?t=32325 [02:17] Dexi: cp /home/whatever/filename /usr/local/lib/purple-2 [02:17] mib_2dc6mp: so let's concentrate on that: find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" > mialist.txt && cat mialist | pastebinit [02:17] Dexi: possibly with a sudo in front of it; and if it's a directory, do cp -R [02:18] Gnea ok lemme do that [02:18] mib_2dc6mp: there is no alsa-libs in ubuntu, it's called libasound2 [02:18] rww ok, i think last time i did it wrong because it moved the whole dir but i didnt say -R idk ill go try [02:18] eseven73; is there a way to get to "terminal" from the recovery Menu? [02:18] hola a todos ^^ [02:18] ebaby: Can't you access the top bar? [02:19] mib_2dc6mp: sorry, cat mialist.txt | pastebinit lol [02:19] !list [02:19] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:19] !es | COMPLICE36 [02:19] COMPLICE36: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [02:19] !list [02:19] wfoster_, We dont serve files [02:19] !warez [02:19] piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [02:19] Gnea I must be typing something wrong : find/lib/firmware/: no such directory [02:19] Hi! Can anyone help me with a problem I'm having mounting USB Mass Storage devices? Details of what I've done so far are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6476221 [02:19] rww whats the rename command? [02:20] wfoster: the top bar? [02:20] Dexi: same as the move command: mv oldname newname [02:20] mib_2dc6mp: make sure there's a space: find /lib/firmware/ [02:20] rww: nevermind im doing it wrong anyway lol [02:20] forget it, ill just ditch the plugin :-/ [02:20] gonna go get some chili and come back later :D [02:20] !terminal | Dexi: basic help on command-line usage (if you feel like reading through it) [02:20] Gnea thats the prob [02:20] Dexi: basic help on command-line usage (if you feel like reading through it): The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [02:21] so ntfsck works? [02:21] is it possible to remove images off of pidgin ONLY on the window things on the bottom task bar? === rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid [02:22] images=people's display pictures [02:22] mib_2dc6mp: ? [02:22] s3a: #pidgin [02:22] i want it to always show status on those window things [02:22] sudobash: did you read the link I sent you? [02:22] Raylz, k thx [02:22] it looks like it is being distributed [02:22] http://downloads.sourceforge.net/linux-ntfs/ntfsprogs-2.0.0.tar.gz?modtime=1190969237&big_mirror=1 [02:23] shear, that is characteristic of an unclean mount or fsck detecting issues with the device [02:23] thanks rww ill make a point to get to that sooner or later [02:23] ebaby: sorry i had to answer the door, you can get a terminal in recovery mode this way: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo#recoverymode [02:23] Gnea now I get a keyboard interrpt find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp" > mialist.txt && cat mialist.txt | pastebinit [02:23] haha, just compiling the new gnome :) [02:23] Jack_Sparrow, I did run fsck, and posted the result in that thread [02:23] Gnea am i supposed to take the -name out [02:23] Jack_Sparrow, do you know how to fix it? [02:24] ahhhh ntfsresize -fi /dev/hdXY [02:24] mib_2dc6mp: well, you're looking for anything that -starts- with the mib_dsp, so it needs to be "mia_dsp*" [02:24] !fsck [02:24] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [02:24] sudobash: "ntfsprogs" is a collection of programs for managing the ntfs file system, and is available as an Ubuntu package anyway. ntfsck doesn't exist yet, but will eventually; in the meantime, install ntfsprogs and run the command on that page [02:24] !info ntfsprogs [02:24] ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB [02:24] so ntfsprogs is obsolete but ntfsck is not ready yet? [02:25] Gnea I added the * but I still get a keyboard interrupt [02:25] shear, for the best answers pastebin the output, dont make people search through a thread looking for it [02:25] Package ntfsprogs is not available, but is referred to by another package. [02:25] mib_2dc6mp: hrm, try it like this then: find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" [02:25] sudobash: what version of Ubuntu are you using? [02:26] wait my install must not be up to date cause it worked in california [02:26] ebaby: oops i should have told you to skip down to like the 5th image, thats where it shows for terminal [02:26] Jack_Sparrow, without reading the thread, someone else trying to help won't know what has already been suggested to me [02:26] ntfsresize -fi /dev/hdXY how well does this work? [02:27] sudobash, gparted live is a better bet [02:27] i'm trying to set up a raid 5 array as described here: http://bfish.xaedalus.net/?p=188 but when I run the commands to edit /etc/mdadm/mdadm/conf it says permission denied. how can there be permission denied to edit a file if I am using sudo? [02:27] Gnea that is what I have find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" > mialist.txt && cat mialist.txt | pastebinit [02:27] i am trying to check fs from 3000 miles away [02:27] Jack_Sparrow: that command is (surprisingly) for filesystem checking, not resizing. [02:28] yeah it says it needs to be checked with chkdsk /F now [02:28] crap [02:28] Gnea I get a kbord interrupt catched [02:28] macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro3-1/Intrepid and it still doesn't work [02:29] Gnea I must be missing something in the command [02:29] any ideas? [02:29] eseven73: I am trying to fix a prob where install is fine but after install and reboot I get no visual/gui/etc. I believe this page - "https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/54867" describes what is happening to me but since I am new I am not 100% certain. your thoughts... [02:29] any ideas on fixing the ntfs errors? [02:29] why does it tell me permission denied when I run this command? sudo echo "DEVICE partitions" > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf [02:29] from 3000 miles away? [02:29] sudobash: Again, ntfsfix *might* do it [02:29] ok [02:30] how do you prevent the usb pendrives being auto explored? === DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Sleepin [02:30] mib_2dc6mp: right, all I'm saying is, try it without doing the output and pastebin [02:30] it says it actually just marks it as dirty [02:30]  I have a problem getting grub to boot windows xp on an extended partition. Windows is on sda6 and grub comes up with error 12 when I try to boot it. The relevant section of my menu.lst is at http://pastebin.com/d6fa86776 Can anyone tell me how to boot windows from an extended partition using grub? [02:30] so windows checks it [02:30] Gnea oh ok [02:31] why is the current package for gnuoctave only version 3.0.0 (ubuntu 8.04 [02:31] so maybe if i mark it and restart it and set windows as default os to boot then it will chkdsk when it boots but will it fix errors? [02:31] ebaby: im prolly the worse person in here to ask about display issues or networking sorry :) [02:31] Gnea find /lib/firmware/ -name "mia_dsp*" nothing happens [02:31] sudobash: the only reason to put yourself through the torture of ntfs is if you have windows. if you have windows, reboot into windows and then ask in ##windows for help. [02:32] mib_2dc6mp: okay, and I just tried it too like that - the "KeyboardInterrupt caught." means that pastebinit won't send an empty file [02:32] well i am 3000 miles away ubuntu to ubuntu trying to fix a dual boot XP partition : ( [02:32] Gnea so I need some drivers or something? [02:32] mib_2dc6mp: all this means is that there is no firmware installed for your soundcard at all - now that we have that confirmed, let's get the firmware [02:32] Jack_Sparrow: can you lend an ear? [02:32] Gnea sounds good! [02:33] Can someone tell me how to mount my windows partition please? [02:33] im gonna get rid of windows for good [02:33] PosterBoy: You need to mount your win partion in linux? [02:33] but i need to copy a few more files over first [02:33] ebaby, Sorry, trying to watch the playoffs... just lurking to keep an eye on things [02:33] !ntfs | PosterBoy [02:33] PosterBoy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [02:33] JonathanEllis, yes [02:34] JonathanEllis, it was mounted before but i unmounted it in GParted and now it says i dont have permission to mount it anymore [02:34] PosterBoy: Ah, I see someone has helped you already [02:34] Jack_Sparrow: I understand thanks though [02:34] thanks for understanding [02:34] mount -t ntfs-3g /media/disk /dev/sda1 [02:34] sudobash: I think you have that backwards [02:35] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's make sure your module is set correctly. do you get anything from this command: lsmod | grep snd_mia [02:35] sudobash: device then mountpoint [02:35] hmm ebaby just curious, have you tried Hardy? and see if you still have this same issue? [02:35] oops yeah [02:35] PosterBoy, sudobash: I think that should be sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /media/disk /dev/sda1 shouldnt it? [02:35] lol yeah im intoxicated though [02:35] so forgive me [02:35] Has anyone had issues with time in f-spot? My photos show the correct time with every other app, but in F-spot they show the UTC time. [02:36] PosterBoy: If you put sudo before the mount command that will give you permission [02:36] JonathanEllis: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/devicename /path/to/mountpoint (or replace ntfs with ntfs-3g if writing to the ntfs partition requried) [02:36] Gnea I do [02:36] does anyone know how I would go about allowing multiple programs to access my webcam at once (possibly by relaying data) ? [02:36] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's unload it then: rmmod snd_mia [02:36] PosterBoy, sudo mkdir /media/driveblah then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/driveblah substitute your drive for sda1 [02:36] mib_2dc6mp: sorry: sudo rmmod snd_mia [02:37] Gnea I get a send_mia, pcm, raw midi [02:37] !ot>biotrox [02:37] biotrox, please see my private message [02:37] mib_2dc6mp: okay. basically what we're gonna do is remove the module, download the firmware, compile the firmware, install the firmware, and reload the module so that it sticks with the firmware [02:37] nothing happened [02:37] let me try the sudo again [02:37] can somone please help me i need help with my wireless and im using xubuntu and the xubuntu chat noone is helping me [02:38] can somone please help? [02:38] !anyone | ethan [02:38] ethan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [02:38] mib_2dc6mp: you should get an error this time [02:38] since when does using sudo not allow editing access on files owned by root? [02:38] Gnea now I get error: Module snd_mia does not eist [02:38] cdm10; i need help wiht my wireless [02:38] Hello all. Is there a program to record into mp3 the whatever goes into my laptops speakers? I want to stream a song from the web, such as youtube, pandora, or seeqpod and record it. [02:38] can you help me [02:38] mib_2dc6mp: good, that means you were able to unload it :) [02:38] ethan: well, ask a more specific question [02:38] WOOT [02:38] !ask | ethan [02:38] Help - trying to correct via chrome9 HC IGP video card with Ubuntu 8.10 on laptop [02:38] ethan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [02:38] !helpme > ethan [02:39] PosterBoy: Have you managed to mount that partition now? [02:39] ethan, please see my private message [02:39] macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro3-1/Intrepid and it still doesn't work. Any ideas? [02:39] cdm10: my wireless router is not being detected on my [02:39] can anyone hear me? [02:39] peepsalot, You need to give more info [02:39] hear you? this isnt Yahoo! Chat [02:39] StevenX: With youtube you can just grab the .flv file from /tmp, it's not easy but for everything else you can use pulseaudio [02:39] can we see you? yes. [02:39] !ask | peepsalot [02:39] peepsalot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [02:39] ethan: its because your wireless router is most likely not broadcasting [02:40] ethan: have you tried manually entering your wireless information? [02:40] gnea and cdm10: the wireless network router is not being detected on ym computer i used ndiswrapper and somoen helped me take it of but my wireless is still nto wokring [02:40] JonathanEllis, i have asked three questions already, and no one has said anything [02:40] How do I send the value of a variable to standard output with POSIX scripting (I know I asked earlier, but I had to go right then)? [02:40] mib_2dc6mp: okay, you're going to want to go here: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page and get just the alsa-firmware-1.0.17 [02:40] Jordan_U: thank you. [02:40] StevenX: np [02:40] Gnea I have it, I grabbed the firmware, source and libs and put the in a folder in my /home [02:40] Gnea: what type of network card do you have? [02:40] gnea and cdm10 and ultrahex: im using xubuntu though an di the xubuntu chat noone can help me [02:40] Jack_Sparrow, I am trying to set up raid 5, and when I run the following command it says permission denied: sudo echo "DEVICE partitions" > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf [02:41] ethan: we're going to need more information, please. we need to know the make/model of your laptop and your wireless card. [02:41] how can I make the settings stick after install - as graphics are fine during install but after they do not work [02:41] Gnea time to compile? [02:41] mn: echo $VARIABLE ? [02:41] peepsalot: I wasnt here when you asked - or at least wasnt watching the room. Others may not have seen your question either. What's the problem? Dont guarantee I will know the answer [02:41] ethan, the one didn't working is your wireless router or your wireless adapter? [02:41] ethan: please stop saying that noone can help you, we're trying. please, work with us. [02:41] How good is the firestarter firewall? [02:41] IIRC its just a front end for the firewall thats already there [02:41] peepsalot, I wont use raid (other than true hardware raid) so I cant help you [02:41] gnea: the make is an hp pavilion zv600 [02:41] peepsalot: Or alternatively noone here knows the answer [02:41] cdm10: think you meant that for ethan :) [02:41] ethan: lspic [02:42] yes, ty Jordan_U [02:42] I miss blackice firewall [02:42] tell us what wireless card it is. [02:42] gnea: hp pavilion zv6000 [02:42] mn: np [02:42] !ZFS [02:42] For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS [02:42] :( was my fav [02:42] mib_2dc6mp: okay - the only one you have to worry about is the alsa-firmware, you can get rid of the rest [02:42] !firewall > sartak_ [02:42] sartak_, please see my private message [02:42] ethan: I think that should be lspci [02:42] !laptop | ethan [02:42] ethan: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org [02:42] Gnea: I did, sorry about that :) [02:42] Gnea okay [02:42] Jack_Sparrow, the question is mainly regarding the fact that i'm using sudo and somehow I still don't have permission to alter this file. I thought that sudo gives you permission to do anythhing [02:42] Any reason why a USB keyboard might suddenly stop responding, even though I didnt update or anything? [02:42] ethan: check out that 2nd URL and see if you can find your laptop listed there. [02:42] "fuse: mount failed: device or resource busy" [02:42] cdm10: no problem :)P [02:42] ethan: lspci sorry typeo b4 [02:42] ebaby: What happens when you d [02:42] gnea: which url [02:43] faster horses and younger women make the world go round gents [02:43] ebaby: ... When you first boot after install? [02:43] :O haha [02:43] Gnea I am rdy when you are [02:43] !ot > sartak_ [02:43] sartak_, please see my private message [02:43] ethan: do you see the list of Laptop support sites that ubottu just gave you? [02:43] PosterBoy: What else do you have open that may be trying to access that partition? [02:43] gnea: i have an internal wireless card through broadcom [02:43] why ubuntu . . . Why not fedora or mandriva? Isn't ubuntu as commercialized as any os people might hope to avoid? [02:43] !ot > user_ [02:43] user_, please see my private message [02:43] no trolling [02:44] mib_2dc6mp: sec [02:44] ok [02:44] gnea: yes my model is there [02:44] gnea: what do i do [02:44] GParted was open but is now closed [02:44] other then that no idea, JonathanEllis [02:44] Jordan_U: no graphics just some grey matter afer a while a dialog box saying Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode due to inability to configure settings - I get options but no matter what I input the same things re-occur - grey matter dark screen [02:45] ethan: open them in new tabs, see if you can find out anything of how someone else was able to get their wireless working [02:45] Dear Ubuntu IRC Staff, [02:45] I would like to request a ubuntu bot cloak for my bot, patxBot. He has a factoid option, so you can make whatever factoids you want. I do not care what ubuntu channel he runs on, any will do. My e-mail is patx@patx44.tk. [02:45] Any reason why a USB keyboard might suddenly stop responding, even though I didnt update or anything? [02:45] ebaby: What version of Ubuntu? [02:45] patx, please join ubuntu-ops [02:45] I just ran xinput list and its not listed [02:45] Jordan_U: the strange thing is that graphics run fine (beautiful) during install - 8.10 [02:46] hello [02:46] gnea: this site says to use ndiswrapper and i justt ook that off with someone else [02:46] I must convert an avi file to video dvd/cd [02:46] how can I do it in ubuntu? [02:46] !ndiswrapper>ethan [02:46] ethan, please see my private message [02:46] PosterBoy: Please put my name if you are trying to talk to me otherwise I may miss your post. Try sudo mount -t devicename mountpoint ntfs defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1 [02:46] ebaby: Not sure what the problem is but try removing your xorg.conf so X configures itself [02:47] Can someone please help me install my Wireless PCI network adapter? It's a BCM4318 chip set and this installation tutorial does NOT work: http://www.sampbar.com/2008/11/broadcom-bcm4318-ubuntu-intrepid.html [02:47] biotrox: can you help me set up my wireless [02:47] Jordan_U: driver info says vesa is being used. switched Gedit file to openchrome but no real improvement. Trying to figure how to make the settings that were used during install to stick afterwards [02:47] hello all of you [02:47] ethan: What is the problem? [02:48] Holy bajesus this is scary, when I go to properties of my filesystem the contents is ticking up astronomically, is this nrmal? [02:48] ealx: Avidemux and k3b should do the trick, I have a link to a howto if you'd like [02:48] usr13: i just need help seting it up my wireless isnt working [02:48] ethan, is ur broadcom adapter is listed in the pci list? [02:48] is there a way to lock my computer from and ssh session [02:48] Jordan_U: May I ask how to accomplish removing the xorg.conf [02:48] System -> Network and Unlock [02:48] biotrox:im new to this whole os, wheere do i go for that? [02:48] with gnome-screensaver [02:48] Does anyone know the way to boot windows from grub when windows is on a logical partition in an extended partition? I think makeactive is causing an error 12 [02:49] ethan, go to gnome-terminal, and type in sudo lspci [02:49] ebaby: The thing is that they should stick, IIRC the xorg.conf configured for the live session is copied to the installed system [02:49] JonathanEllis, [02:49] JonathanEllis, Best to ask that in #Windows [02:49] JonathanEllis-> canyou post your entire menu.lst ? [02:49] JonathanEllis: MS Windows needs to be on the First Partition. [02:49] JonathanEllis, it is now mounted. Thank you. [02:49] JonathanEllis, ages ago I recall there being grub options to 'swap' drives around.. but im not sure you can swap a logical to be a 'primary' and as far as i know WIndows sort of demands to be on a primary partition. Not sure if Vista is still that way. Pretty sure XP was.. and Im VERY sure 95/98 had to be [02:50] biotrox: ok i did now what? [02:50] see if your broadcom is there in the lsit [02:50] list [02:50] n8tuser: Relevant part of menu.lst is at http://pastebin.com/d6fa86776 [02:50] Can someone please help me install my Wireless PCI network adapter? It's a BCM4318 chip set and this installation tutorial does NOT work: http://www.sampbar.com/2008/11/broadcom-bcm4318-ubuntu-intrepid.html [02:50] Ndiswrapper gives an error that utils don't exist even after installing Ndiswrapper from LiveCD [02:50] illmortal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [02:50] JonathanEllis-> nope, not enuff, post the whole thing please [02:50] mib_2dc6mp: sorry this is taking awhile, i just ran into a problem with my laptop [02:51] usr13: I had windows booting successfully on the second partition but it was a primary partition not extended [02:51] !b43 [02:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about b43 [02:51] biotrox: see if broadcom is there? [02:51] !info b43 [02:51] Package b43 does not exist in intrepid [02:51] !bcm43xx [02:51] Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [02:51] Gnea np, I am thankful for your help so its all good [02:51] mib_2dc6mp: :) [02:51] biotrox? [02:51] !bcm43xx>ethan [02:51] ethan, please see my private message [02:52] Does anybody know how to prevent Ubuntu from turning off the backlight when the room is extremely dark (and just keeping the brightness at the lowest level possible)? Is this possible? [02:52] n8tuser: Here it is http://pastebin.com/d66173932 [02:52] Jordan_U: they dont seem to be. This page seems to be describing that: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/54867 - but typing the sudo command gets me "cannot open display" [02:52] iGoogle: 怎样取消mlnet 自动运行呢 [02:52] ethan, when u lspci, is the broadcom adapter is listed there? [02:52] Anyone else having problems with the nVidia GeForce 6200 OC? [02:52] Who needs help with Broadcom? [02:52] JonathanEllis: MS Windows needs to be on the First Partition. [02:52] mn: ethan [02:52] n8tuser: Most of this was built when I installed Ubuntu - Windows already existing on sda6 [02:52] !cn | quinn [02:52] quinn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk [02:53] mn, ethan need help with broadcom [02:53] hey guys can someone help me with the battery settings on my thinkpad x61? i want my laptop to dim on battery (10% brightness) and go to 100% on AC power. also i want it to dim when idle, but "undim" when i touch the mouse. right now it dims on idle and doesn't undim. [02:53] mn: i do [02:53] ethan: what is the problem? [02:53] mn i need help seting up my wireless [02:53] brohken: there are options for that in the power settings [02:53] Anyone else having problems with the nVidia GeForce 6200 OC? [02:53] ethan: specifically [02:53] Jordan_U: should there be a space between "gedit" and "/boot..." [02:53] mn: my router isnt being detected [02:53] brohken: there is "ac power" and "battery" settings [02:53] When i am going to tunnel my webtraffic through a ssh tunnel to my server with putty, is there anything i need to do at the server side besides making sure that the sshd is running and AllowTcpForwardin is set to yes in the config? It won't work. Firefox says Finished loading page, but there is just a blank page there. [02:53] mn: i cant connect to my wireless [02:53] ethan: is your network being detected? [02:54] !anyone > hbah427 [02:54] hbah427, please see my private message [02:54] brohken: set them differently, set one to dim, one not too... and all should be good [02:54] ethan: you have 8.10? [02:54] !lspci | ethan [02:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about lspci [02:54] hbah427, I had to fiddle a bit on my 6600 oc [02:54] JonathanEllis-> try root (hd0,0) for your windows [02:54] the_squircle, i know.... but it doesnt play nice. it only dims to 50% and it doesn't undim after idle [02:54] Say, anybody know if theres way to get Warcraft 3 working on 8.10? [02:54] zionpsyfer, yes [02:54] mn. no just my wired network my wireless is not. and yes i have 8.10 [02:54] can you link the post? === wfoster_ is now known as wfoster [02:54] mn: but im running xubuntu and im here becasue noone in that caht knwos hwo to fix this [02:55] server irc.irc-hispano.org === fmartin is now known as MrWebs [02:55] brohken: i'm having similar problems... it keeps turning off my MacBook Pro backlight (using auto-brightness light sensors) when the room isn't well lit... so... i'm afraid I can't be of much more help than that [02:55] n8tuser: You mean once the map commands have worked Grub will think its on hd0,0? [02:55] How does one format a usb stick? [02:55] ethan: I think Ubuntu comes with the Broadcom drivers installed. However, you still need the proprietary firmware. [02:56] n8tuser: sda1 is actually my boot partition [02:56] How do you prevent ubuntu from turning off the backlight when the room isn't fully lit? [02:56] how can i scan my lan for some ip? i have 192.168.1.x and i want to ping/scan every ip adress in that range in order to know if there is a computer [02:56] n8tuser: I mean /boot [02:56] ealx: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/make-a-vcd-from-an-avi-using-avidemux-and-k3b.html the install instructions miss part of the command, install them from synaptic [02:56] I had 8.10,desktop effects didn;t work, did a fresh install of 8.04 and now I can't get desktop effects to work. [02:56] basti: install and use zenmap [02:56] didn't* === vileli8ves is now known as meter [02:56] Circs: use gparted [02:56] JonathanEllis-> try hd0,1 then ? [02:56] that was weird... pulseaudio was taking up all system resources, then my keyboard was 'stolen' and the power LED started blinking green/amber [02:56] How to stop the mlnet run automatically [02:56] zionpsyfer, i've installed avidemus now [02:56] !info zenmap | basti [02:56] zenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.62-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 793 kB, installed size 3244 kB [02:57] basti: usage instructions at http://nmap.org/book/zenmap.html [02:57] n8tuser: Windows is on sda6. Thats why I have hd0,5 in there [02:57] rww im installing it and wanted it to check it out before responding [02:57] i can read ;) [02:57] hbah427, Not sure it will help.. but here is what I did for my 6600.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/99363/ [02:57] !anyone > the_squircle [02:57] the_squircle, please see my private message [02:57] Thanks Jack Sparrow [02:57] I'm need a good open source note taking program that runs well on ubuntu. I'm looking at Wikidpad now, has anyone used it? [02:57] I'll give it a try [02:57] JonathanEllis-> you want to try it? or you're going to keep on insisting? === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [02:57] ealx: Alright, now you need k3b if you haven't already installed it, then you'll be ready. [02:58] Cadman21: why not use OOo or gEdit? [02:58] Cadman21: http://evernote.com [02:58] mn: ty ty [02:58] Cadman21: i tried wikipad i couldnt get it running, BasKet is really nice its a OneNote clone [02:58] np Circs [02:58] Hey, does anyone know if the VFS gets file update triggers for networked filesystems? [02:58] I'm fed up of Ubuntu, it's crap. [02:58] Bring on the Mac. [02:58] I'm trying to figure out if NFS/AFS will send signals to FAM [02:59] mn: Seems really obvious now... duh. [02:59] Cadman21, have you used Tomboy Notes? [02:59] hi i have a prbleme from my wifi card the speed is to slow and and im news on ubuntu and i dont no noting plz help me [02:59] ah man... where's all the old skool people. [02:59] wfoster: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. Since you're using OS X, I'm hard-pressed to find a reason for you to be talking in here. [02:59] illmortal: define 'old skool people' [03:00] Gnea you stil around? [03:00] mib_2dc6mp: yes, had to wait for fsck to run [03:00] n8tuser: I would rather not repartition my drive unless absolutely necessary. And I have to reboot to try it. Im sorry if I seem doubtful - just want to understand what I am doing before I am doing it. Are you saying that the map commands will make Grub think hd0,5 is now hd0,0? That would make sense I guess so I will try it - but this is an old PC so it will take a good 10 minutes before I can get back into Linux after trying to boot windows so I ju [03:00] I'm looking for something kinda like onenote? [03:00] oh ok [03:00] Cadman21: BasKet [03:00] Cadman21: oh. You can google 'OneNote alternatives' === eli_ is now known as dotblank [03:00] JonathanEllis-> you can try it out, from the grub prompt or modify rootnoverify (hd0,0) [03:01] ok thanks I'll try looking at that === ms_exodus is now known as exodus_ms [03:01] rww: he is probably just frustrated ( as I am) coming from a Mac environment and perhaps having probs w/Ubuntu... - I can relate [03:01] i have wifi probleme [03:01] ebaby: he moved from Ubuntu /to/ a Mac environment [03:01] ebaby: all mac users can relate, myself included [03:01] eseven73: BasKet looks pretty cool. I'd give it a try if I had kubuntu [03:01] ebaby, most people move the other way... [03:01] n8tuser: I didnt realised I can try it from the grub prompt. How? Can I test it without actually booting windows then? [03:02] hbah427: you dont need Kubuntu or KDE [03:02] JonathanEllis-> press escape [03:02] ebaby: it's easy to understand, when you're used to having everything automated to work for you, to having to do work for yourself. [03:02] you can run KDE apps in Gnome and visevera [03:02] eseven73 people that used to be here a year ago and i've known for almost 5 years. [03:02] ebaby: and announced it trollishly earlier. Hence me knowing that he doesn't want Ubuntu support. [03:03] eseven73: I tried that with k3b. it barely worked. [03:03] quelqun parle francais ici ???? [03:03] !fr [03:03] !fr | daniel66123 [03:03] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [03:03] daniel66123: please see above [03:03] hbah427: well im telling you BasKet works fine in Gnome and Xubuntu [03:03] JonathanEllis-> anyhow if you dont like to invest your time, then we cant do much about it, a mere 10 minutes is not eternity [03:03] eseven73: not doubting that. [03:03] I'll try it then. [03:03] n8tuser: No its fine. I will try it - just curious how to try it from the grub prompt thats all [03:03] whats a good and easy to use FTP server?? [03:04] can anyone help me to get my xorg.conf configured from the live session to make sure it is copied ( and working) on [03:04] to the installed system [03:04] FTP is not very secure [03:04] Shadow_X_: find one closest to your area [03:04] My only problem with 10 minutes is I will lose everything that has already been said here and I have an appalling memory :-) [03:04] what the heck kind of files can ardour open if not .ogg or .mp3...> [03:04] no, I mean one to install on my machine [03:04] for local network use [03:04] n8tuser: My only problem with 10 minutes is I will lose everything that has already been said here and I have an appalling memory :-) [03:04] Shadow_X_: oh. sorry. [03:05] !ftpd | Shadow_X_ [03:05] Shadow_X_: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP [03:05] Shadow_X_: Just my personal experience, but proftpd worked well for me. [03:05] I'm trying to use OpenDNS on Intrepid, I'm following the instructions on this page: https://www.opendns.com/homenetwork/start/device/ubuntu however when I use the command gksudo network-admin in Terminal, nothing happens. [03:05] mib_2dc6mp: okay, got your alsa-firmware downloaded and unpacked? [03:05] Mike2202: did you just try to set the DNS in NetworkManager before following OpenDNS's instructions? [03:05] JonathanEllis-> you wont miss much, you are not here 24/7 so, you can miss lots of things too.. [03:06] Mike2202: that's the easiest way === jiflipifli is now known as jifli [03:06] Gnea I downloaded it and extracted it to the desktop, but it put it in /home [03:06] the_squircle: No I didn't, where can I find NetworkManager? [03:06] Mike2202: there should be a little network icon in one of your statusbars [03:07] n8tuser: No I mean I will forget what has been advised me already and what has been tried already. I am just trying to work out how to save the lines with my name in them into a textfile so I have the chat history before I reboot [03:07] Mike2202: right-click that and go to edit connections [03:07] mib_2dc6mp: what do you mean? did you run ./configure already? [03:07] Gnea no [03:07] JonathanEllis-> okay, i dont know how to do that with your chat client [03:07] Mike2202: skip the network-admin step and do the stuff under "To avoid having your settings get revoked..." further down. [03:07] mib_2dc6mp: okay... well, your desktop is in /home, so that's fine [03:08] Mike2202: and then instead of doing the "sudo ifdown" line, do "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" [03:08] what should i use instead of ndiswrapper [03:08] Gnea should it look something like this? cd alsa-driver-1.0.12rc1 make clean make mrproper ./configure --with-cards=intel8x0,mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes make sudo make install [03:08] Mike2202: OpenDNS's instructions are out of date (those would have worked with Hardy, iirc) hence the problems. [03:08] mib_2dc6mp: let's make sure you've got everything else installed to: sudo apt-get install build-essential ncurses-dev gettext linux-headers-`uname -r` [03:08] mib_2dc6mp: not yet [03:09] mib_2dc6mp: forget alsa-driver, don't need it [03:09] rww: Oh okay, thanks for your help. You too the_squircle. [03:09] :D [03:09] mib_2dc6mp: the only thing to worry about is alsa-firmware, otherwise you run the risk of messing your system up [03:09] n8tuser: Found it. Now I can reboot with confidence! [03:09] why cant I expand my ubuntu partition into the unallocated space on my hard drive ??? [03:10] JonathanEllis-> okay, cool [03:10] Blister: you might not be able to do it while booted into ubuntu, try booting the LiveCD [03:10] Blister: are you trying to expand it while running Ubuntu from it? 