[00:12] ROFL at bug 861710 [00:12] Launchpad bug 861710 in unity "[regression] smspillaz fails to sleep at proper hours, despite solar status" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/861710 [00:35] lol...nice bug [00:37] heh [00:48] Yeah I thought so too. [00:55] jasoncwarner_, you here? [00:58] *anyone* from desktop team? [00:58] Yes? [00:59] I have a patch for compiz I think [00:59] to fix this [00:59] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/861793 [00:59] Ubuntu bug 861793 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in PrivateWindow::addWindowStackChanges()" [Critical,Confirmed] [00:59] what do I do? [01:02] You can attach that patch to the bug. [01:02] DBO, bzr clone lp:compiz ; add your patch and a changelog entry ; upload a branch ; propose for merging [01:02] And ping didrocks when he comes online, I think. [01:02] yeah or just tack it to the bug :-) [01:02] He'll be awake and in a position to upload before final freeze. [01:03] okay [01:03] testing the fix now [01:06] c === Shadow1 is now known as SoulShadow [01:34] DBO: yeah, back...keep losing my internet today. effing telstra [01:41] bryceh cyphermox RAOF anyone able to lend DBO a hand? being time sensitive, it owuld be great if we can get him some package help before he goes to sleep [01:41] jasoncwarner_, yeah we gave him some pointers [01:42] yeah [01:42] I do apt-get source compiz-core [01:42] then I go into the source [01:42] make my changes [01:42] apt-get build-dep compiz-core [01:42] and then I run [01:42] jasoncwarner_, jason smith has commented on the bugs [01:42] dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -us -uc [01:42] thats me [01:42] but it always fails at: Linking CXX shared library ../../lib/libkde.so [01:43] DBO, oh there you are. odd username [01:43] bryceh, this is my username from the days of yore [01:43] I only switched to Jason on Canonical IRC [01:43] becuase it was available [01:44] hmm, I don't usually use dpkg-buildpackage but that seems like it ought to work [01:44] DBO, try instead debuild -uc -us [01:44] k [01:44] note you may want to make a second copy of your tree [01:44] since that'll do all the building locally in-tree [01:45] its a linking issue of some sort... [01:45] seems odd it would link against libkde.so [01:45] it makes a lib called libkde.so [01:46] ah [01:46] luckily that won't cause any confusion [01:47] why use debuild [01:47] just curious [01:47] actually for my workflow I generally only do debuild -S, and then do the actual package building using pbuilder [01:48] dunno if that's the best method but that's what I was taught [01:48] bryceh, http://paste2.org/p/1678077 [01:48] multiarch issue? [01:49] I have no idea [01:49] it sort of looks like it's failing when trying to link against 32-bit libs, when it should be using the 64-bit ones [01:49] RAOF might have more clue than I here [01:49] you mean the glib thing? [01:50] that happens every time it tries to link [01:50] it happily builds 100 other things against glib :/ [01:50] hmm, well it looks like in this case you're linking with stuff like /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtCore.so which I'm guessing isn't compatible with 32-bit stuff [01:51] why would I be linking against 32 bit stuff at all? [01:51] no idea [01:51] yeah [01:51] I dont think thats the case :/ [01:52] well, more correct question is, it's not linking against that, it's skipping it, but then it's returning as if it's failed [01:52] so, why isn't it finding and linking against /lib/libglib-2.0.so [01:52] does that file exist on your system? [01:52] the skipping isn't the error [01:53] ok, then what's the error? [01:53] Huh. Yeah, there's no error in that log. [01:54] http://paste2.org/p/1678080 [01:54] it doesn't report an error [01:54] you know, it's linking in a whole mess of kde gunk [01:55] DBO: Can you throw your source tree anywhere? [01:55] like /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5.7.0 /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.5.7.0, etc. [01:55] DBO: Alternatively, just throw your patch somewhere? :) [01:55] We'll happily build packages for you. [01:57] RAOF, http://paste2.org/p/1678088 [01:57] I wish I knew why my packages wont build... [02:08] RAOF, so uh, you building me debs? [02:08] Yes. [02:08] Just fighting with paste2 a little :) [02:08] You want amd64 or i386? [02:09] amd64 [02:16] RAOF, how much longer on those packages buddy :) [02:16] Less time if compiz hadn't been rewritten in C++ :P [02:16] 35% done. [02:17] (So, not long) [02:26] DBO: Debs now in people.canonical.com/~chrishr Sorry for the delay! [02:26] RAOF, gratzi [02:27] how did you build that btw [02:27] debuild -S -us -uc; sbuild -d oneiric-tmpfs -j5 [02:40] yay the fix works [02:42] Woot! [02:45] DBO: How safe is that fix? [02:45] RAOF, safe as hells [02:45] but hold up on pushing that further just a moment [02:45] I'll upload it now? oh, ok. I won't upload it now then :) [02:47] jasoncwarner_, you still around? [02:48] jasoncwarner_, ok, will email instead [03:03] RAOF, https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz-core/compiz-core.fix_861793/+merge/77431 [03:03] we are going with that delta I am pretty sure [03:05] DBO: Ok. I'll head off for lunch, and upload a new compiz with that applied once I get back, unless (a) someone picks it up first, or (b) I hear otherwise from you. [03:21] http://people.canonical.com/~bryce/ExternalMonitor/results.html [03:23] bryceh, is there a TL;DR for that? [03:23] DBO, "external monitor configuration sucks" [03:24] bryceh, just FYI [03:24] in this next unity release [03:24] unity will ALWAYS go to the left most monitor [03:24] if there are 2 left most minitors [03:25] it will go to the lowest one [03:25] bryceh, are any of those issues you are reporting our problem really? [03:26] other than the launcher being afraid of the monitor identifiers [03:26] DBO, hard to say what exactly is at fault for some of these problems [03:27] some are the config tool, some unity or compiz [03:27] can you maybe try to identify cases where we (compiz/unity) are likely the problem? [03:27] DBO, that first one where you get double indicator menus feels unity-ish [03:28] DBO, how do you mean? [03:28] that one is fucking impressive [03:28] I have no idea whats happening there [03:28] from the looks of it [03:28] it's quite reproducible [03:28] bryceh, you know what would *really* help this [03:29] take a physical photo each time [03:29] but also a screenshot [03:29] so we can see the framebuffer layout [03:29] ok, can do [03:29] it looks like those monitors are overlapped [03:29] somehow [03:29] so when the smaller monitor paints, it clobbers the top monitors paint [03:31] I was surprised I never repro'd that bug using the gui tool [03:34] bryceh, are you going to the pre-uds thing? [03:34] no, I'm not [03:36] bryceh, when do you arrive at UDS? [03:37] late sunday I think [03:45] * bryceh -> EOD + vacation. cya next week. [04:18] Good morning [04:18] dobey: just by pointing at a core file, no; interesting idea, though; you'd have to make a couple of assumptions for this, like "the package did not change underneath" [04:19] kirkland: pong [04:24] jbicha: retrying gnome-shell powerpc build, mutter wasn't built at that time yet [04:27] pitti: thanks [04:34] cyphermox: oh, so you tracked down the libnl issue? congrats! [04:52] I got past the KDE linking thing [04:52] but now everytime I try to package its looking for a desktop file [04:52] thats frankly not there [04:52] (in fact we explicitly patch out) [05:24] pitti: could you sync anjuta-extras 3.2 from sid? [05:26] jbicha: done [05:40] good morning [05:41] didrocks: it's all your phault! [05:41] * pitti hugs didrocks [05:41] pitti: snif, what happened? :p [05:41] didrocks: now both DBO and I have an extra knot in our brain [05:41] :) [05:42] * didrocks doesn't understand, I'm either out of context or not awake :) [05:43] didrocks: sorry, talking in other channel [05:43] didrocks: so, we were wondering about /usr/share/applications/compiz.desktop [05:43] didrocks: compiz-core installs that [05:43] didrocks: but debian/patches/091_no_use_gnome_but_desktop_file.patch actually seems to make an effort of patching the upstream build system to not install it [05:44] hum, I was thinking that this one is deactivated now [05:44] * didrocks checks [05:44] didrocks: but then again, debian/compiz-core.install does install it [05:44] didrocks: the package built fine on the builders, but fails for DBO as dh_install doesn't find the file [05:44] didrocks: so it seems the patch worked on DBO's box, but failed somehow on teh builders [05:44] didrocks: so, some questions: [05:45] - do we need the file or not? (It has NoDisplay=true) [05:45] - is it meant to be built (then the patch probably souhld be dropped), or not? (then it should be dropped from *.install) [05:45] we need the file otherwise gnome-session can't start the wm [05:45] - can I have some hot chocolate? [05:46] - this patch was there because compiz cmake insane build system was failing at some point with the GNOME integration [05:46] I didn't receive any FTBFS? :/ [05:46] and it's built? [05:47] pitti | didrocks: the package built fine on the builders, but fails for DBO as dh_install doesn't find the file [05:47] didrocks: welcome to our confusion :) [05:47] didrocks: I was suspecting a build system race condition [05:48] It also builds fine here. [05:48] didrocks: I have no idea about cmake, so is it possible that the package already ships pre-made Makefiles which sometimes are rebuilt and sometimes aren't? [05:48] RAOF, I think because you used a different build method [05:48] he needs [05:48] gnome-window-settings-2.0 [05:48] gnome-desktop-2.0 [05:48] so that USE_GNOME is set to true [05:48] and then, to go to the patch path [05:48] similar to patches in the past which patched Makefile.in and Makefile.am at the same time, and depending on whether or not the file system supported sub-second resolution the build would fail because of missing automake or not? [05:48] he also need [05:49] xrender>=0.8.4 [05:49] gtk+-2.0>=2.18.0 [05:49] libwnck-1.0 [05:49] pangocairo [05:49] didrocks: but dpkg-buildpackage complains if there's a missing build dep, no? [05:49] pitti: nothing with that kind of thing with cmake [05:49] yeah, normally, it should [05:50] and debian/rules set the needed bits [05:50] pitti: anyway, so to sum up: [05:50] 1. this patch is because compiz cmake is totally broken, in different way [05:50] didrocks, shouldn't apt-get build-dep give me all those things [05:50] 2. the file is needed [05:50] DBO: yeah, it should [05:51] because I have them all [05:51] I still have to remove the patch to build [05:52] DBO: removing the patch fails on buildds [05:52] Yeah, the compiz build seems quite fragile; it's failed while likning libkde.so here (outside a build chroot) [05:53] yeah you have to uninstall ia32-libs to make it work [05:53] That actually fails the build? What a crock. [05:53] yep [05:53] its pretty cool [05:53] Extoling the virtues of Cmake... Um, what did I just say? Excuse me. :) [05:54] wow, you still have ia32-libs installed? Out of interest, what for? [05:54] cmake: we hated autotools, so we did something *even worse* [05:54] (i. e. should we make an effort to multiarch-ify a particular library to stop the need for it) [05:54] pitti, skype [05:54] you cant install skype without it [05:54] DBO: doesn't need ia32-libs any more [05:54] how? [05:54] You shouldn't need it for skype - install skype:i386 [05:54] DBO: that's what multiarch is for! [05:54] DBO: I thought flashplugin and skype are pretty much the only two things people ever need ia32-libs for [05:55] pitti: wine still needs ia32-libs [05:55] RAOF: ah, ok; three then (I don't have wine installed) [05:55] coool [05:55] unfortunately the amd64 skype package still exists, and hasn't been updated yet [05:55] it shoudl be removed, or made so that it magically installs skype:amd64 [05:55] erm, skype:i386 [05:56] but that'd require another package name [05:56] And libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 isn't properly installable due to libpciaccess0 not being multiarched in Ubuntu. :/ [05:56] DBO: pitti: ah got it! [05:56] HEUREKA! [05:56] so building with USE_GNOME had been broken for 3 months now [05:56] so… [05:56] what I do [05:56] is to remove the GNOME build-dep [05:56] then, I added