diff --git "a/val.jsonl" "b/val.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/val.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,2500 @@ +{"text":"Lets start an income tax so the ones losing their jobs can get excited about paying more taxes when they find work again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"When Canadian citizens aren't getting the good work opportunities, that's [a \"surplus of 2 million refugees\"] a problem. So immigration is the big problem that needs to be fixed everywhere.\"\n\nHey, SomeComments, I'd say the problem is \"Canadian citizens aren't getting the good work opportunities...\", wouldn't you? Let's fix THAT problem first--and a lot of newer immigrants would thank us, too...because they're as unemployed as anybody else.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Free speech is the right of individuals and communities to express themselves without repression from the state,\u201d according to the group. \u201cThe students are not the state nor the repressors. Taking to the stage and using this platform was an act of free speech \u2014 not a violation of it.\u201d \" \n\n What an ironic statement. It implies that repression of free speech is perfectly fine so long as it's not the act of \"the state.\" Such a position give license to any group or individual to censor by force or by intimidation the Free Speech rights of others. Of coure that' precisely what these students (and, it seems, some non-students) did....they, through physical force and intimidation censored the speech of U of O President Schill. \n\nMight I suggest the U of O needs to provide a remedial course in both basic government and law and another in civil discourse for its students. Clearly at least \"about 40\" of them have no understanding of these concepts. That's a real shame (in all senses) GC","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He pulled his hamstring walking to the bank to cash his payroll cheque.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Will he have to pledge loyalty to Trump or the Constitution?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"4\nCanada needs (and can afford) complete national health care\nDrug costs\nThe cost of prescription drugs represents 17.4% of total health care spending in 2014 according to OECD statistics. The high rate of spending on pharmaceuticals which puts Canada at the top appears to be linked to pricing, rather than consumption rates, which are close to the OECD average. This low level in drug coverage is in contrast to Canada's full coverage of doctors and hospital services. \n\nBenchmarking Canada's Health System; International Comparisons\nContrary to the report conclusions by the Commonwealth Fund placing 9th of 11 countries, OECD demonstrates that Canada performs in the middle of the range on most measures.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"7 1\/2 more years then the first woman POTUS will be Ivanka.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It all started with tree forts buddy. Once we let them in there... it was all over.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My replies to you are predicated on your post of 19 hours ago (and its sequels): \"So you want a legal battle to take place in hopes of taking over the property of someone who you disagree with in order to establish an Islamic educational center? Sounds familiar, watered down but familiar.\"\n\nI stand by my previous objections to what you stated in that post, nor do my criticisms strengthen or validate said post or its arguments (such as they are). What I advocated is not any different than the highly effective strategy the Southern Poverty Law Center deployed against KKK groups, who like OJ (and I realize the irony in lumping the two) usually through anonymity managed to avoid criminal prosecution for the harm they inflicted, but were found liable for damages to their victims\/victims' survivors in civil court.\n\nI'll close with this--if you wanna come correct, I have no problem whatsoever in engaging in mutually respectful exchange of ideas. But you want respect, you gotta give it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I support more construction of single family homes irrelevant of square footage for Hawaiians but couldn't you get a better picture of Robin Danner?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I have read;\n\u201cAt this moment in time the\nchurch has two sails that are blowing in the opposite direction causing great\ndiscord within the Church. On the Right: an extreme conservative wind wanting\nto blow our boat back to the becalming out-of-date swamp of pre-1962. On the\nLeft: an extreme liberal wind wanting to blow our boat into rapids where faith\nand morals are thrown overboard\u201d.\n.\nBut we can go forward in UNITY OF PURPOSE by hoisting a third sail one\nof Humility, the true (only) sail that the Holy Spirit blows upon, bringing\narrogance to its knees and folly does not have to be appeased.\nPlease consider continuing see my post in the link\n\nhttps:\/\/acireland.ie\/amoris-laetitia-the-joy-of-love-reviewed-by-aidan-hart\/#comment-10034\n\nkevin your brother\nIn Christ","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mean while Trudeau adding Chinese as the 3rd official language!\n-\nhttp:\/\/memecrunch.com\/meme\/BJMGB\/chinese-language-agenda-of-justin-trudeau\/image.jpg","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I am a fervant supporter of the Muslim community.\nBUT, if people don't wear muslim costumes and keep their beliefs to themselves, this would never have happened.\nIt was totally unwarranted.\nUnnecessary.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Typical red neck response and clearly someone who lacks any sense-you are part of the problem and why we continue to rely on poisonous fossil fuels. Wasteful, arrogant. I don't hate native Americans-I am defending them against corporate greed, filthy destructive fossil fuels.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Be careful what you are asking for! https:\/\/youtu.be\/jafkVM-jnbE","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good job Neko and tragically, an accurate list!\n\nDo want to notify readers that the Southern Poverty Law Center has ample info on a number of the groups on the list....gross info, actually....\n\nReaders may want to inform themselves ...you can google almost any topic listed and SPLC and get data...and Kelly Ann Conway and Bannion have been knee deep in this and you can just google their names and \"alt right, or White Supremacists etc....\"\n\nDo think you omitted the anti Semitic category.... \n\nSuch a lovely group of folks and topics.....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess Philpott can now embark on a series of meetings with her provincial counterparts to discuss it further. At $3,500 a day her limo driver will soon be better paid than she is.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"...and top of all of this, whatever happened to the idea of a \"Second City\"? Need more jobs on that side of the island! How do we accomplish that?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not signing TPP 11 is a historically myopic viewpoint. NAFTA, in an acceptable format to the Canadian economy and way of life, is OVER! It has been \"easier\" to sell out to the USA for exports, but laziness is what Canada here. We must no longer have only one important customer....any intelligent business person will tell you that! Move on, sign TPP 11 and as many other effective free trade agreements globally, and get in the global game!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Neighbor98...I've never darkened the door of Imago Dei and couldn't find them without Googlemaps. I will agree with you the idea of moral absolutes is troubling for everyone, me included. Surely you believe in some yourself, however. Take a few minutes to think through what those might be. \n\nAs for moral relativism I am also sure that has some limitations for you as well, as evidenced by your insistence that everyone at Imago Dei believe like you or face your wrath, laughter, disdain, etc.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Excercise at a gym. It's like a hamster wheel for humans.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mr Dunce is still practicing for Scaramouche's new program \"Dancing with the Self-fellators\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"True. But the idea is good--just send them to a sanctuary in SE Asia, such as the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. Better yet and closer, send them to TES in TN or PAWS in CA.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wonder if mental illness plays a role in this. Mental illness is already stigmatized in Anglo-Canadian culture, and is even BIGGER for Chinese - especially immigrants who aren't fluent in English. :(","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If it is a good plan we'll keep it, when we turf them out of office.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A part of this story is that most end up in leg hold traps. So few people have seen them! So maybe--get rid of the leg hold traps? Will see more then? We are hoping for this animal species to survive for sure.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The test of loyalty is found in how an individual reacts to a national emergency, not a national anthem.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"The Mouse that Roared\" - a great black and white movie from the 50's with Peter Sellers when a tiny country invaded the US and won. Everyone was in the fallout shelters during a drill and they took over the government . They invaded on the premise that countries the US went to war with and were defeated were given aid after the war, such as Japan and Germany, and so they would be. But they won!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The document is difficult to read with references to people no one knows nor can verify. Unless Putin comes out and tearfully admits \"Its true...its all true. I'm so sorry.\" it's difficult to believe it is accurate.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That should be a law.\nAny law passed must apply to all, no exceptions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Globe and Mail is a turkey for keeping a plagiarist in its employ.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Some years ago the Dalai Lama\nstayed at Durbans royal hotel for some time,Zuma and his family often lunched there on a Sunday within metres of each other, they appeared not to know each other.\nNo press or interest shown re the Lana being in south africa,that's a changed now","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is a wonderful thing to see us help the helpless. This story was balm for the soul.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's sorta like a \"triage\" metaphor. Who is the more salvageable, who is the less \"contagious\", who is less likely to \"throw me under the bus\", who is the lesser liar; who is less likely to harm my daughter; who is a better influence on my son; who would you more trust with \"the codes\"; who seems to know what they are talking about; who has been recorded as having and being proud of sexual abuse; who knows the date of the election?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hmm......so if I'm willing to pay for it I can go for a ride? I don't think so. Is it wrong, maybe. Is it inappropriate? Yes. So I guess if the RNC is willing to foot the bill Trump can go for a ride with the President? I doubt it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nothing in Hawai'i, is made to last.\n\nThe Roman Coliseum, lasted longer, than most western civilization structures.\n\nMaybe Hawai'i, should use the Roman Coliseum, as the basic model, for a new stadium.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Can't wait for Hi to get nuked! LOL","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I can only comment in response to the current comment you made, not your history of all comments. I do not see how what I have written fails to reflect a legitimate reaction to your comment which tells readers that it is useless to fight against this hierarchy. There is no hope for actual justice written in your comment. Have you read your comment carefully? What questions should I have? \n\nAs for religious keeping their guns in their holsters, that usually results in religious, who are supposed to be our guides on how to uphold a virtuous and courageous christian life, keeping their mouths closed around their superiors and cooperating with the injustice which only grows more injustice. Why does the request of people like me, to you, to take a stand, make you so angry?\n\nI wonder do you consider Jesus Christ militant since he stood loudly against the injustices of the religious leaders of the time? or are only women who stand up for their human dignity militants in your mind?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Voters can still register to vote by mail in Hawaii, if they choose. Wouldn't it be helpful to provide the \"how\" to receive a ballot by mail information via the League of Women Voters, Common Cause, and Civil Beat?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I say invest in your own future and don't expect to subside off the work of other younger people later. My employer doesn't match retirement contributions and certainly doesn't have a pension program. I work for a non-profit. Which, really, is not any different than a state or federal employee, and, I don't think it is right to expect your employer to pony up for your well being later in life just because you are a public servant. I certainly don't expect social security to be around by the time I am 65-67-69 or what ever it will be when I can't work anymore. Enstar just faced the same fiscal uncertainty which flipped our gas bills up by a ten dollar \"customer charge\" that I'm more than willing to bet was to pay for their retirees. That I understand. It's corporate. You have to pay. But civil servants? No. The ex presidents should be pulling their own weight. Just my thoughts.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Congratulations on your excellent letter to Congressman Reichert. I hope he takes your good words seriously.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What do you mean \"private lobbying\"? Lobbying is legal in Canada within certain guidelines.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Provide the name of the lawyer and a link either to her\/his statement or to the NPR report. You can't and won't -- because you're lying about this. Meanwhile, this is a statement from Grant Stancliff, Communications Director of Equality Ohio:\n\" ... we firmly believe in religious freedoms. It would be absurd to demand a Rabbi marry a Catholic couple, and visa versa. It would also be absurd to force a Catholic Church to lease it's sanctuary to a same-sex couple. The United States was founded on religious freedom, and that's not something to be taken lightly\u2013\u2013already, even without the Pastor Protection Act, any clergy member can refuse to marry anybody they want for any reason.\" On the off chance that someone thinks you might be telling the truth about this, they ought to go to the Equality Ohio website and\/or contact EO directly for a statement of their positions. You are lying about them. Of course you are.\nYou promised \"5 more examples\"; you haven't provided even one.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why is Anchorage screaming the loudest? We are probably the most educated and see past our noses. \nThe Senate would spend all the CBR this year and still not balance the budget. We have even less revenue because those savings are gone. Crisis. School funding would have to go down drastically. \nOil revenues to our State, are likely going down further, with the world situation, and oil companies running our Senate.\nThe House has a multi-pronged approach that balances the budget without draining our savings. The Senate refuses one of the prongs (income tax) so they need to specify a replacement. Or step aside and let the adults lead.\nWe KNOW a sales tax hurts families the most, income tax the least. But I'd rather have a sales tax than drain the CBR. Explain why all those nonres slopers are allowed to skate. Can a sales tax could raise enough without taking food out of kid's mouths?\nIf you must put being reelected over doing the right thing, at least support a sales tax.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Assuming his income is 200k (she makes 46K) and because he is in education a gov't employee a typical pension plan @ 2% a year for 25 years would give him roughly 100k pension. One would have to wonder how the present value is calculated.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bull something anyway.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The economy of Canada is $1.6 trillion. Are you saying several times the economy of Canada has been donated to Africa?\n\nDo you know the difference between billion and trillion. Quick, how many zeroes in each number?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Part 1:\n\nI don't think Jesus spoke in a didactic way about the relationship between justice and mercy; Jesus' teaching unfolds in his parables and in the Sermon on the Mount, especially the Beatitudes. Of course, the church has been reflecting on his teaching, trying to understand and follow it, for more than two thousand years. We live in the \"time between the times\" -- the \"already\" of the reign of God inaugurated by Jesus and the \"not yet\" of the full realization of God's reign in God's time. In the time between the times, we seek justice and practice it imperfectly. In the reign of God, God blends justice and mercy perfectly, because God is Love; but we do it imperfectly. At least, though, we must keep both in view and recognize the priority of mercy without denying the importance of justice. What an awesome task, especially for those in the church, charged with ministering to sinners, and those (like you) in civil society, charged with administering justice. (con't.)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree, but we don't know if she has family or how she came to be in custody at the border. All we really know is that she is a desperate young woman in need of help - we can either support helping her have her baby or support helping her kill it. She ought not to be here, but the reality is that she is here. Now we get to choose who we are going to be in light of this situation. All people like you and I can do is voice our opinion and pray for her, her baby, and those around her who are guiding her.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think it is the perfect time during the homily to make any announcements, hear from the building committee, educate people on whatever, deduct that time from the sermon and then proceed to give the sermon. When mass is over it should be over...do the second collection, give the one part blessing (I hate those multi-part with 4 amens..is that remotely catholic???)..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess a middle class american just figured out how to get the GOP's attention. Sad they have been ignoring everyone's calls to get rid of the administration. Maybe this will be a wake up call. You would think the report on 39 states voting machines being hacked would be a wake up too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If published columns over the last couple of weeks are any indication...\n\n... then, on the political spectrum, populism begins one millimeter to the right of Justin Trudeau, and is equivalent to Adolf Hitler's Naziism including its Holocaust aspects.\n\nSorry, but that has been the dog-whistle-to-megaphone message of the recent columns...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"thanks for saving cost of one trial","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mike. Look at the headline of this article. How Fishing interest infiltrated Conservations Biggest Event. Infiltrated... smuggled themselves in. Kitty and Wespac are in diametric opposition to what this conference stood for. Wespac belongs at the Boston Seafood Show.... where selling fish is what they do.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, Tom Koenig has it wrong. Only 1 lawsuit actually raised the price of rail due to the plaintiff winning the decision and causing a delay, and that would be the one where the city failed to conduct the AIS on the whole project before starting construction. The other lawsuits never resulted in any delay in construction or resulted in a court ordered work stoppage. What he also fails to mention is the delays due to the city awarding contracts early. Please, do your research before blaming lawsuits by those against this rail as to why costs have increased. Instead, why not explaining why costs have gone up so much in the past 4 years. There hasn't been any lawsuits filed in the past 4 years, yet the costs seem to keep rising.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Several New York archdiocesen priests contacted by NCR deferred from commenting on the letter or the possible chancery move, citing a desire to respect the archdiocese's decision-making process.\"\n\nthat's a very positive sign. Newspaper like NCR going through its roladex looking for dissenting voicies....get's turned down. I like it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, you're post is a smoking gun for Delusional Trump Support Syndrome.\nDTSS ...\nOr perhaps a paid troll.\nTake your pick.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I'm offended by the \"Ostrich like behavior remark\". This is supposed to be a scientific paper, not a social rag. His Ostrich remark is curry to the popular but incorrect belief that Ostrich stick their head in a hole in the ground when afraid. When at a \"nest\" a standing father (they do the care taking) puts his head to the ground, it's to count heads or give specific care. Original white settlers saw their head go to the ground and incorrectly thought they were putting their head in a hole in the ground and it became a very popular story. I think using an incorrect statement to bolster a scientific thesis is counterintuitive. And ignorant.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree---TOTALLY!!! the arms manufacturers, their investors, those employed by them are the real culprits and enemies of stability. I believe that all elected officials should have to surrender all financial information prior to taking office. ''blind trusts'''......... release of tax informations are not ''the answer' but rather a sort of an overt declaration that '''we know what they're doing!!!!'' I am not not trying\/ wanting to be outrageously negative, but I believe that 'wars' are here to stay. it is 'Cain and Abel' all over again....and again. ''wars''- big and small are a symptom of the ''missing piece'' in all of our souls..the 'need to be on top.\" world wide organizations such as the UN can be a major help diffusing fear and violence, but not rid us of them. sorry to say!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for admitting how corrupt city hall is and how you participated in that and devolution of democracy while supporting an industry that has had little oversight.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Dennis\nIf Donald Trump opposes mandatory health care , then I am with Donald Trump. Our health care is an example. There is no incentive to not use the system and thus we have the debt ridden system. If health care is in the private sector there is an incentive to not use it, rather use it as necessary.\n\nI have seen no evidence that suggests that medical insurance must be mandatory. \n\nAnother similar system is social housing. What an expensive mess. Imagine if that was replaced by money so that the poor would have some selection in where they live, same as people with money, namely live where you like, where you can afford. Cities\/communities would not have to build and maintain housing.\n\nWe have thousands of examples of the private sector working well. There are now some examples of private\/public working. in health care. Give it time. The US with private, medicaid and medicare is really a combined system, one of its own.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Natural law is one thing. Its about sin. Dogma is about what we decided at Nicea, Chalcedon and Ephesus in the fourth century. Democratically by democratically chosen bishops. For a great history of the latter, read Christianity, the First 3000 Years by Dairmind MacCullocgh. Don't let the fact that he is an Episcopal priest scare you off.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ironworkers Union executive endorsed the Liberals","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"nnooo the ONLY thing that Junior EVER discusses with all billionaires id the plight of the Canasian middle class and how best to help them.,,,,honest!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lars Larson interviews Mark Callahan: https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/tags\/mark%20callahan","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're just mad because we have bigger hearts. We know what it's like to be abused and discriminated against because of nothing more than what we look like.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Vey true, rocky, and the same PSPP that Fred is using as comparison was raided by Paul Martin to pay down the debt, so there is a precedent there.\n\nI would expect more OAS tinkering, but the fact that CPP is self funding means a cash grab would be 3rd rail politics -- particularly considering our booming senior population and the fact that older people are more likely to vote.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"rampant acquisition of 2-million AR-15's","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"By uttering foolish and dangerous declarations that make matters worse.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You're criticizing a law enforcement office? That is a first. Based on your usual positions, had it been any other LE official and investigation, you would have had his back, regardless of how questionable his actions were. But because you hate Clinton, Comey is a bad guy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hi, Sprezzatura. Our editorials are based on the consensus of the editorial board. I \"liked\" the comment above because it was provocative. I do wish commenters would post their real names, however.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't believe this is as simple as an exclusively male problem, I have worked for both men and women who have abused their power, it just happens in different ways. IMHO men tend to go the sexual\/inappropriate remark route while women go for the backstabbing\/downright malicious \"I'll get you\" route, especially if they feel threatened. I've had experience with both having gone to a convent school for several years and worked for and with many men and women.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"At least where drugs are concerned, markets like Silkroad and AlphaBay would appear to be an improvement over street-level trafficking.\n\nVendors are apparently rated on the quality of their product and service, just like eBay--meaning that people selling bunk or poisonous cuts are not going to do very well.\n\nAnd then, there's no street-level territory to fight over .. but of course, online dealers still have to source their product from large scale criminal organizations -- so that's hardly a complete win.\n\nOne might have guessed that I'm for the legalization of all drugs .. since most of the harms associated with the use of illicit drugs are directly related to their illicitness.\n\nIn fact, since significant proportions of humanity have derived pleasure and other benefits from various psychoactive compounds for thousands of years, one could make the argument that prohibition is anti-human.\n\nIt didn't work for booze, and it's never going to work for other drugs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Imagine if a Union could dictate to McDonald's how large their hamburgers had to be ? Or how many passengers an airline could fit into a 737 ? Or to Apple computer what the maximum price they could charge ?\nWhy would a Union have control over the product being delivered in any case ? That is the domain of the stake holders, in this case the people of British Columbia. Those who pay for the service. \n\nI see this as totally unconstitutional","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's interesting to know that probably 1\/2 of the people who blog here claim that they are no longer Catholic. Good to know. I don't want people of dubious or no \"faith\" setting the agenda for people of great faith.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Opportunities to repost these keep cropping up regularly anymore:\n\nSelections, taken from the book \u201cTim Unsworth\u201d, a collection of his articles in NCR between 1982 and 2007, published by Acta Publications in 2008:\n\n\"Bishops (and, sez I, Red Birds) break out in shingles in the face of ambiguity; laity live with it each day in their homes, jobs and social life.\n\nChancery offices constantly view the faithful as so befuddled that, without unctuous instruction, they would confuse the holy water fountain with a birdbath.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess you really have to consider the source, R Perry.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gruden sure goes after the coaches and players. It's fun to watch and listen to. I can see why he doesn't get back into coaching, he'd be getting into fistfights every day with them LOL","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"actually if councilors in the city of Toronto had any backbone they would simply increase realty taxes to levels that are present in all other cities in Ontario. Result budget problems solved.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"''During a commercial break, Seacrest pulled out his phone for a selfie with Trudeau and Ripa. When he couldn\u2019t frame the group in the shot, Trudeau snatched the camera away and took the photo.''\n\nNah.......too easy......","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"what another embezzlement?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh thank goodness someone who I can agree with...\"as the wind blows\"...or as the \"tide ebbs and flows\". However, I find Rep. Fukumoto's words \"flapping in the wind\" ...so please tell us who \"...she discovered that there were Democrats also trying to change these things with whom she tried to work with. However, she said Republican partisanship \u201cinsisted I stop working with Democrats even when it clearly benefited the community.\u201d Please full disclosure.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gays can serve but not trans gendered folks... that's the definition of discrimination and hypocrisy.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"We're selling out to America, getting what in return?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is about 'wedge' politics.\nAppealing to the base, in this case, hard done by civil servants who just know that they are the contributors and that the entrepreneurial class are a bunch of leaches.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hunting, be it for warm- or cold-blooded animals should be only for sustenance. Hunt and release doesn't make any sense, and it simply isn't that much fun.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really? This revelation from Buzz Feed and the rambling of the hateful left trying to connect Jeremy Christian to Trump reminds me of the old Chinese proverb; When you find yourself in a deep hole a wise man knows when to stop digging. Something tells me by tomorrow the left will be in overdrive trying to spin like tops out of a very deep hole. \nGood luck!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Flagging all your posts.\n\nEvery one. The racist ones, the fake accounts, all of them.\n\nYou should be banned.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You say \"nonsense\" to verifiable facts? You can look up the Trump U fraud trial (remember when Trump the xenophobe said Judge Curiel's Mexican ancestry prevented him from judging the case?) Verifiable. You can look up the fact that Donald and Ivanka's elitist ties, shirts, handbags, shoes, etc. are manufactured overseas, not in America. This isn't a matter of belief or opinion. Look at the label on your Trump tie. Verifiable. It's verifiable, not believe or opinion, that Trump bought Chinese steel for his buildings. It's verifiable that Trump has filed BKY multiple times, leaving small contractors and investors on the hook. It's verifiable that Trump has stiffed small contractors, refused to pay them and told them to take him to court, knowing he could bleed them with legal costs. He has spent his life in court. He is litigious and he's only out for himself. He's a con man and only the most gullible of rubes still believe his cons. Congrats on that Trump U \"diploma\" though. LOL.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The minute the FBI entered the Honolulu Prosecutor's office was probably the exact point In time when Nick Grube mused, \"What should the title of my new best selling book be?\", followed by, \"Hmm, I think I'll search for a good screen writing program online while I'm at it\"\n\nThat's just mere speculation on my part of course, and I am unable to corroborate my suspicions at this time.\n\nI also feel as though this could make up a future season of \"Off Shore\" - a joint podcast production of Civil Beat and PRI International.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No way. A battery isn't going to last ten years . Don't risk your life on a battery lasting that long. Replace them every six months to a year. Better to be safe than sorry. I would hate to hear about you in the paper .","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The only thing hurting the NFTA talks is Rempel and Kent deriding Canada in the US media. shame","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You are correct to a point, Dave, that neither is a good choice. But the bad choices are Ige and Hanabusa. Tulsi is not in the gubernatorial mix--yet.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Justin isn't intelligent enough to be a hypocrite.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"This would be a welcome change for me, moving to CIBC. I've grown to dislike President's Choice and Loblaws ever since I heard about how they took advantage of one of their business partners involving frozen yogurt (YoPro Treats) and effectively ruined them. Google for: YoPro Loblaws ... to get a view to how a small Canadian entrepreneurship story was turned into a nightmare for those two poor people. It was several years ago, and I don't know how YoPro is doing, but it's probably still before the courts. However I am very glad to be able to divest myself of my banking with President's Choice, and I hope others will agree that Loblaws is a voracious and predatory company for what they have done to YoPro and presumably other small Canadian businesses.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Football for children.\nGet them started on CTE early.\nPermanent and probably fatal brain injuries build character.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"yes, this has been the plan along, but it will rile up the antis. no matter, they are all sore losers. imua rail. 25 years from now, people will be saying why did not it be built sooner? funding will be there, surcharges, TAT, property tax, etc. rail will prevail.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Nothing I said was with intent to be un-peaceful, it was to start a dialogue. Got to love the first amendment.\n\nTrust me, I get that you find this situation humorous, a lot of insane people laugh uncontrollably and without reason.\n\nI find the removal of comments to be more a form of censorship and with this being a liberal owned paper now I'm simply not surprised since those people \"embrace differences\" as long as they coincide with their views. \nTypical hypocritical thought process.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Is not the issue of Bill Clinton on of reinventing the past? Whatever Clinton's behaviour is was a) after his election and b) his, not her behaviour.\nOne might well say that they wouldn't have voted for Bill, \"if they had known\". That's an afterthought and not valid in hindsight.\nAs to b), well it is obvious, or should be.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why did Trump refuse to release his tax returns?\nBecause they show he's made a lot of money in Russia...like his son in law admitted.\nTrump's been bought, and he's susceptible to blackmail.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trudeau is our Prime Minister but he perceives himself as Miss Congeniality.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. You say the white supremacists should be condemned. Then you say the counter protesters \"lose credibility\". In what way, then, do they lose credibility? What part of the white supremacists platform isn't wrong?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Finally, we have a leader that does what he says, and says what he does.......and to progressives that's insane.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"DO WHAT smart national and state parks on the mainland do. CHARGE A FEE, you bunch of inept (D)onkey !mbeci!es \n\nOther parks charge a fee of say $20 and FORCE you to sign a release of liability to get a permit to hike steep and dangerous areas and the funds are used to maintain the safety upkeep as much as reasonable. Here are some examples: Half Dome in Yosemite National Park, and many Grand Canyon areas also charge fees and force you to get permits for limited and deemed riskier adventures.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No, the Russian government is corrupt and brutal...not the Russian people.\nStop trying to whitewash Putin's criminal behaviour.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Before taking offence at Tom's comment that you've been \"unkind\" in some of yours...you may want to reread some of them...and I'm not talking about your responses to me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yep the left wing loon media is working overtime to try to get Clinton elected. \nIt's really not that they think Trump is as bad as they try to make him out to be ..........it's that Clinton is THAT bad.Trump has plans to get started on correcting the things that everyone knows that's wrong in this country. Clinton is only going to make everything worse and continue with the uberfailed policies of the past.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Business expenses are deductible whether incorporated or not. The issue is the ability to save hopefully for an adequate retirement. The maximum RRSP contributions will not provide for a retirement equivalent to a retired teacher or firefighter even for someone earning over $200, 000 unless they save additional funds in a non registered account.\n\nSo a doctor who starts earning an income at 30, pays off student debt by 35, really only starts saving additional retirement funds after 35 if they live below their means. \n\nIf they get sick they have zero income for 3 months until their long term disability insurance kicks in. This is self funded and costs 5-10 grand a year, and is not tax deductible.\nShort term disability is too expensive so most professionals or business owners don't bother. \n\nThe income splitting provisions are reasonable for spouses who in most cases own half the corporations assets (in the event of a divorce) \n\nTrudeau is out to lunch on these tax measures.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes! I desperately want single-payer health care!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe you had your tongue in cheek and if so, you have my apologies. If not, perhaps you missed the part that said CBC selected the 10 people and arranged for individual interviews. You can bet that selection process was shall I say, very selective?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lockem up and throw away the keys. Better yet feedem to the gators in the swamp he was supposed to have drained.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I suspect that would be a waste of time and money. The ones that are influential are the only ones the monied care about influencing or dancing with.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry, a knee-jerk response, in retrospect I withdraw it, my apologies.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Twenty million is very few...to a billionaire.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you do the math this will only pay for around 75 days of the current state expenses. \n\nThis is robbery from the people of Alaska to cover the governments inability to do their jobs.\n\nThis will not even carry us until the first of the year. This money will not even cover the current daily debt load for the next 3 months.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"funny","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"She's unethical but she's the victim-oh yeah-the devil made her do it ! Considering she's working with the Clintons , maybe that's not a bad defence !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where do you stand on election rigging?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When Trump opens his mouth, all kinds of unsubstantiated nonsense drips out, except for the evidence he provides the public with proving he is sexist, racist and relatively uneducated (as far as getting facts straight is concerned).","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It seems we are in agreement about both personal forgiveness AND civil punishment. I have long since come to realize that a lot of what consumed my anger towards others was really self inflicted punishment. \n \nThis included my relationship with a brother who left me holding the bag too many times. I was furious about stuff like his wrecking my car with just a oops to take its place. I should have forgiven him years ago. Imagine my surprise when he called me to tell me he had just found out he had a very virulent form of cancer and that I was the first person he wanted to talk with, before even calling his own kids. Over the next 4 months we had many great conversations that his wife told me helped him out a lot. Sadly, during what was to be our last conversation he started to have some bad coughing and we needed to stop the call. Before calling I had decided to tell him that I totally forgave him, but held back because of how weak he sounded. Lost my chance he died.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pure, unadulterated BS. The KMPL is approved, like it or not Mr Weaver. \n\nThe Feds approve these things so little provincial politicians can't do exactly this. 3 seats and he thinks he's king of BC. LOL.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Since we're referencing 60's cartoons he was more like Quick Draw McGraw who shoulda been seriously El Kobong'ed and turned over to Yosemite Sam","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Get over it, so-called Patriot. You probably don't even know what the term patriot means; you confused it with parrot. And no I don't approve of murder. I chose life for my child and managed to keep my nose out of other women's business, as people like you should.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If single payer is done right for our country, that single payer will be mainly used for common visits\/procedures, and a market will remain for those with more coin to buy into some of the more elaborate care. Think of a big Kaiser (which isn't terrible to work at....my girlfriend makes good money working for them), then an additional, albeit smaller, top-quality care market.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm talking about her self-inflicted oppressive mentality. Schlarly was truly a Stepford wife.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think lamorello will land a top 4 defenseman before trade deadline - he may have to trade kadri to do that.Anderson is moving up in save% and GAA - good to see.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My comments on this thread, nothing even being remotely uncivil but were deleted by G&M.\nI think that is best way for the west to remember this guy, LOL, proven I am right again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If they used it all, then good. Let em have it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree that Trump is a bully, but then again so is China. Maybe Trump's approach is the only sensible one given the current global context. Someone needs to push back a little. I'm not worried about \"consequences\", as I suspect China's bark is worse than its bite. After all, they want things to work in the end, because it is in their best interest to keep things relatively smooth.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"What you had under 8 years of George Bush is amnesty. Illegals didnt have to do anything. The progressive pro active method of giving the ones who work and stay out of trouble, giving them a path to citizenship, or simply a way to work and better themselves without constant fear of losing everything is a better approach. It also shines the light on the 5 million who aren't desirable. Illegals have been a problem for 90 years over 15 presidents. Citizens wish they werent here, but they are. Creating a solution that requires them to stay out of trouble, work and pay taxes, get a drivers license solves a lot of the issue. Identifying the 5-6 million who are not the problem, and shines the light on the 5-6 million that are. It takes half the illegal population and gives them a reason to pay taxes, act right and not cause trouble. That's what we want. And if they do they can pay a fine and earn a limited citizenship.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You grow hemp on farmland. Another reason not to expand the urban growth boundary. Grow buildings up and keep our forest and farmlands intact.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"John Beebee, perfect. 10,000 \"thumbs up\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Meanwhile Donald in New York is snickering and saying \"Canadians will fall for any line of bs\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You ought to look up the term \"Fascist\". Here, I've done it for you:\n\noften capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition\n2\n: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control \n\nNo, he's not all the way there yet, but any reasonable person can see how quickly it could happen.\n\nTrump is paranoid, narcissistic, sociopathic, dictatorial, mercurial (to say the least) and often talks in a florid, fantastical manner. In sum, he's not got a grounded intellect capable of acting in a measured and thoughtful manner. He's a natural-born demagogue with very little in the way of empathy.\n\nHe is a danger to life on earth.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Great find.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks, Mr. Havelock, for pointing out that Alaskans own our state's resource wealth and the Permanent Fund in common. It's a problem that many residents are unaware of Alaska's history, unique Owner State model and shareholder rights. Now, the Legislature and Governor are railroading Alaskans toward a specific fix for the budget problem - all their plans involve changing the Fund and PFD without public consent. We must not allow this THEFT of the Peoples' money. Take the PFD OFF the table. NO POMV without a public vote. Then, the legislators will be more motivated to consider the many options for a solutions (like government reform, taxes, selling and leasing assets, using Fund earnings by public consent) and survey Alaskans for what we services we want and how we want to pay for them. Visit and share this website for the Permanent Fund Defenders and join the fight to protect the PFD. www.pfdak.com STOP THE RAID","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"his mommy and daddy could afford punahou and now NYC at $60,000 per yr","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A great man who served honorably. what is your problem?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wouldn't put money on that!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The only thing ISIS and al-Qaeda really prove, to intelligent people, it that they are hate mongering, brutal, genocide maniacs, that need to be exterminated from the face of the earth.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Now #, we don't know that yet do we?\nI didn't say anyone has broken any law(s).\nWhat I wrote was \"....and whether or not they've broken the law.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about we investigate how Obummer not only threatened fellow Americans but actually attacked them thru the IRS and NSA. These diversions are ham handed attempts to take our eyes off the real struggle\nhttp:\/\/www.truthrevolt.org\/news\/video-david-horowitz-second-civil-war","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Illegitimate US Citizens aka anchor babies are nothing but a Trojan horse, I don't consider them US Citizens. Like the old saying, the nut doesn't fall far from the tree!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Posting \"Toronto Liberal does not have... intestinal fortitude...\"\nwhile hiding behind an online nickname is:\na) ironic\nb) pathetic\nc) a complete lack of self awareness\nd) all of the above","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Good","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So you are offering me a choice of Venezuela or Cuba as my ideal socialist system? I think this question can be better answered by a socialist. I'm not sure there are many of those around anymore.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"http:\/\/www.businessinsider.com\/james-comey-loretta-lynch-bill-clinton-hillary-emails-2017-5\n\nTry starting with the head of the DOJ meeting on a private jet with the husband of a world leader under investigation by that same DOJ, a week before the conclusion of the investigation... It's conspiracy AND treason.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're using a logical fallacy there, so your comment doesn't count.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good article, but it makes one think that the the reaction to these events from politicians and the media is a major contributor to the recurrence of similar events. The goal of the perpetrators is to make worldwide news, and they achieve that, every time. Would there be any point in killing innocent people they don't even know and facing almost certain death themselves except for the attention they expect to receive as a result of what they have done? \n\nAnd what is Theresa May talking about? What value is there in anything she said? She is a political opportunist. \n\nThe news reports say the perpetrator in this case was a loner but that 8 people have been arrested. What is the explanation for the apparent contradiction? \n\nIt is also news today that the perpetrator of the threats against Jewish institutions in America and elsewhere is a teenager, a person with no ability or intention to carry through on anything, no doubt just another nut case.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, this announcement, coming just a week after the upper house of the German government announced that that country will not produce internal combustion engines burning fossil fuels by 2030 is rather anti-climactic...far short of Germany's obviously clear understanding of atmospheric science.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No matter what Trump says our Media takes one little sentence of what he says and twists it around then throws it back at us as something awful. This story has gone around the globe and has hit the top stories at every online news site. What Trump stated is not what is being reported. What is being reported is how the journalists want it reported. I can understand why some countries do not allow freedom of the press. When this freedom is abused like it is today it should be taken away. What we are seeing is an outright abuse of this freedom to the point that absolute lies are reported as news.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You missed the point.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"FYI, John Lam, here is her response, (article didn't pick it up). No \"for shame\", she addressed the question: (*From her Facebook page)\n\nMililani Trask Aloha FB friends, this is Mililani. Zachary, just for the record I am not supporting, endorsing or running on a slate with Keli'i Akina or anybody. I was asked to be interviewed on his show on OHA. Two years ago, I had to rail and educate Dr. Akina that if he was elected, he would be in violation of his trust and fiduciary responsibility if he attempted to share our resources with any non Hawaiian. That as an elected Trustee, he would need to uphold the law and mandate of OHA I'm not yelling I am simply stating I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT ENDORSE Dr. Akina or any other candidate. I hope this answers your question!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well said, IT. Thank you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Although this is quite an emotive subjective article, if the allegations are true then it does show callousness on the part of the owners and the department. I'm I'm sure there is another side to the story that will shed more light on it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"no, merely stupid","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"not to mention his constant actions showing he believes that he is outside the law and that he thinks a president can do what he wishes with out any consequences.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't believe everything you read on social media","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Erm, Leggy was making a joke. As 5 people (so far) seem to have understood.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"M97 has zero chance of passing. Taxpayers are smarter than the pols think.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Grootes is a leftie and its easy to pick on \"right wing\" white politicians in another country. Another article by Grootes just for the sake of writing an article for DM.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"At least now all the liberals out their (sic) admit to this fact [a 30-year plan by the Chinese to conquer the world]...\"\n\nReally? You use the small \"L\" so, that leaves out the provincial government. I take it you mean liberal-minded people. That means you're talking about me. You're wrong: I do NOT believe there is a 30-year plan to conquer the world. I really hesitate before calling people xenophobes or racists, too. I do call some \"kooks\"--and I think you're one of them, Klens75.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please quit listening to rush and sean. That very old right-wing story of the Clintons \"stealing\" objects from the White House was debunked long ago.\n\nOur choice is between these two candidates. I would have rather seen Senator Sanders as the nominee, but that didn't happen. Hillary is far from perfect. However, she is not the very real threat to the welfare and safety of our nation and, in fact, the entire world Mr. Trump represents. It's quite easy to sit back and say \"oh, they're both just awful, so I'm not going to vote for either one.\" That, in my opinion, is a classic cop-out.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So in other words, Rep. Lee felt he had to introduce SOMETHING this session to get his name in the spotlight despite it having ZERO effect on anything and not improving the quality of life for his constituents.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, we are talking about a segment of society, that given the choice, still daily consume fake news outlets like Faux, Rush, Breitbart and InfoWars.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I just discovered that the Electronic R-G publishes \"Fake Advertising\"!\n\nThere is link today that says \"Dr Mehmet Oz killed in Traffic Accident at 58\"\n\nWhen you click on the link it's actually a way to go to his website to buy something!\n\n\nIt turns out that he is still alive and well. \n\nFake Advertising!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Have you checked your payroll deposit slip? If you have Employer paid Extended Health Care the Premiums for those should already appear in the Taxable Benefits section.\n\nIn BC Employer Paid MSP Premiums are also Taxable Benefits, but CRA does not allow them to be listed as Health Expenses when you calculate your annual spending on Health Care for your Income Tax Return.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Treason? Please explain.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I did not see in the tape where Tillerson denied calling Trump a moron ..........\nG&M: Please correct the headline","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"\"Health care for everybody\" is ultimately a socialist concept. The US cannot reconcile this concept with a for-profit market system which is why \"Obamacare\" cannot work well and anything the Republicans come up with will fail. The US system using insurance companies will never work to cover the sickest people because obviously coverage of sick people is a losing business proposition.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Its not all about lowering employee cost. Union shops, in many cases inflate their own cost artificially through wages\/dues. Non-union shops can re-invest savings into research & development, better equipment, new technology to maybe fulfill the contracts better. And yes, the owners can even take more of a salary for themselves....I know the socialist here hate that but that's capitalism and that's their right as owners of the company. Its a free market.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Liberal Government of Justin Trudeau signed off on the Saudi deal. There is absolutely no proof that there would have been penalties. If there were, these would have been made public.\nNo arms deal contract is considered binding until the government signs off on it, that is standard procedures. \nThe only person who made the claim that there would be penalties was \"a Liberal insiders talking to the Toronto Star\", not exactly a reliable source.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think what makes the crime level seem so horrible is social media. Nothing like a few minutes of Scanner Joe on Facebook to feed the fear. Throw in a couple of messages from the APD via Nixle.us and a quick read of ADN, KTUU, and KTVA online and the paranoia is complete. There are good people and bad people in Anchorage. Just as there has been for my 50 years here. The main thing that has changed is that realtime has been added to the mix. By the way, we never did recover our Ford Falcon- stolen from behind the house in 1972.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"common sense..? +++RG: \"While LTD staff waited for an officer to arrive, according to the search warrant affidavit, Johnson allegedly arrived at the Glenwood headquarters, pleading with the dispatch supervisor to get the cellphone back. .....told Johnson he had to file a lost and found report at the LTD customer service office on Willamette Street in downtown Eugene because the supervisor \u201csuspected the cellphone contained evidence of at least one criminal act.....\nThe next morning, Johnson allegedly did go to the customer service office and told an employee that it was important that he get his phone back.... \"I guess he didn't cross paths with the cop in LTD's dispatch room.++++but the prostitute\/money\/girl scout money story beats this hands down....lol","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is really odd how excited you are to give the government your PFD and an income tax.\n\nIf you want to go ahead and write them a check right now, I am sure they will accept it.\n\nOr...are you a legislative staffer by chance?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's said that the flapping of a butterfly's wings can change the weather half way round the world and, as this article points out, influence politicians.\n\nWhat an inspiring article on the interplay of biology and politics, and youthful enthusiasm. Much appreciated Burt. The picture of William Haines is worth a thousand words. Great job.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It`s not a raid on the fund if his plan include keeping it healthy with some form of inflation proofing to keep the \"draw\" off the earnings each year as level as possible, getting us away from the boom and bust fiscal cycles because we were talked into a net tax and not a tax on the gross. Fixing the 5% base as the governor seeks will keep at least a minimum severance value for our finite remaining quality light oil. If we tax them like Jay Hammond advised us to, they will pay it. They (the slope cartel) are not going anywhere. \n http:\/\/www.utpb.edu\/images\/default-source\/utpb-images\/ceed\/images\/permian-basin-oil-graphs-etc\/pbreservescomparison.jpg?sfvrsn=2","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh and how long is that ridiculous story\"Cherie Kidd, I have learned from this experience \" going to be plastered on the front of your newspaper web site? It was first published on Sept. 22nd and today is Oct.6th. It is in no way an apology for her bad behavior and a slap in the face to local citizens. Do you think we enjoy looking at the headlines for this insulting story day after day?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The document is abundantly clear; including chapter 8. Using the word 'confusing' to describe it is a smokescreen used by those who disagree with it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And so the downfall of the failed Trumpian vision of America begins. Good riddance.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree the type of play you mention is a result of \"safe\" helmets. You never see rugby players tackling with their heads, they tackle with their shoulder and arms","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You hit the nail directly on the head with your comment Gonzo. Not only are you working hard to support your self and your family but money is taken from what you earn to support so many who refuse to work. There are many people here in Alaska that receive race based lifetime welfare and never have to work ever for their entire life. The Taxpayer is forced to provide everything they need. The only responsibility they have is to go to the Post Office and pick up their welfare check that the Working People provides them with. Not much stress at all living like that. You are working hard to provide free health care for so many who just plain refuse to work becausecof pure laziness alone yet you have to deplete your savings for your own health care. The military is always hiring and if eligable people should have to join or they get no free health care.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The city may be wrong but in this case im glad they sided with the public as it should and always has been when it comes to beach accesses to public beaches. Its just your tone towards local people and how you see us as something else is whats really disappointing me. Yes we might say things to rich\/non local people but thats cause no respect is shown and by the way you speak and your choice of worlds I believe you dont show any. You have a chance to build bridges with the rest of us but the way you speak sounds like you have no interest in doing that but rather keep things icy. I hope you see the positives and can work towards living aloha.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump didn't let the KKK in, the Police who work for the city bureaucrats that unlawfully tried to shutdown the event because they dont like free speech did. You watch, right now both sides are sharing blame, but the Left will end up wearing this whole mess in the end.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We need a credible conservative party that doesn't have the same development centric history. Focused on infrastructure development and keeping taxes from rising otherwise vision will continue to work both sides of the fence","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Whoaaaa, 20 mph wind gusts. Better not travel to Wyoming if you call that \"wind\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trudeau's thinking goes something like this: rules and standards are meant for people who are bad and who break rules and standards; Liberals are good and don't break rules and standards hence can go to a \"pay for play\" evening because they are not going to be influenced by what anybody says or does. If they appear to have been influenced by doing something done or heard, it's only because they were going to do that anyway. They certainly appreciated the money the nice business people brought to the party but it had no influence and they can't help it if bad people's minds are in the gutter and misinterpret their actions. There, he's a clear as a bell. If that doesn't convince you, it's because you're not trying.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You can be sure he had some corrupt help from the DNC and the Clintons!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Time to take a stand against the cowards and theives. Take it to them vote them out we have the records of those who want to move the money around and hide it and take ours. Recall begins now and vote begins 1 August.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Russians controlled the election and now they are controlling the NFL.\n\nRussian-linked Twitter accounts stoked NFL anthem debate\nhttps:\/\/www.cnet.com\/news\/russian-linked-twitter-accounts-stoked-nfl-anthem-debate\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ah yes, the wall that Mexico was going to pay for.\n\nIs there anything that Trump said that had any meaning in reality or was it all simply feeding time for his naive \"base\"? Hard to argue against the latter.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Did Texas use income tax to build a Rainy day fund? \n\noh thats right, no income tax in Texas but they want to tax our income to bail them out while Texas Senators voted against aid to New York after Sandy!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"megalomania, paranoia, demagogue\". You're trying to describe Trump, right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sure, OK, whatever you say, you must have some sort of insight into how I glean and interpret my news and such....Huh?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eric Bjerregaard, The article uses the word \"pesticides\" six times. You yourself refer to the chemicals as \"pesticides\" twice in your comments. CB readers can see that. You are contradicting yourself. You are the one who doesn't understand what you have written. Let the readers decide.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's nice to have a leader in Alberta with some GUTS. The previous Tea Party Muppets just took their orders from the Southern puppet masters and kicked the energy problems down the road. We have to do SOMETHING to get our house in order....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A student that wants no accountability for bad behavior... you.... don't.... say....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A lot of States, Counties, and Cities across the country are finding out that their \"generous retirement plans\" of 50, 40, 30, 20, and even 10 years ago are coming back to bite them....big time.\n-\nPeople are living longer. A lot longer. And people are retiring \"as soon as they can\" so they can enjoy their \"retirement years\" longer. More people are living into their 80s, 90s, and even into their 100s today than they were 50 years ago. That causes a financial burden on any retirement system that allows someone to \"retire\" at 60, 55, 50, or even \"at 40 with 20 years of work.\" \n-\nPERA might not be as \"good\" as LAPD was decades ago (50% of your pay for the rest of your life with 20 years service), but even PERA \"upped their generosity\" years ago during the \"years of plenty\" that is causing them to struggle during the \"lean years.\"\n-\nAnd PERA's \"generosity during the years of plenty\" is not something that the taxpayers should be forced to bear the brunt of...now or ever.\n-\nThe Guv is right.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Very good column, MSW","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I can't argue with how they made you feel, but I feel like there are several steps between talk of complimentarianism with some off-putting interactions and saying the church \"believes mixed-race marriages aren\u2019t okay.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Could you have posted a more ignorant comment? Read up on Poland-Russia relations first.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"How do I answer a question that you have created by making your inferences as to what happened? Kind of like asking me why the sky is green. You haven't provided any evidence that every (or even some) MF waited until 3:50 to buy ENB. I am not going to spend my time chasing a random thought that popped into your head.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I love that the way you showed your distaste for personal freedom was by ambivalently supporting your children. Way to show em!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Title: The Trump presidency has had missteps in foreign policy\n\nYa think?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He represents all businesses (for profit and non-profit) and citizens in the state of Oregon. I suspect he is not the only politician to be on the board of a non-profit. I seriously doubt that William Hooper would be complaining if the non-profit was one that he supported.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":".\n\n\"The lower house of the Russian parliament has given final approval to a bill decriminalizing some forms of domestic violence.\n\nThe State Duma voted 380-3 Friday to eliminate criminal liability for battery on family members that doesn\u2019t cause bodily harm, making it punishable by a fine or a 15-day arrest.\n\nThe law needs to be approved by the largely rubber-stamp upper chamber and signed by President Vladimir Putin, who has signalled his support.\"\n\n--\n\nThe Putin dictatorship legalizes wife-beating.\n\nPutin and Trump are scheduled to have a phone conversation tomorrow.\n\nWill Trump will be seeking advice from his man-crush Putin on techniques?\n\n.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's as simple as if you don't want to go, don't go.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wrong, gonegolfin. The potus suggesting he might fire sessions if he doesn't do what he wants is akin to forcing an investigation. What else would you call it but \"arm - twisting\"?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Two things that would make travel safer across the state.... enforcing the current ridiculously under posted politically based not science & engineering based in any way maximums across the state are not what would make travel safer(70+ years of DOT collected data says no one will ever obey them no amount of enforcement will ever change that. But what the data does say is they create dangerous to all disruptions in normal flow)......\n\nfirst would be, do away with the split speed limits that are lower for trucks, most states in recent years have found a lower posted limit for trucks does not make travel safer but makes it less safe from the rolling road blocks they create...\n\nSecond would be, ticket drivers irregardless of their speed in relation to posted maximum when they block the passing lane. In the states which have passed laws making passing lane blocking with no regard to travel speeds in relation to posted maximums reduces the real danger to travel....aggressive driving......","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Today's removal of the strictures on banking & Wall Street practices, designed to avoid a repeat of the 2008 recession...that action alone has the potential to damage & destroy the lives & livelihood of U.S. workers--again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No worries. Still a good post","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm just happy that you finally used a statistic that you didn't create out of thin air!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You wish. The Prime Minister's almost singular raison d'\u00eatre is a Liberal re-election in two years, and his party targets those Liberal voters with the accuracy of a Predator drone. For one example (from several painfully obvious ones), the outdated supply-management dairy and poultry cartel ... a huge negotiating point in the NAFTA talks ... will never be touched or even considered because he needs Quebec votes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The book Time Enough for Love (Robert Heinlein), published in 1973 and still in print, explores at great length this question of what to do with your time if you have thousands of years to live. Having said that, extending our lifespans in any significant way is still deep in the realm of science fiction. Not to mention that we are already way overpopulated.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't use drugs then, duh!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You will never convince a Lib that Wynne is clueless and incompetent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Brazile: <>\n\nhttps:\/\/twitter.com\/donnabrazile\/status\/926465631536459777\n\nBrazile is shocked, shocked right-wing media is having a field day with her book.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Call in 50! The yakuza is buying up Kakaako. Suitcases full of money to buy condos and shave ice stands. The HORROR!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Better take your meds and calm down.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That argument would carry a lot more weight if the people typically trying to ban abortion weren't also the ones who want to stop programs aimed at teaching safe sex and family planning.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"TheOMB may just have a different view on the 'heritage' status.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We want to protect the American people by keeping out the \"bad dudes\" but we also want to make it as easy as possible for American citizens to get their hands on guns. Nope, don't see any contradiction there.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Do you want your streets plowed or your police department stopped from having sex with prostitutes? You can't have both unless we raise more income through taxes.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You have ZERO clue, none, nada, less. Have you ever been to a homeless camp or to one of the facilities ever? Have you ever dealt with this population? Somehow I doubt from your completely ignorant and un-compassionate diatribe. Lets start with a few basic facts many of these people suffer from mental illness and have zero chance of getting a job like ever. These are the people who would have been locked up before Reagan. Second many suffer from substance abuse and thus are not employable. Many suffer from both, in any event they are in ever sense less fortunate than you and I. Yes there are some who refuse to get a clue, and I have real heart burn about that. Many people are one paycheck, one hospital bill one broken car away from homlessness. Once there it is very, very difficult to keep and maintain a job. \"What you do to the least of these you do to me\". Ever hear that?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is it just me or does CO Springs actually have shootings every day lately?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And during The Depression the banks kept everybody's money and closed their doors. Today, they are far worse. If Trump truly wants to drain the swamp, he should start there.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What incentive would prompt North Korea to cooperate \"... unless it denuclearizes and gives up its weapons of mass destruction.\"? It sure didn't help Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi from U.S.-inspired regime change. But having a nuclear capability has prevented war and invasion invasion of Israel, Iran, Russia, China, India and Pakistan.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Great article.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When I travel, it is clear to me which societies allow me to walk around on my own and feel welcome because plenty of other women are doing the same, and those in which I can't, because women are pretty much invisible.\n\nGuess which ones I prefer?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He is beyond the cares of this world. May he rest in peace.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's not harmless if it's going to cost big $$$ that could be spent elsewhere like for example after school programs for vulnerable disadvantaged youth, who might end up HARMing themselves or others in lieu of better social support.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"said Hummel, whose county\u2019s natural beauty belies a reputation for misdeeds by its own lawmen\".\nWhat? AP wrote this? No wonder. Didn't the Oregon State Police current place kicker, Lt Edwards, move to Bend with a promotion after assaulting a motorist and losing in court? Maybe the \"county's natural beauty\" will help Edwards change his new reputation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Finally someone with brains. Of course, the prime minister doesn't take selfies unless it's with Obama when he visited the prime minister's office. People who call Justin Trudeau Mr. Selfie are blind.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Fifty dollars per Kilo - are you dreaming? Knowing how the Canadian government operates, they'll be looking to charge $50 for a single gram.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You are in denial about socialism: It doesn't work.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really??? Holy cow!!! Oh, you forgot to include your evidence\/proof in your accusation. I'm sure that was just an oversight on your part and you'll be providing it momentarily, right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In fact, I welcome the higher rates, hoping that they will lead to higher int. rates on savings accounts and GICs. Also, higher bank loan rates might lead to bigger bank profits and then, probably, higher dividends. For those of us who have saved, it's a plus.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"These dang liberal \"scientists\" are being paid by Hillary Clinton and Soros to make up this data to try and stick it to the oil and gas industry and fill their own pockets with all that sweet sweet Wind and Solar money!\n\nEarthquakes are just Gods way of telling us how much he loves us!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"thanks for letting us know that Trumps support among Republican women is rising! Anything that the ADN or any media today says is false. It is easy to put two and two together, what with 24\/7 CITIZEN reporting and CITIZENS commenting. Americans see the charade that the Clinton\/MSM is trying to foist on them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This ^^^^^^^^^","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So, the satiric one doesn't believe an investigation is appropriate, and would rather leave it to individual lawsuits. Huh.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The asylum seekers are illegal immigrants, people whose visas have expired and so forth. Though the U.S. has always been tough to some extent on these people (I think all kinds of measures were in the works under Obama), the current president is far more vocal about it, and so these illegal immigrants are trying to get into Canada instead. They are not refugees, they are not fleeing for their lives. While they may want a better life than in the country of their birth, there's no guarantee they'll actually succeed in Canada. Unlike the immigrants we allow into the country, they're not vetted for the skills required to succeed here. Nor are we as huge a country as the U.S., with the scope of opportunity there.\n\nWe already have massive immigration and a robust refugee system. I don't think Canadians need to feel that they are cruel and unwelcoming because they don't support opening our borders to the U.S.'s illegal immigrants.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well then, nothing to worry about. Move along folks. Nothing to see here. When the lights go out it'll be Hillary Clinton's fault.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Clinton campaign has a TV ad airing which challenges tRump's sacrifice to the nation. While tRump is shifting around in his chair when asked to identify what personal sacrifices he's made, he tries to list his financial accomplishment. In the meantime, the TV ad is focusing on military veterans who lost sons in a war or veterans who were sitting in a chair without legs, or veterans watching tRump on previous episodes arrogantly saying he knew more than our military generals. The tRump sacrifice ad is powerful and I hope the clinton campaign plays that every day until November.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Time to bake the doughboy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh good grief...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Parliamentary tradition and precedent suggests the L- G should call upon the NDP to form the government since they have the majority support in the house. The NDP with the support of the Green should be given the opportunity to govern. If they are unable to continue to govern then they will need to advise the L-G who at that time then should dissolve the legislature and the election should be held at that time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So the \"pray-pay-obey\" model is only for those in the pews?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Every once in a while I read one of Ms. McLaren's articles only to ask myself after why I bothered. They are always so trite and filled with detail about her, her kids, her spouse, or the challenges she faces as a white, privileged, working mother. (sorry, my words, not hers). I'm a little puzzled why a national paper would publish articles that seem better suited for a personal journal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bush presented false information to Congress regarding WMDs that didn't exist. His was an argument that Iraq posed an imminent threat and by misrepresenting the facts, he duped congress. The fault lies with him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I was one of those people who was always suffering set backs; little seemed to go right for me,money always passing through my hands and always dogged by sheer instances of bad luck; no progress even with all the years i worked,anxious and worried about the life and future of my children,family pressure until i sought the help of a very powerful traditional healer called Ma' Micah {+27715 529 472} whose 'jujuu oil' has since changed everything from my work;finances,relationships. contact her for any help.<>>","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When you stack the room with Liberal cultists it's pretty easy to get a standing ovation. Now try the real world.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"He's now a true me first Provincial politician.\"\n\nUnlike Horgan and Wynne? Or a me-first Mayor like Coderre who gloated about the decision? \n\nCan't move oil west, or east. But billions of dollars can be moved via equalization payments, and of course there is \"too important to fail\" Bombardier lapping up taxpayer subsidies. There's nation building for you. I don't know if Kenny rides a hobby horse of eastern hatred....but I wouldn't blame him if he did.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ok. Judgy McJudgerston. You know all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Glen Race is the young man who killed three people. He used marijuana and developed schizophrenia in his late teens\/early twenties.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Puberty blockers are not \"irreversible.\" Kids take them under medical supervision and if the kids decide they're not TG, they just stop taking them and puberty proceeds. However, if they ARE transgender, this gives them an opportunity to avoid a puberty that would be distressing for them and allows them a chance to express the gender they experience. Surgery performed in accordance with the \"standards of care\" for transgender people would only happen when the patient is old enough to give consent (so no kids) and their medical team (including mental health professionals) agree that it is appropriate. This stuff really isn't as unsupervised as many seem to think.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"To Sher Hindustan\n\naccording to MARGARET WENTE Sweden does not look too rich\n\nSwedish welfare ghettos - social strains - $4-billion a year on settling new refugees\n\n\"Sweden\u2019s fantasy is that if you socialize the children of immigrants and refugees correctly, they\u2019ll grow up to be just like native Swedes. But it hasn\u2019t worked out that way. Much of the second generation lives in nice Swedish welfare ghettos. \"\n\n\"The social strains \u2013 white flight, a general decline in trust \u2013 are growing worse. The immigrant-heavy city of Malmo ... is an economic and social basket case.\"\n\n\"Sweden\u2019s generosity costs a fortune, at a time when economic growth is stagnant. The country now spends about $4-billion a year on settling new refugees \u2013 up from $1-billion a few years ago, Mr. Sanandaji (himself an immigrant, a Kurdish-Swedish economist) said.\n\n\"Sweden\u2019s ugly immigration problem\" - Margaret Wente - Globe and Mail - Sept 1, 2015","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"True._Compared_to_Trump,_Nixon_was_a_Commie.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is good to see these happen. Rural folks have many obstacles to overcome to get decent care. Glad Lisa stepped up on this.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This move doesn't say anything good about top leadership at BVSD. Hiring Stevenson as the interim superintendent isn't a good move but is seen as more palatable than promoting anyone from within? That's got to hurt for a lot of the folks at the top in BVSD.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now Wheeler is in the backpocket of the PBA. Get ready for massive homeless sweeps!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Kind of ironic that a piece on financial literacy can't get the compounding math right...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The humanity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This Country just keeps getting stranger and stranger. It's sure not the Canada I grew up in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Harry is far more than a \"patron\" of these games. He FOUNDED them! He wanted to honour the soldiers who had been injured in service, and thus we have the Invictus games.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I heard it mentioned on TV yesterday that Bannon is a Catholic. Must be uncomfortable for him at his KKK rallies. :-)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Donal J. Trump is the very definition of all show, and no go, but some people are entranced by him nonetheless; probably for the same reason some people like professional wrestling.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Neither does trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I would have to think that some buddies got together, did some METH, drank some OLD ENGLISH, and Viola, creates INSTANT VIOLENCE.........\n\nI pray they catch them and throw the book at them. Anyone with information, please come forward and report it to the POLICE......\n\nRead the Sign: REPORT these LOSERS................They have NO HONOR............","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Bloomberg or the NYT had an interview with Trumps 'Art if the deal' co-writer\n\nHe believes things are getting desperate around Trump, as 'he has started to yell at Jarrod' \n\nSounds like this is not good for the Butts\/Trudeau government or its strategy","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"what you are saying is that an Alaskan jury is prejudiced and shouldn't have heard the case?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What is the new state of \"Western Alaska\" going to have for a tax base?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Let's keep Trump out of our electoral reform discussions. Despite some superficial similarities, our two systems cannot be compared. Consider instead Nigel Farage, who could not get elected under the UK FPTP system, but easily won a seat in the European Parliament, which uses party proportional voting. Also consider France, where a proportional system elected Le Pin, until Socialist President Mitterand changed France's system back to a single member plurality system like our own.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a surprise!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Perhaps because the P.M. is juvenile himself?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I didn't see where anyone said she will be indicted, it was said she's being investagated and that's a fact","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Too many cooks in the kitchen...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What does that have to do with this story?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They are most certainly not my choices, but the ones your fellow conservatives have made for themselves. Freedom is a funny thing isn't it? No guarantee your ideological brethren will agree with your choice, but you are the one that started your argument with your implied biopic \"you vote Liberal.\" But now you don't want to be pigeonholed with your ideological comrades. Very interesting. I guess it is OK for you to do it, but not others.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Better yet how about we switch all of congress and the rest of the federal government to ObamaCare....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree that ObamaCare can be revamped, but, not at the expense of American tax payers. Come up with a plan, ensure it is more beneficial, less expensive, and is a better plan. But, it not better, rework the plan.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"With that constant red nose and red face , I question Caldwell's daily sobriety!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Me, \nUntil this past year, due to budget cuts, there were BIP's scattered around the state. It's my understanding that those programs who relied primarily on the state funding are going out of business. Some programs will continue do to the use of other funding. For example, the local tribe here had the state grant for BIP and served all (native and non-Native) court ordered and voluntary perpetrators. Instead of closing it down when the state BIP money is gone, the tribe is considering funding it with tribal funds and to supplement it with billing to the perpetrators. \nAnger management does NOT work with batterers. Even the BIP program requires intense follow-up and safety checks with the victims.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington, FDR, Teddy R, JFK\" LOL. Do you really want an essay on each one of these you 'venerate' which exposes their actual feet of clay under modern standards? Let's start with the fact that half of them were unfaithful in marriage and then go from there? Teddy Roosevelt's White Man's Burden and gunboat diplomacy including the Great White Fleet would just be a start on him. JFK: The Bay of Pigs, the CIA, \"Advisors\" who got us started in the Vietnam War? FDR's attempt to Pack the Supreme Court after they kept finding his legislation unconstitutional would just be a start; he had three terms, after all. Jefferson and slavery? Lincoln's suspension of the law of habeus corpus and only 'freeing' the slaves in Southern states, not the ones who had slaves but supported his side in the Civil War? Should we hate Carnegie for his libraries. too? Or just because he was one of many robber barons? Was the Vanderbilt who was Governor of Rhode Island evil, too?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So as a veteran you've got access to the VA medical system, VA home mortgages, an Alaska state discount for puchasing state land and maybe (if you're retired from the military like me) commissary and PX access. How much more free stuff (i.e. welfare other tax payers foot the bill for) do you think you're entitled to?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Conservative groups have already done this to Douglas County schools and they've made a huge mess of it. We're slowly trying to claw our way back from all the damage they've done. For a group so fixated on how bad government is, they spend an awful lot of time and money trying to control it and make it bigger and less effective.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Finally, he resigns, but not until permanently tarnishing his own legacy. No judgement skills whatsoever.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess you conveniently overlooked that it was Trump's crew, the Russians and the Russian press at that event. \nNo American press admitted! How's that for logic? The fewer participants, the fewer sources for leaks, eh!\nWhat would either of them gain? Who knows, but it certainly doesn't look good on Trump; either he is blabbing too much or someone on his hand-picked crew has it in for him. Either way it goes right back to Trump i.e. not all that smart.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People who go to the Bush to work are heroes. Until you've done it, you just don't even know. Oh, and Bush people are tough as balls, especially the young kids. Respect to the villages.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, why you so angry bud?\nYou seem to 'nitpick' points in the author's piece in order to express your ire. The article was in fact balanced and didnt suggest that Alberta is more racist than any other province. The mistake you make - which breeds unnecessary resentment, denial, and anger - is that when someone calls out white racism they are calling every white person a racist. That is NOT the case and it doesnt help the cause to suggest it is so.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"coping mechanism, we can take it only so long before we just have to purge all of the nonsense we have read. I so wish that the blocking function would be added soon.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A lot of them okay? A meaningful number.\n\nThis is an under-reported story- the fact that a handful of evangelical christians have shaped homeless policy in an undemocratic way by handing out lots of camping supplies. They reject any criticism and reject any input from neighbors.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hello Jay Edward. I have only one word to comment....WHAT? You have a comprehension problem Jay Edward. I never \"elevated\" anyone to the \"level of Christ,\" and I sure did not \"make us Christ.\" I did speak to being Christ-like! Everyone should strive for that. Especially when John the Evangelist relays Jesus' Greatest commandment, to \"love one another.\" So many times we fail at that. But, that is EXACTLY what we need to do to be Christ-like. This isn't a new concept, Jay Edward. It surely isn't something the the holy Fathers concluded during the Second Vatican Council. This has been around since....oh...Christ's time on earth. Another point...When I was referring to \"Christ's Body;\" I was NOT referring to the mystical Body of Christ. I was referring to what St. Teresa of Avila said; that we have to be \"Christ's body\" here on earth, because...oooo...guess what John Edward? Christ has NO BODY here on earth....but ours! If you cannot comprehend that, well...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"have to agree. who and where are they doing their routine maintenance on the airplanes with?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What's on the line? Bigger deficits? Joly hasn't found a nickel she doesn't want to spend. Half a billion for Canada 150 - really? And she wouldn't care, as Morneau and Butts are engineering new taxes in the background.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is no evidence for Pizzagate unless your idea of evidence is incredibly weak.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But if you take away Lamont's pedantry, what will be left?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm interested in knowing how quickly the passengers will go from zero to 1000 mph. And then, how quickly they will decelerate from 1000 mph to zero. Will they have to provide their own G-suits? Will they be quickly slowed by a brick wall at the end?\nBut more importantly, why are folks always so intrigued by the possibility of a quick escape from Toronto to Montreal? Please, no innuendo here about Jean Marchand's remarks regarding the best thing in Ottawa...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you for taking a stand and your support.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Socialism used to be frowned upon in Canada and USA. Is now perfectly acceptable (as it should be, like any other political school of thought).\n\nThe populism seems to get traction and become acceptable too. But we can't have that, can we?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Governor Walker did not halve the size of the PFD. He capped it at $1,000.00. As recently as 2012 and 2013 the PFD was less than $1,000.00. In those years recipients would have received the entire amount if the PFD had been capped at $1,000.00. The average amount over the life of the PFD has been $1,150.00. All of this sniveling about the cap on the PFD and a court challenge at this point will indeed only serve as another distraction from resolving the serious issues related to addressing the budget deficit.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"More revisionist history from Larsy. Southern racists began switching to the Republican party after LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Nixon saw an opportunity and developed his Southern Strategy of playing on white peoples resentment. It took a couple of generations for the South to become solidly Republican.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Kathleen Wynne.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When will the Alaska Delegation of Rep. Don Young, and Senators Murkowski and Sullivan pull there support of Donald Trump as there nominee? If they want the continue support of the majority of Alaskan's they should act soon. This guy isn't fit to be the country's next President","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nobody is suggesting we disarm the police or let violent criminals act without consequence. Be serious.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The PBS Newshour just did a story on the Puerto Rican diaspora. There are now 5,000,000 Puerto Ricans on the US mainland, which is more than on the island itself. Those numbers speak volumes about life in Puerto Rico.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"After muslim killer kills 6 in Quebec, slobbering leftist protesting zombies wobble in self doubt to handlers asking what to do next.\n\n\"We thought you said trump was evil\" they say.\nHandlers shuffle feet and navel gaze......\nTrump looks more right every day mutters zombies\nIn other news aid agencies increase ad campaign with funds from ponzie program dollars donated by last months suckers to capture more sympathy bucks.\nZombies shuffle home to government jobs on buses donated by labour unions\n\nAnd you wonder why Trump won","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Been saying this for weeks now, Kiz. Let's hope the Rocks are savvy enough to get this done!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The most troubling statement of all: \"...and what happened ...that eventually made Trump's behaviour seem normal.\"\n\nA CBC Washington journalist said basically the same thing on the National a couple of weeks ago, during another chaotic \"Trump\" week.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Many of Trumps supporters are immersed in Trumps world of\"alternative facts (lies to the rest of us). Were Trump has succeeded is alienating the press, military, courts, intelegence services, foreign allies and much of the world in just one short month. Wow!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"The driver faces charges of driving on a suspended license, and reckless driving.\"\n\nIt's funny how often those two go together......","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lies.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Way to go, Sen Bennett! We really don't need any federal interference in CO Elections. There is very little evidence of voter fraud, and the few cases that have been found did not have effect the outcome of an election. No voter wants their personal info sent to D.C., entrusted for safe-keeping to that idiot Kobach, and where the Russians only need to hack one place instead of 50 different states!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I've never heard of this charity, but it sounds pretty cool.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you have employer sponsored insurance you might want to check what the Republicans and Trump have in store for you too.\n\nMany people who obtain health insurance through their employers\u2014about half of the country\u2014could be losing protections that limit out-of-pocket costs for catastrophic illnesses, due to a provision of the House Republican health-care bill.\n\nhttp:\/\/www.nbcnews.com\/business\/consumer\/employer-backed-insurance-could-take-huge-hit-gop-healthcare-plan-n734951\n\nNo need for people who have employer based insurance to feel left out. The Republicans and Trump are going to screw you over too.\n\nThank Trump, the Republicans and give thanks especially to Young, Murkowski and Sullivan.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A big problem of hypocrisy remains, though. While Canadian family law proudly celebrates the child's well-being\" concerning equalizing finances after separation, it completely neglects to address equal parenting - a much more important issue - as a default position to move to a year or two post separation.. Thus, until we have a presumption-of-equal-parenting provision, fathers (your sons, dear reader) will continue to be coerced into being second-class parents while expected to be the main earners, mothers will continue their willful dependency on the state and on fathers (all the while blaming patriarchy - your sons once again, dear reader - for their 'wage gap'), and, most regrettably, thousands of boys and girls will continue growing up believing fatherhood is a second-class role. All quite inexcusable, really.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"oh it will achieve plenty! plenty of unemployed people and more people having much less in thier wallets","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I am pretty sure that the news didn't get much reaction because Mariah Carey is no longer relevant.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe, maybe not. More anonymous sources say bad things about Trump. Who's lying?