[00:07] /msg nickserv set hidemail on [00:07] sorry :) [00:39] does xubuntu have an option like ubuntu on the liveCD to create a installable usb drive? [00:45] it should have [00:46] whatever the package makes it bootable on usb drive [00:46] is usable on xubuntu [00:46] but maybe because it's not GNOME the tool is not easily available [00:54] I wish I could give you more info on that but I'm a total noob sorry :D [01:18] hey guys, quick question, would the regular 32 bit desktop version run on this computer? http://www.compusa.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=4776315&sku=M975-10096&SRCCODE=COMEM342MH&cm_mmc=EML-_-Main-_-COMEM342-_-email [01:20] msc, the tool he wanted is unetbootin :) [01:21] mikubuntu, it shall run, yes [01:22] but it sells with windows, and acer's computers quality is low. [01:26] sidi, what do you mean the quality is low? i thought they were well rated as far as the hardware? [01:27] of course i will flush the windows in the toilet [01:27] i used to have an acer desktop [01:27] the screen died just after the end of the warranty [01:27] a laptop? [01:27] and it was more noisy than my hoover when booting [01:27] and still very noisy afterwards [01:27] a desktop [01:27] hahaha [01:28] and the hw they put isnt really extra [01:28] what hw? [01:28] i'd try to find some local manufacturer if i were you [01:28] it was an amd celeron with an ati radeon 9200se [01:28] that was old times :P [01:29] find a local vendor which can order the hardware and build you a PC. If you want a computer for $300 you can get better than what acer offers, imo [01:29] and you wont pay $100 of windows licence, too [01:29] you can plan on $220hw and ~$80 for a 2years warranty. This shouldnt be hard to find if you live in a city with more than 5k inhabitants :p [01:30] ok, well, i take under advisement; thanks [01:31] you're welcome [01:31] you're in the USA, right ? [01:54] I'm at the edge of losing it.. I want to install sound driver for my laptop [01:54] when I try modprobe snd- [01:54] it says: all config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release [01:55] fatal: module snd_ not found [01:55] any idea anyone? [01:56] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 this thread is completely useless for me [02:06] hi all. . .new to xubuntu and looking to change my mouse sensitivity. Can anyone help? [02:16] For a 1GHz VIA C3 w/ 1GB RAM, what what be 'faster', Xubuntu 8.10, or 9.04? [02:25] needhelp with a sudo dpkg configure -a error [02:30] mm_202: 9.0.4 [02:30] :) [02:30] it will be more than enough [02:30] msc: k, and what filesystem would be best? :) [02:31] no idea sorry :( I'm running it on celeron 1.6 , 1 gb ram and I'm very happy with the default settings [02:32] Nice! What are you using yours for? [02:32] for the edubuntu add-on for my kid [02:33] ah, okay. Im using mine for a media-pc in my living room :) [02:33] it had no problem with flash plug in in websites [02:33] Did you run into any issues at all? [02:34] yeah I have no sound at all for a week :-/ [02:34] I can't find any solution for my particular sound card [02:34] I have to compile something something but they are all too weird for me to understand, [02:34] :P [02:35] I'm reinstalling for the 4th time cuz I don't know how to undo the messes I made heheh [02:37] but I'm very happy with the performance [03:30] msc: lol, I hope I dont have to reinstall it for times, but good to hear that you are happy with it :) [03:30] What size HD do you use? [03:33] 40 [03:34] I believe xubuntu will be enough for your needs [03:40] Hello [03:41] Hola. [03:41] I've managed to break X or something else by issuing 4 commands to try to get skype working in 9.04. [03:41] Mind if I paste those commands here? [03:41] * genii sips [03:43] genii: you scared him. [03:43] haha no, been awhile in IRC [03:43] lol [03:43] er, since I used IRC [03:43] The 4 commands: killall pulseaudio | sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio | sudo apt-get install esound | sudo rm /etc/X11/Xsession.d/70pulseaudio [03:44] Now when I login my background loads and that's it. [03:44] Redeemed: You used the pipe between