'cause that won't work. You need to resize from a copy of Ubuntu not on that partition (e.g. from an Ubuntu/gparted live CD) [03:11] ok thank you both [03:11] rww: close enough :p [03:11] :) [03:12] Gnea it said reading package listts.. done, building dependency tree, reading state info... done note, selecting libncurses5-dev instead of ncurses-dev gottext is already newest version. E: Couldnt find package linux-headers-uname -r [03:12] How can you prevent ubuntu from turning your backlight all the way off when adjusting to ambient light? [03:12] mib_2dc6mp: it's literal: linux-headers-`uname -r` === eli_ is now known as dotblank [03:13] Gnea so i need to redo the command? [03:13] mib_2dc6mp: you need to use ` instead of '. ` is the key to the left of 1 on US keyboards. [03:13] mib_2dc6mp: yeah, make sure you include the ` and ` [03:13] Sorry for my actions 10 minutes ago. [03:13] what kind of themes can i download from kde look.org when i have the new kubuntu 8.10 installed with kde4.1? Only the 4.0 ones or also the ones under the menu title ẗheme manager"? [03:13] wfoster: try !sorry [03:14] jarco_: pretty much all of them. [03:14] !sorry [03:14] It's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand... [03:14] Lol. [03:14] :) [03:14] heh === MTecknology is now known as jik0- [03:15] lol [03:15] Gnea package linux headers not installed so not removed and it couldnt find my kkernel [03:15] Gnea got it [03:15] Gnea I had a space [03:15] mib_2dc6mp: nice job [03:16] Gnea installing all sorts of stuff [03:16] Gnea finished [03:17] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's make sure the development files are installed right: sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev [03:18] Gnea done [03:19] /quit [03:19] hey. I have looked on the internet, searched etc... but i cannot find any evidence to explain if there is any way to fix my slow HD to USB transfer speeds. Any ideas? i get an error message saying " not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub" . These slow speeds are annoying [03:19] firefox is full screen and i can't resize it === jik0- is now known as MTecknology [03:19] kestutis, hit F11 >? === eli_ is now known as dotblank [03:19] RukusX: Do you have any USB 2.0 ports? [03:20] yeah [03:20] dr_willis: thanks [03:20] I can't play YouTube videos and use mplayer at the same time. Any solutions? [03:20] the_squircle, i dont even think i have any that are not [03:20] RukusX: is the USB device directly plugged into the port? [03:20] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's give this a go: cd alsa-firmware-1.0.17/ && ./configure && make [03:20] aiuw: Keep one off, while you do the other? :P [03:20] mib_2dc6mp: let me know when it's finished and/or if there are any errors [03:21] wfoster, I'd like to use both... :| [03:21] the_squircle, yes [03:21] aiuw: I'm no good with Ubuntu, so I can't help you. I wish I could. [03:22] aiuw: Anyone else will be happy to help you though. [03:22] aiuw: what soundcard do you have? [03:22] help!! sound stopped working !! [03:22] RukusX: now... you're sure that both the device and the port is USB 2.0? If they both are... maybe it's the driver that Ubuntu is using for your motherboard and they're running at 1.1 speeds. That's all I can think of [03:22] RukusX: Try to add "pci=noacpi pci=routeirq" at the grub boot options [03:22] Gnea, good question. What command do I need to issue to see it? [03:23] aiuw: lspci | grep audio [03:23] jimmy0i7: Give us some more details, what do you mean it has gone. You can't hear any at all? Can you still hear the login noise? [03:23] !sound | jimmy0i7 [03:23] jimmy0i7: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [03:23] Gnea no such file directory === miguel is now known as Guest46481 [03:23] mib_2dc6mp: what? [03:23] wfoster, thats correct i can no longer even hear the log in sound and it started after deleteing windows partition [03:23] Gnea, Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB4x0 High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) [03:24] aiuw: that on a laptop? [03:24] Gnea it doesnt like alsa-firmware-1.0.17/ [03:24] jp_sf, i added the pci=routeirq maybe i will try that noacpi. What is peculiar, my speeds are quick, at least 3.7mbps until it seem the disk cache gets filled. then slows right down 1.1mbps [03:24] Gnea, yes. [03:24] !laptop | aiuw [03:24] aiuw: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org [03:24] jimmy0i7: try running a fsck, make sure nothing got hurt on the Linux partition after removing the windows partition, maybe the sound driver's sector got damaged or something... [03:24] aiuw: see if you can find it there - you may need to turn pulseaudio off [03:24] Ok [03:25] jimmy0i7: Do you have pulseaudio installed? If so go to 'Terminal' then type 'pavucontrol'. [03:25] the_squircle, how do i run fsck ? [03:25] the_squircle, thanks for the help, but how would i change the driver? is that not part of my kernel? i've booted my last 3 to see if any difference and none [03:25] jimmy0i7: Terminal > type 'pavucontrol' > Output Devices > Tell me if it says anything. [03:25] jimmy0i7: The easiest way is to `sudo touch /forcefsck` then reboot [03:25] RukusX: 3.7 I think it is slow a usb 2.0 should be more than 10MB/s [03:25] jimmy0i7: do what Flannel says [03:25] quick question... been using Ubuntu for sometime, but have never had this issue.... got a new laptop, it seems to have loaded audio drivers, but I can't hear anything. A google yielded nothing. [03:26] is there something like the gnome-system-monitor resource graphs, which keeps historical data? [03:26] mib_2dc6mp: okay, you downloaded it to your Desktop, right? can you do this: cd ~/Desktop/ && tar xvf alsa-firmware-1.0.17.tar.bz2 [03:26] jp_sf, got ya. this is angonizingly slow [03:26] jimmy0i7: Do what Flannel says, he knows more than mysrlf. [03:26] !netbook [03:26] Sorry, I don't know anything about netbook [03:26] RukusX: it wouldn't be part of your kernel... are you sure that it has the ability to perform any faster? [03:26] RukusX: Sorry... I'm no expert. [03:26] !laptop > tim_ [03:26] tim_, please see my private message [03:26] ~ [03:26] the_squircle, yah. i've experienced speeds at arouns 10mpbs for sure [03:26] tim_: see if you can find your laptop there, a solution might exist [03:26] guys, any idea where can I get help for Netbook Remix thingies? [03:26] wfoster: I was just answering the [03:27] wfoster: I was just answering the 'how do I fsck' question. I haven't payed enough attention to know if fsck will fix something or not [03:27] !laptop > Saviq [03:27] Saviq, please see my private message [03:27] RukusX: I don't think I can help anymore... (i'm not an expert in much), but i'm sure someone else can... i'll do some googling for you though :) [03:27] anyone know how to low level format (write all 0's) using a ubuntu cd in live mode? [03:27] the_squircle, sure. thanks for the help. :) [03:27] hey guys can someone help me with the battery settings on my thinkpad x61? i want my laptop to dim on battery (10% brightness) and go to 100% on AC power. also i want it to dim when idle, but "undim" when i touch the mouse. right now it dims on idle and doesn't undim. [03:28] Gnea: yeah I'm actually looking for help for the ume-launcher thingy that's not specific to notebooks [03:28] DJCanadianJeff: yes [03:28] Gnea, it doesnt like it, Moved the folder to the desktop and it is alsa-firmware-1.0.17 [03:28] Gnea got it [03:29] is there a bash command todo it? [03:29] mib_2dc6mp: okay, can you get there via terminal? [03:29] Gnea i did the first command, the make command and it worked [03:29] DJCanadianJeff, CAREFULL use of the 'dd' command :) [03:29] mib_2dc6mp: awesome. now: sudo make install [03:29] DJCanadianJeff, therrs also specic 'disk zero' and 'disk wipe' commands/tools out there. [03:29] in windows if i press and hold ALT while typeing out a 4 digit ascii code such as 0044 ... it will output the ascii chr 44 which is a , if i remember right ... is there a similar feature in ubuntu? [03:29] Gnea done [03:29] dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda ??? [03:30] or i guess it would be a feature with gnome [03:30] DJCanadianJeff, writing all 0's is NOT the same as a 'low level format' its just zeroing out the drive [03:30] mib_2dc6mp: now, try this: sudo modprobe snd_mia [03:30] DJCanadianJeff: yes, that will do it. [03:30] DJCanadianJeff, thats the basics of it.. you may want to use a BS size option.. be care full with that command and /dev/hda may NOT be right.. ubuntu normally uses sd## [03:30] m [03:31] Gnea I did it, but nothing seemed to happen [03:31] mib_2dc6mp: that means it loaded. let's see the output of dmesg again: dmesg | pastebinit [03:31] DJCanadianJeff, what are you trying to hide?? :-P [03:31] which is the best thing todo before installing a new copy of ubuntu... LLF? or writing all 0's? [03:31] Rugxulo: it's not your place to ask. [03:31] jp_sf, anymore ideas? [03:31] DJCanadianJeff, example Create ISO of CD Rom... dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/$USER/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k [03:31] Gnea, but I just did ;-) [03:31] Gnea /f3f0cfa89 [03:32] jp_sf, what does the pci-noacpi do for me [03:32] Rugxulo: why do you want to know? ;) [03:32] 'cause it sounds like a lot of trouble for nothing [03:32] jp_sf, what does the pci=noacpi do for me? [03:32] what do you mean trying to hide? [03:32] rather [03:32] chances are nobody cares to spy on you anyways [03:32] !ot [03:32] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:32] RukusX: it route to PIC instead to APIC [03:32] RukusX: I did some searching, i've compiled the links here: http://linkbun.ch/6684 [03:33] DJCanadianJeff, neoither one.. you can just delete the existing partitions.. and let the installer partiion, format.. no need to zero anything out.. and in this day and age.. ive NOT seen where a low level format is needed in years... [03:33] RukusX: hope it helps [03:33] can anyone help me install BasKet? [03:33] the_squircle, thanks! [03:33] mib_2dc6mp: okay, we've gone from: [ 113.849908] Echoaudio Mia: probe of 0000:02:0b.0 failed with error -2 to [16878.662774] Echoaudio Mia: probe of 0000:02:0b.0 failed with error -5 [03:33] :D [03:33] jp_sf, more direct route [03:33] Gnea :( [03:33] tim_: please talk here [03:33] mib_2dc6mp: we're not done yet :) [03:34] Cadman21: 'sudo apt-get install basket' do not use wOrDs like tHiS in terminal [03:34] RukusX: well ACPI will not be bothered and it could make a difference [03:34] * tyta says Hello [03:34] macbook pro 3.1, intrepid, 2-finger vertical scrolling doesn't work. I have the appletouch.fdi from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro3-1/Intrepid and it still doesn't work. Any ideas? [03:34] !hello | tyta [03:34] tyta: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [03:35] thank you [03:35] Thank you all, I really am glad to be here and learn more about Ubuntu [03:35] yw [03:35] RukusX: This said I had a Dell Laptop that suddenly switched to low write speed, and one day by plugging a external HD passeport I had my speed back again, not sure what happens [03:35] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's try this again... this time, type: make distclean [03:36] Aji-Daha1a: I'm having the same problem. I also can't put two fingers on and right-click... it's probably something with the driver or touchpad configuration with HAL [03:36] Gnea done [03:36] I tried the sites, but have no luck getting audio to work for an HP 1155 SE.. I think I might have a bad chip, but it DOES work on Vista dual boot. [03:36] the_squircle: try 3? [03:36] the_squircle: as it's set right now, two gives me middle click, three gives me right-click [03:36] Aji-Daha1a: seems like no amount of fingers gives me any click... and I followed the instructions to the character. [03:37] mib_2dc6mp: this time: ./configure --with-hotplug-dir=/lib/firmware/`uname -r`/ [03:37] Aji-Daha1a: with the exception of one finger [03:37] jp_sf, its a dell laptop [03:37] the_squircle: interesting, I have the clicks, but not the scrolls [03:37] if i cant get this wifi working iii gonna kill someone [03:37] it even doesn't move as I hold two fingers [03:37] so frustrating [03:37] hey guys can someone help me with the battery settings on my thinkpad x61? i want my laptop to dim on battery (10% brightness) and go to 100% on AC power. also i want it to dim when idle, but "undim" when i touch the mouse. right now it dims on idle and doesn't undim. [03:37] Aji-Daha1a: i have neither... i'm thinking of posting on the forums... nobody here knows. [03:37] RukusX: Latitude 620 ? [03:37] !anybody | brohken [03:37] brohken: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [03:37] it was working then last night i did a kernel upgrade via synaptic - which broke everything [03:37] jp_sf, its a dell inspiton 6000 [03:38] luddite: you're in australia, right? [03:38] inspiron [03:38] the_squircle, that makes no sense [03:38] i did ask my question [03:38] Gnae - yes Sir [03:38] i wanted to know is i download several icons where do I need to store them so I can use them? [03:38] brohken: you asked multiple times.... it's evident, beyond my help, nobody knows... try the forums [03:38] luddite, did you try getting one from backports or proposed and thats when you had a problem [03:38] Gnea it did a lot of config.status creating [03:39] can I manage dialup ppp sessions with network-manager in 8.10? [03:39] zigzag71: you can store them anywhere.. just drag the .tar.gz to the Appearance window [03:39] !dialup [03:39] You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up [03:39] mib_2dc6mp: good. now, do: make && sudo make install again [03:39] RukusX: on a inspiron I had to use a double USB cable entry to power an external HD, it was sometimes working and sometimes it wasn't [03:39] Jack_Sparrow - nope - it was just a normal upgrade on a fresh install of 8.10 [03:39] the_squircle, check this out: does this tell you anything additional? http://img399.imageshack.us/img399/5711/screenshotconfigurationim4.png [03:39] 216MB and 86 packages [03:39] Would anyone be able to help me with a simple wifi security issue? [03:40] tyta: only if you explain the problem [03:40] tyta: ask your question, then we'll do our best :) [03:40] the_squircle they are in a zip can I still do the same thing? [03:40] i have a problem with the sound for amd64...for my mplayer-32 works fine, but for every applications under 64 bits it's more like hmm infinitetely play/pause clicking [03:40] I can connect to my network when it is unsecured, but when I have it password protected, i can't connect [03:40] Gnea it id all kinds of lines [03:40] mib_2dc6mp: bout the same as before? [03:40] zigzag71: i'm not sure. if it doesn't work, put them in a gunzipped tarball (.tar.gz) [03:40] Gnea I think I caught a mia_dsp as it scrolled by [03:40] RukusX: I don't think it is related to your problem though :http://www.universaluk.com/acatalog/31780bigfr.jpg [03:40] i have tried some sudo commands i found on the forums [03:40] ok thanks [03:40] All.. I've been running Ubuntu for sometime on a previous laptop everything worked great. I have a new laptop (HP 1155SE), and audio does not work. However, in Dual boot to vista it does. I've been to the support sites and see no mention of this model. Any ideas? [03:41] Gnea probably about same as before [03:41] tyta: do you have the url(s) for the forums that you tried? [03:41] brohken: that seems to be in order... but... i'm not sure... I'm not an expert. [03:41] mib_2dc6mp: okay, now do: sudo rmmod snd_mia && sudo depmod -a && sudo modprobe snd_mia [03:41] ok [03:41] thanks man [03:41] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 [03:42] brohken: try doing it in the GNOME GUI for power management, see if that makes any difference [03:42] jp_sf, never even knew that existed. [03:42] anyone using evolution here? need to confirm something please. [03:42] Jack_Sparrow: my question is that the instructions there on "for ubuntu, without installing additional software, using networkadmin" are no longer valid, there is no "modem connection" option in networkmanager applet 0.7.0 [03:42] RukusX: yeah same for me until I had the problem :-) [03:42] #compiz [03:42] tyta: and are you using 8.04 or 8.10? [03:42] xd4: whats up? [03:42] how can i stop nautilus from putting all my default folders in the places menu into a bookmark submenu when i bookmark my ftp with it? [03:42] Gnea ok I did it [03:42] 8.10 [03:42] mib_2dc6mp: once again with the dmesg | pastebinit [03:42] jp_sf, my drive has external power tho [03:42] do you need any information about my system? === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [03:43] RukusX: so you don't need that === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [03:43] jp_sf, ya thats right [03:43] tyta: please note at the top: Intrepid Ibex (8.10) users don't really need this tutorial any longer for Network Manager supports the use of static IP addresses as of late. [03:43] exodus_ms, I had a faulty evolution which used to crash periodically, i tried to reinstall it so many times, but each time i get a different problem [03:43] Still having a little trouble with nVidia GeForce 6200 [03:43] tyta: so I have to ask, what files did you wind up editting? [03:43] Gnea /f41310cdc [03:43] xd4: are you using gnome? [03:43] when trying to play chess in 3D, I get the following error: No Python OpenGL support [03:43] No Python GTKGLExt support [03:43] i know, i read that [03:44] i just don't know how i can connect [03:44] mib_2dc6mp: meh... try rebooting [03:44] any package(s) to fix that? [03:44] exodus_ms, as far i remember, evo 2.22 had a setup helper at the first start up whcih helps you set up, gmail specifically right? [03:44] zc00gii: try going to synaptic and searching for python opengl or something... [03:44] exodus_ms, yes i am on gnome [03:44] Gnea ok [03:44] the_squircle, I