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In fairness to the DoD, it may be that they are targeted for more aggressive collection techniques because their data is considered more valuable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most of the fossil fuel producing states now will not institute a carbon tax, and a U.S. Federal carbon tax is dead for at least the next 4-years. \nIt will make Canada less competitive.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Dermot is correct here and his warnings should be heeded but probably won't be. \nMost Alaskans won't stand for a 15% sales tax or a personal income tax that would more than double the liability of what would be owed on federal taxes. And I'm one of them. \nIt's too bad but the PFD will likely soon end. The PF reserve will have to be tapped amd drained since the state wouldn't be legally insolent. The governors reduction only postpones the end by a year or two. At least there'll be a softer landing...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is Trudeau a Saudi Sheikh now?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So sorry for this mishap. Peace and prayers to you and your family.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"RRD. You have no idea what you are talking about. The march was peaceful, respectful and fun....clearly you weren't there, and your relationship with the truth is as tenuous as Trump and his buddies.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"This will be a precedent setting case. Whether religion trumps human rights.\" - jamgm\n\nThe case may set a precedent, or it may simply follow previous rulings to reach a decision. But what it won't do is set a precedent on whether religion trumps human rights. That question isn't even in play. In fact, putting it that way makes no sense. \n\nA winner-take-all approach is never the best answer when one human right conflicts with another. Competing human rights must be balanced and reconciled, not prioritized in a hierarchy. The idea isn't to create a winner and loser, it's to find the solution that collectively does the least harm to everyone's rights.\n\nThere are competing Charter rights in this case, and the Supreme Court is the place to resolve such matters. It won't rule that religious rights override equality rights, or vice versa. It will strike a reasoned balance, whereby both religious rights and equality rights are given all due respect.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Women go to war - - - \"If can, Can - if cannot, Cannot\"!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's the point; therefore, maybe it's time to give up on this notion that the bishops all knew that these deviant priest couldn't be reformed. Likely, they didn't.\n\n Aren't you tired of living in an era that's totally focused on casting eternal blame on the sins of the past? I know I am.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=f3Ew27dgspQ","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As a retired CCPC, half my money is in stocks where I eke out my retirement income. Half is in fixed income, where after tax and inflation, I loose money.\n\nLots of articles on the big crash coming (of course these articles appear every year regardless) I can't time the market, I would have a high probability of making the wrong choices.\n\nIt would be nice at this stage to have a nice fat taxpayer backed pension, and benefits.\n\nI can't figure out why my modest retirement funds are under attack by trudeau\/morneau\/butts","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ten first-world countries have single-payer: Norway, Japan, UK, Sweden, Canada, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Iceland. \n\nSeven have a two-tier system: NZ, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Australia, Ireland, and Hong Kong (if you still want to count them). \n\nAn insurance mandate (akin to the US's) is provided in Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, South Korea, Greece (...first-world?) and Switzerland.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, just like the Palmer jury let the preacher off some years ago after he cold-bloodedly and with proven premeditation shot two men ho were fleeing from to death in the back. Their bad luck they happened to have records. He's a murderer - but a religious one - so he gets a pass. Same deal with this smug doctor.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What ever happened to the good old days when reputable journalistic houses used to state in bold heading that a column was an editorial??? This is nothing but an opinion piece presented as journalistic fact. I don't necessarily disagree with these opinions but still - shame on the globe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The reason there is no money for health care is that Trudeau has spent it on travel , foreign countries and picture UN.\nWe are too late asking . the cupboards are bare.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thing is, they don't make \"those sports cars\" anymore. The closest they came in recent history is limited edition 911 R. Cayman is now comes with a 4 cylinder engine. They are now faking engine noises in all cars they make. They switched to electric steering. \n\nSo no, they are not just making these minivans on a side to make money. They also turned 911s into boulevard cruisers. No wonder old 911s now fetch as much as brand new ones. Only suburban moms buying what they are making these days.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is just saving face.\nAfter years of asking NATO members pay more 'America' lowered the boom and said pay up or else there's no more defense umbrella for you.\n\nSo now Canada is going to increase its military budget but the reason has nothing to do with being a NATO laggard but it's because Canada doesn't want to become a client state of the U.S. by depending on American military power, freeloading as a human right so to speak.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What did they bring on themselves?\nfreedom?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Funny Michael.\n\nOr are you just refusing to admit that my taxes also paid for my right to use those same roads too?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I noted during last year's campaign season who both choices were terrible but that Trump was worse primarily because of his lack of political experience would lead to him not just stepping on landmines Hillary would avoid but he do so with full volition and with both feet. I just hope that these \"unforced errors\" are enough to convince the independents and non-partisan that voted for Trump the error they made and have the opportunity to address in 2018's midterm elections.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Let me tell you: I watched Maher's appearance on Van Jones' show, 'The Messy Truth,' last week. Maher was amazingly concise on the Western-Islamic divide, as usual. I wonder what he'd have to say about M-103? My guess is that he'd metaphorically slice-and-dice it as effectively as he did Freeland's twaddle during her now infamous appearance on his show.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\" a couple of lady friends\" I like how you think.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of course, we all know the \"Left\" - both politically and theologically - are far superior in every way to normal, everyday folk and \"pew-sitter\" Catholic sheep.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My understanding from a retired SS Special Agent friend is that for visits like this one, helicopter travel is avoided when possible as they consider it much more vulnerable to both accidental malfunction and deliberate interference than travel by motorcade.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There you go, Cooper, what comes first mental illness or drug addiction? And who's going to determine whether or not someone is suffering from mental illness? Have you checked to see what the cost of therapy is? Or realize that it takes months to be seen unless one's suicidal? I believe by the time someone is living on the streets for a period of time they are swallowed up into a cycle of loss of dignity and morales. Have you tried standing or sitting on a community corner holding a sign begging for money or food? How about slithering under a shrub along side a sidewalk or road? Ever had a brush with drug or alcohol addition and try to get a job. I don't believe anyone starts out in life with a \"goal\" to have to scrounge for food, water, shelter, or a place to shower. People get into a rut and oftentimes can't seem to get out without help.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry pumpkin but Alaska isn't a capital punishment state. You want death, move to Texas. Take wolfy with you so he can ask for hanging the guy's hide before they lethal inject him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"but not a SINGLE issue has been solved. In fact, a number of the rollbacks have actually hurt us badly and even refutes what T\/GOP claim they support.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gonna watch the best hockey player on the planet play tonite. My Grandson, 10 yrs old. Matthews couldnt hold a candle to this kid. Already has 65 goals this season. Plays with 12 and 13 yr old boys.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I was a measuring cup kind of gal, until I insisted that my dear mother-in-law teach me to bake her wonderful European goodies. It was then that I purchased a scale for my kitchen. It is very easy, and so accurate. Don't be afraid.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm not drawing relevance from your comment, but since you ask, the chance of dying in an airline accident is apparently 1 in 11 million.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Interesting that the DP headline-writer singled out the tax repeal and larger subsidies and ignored the Medicaid rollback. A very different headline than the Washington Post article. Maybe the DP should consider the headline-writer's objectivity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, there's no way that could have any unintended consequences.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So, is Lisa going to vote for Hillary? Or, not vote at all, either way her vote or lack of vote, will help elect Hillary. Hello liberal control of SCOTUS. Thanks, Lisa.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\u2018Nearly 270 people have died in Canadian provincial jails over the past five years. Two-thirds of them were legally innocent.\u2019 This must be a misprint. Canada is this diverse and joyous Shangri-la built by the likes of Pierre Trudeau and Stephen Lewis. This kind of thing does not happen here.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The reelection of Trump in 2020 will preempt any 2021 Democrat president from happening, and Reality Winner will remain in prison.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Shouldn't that really be Jerky?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The anti-union, misleading journalism continues. No mention of Tier 2 or Tier 3. No mention that it was the judges, not unions, that prevented changes to Tier 1 because it was a breech of contract. Give it up. Tier 1 is said and done - its unlawful to change what was already promised. Suck it up and realize that big reductions to PERS have already occurred via Tier 2 and 3 to ensure the problem eventually ends.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They aren't \"public safety officers\" any more. They're sworn police officers. They're just not allowed to have a gun on their body due to laws regarding campuses. \n\nOne of my friends is one and said students are shocked when they get combative and then find themselves in handcuffs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of course they do but I they also know coming in 8th out of the 11 richest countries is not exactly something to emulate. In Canada's case you obviously DO get what you pay for.\nhttps:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/news\/national\/canada-ranks-third-last-in-study-of-health-care-in-11-rich-countries\/article35692286\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You are so right, Kidding! There is more than enough blame for everyone regarding this mess.\nOur state leaders (current and many past) and, yes, voters and citizens are all responsible. The State has gone from the highest credit rating to almost the lowest (only Illinois and New Jersey are lower). And yet, the legislature continues to do almost nothing, and even Governor Walker doesn't seem too bothered by this.\nI wish there was some way to kick every one of the current legislators out and start over with some who can work things out diplomatically, reasonably, and effectively--you know: like statesmen. Sickening!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A decision made in a last ditch effort to save the premier's political career. A decision made for the sake of political opportunism to secure a vote deserting her en masse. She is trying to project that she represents the interests of all the GTHA and not just the city of Toronto. The problem she cannot shake is that she has succeeded in being untrustworthy and unpredictable- the hallmarks of unstable governance.\n\nShe made the only decision that could be made which is to stop penalizing the nation's economy by grifting employer and employee, interfering in the making of product and getting product to market, creating further gridlock, and treating Toronto as if it was a bedroom community. This is what drives jobs out of the country.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"had to bring color into it. otherwise its only an opinion..? I feel like most the people on your short list are .......older white men. you need some more thought put into this one.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Juneau crew will be putting it under DOT before its over. That way the State coffers will fund maintenance.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What is most disappointing and depressing, but not really surprising, about the US ban is its stunning partiality. Of the 19 attackers during 9-11, 15 came from Saudi Arabia, and one from Egypt. The female half of the couple that attacked in San Bernadino came from Pakistan. These are documented, identified assassins from Muslim majority countries that are NOT included in the ban. Bannon, Flynn, Conway and Trump are almost bracingly stupid and mendacious.. the problem will be where they find themselves out of depth with much more formidable adversaries..","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"IMO the only loser in this entire episode was Kai'ele. He was just a dog doing what most dogs do after just being released from being crated on an aircraft. Imagine being crated and put in an aircraft cargo hold for a trip across the across the ocean. I would be agitated and a little stressed too. My condolences go to the dog, not the owners or the security guy.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"If the US Bishops are ppaying little attention to \"The Joy of Love\", that might be proportionate to the attention people are paying to the US Bisops.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Dear ADN commenters and opinion scribblers. \nPlease scroll down and read David Leavitt's comments on the powerful impact boarding schools have delivered upon our Aboriginal Brethren suffering pre-oil Alaska's mediocre (or non-existent) village education system. I don't know this man but he speaks way over my non-native head.\nGrowing up in Andersen, I never supported nor understood sending Native children outside or across state. But the BIA Indian Boarding Schools sound like they saved thousands of lives from his descriptions of \"Siberian archetypical\" cultural poverty and unimaginable rural Alaska horror. \nMr. Leavitt is truly our brother from a darker mother. He is a hammer amongst us blatantly white and puny literary nails. I've followed his writing and really believe his \"words are of iron\" (Clint Eastwood).\nMy hat is off you and I now follow these amusing and sometimes absurd comments here at the Alaska Dispatch and Mud Flap News.\nYou just keep writing, I'll continue reading.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What's racist? That makes no sense.\n\nMy point was that instead of drawing attention to their issue it has turned into a debate on whether people should protest during a very specific time period ie, the anthem. So whats truly important has been lost in all of this.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And here I thought that I was peerless. Oh well.\n.\nYou really need to read the comments before responding, also the \"uncivil\" notices. In numerous instances on this thread your retorts have been removed, not mine or anyones else's. Remind us again about the definition of projection.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ok, we are ready to hear your solutions to balance the states' financial woes.\nso instead of offering caustic criticism to other responses let us here how you would solve our problems.\nplease be specific.......","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The definition of a Social Justice Warrior: an insanely angry person who is a hammer looking for a nail.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No, Liberals = NDP. Justin is the new leader of the Left and the NDP is highlighted for extinction if he does push through the \"ranked ballot\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"rangerMC, you dont even make sense anymore. when will you thumpers realize that lgbtq's, blacks, muslims, mexicans, asians, the poor, the homeless, aliens, extraterrestrial and earth bound, all have the same, inalienable rights as you, white, christian males do (in a just world of course), the right of personal choice. no one says a straight guy cant marry a straight woman. we just dont care because it is none of our business. its not about your beliefs or your ideology, its about equality and a persons right to choose. your comment on transgenders in elementary school bathrooms is just too stupid to deserve an answer.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"'Lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine\" Women used to say that. Now men have to, to avoid jail time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This guy used to be one of my neighbors. Im glad I moved.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"While the rest of the world is seeing a rise in shark attacks, Schatz throws blood in the water. What an idiot!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Good post, Michael.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Airbus deal is for 1 plane, the rest of the planes, trains, streetcar and other things Bombardier makes get no change.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obviously no, that's nothing to do with what he said.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I feel like this ended too soon, Charles! It doesn't instill any more faith I have in the system than I do now. I'm holding out like that last blade of green grass in a massive lawn of disappointments in American governance. Bernie Sanders is that tiny glance of green before smoldering ruins cloud my remaining vision of my state and country. Damn you, Charles! You didn't finish this one.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Who? \ud83d\ude01","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"go read what's he's having problems with. if you're a parent, and you have a whiny child that is on your last nerve? donald's behaving like that child . and why would anyone expect anything different? that would be the definition of insanity... he's a spoiled pouty brat bully. has been , is and will be","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"In motocross there's a guy they call the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time), Ricky Carmichael. He's the winningest motocross racer in history. By appearances and talent, he definitely wasn't the \"best\". Every year many would be talking about how some new guy was going to unseat Carmichael. But, Carmichael would just continue winning. A sports reporter said many said he was lucky. His response was, \"You make your own luck.\"\n\nLast night, the Broncos made their own \"luck\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Neither one is a CPA.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Neither do the players. Hands up don't shoot.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Margaret Atwood uses social media to her advantage. Today she learns it is a sword that can cut both ways. Boo-hoo.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is disgusting stuff. Trump is causing an existential crisis for billions of people. That crisis is of no interest for the stock market crowd. The only question for them is whether there is a buck in it. Healing drugs, hanging rope, or crematoriums. It's all just investment opportunities.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Except, it IS the answer for the people who want to burn coal, baby, burn coal.\nIt IS the answer for people who want to pretend humans have no effect on the planet on a mass scale.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The liturgy is for man, not for God. Even the worship of the angels is refrigerator art compared to the awesomeness of the Trinity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'doctors and nurses ...are quite as cable to judge and apply ethical reasoning as anyone else'\nSprietsma, you are probably right, but the difference is that doctors are the gatekeepers to prescription contraception. And I can tell you from personal experience that the vast majority of doctors (I am one) and nurses (I dated several, and married one) simply don\u2019t have the aptitude or the intellectual grounding to deal with this issue. \n\nMost doctors are like everyone else\u2014they absorb their sense of morality from the prevailing culture. When the culture is decadent, and modern western culture is decadent, those are the ethics they conform to.\n\n'As to application of ethics to the ethics of their own profession, probably they are more competent than those who know little about medical matters.'\nAgain, contraception is not medicine.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lespark someone needs to knock you off your pedestal. Maybe we are not all achievers like you, but faux you!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really? Give it 2 minutes then back to scheduled programming","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I love the way you adopt all the old Liberal talking points about Harper. Jim Stamford would be proud of you","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe. He claims to be able to cut spending in some areas, but is talking about large investments in health care, education, and infrastructure. He also wants to give young people a \"culture pass\" of close to a thousand dollars so they can attend the theatre and concerts. He has no plans to thwart immigration, and has stated that no religion is a problem for France (admittedly, this isn't economic, but it's a far cry from the far right, and distances himself from Trump as well).\n\nOn the other hand, he is upping military spending, hiring more cops, and creating more prison beds, all generally hallmarks of the right.\n\nGuess time will tell.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes of course there are guarantees in the charter which are meant to apply to third world regimes\/dictatorships of which the US is not one. I thought Canada had a list of countries that were supposedly \"safe\" where one could not claim the above to try and game the system into getting into Canada. The law needs to be enforced here and these people sent back to the US right away otherwise what is the purpose of rules if you can just cheat to get around them?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you are a woman and you can't envision a woman in a particular role , then you won't vote for a woman in that role. Germany and America are two completely different cultures. Think cheerleaders vs a country that really gets hate speech. I love Ms Merkel but she wouldn't even get on the ballot in the US. I am an MD, I have dealt with sexual harassment, I have been groped on a Toronto street and I have encountered more misogynistic doctors than I care to enumerate. Many of my wonderful patients have dealt with far worse. Yes Margaret, there really is a different life experience for men and women. Secretary Clinton was hit with wave after wave of extrinsic forces that were far outside outside the normal electoral process. James Comey's behaviour was appalling. He berated Clinton on and on and then said we are not charging her with anything.Who gets to do that? Which man would get treated like that? Not Trump. He was only being investigated for collusion with the enemy. No big deal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The last race was a 3 horse race. 70% of the vote was against Ford. If it is a two horse race the result will be the same. I know who I am voting for","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We \"shouldn't\" need $54M and a year and a half to figure it out. Trudeau I and Chretien had the solution mapped out ~50 years ago. But there is the entire $10B+\/annum Indian Industry at stake here (bent band \"leaders\"; politicians; lawyers; consultants), so expect the FN's best interests to be again sacrificed indefinitely to preserve the staus quo.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Alaskans pretend to be conservatives but this PFD welfare program proves we're all closet socialist.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Greetings.....this is a great assessment of not only what schism is about, but also how priestly and single\/divorced couple discernment is essential for true contrition .........thus the renewal of the Eucharist into their lives! So IMHO......the Gang of Four cardinals should remember that like past Pope's Holy Father Francis is the Vicar of Christ, and they should be respectfull of that fact","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"LOL thinking apple is the future. Apple is great for easy to use products but terrible if you actually want to try and do your own thing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Poog has lived in Ottawa so long that the poor fellow thinks health care is a federal responsibility.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"More power to the deflector shields, Scottie!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Through my company I act as an early stage investor in Canada and US .( I dislike the term angel) \nTalk about unintended consequences!\nI don't think \" they \" understand the effect of the proposed tax change.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"It would appear\" that you know very little about information security. Private industry is victimized by malware on an everyday basis. Being infected by some variant of a virus that has been around for a while does not automatically mean the organization was negligent or that its employees were inferior. That could be the case, but there certainly isn't enough information in this article to conclude that it is.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No discussion of environmental issues at all. 3 Republican traitors grinning and picking over the massive wealth still to be generated from every corner of the state leading to total degradation of all sustainable, renewable resources. Bye Bye Fisheries.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of course it would.....why? Because the morality expressed by the international community is inconsistent with the contract that has been signed by god\/jesus\/insert whatever other deity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"This reaction is unfortunately the only way to snuff out this terrible movement.\"\n\nYeah? How did those street riots work out at snuffing out the Nazis in Germany? It only made them more popular. Stop feeding the trolls should apply here too.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It would be nice to see a transgendered black Latina beat Trump in 2020.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you liked Rick Mercer's programme, you liked it. If you didn't, you didn't.\nEnd of story. I'm just sick of everything being picked to death.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wonder how much more are using a \"Canadian\" front buyer but are in fact foreign buyers?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"LMBO!!!! Might could be at least partly why she is an \"Ex Mother In-Law\"??!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"throwing money at it is not the solution, it is an inefficient industry, governed by their own bodies etc.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No please no.\nDo not import anything of Donald Trump.\nNothing, zero, zilch.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pair bonding is just a means to assure that offspring have a mother and a father.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If attacked by a bear, grab your bear spray and spray into your eyes because you really don't want to see what is going to happen to you!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I thought that you were talking about other bells.\nReality check -- most of the time, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated by one priest, with maybe one or two altar boys. Few parishes have deacons. Altar boys can be scarce, as well. It all depends on the parish. \nRe a procession around the nave -- I am not sure what you are talking about. The Small Entrance is a procession with the gospel around the altar, out of the side door and back into the main door of the iconostasis. The Great Entrance is from the table of the proskomydyya, out the side door and back through the main door of the iconostasis. There is no procession around the nave of the church during the Liturgy.\nI think that, at least in the Ukrainian Church, there might have been many more changes, had not the Ukrainian Church been in preservation mode, because of its banning by the Soviets. But that's another conversation....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The OIA''s Championship playoffs are brutal. Total of 4 games to the ship, one week off, then States. Last year you had teams forfeiting a game just to recover. Play teams like Kahuku and Waianae at the end of the season and your injuries go up. So yeah, a lot of OIA teams are depleted. Let me say that Lahainaluna and Kapaa did not belong in last year's D2 championships.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"She left her car unlocked?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually the article looks childish and desperate. Interactions with animals can cause injury and disease. Anyone should know that, it's not worthy of an article promoting destruction of the species. The old argument that one shark bites a person so we need to eradicate them is speciest, uneducated drivel. Promoting it in a major publication is worse. ALL invasive species are the result of one primary invasive species that transports them and introduces them into foreign environments. Animals living in the wild are only doing what they should, and exactly what people also do - find a place to live, try to survive, and want to be left alone to exist and raise their families. It's interesting that the very people that proclaim this as their own right are the same ones that want to deny it to others. Now if you want to write an article about controlling the primary invasive species, that would be worth reading.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In Boulder? I highly doubt it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Another diagnoses from a progressive socialist. You have no idea who Mike Pence is or what he stands for, or how he \"feels\" when he defends Trump. I admire him for defending an imperfect leader, because he has honor and dignity and a sense of loyalty that is sorely lacking in today'society. And BTW: Bernie would not have won, he is a KOOK.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The guy is making a fool of himself every single day so, quite frankly, it's not inappropriate for anyone to call him out on it. Once he starts acting like a decent human being making funny comments will surely stop. Although, I'm afraid there's no hope he will see that light. At 70 years and having been a bully all his life, too late now.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Well, it's nice he has an opinion on something.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That is as plain as I can write. I was making an observation -- \"(seriously)\"\nDo you disagree with my observation. Do you have an observation of your own that you would like to share with all of us.\nLet me just say again what I said before -- Trump ends up with better looking women than Bubba.\nDo you have a point (seriously)?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If JZ will survive the ballot, secret or not, why is the secret ballot resisted so vehemently by the ANC leadership? After all, if it fails to remove Zuma, then the ANC can claim Unity and that everything is cool, and there should be no split, and the looting can continue unabated.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He means Bombardier employs middle class and upper class tax payers. Should they close shop, Canada would take a serious hit to our tax revenue. The ownership may suck, but they provide the types of jobs Canadians need. Kinda like the oil industry.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you want to learn the true legacy of Christianity, read \"A History of Pagan Europe\" by Jones & Pennick. This includes Halloween, Christmas & Easter, with all of the strange things that are included into \"true believing\" church services, all in the name of Christianity. None of which are going to be tolerated by a Second Coming Jesus...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Keep the judges, impeach the President. \nImpeach President Trump. Wow, that has a nice ring to it, and it feels so natural to say it and hear it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, we had the # of days of remission set out too; but the holy sisters never ceased to remind us the 117 days or so from a measly \"Confiteor,\" were not even a drop in the bucket considering the hundreds of thousands of years we were going to spend there.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So standing up to a tyrannical minority is bullying? I'm just aghast at your attitude! That's like calling a parent a bully who says 'no' to a temper tantrum. We gave hope and change 8 years, now it's time to try undo the unprecedented damage that was done to our national debt, our economy and our social fabric. Grownups needn't feel shame.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One way for her to get an answer would be 'I'm leaving'.\nShe should also ask about the total cost - rather than just what her advisor is getting (as revealed under CRM2). If she got that number I suspect she'd puke.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Non disclosure agreements are common. I am all for removing it so long as ALL non disclosure agreements in ALL walks of life are also voided. As for truth and integrity, let\u2019s have Trump produce his tax returns,eh?\n\nYou confuse an individual with CNN. An individual, who is a paid political pundit gave information, but CNN. Honesty and integrity would be a good starting point, so try making real valid factual arguments. Pretty please? You know who else claimed fake news whenever anything else was bad? Who else essentially delegitimized the media to rise to power? Yeah you know who, another German just like Trump. Your acceptance of his claims as facts despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary is sad.\n\nWhen a website contains obviously partisan articles, or an article begins with an outright falsehood (to name 2 of snarky\u2019s Links) they become unreliable. Sorry, but reporting facts you don\u2019t like don\u2019t make fake news. Claiming opinion pieces are factual news is simply stupid.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You (probably intentionally) left the \"way up\" out. Small increases only have minimal effect when the minimum wage is well below what the vast majority of jobs are already paying.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"While on line forum posting allows some venting, to truly make a difference lets all contact our city council reps to protest these tax and fee increases. There should be thorough vetting of the City's budget priorities, and a challenge to Caldwell to run the city more efficiently and to do more for less. Caldwell has a lot of selling to do in light of how he has mis-managed the City. The failing Rail project being his legacy. Also trash pick up between SFH and Condos are not a so called equity issue...if our city was run efficiently our taxes should pay for both.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Stop making sense; you're interfering with the misogyny narrative!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"While I would agree with you on some of this, the solution isn't more medical schools. The # of medical student spots has actually grown a LOT in the last decade, but we see the squeeze in residency spots. The government has a cap on the # of residency positions and that # hasn't changed in almost 30 years!!! For the first time in history, there will be MORE graduating physicians than residency position available in 2019. This doesn't even take into consideration the internatiponal medical graduates (many of whom are American citizens) who are unable to match innto a residency and therefore are unable to practice medicine. If we want more physicians (and we DO NEED more physicians), then congress needs to expand the allowable # of residency positions!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Washington Post fact checker gave \"Three Pinocchios\" to Senator Cassidy's rebuttal to Kimmel \u2014 he flatly claimed that \u201cmore people will have coverage\u2026. There are more people who will be covered through this bill than under the status quo.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Those who find the settlement amount on the low side need to note two things.\n1. It's a settlement. Court cases are seldom perfectly clear. There's risk and cost in going to trial.\n2. Non-pecuniary damages in Canada tend to be modest compared to those seen in the U.S. The 1978 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Andrews v. Grand & Toy Alberta effectively imposed an upper limit of $100,000 for non-pecuniary damages for a severe case (young adult quadriplegic), to which other injuries are compared. Adjusted for inflation, that's about $360,000 today. The class action might cover people with different ranges of injury including less severe ones.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So the good doctor was right about the effects of a depressed person's having a gun , especially since this is the #1 cause of suicide deaths. And, as we are also seeing, lots of depressed persons seem hell-bent on taking others with them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bellevue has so many expensive projects underway. How to pay for it? The Livability update for one. I huge transfer of value from residents to developers with the city taking their cut, and they are calling it a Livability update, hah.\nRead what is happening at http:\/\/www.l4bell.org","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He has done many selfies and compensated and apologised to a convicted terrorist, not bad for the first 2 years in office.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So many predictions Jeane Dixon, so, so many predictions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He stated in the article that his statement would have no effect but he took this position so he could look himself in the mirror. I think people with an audience need to speak up and that's his and he Globe's point.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"STO,\nYeah? Seems to be the norm here. Like serving 'nothing burgers' and calling it real journalism. That's what the alt-left at CNN does 24\/7. Once upon a time CNN did have the corner on the news and most networks scrambled to get a story that they'd been on and already left. But that was many, many years ago. Competition got to them, beat them and then re-shuffling their deck lost them some very good people like Lou Dobbs and Greta Van Susteren. \nNow they are a mere shadow of what they were and their credibility will take years of 'sober' and responsible reporting to get back 1\/2 of what they lost. Hoping for a war or a disaster to pull them out of a serious ratings slump is not a good example of journalistic professionalism.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is infuriating, similar to Sen.Lesil McGuire's trip to Germany during last year's special session. It is beyond ridiculous!\nHB44 to put some teeth into the Legislature's ETHICS RULES is stalled in the Senate until next January. Let us all push to see it passed & demand ethical action by all our Legislators.\nWhat we have now is arrogant, adolescent behavior - certainly NOT action that benefits the citizens of Alaska.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It will be his mistake.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Denver raised lots of revenue illegally by ticketing drivers that had NOT violated the law as was proven in several news stories.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well its America, so we always have to blame someone...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But wait, Vladimir Putin says that Russian prostitutes are the best in the world. He has video testimonials from a world leader waxing eloquent regarding skills of the Golden Girls.\n.\nPlease don't shower on their parade.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not for everyone, and certainly not always for the poor or for people who feel the need for one away from home or their businesses (if they happen to own them). And certainly not for people who have just had a TRO imposed upon a violent spouse and who feel the need for a defensive firearm RIGHT NOW without the - sometimes purely administrative or bureaucratic - delays of waiting periods or background checks. Those folks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eric the Blue? Please.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He showed a lot of courage in not playing along and agreeing with everyone. I don't think you know what the word really means when you use it that way.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It does not fit the narrative. Quick run and hide.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Then I take it you do not support the leftist cop killers, the black Panthers or any of their more recent offspring? It is well known that at many rallies the AntiFa turn up armed with weapons of various sorts and also use what is available. Do you support the AntiFa?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, its like the World's most crazy tin foil hat conspiracy theorists all work for PBS, CBC and BBC. The same folks that said \"Trump could never win\". :)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"you cant hide what does not exist,.. man the left is so pathetic, cant prove it so revert back to calling for trump to disprove it, ,sad and stupid at the same time the left is..","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Actually Clayton, he did comment on the Oregon protest. He sided with the civilian group.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"your not RIP?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This latest tax grab appears to be part of the Gerald Butts \"tax the rich\" Liberal popularity booster as he described to his friend Steve Bannon in the US.\n\nMisguided and mean spirited and definitely not \"fair\".\n\nThere are millions of Canadians who will be affected by this - business owners, their families and employees. These draconian changes will be far from popular with them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I hate paying taxes, which I'm sure is not a rare viewpoint here. That said, we the people have to pay for our State government somehow. Cutting it to match revenue from current oil prices is not possible. Period. If you think it is, the burden is on you to name specific items from the budget that total up to ~$3B. If we can move on from that nonsense, we're left with needing to find new revenue.\n\nSo as much as I hate taxes, I think this is the proper way forward for Alaska. It's not socialism, it's not redistribution of wealth, it's simply everyone paying their share for our collective government service.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your photo caption is missing a sentence. \"Not pictured: Child Protective Service workers from various states waited until the end of the song to put the Sharp children the hands of responsible parents.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's rich for a Muslim to call sovereignty a hate crime. Muslims don't integrate well as seen in Europe. Why? They dont respect national sovereignty.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"This from the same folks who told us Hillary was innocent of all charges, Bill was a saint, Obama care is working, Bernie had equal support at DNC, Trump said all Mexicans are rapists\/criminals and can no way win the election and on and on and on and on. Rather than say they disagree with someone the instant response is RACIST!. \n\nIts Ok, we now know the word means nothing anymore, at least on these pages","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I loath these incompetent, self satisfied, supercilious politicians, treating us Ordinary Canadians as Ordinary Fools. \n\nOnly the Liberals, Federal or Provincial, breed such mealy mouthed talking heads that spew drivel Gerry Butts has dreamed up over a taxpayer paid dinner and drinks.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You have proof the other kids they mocked were immigrants or minorities? And you think teachers treating kids with disrespect never happened until Trump became president?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I've never understood the Republican platform on this. People (including Democrats AND Republicans) aren't going to stop having sex. It just isn't going to happen, regardless of the weird Puritanical fantasies some pro-lifers have. So why not help prevent abortions through contraception? It's not the entire answer but it's a part of the answer. But Republicans, supposedly pro-life (which is laughable) want to eliminate one method that helps prevent abortions. I want to get back to a point where I meet a Republican and not immediately assume said person is an idiot.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The military has enough systemic issues with unethical leadership or criminal behavior. The Navy has dozens of flag officers being investigated in the Fat Leonard contracting scandal in Singapore. Multiple officers were prosecuted and scores more may still yet be prosecuted. The Army had a parade of generals who violated the UCMJ with affairs that involved subordinates or compromised national security. The Air Force had a 4-star reduced two ranks for an affair with a subordinate officer. A AF one-star at Joint Base Langley routinely drank himself into a stupor in his office while on duty. In 2013, AF MG Carey went on a drinking binge in Moscow and spent most of the trip with two Russian women most likely Russian intel assets. Carey was the commander of 450 ICBMs. It goes on and on. \n\nIf the cadet can't make the standard today, it's best they're shown the door. Ignoring or enabling unethical behavior today just snowballs into an avalanche later.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is this like re-arranging the deck-chairs on the titanic?\n\nI have a real sense of deja vu here.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe wait until the movie is over before you write your review.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They might have excluded Turpin as a detour out of respect for the residential area. Liability purposes?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Then get the fluoride in your toothpaste and in pill form if you want it so bad but the rest of us should have a choice if we want to be poisoned.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The majority of Americans love their guns? I wonder. Seems to me I've seen poll results suggesting majority support for additional gun controls.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"His contract required him to teach two classes a year, he said, but he typically bought one out \u2014 paying the university with money he earned from grants that support his research. He said he worried that if UAA reduced the size of the faculty he would lose control of his teaching load.\"\nTeaching one class a year does not seem like much of a teaching load. It seems to me that the faculty should be teaching several classes a year","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There are currently two schools of thought regarding the reason for climate change\n1. Natural variations of the Earth and solar activity\n2. CO2 emissions generated by human activity\n\nAs the debate continues on the reason, one understanding has been confirmed, \"only one of the above can be Taxed\"..... I wonder if the politicians know this?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"RG, thanks for the article on the \"Wine Trail\" with the six local wineries flourishing in their \"unique microclimate in the coastal foothills.\"\nHowever, it's time we take a closer look at the geography there. Several are described as being in Junction City, but that is only their official address because it's the nearest city. However, all are actually to the west of JC, and in fact are west of Territorial Highway and the Long Tom River. Your directions of driving north on 99 to JC are OK for those who live in Eugene, but not for all of us in Central and Western Lane County. We simply drive north on historic Territorial Highway, which Eugeneans and Springfielders can also do after driving west to Veneta, to \"enjoy the country drive with beautiful scenery all around.\"\n\nWhile \"Prairie Mountain\" is a special area, you'll find a scattering of fine wineries and a few restaurants all along Territorial by the Coast Range foothills south to Lorane. \nThink NS, not just EW!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Economy isnt better just more people working for much less. OBL? you mean he said yes to killing him, but he had nothing to do with finding him or infiltrating the compound. The military and cia had more to do with that than obama. Obama\"just push it through we will figure it out later\"care, Is a disaster and is falling apart. Health coverge is costing everyone more except the people getting it for free. No scandals? the IRS scandal,Operation Fast and Furious,ObamaCare: keeping your old plan if you liked it,Benghazi,Hillary clintons email server,NSA spying on everyone that snowden exposed just to name a few.\n I see your remarks to me got removed or you deleted them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Had Sloter struggled against 3rd and 4th stringers you might have a case, but he looked just like he did at UNC...throwing strikes all over the field. Certainly he has a lot to learn, but given the chance he took full advantage. Give him credit where it's due.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The thing is, these \"smug leftists\" with advanced degrees are the ones that can find supporting evidence and detailed studies to support their perspectives, while \"low information\" types tend to rely on platitudes, or at best \"common sense\", usually presupposing the conclusions then using meandering and often specious inductions to justify it. Or, we have the always reliable, \"opinion presented as fact\", such as when you claim that \"intellectuals are enmeshed in utopian thinking that has no practical application in the real world\". \n\nAnti-intellectualism is nothing more than a cop-out. May as well just tell us that Real Americans Dont' Go To Ivory Tower Elitist Factories or some other \"common sense\" bluster.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't think anyone would drive Micra entire decade by choice. I also think it is unlikely Micra would last that long.\n\nDepreciation should be considered, as selling 4 year old Micra is bigger hit, than for example buying 4 year old Civic and selling it at 8 years. Plus, Civic is a much better car, so you are driving better car and spending less money on it.\n\nLooking at auto-trader in Ontario, there are 2015 Micras for sale for $7,500. This is substantial depreciation when you factor in dealer fees (delivery and such) on top of sales price. So you can expect 30%+ depreciation in the first year. This is crazy bad.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The company is going to start having an armed guard to watch for bears. This two young women were working out in the field when attacked and it sounds like the bear snuck up behind them. I have had a black bear do that to me twice and I was lucky both times to get to safety only because I happened to turn around and see him. Next to carrying a gun, bear spray is the best deterrent available. It is not always possible for people to carry rifles around while working. But you are right about bear guides carrying rifles. I went out to a bear viewing area where we had guides and they both had rifles. One walked in the front and the other at the back of the group. I can't imagine taking a group of tourists into bear country to view them without adequate protection!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No I have seen interviews with the girl. HRC made it seem like the girl was asking for it. I don't think HRC believed that but she will do or say anything to win. On the other hand Trump will do or say anything to lose.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"KABOOM!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Far too much money is spent on bureaucracy and administration and not enough gets through to the athletes. The simple fact of life is that you cannot hold a full-time job and have enough time to put in the training hours necessary to be a world class athlete.\nThe best example of this is the Canadian Olympic Association which raises millions of dollars and only a small percentage gets through to the athletes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The GOP buffet doesn't look very appetizing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Standard multiplication tables would cover up to 12x12. That's for immediate recall. However, the distributive property, which makes 23 x 412 quite a simple exercise, is part of the grade 5 curriculum. I went to a math night for my kid when she was in grade 5 only to discover (a) kids were not being taught what they were supposed to be taught, and perhaps more alarming, (b) the majority of parents had expectations so low that living in a world where the most difficult math one might do in one's head should be limited to 12x12. I taught my kid that night. It took 10 minutes. There is another point to be made, and that could be an article on its own, and that is that candidates for teacher's college not so long ago got in on the basis of their marks, and so young kids today are learning math from English and History majors who, for the most part, can't do grade 5 math. Hence the problem. There should be dedicated math teachers, just as there are language teachers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment of boxing. You begin this article first by writing about dog fighting to lead readers to equate the two. Totally disengenious; educated fighters? How about the one of the longest reigning heavyweight champions in Dr Vladimir Khlisko (sic.) from the Ukraine? Your article reeks of racial undertones to say the least. Last time I looked, violence is defined as the exersion of force. What is more violent? A 200lbs plus SS putting Brady on his backside or a 120lbs punching another 120lbs in the body or face? \n\nStay in your lane because you don't know a damn thing about boxing! \n\nAnd yes, you most definitely hold some racist traits.\n\nNo talk on MMA? Nothing? \n\nGot it!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Says the blind man.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The voters failed? Perhaps they didn't fail but refused... it was a vote...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thus the Republicans are doubly responsible because they let AIDEA continue, grow, and survive after campaigns against \"socialists\". Many of these projects are huge now....the Ketchikan Shipyard is owned by AIDEA thus the State of Alaska and it was all under the Republicans watch. Owned by the state and supported by the state and financed by the state with ferries purchased by the state and will be used the the state. Sounds like communism to me and all done by Republicans. Because the shipyard is owned by AIDEA\/Alaska it does not pay property taxes and the electricity it uses is subsidized by the public utility in Ketchikan where all the politicians in power claim they are conservative republicans...what a laugh. They are socialists if not communists as defined as late as 1988 by Ronald Reagan himself.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gee, it is nice to see that Alaskans really need that PFD to take a vacation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ganot ends his first season with his recruits and his coaching in the bottom 50, 303 out of 351 according to the NCCA D1 ranking at present. Last place Alabama A & M at 2-27.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In Arizona, 80% of people receive financial assistance to help them pay their premiums. In 2016, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the monthly Silver Premiums after financial assistance for a 40-year old non-smoker making $30,000\/year in Arizona was $207\/month. In 2017, it was $207\/month. That\u2019s an increase of 0%.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What on earth does her use of black makeup on Halloween have to do with Trump's election? Well, that's a rhetorical question of course, to which the correct answer is \"nothing\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's the fact that we are being taxed 42.5% and squeezed like a sponge for every penny we have left from landlords, businesses, education, medical, insurance and government, not to mention high interest lenders sucking us into debt early on, all on similar salaries we had 15 years ago. Money goes up the greed chain and every hard working Canadian has to strive to make ends meet and spend a whole life-time digging themselves out of debt while bay street, high level management and boards make millions on the average Canadian. Simple answer is: stop buying anything you don't need to survive and live yoda style. Years ago we had things more simple, a house phone, cable, a car, insurance, rent etc. and today we have multiple cell phones, multiple TV's, tablets, glorious internet packages, multiple vehicles, fee's for music, fee's for apps, etc. So unless you live like a hermit or have good discipline, your not going to end up saving and will always struggle. Cut back, it's that simple.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The tenant groups repeatedly warned the City Council that owned the building of impending risk of fire. They were ignored.\n\nWhat else could Council do? There is no money. The same story in cities all across the US and Canada. Too much infrastructure, not enough money to maintain it. Buildings, roads, railways, bridges, all falling apart.\n\nThis kind of disaster is becoming the norm in coming years, a natural outcome of people living beyond their means.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Finally someone who is willing to take personal responsibility. You, sir, will go very far in life. Congrats.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"To Buck and Lamborn: WWJD?\n\nNot what you did.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a disgusting comment. Although I think Biden will be a bit too old, just from a health and wellness standpoint to ensure a full term in the next cycle, in no way does age impact one's ability to lead, adapt, inspire and put forth great policy that benefits all citizens. He should have challenged Clinton and Sanders last year. I'm an older millennial and would happily vote for anyone based on policy, competency, connection, leadership and experience irrespective of age. Hillary, just didn't have it. Fresh blood doesn't mean good, competent or brilliant blood.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ak6x6 please do not attend and embarass the rest of us with your apparent ignorance. This is a great event coming to Alaska.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"don't worry honey he will be gone tomorrow.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bernie needs to disavow this level of hatred, intimidation and public disorder that his supporters have committed. Is this the direction we want our country to go? Is a leader so fine with his supporters causing such chaos and hatred really one you want to support?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hope his fellow inmates get together and buy him a shiv as a wedding gift.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The day I will trust our immigration system is when I truly believe there is a Santa Claus. Trudeau can say what he likes but he is absolutely wrong when he calls people who object to \"illegals\" coming across to our country racist; I resent this big time. But then it is really easy to throw insults at Canadians who do not share what he stands for. He is so \"na\u00efve\"!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Let's hope prosecution nails this one. They all deserve jail time, even those who claim they were just standing around. That's being complicit. And pointing weapons at a federal officer? That should be worth even more time in the can.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of course everything looks greedy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I didn't realize the editorial page was now a place for outright fiction.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\" 'goodbye cruel world' drama speech\" Hmmm... If the result of the kneeling is the disbanding of the NFL, will that make you happy?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Melissa, thanks for writing this. A ray of light in a dark time.\n\nhttps:\/\/www.facebook.com\/homeless.action.coalition","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"the most misogynist, dangerous U.S. President ever elected\"\n\nPlease give it a rest. Your hyperbolic whinging is seriously tiresome.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Another subject entirely. Swing and a miss...would you like another pitch?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Rubbish.\nThe police didn't give Babkowski permission to do anything...\nAs for your allegation that police have raped and murdered native women try backing up your slanderous accusations...","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Shallow nantucket.....how's about the west gets out of the middle east altogether and let them solve it themselves. If you think when America goes into a country and kills over a million people and that creates no hard feelings, it is you that are causing damage to the world for your short sighted understanding of cause and effect.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The problem with \"Trickle-down\" economics,.....It never trickles down and the rich just get richer. The lessons learned in the Reagan era are completely forgotten or ignored with the current mis-administration.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"These are the same clowns that gave Taj Mahawker the go ahead to swindle the $40 million buyout deal with the private owner. I want to know why the non-partisans and independent voters will continue voting these riffraff back into office.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This whole matter would have been nothing but a tiny blip on the radar were it not for the president, provost, dean of the law school and the particularly vicious law faculty choosing to make incindiary statements to the press in an attempt to turn this into something that it was not. Why each chose to do that only they know, but one thing is clear: they damaged themselves and the the university in the eyes of many with ties to university around the state who really do believe in freedom of speech and expression. The professor was naive; the university was simply vicious.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Their new landlord would be paying the real estate tax and it would flow through to them via their rental cost. Limit the exemptions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Trudeau to end controversial cash-for-access fundraisers\" -by Robert Fife and Steven Chase\n.\nDING! DING! DING! DING!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All the more reason that the City should start investing in infrastructure that separates the bikes from cars. All it takes is a simple divider between bike lanes and car lanes. Reduce the amount of time cars and bikes have to share the same travel lanes and you'll reduce the number of injuries.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The treaties are no more outdated than the Constitution of the US is outdated. \n\nThere is no denying that Native Americans struggle with socially destructive behaviors, but so do non-natives. All of the things you mention occur all over America everyday among non-Natives. It just isn't as obvious as it is in a small village. The rates may not be the same for all those issues, but at in at least two - drug and alcohol abuse - white Americans take the prize. A significantly higher percentage of white men drink alcohol than any other cultural group, and more of those who do drink, drink heavily daily than any other cultural group. We just don't see it, and if we do see it, we see it differently - when we see white street drunks it's a cultural aberration. When we see Native people in the same condition, we see it as their cultural norm. It's a false view of reality.\n\nWhite people, men and women, take more illegal drugs and more kind of drugs than any other cultural group.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Okay. At least this incident caused airlines to make changes which benefit the passengers so great.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Celeb, you're thinking of the 9th Island - Las Vegas. Close to Los Angeles in name and distance, but not close in cost of living. Might I suggest moving to Oceanside, Chula Vista, Temecula, or Bakersfield? Much cheaper, with equally cheap plentiful, and good Mexican food.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But why should he have to? Having all drugs legal would still leave choice and we need more choices in life, not less. Alcohol use is an accepted part of biology or the liver wouldn't be able to do its job.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"another brick in the wall\nhey teacher, leave those kids alone","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Jesus wasn't pushing politics at his events.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nuclear weapons are not a joke - but humor, ridicule and laughter are the only things that Trump and Kim are both vulnerable to. \n\nWell, that and television ratings, which their crazed rants only improve.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The executive branch enforces the laws. You know that. Congress provides the parameters for that enforcement through legislation. The legislation is also what drives the format of the forms that go along w\/ the enforcement side. And its not a ban.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Get rid of the community hunt...it is being used by mostly non native groups and they kill way more moose than they need....I don't even hunt the Denali anymore cuz of the traffic and the \"rookie\" hunter who simply signs up for a Tier 1 caribou tag, automatically gets it, and decides I'm a hunter. Get rid of the automatic Tier 1 tag and put everyone who would like to harvest caribou in a draw system with dates that spread the hunt out over the longest amount of biological correctness to sustain \"maximum sustained yield\"....those drawing permits would have blocks of times to apply for and be in the field...thus spreading the pressure throughout the unit by using time blocks issued by draw permit.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Globe is only media calling it an \"emergency\" meeting..it is a meeting.\nAnd the Quebec murder charge would likely have been thrown out under the rules before Jordan.\nA lot of hyperbole going on here..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Beating on planned parenthood is a distraction from the fact that there is nothing the movement can do about Roe and that they are opposed to finding a reasonable compromise federal law on personhood because no one would give them money anymore or answer their pleas to vote pro-life.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People are ridiculous. Thanks for putting Hawaii in the spotlight! Life will go on and people will try to boycott something else within a few days.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It will get far worse for Puerto Rico, but from the effects of anthropogenic climate change. Per the EPA in https:\/\/19january2017snapshot.epa.gov\/sites\/production\/files\/2016-09\/documents\/climate-change-pr.pdf\n\"Puerto Rico\u2019s climate is changing. The Commonwealth has warmed by more than one degree (F) since the mid- 20th century, and the surrounding waters have warmed by nearly two degrees since 1901. The sea is rising about an inch every 15 years, and heavy rainstorms are becoming more severe. In the coming decades, rising temperatures are likely to increase storm damages, significantly harm coral reefs, and increase the frequency of unpleasantly hot days.\"\n\nFuture generations will place the blame for environmental calamities in PR and elsewhere in the US squarely on today's GOP run, corrupt, non-working Congress and Administration who chose to ignore the evidence that is obvious to the rest of the world.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This article just shows how prone to overreaction people are nowadays. The media and political parties thrive by creating and exploiting division.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It doesn't when we are talking about the relative economic contribution of Republican and Democratic voters. The GDP referred to is the national figure.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I am so glad that cancer Obama is gone.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"the latest incarnation of the ruthless and endlessly greedy entrepreneurs throughout history amassing obscene wealth through monopolistic control of our communication channels\"\n\nYou are like old testament scribe who has stumbled into the digitaless desert to seek a vision and came back converted from an apologist for monopolistic corporate controlled media (NYT, Wapo, CNN) and now see a future many of us out here believe that the medium and the message is suspiciously morphing into being under the complete matrix control of the monied power elite.\nYou are forewarned that those who cherish independence and critical thinking will be persecuted and ridiculed.\nYour first mission, if you are to accept it, is to find out why the Haitian official who was to testify that the Clinton Foundation was engaging in criminal activity was just found dead and not a mention of the death in the mass media. Another case of censorship through silence?\nhttp:\/\/yournewswire.com\/haiti-exposed-clinton-dead\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One of the amazing phenomena of climate change is that it threatens cute animals like polar bears and promotes the spread of ugly animals like rats. There appears to be a strong correlation between the measure of cuteness of a particular species and the measure of its adaptability to climate change.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pandering to Putin, Assad and Trump is not what I consider brave.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I see my complaint about the hatefulness of the trolls got voted down. Well I stand by it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump's Paternal Grandparents, Frederich (later anglicized to Frederick\/Fred) and Elizabeth Christ Trump were immigrants from the Kingdom of Bavaria (now Rhineland-Palatinate). Fred left Bavaria without permission and dodged the draft, He went to America and became successful. He married Elizabeth and had children while in the USA. His wife was getting homesick for Bavaria. Fred, Elizabeth, and the children left the USA for Bavaria. \nFred Trump wanted to stay in Bavaria, BUT the Bavarian Authorities said no! They said Fred had left Bavaria without permission and avoided compulsory military service. Fred, his wife, and family were forced back onto a boat to return to the USA. Fred Trump had been DEPORTED! 112 years later, his 5 time draft dodging grandson became the 45th President and has nativist policies. How ironic for a man that has many immigrants within 2 generations of himself.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, let's keep this baby going forever.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'\nThanks for the opportunity to provide you some more click bait.\n\nTrump? He's failed already. \n\n.\n\n\n\ufffc\n\n\n\nUnpresidented. It\u2019s a word that rolls off the tongue. Not just an alternative to \u201cNot my president,\u201d but an alternative that includes all the \u201cun\u201d that defines Trump. Unqualified. Untruthful. Unreliable. Unjust.\u00a0Uncouth. Unkind.\u00a0Unconscionable. Unimaginable. Unbearable. Unconscious. Unacceptable. \n.\nUnpresidential.\n.\nThank you, Mr. Unpresident.\n.\nOh, and if you\u2019re wondering about how the actual incident with the drone turned out, Donald Trump soon demonstrated that he was unwilling and unable to devote himself to any problem longer than a Viagra commercial.\n\n\n.\n\nElectors Fail To Stop Foreign Power From Assuming Presidency\n\n\n.\n.\nHow to resist Trump, \u2026something for everybody, \u2026practical actions everyone can join in on.\n.\nComplete and comprehensive manual available here:\n\nhttps:\/\/docs.google.com\/document\/d\/1DzOz3Y6D8g_MNXHNMJYAz1b41_cn535aU5UsN7Lj8X8\/preview#\n\n'","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No, they're rabid socialists though, who exist off the public trough. Sounds pretty leftish to me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"perhaps Mr Nanos could define \" trade war\" a little more precisely","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Perhaps you do not understand the difference between a single Party's leadership election and Canada's federal elections. I think people know who the stupid one is.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, another REEEEE DONALD DRUMPF IS LITERALLY HITLER article. I'll vote for the candidate that doesn't support TPP, regime change in Syria, and war with Russia. Thanks.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Wente was right about the Hair On Fire Crowd, she must have seen you","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you'd only asked, it would have been a pleasure and a public service to recommend that you pursue other interests. It's a shame it took you this long to take the hint. Maybe try something that doesn't involve walking into so many punches.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If both those roads had been built (and I don't remember ever hearing about an elevated highway on Bloor) the problem would be even worse. Where do you think all those cars coming off an expressway to downtown would go?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The State patrol no longer refers to \"accidents\" in their reports. It is always a \"crash\". The number of \"accidents\" involving cars is vanishingly small and the number of\"accidents\" involving firearms should be zero.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It often is... but on the high side. Not sure about the south end, but I-25 north of Denver really shouldn't have the 75 MPH speed limit on it that it does. There's WAY too much traffic for that speed, IMO. It was fine with less traffic, but there's near constant compression points along the way now where you're doing 75 then have to slam on the brakes. It's just not a very safe road at that speed with this much traffic.\n\nIMO, they need to lower it to 70 or even 65. Or better yet, install traffic sensors and electronic speed limit signs and employ variable speed limits. When traffic is light, use a 75 MPH speed limit; when it's heavy drop it to 65.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you, Sen. Ranker, for once again leading us out of despair with real action we can take to help make a better Washington state. To sign up for the trip this Saturday, the best link is http:\/\/www.signupgenius.com\/go\/508094ea4ae2fa6fa7-lets1. Come join us on the bus.\n\nDavid Turnoy\nChair, San Juan County Democrats","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Firstly note that none of the managers and above or HR people in the federal public service are unionised. Also what makes you think that all public servants vote Liberal anyway. I have two Conservative neighbours who are haapy to be in their unions - I admit that I found it strange for them to be voting for a party that was overtly trying to break unions. How did all those people survive during almost ten years of Harper?! How can you seriously post this stuff?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is trump's katrina.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Medicaid for all is a great idea: right after Democrats permit that we cut Medicaid spending to Canadian\/ European levels. \n\nWhat Sanders wants, however, coverage for all at levels of spending of US private health plans, is simple crony capitalism favoring big pharma and the medical lobby.\n\nSo: cost controls and cuts before expansion!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He also penned this gem of a lyric: 'My name is Kid Rock, I'm a Capricorn \/ And Detroit City is where I was born.'","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm an immigrant who came to Canada as a child. I'm old enough to remember a time when immigrants understood that coming to a new country was essentially a trade-off. You got to come to a new place that was safe, stable and more prosperous. In return you had to adapt to life in a new society. That didn't mean you had to give up everything from your past but there was a clear understanding that your life would change.\n\nNow we have people like Ms. Khan who think that Canadian society must change to accommodate their social and\/or religious beliefs. Sorry but it's just not possible to come to a new country and expect to live the way you did in your old country. That expectation is neither realistic or reasonable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"we don't have a President. the guy doesn't need any help tarnishing himself, he is doing all that hourly all by himself and those dedicated to defending the utterly indefensible, hell, the media can't even keep up with the non-stop barrage of bizarreness just off his tweets!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My approach hasn't been proven to kill anybody, has it?\nYours on the other hand, has lead us to Las Vegas.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As for being \"social engineering\", that's funny. The whole Left\/Progressive is about social engineering, and the notion of Human Rights and Charters and Tribunals, etc., are all the result of \"social engineering\".\n\nWe just seem to differ o what kind of \"social engineering\" we want.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I find the word \"cracker\" offensive. I prefer to be called \"Saltine American\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The main difference between protest in Canada and in the States is the 2nd amendment. In Canada the police have protesters outgunned. In some states there are ex-military protesters carrying semi automatic riffles.\n\n I recently watched a program on PBS about a rancher that the government was trying to remove him and his cattle from government land. A call went out and heavily armed supporters came to the ranchers defence. Outgunned, the police backed down and deescalated the situation. In Charlottesville they tried to deescalate but there was 3 sides instead of 2. The 1st and 2nd amendments combined can be a very dangerous thing. One more reason to be thankful to live in Canada.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Because they wrap themselves in the flag of progressivism the same way religious people have been sacrificing their children for a greater good.\n\nProgressivism has replaced religion with many people, and they feel they are right now in demanding other people \"believe\" just as they do...\n\nAs you, I pity their children.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=yrkN5Pqh5ok\nFourth of July 2016 Speech (Proposed) Lincoln-like, if you will... Lyceum, the pattern. \n\nThis speech is shorter than Lincoln's 1838 Lyceum Address, but similar in thought & deed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not ruling out a tax grab\/ inflated municipal operating costs, but if you own a detached place in the Lower Mainland, that place is definitely going to be appreciating in value (a lot) faster than other real estate in the city, such as condos or townhouses. (This is why the notion of a \"property ladder\" is sort of funny - you might build equity in your tiny condo, but it's probably not going to be enough to help you reach the next rung when you want more space.)\n\nAnyhow, that greater rate of appreciation for detached houses likely means that, based on mill rate calculations, your share of the overall property tax burden is going to increase as well.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ah, the \"real folks\" argument! \n\nAs in everyone who isn't just like me with my beliefs and attitudes and habits isn't a 'real' person and is thus a lesser being. \n\nStrut away!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I've noticed that Old Soul ha problems with both reading comprehension and math, Xavier; especially when the topic is about something he loves, like marijuana.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, the metaphor cried out for an answer. Faith is not set in stone. Rules are set in stone, and they inevitably fail. Faith should be alive and growing. Those who are trying to encapsulate it in rules miss the point. Apparently faith is not your forte.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It was like the TEA party rallies where everything was allowed as long as it was anti Obama.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A well balanced platform for the NDP.\n\nThe increase in corporate tax form 11% to 12 % means that BC corporate tax rate will still be below the Canadian national average, so there is actually more room to move it up to 13% and generate more revenues without fear of corporations moving elsewhere. \n\nCashing in Christy's fake LNG fund is also a good idea.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The USA imports three billion dollars of seafood annually and some ignorant people would demean hard working local workers who help keep America great.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"If you commit a new crime on probation - even a misdemeanors - you can get jail time under SB91, period. \"\n\nOf course, the victims of that second crime might have preferred it if the probationer had been in jail instead...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Right, I think what gave it away was the tag \"Social Justice Facilitator\" -- what, you mean like, not a Warrior exactly, but part of the Women's Auxiliary maybe?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"http:\/\/www.172guide.com\/models\/172P-81.htm\nMaximum Useful Load:\n Skyhawk\n Skyhawk II\t\n993 Pounds\n967 Pounds\nBaggage Allowance:\t120 Pounds \n \nflown many 172's with four people unless the people weigh more than average and they pack too much gear four people is not overloading","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Another great article\/story about Alaska survival !\nIt is the hearts of the Alaskans, like these rescuers, that make living in Alaska the best place in the world ! \nKeep these wonderful stories of Alaska coming ! Maybe they will teach people the importance of caring and respect for one another.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As a Buffs can, I could not agree more.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Christy's trademarks are arrogance, shoot from the hip mistakes, and the inability to speak with regular people who are not scripted, so this incident alone should highlight her main faults to anyone listening.\n\nBut these faults are well known, and the election really comes down to her policies which alienate all but the foreign corporate elite. In the case of the softwood lumber dispute; Christy has taken close to $1,000,000 from the very American corporations that are fighting Canada; so I doubt that anyone is just learning about her offensive behaviour at this stage.\n\nBC must unite to remove this woman from politics.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Govt has made good redress... I think we all can agree to that. What else is missing?\n\nAll of us should work within the system that we are now part of. Puerto Ricans have seen the light. They have voted for statehood.\n\nWhat is left for future generations of Hawaiians is to figure out how they can organise themselves within our country. The desire for revenge will never win out.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He is unreasonable and ridiculous. This should frustrate the right as well (and if it doesn't then there is something fishy going on).","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Wait - before the election when she thought she'd win, didn't Hillary say something to the effect that not accepting the election results would be a threat to our Democracy? I wonder what happened to change her mind 180-degrees on this issue ...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Aloha Mr. Matsuoka, \n\nMahalo for your mana'o. How were those beers? As you may already be aware, Kamehameha's Kanawai Mamalahoe was just a reiteration of laws that other ali'i had passed throughout the course of Kanaka Maoli history. \n\nThe context for Kanawai Mamalahoe's passage was really the treatment of civilians during wartime - it really was jus in bello\/humanitarian law (long pre-dating the Geneva and Hague conventions). \n\nIt's place in the laws of our State can find themselves within the context of civil\/human rights. It is difficult to manage, however, because the last line of Kanawai Mamalahoe is \"hewa no, make (Break this law and die),\" which suggest capital punishment (which we do not have here). \n\nYour comment begs the greater question regarding the protection of the people, especially our most vulnerable populations and indeed, we can and should be doing better. Perhaps we ought to draft a bill and push policy on better civil\/human rights laws? Mahalo nui loa.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Shut your pie hole. Lisa Murkowski is a U.S.Senator and you are a bitter loser. She is not a traitor. You are a loser. Got that, bitter man? She's out salmon fishing and you are a loser.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"So Hillary is blaming Weiners texting for her loss now?\nI thought it was misogyny, white males and the Russians !\nMy goodness.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I do not understand how you can spot \"calves\" when I only see on \"calf\" in the photos.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you, Sr. McGlone...it is all a matter of changing our focus, changing our minds, changing our will away from selfish ways to that of what is good and best. Kennedy: \"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah...private companies SO care about our privacy and the public interest!!! LOL!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"--Here's a conservative's opinion on this: http:\/\/www.theamericanconservative.com\/dreher\/christians-tempted-by-trump-idolatry\/--","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They should add a late fee and interest to the cost of payment.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In absolute dictatorships purges are not uncommon events Get id of any opposition, real or imagined. I hope world leaders are closely watching these developments. It could turn deadly and ugly! Especially with Saudi's disregard for human rights.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The first sentence of the article says that very thing, 'those who receive subsidies, will receive larger subsidies from the federal government' Pure nonsense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really? You mean it wasn't the drain of money due to CBC being sued that caused the problem? \nFunny, but good people do good jobs regardless of circumstance.\nPersonally, I can't think of the last time I watched the National and I can't think of a good reason to start watching now.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We may have found a motive for Republicans to finally impeach Trump:\nHe's colluding with Democrats!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mike Eller must have been living in a cave the last eight years (or be a mindless troll) to make an obtuse statement like 'If Barack Obama had been insulted like Trump has been...' Then you read thor52 and just have to laugh out loud. Delusional must be infectious.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Nobody did more to chase away young people from Mass (or Bible study, for that matter) than Traddies as exemplified in the posts by Jay and Trid. It's all right there in their posts, arrogance, condescension, rigidity, and an absolute contempt for the young - unkempt, disrespectful, bad mannered - just a few of the slurs they cast on the young in two short posts.\n\nThese same people in real time shot down any youth programmes\/initiatives in their parishes, complained about noise, complained about the music the young people liked. The list is endless.\n\nBitter people whose lives had passed them by and who secretly detested having been dragged along to Mass, Benediction, Rosaries, Novenas, in an unintelligible language, when THEY were young. And by God, if they were subjected to it - real, eh, Faith - then the next generations should be subjected to it too.\n\nYou are spot on, Elag, there are reasons why they continue to hit their heads against a Latin wall. One of them isn't its 'beauty.'","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wish I could have seen this on tv, but PAC12 & Directv can't get their acts together (no matter how much I pay.) Good job Montez.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nope, your pedantry is no help at all.\nI expect Pope Francis knew what he was doing when he gave his document the title \"Amoris Laetitiae\" and that translating that into English as 'The Joy of Love' is appropriate. It does suggest that just maybe 'Love' \u2013 especially married love \u2013 can be joyful!\n\nIf you want to reduce all love to sodomy, that is your mind at work. It is not in the words Francis uses.\n\nThough I would suppose all genital activity is pleasurable, or people would not engage in it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"President Trump is living proof of a divine sense of sarcasm - funny until it's not then everyone is sad, sad, sad - good one God - now help us clean up this mess.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They live another day to do the same.... Way to go Hawaii justice system....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"until no terrorist on the palestinian and muslin side, NO PEACE","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The orange buffoon is not to blame here, this police culture has been around for decades.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I recall when the EmX was first slated to go through this area, this shop owner complained loudly that the EmX would hurt his business. I wonder what has changed?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Article... In other words, \"we have no clue as to what sort of weather we can expect...\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe they should ban body lice, beards and dreadlocks from downtown. Then turn the EWEB super fund site into a homeless camp.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Too bad there is little outrage at the actions of these Muslims. Maybe we should put up a statue? \nIf there were any justice, they would all be buried in a pig sty.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Technically, Eric, it's likely that fish belongs to the people of the state of Alaska,.\n\n\nYou know, commonly owned resources and all, right?\n\n...so let's talk about the other 98% of that fish's value, eh?\n\nYou giving up 2 cents on the dollar is about as bad a deal as we get from mineral extraction corporations.\n\nNot a good deal for the State or it's residents.\n\n(\u2026and that fish will be worth five times what you sold it for soon, so our 2 cents is more like 2 cents on five dollars or more of value.)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's German 'luxury'. Lease for 48 months max and run away.\nIf you want reliability, buy a Lexus.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"New word for me, too. ;-) I would have guessed it ultimately derived from the Latin \"cacare\" (to defecate upon ), and referred to \"... government by s***heads ...\"\n\n... which could mean most government, most of the time (alas) ... :-\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"nor is it their right to encourage such things by preventing the stoppage of it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I no longer contribute to UH athletics because of the poor management at the University. I can still remember the Sugar Bowl travel\nfiasco where the University allowed \" connected people \" to fly free to New Orleans for the game. I remember that Senator Hirono and\nher husband were on that flight but eventually paid the airfare after learning that the ethics commission would be investigating the trip.\nI will not contribute money to the University of Hawaii when they continue to hire private law firms to represent them in cases where\nthe Attorney General's office could easily handle. They lack confidence in our government lawyers to handle termination cases. These\nbig time private lawyers usual fold and the people dismissed are paid off to go away. Shame on them !!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now, lissen up, Victimitis! If you're gonna make assumptions, (\"The American voter doesn't care about sexually abused women,\") choose the right one, eh?\n\nTry this one on for size: \"...the American woman voter cares more about getting along with her husband\/boyfriend than she cares about sexually abused women. If he votes Republican, so will she.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why are they high Andi, what exactly are the mechanics that cause prices to go up?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The risk to the financial system is only one consideration. A person can have a 40% down payment, and still be (significantly) negatively affected if they can't afford a 2% rate increase and have to lose significant equity in a forced sale.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One of these things is not like the others,\nOne of these things just doesn't belong,\nCan you tell which thing is not like the others\nBy the time I finish my song?\n\nDid you guess which thing was not like the others?\nDid you guess which thing just doesn't belong?\nIf you guessed this one is not like the others,\nThen you're absolutely right!\n\nSesame Street - One Of These Things (is Not Like The Others)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How again are the native corps struggling? They rake in 10s of millions a year if not more through public, state, and federal contracts.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nah, I don't waste brain cells remembering the faces of the many politicians. Yes, the mainstream media is pretty much a homogeneous mass and this artist dude managed to get his photo published in the media which was likely his choice and the media's choice for disseminating it. Other folks and at other times would have considered the photo to be partisan and in poor taste as it demeans without substance. Kinda like publishing a photo of somebody picking their nose.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's obvious to me that a number of posters are disordered themselves, but not with PTSD. More likely personality disordered, as evidenced by the narcissistic \"me, me, me\" rants. Poor little things are routinely outraged at the mere thought of ordinary decency.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And excellent column, Tabatha. I love all the pop culture references. Alas, I suspect most of your critics won't catch them as I doubt they follow culture, pop or otherwise.\n\nIslamophobia is real. And, as we are now seeing in the USA, it was mostly cover for the racism and antisemitism now in the open. Jewish cemeteries, synagogues and cultural centres all over the USA are being targeted for hate crimes.\n\nThe fear that Sharia Law is coming to my neighbourhood is on a par with fear that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a real plot against the West. And remember, the Protocols was written by Russians to justify their pogroms.\n\nRussians, you say? I hear they've been up to funny business lately. Publishing other fake news items and pulling strings behind the scenes. Shouldn't we be afraid of them? No, no. I'm told. Fear Muslms, Jews, feminists, and people of colour. Those nice Russians are our friends. LOL.\n\nWAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about focusing on fund raising instead of recruiting?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Rudy.. another of those tree hugging freaks who rail endlessly about how abused and misunderstood our animals are. Watch the video.. the moose was not harassed. The officials in charge did everything they could to give it space yet it charged several times. Unfortunate that it had to be put down, but MORE fortunate a youngster wasn't stomped after innocently skiing around a corner into it. I do feel the lift operators could have done more to chase it off but that's always a toss up. We encounter moose on trails almost daily on trails at Kincaid and they are unpredictable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We're glad too, hon.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now you're acting just like racist bigots who make fun of my Chickasaw name. You caricature my Chickasaw name in a vile derogatory manner unlike Hi u he he who never meant to be derogatory. I expect this from a coward who is incapable of ever producing an intelligent debate on any of the subjects you post your deluded opinion on. If you had a crumb of intelligence, much less a crumb of originality, you would have posted: wished your parents had named you Happy.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Did the Koch brothers move their secret weapons from Zug Island?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You do know that the billionaire was a liberal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He's so far out there, I'm not going to the Chris Christie comparison....but it makes sense to close a facility that is paying such high rates per person. Why did they not start with a smaller, less expensive facility with options to add on? I think the REAL problem is the construction companies\/developers seem to get lots of government contracts at the taxpayers' expense. For examples, if the city of Eugene just bought the EWEB building from the beginning and retrofitted it, the costs would have been millions of dollars less, or if they just retrofitted the current (now demolished) city hall for earthquake protection, that also would have saved US millions of dollars. It's so easy to spend other peoples' (tax payers) money. This has been an on-going issue for decades in Eugene and Lane County.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The argument is not we don't need to do something because the other guy is worse...it's about not needing to institute specific policies that cannot be shown to be effective in addressing the problem from a global perspective while at the same time, imposing a disproportionate local burden on the societies which take those ineffective actions. \n\nRather than the professor's chocolate bar moral argument, which is flawed simply because stealing always has a victim, irrespective of whether the amount stolen is large or small....a better way to judge the global warming action argument is the 2 trains speeding towards each other on the same track analogy. If the trains are already so close that both need to apply the full brakes to avert complete disaster , and yet one engineer refuses to do so, there is no moral reason to stop serving lunch in the dining car of the other train....\n\nclimate change is a technical global issue, it requires an enforceable co-ordinated technical response","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nobody has verified the site. How soon will it take to start pumping out oil? Where exactly is the oil? What infrastructure will be needed? Is this even for real? Lots ofquestions before we jump the gun.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I was a student until recently too. It's normal to read 50-100 books a year in many disciplines. When I was expected to read these books, you know where the university made them available? In the library. When they weren't, the professor would order copies fo the library. When I wasn't expected to read them but I wanted to anyway and they weren't in the library, you know what I could do? Order a copy for the library, or loan from another library through ours. I assume many university libraries in the world work the same way. And students are expected to use them that way. \n\nI also assume that students who value books can't afford - like most of us - everything they want to read. But that then they should be smart enough to figure out they should value their libraries, not undermine them by not using them which is what they are doing. On top of undermining the people who make the books in the first place.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A house on my street that sold for $360K 6 years ago just closed for $900K. That's some kind of crazy increase.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\" incomplete stories that include unfounded accusations of disregard of victims rights on the part of the police.\"\n\nIf you read these case studies, the tactics used by police in interviews in which they actively ignore the main complaint, or try various ways to dissuade the complainant from pressing charges, are actually quite shocking -- and, since videotapes and transcripts are used, hardly \"unfounded\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Shirlene Ostrof.... It's time for real leadership.