this patch initially to still ship the needed .desktop file with ELSE(HAS_GNOME) [05:57] and have the desktop file installed if you are or not in the HAS_GNOME part [05:57] this was committed upstream differently [05:57] with repeating the same chunk of code in else(HAS_GNOME) [05:57] fun [05:58] so, basically, we don't build with HAS_GNOME in the package [05:58] (which rely on build-dep, I guess you have a build-dep instaled that we don't have in the package) [05:58] now, on the patch refresh, let me check [05:59] so dbarth refreshed the patch in 1:0.9.4+bzr20110606-0ubuntu6 [05:59] I guess he didn't see that the upstream patch was partially committed and make this patch useless [05:59] but anyway, don't build with HAS_GNOME, it's bringing you issues :) [05:59] *phew* here is the story :-) [06:02] didrocks: thanks for the heads-up; I nearly poked my eyes out this morning :) [06:04] pitti: heh, no worry, here was the initial patch FYI (http://paste.ubuntu.com/698913/) [06:04] pitti: made more sense, didn't repeat a chunk of code but seems upstream wants it differently… [06:09] So, now that we've got that little nugget out of the way, is anyone handling adding the patch from https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz-core/compiz-core.fix_861793/+merge/77431 , or shall I? [06:16] RAOF: no please, don't add smspillaz's patch without a release [06:16] RAOF: we had issues on the past, we only accept tarballs for compiz from dx [06:19] didrocks, hey, do you know about this? "update-alternatives: error: alternative path /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter-ubuntu.conf doesn't exist" [06:20] robert_ancell: hum, interesting, is it when reinstalling the same version of lightdm-gtk-greeter? [06:21] didrocks, from no version. I was wondering if I had some bad files around, so I removed it completely and tried to reinstall [06:21] robert_ancell: let me try to purge and install [06:22] didrocks, I just tried a purge then and it worked. So there must have been something left over from a previous version [06:22] robert_ancell: I'll try installing twice the same version, purging and not purging, 3 min! [06:22] false alarm :) [06:23] robert_ancell: oh, you found it? [06:23] no, I can't reproduce since I did the purge [06:23] hum, better to check if it's really a local issue that can be handled in postinst [06:23] robert_ancell: is it a bug or a feature that when I select a different session in lightdm to login to but enter the wrong password, my session choice is reverted [06:24] I did a double install then uninstall and still no problem [06:24] robert_ancell: yeah, the three cases worked, I guess you had some local cruft [06:24] jbicha, no, it should stay the same [06:25] jbicha, unity-greeter? [06:25] robert_ancell: yes [06:25] jbicha: thanks a lot for your documentation UIFe ack and for your tremendous patience :) [06:25] robert_ancell: do you want a bug report for it then? [06:25] jbicha, yes please [06:25] brb... [06:27] didrocks: well hopefully next cycle will be better with UI freeze [06:27] jbicha: I think we need to discuss the process indeed [06:27] we shouldn't have any big transitions unless we do something crazy like port to mutter [06:52] good morning [06:52] bonjour jibel [06:53] guten Morgen pitti [06:53] mm, Pleasant Pheasant sounds good [06:55] it feels a bit late this year for the next name announcement [06:55] oh, is it out yet? [06:56] yes, traditionally it comes out after beta [06:56] no, I've been spending the past few weeks making up names though [06:57] * pitti votes for perky penguin [06:57] how many "P" changes will we still have? [06:58] it can't be penguin, that's too obvious! [07:00] pitti: do you need packages to show up in syncpackage first to sync them? [07:01] jbicha: I need them to be on the UK debian mirror [07:01] we can sync from unapproved, but it's quite a lot of overhead [07:02] ok, then how about fonts-cantarell? [07:02] jbicha: new package, needs FFE [07:02] ok, I'll do that [07:06] pitti, if you're wondering the lightdm upload I did fixes bug 861398 [07:06] Launchpad bug 861398 in lightdm "the unity-greeter g-s-d is not stopped when login in since 1.0" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/861398 [07:06] oh, nice [07:07] robert_ancell: accepted, please close [07:15] bug 862086 [07:15] Launchpad bug 862086 in ubuntu "[FFe] Please sync fonts-cantarell from Debian sid" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862086 [07:15] hey didrocks care to update me on compiz? dbo said he fixed the latest crasher.... [07:15] its being pushed [07:16] god help us all [07:16] jasoncwarner_: I'm just restarting on it [07:16] bring'em on! thanks DBO [07:16] didrocks: awesome... [07:16] DBO still up? [07:16] jasoncwarner_, its final freeze [07:16] where the hell else am I going to be? [07:16] DBO: thanks for jumping on that right away... [07:17] jasoncwarner_: seems a lot of dx commits backport and work the last couple of days: pushed 3 Qt, 2 compiz, 2 libunity, 1 nautilus… :-) [07:17] DBO: wait, today is final freeze? I thought we had like 3 more months ? ;) [07:17] me too [07:17] they sprung it on me [07:17] like a trap [07:17] like a spider monkey? [07:17] who knew today was going to be Sept 29th [07:17] TOTALLY unpredictable [07:17] did not imagine this would happen at all really.. [07:18] the mayans knew [07:18] DBO: oh, that's because you couldn't mentally prepare yourself as you couldn't click before last week on the calendar to change month! :) [07:18] didrocks: ouch! [07:18] :) [07:18] bazinga [07:18] BAHZING [07:19] didrocks, with the headshot [07:19] ETOOMANYITCROWDREFERENCE [07:19] oupss ETOOMANYBIGBANGTHEORYREFERENCE [07:19] rather :) [07:19] ok, I can still make bad jockes, it's a proof that compiz is working :-) [07:19] even after a restart [07:19] didrocks: nice! [07:20] ok, let's run it for 10 minutes and then push the crack out of it! [07:20] didrocks: you want us to be testing from a PPA or something? [07:21] jasoncwarner_: yeah, that would be nice, one sec, pushing [07:21] jbicha: at it [07:22] pitti: did the "system proxy settings != session proxy settings" warning get lost when the code moved from the old control center to the new one? [07:22] good morning btw :) [07:22] mvo: hey [07:22] mvo: even worse, seems the latest release drops the entire proxy thing [07:22] we have a bug, assigned to rodrigo [07:22] mvo: but possible, yes [07:22] ok, thanks [07:23] didrocks, so uh, if we decide to do a plugins release [07:23] what does that mean to you [07:23] DBO: jasoncwarner_: compiz should magically appear in the ubuntu-desktop ppa shortly for you, yours sincerly, didrocks [07:23] my dearest didrocks [07:23] didrocks: <3 you [07:23] im already running it [07:23] love [07:23] DBO [07:23] DBO: that I will of course hate you more and more, but that's fine, I'll get a revenge in just a month, mwahahahahaha [07:23] DBO: seriously, do you think there are needed fixes? [07:23] needed? not needed no... [07:24] certainly some nice to have shit though [07:24] * Sweetshark wonders at all the high emotions (must be postbeta anexiety) ... [07:24] DBO: do you have the bug # so that we can asses risk/gain? [07:24] uhm [07:24] sure let me look... [07:25] DBO: if it can wait for a SRU, that have more testing (one week before pushing to users) [07:26] * didrocks add his waiting list today, a libunity, unity-2d, nux, unity, nautilus, unity-place-files and counting! (already done qt, compiz…) [07:26] didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/827560 [07:26] Ubuntu bug 827560 in compiz "unmaximizable windows still show orange glow but fail to maximize" [Low,Triaged] [07:26] didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/827560 [07:26] there is another one but I suffer from too much brain dumb right now to find it [07:27] DBO: the bot is smart, it avoids the repetition :) [07:27] oops [07:27] https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-grid-plugin/+bug/796594 [07:27] Ubuntu bug 796594 in compiz-grid-plugin "Window behaviour - pressing the 'restore' window indicator on a semi-maximised window should return it to the restored state" [High,In progress] [07:27] outsmarted by a bot [07:27] excellent way to start my day [07:27] jbicha: there, shepherded through binNEW as well, enjoy :) [07:27] DBO: "start", really? :) [07:28] well it is 3:30am [07:28] pitti: thank you! [07:28] its closer to starting than ending at this point [07:28] DBO: ok, I guess it's easily testable for regression [07:29] DBO: do you know to make dist in the oneiric branch or is it better to cherry-pick the patches there? [07:29] DBO: urgh, the branch seems to not have previous fixes [07:29] of? [07:30] DBO: I have a tarball from yesterday in c-p-m [07:30] i dont know what to do about that [07:30] DBO: and I can ensure you I have more fixes than what is in https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz-grid-plugin/oneiric [07:31] yeah I know [07:31] DBO: I hope the tarball from compiz have all fixes from yesterday as well [07:31] dont do c-p-m [07:31] yeah, seems hairy [07:31] I hope so too [07:31] DBO: let's check for compiz before pushing it [07:31] do you have any of the bugs so I could check? [07:31] DBO: you took: https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz-core/oneiric [07:31] yeah, one sec [07:31] bryceh, RAOF, lightdm has been using -background none for some time so we can probably drop the -nr option [07:32] patch rather [07:32] DBO: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698947/ here is the full list of fixes [07:32] robert_ancell: Know about the other ?DMs? [07:33] didrocks, I can immediately confirm several of those fixes are present [07:33] RAOF, no, but I suspect they would have been carrying matching patches? [07:33] DBO: for instance, on this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz-core/+bug/860397 I don't see a merge in ~compiz-team/compiz-core/oneiric [07:33] Ubuntu bug 860397 in unity "Windows which are marked transients of docks should be treated like docks" [High,Fix committed] [07:33] didrocks, yes that one is present [07:33] onboard still works iwth unity [07:33] huzzah [07:33] great :-) [07:33] *phew* [07:33] RAOF, robert_ancell: our gdm has -background [07:34] thanks for confirming DBO :) [07:34] DBO: let's forget about c-p-m now, not going into trouble and plan those for a SRU [07:34] sure thing [07:34] yep [07:34] * RAOF checks kdm and xdm. [07:34] RAOF: checking kdm.. [07:34] RAOF, xdm? really? [07:34] ./debian/patches/kubuntu_kdmrc_defaults.diff:+Instance: :*/"-nr -nolisten tcp" [07:34] ./kdm/config.def:Instance: :*/"-nr -nolisten tcp" [07:35] kdm needs fixing AFAICS [07:35] RAOF: ^ [07:35] good morning [07:35] pitti: Thanks. [07:35] robert_ancell: I don't expect xdm to try, but, hey! Completeness! [07:35] the new UbuntuLogo.png in g-c-c says 11.04? [07:37] ricotz: it's fixed in bzr [07:37] so didrocks, smoothest compiz release this cycle then? :P [07:37] jbicha, ok, and network.ui missing? [07:38] DBO: yeah, you got an award. Achievement! :-) [07:38] um, I don't think that was fixed yet [07:38] DBO: you got the new skin "DBO smoothest compiz release" to use with the hero of your favorite game :-) [07:39] ricotz: when did network disappear? [07:39] And, as expected, xdm uses neither -nr nor -background. [07:40] RAOF: checkerboaord patterns FTW! [07:40] "board", too [07:40] party_like_its_1989! [07:40] jbicha, i cant point to a version, sorry, just noticed it [07:40] RAOF: let's play pacman [07:40] * RAOF can never get enough of the -retro codepath! [07:41] didrocks, apparently there are compelling reasons to do CPM now [07:41] DBO: hum, like? [07:41] morning [07:41] didrocks, compelling... reasons... [07:41] there are some changes to how core handles moving windows (async, much faster) [07:41] but two plugins had to be updated to track [07:41] DBO: well, there are some "compiling" reasons indeed :) [07:41] grid and snap [07:41] they still work fine without the update [07:41] but much slower [07:42] DBO: hum, can we ensure the latest tarball is in trunk, and what enters is fully tested? [07:42] Im working on testing that shit as hard as I can [07:42] I'll be here until its done [07:43] DBO: ensure we have: [07:43] - Maximizing a window causes compiz to hang (LP: #860257) [07:43] - snap movements can cause infinite loops in window movements (LP: #860646) [07:43] jbicha, also "empathy/telepathy" ui is gone? [07:43] DBO: this is the new fixes since 20110919 [07:44] oh yeah there is that too [07:44] we want those [07:44] infinite loops are bad [07:44] mmkay [07:44] DBO: we already have those [07:44] DBO: in the latest tarball [07:44] damnit [07:44] seriously [07:44] DBO: so ensure trunk have it, if not, there is something screwed [07:44] I would prefer if we did this [07:45] okay [07:45] will do [07:45] DBO: and in that case, we need to cherry-pick only the fixes, not doing a new tarball without those [07:45] what? [07:45] we are just going to roll you a tarball, the only things in it are commits linked to bugs [07:45] * didrocks pushes nautilus meanwhile [07:46] I'll try to get you a list [07:46] DBO: indeed, but ensure that those two commits are in there [07:46] I will [07:46] DBO: IIRC, dbarth removed one commit that was making something crashing for him [07:46] DBO: so, I hope it's not in trunk [07:46] super... [07:47] DBO: it's not in the current oneiric tarball anyway, you can download it there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/compiz-plugins-main_0.9.6.orig.tar.gz [07:47] DBO: so making make a diff with what you currently have and ensuring all what is in is known? [07:48] didrocks, yes, I will do my all [07:48] Im not going to pull any punches [07:48] I understand the price of failure is instant death by firing squad manned by the desktop team [07:48] ricotz: ping rodrigo when he's online for those, I'm not sure what went wrong [07:48] DBO: excellent! thanks for this serious checking. It's really needed :) [07:49] ricotz: so I was playing with GDM3.2 today & yeah I couldn't get it to start either [07:51] rodrigo_, hi, g-c-c is missing some things like network.ui and empathy/telepathy ui? [07:51] jbicha, so it hangs for you? [07:51] hey pitti [07:52] there are 2 issues in bug 848808 btw [07:52] Launchpad bug 848808 in metacity "metacity crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/848808 [07:52] hey chrisccoulson [07:52] your stacktrace is a different issue compared to the original reporter [07:52] ricotz: yes, gdm-simple-slave[20564]: WARNING: Could not run helper: Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/gdm/ck-get-x11-display-device" (No such file or directory) [07:52] chrisccoulson: oh, is it? I get it according to jibel's instruction, start vlc [07:52] chrisccoulson: I thought it was different because of --sync [07:53] pitti - hmmm, perhaps jibel has the same, but different issue too ;) [07:53] pitti - yeah, but the request that triggered the error is still visible in the original stacktrace [07:53] chrisccoulson: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79767881/Stacktrace.txt doesn't look totally different, though? [07:53] jbicha, ok, would have been nice to have it, but there is no time for it [07:53] DBO: https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz-expo-plugin/oneiric.fix_clipping_issues/+merge/77472 changes default configuration [07:54] chrisccoulson: right, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79769114/Stacktrace.txt is different [07:54] ricotz: yeah, GDM 3.0 isn't too bad though [07:54] didrocks, fixing [07:54] pitti - the clue in the original trace is here - "X error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) serial 294069 error_code 3 request_code 19 minor_code 0" [07:54] chrisccoulson: but I think all the dupes are indistinguishable, as the top 5 functions are the XError stuff [07:54] DBO: please look at merges carefully :p [07:54] so when it crashes with --sync, you should see it crashing in XDeleteProperty [07:55] (which is request code 19) [07:55] DBO: especially has now in the compiz branch, the patch are completely mixed… :/ [07:55] chrisccoulson: ok, I don't get that then [07:55] chrisccoulson: or it's later than the current crash in allocing a 65535 pixel window [07:55] didrocks, we're going to fix that once and for all at UDS [07:55] we are going to disable that in bzr [07:55] pitti - possibly :) [07:55] he wont be able to do that anymore [07:55] mwahahah [07:55] DBO: yeah, totally agreed! [07:55] heh! [07:55] i just wanted to point out that there might be more than one issue there, before it gets too confusing ;) [07:56] chrisccoulson: heh, thanks [07:57] chrisccoulson: how's your holidays? [07:57] pitti - heh ;) [07:57] i'm looking forward to travelling to cornwall tomorrow [07:58] didrocks, actually it didn't, the merge proposal just had the wrong target [07:58] didrocks, sorry for the false alarm [07:58] other than that, i've been hanging around because of the firefox 7.0.1 chemspill [07:58] which i wasn't expecting to happen whilst i was away ;) [07:58] DBO: *phew*, but still wrong target :) we need to diff old tarball new tarball anyway to check! [07:58] I will [07:58] I dont have tarballs yet [07:58] thanks again DBO :) [07:59] DBO: did you took the previous one I pointed? [07:59] did you take* [07:59] yes [07:59] coolio [08:03] pitti - so, i think what's likely to have happened is that the original reporter of bug 848808 was actually suffering from bug 797078, which is now fixed [08:03] Launchpad bug 848808 in metacity "metacity crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/848808 [08:03] Launchpad bug 797078 in metacity "metacity crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/797078 [08:04] but as apport can't really distinguish the traces apart, it's mixed the different issues up in the duplicates [08:05] That seems like a reasonable guess. [08:05] ricotz, what? it's missing that? [08:06] hey [08:07] ricotz, hmm, right, it's missing the network panel [08:07] hi seb128 [08:08] bonjour seb128 [08:08] hey rodrigo_ [08:08] hey pitti [08:08] hey rodrigo_ [08:08] how are you? [08:08] rodrigo_: checking for NETWORK_MANAGER... no [08:08] configure: WARNING: *** Network panel will not be built (NetworkManager >= 0.8.992 or newer not found) *** [08:08] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/81289337/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-amd64.gnome-control-center_1%3A3.2.0-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz [08:08] rodrigo_: yeah, seems you earned bug 861443 [08:08] Launchpad bug 861443 in gnome-control-center "There is no easy way to change proxy settings in Ubuntu 11.10" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/861443 [08:08] jbicha, yes [08:08] rodrigo_: I suppose that wasn't intended? [08:09] rodrigo_: sounds like fallout from the libnm split? [08:09] pitti, yes, seems I'm missing some build-dep [08:10] jbicha, hey [08:10] jbicha, is there an issue with the vino update? [08:10] jbicha, do you need help with it? [08:10] didrocks, we're rolling a new tarball ;) [08:11] DBO: nice! [08:11] Hey, who broke my caps-is-an-additional-ctrl? [08:13] RAOF, GNOME [08:13] Oh, flicking that setting off and on again fixes it. [08:13] seb128: I was trying to fix 852911 at the same time, but I was having trouble getting my code from yelp to work in vino [08:13] rodrigo_, you should push test version in your ppa rather than asking users to build from the vcs ;-) [08:14] jbicha, hard freeze is today so maybe upload the next version and see later to fix the bug? [08:14] bug #852911 [08:14] Launchpad bug 852911 in yelp "Yelp always displays Unity user guide" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/852911 [08:14] seb128: yes probably [08:14] seb128, yes, true :) [08:15] didrocks: indeed it seems related to overlay-scrollbar, but too large widgets in an application shouldn't make metacity crash? [08:15] didrocks: but anyway, if that fixes it, I'm happy; metacity is obsolete, and I don't fancy debugging it for hours (well, I already did) to fix it properly :) [08:16] pitti: it logout and crashed X in some cases, because it tried to create a 8 Gb window [08:16] pitti: so, not sure, but can be related through jibel's report [08:16] X shouldn't crash in such circumstances; that's what BadAlloc is for (and the XErorr that pitti was seeing)? [08:17] didrocks: yes, something is creating a widget 65535 pixels high [08:17] pitti, oh, the problem is libnm-gtk-dev doesn't have a .pc file [08:17] RAOF: not X, metacity [08:17] pitti, fixing it [08:17] RAOF: it did, see the bug I pointed :) [08:17] rodrigo_: ah [08:17] rodrigo_: the usual crash on writing a lot on disk [08:17] oupss [08:17] RAOF: ^ [08:17] pitti: Yeah, but didrocks was saying that it crashed X sometimes. [08:17] RAOF: basically, it creates a 8 Gb windows, which make some machines, like mine writing a lot on the disk [08:18] and everytime I have too many writes on disk, X crashes [08:18] pitti: ^ [08:18] Fun! [08:18] rodrigo_, do you know what happened to the empathy g-c-c integration? [08:18] RAOF: seems known, njpatel has the same behavior I guess [08:18] You obviously have too much memory :) [08:18] ricotz, the accounts panel? [08:19] ricotz, I think it's gone, in favor of gnome-online-accounts, but not sure [08:19] didrocks: This is triggered by running vlc under metacity? [08:19] rodrigo_, if that's the case the online-accounts doesnt show my telepathy accounts [08:19] didrocks: you said "just pushed", not "will be pushing"; I didn't see an overlay-scrollbar upload, did the upload go wrong, or was this a typo? [08:20] ricotz, yes, only google so far [08:20] pitti: it's a Qt fix related to an overlay-scrollbar issue with Qt apps (when using the gtk theme) [08:20] aah [08:20] ricotz, you can still setup your accounts from empathy itself [08:20] ricotz, just that it doesn't have a g-c-c panel anymore [08:20] RAOF: oh not only with vlc, everytime my computer start writing too much on disk [08:21] didrocks: trying with new Qt then, it's built on amd64 [08:21] didrocks: Just with swapping, or with any disc activity? [08:21] didrocks: the other two tasks on bug 805303 are still relevant, though? [08:21] Launchpad bug 805303 in overlay-scrollbar "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed with the default qt4 gui" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/805303 [08:21] $ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/network-manager-applet trunk [08:21] Most recent Ubuntu version: [08:21] Packaging branch version: 0.8.9997+git.20110707t152406.340f695-0ubuntu1 [08:21] Packaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE [08:21] hmm, import problems? [08:21] ricotz, rodrigo_: upstream dropped the possibility to add control-center panel from other sources as well, it might have force the empathy guy to drop it [08:21] didrocks: Also: is this your crazy baked nvidia laptop? ;) [08:21] rodrigo_, seems so [08:21] seb128, yes [08:22] rodrigo_, use apt-get source [08:22] ok [08:23] seb128, ok [08:23] RAOF: indeed, but I know that other in dx experience this as well [08:23] rodrigo_, right, was just wondering what happened to it [08:23] RAOF: everytime when somethings triggers a lot of writing… [08:24] grrrrr bastien [08:24] ok, so he closed the wrong default bug pedro opened blaming it on pitti [08:24] didrocks: Is there a crash report generated? Long shot, I know. :? [08:25] RAOF: waow, I'm pretty sure to have reported one a while back, like 4/5 months [08:25] though pedro somewhat missed the issue, it seems to still suspend on ac even if the setting is on "never" [08:25] RAOF: it started on natty [08:25] my laptop was suspended when I came back from sport yesterday [08:25] RAOF: but I don't have I can do it next time I trigger that [08:25] mvo, hey, did you open a bug about your dpms issue? [08:28] seb128: just reported it on LP https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/862139 now, sorry [08:28] Ubuntu bug 862139 in gnome-control-center "xset q reports DPMS mode with time 600 regardless of what g-c-c setting" [Undecided,New] [08:32] hmm, dput'ing the .source.changes file generated by debuild doesn't upload the orig.tar.gz, is that correct? [08:33] rodrigo_: depends whether the .changes has the tar.gz in Files: [08:33] rodrigo_: which is determined whether you build with -sa or -sd [08:33] pitti, ok, my fault then, just used -S [08:33] rodrigo_: -si is the default, which usually DTRT (-sa for -1 or -0ubuntu1, no orig otherwise) [08:33] rodrigo_: why, did you upload a new upstream release? [08:34] pitti, no, not a new upstream, just 0ubuntu3 [08:34] rodrigo_: you don't need the orig tarball then, it didn't change [08:34] rodrigo_, is that a ppa upload? you don't need