tried... [03:44] :\ [03:44] zc00gii: sudo apt-get install python-gtkglext1 [03:44] xd4: what is the problem you are facing now, does it pertain to setting up gmail? [03:45] zc00gii, that 3d chess thing. has never worked for me.. in the last 5+ releases.. :) try what jp_sf says.. [03:45] jp_sf, well 18 more minutes until this transfer done... then i will reboot with my new values, i also added ehci_hcd and uhci_hcd to etc/modules in that order to see if that will help, by loading those modules at start up [03:45] I can select my network by clicking on the network mgr at the top, and it just circles around and around [03:45] how can i stop nautilus from putting all my default folders in the places menu into a bookmark submenu when i bookmark my ftp with it? [03:45] dr_willis: have to admit that the 3D view is crappy [03:45] then asks me for the key, which i enter, and it circles around more and more [03:46] exodus_ms, everytime i set up gnome, i get a different problem, in pop it does not fetch email, in Imap it does not store them locally althought i choose the option that lets evo do so [03:46] jp_sf, maybe i should leave uhci_hcd out, i know that loads [03:46] zc00gii: Then you will regret to have the 3D, but oh ok it is my own opinion :-) === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [03:46] jp_sf: now I get No Python OpenGL support :\ [03:47] tyta: so you didn't edit any of the files that it was talking about? [03:47] exodus_ms, what i want to know, when you first used evo, did it come with this setup helper? [03:47] i followed most of the commands in the thread [03:47] jp_sf, it only fixed one error [03:47] RukusX: hum now I will keep it but yeah I hate those problem APIC and uhci_hcd is a real problem try the pci option [03:47] xd4: no, but I can show you how to get gmail up and running [03:47] !chesss [03:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about chesss [03:47] !chess [03:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about chess [03:48] :\ [03:48] is there a LIGHT BLUE (instead of orange) human theme? [03:48] sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant / iwconfig / iwlist scan [03:48] !fishing > zc00gii [03:48] zc00gii, please see my private message [03:48] i followed those [03:48] Is there any linux command to lookup what ip-address a given hostname has? [03:48] zc00gii: sudo apt-get install python-opengl [03:48] exodus_ms, i followed up the guide in ubuntuforums :/ if thats the same as what you plan to tell me :) [03:48] tyta: okay, good. [03:48] Hi, with Ubuntu, when installing, can I partition my disk if I already have Windows on the disk? Oh, and by the way, Good evening [03:48] not for the window border but for the desktop icons [03:49] (instead of orange icons)* [03:49] Gnea restart complete [03:49] Alex_21: You sure can! It will guide you through shrinking your windows partition fine :D [03:49] Alex_21: to make it short: yes [03:49] aleX-xx, YEs, but please defrag windows partition twice before resizing [03:49] tyta: make sure that the passkey that you set on the router is, indeed, the same one you're typing on the system [03:49] I know, but how, is htere a feature in the installer? [03:49] jp_sf, thanks for all the help. 1mbps transfer speeds are unacceptable! lol [03:49] aleX-xx, yes [03:49] Alex_21: Yep [03:49] exodus_ms, how do i do a fresh install, with all the old evolution files being deleted? is there anything to delete other than the .config and .gconf files? [03:49] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's go dmesg | pastebinit once more [03:49] xd4: no, but the setup is basically the same, the difference is how you configure gmail to handle your mail afterwards, if you want to keep the files on the gmail server, the type of encryption etc... [03:49] gnea: ok i am sure [03:49] RukusX: back in the 2000 years, yes I agree [03:49] hello i was wondering which version of vmware will work with my ubuntu system downloaded one awhilea ago and it wasnt the right install [03:50] xd4: you can remove and purge evoultion [03:50] jp_sf: your right, that 3D is horrible :\ [03:50] tyta: and which are you using: WEP, WPA or WPA2? [03:50] Is there a howto on how to dzo this? [03:50] exodus_ms, you are using it with imap? [03:50] zc00gii: cool it is working , yeah 2D is the way to go [03:50] any one know which version of vmware that will work with ubuntu [03:50] the vmware player [03:50] xd4: no, I;m using gmail with POP [03:50] Virtualbox will for sure [03:51] Gnea /f69aca79e [03:51] puppiesRcute: the latest [03:51] I love all things [03:51] Oops! [03:51] tried virtual box and it always says some dumb error and will never work === wiwin is now known as james [03:51] gnea: wpa personal [03:51] jp_sf, it keeps changing to 2D :\ [03:51] how do I copy everything in one directory to another using command line? [03:51] Is there a howto on how to dzo this? [03:51] and ubuntu asks for wpa or wpa2 personal password [03:51] mib_2dc6mp: success! [ 102.837642] ALSA /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-2.6.24/debian/build/build-rt/sound/alsa-driver/pci/echoaudio/echoaudio.c:2134: Card registered: Mia rev.1 (DSP56361) at 0xf7d00000 irq 19 [03:51] kazagistar: cp -r [03:51] trying to use windows on my ubuntu and virtual box never works always says some error [03:52] Like shrink a Windows XP Partition durring install of Ubuntu [03:52] puppiesRcute, I run vmware-server 2.o runs great [03:52] could some 1 please give me the best option to this scenario, 2 ftp folders private and public, 10 users both folders r in the main ftp folder that all users start at, i want to allow access to private by 5 users and public to the other 5 users, this was easy in windows by just adding the user name and ticking permissions... how would u do this in ubuntu [03:52] kazagistar: or cp -r / [03:52] exodus_ms, i will do a fresh install again, i will come back to you to take the configurations, give me a couple minutes [03:52] mib_2dc6mp: let's check some other things: cat /proc/asound/cards | pastebinit [03:52] xd4: let me rephrase, I'm using evolution to read my gmail, I have the account setup as a POP account on the evolution side [03:52] Alex_21: you don't need a howto! It's really easy... do the install and it'll hold your hand through it! [03:52] hey guys, how do I check where a package installed all its files? i.e. I am trying to see java6 installation files [03:52] Hello all [03:53] xd4: if youwant to completely remove evolution and make sure that you clear any files that might be causing you difficulty, do a remove and then purge from the command line [03:53] !hello | liquid [03:53] liquid: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [03:53] mib_2dc6mp: also, try using the mixer to up the volume and, if necessary, unmute anything and see if any sound will work [03:53] Quick question I need to find out what graphics card I have in my lappy, whats the terminal command to do so, or where else could I find this out [03:53] k downloaded one and it wasnt the right install for my system there is several downloads i just cant figure out which one works im blond totally [03:53] Gnea /f47aae659 [03:53] liquid: lspci should do it [03:53] Gnea so you want me to fire up some audio and see if it orks? [03:53] Thank you tonyyarusso [03:53] I need to know exactly what to do, as this is a clients PC, and I am VIP, so I need to give my assistant clear directions [03:54] mib_2dc6mp: yeah - might have some problems with pulseaudio, but go for it === erik_ is now known as Guest96627 [03:54] im so not good with linux yet in new [03:54] liquid: lspci | grep -i vga [03:54] Alex_21: there is a radio button that will say "shrink partition xx (windows) and make this much room for ubuntu.... I could look for a howto if you want. [03:54] hey guys, how do I check where a package installed all its files? i.e. I am trying to see java6 installation files [03:54] Please [03:55] Alex_21: On the partitioning screen, you want the option that says something like "resize sda1 and using freed space". [03:55] Alex_21: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=669059&seqNum=2 [03:55] davvs, already found it thanks buddy, now another question === Commie_Cary is now known as Commie_Cat [03:55] !dualboot | Alex_21, also see [03:55] Alex_21, also see: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [03:55] codeshah: dpkg -l [03:55] xd4: is there anything you want to save from your evolution setup? [03:55] jp_sf, oh yah, what if i disabled synchronous mount? i'm using gome and i dont find an option to disable that feature... would it help? [03:55] gnea: any ideas? [03:55] How is the beta driver from nvidia 180.17? [03:55] Alex_21, run the installer on any box up to the partitioner and you will see what we are talking about. It will offer to automatically shrink windows and install ubuntu in dual boot [03:56] exodus_ms, no, i just want a fresh evo that can fetch my messages from gmail [03:56] Alex_21: here is the Ubuntu documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall [03:56] codeshah: scratch that, it's dpkg -L [03:56] n8tuser one thing I can also suggest, do the steps of resizing windows partition and then shutdown and reboot to windows again to make sure you can still boot to windows [03:56] tyta: try WPA2 [03:57] xd4: then 'sudo apt-get remove --purge evolution' then reinstall [03:57] liquid: i used it, broke everything... but that's just me [03:57] Alex_21-> then and only after would I start the new install of ubuntu [03:57] Hello guys I got a question [03:57] gnea: i'll set the router to wpa2 wireless security, restart ubuntu and try to connect [03:57] BLuEACiD: in the mail? [03:57] !hello | BLuEACiD [03:57] BLuEACiD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [03:57] can anyone help me to get my install settings to stick after reboot/install from 8.10 LiveCD? [03:57] Gnea trying to see if there are any media files that come standard as I have not put any on here [03:57] right, let me restate my question... I am trying to move all the files from an ISO to a partition... one is mounted as dir1 and one as dir2... how do I copy the contents over? [03:57] tyta: sounds good [03:57] thanks, i'll let you know [03:57] the_squircle, I cant find any other ones on the nvidia site [03:57] BLuEACiD: Just ask! [03:57] RukusX: hum not sure, what kind of usb cable are you using [03:57] !iso [03:57] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [03:58] the_squircle, and my graphics driver from unbuntu just hit the fan [03:58] i installed another operating system and now the bootloader doesn't work, how can I fix this? [03:58] Graphics are fine during install but dont remain after reboot [03:58] Thanks a million [03:58] I already mounted the ISO [03:58] jp_sf, i'm pretty sure its for usb 2.0 good point.... should try another cable [03:58] liquid: it'd be better to fix the ubuntu driver... what's wrong with it? [03:58] kazagistar-> once the iso is loop mounted, then you can copy the contents of it like any other files or directory [03:58] Good day. Shaw bash [03:58] kazagistar: the cp command with the -r (recursive) option. [03:58] RukusX: do you have one with a cylinder ? you know the round thing close to one end [03:58] I have uploaded a video to youtube and it has been uploading for like 3 hours and the video is like 150 mb, its only 2 minutes long, is it never goi.ng to upload? Usually on winblows it uploads really fast, is this a ubuntu problem? I upload pretty fast to not sure whats going on [03:58] mib_2dc6mp: if you go to System->Preferences->Sound then click on the 'Sounds' tab [03:58] but I tried, and it made a /dir2/dir1 folder [03:59] RukusX: those are anti-noise something sometimes they are shipped with high end SLR camera [03:59] the_squircle, Well it was super weird, it was running great then there was like 35 megs of updates updated restarted like asked and then I saw all these beautiful colors on the screen [03:59] mib_2dc6mp: then click on 'login' === erik_ is now known as Guest67242 [03:59] RukusX: I don't know, just to try it [03:59] I have uploaded a video to youtube and it has been uploading for like 3 hours and the video is like 150 mb, its only 2 minutes long, is it never going to upload? Usually on winblows it uploads really fast, is this a ubuntu problem? I upload pretty fast to not sure whats going on [03:59] !sound [03:59] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [03:59] !flood | BLuEACiD [03:59] BLuEACiD: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [03:59] BLuEACiD, Please hold down the repeats [03:59] could some 1 please give me the best option to this scenario, 2 ftp folders private and public, 10 users both folders r in the main ftp folder that all users start at, i want to allow access to private by 5 users and public to the other 5 users, this was easy in windows by just adding the user name and ticking permissions... how would u do this in ubuntu sorry to repeat [03:59] BLuEACiD: don't flood [03:59] the_squircle, did something dont know what got it to work and now its acting weird, the ubuntu driver is disabled [03:59] so everything was in the folder inside the partition, instead of in the partition itself [04:00] When using the liveCD installer, how do I install to a disk other than /dev/sda? [04:00] My bad [04:00] Why do people type "!word" here? I do not understand this! [04:00] hi, my makefile doesn't seem to be generating a ru.gmo file for gettext on 'make'. what might cause this? [04:00] liquid: what does it say in the restricted drivers section? [04:00] !word [04:00] A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot [04:00] Chungwa, that is how we trigger the bot factoids [04:00] Chungwa: it's a bot [04:00] jp_sf, unfortunately i dont have another usb cable to try, i'm not at home. but i hear you. altho. i am pretty sure i used this cord before and achieved decent speeds. tahts why its in my breifcase [04:00] !word [04:00] Fail [04:00] the_squircle, Where would I find this section? [04:00] I totally don't understand :P [04:00] !ubotu > Chungwa [04:00] Chungwa, please see my private message === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:01] Gnea no sound [04:01] exodus_ms, do i have to deete any config files manually after the purge or no? [04:01] darren_: You can do it a few different ways. 1) create a "group", add the 5 to that group, and set permissions to allow access from that group. 2) Set up group definitions on a per-folder basis and whatever else you want within the configuration of whatever FTP server software you're using. [04:01] <[RIP]Gallows> Hai Im new to compootres why do my ffaverot gaimes not work in this? [04:01] liquid: System > Prefrences > Drivers (or something like that.. it's the menu) [04:01] !games [04:01] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [04:01] trying to find a fix for some nvidia 96.43.09 drivers. when i run in normal or extra visuall effects i loose the window border. the "fix" "Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"" fixes this but now i loose my text in amarok untill i do a mouse over....im running ubuntu 8.10 and an nvidia Ti4200. [04:01] jp_sf, ok file operations done. rebooting now. see you soon. thanks!!! [04:01] RukusX: I agree, I think it is not your cable, but at least you have learned two things one there are double entry usb cable to give more power to unpowered usb gadget, and all cables are not equal the cylinders one are supposed to be more reliable [04:01] Thanks! [04:01] [RIP]Gallows: are they windows games? [04:01] the_squircle, I checked there and none are checked [04:01] zachb: you can use the "manual" partitioning option [04:02] xd4: no, purge should take care of all files and dependencies as well, if you still have .conf file remaining you can rm or cp them to another directory [04:02] tonyyarusso: No, it only lets me use /dev/sda [04:02] mib_2dc6mp: okay, pulseaudio is probably in the way then. go back to the Devices tab set the Playbacks from Pulseaudio Sound Server to ALSA [04:02] mib_2dc6mp: and try it again [04:02] jp_sf, brb i'll keep u updated [04:02] zachb: then it only recognizes sda and something is wrong. [04:02] how do I force ssh (the program, not the server) to add the new key of a server to the whitelist on my client? [04:02] liquid: feel like trying the [Recommended] (i think it's 177) driver? or are you (rightfully) scared? It's working fine for me... [04:02] <[RIP]Gallows> yesss my games not work [04:02] But I'm *using* the other drives [04:02] [RIP]Gallows: if they're windows games, they'll only work in windows [04:02] !doesntwork [04:02] Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [04:02] tonyyarusso; so groups is the best way, i dont understand point 2, do u have some docs or www i could look at regarding that [04:02] !games > [RIP]Gallows [04:02] [RIP]Gallows, please see my private message [04:03] !hi [04:03] Gnea nothing [04:03] anyone here know why 'make' wouldn't generate a GMO file for gettext? The makefile says it should but make fails because it can't stat it. :\ [04:03] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [04:03] !help [04:03] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [04:03] Gnea I even tried slecting Mia in the devices [04:03] !fishing > BLuEACiD [04:03] BLuEACiD, please see my private message [04:03] Hi, can