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Reality sucks when you're a loser, Bozo. So much winning, so much implosion.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I propose to have the Permanent dividend fund purchase every share of Northern Dynasty (NAK)\naprox 550 million shares for market.\nThe price i believe would be less than 1.2 billion dollars American.+ or -\nThen open the mine and force the company to mine it in an environmentally sound way as to not destroy our food and tourism source. This money would be revenue.not tied to any state spending.\nThen bond the project our selves and issue shares that are short the market to insure no loss in bonding this project.\nwhen the shares rise exponentially sell them back into the fund.\nThen may we have our full dividends.\nPlease.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Robert Orr: well-said. Thank you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"AirBags maim hundreds every year and sometimes even kill, yet they are installed in our cars without our choice and can't be easily disabled. You have no choice. \n\nBy your logic, we should be able to disable airbags and just promote safer driving.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Harper crafted the current ruleset for the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Commissioner.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Watch out, Mr Friedersdorf, some conservatives might sneak into your E Pluribus Dorm.\n\nMy guess is that the only people who would benefit from this sort of arrangement would be those taught to care for and respect those different from themselves during their true formative years, ages 0-18.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Best comment of the day. Thanks for the good laugh!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of course eh BC Liberals have nothing to hide. They are , electorally, above the law. Not enough voters care when they break the law.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The left ignores none of those tyrants, and the comparison with Venezuela is especially absurd. What used to be the lunatic fringe is now mainstream conservatism. I think your slope is the slippery one.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sloter isn't even close to being ready for 1st team defenses, put him on the PS and bring in a vet for a bod until Lynch is healthy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Its undercover reporting, Remember what that is ? This is the kind of stuff you should see on 60 minutes. It matters and should upset any real AMERICAN !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I share your outrage. But remember when BXVI lifted the excommunication on the Lefebvreist Bishops, but some one failed to inform him that one of them was a holocaust denier? Terrible things do happen, even in the most august of institutions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your question is where the rubber meets the road. Being a more competitive milk producer means cutting costs wherever possible. It implies a further industrialization of agriculture. In my mind that may also result in less ethical treatment of animals, lower input costs (crappy feed) and a greater reliance on hormones, anti-biotics and other treatments to keep the production humming. \n\nI prefer to pay a bit more and ensure the quality of the final product.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for your post. My high school civics class was a long time ago. So it's nice to have that bit of information. Too bad the writer didn't think to include it. \n\nIn the past, if I remember correctly, usually when the Senate sticks some amendments onto a bill (budgetary or not) and the HOC strips the amendments off and sends it back, the Senate takes the hint and passes it. So I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this delay until Thursday is the Senate's way of stamping its feet to show its displeasure without actually provoking a constitutional crisis. \n\nThe Senate periodically stands up to the HOC, but usually only on major issues and when an opposition party controls the Senate. Beer and liquor taxes hardly rise to that level. So I'd be surprised if the Senate refuses to pass the budget. \n\nIn other words, there might be a story on Thursday.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When gov't spook agencies believe from the top on down they're above the law and beyond accountability to the gov't they're supposedly servants of - it's time for spook heads to ROLL, starting with the HEAD spook's head. It sounds like Coulombe, at a miniimum, ought to be fired. And so much the better if there are laws he can be prosecuted under. Power abusing spooks, OUT.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe that's why it happened in Virginia ................... a gun nut state","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's interesting but it seems like there is more emphasis in pointing out differences than uniting the country at this time. I think this mentality is why we have so much cultural strife. I am surprised that this could be required for a course. Fertile ground for ambitious civil rights attorneys.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I could not agree with you more, Littleway. Pence \"won\" by not defending Trump; but it was really a greater win for the Hilary and Tim ticket owing to Pence's caution. \n\nIt requires as much caution to tell the truth as to conceal it. But Pence's concealment, lukewarm \"style,\" was rather chicken-hearted, white-livered, as it were. Pence obviously didn't want some of Trump's positions understood or believed, especially as Trump \"articulates\" them. Good heavens! What a \"running mate\"!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We now have a president who appears to have no actual knowledge about anything. It all up from there.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Siemian needs to learn to step up in the pocket when feeling pressure instead of to the back and side.\n\nAlso these miscommunications\/blown coverages are getting a little bit too consistent for my taste, loved the Simmons play obviously, but how did EJ Manual manage to look like Joe Montana out there?\n\nIn relatively good shape going into the bye, can't wait til Ray comes back, we need him to bolster that pass rush... Go Broncos.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pride goeth before the fall.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nathan,\n\nI guess we'll just have to wait and see how things work out.\n\nIn these discussions I'm hearing a lot of doubts expressed about Trump's ability to pick good leaders and make good decisions. That's primarily left-leaners who see things changing and mourning that their candidate lost. What gives me hope is that Trump is CEO of a complex and profitable $11B corporation. He didn't get there by being stupid and over the years he has developed a keen skill for evaluating people for their leadership abilities and putting them in positions where they can develop and deliver both growth and profits. So it will be interesting seeing how quickly and severely his management style conflicts with the entrenched bureaucracy and how much change he is actually able to drive. He has outlined an aggressive 100-day plan that I think is going to surprise a lot of bureaucrats by how quickly it knocks their ivory towers out from under them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If president Dump wasn't such a child and trying to get back at Chin for blocking his travel ban he might consider traveling during non-rush hour traffic but unfortunately for us he's not mature enough.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"BAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Donnie takes a whopping 48 hours to condemn the bigotry and hate spewed by the KKK, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists but a mere hour to blast the Merck CEO that resigned from the management council.\nAnd of course he couldn't even do the former correctly. He treated it like an after thought by, once again, ravishing praise on his favorite person - HIMSELF. \"Unemployment is down, a million jobs created and the economy is great, thanks to ME. Oh yeah, and before I forget, the KKK, Neo-Nazis and white supremacists are bad.\"\nAnd then a few hours later, he blasts the Merck CEO AGAIN!\nWhat a pathetic buffoon.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"A provincial NDP leader going to Ottawa meet with a Liberal PM that is frequently to the Left of the NDP on many issues. \n\nMaybe some selfies and a call for a group hug.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"aa the depression ended and things turned around cause of the war pal, not government regulation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Its Not religious, its Not telling people how to dress:\nIts about 'identity concealment'. I, you and everyone has the right to identify and be able to recognize with whom one is dealing.\nIF you wear a mask - I don't have to serve you. Full stop.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Since I'll be your lacking any peer-reviewed studies to back your claim, I'll just say that any time saved is likely negated by employees wasting time on internet provided distractions. Productivity in general has been falling in the US for some time, and it's very doubtful the tech sector is immune from that trend.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Read the UBC report comparing NDP versus Liberal economic performance.\n\nI'll save you the reading; NDP performed better.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A viable third party is possible if for no other reason than we don't have a viable 2nd party, so the bar is very low.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As I said, I would eliminate ALL deductions\/breaks\/credits, and just apply lower rates to everyone. That included mortgage interest, child credits, donations, etc etc etc.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agreed.\n\nAnyone who proclaims \"two wheels good, four wheels bad\" and actually believes it is an idiot. There are reasons a lot of collisions between cars and non-cars don't result in charges; most of them come down to fault, but it also seems truish that cops favour drivers.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I'll bet it wasn't easy 'to load them into shopping carts'. Some of those campers are pretty hefty when you are trying to do that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you said RINO's do not like Trump, yep, correct!\n\nAs for President Trump fitting the definition of Republican, oh golly no!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Right. You're calling Obama a scholar! No, I was commenting on the ISIL term thrown in to prove Obama was superior.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So the person who nailed Jesus to the cross lacked full knowledge of what he was doing. Are we supposed to believe that we are just as\/more ignorant of God's commandments today when we have access to the Bible, the CCC, and Church teaching at our fingertips with the Internet? Are we really that incapable?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"O'Weary...not here for you. Scammer and con artists abound in the CPC.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, he wanted a Russian May Day parade of the military. Unbelievable stuff. You can't really make up anything any more.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"PS - There are many sterling smaller cap dividend providers out there, several of them former income trusts.\n\nFor example, one that I've held for years is ENF. - current yield (including the just announced 10% dividend increase) is 5.8%.\n\nAgain, it is interesting to look at the long term total returns of this one versus the far more well known and considered more Holy Grailish by many, ENB.\n\nThe 5, 10 and 13+ year returns (back to Oct 9,2003 which is the earliest data point for ENF in longrundata) for ENF versus ENb are:\n\n5 Year ENB- 12.3%, ENF - 16.4%\n\n10 Year ENB - 14.9%, ENF - 18.7%\n\n13 Year 3 Month ENB - 16.1%, ENF - 17.7%.\n\nA couple more names you may wish to look at are ECI, EIF and MSI. (I own them all). Cheers, and best of luck with your diversification.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It was actually Sarah and Burke et al bullying the Pope. Sometimes a bully needs a poke in the nose to behave. Cardinal Sarah was not the only target of this action.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I, for one, approve of the new Comments evaluation matrix. It is a good spectrum of \"reactions\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The CPC is the party Canadian supporters of Donald Trump vote for.\n\nThat is all the definition the CPC will ever have.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"...We did so most recently in April at the solemn events in France to mark the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge...\"\nNothing to be pride here Canada. Was it because Canada was invaded by a foreign country ? Of course not ! It's more that Canada was a boot-licking colony for the British!\nCanada will not become a \u201creal country\u201d until YOU stop being a boot-licking colony !","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The domestic terrorists at the company called \"civil comments\" are attempting to destroy your first amendment right to free speech!\nOnly in communist countries or in Nazi Germany you had to have approval of your speech by your peers!\nThat's not the United States of America!\nThat's Russia under the iron fist of a loser named Putin!\nRESIST LOSING YOUR 1st Amendment right!\nHere is the communists website I HOPE all hackers that are reading this understand it is time to take this website down are you listening @ \"anonymous\" our free-speech is being destroyed by these losers\nBe a real American patriot like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington that fought for our first amendment rights for free speech !\nhttps:\/\/www.getcivil.com","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"JIM678\nIf memory serves me correctly, we have voted on that issue three times in the past. I believe two of the times it passed. But for one reason or another the powers that be ( $$, greed,& power ) keep on, keeping the Capital in Juneau.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There are no permanent friends, and no permanent enemies. Only permanent interests!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hi Kevin, Sorry that I do not write back immediately. I do not own a cell phone\/Laptop\/Ipad\/ Tablet\/Blackberry, etc. - just a basic Apple Computer at home. Kevin, the organist (Evelyn) in our Parish Church did not go up to the Altar to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist because she knew she was living in sin and did not want to offend Jesus further, but she was attached to the sin of impurity until she realized that she was indeed offending Him by choosing to continue having sexual relations with her boyfriend. She needed to hear in a loving (not judgmental) way that she has to choose between God and sin. What I always found humbling about Evelyn was the fact that she used to go up to the Altar and cross her arms over her chest. In this way, the Priest knew she was there to receive a blessing but not to desecrate the body of Christ because she was not in the State of Grace. I believe your example of Joe and other remarried Catholics who have not obtained an annulment (continued)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You are right. Those people will not be your friends in the future because they all have issues. Issues is why they binge drink to numb the anxiety and pain probably caused by family issues.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think PBS cuts across political boundaries and I have to think hard to come up with some example that would typify it as politic ally biased although I know the common perception is that it caters to the left, but I think it's only a perception. Most of what I see on public broadcasting is straight up educational and in that I can see how it would offend those on the right of the political spectrum.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I really admire Jane Fonda, but I think your comment was quite witty and clever. I think Jane herself would approve. She does look like the kind of woman who is serious, but has an ability to laugh at herself. I once met someone in the enterrainment field who worked with her. They said she was bright, down to earth, excellent manners, motivated, smart, committted. And fun. Doesnt surprise me in the least. For many years i had a photo of Jane....era of Klute....wearng a military style shirt....at my desk at work.She is not perfect, but shes impressive, at least to me. I really admire her. Writing her a fanletter is a retirement project, so Im enjoying defending her , a pleasure.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Have you seen any of the videos where eye-witnesses in Charlotsville talk about there being several buses lined up behind each other with people in both KKK shirts and BLM shirts coming off the same buses?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Waaaaaahhhhh\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There have now been 155 mass shootings in the U.S.A. since the beginning of 2017.\n\nTrump supports the NRA and the NRA says Americans should get more guns to protect themselves. Maybe Trump and US congress and US senate members should get guns and start carrying guns to protect themselves as the NRA suggests.\n\nBy the way, when will Trump and his U.S. administration make America safe again?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The fare is reported to depend on operating revenue and ridership. The bus and city dept of transportation iirc uses 10% rule of thumb. If you're paying about $2 fare then the revenue including federal money is about 9X that. So if the cost of each rider is $20 then 10% of that is bus fare.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yawn.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"cont'd\n\nJesus replied: \"Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.\" He went on: \"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.\"\n\nThis was no hyperbole. In fact, it is perfectly logical. Jesus is telling us that divorce is impermissible in the sight of God, so much so that a man procures a \"divorce\", he is not divorced in the sight of God. The marriage remains intact --- so much so that whichever of the spouse later marries and has sexual relations with the new spouse, that person commits adultery. All of this sounds like metaphor to you? \n\nYou ask: \"How do you think they would have reacted when someone they knew, someone who had followed the law, was called an adulterer?\" That depends on who they thought Jesus was. \ncont'd","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What's a pension?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Great column, but I don't see that enriching himself or his family is truly a priority. Yes, his Washington hotel is doing well, but its relative chicken feed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What part of \"Worst Mass Extinction Event Since the Dinosaurs\" don't people get? Fukushima has polluted fully one third of the world's ocean, and ALL marine life in that area has disappeared or is in process of disappearing. ALL fish has mercury in it, even trout in ONP's high alpine lakes. It's not safe to eat, so get over it. Our species is next. What affects ocean life affects all who come in contact with the ocean or who depend on its food chain. The fat lady is singing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Roby, Ray, and Marshall were exposed for their lack of talent. Marshall has taken a knee on tackling and pass coverage. Ray is extremely over-rated. Roby just can't cover. Safety play is none existent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"WE are paying this?? what bs, let him sue the usa if he feels its justified,, or sue his parents for making him a child soldier in the first place, but canada taxpayers should and do owe him nothing!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks to Attny General Chin for broadening his case to include religion and demonstrating that on the opposite side of the world, Trump's travel orders undermine families. \n\nThanks, Rui for again digging into the nitty-gritty details.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, too late to stop! It was too late to stop when the first lies came out of the sides of our public officials' mouths before anything was ever done!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obama's love affair with radical Islam has officially ended.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is so refreshing that lay Catholics in parishes in the New York area are showing the hierarchy that they do indeed have a voice and they demand to be heard. There has been too much cover up of clergy sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults by popes and bishops for too long, and parents are not going to take it anymore.\n\nInstead of popes and bishops being servant-leaders like Jesus, many of them are princes who worship a false idol, in my view, because they worship the man-made rules of the institutional Church, and lack a personal relationship with Jesus, the Christ and the man, who gave us two commandments: to love God and to love one another. \n\nJesus asked us to come directly to him and that he would refresh us. Why is Jesus so ignored and Mary so revered by our hierarchy, especially when that same hierarchy treats us women like second class people and gives substandard reproductive care to women in Catholic hospitals?\nSincerely, Dr Rosemary Eileen McHugh, MD, MSpir","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Give some evidence of the \"phoney degree\" issue that claim. Also some evidence that Canada doesnt vet people. Every report I have ever seen actually claims Canada's immigration requirements are too hard.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Then the commission, and all church leaders, must listen!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obama blamed Bush during his years. Smearing on all sides are getting tiresome.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"no need to insult Trump by comparing him to Justin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This event is free because the male form has always been undervalued and unappreciated. Such is our lot in life. #sad...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your comment did not say anything about being on \"the list\". Terrorists are trying to infiltrate and reek havoc everywhere in the world - heard about the attacks at Normandy church, Nice, Brussels, Paris?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CBC's The National gathers about a million viewers. \n\nThe Rebels' Youtube videos draw less than a tenth that. \n\nFake news, indeed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wouldn't a simpler ordinance be \"No selling of any product or service on public right of ways?\" Sometimes, the more specific a rule, the more people will try to find a way to get around it as, in this case, there is no mention of \"WHEELED\" devices, so it must be OK!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree, sir. When does the madness stop at renaming or reconciling at every turn?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\u201cReagan proved that deficits don't matter.\u201d Dick Cheney, Jan. 9, 2004\n\nGerald Ford: Added $224 billion, a 47% increase in the $475 billion debt level at the end of Nixon's last budget, FY 1974.\nJimmy Carter: Added $299 billion, a 43% increase in the $699 billion debt level at the end of \u00a0Ford's last budget, FY 1977.\nRonald Reagan: Added $1.86 trillion, 186% increase in the $998 billion debt level at the end of Carter's last budget, FY 1981.\nGeorge H.W. Bush: Added $1.554 trillion, a 54% increase in the $2.8 trillion debt level at the end of Reagan's last budget, FY 1989.\nBill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32% increase to the $4.4 trillion debt level at the end of Bush's last budget, FY 1993.\nGeorge W. Bush: Added\u00a0$5.849 \u00a0trillion, a 101% increase\u00a0to the $5.8 trillion debt level at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001. \nBarack Obama: Added\u00a0$6.494 trillion, a 56% increase in the\u00a0$11.657 trillion debt level attributable to President Bush by the end of his last budget, FY\u00a02009.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Donnie - I have never said you were a big fish, but you are a representative of the State GOP, I believe as a committeeman. Thanks for the mention.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Sun published an update, the Grandma who complained to Trudeau, she could barely afford to eat after paying her carbon tax and hydro bills has been receiving threats-\"trolls and haters have been flooding her Facebook wall with negative comments.-\n\u201cThere are people all over the place who think I\u2019m hired by a politician and I\u2019m a criminal committing fraud. \"\nThe leftist media, let this information slip by, as usual, giving the PM the kid's glove treatment.\nI can't find this news in the Globe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eugene is a sanctuary city for convicted sexual predators as well as criminal aliens and every other variety of human garbage that drifts thru town with their pitbulls","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You were throwing Carnegie and Vanderbilt under the bus and comparing their evil nature to your list of political saints. I am merely questioning your saints canonization and veneration. I have no particular information about or interest in the robber barons of the last century; the ones who currently own both the Democratic and the Republican politicians in power and those seeking the Presidency are my major concern.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"luke.... how's about you answer a question. The USA was just caught using white phosphorous in Iraq. According to international law this amounts to a war crime because it was near innocent civilians.... What should happen to the USA Luke? Should we ignore 'actual' crimes against people. I know this will fly in the face of your trumpian logic but let's give it a shot shall we.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He had no idea that these people destroyed his childhood home. It is a shame. And I guess they're \"too busy\" to take care of their trash. Who knows, we just saw this article today. Ask Laura and forest, the home owners.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm waiting for 2045 where the eclipse will be longer and the totality band will cover Colorado.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah come to Canada and enjoy the cold weather. Leave sunny California for high taxed Canada.\nGreat plan.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Teilhard did have doubters and critics for much of his career. But he was not formally excommunicated, nor were his books put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. And in the 1960s there was a first enthusiastic appreciation of Teilhard by theologians. Note however that these have generally been the right-wing kind, who perhaps falsely interpret Teilhard to suit their own agenda, e.g. Joseph Ratzinger, Avery Dulles: https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Pierre_Teilhard_de_Chardin#Relationship_with_the_Catholic_Church","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Touche. I actually agree with you, and admit that I was wrong. Getting caught up in the moment is no excuse, and I apologize to the man I insulted.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The NDP has always assumed that government money is infinite and only needs someone kind hearted to effectively hand it out and thus solve all society's ills. \n\nIt is time that the NDP accepts that government money is most certainly finite, and that to be truly compassionate one needs to focus the limited available money on the most vulnerable in society. \n\nHere's the hard part. To take that leap, one would then have to accept that society's most vulnerable does NOT include public service workers, middle class families, Bombardier or Ontario's auto industry. Government should instead focus on alleviating true poverty, seniors, children at risk, people with health issues, and physical challenges, for starters.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Peter M. Roddy, \n\nTPP would have eliminated the tariff. Para. 4 says, \"Existing tariffs cost on red salmon imported to Chili, Japan, Mexico, would have been removed according to United Nations Conference.\" This means third-world countries are still paying a tariff. Trump is right. These countries have polluted their waters and have horrible human rights records. Globalization should be stopped. They left their own countries because they needed work. I quote, 'Give us your poor, tired and huddled masses....\" Now, lets get everyone back to work and can the idea for supporting communist countries. Great Pacific Seafood pulled out of here because fish prices were being leveled. Globalize Alaska's fishing industry for the sake of the fishermen at the micro-level, for the peoples' livelihood, not a state run incorporated fishing industry, who wasted and spilled a belly dump of fish this summer! Was that 10 totes? Also, consolidate departments. Fishing should be grouped with Dept. of Agric..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now I am really confused! Your fearless leader announced last year that President Obama was born in the USA, and the whole scam was propagated by Hilary Clinton. So it seems you are a Hilary fan after all! Who knew?\n\nRegarding the health care bill, it could have been MUCH better, but giving 20-30 million Americans heath care at all makes me proud, and I am sure it does you too as a compassionate human being. I can't imagine you would be in favor of the current plan to take it away from those folks and give a trillion dollars to rich folk instead.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's OK. You spent the last 8 years telling us what's best for us. We'll spending the next 8 years showing you what's best for you. Unless you happen to be one of those who make their living by gaming the system.\n\nThe Democrats are a coalition of bureaucrats, welfare recipients, and unions who use force and coercion to get money from everybody else. The unions protect their own.\n\nThe Republicans are \"the Forgotten Man,\" people who work for a living in the private sector (Small Business), who earn the money they make and who provide most of the jobs, don't benefit from the government programs, but have to pay for them. You don't have to have a college degree to start or run a small business, but many small business owners make several multiples of what Phds with liberal arts degrees. Who's smarter? Only 26% of the jobs in this country require any college at all. Why run up $200,000 of student loan debt if you're going to end up working for Starbucks? How smart is that?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Globe reporter Marcus McGee provided much to ponder, agree that payment for my subscription therefore is good value.\n\nIt appears that Joseph Boyden's cultural fluidity as a novelist crossed the line into Grey Owl territory. Difference is its 2017 and as we seek to find a respectful way forward together with First Nations people's we, from the settler's way and place of taking, need to ask and listen in ways we have not been taught yet.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"more people are \"locked away\" for jaywalking than recreation use of marijuana. You are talking about drug dealers, not users.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hey, got another question prompted by your own, KalleJ, and jjfarms1's comment about columnists Sheema and Shree. Howcum no MALE Muslims giving us THEIR opinion? Have I missed a guy or two along the way? Seems we have a--what's the current phrase?--oh, yeah: a \"gender deficit\" here. \n\nReminds me of my thought a few nights ago, in the wake of the Paris Accord, when CBS news went off to Pennsylvania coal fields to interview a group of coal miners. There they were, standing in a line at the tailgate of a big 'ol pickup truck: every one...a woman. \n\nI guess \"real men\" don't go in much for all that talkin' stuff.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As if we needed more, here is more proof that Trudeau doesn't have a clue. He doesn't understand the Canadian economy, he cares not for Canadians' prosperity. His duplicitous carbon tax will erase any middle class income tax roll-back that he promised, and cost plenty more. \n\nThis knot-head of a prime minister will cost us all dearly by the time we get rid of him in 2019. Just wait till he has to go toe-to-toe with Trump, when Trump is steering our largest trading partner's economy in one direction and Jr. is determined to head in the other.\n\nSunny Ways indeed!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Countries with higher gender equality are more prosperous because they are in the West, which is the most prosperous part of the world. It's fallacious to imply that these countries prosper because of gender equality.\n\nBut I appreciated the analysis of why men in some countries are raised to dominate.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He looks pretty good. Handsome fella.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There are people who condemn all rodeos, including the small ones in towns and villages everywhere in this country. The reason this one gets the most publicity, both pro and con, is because it's enormous and people know about it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please do share your extensive library of Liberal misdoings over the last year.\nI'm sure you will even back them up with reputable links, also!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Because most \"got along\" with President Obama, even if they disagreed with him. He treated them with respect. Like you, Trump cannot \"get along\" with those with whom he disagrees.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bob Mould was born and raised in upstate New York, however, so he's technically not a Minnesotan. \/nerd","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bet these thugs are card carrying NRAers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm not concerned with democracy. I'm concerned about liberty. These aren't the same things. In fact democracy almost always leads to less liberty. As far as human political institutions and power structures go, liberty should be our primary concern and goal.\n\nYou're concerned about the rich and powerful getting more riches and power. I'm not concerned about them getting more riches as long as they do it legitimately, morally and without special government privileges. Your concern about power is misplaced. Government is where power is vested. That's what attracts the money and those who want control of it. Look past the surface symptoms to the root problems.\n\n\"Or maybe you want to live in a society where the disparity of wealth is so great that people suffer.\"\n\nThat happens in countries where the state has the most power.\n\n\"Liberty does not exist when such disparity exists.\"\n\nThe more power government has the more liberty is at risk.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He's spinning the story in the hopes that Federal charges are not filed. A politically motivated attack can lead to a conviction on federal charges and severe punishment. My guess is the lawyer knows the truth and is hoping misdirect the investigation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The empty vessel must be in trouble again as the Globe sees fit to apologize for his behaviour","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you don't like it get a NEXUS card!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think it goes back a lot longer.\n \nThe Nazis giving the salute and marching under the Eagle standard looks a lot like the Romans giving the Hail Caesar salute marching under the eagle standard.\n\nThe Nazis even copied the Hindus. Guess where the Swastika is from?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"valuable low income housing but very old","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ms. Chong is indeed correct that Oliver Lee and his followers were vindicated-- vindicated, but sadly at the loss of so much life by both the Vietnamese and US and allied troops. There is an excellent book on what happened after the fall of South Vietnam to the rule of the Viet Cong about specific Vietnamese during the war and after the war. One story was about how people who fled the war and settled in the US, but many returned including a man who returned to head the Vietnamese office of Federal Express. And the story of the Vietnamese pilot who was trained in Texas and fought against the Viet Cong, but ended up strafing the South Vietnamese \"White House\". He became the head of the Vietnamese Airline. Today many US tourists go to Hanoi and what was once Saigon and now \"Ho Chih Minh City\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow! You sound *just* like a Reagan-era neo-con in this one, Hugh. o_O","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No. NOLA.com is a local, Louisiana paper.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nice gift from GCI management to their new owners. \nLiberty gets a BIG fat rate increase and GCI takes the heat for it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Another manufactured story from the Washington Post. Aren't there any other papers we can get articles from? The Post and New York Times are just full time ads for hillary.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mr. Sigall..sorry for misspelling your name.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Uh-huh. WIFI hurts your knees. Sure it does.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Donnie is probably still too stupid\/racist\/stubborn to do the right thing. \n\nTo recap, that would be:\n\n1. Retract the BothSiderist narrative unambiguously, wholeheartedly and without any whining about the media or any other diversion. \n2. Take the blame for his whipping up racists with his rhetoric, and promise to change his ways. \n3. As gesture of good faith and show he means it, fire Sessions, Gorka, Bannon and Miller. \n\n\nAnything less is not enough. The above would be just the start. \n\n\nBut who am I kidding? He's a racist child and will never grow up. \n\n\nWhen will the GOP find their spine, remove the scum in the WH and work to find adults for their party again?\n\n\nI know most Americans would love to have adults running things again. Seems the only ones around are Democrats.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"We do pay for it. And Earl paid for it. People paid for Earl's vet bills. Then there's the pattern of child abuse that follows animal abuse. Who's going to 'pay' for that?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Jim, read the article before commenting!\n\nPhiladelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput used a weekly column to excoriate a \u201cscheming\u201d Hillary Clinton\u2019s presidential campaign for anti-Catholic bigotry on Thursday.\n\nThousands of hacked emails by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta have embarrassed Mrs. Clinton since last Friday and revealed her key allies talking about ways to ignite a \u201cCatholic Spring.\u201d Documents obtained by the nonprofit WikiLeaks show Mr. Podesta and Sandy Newman, president of the nonprofit group Voices for Progress, mulling ways to end the \u201cmiddle ages dictatorship\u201d of the Catholic church.\nArchbishop Chaput blasted the exchange, as well as another by John Halpin of the Center for American Progress that labeled Catholics \u201cseverely backwards\u201d on gender relations.\n\nBy Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Thursday, October 13, 2016\n\nThis is only parts of the article!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They're moving Aug 16 and 17.\n\nVickie Mindel Nelson \nGoFundMe\n\nAs some of you know, NHS [Nightingale Health Sanctuary] is moving to the Mission's land this coming week. We are using trucks, bikes, and cars. You can help with a donation or by volunteering to drive for us. We appreciate any help you can give us. Love and thanks!\n\nhttps:\/\/www.gofundme.com\/2jju5ng","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The real issue is the damage done to the incentive to take risks, to challenge the big players in order to bring better prices and service to consumers. \nBig L Liberals are about big corporate dominance that feeds their need to feel in control. They'd rather funnel money to Bombardier and to Morneau Shepell, than incentivize the small business segment that creates 75% of new jobs and competition for big corporate players.\nThey're talking about incorporated professionals to fuel average voter resentment against above average earners, but what they are doing is building Venezuela.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"you are a nut job","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"A lot of people have been struggling for years to survive. Hard times make people want change, any change.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"because?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He's the best at spending like a rich kid with Momma's money except now he's blowing our tax dollars on anything but Canada.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Awesome work Mike. A piece everyone needs to read. Thank you!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I can scarcely recall what I imagined the internet would bring when it bloomed a generation ago. But my speculation about an interconnected future did not include reading the real-time rage-tweets of a malevolent clown while he pinches off a loaf in the White House throne room, having been placed there by traitors, racists, misogynists and assorted goddamned nitwits.\nNope. I did not see that coming.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"\"Unconscious bias explains why the higher echelons of government and business are still so pale and male. It explains why women are still so woefully shortchanged in STEM jobs (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). It explains why we need to move even more aggressively to recruit women and minorities...\n\nWhen Canadian STEM schools graduate a diverse blend of 50% females and males for 35 or 40 years then in 35 or 40 years take a snap shot of the workplace and I strongly suggest there will still remain statistical inequities between men and women but it won't be because the higher echelons are significantly pale and male...there will be many other cultural\/religious\/ethnic factors in play that already hold both men and women back.\n\nIf as Margaret suggests we need to \"more aggressively recruit women and minorities\" and Canadian STEM schools aren't yet graduating a representative mix of the Canadian mosaic, will immigration policy support largely STEM female & minority hires?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The comment section has devolved into character assassination. Good job, ADN.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Nobody likes to give money to people who only get participation trophies. People support WINNERS!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He's talking about our tendency to anthropomorphize, and thereby obscure true threats. As a former resident of bear country (Kodiak), I concur 100% with him - probably the first and last time I ever will.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"you are on to something....we could do a film about all the things that have been done to rectify injustice and show how it hasn't worked. After all that's been done the African American has failed to prosper. Self rule in urban areas has been a mess. see Baltimore , Chicago, DC, New Orleans, and many more. We can do a film on why three out of four black children are fatherless. we can do a film on why 6% of the population is responsible for 50% of the violent crime. We could go on and on and on..........","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lets make sure we get the facts straight. Powel used a commercial email account, not a private server in his home. Powell's email account was authorized by the State Department and secured by the appropriate government agencies. While Secretary, Powell received two emails from aides on that account that were classified confidential just last year. Condi Rice did not use email for personal purposes or for business purposes. Neither did Albright. Bush did not out Valerie Plame. Valerie Plame had not been a covert operative for well over 5 years so there was no security violation by letting anyone know she worked for the CIA. The email account you refer to was a political account at the white house and paid for by the RNC, not the taxpayers. No classified material on it. How many times do the Clintons have to fool democrats before they realize that they are being taken for everything the Clintons can get.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bed and Breakfasts existed long before the greedy Mainland Hotel Corporations demanding that Bed and Breakfasts be made Illegal. The Mainland Hotel Corporations need their $200 to $1000 per night charges for a concrete box so they can make big Profits for their Investors, Stock Holders while basically f__king the Locals.\n\nAt Many Modern 21st Century European Nations their Governments like Bed and Breakfasts as usually a Mom and Pop Operation of \"Empty Nesters\" that have a Limited Fixed Income, because they can by having a Bed and Breakfast make enough money to pay their Taxes, Property Taxes, and not become a burden by getting kicked out of their Homes of Generations, and becoming Homeless like at Demonrats Hawaii.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Are you suggesting that humans are exempt from gravity?\n\nOr is \"differs in kind\" just code for \"natural law does not apply to humans\", meaning the ones you do not wish to apply?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Conrad Black got started early on his life of crime, by stealing Upper Canada College exams and peddling illegal copies.\n\nIronic that a \"news\" publisher who depends on Copyright Protection for much of his income started out life as a scofflaw copyright criminal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Audit firms are just too valuable to businesses, to allow the public to hold them accountable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He was mentally-ill.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"House Democrats just introduced a \u201cno confidence\u201d resolution that questions Trump\u2019s ability to serve as President.\n\nThis is exactly the kind of resolution we need right now: it includes a long list of objections to Trump\u2019s conduct and holds him accountable for his inexcusable actions as President.\n\nIf Trump is determined to make a fool out of himself and embarrass the United States at every turn, we\u2019ll support calling him out whenever possible.\n\nCall and write to urge Congress to advance the \u201cno confidence\u201d resolution and hold Trump responsible for his actions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Dear Minister of Twitter (aka chief Twit)\n\nSome muddled thinking there, bud , to say that it is not government that is engaged in corrruption, but corrupt civilians that work in government is stating the obvious - like saying guns don't kill people, people kill people, using guns as a method or weapon.\n\nWhere is you evidence that the private security industry is riddled with criminals, and if this is true, how does this compare to the level that SAPS is riddled with corrupt people?\n\nIn the last 4 years, 80 of your own ANC officials have been murdered in KZN, yet not one single arrest and successful prosecution has taken place - why not?\nIt is not difficult to draw up a list of suspects - start with their rivals and those that benefit from their demise.\n\nStop blaming the public for the fact that your Police force is so useless at their job, and politically compromised.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"First amendment speaks only about not jailing people for thier speech. (Congress shall make no law). Doesn't speak to any \"right\" to mouth off in private enterprise, private clubs or homes, churches, bars, anything. You are only protected from prosecution.\n\nThat point is made daily in an effort to educate the antifa and their ilk.\nYou should maybe make a trip to the public library and read the Constitution before exposing yourself as an illiterate buffoon.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"All of the commentary on this seems to ignore the viewpoints of the voters themselves, most of whom simply want to see more jobs back in Alberta.\n\nYou could easily have urban ridings go PC and rural ridings go Wildrose, giving them a combined majority in the legislature and forcing them to work together (or face another term of NDP government).\n\nWouldn't that serve both parties right.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Globe is anything but a National newspaper. It is and always will be a Toronto paper reflecting Toronto views.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One term too many.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"lets see how long the Globe remains the propaganda arm of the Liberals","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They would be that is why it isn't an issue.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Um, Civil Comments subbed in the asterisks. I'm not one to mince words.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Because they have an education and are doing work which requires thought and skill.\n\nThey are also probably at least at risk of being murdered on the job as any cop in the US.\n\nIt is a myth that cops aren't paid well. They are making bank and have an easy job especially in towns like mine where the crime of the year may be some kid shoplifting.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Cadwell did a great job with Maya? Hey if you want to bring the kids into it...this is the chick who was with her friend setting fire to Ben Cayetano signs with a bong. Great job? Not that day baby...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There's no excuse for this. How many active cases of HIV are there in the Bethel region?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really!?! After all that has gone down,first them meddling in our election,then outwardly giving money to the Putin friendly ultra conservative party during the elections in France,why doesn't Trump give Russia the Whitehouse!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It will be interesting to see the comments from the folks that jumped on the \"those darn librals\" bandwagon without doing some research first.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Entitlement\" and \"Earned\" seem to the most confusing and conflated!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Link to the video? DP, you do remember the video, correct? The reason this article was written in the first place?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"pretending you are correct, does it allow NBC to abuse their freedom of the press?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Perhaps that just proves that doctrine does indeed evolve.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Congratulations to her parents and the community and especially to Jayne herself. All Alaskans wish her well.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Krookwell has NO \"skin in the game\". He just expects everyone else to hunker down and suffer while his wife pays $300\/month property taxes, he collects dividends from Territorial, gets his FAT mayoral\/state leg benefits packages and sips his beer from the private Thomas Square Park for Privileged Whiteys","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The SPLC is a hate group because it hate those and promotes hatred of those who disagree with them. Who cares what they think anyway?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, \"socialism is shared misery\"..Is that what we want?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You do realize that in 100 years you'll be considered a moron because you were too stupid to invent cold fusion. Right?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, there are military operations throughout Micronesia. LOL.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But then they would have to petition to throw out the judges if they don't like the outcome.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"https:\/\/www.ncronline.org\/news\/justice\/powerful-speech-san-diego-bishop-challenges-organizers-disrupt-rebuild\n\nApparently both NCR and the majority of posters here do not care for religious leaders speaking of political issues. Until they agree with them \ud83d\ude01","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mr. Wright is apparently taking ownership of imaginary Italics. Does he have a problem with Italians?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The PFD comes from the earnings of the Permanent Fund which was created by Hammond to keep the dirty politicians hands off of the money.\n\nThe dividend is meant as a check on corruption. \n\nIt was a way to pit collective greed against selective greed.\n\n When they government comes for the people's share of the money, it means government is corrupt and out of control and it time for the Alaskan people to replace them.\n\nRead Diapering the Devil \nhttps:\/\/www.cgdev.org\/doc\/books\/GovernorsSolution\/Ch2_GovernorsSolution.pdf\n\nDo you know what diapers and politicians have in common?\n\nThey both need to be replaced often and for the exact same reason.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, another of the biggest pigs is fleeing the hog wallow! Time to impeach the head pig.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Your mom's \"strong and independent\" viewpoint is for daughters who are unmarried. You look like you've snared a live one, so she thinks she's helping you close the deal by coaching you how to manage him, lest he get away and she'll have to dust off the \"strong and independent\" chant till the next Mr. Possible bites the hook.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Londoners have braved the onslaught of the Luftwaffe, potential invasion of the might of Nazi Germany, and stood strong. I think they can handle some local yokels that have not progressed from the stone age.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Are you saying it was better under Obama?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This just confirms to vote for Trump - we have NO chance with Hillary","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People, people, when oh when will you realize that oil is becoming less and less important in today's society? Do you know how many hybrid and electric cars there are out there? These comments of \"our oil\" versus \"their oil\"......don't you get it? Oil is going the way of the dodo bird. But I would guess that a majority of people on this board with positive comments about the TAR SANDS also don't believe in Global Warming.. Fine...it's a free country....just don't be surprised when 5 years from now you discover your investment in one of the TAR SANDS companies goes to ZERO. Oh, an as an aside, no, I'm not a 30 year old living in my parents basement....I have a BAH, Ecxonomics and MBA in finance, have worked for over 25+ years in the investment industry, all on Institutional desks, traded FX, Bonds, and spend the last 20+ years on an institutional equity desk....you know...the guys that deal with, and sell the stock of these \"great\" oil companies......... imagine that...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is the Taliban mindset which causes irreparable strife and discontent... and it the RC culture hadn't shifted away from imperial\/triumphant mode the two might find themselves as strange bedfellows, albeit adversarial ones as both religions use (or have used) violence\/coercion\/perversion to bind subjects to their respective faith traditions and beliefs... a far cry from the essence of Christ's gospel message, wouldn't you agree?\n\nDo you ever visit the RadTrad sites and observe the tone and tenor of some the commentary? I appreciate that you are for the most part civil but the herd mentality I have seen makes one wonder to what length they might go to be rid of us nasty heretics (i.e., progressives, protestants, etc.)... this is the \"sickness\" which +Francis speaks about, a complete abandonment of gospel principles in favor of their cherished ideology.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"With a comment like that, how can anyone take you seriously? Step back and let your school taught critical skills come in to play. You may not support Trump following clear-headed critical thinking, but you will realize your comment has no basis of fact.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're woefully short on your understanding of MLK. First, he advocated \"militant non-violence\". He espoused the belief that violence meant the message was completely lost. Second, MLK consistently expressed the belief that people would be judged by their character and not the color of their skin. All people. Finally, and most importantly, MLK expressed the Christian belief that people can change and find redemption. \n\nToday, we have outreach efforts to gang members who kill, rob, and engage in unlawfulness. Similarly, people who embrace racist ideologies are morally lost. MLK always stated that people are morally equal. He believed in engagement. \n\nConsequently, violence is always wrong. Engagement to bring people away from fringe elements should always be the goal. No one has a right to engage in vandalism or destruction of property because they mistakenly believe they're morally superior to everyone else.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"May Cardinal Caffarra rest in peace. I am sure he was greeted with \"Well done, good and faithful servant.\"\n\nI pray for him...and thank him for all he did and all he tried to do.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The article cleaerly states there is moly in the water.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I am a shareholder. If people are not interested in department stores, what do you do? You can't live in the glorious past.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CriticalReader, your arguments and logic are devolving quickly into thick blob of \"Huh?\"\nTry and keep it real, you are normally better than this.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where in the article did it say that money went to the Russians?\n\nOh right, it didn't, you just lied about it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"most the legal immigrants here are engineers, doctors, professors, etc... Most of the legal immigrants in Sweden are refugees from war torn countries (I know this, I was one of them) Somalia, Yugoslavia, Nigeria, Turkey, Albania, Columbia, etc... in the 90s. I'm guessing its the same idea but different countries now. \n\nEven the illegals here mostly come for the opportunity to earn money to send home, which is very admirable. \n\nThe birth rates minus immigration are negative in both countries (believe me there are socialist problems in the US too, look at Bernie's Vermont, comes in last in growth), so the fact that they shlep in immigrants to boost numbers does not mean much. \n\nRe education, they still earn less, would rather earn 100K with no college than 50K with college. Plenty of debt still there: https:\/\/qz.com\/85017\/college-in-sweden-is-free-but-students-still-have-a-ton-of-debt-how-can-that-be\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If, in spite of the presumption of innocence, he's found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is not a question of whether the county can tax enough to give employees what they want. Of course they can. The question is what is reasonable pay. This cannot be answered by referencing pay to other counties as all counties face zero competition or need to be frugal. Pay should be determined by a combination of comparison with similar private for profit company compensation (real competition sets wages scale) and direct experience of how much pay is necessary to hire new employees able with reasonable training to do the jobs.\n\nIt is widely believed that county pay exceeds reasonable expectation for work performed. If this is indeed the case. We must not shy away from accepting a strike and waiting until county employees either accept reasonable wages or quit so that new and better employees can be hired.\n\nThis one Lane county voter suggests that the county lock the doors for at least one month once the unions strike. Think of the possible park improvements enabled.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"balance is good, but deceptive advertising and posturing by politicians is not to be encouraged.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you're going to compare, you have to compare apples to apples. \n\nImmigrant Hungarians or Portuguese or Japanese are nowhere near the # of Chinese immigrants. 0.5 Mil of 16 Mil is 3%. Is that the same figure of returning Canadian nationals for immigrants from other countries such as China?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This chick clearly is lying and wants revenge for making a stupid decision. Gtfo","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It's not just money. It's also policy. Punishment is a joke, sentences are too lenient. Judges don't protect the public. Halfway houses where criminals can walk away at will is a joke. Prisons should be places that are feared, not plush hotels where you spend a little time between crimes. The court system is too burdensome and needs to be restructured. Courts should be about victims rights, and not focus on rehabbing the garbage of society that doesn't' t want to change.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"No...it is easy for you to say without actual knowledge. Are you there everyday to see the \"many\" or more than a \"few\"? I really don't think so!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"if this is awareness month then a big discussion about the gaping lack of help for the mentally ill or those with other hidden disabilities needs work, desperately. it's much easier dealing with a physical handicap.. help with a prosthesis, wheelchair, cane, etc. but that one person who is kind of a pain to be around, that is different or weird - that alienates people due to whatever..how do you help them? how do you prevent john and jane doe from disrespecting the disabled person with intentional slights, snide remarks.etc? my sister has a personality disorder and anxiety. being in public - very agitated, it's very stressful for her - we try to get her to engage with people -. i've watched her work up her nerve to try to converse with someone out and about and the reactions she gets are amazing - they would never literally turn their back on , or ignore a blind person who stumbles. \n the fix must be education...it's won't be easy. not cut and dried and that's the real problem.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It will take time, but we'll get the accident number averages. If they replicate other similar designs, the new rate will be half or less.\nI am impressed by how courteous drivers are. During peak hours I see motorists letting other motorists in, both from the right and turning left from the center lane across oncoming traffic. Those right turns into driveways are quicker too, as motorists can swing wider to turn and use part of the bike lane to exit traffic. Through motorist are using the center lane and barely slow. Sure, like ALL streets with bike lanes on the right, there is a chance for a collision. But studies show that motorists and cyclists learn to expect each others actions. \nDespite dire warnings, motorists are also using the center lane to pass buses. These aspects are keeping travel times down. Having driven it 9 times during rush hours, only once was it over the expected 30 seconds additional. \nIt's not perfect, but it's better.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The REALITY is that the state is subsidizing a declining oil industry , and increasing the cost of living for it's Residents . INTENTIONALLY .","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"problem is too distinguish the Real Gay from the Fake Gay\nfor Conservatives this is a problem\nfor Liberal progressive it is not because they naively think there is no such thing as Fake Gay","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I believe the vote has been held, and Parliament has agree to go ahead. Many \"remain\" MPs voted in deference to the Brexit vote results.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'd be much more interested in what a long time public defender or successful private defender has to say on this matter. If I wanted to be lobbied by a prosecutor, who needs the cooperation of the police to get their job done......I'd be gung ho about this bit of fluff.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Disloyalty? Who is she supposed to be loyal to? A republican party that doesn't even know what they were voting for? A party that is more interested in scoring points by doing something that. by their own statements is just \"better than doing nothing?\" I rarely agree with John McCain, but he was right in telling the Senate that they do not work for Trump. The Senate is not his employee, it is his equal. Even Alaskans who don't agree with Lisa's decision should be able to come together to push back against bullying from the White House that tries to make OUR elected representatives crawl to Trump instead of listening to their constituents and voting in the manner they think is best. I would be amazed that ANY Alaskan would think that this type of pressure and pettiness is OK.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Cox used to bark when he smelled fish. I guess he's got no business, so he barks wherever money goes. Why throw more money to an audit to prove nothing? Audit is supposed to follow through with some hints of problem. And when the invoices are not even ready yet, what can you audit on?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"U obviously do not understand the difference between burglary and robbery.\nThis was a burglary by kids.\nHow many kids have burglarized a bank at night time?\nNONE.\nWhy? Because of GOOD security that is required by the FDIC.\n\nOtoh, dragonman was Burglarized because his security stunk as bad as a regular store. He did not have posts in the ground to stop cars from ramming through the front door.\n\nI see that you have been booted once. You really need to learn some civility.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So, can the driver of a vehicle that hits one of these homeless people living on the medial (thru no fault of the drivers), sue the State for not taking care of what is an obviously dangerous condition?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I was just commenting on the idea that any increase in the cost of production will create an equivalent rise in prices, based on an actual recent increase in cost for me.\n\nSo, I agree that every step in the supply chain is potentially vulnerable to cost increases, although even if production costs rise it may not get passed on. On the other hand, 5% of jobs are minimum wage, and many of those are restaurant\/retail, so the number of minimum wage jobs that touch a supply chain can be high (agriculture) to low (specialized tool construction).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"we must be fair. The Rep.'s failed just as well as the Liberals dishing out the money till Donald used his EO power as it may be\njust saying there's a SWAMP in Washington. They live in fear of losing their jobs everyday, how can one honestly work \"for\" the people li dat? Be a man of Conviction aka theDonald","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Outside the courtroom, Davis\u2019 attorney, Bruce Allen Johnson Jr., said he also did not know how the individual came to have the cache of cash.\"\n\u201cThat\u2019s the million-dollar question,\u201d Johnson said.\"\n.\nOnly in the mid of the greedy lawyer is it still the question.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, given the tenants are big money companies, I am not surprised. I'm sure there were a lot a things going on behind the scenes that we're not aware of. But the DLNR need to be audited to ensure that they have policies in place and the resources to check on annual basis if there should be a rent increase. But the blame also falls on those above the DLNR who have not done their job all these years to check on their work and effectiveness. All staff in that department should be evaluated in that term.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"clearsky\nWith a good propaganda machine the Truth can be buried. The Canadian media have that, so all comments by the media are suspect. Sad. There are, I assume, such good possibilities with the truth.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry. \n\nBut I only asked you a question, I did not make an accusation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Richard,\nRepublicans are perfectly capable of winning both the popular vote and electoral college. W. Bush did it in 2004, his father in 1988, Reagan twice in 1984 and 1980, Nixon twice, Eisenhower twice. \n\nOh and 4.5 million people in California voted for Trump, nearly 3 million in New York. If the EC were changed, middle Americans would have the same voice as everyone else--on person, one vote.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Way to stay on topic, Ken_Conklin. . . .","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And supposing in answer to you challenging me for back up I had replied as you just have: \"There is ample backup ... Just look for it\".\n\nYou consider it civil when you dish it out, but anyone who dares to challenge you seems \"uncivil\" to you.\n\nP.S. Check back previous exchanges between us. Which of us ended up having their commentary removed because it failed the civility standards? Here's a clue: it wasn't mine.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Walk a mile in their moccasins, then tell me they do nothing all day.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The organizers of the event should have seen this coming, given that a certain candidate has a long, well-known history of cruel, boorish comments. They should have had the wisdom to schedule something else in place of the candidates' jokes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Joe Biden absolutely could do it - but shouldn't.\nAnd Trump shouldn't run again either.\nBoth are too old.\nTime to pass the torch to a new generation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What any sophomore level business student would say ...\"Either: (A)start operating earlier; or (B) don't service the airport.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"God bless the Destination and its' crew and families. ~Shawn Callahan","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He knows even less about IUDs, hormonal implants, diaphragms, etc. And how much Planned Parenthood helps us with these decisions. And how costly it is to keep going for checkups, prescriptions, etc, without PP.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"First off, you can't learn English if everything is in Spanish for you: You live in a community where everyone speaks Spanish, where you shop the Food Labels are in Spanish, Government Forms are in Spanish, the Police will speak Spanish, and you even have a slew of Spanish TV programs. You can't even learn English from your school age children because they're TAUGHT in Spanish!\n\nSecondly, I don't know what makes these people so darn special that we have to bend over backwards for them. Nothing special was done for the Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Italians, Latvians, Swedes, etc, etc, that immigrated here from Europe. Every one of those people had to learn English on their own, many going to Night School on their own time and MONEY -- no special programs for them. And their children were thrown into a classroom with American kids and it was sink or swim for them --- Learn English pdq or else. And they DID!\n\nIf the Spanish speakers can't learn English they should leave, and pronto!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ask any trooper in private what happens with these \" subsistence\" caribou. the waste is incredible. in the spring, when they start thawing they just drag them onto the ice to float away. problem solved!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gingrich, Pawns?? are you reading the same article I am? And regarding \" not running\" how about Mark is a human being , why can't that be a reason to not trash him ?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"They just slashed the armed forces budget, now they want to get us involved in a pointless war?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You don't live here, you just profit off of Alaska's oil. Go lay out in the Florida sun.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Meth... not even once.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So anyone who disagrees with you is an apologist for bigotry?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Empowering the DOT isn't in the best interest of people, the problem being State agencies have the disconcerting habit of deciding the statutes regarding standards and code compliance don't apply to them. Dot has a building maintenance crew that likes to play contractor but without engineering or inspection. So then there are suddenly mysterious roof fan fires due to motors wired wrong and now the State wants to empower these people?, how about hiring qualified people and pay them a living wage instead.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about this title: Losing more jobs to oversees countries seen as doomed after Trump victory.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Empathy isn't understanding WHY someone is upset. That's just called understanding. Empathy is coming to learn HOW someone came to have the views they have, however objectionable. You can disagree with someone while still empathizing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for these popes to do ANYTHING but maintain the ongoing status quo...who expects the fox to heal the wounded chicks? Please...\ud83d\ude02","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"at this point what difference does it make if there was or was not a tape!\" ...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Beats starting a nuke war I guess.\n\nHaving said that, given that Chunky Kim likes his eats, how about banning KFC from the DPRK?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A great hat for rich hosers!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Chester obviously exaggerated. But it's no exaggeration to say that Alaska leads the nation in superfund sites -- designated by the EPA as super dirty places. And the reason we lead the nation in such sites is because of past military activities.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A great read, Ross Coen!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Talk is cheap and politically correct is meaningless unless you actually walk the walk. Without knowing you personally we can only guess but without any mention of homeless Americans that need our help it seems the talk is hypocrisy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One has to question how many Hawaiian fisherman actually fish in the PMNM? My guess would be very very few. How many of the commercial boats that fish there actually are owned by individuals who live in Hawaii? How many are owned by corporations? How many of the actual personnel aboard these vessels are US \/ Hawaiian citizens? How many are indentured servants? Where do the profits from this industry go? Our legislators need to start standing up for the Hawaiian people and stop listening to the lobbyists and commercial interests whose donations misleading fear facts are swaying them from doing the right thing. Senator Schatz is to be commended for taking the right action.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you haven't figured it out, here in Oreygawn, Democrats have kicked the can down the path to insolvency withPERS for over almost 30 years. Reining in ObamaCare costs and having a solvent state and local pension system are not going to happen. Getting elected, or re-elected, negates any actions or movement to solve problems in this country. \nThere was zero sincerity in Republican votes to reform ObamaCare as long as President Obama was there to veto any bill that passed. Having enough votes to pass legislation, but not enough to over ride a veto, means that Congress just danced and drank and fiddled, and kicked the can down the road. It has been no different in Oregon's Democrat led Legislature for two decades. Democrat is the self serving party of government, supporting government, growing government, yet under funding government because adequate funding and taxes would mean losing votes and maybe the majority, so kick the can down the road. Coward Government.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a rude comment to assume people are lazy if they depend on their PFD. Get a heart if you are short on compassion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Didn't see your post before adding my comment above. Good read isn't it?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Jules \nYou love that auto industry story don't you? \nAs reprehensible as it was ( I would have let GM go bankrupt )\nThe loan has been paid back. So its kind of old news Jukes...\nIts one time corporate welfare for GM , verses constant , around the clock , year over year, constant corporate welfare for Bombardier, a corrupt ,incompetent, family controlled, bloated , non competitive wasteland of a company.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"4 CEOS Have Now Quit WH Jobs Panel Over Trump\u2019s Charlottesville Response","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's all Trump's fault.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow...not long ago, you asked people to post civil comments. Nice example.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"di-mondz, apparently desperate for approval, \"Likes\" his own comment!\n\nYou couldn't make this stuff up, folks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ms. Lange is the PRINCIPAL at Page school. She has a job to do just like all of you well, most of you anyways. If you were constanly late for work or meetings what do you think would happen? You would be fired! If you have one job to do you would be expected to do it not others. Ms Lange might be a good person, but that is not what this is about.It is about her lack of job performanse and experience. Her job is also about safety of the kids and by not doing her job, for example, not responding when a student is blowing out while she drinks coffee with parents. Thats is not making the school a safe place. Now in my opinon the principal should be at all school events\/funraiser because it benefits the kids-your kids, but instead she is not there.Thankfully the staff and parents volnteer so your kids can have fun. It would not be possible without the Page staff and PTO members. So please think before you speak that's what we teach little kids. \nIt's not race it's performance.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Besides, I don't know anyone making 100K a year\"\n\nYou don't think that any Canadian makes $100,000\/year?\n\nOr if you don't know them it's not important?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I had the displeasure of meeting and listening to Bill Fulton several times. He came off as a hot head who loved to exaggerate. I would trust him about as much as I'd trust a thief with my car.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Trump is so-easily played.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You hit the nail on the head. Reagan didn't just lower taxes on the rich. EVERYONE received a 23% tax cut, and by reducing the number of tax brackets to just two, the middle class was squarely in the 15% tax bracket; much lower than most of them had been.\nUnfortunately you can't get the progressives to look at the facts. The Savings and loan debacle is one such situation that progressives like to lay at the feet of Reagan, but they fail to understand that the underlying problem that led to asset mismatch (the root cause of the problem) was raising interest rates in the late '70's coupled with legislation signed by then President Jimmy Carter in March of 1980. (That's not an indictment of Carter and Volcker - they were trying to get inflation under control). The fallout began while Reagan was president, but not because of Reagan.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Take your anti-war hero anti veteran garbage and put it where the sun don't shine.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"WHAT is with the hair?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Hope Trump succeeds in getting the US economy going cause our government sure as hell won't.\"\n\nI would genuinely put more hope in JT to get the economy going that Trump, although I fear both are more likely to precipitate a recession.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What an idiotic posting @shopaholic. Move out of the state if you don't like it here. Get a real life !!!!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"\"How long before....?\" Was my question way back when everyone was waiting for the outcome of the recount. Well, no tears being shed in this house.\nAs far as \"smart\" goes, well it all depends how one defines \"smart\". She has a really tough time with the truth, has minimal compassion for anyone but herself, never knows when enough is enough \u2014 even as far as resigning goes. \nBeing good at politics, hmmm she sure is\/was the proverbial embodiment of \"How can one tell a politician is lying? Her\/his lips are moving!\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It was the NDP that brought in medicare in Sask and forced the issue federally. These days the NDP is more to the centre than it used to be. \n\nAnd yet, somehow so many people allow themselves to be convinced that the NDP are scary.\n\nAnd Tommy Douglas is still revered. Talk about cognitive dissonance...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No fair.\nDeMarcus Walker, \"the quarterback menace,\" is a bona fide player.\nCordell Walker is a made-for-TV wannabe.\nBesides Chuck Norris dyes his hair in a pique of vanity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Screw the phantoms of Ontario's PC's.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"NOT POSSIBLE!!! The #CheetoF\u00fchrer cannot possibly want any federal agency to investigate #NastyEnvironmentalEvents that happen on his watch!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If ur dead ur no longer sick: \"No question that this killer had mental illness going on long before this massacre.\"\n.\nHow did he pass his flight physical and maintain his pilots license if that were the case?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Exactly. Government funding for independent media is the very antithesis of a free press - or free media. Real reporting - unclouded by opinion or bias - is not likely if the very body that is being criticized is a funding source. I wonder how far the Washington Post would have followed Watergate, if the Nixon administration had been a major financial contributor?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I laughed when I read your comment that section 7 is the \"one section of the charter the progressive left detests.\"\n\nSo many decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada prove this wrong. Just two examples that made right-wingers break out in spots are:\n\n1. Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, 1985 - the one that held that \"everyone\" includes every human being who is physically present in Canada and therefore covered by Canadian law; and\n\n2. Carter v. Canada, 2015 - the one that said those suffering intolerable pain had a right to physician-assisted dying.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Cowards.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Harriet, Coalition this majority that, we don't care. Just put all that aside and tell us your plan. My plan in order of priority. First State government cuts and cuts to funding for city governments. Regulatory agencies heavy cuts because we have regulators regulating the regulators. Then cuts to subsidized housing AHFC and business subsidies AIDEA and similar offices need major reductions, the feds and banks have programs. Whole departments could go away, we can't afford them. Next welfare cuts to heating assistance etc. Next Inform the oil companies that we can no longer afford drilling subsidies and faze them out. Start a 5% sales tax so every one who comes and goes pays. Cities keep the 5% tax if they do away with property tax. Next establish a State Tax Cap. Last discontinue PFD checks and use only the earnings of the PFD to fund state government under the cap and earnings can also go to infrastructure. We all benefit from docks roads airports trails broadband water sewer ect.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Right? Who would have thought?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sad to not see any Alaskan seafood fish in here. Lack of skill by local restaranteurs, or just a foreign palate by the food reviewers? Either way, a shame not to see.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe the Chinese own the Globe too. Who knows what to believe anymore with Mr. Selfie and crew.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If \"racism\" is all you have going into 2018 and 2020, good luck is all I can say.\n\nThat's so completely played out at this point, no one is listening outside of your own echo chamber.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So how long does it take for training to get so bad that this starts happening? Is this possible to get this bad in 8 months or was it 8 years (Trump\/Obama)? I know I saw the USAF radar techs go from component level maintenance abilities to not being able to find a bad circuit card. That was over a 23 year period.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No , but the guy that started the whole thing is squealing, trying to get himself a good deal. You right, the cops that knew should have reported him. Their failure to do that coming right back at them, even if it was only weight room talk meaning guys just shooting the breeze while working out. I know a guy that got a great deal for squealing , the guy that convinced his partner to kill the cop that was the only witness against them Troy Barboza. We had him in witness protection and protecting him, most disgusting duty I ever had. Williams was just plain stupid.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"And still no coverage of the rioters at the UW physically assaulting, beating, and tossing paint-filled glass balls at members of the public who were exercising their right to see Milo whatever his last name is?\nPretty weak.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Matt 5:5 Certainly more authoritative than Orwell. I would say that guax is definitively uncivil and trollish.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Not guilty is innocent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The largest nation controlling the euro to its benefit is the greatest threat to the global economy by the exporting crisis and inflation. It must sell, sell, sell, and not buy anything or face imbalance! It is difficult to see how Canada can benefit. The UK, voted to leave for good reason. This oxymoron for a union is undemocratic, non transparent, and failing. Shame on our politicians.\n\nNever mind being sued, our government will also subsidize drugs costs, amid our already overburdened health care to, just to protect drug giant's patents. How many people know this or would vote for this. Deals are in secret, for five years!\n\nThis is a horrific deal handed down by the business biases conservatives, under the guise of free trade and not free trade. Trump was right to impose a 35% tariff on German cars with their unfair surplus than extend exploiting North America. No wonder populism is all the rave!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wonder what foreigners Donny hired? Was it the rapists, drug dealers, and criminals he talked about? \nDonny the loudest clown in the circus!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"This mayor is the worst thing that could happen to tax payers in dealing with the homeless. The more of our money he throws at the problem the more homeless move to Anchorage. Let's spend zero for a year and see how that works out, most of the bums will move to other places.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Saying Trump is a hardworking president is like saying Melania is a hardworking housekeeper because the staff keeps Trump Castle spic and span.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Couple years from now, people will be voting again for another slate of wannabees, Would people vote out their \"sugar daddies\", especially those with seniority, those that bring home the bacon.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Seems to me this would be a moot question if the legislature quit playing politics and protecting their campaign donors by doing their job and implementing a long term balanced fiscal solution w increased revenue and judicious cuts.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Would that be the 9% rate that Harper planned, that Trudeau promised to match, then cancelled, now using as lipstick on a pig that still stinks? Trudeau totally deflected a question on why he wouldn't announce something net new about the tax reform. Likely because there is nothing substantial to announce, other than to exploit the tax code to push his gender agenda, and more convincing small business owners that they should just use their RRSPs instead of tax incentives that had been in place for decades.\n\nTrudeau needs to be gone. It doesn't matter if Morneau resigns or is backbenched or stays. Trudeau and Butts are the root cause.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"They're passing the cost of health care on to their customers,\" Ranf said. \"They have to.\"\nThis is not actually true. Salaries for health care providers (mostly doctors) are well above average and way more than their counterparts in the lower 48. Some doctors make more than 1.5 million\/year in Alaska. They don't have to make that much money.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Best comment here.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"..........ANWR drilling is all about free money for the oil companies.\"\nActually, it's all about promise of panacea for Alaskans which bring votes for the next election. \nIt is a ruse now, and always has been a ruse. The Refuge (look up the term \"refuge\" - nothing in there about $$$ for profit) has never had enough to make the U.S. energy independent, and never will. It's all darkly laughable now, with a nationwide oil glut, while exporting oil. Distribution and corporate supply\/price manipulation will drive the cost of your gas at the pump. If you think we've got a glut now, wait until we really start the flow of Canadian oil sands crude to Texas. \nRenewables are gaining ground day by day, and will make fossil fuel energy obsolete by the time your grandchildren enter the job market.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What drop in prices? Must have blinked and missed it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"....I have not [lied]. I have misspoken one time \u2013 well, not one time, a few times.\u201d \n\nFunny, when I was younger my mother and father always told me they were the same.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Despite the mayor's dishonesty, the legislature is going into special session to raise taxes to fund the rail because of the mayor's incompetence. \n\nAmazing, shouldn't he audit come first?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"James, you are controlled by government media. I said big government, not just Wall Street. This includes Big Pharma, the legal drug dealers that are responsible for overprescribing OxyContin, resulting in the heroin epidemic when oxy's became too expensive and demand was too high.. oh, and they spend millions of money to make sure that marijuana stays illegal..\n\nCut to commercial. Are you depressed? Take this pill. Do you feel like you're not quite a man? Grab a Budweiser! \"Trump hates Mexicans and doesn't respect our vets.\"- paid for by Hillary Clinton.\n\nHey, where is the fact check for when Sen. Kasich said that Trump and Pence said that Mexicans were bad peoples? cause neither one of them said that.\n\nNow watch as they quote something out of context while simultaneously saying that conservatives have taken Hillarys quotes out of context.\n\nThis message is brought to you by Snickers. Hungry? Why wait?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The governments job is to properly manage the economy.\nWe need a balanced budget. It took many years for Canada to balance the budget after Pierres spending spree. Now look at Junior.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bill, no need to go low and small by hurling pointy little invectives: \"such a big word for RD\".\n\nPlease refrain. \n\nYou would not be wrong to put \"Ph.D.\" after my name, but no need for that. This is not an Engineering journal. \n\nI'm sorry if my use of that word caused you to make a trip to the dictionary.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Also, Mr. Carrick doesn't mention the yields or returns as to his suggested bond etfs. One would think these data are important for investors to consider.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I have to agree with this. Obama got stuff done. Trump can't seem to get it in gear.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sure miss them. too. So much fun seeing all kinds of young folks you didn't know lived here. Loved seeing the colorful hippies and everyone is dancing. Laughed at the people running and sliding in the mud created by the water fountains. Would be funny to see how the younger generation would dress up for a Crater Festival party. I forget the bands. I think one was Flash Cadillac. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have another one next New Year's? I will go for the photography and video taking.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The existing system was designed to accommodate two groups, but also to accommodate a society where there was students in abundance, and there was always more children than parents. The inherent duplication of effort that happens in any parallel system always has higher costs, but as long as the system keeps growing every year, no one cares. Now, it's not, it's shrinking, and quite frankly, it's never going to stop shrinking.\n\nRight now, there's a board here and a board there where Catholic schools are out soliciting for public students to pad up their totals. Fast forward 20 years and every Catholic board in the country will be in this situation, and most Catholic boards will be on the edge of closure.\n\nAll this ruling does is speed up the inevitable, or more accurately, stop the Catholic boards from engaging in a long, slow, costly rear guard action as they fade from public life.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What you were implying is that they are high crime because they are Democrat strongholds.....and, now that you have been debunked (once again....are you even trying anymore?), you're changing your tune.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Does he have tax payer funded health insurance?\"\nOf course he does, as do 44M enrolled in Medicare. As a retired military member he is entitled to free health care, either from the VA or Tricare insurance. He also has Medicare which the member pays a small amount but primarily funded by then taxpayer. \nYou may be insinuating he has free health care because of his status in government - he doesn't. All of his insurance benefits have been earned.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Every single claim of Rep. Bill Johnson is a myth.\n1) Cutting the business tax rate to 15% (from rates \"up to 40%\")\nFirst of all, most all businesses pay nowhere near the official top rate of 35% (not 40, Mr. Bill! Why lie about something that anyone can look up?). Much more typical: ATT paid a tax rate of 8.1%; Boeing paid a tax rate of 5.4%. last year. A few companies (with bad CFOs?) certainly pay 35%. I have no particular objection to lowering all businesses' tax rates to the same 15 or 20% (with no special deals or loopholes for anybody). BUT, the cost of those cuts is estimated at $2 trillion in lost revenue.\nSee http:\/\/www.marketwatch.com\/story\/trumps-15-corporate-tax-rate-could-cost-the-government-2-trillion-2017-04-25 \n\nWhat's going to make up the income shortfall? You guessed it, raising either individual tax rates or raising the budget deficit. There isn't much else. I wonder which of these Mr. Bill is for??","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There were some good \"diverse\" (read black) movies this year. There were NONE last year. There were also some ok \"white\", movies. When white meets black and the blacks had an empty basket last year...\"who d'ya think they gonna vote fo Willis\"??","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about some rent controls, specifically capping the allowable annual rent increases? Denver is a great town but I had to move away because I could no longer afford my unrenovated 1993-built Centennial apartment with increases averaging 18% every year for three years running. Allowable rent increases on existing leaseholders should be held down to something reasonable. Barring tax increases rent should be capped at no more than the preceding years rate of inflation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What the numbers say is that vote suppression works.\n\nFor Hillary Clinton, or any Democrat, to have won, the combined total of the Democrats + GOP votes had to be at least 130 million votes. The total is currently 128.5 m. If it had been 1.5 m more, Hillary Clinton would likely have won.\n\nAcross the US, roughly 120 m eligible voters did not vote.\nYet we focus on tiny numbers: In critical states, key groups of voters stayed home, as the article points out.\n\nAlso, in 2012, 3rd party votes were about 1 m.\nIn 2016, there were about 7.6 m.\n\nIf even 1\/5 of the extra 6.6 m votes had gone to the Democrats and Republicans, Hillary Clinton would likely have been elected.\n\nAs a tactic in vote suppression, getting voters to vote for no-hope 3rd parties is just a good as getting them not to vote at all.\n\nThose 3rd party votes were Hillary Clinton's undoing.\n\nAre the 7.6 m who cast those votes happy with themselves now?\n\nShame on them.\nAnd even more shame on the 120 m who didn't vote at all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In fairness to Lady Gaga, it's got to be the first time anyone's sung Woody Guthrie at a super bowl half-time show. (\"This Land is your Land\", not mentioned by Russell).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You are correct. The state and local agencies should never have been allowed to underfund their contractual obligation to the retirement fund. Years and years of underpayment have caused the UAL to grow.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think you just proved all my points. \n\nI'm not a Muslim but I'm sure one could step in and give the same sort of theological reasoning for why the vast majority of Muslims do not read those violent verses literally. And, you can't make special pleading for the terrorists who blow up abortion clinics.\n\nThe fact is that the vast majority of Muslims are people like you who treat their religion and faith as a source for good in their life. They are well-meaning people who promote peace and love above any of the darker aspects of their religion's texts or history. The fact that you can't see that is the problem. \n\nAnother fact is that Muslims are often the target of violence from people who view them as potential terrorists. Muslim's are also the biggest target of terrorist organizations - by far. So when you say a Mosque opening up increases the chance Jihad shows your utter fear-based bigoted outlook on a major world religion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Someone should do a study of how many recent accidents were by carriers under medallion AND under the new Polaris CMO boondoggle. I would bet....all. Coooncidence? Nawwww - blame the pilot and the 'safety culture'. The FAA is all about 'risk transference' anymore- not oversight. They would prefer to sit in the office and talk hunting camps and collect that 6 figure salary and per diem.\n\nThe FAA and Medallion can't help alaska flying but what's the next step? They are trying to push into spreading to Hawaii....that's the newest coolest thing for them.\n\nAny guesses as to why?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All he and the half a dozen or so other rabid trump supporters have left is trying to deflect the story onto something else. They quite literally have nothing left, nothing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Free stuff for all!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"YA RIGHT.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"$550,000!? Peanuts. Why haven't the feds indicted the insurance companies, hospitals, doctors and drug companies that have stolen $50,000,000 or more from Alaskans via inflated medical costs?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Businesses were closed on Sunday to placate and reflect the values of Christian churches.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What part of misleading judges isn't contempt.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Barring a miracle oil rebound...\" \nIt's a matter of when not if there will be an oil rebound. It has always gone up and down.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They have access at a shelter just need to be a non-meth freak.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"At one time, fairly or not, women were seen as more intuitive, sensitive, protectors of virtue and honestly, helping to control the baser instincts for power(money, sex, violence) that many men show. I think we've lost some of that balance. But there's no reason that men can't change their behavior(more empathy), if we expect women to change theirs.\" Thats about the one thing agree with you about. I hold men including my son responsible for their actions. Men are responsible for their part in getting women pregnant but i am not willing to make men responsible for women who choose to excluded men from the decision when they do get pregnant. We either come together and make both people responsible or let women have complete responsibility which feminism has taken from men and put on women. You just cant have it both ways in my mind. If its your body your choice then you accept responsibility. We need to teach people self control and not do what thou wilt.