the orig if it's in the main archive [08:34] seb128, no, not a ppa, it's nm-applet [08:35] ok then it should be ok, I hope [08:35] oh, well no need of the orig [08:35] * rodrigo_ waits for message [08:35] rodrigo_, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text= [08:35] it's in the queue [08:35] ok, cool [08:36] rodrigo_, the queue run every 5 minutes, so if you upload at 31 it will usually get in at 35 [08:36] ricotz, ok, network panel is back, will upload new g-c-c as soon as I get a couple other fixes [08:38] rodrigo_: yay [08:38] rodrigo_: please bump the build-dep on libnm-dev [08:38] powerpc is faaaar behind (and generally it's correct to do so, too) [08:38] seb128, oh btw, last night I looked at the 'never turn screen off' thing, shouldn't be hard to do, just need new UI [08:38] pitti, yes [08:38] rodrigo_, where "new ui" is an extra entry in the combo? [08:39] seb128, a new combo, I don't have a 'turn screen' combo at all [08:39] rodrigo_, are you on a desktop? [08:39] ah, on the screen one [08:40] still on a desktop it should be there [08:40] rodrigo_, yes [08:40] seb128, yes, sorry, was looking at power onlt [08:40] so yes, much easier! === ara is now known as Guest72740 [08:40] g-s-d already checks if the timeout is 0, and if so, doesn't turn the screen off, so yes, we only need a new option in the combo, mapped to 0 for the timeout [08:41] so adding it to my g-c-c upload [08:41] rodrigo_, check with pitti before [08:41] pitti, checking... :) [08:41] it might need a ffe or uife [08:41] check with jbicha as well [08:42] rodrigo_: "turn screen"? [08:42] didrocks, https://chinstrap.canonical.com/~smspillaz/releases/0.9.6/compiz-plugins-main-0.9.6.tar.bz2 [08:42] jbicha, pitti: do you think it's still ok to add a "never" entry to the screen capplet "turn screen off after" combo? [08:42] I've done everything I can do, I think I properly QA'd it [08:42] if I didn't, please let me know, and I'll figure out what went wrong and try to fix it for next time [08:42] pitti, yes, what seb128 says [08:42] DBO: great, so no setting changes, all the fix that are in are the one you descbribed before? [08:42] seb128, rodrigo_: sorry, where is that? [08:42] didrocks, hold on [08:43] |o| [08:43] pitti, gnome-control-center screen [08:43] pitti, in Screen panel [08:43] didrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/698976/ [08:43] thats the entire diff [08:43] no xml changes [08:43] pitti, "turn on after", the combo has nn minutes to 1 hour option [08:43] seb128, rodrigo_: I think that's fine; I hope we have an existing string for that? [08:43] pitti, adding a "never" in the list of that combo [08:43] pitti, hmm, good point, let me check [08:44] hi u-d. is there a package for this nautilus previewer called "sushi" somewhere? [08:44] DBO: great, and the bug list is the on you pointed me before? (and it doesn't seem any previous fix is reverted?) [08:44] didrocks, are you expecting a reverted fix? [08:44] pitti, seb128: no, we don't, in g-c-c [08:44] rodrigo_, pitti: doesn't seem so :-( [08:45] rodrigo_, can you ask an UIFe and email translators and documentation teams? [08:45] uh, did they remove it everywhere? *sigh* [08:45] I guess that's a problem, too late for adding new strings [08:45] DBO: no, just that as the trunk was fuzzy and we didn't know if it contained all the previous fixes [08:45] rodrigo_, let's ask [08:45] ok [08:45] diverse_izzue: no, you'll have to wait for P or a PPA (& someone to package it) [08:45] didrocks, I think we are good to go [08:45] translators still have some days to translate [08:46] and it's an easy one to add [08:46] didrocks, we checked for those previous commits specifically [08:46] foudn the code [08:46] DBO: perfect, thanks! [08:47] seb128: it's in evolution-3.2, aptitude, cups, glade3, gnome-disk-utility, gnome-user-share, nautilus, and a whole lot of other places [08:47] rodrigo_: ^ we might steal the translations from there [08:47] pitti, ok, I'll add the bug 1st [08:47] rodrigo_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug) [08:47] pitti, it's going to be tedious [08:47] :) [08:48] imho we should ask an uif and let the translators copy the string in launchpad [08:48] well, asking translators to do that is a lot more work in sum [08:48] it's easy enough [08:50] didrocks, do you want me to stick around while you make package pie out of that? [08:50] DBO: I'm tagging it +bzr20110929 tag as well [08:51] DBO: no that's fine, you should go to bed :) [08:51] DBO: did you fix the spread + dnd issue? [08:51] didrocks, if by fix you mean disable [08:51] yes [08:52] DBO: yeah, perfect, I think you deserve some bed time! :) [08:52] DBO: I'm currently building c-p-m [08:52] how long will it take for me to get results? [08:52] pitti, *shrug*, they screwed the ubuntu-mono update... [08:52] DBO: 10 minutes, time to build and test [08:52] seb128: bug 862027? [08:53] Launchpad bug 862027 in ubuntu-mono "System Settings Keyboard icon indistinct with Ambiance" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862027 [08:53] seb128: assigned to Paul already; we'll probably just revert tha [08:53] or bug 862040 [08:53] Launchpad bug 862040 in ubuntu-mono "user-desktop icon shows black desktop instead of Unity's wallpaper" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862040 [08:53] pitti, no, it seems the "desktop" icon went missing [08:53] didrocks, then I'll wait [08:53] jbicha, right, that one [08:54] didrocks, the 22 hour shift... we need a union... [08:54] seb128, pitti: what are the translation and doc teams (ubuntu-doc? ubuntu-translations-coordinators?) [08:55] lp shows a lot when searching, so not sure which one is the correct one [08:55] DBO: that's why you are asking to french people? Need some strike advice? :-) [08:55] rodrigo_, ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com, ubuntu-translators@lists.ubuntu.com [08:56] didrocks, no I was hoping to win the battle [08:56] :-) [08:59] didrocks: metacity still crashes with Qt 4.7.4-0ubuntu6 :( [09:01] hmm, searching for ubuntu-translators in LP shows a lot of results, but stops in page 17, so ubuntu-translators team doesn't show up [09:01] so how can I subscribe someone to a bug without using the search? [09:01] pitti, stop using metacity [09:02] I know I did [09:02] pitti, seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/862154 [09:02] Ubuntu bug 862154 in gnome-control-center "[UIFe] Add back the "never turn screen off" option" [Undecided,New] [09:03] pitti: ok :( [09:03] DBO: unity-2d does :) [09:04] didrocks: QWidget::setMinimumSize: (/MainInterface) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) [09:04] didrocks: that doesn't sound healthy [09:04] pitti, sarcasm is the name of the game [09:04] pitti: is it before the crash you have? [09:05] didrocks: yes [09:05] rodrigo_, thanks [09:05] agateau looked at this ^ [09:05] didrocks: agateau just attached a new patch to that bug, too [09:05] pitti: yeah, for gtk [09:05] pitti: you need it with the new Qt [09:05] sorry, forgot to mention it [09:05] don't upload the gtk patch [09:06] seb128: why? [09:06] agateau, because kenvandine started working on it [09:06] seb128: ah ok, I thought there was a problem with it [09:06] agateau, and I don't like work duplication ;-) [09:07] agateau, well there are those symbols change, it sucks so late in the cycle [09:07] agateau, though they seem to be a non issue but still it makes me nervous ;-) [09:08] seb128: I understand you. But the whole point of the new patch is to expose a new function, this is bound to bring new symbols [09:08] so is bug 805303 about crashes which happen because overlay-scrollbar tries to allocate an insanely huge widget? [09:08] Launchpad bug 805303 in overlay-scrollbar "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed with the default qt4 gui" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/805303 [09:08] the bug title sounds fairly different [09:08] * pitti wonders if he should make bug 848808 a dupe of that or reassign to overlay-scrollbar [09:08] Launchpad bug 848808 in metacity "metacity crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/848808 [09:08] pitti: it is because qt assumes it gets a scrollbar widget when it calls gtk_hscrollbar_new [09:09] agateau: ah, then it's something else apparently? [09:09] grrrr, got again a X restart on too much writing [09:09] pitti: but when overlay scrollbars are activated, qt gets a null pointer instead [09:09] RAOF: nothing in /var/crash ^ [09:09] agateau, yeah, adding symbols is fine, it's the dropping symbols that makes me nervous ;-) [09:09] pitti: we had a workaround for this bug in qt <= 1ubuntu5, but it was not reliable [09:09] DBO: Need to restart building c-p-m (and nautilus :() [09:10] didrocks, look at Xorg.log [09:10] or .0 [09:10] pitti: 1ubuntu6 contains a better fix, but it needs the gtk patch to work [09:10] didrocks, go in the build-area and debuild binary [09:10] didrocks, why? [09:10] didrocks, or did you use pbuilder? [09:10] agateau: understood, thanks [09:10] DBO: because the build is under X and X restarted [09:10] seb128: yes, those symbols could have been marked hidden, there was no need to expose them in the first place [09:10] agateau, ok, good [09:11] seb128: yeah, will dpkg-buildpackage -nc [09:11] agateau, well as said it's not an objection, it's just making me a bit nervous because it's gtk and it's late ;-) [09:11] didrocks, you're breaking my little heart by not using screen [09:11] DBO: for building? never :-) [09:11] seb128: sure, I am just trying to make you a bit more confortable with those changes [09:12] :) [09:12] DBO: btw, I'm closing the upstream bugs [09:12] whatever [09:12] DBO: and add right downstream tasks [09:12] agateau, thanks ;-) I think I'm comfortable enough to no pushback and let ken upload it ;-) [09:12] DBO: can you do that for an even smoother release later? :) [09:12] RAOF: I have the log info if needed [09:12] do what? [09:12] explain it like Im 5? [09:12] seb128: good! [09:12] DBO: closing upstream bugs ;) [09:12] agateau, thanks for working on that btw! [09:13] didrocks, define "upstream"? [09:13] oh you mean mark the Fix Released? [09:13] DBO: upstream as upstream task in compiz [09:13] DBO: yep [09:13] yeah I can do that next time [09:13] sure [09:13] seb128: yw [09:13] (and everywhere, the downstream tasks that have been added are not the right one) [09:15] DBO: ok, restarting compiz [09:15] * DBO braces for impact [09:16] this delay makes me nervous [09:16] dpm: hey, d.u.c looking awesome :-) [09:17] DBO: maximize with grid snap is weird [09:17] dpm: I noticed that the libunity docs needs updates... also I think the latest lp:giraffe works slightly better for Python docs [09:17] DBO: take a title bar, push it to the panel [09:17] DBO: the decoration jumps under the panel, then maximization starts… [09:17] mmmm [09:17] yep thats a bit odd... [09:17] DBO: and worse, if you stop it without maximizing [09:18] DBO: the decoration is under the panel [09:18] you have to alt + click [09:18] smspillaz, ^^ [09:18] didrocks, new record? found a bug in less than 15s testing? ;-) [09:18] DBO: another one [09:18] * DBO sighs [09:18] hey kamstrup, good morning, thanks :) - Yeah, I want to update those links to the stable URLs (i.e. Oneiric), when we release. As per giraffe, shall I just pull the latest version? I can probably do this straight away [09:18] hmm [09:18] seb128: indeed, just have to test what changed… [09:19] DBO: maximize vertically [09:19] didrocks: let me see what's happening [09:19] that ... shouldn't happen [09:19] DBO: then, drag it on the panel [09:19] -> maximized, but still decorated [09:19] dpm: I think the latest rev should be good. That's what I use myself at least :-) [09:20] same if you maximize horizontally [09:20] kamstrup, ok, cool, let me do this later on today, thanks for the heads up :) [09:20] didrocks, sorry for wasting time... [09:20] * didrocks just reads the diff and tests what changed :/ [09:20] I'll add these to our test cases [09:20] DBO: well, it just need rigorous test when changing something… [09:23] seb128, rodrigo_: replied to bug 862154 with a suggestion and an ack [09:23] Launchpad bug 862154 in gnome-control-center "[UIFe] Add back the "never turn screen off" option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862154 [09:23] pitti, danke [09:34] pitti: a 4th upload of Qt is coming FYI [09:35] poor