you please tell me how to start up the audio installer on the alternate install CD? Please === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:03] There seems to be a problem with the genisofs command on Ubuntu, it fails to build DVD image files with the file structure created by dvdauthor [04:03] I have read/write access... to the other drives... === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:03] <[RIP]Gallows> why make linux if its not works liking to windows [04:03] the_squircle, I could try it again.. Scared NO, its all in good fun. I dont have anything on this lappy except linux [04:04] [RIP]Gallows, It isnt windows... [04:04] liquid: I would try it... but that's just me. [04:04] exodus_ms, ok done remove, now i just type sudo apt-get install evolution? [04:04] xd4: yes [04:04] !appdb > [RIP]Gallows [04:04] [RIP]Gallows, please see my private message [04:04] the_squircle, Lets try it [04:04] :D [04:04] <[RIP]Gallows> why is not windows? [04:04] darren_: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html describes the installation of vsftp and the location of the configuration file, and between the man page and the (extremely frequent) comments in the config file it's pretty self-explanatory iirc. [04:04] (it's been a while since I did it) [04:04] <[RIP]Gallows> you speak forwhere bushman? [04:05] [RIP]Gallows Please dont troll, you will be removed [04:05] Hi, can you please tell me how to start up the audio installer on the alternate install CD? Please. I need it for the fact that I am Blind [04:05] the_squircle, Lets do the restart [04:05] how do I tell the computer to boot from the bootloader? [04:05] the_squircle, BRB [04:05] liquid: the moment of truth... [04:05] mib_2dc6mp: okay, let's kill pulseaudio then - open up a terminal and type: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:05] Gnea when I switch sound play back to my sound card and click test I get audiotestsrc wave=sine freq =512 ! audioconver ... Could not get /set settings from/on resource [04:05] <[RIP]Gallows> ? I'm sorry my englesh not for this what you say? === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:06] [RIP]Gallows: what language do you speak? [04:06] Alex_21: I've never actually done it, but offhand I want to say there's an option something like "press F4 for other installation options", and it's under there. I *think*. [04:06] xd4: --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/99388/ [04:06] <[RIP]Gallows> I am slavitchnian [04:06] oo [04:06] Gnea am I still online [04:06] what is a good player in kubuntu to stream video (for example: wmv files) Inside firefox? [04:06] Can someone help me with a problem stemming from the xserver updates http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1029607 === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:07] Gnea guess so, had to plug laptop in here [04:07] Alex_21: you may need someone else to do the first two or three keypresses before you're able to continue from there on your own. [04:07] [RIP]Gallows: there might be a Ubuntu support channel in your language. try that if you're having trouble understanding. [04:07] how do i use telnet? [04:07] ubuntu won't boot I need to edit the boot sector of the hdd I suppose, to have it point to the grub again please help [04:07] tonyyarusso; im using proftp will it be the same kind of thing [04:07] Gnea ok I killed it [04:08] <[RIP]Gallows> my welcome for you helping me. [04:08] Ok, thanks [04:08] dominik: you can use the CD to boot to ubuntu, and re-install the bootloader in ubuntu [04:08] mib_2dc6mp: okay, now type: alsamixer and make sure your Master and PCM are turned up and are not muted (MM) [04:08] Gnea still cant hear anything [04:08] liquid: how'd it go? [04:08] the_squircle, Seems to be working great [04:08] the_squircle, Kinda weird [04:08] <[RIP]Gallows> sorry [04:08] liquid: but is it working ok? [04:08] darren_: likely similar at least. [04:09] <[RIP]Gallows> how find channel? [04:09] what is a good player in kubuntu to stream video (for example: wmv files) Inside firefox? [04:09] the_squircle please elaborate i have booted into linux via the way you described now how do I reinstate the bootloader? [04:09] joejc: You don't. Telnet is inherently insecure. Use SSH isntead. [04:09] [RIP]Gallows: it's #ubuntu-__ [04:09] tonyyarusso: ok ill try it out thsnk you so much [04:09] the_squircle: prefereably so that it also sees tha other os I installed [04:09] [RIP]Gallows: like for French, #ubuntu-fr [04:09] <[RIP]Gallows> #ubuntu [04:09] !english [04:09] The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [04:09] <[RIP]Gallows> i undurstend [04:09] i dont need secure [04:09] dominik: it'll do that when you reinstall it [04:09] Gnea I dont know how to use this mixer [04:09] go to that link [RIP]Gallows [04:09] dominik: it will see all your new operating systems [04:09] <[RIP]Gallows> my welcome for your helping me [04:09] anyone here use aircrack-ng? [04:10] [RIP]Gallows: what language do you speak good? [04:10] exodus_ms, when i start the newly installed evo in the terminal it starts up with a notification in the console that says : killing old version of server, and google group not found [04:10] the_squircle: just do sudo apt geT? [04:10] the_squircle, Yeah seems to be, like I said it was very weird, wasnt working lines and bright colors and then I did a hard shutdown and then it wouldnt even display the bios so I thought the RAM in the card was shot and then removed the batt and it started right up but wasnt 100% and now its 100% [04:10] dominik: nope. it's somewhere in the administration menu about booting... [04:10] xd4: does evo start up? [04:10] liquid: great to hear :D [04:10] Gnea I have 2 lines and 4 monitors [04:10] joejc: Even if you don't need it, you should get in the habit of using better protocols unless you need compatibility with a device that doesn't support them. If the latter is the case, 'telnet serveraddress' should be all you need to do. [04:11] exodus_ms, yes, i am configuring it now with what you pasted me [04:11] the_squircle, Dell im telling you.. If I ever see that DUDE YOUR GETTING A DELL kid im going to kick him lol [04:11] xd4: ok [04:11] liquid: I feel your pain... two dells and I gave up.. got a MacBook Pro and i've been fine lol [04:11] liquid: but dells are always iffy [04:11] anyone here use aircrack-ng? [04:11] <[RIP]Gallows> sctechnya ! Kaboch! I find this! you own my debt! [04:11] j #linux === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:12] the_squircle: cant find it : ( [04:12] PeoplesAdvocate: I HAVE used aircrack... but... [04:12] [RIP]Gallows, PeoplesAdvocate Please seek help for aircrack elsewhere [04:12] the_squircle, I kinda agree, ive hard 2 dell lappys no problems what so ever and my old boss got the same one color model everything the same and he had problems left right and center [04:12] what is a good player in kubuntu to stream video (for example: wmv files) Inside firefox? [04:12] sorry rip [04:12] i have, cant get into the aircrack irc [04:13] exodus_ms, in the smtp options are you sure it has to be ssl not tls ? [04:13] <[e]Lement> xChat keeps locking up... [04:13] <[e]Lement> Can't figure out why [04:13] <[e]Lement> 8.10 upgrade was my worst decision ever... [04:13] Gnea I have a to nof mixers some are red most are empty [04:13] tonyyarusso, i just want to do stuff to my tivo whatever the best way to do that is just tell me how [04:14] xd4: yes [04:14] dominik: i'm not in ubuntu right now... sorry... but see this article: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#Backup,%20Repairing%20and%20Reinstalling%20GRUB [04:14] liquid: i guess you get what you pay for... [04:14] joejc: Not having a tivo I wouldn't know what it's capable of, although I would imagine it can do ssh... Is there a manual somewhere you could check? [04:14] (e)Lement, I just had the same problem with x-caht [04:14] I need help connecting to wifi on ubuntu 8.10 with atheros chipset [04:15] the_squircle, I guess, well thank you for the help sir [04:15] [e]Lement: it's xchat, not 8.10 [04:15] i dont think so [04:15] PeoplesAdvocate: it's on freenode so shoud be aircrack-ng [04:15] liquid: anytime :D [04:15] so I switched to irssi just now [04:15] does ubuntu 8.10 support FAT file system? [04:15] i have the ip and port i need i just dont know how to connect to it [04:15] ljsoftnet: yes [04:15] !atheros | L1Qu1Dz [04:15] L1Qu1Dz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:15] of course linux suport fat [04:15] ljsoftnet: yes, it does [04:15] exodus_ms, same problem, it is not asking for my password, thus no mail is fetched [04:15] mib_2dc6mp: okay, open another terminal and try this: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp do you hear any static? [04:16] ljsoftnet: all operating systems support fat [04:16] i have an MP4 player with FAT file system how do i make ubuntu detect it? [04:16] L1Qu1Dz, try following this thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=986072 product: AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter.. Post #10 in that forum [04:16] ljsoftnet: Although it should be noted that you can not install Ubuntu with the main system partitions on FAT, but it can use it otherwise. [04:16] ljsoftnet: does it detect it when you plug it in? [04:16] ljsoftnet: Which player? [04:17] xd4: check your PM [04:17] when i connect it with the USB it doesn't detect it [04:17] Guys I'm tryin to follow this guide: http://www.sampbar.com/2008/11/broadcom-bcm4318-ubuntu-intrepid.html and I cannot continue @ step 6 [04:17] Can someone please assist me on this? [04:17] hi [04:17] Gnea nothing [04:17] i have a problem with the sound under my new laptop [04:18] getxsick: What kind of problem? [04:18] !cowsay-#ubuntu-offtopic > liquid [04:18] liquid, please see my private message [04:18] the sound is cutting [04:18] anyone able to help me?... [04:18] anyone at all <_< [04:19] what i realized is...only works under mplayer [04:19] illmortal: what are you trying to do? [04:19] my mplayer video is flikkering insqnely [04:19] !helpme illmortal [04:19] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [04:19] anyone knows option "~i" in aptitude? [04:19] illmortal: don't just give us a link [04:19] !helpme > illmortal [04:19] illmortal, please see my private message [04:19] but e.g. first i have to kill aplay welcome.wav to get it worked under mplayer [04:19] my mplayer video is flikkering insanely. Anyone has an idea how to solve it? I am playing a wmv file ,, [04:19] and it only works under mplayer [04:19] the_squircle, Very funny [04:19] how do i open multiple files with mplayer in order? [04:19] liquid: i thought so [04:20] tryin to follow the guide on that link... and the guide i think is incorrect unless im not following right, step 6 is telling me to put a file into a specific directory that I have no permissions for (sadly) and the other commands give errors [04:20] getxsick: sounds like you have some missing gstreamer files [04:20] the_squircle, Its acting up again I switched windows and it started to go alittle [04:20] jp_sf, still slow [04:20] mib_2dc6mp: hrm... gksudo gedit /etc/default/pulseaudio and change PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 to PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=0 [04:20] liquid: you should install cowsay... just run cowsay MOOOO or something... semi-entertaining... or you can make the cow say DELL SUCKS or something... [04:20] RukusX: :-( hum [04:20] marsha: i installed all which i have on my other notebook [04:20] the_squircle: lol [04:20] the_squircle, I'll have to check it out [04:20] jp_sf, ya i know. get that error. not connected to hi speed hub [04:21] do i need to turn the static of [04:21] hey can anyone help me with the resolution setting for my dell latitude d610? === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:21] mib_2dc6mp: sure, just press ctrl-c [04:21] my mplayer video is flikkering insanely. Anyone has an idea how to solve it? I am playing a wmv file ,, [04:21] liquid: is it the graphics card itself? [04:21] Gnea and now tye that whole string at once? [04:21] illmortal: You will need to use sudo for copying the file to /etc/init.d/ and again when running the script. [04:21] no i can get the drivers working [04:21] mib_2dc6mp: yeah [04:21] the_squircle, Maybe how could I check [04:21] RukusX what lsusb is telling you ? [04:21] but it wont show the native resolution of my monitor [04:22] liquid: ..... [04:22] liquid: i have no clue :p [04:22] the_squircle, glxgeears? [04:22] illmortal: actually, maybe not on the second step, if he wrote the script exactly as copied in the post. [04:22] the_squircle, Stumped you huh [04:22] any one know where I can find a guide for setting up an extended desktop on Feisty Fawn with an ATI graphic card? [04:22] liquid: might work... but... [04:22] max i can get it 1024x768 [04:22] liquid: you did === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:22] tonyarusso, this command: sudo update-rc.d wifi.sh defaults gives an error that "update" is not a command [04:22] the_squircle, I want something to max out the gpu and the ram on the card [04:22] Is there a update or fix to getting my atheros chipset to work with Ubuntu 8.10? I dont need any docs to tell me how to connect... [04:22] the_squircle, I did what? [04:23] liquid: stumped me... try looking for a benchmarking thing that'll run in linux... that should max things out [04:23] liquid: i have to run, but I hope you figure your problem out eventually [04:23] RukusX: lsusb do you see a 2.0 root hub line ? === marsha is now known as nabit [04:23] the_squircle, Thanks buddy enjoy what your going to do [04:23] anyone able to assist on xorg.conf stuff [04:23] illmortal: "update" alone is not, but "update-rc.d" is. [04:23] liquid: sleep is fun :) [04:23] Gnea I think I did it, I typed it verbatim except for the and between pulseaudio and change [04:24] Hello. I have XFCE installed over regular Ubuntu, and I can not seem to add desktops [04:24] tonyyarusso also.. I'm having a hard time tryin to copy the file into that folder. I assume I need to use terminal instead of dragging/dropping the file into the folder. I don't know the command to copy a file and paste it onto a different directory. [04:24] Gnea the screen went kind of grey and I enered my pword === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:24] http://paste.ubuntu.com/99394/ - here is output of mplayer which generally works fine === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:24] Hello. I have XFCE installed over regular Ubuntu, and I can not seem to add desktops, Can someone please help? [04:25] !repeat [04:25] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [04:25] illmortal: copy is "cp", so what you'll use is 'sudo cp /path/to/source/file /path/to/destination/' [04:25] jp_sf, ya i see four 1.1 and one 2.0 [04:25] tonyyarusso the file, "wifi.sh" is located in my desktop [04:25] Gnea now I have an issue with my soundcard, must be a conflict with pulseaudio: could not get/set settings from/on resource [04:25] ok thanks tony === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:25] im gonna log back into ubuntu, and attempt to copy that file and move onto the rest of the steps. brb [04:26] RukusX:L unplug the cable and then type sudo modprobe -a echi_hcd and reconnect to it [04:26] how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? [04:26] Why did Ubuntu dev release 8.10 if it didnt work with atheros cards... [04:26] one sec. right after this tranfer. 5 minutes [04:26] how do I copy an install cd to a empty partition, and then boot from it, so I can overwrite the rest of the system on my no-cd no-floppy no-usb system [04:26] jp_sf, one sec. right after this tranfer. 