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"unteaching","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That was sort of what i was thinking. Everyone saying its someone else's responsibility. Then i was wondering, Is there a rule that prevents them from bringing in porta potties ? Would the state\/city require a special permit or something to do it ? Maybe that is why its not happening.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I live in the borough about a mile outside the Soldotna city limits. I live on a dirt road (with potholes) and neither my nor my neighbors properties have addresses........ So what was your point?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well great, that's why they weren't arrested. But how stupid do you have to be though to protest against the very things that give you the freedom to protest? Sure, you can do it, but it's senseless.\n\nSo clearly they're at least stupid enough that they'll drive away their paying customers who don't go to the games to hear their opinion, but to watch a game, a brief moment of respite from politics.\n\nHi sir, I'd like a cake that says Happy Birthday. No, you get cake that says You Suck. Awesome business model.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"In other words, you are against traditional America!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Will be interesting to see how lawmakers deal with having to build levies, lochs, and\/or dikes like New Orleans in order to protect all of the development they have allowed in areas like Kakaaako.\n\nAnother consideration is who is actually using the water. When the conservation warning went out in CA some years ago, it was found that the general population only used around 2% of CA's water, and the rest went mostly to ag\/industry. Cutting 20% from the 2% of users was mostly useless.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hope?\n\nI hope this is the end of secret negotiations to peddle our economic sovereignty down the river.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"this is a really valid issue that needs addressing. i personeally feel that there is enough wealth in this country to support reasonable health care to all. with one really big, ugly, tough to take caveat. we cannot spend an inordinate amount on certain populations. first are the prisoners. they deserve the same healthcare as others...but when did gender reassignment become a necessary health care covered in prison.infamous killer richard speck was transitioning to women to the point he had fairly large breasts - courtesy of our taxpayers. i don't want to pay for pedophiles and other heinous sex offenders who are going to live out the rest of their natural life in prison, getting old. why? our goal is to never have them on the streets again? so why not skip \"B\" and go right to \"C\"?\n 2 are people who are not going to come out of a coma. heartbreaking, my sister's grandson is in a vegetative state and it tears up the family - there is no closure and it's expensive to the taxpayer. cont","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just the ADN trying to perpetuate the AGW propaganda. Reversion to the mean is likely. It's going to be cold for the next 4 years.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I enjoyed reading this! I am a Vegan in Alaska but I also live in the bush. Our stores don't carry many options for produce. Usually potatoes and oranges. Sometimes they have apples and lettuce but that is pretty rare. Full Circle is a huge blessing here. Reading this was super good to here as I will be in town for the summer and it's so nice to know that it is easier out there!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The RG text has been changed. I like your version.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My comment shows up here, but I've pasted it below in case you're curious.\n\n\"more explicit terms\"? Mean-spirited, pejorative, and ignorant of the diversity in the homeless population all come to mind. We can help our fellow citizens without disparaging them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There must be an error in this article, who can imagine Bell or Rogers wanting extra money from its customers???????","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Flemish pass is very deep and is in rough waters (think the movie Perfect Storm), but has the potential of the largest reserves. So expensive exploration wells are to be expected. Suncor (Petro-Canada) tried exploration there, but bowed out after a couple of 'dusters'. Now they are in a joint venture with Shell in the Shelburne Basin. Big risk, big potential wins, but that really is what the oil patch is all about. Same thing happens or has happened in the North Sea.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, sadly and seriously. I'm as pissed at Trump as anything else. \n\nStill, my dad and I talked about it for a while today and feel like we need to send a message. He wanted to burn all the tickets for the year, I wanted to sell to some good friends who happen to be Raiders' fans. This is our compromise. Not watching the game on TV either. I don't buy a lot of Bronco gear but I won't burn my TJ57 jersey or my SA27 either. \n\nGood thoughts about donating to vets or kids. Probably won't happen as empty seats are the idea here. We'll see how the season goes and where this protest goes. Didn't watch the game yesterday which felt weird. It sounds like I didn't miss much.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Poor guy walked right into a bad situation with a woman he wanted to spend time with! People are crazy!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Sadly, I'd bet most on here aren't aware of the scam you're referring to.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The best device to take to the woods is the Garmin Inreach. You can set it up so someone can find you even if you are incapacitated. It can tell where you are within a few feet. I never go off the grid without it. Works everywhere on the planet.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree with you about taking directions from Pelosi. \nAnybody that does is worthless. \nBut, I see it kind of like taking directions from trump,McConnell, Ryan, mccarthy, palin, etc. \nAll of them are absolutely horrible and do not care one whit about our nation.\nThey are busy taking care of self and their close rich friends.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Whew! You are on an intellectual roll! Keep the 30-year old Limbaugh (another fat slob) epithets coming. I love to walk down Memory Lane.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"trump is no different from Hillary...he is a freemason and all for the new world order. We are getting same stuff","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you for your reminder. I think we'd both agree, however, that our catechesis and especially our liturgy continue to be grounded in a theology of atonement for sins: Confiteor, Kyrie, Credo, Agnus Dei and the narrative of all four Eucharistic Prayers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"3 weeks ago Stephen Paddock walked into the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle converted with a bump stock, and killed over 50 people.....\nAnd you are worried about some athletes taking a knee prior to a ball game...\nC'mon people...snap out of it....!!!! Are we really not better than this...??? Is this really our thing in America...???\nWe are cool with mass shootings because of the Second Amendment...but taking a knee is uncool....It is just not rational....\nGod how we have lost our way...!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lock him up! lol","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump only gets upset if the attacker is not Caucasian, or a white supremacist. The history is there. It's easy to see. He just wants to boost his racist base, and politicize these events by non-Caucasians in order to pass his racist agenda.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Hope for the best. Plan for the worst. That's a fair summary of \"Repeal and Replace\" system we are presented with thus far. \n\nSeems unlikely they have a plan ready as the ACA was technically a 3rd draft bill. The first two drafts kept getting voted down by Republicans forcing them to re-craft the bill over again. But the thing is, each time they finalized a bill, they tasked the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) to crunch the numbers and make sure the numbers added up and I see no news about any bills or proposals being sent to the CBO. If they really have a bill, but see no need to send it to the CBO, then Republicans are basically getting ready to screw over 30 million Americans who gained access to health insurance from the ACA.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They can jail all the illegals:) Works for me.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"There should be a great business opportunity for hydroponic U-Grows, similar to the U-Brews that we now have for beer. Back in the day, I brewed some very nice IPA in one of those.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This was censored?! \n\nGlad I was able to rebut before it disappeared...much more satisfying.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is not an editorial but a dilettantish harangue. Who appointed the G&M scribes to sit in judgment over the US government when they cannot find it in themselves to do an equivalent job on our own?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well bless Jackie, Linda and the staff of Island County Human Services for working hard to find ways to best allocate these funds. I know how incredibly hard this staff works to bring direct services to people. It appears however, that once again, bureaucracy is managing to get in the way of support to those most in need, the very youth who the dollars are directed toward. My father was a white collar Production Manager, at Boeing. He used to jokingly refer to himself and his peers as pencil pushers. It appears that pencil pushing at the state level are keeping these funds from doing the good they are intended to do. Trusting that Jackie and her staff can get past this.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is he implying that Clinton and Obama are Jews ? They are both globalists.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Those diary people!! Always writing!! Be bold Bernier! You got this!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"PERCEPTION...\nCOMPASSION....and\nSPIRIT\n\nThese shepherd virtues are often scoffed at in the name of alleged \"higher\" attributes, say: CONFORMITY, CLARITY, ORDER. \n\nAs Pope Francis said recently, we can lazily take false comfort in black and white rules OR we can also be open to the risk of learning from His tremendous gift, \"the flow of life.\" A new pro-life message, maybe? \n\nClearly, Archbishop Quinn surprised folks when he opened up himself to perception, compassion, and spirit experienced in the flow of life, and eschewed the minimal expectations from on high to \"just get those uppity Vatican II women in line...for their own eternal good of course..\" \n\nThanks, Ken.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Best to let a judge decide what is necessary and fair in this case. We don't want to negatively impact operations of the only Blood bank in the state. \nTaxpayers may end up paying to relocate the blood bank but that may be a fair and appropriate way to handle this claim. They aren't just any business or landowner, the entire state depends on them and that should be reflected in how Hart deals with them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I am one who is.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"2. The word you're looking of is 'cite', not 'site.'\"\n\nThe word you're looking for is \"for\" not \"of.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Approving the sale of raw dairy products will open the door for production of raw milk cheeses and additional economic opportunity for local agriculture. Requiring a label allowing individuals to decide for themselves whether or not they wish to buy the products is preferable to an outright ban.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And speak English.......ironic?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Doesn't make sense. Young bulls need the time to mature and breed so their genetics are out there. Game regulations aren't thoughtless, and before they existed a taboo did on taking young bulls. Sustainability is the priority.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most ignorant thing you have said. No one is \"turned' by sex-ed unless they are already gay. This assumption that everyone is naturally hetero is just false._Any_who_can_are_bisexual.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Why would anyone show up at a government office in a full Halloween costume?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What about the 100,000 thousand children that will pay for your bosses rail after 2027 GE runs out .. Where is money coming from then.. No other source but taxes","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not exactly. Most industrial climate change emissions are the result of nonenzymatic oxidation. A key feature of this form of oxidation is the formation of toxic compounds, from carbon monoxide to dioxane. A reduction in climate change emissions will help reduce the poisons in our air locally. I'll take that as a by-product any day.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Margaret, it's pretty hard to argue against doing \"something different\" when \"something\" remains undefined. Have you any suggestions?\n\nI am heartened by the British resolve in both London and Manchester to carry on as normally as possible in the face of tragedy -- and sickened by Corbyn making political hay out of it. He has spoken out against increased surveillance in the past, making him a hypocrite as well as an opportunist.\n\nTerrorism is notoriously difficult to stop. The cells are loosely organized, if at all, and there is usually little warning that a tragedy is in the works. \n\nHeightened vigilance is, of course, required. So is prosecution to the full extent of the law for those found plotting attacks. I don't think even civil libertarians would object to a closer than usual eye on any group known to be hostile to the status quo.\n\nBut we must never give in to the temptation to become a police state, intern people based on faith, or act outside of the law.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is all good. I applaud the administration, now act on it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Absolutely. Watch the Truth about Unfounded to get an understanding about false accusations.\n-\nhttps:\/\/youtu.be\/qSKarwUhxiI","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So enlighten me how the USA isn't a bankrupt country? except for of course the Government can just print money","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You have the freedom to hate America all you want Danny. Hate on bro.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Billy Ray, you know that repealing Obamacare doesn't repeal Big Pharma or doctors unions or for-profit hospitals or attorneys or insurance companies, right? And you do know that Trumpcare actually benefits all of those groups more than Obamacare does, right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"....\"It's people choosing irresponsible behavior\".... Ha! Got you! Of course pot is inanimate. But, once you have chosen to consume the inanimate object, even with INTENTION OF USING RESPONSIBLY....eg. I am going to smoke a couple puffs and then I'll stop. That is a choice of using responsibly. HOWEVER once having consumed your mind IS alterd. Period. Losing all inhibitions you no longer have a responsible mind. You choose to forgot your previous responsible choice and therefore act irresponsible SOLELY BECAUSE OF THE DRUG. So in essence it is the drugs fault. Of course that only applies to the addict, eh ? And never pot ? I've known of girls sold for an ounce of weed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We can all play politics and blame \"those other guys\" for the issue. Goodness knows, we've been doing that for decades......hasn't worked out real well, has it. \n\nHow about, instead, working together in a non-partisan fashion to actually address the issue in a constructive fashion. We need to look at both sides of the equation......revenue and expenditures. Should we increase revenues....that generally means \"should we increases taxes?\" If so how? Then on the \"flip-side\" , Should we decrease expenditures? If so how? A few friends on the site will chide me for stating the obvious.....they're right, it is obvious. Since it's so damn obvious, how about doing it. It won't be easy......on both sides, revenue and expense, any actions large enough to make a difference will \"gore someone's ox\" and every special interest group will be there working to see it's not their ox. Dust will fly and, when it settles, we see that can.........kicked further down the road. Gary Crum","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There are internal mandates in China to clean up their pollution. They understand the problem. I work with vendors in China, and I see the changes in their manufacturing.\n\nGo blow your \"China is evil America is great\" P.R. smoke up someone else's tail.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess now we need to change the name from Bear Creek to Chicken Creek!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hey Trump voters \/ Republicans, are you all ok with using socialism to clean up this mess from Harvey, or should we let the free market handle it? Just curious.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Scotch is good - it gives the drinking age right on the bottle.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Unless the public sector is making a product and selling it; public sector employees are being paid by the money private sector workers pay in taxes from the money they earn from private sector companies that produce and sell a product. All the money starts in the private sector, unless our state government is printing it. Which I'm not aware of.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Doubling down on your racism after it's been factually pointed out.\n\nSeems you can't face the awful truth of your own racism.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't kid yourself. Almost all of the \"funding\" is taxpayer money. Plus a bunch of money for \"overhead\" that goes to the owners of Cook Inlet, but is not considered \"profit\", but is just as green and buys just as much.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, just don't sit there tell us who issues fake news. Of course, you will name the press organ, quote their so-called fake news, and most importantly of all, show absolute proof not just afinger point. Be aware that you will be libel and other goodies if you foul up. But you started this - so now finish it!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Problem with doctors - they are encouraged by drug companies to not 'heal', but prescribe. This one just took it to extremes. Problem with medical industry - this guy will just go to another state and start it all over again. Who cares if he surrendered his license here. He has another one in AR and will most likely get another one in another state. When people start to realize we do NOT have the best health care in the world and it's NOT just insurance companies, but doctors and hospitals that cause our health care costs to rise, then things can change. But people are so brainwashed that it's all the insurance companies and lawsuits to blame. It's not. It's doctors like these and there are LOTS like this one. My guess the majority.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think this is a wonderful story and yet I have seen it three times now. Why can't we see the same repeated story about the good things that happen in Alaska Native villages, instead of when something goes bad? The ADN needs to adjust its performance and perspectives. All I ever read about the Alaska Native villages is when something is wrong. Let's be fair.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I am shocked that anyone would approve of and condone and incite lawlessness:\n\n\"So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of 'em, would you? Seriously. Okay? Just knock the hell \u2014 I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise.\"\n\n- Donald J Trump","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Correct. I just meant to point out that we have the skill sets and desire to apply for dollars for such services such as mental health and addictions prevention and treatment; these services, without us applying for them, would just end up in other hands outside of Lane County (with us taxpayers still paying for them).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Liberals and ethics ? Talk about a dichotomy !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He wouldn't even talk to charities for free let alone on his own dime.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"have you ever taught and graded a lecture with hundreds of students while working sixty hours a week on a federally funded research project? He was being paid entirely by the Federal government to do the research, and UAA was basically getting a class taught for free. Here's how research works: you get hired by UAA as a research professor. they don't pay you at all. you have to go out and get a grant from an organization like the National Science Foundation. UAA takes the entirety of that grant into their coffers, and pays you a stipend from it, as well as all of your research costs. the rest of the money (approximately 58%) gets taken by the university for \"Facilities and Administrative costs\". He is effectively paying the university to employ him. On top of that, the NSF expects a product in return for all of that grant money. That peer reviewed paper is his sole contractual obligation. the people who actually pay him have no lecture requirement.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"A phalanx of bicycle police officers...\"\n\nThat seems redundant to me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't know what you would accomplish questioning Hillary when she and Bill are pathological liars. They simply cannot tell the truth about any subject matter. Remember, Bill was disbarred for not telling the truth.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Ms. Renzetti - for the record I agree with you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Whatever the new ASD safety plan is, it needs to be crystal clear age appropriate that keeps the parents in the loop.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most public land does not require dogs on a leash. USFS and Kenai P borough for example","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You assume way too much from the information available. No wonder it's all wrong. You did get your sermon in though.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most produce regularly tested comes up negative. They even test some produce at swap meets. These are isolated incidents. Voluntary compliance is succesful.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not a platitude but a fact of the nature of being a compassionate human being. When a person vilifies another it is that person who is filled with anger and hatred and who suffers. Give it a little more thought.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How would you address the amount gun deaths in America?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I have a high degree of confidence in the president of the electoral college....to make all the wrong decisions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And does your business have and contracts with the government?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It started snowing around 1 p.m. today here in Boulder. I feel for the person who died, but what the hell were they doing climbing today?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not so easy for most of the world.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's an amazing conclusion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I was told by a driver today that the fare would be $2 on October 1 for senior and the disabled. No mention was made of single-ride fares or passes for that matter. BTW, I'm disabled but have never heard of an ADA identification card.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It seems that those who are disagreeing with your comment feel that running a country should be a one-man show. Scary!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ah, yes, 'the smear'. That's just how BC Liberals roll. Ask the fired health care workers:\n\nhttp:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/news\/british-columbia\/fired-health-ministry-workers-urge-bc-to-conduct-independent-inquiry\/article25088211\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As if Hillary Clinton owes anyone her acquiescence -- or should care about the irrelevant views of the online trolls and spiteful Trumpers or even weary Democrats who wish her to disappear. Just go away, they insist? Easy for them to say. \nShe might indeed have been the first female President of the USA. And she did win 3 million votes more than her crude foe, a fact that irks him and his fans still. If anyone has the right to protest Russian or FBI influence on Trump's behalf, it's her. \n\"Thanks, Comey...\" said Donny's campaign staff in those last hours before voting day. Meanwhile, Mueller proceeds with his relentless investigation...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What flavour of kool aid are you drinking? Sorry, swallowing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Can't wait for you to actually meet Him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"As long as they don't understand what they are dealing with, they won't be able to come up with a plan to counter it.\" This is a true statement about current congressional leaders and our nation's Affordable Care Act.\n\nI disagree with your first statement. As long as Steve Bannon is in charge of our country, both parties can only trust that our branches of government will check Bannon's thought process putting our due process among other rights in grave danger. Finally referring to members of two parties as \"right\" or \"left\" dismisses Americans in both parties who understand and respect leaders with a voice of reason not fear and lies.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Updated information has John Robert Neumann honorably discharged from the Army, not that it makes much difference to the dead or survivors. It is, however, consistent with a generalization of him as one who had minor scrapes with the law, but whose misdeeds or crimes did not rise to the level so that his employer or law enforcement was especially alarmed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Who will clean up the G&M which endorsed both the BC Liberals in 2017 and a Harperless Harper Party in 2015 though ?\n\nDone with ya' !\n\nThanks for the memories....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If this were a program that started, say, 10 years ago, I would be much more pessimistic on its success due to the biking infrastructure that we had in this town back then. But with bike paths built, and more to be installed, along with the establishment of new communities that are more favourable to a program like this (Kakaako and the Mod\/Beatnicks that live there) there is a chance. \n\nNow whether the pessimism that many derive their pleasure in this town kills the program over the positiveness that both the HBL and political leaders are giving to this, we will have to see.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That statement from the Jan 6 is exactly what I mean. \"The US Intellegence Community is charged with monitoring and assessing the intentions, capabilities, and actions of foreign actors;\" And in the end, all they could do was give estimates of confidence, which a few times differed between agencies, that somehow pointed to Russia. If there was evidence, Trump would have not been allowed to be President. Obama would not have allowed it. The second statement, \"it does not analyze US political processes or US public opinion\" is confirmation that the belief that Russia somehow influenced the outcome of the election is just that...US political or US public opinion. No sly form of dishonesty.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"except governments are not having children and should not be covering the cost of child care. that is the responsibility of the parents","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Jesus provides an escape for him and all of us from hell if we embrace Him as Our personal Lord and Savior.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You were right. Look what we have to look forward to. Happy now?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Make that two of us volunteering for Cory's opponent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just want to point out that at the time this fish was caught there were gill nets at the mouth of the river and had been for years. The runs were strong and the fish were big and abundant... Oh, and the guide industry on the kenai was in its infancy.... Draw your own conclusions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Forget the win, find a way to stop making \"stupid\" mistakes and the wins will come. Penalties is a major concern.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a wind bag talk about an empty barrel nanny babe is the biggest of them all, maybe she can borrow a few of the \"I want to be a cow girl\" hats and then they can be twins. Amazing how big a jerk she can be.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"He was arrested in California. The DA's office just couldn't re-arrest him here in Colorado. The judge said he need's to hit the rehab, and hire a driver. He thought the judge said hit the girlfriend and set the tire on fire. One way or another he's gonna hit the pokey if he keeps this up. Dude, go to rehab already.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Under his reign and CDOT - average transportation is WORSE in colorado. could argue could be worse but his results are pathetic and typical of gov bureaucrats","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"A friend of mine was showing me around his new SUV. When it came to some of the convenient\"cool\", but hardly necessary bells and whistles, he was genuinely surprised when my response was \"meh.\" My dinosaur station wagon , now 14 years old with 124,500 km on the clock, has computerized fuel\/engine management and door locking. The latter is now screwing up as I can no longer open the rear doors with the key fob. At least it still has keyholes on the driver's door and rear gate, unlike the Tesla parked next door.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's a dingbat hipster issue.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People have a right to self-definition, as do gender groups. There is no Bro Code (and the actor whose role invented it is gay).","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"As the Health Care legislation debate in the US Congress demonstrated, Trump is incapable of either negotiaton or compromise.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A 95% full-time jobs percentage hasn't existed for thirty years so that's your first lie. The average full-time job proportion for the past thirty years has been 80% under ALL GOVERNMENTS.\nYour second lie is Harper's achievement on jobs. Statistics Canada has the answer:\nOut of nine governments studied, the Harper government finished LAST in job creation, last in exports, seventh in government debt, second last in personal income growth per capita, in business investment, in youth employment. All indicators were measured using annual data from 1946 through 2014, as obtained from Statistics Canada and other public sources. From @GlobeDebate: A new study sheds light on Stephen Harper's economic record http:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/opinion\/some-hard-numbers-from-harpers-soft-economy\/article25817790\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"...And Trudeau and the Liberal party knows that and that is why the announcement came just after Justin left the country and the ten million dollar payment was made so quickly. \"\n\nThat's sheer nonsense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The act of a coward is to discredit your opponent above all else.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There will be no power and communications for days\n\nHow are the \"poorly educated\" to know that the Governor of Florida ordered consulate officials and staff to leave the Miami for that reason ?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This will not end until the petro dollars run out.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You miss my point. Unwise and foolhardy, sure. Deadly? That's a bit of a stretch. If you said \"can be deadly\" I'd buy it. Sure, along the same lines parachuting out of a plane is deadly... there no room for error. My point is vessels of that size are designed to handle that type of storm. They don't want to be caught in them, and a wise captain would steer clear of them, but when they do they tend to survive.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They don\u2019t give a damn about college kids trying to get ahead in life. \n\nTrump\u2019s budget would cut the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, which would hurt middle-class and low-income kids who study to become public health doctors, or public interest lawyers, or do other good works.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Child Behind the Eyes was not supported by the state Down syndrome group due to the offensive, outdated language. A representative was there for the panel discussion afterwards to clarify the \"then vs now,\" but local parents refused to endorse or partner with the production.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Extreme jealousy duly noted.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I have no idea where these challenges will go but I can feel the growing frustration that many Canadians feel with regard to 'First Nations'. While I believe there is still much empathy for aboriginals as a people, I believe that respect for the 'First Nations' leadership is dwindling rapidly. Their opposition to these projects does nothing to help most rank and file native people. It is simply a self-serving shake-down scheme wherein the few get wealthy and the remainder are relegated to the status quo. It is not good for Canada and it is certainly not good for indigenous Canadians.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Package is OK; content minimal\" Thought that the other day listening to some stuff by Van Halen. \n\nHow Do you Know When It's Love: aurally, fabulous. Lyrically? Ehhh... \n\nSame could be said for hundreds of \"songs\" produced over the last 20 years or so. Make that, \"half-century\", 'cuz you have to include dozens of \"dance\" hits including the Contours' \"Do You Love Me\" (\"Watch me now!\") and Nobody But Me, the 1967--The Human Beinz, hit in which the single word \"No\" must be repeated 50 times, and in fact, becomes song's memorable background chant. Ahh, but the package!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'd like everyone who told people they were in mortal sin because they voted for a pro-choice candidate to apologize now.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Isn't China persuasive enough? One would think they have the power to give ultimatums.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The \"pie\" isn't fixed in its size. The example of not cutting spending is what the Ds did to Reagan in the 80s. Both of the major parties stink. I can tolerate the Freedom Caucus (Rs) and that's about it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I suggest that you read up a bit on the history. There is a mnemonic about the fates of Henry VI's wives: \"Divorced, beheaded, died. Divorced, beheaded, survived.\" Henry VIII beheaded two of his wives, Anne Boleyn (on trumped-up charges) and Catherine Howard (on quite legitimate charges -- adultery by the queen was treason under the statute). Of the others, two were divorced (one for non-consumation), one died in childbirth and the sixth outlived him.\n\nHenry actually had solid grounds for an annulment. His father, Henry VII, arranged a marriage between his eldest son, Arthur, and Catherine of Aragon. A few months afterwards, Arthur died. The king wanted to keep the Catherine's dowry (over a million in today's currency, which would have had to be repaid out of the Privy Purse). So he decided to marry his second son, Henry, to Catherine. There was a problem: Under Church marriage law, one cannot marry one's deceased spouse's sibling.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm waiting for Wynne to publish her book - \"Election Buying For Dummies\" I can't believe this is still happening and allowable. What a disgrace she and her party have become. No sincerity, no authenticity. Only what can I do to stay in power. Shameful","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"according to stats Canada, 70% of Canada's imports came from the US. And 78% of Canada's exports went to the US.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"try calling HPD or state sheriff when you see homeless tents etc etc. nothing gets done! NOTHING, fricken homeless setting up tents right in front of them guys drinking their coffee. i seen it with my own eyes, at ala moana park, these park workers and don't do nothing. they just pick up rubbish around these losers. if all our parks are closed at night, thank how come these bums can sleep in the parks, because no one is doing their jobs. \nround um all up with a homeless team and take drop them off at sand island. the reason they don't want to go is they don't like listening or following rules\/laws. many are druggies who are hiding and love to break the laws and give others a hard time. round um up, all mainland bums, send them back, locals bums send them to sand island. make them work, if they refuse then send to kahoolawe with water and leftover foods from fast food or restaurants. they remind me of rats!!! yuck, we all work too hard to waste our money on lazy bums.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"No surprises here. Studies have always shown that those with college degrees fare better economically than those without. More interesting was the stat that those who went to college out of state rarely returned. But again no surprise as there are more diverse job opportunities out of state.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nothing like giving a quote with no source.\n\nAre we to understand that you spoke to him yourself?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Isn't there some way we can convince Ken Buck to just....disappear?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Awww, still trying to spin it any way you can! It's fun to watch you guys meltdown! Please, keep it coming! 2018 will be so hard for you, you \"big scary Liberal\", you!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You give conservatives a bad name. Go away","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's the biggest straw dog I have ever seen! \"the United States and all its emissions could disappear tomorrow..\" Well of course if you start with that premise, of course bad things would happen, but some good as well, right? For instance, the single largest greenhouse gas emitter would be gone. The biggest war engine in the world would be gone, along with many of the wars that justify its existence. But that is an artifice you use to prop up your arguments, and it is fraudulent.\n\nI don't believe the US feeds half the world, and I think that's an outrageous statement. The US has 4.3% of the world's population. Half the world is about 3.75 billion, or nearly 12 times US population. You are saying that 3.75 billion people depend on the US for food. That is not categorically true. Also, it's beside the point, the point being, that as either the worst or second-worst polluter, if the US does nothing about greenhouse gas emissions, it's game over for the climate.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is simply about upholding law. \n\nCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau worded it perfectly, in regards to their border, and unlawful 'migrants' migrating there, I think.\n\n\"Canada is an opening and welcoming society, but let me be clear. We are also a country of laws\" Trudeau said...\"There are rigorous immigration and customs rules that will be followed. Make no mistake.\"\nhttp:\/\/www.dailywire.com\/news\/20015\/canadian-pm-justin-trudeau-would-prefer-you-not-emily-zanotti#exit-modal\n\nIn my opinion, that was our mistake years before-failing to enforce our very good immigration rules and laws. We welcome immigrants as we should of course, but until today, we failed to legally address all who are illegally here. So here we are now.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bill Cosby","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your last paragraph perfectly encapsulates the effect on OTHERS from Muslims and the Koran...the whole world is topsy turvy. M103 should never have been. My Ukrainian grandparents were treated with prejudice. They persevered and helped build this country.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'\nHomey?\n.\n\n\u2026and no, a declarative statement is not a 'prediction'.\n\n.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Some of these measures are not bad IF they are reciprocol and consistent across the agreement. And if the US drops it's subsidies to farmers or we can tariff to the extent of their subsidies, then it is hard to argue with dropping marketing boards. On huge problem, the effective subsidy given to US aircraft and defense firms via all that military spending they do and the way they dictate interoperability. The question is, does Trump want fair trade or just US dominance at the expense of fairness? Odds are the latter, but if he can be convinced of the former, a reasonable negotiated agreement is possible under these parameters.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why should I feel shame for something done by someone else 6,7 or even 12 decades ago? \nShould I bare responsibility for Custer and the Americans attempt to wipe out the North American Indians because I happen to be white?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"24\/7 wifi? I'm envious. My legislator will hear about this.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's the term they are urged to use in their handbook. It sounds cutesy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Some good points. But you can point out crime with guns in any big city and the response by those who want stricter gun laws will be the same. They will divert the discussion any way they can because \"guns are the problem.\" Chicago is the point of discussion because it has so much black on black crime that liberals don't want to talk about. And so much murder almost daily. BTW, if you want to offer a web site other than wiki, I will be glad to take a look.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This would have made international headlines if the situation was the other way around.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're creating a false dilemma. The simple fact is that employers are hiring anybody who they can get. The employer may not provide health insurance and that may be due to the mandated types of coverage.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Nats' average of 6.13 innings per start out of their starters is the best in the majors right now; they and SF are the only teams averaging six innings per start (and what good has it done the Giants?). More than half the teams in baseball fall somewhere between 5.5 and 6.0 innings average per start, with the Rockies ranked 8th overall (5th in the NL) at 5.6 innings per start. So while it's obviously good to teach young pitchers to pitch more economically and get deeper into games, the Rockies are nowhere near the point where this has been a major issue for them, in fact they're better than most right now. Everybody struggles to get through six innings these days, which is why bullpens are such a huge component in today's game. \n\nAnother bullpen arm to replace Ottavino or Dunn would be a huge help, it would allow everybody below them in the bullpen pecking order to slide down a spot and would push somebody like Lyles or Oberg out of the 'pen entirely.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If there were 100 guns in the house properly secured, a child would not be in intensive care. A gun can't secure itself, a person has to do that. The problem is, an adult didn't secure the gun. \n\nThis is a negligent parent issue, not a gun issue. We're done here.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where are they up to with the Toronto light rail contract . Are they still being sued?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No, just someone who whines about not making enough money and having to possibly pay a tiny percentage and who will fire all her employees because she is so cheap and move to a state and country where she doesn't have to contribute anything. That about cover it for you?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"maybe if she gets that thing removed....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trash, and just not the regular bigoted flatulence, this crap you write is evil trash.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The so-called president threatened the senators from Alaska\nThrow him the hell out of office","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why do so many Globe columns insist on telling us \"we must\" one stupid thing or another.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Seriously doubt that your so-called rumor is true. I've seen rural Native villagers come and go at the Native hospital and their first inclination isn't to sell their return ticket and go broke for homelessness. And by the way, the Indian Health Services and BIA pays for patient travel and therefore no money changes hands.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Grandparents and Grandchildren are not close relatives? What strange corner of the universe did this come out of?\nI was raised by my Dad and his brothers - so my Uncles were not my close relatives? On my Dad's side - only one Uncle is left and six cousins - I have no siblings. According to the reasoning in these new rules - I have no close family at all on my Dad's side. What a load of shibai! YMMV","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Say's the colonists.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Didn't VP Pence fly 1500 miles and wasted over a taxpayer million dollars to be offended?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's called \"pay-to-play\" and has been going on for years. If the land was privately-owned, it would be the equivalent of a landlord displacing a tenant and paying the tenant's moving expenses because of the tenant's costs to move.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A bank for Trudeau and his elite friends to get richer and for average Canadians to bare the risk and pay for shortfalls. Way to go junior eh. Maybe like Ontario hydro and the GTA 407 eh Junior? Hydro bills through the roof and a ride on the 407 for 45 bucks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Glad to hear your humility. I don't know if I have you beat on pomposity, but in that regard I can hold my own. I'm working on it, though!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You are correct, I will not be voting for Mr. Young. He has not received my vote since he voted for bank bail-outs. I told him this to his face as I shook his hand several years ago.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We should believe the Kremlin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Liberals \n\nare not\n\nleftwing.\n\nThey are centrists.\n\nThe NDP is leftwing.\n\nHope this helps.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In principle, this is the right direction, but there is far too much generalization. For example, someone with one DUI conviction does not necessarily \"have alcohol issues\". I know more than one person who have never had a DUI, but are falling down drunk a significant portion of the time. On the other side of the coin, I know people with a DUI that rarely drink and are never obviously drunk. Similar issue with restraining orders. They can be placed for numerous reasons, some involving violence and others not. \nIf we, as a society, start trying to place people in buckets regarding their morals and propensity for violence, there are bound to be countless mistakes made, not to mention the questionable constitutionality.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Settle down. Nobody is honestly talking about eliminating our universal health care. The talk is about improving it by providing some capitalism. A hybrid system can work and it can be even better than we have now. It just needs to be crafted properly and carefully to ensure that such a system improves for all, and that access isn't improved for some at the expense of the poor. It can be done.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'\n\u2026randy, \u2026.I couldn't demean you. No need.\n\nI need only leave you to your own devices.\n.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So the disruptive passenger goes so says the FAA and federal law backs up the Flight Attendant. The only one who backs up immature man who cannot control himself during a FAA required safety check is his mom and dad.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No it won't.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A bit of irony (or is it pity?): the pop-up ad I have on my computer between this editorial and the \"Civil Commments\" section below is an advertisement for usserviceanimals.org which appears to be one of the many self-endowed clearinghouses of \"certification\" of various service\/emotional support\/therapy animals.\n\nSelling the illusion of legitimacy, with a laminated card and a cute little vest...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you're going to name your kid after a Star Trek villain you can expect to get hassled.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How convenient that you start the quote with the portion of the statement IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING: \"In view of the PASTORAL nature of the Council, it avoided extraordinary statements of dogmas endowed with the note of infallibility..\". Moreover, according to the translation I'm reading, you also misquote him: The pope said only the \"authority of the ordinary magisterium\", NOT the \"supreme authority\". You further misquote by adding the adverb \"obviously\" before \"authentic\". The pope never said \"obviously authentic\", only \"authentic\". You really ought to familiarize yourself with the degrees of authority attributable to the theological note the Church attributes to ach teaching.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Classless Canadian. In addition, conduct unbecoming of a team captain. The Ducks should strip the C from him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're correct, but that's apples and oranges. You're referencing overall crime, the other poster was talking about homicide. Our current homicide rate, while higher than the national average, is nowhere near the highest nationwide. \n\nAnd, as noted, the risk of homicide is not evenly distributed within any given overall population. If you aren't associated with people involved in drug trafficking and gang activity, and aren't in an ongoing violent domestic relationship, your risk of being a homicide victim is very low. Even in a city like Chicago, much less Anchorage.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"it's all over for Siemien. the team has quit around him. make a change or go 6 and 10.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ridiculous. More scientific research is now done in China than in the USA. You should visit China to see the future.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This administration is an absolute disgrace.\nCall Congress and demand impeachment.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you, Civil Comments. I was wrong, and I apologize for doubting your integrity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Read the background of the court case. This pipeline was fully approved years ago. Only 1100 feet remain to complete the project. Read the court case background, not the biased media.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wonder aloud why minorities are so over represented on CNN. Charles is a far left leaning black bisexual. That is precisely the opinion he brings to both his written op eds and his commentary on CNN. Don is a black homosexual, who is always giggling about how weird he thinks the POTUS is. And before you paint me with the homophobic brush, I think Anderson Cooper is a terrific journalist, and someone who might be fun to have a beer with.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"and more looks like a beggar","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Some fruit and particularly some vegetables just don't taste good to children. As they get older some of these fruits and vegetables actually start to taste good to them. I know this because my son had to have a \"no thank-you\" helping (one small taste) of everything that was served. He has told me often how glad he is that we did the \"no thank-you\" helpings because a lot of the foods he didn't like early on, he now really likes. For years when he was a child, he would only eat the vegetable corn. Now he has a wide variety that he enjoys. Same with fruit. I think the key is to not force children to eat things that just don't taste good to them. The \"no thank-you\" helping is very, very small and pretty painless so the child doesn't feel the need to rebel against it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm not talking about the media. Yes, I'm well aware of the Assad, Puntin and Iran's unrealistic \"expectation.\" That was the gist of my comment. Just another ignorant, impulsive probably illegal, wasteful (59+ million dollars down the toilet) hugely expexpensive Trump fail. he's an incompetent moron. But hey, Hillary had emails. \ud83d\ude44","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"All the kids prepared for 8 months right? As far as \"that kid would feel worse if he\/she was the reason EVERYONE has to go home and miss the competition.\" -that kid is not the reason EVERYONE has to go home. Poor US policy is the reason.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nothing to laugh about when a dangerous person occupies the Oval Office.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You only need to look at rush-hour drivers of all skin colors and get-ahead ambitions on a daily basis...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for this excellent piece. Sadly, the over regulation of nuclear energy is not likely to be removed by the Trump administration. The NRC was created by an act of Congress and it will take Congress to reign it is. That is not likely to happen even with Republicans in the majority. Congress is controlled by special interest groups. The producers of natural gas, the petroleum industry, is a lobby more powerful than any other and they do not want to compete with nuclear on a level playing field. Prior to the creation of the NRC the U.S. built close to 100 nuclear power plants in about 15 years. The coal industry was the only significant organization opposed to nuclear at that time. Now the petroleum industry will ensure the NRC continues its work.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"MICHAEL RUBIN I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION, YOU CAN NOT PUBLICALLY CALL A COUNTRY'S PRESIDENT CRIMINAL. WE CAN PROSECUTE AGAINST YOU AND YOUR FAKE NEWSPAPER.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That is Obama to a T - Cool, usually classy, compassionate, articulate\nHowever Obama's actions fell far short of the mark especially on foreign policy.\nI only hope the next president actions are better than Obama's but then Obama set a low bar.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"On that note, I wish people in the oil business would quit using the word \"buddy.\" Even though I haven't heard any Buddy complain, I'm sure it's offensive to anyone who actually is named Buddy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Do ethics, morality, probity and embellishment mean anything to you? Get a dictionary and look up the meaning of those words. He swore an oath to uphold those values for his Queen's Commission and Cabinet appointment . He has broken that oath.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You can support the public option all you want, but until the barriers Obama investigated are accounted for, it will never happen in this country regardless of who is in power.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I feel they deserve these exodus from USA. Let them suffer, let their crime rates, rape, ghetto go up and let time put their senses back in place.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Rio\n So, what does Israel do now? Democracy? Or apartheid?\nDisappear. Israel founding in Palestine was a mistake. An understandable, considering the emotions of the time, mistake. \n\nIt became more and more obvious as time went by, that Israel in Palestine was not going to work. So what does Israel do now. ..My computer jumped again....\nDisappear. By Israelis moving to countries where Jews have done well the US, Canada and on and or buying a chunk of land from a willing country. 1 48th of the size of Texas, same size, similar climate. Ridiculous. How does it stand up compared to establishing Israel in a desert. surrounded by enemies","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I see no documents to substantiate your opinion. Obviously you have not been to Washington DC and studied our history. Yes, America is founded on Godly principles. That's why you can enjoy your freedom to speak your opinion without any basis of proof. We all must remember that Muslim is not a race of people but a religion. These wonderful people come from many ethnic backgrounds. They live in almost every nation on the earth and come to America fleeing from persecution. Can they worship along side Christian's in America? Yes, they do everyday. Muslims, Christian's, and every other religion have far more in common than those that insight hate and discord. We value and honor all life, every person is important, and there is allot of love that goes around.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just because something is subtle, or slight, doesn't mean it isn't happening. In fact one could make a reasonable case that it is worse when it is slight or subtle. Something slight or subtle buried in what is expected to be a pure news piece may slip under the radar into one's mind without being consciously noticed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Exactly...she receives special treatment because she is a Clinton.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Cars cause accidents.\n\nForks make you fat.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Happiness is a Texan leaving Alaska with a Californian under each arm.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Over paid","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Inner city schools have plenty of money????? In what universe?\nThe suburban public schools that have good funding do very well by their students. Inner city schools, with many poor children do not have nearly enough money to provide the services necessary. Public schools in many parts of the country, which have significant working class poor populations usually do not have the funds (and often also lack the sufficiently talented administrators) to provide the services that the children need to succeed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I feel strongly that the \"thrill seeking\" son was going to find a way to get in the news somehow. Could have easily seen a story on how HFD personnel and rescue helicopters had to scour some closed hiking trail in order to rescue him. Father probably would've blamed landowner, and HFD personnel for not getting there soon enough.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That would depend on whether Trump does something as great as organizing and inspiring a years-long series of marches, protests, and voter registration drives culminating in the end of racially segregated public facilities in the US. Now Dr. King is an icon representing racial equality, which is still, almost fifty years after King's assassination, a work in progress. So, King isn't just history, he symbolizes a struggle that is still central to our national identity as a \"great melting-pot\". What great, transcending national turning-point (and it would have to be for the better to compare with King's achievement), do you think Trump might inspire and lead?\n\nAnd remember, Ronald Reagan associated with known members of the American Communist Party, and tried to join the party, in 1937. However, Reagan made no significant, essential and lasting changes to our country, as King did.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The political right survived 8 years of Obama's \"insane executive orders\".\n\nI posted (to HUGE down voting) during that time - as the left was cheering Obama's executive orders - that this was a dangerous precedent, and that they should be very careful, because at some point, SOMEBODY ELSE would be sitting in the Oval Office, signing these.\n\nNow, somebody else has \"a phone and a pen\" - the shoe is on the other foot, and the left is howling.\n\nGood...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trudeau, too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Regarding: \"The court ruled that the administration's main argument \u2014 that the travel ban is needed to improve vetting procedures to stop would-be terrorists from entering the country \u2014 is at its \"peak\" when applied to foreigners who have no ties to the U.S.\"\n- So, are these improved vetting procedures ready to go? Have those concerned been actually improving the vetting procedures while waiting for Trump to finish twitter venting about the judges and the courts?\n- Improving vetting should not wait for grand standing in the east wing of the public housing on Pennsylvania Avenue. Better that improvements are continual and shared with our allies.\n- If not, then the 2 executive orders where only political flim flam of a despotic nature.\n- More important; the Chief Executive makes sure that there are enough resources to help integrate the refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants into USA society with an understanding of the Constitution of the USA.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hospitals, etc. do. Do we stop payments for them servicing people on Medicare\/Medicaid?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just a reminder for everyone: the polls immediately following the conventions mean even less than usual. The conventions are intended to stoke emotions, and polling right after them picks up a lot of in-the-moment feelings that tend to settle back to a baseline a couple of weeks later.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Kipchoge\u2019s time didn\u2019t go down as an official world record, sanctioned by the IAAF, due to variables like pacers entering mid-race and drinks being given to runners via mopeds.\"\n\"It wasn\u2019t a road race, with runners completing 17.5 laps around the 1.5-mile Monza Formula One track. The Breaking2 project was held on the 63rd anniversary of Roger Bannister breaking the four-minute mile in 1954.\"\n\nDespite the impressive result, it is not a marathon, but just a marathon-distance run. Bannister broke the record in an actual race, not a non-race special event.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes everyone claims they have had these huge increase in premiums. Yet when they come to my office to file their federal taxes they don't have the receipts to show me what they paid.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"The country deserves better.\"\n\nWhat the country deserves is its $305 million back. If Oracle is admitting culpability, they should gladly give it back, right? I mean, it must be all their fault, the R-G says so. It couldn't have anything to do with the Democrat controlled bureaucrats in the State of Oregon constantly shifting and adding requirements throughout the project. It couldn't have anything to do with the 20,000 page ObamaCare law and regulations that only Democrats passed and signed into law. It couldn't have anything to do with the Democrats ruling Oregon who were mismanaging the project and Oracle's performance. No, it's only the Republicans that are bad for bringing all of this up at an inconvenient time to purposely make the Democrats look bad. Poor misunderstood Democrats. Can't Republicans just understand that this could have happened to anyone? Didn't this happen in all the other states? Why are Republicans always picking on the poor misunderstood Democrats?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You can take off the scarf as you board, as you no doubt normally do.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hitler held people's attention better.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Axel, that's an interesting if only intermediate, suggestion. The problem is, though, that you're working from the fundamental assumption that money is the answer to all of life's problems. I'd suggest that we need to separate the problems of ensuring sustenance from the problems of satisfying our desire for a personally fulfilling, socially satisfactory and useful life. There's a big difference between \"having a career\", working for a living, and enjoying a good life.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not every kid is carrying cash. Or has a credit card.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually Richard, as of Saturday's count (and they're still counting as I write this) Hillary Clinton got 63,390,669 votes to Donald Trump's 61,820,845. That's 1,569,824 more votes for her than for him. The only way that Trump won was because he got help from the Electoral College (it's kind of like Affirmative Action). So if I were you I wouldn't be using your argument too often. 1.6 Million more Americans wanted Hillary Clinton to be president than Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I haven't seen anywhere that the President specifically called out Ms Heyer as antifa, BLM, or similar. If her mother assumed Trump was talking about her daughter when he pointed out that there were violent counter protesters present, maybe there's a reason. I have no idea one way or the other.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Terry Stahlman is a worthless piece of human excrement!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and righteous mobs have a lot to answer for.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Netflix is a scam. Have never signed up....all my films and TV i get from the public library. My tax dollars at work!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\u2018discovery-based learning, which may also be referred to as student-centred, experiential, inquiry, or 21st-century learning.\u2019 Sounds like more Liberal dogma that fails to live up to its promise. When will people wake up to the fact that diversity and multiculturalism don\u2019t work either.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eric Zimmerman and Dr. Sharon Meieran share exactly the same positions on Housing Policy. Their self-inflicted ignorance is typical of those would-be public office holders who know nothing about housing policy and are too embarrassed to admit it and seek help in educating themselves. It is equivalent to Dr. Sharon Meieran competing to be the head of neurosurgery while refusing to take any classes in the subject.\n\nA.\u00a0Supports\u00a0Targeted, UNLIMITED Neighborhood Concentration of PUBLIC HOUSING* which allows government to load the neighborhoods of its choosing with up to 100% Public Housing clients, which includes the homeless.\n\nB.\u00a0Opposes\u00a0setting the\u00a0goal\u00a0of a minimum of 5% and a maximum of 15% Public Housing clients for all Portland\/Multnomah county neighborhoods.\n\nC.\u00a0Rejects\u00a0the HUD supported and United States Supreme Court's recent reaffirmation of Equitable Distribution of Public Housing regarding the implementation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968.\n\n1 of 2","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hinson should run for office. I'd vote for him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Our government brings in more than enough money to cover the infrastructure needs of having cities and towns outside of major urban centers. They have a spending problem and before people start pointing their fingers at the rate payers who buy these house that seem so detestable, they first ought to be pointing at our government and demanding they get their spending in order. Iv no desire to live in an apartment and certainly not just because our government has decided to plead broke on building and maintaining infrastructure to my family home all the while squandering money away on social welfare projects and vote buying schemes. Toronto has declared itself a sanctuary city and provides a comfortable life to anyone who happens to show up there. I'm not resigning myself to live in a box just because our government has decided to use the money meant for infrastructure on other priorities.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Have you not learned the law works two ways ?\nStop crying in the news and start playing hard ball.\nThey have stolen our jobs that went south,\nSo start looking to what one can do,\nThe news media needs to stop playing one sided as this article is, every time they hear something, Instead of blabbering off at some loose mouth piece, start to think,\nCut off ALL soft wood shipping south and don't allow prefabbed homes into Canada that were at one time being built here., Don't allow Americans to work in Canada they do that ever time they want to build some thing or sell something here, \nOh but lover boy can'tr see past the end of his nose !\nJust do it now before the pig squeals !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trudeau has simply confirmed that the Liberals were only interested in reform if the outcome was Preferential Ballot and nothing else. PR was never going to happen. Any Dippers that voted Liberal based on the promise of electoral reform were naive.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"T-Ball, what is she supposed to accomplish? She doesn't hold an elected office; she's the PM's wife. She bore him three kids and is supportive of him. Sophie goes above and beyond by lending her name and reputation to reputable causes. She's fulfilled her job description as far as her responsibilities towards Canadians go. You think she should be developing national policy? Should she sit in the House?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"They\u2019re mad at the rich people who don\u2019t seem to have to worry about sharing. \"\n\nLee, the word \"rich\" is thrown around a lot in these kind of articles and blogs. Can you define what exactly qualifies as rich? Is it a dollar amount? Is it the ability to stay above water financially? Is it just getting by by living just above the poverty line, is it have an extra hundred bucks at the end of the month to put away for a rainy day? Is it not having a mortgage because you've struggled to get it paid off?......what exactly is the definition of \"rich\"\n\nI'm kind of thinking the rich are people ripe for extortion by our elected leaders. Thoughts?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Poetic justice would be for someone to stab him in the back the same amount of times he did it to the turtle. Wonder how he would like? People who harm defenseless animals disgust me.....no class (could use other words but then it wouldn't get printed :) ). Do something to them and they would be the first to call 911!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sounds like American history ended in the 1950s. \n\nIts laugh out loud hilarious to listen to a republican give a party history lesson...they always skip over the part where all the Dixiecrats and a whole bunch of other Democrats changed parties in the 60s. because Republicans opposed the voting rights and civil rights acts and the Democratic party mostly supported both. It isn't revisionist history, its history elimination.\n\nNo thinking person falls for this nonsense...but its pathetic that some republican still try to push the con. The republican party has for the better part of 2 generations been the comfortable home of the most bigoted and racist among us...and on that point there is no debate.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"YESSSS BUT. it doesn't give people to the rite to fiscally block him from speaking or behaving violently if they don't get their way!!!!!\n That's called fascism and the last time I checked is was still illegal.\nBack to your safe space snow flake.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Those who oppose the Kinder Morgan decision are not really concerned about a hollow pipe in the ground. Rather, they have an ideological bent against the oil sands and see denying the construction of a pipeline as a way to meet their objectives. With all due respect, and I do respect their right to dislike the decision, they would be better off and more honest focusing on ensuring Canada meets its emission targets. THAT is the issue, not a hollow pipe in the ground","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, like you were ever going to vote for Murkowski. You've been criticizing her for months, Pepe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"is that neocons are so determined to tell all the rest of us how to live\"\n-----------------\nit is usually the Puritans of the Left, Marxists, NDP ...that tell people how to live\n\nThou shalt worship in the church of climate change\nThou shalt spend thy money (not mine) on social programs and be compassionate even if thou go into deficit and debt\nThou shalt be politically correct, diverse, inclusive and not marginalize","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Any child that lives in a loving family is worth every penny - isn't this a \"responsible\" thing?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"This week, the bill was clarified to state that it would not allow date-stamping specifically; leaving the door open for expiration for reasons other than \u201cthe passage of time alone.\u201d \"\n\nAnd there's the kicker. \n\nThey'll still figure out a way to f k us (their customers) but it will be in a more sneaky, subtle manner then an expiry date.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I thought vote buying is illegal","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You need to follow the news.\nObama's no longer president. \n\nTrump better start getting his act together and stop getting advice on how to blow up government by stiffiing the poor so he can give the rich bigger tax breaks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ah, football season.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really? \"She lied on her application\n\nA link. With the document info.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Family knows that family...cringe worthy indeed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'\n\u2026spake the defender of Islam.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"1. Sorry, sisters. There is nothing in the Catholic faith against the building of national infrastructure or the transport of natural gas, no matter how much you disagree with it. It's not a religious freedom issue. You'd probably have been better served by taking a different legal tack.\n2. Painting the blocking of travel from certain Muslim-majority nations and others that are Catholic or atheist majority is not a Muslim ban... it is a travel ban. As a consultant I see any number of Muslims from various countries (Pakistan, UK, Saudi, UAE, Indonesia) at meetings on a regular basis in the US. These have no trouble entering the country multiple times.\n3. I do hope that Mr. Perez and others are able to find a way to remain in the country. While I'm against citizenship if your first act is to break the law, I am for finding a way to allow those who have otherwise been model residents a means of remaining.\n4. Why is the Occupy movement against science? Do they reject AGW as well?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It sounds like it is time to get rid of our dairy system, high prices for milk lead to higher prices for cheese. Dump the quota system, set a minimum quality for milk and animal care\/treatment then let the market decide. Maybe include a cap on any companies market share so they cannot control the market and establish a new cartel.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No doubt Trudeau will virtue-signal Canada into insolvency.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Skip, read what I said. The law does not keep legal immigrants in the nation. It simply doesn't automatically strip away an affirmative defense in immigration proceedings. They can still be deported.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It should be a choice, not a mandatory program.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think Mr. Kenney maybe the first leader to directly connect the federal Conservatives with the Alberta Conservative Party ( it was never a secret) despite one dropping progressive and the other adding united.\nI find his advice to Andrew Scheer about leadership, bizarre. \nI agree with him, that Stephen Harper was 'not terribly popular' as leader at the beginning; but he was worse than 'not terribly popular' in the end of his leadership of Canada.\nIs this the path Mr. Scheer should follow?\nMr. Harper could not get a pipeline built in his own province, \nremember Keystone?\nNow Mr. Kenney threatens the new BC government with 'repercussions'\nif it doesn't cooperate on pipelines.\nLeadership requires diplomacy skills, Mr. Kenney.\nWe can't wait another ten years, while Conservative leaders get better than terrible.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Will only be in USA, unless Bezos really wants to cheese off Drumpf","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"\"The proposal would \u201climit our ability to pursue good jobs in a clean \u00adindustry for Cascade Locks,\u201d the company says.\"\n\n\nWhat a load of nonsense, two hundred heavy trucks hauling water daily is hardly \"clean\". And Nestle's objective isn't to improve conditions for the working man, it's profit full stop. Bottled water is just another tax on the stupid.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Sergey Lavrov is a sophisticated, tough, veteran of world affairs. Rex Tillerson is a dated Colonel Blimp, wooden, artless, way out of his league.\nTillerson: \"You must end your support for the Assad regime.\"\nLavrov: \"No\"\nTillerson: \"Oh, but.... ah... , uhmmmm.... let me get back to you\"\nU.S. foreign affairs in the hands of the Game Show Host President and Colonel Blimp, what a joke. Thank God they have Jared Kushner to lend his gravitas to the situation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sweet, here's my attempt: another example of government overreach. Freedom ain't free. Big government is killing jobs\/the small town entrepreneur. Supply and demand. Don't tread on me. Trump\/Palin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"MATTHEW TROST is a senior engineer at Civil.\" \n \nSo, you're a civil engineer? Ba Dum Tsh. Sorry.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Status-quo is good for Canada, so it's so much the better if Trump doesn't follow through.\n\nHowever, I believe that Trump can score an easy win if he cancels NAFTA but keeps\/reactivates the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement. Or tries to, if it turns out he doesn't have that authority as President (which most US commentators, at least at the moment, seem to suggest he has).\n\nWho in the US will go to bat, politically, for free trade with Mexico? Talk about a walking pi\u00f1ata! Haha.\n\nI think it's unlikely the Canadian government would withdraw from free trade in a pique over the US cancelling free trade with Mexico - nor would it be in Canada's interest despite some good reporting by the Globe and Mail on the disadvantages of FTA vs. NAFTA.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You would think that a Canadian research and analysis firm like Recognia would know CGI Group is a large Canadian technology company headquartered in Montreal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If Ontario needs to make cuts, lets begin by cutting the salary of every Liberal MPP, starting with Kathleen Wynne.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When I looked at that picture, the first thing that popped into my mind was Pikachu.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're the one that is backwards. Individual transporters will always be with us, regardless of the power source. If you want to ride your bicycle, or smelly bus, go right ahead, but don't expect everyone to follow your lead.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The only Trump supporter in Canada's tactics :\n\n1\/Use multiple anonymous names.\n\n2\/Post lies over and over again in ECHO chamber style.\n\n3\/Villify minorities and the poor.\n\n4\/When confronted with the inconvenient truth that Americans are far more likely to die as a result of their own gun or the gun of another American than a terrorist attack, go back to point #1\n\nYou always were a bother and a bore, Sweeney.\n\nDo get lost","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Are the the authors making the case that the modern concept of nationhood status confers upon Indigenous peoples a separate set of rights based upon their own laws and legal traditions, and that the SCC has no status in Indigenous affairs...?\"\nThat is exactly how I read the authors case.\nIn fact this could be taken a step further, that what we presently call the Government of Canada including the Supreme Court does not have a legal right to exist. And laws and legal traditions of First Nations control Canada.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Time to reduce demand by imposing an auto 20% withholding tax on all foreign wealth flowing into canada. This would apply to all wire transfers, suitcases stuffed with cash,intra company transfer,etc. Only once a party has shown that they have paid an 'equivalent' amount of tax to canadians on said wealth would the get 15% back (5% held to administer and audit the system).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He could ask for free pre school.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No Bear Mace Bites food truck spicy chicken sammich?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Feel The Bern\"!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And a concerted effort to eliminate vegetables in our diets. \n\n93% of dead people had eaten vegetables at some time in their life. \n\nCoincidence? \n\nNot likely.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Dead at 33 years old, gone forever and his killer is sentenced to 11 years less allowances then set free to go after someone else? I don't give a good crap what this guys problems are or were at the time of the incident, he deserves to spend the rest of his life imprisoned or if we were really lucky, a hangman's noose. Where's all the sympathy for the dead guy or his family?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I was about to tender the same observation. Native children are at the mercy of the social justice warriors in government and in native administration. Also, religions are given a free pass even when their beliefs and practices may cause the death of their children. Jehovah's Witnesses would rather their children die than be given a life saving blood transfusion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CNN thought they were invincible in pushing their 'fake news' agenda. With the alleged firing of reporters on the 'Russian' fantasy - this is just the beginning of their demise. Sponsors will begin pulling their ads.\n\nInstead of reporting factual\/responsible news to the American people they have turned to retribution to achieve their irresponsible goals. Over 90% fake news reporting ? Who in their right mind would turn to them to get the facts?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And those that KJU didn't speak for are now dead, as pointed out by the other poster\ud83d\ude09","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe Mr. Trump has a different side than the one he has consistently put out front. But, given his limited knowledge of world affairs, and his affinity the ultimatum approach, this may be another empty vow.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Politics of division by our failed PM , following playbook of Obama Canada charter of rights and freedom is based on democratic principles or equality and freedom of religion , speech , et al No one religion or group can be singled out as entitled and outside the the charter and above all others Govt should be bringing us togather not dividing us as this motion does ! But then again we are talking Lieberals","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The question you have to ask is why wouldn't he do everything possible to avoid public scrutiny since it was clear that at some point he would be asked about his finances.You would think that someone in his position, would have a reasonable idea of what would be expected of him when he became Finance Minister. There are any number of people who post on these forums and regardless of their political bent, who know what should be done if you are going to serve as a cabinet minister. Why wouldn't he know ? The simplest thing to do would have been to find out the bare minimum and then go way beyond that, and avoid all problems. Morneau was head of a major financial enterprise, surely he could have figured that out, but apparently not.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bono stopped wearing that style of shades a few years back. Just look at the glasses he was wearing as he testified before Congress recently. It's an impersonator.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Her life story can speak to the modern age unlike so many other saints.\" Well said, Shawn. That was one of my reactions, too. I was inspired by the faults because it made me realize that we must do what we feel called to do in spite of such faults and short comings. I'm sure that the saints of old had their faults and sins but the biographers didn't tell that part of the story. Today we tell all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm not trying to take the ground, I'm already there. You're a Trump supporter. Here's a clue that old school Republicans used to get, having a good looking wife doesn't make you moral.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"MSB 23.05.050","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"She is sane, and knows that what she is doing is morally bankrupt. \n\nJust look at her face to see the toll that is taking on her mental and physical health.\n\nLying so often about so much is not healthy for a normal person.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bravo! Great choice of issue for the Gov. General - hope he can have great influence on the changes in thinking required here.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Quite right, Mr.Zenger. By a socialist minister who wrote it WITHOUT the \"under God\" nonsense (that was later forced into it by McCarthy-era theocrats).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Definition of Eminent Domain\n: a right of a government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction. - OBVIOUSLY THERE IS NO \"PRIVATE PROPERTY\" INVOLVED IN THIS.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Looks to be the amount needed to buy the Wells Fargo building in Spenard for the much needed LIO...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Out of state slope workers etc, wouldn`t pay any sales tax in Alaska as they don`t shop here.. they eat company food and sleep in company beds...then fly home to Texas or float home to Washington and California and pay THOSE states the income tax on money they earned in Alaska.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"First of all being homosexual, does not imply one is a sinner, it is the actions, in thought word or deed, that can be sinful.\n\nSo the \"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or rohibiting the free exercise thereof\" part of the Constitution becomes a target to force a point of recent law. That is \"approve my life style of else\", rather then going to another store, for say a wedding cake..\n\nIt becomes more of you must not only tolerate a life style, but approve it, & that in the long term, does not help..\n\nOne more thing. Look abound, & see even in families, a majority can make life miserable for the minority, or any place there is a gathering of people, white brown, gay, etc. That song goes beyond race, real or perceived gender.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of course people on the far right don't like equality, racial, gender, sexual, or otherwise. But if you want to minimize racism in yourself, one effective way is to suck up less so that you feel the need to kick down less.\n Honest. Try it. You might like it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Put on your thinking cap and consider that these countries are in a state civil war battling terrorist forces of Islamic extremism and\/or are openly hostile to the U.S.\n\nHope this helps.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wasn't sure about adding this. But it comes under the title \"something funny that requires further investigation.\" I looked into this price differential. And the appropriate comparison should be with WTC, Southeast Asia oil and What HECO pays for oil. When I compared the price differential between the benchmark price West Texas Crude and SE Asian crude there was no noticeable effect on prices. Japan does not have to buy crude from SE Asia. It's actually easier to transport it from the West Coast of Canada, but it can also come from lots of other places, like Russia. So the real question is why does Hawaiian electric pay so much more for refined oil from local refineries. When I was working on the merger I formally requested the contract but was ignored. I suspect, from the behavior of the HECO price series, that these contracts contain some formula that is a multiple of the crude price. Which makes me all the more suspicious of governor Ige's decision to abandon LNG.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Anyone interested in the pesticide issue can see with their own two eyes--no need scientists--the massive damage done by papaya pesticides in Kapoho Hawaii....often looks like the fields are napalmed....and only a hundred yards from water catchment....I AM AMAZED......but a little neurotoxin organophosphate can't hurt....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You do realize that almost all probation in CO is by privately-run for-profit companies, right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sure glad he wasn't president in Oct, 1962.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"(1) \"...Would Canadians really want our films and TV shows to have to tick the boxes of a government-mandated matrix of some politician\u2019s idea of \u201cCanadian values\u201d?...\"\n\n(2) \"...It\u2019s probably best to leave these decisions to the artists and producers...\" \n\n(1) YES ! (2) NEVER !\n\n(1) Can you name 5 Anglo Canadians Film Director still working AND living in Canada ?...eh...eh ...\nCan you name 5 Qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois Film Directors working AND living in Canada\/ Qu\u00e9bec ?\n\n(more to come)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Prove there isn't any Santa? Prove there is a God. I think people could pose the same position toward religion as your comment that there is no Santa. How do you prove there is a God. What is the harm in children believing in Santa? Is it any worse than believing in any other thing that you cannot see?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"First, it is illegal for a private clinic to charge the public system for a service if they also charge the patient for the same service. Either you are all in or all out on a given case. The public reimbursement doesn't cover the cost of running a private surgical clinic - this is normal because if a patient is operated on in a public hospital, the hospital receives lump sum funding to cover this so the surgeon isn't assuming these costs, so they shouldn't get extra for costs not assumed.\n\nI hate the \"jumping the line\" statement. The government is deliberately limiting the amount of OR time so surgeons cannot handle the patient caseloads. From a professional point of view, can you imagine how unsatisfying it is to have a 2 year wait list of patients you cannot help because of bureaucratic nonsense? Surgeons are trying to find a workaround for this and governments are letting them because they don't want to pay for what is needed. That's why the clinics aren't being shut down.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is there any difference between hatred based on centuries of abuse, dehumanisation\/daily indignities, discrimination and one based solely on skin colour? Is it reasonable for blacks in South Africa to hate whites? Is it rational for blacks who lived under slavery and jim crow to have hatred of whites? Do you think when white men hung black men in the south for fun, it is rationale for the latter to hate. Do you think when whites accuse black men of rape, kidnapping murdering their family(Susan Smith, Sue Artman, Charles Stuart, etc,. then turns out they murdered their children; lied about rape) that hatred of whites is rationale? Do you think it reasonable for FN to hate whites\/clergy? These people have every reason to hate because of what was\/continues to be done to them BUT THEY DONT; they quickly and willingly forgive. Yet when they speak up for their rights, people like you label them racists? BLM message is BLM TOO, not just yours...and good for them for saying enough!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Donald's campaign is in meltdown mode. He is down 15 points in the polls. Republicans are deserting him in droves. He has a BIG mouth, and spends more time attacking Republicans than he does Hillary. The GOP is fractured. A party that's not united, can't win. Donald does not have a snowballs chance in Hades. He simply can't control himself.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I want to know who made that quiz???? Whoever did should be fired! No questions asked!! It's this type of incitement of violence that is harming our children and our country. Stop it!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Peko must have enough old contracts and pink slips to paper every room in his house with.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"yet even with the 3.3 million, she still couldn't win. sucks to be a Clinton.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry, been watching way too many opening monologues on Stephen Colbert...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really? Do tell....\n\n\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude01","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Washington Free Beacon has shown nasty, anti-Trump propaganda is no different than Hillary Clinton's evil tribe. How disappointing. I've added TWFB to my list of trash magazines I never buy - only read on occasion at the check-out in the grocery store. Is there no honor left in the political arena? Apparently not. This past year for conservatives is has gone down thanks to Mitt Romney, Bill Kristol, Erick Erickson and now the Washington Beacon. No wonder no one trust the media - both sides.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wish it were true but no way will Canadian politicians listen that the public wants drastically reduced immigration, so demand for housing in major cities will keep increasing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Boulder eliminated panhandling on the Pearl st Mall; have a look today at the composition of visitors to the Mall. Mostly visitors, who quickly look for the nearest exit as they are surrounded and harassed by the panhandlers who now dominate the space. No local taxpayer goes anywhere near the Mall any more.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Rest easy tonight, Denise. Trudeau will soon gore you with his shiny new tax on everything. It's all fun and games to write moral suasion like this, but see what you think when that Latte costs 16 bucks because the cup and beans have embodied energy from their distant travels and the water had to be heated with Kathleen's massively subsidized solar power.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The attitude whereby humans will drive themselves extinct anyway no matter what US does.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The founding fathers made sure the military was controlled by a civilian because war traumatizes people and affects judgement. The subset of paranoid flag defenders shows why. The field protests were never an insult to American veterans or the flag, but a call to our better selves as a complicated culture of many many different types of people. Yes, vets deserve thanks for their service. But Trump is using red meat to manipulate people into becoming rabidly angry so they don't notice his lack of leadership in getting healthcare fixed or anything else done in Washington. Governing requires compromise and serious work, not insulting everyone and bouncing from one job to another while getting nothing done. Some of Trump's supporters don't understand the complicated 21st century. In fact we need every immigrant engineer we can get to stay ahead of the Russians and Chinese. This is not a Casino game, surviving and flourishing requires adult judgement and hard work.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Everyone knew Trump was a con artist; he was elected anyway to deny Clinton and the Washington establishment who felt entitled to power. Message sent. The Dems have to spend some time in the penalty box for the mistake of nominating a self-entitled Clinton. They'll choose someone different next time; and if the Republicans don't likewise, the Dems will probably win.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"not sure how you came to whatever conclusion about my stance on this but....don't think it is what you think it is... i'm kinda thinking the guy is getting a raw deal","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The \"former state\" to which we mean to bring the Church is the early church of the Gospels, not the \"early church\" of the Council of Trent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My point is not to blame marijuana, it's too point out that there are enough people in this state stupid enough tho think it's a good idea to legalize it, and unfortunately these people are operating motor vehicles.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I dont think you can ask everyone in Alaska to give up $1000 without you being willing to give up your expense accounts or a salary cut...where is the justification for your thinking????","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"for some reason the SA keeps referring to the Piper plane as a PA298. there is no such aircraft. the correct designation is Piper PA28.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Interesting that your reporter goes to the trouble of mentioning that Diabetes Canada receives funding from manufacturers of nonnutritive sweeteners, but does not appear to have bothered asking whether the University of Manitoba\u2019s George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation or the individual researchers who conducted the study received direct or indirect funding from the powerful international sugar lobby.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Careless? Explain?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's what the culture of death does!!\n\nMargaret Sanger would be very very happy if she wasn't very very alone and very very busy nashing her teeth.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My wife and I just moved here from Colorado. Downtown Eugene has so much potential, if only it didnt look like a scene from \"The Walking Dead\" on every corner. I would never take my daughter to the library there or walk around with my wife after dinner. Very Unsafe. This City has a major problem and this incident is just one example of that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think they're all gone now. \n\nBut knowing nic, I'm sure they'll be back in one form or another.....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I\"You mis-state an opposing view either competently or incompetently. \"\n\nUsing words such as incompetent generally occcur when those with opposing views realize they have no argument to make. \n\nYou also stated that these victims are rsponsible for their own loss of life, yet on the other hand you suggest the police provoked them into engaging in illegal behavior that caused them to give up their life.\n \nIf they are truly responsible for their actions, (you clearly stated they were), then they could not be victims but crimnials. If however you are saying that the police provoked them into bad behavior that caused them to lose their life, then the full responsibility of the assailents would come into question. However you would need more than just conjecture and biased opinion to get others to listen, as you have made it perfectly obvious that you hold a grudge against the Kent Police specifically, including the rejection of the courts findings of their innocence.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Condolences to the families. What a tragic way to die.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Whatever happened to the pair of tall Croatian players who came in one season and helped Kaimuki won a state boys basketball title back in 93?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I observed the trial and this news article takes the actual testimonies out of context and excludes testimony and actual evidence in favor of the defendant. The CPA firm who is the alleged victim confirmed that the four complainants owe $1.7 million. The sole detective in this case was a former patrol buddy with one of the former partner's husband. Police favoritism again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Inside the Beltway and Big Media smell blood and want to go in for the kill....................this stuff sells and puts eyeballs and money in their pockets.......