[07:06] good morning [07:11] good moaning [07:13] if anyone by chance knows how to build a snappy image from scratch, I'd be interested to hear. It looks like I'll need to dig into that to get it working for most of my use cases. === erkules_ is now known as erkules [08:45] sergiusens, lool: if you're close to mvo, can you please nudge him to get back to me? thanks [09:05] Good morning all; happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! :-D [09:28] apw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10950695/ [11:35] dholbach: sorry, should have kept the .img file too; should I readd it along the .gz? [11:41] lool, I updated the docs to link to the img.gz - not sure about keeping the .img file? [11:44] dholbach: ok === soee_ is now known as soee [12:37] asac === davmor2_ is now known as davmor2 === rsalveti_ is now known as rsalveti === soee_ is now known as soee