armel builders [09:35] * pitti scores down https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.4-0ubuntu6/+build/2813360 [09:35] yeah, if only people can coordinate in the same team, especially when pinging them on purpose the past 3 days for that [09:35] the powerpc builders already are way behind [09:35] Good morning all [09:35] actually, powerpc is the bottleneck this time, we've got plenty of armel builders [09:36] hey czajkowski [09:36] didrocks: standing by for review, just need to run out for some minutes [09:36] pitti: ello [09:36] pitti: no bugs to report!, well I do, just not Ubuntu, on windows :( [09:36] pitti: will upload in 30 min, the time for me to check it applies, and to bzr bd -S… [09:38] czajkowski: hehe [09:38] pitti: such pain . [09:51] pitti, so, I msgcat the po file, and add a patch with that to the g-c-c package? [09:54] rodrigo_: I put a sketch of a command to the bug [09:54] rodrigo_: msgcat is too complicated, I think [09:55] pitti, right, but I mean, I just add a patch to the package with the resulting .po's, or is there a saner way to add new translations? [09:57] rodrigo_, use the command line pitti suggested in the bug? [09:57] rodrigo_: yes [09:57] rodrigo_: well, the .po changes with teh "Never" msgs added, yes [09:57] ok [09:57] rodrigo_: we can drop the patch at the next upload, once it's imported into LP [09:58] I think that's a lot quicker than bothering all translation teams to add the strings [09:58] yeah, dpm asked to do this also, so yeah, doing it now [10:03] seb128: meh, that app-indicator port took longer then expected, but I think its mostly there now, not everything is supported by app-indicator unfortunately so the fallback is not great, I need to think some more about that [10:03] mvo, what do you miss? tooltips? [10:09] seb128: yes [10:09] seb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/779382/comments/10 has whats mising [10:09] Ubuntu bug 779382 in update-notifier "update-notifier not visible under unity" [Medium,Confirmed] [10:15] seb128: woah, I just did a test upgrade in a virtual machine, the screensaver kicked (why? u-m kills it when it upgrades :/ - but it did not actually show a screensaver window, it would just not let me interact with the system [10:16] mvo, urg, weird [10:16] mvo, how does it kills it? [10:16] mvo, mdeslaur made great effort to make sure that the screensaver respawn when you take it down for good security measure ;-) [10:16] seb128: I think it simply sends a kill signal [10:17] seb128: meh [10:17] didrocks: bug 849732 was invalidated, should I file a new one? [10:17] Launchpad bug 849732 in unity "Alt + doesn't work as well as Ctrl + W/Q" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/849732 [10:17] mvo, you don't want to box unlocked because the screensaver hit a segfault [10:17] this is still a very annoying and perferctly reproducible regression [10:17] mvo, you should inhibit locked using the dbus api I guess [10:17] pitti: no, just add a gtk3 task [10:17] this stuff runs as root (the upgrader) :/ [10:17] jasoncwarner_: pitti: sorry on mumble with njpatel :) [10:18] didrocks: i. e. want me to reopen and reassign to gtk3? [10:18] didrocks: so it's in our global menu bar patch? [10:19] :/ seems I did an update and skype got borked? [10:19] pitti, bug #838458 is a duplicate if you want to use that instead [10:19] Launchpad bug 838458 in appmenu-gtk "Can't use the ALT+Letter keyboard shortcuts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/838458 [10:20] seb128: right, but that's apparently not on DX' radar [10:20] pitti, yes, it's an appmenu issue, unset UBUNTU_MENUPROXY; gedit and it works in gedit [10:20] seb128: yes, same for gtimelog [10:20] but just invalidating a perfectly triaged bug without a comment is a bit weird [10:21] pitti, it's didrocks who invalided the unity part [10:21] pitti, just do an "also affect appmenu-gtk" I guess [10:21] or reassign [10:21] pitti, the upstream components are still open and it's assigned to ted [10:22] ok, done; marked the other one as a dupe [10:22] thanks [10:22] pitti, bug #821290 [10:22] Launchpad bug 821290 in unity-foundations "[panel] Unable to access menus with Alt accelerator keys." [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/821290 [10:23] is on https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-foundations/+milestone/oneiric-final [10:23] pitti, which is the list ted has been using for Oneiric [10:23] seb128: I guess we should also dupe that theN? [10:23] pitti, he said yesterday that his remaining bugs were nautilus desktop menu (which he fixed) and this one [10:23] pitti, so I guess he will fix it today [10:23] pitti, I will check with ted when he's online [10:27] rodrigo_: 832603 fixed> you rock! [10:27] hmm, which one is that? [10:27] * rodrigo_ looks [10:28] rodrigo_: gsd crash [10:28] yeah [10:28] was it a real issue? [10:28] or apport noise from segfault on session closing? [10:28] not for me, but apparently for rodrigo_'s boss :) [10:28] seb128, people were getting it on 1st oneiric boot [10:28] not anymore than once it seems [10:28] yeah, jasoncwarner_ was getting it, it seems [10:29] pitti, we need to teach $bosses that apport noise != real issues ;-) [10:29] I didn't [10:29] yeah :) [10:29] rodrigo_, ok [10:29] we should have a cleanup /var/crash for bosses [10:29] scripy [10:29] script [10:29] ahem [10:29] well "1st boot" could be "it segfaulted on shutdown and apport trigger on reboot" [10:29] *cough* *cough* [10:29] * rodrigo_ hides :) [10:29] :) [10:29] rodrigo_: I'm not getting that one anymore, fyi... [10:30] I've got no crashes right now, as a matter of fact [10:30] it's a bit unfortunate that some of those non issues are raising in priority just because they get dups [10:30] including zg...which is amazing! [10:30] jasoncwarner_, yeah, you got it only once, right? or more? [10:31] rodrigo_: I got it at least twice, but over a period of time, not in a row [10:31] but, last one was at least two days ago [10:31] ok, it shouldn't happen anymore with the fix [10:31] I added double checking in the code :) [10:32] mvo, check with ted but yeah I agree that seems risky to land that work now [10:32] mvo, what you could do is to the use libappindicator only under unity and the old codepath otherwise [10:34] mvo, i.e look at XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP and if, then the codepaths [10:39] seb128: that is a good idea [10:44] mvo, XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is set to "Unity" by gnome-session under unity and unity-2d [10:44] mvo, so basically just g_strcmp0 g_getenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP") and "Unity" === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|food [10:45] seb128: I need to rewrite a bit more code for that, but I like the idea, that should make it very low risk [10:46] except of course: 12 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-) [10:47] mvo, I would suggest that we should may SRU it [10:47] mvo, it gives extra margin for testing and doesn't risk regression in Oneiric [10:48] mvo, knowing that current oneiric has no issue for users who didn't tweak their key [10:51] seb128: indeed [10:51] seb128: would you mind putting that in the bug? [10:53] mvo, can do [11:36] pitti, compiz seems to have the same problem with its -dbg package as CUPS had, see bug 862241. [11:36] Launchpad bug 862241 in compiz "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in PrivateWindow::addWindowStackChanges()" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862241 [11:43] rodrigo_, do you need help with the po thing? [11:43] seb128: do you mind if I simply paste the irc bits into the u-n bug? [11:43] seb128, no, already done and uploaded [11:43] mvo, sorry I was having lunch, I'm just commenting at the moment, on minute and I commit [11:43] seb128: ok, sorry for being pushy [11:44] mvo: you need to suspend the screensaver, not just kill it [11:46] mdeslaur: right, the upgrader runs as root though [11:46] mvo: oh, hrm [11:47] yeah :( === MacSlow|food is now known as MacSlow [11:48] mvo, done [11:48] mvo, being pushy> it's just fair, I've been pushing you as well [11:48] mvo, with less success though since you still didn't ask about your issue ;-) [11:49] argh, again suspend during lunch break [11:49] pitti, yeah, upstream has been discussing it on #control-center and it should be worked today [11:49] pitti, bastien undupped the wrong default bug btw [11:50] seb128: I followed up in the original upstream bug, and it seems that it's not really intended upstream either, right [11:50] pitti, he agreed there is a bug [11:52] pitti, seb128: Hello! Do you possibly know if lxsession sources ~/.profile at login? The way language-selector works in Lubuntu (bug 857326) indicates that it doesn't. (I hope to know for sure later today.) [11:52] Launchpad bug 857326 in language-selector "Selecting another preferred language in Lubuntu is confusing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/857326 [11:52] pitti: I'm getting kernel ABI mismatch emails: http://paste.ubuntu.com/699066/ [11:52] hey GunnarHj [11:52] GunnarHj: haven't used lxde yet, so I'm not sure; but if it doesn't, it should [11:52] GunnarHj, I don't know either [11:53] mdeslaur: erk, forgot l-b-m; copied now, sorry [11:53] pitti: np, thanks [11:53] pitti, seb128: Ok, thanks! I'll let you know if there actually is a problem. [11:53] thanks [11:55] GunnarHj: I see no trace of "profile" in lxsession, so I suppose not; but should that actually be in lxsession, not in the display manager? [11:55] GunnarHj: gnome-session doesn't touch it either [11:55] GunnarHj: lxdm: [11:56] ./data/Xsession:[ -f /etc/xprofile ] && . /etc/xprofile [11:56] ./data/Xsession:[ -f ~/.xprofile ] && . ~/.xprofile [11:56] GunnarHj: so it seems to miss ~/.profile [11:56] isn't lubuntu using lightdm? [11:56] Package: lxdm [11:56] Task: lubuntu-desktop [11:57] lightdm doesn't have a lubuntu task [11:58] rodrigo_: NB that you didn't bump the libnm-gtk-dev to a strict enough version, so powerpc will most likely fail; we can retry its build tomorrow [11:59] pitti, oh, you mean in g-c-c? should I have used == instead of >= ? [11:59] - libnm-gtk-dev [11:59] + libnm-gtk-dev (>= 0.8.992), [11:59] rodrigo_: added the missing .pc file, so >= that [11:59] rodrigo_: but no biggie [11:59] oh you're right [12:00] yes, I'll change it in the VCS so that it gets in the next upload [12:00] rodrigo_: can you please fix the '\' before Description in debian/patches/53_use_ubuntu_help.patch? [12:00] pitti, yes, sure [12:00] rodrigo_: seems to have smuggled in by accident [12:00] pitti, no upload needed for that for now neither, right? [12:00] rodrigo_: thanks for the update, and for picking out the translations [12:00] rodrigo_: no, just for later [12:00] ok [12:02] pitti, ok, both fixed in bzr [12:03] cheers [12:03] it's so nice to see so many fixes in the queue these days! [12:05] yeah :) [12:06] pitti, do you have any clue until well it will be ok to have fixes uploaded? [12:07] seb128: until around october 4 [12:07] pitti, the different between post beta2 and hard freeze is always weird to me [12:07] difference [12:07] but of course we are still rather liberal with what we accept today [12:07] from tomorrow on we need to be more strict and only accept uploads with targetted bug fixes, less risk, etc. [12:07] right, makes sense [12:07] it means we still have a few days to squash rc bugs ;-) [12:07] nominally we are still in feature/ui freeze today [12:08] seems some release team folks just preferred reviews of uploads [12:08] and indeed we spotted quite a few problems [12:08] (although the price for this is quite a lot of review effort) [12:09] seb128: but there's no written policy for this, it's pretty much a case-by-case decision plus common sense [12:09] (if it was easy, we could script it and wouldn't need a release team, and heck, I could do real work! :-P) [12:10] pitti, I'm fine with the process, I just think the "hard freeze" today is a bit confusing ;-) like I would assume that post beta2 uploads should all be important for oneiric changes and that "hard freeze" would be the day we actual stop taking any fix, i.e around the 4 as you said [12:10] seb128: I think it's called "final freeze", not "hard" [12:10] pretty much the same as the alpha-*/beta-* freezes [12:10] ups, right [12:10] just that this is two