\n\nYou gotta be above reproach otherwise they'll hang you high or throw you under the bus......just sayin'\n\n#MAGA haha","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"If sales are poor, cut the line. It doesn't matter if it's Trump or Obama or Clinton or whatever. Fashion is a tough market to be in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Burnt,\n\n We seem to have our own serious intolerance, serious resentment, and now, like you say, they've devolved into a free speech problem, thanks to the crappy changes in comment format and childish emoticons. How does it feel to be treated like a child? I don't like it. How does it feel to be censored by my fellow posters? When the Establishment is challenged they always smack down the most vulnerable powerless people like us. Sad.\n\n I have no idea who is nixing my comments. I've been quite outspoken here these last 11 years. Often disliked by liberals and often disliked by conservatives so who knows?\n One thing, though, conservatives call liberals \"left wing\" but they are not. They are right of centre. I sometimes feel like the only left winger left in Canada. Just because I support workers and don't support corporations. That's what left wingers were in the 1960's and that's the way they need to be now - to bridge the gap between middle and working classes and rein in the 1%.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Are there going to be new roads or a functional mass transit system in place before this happens? Do our leaders not think about such things beforehand? I recently drove from northeast Denver to DIA, boarded a plane to Vail and got there faster than if I had driven.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Outsider, You are on to something I think. :)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As I middle age white guy working his butt off to raise 2 kids and who also lost the fitness and arts tax credits would have like to discuss this with the Minister but I can't afford the $1500 to have dinner with him.\n\nTax credits for teachers supplies. Can I get a tax credit for suits and ties for work.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CAE... we agree!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Boots, ordinarily I would be with you on the idea of assisted suicide but I have some serious fears with the way our political system is evolving, not just republicans and democrats, but fierce partisans who refuse to bend or show any common sense. The drug war, declared ridiculous by no less than National Review 30 years ago, has reached the extremes that people with chronic pain and their physicians can no longer take a vacation, because they have to see their doctor face-to-face for every tiny amount of narcotics that ease their pain. People in constant pain without relief will be much more likely to wish to end that pain by all means necessary including suicide, so we make it easy to obtain that? Why can't we enable them to have a more comfortable life rather than just killing them off??!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You do not have your facts correct in the Dreyfus case. Dreyfus was accused of being a traitor based on the barest of circumstantial evidence and was prosecuted despite evidence to the contrary. Snowden freely admits his actions as being one of so called \"conscientiousness\", sacrifice a few for the good of the many.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't think so. It's the boom and bust cycle of the resource \"economy\" that tossed thousands of Alberta workers into unemployment. The \"economy\" is what we do; if we do something sustainable, that's what our economy will be. Shutting down the tar sands is not a matter of \"if,\" it is a question of when.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The 1960's aren't coming back, adapt or suffer the consequnces.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"per capita is meaning less. China has one of the lowest per capita GHG BUT is still the largest emitter. By your logic China shouldn't do anything because they are such a low per capita culprit.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"being somewhat \"buoyant\" myself, I've heard fat floats, and the more on a person, the more they can float. if he was a large guy.. ?but that water is pretty darn cold.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Commentors can sometimes be too enigmatic for their own good.\ud83d\ude15","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mahalo Barry! for putting Hawaii on the map","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"History is made as Hilary Clinton becomes the first woman presidential candidate of a major party. BBC News here notes that of 50 US newspapers only 19 had photos of Hilary Clinton on the cover. Why?\n\nThe photo for this story is a \"cut out\" photo of Hilary on a sign; the front page of the RG has a photo of two Hilary Clinton supporters embracing; and back page A10 has photos of BILL C. speaking and of CHELSEA C. smiling with wealthy hubby Marc M.\n\nBut on the day Hilary Clinton broke the political glass ceiling, THERE WAS NO PHOTO OF HER IN THE RG.*\nWhy?\n(*there was, at least, a sketch of her on the editorial page.)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ask him or look up his past columns to check. But you really need to remember that Trump won the presidency, HRC is now a private citizen, and it is Trump who will be scrutinized from this past Friday forward. I mean, you forgot Mitt Romney's lies fast enough and were relentless in your demeaning, and even fabricated, commentary about Obama. So now you complain, Martin Nichols? Get real.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So we shouldn't just #WeBelieve?\nPerhaps they didn't do the necessary probing because they exist in a culture, work culture and more broadly, where expressing disbelief in an accuser is now considered unacceptable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Strange dynamic in the comics, here. People express preferences, decisions are made... but when someone cries \"lack of diversity\", everything changes immediately.\n\nBaldo is fine, if sometimes a little too heavy-handed. JumpStart is just plain dumb and occasionally offensive. Whatever makes people feel good, I guess.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Aw, Paul wanted to participate in a conversation on the internet today. \nGreat job, Paul!!!\nGold star for the day, Buddy!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you're bringing Sophie, I suggest she wear a jock.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Considering they put themselves up to have the Church discern whether they had a call to the priesthood, (knowing full well this would entail a vow of celibacy), yes indeed they did choose celibacy. It seems no one is responsible for the choices they make anymore, it seems.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where have you been for the past sixteen years? We've been governed by self serving crooks...and a record number of scandals took place under their watch. I supppose investors were content though...the top 1%.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I was the CEO of the Trust for 22 years and I think Mike will do a fantastic job! Congratulations!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The EU thought it was about apples and was ready to provide subsidies if they moved to France !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Cuz that's what Trump would do.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The problem is that any dog can be \"registered online\". There is no official registration for such animals. Having your dog \"registered online\" means nothing. Also, anybody can buy the vests and patches. Anybody. If a business claims to be a registry and that they need a doctors note to register you and your animal... the business is lying. You are also sending such dishonest people a note from the doc telling what your disability is.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Looks like you got fooled with the \" Independent \" crap. Walker is just a typical Liberal.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"ANWR is much larger than Area 1002. The birthing areas are not all of the area. Nobody is proposing drilling in a valley, this is the coastal plain. Even directional driling has a distance limit.\n\nThis is not a series of comments about whether or not we need the oil, should burn it or turn it into plastic, or any other side issue. The LTE made a series of unsubstantialted claims about the impact on the Gwich'in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The \"high density\" plan is a scam. It is just a way to maximize Developers profits\n\n70% of the units are small 1-bedroom\/studios.\n60% are not occupied by the owner - i.e. rental or AirBnB.\n\nFor a family - heck - a couple - there is very limited options on the supply side. Much of the starter homes in the 416 - bungalows - are tear downs, and replaced by luxury units.\n\nSo the 5% foreign buyers will have a massive affect on the supply-demand curve.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sigh. Google Elliot Spitzer and Dominic Strauss-Kahn if you honestly think this sort of thing is limited to Russia.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Probably the usual team of non-guoy comedy writers. Durant's mother was laughing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm glad you mentioned constitutional rights.\n\nOur Constitution's second amendment is a long-obsolete prescription for arming and training the late-1700s citizen army of a weak collection of agrarian states. It has no relevance in today's vastly larger and stronger urban society with its professional military.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry, you already burned that bridge.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"well said Robin","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Never.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This story's photo of Mr. Khan's outrage seems especially silly now, given the 2 major Muslim terrorist attacks today and Trump's electoral victory confirmation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"jimbob - what difference, at this point, does it make? Obama would not interrupt his golfing vacay for a national tragedy. Donald Trump made Obama and Hillary both look like heartless lazybones.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"...with a long list of spending curbs, including in public healthcare, social services, drug treatment and corrections\"\nThese are of course ideal places to cut, people who would use these services are not all that good at complaining loudly. Having said that, I'd be willing to pay another 5 or 10 bucks a month to NOT cut these services. It will be interesting to see what effect a new Admin in Washington DC will have.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"@thats that then. And exactly which books have you read that were based on Current Oil tax and production compared to past tax and production based on the effects of SB-21.. Must have missed tho books","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Did Sen. Schatz say who his president was?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Seemed to work fine. Gets you anti everything types all riled up when called out","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nothing uncivil in this :)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sex, death, religion should be things we can discuss at the diner table.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I remember Caldwell asking that question, but I don't recall her saying that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump is desperate for a few \"good\" distractions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well said, there are a number of investors holding 2,3,4,5,10 real estate investment properties. They constrain the supply and hold on as prices go up.\n\nThe higher the prices go the easier it is for investors to bully the average buyer with large deposit and all cash offers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"DT always has some sort of issue...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nonsense. Ages ago, when I was young all the topical information the internet provides today was provided in the daily newspaper (which I delivered). In those days, teachers and schools stuck to apolitical instruction. Note that these \"kids\" issued a press release last Friday. Nothing you can say will lead me to believe that these kids knew about press releases. This was orchestrated by adults, most likely teachers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Its the racist Democrat left trying to rewrite their own inexcusable racist history that continues to this day","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"If NCR had accomplished nothing other than its reporting (and commenting on!!) the clergy sex abuse crisis, that would have more than justified its existence. It's difficult to imagine how that crisis would have unfolded in the absence of the persistent, courageous work of NCR reporters and editors.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Who does this little pipsqueak Bibi thinks he is to lecture the President of the USA? Americans should remind this little fascist how many Americans went without basic healthcare and infrastructure investments to give his country $30 Billion a year in welfare handouts so he can steal more Palestinian lands.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You need mental help.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I agree with all of your comments, but boy I get nervous when opinions are so one sided. When everybody is on one side of the boat, eventually it tips.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for the comment. I do understand that there's an interest in keeping aspects of an investigation private. I have a harder time understanding why the DOE cannot say whether or not the educational assistant, whose name I don't know, was exonerated, or even when the investigation was concluded, much less general questions about their process. Educators, including those who are falsely accused, certainly have a privacy interest, but one could argue that the public has an interest in assuring that such investigations are thorough and fair.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please, G & M, don't make these wrong changes to the way readers post comments.\nIt was perfectly good the way it was.\nThese new changes make commenting too slow and unwieldy.\nFurther, the emoticons are silly and childish. Showing the names of those who disagreed will increase personal vitriol.\nThe best thing about comments was thumbs up or thumbs down because that way a person knew if his or her opinions were popular or not.\n It's now difficult to find if anyone has replied to a post.\nReceiving an email notifying a poster that he has received a response was also an excellent feature. \n The best features have been removed, replaced by bad ones.\n Many readers have now left this website, as shown by the large decrease in the number of comments posted in this Letters to the Editor page.\n Please cancel the changes. They are time-consuming, childish and ridiculous.\n I question the intentions of the G & M in making these frustrating changes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Old, I was focusing on Rieder's implied contention that the only alternative to high-carb diets is a paleo one, which is obviously not the case. I just grabbed the first site that popped up, I'm sure there are better ones out there. Dairy is obiously also going to contain animal fat( unless you go non-fat), and avoiding processed foods is best. If you believe a Paleo diet is \"very healthy\", I'm not going to try and talk you out of it, but you may want to do more research.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Great article Dave! Totally outrageous what the OIA is doing to these kids!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"OMG, sounds a bunch of lib dems with nothing better to do. Hope they look at themselves first before grumbling about someone else. Get a life.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There's an easy fix that fills vacancies, is fair to candidates and empowers the electorate. When a vacancy occurs after the statutory 100-day period, too late to allow the voters to decide, authorize the city council to appoint an acting councilor to complete the remainder of the term, but bar that acting councilor from running as an incumbent in the next election as a condition of accepting the temporary appointment. Then, in the next election, the voters can elect a new councilor on a level playing field, without some candidate enjoying the unearned advantage of incumbency.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess trump's campaign strategy of \"GRAB THEM BY THE P***Y\" was not the best idea after all...","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The morning comedy was on time today.\nThe more I look at how this person writes the more I think he was trained in Moscow","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Elderly, Lower-income & Homeless (including many Working Homeless) often don't have an App & $$$ for a fancy phone ! On Windward - many parts of our Bus System does not work well. Often the GPS does not work. Buses can come 5-10 minutes early. Yes ! People get stuck standing for an hour- in the rain ! At times the Country Bus #55 is only scheduled every 45min-1 hour- then its late. Kahalu'u #65 Bus comes every hour on weekends, etc. On Windward, transfer points are a problem too: #55 stops a Hygenics Store in Kahaluu at Kam & Kahakilli. But people then walk 1\/2 mile down Kahakilli to catch the #65 !!!! Often people who want to work two Jobs, can't because the Buses are so bad on Windward-North Shore ! Often 3 times late to a Fast Food Job and U R Fired ! Up our Coast U can't walk 3 blocks and get another Bus. A good Transportation System is Key to Reducing Poverty - and Homelessness !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's easy to be a \"good christian\" when you can just sit around and condemn those who are born different from you. Nothing required except to mimic the pharisee who thanked god for not being like the tax collectors.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And do you actually think the Flames are going to pay \"90%\"--if you do I have some property in \"Swampbush\" Florida that you can buy","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole lesson of the US disaster is that when the government regulates the financial sector, and GUARANTEES that depositors will get paid, regardless of the idiotic loans made by said financial sector, depositors are not careful, and banks don't care about loan quality. Why would they? They get paid on volume, they bundle crap loans into MBSs and sell them to UBS, or they keep the loans on their books, but cover their butts with fed-backed mortgage insurance. \nJust make it clear that unregulated means \"not bailed out,\" and if investors then want to fund such firms to chase high returns, hey good luck to them!\nPlease google CountryWide, IndyMac, Washington Mutual, or 100 other dead lenders in the US...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not in that sentence.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think this article misses a few more salient facts. \nUS mid-west farmers are living a boom in exports of soya beans and corn to.....CHINA....\nFarmers were aghast when Trump wanted to end China trade. \nSubsidies already destroyed the Mexican corn farmer; that's from whence those illegals come.\nDuring one election phase, Paul Ryan, (R),(brought up a bill to thwart outsourcing of manufacturing (which had gone to China), he aced off against Beohner (speaker and fellow republican), whose riding represented farmers. So, it gets complicated.\nRyan's Bill never got anywhere.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I like the design of the flag and the colors. Sorry to bust your soapbox, Gary.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Can someone please explain why so few governors, mayors and business leaders defend Paris accord after Trump\u2019s rejection?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What an arrogant horse's behind Kat Pratt talking about people who disagree with her - \"I get it about once a day usually and some of them get more confrontational. Maybe some not maybe as not educated as that last gentleman, and there's a lot to learn,\". She is an example of why the French used the guillotine for elites.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nick, doing a quick Google search came up with the following most corrupt politicians:\n1.President of Indonesia \n 2. Ferdinand Marcos\tPresident of the Philippines\n 3. Mobutu Sese Seko\tPresident of Zaire \t\n 4. Sani Abacha\tPresident of Nigeria \n 5. Slobodan Milosevic\tPresident of Serbia\/Yugoslavia\n 6. Jean-Claude Duvalier\tPresident of Haiti\n 7. Alberto Fujimori\tPresident of Peru\n 8. Pavlo Lazarenko\tPrime Minister of Ukraine\n 9. Arnoldo Alem\u00e1n\tPresident of Nicaragua\n10. Joseph Estrada\tPresident of the Philippines \n\nBut I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you meant US politicians:\n1)Boss Tweed\n2)Ray Blanton\n3)Budd Dwyer\n4)Edwin Edwards\n5)Spiro Agnew\n6)Carroll Hubbard\n7)George Ryan\n8)James Traficant\n9)Randy Cunningham\n10)Huey Long\n\nStill no Hillary...\n\nNow maybe you were being sarcastic, but when you state outrages facts it makes you sound uneducated and hard to take seriously. Just like Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Democrats absolutely need to get over it. They lost.\n\nInstead of crying about it, they should work on how to defeat him in 4 years.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Anybody who actually believes that it was Kim Campbell, and not the legacy of Brian Mulroney, that led the PCs to the greatest defeat in Party history is either woefully ignorant of Canadian history and politics, too young to remember, or a flat-out liar.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Or a few drunk lesbians.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"PS. I just learned that the boats are American with a crew of foreigners. Sounding more like slave ships.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why, in the first place, are sensory deprivation practices being implemented in our city jail?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Excellent news!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just this morning I heard Colleen Hanabusa say on the radio that the legislators in DC have the very same Obama Care medical insurance that everyone else has. There is no special health care for elected officials. Just reporting what she said... no, I don't believe it either. LOL","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"1.)\"That\u2019s not the definition of homosexuality. \" - I said\n2.)\"It_is_not.\" - You said\n3.) \"It_is_a_definition_of_who_is_at_risk_for_abusing_children\" - You said\n\n1. & 2.) Then we agree. Why are you arguing then? \n\n3.) The male\/female adult is at risk abusing children? Or, I imagine you mean the child is at risk being abused? Because, the subject doing the abusing is the adult, not the child. And thus wouldn't, I imagine mean what you mean\/intended to come to that conclusion. The error is in logic\/reasoning. You have your argument outlining a direction to the conclusion you do not intend, I believe. So, can you refine that statement?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Believe me, if it was discovered too much money was appropriated to these agencies, there would be no special session this year to rectify that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The city is is just side stepping and walking softly around the problem. It's a people problem. I'll still stay away. What their doing won't keep the problems from going away.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It looks bad because it IS bad. What kind of person uses moves burial remains for the purpose of being a roadblock? I mean literally, it's being used to block the road. And Kealoha Pisciotta is trying to justify this as ok?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That our national anthem has somehow become part of the multimillion dollar entertaiment industry that is called the NFL saddens me. A childs game that has little meaning past high school is somehow equated with patriotism and loyalty? It's big business designed to make money for millionares. For me, it \"shows an arrogant disrespect for those kids and the millions of others who have served this nation, from Valley Forge to Afghanistan, and on all the bloody battlefields in between.\" You want respect for the flag and the anthem, start by eleminating them from sporting events that have nothing to do with honoring those who have served and reserve them for moments of true importance for our nation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There you go again . . . pulling me into a conversation that I was not part of. You just can't resist. Get that chill pill.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Doesn't seem news worthy at all.... a walk by, offence taken, a brief discussion, ten minutes of milling around quietly and then leaving. Has the Globe become infiltrated by the CBC? Somewhat disappointed to the apparent over reaction by the military before an investigation into the matter took place. Good ol' \"guilty until proven innocent.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mark my words. They will have government stooges driving around looking for such wood piles and then will be taxing it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hmmm. Protests in every major city across the US within 2 weeks of inauguration... not off to a good start.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All knew, the oil cartel on the slope, the Governors and the AOGCC, that it was a bygone conclusion that at some point in time (we are there) \"gas exploration development and export\" would be more beneficial to the state fiscally than oil for the larger tax base it would allow to flourish, and for continual improvement of our 1950`s infrastructure in measured beneficial and affordable phases..that also has a \"value\" that is probably more valuable to the state than the taxes we derive from the gas. If we don`t fight for ourselves with and through a good Governor like Walker, how will we ever stand against graft and conflict in government like that that pervades the majorities on the second floor in our capital? I`d rather we go down fighting rather than just, in fear that they leave us, let them have our oil and gas for nothing in production taxes... let alone these subsidies the Conoco caucus sold us... just like they sold us the Taj....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think so.....just haven't seen any data on the subject. Apparently doors wouldn't shut, water seepage etc....\n\nI personally would have preferred a renovation of a neighboring church and the money saved used to keep inner city schools open...and other charitable acts...don't see the cathedral as necessary or even attractive.\n\nAnd the 200 million cost along with 60 million in settlements....the bond market loans that must be paid down or better yet, off....\n\nThe whole thing is just pathetic.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Still believe in global warming!?? Our President knows what he's talking about.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oddly, you are still finding Hillary Clinton guilty despite being cleared in three Congressional inquiries.\n\nThe case against Trump builds every day.\n\nDrip, drip, drip.\n\nBe patient, Grasshopper.\n\n.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's just the problem. The Trump cabal are amateurs. They have no idea how to govern. At least Reagan had eight years experience as governor of CA.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trust funds and off shore money are where the real wealthy people hide their money. Trudeau and Morneau have no clue what middle class is nor do they care. It\u2019s much easier to vilify the doctor who works 100 hours a week and is close to burning out or a small business person that dared to invest within the corporation so they could have a decent retirement(soon it will be only teachers and public servant who will retire comfortably). The liberals want class warfare to play to the progressive\/NDP voters in Quebec and the Maritimes to keep their majority and that\u2019s all they care about.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Talk about backstabbing. That Kadri has all the tools, dirty player, diver, total lack of a human being. He will have his day.. He will hit the wrong guy in the wrong way.. And yes, no suspension. That should have been a 5 spot. Ur Laughs should have had 6 points out of the west, got 3. Not performance. Far from a good team. And Matthews, what is he. Hasnt done a thing yet to note.. 4 in the first game, what since. Laine making him look like an ordinary Joe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The only people disrespecting our country are racists, slave owners, modern day Republicans, dirty cops, and those who are so indoctrinated as to think not saluting a flag is disrespecting the country. And the only people confused are you and your ilk.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"no\n\ndouble no in montreal and ottawa","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Meanwhile, in another discussion to the target of relentless harassment you post:\n\n\u201cYou're a lot like Trump. Can't ignore anything. Everything is of equal value and must be responded to. Tweet Tweet.\u201d\n\nYour sense of outrage is somewhat selective.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nate, I am with you on the Federal Drug Laws, or any Law, HOWEVER, it is reported here that Old Soul has a severe medical condition and uses stuff the Government states is illegal for medicinal purposes. I believe in cases like this that there are exceptions. \n\nIf the Government was serious and would enforce the laws on the books the problem would be solved......Unfortunately, when our Government says NO, it usually means, YES.........","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'Those who believe they are accountable to God alone are the most dangerous people on the planet. They're really accountable to nothing but their own pleasures and prejudices.\" \nThose statements contradict each other.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now We Have a Road Map to Trump Campaign's Russia Collusion\nhttp:\/\/nymag.com\/daily\/intelligencer\/2017\/07\/now-we-have-a-roadmap-to-trump-campaigns-russia-collusion.html","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This reminds one of the lyrics from a song; I have friends in high places.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Irony is watching people try to apply law to lawless situations. \nIf your friendly neighborhood coke dealer who is also your friend (of sorts) shows up late at night unexpected and starts fighting with you to the point you kick him out. Does that equate to SYG?\n\n If he goes to his car to grab his gun and comes back up to you talking smack and you shoot him because you're pretty sure he's going to shoot you does that follow a train of logic? \n\nIf his cousin who WAS at the scene disappears all a sudden and they can't find any of his gun money or drugs does that make the cousin an accessory in his death somehow? \n\nPlease give me the logic in this situation, because I'm not seeing how you can apply the law is on anyone's side when dealing with criminal activity. No matter what the situation for the shooting. The drugs & felon in possession has him screwed. Yay he lost one charge just to get screwed on all the others - yup no win situation. Meanwhile dead bodies pile up kids grow no dads","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Throe (daughter of a conservative journalist---sorry)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"UO Spokesperson Tobin Klinger claims it's long-standing practice to treat OA's like faculty; but this conveniently overlooks a HUGE difference: OA's can (and are) routinely and easily \"non-renewed\" (a.k.a. \"fired\") from their positions all the time\u2014sometimes (often?) with little legitimate reason other than not getting along with a superior. Try doing this to a tenured faculty member (even one who wears blackface).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If Robert Mueller does in fact gets the straight story on the \"Russia hacked the election\" fabrication, he'll discover that the DNC\/Podesta e-mail leaks that were published by WikiLeaks came from a disgruntled DNC insider and not the Russians.\nI don't doubt that the Russians have cyber experts that frequently hack into U.S. government and business computers, but it's highly unlikely that they had anything to do with the WikiLeaks e-mails that may have influenced the election.\nThink about it logically..... If Russia did have those e-mails, and if for some reason they did want them made public to embarrass Hillary, they have a perfect method of exposing them in their state-owned RT.com. RT.com has a huge audience. They wouldn't need WikiLeaks.\nFurther, Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) has stated that the e-mails didn't come from the Russians. There's no reason whatsoever for him to lie about that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gee if we cut troopers like that they wouldn't be able to investigate bootlegging in Bethel, at the same time the town in opening up liquor stores. Tragedy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you for that link. It had not previously sunk into my obviously confused brain that Palestine as a \"nation\", at least the huge West Bank, is a group of disconnected enclaves. It appears the only contiguous land in which a state could be formed based on the wishes of a majority of the people is the Gaza Strip. The Oslo Accords did not make a Palestinian state possible - perhaps it made possible disconnected city states with local popularly elected government - but not a national government. \n\nI do not see peace coming out of the moves by the Trump Administration - and fear fodder for those prone to violence in a Middle East that is already in turmoil.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So far ten readers agree, and one, Want2bfree doesn't. You've got to admit, she's consistent. Consistently wrong.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The oil companies are dropping and canceling leases in the Arctic offshore areas and Lisa comes up with this. What a crock. Grow some spine lady. There is no sensible company that is going to explore the hardest, toughest physical environment on the planet that has a concurrent set of protections for it when there are far easier and reliable prospects on shore. It simply doesn't pass the laugh test. And add me to the \"Minority\" that opposes Arctic offshore drilling at all. On shore accidents are nasty enough and it is still not a slam dunk to contain them. Offshore cleanup or containment would be a nightmare. Macondo showed what a drawn out mess can happen and they had everything in their favor.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pervert!\n\nOh... \"TAPAS\". Good question! Lots of places have done small plates (Belly, for example) but the last time I ate tapas was in McMinnville.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This \"glass is 1\/2 empty\" article undermines a teachers attempt to do good for their students. All of what Andre says is true, however this forced activity only does good for the students in so many ways. Why bash it at all?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Since the book was released, I know of NO bishop or religious superior in the U.S. endorse it, with the exceptions of the original 5. \nDo you have evidence to the contrary? \nPlease share it. \nI'd be interested in hearing about it. \nReally!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So he is as much a reactionary as Muller is.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In the case of Ms DeVos. She is super wealthy. How is the fact that she spend a lot of her time and wealth on passionately improving outcomes for poor kids a bad thing?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, it is most often the right-wingers here who don't want facts to confuse them. How else to explain all the excuses for the Trump team? I wonder if you googled GPS Fusion. How about Magnitsky? I found the sites and connected articles very informative and disquieting.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree that Trooper should have been fired. I suspect Monegan did to. However, the union would have filed a wrongful termination suit against the state, and that Trooper would have made a ton of money off being fired. Is that what you want? The union has rules on how and when Troopers can be fired. If that state doesn't follow those rules, the employee ends up winning, even if they suck.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Everybody loves lip-service.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So happy you feel \"solace\" as you mutilate or kill your prey, and then release it.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Real estate markets rise and fall on sentiment. If everyone believes prices will rise then demand exceeds supply and prices rise. However if everyone believes prices will fall then everyone wants to sell and no one wants to buy. We are already in a market where people with average incomes can not affort to buy. And this is in a market with near historic low interest rates. It is at the point where any small tug on the rug could topple the whole market. And the scary thing is that years of price increases can be erased in a very short period of time. Panic only occurs on the downside. It doesn't take a lot of research to figure out what can happen. Just read about real estate in a market like Florida in 2008.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good thing having a gun in the house kept the family safe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your defense of spraying poison on food is absurd. Where did you get your quotes? No citations, just scary words design to bolster a dead end position. Just how in the hell do you think human got this far, long before Monsanto and Dow chemical starting profiteering on human health? Humans grew on soil for thousands of years without poisoning the food, the soil, and our bodies. We grow and eat our food without the deadly chemicals that slowly poison the body and we wash our food before we eat. \nYour choice to eat poisonous chemical residue will show over time...cancer, birth defects,\nneurological breakdown in the brain. It's all so short term profit oriented and the health of consumers doesn't matter.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So dumb. And entitled!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Page # 1\nDate: Thursday 7-14-16\nOK,, A plan,,,how about some throw down notes \u2013 \nfor us simple people ? \nI never seen so many people \u201cgaming the system\u201d! pdk\n\n(Sell Juneau or lease it out) Close down government to essential services only; Then come here to Anchorage and let us all gather up and review essential services in detail; And a ZERO based budget review-audit-education of 3 state agencies by random draws\n\nIdentify Drivers or Causations of problems:\n1.Move Capital NOW or charge Juneau for the their costs to us.\n2.Rapid Recall by internet petitions with true voter names (my Alaska) and \u201cby will of the people\u201d grounds for recall.\n3.Term Limits for all elected officials \n4. Centralize all expenditures for tracking purposes\n5. Secure PF and PFD against any more bank heist gangs or;\n cash it out along with the PERS and TERS to all citizens\n6. Decouple all public employees unions and go to flat hourly wages with no health or other benefits or investment plans","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The term \"orthodox\" is just as biased as 'conservative'. Are they a cult---like \"orthodox Jews\" are?. The term \"heterodox\" implies that 'anything goes'---which is not necessarily what liberals believe. Liberals are not arguing with what is stated in the Nicene Creed---which defines the basics of what we as Christians believe. \n \n\nIn the 'marriage\/family life teachings' of the official church since the 1930's, it is both the 'manner' and 'area' that liberals oppose---most of which are focused solely 'below the belt'. \nAnd it is the fact that those who 'lay down the law' are 'professional eunuchs' whose only REAL experience of married life was when they were children still living at home before going to the Junior Seminary at age 13\/14. Most of these cardinals have no idea how to even approach a woman as an equal [as in married life].","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe you might consider the possibility that we Trump-voters wanted nothing more than a good Supreme Court Justice, and to stop further Democrat-caused damage to our country. Anything else positive that Trump might accomplish would be 'icing on the cake' (which I'm still waiting for).\n\nYou have to admit, Trump isn't actually getting anything accomplished, mainly due to opposition within his own party - which I am totally fine with. Gridlock is better than more regressivism, I mean progressivism.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Beautiful story to remind us of our own roots and how we got here, those who came before us.............. And where are true destiny lies, eventually.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The ONLY way I would ever \"Buy\" into new user fees would be if my Income Taxes were lowered by at least $10,000.00 per year, otherwise, no deal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Still haven't found your burning story on the R-G site, although, like guestsquared, I did find it in my print edition when I got around to reading the comics. \n\nWhy you should accuse me of being 'dishonest' for not finding one of your favorite hot buttons is a mystery to me, by the way. \n\nPerhaps anger management, less caffeine, some tranks?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Let's see now, on another front page Globe article a Dalhousie Muslim woman is being held up as a hero by those same liberal voices that Wente talks about. The Dalhousie screamer demands the right to say:\n\"#whitefragilitycankissmyass\"\n\nin regards to her giving the finger to Canadians celebrating this nation's 150th birthday.\n\nPersonally, I support her right to say that. \n\nHowever, try substituting the first 5 letters with something more to the point of Wente's article, and see how long the Globe censors let it stand.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's a pretty long drive, but in what other MLB park could you could buy bleachers seats for $2 then sit just about anywhere ?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wait a minute. Trump stated he will \"Jail\" HRC, he is threatening to use torture on our enemies and declare their families legitimate targets of war, and will deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. I think there is reasonable comparison between Trump and Castro.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"the real issue is that Harper government gave them a blank cheque and the abused it and know we are finding out when the real culprits are retired and out of the picture what do the Conservative think that they can get away with this i think not.\n\ntime to bring the gentlemen back for answer to the charges of espionage under the cloke of security against the average joe blow all over Canada shame now the Liberal will have to clean up Harper mess.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One of the largest challenges facing the country today is the fact that many Americans have saved little or nothing for their future care or retirement. Mr. Dunleavy would do the same and have Alaskans spend every last dime of our collective savings to continue payments to oil companies. This is not a way to the future! This guys focus on guns in schools and other nonsensical topics while Alaska's economy and savings are dwindling shows he not fit to lead us anywhere.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If Conway said it, it has to be true .............","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Give me a break!!! Kathleen and her ilk have done more damage to Ontarios economy than any form form Automation\n\nThe ragging left has NO regard for inconsequential people, it's their ideology that matters! \n\nYes Green energy cost, high taxes and government that spends more time working against business has chased away industry period!!!!\n\nYes we allll know small business is a tax shelter for the rich, keep it up Marxist and Canada will soon have its own Trump.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"How nice it would have been to have a notice about it, prominent as this after-the-fact piece....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Adjust the rates for the chronically unemployed (those who have given up the chase.)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks Rob, A very balanced opinion on the issue.\nAny investment option, or advisor option, needs to be evaluated on the value you are getting.\nIn business we say that \"a good accountant will pay for themselves\", the same goes with investments.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I know first hand how my personal insurance policy purchased when I turned 25 and no longer covered under my parents health plan before ACA, has changed over the years. I am in a high risk category being a cancer survivor. Even so, before ACA when I purchased my BCBS of Alaska health insurance plan, given I have a high deductible $5,000 per year. I paid roughly $120.00 per month. Over the years my plan has been grand fathered in thank goodness! Otherwise with my current income ( since that is really all the marketplace cares about) and not qualifying for subsidies, being 30, I would pay roughly $1200 a month for the same coverage I used to get for $120.00. People such as myself should pay more for health coverage as we are a more costly risk to insure. Why, because I have become a successful member of society should I be forced to pay a portion of other people's insurance? This isn't about who is in office, it is about health care being unaffordable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trying to think out of the box - maybe there were equal or greater behavior violations of team rules during the previous coaching regime, but no suspensions except for counseling behind closed doors and no public awareness.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nice timing... It makes perfect sense he did this now since Presidential pardons usually happen near the end of a President's term","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Boy, I'll tell ya ...\nthat Sir Mario Owens sure sounds like one baaaaaaad hombre!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One study two years ago observed a relationship between vaping and the LIKELIHOOD of starting smoking. To achieve that relationship, it had to count every answer except \"definitely not\" (i.e., Yes, Maybe Yes, Probably Not) as affirmation that the teen would go on to smoke. Really scientific! There have been several longish-term studies showing that the percentage of adolescents who start by vaping and go on to smoking tobacco is less than 1%. It makes no sense -- who would go from something that tastes good and is relatively cheap to something dirty, smelly and ridiculously expensive? Give adolescents credit for some sense!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not all Canadian writing is at the level that one would want to use for our students. I find that we have an unrealistic perspective when it comes to some of our authors. Some are excellent (Alice Munro, Mistry, Urqhart etc), some not so much. Timeless universal writing like Shakespeare is essential.\nThe curriculum should offer a variety of genre, time periods, and the best quality of writing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"President Obama?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Nothing has changed,..,\" Yes, nothing has changed, as Boots continues to be a card carrying member of the democratic party he is obligated to do everything he can to discredit the opposition.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I didn't say he was kindly.\nHe was, in fact, known for firmness, if not harshness:\nThis is the guy who sent Pickett's division uphill in a suicidal charge against the center of the Union line at Gettysburg in one last, desperate throw.\n.\nBut he had no tolerance for cowardice as seen at Charlottesville.\n.\nHe was also firm in his determination that the war was over, and nothing good would come from perpetuating it.\n.\nThat was not \"kindliness\". It was driven by his experience, his sanguine assessment of the situation, and his professional judgment. \n.\nThe quality of his judgment was why he was offered command of the Union armies at the start of the war. He turned down the offer as a matter of personal duty to Virginia.\n.\nThat decision - not one taken lightly - led to the war lasting four years, instead of (perhaps) one, and to hundreds of thousands of additional deaths.\n.\nNonetheless, he was an outstanding military commander by any standard.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Are you sure? When a comment is removed, you usually see a sign that it was there prior to being removed... I can't remember the exact words, but it is something about not meeting civility standards.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Comments Page on this story on the Vancouver Sun is SHUT DOWN... so no reader comments are allowed.\n\nThat very rarely happens...\n\nBut the Vancouver Sun is a BIG CONTRIBUTOR to the BC LIE berals...\n\nGO FIGURE.\nIt's TIME FOR A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT in BC...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"scottd , you need to distinguish the first travel ban from the second","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\" ... that China is prepared to use military means to overtake Taiwan. \n\nSurely you mean \"take over Taiwan,\" Mr Vanderklippe, unless you are committed to the new Slopglish that is upcoming and ongoing and forthcoming. Where is the editorial \"oversight\" that ought to catch such errors?\nOr was it just another oversight? \n\nApart from that, I enjoyed your well-researched and helpful discussion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bottom line is the same, lost jobs (supposedly). And I thought mistakenly that politicians' number 1 preoccupation is jobs, jobs, jobs. Apart from being dirty Deniers, the only reason to oppose carbon pricing was the impact on jobs and the economy, supposedly.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gladys: I'm confessing my ignorance. I never watched \"Bewitched\" and didn't know you were that \"nosy\" next-door neighbor. I actually thought you were a real person using your real name.....shows you how clueless I am. Your exchange with user10590341 confused me so I googled your name and, presto, some of these posts suddenly made more sense. My regards to you and Abner...Gary Crum","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If Pence was a real man of faith and conviction he would immediately step down from being Donald Trump's second. In fact, he never should have accepted the offer in the first place. It's not like he didn't know what Trump was at the outset. Rather, he trotted around behind Trump denying and making excuses for his behavior.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That; however, is similar to feeling sorry for say... Satan.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You first erroneous accusing sentence already puts you in a very vulnerable spot. \n\nYou don't get to wantonly denigrate, libel, and accuse a person and get away with it. The title of this CB article now has more meaning to it, doesn't it? \"Reader Rep: Watch What You Say Or Face The Obvious Consequences\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It can't be any worse than it is now","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Demanding things from us and crying racist if we don't fork them over.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"The FCC just passed sweeping new rules to protect your online privacy\"\n\nSure they did...\/s","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obviously, he is now aware that he does not represent the views of the majority of Canadians and is now trying to save face! Too late Justin, now we know that you care much more about your own personal goals rather than Canada. Since the UN has declared the USA a safe country, no one should be allowed to enter Canada from the US. It's time to secure our borders and if you are not willing to do so, you should resign!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Another poster boy for an Alaska three strikes law. There is no excuse that can explain why this guy shouldn't have been locked up well before this murder. The courts don't work. We have to leave them less discretion to let guys like this walk.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"See what Dr. Fred Baughman had to say about druggin military personell, and how they dont die from suicide they die from a combination of antipsychotics in combination with antidepressants. They die in their sleep from cardiac arrest. See what Dr. BREGGIN HAS TO SAY. ALSO dr. BREGGINS NEW BOOK IS ALL ABOUT PSTCHIATRIC DRUG WITHDRAWAL,","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ummmm.............no thanks....i'll pass.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, except that one is normally supposed to believe that your local District Attorney's office is telling the public the truth. \n\nI guess that our new District Attorney Patricia Perlow that our Governor appointed may not be as good as folks claimed she is. I wonder if this incident will hurt her chances in the upcoming election? Seem rather scandalous, if it turns out that the family was being truthful, and the DA's office was not being forthcoming. Contradicting the family like they did yesterday really impuned the family.\n\nThere might be a Torts lawyer willing to sue the DA's office over this.\n\nThis case gets more unusual all the time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"God Bless Good Pope Francis.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As a DV survivor, I can tell you that it is absolutely unacceptable for women who have not been abused to do this. I recently had this happen to someone I know. Fortunately in their case, they have video of the entire incident. For those that don't, go to court, explain your side and have witnesses that can collaborate your story. I hope this isn't happing to you, but it's a horrible thing to claim something that is so real and make it questionable for those who really are in trouble. Some women do this I know, it makes me afraid for those that really do need protection. It is an abominable thing to claim if untrue. For the woman who is lying and for the family consequences most of all. It saddens me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump is just a passing wind.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obama destroyed the middle class how is the Kool Aid.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh my, are you naive: Just last year:\n\nIran's president created a sense of outrage in the west yesterday by describing Israel as a \"disgraceful blot\" that should be \"wiped off the face of the earth\". Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is more hardline than his predecessor, told students in Tehran that a new wave of Palestinian attacks would be enough to finish off Israel.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Here again the left wants everything every which way. \"Tax cuts for the rich\". The same old slogan in the left's playbook, when it come to taxes. Why, when talk money, is the more earn by individuals, ie the rich, and money earned by business, ie corporation ONLY the problem, but the money GIVEN to the government by the rich and corporation is never a problem? \n\nAmerican designer, did the left's Trump thing, and boycotted Trump. So this Italian designer agreed to design cloth for Melania. So it's tax cut for the rich, but it's not fair that American designers can't make $51,000. Go Figure. And if as the left continue to tell there are many more poor people, why aren't you on the left acting, instead or whining?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It seems a bit strange the city attourney quotes see all the lawsuits as people trying to defend wealth. As an independent landlord I see the recent rental ordinances as rent increasers and a danger to tenant health and safety. But...what do I know;)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All employers should be fair and treat people with dignity, male, female, that just does not bother me in the slightest, never has.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Here's an idea. How about expanding benefits for current Canadians to encourage larger families here. The current balance works okay, however, this new policy is out of hand and will end up replacing the current population with 3rd world underachievers who do not share our values and culture. Within a few generations this will turn our country into a corrupt mess like the countries these new immigrants mostly hail from these days. This globalist nonsense needs to stop. Canadians need to come first and politicians also need to look at the long-term consequences of their actions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, \"snowflake\" is a term used to describe Republicans, as demonstrated on this very page and elsewhere. As for \"people\" taking anyone on here more seriously: I presume you mean you. I think it's a safe bet no one cares what you think. \nYou voted for that Hateful Taint in the White House; it's a safe bet to say that people likely think that pretty much killed any credibility you might have had about anything, ever. Same goes for any Trumpanzee.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Democrats didn't get their wish. Democrats, with the help of some reasonable Republicans, were just able to keep the Republicans from getting their wish of destroying the Affordable Care Act. If Democrats got their wish, there would be bipartisan effort and support for fixing the ACA. If Democrats got their wish, there would be robust, affordable health care for all our citizens.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"the british royals have their names plastered all over the place here in subservient colonial canada. How many millions did they pay for that?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is nothing that Comey can possibly say that does not contradict what he has already testified to that would be harmful to Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thats easy, 700 million insubsidies to big oil compliments of the Elephant, I would say that was more.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I heard that Fox columnist, there was no claim made that the city has stood in limbo since the attack. At that moment, the city was at a standstill, no more was said, no less. It is truly amazing what little actual reporting of news goes on, how words and phrases are used out context and truths eliminated to further an increasingly left or right leaning agenda. Yes, good \"alternative' fact G&M!\n\nMSM has ignored Africa for years. Ethnic cleansings have occurred in Rawanda, Central Africa Republic, Darfur, and currently also in South Africa where some 70,000 whites have been killed since the death of Mandela.( Don't hear much about that, do we? Of course not, because whites are never targets, only the ones to blame for all the problems in the world.) How about we stop all the finger pointing and concentrate on our own house\/land\/country?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Denver City Council and the Mayor's words of protecting the marginalized and creating inclusiveness within the city don't match with their actions of perpetual urban renewal, hyper-gentrification, police corruption, and economic development (or economic exploitation). Many of these people they are uprooting from the community have lived here for generations, yet the City Government has no interest in protecting their Rights as Citizens and making sure their lives are not distrupted. This brand of politics might actually be worse than Donald Trump people!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe some of those funds could be given to support the crisis team that is struggling to stay afloat. A much needed part of the MPD and FD in our city!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They started with tax cheats, loopholes and ended with lower taxes. This is liberals running back to save their own political future but the damage is done and people see through thier sunny ways.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Itsssssssssss................... TIME for the Indians to CIRCLE THE WAGON TRAINS..............\"DAGAWALODI\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why doesn't UAA work on solutions to problems for people that actually want to better themselves, instead of wasting time and more money on people who are just waiting for the next best handout...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That was Hillary as a defense lawyer. And that was a 12 year old girl's rapist.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The budget was in crisis years ago with no plan to reverse course. It will take a lot longer than one legislative session to get on a responsible track. The problems are systemic. Why? Because the current legislative majority won't fix the budget problems and continue to molly coddle the oil and gas industry. Until that changes, any real effort to balancing the budget will fail.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why always with the range anxiety when you know so little about it? In 5 years they will be all over.... I was shocked to find one in Lindsay on the weekend downtown and one nearby at the college. Shopping malls can install a bank of them easy enough and charge 10 bucks an hour. I know change is hard for conservatives but have faith TDW, one day you will own one to and look back and laugh. Or at the very least your kids will and they can laugh at you...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And the glass insulators are worth a bunch of bucks, too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Out of 10 new comments 6 are all from just one person.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You would never know from reading this article, but the revenues generated by local private broadcasters have been falling, which is the main reason that Blais reduced their requirements to spend on Canadian content production. Meanwhile, the Trudeau government is giving the CBC an additional $675 million over five years. Note that the author has presented no suggestions as to how private broadcasters receiving less revenue can continue to spend the same amount of money on Canadian content and remain in business. They do not receive cheques from the federal government like the CBC does.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"and the status of his tax returns.\nHe needs to look in the mirror and see for himself who's really crying","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If we had smart and strong opposition, they would demand end to this Liberal corruption and call in the RCMP. The question is where is the opposition? Incompetent and corrupt government isn't going to stop itself.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nice job liking your own post... classy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The press makes stuff up about Trump but ignores short-circuited Hillary. Thankfully the mainstream press is dead","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"While I feel for the innocent people caught in the middle, I have to take a stance against more food aid. Simple reason is the corruption; most of the aid is stolen, then sold and the ones who benefit are the a-holes that are the cause of most of the problems in the first place, the despots and warlords. It's useless, it doesn't reach the people who need it and it strengthens the positions of those that cause and exacerbate the problems. Just give the warlords more guns and cut out the middle man, because that's what food aid is doing anyway. In South Sudan, embezzlement estimates range from $4-10 Billion in a 10 year period, there's already billions in food aid that's been given - and promptly stolen. Is the plan to just keep pouring dump trucks of money into the country and hope they can't steal it as fast as we can give it away?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh, Apartheid, in other words. A light unto the nations.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't fill his Deputy Chief position. Don't think there's a need for two of them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Canadians, being the capitalist haters they are will never be happy with anyone short of a bona fide radical socialist for Ambassador. If you are rich and actually earned your money and are not a drug dealer, hockey player, Hollywood degenerate or an heir, Canada hates you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The states \"wealth\" casinos money goes to the tribe. The tribe provides healthcare, housing, education, college scholarships to their tribal members. The tribe takes care of their people. The casinos provide that revenue. The reservations are very poor. The casino $ provides a way for us to be successful.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So stealing money in Alaska is illegal? And people get arrested for it?! Hey troopers, I know someone that stole $670,000,000 in PFD funds! His name is Bill Walker and you can find him in Juneau.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Which, of course, misrepresents what President Obama said or acted on. Unlike the current president, Obama never claimed to be the best baseball player in New York ever--then turn around and refuse to pitch a ball.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hick sure loves to suck in that tax revenue (despite his conflict of interest and staunch opposition to pot). His government continues to leech off a portion of the recreational drug market that is taxed at a substantially higher rate than any other drug. I don't partake but oppose this from the perspective of fairness. Despite record tax revenues this state constantly dances with budget shortfalls. Our leaders have a spending problem, not a tax problem. They should have a special session to address that or not have one at all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ADN is using the \"TRUMP\" is a meany. While sweat little \"HILliarY\" is being picked on. ADN is slanting the topics in typical Yellow journalistic fashion. Bad reporting.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Especially useful for getting accustomed to a future in prison.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Protectionism works well for China. There are few Western technology or media companies allowed into the mainland market, and those that do are required to hand over all IP. Poloz is a traitor to focus who gets his instructions on trade policy from his QQ.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Respect by birth .. thought it was to be earned by display of worthy character","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, thanks for your concern about this issue, it's good to know that people like you care enough to respond, have a great day, say a prayer for Casey \"d cell\" Porter.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"not hypothetical at all, we've got everything to compare it to, like yrs of lousy local con attempts, nearly 30 CONtrolled states purposely going to hell, 50 horrific yrs of con history, and the ultimate examples in current affairs.\nI'm assuming the ''pretty good stuff'' was Lingle's most minimal excuse of concern re Next Step and it's major leaky roof and bed bugs in a place which was supposedly for just one year. but nobody did anything substantial beyond that, it was merely a political ploy which Dems have perpetuated.\nboth parties suck but cons are the big sucky kings.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Sales tax time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's almost as free as Alaska, and their weather tends to be a bit warmer. It's Big Sky country. Beautiful scenery, rich in history, and not full of concrete.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"...exposed yourself when you breathlessly announced the night of Trump's speech that you cried and cried and ran to the mailbox and sent him a donation that he won't even notice.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Let's clear the air so we can understand what these ministers were holding so we can judge from their past actions what kind of decisions that they took,\" \n\nThis seems reasonable.\n\nLikely there was no intent to game the system here but we don\u2019t know unless we have all the information.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't know what the governor means by a \"food theme park,\" but I hope Tsukiji retains its atmosphere and character. I lived in that area of Tokyo for 4 years while I went to school over 40 years ago, and even now I always drop in at my favorite Tsukiji sushi bar when I go to Tokyo. I'm glad to hear that they will not re-develop the area into housing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ok, that is pretty funny and kinda \"cute\". \n\nThe Supreme Court's ruling on the Slants. Yes, I know. The KKK and White Nationalists marching in the streets is not the same thing no matter much the Supreme Court wants to say that. \n\nI know. It is so easy for Conservatives to hide behind the Supreme Court. They love it that way. The law of the land. Well the law is wrong. It has been wrong in the past, and it is wrong today in regards to the KKK and hate groups. The slippery slope argument is incorrect in comparing these two examples. \n\nThe Slants are using a name, but what if they are singing about \"love\"? Then what? In other words, it is the intent that matters more then the \"commercial name\". \n\nNice try, but I disagree.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Simple answer is that if you invest in kids, then you might have to cut the military prison industrial complex. This country is addicted. It really needs to break its addiction to the military industrial complex but this is not likely to happen anytime soon. It was sickening seeing most of Hawaii leaders crying about losing military when they were talking about downsizing, How short sighted and what a waste.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Two faced pitiful librarian!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now is the time for Colorado Craft brewers to decide if they wish to survive or not.\nTo do so, they really will need to come up with a distributorship that sole job is to push Colorado Craft booze around the nation. When a new company starts up, they can join the distributorship and get market right away. \nWith such an approach, it would make it harder for Bud to shut out the little guys which is what they are going to try hard to do.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How is it a good thing to crash the property market?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Reagan granted Immigration Amnesty in a very similar situation with the help of Congress who assured him that borders would be protected from a replay if he signed their legislation. \n\nDoes that make him a Traitor or just a President duped by Congress?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Keep up the good work troopers.\n\nCriminals, don't run, put your hands up. Easy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please look up the difference between homosexuality and ephebophilia. The great majority of child sex abusers are neither priests nor gay.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Exactly.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I have a better chance of getting Trump Golf Score, knowing that he fudge a lot. Maybe that is why he drove across the green, to busy doctoring his card and lost track where he was.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"DMEA in western rural Colorado has been rolling out fiber to customers and offering gigabit service for $80\/mo for a while now. Plan is eventually every electric meter will also have a fiber Internet connection. Elevate Fiber run by the local coop. A win Win for rural areas.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The labor market saw a solid bounce back in April after a disappointing March as the number of jobs created blew past expectations while the unemployment rate hit its lowest level in 10 years. The data suggest the economy is set for a spring rebound after a weak first quarter, and pushed Wall Street\u2019s odds for a June rate rise to more than 80%.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If Mayor Nenshi is not re-elected Calgary taxpayers will suffer and Billionaires will thrive at the taxpayers expense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Garrison, politics is a good way to lose half of your flock.\"\n\nWhy? You shouldn't be afraid to read something that questions your preconceived political notions. If you like his writing, I'm not sure why you would draw the line at politics. Its an Op Ed column after all...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And it wasn't at the Women's March- guess that is why I missed it. The Women's March was completely non-violent I guess.\nHowever Russian TV has the story....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Completely unable to formulate a reasoned coherent response, you begin with \"You're such a ....\" and THAT was the high point of your post, which went downhill from there.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"For a fascist dictator Trump sure makes a poor one. If Trump were half the fascist you people think he is there wouldn't be any articles like this. Nor would there be the personal attacks in the media against him or the protests. You think you are so tough and living in a dystopia but you are just losers of the last election. You'll get over it, really. If you want to see an actual dictatorship look to Cuba, Venezuela or any of the muslim kingdoms.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Not only did the officer and supervisor not keep up with the SCOTUS Legal Updates, they handled the situation very poorly.\"\n=========\nThe one thing about SCOTUS Legal Updates is the fact that they are \"updated\" every once in a while.....meaning that SCOTUS Legal Updates are only valid until the SCOTUS reverses or modifies itself with another SCOTUS Legal Update.\n-\nAnd the SCOTUS reverses or modifies a previous SCOTUS ruling quite often.....as a result of new cases that bring in another set of facts that causes the SCOTUS to change its mind. \n-\nIn other words, SCOTUS Legal Updates are \"guidelines\" written on paper; they are not \"irrevocably set in stone.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Second guessing Trump on the six nations identified in the EO is especially doubtful, since those nations were identified by the Obama Administration.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But the train is going to be awesome!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Probably they all don't cover the Fed.\/State Handouts to \"illegal\" migrants and\/or families.\nBringing up only one side of the equation for sympathy? \"idk\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Incoming posts of \"I'm happy with my child's education\" from the Left.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you for that excellent example of the logical fallacy of Tu Quoque (that's Latin for \"You're Another\", RD).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Globe editors' unprofessionalism is legendary. Whim and bias rule the day rather than principles.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This person writes the same drivel every year. His claims appear to be spurious. I could not find any NPR stories related to MRSA and cats. I also looked for a CDC connection between cats and rabies and couldn't find any. He mentions he is a biologist 'by training', which means not by practice. A google search turned up a blogpost mentioning 'a' degree in fisheries biology, so he probably has an unused BS degree. Hardly an expert to be listened to. Rick Sinnott, who is mentioned in this article, actually retired from a career as the state biologist. He seems like more of an expert to me. I don't know why ADN continues to publish this. Doesn't journalistic integrity apply to the publisher as well as the writer?\n\nhttp:\/\/www.adn.com\/commentary\/article\/community-cats-are-community-hazard-and-dont-deserve-special-treatment\/2014\/07\/07\/\n\nhttp:\/\/www.adn.com\/commentary\/article\/we-dont-need-any-more-feral-cats-no-matter-what-propaganda-says\/2015\/10\/16\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"that's a big part of cutting weight for fighters","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Snopes has a good summary, but there is other information out there. There is precisely zero evidence to support the notion of Pizzagate. It appears to be a nonsensical right wing nutcase conspiracy theory.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The confusion seems to be in not seeing that Christ had the supper only with His disciples and after His discourse in John where He distinguishes between His followers and \"the world\". When Christ ate with the tax collectors He did no give them Eucharist. When he ate at the Pharisees home He did not give them Eucharist. Only those who were faithful to Him were present and that was about 130 people. The gift of His body and His blood is not for the uninitiated or those who have transgressed but remain in sin like an adulterous relationship or an embrace of a homosexual identity. It is a statement of faith in ALL Christ's teaching and for disciples who will pray and live to embrace Christ's teaching. The Church has always taught that to receive unworthily is to crucify Christ again. There are people responding based on \"feelings\" and not on knowledge of Christ's teaching and the understanding of the Church for millennia.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trudeau's not going to end any arms sales. They're worth billions of dollars.\n\nMoney talks and human rights walk.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Health insurance went up for people with those cheap policies, you know, the ones that are great unless you get sick. For most people under the ACA, REAL insurance is cheaper. Remember, before ACA premiums had gone up double digits yearly for a decade. Now THAT was unsustainable.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obviously you forgot about clinton the rapist. There i reminded you","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"So, the \"good news\" is the guys who want to shake up the establishment, drain the swamp, end the Afghanistan War, create jobs, and build up the infrastructure are out.\nAnd more \"good news\" - the traditional conventional war-as-usual military-industrial complex of military generals and billionaire weapons dealers are in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The United States cautioned on Wednesday it was ready to use force if need be to stop North Korea\u2019s nuclear missile program ...\n========\nMobilize half of million boots before claim that ... otherwise it is just hollow, Kim knows it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What makes you think Trump has to \"let\" anything happen here? If he were to act to prevent this, he'd only look (even more) guilty.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump has no principles and is just a blatant opportunist who likes attention.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They'd be damned fools to want to take communion with this sect.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Hmm, looking at the atlas and seeing who would likely be China's pawn in their chess game against world politics, if it weren't for the horrific consequences of those types of weapons, I'd say it was just a dog and pony show. But I do believe that China has the last word when it comes to supervising their little brother.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The party of Obstruction will not work with the Republican's, they are still raving mad that Hillery Lost. Lisa is part of the problem. As a Conservative Independent Voter, I would hope they could get along and do what's good for you, I and America. The Country seems to be falling apart, neighbor against neighbor, so much Hate and Fake news. You don't know what to believe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Having jurisdiction over another person's body in the United States isn't new.\" You mean like thinking you have the right to murder a baby? O wait you meant somebody forcing an extremely irresponsible woman to lose custody of her child... Oh wait you support that to just so long as its ex-utero. What a tangled web you weave little spider.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's the same stale, static, commercial laden crap, now just higher priced, and counts against your data cap. Still not commercial free, still not dynamic, still the same static stale crap, now costing more!\n\nWhat innovation!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Good article ... it also shows how to gauge Trudeau's performance.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Answer to headline: Who cares. Nothing illegal was done so it does not matter who knew about it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"al-Queda bomb builders will take comfort from your explicit support of their methods..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\" I can see you digging in here (making it a contest to see who will comment last), \"\n\nIf you make bad arguments (which you routinely do) of course I respond. Tucker Carlson already destroyed the \"Putin helped Trump\" BS argument.\n\nHe asked representative Schiff, of the intelligence community, making these allegations, to look into the camera and say \"I know that Russia hacked John Podesta's emails.\" He couldn't do it, and it was really awkward. He kept repeating himself but he couldn't say the words, because the truth is that he doesn't have evidence, just circumstantial innuendo. Tucker destroyed him on live t.v.\n\nhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=CRkeGkCjdHg\n\nHis response? He said Tucker Carlson works for Putin and RT. LOL! \n\nSo here you are posting more fake news from WaPo which published 140 articles in the months prior to the Iraq invasion about all of the \"evidence\" they had about Saddams WMD and ties to Al Qaeda. 140 front page articles. 140. Fake News. Propaganda.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is half-hearted, milquetoast criticism. A nothing burger. The proper terminology for criticizing antifa violence includes: \"thugs, rioters, anarchists, arsonists, bigots, cowards, traitors, criminals, thieves, felons, racists etc.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lame deal for Dems, you mean? \n\nNo one was gonna deport the DACA illegals brought here as kids anyway. If Trump can extract any significant movement from Dems on stronger border security to slow down illegals in exchange for nothing, then I say good for Trump. I like that deal.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's pure electioneering. And as the Wynne Libs see their support rising in the polls in conjunction with their giveaway scheme announcements, we in Ontario should be very worried.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Scheer Hypocrisy\n\nScheer Transparency\n\nNo honor amongst thieves\n\nLie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most people used to have jobs that matched the economy. Now most people have low end jobs, which usually held by high schools students back in the day. Not anymore. There was a time when almost any job covered health insurance and many covered dental insurance. Not so today.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is a problem in every legal state and it won't go away by making more draconian laws or pretending that it's not a problem because it's already against the law to smoke in public. The fine in Nevada for instance is $600 and there has been widespread public use there already despite the threat of a heavy fine. In most states people can walk into one of a hundred different places at 10am and get sloshed on liquor to the point that they are a threat to public safety but smoking in public is treated as a worse public threat then that, its all just so absurd.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe she has paid parental leave? Guess that piece was left out too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry ... it's Mark Banker","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lets end the you can if you want to and Morneau can introduce legislation that all politicians, federally and Provincially at least, have to put all assets into blind trusts and they have to disclose all their holdings and assets within a week of being elected. No more personal decisions to do it or not.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People are bad for the planet. They consume all useful resources until they're gone, they pollute, and ruin ecosystems. The only way to truly save the planet is a drastic reduction in the number of people. This will happen eventually through a major plague or nuclear war. But in the meantime, the best way to save the planet is to not have children. Period. Especially in high consumption places like N.A. \n\nHow many of you are willing to make that sacrifice to save the world? How about the Pope actually moving into the 21st Century and approving birth control and the right-to-chose? How about strictly limiting every couple on the planet to max 2 children (replacement only)?\n\nToo radical for you? Probably no more radical, and less futile than trying to control CO2 emissions worldwide. Maybe, instead of paying people to have kids, Trudeau, you should pay them to not have kids - like a carbon tax, but much more impactful.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Exactly what waste do you mean? Why not specify so we can contact our MPs with suggestions?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about at the time the second \"7th inning\" (14th) they did the fireworks, and then continued the game.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sean took a lot of hits and never gave up while playing QB at UH. Great to see him giving back to the local high school players and wished more would get involved as well. Great story","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The NDP is disappointed..?? Really??!! There's a Party that's sinking into oblivion under the weight of it's colossal stupidity. Since the beginning of this century, one is unable to count on our hands the number of times that the NDP has supported the Conservatives only to have it blow up in their face. The best one yet was when the Cons, during an election, brought up the niqab issue. Mulcair gleefully waited for this to sink Trudeau.. 24 hours later, Mulcair presenting a macabre smile, was trying to explain his position on the Conservative dog whistle. Hey, NDP, Trudeau gave you a hand up with that weighted ballot.. but OH NO! Let's join the Conservatives and end up with shineola. Stupid beyond belief!!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for the sympathy but I think I'll remain an Independent, like Bernie used to be...worked for him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They impose tarifs. We win in court. They pay back the money. Repeat. Been there done that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What happened to the real Big Glenn??","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The monarchy is a useless symbol of self-appointed elitism bounded by greedy claims to be leaders of the 1%ters and other sycophants. That begins to describe Charles, and so the Brits should just eliminate the monarchy after QE2 dies, if not earlier--like right away. \nThen they can recover all of the money these 'royals' stole over the years to support their high and mighty lifestyles and spread it out amongst the British People.\nThey can call it Rexit. We called it the American Revolution.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"that affluenza must be contagious..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I haven't seen anything indicating this is a done deal, only that Trump intends to nominate her. She wouldn't be my first choice either.\n\nOne of the problems with Catholicism (and I am Catholic) is the whole pesky repentance\/forgiveness thing. We're not allowed to shun or devalue sinners (Dang it!).\n\nAnother problem is the concept that we are more than the sum of our parts, that our abilities and skills are not defined only by our past, that we are capable of extreme growth and change. We see it all through the New Testament. Jesus chose fishermen, rebels, adulterers, Semaritians, tax collectors and other sinners to go and create a global community (without Facebook!) and they did. Any list of Catholic Saints is full of sinners who turned their lives around and changed their corner of the world for the better. MIght Calista Gingrich be able or inclined to do the same? \n\nAs I said, she isn't my choice either, but she might be accepted for reasons beyond her sins.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There turns out to be a lot less to this than some would have us believe. But still excusing Hillary for a whole lot more to almost every scandal she is directly involved in, e-mail, compromise of classified material, Benghazi, etc.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yet you feel sorry for a thug called Trayvon Martin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your response is pathetic as you are ignoring the fact that these a private functions designed to allow the powerful access to Cabinet members and the PM for the purpose of lobbying off the record. \nIt is not the cost to attend that it is the issues, it is buying access that is the issue.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"John\n\nI followed your Strategy Lab portfolio from day one and included some of those same equities in my portfolio. \n\nI look forward to following your Yield Hog portfolio. I am sure it will continue to not only generate new investment opportunities but it will also continue to reinforce for me the power of dividends and dividend growth investing. \n\nThanks again,\n\nRick","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Zipper Billy Clinton is so slippery he uses eels for traction. I wonder how much he has made from Russian sources, starting with the $500,000 speech he made a couple of years ago in Russia. Maybe financial inducements like that helped to persuade Hillary to sanction the deal that gave up 20% of the US uranium reserves to Russia. Maybe some of the other money scored by the Clinton Foundation since 2001 that has netted the Clintons between $150-300 million came from Russian sources. I can't possibly know these things but if the lunatic left wing whack jobs here can make the same kind of crazed leaps of fantasy about the Trump clan then I can return the favour about the Clintons. \n\nThis drive by smearing is such fun!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a terrible loss. We forget agriculture was once the basis of Lane County life., but if one has been traveling the country roads lately the massive effort in cutting and baling and trucking the hay has been powerfully visible. That the result of so much of that heavy work has been lost is painful, especially noting it was to have been food for so many animals.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Third line --- not \"honed \" in , but \"homed \" in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"darn right, if you love suburban sprawl you'll love this initiative!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Listen Folks, I\u2019ve been a criminal defense attorney for 33 years in the State of Alaska. I\u2019ve usually lost a client to drugs every year or so for the past 12 years. Mixing drugs will eventually kill you... I am all in favor of any drug that helps a person get off heroin or similar drugs. If you were the addicts parents, spouse or children, you constantly are in fear that your family member will die every day. Once a person is stable and is able to titrate off opiates with the help of their physician or if they are in jail and off narcotics for at least 7 days, they should start Vivitrol. I\u2019ve represented many clients who agreed to start Vivitrol and after their first 30 days, their lives take a turn for the best and they have their lives back... I have worked with Michael Eldrige and his company is very open to helping people get the medication they need. Medicaid or insurance will currently pay for the drug unless Trump takes that away too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hopefully, he will behumiliated.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your intellectual bankruptcy is as shameless as they come. At no time will you address the facts I have stated and run like a gutless coward from an intellectually honest debate on this despicable public policy that cannot remotely pass scrutiny.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Trump is trying...\"\n\n I don't think anybody knows what Trump is trying to do. It's possible--having read a letter from Wisconsin--that he really does believe Canada is a villain. Yesterday. Today? Maybe not so much. Who knows?\n\nMeanwhile, there is a naval Commander standing on the bridge of an aircraft carrier Just off the North Korean coastline, surrounded by missile cruisers and destroyers , and he's asking, \"Your orders, sir?\" And we really don't know what Trump is trying to do. And neither does he. \n\nBig, big meeting of the uniforms and suits yesterday to \"plot the course\" out there. The best one guy at the table can say after the meeting was, \"It was OK.\" Trump: \"Can we do diplomacy or something?\" Ans: \"Difficult, sir, because we seem to have a shortage of diplomats at the moment...\" Where or where did that 100 days go? Oh, right: banning Muslims. Firing Foreign Affairs people. Tweeting at 3 am. Golfing in Florida. Holding rallies. Stuff like that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Groucho,\n\nYou wrote: \"I don't understand why Dr. Carson continues to support Trump.\" He's made that point clear in numerous interviews: the great evil that he sees in Hillary Clinton and the damage her plans will do to the nation. If you can find anyone in the MSM who will let you read or hear any of what he says, his answer includes some considerable detail.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"with solar panels..... BaWahaha!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How come the artists interpretations for these new developments never show the homeless or travelers? Have those issues been mitigated in this new vision?And what's with that woman walking her dog? Won't that be illegal here?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Miller is the only man the Trumpets will trust\"? WHAT? Trust Miller? What a gaffer!!! Have you forgotten his past actions and record?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Here's a simple concept: don't molest people.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you use the internet and live in Lane County, this project might help you in ways you might not expect. \"The presence of gigabit service in a market is associated with a $27 decrease in the average monthly price of broadband plans with speeds of 100Mbps or greater\".\nhttps:\/\/arstechnica.com\/information-technology\/2016\/11\/when-a-city-has-gigabit-internet-prices-for-slower-speed-tiers-drop\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Congrats young man.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is not Morneau speaking but Gerald Butts.\n\nThe PM lacks the experience and capacity to fully understand the damage that this extortive taxation policy will inflict on the Canadian economy so he sits silent.\n\nWith the tax changes coming in the US, Canadians will not sit idly by and have their earnings and wealth pilfered. 2019 will definitely be a time of reckoning. \n\nSocialism or success...... either or.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People are getting their panties in a twist over this?! so what! we are an island in the middle of the Pacific...big deal get over it and worry about that 10 year extension that the Legislature will be given for the choo hoo","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Comparing today's FakeNews.com to a time when mainstream media had credibility? I can't wait to 2018 as well. The Dummy Dems haven't figured out why they lost and they continue to be stuck on stupid like the mainstream media. They will have another rude awakening. You think there is a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth now, wait till 2018!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I know you but what am I","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Interesting article and subject. And, the pictures worth tons of experience in dealing with the large amounts of \"stuffs\" our country's processing plants deal with. The scope, content and magnitude of those wastes are not easily visualized by the public. Few know what they mean.\nThe farmer in this article has done his homework, and seems to have something of great use in the public good. If his facility were to go out of business, the public would ultimately pay the cost of cleanup. An appeal for public funds could include those costs as avoidable through the farmer's project, but would need open minds to preclude it being viewed as a threat. Think Willows Run GC, and UofW Bothell.\nWe all would have been better off if Scott Paper, so many years ago, would have had Mr. Visser's foresight and concerned actions about what was left for the City of Everett to deal with at the Port decades later.\nAm pleased with the Stillaguamish Tribe and others foresight in being involved. Thanks to them!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't know if one anecdotal tale is evidence that legalization was a mistake. At most, you've described a case of an inconsiderate neighbor. A neighbor who could be asked if he or she could possibly smoke elsewhere. \n\nIt is an obnoxious smell, and I smoke outside and occasionally wonder just how much the neighbors can smell, and hope that they'll let me know if it's an issue, so that I can try and find somewhere else to do it, or to try to smoke when they aren't home. I already do this as much as possible, weather permitting.\n\nSomething being an inconvenience to someone, however, isn't really reason to make it illegal. I haven't seen any studies indicating that incidental secondhand cannabis smoke is all that hazardous. By the time it's wafting into someone else's house, it's dissipated greatly from the concentrations that the user is inhaling.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Prayers for all those involved and for the soul of the victim. This family will have to live with this tragedy for the rest of their lives.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"First, I wouldn't be basting in the news just yet. I have seen the manipulation of data from the Federal Government created by both parties. I would wait a month or two for a detailed analysis by private economists to see if the Census Bureau changed the statistical collection\/reporting criteria of the raw data. Minor change in the definitions by the Census Bureau can create misinformation and make the data worthless for historic comparison.\n\nExample of cooking the books: http:\/\/thefederalist.com\/2014\/04\/15\/obamas-census-bureau-officially-plans-to-cook-obamacares-books\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You may want to check the scientific literature before you disparage Doppelt. \n\n\"Hot temperatures increase aggression by directly increasing feelings of hostility and indirectly increasing aggressive thoughts. Results show that global warming trends may well increase violent-crime rates.\" While no one can say that event A was caused by temperature B, the statistical correlation is very strong.\n\nhttp:\/\/cdp.sagepub.com\/content\/10\/1\/33.abstract","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Discussing\/comparing these two entities is not possible.\nGoing back to1987 and \"YOC\" etc is also meaningless regarding all equities. \nNUGT is not a buy and hold ETF....look at a 5 year chart !!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"then go to sears and buy one you can afford - same thing much cheaper\n\nSears accuses Canada Goose of bullying, \u2018campaign of intimidation\u2019\nCanada Goose is trying to \u201cbully\u201d Sears Canada and other retailers through litigation, Sears alleges in court documents in a trademark infringement lawsuit.\n\nhttps:\/\/www.thestar.com\/business\/2014\/01\/07\/sears_accuses_canada_goose_of_bullying_campaign_of_intimidation.html","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is a mental illness problem, and the asinine Obama law which flagged\/denied people simply for receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses did absolutely NOTHING to address it, nor does government FORCING private insurance companies to cover certain things.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"He was just a wacko who took on Middle Eastern beliefs.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Since when does the Charter apply to non citizens.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"a_r: So why were there so many short comings? And to be fair that information has not been lost. The current proposed plan is not a \"repeal and replace\". It is more a reform of the current plan. Keep the things that work, fix those that don't.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The suggestion that the Earth may actually be cooling, not warming, is based not on science-fiction computer projections but, instead, on centuries of real data of how our planetary system actually works. It is time to turn away from supposing and direct our attention to reality.\nhttp:\/\/blog.heartland.org\/2013\/06\/cooling-looms-as-earths-true-climate-calamity\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Do you always speak in term of vague generalities and stereotypes, on behalf of others.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"its crazy to me how you have absolutely no heart for people who have a difficult time making ends meet. When you go through rough times, remember the comments you made, because they will come back to haunt you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As a non Christian and unaffliliated voter, I say that the Republicans for the most part, put their political party above American interests in favor of their corporate masters interests. The Democrats run a close second. Clinton may be a crook, but she isn't the one who was in contact with Russia to manipulate the 2016 election cycle.\nAs far as the Republicans being a party of Lincoln, The Republican Party, my grampa supported, has morphed from working for the American working citizens, to working for their corporate masters and themselves, as a result of the 1964 American Civil Rights Act, when the Democrats were drug kicking and screaming into supporting it, and as a result, the racist and corrupt, Southern Dixiecrats jumped from the Democrats and took over the Republican Party, then the neo conservatives took over, then the tea baggers, and now the trumpsters.