5 minutes [04:26] my mplayer video is flikkering insanely. Anyone has an idea how to solve it? I am playing a wmv file , . First time on kubuntu ... [04:26] Is there a quick way I can check what refresh rate my video card is capable of? I just got a new monitor and I'm not sure 8.10 is detecting it properly. [04:26] RukusX: ah 5 minutes yes you transfer a 300Ko image I presume [04:27] mib_2dc6mp: okay, were you able to save the file okay? [04:27] jp_sf, ? transfering 700mb avu file [04:27] avi [04:27] Geezle, im no pro but i think its all up to monitor [04:27] mib_2dc6mp: next, you'll need to do this: sudo update-rc.d -f pulseaudio remove [04:27] RukusX: kidding ... [04:27] haha [04:27] oh [04:28] Gnea I dont know if it saved or not [04:28] hi peeps [04:28] nbeebo: Thanks, I was a little afraid of that. I should be refreshing at 75hz but I can only get up to 51hz [04:28] Geezle: Best way is to download the manual, although I also thought refresh rate was only on the monitor's side. [04:28] hey there guys, anyone know of a way to force grub to install to a different harddrive? I have a problem where I'll install ubuntu on one sata drive and grub will install itself on another, and then refuse to boot. any thoughts? [04:28] If anyone knows of how to get my wifi atheros in 8.10 plz help me. [04:28] !grub | refefer, first link [04:28] refefer, first link: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [04:28] mib_2dc6mp: check it: cat /etc/default/pulseaudio [04:29] Flannel: I'll check it out, thanks mate === _acyd_ is now known as acydlord [04:29] Gnea I removed pulseaudio [04:29] tonyyarusso: thanks. [04:29] RukusX: what is your kernel version while googling it I found https://bugs.launchpad.net/gvfs/+bug/197762 [04:29] .10 [04:30] mib_2dc6mp: okay were you able to make that 1 a 0? [04:30] So next, does anybody know how I can straighten out my refresh rate if my monitor isn't being detected properly? [04:30] Gnea I dont know what you mean [04:30] !fixres | Geezle, should be under this bit [04:30] Geezle, should be under this bit: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [04:30] jp_sf, 2.6.27-10-generic [04:30] mib_2dc6mp: in the /etc/default/pulseaudio file [04:31] mib_2dc6mp: changing the PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 to PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=0 [04:31] tonyyarusso: cool, thanks [04:32] I HATE the restricted drivers manager [04:32] RukusX: yeah so try the modprobe -a echi_hcd [04:32] Gnea I typed it, I dont know if it worked, but we just removed pulse audi didnt we [04:32] how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol [04:32] RukusX: sudo modprobe -a echi_hcd [04:32] everytime i boot my pc, when it goes to grub loadiþng page, i need to manually edit the path ie. sda (0.0) or sumthin like that. Otherwise it doesnt load up the ubuntu 8.10. How can i set (030) to be my default choice? [04:32] I hear such negative things about pulseaudio, why did Ubuntu add it? and why dont they just remove it ? [04:33] mib_2dc6mp: yeah, go ahead and reboot again [04:33] jp_sf, ok done. now what === [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement [04:33] WELL, THX FOR ALL THE HELP WITH WIFI..NOT! WONDERFUL SUPPORT! WHY THE F WOULD THEY RELEASE 8.10 AND IT DOESNT EVEN WORK WITH ATHEROS CHIPSET! IV BEEN DONATING $1,000'S TO UBUNTU DEV FOR YEARS AND HAVE RECOMMENDED IT TO EVERYONE BUT IF THIS IS THE DIRECTION ITS GOING TO GO THEN FORGET IT! WHAT GOOD IS THIS CHANNEL IF ANSWERS ARE NOT GOING TO BE GIVIN. [04:33] RukusX: unplug modprobe -a echi_hcd replug === [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc [04:34] Gnea rebooting, hopefully we get some startup noise [04:34] woah someone had a meltdown [04:34] ok [04:34] he must be trolling ... right...? [04:34] more than likely [04:34] everytime i boot my pc, when it goes to grub loadiþng page, i need to manually edit the path ie. sda (0.0) or sumthin like that. Otherwise it doesnt load up the ubuntu 8.10. How can i set (0,0) to be my default choice? [04:34] RukusX: and now your speed is ? === cjae is now known as what [04:35] Leite: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst [04:35] you can edit it in there [04:35] Leite: edit your grub I think pressing e on the grub menu you can edit it [04:35] thank you punzada [04:35] one sec [04:35] np [04:35] Gnea no boot up sounds :( === what is now known as x86arch [04:35] yeah i can edit but after rebootin i have to do it all over again [04:36] extremel pathetic [04:36] yeah edit the menu.lst file [04:36] jp_sf, extremely pathetic [04:36] it'll be persistant then [04:36] RukusX: hum [04:36] jp_sf, 1.9mbps [04:36] is there anyway to burn a dvd quicker than devedee [04:36] mib_2dc6mp: alright - do you have an account where you can upload pictures to? [04:36] k3b maybe [04:36] my movie player shuts opens the file n shuts down when i try to play a video file.. === miguel is now known as Guest9338 [04:36] Gnea no [04:36] jp_sf, MB/sec lol [04:36] <^Manu> hi people [04:36] <^Manu> i have display driver problems it seems.. [04:37] <^Manu> my xorg.conf is virtually empty, what's the story with that? [04:37] RukusX: I have no idea, by chance can you try the same hard disk on another machine will it be faster ? [04:37] mib_2dc6mp: alright, i'm going to ask you for some screenshots - http://imageshack.us is free [04:37] Gnea I wonder if it is the slections in the sound prefs or the asla mixer, I didnt change anything in it because I wasnt sure what i was loking at [04:37] <^Manu> i have an intel IGP X4500HD, and i installed the xserver-xorg-video-intel package.. [04:37] <^Manu> and nothing.. [04:37] jp_sf, i could try on my g/f's XP machine. its NTFS [04:37] <^Manu> i'm stuck in 640x480.. [04:37] <^Manu> not sure where to go from here.. [04:37] ^Manu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:38] mib_2dc6mp: right, and I'm not sure what options you have, and the only way to check is via screenshot [04:38] Gnea ok I am signing up [04:38] mib_2dc6mp, u dont need to sign up [04:38] jp_sf, i'm getting burnt out about this, and most of this, i have tried previously, to no avail... i'll keep watching that bug report. [04:39] what's the coolest thing people are doing in Ubuntu tonight? [04:39] jp_sf, thanks for all the help tho [04:39] RukusX: sorry couldn't help you more try the forum though [04:39] tim_: fixing my dang nVidia GeForce 6200! [04:39] tim_, hanging out in #ubuntu-offtopic and asking that question... not me though im banned === qbmaniac is now known as qb|away [04:39] hello. I've read so many different ways to backup.. I'm not sure which direction I should take [04:39] any suggestions? [04:39] GreedyB [04:39] Gnea ok I am ready, what do you want me to capture? [04:39] jp_sf, lol i hate forums. but i will search them. lol [04:39] Hard drives are the way to go. [04:39] join #ubuntu-offtopic [04:40] Gnea asla mixer and the sound prefs? [04:40] !backup | GreedyB [04:40] GreedyB: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [04:40] Hbah427: oops I wasnt very specific.. I meant programs and methods [04:40] If you don't want to pay for that you can always pick up a spindle of blank DVD's and go to town [04:40] mib_2dc6mp: just press the Print Screen key [04:40] Oh! [04:40] gotcha [04:40] hey, I was looking at a number of desktop screenshots, and I noticed a number of applications (calendar, weather forecast) right on the desktop.....what would I look for in Synaptic to find them? [04:40] mib_2dc6mp: yes, alsamixer and sound prefs [04:40] Gnea right, what do you want me to capture (have open) [04:40] Geoffrey2: screenlets I think [04:41] or gDesklets [04:41] Geoffrey2, i use screelets. wanne see my screenshot? [04:41] Anyone have any idea what might be wrong with my nVidia GeForce 6200? [04:41] mib_2dc6mp: get 'em both if you can [04:41] Hi Gnea, i'm still having wireless trouble [04:41] I think it may be driver related [04:42] tyta: okay, were you able to give WPA2 a go? [04:42] yes i set my wireless router to wpa2 [04:42] tyta: and is the system able to hook up to it via ethernet? [04:42] Hbah427: Nvidia, propriatery drivers no ? ve you tried System>Administration>Hardware drivers ? [04:42] Gnea ok I did it and image shack gave me a url [04:42] yes, i suppose i could go upstairs [04:42] Gnea they all seem to be thumbnails [04:43] mib_2dc6mp: should be able to click on one to make it bigger [04:43] tyta: okay, because you're going to need to pastebin some things [04:43] Gnea it is img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshots2.png [04:43] hi i have video player problems tried vlc xine movieplayer they shutdown when attempting to play a video [04:44] mib_2dc6mp: i don't see it :( [04:44] malakhi, run vlc in terminal and ull get an error messege [04:44] message* [04:44] mib_2dc6mp: what is the url for the thumbnail? [04:44] jp_sf: I've spent all night going from Hardy to Intrepit and back, using both OS's with the proprietary drivers. Once I do that, however, after I click two or three times, the system freezes and I have to reboot. [04:44] <^Manu> nobody can help me here? [04:44] Intrepid* [04:44] !ask | ^Manu [04:44] ^Manu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [04:44] <^Manu> i dont understand what kubuntu thinks it's doing with xorg.conf anymore :( [04:44] <^Manu> i asked the question above.. [04:44] <^Manu> about a page up [04:45] anybody knows where to buy ASUS eee pc online? im from the philippines [04:45] Gnea that sucks [04:45] ^Manu, i think it does the same as ubuntu.. [04:45] <^Manu> which is> [04:45] <^Manu> xorg.conf is virtually empty.. [04:45] aka totally empty? [04:45] <^Manu> i installed xserver-xorg-video-intel and it didn't seem to do anything. [04:46] ljsoftnet: have you tried eeepc.asus.com? [04:46] is it yet possible to boot to ram AND use casper persistence? [04:46] <^Manu> are you sure you have the correct location? [04:46] ^Manu, Ubuntu lets X do as much autoconfiguring as possible [04:46] Gnea try img122.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotmo3.png [04:46] hi [04:46] would you guys recommend KDE or GNOME [04:46] Anyone know if rsync can preserve NTFS permissions?? [04:46] Gain, gnome.. [04:46] and what are the major pluses of both [04:46] Gain: that's a heated question... :P [04:47] Gain: I like gnome [04:47] Hbah427: could be a lot lot of things could be AGP conflict etc etc cpu speed, [04:47] ya, I used gnome previously when i had ubuntu installed [04:47] imperfect-: i think so try the GUI for rsync 'sudo apt-get install grsync' [04:47] <^Manu> what location? [04:47] but KDE 4.1 looks damn nice [04:47] Gain: my advice is to try both... use the livecd of ubuntu and kubuntu... and see shich one you like better... [04:47] want to give it a shot [04:47] <^Manu> evowill: location of what? [04:47] I have an Nvidia video card but for some reason Synaptic now wants to install Geode display drivers. How do I tell it to stop asking me? [04:47] Gain: a google search might bee of great use :-) [04:47] Odd-rationale: are there any GNOME apps only? [04:47] <^Manu> jordan: so why isn't X autoconfiguring my video properly then? [04:47] Thus stu=inks, none of the links imgshack provides work [04:47] or will they work across both [04:47] Hbah427: do you have compiz running ? [04:48] imperfect-: it has all kinds of options you can choose [04:48] er by Synaptic I mean "Update Manager" [04:48] hey anyone installed this on a supermicro h8dce [04:48] ^Manu, X should use the intel driver if it's available, you can also force it to use it by adding an explicit line to your xorg.conf but you shouldn't need to [04:48] jp_sf: I do not. [04:48] <^Manu> I will send you a PM [04:48] It won't work no matter what. [04:48] <^Manu> why wouldn't it use it? [04:48] <^Manu> okay, thx [04:48] mib_2dc6mp: holy... that's a lot of options [04:48] Gain: both gnome/gtk apps and kde/qt apps will work on either gnome or kde... or xfce for that matter... [04:48] Hey all. I just made the jump to 8.10 and my surround sound isn't working, can someone give me a hand or a link to get it up and running. SoundBlaster LIVE 5.1 [04:48] Gnea oh did you get the piic to work? [04:48] <^Manu> jordan: it seems to be available.. i installed the package.. [04:48] Was working 20 minutes ago on 8.04 [04:48] <^Manu> what else can i do? [04:49] mib_2dc6mp: yeah, the second one worked [04:49] mib_2dc6mp: it looks really.... weird [04:49] I have a Compaq S4100NX, 2.5GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor, 1GB of RAM and an Al-in-one card reader and DVD bruner stolen from an old computer [04:49] okay, I'm new and I really need help! [04:49] mib_2dc6mp: like it's missing some selections in alsamixer.... there aren't anymore to the left? [04:50] Hbah427: when you crash have you find anything in syslog ? [04:50] !ask | sandeep [04:50] It's a PCI card btw [04:50] sandeep: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [04:50] I should probably check syslog... [04:50] how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol [04:50] Gnea, Try "alsamixer -c 0" [04:50] However, I'm kinda new... [04:50] Thanks, I have just installed version 1 of ubuntu weaknet and I can not get the wifi netowrk to work properly. [04:50] Gnea no just 2 lines [04:50] Jordan_U: he's only got 1 entry. [04:51] Jordan_U, is that like stereo mix in windows? [04:51] Gnea, Even with the "-c 0" ? [04:51] Hbah427: yes you need to digg in syslog, but it is very verbose, at least it will gives a hint to what the problem is [04:51] My locale seems to have randomly changed from American English to British English. My spellchecker keep smaking my correct spelling incorrect as a result. How to fix? [04:51] not as soon as you install that [04:51] If someone has krfb and has invited me to control their desktop, how do I do that? [04:51] mib_2dc6mp: can you turn them up? [04:51] Gnea there is a ton more to the right though [04:51] ok last question, are there threads to show people's desktops. I am looking for some ideas on customizing my own [04:51] DigitalFiz, It's how you get to the actual settings for the card rather than the pulseaudio volume controll [04:51] Gnea just more mixers and meters [04:52] mib_2dc6mp: i see that, and that's what's strange. I've never seen 'monitor' so many times like that. [04:52] Gnea: I have connected to my wired network [04:52] Gnea yea that seems FUBAR [04:52] Ifind the previsous version of ubuntu weakner labs works perfectly. [04:52] Why could i easily apt-get bitchx this morning and now I can't? [04:52] Was it taken from the repository? [04:52] Jordan_U, ah thanks because i been looking for a way to do stereo mix so i can feed my skype conversations over the radio [04:52] because you need install [04:52] Gnea what do you want me to turn up? [04:52] is there an easy whay to install a keyboard layout [04:52] apt-get install bitchx [04:52] yes yes [04:52] i know [04:53] gaz_: It hasn't been in Ubuntu for good long time. It has some serious security issues that weren't going to get fixed. [04:53] My locale seems to have randomly changed from American English to British English. My spellchecker keep smaking my correct spelling incorrect as a result. How to fix? [04:53] why could i easily apt-get install bitchx this morning... and now? [04:53] mib_2dc6mp: both of the Lines [04:53] Flannel: but it's so pretty. ;) [04:53] Gnea done [04:53] tyta_linux: okay, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [04:53] gaz_: Did you just upgrade? [04:53] nm figured it out [04:54] mib_2dc6mp: see if you can: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp now [04:54] yep, it's screenlets, thanks [04:54] gaz_: Check otu irssi instead. [04:54] is there like an install help channel [04:54] I just reinstalled ubuntu this afternoon. Came on to get all my programs... and i couldnt' get bx! [04:54] what the heck [04:54] gaz_: Which version of Ubuntu? [04:54] mib_2dc6mp: also, is this a PCI card? [04:54] gnea: thanks, i did that, it's finished [04:54] linuxlerner, This is probably the place to be :) [04:55] definitely the place to be [04:55] irssi... okay [04:55] thanks [04:55] +1 on place to be [04:55] Gnea no such file (u think it goes bye bye with pulseaudio?) [04:55] is it yet possible to boot to ram AND use casper persistence? [04:55] linuxlerner, not ubuntu no. not last time i checked and asked [04:56] hi, when linux 2.6.28. is coming to ubuntu ?? [04:56] tyta_linux: iwconfig | pastebinit [04:56] v4vijayakumar, 9.04 [04:56] Gnea yes [04:56] i found post from 2007 that said it wouldnt work [04:56] mib_2dc6mp: hrm.... lsmod | grep snd_pcm_oss [04:56] I'm on 8.04 with an Nvidia video card, everything working peachy. Now update-manager wants to install Geode display drivers?? How do I tell it I don't want them so they will stay out of the "updates available" dialog? [04:56] but that was also for 7.XX [04:57] mib_2dc6mp: this one? http://www.echoaudio.com/Products/Discontinued/Mia/index.php [04:57] Hey all. I just made the jump to 8.10 and my surround sound isn't working, can someone give me a hand or a link to get it up and running. SoundBlaster LIVE 5.1 [04:57] Hey all. I just made the jump to 8.10 and my surround sound isn't working, can someone give me a hand or a link to get it up and running. SoundBlaster LIVE 5.1 [04:57] sorry [04:57] tristanmike: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [04:57] Gnea that is it [04:57] linuxlerner, I don't see off hand why it shouldn't. Have you tried? [04:57] bcgrown: i have nvidia too, and let the upgrade go thru; no harm done... [04:57] v4vijayakumar: you can install it if you want System > Administration > Synaptic Pack Manager > Search linux-kernel [04:57] mib_2dc6mp: wow... [04:57] how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol [04:57] Gnea what [04:57] Gnea, i got an error "no arguments specified'" [04:58] mib_2dc6mp: never seen it before, i'm flabbergasted lol [04:58] Gnea, lo / eth0 / pan0 say no wireless extensions [04:58] tyta_linux: how do you get your wireless card to initialize? [04:58] why my firefox closes itself...? [04:59] I have 2 degrees in music, but I cant figure out how to get ubuntu studio audio to work :( [04:59] Jordan_U: no i have not tried it yet [04:59] mib_6kv9rl: any idea why they are on the list? i just dont want it to screw up my X set up which i have finally got exactly the way i want it... [04:59] why my firefox closes itself...?, any random time.. [04:59] jp_sf, Jordan_U: thanks, but I am not in hurry. I can wait for 9.04 [04:59] mib_2dc6mp: did you get any results from: lsmod | grep snd_pcm_oss? [05:00] v4vijayakumar: April I think and yes it is a better idea, as otherwise you will have a problem of dependencies [05:00] um i think i use the wl driver [05:00] bcgrown: no idea. they just popped on my 8.04 list yesterday. i figured i could always remove them... good luck [05:00] PRAISE ME. [05:00] before the network password idea, i could