[00:17] Well other than the "Default" being set to some weird gnome login my upgrade to Natty went well on this machine. [00:23] man, for some reason the weather indicator isn't working for m.e [00:23] i hate that... [00:31] is there somewhere to download Lubuntu 11.10? all the googling always goes back to Ubuntu 11.10 [00:33] Hi everyone [00:34] KM0201: I find searching for "lubuntu" gives me better results [00:34] I added wpa2 security to my router and now my laptop does not see the network . [00:34] KM0201: http://lubuntu.net/blog/lubuntu-1010-released [00:34] head_victim: well duh, i did search Lubuntu [00:35] KM0201: yeah but if you use the "" then it searches for that specific term [00:35] and thats 10.10... [00:35] i want 11.10 [00:35] Ah it was on the mailing list somewhere [00:36] I can email you the torrent if you'd like. [00:36] and it still doesn't really show where to downlooad it. [00:36] head_victim: yeah if you want.. KM0201@yahoo.com [00:36] i'd appreciate it. [00:37] No worries, easier than looking through the archives for the release email [00:37] It's only an alpha1 but works ok in a VM for me. [00:38] frankcox757: just finding some links, I don't use wireless on my lubuntu [00:38] i wanna boot it on USB. [00:38] frankcox757: is it possible your device doesn't support wpa2? [00:39] sorry-had to answer phone [00:40] I suppose that is possible- I am not well versed on the subject [00:40] the tablet pc is a gateway m275 circa 2005 -6 [00:42] I will try changing to wpa [00:42] thanks ! [00:47] head_victim: thanks. [00:47] i have a feeling this torrent will take forever [00:48] KM0201: no worries mate, sorry I'm on a crap ish connection though so can only seed around 200 kb/s [00:48] i'm not even getting any peers [00:48] It's not even showing anyone wanting oneiric though atm [00:49] hmmm [00:51] I've only got someone on 10.10 torrent [00:52] i was connecting [00:52] just wasn't showing any peers [00:52] oh well, no big deal. [00:52] i'll track it down. [00:53] Sorry, I don't really know what I'd doing with torrents, I only do it for Lubuntu but I know it's worked for others as my ratio is over 1 for it [00:56] KM0201: https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg04079.html [00:56] also https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg04193.html [01:08] I figured it out [01:10] There is an OpenDNS now, it is much more secure and eliminates a lot of malware. [01:10] http://www.opendns.com/ [01:10] Also faster [01:11] Have to run -cheers! [03:15] what package do i need so that grub will see my windows partions [03:16] on lubuntu [03:20] os-prober ? [03:20] !info os-prober [03:20] os-prober (source: os-prober): utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives. In component main, is optional. Version 1.44ubuntu1 (natty), package size 16 kB, installed size 192 kB === gpc is now known as IdleOne [06:40] Correct, os-prober was accicdentally left out of some earlier Lubuntu CD images. It should be there by default in 11.04 and 11.10. [07:04] Oneiric Lubuntu is pretty damn snappy on a dual core VM with 4gb ram ;) [08:36] how goes accessibility progress in lubuntu? [09:51] phillw-virtual you about? [09:55] just to clarify what charlie said to you, espeak is not a screen reader, it is a synthisized voice used by screen readers [12:17] Fudge: yes, I know :) [12:27] cool :D [12:28] btw i installed lubuntu, anything i can do from a user perspective [12:28] lubuntu-desktop in ubuntu 11.04 vinux 3.2 that is [12:30] it should behave, there are no 'show-stoppers' in lubuntu 11-04 AFAIK, it behaves for me :) Even 11-10 a1 is well behaved :) [12:33] noob question here, i want to start lubuntu on a second desktop, whats the launcher cmd for .xinitrc? [12:37] oh i found it [12:43] mm if i can ge torca to speak though [12:59] I'm trying to install Lubuntu, but whenever I choose Install Lubuntu from the boot menu it comes up with a black screen and a loading cursor (which after a long time of waiting doesn't do anything). Any help? [13:01] AntiMalwareGuru: i had same issue with 11.04 download, make sure you check the md5sum, there is already a bug filed with this issue [13:01] AntiMalwareGuru: also if you are trying with usb consider trying to use a cd as the boot medium, if that still doesnt work than consider going with 10.10, its what i had to do [13:04] stlsaint: Alright, the MD5SUM matches, but the ubiquity crashes (on the CD). [13:06] stlsaint: Is there a mirror I could use to download 10.10 instead of torrents? [13:10] is there a vesa option in the boot loader [13:10] phillw kick my lubuntu plz, it is not speaking [13:11] lol [13:54] how to get tomboy to start upon login? shell rc file? [13:54] or are there 'startup applications' thingie like in gnome [14:25] pmatulis: getting you a link hang on a tic [14:25] pmatulis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ has answers to autostart a program when logging in. [14:33] head_victim: cool, will try [14:34] pmatulis: let us know if you have any more questions :D [14:34] yo yo [14:35] Gday stlsaint [14:35] head_victim: well, one of my gripes is that every boot i need to screw around with arandr. i put arandr to autostart but how do i specify the config file to use? [14:40] pmatulis: there is a screencast at http://lubuntu.net/tags/arandr that MAY help, I haven't watched it thoguh sorry [14:40] head_victim: i may just be slow but are there plans for btrfs in future release? [14:41] stlsaint: no idea on that front sorry, I know it's supported but not sure if it's going to be default [14:41] kk [14:42] naw i dont expect a default cause as of right now you still must have a seperate /boot [14:42] Cool well I've seen heaps of people talking about it so I assume it works. [14:43] oh yea it surely does [14:43] i was running it for some time [14:43] waiting on a few special features before i go back to it but i will be soon [14:44] I'm a big fan of just "going with the flow". I don't know enough about these things to make an informed decision so I trust developers. [14:45] lol gotcha [14:46] im sure it will be quite some time before btrfs (if ever) will be default [14:46] with 'monitor settings' how to turn off mirrored screens? [14:46] that's why i use arandr [14:46] heck i just installed a debian vm using 6.0 squeeze and it made ext2 my default [15:00] pmatulis: sorry I only use a single monitor on my install so I really don't know. It will probably depend on what sort of video card you use. If you can't find anything useful online I'd ask on the mailing list at https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop [15:18] head_victim: whats with all the language packs being removed during lubuntu 11.04 install, i have been sitting here for over an hour just dealing with language packs, this has turned into a 2 hour install!! [15:21] stlsaint: no idea I didn't watch mine, I left it and came back later on [15:21] And it's now nearly 1230 am so I should head to bed, have a good one mate [15:22] later man === kp is now known as Guest57035 === gpc is now known as IdleOne [18:24] Hello === Guest60498 is now known as MichealH [19:53] * Psilocybin_Elf burps. [21:05] strange. i used the xrandr command that is in ~/.config/autostart/lxrandr.desktop and it works but not when i reboot. now i have it in my shell rc file and it works (after getting a shell) [21:24] how do i change an application icon that is in the menu? (not the menu icon, an application icon in the menu) [21:26] Unit193: ? [21:28] edit .desktop [21:28] there's icon [21:29] bioterror: and that should be under /home/username... correct? [21:29] cuz i'm not seeing that [21:29] /usr/share/applications/ [21:29] icon = /path/to/icon [21:30] ok.. now thats weird, cuz the icon is right in that folder. [21:31] wait, now i see. [21:33] well, maybe not. [21:34] why would the icon be in the folder, and not show up in the menu? (it just shows a grey icon, like no icon exists) [21:34] and i don't see a .desktop file [21:38] now i got it. [21:40] well it worked at first, now it just went gray again [21:55] hi