[13:11] yooo errorr in website huge [13:11] doing ubuntu-bug calamares [13:11] in terminal [13:11] add some files - Y [13:11] options send report -S [13:12] HTTP error 500 internatl ncanot connect to crash database please check your internet connection [13:12] im writing this in chat but server says to check my internet? [13:13] Kangarooo: Doesn't sound like Launchpad. errors.ubuntu.com is a separate thing [13:14] ubuntu-bug uploads to some other site? [13:16] I may be misremembering actually [13:16] Anyway, the above is too incoherent to debug. Maybe a pastebin with the details? [13:17] It's also possible that you have a partially broken network connection in some way [13:17] Launchpad itself is up so "error in website huge" is not really accurate [13:18] From the code it looks like there should be a more detailed error message following "please check your Internet connection" which perhaps you could include in a pastebin? [13:22] (Indeed, have checked, errors.ubuntu.com is a red herring when considering ubuntu-bug. Sorry about that.) [15:18] cjwatson: someone also thinks its launchpad bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/2002119 [15:18] -ubottu:#launchpad- Launchpad bug 2002119 in Launchpad itself "ubuntu-bug shows internet error 500, but Apport works" [Undecided, New] [15:19] you can add your comment there you that wrote here [15:59] Kangarooo: Is this bug reproducible - that is, if you try the same "ubuntu-bug calamares" again does it still happen? (I ask because ubuntu-bug is working fine for me.) [16:11] Kangarooo: Looks like you've tried a few times today, and it failed the first three but succeeded all the other times [16:16] Kangarooo: So yes. Launchpad is not _generally_ down, but the particular endpoint used by ubuntu-bug may need some timeout-related tweaking. [16:17] I've updated the bug. [16:42] Kangarooo: FWIW, Canonical's servers seem to be having a hard time - I can't get speeds in excess of 300 KiB/s downloading apt packages when installing software, but my actual Internet speeds are much higher, as confirmed by downloading VirtualBox from the main VirtualBox website. [16:43] (And the speeds currently are even slower than that over apt. ravage also was having problems with an ISO download in #ubuntu-server.) [17:15] arraybolt3: I think that's unrelated to Launchpad [17:16] (to the extent I've been following the recent archive mirror issues anyway, which isn't in very much detail) [17:17] I thought it might be another firewall problem, but good to know. [17:18] Obviously I don't have much info on it.