just boot up, and connect with no problem [05:00] mib_6kv9rl: ok thanks [05:01] !ot | SABDFL [05:01] SABDFL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [05:01] side note for anyone : is it possible to have updates auto-applied without clicking the "install updates" button? [05:01] bcgrown: yes. [05:01] Gnea yes [05:02] looking for help on installing 8.10 on stepnote nc1502 installs fine with A+ graphics but on restart graphics crash and dont reappear [05:02] Hi im having a problem with network manager finding my wireless network [05:02] mib_2dc6mp: and any results from this: ls -l /dev/dsp* [05:02] Gnea: and how would I do that? [05:02] 024, me too [05:02] it's busy in here tonight [05:02] tyta_linux: what's the make/model of the laptop [05:02] #ubuntu-pl [05:02] Dell Inspiron 1721 [05:03] !wireless [05:03] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:03] whats another dock like app similar to cairo-dock? [05:03] !laptop [05:03] Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org [05:03] Gnea crw -rw ----+ 1 root audio 14, 3 2009-01-03 21:35 /dev/dsp [05:03] mib_2dc6mp: I have no technical degrees, yes. [05:04] well im just wondering why its finding other wifi networks and not mine. [05:04] mib_2dc6mp: okay. check to see if you're part of the audio group: id [05:04] hi, what office application do you guys use? IS there one that has a decent looking interface [05:04] (preferabily NOT openoffice) [05:04] what's your story, morning glory? [05:04] Gnea couple lines were produced [05:04] hckyplayer024: is your router set to broadcast the SSID? are channels overlapping? [05:04] Gain: well there's koffice, and scattered gnome office apps (abiword/gnumeric) [05:04] SABDFL: do you have any Ubuntu-related questions? [05:05] Gnea: yeah [05:05] faileas, koffice is for KDE? [05:05] mib_2dc6mp: okay, see if it says 'audio' anywhere [05:05] Gnea: may i ask them? [05:05] gnea: yeah my network isnt hidden. and I have no problem connecting on my macbook pro, just the ubuntu desktop [05:05] Gnea it does [05:05] SABDFL: please do [05:05] Gain: ya but you can use it in gnime too [05:05] gnome [05:05] hmm [05:05] is it better than open office though [05:05] Gnea 29(audio), 30 (dip) [05:05] better is relative [05:06] hckyplayer024: weird... what wireless card are you using? [05:06] everex stepnote nc 1502 not found on /hardwareSupportMachines - works fine during install just want to make install settings stick after restart... [05:06] trying to run "Haiku" on vmware player in Ubuntu 8.04 but get "insufficient permissions [05:06] mib_2dc6mp: and when you type: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp it errors out? [05:06] thing that pisses me off about openoffice is how terrible the interface is [05:06] Gain: There are a lot of alternatives have you tried Lotus symphony ? [05:06] no... [05:06] alright, well on ubuntu last night i was pitching a woo with a pachuco (a mighty fine pip), but it turned out the frail was a moll, so the damn rascal left tracks and made the kiss off... taking my ubuntu box with her. [05:07] jp_sf: StarOffice Lotus Symphony Abiword [05:07] hrm. [05:07] ... [05:07] Gnea: Wusb54GC. Ive connected to my network at home just fine using ndiswrapper but then when I brought my computer to my dorm it doesnt see my home network [05:07] Gnea dev/dsp: No such file or directory [05:07] can someone please help me with my surround sound ? [05:07] CyBurnett: try sudo chown -R /path/to/haikuvm (the r might be small. the path is where the vm is) [05:07] jp_sf, well check em out thanks [05:07] does anyone here know anything about the i/o scheduler used by default in ubuntu, and why doing anything under high disk I/O might be painfully slow on a laptop? [05:07] SABDFL: what do we look like, a detective agency? [05:08] its using the file: "xorg.conf.new" can anyone help me to set it up correctly? [05:08] Gnea: That's not necessary [05:08] Flannel: he could just be really miffed about someone stealing his stuff [05:09] Gnea do you think we have any chance of geting this working? [05:09] jp_sf, which do you use? Star office? [05:09] ebaby: sar is your friend it will gives you plenty of information if you don't like it try ksar a graphical frontend [05:09] I know Ubuntu will work on this machine as it was running Edubuntu prior I just dont know how to get the settings to stick - help [05:09] Gain: no OO [05:10] hello. i've been having some problems with my mouse having a mind of its own. i installed 8.10 fresh on a toshiba satellite 3005 s307. it is most noticeable in firefox but it also happens in kyle. mouse works fine in winxp. any ideas? [05:10] Gain: / jp_sf: staroffice IS openoffice [05:10] Gain: but I'm an agnostic I use sometimes Abiword Lotus symphony too [05:10] jp_sf: seriously? [05:10] jp_sf: not familiar with sar can you hip me to it as I am a fresh around here [05:11] jp_sf: seriously? ? [05:11] mib_2dc6mp: at this point, I'm not sure... I suppose you could try turning all of the selectors in alsamixer up and see if you can hear anything... do you have hydrogen installed? [05:11] jp_sf: i assume you mean type sar into terminal to get the info I need? [05:11] jp_sf: you use abiword lotus? [05:12] On intrepid my laptop gets very unresponsive (think: like when copying to a floppy disk in Windows) when I've got any sort of disk i/o load. does anyone here know anything about the i/o scheduler used by default or some way to give the UI and desktop applications i/o preference (as was more of a default back in older kernel versions, it seems)? [05:12] raylu: I do yes and I think it is a good alternative Lotus symphony that IBM gives for free yes [05:13] I have a problem with the compiz fusion. Or better, the erase window effect it works, but not properly. [05:13] faileas: Staroffice =! Openoffice [05:13] Whats wrong with this scp command? scp user@domain.com:/home/user/file.tar.gz /home/user/file.tar.gz [05:13] jbernard: openoffice is a fork from staroffice [05:13] er jp_sf even [05:13] I had write some html code, but some how it's gone. [05:13] Gnea I have audio [05:14] Gnea I started JACK [05:14] Gnea I just took a guess [05:14] Gnea I wonder if I ought to reinstall pulseaudio? [05:14] mib_2dc6mp: at this point, pulseaudio isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference. [05:14] Gnea ok [05:15] mib_2dc6mp: see if you can get hydrogen to work with or without jack [05:15] pulseaudio sucks [05:15] amuro: amen. [05:15] hello if I install Ubuntu to a external usb hd will it put the MBR on my main drive? [05:15] it doesnt allow more than one app have sound [05:16] i have a laptop that wifi isnt working on - ethernet isnt either - so i downloaded 4 .deb files that are dependancies to install - but where should i put them to be installed as dependancies from teh disk and not the internets? [05:16] amuro: that sounds more like an oss app having stolen the soundcard to me than pulseaudio shenanigans [05:16] amuro: and pulseaudio does wonders for me. I personally think its great. [05:16] how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? i suck at it lol [05:17] faileas [05:17] jp_sf: command tells me i need to get 1 of 2 packages - sysstat or atsar which is the preferred choice? [05:17] faileas, Thanks but didnt work as it says no such file or directory [05:17] PriceChild, on my desktop, i killall pulseaudio then all my sounds work happily together [05:17] amuro: by default, it does not. sadly, ubuntu does not do a decent job of setting pulseaudio up the way that some other distros do. it is a problem that we're trying to address. [05:17] ebaby: systat [05:17] i just use alsa for all sound [05:18] guys, what is the best package for flash support in firefox [05:18] the adobe one? [05:18] Hello [05:18] ebaby: you drive is not dying no ? [05:18] Gnea I had a jack audio error: could not connect to JACK server as client [05:18] I guess I'll have to post on the forums [05:18] ebaby: all recent harddirves support smartd [05:18] Thanks anyway for you're time everyone [05:18] CyBurnett: you need to change the 'path/to/' to the directory the files for the vm are [05:18] greetings all, and happy new yew year. does anyone know a way i can access my computers BIOS from within linux instead of rebooting? [05:18] ebaby: a must read http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/know-when-your-drives-are-failing-smartd [05:19] PriceChild: I can't get pulseaudio to work decently at all. I have tried, and it just doesn't work right, no matter what tutorial I try to follow off of the ubuntu forums. [05:19] Gnea i am sure it is my error as I learn how to use jack [05:19] faileas, Yes I did that but didnt work [05:19] !flash [05:19] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [05:19] can someone please help me get my surround sound working in 8.10. I just upgraded from 8.04 and now my surround sound no longer works. Please and thanks. [05:19] tyta_linux: good luck, thank you for using #ubuntu, come back again [05:19] Gnea I just think it is weird that I have t fire up Jack to get audio at all [05:19] Gnea, completely remove pulseaudio and set everything using alsa [05:19] mib_2dc6mp: jack is one of those tricky apps that you need to get the jackd up and running first [05:20] tbrock, flashplugin-nonfree [05:20] badcat dmidecode [05:20] why is that one the best amuro [05:20] How can I exec my text editor that I just have lost? For some way and how I put the cursor at the window and move a little bit. Then it's gone. [05:20] Gnea hmm not sure if I opened Jackd or even saw it in applications [05:20] amuro: that's what i did, i too had one pulseaudio issue after the other, so i just completly uninstalled it, sound issues went bye bye :) [05:21] eseven73, yes pulseaudio sucks [05:21] Anyone can help with Apache2? I can see it working through http://localhost but I can't access pages via my ip address. [05:21] i dont know why when alsa works perfect, then they mess with pulseaudio? [05:21] #apache [05:21] well i dont thin it sucks i think its what Gnea was saying a bit ago about its more an issue of how ubuntu sets it up than anything else [05:21] Zombie_Gaz: Your local IP address, or your broadcast IP address? [05:22] badcat: sudo dmidecode [05:22] I still cannot read these itty bittyy letters [05:22] any op here? [05:22] jp_sf: failed to fetch http://... - any other cmd to get the packages [05:22] im having a weird issue, when I reboot ubuntu it comes up and all the apperence stuff is set to none and i have to set it back to advanced and go into compiz settings manager and set all my settings again like the cube and the rotation stuff anyone know why? it happened after some recent updates [05:22] anyone experiencing idle cpu temp is higher under intrepid than previous version or OS? [05:22] amuro: What do you need an op for? [05:22] jp_sf: harddrive failing is that your take on the problem...? [05:22] jp_sf, thanks will give it a try [05:22] i wanna file a complain [05:22] admin abuse [05:22] I'd kill to be an op here or any large channel for that matter :) [05:22] amuro: Please try #ubuntu-ops, amuro [05:22] ebaby: no but who knows a harddrive that dy is something frequeent [05:23] updated recently to Intrepid. was using Hardy before. youtube videos now play the first 2 seconds, then quit/freeze. I can jump the video ahead (clicking on the play bar) and it will play about 2 seconds from that point and do the same. [05:23] for some reason I am only getting one chanel to work my left speaker is not doing anything [05:25] mib_2dc6mp: It might seem a little obvious, but is the volume on the left channel muted or turned down? [05:25] jp_sf: as weird as it sounds that would almost be easier to deal with than having a picture perfect install only to reboot to the Twilight zone on your screen - so I assume failed to fetch means that the machine cant access the net or the files are no longer at that location? [05:25] is there a way to get irssi to show the channel without having to re enter the channel? [05:25] jp_sf: failed to fetch ? sysstat [05:25] How can I exec one file that is in /home/paste/file.txt, for example? [05:25] mib_2dc6mp: is that with jack? [05:25] eseven73: you mean /names? or /topic? [05:25] bleh [05:25] eseven73: As in, automatically join the channel upon starting it? [05:25] LVM is a bit annoying to set up [05:25] jp_sf: yeah that's the message i got [05:25] At the terminal, of course. [05:25] Anyone good with sound ? [05:26] Does anyone here know how to add Soulseek buddies on Nicotine? Isn't Nicotine supposed to use the SoulSeek network? [05:26] no i mean show like 1300 [05:26] !anyone > tristanmike [05:26] no, no [05:26] tristanmike, please see my private message === rebel_kid|zZzZ is now known as rebel_kid [05:26] anyone update to Intrepid and find some bugs with youtube? [05:26] ebaby: sorry to ask again what happens if you type : sudo apt-get install sysstat [05:26] i'll try again "apt-get syssat" right? [05:26] Gnea I closed Jack and just have Hydrogen going [05:26] MenZa: i know theres a couple irssi scripts that show user count, but i was hoping it was built in maybe [05:26] Need help with Apache2... I can access my index.html from http://localhost but not from my ip addresss. Help? [05:26] eseven73: I'm still not entirely sure what you're trying to. [05:26] sheena1, the youtube bug probably the flash [05:27] eseven73: At the bottom of /names it gives the total. Also, there's a plugin you can get thta'll give you a total all the time in your menu [05:27] It's not that. I have one file open, but It's gone of my screen. [05:27] Zombie_Gaz: As I said before - is this your LAN IP, or is it your broadcast public IP? [05:27] I just would like to get my surround sound working on a fresh install of 8.10 on a SoundBlaster 5.1. I don't understand PulseAudio [05:27] amuro: youtube videos now play the first 2 seconds, then quit/freeze. I can jump the video ahead (clicking on the play bar) and it will play about 2 seconds from that point and do the same. [05:27] hey does any one know where to get music for music player [05:27] Flannel: thanks thats what i was trying to get at [05:27] public ip... i'm trying for. [05:27] And I didn't no how come back. [05:27] sheena1, check your flash version [05:27] mike: http://creativecommons.org holds a lot of freely-licensed music. [05:27] sheena1, the newest is version 10 [05:27] thanks [05:27] mike: Another source is your local music shop. :) [05:27] but both i suppose. all i can get to work is localhost / [05:28] eseven73: Look into the "usercount" plugin [05:28] Gnea I wonder if it is something in that clunky alsamixer [05:28] mike: You could also check the Magnatune store integration in Amarok and Rhythmbox, or the Jamendo store. [05:28] mib_2dc6mp: check your preferences in the audio tab, make sure the output driver is set accordingly [05:28] amuro, i'm checking now. [05:28] Zombie_Gaz: you need to specify the IP for the server to accept connection [05:28] Flannel: ok ty [05:28] are they free [05:28] jp_sf: go on... [05:28] What is the variable which keeps locations for libraries? It seems the variable got changed, since no lib is found on /usr/local/lib anymore... [05:28] mike: No, they require you to purchase the music. [05:28] ok good [05:28] thanks [05:28] Zombie_Gaz it is called port ip binding [05:28] Anyone know how to obtain gparted? Synaptic Package Manager doesn't have it on list. [05:28] I'm running eeeXubuntu. After a screwy update a week ago, I no longer have any wireless capable devices apparently. iwconfig and modprobe can't find anything, and i install linux-backports-modules to no avail. What went wrong?I'm running eeeXubuntu. After a screwy update a week ago, I no longer have any wireless capable devices apparently. iwconfig and modprobe can't find anything, and i install linux-backports-modules to no [05:28] avail. What went wrong? [05:28] Where do theme packages usually store the themes in? [05:28] ^ Shite, sorry. [05:29] illmortal: sudo apt-get install gparted. It should be in Synaptic, though. [05:29] Zombie_Gaz: vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf [05:29] why my firefox closes itself...?, any random time.. [05:29] amuro: add remove tells me it's downloading from version 9 link. should i go to the adobe homepage? [05:29] the_dark_warrio, try running ldconfig , that rebuilds lib relationships. See /etc/ld.so.conf* [05:29] MenZa, I think I have to add new repos or something in Synaptic <,< [05:29] sheena1, yes goto adobe page [05:29] Hi guys..do you know how to set up ubuntu as IDS ? [05:29] illmortal: Doh. It's installed by default. [05:29] Zombie_Gaz: and then Listen x.x.x.x:80 as an example x are your IP right ? [05:29] sheena1, the one in ubuntu repos is old [05:29] jp_sf: final message is "could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com' [05:29] ah [05:30] nickrud: thanks, I will take a look [05:30] illmortal: System → Administration → Partition Editor - my bad. [05:30] sheena1, get the .deb file from adobe homepage [05:30] jp_sf: ok... so this is my REAL ip not my local ip (ie: 192.168.x) [05:30] amuro: it's going now. that should fix the problem? [05:30] Zombie_Gaz: depends... too late [05:30] np got it :P [05:30] nickrud: Thanks ;) that did the trick [05:30] illmortal: I'm not... completely sure it's installed by standard. In any case, if