those commands just like you pasted it? [03:44] No, I wanted to keep them on one line in chat. [03:45] Sorry. I followed the directions found: http://www.econowics.com/news-from-the-net/170/skype-problem-with-audio-playback-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex/ [03:45] Though I use Jaunty and not intrepid. [03:46] Might be some pulseaudio remnants since --purge not used [03:47] How do I get into my login and purge? [03:47] I think I can get into my login on the command line but what command(s) do I then use? [03:47] YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY [03:48] Redeemed: hit Ctrl-F2 (or F3, or whatever), login [03:48] problem solved [03:48] Redeemed: then tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if you see any errors [03:49] Do that now on this login? [03:49] You'd never guess I'm a Linux newbie would you? [03:51] Redeemed: yes and yes :) [03:52] once you login, you should have a prompt, type 'cd /var/log' and then 'tail Xorg.0.log' [03:53] (you may need to do tail -n 40 Xorg.0.log if the log file is too verbose, or just even use vi or vim) [03:53] Neither Ctrl-f2 nor ctrl-f3 do anything. [03:53] Well ctrl-f2 changes to the other desktop [03:54] * Redeemed smacks his forehead in 5...4... [03:54] from X is ctrl-alt-f1 through f6 for console [03:55] console-console is ctrl-f# without the alt [03:55] So I want to use ctrl-alt-f2? [03:58] Ok that was fun...now I need to remember the commands... [03:58] Thank you so much for your help/patience [04:03] Ok no errors in tail so I viewed the whole log and didn't see any error except core pointing device and keyboard which appeared to be resolved at the end. [04:04] Should I just try purging pulse audio? If so, how? [04:05] sudo apt-get purge pulse*? [04:15] Thanks again! Have a great night. [05:27] what do I have to do to get ivtv working in xubuntu ? [05:27] !ivtv [05:27] IVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy [05:37] how do I get a hauppauge tv tuner card to work in xubuntu 9.04 ? [05:49] how do I get a hauppauge pvr 150 to work in ubuntu Jaunty ?? [08:52] sziasztok testverek [09:50] hi, can someone help me? im kinda new to xubuntu, and i installed kopete yesterday, and when i turned it of, it said that kopete had crashed, when i started up again the toolbar (taskbar) was gone, someone now how i can solve this or reset my xubuntu? === mattiruu is now known as Cham [16:28] howdy folks [16:32] !hi | BMasiak [16:32] BMasiak: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [16:35] thanks :-) [16:35] xubuntu on a half decent laptop is ridiculously fast, I love it [16:40] Great to hear that :) [16:57] I downloaded iso image of Xubuntu 9.10 amd64 alpha-4 two times and two times iso wasn't match md5sum [16:59] Download it via another source then :] [18:05] Hi... How do I open serial port in xubuntu. I am trying bluetooth programming with python [18:12] What do you mean by serial port / bluetooth programming ? [18:13] Using python-bluez ? [18:13] or python-lightblue ? [18:13] In both cases i'd advise you to try #python for generic python questions and to try to find the channel of the bluez / lightblue users & developers for bluetooth questions. [18:14] SiDi: my problem is, when ever I try to open a serial port using python. It keeps telling me "Not found" [18:15] Can you show me the whole error ? [18:23] SiDi: http://pastebin.com/d1f4ae6ce [18:24] serial.serialutil.SerialException: Could not configure port: (5, 'Input/output error') RolaBlade [18:24] you should definately get in touch with people who know about bluetooth programming ^.