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Undocumented garage sleeper.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I watched the vote with a sad sense of d\u00e9j\u00e0 vu. In 2015, I watched as the Senate debated confirmation of developer Carleton Ching to head DLNR. The gallery was packed then. The gallery was almost completely empty this time.\n\nThe Ching nomination was withdrawn by Ige at the last minute, so there is no vote. But those of us who had lobbied against Ching knew where each Senator stood. The same faultline was obvious last night. Only a few of the players have changed. Senators who led the opposition to Ching two years ago we're supporting Gorak this time. Those who had supported Ching were determined to block Gorak this time. Only the \"wafflers\" changed sides. In 2015, an aroused public was strong enough to cause some senators to break from the internal discipline of the Senate majority and vote against Ching.\n\nThis year, there was nobody paying attention, so weak-willed senators did not find a reason to \"do the right thing.\" Easier to \"go along to get along\" with the Senate leadership.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wrong. #UP 844, #3985, and now #4014 were originally built to burn coal. They were converted to fuel oil (NOT diesel) when they entered excursion service.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Spot on...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If the op-ed piece is strongly left-of-centre, hateful or not, the Globe will publish it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It seems like it is a fad amongst teenagers to use their cellphones while crossing the street oblivious to traffic. They must think it's cool to do so.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CM - as if we needed any more proof that institutions of higher education have lost their way. A person convicted of illegally sharing US intelligence has been appointed a fellow at Harvard. Pathetic.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"lfs: As I've said repeatedly, let's all work for preferenial balloting. That would be the greatest boost to third party and independent candidates. And, yes, let's get together for that conversation (and a discussion of the tenets of Libertarianism) after the election. I think we all \"want to make a difference.\" IMO, opposing the election of Donald J. Trump was one way to do so. regards, Gary\n\nBTW: \"Let's get a grip. Exactly who will organize, lead, and fund the insurrection? Folks like you are now creating your own version of UN backed, black uniformed, black helicopter boogey-men\/women\" Just to be real clear. Read your statement...I think that the phrase \"Folks like you\" makes it rather clear that you're suggesting that I need to \"get a grip.\" Compares to a police officer, teacher or whoever telling\na person \"let's settle down\"...\"we need to calm down\" etc. You're not actually suggesting that \"we all need to get a grip.\" big difference","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This article was not clear that it was a private individual, not associated with Mountain Trip. Both the NPS news release and the Mountain Trip (June 2 team) report state that this was an unroped individual, not part of their group. Being a mom of one of the guides, I am confident Mountain Trip takes all safety precautions advised by the Park Service.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"You do not respect the office by turning the country into Orwell's Oceania.\" \n\nYour talking about bo right boots, you know with his pen and phone and the heck with congress.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Easy. .. drill and mine and get everybody back to work. Alaska hasn't figured out yet that it needs more than oil.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My trust in CBC was a little bit restored this afternoon after listening to CBC's Cross Country Checkup about Syria and the many problems facing the Syrian people, including non-stop Islamist terrorist attacks against the Syrian people.\n\nMost of the callers clearly had a good idea of the Syria crisis: the real causes, the reality, the problem of western-backed\/Saudi-backed Islamist violence\/terrorism, etc.\n\nTotally different information from callers to CBC Cross Country Checkup than what we receive in CIA\/CBC news\/fake-news broadcasts every day.\n\nI think it's time a lot of so-called liberals in Canada and USA admitted that their support for regime-change in Syria, i.e. support for Islamist terrorists such as ISIS and al-Quaida, was based on propaganda...and they (most of them) fell for this propaganda hook, line & sinker. They should be ashamed of that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So, where's the plan, Paul22? I haven't seen a plan, have you? I don't believe they have a plan, either Trump or the Republican Congress. At this point it looks like the Republican Congress is just going to pull the plug, leaving 20 million people (at least!) without health insurance for the next several years. Maybe you can pay your premiums, which, given the fact that private coverage is shrinking fast, should shoot up about 10-20% at least after repeal.\n\nBut hey! You can blame it on Obama! Yeah, that's the ticket!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Now, imagine being able to do away with all of that, replaced by a simple and straightforward system called UBI. What do you think the cost savings would be of doing away with all of those layers of government? Plus it solves the problem of right wingers constantly complaining about the less advantaged mooching off their hard-earned tax dollars, because EVERYONE would be receiving the same thing. It's a win-win in my opinion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ironic that those who do not recognize the United Sates as the government of their \"sovereign territory\" and claim indigenous ownership seek protection from the Constitution they flaunt. Perhaps a close reading of the Fifth Amendment's Takings or Just Compensation Clause is in order.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's a good idea. Trump's team didn't just meet with any Russians either. These were bankers and politicians well-connected to organized crime. Trump couldn't move fast enough to line up favors for the Kremlin. Wait a few months and you'll see that half his company was financed by laundered Russian money through Deutsche Bank. We have a US President owned by a hostile foreign power. How did we ever sink this low?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're just parroting a socialist economic paradigm that exists strictly to justify poor political leadership and weak fiscal discipline. Outside of a pronounced economic downturn there is no excuse for structural deficits.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This website for checking if we've been effected, does it actually work in Canada? They're only asking for social security numbers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Keala and Lex Smith ,\n\nJust showing how dishonest your answers are , Keala first you said it wasn't the Dennis francis, then you said it's a person on the other side of the island ? Now your saying it's a computer glitch that they put the name in without verifying ? It's very funny you would pay 20k two run that article and not vett the names .. sounds like how you operate rail and cbdg funds, sewer spills we are getting fined for and the list goes on!\n\nBottom line you got busted and it's sad that Denis looks bad a publisher of the paper , who appears to be rigging the system too..\n\nTheir you have it guys I was right t Kirk rigging the system and looks very bad for star advertiser too. It just show the closeness the two have !!\n\nChad Blair you are one of the good guys posting that article and being a fair journalist !!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"FACTS something you don't understand","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You're batting .000 tonight.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think you really mean that our city leaders continue to cater to the unions, and that the construction industry and rich and foreign investors are the beneficiaries?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree the mixed model is better... but there is still something very, very wrong at getting onto a Party List when you can be totally corrupt, just not having served a long enough prison sentence .... or venal or subject to using brutality (like Manama).... And this covers all Political Parties!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump intentionally wants the US $ to weaken vs other currencies. Suggesting that there is is a cap to the loonie is downright foolish...unless the person saying same is really saying that there is no bottom limit to which Trudeau will go to facilitate more socialism.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why not just answer the question, if you are so sure of the truth in your opinion","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Furlong did lie. Let's not forget that. At first he denied being in BC during an earlier stint in Burns Lake, then he admitted it, downplaying the commission of almost 2 years of his life and his original start in Canada. While that doesn't mean he hid something, it does bring up the matter of deception and convenient forgetfulness.\n\nThat si why he has zero claim for libel or wrongful dismissal.\n\nSo let him get on with his life, but not as a trusted public speaker or figure. His showboating style (Evermet him? Lots of self-promotion in his personality) is something he paid a price for.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Dear Senate Majority, \n\nYou are so mistaken if you think you are acting in the best interest of Alaska or your constituents. You may fancy yourselves as chess masters skillfully playing a high stakes game, but your stalling tactics and obsufication have taxed the patience of those you serve. You are wasting precious time and needed tax dollars by dragging out this extended session. \n\nWhen the people hit the polls later they are going to remove the ones they see as the obstacles to current efforts to balance the checkbook. Get over yourselves and take care of the business you were elected to do: work WITH not against the House and Governor to pass a budget and steer the State toward fiscal solvency. Appoint a conference committee and move forward.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Aaron's posts are almost poetry. Too bad he seems like he really needs some help and society is just going to let him stay homeless and out of his mind.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"After a long series of his own EOs and an unconstitutional muslim ban.\ntrump has also stated that he will revisit DACA if congress fails to get immigration reform done in the next 6 months.\ncongress is not his brand so he does not care about congress.\nthe laws mean nothing to him whether they are passed by congress or not.\nhe's lied to you again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Liberals know how to get elected, but don't know how to govern.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe Ecuador finally figured out that harboring peddlers of stolen mail is not as honorable as they first thought. I bet many in Russia feel the same way about Snowden. If Putin is ever unelected Snowden will go to either one of their gulags or one of ours. Ditto Ecuadorian elections...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mac Powell was a terror to the Bastyr community. He did not step down due to health concerns. He was forced out.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Slowly but surely, Sear's is on its way out. Sorry to see them go. We stopped shopping at Sear's years ago when we tried to get service on our dishwasher. It was a nightmare talking to people in India, Dominican Republic, etc. They wanted us to jump through hoops trying to repair the appliance on the phone before they would send a service representative. Then, when the guy finally did get here, he couldn't fix it. It took three service calls to get it running again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"You exist...therefore you are\". That's good enough for most of us.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Today in Eugene \"Senator [Wyden] said during a news conference in front of the federal courthouse attended by about 30 supporters\". WOW 30 whole supporters! Must be true some democrat's have already left and crossed over into Canada.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I only just now got that liturgical response habituated, but I won't complain when it reverts back to \"And also with you!\" thanks to Pope Francis' Motu Proprio!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah Mr. Dalton, motleycrew has forgotten all about segregation and how he benefitted from it as a white American. The least African-Americans could do is pretend that American society isn't racist. Can't you just make white racist American feel better about who and what they are? You know, like Trump has.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Go for it. the GOP has a ton of money,\nand lots and lots of time.\nCan\"t wait to see Gowdy\"s new Nazi haircut.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How did a gun get in the situation? No gun, no shooting.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In theory, yes. But do you think this particular essay is likely to change anyone's mind? If it doesn't, you could argue that Trump supporters are so closed-minded that nothing will sway them. An alternative explanation is that this essay was short on empirical data and logic and long on name-calling. Such an admission, however, would require far more self-awareness and introspection than this author appears to have.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Globe and Mail only reports on about 1\/4 (or less) of the global news covered in The Economist and the G&M fixates on stories that other get past within a couple of days. What gives?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trust Meyer? Are you kidding me?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"... elitist narcissistic populists, like Trump and Trudeau...\"\n\nAre you insane?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"as far as I am concerned this law violates the 1st amendment of government sticking there nose in our own business and being controlled by the government telling us what we can and what we can't do, its our right to make our choice when it comes to family all they have to do is ask parents if they would respect there children and not smoke when there in the car I feel a lot of parents will follow that advice and do it and leave government out of it, its almost like when that mental disorder lady who wrote years ago it takes a village where government tell you how to raise your kids, America you better wake up because that's how communist begins to take over, as for manure and clodwell and others who vote for this why don't you go to North Korea and live there since you love the communist way you will not be missed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He didn't have a plan to replace Obamacare. The last attempt was to punish states that expanded medicare by diverting money from them to states that didn't. The tax plan is likely not happening, at least not in a \"big bang\" way, since it will be tax cuts which will increase the deficit, and a fair number of conservatives oppose deficits.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A liberal coalition is being formed because of Gorsuch? Give me a break. The libs have been seducing the right into falling for baloney and now they can't. That's all that there is. Soon it be even more difficult for the faulty thinking left when we get another Justice that is even more right. They set themselves up for this these last 10 years, or more, beginning with how they bashed Bush, then you have to pass the bill to know what's in it, then the failures and lies and attacks, there is no reason for the existence of the left except that God has his plan which somehow includes adversaries that must be overcome. Praise him that we are overcoming, no matter the resistance, foolishness, hated jealousy and every form of evil that accompanist it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I bet this story doesn't pull trump's hate brigade out of the woodwork. So sad how enabled racism is under twittler's rule.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't care. Liked and admired Mulroney up until the GST (Like most who zapped the Tories that election - Note, the Harper Conservatives were NEVER the Tories). There is never a reason to accept Trump or Trumpist racism in Canada.\n\nIf you stay at a Trump hotel in Toronto or Vancouver, you're a Trumpist. Don't do it. Boycott him at every turn.\n\nEverything you do to say \"Oh well...that's the way it goes...\" normalizes him and normalizes the behaviour of right wing extremists in Canada like Ezra Levant, The Rebel \"Media\", Wildrose Party and Kellie Leitch. How UnCanadian.\n\nBTW, Globe and Mail...your spellcheck says behaviour is misspelled...also UnCanadian.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"More advantages for 1% kids.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Generally doesn't work. Birth rates go down with economic well being. As well, I seem to recall a lot of yelling and screaming about \"welfare moms\" having more kids to get more welfare.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"First grow up!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, it started with mis-prescribed fentanyl patches. Too high dosage, too many prescribed, no monitoring, no follow-up","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pure chaos and a total break down of society will occur. Be careful what you wish for.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He doesn't have to be working for the government for him to be useful.\nThink of it this way.\nWhen there was a merchant ship on the horizon, pirates would band together to try and take the booty.\nBut once they had it they would fight or cheat each other for a bigger share.\n'Fellow Travelers' if you like.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All Danny Boy is and ever will be is a title collector. What did he do for Alaska when he was appointed as AG? Not a damn thing.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Good for the Red Sox! No place in this country for that junk!!!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It's all OK, Hillary gave the Russians an easy button and our uranium rights so we're all good with Russia.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Loren,\n\nThat \"dozen\" is a political tactic Hillary Clinton has mastered where her supporters like George Soros, working through political front groups, pay people to make public statements condemning her opponents or accusers. At least three of those new accusers made statements that directly contradicted their past statements about him.\n\nNobody has gone to prison for vulgar language but they have gone to prison for doing far less than the FBI Director said Hillary Clinton has done. So, where is the outrage over her actions? If we're going to shoot words at evil, let's aim our verbal guns at the elephant in the room, not the squeaking mouse.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As a landlord it is not the tenant's right to resell a parking spot. Most leases\/rental contracts require a vehicle description with the plate number. The landlord would be open to all sorts of liability if this were to knowingly happen.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Tri...Let's stipulate that disagreements over Chaput vs Cupich or One Tobin vs The Other Tobin or Trump vs Clinton or Affordable Care Act vs An alterntative or Contraception vs. NFP or Maureen Fiedler vs Raymond Burke or the Reporter vs the Register do NOT constitute \"SCHISMS\"------any more than Winter vs Summer or JP II vs Charles Curran constituted schisms. \n\nIt's about time we Catholics, on the Right and on the Left, trust each other to discern, to rigorously inform our consciences, and to love our Church family. Enough with the Litmus Tests for determining \"authentic\" Catholics. Imagine how silly--VERY silly--it sounds: \"You're more\/less a good Catholic because of whom you vote for or how you plan your family or how you are intimate.\" \n\nWhy at Mass yesterday did I see in the parking lot cars with Hillary stickers and cars with Trump stickers, with the drivers ALL going to Mass and Communion? Celebrate it; don't lament it. Nobody was in schism, I assure you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A long ocean journey of a Hawaiian voyaging canoe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I believe that the phrase really started with Saddam Hussein saying \"Mother of all Battles\" before the Gulf War started.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"that i sin fact what happened.\"\n\nI assume you have a factual basis for this assertion?\n\n\"If there was an obligation for Joe to return borrowed goods it should have been made clear 6 years ago.\"\nSo you're just speculating. Did you read a different article than I did? \"Federal rules required the fliers to be handled by volunteers, not paid party staff, and when the mailings were done, one of the volunteers . . . asked party officials if he could dispose of them.\" This indicates that the GOP determined for the fliers to be disposed of, or as you put it, \"made clear 6 years ago.\"\n\nThough now I am having an amusing mental image of Joe Miller dumpster diving for thousands of mailers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If the compostable bags were truly compostable, they could be tossed in the green waster containers.\n\nOur City Council continues to make things difficult for small business owners, and expensive for all. If I happen to stop in somewhere for an impulse buy but don't have a bulky bag in my pocket, I just forgo the purchase.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy .... with the nuclear weapons codes.\n\nhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=plZRe1kPWZw","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is what I need to know...\n\nDid everyone see the LTTE Bob Lopetrone wrote today...\n\n\"State owes Brandt's wife and kids,\" I also am extremely disgusted and angered by the loss of life not to mention the benefits to this young family. Who in the hell let this individual walk the streets, anyway? Who are the judges or magistrates who let this person walk after having 3 DUIs in one month? Any semi-sane person would understand that this individual should be jailed for the safety of the public.\"\n\nI agree with him, the judges that allowed this obviously dangerous criminal to walk the streets are responsible for the death of Officer Brandt. If we don't vote them out, they will allow more dangerous criminals to walk the street. 3 DUIs in one month? \n\nCan someone help me figure out the judge(s) responsible for letting him walk? (perp Anthony George Jenkins-Alexie)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eternal Father, strong to save\nWhose arm hath bound the restless wave\nWho bidd'st the mighty ocean deep\nIts own appointed limits keep\nWe beckon thee, involve thyself in our great crippler of young men\nAnd let it be thy will that mine enemies shall knoweth grave joint disease,\nAnd early onset neuro-pathology.\nPlease do this in the presence of mine parents and coaches and scouts. Amen.\n\n\"Religion poisons everything\" Christopher Hitchens","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I will miss our debates. My deepest condolences to all in the family.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ra: Just askin', but is this sarcasm? Because you seem to be saying she's have been fine if she was the exact opposite of what she actually was?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think the police are always behind the curve when it comes to human rights. I agree with the ban in theory to the extent that it forces groups, such as the police, to examine their institution for a culture of homophobia, racism, and sexism, all of which have existed within police culture for time immemorial. Marching in the pride parade gives organizations a cheap way to posture and co-opt a message of inclusivity without having to earn that respect. Even Patrick Brown marches in the pride parade while courting all sorts of unsavory hardline social conservatives. Enough is enough, it's their parade, not ours. Toronto police can march, just not in an organized manner in uniform. That's a legitimate compromise, but it takes power away from an organization used to having it and abusing it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What? Taking from those who work for it to keep and gorge on themselves?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe governments should only spend money they actually have instead of banking on \"Pie In The Sky\" money on paper only? \n\nQuestion for Colorado: when you welcome low income families needing sanctuary, did you think income tax revenues would rise and if so, why would you think that? \n\n And btw-I know several current 'tax producers' who have had it with Colorado's increasing number of 'tax takers' and they will be out of the State of Colorado just as soon as they can do so. Colorado is now the new California, very high costs of living and unaffordability,sadly enough. So be prepared for that too with the next budget.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is a great point. While our politicians sit on their hands, afraid of doing anything that might disrupt the inflated GDP figures created by this housing bubble, they are setting up an entire generation of Canadians for financial failure. What are we going to do 20 years from now when Millenials remain buried in housing debt and have no discretionary money to spend to build families, invest in retirement, or support the economy through consumption? It really is an example of mortgaging--no pun intended--our country's future for the benefit of a small number of speculators.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"WHAT?!? WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mitch McConnell is revealing to the nation, in broad and viviid brush strokes, that he's a hack. Not a leader, and not someone who is concerned about American Citizens.\nFor McConnell, it is all about pursuing a dogmatic purpose that is two dimensional: Undo anything done by Democrats; and, line the pockets of rich supporters.\nThe process is exposing him. It is an extraordinarily unflattering, unclassy, dangerous and disturbing picture.\nThe Senate GOP needs new leadership. McConnell is bad news for America. Nothing will get done with him calling the shots in the Senate.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"US military, active and reserve, can still be prosecuted under Federal law regardless of local or state permissiveness.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So Saudi Arabia wasn\u2019t a huge Clinton Foundation financier? Oh right they donated because they want to help other countries like Africa, duh, my bad. Jackass thinks they donated to help impoverished countries. Jackass thinks Clinton Foundation helped other countries and wasn\u2019t trying to line there own pockets.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Guns should be used for hunting (sport), shooting (sport), and self-defense. That's all. Things like scopes help with improving accuracy within those designed uses. Things like a bump-stock attachment, assault rifles, expanded magazines are not necessary or efficiently helpful for the designed uses. Firearms should not be fun, they should be practical. We should outlaw anything that doesn't logically help with the designed uses.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Yahweh\" as used in the Old Testament is translated is \"I am\" which sounds directionally the same as \"Godself\". Should we also not take the writers of the Old Testament seriously too?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Baloney.\n\nImpossible for you to admit a mistake and apologize, I see. Go back and look at your highly offensive comment...And still you continue with your false accusations concerning reading it. It is obvious I did.\n\nAnd then tell us. Since you did write the comment to me, are not that comment, this comment, and the one where you said you admit your mistakes.....All LIES?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Unfortunately, I don't see people lugging baggage and\/or children or other loved ones taking transit to the airport.\n\nNor do I see the myriads of relatives meeting family\/visitors from their homelands taking transit to the airport either.\n\nWho does that leave?\n\nThe same people that make up the Union Express passengers - the airport workers.\n\nAnd, unless Ontario and the GTA get their transit plans in order nor do I see people flocking to this hub as an intermediate point in their transit travels.\n\nWhat I do see is more bureaucracy, high paid jobs, higher airport fees, years more of construction congestion at Pearson, bigger parking lots, etc.\n\nDoesn't make much sense to me but then I just use Pearson as an airport.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What will they use to remove the smell of failure and desperation?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agreed. Bernier seems to me the clear frontrunner, as he is less polarizing than O'Leary (and thus will pick up at lot of #2 - 5 rankings from the voters), but I have a really difficult time seeing how his libertarian message and platform will appeal to the soft Liberals that we'll need to bring back into the fold in 2019. Bernier's math not adding up is a problem, and he is proposing some pretty drastic changes to our federal tax structure that I foresee him having some difficulty selling. Getting punted from cabinet 10 years ago is also a big negative (assuming that voters have that long of a memory). \n\nBernier will assuredly lock up the Conservative base in a general election, but I truly feel a Chong, O'Toole or Raitt is necessary to broaden the tent, appeal to swing voters, and have any sort of chance of forming a government.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't have statistics about how much offshore money is coming into my Toronto neighbourhood but nobody else does either. What I can say is that in Willowdale I know of dozen upon dozens of examples personally. Here's a couple: An international student in my building complex owns a million dollar townhouse and a 265 thousand dollar car. She has no job, and according to current tax treaties does not have to pay income tax on 'her' funds coming into Canada. Another permament resident owns another million dollar townhouse and has no job here. Her husband is a non-resident so does not pay income tax here. Talk to any realtor or banker and they will tell this phenomena is dominating home sales in the area. What will happen to homes prices as more newly arrived residents come to place family members while not contributing to the income tax collection? Meanwhile average income earners (of all backgrounds) are increasingly excluded from the market while increasingly paying more income taxes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe you are the one who needs to read the constitution again. The full line is\nA well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. The \"people\" is what it says. \nThe citizen militias were regulated by the officers and already had a structure in place. The militia were not National Guard or reserves or Army, they were citizens or what we call civilians today.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Love having SB as a burger option on the south end as we had these in Illinois. The pickles are VERY salty and for those that are gluten-free (by choice or not) the fries are not fresh cut and coated.They could have purchased two stores in that strip area and still be doing well. Check out xalos the next strip over for fresh tacos.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"archhitect\". Do we do spell check any more?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"$15\/hr means nothing if you have no job. Ontario has the highest taxes, highest electricity costs, most regulations and now is now trying to be more union friendly. Put all of these together and you had a 19th century economy. Housing is the only thing keeping the economy afloat, FOR NOW. \n\nWynne is so desperate to stay in power:\n\n-Borrowing billions on top of the $330,000,000,000 debt which can never be paid off\n-California's economy is 5X larger than Ontario's but our Debt is 2X higher, lot of teachers and civil servants to pay, with 40% of Ontario employed by the government. \n-Comparison's to Greece are not unreasonable given how much the lieberals have created an unsustainable lopsided situation between public and private sector employment\n-Bribing Ontarians with their own money on electricity, \n-Subsidizing private pension plans, so you get to pay for someone else's defined benefit pension payments s the taxpayer\n\nA higher min wage will do Zero in the face of these issues\n-","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"However if you were a refugee claimant you have another option under our laws.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Full disclosure, while not a \"supporter\" of Caldwell, I did vote for him and intend to do so in the General.\n\nI have trouble with the standard which posits behavior is \"unethical\" if it is PERCEIVED as unethical. How does a subjective standard become an objective violation simply because some people assume something improper is occurring? This is particular troubling when few people had that perception about Wong until this article appeared and asks Colin Moore to offer that opinion. Thereby creating a perception, which then triggers the \"perception\" of impropriety standard.\n\nThe article insinuates a \"quid pro quo.\" To help us evaluate this insinuation, shouldn't there be some evidence that the services Wong provided the city were over-priced relative to competing bids? Is it possible Wong, as a Caldwell supporter, may have provided better service at a lower price point? The article provides no basis on which to judge that alternate, and plausible, interpretation?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So what does the \"U\" on the identity document stand for? Unknown? Undefined? Perhaps it stand for \"Unicorn.\" \n\nHonestly, this is not progressive; its moving backwards. People treat girls and boys differently because they ARE different, not because they're trying to impose gender stereotypes onto them. The only reason we can speak of a non-binary gender identity at all is because there already are well-established social and behavioural differences, i.e \"stereotypes\" between males and females. \n\nThis child will discover which camp it falls into soon enough. Ongoing parental efforts to convince the child that it is \"neither\" male or female, or \"both\" male and female, will negatively impact their child's emerging sense of identity, and lead to emotional issues down the road.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I knew it was over once the light-rail train to\/from the airport bypassed all of the hotels built nearby and the car rental places. What a waste.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Brett, no one believes you, because they know you're lying. Anyone who read Tulsi's statement knows that she did not compare herself to Eisenhower or Mink. She said that we should learn from their example, i.e. that we should be ready to talk with anyone we need to talk to with in order to pursue peace. You're lying and you know you're lying. You know you're misrepresenting what she said. When you lie about one thing, people aren't going to believe you when you say anything.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agree, the oil corporations are doing very well. In the first quarter of 2017, BP made $1.4 billion and ExxonMobil made $4 billion, and the former Chief Executive Officer of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson retired with a package worth over $180 million. The $700 million per year tax credit given to BP and ExxonMobil has to be stopped, because the oil companies are not struggling.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"... Walker is a horrible Republican boot licker of the rich too ...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I didn't like it any better under Clinton. Your assumptions are fallacious.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"they might just be fearing that hordes of people bankrupt by the loss of health coverage could come knocking at their archdioceses for help...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Churchill is a hero of the British people (the man who stood firm against the Nazi) and Lloyds of London is a famous bank which is a still a major name in The City.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Paul is a douche.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Subsidies aren't going to last forever. Cost of the panels has been cut in half and new designs can be installed in half the time.\n\nThe whole system is becoming unstable with too much rooftop PV only. We do need incentives to install batteries. And yes we do need other systems of renewable energy because there is not enough space on the top of high-rises to install enough PV for the building","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Quote from a letter every week:\n\nCanada is one of the few developed countries that has no national (--------- --------- --------) strategy.\nFill in the blanks.\n\nThat is because we have a constitution that reserves matters of health and education to provincial jurisdiction.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So let me get this straight. The UO will hire Edwards to \"smooth the way for the [Knight} complex as it moves through state and local regulatory processes.\" The UO will pay Edwards. The UO is a state owned school. How is it that this plan does not run afoul of prohibitions of state agencies not to hire lobbyists to manipulate government\/political decisions?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"i am heart broken - i loved this store and it's staff.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is very true and why we need Natasha...she maybe candid when it comes to her opinions but you always know where she stands.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No. These stats are reported by scientists who did interviews with thousands of women who had lived through communism, and thousands born after it ended (their daughters) and compared the results.\nIt didn't change as much for the older women. But there has been a notable decline in equality for the next generation (now in their 20s and 30s) and a resulting significant decline in sexual satisfaction levels. Interestingly the younger generation reports that their mothers keep trying to advise them on how to have more fulfilling love lives and they keep responding :\"that's just not possible to do anymore\".\nOne thing the communists had done right was to teach men from the start that women are their equals in every way. That's not entirely universal of course. China had and has a far more patriarchal communism. But it was true in the East Bloc.\nThe Soviet approach to socialism was fataly flawed in many ways. But they did do some things better.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Book it TR! In the spirit of Aloha, let's invite Diver Dave to break pita with us.\n.\nPerhaps he will come to appreciate the benefits of diversity of cuisine over a couple of bottles of arak.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Corrupt NYC politics is why you have that garbage system there now. The operative word is 'garbage'.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Another money grab to help pay for........rail?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, well thought-out critique. Thanks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes I would say Hillary is chuckling a lot more these days.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So Shane you drink the Kool Aid of two bit Seeking Alpha analysts that try the Chicken Little sky is falling approach regarding BlackBerry? So sad","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well at least you admit it, you're just a liar. And I'll not be goaded into anything by you, Nazi. Your incitement tactics don't work on me. I made a fool of you with logic and facts that you cannot refute, and I'm quite pleased with that. Now go clean your room like your Mommy asked.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"And it is his savior in the White House whose comments give him hope for \"relevance\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Funny you should say that. I just got a statement and a bill from Kaiser yesterday for my recent foot surgery to correct years of Ironman training, etc. injuries.\n\nThe cost of my surgery was $28,800. My bill was for $15.00. Smiling and feeling grateful.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Remember when the Liberal Media told us Spicer was going to be fired. Never happened. It was just Fake News to attack the Trump Administration.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just off the top of my noggin'...\n\nI would guess that the 9K+ initial cost is well worth the investment and will pay for themselves pretty quickly.\n\nWhen you look at the next 20 years+ and the cost of elections. It seems to me that the biannual ritual has fits and requires single issue ballots, special elections etc., will be the true 'value'. The object of the game is make sure 100% of the voters has easy access to the information, and then at the ballot box. OK, I hear you...Not if you are on the red team...They prefer the opposite, nobody votes who is unworthy. Like, for example, \"low information voters\", women and black people and especially black women who is a \"low information voter\" are excluded.\n\nAlso, seems to me I recall the red team wanting to privatise the post office because it's losing money. Unpaid ballots are on the taxpayers tab. Over time we'd save money there too.\n\nThe yearly maintenance might even pay for itself.\n\nI'm just tossing out ideas, no real information.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Based upon his conduct, Trump is male, but not a man.\n\nI am however not surprised that you use the word \"snowflake\" to describe Trump, it tells us everything we need to know about you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"LOL Brett liked this comment, which tells me everything. He has fully bought into the Russian propaganda narrative, hook, line, and sinker. The only thing that makes me smile is that he's taken a very public position on all of this so it's easy for me to just enter the URL into the Wayback Machine so everyone remembers where everyone stood at the time. \n\nAnyone who believes that \"fake news\" is actually \"news\" is someone who is completely and utterly brainwashed by mainstream news propaganda. There is no other explanation. This is only \"news\" because they say it's \"news.\" You only believe it because they told you so and no other reason. You would not have otherwise arrived to this conclusion independently. You would have simply recognized click-bait and something that's always been there and ignored it. \n\nThis \"story\" demonstrates the pervasiveness of media propaganda. It's amazing how easily people can be convinced that they are learning new and interesting information.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's your upper lip you're smelling.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Grandstanding how Gabbard comes in and opportunistically steals the limelight from the people who have stood steadfastly against the Dakota Pipeline for many months. No different than other politicians. Hopefully something positive will come fo this for the Dakota tribe.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This glacial-fed river meanders daily. This \"occurrence\" happens every year. Even twice a year.\n\nFoolhardy to live so close. Like they always say, LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Interesting. The man that Omar Khadr's haters say he killed as a boy was American Sgt. Chris Speer. Sgt. Speer's commander-in-chief, the president of the USA, has just praised the job Trudeau is doing as \"spectacular.\" So if Donald Trump can let it go, maybe you should too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Lynda - So why did President Obama not fight for his Paris agreement?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sometimes it appears as if small operators are able to make their profit through \"skirting\" the rules and less rigorous compliance. We Alaskans need to review this and think about our strategy of encouraging small operator investment.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Obama is responsible for the defense of this country, its sovereignty.\n\nHe owns it. He owns national defense, no other.\n'\nToday, tomorrow, and a wake up.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yawn, another G20 protest, nothing new.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please learn English before posting comments on a Canadian newspaper website. Thank you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Never mind the \"factual accounts\".\n1. Mums tend to know the genders of their children; the black child is a girl.\n2. View the video. She's TINY, little more than a toddler. And much much MUCH smaller than the white girl she allegedly assaulted.\n\nIs \"black\" an acronym for \"license to economy with the truth\", perhaps?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ragingnome--\nFrom Merriam Webster:\n\"Definition of socialism\n1\n: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods\n2\na : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property\n\nRanting about communism and socialism and Marxism exposes your knowledge deficit.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eighty-year-old women spontaneously die every day. Therefore, if you strangle your grandmother, the use of the term \"murder\" for your act is \"precluded.\"","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The reason China has troops on the border is to stop the massive immigration into China away from North Korea, has nothing to do with anything but stopping starving angry immigration, sounds like Europe should have done the same thing.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is there anything we can do about this? Someone we can write to or call?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Unfortunately a very nasty parasitic disease that can infect many organisms, notice too it does result in catch basin areas, the water itself can be infected.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Very well said. The offensive play calling certainly changed...too predictable and uninspired. I don't think the offensive players were nearly as aggressive and dominating in the second half...maybe there was a change in mind set like Coach T reported. Need to play tough to the end.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This article is so far from reality it is silly. In business, or trade, or treaties; you only get what you negotiate at best. China does not support free trade on imports into China at all, just demands no restrictions on their exports to the west. Got it?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"tiny hands grasping at straws.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is no evidence that House Minority Leader Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Schumer, or any of the Democrats (other than possibly Senator Manchin) have any intention to work with Republicans or President Trump.\nIf he had been smart, Senator Schumer should have said \"I am Donald Trump's senator and I have known Donald Trump for a long time and can make deals with him when we agree, and when we don't agree I will work very hard to either convince him or not vote for his programs.\" Donald Trump is not a Republican, nor does the Republican establishment like him. But Schumer's and Pelosi's words and actions have pushed him to the conservative right when his natural inclination would be to make a deal with Democrats.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gary:\n\n Everything being said by Trump currently, has been said and can be heard from the mouth of Hillary, You Tube has many videos from the past that show Hillary commenting on everything from the \"Wall\" to Gay Marriage, it simply proves that she will say or do anything to increase her chances by bending in the direction of the current trends. It also goes to prove her inability to both tell the truth and stand up for what she truly believes in.\n The Clintons truly define perversity, both in their private lives and in past political performance, and anyone who feels differently is simply deluding themselves.\n Duty, Honor, Country, they used to be the hallmarks of what service to this nation consisted of, now they are simply a sick punchline for the joke political service has become. Hillary has achieved a place in history, she is the first Presidential candidate of a major party to be confirmed while under FBI investigation, that in itself should speak volumes about our nation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The word 'doctor' comes from the Latin root 'docere', meaning 'to teach'. Doctors are meant to be educators, helping people to understand why they became ill and how to get well again. Naturopathic doctors are experts in this area and contribute greatly to the health and well-being of Canadians.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If pulling up your big boy pants is taxing others - i prefer to wear my current pants without taxation. I was here when we ended taxation of the people - the best legislation that ever happened to this state - Many prefer the same.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is an abundance of gravel pits. I wonder if this one is meant for increased logging in Willamette National Forest or BLM lands. Another example of we, the taxpayers subsidizing logging to destroy our forests.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It absolutely is, but colleges don't need to sponsor it, for the most part that hateful and derogatory speech has pretty much zero redeeming value. Folks like Milo Y and Ann Coulter are pretty much just angry people who do their best to spread hate. They are free to say whatever they want, but college students should have some say in what their tuition dollars go to sponsor. That being said, the rioting in Berlkey was just stupid.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It's a strategy for hiring people who will stick around. Relax you people. It makes sense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My 17 year old son started suffering from SEVERE acne. We tried EVERYTHING under the sun. I felt so bad for him being in highschool and having acne. I even took him to a dermatologist. I was talking to my sister about it and she told me about Dermalmd blemish serum. She gave him what she had left and within a week you could see a noticeable difference. After 3 weeks his face was cleared up completely and I am AMAZED. He was a little hesitant at first because it is tinted so I asked him to give it a week. He uses it daily and it has definitely changed both of our lives. I hated to see my only son suffer but he isnt anymore. He is the Handsome young man I always saw!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How am I silly Np? Can you be specific? Tell me how you love his accomplishments. Don't you think Putin would have been great in charge of the FBI? lol","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think that one has to see the improvement in robotics and technology together with universally declining birth rates. Populations will be declining rapidly in just 30 years from now and in most advanced societies such as Europe, China and North America, population growth is only achieved by extending lifespans or immigration. \n\nThe human race has never worked as hard as it does today and we could also start receding toward a four day work week. None of this looks like a problem to me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The last thing the US needs is economic growth. It has been doing that for decades and become the wealthiest developed country. And the least attractive developed country in which to live.\n\nPickett and Wilkinson showed in their strangely titled book \" The Spirit Level\" that living conditions in developed countries do not correlate with wealth GNP\/person. Living conditions do correlate with income inequality. No explanation but the data is solid. Starting with the US and Portugal where income inequality is high, and living conditions poor, to Sweden and Japan where income inequality is low and living conditions the best in the developed world. \n\nIt seems only reasonable that there should be no massive spread in income between the rich and poor. A spread certainly but not unlimited. Only fair. And with their book, Wilkinson and Pickett show that there is a benefit to all from low income inequality. \n\nA challenge for the business community: how to decrease income inequality.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"I like the idea of dressing for the weather\"\n\nExcellent advice!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"of course its rigged smith. thats how flamers like dillary get elected. buy a few senators here, a fbi director there, and bamm, you're in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bunk. Pure bunk.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Looking at pictures of the front of the van...isn't it strange that there is no damage or blood?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is no such thing under the Constitution for 'sovereign Indian states or nations' or any euphemisms. Wikipedia is parroting back faux federal common law not supported by the Constitution.\nAs of the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, there are no more \"Indians\" within the original meaning of the Constitution...only U.S.\/State citizens with \"Indian ancestry\/race\" entitled to no more and no less than every other non-Indian U.S.\/State citizen. Politicians are lying to the citizenry of the United States.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Here's a start:\n\nhttps:\/\/www.ewtn.com\/library\/ISSUES\/CTOA20.TXT\n\nAn interesting insight into the root causes of dissent that started in the mid-1960's.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hey. How about introducing some programs that actually help people who are already Canadians. Seems every time I look at the news, the government is bending over to help out foreigners and to make matters worse, Canadians, who are already struggling mightily, are paying for it all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What I understand from what you say is: \nYou fight Nazis because you are pro-Jewish.\nYou believe Nazis are people who declare themselves Nazis. \nThey are different because they declare themselves different.\nNazi ideology is 'to be different'.\nAlt-Right = Nazi.\nIf people do not respect your right to life, you do not have to respect their right to life.\nModern Nazis have the same doctrine as the original Nazis.\n\nI think that is a fair summary and it has helped me understand many people with the same thinking as you. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you.\n\nNOTE: The causes of WWII was not ideological. The Nazi ideology was tolerated and allowed to exist without any objection until 1939. The Americans only found Nazi ideology intolerable after Pearl Harbour - how strange. The Soviets allowed Nazism to exist until 1942. The Swiss, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedes etc never had any problem with it. The Italians and Japanese joined them. As did the Hungarians and Romanians.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Get 'em, Gov!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Exactly.\nThis ain't hard. But, then again, the press can't keep writing more and more articles about this if we just said, \"use commonsense\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm of the opinion that examining what made us who were are today, no matter how ugly or distasteful to those faint of heart, has ever turned anyone into a pillar of salt.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"2016 was a bad year if you don't want America to be great again.\n\nToo bad Renzetti's TDS led her to mar what might have been a decent column.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just looked at the disagreement to my comment......hilarious, it is like the usual suspects are running in a pack today....lol......I feel honored they don\"t agree with me, that means I am correct, and they are in damage control.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's hard to understand who PDC really answers to. Its values, interests, and motives don't seem to be in line with those of the community they exist to serve.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You know she was here illegally, ... how?\nAmerican citizens, even ones born here, commit crimes all the time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No idea. Why don't you go to the police and press charges?\n\nDon't blame you for dropping your stormfront defence, by the way.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Justin T has substituted so-called WHITE Privilege with real non-White privilege","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wish he'd just stick to his Bill Allen type shticks. Oops, that' exactly what he' doing here...a typical NRA enabling corporate gun lobbyist, that has one thing in mind for their bottom line...blood $$$$ at any cost with his freedom to publish this trash.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Starting a sentence with 'Trump tells the truth' typically signals that a joke will follow. Even his most loyal followers fully understand that Trump and truth can rarely exist in the same room at any time; they just don't care.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Barbara. Alaska much richer when Lesil's Gravy Train comes to an end? \n\nNot very likely with another Lesil clone - Natasha Von Imhof - up at bat to take over that senate district. \n\nWhile Princess Lesil's self-entitled and lavish lifestyle will soon be paid by the Rasmussen Foundation, if all goes as previously negotiated by their respective families, Princess Natasha's sense of entitlement will dwarf Princess Lesil and her staff's extravagant use of our public funds.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The \"blind bidding\" is a feature of the market here that is as bad as \"gazumping\" is in the UK property market. Gazumping is so bad that it actually is a word that means \"to swindle\". \n\nThe practice of massively overshooting the list price on the first bid (by 20% or more) happens so much at the moment it's suspicious. For example, does that so-so semi down the street in a catchment with so-so schools really warrant $220k over the asking price of $799k?\n\nI also have been hearing of stampedes of people attending open houses and have to wonder if all are really interested in the housing market, or are there some people being paid (or otherwise incented) to create \"traffic\" and make people increase the amount they bid. Some of the open house attendance numbers I've heard are so high they are ridiculous. They aren't credible given how often there are on-line viewing options now.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We gave them lower taxes they still manufactured everything in China and Bangladesh. We gave them deregulation and they still hired TFWs over Canadians. We gave them free trade and they still whined and complained and wanted more.\n\nWe just don't trust businesses, their lobby groups and sponsored thinktanks. They act in their own benefit and so should we and the two do not coincide. They just want more, more and more and it has reached a point where they take more than they give. To **** with Tim Hortons, big oil, McDonalds and its TFWs and demand for even lower taxes for example.\n\nGas and oil prices are low these companies pull out. Simple as that. \nThat industry is the past. Let Canada look to the future.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"However, the Penny Sparrow case is not quite analagous to Jordaan's: there was no dispute that Sparrow said what she said - the question was whether what she said was illegal. In Jordaan's case (and I'm not necessarily defending him, I'm only demonstrating the difference between the two cases) whether the act itself occured is under dispute.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Justin's success is based on hair, selfies and platitudes. Yeah that's much better. . .","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you are in a high risk group such as being over 65, you would be better served by getting the high dose version of the flu vaccine now. Either do that, or get one shot standard shot now, and then a second one in December.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Some might say she had balls because she tried to unilaterally proclaim a new constitution! Others might say she didn't have them, because she gave up without a fight.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"6 yrs? What a joke, he is a menace to society and doesn't care about these vulnerable kids as long as they fill his pockets with money. This trial was a waste of taxpayers money, he deserves at least 20 yrs. Let's start holding these dealers accountable for their actions for once. Get them off the streets.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When bin Laden met his 72 virgins after his compound was raided by American forces under Commander-In-Chief, Obama, he was asked who killed him. Bin Laden's reply was, \" A community organizer........and (gasp!) a woman......they call her Hillary.\" One of the 72 virgins asked where Trump was. Bin Laden replied, \" He was working on a birther thing....whatever that was.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I trust the feds to manage Alaska lands and fisheries, especially on behalf of Natives.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Canadian government is not noted for proactive management on the lumber file. When the Americans cannot build homes because there is no lumber, political hell is in store for Washington. If the U.S. decides to add a 20% levy on Canadian lumber, then the short term solution is for the Canadian government to intervene by creating a serious shortage,one way or another, so that the political pain would be a serious detriment to the 20% levy on Canadian-sourced lumber. One way to do this would be to put an equivalent levy on the exports, so the cost of building would shoot up. Fast. Also why should the Yanks get all the money? The levy could be used to compensate displaced workers, compensate the industry, stockpile lumber, etc. But by putting up the cost of construction in the U.S. their housing industry would suffer dramatically, and job losses would be on the table. Oh dear!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Critical thinking is important. The interstates connected large populations to each other. Same with the bridges. The commerce existed before the infrastructure was built. There is no conceivable economic activity that will occur between Juneau and 50 miles from Skagway that will make a $574 million payback plus the maintenance costs. Up here we keep the \"build it and they will come\" myth going. Rail? I think the last time the AKRR was profitable was WWII.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow.\nHow did *your* comment get through the civility check?\n\nAnd in answer to your question, however rude it may be: no. No, you may not.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I never said Kronke was cheap, I just said he was profit driven. Look at the Rockies... the Monfort's spent millions to construct rooftop patio bar and have been seeing markedly improved concessions and ticket sales since it opened with minimal impact on record (2017 being the exception).\n\nSometimes you have to spend money to make money. But in Denver, ownership seems to prefer spending on the carnival ride experience, instead of on talent and personnel. Both of them get butts in the seats, but only one approach produces consistent wins.\n\nTell me, just how is that big screen helping the AVs get into the playoffs? Or is it just intended to enhance the audience experience? Some owners focus on wins, some focus on entertainment - Kronke is the latter.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"- sweet....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why would I explain anything Trump does? There's nothing in my comments that indicates I'm a Trump supporter. You really should check your assumptions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It was pretty obvious Nebraska will do well at home this season.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh boy our world has become troubling with people like this writer in it.\n\nIs it just me or is there a never ending onslaught of Liberal ideals perpetuated on our population every single day of the week by media people? Time to turn off and tune out if this is where things are going..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It appears as if you've won a frowny face. I know, that's insensitive, nobody wins when so many people have been enslaved through the centuries.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"On the positive side of things for Natives is their birth rate is healthy and in fact the fastest growing ethnic group in Canada.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you kill someone for trying to steal your property, you will go to jail.\nIf you kill someone that attacks you, you might go to jail. \n\nYou should control your blood lust and check into Colorado law before going and killing someone.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Canada needs a strong opposition. The current CPC aren't it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"as a tax payer I'm VERY happy with actions taken by those like Chin, they're using their positions exactly as they should be for the greater good and upholding American values. the others you mentioned should indeed take lessons on good governance.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Proud Boys have been tried and convicted in the court of mass media, and in the court of the federal administrative complex of two egregious offences:\n\n1. Publicly disagreeing on policy issues with an Aboriginal group.\n\n2. Being white males. \n\nEverybody knows, you can do one or the other but it is an unforgivable offence to do both.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It defies logic.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mile 106 on the Glenn you say? Well, be right back.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"NW Lynn,\nConspiracies are difficult to prove or rebut. For instance, Lincoln's and JFK's assassinations. Unfortunately, Trumpet is a master of conspiracy theories and his worshipers still do not believe Obama was born in the USA. so it is easy to convince them that California's voter security laws are allowing illegal voting by the millions. FOX news ignites their delusions regularly.\nFacts and truth really get in their way. Again, your input is appreciated.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why would China help? They see themselves leading the world one day. North Korea is a proxy state for them. Let North Korea do the dirty work and let China reap the benefits. They already have our PM under their thumb.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Medicare works great for me. No complaints!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Zapiro, if you haven't already done so, please create a cartoon around Bathebile Dlamini's comments that women get too emotional and therefore need male experts.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"With no new supply we will see offshore buyers and rich immigrants competing with each other to drive prices ever higher. Canadians will leave Vancouver and eventually Toronto; the exodus has already started. Canada is one of the last truly liveable countries left on our overcrowded planet - that is why the rest of the world so desperately wants to immigrate here. This will result in increased competition and higher prices for housing, health care, food and other resources.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There were 3 whales - Tilikum and 2 females (Haida and Nootka, IIRC) - in the pool at the time. They generally didn't have a lot to do, though on rare occasions, they'd be given a toy to play with. To them, anything that got dropped in the pool became a toy, and sadly, Keltie Burns slipped and fell partly into the water. There is apparently some evidence that it was Tilikum who pulled her the rest of the way in, which is why he has gotten most of the blame, but all three of them were involved.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Spot on post. In fact as of 2016, Mexico's remittances reach record $26.9 billion .... \n\nRemittances totaled more than Mexico's oil income - Mexico News Daily\nhttp:\/\/mexiconewsdaily.com\/news\/remittances-totaled-oil-income\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree. I cannot understand why the province directed UBC to form policy over an issue that it has no legitimate jurisdiction. Sexual assault, indeed all assault, is a criminal matter in which the person assaulted is obligated to report the alleged crime to the police for criminal investigation and, if the allegation is found to be substantive, to press charges against the alleged assailant. There is no part of this process in which the university has any role to play. Sexual assault is not unique to UBC and there is no reason whatsoever for the institution to be treated any differently than society in general.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Alaska doesn't have a revenue problem. Alaska has a spending problem.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People are always going to be selfish in their perspective, but expanding the monument is the right thing for the good of all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Clearly Trump does not speak for US government policy so why is he there?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"While being an emotive approach, this line of reasoning is weak. Furthermore, it also works the other way: until you have lived some time as a man, you have no idea what men go through (and incidentally, several high-profile transgender people have claimed that society treats them better as women than it did when they were men...)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"...unless their initial hire date was before August, 1976. \n\nFormer Palin\/Parnell chief of staff made out like a bandit with this PERS provision when Sean Parnell unwisely enabled Nizich to accrue his Top 3 close to and above $200,000 per year.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The doctrine of Islam, as laid down in the Koran, is incompatible with the State, its right and \nfreedom. Such a thesis is an argument uttered in the court of reason and subject to public\ndiscussion. No government has the right to ban the free and open debate of its citizens.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"really? And how many people keep an armed bear?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"@ TDM\nNo, they didn't cite Washington Post, New York Times, or The Economist, or the runners up in fake news, Globe & Mail.\nI haven't heard of zerohedge having a reputation for fake news. Also, it would be odd if they had such a reputation, since they are primarily aggregators of news from other news sites. Rather, I thin they've established a bit of credibility for accuracy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But they could turn their economy on a dime if they wanted to! None of that messy democracy. Just like Trudeau's other BFF, China.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"racist comment eh? your pals at BLM are the thuggy little dicks that say this stuff. but you don't want a supposed trump supporter to bring it up? wow, stupid much.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"\"He also told the Scots he would create 6,000 jobs, but the actual figure was 95 at last count.\"\n\nAnyone that believed 6000 people work at a gold course......","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A bit (?) of an omission in this article is any mention of the travails of Post Media. This is a great (i .e. bad) example of a leveraged buyout that makes money for the hedge fund while destroying the company. Should there be laws to ban this type of dysfunctional behavour or does business have a license to do whatever?\n\nThe crisis is in small communities without a local paper. There is no viable solution via government subsidy. It is not a solution to create a government subsidized news media monopoly in a local market.\n\nFake news is another problem. It has always existed; partisans 'know' evil when they see it! We have to have faith that people will eventually understand the false equivalency of science = hoax. Perhaps the comments on this article will provide some hope that this is possible! ; )","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You don't know what is in the hearts of the Pope's dialogue partners, just because they nod their heads and are all sweetness and smiles around him. We already had the spectacle of the Imam invited to the Vatican to give a prayer in the Vatican and he prayed for victory over the infidels and publicly denied that God has a Son in the Vatican gardens. Would Muslims take well to the Pope proclaiming Jesus Christ on their \"turf\"? How do you know how Muslims elsewhere view our attempts at appeasing them? Just because you see from your perspective, oh look how nice the Pope is doesn't mean others don't see it that way.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In case you're searching for more than a twin informal lodging for a jumbo resting space, then you surely select a lift up or fly up trundle. Lift up trundle would have collapsible legs for expanded support. https:\/\/cheapsupershop.net\/cheap-full-size-daybeds-with-trundle\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Epic memories of '84 Free Peoples Concert with Stimela, and Ladysmith Black Mambasa with Paul Simon making a surprise appearance. Sjoe this is sad news! But deepest gratitude for the talent you are Ray Phiri. RIP now and forever - your work's surely done.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"For all ye Telecom types .... that picture of the Bix xconn frame has some pretty sloppy wiring on it. Some tech should be ashamed of themselves ... lol","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is a classic black box look at an issue that shouldn't be oversimplified. I get the GHG emission argument but they completely miss the swath of other environmental concerns related to oil sands development: \n water contamination from processing, biodiversity of \"reclaimed\" areas, damage from inevitable spills, NOx....\n\nThe only Charade here is that the benefits of oil sand development outweigh the risks...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, but the Globe wastes our time with fawning articles about never wusses all the time.\n\nFederer was just dominant.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump the great businessman, when is the last\/first time HE paid for something with his own $, on the expectation and demand someone else will pay him back...I don't think so! Easy to do with \"other people's money\"........IF this was his own....NOT GONNA HAPPEN>","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, I feel strongly that they're lame, and I'm far from alone in that opinion -- if you ask, you'll hear the same.\nThe Gateway is a dark hulking shell that doesn't fit on that corner. It's uninviting, drafty, and unused -- very far from a town square. Yes the Farmers Market is there, but it's awkward. Just compare it with other markets.\nThe Waterfront had a budget to work with, and the result is largely sterile and cookie-cutter. \nIt's not that either is absolutely horrible or worse than before, it's that they're both fully mediocre. There are details in both that work, for example the inlaid glass on the curving paths. But we deserve more creatively people-centric structures and spaces. That's far from what we got. IMHO. \nI really hope the Waterfront Center doesn't become a cramped convention center, but instead a very people-centered inspiring and inviting space. And I hope for a very large, section-able auditorium that can fit the Symphony and bigger shows. What are the chances?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You have obviously spent too much time reading government acronyms! I'm sure professional help is available.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why? This is their business, whether it is unethical or not. Anyone can set up a \"misinformation business\" as long as someone would hire them. Sign of the times.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Watch batting practice the next time Votto is in town. Votto spends it sending line drives according to where the ball is pitched. Cargo spends it trying to mash the ball.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No one has blamed the OCF. No need to overact.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm continually amazed and astonished at the research being done in the Arctic. This story triggers my imagination like when I was a kid reading Jules Verne. Are there images taken by Ridgway that can be viewed online? Thanks for another great column, Ned!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yet they claim to be a \"Christian Nation\".\nI don't recall Jesus refusing to heal the poor.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The same could be said of Trump!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"klastri, Kamehameha is in the same category.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Alba\" - sounds like a near-epic-fail choice of a name. Boring! A public VOTE should have been held to select the critter's name. I would have voted to name her \" 'RANGY McRANGFACE \". Heh heh.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All DNA tracing can do is give some indication (probabilistic not definitive) of the origin of a particular pattern of DNA.\n\nWe know a bonobo is not a human, and we know people today are human.\n\nWhat we do not know is where the dividing line is. Logically there was a first human.\n\nSince God exists outside time and space, Adam and Eve could have been created, lived, and died anywhere without regard to any DNA testing.\n\nThis is an excellent example of a case where a theological truth is in no way contingent upon science. At best we can opine that there is no evidence of a prior unfallen creation in the record on this earth.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Every government traffics in weapons. Ours is no different\"\n\nNow you're getting it. Next address your love for immigration, the more the merrier.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's contradicted by the facts. First of all, Democrats have acknowledged the past and the party evolved to the anti-racist side, which prompted southern racists who used to constitute the Solid South for the party to migrate to the GOP, where the South now pretty much votes solidly for Republicans due to the GOP's adoption of the racist polices the Democrats used to push. If there are any remaining racists in the Democratic Party, the members will marginalize and push them out.\n\nThe Democratic Party of the 1800s, though, was the conservative party. They were not \"leftist\" at all.\n\nEntitlements are not \"slavery.\" That's just a silly remark, pre-packaged propaganda to demonize people who need help. Look at Ben Carson -- on public assistance and loans and public housing all his life until he made it on his own, and now he demonizes welfare. Bunch of hypocrites.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":".... and its nice and close to the Nuke plant.\n\n.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The facts of life are Conservative. Many governments, including ours, are learning the hard way.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My. How peculiar. This comment gets past the \"civil\" threshold even though it's message boils down to insulting others and yet my previous comment noting how it is uncivil and unhelpful did not? What a weird filter.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree.\n\nI would also suggest that rail be sold to a developer, carte blanche to build however it sees fit, so long as it follows basic guidelines for timeliness, capacity, safety, and route. The real estate, rights to develop the stations, tax incentives, and other inducements could be used. \n\nIt would still cost the city\/state tremendously, and would almost certainly require significant subsidy, but it would rid the state of a project that it is incapable of managing, and pool additional capital, and limit everyone's future exposure to this unmitigated disaster.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They are not alone - they simply behaved in the customary local way. They got tripped up when they ran into Alex Silvert and now someone from the same department as his is going to defend them. How ironic. Can they afford a jury trial, as the federal judge himself was in a way complicit in the same old same old way of doing things locally as he was a US Attorney when it was going on and he knew about it but, hey, that's just the way things are. Everybody does it, so what's the problem. Call who you know and get it fixed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"St. Justin the Martyr (c. 100 - 165 A.D.): \"It is of the SACRIFICES OFFERED TO HIM IN EVERY PLACE BY US, the Gentiles, that is, OF THE BREAD OF THE EUCHARIST AND LIKEWISE OF THE CUP OF THE EUCHARIST, that He speaks at that time; and He says that we glorify His name, while you profane it\"\n\nSt. Irenaeus of Lyons (c. 140 - 202 A.D.): \"\u2026He took from among creation that which is bread, and gave thanks, saying, \"THIS IS MY BODY.\" The cup likewise, which is from among the creation to which we belong, HE CONFESSED TO BE HIS BLOOD.\n\nHe taught THE NEW SACRIFICE OF THE NEW COVENANT, of which Malachi, one of the twelve prophets, had signified beforehand: [quotes Mal 1:10-11]. By these words He makes it plain that the former people will cease to make offerings to God; BUT THAT IN EVERY PLACE SACRIFICE WILL BE OFFERED TO HIM, and indeed, a pure one; for His name is glorified among the Gentiles. (Against Heresies 4:17:5)\"\n\nAnd on \n\nAnd on \n\nAnd on.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"His \"personal\" attorney during the campaign. So what? This doesn't even suggest impropriety! Liberal media just trying to stir up controversy and sell news meant to mislead.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Then don't do it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So I guess those 228 law enforcement officers are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs right now. And why is crime in the country worse than crime in the city? And what is the point of a crackdown when the real problems are poverty, gangs, drugs, alcohol and unemployment? And overall the incidence of crime is declining. Why go gonzo on crime at the expense of other priorities when there is actually no need for it?\n\nThe truth is: this is all about the Wall government giving a big gift to SARM and its rural base to try to shore up bandage up its hemorrhaging support. \n\nWall doesnt care whether there is a real problem or not. This, like everything Wall has ever done, is all politics.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Among the misunderstandings\nWhen Sears applied to stop paying INTO the pension plan due to bankruptcy, news reports were that pension chequess FROM the pension plan were cut off. I don't think that was true but it was not clear from the news reports.\n\nUnderfunding is usually a bit of an exaggeration since a plan is underfunded if it does not have enough to cover the pension with all assets invested in bonds. In reality with half or more invested in equities it may be fine. \n\nAlmost every balanced portfolio would effectively be underfunded by this calculation as bonds will deliver less than the expected balanced amount.\n\nWhen a company goes broke, I understand the pension assets must be converted to 100% fixed income which at today's low interest rates is almost certain to make the problem FAR worse.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Don't mess with Mr. In-Between.\"\n\n----Bing and the Andrews Sisters 1944","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hey, that's original!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"...you seem to feel that a favorable partisan outcome should dictate the process\"\nNot even close. What I've been posting is that if you want all votes to count, then simply count all the votes...and dispense with the Electoral College. It's the method of doing that upon which we disagree.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The liberals must hate this! That is one reason that I don't understand them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Propaganda around the clock; yesterday in the court. We heard a very perturb side in the Ahmed Timol inquest, his legal representatives got it wrong; in fact they had represented the Timol's family poorer y; taken into considering, the facts before the first inquest that wanted to get to the bottom of how; he died in 22 September 1971.\nThe Timol's senior counsel had left or had failed to interrogate; his so called; what the state had failed to do \"knocking door to door\"; as they have done; looking for witnesses to come in and give testimony leading to Timol's dead-John Foster's police station.\nThree question were asked by the presiding officer; and a respond from Timol's advocated; we have not dealt into it; but that's your head of argument entails.\nAs you said Timol; was pushed from the 9th floor; through a window; but a witness came and attest; that no window was open; how then; asked the judge; his caught wanting. He felt from the top of a building; 'JUDGEMENT RESERVED'\n2$6","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How many tax hikes during his reign?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"From the article:\n\n\"....you\u2019ll be asked to rate the civility of several other comments from the site \u2014 and then your own comment \u2014 before you\u2019re allowed to submit it. This kind of crowdsourced moderation is a unique way to try to ensure higher quality comments ....\"\n\nNot necessarily \"higher quality\", but rather \"falls in line with majority posters' opinions\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Harper had enough of a populist message during his tenure which was agreeably marked in message of fiscal pudence during the financial crisis and the subsequent nascent recovery.\n\nTrump has changed the conversation to jobs, so called free trade and immigration by extension. Our conservative party want's to retreat from the Harper era to something that won't reflect in a portion of the base that has evolved.\n\nIt is ok to not vote in federal election going forward. If your global view as it pertains to home is not represented-don't worry about being criticized with the usual arguments. It is about the only incursion one can still say no to in this country.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Tilly, congratulations on living a life of service.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They should put the horns in the c on the helmet","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The story here is you better hurry and file your complaint within the time allowed, or the drones will be next, scanning your neighborhood without prejudice.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Totally differ. \nWhat is needed is to Phase-in e-verify over 2 years and at the same time, help with moving towards robotics. \nH1B needs to be constrained and then removed, and H2B needs to be slowly gutted. Like lower the number by 10-5% each year. \n\nIn order to have cheaper goods than the rest of the world, we need to AUTOMATE THEM HERE.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I have been living here since 2007. i believe more than ever that Canada belongs to the world.\ni approve of more immigration. Canada is very big and can have 50 times the population it now has.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"minority laden\" \nRacist and hateful much, gofastgo?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah - do you notice how 'Islamphobia' sticks out? Systemic?\n\n\"develop a whole-of-government approach \"\n\nWhat is it - racism and hate crimes in general, or about 'Islamophobia'?\n\n\"Studies\", \"findings\", \"recommendations\" - why single out a religion?\n\nWasn't a motion passed in Nov 2016?\n\nNot \"non-binding enough\"?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"She must be missed for not only the food, but for the family. Wish we had the chance to taste her creations! Well written!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mad dog howls at the moon...film at 11...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Parnell was the Governor who paid half the PT development bill.. not Bill Walker.. pretty certain..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess Kim Rues comment stands as a ok. So then, barack obama should never have been elected the fcking president, he is a creepy dictatorial POS. I hope he and sally jewell rot in you know where! This is an appropriate comment I believe, as Kim Rue has also spoken his mind, and his comment on Joe was ok by AK Dispatch standards. Thank you for letting me speak my mind freely. If the prez, bo, had his way, we would not have this freedom. We would all be government drones.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'd like to see how his campaign funds leftover after his 2010 campaign were spent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Douglas, if you want to feel sorry for yourself, and cry and cry, why don't you do it somewhere else, so we don't have to listen to it. Go to a meeting of the NAACP and do it there,they will love you","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"George Soros strikes again, more death and violence from the left. ADN , RIP.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not that it matters since evs will always be a niche product.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"The provision of healthcare should continue to be provided by the private sector to maintain innovation and competition\". \nThe level payments from the central government will not allow the private sector to maintain innovation and competition, that is the long range problem with single payer. Single payer will work well for the time being because of the infrastructure that has already been purchase and built by the private sector, however the private sector won't be able to continue on that track.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Does it mean that we are anti-science?\"\nYes. And pro-cancer.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Marijuana grows like this are not normal farm crops. How many alfalfa farmers protect their hay with AR-15s? The assault weapons have a dangerous range of 2.2 miles.Many businesses and schools are within this range including Harrison school, South Lane School District, entire downtown Cottage Grove including the police department.\nHealth effects from breathing the stench long and short term are unknown.\nWater useage was not studied prior to issuance of permits.\nState and county agencies have been remiss in their duty to provide due diligence prior to issuing permits for these activities. I am warning all of you that live within two miles of farmland. This might not affect you now, but you are subject to the same stench we are along with falling property values and wells drying up. This is not right. \nContact your County Commissioner and state legislators. Demand that they reclassify marijuana so we can have some control over our neighborhoods. Please speak up now don\u2019t wait.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just to be exact, the flag is not lowered during \"Retreat.\" It is lowered during the following bugle song \"To The Colors.\" This ceremony is usually referred to as the Retreat ceremony, but it's two songs. You stand at attention facing the flag\/music during \"Retreat\" and place your hand over your heart\/salute during \"To The Colors.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"LOL! People who want to question her experience can just truck on out there and check tracks - then they'll know, one way or the other, and be able to talk from a truly informed position.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's purely a selfish motive.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump is an incompetent fool who only cares about getting elected again in 4 years. And this EO is stupid and incompetent.\n\nBUT\n\n\nGoogle thinks its the big wheel in the economy when its really not. As Biden pointed out, GM trimmed multiple times the whole of Google's workforce in 2008. Google has great market capital and the zeitgeist but its not the driver of the US economy.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Another misandrist ranting away.Once again,the very bad probably white,probably heterosexual male is the root of all evil.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Just another way to support our troops by taking away their opportunities. Stupid kids, don't they realize fortunes are for old rich guys that already have plenty?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"\"\u201cIn the past we had surplus funds that we could float, but that\u2019s not the case this year,\u201d he said.\"\n\nSo that fact that you could \"float\"\/spend money you didn't have in years past is now the FED'S fault? Really?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Suomenlinna is nice place to visit.I have recorded a video from suomenlinna in winter. It\u2019s really beautiful with the snow and everything.I really recommend visiting Suomenlinna Fort if you are visiting Helsinki. I used my go pro camera to record footage so sorry for not perfect quality.\n\nhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=U2ZZOWFqfsw&feature=youtu.be \u2013 Suomenlinna Fort","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One thing is for sure, Oregon State football is that bad!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If we could only harness that wind for clean energy...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, to begin with, kenwoi, the Liberals never put UP a For Sale sign. This is a private deal for a private company. You confuse Canada with China. Over there, yeah, government has a big hairy hand in all kinds of \"deals.\" That's because it doesn't believe in free enterprise (well, outside Hong Kong, that is. Convenient, eh?) \n\nCanadians do believe in free enterprise. At least, MOST of us seem to. It's a difference that seems lost on a number of save-our-security-and stay smiley-with-America Canadians, though, who desperately want the government to intervene in free enterprise...just the way the Chinese might do.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Fair Labor Association (FLA) is funded by brands like Adidas (and formerly Nike) and therefore can't be trusted to cite and remediate labor violations found in subcontracted factories. If Nike is so confident about working conditions in its subcontracted factories, why is the brand refusing access to the ONLY truly independent labor watchdog organization?? Nike has a long history of labor and human rights violations and should be carefully monitored at all times like every other apparel brand. I'm proud that the UW is taking a stand for the hundred of thousands of garment workers around the world who deserve jobs with dignity and I'm proud to be a UW Alumni!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You are comparing human sex trafficking to car advertisements?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You shouldn't use the 'Q' word. Not nice.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Intersting points made here. If I smoked pot, the last place I would do it would be inside where someone else might get a contact high: that would be terrible, as people working in a pot shop, or congregating there don't smoke pot just like me. However, there could be smoking booths, vented to the outside, or the evil weed could be consumed in a nice drink make of herbal tea, honey, really hot water and tricomes mixed in. Then those of us who are still virgins could be in these horrible establishments with no fear of getting stoned. Imagine that!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm glad Trudeau didn't show. First thing he's ever done as PM that's beneficial for Canada.\n\nThe TPP is a horrible trade deal that will destroy the Canadian economy. Canada should walk away from it permanently.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No confusion here. The alt-right's complaint isn't that the government is shutting down free speech. How could it be, when there aren't any examples of it? Rather, their complaint is that \"lefties\" and a left-wing media are shutting down free speech. I'm just wondering how they square that view with the fact that Breitbart News just did the same. If Breitbart's a champion of the alt-right and free speech, wasn't that a cowardly, backstabbing, traitorous thing for them to do?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People on the internet, eh? Whachyagonnado?\n\n\u00af\\_(\u30c4)_\/\u00af","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Becoming an addict was a \"personal choice\"? I trust that you have peer reviewed research to back up that assertion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Fuck you.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Capping the Permanent Fund Dividend only impacts Alaskans, but a personal income tax would make non-resident workers in Alaska share in some of the burden of balancing our budget. Non-residents use infrastructure too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is unfair to even consider a property tax hike when voters never approved anything this absurd.\nTake it to the voters to decide if the project should be scrapped. I voted no to this project every step of the way and now property taxes are being threatened?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Acquiring donations or other items of value for an election, obstruction, and anything else discovered.\n\nYou seem to be forgetting that Bill Clinton wasn't being investigated for his adultery when the Monica Lewinsky situation arose.\n\nBesides.....how many other presidents have you heard of discussing pardons just for the heck of it?\n\nI won't say that there is for sure anything to the investigations, but 1) it is the Trump administration's fault that all of this is taking place with their lies and omissions (of course, I'm sure you're a fan of the GOP mantra \"responsibility for thee, but not for me\"), and 2) you seem to be adamant that there is no way that a guy, with a history of stiffing people, adultery, admitted sexual assault, and bankruptcies, could have possibly done anything wrong.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is a concept in economics called \"information cost\". The cost to a student of obtaining accurate information about the comparative qualities of different colleges is enormous. A far better answer would be to simply ensure that all colleges provide high-quality education.\n\nHint: The way to provide quality education is to focus on the actual teachers. Administering a college or university does not require administrative brilliance; bureaucratic competence is all that's needed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mark Cuban said recently that Trump is interested in only two things and I believe him: His image and his bank account. By 'image' he needs to be adored or you are his enemy and by bank account, I mean he's after ours.\nHe cares a whit about running a government, it's just an inconvenient means to his ends.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"what did you do in the war daddy??\ni dropped my gun and a ran away\nwhy daddy??\ncause i'm a coward","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Fair Tax Assessments\n\nThis is a story about tax assessments working EXACTLY as designed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nice ride...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agree completely Shar! 0ne of the most interesting observations in this article is that from Gloria Steinem who notes that women's role in early child rearing has profound psychological consequences in our view of women. This monopoly of the role of child care may trigger powerful unconscious separation issues that are unresolved.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You win. You're the funniest. It is sad when bad things happen to people. So sorry this happened. Criminal behavior can be avoided, but only with good upbringing. We have about 50% of kids these days who are raised by a single parent or grandparents or addicted parent or no parent. No guidence while growing up. They try and make their way in the world alone so end up banding together for support. I try to tell my grand kids and kids I talk to (as a teacher) in school not to put themselves in unsafe situations. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it, get help. And that's my point...there's not enough help, counseling, or guidance for kids these days. And there's really no funding for help with all the mental and emotional disorders that can develop from not having \"good upbringing\". It all trickles down from society not wanting to pay taxes, government not willing to balance the budget and no help for those who struggle. Vicious circle of uneducated generations=high crime. Phew","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Spot on . Trump's being screwed whether he realizes that or not. And America's going to help him piss the rest of his term up against a wall trying to prove that Putin has him by the testicles. \n\nThat crap is so 'ennertaining' Putin might put him back in for a second term, so Americans can have some more .","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"In an earlier trial, the case was thrown out because the Chief introduced unsolicited comments damaging to the uncle of his wife . After the case was thrown out, the uncle claimed he was framed by the Kealohas with the help of a select number of HPD officers. Complicit\/conspiracy?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You don't know that, and taking the word of media-with-an-agenda isn't too bright. If I was confronted with a citizen \"waving a gun and sidestepping like a crab\", I'd run too. The CCW Cowboys MAY have saved lives -- but perhaps we'll never know.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The article is front and centre-not sure why my previous comment pointing this out did not pass the civility test..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I've never been accused of not speaking my mind here -- I regularly call Trump and his mob far worse than \"deplorable.