it isn't, it can be installed with `sudo apt-get install gparted` and run from the menu I described before. [05:31] sheena1, maybe [05:31] amuro: do i need to uninstall the old one or anything? does it do all that on its own? [05:31] sheena1, i cant garantee [05:31] Ok, back,,sorta...any fixes for SeaMonkey in the works? [05:31] jp_sf: it seems it was unable to get all that it needed as 40.8kb of archives were needed and it gave that error mssg [05:31] sheena1, yes u have to completely remove the old one first [05:31] sheena1, there is a tutorial how on the internet [05:31] Mayank: what sort of extensions are you running? that would be my first guess, you could try to backup your .mozilla folder and delete it, and rerun firefox to see if that helps, but please back it up before you do this! [05:31] amuro: can you link me there? i'll google it.. [05:31] ebaby: is the machine you are using irc ? [05:31] MenZa, ya I did the apt-get install gparted and "partition editor" popped into the admin menu, so good to go :P [05:32] sheena1, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-install-flash-player-10.html [05:32] illmortal: Excellent. Be careful, though; it's a WMD. [05:32] i have done that before, eseven73, what u think, should i download mozilla (windows version), and run use that in future? [05:32] Hey everyone. I'm trying to get a network bridge on my laptop, bridging the wireless and the wired. Any suggestions on where I should go/ [05:32] Gnea I can also change the mixer from Mia (alsa) to a variety of things [05:32] jp_sf: no I am using another machine for this irc - the other could access net during install though [05:33] how do i do so the sound i hear on my desktop goes into the microphone without having one? ------ if u understand what im saying but dont know the answer can u help me rephrase? [05:33] ebaby: seems it lost connection [05:33] I'm running eeeXubuntu. After a screwy update a week ago, I no longer have any wireless capable devices apparently. iwconfig and modprobe can't find anything, and i install linux-backports-modules to no avail. What went wrong? [05:33] Mayank: hmmm no running things in wine is not the answer... you're on 8.10 i take it? [05:34] nbeebo: What you'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. [05:34] yes, eseven73 [05:34] MenZa, yes thats correct thank you... [05:34] lol MenZa [05:34] jp_sf: my hunch is to figure out a way to make the settings that the machine used during install to stick after the restart. any tips on getting that to work [05:34] luddite [05:34] whoops [05:34] hello, i did a dist-upgrade and some fonts that appear in dpkg are not available to things like firefox, do i need to do something with defoma? [05:35] Oh MenZa, quick question.. what's Linux-Swap for?... Because I'm about to delete the partition as for some reason it's given 5gb [05:35] illmortal: 5GB seems a bit excessive. It's like ... virtual RAM. [05:35] illmortal: you have about 2G of RAM? [05:35] illmortal: How much RAM do you have? [05:35] typically you want 2x physical ram [05:35] Yeah I have 16GB of RAM actually <,<; [05:35] O_O [05:35] lol [05:35] eseven73, what software i use in ubuntu for mobile connection, wammu is fine? [05:35] my ubuntu laptop seems to be slow . can someone please help me out [05:35] dont delete it [05:35] 16GB of ram? [05:35] illmortal: i would leave it at at least 5G [05:35] LOL [05:35] keep the 5gb of sap [05:36] I agree with throwt. [05:36] ok [05:36] The Weirdest thing just happened Gnea [05:36] i wasn't sure [05:36] illmortal, u dont need swap at all [05:36] Personally, I don't do the whole swap thing, but it's good practice. [05:36] amuro: lies [05:36] sudo swapoff [05:36] <_< [05:36] lol [05:36] for some reason my Network set up disappeared today. All I can think of is A) someone is hacking my system, B) installing bsc did something [05:36] Gnea I unplugged the speaker that wasnt working and the other speaker doubled in volume [05:36] do you know how to set up ubuntu as IDS ? [05:36] Hey im lookking at a way to speed up internet browsing. Crurrently i have my xp bo running to my ubuntu box wich is the firewall and the dns server. What can i do on the Ubuntu bax to speed things up? [05:36] I mean the wireless AND wired set up - GONE [05:36] mib_2dc6mp: o.O [05:36] mikegriffin, if u have 16GB of ram u dont need swap [05:36] mib_2dc6mp: well, at least it's trying to work lol [05:36] Doonz: pay your isp more money? [05:36] amuro: wrong [05:36] ok amuro <,< [05:37] wait [05:37] Doonz: Just a piece of advice; in case this yields no answers, try #ubuntu-server - it's more a server-related question. [05:37] guys, what i use for mobile (sony), wammu, gammu or both????????? [05:37] mikegriffin: Please none of that sarcasm here. [05:37] off the panels [05:37] its a 25/1 line [05:37] Can someone help me get my rear speakers working under 8.10 and a SoundBlaster 5.1. It was working fine on 8.04 before I upgraded this evening. Thanks in advance. [05:37] mikegriffin, i have 3GB ram, when i turn off swap, everything runs fast [05:37] can anyone point me to info on installing php/mysql/apache on ubuntu? [05:37] ok thanx Menza [05:37] Mayank: not sure sorry, im still trying to find a fix for your firefox :) [05:37] mib_2dc6mp: I'm gonna see if I can't get this pulseaudio thing to work right [05:37] alright so with 16gb of ram, i don't need swap or do I still need? I have 5TB of HD space as well but just wasn't sure about swap... [05:37] MenZa: when was i sarcastic? [05:37] hi all... i have a ps3 in need opf a and dlna or media server; alot out there but which media server to you suggest for PS3 i have ubuntu 8.10 and 8.04.. thanks in advance! [05:37] !apachemysqlphp | arquebus [05:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about apachemysqlphp [05:37] arquebus: Give me a sec to find the link [05:37] thanx...eseven73..:) [05:37] !lamp [05:37] LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [05:37] flubuntu: I use MediaTomb [05:38] LAMP FTW! [05:38] mib_2dc6mp: I've been fighting with it for months now, it's getting redundant [05:38] ill: you'll never need swap unless you plan on using 8+gb of ram at any given time [05:38] nickrud thx [05:38] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP <- arquebus [05:38] ok cool [05:38] is elisa compatable [05:38] illmortal, set up a swap partition but turn it on when u really need it, but i doubt u need swap [05:38] with ps3 [05:38] jp_sf: I read that using the cmd "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" might get the settings to stick but I get an error mssg when I enter that not sure why though [05:38] alright sweet :D [05:38] amuro: that is bad advice illmortal: you should leave swap on [05:38] o.o; [05:38] ebaby, you should use gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst [05:38] flubuntu: if you're asking is it compatible with the PS3, yes. I stream all my music, movies and photos to it [05:38] sup [05:39] hi every body [05:39] well can I minimize it?... like say to 2gb of swap? [05:39] illmortal: if you think you are swapping too much as confirmed with vmstat, you might play with systcl vm.swappiness, try 30 [05:39] What I'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. [05:39] Menza- thx [05:39] mikegriffin, i have 3GB ram and i turn off swap, nothing happen [05:39] well this is my firs time on this [05:39] arquebus: Welcome. [05:39] jp_sf, i don't know man. hooked it up to gf's comp to chkdsk /f and then noticed... "This device is nbot running at hi-speed, if you connect this to a usb 2.0 hub... etc.." message. maybe i need a new cord? i might just invest in a high quality one. [05:39] amuro: great, good job [05:39] Boxee.tv is a lot better than elisa [05:39] LAMP is so easy in 8.04 anyways, if anyone would like a link for the howto just hollar, I got my LAMP set up in like 15 mins and I'm not a guru :) [05:39] Dead1: Welcome to #ubuntu. [05:39] MenZa: that *was* sarcasm [05:39] hey suo [05:39] hi guys...don't know if anyone here is experienced with pgplot 5.2, but trying to install on ubuntu 8.10, but get errors with gcc-3.4 and g77-3.4...do i need to just start from scratch with an install of 8.04? [05:39] thanks tristanmike... [05:39] flubuntu: check out their home page, you can also install it via synaptic [05:39] RukusX: its not the cord [05:39] y just download ubunto for games [05:39] amuro, in general, bad advice. You're welcome to use what you like, but don't advise Works for Me™ [05:39] look great [05:39] nickrud: thank you! [05:40] RukusX: its either you have a cheap USB hub, or an older system [05:40] faileas, what is it? [05:40] flubuntu: you have to make a couple of changes listed in the webpage, be sure to read it [05:40] m_ [05:40] Dead1: This channel is only for support requests - any other discussion can take place in #ubuntu-offtopic :) [05:40] eseven- please Id like the link to your howto on lamp [05:40] k one sec [05:40] mikegriffin, that Works for Me™ is handy ;) [05:40] ok [05:40] faileas, its a 2 year old HP running XP and a 3 year old Dell running Ubuntu [05:40] in general though, short of popping in a PCI USB card, there's not much you can do, RukusX [05:40] so u have to go out.. [05:40] nickrud: swap is A Good ThingTM [05:40] or [05:40] RukusX: which box is giving the error? [05:40] faileas, your assumptions that i am at my ends here, beilders me [05:41] bewilders [05:41] still, swapping the cord dosen't do anything ;) [05:41] arquebus: http://lijamez.wordpress.com/2008/06/02/lighting-up-lamp/ [05:41] any clues on my font issue? [05:41] hello, i did a dist-upgrade and some fonts that appear in dpkg are not available to things like firefox, do i need to do something with defoma? [05:41] eseven73: ah big thanks [05:41] Mayank: i havent forgotten about you [05:41] mikegriffin, bitmapped fonts? [05:41] mikegriffin: Have you logged out and back in? [05:41] anytime [05:41] thanx...eseven73..:) [05:41] MenZa: rebooted to new kernel [05:41] nickrud: opensymbol [05:41] nickrud: i get "cannot open display" when I enter that cmd [05:42] Pass [05:42] ebaby, are you running that in a terminal on the desktop? [05:42] faileas, XP recognize it as "not being connected to a USB hi speed hub and lists ones available (which is all of them) and Ubuntu drives me nuts eith speeds of 1.1mb/sec and tell me " not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub" [05:42] eith = with [05:42] RukusX: what device? [05:42] is there serious errors with installing gcc-3.4 and g77-3.4 on ubuntu 8.10? [05:42] External Hard drive [05:43] nickrud: yes i booted into recovery and entered the root and am typing commands into the terminal [05:43] RukusX: is the external drive USB 2.0 compatable? >_> [05:43] Mayank: can you close all firefox out, and type 'firefox' in a terminal and pastebin some of the errors if any? [05:43] faileas at least the packaging claimed it was. [05:43] ebaby, so you're typing into a console, rather than running the gui? [05:43] no error i think...ok..wait [05:43] faileas i'm not using the usb cord that was supplied with it [05:43] RukusX: shouldn't matter [05:44] If I upgrade to the next version of ubuntu will it delete/mess up any of my programs? [05:44] Mayank: the terminal should spit out all kinds of stuff when you run 'firefox' from it [05:44] yup...no error [05:44] What I'd like to know is how to mix your output channel (e.g. speakers) to work as a microphone, effectively perceiving any sound you play as a sound played into the microphone. To the extend of broadcasting audio files trough means of thy service ventrilo unt voice-in game. [05:44] and nothing in terminal [05:44] nickrud: yes as there is no gui for me after the restart following install [05:44] extent* lol [05:44] Mayank: ok try to surf a bit and keep watching terminal for errors [05:44] Can anyone help me with Apache2... I can only see my web page via http://localhost not via my ip address. [05:44] ebaby, gedit only runs when the X is running, and you have a graphical desktop. You can use nano. And if you're using the recovery console, you don't need sudo because you're already root. [05:44] guys anyone here with some vmware expertise to help me out [05:45] Zombie_Gaz: check if the ports are open [05:45] i've been reading the forums and from what i can tell, it's because g77 is no longer supported and gfortran is however pgplot suggests f2c and other fortran compilers don't compile some code that g77 can, which is needed with pgplot [05:45] ok..i do that...u tell me what i use for mobile..wammu, gammu or both download/install, eseven73? [05:45] newbie-ubuntu: might wanna try the vmware channel as well [05:45] thanks faileas [05:45] If I upgrade to the next version of ubuntu will it delete/mess up any of my programs? [05:45] Zombie_Gaz, you mean the local network ip or the internet ip? [05:45] Mayank: one sec [05:45] faileas: explain. i have gone into my router and make a port range forward for 80 [05:45] reportingsjr: hopefully no [05:45] i need some help please, i have a ATI Mobility Radeon X300 and the highest resolution i can get is 1024x768...i should be able to get 1400x1050 [05:45] Gnea for some reason it seems that both of the speakers are on the same line, even though they are stereo left and right [05:45] nickrud: internet ip AND local network ip [05:45] Zombie_Gaz: try another port. lots of home isps block port 90 [05:46] faileas: hopefully? hehe. That's good enough for me :) [05:46] faileas, i am dumbfounded then [05:46] nickrud: i think i found it in dpkg ttf-opensymbol.postinst [05:46] RukusX: ditto i'm afraid [05:46] On intrepid my laptop gets very unresponsive (think: like when copying to a floppy disk in Windows) when I've got any sort of disk i/o load. does anyone here know anything about the i/o scheduler used by default or some way to give the UI and desktop applications i/o preference (as was more of a default back in older kernel versions, it seems)? [05:46] if [ "$1" = "configure" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ] && [ -e /etc/fonts/fonts.conf ]; then [05:46] fc-cache -fs [05:46] faileas: i'm on port 80 [05:46] mikegriffin, that looks nomal ... [05:47] nickrud: i wanted to figure out how to regen [05:47] i use x11 video, and under gmplayer i have blue borders in full screen mode, for mplayer they are black ones, how to set them to the black in gmplayer? [05:47] is there a better channel for me to be on with questions relating to installing pgplot? [05:47] Mayank: hmm from what i can tell Wammu is just the frontend for gammu, but i'm really not an expert on mobile stuff :) [05:47] faileas running a well due chkdsk on the drive with my XP machine. its taking some time. I'm sure its got some problems to fix. i should defrag it too [05:47] well not pgplot but g77- and gcc 3.4 [05:47] nickrud: ok so then I am not sure which cmds to use then perhaps you can give me an assist as you may have explained why these cmds were not working - I am at: root@dawoud-ubuntu-latop:~# [05:47] fgc: pgplot is not in apt.. [05:48] so i download both..thanx:) [05:48] RukusX: try jkdefrag for that ;) [05:48] np [05:48] Can someone please tell me if Ubuntu 8.10 supports surround sound ? Thanks [05:48] caimlas: cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler [05:48] ok thanks [05:48] im getting a failure of fsck on boot to check sda2 my swap partition. Does it need to do that? [05:48] should be completly fair (cfq) [05:48] mikegriffin: yeah i know...pgplot is easy enough to install if g77 and gcc 3.4 is, i added universal to my repositories [05:48] but still no luck with those [05:48] how do I upgrade to the next version with apt? [05:48] fgc: since its not in apt, its likely people here dont know it [05:49] !upgrade | reportingsjr [05:49] reportingsjr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [05:49] ebaby, ok. if you want to edit menu.lst, try typing nano /boot/grub/menu.lst [05:49] nickrud / ebaby : you need a sudo there [05:49] mikegriffin: thanks man...is it easy enough to downgrade to 8.04 or is a complete re-install needed to do that? [05:49] faileas, not in recovery console ;) [05:49] fgc: complete reinstall [05:50] nickrud: oops >_> [05:50] faileas, heh. been there, done that :) [05:50] lol [05:50] nickrud: i believe that is what i want to do as this page: "https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/54867" pretty much describes my probs and give some (possible) fixes for it. [05:50] faileas: cool, thanks man...thought that would be the case...few more hours of fun to be had then :) [05:50] faileas and mikegriffin thanks guys...much appreciated [05:50] i was paying attention to the slightly annoyingly complex ubuntu cli install i am working on ;) [05:50] (lvm is a pain to set up IMO ) [05:51] fgc: gnuplot no good? [05:51] error im getting unable to check sda2 with fsck, but it is swap [05:51] ebaby, so you found the kernel options that enable your machine to install, now want to add them to menu.lst? [05:51] Anyone here use Exaile!? [05:51] I see you talk a lot about sound drivers..how to install those..I could not find on asus website ? [05:51] mikegriffin: well this is for a friend who needs pgplot for their physics research...i'll find out, but i bet he doesn't know, hence me setting up his linux box :P [05:52] i setup a lamp stack and things have been going good, but I put in some