^ [18:25] SiDi: I have been to the python, ubuntu, xubuntu channel and nobody has been able to help... I am frustrated with this stuff :( [18:26] SiDi: Thanks... i will keep hoping a solution comes up [18:27] almost noone knows about bluetooth stuff, RolaBlade :) [18:27] this problem you have is either a bluetooth connectivity problem or an error in the way you use the lib [18:28] RolaBlade, if you use python-bluez, try the #bluez channel [18:28] SiDi, actually, we have this one guy who has fixed the bluetooth stack several times and sent the patches to ubuntu developers. [18:28] SiDi, they just haven't applied the patches. are you willing to work on getting the patches applied? [18:29] knome, i think RolaBlade is not speaking about userside bluetooth issues :P As for the patches applied, i think you need a packager / MOTU for this task. But you can tell me more in #xu-dev if you want (im gonna go cook the food right now) === awway is now known as lukinfore [18:53] Hey i have a few questions about Xubuntu, Just switched over from Ubuntu, and I seem at kind of a loss with this one. [18:54] anyone? [18:54] !ask | ingenioushax [18:54] ingenioushax: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:56] Everytime I restart the computer I have to run "xfwm4 --replace" to get my windows to work correctly, otherwise I cant readjust them, or move them, or close them. every time I open a terminal window, two pop up, one normal size, one small, and if I close the small one, they both close. [18:59] Does anyone know how to fix this issue. [18:59] ? [19:01] Sounds like Compiz decorator fail [19:01] oh... [19:02] How should I go abouts fixing that? [19:30] ingenioushax: gksudo "mousepad /etc/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc" and change Client0_Command=compiz to Client0_Command=xfwm4 ...crap they left [19:47] hi, i just ran into an issue with gnome-keyring-daemon in xfce. I want to use the daemon as my ssh-agent, however it does not behave as such. [19:48] i enabled "start gnome session" in session-settings and verified, there are two instances of the daemon (--login and --start), both of which present a "socket" file in their /tmp folder, but no socket.ssh [19:50] running killall gnome-keyring-daemon; eval `gnome-keyring-daemon`; in a terminal makes agent start and behave correctly in that terminal [19:50] however i suspect, that gnome-keyring-daemon is not starting correctly [19:51] i already suspected ssh-agent startet by Xsession to prevent the daemon from working, so i disabled that in Xsession.options [19:51] then came the agent started by xinitrc, which i commented out as well [19:51] still, gnome-keyring-daemon doesn't start it's ssh-sockt [19:53] what else could prevent the daemon from opening this socket? [20:38] thunar won't let me delete something from a usb MP3 player how do I change permissons for root ? [20:43] how do i remount the mp3 player as writable? [21:33] I created a new partition out of part of a harddrive that was used formerly by vista as a recovery drive... but I am having a hard time seeing what is on it or putting things on it [21:33] anyone know how I can see what is on it? [21:34] what did you use for partitioning? [21:34] gpart [21:35] you can use it to see its lable, like /dev/sdb2 or something like that [21:35] sda3 [21:37] all you need to do is mount it somewhere [21:38] I have it mounted on /home but how do I put stuff into it and know that it went into it [21:39] open a terminal and write: sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/space [21:39] space = for example [21:39] you can call however you like [21:39] you can also mount it directly to /space without /mnt [21:40] or you can mount it to /media/space and than it will be on your desktop automatically [21:44] sorry, i didn't see you said it's in home [21:44] just check what you have in /home/youruser_name [21:47] home has other things that were already there like my user name [21:47] my profile folder [21:49] how do I move it toa nother folder without causing problems [22:48] ingenioushax: I answered this for you before but you'd left. Let me look it up again [22:48] How can I have the xfwm4 --replace a permanent operation, everytime I start my computer I have to run it for my windows to work properly. [22:49] ingenioushax: "[14:30:39] ingenioushax: gksudo "mousepad /etc/xdg/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc" and change Client0_Command=compiz to Client0_Command=xfwm4 ...crap they left" [22:51] it brings up a xfce4-session.rc window with nothing in it...What should I do here? [22:53] (i'd say just remove compiz.. :P) [22:53] I tried that, and it didn't work... :( [22:53] SiDi: That of course is the drastic option :) [22:54] ingenioushax, after removing compiz xfwm still doesnt spawn ? :/ [22:55] That would be very odd. Unless the package manager fails on removal due to postrm or such not finding a right file, etc [22:55] SiDi, This is what I did. When I first installed xubuntu, I wanted to use the CCSM from Ubuntu, so I installed Compiz, when i did that, all my windows went haywire, and than I got the information to do the xfwm4 --replace, which works fine, but I tried to use "sudo apt-get autoremove compiz" and nothing got removed. [22:56] Might want to try sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz (or such) [22:56] Also even purging doesn't remove entries which are in some user's home dir structure [22:56] It says no directory exists. [22:57] "Package compiz is not installed, so not removed" [22:57] or package, my bad. [22:57] Hm. [22:57] aptitude search compiz [22:57] for each one with a 'i' in front of the name, sudo aptitude purge [22:58] apt-get leaves a lot of stuff behind when removing [22:58] then locate compiz [22:58] and delete all the files in your home related to compiz (locate compiz will list them) [22:59] And please show us .config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc [22:59] (/etc/xdg is the config folder for all users, and .config/ [22:59] is the one for your custom config [23:00] Just C&P? Sorry you kinda lost me. [23:02] !paste [23:02] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [23:02] Use the above site [23:03] So use !paste and than paste the output? [23:03] Or just use one of those links? [23:08] http://paste.ubuntu.com/259530/ [23:08] I think that's it? [23:08] It's the "locate compiz" [23:10] Yes, that worked for us to see the results [23:10] Very niiiiice. [23:16] ingenioushax: Everything on that paste could be safely deleted [23:16] Alright, you think it would fix the problem? [23:17] I'm not making any wild claims just yet :) [23:17] LoL, Gotta try everything once right? [23:20] To remove them do i just go through one by one and aptitude remove ?? [23:22] For just removing files you don't use the package manager, just the builtin rm command [23:23] so rm compiz ? [23:23] Um no [23:24] sudo rm /etc/compiz* for instance removes all in /etc directory which starts with compiz [23:24] ingenioushax, rm -r .cache/compizconfig .config/compiz .gconf/apps/compiz [23:24] When things are not in /home/your-user-name you need sudo to rm them. [23:24] And pleaase also paste 'aptitude search compiz' [23:24] genii, lets not sudo rm those files :) they belong to a package [23:25] SiDi: I'll just sip my coffee and watch for a bit :) [23:26] http://paste.ubuntu.com/259537/ [23:27] sudo aptitude purge compiz-core compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-gnome compiz-plugins compiz-wrapper compizconfig-settings-manager libcompizconfig0 python-compizconfig [23:27] ingenioushax, [23:27] Yes? [23:28] sudo aptitude purge compiz-core compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-gnome compiz-plugins compiz-wrapper compizconfig-settings-manager libcompizconfig0 python-compizconfig [23:28] Type this in a terminal ;) [23:28] This will _actually_ get rid of Compiz, and then you can use Xfwm (which has a transparency compositor in Apps -> Parameters -> Window manager tweaks) [23:29] Will this whole endeavor just default use xfwm or is there some kind of special process to do so? [23:30] ingenioushax, compiz is still installed. Normally when its uninstalled, session managers will stop trying to use it [23:30] So this should fix your issue the next time you login [23:31] I have one more question... My sounds doesn't work... :( [23:31] aw [23:31] you're coming from Ubuntu, right ? [23:31] But thank you both for all your help with the compiz. Really appreciated. Yeah Ubuntu. [23:32] Such simpler days, LoL. [23:32] Okey, then you probably still have PulseAudio installed [23:32] (xubuntu is much more simple when you dont come from Ubuntu, actually :p because the gnome apps such as compiz and pulseaudio actually dont work fine with some xfce components we use ^.