\" And \"madman\" is a term some of his own dismayed countrymen and allies use for him, too easy to attach to foreign foes.\nThe point of the Kristof trip to N.K. was to humanize the alleged demons there -- and even their boyish leader, erratic as he is, who seems to have come to the obvious truth (since 1945): when your nation has nukes, the world takes you more seriously. \nEven Trump's guru Bannon conceded last month, \"...there's no military solution, they got us.\" But then, even old Steve expressed more concern than some of his colleagues for the potential casualties, \"millions\" in retaliation on Seoul alone. Or would those evangelical Trumpers, so sure of their rapture to come, claim that America might have to destroy the world \"...in order to save it.\"","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"This will help lower prices as no physician will want to be known as a \nprice gouger.\n\nOrthopedic costs are way out of line since most orthopedics formed a consortium.\n\nInformation is always good, as are informed decisions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I live in the bush. Our non chartered customer flights ALWAYS ask about hazardous items. Especially because we need car batteries, etc. and they want to make sure such items are transported safely. Living in the \"bush\" doesn't need to mean \"flying like idiots.\" This passenger should be in court.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Blumenthal 'damaged his reputation' by being caught in the lie originally. \n\nYou can't wet a river! \n\nAt least not on the same basic lie. \n\nThe actual minute details of him being a liar about his service 'in' Viet Nam are too miniscule to get him off the hook.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"With so many comedians out of work.. why are you trying to be funny?!?!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"we are not destroying anything. lets get you some education based on facts perhaps.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wrote an OpEd, published in the RG, proposing that alternatives do exist. Building the hospital was a mistake. It was not necessary and, indeed, the money could have supported community-level facilities and services. Democratic leaders in Salem propose compounding that mistake by continuing to operate the facility at $500K\/patient. Pardon a bit of tastelessness, but that is insane. \n\nI proposed the current patients could be transferred to open beds at the Salem Psychiatric Hospital (they're available), and the JC facility could be used for the proposed expansion of female prison capacity. House Democrats, including Rep. Fehey from our District, had no criticism of the suggestion........they simply ignored it. \n\nThe hospital will remain open, that $50 million will continue to be spent, community-based mental health care will continue to be underfunded, and our legislators will continue to ignore public input. IMO, that's rather sad at all levels. Gary Crum","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Easy, Trump often ( too many times) opens mouth and inserts foot. I don't need any media explain to me what he says, I watch him live and I don't need people like you or Trump himself to explain me \"what TRUMP really meant\" after the fact. If Trump does not want to be \"misunderstood\" then he has the power with words the same as us to come across in what he claims he is really saying. Most of us voters speak English here, we get it. LOL","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I remember Von, he used to be great... whatever happened to him?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Marvelous. Thank you for these additions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"kag - who is to pay if they get sick, if anyone gets sick with a life threatening illness? the point of insurance is the spread the risk. If we spread the risk among all people, then the average any one pays is no more than the fair share of all the expenses. In other words, rather than one person being financially ruined by ill health - the point of insurance - the cost is spread among everyone. Break this down into smaller groups and the risk of catastrophic costs hitting someone in that group rises; when that happens that groups premiums skyrocket. More, put \"healthy\" people in one group and \"unhealthy\" people in another group, and it is a foregone conclusion which group will have higher expenses. \n\nBy the way, I am also on Medicare and find it good. I do have a Medicare Supplement plan; I have to hope my finances hold up so I can keep it. If I can't it would not take long for a serious illness to deplete the rest of my assets.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"TRUMP DEATH SQUADS\u2122 are waiting for them with loaded guns...","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Your post reminds me of a leader who felt that his people should go where ever he wanted. I believe his name was Joseph Stalin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Since banks are virtually a protected monopoly in Canada with high barriers to entry for competition, it would seem a \"no brainer\" that the gov't who gives such a one sided advantage to the banks should side with the consumers in an attempt to level the play field just a bit. While we are at it, bank deposit insurance should be reviewed too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So the payout would be closer to $15M+ \n\nLump sum to a confidential numbered account. Curious it wasn't small unmarked bills.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Because all of your mythical bond traders cannot all sell at once to some eager buyer? A concept yet to become a theory and impractically impossible in thereal world. Unless the Loch Ness Monster wants to buy all of those sinking bonds.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good article. I'd also mention that there is nothing wrong with learning the fundamentals using an a pellet gun. It's cheap, quiet and there are some (inhospitable) places where you can't shoot a 22 in your own backyard.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"OMG these losers never stop.........who is going to 'come forward' next? Russia had ZERO to do with Hilary's loss, and who cares anymore?.... sore losers that is all this is.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Haha I wish! What a world that would be to live in.\n\nBut far from the truth for me. I invite you to click on the link to my original article and peruse my site. You\u2019ll quickly see plenty of things I\u2019m responsible for (a career I\u2019ve built up to earning a solid six figures, a growing family, a small business on the side). I\u2019m just not that enthusiastic about being responsible for my home repair and maintenance, but that doesn\u2019t mean I\u2019m lazy.\n\nAnyway, thanks for the laugh.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, you can easily identify Dittoheads when they repeat Rush's words - Democrat Party. He and Mike Rosen speak for pretty much all of KOA's \"informed\" listeners. I have to get up and change the radio dial after Rockies games because they put the GOP hate propaganda on and it is disrespectful to others like me who wish to just be baseball fans and not political cannon fodder. KOAs' Rush called me a monkey because I voted for Obama (the former black man in the White House). I was just finishing up the post game show when the unpatriotic radio blowtorch thrust him on. Unpatriotic KOA also purposefully cuts to commercials when the National Anthem plays. It's more important to hear from their advertisers than to just be an American and hear the Star Spangled Banner. Clear channel is not unbiased and plays programming that divides, not unites. KOA has a pink elephant in the room (they hate the majority of the voters in the last presidential election) but want their advertising $$$.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You have, from a distance, generated quite a set of \"alternative facts\" ...that would be wrong. There is nothing \"vague\" if you have been paying attention and reading what has actually been said over the course of over 350 comments, several from people who actually live here and know the real facts. Speculation is not the same as knowing the facts. But no doubt you will continue to believe what you choose to believe regardless of facts.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"While your take isn't necessarily wrong (if a little scattered), I doubt Tillerson closed this out of a sense of hypocrisy. State is understaffed and rudderless. I promise you that doesn't help those in certain war torn countries.\n\nYou want to a trial for the players of The Project for the New American Century? I'm in, but watching our diplomatic arm crumble isn't going to help anybody.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"DWLR will be an infraction unless it is during the active revocation period. Let's say someone has a revoked license and never goes to DMV to get it renewed. Now they get caught driving. Currently they have to go to court and fix it or face suspended or actual jail time. This ensures we have licensed drivers without convicting anyone of a crime (because it's reduced to a violation). \nAfter SB 91 they will get a traffic ticket (infraction). Sections 92 and 93 of the bill if you don't believe me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I bet Pat didn't even go to the Trump rally. His canned response was probably written and ready to go even before Trump set foot in Eugene.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sad to say elected bureaucrats are pandering to the unions, just adding more pension debt to the already breaking backs of taxpayers.\n\nWhat they should be doing is following San Diego's lead where all newly hired city employees are covered by a 401k plan. This lets the city budget for its part of 401k contributions. Immune from spiking and unions always demanding more and more and more money but not higher work quality, more efficiency.\n\nIn the coming years pension costs will continue their explosive growth, taking away money from city core infrastructure requirements, where money really needs to go.\n\nJust another day in the little 10th world of Hawaii Nei.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Scott, I am glad that you (and other road\/traffic engineers) are willing to sacrifice more and more of your fellow Alaskans in the futile effort to prove your pet theories, only to ignore unique and specific local conditions that disprove those theories.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pat, both I and my immediate family have been heavily touched by crime. Criminals come in all shapes, sizes, occupations and backgrounds whether they're out in bail or in probation. My son was attacked by a guy with a record of violence, almost died and has been left with permanent disabilities. I've had numerous crimes committed against me. I know people that have been destroyed by the authorities. Frankly, I think bring destroyed by the ones who are supposed to uphold the law is worse. And 99.9% of them are free as birds, having suffered zero consequences. But that's me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"For a man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is about time they investigate this organization. They have been on a witch hunt for years and responsible for ruining the lives of innocent priests in their quest for justice.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree about the G&M gotcha reporting in general, but this one seems to be for real. There's no denying that she's a very well connected Liberal insider who was actively lobbying for the PMO to give her a patronage plum (recall that she tried for the Senate first). IMO this is the very definition of objectionable patronage and would only have been worse if the person appointed was PM Trudeau's cousin or something.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not really, the U.C. schools are very good. Rejected students would rather apply at some no name university in India, Asia or even in Cuba before wasting their money to attend UH teaching Libtard Politics at community college levels.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"and healthier....mannn","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Broncos didn't pass on Sloter. Just like MIN and every other team in the league, they knew it wouldn't make sense to put him on the active roster.\n\nMIN simply outbid DEN for his practice squad services.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I dunno about you, but I'm glad to see they'll be working diligently on the budget. Just like the Alaska sludge.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wouldn't go so far as to say 'criminal'; incompetent, egotistic, and arrogant all work for me, though!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Turns out he selling investments. No conflict of commissions there.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CORRUPT TRUMP AND HIS BAND OF TRAITORS ARE SICKENING.\nLOC THEM UP","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I moved to Seattle from Anchorage 3 years ago and I like it a lot better. Winters are not as bad, there is so much more to do in the city and you still are close to wilderness when you want to get away. The government functions better here, and the 'high\" taxes aren't as bad as the cost of living in Alaska due to its isolation and brutal winters. Ever since 2014 when Parnell gave away the tax revenue Alaska has been on a downward spiral, while Seattle is booming. I would encourage young people who are having a hard time in Alaska to move to a suburb city near Seattle. Its better here","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A few Quebec separatists were dumbfounded when the Cree Nation declared that it would secede from an independent Quebec.\nWhat is good for the goose is good for the gander.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Remember, rape isn't about sex.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Just last week, I dumped my bike (& skull) at Gambell & Fireweed, in a turn as I went thru some sand & grave...I hurt my head inside my helmet when it made fast & hard contact with the asphalt! Fortunately, thanks to the protection provided by the helmet, I didn't leave any DNA on the street, just my ego...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not everything has to be political, but 4 years with the RG has given me a better understanding of why conservatives would feel they are running uphill.\n\nThe RG seems to be acting with intention to publish more reports on free speech. We've seen a couple covering campus complaints at various colleges around the nation. It's not local, they don't have to print it, but they have been. They've also been publishing more conservative politcal cartoons. I wouldn't expect a total flip in their editorial slant, but you might look for signs of better balance. \n\nLiberals are good at feeling guilt, appeals to fairness will work with some, personal insults will work with very few. I'm not sure why you bite the hand that gives you so much access to be heard?\n\nTrump is hurting with seriously inexperienced people. I'm sure he's see them as a new path, but so far they just look lost- it should improve.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Scott writes well and has always been pro-sumer and positive. But despite the bright-and-shiny tone of this article, I feel that there is a deeper, less optimistic story to be told. I would have appreciated a more balanced article that weighs pro's and con's, for there certainly must be some negatives to any takeover. I am optimistic that the acquisition is a win-win situation, as it is portrayed here. But from the folks I chat with who know both airlines, the benefits to Virgin America fliers are slim to none. I would still fly Alaska before I'd fly with the \"other guys;\" but I get this funny feeling that, other than new routes, there's not much in the way of improvements ahead. I'd like to see the VA cutting edge philosophy \"infect\" Alaska Airlines, but that's not likely. If VA could just fly a few times to Anchorage in the summer and show us what they're about (while they can), maybe we would vote with our pocketbooks which \"style\" we prefer.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's also her hope that the Christian community will begin to see the refugee crisis and rise of xenophobia as a \"perfect opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus.\"\n\nExactly! If we call ourselves Christians we need to welcome these people in need. If we turn our backs on them then we need to stop calling ourselves Christians.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What coup?\n\nThe Catalan members of the Spanish armed forces did not break away and seize power in Catalonia\/ Barcelona with armed Catalans seizing control of government offices, the airports, the harbours...the only weapon used was a pencil to mark a ballot and they were beaten up and denied even that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Unbelievable!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Brock university seems to be on the right track. It is in the Canadian interest to help graduate education in socially important but politically sensitive fields. The Turkish example is an important one. The swing towards totalitarian regimes must be reversed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When a company has access to a person's entire and up-to-date banking history (as well as other personal information) and is able to deduct payments at the exact same time that grants are paid, it is not an advantage of mere efficient processing. It is an advantage of operating with almost no risk. That is no risk of non-payment and knowing exactly when to stop providing any new services to a captive market (they have access to recipients at pay points and via cell phone). The contract CPS has with SASSA prohibits them from using the recipients' information for anything other than to pay grants. \n\nIt seems you haven't been following this story closely? For more details about Net1 and its operations as well as the repercussions of this for recipients, I can recommend the excellent articles written by the author of this article as well as Groundup and amaBhungane.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That is precisely what this argues. People should make their own choices, based on individual preferences, which are distributed differently.\n\nWhich may not align with a 50-50 distribution which makes the generalisation that unless there is 50-50 distribution, something is wrong. \n\nEverybody agrees there are many women who will be interested and exceptionally qualified, just not as many as men, but that they should be encouraged, just like men.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Harriet Drummond for Governor! You rock, Good Woman!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"From my perch on the left, I've never thought of Crisis as a \"great publication\", but I have thought of it as a good and decent one. They may be at a crossroads with this issue and this writer.\nFor what it's worth: Although it has been a bit uneven over the years, I have generally regarded National Review as a great publication -- especially in the early Buckley years. Of course, I was a conservative then. I was so much older then; I'm younger than that now. ","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"and how would lovely architect Melania know if Trump PUNCHES back 10 times harder ?\n\ndid she experienced it herself....what a disgrace she is to USA","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And all the while Canadian consumers are being hosed by the Supply Management system but you could care less - that is the Liberal mentality hard at work.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most likely they were scud running under VFR. Hageland's co-pilot in those Caravans are essentially low hour, new hires whose sole purpose is ballast and learn the routes before they turn them loose in the 207's.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\u201cA lack of an integrated health-care system, poor education by provincial standards and a largely absent community infrastructure are uniquely positioned against the backdrop of colonialism, racism and social exclusion\u2026.\u201d\nIn my opinion, the coroner correctly identified the missing elements in the community needed in order to make it effectively functional, but to suggest the primary causes are \"colonialism, racism and social exclusion\" is rather disingenuous and a tepid interpretation of why isolated Northern reserves such as this one are in such a dismal situation. I would expect that there are enough well paid politicians, bureaucrats, FN chiefs and elders, and those who prospering from the \"Aboriginal Industry\" who can come up with a plan to help these people....throwing more money at this issue is not the solution either....it's time to stop the blame game and tippy toeing around the inconvenient truth....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wait until the public sector pension defaults start to really roll.\n\nThe Dallas police pension is already on the rocks. Cops have been taking early retirement, and pulling their pensions out of the fund, because it's mathematically doomed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It should be clear to everyone that there is no single problem in this matter. The factors involved are numerous and extend well outside the criminal justice system. Tinkering with the rules of evidence or retraining investigators is not going to fix it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thankfully we've made it so far without it but one of these days we're going to wake up to this guy tweeting a picture of his junk for all the world to see. I'm guessing within two years but time will tell. Jokes over though. When do the real candidates step up?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mandatory reading should be all the bankrupt U.S. counties and towns after 'Big Coal' left leaving billions in cleanup costs. Alberta will be no different, and the rest of Canada will pay the tab for these Neanderthals!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mil-Spec Psychological Warfare upon US civilians by the lowest bidder? I hear Russian currency's been on a fire sale for quite some time. Why do we keep trying to put the spotlight on the place and not the actors far closer to home who were involved, engaged, and highly motivated in these brave new anti-democratic campaign tactics? If the Incumbent Establishment goes on talking about this farcically for much longer, why wouldn't we begin to conclude that they necessarily must themselves be somehow 'in' on these attacks against our liberal democratic and free way of life? This has degraded our dignity as Enlightened citizens and it has made us an International laughing stock. That's not on Russia. That's on wealthy English-speaking beast-clowns whose contempt for our Constitution is now completely unbound and dancing mockingly before us all. ( https:\/\/www.theguardian.com\/technology\/2017\/may\/07\/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijacked-democracy )","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about a campaign to discourage giving money to legislators from lobbyists?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Tillamook burn?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Nothing funnier than getting a bunch of hot-headed atheist liberals preaching the Ten Commandments.\"\nIf they were mass-murderers, would their points be any less valid? What's funny about quoting Psalm 137:9 \"Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks!\"?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"GBA: I certainly don't consider you \"the average person.\" ........thank goodness. Gary crum","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If, as it does in Saudi Arabia and several other countries actual enforced civil law, Shariah law includes death for being a homosexual, that rape can only be proven with the testimony of four (4) male witnesses, that it also takes the testimony of two women to equal the testimony of one man, that women are forbidden to drive, that female sexual mutilation is authorized, that being stoned to death is the punishment for adultery, that a woman cannot be out in public without a male relative, etc. then Sharia law is totally incompatible with my values.\n\nIt is also in conflict with the US Constitution.\n\nIt is barbaric.\n\nAnd that law is enforced in Saudi Arabia and Iran and by ISIS. \n\nThese are 13th century barbarians and it is reflected in their legal code and beliefs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Best answer yet... and it's only the beginning of bear season. I think that may be the next closure...by Saturday","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't forget, Ige was the head of Pihana Pacific, and he ran that into the ground. His puppetmaster Ariyoshi even tried to sue the buyers for millions and they lost that suit big-time. The buyers were able to turn the company around and sold it for hundreds of millions. Ige was appointed to the Leg. while he worked for Hawaiian Tel as a lobbyist in a blatant conflict of interest. Can't understand why Ige himself or people think or believe that Ige was a real engineer. That is an insult to real engineers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That too, but mostly that he won't be able to just throw people in prison.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One of the fun hobbies to do in FBX is building your own CHP combined heat and power unit from junkyard parts. These rigs run beautiful on natgas.\nhttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/results?search_query=combined+heat+and+power","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"diverdave, A human driver would face the same moral dilemma.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There are biological differences, yes. That doesn't mean you (and others) get to categorize people based on your observations and assumptions about their biology, and what you assume it means about their capabilities.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People hearing the above over and over believe the above. And they all call for violence against our President Trump and 'supporters of'by the Far left Dems. \n\nAll I can say is, the ones saying that stuff just watched it unfold live at a baseball game practice. As it is also said, careful what you wish for, you might just get it.\n\nIndeed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CIA Captured Putin\u2019s Instructions to Help Elect Trump","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Folly upon folly.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Putin is a communist and not a fascist. But you are correct in that there is very little difference in communism and fascism; both want absolute state power and no individual liberty or freedom.\n\nInteresting that the Communist Party of the USA political platform so resembles that of the Democratic Party that the CPUSA declines to run its own candidate and always supports the Democratic one.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I bough a 100 shares of CNQ before Jan 2017 and will add oil to my position over the next years as banks become less appealing... like dividends as well but I do not by oil stocks between Jan and May so I am in wait mode to get some more..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Hirono didn\u2019t have many specific answers but promised to maintain the fight for core Democratic party beliefs. \"\n\u201cWe have ICE agents knocking on doors tearing families apart,\u201d Hirono said. \u201cI will raise my voice about targeting minorities for discrimination \u2026 I hate that term \u2018rounded up,\u2019 like they are not human beings.\u201d\n\nWhat?!? Where is this all happening Ms Hirono? Ms Downey, CB should give you more column space so that your article could continue with, \"But when asked for specific information to support her assetions, the senator said.........\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Canadian culture should support itself ,not be shoved down our throats. If we don't watch it we don't need it. My choice. Quit stealing my hard earned tax dollars and focus on the economy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Utah. 3 million people with an average consumption of 5 litres of alcoholic beverages a year.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"but you didn't risk a penny in getting the oil out of the ground and still don't. The only reason Alaska has a PF, a CBR and a host of other things is because a handful of oil companies risked EVERYTHING to build the infrastructure it took to get oil out of the ground and to market. They still employ thousands of Alaskans, what you want is to have the oil companies shutdown and layoff those Alaskans. You want to talk about a nightmare, wait till that happens. It may be \"our\" oil but without the infrastructure to move it, it stays in the ground because the oil companies own the infrastructure. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't look at them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Berman was the star freeloader greedy-and-selfish moneygrubber at the Manning Conference, where individual prosperity is seen as being Godly and it is only your own fault if you are poor.\n\nBerman would prefer not to say that tax increases are needed because the Harper regime ran the government into the ground and tried to keep it that way with tax cuts, just like Agent Orange is doing now.\n\nBerman needs to realize that the Gordon Gecko greed is good mentality is so 1980s...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The welfare and government funded programs are a democratic push. Not republican. \n\nI applaud my Valley mayor. He's absolutely right. I doubt Walker has looked around at state operations in Wasilla. Where would he suppose we take these cuts? Our DOT is down. There's a handful of people at the DMV and F&G. What else? Snow plow drivers? Pretty sure we have just a few as it takes 2 days after snow stops for them to hit my road. Welfare office? Not many there neither. The program office is low on staff as well. Police and fire are low on numbers. \n\nWalker has no clue what he's talking about, just pointing fingers and signing checks while simulataneously making unrealistic vetoes and reaching in our pockets. \n\nInstitute a state-wide 3% general sales tax, no cap. Property excluded. Present mileage tax to septic companies who transport millions of waste to a single-stage treatment facility which is simply dumped in the inlet. How about upgrade our treatment plant instead of building LNG.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Spot on! If I hadn't already made up my mind to vote \"YES\" on this amendment, this article would have convinced me to do so. Keep up the good work, CBers!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Maybe you should consider checking out this awesome little blog https:\/\/eduessayhelper.org\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bell Pottinger did not \"aid and abet\". It was contracted and paid to do a job of work. All this article betrays is a failure to follow the money. Follow the money, name names and nail the culprits. Name the names.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It will no doubt comfort Donny, no matter how bad things get -- his premature and humiliating exit from the Presidency inevitable -- that he will always have his little online fan club, with its beer-drenched brown shirts and supremacist regalia.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agree!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is not programmed that way. Driving and actively avoiding collision are two concepts in automation ... I don't think the developers have given that too much thought, it makes things more complicated.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"My strategy is plan A and B. \nPlan A is noise.\nPlan B is my .44 with 320 grain wadcutters.\n\nPractice, practice, practice.\n\n#bearsprayisforkooks","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One more hate spewer who has no understanding of the issue whatsoever.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is getting old.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I like those ideas as well. What concerns me is how trump thinks he can do it. If his previous comments are any indication we should actually be very concerned. How would he quell civil unrest? How would he silence detractors? Why do people assume our basic civil rights that are being bludgeoned to death will survive a trump administration? Today he asks Russia to hack us?! Seriously?! Wow.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Big money behind Doju. Lots of engineering firms one firm gave 9000, broken up into 3 individuals donating 3000 donations . private practice attorneys. Few doctors.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"OMG haven't we gone over this a million times already. The rail structure is built for rail, not buses, not cars not trucks. Let's not confuse \"Out of the Box\" with decades old discarded ideas being rehashed over and over again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for your comment. The same post got rejected the first time as \"uncivil.\" To me, that implies abusive toward other participants in the discussion, which my post isn't. Your word \"insensitive\" is better, since making any joke about a tragedy is going to have a shocking effect. But it really wasn't \"insensitive,\" either, because I intended it to shock. Jocularity is a timeless reaction to tragedy. You can find it in Greek tragedy (e.g., Prometheus Bound). Jonathan Swift's \"A Modest Proposal\" is a classic of the genre. For contemporary examples, watch some of Quentin Tarantino's movies.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Doesn't make any sense to keep enacting laws that can't\/won't be enforced.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just more special-interest pleading from London. Beyond the mandatory movement of regulated functions, there is no reason why London can't (at least try to keep) most of the deal-making functions there.\n\nFrom the print edition: Carl Mortished is a Canadian financial writer based in London.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really you think the American people need more government crack down ? I guess you don't mind licking the governments boots. No liberty for you .","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It was a question.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Claims against the state and municipal government entities are subject to the Oregon Tort Claims Act and in state court are subject to the caps on damages listed in the law. We currently have a $500,000 cap on non-economic damages on the books (Chap 18, ORS) so if the deceased had no job and no economic damages to speak of the claim isn't worth more than the cap ($500K). In Federal court you could get greater damages and attorney's fees if you could prove some form of a civil rights violation. Hard to tell where the potential claim in Bend is headed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wonder how much we're paying Trump to have Him use his own properties for \"business?\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Some of those calling Lynch a bust also said Siemian was the QB of the future for Denver so take that for what you will. \n\nWhether Lynch is a bust or not remains to be seen, but it's time to move on from Siemian who has proven to be as bad as many believed he was. \n\nAs for Elway, he needs to figure out why he and his team are incapable of finding good offensive linemen.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That's generally my philosophy, but a cup of cream cheese in the mashed potatoes?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The border wall is good as a symbol-- like the Statue of Liberty, but the opposite. But beyond that it is a waste of money. And that comes from border security experts working for the Trump campaign. Remember the campaign when Trump's experts explained Trump's wall as not a real wall, but a \"wall\" of electronic monitoring, ground penetrating radar to detect tunneling, drones, increased fleet of helicopters and boats (along the Rio Grande) increased number of special border patrol vehicles, and increased number of border patrol agents and facilities and roads along the border. They said these things would be more effective than a concrete wall and cost less. The wall they (Trump's experts) said would be extremely expensive because it would require road building to get construction material to the remote sites for the wall. The concrete and construction experts retained by Trump said the cost would be in the $20 Billion range-- same as a road from Seattle to Miami and back.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yep. It seems the alt-right, with their attention span of goldfish, seems to want to declare this thing is \"over\" before it even began. \n\n\nRidiculous.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The PC movement is ripping the country apart. Now PC advocates are getting a push-back they should have known was coming.\n\nNot get me wrong, I'm all for being considerate, non-harassing, etc., but when PC advocates start rubbing it in everyone's face, then I'll push-back. People are hurting their own cause and don't even know it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Incorrect on many counts. You should not be allowed to borrow anything based on the mental capcity stress-test.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Islamic state is taking responsibility for it and patting themselves on the back but it's unlikely that they are directly responsible. It's possible they trolled the sociopath in Nevada on social media. There are crazy people who get talked into doing evil things that way. It worked for Trump. He went on twitter to talk people into voting for him and slanders people who didn't. It's a peer pressure\/bullying thing.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"And yet he's 10X the leader that Harper was. Go figure.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please help fund this so that the story changes for those in need. https:\/\/www.gofundme.com\/Temp-Transitions Thank you","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Boston Tea Party was unpopular at the time. So was the March on Washington, the Freedom Riders, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, MLK, and on and on. To focus on your discomfort with the protestors' method ignores virtually the entire tradition of peaceful protest in the US. It's certainly up to you if you want to disrespect their concerns for the safety of their families because you don't like their method. I don't see how that moves anything forward at all, but to each their own.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh, I read that amendment I believe you speak of. Tell me: Do you believe the Founding Fathers went through all of the trouble to amend the Constitution because they want today's people packing in crowded malls, airports and nightclubs? Or were they wary of lingering British military oppression and wanted to ensure that armed American militias could still form and fight if need be?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Can't coach height.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mathias: yes, you're correct. I used \"legions\" incorrectly as a descriptor of the Trump defenders here in the Globe comments. Truly, it is a unit of several thousand in the ancient Roman armies. \n\nRE your assertion that \"The focus on Trump and the histrionics around him are truly getting old. Yes, he's largely incompetent and reactionary, but what has he done, for example, that Harper hadn't done before him?\"\n\nTo that, all I can say is wow. You may be the only person on the planet who would compare a crazy President to an average Prime Minister. \n\nForward your resume to Sean Spicer, stat!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes it is outrageous isn't it. And Trudeau is the chief cheerleader for those doing it. It may be time for this video of Trudeau to make the rounds again:\n\nhttps:\/\/youtu.be\/tE4qbMVReTM","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your screen eliminates any company whose stock has returned more than 20% over the last year. Why in heaven's name would you want to do this? By doing so, you're simply removing from consideration many of the best investment candidates. \nWould you really prefer to invest in a company with a 3.5% dividend yield that grows its dividend by 5% a year over one with a 5% dividend yield that grows its dividend by 10% per year?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Fox presents both sides of an issue. I can't understand why someone would find it interesting or informative to only hear one side of an issue. The press has special privileges but with that comes a responsibility to report the facts fairly. The MSM unfortunately has an agenda and has taken sides. While to date there hasn't been shown anything with Russia that effected the outcome of the election, the MSM reports and speculates every day, while only Fox reported on the MSM providing questions to Hillary for the debates. The MSM omits news not favorable to Democrats. Maybe you like what CBS has to say compared with Fox, but it's not reality; there's more to the story. At least Fox has an equal number of liberal\/ conservative pundits on the air. You can't say that about the MSM.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No. Mr. Bley is NOT calling you or any other poster names.\n\nHe is characterizing Trump and his white-nationalist supporters in a negative way, which SHOULD be protected speech anywhere, here included.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The freedom to have or to do a thing axiomatically includes the freedom to NOT have or to NOT do that thing, else it isn't a freedom.\n\nTherefore, freedom of religion is also freedom FROM religion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'When one team of researchers interviewed fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders at an urban California high school, they found that more than half of them didn\u2019t know pickles were cucumbers, or that onions and lettuce were plants'. \n\nAnyone living in more rural areas would know chocolate milk doesn't comes from brown cows. Rural area are typically Republican voters. On the other hand urban individuals would be more likely to think something along those lines typically Democrat voters.\nCommon sense and logic!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I hope that they don't use the same general contractor that was involved with the construction & delays at the on-going Union Station renovations and York University subway extension.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How do you expect to be taken seriously when you whine and throw a tantrum like a 2 year old? Your POUTrage has about as much effectiveness as the Cleveland Browns have a chance of making the playoffs in any given year.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What is the point in asking me moronic questions, troll?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"But not as much as he admires Fidel. The Chinese have shown a few too many troubling signs of being free market capitalists within the past few decades for Junior's taste.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gsrys definition of 'troll' is anyone who dissgrees with his leftwing extremist world view.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ho hum, not the irrational Brooks Spector again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"SteveVickRepoBoy, would it be too much to ask that you check with which gender(s) I identify with? \nI would pay you the same courtesy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"President Trump denied the report...gosh, maybe because it wasn't true? Loved watching Chief of Staff Kelly today, answering the press questions--they didn't get to first base with their BS nonsense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where does it state that this tax will fund schools?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why has Gov. Walker killed the Alaskan smaller oil & gas companies and investors, no one except the majors can find and sell oil for a profit in Alaska and still with his veto he refuses to pay the small oil companies $600 million in earned tax credit with its $60 billion, it is 1\/10 of 1%.\n\nI feel the Governor makes Alaska looks like a crooked state, why destroy Alaska's worldwide reputation and attractiveness?\n\nI am sure the Japanese can't be thinking about doing business with people like Bill Walker, I have heard they like honable people!. \n\nIt is like one of Bill Walker's law firm clients saying I can't pay my attorney $ 600 dollars owed because times are hard and I only have $6 million in my savings account.\n\nI feel the Governor has stopped Alaskans like bidder's like Rick Wager of Fairbanks from bidding with the lease rental increase of 8,000% in DNR DOG lease sales and other harsh terms!\n\nThe DNR DOG has denied 8 for 8 lease extensions that harmed 8 smaller oil companies, why?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why is Hawaii the only place with no predicted temperature increase?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A form of hazing back in the 60's was called \"communist\", in this game you were held down by a group, you were asked your name; no matter what name you gave, it was wrong and you, were slapped across the face and humiliated until you cracked. This brutal game was intended to graphically teach that communism was all about violent repression of individualism. The Communist Chinese are still playing the same old game and it seems our leaders want to play.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Trump\u2019s budget plan does not make deep cuts in safety net programs; it simply is removing hammocks from the programs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"She also probably admonished you to look both ways, maybe even look both ways twice. Too many kids nowadays are so self-absorbed and think the whole world revolves around them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"May God be with their souls and families.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Meh, they have great stuff, but I already buy it online.\nCan't imagine driving across town for it..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"An elephant is not mentioned in the article.\n\nMainstream media has failed (hello CBC, Toronto Star, Globe and Mail) to assure viewers they are receiving reporting that aspires to be balanced and objective.\n\nLook, no kidding, when viewers realize, from everyday observations, the big media outlets are not giving straight goods, they will naturally seek alternative (often dubious) information sources. \n\nExamples of media bias?\n\n1. Selectively reporting protests. I favour liberal abortion access for Canada, but city drivers know anti-abortion activists hold periodic protests. The media ignore them - yet activists from Black Lives Matter (and various minority\/gender groups) get covered all the time. Why so SELECTIVE?\n\n2. The South China Morning Post investigating, YEARS before ANY Canadian journalists, the connection between Vancouver house prices and overseas money.\n\n3. CENSORING away race\/ethnicity identities with crime, EMPHASIZING them when good works are done.\n\nOther examples, anyone?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is hilarious to watch the defenders of tax \"fairness\" talk about how people shouldn't be using tax \"loopholes\" to pay less tax. Unless they are hiding their money in off-shore accounts to avoid taxes, none of these \"loopholes\" are illegal or even unfair.\n\nPersonally, I make no-where near enough money to be affected by this, but I take every strategy in the book to reduce my tax burden as much as possible every year. It is every citizen's right to use the avenues that are provided to us, and access to those avenues are what create actual fairness.\n\nI don't begrudge rich people lowering their taxes owing. They just do what every reasonable citizen does, only on a larger scale. That is only fair.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Drain the swamp. The last thing we needed was obstructionism and personal agendas to delay progress. \n\nThe people voted in mayor Kirk. He has promised to continue what has been started against all opposition. (ben). \n\nSouki (84) should settle in retirement while making way for a replacement with fresh new vivid ideas and solutions to our ever growing problems here in Hawaii. The man has served Hawaii and we appreciate his dedication.\n\nWe need new LEADERSHIP. Long overdue.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh for sure. They had me fooled all the way.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They had their chance to give their reasons. They are quoted in the story. Sounds pretty flimsy. Bottom line: the government can do whatever it wants and there's not a thing you can do about it, except take it and hope you aren't physically injured during the interrogation process.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No mention of how the Trudeau Liberals quietly reduced the maximum TSFA contribution from $10000 to $5500?\nAnother way the middle class is going to be hurt, not helped, by the Liberals. \nAdd to this the elimination of income splitting for couples with children, the Children\u2019s Fitness Tax Credit, the Children\u2019s Arts Tax Credit, the Education Tax Credit and the Textbook Tax Credit, and the coming carbon tax...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'Who knew that the healthcare was so complicated..\"\nDJT","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"She was not with her pod. They are in Iceland.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Only a few countries such as Russia and the US really ever cracked the technology for making \u201cunitary\u201d Sarin that had any kind of useful shelf-life. The main chemical reaction that produces Sarin creates 1 molecule of hydrogen fluoride, a potent and dangerous acid, for every molecule of Sarin. This residual HF destroys nearly anything the Sarin is stored in, and quickly degrades the agent. The US and the former USSR made a huge effort to find a way out of this problem. They found different ways to refine the HF out of the Sarin using very expensive chemical engineering techniques. \n\nFurthermore, The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons inspections after Syria\u2019s accession to the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2013 revealed a variety of fixed and mobile mixing apparatus for making binary nerve agents.. Syria either did not develop such techniques or decided it was far cheaper, safer, and easier to stockpile binary components for a \u201cmix it as you need it\u201d process.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How so? You're free to hike into wilderness anytime you like.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well so do I, but that has nothing to do with multiculturalism in CANADA since those rules certainly don't apply here in CANADA.\nIn short, how well do Muslims integrate in CANADA? Is sharia law just around the corner?\nAnd who is out to lunch?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gonegolfing said \"In todays business world\"? Dude, this is the political world of which trump has no business.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Um, a crown attorney is not actually controlled by the Queen.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"contacts between Trump\u2019s team and Russian officials raise questions about the possibility of mutual assistance\"\n\nThis statement is the new era of McCarthyism.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Punished for doing the right thing. 90% of U.S. wild salmon comes from the area Pebble wants to destroy. This is a straight up Midas decision. Do you want everything you touch to turn to gold or do you want to eat?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Might is pretty open ended. I used to live in Winnipeg's west end neighborhood. Great part of town, close to many amenities and the airport. It's also very ethnic between Vietnamese, Philippino and African ethnicities which is excellent because of all the different restaurants but it is also becoming run down with crime. The crime is not from the Asian gangs it's from the Somali gangs fighting it out with the Aboriginal gangs.\n\nMy house was broken into twice as well as my car (3 times) so maybe I did have them over.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No surprises...Justin is simply built for success. He's excelled in every endeavor he's undertaken including his school work, believe he was a 4.0 student as well. He has been blessed with an amazing family and support network including amazing Coaches and Teaches who absolutely loaded with quality, high integrity, hard working people. With all that he has going for him, he is genuinely a great kid who doesn't has his nose in the air and no, I'm not related, just proud as heck of this amazing young man who will excel in something more important than football which is life....though he is an amazing FB player.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Stunning! After last night, they showed no sign of fatigue. They instead took it to \n#13 Utah throughout the game - a total team effort. Onward to the NCAA's!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, sounds like somebody was always picked last to play sandlot football with his buddies","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"if the democrats want to win they need to\n\n1) Stop being pro-illegal immigration and start promoting legal immigration instead. Get tough on illegal immigrants who murder people. Instead of finding excuses or justifications. Promote legal immigration and stop encouraging or excusing illegal immigration.\n\n2) Stop with the social justice warrior nonsense. This is just becoming attacks on free speech and killing the exchange of reasonable ideas that promote a country to grow intellectually.\n\n3) Related to #2... but stop searching for things to be offended by\n\n4) Stop hating\/disrespecting the military. Even Obama warned his side of the spectrum to stop doing this in one of his final interviews.\n\n5) ISIS\/Al-Qaeda and Boko Harem are NOT your misunderstood friends. And everybody knows that All Muslims are not terrorists. But be realistic about the threat. and make this CLEAR to the public you feel this way\n\nIf they did this... then the Republicans would have nothing to stand on and would lose","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"All in all, it sounds like the folks in Nome where a heck of lot my civil and friendly then some of the committers on this article.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"they are NOT ideologues, they are arrogant self taught amateur yahoos.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Watch out for Zika, Danny Bay.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Conscience is about personal situations. Challeging teaching because it is divergent from reality, scientific or otherwise, is prophesy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Says the guy who can't distinguish 'then' --a conjunctive adverb and 'than'--a comparative adjective.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As long as united PC & WR keeps it together there will be a huge success in less than 2 years. All that has to be done is to keep the ship steady & make sure it stays united (if it actually does unite).\n\nEven without union chances for NDP look bleak - they are trailing right now at #3 in popular vote after WR and PC.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I only wonder before this unfortunate decision was made if it was considered to simply add space for more letters. Perhaps an extra page once a week to clear the back log of 250 word articulate letters. I find the letters page is one of the most interesting in the paper.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A 23 year old who deliberately posts that type of comment should be held accountable. Youthful foolishness? He is not a 12 year old kid - he is an adult. There are other ways to challenge someone when you disagree. Freedom of speech is one thing but when you think it is funny to deliberately post a death threat that has the potential for serious consequences. Regardless of how we view Mr. Traini as a public figure, telling him he will be assassinated should NEVER be something we overlook as simply youthful foolishness. The daily news tells us how often these threats are signs that something could have been prevented. Glad it was reported.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Boy - you just can't shut these two up, can you? \n\nMaybe go take another vacation Obamas - I hear the Aga Kahn has a nice place.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"first the senate has to be controlled in the majority by democrats and the way things are going none of us will be alive to ever see that again.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Colleges should not be supported by state and still gouge students every year with rising tuition. They are not paid for unpopular thoughts. Same as news anchors giving opinions instead of sticking to facts and let us decide what to accept. Keep the thoughts to themselves and teach skills. Thats the problem with colleges today, they are more interested in pushing opinions and their agendas, students in streets protesting crap instead of class.They are there to help prepare students for their fields of work they choose to support them in the real world. Who wants to pay for opinions. Just because a person gets a professor job doesn't mean students\/parents need to pay high costs for their opinion. Its school, a change to get a degree in a field of the students choice. Opinions don't get degrees and students shouldn't have to waste their time listening to some pontificating teacher's opinion on the class or world. Why buy books when teacher is giving their opinions as education.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Deal with it as it happens. As and when the Dumpster lowers the US tax take we can follow suit. The US is so far in debt at present after 15 years of non-stop war we should be able to out do them in tax reductions. Sure our national debt will rise but not as fast as theirs. If he is to believed, the Dumpster will start many such races to the bottom so why try to anticipate it? Better to wait and see what he actually does and be quick to match it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Looking forward to the next prov election in ON! wow oh wow. Libs: 2 seats","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just a reminder re education and textbook deductions. While they are still allowed for the 2016 tax year, they are being eliminated in 2017. \n\nhttp:\/\/www.cra-arc.gc.ca\/tx\/ndvdls\/tpcs\/ncm-tx\/rtrn\/cmpltng\/ddctns\/lns300-350\/323\/menu-eng.html","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't like how the word \"racism\" has come to be equated with \"racial bias\". Back in the civil rights era, there were plenty of racists. These were people with a willful ideological belief in the supremacy and separateness of the white race, and a political agenda to implement and perpetuate it through legal, political, and institutional means. While such racism as an ideological belief is surely not dead, I believe that it has greatly declined.\n\nBut today we are willing to call someone a \"racist\" when they have an unconscious racial bias. And indeed, the studies cited in the article show that that includes almost everybody. I believe that this is an unfortunate cheapening of the term \"racist\". I am not saying that we should not fight unconscious biases, only that there is a big difference between such biases and racism as a belief.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well... there is really only one way for Trump to outdo himself now, and it is really precisely what everyone has been afraid of since the beginning of his candidacy for president.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It would be sweet for Trudeau to escape investigation, you say?\n\nWhy? Is he above the law?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mr. munger is justifying violence because he doesn't agree with something. Sad, very sad.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your claim is false. The Caledon firefighters are unionized. They're members of the International Firefighters Association, Local 4686.\n\nThat means that while Mandy Gould enjoys the protection of the IFFA Local 1068 in Brampton, she's jeopardizing the jobs of the union members at Local 4686 by doing their work for free.\n\nEVERYONE has the choice of whether or not to be a union member. If you don't want to be a member, take up employment in a non-union environment.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ok correct me if I'm wrong here. But have native Hawaiians really existed in these islands for millennia? How can you prove that it wasn't just the last 700 years? I don't mind being wrong, but just wondering about your statement. \nMy second point and once again, I don't mind being wrong if I am. But over this \"mellenia\" or what ever time period, wasn't the idea of a unified Hawaii government across all islands was just a small fraction of history where kamehameha I basically bullied his way through the islands often by bloody take over of the native people of those islands that fought to be independent of his rule? So it is not like the American take over was he first hostile take over of the people that existed here for over this \"mellenia\" was it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but your picture of history doesn't quite tell the real story to me.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Another entertaining game. Matthews almost got the hat trick. Again, when the game is on your stick, you need to bury the chances. Price played well and came up big as he is known. Progress is never a straight line as the Leafs are illustrating that concept. Fun to watch a meaningful game between the Leafs and Habs this late in the season, something that has not happened in a while.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"liberals.....hypocrites who truly practice the politics of division","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Well, the Russians and Chinese don't seem to think it is a myth, although I will grant you that the newer versions of the GE and geared turbo-fan engines appear to be improving.\n\nStill, the Americans, and everybody else has nothing like the engine capability of the Russian planes, nor the range, nor the thrust.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"PMINZ: I don't know about \"thousands\" but yes, I agree. SHOPO will love the idea and the cops will like the overtime. Still cheaper in the long run than what we do now with these sweeps and the cost to the damaged infrastructure, public health and the quality of life.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When her daughter died at 2PM, , there were no or only a few white supremacists there at the intersection. The KKK, racist crowd had already dispersed around 11AM, much to the disappointment of the left wing mob. It was a mix of young radical students, leftists, Antifa goons and anti Trump protesters with baseball bats, shields, helmets, facemasks, dressed in black, fully prepared to engage in mindless violence. Most of the damage to the car was from the antiTrump thugs with baseball bats. The car crash was completely despicable, but they were not humble pilgrims in search of world peace. Trump was correct to identify the violence from both sides. But as they say \u201cOne man's terrorist is another man's Antifa.\u201d.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Driver's responsibility is safety. Eyes on the road. The most dangerous thing most people will ever do in their lifetime, is drive a vehicle. If you want to view scenery, be a passenger.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just ban any Rally, and allow free speech to be expressed via the University media systems. The Uni has an obligation to stay nuetral on all issues. It is a forum of free expression and debate. To pick and choose who can express certain idea makes them hypocrates. It goes against the premiss of any University and its very diversity. Ban them all or allow them all.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You cut costs by eliminating overhead. Healthcare insurance is 100% overhead costs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well, the establishment media declared Hillary Clinton a winner too, way before the election, so we'll see....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"deflection? you act like a parrot that repeats things without thought. My post is about the staggering shameless hypocrisy of the left, and how once again it is only evil if anyone else does it. I am intellectually honest to a fault, it is evil when any one does it. Therein, let's put on our thinking caps like in 1st grade, and answer me this grade school question: what logical reason would I have to deflect from that which I say is evil for anyone to do? here's another grade school question for you to consider: could it possibly be my point wasn't to deflect, but drive home the point it is evil when everyone does it, and let's stop this double standard you always puke on this board?\n There will be attest this Friday Mr. Teacher","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But the characteristics being profiled are not causative of crime. And, voila, you have what is known as racism and racial profiling. You're a slow learner.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yep - a clue that his own egocentricity may surpass even Donald Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Isn't it odd that every picture printed on these pages of our President is a bad one?\nNot really. Never would have done that to Hillary. Just hate that the Dems lost the election.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I believe the decline especially among those under 30 is that they sense the hypocrisy, judgmental nature and general lack of love and kindness among Christians as a huge turn-off. We again, I believe, need to hearken back to the Gospels and love one another as Christ loves us, period.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"this is precisely why I'm switching over to KTUU. The blatant and systematic omission, on purpose, by ADN of the ethnicity of crime suspects is WRONG. Screw you ADN, and goodbye. I will be getting my news elsewhere from now on, but not before raising a stink about your garbage journalism.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The Nixon investigations took something close to 2 years, Bill Clinton, about the same, and the Benghazi investigations took close to 4 before they turned up the email server. Be patient.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"At least in Hawaii they don't have to worry about freezing to death. Being homeless in AK can literally kill you.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No more feet left to shoot themselves in!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"It's not turrets, it's called Eye, ears and a brain.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes the Church does reflect that, but it semi officially deflects all the blame to gay priests. This is wrong for a number of reasons. It ignores the availability issue of boys vs girls as altar servers. It ignores what data we have from the developing world. It ignores the fact that pedophiles also have an adult orientation and most claim that orientation to be heterosexual, and it conveniently maintains celibacy is honored by heterosexual priests and ignored by gay priests. No credible data supports that assumption, but the homosexual aspect is great salacious news for the conservative press.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"P.S Repeal the mandate. No one should be forced into buying something they don't want.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Buurrrrp.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, Jerry, apparently using her reasoning the Nat. Basketball Ass, N.B.A., should disband as 11 out of 13 members of each team are Black\/ African-American.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Reading reflexive comments like this makes Elsie's point rather nicely. We now live in an Idiocracy. I fear it's too late to recover.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They weren't \"removed\". They were being used elsewhere. That they were \"removed\" with advance knowledge of an attack is a conspiracy theory that has been debunked.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And what did the non participants do when they saw students being malnourished, beaten, and sexually abused, at every Church Run Native Residential School. BC Bishop Hubert O'Connor claimed that the native women he sexually assaulted consented to having sex with him. They remember it differently: ' A former student testified he had ordered her to clean his bathroom, then pulled her onto his bed and said: \"Let's have some fun.\" '\n\nhttp:\/\/www.theglobeandmail.com\/news\/national\/disgraced-bc-bishop-dead-of-heart-attack\/article1079249\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"first, i know many people on the street aren't there by choice, i am always aware that most of us are just one paycheck from a downward slide... \n i am concerned about my neighborhood. we have enough to deal with - we do have a population of homeless that prey on homeowners. the service center on 99 is a magnet of sorts ... that's very good that there are solid social services to help people . i see no problem with putting low income housing in higher income neighborhoods. coburg rd is a good location. plenty of shopping just blocks away in several directions, the VA hospital, Social Security....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You watch too many movies. Grow up.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How about regulating legal fees. That's what eats up so much of both investment banking fees and general costs of doing business everywhere.\n\nOh wait, the regulators are all lawyers. Most of the politicians too. That's why the largess still continues.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Playing with such a large segment of the economy is a very slippery grenade. Especially when the industry says don't grease the pin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Aha! THAT explains many of your remarks!!!\n\ud83d\ude1c","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The fake news media feel free to put out slanted and sometimes outright fake news under the guise of freedom of the press. But when Trump wants to run an ad they become so offended and outraged when they feel his standard of \"The Truth\" doesn't jive with theirs. The elite press claim to be the last bastion of a free society, but they really look down on the everyday people they claim to be protecting. That's why they are still outraged that a dummy like Trump could survive and win after they bombarded him with hundreds of millions of dollars in negative attack ads and articles. How dare he challenge the press...and win! Nobody has done that before. The time of coddling the press and bowing to their power is over. Trump has turned the tables and if he does nothing else for the next 4 years, he will have done this country a great favor. President Trump is going at Mach One with his hair on fire and the pitiful press and the Dems are left with calling him names and protesting.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"None of them suffer from unintended acceleration. The mother company never killed anyone via unintended acceleration due to an unwillingness to make a recall and admit failure.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And what do you know of Alberta let alone the Progressive Conservative Party or the Wildrose Party?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Completely out to lunch. In five years 1 bitcoin will buy a lambo!\nThere are already coins that do not require exchanges, transactions are between the buyer and seller only. Money is received and the coins released. There is no way to stop it, track it, regulate it or control it by big brother.\nFiat money will lose more and more value. There will be more and more people converting to cryptocurrency, then a huge run as people unload fiat all together. It will be worthless even as TP. The governments will collapse. It will be beautiful because we will be really become free.\nThe only thing to do is understand what is happening and take action. The sooner the better for you. It is has been a long time coming since they dropped the gold standard.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a clever idea. Of course there is no security threat as who would be so bold as to attack us? We could open up a corridor for safety and attract all those who happen to get wind of the safe corridor. Perhaps we could send military aircraft to their countries and bring family member to Canada as well. After all we are caring Canadians and who would attack or take advantage of us?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bonuses are generally paid to those who achieve success.\n\nIf your business cannot survive without continual, massive government handouts, you are not very successful, are you?\n\nLittle wonder Canadians are rightly outraged by the arrogance and outright stupidity displayed by Bombardier senior management. And one must wonder if this arrogance and outright stupidity is behind their need for continual handouts in the first place?\n\nPerhaps - just perhaps - what these senior executives need is not a bonus but a pink slip.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Lol, not even close. Jimmy Kimmel received the care he did for his son because he has money and health care through work. Kimmel is not receiving care because of obamacare. If he were in a position to require care, he would realize it is not even remotely on par with what he is receiving. With Obamacare for example, many doctors will not see certain patients. His credibility is being entirely pushed on the basis that his child was sick. While it is great his son received the care he did, for him to think it has anything to do with obamacare is just naive. \nI welcome and encourage him to continue raising awareness to issues but he is far off the mark. US has the highest spending on healthcare because it is advancing healthcare for the world. Look at how many healthcare developments come from the U.S. vs. every other country in the world. It is expensive when they subsidize everyone else.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It HAS changed from when a vast majority of these brains received their damage.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People can exercise reproductive rights only if they live. The right to live trumps all rights my friend.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When you live in the patch, bad water and bad air\u200b is a fact of life. Above any commercially viable hydrocarbon reservoir are shallower ones that gradually leak out. In the Permian basin, for example, there are water wells that were drilled over 100 years ago, before any oil well had been drilled in Texas, and the water had enough methane in it to be flammable.\n\nThe town of Sweetwater, Texas got its name from being the 1st good water found near the Permian basin.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Funny really funny!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please follow your own link. This is certainly NOT proof. The link simply goes to a wiki page that religious people have noted to say he existed. Google \"proof\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"That is all in your head.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"RD, this article is about administration of parishes. Your blather about what you have, in your typically arrogant way, decided should be everyone else's priorities in their lives is wholly irrelevant.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Stuff your dictatorial crap.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Good article for those who think government will save them, or even more foolish \"keep them safe\".","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for your post however since it's just a rehash of an article that has already been refuted by multiple sources, including the ones I provided, it can hardly be considered credible.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"According to the oil lobby, they only account for 10% or less of the gdp. So which one is it? Make up your darn mind","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"PatrickOwens,\n\" Americans that have to live with this incompetence for the next four years.\"\nPatrick, allow me, if you will, a minor correction in your paragraph, \nAmericans that have to live with this incompetence for the next eight years.\nNext, if you're following, Ivanka might be the first Woman President of the United States of America.\nFeel free to walk away taking the rest of the minions with you.\nThanks for allowing me this opportunity to correct your opinion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"lol. The Obama bubble, inflated by artificially low interest rates, depriving the middle and lower classes of any incentive to save while enriching the already affluent, continues. Income redistribution of the worst kind, the trickle-up economy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"true\n\npay for another poll","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Anti-cop Obama excused BLM, and actually hosted them at the White House multiple times.\n\nHe even defended them at the FUNERAL for the five cops killed by a black nationalist in Dallas during a BLM anti-cop protest.\n\nAnd he pushed the fake \"hands up dont shoot\" meme during the violent Ferguson riots, which his DOJ actually encouraged.\n\nBut in your world those disgusting actions should be considered noble.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Fair enough, if I pay more taxes under a new plan, I will gladly appear in public to protest. Sure hope they get rid of the death tax!!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ty","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"well under trump jobs will go thru the roof thus they will manage just fine while in canada with our higher taxes, regulations and over all stupidity to the economy by the likes of justin and wynne we will be the ones that need the luck","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This looks really good!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'll not buy the media's hate. I'm getting more sick of their lying hate every day","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They are beautiful machines, but what a butt ugly colour.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He had no problems feeding from the tax trough mind you. Your comment is nothing more than garbage.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Well, for sure, you won't be calling 911 EVER. Right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why not target them from the air? I will NEVER support another ground war in Korea.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Roy Tanouye,\n\nRail would be worth it if we got what was sold. We were sold on traffic relief and some other feel good concepts like \"affordable housing\". Now we find that rail will not help relieve traffic and affordable housing is a minimum and the jobs that rail was supposed to create aren't there.\n\nRail was a bait and switch scam and Oahu taxpayers fell for it.\n\nNot to mention the massive cost overruns and a complete lack of accountability. FYI, it's not only the half cent GET, it is also gas taxes, and now hotel taxes (no more staycations for me) and soon enough, massive property tax increases when the next cost overrun occurs and another massive property tax increase when the rail is running for O&M costs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The news is late anyways!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The awful, braindead drivers of this town can't even steal a car correctly.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you count civilian staff, then yes, it's well over 100,000, which I guess should also count since we do all work together.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Despots and fascists come in all colors and they don't like outsiders.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"So how did Stone know about the Clinton email leak BEFORE it happened?\nhttp:\/\/www.cnn.com\/2017\/03\/20\/politics\/kfile-roger-stone-wikileaks-claims\/index.html","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's not that complex.\n\nHoliness is hard, the pursuit of virtues too is hard, but both are rather simple.\n\nRacism is just another vice, an ugly one to be sure. \nBut it is certainly less ugly than killing our own offspring.\nIt's less ugly than adultery in fact. \nIt's really really awful, but it's less awful than these other things I've mentioned. \n\nIt has a sort of fashionable \"valence\", that allows some people on both sides to take umbrage with. Focusing on it, sort of give some people a comfortable distance from having to work on their own nagging defects that are disrupting the REAL here and now relationships they have with their families, neighbors, and co-workers. \n\nSo (the topic) can distract us from the HARDER work of personal holiness.\n\nIt sort of gives people air cover to be seen as on the higher moral ground. \"I was at the protest...see Facebook picture I posted!!\"\n\nBut if we're honest, it provides cover for some to not focus on cleaning up their own defects and vices.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Aging is inevitable - even Conservatives acknowledge this - check this link for details.\nhttp:\/\/sustainablesociety.com\/population\/aging#.WRBbdNy1uUk\n\nJapan has a very high level of equality and social cohesion while Canada's has been declining for 50 years. Endless economic growth is impossible but if the size and growth rate is your metric, a balanced society looks like armageddon. \n\nTo the rest of us, high levels of equality, high quality jobs, low unemployment, fiscal balance and environmental sustainability looks like a progressive society.\n\nCheers,\nJohn Meyer","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Went, the old plagiarist herself! What a fabulous source of facts. In case you don't know, Wente writes Conservative partisan opinion pieces, she isn't in the news business.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Misrepresentation. Maryam Monsef c'mon down. 2019 cannot come soon enough to toss these idiots. I guess being a Canadian doesn't count for much anymore.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I love President Trump..........but Wynne\/Junior are up to no good and everybody has their eyes off them. Who's watching here in Canada - certainly not any left wing drive-by media type . Sad !","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is absolutely wonderful news!! Welcome Home Saars!! Port Angeles missed you and so did all of your loyal customers. Best Wishes in crushing the competitor!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Many people are fed up with immigration from a certain place of the world, who would not want to assimilate and are imposing their political-religious agenda, aided by a young and inexperienced PM vent on fully implementing this ideology against the wishes of the majority.\nLegal immigration from other western friendly places are still welcome as far as you can tell.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wasn't blaming obama for this one incident. I'm blaming the media and national leaders for at times siding with the wrong side of the crowd in Fergusson MO and elsewhere. Sticking up for thugs with no respect for their country or city or society who don't really care about the lives they claim to care about but rather use it as a convenient excuse to loot and riot. These are the actions\/inactions that are leading to police murders. This wasn't happening too often until the past few years.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And let' s get beaten to pulp. 26% of Canada's GDP depends on the US. Less than 4% of the US GDP depends on Canada . Talk sense. You are obviously one of those that talks loud but carries a small stick.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"it's not guaranteed' to underperform. Don't be silly.\n\n\n\nthe author's OWN portoflio of etf's has grossly underperformed his colleague's (at globefund)active portfolios . Why is that? Also, he is usig his OPINION as to asset allocation; active investing....just different shades","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well on the upside when it comes to intellect neither of them will have a commanding lead . Trump favours Russia, Trudeau China - so both would prefer to act in a fully authoritarian manner another draw. Finally Justin should also inform Trump that if he appoints Sarah Palin his ambassador to Canada, Trudeau will appoint his mommy as Canada's ambassador to the US. That way everything would continue to be in pretty much perfect balance.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And you're lying. Lot's of us, male and female on this site get along fine with Jade.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Raymond Justice did it...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"See it more as a daily oil industry funded periodical, myself.\n\nWonder how much that their CAPP advertising brings in ?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nice post Art. Thanks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Tempo Mento Trump","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Only the priest is the ordinary minister of the Eucharist (his hands are consecrated). Why is it some kind of affront to call EMHCs EMHCs when distributing the Body and Blood of Christ is a privilege and something that was supposed to be only used in exceptional cases?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"How many fake names have you sent comments in under, Joe?\"\n\nOK who is Scott10?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And you should buy flood insurance, whatever the cost. otherwise you can;t afford to live by the water.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Replanting in Canada usually involves creation of mono culture and heavy usage of pesticides to kill off plant that are not strictly beneficiary to logging industry. Clear-cutting of large area increases mercury contamination in lakes, etc. World needs forestry products from sustainable (like FSC certified) logging practices. Something that Resolute opposes because it cuts into their short term profits. \n\nInteresting that for example Kimberly Clark, company many times larger than Resolute, has no problem with Greenpeace. Opposite, they work together to develop sustainable forestry practices. Read this carefully again, KC cuts down trees, GP supports them.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Jreynolds: \"Remember then Mayor Leiken\u2019s quote when Glenwood was turned over to Springfield\u2019s planning jurisdiction, \u201cThis is our version of the Louisiana Purchase.\u201d\n the man was a visionary and right on the money. the fact they fought over who would HAVE to take glenwood, for years, still makes me laugh. really - how short sighted","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"BCE is acting like a dog that got snake bit...\n\nMeanwhile the pipeline crowd (in a one day Trumpian fervor) and led by \"Mr Pipeline\" himself... are now calling for \"four more years !\"...\n\n(of making future returns like 2016's )\nWait until Trump announces his new terms for buying our oil... instead of US stuff.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And that more testimony in private still leaves our President Trump our president! Like we all knew it would. Come Monday, it will still be our President Trump. And come 2018, and in 2019 it will still be our President Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"i have been in real estate for over 50 years.. that called the long run.. real estate, in the long run.. it is hard to lose... i never have.. my philosophy.. buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying.. enjoy the slack time...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I believe in capitalism.. and accountability. If shareholders of companies that exploit these public , shared resources get a windfall benefit , by avoiding cleanup responsibilites, it strikes me that it is an appropriate role of government to strongly safeguard subsequent users of those public resources. \nIs there a compelling argument against this? And what would that argument be?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Getting elected and re-elected President is \"a failure as a man\"?\n\nOr were you thinking of something else, like the size of his hands? Do elaborate!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"How can a leftist be in favor of liberty, since every proposal I have heard from the left requires the government to FORCE participation\/ funding ?\nGovernment force is the opposite of liberty.\n37 days !!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"YOU suck. Have you taken the Hypocratic Oath. Did you even know or understand what you were swearing to? I doubt it.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Why would you ask? I believe both are great cries for help, and the less of each the better.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why would men put up with divorce rape? Why would men put up with a legal system that is weighed against them? Why would men put up with feminist hags? Men have give up on women because of what what women have become...simple answer.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ok so how does continuing to read \"My Pet Goat\" after being told the nation is under attack fly with you?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sounds right to me. When people hate, they loose the ability to reason. Dems hate anyone who disagrees with any part of their agenda. Their love for illegal aliens and protection of sexually confused males (over females) is what made me turn Independent.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Anybody notice how Rex's comment pattern is similar to Trump's Twitter pattern. Desperately flailing away at anything he disagrees with, trying to create an alternative reality. Poor Rex, everyday there are so many facts that are inconvenient to his belief system.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's sad that so many believed this liar\/politician and put him in office as he is clearly not for what he pretended to be. And this goes for both trump and caldwell.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes congrats,\nThe NYT giving editorial privileged to the DNC prior to going to print, the leaking of debate questions, burning Bernie with full compliance of the establishment are all examples of collusion and bias left wing media.\nJournalism is dead and so is their credibility, hence Trump.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Your another prime example of \"sour grapes\"! You along with the other Chumpsters are coming up with all kinds of excuses to back a president, (and I use that term loosely) as well as the republican party that is reeling from arrogance and the lack of knowledge to run a country. It is falling apart in front of all of you or should I say all of this country and the repubs cant handle the fire now that its lit and burning out of control!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ah that was a very VERY large drone aircraft. Actually I would consider that more of a drone than this one and the others like it. However since we have a simple minded society and press they use the term drone instead of RC craft. Drones are very large, the one that almost took out the C13o was close to cesna sized.. this one was the size of a very small rc plane. (roughly 1ftx1ft)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for the link. So 2010 was only the largest run in the last 100 years, and it was followed by a 20+ million year in 2014. The years from 1910 to 2000 were quite low....roughly in the range we've seen for the last couple of years. Let's see what 2018 brings.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This will not go over well in Quebec, the only place besides the Maritimes where the Liberals still maintain traction.\n\nIt is one thing to turn a blind eye to the Liberals supporting a family de \"chez nous\" like the Beaudoins or Bombardiers, but another thing entirely if the Quebecois feel that they are being bamboozled by \"les juifs\", with the help of the Liberals.\n\nI am not saying that this is how it should be; it is just how it is.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just as getting ordinary people fired for some badly worded social media comment considered \"racist, x-phobic\", etc., isn't the only possible way to deal with social issues.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"you are the one who posts all the racist comments. every day...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He's right about paying for good quality employees, unless you want all city workers to be like the surly teen that hates his low paying job at the movie theatre. Perhaps the city could make extra money by not inhibiting zoning and license approvals for the new marijuana industry? A couple million has been seen in other areas, and while ours would be less, it's a start! We could also do well to sue the contractors Sullivan hired to implement SAP and possibly anyone involved in approving them. Black & Veach and Peleton Group (I think, going from memory). The city was paying for weekly airfare to the lower 48, hotel rooms in the captain cook, and all kinds of other extravagant bullflop for those contractors - and they still left the job in a broken, unimplemented state.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The total incidence of dementia from all causes in people over 85 is 25%. It is much lower in people who are younger. From the numbers available the minimum incidence of CTE in ex-NFL players is 9-10% over all age groups (that is assuming that no other cases of CTE are found in any more NFL players, not the most likely event).\nSo the most optimistic reading of numbers still says that this is a huge problem for NFL players and for younger players who have sustained less injury. Further study and more data can not make this look only better, and most probably only worse.\nBad news for football players.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Interesting move. It might have made more sense to have a backup for Andy Janovich on the practice squad given how critical that position is to opening holes for the running game.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"if there any balance yes but there isn't","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No, what it reinforces is that dogs and every other animal don't belong on a film set. I saw the video and won't be going near that movie,","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"'ANC members of parliament are an advanced cadreship (???) of the ANC....\nAs activists, we will not be part of actions that will bring our country to a brink of collapse'.\nNever mind, Mr Mthembu, you're doing that very well indeed, all by yourselves.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Group think anyone.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually not true, many companies now insist you back their company vehicles into a stall. Many of those are vans with little or no visibility except mirrors unless they have a backup camera. Many of those same vehicles have to load or unload stuff and they can do it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wow, you're not exactly strengthening your position by comparing Canada to a settler state like Zimbabwe where 80% of the land was owned by 10,000 white farmers at independence. How do you think they got that land?\nHINT: they didn't buy it from willing sellers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Tax grab. But a good tax grab.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Do you people understand that the issue is not what Bill did but what Hillary did in response? Logic and common sense is in very short supply these days.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Remember when Foxnews went on and on about the War on Christmas? They had half the country convinced we were all building atheist Nativity scenes on our front lawns. When actually there was only one idiot in California doing so. Now the Liberal media is doing the same with Neo- Nazis. The country has a few hundred of them, but you would think we had 30 million. People who get their news from the propaganda cable news need to turn their bloody tvs off.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As a Canadian that grew up in the system, I never had any idea how much we're over-paying until family members from the UK and Europe started visiting. A common thing I hear is disbelief at how much we pay for milk and cheese, so this article seems to hit the nail on the head...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's instructive that KPMG International is meeting with Gordhan and Jonas ... and not the current Minister of Finance","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No, Mr. Trudeau, the complaints stem from you promising fair and open nomination races and doing the exact opposite. In my world that would be considered lying; what is it called in your world, Mr. Trudeau?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Do you sincerely think you know anything about me? What a stupid response\/question.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Good points you make, but no worries, they will likely not be heard by those using this tragedy to advance their political cause.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Chickens are the best! They are highly entertaining and lay eggs to boot!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"But is that not why the current hubbub exists? Trump said that both sides were to blames and suddenly he is all for nazis according to the the left. The leftist committing acts of violence are given a pass as they are the cool kids and the ones on the right are not cool so its okay to hurt them. No harm no foul right? For some reason I thought assaulting people was against the law, but I guess if you are on the left you can do as you please. \nOn a different note, I truly believe that the City of Charlottesville failed. They had an abundance of resources to call on and underestimated what the result would be. They are to blame as much as the walking talking erections that committed acts of violence.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I love how little Justin & his mental midget liberals ALWAYS stand up for Ont & Quebec interests and couldn't care less about the rest of the country.\nAnd you wonder why he is so hated and despised in Western Canada (as was his daddy--- for basically the same reasons).","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for the tip, Pam.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Under the first step, the federal cultural agency had announced that by 2019 half of the projects it produces would be directed by women and half of the money it spends on films would go to projects directed by women.\"\n\nHello, Justin Trudeau? I am okay with the federal group doing that, as long as the Feds plan in 2019 to also do the following:\n\n1. Distribute, to only male nurses, one half of all dollars paid to all nurses in Canada, and\n2. Distribute, to only male elementary school teachers, one half of all dollars paid to all elementary school teachers in Canada.\n\nSo please, Justin, go ahead with your Film Board's plan, just so long as you also cover the nurse and teacher situations.\n\nHowever, if you choose NOT to do the nurse and teacher thing, well, in that case your Film Board plan amounts to an unfair and sexist and regressive abomination of justice, and you ought to be ashamed of your disgraceful and extremely unethical behavior in the area of gender matters in Canada.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gosh, this is so exciting. Finally, the WEA and the teachers are gonna get what they want (because it's always been about what the WEA and the teachers want as it's generally assumed that what's best for the WEA and the teachers is exactly what's best for the kids). Now maybe they'll stop complaining and threatening to strike.\n\nWait, who am I kidding here. Of course the WEA and the teachers aren't gonna stop complaining and threatening to strike. Nothing is ever good enough for them...I guarantee this massive influx of spending (along with the associated massive increase in property taxes that we'll all have to endure) will be considered just the bare minimum by the WEA and the teachers and we'll have to continue to hear their interpretation of \"amply fund\" for years to come - none of which bodes well for the long suffering taxpayers' wallets or their sanity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Scientists believe coral is damaged when oxybenzone exceeds a concentration of 62 parts per trillion, which is roughly equivalent to one drop of water in six and a half Olympic-sized swimming pools.\" Christians \"believe\" that Jesus is the Messiah. This article showed no proof or scientific \"consensus\", just, perhaps, \"a good idea just in case\". You people would regulate our every move if it would MAYBE save some species other than human. Too much.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It is no wonder sexual violence is epidemic in Alaska. This backlog of rape kits shows the society\/community\/state history of tolerance for sex crimes. Until 'rape' isn't tolerated at any level, it will stay an epidemic in Alaska.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You got something there. I don't know if 7 million is too much, but a booth may be the right thing!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You seem to forget that he was a prominent voice supporting Zupta at the recently held NEC meeting. He is a spineless opportunist who won't rock the boat until the flames have breached his perimeter wall. Then he will scamper Cyril side and offer to lick his boots clean.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"IN addition to Al's comments, the Westminster line opened on time along with the A line. Are you thinking of the G line to Arvada? And the A line is not hemorrhaging huge expenses, the flaggers are being paid by the private company that messed up the A line, tax payers are not paying for it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh, she lied alright. And more recently than that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nonsense.................... Read the 25th amendment. \nThere is even a picture of a nut job with orange hair.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Give me his number p**ck","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I'm back - whatever cause he supported had nothing - NOTHING - to do with this! \nWhat about Donald Trump? \nBesides, Mr. Weinstein is now devoting his energies to fighting the NRA and donating to women's charities. \nHe's also hired therapists. \n\nWhat has Trump done?