=== API is now known as apinheiro === API is now known as Guest96864 === Guest96864 is now known as apinheiro === kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou === API is now known as Guest22350 === Guest22350 is now known as apinheiro [17:14] charlie-tca: Bug #828356 [17:14] Launchpad bug 828356 in libunity "Support X-GNOME-Keywords" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/828356 [17:15] Thanks [17:16] Added to my tracking list [17:38] it is fix released [17:39] Got an item for P-series though [17:39] and that is the one about searching for "accessibility" in the dash, it should now find it [17:39] Maybe to insure it doesn't get broken for the LTS? [17:39] Oh, good! [17:39] hmm, invalid for p-series [17:40] oh, in for unity-lens-applications for p-series. I think that is a mistake [17:52] bug 851694 remains the biggie, and didrocks is on the case of what is apparently the root cause [17:52] Launchpad bug 851694 in unity-2d "application icons in apps lens are all called "button" (dup-of: 854516)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/851694 [17:52] Launchpad bug 854516 in unity-2d "[launcher] LauncherItem's accessibilityName is only evaluated on runtime" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/854516 [17:58] Okay, and ev said the change to names in ubiquity was pushed, but the build failed and they are working on it [17:59] ok, I think we can be fairly sure that they will get ubiquity to build before release :) [18:00] yup, I just want to make sure the names got fixed in it [18:36] AlanBell: skaet put it in for both O and P in case unity folks were too busy fixing crashers to fix in O then itd be deferred to P. since didier got to it in O, its invalid for P (since now its fixed already) [18:36] charlie-tca: they arent necessarily *fixed* exactly...theyre just not variable names anymore. real usable names probably need to be set manually though [18:37] hmm unless i can figure a way to make add_widget set accessible_name = the text of the label... [18:37] Okay, Thanks for explaining that, maco [18:37] tbh, im not sure whats going to happen with translations for them if they have to be set manually :-/ [18:38] valid point [20:05] bug 855123 seems to be gaining in popularity [20:05] Launchpad bug 855123 in at-spi2-core "at-spi2-registryd crashed with signal 5 in g_type_create_instance()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/855123 [20:06] I don't see what effect it has, other than at-spi2 crashes [22:59] charlie-tca: Pendulum: DBO just told me that onboard can now type into the unity 3d dash, they got it in just before final freeze [23:00] That's great! [23:02] bug 854516 seems like they have the code that will hopefully do it (orca not reading the 2d dash right) hope that makes the freeze or is an exception [23:02] Launchpad bug 854516 in unity-2d "[launcher] LauncherItem's accessibilityName is only evaluated on runtime" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/854516 [23:03] and the patch for orca reading the 3d dash didn't make feature freeze, but will be packaged as a PPA so we can test during the cycle [23:06] They could ask for FFe for orca. They do it for anything the normal person needs. One more symptom of the lowered importance for a11y [23:07] busy busy guys [23:15] wow, Fix Committed for bug 739812 [23:15] Launchpad bug 739812 in unity "Must use hardware keyboard to perform search for applications in Unity" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/739812