^) [23:32] type 'aptitude search pulse' please [23:33] Do you use any of PulseAudio's advanced features, before i propose you to remove it ? [23:34] IDK? Probably not, Im mainly going to use Xubuntu what i used Ubuntu for, programming and networking. [23:34] (aptitude search returns, as you can see, a list of packages containing in their name. On the left, you can notice a letter : i, c, p most of the time : i stands for installed, p for not installed, c for uninstalled but some config files remain) [23:34] Post the search for pulse? [23:34] ok, then you can fire pulseaudio [23:34] yes please [23:35] (apt-cache search will not search in package names but also in package descriptions - thats useful when you cant find a package with aptitude - at worse there's also synaptic) [23:35] http://paste.ubuntu.com/259542/ [23:35] Damn, it's not PulseAudio :P [23:35] What happens when you click on the almightly sound icon in the top right of your screen ? [23:37] Brings up a window that says "(Drop down menu contains: HD Intel ALSA mixer & Realtek ALC268(OSSmixer)") no controls visible [23:37] Click on Preferences please [23:38] or 'Controls' or whatever name the bottom left button has [23:38] Ok. [23:38] Then, check every checkbox :) Then you should see some controls for your sound cards [23:38] Yessum, they came up. [23:39] Hooray! Sounds. How nice. [23:39] ^.^ [23:40] Ohhhh boy. [23:40] Thank you very much!! [23:41] I'm gonna restart my computer right quick and see how everything worked out. [23:43] !helpersnack | SiDi [23:43] SiDi: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [23:44] :) [23:44] genii, :P [23:45] SiDi: KDE is my primary DE but I deal to some degree with XFCE and Gnome so sometimes it's good to just sit back and absorb [23:45] i see, genii [23:45] i must say my kde knowledge is null [23:45] and the funniest is that i used to use it :D [23:46] Heh [23:46] * genii makes more coffee [23:46] genii: It still does the same thing... [23:46] ingenioushax, is xfwm properly launching now ? [23:46] No, its still doing the same thing. [23:46] :( [23:46] ok, can you please paste us ~/.config/xfce4-session/xfce4-session.rc ? [23:47] Apparently it still wants to use some other DE by default for some reason [23:48] Also, are you under Xubuntu 9.04 or older ? [23:48] 9.04 [23:48] It says no such file or directory [23:48] Okies [23:49] Could you open xfce4-settings-editor ? [23:49] Yeah. [23:50] then pick xfce4-session on the left [23:50] Ok. [23:50] and then on the right, go to sessions -> Failsafe [23:50] What is the value of Client0_Command ? [23:51] It's blank. [23:51] No value there. [23:51] put xfwm4 [23:51] (2nd button on the toolbar to edit keys) [23:52] If this doesn't work then i'll be out of ideas... (but people in #xfce and #compiz may be able to helpyou too) [23:52] It won't let me click the edit button, well it does, but it won't bring up the edit portion. :( [23:53] Great :/ [23:53] Yeah, maybe ill just every so gently place the computer in a deep pool of water and say my farewells [23:54] What does this : xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /sessions/Failsafe/Client0_Command return ? [23:54] (the settings editor isnt really finished imho :P) [23:56] "Value is an array with one items : xfwm4 [23:56] (btw, not to be mean, but when i switched from ubuntu+compiz to xubuntu i never had this problem ^.^) [23:56] Ok, then things are as they should be [23:57] Yeah it was working great til I got all dumbed out and apt-get install compiz... Than it all went to shit. [23:57] I'm sorry but i'm really out of ideas. I can only suggest you to join #xfce and ask them if they know where to look at [23:57] Excuse the language... [23:57] no problem [23:57] Yeah it's alright, I appreciate all the help though. [23:58] How long have you been using linux distros? [23:58] You're welcome. [23:58] hm, been on (X)Ubuntu for 1 year and 11 [23:58] 11 days [23:58] O.O;; wow, you learned a lot real quick. [23:58] Before, i was on Windows + kubuntu, but not often booting kubuntu, way too messed up :P [23:59] you learn much faster in linux than in windows :p [23:59] Time to go to bed [23:59] Good luck with xfwm [23:59] Alright, take it easy and once again thanks for the help.