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"AWESOME!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Added to the summer reading list of this immigrant woman who so ardently cling to this last bastion of hope for all who want real freedom and independence in this world.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Subscribe or Sign In. Ugh.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why are you seeking contributions? Who do you think would contribute? Do you have any thoughts about the story at hand? Why seek contributions in this thread instead of others?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Bud,\n\nObamacare has drive-up prices in a lot of directions, some of them surprising. We have two dogs and the Obamacare taxes on medications that are also used for non-human applications have more than doubled the prices of some of the medicines they sometimes need. The antibiotic one dog need following surgery has tripled in price. The heartworm medicine another will soon begin receiving has almost quadrupled in price.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When I first saw the headline, I actually believed that this is what this article would discuss.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Tulsi is no Harry Kim as Kim has consistently shown in his two terms when he ran for Mayor of Hawaii that he would not accept large donations or donations from any company or PAC unlike Tulsi who is trying to show people that she is the \"goody 2 shoes\" by not accepting PAC monies while she goes galavanting around the world appeasing leaders like Assad in Syria...why didn't she campaign on those issues before her constituents....haw....do you think she would have been elected?? How can her constituents be so duped as to ignore what she supposed to be doing and that is representing her congressional district yet her supporters think she is the greatest...greatest of what that she would advocate the U.S. to appease people like Assad to avoid war....give me a break......and now she wants to run for national office or even Sen. Hirono's seat.....give me a break!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Shoelaces are quite different than steering and brakes. I agree with David Kelly. Driving is a privilege, not a right. You need to have safe equipment or you should not be on the road ! Did the dude have insurance I would be surprised if he did. Your example sucks. Why don't you get the reckless drivers address and send him some money for insurance and brakes and steering repair if you want to help someone so bad.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Anyone can look up how much every PERS recipient gets. It's even sorted with the high rollers on the front page.\n\nAll 124,748 of them. Look up the retired fireman next door. Or the retired police officer down the street. Or their widows. \n\n \n\nhttp:\/\/gov.oregonlive.com\/pers\/browse\/","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Condemned to repeat mistakes of the past: at this point in every real estate cycle, the upward swing of sales and prices,public agencies raise the affordable requirement, and thus choke off housing production, the very thing that sustains affordability, today and tomorrow. For 40 years, housing production has declined and these agencies regulating housing never get blamed by the public for making housing more expensive by making it more scarce. The laws of supply and demand are meaningless when politicians and civil servants get energized by public outcry against high prices and\/or NIMBYism. Readers, we have met the enemy of affordable housing and it is us. The time to produce housing is when the economy is strong, meaning now, but regulation kills it off, and once again public pressure and regulatory activism will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sen. Coghill Jr, ever since your party took control, you managed to create a downhill spiral of our State, NOW YOU TOOK THE PEOPLES PFD, NO FOOD ON THE TABLE FOR A LOT OF FAMILIES, WONDER WHAT THE GREAT LATE GOVERNOR HAMMOND WOULD DO.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sounds like he was on some kind of drug.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hey now, what can you say. I know. Beyond perfect play. Hitters hitting. A pitcher throwing fire. Lots of hustle on the bases. Exploiting mistakes of the Reds. A grand slammy with cheese by Tulowitzki. Gibbons, being the fine manager he is, gives the recently returned injured a rest after the 10th run and puts a few replacements on the field. There was also a great call of a runner held up at third base in what would have been a close call at home plate. Why risk injury with such a large lead. Standing O to the team, manager, and coaches.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The use of the word \"mistake\" can be used by or assigned to guilty parties, in this case, Pearson, Nicholson and various forgotten, anonymous and deceased functionaries, to imply that there was not an easily discernible better way. Not at all the case here. This was outright negligence, incompetence, and neglect, genocidal in its impact. Not at all a \"mistake\". It's a very important distinction to make in assessing and assigning guilt to individuals who should and must be named. Canadians will be going through the uncomfortable process of recognizing some past icons as having committed great and shattering evils. Take the aboriginal point of view to help understand.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wasn't aware that there was such an interview but thanks; I found both on yahoo. The 2015 interview was almost unbelievable. When someone mentioned that a poll showed a fifth of the people in Indonesia, rightly considered one of the more moderate Muslim countries, favoured honour killings, she started talking about how Americans are so dumb. Far be it from her to attack people who believe in honour killings. But you can see why she would be sympatico with Justin \"Get the f--k out of my way\" Trudeau. The first time in the House of Commons he drew attention to himself was when as Liberal citizenship and immigration critic he strenuously objected to honour killings and female genital mutilation being described in the new citizenship guide as barbaric cultural practices.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Ah Yepper, I fear we must part ways here. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I take solace in the certainty that we'll meet again soon in your next ADN account identity (what is that - 57 now?).\n\nUntil then, goodbye. ","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Candidate Trump pandered to every right-wing special interest group that exists. He made each promises. He's been elected. Will he now carry out those promises? Buld a wall? Have Mexico pay for it? (oops, that one's gone already); dismantle the ACA (get ready folks, here it comes); cut taxes on the wealthy, place onerous import tariffs on Chinese goods, negate virtually every Obama Presidential order, complete the TDPL, appoint Right to Life Supreme Court Justices, .....I could go on and on and on.... I'm not sure which is best: Have a President who lied extensively to be elected.....or have a President who actually tries to satisfy each and every right-wing special interest group... Gary Crum","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks, Neko.\n\nSo have I. It may be a cliche, but some of my best friends ...\nBut the folks we've been hearing from here are not Catholic traditionalists. They use some Catholic words and concepts, but they do not know, understand or believe the tradition. When they try to sing a Catholic tune, they are off-key. \n\nThese are the characteristics of religious fundamentalism across various religions and denominations. Fundamentalism is, in many respects, not so much a theological deviancy (although it is that) but a psychological deviancy.\n<<\"[Baum] was the most charitable and optimistic person I've ever known,\" said Hinsdale.>>\nYes, that does speak volumes: more than theology texts, CDF statements, or encyclical letters.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I thought many people in Texas carried guns? Seriously. There are more comprehensive stories elsewhere; 27 dead so far, including a 2 year old. And Trump's tweet: \"May God be w\/the people in Sutherland Springs, Texas.\" Where the heck was God when these people were being gunned down?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hey NP ... I'd like to vote on your arena poll, but it appears that you've disenfranchised everyone who isn't on Twitter.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Five years from now none of his supporters will admit they supported him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think he means SEA to HKG flight. DL does not have an ANC to HKG direct flight","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"KarenInAK: ....that they use to make more money as their corporate logo, correct.\n.\nAnd to clarify: W.F. Bank STILL uses several, working horse-drawn wagons around the country. In fact, they brought one up to Alaska when they took over National Bank of Alaska, and were giving rides as a promo to smooth over our local bank getting taken over.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Once again, you are pushing the logical fallacy of the Slippery Slope. Those who use fallacious arguments are saying \"I have no actual argument\". As, in fact, you are showing here.\n\nIf you object, how about an actual argument. Assuming, of course, you are capable of forming one.\n\nPointing out that your argument is fallacious is not a personal attack. You, who are so quick to attack me, should know better.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There should be NO statues or monuments or any public display of deference to those treasonous confederates who tried to destroy our Union.\n\nAny supporters are traitors to our country as well.\n\nThe traitors who started the War of Treason are scum.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"\"boosting his professional stock\" ? This is the mindset of a Oregon Duck athlete - All for me...He is slow, cannot play against NBA caliber players (last nights game is a perfect example), a horrible defender and far too small to make it on the front line. After a humiliating defeat all he can say is that he is not considering an early entry into the NBA draft...there you have it - Duck Athletics at its finest.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This post, Sher, explains all your previous postings, usually dripping with bitterness. I hope someday some people enter your life (note that 50% of marriages do not end in divorce, and you just have to look around you at the grocery store to see many loving families and people enjoying each others' company) who you can cherish.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"God forbid. It was Theresa May.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So people shouldn\u2019t be able to own WWII fighter planes. Got it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Correct - our family voted liberal in the last election - not the next if these proposals go through.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Our good American president doesnt' run sanctuary cities you idiot! Screwing liberals, all of you! Support open borders and mass immigration from the cesspool of the world, the Middle East.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"I will have a hard time determining whether my vote will be going to him or Kellie Leith for the party leadership. Bot are excellent candidates.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really? \"the indigenous people in Canada traded with the colonists and adopted and appropriated many of the ways of the colonists. Was that wrong?\"\n\nIs this a serious question? Is that all there is to the history of colonialism in Canada, 'trading'?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Larry, with respect, you have obviously not been paying attention to the increasing stranglehold the \"too big to fail\" Wall Street banks have had, and continue to have, over not only our economy but over our political system as well, particularly since 2008 when they strong-armed Congress to pass the infamous TARP bailout against the public opinion that was overwhelmingly (as in 99%) opposed to that shamelessly cronyistic piece of legislation.\n\nIf being aware and knowledgeable of recent political events constitutes being \"a paranoid schizo\" in your eyes, then I truly feel sorry for you. I guess it is much more comfortable having one's head firmly buried in the sand instead.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Incorrect. It is the \"wealthy\" who want a free ride on everyone's existence.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They had better start reducing their PST to compensate or else.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"An apology to everyone for my intensity... this whole exchanged sat disturbing peace so I wanted to return to bring some clarity to my intention. This particular call to consider brought to us by Tony and perhaps also his son... needs be considered with all the urgency of the present moment, the present circumstances. Tony, gave us a share in his epiphany, his change of heart -- and then shared his living out that change of heart. It is important because it is a one heart at a time experience. \"My heart won't let me do this any more\". It is a mustard seed planted and it grows from context > context in which it occurred. Yes, I badgered and bullied on \"context\" and \"magnitude of ever escalating violence\". Not so good about nonviolent speech... sorry. Here we see what road rage looks like on the internet. \nEFC -- no executive order is going is to do away with the Military Industrial Complex Business. \nWe can hope for a civil service alternative... chosen one heart at a time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, the promise the US made in that case lasted, in the sense that it didn't again sponsor Cuban exiles to mount a rebellion. However, the US treated Cuba as an enemy pariah for 50 years afterwards. Short of invading, the US couldn't have shown Cuba more hostility. So all things considered, the promise alone isn't a very enticing carrot.\n\nPractically-speaking, I don't see any means of normalizing relations between NK and other countries.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wanted to buy a condo in downtown Toronto-a building in the start of construction had a \"presentation centre\" just down the street and when I inquired about a unit was told \"that it sold out in a matter of days\"--I was told Chinese (non Canadian residents) were buying up all the units for their children attending university---this really angers me---there should be a law on the books that unless you have resided in this country for at least a few years these units should be offered to Canadian citizens--those having resided here >5 years---this is grossly unfair and needs to STOP","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"trump hands everybody tremendous reasons to beat up \/ accurately report his toxic idiocy on an hourly basis. I imagine he'd be wearing a white hood 24\/7 if he thot he could get away with it, and you might see it come Halloween, cos ya know... it's just a costume!\nyou say the bad guys are a small group, in fact it's his base.\nthe things Obama said were based largely in fact, he was right.\nSocialism? trump is selectively yuge on it and corporate welfare.\nCharlottesville was about race and other things righty haters feel bold about now that they have a fascist \/ racist ally in the White House \/ high offices encouraging them. that's how trump keeps his favorable ratings from totally disappearing, plenty of sly smiles, winks, nods, and red meat to the zombie sheep. did you have yours for lunch today?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hayden Kennedy had climbed in Alaska and his death does, indeed, affect the climbing community in Alaska.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think Justin believes it his birthright to govern....in whatever way he deems appropriate. Perhaps that attitude is reflected in his appreciation of China's governing system.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This guy is just all wrong for the job--that's my bottom line. I'm actually not a Trump hater, and if I were a budding realtor in NY and Trump were on my team, I'd be toodling rosebuds. The problem with Trump is that he doesn't understand that political office is fundamentally about service and that even leadership in political office is mostly about service to others. \n\nIn the wake of his trip to the Hold Land and the Vatican, yes, it's useful to keep in mind that this guy lied right from the start. He even lied during the sale of Mar-a-lago, told the Post family he'd bought the beachfront lot in front of it (he hadn't--yet) and was going to put up a complex to block the view. As a result, the property value plummeted by $17 million and Trump walked away licking his chops. Wonder if this approach will work with the Israelis and Palestinians . . .","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"By \"pedestrian\" QB what do you mean? Those throws on tight coverage downfield is what a legit QB does. Last year at Autzen he shredded our defense and threw on the run two TD just like the TD on the run Saturday. We were lucky the pick wasn't another TD","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Starbucks is where the prince gets his coffee. Timmy's is too low brow for le dauphin","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well above average? Are you drunk?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Are you saying that in order to know how taxes are gathered and distributed you have to actually pay property tax? \n\n\"One should challenge personal beliefs at times, since they tend to roam with narratives.\"\n\nThank you for the compliment. I feel telling stories about my personal experience or my common sense or humor (that most people don't see).\n\nMy thing is I am right alot. My stories are hard to follow. I gan be really gruff and firm. Often sarcastic and proudly original. \n\nI like to be challenged and proven wrong. It happens. \n\nYou don't have to be in the military to know it takes up 50% of the federal budget. \n\nI do pay property taxes. Just an fyi.\n\nThanks for the compliment.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Pretty ugly.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where are merit and ability in all this ostensibly praiseworthy diversity? And quite apart from merit, do we have enough positions in even the largest of our universities and corporations to represent all the non-male, non-white human beings in Canada? Can inclusiveness include everyone this side of the grave? Where will the diverseness of the diversity end? Or perhaps it will have no end ....\n\nRemember those lamentable Depression-era signs, \"No Irish need apply\"? Ms Wente is right: through the best of good intentions, we are circling right back into some of the worst abuses of the past. There were many talented and ingenious Irish who were denied work in the 1930s, simply because they were Irish. In our zeal to be \"fair\" today, let's not forget their counterparts of today. Otherwise the collective \"outcome\" for Canada may not be what we might have hoped for. Keep merit firmly in the mix, otherwise through \"goodness\" we risk sliding into absurdity.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wikipedia defines a \u201cEugene chicken\u201d as \u201claying GMO and Gluten Free eggs, sustainable and having a low carbon footprint.\u201d","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree. Previously the US financial markets were looking at a single credit card that would house all your credit card products on a single card.\nMobile will make this happen and eventually the physical credit card and debit cards will become obsolete. Asia has had this technology for a long time and unfortunately US and Canada are slow to adopt.\nUS has still not adopted chip card technology due to resistance from US retailers. We shall see what the future has in store for us,","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not the right time to discuss gun violence?\nOkay, let's watch some NRA propaganda instead!\nhttp:\/\/crooksandliars.com\/2017\/10\/its-perfect-time-re-watch-dana-loeschs-nra\nRemember kids, right after a mass shooting is never the time to discuss gun violence.\n(\u2026 right on cue, the Trump White House has already issued a statement.)\nWhite House: 'Premature' To Talk Gun Control In Wake Of Las Vegas Shooting","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm literally praying for a lot of people across the country. When will it end?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Toxic masculinity\" makes as little sense as \"toxic femininity\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wonder who was the QB while Ty was doing his revolving door impersonation? After the Broncos FO made the decision NOT to go after a LT during FA, I was really rooting for Ty to step up this year... hmmm, trip? Oh and, I really dislke this new civi format - mostly because I am forced to rate 3 comments I have zero interest in, in order to post just 1 comment or reply. That 3:1 ratio is a time consuming drag and should be adjusted to 1:1 (as in only one rating for 1 comment - NOT 3!).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Blue sky--you fail to answer my fundamental question--no surprise. How is calling people out on their disguised prejudices and biases a bad thing?\n\nHiding behind a puerile response of \"thanks for making my point\" is a nice deflection that thrills the trolls and allows you to kid yourself that your point was made, but actually makes MY point. If you had a valid point to make, you could of easily answered my question. But you clearly did not.\n\nAnd changing your original argument \" For the last few decades it has been leftists \"outing\" those they consider \"racist, sexist, islamophobic\", etc....\" and then adding on to it with \"and hounding them, stigmatising them, and trying to make them lose their jobs, and therefor institution a regime of terror in academia and society at large.\" So you moved your goalposts.\n\nSo you ignore my original question, and then change your original statement. How very telling.\n\nWhen you are ready to debate like an adult, give us a call.\n;~)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Finally, an explanation of how Trump was elected! (Lead reduces intelligence)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And a 2 degree rise will increase ocean levels by nearly 20 feet.\n\nEast and west coasts will see a 20 foot rise by 2100.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hmm. Leaders of any type tend to look around them, look at where others have succeeded, and then figure out if they should maybe modify their own tactics.\n\nCPC looked at the winning liberals and decided to go exact opposite. Figures - from a bunch of losers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"To follow your logic, why not raise the minimum wage to $50 then? Everyone benefits, right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think people that have been paying even a little bit of attention to things knew Donnie Two Scoops was an awful human being back in the 80s. He represents nearly everything that was awful about that decade.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nope. He won't.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, that sounds like a fine and just idea. Instead of filling prisons with people (and these kids would be there for five or six decades) and providing very high paying jobs for people who enjoy subjugating others in a controlled environment, we could actually teach these young thugs a thing or two and make an old man's injury mean something.\n\nMy mother's tribe used to do that sort of punishment - make you responsible for the family of the man you killed, make you work to pay for the property you destroyed, that sort of thing. Historic accounts say it worked pretty well, especially since -- at least initially -- you were ostracized from pretty much any other community activities. You were essentially a slave for a period of time and then, as you proved you could be trusted, you were given more freedom. As a rehabilitation tool, it seems to have worked much better than our current incarceration system that just teaches people how to be better criminals.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yes, it is ironic and most unfortunate. However there is no question that white rule in South Africa had to go. The consequence of ending white rule and its apartheid system meant that the formerly disenfranchised black South Africans had to step up and run the country. Yet they had no experience in doing so, because they'd been blocked from holding any political power by the white supremacists.\n\nRealistically it will take many generations for black South Africans to put their system in order. It will be a painful but necessary process.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Could it be the the East Hill is becoming the home to more criminals than ever before?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I trust the PBO","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"As I understand it, dumping occurs when a product is exported at a lower price than is charged in the exporter's home market, and an anti-dumping tariff may be imposed when that is the case. Is there any evidence that Canadians pay more for Canadian lumber than Americans do? If not, there is no dumping. Countervailing duties, on the other hand, are appropriate when an industry is unfairly subsidized, for domestic consumers as well as consumers in export markets. What is the evidence that lumber companies, whether Canadian or American, would pay more to the Crown in the long term, which includes booms and busts in the housing market, for logging rights in Canada than they do?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What do you mean? They've already had a bunch of meetings with the US officials and more news is leaking by the day.\n\nJust today we heard that preparations are made for Trudeau and the Mexico PM to visit Washington shortly after the inagurattion. And that Wilbur Ross has already had several meetings with Canadians officials about NAFTA. That Andrew Leslie has ALREADY established relationships with Flynn and others in the Trump's cabinet.\n\nDig deep and the info is there. It's just not all fully publicized.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"JM: I'm assuming that by getting \"80 million from those folks ALONE\" you mean via an income tax. That works out to $20,000 per worker. I don't think they make enough to pay that much state income tax. So you are willing to collect a small amount from non-resident oil slope employees and also tax the 200,000 Alaskan wage earners who would also pay an income tax. And yes I think 4000 non-residents are \"insignificant\" to 200,000 Alaskans. Further, most non-resident employees are seasonal and work mainly in the seafood processing and hospitality industries and do not make enough to pay an income tax. What about the million tourists who pay nothing for the state services they benefit from? Who do you think utilizes more state services, 4000 non-resident slope workers or 1 million tourists?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't believe the government needs to add any further regulations but perhaps better enforce ones we have. Personally I am already a bit uncomfortable with a foreign buyer's tax. After all, Canadians buy vacation property in the US and other locales all the time.\n\nI suspect. But don't have any data, that there are a large number of people are avoiding capital gains tax by inappropriately claiming income or vacation property as a principal residence. \n\nThere are a few simple approaches that can be triggered through land transfer to catch many of these fraudsters.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Simply nonsense, Richard Tijerina. Your letter has absolutely no basis in fact. Sadly, the only thing it reveals is your own personal bias - that you don't care if your president is dishonest - as long as he is from a political party you support. Thankfully, most Americans, be they Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Greens, or ?, do care if their president is honest. And thank God we still have a somewhat free and independent press in this country to call them on it when they are not.\nBy the way, if you want to be taken seriously, you ought to do some homework before writing a letter to the newspaper. Up until last year, the Dallas Morning News had not endorsed a Democrat for president in over 50 years.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Watch out, they hate it when you speak\nabout the elephant in the room. Makes\nthem mad you know the truth.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good, wordy descriptions. Would have been nice to learn more about the boat itself. Like, you don't carry enough fresh water to wash your hands and face once in awhile?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And now we have imports from everywhere moving here just for record breaking welfare and pfd checks. We are the stupidest state in the usa easily","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Which concrete measure would these be exactly?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Rick,\nWhat is your definition of \"others\"?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Provinces may want a share of things too.. They get alcohol taxes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"ANd in other news, someone just invented a longer ladder.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We do not need to protect free speech on campus; we need to enshrine free speech as a fundamental right in our constitution.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I find that most people who oppose Barack Obama cannot actually put their objections into words effectively. I get that you HATE him, that's your issue, deal with it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks for the $$ data - insane !\n\nAnd might the G&M - claiming to be Canada's leading daily - include all of Canada in its housing coverage ?! Last time I checked on the map there were - GASP - many other cities in which people live and work, quite happily, without trying to pay off million dollar mortgages.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sounds like Margaret Stock really impressed the audience and the commenters on this thread who listened to the debate. Lt. Col. Stock is hands down the best candidate in the race for US Senate but is not well known. Those who get to know her in her meet and greets and these debates come away very impressed with her depth of knowledge of Alaska issues, her sincerity and her broad experience. Hopefully the next couple of weeks will greatly broaden the number of people who get to hear Ms. Stocks message. We need change at the state and federal level in order to break out of the do nothing, obstructionist gridlock that has plagued the Congress. You will get the same old deal with Lisa, you will get the change we need as a state and nation with Ms. Stock. Vote for change folks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, Ezra Levant made up a bunch of stuff in a really lame article in Breitbart so he could shill for his new book which revolves around the thesis that Trudeau is \"setting himself up for a fight against Trump\" which is just biased speculation rooted in nothing of substance. The reality is that Trudeau said he would work with whoever was elected President not \"fight against them\".\n\nWhat about Bannon? I know who he is and am aware he is an advisor.\n\nEzra Levant is a used car salesman sleazebag who sees an opportunity to profit from stoking exaggerated conjecture.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Playing stupid is NOT an excuse. We need leaders that LEAD by example. How dare you condemn the actions of someone else when at the same time refusing to be accountable for your own??!! \nSaying you will pay now is oops I got caught. Ok, ok, I will \"offer\" to repay it since you caught me. Has anyone ever come forward to repay their per diem BEFORE it came public knowledge in the news??","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"considering the attacks coming on trump its an easy conclusion and accurate,, by the way i am still waiting for you to make even any argument against my points but as usual you are incapable","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The washington compost? Yea they are a bunch of liars","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Have you noticed that this is a letter to the editor and not a news or opinion article researched and written by a R-G reporter? If not, re-evaluate your comments after reading it. And your 'belief' that the letter writer is lying without proof or even a reasonable suspicion being given by you means your opinion is biased and should be ignored.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Why isn't this front pager news?? A huge thank you to the Mother and Child who reported this. You raised your child right so he was able to talk to you about what was going on. Both your actions could have saved many other kids from being victimized. Both are HEROES in my book!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"@Rick Tubania: While it may be true that no one person has filed for bankruptcy, did you maybe think that a person could still be kicked out of their place of residence because of the GET and it's multiplier effect on the cost of food, health care, and medications? Maybe they literally couldn't afford to declare bankruptcy because they didn't have money to hire a lawyer? The last time I checked, there are a lot more homeless people now than back in 2008 when the GET tax didn't exist. My point in all of this is you cannot say without a shadow of a doubt that the .05 percent surcharge hasn't resulted in someone becoming homeless. Remember that only the middle class with enough assets and the rich can afford to actually declare bankruptcy (lawyers are expensive), so you saying that \"no one (individuals) have filed for bankruptcy because of the .05 percent surcharge\" doesn't really say much. I'll bet there's at least a few people out there that have ran out of money because of it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"FRZMAO-\nI didn't look TOO hard online but what I did see (on several sites) were commensurate with your numbers. Poking around further all I could find was how easy it is to do election-day registration in MN. Something doesn't compute, however, because with about 1.8 million votes in this last election why would there be about 500k voters registering nearly every four years? Doesn't make sense even if you account for those changing party affiliation. However, having said all of that, there is no evidence of voter fraud that I've turned up. \nTo me the biggest problem in terms of voting \"fraud\" is the deliberate attempts at disenfranchisement by the GOP. Like how Texas requires an ID - which to me is fine in and of itself if the ID is easy for ALL to obtain - but then they'll accept gun licenses but not school ID's. Gee, can you be any more transparent about who you are trying to serve? That, to me, is disgusting and should be illegal...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I knew your brother from Safeway I'm a vendor in Produce so I've known him for several years. I'm just devestayed by this news I will never forget his smile and most of all that laugh. I'm saddened by this but I know in my heart that he's up in heaven smiling and laughing. I'm praying for your family Shellyn and Judy know your brother touched many hearts.\n\nDave Davies","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Gloat when you earn $6.00 per hour? Careful what you wish for.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Goldstein didn't think Hitler would wisk them away to a concentration camp and sieze all their assets too. The neighbors were stunned.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\u2018Trump trauma\u2019 on the way out? Political anxiety appears to be fading, says psychiatric survey. Approval at 48% now.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And also from Russia, for the Soviet side of it? I believe Poland was brutalized from both ends.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, no GDB, little to young or maybe old for that. My and my family are actually Bible believing Christians, have great groups of moral friends and family, don't participate in a lot of partying but can certainly share a good glass of wine or craft beer (bunch of Italians in the group). :) My kids as are my nieces and nephews pretty good kids, magnet schools, Christian universities, mission trips within and outside of the US, so don't worry too much or feel sorry for them, they are fine and make their own decisions some smart some not so but we all do that and hopefully learn and grow from it. As to Cannabis, it has too many values medically, and should fit in a category with your wines, beer, cigarettes, and other legal substances and should be taxed and those moneys benefit states, schools, health institutions, educational systems, and whatever else the state wants to put them to. Rake it in.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Mueller is conducting a criminal investigation. The congressional investigations are security investigations.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The tone of your reply speaks volumes. Is someone who commits voter fraud without being convicted of such disqualified from receiving a PFD check? \n\nTheir proof of residency may be something very different than their voting registration and last I checked residency was the only qualification for receiving a dividend (share of the state's accumulated wealth owed to Alaskans). \n\nIt's not welfare, you're thinking of the cash subsidies disguised as an unregulated financial security the oil industry is gifted for doing nothing but produce oil they were going to produce anyway.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No maximum security, NM, or any other 'safe' haven for him. Easy, OCCC in general population, will work every time.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"He failed to use his first 100 days mandate to break Wall Street and the financial industry when the American public would have backed any measures he took. This would have cured the disease of conservatism in the body politic.\"\n\nActually it's Democrats that are tradionally the main recipients of Wall Street money. Just ask Hillary.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't think it was structured to fail, it was structured to be definitive. \n\nA 50%+1 vote is not definitive. 60% is a definitive majority.\n\nInsanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No one disputes it?\nReally?\nNow you claim to speak for everyone?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yah, we call consuming too much water \"drowning\".\n\nI have no idea how much the Liberals smoked while crafting this but a 14 year sentence doesn't seem realistic coming from the diseased progressive mindset where 6 years of actual time served for murdering someone is considered too harsh.\n\nLike anything related to a number (our deficit, Syrian economic migrant timeline and cost, etc) what the Liberals propose and what reality Canadians are saddled with is quite the enormous gap.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well you are right. The Donald is not my president, he is Putin's plant. Your link was basically a lot of noise. \n\nThat is a good question. I wonder if the Donald will move to Russia after he leaves office? He will certainly be disgraced here. Poor Donald, probably close to bankruptcy. again!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"LIAR!\n\nThis is exactly what you posted:\n\nlowlyrepub\n1 day ago\nHB17-1305, HB16-1308. You must be unaware of the real world around you.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"In 500 years you will be no better off no matter how you weep for your dead children today.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is no gestational limit on abortion in Colorado. Why is the healthcare of this premature baby so important but not if it\u2019s in the womb.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Implicit acts of racism can be likened to a virus which infects the population regardless of race. A conversation about this virus will be the first step to vaccinating all our people against this horrendous disease. Refiloe makes a good point.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If you are talking about the Fairbanks march, the dog is a Labrador Retriever and he also wore a sign that said \"Labs for Science.\" His stick said, \"Stick up for Science.\" :)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Absolutely...anytime someone tries to get away with wrong doing or being negligent, \"they must be dealt with to the extend of the law\"...so says leaders of countries when wrong is done to them.\n\nWithout any concrete information and\/or facts, we can only suppose...but, I can say for one thing, the owner or occupant of the unit where the fire began will most likely be named in all suits.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Do you think Trump actually \"realized\" anything? More likely someone told him the military wouldn't like him anymore.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Once again a 'study' with no link to the study itself. At least 90% of 'studies' are of poor design and\/or data is poorly interpreted etc. A responsible journalist would make it easy for people who want to to check the strengths and weaknesses of the study to find the study. \n\nThis is not a trivial matter. If 'quality' journalists want to have their material to have more impact than fake science they need to act the scientific method matters.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You disagree with that question, John McCain? Odd.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Did anyone get a video of the goat drowning?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"in Latin so we can make it canonically credible.\"\nAdultero, ergo sum?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Exactly! I'm now wondering when the White House will be fired.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"bringing more misery, probably, to many of us.\"\n\nThe word 'probably' defines a true believer. \n\nThe Senate hasn't even written a word in response to the House bill yet and James knows today what it will look like in a couple of months after revisions and Conference Committee actions and that it is going to be bad!\n\nOrwell: Four legs good! Two legs bad!\n\nJames: Democrat good! Republican bad!\n\nJust the bleating of an indoctrinated Sheep.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You conveniently don't mention your cohorts who call for extermination of Jews and Blacks. With guys like IQ006, IQ22, and the rest in your corner, well, I wouldn't call you loathsome or deplorable like them but I think \" imbecile\" has some merit for your selectivity.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"No use trying to rationalize with a Chumpster. Fact is their world is imploding along with the Chumps so they are extremely delusional.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"He may very well be declared a heretic for AL.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Rome was allowed to appoint the High Priest and there is nothing to indicate that Jesus criticized the practice.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You should stop watching Fox News. Oh, and Breitbart isn't worth reading unless you're keeping track of its lies and bias, too.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Marraige is off to a great start, you need some good battles. Those battles teach you things about each other and how to work it out. If you give up, that is where the trouble starts. Listen to each other and be flexible. Relax...next time try an all inclusive!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Magic Bus\"? Or \"Who, Are You\"?\n\nWho, who, who, who. (I really wanna know).\n\nOr as a tribute to long-time, die-hard supporters \"Hope I Die before I get Old.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I prefer state control for all that is not specified for the federal government in the Constitution. I don't see this commission as exerting control so much as shining daylight on a problem, as they have no authority to control the states in this regard as far as I know. Are the states capable or willing to root out flaws and corruption in their own elections systems? In Democrat run states, the only flaws they see are in Republican states, and probably vice versa.\n\nNow, how about you answer your own question for our edification?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Every game is going to come down to the fourth quarter-Shane Ray. He needs to be placed in the concussion protocol. Last week's game didn't even make it to halftime.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Excellent article! As a 20+ year Hunter Education Instructor, I agree this message needs to be repeated regularly and often. Treat every gun as if it is loaded. Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Be sure of your target and what lays beyond. Those three rules prevent incidents!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not those who wanted the GDP to go above 2%. Not those businesses who could not afford all the regulations put upon them, or those who could not afford their medical insurance. To sum it up, Obama's introduction of Socialism has failed.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Did you mean \"intellectually disabled\"? Because the way you said it makes no sense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The last time I lived in California was 71 years ago; I'll pass.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It isn't so much a \"mind altering drug\" as it is a mood altering drug. \n\nAnd, pot causes a lot LESS \"damage\" than cigarettes or alcohol, and even that \"damage' gets less and less as people vaporize more and choose edibles rather than combustibles. In Washington State, more than half of the product sold is edibles, and more than half the 'smokers' vape.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Snowflakes are really crying in their safe zone today. First step in he house to eliminate any history of the failed Obama legacy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Her true diplomatic skills should be with Russia. Imagine a Tea Party buff living in Moscow. Thank God she would leave North America borders! She sees Russia from he panoramic window in Alaska. She knows everything including Putin`s gang eh! Sarah has no fear with her NRA contacts eh!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"das da side you gotta park when you go late","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No problem with watering lawns, golf courses and refilling swumming pools!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Oh, please, not the \"Canadian flag on the American backpack\" again.\n\nWe do seem to get our r0cks off by believing Americans envy us, or want to be us. When they travel, when they seek medications or healthcare, etc\n\nHate to burst your bubble but Americans don't care much about us. Neither do Europeans. \nStereotyping is common in Europe anyway...while visiting a museum in Italy the curator told me, with a grin \"I always wanted to visit Canada\" ...to see Saskatchewan\". \n\nAnd to believe most people think less of you (as tourist) because your country's leader is not liked is childish. Have Canadians sewn the American flag on their backpacks during Harper's days?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Great idea Bill. Just make sure the law is clear it's a one for one reduction in property tax and can't go above the tax cap. Get lots of advertising on this fact and property owners will vote for it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"OK, so that's $100 million they give to their friends. But the budget doesn't specify what % comes back to the Liberal Party in political donations.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"One more note, I was told back in March by a woman who works as a counselor there, that K-Bay, Marine Corps Base Hawai\u02bbi, has the highest incidence of strangulation of any US Military base anywhere (out of 1,000 bases, it seems) It\u02bbs a chilling thought to me to know that the Marine Corps presence in our islands has such horrifying behavior festering among its personnel. Where this sick culture emanates from is less concern to me than the obvious need for it to be expelled from our islands.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"People are missing the opportunity before us. We need to think beyond this election. The most positive thing that could come from this election is the elevation of a third-party to equal status with the two that are failing us miserably. If the Libertarian party can garner 20% of the vote, they can compete in four years on both the debate stage as well as be eligible for federal campaign funds. This election should underscore, more than any other election, the need for an alternative to the two party system that has paralyzed this country and sold out to the new aristocracy. A vote for Johnson, is not a wasted vote. It's a vote against the establishment and a vote for a better choice in 2020.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually , it is the imams that preach hatred in mosques all around the world is what we care about.\n\nEasy to \"not provide service\" now, happened to catch an interview on TV, where it was stated that an imam had noticed one of the terrorists had reacted angrily over Al Qaeda negative remarks (imams own interview to another media outlet). Why didn't he notify the authorities then?\n\nIf i was to give \"kudos\" - it would be that Australian imam that spoke about the flaws and need of reformation, not swiping under the rug and sugarcoating with platitudes.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We will see articles in the G&M about the bigotry, hatred, and Christianophobia exhibited, practiced, implemented by Muslims in Muslim dominant countries against non Muslims?\n\nNah.\n\nI thought so.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"When two professors from the department of criminology at Ryerson University publish views consistent with the idea that it is better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission, it's time to freeze Ryerson's funding and consider firing everyone you employ who graduated from RyHigh.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"WOW! Maybe the Navy needs to install a Crow's nest in all of their 'vulnerable' ships to help avoid collisions.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It would be nice for everyone to stay on topic and not do personal attacks.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"These yahoos won't be satisfied until the US, which supposedly has a separation between church and stage, becomes a theocracy like Iran or Saudi Arabia. God help us all!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There are those who honestly believe that a fetus is not a human being, no more than an acorn is an oak tree.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In a competitive market both the buyer and the seller are PRICE TAKERS. A competitive market means there is no market power to exploit. Geesh. If you actually ran a business you would know that.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is that what you look forward to? Well here's a little tip to help you with a change of plan: There won't be 4 years. Four months is beginning to look rather unlikely. Trump may very well be the most hated man in the world, including the US. He's playing with fire with the likes of Steve Bannon who views himself as the architect of \"the brave new world.\" More like \"the end of times.\" Very dangerous. You should be afraid, I know I am - and btw, I'm no lib!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Too bad he only went for 30 days THE LAST TIME he was convicted of assault. The judges and DA there are terrible.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"by the way : what is the impact of abstentions on this vote?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What about changing HART at Middle Street. Run the rest of the system at grade like old Honolulu and many other cities worldwide?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I thought the government had changed the rules allowing lodges to operate under part 91 instead of part 135. I guess I was mistaken.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"in all seriousness, and to be fair, hillary has really gotten the shaft on this one. the balls were in her court, but now they are in the court of the fbi's. this must be really hard for her.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How dare the ADN solicit opinions from people who disagree with you!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Isn't it already?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet, I agree, you should have never been there in the first place.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We dont hunt for sport... But it was a trophy sized moose! LOL","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Because all renewable power comes from IPPs, independent power suppliers, not (yet) captured by political cronies and the Zuptas.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Eff the America hating Donkeys!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Perspective is all: Republicans vowed even before Obama was sworn in that he would find no support among them. They continued the birther nonsense and other malicious lies (\"He's a Muslim!\") even after it was shown time-and-time again to be a lie. \nSo, in that kind of national landscape, could the President rescind any part of it? Imagine if he had and any attack had happened: Republicans would accuse him of a high crime.\nBTW: please notice that Obama kept us safe for 8 years. No large-scale terrorist attacks on US soil. \nRepaired the economy, made the US a safe country, nailed OBL, installed Obamacare that has saved many, many lives. NO scandals. None. \nGreatest president in modern times.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"NITRO08> What are you talking about? \"Your orange person\" And who might that person of mine be, by chance????","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What a dork","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Anyone who has lived in the country understands the brutality of nature. Animals kill to survive and fight to the death. A cornered animal experiences a surge of sudden ferocity. During its final minutes, when the animal knows it\u2019s going to die, it will emit a specific sound, a warning to others of the same species. That sound is known as a death cry. I believe we are hearing the death cry of the G.O.P. in its current incarnation: racist obstructionists who welcomed the squalid alt-right into their midst and failed to produce a credible nominee for president. They had their chance, and blew it. They dismantled unions, systematically attacked education, and ignored the separation of church and state. They gave corporations the same rights as people while trampling the rights of actual human beings. Unlike other animals, which know the death cry as a warning, too many Americans are responding with a sense of outraged empowerment. \u2014Chris Offutt","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How did you do, you ask? As a troll, A+.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So? I never claimed we should get rid of ALL restrictive federal rules. Nor do other Republicans. You seem to be trying to prop up a straw man.\n\nWhat I said was \"A common (R) theme is less central government control over citizens and business\". Less doesn't mean all. This is just one small rule that the elimination of moves in that direction.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Does this video show Heather Meyer violently attcking the car with an Anti-Fa mob right before she was killed? My guess is Heather Meyer was not that bright.\n youtube.com\/watch?v=9mnywjPPDtU","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The State of Hawai'i will be utilizing the Judiciary, to offset POTUS Trump's Executive Orders.\n\nSince everyone, will be running to the Judiciary, to offset POTUS Trump's Executive Orders, don't expect much to be accomplished, for quite some time.\n\nSince utilizing the Judiciary, is costly & time consuming, expect the Executive branch of government, to employ financial Darwinism.\n\nThe State of Hawai'i, better set up an office, inside the Judiciary, for at least the next 4 years.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So is it still a source of great entertainment watching America trying to deal with illegals and are Americans still racists because of it? \n\nEven for Canada the hypocrisy is stunning, possibly surpassing the display of selling 25 billion dollars of arms to the worst human rights violator in the world.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"A shia islamist giving lessons ...\n\nMs. Kermalli is a stong supporter of the Ayatollah Khomeiny\n\nThis article is pure Iranian propaganda\n\nBy the way, I believe sunni radical islam is the bigger threat to the world \n\nSaudi Arabia and Qatar are funding the dangerous salafist radical ideology while Iran is funding the Hezbollah","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"An up-to-date photo of erupting Pavlof would make for a more interesting story about an erupting volcano spewing ash up to 20,000 feet into the air . No?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Police kill another Democrat practicing freelance wealth redistribution.\nI guess theft is only authorized if the tyrannical government endorses it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A decade ago, the Whiteaker tried to make the quiet zone happen. The city literally laughed them out of the room. Then the Obies (and other developers) found that it would help their bottom line to get a quiet zone and this thing was brought back to life. In the meantime, the people of the Whiteaker have moved on and no longer want it for a variety of reasons. (One of which is the fact that 82% of Whiteaker residents are renters and do not want any additional rent increases.) \n\nIf we are to have a QZ, it should be the east end only and it should be paid for by a combination of the developers and the riverfront (slush fund) urban renewal district. Very few people west of the station want anything to do with this, especially those of us who live near the tracks. While they're at it, they can close the Pearl crossing instead of closing one that is used by pedestrians and cyclists for their new crossing into the EWEB property.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"By usual contingent, do you mean those that blamed Palin for Giffords getting shot by a schzio with no political involvement or affiliation?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You see, I held a press conference. I hooted and I hollered and I made a big stink about the important work left to be done.\n\nI told them Congress had too much to do for us to go back home\u2013but you know the truth. You know I just can\u2019t stand to be away from you.\n\nBetraying my essence of \u201cmore jobs, less government\u201d\u2013I decided we needed more government. In fact, I decided the only thing that can solve the masses problems is more government. And while we are at it, threatening the jobs of caretakers, nurses, and hospital employees.\n\nI\u2019d do anything for you.\n\nAnything to keep me from having to face Alaskans.\n\nI\u2019ll work through Alaska\u2019s beautiful summer month of August.\n\nDeny myself many a night fishing. Deny myself the joy of hiking. Deny myself nights laying under the stars. For I fear that I would look up and all I\u2019d see would be the dollar signs you promised me dancing in the night sky.\n\nContinued:","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You did not, or can not, read my comment. So how about having a literate friend read it to you?\n\nDespite what Sean Hannity said, the investigation staff is still being hired, so it's idiotic to already expect results.\n\nNone of the investigations underway have released any kind of report. Nothing. So you might consider rethinking your confidence that nothing will be found.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The SSA may still, however tenuous, have power, but brain power - not so much, if any at all, ever.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hillary wasn't a \"bully\" when she squarely blamed Comey for her loss?\n\nEurope. Please.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You do know that Tibet is a province of China, and most UN and UN members agree to it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If Hanabusa becomes our next governor, I might just have to move. Do the right thing people.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"How to succeed when starting your own business? Don't open it in Canada...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The idea that anybody can \"rein\" in Trump is laughable. The man is a narcissist. \n\nThe best thing re: bi-lateral trade is for Trump to learn and realize that bi-lateral trade with Canada is important for both countries. Once Trump realizes this, he'll be off twittering about some imagined insult that has more headline impact than talking about unravelling a deal that cannot easily be unravelled.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Nonsense. The accord is stacked against developed countries like the US. China and India will pollute with abandon. He is making a rational decision but people are so wild-eyed with hatred towards Trump they can't see anything objectively.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The Leafs played OK until the end of regulation and OT. Bottom line in this one is that 2 of the Caps' 3 goals were blatant errors by Andersen. He played very well otherwise, but hopefully he has a short memory and will stronger in Game 2. If the Leafs can hang in there a bit this could be a great series.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"If it saves just one life...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"i think that's where the whole new testament comes in with jesus \"fulfilling the old testament laws\" - to point out that as humans ,we are flawed, that NOBODY does just righteous. but if we truly could follow in the footsteps of only righteousness... judges, cops - the whole legal systems wouldn't be needed - nobody would do bad. - hence no one would have to be it the position of judging or controlling another person. .it's a tough concept to explain - as are most bible ones.. but that's my understanding of the stuff - i've pondered all that too. and you did it out there as a question..\n being an observer in court and seeing innocent people found guilty and thinking the judge is (hopefully) fair and thinks it's the right decision. i would never want to be in that position of the big decider or guilt and punishment. with exceptions regarding my prison\/island that i bring up on occasion. yeah i fall short all the time..","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Most cons are so easily conned by other cons' cons. But that's okay, cuz this guy says he never asks for God's forgiveness. He will never ask for your forgiveness either.\n\nNext stop on the tRump-lie-con party bus: guts to your social security and medicare all the while, giving the one percenters huuuuuuge tax cuts (payoffs).","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Sorry, should have said middle east.\n\nIran's population = 79 million\nIsraeli Population = 8.4 million\n\nAnd Iran's GNP is only 5 times higher than Israel's? That's means that the Israeli's are almost twice as productive as Iran.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Whether or not Boeing is better than Airbus Buy American.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I strongly support shopping at locally owned businesses provided they return the support by offering me a better deal than the box stores. But at the end of the day, I have to give my business to the vendor with the best prices.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A CERTAIN AMOUNT of isolationism is good, and a CERTAIN AMOUNT of open trade is also good. It's all about policies that don't allow one or the other to get out of control.\n\nAs far as illegal immigration going up, it has nothing to do with NAFTA. Rather, it's the reality of the increase of populations, which have also increased.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No. You say he's made cakes for gay people before. You claim that as fact. How many has he made?\n\nNice buzzwords. Sounds to me like this man's faith \"triggers\" you. Why is it you \"SJWs\" never want your justice for the Christians?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Plenty in the bible has been proven wrong, as far as being literal truth. They are allegories. Adam and Eve were not the first people, for example.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'll just trust the Wikipedia pages for what Falung Gong is rather than a paid shill for a despotic regime. The Falun Gong are a peaceful group of spiritualists. China doesn't want spiritual development they want blind obedience. No wonder so many want to escape to the West.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good, he can take her with him.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thank you. David and I had a rather weird exchange I think.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is no data to support your contention that 1 in 5 sexual assault allegations ARE unfounded; it's just that police officers have DEEMED them unfounded. The dramatic differences in the rate of allegations DEEMED unfounded certainly suggests that the personal prejudices of individual police officers is at play here and that many of these allegations should be tested in a court to determine guilt or innocence.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Could you possibly be a bigger jerk, Richard?","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"dumber than a 5th grader ...check my poll","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Keep burnin' through those budget reserves!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Cuba is still run by thugs who hate freedom and democracy.\nFidel was a ghastly dictator, and so is his brother.\nThey have never had any respect for human rights:\nJust ask their political opponents and the gay community in Cuba.\nI hope that Trump ignores any pleas by Francis to get along with the current regime in Cuba.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I guess my question has always been, would climate change happen without man? If so, how much impact does man have on the effects of greenhouse gases. \nAlso, our climatologists and scientists rely on global warming for continued income through grants and investments and governmental subsidies. What future does a scientist have IF there is NO GLOBAL WARMING?\nSee how global warming is the fuel that maintains our scientists employment-why would they say there is no global warming?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Fairbanks has not recorded a temperature of minus 40 below or lower since Feb. 7, 2015, by weather service readings.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Of all the millions of people the GOP could have chosen to be their nominee for president, the chose the absolute WORST one, and the only one who could lose to Hillary Clinton. THANK YOU Jim Crawford!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Drugs kill many times more than guns in this country.\"\nHow about a link with solid data to back up your laughable opinion.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The LAST thing we need in that area is MORE low income housing. There is plenty of that in the surrounding areas already. Just bulldoze the whole thing and bring in an IKEA for the north end.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I wish the day would come when an automated system could zero in and zap any would be robber with 100,000 volts like a bolt of lightning from heaven.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Perhaps you would like to show where the documents of Vatican II called for the Mass as we have it today.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"R J \n\nI completely agree with you. While I find it difficult and my inherent tendency is to try as best as I can to help others from my years of experience, I also need to realize that not everyone will believe in or use my experiences to their advantage and some may choose to go in a completely different direction from what I have learned over the years. There is, after all, more than one way to \"skin the cat.\"\nI have, over more decades than I wuld like to count, tried numerous ways to build my wealth. The one and only one that has worked and continues to work over all of these years is owning dividend-paying companies that not only pay their dividends each and every year but that also increase those dividend payments every single year. \n\nI completely agree that responding to CAT or his buddies is time wasted as they will never be open to even considering reality. \n\nI hope to be able, somehow to ignore those posts and not be sucked into responding to these comments too. \nSFI","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No need to speculate about motives and objectives. White nationalists (KKK, Neo-Nazis, Skinheads, etc.) have stated their objectives clearly. They want a nation in which whites hold all power and wealth, and all others live (or die) under white control. The leaders (citing the free speech provision) have stated for decades that they would train and increase their numbers, to be ready when the opportunity for takeover came. Up to now we've had presidents who put them in their place. They now believe they have a champion in the WH. It would be naive to believe the Klan, etc. would not have done everything possible including intimidation, to ensure Trump won. The fact that David Duke endorsed Trump (and he didn't object) should have given us notice of his sympathies.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A rose by any other name.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"PART 2\n\n1) Quoted in \"Pope : The Church Is Not an NGO and the IOR Is Needed UP to a Certain Point\" [English translation] AsiaNews, 24 April 2013, http:\/\/www.asianews.it.\n\n2) Istitulo Opere de Religione, \"Rapporto annual 2013.\n\n3) A. Tornielli, \"Vatican Prelate Arreted as Part of IOR Inquiry,\" \"La Stampa,\" 28 June 2013, http:www.lastampa.it and http:\/\/vaticaninsider.lastampa.it.\n\n4) \"Francis Issues Moto Proprio on Vatican Financial Information Authority,\" \"Vatican Insider, 18 November 2013, http:\/\/vaticaninsider,lastampa.it.\n\n5) MONEYVAL., \"The Holy See: Progress Report\" [9 December 2013].\n\n\nBetty, again, you are making suppositions about monetary issues that you know NOTHING about. Nor do you have any connections to the Vatican or International Financial Intelligence Units.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Did you read what retiredjuggie actually wrote? It doesn't seem so....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So you think it's wrong when people call for gun control after a mass shooting, but you don't think it's wrong to blame fellow Americans for a terrorist attack, do I have that right?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agreed non stop hate and stupidity from the democrats. I mean who protests for a month straight. Get over it and man up snowflakes. If I took both sides rallies and had to invite one over for dinner it would have been republicans at every one. Democrats would complain, expect free stuff, and trash the place all while saying I'm the bad guy. It's not fooling people anymore.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You clearly don't know how public agencies are allowed to spend their budgeted money. I suggest you do a little reading into it, or maybe even volunteer as a budget committee member sometime, then you may just have somewhat of a clue as to how it works, because right now you have about as much of one as the aforementioned (by you) \"bovine excrement.\" \n\nAs for Hamilton, yeah, she's just looking for another dollar at the public expense.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks! Signed and shared!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"They already have, and have had, the funds to fix the roads. They squandered them on bike project after bike project and other diversions. Hey, I like bikes, but to fund bridges and project after project for them is irresponsible when our roads need fixing because all the funds have been diverted from taking care of them. Please do your job, your basic job, and cut out the pet projects until things are under control.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Well as I said it's terrible terrible problem, but that's different than having a very large problem (from the perspective of having a large % of the priesthood as abusers, which we thankfully don't!). \n\nPublic schools face a \"larger volume\" of teachers problem.\n\nThere are clear 'pattern' differences that shouldn't be swept under the rug (or deleted by NCR censors). As I pointed out the USCCB just released a report showing that more than 80% of the cases are priests abusing same-sex victims (that's not so in public schools) and more than 90% of the victims are post-pubescent (this is in the case of public schools the same). \n\nSo there are differences in the comparisons.\n\nThese differences are crucial for us to know about and study if we're going to make headway in solving the problem.\n\nScientists don't sweep details under the rug...or engage in selective censorship.\n\nCheers.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Papa Francesco also knows he is wrong on this issue. We are seeing the political limits of how far Bergoglio can go at this time. Papa Francesco is shackled with a priesthood and hierarchy that is dangerously alienated and hopelessly irrelevant to the lived experience of millions of Catholics and Christians. \n\nTo paraphrase former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld: \"You reform the church with the hierarchy you have, not the hierarchy you wish you had.\" Papa Francesco is stuck with all these small, frightened men.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not so fast there Peggy...been there...done that...car sales, real estate, the list goes on...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"A most excellent post\/idea. Simply perfect.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"The contractors involved in the renovation have . . .\"\n.\n. . . got to be very nervous right now.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The answer to your question is yes. It was only after his conviction that Pope Francis agreed to a second dismissal. The protection of children from abuse by clergy under canon law depends on whether the child happens to be living in a jurisdiction with adequate civil reporting laws. The Inzoli case followed the same advice that Cardinal Bergoglio gave to an Argentinian bishop \u2013 suspend the offending priest, and put him on a canonical trial. There was no mention of reporting to the civil authorities. Argentinian law then had no reporting requirement. The canonical trial system is similar to the European continental system which is an investigative process, more like an inquest or grand jury investigation under the Anglo\/American system. There is nothing wrong with that kind of process, except that the canonical trial is subject to the strictest secrecy.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Monica,\nI think that's already happening. I also think it's larger than just those that leave (millions...) I suspect that many Catholics have done their own reflection, discernment (etc.) and come to peace in wherever their journey took them. Most likely won't talk about it publicly, but they've decided internally, even if they play along.\n\nI think your point DOES hit on a huge issue though: the impact of what we see in our bishops, on our personal faith. I cannot, for example, accept some of what the church teaches, unless I'm willing to ignore other things the church teaches. So if I'm to believe that women are to be subservient, or ABC is wrong in all cases (etc.), then I cannot also accept that God is truly loving and \"knows us each by name\" (personally). The point is that what these guys have been doing is MUCH more corrosive than can be tracked by the mere exodus of millions. \n\nSo that faith development is going on, but outside of the institutional church.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I agree, so many years of inaction during the Chretien government it's good to see this issue is being placed ahead of the economy, unemployment and foreign affairs.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"go read breitbart andy troll.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When will you people learn? Liberals are not loyal to Canada.\nNothing Liberals have ever done has benefited Canadians.\nThey create monopolies, increase taxes then use them for other pet projects, remove rights,sell off our land or give it away, flood us with other cultures and play divide and conquer with race, gender and religion.\nThey have no problem targeting children with propaganda IN OUR SCHOOLS! \nThey are Soviets in all but name.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I think the point is that restrictive gun laws don't work, and should be abolished.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hillary doesnt care about women, or women's issues. She cares about her power and that is about it. What a hypocritical putrid human she is, to put it nicely.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"You are wrong. All most none have come true in the time frames that have been predicted.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Close enough.\n\nhttp:\/\/www.charismanews.com\/politics\/elections\/59135-has-the-communist-party-usa-endorsed-hillary-clinton","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Is Edmonton where Garland is confined?\n\nGarland was convicted of butchering the grandparents & grandson in Calgary.\n\nWithin 24 hours of being transferred to his new home, the welcoming committee hospitalized him. This change in physical conditions should allow Garland to socialize more freely with his fellow inmates.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Actually, fish for a week in the sun does not have a strong smell. After a week, it is pretty much like jerky. \nIt is when it sits on shoreline going back and forth, or is not exposed to the sun, that it smells horrible.\n\nJust correcting the fake news.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Birds singing, sun shining, clouds of tears gathering. Zatoichi walking, domestikgoddez eating a pie, Dejain picking a flower, momo18954 bleaching the laundry, AreaSkeptic teaching class, hughe saving the treasure, and Silverhorn feeding the dogs. Now that everyone has a job, get to it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"you have it almost right Kc, except one small detail. The general fund does pay into social security. It pays interest on the $2.9 trillion that the crooked politicians borrowed from SS. The interest on those securities is about $145 billion annually (5% of $2.9T). So the general income tax is paying that interest. The social security \"trust\" fund consists almost entirely of these IOUs. Thank you very much to both parties. Bottom line, there is nothing trustworthy about the SS \"trust\" fund. It's gone unless and until someone pays it back.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I don't get it, why don't they complete the citizenship paperwork and requirements NOW then? it seems the responsible thing to do...","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Had the NDP not had so much baggage from the past and if they were more friendly towards the interior she probably would have lost outright. The fact the NDP couldn't defeat the party badly after 16 years of baggage says a lot about them. Off course assuming they do form government, people will judge them on their record then, not how they governed in the 90s.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Have a problem with pragmatism, do you?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Keeping it classy at the GM.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"STOP LYING.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Except that the article expressly mentions Bush's rhetoric in the war on terror as an example of a kind of worldview that is linked with Trump's. I certainly agree with you that now all convservative evangelicism is of a piece (it was actually a point I tried to make last week in response to your comments about the Catholic right). Nonetheless, I do not think the Spadaro article does a very good job of making these distinctions, especially when, as I say, it offers up Bush's rhetoric in its parade of horribles.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Manner of death will be declared a homicide, no matter whether we consider the guy a 'victim' or not. Same as when cops gun people down - righteously, justifiably, or inexcusably because they are afraid (the recent Larimer County shooting of an unarmed young man) .. the deaths are considered caused by a homicide.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Reporting on and drawing conclusions base on only a small cherry picked number of those \"facts\" is just as dishonest as out right lying. I can tell you right now as individual who is fairly decent with numbers I can use facts and real numbers to prove you have a great company or one that is falling part, it all depends which \"facts\" I use.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"This is where the popular culture of that country shows itself to be far more sophisticated than its Commander in Chief, for this kind of cool is beyond him.\"\n\nAnd with that statement, Russel proves beyond any doubt he is an irredeemable twit.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The 6,000-pound elephant in the room is Mina Morita's lawsuit questioning the legality of Tom Gorak's appointment. Ironic since she is the very one who recruited Gorak to the PUC in the first place.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"maybe they didn't know about the vote due to lack of it being published","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Someone tell me how this \"tax\" will reduce carbon emissions? Especially here in Ontario, the polluters can buy Carbon Credits and not reduce emission. If they really want to do reduce, they will have to make carbon reduction some type of law,","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I do hope that Paul Romanuk does not get the Sens again. He seems to want to have an angle for everything & the way the game is unfolding is irrelevant. He should learn to just call the game. That's why they are called play-by-pay announcers. Luckily he had Galley there to bail him out.\nKeep Galley, lose Romanuk!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No worry Govenor Walker has another special session going so he and his Democrat friends have another crack at raising taxes and maybe taking what is left of the PFD to further expend Government....For those of us now used to tightening our Belts and finding ways of doing more wit less another challenge....","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Just glad that we have a competitive race for Gov. Often we would get uncontested or weak challengers. \nQuiet and Ineffective does not cut it in this day and age. Perhaps our Gov will become a one term wonder like his predecessor?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Thanks, as ever, for the hemispheric update. The impact of these emerging dynamics will require a coherent response from our government and ourselves. We will be called upon to look out for our neighbours and each other in the days ahead.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"your dream come true, silencing all dissent.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah, it is. Look through the international frequency of radical Islam terrorist attacks...you'll see nothing basically before the 1980's (I think there was one in the late 1970's). Then, Iran overthrew the puppet we forced into power on them, and it ticked them off. So, the attacks started...a little at first...then grew in frequency slightly until guess when? Our Iraq invasion. That's when we pulled the lid off that can of worms, and it really uncorked since.\n\nAgain, like I said in another post to you....we wanted this war on terrorism. Guess what? We got it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I still don't see why we need a city hall. I have not seen any analysis about the cost of the scattered services in leased areas vs. the cost of a city hall that will only address a small portion of the needed space. Indeed this may be an example of hubris not what is the most respectful of the taxpayer. \n\nIt is both the city manager and the city council who seem to be at fault here. The city council has ultimate authority over the budget and these decisions. They don't seem to ask the best questions and demand accountability. The citizens need to ask for more business savvy people to run for council.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Listen to Mr. Free Market who wants to increase the role of government intruding in the market with legislation and regulation.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We applied for a family member. We had a year to complete everything...and they keep throwing more forms and more $$$ charges at you. If it wasn't granted in that year's time, then you had to start all over...same paperwork, more $$$ charges...ridiculous. It's a money-making scheme.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Ironically, the closest President ideologically to Obama was Eisenhower (possibly the brief Ford).\n\nHeck, even Reagan had more in common with Obama than he would have with the Trumpeteers. \n\n(I'm making an allowance for the fact that on social issues all current politicians -- other than apparently wack-a-doodle Roy Moore in Alabama -- are significantly more \"liberal\" on these topics today.)","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"if a white student or professor had said the exact same words except substituting - muslim - black - palestinian - latino.... you better believe there would have been a human rights trial and conviction and dismissal.\nSo, I call bs on this as the progressive, left wing racist baiting thugs like this woman and the staff who support her pull this hypocritical baloney.\nShe should suffer the same fate as anyone who was white and Christian would for saying these hateful things.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Where is the State in cooling the promised 1,000 classroom? All shibai.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Vance Joseph has lost control of the team. The best for which we can hope now is that the Bronco \"brain trust\" learns a lesson from this season. Don't let it drag on, like we did with McHoodie.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"No wonder their stuff tastes so good!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Really?! PTSD from an carriage accident?! That is one fragile bride. C'mon. Soldiers suffer from PTSD. Abused children suffer from PTSD. Talk about a 1st world problem.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Agreed - and my 2nd grade experience was over half a century ago!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"When I worked for a property management company the attorney & court fees were something around $300. Which we requested as part of the judgment. Rarely did we need to call the sheriff, so it was unusual to have that, but it was around $120 when we did. So nowhere near $1000. \n\nWhile some tenants were worth working with due to a history of rent payment, when you have someone who is constantly late, generates complaints from the neighbors, bounces checks, etc, you don't work with them when they are handing you a reason to evict them. And if they owe $250 today, in less than 30 days they will owe another month on top of that. Now we're talking serious money while we wait for a court date, which could be a couple of weeks away. Meanwhile you have a mortgage, utilities, & salaries to pay.\n\nThere are excellent reasons to start evictions as soon as there is any past due rent. Those who do intend to pay often come up with rent, late fees & court fees between filing and the actual court date.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Connor: from a treatise from Osgoode hall and UofT\n \"Embracing, governing and exercising authority \nare necessary constitutional actions. Understanding the Constitution\u2019s \nfluid state of being is also necessary in regulating governmental prac-\ntices. In pursuing these activities the Court has said the Constitution is \norganic and animate; in fact, the Supreme Court has repeatedly written \nthat Canada\u2019s Constitution is a living tree.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Kaspaorof, the Russian chess wizard, says this is all done by Donald Trump's man-love, Vladimir Putin. \"No one else in Russia has the authority to do it; this only be done at his direction.\"","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"And the true comes out THANK YOU, THANK YOU","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This country just became poorer. Stuart McLean helped to translate our diverse country to Canadians. My family and I will miss him immensely.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Using your logic then the rest of the UAA operations should be funded by alumni, yes? Would save the state gobs of cash.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Who's got the money and the impetus to open 1002? There is a GLUT of the stuff in the USA. What would be the point? By the time it's on line, oil will be worthless. No more oil wars!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We have private road service LRSA. And we are plowed within hours of any snowfall, then sanded and in the spring they sweep the sand and fill cracks as well as clear ditches for drainage. All for 1\/2 the mill rate of Anchorage bowl. So our private system works great! Hilltop ski area.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"pps, Nothing I'm saying has anything to do with Christians not being \"perfect.\" I'm talking about history and evangelical and fundamentalist Christians being delusional about having the only One True God, and the Word of God. I doubt you have experienced the horrors I'm referring to. But you should be able to honestly look at the violence this \"Christian\" society has inflicted on the whole world for a really, really long time. It's the history that real hate mongers like Richard Dawkins use to denounce religion. I don't do that. I don't hate religion. I love religion; I love Buddhism, too. I would like to see Evangelicals got over worrying about God and everyone else, however, and put all their focus on themselves living up to Christ's example. It's a full-time job.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"In this case it was a convicted rapists head. So... let's cross that bridge when\/if we come to it.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It's great that he cares for his dogs. It would be even better if he cared enough not to put them in danger in the first place.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Red Cross.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You do have to study the laws,rules of road and pass a test - otherwise known as drivers education - in order to obtain a license. Also - not to be picky - but the primary purpose of a car is transportation, where the primary purpose of a gun is to inflict injury and\/or death. Why? Because it's a deadly weapon. See the difference?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Please for the love of GOD! STOP WAKING ME UP EVERYDAY WITH YOU RUDE AS HELL DELIVERY DRIVERS DESTROYING THE PEACE AND QUIET WITH THEIR NOISY, NO EXHAUST HAVING PIECE OF SHIT, GREEN MINI-VAN WITH PLASTIC FOR A REAR WINDOW. I HAVE WRITTEN TO CUSTOMER SERVICE AND THE NOISE WENT AWAY FOR A WEEK THEN COMPLAINED AGAIN, NOTHING! CALLED AND TALKED TO JOHN AND HE SAID HE WOULD TALK TO HER BUT, HE GAVE ME A NUMBER TO CALL BECAUSE HE KNEW NOTHING WOULD GET DONE. HE WAS RIGHT! I FINALLY HAD TO CHASE THE DRIVER DOWN AND SHE SAID, \"IM GETTING IT FIXED THIS WEEKEND.\" WELL ITS BEEN OVER A WEEK AND SHE IS BACK AND IM ABOUT TO LOSE MY MIND AS NOONE WILL DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! please stop the noise! fix the van! fix the van! fix the van! fix the van!","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"The 'Nyets'....year six and NEVER won a playoff game and not making the playoffs again! lol","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Don't you already have enough traitors working on Capital Hill?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"Stop insulting those who do not want women to kill the children in their womb\"\n\nHere's the thing...I am Catholic and the Bible very clearly says \"Thou Shall Not Kill\" and that pertains to people all over the world.\n\nOur current American foreign policy is killing millions of innocent people...Babies,children,mothers... are being murdered for corrupt reasons with our tax dollars.\n\nIf Christian Conservatives spent as much time fighting against that blatant violation of God's law as they do fighting abortion,perhaps more than half of our tax dollars wouldn't be spent on killing people in other countries.\n\nThen we would have money to take care of people in our country,veterans,disabled,Babies! and their mothers.\n\nSometimes people don't want babies because they can't afford them. If you want women who can't afford it to have their baby, then give them the help they need. Without judgment.(remember Jesus?) End the wars, there will be plenty of money to support Americans and even cut taxes!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"So....\nsomehow that ameliorates cheating on your spouse? Because two women didn't divorce cheating husbands? \nNo problem with the woman who was the liason between mobster Giancana and claimed to abort the President's child? Marilyn Monroe? countless others....but that's okay in your world? No problem because Jackie wasn't dying - just suffering miscarriages and a stillbirth. But that's okay???\n\nNo problem with lying to the world, relying on the definition of \"is\"? or the other women who came forward......\n\nSad.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Canadian Railroad Trilogy and Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald....two of the greatest \nstories Lightfoot put to music.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"CNN doesn't think, there are absolutely NO brain cells available in their newsroom.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Even better, send them North to see Denali, or East to Valdez. No bridge, and we get a third the traffic. If only.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Wrong side for a decade is a bummer eh cdn","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"You chose to be offended. Stop watching.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hugh Segal was most and foremost Bill Davis' factotum. And the mantra of that duo was \"if we don't do anything about this today then maybe we will never have to do anything about it\".\n\nNot 'great' conservative or anything else!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Good for the kids! I hope they never lose the desire to have their voices heard in elections.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Glad to see Andy doing so well! I remember when he announced he was battling cancer and that was a battle he was going to win! Hoping things are going well! Best wishes with the show to all the comedians!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"\"...homeless people or service workers at mall businesses could be affected negatively by the ban.\"\n\nAren't they already negatively affected by smoking?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"This is perhaps the most vicious example of \"catch and release\" imaginable. Catch and release these poor individuals so they can serve as a never ending source of employment across the spectrum from drug dealers to judges. I would ask how much did that lady pictured pay for that meal? What did she do to earn it? Does she understand the concepts that effort results in reward and that self discipline (including avoiding drugs over lunch) protects one from hazards? If she is mentally incapable of functioning in society than shouldn't she be institutionalized to protect herself and the general public? What actual good is accomplished by \"warehousing\" her in an enviornment of law enforcement and social welfare that doesn't end the cycle of behavior that is the source of the problem?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hate to rain on your parade people. I just sold my house, paid 202,000 some 25 years ago and just sold it for 860,000 and damned if I'm prepared to allow this deal to be screwed up by the Wynn govt and her whiners. Toronto and area is a world class city and should have world class property prices. We have been under priced property wise for years, time to catch up with the rest of the world. I will be moving my close date up to counteract Wynn's move and then facilitate a relocation to a province where Liberals are an endangered species.","labels":1,"label_text":"toxic"} +{"text":"Well, the Clinton Foundation has an \"A\" rating from Charitywatch and their financial statements are online (tax returns, Donald?). I like the fact that the Clintons use their wealth to help others instead of buying another gold-plated shoe rack.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Yeah you tell 'em brother, wait, What did Assad do to America??? #MAGA","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"What is with this constant reference to finishing last a season ago? Hey, Your Leafs were trying to not win. They were doing everything possible to lose games. Remember?","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":".\n\nHow much more convincing do you Sheeple need ?\n\nRead any of the numerous \"Grand Jury\" Investigations of this corrupted institution.\n\nThey(pope, cardinals, bishops et al) are the faces of a Cancerous Institution filled with Criminal Heretics of the highest order which have hijacked a faithbased teaching that goes against their sick minded thinking.\n\nIt amazes me to see \"you are all still wallowing in this cesspool\".","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"The choices are either Guantanamo or a trip to the Vermont -Quebec border where he can be turned over to our RCMP valet service.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Seems like powerful doctors lobbies won over 15 million salaried Canadians who subsidize these rich people so they can enjoy tax breaks \nPerhaps 15 million salaried Canadians should get together and send 15 millions emails to Justin Trudeau to allow us such tax breaks","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Ned: In two consecutive posts, you list information that contradicts each other. In the first one, you indicate the Pincer Creek farm lasted 23 years which is close to 25 and then in the next one you are citing they will last only 15 years. At least be selective in what information you are going to use to support your points.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"one problem is the racist aspect of awards given specifically to one race over another.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"I'm curious. Can you identify the \"government solutions promising equal wealth to everyone?\"\n\nFor the life of me, I've never heard of it before.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Hooray for the entitled of the world!! Someone to look down on us all and ignore the problems of inequality while simultaneously benefiting from it!\n\n#wheresmyhossenfeffer!!!???!!!","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Not really.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Strange how people move and morph throughout their lives. Bill Stoltz I suppose like so many others is no doubt a \"fellow traveler.\" I remember when he was Rep. Sam Cottons-Democrat legislative aide.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"We had a birth at Sacred Heart (at the old location) that bordered on malpractice.. It ended with a nurse cutting my newborn baby's foot with desk scissors, removing her ankle tag without looking at what she was doing. She had to get stitches.. as a newborn.. It was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE experience, start to finish, everything from pushing formula, refusing to give lactation training, moving us to a shared room so they could have the single room for a 'potluck', broken blinds, freezing room, disdainful nurses and ambivalent treatment.. \nIt culminated a few weeks later with me having to go back for a post birth hemorrhage (retained placenta) that almost cost me my life.. Never, ever again.. I never heard from the nurse who cut a dime sized piece of skin off of my baby's foot.. not even an 'I'm sorry'.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"It must be warm in Florida this time of year.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Look - I'm not arguing that he was not mentally ill. I'm just saying that his goal might not have been any message - start the revolution or whatever. This was the highest profile event possible with the conclusion of suicide.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Great job again Chad. Without CB we wouldn't have investigative journalists in our state.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"Poor decision. Let Nature takes its own course.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is a lot of competition for academic positions, and multiple candidates having essentially equal qualifications occurs frequently. Deciding between them on the basis of race or gender is racist or sexist.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"There is a bike path around most, if not all, of Kapiolani Park. Here\u2019s a map of the area. http:\/\/hidot.hawaii.gov\/highways\/files\/2013\/02\/BikeMapOahu-5c_HonoluluDetailWaikikiKahala.jpg \n\nAs I recall, in some places the sidewalk is right next to the path, so if you were on the sidewalk, then it\u2019s possible you could be cited. If you\u2019d like to contact me with more details, I\u2019d be happy to try to help you figure it out.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"} +{"text":"WAIT! I thought Y2K was going to kill us all. \nAre these the same experts that said 90% of us would die because of the Y2K computer problem? Remember? Jan. 1, 2000, All the power companies, hospital equipment, banks, airlines, water treatment plants, rail roads would all shut down and not be able to boot up again. Within days people would be fighting hand to hand for food.","labels":0,"label_text":"not toxic"}