weeks instead of one, to get more peer review [12:10] that's how I understand and treat it, anyway [12:11] right, anyway what I wantged is the " seb128: until around october 4" [12:11] the main thing I get out of this is peer review and the release team taking responsibility for what goes in [12:11] i.e I can still fix a rc tomorrow ;-) [12:11] yes, absolutely [12:11] straigth RC fixes (crashes and what not), or other things are still fine and welcome [12:11] pitti, danke [12:11] if they wouldn't be, we could just as well release now [12:12] pitti, right, I think quite some people got confused that rc fixes are still fine after "final freeze" [12:12] I often get questions about it as well [12:12] they expect it to be "we roll isos freeze" [12:12] like "no change from then on" [12:12] anyway, back to work [12:12] thanks ;() [12:13] ;-) [12:13] that first smiley's nose must really hurt [12:13] ok, finally looking into avidemux [12:13] would be a shame to not have it in oneiric [12:13] lol [12:13] best video editor we have IMHO [12:14] (ok, took that FTBFS bug for not entirely unselfish reasons :) ) [12:20] ok, lunch time, bbl [12:38] seb128: you still have "With QA team, arrange a regression test ensuring new items don't appear in Startup Applications by default" [12:39] seb128: gnome-session-properties looks pretty good to me, is there still something to be done? [12:40] pitti, not really, dunno who added that item I will check pedro_ [12:40] pedro_, hey ;-) [12:40] hey [12:40] seb128, oh i didn't :-P [12:40] and i'm not in the QA team anymore so better check with jibel [12:40] :-P [12:40] jibel, ^ [12:40] so, can we state herewith that gnome-session-properties looks as desired and set this to "done"? [12:41] it's not even exposed in the control-center shell [12:41] pitti, it's expose in the indicator-session [12:42] pitti, but yeah, the changes are done [12:42] oh, nice [12:42] pitti, the item was about having a qa test to make sure that doesn't regress next cycle [12:42] oh, I see [12:42] set back to todo then [12:52] seb128: if you are still involved with libcanberra, could you double check my fix for bug #834403? [12:52] Launchpad bug 834403 in software-center "software-center crashed with signal 5 in _XError()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/834403 [12:53] mvo, I never was? [12:53] ITYM TheMuso ? [12:54] seb128: hm, sorry then [12:54] pitti: thanks, I will ask him (if he is still online) [12:54] mvo: not at this time, he's in Australia [12:54] * mvo nods [12:55] mvo: this essentially ignores the error; does XGetWindowProperty return false then? [12:55] i. e. !Success [12:56] strange that it both aborts and delivers a non-success return value [12:56] i. e. is this call ok to fail? [12:57] mvo, you should ask to mezcalero on #gnome-hackers, he's upstream for it ;-) [12:57] pitti: in the small test program I attached it returns 0 (false) for me, I think its ok, but at this point in the release I always want to have a second opinion. its just a test, if the window does not actually exist its not embeded either [12:57] ah, but if the window doesn't exist, X throws that error [12:57] ? [12:58] yes, that is the problem afaict [12:58] the window does not exist or no longer exit [12:58] so the xid is invalid [12:58] and the wonders of x error reporting kicks in [12:58] and makes the whole application abort [12:58] mvo: looks fine to me then [12:58] seb128: I will try, lets see if they grill me [12:59] thanks pitti [13:00] mvo: to be fair, you can discuss patches with Lennart just fine, just don't say any of the words "ubuntu", "bzr", or "upstart" :) [13:01] pitti: I guess I should not show the link to the debdiff in this case, contains "ubuntu" ;) [13:15] seb128, re "With QA team, arrange a regression test ensuring new items don't appear in Startup Applications by default" [13:15] hey jibel [13:16] seb128, we need to check the content of /usr/share/gnome/autostart/ and that ~/.config/autostart is empty on a fresh install ? [13:16] seb128, salut === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [13:16] jibel, can you do graphical matching? [13:17] jibel, would be easier to test that gnome-session-properties has an empty list [13:18] jibel, but yeah otherwise you would need to check that those directory and /etc/xdg/autostart don't have any .desktop which shows in Unity [13:18] jibel, so add logic to check the NoDisplay, OnlyShowIn, etc [13:19] seb128, I need to think about it but yes we could use matching. [13:21] tedg! [13:21] * tedg crawls back in to his hole [13:21] Three more months of winter. [13:21] jibel, thanks, no hurry we can probably discuss it at UDS [13:21] hey kenvandine tedg [13:22] hey seb128 [13:22] tedg, i was just checking to see if you were here and you showed up! [13:22] tedg, you know what i want :) [13:22] kenvandine, You rub my lamp [13:23] tedg, great work on nautilus (or "good" work didrocks had to fix small glitches like calling the old GNOME2 background command) [13:23] kenvandine, You want me for my good looks? [13:23] tedg, of course! [13:23] seb128, ok I looked at it quickly, image matching would work. Added to my todo list for next week. [13:23] tedg, now you only need to fix appmenu with gtk3 and didrocks and pitti will stop turning in round looking for you ;-) [13:23] seb128, Ah, bummer. Missed that one. [13:23] jibel, thanks [13:23] hey tedg, good morning [13:23] That patch was surprisingly difficult to port. [13:23] seb128, what's the url of the blueprint ? [13:24] Think that we can convince upstream to switch to a DVCS that does file movement tracking? ;-) [13:24] jibel, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-startup-applications [13:24] thanks [13:24] Morning pitti [13:24] tedg, there is a reason why I commented it and didn't port it while we updated to GNOME3 ;-) [13:25] pitti, i have a revised patch for gtk2 that i'll upload soon, to go along with that qt fix [13:26] kenvandine: ah, great [13:27] sorry i didn't upload yesterday, i wasn't comfortable with it... but feel better about today's :) [13:27] Hi there! Is there any way to ask gnome-session if it is just trying to kill the session? [13:28] * kenvandine waits for gtk to build, again.... [13:28] disregard that [13:28] seb128, Feeling the love :-P [13:29] tedg, ;-) [13:30] kenvandine: does it take that long for you? with -j4 it's some 5 minutes here [13:30] pitti: libreoffice-3.4.3-3ubuntu1 build locally, so soon uploadable. [13:30] pitti: so the thing about this core file is that it's from a binary that's only in the source, but not in a binary package; and i don't necessarily need to file the bug against the package. i'm thinking for upstream projects this would be very useful [13:31] Sweetshark: ah, bug fix o'mania? :-) [13:31] 20m or so [13:31] pitti: yep [13:31] i guess i should bump that up [13:31] dobey: out of interest, why would you need an apport report if you aren't going to file a bug? [13:32] tedg, btw the session icon just turned red on session restart needed for the first time today, if that's another of your fixes well done ;-) [13:32] dobey: anyway, shouldn't be hard to implement; "apport-bug " should be able to figure out pretty much everything that's needed [13:32] seb128: oh, it will do that? [13:32] seb128, Yeah, in fact that's the same as the menu hiding one. [13:33] * ogra_ hugs tedg [13:33] pitti, it does already ;-) [13:34] pitti: i am going to file a bug [13:34] pitti: there *are* upstream projects on launchpad ;) [13:35] rodrigo_, just for info unity-greeter uses g-s-d with only a few component enabled (basic ones: xsettings, power, etc) [13:35] rodrigo_, there was a bug in yesterday's update that the greeter g-s-d wasn't stopped which I reported and robert_ancell fixed it over night [13:35] rodrigo_, (just saw your comment on the g-s-d bug from natty) [13:40] pedro_, btw that invalid utf8 g-c-c color bug has the details you asked for, I've set back to New [13:42] seb128, ok looking at it , thanks for pinging [13:44] pedro_, yw ;-) [13:44] pedro_, how are you btw? [13:44] pedro_, how is Oneiric looking from your qa eyes? [13:44] pedro_, is there any component you are worried about? [13:44] seb128, doing good and yourself? [13:44] pedro_, I'm great thanks! [13:45] seb128, seems to be ok in our side, there's still a couple of g-s-d bugs to fix though (hi rodrigo ;-)) and we have the unity factor as well [13:46] seb128, seems most of the users issues are related to unity crashes or window manager annoyances [13:46] pedro_, yeah, new unity and compiz today [13:46] let's see how it goes after those [13:47] * pedro_ crossing fingers [13:47] tedg: oh as well on this patch, you hated french users as well because you used an unstranslated string, I fixed it :p [13:48] but nothing new there ;-) [13:48] didrocks, That one was actually for German users, the French just got caught in the cross-fire ;-) [13:49] salut didrocks :-) [13:50] tedg: how come? German users can understand English, French can't :-) [13:50] salut pedro_ ;) [13:51] didrocks, Well, I sold Greece short and if Germany doesn't let them go bankrupt here soon I loose money ;-) [13:51] tedg: heh :-) [13:52] that's going to be a "fun" decision in the parliament this week [13:52] damned if you do, damned if you don't [13:53] tedg: hey! what is the best way of testing if there is a app-incidactor capable thing is running? just check the "connected" property? and if so, I assume at session startup that may actually be false until the indicator area is loaded, right? [13:53] mvo, Are you using libappindicator? [13:54] tedg: yes [13:54] mvo, Yeah, there's connected, and also a connection-changed signal. If you want to do something based on them I'd recommend overriding the the fallback/unfallback functions. [13:54] tedg: and the other question is if I can avoid the fallback and/or access the GtkStatusIcon somehow (to use gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip) [13:55] mvo, Subclass and override would be the best there. [13:55] ok [13:56] thanks! [13:56] mvo, BTW, if you do that, make sure to tell me. I'd like to use it as an example when people ask :-) [13:56] mvo, I think the test suite is the only example today. [13:56] pitti: yeah… quite tricky… [13:57] tedg: ok, but I'm not sure you really want this, it will be code written in a rush to meet final-freeze *cough* [13:57] * tedg pretends he didn't hear that :-) [13:58] mvo, Are you using the GIR version? (I'm guessing this is in Python) [13:59] tedg: this is C this time, for the update-notifier [13:59] kind of funny that the C is faster to write these days then python because there is proper devhelp available for gtk unlike with pygi… [14:00] mvo, yeah, and the results are more predictable :/ [14:00] ++ [14:00] (I would have never dreamed that I would say anything like this) [14:00] mvo, Ah, okay. I was curious if anyone was hitting on those bindings much. [14:01] mvo, me too! [14:01] * tedg writes in his notes: kenvandine and mvo say that C is faster to write than Python [14:01] * kenvandine ignores tedg, as usual [14:02] mvo, i am still hopeful that as pygi matures it will be more predictable [14:02] kenvandine: yeah, I'm sure it will. I will just take vacation until then [14:02] * mvo is off [14:04] mvo: heh, you should use Qt! :-) [14:04] :) [14:04] * kenvandine hates saying that python is not his first choice for new projects [14:04] but i can't say i would really consider Qt either :) [14:06] kenvandine: what are you prefering these days? [14:06] chrisccoulson, i am wondering why the defaults/profile directory is not shipped in firefox anymore and if there is another way to populate default profile on firefox first run. [14:06] vala and C [14:06] mvo: oh, already upstream? nice! [14:06] * mvo nods [14:06] mgariepy, it's shipped in a jar file [14:06] vala is still a little unpredictable [14:07] but quite nice [14:07] C just works though :) [14:07] pitti: yeah, upstream ++ [14:07] * kenvandine hates C [14:07] i like C [14:07] i even like C++ [14:07] more than vala ;) [14:07] but it is very predictable [14:07] chrisccoulson, i think your nuts... but you have to be to maintain the stuff you do :-D [14:08] lol [14:08] * kenvandine is thankful for that :-p [14:08] at least i can write something in C without depending on glib and gobject ;) [14:08] (and C++) [14:08] i am not sure i could write anything useful without relying on glib [14:08] yeah [14:09] even with glib people make tons of stupid errors which higher level languages just avoid [14:09] chrisccoulson, is there way for me to add configuration and not loose it every time there is an update ? [14:09] (stupid because we have computers to keep track of references and memory, that's not what human brains are good at) [14:09] pitti, indeed [14:09] that's why i like C++ [14:09] smart pointers ;) [14:10] but without glib, C++, or qt, plain C is just way below the abstraction level that's necessary for developing robust and large apps [14:10] (IMNSHO) [14:10] pitti, yeah [14:13] I like C, but I wouldn't mind having a more modern language to replace it, but so far there is not [14:13] maybe go? [14:13] I haven't really tried it much, apart from some very simple programs [14:14] rodrigo_: I think a stable vala plus good documentation would be really nice [14:15] pitti, yes, although it's too similar to java for my taste, but yes, it's starting to be used a lot in new stuff, so maybe's the future [14:15] the biggest problem with vala is lack of real API docs [14:15] yeah, and unstability [14:15] some bindings aren't well tested [14:15] i don't really call it "unstable" [14:15] it is more that upstreams provide bindings that haven't really been tested [14:16] so it is a chicken and egg problem [14:16] people need to use the bindings to find the bugs [14:16] rodrigo_: really? it's got nothing of the annoying verbosity of java, and the builtin async methods etc. are really cool [14:16] kenvandine, well, the lang/compiler itself changes a lot, like every folks/gnome-contacts point release needing a new java [14:17] hehe... you mean vala :) [14:17] pitti, well, tbh I haven't done much in it, so I shouldn't criticize it, but use it for testing :) [14:17] kenvandine, yeah, sorry :) [14:19] I had a little play with vala when modifying the apps lens, If I understand it right .vala files get processed into .c files which then get compiled [14:19] AlanBell, yes [14:20] then the c compiler reports errors in the .c files and you go edit the right line in those and it gets in a confusing mess, until you realise where the .c files came from [14:20] yes, that's true also :) [14:21] the compiler errors are usually from vala, which references the vala sources [14:21] *usually* [14:23] kenvandine: hum, not that much :) [14:23] kenvandine: I saw too much unity issues which only revealed when building the C part… [14:25] fortunately it doesn't happen much with the last releases, but it used to happen a lot [14:25] seb128, hey, richard has moved to not suspend by default in 3.3, so maybe we should do the same in our package? [14:25] rodrigo_, he did in 3-2 as well [14:26] oh right, didn't see that cmmit [14:26] rodrigo_, can you backport those commits when he's done? [14:26] didrocks, i did in natty, but hardly at all during the gwibber re-write [14:26] well, we just want one, which is the default values in the schemas [14:26] mvo, you should ask your question again, maybe ping richard, I think he overlooked it [14:27] seb128, the others remove some settings, so I wouldn't get them for our package, just let's get them when we get 3.2.1 [14:27] rodrigo_, we might want http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=51ba98ff6346007d252b2450ed4c1a479c41fb19 as well? [14:28] seb128, hmm, if you want, I can include it, yes [14:29] rodrigo_, what do you think? [14:29] let me see the bug it fixes [14:29] rodrigo_, I would like to see if mvo got a reply to the question he asked before in #control-center as well [14:30] rodrigo_, the dpms one [14:30] rodrigo_, I'm not sure the default change fixes our issue btw [14:30] rodrigo_, it seems it does suspend on idle on ac for people who have "never" selected in the ui [14:30] seb128, isn't that similar to the one bryce reported? [14:31] rodrigo_, bryce reported multiscreen issues no? [14:31] oh ok [14:31] ok [14:31] mvo, thanks for re-asking [14:31] seb128, hmm, the UI sets the timeout to 0 when 'never' is selected, and g-s-d doesn't do anything if the timeout is 0 [14:31] rodrigo_: btw, the tomboy sync settings still don't seem to work? [save] button stays greyed out on the web sync prefs pane; and the default url doesn't have the "?description=Tomboy" in the URL as it was supposed to have [14:32] seb128, so is this with the latest packages? [14:32] rodrigo_, ok, I will see over sport again today [14:32] pitti, others: did anybody had today's oneiric suspend on idle on ac over lunch? [14:32] seb128: yes, had it today [14:32] as I reset the dconf keys yesterday [14:33] dobey, hmm, yes that was reported, but not sure what's up, I guess something changed in tomboy's new releases [14:33] pitti, can you check that if you select "never" in the ui it stop doing it tonight? [14:33] pitti, oh, and the timeout is 0 in gsettings? [14:33] pitti, I will try as well but I would like to make sure that's solved [14:33] seb128: I'm fairly sure it will; it worked the day before yseterday [14:33] my laptop doesn't suspend with the last packages [14:34] pitti, well, it started applying the suspend on idle with 3.2 tarballs uploaded on monday [14:34] ok, so maybe it's fixed [14:34] I did set it to never [14:34] let's see when I got for an hour sport later ;-) [14:35] ok [14:36] pitti, gtk uploaded [14:41] * popey wonders if the network proxy dialog has disappeared intentionally from 11.10 [14:43] it was here a few weeks ago... [14:43] :) [14:43] popey, not intentionally, it's restored in the last package I uploaded [14:43] rodrigo_: right, the [save] issue has been there for a while i think :( [14:43] libnm-gtk-dev was missing the .pc file, so the network panel was not built [14:44] dobey, btw, whenever someone tells me about that bug, I try syncing and it doesn't work, so maybe it's a server problem? [14:44] dobey, also, about the "?description=Tomboy" thing, Chipaca told me the other day that was a server thing [14:44] rodrigo_: i don't think the server has anything to do with tomboy having broken config [14:44] dobey, I mean the uri part [14:45] rodrigo_: super, thanks [14:45] syncing works for me [14:45] rodrigo_: no, it's so the server will default to "Tomboy" otherwise it is defaulting to "None" [14:47] also, webkit 1.4.3 is totally insane [14:50] pitti, seb128, pedro_: so i have made u1ms not crash on my machine with new webkit; however, scrolling in new webkit is completely screwed up [14:50] how so? [14:50] it's a stable serie, it's supposed to be stable :-( [14:52] hrmm, well it seems to work right on wiki.ubuntu.com, but breaks on the music store page [14:53] dobey, is the natty version working better? [14:54] hrmm, it works better in lp private bugs than i was expecting [14:54] seb128: 1.4.2-0ubuntu1 on oneiric works fine [14:54] it's just 1.4.3 that is broken [14:55] haven't found another good example of the problem, other than the u1ms store page [14:55] i think it has to do with the watermarking [14:56] dobey, how is the diff between those versions? can you try webkit 1.4 trunk if there is any fix there? try pinging the webkit guys maybe about it? [14:57] seb128: jbicha was saying last night that 1.6 is released; but i don't know if it fixes the crash. and i don't know if it's built in a PPA yet [14:58] i can try building trunk and seeing if the testgtk app there is still broken i guess [14:58] dobey, right, well we can't update from 1.4 to 1.6 now it's too late in the cycle [14:59] the problem is the new GtkAdjustmentWatcher class in webkit 1.4.3 [14:59] dobey, so we will need to figure a fix for 1.4 or what broke it between 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 [14:59] i know what broke; just not sure how to fix [14:59] dobey, you should check with upstream, they would probably have a better opinion on how to fix that issue on 1.4 [15:00] dobey, did you check that they didn't fix it in their 1.4 serie trunk? [15:02] seb128: i don't know where 1.4 series is exactly; i have a trunk svn checkout, but that's it. and i'm not sure what specific piece of code broke here; for all i know there could be two entirely separate issues, but both in the scrolling. the issue i'm seeing after making the crash go away with a quick hack, could be in the CSS or JS engines, rather than in the scrolling bits in the gtk front end :( [15:03] dobey, doesn't hurt to just ask on their irc channel in case I guess ;-) [15:04] yeah; but would be easier if i could find a good example of the issue i'm seeing, that is somewhere other than the u1ms front page :) [15:17] cyphermox, hello :) [15:17] ricotz: hey [15:17] why is libnm-gtk0 depending on network-manager? [15:18] this way it creates a circular dep [15:19] no it doesn't? [15:19] dobey: it is in the list [15:19] i think it shouldnt do that [15:19] why would the system service depend on gtk+? [15:20] ricotz: oversight I guess, I set up libnm-gtk0 based on network-manager-gnome [15:20] cyphermox, do you had reason? [15:20] ok [15:20] is this breaking something? [15:20] probably best to remove it [15:20] this way it seems that g-c-c pulls in the whole network-manager stack [15:21] well, libnm-gtk0 without network-manager is useless [15:21] i havent checked it myself, but if you dont want network-manager then it is a problem [15:22] yes, but if shouldnt be forced? [15:23] ricotz: this way you can drop network-manager-gnome if you want to ship just gnome-shell on a cd. [15:23] gnome-shell/g-c-c will just need libnm-gtk0 and network-manager behind it [15:24] gnome-shell uses the gir and libnm-* [15:24] right [15:24] but what i mean it shouldnt be mandatory as a depend here [15:25] and as you said you might just overseen [15:25] ... t [15:25] it [15:26] or at least move it to Recommends? [15:28] chrisccoulson: who do I torture for crap like this making dbus use 100% of my CPU: http://paste.ubuntu.com/699164/ [15:28] * desrt hides [15:28] mdeslaur, tedg [15:29] mdeslaur, it's bug #774071 [15:29] Launchpad bug 774071 in indicator-datetime "Indicator-datetime-service renders 100% CPU usage" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/774071 [15:29] seb128: oh, he's tortured enough as it already is :P [15:29] seb128: thanks for the bug [15:29] mdeslaur, You need a faster dbus. [15:29] mdeslaur, random guess I had about it is that it might happen when the service try to fetch even from password protected calendar while unlocked [15:29] tedg: I'll order one right away [15:29] mdeslaur, i.e if you didn't open evolution [15:30] seb128, It's not that, it's based on auth errors from Google. [15:30] tedg, ok, that was a random guess try [15:30] * desrt notes that indicators have a fantastic propensity for flooding dbus [15:30] seb128, Each time it returns an error we start a slow infinite loop. You get enough errors, they add up. [15:30] tedg, good to see that the issue is understood ;-) [15:31] seb128: no, my calendars are all unlocked right now [15:31] tedg, is the assignee of that bug right btw? who is antti? [15:31] seb128, He is a new DXer [15:31] mdeslaur, tedg has an explanation, better than my wrong guess ;-) [15:31] tedg, ok, great ;-) [15:32] desrt, ^ [15:33] seb128: i saw that. [15:33] i cancelled my mbarnes ping :) [15:33] desrt, ok ;-) [15:42] seb128: i386 retracer crash> can't see an obvious reason, just restarting [15:42] pitti, thanks [15:47] mdeslaur, not my fault ;) [15:47] it's never my fault [15:48] chrisccoulson: sound like something someone guilty would say :) [15:49] chrisccoulson: don't worry, I've found the responsible party [15:49] i knew it was the security teams fault all along! ;) [15:52] good night everyone [15:52] didrocks, are bug 861542 and bug 861793 not the same? The latter is "Fix Released" and the former has tons of duplicates. [15:52] Launchpad bug 861542 in compiz "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in PrivateWindow::addWindowStackChanges()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/861542 [15:52] Launchpad bug 861793 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in PrivateWindow::addWindowStackChanges()" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/861793 [15:55] tkamppeter: they are, the second is fixed now with the latest compiz [15:56] tkamppeter: just duped them, thanks! [15:59] rodrigo_, tried your "Never" turn off screen. Seems that it is only a new menu entry but not backed by actual code. It folds to the "1 minute" setting. Simply choose "Never" log out log in and you are on "1 minute". [15:59] didrocks, thanks. [16:00] tkamppeter, hmm, right [16:00] tkamppeter, can you open a bug? [16:00] tkamppeter, there is code manages that, but seems it's wrong [16:01] rodrigo_, have reopened bug 862154 already. [16:01] Launchpad bug 862154 in gnome-control-center "[UIFe] Add back the "never turn screen off" option" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862154 === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|jfood [16:29] howdy.. im using the gnome-shell ppa and oneiric b2.. i installed gnome-shell and, im curious, how to install the rest of the "gnome desktop" ie the evolution/calendar integration with the shell, the contacts app, etc [16:29] is there a blanket package for all of that? [16:35] Can someone sponsor the upload for bug 862536 for me? It is a little, near trivial patch which solves an incompatibility between XDVI and Ghostscript 9.04. [16:35] Launchpad bug 862536 in texlive-bin "Zooming pages with EPS figures does not work correctly in XDVI" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/862536 [16:35] pitti ^^ [16:37] agateau, kenvandine: hm, even with the new gtk patch I still get bug 848808 :( [16:37] Launchpad bug 848808 in overlay-scrollbar "metacity crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall() with overlay-scrollbars" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/848808 [16:37] QWidget::setMinimumSize: (/MainInterface) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215) [16:37] still there [16:38] tkamppeter: do you have the sources.changes somewhere? texlive-bin is rather large [16:39] damn [16:39] agateau, ^^ [16:39] seb128: btw, my laptop didn't suspend automatically while i was at lunch. i left it plugged in and open to test that [16:39] pitti, I can upload them. The debdiff is small and attached to the bug. [16:40] pitti, I will send them to you by e-mail, as the Linux Foundation is still down. [16:40] tkamppeter: great, thanks; .dsc, diff.gz, and sources.changes, please [16:45] pitti, mail is on the way. [16:52] tkamppeter: thanks, uploaded [16:52] good night! [16:55] pitti, thanks [16:56] out for a bit, bbl [16:58] pitti, kenvandine, agateau, didrocks, I can also confirm that the overlay scrollbar problem is still not fixed. If I try to open "Settings" in the menu of hp-systray, hp-systray still crashes. [16:59] pitti, kenvandine, agateau, didrocks, I have all updates, including gtk+2.0. Only there never appeared a new overlay-scrollbar package under the updates. Is this also needed? [16:59] tkamppeter, afaik, there didn't need to be a change to that [17:01] pitti, kenvandine, agateau, didrocks, as before "LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 hp-systray" makes it working. [17:03] agateau, any chance the cause of the hp-systray crash is different? [17:04] kenvandine, for what is then the overlay-scrollbar task? [17:04] tkamppeter, not sure [17:09] http://asimplediscipleslife.blogspot.com/2011/09/how-to-not-ask-for-help-in-open-source.html <- best troll ever. [17:11] Sweetshark: i disagree [17:11] <- best troll ever [17:12] dobey, you are a damn good troll [17:12] :-D [17:13] heh [17:13] :) [17:13] dobey: If I disagree, I instantly lose, right? [17:17] Sweetshark: you lose either way :) === MacSlow|jfood is now known as MacSlow === seb128_ is now known as seb128 [17:42] seb128_: webkit-1.4 tip doesn't fix either the crash or the weird scrolling, sadly :( [17:43] dobey, can we roll back the change that introduced the bug or is something else relying on those? [17:43] dobey, did you ask upstream about the issue? [17:43] seb128: i haven't asked yet; i *just* finished building webkit-1.4 and testing it. i'll poke now though [17:44] ok [17:44] seb128: and the change is pretty big i think; not sure how easy it is to roll it back [17:48] rodrigo_, still there? [17:49] rodrigo_, the feedback on the "never turn off the screen" bug is not good [17:53] seb128, who is the current sound guru? [17:53] DBO: diwic or TheMuso [17:54] TheMuso, can you help me with a sound issue? [17:54] DBO: diwic is not on this channel but he is on #ubuntu-devel [17:54] DBO: he's .au so probably sleeping [17:54] damned australians [17:58] back, just + 5 min from the autohibernate :) [17:59] hrmm [18:20] didrocks, rodrigo_ seb128, I have two Oneiric boxes which were idle for some time, both set to never auto-suspend, both on AC, one of them always auto-suspends. [18:20] tkamppeter: known issue [18:28] * didrocks waves good evening [18:58] seb128, you still around ? whats the equivalent of gnome-open in the new world order ? i just noticed that our .desktop fiel to add the TI PPA uses that [18:58] *file [18:58] ogra_, use xdg-open [18:59] it's cross desktop, otherwise gvfs-open [18:59] * ogra_ tries and prays it understands apt: urls [19:00] * ogra_ hugs seb128 ... seems to fire up sw-center [19:00] uw ;-) [19:01] now i wish my gsettings override would work too [19:04] ogra_, how did you do it? [19:05] seb128: could you sync devhelp 3.2 from sid? it looks like bugfixes to me [19:05] i followed http://www.burtonini.com/blog/computers/gsettings-override-2011-07-04-15-45 and set the whole value for favorites as described there in an override file [19:05] but the favorites dont change [19:06] jbicha, not sure, I don't know if a sync will bypass the review queue or not, I need to check with pitti [19:07] ogra_, did you try a guest session? [19:07] seb128: it still goes into the review queue but feel free to ask [19:07] hmm, no, good idea [19:07] jbicha, are those syncs done using the launchpad api and the new script or archive admin syncs? [19:07] ogra_, it's not likely to work on an user session since the config is writen in your user config on first run [19:07] oh [19:08] ogra_, i.e if you want to test the system default you need to unset the user key [19:08] ok [19:08] where is the user key ? [19:08] i find no indication in .config or .local [19:08] is that in the dconf dir ? [19:08] ues [19:08] yes [19:09] seb128: I don't know how he does it, but I've initiated syncs with the new LP web interface & with syncpackage & both hit the unapproved queue [19:09] jbicha, ok, will check [19:10] ogra_, gsettings reset com.canonical.Unity.Launcher favorites [19:10] seb128, well, it works in the guest sessions [19:11] thansk so much, though how is that handled with package upgardes that change system defaults ? [19:11] (just out of curiosity i dont want to do that) [19:11] do you reset the user db ? [19:11] ogra_, we don't [19:11] it's not new [19:12] like we never resetted the gnome-panel layout on upgrade neither [19:12] we had hacks with autostart in the session to add indicator-applet when really needed [19:12] but dconf carries app defaults too [19:12] but we never reset configs [19:12] ogra_, you mean? [19:12] but we used to update system defaults [19:12] ogra_, right, new default apply to new users [19:13] and in gconf if the user had never changed a key he just got the new defaults [19:13] ogra_, like you wouldn't want to see all your custom launchers dropped on upgrade [19:13] no, indeed [19:13] ogra_, right, same in gsettings [19:13] ogra_, out of the fact that unity write the config in your user config [19:13] but different for favorites ? [19:13] aha [19:13] so its not a dconf shortcoming [19:13] but unity ... k [19:14] ogra_, it's like gnome-panel which was,is writing the panel layout on first start [19:14] right [19:14] yep, understood now [19:14] unity "bug" or limitation [19:14] thanks once more :) [19:14] it might be due to the fact that they migrate the config from gconf to gsettings [19:14] yw [19:14] so they read from gconf and write in gsettings [19:15] they might not check if there config is modified while doing that [19:15] does glib-compile-schemas require dbus and the like ? [19:15] when i run it i'm chrooted [19:15] s/i'm/i will be/ [19:15] I don't think it does [19:15] desrt, ^ [19:15] good [19:16] seb128: good news; crasher apparently fixed in 1.6, and i cherrypicked the fix, and proposed a branch for oneiric with the fix. [19:16] dobey, great [19:16] dobey, do you need sponsoring? [19:17] seb128: infinity said he would sponsor it in a bit [19:17] ok, great ;-) [19:17] dobey, thanks a lot for working on it! [19:18] seb128: sure; would be bad to have crashy music store and IM client in fresh oneiric install :) [19:21] does oneiric's unity not have a reboot required indication anymore? [19:27] broder: my sytem menu power cog thing turns red when I have updates that want a reboot [19:27] hmm..mine doesn't seem to do that with oneiric (it did on natty) [19:27] but i haven't taken updates in a few days [19:27] yeah it was just fixed this week [19:28] ah, ok. cool [19:38] ogra_: no. glib-compile-schemas doesn't use dbus at all [19:38] desrt, so i can just run it chrooted without any extra preparation ? [19:39] yes. that should be completely fine. [19:39] awesome ! [19:48] ogra_: I do it from casper in Edubuntu, works fine (altering the list of unity launchers for the live session) [19:48] stgraber, oh, awesome, code i can steal !! [19:49] ogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/699291/ [19:51] * ogra_ hugs stgraber [19:51] awesome ! === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [22:32] Hi all is there an official announcements for ubuntu font monospace anywhere? [22:33] s/announcements/announcement [22:33] and if so can you point me to it - so we can add it to UWN and the Fridge [22:34] akgraner: it's not been officially released, has it? [22:34] jbicha, that's what I am trying to find out [22:34] Best I have seen is the announcement for the beta [22:34] since people are talking about it today [22:34] it was still in beta last I heard, it's not in Ubuntu yet either [22:35] thank you - then I'm holding off on inclusion - thank you! :-) [22:36] hmm, omgubuntu made an announcement but it looks premature [22:39] sorta what I thought since I couldn't find anything office :-/ [22:40] oh, it's definitely in the fonts.ubuntu.com 0.80 download, they just didn't update their site [22:42] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/phased-beta/0.80 [22:45] bug 821876 for inclusion in Oneiric, not approved yet [22:45] Launchpad bug 821876 in ubuntu-font-family-sources "FFe: New upstream version Ubuntu Font Family 0.72 (Ubuntu Mono hinted and Ubuntu Condensed hinted)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/821876 [22:47] jbicha, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/font/2011-September/000001.html [22:48] I didn't even know there was a font mailing list...*sigh* [22:49] akgraner: yeah the announcement wasn't very prominent, maybe it will get a writeup on design.canonical.com [22:50] one would think...hope...wish... but I digress...:-) [22:52] you'd think someone would have sent it to the news team....again *sigh* me goes to send a very *polite* email :-) [22:52] akgraner: you can ping sladen about it, he's online now [22:52] I will :-) thanks [22:54] dang it he's even in the news team channel - triple *sigh* - a "Bless your heart" is about to be uttered in my house ;-) [22:56] akgraner: master bug looks like bug 854264 [22:56] Launchpad bug 854264 in ubuntu-font-family-sources "UVFe & FFe: New upstream version of Ubuntu Font Family 0.80" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/854264 [23:00] akgraner: looks like it was just uploaded to Oneiric but at the moment it's not enabled as default mono font [23:01] just trying to make sure we keep the fridge updated and include all this goodness in UWN this weekend [23:01] enabling it by default is a bit riskier [23:38] I'm lead to believe that some people have been reporting Unity problems after my gnome-desktop upload, but I've not got backscroll for that. Are there bugs reported? [23:49] RAOF: Unity's broken on my CR-48 that might be related, give me a bit to reboot it [23:49] jbicha: Ta. [23:53] RAOF: yesterday I posted this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/698727/ [23:53] the CR-48 is a small Chromebook, it's not been hooked up to a monitor & it used to work fine [23:54] And once you're in the session GL works fine? [23:54] no, compiz won't run [23:55] Can you pastebin the output of ?LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo?? [23:55] GNOME Shell runs, so it's not a normal error [23:57] Hm. [23:58] Unity is running now, not sure what changed