=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:14] Hi all [13:51] Heyo BluesKaj [13:57] hey ahoneybun[m] [15:06] Are the old LTS point release ISO images stashed anywhere? kubuntu.org's downloads page mentions them, but the links jsut go to the current ones. [15:07] I know that previous Ubuntu point releases can be found on  old-releases, but not anything recent for the flavours. [15:08] Maybe here? https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/ [15:19] genii, but the links for the older ones all pint to the current. 22.04 and 22.04.1 all lead back to 22.04.2, for example [15:19] :-/ [15:19] same for focal. And other flavours. [15:45] claydoh: can I ask the reason why you would want that? [15:56] clivejo: some are looking for non-hwe original ISO images, for hardware support reasosn. We started looking and saw that all the images links on cdimage.ubuntu point to the current one. [15:57] mostly curiousity, really [15:58] though I was under the impression that desktop LTS installs are all HWE [15:59] prob have to go to a mirror, like http://mirror.uchile.cl/ubuntu-cdimage/kubuntu/releases/focal/release/ [16:00] There are really old releases here - https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/ [16:01] the OP ona thread on kubuntuforums was installing kubuntu, from an aparently old 22.04iso, and the update only pulled in the current 5.15 kernel. Which may have broke his laptop keyboard? [16:01] in any case, we though he would be upgraded to the current 5.19 kernel, and ended up in a rabbit hole lol [16:02] old-releases does not have anthing recent for LTS isos, like it does for Ubuntu proper. [16:04] clivejo: thanks, the mirrors idea is cool, But we may want to update the kubuntu website to remove/change references to downloading previois point release images [16:04] also, the Focal downloads still refers to 20.04.5, thoughn that is soon to be a moot point :) [16:04] 22.04 isn't old and an LTS [16:05] old-releases has old point releases for 22.04, for example, not found on the cdimages, for example [16:05] I have a draw of old kubuntu iso's! [16:06] drawer [16:07] not sure, I wasn't about for 22.04 release, so unable to help you there! [16:08] cool anyway, it is quite confusing. More of a rabbit hole moment as much as anything. I have an "og" 22.04 iso myself on my NAS [16:08] but I do know I had issues with that kernel and nvidia graphics [16:09] it wouldn't let me enter my password in sddm [16:10] why does OP think the keyboard isn't working? [16:11] it worked in 5.15.25 for the install, stopped after updating, which got him 5.15.67 or something [16:12] I thought it would be a 5.19 kernel [16:13] -25 and -67 kernel builds, rather [16:13] what I'm trying to get at is at what point is the keyboard broken? [16:13] can OP get into Plasma? [16:14] if it's at login, can they try to open a TTY and does the keyboard work there? [16:14] apparently not, but we are waiting for responses lol. [16:14] ah [16:15] plus he claims that he got the kernel update despite not being connected to the internet, which is wrong. [16:15] magic? [16:16] I need a computer like that, poor internet is the bane of my life! [16:17] who knows? there is always missing information that people forget or do not hink is relevant. It is a Slimbook, though [16:17] they not come preinstalled with Neon? [16:18] no idea. waiting for repsponse, and did suggest contacting their support as well. [16:18] I think they do [16:19] always secretly wanted one! [16:27] ditto! Or a Framework. [16:28] But a used AMD Thinkpad chromebook has to suffice lol ( I just got one this week) [18:04] claydoh: clivejo no Kubuntu Focus? [18:58] no, they seem to attract liquids, like a magnet :P [19:10] * arraybolt3 hasn't spilled anything on mine yet :D [19:12] sorry, was a dig at Mr Mills I couldn't resist :P [21:14] * tsimonq2 gives clivejo a friendly wave [22:39] o/ @tsimonq2